N4SnE Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates https://archive.org/details/historicalsketchOOstat LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY Of ILLSMO fcP-TREABWELL ARCHT Boston Nlw-Yqrk - Statf/Noraal-School- THE NEW BUILDING AT ALBAN Y- N-Y- /•\ESS- OGDEN &VR1GHT-ARCHTS •GIbans - N-V- tlBRARV , OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1 844 1884 A HISTORICAL SKETCH STATE OF THE NORMAL SCHOOL AT ALBANY, N. Y. AND A History of its Graduates FOR FORTY YEARS ALBANY, N. Y. PRESS OF BRANDOW & BARTON 1884 ' , c hi 48 nE HISTORICAL SKETCH OF THE STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, ALBANY, N. Y., COVERING A PERIOD OF FORTY YEARS. ' I 'HE first Normal School was established at Rheims in 1681. It was the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools, and was founded by De la Salle. The same order have an Academy on State street, within two hundred feet of the State Normal School. In 1697, August Hermann Francke, at Halle, founded a teachers’ class, using his orphan school for practice. The normal course of instruction extended through two years. Heck, his pupil, established a Normal School in Berlin in 1748. It was under the patronage of Frederick the Great, and through its influence grew up the great Prussian school system. From Prussia the Normal school idea has covered the civilized earth; one of the graduates of our own school, a Japanese, is teaching in a normal school in Tokio. Normal schools existed in many European countries before they reached * the English-speaking peoples. In Massachussetts they were founded in ^ 1839 ; in England in 1842 ; our school commenced 1844, Dec. 18, 10J a.m. That Normal schools were established in Massachusetts was due to the efforts of Rev. Charles Brooks. While on a voyage to Europe he made the acquaintance of Dr. Julius, a Prussian, who had been sent by his govern- ment to inquire into the prison systems of the United States. During the long voyage Dr. Julius explained the normal system to Mr. Brooks, who U became greatly interested, and who made thorough investigation of the subject in Europe. Returning home, he devoted three years to exciting Tl an interest in the matter among the leading men of Massachusetts. Daniel ‘ Webster and John Quincy Adams became advocates of the new idea; and, best of all, Horace Mann took up the cause with that enthusiasm which never recognized the possibility of failure ; the legislature was induced to establish a State Board of Education, with Horace Mann as its secretary, N. and to pass a law for establishing two Normal schools — one for males, the other for females. The seed was planted, the growth was only a question Qv of brief time. 5— a 872 1 92 11 HISTORICAL SKETCH. New York. As early as 1795, Governor George Clinton, in his address to the legis- lature, recommended the establishment of common schools throughout the State; a law was promptly passed, appropriating $10,000 per year for five years for that purpose ; in the schools should be taught the common Eng- lish branches only. This was the beginning of the common schools of this State. In 1801, lotteries were authorized by law, whereby the sum of $87,500 was raised for the same purpose. This law was due to the efforts of Jedediah Peck, member from Otsego County. He was born in Con- necticut, and desired to create in this State a common school fund in imitation of that of his native State. In 1804 and 1805, Gov. Morgan Lewis urged the etablishment of common schools. In 1805, De Witt Clinton, mayor of New York City, procured the passage of an act establishing a free school in that city. He was one of the corporators. In 1810 and in 1811, Governor Tompkins called the attention of the legislature to the subject ; and in the latter year an act was passed creating a commission of five, with Jedediah Peck as chairman, to report a system for the establish- ment and organization of common schools. The chairman wrote an elo- quent report, which was accompanied by the draft of a bill which, almost without change, was promptly passed by the legislature, and remained the common school law of the State until 1840. Under the provisions of this law, Gideon Hawley, of Albany, a young lawyer of great capacity, great industry, great modesty and high literary attainments, was appointed the first State Superintendent of Common Schools. Upon him devolved the task of giving life to the system created by law. For eight years he planned and executed. He divided the State into school districts ; he divided the funds among the towns ; he formulated the system ; he was the father of common schools in this State. In 1821, for political reasons solely, he was removed, and the Secretary of State became Superintendent of Schools. In 1818, Mr. Hawley had recommended the adoption of the Lancasterian system, which had been advocated by De Witt Clinton. For more than twenty years this method was widely adopted, especially in the cities. The building in this city now used by the Medical College, was erected for and long used for a Lancasterian school. The normal idea that teachers should be instructed in the art of teaching, that they should be taught not only how to acquire knowledge, but how to impart it, existed in New York long before Normal schools reached this continent. New York owes her material supremacy to De Witt Clinton, who turned into her lap the wealth of the West. He, too, well understood the value of common schools, the people’s college, and he saw the importance of educating the teachers of those schools. To-day his son, compiler of the Consolidated Code of Public Instruction, and Vice-Chancellor of the Uni- versity, in virtue of the latter position, stands in near relation to this Normal HISTORICAL SKETCH. iii school. In 1825, Governor De Witt Clinton, in his annual message, speak- ing of the common schools, says : “ In furtherance of this invaluable system, I recommend to your consideration the education of competent teachers.” In the message of 1826, he says : “ I therefore recommend a seminary for the education of teachers in the useful branches of knowledge.” In 1827, Senator John C. Spencer, of the Literature Committee of the Senate, reported a bill “to promote the education of teachers.” It is worthy of note that Mr. Spencer’s step-mother was a sister of Governor Clinton, whose private secretary he had also been. In his last message, written only a month before his death in 1828, Governor Clinton lamented that no law had been passed “ to elevate the talents and qualifications of teachers.” In 1830, a committee of the citizens of Rochester asked the legislature to establish a State seminary for the education of teachers. In 1833, Governor Marcy said in his message : “ One of the most obvious im- provements in relation to common schools would be a plan for supplying them with competent teachers.” In 1835, J°h n A. Dix, chairman of a committee of the Board of Regents, recommended the establishment of teachers’ classes in academies. In 1839, Governor W. H. Seward recom- mended that “ Normal School instruction be engrafted on our Public School system.” In the same year, John C. Spencer, Secretary of State, was Superintendent of Schools. He secured the passage of a law creating a Board of Visitors of Schools. The chairman of the Board was Rev. Dr., afterwards Bishop Alonzo Potter, a member of the first Executive Com- mittee of this school ; with him was associated Francis Dwight, afterwards his colleague in the Executive Committee. Francis Dwight was born in Springfield, Mass., in 1808 ; graduated from Harvard University and its law school ; spent two years in Europe examining systems of education, etc. ; settled in Geneva, in this State, where, in .1840, he established the “ District School Journal,” which he soon removed to Albany, and conducted for five years. He was made Superin- tendent of Schools for the city and county of Albany. The Board of Visitors recommended that a Normal school be estab- lished near the capital of the State. In 1841, the “ District School Journal ” was, at public expense, furnished to each school district in the State ; and thus, in every nook and corner of the State there was an advo- cate of a Normal school. In 1842, Samuel Young, known as Col. Young, succeeded John C. Spencer as Secretary of State, and so became Superin- tendent of Schools. He filled many public positions with honor to himself and usefulness to the State — none more so than that of Superintendent of Schools and member of the Executive Committee of the Normal School. In 1842, a convention of county superintendents was held in Utica, at which Rev. Dr. Alonzo Potter, and Horace Mann and George B. Emerson, of Mass., advocated a Normal school, to which project the superintendents gave their support. In 1843, another like convention was held, and again the county superintendents reported in favor of a Normal school. IV HISTORICAL SKETCH. In 1843, Calvin T. Hulburd, of St. Lawrence Co., was chairman of the Assembly Committee on Colleges, Academies and Common Schools. In pursuance of an elevated idea of responsibility thus resting upon him, he visited the Normal schools of Mass.; and March 22, 1848, he made an eloquent and elaborate report, accompanied by a bill to establish a Normal school for the period of five years. As a result of his efforts and those of his colleague, Michael Hoffman, of Herkimer Co., the bill was passed, May 7, 1844, as follows : AN ACT FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A NORMAL SCHOOL. Section i. The Treasurer shall pay, on the warrant of the Comptroller, to the order of the Superintendent of Common Schools, from that portion of the avails of the litera- ture fund appropriated by Chapter 241 of the Laws of 1834, to the support of academical departments for the instruction of teachers of common schools, the sum of $9,600; which sum shall be expended under the direction of the Superintendent of Common Schools, and the Regents of the University, in the establishment and support of a Normal School for the instruction and practice of teachers of common school in the science of educa- tion and in the art of teaching, to be located in the county of Albany. Sec. 2. The sum of $10,000 shall, after the present year, be annually paid by the Treasurer on the warrant of the Comptroller, to the Superintendent of Common Schools, from the revenue of the literature fund, for the maintenance and support of the school so established, for five years, and until otherwise directed by law. Sec. 3. The said school shall be under the supervision, management and government of the Superintendent of Common Schools and the Regents of the University. The said Superintendent and Regents shall from time to time, make all needful rules and regulations, to fix the number and compensation of teachers and others to be employed therein, to prescribe the preliminary examination and the terms and conditions on which pupils shall be received and instructed therein, the number of pupils from the respective cities and counties, conforming as nearly as may be to the ratio of population, to fix the the location of the said .school, and the terms and conditions on which the grounds and buildings therefor shall be rented, if the same shall not be provided by the corporation of the city of Albany, and to provide in all things for the good government and manage- ment of the said school. They shall appoint a board consisting of five persons, of whom the said Superintendent shall be one, who shall constitute an executive committee for the care, management and government of the said school under the rules and regula- tions prescribed as aforesaid, whose duty it shall be from time to time to make full and detailed reports to the said Superintendent and Regents, and among other things to recommend the ruels and regulations which they deem necessary and proper for the said school. Sec. 4. The Superintendent and Regents shall annually transmit to the legislature a full account of their proceedings and expenditures of money under this act, together with a detailed report by said executive committee, of the progress, condition and pros- pects of the school. The Regents of the University at once named the executive committes, as follows : Col. Samuel Young, ch’n, and appointed Rev. Dr. Alonzo Pot- ter ; Hon. Gideon Hawle^, the secretary of their own board ; Francis Wright, and Rev. Dr. Wm. H. Campbell, then pastor of the Third Reformed church. With the first four we are acquainted ; the fifth was noted for elo- quence and scholarship in a city whose clergy have always taken the highest HISTORICAL SKETCH. V rank in literature and oratory. Afterwards he became Principal of the Albany Academy, Professor in the theological school of his denomination at New Brunswick, N. J. ; then illustrious by his administration as President of Rutger’s College. Of all the great men who formed the first executive committee he alone survives. The interests of the institution were placed in the hands of those whose labors had created it ; the school entered upon the experimental period. June 1, 1844. — The executive committee met for the first time and organized with Supt. Young as chairman, and Francis Dwight as secretary. Gideon Hawley was appointed a committee to confer with the Common Council of Albany with reference to a proper building for the service of the school, the same to be supplied by the city. July 16, 1844. — Francis Dwight was instructed to visit the Normal school in Lexington, Mass., and learn as to its organization, apparatus and condition. Aug. 1, 1844 . — The Mayor and Recorder of Albany appeared and proposed on behalf of the city that the latter lease the depot building on State street and Maiden lane, recently vacated by the Mohawk & Hudson Railroad Company ; that the city furnish five hundred dollars to help put it into proper condition for school purposes, and place it at the service of the school for a period of five years ; which was accepted. Mr. Dwight had returned from Lexington, and was empowered to purchase apparatus for the school. A sub-committee was appointed .to take charge of the repair of the depot building. Sept. 17, 1844 . — The executive committee found numerous appli- cations for the position of janitor ; laid them all on the table, “ not thinking that a janitor is needed.” Col. Young had been directed to prepare and VI HISTORICAL SKETCH. send out a circular of the school. It was resolved that the school should open Dec. 18, 1844, at 10J a. m., and that the executive committee should be in attendance at that time. George R. Perkins, mathematician and author, of Utica, was appointed instructor in mathematics. Dr. Potter was directed to go to Newburyport, Mass., and confer with David Perkins Page (a cousin of George R. Perkins), author of a system of penmanship, and an eloquent lecturer upon education. He had been associate principal of the Newburyport High School for a period of twelve years. He had been recommended to the Executive Committee by Horace Mann and other friends of education in Mass. Dr. Potter went with full power to engage Mr. Page, which he did after an interview lasting but a half-hour. Dec. 13, 1844. — Dr. Potter reported that he had engaged Mr. Page, and the engagement was ratified. Dec. 16, 1844. — The Executive Committee met Messrs. Page and Perkins, and the former laid before them a well-digested statement as to the objects of the school, its division into classes, and the proper subjects of study. It is worthy of remark that, in the main, the school has been for forty years conducted on the plan that day laid down. It was agreed that tuition should be free, books should be furnished to the pupils without charge ; that the male pupils should receive one dollar per week, and the female pupils one dollar and a quarter per week to help pay for their board. Dec. 18, 1844. — The school was opened by Col. Young with an address, which the Executive Committee requested for publication ; twenty- nine pupils were in attendance ; before the term closed there were more than one hundred. Dec. 23, 1844. — Ferdinand I. Ilsley was appointed teacher of vocal music, and J. B. Howard teacher of drawing. Mr. Ilsley is now (Aug. 1884), at the age of seventy-six, teaching music in Newark, N. J. Jan. 9, 1845. — A janitor was appointed, his duties being carefully specified : to go errands for the principal ; to keep the rooms in good order ; to saw the wood, and to carry it to the several rooms. The arrangement as to janitor lasted but for a term, students being afterwards appointed and paid for doing the work. But little coal was burned in Albany at that time. Jan. 20, 1845. — It was under consideration to teach the male pupils during the summer months and the females during the winter, so that all could teach half the time while taking the course ; but, Jan. 21, 1845, it was resolved that co-education should continue, and that the terms should commence on the second Wednesday of April, and on the third Wednes- day of October. The allowance for board was continued. Feb. 10, 1845. — N. S. Benton, the new Secretary of State, took the place of Col. Young. It was resolved : That it is inexpedient to hire occa- sional lecturers — a resolution that is still in force, and that has been closely adhered to. HISTORICAL SKETCH. Vll Feb. 20, 1845. — James S. Wadsworth having liberally contributed $300 for the purchase of books, it was resolved that the books on the “ Library List ” be purchased with the money. Mr. McKoon was appointed Professor of the Natural Sciences. March 8, 1845. — Six students were appointed “ Pupil Teachers” at a compensation of one dollar per week. They were : Silas T. Bowen, Sumner C. Webb, Elizabeth Hance, Daniel Losey, Caroline Smith, Reuben R. Stetson ; the first three, afterwards, became members of the Faculty. April 4, 1845. — It was resolved that the pupils, on registering, should sign the Declaration in regard to teaching, as it exists to this day. May 2, 1845. — D. G. Eaton was appointed librarian — salary, one dollar per week ; William Nims, “ Pupil Teacher.” Arrangements had been made to open the Experimental School. The Secretary proposed a list of books to be purchased with the Wadsworth money. May 26, 1845 . — The allowance for board was placed at one dollar per week. June 9, 1845. — Prof. McKoon resigned on account of sickness in his family; and the Executive Committee expressed their regrets and sympathy. June 14, 1845. — Outline maps were purchased. It was directed that a form of diploma be prepared. The same form has since been used. William F. Phelps was allowed $12 for two weeks’ extra services in organiz- ing Experimental School. Principal Page was sick. July 15, 1845 . — It was directed that a catalogue of the officers, Faculty and students be published in the District School Journal ; that the diploma be printed on paper; that the board allowance be seventy-five cents per week ; that the Principal employ five Pupil Teachers ; that four students be employed as janitors at seventy-five cents per week in the winter, and fifty cents per week in summer. Aug. 27, 1845 . — William W. Clark was paid $60 for services con- tinuous for twelve weeks. He was afterwards Professor of Natural Sciences. Isaiah Townsend and other liberal citizens were thanked for con- tributions to paint and ornament the front of edifice. It was directed that the lecture room be whitewashed and the iron pillars painted. Oct. 15, 1845. — Rev. Dr. Potter resigned to become Bishop of Pennsylvania, and Col. Young was appointed in his place. Two hundred and fifty dollars were appropriated for chemical apparatus. Dec. 10, 1845. — The number of pupils must not exceed two from each assembly district, or twice the number of members of assembly. Dec. 16, 1845. — The death of Francis Dwight was mourned, and the committee certified to his eminent services and ardent devotion to the cause of education. He killed himself with overwork ; his funeral was imposing ; all agreed that his death was an irreparable loss. Vlll HISTORICAL SKETCH. Dec. 18, 1845. — Dr. William H. Campbell was appointed Secretary of the Executive Committee ; Francis A. Thayer was paid for past ser- vices as librarian ; Eben Curtice and D. B. Ross were appointed librarians. Jan. 27, 1846. — Hon. Harmanus Bleecker was appointed a mem- ber of the Executive Committee in place of Francis Dwight, deceased. Feb. 14, 1846.— It was resolved that females entering the school should be not less than sixteen years of age ; males, not less than eighteen ; mileage was established. March 9, 1846. — William F. Phelps was appointed permanent teacher of the Experimental school. A Normal student having left before examination, his seat was declared vacant. Sept. 3, 1846. — Thomas I. Collier, I. W. Collier and Addison C. Gibbs were appointed janitors ; eight dollars were appropriated to fit up a room for them to occupy. The State Constitutional Convention were in- vited to attend the examinations and closing exercises. Nov. 4, 1846 . — Ann Maria Ostrom became teacher of drawing. May 5, 1847 . — Prof. Ilsley resigned, and the Executive Commit- tee expressed great regret at parting with him. Truman H. Bowen was appointed Instructor in Music. Jan. 1, 1848. — Christopher Morgan, Secretary of State, took the place of Mr. Benton. David P. Page died. The Executive Committee declared his death to be a public calamity, and invited Rev. Dr. Hunting- ton to preach the funeral discourse before the Executive Committee, the Faculty and the students ; the funeral expenses were ordered paid from the funds of the Institution. The services were held in the Clinton Square Presbyterian Church, and there was not a dry eye in the vast audience. Rarely has a man been so loved ; rarely has a man been so mourned. The excellent crayon portrait which hangs in the great Assembly Room was presented by his son, W. W. Page, Esq., of Leominster, Mass., and his daughter, Mrs. J. J. Currier, of Newburyport, Mass. ; both were so young at the time of their father’s death that their memory of him is very indis- tinct ; he died at the early age of thirty- seven ; yet, how much he had done ! Jan. 12, 1848. — Thanks were returned to Rev. Dr. Huntington for the funeral discourse. George R. Perkins was appointed Principal. Jan., 1848. — Governor Young, in his message, said: “ The practi- cal importance of the State Normal School is beginning to be felt.” It was recognized that the “ five years’ experiment ” had proved to be a success. George R. Perkins was very active in the labor of securing a site and a building for the school. There was still much opposition to the institution ; not so open as it had been, yet it was strong. By the advice of Dr. James Hall, State Geologist, the vacant lot in the rear of the old State Hall, on the corner of State and Lodge streets, was suggested as a site. The prop- HISTORICAL SKETCH. IX erty belonged to the State, and the expense of a lot would be saved. On the corner of Lodge and Howard streets stood a city fire engine house, but this lot was presented by the city. It remained, therefore, only to secure the money necessary for building. April 12, 1848. — A law was passed appropriating $15,000 for a building to be erected upon the lot in the rear of the old State Hall. June 14, 1848. — Principal Perkins and Mr. George I. Penchard, architect, were directed to draw up specifications in accordance with the plans submitted by Mr. Penchard. There were two of these plans ; it was estimated that the more ornamental would cost $700 more in construction ; it was the one selected. Aug. 21, 1848. — The allowance to students for traveling expenses was made three cents per mile for distance traveled in coming to the school, if the students remained till the end of the term. Miarch 19, 1849. — The Executive Committee acknowledged the goodness of the Legislature in providing a theodolite ; it shall not be loaned. The . Legislature had appropriated $10,000 more for the erection of the new building, which was completed within the appropriation. It was badly located and poorly designed. It required continual appropriations and constant work to make it answer the ends of its creation. July 31, 1849.— The school moved into the new building. We have thus traced the progress of the institution since its inception ; from the seed planted by De Witt Clinton, watered and watched and nourished by those who appreciated the importance of healthy growth, until it has assumed solid and symmetrical form. That which was an ex- periment has become a success. The school has a permanent home of its own ; henceforth, no question will arise as to the necessary appropriation for its support. 5— B X HISTORICAL SKETCH. March 23, 1850. — An act was passed by the legislature to provide for the support and education of a limited number of Indian youth, of the State of New York, at the State Normal school. Under its provisions, nine Indian pupils entered, the eleventh term. During the three years of the experiment, five females and twenty-one males attended ; but one, a female, graduated ; and the education of the Indian at this school was an admitted failure. July 8, 1852. — Principal Geo. R. Perkins, LL.D., resigned. He took charge, as mathematician, of the calculations to be made in the process of consolidating the various lines of railroad between Albany and Buffalo, to form the N. Y. C. R. R. He had charge of building the Dudley Observatory. He became deputy State Engineer and Surveyor. He was, January 30, 1862, unanimously elected Regent of the University, the only member other than Washington Irving, so elected. He died in Utica, where his widow and daughter still reside. Sept. 20, 1852. — Samuel B. Woolworth, LL.D., was elected Princi- pal. He had been many years in charge of the Homer, N. Y., Academy, in which he had made a reputation known and acknowledged throughout the State. His warm, magnetic, personal influence with his pupils was such that it remains with them, thankfully recognized, through life. He was a potential factor in the school for twenty-eight years ; for when he resigned, Feb. 1, 1856, it was to become secretary of the Board of Regents, and so a member of the Executive Committee in charge of the school. He thus remained the most active man in its management until his lamented death in 1880. To his sagacity, his experience, his wise advice, the school owes much. He it was who saw in the young Principal of the Fredonia, N. Y., Academy those qualities of manhood, scholarship and general culture that made him an admirable model to set before young men preparing to be teachers ; he it was who secured this young man as Professor of the Natural Sciences in the Normal school ; and when Dr. Woolworth resigned, he recommended the appointment of Dr. Cochran. Feb.jl, 1856. — David H. Cochran, A.M.,Ph. D.,was elected Principal. His work in Fredonia had been in character, if not in kind, Normal school work, and from that work there eventually and naturally grew the State Normal and Training School of Fredonia, N. Y. Dr. Cochran brought to his new posi- tion all the energy, all the graces, and all the influences that had made his preceding career a marked success, that made his administration here a a marked success. In his conduct of this school he was aided by a Faculty mostly of his own selection — Plympton and Cooley, and Estee and Kim- ball, and Huntley and Misses Rice, and Ostrom and Butler, and Hewes and the great Davies. For thirteen years Misses Butler and Ostrom were to the students of their time what Miss Hance and the elder Ostrom were to the earlier graduates — models of all that was womanly. For eight years Dr. Cochran made the school a power for good. He was never satisfied, HISTORICAL SKETCH. XI / for his standard was high, and the course was short as to time, and neces- sarily limited in extent. Pie was invited to the presidency of the Polytechnic Institute; he resigned from the Normal school, Sept. 19, 1864, and with great reluctance and many words of praise, the Executive Committee ac- cepted his resignation. Dec. 2, 1864. — The Executive Committee, after much searching and many efforts, had. found Oliver Arey, A.M., whom they now elected. Prof. Arey had made the Buffalo Central School celebrated, and, in creating it, had built up his own reputation. He remained in charge of the Normal School until January 31, 1867. In accepting his resignation, the Executive Committee expressed to him their appreciation of the ficjelity with which he had discharged his duties, and the assurance of their best wishes for his future. April 24, 1867. — Joseph Alden, D.D., LL.D., was elected Presi- dent. He had spent a long life as an educator and writer on educational subjects. He bad been a Professor in Williams College ; had been Presi- dent of La Fayette College. He gave abundantly to the school of the fruits of his long training, of his rich experience. He valued methods little ; he elevated mental training, intellectual development ; technicalities and forms he, in great measure, ignored. He was wise and sagacious in selecting men and women for the work they could do ; they did it well ; they could instruct ; they could develop thought. He knew good work, and he appreciated those who did it. For fifteen years he directed the affairs of the school ; his success, his pupils declare. Wise, earnest, faith- ful- — when he resigned, and insisted that his resignation be accepted, the Executive Committee had not words to express their regret at their loss, and of praise for him who had done so much for the school. His resignation closed fifteen years of continuous service in the Institution as its head. June 22, 1882. — Edward P. Waterbury, A.M., Ph. D., was elected President of the school. For the first time in its history, the head of the school was one of its own graduates. For the first time, all of the Execu- tive Committee, except the State Superintendent, were men who had re- ceived their education, in part at least, from graduates of the school. This record would possess no degree of completeness did it not contain further mention of the members of the Executive Commit- tee in their management of the school. For twenty-seven years, Hon. Franklin Townsend gave constant, earnest and sagacious advice and direc- tion to its affairs, until failing health demanded his retirement. Of all mem- bers of the committee, his term of service was the longest. Hon. Charles L. Austin, an acute and honest lawyer, served seventeen years, until his death, April 28, 1866. During all those years he was the trusted counsellor of the committee, not only as to technical legal matters, but in all affairs in which experience and logical knowledge are of value. Hon. Robert H. Pruyn, who spent many years of his life in the public service, at home and Xll HISTORICAL SKETCH. abroad, served twice on the committee — before he went as Minister to Japan, and again, on his return. His influence with other public men was great, and was always at the service of the school whose interests he for- warded with as great energy and zeal as if they were his own private affairs. His connection with the school closed with his death, Feb. 26, 1882. Hon. John V. L. Pruyn, late Chancellor of the University, before his elevation to that position, served on the Executive Committee for eleven years and after he became Chancellor, exercised an interested super- vision of the affairs of the school. The State is greatly indebted to him for a life-long service to the cause of education. Amos Dean, LL.D., and Charles E. Smith, A.M., were useful members, % though their term of service was so short that their influence had not time to make itself so apparent as that of others. Mr. Dean’s term closed with his death, January 26, 1868, and Mr. Smith’s with his removal from the State in 1881. Dr. Jacob S. Mosher, Ph. D., served on the committee from Jan. 14, 1869, until his death, August 13, 1883. These eloquent words of the Executive Committee feebly speak his praise : “ Dr. Mosher was appointed a member of' this committee in 1869 in place of Amos Dean, then recently deceased. He brought to the duties of the office that conscientious fidelity and that alert intelligence with which he strove to execute every public trust. His previous education and training, his natural tastes and interests, his habitual caution and discretion, and his aptitude for affairs, made him from the beginning a source of beneficial influence. He understood with in- stinctive accuracy the just relations between this institution and the govern- ment and people of the State, and no member of the committee contribu- ted more effectively towards maintaining those relations in that condition of cordiality which has marked its history. In the recent movement for providing the school with proper accommodations, his whole heart was en- listed, and so much of his thought, energy and purpose has been wrought into its plans and mingled with its material, that the building, when erected, will in a large sense constitute a monument of his wise and faithful efforts.” The Executive Committee, at present, consists of the following gentle- men : Hon. William B. Ruggles, Superintendent of Schools, ex officio , Chairman ; Hon. David Murray, Sec. of Board of Regents, ex officio , Sec- retary ; Hon. St. Clair McKelway, a Regent of the University and editor of the Albany Argus; Hon. Andrew S. Draper, a lawyer; and Robert L. Fryer, Esq., an extensive lumber merchant. The Normal School Company in the War. Capt. Professor Albert N. Husted has kindly prepared the following record of the services of the Normal School Company : When, in July, 1862, the Union forces were defeated in the “ seven days’ battle ” before Richmond, and there came up from the Capital of the nation HISTORICAL SKETCH. Xlll a new call for men — soldiers to drive back the rebellious invaders — the young men of the State Normal School felt that it was time for them to shoulder their muskets and do what they could to save the land they loved, and preserve the institutions for which their fathers fought. Professors Kimball and Husted, of the Faculty, volunteered to go with and lead them. With the graduates and students of the school as a nucleus they commenced recruiting, and, on the 25 th of September, their company of one hundred true, brave, earnest men were “ mustered into the service of the United States for three years, or the war.” They were at once fully armed and equipped. The Faculty of the school presented each of the officers with a valuable revolver, while contributions from graduates and friends purchased a rubber blanket for each Normal member of the company. After three weeks of drilling and guard duty, at the barracks west of Al- bany, the company was, on request of its officers, attached to the Forty- fourth New York Volunteers — a regiment in high standing, but much reduced in numbers by service in the field — forming a part of the Third Brigade, First Division, Fifth Corps ; and was afterwards known as Company E of that regiment, joining it October 23d at Antietam Ford, Maryland, where the Army of the Potomac was resting after the battle of Antietam. The company, as an organization, participated in the following engage- ments : 1. Fredericksburg, Dec. 11-14, 1862. 2. Chancellorsville, April 30 to May 6, 1863. 3. Gettysburg, July 2 and 3, 1863. 4. Wilderness, May 5, 6 and 7, 1864. 5. Spottsylvania, May 8 to May 21, 1864. 6. Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864. 7. Petersburg, June 18-21, 1864. 8. Weldon Railroad, Aug. 18-21, 1864. 9. Poplar Grove Church, Sept. 30, 1864; and in the following skir- mishes or partial engagements : 10. Middleburgh, June 21, 1863. 11. Jones’ Cross Roads,. Md., July 11 and 12, 1863. 12. Wapping Heights, July 24, 1863. 13. Rappahannock Station, Nov. 7, 1863. 14. Mine Run, Nov. 29 and 30, and Dec. 1, 1863. 15. North Anna, May 23-26, 1864. 16. Tolopatamoy Creek, May 29 and 30, 1864. 17. Magnolia Swamp, June 1 and 2, 1864. Capt. Rodney G. Kimball commanded the company at the battle of Fredericksburg, and until Feb. 4, 1863, when he left the regiment on “sick XIV HISTORICAL SKETCH. leave/’ and was honorably discharged on surgeon’s certificate of disability, Apr. 16, 1863. Lieut. Albert N. Husted participated in all the above-named engage- ments ; was slightly wounded at the battle of Chancellorsville by a fragment of shell ; was promoted to a captaincy, and was honorably discharged, because of expiration of term of service of regiment, Oct. 14, 1864. The following members of the company were graduates or undergradu- ates of the New York State Normal School, and served with the company in the battles whose numbers are set opposite their respective names : GRADUATES. i st Sergt. Consider H. Willett, 1, 2, 3 ; commissioned as Capt. of U. S. Colored Troops, Sept. 28, 1863. Sergt. James O. Blakely, 1, 2, 3 ; commissioned as 1st Lieut., 19th U. S. Colored Troops, Dec. 8, 1863. Sergt. Samuel McBlain, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 15, 16, 17 ; also in battles of Hatch’s Run, March 5, 1865 ; Skunk’s Hollow, March 31, 1865 ; Five Forks, April 1, 1865 ; Appomattox Court House, April 9, 1865 ; promoted to 2d Lieut., 140th N. Y. Vols., Jan. 16, 1865, and to 1st Lieut., March 14, 1865. Sergt. John H. Ostrom ; left at Albany barracks, Acting Quarter Master, Oct. 16, 1862 ; commissioned 1st Lieut. 176th N. Y. Vols., Dec. 30, 1862. Corp. Thompson Barrick, 1, 2, 3, (bullet wound in neck) ; commis- sioned 1 st Lieut. U. S. C. Troops, March 26, 1864. Corp. Franklin Cogswell; left sick at Albany barracks, Oct. 16, 1862 ; transferred to Invalid Corps, April 1, 1863. Corp. Robt. B. Darling, 1, 2, 7 ; killed in action, at Petersburg, Va., June 19, 1864. Corp. Andress B. Hull, 2, 3 ; commissioned as Capt. 20th U. S. C. Troops, Jan. 14, 1864; served in “Dept, of the Gulf” until Oct., 1865 ; mustered out with the regiment at New Orleans, Oct. 7, 1865. Corp. Hiram F. Olmsted ; health failed ; discharged on surgeon’s certi- ficate of disability, Jan. 7, 1864. Corp. Frank A. Wilder, 1,2; discharged on surgeon’s certificate of dis- ability, April 25, 1864. Private John L. Barrick ; died of fever, in hospital at Washington, D. C., Nov. 26, 1862. Private Elbert Traver, 1, 2, 3 ; killed at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. Private Orrin G. Moore, 1, 2, 3 ; transferred to Signal Corps, Jan. 12, 1864. UNDERGRADUATES. Sergt. David F. Ferris, 1, 2, 3, 5 ; detailed for duty in 1st Division, 5th Corps Battalion, Sharp Shooters, Aug. 15, 1864 ; killed at battle of Skunk’s Hollow, March 31, 1865. HISTORICAL SKETCH. XV Sergt. Horace F. Mills, 2, 3 ; commissioned Capt. 9th U. S. C. Troops, Dec. 8, 1863. Sergt. Rodolphus G. Warner, 1, 2, 3 ; commissioned as 2d Lieut, in company, Jan. 28, 1863; honorably discharged, Aug. 22, 1863. Private Sidney W. Burroughs, 1, 2, 4 ; killed in action at battle of Wil- derness, May 5, 1864 ; commission as 2d Lieut. U. S. C. Troops, received at the regiment after his death. Private George H. Dickson, 1, 2 ; served as Adjutant’s clerk, and clerk at Brigade headquarters. Private Frederick Eastman, 1, 2, 3 ; transferred to Signal Corps, Jan. 12, 1864. Private George McBlain, 1 ; died in hospital at Washington, D. C., Feb. 11, 1863, of wound received at battle of Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862. Private Cyrus S. McDuffie, 1, 2 ; health failed, and he spent a large part of his time in hospital. Private Albert Smith ; died of fever at camp, near Falmouth, Va., Dec. 7, 1862. Private Charles E. Thorne, 4, 6, 1 3 ; severely wounded at Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864. Private Gould J. Travis ; health poor ; was much in hospital. Private George B. Wolcott, 1, 2, 3 ; killed at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. The term of enlistment of the 44th Regiment expired Aug. 8, 1864. At that time the effective force “ present for duty ” of the original one hun- dred men, numbered only ten. The remaining members of the company, both present and absent, were transferred to the 140th N. Y. Vols., in Octo- ber following, served with that regiment in the closing campaign — some of them to the surrender of Lee at Appomatox — and were mustered out in June, 1865. The following brief summary but imperfectly exhibits the company’s usefulness in aiding to suppress the “ Great Rebellion Of the one hun- dred men, seventeen died of wounds received in battle ; eight died of disease contracted in the service ; twenty received wounds which did not prove fatal ; seven were commissioned as officers of U. S. Colored Troops, five of them as captains ; seven received commissions in New York volun- teer regiments ; twelve were discharged because of physical disability ; nine were transferred to the Invalid Corps, and three to the Signal Corps. The record of the Normal school, in the war, would be incomplete with- out the following additional facts : Besides those already mentioned, 79 others served, with rank from brigadier general to private. Four served in the Confederate army, one of whom was killed in battle. One of those who fought for the Lost Cause, now declares that he became a rebel as the logical result of the study of the Constitution of the United States in the class over which T. H. Bowen presided. XVI HISTORICAL SKETCH. Literary Societies, Etc. During the existence of the school there have been two literary societies ; sometimes, as at present, three — one formed of ladies, and two of gentle- men. In these the members debate selected questions, read original essays, declaim, criticise each other’s performances, etc. Those who have been members have reaped great benefit; membership is voluntary, and is en- couraged by the Faculty. Near the close of each term two exhibitions are given — one by the ladies’ society, the other by a union of the two societies of gentlemen. The programme of each is submitted to and approved by the President ; the music is under the direction of the pro- fessor of that branch of study. Two prayer-meetings are held each week — one composed of ladies, the other of gentlemen. Each member of the graduating class writes a graduating essay for the closing exercises, upon which occasion a number of these productions are read, usually by those whose class standing has been highest during the course. The New Building. The Executive Committee applied to the Legislature in 1883 for a small appropriation to make repairs upon the school building in Lodge street. The finance committee of the Senate having this application under consideration, deemed it wise to make an examination of the building, which two of their number personally inspected. They became convinced that it was entirely unfit for the purposes of the school. At their sugges- tion, a survey was made by experts, who confirmed them in their opinion that eventually, and not at a distant day, the building would become dangerous. They believed it a needless waste of money to make repairs on the old building ; and in consequence they reported the following bill, which promptly became a law, passing the Senate unanimously and receiv- ing only sixteen adverse votes in the Assembly : AN ACT making an appropriation for the erection of a Normal school building in the city of Albany, and for the purchase of a site for the same. Passed May 29, 1883; three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows : Section i . The sum of one hundred and ' twenty-five thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the erection of a new State Normal school building in the city of Albany, and for the purchase of a site for the same, which sum shall be paid by the treasurer, upon the warrants of the comptroller, to the order of the executive committee of said Normal school, who are hereby charged with the duty of such con- struction. The said executive comriiittee are hereby authorized to negotiate for a suit- able site for such building and upon the approval of the comptroller to purchase the same, and to proceed with the erection of such building. Such committee are also hereby authorized to sell the real estate now occupied by said school in such manner, HISTORICAL SKETCH. XVII and for such sum, and upon such terms as shall be approved by the board of commis- sioners of the land office, and to use the proceeds of such sale in the erection of the new building, and upon such sale aforesaid quit -cl aim letters-patent shall issue in the usual form to the purchaser. But no part of this appropriation shall be paid or ex- pended, and no real estate shall be sold or purchased, or agreed to be sold or purchased, pursuant to the provisions of this act, until said executive committee shall make and file with the comptroller a certificate specifying the site proposed to be purchased, and the price thereof, and a copy of the plans for the proposed building, with a statement of the kind of material it is proposed to use in erecting the same, together with the estimates of such experts as shall be required by the comptroller, showing to the satis- faction of the comptroller that such site can be purchased and such building erected and completed for the sum herein appropriated and the sum which may be realized from the sale of the present school property. § 2. This act shall take effect immediately. Senator Abraham Lansing, of Albany, and Senator Addison P. Jones, of Catskill, N. Y., were members of the finance committee, and greatly in- terested in the enactment of the law. In pursuance of the provisions of the law, the committee purchased the site on Willett street, and employed Messrs. Ogden & Wright, architects, of Albany, N. Y. The plans were prepared by Mr. Frank P. Wright, of the above firm, and with the proposals of the contractors were submitted to and approved by the comptroller ; having, first, at the request of Governor Cleveland, been examined and approved by Hon. Isaac G. Perry, Commis- sioner of the New Capitol. The material of the Old Capitol was pur- chased and reappears in the new Normal school building, thus remaining in the service of the State. The following is a list of the contractors : Mason, James A. Shattuck ; carpenter, Edward McCann ; painters, Law- rence & Stewart ; roofing, Wasson & Martin ; plumbing, Philip O’Brien ; iron work, Sullivan & Ehlers. Before commencing work on the plans, Frank P. Wright, Esq., the architect, and President Waterbury, visited New York city, Brooklyn, Oswego and Boston, and inspected various school buildings which, in addition to those of Albany, might furnish valuable •suggestions. Mr. Wright has kindly furnished the following description of the new building on Willett street : The edifice has a frontage on Willett street of 128 feet and a depth of 160 feet. The court in the centre is 50 x 90 feet. The building is designed to accommodate 400 Normal students, 200 pupils in the model department, fifty children in the kindergarten, and twenty pupils in the object class. The north and south flanks are three stories high, with the centre part of the park front two stories high. This central part stands back six feet from the fronts of the two flanks. The flanks are 104 feet in depth, and, run- ning transversely with them, across the easterly end, is a four story building, with a proportionately high roof. The interior court affords the most de- sirable advantages of light and air. The style is modern renaissance , with frieze band and sill courses of terra cotta, and moulded brick, liberally treated. The ground story is* elevated from the grade about four feet. 5— c XV111 HISTORICAL SKETCH. This is faced up with Nyack stone, taken out of the Old Capitol, and laid in rock-faced random ashlar. The exterior walls above this, as well as the court yard, are faced with Glens Falls pressed brick, with high window and door dressings of brown stone. The lower ashlar is of Upper Aqueduct blue stone. The arrangement of the plan is simple. Corridors extend around the central court with entrances in the front and both flanks, leading to the several departments, section and recitation rooms ; the staircases to the upper stories are outside the line of the main building within the court, and made very easy with spacious landings. Under the east. part of the build- ing are the heating apparatus and fuel cellars. The ground floor contains the kindergarten, to accommodate fifty children, an object class of twenty pupils, a large recreation room, and twenty recitation rooms for the model department, the clothes rooms for the entire building, lavatories, janitors’ apartment, large entrance hall, etc. The principal floor embraces a large library, reception room, model assembly room to accommodate 200 pupils with single seats and desks, office for the superintendent of the model department, ten recitation rooms for the model school, and eight section rooms for the normal department. Each section room is intended to accommodate fifty normal students, and the recitation rooms of the model school from fifteen to twenty-five pupils. The second story contains the large assembly hall, with a seating capacity of 800; philosophical department, to accommodate 100 students, with table accommodations for manipulating the apparatus, that they may be prepared to instruct pupils in the same manner ; also a room seating 200 for instruction in drawing and geography, and four section rooms, each accommodating forty pupils. The roof over the lower or central portion between the two flanks on the park front has a handsome parapet, and is concreted. It is constructed to allow of its use as a botani- cal garden, which will produce a beautiful and pleasing effect. The main entrance is in the center of the depressed portion, and over the door is a tablet, containing the coat of arms of the State. The chemical laboratory is located on the fourth floor of the southeast corner, and is to be fitted up with complete apparatus for 100 students to perform experi- ments, and learn, by actual doing, the work of a chemist. The heating and ventilating of the building are to be accomplished on the system of direct and indirect radiation on a novel principle. It is cal- culated that the quantity of fresh heated air admitted to each room is sufficient to supply each pupil with eight cubic feet per minute. The same when vitiated will be withdrawn on the opposite side of the room at the floor by ventilating ducts, which, in turn, discharge into a large central ventilating shaft that is made effective by the use of the smoke-pipe from the heating apparatus. As an additional means of ventilation, use is made of all windows between the corridors and School rooms, and also the head- HISTORICAL SKETCH. XIX lights of doors. All the rooms and corridors throughout the building are to be wainscoted ; and all rooms will have slate blackboards on all sides ; the windows are placed at such a height as to allow blackboards under them. The floors throughout the building will be of narrow Georgia yellow pine. The interior finish of the structure is to be of oak ; the walls sand faced and furnished with picture rails and wood cornices. The rooms are to have the most modern type of school furniture. The great assembly hall is to be lighted by six large mullion windows, the one on the north end (14J feet by 32J feet) being known as the Alumni Memorial Window. Much interest has been manifested in this by the graduates of the school, and it was unanimously resolved at the Reunion of ’83 — six hundred Alumni being present — to contribute for the purpose of making it a magnificent stained glass memorial of their connection with the institution. It is estimated to cost upwards of $5,000. The most careful attention has been paid to the drainage, all soil and waste pipes being ventilated so as to discharge all effluvia into the main shaft. The roofs are to be of Bangor slate, with terra cotta ridge rolls, cresting and terminals. All the water from the roofs is carried down on the inside of the building, from the gutters back of the parapet walls. The sides of the dormers will be covered with red tile. The school will be practically fire-proof, each floor being filled in with mineral wool. All partitions are to be of brick or hollow tile, all beams of iron, no wood partitions being used. The interior court will be flagged with blue stone. The view of the building as seen from the park will have a grouped effect. The architect has designed with great boldness, having thrown the lower parts of the building to the front, so that over the low central portion of the park front the entire building declares itself, every part showing the purpose for which it is intended. The treatment of the Alumni window is altogether admirable, the quiet spaces on either side contrasting finely with the broken facade of the other portions of the north front and clearly indicating the large assembly hall to which it belongs. The general effect of the whole structure is dignified, noble, and worthily indicative of the grand purposes to which it is to be devoted. The Building Committee consists of Hon. Wm. B. Ruggles, chairman ; Robert L. Fryer, Esq. ; and President E. P. Waterbury. What Has The School Done? It has trained men and women ; it has developed mind and character ; it has created an aptness to teach ; it has tended to make teaching a pro- fession : it has had a real life of its own, independent of the personality of its instructors ; for, administration after administration of its affairs have succeeded each other, and the history of the graduates shows, all have been successful. It has received more than thirteen thousand pupils ; it has XX HISTORICAL SKETCH. graduated about one in five, the same proportion as is the case at West Point and Annapolis. It has worked on better material than are the aver- age young man and young woman ; for its students have been possessed with the ambition to acquire an education and to be of service to the world ; and it has sifted this material, and has graduated only the best. Its students, almost without exception, have been and are honest, earnest, moral, God- fearing men and women. By its direct and indirect influence — for all the eight other Normal Schools in the State are, in a way, its children — it has changed the face of pub- lic school education in this State. It has furnished college presidents and pro- fessors ; it has furnished principals for male and female academies ; it has sent out numerous school commissioners and superintendents ; through its graduates, it has formulated and carried to success the school systems of other States ; it has done an amazing work in directing and serving in teachers’ institutes ; it has furnished authors on educational works whose books have been printed and used by millions ; since it was established, the second Normal school in the United States, one hundred and thirty- five have been created, in which its graduates have done great service ; its alumni who have retired from active teaching have, in numerous instances, served as school trustees and inspectors, and have thus been potent factors in the cause of education ; it is believed to have furnished from its undergraduates who have taken but a partial course more than eight thousand teachers for the district schools of the State. The school sent a com- pany of gallant men to the war, and gave all its influence and efforts for one country and one flag. SUMMARY OF THE WORK OF THIRTY-EIGHT YEARS. Classes. Graduates. No. who taught. No. ofyrs. Aver’ge for those teaching. Average for all. Did not teach. REASONS for not teaching. 0 1 Residence and history unknown. Have died. c Jj 1—1 > Ladies m. within a year. D. with- in a year Family duties. Reasons unkno’n. ist TEN. 460 432 4,549 10-53 9.89 ii I 2 3 0 5 8 9 145 2D TEN. 361 338 3,455 10.20 9-57 12 I 5 1 *1 4 1 9 79 3D TEN. 337 310 2,698 8.95 8.16 17 0 3 1 1 12 1 10 67 4 th TEN. 298 27S 2,452 8.92 8.22 16 5 e’list’d 5 1 4 4 3 47 S th TEN. 285 262 1,946 7.42 6.82 19 * I 3 4 3 8 1 3 27 6th TEN. 328 300 1,883 6.28 5-77 25 + 1 3 5 12 1 2 22 7 th TEN. 347 320 1,151 3.60 3-3i 27 I 3 1 5 17 0 0 11 S Classes. 170 i59 275 i-73 1.62 11 I 0 0 1 9 0 0 1 75 Clas’es | 2586 2396 18,409 138 TO 17 & 5 18 16 & 1 71 16 36 399 * Mr. Leonard Root was excused from teaching on paying tuition, which he insisted on doing. HISTORICAL SKETCH. XXI During the first 38 years after the foundation of the school, 2586 graduated ; reports have been received of 2,534 of these ; 16 have not reported (their names and residences are given) ; the residence and history of 36 are unknown ; it is hoped that some of the alumni may be able to give information regarding them, which will complete the record. The 2,534 have taught, in the aggregate, 18,409 years; giving an average of 7.27 years for each. It is known that all, or nearly all, of the 16 unreported, taught ; but assuming that neither they nor the 36 unknown taught, the average for each of the 2,586 will be 7.1 1. Of the 2,534 reported, there failed to teach 138 for reasons as follows : Ladies married within a year of graduation 1 7 Died within a year of graduation 18 Kept at home by deaths, sickness, etc., in family 16 Health failed — became invalids 10 Enlisted in army as soon as graduated 5 Paid tuition and was excused by Ex. Com. 1 — 67 Reasons for failure to teach, unknown 7 1 In view of the foregoing, the Executive Committee of the school, in their last report to the State Superintendent of Schools, say : “ During the past year President Waterbury has made exhaustive inquiry into the history of the school and the services which its graduates have ren- dered to the cause of education. “ The committee take great pride and satisfaction in referring to these statistics as evidence of the great service that the school has rendered to the State. It has often been made a charge against the normal schools of the State that their students after all do not teach ; that they are educated at the public expense as teachers, and then turn aside into other walks of life. The statistics of this Normal school do not support such a charge ; on the contrary they give overwhelming testimony to the fact that the students and graduates of this Normal school have fulfilled their obligations to the State with notable and praiseworthy fidelity, and have returned in overflowing measure the benefits she has conferred upon them.” The graduates of the forty years of the school number : gentlemen, 1,017; ladies, 1,738; total, 2,755; °f these, 102 have become lawyers; 31, clergymen; 43, civil engineers and surveyors; 72, physicians; 97, State, county, city and town superintendents of schools, and school com- missioners ; 1 20, heads, or members of the faculties of this and of other Normal schools ; 79, editors, and authors many of whom have written school books of which millions of copies have been used ; 93 served as soldiers in the civil war ; 399 have died ; hence, the number of living graduates, Sept. 1, 1884, is 2,356, xxii HISTORICAL SKETCH. CIRCULAR OF THE STATE NORMAL SCHOOL. FACULTY. EDWARD P. WATERBURY, A.M., Ph.D., President, and Professor of Mental and Moral Philosophy and Didactics. ALBERT N. HUSTED, A.M., Professor of Mathematics. WILLIAM V. JONES, A.M., Adjunct Professor of Mathematics. SUMNER H. BABCOCK, Professor of the Natural Sciences. JOHN B. MARSH, Professor of Vocal Music. MISS KATE STONEMAN, Teacher of Geography, Drawing and Penmanship. MISS MARY A. MCCLELLAND, Teacher of English Grammar and History. MISS JOSEPHINE E. SEAMAN, Teacher of English Literature and Rhetoric. MISS ANNA A. FARRAND, Teacher of Arithmetic and Algebra. MISS ELLEN BISHOP, Teacher of Elocution. MRS. MERIBA A. B. KELLY, Superintendent of the Model School. MRS. JENNIE L. YOUNG, Assistant in the Model School. MISS EFFIE M. FRAATS, Superintendent of the Kindergarten. ISAAC N. PRICHARD, Janitor and Engineer. HISTORICAL SKETCH. XXI 11 COURSE OF STUDY. Junior Class — First Term . Arithmetic, English Grammar, Geography, Map Drawing, Penmanship, Physiology, Algebra, Didactics. Junior Class — Second Term . Algebra continued, Higher Arithmetic, Elocution, Rhetoric, English Grammar, Botany, Natural Philosophy, History of the United States, Didactics. Senior Class — First Term . Geometry, Natural Philosophy continued, Ethics, Astronomy, History, Science of Government, Higher Algebra, Criticism, Free Hand and Indus- trial Drawing, Didactics. Senior Class — Second Term. English Literature, Mental Philosophy, Trigonometry and Surveying, Chemistry, Geology, Book-keeping, Political Economy, Evidences of Christianity, Natural History, Comparative Anatomy, Practical Use of the Microscope, Didactics, Teaching in Model School. Composition, Elocution and Vocal Music receive prominent attention throughout the course ; it is expected that every student who shall have attended one term will be qualified to teach simple vocal music to children. The course of instruction and practice occupies two years. The year is divided into two terms of twenty weeks each. The time required to complete the course will depend on the attainments, habits and talents of the pupil. It ought never to exceed four terms, or two years. The stu- dents are divided into four classes ; these are subdivided into as many sections as circumstances may require. Students are drilled in all the branches which they will be called to teach, and in such other studies as experience has shown to be best adapted to discipline and develop the mind. Persons cannot be made teachers by merely being told how to teach. They must themselves be taught in the right manner. They must themselves form the mental habits which it is their duty to aid others in forming. They must teach. Every member of the Faculty of the Normal school is expected to be, by example and by precept, in every recitation, a teacher of Didactics ; every student is expected to recite as he should require a pupil to recite. Instruction in the art of teaching is thus given at every recitation in every department. Special attention is given to the study of the human mind as the object and instrument of education. Besides receiving in this way instruction in the art of teaching, the students are, at the proper stage of their progress, required to teach in the XXIV HISTORICAL SKETCH. Model School one or more hours a day for twenty weeks, under the super- vision of the Superintendent. While teaching, they are required, day by day, to submit a scheme of the next day’s lessons and the method they propose to adopt in presenting it to the pupils. This scheme is criticised by the Superintendent and modified as may be advisable. The best thought and ingenuity of the Normal students are called out and exercised in the actual work of teaching ; and faulty methods are eliminated. They also, under direction, are expected to visit the parents of every pupil whom they teach, and to visit other Albany schools, and submit written reports of what they see and learn. Leaving the Normal school, the student will enter upon professional duties with a confidence born of experience and practice. The Superintendent frequently meets those practising in the Model School and encourages them to present original plans and schemes, which are criticised by their fellows, by the Superintendent and by the President. From 8J to 9 a. m., the graduating class give individual assist- ance to the pupils of the Model School, and thus learn to inspire and interest them. Particular attention is paid to the studies of the Junior First Term as these are the ones usually taught in district schools. Many attend during that term, and then leave and teach for a time, and thus procure the means for returning and completing the course. Appointment and Admission. Students desiring admission to the school should apply to their School Commissioner for an appointment. If the applicant possess the requisite qualifications, the commissioner will make the appointment and send a certificate of the same to the Superintendent of Public Instruction, who will indorse it and send it to the President, in whose hands it will be found on the arrival of the student at the school. When the school was established, the number of students from each county was restricted to twice the number of its representatives in the Assembly ; the establishment of seven additional Normal schools in the State has rendered this restriction unnecessary. The school is, therefore, open without restriction to all who desire to fit themselves to become teachers. It is desired that each applicant who has not been successfully vaccinated within seven years, shall be vaccinated before leaving home. By an act of the Legislature, passed April n, 1849, “ Every teacher SHALL BE DEEMED A QUALIFIED TEACHER WHO SHALL HAVE IN POSSESSION A Diploma from the State Normal School.” Students should reach Albany the day before the opening of the term. They should come at once to the Normal school building, where they will be directed to boarding houses approved by the Faculty. They should retain the checks for their baggage until they procure rooms, when it will be delivered free of charge. HISTORICAL SKETCH. XXV Tuition and text books are furnished gratuitously. The amount of fare necessarily paid in coming by public conveyance to the school will be refunded to those who are present at the beginning of the term and remain till its close. The price of board in respectable families varies from $3.50 to $4 per week, exclusive of washing. Those who wish to board themselves can pro- cure furnished rooms at $1 per week. By so doing, they can reduce their expenses for board to $3 per week. All places for board, and any change of place, must be approved by the Faculty. The Spring Term begins on the second Wednesday in February. The Fall Term begins on the second Wednesday in September. Examinations and Qualifications. That those intending to apply may understand what will be required of them, the following information is given : Before examination, the student will register, and sign this declaration : We, the undersigned, hereby declare that our object in entering the Normal School, is to prepare ourselves for a faithful performance of the duties pertaining to the office of teacher; and we further declare that it is our intention to devote ourselves to the work of instruction in the schools of the State. Arithmetic . — In arithmetic the applicant must be able : to recite all of the ordinary tables of denominate numbers ; to both read and write with facility large numbers both entire and decimal ; readily to perform the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and reduc- tion of numbers both simple and denominate, entire and fractional ; to solve examples in percentage with its applications to interest, discount, and profit and loss ; to solve problems in ratio and proportion, and in square and cube root. Problems will be given sufficiently difficult to test the capacity for logical reasoning. Geography . — Questions will be given relating to the shape of North America, its mountains, its river systems ; the shape, the area, the bound- aries and the number of the United States and territories, and the relative importance of the different States. Correct information will be required as to the Great Lakes, the mines and mineral productions of the United States ; the production and exportation of wheat, cotton and petroleum ; and as to the great railroad lines between the Atlantic and the Pacific States. The applicant must be acquainted with the size, location and commerical char- acteristics of the more important cities* of the United States and of Europe. Grammar . — The applicant must analyze, according to the system taught in any standard grammar, simple sentences, compound sentences, and com- plex sentences containing two or more clauses ; explain the formation of the plural of nouns ; decline personal and relative pronouns, and show how the different case forms are used in sentences ; explain and illustrate the office of adjectives and of adverbs ; write verbs in any required mood and XXVI HISTORICAL SKETCH tense ; and show a reasonable acquaintance with the use of capital and of italic letters, and with the subject of punctuation. Spelling . — The applicant must exhibit a familiarity with the general rules of spelling, and be able to spell correctly seventy out of one hundred words in common, every day use. Reading . — The applicant must be able to read in a clear and distinct manner, pronounce words correctly, and show a knowledge of emphasis, inflection, etc. Miscellaneous . — Those applying for admission to the advanced classes will be required to pass an examination in the studies of the preceding classes, and particularly in the methods of teaching the subjects which have been studied by those classes. Applicants who can present a Regents’ Preliminary Certificate will be admitted without examination. Those who have a Regents’ Intermediate Certificate will be admitted to the Senior First Class without examination. Candidates for admission to the lowest class must, if ladies, be not less than sixteen years of age ; and, if gentlemen, not less than eighteen ; and, if applying for admission to an advanced class, must be of a proportionately greater age. In all cases decided maturity of mind is indispensable. None will be admitted after the commencement of a term, except for weighty reasons. To the School Commissioners. The following extracts from a circular issued to the School Commission- ers, by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, clearly present the qualifications which are deemed essential : “ The School Commissioners are directed to give the most extended notice in their power of vacancies, and to interest themselves in finding proper pupils to be appointed. “ In making the selections, those who from past successful experience have proved their aptness to teach, or from traits of character clearly developed, give fair promise of future success, should be preferred. Talents not below mediocrity, unblemished morals and sound health, are regarded as indispensable. In your visitations of the schools, you will sometimes find teachers who, to insure their highest success and usefulness, need only the instruction which this school is designed to .give; or pupils who have given proof of good scholarship, which, by being properly directed, may be made of great value in the cause of education. Such teachers and scholars you will encourage to seek these appointments.” . The School Commissioners to whom the State is under great obliga- tions for the interest they have ever taken in the school, will understand why their attention is particularly invited to this circular when the fact is mentioned that out of one hundred and eighty-two applicants who recently presented themselves, thirty-six were rejected for want of requisite qualifications. The commissioners will forward the circulars sent them to HISTORICAL SKETCH. XXV 11 those in their districts who have shown an aptitude for teaching, or superior ability as scholars. Among those who have passed the Regents’ Preliminary or Intermediate Examination, or who may have been members of Teachers’ Classes in the Academies, are many who if put in the way of receiving a Normal school training, would do honor to the commissioners who appoint them and to the State which educates them. W. B. RUGGLES, Supt. of Public Instruction, Chairman ex-officio. DAVID MURRAY, Sec’y of the Regents of the University. ST. CLAIR McKELWAY, ANDREW S. DRAPER, ROBERT L. FRYER, Executive Committee. The President of the school will be very glad to be of service to School Boards, School Commissioners and Trustees, by recommending teachers to them. ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONS. In 1850, “The Association of Graduates of the New York State Nor- mal School ” was formed. It was created by William F. Phelps, ’45, who was its corresponding secretary. Its meetings were held every two years, on which occasions essays, poems and addresses were features of the occa- sion. It flourished while its creator was in charge of it, and was a success- ful medium of communication between trustees of schools and the gradu- ates of the Normal school. It was the influence that caused the issue of various complete catalogues of the school, notably those of 1864 and 1870, which contained, in addition to an alphabetical list, class lists of the alumni. This organization finally disappeared. The present Alumni Association was the work, in great measure, of Sherman Williams, ’71. Re-union, December 27, 1883. Prof. Sumner H. Babcock, the recording secretary, had obtained about 2,000 addresses, which had in the main been discovered in the course of compiling this Historical Catalogue. Six hundred were in attendance. The School Commissioners of the city kindly placed the chapel of the High School at the service of the Normal School for the literary exercises, which were held from 3 until nearly 6 p. m. The following is the pro- gramme of the occasion : xxvm HISTORICAL SKETCH. ORDER OF EXERCISES. Prayer, ......... by Rev. Andrew Parsons, ’50. Song of Reunion, by Mrs. Jane J. Jewell-Bonsteel, ’66 : Melody : “ Auld Lang Syne.” We come again to Normal halls; We gather as before; We clasp again each other’s hands As in the days of yore. The friendship of the olden time Survives the long gone years, And bids us join again in song, In laughter and in tears. What thoughts, what memories, sad and sweet, Throng from our past, to-day ! What dreams, like summer roses fleet, Have perished by the way ! And some who went with courage bold To battlefields of life, Have laid their battered armor down, Too weary for the strife. O, Comrades, still with hearts aglow, Beholding human need; Keep faith ! a great reward awaits Your noble word and deed. And praise to you who farther on, Well crowned with laurel leaves. With locks besprinkled o’er with gray, Are resting on your sheaves. Address of Welcome, by Hon. William B. Ruggles, Superintendent of Public In- struction, and Chairman of Ex. Com. of the State Normal School. Response, ... by Wm. B. Davidson, ’72, Pres’t of the Alumni Association. Contralto Solo, by Mrs. Harriet Hall Mills, ’68. Historical Retrospect, by Edward P. Waterbury, ’49. Greeting Song, by Miss Mary A. McClelland, ’68 : Melody : “ America.” Now thanks to God above, That through his watchful love, We meet once more. We come from valley wide, From rugged mountain side, From ocean’s surging tide, From rocky shore. To grasp a schoolmate’s hand, Make strong old friendship’s band, We’ve gathered here; To tell the deeds we’ve done, The honors fairly won, O’erlook the race we’ve run, Each other cheer. For His own guiding hand, Through drear and desert land, Through wilds untrod; HISTORICAL SKETCH. XXIX For stars in darkest night, For skill to wield aright The sword in fiercest fight, Thanks be to God. If we have taught the eye To read in earth and sky Thy art divine — Have taught the heart to feel The love Thy laws reveal, Thy care for human weal— The work was Thine. If error’s bonds we’ve riven, The noble impulse given To do the right; Then hear us while we raise The voice in joyous lays — To thee ascribe all praise, Thou God of might ! Forgive us that we’ve strayed, Pardon the failures made, Our prayer receive. Ere yet the day is done, Ere sinks the western sun, Forgive, thou Holy One, Do thou forgive ! Poem, “The Angelus” (a suggestion from the painting by Millett), by Mrs. Sarah Keppel Vickery, ’76; read by Miss Kate Stoneman, ’66. The day was long and weary, The workers are stooped and worn, With scarcely a thought of the toiling past, Or a wish for to-morrow’s morn. ’T were better in the quiet grave; To-morrow will be to-day, Ever the driving iron must, The hunger that will not stay. The autumn spreads before them Her fair illumined book, As well ’t were winter’s whitened page, They have not time to look. The harvest must be gathered, The children must be fed; No thoughts for them of sunset sky, Only the thought of bread. But hark ! across the darkening field A bell’s sweet tone is heard ; Hushed is the breath of even, Hushed the last note of bird. It is the holy Angelus, The evening call to prayer. Lift your tired forms, poor workers, And claim a Father’s care. Each heart breathes forth its longing, Christ bends a loving ear, For nearer are the poor to Him Who worked and hungered here. XXX HISTORICAL SKETCH. Lift now your heads, the sunset Flings wide its golden gate; ’T is but a short and shining road, Behind, the angels wait. O, bright will be the crown for those Who bore the heaviest cross, And fairer sure must heaven be, When earth was only loss. Lift high your heads, the sunset Flings wide its open door, Earth gives her treasure to her own, But heaven is for the poor. Addresses, .... by Sherman Williams, ’71; John L. Johnson, ’71. Letter from Joseph Alden, D.D., LL.D., President of the State Normal School, 1867-82; read by Sumner H. Babcock, ’77 : Pisa, Italy, Nov. 30th, 1883. My Dear Pupils : You are often in my mind. There was never a member of the school in whose improvement and happiness I did not feel a deep interest. I regret that I did not do more for you. I rejoice in the prosperity of the school. May the Lord help you and permit us to meet at his right hand. Affectionately yours, Joseph Alden. Address, “The Great Northwest,” by Wm. F. Phelps, ’45. Class Poem, ’53, by Dr. Wm. G. Brownson, ’53. Within these hallowed walls whose echoes bring To waiting ears some old, familiar strain, Touching the heart in Memory’s hidden spring, Bidding us live in the sweet past again, — We come, the remnant of a worthy band; We come to clasp once more each friendly hand. What tender memories crowd each throbing breast ! Unwritten volumes none but we may read; A golden silence, language unexpressed, Mute eloquence, seem suited to our need, When face to face as in a glass we see The touch of Time, the lines of history. Still let me draw the veil, and summon here, From their accustomed paths of toil and care, Those who can give to Memory but a tear, With those who come her treasured joys to share; Except its dawn and blending with the last, Forget a while the generation past — Linger awhile on these familiar scenes, When from the kitchen and the plow we came, Plainly attired to suit the scanty means A frugal husbandry alone might claim; Not what we were, but what we aimed to be, Gave to our modest pride its dignity. Transplanted from a pristfhe soil, we here Began the growth a promised fruitage bears; Still in the spring-time of life’s joyous year, HISTORICAL SKETCH. Nor burdened with nor free from worldly cares, — Gazing with wistful eyes through toil and strife, Into the palmy summer days of life. What nobler aims can youthful fancy boast, Than honest striving for an honored name ? Counting no earthly sacrifice or cost Too great that purchases a worthy fame, If love to God and to our fellows be The guiding star to such a destiny. Our palmy summer days have come and gone; Their warm delights and golden privilege, With all their heat and burden we have known, Our life-book holds on many a sacred page; Some traced with honors loving hands have penned, Some stained with tears in memory of a friend. Ah ! well do I recall one gracious form,* Whose desk and heart I shared through normal days, — At mention of whose name my pulses warm, Whose modest worth I can but feebly praise; No time nor distance breaks the magic spell That bound our hearts so closely and so well. His magic voice, the lustre of his eye, His wealth of anecdote and repartee, His ringing laugh so full of melody, His genial nature, kindly sympathy, — In the dim distance to my fancy seem Like recollections of a happy dream. Gifted beyond his years, his noble mind Gave brilliant promise of a proud career; In manhood dignified, in tastes refined, With loving heart and purposes sincere, — None could but love him through those days of strife, That knew the charming sweetness of his life. He was my friend — my trusted, bosom friend; Rejoiced with me and grieved when I was grieved; His heart was open as his hand to lend .A needed solace to a friend bereaved; Like loving maidens, we were wont for years Oft to embrace with kisses and with tears. His sun went down at noon — the time of all When fell Bereavement wields his keenest blade, You, who have felt its edge, may well recall The mortal hurt, the unhealing wound it made; Vain are our questionings that seek to scan The mysteries of a wise Creator’s plan. The world is full of joy — and full of grief; Half night, half day, fierce storm and blessed calm; The weary watching and the glad relief, Labor and rest, wounds and their healing balm; God from our search conceals His righteous will, And through the tempest whispers, “ Peace, be still ! ” xxxi * Carlton Edward Barstow, of Oswego, delivered the Class Valedictory in 1853, taught with marked suc- cess for several years, received the honorary degree of Master of Arts in 1865, was admitted to the bar and engaged in the practice of law in Adrian, Michigan, where he died of typhoid fever in 1866. XXX11 HISTORICAL SKETCH. And now with hearts refreshed, with love renewed, For every child our alma mater owns, With fervent thanks and lasting gratitude For this reception from her noble sons, — We turn to face again the toil and strife That mark the evening of each busy life. Be it our highest aim, our constant care, To wisely watch and mark the sun’s decline; Fulfil each trust, each burden nobly bear, Securely trusting in a Power divine; Then shall no vacant seat our absence prove From that re-union in the world above. Addresses, . by Wm. F. Phelps, ’45; Wm. M. Giffin, ’73; Abram P. Smith, ’53. Poem, “The Fountain of Youth,” by Amelia E. Daly Alden, ’68; read by Miss Ellen Bishop, ’75. Ponce de Leon, weary, rich and old, Heard joyfully the tale the Indians told Of that strange fountain in the forest dim, Whose limpid wave could give new life to him; And with his followers, for many a day He sailed from isle to isle, from bay to bay, In hope to find those waters, and restore His painful age to painless youth once more. But whether in the depth of virgin wood, Where the grim pine and solemn cypress stood, Or whether in the feir and sunny reach Of green savanna, or on sandy beach, He knelt to drink from many a sunless pool, Or quaff the bickering streamlet sweet and cool. His quest was vain ; the mystic fountain lies All undiscovered yet by mortal eyes. Ponce de Leon sleeps, and centuries Have drifted by upon the sunny seas Since, full of hope, he sailed from shore to shore, Then with a drooping heart the search gave o’er. We read the tale half pitying, and yet Is there not some faint, lingering regret That in the sunlight of this wiser age, We may not go on such a pilgrimage? Fain would we seek— yea, let us own the truth — Fain would we seek and find the fount of youth ! For silently and swiftly as the spheres In the great vault above us, glide our years ; And when, as now, we all together stand, Once more to take each other by the hand, We see with pain the sure and subtle trace Which time has left on many a well-loved face. We read the record of the fleeting years, The hieroglyphs of care and toil and tears, Of secret struggles and heart-wasting pain : “ Oh, could we have our careless youth again ! ” We sigh, remembering the golden past, When life was beautiful, and grand, and vast. Not all a fable was the story told Beside the Redman’s fire in days of old; From the innate, insatiate hungering HISTORICAL SKETCH. XXXI 11 Of human souls do all such legends spring. They are the voice of nature crying through The wilderness of time; in spirit they are true. The life-renewing fountain surely flows, Though from no earthly source its waters rise, And he may drink, and keep his youth, who knows To read the sorrow in another’s eyes, To cheer the lonely, and to change the sighs Of troubled hearts to breathings of repose; The starving soul with love and hope to feed, And give a hand in every brother’s need. For him there springs, of life itself a part, The fount of youth — a sympathizing heart. Parting Hymn, by Miss Mary C. Bennett, ’55. Melody: “Nearer My God to Thee.” Sadly the parting hour Soon will draw nigh. Joys, like the fragrant flower, Live but to die. If all our greetings be Joyous, and pure, and free, Blest will the parting be, E’en though we sigh. May we in wisdom’s ways Ever be found; In noble deeds our days Richly abound. If, when our lives are past, In Heav’n our homes be cast, “ Well done,” be heard at last, How blest the sound ! Father of truth and might Guide us in love, Safe to the realms of light, Thy home above. Then we ’ll again unite In songs of pure delight, In Heav’n, where all is bright, Rest in Thy love. Doxology. A business meeting was then held, at which President Waterbury spoke of the Alumni Memorial Window, and a resolution was unanimously passed that the window shall be constructed by the alumni. The following officers were elected for 1884 : Business Meeting. After the literary exercises, the business meeting of the alumni was held. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year : Judge A. P. Smith, ’53, President; W. D. Johnson, ’81, 1st Vice-President; John C. Bishop, ’50, 2d Vice-President; Charles C. Pierce, ’79, 3d Vice-President; Mrs. Orline O. Sutton Milliken, ’50, 4th Vice-President ; Sumner H. Babcock, ’77, Secretary ; William V. Jones, ’68, Treasurer ; Executive Committee, Levi Cass, ’49, E. A. Burt, ’81, Kate Stoneman, ’66, Mary A. McClelland, ’68. 5— d XXXIV HISTORICAL SKETCH. Hon. Wm. B. Ruggles offered a resolution of thanks to President Waterbury for the very complete historical acconnt of the school which he had pre- pared at the expense of much time and great labor, and which will remain one of the most valuable papers relating to the school. The following reso- lution was unanimously passed : That a committee of three be appointed by the chair to select a committee of one from each class to aid in securing funds for the Alumni Memorial Window which it is hereby resolved shall be presented by the alumni. The committee appointed consists of Edward P. Waterbury, ’49, Charles R. Abbot, ’48, and William M. Giffin, ’73. The following have been appointed as members of the Class Committee : 1845. William F. Phelps, A. M., Supt. Schools, Winona, Minn. 1846. Darwin G. Eaton, A. M., M. D., LL.D., Brooklyn, N. Y. 1846. Mrs. Mary E. Butler Hinckley, Geneva, N. Y. 1847. George L. Farnham, A. M., Prin. Nebraska State Normal School, Peru, Neb- 1847. Hof. Isaac B. Poucher, A. M., Normal School, Oswego, N. Y. 1848. Prof. James Johonnot, A. M., Princeton, N. J. 1848. Miss Mary K. Culbertson, Geneseo, N. Y. 1849. Levi Cass, A. M., Prin. P. S. No. 15, Albany, N. Y. 1849. Mrs. Frances A. Wood Shimer, Mt. Carroll, 111 . 1850. Rev. Andrew Parsons, Sharon Springs, N. Y. 1850. Rev. Daniel S. Gregory, A. M., D. D., LL.D., Pres. Lake Forest Univ., 111 . 1851. Amos M. Kellogg, A. M., editor “ School Journal,” N. Y. City. 1851. Philip Snyder, agricultural editor “The Press,” Philadelphia, Pa. 1852. Hon. Aug. G. S. Allis, Syracuse, N. Y. 1852. Charles H. Peck, A. M., State Botanist, Albany, N. Y. 1853. Wm. G. Brownson, M.A., M.D., New Canaan, Conn. 1853. Hon. Abram P. Smith, Cortland, N. Y. 1854. Rev. Alexander F. Dix, A. M., Union Springs, Tenn. 1854. Mrs. Meriba A. Babcock Kelly, Supt. Model Dept., S. N. S., Albany, N. Y. 1855. Prof. Albert N. Husted, A. M., Prof. Math., S. N. S., Albany, N. Y. 1855. Miss Emily A. Rice, Prin. Park Heights Sem., Ocean Grove, N. J. 1856. Hon. George R. Dean, Waverly, Iowa. 1856. Hon. David L. Keihle, State Supt. Education, St. Paul, Minn. 1857. Mrs. Rachel Hait Harris, City Hotel, Chicago, 111 . ■1857. Joseph G. Fox, A.M., C.E., Prof. Eng., La Fayette College, Easton, Pa. 1858. Miss Martha Roe, Faculty Normal School, Cortland, N. Y. 1858. Miss M. Frances Hendricks, Faculty, Normal School, Cortland, N. Y. 1859. Miss Ellen G. Revely, Prin. Normal School, Cleveland, O. 1859. Ralph S. Goodwin, M. D., Thomaston, Conn. 1860. Mrs. Susan Gilbert White, Fredonia, N. Y. 1860. Joseph P. Barnum, M. D., Dean Col. Pharmacy, Louisville, Ky. 1861. John J. McWilliams, P. O. Box 335, Buffalo, N. Y. 1861. Michael R. Cook, A. M., Prof. Metaphysics, State N. S., Emporia, Kansas. 1862. Alonzo Reed, A. M., care Clark & Maynard, publishers, N. Y. City. 1862. Alanson H. Green, A. M., Pol. Inst., Brooklyn, N. Y. 1863. Marcus A. Weed, Prin. P. S. No. 27, Brooklyn, N. Y. 1863. John D. Conley, A. M., Prof. Chem., Blackburn Univ., Carlinville, 111 . 1864. Archibald Grant, P. O. Box 68, Rochester, N. Y. 1864. Nelson Bogue, Batavia, N. Y. 1865. Almon Holland, Prin. P, S. No. 6, Albany, N. Y, HISTORICAL SKETCH. XXXV 1865. Miss Laura Marean, Prin. Washington School, St. Joseph, Mo. 1866. Miss Kate Stoneman, State Normal School, Albany, N. Y. 1866. Edward A. Bowser, LL.D., Prof. Math., Rutgers Col., New Brunswick, N. J. 1867. Mrs. Phoebe F. Moase Johnson, Clements, Cal. 1867. Calvin Patterson, A. M., Supt. Schools, Brooklyn, N. Y. 1868. Miss Mary A. McClellan, State Normal School, Albany, N. Y. 1868. W. V. Jones, A. M., Adj. Prof. Math., State Normal School, Albany, N. Y. 1869. Margaret M. Ray, Hillburn, N. Y. 1869. Henry E. Mereness, M. D., 712 Broadway, Albany, N. Y. 1870. Miss Josephine E. Seaman, State Normal School, Albany, N. Y. 1870. E. D. Clark, Gram. School 61, 3d ave. and 170th st., N. Y. City. 1871. Hon. John L. Johnson, Newark, N. J. 1871. Sherman Williams, Supt. Schools, Glens Falls, N. Y. 1872. Carlton M. Ritter, Prin. High School, Stockton, Cal. 1872. William B. Davidson, LL.B., Dobbs Ferrv, N. Y. 1873. Miss Caroline Bishop, Castile, N. Y. 1873. Elias B. Glen, East Albany, N. Y. 1874. Mrs. Olive B. Sturges Porter, P. O. Box 1112, Los Angeles, Cal. 1874. Hon. Jacob H. Mann, School Com’r, West Fulton, N. Y. 1875. Miss Anna A. Farrand, State Normal School, Albany, N. Y. 1875. Miss Ellen Bishop, State Normal School, Albany, N. Y. 1876. Hiram B. Wilkes, Prin. Un. S. and Acad., Bath-on-the-Hudson, N. Y. 1876. Erwin H. Schuyler, Minaville, N. Y. 1877. Prof. Sumner H. Babcock, State Normal School, Albany, N. Y. 1877. Miss Addie M. Wooden, Prin. Un. S., Cambridge, N. Y. 1878. Miss Alice U. Miller, Ballston Centre t N. Y. 1878. W. Charles Maben, Lexington, N. Y. 1879. Miss Martha Winne, Faculty State Normal School, Peru, Neb. 1879. Hon. James A. Foshay, School Com’r, Kent Cliff, N. Y. 1880. Charles H. Tyndall, A. B., Alton, N. Y. 1880. Remer H. Barringer, Prin. Liberty st. P. S., Rome, N. Y. 1881. George Babcock, Warnersville, N. Y. 1881. Mrs. M. Rosa McIntyre, Prin. South School, Omaha, Neb. 1882. Miss Edith R. Potts, Minaville, N. Y. 1882. Mrs. Jennie L. Young, Model Dept. State Normal School, Albany, N. Y. 1883. Miss Edith A. Horton, Peekskill, N. Y. 1883. Miss Efhe M. Fraats, State Normal School, Albany, N. Y. 1884. Miss Luella J. Clark, Willsboro Point, N. Y. 1884. Miss Ida M. Babcock, Laurens, N. Y. Edward P. Waterbury, ’49, Charles R. Abbot, ’48, and William M. Giffin, ’73, committee on the Alumni Memorial Window, have sent the fol- lowing circular to the Alumni : The Alumni Memorial Window. Dear Alumnus — The new building for the State Normal School, of which the ac- companying picture is a representation, is in process of erection. Located on Willett street, and fronting on the new and lovely Washington Park, its situation is superb as its design is beautiful. The building, complete and furnished, will cost about $175,000. The large Assembly Room, the position of which is indicated by the Great Window in the picture, is ninety feet long, fifty-eight feet wide, and forty feet high. The window will be fourteen and a quarter feet wide, and thirty-two and a half feet high, and will XXXVI HISTORICAL SKETCH. be the largest single window in this country. This description is from Ezra Prentice Treadwell, of Boston, Mass., who designs and executes it. The window is designed to represent the influence of education. The central motive, as presented in the five principal panels, is the development of mankind and of the arts and sciences as the result of education. The five divisions represent “the teacher and the scholar ” (in the central panel; the teacher having the idealized face of D. P. Page), surrounded by “ the painter and the sculptor,’’ “ the poet and the musician,” “ the orator and the scientist,” “ the narrator and the historian.” The figures are life size; dignity and character are given by the classic treatment of the figures, and by the suggestion of the Academy as a back-ground, while the tree of knowledge, the olive, overshadows the group, and white doves, emblems of peace, float above them. Filling the arch over this group are the “ marks,” hiero- glyphs, of the early printers, as Aldus, Caxton, Guttenburg, etc., thus symbolizing books, the great means for the advance of education. As a contrast, and recalling the Dark Ages, are the five groups forming the lower section of the window, representing Folly, Ignorance and Vice, surrounded by the fanatic and the warrior with their victim, the iconoclast, the ignorant and bigoted who martyr the saints. The window is to be executed in Mosaic of American colored glass, all the shadings of color in figures, faces and draperies being carefully painted on and burned into the glass, while the outline drawing will be entirely in lead. At the last Alumni Re-union, Dec. 27, 1883, at which there was an attendance of six hundred graduates, it was unanimously resolved that this window shall be known as the Alumni Memorial Window, to be presented by the graduates of forty years of the school, and thus be the gift of the living and of the dead. It is estimated that the sum of two dollars to ten dollars from each wishing to give for this purpose, will prove suffi- cient. It is desired that none give more than the latter sum. The undersigned were appointed a committee to present the subject to the Alumni. That the window may be ready in time, prompt response should be made. Letters containing contributions by check, postal note or order, or registered letter, may be addressed to E. P. Waterbury, Prest. S. N. S., Albany, N. Y., who will acknowledge receipt of the same. EDWARD P. WATERBURY, ’49, Ch’n and Treas. CHARLES R. ABBOT, ’48, WILLIAM M. GIFFIN, ’73, Albany, N. Y., Aug. 15, 1884. It is expected that the Great Assembly Room will contain also life-size portraits of those who have been members of the Executive Com- mittee, and of the former members of the Faculty. Many have been promised. Then the creators and benefactors of the school will be more than a mere name to the successive generations of students who will be educated within these walls. The Social Re-union. In the evening, all the rooms in the Normal building were lighted and thrown open and filled with visiting alumni. Each wore the year of gradu- ation on the breast. The registering was on year cards hanging around the reception room. In the chapel were short speeches, music and recitations, some delightfully given by Mrs. Emily A. Taylor Lyon, ’67. Where all seemed happy, delighted, she, accompanied by her devoted husband, HISTORICAL SKETCH. XXXV11 entered most fully into the enjoyment of the merry time ; surrounded by her classmates and her old pupils her eyes shone. Alas, how short was the time when, through the gates of agonizing pain, which she bore like an angel, she entered Paradise ! The vast collection of letters and photographs, from and of alumni, which had grown in the process of compiling this catalogue, had been by the Faculty sorted into bags and labelled by years. This great mail was given out, and the building was filled with groups of the different years, reading the news from classmates unseen and unheard of for many years. Some remained three and four days after Re- union to have time to read the letters. In the library of the new building will be fifty drawers, each for a year of the school ; these will contain all matters of interest to the alumni of the year which will be painted upon it. It is hoped that no alumnus will hereafter pass through Albany without stopping to examine the drawer be- longing to the class. Refreshments were served in Number Five, under the care and direc- tion of Professors Husted and Jones. The assembly gathered in the chapel and sang again, closing with Old Hundred ; farewells were said by old- new friends, and the Re-union, except in memory, was over. ■ • .. : . I . ' . • ' CATALOGUE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Hon. Samuel Young, LL.D., Superintendent of Common Schools and Chairman from June 20, 1844, until February 3, 1845. Hon. Nathaniel S. Benton, Superintendent of Common Schools and Chairman from February 3, 184^, until January 1, 1848. Hon. Christopher Morgan, Superintendent of Common Schools and Chairman from January 1, 1848, until January 1, 1852. Hon. Henry S. Randall, LL.D., Superintendent of Common Schools and Chairman from January 1, 1852, until January, 1854. Hon. Elias W. Leavenworth, Superintendent of Common Schools and Chairman from January 1, 1854, until April 4, 1854. Hon. Victor M. Rice, Superintendent of Public Instruction and Chairman from April 4, 1854, until April 4, 1857. Hon. Henry H. Van Dyck, Superintendent of Public Instruc- tion and Chairman from April 4, 1857, until his resignation, April 19, 1861. Emerson W. Keyes, Acting Superintendent of Public Instruc- tion and Chairman from April 19, 1861, until February 1, 1862. Hon. Victor M. Rice, Superintendent of Public Instruction and Chairman from February 1, 1862, until April 7, 1868. Hon. Abram B. Weaver, Superintendent of Public Instruction and Chairman from April 7, 1868, until April 7, 1874. Hon. Neil Gilmour, Superintendent of Public Instruction and Chairman from April 7, 1874, until April 7, 1883. Rev. W. H. Campbell, D. D., from June 1, 1844, until his resig- nation, July 10, 1851. Hon. William B. Ruggles, Superintendent of Public Instruc- tion and Chairman from April 7, 1883. 4 Francis Dwight, Esq., from June 1, 1844, until his decease, December 15, 1845. Hon. Gideon Hawley, LL.D., from June 1, 1844, until his resig- nation, October 22, 1852. Rev. Alonzo Potter, D. D., from June 1, 1844, until his resig- nation, October 11, 1845. Hon. Samuel Young, LL.D., from June 1, 1844, until his decease, 1849. Hon. Harmanus Bleecker, LL.D., from February 5, 1846, until his decease, July 20, 1849. Hon. Charles L. Austin, from September 12, 1849, until his decease, April 28, 1866. T. Romeyn Beck, M. D., LL.D., from December 2, 1850, until his decease, November 19, 1855. Hon. Franklin Townsend, from September 25, 1851, until his resignation, March 20, 1878. Hon. William W. Forsyth, from January 13, 1853, to his decease, August 26, 1854. Hon. Samuel H. Hammond, from September 9, 1854, until his resignation, March 5, 1857. Samuel B. Woolworth, LL.D., from January 27, 1856, until his decease, June 30, 1880. Hon. Robert H. Pruyn, LL.D., from March 5, 1857, until his resignation, September, 1862. Hon. John Y. L. Pruyn, LL.D., from February 5, 1863, until his resignation, July 7, 1874. Amos Dean, LL.D., from August 7, 1866, until his decease, Jan- uary 26, 1868. Prof. Jacob S. Mosher, Ph. D., M. D., from January 14, 1869, until his decease, August 13, 1883. Hon. Robert H. Pruyn, LL.D., from July 7, 1874, until his decease, February 26, 1882. Hon. Charles E. Smith, from March 20, 1878, until his resig- nation, July 31, 1881. David Murray, Ph. D., LL.D., from July 14, 1880. Edward P. Waterbury, A. M., Ph. D., from January 13, 1881, until his resignation, June 22, 1882. Hon. St. Clair McKelway, A. M., from January 10, 1883. Hon. Andrew S. Draper, from January 10, 1883. Robert L. Fryer, Esq., from Nov. 16, 1883. 5 SECRETARIES AND TREASURERS. Francis Dwight, Esq., Secretary and Treasurer from June 20, 1844, until his decease, December 15, 1845. Rev. W. H. Campbell, D. D., Secretary and Treasurer from December 18, 1845, until his resignation, July 10, 1851. T. Romeyn Beck, M. D., LL.D., Secretary and Treasurer from July 10, 1851, until his decease, November 19, 1855. Samuel B. Wool worth, LL.D., Secretary and Treasurer from January 20, 1856, until his decease, June 30, 1880. David Murray, Ph.D., LL.D., from July 14, 1880. FACULTY. David P. Page, A. M., Principal from December 13, 1844, until his decease, January 1, 1848. George R. Perkins, LL.D., Principal from January 1, 1848, until his resignation, July 8, 1852. Samuel B. Woolworth, LL.D., Principal from September 20, 1852, until his resignation, February 1, 1856. David H. Cochran, A. M., Ph. D., Principal from February 1, 1856, until his resignation, September 19, 1864. Oliver Arey, A. M., Principal from December 2, 1864, until his resignation, January 31, 1867. Joseph Alden, D. D., LL. D., President from April 24, 1867, until his resignation, June 22, 1882. Edward P. Waterbury, A. M., Ph. D., President from June 22, 1882. George R. Perkins, LL.D., Professor of Mathematics from Nov. 23, 1844, until his appointment as Principal, Jan. 1, 1848. Ferdinand I. Ilsley, Teacher of Vocal Music from Dec. 23, 1844, until his resignation, May 3, 1847. Jerome B. Howard, Teacher of Drawing from Dec. 23, 1844, until his resignation, Nov. 4, 1846. Merritt G. McKoon, A. M.,Prof. of Nat. Sciences, from March 15, 1845, until his resignation, June 9, 1845. 6 William F. Phelps, Permanent Teacher of Experimental School from Oct. 15, 1845, until his resignation, May 24, 1852. Sumner C. Webb, Librarian, Teacher of Arithmetic, etc., from Oct. 15, 1845, until his resignation, Sept., 1855. Silas T. Bowen, Teacher of Intellectual Philosophy, Grammar, Rhetoric, etc., from Oct. 15, 1845, until his resignation, Feb. 10, 1853. William W. Clark, A. M., Teacher of Natural Philosophy and Chemistry from Oct. 15, 1845, until his resignation, June 25, 1851. Elizabeth C. IIance, Teacher of Reading, Geography, etc., from Oct. 15, 1845, until her resignation, July 11, 1855. Darwin G. Eaton, Teacher of Physiology, Mathematics, etc., from Nov. 5, 1845, until his resignation, July 24, 1851. Ann Maria Ostrom, Teacher of Drawing, etc., from Nov. 4, 1846, until her resignation, July 8, 1852. Truman H. Bowen, Teacher of Vocal Music, Grammar, etc., from May 3, 1847, until his resignation, July 9, 1854. Samuel W. Johnson, Teacher of Natural Philosophy, Chemistry and Physiology from July 10, 1851, until his resignation, Feb. 11, 1852. John Felt, Jr., Teacher of Grammar and Algebra from Sept. 15, 1851, until his resignation, Feb. 2, 1854. James H. Salisbury, M. D., Teacher of Natural Philosophy, Chemistry aud Physiology from Feb. 12, 1852, until his resigna- tion, March 4, 1853. Louisa Ostrom, Teacher of History and Drawing from April 12, 1852, until her resignation, June 30, 1869. Amos M. Kellogg, Superintendent of Experimental School from May 24, 1852, until his resignation, Sept. 15, 1856. George W. Plympton, A. M., Professor of Mathematics, from Feb. 27, 1853, until his resignation, Nov. 28, 1855. Francis E. Dakin, A. M., Teacher of Natural Philosophy and Chemistry, from Sept. 19, 1853, until his resignation, Feb. 9, 1854. Ezra S. Carr, M. D., Professor of the Natural Sciences, from Feb. 27, 1854, until his resignation, April 21, 1854. Devolson Wood, Teacher of Algebra and Grammar, from Feb. 27, 1854, until his resignation, July 11, 1855. David H. Cochran, A. M., Ph. D., Professor of the Natural Sciences, from Sept. 18, 1854, until his appointment as Principal, Feb. 1, 1856. 7 Frederick S. Jewell, A. M., Professor of the English Lan- guage and Literature, from September 18, 1854, until his resigna- tion, August 7, 1868. Tully C. Estee, Teacher of Vocal Music and Grammar, from September 18, 1854, until his resignation, February 4, 1858. Albert N. Husted, Teacher of Arithmetic and Algebra, from September 17, 1855, until his resignation, July 10, 1862. Henrietta B. Hewes, Teacher of Elocution, from September 17, 1855, until her resignation, July 9, 1857. Emily A. Rice, Teacher of Arithmetic, from September 17, 1855, until her resignation, February 4, 1858. Charles Davies, LL.D., Professor of Mathematics, from No- vember 28, 1855, until his resignation, July 9, 1857. Rodney G. Kimball, A. B., Assistant Professor of Mathematics, from November 28, 1855, until his appointment as Professor of Ma- thematics, July 14, 1859. Edward F. B. Orton, A. M., Professor of the Natural Sciences, from April 1, 1856, until his resignation, July 14, 1859. Williams D. Huntley, A. M., Superintendent of Experimental School, from September 15, 1856, until his resignation, July 13, 1865. Mary E. Butler, Teacher of Geography and Reading, from July 9, 1857, until her resignation, January 26, 1870. George W. Plympton, A. M., Professor of Mathematics, from July 9, 1857, until his resignation, July 14, 1859. Ferdinand F. Muller, Teacher of Vocal Music, from February 4, 1858, until his resignation, July 11, 1861. Rodney G. Kimball, A. M., Professor of Mathematics, from July 14, 1859, until his resignation, July 10, 1862. Ambrose P. Kelsey, A. M., Professor of Natural Sciences, from July 14, 1859, until his resignation, July 11, 1861. Isaac W. Lake, Teacher of Arithmetic and Penmanship, from July 14, 1859, until his resignation, January 30, 1862. Ralph S. Goodwin, Teacher of Elocution and Geography, from September 14, 1860, until his resignation, January 29, 1863. LeRoy C. Cooley, A. M., Ph. D., Professor of Natural Sciences, from July 11, 1861, until his resignation, June 30, 1874. James M. North, Teacher of Vocal Music, from July 11, 1861, until his resignation, July 9, 1863. 8 Lydia K. Keyes, Superintendent of Primary School, from Feb- ruary 23, 1862, until her resignation, February 4, 1864. Charles D. Lawrence, Professor of Mathematics, from July 10, 1862, until his resignation, July 9, 1863. Mary E. Howell, Teacher of Arithmetic and Grammar, from September 15, 1862, until her resignation, February 1, 1866. Josiah T. Marean, Teacher of Algebra and Arithmetic, from February 24, 1863, until his resignation, November 4, 1864. Rodney G. Kimball, A. M., Professor of Mathematics, from Sep- tember 21, 1863, until his resignation, June 30, 1869. James E. Perring, Teacher of Vocal Music, from September 21, 1863, until his resignation, February 4, 1864. Thomas Spencer Lloyd, Teacher of Vocal Music, from February 4, 1864, until his resignation, September 8, 1869. Amanda P. Funnelle, Superintendent of Primary School, from April 11, 1864, until her resignation, November 19, 1866. Albert N. Husted, A. M., Teacher of Mathematics, from No- vember 4, 1864, until his appointment as Professor of Mathematics, July 12, 1869. JohnH. French, LL.D., Superintendent of Experimental School, from September 11, 1865, until his resignation, March 5, 1867. Sylvia J. Eastman, Assistant in Experimental Department, from September 11, 1865, until her resignation, February 1, 1866. Mary A. Ripley, Teacher of Arithmetic and Grammar, from February 29, 1866, until her resignation, July 12, 1866. Kate Stoneman, Teacher of Geography, Drawing and Penman ship, from August 28, 1866. Jennie Marlette, Assistant in Experimental Department, from December 5, 1866, until her resignation, April 22, 1867. Rebecca Jones, Principal of the Primary School, from Novem ber 19, 1866, until her resignation, April 22, 1868. Chauncey W. Allen, A. M., Superintendent of the Model School, from April 1, 1867, until his resignation, June 28, 1878. Rebecca Hand, Teacher in the Model School, from April 15, 1867, until her resignation, June 28, 1878. Emily A. Taylor, Teacher of Elocution and Ethics, from Octo- ber 14, 1867, until her resignation, July 2, 1873. Josephine B. Shaw, Teacher of English Grammar, from October 14, 1867, until her resignation, June 30, 1870. 9 Amelia E. Daley, Teacher of Rhetoric and English Literature, from January 29, 1868, until her resignation, January 25, 1876. Ella L. Keyes, Principal of the Primary School, from April 22, 1868, until her resignation, July 2, 1872. Elizabeth J. Gibson, Teacher in the Primary School, from Octo- ber 27, 1868, until her resignation, June 29, 1871. Albert N. Husted, A. M., Professor of Mathematics, from July 12, 1869. William Y. Jones, A. M., Teacher of Mathematics, from July 12, 1869, until his appointment as Adjunct Professor of Mathe- matics, January 28, 1876. Mary A. McClelland, Teacher of English Grammar and His- tory, from July 12, 1869. John B. Marsh, Teacher of Vocal Music, from September 8, 1869. Mary F. Hyde, Teacher of Arithmetic and Geometry, from January 25, 1870, until her resignation, September 28, 1882. Emma T. Wilkinson, Teacher in the Model School, from January 25, 1869, until her resignation, January 25, 1871. Josephine E. Seaman, Associate Teacher of Rhetoric and Eng- lish Grammar, from February 6, 1871, until her appointment as Teacher of English Literature and Composition, January 28, 1876. Florence J. Matteson, Assistant in Model School, from Feb- ruary 6, 1871, until her resignation, June 29, 1871. Ella C. Kirtland, Assistant in the Primary School, from June 29, 1871, until her appointment as Principal of the Primary School, July 2, 1872. Ella C. Kirtland, Principal of the Primary School, from July 2, 1872, until her resignation, June 30, 1874. Ella C. Van Sickle Teacher of Arithmetic and Algebra, from July 2, 1872, until her resignation, June 30, 1874. Caroline Bishop, Teacher of Elocution, from September 13, 1873, until her resignation, August 15, 1882. Anna A. Farrand, Teacher of Arithmetic and Algebra, from February 10, 1875. Joseph S. St. John, Teacher of Natural Science, from September 6, 1874, until his appointment as Professor of the Natural Sciences, January 28, 1876. William V. Jones, A. M., Adjunct Professor of Mathematics, from January 28, 1876. 10 Joseph S. St. John, A. M., Professor of the Natural Sciences, from January 28, 1876, until his decease, November 23, 1882. Mrs. Meriba A. B. Kelly, Superintendent of the Model School, from September 11, 1878. Ellen Bishop, Assistant in the Model School, from September 11, 1878, until her appointment as Teacher of Elocution, September 28, 1882. Mrs. Jennie L. Young, Assistant in the Model School, from Sep- tember, 28, 1882. Sumner H. Babcock, Professor of the Natural Sciences, from December 29, 1882. Ellen Bishop, Teacher of Elocution, from September 28, 1882. LADIES. Names. 1882. Carrie D. Abbott 1854. Harriet E. Abbott 1882. Jessie B. Abbott 1854. Julia Abbott 1879. Kittie F. Abbott 1865. Myra A. Abel 1855. Jane C. Ackerman 1857. Lucy A. Ackley 1857. Deborah L. Adams 1861. Emily R. Adams 1877. Imogene Adams 1877. Lucie Adams 1865. Sarah A. Adams 1868. Anna Agnew 1878. Frances Alden 1864. Annie M. Alexander 1872. Mary C. Alexander 1874. Mary W. Alexander 1872. Sarah A. Alexander 1865. Helen A. Alford 1874. Emma J. Alger 1854. Huldah A. Allen 1855. Kate M. Allen 1848. Maria C. Almy 1853. Charlotte M. Anderson. 1881. Ella F. Andrews 1853. Emelie A. Andrews 1868. Mary F. Andrews 1857. Orphana E. Andrews 1877. Harriet Angell 1880. Ida M. Antes Post Offices. Counties. Centre Brunswick. Rensselaer. Syracuse Onondaga. Centre Brunswick. Rensselaer. Hamburgh. Erie. Bath Rensselaer. Bath Steuben. Pillar Point Jefferson. Kinderhook Columbia. Albany Albany. Sherburne Chenango. Troy Rensselaer. Hamden Delaware. Marion Wayne. Ogdensburgh St. Lawrence. Smith’s Basin Washington. Albany Albany. Cedar Hill Albany. Bethleham Albany. Cedar Hill Albany. Buffalo Erie. Ames Montgomery. Schenectady Schenectady. Hudson Columbia. Hart’s Village Dutchess. Albany Albany. Yonkers W estchester. Albany Albany. Albany Albany. LaFayette Onondaga. Taberg Oneida. Plank Road Onondaga. 12 Names. 1868. Susan Anthony 1857. Mary E. Arms 1872. S. Elizabeth Arnold 1847. Margaret S. Arnout 1880. Emily Ashton 1872. Altana Atchinson 1880. Harriet L. Atchinson 1860. Esther E. Atkins 1854. M. Elizabeth Atwood.. 1882. Sarah F. Austin. 1867. Sarah C. Avery 1870. Sophie L. Avery 1872. Abbie Ayer 1853. Ellen B. Babbitt 1865. Anna L. Babcock 1852. Fanny A. Babcock 1854. Meriba A. Babcock 1855. Frances A. Bacon 1855. Helen M. Bacon 1878. Hattie C. Bagg 1847. Emily Bailey... 1881. Emma L. Bailey 1879. Isabella M. Bain 1880. Elizabeth J. Bake 1880. M. Alice Bake.. 1866. Amanda M. Baker 1849. Helen M. Baker 1860. Margaret C. Baker 1855. Amanda P. Baldwin 1854. Clara L. Baldwin 1852. Harriet E. Ball 1878. Henrietta A. Bancroft.. 1872. Jennie M. Bancroft 1849. Martha B. Bancroft 1868. Fannie Barclay 1864. Margaret L. BardwelL. 1847. Phebe A. Barnard 1871. Eva J. Barnes 1857. Harriet Barnes 1863. Helen S. Barnes 1850. Theresa A. Barnes 1856. Charity Barnett 1853. C. Louisa Barstow 1865. Helen J. Bartley 1873. Mattie L. Barrett 1848. Mary J. Bartoo 1862. Caroline A. Bassett Post Offices. Counties. Union Springs Cayuga. New York New York. Hartford ... Washington. New York. New York. E. Albany Rensselaer. Schoharie Corners . Schoharie. Jefferson Schoharie. Esopus Ulster. Albany Albany. Peekskill _ W estchester. Minaville . Montgomery. Windham Greene. North Greenbush. . Rensselaer. Syracuse . Onondaga. South Hampton Suffolk. Westford Otsego. De Kalb... St. Lawrence. Albany Albany. Albany . Albany. Greenbush Rensselaer. Utica Oneida. Coeymans Albany. Galway Saratoga. Spencertown Columbia. Spencer town Columbia. Corning Steuben. Albany Albany. Elmira Chemung. New York New York. Syracuse Onondaga. Alps Rensselaer. Troy Rensselaer. Troy.. Rensselaer. Weathersfield Wyoming. Nyack *_ Rockland. Albany Albany. Union Village Washington. Newark Valley Tioga. Galen W ayne. Munnsville Madison. Evans’ Mills J efferson. Stamford Delaware. Hannibal Oswego. Albany Albany. Fort Ann . W ashington. Water Valley Erie Gowanda Cattaraugus. O 13 Names. Post Offices. Counties. 1870. Helen J. Bassett Albany Albany. 1848. Mary E. Baum Central Square Oswego. 1857. Fanny Baxter Buffalo Erie. 1854. Amanda S. Beach Albany Albany. 1856. Mary M. Beach Cheektowaga Erie. 1846. Mary L. Beale Kinderhook Columbia. 1871. Mary E. H. Beals Mt. Vision Otsego. 1879. Carrie A. Beaty Salem Washington. 1868. Abby A. Beaty Salem Washington. 1853. Mary L. Beaty Greenwich Washington. 1871. Emma J. Becker. Cobleskill Schoharie. 1872. Martha J. Becker Cobleskill . Schoharie. 1872. Emma Beckwith Stissing Dutchess. 1874. Mary T. Beckwith Stissing Dutchess. 1855. Sarah B. Bedell Grand Island Erie. 1863. Rachel Bedford Monticello Sullivan. 1882. Carrie A. Beebe New Concord Columbia. 1875. Mirah H. Beebe Canaan Columbia. 1875. Nellie A. Beebe Canaan Columbia. 1857. Laura F. Beecher N. Broadalbin Fulton. 1872. Martha C. Beecher West Granville Washington. 1849. Susan E. Beecher Batavia Genesee. 1875. Rozilla Beers Chaseville Otsego. 1872. Frances E. Bell Bloomingburgh Sullivan. 1859. Amelia E. Beman Alden Erie. 1860. Mehetabell W. Bemis _ _ Auburn Cayuga. 1853. Sarah E. Bender Bethlehem Centre. Albany. 1879. Emma L. Benedict Clifton Park Saratoga. 1856. Polly M. Benedict Victory Cayuga. 1857. Ellen J. Benham Byron Genesee. 1868. Frances M. Benjamin _ _ South Otselic Chenango. 1859. Ann E. Bennett South Danby Tompkins. 1860. Anna Bennett Normanskill Albany. 1871. Carrie C. Benn.ett Albany Albany. 1880. Emma L. Bennett Auburn Cayuga. 1855. Esther Bennett South Danby Tompkins. 1878. Marion L. Bennett Newark Wayne. 1855. Mary C. Bennett Veteran Chemung. 1874. Hattie Bergh Breakabeen Schoharie. 1877. Fannie E. Best Niverville Columbia. 1854. Mary E. Best Kinderhook Columbia. 1875. Mary Betts West Laurens Otsego. 1870. Ella F. Bigelow Dannemora Clinton. 1851. L. Maria Bingham Van Buren Onondaga. 1852. Sarah A. Bingham Albany. Albany. 1857. Sarah M. Birch Amsterdam Montgomery. 1852. Sarah M. Birdsall Schenectady Schenectady. 14 Names. 1873. Caroline Bishop 1881. Carrie K. Bishop 1860. Electa R. Bishop 1875. Ellen Bishop 1866. Ettie E. Bishop 1866. Ella A. Blakeman 1860. Clarissa Blakely 1880. Julia E. Blakely 1860. Catharine E. Blauvelt.. 1855. Mary L. Bodwell 1879. Ella Boldry 1862. Laurentine L. Bonney_ 1850. Harriet Booth 1861. Theodora H. Bostwick_ 1860. Adalaide J. Bowen 1866. Helen M. Bowen 1854. Sarah T. Bowers 1860. Catharine A. Bowhay _ . 1877. Pattie E. Bowyer 1866. Henrietta Boyce 1863. Mary Boyd 1860. Sarah E. Boynton 1856. Caroline A. Brace 1856. Emma M. Brace 1869. Harriet C. Bradford 1871. S. Minnie Bradley 1854. Harriet N. Brand 1852. Mary L. Brand 1857. Sarah Bray 1872. Eunice E. Brayton 1862. Gertrude Brayton 1863. Mary A. Breese 1879. Elizabeth M. Brett 1869. H. Elizabeth Brewster, 1873. Carrie Foreman Bridge. 1882. Clara M. Briggs 1863. Frances L. Briggs 1857. Nancy E. Briggs 1880. Carrie L. Bristol 1855. Delia A. Bristol 1874. Tamma Bristol 1872. Agnes L. Bromley 1866. Frances M. Bromley 1852. Emma E. Brooks 1863. Ruth A. Brooks. 1854. Adaline M. Brown 1854. Agnes Brown Post Offices. Coanties. Castile Wyoming. Worcester Otsego. Oswego Oswego. Castile Wyoming. W arsaw Wyoming. Greenbush Rensselaer. Cohoes Albany. N. Bennington, Yt. Rensselaer. Blauveltville Rockland. Inverness Livingston. Green Island. Albany. Brownville Jefferson. Goshen Orange. Sandy Hill W ashington. Newport Herkimer. Aurora Cayuga. New York New York. Troy Rensselaer. Chestertown W arren. Dover Plains Dutchess. Albany Albany. McLean Tompkins. Sal in a Onondaga. Salina Onondaga. Crown Point Essex. Castile Wyoming. Van Buren Onondaga. Belle Isle Onondaga. Kinderhook Columbia. Hartford Washington. Geneseo Livingston. Horseheads Chemung. Albany Albany. W orcester ... Otsego. Leroy Genesee. Laurens Otsego. Coeymans Albany. Honeoye _ Ontario. W. Sandlake Rensselaer. Macedon Wayne. Amenia Dutchess. Albany Albany. Medina Orleans. Churchville Monroe. Moscow Livingston. Rutland Jefferson. Albany Albany. 15 Names. 1874. Agnes M. Brown 1873. Carrie F. Brown 1864. Helen S. Brown 1860. Harriet A. Brown 1857. Lilly Brown 1877. Jennie Stuart Brown 1875. Julia E. Brown 1870. Lydia H. Brown 1849. Mary Brown _ 1878. Mary A. Brown 1856. Matilda A. Brown 1855. Margaret J. Brown 1848. Ophelia Brown 1862. Phoebe Brown 1854. Sarah A. Brown 1877. Sarah F. Brown 1861. Sarah P. Brown 1865. Sophia E. Brown 1869. Florence E. Browne 1870. Florence G. Browne 1851. Catharine M. Brownell. 1858. Elvena C. Brownell 1882. Laura J. Brust 1866. Emily J. Bryant 1877. Belle Bryce 1882. Effie Russell Buck 1859. Margaret A. Buck 1882. Vi via Ada Buck 1877. Sarah A. Buchanan 1856. Mary Buckelew 1854. Sarah F. Buckelew 1864. Emma R. Budd 1848. Phoebe A. Budiong 1850. Lucy J. Bullock 1854. Hannah K. Bunuel 1875. Margaret E. Bunyan 1874. Mary Bunyan. ... 1858. Sarah A. Burb ridge 1878. Ida V. Burch 1853. Mary E. Burch 1861. Esther E. Burdick 1878. Mary E. Burke 1872. Clara D. Burnop 1863. Sarah Bur rage 1866. Ophelia A. Burroughs. _ 1863. Caroline F. Burrows 1848. Mary C. Burt Post Ofltces. Counties. Corinth Saratoga. Butternuts Otsego. Ludlowville Tompkins. Miller’s Place Suffolk. Albany Albany. Shushan . Washington. South Schodack . . Rensselaer. Schenectady Schenectady. Manchester Ontario. Kingsboro Fulton. Conquest Cayuga. Kenwood Albany. Oppenheim Fulton. Corinth Saratoga. Nun da Livingston. Albany Albany. Albany Albany. Canajoharie Montgomery. Bangall Dutchess. Troy Rensselaer. Schoharie Schoharie. Shutter’s Corners. Schoharie. Centre Brunswick. Rensselaer. New York New York. De Lansey Delaware. Crown Point Essex. Chemung Chemung. Crown Point Essex. Troy Rensselaer. Brooklyn Kings. Brooklyn . Kings. Constableville Lewis. Watertown Jefferson. Ellisburgh Jefferson. Canton J St. Lawrence, W est Charlton Saratoga. West Charlton Saratoga. Utica Oneida. West Albany Albany. Castle ton Rensselaer. Brewster’s Station. Putnam. Catskill Greene. Albany Albany. Hyde Park Dutchess. Vesper Onondaga. F redonia _ Chautauqua. Norway Herkimer. 16 Names. 1855. Celestine Burtis 1863. Lona E. Burton 1849. Harriet A. Bushnell 1880, Mary B. Buswell 1873. Elizabeth H. Buss 1847. Jane A. Butin. 1850. Georgianna L. Butler. . 1846. Mary E. Butler 1860. Esther L. Byrne 1859. Mary E. Byrne 1864. Ellen Byrnell 1873. Kate Byrnell 1878. Alice H. Cadman 1879. J. Florence Cady 1866. Anna Cain 1879. Josephine A. Cain 1861. Letitia J. W. Caldwell. 1872. Martha Calkins 1872. Mary Calkins 1872. Mary E. Callaghan 1873. Susie A. Callaghan 1857. Rachel A. Calverly 1882. Li via G. Cameron 1869. Maggie A. Campbell 1855. M. Louisa Campbell 1870. Augusta C. Capron 1865. Hannah M! Carey 1873. Sarah A. Carey 1868. Sarah R. Carey 1879. Ella M. Carhart 1851. Eleanor Carpenter.. 1868. Elizabeth Carpenter 1855. Emelie L. Carpenter 1855. Julia E. Carpenter 1873. M. Alice Carpenter. 1851. Marion O. Carpenter 1863. Amanda H. Carr 1879. Harriet A. Carr 1866. Julia A. Carr 1860. Rosa Carr. 1869. Phebe A. Carrier 1874. Elizabeth Carrick 1848. Hannah Carver 1858. Maria Cary 1870. Anna S. Caryl 1856. Lucy V. Case Post Offices. Counties. Hoosic Falls Rensselaer. Rodman Jefferson. Lexington Greene. West Troy Albany. Albany Albany. Fabius Onondaga. Hudson Columbia. Stockport Columbia. Lewiston Niagara. Lewiston , Niagara. Cooperstown . : Otsego. Cooperstown Otsego. Galway Saratoga. Ticonderoga Essex. Albany *. Albany. Whitehall W ashington. New York New York. Rock City Falls . . Saratoga. Rock City Falls.. Saratoga. Charlton Saratoga. Saratoga Springs . . Saratoga. Albany Albany. Albany Albany. Elgin Cattaraugus. Albany Albany. Broadalbin Fulton. Sloansville Schoharie. Albany Albany. Sloansville Schoharie. Coeymans Albany. Schodack Landing. Rensselaer. Syracuse Onondaga. Rochester Monroe. Rochester Monroe. Ausable Forks.. . . Essex. Brockport Monroe. Albany Albany. Saratoga Springs. . Saratoga. Albany Albany. Albany Albany. North Nassau Rensselaer. Albany Albany. Red Mills Putnam. Albany Albany. Central Bridge Schoharie. Rushville Yates. 17 Names. 1856. Margalia Case 1854. Phoebe A. Case 1876. Sarah E. Cash man 1871. M. Louisa Caskey 1876. Frances P. Cass 1876. Mattie J. Cass 1859. Ellen T. Cassidy 1879. Ida E. Castle 1857. Hannah Catlin 1845. Phoebe C. Cazier 1859. Frances Chadwick 1876. Mary J. Chalmers 1876. Sarah E. Chalmers 1867. Cynthia R. Chamberlain, 1853. Magdaline Chamberlain, 1853. M. Jane Chamberlain.. 1848. Sabrina A. Chamberlain, 1872. Sarah B. Chamberlin 1869. Anna M. Chapin 1876. Carrie A. Chapin 1874. Allie T. Chapman 1849. Eliza A. Chase. 1872. Lydia C. Chase 1871. Mary E. Chase 1880. Sarah J. Cham pine 1856. M. Ellen Chesebro 1856. Rosamond Chesebro 1848. Harriet E. Chichester.. 1860. Lucretia M. Chilcott 1855. Amelia A. Christie 1878. Ellen F. Chubb 1856. Caroline A. Church 1848. Frances C. Church 1856. Julia C. Church. 1869. Carrie R. Churchill 1873. Gussie I. Churchill 1848. Martha S. Clapp 1871. Jennie Clapperton 1877. Dora S. Clark 1854. Eliza M. Clark.. 1867. Eliza M. Clark 1852. Elizabeth Clark 1876. Elizabeth. Clark 1879. Emma M Clark 1851. Frances II. Clark 1861. Harriet A. Clark 1871. Helen M. Clark 2 Post Offices. Counties. Albany Albany. Middlesex Yates. West Troy Albany. Schodack Rensselaer. Decatur Otsego. Albany Albany. Albany Albany. Bath Rensselaer. Owego Tioga. Eaton Madison. Medusa Albany. Perth Centre Fulton. Galway Saratoga. Angelica _ Allegan v\ O wasco Lake Cayuga. O wasco Lake Cayuga. Virgil Corners Cortland. Saratoga Springs . . Saratoga. Albany Albany. Beekman Dutchess. South Amenia Dutchess. Williamson Wayne. Chatham Columbia. Chatham Columbia. Bath. Rensselaer. Guilderland Whitestown Owego East Hamburg Middlesex Schuylerville Fort Ann Rutland Fort Ann.. Albany Albany La Fayette Albany Vernon Schuylerville Albany Peekskill Albany. Oneida. Tioga. Erie. Y ates. Saratoga. Washington. Jefferson. Washington. Albany. Albany. Onondaga. Albany. Oneida. Saratoga. Albany. W estch ester. Rye Westchester. East Line Saratoga. Albany Albany. Albany Albany. Albany Albany. 18 Names. 1846. Julia B. Clark 1859. Josephine M. Clark 1862. Mary C. Clark 1869. Mary E. Clark 1868. Sarah E. Clark 1865. Josephine Clement 1877. Mary E. Cleveland 1881. Carrie F. Clifford 1869. Mary Clute 1849. Sarah A. Clute 1863. Emeline Cobb 1875. Mary E. Cobb 1870. Mary E. Cobb 1864. Clara L. Cochran 1867. Helen A. Cochran 1862. Mary F. Cock 1863. Anne E. Cock 1868. Ada Coe 1879. Minnie C. Coen 1881. Agnes E. Coffey 1850. Mary P. Coffin 1846. Elizabeth Cole 1851. Elizabeth S. Cole 1874. Frances M. Cole 1872. Jennie P. Cole 1879. Nettie Cole 1877. Helen A. C oleman 1850. Adaline E. Coley 1846. Jane Coley 1853. Julia Coley 1854. Julia Collier 1846. Ann J. Collins 1850. Elizabeth Qolwell 1876. Martha Colwell 1880. Emma Comeskey 1862. Anna A. Conde 1857. Catharine Conde 1860. Susan H. Conde 1849. Clara A. Cone 1874. Josephine C. Congdon__ 1851. Helen M. Conklin 1870. Maggie E. Conkling 1877. Almeda Cook 1852. Elizabeth Cook 1853. Mary E. Cook 1855. Sarah A. Cook 1856. Susan K. Cook 1879. Anna Cookingham Post Offices. Counties. Oswego Oswego. Albany Albany. North Chili Monroe. Sullivan Madison. Marcellus Onondaga. Albany Albany. Franklin Delaware. Troy Boad Albany. Guilderland Albany. Pavilion Genesee. Greenville Greene. Dunnings, Pa. Chautauqua. West Troy Albany. Springville Erie. Albany Albany. Glen Cove Queens. Glen Cove Queens. Haverstraw Bockland. Bond out Ulster. Southfields Orange. Chatham Columbia. Chenango Broome. Salisbury Herkimer. Schenevus Otsego. Schenevus Otsego. Galway Saratoga. Fort Ann W ashington. Albany Albany. Perinton Monroe. Albany Albany. Albany Albany. Thompson Sullivan. Friendship Allegany. Fishkill Plains Dutchess. Tappan Bockland. Gates Orleans. Glenville Schenectady. Schenectady Schenectady. Albany Albany. Beekmansville Dutchess. Duanesburgh Schenectady. So nth old Suffolk. Ancram Columbia. Albany Albany. La Fayette Onondaga. Albany Albany. Bochester Monroe. Staatsburgh Dutchess. 19 Names. 1858. Ann M. Cooney 1853. Sarah A. Coonley 1856. Matilda S. Cooper 1859. Fleta F. Copp 1876. Annie L. Corbett 1874. Jennie T. Corbett 1846. Mary Cornwell 1847. Emily S. Corwin 1863. Hattie Coryell 1881. Maggie B. Costello 1857. Anna Courtney 1861. Anna M. Courtney 1858. Elizabeth Courtney 1861. Sarah Courtney 1846. Julia A. Covil 1859. Jane Cowieson 1847. Susan M. Cox 1873. Marietta Craft 1871. Ada Craig 1851. Sarah M. Craig 1878. Emma K. Cramer 1849. Bethania Crandall 1846. Lucy E. Crandall 1862. Euretta Crannel 1854. Mary Crapo 1872. Edith Crary 1853. Esther D. Crary 1870. Mary Crary 1872. Nancy R. Crary 1860. Adaline L. Crawford 1865. Annie E. Crist 1882. Mary T. Crofts 1853. Mary H. Crosby 1845. Nancy Cross 1854. Mary E. Crounse 1880. Ella Cruikshank 1874. Ermina F. Crumb 1851. Mary E. Crumb 1848. Mary K. Culbertson 1877. Jennie Frank Cullen 1882. Katie A. Cullen 1881. Lizzie Cullum 1865. H. Frances Cummings. _ 1851. Phebe Cummings 1872. Ellen Curry 1846. S. Maria Dady 1856. Frances A. Dake Post Offices. Counties. Albany Albany. Bethlehem Centre. Albany. Orange Rockland Eden Erie. Albany Albany. Albany Albany. New Lebanon Columbia. Gloversville F ulton. Townsend Schuyler. West Troy Albany. Albany Albany. Albany Albany. Albany Albany. Albany _ Albany. Fabius Onondaga. Albany Albany/ Onondaga Hollow. Onondaga. Jefferson Schoharie. St. Johnsville Montgomery. Albany Albany. Sloansville Schoharie. Cortlandville Cortland. Bridgewater Oneida. Albany Albany. Albany Albany. Knox Albany. Knox Albany. Knox Albany. Knox Albany. Parish Oswego. Montgomery Orange. Newton ville Albany. Spencerport Monroe. Seward Schoharie. Knowersville Albany. Salem W ashington. Peekskill Westchester. Cedar Hill Albany. Groveland Livingston. Albany Albany. Albany Albany. Sag Harbor Suffolk. North Chili Monroe. Milford Otsego. Red Mills Putnam. Homer Cortland Middle Grove Saratoga. 20 Names. 1875. Sarah T. Dakin 1868. Amelia E. Daly 1868. M. Juliet Danforth 1857. Mary J. Daniel 1860. R. Anna Danks 1878. Kate Darcy 1861. Jenny L. Darling 1856. Sarah E. Darling 1860. S. Olivia Dart 1877. Mary E. Darrow 1871. Hattie E. Davidson 1856. Martha J. Davidson 1873. Martha E. Davidson 1854. Emeline C. Davies 1854. Betsy H. Davis 1858. Elizabeth G. Davis 1876. Emma W. Davison 1869. Kate E. Day. 1855. C. Jane Dayton 1853. Jennie B. Dayton 1862. Jennette E. Dayton 1870. Anna S. Deacon 1870. Louise J. Dearstyne 1871. Frances M. Decker 1877. Ellen A. Deevey 1879. Lena B. Deitz 1857. Orrea W. Dempster 1848. Sarah A. Dempster 1859. Mary Denham 1851. Clarissa A. Denike 1863. Fannie Dennington 1881. Sarah L. Dennis 1856. Candace Dennison 1853. Elizabeth B. Densmore. 1853. Frances A. Denton 1854. Electa E. Dewey 1875. Frances E. Dewey 1873. Louise Dewey 1864. Helen B. Dickinson 1863. Harriette S. Dickinson _ 1855. Eleanor F. Dickson 1858. Eliza Dickson. 1852. Hannah M. Dickson 1857. Jane A. Dickson 1862. Minerva Dickson 1851. Anna E. Dillow 1864. Harriet E. Distin Post Offices. Counties. Amenia City Dutchess. Tompkinsville Richmond. Clarkson _ Monroe. Albany Albany. Watertown Jefferson. Highland Falls Orange. Warsaw Wyoming. Brookhaven Suffolk. Niagara Falls Niagara. Hebron Washington. La Grangeville Dutchess. Batavia Genesee. Addison Steuben. New York New York. Pultneyville W ayne. Albany Albany. Albany Albany. New York. New York. Stony Creek W arren. Easthampton Suffolk. Kasoag Osu ego. Wappinger’s Falls, Dutchess. Bath Rensselaer. South Livonia Livingston. Albany Albany. Schoharie Schoharie. Houndsfield J efierson. Kingsboro Fulton. Buffalo Erie. Brooklyn Kings. Clyde Wayne. Whitehall Washington. Albany Albany. Manchest’r Centre, Ontario. Wurtsboro Sullivan. Lexington Greene. Fort Ann Washington. Central Bridge Schoharie. Cleveland Oswego. Alexander Genesee. Albany Albany. Albany Albany. West Bloomfield.. Ontario. Albany _ Albany. Steadman Chautauqua. Albany Albany. Fulton Oswego. 21 Names. 1854. Frances Y. Dix 1853. Harriet M. Dixon 1860. Ellen W. Dobbs 1880. Kate B. Dobbs 1878. Ella J. Dodge 1859. Margaret L. Don 1864. Mary J. Don 1870. Lucie A. Donahue 1872. Hattie Donaldson 1860. Mary A. Donegan 1870. Mary A. Donnelly 1867. Anna M. Donohue 1852. Mary J. Dorman 1881. Julia S. Downer,. 1856. Mary C. Dresser 1870. Anna M. Dubois 1861. Letitia G. Dugane 1872. Mary E. Dumont 1881. H. Adaline Duncan 1873. Annie S. Dunham 1881. Delia L. Dunn 1876. Kate A. Dunn 1880. Matilda Dunn 1852. Eliza J. Dunster 1846. Sarah Durfee 1862. Helene L. Duryee 1880. Elgiva Dusenbury 1862. Annette L. Dye 1856. Amelia A. Dyer 1852. Mary A. Earll 1850. Chloe M. Eaton 1849. Emeline C. Eaton 1879. Charlotte E. Edmonds. . 1875. Cora B. Edson.. 1854. Antoinette Edwards 1858. Susan A. Edwards 1860. Katharine M. Eldred 1880. Mary E. Eldredge 1850. Mary A. Elmore 1874. Jennie E. Elton 1873. Helen L. Emerson 1879. Annie Emigh 1868. Kate Emigh 1872. Mary Emigh 1878. Lizzie J. Emmett 1855. Elizabeth B. Ensign 1869. Hattie Erwin Post Offices Counties, Newfane Niagara. Albany Albany. Albany Albany. Albany Albany. Berlin Rensselaer. Albany Albany Albany Albany. Saugerties Ulster. West Sandlake Rensselaer. Verplanck’s Westchester West Troy Albany. Saugerties _ Ulster. Geneva Ontario. Trenton Oneida. Preble . Cortland. Rosendale Ulster. Sterling . Cayuga. N. Greenbush Rensselaer. Saratoga Springs. _ Saratoga. Saratoga Springs. _ Saratoga. Albany Albany. Albany Albany. Albany Albany. Albany Albany. Palmyra Wayne. Schenectady Schenectady. Poughkeepsie Dutchess. Forestville Chautauqua. Albany Albany. Liverpool Onondaga. Pierrepont Manor. J efferson. Perriuton Monroe. Rondout Ulster. Albany Albany. Glen Montgomery Wilna Jefferson. Auburn Cayuga. Cambridge Washington. Albany Albany. Hall’s Corners Ontario. Saratoga Springs. . Saratoga. Poughkeepsie Dutchess. Fish kill Village... Dutchess. Freedom Plains Dutchess. Castile Wyoming. North Ridgeway.. Orleans. Albany Albany. 22 Names. ;Post Offices. Counties. 1856. Lucy H. Estabrook Ballston Spa Saratoga. 1848. Lois U. Estee Hamburg Erie. 1860. Emily Evans Albany Albany. 1848. Sarah E, Evans Bainb ridge Chenango. 1868. Libbie S. Ewing Albany Albany. 3 858. Mary J. Fairman Medina Orleans. 1859. Leonora Farnham Albany Albany. 1850. Caroline A. Farr Albany Albany. 1875. Anna A. Farrand Goshen Orange. 1857. Frances J. Farrington.. La Fayette Onondaga. 1858. Martha Fearey Albany Albany. 1856. Sarah P. Fearey Albany Albany. 1869. Hannah M. E. Feeny . . Stapleton Richmond. 1875. Celia S. Fellows Albany .... Albany. 1847. Eineline J. Fenn Davenport Delaware. 1858. Christina Ferguson Albany • Albany. 1869. Louise J. Ferguson East Springfield .. Otsego. 1870. Ole via Ferguson Greenbush Rensselaer. 1869. Henrietta Ferrell Greenbush Rensselaer. 1861. Julia C. Ferris Auburn . _ . Cayuga. 1867. Philinda L. Ferry Georgetown Madison. 1876. Anna A. Field Mt. Vision Otsego. 1870. Viletta S. Field Albany Albany. 1860. Adelia M. Fielde South Rutland Jefferson. 1865. Emily C. Filkins Alabama Genesee. 1849. Marv A. Fillmore Buffalo Erie. 1854. Cornelia M. Fitch Nun da Livingston. 1862. Eliza J. Fitch- . New Salem Albany. 1861. Harriet Fitch New Salem Albany. 1882. Maggie Fitzgerald Galway Saratoga. 1857. Mary E. Fitzgerald. Goshen Orange. 1861. Sarah S. Flewellin York town Westchester. 1876. Matilda W. Fling Potsdam St. Lawrence. 1869. Nettie Follette Schenevus Otsego. 1859. Mary J. Fonda Mechanicsville Saratoga. 1854. Mary A. Ford Hoosick Falls Rensselaer. 1857. Henrietta L. Forman New York New York. 1875. Sarah E. Forsyth West Troy Rensselaer. 1872. Libbie Fort v. New Scotland Albany. 1877. Phqebe I. Fort Albany Albany.. 1871. Rosetta A. Fort New Scotland Albany. 1870. Kate M. Foster Burnt Hills Saratoga. 1850. Philana A. Foster Perrinton . Monroe. 1859. Rose P. Foster Lyons Wayne. 1846. Sarah E. Foster Sing Sing W estchester. 1848. Sarah T. Foster Rochester Monroe. 1856. Anna M. Fowler Skaneateles Onondaga. 23 Names. 1853. Mary A. Fox 1855. Julia A. Fravor 1852. Ellen M. Freeman 1861. Mary Y. Freeman 1861. Sarah F. Freleigh 1873. Emma L. French 1849. Ellen P. Frisbee 1850. Rebecca Frisby _ _ 1853. Jennie Fry 1854. Cornelia H. Gaige 1857. Lydia H. Gale__ 1859. Margaret Gallup 1867. Eugenie Ga Nun 1854. Anna M. Gardiner 1860. Elizabeth B. Gardiner. _ 1859. H. Thankful Gardiner. _ 1867. Anna E. Gardner 1880, Kate M. Garrison 1870. Anna Gartlette 1870. Nancy P. Gates.,... 1874. Addie M. Gaylord _ 1853. Cornelia A. Germond __ 1871. Mary E. Gernon 1868. Sarah F. Gerow 1868. Elizabeth J. Gibson 1878. Eugenia Gibson 1861. Sarah E. Gibson 1847. Cornelia E. Gifford 1863. Europa D. Gifford 1859. Christina H. Gilbert . . _ 1860. Susan Gilbert 1863. Frances A. Gilborn 1865. Rosetta Gildersleeve 1856. Bessie S. Gill 1880. Mary A. Gillespie 1861. Harriet E. Gillette lfc65. Kate A. Gillogly 1869. Mary J. Ginn 1864. Lydia J. Gladding 1870. Elizabeth F. Glen 1882. M. Jennie Glover 1862. Amelia Gomph 1853. Mary E. Goodell 1846. Catharine M. Goodman . 1878. Emma D. Goodrich 1875. Phcbe Gordon 1875. Mary Louise Gorham .. “Post Offices. Counties. Athens Greene. Albany Albany. Knoxville Albany. East Hamburgh _ . Erie. Watervliet Albany. Athens Greene. Albany Albany. Williamsburgh Kings. Chemung Chemung. Duanesburgh Schenectady. Watervliet Albany. East Berne Albany. Croton Falls W estchester. Albany Albany. Charlton Saratoga. Silver Creek Chautauqua. Barryville Sullivan. Stapleton Richmond. New York New York. Coxsackie _ Greene. Stamford .... Delaware. Barton Hill Schoharie. Philmont Columbia. Plattekill Ulster. Brooklyn Kings. Mongaup Valley . _ Sullivan. Albany Albany. Albany Albany. Easton W ashington. Fredonia Chautauqua. Fredonia . Chautauqua. Ballston Spa Saratoga. Hempstead Queens. Henderson Jefferson. Dobbs Ferry W estchester. North East Dutchess. Lancaster Erie. Albany Albany. W atefville Oneida. Albany Albany. Clyde Wayne. Albany Albany. Yonkers Westchester. Bolton Warren. W. Davenport Delaware. Cuddebackville Orange. Mt. Kisco . W estchester. 24 Names. Post Offices. 1864. Lucy A. Goring Wappinger’s Falls. 1854. Harriet Gorsline Phelps 1866. Harriet Gould Geneseo 1863. Jane H. Gourlie... Albany 1865. Maria C. Gourlie Putnam 1874. Huldah A. Grant Delhi 1864. Mary A. Grant Caroline Centre 1876. Lizzie M. Graves East Clarence 1863. Emma H. Gray Armonk 1880. Jennie M. Greene Albany 1865. Maria Greene Honeoye 1864. Adrianna L. Gregory . _ Napanock 1857. Antoinette Gregory Sand Lake 1849. Cinderella M. Gregory . Naples 1879. Mary Grey. Kenwood 1876. Amelia Griffin Cold Spring 1863. A rrietta L. Griffin Albany 1847. Catharine M. Griffin New York 1871. M. Eleanor Griffin Wing Station 1876. Olivia A. Griffin Dover Plains 1877. Eliza E. Grilling Shelter Island 1879. Ida Griffiths Poughkeepsie 1866. Florence E. Griggs Fleming 1863. Sarah C. Griffeth Western 1863. Ella P. Griswold Little Falls 1858. Marcia J. Groot. Minaville 1847. Sarah A. Gue Farmington 1849. Melinda Guernsey Ballston..: 1852. Elizabeth Guffin Carlisle 1854. Sarah C. Guffin Carlisle 1856, Charlotte A. Haight ... Croton Point 1872. Maude A. Haight Little Best 1872. Susie A. Haight Little Best 1857. Bachel A. Hait__ Virgil 1851. Celia A. Hall Syracuse 1868, Harriet Hall Port Jervis 1866. Helen Hall Guilderland 1880. Minnie B. Hall Verbank 1878. Mary A. Hallcnbeck West Gienville 1882. Jane F. Hallock. Glen Cove 1877. Ella L. Ham Bath.. 1880. Irena L. Ham Valatie 1875. Gertrude Hamburger Albany 1855. Anna M. Hamilton Albany 1848. Mary Hamilton Waterford 1859. Abbie Hamlin Greenbush 1871. Jerusha W. Halsey East Chester Counties. Dutchess. Ontario. Livingston. Albany. Washington. Delaware. Tompkins. Erie. W estchester. Albany. Ontario. Ulster. Bensselaer. Ontario. Albany. Putnam. Albany. New York. Dutchess. Dutchess. Suffolk. Dutchess. Cayuga. Schuyler. Herkimer. Montgomery Ontario. Saratoga. Schoharie. Schoharie. Westchester. Dutchess. Dutchess. Cortland. Onondaga. Orange. Albany. Dutchess. Schenectady Queens. Bensselaer. Columbia. Albany. Albany. Saratoga. Bensselaer. Westchester 25 Names. 1882. Maria Y. Hampson 1845. Elizabeth C. Hance 1881. Carrie L. Hand 1874. Ida E. Hand 1858. Rebecca Hand 1873. Mary Matilda Hanna 1872. Dora C. Hanoi*. 1871. Henrietta Hans 1871. Anna E. Hanson 1859. Lucy L. Hard 1847. Marcia L. Hard 1869. Alice Harder 1872. Josephine R. Hardy 1853. Sarah K. Hare 1861. Phebe M. Hargraves 1857. Julia A. C. Harmon 1866. Emily Harper 1855. Frances L. Harrington . 1870. Mary E. Harrington 1847. Clarissa Harris 1869. Allene Hart 1878. Fannie L. Hart 1853. Sarah M. Hart 1870. Amelia A. Haskell 1845. Frances M. Hastings 1856. Elizabeth R. Haswell 1855. Eliza M. Hatch 1859. Melicent J. Hatch 1846. Elizabeth Hatfield 1853. Mary A. Hatfield 1855. Mary J. Hatfield 1874. Mary E. Ilawkes 1848. Anna J. Hawley 1870. Mary A. Hawley 1863. Caroline Y. Hawthorne. 1869. Lucinda Hawthorne 1863. Martha A Hay 1864. Madaline Hayden 1875. Maggie Felicia Hayes .. 1880. Ida M. Hayner 1871. Anna C. Haynes 1869. Lois J. Haynes 1851. Susan S. Hazard 1862. Kate J. Heath 1849. Letitia M. Hebard 1858. M. Frances Hendrick __ 1861. Susan A. Hendrickson. Post Offices. Counties.* Yonkers Westchester. Williamson Wayne. Spencertown Columbia. Albany Albany. Palatine Bridge Fulton. Brooklyn Kings. Schenevus Otsego. Albany Albany. Albany Albany. Hunter Greene. Hunter Greene. Cobleskill Schoharie. Groveland, Mass.. Essex. Strykersville Wyoming Iveeseville Essex. Glenville Schenectady. Greenbush Rensselaer. Rushville _ Yates. Little Utica Onondaga. Portland Chautauqua. Shrub Oak Westchester. Stillwater Saratoga. Kirkland , Oneida. Austerlitz Columbia. Deerfield Oneida. West Township Albany. Oswego Oswego. Monticello Sullivan. Macedon Wayne. Hudson Columbia. Mount Pleasant Westchester. Ballston Spa Saratoga. Caldwell Warren. Albany Albany. Hinmanville Oswego. Shushan Washington. Potter’s Hollow Albany. Syracuse Onondaga. Albany Albany. Haynerville Rensselaer. Big Hollow Greene. Big Hollow Greene. Newburgh Orange. Catskill Greene. Attica Centre Wyoming. Qlyde Wayne. Cedar Swamp Queens. 26 Names. Post Offices. 1876. Maggie E. Hennessy Glenmore__ 1855. Alice J. Hepinstall Albany 1865. Jane S. F. Hepinstall _ . Albany 1852. Martha Hepinstall Albany 1878. Annie M. Heron Green Island 1867. Margaret J. Herring Moscow 1866. Victoria M. Herring Moscow 1856. Mary E. Herrington Perrinton _ 1855. Harriet J. Heustis White Plains 1855. Sarah A. Henstis White Plains 1858. Josephine R. Hewes Medina 1867. Sarah E. Hewitt Saratoga Springs _ 1858. Clara S. Hickok. Rochester 1851. Eliza A. Hicks Oriskany Falls 1881. Marietta Hitchcock Wadham’s Mills . _ 1870. Libbie A. Hick Mt. Vernon 1877. Mira Adelle Higley Port Byron 1871. Maria E. Higley Hartford 1846. Charlotte D. Hill Owego 1879. Laura G. Hill Garnerville 1862. Kate M. Hiller Roslyn 1849. Emma C. Hillhouse Rochester 1847. Margaret A. Hillman Albany 1874. Kia Hilts Breakabeen 1857. Rebecca I. Hindman Albany 1866. Ruth B. Hine Rochester 1849. Lavanda M. Hinds Otsego 1860. Cordelia A. Hines Evans’ Mills 1852. Louisa A. Hiscock Rochester 1861. Lydia V. Hoag. Keeseville 1869. Louise J. Hoare White Stone 1860. Pamelia A. Hobbs Niverville 1880. M. Libbie Hockbridge. . Bath 1868. Elsie M. Hodge Ames 1871. Lottie T. Hoffnagle Willsborough 1863. Catharine E. Hogan Albany . 1847. Jane A. Holbrook Lima 1880. Mary Holloway Meredith 1868. Elizabeth K. Holmes Albany 1860. Isabella D. Holmes Albany 1876. Mary S. Hornby Poughkeepsie 1859. Caroline S. Horton Blooming Grove . . 1872. Clara A. Horton Albany 1874. Emma Horton Dansville 1863. Mary A. Horton Newburgh 1848. Flora E. Hosford Geneseo 1875. Sarah J. Houston Ausablc Forks Counties. Oneida. Albany. Albany. Albany. Albany. Livingston. Livingston. Monroe. Westchester. Westchester. Orleans. Saratoga. Monroe. Oneida. Essex. Westchester. Cayuga. Washington. Tioga. Rockland. Queens. Monroe. Albany. Schoharie. Albany. Monroe. Otsego. Jefferson. Monroe. Essex. Queens. Columbia. Rensselaer. Montgomery. Essex. Albany. Livingston. Delaware. Albany. Albany. Dutchess. Orange. Albany. Livingston. Orange. Livingston. Clinton. 27 Names. Post Offices. 1847. Emeline D. Howard Perry Centre 1863. Josephine Howard Brooklyn 1856. Mary E. Howard . Albany 1853. Mary T. Howe Ludlowville 1857. Mary E. Howell Blooming Grove.. 1873. Malvina F. Howes Brewster Station.. 1868. Susan Hoxie Spring-port 1865. Amelia Hoyt . _ Bedford 1853. Almira Hoyt North Chatham — 1850. Isabella G. Hoyt Catskill 1868. Louisa Hoyte Grosvenor’s Corners 1862. Martha M. Hubbard — Caton 1856. Mary A. Hubbell Mount Kisko 1879. Eliza Hudson West Sandlake 1852. Anna A. Hughes Albany 1864. Julia E. Hughes Carey 1874. Mary E. Hughes Hartford 1878. Susan A. Hulett Putnam 1855. Brenda O. Hull Black Rock ... 1880. Louise A. Hull Durham 1859. Fanny M. Hulse Monroe 1850. Jane Ann Humphrey .. Kortright 1865. Mary Hungerford Peteiboro 1861. Charlotte A. Hunt Chappaqua 1855. Elizabeth E. Hunt Schaghticoke Pt.__ 1854. Cornelia W. Huntington Buffalo 1861. Sarah B. Huntington Minetto 1869. Annie L. Huntley Bridport, Vt 1846. Annah Minerva Hurd . . Roy alt on 1848. Jane E. Hutchins Waterford 1853. Susan T. Hutchinson Williamsville 1864. Helen E. Hutton Malone 1873. Addie E. Hyde Hartwick _ _ 1863. Margarette Hyde Poughkeepsie 1869. Mary F. Hyde Whitney’s Point 1878. Fanny M. Hyde Whitney’s Point 1880. Anna M. Ingalls Milford 1853. Eliza C. Ingersoll Hunter 1873. Harriet C. Ingersoll Austerlitz 1875. Mary Carrie Ingersoll. . Austerlitz 1848. Mary J. Ingersoll Pulaski 1860. Emily L. Irish Van Buren Center. 1847. Maria L. Isham. Watertown 1858. Anna Jackson Broadalbin 1860. Jemima Jackson Albany 1864. Susan H. Jackson Brooklyn 1863. Emmer E. Jarvis Schuyler’s Lake .. Counties. Wyoming. Kings. Albany. Tompkins. Orange. Putnam. Cayuga. Westchester. Columbia. Greene. Schoharie. Steuben. W estchester. Rensselaer. Albany. Genesee. Washington. Washington. Erie. Greene. Orange. Delaware. Madison. W estchester. Rensselaer. Erie. Oswego. Essex. Niagara. Saratoga. Erie. Franklin. Otsego. Dutchess. Broome. Broome. Otsego. Greene. Columbia. Columbia. Oswego. Onondaga. J efferson. Fulton. Albany. Kings. Otsego. 28 Names. ' 1848. Cornelia Jenison 1848. H. Emily Jenks 1846. S. Almira Jenner 1866. Jane J. Jewell 1846. Cornelia M. Johnson 1874. Ella L. Johnson 1847. Frances J. Johnson 1881. Ida L. Johnson 1879. Libbie J. Johnson 1858. M. Frances Johnson 1865. Abbie S. Jones 1868. Adaline Jones 1856. Caroline Jones 1849. Clara L. Jones 1861. Elizabeth Jones 1847. Emily E. Jones 1861. Gertrude Jones 1875. Hannah Eliza Jones 1856. Harriet Jones 1865. Mary A. Jones 1857. M. Celia Jones 1848. Melinda C. Jones. 1875. Mildred E. Jones 1875. Rose Linda J ones 1846. Semantha Jones 1853. Susan P. Jones 1858. Mary L. Jordan 1882. Minnie H. Joyce 1881. Caroline A. Kaiser 1864. Sarah W. Keeler 1882. Jessie L. Keesler 1848. Delia S. Kellogg 1854. Julia E. Kennedy 1877. Margaret Kenwill 1876. Sarah Keppel 1872. Cassie A. Ketcham 1867. Ella L. Keyes 1854. Lydia K. Keyes 1863. Mary E. Kil lip 1855. Mary A. King 1882. Frankie E. Kincaid 1865. Emma Kingsbury 1869. Elizabeth S. Kinney 1849. Hannah B. Kinney 1858. Louisa Kirkland 1871. Ella C. Kirtland 1865. Mary M. P. Kline Post Offices. Counties. Canton St. Lawrence. Amenia Union Dutchess. New York New York. Machias Cattaraugus. Champion J efferson. West Troy Albany. Northumberland __ Saratoga. Spring Valley Rockland. Bethlehem Centre _ Albany. Saratoga Springs. . Saratoga. Randolph Cattaraugus. Constableville Lewis. Fonda Montgomery. Middleburgh Schoharie. Albany Albany. New Lebanon Columbia. Miller’s Place Suffolk. Kortright. Delaware. Fonda _ _ Montgomery. Utica Oneida. Charlton Saratoga. Clyde W ayne. Harrisburgh Lewis. Kortright Delaware. N. Stephentown . . Rensselaer. Hagaman’s Mills.. Montgomery. Syracuse A _ Onondaga. Brooklyn Kings. Albany Albany. Candor Tioga. Chittenango Madison. Batavia Genesee. Broadalbin Fulton. Weavertown Warren. Tompkinsville Richmond. New Paltz Ulster. Albany Albany. New York New York. Albany Albany. Albany Albany. Albion Orleans. Albany Albany. Greene Chenango. Onondaga Onondaga. Nashville Chautauqua. Troy Rensselaer. Center Brunswick. Rensselaer. 29 Names. 1868. Margaret E. Kling 1868. Carrie E. Knapp 1854. Frances M. Knapp 1868. Hortense 0. Knapp 1856. Louise J. Knapp 1869. Sarah R. Knapp 1853. Eliza M. Knowles 1871. Harriet M. Knowlton.. 1847. Delia Krum 1858. Laura T. Krum 1872. Helen M. Kyle 1879. Frances A. Lacy 1876. Anna C. Lacld__ 1867. Emma E. La Grange.. 1873. Mary B. La Grange 1854. L. Adelia Lake 1882. Ella La Monte 1863. Melissa Lanclt „ 1872. Carrie E. Lane 1878. Annie Lansing 1851. Helen A. Lansing 1857. Arietta A. Lansingh 1846. Edna Lapham 1852. Elizabeth R. Lapham _ _ 1851. Sabra A. Lapham 1863. Catharine Lapp 1852. Elizabeth Larchar 1870. Mary A. La Rowe 1878. Anna La Rue 1882. Nettie L. Lasell 1857. Delia A. Lathrop 1875. Elizabeth B. Lathrop .. 1871. Anna E. Law 1877. Martha J. Law 1876. Mary J. Lawrence 1871. Sarah Lawrence 1864. Mary C. Lawyer 1882. Mary E. Le Boeuf 1854. Abby H. Lee 1846. Mary Anne Lee 1858. Phebe Ann Leggett 1882. Jennie Leonard 1870. Lucy Leonard 1847. Elizabeth M. Lewis 1867. Marcia S. Lewis 1850. Sylvia A. Lewis 1853. Anna M. Lighthall Post Offices. Counties. Cobleskill Schoharie. Towners _ _ Putnam. Fredonia Chautauqua. Towners . Putnam. Kent Putnam. South East Putnam. Mechanics ville Saratoga. Schenectady Schenectady. Middleburgh Schoharie. Harlem ville Columbia. Albany Albany. Durham Greene. Braman’s Corners . Schenectady. Albany _ Albany. Normanskill Albany. South Hartwick.- Otsego. Richmondville Schoharie. Newville Herkimer. Gilboa Schoharie. Greenbush Rensselaer. Lishas Kill Albany. Albany Albany. Maced on W ay ne. Penn Yan Y ates. Penn Yan Yates. Clarence Center Erie. Columbus Center. _ Chenango. Union Springs Cayuga. Athens Greene. Altona . Clinton. Lysander Onondaga. Albany Albany. Putnam Washington. Albany Albany. Cohoes Albany. Cohoes Albany. Fultonham Schoharie. Cohoes Albany. Albany. Albany. Little Falls Herkimer. Easton Washington. Prattsville Greene. Albany Albany. Groton Tompkins. Albany Albany. Mecklenburg Schuyler. Albany Albany. 30 Names. 1854. Louisa Linderman 1876. Lisbeth Lindsley 1882. Effie L. Link 1880. Susie Litchfield 1852. Jane M. Livingston 1881. Katie S. Livingston 1870. Clorinda E. Lobdell 1873. Carrie Emma Locke 1862. Emma E. Lodge 1882. Nellie F. Lohnas 1876. Hattie M. Lomax 1847. Sarah J. Loomis - 1863. Sophia E. Loomis 1867. K. Augusta Lord 1866. Jennie Lord 1870. Emma Loudon.. 1871. Mary Loudon 1848. Harriet Loveridge 1848. Elizabeth A. Low 1872. Emma Ludden 1863. Kate Lynch 3874. Amelia B. Lyon 1849. Lydia L. Lyon 1846. Margaret M. Lyon 1864. Sarah A. Lyon.. 1868. Anna E. Lyons 1876. Ella Lyons 1875. Kate E. Lyons 1870. Florence A. Mackey 1876. Frances J. Mackey 1873. Helen I. Mackey 1879. Isabella MacKinnon 1880. Ella Maguire 1872. Fredaline A. Mallory 1872. Julia F. Mallory 1848. Mary L. Mallory 1864. Lucy J. Maltby 1865. Sarah E. Manville 1869. Ada Mare an 1865. Laura Marean 1879. Carrie A. Marman 1858. Mary L. Marr 1879. Sarah R. Marselius 1867. L. Jennie Marsh 1857. Leah A. Marsh 1882. Cora Marsland 1875. Katie J. Martin Post Offices. Counties. Crawford Orange. Denville Queens. Troy.. Rensselaer. E. Albany Rensselaer. Albany Albany. West Troy Albany. Hope Centre Hamilton. Brooklyn . Kings. Albany Albany. Saratoga Springs.. Saratoga. Albany Albany. Wampsville Madison. Rodman Jefferson. Albany.. Albany. Albany Albany. Fultonham Schoharie. Fultonham Schoharie. Churchville Monroe. Middlesex Yates. Cobleskill Schoharie. Albany. Albany. Hartwick Otsego. Albany Albany. Little Falls Herkimer. Stanfordviile Dutchess. Albany Albany. Bath Rensselaer. Bath Rensselaer. Gilboa Schoharie. B i tli Rensselaer. Gilboa Schoharie. Cohoes Albany. Southfield Orange. Albany Albany. Albany Albany. Bethany Centre Genesee. Rome Oneida. West Sandlake Rensselaer. Maine Broome. Maine Broome. West Albany Albany. Wawayanda Orange. Scotia Schenectady. Jamestown Chautauqua. Whitestown Oneida. Sing Sins: Westchester. Waterford Saratoga. 31 Names. 1881. Lizzie B. Marvin 1873. Emma Mason 1854. Harriet E. Mason 1872. Helen Mason 1847. Maria P. Mason 1872. Ha rriette Mathews 1867. Ellen L. Mathewson. > 1855. Annie G. Mathies 1862. Marion A. Mattoon 1880. Anna L. Matson 1871. Florence J. Matteson, _ 1872. Victoria Matteson 1878. Josie C. May hew 1881. A. Bella Mayhon 1863. Kate McAuley 1873. Annie M. McAvinue.. 1862. Jennie L. McBurney.. 1858. Mary E. McClallen ... 1861. Mary E. McClearv 1868. Mary A. McClelland.. 1868. Mary McCloskey 1865. Mary McCloskey 1877. Ella McClurkin 1864. Mary A. McClure 1871. Agnes M. McCollum.. 1880. Mary T. McCormick. _ 1866. Arabella McCoy 1850. Catharine McCue 1848. S. Caroline McCully . . 1871. Mary F. McDermott.. 1850. Alice S. McDonald 1868. Helen A. McDonald 1852. Mary McDonald 1847. Barbara H. McDonnell 1846. Ann E. McDowell 1847. Charlotte McDuffie... 1872. Cassie J. McEachron.. 1852. Jane A. McEwen 1864. Agnes McFadden 1859. Amelia A. McFadden. 1871. Anna C. McFadden 1878. Kate L. McGowen 1854. Mary A. McGowen 1851. Martha McGregor 1847. Nancy McHinch 1881. M. Rosa McIntyre 1869. Ella F. McKean Post Offices. Counties. Jamaica Queens. Glens Falls.. Warren. Malone Franklin. Fort Ann W ashington. Sangerfield Oneida. J ohnstown Ful ton. Munnsville Madison. Rochester Monroe. Albany Albany. Greenbush Rensselaer. Harmony Chautauqua. Ashville Chautauqua. Lee Centre Oneida. Catasanoua, Pa Westchester. Albany Albany. Little Falls Herkimer. Albany Albany. Albany Albany. Watervliet Albany. New York New York. Albany Albany. Saratoga Springs . . Saratoga. Ausable Forks Clinton. DoblVs Ferry Westchester. New Salem Albany. Albany Albany. Peekskill Westchester. Albany Albany. Batavia Genesee. Albany Albany. South Livonia Livingston. Albany Albany. Albany Albany. New York New York. W ayne Steuben. Albany Albany. Argvle _ W ashington. Little Falls Herkimer. Delhi Delaware. Beekmantown Clinton. W alton Delaware. Albany Albany. Albany r . Albany. Chateaugay Franklin. Broome Schoharie. Toronto, Ont New York. North Albany Albany. 32 Names. -31 1880. Minnie McLaughlin 1848. Kate M. McLean 1867. Emeline S. McMaster_. 1860. Mary E. McMicken 1848. Henrietta P. McNair 1865. Ann K. McNamara 1847. Sophia A. McNaughton. 1864. Mary McNeil 1859. Sarah J. McNutt 1882. Nellie McQuade 1868. Elizabeth H. McQueen. 1868. Mary S. McQueen 1847. Anna McSorley 1862. Charlotte M. Me Wayne. 1857. Cornelia A. Mead 1860. Mary R. Mead 1875. Hannah E. Meade 1879. Kate Meade 1870. Mary A. Meredith 1863. Annie C. Merriman 1848. Mary Etta Mesick 1856. Mary E. Metcalf 1854. Henrietta Middlemas.. 1854. Lucinda S. Miles 1877. Addie Miller 1878. Alice U. Miller 1870. Anna Miller 1881. Charlotte E. Miller 1854. Eleanor J. Miller 1854. Elizabeth Miller 1850. Elizabeth Miller 1882. Emma Miller 1878. Isabella Miller 1882. Mary A. Miller 1881. Mary E. Miller.... 1879. Susan Miller 1852. Harriet L. Milliner 1875. Carrie A. Mills 1863. Marthaette Moak 1855. Hannah J. Moakler 1867. Phebe F. Moase 1879. Caroline F. Mochrie 1868. Helen R. Monfort 1868. Emma J. Monk 1856. Helen I. Monk 1880. Alice Moore 1881. Eva C. Moore __ "Post Offices, j [Counties.] Newark Wayne. Cobleskill Schoharie. Hemlock Lake. Livingston. Albany Albany. Groveland Livingston. Albany Albany. Mum ford Monroe. Farmer Seneca. Albany Albany. Albany Albany. West Galway Saratoga. West Galway Saratoga. Utica Oneida. Sacketts Harbor _ . J efferson. Smvrna Chenango. Hudson Columbia. Patterson Putnam. Cold Spring Putnam. Albany Albany. South Butler W ay ne. Castleton _ _ Rensselaer. Reed’s Corners Ontario. Bethlehem Centre. Albany. Watertown J efferson. Ballston Spa Saratoga. Ballston Spa Saratoga. Albany Albany. Ballston Spa Saratoga. Albany. Albany. Albany Albany. South Argyle Washington. Middleb urgh Schoharie. Green Island Albany. Katonah W estchester. Dobb’s Ferry W estchester. Albany Albany. Rochester Monroe. Canajoharie Montgomery. Carlisle Schoharie. Albany Albany. Middleburgh Schoharie. Bath Rensselaer. Binghamton Broome. Cohoes Albany. Albany Albany. Lake Mahopac W estchester. New Rochelle Westchester. 33 Barnes. Post-Offices . 1 1853. Louisa Moore Weed sport 1878. Annie A. Moran Albany 1871. Ella F. Moran Albany 1877. Emeline M. Morand Troy 1853. Sarah A. Moreheacl Albany 1873. Kate Morford Charleston 1865. Emma J. Morley Stuyvesant 1856. Laura Morris Syracuse . 1866. Sarah R. Morris South Trenton 1853. Catharine Morrison Wurtsboro 1858. Martha B. Morrison White Lake 1857. Alexa J. Moseley Georgetown 1873. Alida Mosher. Bangall 1871. Angelia Mosher. Bethlehem 1846. Amy Mott Williamson 1870. Henrietta Mott West Sandlake 1868. Mary Mott. West Sandlake 1849. Sarah W. Mulhollen Canisteo 1881. Augusta M. Muller New York 1882. Katharina Muller Highland Falls 1854. Belvidere Munro Buffalo 1846. Laura Munson Caledonia 1881. Mary E. Murdock. Crown Point 1877. Cathari lie L. Mu rphy . . All mny _ 1876. Alice Murray Cohoes 1874. Minnie B. Murrell Stuyvesant Laud’g, 1872. Sarah C. Myers Bethlehem Centre. 1860. Elizabeth M. Neemes Albany 1859. Phebe A. Neemes Albany 1864. Maria L. Nellegar Albany 1853. S. Cornelia Nelson Cedarville 1876. Mintie Newcomb.. Brooklyn 1851. Harriet A. Newell. Holland 1869. Rosalie M. Newell Ausable Forks 1858. Sarah C. Newes Verplanck’s 1870. Libbie Newhouse Greenbush 1854. Juliette Newman Albany 1846. Rachel C. Newman S. Onondaga 1879. Anna Nichols Albany 1882. Hattie B. Nichols Albany 1847. Sarah S. Niles Hamilton 1859. Elizabeth A. Niver Bethlehem 1881. Jennie Nixon Greenbush 1872. Margaret Nixon E. Greenbush 1875. Sarah Nixon E. Greenbush 1847. Marietta A. Noble Warren 1859. Maria J. Noon Albany 3 Counties. Cayuga. Albany. Albany. Rensselaer. Albany. Montgomery, Columbia. Onondaga. Oneida. Sullivan. Sullivan. Madison. Dutchess. Albany. W ay lie. Rensselaer. Rensselaer. Steuben. New York. Orange. Erie. Livingston. Essex. Albany. Albany. Columbia. Albany. Albany. Albany. Albany. Herkimer. Kings. Erie. Essex. Westchester. Rensselaer. Albany. Onondaga. Albany. Albany. Madison. Albany. Rensselaer. Rensselaer. Rensselaer. Hci kimer. Albany. 34 Names. Post Offices. Counties. 1875. Lucy Northup W. Oneonta 1864. Mary Nourse Hinsdale 1853. Clotilda E. Noyes Edinburgh 1850. Emily J. Noyes Edinburgh Centre. 1872. Fanny E. Noyes Batehellerville 1857. Anna E. Oliver Halfmoon 1850. Mary S. Onderdonk Mariaville 1862. Phebe E. Opdike Waterloo 1847. Cynthia A. Osborn Yorktown 1858. Laura L. Osborn Auburn 1853. Lucretia Osborn Sherman 1867. Emma A. Osterhout Albany 1859. Georgia A. Ostrander. _ Schodack 1847. A. Louisa Ostrom Moscow 1846. Anna Maria Ostrom Perry 1871. Cass’e C. Ostrom Stockport 1858. Meta Orr Albany 1874. Ella Ottman Albany 1875. Phebe R. Owen Lebanon Spa 1849. Sarah D. Owen New York Mills.. 1874. Anna L. Packer Charlton 1877. Alice Cary Palmer Grapeville 1850. Chloe L. Palmer Hornellsville 1867. Cornelia A. Palmer Livingstonville 1871. Martha O. Palmer Port Chester 1849. Mary L. Palmer Ontario 1878. Carrie S. Pardee Vernon 1872. Mary S. Parish Oneonta 1873. Anna J. Parker Hudson 1865. Florida E. Parker Munnsville 1849. Hannah Parker Albany 1864. Mary E. Parker Fayetteville 1872. Annah ParkhHl Painted Post 1872. Alberta Parkliill Painted Post 1866. La vina Parkhurst North Elba 1881. E. Lillie Parks Minaville 1875. Grace A. Parmcle Greenbush 1875. Isabella A. Parmele Greenbush 1851. Hannah Parry New York ... 1854. Harriet N. Parsons Albany 1873. Laura W. Patterson South Livonia 1856. Lydia Patterson Clarendon 1860. Maria L. Patterson New York.. 1872. Mary M. Patterson Charlton 1878. Cornelia L. Payne Wadham’s Mills .. 1857. Lydia E. Payne Auburn 1879. Anna E. Pearse Adams Station ... Otsego. Cattaraugus. Saratoga. Saratoga. Saratoga. Saratoga. Schenectady. Seneca. Westchester. Cayuga. Chautauqua. Albany. Rensselaer. Livingston. Wyoming. Columbia. Albany. Albany. Columbia. Oneida. Saratoga. Greene. Steuben. Schoharie. W estchester. W ayne. Oneida. Otsego. Columbia. Madison. Albany. Onondaga. Steuben. Steuben. Essex. Montgomery. Rensselaer. Rensselaer. New York. Albany. Livingston. Orleans. New York. Saratoga. Essex. Cayuga. Albany. 35 Names. 1852. Mary Aim Pearse 1861. Chloe A. Peckham 1852. Armenia T. Pepper 1848. Julia 0. Percival 1848. Mary F. Perkins . . 1853. Ruth Perkins 1855. Louisa H. Permort 1855. Sarah W. Permort 1846. Mary A. Per line 1846. Abby Perry _ 1866. Leonora L. Perry 1864. Mary E. Perry 1872. Sarah A. Perry 1873. Lora T. Person 1876. Clara A. Peterson 1858. Eliza F. Petrie 1882. Martha L. Pettit 1851. Emily K. Phelps 1869. Emma L. Phelps 1848. Fiances K. Phelps 1847. Marion Phelps 1855. Mary H. Phelps 1857. Caroline E. Phillips 1874. Della R. Phillips 1882. Jestena Phillips 1870. Lizzie Phillips 1851. R. Melinda Phillips 1846. Cynthia A. Pierce 1868. Mary E. Pinckham 1864. Martha W. Pinckney __ 1869. Eunice B. Pinckney 1848. L. Augusta Platt 1851. Louisa C. Plumb 1855. S. Amelia Plumb 1874. Imogene Pollock 1847. Ann Amenia Pomeroy _ 1849. Hannah P. Pomeroy 1849. Julia A. Pool 1878. Augusta Porter 1864. Margaret B. Porter 1864. Harriet A. Potter 1882. Edith R. Potts 1855. Elizabeth Powell 1858. Elizabeth M. Powell 1856. Lydia E. Powell 1859. M. Augusta Prall 1874. Jane H. Pratt Post Offices. Counties. Niskayuna Schenectady. Easton Washington. Tarrytown Westchester. Albany Albany. Brooklyn Kings. Marathon Cortland. Jay Essex. Jay Essex. Root Montgomeiy. Schenectady Schenectady. New Castle Henry, Ky. Utica Oneida. West Albany Albany. Batch el lerville Saratoga. North ville Fulton. Canastota Madison. Sackctt’s Harbor _ _ Jefferson. South Schodack _ _ Rensselaer. Albany Albany. Mount Morris Livingston. West Groton Tompkins. Schroon River Essex. Green bush _ Rensselaer. Albany Albany. Wappinger’s Falls _ Dutchess. S auger ties _ _ Ulster. Albany Albany. Middlefield Otsego. Freedom Plains Dutchess. Albany Albany. Albany Albany. Schroon Lake Essex. Scriba Oswego. Scriba Oswego. Odessa Schuyler. New York New York. Onondaga Onondaga. Albany Albany. Millerton Dutchess. Lockport Niagara. Cooperstown Otsego. Mineville Essex. Albany Albany. Ghent Columbia. Owego Tioga. Albany Albany. Portlandville Otsego. 36 Names. Post Offices. Counties. 1870. Mary J. Pratt Westville Otsego. 1849. Rhoda Pratt Elmira Chemung. 1862. Emma J. Price Amenia Union Dutchess. 1855. Margaret Pringle New Hartford Oneida. 1877. Jane Proper Schuylerville Saratoga. 1856. Marianna Provost Port Chester W estchester. 1855. Anna E. Purdy Livonia Livingston. 1863. Salome Purroy. Fordham Westchester. 1869. H. Amelia Putnam Three-Mile Bay Jefferson. 1864. Mary E. Pyne Hamilton Madison. 1853. Martha L. Quick Braman’s Corners . Schenectady. 1851. Sarah B. Quick B ram ail’s Corners . Schenectady. 1856. Mary E. Quinby New York New York. 1877. Margaret M. Randles West Hebron Washington. 1865. Ellen M. Ransom Masse n a St. Lawrence. 1865. Julia E. Ransom NewPaltz Landing Ulster. 1855. Maria E. Ransom Buffalo Erie. 1881. Julia E. Rawcliffe Tarry town W estchester. 1857. Isabella G. Rawson Albany Albany. 1869. Maggie M. Ray Albany Albany. 1850. Celina D. Raymond Erieville Madison. 1866. Huldah Reamer Albany Albany. 1873. Alice Reed Arthursburgh Dutchess. 1866. Julia A. Reed Otis ville Orange. 1852. Mary E. Reed Westford Otsego. 1880. Viola J. Reed Centre Lisle Broome. 1848. ZilphaRedfield Delhi Delaware. 1879. Harriet A. Reid Voorheesville Albany. 1861. Helen L. Reid Albany Albany. 1859. Ellen G. Reveiy Verona Oneida. 1852. A. Louise Reynolds New York New York. 1882. Alice M* Reynolds Peekskill W estchester. 1874. Libbie S. Reynolds Greenbush Rensselaer. 1881. Lucy K. Reynolds St. Augustine, Fla. Albany. 1877. Alice L. Rhodes Cuddebackville Orange. 1868. Mary E. Rhodes West Brook ville . _ Sullivan. 1855. Almira E. Rice Maced on Wayne. 1855. Emily A. Rice Buffalo Erie. 1864. Mary A. Richards Albany Albany. 1869. Sarah Richards Saugerties Ulster. 1847. Lucy A. Rilev Almond Allegany. 1853. Mary E. Riley Aurora Erie. 1880. J ennie Ring Cohoes Albany. 1876. Mary J. Ritchmyer Athens Greene. 1847. Catherine Robinson Rose Wayne. 1866. Cordelia E. Robinson _ . Fair ville Wayne. 1878. Hattie B. Robinson N. Nassau Rensselaer. 37 Names. 1849. Mary Roberts 1873. Maggie Roche 1858. Martha Roe 1854. Ann Rogers 1873. Kate A. Ronan 1870. Elizabeth A. Rooker 1881. Emma M. Roscoe 1856. Eliza J. Rose 1875. Mary Augusta Rose 1848. Mary D. Rose 1870. Mary E. Rose 1871. Mary Rudd 1878. Rachel F. Rudd 1859. Marietta G. Rugg 1869. Ella Russell . 1881. Minnie Rysedorph 1846. Mary G. Sabin 1867. Mary E. Sackett 1867. Sarah E. Sackett 1856. Emma L. Salisbury 1881. A. Louella Sanderson.. 1849. Sarah A. Saunders 1865. Elizabeth L. Savage 1874. Katie A. Sawyer 1870. Mary W. Sayles 1876. Anna L. Scally 1879. Libbie C. Schermerhorn, 1858. Laura A. Schneider 1868. Jennie M. Schoonmaker, 1877. Olive Schoonmaker 1853. Julia M. Scovill 1851. Mary A. Seabury 1870. Josephine E. Seaman 1865. Julia A. Seaman 1847. Elvira Searle 1869. Julia A. Searle 1858. Mary E. Sears 1877. Phidelea Sears 1850. Susan D. See 1879. Ida E. Sewell 1856. Abbie Sexton 1862. Sarah M. Sexton 1869. Georgia Shad wick 1878. Kate V. Shaffer. 1868. Annie J. Shanks 1867. Josephine B. Shaw 1871. Mary M. Shaw Post Offices. Counties. Reading Steuben. Albany Albany. Cortlandville Cortland. Limerick . Jefferson. Albany Albany. Albany Albany. Elizabethtown Essex. Bridgehampton Suffolk. Delhi Delaware. South Cortland . . Cortland. New York New York. Gallatinville Columbia. Pine Plains Dutchess. Perrysburgh Cattaraugus. RhineclifL Dutchess. E. Schodack Rensselaer. Naples Ontario. Hall’s Mills Dutchess. Hall’s Mills Dutchess. Albany _ Albany. Morris Otsego. Albany Albany. Brooklyn _ _ Kings. Albany Albany. Albany Albany. Albany Albany. East Greenbush Rensselaer. Dexter Jefferson. Guilford Chenango. Stone Ridge Ulster. Albany Albany. Knox Albany. Castile Wyoming. Corning Steuben. Fort Plain Montgomery. Franklinville Cattaraugus. Edinburgh Saratoga. Delhi Delaware. Tarry town W estchester. Garrattsville Otsego. Forestville Chautauqua. Hartford Landing. Monroe. North Albany Albany. Gloversville Fulton. Albany Albany. Caledonia Livingston. Albany Albany. 38 Names. Post Offices. Counties. 1864. Adelaide Sheak New York New York. 1881. Emma A. Sheldon Valley Falls Rensselaer. 1870. Mary E. Sheldon West Rupert, Vt. _ Washington. 1865. Rosetta C. Sheldon Moscow Livingston. 1859. Miriam Sheppard New York New York. 1876. Fanny Sheridan Albany Albany. 1878. Jennie A. Sheridan Albany Albany. 1847. Frances M. Shermair Saratoga Saratoga. 1848. Mel vina E. Sherman Canton St. Lawrence. 1875. Marcena E. Sherman Castile Wyoming. 1863. Mary L. Sherman Clyde Wayne. 1872. Mary Z. Sherman Castile Wyoming. 1847. Sarah A. Sherman Bemis Heights Saratoga. 1874. Abbie A. Sherwood Ballston Spa Saratoga. 1863. Helen I. Sherwood Suspension Bridge. Niagara. 1867. Margaret A. Sherwood. Albany Albany. 1874. Minnie J. Sherwood Ballston Spa Saratoga. 1863. Martha A. Shipman Warsaw Wyoming. 1866. Sarah E. Shirley Albany Albany. 1864. Esther R. Showerman.. Alexander Genesee. 1882. Annie S. Shuler. Indian Fields Albany. 1868. Harriet Shultis Berne Albany. 1866. Mary E. Sibley Nichols Tioga. 1855. Eliza E. Sickler Geneva Ontario. 1863. Caroline A. Sill Albany Albany. 1870. Mary E. Silkworth Pittstown Rensselaer. 1881. L. Bell Simons. Brooklyn Kings. 1869. Julia M. Simpson Albany Albany. 1857. Mary J. Simpson.. Albany Albany. 1853. Helen M. Skidmore Utica Oneida. 1863. Eliza Skinner Suspension Bridge. Niagara. 1870. Emily A. Slade East Berne Albany. 1859. Mary E. Slade Chemung Chemung. 1855. Harriet A. Sleight Galen Wayne. 1858. Magdalen Slingerland. . Normanskill Albany. 1846. Sarah E. Smead White Creek Washington. 1869. Alice E. Smith Saratoga Springs. . Saratoga. 1878. Amelia S. Smith Flushing Queens. 1851. Betsey J. Smith Crown Point Essex. 1845. Caroline Smith. Schodack Rensselaer. 1881. Carrie E. Smith Albany _ _ Albany. 1869. Clara J. Smith Cobleskill Schoharie. 1867. Deborah Smith Armorick Westchester. 1864. Elizabeth Smith Albany Albany. 1855. Elizabeth S. Smith Mecklenburgh Tompkins. 1848. Emily Smith Angelica Allegany. 1876. Ettie Smith Woodburne Sullivan. 39 NamoS. Post Offices. 1857. Henrietta A. Smith Fabius 1848. Jane Ann Smith Yorktown 1854. Julia A. Smith Parma 1865. Julia M. Smith Bailston Spa 1854. Lucy M. Smith Albany 1860. Mary E. Smith Bailston 1864. Mary E. Smith Albany 1870. Mary G. Smith Albany 1869. Mary L. Smith Durham 1880. Minnie Smith Oropseyvillc 1848. Olivia D. Smith. Preston Hollow 1846. Patience Smith New York 1849. Sarah P. Smith Batavia 1860. Sarah S. Smith Mount Kisko 1874. Lizzie P. Snow Batchellerville 1882. Mary E. Snow Batchellerville 1861. Eleanor A. Snyder Hillsdale 1880. Florence I. Snyder Middleburgh 1861. Josephine Snyder Poughkeepsie 1878. Julia B. Soule Milford 1872. Sarah M. Soule Milford 1857. Jane Southerland. Yoak 1880. M. Libbie Spaulding West Fulton 1859. Eveline D. Spencer Cortlandville 1870. Jane C. Spiers Meredith 1868. Sophie J. Sprague Albany 1860. Emily A. Sprong Albany 1880. Carrie Stam Sharon Centre 1869. Elizabeth F. Stantial Albany 1849. Charlotte Staplin Rutland 1869. Carrie M. Starr Brewster’s Station, 1862. Kate A. Stebbins Little Falls 1848. E mere tte Steele Windham Centre. . 1874. Amelia R. Steiner Rondout 1881. Eugenia J. Steiner Modena 1880. Minnie E. Stephens Albany 1846. Hannah E. Stevens Cicero 1859. Anna E. Stewart West Sandlake 1854. Josephine Stewart New York. 1873. Sarah J. Stewart Johnstown 1847. Elizabeth Stiles _ Tompkins 1868. Ernestine Stockwell Allegany 1857. Jemima Stoller Tribes Hill 1869. Charlotte Stoneman Jamefetown.. 1866. Kate Stoneman Busti 1859. Catherine A. Storey Albany 1848. Esther W. Stow. Harmony Counties. Onondaga. Westchester. Monroe. Saratoga. Albany. Saratoga. Albany. Albany. Greene. Rensselaer. Albany. New York. Genesee. Westchester. Saratoga. Saratoga. Columbia. Schoharie. Dutchess. Otsego. Otsego. Yates. Schoharie. Cortland. Delaware. Albany. Albany. Schoharie. Albany. Jefferson. Putnam. Herkimer. Greene. Ulster. Ulster. Albany. Onondaga. Rensselaer. New York. Fulton. Delaware. Cattaraugus. Montgomery. Chautauqua. Chautauqua. Albany. Chautauqua. 40 SJNames.” [Post Offices. ** i Counties. 1870. Annie Strathern New York . . New York. 1859. Mary E. Street Albany . _ Albany. 1866. Mary L. Streeter Albany . . Albany. 1853. Deborah Strickland Sterlingville . . Jefferson. 1877. Mary C. Stuart Chesterville . . Albany. 1874. Olive Sturges Auburn .. Me. 1879. Adelaide Sullivan Haverstraw . _ Rockland. 1861. Margaret Sullivan Pinckney . . Lewis. 1865. Mary E. Supple — Lyons . _ Wayne. 1869. Jennie M. Sutliff Johnstown . _ Fulton. 1875. Amy Sutton Bedford Station _ _ W estchester. 1850. Orline 0. Sutton Seneca Falls . . Seneca. 1861. k?arah E. Sutton Washington _ . Dutchess. 1850. Marv E. Swain Cortland ville __ Cortland. * 1866. Mary F. Swain New York __ New York. 1854. Catharine A. Swan Albany _ _ Albany. 1874. Hettie Swartout Huguenot _ _ Orange. 1848. Isabel Swartwood Newfield _ . Tompkins. 1875. Ellen Swartwont Huguenot . _ Orange. 1878. Libbie P. Sweet Red Rock __ Columbia. 1873. Ada A. Swezey Newport . . Herkimer. 1873. Cora P. Swezey Newport _ . Herkimer. 1872. Georgia Swezey. Washington _ _ _ _ . Dutchess. 1882. Augusta Tabor Cohoes . . Albany. 1854. Ellen L. Taggart Lawrenceville St. Lawrence. 1855. Fanny M. Taggart Lawrenceville _ . _ . St. Lawrence. 1846. Alida B. Tai liter Coxsackie . _ Greene. 1846. Elizabeth Tallmadge Albany. . . Albany. 1869. Olive D. Tanner Millport . _ Chemung. 1848. Cornelia A. Taylor Alden Erie. 1875. Ella L. Taylor Charlton _ . Saratoga. 1867. Emily A. Taylor Ames . . Montgomery. 1875. Emma R. Taylor Charlton _ _ Saratoga. 1871. Harriet E. Taylor Poughkeepsie . _ Dutchess. 1861. Lavina Taylor Carlisle _ _ Schoharie. 1872. Cornelia Teachout. Crescent _ _ Saratoga. 1869. Emily M. Teall _ Rochester _ _ Monroe. 1868. Kate M. Teel in Blossvale _ . Oneida. 1871. Mary M. Terpening Blauveltville _ _ Rockland. 1847. Catharine A. Terry Clymer _ _ Chautauqua. 1865. Carrie E. Tetherly New Concord __ _ . Columbia. 1846. L. Maria Thatcher Eaton . _ Madison. 1875. Laura L. Thomas Fish kill . . Dutchess. 1857. Lydia A. Thomas .... Albany . Albany. 1862. Maria H. Thompson Copenhagen . . Lewis. 1879. May C. Thompson East Albany _ . Rensselaer. 1881. Nellie A. Thompson Green Island . . . Albany. 41 1875. Nameg. Mary Thomson Post Offices. Johnsburgh Counties. Warren. 1858. Hannah J. Thorne Albany Albany. 1861. Mary R. Thorp _ East Randolph Cattaraugus. 1866. Julia F. Tibbals Windham Centre. _ Greene. 1871. Sarah E. Tibbals Windham Centre.. Greene. 1860. A. Louisa Ticknor Albany Albany. 1871. M anraret T ier ney Troy Rensselaer. 1850. Caroline P. Titus Buffalo _ . Erie. 1863. Harriet S. Todd. Fayetteville Onondaga. 1876. Mary O. Todd Greenburgh Westchester. 1872. Ella Tompkins Greenbush Rensselaer. 1872. Mary L. Tompkins Chappaqua W estchester. 1869. Sarah A. Tompkins Irvington W estchester. 1880. Elizabeth A. Toohey Highland Falls Orange. 1862. Sarah J. Tooker Port Jefferson Suffolk. 1863. Martha Townsend Frewsburgh Chautauqua. 1863. Mary Townsend .... Frewsburgh Chautauqua. 1865. Maria M. Townsend North Lawrence _. St. Lawrence. 1865. Lucy E. Tracy Delphi Onondaga. 1856. Faun v K. Trask Albany Albany. 1870. Alda C. Traver. W est Sandlake Rensselaer. 1865. Frances L. Traver. Albany , Albany. 1870. Mary E. Traver Rhinebeck Dutchess. 1880. A della P. Traver W. Sandlake Rensselaer. 1869. Emma P. Traynier Tarrytown W estchester. 1864. Henrietta B. Trembley. Naples Syracuse Ontario. 1852. Aurora H. Turner Onondaga. 1854. Ellen C. Turner Syracuse Onondaga. 1870. Emma L. Turner New Baltimore Greene. 1856. Martha Turner Sackett’s Harbor. _ Jefferson. 1847. Nancy A. Turner Nelson Madison. 1857. Sarah Turner Syracuse Onondaga. 1856. Frances A. Tuthill Auburn Cayuga. 1850. Alma Tuttle Richfield Otsego. 1846. Catharine M. Tuttle Sherburne . Chenango. 1862. Emily Tuttle Albany Albany. 1851. Etta M. Tuttle. Salem W ashington. 1861. Henrietta B. Tuttle Coeymans Albany. 1864. Harriet S. Tyler Troy Rensselaer. 1864. Mary D. Tyrrell Batavia Genesee. 1865. Harriet E. Twoguns Brant Erie. 1861. Catharine I. Udell Bethlehem Albany. 1866. Mary I. Udell Bethlehem Albany. 1861. Margaret L. Udell Bethlehem Albany. 1868. Helen Uline West Sandlake Rensselaer. 1848. Margaret A. Uline West Sandlake Rensselaer. 1861. Helen Underwood Mayville Chautauqua. 42 1862. 1873. 1861. 1881. 1867. 1871. 1853. 1873. 1853. 1878. 1880. 1874. 1873. 1869. 1873. 1869. 1848. 1871. 1854. 1852. 1853. 1851. 1875. 1877. 1882. 1872. 1880. 1851. 1864. 1874. 1860. 1871. 1866. 1851. 1881. 1846. 1846. 1850. 1864. 1869. 1872. 1856. 1880. 1866. 1855. 1874. 1864. Names. Post Offices. Sibyl Underwood Mayville M a ry U r ban N assau Jane A. Utter Albany Annie T. Vail Millbroqk Anna Vane Macedon Centre Martha H. Vane Albany Allies Van Allen Sehodack Landing. Emma Van Alstyne Albany Mary H. Van Antwerp. Albany Anna C. Van Anken Voorheesville Jessie Van Anken Voorheesville Sarah Van Auken Voorheesville Kittie E. Van Buren Mary G. Van Buren Stella Van Courtlandt. _ Louise P. Van Deveer. . Sarah J. Vandervoort __ Lydia E. V anderwarker . Catharine A. Vanderzee. Elizabeth Van Derzee.. Margaret E. Vanderzee. Catharine S. Van Dyck. Ada Van Etten Asenath Van Etten Bessie Van Gaasbeek Alice O. Van Kleeck Freedom Plains Jennie Van Orden New York.. Gertrude Van Patten Schenectady Lovina A. Van Schaack. New Salem. . Maria E.VanSehoonhovep Albany R.V. N.Van Schoonhoven Albany Stockport Albany Pines Bridge Albany Champlain . . Willsboro Albany Albany Cedar Hill . _ . Albany Huguenot Sparrowbush Kingston Ella C. Van Sickle Sophia E. Van Sickle. Jane A. Van Sickler . . Jennie R. Van Tine Kate Van Valkenburg. South Livonia South Livonia Hudson Clarence Prattsburgh Mary H. VanV alkenburgh Prattsburgh Caroline Van Voorihas _ South Sehodack . Marg’t A. Van Vrankin. Schenectady Alida Van Wyck Fishldll Village... Addie Vernooy Brooklyn S. Elizabeth Verrinder. New York Louisa H. Vincent Poughkeepsie Isabel Vine Albany Sarah A. Visscher Albany Helen Vosburg Stuyvesant Emily Voorhess Shin Creek Counties Chautauqua. Rensselaer. Albany. Dutchess. Wayne. Albany. Rensselaer. Albany. Albany. Albany. Albany. Albany. Columbia. Albany. W estchester. Albany. Clinton. Essex. Albany. Albany. Albany. Albany. Orange. Orange. Ulster. Dutchess. New York. Schenectady. Albany. Albany. Albany. Livingston. Livingston. Columbia. Erie. Steuben. Steuben. Rensselaer. Schenectady. Dutchess. Kings. New York. Dutchess. Albany. Albany. Columbia. Sullivan. 43 Names. 1881. Maria M. Vrooman 1852. Hannah Waddell 1879. Anna L. Waggoner 1874. Mattie Waggoner 1875. Minerva Waldorf 1868. Anna E. Walker 1875. Caroline L. Walker 1851. Marion B. Wallis.. 1875. Mary A. Walter 1875. Lizzie B. Wall 1846. Lucre ti a Ward 1869. Annie P. Wardwell 1873. Eleanora Wark 1880. Estella M. Warne 1856. Julia Warriner 1850. Elizabeth S. Waterman, 1864. F. Cora Watson 1870. Helen E. Watson 1861. Mary E. Watson 1866. N. Flotilla Watson 1853. Caroline M. Weaver 1857. Mary E. Weaver 1870. Lizzie J. Webber 1848. Fannie C. Webster 1862. Helen E. Webster 1863. Lucelia Webster 1880. Emma Weeks 1876. J. Wilhelmine Weeks .. 1867. Susan E. Weeks 1882. Kittie N. Weiant 1862. Mary E. Weidman 1873. Grace A. Welch 1881. Cora Wells 1873. Mary H. Wells 1858. Mary J. Wells 1881. Minnie F. Wells 1864. Julia E. Wemple 1870. Jane Wensley 1882. Hattie A. West 1879. Josephine West 1863. Ada Weston 1849. Eveline B. Weston 1867. Frances A. Wcstover 1859. Phebe Wethervvax 1849. Frances E. Wetsell 1869. Hattie S. Wetsell 1847. Mary Whalen Post Offices. Counties. Bethlehem Centre. Albany. Mariaville Schenectady. Quaker Street Schenectady. Quaker Street Schenectady. E. Worcester. Otsego. Albany Albany. Bath Rensselaer. Buffalo Erie. Albany Albany. New York New York. Ballston Spa Saratoga. Albany Albany. Albany Albany. East Yarick Seneca. Buffalo Erie. Hudson Columbia. Middleburgh Schoharie. Middleburgh Schoharie. Troy Rensselaer. Machias Cattaraugus. Duanesburgh Schenectady. Watervliet Albany. Schenectady Schenectady. Westford Otsego. Warsaw Wyoming. W arsaw Wyoming. Green Island Albany. Albany Albany. Albany Albany. Stony Point Rockland. Dansville Livingston. Gansevoort Saratoga. Fonda M utgomery. Ames Me ntgomcry. Tully - Onondaga. Crown Point Essex. Albany Albany. Albany Albany. Herkimer.. Herkimer. Albany Albany. North Buffalo Erie. Wilmington Essex. Albany Albany. West Sand lake Rensselaer. Albany Albany. Albany Albany. Milton Saratoga. O 44 Names. 1877. Helen M. Whedon 1860. Mary A. Wheeler 1866. Mary L. Wheeler 1849. Sarah A. Wheeler 1855. Lorinda J. Whipple 1862. M. Estelle Whitaker 1877. Bertha A. White 1847. Henrietta B. White 1872. Mary E. White 1849. Ruth P. White.. 1879. Annie Whitehead 1859. Martha Whiting 1864. Kate Whitlock. 1876. Annette Whitman 1849. Catharine E. Whitney.. 1876. Frone J. Whitney 1865. Sarah J. Wickes 1882. Fannie W. Wicks 1868. Cornelia M. Wigent 1846. Deborah T. Wilber 1871. Margaret H. Wilber 1854. Cornelia T. Wilbur 1855. Ann E. Wilcox 1855. Harriet E. Wilcox 1848. Laurancy J. Wilcox 1848. Viola Wilcox. 1849. Delia E. Wilder 1865. Lottie A. Wilder 1868. Emma T. Wilkinson 1876. Mary Willets 1877. Florence A. Willetts 1846. B. Mel vina Williams 1850. Emeline F. Williams 1870. Emma A. Williams 1874. Etta Williams 1875. Jane A. Williams 1875. Lucinda Williams 1853. Maria Williams 1852. Mary A. Williams 1875. Martha Williams 1874. Mima H. Williams 1856. Anne Wilson 1855. Catharine Wilson 1875. Ellen M. Wilson 1858. Emily Y. Wilson 1856. Mary E. Wilson 1853. Mary L. Wilson Post Offices. Counties. West Pau let Washington. Cincinnatus Cortland. Angelica Allegany. Seneca Falls Seneca. Brooklyn Kings. Facto ryville Tioga. West Township. .. Alba ny. Bald winsvi lie Onondaga. Freedom Plains Dutchess. Cazenovia Madison. Wappinger’s Falls. Dutchess. Greenbush Rensselaer. Lyons Wayne. West Oneonta Otsego. Albany Albany. Batchellerville Saratoga. Willsboro Essex. Patchogue Suffolk. Bald wins ville Onondaga. Saratoga Saratoga. Pine Plains Dutchess. Albany Albany. Conquest Cayuga. Harpersfield Delaware. New ville Herkimer. Fort Plain Montgomery. Attica Wyoming. South Bristol Ontario. Albany Albany. Mineola Queens. Roslvn Queens. Lafayette Onondaga. Albany Albany. Barryville Sullivan. Canajoharie Montgomery. Albany Albany. Kingston Ulster. Gerry Chautauqua. Albany Albany. Albany Albany. Canajoharie Montgomery. N. Hempstead Queens. Albany Albany. Schenevus Otsego. Chemung Chemung. Hudson Columbia. Albany Albany. 45 Names. Post-Offices. Counties 1848. Sarah Wilson Salem Washington. 1850. Sarah M. Wilson Mai one Franklin. 1868. Hetta Jane Wiltsie Fishkill Village , . Dutchess. 1872. Carrie S. Winne Bethlehem Centre, Albany. 1859. Evolinah B. Winne Albany Albany. 1879. Martha Winne Meridian Cayuga. 1876. Adelaide Winegard New Scotland Albany. 1849. Ellen Winspear Cheektowaga Erie. 1848. Mary A. Winspear Cheek to waga Erie. 1847. Eliza Winton Catharine Schii}der. 1855. Susan R. Witherell Albany, Albany. 1876. Emma Wood „ Ellenville , Ulster. 1849. Frances A. Wood Ballston Spa Saratoga. 1860. Mary C. Wood Conquest Cayuga. 1853. Phebe Ann Wood Bethel Sullivan. 1853. Catharine Woodhull Patch ogue Suffolk. 1848. Maria M. Woodhull Southold Suffolk. 1877. Addie M. Woodin Pawling Dutchess. 1871. Isabel Woodin Pawling Dutchess. 1854. Frances J. Wool worth. _ Syracuse Onondaga. 1850. Abby J. Wright Brooklyn Kings. 1865. Celida A. Wright W estford Otsego. 1869. Licetta M. Wyatt Cambridge Centre, Washington. 1865. Caroline A. Wygant Saugerties Ulster. 1854. Priscilla W ylie Macedon W ay ne. 1858. H. Louise Wynkoop Chemung Chemung. 1859. Sarah E. Yeomans Albany Albany. 1865. Anna E. Young Jamestown Chautauqua. 1882. Jennie L. Young Clarence Erie. 1868. Martha A. Young West Port., Essex. 1850. Mary Young Montgomery Orange. 1882. Mary P. Young Hartwick Otsego. 1863. Sophia E. Young Copenhagen Lewis. 1859. Anna L. Zimmerly Erie, Pa Erie, |GENTLEMEN. KNames.l" Post Offices. Counties 1848. Charles R. Abbot Vista W estchester. 1849. Willis G. Abbott Otisco Onondaga. 1852. J. Henry Abeel Maltaville . Saratoga. 1876. Charles E. Abraham Natal, S. Africa Brookfield, Ct, 1869. Frank D. Abrams New Paltz Ulster. 1866. Nathaniel S. Ackerly _ _ Northport Suffolk. 1874. Alvaro J. Adams North Nassau Rensselaer. 1860. Charles H. Adams Spencerport Monroe. 1845. James D. Adams Canandaigua Ontario. 46 Names. ’ 1877. Millard F. Agor 1874. William Agor 1882. Thomas B. Aldrich 1846. Chauncey W. Allen 1849. Norman Allen 1852. Augustus G. S. Allis... 1873. George E. Anderson _. 1871. Silas A. Anderson 1876. Stephen L. Angle 1868. Frank F. Ansley 1876. John Anthony 1851. Oscar A. Archer 1874. Alvaro D. Arnold 1877. Darwin F. Arnold. 1853. Joseph C. Arnold 1853. Seth C. Arnold 1846. James Atwater 1875. Charles W. Atwood 1874. George E. Atwood 1846. Israel G. Atwood 1857. David P. Austin 1855. Edmund A. Austin 1857. Oscar F. Avery 1860. Henry Ayer 1881. George Babcock 1862. Madison Babcock 1877. Sumner H. Babcock 1868. Jackson Bailey 1849. Curtis Baird 1846. Alexander M. Baker 1854. Henry C. Baker 1848. Milton H. Baker 1849. Orville W. Baker 1847. Reuben W. Baker 1847. James G. Baldwin 1849. Josiah C. Baldson 1870. William J. Ballard 1856. Isaac F. Bangs 1880. George E. Barber 1864. Alonzo L. Bardin 1877. Oscar V. Barger 1846. Ezra D. Barker 1874. John F. Barker 1848. Robert Barker 1862. James Bark ley__ 1858. Thomas Barnes . . 1880. H. Weston Barnum Post Offices. Counties, Mahopac Falls Putnam. Mahopac Falls Putnam. Port Jefferson Suffolk. Galway Saratoga. Ithaca Tompkins. Syracuse _ Onondaga. Mahopac Falls Putnam. Mahopac Falls Putnam. Addison Steuben. Potter Yates. North River W arren. Hemlock Lake Livingston. Hartford Washington. Otego Otsego. Burlington Flats. . Otsego. Burlington Flats.. Otsego. Lockport Niagara. Hartford W ashington. Hartford W ashington. Wheatfield Niagara. Sand Bank Oswego. Black Rock Erie. Salisbury Centre. _ Herkimer. Ellisburgh Jefferson. Cobleskill. Schoharie. W est Martinsburg, Lewis. Garrattsville Otsego. Mariaville Schenectady. Clyde Wayne. Sandy Creek Oswego. Stafford Genesee. West Bloomfield.. Ontario. Houndsfield Jefferson. Pavilion Centre _ _ Genesee. Preble Cortland. Wallkill Orange. Cooperstown Otsego. Ridgewav Orleans. Mongaup Valley.. Sullivan. Glens Falls W arren. Peekskill Westchester. Le Roy Genesee. Putnam Valley Putnam. Millville Orleans. Catskill Greene. Van Ettenville Chemung. Bridgeville Sullivan. 47 Names. ' Post Offices. 1860. Joseph P. Barnum Locke 1881. Albert E. Barrett Perth Centre 1857. Hubbard H. Barrett North Lawrence. _ 1874. Leonard W. Barrett Fort Ann 1860. John L. Barrick East Varick 1861. Thompson Barrick East Varick 1880. Remer H. Barringer Nassau 1870. Theodore B. Barringer. . Nassau 1856. Alfred S. Barry Yates 1853. C. Edward Barstow Hannibal 1876. Arthur J. Bates Richmondville 1858. Charles Battersby South Durham 1861. Frederick A. Bayer Dansville 1860. Jerome M. Bayne Medina 1868. Charles J. Beach Whitney’s Point _ _ 1856. Eugene Beach Greenville 1870. Edward E. Beales Mount Vision 1858. Joseph M. Beaman Antwerp 1849. Lewis Beardsley Dauby.. 1860. John J. Beardsley Theresa 1851. Ebenezer D. Beattie Salem 1870. Henry H. Beaty Salem 1852. Isaac Becker Gallupville 1880. Moses Becker, Jr Philmont 1880. Silas D. Becker Philmont 1850. Watts Beckwith. W. Bloomfield 1846. Oliver C. Belding Oppenheim 1868. Samuel F. Belknap Verona 1880. George F. Bell Garrattsville 1877. John M. Bell W. Charlton 1869. George E. Bellinger Gaidnersville 1860. George H. Benjamin Groton 1847. George E. Bensen North Easton 1870. Philetus P. Bentley Westford 1879. Charles E. Betts. Troy 1875. James A. Betts Broadalbin 1850. Silas Betts Van Buren Centre, 1869. Loyal A. Bigelow Crown Point 1871. Spencer Billington Amsterdam 1845. Reuben H. Bingham Stillwater 1880. C. Adelbert Bishop Lewisboro •1850. John C. Bishop Rose 1873. Hector W. Blake Naples 1862. James O. Blakely Spring Brook 1848. Dalson W. Blanchard De Witt 1848. Isaac R. Blauvelt Nanuet 1853. Edward Bliss Peterboro Counties. Cayuga. Fulton. St. Lawrence. Washington. Seneca. Seneca. Rensselaer. Rensselaer. Orleans. Oswego. Schoharie. Greene. Livingston. Orleans. Broome. Greene. Otsego. Jefferson. Tompkins. Jefferson. Washington. W ashington. Schoharie. Columbia. Colum bia. Ontario. Fulton. Oneida. Otsego. Saratoga. Schoharie. Tompkins. Washington. Otsego. Rensselaer. Fulton. Onondaga. Essex. Montgomery. Saratoga. Westchester. Wayne. Ontario. Erie. Onondaga. Rockland. Madison. 48 Name. 0 * Post Offices. Counties. 1870. John C. Bogardus Knox Albany. 1872. Frank M. Bo^ert Nanuet Rockland. 1804. Nelson Boa’iie Elba Genesee. 1808. John Bookhout Roxbury Delaware. 1850. J. Ansel Booth.. Rochester Monroe. 1878. John Bo we Albany Albany. 1800. Henry (J. Bowen __ Willett.. Cortland. 1845. Silas T. Bowen Middlefield Otsego. 1846. Truman IJ. Bowen Manheim Centre. . Herkimer. 1882. Sands J. Bowman Salt Point Dutchess. P‘66. Edward A. Bowser Brooklyn Kings. 1881. Amza J. Boyce Lake Grove Suffolk. 1859. P. Steele Boyd. Greigsville Livingston. 1808. George A. Bozzard Veteran Chemung. 1871. Wayne Brewster Worcester Otsego. 1876. Albert Brings W r . Laurens Otsego. 1852. Benson Briggs Peekskill W estehester. 1850. Isaac Brings Sherwood Cayuga. 1879. Edmond F. Bronk New Baltimore Greene. 1864. Robert L. Brougham Root Montgomery. 1846. Charles L. Brown Stockbridge Madison. 1856. Comfort S. Brown Elmira Chemung. 1872. J. Arthur Brown Wood burn. Sullivan. 1881. John S. Brown Meredith Hollow. . Delaware, 1851. Selah W. Brown Groom’s Corners. . Saratoga. 1853. William R. Brown Marcell us Onondaga. 1878. John D. Brownell Brinkerhoffville _ . Dutchess. 1853. W 7 illiam G. Brownson. _ Turner Madison. 1847. Henry A. Bruner Starkey Yates. 1853. Philip Brust Haynerville Rensselaer. 1853. James Buckhout Morrisania W estehester. 1846. William H. Bull Wallkill Orange. 1881. Devillo N. Bulson Worcester Otsego. 1854. John C. Burdick Johnsburofh W arren. 1880. Loron M. Burdick Mosher ville Saratoga. 1867. Albert F. Burgess Erieville Madison. 1852. James B. Burlew Sheldrake Seneca. 1868. Eugene Burlingame Willet Cortland. 1847. Hiram C. Burlingame. _ Norwich Chenango. 1878. James H. Burns Shelter Island Suffolk. 1881. Edward A. Burt E. Galway Saratoga. 1860. George R. Burton Rodman Jefferson. 1868. Manfred Burton Rodman Jefferson. 1868. N. Edgar Bush Pt. Peninsula. Jefferson. 1847. Anthony Butler, Jr Westfield Richmond. 1859. Julius M. Button Oriskany Falls Oneida. 1854. Edmund G. Butts Kortright Delaware. 49 Names. 1845. Nelson W. Butts 1851. Truman D. Cameron 1850. John D. Campbell 1846. Neil Campbell 1846. Charles T. Canfield 1877. Charles W. Carey 1876. Levi Carey 1881. Benjamin I. Carhart 1854. Richard D. Carmichael. 1858. John Carpenter, Jr 1876. Lafayette Carr 1850. Gideon H. Carswell 1856. John Henry Case^ 1862. Horatio G. Cass_ 1849. Levi Cass 1873. Lewis Cass 1852. Abram S. Cassedy 1882. Jacob Chadeayne 1856. Aaron Chadwick 1877. Clarence A. Chaloner 1869. George W. Chaloner 1852. Bradford R. Champion. 1847. George D. Chapell 1845. Dennis B. Chapin 1855. David E. Chase 1846. Jacob Chase, Jr. 1852. L. Harrison Cheeny 1853. James Cheney 1846. Edward W. Chesebro . _ 1879. Byron M. Child 1879. Walter Church 1846. Edwin B. Clapp 1863. Addison L. Clark 1870. Elijah D. Clark 1857. Linus W. Clark 1845. William W. Clark 1860. Samuel D. Cochran 1862. Franklin Cogswell 1847. Harry Cole 1853. J. Ga Nun Cole 1856. John W. Cole 1846. Samuel P. Cole 1846. James Coley 1847. George H. Collier 1847. Henry W. Collins 1881. Peter F. Collins Post Offices. Counties Albion Orleans. Stony Creek Warren. Roxbury Delaware. Monroe Orange. Trumansburgh Tompkins. Braman’s Corners _ Schenectady. Brain ail’s Corners . Schenectady. New Baltimore Greene. Sandlake Rensselaer. Oswego Oswego. Coeymans Albany. Fort Miller Washington. Middlesex Yates. Decatur Otsego. Decatur Otsego. Decatur Otsego. Monsev - - Rockland. Sing Sing W estchester. Rensselaerville Albany. N. Nassau, Rensselaer. N. Nassau. Rensselaer. Knoxville Albany. Oakfield Genesee. Bolivar Allegany. W estford . Otsego. Hoosick Falls Rensselaer. Syracuse Onondaga. Painted Post Steuben. Guilderland Albany. Watertown J e tiers on. High Falls Ulster. Belfast Allegany. Copenhagen Lewis. Vernon Oneida. Copenhagen Lewis. Lima Livingston. Otto Cattaraugus. Catlin. Chemung. Sherburne Chenango. Carmel Putnam. Red Hook Dutchess. Henderson J efferson. Florida Montgomery. Mina Chautauqua. Kirkland Oneida. Salem . Washington. 4 50 Names. 1857. Carlos Colton 1862. Seaman A. Colwell 1853. Isaac H. Colyer _ 1881. Frank Comesky 1846. Joel B. Conklin 1867. Louis S. Conklin 1847. John T. Conkling. 1863. John D. Conley 1847. Benjamin F. Cook 1877. Edgar II. Cook 1861. Michael R Cook 1855. Le Roy C. Cooley 1861. Justin S. Coon.. 1881. Richard E. Coon 1875. Franklin P. Coons 1847. Lucian B. Corey 1846. Lewis Cornell 1851. Robert N. Cornish 1848. Charles R. Coryell 1882. H. Sylvester Covey 1870. Ira J. Covey 1846. John A. Cramer 1846. Albert E. Crane 1853. Benjamin D. Crane 1864. George W. Crane 1863. James M. Crane 1877. Epaphro D. Craw 1874. O. Clark Crawford 1848. Elijah H. Crowell 1869. James B. Crowell 1859. Noah B. Cr} r sler 1851. James B. Cummings 1854. Mark Cummings 1879. Wm. A. Cummings.,.. 1846. Ebenezer Curtice 1852. James A. Curtice 1854. Lewis A. Curtice 1861. Charles C. Curtiss 1872. William S. Daley 1862. Robert B. Darling 1870. Henry D. Darrow 1872. William B. Davidson 1869. Samuel P. Davies 1864. E. Amenzo Davis 1847. Isaac T. Davis 1852. Algernon L. Day 1877. Franklin Day Post Offices. Pierrepont Verbank Athens Tappan Sandlake O wasco Brooklyn Canastota . Penn Yan Albany _• Smyrna Lyme Edwards Stillwater Schuylerville Ferguson’s Corner. Yan Buren Westville Hammondsport . _ East Worcester Whitney’s Point . . Amsterdam Urban a Carmel Union Circle ville North Nassau Middletown Urban a St. Andrews Navarino Putnam Homer Ticonderoga May ville _ Braman’s Corners . Chautauqua Clinton Tompkins ville Newton ville Hebron Aft on Middle Granville . Perry Coey man’s Hollow . Flushing New Providence, N Counties. St. Lawrence. Dutchess. Greene. Rockland. Rensselaer. Cayuga. Kings. Madison. Yates. Albany. Chenango. Jefferson. St. Lawrence. Saratoga. Saratoga. Yates. Onondaga. Otsego. Steuben. Otsego. Broome. Montgomery. Steuben. Putnam. Broome. Orange. Rensselaer. Orange. Steuben. Orange. Onondaga. Washington. Cortland. Essex. Chautauqua. Schenectady. Chautauqua. Oneida. Richmond. Albany. Washington. Chenango. Washington. Wyoming. Albany. Queens. . J. 51 Names. 1876. Stephen S. Da}^ 1872. Charles W. Dayton 1856. George R. Dean 1846. Abraham Debaun 1876. William S. De Golia 1868. Herman C. De Groat 1845. Warran Demun 1851. Abram A. Demarest 1849. James Denman 1847. John M. Denton 1880. Albert C. Derby 1868. Orville A. Derby 1859. Abram Devendorf 1849. David D. D. Dewey 1847. James E. Dexter 1851. William G. Dickson 1846. James Divine 1854. Alexander F. Dix 1872. Bruce Dodge 1876. De Witt C. Dominick.. 1853. Levi S. Dominy 1855. IVIilton Draper 1876. Orville Drum. 1867. Crines H. Dubois 1867. Edward B. DuMond 1865. Austin B. Duncan 1847. George H. Dunham.. _. 1875. Peter T. Durfy__ 1879. John Dwyer 1882. Zeb A. Dyer 1875. Martin L. Earing 1846. Darwin G. Eaton 1845. Marvin Edgerton 1879. Irving S. Edsall 1857. Benjamin Edson 1877. Matthew E. Egan 1849. Francis Elting 1849. William Elting 1871. John H. Emigh 1847. Elihu Enos, Jr _ _ 1845. James L. Enos 1853. Tuily C. Estee 1854. John Q. Evans 1849. Aurora Failing 1864. Merritt B. Fairchild 1847. George L. Farnham 1860. Charles H. Farnsworth. 1848. Peter J. Farrington Post Offices. Counties. New Providence, N. J. North Harpeusfield, Delaware. Maryland Otsego. Clarkstown Rockland. Batchellerville Saratoga. Owego . Tioga. Batavia Genesee. Nanuet Rockland. Neversink Sullivan. D urliam Greene. Afton Chenango. Kelloggsville Cayuga. Mi ndo n Montgomery. Malone Franklin. Locke Cay uga. Crawford Orange. Wa warsing Ulster. Newfane Niagara. Corfu Genesee. Gallupville Schoharie. West Chazy Clinton. Westford Otsego. Stuyvesant Columbia. High Falls Ulster. New Kingston Delaware. Chestnut Ridge Dutchess. Orangeville Wyoming. Mt. Vision Otsego. Liberty. Sullivan. East Berne. Albany. Mechanicsville Saratoga. Portland.. Chautauqua. Pompey Onondaga. Prattsville Greene. Otego Otsego. W est Troy A 1 bany. Cairo Greene. Port Jervis Orange. Ballston Spa Saratoga. Kingsboro Fulton. China Wyoming. Water Valley Erie. Harpersfield Delaware. Palatine Bridge Montgomery. Mannsville Jefferson. Watertown Jefferson. Beekinantown Clinton. Martin’s Hills Chemung. 52 Names. 1845. James Le Roy Fay 1847. Park Fellows., 1847. John Felt, Jr 1880. R. Rockwell Felter 1879. Clark C. Fenner 1847. Francis Ferry 1872. Sylvester Finch 1872. Nathaniel P. Fisher 1879. T. Otto Fisk 1846. Delos Fitch 1858. John H. Fitch 1847. C. J nelson Flatt. _ _ 1880. Arthur Flood 1849. Stephen W. Folger 1847. Jirah I. Foote 1877. Charles W. Forman 1872. James H. Forman 1879. James A. Foshay 184$. Charles D. Foster 1853. Homer T. Fowler 1861. Leroy Fowler 1858. George W. Fox 1857. Joseph G. Fox 1881. William C. Franklin 1859. Walton W. French 1882. William H. Frick 1846. Laac P. Frink 1850. Dubois B. Frisbee. . _ 1847. John W. Frisbee 1855. E. Austin Fry 1863. Joseph B. Fryer 1848. Valentine Fuller 1846. Charles Gale. 1845. Daniel Galentine 1873. Bezaleel H. Gallup 1871. Miner W. Gallup 1854. George D. Gano 1858. Francis Gardner, Jr 1860. Fredeiick E Garrett 1847. Jedediah Gaskill 1881. Daniel R. Geary 1872. Charles W. Geel 1854. Thomas H. Gemmell 1881. Melanctlion J. Getman. 1847. Addison C. Gibbs 1873. William M. Giffin 1847. Charles H. Gillett Post Offices. Counties. Earlville Madison. Syracuse Onondaga. Felt’s Mills Jefferson. Rockland Lake Rockland. Lake Ridge. Tompkins. Leicester . Livingston. East Chatham Columbia. Carmel Putnam. Shushan. Washington. Exeter Otsego. New Salem Albany. Barton . Tioga. Albany Albany. Lockport Niagara. Saugerties Ulster. J efferson Valley . . Putnam. Cold Spring Putnam. Farmer’s Mills Putnam. Palmyra Wayne. South Trenton Oneida. Brownville J efferson. Adams J efferson. Ellisbir gh. Jefferson. Plank Road Onondaga. Wilton Saratoga. Harris Hill Erie. West Troy Albany. Roxbury Delaware. Roxbury . . Delaware. South Marcell us. . Onond aga. Easton Washington. Keene Essex. Beekmantown Clinton. Rush Monroe. Knowersville Albany. Cedar Hill Albany. Westville Otsego. Honeoye Falls Monroe. South Trenton Oneida. Porter Niagara. Albany Albany. Zutphen, Holland. Sullivan. South Kortright. _ Delaware. Gloversville Fulton. East Otto Cattaraugus. Heuvelton St. Lawrence. Scott Cortland. 53 Names. 185 1. Hiram Gilmore 1873. Elias Glenn 1849. Henry A. Glidden 1849. Darwin E. Goodman 1852. James E. Goodman 1859. Ralph S.. Goodwin 1877. Charles F. Gordineer 1870. Wellington E. Gordon. _ 1867. Marquis D. Gould 1876. John E. Graham 1846. E. Dawson Granger 1847. William J. Grannis 1864. Archibald Grant 1848. John Grant 1879. Willis D. Graves 1847. Edward Gray 1862. Alanson H. Green 1862. George N. Green 1850. Joseph Green 1876. Lindsey Green. 1848. Mordaunt M. Green 1879. Charles E. Greene 1870. Clarke W. Greene 1876. George F. Greene 1849. Amasa M. Gregory 1850. Daniel S. Gregory 1878. Elias J. Gregory 1857. William B. Gregory 1861. John Gueren 1852. James Guffin 1846. Cyrenius C. Gunn 1874. E ugene Haight 1876. Franklin L. Haight 1876. Frederick C. Haight 1880. Abram L. Haines 1864. George T. Hall 1860. Oren H. Hall 1847. Samuel Hallett 1847. Edward H. Hallock 1876. Edwin S. Hallock 1849. Joseph A. Hallock 1852. C. Warren Hamilton 1861. Franklin Hamilton 1861. Charles W. Hamlin 1849. John F. Hammond 1846. Frederick L. Hanford __ Post Offices. Counties. Madison . Madison. Rose Valley Wayne. Albion Orleans. Bolton Warren. Bolton Warren. Binghamton Broome. Peekskill W estchester. Greenfield Saratoga. West Walworth __ Wayne. Saratoga Springs. . Saratoga. Sod us Wayne. Lyme Jefferson. Mum ford . Monroe. Margaretville Delaware. Bainb ridge Chenango. Oswego Oswego. South Berlin Rensselaer. Middletown Orange. Stone Mills Jefferson. Coevmans Albany. East Hamilton Madison, Bath Rensselaer. Willett Cortland. S. Sandlake Rensselaer.. Sandford . Broome. Croton Falls W estchester. Mount Vision Otsego. Skaneateles Onondaga. Malone . Franklin. Carlisle Schoharie. Lancaster Erie. Fishkill Dutchess. Fishkill Village Dutchess. Fishkill Village Dutchess. Fultonham Schoharie. Ballston Spa Saratoga. Belleville Jefferson. East Canisteo .... Steuben. Southold Suffolk. Salt Point Dutchess. Southold . Suffolk. East New York Kings. Batavia Genesee. Holland Patent Oneida. Brookhaven Suffolk. Stamford Delaware. 54 Names. 1853. Harrison Hannahs 1880. George Hannay 1862. Wallace B. Hard.. 1849. Addison W. Hardy 1855. Leonard F. Hardy 1861. James P. Harrington 1850. Chester Harris 1872. Frank S. Harris 1848. Alexander L. Haskins. . 1875. Francis C. Hastings 1846. Josiah W. Hastings 1848. Roderick D. Hathaway. 1869. William J. Haverly 1865. Albert Hawkins 1882. Adelbert C. Hayden 1853. John S. Haynes 1882. George H. Heald 1848. Andrew Hegeman 1848. William H. Henderson. 1857. Gilbert B. Hendrickson. 1874. Cyrus D. Henry 1860. Andrew Herrick 1861. Edward Hicks 1862. Henry B. Higgins 1860. James A. Higgins 1853. J. Henry Hikok 1851. Cornelius Hill 1855. John D. Hiller 1850. Henry Hitids 1877. Herbert C. Hinds 1852. John R. Hinds 1864. Orrin C. Hinrnan 1848. S. Cushing Hoag 1853. Peter W. Hoagland 1855. Henry H. Hogan 1865. Almon Holland 1846. Cyrus Holley 1859. Wm. C. Hollis 1855. Mervin Hollister 1848. John F. Hopkins 1851. T. Orlando Hopkins 1852. John H. Hopper 1873. Frank N. Horton 1875. George W. Horton 1879. Ira D. Horton 1856. Lansing Hotaling 1872. Isaac E. House Post'Oflices. Counties. Oriskany Oneida. West Fulton Schoharie. Holley Orleans. Rutland Jefferson. Homer . Cortland. Rushy ille Yates. Nassau Rensselaer. Bloomingburgh Sullivan. Jackson Washington. South Jefferson Schoharie. Brandon Franklin. Barrington Yates. West Berne Albany. Sullivanville Chemung. Osborn’s Bridge . . Fulton. Potter Hill Rensselaer. Albany Albany. New Utrecht Kings. New Albion Cattaraugus. North Salem Westchester. Naples Ontario. Bolton Warren. North Hempstead. Queens. Moscow Livingston. Fort Covington Franklin. Middletown Orange. Red Mills Putnam. Smith’s Mills Chautauqua. Salem Washington. E. Greenwich Washington. Salem Washington. Amber Onondaga. Milanville Dutchess. New York.. New York. Dickinson _ Franklin. Saratoga Springs. . Saratoga. Amsterdam Montgomery. Orwell Oswego. Palmyra Wayne. Williams ville Erie. Williamsville Erie. Nanuet Rockland. Brewsters Putnam. Brewsters Putnam. Brewsters . Putnam. Albany Albany. Nyack Turnpike _ . Rockland. 55 Names. 1851. Horace W. Hovey 1861. Asa L. Howard 1869. Horace G. Howe 1854. Rensselaer Howell, Jr__ 1848. Richmond W. Howland, 1860. Eli B. Hubbard _ 1849. Menso W. Hubbard 1845. Yolney S. Hubbard 1849. D. Henry Hughes 1862. Andress B. Hull. 1853. Wm. B. Hull 1847. Thomas B. Hunt 1860. Alexander S. Hunter 1855. Albert N. H listed 1863. Edwin Husted 1857. Sylvanus B. Husted 1877. Matthew B. Hutton 1850. Homer H. Ingalsbe 1876. Edward J. Isham 1858. B. Franklin Jackson 1846. Orson Jackson 1861. William H. Jackson 1846. Jeremiah Jenkins 1846. Egbert B. Johnson 1847. Isaac Johnson 1871. John L. Johnson 1879. J. Radford Johnson 1861. Martin P. Johnson 1881. Willard D. Johnson 1848. Janies Johonnot 1846. Daniel G. Jones 1875. Daniel S. Jones 1868. William V. Jones 1864. Champion II. Judson 1855. Norman Judson 1857. John H. Kane 1858. Samuel Karslake 1879. William Keenholtz 1856. David L. Keihle 1874. Christopher Keller 1851. Amos M. Kellogg 1854. George A. Kelly 1855. John Kelly 1860. Uriah M. Kelly 1846. Charles Kendall. 1857. Manly W. Kennedy ... . 1874. John F. Kent Post Offices. Counties. Guilford Centre Chenango. Maine Broome. New Paltz__ Ulster. Coldenham Orange. Watertown Jefferson. Richford Tioga. Schuyler’s Lake . _ Otsego. Adams Jefferson. Orleans J efferson. South Salem Westchester. Stone Church Genesee. Cambridge W asliington. Cones ville Schoharie. Pleasant Yalley Dutchess. Pleasant Yalley Dutchess. Albany Albany. Putnam Washington. South Hartford W ashington. Richmondville Schoharie. Arcade Wyoming. W estford Otsego. Arcade . Wyoming. Glens Falls W arren. Union Yale Dutchess. Palermo Oswego. Heuvelton St. Lawrence. Pomona Rockland. East Chatham Columbia. Schuyler’s Lake _ . Otsego. Syracuse . Onondaga. Aurora Erie. Kort right Delaware. Cobleskill . Schoharie. Livingstonville Schoharie. Conquest Cayuga. Albany Albany. Stafford Genesee. Knowersville Albany. North Dansville . . Livingston. South Yalley Otsego. Kirkland Oneida. Minaville . Montgomery. Greene Chenango. Baldwinsville Onondaga. Westerlo Albany. Cheektowaga Erie. Leyden Lewis. 56 Names. 1879. Henry D. Kerr 1848. Emerson W. Keyes 1859. Amos S. Kimball 1856. William W. Kimball 1862. Edward Kimmey 1882. Fred. De L. King 1845* Erasmus D. Kingsley __ 1859. Carlos Kinney 1874. Oliver B. Kipp 1849. Thomas Kitchen 1876. Amenzo C. Kling 1846. John N. Knapp 1854. William W. Knapp 1873. Albert E. Knight 1877. Senzaburo Kodzu 1867. David E. Kohler 1856. Isaac W. Lake 1850. Virgil A. Lamson 1860. Ira Manson Lang 1848. William B. Latham, Jr., 1875. Albert P. Lawrence 1846. Charles D. Lawrence 1864. Ephraim G. Lawrence.. 1875. John II. Lee 1846. Daniel T. Lennon 1873. Smith Lent 1847. Ezra Leonard 1856. Mahlon B. Leonard 1862. William E. Lewis 1872. Thomas A. Lillie 1882. Frank W. Lindsley 1864. Charles W. Loomis 1860. Horace Loomis . 1857. Joel P. Loomis 1847. John B. Loomis 1861. Edgar Loper 1858. John Lord, Jr 1847. Oscar W. Lord 1847. Gilbert Losee 1845. Daniel Losey 1851. George W. Lounsbury. 1875. Luther P. Ludden 1879. John W. Lyman 1849. P. Charles Lynch 1878. John Lyon 1854. La Fayette Lyttle 1877. George S. Maben 1878. W. Charles Maben Post Offices. Counties. New York New York. Busti Chautauqua. Lawrenceville St. Lawrence. Massena St. Lawrence. East Greenbush . . Rensselaer. Batchellerville Saratoga. Sardinia Erie. Massena Centre St. Lawrence. Burnt Hills Saratoga. Ithaca Tompkins. South Valley Otsego. Victory Cayuga. Lyme Jefferson. Clifton Park Saratoga. Tokio J apan. Royalton Niagara. Ausable Forks Clinton. Lorraine Jefferson. Westport Essex. New York New York. Vernon Oneida. Scipio Cayuga. Griffin’s Corners _ _ Delaware. Beekman Dutchess. Cairo Greene. Peekskill Putnam. Lyons Wayne. Pierpont St. Lawrence. Kirkwood Broome. Putnam Washington. Wellsburgh Chem ung. Binghamton Broome. Binghamton Broome. Hanover Chautauqua. Champion . Jefferson. Saratoga Spa Saratoga. Pock Stream Yates. Bethany Genesee. Sprout Creek Dutchess. Manlius Onondaga. Sullivan . Madison. Brunswick Rensselaer. Rose Wayne. Fallsburg Sullivan. Schultzville ... Dutchess. Watertown Jefferson. Lexington Greene. Lexington Greene. 57 1877. 1872. 1877. 1858. 1869. 1875. 1880. 1845. 1874. 1848. 1862. 1869. 1872. 1846. 1859. 1847. 1856. 1850. 1861. 1872. 1864. 1875. 1860. 1863. 1871. 1861. 1880. 1860. 1872. 1876. 1845. 1848. 1851. 1882. 1852. 1857. 1880. 1848. 1868. 1868. 1851. 1858. 1852. 1847. 1861. 1869. 1853. Names. Joseph S. Mackey Charles J. Majory George H. Mallory Clark O. Maltby Simeon T. Maltby Charles W. Manchester. Tracy J. Manchester James M. Mandeville _ _ Jacob H. Mann Michael F. Marcley Josiah T. Marean Convas E. Markham Luther O. Markham De Witt C. Marsh Edward T. Marson, Jr. Andrew L. Martin Darwin N. Mason Oliver P. Mason Buel C. Mather W. Buckingham Matson O Judiah Matteson George W. Mattice Caleb B. Mawney Nicholas J. May bee Frank B. Mayham Samuel McBlain John B. McClernan Chauncey A. McCormick John W. McElwee John Y. Me Gay Henry McGonegal Charles McGregor Henry McGregor Charles McKern Jesse McKinney John M. McLaughlin .. Josiah S. McLaughlin.. Samuel G. McLaughlin. Watson M. McLenathan William H. McLenathan James McMillan John W. McNamara John E. McPherson James E. Me Yean John J. McWilliams _ . . Henry E. Mereness Hubert H. Merrill Post Offices. Counties. Gilboa Schoharie. Greenbush Rensselaer. Albany Albany. Denmark Lewis. Bethel Sullivan. Berlin Rensselaer. Berlin Rensselaer. Pitcher Chenango. Breakabeen Schoharie. Schenectady Schenectady. Maine Broome. West Fulton Schoharie. West Fulton Schoharie. Randolph Cattaraugus. Utica Oneida. Milan. Dutchess. Portland Chautauqua. Brookfield Madison. Marcell us Onondaga. Schodack Landing. Rensselaer. Sand Bank Oswego. F ultonham Schoharie. PennYan Yates. East Norwich Queens. Gilboa _ Schoharie. Seneca Ontario. Green Island Albany. Medina Orleans. Millerton Dutchess. Brooklyn Kings. Danby Tompkins. Chateaugay Franklin. Chateaugay Franklin. Harlemviile Columbia. Sullivanville Chemung. Greenfield Saratoga. Newark Wayne. New burg Orange. Upper Jay Essex. Jay Essex. Horseheads Chemung. Albany Albany. Reed’s Corners Ontario. Caledonia Livingston. Elmira Chemung. Sharon Centre Schoharie. Felt’s Mills Jefferson. ; 58 Names. 1861. Morris L. Merriman 1854. Julius F. Merritt 1865. Harrison Merry 1846. Howard R. Miller 1854. J. Hervey Miller 1849. John N. Miller 1853. James H. Mills 1880. William R. Moe. . . 1877. Francis A. Molyneaux . 1874. Harrison S. Moore 1855. Merrit Moore 1862. Orrin G. Moore 1858. Jonathan B. Morey 1849. T. Wilbur Morgan 1850. Oscar F. Morris. 1862. Francis A. Morrison 1852. Charles H. Morse 1877. John C. Morton 1846. John C. Moses 1875. David Mosher 1881. Charles A. Mott 1845. George C. Mott 1867. Irving Moyer 1861. Ira C. Mumford 1880. Robert Muir 1873. Marcus H. Mullenneaux, 1877. William Murdoch 1877. George A. Murrell 1870. Oscar Myers 1860. Isaac D. Newell 1845. Ezra Newland 1881. Sidney W. Nicholls 1845. Alfred Nichols 1857. Henry A. Nichols 1847. William D. Nichols 1846. William H. Niles 1845. William Nims 1868. D. Russell Niver 1853. Hiram D. Noble 1853. Chester L. Northup 1875. Frank F. Noyes 1855. John D. Odell 1878. August Odenwalder 1852. Francis Ogsbury 1859. Edward R. Olin 1846. Charles H. Oliver 1848. James Oliver Post Offices. Counties. Copenhagen Crary’s Mills Burtonville Penn Yan Dansville Niskayuna Middletown Albany Phil m on t Halfmoon Java Patchogue . Dansville Westfield Howard South Rutland Buffalo Haynerville French Creek Lake Hill Morris Cairo Fort Plain Prattsburgh Cohoes Cornwall Marbletown Fort Ann . Barnesville Jay Leicester W. Winfield Hamilton Ogden Berlin Dry den Fort Ann Albany Floyd Jordanville Batchellerville Chapinsville Highland Falls Guilderland Lawrenceville Wall kill Croton Lewis. St. Lawrence. Montgomery. Yates. Steuben. Schenectady. Orange. Albany. Columbia. Rensselaer. Wyoming. Suffolk. Livingston. Chautauqua. Steuben. Jefferson. Erie. Rensselaer. Chautauqua. Ulster. Otsego. Greene. Montgomery. Steuben. Albairy. Orange. Ulster. Washington. Schoharie. Essex. Livingston. Herkimer. Madison. Monroe. Rensselaer. Tompkins. Washington. Albany. Oneida. Herkimer. Saratoga. Ontario. Orange. Albany. St. Lawrence. Orange. Delaware. 59 Names. 1862. Hiram F. Olmstead 1849. Gilbert Onderdonk 1875. Hambly P. Orchard 1846. William Orton.. 1848. Watson Osborn 1860. John H. Ostrom 1845. Reuben Ottman 1847. John R. Page 1847. Azariah S. Palmer.. 1876. George M. Palmer 1847. Joseph H. Palmer 1850. William D. Palmer 1859. Wiliam H. Palmer 1851. John A. Parish 1855. Charles H. Parker 1850. Andrew Parsons 1846. Richard H. Patchin 1872. Alexander V. R. Paterson 1881. William Reid Paterson. 1848. Ansel Partridge 1867. Calvin Patterson 1873. Charles R. Patterson 1865. James F. Patterson 1864. Daniel F. Payne 1854. William P. Payne 1850. Charles H. Peck 1852. Charles H. Peck 1850. Joseph Perkins, Jr 1881. Kirtland W. Perry 1845. William F. Phelps 1854. Henry A. Phillips 1855. William M. Phillips 1879. Charles C. Pierce 1870. Christopher H. Pierce.. 1849. Cornelius H. Pierce 1872. Edward T. Pierce 1850. Henry B. Pierce 1875. DeWitt Pinckney 1880. Herbert Pinckney 1847. Hezekiah E. Pitcher 1876. Riley M. Pitcher 1874. Elwin S. Piper 1878. Andrew F. Pitts 1847. Harvey P. Platt 1880. Henry H. Plough 1880. Myron C. Plough 1848. Edward P. Pomeroy... Post Offices. Counties. Onondaga Valley . Onondaga. West Greece Monroe. Beekmanville Dutchess. Seneca Ontario. Windham Centre _ Greene. Moscow Livingston. Sharon Schoharie. Bethany . Genesee. Hanover Chautauqua. Riehmondville Schoharie. Granby Oswego. Potter’s Hollow _ . Albany. Stone Mills Jefferson. Hebron Washington. Water Valley Erie. Leesville _ _ Schoharie. Wawarsing Ulster. Ogdensburgh St. Lawrence. Chipman’s Point, V t. W ashington. Wilmington Essex. Brockport Monroe. West Sandlake Rensselaer. Scotcktown Orange. Wadham’s Mills Essex. East Rodman Jefferson. Brooklyn Kings. Sandlake Rensselaer. Salem Washington. Centre White Cr’k . W ashington. Auburn Cayuga. Marti nsburgh Lewis. New Albion Cattaraugus. Walton Delaware. New York New York. Cold Spring Putnam. W alton Delaware. Cooperstown Otsego. Lake Mahopac Putnam. Mahopac Putnam. Nichols Tioga. E. Worcester Oteego. Saratoga Springs. . Saratoga. E. Schoda^k Rensselaer. ► Schroon Lake Essex. Roxbury Delaware. Roxbury Delaware. Onondaga Hollow. Onondaga. 60 Names. 1877. Julius H. Potter 1847. Isaac B. Poucher 1878. H. Rennie Powell 1877. Samuel F. Powell 1876. Albert S. Pratt 1853. Aaron B. Pratt 1852. Byron Pratt 1850. Silas J. Pratt 1847. John Prentice 1879. Edwin De F. Putney 1848. Teunis S. Quackenbush. 1866. George H. Quay 1882. Milton Quay 1882. Charles F. Randall 1857. Jonas C. Ransom 1852. Charles F. Rappelye 1860. Jehiel S. Raynor 1861. Joshua W. Read 1849. Stephen S. Read 1868. Orlando M. Record 1879. Wm. Edward Redmond, 1862. Alonzo Reed 1847. Enos K. Reed 1852. Philander Reed. 1847. Thomas H. Reed 1880. Daniel B. Relyea 1846. Julius T. L. Remington, 1867. John B. Resseguie 1861. John B. Reynolds 1869. John C. Reynolds 1860. William Reynolds..... 1866. Jacob F. Rhodes 1846. Byron Rice 1880. Howard W. Richardson, 1861. John R. Richards 1858. James Richardson 1877. Farley Ri kert 1872. Carlton M. Ritter 1880. Charles Rivenburgh 1863. W. De Latin Robbins _. 1864. William H. B. Roberts. 1858. Hannibal Robinson 1864. Thomas Robinson 1856. William C. Robinson 1855. Hiram L. Rockwell 1867. Lyman E. Rockwell 1878. John W. Roe Post Offices. Counties. Hart wick Otsego. North Sterling Cayuga. Bath Rensselaer. Coeymans Albany. Haverstraw Rockland. Lawrence St. Lawrence. West Aurora Erie. Nicholsville St. Lawrence. Troy Rensselaer. Brentwood Suffolk. Guilderland Albany. Knox Albany. Knox Albany. Burton ville Montgomery: W est Chazy Clinton. Milo Centre Yates. East Moriches Suffolk. East Pembroke Genesee. Kennedy ville Steuben. Smyrna Chenango. Haverstraw Rockland. Roxbury Delaware. James ville Onondaga. Three Mile Bay . . Jefferson. Carmel Putnam. Springtown Ulster. Hopkinton St. Lawrence. Sackett’s Harbor. _ J efferson. Carthage Jefferson. Osborn Hollow Broome. Albany Albany. Lansing Tompkins. Mentz _ Cayuga. New York New York. Marcellus Onondaga. Troy.. Rensselaer. Bull’s Head Dutchess. East Varick Seneca. Germantown Columbia. Copenhagen Lewis. East Varick Seneca. Buckram _ Queens. Hudson Columbia. Rojne Oneida. Mu nns ville Madison. Munnsville Madison. Port Jefferson Suffolk. 61 Names. 1852. Darius Rogers 1850. Sainual H. Rogers 1860. S. Warren Rogers 1846. John M. Root 1850. Leonard S. Root 1874. James A. Rose 1858. George Rosenberger 1849. Charles Ross 1846. Daniel B. Ross 1855. James C. Ross 1847. William Ross 1874. Charles A. Rounds 1871. W. Ethelbert Rounds __ 1858. Leonard B. Rowley 1854. Albert G. Ruliffson 1846. Edwin B. Russ 1849. Pulaski Rust 1854. James E. Ryan 1846. James H. Salisbury 1872. Chester H. Sample 1875. Ira Sawyer 1869. S. Niles Saxton 1852. James W. Schermerhorn 1845. William Seism.. 1877. Walter W Scofield 1861. J. Milton Scudder 1873. William Schell 1882. AdolphusSchleiermacher 1876. Erwin H. Schuyler 1870. Clarence W. Scott 1846. Buckley K. Seaman 1874. Louis N. Seaman ... 1877. William W. Seaman 1871. Levy Seley, Jr. 1848. Loren B. Sessions 1849. Edward C. Seymour 1845. Edward C. Seymour 1873. Oscar B. Shaffer 1858. Charles B. Shaw 1882. John W. Shaw, Jr 1846. Henry J. Sherrill 1861. George A. Shoales 1847. Charles C. Shorkley 1856. Asaph E. Shute 1848. Judson Sibley 1847. Salmon O. Simonds 1877. Israel Slingerland Post Offices, Counties* Greece Monroe. Sidney Plains Delaware. South Avon _ Livingston. Fort Ann Washington. East Bloomfield.. Ontario. East Aurora Erie. Charlotteville Schoharie. Seneca Ontario. Canadice Ontario. Spencerport Monroe. Ovid Seneca. Henderson Jefferson. Henderson J efferson. Cat on Steuben. Gil boa Schoharie. Utica Oneida. Middleburgh Schoharie. Amcnia Union Dutchess. Homer Cortland. Ivendaia Seneca. Ellenville. Ulster. Westville Otsego. Castleton Rensselaer. Livingston Columbia. New Salem Albany. Roxbury Delaware. West Sandlake Rensselaer. Livingstonville Schoharie. Minaville Montgomery. W est Greenfield _ . Saratoga. Schroon Essex. Castile Wyoming. Castile W yoming. North Harpersfield, Delaware. Panama Chautauqua. Holland Patent Oneida. Ithaca Tompkins. New Paltz Ulster. Penn Yan Yates. Morris Otsego. Eaton Madison. Plymouth Chenango. Scipio Cayuga. Bra man’s Corners . Schenectady. Napoli Cattaraugus. Conewango Cattaraugus. Slingerlands Albany. 62 Names. 1854. Daniel H. Skidmore, Jr. 1850. Herman Skinner 1862. John Skinner 1846. Thomas Slater 1852. Darwin C. Smalley 1877. Abram Smith. 1853. Abram P. Smith 1879. Beverly A. Smith 1851. Calvin W. Smith 1879. Edson L. Smith 1880. Edwin Smith 1879. Emmett F. Smith 1880. Ezbon A. Smith 1856. Gawn M. Smith 1875. George W. Smith 1859. G. Sidney Smith 1877. Leslie Smith. 1874. Louis H. Smith.. 1849. Luther L. Smith 1846. Martin M. Smith 1878. Milford H. Smith 1879. Kelson Smith 1852. Thomas G. Smith 1847. William Smith 1855. William F. Smith 1859. Francis G. Snook 1859. Charles E. Snyder 1850. Cornelius Snyder 1851. Philip Snyder 1855. Dwight S. Spafford 1850. Derrick W. Sparling 1856. Lewis Spaulding 1859. Daniel W. Sprague 1860. Hem an C. Sprague 1855. Henry T. Sprague 1859. James R. Sprague 1854. George D. B. Stacy 1867. Norman M. Stark 1854. William M. Stark 1874. S. Eugene Starkweather 1854. Henry S. Stebbins 1877. Frank N. Stephens 1847. John H. Stephens 1845. Reuben R. Stetson 1846. Andrew J. Stevens 1846. G. Herman Stevens 1863. Myron D. Stewart Post Offices. Counties Setauket . Suffolk. Richmondville Schoharie. Suspension Bridge. Niagara. Caroline Tompkins. Ovid Seneca. Jackson Corners.. Columbia. East Virgil Cortland. New York New York. Washington Hoi.. Dutchess. Peekskill W estchester. Jackson Corners. . Columbia. Blue Point Suffolk. Jackson Corners. . Columbia. Horseheads Chemung. Roxbury Delaware. Sing Sing W estchester. Roxbury . Delaware. Peekskill W estchester. Mexico. Oswego. Pike Wyoming. Willsboro Essex. High Falls Ulster. Coventry _ Chenango. Richfield Otsego. Mechlenburgh Tompkins. Auburn Cayuga. Stokes Ontario. West Sandlake Rensselaer. Rhinebeck Dutchess. Bergen Genesee. Hasbrouck . Sullivan. Spafford Onondaga. Fabius Onondaga. East Bloomfield. . Ontario. East Bloomfield.. Ontario. East Bloomfield- . Ontario. Nicholville St. Lawrence. Edinburgh Saratoga. Edinburgh Saratoga. Worcester Otsego. Collins Erie. Addison Steuben. New City Rockland. Bangor Franklin. South Columbia. . Herkimer. Ithaca Tompkins. Stockbridge Madison. 63 Names. 1876. C. Riverius Stiles 1859. Luther L. Stillman 1868. Joseph S. St. John 1871. Theodore L. St. John .. 1876. Charles H. Stockwell .. 1847. John F. Stoddard 1850. Bowen H. Stone 1855. Thomas N. Stone 1879. Irving W. Story 1879. William H, Story 1848. Willard P. Straight 1861. Francis A. Strong 1861. Joseph S. Stutterd 1864. Peter Sutphen 1850. Samuel J. C. Sweezey_ _ 1877. George E. Tabor 1852. Joseph B. Tallman 1857. Henry J. Tanner 1849. George W. Taylor 1879. Henry L. Taylor 1854. Hamilton B. Taylor 1867. Henry C. Tefft 1868. Albert C. Tennant 1860. Jared H. Terry 1846. Francis A. Thayer 1845. Gilbert Thayer . 1874. Allred Thomas 1856. George C. Thomas 1876. Myron H. Thomas 1876. A. Elting Thompson 1848. John H. Thompson 1851. William Thompson 1880. William E. Thompson.. 1850. Deranzel R. A. Thorp.. 1848. William T. Tifft 1849. Stephen H. Tilden 1880. Frank Tinklepaugh 1849. Abram Tinkey 1856. John C. Tobey 1879. Martin M. Todd 1859. Robert F. Todd 1879. Charles M. Tompkins .. 1847. Joseph H. Tompkins 1877. Irving P. Town 1882. William H. Tracy 1862. Elbert Travel 1 Post Offices. Counties. E. Bloomfield Ontario. Homer Cortland. Ballston Spa Saratoga. Ballston Spa Saratoga. Hoosick Rensselaer. Liberty Sullivan. Hermitage Wyoming. Adams Basin Monroe. Schultzville Dutchess. Schultzville Dutchess. Port Gibson Ontario. Corn wall ville Greene. Stafford Genesee. O wasco Cayuga. Camden Oneida. Castile Wyoming. Mayville Chautauqua. Medina Orleans. Richland Oswego. Mooers Clinton. Preble Cortland. Smyrna Chenango. Willet Cortland. Upper Aquebogue, Suffolk. Rome Oneida. Keeseville Essex. Oshkosh, Wis Madison. Albany Albany. Williamson Wayne. Ulsterville Ulster. Blooming Grove.. Orange. Brookfield Madison. Burlington Flats. . Otsego. Seelysburgh Cattaraugus. Sandy Creek Oswego. Port Byron Cayuga. Preston Hollow Albany. Spring Valley Rockland. Charlton _ Saratoga. Dobbs Ferry W estchester. Monroe Orange. Callahan’s Corners. Albany. Perry Wyoming. Burlington Flats. . Otsego. Aft on Chenango. Rhinebeck Dutchess. 64 Names. 1856. Albertus C. Trevett 1856. James M. True 1850. Joseph N. Tubbs 1863. John H. Tucker 1882. H. De Witt Turner 1849. Ira H. TuthiLl 1847. Jeremiah G. Tu thill 1857. Aaron K. Tuttle 1857. Nelson P. Tuttle 1880. Charles H. Tyndall .... 1846. Richard H. Uline 1879. Frank H. Valentine 1871. Joseph W. Valentine, j . 1863. Warren E. Valentine 4880. J. Willis Vandercook.. 1857. William Vaudemark 1873. Henry J. Van Denberg. 1872. Herman C. VanderWart 1871. Arthur Van Dewater 1854. David Van Etten 1851. John E. Van Etten 1854. Beekman Van Gaasbeek. 1853. Wash’ton Van Gaasbeek. 1849. Matthias C. Van Horn. . 1881. Henry P. Van Liew 1845. William Van Olinda . . . . 1873. James H. Van Sickle 1875. Chas. C. Van Valkenberg 1866. Delos Van Woert 1880. Clarence E. Van Zandt. 1848. Jackson Voorhees 1870. George B. Vosburg 1850. James W ade 1859. William B. Wait 1850. Daniel P. Waite 1860. Charles K. Walrath 1846. Augustus H. Walwork _ 1852. Michael McN. Walsh 1859. Frank B. Ward 1876. Dwight D. Warne 1868. Hiram D. Warner 1846. James D. Warner 1868. Alonzo Washburn 1849. Charles Waterbury 1847. Daniel Waterbury 1849. Edward P. Waterbury. . Post Offices. Counties. East Hamburgh.. Erie. Ogden Monroe. Esperance Schoharie. Davenport Centre. Delaware. Clifton Park Saratoga. Mattituck Suffolk. Southold Suffolk. Cape Vincent Jefferson. St. Lawrence Jefferson. Alton W ayne. Sand lake Rensselaer. Rose Wayne. Locust Valley Queens. North White Creek W ashington. Rose Valley. Wayne. Phelps Ontario. Defreestville Rensselaer. Arnhem, Holland. Lewis. Cold Spring Putnam. Kingston . Ulster. Woodstock Ulster. Kingston Ulster. Woodstock Ulster. Stark Herkimer. New Scotland Albany. Pinckney Lewis. South Livonia Livingston. Hudson Columbia. Alton Chenango. Eagle Mills Rensselaer. Beaver Kill Sullivan. Stuyvasant Falls. _ Columbia. Black Rock Erie. Albany Albany. Corfu Genesee. Perch River Jefferson. Huntington Suffolk. Rochester Monroe. Evans 7 Mills J efferson. E. Varick. Seneca. Mabbetsville Dutchess. Albany Albany. Adams Jefferson. Schoharie Schoharie. Margaretville Delaware. Margaret ville Delaware. 65 Names. 1845. William Watson 1851. Albertus Webb 1846. John R. W ebb _ 1845. Sumner C. Webb 1863. Marcus A. Weed 1864. Gordon L. Weeks 1854. Jared A. Weeks 1866. George W. Weiant 1855. Wheaton A. Welch 1848. Eugene Weller 1846. Joseph S. Weller 1864. Benjamin E. Wells 1852. D. Franklin Wells 1852. Daniel M. Wells 1881. George H. Wells 1847. JohnP. Welsh 1872. -George W. Wentworth 1879. Walter E. Werner 1867. Warner W. Wester velt. 1847. Myron Wheaton 1848. Seymour Wheaton 1857. Edwin A. Wheeler 1858. Ormell E. Wheeler 1882. James R. White 1875. J. Seward White 1866. Richard W. White ... 1853. William White 1851. William W. White 1846. Daniel E. Whitmore,. 1858. Thomas S. Whitmore _ 1876. Willard M. Whitney.. 1878. Allen D. Wickham 1880. Abram H. Wiggins... 1880. Hoyt Wightman 1874. Henry H. Wilbur 1882. Frank H. Wilcox 1857. Henry A. Wilcox 1855. Isaac B. Wilcox 1860. Franklin A. Wilder 1854. Lyman C. Wilder 1847. Lemuel M. Wiles 1876. Hiram B. Wilkes 1857. Andrew B. Williams. . 1846. Chauncey L. Williams. 1875. Henry E. Williams 1871. Sherman Williams 1862. Consider H. Willett 5 Post Offices. Counties. Rochester. Monroe. Homer Cortland. Brown ville Jefferson. Homer Cortland. Pulaski Oswego. Ellery Centre Chautauqua. Ellery Chautauqua. Flora Falls Rockland. Tully Onondaga. Honeoye Falls Monroe. Geneseo Livingston. Glens Falls Warren. Holland Patent Oneida. Aquebogue Suffolk. Southold Suffolk. Syracuse Onondaga. Mt. Vision Otsego. North ville Fulton. Spring Valley Rockland. Tully Onondaga. Fleming Cayuga. North Clarkson ._ Monroe. North Clarkson .. Monroe. East Albany Rensselaer. West Township __ Albany. Geneseo Livingston. Bergen Genesee. Bridgehampton Suffolk. Columbus Chenango. North Granville Washington. Batchellerville Saratoga. N. Harpersfield Delaware. Point Peninsula Jefferson. Morris Otsego. Mt. Vision Otsego. Morris Otsego. Conquest Cayuga. Harpersfield- Delaware. Watertown Jefferson. Hoosick Falls Rensselaer. Perry Wyoming. Brewsters Putnam. Knox Albany. Lafayette Onondaga. Canajoharie . Montgomery. Cooperstown Otsego. Navarino Onondaga. 66 Names. 1882. George 0. Wilsey 1876. O. Jay Wilsey 1875. Franklin J. Wilson 1848. James M. Winchell 1852. Nicholas Winne 1881. Willard D. Winne 1877. John W. Witbeek 1860. Adelbert C. Wood 1853. Devolson Wood 1847. James Wood, Jr 1854. Jared G. Wood 1849. John Wood 1866. Seth S. Wood _ 1847. William L. Wood 1848. William G. Woodworth. 1849. Andrew R. Wright 1848. Edward Wright 1874. Irving Wright 1853. J. Frank Wright 1880. J. Franklin Wright 1855. Samuel Wright 1860. Lucius T. Yale 1848. John F. Youngs Post Offices. Counties. Aquetuck Albany. Otesro Otsego. Hebron Washington. Syracuse Onondaga. Guilderland Centre Albany. South Valley Otsego. Indian Fields Albany. North Parma Monroe. Smyrna Chenango. Wales Erie. Bedford W estchester. Fortsville Saratoga. Minisink Orange. Charlotte ville Schoharie. Tyre Seneca. Catlin Chemung. Carmel Putnam. Mahopac Falls Putnam. Syracuse Onondaga. Boyntonville Rensselaer, Rockville Centre. „ Queens. Bergen Genesee. Southold Suffolk. 67 Recapitulation — Number of Pupils and Graduates. Graduates. YEAR. Term Pupils. Gentle- men. Ladies. Total. First 1 98 2 185 29 5 34 Second 3 197 30 17 47 4 205 37 26 63 Third 5 178 27 19 46 6 221 37 25 62 Fourth 7 198 25 25 50 8 208 17 29 46 Fifth 9 175 22 21 43 10 196 19 18 37 Sixth 11 223 12 20 32 12 219 21 13 34 Seventh 13 232 12 14 26 14 236 11 17 28 Eighth 15 232 13 13 26 16 227 19 18 37 Ninth 17 276 13 26 39 18 273 17 25 42 Tenth 19 253 13 25 38 20 265 17 33 50 Eleventh 21 250 14 27 41 22 228 11 26 37 Twelfth 23 238 10 31 41 24 237 12 20 32 Thirteenth 25 270 13 15 28 26 242 10 30 40 Fourteenth 27 233 9 14 23 28 211 11 24 35 Fifteenth 29 241 14 17 31 30 250 7 25 32 Sixteenth 31 | 253 14 24 38 32 246 18 17 35 Seventeenth 33 215 14 23 37 34 212 13 16 29 Eighteenth 35 208 9 15 24 36 212 13 17 30 Nineteenth 37 198 4 24 28 38 219 7 25 32 Twentieth. 39 210 9 18 27 40 202 10 28 38 Twenty-first 41 179 3 15 18 42 193 2 30 32 Twenty-second 43 231 4 15 19 44 197 5 20 25 Twenty-third 45 173 5 12 17 46 171 8 18 26 Twenty-fourth 47 290 6 22 28 48 252 14 26 40 Twenty-fifth 49 265 2 17 19 50 266 11 37 48 Twenty-sixth 51 266 7 24 31 52 232 8 29 37 Twenty-seventh 53 275 8 18 26 54 252 5 27 32 Twenty-eighth 55 291 8 23 31 56 267 15 36 51 Twenty-ninth 57 263 9 20 29 58 240 6 23 29 Thirtieth 59 324 5 19 i 24 60 304 18 24 j 42 Thirty-first 61 347 7 20 27 62 300 16 30 46 Thirty-second 63 349 18 24 42 64 255 14 15 29 Thirty-third 65 308 16 18 34 66 251 | 19 20 39 Thirty-fourth 67 319 i 4 18 22 68 261 8 20 28 Thirty-fifth 69 303 11 20 31 70 274 20 21 41 Thirty-sixth 71 292 17 18 35 72 272 17 28 45 Thirty-seventh 73 300 5 13 18 74 257 15 29 44 Thirty-eighth 75 279 ! 7 18 25 76 262 13 25 1 38 Totals 18,442 967 1,619 j 2,586 SUPPLEMENTAL CATALOGUE. 1883-1884. LADIES. 1884. 1883. 1884. 1883. 1884. 1883. 1883. 1883. 1883. 1884. 1884. 1883. 1883- 1883. 1884- 1884- 1 883. 1883. 1884. 1883. 1883. 1883. 1884. 1884. 1884. 1884. 1883. 1884. 1883. 1884. 1883. 1884. 1883. 1883. 1883. 1883. 1883. 1884. 1884. 1883. 1883. Names. Post Offices. Counties. S- Grace Anderson Clayville Oneida. Josephine Ashton East Albany Rensselaer. Ida M. Babcock Laurens Otsego. Mena Babcock Haverstraw Rockland. Minnie Babcock Troy Rensselaer. Adelia S. Bacon Batchellerville Saratoga. Bertha Bartholf Vischer’s Ferry Saratoga. Minnie Bates East Albany Rensselaer. Minnie E. Benedict Johnsonville Rensselaer. Abbie C. Benson Albany Albany. Mary E. Berns Albany Albany. Nellie M. Boothby Greenbush Rensselaer. V. Idalette Brett Albany Albany. Ella M. Briggs Laurens Otsego. Ida Brimmer Painted Post Steuben. Alice Brower Clove Junction Dutchess. Mary E. Buell Clyde Wayne. Mary E. Call Haverstraw Rockland. Carrie A. Carroll Copenhagen Lewis. Harriet E. Carskaden Ancram Lead Mines Columbia. Agnes S. Chalmers Perth Fulton. Agnes S. Christie Luella J. Clark Alice W. Coakley Emma M. Coe Caroline C. Conover Mary Corry. ._ Albany Albany. ._ Willsboro Point Essex. ._ Hempstead Queens. ._ Gilbertsville Otsego. Valley Falls Rensselaer. ._ Slingerlands Albany. Mary L. Cowles Osceola Lewis. Ellen Adair Dooley Glenmore Oneida. Ida A. Dutton Hare Creek— Erie. Mary E. Elmore Liberty Sullivan. Irene Embler Walden Orange. Sophie M. Fischer Port Chester Westchester. Emma A. Forman Cold Spring Putnam. M. Amelia Foshay Underhill Westchester. Effie M. Fraats Cooperstown Otsego. Bir della M. Garner Chatham Columbia. Lizzie Gamsey Jonesville Saratoga. Eleanor D. Gillespie Dobbs’ Ferry. Westchester. Fannie E. Goodrich Olmsteadville Essex. Jennie A. Goss N. Granville Washington, (69) 70 Names. Post Offices. Counties. 1883. Minnie T. Griffin Dover Plains. Dutchess. 1884. E. Helen Hannahs Rome ^ Oneida. 1884. Emma Hard Sharon Springs Schoharie. 1884. Mary Hardy E. Watertown Jefferson. 1884. Lillie D. Hedden Charlton Saratoga. 1883. Jeannette Hendry Monticello Sullivan. 1883. Elizabeth Hermans Cohoes Albany. 1884. Jennie J. Hollister New Lisbon Otsego. 1883. Lillian Holloway Delhi Delaware. 1884. Ella A. Holmes Marion Wayne. 1884. Nellie Horsfall Freeport Queens. 1883. Edith A. Horton Peekskill Westchester. 1884. Marion H. Imrie Albany Albany. 1884. Ida M. Isdell Philadelphia Jefferson. 1883. Georgian a Jayne Old Westbury Queens. 1884. Cornelia M. Jenkins Kings Ferry Cayuga. 1883. Ella Jersey Spring Valley Rockland. 1884. Jenna L. Kathan Ballston Saratoga. 1884. Julia King Salem Washington. 1883. Laura E. Kinne Ilion Herkimer. 1883. Helena A. Kring Mayfield Fulton. 1883. Cornelia F. Lawrence South Salem Westchester. 1883. Ella Lawson South Berne Albany. 1883. Ida B. Lawson Aquetuck Albany. 1883. Grace. R. Lawyer Schoharie Schoharie. 1883. Margaret McFeely N. Stephentown Rensselaer. 1883. Mary J. McHugh Albany Albany. 1884. Margaret McIntyre Waterloo Seneca. 1883. Carrie McMillan Salem Washington. 1884. Harriet M. Mahaffy Salem Washington. 1884. Jennie Mathias Jerusalem Albany. 1884. Abbie Miller Coxsackie Greene. 1883. Maggie Miller Kinderhook 1 Columbia. 1883. Almira A. Munger Albany Albany. 1884. Katharine Murphy Copenhagen Lewis. 1883. Lizzie A. Murray West Albany Albany. 1884. Elizabeth Mussey Newkirk Mills Fulton. 1884. Mary J. Oakes Copenhagen Lewis. 1884. Mary Bell Ostrom West Charlton Saratoga. 1883. Mary E. O’Toole Waterville Oneida. 1884. Charlotte R. Parmele Greenbush Rensselaer. 1884. Anna M. Patterson- Dobbs’ Ferry Westchester. 1884. Cora A. Patterson Ticonderoga Essex. 1884. Nettie E. Patterson Braman’s Corners Schenectady. 1884. Anna E. Pierce Union Centre Broome. 1884. Fanny M. Pratt Easton Washington. 1884. Eugenia B. Purdy Port Chester Westchester. 1884. Arthetta Reed Vischer’s Ferry Saratoga. 1884. Mary E. Reed New Salem Albany. 1884. Mary Roscoe Elizabethtown Essex. 1883. Mary E. Rowell Waterville Oneida. 1883. Nettie E. C. Russell__„„ Lebanon Spa Columbia. 7i Names. 1884. Jessie W. Schermerhorn 1883. Joanna S. Schlemmer 1883. Angie Smith 1884. H. Agnes Smith 1884. Mary Smith 1883. Lizzie A. Sprague 1884. Libbie Stackpole 1884. Elizabeth Stever 1883. Hannah A. Stymus 1884. Henrietta Sutherland 1884. Mary Louisa Sutliff 1884. Alice H. Sweet 1883. Kate Thompson 1883. Gertrude E. Tiel 1883. Lizzie A. Tompkins ' 1883. S. Jennie Townsend 1883. Mary Van Inwegen 1883. Clara E. Veeder 1884. Ada Vrooman 1883. Marcia J. Wagar 1884. Julia R. Waldron 1883. Angeline Watson 1883. Mary A. Whalen 1883. Adelle L. Whitaker 1883. Ella J. Wiggins 1884. Evelena Williams 1883. Alida A. Woodin 1883. Marion Woolverton Post Offices. Counties. E. Greenbush Rensselaer. Castleton ! Rensselaer. Shekomeko Dutchess. Islip Suffolk. Cropseyville Rensselaer. Rochester Monroe. Albany Albany. Bath-on-Hudson Rensselaer. Dobbs’ Ferry Westchester. Wappinger’s Falls Dutchess. Bath-on-Hudson . Rensselaer. Dean’s Corners Saratoga. Albany Albany. Coxsackie Greene. Stillwater Saratoga. Coxsackie Greene. Cuddebackville Orange. Gloversville Fulton. Becker’s Corners Albany. Eagle Mills Rensselaer. Peekskill Westchester. Bolton Landing Warren. Yonkers Westchester. Warrensburgh Warren. Pt. Peninsula Jefferson. Westbury Station Queens. Pawling Dutchess. Albany Albany. GENTLEMEN. 1884. Lynn J. Arnold Burlington Flats. 1883. Alexander M. Arries Morris 1883. John D. Campbell Roscoe 1883. William M. Colliton Quaker Street 1884. Alvin Converse Coventry 1884. La Mott Day Burlington Flats. 1883. Stephen J. Daring Gallupville 1884. Jacob W. Drumm Stuyvesant Falls. 1884. James M. Edsall, Jr Prattsville 1883. James B. Egan West Troy 1883. George H. Fort West Charlton-. 1884. Michael Wm. Gilmore Clinton Corners. 1884. Charles H. Gorsline N. Hillsdale 1883. Irving Green Patchogue 1884. Joseph D. Greenslete Broadalbin 1884. Elmer C. Henderson Walton 1883. Charles D. Hill Turin 1884. William H. Hulbert Broome Centre. 1883. Jarvis S. Ingraham Albany 1884. James W. Jacobus White Plains — 1884. John James Union Grove Otsego. Otsego. Sullivan. Schenectady. Chenango. Otsego. Schoharie. Columbia. Greene. Albany. Saratoga. Dutchess. Columbia. Suffolk. Fulton. Delaware^ Lewis. Schoharie. Albany. Westchester. Delaware. 72 Names. 1884. Theophilus Johnson. 1884. Martin Joyce 1883. Nathan G. Kingsley. 1883. Richard A. Lane 1884. Daniel D. Lillie 1883. Jesse McMullen 1883. Harry L. Moore 1883. Fayette Munson 1883. William H. Myers— 1883. George H. Neal 1883. Frank J. Newbury- 1884. Michael Nolan 1883. Eliot B. Norton 1884. Irvin Peck 1884. Elmer H. Porter 1883. Walter E. Potter 1884. William G. Reed __ 1884. Myron Reichtmyer_ 1883. Charles T. Seaman- 1884. George K. Smith 1884. Herbert W. Smith 1883. Willie J. Stebbins— 1883. Horace E. Twichell 1883. Henry M. Tyndall 1884. Oren B. Wilbur 1884. Theodore Witte 1884. Walter A. Wood Post Offices. Counties. Hillsdale Columbia. Hillsdale Columbia. Jones ville Saratoga. Bolton Warren. Gilbertsville Otsego. Worcester Otsego. W. Rupert, Vt Washington. Hebron Washington. Reynblds Rensselaer. Green Island Albany. Pen field Monroe. Gray Herkimer. Cambridge Washington. Middleburgh Schoharie. Hartwlck Otsego. Raceville Washington. Alton Wayne. W. Richmondville Schoharie. Spring Valley Rockland. W. Richmondville Schoharie. Islip Suffolk. Plank Road Onondaga. Lackawaxen, Pa Sullivan. Rose Wayne. North Easton Washington. Holbrook Suffolk. Voorheesville Albany. ERRATA AND ADDENDA Page iv : “ Francis Wright ” should be “ Francis Dwight.” 1847. Susan M. Cox (Rev. T: C. Gardner, D.D.) Taught 16 yrs. . Port Huron, Mich. Taught, Syracuse, N. Y., 2 yrs. ; Battle Creek, Ann Arbor, Jackson, Dawagiac — all Mich. ; Racine, Wis. ; Ft. Wayne, Ind. ; hospital work in war; worked with Christian and San. Corn’s in war; taught in Topeka, Kan.; now, in work W. T. M. S. of Meth. Ch.; m. 1872. 1847. Cornelia E. Gifford, dec’d (A. H. Carr), No report. Oshkosh, Wis. M. 1863; died 1884; 1 daughter, 2 sons. 1849. David Dewey, D.D., should be David D. D. Dewey. 1851. Second Class — Was omitted: William Thompson, dec’d, Brookfield, N.Y. Taught ioyrs. Taught until death by accident; killed by a buzz-saw, ten years after graduation. 1854. Amanda S. Beach, dec’d, Taught o years. Address Gilbert H. Ackerman, Albany, N. Y. Made her home with Anthony Gould, a relative; died about 1870 at her mother’s, Eliza- beth, N. J. 1855. Lorinda J. Whipple (Charles Chase), State st., Trenton, N. J. 1856. Rosamond J. Chesebro (A. J. Kent, dec’d), Taught o years. Kentland, Ind. M. Sept, after grad. ; removed, as above, same year; husband, founder of the town; large estate; husband died 1882; 2 sons; oldest, manager; youngest, preparing for Harvard; 1 daughter. 1859. Miriam Sheppard, Bridgeton, N. J. Taught 22 years. Taught most of the time in “ Ivy Hall,” young ladies’ boarding S., as above. 1859. Mary E. Street (W. Y. Simonton), Taught 1 year. Helena, Mont. Taught, Albany Co., N. Y. ; m. 1864; no living child. 1857. Delia A. Lathrop (Wm. G. Williams, LL.D.) Taught 26 yrs. Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, Ohio. Taught, Oswego, N. Y., Prin. to Supt. Practice Dept., Normal S., where she grad. ; organized Training School, Worcester, Mass.; Prin. Normal S., Cincinnati, Ohio; now, teaching Normal class, as above; m. 1877; 2 children; husband, Prof. Greek Lan. and Lit., as above. 1872. Chas. J. Majory, Tom’s River, N. J. HISTORY OF GRADUATES 1845— First Class. Second Term, ending August 27, 1845. Phebe C. Cazier, residence unknown. Taught 20 years. Taught, Mad. Co., N. Y. ; Gilbertsville, N. Y. ; Cooper sto wn, N. Y. ; Philadelphia, Pa. Nancy Cross, dec’d (Aug. C. Smith, dec’d). Taught 12 years. Address Lemuel Cross, M.D., Cobleskill, N. Y. Taught in Lawyersville, Seward, Cobleskill, and Fort Plain, all N. Y. ; she was the first to intro- duce normal methods in all that region, and thus led in the change of methods, etc. ; m. 1850, and for many years had charge of husband’s hotel ; husband originally a teacher, and school commissioner 9 years; three sons, four daughters; Flora A. and Clara J. attended Normal School; the latter gradu- ated 1869; husband died 1877. Elizabeth C. Hance, dec’d. Taught 12 years. Address bro. Benj. J. Hance, Williamson, N. Y. Commfenced teaching at the age of 16; attended district school and Marion academy ; taught in Normal school (see Catalogue of Faculty); her connection with the school ceased by reason of failing health in ’55; she taught in Lancaster, Pa., in ’56, but came home to die; she passed away Jan. 25, ’57; a lovely woman, a perfect teacher. Frances M. Hastings (J. H. Stewart), Watertown, N.Y. Taught 20 yrs. Attended the Normal school at the earnest desire of her. father ; she has given much attention to French, drawing and painting, all of which she has taught a great deal, and now studies, practices and teaches painting. Caroline Smith (Stephen R. Page), Boone, Iowa. Taught 7 years. Taught in P. S. in Troy, N.Y., 4 yrs.; Natchez, Miss., 3 yrs., as Preceptress in Episcopal Seminary for young ladies; m. 1852 the son of ex-Governor Page of N. H. ; lived in Natchez, after marriage, 2 yrs.; Chicago 5 yrs.; Champaign, 111 ., 8 yrs. ; as at present 15 yrs. ; one son, three daughters: 2d daughter teaching in HighS. at home; son and daughter married; each has son; has successfully devoted much attention to art-drawing and painting. James D. Adams, Alta, Iowa. Taught 38 years. Taught district Ss., Ontario Co., winters, 12 yrs.; Town Supt. in Canandaigua, N. Y., 1846, and for 8 yrs. ; 1857, went west; taught in Iowa and Wis. 4 yrs.; in latter, County Surveyor 6 yrs.; in 1870, Co. Supt. Schools, Iowa, 8 yrs.; 1871, admitted to the bar; presided at many Teachers’ Insti- tutes ; organized 4 Teachers’ Associations ; pres, of one 10 yrs. ; oldest daughter graduated Plattsville Normal School; both are teachers; m. 1847, Miss H. W. Outhouse; 2 daughters. Reuben H. Bingham, C.E., Albany, N. Y. ^Taught 5 years. Taught, Jonesville, N. Y., Academy 5 yrs.; in 1848 was admitted to the bar; in 1840, ’41 was en- gaged as C. E. on enlargement of Erie Canal between Rochester and Buffalo ; has been City Survoyor and Engineer of the City of Albany, N. Y., since 1854; m. 1850, Miss Elizabeth Stratton; one son living. Silas T. Bowen, Indianapolis, Ind. Taught 9 years. Teacher in Normal School, 1845-53; is now in paper business, Bowen, Stuart & Co. (D. G. Eaton, ’46) in Indianopolis, Ind., and has been in the same business at the same place since he left Albany, N. Y. Nelson W. Butts, dec’d, Albion, N. Y. Taught 25 years. Address his widow. Taught in Albion, N. Y., Academy; in Knowlesville Academy, Medina, N. Y., Academy; also in P. Ss. of Albion; spent part of his life farming; at one time went to Virginia; he was an excellent teacher and greatly beloved; died 1878. Dennis B. Chapin, dec’d. Taught 5 years. Address J. Davis, Bolivar, N. Y. Taught in various towns in Allegany Co., N. Y. ; died 1851, age 29, after having traveled in the South trying to regain his health ; he taught 5 yrs. before attending Normal S.; was carpenter by trade. 6 74 William W. Clark, A.M., dec’d. Taught 6 years. Address sister, Mrs. C. C. Davison, Rochester, N. Y. Studied at Genesee Wesleyan Seminary before entering Normal S., in which, from Oct., 1845, till 1851, he was Prof. Nat. Sciences; in 1849 he assisted on N. Y. State Survey; in 1852 in similar work in N. C. ; drew up present law of N. Y. as to weights and measures; he engaged extensively in min- ing in N. C. and Ga. until 1861, when he came north and purchased mill property at Honeoye Falls, N. Y.; his business was very successful; he overworked, and suffered an attack of paralysis in 1865; he recovered somewhat, but never fully regained health, and died in 1873, aged 50. Warren Demun, Providence, R. I. Taught 15 years. Taught, Prin. Elyria, O., High S.; Prin. Benefit St. Gram. S. as above, 12 yrs. ; now, insurance business; m. Miss Increase Sumner; 6 children. Marvin Edgerton, dec’d. Taught 27 years. Address bro., Reuben Edgerton, Delphi, N.Y. Taught in the states of N. Y., N. J. and Ohio; at University of Ohio; died from congestion of lungs, suddenly, in Minnesota, leaving widow and two children; he was twice married. James L. Enos, M.D., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Taught 38 years. Taught, Orangeville, N. Y., 2 yrs.; 1846, was editor “ North-Western Educator,” and “ American Odd Fellows,” Chicago, 111 ., 2 yrs.; 1850, Prin. and in charge Ss. of Madison, Wis.; nom. for Con- gress 2d Wis. dist. ; not enough Whig votes; 1854, located at Cedar Rapids, Iowa; edited and pub- lished “ Cedar Valley Times,” the first paper in the city; also had drug store and practiced medicine; Pres. School Board; published “ Voice of Iowa” and “ School Journal,” and first daily paper in that city; has conducted 834 Teachers’ Institutes in Mass., N. Y., Pa., Mich, and Iowa — in 63 counties of Iowa; in 1850 wrote and published Practical and Intellectual Arith., largely used in south and west; now editor “ Iowa Record,” and engaged in fancy gardening and poultry raising. James LeRoy Fay, dec’d. Taught 3 years. Address bro., Z. L. Fay, Earlville, N. Y. Was Co. Supt. till office was abolished, 1847; m. Maria Pearl; carried on the book business in Hamilton, N. Y, where he died, 1867, leaving a widow and one daughter, who is a member of the Faculty of the Buffalo, N. Y., Normal School; Mrs. James LeRoy Fay resides at 68 Irving Place, in Buffalo, N. Y. Daniel Galentine, dec’d. Taught 5 years. Address bro. Jacob G., Rush, N. Y. M. Miss Mary Keyes; she died and he married Miss Margaret Harris, and was farmer in Greece, N. Y.; died 1854, of Cholera. Volney S. Hubbard, Watertown, N. Y. Taught 6£ years. Attended the first Teachers’ Inst, held in the state; it was at Watertown in 1836, John F. Hutchin- son, Prin. ; V. S. H. taught every winter from ’37 to ’50. Erasmus D. Kingsley, M.A., Columbus, O. Taught 21 years. Taught Erie Co., N. Y., 3 yrs.; Hughes High S., Cincinnati, O., 1 yr. ; Prin. Columbus, O., High S., 1 yr. ; Supt. Ss. Marietta, O., 7 yrs.; Supt. Ss. Columbus, O., 9 yrs.; now retired, and as above. Daniel Losey, 38 E. Adam st., Syracuse, N. Y. Taught 38 years. Taught Manlius, N. Y., and served as Supt. 2 yrs. ; book business yr. ; at the close of first term Normal, was made Ass’t Pupil; Prin. of P. S., Syracuse, where he has since taught; taught 10 yrs. before entering Normal S. Hon. James M. Mandeville, dec’d, Sacramento, Cal. Taught 3 yrs. Taught ungraded S., Manlius, Syracuse, Norwich — all N. Y. ; arrived in Cal. 1849; taught San Jose, Cal., 1849-50; elected from Tuolumne Co. Mem. Assembly 3 times; Senator, twice; app. U. S. Surv.-Gen. for Cal. by Pres’t Buchanan 1857; app. by Gov. Com’r Emigration 1871; elected State Comptroller 1875; died in office, 1876; m. 1857; 4 children — 2 sons, 1 now living. Henry McGonegal, M.D., 2027 Fifth ave., N. Y. City. Taught 3 yrs. Taught Mecklenburg, N. Y., Baldwinsville, N. Y.; grad. Horn. Med. Coll., N. Y. City; now prac- ticing, as above; m. 1847, Jane A. Butin, ’47. George C. Mott, Acra, Greene Co., N. Y. Taught 27 years. Sunny-Side Farm, summer resort. Prin. Coxsackie; Mariner’s Harbor; Stapleton; Greenwich, Conn. ; Ellisville, 111 .; three years School Com. Greene Co., N. Y. ; taught 5 yrs. before graduation. Ezra Newland, dec’d, Leceister, N. Y. Taught i year. Taught in Perry, N. Y., very successfully 1 yr. ; had taught Moscow, N. Y., before entering Nor- mal S.; died suddenly, 1847. Hon. Alfred Nichols, dec’d. Taught o years. Address son, Irvin E. Nichols, Cortland, N. Y. Taught 4 yrs. before graduation — one year in southern Ohio and three in N. Y.; after graduation was admitted to the bar, 1849, and practiced profession until his death, 1864; was special Co. Judge of Chenango Co., N. Y.; m., 1856, Pamela P. Post; 3 children— 2 sons, 1 daughter. 75 William Nims, Fort Edward, N. Y. Taught i year. Health impaired when he taught; then took up photography, which he has followed since; also dairy farming; member Bd. Education, Ft. Edward. Hon. Reuben Ottman, Titusville, Pa. Taught 6 years. Taught in N. Y. and Wis. ; admitted to bar 1851; was Judge and Senator; m., 1851, Miss Lawyer; 4 children. William F. Phelps, A.M., Taught 36 years. P. O. Box 88, Winona, Minn. 1846-52 organized and managed Model S. at Albany Normal S.; 1852-5 in business; 1846-51 Pres’t N. School Ass’n, which grew into Nat. Ass’n, of which he was Pres’t of a dept.; 1855-64 created and managed Normal S. and Farnham Preparatory, N. J. ; 1864-76 created and managed State Normal S., Winona, Wis. ; 1875 published “ Teachers’ Hand-Book;” 1879 five small brochures for Chautauqua Course; 1877-8 was editor “ Educational Weekly,” Chicago, 111. ; 1876 Pres’t Nat. Ed. Ass’n; 1876 presided Ed. Congress at Nat. Exposition, Phila.; 1876-8 Pres’t S. N. School, Whitewater, Wis. ; silver medal and diploma Paris Exposition as Educational Collaborateur; 1878-81 Supt. of Ss., Win- ona; since in business — mining and great real estate enterprises; has been a voluminous writer for encyclopaedias and educational periodicals; has assisted in training 5,000 teachers. Rev. William Seism, Newfane, N. Y. Taught 7^ years. Ass’t Teacher Normal S. i term; taught in Columbia, Dutchess and Cattaraugus Cos., N. Y., 7 yrs. ; joined Genesee Conference M. E. church 1852; now on the superannuated list; health failed; since 1871, and now, in mercantile business; m., 1846, Mary A. Kipp; 6 children, 4 living; 1 has taught. Edward C. Seymour, Trumansburgh, N. Y. Taught h year. Taught Dryden, N. Y. ; mercantile business 23 yrs.; hardware 10 yrs.; Co. Treas. 6 yrs.; m., 1847, Harriet M. Hill; 4 children, 2 living. Reuben R. Stetson, dec’d, 1851. Taught 5 years. Address widow, Bangor, N. Y. Taught 5 yrs. as Prin. P. S. No. 5 of Syracuse; such was the esteem in which he was held that all ’ the schools were closed on the day of his funeral at the Congregational church; delivered address at Normal Jubilee; m. 1846, Ellen Thomas. Gilbert Thayer, A.M., LL.D., Morgan Park, 111 . Taught 38 years. Pres. Chicago Fern. Coll.; Prin. P. S., Keeseville, N. Y., 6 yrs.; Keeseville Academy 7 yrs.; Prin. Model High S., Normal University, Bloomington, 111., 2 yrs.; Prin. Bloomington, 111., Fern. Coll. 5 yrs.; Jacksonville, 111., Fern. Coll. 10 years; Chicago Fern. Coll., as now, 8 yrs.; m. 1843, Adelaide Foote; 5 children — 2 sons, 3 daughters; one daughter has taught. Hon. William Van Olinda, Chicago, 111 . Taught 5^ years. Conductor of first Teach. Inst, held in Lewis Co., N. Y. ; taught in Theresa, N.Y., and other places 3 yrs. ; trade until 1850; then went west; taught in Academy, Newport, Mich., 2 yrs.; removed to Chicago in 1852; perfected system of checking baggage over contiguous lines of R. R. ; removed to Soux City, Iowa; elected Judge of Co. Court and Court of Probate of Plymouth Co. ; returned to Chicago and became supt. of branch of Am. Express Co.; after fire of 1871, was in the United States Internal Revenue service 4 yrs. ; has aided in establishing and maintaining educational institutions in many different states ; m. Jane A. Morrow, 1848; 1 child— a teacher of music. William Watson, dec’d. Taught 9 years. Address widow, Rockford, HI. Taught, Brighton, N. Y., 3 yrs.; Rochester, N. Y. ; substitute as teacher Math. State Normal S., Albany, N. Y.; 1851, wrote and published Watson’s Mental Arith.— large sale in N. Y. ; 1856-62, agricultural imp. business; 1862-64, ins. business, Lafayette, Ind. ; 1864 till death, as above— Cashier Ins. Co.; organized Ins. Co.; Sec’y 15 yrs.; mayor of city; literary productions, poetry, etc.; died from overwork, 1881; m. 1874, Lottie L. Goodrich; 3 daughters; 1 living. Sumner C. Webb, 3YE.D., Homer, N. Y. Taught 21 years. Taught Normal School, Albany, N. Y., 10 yrs. ; graduated Albany Med. Coll.; Vice-Prin. State Normal School, N. J., 11 yrs. ; attended lectures at Bellevue Hospital Med. S., N. Y. City; since, practiced medicine as above; member Board of Education; m. C. A. Pierce, ’46. 1846 — Second Class. Third Term, ending March io, 1846. Mary L. Beale (S. P. Cole, M. D., ’46). Taught years. 3719 Lake ave, Chicago, 111. Taught, Kinderhook, N. Y., Academy i^ yrs.; Brownville, N. Y., 2 yrs.; see record of husband. Elizabeth Cole, residence and history unknown. 76 Mary Cornwell, dec’d (Francis Van Ness). Taught i£ years. Stuyvesant, N. Y. Taught in Germantown, N. Y., i yr. ; New Lebanon, N. Y., yr. ; m. 1847; 5 children, all deceased; one daughter, after graduating at Mt. Holyoke, taught; Mrs. Van Ness died 1861. Julia A. Covil, Fabius, N. Y. Taught 25 years. Taught from 1835-71 in various Ss. and academies of Onon. Co., N. Y. Charlotte D. Hill, dec’d (John C. Kelly). Taught 12 years. Address H. Jewett, Owego N. Y. Taught in Tioga Co. till 1848; removed to Brooklyn, N. Y., and taught till she died, 1862; m. 1848; 1 son, who died. Cornelia M. Johnson, Watertown, N. Y. Taught 36 years. Taught 12 yrs. in Ga. ; for the last 16 yrs. Preceptress High S., as above, teaching advanced studies; traveled a year in Europe. Semantha Jones (John Mallery), Barry, 111. Taught n years. Taught in Rens. Co., N. Y., 6 yrs.; in Mass. 2 yrs.; in Illinois 2 yrs.; was teacher in Kinderhook, N. Y., Academy 1 yr. ; m. as above, 1856; 3 children, all died in infancy. Margaret M. Lyon (George B. Dennison). Taught n£ years. Muscatine, Iowa. Taught Jordanville and Little Falls, N. Y., 2^ yrs.; Maquoketa and Belleview, Iowa, 5 yrs.; Prin. Prim. Muscatine, Iowa, 3 yrs. ; Davenport, Iowa, 1 yr. ; m. 1858”; 1 daughter, attending Iowa University; husband, Pres’t Coal Mining Co. Edna Lapham (Walter W. Brace, deceased). Taught 14 years. Macedon, N. Y. Taught in Rochester, N. Y., High S. i yr. ; Troy High S. i yr. ; Buffalo High S. 12 yrs.; m. 1866; husband died 1876; no children. Rachel C. Newman, dec’d (Rev. L. L. Knox). Taught 15 years. Appleton, Wis. Address her brother, W. W. Newman, S. Onondaga, N. Y. Asst. P. S. Syracuse, N. Y.; Preceptress at Falley Seminary, N. Y. ; Cazenovia, N. Y. Seminary; Lawrence University, Appleton, Wis.; Taught at Greencastle, Ind.; m. 1861; died of consumption 1863; very successful and greatly beloved. Abby Perry, dec’d, Duanesburgh, N. Y. Taught 10 years. Spent much of her time in teaching in W. Va. ; Argyle Academy, N. Y. ; Bridgton, N. J.; died as above, 1869; a friend says: “ An earnest, living, decided, gentle Christian — one of the real folk.” Mary G. Sabin, dec’d (Chas. D. Lawrence, ’46). Taught 7 years. Hiawatha, Kan. Taught Victor, Aurora, Ithica, Homer — all N. Y. ; became an excellent teacher of German and French; died Naples, N. Y., 1865; m. 1846; 4 sons. Alida B. Tainter (William C. Wells), Camden, N. Y. Taught 4 years. Taught in Greene Co., N. Y., 4 yrs. after graduation; had taught 5 yrs. before; m. 1850; 2 daugh- ters; 1 taught. Catharine M. Tuttle, Columbus, O. Taught 6 years. Taught her first term in Sherburne, N. Y., on the organization of Un. S. at that place; at present as above. Kate Van Valkenburgh, dec’d (C. D. Haven). Taught 4 years. Racine, Wis. M. as above; died 1871, leaving 2 sons; W. F. Phelps, ’45, says, “ A brilliant lady; a poet and a scholar.” Lucretia Ward (James Richards'). Taught 3 years. Deerfield Prairie, 111 . Taught in Newark, N. Y., Milton, N. Y., Rockford, 111 .; m. 1849; 3 daughters, 1 taught; husband, farmer and school trustee. B. Malvina Williams (Lansing W. Hoyt). Taught 3 years. Madison, Wis., since ’49. Taught in Manlius, N. Y.; married in 1849; 2 sons and daughter; daughter taught; one son Mem- ber of Congress. James Atwater, Lockport, N. Y. Taught 20 years. Taught as above, and Supt. Schools, Lockport; also Pres’t and Sec’y Bd. of Education; also Pres’t and Sec’y State Teachers’ Ass’n; insurance; m., 1851, Miss J. L. Taft; 5 children, 2 sons have taught. 77 Alexander M. Baker, dec’d. Taught 4 years . Address Mrs. C. E. Baker, Van Deusenville, N. Y. Taught district Ss. and Prin. Oswego, N. Y., Acad.; was Supt. Ss. Oswego Co., N. Y. ; manuf’r straw paper, Col. Co., N. Y. ; ready-made clothing, Charleston, S. C. ; again straw paper manuf’r, Baker’s Mills, Col. Co,, where he died, 1868; m., 1848, Sherrille A. Smith, who died; no children; m., 1:853, Catharine E. Burgert; 2 children, both taught. Oliver C. Belding, Middle Sprite, N. Y. - Taught 3 years. Taught several years; then engaged in farming and lumbering; m. Miss Hyde; several children, some taught. Maj. Charles L. Brown. Taught 2 years. Address son, Chas. W., Oxford, N. Y. Taught select S. in Stockbridge, N. Y. ; farmer; admitted to bar, 1859; practiced at Oneida, N. Y.; Pres’t of the village; enlisted April 1861; capt. 34th Regt., N. Y. Vols. ; May, 1862, became Maj.; wounded, Malvern Hill; died in hands of the enemy; buried Turkey Bend, Va. ; m., 1847, Esther Ann Ferry; son and daughter, both have taught. Jacob Chase, Jr., Houston, Texas. Taught 3 years. Also, care O. W. Gray & Son, 56 N. 4th st., Phila., Pa. Taught in Syracuse and Hoosick, N. Y. ; health impaired ; became civil and topog. eng. ; made first township map of Maine; has made maps of N. B., Nova S., Md., Va., W. Va., N. C., S. C., Ky., Tenn. ; now at work on Texas; m., 1849, Miss Hannah E. Barker; no children. Edward W. Chesebro, dec’d. Taught i2£ years. Address Allen D. Chesebro, Grand Rapids, Mich. Taught Guilderland, N. Y., 3^ yrs.; Rosendale, N. Y., yr. ; Greene, N. Y., 3^ yrs. ; as above, 5 yrs.; health failed 1858; died 1861; monument erected by pupils; m., 1854, Sarah M. White, who died 1855; m., 1857, Cynthia A. Ward, who died 1865; no children. Samuel P. Cole, M. D., dec’d. Taught 5^ years. 3719 Lake ave., Chicago. Taught Oswego, N. Y., iJ Millicent P. Locke; no children. Hon. Roderick D. Hathway, Pleasant Grove, Minn. Taught £ yr. Taught 2j£ yrs. before grad. ; yr. after; elected Town Supt. Ss. ; 1850, resigned, went to Wis.; farmer; Dep. Co. Clerk, 2 yrs.; 1853, elected Co. Judge 4 yrs.; 1859, went as above — farmer and real estate; 1866-69, mem. Leg.; Town Clerk 16 yrs.; Chn. Bd. Sup’s, 2 terms; J. P., 2 terms; P. M. since 1870, and now; helped form school law of Minn.; 1858 m. Lucinda S. Oakley; 3 daughters, all have taught. S. Cushing Hoag, dec’d. Taught 7 years. Address brother, O. H., Santa Rosa, Cal. Taught, Dutchess Co., N. Y. ; went overland to Cal.; stopped and taught for Brigham Young, in Salt Lake City in 1853, located in Big Valley, Cal., where he taught several years; then was farmer and discounter of notes; 1869, located in San Francisco, Cal., engaged in commission and freighting, and owning steamboats; died 1872, leaving a widow. John F. Hopkins, M.D., Taught 2 years. 521 W. Madison st., Chicago, 111 . Taught in N. Y. State; drug business, Milwaukee, Wis., 8 yrs.; grad. Chicago Med. Col., i860; since, as above; mem. State Med. Soc., and Am. Med. Ass’n; 1865 m. Elizabeth M. Woodcock; 3 children. Wm. B. Latham, Jr., Taught i year. 1623 Webster st., San Francisco, Cal. Interested in pub. Teachers’ Advocate, N. Y. City, 1848-9; 1849, went to .Cal. via. Cape Horn; gold digging, driving ox team ; express and exchange business; real estate and Notary Public; as above since 1866; farmer on Sherman Island; Com’r Bd. Enrollment in war; high Mason; m. i860; lost wife 1878; 4 children; he taught a few weeks in Mayville, Cal., as substitute. 9 6 Michael F. Marclay, Plainfield, N. J. No report. Charles McGregor, 60 E. 127th st., N. Y. City. • Taught 35 years. Taught, Teachers’ Inst, and district school and Knox, N. Y., Academy; Prin. P. S. No. 3, Brook- lyn, N. Y. ; Williamsburgh, N. Y.; Prin. Gram. S. 43, N. Y. City; has been and is engaged in N. Y. City schools since; evening schools, music, etc. ; has been absent from school only three days since graduation, and that from sickness; never tardy. Hon. James Oliver, Burlingame, Kansas. Taught 35 years. Taught P. Ss. s yrs. ; Prin. and proprietor of Fergusonville, N. Y., Academy 30 yrs. ; at present, farming; 1858 m. Miss Emily A. Jayne; 7 children; wile died; 1882 m. Mary J. Headly ; Member of N. Y. Assembly, 1865. Watson Osborn, dec’d, Windham, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Taught, as above, 3 winters; in Springfield, Mass., 1 winter; admitted to bar, 1854; practiced as above, 4 yrs., and in St. Louis, Mo., 1 yr. ; removed to Charleston, S. C. ; was commissioned ^Con- federate army; killed in battle; m. Miss Morse; 1 daughter. Edward P. Pomeroy, Taught 4 years. 18 W. Main st., Rochester, N. Y. Taught in various Ss. in Onon. Co., N. Y., 4 yrs.; 1853 m - M. L. Palmer, ’49; 2 children; is now a photographer. Teunis S. Quackenbush, Newburgh, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Taught, Cazenovia, N. Y., Dryden, N. Y.; ill health; worked on plan for uniformity of text-books by exchanges, 5 yrs. ; publisher as above, 4 yrs; member of Ivison, Phinney & Co., 4 yrs.; assisted Treas. Van Dyke in aiding banks to exchange 7.30’s for 5.20’s; dealer in bonds and securities; 1854 m. Mary J. Wisner, now deceased; 2 children; 1878 m. Miss Georgia Baldwin. William G. Woodworth, dec’d. Taught o years. Address his daughter, Mrs. E. W. Addjson, Seneca Falls, N. Y. Taught several years before entering the school; farmer; m. Miss Cornelia Van Buskirk; 1 daugh- ter; he died 1883. 1849— Eighth Class. Ninth Term, ending April 5, 1849. Martha B. Bancroft, dec’d (Dr. G. L. Carhart), Taught J year. Marion, Iowa. Taught 6 mo’s in Weathersfield, N. Y.; m. 1850; lived in Linden, N. Y., and Alexander, N. Y.; in 1855 removed to Mt. Vernon, N. Y. ; died 1868; 3 children; one boy died in 1864; one directly after her ; daughter still survives. Susan E. Beecher, residence and history unknown. Harriet A. Bushnell (George J. Coleman), Taught 5 J years. Mound Valley, Kansas. Taught in N. Y. State and in Kansas; m. 1851; 4 children; 1 taught; lived in Stanfordville, N. Y., Castleton, N. Y., and Po’keepsie, N. Y. ; moved to present location in 1874. Eliza A. Chase, dec’d, Williamson, N. Y. Taught 31 years. Address Miss Eva Chase, No. i Sherman ave., Newark, N. J. Prin. Fem. Dept. High S., Newark, N. J., and had private school same place; died 1880; wrote several books and lectured; called to a pastorate Unitarian ch.; declined. Bethania Crandall (Hon. Chas. Dunlap), Taught 4 years. Elkhom, Wis. Taught, Select S., Cortland, N. Y., yr. ; Watervliet, N. Y., yrs.; Wisconsin i yr. ; m. 1853; 6 children; 2 sons have taught; moved to present location 1853. Mary A. Fillmore, dec’d, Buffalo, N. Y. Taught i year. Daughter ex-Pres. Fillmore ; taught in Buffalo High S. ; lady of White House during her father’s administration. Ellen P. Frisbee, dec’d, Albany, N. Y. Taught to years. Died in i860, having taught, mostly governess in private families from her graduation; funeral ser- mon preached by Rev. W. B. Sprague, D.D. Melinda Guernsey, Ballston Centre, N. Y. Taught 30J years. Taught, Fort Plain, N. Y., i yr. ; Weedsport, N. Y., 2 yrs.; Schenectady Un. S. from 1855 to 1881; Ballston Centre, N. Y., ij^ yrs.; resting from 1881; commenced teaching, 1883, Avoca, N. Y. 97 Lavanda M. Hinds (W. R. Powell), Taught 18J years. Seneca Falls, N. Y. Taught, Lebanon Spa, N. Y., x yr. ; Stockport, N. Y., 2 yrs.; Springfield, N. Y., yr.; Cayuga, N. Y., and vicinity, 5 yrs.; Seneca Falls, N. Y., 10 yrs. ; 1853 m. Chester Barrett, D. D. S. ; one son; 1872 m. W. R. Powell, as above. Clara L. Jones (D. E. Humphrey), Taught 12 years. Mansfield, De Soto Parish, La. Taught, Haverstraw, N. Y., ix yrs.; Mott Haven, N. Y., i yr. ; m. 1867; removed to present residence 1871. Hannah B. Kinney, dec’d (J. B. Mayben, dec’d, 1859), Taught 7 years. Albany, N. Y. Taught, P. S. No. 8 and Orphan Asylum, as above, 6 yrs.; Newark, N. J., iyr.; m. 1856; x daughter; died i860; daughter was adopted by uncle at Jamaica Plains, Mass. ; educated at State Normal S., Salem, Mass.; taught x term; died, age 19. Lydia L. Lyon, residence and history unknown. Sarah W. Mulhollen (F. B. Sanders), Taught i year. Decorah, Iowa. Taught previous to her marriage in 1850. Mary L. Palmer (N.T. Palmer), Valley Centre, Kan. Taught i year. Taught, P. S., Onon. Co.; m. 1853; 2 children; daughter has taught. Hannah P. Pomeroy (Rev. Elijah Kellogg), Taught io years. 99 Pinckney street, Boston, Mass. Taught in Syracuse, N. Y., and neighborhood; m. 1853; 1 son, 1 daughter. Julia Pool (James McKinney), Albany, N. Y. Taught ij years. Taught, Select S., Albany, N.Y.; m. 1851; 4 children; 1 married. Mary Roberts, dec’d (Ed. Hawley), Reading, N. Y. Taught 4 years. Address Cyrus Roberts, Watkins, N. Y. Prin. P. S., Horseheads, N. Y., 2 yrs.; Preceptress Starkey Sem., Eddytown, N. Y., 2 yrs. ; m. 1863; died 1865, and she and her babe were buried in the same grave. Sarah P. Smith (A. Henry Harris), Council Bluffs, Iowa. Taught 8 years. Taught, district S. in Le Roy, N. Y.; prim, dep’t Un. S., Batavia, N. Y., also 2d prim, and jun. in same school; private S. for several yrs.; m. i860; 1 son, 1 daughter; daughter teaching as above. E valine B. Weston (Jas. Lane, dec’d, 1872), Taught 4 years. White Lake, Dakota. Taught, N. J. ^ yr. ; P. S. at home yr. ; Wisconsin 2 yrs.; Indiana 1 yr. ; went to Iowa on ac- count of husband’s health, where he died: went to Dakota with only child, a son, in 1882; son born in 1854. Ruth P. White (Wm. Pennock), Farribault, Minn. Taught 3 years. Taught dist. Ss., Nelson, N. Y., i term; Delphi, N. Y., 2 terms; Cazenovia, N. Y., 5 terms; Randolph, Wis., 1 term; Merton, Minn., 1 term.; m. 1852; one son, 2 daughters; is an invalid. Ellen Winspear (John Howell), Taught 7 years. 191 S. Division St., Buffalo; N. Y. Taught, Erie Co., N. Y., 4 yrs.; in P. S., Buffalo, N. Y., 3 yrs.; m. 1856; 6 children. Orville W. Baker, Watertown, N. Y. ' Taught 6 years. Health impaired by teaching; R. R. Com’r; J.P.; sec’y Fire Ins. Co.; farmer; married 1852. Josiah C. Balsdon, dec’d, Wallkill, N. Y. Taught 4 years. Taught in P. S., Newark, N. J., 2 yrs.; Monsey, N. Y., 1 yr. ; Piermont, N. Y., 1 yr. ; died 1854. Lewis Beardsley, Bakersfield, Cal. Taught 30 years. Taught, N. Y. State, 3 yrs. ; mining in Cal. from 1853, 8 yrs.; 1861, enlisted in 2d Cal. Cavalry and •served 3 yrs; taught from 1864-77 in P. Ss. Tulare and Kern co's, Cal.; Dept. Co. Supt. ; served 2 terms as Co. Supt.; since 1877 has been farmer; studied law in 1852-3; sight failed, health impaired; regained health in Cal. Levi Cass, A. M., P. S. No. 15, Albany, N. Y. Taught 32 years. Taught, La Grange, N. Y., 3 yrs.; Albany Academy, 3 yrs.; Janesville, Wis., Supt. Schools and Prin. High S. 4 yrs.; Prin. Albany State St. High S. 7 yrs.; Prin. P. S., Albany, N. Y., 15 yrs.; 1853 m. Miss Catharine E. Pells; 1 child — boy; died 1870, aged 11. David Dewey, D. D., Moira, N. Y. Taught io years. Taught 3 terms Albany Academy; Wisconsin Teachers’ Institute; Dist. S. Dodge Co., Wis., 1 yr. ; 9 9 8 Dep’y Co. Surveyor; Dist. S. Malone, N. Y. ; Railroad Agt. 5 yrs. ; village store, and manufr, 10 yrs. ; held sundry town offices; School Com’r 6 yrs. ; Loan Com’r several years; steam lumber mill; Notary Public, Surveyor, etc. ; 5 children ; one has taught 4 yrs. Francis Elting, Upper Red Hook. N. Y. Taught i year. Taught at Clarkstown and New City, N. Y. ; health failed and went to farming, first at Cairo, N.Y. ; then, as at present. Hon. Henry A. Glidden, Albion, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Taught as above, 2 yrs. ; before grad. , i yr. ; lawyer; clerk Const. Convention ; clerk Senate, N. Y. ; Mem. Assembly, N. Y. ; Sec’y Rep. State Com.; Treas. Agent Seal Islands in Behring sea; 1852 m. Miss Cynthia E. Lee; 3 sons; all died just on reaching manhood. Joseph A. Hallock, Newark, N. J. Taught 33 years. Twenty-eight years teaching in Newark; m. Sarah B. Nesler, who died 1862; 1866 m. Carrie A. Thorp; 2 daughters; Prin. Webster St. P. S. since 1878; before going to Newark, taught in Amagan- sette, Patchogue, Shelter Island, Spmers — all N. Y. ; and in Franklin and Schaalenburgh, N. J. John F. Hammond, dec’d, New Village, N. Y. Taught 5 years. Address Jason, his father. Taught in various schools in Suffolk Co. ; went overland, starting for Oregon, and was killed by Indians, it is said, the party never having been heard from; it went from Wisconsin, to which State Mr. H. had previously removed. Menzo W. Hubbard, 1 1 7 S. Green st., Chicago, 111 . Taught 2 years. Also, care D. M. Goodwillis, cor. 22d and Allport sts. Taught, Ilion, N. Y., 2 yrs. ; has since been connected with banking, mercantile, and manufacturing business; 1857 m - Elmina Browniilg; 1 son. Hon. Col. Henry D. Hughes, dec’d, Stone Mills, N. Y. Taught 4 yrs. Address bro., A. A. Hughes. Taught 4 yrs. ; book-keeper in Chicago ; regular contributor to agricultural papers; Editor “ Prairie Farmer” 2 yrs.; Practiced Law, 2 yrs.; Minnesota State Senator; County Judge; raised 38th Regt. Minn. Vols. ; in campaign of Vicksburg, and Yazoo campaign; died from malarial poison, 1862, at Port Hudson, La. John N. Miller, M. D. Taught 3 years. 3 Jewett ave., Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Taught, Rockland Lake, N. Y., 1 yr.; Prin. Upper Marlboro Acad., Md., 2 yrs.; grad. Albany Med. Coll., ’56; Asst. Surg. 120th N. Y. Vols., 1862; Surg. 81st N. Y. Vols.; in Libby Prison 3 mos. ; in charge Hospital, rotunda of Capitol; practiced at Highland, N. Y., 15 yrs.; real estate business, N. Y. City, 3 yrs; retired from business. Thomas Wilbur Morgan, dec’d, Taught 16 years. Address Mrs. T. W. Morgan, Albany, N. Y. Taught, Napanock, N. Y., 1 yr. ; Albany, N. Y., 5 yrs.; Knox, N. Y., 2 yrs.; Albany, N. Y., 3 yrs.; Chatham, N. Y., 1 yr. ; always active in religious work, and exerted great influence; i860 in. Amelia Clute; no children; died 1879. Cornelius H. Pierce, Fort Dodge, Iowa. Taught 20 years. Taught in Putnam Co., N. Y., and other places, 5 yrs.; in Iowa, 10 yrs. as Prof. Math. Normal University, etc.; Co. Supt. ; has been farmer, stockman, etc.; now, Co. Surveyor; m. S. S. Abbott, undergraduate, ’49; she died; m. C. P. Titus, ’50, who died 1875; m. Miss Jennie Vance; 6 children. Charles Ross, dec’d. Taught ij years. Address nephew, Charles Ross, Stanley, N. Y.;' sister, Mrs. Luther Balis, Flint Creek, N. Y. Taught a year and a half; his health failed, and he died of consumption at Seneca, N. Y., May 19, 1850. Pulaski Rust, Franklinton, N. Y. Taught 8 years. Taught, Gallupville, N. Y., i yr. ; Middleburgh, N. Y., i yr. ; Monsey, N. Y., 4 yrs. ; Spring Val- ley, N. Y., and near 2 yrs.; member of 3dN. Y. Vols., cavalry; served with Army of Virginia and the East till end of war; now, farmer, fancy cattle, etc. Luther L. Smith, residence unknown. Taught i year. Taught, 1849-50, Union Square, N. Y. City; afterwards was in Broome st. George Washington Taylor, Cazenovia, N. Y. Taught 20 years. Taught in Albany Academy, and private school in Albany, N. Y ; member Albany Inst.; cor. mem. Conn. Acad. Arts and Sciences; hon. member Buffalo Soc. Nat. Sciences.; mem. Am. Assoc, for Ad. Sci. ; married at 43, and engaged now in farming. Matthias C. Van Horn, Oronoco, Minn. Taught 7 years. Taught, Orange Co., N. Y., i yr. ; in New Jersey, i yr. ; in Minnesota, 5 yrs.; health failed and went to farming, as at present; m. 1851; 7 children — 6 living; 3 are successful teachers. 99 Hon. Chas. Waterbury, dec’d, Glyndon, Minn. Taught 9 years. Address widow. Prin. P. S., Middletown, N. Y., 5 yrs.; m. Kate Miller, undergraduate; went south on account of wife’s health; she died; ’56 to ’64, Sanilac, Mich.; m. Ellen Nettleton; published “ Sanilac Jefferso- nian ” ; Co. Supt. Schools, 4 yrs; Judge of Probate Court 2 terms; moved to Sandusky, O.; Editor “Daily Register” 7 yrs; manufactured brick near Chicago; health failed; N. Y. State for health; then Minnesota; died 1880; widow and 3 children. Edward P. Waterbury, A. M., Ph. D., Albany, N. Y. Taught 34 yrs. Taught Math. Dept. Acad., Fergusonville, N. Y., 3V6 yrs.; Prin. P. S. No. 3, Hudson, N. Y., 4 yrs.; Prof. Eng. Lang, and Lit., Albany Academy, N. Y., 13 yrs.; trustee of same, now; mem. Ex. Com. Normal S. (see list); insurance and private pupils, 14 yrs.; has done literary work; Prest. State Normal S. since 1882; 1855 m. Miss Jane Pollock; 3 daughters; 2 living. Andrew R. Wright, M. D. Taught 4 years. 166 Franklin st., Buffalo, N. Y. Taught Albany Academy, Albany, N. Y., and Elmira, N. Y., 4 yrs.; studied medicine; health failed; sailed for China; Surgeon Peninsular and Oriental Co.’s steamship; 1856, studied medicine in Paris; graduated Horn. College, Cleveland, O.; practiced, Elmira, N. Y. ; as at present since [59; Member Am. Institute Homoeopathy; attending physician Ingleside Home; surgeon Horn. Hospital. 1849— Ninth Class. Tenth Term, ending Sept. 27, 1849. Helen M. Baker, dec’d. Taught 1 year. Address her sister, Mrs. Mary E. Russell, Manhattan, 111 . Her health was poor; she taught two terms as above; was the light of her father’s home; exerted a great influence; died 1878, of consumption. Mary Brown, Fairport, N. Y. Taught 7 years. Taught in the country near home; in High S. in Zanesville, O., 4 yrs. ; Collegiate Inst., Rochester, N. Y., 2 yrs.; resigned on account of health; since, at home. Sarah A. Clute, Three Rivers, Mich. Taught 30 years. Taught, Pavilion, N. Y.; Troy and Cohoes, N. Y. ; Indiana Fern. Sem.; Edinboro, Pa., village S. and Normal S.; Waterford Academy, Pa. ; editorial work on “ Western Rural,” Detroit, Mich., 5 yrs.; Mich. Fern. Sem., Kalamazoo, Mich.; established and conducts parlor school, as above; Pres’t of Shakspeare Club; has done much Sunday school and temperance work. Clara A. Cone, dec’d, Albany, N. Y. Taught 1 1 years. Taught, Newburgh, N. Y. ; Cheshire, Mass., 2 yrs.; North Adams, Mass., 2 yrs.; died i860. Emeline C. Eaton (Rev. E. C. Tomlison, dec’d), Taught J year. Akron, O. Taught at Perripgton, N. Y., yr. ; was actively engaged in “temperance crusades”; member of Examining Board of Buchtel College, as above, 5 yrs.; has contributed much to Universalist and other newspapers, as “ Women’s Journal,” etc.; m. 1850; 2 sons, 1 daughter. Cinderella M. Gregory (Rev. L. L. Lansing), Taught 27 years. Beloit. Wis. Taught Normal Inst., Liberty, N. Y., 2 yrs.; Milton, N. Y., 1 yr. ; with F. A. Wood, ’49; she was one of the founders and for 18 yrs. one of the Prins. of Mt. Carroll Female Seminary, 111 . ; one of the most noted Ss. of the west; Cor. Sec. Woman’s Bap. For. Miss. Soc., Wis., for 6 yrs. ; m. 1876. Letitia M. Hebard, dec’d (Prof. D. G. Frazer). Taught 6J years. Address sister, Eliza S. Hebard, Alexander, N. Y. Taught, Holland Patent, N. Y., yr. ; Westville, N. Y., yr. ; attended Beaver Sem., Pa., 2 yrs: taught Cary Col. Inst., N. Y., 4 yrs.; established, Waupaca, Wis., yr. ; health failed; m. 1857: taught with husband, Sheboygan, Wis., 1 yr. ; died 1863; 1 son. Emma C. Hillhouse, dec’d, Rochester, N. Y. Taught J year. Taught in P. S. N. Y. City; the building was new, the walls not dry; she took a cold, which ter- minated in quick consumption; she was a niece of W. F. Phelps, ’45; a noble girl, “ too good for this world.” Sarah D. Owen (Wm. H. Robinson, dec’d). Taught 2 years. Care R. C. Kershuer, Rochester, N. Y. Taught 2 yrs.; m. as above; 3 children. IOO Hannah Parker (Rev. Benjamin Redford, dec’d), Taught £ year. Chesapeake City, Md. Taught, Mamaroneck, N. Y., i term; m. 1850; 1 child, she taught; lives with son-in-law, Rev. Wm. E. Tomkinson, of the Wilmington Conference. Rhoda Pratt, dec’d (H. D. Treadwell), Elmira, N. Y. Taught 6 years. Taught, as above, till 1852; Indianapolis, Ind., till 1855; m. 1855; no children; died 1863. Sarah A. Saunders (Peter J. Le Boeuf), Taught io years. No. 3 Congress st., Albany, N. Y. Prin. school, N. Albany, N. Y., 1 yr. ; P. S., Albany, N. Y., ass't teacher, 9 yrs. ; m. 1861; 2 daughters. (See Mary E. Le Boeuf, ’82, daughter.) Charlotte Staplin, Rutland Centre, N. Y. Taught 34 years. Taught in district schools and in Teachers’ Institutes in Jefferson Co., N., Y. ; spends vacations in travel. Frances E. Wetsell, dec’d (Theo. S'. Cowles, dec’d). Taught 6 years. Address, Mrs. H. S. Bramhall, Albany, N. Y. Taught at Salem, Glass House, Bloomingrove, in family of Capt. Adams, all in N. Y. State; and in Mishawaka, Ind., where she m. 1856, and where she died in 1880, leaving 2 children, boys; her hus- band died in 1872. Sarah A. Wheeler, dec’d (Abram Ditmars, dec’d), Taught o years. Seneca Falls, N. Y. Married shortly after graduation; died 1863; husband died in Minn. 1882; no children. Catharine E. Whitney (Robert Price), Taught 6 years. 232 W. 33d st., N. Y. City. Governess in private families until first marriage; after first husband’s death, taught select school until marriage as above. Delia E. Wilder (Capt. Delos Carson, dec’d), Taught 24 years. State University, Madison, Wis. Taught Ladies' Sem., Bloomington, 111 ., x yr. ; High S., Beloit, Wis., 6 yrs.; as above, 12 yrs.; and Prin. Ladies’ Hall; m. 1854; 1 daughter; husband, Capt. 7th H. A., in command of Regt. ; was shot after surrender at Ft. Pillow; daughter musically educated in Germany; taught Milwaukee Col- lege; died. Frances A. Wood (Dr. Henry Shimer), Taught 34 years. Mount Carroll, 111 . Taught in N. Y. 2 yrs.; with C. M. Gregory, ’49, she established the seminary of which she is now the head and has been since Miss Gregory retired, in 1876; now and for 30 yrs. Prin. Mt. Carroll Female Seminary, one of the most successful in the West; Normal department. The story of this great seminary, established and built up by these two girls, reads like a fairy tale, and shows what grit and perseverance can do; it should be an inspiration to all teachers, men and women. Willis G. Abbott, 27 Neshannock ave., New Castle, Pa. Taught £ yr. Taught Cazenovia, N. Y., i term; left teaching on account of accident and impaired health; since, an accountant; now, bookkeeper and cashier; 1854 m - Miss Eliza G. Ward; 4 children, 2 daughters have taught music. Capt. Norman Allen, dec’d. Taught ij years. Address Maj. Lyman Allen, Wilton Junction, Iowa. Taught, Allegany Co., N. Y., yr. ; western Mo., 1 yr. ; published Free Soil paper at Lawrence, Kansas, several years; farming; raised and was Capt. of 1st Kansas Battery in war; served in Ark. and Mo.; died in service, of inf. of lungs, 1863; Mrs. Jennie Perley, Emporia, Kansas, is his sister; he was unmarried. Hon. Curtis Baird, Oregon City, Oregon. Taught 7 years. Taught, Seneca Co., N. Y., 2j£ yrs.; taught in Cal.; ist Co. Treas. San Mateo Co., Cal., 2 terms; original Republican; Supt. Ss., Clackamas Co. ; member Legislature, Cal., 1871-2; went to Oregon, 1878; Co. Supt. Ss. ; taught in Oregon since arrival ; wants Normal teachers. Hon. J ames Denman, San Francisco, Cal. Taught 30 years. Taught, Dutchess Co., N. Y., Academy; Liberty, N. Y. ; Sullivan Co. Inst.; went to California, ’51; Prin. first free school in the State ; health failed; on ranch 2 yrs.; studied law; came east and was war correspondent with army in McClellan’s Richmond campaign; studied in Paris; elected Supt. Schools, San Francisco, Cal., 3 times; grammar school, 16 classes, is named in his honor; has con- tributed much to educational literature; Trustee State Normal School; member State Board of Edu- cation. Wm. Elting, Port Jervis, N. Y. No report. Aurora Failing, Palatine Bridge,- N. Y. Taught o years. Has not taught; is a farmer. IOI Rev. Stephen W. Folger, dec’d. No report. Address son Willie, Delhi, Ontario, C. W. Taught; bacame noted Baptist clergyman ; m. Miss Jane Gregory; 2 children. Darwin E. Goodman, dec’d, Bolton, N. Y. Taught 6 years. Taught from graduation until his sudden death, 1855, while Prin. Ward. S. No. 3, Troy, N. Y.; unmarried; brother of Catharine, '46, and James E., ’52. Amasa M. Gregory, Taught 2 % years. Legal agt. W., St. L. & P. R. R. Co., Springfield, 111 . Taught in Col. Co., N. Y., 3 terms; Erie Co., N. Y., 2 terms; Civ. Eng. 2 yrs. ; since 1856 con- nected with above R. R. in various dep’ts; 1857 m. Marcia Field; no children. Addison W. Hardy, P. O. box 454, Watertown, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Taught, Felt’s Mills, N. Y., and Burr’s Mills, N. Y. ; throat affected; changed to farming, and has been so engaged since, and now; has held offices in town, supervisor, etc. Thomas Kitchen, insurance, 2142 N. 20th st., Phila., Pa. No report. P. Charles Lynch, dec’d, Fallsburgh, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Taught in Delhi, N. Y., Academy, 3 yrs.; started to join brother in Cal.; died of cholera on Isth- . mus Panama, Dec., 1852; unmarried; proficient in music. Gilbert Onderdonk, Mission Valley, Texas. Taught J year. Taught, Niagara Co. 3 mo’s; bronchitis; Texas for health; taught 2 mo’s; health failed; horse and cattle raising; more than 25 yrs. nurseryman ; has introduced trees and fruits into S. W. Texas with great success; 1855 m. Miss M. J. Benham; 5 children; 1 grandchild. Stephen S. Read, dec’d. Taught 3J years. Address bro. Geo., Kanona, N. Y. Taught 7 terms; farmer; carpenter; enlisted, Co. F., 161st Regiment N. Y. S. Vol’s; served 3 yrs. ; died at Memphis, Tenn., 1864; 1852 m. Miss Betsey Morrell; 2 children. Edward C. Seymour, A.M., Taught 29 years. Polytechnic Institute, Brooklyn, N. Y. Prin. Acad., Holland Patent, N.Y., i yr. ; Dep’t Math., Dutchess Co. Acad., i yr. ; Prin. Un. S., Catskill, N. Y., i yr. ; Ward S. No. 7, Brooklyn, N. Y., 3 yrs.; Prin. Acad. Dep’t Potytechnic Inst. 23 yrs. ; during the time since grad., in business 5 yrs. Stephen H. Tilden, Elm Grove, Wis. Taught 4 years. Taught in N. Y. i yr. ; studied theology, Rochester University, i term; taught in Wis. 3 yrs. ; farming since 1855; town sup’t Ss. ; town clerk: supervisor; 1854 m. Miss Harriet A. Ray; 1 son; a teacher. Abram Tinkey, dec’d. Taught 4 years. Address widow, M. W., Olean, N. Y. Taught, Rockland and Ulster Co’s, N. Y. ; farmer, 1856-9; oil business, refiner, 1859 till death, 1872; 1858 m. Mattie De La Vergne; 4 children; 3 living; oldest daughter taught. Ira H. Tuthill, lawyer, io Wall St., N. Y. City. Taught 5 years. Taught, Mattituck, N. Y., i yr. ; Prin. P. S., Staten Island, N. Y., 2 yrs.; V. P. ofN. Y. City Ward S., 2 .yrs. ; also in evening schools. ; admitted to bar 1856; has since practiced profession; is lawyer, capitalist and planter; 8th generation in descent from original settler L. I.; has country resi- dence at Southold, L. I. John Wood, Albert Lea, Minn. Taught 3 years. Taught in West. Co., N. Y., and in Ohio; surveyor in Iowa; Register of Deeds in Minn, io yrs. ; land agency; married; 3 daughters; all taught. 1850 — Tenth Class. Eleventh Term, ending April 4, 1850. Harriet Booth, Bellevue, Iowa. Taught 8 years. Taught P. S. near Goshen, N. Y., 2 yrs.; in private family, Islip, L. L, 3 yrs.; as above, 3 yrs.; health failed and retired. Lucy J. Bullock, Adams, N. Y. Taught 8 years. Taught 8 years after graduation! mostly in private schools and families; was in the South when the war came; is school trustee as above, and was elected as soon as the law would allow. 102 G-eorgiana L. Butler, Taught 22 years. Classical and Home Institute, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Taught in Massie S., Savannah, Ga., 9 yrs. ; Prin. of its 2d Dept. 7 yrs. ; since 1873 a private S. with her sister, as above. Adaline E. Coley, 23 Dove st., Albany, N. Y. Taught 30 years. Taught mostly private S., as above. Elizabeth Colwell (Ira Hartshorn), Taught J year. Friendship, N. Y. Taught a few months; m. as above; 3 children; 1 daughter has taught 5 yrs. Mary A. Elmore (Oscar E. Bingham, M. D.), Taught 5 years. Elgin, 111 . Taught, Verplanck’s Point, yr. ; Greenbush, N. Y., yr. ; Plainfield, N. J., yr . 1 Silver Glen, 111., 3^ yrs. ; m. E. Jerome Humphrey, who died 1869; brought up 2 adopted children; m. as above. Caroline A. Farr (M. C. G. Nichols, lawyer), Taught £ year. 187 Livingston ave., Albany, N. Y. Taught in family of Stephen Van Rensselaer; m. 1850; son, civil engineer; see daughter Anna, ’79; daughter Hattie, ’82. Fhilana A. Foster, Albion, N. Y. Taught 27 years. Taught in the counties of Ontario, Monroe, Wayne and Orleans, N. Y., in public schools, acad- emies, and private school; Preceptress of Albion Academy, 5 yrs.; had charge of education of Hon. Roswell S. Burrows’ children and grandchildren for 3 years. Isabella G. Hoyt (P. M. Abeel, Taught 3 years. Catskill, N. Y. Taught on Staten Island, and in Catskill, N. Y.; m. as above; 3 children; 1 has taught. Catharine McCue (John Murphy, dec’d), Taught 25 years. 97 Church st., Albany, N. Y. Taught in the public schools of Albany; in P. S. No. 14 for 17 yrs.; m. 1858; husband died 1861; 2 sons — 1 living. Elizabeth Miller (Joseph G. Wilson, dec’d), Taught 3 years. The Dalles, Oregon. Went to Oregon via Panama in 1851; taught till m. 1854; husband, M. C. 1872. and died 1873; 4 children ; appointed Postmistress by Grant, Hayes and Arthur, and still holds the office. Mary S. Onderdonk, Hamilton, N. Y. Taught uj years. Taught Dist. Ss. yrs. ; P. S., Albany, N. Y., 2 yrs. ; Graded S., New Brunswick, N. J., 7 yrs. ; Un. S. as above, 1 yr. CeHna D. Raymond, dec’d, Taught 9 years. Address Mrs. Dr. Jarvis, Canastota, N. Y. Taught at Tarry town, N. Y. ; Chatham, N. Y. ; ist Ass’t Bridgeport, Conn.; Harrodsburgh, Ky., Preceptress Female College; had accepted position of Preceptress of Female College in Leavenworth, Kan.; was taken ill in Cincinnati and died in Covington, Ky., 1859. Susan D. See (John Q. Adams), Westport, Conn. No report. Mary E. Swain (R. D. Logan), Taught 14 years. Bloomington, lnd. Taught in N. Y. 3 yrs.; in Pa., O., Wis., Indiana, Ky., Miss., Ark.; was associated with husband in teaching, 3 yrs.; taught mostly in Int. Ss., High Ss., and Female Sem’s; m. as above; 3 children; the Swains are now merchants. Caroline P. Titus, residence and history unknown. Said to have married a Mr. Edmonds. Alma Tuttle (Abram Zoller), Taught 3J years. U. S. Treasury, Washington, D. C. Taught, Ilion and Cooperstown, N. Y., until her marriage, 1853; f° r the l ast 6 yrs. has been with her only child, a daughter, who is studying music in Germany ; returned 1883 ; oil painting her pro- fession. Emeline F. Williams, dec’d, Taught 6 years. Address Mrs. D. G. P. Williams, Albany, N. Y. Taught 6 yrs. ; devoted herself to study and painting; became an invalid from ovet-study and over- work; suffered 8 yrs. ; died 1865. Sarah M. Wilson (G. H. Gile), .Taught 17 years. 285 Algona st., Oshkosh, Wis. Taught, Acad., Orange, Conn.; engaged in Acad., Marietta, Ga. ; came North on account of war; Dixon Acad., 111 .; select Ss,, and music; m, 1867; no children. io 3 Mary Young (Herman K. Taylor), Taught 2 years. 45 Iglehart st., St. Paul, Minn. Taught in family S. in N. Y. ; m. 1856; 3 children. John C. Bishop, Lyons, N. Y. Taught 5 years. Taught, Kinderkamack, N. J., Un. S., 3 yrs. ; Prin. .Peekskill, N. Y., P. S., y r -‘> Palatine Bridge, N. Y., 1 yr. ; taught various schools; farmer, engineer and surveyor, State Com’r of Drain- age; correspondent Statistical Dept., Washington, 10 yrs. ; instructor in many Teachers’ Institutes — always without pay; Bible Class Teacher, 25 yrs.; 4 children — all teachers. Ansel J. Booth, Hopewell Centre, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Taught Dist. Ss. ; book-keeper; 3 yrs. in 140th Regt., N. Y. Vols. — 17 pitched battles, closing with Appomattox; farmer since 1870; 1869 m. Miss Annie D. Stiffler; 5 children — 4 living. John D. Campbell, Polo, 111 . Taught 4 years. Taught, Prin. Verplanck, N. Y., 2 yrs. ; Prin. W. Farms, N. Y., 2 yrs.; admitted to bar 1855; since, lawyer, as above ; supervisor; city attorney ; mem. Bd. Ed. 9 yrs.; 1859 m - Mary E. Cutts; 2 daughters ; one has taught. Joseph Green, Sterling Valley, N. Y. Taught 4 £ years. Taught, Jeff. Co., N. Y., 8 terms; Cay. Co., N. Y., i term; traveling salesman, 111 .; mercantile, Wis. ; farming, real estate, Co. Clk’s office, N. Y. ; 1857 m. Miss Charlotte A. Green; 4 children. Chester Harris, Greenbush, N. Y. Taught ioj years. Has taught in P. Ss. of the State 6 yrs. ; in other States 1^ yrs. ; private Ss., 3 yrs. ; railroad clerk, East Albany, N. Y., 9 yrs. ; clerk of Greenbush; contributed to newspapers; 1859 m. Miss M. J. Clark; one child, died; for 5 yrs. and now, gen. agt. Copying House. Rev. Andrew Parsons, Sharon Springs, N. Y. Taught 3^- years. Taught in Elmira, N. Y., yr. ; Sand Lake Boarding S., 3 yrs. ; graduated Williams College 1857 : graduated Auburn Theological Sem. i860; has been pastor at Richfield Spa, N. Y., Ottawa, Kansas, Wisconsin, Hunter, N. Y., and as at present; connected with educational boards nearly all the time; S. Com’r in Kansas; 1861 m. Selona White; no children. Chas. H. Peck, residence and history unknown. Taught in Mott Haven, N. Y., 30 yrs. ago. Herman Skinner, Brooklyn, N. Y. Taught n years. Taught in N. Y.; tutor in Albany Academy ; P. S. as above; he was. teaching in Kentucky when the war came; m. as above, Sarah Balust; removed to Pa., and has not been heard of for several years. Cornelius Snyder, West Sand Lake, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Taught, Ren. and Dutchess Co’s, N. Y., 2 yrs. ; admitted to bar 1853; practiced at Berlin, N. Y., 3 yrs. ; since, as above, in law practice. Bowen H. Stone, dec’d, Grand Rapids, Mich. Taught 15 years. Taught in the States of New York and Michigan; 1853 m. J. A. McEwan, ’52, who died; m. 1865, and with wife and child was lost when stea'mer .Brother Jonathan, on its way to Cal., went down; they on the way to Oregon. Deranzel R. A. Thorp, Ottawa, 111 . Taught 1 7 years. Taught, Fishkill, N. Y., i yr. ; Gram. S., N. Y. City, 6 yrs.; Supt. Ss. as above io yrs., and now. James Wade, dec’d, Boone, Iowa. Taught io years. Taught in N. Y. State; in Boonsboro, Iowa, 2 yrs.; admitted to bar 1863; collection and real estate agency; 1872 m. Miss Loop; no children; died 1877. 1850 — Eleventh Class. Twelfth Term, ending October 30, 1850. Theresa A. Barnes, dec’d (Foster Ferrin), Taught 7 years. Address Mrs. Mate Webb, Colorado Springs, Col. Taught in Watertown, N. Y. ; the last io yrs. carried on dress-making business; m. 1853; 4 chil- dren, 1 daughter; died 1883. Mary P. Coffin (Wm. S. Brooke), Rockville, Md. Taught 30 years. Taught, P. Ss., Col. Co., N. Y., 4 yrs.; boarding Ss., Md., 15 yrs.; P. S. 1 yr. ; m. 1871, and since has taught 10 yrs. ; has helped educate hundreds of teachers. o 4 Chloe M. Eaton (C. E. McGuin, dec’d), Brooklyn, Iowa. Taught 8 yrs. in Jeff. Co., N. Y. ; Prin. Gram. Dep’t as above 7 yrs.; College, and M. D. Rebecca Frisby (Wm. Shapter), Milburn, N. J. Taught, P, S., Williamsburgh, N. Y. ; m. 1852; 2 daughters. Taught 15 years. son, a graduate of Iowa Taught i year. Jane Ann Humphrey (Chas. R. Abbot, ’48), Taught 7 years. Brooklyn, N. Y. Taught from her graduation; see hushand’s record. Sylvia A. Lewis (Aaron Veeder), Albany, N. Y. Taught 6J years. Taught, Union S., Horseheads, N. Y., yr. ; Burdette, N. Y., ^ yr.; Schenectady, N. Y., yr. ; Peekskill, N. Y., i yr. ; Puget Sound, W. Territory, 4 yrs.; m. 1850; no children. Alice S. McDonald (Martin Luther Townsend), Taught 3 years. 34 West 45th street, N. Y. City. Taught in Chemung, N. Y., 3 yrs.; 1854 m. a lawyer; 2 sons, 1 daughter; son grad. W. Point, 1879; son at Geneseo N. S. Emily J. Noyes (H. Person), Batchellerville, N. Y. Taught 30 years. Taught in family Rev. T. S. Wickes, 2 yrs.; Po’keepsie Fem. Acad., Math., 8 yrs.; governess 2 yrs.; m. 1861 ; 3 children; one son in Williams Coll. ; one daughter teaches; has had school at home most of the years since marriage; 17 or 18 pupils gone to Normal schools. Chloe L. Palmer (Z. A. Kendall), Angelica, N. Y. Taught 5 years. Tauget, Hornellsville, Dansville, Angelica — all N. Y.; m. 1855; 3 children; son, Yale, ’83, daugh- ter, Lima Sem. ; Mrs. K. has been invalid 20 yrs. Orline O. Sutton (N. J. Milliken, editor), Taught 3J years. Canandaigua, N. Y. Taught, Owego, N. Y., Sem. yr. ; Weedsport, N. Y., Acad. ^ yr. ; Elmira, N. Y., P. S. i % yrs,; New Brunswick, N. J., P. S. i yr.; m. 1855; 4 children, oldest son is ass’t editor; 1 daughter, married. Caroline Van Voorihas, Schenectady, N. Y. Taught 27 years. Taught in West. Co., N. Y.; Rens. Co., N. Y. ; Chemung Co., N. Y.; in Union S., as above, 21 yrs., ending 1877. Elizabeth S. Waterman (William Rainey, banker), Taught 3 years. Kinderhook, N. Y. Taught P. S. in Hudson, N. Y., 3 yrs.; m. 1855; 2 daughters; has since resided as above. Abby J. Wright (Benj. Crawford), Fennville, Mich. Taught 2 years. Taught, Brooklyn, N. Y. ; m. 1852, and removed as above; 2 children, 1 taught. Watts Beckwith, Daytona, Fla. Taught 3 years. Taught, N. Y. State 2 yrs.; in N. J. and Kansas; health delicate; had charge of Olathe, Kansas, Cemetery, 15 yrs; as at present for health; 1869 m. Mary J. Gilkey, who died 1872; child died 1873; 1875 m. Mary A. Hall;, no child. Silas Betts, Camden, N. J. Taught 21 years. Taught Prin. P. Ss., Syracuse, N. Y. ; Prin. High S. Niles, Mich.; V. P. State Normal S., ^Tren- ton, N. J., 3 yrs. ; health failed; breeding Guernsey and Jersey cattle; he fought for free schools in Michigan, and succeeded; m. Miss Hannah Burnet; 2 sons, business men. Isaac Briggs, dec’d. Taught 31 years. Address nephew, John M., 263 W. 123th st., N. Y. City. Taught, Prin. West. Co., N. Y.; ass’t P. S. No. 40, Gram. S. No. 44, Gram. S. No. 20— all N. Y. City; Erasmus Hall, L. 1.; died 1882, unmarried. Gideon H. Carswell, dec’d. Taught 24 years. Address father, Alexander, Fort Miller, N. Y. Taught in New Jersey; Highland Falls, N. Y. ; Matteawan, N. Y.; boarding S. at Fishkill, N. Y.; Cornwall, N. Y., school, and summer boarders; health failed 1874; died 1875 at his brother’s, Jersey City. Dubois B. Frisbee, Taught 28 years. Gram. School No. 4, Rivington st., N. Y. City. Taught, Andes, N. Y., yr. ; clerk in store, Syracuse, N. Y., yr.; taught, Mott Haven, N. Y., 2 yrs.; Huntington, N. Y., 1 yr. ; N. Y. City 16 yrs.; business, 1870-5; Vice Prin. as above since 1875; 1855 m. Harriet L. Finch; 4 children, 2 living — married daughter and son; daughter graduated Normal College, N. Y. City, and taught 5 years. Daniel S. Gregory, A.B., A.M., D.D. Taught 25 years. Pres’t Lake Forest University, 111 . Taught in public schools 3 yrs. ; graduated Princeton College, N. J., 1857; pastor 4th Pres, church, Galena, 111 ., 3 yrs.; driven away by ague; pastor 2d Pres, church, Troy, N. Y.; overworked profes- sionally and in building new churches; 3d Cong, ch., New Haven, Conn., 2 yrs.; health failed; farm- ing till ’71; declined prof, in Cornell Un. ; became Prof. Mental and Moral Science, Wooster Un., O., 7 yrs. ; wrote “ Christian Ethics,” “ Practical Logic,” “ Why Four Gospels? assumed present posi- tion 1878; has written for various reviews, including Princeton — “The Eastern problem,” “ John Stuart Mill and the Destruction of Theism,” etc., etc.; has worked for education in Pres. ch. ; work on Psychology, nearly ready for press; “ L. P. Stone, Lecturer,” Princeton, ’84-’8s. Hon. Henry Hinds, Shakopee, Minn. Taught 2 years. Taught, Easton, N. Y., 2 terms; Hyde Park, N. Y., 1 term; Newport, Ky., 1 term; grad. Law Dept., Cincinnati, O., Univ., 1852; settled as at present, 1854; Probate Judge; Co. Att’y 2 terms; from 1867, 13 yrs., editor and prop’r “Argus”; succeeded by son ; general store since 1878; member Legislature, 1878; succeeded in remarkable contest on “ county seat removal ” bill; chairman of Com. of Managers in impeachment of Sherman Page; 1879, elected to State Senate; 1881, re-elected unani- mously; appointed to draft judgment on impeachment and conviction of E. St. Julian Cox; 1854 m - Mary F. Woodworth, of Salem, N. Y. ; 2 daughters, 4 sons. Homer H. Ingalsbe, Hartford, N. Y. Taught 7 years. Graduated in one term; taught in Washington Co. public schools and Teachers’ Institutes about 7 yrs.; farmer 20 yrs.; special agent Gov. N. Y. during civil war; civil and mechanical engineer; has traveled, etc., in 31 States; School Trustee 14 yrs.; he and his associates built one of the best school houses in county; Cor. Sec. Agricultural Society; m. 1853; 4 children, 2 sons and 2 daughters; one daughter teacher; one, student at Normal S. Virgil A. Damson, dec’d. Taught i year. Address D. W. Lamson, Adams, N. Y. Taught in Cleveland, O., from his graduation till his death, 1851. Hon. Oliver P. Mason, Lincoln, Neb. Taught 2 years. Taught, Munnsville, N. Y. ; traveled in Southern States; admitted to bar 1854; Nebraska City 1855; present residence since 1874; four terms in territorial legislature ; member of two Constitutional conventions; Chief Justice 6 yrs.; Prof. Med. Jurisprudence State University; m., at Munnsville, Mary J. Turner. Oscar F. Morris, Short Tract, N. Y. Taught 1 6 years. Taught in Steuben Co., N. Y., 32 terms; health failed; book agency; lectures on astronomy and Nat. Sci. ; m. at age 24; wife died 1879. Wm. D. Palmer, A.M., Chicago, 111 . Taught 16J years. Taught at Windham Centre, N. Y., 1 term; assistant Prin. Teachers’ Inst., Greene Co.; Prin. Van Tromp st. S., Albany, 3 yrs.; health failed; entered dry goods business; then taught 1 yr. in Belvi- dere, 111 .; 1 yr. in Washington Acad., 111 .; started Palmer’s Acad., Chicago, 111 ., and taught there 12 yrs.; burned out in 1871; since then, real estate business; received deg. of A.M. from an Iowa coll.; 1854 m. Ella M. Marble, 1 son. Joseph Perkins, Jr., dec’d. Taught 4 years. Address bro., John B., Salem, N. Y. Taught, Rock Island, 111 ., i yr. ; Prin., Yonkers, N. Y., 2 yrs.; then taught winters, and farmed summers, until his death, in 1856. Henry B. Pierce, A. M., New Brunswick, N. J. Taught 28 years. Supt. Schools; Prin. High School; has taught, Mamaroneck, N. Y., % yr. ; Gowanda, N. Y., Prin., 2j£ yrs.; Greenwich, Conn., % yr.; Hudson, N. Y., Prin., yr. ; Cooperstown, N. Y., Sem- inary, % yr. ; Supt. Model School, Trenton, N. J., 5% yrs.; Prof. Math., N. School, Trenton, N. J., 4 yrs. ; present position, 18 yrs.; Pres’t N. J. State Teachers’ Ass’n; member Ex. Council State Sani- tary Ass’n; m. C. M. Brownell, ’51. Silas J. Pratt, San Francisco, Cal. Taught 6 years. Prin. Acad., Po’keepsie, N. Y., 2 yrs.; Prin. Acad., McGrawville, N. Y., 2 yrs.; Prin. Un. S., Waterford, N. Y., 2 yrs.; admitted to bar 1856; practiced in N. Y. State; as at present since 1864. Hon. Samuel H. Rogers, dec’d. Taught 5 years. Address bro., M. L., Marshalltown, Iowa. Taught in N. Y. State, 5 yrs.; mail agent, 3 yrs. ; mercantile, as above, till his death, 1870; Super- visor for many years ; railroad director; member legislature; elder Pres. ch. ; 1857 m. Jane Butler; 6 children. Leonard S. Root, Taught o years. Analytic chemist, 23 E. 14th st., N. Y. City. Has been, as now, manufacturing, analytic, and consulting chemist since graduation; unmarried; no teaching ; he insisted on paying, and did pay for his tuition. Derrick W. Sparling, Kingston, N. Y. Taught 12 years. Taught in Ulster and Sullivan Co’s, N. Y. ; now, lawyer; 1864 m. Martha W. Converse; 3 child- ren, one has taught. 10 io6 Samuel I. C. Sweezy, dec’d. Taught 6 years. Address Mrs. Louisa D. Sweezy, widow, San Francisco, Cal. Taught, Orient, L. I., x yr.; Prof. Math., Judson Female Inst., Marion, Ala., 5 yrs.; studied law, N. Y. City, and admitted to the bar, 1863; went to Cal.; Sec’y Pacific Rolling Mills until his death, 1877; elder and Sunday S. Supt., Howard Pres, ch., as above; m. Louisa Dewey, of Phila., Pa.; no children. Nelson J. Tubbs, C.E., Rochester, N. Y. Taught 6 years. Taught in N. Y., at Duanesburgh, Nanuet, Johnstown and Ballston Spa, 4 yrs.; studied law; on - account of health, became civil engineer; engaged in enlargement Erie canal; Elmira Reformntory; designed and constructed water works, Rochester, N. Y., cost $3,500,000; now, chief engineer of the works. Daniel P. Waite, residence and history unknown. 1851 — Twelfth Class. Thirteenth Term, ending March 20, 1851. Marion O. Carpenter (Marcus L. Dunn, undergraduate), Taught 1 yr. Stamford, Conn. Taught P. S. Rochester, N. Y., i yr. ; m. 1852; 2 sons, 2 daughters. Helen M. Conklin (William York), 329 N. 3d ave., N. Y. City. Sarah M. Craig (Jonathan Brownell), 97 Park Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. Taught P. S. No. 6, Albany, N. Y., 1851-1862. Mary E. Crumb, Becker’s Corners, N. Y. Taught district schools in Albany county, N. Y., for twenty-two years. Clarissa A. Denike, Brooklyn, N. Y. Taught as above; probably much more, but nothing further known. Susan S. Hazard (G. W. Denton, dec’d, 1876), 1 19 Grove st., New Haven, Conn. M. 1852; 1 son; educated abroad and grad. Harvard; died 1880; she spends her winters in N. O. Sabra A. Lapham, dec’d (Rev. A. Countryman), Taught 2 years. Iowa Falls, Iowa. Taught, Pittsford, Elmira, and Albany Co. — all N. Y. ; m. 1853, Cong. Cl.; 2 daughters; died 1859, at Orange, Mass. ; was a poetess of no small merit. Harriet A. Newell (Jonah Palmer, dec’d), Taught 14 years. Northfield, Minn. Taught 2 terms in N. Y; since, in Minn., 12 terms, and Wis., 10 terms; 111 ., 1 term. Hannah Parry, 500 S. 9th st., Phila., Pa. Taught 11J years. Taught, West. Co., N. Y., 7% yrs.; Burlington, N. J., 3 yrs; 1861-5 had a school of her own at Crosswick's, N. J. ; kept house for father and brother; now with sister. Emily K. Phelps, Valatie, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Taught, Verplanck’s, N. Y., and Greenwich, Conn.; since, at home. No report. Taught 11 years. Taught 22 years. Taught J year. Taught o years. Louisa C. Plumb (E. M. Andrews), Oswego, N.Y. Taught n£ years. Taught in Un. S., Greenpoint, N. Y., yr. ; school in home dist., % yr. ; Weedsport, N. Y., i yr. ; in the employ of Board of Education, Oswego, N. Y., io yrs.; member of first training class in object methods, Oswego Normal S.— graduated in first class of that school; m. 1863. Mary A. Seabury (Marcus S. Jones, dec’d), Taught 14 years. Denison, Iowa. Taught West. Co., Brooklyn, Knox, Col. Co.— all N. Y., P. S. and private S. ; m. as above; i daughter, M. E. Jones, ’75, and 4 sons; after her husband’s death, she taught in Iowa. Betsey J. Smith, dec’d, Crown Point, N. Y. Taught 25 years. Taught frorrt graduation till her death in 1876. Etta M. Tuttle, residence and history unknown. 107 Ebenezer D. Beattie, Lawrence, Miss. Taught years. Taught, Greenpoint, L. I., 1851-2; Upper New Rochelle, N. Y., Jfjyr. ; Brownwood Inst., La Grange, Ga., 1 yr. ; Prin. Eng. Dept. Chatham Acad., Savannah, Ga., 1 yr. ; Wash. Co., N. Y., yr. ; since 1858, agricultural and mercantile pursuits; 1857 m - Miss Sarah E. Boyd; 9 children — 2 have taught. Rev. Selah W. Brown, Colesburgh, 111 . Taught i year. Taught 1 yr. ; joined Troy Conference 1851, to which he belonged 20 yrs. ; Central, 111 ., Confer- ence, 10 yrs. ; has traveled around the world, and has visited Europe several times. • Robert N. Cornish, Gillette, N. J. Taught \\ years. Taught, Barrytown, N. Y., yr. ; Orange, N. J., 4 yrs., health impaired; since, farmer; 1854 m. P. Selina Harrison; 8 children; oldest son grad. Yale; is teaching; oldest daughter grad. Trenton Normals.; is teaching; second son at Yale. Abram A. Demarest, Nyack, N. Y. Taught 5 years. Taught in various Ss. ; 1857-69 was clerk of Rockland Co.; since 1871, a practicing lawyer; 1852 m. Anna Stephens; 1 daughter, who is graduate of N. Y. City Normal College. Maj. William G. Dickson, dec’d, Taught 4 years. • Address Mrs. Albert Mills, Scotchtown, N. Y. In business in Savannah, Ga.; 1855 m. S. Wilson; 1848, went into business in Memphis, Tenn. ; see wife’s history; Lieut, in army; rose to Major on staff of Gen. Barry; in “ March to the Sea” bore dispatches from Gen. Sherman at Savannah to Washington; made U. S. Marshal for Ga. ; served as such in 1868; went to Brazil and died. Hiram Gilmore, Georgetown, Wis. Taught years. Taught, Johnstown, Fordham, and Madison, N. Y., 4J4 yrs. ; P. S. and Select Ss. in Wis., 3 yrs.; entered, private, 1864, 25th Regt., Wis. Vols. ; discharged close of war; read law; 1859 m. Miss Caro- line White; she and child died 1861 ; 1866 m. Ellen Story — 4 children. T. Orlando Hopkins, C. E., dec’d, Taught 8 yrs. Address father, T. A., Williamsville, N. Y. Taught in N. Y.; grad. C. E., Rens. Pol., Troy, N. Y. ; Prof, in same; went to Cal. 1861; bro. of John F., *48; died, Alvarado, Cal., *866. Amos M. Kellog, A. M., Taught 34 years. Ed. N. Y. “ School Journal,” N. Y. City. Taught, Palmyra, N. Y., Un. S., 2 yrs.; Prin. of Experimental Dept. Normal School, 5 yrs.; con- ducted Teachers’ Institutes, Mich., 4 yrs.; Monroe Fern. Sem., 1 yr. ; Monroe Un. S., and Supt. Ss., 2 yrs.; Bergen, N. J., Inst., xo yrs. ; Ed. “ S. Journal,” and “ Teachers’ Inst.,” 12 yrs. Henry McGregor, 414 W. 28th st., N.Y. City. Taught n years. Taught, Richmond Co.^N. Y., i yr. ; Kings Co., N. Y., i yr. ; New York City, 8 yrs.; in lumber business since 1863, and now; m. 1861; 2 children. John A. Parish, dec’d, Taught 8 years. Address widow, Woodstock, 111 . Taught, Brockport, N. Y., Acad. ; Columbus, O.; in Illinois until 1859; health failed; lawyer, office practice; Sec’y Bd. Ed., as above; 1878 m. Mrs. Julia Parish White; no children; died 1882. Calvin W. Smith, residence and history unknown. John E. Van Etten, Kingston, N. Y. Taught 4 years. Prin. High Falls, N. Y.; Prin. Kingston, N. Y. ; Charlotteville Sem.; Carlisle Sem. — both N. Y. ; admitted to bar, 1855; since, engaged in practice, as above; also U. S. Courts; has been member Bd. of Ed.; 1858 m. Addie Green; 3 children— 2 sons at Princeton College. 1851 — Thirteenth Class. Fourteenth Term, ending July 31, 1851. L. Maria Bingham (John J. Mack), Oswego, N. Y. Taught 4 years. Taught, Liverpool, N. Y., 3 yrs; Oswego, N. Y., 1 yr.*, m. 1858. Catharine M. Brownell (Henry B. Pierce, ’50), Taught 1 year. New Brunswick, N. J. Taught, district school before graduating, i yr. ; Graded Un. S. x yr., f after. io8 Eleanor Carpenter (E. C. Johnson, dec’d), Taught 17 years. Ohlman, 111 . Taught, Schodack, N. Y., 2 yrs. ; Fem. Sem., Bergen Heights, N. J., 8 yrs. ; Rosemond, 111 ., 2 yrs.; Hutchins, Tex., 2 yrs.; as above, 3 yrs.; m. 1862; 1 son. Frances H. Clark (Judah C. Shermerhorn) . Taught 4 years. Taught in Asylum for Idiots, Watervliet and Syracuse, N. Y. ; m. 1856; 6 children; 1 has taught. Elizabeth'S. Cole (B. M. Anthony, dec’d), Taught io years. 79 Windsor St., Detroit, Mich. Taught, primary in Girard Acad. 1 yr. ; studied French, German and botany, and became Preceptress of Rushford Acad., N. Y. ; Cary Collegiate Sem., N. Y. ; Medina, N. Y., Acad. ; Utica Acad., N.Y. ; m. i86r ; 1 son, 1 daughter. Phebe Cummings (Wm. H. Bentley), Taught 4 years. Maple Valley, N. Y. Taught at Milford, N. Y., 2 yrs.; Clarksville, N. Y., 1 yr. ; P. S., Oswego, N. Y., 1 yr. ; m. 1855; 2 boys ; oldest at Phillips’ Acad. Anna E. Dillow, dec’d (Henry Wilkes, dec’d). Taught 3 years. Address bro. Richard, 40 Lark St., Albany, N. Y. M. 1854; died 1865; no children. Celia A. Hall (James A. Jaycox), Ann Arbor, Mich. Taught 7 years. Taught in Syracuse, N. Y., Prim. Dep’t i yr. ; Prin. Sen. Dep’t 4 yrs.; 2d Ass’t High S. 2 yrs.; m. 1858; now, Pres’t of a woman’s club for study and improvement, 40 members. Eliza A. Hicks (S. E. Williams), La Porte, Ind. Taught ioj years. Taught in Oneida, Co., N. Y. ; 6 J 4 yrs. in Advanced S. Utica, N. Y. ; m. 1863; no children. Helen A. Lansing, Lisha’s Kill, N.Y. Taught 13 years. Taught in Mrs. Brinckerhoff’s S., Albany, N. Y., for 3 yrs; the 10 following yrs., district Ss. in the neighborhood of home; taught 2 terms before entering Normal S. Martha McGregor, dec’d, Chateaugay, N. Y. Taught i year. Was preceptress of a school in Williamsburgh of which her brother, Charles, ’48, was principal ; died while thus engaged, 1853. R. Melinda Phillips, artist, New York City. Taught 29 years. Taught select S., Albany, N. Y., 2 yrs.; Little Falls, N. Y., 2 yrs.; studied French, German and art, and wrote Normal welcome song; has taught and practiced art for many years. Sarah B. Quick (Elwood R. Aukrum), Taught 4 years. Georgetown, 111 . Taught in N. Y. i yr. ; in Illinois 3 yrs.; m. 1857, an d has lived since as above. Catharine S. Van Dyck (Prof.W. H. Thompson, M.D.) Taught o yrs. Un. Med. Col.; 7 W. 56th st., N. Y. City. Could not teach on account of ill health and family ties; m. 1861 ; 8 children, 5 living. Gertrude Van Patten (J. F. Lord), Taught 30 years. 91 Laflin st., Chicago, 111 . Taught, Bridgeport, Conn.; Schenectady, N. Y.; since 1858, and now in P. Ss. as above; n yrs. in High S.; 5 in the Normal S. ; m. 1868; no children. Jane A. Van Sickler (Rev. A. L. Vail), Taught 17 years. Pittsfield, Mass. Taught, Hudson, N. Y.,Castalian Spa, Tenn., and in N. Y. State for 17 yrs.; State Sec’y Woman’s Baptist Mis. Soc. of the West. Marion B. Wallis, dec’d (James E. Persons, dec’d), Taught 5 years. E. Aurora, N. Y. Taught in P. S., Buffalo, N. Y.; m. 1858; 2 daughters, one is Mrs. C. A. Hamilton, 1005 S. st., Washington, D. C. ; died 1862. Oscar A. Archer, Taught 5 years. Treas’r of S. Blackinton Woolen Co., Blackinton, Mass. Taught, Guilderland, N. Y., i yr. ; N. Y. Conference Sem., Charlotteville, N. Y., 4 yrs.; has been in present location since; member of School Board many years; m. 1856; 5 children, 1 a teacher. Truman D. Cameron, 333 Wash, ave., Albany, N. Y. Taught 21 yrs. Taught district school 4 yrs.; Prin. prep, deprt, Albany Acad., 17 yrs.; now, lumber dealer; m. Elizabeth Flagler, undergraduate; 4 boys, 2 girls. 109 Jas. B. Cummings, Ph. D., New Wilmington, Pa. Taught 32 years. Taught, Cadiz, O., 5 yrs., and since the fall of 1856 in Westminister College, as above; Prof. Nat. Sci. ; 1853 m. Miss Mary A. Reid; 1 daughter, a mem. jun. class in col., died, aged 20^4 yrs.; 3 sons, youngest a tutor in col. Cornelius Hill, Mahopac Falls, N. Y. Taught 25 years. Has taught more than 50 terms; and, farmer; m. 1862; 3 children. Horace W. Hovey, A.M., St. Albans, W. Va. Taught 20 years. Taught in Chen. Co., N. Y., 6yrs. ; Millbury, Mass., i yr. ; Va., 5 yrs. ; Ironton, O., 1 yr. ; W. Va., 5 yrs.; officer in penitentiary, 1 yr. ; R. R. contractor, 8 yrs.; most teaching as Prin. graded Ss. ; 3 yrs. in Shelton College as above; did much work in connection with Christian Com., during and after war. George W. Lounsbury, dec’d. Taught 2 years. Taught at Chittenango, N. Y. ; Prin. P. S. ; studied dentistry, and practiced near Syracuse, where he died of consumption. Lieut. James McMillan, dec’d, Taught it years. Address widow, Mary, Menlo, Iowa. Taught, Erin, N. Y., Horseheads, N. Y. ; S. Com’r 6 yrs.; enlisted 141st Regt., N. Y. S. V., 1862, served 2 yrs.; discharged, inability ; shock from explosion ol shell; was 1st Lieut. ; sheriff; 1855 m. Mary S. Sayer; 2 children; died, 1882. Philip Snyder, Vineland, N. J. Taught 6J years. Taught, Malden Br., N. Y., 5 mos.; Jewish S., Albany, N. Y., 18 mos.; Prin. P. S. No. 3, Albany, N. Y., 4I4 yrs. ; engaged in journalism in Albany, N. Y., 1858; traveled in Europe and the East, 1859; 1860-4, edited Quincy, 111., “Whig”; 1864, Springfield, Mass., “Daily Union”; 1865-72, farming, Vineland, N. J. ; 1872-3, Senate reporter “Albany Journal,” and asst. ed. “Country Gen- tleman,” Albany, N. Y. ; 1874-81, farming; 1881-3 and now, Ag. Ed. Phila. “Weekly Press”; m. 1855; lost wife and child, 1857; 1861; no living child. Albertus Webb, Homer, N. Y. Taught 5J years. Taught, Pittsford, N. Y., yr. ; Palmyra, N. Y., J4 yr. ; Cortland Academy, Homer, N. Y., J£yr. ; Elmira, N. Y., 14 yr. ; Valatie, N. Y., i yr. ; Cape May, N. J., iJ4 yrs.; Sumnerville, N. Y., i yr. ; 1865 m. Mary E. Babcock, who died 1879, leaving no children; now farming. William W. White, dec’d, Taught i year. Address bro., Maltby R., Bridgehampton, N. Y. Health failed; after long sickness, he died 1853. 1852 — Fourteenth Class. Fifteenth Term, ending Feb. 5, 1852. Fanny A. Babcock (Levi B. Burch), Byron, 111 . Taught 5 years. Taught, Westford, N. Y., dist. S.; in Orange, N. J.; in graded S. in Utica; attended Ladies, Sem., Rockford, 111.; m. 1880; sup’t M. E. S. S. ; prepared for Normal S. under Orson Jackson, ’46. Harriet E. Ball (C. T. Robinson), N. Nassau, N.Y. Taught 4 years. Taught in P. Ss. in N. Y. 8 terms; 1854-5, Prin. Prim., Jersey City; m. 1856; 1 daughter — Hattie B., ’78. Mary L. Brand, dec’d (M. A. Armstrong), Omaha, Neb. Taught £ year. M. 1854; moved to Chicago, 111., where she died, 1867, leaving a daughter, who died 1877; she taught but 1 term. Emma E. Brooks (Geo. Savage), Churchville, N. Y. Taught o years. Has taught only in Sunday schools; m. 1854; 7 children; has been leading soprano in church choir ever since graduation, and now; member of C. L. S. C. Elizabeth Cook, 37 Dove St., Albany, N. Y. Taught 4 years. Taught select S. at home 4 yrs. Hannah M. Dickson (Jasper C. Peck), Taught 24 years. West Bloomfield, N. Y. Taught, Po’keepsie, N. Y., Female Acad. 3V6 yrs. ; Coll. Inst., Rochester, N. Y., )*> yr. ; as above, village S., 4^4 yrs. ; most of the. remaining yrs. of teaching, in Monroe Co., N. Y. ; m. 1881. Mary J. Dorman, dec’d (Marcus Ansley), Geneva, N.Y. Taught 3 yrs. M. 1855; died 1864, leaving 4 children; husband, farmer. no Mary A. Earll, dec’d (Orlando Beach) , Marcellus, N.Y. Taught 1 2 yrs. Taught in Syracuse and Salina, N.Y., and Stevens Point, Wis. ; m. 1864; di&d 1871. Martha Hepinstall (F. U. Stitt), Washington, D. C. Taught 6 years. Taught P. S. No. io, Albany, N. Y.; and Nashville, Tenn.; m. 1858; no children. Elizabeth Larcher (Myron M. Phillips), Utica, N.Y. Taught n years. Taught, Columbus, N. Y. , 2J42 yrs. ; Sherburne, N. Y., iyr.; Albany, N. Y., 3 yrs.; Frankfort, N. Y., ^2 yr. ; in Business College, Utica, N. Y., 4 yrs.; m. 1869; no children. Mary Ann Pearse, dec’d (Aaron Van Vranken), Taught 4 years. Box 795, Schenectady, N. Y. M. 1856, as above; died 1882. Armenia T. Pepper (J. B. Hatch), Des Moines, la. Taught 16 yrs. Taught, Tarrytown and Yonkers, N. Y., and State of Iowa; teaching Normal classes, primary work and elocution ; m. 1863; no children. A. Louise Reynolds, residence and history unknown. J. Henry Abeel, dec’d. Taught 8 years. Address Carrie Abeel. Addison, N. V. Prin., Tarrytown, N. Y., 2 yrs.; went South and taught in Alabama until the war; after the war he started, as is supposed, for Europe, and has not been heard of since; is supposed to be dead. Hon. Aug. G. S. Allis, lawyer, Syracuse, N. Y. Taught io years. Taught, Brockpori, N. Y., 3 yrs. ; P. S. No. to, Albany, N. Y., 2 vrs. ; High S., Joliet, 111., 2 yrs. ; partial course at Un. College, N. Y. ; a year in Europe; taught Teachers’ Institutes; admitted to bar, 1859; justice in Brockport and Syracuse, N. Y.; U. S. Assessor; Member Assembly, 1868; 1855 m. Miss Caroline P. Bennett, who died 1857 ; t86t m. Miss Harriet N. Little; 7 children. Algernon L. Day, Taught 5 years. 401 California St., San Francisco, Cal. Taught, Flushing Inst., L. I., 2 yrs.; Prin. Belleport Acad., L. I., r yr. ; Prin. and prop’r bd. S., Mendham Inst., N. J., 2 yrs.; clerk to Tax Col. and Assessor, St. Louis, Mo., 4 yrs. ; bookkeeper 4th Nat. Bank, N. Y. City, 4 yrs.; business, N. Y. City, till went to Cal., 1875; since, collection agency, as above; 1863 m. Miss M. C. Bryant; 2 children, both died. Hon. Jas. E. Goodman, Hartford, N.Y. Taught 4 years. Taught, Fishkill, N. Y. ; Ovid, N.Y. ; Troy, N.Y. ; druggist, Troy, N. Y. ; now, and for yrs., farmer as above ; supervisor 4 successive yrs.; Mem. Assembly, 1881; m. Miss Sarab E. Beecher; 6 children, 1 teacher; bro. of C. M., ’46, and D. E., *49. John H. Hopper, Spring Valley, N. Y. Taught 20 years. Taught, Rock, and West. Cos., N. Y., 6^> yrs.; Prin., Wabashaw, Minn., 2 yrs.; now teaching; the rest of the time has practiced law; i860 m. Martha M. Smith, who died 1864; 1 daughter; 1869 m. Emma B. Stansbury, who died 1870; 1873 m. Mary A. Sutherland; 2 daughters. Chas. H. Morse, dec’d, Buffalo, N. Y. Taught o years. After graduation he resided in Buffalo ; mem. Ex. Com. Y. M. A.; in salt business on Central Wharf; died of consumption, 1863. Francis Ogsbury, Morrison, 111 . Taught 31 years. Has made teaching his life-work; m. Julia A. Barrows, undergraduate; 5 children; 3 have taught. Philander Reed, 22 Old Slip, N. Y. City. Taught 3 years. Taught, Reformed Ch. S., N. Y. City; Mamaroneck, N. Y.; Mech. Soc. S., N. Y. City; night school, 18th ward, N. Y. City; 15th ward S., N. Y. City; clerk and merchant; 1861 m. Elsie Louise Mabie; 6 children; 3 living. Darius Rogers, Ferndale, Washington Territory. Taught 4 years. Taught 4 yrs.; has since been in mercantile business. James W. Schermerhorn, A.M., Taught 8 years. Teacher’s Agency, N. Y. City. Taught, Hurley, N. Y. ; graduated at Rutgers College, N. J., 1855; Prin. Collegiate Inst., Mata- wan, N. J. ; Taught Charlotteville, N. Y. ; established and still conducts “ American School Insti- tute,” N. Y. City; m. S. L. Du Bois, undergraduate, who was preceptress of Col. Inst. Michael McN. Walsh, 99 Nassau st., N. Y. City. Taught 8 £ years. Taught, Prin. P. S., Weedsport, Chili, i yr. ; Prof. Math.,N. Y. Conf. Sem.,^j yr. ; Prin^P. S. No. 8, Albany, N. Y., 3 yrs. ; Prin., Carrsville, Pa., 3 yrs.; Prin., New Paltz, N. Y., Acad., 1 yr. ; stud- ied in Germany and traveled in Europe, 3 yrs. ; admitted to bar, 1862: since, practiced as above; author of “ The Lawyer in the School Room ” ; all teaching in N. Y. Ill D. Franklin Wells, A.B., dec’d. Taught 17 years. Address Mr.*J. L. Packard, Iowa City, Iowa. Prin., Tarrytown, N. Y., i yr. ; was Prof. Theory and Practice of Teaching in State University of Iowa, 1856-66; appointed State Snpt. Education, 1866; elected to a second term same office in 1868; died 1869; taught, Muscatine, Iowa, 1854-6. It was said of him: “He was to education in Iowa what D. P. Page was to the State of New York.” Daniel M. Wells, dec’d, Taught 2 years. Address daughter, Mrs. J. A. Briggs, 1080 Pacific st., Brooklyn, N. Y. Taught, William’s Bridge, N. Y., 2 yrs. ; spent the remainder of his life as above, dying 1871; m. Mary A. Conklin; 3 children, 1 daughter survives. 1852 — Fifteenth Class. Sixteenth Term, ending July 8, 1852. Sarah A. Bingham, dec’d (Malon Felter, M. D.), Taught 2 years. Troy, N. Y. Taught in Albany Female Acad., 2 yrs.; m. 1857; died, leaving 5 children; one, a son, survives. Sarah M. Birdsall, residence and history unknown. Elizabeth Clark, dec’d (T. W. Lawrence), Taught £ year. 529 La Fayette ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Taught, Peekskill, N. Y., yr. ; m. 1854; 3 children; died 1883. Eliza J. Dunster, dec’d, Albany, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Taught Eng. Dept. Hebrew school, as above, until, attacked quick consumption, she died in 1855. Ellen M. Freeman (S. S. Merrill), Milwaukee, Wis. No report. Gen. Man. C. M. & St. P. R. R. Elizabeth Gufhn (Nicholas Marcle), Taught 8 years. Hyndsville, N. Y. Taught, Albany, N. Y., Boonton, N. J., and other places; 1873 m. as above; no children. Louisa A. Hiscock (A. H. Brockway), Taught 4 years. 13 Greene ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Taught till m. 1856. Anna A. Hughes, 51 Hamilton st., Albany, N. Y. Taught 4 years. Taught P. S. No. 8, Albany, N. Y., 4 yrs.; now at home. Elizabeth R. Lapham, dec’d (Charles S. Bennett), Taught o years. E. Aurora, N. Y. M. 1858; 1 son, 1 daughter; died 1872; address Mrs. R. T. Wood, sister, Penn Yan, where the daughter resides. • Jane M. Livingston (Sidney D. King), Taught 2^ year. Pittston, Pa. Taught, Albany Co., N. Y., ^5 yr. ; and Middletown, N. Y., 2 yrs.; m. 1855; 2 children. Mary McDonald (Edgar D. Ellis), 1022 20th st., San Francisco, Cal. Taught 2 years. Taught P. S. No. 18, Albany, N. Y., 2 yrs.; m. 1854; 2 sons, 2 daughters; 1 has taught 2 yrs.; as ' above, since 1873. Jane A. McEwan, dec’d (Bowen H. Stone, ’50, dec’d), Taught o yrs. Address brother-in-law, D. J. Mull, Grand Rapids, Mich. She was quite literary and poetic; all her essays at N. S. were poems; wrote for “Rural New Yorker” ; m. 1853; 2 children; both deceased; she died 1863. Harriet L. Milliner (J. W. Stoakes), Milan, O. Taught J year. Taught, Gates, N. Y.; m. 1862; 2 children; lived in Canada 20 yrs.; husband, mayor as above. Mary E. Reed (Orson Jackson, ’46). Taught 5 years. Prepared for Normal S. under husband's tuition; taught P. Ss. Westford, N. Y., 3 terms; math, in Ladies’ Sem., Newark, N.J.; grad. Oneida Con. Sem., N.Y. ; Preceptress Ithica Acad., N. Y. ; m. 1858. (See husband.) 1 12 Aurora H. Turner (Rev. S. H. Todd), Taught 1 8 years. Port Gamble, Washington Territory. Taught in P. Ss., Syracuse, N. Y., 17 yrs. ; went to California in 1869; was married in 1870, M. E. clergyman; taught 2 terms P. S., Portland, Oregon; has taught much in Sunday schools. Elizabeth Van Derzee (B. Wood, M.D., dec’d), Taught 5 years. • 168 Madison ave., Albany, N. Y. Taught in Albany, Schenectady and Saratoga Co’s, N. Y. ; attended N. Y. Conference Seminary; m. 1867; 2 children — boys; i living. Hannah Waddell (D. S. Kellogg, M.D.), Taught 4 years. Fort Plain, N. Y. Graduated Ft. Plain Sem. 1854; taught there, and was Preceptress till 1858; m. 1859; 1 son; dec’d; Mary A. Williams (Frederick Sanford), Taught 8 years. Gt. Barrington, Mass. Taught during course select class 16 young ladies, Lodi, N. Y., Wilbur Morgan’s (*49) school 1 yr. ; private teaching 7 yrs. ; sec’y of various ladies’ religious organizations; m. 1862; 1 son, 1 daughter; Mrs. Sanford wrote the libretto of the opera Pompair except the “ Scissors Grinder’s Song,” the chorus, “ He is so quick,” and the intoxicated scene. Isaac S. Becker, M.D., Berne, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Taught, Knox, N. Y., and Huntington, L. I.; i860 m. Kate E. Shultes; no children. Benson Briggs, dec’d, Peekskill, N. Y. Taught 26 years. Taught in the neighborhood of home until 1878, when he died. James B. Burlew, Union Springs, N. Y. Taught ii years. Taught, N. Y. State 6 yrs., N. J. 5 yrs. ; since, in business; 1855 m. Lydia A. Cornwell; 5 chil- dren; 4 living; postmaster, supervisor. Hon. Abram S. Cassedy, Newburgh, N. Y. Taught 5 J years. Taught yrs. ; admitted to bar 1857; Dep. Co. Cl’k 2 yrs. ; cl’k Bd. Supervisors 3 yrs.; District Att’y Orange Co.; practiced law in Newburgh, N.Y., since ’60; mem. Bd. of Ed. 4 yrs. ; Pres’t of Bd. 1 yr. ; 1880, elected mayor of Newburgh, N. Y. ; director of bank 10 yrs.; counting service on Bd. of Ed. as teaching, to make time. Bradford R. Champion, Goshen, N. Y. Taught 4 years. Taught, Middleburgh, N. Y., i yr. ; Highland Falls, N. Y., 3 yrs.; admitted to bar 1857; i860 m. Miss Parry, of Goshen, N. Y.; 3 children; eldest son at Cornell University. L. Harrison Cheney, A.M., dec’d, Taught 24 years. Syracuse, N. Y. Taught, Liverpool, N. Y. ; Syracuse, N. Y.; St. Louis, Mo., Prin. in P. Ss. ; was Pres’t of Cape Girardeau, Mo., Normal S. ; Vice-Prin. S. Normal S., Warrensburg, Mo.; while excavating, for scientific purposes, an Indian mound in Tenn., the earth fell in upon him, and he was crushed and killed, 1876; he revised “ Robinson and French ” arithmetics; his widow is lady Prin. of Cape Gir- ardeau Normal S.; his four sons are professional men — one a professor. James A. Curtice, Patch Grove, Wis. Taught 13 years. Taught at Fleming, N. Y. ; Dean’s Corners. N. Y. ; Virginia, 111 .; Elgin, 111 .; Geneva, 111 .; in 1856 settled as at present; has been Town Sup’t Ss. ; town clerk; assessor; sec’y of the Grant Co-operative Ass’n; “ Grange ” master and lecturer; m. 1855. James Guffin, dec’d, Carlisle, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Address sisters Elizabeth, ’52; Sarah, ’54. Taught in various places; enlisted and served 2 yrs; was killed in battle near Atlanta. C. Warren Hamilton, East New York, N. Y. Taught 31 years. Taught. Prin. P. S. as above 5 yrs. ; Prin. Farmingdale, N. Y., 6 yrs.; in P. Ss., N. Y. City, 7 yrs.; S. Com'r, Kings Co., N. Y., 13 yrs.; 1863 m. Miss Evelyn Dupignac; son and daughter; name presented for State Sup’t by the teachers of his district, and by many newspapers, 1883. John R. Hinds, M.D., dec’d, Schaghticoke, N. Y. Taught i year. Grad. Albany Med. College, 1855; practiced in the South till 1861, when his brother was killed, and he was driven north on account of his union sentiments; practiced as above, 1861-81, when he died; 2 wives ; each had 2 children. Jesse McKinney, Horseheads, N. Y. Taught io years. Taught, Prin. Chemung 2 yrs; Corning H. S. 2 yrs.; mem. Bd. of Bid., Elmira, 5 yrs.; School Com’r 2 terms; 1861 m. Miss Sweeten; no children. John E. McPherson, Hurley, N. Y. Taught 30 years. Taught, Ontario Co., N. Y., i yr. ; since, as above, the same school for 22 yrs., and now; has also a larm; has been Town Cl'k and Supervisor; 1855 m. Sarah Newkirk; 3 children. IX 3 Byron F. Pratt, dec’d, Aurora, N. Y. Taught 22 years. Taught in E. Aurora, N. Y., 4 yrs.; Prin. P. S., Buffalo, N. Y., 15 yrs. ; School Com’r, Erie Co., 3 yrs.; health failed; farmer; 1857 m. Ellen M. Torrey, who died 1872; 5 children; died 1881. Chas. H. Peck, A.M., State Botanist, Albany, N. Y. Taught 8 years. Taught, dist. school, Poestenkill, N. Y., yrs. ; clerk in store yr. ; won Nott Prize Scholarship, and grad. Union Coll. 1859, a Phi Beta Kappa; taught classics and math., Sandlake Collegiate Inst., N. Y., 3 yrs. ; taught in private school, Albany, N. Y., 4^ yrs.; 1867, took charge Botanical Dep’t State Museum, Albany, N. Y. ; has made large additions to State Herbarium, and valuable contribu- tions to botanical literature; cor. mem. of various sci. associations, and of Imperial Zoological and Botanical Society of Vienna. Chas. F. Rappelye, Troy, Kansas. Taught 1 1 years. Tought in N. Y. 8 yrs. ; in Kansas 3 yrs. ; Co. clerk 10 yrs.; Co. treas. 2 yrs.; mem. Co. Bd. S. Examiners 8 yrs. ; farmer and stock raiser; Sunday-school sup’t; i860 m. Mary F. Hallowell; 2 children; both died. Darwin C. Smalley, Bay City, Mich. Taught 3 years. Taught, Ovid, N. Y., 2 yrs. ; Seneca Falls, N. Y., i yr. ; farmer, Seneca Co., N. Y., 14 yrs.; as above, since 1870, in iron business; manuf. steam engines; lumber; bank director; 1855 m. Miss Martha Burroughs; 2 girls, 1 boy. Thomas G. Smith, Sidney Plains, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Taught winters and farmed summers for 6 yrs.; mercantile business since; m. 1857; 3 sons; 2 are living. Hon. Joseph B. Tallman, Charleston, Texas. Taught 3 years. Taught in N. Y., Ark. and Texas; State Supt. Ss. in Minn, and Ark.; Probate Judge and Sec’y of State in Ark. ; now, as above; the largest bee-keeper in the South. Nicholas Winne, dec’d, Taught 1 year. Address son, Ernest, Greenville, N. Y. Taught, Clarksville, N. Y. ; jewelry and photography; 1859 m - Miss Mary Gage; 4 children; 1 living; died, Huntsville, Texas, 1867, where he was in business before and after war; was driven North at first of war; worked at the front in Christian Commission. 1853 — Sixteenth Class. Seventeenth Term, ending February io, 1853. Emelie E. Andrews, Taught 2 years. 188 Hamilton st., Albany, N. Y. Taught in Cottage Hill Seminary, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. C. Louisa Barstow (Wm. G. Brownson, M. D., ’53), Taught 4 years. New Canaan, Conn. Taught, Rome, N. Y. ; Washington, N. Y. ; Ogdensburg, N. Y. ; Jamaica, N. Y. Sarah E. Bender (Albert Booth), Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Taught 20 yrs. Taught till m. ; sister of E. H. Bender, Albany, N. Y. Julia Coley, Albany, N. Y. Taught 29 years. Taught mostly Private S., as above, and now. Mary E. Cook, Salt Lake City, Utah. Taught 30 year. Taught all grades from Primary to Preceptress of Acad., at salaries from $250 to $2,800; has been S. Supt.; now teaching in University, as above; has embraced Mormon faith; organized the Ss. of Southern Utah. Esther D. Crary (Amos D. Favill), Mitchell, Iowa. Taught 2 years. Taught in N. Y. ; was married 1855, and moved at once, as above; four sons. Mary H. Crosby (Otis B. Gunn), Kansas City, Mo. Taught 3 years. Taught during the course, and afterwards at Graded S., Lyons, N. Y., till m. 1853; 3 children; son educated at Rens. Pol. Inst., Troy, N. Y. Mary A. Fox (H. W. Judd), Englewood, 111 . Taught ioj years. Taught yrs. before m. 1854; 6 children; 4 living; 1 a teacher; Mrs. Judd taught with husband nearly 9 yrs. after marriage. Mary E. Goodell, residence and history unknown. 11 Almira Hoyt (Wm. K. Niver), Syracuse, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Taught in Schodack, N. Y. ; m. 1854; 3 children. Susan T. Hutchinson (T. O. Dunn), Tecumseh, Mich. Taught o years. M. 1853; 1 son. Eliza C. Ingersoll (N. Wakelee), Kingston, N. Y. Taught 9 years. Taught, Greenport, L. I., 2 yrs. ; Judson Fem. Inst., Marion, Ala., 4 yrs. ; Neversink, N. Y., 3 yrs. ; m. 1866; 2 sons. Susan P. Jones, dec’d (G. M. M. Glenn), Taught 5 years. Rockford, 111 . Taught, Orient, Greenville, Amsterdam — all in N. Y. ; m. and moved as above, where she died in 1861, leaving a son and a daughter. Eliza M. Knowles, dec’d. Taught 6 years. Taught many years in Sar. Co., N. Y. ; died a number of years ago. Louisa Moore, dec’d, Taught 1 J years. Address Mrs. Joseph M., Weedsport, N. Y. Taught, as above, in Un. S. ; died of consumption at Thomaston, Ga., 1855. S. Cornelia Nelson (Wm. L. Clark), Dundee, 111 . Taught 15 years. Taught in N. Y.; Prin. P. S. in Toledo, O., 2 yrs.; m. as above; 2 children. Clotilda E. Noyes, dec’d (C. E. Barstow, ’53, dec’d), Taught 4 years. Adrian, Mich. Took a belles lettres course; she then taught some years; after marriage went to Adrian, Mich., where husband taught; she sickened, and they started for the East; she died at her brother’s, in Geneva, N. Y.; her two little children had preceded her; her death was in 1862; her husband’s in 1864. Ruth Perkins (W. S. Slocum, dec’d), Taught 6 years. Centre Junction, Iowa. Taught till 1857 in N. Y. and Ohio, 4 yrs.; m. J. W. Dunbar; taught 4 terms; husband died; 1868 m. as above; now a widow with 1 son. Mary E. Riley, East Aurora, N. Y. Taught ij years* Taught with S. T. Bowen, '45, in New Brunswick, N. J., yr. ; in Erie Co., N. Y., 1 yr. ; since, engaged in home duties. Julia M. Scovil (Isaac B. Prindle), Bridgeport, Conn. Taught 3 years. Taught, Louisville, Ky. ; Young Ladies’ Inst., Florence, Ala.; Institute Charlotte, N.C., where she was at breaking out of war; m. 1863; one child, daughter. Helen M. Skidmore (Daniel W. Richards), Taught 21 years. Lexington, Mass. Taught P. S. No. 8, Albany, N. Y., i yr. ; Prin. Dept. Advanced S., Utica, N. Y., 18 yrs.; Ass’t, Rome, N. Y., Acad., 2 yrs.; m. 1878; no children. Deborah Strickland, dec’d, Taught i year. Address Anna E. Langdon, Sterlingville, N. Y. Taught 9 mos. in Greenbush, N. Y. ; died of congestion of brain. Agnes Van Allen, Schodack Landing, N. Y. Taught 20 years. Taught in Rens. Co., N. Y., from graduation to 1874; not continuously. Mary H. Van Antwerp (Frank Shaler), Taught 9J years. 762 Broadway, Albany, N. Y. Prin. and Prin's Ass’t in P. S. No. 6, as above, 8 yrs.; previously, Fredonia, N. Y., Un. S. 3 mos.; Spring Valley, N. Y., 6 mos. ; private S. as above, 3 mos. m. as above. Mary L. Wilson (Hiram Hotaling), Taught 21 years. P. S. No. 25, Albany, N. Y. Taught in P. Ss. of Albany, N. Y., from May ’53 to May ’54; from Sept. '58 to Oct. ’61, and since Nov. 66; m. 1854; 3 children, 1 teaching. Phebe Ann Wood (Maj. Tellez, Surg., Mex. Army), Taught 4 years. Address Mrs. Maria D. Wood, Bethel, N. Y. Taught, Ass’t Prin., Jersey City, N. J., i yr. ; Prin., N. Y. City, 3 yrs.; writer; author of book of poems, title — Reunida; m. 1861 ; not heard from or of for many years. Joseph C. Arnold, Burlington Flats, N. Y. Taught io years. Taught in Otsego Co., N. Y., W. Edmeston, Edmeston, Burlington Flats, W. Burlington, Wertford, Cooperstown Sem., New Berlin, Exeter; has been in part the means of inducing ten students to attend the Normal School, among them his son, Lynn J. Arnold, ’84; has been farmer 16 yrs. ; merchant 4 yrs. C. Edward Barstow, A.M., dec’d, Hannibal, N. Y. Taught 9 years. After the death of his wife he studied law, and was entering upon successful practice when he died of typhoid fever in 1864; m. M. E. Noyes, ’53. See account of his wife; they were both a great credit to the school. Edward Bliss, Peterboro, N. Y. Taught 8 years. Taught, Barrytown, N. Y., 3 terms; Northport, L. I. x term; Binghamton, N. Y., 2 terms; Siloam, N. Y., 10 terms; lumbering, 3 yrs. in Mich.; returned, and as above, since 1873; Supervisor, 3 yrs.; Justice P., 4 yrs.; Sec’y andTreas. Evans Academy ; 1856 m. Rosetta Hungerford, sister of Mary, ’65; 2 adopted children. Wm. Gr. Brownson, M. A., M.D., New Canaan, Conn. Taught 8 J yrs. Taught Bd. S., Freehold, N. J., yr. ; Brockport, N. Y., i yr. ; Orient, N. Y., yr; Un. S. Prin., Ogdensburgh, N. Y., 1J42 yrs.; Wisconsin, 3 yrs.; Nyack, N. Y., % yr. ; Jamaica, N. Y., Prin. Un. S.,4J^yrs.; M. A., Ham. Coll. ; N. Y. Un. Med. Coll. '65; Ass’t Surg., David’s Is., y. ; New Canaan, Conn., since; Pres’t Fairfield Co. Med. Soc. ; now Pres’t Conn. State Med. Soc. ; annual address, a poem; delivered class poem, reunion ’83; m. C. Louise Barstow, ’53. James Buckhout, Prin. Gram. S. No. 65, N. Y. City. Taught 30 years. Taught at “College Hill,” Poughkeepsie, N. Y., 2 yrs.; P. S., Fordham, N. Y., now Gram. S. No. 64, N. Y. City, 15 yrs.; P. S., West Farms, N. Y., now Gram. S. No. 65, N. Y. City, 13 yrs.; m. the first pupil he saw in Fordham school. Tully C. Estee, Evanston, 111 . Taught 6 years. Supt. Tappan, McKillop & Co., Chicago, 111 . Catskill Un. S., i yr. ; N. S., Albany, Prof, music, etc., 4 yrs.; Female College, S. C. ; came north by reason of war; business since in Chicago. John S. Haynes, Raritan, N. J. Taught 30 years. Taught, Boynton, N. J., i yr.; Harmony Plains, N. J., ioV£ yrs; Millstone, N. J., 3^ yrs.; Rari- tan P. S., 16 yrs.; member Bd. of Co. Examiners, 15 yrs.; Co. Supt. Schools, 5 yrs.; deacon in church; Treas. of Fire Dept, and of Building Loan Ass'n; holds N. J. State cert. Wm. B. Hull, Supt. Schools, Canton, 111 . Taught 16 years. Taught, Ghent, N. Y., 5 mos.; Auburn, N. Y., in Auburn, Acad., yrs.; Canton, 111 ., 13 yrs.; Washington College, Cal., 1 yr. ; clerk in War Dept., Washington, D. C., 1 yr. Maj. James H. Mills, M. D., dec’d. Taught 12 years. Address widow, Box 934, Middletown, N. Y. Taught, Mt. Hope, Orangeburgh, Blauveltville, all N. Y. ; grad. 1862, Med. Dept. Un. N. Y., and took Metcalf medal for excellence in materia medica; from 1862 till close of war, surg. in army and navy; died, 1872, of disease contracted in military service; 1853 m. Frances E. Clinton, relative of De Witt Clinton; 3 children, 2 living — business men. Hon. Hiram D. Noble, dec’d. Taught i year. Address widow, Cresco, Iowa. Taught P. S., Beloit, Wis., 1 yr. ; was Trustee Iowa Ag. College, and active in educational matters; financial agent of college; farmer; 1862 m. Miss Martha Clarke; died 1874; 5 children, 1 daughter teaches. Aaron B. Pratt, Albany, N. Y. Taught i year. Taught, Po’keepsie, N. Y., yr. ; Bridgehampton, N. Y., Y r : admitted to bar ’54; practiced law in present place ever since. Wm. White, dec’d, Bergen, N. Y. Taught o years. Address his mother, Mrs. Wm. White. He died Feb., 1854; was not married; he taught before attending Normal School. De Volson Wood, C.E., M.A., M.S., Taught 28 years. Prof. Stevens Inst., Hoboken, N. J.; residence, Boonton, N. J. Prin. school at Nepanoch, 1 yr. ; Ass’t Prof. Normal School, yrs.; graduated Rens. Pol. Inst.; Ass’t Prof. Civ. Eng., Univ. Mich., 2 yrs.; Prof. Civ. Eng., Univ. Mich., 13 yrs.; Prof. Math, and Mech., Stevens Inst., 11 yrs.; member of various societies; has made numerous useful inventions; has contributed to many cyclopoedias, reviews and periodicals; author of six books, geometry, mechanics, etc. n6 1853 — Seventeenth Class. Eighteenth Term, ending July 14, 1853. Charlotte M. Anderson (Reuben S. Haight), Taught 4 years. 40 Schermerhorn st., Brooklyn, N. Y. Taught, New Castle, N. Y., 2 yrs. ; Prin. infant dept. P. S. No. 11, Albany, N. Y., 2 yrs. ; m. 1857; 4 children, 3 sons living. Ellen B. Babbitt, dec’d, Syracuse, N. Y. Taught i year. She taught a year or so as above; then died in 1854. Mary L. Beaty, Johnsonville, Rens. Co., N. Y. Taught 21 years. Preceptress Washington Acad., N. Y., i yr. ; Salem, N.Y., 20 yrs; now, Trustee School Dist. ; em- ploys Normal graduates. Mary E. Burch, dec’d, Castleton, N. Y. Taught 22 years. Taught Select S., Castleton, N. Y.; in Rens. Co., N. Y.; Pub. S. No. 12, Albany, N. Y.; taught several years in Jersey City public schools very successfully; died 1875. Magdalene Chamberlain, dec’d (G. Van Sickle), Taught 9 years. Shortsville, N. Y. Taught, Geneva, N. Y., Un. S., 3 yrs.; McLean Fern. Sem., Indianapolis, 6 yrs.; m. 1868; 2 sons; died 1874. M. Jane Chamberlain (O. F. Moore, lumber), Taught 6 years. Cincinnati, O., or Delhi, O. Taught, Geneva, N. Y., Un. S., 1 yr. ; McLean Fern. Sem., Indianapolis, 5 yrs.; m. 1858; 3 chil- dren — 1 daughter, 2 sons. Sarah A. Coonley, dec’d (C. W. Cook), Taught 3 years. 505 Monroe st., Chicago, 111. Taught in Bethlehem, N. Y., 3 yrs.; m. 1857; 5 children; 3 living; died 1872. Jennie B. Dayton, dec’d, Taught i year. Address Hon. C. R. Dayton, East Hampton, N. Y. Taught, Ass’t in Clinton Academy, E. Hampton, N. Y. ; health always delicate; died 1859. Elizabeth B. Densmore, Kansas City, Mo. Taught 30 years. Has taught since graduation; now Preceptress 8th ward S., as above. Frances A. Denton (Thomas M. Brome), Taught 20 years. New Hampton, N. Y. Taught, Sullivan Co., N. Y., 3 yrs.; Prin. Prim. Dept. 19th ward S. N. Y. City, 3 yrs.; m. 1859; husband, undergraduate; 3 children; 2 teach. Harriet M. Dixon (William Manson), Taught 15 years. 36 Howard st., Albany, N. Y. Taught in P. Ss., as above, until m. t868; 3 children. Jennie Fry (H. F. Fry), Howell, Mich. Taught ij years. Taught in different Ss. in Mich., 1^ yrs. ; none in N. Y. ; m. 1861 ; 1 daughter, who died. Cornelia A. Germond, Schoharie, N. Y. Taught 25 years. Taught in Schoharie, Schenectady, Dutchess and Onondaga counties — all N. Y. — from graduation till 1878. Sarah K. Hare, Crittenden, N. Y. Taught 9 years. Taught in N. Y. State and City, 7 yrs. ; N. J., and 111., i yr. ; Iowa.iyr.; cared for invalid mother, 2 yrs. ; since 1867 has been matron Pres. Home for Aged Women, N. Y. City. Sarah M. Hart (S. M. Bradley), Taught i year. 108 Noble st., Greenpoint, L. I. Taught on Staten Island, and in family S. ; 1864 m. S. W. Perkins; he died, 1865; m. as above, 1867; 2 sons. Mary A. Hatfield (Emmett G. Tuttle), Factory Point, Vt. Taught P. S., Oswego, N. Y., % yr. ; Select S., Hudson, N. Y., 1 yr. ; m. 1856; 6 children; 2 have taught. Mary T. Howe (H. S. Pratt), Shelburne Falls, Mass. Taught i J years. Taught 26 years. Preceptress Oswego High S.; taught Geog. and Hist. Oswego Normal S. from its commencement to 1870; from 1864 to 1872, assisted Guyot in prep. geog. series; vacations in Teachers’ Inst’s, and lec- turing to teachers; 1870-3, devoted to lecturing and Institute work; 1857 m ; A yg- M - Smith, who died 1861; son and daughter; latter taught; m. 1873, as above; engaged with him in S. for Boys. Anna M. Lighthall (Finlay Matheson, dec’d, 1882), Taught 2 years. Address son, William J., 20 Cedar st., N. Y. City. Taught, Rye, N.Y., 2 yrs. ; m. 1855 ; 2 sons; 1 living. Mrs. M. is a great grand-daughter of Return J. Meigs; has devoted much attention to art. Catharine W. Morrison, Wurtsboro, N. Y. Taught 8 years. Taught in Orange and Sullivan counties, N. Y. ; stopped teaching on account of death of mother. Lucretia Osborn (Chas. P. Graves, M. D.), Taught 4 years. Sycamore, 111 . Taught, Chat. Co., N. Y., i yr.; Erie, Pa., Graded S., 3 yrs.; voice failed— could not teach; m. 1857; went to Toledo, O.; was driven back to N. Y. State by malaria; removed to present residence, 1876. Martha L. Quick (Linus Wolcott), Croton, N.Y. Taught 3 years. Taught, Pawling, N. Y., 3 yrs.; m. Walter Burr, of that place; he lived 9J4 yrs.; one child, a daughter ; lived Braman’s Corners till 1876, when m. to present husband, and moved to present resi- dence; has written essays, poems, etc.; Pres’t Miss. Soc. Margaret E. Vanderzee (James Vanderpoel), Taught 6£ years. Cedar Hill, N. Y. Taught, Watervliet, N. Y., yr.'» N. Greenbush, N. Y., 1 yr. ; Bethlehem, N. Y., 4 yrs.; Albany, N. Y., Orphan Asylum, 1 yr. ; m. 1862; 2 children — sons. Caroline M. Weaver (S. B. Davenport), Taught 3J years. Quaker Street, N. Y. Taught 7 terms; 1855 m. A. A. Baker, M. D., who died; 2 children; 10 yrs. after his death, m. as above. Maria Williams, dec’d (L. C. Sornberger, dec’d, 1861), Taught 17 yrs. Address bro. E., Sinclairville, N. Y. Taught in Chaut. Co., N. Y. ; dist. Ss. in Kan. andinWis.; 1855 m. as above; died 1879; no children; was taking C. L. S. C. at time of her death. Catharine Woodhull, Taught 18 years. Care Wm. A. Smith, 196 Broadway, N. Y. City. Taught in West. Co., N. Y., mostly in young ladies’ boarding S. ; now, teaching piano. Seth C. Arnold, Marshalltown, Iowa. Taught 1 6 years. Taught 2 yrs. in Otsego Co., N. Y. ; went west 1856, and taught Monmouth, 111 ., 2 yrs.; 1858, went to Iowa Falls, Iowa, and taught 5 yrs. ; and in other schools 3 yrs. ; Co. Supt. of Ss. 2 terms, in Hardin Co., Iowa; had the “ Banner S.” of the county; furniture business as above for last 7 yrs. Wm. R. Brown, Shelbina, Mo. Taught 2 years. Taught, Sennett, N. Y., yr. ; winters in Michigan yrs.; works at woollen manufacturing; • studied law; m. Harriet C. Rhodes; 7 children. Philip Brust, Haynersville, N. Y. Taught 5 years. Taught, Rensselaer Co., N. Y., 4 yrs.; Ulster Co., N. Y., x yr. ; since and now a farmer; 1858 m. Miss Mary E. File; 2 children; 1 has taught. Lieut. J ames Cheney, dec’d, Painted Post, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Taught, Columbus, O., 2 terms; Litchfield, Conn., 1 yr. ; enlisted in 86th Regiment N. Y. I. Vols. ; became 1st lieut. ; wounded at Po river, Wilderness, May 10th, 1864; died at Georgetown Sem. Hosp., May 17th, 1864; 1855 m. Helen T. Bissell. J. GaNun Cole, Lake Mahopac, N. Y. Taught 15 years. There has been but 5 yrs. since he graduated that he have not taught in dist. S., acad. or sem., mostly in Putnam Co., N. Y. ; he also keeps a summer boarding-house. Rev. Isaac H. Collier, A.M., dec’d. Taught 2 years. Address his widow, Mrs. Fanny M. Collier, Oakfield, N. Y. Taught, Leeds, N. Y. ; Coxsackie, N. Y.; graduated Rutgers College, 1859; from N. B. Theo. Sem. 1862; pastor till death, 1881; 1865 m. Fannie M. Miller; 4 children. Benj. D. Crane, Carmel, N. Y. Taught 4 years. Taught, as above, dist. S., 2 yrs. ; select S., 2 yrs. ; mercantile 10 yrs.; 7 yrs. in employ of city of N. Y. ; now, in charge of reservoir, Boyd’s Corners ; m. 1856; no children. Lieut. -Col. Levi S. Dominy, LL.B., Massena, N.Y. Taught 5 J years. Taught, 1853-8, mostly private S. ; book business to 1861; entered service Capt. 118th Regt. N. Y. 1 18 Vols. ; maj.; mustered out 1865, Lieut.-Col. ; grad. Albany Law School 1866; gen. supt. of a manufg company; now, practicing law, as above; 1852 m. Miss Betsey M. Hedding, who died, 1873; 1877 m. Miss Frances E. DeWitt; 1 child. Homer T. Fowler, Rome, N. Y. Taught 7 years. Taught at Trenton, N. Y., and Pulaski Acad., N. Y. ; attached to Government survey of Territory of Minnesota till 1856; School Com’r, Oneida Co., 6 yrs. ; has sinceebeen successful in commercial and manuf’g enterprises; read law, was admitted, but did not practice. Maj. Harrison Hannahs, Rome, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Taught in Kingston, N. Y.; Palmyra, N. Y., and Davenport, Iowa; 1856, business in Kansas; m. Elizabeth Helen Pease; corporator and trustee of Washburn College, Kansas; 1862, enlisted nth Kan. Vols.; 1st lieut. ; adjt. ; A. A. gen. on staff of Gen. Ewing; A. A. Gen. District of the Border and District of Missouri; capt.; maj.; served A. A. Gen. Dist. Mo. till close of war; wife died during war; 1865, returned to Rome, N. Y., where he has since been a merchant; father of E. Helen Han- nahs, ’84. J. Henry Hikok, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Taught 2J years. Taught yrs. during the course here, and i yr. prin. of S. Middletown, N. Y. ; with Ivison & Phinney, 7 yrs.; since in book and music business, as above; m. Julia A. Peer; 6 children. Peter W. Hoagland, 58 Barclay St., N. Y. City. Taught 3J years. Taught, Albany, N. Y.,%yr.', Fordham, N. Y., 2 yrs.; Millerton, N. Y. , 1 yr.; since, in the drug business; 1875 rn. Miss Nichols; 2 children. Hubert H. Merrill A.M., Scranton, Pa. Taught 25 years. Taught, Class. Acad., Gowanda, N. Y., 4 yrs.; Supt. Ss., Painesville, Ohio, 1 yr. ; in charge Missouri Fern. Coll. 3 yrs.; established private school, Scranton, Pa., 1870 — since and now very suc- cessful; for 2 yrs. has taught in Chattanooga and Murfreesboro, and now, Shelbyville Inst., Tenn., for health; 1858 m. Susie E. Moody; 3 children. Chester L. Northup, Page’s Corners, N. Y. Taught 8 years. Taught, Warren, N. Y., and Springfield, N. Y., 8 yrs.; since, engaged in farming; m. Nancy H. Kay. Washington Van Gasbeek, Hudson, N. Y. Taught io years. Taught’in N. Y. 8 yrs. ; in Indiana 2 yrs.; has been mem. Bd. Ed., as above; drafted present school law for Hudson schools; 1859 m - Miss Beda Hosford; 1 son, 2 daughters; 1 daughter has taught in P. S., as above, 3 yrs. Hon. Abram P. Smith, Cortland, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Taught select S. and Union S. at Marathon, N. Y; admitted to bar 1856; dist. att’y, 1856; helped raise 76th Regt. N. Y. Vols. ; was with them at the front 8 mo’s; wrote history of regt. ; county judge and surrogate 16 yrs. ; taught yr. during course. J. Frank Wright, Prin. Gram. S. No. 7, N. Y. City. Taught 30 years. P. O., Mt. Vernon, N. Y. Taught, Cohoes, N. Y., Hudson, N. Y., and Mt. Vernon, N. Y., as asst. prin. and prin. ever since graduation; has written on school subjects; summer residence, Frenchman’s Island, Oneida Lake, N. Y., where he has a “ Summer School.” 1854— Eighteenth Class. Nineteenth Term, ending February 2, 1854. Mary E. Best (Wm. T. King), Saratoga, Cal. Taught 4 years. Taught, Ghent, N. Y., and Chatham, N. Y.; m. 1858; 3 children, oldest daughter attending Nor- mal S., San Jose, Cal. Agnes Brown, dec’d, Albany, N. Y. Taught 7 years. Taught, as above, P. S. No. 6 from 1855 to 1862; died 1875. Sarah A. Brown, residence and history unknown. Sarah F. Buckelew, Gram. S. 49, E. 37th st., N. Y. C. Taught 29 yrs. Has taught since graduation; is Prin. of one of the finest primary depts. in N. Y. City; taught in Brooklyn, N. Y., 4 yrs. Hannah K. Bunnel (H. S. Watson), Taught 23 years. 218 Albert st., Ottawa, Prov. Ontario. Taught, Ogdensburgh, N. Y., 5 yrs. ; Augusta, Ga., yrs. Wheeling, Va., yr. ; health failed; Oswego, N. Y., P. Ss., 16 yrs.; m. 1876; since as above; no children. Eliza M. Clark, Box No. 99, Schuylerville, N. Y. Taught J year. Taught 1 term; health failed; since, at home. Mary Crapo (Dr. C. D. Bull), Stillwater, N. Y. Taught 5 years. Taught, Roslyn. L. I., 3 yrs.; governess, Great Neck, L. I., x yr. ; Associate Prin., Acad, as above, iyr. ; m. 1863; no children. Mary E. Crounse, dec’d (Augustus Voorhis), Taught 3 years. South Haven, Mich. * Taught at Knowersville, N. Y., 2 yrs.; Guilderland, N. Y„ 1 yr. ; m. 1863; died 1877. Betsey H. Davis (F. P. Rogers), Sodus, N. Y. Taught 4J years. Taught 3 terms; called home by health of mother; taught 8 terms in Wayne county, N. Y. ; m. 1856; 4 children; 3 daughters have aggregated 16 yrs. teaching. Electa E. Dewey, 2931 Vernon ave., Chicago, 111 . Taught 27 years. Prin. Calumet Ave. S. Taught, N. Y. State, 9 yrs.; P. Ss., as above, the last 18 yrs., and now. Antoinette Edwards (J. H. Barhyte), Schenect’y, N.Y. Taught 2J yrs. Taught, Sand Flats, N. Y.,J 4 yr. ; Fultonville, N. Y., J^yr. ; Roseville, N. Y., yr. ; P. S. as above, i yr. ; m. 1859; 2 daughters. Cornelia M. Fitch (A. B. Parmelee) , Carbondale, 111 . Taught 2 J yrs. Taught x term, Chemung, N. Y.; i term, Albion, N. Y. ; i yr., Morris, 111 .; x term, Nunda, N. Y. ; m. 1856; 4 children; all died under 4 yrs. of age. Anna M. Gardiner, dec’d (C. C. Waller, M.D.), Taught o years. Albany, N. Y. M. 1854; died 1879; 4 children; oldest daughter taught, as above, P. S. No. 17, 4 yrs. Harriet Gorsline (Rodolphus Dingman), Sodus, N.Y. Taught 25 yrs. Taught, Louisville, Ga., 2 yrs.; Preceptress High S., Madison, Wis., 3 yrs.; Prin. Beekman st. S., Saratoga, N. Y., 7 yrs.; Battle Creek, Mich., 1 yr. ; after 1867 could not teach except with rests; m. 1878. Sarah Ck Guilin (Hermon Worth), Taught 2 years. Carlisle Centre, N. Y. Taught, Tarrytown andNyack, N. Y., 2 yrs.; health failed ; m. x868; 2 children. Frances M. Knapp (Thomas F. McDowell), Taught 2J years. 227 E. 1 8th St., N. Y. City. Taught, Staten Island, Y r - • sd Female Ass't Gram. S. 47, as above, 2 yrs.; m. 1856; 2 sons. L. Adelia Lake (Samuel H. Barrett), Taught 12 years. Waterville, Kansas. Taught in Cooperstown, Hartwick, Laurens, Albany, Orient, Cold Spring — all N. Y. — until m. 1866; 2 sons; both died. Harriet E. Mason (Henry Abernethy, dec’d, 1866), Taught 2J yrs. Sun Prairie, Wis. Taught, as above, 5 terms; m. 1856; 3 children. Henrietta Middlemas (James Calderwood), Taught 2 J years. Brooklyn, Iowa. Taught in Albany Co., N. Y., 2 yrs. ; Iowa, yr. ; m. 1857, as above; 9 children. Elizabeth Miller (S. J. McDougal, undergraduate), Taught o years. 305 Columbus Ave., Boston, Mass. M. i860 ; 4 daughters, 1 son; 3 daughters living. Belvidere Monroe, Buffalo, N. Y. Taught since graduation, mostly in P. Ss., as above; now, in No. 14. Harriet N. Parsons, dec’d, Address H. P. Pulling, Detroit, Mich. Taught, Bloomington, 111 ., and Keokuk, Iowa; died 1856. Ann Rogers, dec’d (W. W. Daget), Address bro., Seneca Rogers, Limerick, N. Y. Taught, Limerick, N. Y., 2 yrs.; removed to 111 .; m. 1858 in Kane Co.; taught with husband; died 1866; one son, who is a teacher. Taught 29 years. Taught 1 year. Taught 10 years. 120 Lucy M. Smith (Charles T. Hoy), Taught 7 years. 59 Dove st., Albany, N. Y. Taught with Lawson, Albany, N. Y., and in Pub. S. No. n, Albany, 6 yrs.; 3 children. Cornelia T. Wilbur (Thomas S. Young), Taught 2 years. Fanwood, N. J. Taught 2 yrs. in Albany, in a Select S. in Plain st.; m. 1856; 4 sons, but one living. Edmund G. Butts, Stillwater, Minn. Taught 7 years. Taught in N. Y. at Bethlehem, Spring Valley; served in 37th N. Y. Vols. until discharged at close of the war; clerk in Treas. Dept., Washington, D. C. ; since 1865, as at present; admitted to bar in 1861; has been City Justice, 2 yrs.; Judge of Probate, 10 yrs.; Dep. Col. Int. Rev.; Insp. State Prisons; Delegate to Nat. Prison Congress; postmaster, Pres, appointment; xst wife, E. Augusta White ; 2d, Ida Ellsworth ; 5 children. Rev. Alex. F. Dix, A.M., Taught 25 years. Union Springs, Alabama, Inst. Taught in N. Y. 5 yrs. ; 1 yr. on farm; attended University of Rochester, N. Y. ; 1859, went to Alabama; taught Un. Spa 1 yr. ; settled at Medway; served in Confederate army during war; paroled at Appomatox; ordained Baptist minister, 1866; 1871, Prof. An. Lang. Mary Sharp College, Winches- ter, Tenn.; resigned 1877, and established Normal College; 1880, Pres’t William and Emma Austin College, Stevenson, Ala.; 1883, returned and established S. at Union Spa; 1861 m. Miss Nellie L. Beach, sister of M. M. Beach, ’56; 7 sons, 3 daughters; 3 have taught. Rev. John Q. Evans, Nekoma, 111 . Taught 5 years. Taught, Suffolk, Va., r yr. ; Goldsboro, N. C., Academy, i yr. ; Prin. P. S., New Jersey, 3 yrs.; entered ministry, i860; 6 yrs. Pastor 1st Christian Ch., Clinton, N. Y. ; Prin. Le Grand, Iowa, Chris- tian Inst., 3 yrs.; Pastor, Ontario, 111 ., at present; 1859 m. Miss Clare E. Nichols; 1 son, teacher; 1 daughter, preparing to teach. George D. Gano, dec’d, Westville, N. Y. Taught i year. Died 1856. Thomas H. Gemmell, Spring Valley, N. Y. Taught 14J years. Taught, Prin. as follows: Verplanck’s Pt., yr. ; Spring Valley, N. Y., 3 yrs. ; Piermont, N. Y., 5 yrs.; resigned for ill health; Hackensack, N. J., 5 yrs.; Lake City, Minn., 1 yr. ; since 1869, and now, real estate and ins.; Pres’t Bd. Ed.; m.; 2 children; daughter preparing to teach. Rensselaer Howell, Jr., Newburgh, N. Y. Taught 28 years. Taught, Setauket, N. Y., and Dist. Ss. in Orange and Dutchess counties, N. ^., for io yrs.; Prin. 2d ward Gram. S., Newburgh, N. Y., io yrs.: in Free Academy, same city, 4 yrs.; private in- struction, 3 yrs.; elected J. P. in 1882. George A. Kelly, Porterville, Kansas. Taught 14 years. Taught several years in N. Y. State; has since been in Illinois; teaching winters; farming, summers. Col. La Fayette Lyttle, Toledo, O. Taught 5^ years. Taught in Auburn, N. Y., J 4 yr. ; Watertown, N. Y., 2 yrs. ; Supt. Ss. at same place, 1 yr., when office was abolished; book business, 12 yrs., same place; School Com’r, Jeff. Co., N. Y., 2 yrs.; one of the editors of “ N. Y. Teacher,” 1856; member Bd. Ed. Watertown, N. Y., 4 yrs.; enlisted as pri- vate, April, 1861 ; served till 1864; rose to be Capt. and Brevet Maj.; Col. N. Y. S. N. G. ; Capt’n Gen. Grand Encampment Knights Templar U. S. ; manuf’r; m. 1869. Julius F. Merritt, Neligh, Neb. Taught 25 years. Has also been Co. S. Supt.; instrumental in establishing College; Regent of University; has been Mayor, etc.; 1861 m. Miss Maryette Moses; 6 children — 5 living; 1 has taught. William P. Payne, Nevada, Iowa. Taught 15 years. Prin., Watertown, N. Y., 2 yrs.; taught Clinton Lib. Inst., N. Y., 5 yrs. ; Prin. Mitchell Sem., Mich., 1 yr. ; Prin. and Supt. Ss., as above, 5 yrs.; conducted and taught in 6 Teachers’ Inst’s; at- tended S., Watertown, Tuft’s College, Mass., and Theol. and Nat. Sci., Harvard University; editor and pub. since 1880; 1859 m. Adaline M. Brown, ’54; 1 son. James E. Ryan, Prin. Pub. S. No. 26, Brooklyn, N. Y. Taught 29 years. Taught Dist. S., Dover Plains, N. Y., yr. ; Nat. S. and Math., Oxford Acad., N. Y., i yr. ; in Brooklyn, N. Y., V. Prin. P. S. No. 19, 3 yrs ; Prin. No. 24, 8 yrs. ; Prin. No. 26, to and including present; taught in High S. and Evening Ss; has assisted in compiling works on book-keeping, arith- metic, and a series of readers; has studied theology, medicine, and law; has traveled in Europe; one of the editors of “ Time and Tune Books.” Hon. Hamilton B. Taylor, dec’d. Taught 3 years. Address widow, Strawberry Point, Iowa. Taught, Catskill, N.Y., i yr. ; High S., Indianapolis, Ind., 1 yr. ; introducing S. books, Iowa; taught, Edgewood, Iowa, ^ yr. ; as above, ^ yr. ; from 1865 to death, 1879, selling ag. machinery ; member of Leg., 1870-1; 1866 m. Miss Marion E. Babcock; 3 children; 1 daughter living. Jared A. Weeks, dec’d, Ellery, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Taught in Sand Lake Academy, N. Y., till he died; m. Hannah C. Hare; i child — son. I 2 I 1854 — Nineteenth Class. Twentieth Term, ending July 13, 1854. Harriet E. Abbott, 344 Park st., Syracuse, N. Y. Taught 18 years. Taught, 1835-69, Primary work to Prin. in Syracuse Ss; took singing lessons in New York City, and has sung much; private teaching, 1872-6, when she retired. Julia Abbott (Wm. E. Foster), Orange, Cal. Taught 17 years. Taught, western N. Y., 3J6 yrs., part of the time Preceptress Williamsville Class. Inst.; in 111 ., 3 yrs. ; in Cal., n yrs.; holds Cal. Life Diploma; m. 1858; cultivating oranges, and grapes for raisins. Huldah A. Allen, York, Pa. Taught 29 years. Taught Un. S., Schenectady, N. Y. ; Poultney Acad., Vt. ; York, Pa., during the last 7 yrs. M. Elizabeth Atwood (Oscar H. Young, M. D.), Taught 4 years. Constantine, Mich. Graduated in 1856 at Willard Sem., Troy, N. Y.; taught in Un. S., Schenectady, N. Y., 1856-7; taught French and music in Albany, N. Y., 3 yrs.; m. i860; 3 children. Meriba A. Babcock (C. H. Kelly, dec’d, 1870). Taught 20J years. State Normal School, Albany, N. Y. Taught Lower Jay, N. Y., yr. ; Sufferns, N. Y., i yr. ; Oswego, N. Y., i yr. ; Natchez, Prin. Eng. Dep’t Fern. Sem. i yr. ; Elizabeth City, N. C., 2 yrs.; Gloversville, N. Y., Preceptress Acad., 10 yrs. ; Supt. Model Dept. State Normal S., Albany, N.Y., since 1878; m. i860; 2 children, 1 son survives. Clara L. Baldwin (E. B. Cross, D.D.), Burmah. Taught 19 years. Taught in N. Y. ; among freedmen; in the West until she left Janesville, Wis., and went, in 1873, missionary as above, where she m. Amanda S. Beach, residence and history unknown. Sarah T. Bowers, residence and history unknown. Harriet H. Brand ( Jordan, dec’d), Taught 31 years. Prin. Benton School, St. Louis, Mo. Has taught constantly for 31 yrs., the last 10 as above, in charge of Training School. Adaline M. Brown (Wm. P. Payne, ’54), Taught 18 years. Nevada Iowa. Taught, Jeff. Co., N. Y., 4 yrs.; 1872-4 taught in private S. with husband, Nyack, N. Y.; Mitchell Sem., Mitchellville, Iowa, 1 yr. ; ass’t High S. as above, 5 yrs.; Boone, Iowa, 1 yr. ; taught N. Insti- tutes 10 terms; m. 1859; 1 son, helps husband on newspaper. Phebe A. Case (James Bennett), Rushville, N. Y. Taught 5 years. Taught in district school with great success; m. i860; 5 children, 4 living. Julia Collier (R. B. Reynolds), Stockport, N. Y. Taught 18 years. Taught, private teacher in family of Hon. Rob’t Hutchinson, N. J., 6 yrs.; music and organist, Pittsfield, Mass. ; now organist as above ; m. 1872; son and daughter. Emeline C. Davies, Gram. S. No. 17, Brooklyn, N.Y. Taught 25 yrs. Has taught since graduation ; now, a^above. Frances V. Dix (Philo Castle), Mendota, 111 . Taught 4 years. Taught, Newfane, N.Y., yr. ; Lockport, N.Y., ij£ yrs.; Medina, N. Y., Acad., 2 yrs.; m. 1858; 3 children, daughter a teacher. Mary A. Ford, Delavan, Wis. Taught 25 years. Taught as above since graduation, except 4 yrs. spent in temperance and missionary work; expects to resume teaching in spring of 1884. Cornelia H. Gaige (Wm. Drackley), Seneca, 111 . Taught 9 years. Taught, Albany Co., N. Y., 2 terms; in P. S. No. 12, Albany, N. Y., 8 yrs.; m. 1866; 4 children. Cornelia W. Huntington, residence and history unknown. Julia E. Kennedy, North Broadalbin, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Taught in Fowlerville, Fulton Co., and P. S., N. Y. City; throat difficulty; resigned; caring for aged and infirm relatives. 12 22 Lydia K. Keyes (John Henry Becker), Elgin, 111 . Taught 26 years. Taught, Randall’s Island; Albany Normal School, Ex. Dept.; Elgin Academy from 1867, rhet., Eng. lit., comp., an. and mod. hist., etc.; m. 1864; 3 children. Abby H. Lee, dec’d (Lyman Cline), Phelps, N. Y. Taught 6 years. Address sister, Mrs. S. A. Rogers, 38 Spruce st., Albany, N. Y. Taught P. S. No. 10, Albany, N. Y. ; died 1866. Louisa Linderman (Albert Mills), Scotchtown, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Taught in dist. S. at home, 3 yrs. ; m. 1858; 6 children, 5 living. Mary A. McGowen, dec’d (Emerson W. Keyes, ’48.) Taught 3 yrs. Taught Tompkins Co., N. Y., i yr. ; P. S., Albany, N. Y., 2 yrs.; m. as above; 1 son. Lucinda S. Miles (William Lord), Aurora, 111 . Taught 4 years. Taught in graded Ss., Watertown, N. Y., and Oswego, N. Y. ; m. 1858; 3 children. Eleanor J. Miller (Edwin R. Olin), Taught 4 years. 1006 Park ave., N. Y. City. Taught in Albany, N. Y.; m. as above. Juliette Newman, 30 Clinton ave., Albany, N. Y. Taught 25 years. Taught in Cohoes, N. Y.; Ellerslie, N. Y. ; and P. Ss. No. 3 and No. 22, as above, until 1879. Julia A. Smith, Taught 20 years. Care Mr. Roberts, 142 Pierrepont st., near Clinton, Brooklyn, N. Y. Taught, Flint, Mich.; Prin. Fern. Dep’t Gram. S. 13, Brooklyn, N. Y., 3 yrs.; Prin. Fern. Dep’t Gram. S. 45, N. Y. City, 4 yrs. ; has traveled extensively in Europe and N. Africa. Josephine Stewart, New York City. Taught o years. Catharine A. Swan, residence and history unknown. Ellen L. Taggart (J. F. Brownell, dec’d, 1879), Taught 3J years. Norwood, N. Y. Taught, Nassau, N. Y., 3 yrs.; Select S., Nicholville, N. Y., ^ yr. ; m. 1859; no children. Ellen C. Turner, Portland, Oregon. Taught 19 years. Prin. of drawing in Pub. Ss., as above; for many years she taught in the P. Ss. of Syracuse, N. Y. Catharine A. Vanderzee (James Van Derpoel), Taught 6J years. Cedar Hill, N. Y. Taught, Watervliet, N. Y. ; Albany, N. Y. ; North Greenbush, N. Y. ; Bethlehem, N. Y. ; has read essays before Teachers’ Associations. Frances J. Woolworth, dec’d, Syracuse, N.Y. Taught 22 years. Taught in Montrose, Pa., and Young Ladies’ Sem., Buffalo, N.Y., for many years; went to Europe with a company of ladies in her charge; contracted disease of which she died, 1878. Priscilla Wylie, dec’d (Wm. Johnston}, Pike, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Taught, Palmyra, N. Y., 3 yrs.; health impaired; m. 1858; 2 children; died 1861. Henry C. Baker, Hudson, Wis. Taught 2J years. Taught, Brockport, N. Y., yr. ; Prof- Math, and Nat. Sci., Wyoming Sem., N. Y., 2 yrs.; ad- mitted to bar, May, '58; practiced law at Batavia, N. Y., 1 yr. ; settled at Hudson, Wis., 1859; Hist. Att’y 2 terms; i860 m. Miss Ellen M. Brewster, of Leray, N. Y. ; four children; one a son, living. John C. Burdick, Crown Point, N. Y. Taught 8 years. Taught, Sing Sing, Glen’s Falls, Warrensburgh, and as above; Supt. S. S. io yrs.; 1856 m. Miss Jennie Smith; 6 children; 1 has taught. Richard D. Carmichael, dec’d. Taught 5J years. Address W. D. V. Williams, Clayton, Mich. Taught, Bath-on-Hudson 2 terms; Sandlake i term; Tivferton, R. I., i yr. ; Prin. High School, Geneva, Wis., 3 yrs.; enlisted, Co. F. 4th Regt. Wis. Vols., July, 1861; sergt. ; served in Sharp- shooters; at capture of New Orleans; died at Vicksburg of typhoid fever; was musical; member of church choirs. Mark Cummings, dec’d, Plymouth, Ind. Taught 3 years. Taught, Long Island and in Mass.; went as above; became lawyer; married, and died 1868; successful in both professions. Hon. Lewis A. Curtice, LL.B., Denver, Col. Taught 5 years. Taught, Prin. Janesville, Wis., 1 yr. ; Prin., Savannah, Mo., 2 yrs.; driven away for union senti- 123 ments; studied law in Albany, N. Y., and Law S. ; went to Col. with ox 'team, and there since 1861; mining; practicing profession ; contractor; cattle business; legislator; taught 2 yrs. ’during course; 1856 m. Sarah J. Brownell, undergraduate; brother to Ebenezer, ’46. Wm. W. Knapp, Mason City, Iowa. Taught 3J years. Taught, Chaumont, N. Y., i yr. ; Watertown, N. Y., i yr. ; Wis. yrs. ; gold mining in Col. and Mont.; 1865, located as above; stock raising; twice mayor; Ch’r’n Bd. Sup.; 1865 m. Miss Isabel Horton, who died 1873; no children; m. 1876; 2 sons. Lieut. J. Hervey Miller, M.D., dec’d. Taught 3 years. Address bro. M. L., S. Dansville, N. Y. Taught. Dansville, N.Y., 2 terms; Ossian, N. Y., 1 term; Wayland, N. Y., 3 terms; grad, in medicine, Ann Arbor University, Mich., 1858; asst. surg. 121st N. Y. S. Vols. ; i860 m. Celestine Day; no children; died 1868. Hon. Henry A. Phillips, Lowville, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Editor “Journal and Republican.” Taught, Glenaster, Mass., P. Ss.; 1858, commenced editorial career; 1867, mem. Assembly; 1870-8, lived Fort Scott, Kan.; since, as above; 13 years’ editorial work; 1865 m. Christine Scoville; 4 children. Rev. Albert G. Ruliffson, 69 2d ave., N. Y. City. Taught 18 years. Taught, Prin. Tremont, N. Y., 6 yrs.; grad. Un. Theo. Sem. 1862; sec’y Home Missions, St. Paul, Minn., 7 yrs.; sec’y Pres. Memorial Fund, Chicago, 111 ., 1 yr. ; supt. mission work in N. Y. City, and clergyman; 12 yrs. teaching missionaries; 1863 m. Miss Ellen W. Dorchester; 3 children. Daniel H. Skidmore, Jr., Port Jefferson, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Taught, Pt. Jefferson, Northport, and City of N. Y. ; is agent and a farmer. Geo. D. B. Stacy, Nicholville, N. Y. Taught 4J years. Taught Dist. Ss. i yr. ; Cooperstown, N. Y., Academy, yrs.; Ogdensburgh, N. Y., Academy, 3 yrs.; admitted to bar 1865; since, practicing profession; 1870 m. Miss Minnie Brownell; 3 children. Wm. M. Stark, Northampton, N. Y. Taught 12J years. Taught near home in the schools of three different villages; saved money and bought a farm; some- times still teaches in the winter; married, and has three children; brother of Stark, ’67. Henry S. Stebbins, Chicago, 111 . Taught i J years. Taught 1 term in Sherburne Union Acad.; 1 yr. in Owego Acad., Chair of Eng. ; followed local map-making business until 1860; S. Com’r of Erie Co. 6 yrs.; in 1867-8 published “ Atlas of Ohio”: engaged in book trade in Toledo, O., in 1868; after a year in Cal. returned to Chicago and resumed publishing business, making special maps and a series of physiological charts; 1861 m. Mary L. Phillips. Capt. David Van Etten, Taught io years. 2i 17 Harney st., Omaha, Neb. Taught, Prin. in N. Y., H. Falls, 2 yrs.; 1st ass’t 2d ward S., N. Y. City, 1 yr. ; throat trouble; Flatbush, 1 yr. ; Tarrytown, 2^ yrs.; Peekskill, 1 yr. ; New Rochelle, 2 yrs. ; lung difficulty; Eng. and Surv., Pa. and Neb.; in State service on R. R. matters; since 1874, lawyer; raised Co. in war; elected Capt.; health would not permit; health entirely restored by Neb. climate. Beekman Van Gasbeek, Mount Vernon, N. Y. Taught io years. Prin. Setauket, N. Y.,V£yr. ; Prin. New Rochelle, N. Y.. 3 yrs.; Prin. Gram. S., Mt. Vernon, N. Y., 1 yr. ; Prin. East Chester, N. Y., yrs., and now; all changes made by himself; with book publishers 3 yrs.; in patent rights and real estate, 13 yrs.; 1858 m. Antoinette B. Morgan, who died 1872; 1 son, deceased; 2 daughters. Lyman C. Wilder, C.E., Hoosick Falls, N. Y. Taught 6 years. Taught, before the war, 4 yrs.; in army during Rebellion, 2 yrs.; since, taught 2 yrs., last at Mid- dletown, N. Y. ; heard a class in Math, while taking course in Rens. Polytechnic, Troy, N. Y. ; ass’t Eng. N. Y. State canals, 3 yrs.; Adjt. Post Wood, G. A. R. Maj. Jared G. Wood, M. D., Brewster, N. Y. Taught 4 years. Grad. N. Y. Un. Med. Coll., 1861; Surg. 135th Regt., N. Y. Vols., 1862; practiced 22 yrs. 1855 — Twentieth Class. Twenty-first Term, ending Feb i, 1855. Frances A. Bacon (Henry G. Ehle), Taught 13 years. Woodstock, 111 . Taught, Cambridge, N. Y., i yr. ; Mamaroneck, N. Y., i yr.; Wilmoti Wis. ; 1858-61, ist ass’t, t 124 Janesville, Wis. ; 1866 m. J. A. McIntyre, widower of Helen Bacon, ’55; 1870-4, taught, Richmond, 111 ., and 1st ass’t High S., Geneva Lake, Wis. ; m. as above; has had no children ; 1880, and since, ass’t in High S. as above. Sarah B. Bedell (H. C. Marsh), Chicago, 111 . Taught 3 years. Taught, Green Island, N. Y., 2 yrs. ; Kingston, N. Y., Acad., 1 yr. ; 1859 m. a printer and pub- lisher; 2 children, son and daughter. Mary L. Bodwell, dec’d (Thomas A. Church), Taught 12 years. San Francisco, Cal. Taught in Central High School, Buffalo, N. Y., from 1857 to *863 ; State Normal School, Cal., from 1863 to 1867; m. 1867; died 1868. Celestine Burtis (Henry N. Vedder), Taught 2 years. 131st St. and N. River, N. Y. City. Taught, Schenectady, N. Y., 2 yrs.; m. 1858; 8 children; 1 teacher. M. Louisa Campbell (James H. McRoberts), Taught 4 years. 150 4th ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Taught 2 yrs. in Col. Co., N. Y. ; and 2 yrs. Allegheny Co., Pa.; m. 1868; 2 daughters. Julia C. Carpenter (John D. Odell, ’55), Taught 2 years. Taught in the city of Rochester, N. Y., 2 yrs.; m. 1858; a daughter married — and a son. (See husband’s address.) C. Jane Dayton, dec’d (T. E. Pomeroy), Taught 5 years. Address her sister, Mrs. Dr. Houghton, Corinth, N. Y. Taught District Ss. and Select S. in N. Y. State and in families; taught in Adrian College, Mich., and studied at same time ; m. as above; health failed; died 1872; no children. Elizazeth B. Ensign, dec’d. Taught io years. Address her father, Chancellor Ensign, Medina, N. Y. Taught in the District Ss. of Orleans and Niagara counties, N. Y. ; taught 1 term in the Brockport, N. Y., Normal S. as a supply; died 1880. Frances L. Harrington (Thomas Underwood), Taught 6 years. Middlesex, N. Y. Taught, Yates Co., N. Y.,4yrs.; Un. S., Lyons, N. Y., 2 yrs.; has been active in Teachers’ Ass’ns and Institutes; m. 1862; 2 sons, 1 daughter. Harriet J. Heustis, dec’d (A. W. Melville), Taught 5 years. Address sister, Mrs. Wm. S. Craft, Portchester, N. Y. Taught until her m. in i860; a model teacher; was Prin. Female Dept. S., White Plains, N. Y.; died 1869; two children — girls. Sarah A. Heustis (William S. Craft), Taught 9 years. Portchester, N. Y., P. O. Box 90. Taught successfully in her own county; succeeded her sister Harriet as Prin. Fern. Dept., White Plains, and so remained tilUm. 1864; 2 children— daughters. Brenda O. Hull (Thomas N. Stone, ’55), Taught 28 years. Elko, Nevada. Taught, Shawneetown and Yreka, Cal., with husband; P. Ss., San Jose and Oakland, Cal. Elizabeth E. Hunt, 346 Sixth ave., N. Y. City. Taught 11J years. Taught, Saratoga Co., N. Y., ^ yr. ; Easton, N. Y., ^ yr. ; Rens. Co., N. Y., yrs.: Fort Ed- ward, N. Y., Inst., taught Eng. and studied French, Latin, and painting, 2 yrs.; 1st Ass’t and Prin. Int. Dept’t, 7 yrs.; since 1866 has successfully devoted herself to art, oil painting. Mary A. King (Peter Meyer), Taught i year. 1221 Clay st., San Francisco, Cal. Taught 9 mos. in Albany, N. Y. ; m. 1863; 3 daughters, 1 preparing for teaching. Hannah J. Moakler, dec’d, Taught 8 years. Address her mother, Catharine, 19 Partition st., E. Albany. Taught from graduation; at her death, in 1863, was Prin. P. S., N. Y. City. Louisa H. Permort, dec’d (O. P. Myers, dec’d), Taught 4 years. Address Sarah W., ’55. Taught in Scotland Co., Mo., 4 yrs. ; m. 1859; lived only 2 yrs. after marriage, dying 1862; hus- band died 1870. Sarah W. Permort (Luther B. Newell), Taught io years. Westport, N. Y. Taught in Mo. 5 yrs.; m. 1861; returned to Westport, N. Y.; taught with husband in Un. S., pres- ent location, 5 yTS. ; husband now a farmer. I2 5 Mary H. Phelps (J. E. Lindsay, lumber merchant), Taught 3 years. Davenport, Iowa. Taught 3 yrs. in Essex Co., N. Y. ; m. 1858, and removed to present residence. S. Amelia Plumb, dec’d, Taught 2 years. Address sister, L. C. Plumb, ’51. Taught in Oswego, N. Y., 2 yrs.; health failed — “beautiful in life, triumphant in death,” she passed away, 1859. Margaret Pringle, Washington st., Utica, N. Y. Is supposed to have taught since graduation; now teaching as above. Anna E. Purdy (Ezra R. Dixon), Livonia Station, N. Y. Taught in Livonia, N. Y., 2 yrs. before marriage; one child, a son. Almira E. Rice, dec’d, Titusville, Pa. Address father, James Rice. Called home by death of mother; was invalid for many years ; and after great suffering, died in 1872. Eliza E. Sickler, residence and history unknown. Elizabeth S. Smith (Lyman Ostrom), Taught 4 % years. Trumansburgh, N. Y. Taught, Smithport, Pa.; Ithica, N. Y.; Seneca Co., N. Y. ; m. 1858; 2 children, 1 son living; husband killed in battle, 1864, civil war. Fanny M. Taggart, Nicholville, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Taught, Nassau and Malden Bridge, N. Y., i yr. ; health failed, and has since been a confirmed invalid. Harriet E. Wilcox (E. H. Wheeler, M.D., dec’d). Taught 6 years. Schenectady, N. Y. Taught, Amenia, N.Y., 1 yr.; Un. S. as above, 2 yrs; preceptress, Delhi, N.Y., Acad., 2 yrs. ; grad. Willard Sem., Troy, N. Y. ; taught in same, 1 yr. ; m. 1851 ; two sons in Union College. Catharine Wilson (R. W. Williamson, dec’d), Taught n years. 44 Jay st., Albany, N. Y. Taught in Albany, N. Y., n yrs.; m. 1866; husband died 1876; one child. David E. Chase, dec’d. Taught 6 years. Address Sidney Chase, Westford, N. Y. Taught in Maryland, N. Y., and Westford, N. Y., 3 yrs. ; High S. in 111 ., 3 yrs.; served in army 4 yrs.; 1866 m. Miss Elizabeth Manning, of Westford, N.Y. ; died, as above, 1874; 2 children, 1 died. Le Roy C. Cooley, A.M., Ph.D,, Taught 26 years. Prof, of Physics and Chem., Vassar Col., Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Taught at Lockport, N. Y., 2 yrs.: grad, from Union Col. ’58; Mathematics, Fairfield Acad., 1 yr. ; in Cooperstown Sem., 2 yrs., as Prof. Nat. Science; S. N. S. 13 yrs. as Prof. Nat. Sci. ; from 1874 to present time at Vassar Col., as above; Ph. D. conferred by Union University, 1870; F. Am. A. for the advancement of science in 1880; author of “The New Text Books of Phys. and of Chem.,” “ Elementary Nat. Phil, and Chem,” “ Easy Experiments in Chem.,” also papers on science teaching and original investigations published in scientific journals. E. Austin Fry, Prin. 13th Ward S., Troy, N. Y. Taught 24 years. Taught, Prin. 2d ward S., W. Troy, 5 yrs.; Prin. P. S., Cohoes, N. Y., 4 yrs.; appointed Supt. to grade P. Ss. of Cohoes; resigned; recruited 83 men; was offered 1st lieut., declined; enlisted private 91st N. Y. Vols.; mustered out 1865; Prin. P. S., Green Island, N, Y., 6 yrs.; as at present, 12 yrs.; m. ; 2 children. Hon. Leonard F. Hardy, dec’d, Weedsport, N. Y. Taught 17 years. Taught 1 yr. Hudson, N. Y. ; Prin. Un. S., Weedsport, N. Y., 10 yrs.; School Com’r Cayuga Co., 6 yrs.; Mem. Assembly 1873; Postmaster at time of death, 1881. Hon. John D. Hiller, Jamestown, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Taught, Smith’s Mills, N. Y., i yr. ; Canandaigua, N. Y., Acad., i yr. ; town offices, Supervisor twice, Mem. Assembly; 1857 m - Sibyl M. Smith; 2 children. Hon. Henry H. Hogan, M. D., Reno, Nevada. Taught i year. Taught 2j<> terms; lung trouble; giad. in medicine 1862; served 1 yr. as 2d lieut. ; served in N. Y. Soldiers’ Home, 1863; then in charge of Hospital No. 4, Quincy, 111 .; in Nevada since 1864; twice member Legislature; proprietor of newspaper; practicing profession; mem. Nat. Com. Greenback Labor party ; fighting corporations. Taught 28 years. Taught 2 years. Taught 2 years. 126 Albert N. Husted, A.M., S. Normal S., Albany, N.Y. Taught 26 years. Teacher Math, in Normal S., Albany, N. Y., 12 yrs. ; Prof. Math, in same since 1869; 44th N. Y. Vols.; 2d lieut., 1st lieut., and capt. from ’62 to '64, when honorably discharged; was in 16 battles, Including Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, campaign of Wilderness, Cold Harbor, siege of Petersburg; has taught in Teachers’ Institutes; 1867 m. Jane E. Ingersoll, an undergraduate; 3 children. • Merritt J. Moore, North Java, N. Y. Taught o years. Did not teach, but has been many years in the drug business as above. John D. O’Dell, 805 Broadway, N. Y. City. Taught 21 years. Taught 4 yrs. ; milling and produce business, 6 yrs. ; from ’65 to ’79, Commercial College in Toronto, Canada; since and now, Commercial College as above; m. Julia C. Carpenter, '55; a daughter, mar- ried, and a son. Charles H. Parker, Joyfield, Mich. Taught 7J years. Taught 5 yrs. — N. Y. State 2 yrs, Cal. 3 yrs.; 1 yr. at sea for health; enlisted, 1861, 5th Cal. Inf. Vols; discharged 1864, at Franklin, Tex.; Com. Sergt. and clerk, yrs., N. Mexico; settled as above, 1866; a farmer, and has taught 3 terms; Co. Clerk; Register of Deeds; Supervisor 2 terms; J. P. 14 yrs.; Supt. Schools 8 yrs.; 1872 m. Miss Lizzie A. Keillor; 3 children. Wm. M. Phillips, Clymer, N. Y. Taught 24 years. Taught, Waverly, N. Y., 3 yrs.; Prin., White’* Corners. N. V., 3 vrs : Prin., Silver Creek, N. Y., 6 yrs.; bookkeeper, 1 yr. ; Prin., Angola, 1 term; Prin., Porlville, N. Y., 3 yrs.; Prin., Clymer, N. Y., 3 yrs.; Prin. and Supt. Ss., Seward, Nebraska, 2 yrs.; returned to Clymer, N. Y. ; married 1880; is a dairy farmer. Hon. Thomas N. Stone, A. M., Taught 20 years. Pres’t State University, Elko, Nevada. Taught, Northport, L. I; Fergusonville Acad., N. Y. ; Prin. P. S., Equality, 111 , and Shawnee- town, 111., 4 yrs.; 1859, with 3 companions and an ox-team, crossed the plains; mining; 2 yrs. at Weaverville, Cal.; taught private S., Yreka, Cal., 8 yrs.; Co. Supt. Ss. 7 yrs ; settled at Elko 1870; 9 yrs. Postmaster and merchandising, dealing in mines, staging, etc. ; 1876, State Senator; Pres’t Board of Regents University, 1879; 1880, Pres’t University; m. B. O. Hull, ’55. Wheaton A. Welch, Prin. P. S. No. 35, Brooklyn, N. Y. Taught 28 yrs. Taught P. S., Catskill, N. Y., n yrs.; Prin., Baldwinsville Acad., N. Y., 2 yrs.; removed to Onondaga Valley and to Syracuse; since 1872 in Brooklyn as above, in charge of one of its finest schools; 1858 m. F. J. Farrington, ’55. Isaac B. Wilcox, Muscotah, Kansas. Taught 2 years. Taught, Rockland and Del. Co’s, N. Y., 2 yrs.; has since been farmer, surveyor and civil engineer; 1865 m. Nannie G. Mooney; 2 children. 1855 — Twenty -first Class. Twenty-second Term, ending July ii, 1855. Jane C. Ackerman (Rev. H. M. Church j, Taught 7J years. Hamilton, N. Y. Taught, Hale’s Corners, Vernon Centre, 3 yrs., Maynard, 2 yrs. — all N.Y. ; and Afton, Wis.,iV£ yrs. ; Pillar Pt., N. Y., 1 yr. ; lived 2j£ yrs. in Miss. ; being the wife of a Methodist clergyman, has had many residences; m. 1857; children, 2 sons. Kate M. Allen (C. V. Henry, M.D.), 53 Bickford st., Boston, Mass. M. 1856; has 4 children. Helen M. Bacon, dec’d (J. A. McIntyre, dec’d), Janesville, Wis. Taught, Wilmot, Bristol, and as above, all Wis., 3}^ yrs.; m. 1859; record of sister, Frances A., ’55.) Amanda P. Baldwin, Syracuse, N. Y. Has taught since graduation ; now, a missionary in Burmah. Taught i year. Taught 3J years. son, F. J. ; died 1863. (See Taught 28 years. Esther Bennett (H. L. Dickerman), Taught J year. 17 Lancaster st., Albany, N. Y. Taught, large village school; taught a number of years before entering Normal S. ; m. 1857; no children. 127 Mary C. Bennett, 218 A st., S. E. Washington, D.C. Taught 16 years. Taught, Appleton Fem. Coll., Wis. ; Roanoke Fem. Coll., Va. ; Montgomery Fem. Coll., Va., until disturbed by war; returned after war to Roanoke Coll., and remained till ’75; traveled three years in California; teaching has been mostly Latin, music and ornamental branches; had a private school of young ladies; retired on a competence in 1875; has devoted much attention to literature — creditable poems, etc. ; wrote hymn for Reunion, 1883. Delia A. Bristol (Selden Allis), Shortsville, N. Y. Taught o years. M. as above; 2 sons. Margaret J. Brown (Wm. Wallace, dec’d), Taught 6 years. Kenwood, Albany, N. Y. Taught, Nelsonville, O., 2^ yrs. ; Merritton, Canada, 2 yrs. ; at Kenwood, N. Y., 1J43 yrs., and now; m. 1868; 3 children. Emelie L/Carpenter, dec’d (Ira Goddard), N.Y. City. Taught 9 yrs. Taught in P. Ss., Rochester, N. Y., 3 yrs.; P. Ss., Brooklyn, N. Y., 6 yrs.; m. 1865; 1 son, 1 daughter; died 1872. Amelia A. Christie, M.D., Hornellsville, N.Y. Taught 13 years. Taught, Wayne and Yates Co’s 9 yrs.; Preceptress Rushville, N. Y., 4 yrs.; grad. Woman’s Med. Coll., Phila., Pa., 1872; resident M. D. Bedford St. Mission Hospital; asst. M. D. infirmary, Stuy- vesant square, N. Y., ^ yr. ; practiced Middlesex, N. Y., 8 yrs. ; as above since 1881 ; mem. Steuben Co. and other med. soc’s; author of various papers on teaching and medicine. Sarah A. Cook, 37 Dove st., Albany, N. Y. Taught 5 year. Taught in P. S. No. 8, as above, 5 yrs. Eleanor F. Dickson, n Trinity Place, Albany, N.Y. Taught 16 years. Taught in P. Ss. No. 9, No. 14, No. 16, at present, Prin. No. 3. Julia A. Fravor (Josiah W. Staats), Taught 3 years. 348 N. Pearl st., Albany, N. Y. Taught, as above, 3 yrs.; m. i860; 3 daughters; 1 is a teacher; 1, a pupil in Normal S. Anna M. Hamilton, 3 Pine st., Albany, N. Y. Taught 1 year. Taught, Po’keepsie, N. Y., Fem. Acad., ^ yr. ; Union S., Schenectady, N. Y., yr. ; trouble with eyes; has been active in Sunday-school work. Eliza M. Hatch (F. S. Edwards), Dunkirk, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Preceptress, Auburn, N. Y., 2 yrs.; same, Fredonia, N. Y., 1 yr. ; 1858 m. a lawyer who has been M. C. ; Mrs. Edwards is florist. Mary J. Hatfield, Taught 26 years. Care Miss Rachel Cornell, White Plains, N. Y. Taught among the Friends 4 yrs.; Episcopal Sem., L. I., 2 yrs.; Private S. 1 yr. ; grad. Troy Fem. Sem. 1863 — essay, Law; has recently spent several years teaching English to Spanish lady. Alice J. Hepinstall, dec’d (A. Emery), Chicago, 111 . Taught 5 years. Taught, P. S. No. 9, Albany, N. Y., 5 yrs.; m. 1861; died 1862; 1 child; died. Anna G. Mathies (Ossian Beardsley, dec’d), Taught 21 years. 41 Hickory st., Rochester, N. Y. Taught, private school, Rochester, N. Y.; Kinderhook, N. Y., Acad.; Staten Island; governess in the West; Church Home S. and St. Andrew’s Parish S., where she now is; m. 1866; 1 child; died. Elizabeth Powell, West Oakland, Cal. Taught 28 years. Taught, governess South before the war; in California since 1868; now, teaching as above. Marie E. Ransom, dec’d, Buffalo, N. Y. Taught io years. Taught in Buffalo, N. Y., 10 yrs.; died, aged 28; an enthusiast in her profession; greatly beloved by associate teachers and pupils ; overwork caused her death. Emily A. Rice, Ocean Grove, N. J. Taught 26 years. Taught, State Normal S. Albany, N. Y., 3 yrs.; 1st asst. Classical Dept., Schnectady Un. S. 5 yrs.: Oswego N. S. 2 yrs. ; Preceptress Buffalo, N. Y., High S. 4 yrs. ; Prin. Young Ladies’ Board- ing S., Mass., 2 yrs ; St. John’s S., N. Y. City, 1 yr. ; has had schools of her own 9 yrs. ; now, Prin. and prop'. Park Heights Sem., as above. Harriet A. Sleight (Geo. S. Jewell), Dexter, Mich. Taught i year. M. 1856; taught with husband 1 yr. ; he was Prof, in Mich. N. S; 4 children. Sarah A. Visscher (J. J. Price), Taught 3 years. 284 Hudson ave., Albany, N. Y. Taught P. S. No. 6, Albany; 6 children; 4 living. 128 Lorinda J. Whipple ( Pew), residence and history unknown. Ann E. Wilcox, dec’d (Sylvester W. Young), Taught 5 years. Weedsport, N. Y. M. i860; active as teacher and Supt. of Sunday Schools; died 1873. Susan R. Witherell (Rev. H. C. Farrar), Troy, N.Y. Taught 5 years. Taught, St. Albans, Vt., i yr. ; Swan ton, Vt., i yr. ; Bakersfield, Vt., Acad., i yr. ; studied French; graduated French Inst., St. Johns, C. E. ; taught, Coxsackie, N. Y., i yr. ; m. as above; 2 daughters; has taken C. L. S. C. Edmund A. Austin, dec’d, East Aurora, N.Y. Taught 13 years. Taught in and near Buffalo, N. Y. ; Prin. P. S., that city; died 1875; widow and 4 children. Milton Draper, dec’d, Taught 12 years. Address Mrs. J. C. Draper, Williston, Vt. Taught Rockville Acad., N. Y. ; P. S., Williamsville, N. Y. ; Williston, Vt. ; organized Literary Inst., same place; CooperstownJN. Y., Sem.; Lockport, 111 .; health always delicate; farm, 6 yrs. ; traveled for health; 1858 m. Jerusha C. Talcott; 3 daughters; 1 living, who has taught; died 1877. Mervin Hollister, dec’d, Taught 7 years. Address bro. Milo, Port Gibson, N. Y. Taught, Lockport, N. Y., i yr. ; Beverly, N. J., 2 yrs. ; at Trenton, N. J., where he was taken sick, and died, 1862; 1856 m. Miss Sarah Foster; 1 child, E. L. Hollister. Norman Judson, Conquest, N. Y. Taught 3J years. Taught in N. Y. State; has since been engaged in farming. John Kelly, dec’d, Greene, N. Y. Taught 25 years. Taught, Morrisville, N. Y.; Gilbertsville, N. Y.; Greene, N. Y. ; Long Island; health failed; went to Kansas; taught, Osage, Kan., 2 yrs., and died 1880; unmarried. Hiram L. Rockwell, LL. B., Oneida, N. Y. Taught 16 years. Taught 5 yrs.; School Com’r 2d Dist. Mad. Co., N. Y., 6 yrs.; otherwise, in business; grad. Albany Law S., 1869; J. P., 8 yrs.; lawyer, insurance and real estate; supervisor; 1862 m. Esther A. Hait; 4 children; 2 daughters have taught. James C. Ross, Shell Rock, Iowa. Taught 6 years. Taught in N. Y. and Illinois, 3 yrs.; farmed summers, taught winters; as at present, since 1871; 1858 m. Miss Adelaide Colby; 1 son, 3 daughters. Hon. William F. Smith, A. M., Taught 14J years. Mecklenburg, N. Y. Has taught since graduation, 29 terms, mostly in Tompkins Co., N. Y. ; 1860-5, hardware business; farming since 1865; judge; P. G. ; school trustee; 1858 m. Mary B. Farrar; 6 children; 1 taught. Dwight S. Spofford, Morrison, 111 . Taught 4 years. Taught, Greene, N. Y., i yr. ; Equality, 111 ., 3 yrs.; since, in mercantile business, as above. Henry T. Sprague, Penfield, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Taught, Sandy Hill, N. Y., J 4 yr. ; Orient, N. Y., i yr. ; E. Bloomfield Acad., N. Y., yr.; Omaha, for health; Council Bluffs, Iowa, x winter; St. Joe, Mo., i winter; returned to take charge of his father’s affairs; Erie, Pa., in business 15 yrs.; on farm at present; m. Caroline A. Bunnell; 3 children. Samuel Wright, 157 Broadway, N. Y. City. Taught 14 years. Prin. P. S., Hempstead, N. Y., J 4 yr. ; Pol. Inst., Brooklyn, N. Y., n yrs; Adelphi Academy, Brooklyn, N. Y., 3 yrs.; since 1869, Agt. for Life Ins. Co.; 1855 m. Miss Brown; 7 children; 3 sons, 4 daughters; 2 of the sons died. 1856 — Twenty-second Class. Twenty -Third Term, ending Jan. 31, 1856. Polly M. Benedict (J. S. Hoyt), Augusta, 111 . Taught 2J years. Taught 1 yr. in Cayuga Co., N. Y.; went to 111 . in 1857; taught there 1^5 yrs.; m. 1858, a farmer. Caroline A. Brace (Theophilus Civill, dec’d), Taught 3 years. Coeymans, N. Y. Taught P. S., Syracuse, N. Y., *4 yr. ; Coeymans, N. Y., select school, yrs. ; 2 daughters, 1 son. 129 Emma M. Brace (John Stacey), Taught 25 years. 59 Turtle st., Syracuse, N. Y. Taught, Coeymans, N. Y., 2 yrs. ; Syracuse. N. Y., Prin. Prim. S. to 1883, when she m. as above; attended Cooper Inst., N. Y. City, nearly 2 yrs. Lucy V. Case, dec’d (John Maltman). Taught 3 years. Address her sister, Mrs. James Bennett, Rushville, N. Y. M. 1861 a farmer and wool dealer, Canandaigua, N. Y.; died 1870, leaving six children. Margalia Case (E. C. Ferry), Albany, N. Y. Taught i£ years. Taught, Bath, N. Y. ; m. as above; 1 son. Rosamond Chesebro (A. J. Kent, dec’d), No report. Kentland, Indiana. Caroline A. Church, dec’d (Virgil C. Douglas), Taught 5 years. Oswego, N. Y. Taught, Erie Co., N. Y., i yr. ; in Oswego, N. Y., 4 yrs.; m. 1861; 1 son, 1 daughter who is grad- uate of Oswego Normal S., and has taught. Frances A. Dake, dec’d, Middle Grove, N. Y. Taught i year. Address James M. Taught 1 term in Greenfield, N. Y., and 1 term in Saratoga, N. Y.; died in Chicago, Jan., 1865. Candace Dennison, dec’d (Isaac C. Seabury), Taught 3J years. Address her father, D. Dennison, Albany, N. Y. Taught, Jericho, L. I., i term; Van Tromp st. P. S., Albany, N. Y., 3 yrs.; in charge of a dep’t part of the time; m. 1861; 1 child, died; and settled in Iowa; in spring of ’68 she came home on a ■visit, and died 1869. Lucy H. Estabrook, dec’d (John H. Patrick), Taught 2} years. Washington, D. C. Taught P. S. Saratoga Spa, N. Y., i yr. ; Female Sem., Waterville, N. Y., yrs.; m. 1858; died 1876; no children. Anna M. Fowler (Stephen H. Burnett), Taught 4J years. 19 Logan st., Auburn, N. Y. Taught, Blauveltville, N. Y., i yr. ; Schenectady Un. S., N. Y., yr. ; family school, 3 yra. ; has lived in Peoria, 111 ., Burlington, Iowa, Nebraska City, Neb. Charlotte A. Haight (Robert Underhill), Taught 5 years. Croton Landing, N. Y. Taught at Croton Pt. for 5 yrs.; m. 1861; 2 daughters, 1 has taught. Elizabeth R. Haswell (John S. Van Pelt), Taught 5 years. Petersburgh, Va. Taught in the public and private Ss. of N. Y. until m., as above, 1861; x son. Mary E. Howard, Public S. No. 10, Albany, N. Y. Taught 27 years. Taught many years in Albany, N. Y. ; now as above. Mary A. Hubbell, dec’d. Taught 20 years. Address Miss Mary, Mt. Kisko, N. Y. Taught in district Ss. until her death; she was an enthusiastic and very successful teacher; amused herself in vacations with the study of higher mathematics; she seemed to live for the good of others. Caroline Jones (Charles Jones), Taught o years. 1 51 Madison ave., Albany, N. Y. Did not teach, being kept at home by sickness and death in family, was engaged to teach in Oswego, N. Y., when kept at home; m. 1870; 1 child, which died. Harriet Jones, dec’d (John Alden, dec’d), Taught o years. Glens Falls, N. Y. Left one son, John E. Alden, as above; two sons died. Mary E. Metcalf (Charles F. Miller), Taught i year. West Bloomfield, N. Y. Taught, Reed’s Corners, N. Y., yr. ; Palmyra, N. Y., yr. ; m. 1858; 3 children; one only, a son, living. Sarah A. Morehead, P. S. No. 12, Albany, N. Y. Taught 26 years. Has taught since graduation, and now as above. Lydia Patterson (J. B. Hartwell, M. D.), Taught J year. Lockport, N. Y. Taught dist. S. in Orleans Co.; m. 1857; 3 children. 13 130 Marianna Provost (Jacob Wells), Taught 3 years. 3d ave. and 160th st., N. Y. City. Taught Packer Inst., Brooklyn, N. Y. ; m. 1859; no children. Mary E. Quinby, dec’d (Levi S. Gates), Buffalo, N. Y. Taught 3 yrs. Taught till m. 1859; lived in Albany and Buffalo; deceased, 1877; 2 sons, 1 daughter. Eliza J. Rose, Sag Harbor, N. Y. No report. Taught several terms. Emma L. Salisbury (Thomas McCann), Taught o years. care D. Salisbury, 413 W. 15th st., N. Y. City. M. 1863; 1 child. Abbie Sexton (Noah Tompkins), Mamaroneck, N.Y. Taught 8 years. Taught, Forestville, N. Y., 2 yrs.; as above, yrs.; Flatbush, N. Y., Erasmus Hall and S. for Girls, moved to N. Y. City, 4^3 yrs.; m. 1867; 5 children; 3 living. Fanny K. Trask (Chas. A. Silsby), Newport, N. H. Taught 4 years. Taught in Sanape, N. Y., 2 yrs. ; Goshen, N. Y., yr. ; Newport, N. H., 14 yr . 1 Croydon, N. H., 1 yr. ; m. as above ; 1 son. Martha Turner (John P. Stearns), Taught 8 years. Santa Barbara, Cal. Taught, Jefferson Co., N. Y., 4 yrs.; in Canada, 2 yrs.; in Cal., yr. ; 1862 m. as above; taught Santa Barbara College, yrs. ; 1 child, daughter. Frances A. Tuthill (J. J. Tomson, M. D.), Taught 2 years. cor. Sixteenth and Main sts., Davenport, Iowa. Taught in Private Ss. ; m. 1858; 2 sons, 2 daughters. S. Elizabeth Verrinder (Stewart Winslow), Taught u years. Rutherford, N. J. Taught in N. Y. City Daily Normal S., 3 yrs.; 1st ass’t highest dept P. S. No. 15, Brooklyn, N. Y., and teacher of Advanced Class, 8 yrs.; m. 1867; 2 sons; spends winters in Florida. Julia Warriner, Buffalo, N. Y. Taught 27 years. Has taught in P. Ss., as above, since graduation, from the lowest to the highest grade; now, Dep’t Prin. in No. 14. Mary E. Wilson, Hudson, N. Y. Taught 12J years. Taught, ass’t P. S. No. i, as above, 12 yrs.; health failed, and resigned; recovered, but duties at home have occupied her attention since. Isaac F. Bangs, Cedar Springs, Mich. Taught 21 years. Taught, Tivoli, N. Y., yr. ; attended Mad. Un., J£yr. ; Private S., W. Troy, N. Y., 3 yrs.; Cohoes P. S., yrs.; Bucyrus, O., 1 yr. ; in army, 22 mos. ; Troy, N. Y., 4 yrs., Prin. P. S. and Clerk Bd. of Ed.; Prin. P. S. 18, Albany, N. Y., 4 yrs.; Prin. P. S., Belleville, Mich., 2 yrs.; Hol- land, Mich., 5 yrs.; since, as above, wife teaching the same school. Comfort S. Brown, dec’d, Elmira. N. Y. Taught 18 years. Taught, Caton, N. Y., and Chemung, N. Y., 3 yrs.; Prin. P. S., Elmira, N. Y., 17 yrs., except an interval of 3 yrs. in business; m. Huldah S. Brown; died 1877. John W. Cole, Troy, N. Y. Taught 22 years. Taught, Prin. Un. S., Green Island, N. Y., i yr. ; Gram. Master and Prin. of Gale and 5th ward schools since, and now, except 5 yrs. in real estate and insurance; 1854 m. Rachel M. Hicks; 2 child- ren. Hon. George R. Dean, Waverly, Iowa. Taught 5^ years. Taught, Springfield Centre, N. Y., yr. ; during course, i yr. ; Co. Supt. Ss. as above, 4 yrs.; health failed ; farmer and gardener — “Waverly Gardens”; mem. City Council; mem. and pres’t Bd. of Ed.; Mayor; 1856 m. Helen V. Chamberlin; 3 children. Isaac W. Lake, Ausable Forks, N. Y. Taught 2J years. Taught arithmetic and penmanship in State Normal School at Albany, N. Y. ; health failed; now, a tanner. Darwin N. Mason, residence and history unknown. William C. Robinson, dec’d, Taught 2 years. Widow, Holland Patent, N. Y. Taught in Oneida Co.; farmer and mechanic; read law 2 yrs.; i860 m. Adelaide V. Robinson; 3 children. Asaph E. Shute, Guilderland, N. Y. Taught 9 years. Taught, Leeds, N. Y., yr. ; Albany, N. Y., Eng. Dep’t Hebrew S.,6 yrs.; Groesbeckville, N. Y., ih? yrs. ; as above, i yr., and now; has also been cleric and traveler; 1861 m. Adelle L. Witter; 2 children; 1 living. Capt. Gawn M. Smith, Taught 3 years. care C. P. R. R., Gen. Freight office, San Francisco, Cal. Taught, West Bloomfield, N. Y., i yr. ; Munfordville, Ky., 2 yrs.; Quartermaster 13th Ky. Vols., 3/4 yrs.; manufacturer; now, clerk as above; 1869 m. Miss Lida P. Appley; 1 child. Rev. George C. Thomas, dec’d (Vermont Conf.), Taught 3 years. Tinmouth, Vt. Taught, Schenectady, N. Y. ; Jericho, L. I.; Warnersville, N. Y.; Rochester, N. Y. ; grad, i860, S. Theol., Boston University ; ordained deacon, i860; elder, 1862; i860 m. Miss Mary A. Lloyd; son at Dartmouth, preparing for teacher; daughter grad. Mt. Holyoke, is a teacher; Mr. Thomas died Nov., 1883. 1856— Twenty-Third Class. * Twenty- fourth Term, ending July io, 1856. Charity Barnet, dec’d (Hon. E. I. Burhans, dec’d), Taught 3 years. Roxbury, N.Y. Taught, Hobart, N. Y. ; m. 1859; 1 son; died 1882. Mary M. Beach, Williamsville, N-. Y. Taught 26 years. Taught, Fishkill Landing, N. Y., i yr. ; Un. S., Schenectady, N. Y., 24 yrs.; Prin. Advanced Dept. Yorkshire Centre, N. Y., where she now is. Matilda A. Brown, Taught 26 years. Care M. W. Brown, Esq., Coldwater, Mich. Taught in P. Ss., Oswego, N. Y., 3 yrs.; in Medina, N. Y., 3 yrs.; since, has painted and given instruction in oil painting. Mary Buckelow (Jas. Cosgrove), Brooklyn, L.I. Taught 5 years. Taught, Gram. S. No. 20, N. Y. City; m. 1851; 4 children. M. Ellen Cheesbro, dec’d (John J. Hicks), Taught i year. Hicksville, N. Y. Taught, Jericho, N. Y., 1 yr. ; m. 1858; 3 children — girls; oldest married and settled in Oregon; the others, as above ; she died 1877. Julia C. Church (Geo. Abbott, M.D.), Hamburgh, N.Y. Taught \ year. Taught, as above, 7 months; m. 1857; 1 son, 1 daughter; both teachers. Susan K. Cook, Packer Inst v Brooklyn, N. Y. Taught 27 years. Has taught since graduation; for several years, and now, in charge Coll. Dep’t of above school. Matilda S. Cooper, Normal School, Oswego, N. Y. Taught 26 years. Has been a member of its Faculty since organization; before, taught in Oswego P. Ss. Sarah E. Darling, dec’d (Rev. O. S. Williams), Taught 4 years. Address father, Alfred, East Setauket, N. Y. Taught in public and private schools, Setauket, N. Y. ; m. 1862; 1 child, a teacher; died 1864. Martha J. Davidson, dec’d (Horace E. Smith, LL.D.) Taught 4 yrs. Albany, N. Y. Taught, and was Preceptress of Johnstown, N. Y., Academy till m. i860; died 1864, leaving 1 child, son, a lawyer. Mary C. Dresser (Albert Blauvelt), Tenafly, N. J. Taught 3 years. Taught, Oswego, N. Y., 1 yr. ; Rockland Co., N. Y., 2 yrs. ; m. i860; 1 son, in business; 1 daugh- ter, at home. Amelia A. Dyer (J. M. Mairs), Schenectady, N.Y. Taught ij years. Taught as substitute and then regular teacher in Schenectady P. S.; m. 1858; 3 children. Sarah P. Fearey, care G. D. Fearey, Albany, N.Y. Taught 8 years. After graduation, attended Albany Fern. Acad, and Maplewood Inst., Mass. ; taught 4 yrs. in N. Pearl st., Albany, S., and taught Prin. Prim. Dept. Albany Fern. Acad., where she took prize for alumnae essay; and one offered by Young Men’s Association of Albany; has taken the studies of Bos- ton Literary Circle. i3 2 Bessie S. Gill, dec’d (J. B. Hart), Henderson, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Taught 2 yrs. in Miss., and m. a Southern planter, who became capt. in Southern army in war; she died 1875. Mary E. Herrington (Lewis Barnhart), Fairport, N.Y. Taught 4 yrs. Taught in Kingston, N. Y., Acad., and Fairport Un. S. ; health" failed ; m. 1863. Louise J. Knapp (Rev. Elisha Gifford), Cambridge, Mass. Taught 22 yrs. Taught in Albany Orphan As’m 2 yrs.; private school at home 34 yr. ; P. S. at Matteawan, N. Y., 34 yr. ; private S., Garrisons, N. Y., 2 yrs.; Prin. P. S., Nelsonvllle, N. Y., 2 yrs.; Nelson’s Mills, N.Y., and at home, had private S. iJ 4 yrs.; in High S., Presque Isle, Me., 2 yrs.; has lectured and preached; has written for newspapers and periodicals ; m. 1858; 4 sons; one will graduate Harvard, ’84; 1 daughter, an elegant and accomplished woman, died, aged 22, in 1882. Helen I. Monk, dec’d, 40 Grand st., Albany, N.Y. Taught 8 years. Taught, Little Falls, N. Y., and Oswego, N. Y., 5 yrs.; Louisiana 2 yrs.; Texas 1 yr. ; died of fever in Texas during the war. Laura Morris, dec’d (Geo. A. Brown), Syracuse, N.Y. Taught 5 years. * Taught, P. Ss., Syracuse, 5 yrs.; m. 1862; died 1869. Lydia E. Powell (J. P. Lovejoy, dec’d), Oswego, N.Y. Taught i year. Taught in Academy, as above, 1 yr. ; m. 1858; 2 daughters. Annie Wilson (Wm. Atkins, dec’d), Westville, Mass. Taught 6 years. , Taught, Roslyn, Cedar Swamp, Locust Valley — all N. Y.; m. as above; 4 children. Alfred S. Barry, Elgin, 111. Taught 25 years. Taught, Beloit, Wis., 3 yrs.; in 111 ., at St. Charles, 7 yrs.; Sycamore 2 yrs.; Batavia 6 yrs.; as at present, Prin. High S. 7 yrs.; 1858 m. Carrie S. Whitney; 1 daughter. Eugene Beach, M.D., Gloversville, N. Y. Taught 9J years. Taught, Fergusonville, N. Y., yr. ; Stony Pt., N. Y., 34 yr. ; attended W. Poultney, Vt., Acad., 34 yr. ; taught, Athens, N. Y., yr. ; attended Del. Lit. Inst. N. Y., 1^5 yrs.; taught Dawnsville, N. Y., 1 14 yrs.; private school 34 y r -5 Parochial S., Stony Point, N. Y., 34 yr.; attended Bellevue Hos. Med. Coll. 34 yr. ; Stamford, Ct., taught 34 yr. ; Polytechnic Inst., Brooklyn, N.Y., 4 yrs.; grad. L. I. Hospital Med. Coll., 1866; practiced medicine since and now, as above; mem. Ex. Com. Bd. of. Ed. Hon. John Henry Case, M.D. dec’d, Rushville, N. Y. Taught 18 yrs. Address sister, Mrs. James Bennett, same P. O. Taught at home 2 yrs.; Adair, 111 ., n yrs.; in other places in 111 ., 5 yrs.; was in army 3 yrs. at Pittsburgh Landing, etc.; studied medicine; 1874 m. Miss Anna Porter; published a newspaper in Nebraska; practiced medicine and had drug store; was member Legislature; died 1882; left 4 children. ^ Aaron Chadwick, A. M., Polytechnic Institute, Taught 15 years. Brooklyn, N. Y. Taught in Poughkeepsie, N. Y., i yr. ; with E. S. Bunker established Adelphi Academy, Brooklyn, N. Y.; spent 12 yrs. in agr. and business in Maryland; S. com’r 3 yrs. ; resumed, as at present in 1876; m. 1864. Lansing Hotaling, lawyer, Albany, N. Y. Taught i year. Taught in Poughkeepsie, N. Y., 1 yr. ; admitted to the bar, 1859; elected Dist. Att’y of Albany Co., N. Y., 1877; director Albany Co. Bank; trustee Albany Co. Savings Bank. Hon. David L. Kiehle, A. M., St. Paul, Minn. Taught 27 years. Taught at 16, after graduation; taught Canandaigua Acad. 3 yrs. ; graduated full course Hamilton College, N. Y., 1861; taught, Monroe, Mich., 1 yr. ; grad. Un. Theol. Seminary, N. Y. City; ordained Pres, minister, May, 1865; taught Brooklyn Polytechnic, 3 yrs. ; pastor, Preston, Minn., 10 yrs. ; Co. Supt. Schools, 6 yrs.; mem. Bd. Directors State Normal School, 3 yrs.; Pres’t State Normal School, St. Cloud, Minn., 6 yrs.; Supt. Pub. Inst., Minn., 2 yrs.; serving now second term. William W. Kimball, Taught 2 years. 40 North st., Boston, Mass. Taught, Prin. Whitesboro, N. Y., 2 yrs.; 1858 went as above, clerk in provision business; became partner since in same; pres’t 4th Nat. Bank since 1879; retired from business 1873-5; 1860 m. Miss Nancie B. Orvis; 3 children; 1 son survives — student in Harvard. Rev. Mahlon B. Leonard, Waltham, Mass. Taught 3 years. Taught, Tarrytown, N. Y., i yr. ; St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., 2 yrs.; graduated Theolog. S., Canton, N. Y. ; since, Universalist pastor; 12 yrs. as above; resigned 1883; 1864 m. Martha R. Day, who died 1870; 1874 m. Miss Emma M. Francis; only children, 2 of last wife; ch’n of State Board. Lewis Spaulding, Taught 6 years. East Cleveland, O., University Book Store. i33 Taught, Fredonia, N. Y. ; grad, at Cortland. N. Y., Acad.; at Mich. Un., i yrs. ; farmer, 8 yrs.; 1868, took charge, Ass’t Prof. Agricul. Dept. Cornell University; since 1875, and now, as above; i860 m. Lizzie S. Haight; 2 daughters; 1 taught. John C. Tobey, dec’d, Taught \\ years. Address bro., James Tobey, Charlton, N. Y. Taught in Col. Co., N. Y., 2 terms; Dutchess Co. Academy, 1 term; New Hamburgh, N. Y., 3 yrs. ; died greatly regretted, i860. Albertus'C. Trevet, dec’d, Taught 3J years. Address Mrs. H. V. Trevet, E. Hamburgh, N. Y. Taught, E. Hamburgh, N. Y., Springbrook, N. Y.; J. P. ; Capt. guard at Elmira prison, in war; oil operator; killed by explosion of boiler, 1872; left wife and 3 children. J ames M. True, Ogden, N. Y. Taught 4 years. Taught 2 yrs., Winchester, Iowa; Rockport, Mo., 2 yrs.; since i860, farmer; 1866 m. Miss Rose- anna Murra; 4 children. 1857— Twenty-Fourth Class. Twenty-fifth Term, ending January 29, 1857. Deborah L. Adams, dec’d, Albany, N. Y. Taught 8 years. Address bro. Allston Adams, Albany, N. Y. Taught, Menand’s, N. Y., 7 yrs. ; Prep. Dept. Albany Acad. 1 yr. ; went to S. Carolina 1865; re- turned 1866; died 1869. Orphana E. Andrews (Wm. M. Guynn, M.D.), Taught 5 years. Throopsville, N. Y. Taught in La Fayette, N. Y., 3 yrs.; Fabius, N. Y., 1 yr. ; Otisco, N. Y., ^ yr. ; Fairport, N. Y., % yr. Mary E. Arms (Rev. W. T. Morrison, dec’d), Taught 23 years. Montclair, N. J. Taught 3 yrs. after graduation; m. i860; missionary Ningpo, China; 1870, husband died at Pekin; remained missionary till ^76; came to above place, and taught 4 yrs.; 3 daughters, 1 son; hopes to return to China. Laura F. Beecher, 80 Willoughby st., Brooklyn, N.Y. Taught 13J yrs. Taught, P. Ss., Conn., iJ 4 yrs.; Orphan Asylum, N.Y., 8 mo's; Brooklyn, N. Y., P. Ss. n yrs., where she has since lived, and where she is Sup’t of Business Women’s Union, as above. Sarah M. Birch (G. I. Herrick), Port Jackson, N. Y. Taught 4 years. Taught select school, district school and academy; m. in 1864. Nancy E. Briggs, Honeoye, N. Y. Taught 9 years. Taught dist. S. at home 2 yrs.; and in that vicinity 2 yrs.; P. S., La Crosse, Wis., Gram. Dept., 3 yrs. ; taught again in vicinity of home and in Un. S., as above and now, 4 yrs. Anna Courtney (R. J. Robinson), Bath-on-Hudson. Taught 4 years. Taught, Public S. No. 4, Albany, N. Y. ; m. 1862; 3 children. Antoinette Gregory, Sand Lake, N. Y. Taught 20 years. Taught in Sand Lake, N.Y. ; Tappan, N. Y. ; Little Falls, N. Y. ; Michigan 3 yrs., as asst, and prin. Adrian High S.-, took care of invalid mother during 7 yrs.; since 1871 has had private school as above. Rachel A. Hait (Jacob S. Harris, dec’d), Taught 7 years. 2808 Prairie ave., City Hotel, Chicago, 111 . Preceptress Elmira Acad, i yr. ; left on account of health of father; Virgil, N. Y. ; P. Ss., Oswego, prin. in place of man; m. 1864; 1 daughter; husband diecL'. 877. Cornelia A. Mead, dec’d (D. A. Kelsey) Huron, Dak. Taught 8 years. Address sister, Mrs. D. P. Brown, Norwich, N. Y. Taught, Smyrna, N. Y., 2 yrs. ; Hamilton, N. Y., 6 yrs.; m. April, 1864; died at Quincy, 111 ., Sept., 1864. Alexa J. Moseley (Prof. J. H. Gates) , Anoka, Minn. Taught 22J yrs. Taught, N. Y. 2 yrs. during course; in first graded school in Minnesota, and other St. Paul schools, 15 yrs.; in charge of Girls’ Dept. Reform S., St. Paul, 2j^yrs.; matron Young Ladies’ Boarding House of St. Cloud, Minn., Normal School 3 yrs. 134 Henrietta A. Smith, dec’d (Sam’l N. Haight), Taught 3 years. Bedford, N. Y. Taught, Fabius, N. Y., ^ yr. ; Adrian, Mich., P. S.; select S., Iowa; m. i860; lived in Albany, N. Y., 2 yrs.; afterwards, as above; died 1881; left 4 sons; the oldest, same profession as his father — civil engineer. Jane Southerland (J. S. Cole), Gorham, N. Y. Taught ij years. Taught, Voak, N. Y., 3 terms; i860 m. a farmer; 4 children; 3 living. Jemima Stoller, dec’d (M. S. Hall, D.D.), Taught 7 years. Tribe’s Hill, N. Y. Taught, Memphis, Tenn., 2 yrs. ; Illinois 3 yrs. ; Fort Hunter, N. Y., 1 yr. ; Tribe’s Hill, N. Y., 1 yr. ; died 1883. Lydia A. Thomas (Henry W. Keith), Saratoga, N.Y. Taught 2 years. Taught as above in P. Ss. 2 yrs.; m. i860; 1 daughter, a graduate of Temple Grove. David P. Austin, M.D., 251 W. 25th st., N. Y. City. Taught 5 years. Grad. Coll. Phys. and Surgs., N. Y. City. Taught, Albany Academy, N. Y., 1857-60; 1860-2 in Ward S., 14, N. Y. City; connected with N. Y. City P. O., 1862-81; grad. M. D. 1866; examiner for various life assurance associations; 1869 m. Sarah A. Lawson; 2 children; taught 4 terms before graduation. Oscar F. Avery, Humboldt, Iowa. Taught 4 years. Taught, Acad., Oneida Castle, N. Y., i yr. ; Buchanan, Mich., i yr. ; Spring Prairie, Wis., i yr. ; Highland City, Iowa, i yr. ; in fur business in great N. W. 5 yrs.; has largest stock farm in county; elevators ; deals in lumber, stock, real estate; has been Co. Supt. Ss.; Co. Supervisor; interest in politics; vice-pres’t. of bank; 1858 m. Miss S. J. Harvey; 1 son, 1 daughter. Benjamin Edson, M.D., Brooklyn, N. Y. Taught 26 years. Taught, Sand Lake Acad.; Prin. Beekmantown Un. S.; Prin. Clyde, N. Y., High School; Schenectady, N.Y., Un. S.; Prin. P. S. No. 8, Albany, N.Y. ; Prin. P. S. No. 14, Brooklyn, N. Y., for the last 19 years; has had under his charge 30,000 pupils; in 1873 M. D. New York University; lectured evening High School, physiology, and has contributed to various medical publications. Wm. B. Gregory, dec’d. Taught o years. Address his bro., C. R. Gregory, Skaneateles, N.Y. Went West after graduation, intending to teach, but engaged in other business; enlisted on breaking out of the rebellion, and was killed at the battle of Pittsburgh Landing, Tenn. Maj. Sylvanus B. Huested, A.M., Blauveltville, N. Y. Taught 6J yrs. Taught at B’ville 2 yrs.; grad. Un. Coll,, ’61; taught. Stockbridge, Mass., % yr. ; served in U. S. Hospital, at Albany, N. Y. ; asst. supt. Soldiers’ Home, N. Y. City ; 1st lieut. 116U. S. Vols.; served in army of the East; promoted to captaincy; brevet major, U. S. Vols. ; mustered out, ’67; Prin. P. S., Norwich, Conn., 1 yr.; 1st asst. Collegiate S., N. Y. City, 4 yrs.; m. C. E. Blauvelt, ’60; 1 child, a son. John H. Kane, Nassau, N. Y. Taught 17 years. Taught, Monroe, N. Y., i yr. ; Rens. Co., N. Y., i yr. ; singing 15 yrs.; 1873 m. Martha M. Van Vorst; no children. Manly W. Kennedy, Winfield, Iowa. Taught 6 years. Taught, Prin. Orange, N. J.. 2 yrs.; in Erie Co. 1 yr. ; Prin. P. Ss., Buffalo, N.Y., 3 yrs.; hearing failed; farming and stock raising since 1863; 1861 m. Maria L. Bowman; 4 sons, 1 daughter. * Jonas C. Ransom, West Chazy, N. Y. Taught o years. Went to California right after graduation, and worked in the mines; died of apoplexy, 1874 or ’75; unmarried. Henry J. Tanner, Medina, N. Y. Taught 6 years. Has taught winters, 12 terms, and farmed summers; i860 m. Elsie A. Barrett; 4 children, 1 has taught writing. Nelson P. Tuttle, M. D., dec’d. Taught 2 years. Brother of Aaron R., next class. Taught, St. Lawrence, N. Y. ; graduated Albany Med. College 1862; drowned, pleasure excursion Thousand Islands, 1862. William Vandemark, Phelps, N. Y. Taught i year. Prin. Irving Academy, Irvington, N. J., 1 yr. ; ill health caused him to resign; since, farming and stock raising in Kansas and N. Y. Edwin A. Wheeler, Ezota, Minn. Taught 4J years. Taught, West. Co., Orleans Co. and Oneida Co., N. Y., 2 yrs.; Ky., yrs.; as above, 1 yr. ; attended Col. Inst., Brockport, N. Y., 1 yr. ; farming and merchandise since 1862; now farming, choice cattle, Normandy horses, etc.; 1868 m. Miss Martha A. Barnum; no living children. i35 Andrew B. Williams, New York City. Taught 25 years. Has taught since graduation; now Vice Prin. Gram. S. No. 40, as above. 1857 — Twenty-fifth Class. Twenty-sixth Term, ending July 9, 1857. Lucy A. Ackley, Kinderhook, N. Y. Taught J year. Taught as “supply” as above; father died, and she an only daughter, remained at home with mother, whose health was delicate. Harriet Barnes (Hiram Salisbury, dec’d), Taught 19 years. Gram. S. No. 35, Brooklyn, N. Y. Taught in Chicago, 111 ., 10 yrs. ; First Grade Boys, as at present, 9 yrs. ; m. as above; no children. Fanny Baxter, residence and history unknown. Ellen J. Benham, A.M., Onarga, 111 . Taught 21 years. Taught, Clyde, N. Y., i yr. ; Lyons, N. Y., 8 yrs.; private S. in Westchester Co., N. Y., i yr. ; Preceptress, Grand Prairie Sem., as above, and as now, io yrs.; immediately after graduation taught in district Ss. in N. Y.; spent i year traveling in nearly all parts of Europe. Sarah Bray (George Tomlinson), Hudson, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Taught dist. S. in Kinderhook, N. Y., 3 yrs. ; m. 1863; 2 daughters. Lilly Brown (T. S. Wiles), Albany, N. Y. Taught years. Taught in P. S. No. 4, Albany, N. Y., 1J4 yrs.; taught music about 7 yrs.; m. as above; 2 girls; died 1881. Rachel A. Calverly (James Groesbeck), Taught 4J years. 15 Western ave., Albany, N. Y. Taught, Pleasantville, N. Y., year; taught English in Jewish School 2 years; morning school, Albany, N. Y., 2 yrs.; m. 1866. Hannah Catlin, Apalachin, N. Y. Taught i year. Her health failed. Spends winters at 148 Montague st., Brooklyn, N. Y. Catharine Conde (D. H. Hamlin), Winona, Minn. Taught o years. Was kept at home by sickness of mother to care for younger children; m. School Com’r of Schenec- tady Co., N. Y. ; 2 sons, 1 daughter; sons graduated Union College, N. Y. Mary J. Daniel (G. Sidney Smith, ’59), St. Paul, Minn. Taught 5 yrs. Taught in Albany; first lady principal in St. Paul. (See husband’s record.) Orrea W. Dempster, dec’d (K. V. R. Lansing), Taught 7 years. 78 Monroe st., Chicago, 111 . Taught 12th st. P. S., N. Y. City, 5 yrs.; P. S., San Francisco, 2 yrs.; died in Cal. June, 1881. She was sister of Sarah A., ’48. Jane A. Dickson (Joseph Arnold), Taught n years. 718 Madison ave., Albany, N. Y. Visiting governess, and taught in P. S. No. 9, all together, 11 yrs.; m. 1868; 6 children, 4 living. Frances J. Farrington, dec’d (Wheaton A. Welch, ’55), Taught 1 yr. (Husband Prin. Public S., Brooklyn, N. Y.) Taught in Owego, N. Y. until her marriage, in 1858; died in Syracuse, 1872. (See husband’s record.) Mary E. Fitzgerald, 432 S. Broad st., Elizabeth, N. J. Taught 4 yrs. Taught in Franklin, N. J., Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Keokuk, Iowa; since, at home. Henrietta L. Forman, residence and history unknown. Lydia H. Gale, dec’d (Rev. C. J. Shipton), Taught i£ years. 329 N. Chamber st., Galesburg, 111 . Taught, Astoria, N. Y., yr. ; Newtonville, N. Y., yr.; N. Albany, N. Y., ^ yr. ; m. 1861; no children; died 1865. 1 36 Julia A. C. Harmon, Glenville, N. Y. Taught 11 years. Was preceptress, Johnstown Acad., N. Y., 1 yr. ; Saratoga P. Ss., 2 yrs. ; private S., 8 yrs. ; much interested as to temperance text books in common Ss. Rebecca I. Hindman, High School, Albany, N. Y. Taught 26 years. Taught many years as above, and now teaching in High S. Mary E. Howell (E. N. Fitzgerald), Taught 6 \ years. Binghamton, N. Y. Taught, Keokuk, Iowa, 3 yrs.; taught S. N. S., Albany, N. Y., 3 % yrs.; m. 1868. M. Celia Jones (J. V. K. Wells), Milford, Del. Taught 4J years. Taught, Defriestville, N. Y., 3 yrs.; taught in Milford, Del., 1 yr. ; m. i860; 4 children, 1 daughter has taught. Arietta A. Lansing (Wm. Tichenor), Taught 16 years. Port Orford, Oregon. Taught, Fort Plain, N. Y., 1 yr. ; Gloversville, N. Y., Un. S., 15 yrs.; m. 1884. Delia A. Lathrop, Cincinnati, Ohio. Taught 26 years. Taught in Syracuse, N. Y., P. Ss. ; has charge of traming class in connection with P. S. system as above, and has had for several years. Leah A. Marsh, dec’d. Taught 3 years. Address Eli Marsh, Whitestown, N. Y. Preceptress, Sauquoit Acad., N.Y., i yr. ; select school, Whitesboro, N.Y., i yr. ; Coleman’s Mills, N. Y., dist. S., 1 yr. invalid 2 yrs.; died 1861. Faithful Sabbath school teacher; beautiful Christian character. Anna E. Oliver, dec’d, Halfmoon, N. Y. Taught i year. Taught 1 yr. at Schaghticoke, N. Y.; died 1864. Lydia E. Payne (Thomas Luce), New Bedford, Mass. Taught 12 yrs. Taught in private S. in Auburn, N. Y. ; m. 1880. Caroline Phillips, Madalin, N. Y. Taught 16 years. Taught, Orient, L. I., 1 yr. ; governess in Mass., 1 yr. ; private S., Greenbush, N. Y., 6 yrs; 1st ass’t P. S., Hunter's Point, N. Y., 1 yr. ; Prin. Girls’ Gram. Dept., Astoria, N. Y., 3 yrs.; prin. and intermediate, as above, 4 yrs. Isabella G. Rawson, 45 High st., Albany, N. Y. Taught 21 years. Taught in New Jersey, and in northern New York, and has been church missionary, as above. Mary J. Simpson (Marshall T. Burton), Taught 20J years. Kenwood, N. Y. Taught, New Scotland, N. Y., yrs.; New York City, i yr. ; Cohoes, 7 yrs.; as above, 11 yrs.; m. 1880. Sarah B. Turner (Leander B. Reynolds), Taught i year. Galesburg, 111 . Taught a few months; m. 1859; as above since 1863; 4 children. Mary E. Weaver, dec’d. Taught J year. Address cousin, Mrs. John Vanderbilt, Bethlehem, N. Y. Taught in Watervliet, N. Y. ; health failed; died 1863; unmarried. Hubbard H. Barrett, dec’d in the army during the war. Linus W. Clark, Fon du Lac, Wis. Taught io years. Taught, Va., 1 yr. ; Minn., 2 yrs.; Southold, N. Y., 3 yrs.; merchandise since, except work in Teachers’ Institutes; 1862 m. Emma E. Loucks; 3 children. Carlos Colton, Colton, N. Y. Taught 2J years. Taught, Canton, N. Y., 2 terms; Hopkinton, N. Y., 3 terms; is a farmer; i860 m. Hannah Smith; no children. Maj. Joseph G. Fox, A.M., C.E., Taught 26 years. Prof. Civil and Topog. Eng., Lafayette Col., Easton, Pa. Taught, Prin. W. Troy, N. Y., Acad., i yr.; Paulding Inst., Tarrytown, N. Y., i yr. ; student and teacher, Rens. Pol. Inst., till grad., 1861; became at once its Prof. Geod. and Topog. Drawing, i yr. ; Prof. Eng., Math., Mech., etc., in Cooper Inst., University City of New York, etc., till 1871, when elected to present position; Maj. on Gen. Hamilton’s staff, and served in draft riots and garrison duty, 1863; 1864 m. Miss Lina Southerland; 3 children. i37 Gilbert B. Hendrickson, Taught 26 years. 438 W. 58th st., N. Y. City. Taught, N. London, Conn.; Titicus Valley Inst.; West Farms; Tarrytown; St. John’s school, and Gram. S. No. 8, NY. City — all N.Y. ; Sec’y Educational Society; m. M. J. Fairman, ’58; 2 boys, 2 girls. Joel P. Loomis, residence and history unknown. John M. McLaughlin, LL. B., dec’d, Taught 2 years. Fort Scott, Kansas. Taught, Chateaugay, N. Y., 2 yrs. ; graduated Albany, N. Y., Law School; practiced law at Rock- ville, Indiana, 8 yrs. ; m. 1868, and removed to Minneapolis, Minn., for his health; and then to Ft. Scott, Kansas, where he died 1870, leaving a widow; no children; stood very high in his profession. Henry A. Nichols, Bloomington, 111 . Taught 8 years. Taught, Prin. Eng., Hebrew S., Rochester, N. Y., 3 yrs.; Detroit, Mich., 1 yr. ; New Baltimore, Mich., 2 vrs.; Ann Arbor, Mich., 2 yrs.; since 1866 in business; spent 2 yrs. in Mich. University; 1863 m. Miss Flora Robinson; 3 children. Aaron K. Tuttle, St. Lawrence, N. Y. Taught 17J years. Bro. of N. P., ’57,. Has taught 25 terms in the Ss. of Jeff. Co., N. Y. ; also, 10 terms private S. ; bees and small fruits; unmarried. Rev. Henry A. Wilcox, Bad Axe, Mich. Taught i year. Taught in Cayuga and Wayne counties, N. Y., 1 yr. ; preached 1 yr; supervisor 1 yr. ; attended Amherst College 1 yr. ; traveled 1 yr. ; farmer since; m. 1870; 3 daughters, 1 son. 1858 — Twenty-sixth Class. Twenty-seventh Term, ending February 4, 1858. Sarah A. Burbridge (O. E. Wheeler, ’58), Taught 2J years. Athol, Dakota. Taught, Preceptress Sauquoit Acad., N. Yf, i yr. ; Whitesboro, N. Y., x yr. ; Morrisville Un. S., 14 yr; m. 1859. (See husband’s record.) Maria Cary, care 19 Philip st., Albany, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Taught, Cambridge, N. Y., Academy, i yr.; Chester, N. Y., Academy, i yr. ; since, at home near Hurstville, N. Y. Elizabeth G. Davis (Homer Martin, landscape painter), Taught 2 yrs. care James Davis, Kinderhook, N. Y. Taught, Col. Co., and P. S., Albany, N. Y. ; wrote for the “ Nation,” literary criticism; compiled school readers, etc.; m. 1861; 2 children, boys; Mr. and Mrs. Martin, now Au Jardin Madame, Viller- ville, Calvados, France. Susan A. Edwards (Wm. A. Manning), Taught 14 years. Carthage, N. Y. Taught in Jeff. Co., N. Y., until m. 1872. Martha Fearey (Edward Gay, landscape painter), Taught 2J years. Mt. Vernon, N. Y. Taught in Quaker S. J 4 yr. ; graduated Albany Female Academy; taught, Cambridge, N. Y., Acad., 2 yrs. ; two gold medals from Albany Fern. Acad., and one from Young Men’s Ass’n, Albany, for literary essays; m. 1863; 7 children; traveled in Europe and studied art, particularly different schools of painting; helped establish literary and art society at present home; devotes much time to art study; member of Baptist church. Christina Ferguson, P. School No. 21, Albany, N.Y. Taught 23 yrs. Was 7 yrs. Prin. of a Primary S. in Albany; for the last 6 yrs., and at present, in charge of “ A ” class in a Grammar S. Rebecca Hand, Decatur, 111 . Taught 19 years. Taught, Mich., i yr. ; Int. and xst Ass’t P. S., Albany, 8 yrs.; Ass’t Model Dept. Normal S., 11 yrs. Clara S. Hickok, dec’d (J. B. Norris), Taught 5 years. Address sister, Mrs. T. Caley, Brighton, N. Y. Taught until m. 1863; died 1867. 14 Anna Jaokson (D. S. Stark), Pittston, Pa. Taught £ year. Taught in Broadalbin, N. Y. ; loss of friends caused her to devote herself to her mother; m. 1867; 1 daughter. Louisa Kirkland (Alvin T. Stebbins), Taught 6 years. Silver Creek, N. Y. Taught, Chau. Co., N. Y., 5 yrs. ; Battle Creek, Mich., 1 yr. ; m. 1863; 2 sons, one of whom died 1883; he had taken Regents’ Diploma; Mrs. Stebbins grad. Chautauqua Normal and C. L. S. C. Laura T. Krum (William Shufelt), Niverville, N. Y. Taught i£ years. Taught, Kinderhook, N. Y., 1 yr.; Germantown, N. Y., ^ yr. ; sister died; left teaching to care for her children; m. 1867; 2 children; 1 living. Mary E. McClallen (R. J. Wentworth, dec’d), Taught 2 years. * 381 Clinton ave., Albany, N. Y. Taught P. S. 14, as above, 2 yrs.; m. 1862; one child; husband died, 1884. Elizabeth M. Powell (H. H. Bond, lawyer, dec’d), Taught 16 yrs. Florence, Mass. Taught Public Ss. in Mamaroneck and Ghent, N. Y., 3 yrs.; Private School, Ghent, N. Y., 3 yrs.; attended Dio Lewis’ school; taught public classes, Cambridge, Mass., 2 yrs. ; Dept. Phys. Training, Vassar College, 5 yrs. ; Sunday School work, 1 yr; m. 1872; 2 sons, 1 living; teaching class of six children with son. Martha Roe, Cortland, N. Y. Taught 25 years. Has taught since graduation; and is now, and has been since 1869, one of the Faculty of the Cort- land Normal School; Methods, and Supt. of Training S. Thomas Barnes, Elmira, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Taught, Cayuta, N. Y., 4 terms; Van Ettenville, x term; Horseheads, 1 term; Illinois, 2 terms; merchant, Binghamton, N. Y. ; now, traveling with furnace regulator ; has farm; 1863 m. Miss Carrie Barnes; 1 son. Rev. Charles Battersby, dec’d, Taught 6 years. Address widow, Gravesend, L. I. Taught, Gravesend, L. I., P. S. until 1864, when he became Methodist minister and labored in N. Y. City till death, 1868; 1858 m. Miss D. J. Perkins; one child; mother and child died; 1862 m. Miss Susan Williamson; 2 sons. Joseph M. Beaman, dec’d, , Taught 9 years. Address Eugene Joralemon, Antwerp, N. Y. Taught as above, 3 yrs.; gave up teaching and took charge of his father’s estate; served 2 terms School Com’r; trustee of Ives’ Seminary; editor of local newspaper; died 1879, consumption; widow, son and daughter. Hon. John Carpenter, Jr., Clinton, N. J. Taught o years. Graduated at 17; waited till older before teaching; printer in father’s office, Oswego, N. Y. ; printer and proof reader, N. Y. Tribune; published paper in Fulton, N. Y., 1 yr. ; established Clinton “ Dem- ocrat,” 1868; Mayor, 1871; Mem. Assembly, 1873, 2 terms; J. P., 5 yrs.; Senator, 3 yrs. John H. Fitch, M. D., New Scotland, N. Y. Taught 4 years. In 1858 attended Troy University: 1859, Prin* Carmel, N. Y. ; Gram. S. No. 14, N. Y. City; 1861, enlisted 48th N. Y. S. Vols. ; served 3 yrs.; 1865, Prin. Stone Ridge, N. Y. ; 1868, grad. Eclectic Med. Col., N. Y. City; Dem. and Adj. Prof. Anat. in same till 1870; has practiced since; as above, since 1873; has been Surg. Eel. Dispensary and of Horn. Hosp., Albany, N. Y. ; 1874 m. Miss Mary E. Twitchell, who died 1882; 1 daughter. Hon. Rev. B. Franklin Jackson, Taught 3 years. 916 Madison st., Wilmington, Del. Taught, Pol. Inst., Brooklyn, N. Y., 2 yrs.; Prin. Un. S., Southold, N. Y., 1 yr.; Classical Course, Oberlin, O.; Theology, N. Y. City; Pastor, Edgarton, Mass.; Charleston, S. C. ; Chicago, Pittsfield, 111 .; pneumonia; member S. C. Leg. 3 terms; State Surv. 4 yrs.; 1883, pub. Hist, and Biog. Ency. of Delaware^ pp. 575; steel engravings, 135; 6 yrs. in South during reconstruction; foreman of grand jury that indicted 700 conspirators; 1862, m. Mary E. Jocelyn; 5 children living. Samuel Karslake, 65 Clinton ave., Albany, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Taught in Dr. Lyon’s School, Philadelphia, Pa.; studied law there and in Albany, N. Y. ; was ad- mitted to the bar, and practiced; was in lumber business in Albany — Ross & Karslake; now in lumber in Toledo, O.; 1866 m. Carrie Warren; 2 children. John W. McNamara, Albany, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Taught, Mineola, N. Y. ; Manhasset, N. Y. ; and Maspeth, N. Y. ; studied law and was admitted to the bar, and has practiced law since; police justice 4 yrs.; prest. and treas. Albany Railway Co. 3 yrs. ; sec’y of same 6 yrs. J 39 Ormell E. Wheeler, Athol, Dakota. Taught 7 years. Taught, Whitesboro, N. Y., 3 yrs. ; farmer in Ezota, Minn., and has taught winters; has been trustee and school comr. ; m. S. A. Burbridge, '58; 4 daughters; 1 son; 2 children have taught. 1858 — Twenty-Seventh Class. Twenty-eighth Term, ending July 8, 1858. Elvena C. Brownell (Henry Cunningham), 128 Hamilton st., Albany, N. Y. M. 1863; 1 son. Taught o years. Taught 17 years. Ann M. Cooney, Albany, N. Y. Taught in P. S. No. 13, as above, till 1879. Elizabeth Courtney (D. S. Weaver) , Philadelphia, Pa. Taught 5 J yrs. Taught in P. S. No. 9, Albany, N. Y. ; m. 1866; 2 girls, 1 boy. Eliza Dickson, n Trinity Place, Albany, N. Y. Taught £ year. Stayed at home to care for her mother. Mary J. Fairman (G. B. Hendrickson, ’57), Taught 2 years. 438 W. 58th st., N. Y. City. Taught, Birmingham, Mich., i yr. ; Purdy’s, N. Y., i yr.; see husband’s record. Marcia J. Groot, dec’d. Taught 7 years. Address Charles De Groot, Greenbush, N. Y. Taught, Delhi, N. Y., Acad. 1 yr. ; Dist. Ss., Montgomery Co., N. Y., 3 yrs.; Inst, for Blind, N. Y. City, 2 yrs.; died 1866. M. Frances Hendrick, Normal S., Cortland, N.Y. Taught 25 years. Taught, Preceptress Clyde High S., 3 yrs.; Prin. P. S., Chicago, 3 yrs. ; Clyde High S. 5 yrs. ; Dansville Sem., Preceptress, 2 yrs.; since 1869 mem. of Faculty, Cortland, N. Y., Normal S. ; reading, elocution, gymnastics, rhet., Eng. lit. Josephine R. Hewes (E. T. Evans), Buffalo, N. Y. Taught o years. Her first husband was Major Edwin Blake, who was killed before Petersburgh, Va., in the war. M. Frances Johnson (T. Bolton), Fordham, N.Y. Taught 3 years. Taught, 1st asst., West Farms, N. Y., P. S.; select school, 2 yrs., m. 1861. Mary L. Jordan, residence and history unknown. Phebe Ann Leggett, dec’d. She died in 1866. Address her sister, Miss C. S. Leggett, Saratoga Spa, N.Y. Taught o years. Mary L. Marr ( Belden) , Chicago, 111 . History unknown. Martha B. Morrison (A. Lydecker), Newburgh, N.Y. Taught 5 yrs. Taught in P. Ss., Nyack, N. Y. ; m. 1864; 4 children; 1 daughter preparing to teach. Sarah O. Newes (D. D. Nelson), Taught 5 years. 178 E. 76th st., N. Y. City. Taught, Verplanck’s, N. Y. ; m. 1863; 7 children. Meta Orr, Montreal, Canada. Nothing known of teaching. Was from Tenn. ; she and her brother Samuel lost all their property in the war, and removed as above; last heard from in 1867. Laura L. Osborn (Dr. Thomas M. Talbott), Taught 25 years. 1414 nth st., Washington, D. C. Taught in Norfolk and Loudon Co., Va. ; Middletown, Conn.; Washington, D. C.; Cambridge, N. Y. ; and St. John’s S., N. Y. City; m. 1883. Eliza F. Petrie, M.D., residence unknown. Taught o years. Studied medicine after graduation; practiced 4 yrs. in Utica, N. Y. ; removed to Minn. Mary E. Sears (Judson S. Bird, dec’d 1882), Taught 14 years. Jackson, Mich. 140 Taught, Batchellerville, N. Y., Prin., i )4 yrs. ; Northville, N. Y., primary, 2 yrs.; Moscow, Mich., )4 yr. ; Preceptress, High S., Mich., till 1872; then m.; 1 son, 1 daughter. Magdalen Slingerland (C. L. G. Blessing, undergrad.), Taught 7 yrs. Slingerlands, N. Y. Taught in Albany Co., N. Y., 3 yrs.; removed with husband to Lancaster, Wis., where she taught with husband for 2 yrs, and also taught music; afterwards returned as above; m. 1861; 4 sons, 1 in Un. College; 1 has attended Normal School. Laura A. Schneider, Watertown, N. Y. Taught 13J years. Taught dist. S. 6 terms; in 1865 attended Oswego Training S. 1 term; Watertown graded and P. Ss., 2 yrs.; Prin. Boon st. S., 8 yrs.; now, ass’t Arsenal st. S.; has taken 2 terms Summer Course, Har- vard University. Hannah J. Thorn (Charles W. Jones), Taught i year. 211 Lancaster st., Albany, N. Y. Taught yr., Rock City Falls, N. Y. ; in Albany P. S. No 2, % yr. ; 2 children, son and daughter. Mary J. Wells (Aug. H. Hall), Taught 2 years. 5 Russell st., Syracuse, N. Y. Taught P. S., Schenectady, N. Y. ; was married from that place and has since lived as above; 2 sons. Mrs. Hall is prominent in church, Sunday S. and charitable work. Emily Y. Wilson, Elmira, N. Y. Taught 21 years. Has been engaged in village and city Ss. for 21 yrs. ; during the last ten years in Elmira P. Ss. ; at present, V. Prin. Gram. S. No. 3. Louise H. Wynkoop, Chemung, N. Y. Taught 7 years. Taught a short time in Scranton, Pa. ; then in Elmira, N. Y., until 1865; her health failed; now an invalid. George W. Fox, dec’d, Adams, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Taught, Belleville, N. Y., 2 yrs.; studied theology; enlisted, March, 1861, in 24th Regt. N. Y. S. Vols. ; corp., color sergeant; mortally wounded while leading reconnoitering party; died next morn- ing, July 26, 1861, in Fort Albany. Francis Gardner, Jr., Honeoye Falls, N. Y. Taught i year. Taught near Stapleton, S. I.; since, farmer, as above; ch’n Rep. com.; delegate to conventions, etc.; 1861 m. Nancy M. Van Tiflin; 3 daughters. John Lord, Jr., Rock Stream, N. Y. Taught 25 years. Taught, Yates, Suffolk, Monroe, Chemung Co’s, all N. Y., and Fort Collins, Colorado; unmarried. Rev. Clark O. Maltby, 73 26th st., Chicago, 111 . Taught 1 year. Taught Pol. Inst., Brooklyn, N. Y., i yr. ; throat trouble; Watertown, N. Y., leather and wool, 15 yrs.; studied, Theol. Sem., Rochester, 3 yrs.; pastor, Madison, N. Y., 6 yrs.; resigned 1883; has been to California; m. 1859; no children; is Baptist. Hon. Jonathan B. Morey, Dansville, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Taught P. Ss. as above, 3 yrs.; since, nursery business; Pres’t of village; delegate to Nat. conven- tion that nom. Grant 2d time; Mem. Assembly, ’64, ’65, ’74, '76; 1861 m. Laura J. Sweet; 4 children, 1 has taught. James Richardson, Tarrytown, N. Y. Taught 6J years. Taught village S., Central, N. Y., yr. ; P. S., Albany, N. Y., 1 yr. ; Asbury, L. I., yr. ; Prof. Math., Augusta College, Ky., 3 yrs.; Prof. Nat. Sci. and Math., Westchester, Pa., Acad., 1 yr. ; taken in defense of Augusta and paroled by John Morgan; exchanged 1864, and enlisted 91st N. Y. Vols. ; was at Appomatox; taught, Irving Inst, as above, yr. ; journalist and publisher, since 1867; now on “ Scientific Am.” and “ Am. Agriculturist"; m. Jessie S. Young; 4 children. Hannibal Robinson, 46 W. 10th st., N. Y. City. Taught 16 years. Taught P. S., N. Y. City until 1864; mercantile business till ’72; taught since, 1st assistant Gram. S. No. 54. George Rosenberger, residence and history unknown. Leonard B. Rowley, dec’d. Went to Chicago, 111 ., where he was in grain and seed business; he died 1880; was an excellent man. Charles B. Shaw, Penn Yan, N. Y. Taught 8J years. Taught Hammondsport, Bath, and Penn Yan Acad., all N. Y., 3)4 yrs.; Honesdale, Pa., 5 yrs.; since 1868, R. R. agent as above; author of “Scholars’ Register”; 1861 m. Ellen J. Reuel; no children. Thcmas S. Whitmore, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Taught 15 years. Taught in Academy in Greenville, N. Y., 2 yrs. ; in Fort Ann, N. Y., 2 yrs. ; School Cora’r, Wash- ington Co., N. Y., 3 yrs.; Taught in the west, 8 yrs.; now in insurance business as above. 1859 — Twenty-Eighth Class. Twenty-ninth Term, ending February 3, 1859. Ann E. Bennett, dec’d 1875. Taught 2 years. Address Mrs. H. L. Dickerman, 17 Lancaster st., Albany, N. Y. Margaret A. Buck, dec’d (Hugh Herrick). Taught 4 years. Address sister, Mrs. M. B. Sawyer, Waverly, N. Y. Taught also before graduation; m. 1863; 1 son; died 1864; son, Geo. M. Athens, Pa. Mary E. Byrne (Norton Pomeroy), Kalamazoo, Mich. Taught 2 years. Taught, Nelsonville, N.Y., i term; Middleport, N. Y., i term; Lewiston, N. Y., private school yr. ; 1863 m. L. Sherrill Pomeroy, who died 1868; m. as above 1872. Frances Chadwick (Addison Bishop), Taught 2} years. S. Westerlo, Albany Co., N. Y. Taught, Schenectady Co., N. Y., i term; Albany Co. 4 terms; m. 1865; one child, a daughter. Margaret L. Dow (Austin H. Wells), Albany, N.Y. Taught 13 years. Taught 13 yrs. in the P. Ss. of Albany, N. Y. ; m. as above. Leonora Farnham, P. School No. 13, Albany, N.Y. Has taught since graduation, and now. Rose P. Foster, dec’d (Edward G. Forman), 6 South 6th st., Brooklyn, N. Y. M. 1859; died 1870. Christina H. Gilbert, Fredonia, N. Y. Taught 24 years. Taught o years. Taught, governess, Mineda, L. I.; graded Ss. in Oswego, N. Y., 4 yrs.; French school, German- town, Pa., 1 yr. ; Normal S., Winona, Minn., 8 yrs.; Lewis High S., Ma Taught 16 years. French scho Lacon, Ga., 3 yrs. Lucy L. Hard, dec’d (Chas. Connelly), S. Canaan, Ct. Taught ij years. Taught in Greene Co., N. Y. ; m. i860; 3 children; died 1867. Sarah J. McNutt, M.D., 238 E. 13th st., N. Y. City. Taught 6 years. Attended Willard Seminary, Troy, N. Y., i yr. ; taught, N. Y.,*i>£ yrs.; Prin. Roslyn, N. Y., 1 % yrs.; asst. Yonkers 3 yrs. ; grad. Women’s Med. Coll. 1877; attached to Women’s Hospital 2 yrs.; since, practiced successfully as above. Elizabeth A. Niver, South Bethlehem, N. Y. Taught 10 years. Taught in P. S. No. 6, Albany, N. Y. ; during 5 yrs. was Prin. of Intermediate Dept. ; is now living with her parents as above. Georgia A. Ostrander, Schodack Depot, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Taught in Valatia and as above; has been an invalid for 16 yrs. M. Augusta Prall, dec’d (W. W. Dunn), N. Y. City. Taught 3 years. Taught, Cleveland, O., P. Ss., 3 yrs.; m. I. U. Masters, ex-mayor, etc.; removed to Minn. 1865; husband died 1868; m. as above 1870; went to Denver, Col., for health, and died 1880; 1 child by second marriage. Ellen G. Revely, Prin. Normal S., Cleveland, O. Taught 23 years. Taught, Graded S. in Rome, N. Y., 4 yrs.; Greylock Inst., Mass., 2 yrs.; in present location 17 yrs.; in all grades, from primary to high school; three yrs. as now. Catharine A. Storey, dec’d. Taught io years. Address father, Terence Storey, 47 Monroe st., Albany, N. Y. Taught, 1859-69, P. S. No. 13, as above, when she died after an illness of 4 weeks. Evolinah B. Winne (Daniel Shea), Taught i year. 336 W. 14th st., N. Y. City. Taught, Bethlehem, N. Y., 1 yr. ; m. as above; 5 children. Anna L. Zimmerly, 2025 Peach st., Erie, Pa. Taught 2 years. After teaching 2 yrs., was kept at home to care for invalid father 9 yrs.; and since, with invalid mother. Rev. P. Steele Boyd, A. M., Amesbury, Mass. Taught 3 years. Taught, Wilberforce Univ., O., 1 yr. ; Gram. S., Hingham, Mass., 2 yrs.; grad. Oberlin College, Ohio, i860; grad. Andover, Mass., Theo. Sem., 1865; ordained 1865; pastor Congregational churches — Shelburne Falls, Mass. ; Ridgefield, Conn. ; and as at present; i860 m. Mary J. Allen; author of several books. 142 Capt. Walton W. French, M.D., Ballston Spa, N. Y. Taught 3 yrs. Taught, New London, Conn., High S., % yr. ; Hist. S., Wilton, N. Y., X yr. ; S. Comr. Sar. Co. 2 yrs. ; Capt. 115th Regt. N. Y. Vols. ; taken prisoner at Harper’s Ferry; paroled and exchanged; wounded at Olustee, Fla.; discharged, “physical inability;” farmer till ’68; merchandise till ’72; grad. N.Y. Horn. Med. Coll. ’75; coroner ’77; health officer, and prest. of numerous medical societies; m. 1864; 2 boys; 2 girls. Wm. C. Hollis, Orwell, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Taught, Rockland Co., N. Y., i yr. ; Sandy Creek, N. Y., i yr. ; enlisted 24th Regt. N. Y. Vols. April, 1861; killed, 2d battle Bull Run. Edward T. Marson, Jr., dec’d. Taught 2 years. Address widow, Mrs. Tamar E. Wilkinson, Kerhonkson, N. Y. Taught, Kerhonkson, N. Y. ; mercantile business until death, 1863; i860 m. Tamar E. Knapp; 1 child. Edward R. Olin, LL. B., Taught 2 years. 1006 Park ave., N. Y. City. Taught parts of several years; grad. Albany Law S. ; has been for nearly 20 yrs. a merchant in N. Y. City; m. E. J. Miller, ’54. William H. Palmer, Taught i J years, 16 S. 18th st., Philadelphia, Pa. Taught 3 terms in St. Law. Co., N. Y. ; had paralytic stroke while at school, and was advised not to teach; enlisted 1st N.Y. Light A. Vols. ; served nearly 3 yrs. ; wounded in head at Chancellorsville and carries the bullet to this day; wounded in shoulder at Cold Harbor; taught, as above, after the war; was an employee in present business of bakery, and has become the head of the firm. G. Sidney Smith, A. M., Taught 9J years. 513 De Bow st., St. Paul, Minn. Taught, West Troy, N. Y., X .yr. ; Classical and Math. S., Sing Sing, N. Y., 2 yrs.; P. Ss., as above, 5 yrs. ; Ass’t Supt. of Public Instruction for State of Minn, from 1869 to 1871 ; is now and has been book agent since 1873. Francis G. Snook, Monticello, N. Y. Taught 24 years. Taught, Liberty, N. Y., Normal Inst., 6 yrs.; Prin. and Prop. Monticello Academy, 18 yrs.; now Prop. Acad, and Prin. P. S. as above; 1853 Miss Evaline B. De Witt; 1 son, a grad, of Princeton Col. and Col. Phy’s and Surg’s, N. Y. City; he has taught 4 yrs. Lieut. Chas. E. Snyder, LL. B., Newburgh, N. Y. Taught 18J yrs. Taught 1% yrs. in Woodbridge, N. J., and at Delta, N. Y. ; studied law; admitted to bar 1862; graduated Albany Law Scho6l; enlisted Aug. 1862, in 50th Regt., N. Y. Vol., Eng.; served during the war; returned as 1st Lieut. ; was not sick a day in service; practiced law till 1866; taught at Wal- den, N. Y., till 1868, when he was appointed Prin. Gram. S. in Newburgh, as now; 1866 m. Hannah R. Wright; 2 boys, 2 girls; V. P. State Teachers’ Ass’n. Daniel W. Sprague, Taught 24 years. Com. College, Minneapolis, Minn. Taught nearly all the time since graduation; Prin. P. S., St. Cloud, 4 yrs.; and in Anoka, Minn.; Sch. Com. Fillmore Co., Minn.; taught as above 4 winters; has farm at Portland, Dakota; m. Miss Tenney; 1 child, died; one of the Prop’s of Middle Branch Farm. James R. Sprague, E. Bloomfield, N. Y. Taught 4 years. Taught in Wappinger’s Falls, N. Y.; enlisted in 3d N. Y, Cav. Vols.; killed at Little Washington, N. C., while posting picket line. Luther L. Stillman, Barrytown, N. Y. Taught 16 years. Has been Prin. of P. S. at Barrytown for 16 consecutive years. Robert F. Todd, Albany, N. Y. Taught 7 years. Prin. P. S., Castleton, N. Y., i yr. ; Prin. P. S., Saugerties, N. Y., i yr., and director of music. Ref. Ch.; Prin. P. S., Monroe, N. Y., 3 yrs.; Associate Prin. P. S. 14, Albany, N. Y., 1 yr. ; Prin, P. Ss. Nos. 1 and 8, Albany, N. Y,, 1 yr. ; resigned to enter produce commission business and grain; member and trustee 4th Pres. Ch. as above; was its musical director 7 yrs.; fourth largest shipper of hops in U. S.; m. Laura L. McGarrah; 3 children in Model School. Frank B. Ward, Carthage, Dak. Has not taught; m. 1861; now, banking and real estate, as above. Taught o years. i43 185 9 — Twenty -ninth Class . Thirtieth Term, ending July 14, 1859. Amelia E. Beman, dec’d, Alden, N. Y. Taught 15 years. Was Preceptress of a school at Kankakee, 111 ., where she died 1874. Ellen T. Cassidy (Thomas W. McCall), Taught i year. 567 Clinton ave., Albany, N. Y. Taught Private S., Albany, N. Y., 1 yr. ; dress making business on N. Pearl st. till m. 1875; 2 children. Josephine M. Clark, Albany, N. Y. Taught o years. Lives with sister, Mrs. John W. Robe, 308 Hamilton st., Albany, N. Y. ; sister of H. M., '71; E. M., ’67; H. A., ’61. Fleta F. Copp (W. O. Stahl), Bloomington, 111 . Taught 6£ years. Taught as above, 1870-6; m. 1875; 2 children; Pres’t and Treas. Library Ass ’n. Jane Cowieson (Samuel J. Waddy), Taught 20 years. Plattsburgh, N. Y. Taught P. S. No. 7, Albany, N. Y., 2oyrs.; m. 1880. Mary Denham (J. Franklin Peck), Taught 6 J years. Springfield, Mass. Taught family S., Hyde Park, N. Y., yr. ; Baltimore Fem. Col., x yr. — broken up by war; Eliz- abethport, N. J., Prin. Int. and Ass’t Higher, 5 yrs. ; m. 1872. Mary J. Fonda, dec’d, Mechanicville, N. Y. Taught 5 years. Taught until death in 1866; 6 terms in Half Moon, N. Y. Margaret Gallup (Jacob Becker), Gallupville, N. Y. Taught 9 years. Taught in Albany and Scho. counties, N. Y., 9 yrs.; 1869 m. Rev. Hiram Harris, Troy Conference, who died 1872; 1876 m. as above; no children. H. Thankful Gardner, dec’d (Alonzo Evans), La Salle, 111 . Taught, Western N. Y., 4 terms; Rondout, N. Y., 2 yrs.; as above, 1 term young; she died 1872. Taught 4J years. 3 children; all died Taught ii years. Abby Hamlin, M. D.(Maj. Gen. J. P. Mclvor), 27 East Side Boulevard, N. Y. City. Taught gram, and rhet. in Mich. Fem. Sem., Detroit, Mich., 4 yrs.; history, Albany Fem. Acad., 1 yr. ; Boys’ Gram. S., N. Y. City, 4 yrs. ; tutor nat. sci., Normal College, City of New York, 2 yrs.; m. 1873; commenced study of medicine 1881. Melicent J. Hatch (Maj. Dwight Divine), Taught J year. Ellenville, N. Y. Taught, Callicoon, N. Y., % yr. ; m. 1866; 4 children. Caroline S. Horton (Henry Van Cleft), Taught 3 years. Vail’s Gate, N. Y. Taught P. Ss. and select S. in Orange Co. ; m. 1871 ; 2 children. Fanny M. Hulse (Charles M. Lawler), Taught io years. Missouri Valley, Iowa. Taught, Orange Co., N. Y., 7 yrs.; also Washingtonville, N. Y.; V. Prin. High S. at Negaunee, Mich.; m. 1870. Amelia A. McFadden, Beekmantown, N. Y. Taught 18 years. Taught, P. S. and select S., Clinton Co., N. Y. ; Freedmen, Delaware, 1 yr. ; attended 1 yr. and graduated Potsdam Normal School, in which she taught 7 yrs.; has retired from the profession. Phebe A. Neemes (H. L. Washburne), Albany, N.Y. Taught i year. Taught, Knowersville, N. Y., 1 yr.; m. 1866; 1 son, 3 daughters, 2 living. Maria J. Noon, Albany, N. Y., residence and history unknown. Mariette G. Rugg, M. D. (C. G. Cowell, M. D.), Taught 4J years. Belvidere, 111 . Taught in N. Y. 3)^ yrs.; in Iowa; nat. sci., college in Plainfield, 111 .; grad. Hahn. Col., Chicago, 111., 1875; practiced since; has taught music much; m. 1866; 2 sons, 1 living. . 144 Miriam Sheppard, residence and history unknown. Mary E. Slade (James K. Penfield), Delhi, N. Y. Taught 8 years. Taught, Female Inst., Poughkeepsie, 2 yrs. ; Saugerties Acad., 2 yrs. ; preceptress as above, 4 yrs., all in N. Y. ; m. 1867; 4 children. Eveline D. Spencer (Isaac Edgcomb), Taught ij years. Cortland, N. Y. Taught as above; m. 1861; 1 son, at Cortland Normal School. Anna E. Stewart (James E. Rosa), Taught 19 years. Bath-on-the-Hudson, N. Y. Taught in P. S. No. 13 as above, 19 yrs., closing 1878; m. shortly after. Mary E. Street (W. Y. Simonton), Helena, Mont. No report. Phebe Wetherwax (George Towers), Taught 6J years. 171 E. 115th st., N. Y. City. Taught in Rens. Co., N. Y., during course, 2 yrs.; P. S. No. 2, Albany, N. Y., 4 yrs. ; Perth Amboy, N. J., 1 term; m. 1865; 4 children, 2 living. Martha Whiting (Sterling Burton), Greenbush, N. Y. Taught i year. Taught in Hackensack, N. J., 1 yr. ; m. 1864; 2 children. Sarah E. Yeomans (Nathan C. White), Taught 2 years. South Coventry, Conn. Taught, Colchester, Conn., 3 terms; Columbia, Conn., 1 term; made cartridges in war; m. 1869; 6 children. Julius M. Button, Deansville, N. Y. Taught 20 years. Has taught in various P. Ss. during 13 yrs. ; has been merchant, in a R. R. office, etc., but finds himself best suited in educational work; has been School Com’r Oneida Co. since 1877. Noah B. Crysler, Marcellus, N. Y. Taught n years. Taught, Blauveltville, N. Y., 1 yr. ; N. Y. Mills, N. Y., % yr. ; graduated, Oneida Con. Sem., Cazenovia, N. Y. ; elocution and cailsthenics in Boston, under Lewis and Leonard; taught elocution till 1871; since, farmer; 1868 m. Josephine E. Carpenter; 4 children — i son, 3 daughters. Abram Devendorf, St. Johnsville, N. Y. Taught J year. Taught Ford’s Basin, N. Y. ; since, agriculture and sheep-breeding, as above; 1865 m. Celia A. Snell ; 1 son. Ralph S. Goodwin, M. D., Thomaston, Conn. Taught 7 years. Taught, Erie, Pa., i860; Alg. and El. S. N. S., from ’60 to ’63; El. and penmanship, Pol. Inst., Brooklyn, ’63 to ’66; grad. Col. Ph. and Surg., N. Y. City, ’66; since, practice, as above. Amos S. Kimball, Capt. U. S. A., Brev. Maj. Vols., Taught 2 years. Portland, Oregon. Taught, Waddington, N. Y., and Ellenville, N. Y. ; Oct., 1861, enlisted 98th N. Y. Vols.; served through the war; was appointed lieut. regular army; now, as above. Carlos Kinney, 487 Henry st., Brooklyn, N. Y. Taught 5 years. Taught, Flushing, N. Y., 3 yrs.; Potsdam, N.Y., 2 yrs.; in produce business in Flushing 14 yrs.; now, traveling salesman; m. 1871; wife died 1878; 1 child, daughter. Wm. B. Wait, I/L.B., Taught 20 years. Supt. Inst, for Blind, 9th ave. and 34th st., N. Y. City. Admitted to bar 1863; 1st Supt. Schools, Kingston, N. Y. ; present position since ’63; author of “ A System of Tangible Point Writing and Printing,” and “ Point System of Musical Notation,” now in use; chairman and cor. sec. Am. Ass. Inst’s for Blind, and trustee Am. Pr. House for Blind, Louisville, Ky. I860 — Thirtieth Class. Thirty-first Term, ending Feb. 2, i860. Esther E. Atkins (Charles T. De Graff), Taught 5 years. 303 W. nth st., N. Y. City. Taught in Ulster Co., N. Y. ; in business, millinery, 8 yrs.; m. 1868; no children. 145 Margaret C. Baker (H. T. Dunn), Brunswick, Ga. Taught o years. M. 1864; 1 child. Anna Bennett (John McHarg, Jr.), Schenevus, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Taught, Slingerlands, New Scotland and Adamsville — all in Albany Co., N. Y. ; m. as above. Electa R. Bishop, Taught 23 years. 345 W. 48th st., N. Y. City. Has taught since graduation; now, teaching in school of Child. Aid Soc., N. Y. City — same for last is yrs.; grad., also, Oswego Training School. Clarissa Blakely, 99 Madison ave., Albany, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Taught in Cohoes, N. Y., 3 yrs. ; her mother died, and she assumed home duties. Catharine E. Blauvelt (Maj. S. B. Huested, ’57), Taught 6 years. Blauveltsville, N. Y. Taught, Blauveltsville and Yonkers, N. Y., 5 yrs.; 1 yr. 1st ass’t Norwich, Conn. ; m. 1866; one child, a son; spent several years with her husband in N. C. at the close of the civil war. Adelaide J. Bowen (Zebina M. Hibbard), Taught 2J years 330 Abbott st., Detroit, Mich. Taught, Herkimer Co., N. Y., yrs.; Belvidere, 111 ., i yr. ; m. 1863; 2 daughters, 1 son. Catharine A. Bowhay (James Stewart), Taught 4 years. Wakarusa, Kansas. Taught in Troy, N. Y., 2d ass’t 10th ward Primary No. 2; 1st ass’t same, Int. Dept.; resigned 1867, and removed as above; m. 1868; 5 children. Harriet A. Brown, Santee Agency, Neb. Taught 23 years. Taught Dist. Ss., 8 yrs.; Graded Ss., 12 yrs.; for the last 3 yrs., and now, matron of boarding house, as above, for little Indian girls. Esther L. Byrne, dec’d (Giles M. Gilbert), Taught ij years. Address mother, Mrs. John D. Byrne, Lewiston, N. Y. Taught, Preceptress Col. Inst., Newton, N. J., *4 yr.; Cary Col. Inst., Batavia, N. Y., preceptress J4 yr. ; taught at home J4 yr. ; m. 1863; after years of painful illness, she died 1867. Susan H. Conde (Carlos S. Dickson), Napa, Cal. Taught i year. Taught; lived in Indiana, and Chicago, 111 .; removed as above, 1884; m. as above; 2 daughters. Adaline L. Crawford (Nathan Groves), Taught 13 years. Williamstown, N. Y. Taught Sen. Dept. Hannibalville, N. Y., 3 terms; Oswego Falls, 6 terms.; Un. S., Fulton, N. Y., 13 terms; Constantia, N. Y., 2 yrs.; m. as above; 1 child, son; 2 stepdaughters have taught. S. Olivia Dart (Geo. R. Corbin), Oneonta, N. Y. Taught 13 years. Taught, Queens Co., N. Y., i yr. ; Int. Dept. P. S., Niagara Falls, N. Y., 12 yrs.; m. 1877; 1 daughter. Ellen W. Dobbs (John H. Sand), Taught i year. 178 N. Pearl st., Albany, N. Y. Taught in P. S. No. 10, Albany, Prim. Dept., 1 yr. ; m. 1862; 1 child; died. Katharine M. Eldred (E. Groom), unknown, N.C. Taught 6 years. Taught until her marriage; 2 children. Emily Evans (John G. Wilcox), Taught 5 years. 269 Sackett st., Brooklyn, N. Y. Taught, 1861-6, in P. S., State street, Albany, N. Y. ; m. 1866; 2 children — 1 boy, 1 girl. Elizabeth B. Gardiner, Charlton, N. Y. Taught 23 years. Has taught since graduation, in the public schools of Saratoga Co., N. Y. Susan Gilbert (Geo. L. White), Fredonia, N. Y. Taught 20 years. Taught, Oswego, N. Y. ; Rye, N. Y., and as above, 3 yrs.; Madam Clements’, Germantown, Pa., 2 yrs.; under Am. Miss. Ass’n. Prin. Beaufort, N. C., and Wilmington, N. C., 4 yrs.; ass’t at N. Y. City office of Soc., 1 yr.; March, 1872, preceptress of the young ladies of “Jubilee Singers”; was with them in all their travels in America and Europe for securing funds for Fisk University; in 1876 married the Treasurer of the Band; since Mr. White’s accident at Chautauqua in 1880, as above. Famelia A. Hobbs (Frank Niver, dec’d). Taught 4 year. Niverville, N. Y. Taught year after graduation; then went to keeping books; m. 1868; husband died 1870. Mary R. Mead, dec’d, Hudson, N. Y. Taught o years. She died in a few months after graduation. 15 146 Maria L. Patterson, dec’d, Saco, Me. Taught 4 years. Taught in Normal S., Me., i yr.; taught till health failed; in 1865, during the passage, she disap- peared from Sound steamer and has never been heard of. Mary E. Smith (Benj. D. Gifford, M. D.), Taught 8 years. Chatham, Mass. Taught, Col. Co., Sar. Co., Oswego city, Albany, Schenectady — all N. Y., 7 yrs. ; Nashville, Tenn., 1 yr. ; m. 1863; 2 daughters; as above, since 1871. A. Louisa Ticknor, dec’d (D. J. O’Brien), Albany, N.Y. Taught 9 yrs. Taught in P. S. No. n, as above, 9 yrs.; m. 1868; 5 children; died 1880. Rebecca V. N. Van Schoonhoven, Taught 9 years. Care John H. Armstrong, 158 N. Pearl st., Albany, N. Y. Taught in P. S. No. 8, Albany, N. Y. ; resigned on account of sickness. Henry Ayer, Berkeley, Cal. Taught 5 years. Taught, Mannsville, N. Y., yr. ; Prin. Sackett’s Harbor, N. Y., i yr. ; E. Schuyler, N. Y., % yr. ; different schools, Jeff. Co., N. Y., 2 yrs.; taught in Cal. 1 yr. ; farmer and painter; merchandise; now, in painting business; 1863, enlisted 20th Regt. N.Y. Cav. Vols. ; served 2 yrs. ; 1862 m. Miss Chloe R. Hughes; 2 daughters; had taught ten yrs. before graduating. Jerome M. Bayne, dec’d, Medina, N.Y. Taught n years. Taught, Dist. Ss., Orleans Co., N. Y. ; was Prin. P. S., Fayetteville, N. Y., 7 yrs.; caused a new school-house to be built, which was a model; he was enthusiastic in his profession; his health failed, and he died of consumption, greatly regretted, in 1871, on Christmas Day. George H. Benjamin, Albany, N. Y. Taught 22 years. Taught, Stuyvesant Falls, N. Y., i term; Fall River, Mass., i term; Elmwood, N. J.; 1861-84, Prin. P. S. No. 10, as above. Oren H. Hall, Sandy Creek, N. Y. Taught 17J years. Taught, Brooklyn, N. Y., 17^ yrs. ; writing Local History 4 yrs. ; out of health; 1876 m. Delphine S. Hinman. Eli B. Hubbard, D.D.S., Garnet, Kansas. Taught J year. Taught in Virgil, N. Y. ; enlisted April, 1861; was discharged June, 1865; studied dentistry, and has practiced ever since. Uriah M. Kelly, Baldwinsville, N.Y. Taught 6 years. Has taught in various schools in Onondaga Co., N. Y. ; since, a farmer; 1861 m. Miss Emma A. Lusk; 4 children. Isaac D. Newell, dec’d, Minneapolis, Minn. Taught 13 years. Address Mrs. I. S. Boynton, Ausable Forks, N. Y. Taught in Essex Co., N. Y., till 1868, when he served 3 yrs. as school com’r; removed as above and taught with great success 5 yrs.; 1867 m. Miss Hattie Butrick; no children; died 1873. John H. Ostrom, dec’d, Albany, N. Y. Taught i year. Taught 1 yr. in Clinton, La. ; was driven away by reason of the war; was a member of the 44th N. Y. Vols. ; afterwards 2d lieut. ; in gold beating business as above ; m. Elizabeth M. Neemes, ’60; died. Wm. Reynolds, 21 Clinton ave., Albany, N. Y. Taught 4 years. Taught, N. Albany, N. Y.,2 yrs.; Greenbush, N. Y., 2 yrs.; since, has been book-keeper; m. Mrs. Abby Loatwall; 1 child; daughter. S. Warren Rogers, Union Springs, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Has been trustee Union S. for last 12 yrs.; druggist. Jared H. Terry, Spring Green, Wis. Taught 23 years. Taught, Roslyn, N. Y., 2 yrs. ; Muscoda, Wis., i yr. ; as above, 13 yrs. private S.; State Normal S., Platteville, 2 yrs.; Co. Supt. of Ss. 2 yrs.; Prin. Mineral Pt. High S., 7 yrs. and now; 1867 m. Lucina Larkin; 2 children. Franklin A. Wilder, 18 Union st., Troy, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Taught, Staten Island 2 yrs. ; Aug., 1862, enlisted in Normal School Co. E. 44th Regt. N. Y. S. Vols; 1864, discharged, an invalid; has lost the sight of one eye as the result of loss of health in the army; 1870, m. Miss Luthera A. Green; 2 children. Adelbert C. Wood, 574 Fulton st., Chicago, 111 . Taught o years. Man. Gold and Stock Tel. Co., Chicago, 111 . Lumber dealer till 1865; 1865-72, with Western Un. Tel. Co., as above; since, as above; manager since 1880; 1861 m. Miss Emma Fuller, who died 1870; 1874 m. Mrs. Annie E. Thoreson; he has no children. 147 Lucius T. Yale, LL.B., Tarrytown, N. Y. Taught io years. Taught, New Rochelle, N. Y. ; graduated at Albany Law S. ; has since practiced law as above for 15 yrs. ; corporation counsel as above, and for Irvington, N. Y. ; directon in bank; trustee savings bank; mem. Bd. oi Ed. I860— Thirty-First Class. Thirty-second Term, ending July 12, i860. Mehetabel W. Bemis, 17 Court st., Auburn, N. Y. Taught 13 years. Taught, Auburn, N. Y., 5 yrs.; Clinton Liberal Inst., N. Y., 8 yrs.; health failed, and has not taught since. Sarah E. Boynton (E. B. Ellis), Fayetteville, N. Y. Taught 5 years. Taught in Springfield, Vt., ten terms; m. 1863; 1 child. Rosa Carr, 26 Bleecker st., Albany, N. Y. Taught 22 years. Taught, Prim. P. S. No. 8, Albany, N. Y., and afterwards Principal’s Assistant in same school til health failed, 1882. Lucretia M. Chilcott, Buffalo, N.Y. Taught 22 years. Has taught in P. Ss. of Buffalo since 1867; now, in No. 14. R. Anna Danks (C. E. Graves, D.D. S.), Taught 5 years. 405 N. 41st st., W. Phila. Taught in Jeff, and Lewis Co’s, N. Y., 5 yrs.; m. 1861; 4 children, 1 taught. Mary A. Donegan, residence and history unknown. Adelia M. Fielde, Taught 23 years. , Miss. Rooms, Tremont Temple, Boston, Mass. Taught 4 yrs. before graduation; after, Mamaroneck, N. Y., 2 yrs.; Astoria, N. Y., 3 yrs.; mis- sionary among Chinese, at Bangkok, 6 yrs.; visited U. S. 1872; returned to Swatow, China, 1873; instituted and supt. training S. for Chinese women ; in charge of boy’s boardingS.; made several books for these Ss. ; published dictionary, Swatow dialect, 1883; visited U. S. same year; attended med. lectures in Phila., Pa.; expects to return to China. Cordelia A. Hines (John Jackson), Taught 5 years. Mechanicsville, Iowa. Taught, Evans’ Mills, N. Y. ; taught, Iowa, 3 yrs.; 1862 m. Rev. David James, Baptist clergyman who died 1870; 1874 m. as above; 6 children, 3 have taught. Isabella D. Holmes, P. S. No. 4, Albany, N. Y. Taught 20 years. Has taught many years; now, as above, in which S. she commenced 3 yrs. after graduation. Emily L. Irish (James A. Wickham, dec’d 1880), Taught 17 years. P. O. Box No. 4, N. Denver, Col. Taught in common Ss. and Weedsport, N. Y., Acad, till marriage, 1874; husband died 1880; has taught since 1880 as above, prim, work; son and daughter. Jemima Jackson (Harry Todswer), Taught 15 years. 402 Bienville st., New Orleans, La. Taught in P. Ss., of New Orleans, in largest S. in the city from lowest grade to Prin., from grad, till m., 1881. Mary E. McMicken, No report. Care J. A. and J. G. McMicken, 36 New st., N. Y. City. Elizabeth M. Neemes (D. P. Gladding), Albany, N.Y. Taught 7 yrs. Taught P. S., Albany, N. Y., 5 yrs.; in Albany Female Academy, 2 yrs.; m. 1873, as above. Sarah S. Smith (Rev. George A. Hall), Taught 3 years. 263 Quincy st., Brooklyn, N. Y. Taught, Ohio, i yr. ; Mt. Kisco, N. Y., 2 yrs.; m. 1867; 6 children, 3 living. Emily A. Sprong, Adams Station, N. Y. Taught 15 years. Taught in the public Ss. of Albany from graduation until 1877. Mary A. Wheeler (John S. Hakes), Albion, N. Y. Taught 8£ years. Taught, Port Byron Un. S, and Academy, 1 yr. ; Marathon, 1 yr. ; Cincinnatus, 2 % yrs.; Whit 148 ney’s Point, iJ^j yrs. ; Dist. No. 2 and Un. S., Binghamton, yrs.; Lisle, 1 yr., all N. Y. ; before and after grad., 32 terms; m. 1863; 3 sons. Mary C. Wood, dec’d. Taught n years. Address Miss Anna E. Wood, Conquest, N. Y. Taught P. S. No. 14, Albany, N. Y., 9 yrs.; district Ss., 2 yrs. Charles H. Adams, dec’d. Taught 8 years. Address widow, Emma D. Adams, Clyde, Ohio. Taught near Spencerport, N. Y. ; in Normal S., Bucyrus, O.; Cleveland, O. ; Supt. P. Ss., Ken- ton, O.; in charge of instruction of freedmen, Greenville, Ala., and Montgomery, Ala. ; elected mem- bar of State Board of Education, Ala.; went to Winona, Minn., for health, and died, 1869; 1863 m. Emma Dean; 2 children, both died in infancy. Joseph P. Barnum, M. D., Louisville, Ky. Taught 2 years. Taught, Perry st. S., Albany, N. Y., i yr. ; Genoa Acad,, i yr. ; grad. Bellevue Med. Col.; attached to 51st Mil. Hospital, N. Y. City; surg. in charge hospital trains, Army of Cumberland; in command transport “ Mercury,” river service; mustered out 1865; since, in drug business; chemist of chemical works, as above; is analytic chemist; Dean oi College of Pharmacy; 1864 m. Miss Libbie Lemon; 5 children. John L. Barrick, dec’d, E. Varick, N. Y. Taught o years. Enlisted 44th N. Y. Vols. ; died, 1862, in the 24th yr. of his age, in hospital, in Washington, D. C. (See history of Normal company.) John J. Beardsley, 604 12th st., N. W., Washington, D. C. No report. In Surgeon-General’s office. George R. Burton, A. M., Taught 23 years. Prin. Washington School, New Haven, Conn. Taught, Rodman, N. Y., 1% yrs.; Prin. Un. S., Marshall, Mich., 2 yrs.; Vice Prin., Troy, N. Y., High S., 2 yrs.; Prin. Blatchford S., same city, 3 yrs.; as at present, 13 yrs. ; has delivered many addresses before educational associations and conventions ; has been Pres’t of State Council of Educa- tion; m. 1862; 3 boys; oldest, a graduate of Yale. Lieut. Samuel D. Cochran, dec’d. Taught 4 years. Taught, Wappinger’s Falls, yrs. ; East Otto, i% yrs.; Dunnsville, yr. ; Yonkers; Mamar- oneck, all N. Y. ; in business in Oil City, Pa., where he died; lieut. in N. Y. City Regt., N. G. S. N. Y. ; service, i mo. at time of rebel raids. Capt. Chas. H. Farnsworth, Burlington, Iowa. Taught 2 years. Taught, Vt., 1 yr. ; N. Y., i yr. ; enlisted in 16th N. Y. Cav. Vols., which captured assassins of Lincoln; rose to capt.; in Am. Express service 10 yrs.; silent partner fruit transportation Co., 5 yrs.; has contributed to magazines and the press ever since graduation; 1863 m. Miss F. I. Rice; 1 son, 1 daughter. Frederic E. Garrett, Knox, Pa. Taught £ year. Taught 1 term, Duanesburgh, N. Y. ; enlisted and served in Berdan Sharp-shooters, 1 % yrs.; cleri- cal service till ’64; Q. M. Sergeant; in 1865 went to oil regions, Pa., and has been in oil business since; m. Abbie T. Brown, 1872; 3 children. Andrew Herrick, dec’d, Taught 3J years. Address bro. Eleazer, Bolton, N. Y. Taught in Caldwell, Warrensburg and Chestertown — all N. Y. ; member of Warren Co. Teachers’ Ass’n, which erected monument to his memory; died 1864; unmarried. James A. Higgins, 15 Thorne st., Worcester, Mass. Taught 8 years. Tried twice to enlist; rejected on account: of defective sight; Private S., Bangor, N. Y. — broken up by enlistments; explored Canada wilds, i yr. ; spent summer with army; Private S., St. Louis, Mo., 1 yr.; Prin. Madison S., 4 yrs.; Prin. Carroll S. — both St. Louis, Mo. ; Treas. Teachers’ Ass’n; Pres’t Manuf. Co. ; clerk St. Louis P. O. ; Dept. L T . S. Marshal; Supt. Census; taught, Boston, Mass., i yr. ; Worcester, Mass., 1 yr.; now, insurance business; 1867 m. Emma Covington; 4 children. Alex. S. Hunter, M. D., Taught i year. 32 E. 29th st., N. Y. City. Taught Sedgwick Inst. 1 yr. ; Grad. Med. Sch. Un. City of N. Y. with cert, of honor; six years attending phys. N. Y. Dispensary; Inspector Common Schools, N. Y. City; Pres’t E. River Med. Ass’n; Chairman Obs. Section N. Y. Acad. Med. Ira Manson Lang, M. D., Taught 8 years. 294 E. Broadway, N. Y. City. Taught Kingston Academy, N. Y. ; Prin. P. S., Portchester, N. Y.; English and Spanish Polytech- nic Inst., Weehawken, N. J. ; graduated University of N. Y. Med. Col., 1869; practicing as above; large obstetric practice; has farm near N. Y. City; m. N. E. lady; 3 children. Horace Loomis, C. E., Mt. Vernon, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Dept. Public Works, 31 Chambers st., N. Y. City. 149 Taught as Math. Tutor, Albany, N. Y., Academy, 2 yrs. ; graduated Rens. Pol. Inst., Troy, N. Y., civil engineer; 1871 m. Miss Kate A. Chabert; 5 children. Caleb B. Mawney, Penn Yan, N. Y. No report. Chauncey A. McCormick, Medina, N. Y. Taught 6 years. Taught district schools and Un. S. ; served in civil war; Justice of the Peace; member Bd. Educa- tion Medina Academy, 4 yrs. ; Regents’ committee, 6 yrs.; ass’t prin. Academy; farmer 3 yrs.; fur- niture and undertaking; m.; 1 daughter; owes success to training in Normal school. Jehiel S. Raynor, East Moriches, N. Y. Taught 27 years. Taught, Sag Harbor, N. Y., 3 yrs.; Prin. as above, 14 yrs.; since and now, farmer, insurance, sur- veyor; since 1873, Supt. of Indian Ss. ; 1867 m. Justina M. Smith, who died 1875; 1876 m. Julia E. Culver; children, 3 sons. Heman C. Sprague, Toledo, O. Taught i year. Taught a few terms; then m. Lydia Burton; 3 children; he is a wholesale lumber merchant, as above. Charles K. Walrath, Taught ij years. 519 Swan st., Buffalo, N. Y. Taught, Perch River, N. Y., 3 terms; health failed; with Lake Shore R. R. as above, since 1862; now, general yard master; m. ; 3 children. 1861— Thirty-Second Class. Thirty-third Term, ending January 31, 1861. Emily R. Adams (W. C. Korthals), Taught 7 years. 78 Avenue Kleber, Paris, France. Taught in P. S. No. 3, Albany, N. Y., 1862-9. Sarah B. Brown (Jas. McCollum, dec’d), Taught 3 years. 127 Dodge st., Cleveland, O. Taught in Albany, N.Y. ; m. as above; 3 children; 2 girls. Esther E. Burdick, Brewster, N. Y. Taught 1 7 years. Taught 4 yrs. in district schools in Westchester Co., N. Y. ; i month in Danbury, Conn., High S.; private school at home; 13 yrs. as now. Anna M. Courtney (John Jorolm), Taught n years. 263 West 22d st., N. Y. City. Taught, P. S. No. 8; m. 1872; 3 children. Julia C. Ferris, North st. school, Auburn, N. Y. Taught 22 years. Taught, Tappantown, N.Y., i yr. ; Detroit, Mich., i yr. ; the rest of her time since graduation, and now, in Auburn, N. Y. Mary V. Freeman (Thomas G. Cowgill), Taught 3J years. Orchard Park, N. Y. Taught, as above, 2 yrs.; N. Y. City % yr. ; health failed; recovered; missionary to Indians in Neb. 1 yr. ; friend of Red Cloud ; m. 1873; 2 children. Sarah E. Gibson, P. School No. 12, Albany, N. Y. Taught 22 years. Taught, P. S. No. 14, Albany, N. Y., 10 yrs.; private teaching 6 yrs.; had 7 Japanese pupils, one nephew of the Shogun; 2 yrs. night school; as at present 6 yrs. Harriet E. Gillette (Nelson M. Brown, dec’d), Taught J year. Canaan, Conn. Called home by sickness of mother; care of seven younger children; m. as above; 2 children. Phebe M. Hargraves (E. B. Cooley), ^Taught 5 years. Bazile Mills, Neb. ; also, Chicago, 111 . Taught 3 terms in N.Y. ; in Burlington, Vt. ; taught the first school in Sparta, Neb. ; hon. member Hist. Soc., Buffalo; advocate of woman franchise; studying law; expects to practice in Chicago; owns cattle ranch with husband, as above; m. as above; no children. Susan A. Hendrickson, Sea Cliff, N. Y. Taught 19 year. Taught in 3 P. Ss. and 1 private S,, from graduation until 1880; since at home; in Flushing High School 11 yrs. Charlotte A. Hunt (Alfred Romer), Pleasantville, N.Y. Taught 3 yrs. Taught Chappaqua, private S.; m. 1871; 4 children. Elizabeth Jones (Chas. H. Walker), N. Y. City. Taught o years. D. & H. C. Cp., R. R. Department, Coal and Iron Ex. M.1867; 1 child. Gertrude Jones (John W. Gould), Taught 4 years. 236 E. 8ad st., N. Y. City. Taught on Long Island until m., 1865; poor health for 20 yrs. Helen L. Reid, dec’d (A. S. Hubbell), Syracuse, N. Y. Taught 4 years. Taught, Blooming Grove, N. Y., i yr. ; Albany, N. Y., P. S. 3 yrs.; died 1881; left 1 child, a boy. Eleanor A. Snyder (C. R. Becker) , Albany, N. Y. Taught 15 years. Taught, P. S. No. 13, as above, 10 yrs.; Mt. Vernon, Iowa; Cornell College, yr. ; as now, 5 yrs. Josephine Snyder, dec’d, Rhinebeck, N. Y. Taught 22 years. Taught, P. S., Albany, N.Y., 7 yrs.; Select S. at Rhinebeck, N. Y., 4 yrs.; Upper Red Hook, N. Y., 3 yrs.; graduated at Vassar College, where she taught 1 yr. ; wrote for newspapers; other literary work; died 1883, aged 41. Sarah E. Sutton (N. Gardner), Taught io years. 419 W. 45th st., N. Y. City. Taught, private school 4 yrs. at Westbury, L.I.; Prin. Morris Mills Inst., N.Y., 6 yrs.; m. 1871. Lavina Taylor (Jas. Otis Smith), Comae, L. I. Taught 6 years. Taught in Carlisle, N. Y., and in Smithtown, L. I.; m. 1868; has found her Normal training of use in teaching her children, her servants, and in Sunday-school work. Mary R. Thorp (Willard P. Carr), Sioux Falls, Dakota. Taught 15 yrs. Taught at Fredonia, N. Y., till m. 1864, Rev. Chas. E. Woodworth, who died 1869; 1 son; taught 1869-80, Chamberlain Inst., N. Y. ; Stockton, N. Y., 1 yr. ; 1882 m. as above. Henrietta B. Tuttle (Anthony Conine) , Coxsackie, N.Y. Taught 2 yrs. Taught in Coeymans and Bethlehem, N. Y. ; 2 children — son and daughter. Catharine I. Udell, Bethlehem Centre, N. Y. Taught 19 years. Taught in various schools in Albany Co., N.Y. ; Van Wies, Cedar Hill, etc.; and in Albany, N.Y., Female Academy 4 yrs.; since 1880 at home. Helen Underwood, Jamestown, N. Y. Taught 6 years. Taught, L. I., i yr. ; as above, for several yrs.; health failed. Jane A. Utter, Prin. P. S. No. 22, Albany, N. Y. Taught 22 years. Taught, Ass’t P. S. No. 6; Prin. P. S. No. 23; Prin. P. S. No. 22 since 1877, and now. Thompson Barrick, Geneva, N. Y. Taught £ year. Enlisted in Normal S. Co., 44th Regt. N. Y. Vols. ; taught after war, r term; was in employ of Central railroad, N. J. ; now, nursery business; 1866 m. Hannah Cummings; 3 children. Leroy R. Fowler, Dunmore, Pa. Taught 22 years. Taught, Kerhonkson, N. Y., 2 yrs.; Ellenville, N. Y., 5 yrs.; in charge of Honesdale, Pa., graded schools, 6 yrs.; Supt. Schools of Dunmore, Pa., since 1866, and at present; owns a drug business. John Gueren, M. D., 3102 State st., Chicago, 111 . Taught 5J years. Taught, Niverville, N. Y., yr. ; Prin. S., Fall River, Wis., 2 yrs.; Prof. Math, and Chem., University St. Mary’s of the Lake, as above, 3 yrs.; grad. Rush Med. Col., and has practiced as above, 15 yrs.; Pres’t Alumni Ass’n of Rush Med. Col.; Pres’t Med. Board, Cook Co.; gynecologist to Cook Co. Hospital; 1870 m. Miss Mary Jackson; 7 children, 5 living. Chas. W. Hamlin, M. D., Middleville, N. Y. Taught J year. Taught X yr. ; enlisted 1861, Co. B, 57th Regt. N. Y. S. Vols.; served as hospital steward; mus- tered out, 1864; graduated Bellevue Hospital Medical College, 1866; practiced for 4J6 yrs. at Oris- kany Falls, N. Y^ since, as above. Edward Hicks, Westbury Station, L. I. Taught i year. Taught, Brooklyn Pol. Inst., 1 yr. ; health failed, and has been in farm and nursery business since; Trustee district school 18 yrs. ; 1866 m. Emma E. Jarvis, ’63. Employs a Normal graduate for private school. Lieut. Asa L. Howard, dec’d, Maine, N. Y. Taught o years. Address Mrs. H. N. Southerland, Maine, N. Y. Enlisted immediately after graduation in 27th Regt. N. Y. Vols. ; discharged for wound receivfed at Bull Run; re-enlisted in 89th N. Y. Vols.; as color sergt. he first planted our flag on enemy’s works at Camden; died of fever; com. as 2d. lieut. arrived two days after death. Wm. H. Jackson, M. D-, Springville, N. Y. Taught 7 years. Taught in Cat. Co., N. Y., 4 yrs. ; in S. C., 3 yrs. ; grad. Eastman’s Bus. Col., 1863; mercantile life, 3 yrs., in N. Y. City; civil eng., S. C.; M. £)., University S. C., 1873; 1874, Prin. Prep. S. of University, 3 yrs.; as now, since 1878; 1863 m. Miss Mary Hyde; died 1870, 3 children; 1877 m. Miss Franc Rockwell, 1 child. Rev. B. F. Jackson. '58, is bro. Martin P. Johnson, dec’d, Dryden, N. Y. Taught 4 years. Address Mrs. H. L. Strong, Lapeer, Mich. Taught, Lapeer, Oxford and Dryden, Mich.; near the last owned a farm; attended Ft. Edward N. Y., Institute; died, unmarried, 1866. John J. McWilliams, P. O. Box 335, Buffalo, N. Y. Taught ij years. Taught, Elmira, N.Y., yrs.; in Provost Marshall’s office, 2 yrs.; in bank, 6 yrs.; since, and now, western sales agent, coal, D., L. & W. R. R. Co.; m. 1869; 2 sons. Ira C. Mumford, dec’d, Prattsburgh, N. Y. He married and went to Wisconsin, where he died, about 1871; his wife also died, and there were no children; it is not as yet known whether he taught. John B. Reynolds, dec’d, Carthage, N. Y. Taught 2J years. Attended the Normal S. i term after graduation; taught in academy, as above, i term; dist. S., as above, i term; 3 terms in Jeff, and Lewis Co’s; admitted to bar, 1866; died, 1868. J- Milton Scudder, LL.B., dec’d, Roxbury, N.' Y. Taught i year. Address Mrs. J. M. Olmstead. Taught in Kingston, N. Y., 1 yr. ; graduated Albany Law S., 1863, and practiced his profession till his death, in Illinois, 1871; widow, and 1 son. Maj. George A. Shoales, M. D., dec’d. Taught 2 years. Address father, G. T. Shoales, Plymouth, N. Y. Taught in Earlville, N. Y., and Smyrna, N. Y. ; 1864, grad. Med. S. Un., Vt. ; surgeon in army till close of war; practiced in Illinois a short time; practiced as above, 1866-8, when he was thrown from a horse and killed; 1867 m. Anna M. Harrington. Francis A. Strong, Windham, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Taught 6 terms, and before graduation, 4 terms; now, merchant, and has also farm of 300 acres, with Jersey cattle, etc. ; took first prize at International Dairy Fair, 1879, for best butter in State; March 28, 1864, m. Kate J. Snyder; 3 children, 1 son. 1861— Thirty -third Class. Thirty-fourth Term, ending July ii, 1861. Theodora H. Bostwick (F. E. De Graw), Taught 4 years. South Amboy, N. J. Taught 4 yrs. ; m. as above. Letitia J. W. Caldwell (John H. Cornell, dec’d), Taught 8 years. 165 Allen st., N. Y. City. Taught, Prin. Int. Dep’t, Gloversville, N. Y., Sem., i yr. ; V. P. S., N. Y. City, and since hus- band’s death; m. 1864; 3 sons, one entered college, aged 13# yrs., afterwards drowned by upsetting of sail boat. Harriet A. Clark (H. A. Bronson), Titusville, Pa. Taught 5 years. Taught until m. Addison Woolsey, 1866, who died; m. 1874, as above; 2 children. Sister of H. M., ’71, E. M., ’67, J. M., ’59. Sarah Courtney (Wm. J. Clarke), Toledo, O. Taught 4 years. Taught, as above, 1864-8; m. 1869; 1 son. Jennie L . Darling (B. Franklin Hamilton, ’61), Taught 8 years. Batavia, N. Y. Has been Ass’t in P. S. in N. Y. in primary and intermediate work; has given much study to instru- mental music, and has had large classes in High Ss. and Seminaries. Letitia G. Dugane (James Dunlap), Taught 9 years. 142 W. 4 2d st., N. Y. City. Taught, Port Byron, N. Y., Acad., i yr.; Oswego, N. Y., 3 yrs.; also attended Oswego Normal S. and learned object methods; in N. Y. City 5 yrs., until m. 1870. x 5 2 Harriet Fitch, dec’d (S. R. Earls). Taught 3 years. Address Mrs. H. L. Dickerman, Albany, N. Y. Taught until m. 1864; died 1867, leaving a little girl 14 months’ old. Sarah S. Flewellin (R. L. Hallock), Taught 5 years. Greeley, Colorado. Taught in Westchester Co. ; health impaired and had to go to the elevated climate, as above, where she regained her health. Sarah F. Freligh (Abram Van Vranken), Taught 3 years. Vischer’s Ferry, N. Y. Taught in Albany and Saratoga counties, ; m. 1867; 4 children; Sunday S. work. Lydia V. Hoag (D. D. Whitlock), Taught 22 years. Pleasantville, N. Y. Has taught in the counties of Clinton, Dutchess, Westchester, Richmond, N. Y.; for the last 7 yrs., and now, Prin. Un. F. S., as above; m. 1867; 2 children. Sarah B. Huntington (Edward Townsend), Taught 5 years. Cedar Falls, Iowa. Taught in Western 111 ., 5 yrs.; m. as above. Mary E. McCleary (Harrison Allen), Taught 5J years. Canastota, N. Y. Taught in Albany and Schenectady counties, N. Y. ; m. 1870; wrote some pretty lines on Reunion, ’83- Chloe A. Peckham (Wm. B. Sisson), Easton, N. Y. Taught 6£ years. Taught in District Ss. 5 yrs.; Private S., i>£ yrs.; m. 1870 a farmer, as above; 3 children. Margaret Sullivan (Francis B. Mooney) Taught 20 years. 58 Myrtle ave., Albany, N. Y. Taught, Weedsport, N. Y., Prin. Jun. Dept. Un. S., 2 yrs.; 2d and Prin's Ass’t P. S. No. n, Al- bany, N. Y., 9 yrs.; Mathematics, Albany High S., 8 yrs.; m. 1881. Margaret L. Udell (William Y. Bennett), Taught 2 years. Bethlehem Centre, N. Y. Taught in District S., as above; m. 1865; has had much sickness in family, and “is a better nurse even than teacher.” Mary E. Watson (Edward B. Hudson), Taught 14 years. Grand Crossing, 111 . Taught Int. and ist Ass’t Troy, N. Y., 2 yrs.; Prin. Intermediate S., same city, 4 yrs.; Prin. Cen- tral S., same city, until 1876; has sent many pupils to the Normal school. Lieut. Frederick A. Bayer, M. D., Harlem, Iowa. Taught 2 yrs. Taught, Liv. Co., N. Y., i yr. ; entered army 1862; served 3 yrs.; taught 1 yr. ; studied medicine 3 yrs.; has practiced in Iowa since 1868; 1872 m. Martha E. Dotson; 1 child; enlisted private; pro- moted to ist Lieut, ist N. Y. Dragoons. Michael R. Cook, A. M., Coffeyville, Kan. Taught 22 years. Taught in Pa.; Nyack, N. Y., 15 yrs.; Prof, of Metaphysics in State Normal S., Emporia, Kansas. Justin S. Coon, dec’d. Taught 7 years. Address widow, Mrs. J. S. Edwards, Jr., Carthage, N. Y. Taught, N. Y. State; and Tabula and Maquokela, Iowa; 1861 m. Mrs. Harriet A. Lamphere; died 1869; no children. Charles C. Curtiss, A. M., Taught 24 years. Com. College, Minneapolis, Minn. Taught, Randall’s Island, N. Y., 2 yrs.; Tarrytown, N. Y., 1 yr. ; Sing Sing, N. Y., 3 yrs.; Pough- keepsie, N. Y., 1 yr. ; Brooklyn, N. Y., 1 yr. ; Oswego Normal S., 2 yrs. ; Supt. Ss., Rochester, Minn., 1 yr. ; Winona Normal S., 3 yrs.; in all the Normal Ss. of Minn., 1 yr. ; in Minneapolis, Minn., and St. Paul, as now, 9 yrs.; i860 m. Maggie Hamilton; 5 children — all boys; taught 10 yrs. before gradu- ating; author of Curtiss’ system of penmanship, adopted by Minn. B. Franklin Hamilton, Batavia, N. Y. Taught 22 years. Has had charge of Graded Schools and Academies in N. Y., except 4 yrs. in Illinois, since gradua- tion; m. Jennie L. Darling, '61. James P. Harrington, dec’d, Rushville, N. Y. Taught 20 years. Taught, Ontario Co., N. Y., 2 yrs. ; Nanuet, N. Y., and Drum Hill, N. Y., 3 yrs. ; Penn Yan, N. Y., and Poughkeepsie, N. Y., 2 yrs. ; Prin. Advanced School, Utica, N. Y., from ’68 to '81, when he died; Convocation Necrology, 1882. T 53 Edgar Loper, dec’d, Saratoga Springs, N. Y. Taught o years. Never taught, and died on Long Island in 1865. Buel C. Mather, dec’d, Marcellus, N.Y. Taught 4 years. Taught, Locust Grove, N. Y., a yrs. ; N. Y. City Pub. S., i yr. as teacher, i yr. V. Prin. ; died 1865. Capt. Samuel McBlain, Billsborough, N. Y. Taught ij years. Taught, Geneva, N. Y., i term; Dexter, Mich., i term; enlisted Normal S. Co., 44th N. Y. S. Vols., Aug. 1862; Corporal, Sergt., 1st Sergt. ; 2d Lieut., 1st Lieut., and Capt. 140th N. Y. Vols.; taught 1 term after war; bought a farm, and m. 1866; Justice of the Peace last 7 yrs.; nominated for S. Com’r, defeated. Morris L. Merriman, Copenhagen, N. Y. Taught i year. Jeweler, photography and light furniture. Taught, as above, 1 yr. ; m. Miss Alvira Graves, who died; m. Miss Goodenough, who died 1883 • 1 child. Joshua W. Read, M.D., 82 Park Place, Newark, N. J. Taught 4 years. Prin. P. S., Peekskill, N.Y.; grad. Bellevue Med. Coll. 1867; practiced since as now; 1869 m. Phebe E. Mead; 2 children. Capt. John R. Richards, dec’d. Taught 9J years. Address widow, Winona, Minn. Entered army as capt. ist U. S. colored troops, cavalry; served 4 yrs. ; taught in Sem., Norristown, Pa., 1865-70; Prin. St. Charles, Minn., 1870-4; Prin. High S. as above yr., dying 1875; left a widow and 2 children. Joseph F. Stutterd, Stafford, N. Y. Taught 8 years. Taught, Genesee Co., N. Y., 4 yrs.; Welland, N. Y., 4 yrs.; supervisor as above 4 yrs.; m. Miss Clara Alexander ; no children. 1862 — Thirty-Fourth Class. Thirty-fifth Term, ending January 30, 1862. Phebe Brown (Geo. Betterley), Battle Creek, Mich. Taught 15 years. Tanght in Warren and Saratoga Co’s, N. Y., 4 yrs.; m. 1866; 1 child, boy; husband died 1868; went West as above; m. as above 1873. Mary C. Clark (Benj. L. Keeler), Traer, Iowa. Taught 4 years. Taught in district Ss. of Monroe Co.; 1868 m. a farmer; 4 children. Euretta Crannel, 206 Hudson ave., Albany, N.Y. Taught 20J years. Instructor Training Class P. School System. Taught 1 term Oswego, N. Y. ; remainder term of service in Albany, N. Y. Jennette E. Dayton (Capt. Chas. Coventry), Taught n years. Washington Heights, 111 . Taught in Oswego and Oneida Co’s. N. Y., 4 yrs. ; taught again in N.Y. 6 yrs.; in Mich, i yr. ; m. 1866; son and daughter. Minerva Dickson (D.'P. Cheny, dec’d), Taught 6 years. Montgomery, 111 . Taught in Chau. Co., N. Y. ; m. 1868; 3 children; husband died 1872. Helene L. Duryee (Albert H. Veeder), Taught 4 years. Englewood, III. Taught, Prim. Dept. 3 yrs.; 1 yr. Higher Eng. Dept., Schenectady, N. Y. ; m. 1866; 2 sons, 1 daughter. Annette L. Dye (Madison Babcock, ’62), Taught 3 years. • See husband’s address. Taught with her husband; she was successful as a teacher. Eliza J. Fitch (Ezra Dickerman), Binghamton, N.Y. Taught 2 years. Taught, Loudonville, N.Y. ; m. 1866; 2 children. Kate J. Heath, care Dr. C. C. Harris, Citra, Fla. Taught 21 years. Taught in N. Y. State; Stamford, Conn. ; Chicago, 111 . ; now, and for the last 7 yrs., as above. l6 T 54 Sarah M. Sexton (Henry Beekwith), Brighton, N.Y. Taught 5J years. Taught, Glen, N. Y., yr. ; P. Ss., near Rochester, N. Y., 5 yrs.; m. 1868. Maria H. Thompson (Julius H. Hale), Spencer, Iowa. Taught 4 years. Taught in N. Y. 1 yr. ; Iowa 2 yrs.; has assisted in Normal Institutes, teachers’ gatherings, etc. ; m. 1865; no children. Sarah J. Tooker, dec’d, history unknown. Emily Tuttle, dec’d, Albany, N. Y. Died Nov. 10th, 1862, of consumption. Sibyl Underwood, dec’d, Jamestown, N. Y. Address bro. Cyrus. Taught in Chautauqua Co.; died 1863 of spinal fever. Helen E. Webster (Hon. James W. Cochran), Midland City, Mich. Preceptress Gen. and Wyom. Sem., N. Y., 1 yr. ; Preceptress Cary Coll. Sem., N. Y., 2 yrs. ; Vice-Prin. Cottage Hill Sem., P’keepsie, N. Y., x yr. ; Vice-Prin. Mary Inst., Carlisle, Pa., 4 yrs.; was youngest member of her class; read graduating essay; m. 1869 as above, a lawyer; also in lumber business; 4kchild, a son. Capt. Franklin Cogswell, Chino, Cal. Taught 3 years. Taught 3 yrs. before entering Normal S.; on graduating, enlisted in N. S. Co. 44th N. Y. Vols.; trans. to Inv. Corps; discharged and became hospital steward, U. S. A.; 1864, capt. 127th Regt., U. S. C. T. ; mustered out, Phila., 1865; cotton" planting Miss.; taught 3 yrs. Sacramento, Cal.; mem. Bd. Ed. ; now, sheep farming as above. George N. Green, dec’d. Taught 4J years. Address Mrs. Green, Middletown, N. Y. Taught at Monroe, N. Y., i yr. ; Prin. P. S. as above 3 yrs.; Peekskill, N. Y., P. S., yr. ; mer- cantile business, Monroe, N. Y., 2 yrs., till his death in 1869 of consumption; 1867 m. Mary A. Seaman. Lieut. Wallace B. Hard, dec’d. Taught o years. Address N. W. Stockham, Hulberton, N. Y. Enlisted immediately after graduation; was made 2d Lieut. Co. K. 8th Regt., Heavy Artillery, N. Y. S. Vols.; killed in battle of Cold Harbor 1864. Edward Kimmey, dec’d. Taught i year. Address father, Jacob Kimmey, E. Greenbush, N. Y. Taught, Schenectady Co., % yr. ; Schodock, N. Y., yr. ; at home until he went West on a visit, and returned with typhoid fever, and died 1866. Wm. E. Lewis, Taught ij years. Supt. Mex. Nat. Construction Co., City of Mexico, Mex. Organized, and Prin. Union S., Watkins, N. Y., 1V6 yrs. ; voice failed; telegraph, station agent: general extra man Erie R. R. till 1870; thence till 1880 Supt. Midland R. R. ; till 1883 gen. man. R. R. in Ohio; since and now, as above ; 1864 m. Miss Sara M. Hurd; 4 children; 3 living; family, Watkins, N. Y. Orrin G. Moore, Cutchogue, N. Y. Taught i year. Enlisted in Normal S. Co., 44th Regt. N. Y. Inf. Vols.; was transferred to signal service; served in all 3 yrs. ; taught 3 terms; is now in Eaton, Col.; sec. Dist. S. Board; teaches Bible class; m. 1870; 2 sons. Hiram F. Olmsted, Midland, Mich. Taught 16 years. Taught yr. Onondaga Academy, N. Y. ; in army 2 yrs. ; instore 2 yrs.; fruit raising in Del.; merchandizing in Mich. 2 yrs.; civil engineering railroads 13 yrs.; supt. S. 8 yrs.; enlisted Normal S. Co., 44th N. Y. Vols. Alonzo Reed, A. M. Taught 20 years. Care Clark & Maynard, publishers, N. Y. City. Taught, Rondout, N. Y., 3 yrs.; Polytechnic Inst., Brooklyn, N. Y., 17 yrs.; with Kellogg, author of Kellogg & Reed’s educational books, with an annual sale of 100,000; also word lessons, 1884; m. Fanny Stnngham; no children. John B. Skinner, LL.B., Taught 20 years. Ass’t Gram. S. No. 49, N. Y. City. Has taught since graduation; Prin., Wappinger’s Falls, N.Y. ; Monsey, N. Y. ; as above, since 1866; has taught eveningS., 10 yrs. — sunder Bd. Ed. and 5 in Cooper Union; grad, at Columbia Law S., 1875 and admitted to bar; unmarried; bro. of Eliza, ’63. Taught o years. Taught 1 year. Taught 8 years. T 55 1862 — Thirty-fifth Class. Thirty-sixth Term, ending July io, 1862. Rev. Caroline A- Bassett, West Falls, N. Y. Taught 14 years. Taught 9 yrs. before graduating; then taught in N. Y. State until 1867, when she went to Iowa and taught 11 yrs., from dist. S. to the highest position; appointed Institute Conductor by State Supt. ; in 1870 was Prin. Gram. S., Sioux City; Fourth of July orations, etc.; 1876, licensed a Methodist clergyman; is now, pastor as above; is active in all school work; attended university at Evanston, 111 . ; established Educational Bureau at Des Moines. Laurentine L. Bonney (William W. Matteson) Taught J year. Hermon, N. Y. Taught yr- at home S.; sickness in family detained her at home; m. 1864; 3 children. Gertrude Brayton (Charles F. Jilson), Taught 8 years. • 168 31st st., Chicago, 111 . Taught, as above, 8 yrs.; m. 1873; 1 child. Mary F. Cock, dec’d, Glen Cove, N. Y. Taught i year. Taught, Flushing, N. Y. ; died of consumption. Anna A. Conde (John W. Clark), Howell, Mich. Taught io years. Taught, Schenectady, N. Y., 2 yrs. ; Medina, N. Y.,3yrs. ; Howell, Mich., 5 yrs.; m. 1868; one child. Amelia Gomph (Rev. F. W. Weiskotten), Taught 9 years. 2132 Hancock st., Phila., Pa. Taught, P. S. No. io, Albany, N. Y., 9 yrs.; m. 1871; 6 children, 5 living. Mrs. W. has done much literary work in connection with 3 papers of which her husband is editor. Kate M. Hiller (Edward M. Irwin), Mayville, N. Y. Taught 4J years. Taught, Queens Co., N. Y., 2 yrs. ; Chautauqua Co., N. Y., 2)4 yrs. ; took care of an invalid aunt several years; m. as above; no children. Martha M. Hubbard (Jonathan S. Slie), Taught 5 years. Topeka, Kan. Taught in Corning, N. Y., Free Acad., 3 yrs.; in N. Y. Inst, for the Blind, with husband, 2 yrs.; m. 1865; 7 children, 2 living — 4 died in one week. Emma E. Lodge, dec’d, Albany, N. Y. Taught o years. Address B. Lodge. Did not teach; died 1863. Marion A. Mattoon (James C. Fitzpatrick), Taught i year. Herald, N. Y. City. Went to Conn., and graduated in music and taught 1 yr. ; m. 1865; 5 children. Jenny L. McBurney (Rev. S. McCutcheon), Taught 8 years. Chatham, N. Y. Taught in P. S., Albany, N. Y., 5 yrs.; gave lessons in music, elocution and painting, crayon por- traits, which she continues to do; m. as above; 2 children. Charlotte M. McWayne (Charles Hall), Taught n years. Sacketts Harbor, N. Y. Taught, Prin. Dexter, N. Y., and as above; declined, 1883, nom. for S. Com’r offered by 8 towns; m. 1873; 1 child. Phebe E. Opdike (John Laverock), Mason, Mich. Taught 4 years. Taught various Ss.; m. as above; i child. Emma J. Price (Abram Banks), Catskill, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Taught in dist. S., Amenia, N. Y., 2 yrs.; m. 1865; has since lived as above. Kate A. Stebbins, Little Falls, N. Y. Taught 21 years. Taught in graded S., Oswego, N. Y., J 4 yr. • health failed; has since had priva.e class in music as above. Mary E. Weidman (D. L. Densmore), Taught 2 years. Stanton, Mich. Taught in Liv. Co., N. Y. ; m. as above; i son; i daughter. M. Estelle Whitaker (Julius Hayden), Taught 4 years. Keystone Bluff; P, O., Jacksonville, Fla. x 56 Taught, Mamaroncck, N. Y. ; Troy, N. Y., and Scranton, Pa.; m. 1866; 3 children; lived in New Orleans, 9 yrs. ; since, as above. Madison Babcock, Taught 8 years. Manager, Hubbard Brothers, St. Louis, Mo. Taught in 111 ., 5 yrs.; in Mo., 3 yrs., consecutively after graduation; 1865 m. A. L. Dye, ’62; has had charge of the agency of a publishing house in St. Louis, Mo., where he has lived for the past 13 years. James Barkley, dec’d. Taught n years. Address widow, Catskill, N. Y. Taught, Babylon, L. I., 2 yrs.; Prin. Graded S., Catskill, N. Y., 9 yrs.; health failed; farmer 1876 to death, 1881; 1863 m. Elizabeth Peaslee, who died 1874; 2 children; 1878 m. Elizabeth Bassett. James O. Blakely, Visalia, Cal. Taught 12 years. Taught 6 yrs., Erie Co., N. Y. ; Tulare Co., Cal., 6 yrs.; 5 yrs. in Erie Co., N. Y., before entering N. S.; book-keeper, 3 yrs.; newspaper work, 2 yrs.; Tulare Co. “Journal’' — proprietor; in army, 1862-7; 1863 m. Jane L. Bowen; 5 children; 4 living. Horatio G. Cass, Aurora, Neb. Taught 16 years. Taught in State Street High School, Albany, N. Y., 3 yrs.; Grand Street Institute, same city, 5 yrs.; 1870-5, mercantile business, Albany, N. Y.; since 1875, teaching as above. Seaman A. Colwell, Mound City, 111 . Taught i6£ years. Taught 3 terms in N. Y. ; went with the army to Tenn. and Ga. till 1865; m. 1865, and has since been farmer and teacher in 111 .; served as Co. Supt. Ss., 2 terms; at present, Prin. P. S., Villa Ridge, Robert B. Darling, dec’d, Newtonville, N. Y. Taught o years. Enlisted 44th N. Y. Vols., Aug. ’62; Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville ; killed, Petersburg, bullet, Jan. 19, ’64. Alanson H. Green, A. M., Taught 20 years. Polytechnic Institute, Brooklyn, N. Y. Taught, Dutchess Co., N. Y., i yr. ; Locust Valley, L. I., 2 yrs.; has taught as above since 1866. Henry B. Higgins, Moscow, N. Y. Taught 5 years. Taught, Prin. Nanuet, N. Y., yrs.; Ass’t Prin. Alexander, N. Y., 2j£ yrs.; read law, 2 yrs.; Prin., Perry, N. Y., 1 yr. ; with Studebacker Bros., South Bend, Iowa, 8 yrs.; now, with E. T. Bar- num wire works, Supt., Detroit, Mich.; 1868 m. Miss Clara A. Newton; no children. Capt. Andress B. Hull, Taught o years. Paymaster Chi. & N. W. R. R. Co., Chicago, 111 .; P. O., Evanston, 111 . Enlisted 44th N. Y. Vols., Normal Co. E, Aug. ’62; Corporal, Sergt., Orderly Sergt. ; Capt. in first colored Regt.; mustered out late 1865; went into employ of railroad, as above, in 1868; paymaster for 8 years.; m. 1869; 3 daughters. Josiah T. Marean, 26 Court st., Brooklyn, N. Y. Taught 2J years. Taught in State Normal S., 2 yrs.; Pol. Inst., as above, % yr. ; m. 1869; no children; is a lawyer. Capt. Francis A. Morrison, Crary’s Mills, N. Y. Taught i J years. Enlisted 10th N. Y. H. Artillery, 1862; served, Va.. La., Texas; Capt. 41st U. S. colored troops; taught, Jeff, and St. Law. counties; extensive cheese maker; 1867 m. Julia R. Goodenough. Elbert Traver, dec’d, Rhinebeck, N. Y. Taught o years. Enlisted 44th N. Y. Vols., Normal Co. E, Aug. ’62; in battles Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, and killed at Gettysburg July 3, 1863, bullet. Capt. Consider H. Willett, LL.B., Chicago, 111 . Taught o years. On graduation, enlisted in Normal Co., 44th N. Y. Vols.; Orderly Sergeant; Capt. Co. G, U. S. Col. Inf. on examination, 1863; yellow fever impaired his health and he resigned, 1865; grad. Law Dept. Mich. Un., 1867; practiced law since in Syracuse, N. Y., and as above; was Co. Att’y Cook Co., 111 .; 1867 m. Miss Lois Adelaide Wilder; 6 daughters, 1 son. 1863 — Thirty-Sixth Class. Thirty- seventh Term, ending January 29, 1863. Mary Boyd (A. B. Duncan, ’65, dec’d), Moore’s Mills, N.Y. Taught J yr. M. 1865; farmer’s wife since; sons and daughters ; husband died 1881 . x 57 Mary A- Breese (Rufus R. Stowell), Taught 2 years. 503 E. Church st., Elmira, N. Y. Taught Un. S., Horseheads, N. Y., i yr. ; Dist. S., Chen. Co., N. Y., i yr. ; m. 1869; 5 children. Frances L. Briggs, care bro., J. N. Briggs, Albany, N.Y. Taught i year. After teaching one year her health failed ; she removed to Kansas, and has since traveled in Cali- fornia for her health. Sarah Burrage (Jas. L. Bothwell, Prin. P. S. No. 14), Taught 2 years. Albany, N. Y. Taught, Coxsackie Acad, i yr. ; Hoosick Falls Un. S. i yr. — all N. Y. ; m. 1864; 4 children. Lona E. Burton (Monroe G. Parker), Rodman, N. Y. Taught o years. Her mother’s health was such that she could not leave home; m. 1868; no children. Amanda H. Carr (Thomas Mitchell), Taught n years. Address Rev. W. H. Carr, Albany, N. Y. Taught, P. S. No. 12, as above, 3 yrs. ; P. S. 53, N. Y. City, since 1876, and now. Emeline Cobb, Catskill, N. Y. Taught 14J years. Taught, Oswego Co. yrs. ; Camillus 1 yr.; Syracuse 3 yrs. ; Catskill 3 yrs.; Coxsackie 6 yrs., all N. Y. ; taught except when caring for both parents during long and fatal illness, and when her own health would not allow. Fannie Dennington, 1 124 S. 13th st., Philadelphia, Pa. Taught 20 yrs. Taught, 1863-8, Clyde, N. Y. ; 1868-82, Schenectady, N. Y., Un. S. ; a little in N. J.; since and now, as above. Harriette S. Dickinson, Alexander, N.Y. Taught 18 years. Studied French and German: Preceptress Batavia, N. Y., Free Acad., 1 yr. ; 1st asst. Corning, N. Y., Acad., 5 yrs.; Prin. High S., Fort Dodge, Iowa., 3 yrs.; Prin. Corning, N Y., Inst., 5 yrs.; now, Preceptress Attica, N. Y., High S.; also, teacher of landscape painting and decorative art. Europa D. Gifford, Elmira College, Elmira, N.Y. Taught 14 years. Taught, Blooming Grove X yr-: studying Latin 3 yrs.; Millerton yrs.; Wash. Co. 1^ yrs.; Germany, studying 3 yrs. ; Troy Gram. S. 1 yr. ; Albany Female Acad. 2 yrs.; Pxin. Ladies’ Dep’t of Classical Inst. 3 yrs. ; Elmira College, Dep’t of Languages, since 1880 — all N. Y. Frances A. Gilborn, ist Asst. P. School No. 2, Taught 20 years. Albany, N. Y. Has been Prin. of Intermediate Dept, and Primary. Jane H. Gourlie (D. Corbett, dec’d), Taught 6 years. 220 E. 19th st., N. Y. City. Prin. Graded S. 2 yrs.; now, teaching in Hoboken, N. J. ; husband died 1878. Arrietta L. Griffin (Randall McCarroll), Taught 7J years. 70 First st., Albany, N. Y. Taught in P. S. No. io, as above; m. 1870; 5 children; 3 living. Mary A. Horton, P. S. No. 14, Albany, N.Y. Taught 19 years. Taught in Blooming Grove % yr. ; and since, as above. Margaret Hyde, Private S., Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Taught 6 years. For many years her health was so poor she could not teach; for the last 6 yrs. as now. Mary E. Killip (Alonzo P. Adams), Albany, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Taught in P. S. No. 12, as above, 1 yr. ; taught music 2 yrs.; m. 1867; 4 children. Sophia E. Loomis (Elias D. Burton;, Rodman, N.Y. Taught 5 years. Taught, Lodi, O., 3 terms; Watertown, N.Y., Prin. Prim. Dept., 2 schools, 3^3 yrs.; m. 1869; no children. Kate Lynch, dec’d (James A. Clark), Taught 6 years. 798 Broadway, Albany, N. Y. Taught, N. Albany i yr. ; P. S. No. n, as above, 5 yrs.; m. 1874; 2 children; died 1877. Anne C. Merriman, dec’d (G. W. Winegar, dec’d). Taught 4 years. Plainville, Mich. Taught in Wis.; N. Y.; and Warren, 111 ., till m. 1867; 4 children; the family went to Cal. for Mr. W’s health, and he died there 1875; she in 1876; Mr. W., banker. Salome Purroy, Prin. Gram. S. 53, Fordham, N.Y. City. Taught 20 yrs. Has taught since graduation. Martha A. Shipman, Mount Morris, N. Y. Taught io years. Taught, P. S., Fond du Lac, Wis., 2 yrs.; High S., Joliet, 111 ., 1 yr. ; Warsaw, N. Y., Academy, 2 yrs.; Gainesville Sem., N. Y., Lat. and Math., 1 yr.; Downingtown, Pa., Math, and Higher Eng., 1 yr. ; in P. Ss., Middletown, N. Y., 4 yrs.; health failed and retired. Harriet S. Todd (J. Conklin), Onondaga Castle, N. Y. Taught 3 yrs. Taught, Junior room and asst. prin. Geddes, N. Y., Graded S., 3 yrs.; at home caring for invalid mother; m. 1873; 3 children. Mary Townsend (Jonathan Hiller), Frewsburg, N. Y. Taught 4 yrs. Taught district Ss. in and near Frewsburg until m. 1867. Ada Weston (O. B. North), Taught 12 years. 1802 Laguna st., San Francisco, Cal. Taught in different Ss. in Buffalo and Brooklyn, N. Y. ; Denman Gram. S., as above, until m., 1881. Addison Clark, Copenhagen, N. Yf Taught 3J years. Taught, as above; grad. Eastman’s Com. Col.; taught winters; farming summers ; assessor; super- visor 4 yrs. ; insurance, conveyancing, etc. W. De Laun Robbins, Taught 13 years. Lambertville, N. J.; also New Hope, Pa. Taught, Jefferson Co. Institute, Watertown, N. Y., i yr. ; Prin. P. S. No. 5, Kingston, N. Y., 2 yrs.; Prin. Clinton, N. J., 10 yrs. ; 1884, Prin. P. S. as above; his first and only honor was born in 1870; now, druggist and apothecary. John H. Tucker, dec’d. Taught 7 years. Address brother, E. G. D., Brockway’s Mills, Me. He was studying medicine at time of death, and attending Hahn. Med. Col., Phila., Pa.; died of fever, 1872; unmarried. Marcus A. Weed, P. S. No. 27, Brooklyn, N. Y. Taught 20 years. Taught, Kerhonkson, i yr. ; Prin. P. S. No. 8, Kingston, 2 yrs.; Polytechnic Inst., Adelphi Acad- emy, Lockwood’s Academy, Brooklyn, all N. Y., 7 yrs.; Prin. Normal Dept, of Howard University, Washington, D. C., x yr. ; Polytechnic Inst., 4 yrs. ; as at present since 1878. 1863 — Thirty-seventh Class. Thirty- eighth Term, ending July 9, 1863. Helen S. Barnes (John Calander) Rome, Ohio. Taught 12 years. Taught, Mamaroneck, N. Y., 3 yrs.; Kingston, N. Y., 2 yrs.; Grand River Inst., O., 3 yrs.; Salem, O., 1 yr. ; Cleveland, O., 2 yrs.; the rest of the time in dist. Ss. ; m. 1876; 4 children. Rachel Bedford, Somerville, N. J. Taught 20 years. Taught, Sullivan Co., N. Y., 2 yrs.; Prin. N. Branch and Basking Ridge, N. J.; Prin. prim, dept., as above, 11 yrs., and now; more than 1,500 pupils have been under her care. Ruth A. Brooks (Wm. E. Griffiths), Addison, N. Y. Taught io years. Taught mostly in in Moscow and Addison, N. Y., graded Ss. ; m. 1877; 2 children. Caroline F. Burrows (A. W. Oliver), Taught 6J years. Portland, Oregon. Taught Cat. Co., N. Y., 2 yrs.; Yreka; and Prin. Siskyon and Centreville, all Cal., 2 yrs.; tanght with husband, 2^ yrs. ; m. 1867; 5 sons, 4 living. Anne E. Cock (George R. Cock), Locust Valley, N. Y. Taught £ year. Taught a private schaol ; was obliged to leave teaching by reason of poor health; m. 1865; 1 child. Hattie Coryell, Angelica, N. Y. Taught 20 years. Has taught in N. Y., S. C., Iowa and Kansas; mostly primary work; has given instruction in this work to classes of teachers; once, before the Iowa State Teachers’ Ass’n ; now, in Orie, Kansas, for health. Emma H. Gray, residence and history unknown. Sarah C. Grifheth (Madison Cameron), Wayne, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Ass't prep. dept. Albany Academy, i yr. ; Prin. primary dept., same, x yr. ; m. 1865; 6 children, 5 living. T 59 Ella P. Griswold, dec’d, Little Falls, N. Y. Taught o years. Address Miss Kate A. Stebbins. Taught in Belleville, N. Y., Academy, a few weeks, and came home on account of sickness; died 1877. Martha A. Hay, Catskill, N. Y. Taught 20 years. Taught in P. Ss. of Albany Co. most of the time since graduation; now, primary dept. P. S. as above. / Caroline V. Hawthorne (Prof. J. E. Sweet), Taught 6 years. Syracuse, N. Y. Taught until m., 1869, Prof. Practical Mechanics, Cornell Univ. ; resided at Ithica, N. Y., till 1879; since, as above; has been pres’t of literary and art societies; taken 1st prem’s for painting and embroidery; Hon. V. P. N. Y. Dec. Art Soc. ; successful writer, magazines, etc. Catharine E. Hogan, Gram. S. No. 58, N. Y. City. Taught 20 years. Has taught ever since graduation. Josephine Howard (W. P. Hall), Taught 13 years. 52 Berkeley Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. Taught, private S. as above, 1864-70; public S. as above, 1870-7; m. 1878; 1 daughter. Emmer E. Jarvis (Edward Hicks, ’6i), Taught 3 years. Westbury Station, N. Y. Taught, as above, 3 yrs. (See husband’s record.) Melissa Landt (Jacob Agne), Tipton, Iowa. Taught 3 years. Taught in Herkimer Co., N. Y., until 1867; health failed; went, as above, and m. 1870; 1 child. Catharine Lapp (William H. McDonald), Taught 20 years. Box 603, Titusville, Pa. Taught, Erie Co., N. Y., 2 yrs.; 1st Ass’t P. S., Buffalo, N. Y., 2 yrs.; preceptress High S., Prin. Soldiers’ Orphan S., Prin. Third st. S., Prin. 4th ward S., Titusville, Pa.; 1874, was elected School Controller 2d ward, same city; not physically strong enough ; private pupils; m. 1871. Kate McAuley, Prin. P. School No. 4, Albany, N. Y. Taught 20 years. Taught in P. Ss., as above, since graduation. Marthaette Moak (Samuel McCormick), Taught 15 years. care Dr. H. H. Kimball, Minneapolis, Minn. Taught, Carlisle, N. Y., 4 yrs.; P. Ss., Minneapolis, Minn., n yrs.; book-keeper, 4 yrs.; m. 1865; 1 daughter. Mary L. Sherman, Eddytown, N. Y. Taught 15 years. Taught, Leavenworth Inst., Wolcott, N. Y., 4 yrs.; Female College, Greenville, Ky. ; Seminary, Burlington, Iowa; preceptress Seminary, Manchester, Vt. ; wrote for “ Christian at Work” and for various religious papers; a. s’t editor “ New Century for Woman ”; worked 3 yrs. in connection with Woman’s Christian Temperance Union; studied elocution in Boston; now teaching elocution in Star- key Seminary, as above. Helen I. Sherwood (Col. C. B. Gaskill), Taught o years. Niagara Falls, N. Y. Was Clerk in P. O., Suspension Bridge; m. 1865; 3 daughters. Caroline A. Sill, 98 Hudson ave., Albany, N. Y. Taught 6 years. Taught, Albany, N. Y., 2 yrs.; spent 1 yr. studying at Vassar College; then taught, Albany, N. Y., 4 yrs.; then engaged in Gent’s Furnishing business and laundry, as now. Eliza Skinner, No report. Address her brother, John, ’62. Martha Townsend (Daniel Griswold), Taught 3 years. Jamestown, N. Y. Taught, Carroll, N. Y., and Westfield, N. Y., as health would allow, till m. 1868; 5 children — 2 living. L. Lucelia Webster (Rev. James L. Gillogly), Taught 6 years. Ogden City, Utah. Youngest in her class; taught a few weeks in Dist. S.; Young Ladies’ Boarding S., Carlisle, Pa., 6 yrs.; m. 1870; lived at first, as above, in a freight car; played organ in church; taught Sunday S., a stone church built — a large congregation; has 3 boys and 2 girls; the church was the first, other than Mormon, in Ogden. Sophia E. Young, Copenhagen, N. Y. Taught 20 years. Has taught in the P. Ss. of Syracuse since graduation; has been for many years ist ass’t Gram. Dept, of a Senior School. i6o Prof. John D. Conley, A. M., Carlinville, 111 . Taught 18 years. Taught, Roslyn, L. I., 2 yrs.; Morrisville, N. Y., while going through Hamilton College; grad. 1869, extra course in Chemistry; immediately on grad, became Prin. Dept, and Inst. Nat. Sci. in Blackburn University, as above; Prof. Chem. and Nat. Hist, since 1871; has collected and created cabinets Geol. and Min.; one of ihe organizers of the 111 . Nat. Hist. Soc. ; on com. on Geol. and Chem. Dept. State Fair, ’83; 1873 m. Virginia C. Mayo; 1 son, 1 daughter. James M. Crane, Newburgh, N. Y. Taught 25 years. Prin. Un. Free S. at Roslyn, N. Y., 3 mos. ; Walden, N. Y., 3 yrs.; Prin. P. S. No. 4, Newburgh, N. Y,, 2 yrs. ; since 1868, and now, V. Prin. Free Academy; 1872 m. Elizabeth P. Murray; 2 chil- dren — boy and girl. Joseph B. Fryer, dec’d. Taught o years. Address father, Valentine Fryer, Crandall’s Corners, N. Y. Did not teach; unmarried; died Nov., 1865. Edwin Husted, Pleasant Valley, N. Y. Taught i J years. Taught, Rosendale, N.Y., yr. I New Paltz, N.Y., yr. ; graduated Bryant & Stratton’s College, 1865; taught in like school, Brooklyn, N. Y., yr. ; became dep. clerk U. S. Dist. Court; after- wards, also, dep. clerk of U. S. Circuit Court; in 1874 was acting clerk of both courts; work and confinement impaired health, and he resigned 1881 ; m. 1882. • Nicholas J. Maybee, Taught 20 years. Gram. S. 14, E. 27th st., N. Y. City. Has taught since graduation ; now, as above. Myron D. Stewart, dec’d. Taught 8 years. Address bro., Bradley C., Munnsville, N. Y. Taught, Prin., Monroe, N. Y., i yr. ; Prin., Middletown, N. Y., 7 yrs.; originated Orange Co. Teachers’ Ass’n; nom. for Co. Supt.; helped found Y. M. C. A.; sec’y Orion Club; Ss. dismissed for funeral; buried by Masons; wrote much on ed. subjects. Warren E. Valentine, dec’d. Taught 8 years. Address his son, Byron W. Valentine, Hoosick Falls, N. Y. Taught, Lakeville, Monsey, Eagle Bridge — all N. Y.; and in 111 ., i yr., where he died in 1871; 1865 m. Carrie Centre; 2 children. 1864— Thirty-eighth Class. Thirty-ninth Term, ending Feb. 4, 1864. Helen A. Brown (C. E. Morse), Charlton, Mass. Taught 17 years. Taught, Tompkins Co., N. Y., 2 yrs.; then took primary course at Oswego Normal S. ; critic teacher in training S., Indianapolis, Ind.; Hillsboro Female College, O. ; primary dept., Nyack, N. Y. ; in charge prim, dept’s, Jersey City, N. J., till m., 1881; now, member of Town School Committee; taught 8 years before graduating. Helen B. Dickinson (Rev. F. L. Harford), Taught 15 years. Kansas City, Mo. Taught, N. Y. State, 4 yrs.; Illinois and Kansas, n yrs.; now, in P. S. as above; 1872 m. Alden March; 4 children; he died 1878; 1881 m. as above; his health failed. Harriet E. Distin (J. H. Pittinger), Taught i year. 734 Park Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. Canvassed Susp. Bridge, N. Y., for Inst, for Orphans N. Y. S. Vols., X yr. ; taught, Volney, N. Y., 1 mo.; Fulton, N. Y., yr. ; 1867 m. H. H. Hubbard; died 1868; 1 child, died; taught, Volney, N. Y., 1 yr. ; Michigan, 2 yrs.; Jersey City P. S. No. 6, 2 yrs.; m. 1878; 2 children, one died Lucy A. Goring (John W. Babcock), Troy, N. Y. Taught 6J years. Filled vacancy in object dept. State N. S.; P. S., Cohoes, N. Y., introduced Normal methods; Prin. select S. for young ladies, Haverstraw, N. Y. ; 1868 made European trip; then taught Haver- straw S. till 1870; then m. as above; 2 children; step-daughter is Mena Babcock, ’83. * Taught 7 yrs. before graduating. Mary A. Grant (Geo. E. Monroe), Dryden, N. Y. Taught 16 years. Taught, Caroline Centre, 1 yr. ; Varna, 1 yr. ; Slaterville, 2 yrs.; primary teacher, Dryden graded S., 5 yrs.; Newfield Un. S., intermediate, 7 yrs., all N. Y.; m. an undergraduate. Adrianna L. Gregory, Nyack, N. Y. Taught 8 years. Taught, Westerly, R. I., 2 yrs.; Prin. Napanock, N. Y., 2 yrs. ; health failed; since 1879, prim, dept., Jericho, N. Y., 4 yrs. i6i Madaline Hayden (Rev. J. Hobart Cook), Taught 8 years. Plattsburgh, N. Y. Taught in various places, and in St. Agnes School, Albany, N. Y. ; has been an invalid for years; i child. Sarah W. Keeler, Taught 19 years. Lexington ave., between 67th and 68th sts., N. Y. City. Has taught since graduation ; now, teaching in school for deaf mutes. Sarah A. Lyon (Elkanah Andrews), Bristol, N. Y. Taught 4 years. Taught dist. S., Dutchess Co., N. Y. ; Bristol, N. Y., yrs. ;* has also had, at times, private pupils; m. 1864; 5 children. Agnes McFadden, Newburgh, N. Y. Taught 19 years. Has taught since graduation; now, in P. S. as above. Maria L. Nellegar (D. C. Turner), Stark, Fla. Taught 4 years. Taught, Industrial S., Albany, N. Y., i yr. ; in Chicago, 111 ., P. Ss., 3 yrs.; m. 1871; 2 children. Mary E. Perry, dec’d. Taught 8 years. Address father, Edward, 185 Clinton ave., Albany, N. Y. Taught in P. S. as above; died 1872. Margaret B. Porter, Angola, N. Y. Taught 19 years. Taught, Erie Co., N. Y., 3 yrs. ; Prin. Leavenworth, Kansas, 8 yrs., of which she was Prin. of model, dept, of Normal S. 6 yrs. ; since and now, teaching in college. Mary A. Richards, P. S. No. 14, Albany, N. Y. Taught 18 years. Has taught in the same school as at present for 18 years. Esther R. Showerman, Taught 8 years. Care W. C. Eveleth, W. Batavia, N. Y. Taught in the towns of Genesee Co. ; kept house for father, 3 yrs. ; health failed; invalid since 1882. Lovina A. Van Schaack (Rev. John N. Short), Taught 3J years. 100 Cambridge st., E. Cambridge, Mass. Taught in Guilderland and Bethlehem, N. Y. ; m. 1866; 2 children, 1 living; is aunt of H. Reamer, ’66; also care Methodist Book Rooms, Broomfield st., Boston, Mass. Emily Voorhees (David De Graff), Taught 2 years. Colorado Springs, Col. Taught in Rosendale, N. Y.; as at present, since 1873; m. 1866; 2 children. Kate Whitlock (James Forfar), Lyons, N. Y. Taught 8 years. Taught, district and graded Ss., and in German Academy; m. 1877; 2 children. Alonzo L. Bardin, dec’d, Rockford, 111 . Taught 5 years. Taught, Rockland, N. Y. ; Whitestone, L. I., and Rockford, 111 ., where he died, while teaching, 1869; unmarried. Robert L. Brougham, LL.B., dec’d, Glens Falls, N.Y. Taught 5 J yrs. Address widow, Mrs. Rev. W. P. Rulison, Gloversville, N. Y. Taught, Setauket, 3 yrs.; Essex, yrs.; Prin. P. S. No. 8, Peekskill, i yr., all N. Y. ; grad. Albany Law S., 1869; 1875 m. Cornelia T. Hoskins; 1 child, d ied; practiced as above; died 1877. George W. Crane, Pol. Inst., Brooklyn, N. Y. Taught 19 years. Taught, Great Bend, N. Y., 2 yrs.; since, arithmetic and physiology, as above. Merritt B. Fairchild, M. D., No report. Cor. N. Salina and Bear sts., Syracuse, N. Y. Archibald Grant, box 688, Rochester, N. Y. Taught 6 years. Taught, Staten I., i yr. ; Bayonne, N. J., i yr. ; N. Y. City, 3 yrs.; Dundee, N. Y., Acad., 1 yr. ; 1870-1, ass’t ed. “ Georgia Republican,” Augusta, Ga. ; since 1871, and now, civil eng.; now, chief eng. Rochester & Ont. R. R. ; 1883 m. Miss Emelie L. Marcher. Champion H. Judson, M. D., Dobb’s Ferry, N.Y. Taught 8 years Taught, Scho. Co., N. Y., i yr.; Saugerties, N. Y., i yr.; Hastings-on-Hudson, 3 yrs.; Tarry- town, N. Y., 3 yrs.; grad. 1871 Col. Ph. and Surgeons, N. Y. City; since, practiced as above; Fel- low, N. Y. Acad. Med.; ex-Pres. Westchester Co. Med. Soc. ; 1871, m. Jeannie Mabie; 6 children. Charles W. Loomis, A. M., Binghamton, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Taught, New Rochelle, N. Y., 2 yrs.; graduated Williams College, 1869; admitted to bar, 1872; practiced since, as above ; unmarried. !7 162 Judiah H. Matteson, Taught 7 years. Book business, n Eagle st., Buffalo, N. Y. Taught Pulaski, N. Y. Academy; now, as above. Thomas Robinson, M. D., LL.B., Taught 5 years. 1328 T st., Washington, D. C. Prin. Un. S., Palatine, N. Y.; Un. S., Athens, N. Y.; Normal Inst., Liberty, N. Y. ; Dundee, N. Y., Acad.; Pub. Penn Yan, N. Y., “ Express,” and Savannah, Ga., “ Journal”; grad. Nat. Un. Law S. ; grad. Georgetown, D. C., Med. Col.; now, Treas. Dept., as above; m. 1864, and again 1875; is now teaching civil service candidates. 1864 — Thirty -ninth Class. Fortieth Term, ending July 14, 1864. Annie M. Alexander (A. M. Parks, dec’d), Taught 3 years. Care H. Alexander, Albany, N. Y. Taught, Galveston, Texas, Prin. 2 yrs. ; in Europe, 4 yrs.; Seminary, Ocean Grove, N. J., 1 yr., and now; m. 1864; husband died 1872; x daughter, who attends Normal S. Margaret L. Bardwell, dec’d, Albany, N. Y. Taught o years. She died in the spring of 1865. Emma R. Budd, dec’d (S. B. Carr), Taught io years. 1825 Van Pelt st., Philadelphia, Pa.; bro., B. C. Budd, Carthage, N. Y. Taught from graduation; died 1874, while teaching with her husband, as above. Ellen Byrnell (James C. Stead), Greenpoint, L. I. Taught io years. Taught till 1875, when she married as above. Clara L. Cochran (Lewis R. Newman), Taught 2J years. 3 Nichol’s Park, Rochester, N. Y. Taught in Erie Co., N. Y., 5 terms; m. 1868; 3 children. Mary J. Don, 186 Hudson ave., Albany, N. Y. Taught 15 years. Taught in P. S. No. 12, as above, till she resigned, Dec., 1881. Lydia J. Gladding, 19 Angell st., Providence, R. I. Taught 12 years. Taught in Oneida Co., Geddes, and Syracuse — all N. Y. ; now caring for invalids. Julia E. Hughes (George H. Harris), Taught n years. 205 Exchange st., Rochester, N. Y. Was asS’t in Gram. S., as above, 2 yrs. ; Prin. Gram. S., same city, 7 yrs ; Prin. Boys’ Interme- diate, Cleveland, O., 1 yr. ; Prin. Genesee and Wyoming Seminary, 1 yr. ; now, ass’t librarian Rey- nolds’ Library, same city — 13,000 volumes; husband is librarian; m. 1&72; 3 daughters; has many certificates of success. Helen E. Hutton (David Webster), Malone, N. Y. Taught 8 years. Taught, Sag Harbor, N. Y., 3 yrs.; as above, iyr.; ass’t Prin. Normal school, Raleigh, N. C., 3 yrs.; Madam Clement’s Boarding S,, Germantown, Pa., 1 yr.; m. 1873. Susan H. Jackson (Charles H. Hannahs), Taught 3^ years. 1 and 3 Pearl st., N. Y. City. Taught, Hastings-on-Hudson, 14 mos. ; French and Eng. Ladies’ Sem., Brooklyn, N. Y., 2 yrs.; m. 1867; 2 children; 1 boy living. Mary C. Lawyer (B. F. Clark), Sloansville, N. Y. Taught 9 years. Taught, Cobleskill, Nyack, Cuba— all N. Y. ; occupied various departments, Prin., etc.; declined position in Buffalo N. S.; m. 1873. Lucy J. Maltby (Rev. E. P. Powell), Clinton, N.Y. Taught n years. Taught P. Ss. Oswego, N. Y., 1)4 yrs.; private Ss., Mo., 2 yrs.; Prin. High S., Sedalia, Mo.; State Normal S., Warrensburgh, Mo., 5 yrs.; m. 1875. Mary A. McClure (John O’Leary), Taught io years. 486 Lafayette ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Taught, Ashford, N. Y., 1 yr. ; in Irvington, N.Y., from Prim. Dept, to V. Prin., 7 yrs., until 1874; then, private classes, prepariug young ladies for N. Y. Normal College, 2 yrs.; m. 1874; 4 children. Mary McNiel, dec’d ((Alex. L. Relyea, dec’d), Taught 6J years. Address sister, Mrs. Geo. B. Coggeshall, Sidney Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. 163 Taught, Hicksville, N. Y., Jfj yr. ; went to Montana for health; m. J. S. Rockwell, who died in a few months on their way East; telegrapher for several years; m. as above; 1 child, daughter; hus- band probably murdered in Colorado; taught P. S. No. 32, Brooklyn, N. Y., 6yrs., till death, 1883; sister of Col. McNiel, “ Penn. Bucktails,” in war. Mary Nourse (J. A. McPhee), Anthony, Kansas. Taught 5J years. Taught, Preceptress Olean, N. Y., Acad., 3 yrs.; preceptress Arcade, N. Y., Acad., 1 yr. ; studied, Baxter’s Mus. Acad., Friendship, N. Y., yr. ; Prin. and taught Acad., same place, 1 yr. ; m. 1872; 1 son; present location since 1879; editor of newspaper pnb. by husband. Mary E. Parker (John L. Lyon), Taught o years. 804 Central avenue, Oakland, Cal. Was m. Oct., 1864; lived in Fayetteville, N. Y., Brooklyn, N. Y. ; as at present since 1874; hus- band was soldier in war; 2 children. Martha W. Pinckney, dec’d (Theodore L. Hall), Taught 6 years. St. Louis, Mo. Taught, Kingston, N. Y. ; poor health, resigned; m. 1875; 1 son; died 1877 of consumption; sister of Eunice, ’69. Harriet A. Potter (Wm. Douglas), Grass Valley, Nev. Taught 15 years. Taught in Prim, and Gram. S., Oswego, N. Y., 2 yrs.; Baldwinsville, N. Y., yrs.; Jersey City, N. J., private S., 5 yrs; as above, 1st gram, grade, 6 yrs.; m. 1879; 2 children. Mary E. Pyne, residence and history unknown. Adelaide Sheak, Prin. P. S. 45, Mt. Hope, N.Y. City. Taught 19 years. Taught, private S., N. Y. City, 2 yrs.; Prin. P. S., High Bridge, N. Y., yrs.; since, as at pres- sent; has received highest mark for general management; salary $1,750. Elizabeth Smith, P. S. No. 6, Albany, N. Y. Taught 19 years. Has taught since graduation as above; now, as above. Mary E. Smith (Daniel J. White), Quaker st., N. Y. Taught 6 years. Taught, as above, 4 yrs. ; Chicago, III., 3 mo’s; resigned, sickness in family; m. 1870; 4 children; 3 living. Henrietta B. Trembley (Amos W. Hovey), Taught 15 years. Bristol Springs, N. Y. Taught, Milton, N. Y., yrs.; in Iowa and Wis., mostly in Darlington, Wis., till 1876; m. 1870; no children. Harriet S. Tyler, residence and history unknown. Mary D. Tyrrell, dec’d, Batavia, N.Y. Taught 17 years. Address Julia E. Hughes, ’64. Taught Un. S., Batavia, N. Y., till 1867; Prin. Int. Dept. Boys’ S., Cleveland, O., till 1868; Batavia “ Inst, for the Blind ” from 1868 till ’71, when Prof. Wiggins secured her to help him open “InsJ. for the Blind” in Brantford, Dom. of Canada, where she was wonderfully successful till her lamented death in 1881. Margaret A. Van Vranken, Taught n years. Box 1069, Schenectady, N. Y. Taught, Albany Co., N. Y., %yr. ; P. Ss., Chicago, 111 ., 7 yrs.; part of 2 yrs. mission work in N.Y. City; select S., W. Troy, 1 yr. ; Albany Co. 1 yr. F. Cora Watson (C. C. Chatfield, class ’66 of Yale, dec’d), Taught i yr. Middleburgh, N.Y. First child was “ Class Boy,” and was honored accordingly; 4 children. Julia E. Wemple (J. J. Haunstein), Albany, N.Y. Taught 2J years. Taught, Bath-on-Hudson 16 mo’s; Industrial S. 9 mo’s; Canal st. Industrial S., 2 mo’s organizing it — all N. Y. ; m. 1868; 4 children. Nelson Bogue, Batavia, N. Y. Taught i year. Taught in Oakfield, N. Y., and Elba, N. Y.; has extensive nurseries; “ A man of integrity, capa- city and energy,” says N. Y. State Treas. Maxwell, himself an undergraduate. Hon. Edwin A. Davis, 1 B A.M., LiL.B., Marysville, Cal. Taught 6 yrs. Taught, Prin. Yates Polytechnic Inst., N. Y., i yr. ; Prof. Math. Clinton Liberal Inst., N. Y., 4 yrs.; went to Cal. 1869; taught Camrptonville and Marysville, Cal., 1 yr. ; grad. Hamilton College, N. Y., in law 1867; commenced practice 1870; dist. att’y 3 terms; State senator 1882; declined nom. lieut. govr. ; 1865 m. Miss Imogene Waggoner; 1 son. George T. Hall, C.E., dec’d. Taught i year. Address Mrs. Maria New, Chatham, N.Y. Taught m Albany Co., N.Y. ; grad. Rens. Pol. Inst., Troy, N. Y., 1868; followed his profession as engineer until his death in 1881 ; left widow; no children. 164 Orrin C. Hinman, East Syracuse, N. Y. Taught 19 years. Taught from graduation till Oct., 1880; was Prin. Putnam S., Syracuse, N. Y., 10 % yrs. ; since resignation, in mercantile business ; 1868 m. Miss Hattie A. Kendall; no children. Ephraim G. Lawrence, Griffin’s Corner’s, N.Y. Taught i year. Taught in Durham, N. Y., and Prattsville, N. Y. ; since, in general merchandise; firm, Crosby, Lawrence & Co. ; unmarried. Daniel F. Payne, Wadhams Mill’s, N. Y. Taught o years. During 1864, ’65, elk. in War Dept., Washington, D.C. ; traveled through the South on business; Nov., 1865, bought mill property as above; built a forge, and has for 8 yrs. manufactured bloom-iron; has been J. P. and supervisor; 1868 m. Alice H. Steele; 3 children; 1 died. Wm. H. B. Roberts, East Varick, N.Y. Taught ij years. Taught in Iowa 1 yr. ; in N. Y. yr. ; spent a number of years in western states; now and since 1871, gen. merch. as above; 1872 m. Miss Mary A. Tidswell; 7 children; 6 living. Peter Sutphen, Cayuga, N.Y. Taught 19 years. Taught, Kershonkson, N. Y., % yr. ; Auburn, N. Y., Prin. of 3 P. Ss. during 8 yrs.; Oswego, N. Y. 1 yr. ; Cayuga, N. Y., Prin. 4 yrs.; S. com’r Cayuga Co. since 1878; taught six yrs. before graduation. Gordon L. Weeks, Silver Creek, N. Y. Taught n years. TaugTit, New Hamburgh, Kennedy, N. Y. City, Salamanca, and ns above, all inN. Y., from 1866- 77; since, grain, flour and milling; 1865 m. Matilda F. Gillis; no children. Benjamin E. Wells, “ Herald,” Syracuse, N.Y. Taught i year. Taught, Pine Plains, N. Y. ; has since been an editor; now, as above; 1868 m. Harriet Emily Perkins; no children; was valedictorian of his class, also of Normal Society. 1865 — Fortieth Class. Forty-first Term, ending February 2, 1865. Helen A. Alford (Robert H. Smith), Taught 2 years. 423 E. Baltimore st., Baltimore, Md. Taught 2 weeks as sub. in Schenectady; was offered place, declined; m. 1873; 1 daughter. Anna L. Babcock, Sag Harbor, N. Y. Taught 18 years. Has taught in Un. S., as above, since graduation, and now. Helen J. Bartley, P. School, No. 15, Albany, N.Y. Taught 17 years. Taught in P. S. No. 9, and as at present, for 17 yrs.' Sophia E. Brown (John Brown), Taught 6 years. Box 517, West Troy, N. Y. Taught P. S. No. 13, Albany, N. Y., 1865-71; m. 1872; 2 children. Hannah M. Carey (Harrison Merry, ’65), Taught 6 years. Benton Harbor, Mich. Taught since graduation, 6 yrs.; m. as above, 1872; 3 children. (See husband’s record.) Kate A. Gillogly (Col. T. J. Kelly), Taught 5 years. 507 E. 119th st., N. Y. City. Taught Fern. Dept. Gram. S. No. 42, N. Y. City, until m. as above. Maria Greene (Rev. T. O. Douglass) , Grinell, Iowa. Taught 2J years. After graduation, took course in Object Teaching and Kindergarten at Oswego Training School; ass’t teacher in Young Ladies’ Sem. and Kindergarten, Philadelphia, Pa., 2 yrs.; m. 1868; lived, Osage, Iowa, for 14 years; 1882, husband became sec’y Iowa Cong. Home Miss’y Soc. ; since, as above; sister of Prof. Dascom Greene, Pol. Inst., Troy, N. Y. Amelia Hoyt, Bedford, N. Y. Taught 16 years. Taught continuously, except one year from graduation, till the spring of 1882; graduated Fort Ed- ward Inst., N. Y., 1872; taught in Amenia Seminary; Millerton, N.Y. ; select S. at Brewster. Mary Hungerford (M. E. Spring), Taught J year. Pratt’s Hollow, N. Y. Taught, Stockbridge, N. Y., ^ yr. ; m. 1867; 1 child, son; husband, a farmer. Abbie S. Jones, M. D. (H. J. Neville, M. D.), Taught 4 years. Cornell, Dakota. Taught Chamberlain Inst., Randolph, N. Y., preceptress; Prin. P. S., Portville, N. Y. ; with hus- band she grad. Homeo. Med. College, Cleveland, O., where she took $95, first prize; has practiced with husband since; m. as above; twins — Ruby and Pearl. Ellen M. Ransom, Taught 1 8 years. Prin. Primary P. S. No. 7, Jersey City, N. J. Taught at Waddington, N. Y., 2 yrs.; Fort Covington, N. Y., Academy, 2 yrs. ; since, as at pres- ent; 700 pupils; 12 assistants. Julia E. Ransom, Highland, N. Y. Taught 16 years. Taught near Troy, N. Y. ; P. S., Poughkeepsie, N. Y., 2 yrs.; Kingston, N. Y., 2 yrs.; in Pa.; New Paltz, N. Y., Acad., 2 yrs., and now. Julia M. Smith, dec’d (S. M. Clark), Taught 3 years. Cin. Coal .& Coke Co., Cincinnati, O. Taught, Sar. Co., N. Y., and Nashville, Tenn., till marriage, 1868; 3 children, 2 living; she died 1882. Carrie E. Tetherly (Geo. H. Simmons), Taught 5J years. Homer, N. Y. Taught, 1866, New Concord, N. Y., % yr. ; Governess near Chatham, N. Y., till marriage, 1871; lived in Greenbush, N. Y., until 1883, when they removed to present residence. Caroline A. Wygant (W. S. Wolf, M. D.), Taught io years. Elizabeth, Indiana. Taught in Ky. 2 yrs.; Indiana, 8 yrs.; correspondent and writer for newspaper press many years; m. 1868; 3 children. Austin B. Duncan, dec’d. Taught J year. Address widow, Moore’s Mills, N. Y. 1865 m. Mary Boyd, ’63; farming as above till his death, 1881; sons and daughters. Almon Holland, 108 Second st., Albany, N.Y. Taught 17 years. Has taught since graduation, except i yr. ; P. S. No. 6, as above, 1866 to 1884. James F, Patterson, Taught 6J years. office, Aud. Treas. for P. O. Dept., Washington, D. C. Grad. Eastman’s Col., 1866; taught P. Ss., N. Y. City; Pol. Inst., Brooklyn, N. Y. ; Emerson Inst., as above; U. S. Civil Service since 1872; m. ; 1 son. 1865 — Forty-first Class. Forty-second Term, ending July 13, 1865. Myra A. Abel, Bath, Steub. Co., N. Y. Taught o years. Was detained at home to care for father, and then for deceased sister’s children. Sarah A. Adams (Rev. D. E. Hathaway), Taught 2 years. Marion, N. Y. Taught in Newbern, N. C., 1866-8, 2 yrs.; remained at home with invalid mother; m. 1879; hus- band ed. Oberlin, O. Josephine Clement, care bro., H. B., Albany, N. Y. Taught n years. Taught, P. S. No. 7, and Prin. No. 18, as above. Anna E. Crist (John Van Vorhis), Cobleskill, N.Y. Taught 13 years. Taught, Pine Beach, N. Y., i yr.; Hastings-on-Hudson, N. Y., Ass’t and Prin. Intermediate, 3 yrs.; 1st ass’t No. 5 and 10, Jersey City, N. J., 9 yrs.; m. 1878. Frances H. Cummings, North Elba, N. Y. Taught 12 years. Taught, Chili, io terms; Gates, 4; Ogden, 9; New Hackensack, 1, all N. Y. Emily C. Filkins (Joel Smith), Lexington, 111 . Taught 4 years. Taught in N. Y. State, 3 yrs.; in Illinois, 1 yr. ; m. 1869; 2 children. Rosetta Gildersleeve, Taught 17 years. Care C. F. Thompson, Esq., Flushing, L. I. Taught at Huntington, L. I. Un. S. till 1883; resigned Prin. gram. dept. 66 Maria C. Gourlie, Taught i 8 years. Hoboken, N. J., P. S. No. 2; also 220 E. 19th st., N. Y. City. Has taught since graduation; in same school; commenced 3d class; now, Vice Prin. Jane S. F. Hepinstall (John Hourigan), Taught 16 years. Albany, N. Y. Taught, P. S. No. it, Albany, N. Y.; Prin. primary No. 24; m. 1882. Mary A. Jones (Gilbert F. Giles), Taught 5 years. 55 Westerlo st., Albany, N. Y. Taught, Prin. West Albany S., which is now P. S. No. 21, 2 yrs. ; Leeds, 1 term; P. S., Kingston; all N. Y.; m. 1871; 1 child, boy. Emma Kingsbury, dec’d. Taught 5 years. Address John Kingsbury, Albany, N. Y. Taught in P. S. No. 12, as above, till death, 1871. Mary M. P. Kline (Maurice M. Fritz, dec’d, 1875), Taught 5 J years. Glen Gardner, N. J. Taught near above locality, % yr. ; since husband’s death, 5 yrs. as above, and now; m. 1867; a son and a daughter. t Sarah E. Manville (Alb. Z. Foster), Taught 6 years. Terre Haute, 111 . Taught in Troy, N. Y., P. Ss., 4 yrs., becoming 1st ass’t Fourth Ward Gram. S.; as now, since 1876; m. 1871; 3 children. Laura Marean, St. Joseph, Mo. Taught 18 years. Prin. Washington S. Taught, P. S. Jefferson, Mo., 1 yr. ; in Warrensburgh, Mo., 1 yr. ; Des Moines, Iowa, 2 yrs.; 1 yr. at Oswego Normal S. and graduated; Newark, N. J., Boys’ Acad.; elocution, grammar and history, 1 yr. ; as now, since 1874. Mary McCloskey (James Monahan), Taught 14 years. 952 9th ave., N. Y. City. Taught 4 yrs. P. S., Saratoga Spa, N. Y.; io yrs. taught alg. and Eng., High School, Albany. Ann K. McNamara (James Brennan), Taught 9 years. 106 Perry st., Albany, N. Y. Taugbt, P. S., Troy, West Albany, St. Patrick’s Parochial S., Albaily; all N. Y. ; m. 1874; 4 children. Emma J. Morley (Horace Schermerhorn), Taught n years. 180 Third st., Jersey City, N. J. Taught in Greene, Ulster and Albany Co’s, N. Y., and as above; m. 1877; no children. Florilla E. Parker (J. H. Hart), Pratt’s Hollow, N.Y. Taught ij yrs. Taught, Munnsville, 1 yr. ; Pratt’s Hollow, J£yr., all N. Y. ; m. 1867; 3 boys, 1 girl; husband a farmer. Llizabeth L. Savage, residence and history uuknown. Julia A. Seaman (A. B. Moore), Taught 13 years. Care John McBurney, Flint, Mich. Taught, Watertown, N. Y., 8 ysr. ; Flint, Mich., 5 yrs.; m. 1876; 1 child. Rosetta C. Sheldon (Elias Allen), Taught J year. 104 Monroe ave., Rochester, N. Y. Taught dist. S. 4 mos. ; 1867 m. a farmer; 1 son. Mary E. Supple (J. R. Petrie) , Wyandotte, Kan. Taught 4J years. Taught in private S., S Butler, N. Y., i term; Vice Prin. P. S., Stapleton, N. Y., 4 yrs. ; m. 1870' lived 3 yrs. in Texas; in Missouri, Ozark Mountain dist., 3 yrs.; in Colorado, and again in Mo. Maria M. Townsend, dec’d. Taught 4 years. Address bro., L. R. Townsend, 22 Bridge Sq., Minneapolis, Minn. Taught in graded S., Syracuse, N. Y., till health failed; after a lingering illness, died 1879. Lucy E. Tracy (Campbell Dickson), Cleburne, Tex. Taught ij years. Taught, Onon. Co., N. Y., 1 yr. ; Iowa % yr.; m * 1867. Frances L. Traver (Almot R. Palmer, dec’d), Taught 8 years. 209 Clinton ave., Albany, N. Y. Taught, Bath, N. Y., 2 yrs.; Pub. S, No. 13, Albany, N. Y., 6 yrs.; promoted regularly to Prin. 2d Prim.; m. 1875; 3 children, 167 Harriet E. Twoguns, residence and history unknown. She was the only Indian graduate. Sarah J. Wickes ( Sheldon), Elizabethtown, N.Y. Taught 18 yrs. Has taught every term, and between terms in academies and P. Ss., in Essex Co., N. Y., mostly, since graduation; her son Frank has taught 15 terms, her daughter 9. Lottie A. Wilder (Elihu G. Fellows), Vinton, Iowa. Taught 7 years. Taught in Ontario Co., Weedsport, Meridian — all N. Y.; 2 yrs. as above; m. 1869; 3 children; C. Henry, ’74, and H. W. Blake, ’73, were her pupils. Celida A. Wright (Wm. S. Hotchkin), Binghamton, N.Y. Taught 6 yrs. Taught in Otsego Co., N. Y., until 1871; m. 1868; 4 children — 1 boy, 3 girls. Annie E. Young (Chapin H. Morgan), Lincoln, Neb. Taught i\ years. Taught, Jamestown, N. Y., J 4 yr. ; Jamaica, L. I., 1 yr.; m. 1873; x daughter. Albert Hawkins, Wappinger’s Falls, N.Y. Taught 16 years. Prin. as above 12 yrs.; in the West 1 yr. ; Prin. P. S. No. 4, Kingston, N. Y., 4 yrs.; since 1882, hardware and house furnishing as above; 1878 m. Emma Bentley; no children. Harrison Merry, LL.B., Benton Harbor, Mich. Taught 14 years. Taught, Kingston, N. Y., 2 yrs.; 1868, grad. Albany Law S.; 2 yrs. in law office; taught, Arling- ton Heights, 111 ., 8 yrs. ; 1875, moved on fruit farm as above; has taught during last 3 yrs.; 1872, m. Hannah M. Carey, ’65; 3 children. 1866 — Forty-second Class. Forty-third Term, ending February i, 1866. Amanda M. Baker (Chas. E. Thorn), Horseheads, N.Y. Taught 12J yrs. Taught 17 terms in Steuben Co., N. Y., as asst, and Prin., and in Leavenworth, Kan. ; 1870 m. undergraduate of ’61, who lost his health in the war; Mrs. T. has taught 4 yrs. since marriage; also, music. Emily J. Bryant, Madison st., Geneva, N.Y. Taught 23 years. Preceptress Drum Hill S. i yr. ; Normal S., Albany, supplied vacancy a few weeks; Schenectady High S. 1 term — all N. Y.; Normal School, Wis., i yr. ; Chicago Model Class 6 yrs.; missionary to Persia i yr.; lectured on eastern topics, and oriental countries she had visited; her life has been a continued and successful struggle with ill health. Ophelia A. Burroughs (Theodore H. Curren), Taught 13 years. 104 Bergen st., Brooklyn, N. Y. Taught, Kingston 2 yrs., Hastings-on-Hudson 4 yrs., Yonkers 7 yrs. — all N. Y.; m. 1879; 1 child. Anna Cain, P. S. N. 14, Albany, N.Y. Taught 17 years. Taught since graduation. R. Harriet Gould, care of uncle, S. P. Kittle, N.Y. City. Taught 6 years. Taught 4 yrs. in N.Y. State; 2 yrs. in Paterson, N. J. ; taught before graduation 4 yrs. ; now, as above. Helen Hall (Ira Reynolds), Windham, N. Y. Taught 7 years. Taught, Medusa V^yr.; Guilderland 3 yrs. ; Stuyvesant yr. ; Watervhet 1 yr. ; Windham 2 yrs. — all in dist. Ss., N. Y. ; m. 1872; 2 children, girls. Ruth B. Hine, Yonkers, N. Y. Taught 17 years. Has taught in two schools since graduation; now, teaching as above. Jennie Lord (E. J. Knowles), Taught 9 years. 194 Lancaster st., Albany, N.Y. Taught music only ; m. 1877; no children. Huldah Reamer (J. M. Townsend), Poughkeepsie, N.Y. Taught i year. Taught in P. S., Kingston, N. Y. ; m. 1867; husband a lawyer. Mary E. Sibley (Hiram Terbush), Apalachin, N.Y. Taught 8 years. Taught 16 terms, and gave lessons in oil painting, etc.; m. 1871; 1 daughter. i68 Kate Stoneman, State N, S., Albany, N.Y. Taught 17 years. Taught, Glen’s Falls Seminary i term; State Normal S. since 1866 — all N. Y. Mary F. Swain, residence and history unknown. Mary J. Udell, Bethlehem Centre, N.Y. Taught 1 1 years. Taught, Van Wie’s Point 6 yrs. ; Cedar Hill 3 yrs. ; as above, home school, 2 yrs. — all N. Y. ; has devoted spare time to study and improvement . Isabel Vine (David Callender), Taught 3 years. 234 N. Pearl st., Albany, N.Y. * Taught in P. S. No. 13, as above; m. as above; 2 children. Mary L. Wheeler, Newark, Cal. Taught 12 years. Taught, Elmira, N. Y., 2 yrs.; Fort Wayne, Ind.; Cleveland, O.; Prin. P. S. as above since 1877, and now. Nathaniel S. Ackerly, LL.B., Northport, L. I. Taught ij years. Taught, Kingston, N. Y., yrs.; grad. Albany Law S. 1866; has practiced as above since 1869. J acob F, Rhodes, Taught 8J years. Address Miss Mate Rhodes, Groton, N. Y. Taught in Tompkins Co., N. Y., 15 terms, and graded S. in Pa. 1 yr. ; his father’s health was poor; he declined better positions, and taught in home dist. Delos Van Woert, Afton, N.Y. Taught 4J years. Taught in dist. S. in Chenango Co., N. Y.; 1875 m. Esther P. Green; 1 child. Seth S. Wood, 221 E. 35th st., N. Y. City. Taught 1 year. Taught 8 months; then, book agency; established “ Wood’s Household Magazine,” which reached 1 50,000 circulation ; sold it out to partner; established premium agency in connection with maga- zines, newspapers, etc. ; m. 1873; 2 children; both died. 1866 — Forty-third Class. Forty-fourth Term, ending July 12, 1 866. Ettie E. Bishop, Dolton’s Station, 111 . Taught 10 year. Taught, Dolton, 111 . Ella A. Blakeman, Greenbush, N.Y. Taught 18 years. Taught, Greenbush i yr. ; Leeds i yr. ; ist ass’t dist. S. No. i, Greenbush, 13 yrs. — all N. Y.; has sent numerous pupils to Normal S.; 3 have graduated. Helen M. Bowen, dec’d (Rev. Thomas Jones), Taught 3 years. Topeka, Kansas. Taught, Auburn, N. Y., i yr. ; Normal S., Whitewater, Wis., i yr. ; Battle Creek, Mich., i yr. ; m. 1870; died 1875, leaving 2 daughters. Henrietta Boyce, Edgewater, N. J. Taught 16 years. Taught, Essex, N. Y., 2 yrs.; ist ass’t in boarding school, Dover Plains, N. Y., 1 yr. ; P. S. as above and in other places in same State; taught in Mich. 2 yrs.; now, prin. as above. Frances M. Bromley, dec’d. Taught 6£ years. Taught at Rondout, N. Y., % yr.; Williamsport, Pa., t yr. ; five yrs. associate prin. Normals., Castleton, Vt.; went to Vassar College; health failed; died in Albany 1882, of heart disease; taught private pupils in her sick chamber; taught much in Teachers’ Institutes. Julia A. Carr, care Rev. W. H. Carr, Albany, N.Y. Taught 7J years. Taught, P. S. No. 12, as above, 5 yrs. ; Prattsville ^ yr. ; Gilboaiyr. ; governess X yr. ; private S. Vi yr.— all N. Y. Florence E. Griggs (Rev. J. H. McGahen), Taught 4J years. Westerlo, N. Y. Taught, Cayuga Co., N. Y., 1% yrs.; Monmouth, 111 ., 2# yrs.; N. Y. State yr. ; m. as above, Baptist clergyman. 169 Emily Harper (C. G. Sprague, M.D.), Taught 3 years. 1158 E. .Jersey st., Elizabeth, N. J. Taught, S. Schodack i term; Brunswick i term; Juvenile Asylum, N. Y. City, 2 yrs. — all N. Y.; m. 1869; no children. Victoria M. Herring (Harrison Cronkhite), Taught 7 J years. La Grange, N. Y. Refused several positions, and taught dist. S. at home 8 terms; other Ss. 7 terms; now, teaching as above; has held various positions in graded Ss. and in Teachers’ Institutes; m. 1874; 1 child, a daughter. Jane J. J ewell (H. Eugene Bonsteel), Franklinville, N.Y. Taught 3 yrs.# Taught, select S., Machias, yr. ; Olean Academy i yr. ; Cattaraugus Un. S. i yr. ; Otto Y r * — all N. Y. ; lived 4 yrs. Huntington, W. Va. Sarah R. Morris, dec’d. Taught o years. Address mother, Mrs. Mary Morris, 18 Hotel st., Utica, N. Y. Was not well when she graduated, and died a few weeks after returning home. Arabella McCoy (J. F. Meyer), Corona, N. J. Taught 13 years. Taught until m. 1879; 2 children, boy and girl. Lavina Parkhurst (N. H. Arnold), Lone Tree, Neb. Taught 9 years. Taught in Essex Co., N.Y,; m. 1871; 2 children; taught 6 yrs. before grad.; as above since 1880. Leonora L. Perry (Walter L. Boyd) , Taught 6 J years. P. O. box 64, Sherman, Texas. Taught, asst, in Smithfield College, Ky., i yr. ; Prin. of same school 3 yrs.; Prin. Williamsville, 111 ., yr.; Prin. Normal Dept. Tuscaloosa Fern. Coll., Ala., 2 yrs.; m. 1873; 5 children, 3 of whom died. Julia A. Reed, Warwick, N.Y. Taught 17 years. Has taught in Orange Co., N.Y. .since graduation; now, gram. dept, as above. Cordelia E. Robinson, Newark, N. Y. Taught 17 years. Has taught since graduation in N. Y. State; now, gram. dept, as above. Mary L. Streeter (Joseph Dodd), Mechanicsville, N.Y. Taught 1 year. Taught in Hebrew S., Albany, N. Y., i yr. ; m. 1867; 1 child, died. Julia F. Tibbals (C. G. Richardson), Denver, Col. Taught 7 years. Taught in Albany, N. Y., Academy; in the family of Col. Pratt, same city; in Denver, Col.; m. as above. Sophie E. Van Sickle, 19 N. 15th st., Denver, Col. Taught 1 year. Taught, S. Livonia, N. Y., y r -I State Normal S., Whitewater, Wis., ^ yr. N. Flotilla Watson (William Pond), Taught 12 years. 303 S. Charity st., Los Angeles, Cal. Has taught since graduation, except when prevented by ill health, and from lowest primary to High S.; Olean, N. Y., Acad.; Otto, N. Y.; Rochester, Minn.; Marshall, Texas; Cat. Co., N. Y.; Dun. kirk, N. Y., High S. ; Fairfield, Cal. ; has completed Chautauqua course; has Cal. Life Dip.; m. 1882. Henry C. Bowen, S. of Mines, Col. College, N.Y. City. Taught 1 7 years. Now, assistant in quantitative analysis as above. Edward A. Bowser, C. E., LL. D., Taught 17 years. Prof, of Math, and Eng., Rutgers College, New Brunswick, N. J. Taught in Brooklyn Polytechnic Inst., 1866 to 1867; in Rutgers College, 1868 to 1869, and from 1870 to present time; on coast surv., 1869 to 1870; on N. J. topographical surv., 1870 to 1875: in charge of geodetric survey of N. J. since 1875; author ol Analytic Geometry and Differential and Integral Cal- culus, in 2 vols. George H. Quay, Knox, N. Y. Taught 18 years. School Com’r, 3 yrs.; Prin. Knoxville Acad., 3 yrs.; Prin. Lit. Dep’t Albany Business Col., 1 yr. ; Prin. Un. Sch., Green Island, 2 yrs.; Prin. Pub. S., W. Albany, 8 yrs.; Prin. Pub. S., Castleton, 1 yr. ; now, Prin., Cohoes — all N. Y. Hon. George W. W r eiant, Haverstraw, N. Y. Taught o years. Boating and navigation, 2 yrs.; admitted to practice law, 1870; supervisor, Stony Point, N. Y.» 1869-70; member of assembly, 1875 — insurance and printing committees ; elected county judge, 1881; member Dem. State Com. ; 1870 m. Laura A. Searing. Richard W. White, New Hamburgh, N. Y. Taught 14 years. Taught in N. Y. State in various Ss.; now, keeping books; pres’t and valedictorian Lit. Soc.; 1870 m. Sarah C. Myers; 2 children. l8 1867 — Forty-fourth Class. Forty-fifth Term, ending January 31, 1867. Cynthia R. Chamberlain (John A. Ball), Taught 5 years. Oakland, Cal. Taught in P. S., Canisteo, N. Y.; Angelica, N. Y., Acad.; Charlotte, Mich., i yr.; m. 1874; 4 children, 2 living. Anna M. Donohue, Gram. S. No. 15, N. Y. City. Taught 16 years. Taught select school, Saugerties, N. Y., 2 yrs.; since, in N. Y. City, as now, Middle Dept. Philinda L. Ferry (Newell G. Rowley), Taught 4 years. Lake City, Kansas. Taught, W. Worcester, 3 yrs.; Cortland Co., yr. ; Onondaga Co., ^ yr. — all N. Y. ; V. P. Good Templars’ Lodge, etc.; m. 1871; cattle ranch, as above. Anna E. Gardner (Lewis Cuddeback), Taught 7J years. Huguenot, N. Y. Taught mostly in Orange Co., N. Y. ; m. 1872; 2 children. Ella L. Keyes, dec’d. Taught 12 years. Address Hon. Emerson W. Keyes, Brooklyn, N. Y. Taught, ass’t Prim. Dept., 1867-8; Prin. Primary Dept, of State Normal S., 1868-72; P. S. No. 13, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1874-9, when she died; brilliant, untiring, devoted to mission work, classes out of school, literary work; she died greatly lamented at the age of 29, having accomplished more than most do in a long life. Emma E. La Grange (Clarence H. Bailey), Taught o years. Fargo, Dakota. Did not teach on account of poor health; m. 1877; no children. Ellen L. Matthewson (E. B. Du Monde, ’6 7), Taught 1 year. Pelham Manor, N. Y. Taught in a P. S. ; m. 1870; 3 children. Emeline S. McMaster (Ephraim Curtiss), Taught 4 years. Geneseo, N. Y. Taught in Un. S. as above, 4 yrs. ; m. 1874. Phebe F. Moase (J. Wright Johnson), Taught ii years. Clements, Cal. After graduation, took three months’ rest for nervous exhaustion; summer of 1867, taught Academy at Middleburgh, N. Y., as Prin.; in Gram. S. 49, N. Y. City, 3 yrs.; Prin. Prim. Dept., Bayonne, N. J., 5 yrs.; sister’s health failed and went with her to Stockton, Cal., where Miss Phebe was ap- pointed to the highest position that could be held by a lady, there preparing pupils. for High S.; taught 2 yrs.; m. 1878; 2 daughters; she lives with her husband on their ranch of 8,500 acres devoted to wheat raising. Emma A. Osterhout (Edmund S. Hollands), Taught z years. West Troy, N. Y. Taught, Cohoes, N. Y., 5 yrs.; m. 1873; 3 children, 2 living. Cornelia A. Palmer, dec’d (Col. C. Bentzoni, U. S. A.; Taught i year Address sister, Fannie A., Mechanicville, N. Y. Taught, Albany, N. Y., and Saratoga Co. ; m. 1867; no children; died 1869; married life at Raleigh, N. C. Sarah E. Shirley, 461 S. Pearl st., Albany, N. Y. Taught 14 years. Taught in P. S. No. 14 of Albany. Crines H. Dubois, LL. B-, Minneapolis, Minn. Taught 4 years. Taught, V. P. Ref. Ch. S., N. Y. City; Prin. P. S., L. I. City, N.Y. ; studied at Cornell Univ., 1870; grad. Law Dept. Mich. Univ., 1872; since, in journalism in Mich, and Minn. Edward B. Du Mond, Pelham Manor, N. Y. Taught 16 years. Taught, Stuyvesant Falls, 2 yrs. ; Schodack Landing, 2 yrs. ; now Prin. as above — all N. Y. ; was Pres’t Dutchess Co. Teachers’ Assoc’n; 1870 m. E. L. Matthewson, ’67; 3 daughters. Marquis D. Gould, LL. B., Flushing, L. I. Taught i year. Taught, Prin. Central S., Kingston, N. Y., 1 yr. ; grad. Albany Law S., 1869; since, practiced as above. Irving Moyer, Fort Plain, N. Y. Taught o years. Studied law, and has been with a company of R. R. engineers surveying. R. R. routes. Lyman E. Rockwell, M. D., Amenia, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Taught, Prin. Weedsport, N. Y. Un. S., 2 yrs. ; attended med. lectures in Albany, N. Y., and New York City, graduating Med. Dept. Un. N. Y., 1873; has since practiced, as at present. 1867— Forty-Fifth Class. Forty-sixth Term, ending July ii, 1867. Sarah C. Avery (H. Clay Youngs), Albion, N. Y. Taught 2 % years. Taught, Gloversville, 2 yrs.; in Mont. Co., Y r * — all N. Y.; m. 1871; 1 child, girl. Eliza M. Clark (J. A. Sands), Newburgh, N. Y. Taught 4 years. Taught, Hastings-on-Hudson; P. S. No. ii, Albany — all N. Y. : m. 1872; 2 children; sister of J. M., ’59, H. A. ’61, H. M., ’71. Helen A. Cochran, High S., Albany, N. Y. Taught 1 6 yeras. Has taught since graduation; now, in High S. as above. Eugenia Ga Nun (Ami Strang), Shrub Oaks, N. Y. Taught 4 years. Taught, Saratoga, Patterson, and as above — all N. Y. ; m. 1872; 2 children. Margaret J. Herring (James W. Pollard), Taught 3 years. La Grange, Kansas. Taught dist. Ss. and evening S. in N. Y. till m. 1870; 4 children. Sarah E, Hewitt, dec’d (Sumuel Richardson). Taught 5 years. Address Elisha Isbell, Saratoga Spa. Taught, Prin. gram, room as above, 3 yrs.; Pontiac, Mich., 2 yrs.; m. 1871, in Pontiac, where she died, 1873. Taught o years. Taught 14 years. Taught 6 years. Taught 15 years. Marcia S. Lewis (Calvin Patterson, ’67). M. as above. (See husband’s record.) K. Augusta Lord, 19 Philip st., Albany, N. Y. Taught P. S. No. ii, as above. Jennie L. Marsh (George S. Lester), Canal Fulton, O. Taught, Jamestown, 3 yrs.; Otto, 3 yrs. — all N. Y. ; m. 1875; 2 boys. Mary E. Sackett, Bangall, N. Y. Has taught since graduation; for the last 9 yrs., boarding and day S. with sister, as above. Sarah E. Sackett, Bangall, N. Y. Taught 15 years. Has taught since graduation; for the last 9 yrs., boarding and day S. with sister, as above. Josephine B. Shaw, M. D. (F. S. Briggs, M. D.), Taught 3 years. “ Invalid’s Home,” Newark, Wayne Co., N. Y. Taught, Normal School, Albany, N. Y., geometry and grammar, 3 yrs.; m. 1871; graduated in medicine at the University of Michigan, 1875, and has since, with her husband, practiced as above. Margaret A. Sherwood, Taught 2 years. 150 Clinton ave., Albany, N. Y. Taught private pupils; was kept at home to care for invalid parents. Deborah Smith (Robert Morton, dec’d), Taught 7 years. 2023 Mervine st., Phila., Pa. Taught, Wilkesbarre, Pa., i yr. ; as above, since 1876; kindergarten, as above, since 1877—6 yrs.; husband died 1880; 3 children, daughters; oldest, student in Normal S., as above. Emily A. Taylor, dec’d (E. B. Lyon, M. D.), Taught io years. New Britain, Conn. Studied elocution with Prof. Monroe, Boston, Mass.; taught elocution, history and ethics in State Normal School, Albany, N. Y., 6 yrs.; spent 4 yrs. in St. Augustine and Jackson, Fla., for health, and taught elocution; m. 1876; no children; died 1884, railroad accident, as above. 172 Anna Vane (M. N. Herald, dec’d), Taught 10A years. East Penfield, N. Y. Taught ist dept., Manchester, N. Y., 4^ yrs.; taught as above, 6 yrs.; m. 1869; 1 child, boy. Susan E. Weeks, dec’d (W. H. Estabrook), Taught 3 years. Hoosick Falls, N. Y. Taught as above; m. 1870; 2 girls; died 1880. Frances A. Westover, P. S. No. n, Albany, N. Y. Taught 15 years. Taught, Rock City, N. Y., i yr. ; as above, 14 yrs. Albert F. Burgess, Erieville, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Prin. P. S., Kingston, N. Y., 2 yrs.; civil engineer, railroad work, since; 1870 m. Miss Gertie E. Richardson; no children. Louis S- Conklin, Owasco, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Taught 2 yrs. ; health failed; not able to engage in very active business. David E. Kohler, A. M., dec’d. Taught 3 years. Address sister, Eliz. W., Shelby, N. Y. Taught, Knox, term; Prof. Adelphi Acad., Brooklyn; grad. Cornell Un., 1873; Prin. Afton Acad., 2 yrs. — all N. Y.; 1876, entered Auburn Theol. Sem.; died 1877. Took prizes, etc., at college. Calvin Patterson, A. M., Supt. Ss., Brooklyn, N.Y. Taught 15 years. Taught as Prin. in Rochester, Buffalo, and Brooklyn — all N. Y. ; grad. Rochester, N. Y., Univer- sity; now, as above; m. M. S. Lewis, ’67. John B. Resseguie, Spring Brook, Mich. Taught i year. Taught, Polytechnic Inst., Brooklyn, N. Y., % yr. ; and a little in Michigan; as above, since 1868 in mercantile business ; unmarried. Norman M. Stark, Otter Lake, Mich. Taught 2J years. Taught, Batchellerville, N.Y., 5 terms; went to Mich. 1872; now, in mercantile business; has been supervisor; bro. Stark, ’54. Henry C. Tefft, Dep. P. M., St. Charles, Mich. Taught 4 years. Taught in various places; St. Charles; Sag. Co.; in charge of saw mill; town supt. Ss.; 1881 m. Miss Sarah Hatt; i child. Warner W. Wester velt, 33 Pine st., N. Y. City. Taught 4 years. Taught, Math, and Sci., Un. Acad., Belleville, x term; Un. Hall Acad., Jamaica, i term; Poly- technic Inst., Brooklyn, i term — all N. Y. ; Prin. P. S., Orange, N. J.; V. P. Plainfield, N. J., yrs.; resigned on account of health; since, resided Orange, N. J., and practiced law as above; ad* mitted to bar 1880; m. Miss Mary A. Beach; 5 children. 1868 — Forty-sixth Class. Forty-seventh Term, ending January 29, 1868. Mary F. Andrews (George H. Price), Taught 4 % years. 543 Clinton ave., Albany, N. Y. Taught, West Albany, N. Y., yr. ; Cohoes, N. Y., 4 yrs.; m. 1873; 3 boys. Abbie A. Beaty, Johnsonville, Rens. Co., N. Y. Taught 4 years. Taught, Salem i yr. ; graded S., Green Island, i yr. ; graded S., Port Henry, 2 yrs. — all N. Y. Sarah R. Carey (Chas. W. Ladd), Taught 2 years. •Braman’s Corners, N.Y. Taught different Ss. in Schoharie Co., N. Y., 2 yrs.; m. 1870; no children; husband a farmer. Elizabeth Carpenter, Inst, for Blind, N. Y. City. Taught 15 years. Taught, Lysander, N. Y., yr. ; since, as above; has given much attention to the study of medicine. Sarah E. Clark (James C. Haynes), Taught 5 years. 418 ist ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Taught, Middletown i yr. ; Skaneateles i yr. ; Deposit 3 yrs. — all N. Y. ; spent a term in Cortland Normal S.; m. 1879; 2 children; 1 living. i73 Amelia E. Daley (Joseph Alden, D.D., LL.D.), Taught 8 years. Quogue, L. I. For 8 yrs. teacher of Rhet. and Eng. Lit. in State Normal S., Albany, N. Y.; contributor to periodi- cal literature; has done a great deal of excellent literary work; ni. 1882; wrote poem for Reunion, ’83. Libbie S. Ewing (W. J. Edwards), Albany, N.Y. Taught 3 years. Taught in P. S. No. 3 as above; m. 1871; 5 children; 2 living. Harriet Hall (John G. Mills, dec’d), Taught 2 years. 1026 17th st., Washington, D.C. Taught before marriage in 1870; 2 children; Mrs. M. is now teaching music as above; husband died 1883; sang contralto solo, Reunion ’83. Elsie M. Hodge, 785 Monroe st., Brooklyn, N.Y. Taught 13 years. Has taught since graduation, except 2 years’ study in S. of Oratory, Boston; teaching in P. S. as above. Susan Hoxie, dec’d (Arthur Hathaway), Sherwood, N.Y. Taught 4^ yrs. Taught, Blooming Grove 2 yrs.; in Normal S. in Buffalo 2 yrs.; Schodock yr. — all N. Y.; at- tended Cornell University; m. 1878; 1 child, which lived but a short time; died 1880. Adaline Jones, Constableville, N. Y. Taught 15 years. Has taught since graduation, in Albany, Newtonville, Boonville, Stittville, and as above — all N. Y. Mary A. McClelland, State N. S., Albany, N.Y. Taught 15 years. Taught, Spring Valley i yr.; Shelter Island 5 mo’s; State Normal S. since and now, Eng., Gram, and Hist.— all N. Y. Helen R. Monfort, Cook Co. N. S., Normalville, 111 . Taught 15 years. Taught, Chester Inst.; P. S. No. 6, Jersey City, N. J., 5 yrs.; prepared exhibit in drawing for for Centennial Exposition; Cook Co. Normal S., as at present, 5 yrs.; introduced industrial drawing into Cook Co., 111 ., schools; has given much attention to training school; has taught drawing, Latin, literature, Psychology; teaching illustrative art for blackboard exercises. Emma J. Monk, Tucson, Arizona. Taught 13 years. Taught, P. S., Cohoes io yrs.; and for the last 3 yrs. as at present. Mary Mott (Rev. C. M. Jones), Golden, Col. Taught 7 years. Taught, Cedar Hill i yr. ; Preceptress W. Nassau Academy i yr. ; head asst. Un. S., Bath-on- Hudson, 3 yrs. — all N. Y. ; Chicago, 111 ., 2 yrs., grammar grade P. S. ; m. 1875, and has since resided as above; husband, Baptist clergyman. Mary E. Pinkham (Isaac T. Swezey), Taught i year. 279 Sumner ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Taught, P. S. No. 23, as above; m 1869; 2 sons. Jennie M. Schoonmaker, Gram. S. No. 3, N.Y. City. Taught 15 yrs. Taught, prin. P. S., New Paltz, N. Y., n yrs.; and in other Ss. ; now, as above. Sophie J. Sprague, P. S., No. 5, Albany, N. Y. Taught 14 years. Has taught in the same school ever since graduation. Ernestine Stockwell, Hammonton, N. J. Taught 13J years. Taught continuously in Un. S., Schenectady, N. Y., higher Eng. dept., till April, 1882, and re- sumed Sept., 1883; attended summer lecture course, Amherst, Mass. Kate M. Teelin, dec’d, Blossvale, N.Y. Taught o years. She died Dec. 10, 1868. Anna E. Walker (Chas. Gibson), Albany, N. Y. Taught 14 years. Taught in the same school from which also she went to Normal S.; m. 1883; was prin. P. S. No. 24, as above. Martha A. Young, Wadham’s Mills, N. Y. Taught ioj years. Taught in Rondout P. S., 4 % Y rs - ; Elizabethtown Un. S., 5 yrs. ; Sherman Acad., 1 yr.-^-all N. Y. ; since, and now, at home with parents. George A. Bossard, Tomkins’ Cove, N. Y. Taught 12 years. Taught, Verplanck, N. Y., 3 yrs.; as above, 4 yrs.; Rockland Lake, N. Y., 5 yrs.; now, ship yard; 1869 m. Mary E. Hammond; 1 child. Herman C. De Groat, Taught 13J years. 23 Plymouth ave., Buffalo, N. Y. Prin. P. S. No. 35; taught, Prin. Parker Un. S., Clarence, N. Y., 10 yrs. ; also, Castile, N. Y. ; as above, 3 yrs., and now; m. Miss Matilda Knowlton; 3 children. 74 Orville A. Derby, B. S., M. S., Taught J year. Kellogsville, N. Y. ; also, National Museum, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Taught, Monroe, N. Y.; graduated B. S., Cornell Un., ’73; went with Hartt’s Amazon Expedition, *7o-’7i; ass’t in University, 2 yrs. ; ’74, received M. S.; 1875-8, ass’t to Geological Commission, Bra- zil; since then, director Geological and Mineralogical Section Nat. Museum, Brazil. William H. McLenathan, M. D., Brooklyn, N. Y. Taught 8 years. Taught, Essex Co., N. Y., 2 yrs.; School Com’r, same Co., 2 terms; grad. Homeo. Med. College, N. Y. City, and has since practiced, as above; m. Miss Amelia Wood; 3 children. Orlando M. Record, Thayer, Kansas. Taught 13 years. Taught, Brooklyn, Smyrna, Norwich, Auburn — all N. Y., 9 yrs.; in Kansas, 4 yrs.; now, farmer and stock raiser; 1871 m. Emily O. Tefft; 4 children. Albert C. Tennant, Richfield Springs, N. Y. Taught i J years. Taught P. S. and Select S. at German, E. German, and Willett — all N. Y. ; admitted to bar, 1873; also U. S. Courts; as above, since 1873; 1876 m. Miss Lizzie H. Getman; 1 child. 1868 — Forty-seventh Class. Forty-eighth Term, ending July 3, 1868. Anna Agnew (Abel Ritchie, dec’d, 1883), Taught 12 years. Danbury, Conn. Taught, Sar. Co., N. Y., iyr. ; Bethel, Conn., i yr. ; Danbury, Conn., till 1880; had also night school for operatives, etc., who were ashamed to go into classes in graded school; 2 children; now, teaching. Susan Anthony (E. C. Potter), Taught 2 years. Box 994, San Francisco, Cal. Taught in Un. S., Union Spa, N.«Y. ; m. 1870; 4 children. Fannie Barclay (Geo. W. Patterson), Nyack, N. Y. Taught J year. M. as above; 1 child. Frances M. Benjamin, 572 Madison ave., Albany, N. Y. Taught, Public School No. 6, as above, from graduation; teacher of class, until her resignation, 1883. Ada Coe (George E. Cosgrove, dec’d), 247 Division st., Paterson, N. J. m. 1869; 1 child, boy. M. Juliet Danforth, Chicago, 111. Taught in Chicago, 111., since graduation, except 1 term in Ky. Kate Emigh (F. M. Baker, dec’d), 229 E. 127th st., N. Y. City. Taught in Dutchess Co., N. Y. ; m. 1873; 3 children. F. Sarah Gerow (Frederic W. Reynolds, dec’d), Newburgh, N. Y. Taught in primary, grammar and academic dept’s of Newburgh Pub. now occupies. Taught 15 years. the highest grade, 9th year Taught o years. Taught 14 J years. Taught 4 years. Taught 14 years. Ss., which last position she Elizabeth J. Gibson, Los Angeles, Cal. Taught 15 years. Taught prim. dept. Normal School, Albany, N. Y., 3 yrs.; Vice Prin. Gram. S., Detroit, Mich., 9 yrs.; since 1881, teaching in P. S. as above. Lizzie K. Holmes, Albany, N. Y. Taught o years. Has never taught. Louisa Hoyte (Simon Relyea), Taught 7J years. Grosvenor’s Corners, N. Y. Taught in Scho. Co., N. Y., i yr. ; in S. W. Mich., 2 yrs.; Lawyersville, N. Y., 1 yr. ; Braman’s Corners, N. Y., 3 yrs. ; Sloansville, N. Y., J4 yr. ; m. 1879; pursued a regular course of studies while teaching. Margaret E. Kling, Cobleskill, N. Y. Taught 14 years. Taught, Acad., Rock City Falls, 3 yrs.; Fort Ann, 2 yrs.; Prin. int. dept., Cobleskill Un. S., 7 i75 yrs.; Prin. P. S., as above, 2 yrs.; now, Prin. P. S., Lansingburgh — all N. Y. ; Sec’y Scho. Co. Ed. Ass’n; has sent ten students to Normal School. Caroline E. Knapp, Brewster, N. Y. Taught 15 years. Taught in various Ss.; Prin. Pine Plains, N. Y., 2 yrs. ; as at present, 9 yrs. ; has sent many pupils to State Normal S. Hortense O. Knapp (J. Homer Smith, M. D), Taught 8 years. Brewster, N. Y. Prin. P. S., i yr. ; established a kindergarten for her own children and others, which, as the children grew, became Oakdale Sem. ; as above, for 7 yrs., and now; m. 1869; 2 children. Anna E. Lyons, P. S. No. 13, Albany, N. Y. Taught 14 years. Has taught since graduation in same school. Mary McCloskey, 67 Schuyler st., Albany, N. Y. Taught 12 years. Taught, Bethlehem; Albany; now teaching in Miss Ryan’s school, as above — all N. Y. Helen A. McDonald (Edwin Cooper), Utica, N. Y. Taught 5 years. Taught in P. S. No. 21, Albany, N. Y. ; m. 1877; 3 children. Mary S. McQueen, dec’d, West Galway, N. Y. Taught 7 years. Taught in dist. Ss. of Saratoga, Fulton and Sch’y Cos. N. Y., from graduation till death, 1875. Elizabeth H. McQueen (John Keys), Taught n years. West Hebron, N. Y. Taught in dist. Ss. of Saratoga, Fulton and Sch’y Cos., N. Y., until m., 1879. Mary E. Rhodes, (Rev. J. H. Wood), Taught 3 years. 4809 Penn, st., Frankford, Phila., Pa. Taught, Greene Co., N. Y., 3 yrs. ; m. 1872; 1 child, son. Annie J. Shanks, High School, Albany, N. Y. Taught 15 years. Tanght, P. S. No. 18, 2 yrs.; Albany High School since— algebra, physiology, physical geog., his- tory, reading, composition, French. Harriet Shultis (Marcus S. Clow), Ballston Spa, N.Y. Taught 4J yrs. Taught, West Berne, N. Y., yr. ; Albany, N. Y., 4 yrs.; m. 1873. Helen W. Uline, Sandlake, N. Y. Taught n years. Taught, Schodack, N. Y., 4 yrs.; Nassau, yrs.; Prin. P. S. as above, 5^ yrs. — all N. Y. ; has sent several pupils to Normal School. Cornelia M. Wigent, High School, Jersey City, N. J. Taught 15 years. Taught Prep. Dept. High S., Syracuse, 4 yrs.; Preceptress Ogdensburgh Ed. Inst., 1 yr. ; Pre- ceptress Marion Acad., 1 term — all N. Y.; Gram. S., Jersey City, and as now, since. Emma T. Wilkinson, 75 Grand st., Albany, N. Y. Taught 9 years. Taught, Ass’t Model Dept. State Normal School, 2 yrs.; and in P. S. No. 14, as above, 7 yrs.; re- signed 1882. Hetta Jane Wiltsie (William Reynolds), Taught 4 years. 1401 Monroe st., Chicago, 111 . Taught, La Grange, N. Y. ; m. 1873; 5 children; husband in P. O. as above. Frank F. Ansley, Rushville, N. Y. Taught io years. Has taught, Yates Co., N. Y., 20 terms, except some in Ontario Co., N. Y.; has worked some as carpenter ; now, farmer, and expects to be ; unmarried. ♦ Jackson Bailey, Taught 3 years. Ed. “ Am. Machinist,” 96 Fulton st., N. Y. City. Taught, Prin. Un. S., Walden, Red. Hook, Rhinebeck — all N. Y., 1868-71; canvassed for Geog. works and trade journal, 1871-7; then, with H. B. Miller as partner, established above paper, of which ed.; 1875 m. Annie Donlin; no children. Charles J. Beach, dec’d, Whitney’s Point, N. Y. Taught i\ years. Taught in Collegiate Inst., Towanda, Pa., % yr. ; Prin. Booneville, N. Y., 1 yr. ; died 1870. Samuel F. Belknap, B. S., LL. B., Syracuse, N.Y. Taught 5 years. Grad. B. S., Cornell University, 1873; grad. Albany Law S., 1874; as above, since; elected Justice, 1883; unmarried. J ohn Bookhout, Dallas, Texas. Taught 2 years. Taught in German-Eng. S., San Antonio, Texas, 2 yrs.; admitted to bar, 1870; since, practiced law; 1875 m. Miss M. E. Randall; 3 children. 176 Eugene Burlingame, Albany, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Prin. P. S., Athens, N. Y., 2 yrs.; admitted to bar, 1871; commenced practice, 1872; since, as above; defeated fordist. att’y, 1883 — ran ahead of ticket; 1875 m. Miss Emma P. Watson; 3 children. Manfred Burton, dec’d, Chicago, 111 . Taught 2 years. Was Prin. P. S., Sun Prairie, Wis., 2 yrs.; then went into Lake Transportation business in Chi- cago, where he died 1872. Rev. N. Edgar Bush (N. N. Y. Conf. M. E. Church), Taught 2 years. Waddington, N. Y. Taught in Boys’ Acad., Troy, N. Y., 2 yrs.; entered ministry, 1871; 1869 m. Miss H. A. Putnam, ’69; 4 children. William V. Jones, A. M., Adj. Prof. Math. Taught 15 years. State Normal School, Albany, N. Y. Adjunct Prof. Math.; taught y r - before entering N. S.; after graduating taught i yr. in Kings- ton and then called to present position; enlisted April, 1861, 3d Regt. N. Y. Vols. ; served 2 yrs.; re- enlisted, Hancock’s Vet. Corps, and served yrs. till end of war; 1871 m. Miss A. C. Haynes, ’71; 5 children — all N. Y. Watson M. McLenathan, dec’d, Upper Jay, N. Y. Taught o years. Graduated July 3, 1868; died of consumption Feb. 8, 1869. D. Russell Niver, Albany, N. Y., Taught o years. Bookseller and publisher, 10 N. Pearl st. Was engaged to teach in Academy, Flatbush, N. Y. ; was prevented by sickness; clerk, postmaster, traveling missionary Y. M. C. A.; published “Everybody’s Magazine,” “Everybody’s Paper,” “ Child’s Paper”; Pres. Russell Publishing Co.; published five books in ’83; has been thus in work of instruction since graduation, and so has taught 15 yrs.; 1871 m. Miss Kate G. Abbott. Joseph S. St. John, A.M., dec’d. Taught 13 years. Address Mrs. A. L., 374 Hamilton st., Albany, N. Y. Taught in Acad., Samdlake, yr. ; Prin. Un. S., Rose, 1 yr. ; Acad., Highland Falls, 1 yr. ; Prof. Nat. Sci., Claverack Col., 2 yrs.; sp. course S. of mines, Col. College, N. Y. City, 1 yr. ; Prof. Nat. Sci., State Normal S., from 1874 till death, 1882 — all N. Y. ; 1870 m. Arabella Loucks; 5 children, 3 living. Hiram D. Warner, Taught 14 years. N. Y. Custom House, Division No. 7, N. Y. City. Has taught nearly all the time since graduation; Prin. in Fishkill, Niagara Falls, Hancock, Mill- brook Acad., Spring Valley, math. Rockland College — all N. Y. ; now, in law dept., Custpm House; m. Nellie Osborn; 4 children, 1 living. Alonzo Washburn, dec’d. Taught J year. Address brother, J. R., Rodman, N. Y. Taught, Watrousville, Mich., 1 season; then drug and book store, Caro, Mich,, until his death, 1880; he was for many yrs. Supt. of Ss. ; mem. Bd. Ed.; he served 3 yrs. in the army during the war; 1872 m. Libbie Westlake, who died, 1876; 2 sons in Perry, N. Y. 1869 — Forty-eighth Class. Forty -ninth Term, ending January 27, 1869. H. Elizabeth Brewster (Samuel F. Ames), Taught 8 years. 15 Park st., Albany, N. Y. Taught, Prin. Prim. Ss., Cohoes, N. Y., 7 yrs.; Prin. Egbert Inst., same city, 1 yr. ; resigned, and m. 1877; 1 son. Mary E. Clark (Isaiah Yanney), Johnstown, N. Y. Taught i year. Commenced teaching 3 weeks before graduation; m. 1870; 4 children. Hattie Erwin (C. M. Zeh), 326 Mad. ave., Albany, N. Y. Taught 4J yrs. Taught, Voorheesville, Albany, N. Y., 1 % yrs.; ist asst. P. S. No. 7, Albany, N. Y., 3 yrs. ; m. 1873. Nettie Follette (Fred. E. Page), Schenevus, N. Y. Taught ij years. Taught 3 terms; m. 1874; 4 boys. Lucinda Hawthorn (G. W. Hill), Central City, Neb. Taught 3J years. Taught, Darlington, Vt., % yr. ; Middletown, N. Y., i yr. ; Missouri 2 yrs.; m. 1872; 3 children. 177 Lois J. Haynes (Leander Boothby) , Albany, N. Y. Taught 7 years. Taught in Kingston, N. Y., 7 yrs.; m. 1877; 2 sons; stepdaughter, Nellie Boothby, ’83. S. Elizabeth Kinney (William Waring), Taught 4 years. National Military Home, Dayton, O. Taught, White Plains, N. Y., yrs.; Milton, N. Y., 2)4 yrs.; m. 1875. Rosalie M. Newell (H. C. Chase), Taught 6 years. Minneapolis, Minn. Taught in prim, and int. grades, mostly as above, till married, 1875. Emma L. Phelps (Frank Adams) , Taught 6 years. Care James H. Adams, Albany, N. Y. Taught in P. Ss., as above, till m. 1875; 1 son. H. Amelia Putnam (Rev. N. Edgar Bush, ’68). Taught i year. Taught, Kingston, N. Y.; m. 1869; 4 children; see husband’s record. Margaret M. Ray, Hillburn, N. Y., care W. W. Snow. Taught 14 yrs. Taught, Sufferns, Boarding S. 6 yrs.; Ithica P. S. 2 yrs.; Hillburn 6 yrs. and now — all N. Y. Sarah Richards (Alonzo Hunt), Kingston, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Taught, prim, and ist asst. P. S., as above, 3 yrs.; m. 1872; 1 daughter. Julia A. Searle (B. F. Hogg), Columbus, Kan. Taught o years. M. soon after graduation. Mary L. Smith (Rev. Platt N. Chase), Jewett, N. Y. Taught 3^ years. Taught, Schodack y r *I Young Ladies’ Seminary, Glens Falls, i yr. ; Un. S., Sandy Hill, 2 yrs. — all N. Y. ; 1 girl. Chorlotte Stoneman (Hon. B. H. Williams), Taught 4 years. Buffalo, N. Y. Taught, 2d asst. Ward S. No. i, Troy, N. Y., i yr. ; Buffalo, N. Y., High S., 2 yrs.; m. 1872; 4 children. Emma P. Traynier, care Allen N. Traynier, Rye, N. Y. Taught 1 1 J yrs. Taught, Math., Sem., W. Va., yr. ; since and now, prin. in Un. Home and S. for Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Children, W. 151 st., N. Y. City. Licetta M. Wyatt (W. B. Sutliff) , Mound Valley, Kan. Taught 7 yrs. Taught in Cambridge, Pittstown and Watervliet, all N. Y., 14 terms; m. 1882; 1 child. George E. Bellinger, dec’d, Gardnersville, N. Y. Taught o years. Was not able to be at closing exercises; his diploma was sent to him, and received just before he died. George W. Challoner, North Nassau, N. Y. Taught 14 years. Taught, Randall’s Island, N. Y., 2 yrs.; N. Nassau, N. Y., 1 yr. ; H. C. C. Inst., Charleston, S. C., since and now. 1869 — Forty -ninth Class. Fiftieth Term, ending June 30, 1869. Harriet C. Bradford (Rev. A. O. Spoor, Troy Conf.), Taught 4 yrs. Crown Point, N. Y. Taught, Spring Valley, 2 yrs.; Chatham Centre, yrs.; Crown Point, % yr. — all N. Y. ; m. 1875; 1 child, died; has written poetry; her hymns have been set to music, among them, “ No River Here.” Florence E. Browne ( Callender), No report. Dover Plains, N. Y. Margaret A. Campbell, dec’d, Taught j years. Address Mrs. R. D., Elgin, N. Y. Taught, Glens Falls, N. Y., x term and part of another; died of quick consumption, the winter of 1870. 19 1 7 8 Phebe A. Carrier (C. A. Bishop, ’80), Taught 9 years. Lewisboro, N. Y. Taught P. S., Troy, 5 yrs. ; Bath-on-Hudson, 4 yrs. — all N. Y.; m. 1880; no children. Anna M. Chapin, 140 M. st., Boston, Mass. Taught o years. Has remained at home since graduation. Caroline R. Churchill, P. S. No. 1, Albany, N. Y. Taught 14 years. Taught in the same school 14 years. Mary Clute, New Brunswick, N. J. Taught 14 years. Prin. Primary School; has taught as above since 1870. Kate E. Day, E. Orange, N. J. Taught 14 years. Has taught since graduation; in Ashland P. S., as above, the past n yrs., and now. Hannah M. E. Feeny, Taught 14 years. Care D. Feeny, Stapleton, Staten Island. Prin. Fern. Dept. Pub. S. No. 2, town of Middletown, Rich. Co.; has sent several pupils to the Normal S. Louise J. Ferguson (Rev. D. N. Allen, dec’d), Taught 5 years. Westford, N. Y. Prin. P. S., Shelter Island, N. Y., i yr. ; Collegiate Inst., Newton, N. J., 3 yrs.; Prin. Marksboro, N. J., 1 yr. ; m. 1874; lived in Greely, Col., 3 % yrs.; resided at Snow Hill, N. Y., yrs.; husband died 1880; 3 children. Henrietta Ferrell (Wm. H. Randel, M. D.), Taught i year. No. 1 Clinton Square, Albany, N. Y. Taught, Gloversville, N. Y., 7 mos. ; Greenbush, N. Y., 3 mos. ; m. 1871; 2 boys, 1 girl. Mary J. Ginn (A. D. McAllister), Taught o years. N. Y. C. Freight Office, Black Rock, Buffalo, N. Y. Alice Harder (E. S. Ryder), Cobleskill, N. Y. Taught o years. P. O. clerk in father’s office till marriage. Allene Hart (B. F. Kipp), Sing Sing, N. Y. Taught 2J years. Taught in the P. Ss. as above; m. 1872. Louise J. Hoare ( Ling, dec’d), Whitestone, N. Y. No report. Annie L. Huntley, Town Supt. Ss., Bridport, Vt. Taught 14 years. Taught, Chester, Vt., Academy; Private S., Leicester, Vt. ; as above; Graded S., Port Henry, N. Y., where health failed; P. O. clerk, i yr. ; for last 3 yrs., and now, Supt. Ss. Mary F. Hyde, Whitney’s Point, N. Y. Taught 14 years. Taught, Greene, %’yr. ; Mathematics and Rhetoric in State Normal School at Albany from 1870 to 1882; Prin. P. S. No. 2, Yonkers, 1882-4. Sarah R. Knapp, residence and history unknown. Ada Marean, Maine, N. Y. Taught io years. Taught 3 yrs., Wilkesbarre, Pa.; took Kindergarten course, N. Y. City, 1876; Kind. S., Toronto* Canada, 2 yrs.; Kind. S., St. John, N. B., 1 yr. ; Cal., Mo., 1 yr. ; Sept. ’83, took charge'of Kind. Ss- in Toronto, Canada, and in charge of that dept, in Provincial Normal S. in same city. Ella F. McKean (John Garbrance), Albany, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Taught P. S., N. Albany, N. Y., yrs.; West Albany, N. Y., yr. ; m. 1872. Eunice B. Pinkney (Phineas D. Fisher), Taught 6 years. 120 S. ioth st., Hannibal, Mo. Taught, Normanskill, N. Y., i yr. ; as above. Primary and High S., 5 yrs.; m. 1876; 1 girl; sister of Martha W., ’64. Ella Russell (John Alfred Searing), Taught 7 years. 20 Hanover Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. Taught, Kingston, N. Y., 4^ yrs.; P. S. No. 1, Brooklyn, N. Y., 2 % yrs.; m. 1876. Georgia Shadwick, 165 Second st., Albany, N. Y. Taught \ year. Took post-graduate course; health failed, partial invalid for years; wrote for papers and periodicals over signature “ Beulah’’; wrote “ White Lilies from the King’s Garden," which was published 1880, and a second revised edition since. *79 Julia M. Simpson, P. S. No. 14, Albany, N. Y. Taught 14 years. Has taught since graduation in the same school. Alice E. Smith (Marvin Henderson), Taught 6 years. Milo Centre, N. Y. Taught in Inst, for the Blind, N. Y. City; m. 1876, a farmer; 1 child, girl. Clara J. Smith (Eugene Coffin), Cobleskill, N. Y. Taught o years. Did not teach, being kept at home by family duties; with her husband, keeps Hotel Augustan, a§ above, named for her father; is daughter of N. Cross, ’45; m. 1875; 1 child. Elizabeth F. Stantial (Rev. Wm. Durant), Taught io years. Morristown, N. J. Taught, P. S. No. 6, Albany, N. Y., 10 yrs.; m. 1878; two children. Caroline 1YE. Starr (B. F. Prichard), Phelps, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Taught, Phelps Un. and Classical S.; in charge, successively, of three departments; 2 children. Jennie M. Sutliff, Johnstown, N. Y. Taught 8 years. Taught, 1869-76, in Un. S. as above. Olive D. Tanner, dec’d (James C. Spiers), Taught 7 years. South Butte, Cal. Taught in N. Y. State, in Providence, Pa., and Ulster, Pa., and from 1871 to 1877 at Marysville, Cal.; m. 1877; died 1878. Emily M. Teall, dec’d, Taught 1 1 years. 28 Brighton ave., Rochester, N. Y. Taught, Gloversville, 6 yrs. ; Schuylerville, 4 yrs. ; Knox, 1 yr. — all N. Y. ; invalid 2 yrs. ; died 1884. Sarah A. Tompkins (James O. Fisher), Taught 4 years. Lincoln, Neb. Taught, E. Norwich, Rondout, Kingston — all N. Y. ; m. 1873; resided, Ellenville, N. Y., Paterson, N. J. ; as at present since 1880. Mary G. Van Buren (M. G. Nelson), Taught 9 years, 1 14 Herkimer st., Brooklyn, N. Y. Has taught 9 yrs., the last 3 as above. Louise P. Van Deveer (George M. Parker), Taught 3 years. Sac City, Iowa. Taught, P. S., Ackley, Iowa, i yr. ; Sac City, Iowa, 2 yrs.; m. 1871; 2 boys. Alida Van Wyck, Peekskill, N. Y. Taught n years Taught in Newark, N. J., 4 yrs. ; for the past 7 yrs., and now, as above. Annie P. Wardwell, dec’d. Taught 7 years. Address Mrs. E. D., 187 Lancaster st., Albany, N. Y. Taught, senior dept., P. S. No. 6, as above, 4 yrs.; Prin. primary dept., same S., 1 yr. ; Albany Female Acad., 1 yr. ; her health then failed, and she died of consumption 1880. Hattie S. Wetsell (J. T. Bramhall), Albany, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Taught in Washington, D. C., 2 yrs.; m. 1875; 4 children. Rev. Frank D. Abrams, West Hurley, N. Y. Taught \ year. Prin. P. S., Malden, N. Y. ; health failed; recuperated; became Methodist clergyman; first charge, Florida, N. Y. ; as clergyman )|p has “ taught ” 12 yrs. Rev. Loyal A. Bigelow, Taught 14 years. Supt. Tenn. School for the Blind, Nashville, Tenn. Taught in N. Y. Inst, for the Blind, 4 yrs. ; 1874, joined Troy Meth. Conference as clergyman; acted as such till Jan. 1, 1883, when assumed present position; taught 1 yr. in P. S. No. 9, N. Y. City. James B. Crowell, Wallkill, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Taught in various places in Orange Co., N. Y. ; manuf’r wooden ware for 8 yrs.; 1872 m. S. Etta Campbell; 4 children; wife died 1881. Samuel P. Davies, Middle Granville, N. Y. Taught n years. Was Dep. Co. Surveyor, Emporia, Kan.; taught, Rockland Co., N. Y., 1871-82; bookkeeper with Slate Co., as above; 1879 m. N. E. Brownell, an undergraduate. i8o William J. Haverly, West Berne, N. Y. Taught 5 years. Taught winters, farmed summers, Albany and Schoharie Cos., N. Y., for io yrs. ; twice Supervisor of the town of Knox ; not married. Horace G-. Howe, 266 River st., Troy, N. Y. Taught 10 years. Prin Un. S., Cooperstown, N. Y., i yr. ; Prin. graded S., Orange, N. J., 6 yrs.; Prin. ward S., Troy, N. Y., 3 yrs. ; for last 7 yrs. has been in book and stationery business. Simeon T. Maltby, Jeffersonville, N. Y. Taught 6J years. - Has taught nearly every winter since graduation, and, except 2 yrs. in Illinois, in Sullivan Co., N. Y.; farming during summers for health ; m. 1875. Canvas E. Markham, Gallupville, N. Y. Taught n years. Prin. Breakabeen P. S. 4 yrs.; prin. Un. S., Piermont, 3 yrs.; prin. Haverstraw P. S. 1 yr. ; Gallupville Acad. 3 yrs. — all N. Y. Henry E. Mereness, M.D., 712 B’way, Albany, N. Y. Taught 5 years. Taught at Menand’s Station, near Albany, N. Y. ; graduated Albany Med. Coll. 1874; was vale- dictorian of class at Med. Coll.; 3 of his pupils graduated at State N. S; 1878 m. Miss Lucy A. Car- rier; 2 children. John C. Reynolds, dec’d, Binghamton, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Taught at Cobleskill, N. Y.,2 yrs.; Chittenango, N.Y., i yr. ; health failed; book-keeper, Albany, N. Y.; died 1876, leaving a widow and 2 children. S. Niles Saxton, Milford, N. Y. Taught 8 years. Taught, Erasmus Hall Acad., L. I.; P. S., Milford, N. Y. ; sight failed; teaches music, and is a tea merchant; 1879 m. Miss Harriet G. Sayer; 1 child. 1870— Fiftieth Class. Fifty-first Term, ending January 26, 1870. Helen J. Bassett, 341 State st., Albany, N. Y. Taught 3J years. Taught, Rondout, N. Y., % yr. ; P. S. 16, Albany, N. Y., 3 yrs. Ella F. Bigelow (Arthur A. Hitchcock), Taught i year. Champlain, N. Y. Taught as above, 1 yr. ; m. 1873; 1 child, son. Lydia H. Brown, Un. S., Schenectady, N. Y. Taught 13 years. Taught, Dutchess Co., Saratoga Co.; last n yrs. in various positions Un S., as above — all N. Y. Anna S. Caryl, 328 8th st., S. Brooklyn, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Taught, Rotterdam, N. Y., and Montgomery Co., Pa.; called home by health of mother. Margaret E. Conkling, dec’d, Southold, N. Y. Taught 4 years. Taught in Mt. Vernon, N. Y., until her death in 1874. Mary O. Crary, Knox, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Taught, dist. S. at home i yr. ; Closter, N. J., asst. P. S., 2 yrs.; health failed; since, at home. Lucie A. Donahue, Gram. S. No. 7, N. Y. City. Taught 13 years. Taught, New Paltz, N. Y., 4 yrs.; and as above, where she now is, 9 yrs. Anna M. Du Bois (Peter A. Le Fevre, dec’d)* Taught i year. Bartlett, Tenn. Taught in Kingston and Le Fevre Falls, N. Y. ; m. 1872; 3 children; as above since 1872, raising fruit, cotton and corn; husband died 1878 of yellow fever. Kate M. Foster, B. S., M. S. (S. J. Sornberger, Ph. B.), Taught i J yrs. Cortland Normal School, N. Y. Taught, country Ss., Saratoga Co., N. Y., 1% yrs.; graduated Syracuse Univ., B.S., 1874; pre- ceptress Schuylerville, N. Y., High S., % yr. ; 1881, decree M. S. from Syracuse Univ.; m. 1880 as above; now studying for Ph. D. ; has taught in above Normal School, German, French and rhetoric; husband, Prof. Latin, as above. Mary E. Harrington, 426 E. 26th st., N. Y. City. Taught 10 years. Taught Bremer Co., Iowa, yrs.; Fulton, Glen’s Falls, Acad., 2 yrs.; Gram. S., Jamaica, 4 yrs. ; Elmwood Sem., Glen’s Falls, 2 yrs.; member of Training S. for nurses, Bellevue Hospital — all N. Y. except Iowa. Amelia A. Haskell (Philip Van Alstyne), Taught 3^ years. 14 Perrine ave., Jersey City, N. J. Taught, 1st asst. Kingston, N. Y., P. S., 1 % yrs.; prin. Un. S., Bayside, L. I., 2 yrs.; m. 1874; 2 daughters. Emma Loudon (Geo. Coykendall), Rondout, N. Y. Taught 4J years. Taught in the city of Kingston, N. Y. ; m. 1876. Mary A. Meredith (John B. Brownell), Taught 6 years. 203 Elm st., Albany, Y. N. Taught in P. Ss. of Albany, mostly in No. 20, until her marriage in 1876; 2 children born January, 1883; 1 died in April. Anna Miller (Isaac Varian), Peekskill, N. Y. Taught 9 years. Taught, P. S., No. 14, Albany, N. Y., only; m. 1879; 1 child. Henrietta Mott (Stephen D. Van Natta), Taught 4 years. 81 Elm st., Albany, N. Y. Taught in Galesville i yr. ; Brunswick % yr. ; Van Heusen’s 2 % yrs. — all N. Y.; m. 1874. Elizabeth Phillips (W. B. Du Bois), Taught 3J years. 109 E. nith st., N. Y. City. Taught in Saugerties, N. Y. ; m. 1875; 2 children. Elizabeth A. Rooker (J. H. Hughson), Taught o years. Inverary, Canada. Lived at home until her marriage in 1883. Mary W. Sayles (M. J. Wallace), Taught 2^ years. 705 B’way, Albany, N.Y. Teacher of Industrial School, Albany, N. Y., 2% yis.; m. 1875. Josephine E. Seaman, Castile, N. Y. Taught 13 years. Taught, Scio, N. Y., yr. ; boarding S., L. I., yr. ; teacher Eng. lit., rhet. and composition, State Normal S., Albany, N. Y., since. Mary E. Silkworth (E. Leonard Wright), Taught 4J years. Johnsonville, N. Y. Taught, dist. S. at home 1 % yrs.; in other districts near, and in N. Adams, Mass., 2 yrs. ; taught 3 yrs. before entering, and 1 yr. during course; m. 1872; 2 daughters; husband a merchant. Jane C. Spiers, dec’d, Delhi, N. Y. Taught 5^ years. Taught, Del. Co., N. Y., % yr. ; Providence, Pa., i yr. ; Wis. % yr.; California 3 yrs.; studied Kindergarten in San Francisco; accidentally drowned, 1881. Helen Watson (John H. Cornell), Middleburgh, N.Y. Taught 3 yrs. Taught in Kingston, N. Y., 3 yrs.; m. as above, a merchant, 1874; 3 children. Elizabeth J. Webber, Schenectady, N. Y. Taught 12 years. Has taught Dist. Ss. since graduation. Jane Wensley, 448 Wash, ave., Albany, N. Y. Taught 13 years. Taught many yrs. in P. S. No. 12; resigned 1882. Theodore B. Barringer, Taught 14 years. 224 E. 123d st., N. Y. City. V. P., S. House of Refuge, 2 yrs.; Prin. Kingston, N. Y., High S., 2 yrs.; 1st ass’t Gram. S. No. 57, N. Y. City, 8 yrs.; Vice-Prin. same S., 2 yrs. and now; 1872 m. Lucy V. Stockwell; 2 children. Henry H. Beaty, Johnsonville, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Taught, Salem, N. Y. Philetus P. Bentley, Portlandville, N. Y. Taught 13 years. Taught, New Woodstock, N. Y., i yr. ; Bricksburgh, N. J., i yr. ; Worcester, N. Y., 6 yrs.; Mil- ford, N. Y., 4 yrs.; at present, School Commissioner, Otsego Co., N. Y. ; enlisted 93d Regt. N. Y. Vols.; wounded twice in battle of Wilderness; rejoined Regt. at Petersburgh, Va.; mustered out at close of war. Henry D. Darrow, Kingston, N. Y. Taught 13 years. Taught, 2d ass’t, N. Y. City, 2 yrs. ; was offered promotion, but preferred to become Prin. P. S. as above, where he has taught since, and is now engaged; Pres’t Teachers’ Assoc’n; Elder in Reformed Church; farm; studying law; 1876 m. Miss Schoonmaker; 2 children — sons. 182 Clark W. Greene, M. D., Chenango Forks, N. Y. Taught o years. Grad. Bellevue Hospital Med. Col., 1873; 1873 m. Miss Emma Smith; has been V. P. and P. of Chenango Co. Med. Soc. ; 8 yrs. Supt. of S. S. Oscar Myers, M. D., Wickford, R. I. Taught 2 years. Taught 3 yrs. before entering Normal S. ; after grad, taught, West Sand Lake, N. Y., 2 yrs.; grad. Albany Med. Col., 1873; ass’t Surg. and Surg. in Brooklyn Hospital, 3 yrs.; Fellow R. T. M. S.; 1878 m. Jessie Blair; 2 children; now practicing, as above. Clarence W. Scott, 27 N. 6th st., Phila., Pa. Taught J year. Taught, Rockland Lake, N. Y. ; unmarried; paper business. 1870— Fifty -first Class. Fifty-second Term, ending June 30, 1870. Sophie L. Avery (Rev. R. G. McCarthy), Taught 4 years. Windham, N. Y. Vice-Prin. P. S., Auburn, N. Y., 1870-1; P. S., San Francisco, Cal., 1873-6; m. as above. Florence G. Browne, dec’d. Taught 2 years. Address Mrs. Anne E., 156 Vail ave., Troy, N. Y. Taught, Preceptress, Hoosick Falls, 1 yr. ; studied music at Conservatory, and French, with Dr. Sauverre, in Boston, 1 yr. ; Preceptress High S., Georgetown, Mass., while studying, 1 term; sun stroke; ass’t Farnham Inst., Troy, N. Y., 2 terms; an excellent teacher of great culture; died 1873. Augusta C. Capron, 133 N. Pearl st., Albany, N. Y. Taught 12 years. Taught in Albany, N. Y., Public Schools, entirely. M. Ella Cobb, Uijion Stock Yards, Chicago, 111 . " Taught o years. Could not teach on account of weakness of lungs; several years clerk in Regents’ office, Albany, N. Y. ; during the past 7 yrs., and now, book-keeper as above. Anna S. Deacon (Charles C. Kennedy), Taught 7 years. Waikea Mills, Hilo, Hawaiian Is. Taught, Cohoes, N. Y., 2 yrs.; P. S., San Francisco, Cal., 1873-8, when she married and removed as above; 1 child — boy. Louisa Dearstyne, Bath-on-Hudson, N. Y. Taught 13 years. Has taught ever since graduation in P. S., Rondout, N. Y. Mary A. Donnelly (John P. Nugent), Taught 9 years. West Troy, N. Y. Taught 1st ward S., Prin. Int., and ist ass’t as above, 8 yrs.; m. 1880. Olevia Ferguson (Eugene J. Folmsbee), Taught 4 years. Hastings-on-Hudson, N. Y. Taught in P. S., Greenbush, N. Y., 4 yrs.; m. 1874. Viletta S. Field, care J. L. Ludington, Albany, N. Y. Taught 1 1 years. Taught, Rondout, N. Y., 2 yrs.; Glens Falls, N. Y., 1 yr. ; Rock Island, 111 ., 1 yr. ; Flatbush, N. Y., 5 yrs.; in 1881 entered N. Y. City Training S. for Nurses; and now, ass't Supt. of the S. Anna Gartlette, address unknown. Taught 7 years. Taught in St. Agnes’ School, Albany, N. Y., i yr. ; in Albany, N. Y., i yr. ; in N. Y. City, i yr. ; studied in Germany and France, 4 yrs., and taught while studying. Nancy P. Gates (N. G. Smyth), Troy, N. Y. Taught ij years. Taught, Hoosick Falls, N. Y., 1 term; Coxsackie, N. Y. , 2 terms; m. 1875; 4 children. Elizabeth F. Glen, Taught o years. Care Mrs. A. M. Glen, 305 Orange st., Albany, N. Y. Was obliged to stay at home by domestic cares, and feebleness of grandparents. Mary A. Hawley (T. T. Beckwith), Taught o years. Adams Station, N. Y. Graduated with impaired health; m. 1872; 3 boys, 2 girls. i»3 Elizabeth A. Hick, Mount Vernon, N. Y. Taught 1 1 years. Taught, 1871-2, Rondout, N. Y.; 1873-6, N. Y. City; 1877, Eufaula, Ala.; 1878-9, Pittsburgh, Pa.; 1882-3, Kingston, N. Y.; in Rondout and N. Y. City, in P. Ss. ; other teaching, private. Mary A. La Rowe, Union Springs, N. Y. Taught J year. Taught 1 term, Aurelius, N. Y. ; the rest of the time has been at home, or visiting in Ohio. Lucy Leonard, Green Island, N. Y. Taught 8 years. Taught, Bethlehem, % yr. ; Malta, % yr. ; since 1886, and now, in P. S. as above — all N. Y. Clorinda E. Lobdell (Dr. Wm. H. Ross), No report. Batopilas, Chihuahua, Mexico. Bro. S. A. Lobdell, Northville, N. Y. Florence A. Mackey, Rondout, N. Y. Taught 13 years. Has taught, as at present, in primary dept., P. Ss. of Rondout, since graduation. Elizabeth Newhouse (Dr. E. F. Rulison), Taught 5 years. Amsterdam, N. Y. Taught in Niagara and Rens. Cos., 2 yrs.; then in Un. S. of E. Albany and of Bath, 3 yrs. — all N. Y. ; m. 1878; 2 children. Mary J. Pratt (Adelbert Hoose), Mt. Vision, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Taught in dist. Ss. of Otsego Co., N. Y., until her marriage, in 1874. Mary E. Rose, residence and history unknown. Mary E. Sheldon, West Rupert, Vt. Taught 13 years. Taught, New Scotland, N. Y. ; Rupert, Vt. ; State Normal S., Vt.; Washington Acad., Salem, N. Y. ; now in graded S., Winsted, Conn. Emily A. Slade, dec’d. Taught 1 \ years. Address sister, Mrs. H. M. Banner, East Berne, N. Y. Taught in Greenbush, N. Y., x% yrs.; died of typhoid fever, 1871. Mary G. Smith, P. S. No. 15, Albany, N. Y. Taught 8 years. Taught, Brewster Station, N. Y., i term; took post-grad, course; taught, Upper Red Hook, i term; sicce 1876, as above; at present, teacher in 7th grade — all N. Y. Annie Strathern, 404 E. 19th st., N. Y. City. Taught 13 years. Prin. Childrens’ Aid S. S. ; has taught in these Ss. before, and ever since graduation. Alda C. Traver (William Haywood), Taught 3 years. East Glenville, N. Y. Taught dist. Ss in Rens. Co., N. Y. ; m. 1881 ; no children. Mary E. Traver, Upper Red Hook, N. Y. Taught 7 years. Has taught dist. Ss. in Dutchess Co. for 7 yrs.; health not good; now, at home. Emma L. Turner, New Baltimore, N. Y. Taught n years. Taught, Rondout, N. Y., 3 yrs.; New Brunswick, N. J., 1 yr. ; Clyde, N. Y., High School, 7 yrs. Emma A. Williams, 375 Degraw st., Brooklyn, N.Y. Taught 13 yrs. Taught, New Hamburgh, 3 yrs.; Utica, x yr. ; Brooklyn, 9 yrs., and now — all N. Y. William J- Ballard, Welcome, N. Y. Taught 12 years. Taught, Prin. New Hamburgh, 4 yrs'.; in charge of P. Ss., Jamaica, 5 yrs.; New Hamburgh, 2 yrs.; Jamaica, since 1882 — all N. Y.; traveled a year in this country and Europe; unmarried. Edward E. Beales, Mt. Vision, N. Y. Taught 12 years. Has taught at Milford, Hartwick, S. Hartwick, recently as above — all N. Y. ; elected School Com’r 1875, served 3 yrs., Otsego Co.; m. Mary E. H. Beales, ’71; 2 boys. John C. Bogardus, Knox, N. Y. Taught 13 years. Taught, Stevens’ High S., Hoboken, N. J., 2 yrs.; Verona, N. J., 2 yrs.; Orient, 2 yrs.; Menand’s, 1 yr. ; Knoxville Acad., 2 yrs.; in other schools of Knox, 4 yrs. — all N. Y.; went deer hunting to North Woods; m. Miss Viola G. McLaren, of St. Lawrence Co.; a boy; and two girls, 1 living. Elijah D. Clark, Gram. S. 61, 3d ave., 170th st., N.Y. City. Taught 13 yrs. Vice-prin. High S., New Brunswick, N. J., 8 yrs.; since, in N. Y. City. Ira J. Covey, 32 Eastman ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Taught 3 years. 't'aught 3 yrs.; in business department of newspaper, Bay City, Mich., 9 yrs.; St. Paul, dept, of newspaper as above, 1 yr. ; since 1883 job and book printing establishment; 1874 m. Miss Allie Rouse; 3 children. 184 Wellington E. Gordon, Patchogue, L. I. Taught 13 years. Prin. Orient i yr.; Shelter Island 8 yrs.; prin. as above since 1881 — all N. Y. Christopher H. Pierce, 5 60 Myrtle ave., Brooklyn, N.Y. Taught 3 yrs. Taught, Stuyvesant Falls, N.Y., 3 yrs. ; i yr. cotton plantation at home in North Carolina; com- menced as laborer in Brooklyn, N. Y., in 1874; employer took him as partner 1875; commenced business alone 1876 — hay, grain and feed; built store 1880; m. N. Carolina girl 1881. Rev. George B. Vosburg, Taught i year. Millard ave. Station, Chicago, 111 . Taught at Stuyvesant, N. Y. ; grad. Coll. Dept., Madison University, and afterward from Theol. Dept.; pastor 1st Baptist ch., Cooperstown, N. Y., 1874-7; Bergen Baptist ch., Jersey City, N. J., 1877-8; organized and pastor 1st Baptist ch., Fargo, Dakota, 1 yr.; since 1880, pastor of Millard ave. Baptist ch., as above; 1881 m. Miss Florence L. Learned, of Mass. 1871 — Fifty-second Class. Fifty -third Term, ending January 25, 1871. Emma J. Becker (Henry Van Dreser), Cobleskill, N. Y. Taught ij yrs. Taught 3 terms at Shutter’s Corners, N. Y.; m. 1873; no children. Caroline C. Bennett, 34 Jay st., Albany, N. Y. Taught 12 years. Has taught and teaches English and music in families. Mary E. Chase, 107 Lake ave., Albany, N.Y. Taught 12 years. Taught, Peekskill, N. Y., 3 yrs.; now, private S. as above. Mary E. Gernon, care Edward Gernon, Cohoes, N. Y. Taught io yrs. Taught in Mt. Vernon, N. Y. Anna E. Hanson, dec’d (Chas. Janes), Albany, N. Y. Taught o years. M. as above; x child. Anna C. Haynes (Prof. Wm. V. Jones, ’68), Taught J year. Taught before entering Normal S.; after, Kingston, N. Y.. yr. ; m. 1871; 5 children. Maria E. Higley (M. U. Mitchell), Chestertown, N. Y. Taught 5 years. Taught family boarding S. ; Washington Co., N. Y. ; Vt. ; P. S., Cranford, N. J. ; m. 1876; daugh- ter and son. Harriet M. Knowlton, Schenectady, N. Y. Taught o years. Detained at home by duty to father and invalid sister. Mary Loudon (P. E. Schoonmaker) , Rondout, N. Y. Taught 8 years. Taught, P. S. No. 2, Rondout, N. Y. ; m. 1879; 1 child, girl. Florence J. Matteson (Chas. Edward Wise), Taught 5 years. 7 Gallagher st. , Allegheny, Pa. Asst, model dept. S. Normal S. i yr. ; Titusville, Oil City and Pittsburgh, Pa., asst. pm. 4 yrs.; m. 1876; 1 son; elected preceptress High S., Farribault, Minn., but declined. Agnes M. McCollum (Jacob D. Relyea), Neenah, Wis. Taught 5 yrs. Taught, New Scotland, N. Y. ; m. 1876; 5 children. Mary F. McDermott, P. S. No. 15, Albany, N. Y. Taught 12 years. Has taught, as now, since graduation. Angelia Mosher (Peter H. Patterson), Adamsville, N.Y. Taught 5 yrs. Taught, Bethlehem, N. Y.; 1878 m. as above. Mary Rudd (Duane J. Armstrong), Missoula, Montana. Taught 6 years. Taught, E. Norwich, N. Y., i yr. ; Flushing, N. Y., 5 yrs.; m. 1880; no children; husband editor of “Missoulian.” Mary M. Terpening (Frank M. Bogart, ’72), Taught 4 years. New Paltz, N. Y. Taught, N. Hempstead 2 yrs. ; Blauveltville i yr. ; Rockland Lake i yr. — all N. Y. ; m. 1873; 1 child. 1 8 5 Jerrie W. Halsey, care Sam’l, East Chester, N. Y. Taught 12 years. Has taught since graduation, math, in Mt. Vernon, N. Y., school. Margaret Tiernay, residence and history unknown. Ella C. Van Sickle (A. W. Macy), S. Livonia, N. Y. Taught 4J years. Prin. P. S., Chatham, N. Y., yr. ; Family S. and Chatham Acad, i yr. ; State N. S. 2 yrs.; New Jersey N. S., model dept., 1 yr. ; m. 1876; 1 child. Silas A. Anderson, Mahopac Falls, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Taught, Garrisons, N. Y., 5 terms; as above, 1 term; now, farmer; m. Mary Emigh, ’7 2; 2 children. Spencer Billington, Tribe’s Hill, N. Y. Taught io years. Taught, S. Schodack, N. Y., and as above; 1878 m. Miss Mary L. Francisco; 1 child; was farmer 2 years. John H. Emigh, C.E., Ballston, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Taught, East Line, N. Y., yrs.; grad. Troy Polytechnic Inst. 1879, and has since been engaged in civil engineering and teaching. Miner W. Gallup, M.D., Saugerties, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Taught, 1 yr. Verona, N. J.; grad, from N. Y. Horn. Med. Coll. 1875; practiced since; 1876 m. Miss Gertrude Jacobus; no children; taught 1 yr. during course. Hon. John L. Johnson, A.M., Newark, N. J. Taught 12 years. Taught, dist. S. at Verona; Stevens’ Prep. S., Hoboken; math, for io yrs. in High S., Newark — all N. J. ; 1883, appointed by Governor, Judge Common Pleas for Essex Co., N. J.; 1872 m. S. Alice Perronetta, who died 1879; 3 children, 2 living; 1880 m. Alice L. Thornton. William E. Rounds, M. D., Taught o years. 34 W. 36th st., N. Y. City. Grad. N. Y. Horn. Col., and N. Y. Opth. Col. and Hospital, 1874; surg. Opth. Hosp. ; occulist and aurist, Five Pts. House of Industry; attending M. D. Old Ladies’ Baptist Home; unmarried. Levi Seley, Jr., Lansingburgh, N. Y. Taught 12 years. Taught, Orient, 3 yrs.; New Hamburgh, 1 yr. ; Patchogue, 1 yr. ; Supt. Schools, Lansingburgh, 7 yrs. — all N. Y. ; resigned, 1883; went to Germany to study; addressed Alumni Ass’n, ’82. Joseph W. Valentine, Locust Valley, N. Y. Taught 6£ years. Taught, Little Neck, N. Y., and as above; now, bookkeeper in N. Y. City. 1871— Fifty-third Class. Fifty-fourth Term, ending June 29, 1871. Eva J. Barnes, Newark Valley, N. Y. Taught 12 years. Has taught, as now, in P. Ss., New Rochelle, N. Y. ; several times promoted. Mary E. H. Beales (Edward E. Beales ’70), Taught 2J years. Mt. Vision. N. Y. Taught as above, 3 terms; Hartwick, N. Y., 2 terms and now, with husband; m. 3 yrs. before entering Normal S.; 2 sons. S. Minnie Bradley, Castile, N. Y. Taught 5 years. Has taught in Liv. and Wyoming Cos., N. Y., except x term in Conn.; mostly primary work. M. Louisa Caskey (Edgar Miller), Taught 10 years. East Greenbush, N. Y. Taught, Schodack, 4 yrs.; East Albany, 1st ass’t, 1 yr. ; Centre Brunswick, 5 yrs. — all N. Y.; sent 3 pupils to Normal School. Jennie Clapperton, dec’d (Lyman Boynton, lawyer), Taught o years. Red Wing, Minn. Her health was too poor to teach; died Feb. 5, 1883. Helen M. Clark (W. E. Merriman), Taught o years. 49 Dove st., Albany, N. Y. M. as above; 1 child; sister of J. M. ’59, H. A. ’61, E. M. ’67. 20 i86 Ada Craig (William J. Walker), Taught 9J years. 482 Madison ave., Albany, N. Y. Taught, Gloversville, 1 yr. ; Rural Grove, yr-5 Canajoharie, 5 yrs; Albany, 3 yrs. — all N. Y. ; m. as above. Hattie E. Davidson, Gram. S. No. 60, N. Y. City. Taught 12 years. Taught, P. S., Hunter’s Point, N. Y., 3 yrs.; Business College, Brooklyn, N. Y., 2 yrs.; since in present position, 2d ass’t; every change has been an advance in position and salary. Frances M. Decker (Rev. Amos A. Kiehle), Taught 4 years. 176 12th st., Milwaukee, Wis. Taught, S. Livonia, N. Y., i yr. ; P. S. Rochester, N. Y., 3 yrs.; m. 1881. Rosetta A. Fort (J. E. Cumming), Galway, N. Y. Taught 2J years. Taught, Guilderland, ^ yr. ; 1872 m. J. W. Oakley, who died 1873; taught, Rynex’s Corners,^ yr. ; West Charlton, yr. ; Mills’ Corners, 1 yr. — all N. Y.; m. 1876, as above; 1 child. M. Eleanor Griffin (M. O. Hines), Borden, Cal. Taught 5 years. Taught, Holley Spa, Miss., % yr. ; Hamilton, Mo., graded S., 2 yrs.; Dover Plains, N. Y., 2 yrs. ; South Dover, N. Y., % Y r -> m • 1876; 1 child, boy; went to Cal. 1876. Henrietta Hans (Henry Dorr), Taught 3 years. 52 Columbia st., Albany, N. Y. Taught, P. S. No. 15; m. as above, 1874; 1 girl, 1 boy. Charlotte T. Hoffnagle, Essex, N. Y. Taught 1 1 years. Taught, Willsborough, N. Y., 2 yrs.; Essex Un. S., 9 yrs.; stopped on account of ill health, but is now well. Ella C. Kirtland (George G. Duy), Albany, N. Y. Taught 6 years. Taught in State Normal S. (see list of Faculty), 3 yrs.; 1874-7, studied elocution in Boston; 1877- 80, in charge of reading in all the schools of Fort Wayne, Ind. ; m. 1881 ; 1 child. Anna E. Law, P. S. No. 5, Albany, N. Y. Taught n years. Taught, 1872-4, at Putnam; filled a vacancy at Whitehall; as at present, since 1874; all N. Y. Sarah Lawrence, Cohoes, N. Y. Taught 12 years. Has taught, as now, since graduation. Anna C. McFadden, Newburgh, N. Y. Taught 8 years. Taught Higher English, Walton, N. Y., Un. S., i yr. ; 1873-4, in private S., Honesdale, Pa.; 1874- 7, Math, and English, Stamford, N. Y., Acad.; 1880, graduated Vassar College; since 1881, and now, first ass’t High S., Fond du Lac, Wis.; Alg., Latin, Eng. Lit. Ella F. Moran, P. School No. 6, Albany, N. Y. Taught 12 years. Has taught, as now, since graduation. Cassie C. Ostrom, dec’d. Taught o years. Address father, Alfred, Stockport, N. Y. Was ill when she graduated; became worse, and died Sept. 30, 1871. Martha O. Palmer (Peter Sickels), Taught 8 years. Port Chester, N. Y. Taught in Free S. as above; m. 1880; no children. Mary M. Shaw, 271 Lark s.., Albany, N. Y. Taught i£ years. Taught, Rondout, N. Y., yr. ; private pupils, as above, i yr. ; since, at home. Harriet E. Taylor, dec’d. Taught* 8 years. Address Miss Sarah K. Taylor, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Taught in P. Ss. of Long Island City, in which she was first ass’t, when her health failed; died 1879. Sarah E. Tibballs, Taught 14 years. Care C. G. Richardson, Denver, Col. Taught, Kingston, N. Y., 2 yrs.; Denver, Col., Graded S., 12 yrs., and now. Lydia E. Vanderwarker, Taught n years. St. Paul High School, St. Paul, Minn. Taught Gram. S., St. Paul, 6 yrs.; since, teacher of algebra and geometry, as above. Martha H. Vane, 64 First st., Albany, N. Y. Taught n years. Taught, Cal., i yr. ; since, in Vt. and N. Y. ; now in charge Kindergarten Dept., Albany Female Academy. i8 7 Margaret H. Wilber (Sherman Williams, ’71), Taught 3 years. Taught, Pine Plains, N. Y., 3 yrs. ; m. 1874. (See husband’s record.) Isabel Woodin (Edward T. Pierce, ’72), Taught 7 years. Sierra Madre, Cal. Taught, Holley Springs, Miss., 3 yrs.; Tuckahoe, N. Y., 1 yr.; Beekmanville, N. Y., 1 yr.; Belle- ville, N. J., 2 yrs.; m. 1877; 1 child, daughter. Rev. Wayne Brewster, New Baltimore, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Taught, Worcester, Schaghticoke, Starkville — all N. Y., 1871-4; entered Baptist ministry, 1876; 1879 m. Cora L. Rose; 1 child. Frank B. Mayham, Hobart, N. Y. Taught 5 years. Taught in Pol. Inst., Brooklyn, N. Y. ; m. Miss Maria Melvin of “Brooklyn; since, as above, in milling business. Theodore L. St. John, M. D., Taught 3 years. Centre Brunswick, N. Y. Taught P. S., Huguenot, N. Y., i yr. ; P. S., Chapin, Iowa, i yr. ; Peekskill, N. Y., Mil. Acad., x yr. ; studied medicine with Prof. Armsby, and Drs. Vanderveer and Snow, Albany, N. Y.; graduated Albany Med. Col., 1878; on competitive examination became resident physician Albany Hospital; now practicing as above. Arthur Van Dewater, Flushing, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Prin. P. S., Little Neck, N. Y., 3 yrs.; admitted to bar; since, practicing law; 1882 m. Miss Mary E. Downing. Sherman Williams, Supt. Schools, Glens Falls, N. Y. Taught 12 yrs Prin., Little Neck, i yr. ; Flushing, Prin. io yrs.; Glens Falls, since — all N. Y, ; reorganized Alumni Assoc’n; m. M. H. Wilber, ’71; 2 boys. 1872— Fifty -Fourth Class. Fifty- fifth Term, ending January 23, 1872. Mary C. Alexander (Edwin Dumont), Taught 2J years. 83d st., near West Side Drive, N. Y. City. Taught, Esopus, N. Y., 2 yrs.; Bay City, Mich., 1 term; m. 1875; 3 children. Martha C. Beecher (C. J. Majory), Taught 2 years. 223% W. 125th st., N. Y. City. Prin. Crawford, N. J.; m. 1874. Eunice E. Brayton (Nelson Randall) Ripley, N. Y. Taught, Cleveland, O. ; m. 1874. Clara D. Burnop, 86 Myrtle ave., Albany, N. Y. Rested i yr. ; and since and now teaching in the P. Ss. of Troy, N. Y. Harriet Donaldson, West Sand Lake, N. Y. Taught, Centre Brunswick, N. Y., i yr. ; as above, 3 yrs. Mary E. Dumont, Bath-on- Hudson, N. Y. Taught, Syosset, N. Y., yrs.; at present location 1 yr. Elizabeth Fort (Eugene Seaman), W. Charlton, N. Y. Taught Glenville, N. Y., 4 terms; m. 1876; 1 son. Susan A. Haight, Gram. S. No. 1 7, N. Y. City. Has taught since graduation. Cassie A. Ketcham (Samuel H. Howell), Battle Creek, Mich. Taught in Ulster Co., N. Y. ; m. 1877. Taught 2 years. Taught 10 years. Taught 4 years. Taught 7J years. Taught 2 years. Taught 1 1 years. Taught 4 years. Helen M. Kyle (Amos McCabe), Greenville, N. Y. Taught 7 years. Taught, int. in P. S. No. 14, Albany, N. Y., 7 yrs.; m. 1879; 2 children, i88 Carrie E. Lane, dec’d, Gilboa, N. Y. Taught 6 years. Address M. D. Spencer. Prepared for Normal S. at home, and in Springfield, Majs., High S.; after grad, taught P. S. No. 7, Rondout, N. Y., 6 yrs. ; died after an illness of eight days; a very successful teacher; railroad co. gave free train to Gilboa for funeral. Fredaline Mallory, P. S. No. 2, Albany, N. Y. Taught n years. 337 Hudson ave., Albany, N. Y. Taught, gram, dept., Hastings-on-Hudson, 2 yrs.; as at present since. Julia F. Mallory, 337 Hudson ave., Albany, N. Y. Taught n years. Has taught music ; and played the organ in churches ever since graduation. Cassie J. McEaghron, dec’d (S. B. Brown, M.D.), Taught 6 years. Hebron, N. Y. Address Mrs. E. B. McEachron, Argyle, N. Y. Taught, P. S., Brooklyn, N. Y. ; died at Hebron, N. Y., 1880. Sarah C. Myers (Cornelius Schermerhorn) , Taught o years. E. Greenbush, N. Y. Kept at home by failing health of mother; m. 1878; 1 child. Mary S- Parish (Daniel Watson), Taught i year. 286 Argyle st., Glasgow, Scotland. Taught as precep. of Oneonto, N. Y., Free S. 1 yr. ; traveled in Europe a year or two, and in Glasgow; was m. as above. Sarah A. Perry, Albany, N. Y. Taught n years. Taught, Kingston, N. Y., 2 yrs.; since, as asst, in W. Albany, N. Y., P. S. Sarah M. Soule, Milford, N. Y. Taught ioj years. Taught, Little Neck, L. I., yr. ; Wyoming Sem., Kingston, Pa., £ng. branches, 10 yrs.; health impaired; rested for a yr. ; proposes to resume profession. Georgia Swezey, Little Rest, N. Y. Taught n years. Has taught since grad, on Long Island. Cornelia Teachout, Cohoes, N. Y. Taught 8J years. Taught, Clifton Park, N. Y., % yr. ; P. Ss. of Haverstraw, N. Y., 8 yrs. as 1st asst. Ella Tompkins, dec’d, 158 East st., Greenbush, N. Y. Taught 1 year. Taught in P. S. No. i, Greenbush, N. Y. ; died 1874. Mary L. Tompkins, New Castle, N. Y. Taught n years. Has taught in Flushing, N. Y., ever since graduation; that is her address during the school year. Carrie S. Winnie (James E. Simpson), Taught 9 years. 212 Hudson ave., Albany, N. Y. Taught P. S. No. 8, Albany, from first year class to sixth year class. Frank M. Bogert, Pearl River, N. Y. Taught 7 years. Taught, Rockland Lake, 2 yrs.; Orangeville, 2 yrs.; Congers, 2 yrs.; New Paltz, 1 yr. — all N. Y.; 1873 m. M. M. Terpenning, ’77; 1 child. Nathaniel P. Fisher, Haverstraw, N. Y. Taught n years. Prin. P. S. as above since two weeks before graduation; 1873 m. Carrie W. Secor; one girl died; one boy. Charles W. Geel, 74 Hudson ave., Albany, N. Y. Taught 8 years. Principal Graded S., Berlin, N.Y. ; m. 1875; student at Albany Medical College. Rev. Isaac E. House, Taught 6 years. First Reformed Church, Hoboken, N. J. Taught, Rockland Co., N. Y., during and after Normal course, 6 yrs.; in Register’s office, Rock. Co., 4 yrs.; grad. N. B. Theological Sem., 1879; since, as above; 1866 m. Melissa Smith; 1 child — daughter. Luther O. Markham, Haverstraw, N. Y. Taught io years. Has been Prin. P. S. as above ever since graduation, except 1 yr., when his place was supplied by Canvas E., ’69; 1879 m. Jennie Lane; 1 child. Carlton M. Ritter, Stockton, Cal. Taught 9 years. Taught as above, Prin. Gram. S., 8J£ yrs.; Co. Surveyor, San Joaquin Co., Cal., 2 yrs.; Arizona Ter., taking up government land, 1 yr. ; Prin. Austin, Nev., High S., 1 yr. ; city surveyor and engin- eer; has studied nat. sci., classics and law; admitted to bar; now, Prin. Stockton, Cal., High S. 189 Chester H. Sample, M. D., East Saginaw, Mich. Taught o years. Taught, E. Varick, N. Y., before grad.; grad. Bellevue Hosp. Med. S.; since, as above; 1879 m. Miss Emma Thompson; 2 children. Rev. Herman C. Vanderwart, A. M., Taught J year. Athens, N. Y. Taught, Greenbush, N. Y., % yr,; graduated Hope College, Mich., xst classman, 1873; 8 rad - Theol. Sem., New Brunswick, N. J., 1876; 2d Ref. Church, Glenville, N. Y., 6 J 4 yrs.; as at present since 1883; 1877 m. M. F. Howes, ’73. 1872— Fifty -fifth Class. Fifty-sixth Term, ending July 2, 1872. Sarah A. Alexander, Taught 1 1 years. care Edwin Dumont, 83d st., near W. S. Drive, N. Y. City. Taught, Rock City Falls, N. Y.; select S., Albany, N. Y. ; Huntington, N. Y. ; P. S., N. Y. City, now. S. Elizabeth Arnold, Hartford, N. Y. 4 Taught 7 years. Has taught dist. Ss., Wash. Co., N. Y. Altana Atchinson (E. W. Plass), Clove Valley, N. Y. Taught 7 yrs. Taught till spring of 1879, when she married. Abbie Ayer, BatH-on-Hudson, N. Y. Taught ii years. Taught, Syosset, 2>£ yrs.; Blooming Grove, yrs; Rondout, elocution, 7 yrs. — all N. Y. Jennie M. Bancroft, Ph. B., Ph. M., Taught io years. Dean of Women’s College, Evanston, 111 . Graduated 1871 at Willard Sem., Troy, N. Y. ; preceptress Ft. Edward Inst., N. Y., 4 yrs. ; grad. Syracuse Univ., 1877; 6 yrs. as at present; 3 yrs. after grad, took 2d degree Ph. M. Martha J. Becker (Warren Liddle), Cobleskill, N. Y. Taught 2J yrs. M. 1876; 1 child, daughter; died, aged 2 yrs. Emma Beckwith, Stissing, N. Y. Taught n years. Has taught near home since graduation. Frances E. Bell (Rev. J. W. Sweetman), Taught 4 years. N. Y. Conference. Carthage Landing, N. Y. Taught N. Y. Inst, for Blind, i yr. ; health failed; spent 7 mos. in Fla.; taught Walden, N. Y., private S., 3 yrs.; m. 1883. Agnes L. Bromley, 58 High st., Albany, N. Y. Taught 11 years. Teaching in P. Ss., Cohoes, N. Y., ever since grad, from prim, to int.; sent pupil to Normal school. Martha Calkins, Cohoes, N. Y. Taught 10 years. Taught, Dntchess Co., 2 yrs.; Schaghticoke, 2 yrs.; Cohoes, 6 yrs.; Prin. Columbia st. S. at pres- ent-all N. Y. Mary Calkins, dec’d, 144 Remsen st., Cohoes, N. Y. Taught ij years. Taught ^ yr., Vt. ; yr., Afton, N. Y.; yr., Cohoes, N. Y., P. S., and died of fever 1875. Mary E. Callaghan, Charlton, N. Y. Taught 1 1 years. Taught since grad.; now, Prin. Charlton Acad.; has sent many excellent students to Normal S. Sarah B. Chamberlin, Saratoga Springs, N. Y. Taught ioj years. Taught, dist. S., Sar. Co., 1 yr. ; Gloversville, N. Y., graded S., yrs.; graded S., Crawford, N. J., 1 yr. ; Sar. Co., N. Y., 7 yrs. Lydia C- Chase, 107 Lake ave., Albany, N. Y. Taught 11 years. Taught, Peekskill, N. Y., 3 yrs.; since, and now, private S. with M. E., ’71, as above. Jennie P. Cole, Cooperstown, N. Y. Taught io years. Taught in dist. Ss., Otsego Co., 1 yr. ; Un. S. as above, primary, 1 yr., Int., 3 yrs.; Gram, and Acad., 5 yrs.; Nat. Sci.; granted 1 year’s absence in 1882; resumed Sept., 1883. 190 Edith Crary (Rev. Wm. H. Nasholds), Taught 1 year. Farmer Village, N. Y. Taught dist. S., Knox, N. Y., 1 yr. before m. Nancy R. Crary, Knox, N. Y. Taught o years. Kept at home by family duties. Ellen Curry, Peekskill, N. Y. Taught 1 1 years. Has taught since grad. ; last 6 yrs., Drum Hill P. S. as above; now, Vice Prin.; 3 of her pupils graduated at the Normal S. in 1882. Mary Emigh (S. A. Anderson, ’71), Taught 5 years. Mahopac Falls, N. Y. Taught in Dutch, and Put. Cos.; m. 1873; 2 children. Maude A. Haight, Little Rest, N. Y. Taught io years. Taught since grad., 10 yrs. ; now at home on account of death of father. Dora C. Hanor, dec’d (Frank L. Smith, lawyer), Taught 4 years. Worcester, N. Y. Taught till m., 1876; died, 1878; no child; taught two years before entering Normal S. Josephine R. Hardy, (George Albright), Taught 3 years. Emporia, Kansas. Taught in Miss., 3 yrs.; m. as above. Clara A. Horton (Eugene D. Weidman), Taught o years. 390 Clinton ave., Albany, N. Y. M. 1875; 1 child. Emma Ludden (Geo. Shutts, Prof. Math.), Taught 6 years. Normal School, Potsdam, N. Y. Taught at Centre Brunswick, N. Y., i yr.; at Crawford, N. J., 5 yrs.; m. 1878; since, lived as above. Helen Mason, Glens Falls, N. Y. Taught io years. Has taught near home; stopped, 1882, on account of health. Harriette Mathews, State N. S., Trenton, N. J. Taught n years. Has, ever since graduation, taught gram, and ment. sci., as at present. Victoria Matteson (George Glass), Taught 8 years. 83 Water st., Pittsburgh, Pa. Taught, Titusville, i yr. ; Oil City, i yr. ; Pittsburgh, 6 yrs. — all Pa.; m. 1881. Margaret Nixon (William S. Daley), Taught i year. Greenbush, Albany, N. Y. Taught, E. Greenbush, N. Y., dist. S. i yr. ; 3 children. Fannie E. Noyes, dec’d (Alfred McCausland) . Taught 5 years. Taught in Rondout, N. Y., till m., 1877; died 1881, leaving 2 children — a boy 2% yrs. old, a girl 1 week old; children with Noyes’ grandparents, Batchellerville, N. Y. ; husband in Delaware. Alberta Parkhill (W. F. Snyder, M. D.), Taught 3 years. Fernandina, Fla. Taught in graded S., Elmira, N. Y., until m., 1876; rested first year after grad., ill health. Annah Parkhill (Peter J. Lewis, lawyer), Taught 3J years. Amsterdam, N. Y. Taught, Howard, yr. ; graded S., Elmira, 3 yrs. — all N. Y.; m. 1875; since, as above. Mary M. Patterson (J. E. Sawyer), Glens Falls, N.Y. Taught 2 yrs. Taught, Watervliet, i yr. ; Schroon, i yr. — all N. Y. ; m. 1877. Mary Z. Sherman, Castile, N. Y. Taught 1 1 years. Has taught in Ticonderoga Un. S., intermediate and advanced, since graduation. Alice O. Vankleeck (Jas. Hannah), Newburgh, N. Y. Taught ij yrs. Taught, Dutchess Co., N. Y. ; m. 1874; 3 children; 2 living. Addie Vernooy, Kingston, N. Y. Taught 8 years. Taught, Cransford, N. J., 4^ yrs,; studied elocution; now, teaching in P. S., as above. Mary E. White (Richard T. Monfort), Millbrook, N. Y. Taught ij yrs. Taught, Pine Plains, N. Y. ; m. 1877; no children. J. Arthur Brown, Ellenville, N. Y. Taught i year. Taught, Long Eddy, N. Y. ; since as above, drugs, books and music; unmarried. William S. Daley, Greenbush, Albany, N. Y. Taught J year. Taught, Crawford, N. J., % yr. ; taught yr. before grad ; m. Margaret Nixon, ’72; 3 children; crockery business. Chas. W. Dayton, dec’d, Stuyvesant Falls, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Taught as above 2 yrs. ; grocery business 6 yrs.; farming from 1882; 1882 m. Miss Vosburgh; .-died 1884. Wm. B. Davidson, LL.B., Dobb’s Ferry, N. Y. Taught io years. Taught, Ticonderoga, N. Y., prin. Un. S. 2 yrs.; Dobb’s Ferry, prin. P. S. 8 yrs.; grad. N. Y. University Law S. 1877 ; practiced laws since at same place; m. S. Van Auken, ’74; 1 girl; prest. Alumni Assn. 1883. Bruce Dodge, dec’d, Corfu, N. Y. Taught o years. Died of consumption in less than a yr. after graduation. Sylvester Finch, Philmont, N. Y. Taught io years. Taught, S. Schodack, N. Y., 3 yr. ; prin. Philmont Graded S. 7 yrs.; admitted to bar 1874; prac- tices leisure time. Jas. H. Forman, M.D., Hopewell Junction, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Taught, Spring Valley, N. Y., i yr.; Peekskill, N. Y., Mil. Acad., i yr. ; Brooklyn, N. Y., Pol. Inst. 1 yr. ; near Garrison’s, N. Y., X yr. ; graduated med. dept. Univ. of N. Y. 1877; m. 1879; has practiced as above since 1877; 3 children; 2 died. Francis S. Harris, 22 Beaver st., N. Y. City. Taught 5 years. Taught 5 yrs.; was justice of the peace; now, lawyer; unmarried. Thomas A. Lillie, lawyer, Whitehall, N. Y. Taught 2J years. Taught, Cedar Grove Acad., N. Y., 2 yrs.; attended law school; admitted to bar 1875; filled vacancy in P. S. in 1876. Chas. J. Majory, 223JW. 125th st., N. Y. City. Taught n years. Prin. Morris, N. Y., 2 yrs. ; Hamilton, N. Y., 2 yrs.; Watsessing, N. J., 2 yrs. ; Hempstead, N. Y., 1 yr. ; Rahway, N. J., 2 yrs.; N. Y. City, asst, P. S. No. 74, 2 yrs.; editor N. J. “ School Journal” for 1% yrs.; m. M. C. Beecher, ’72. W. Buckingham Matson, M.D., Brooklyn, N. Y. Taught J year. Taught, Kendaia, N. Y., graduated M. D. Bellevue Med. Coll., N. Y. ; in practice since; un- married. John W. McElwee, residence unknown. Taught 3 years. Taught 3 yrs. and then removed to Kansas. Hon. Alex. V. R. Patterson, LL.B., Stockton, Cal. Taught 2 yrs. Taught, Providence, N. J., 2 yrs.; grad. Albany Law S., May 20, 1875; settled in Stockton, Cal., May 28, 1875; opened law office Jan. 1, ’76; beaten for dist. att’y ’77; elected city att’y '78 and ’79; elected judge Superior court ’79; married; 1 child. Edward T. Pierce, LL.B., Sierra Madre, Cal. Taught 9 years. Taught, Blauveltville, N. Y., i yr. ; Linden, N. J., 3 yrs.; Belleville, N. J., 4 yrs.; has taught in Cal. 1 yr., and is teaching as above; graduated at Albany Law S. 1877; 1877 m. Isabel Woodin, ’71; 1 child, girl. Rev. Geo. W. Wentworth, M. D., Flanders, N. J. Taught 3 years. Ordained clergyman 1873; graduated Albany Med. Coll.; is engaged in temperance work ; was temperance candidate for Assembly ; m. Julia D. Murdock, undergraduate; no children; practicing medicine as above. 1873 — Fifty-sixth Class. Fifty-seventh Term, ending January 21, 1873. Martha L. Barrett (C. W. Tennant), Taught 2 years. 255 8th st., Troy, N. Y. Taught, Fairhaven, N. Y., i yr. ; Hydeville, Vt., i yr. ; m. 1875; 2 girls living; 2 boys died. 192 Caroline Bishop, Castile, N. Y. Taught 9 years. Taught, Sag Harbor, N. Y., 3 weeks, and then accepted position of teacher of elocution in the State Normal School; resigned by reason of ill health, 1882. M. Alice Carpenter (S. S. Minor), Jay, N. Y. Taught 4J years. Clerk in Regents’ office, 7 mos. ; taught, Ft. Edward, 4 mos.; Haverstraw, 2 yrs. ; Union Spa, Prin. Un. S., 1 yr. ; College Point, 1 yr. — all N. Y. ; m. 1878; 1 daughter. Augusta I. Churchill (Leander M. Cheshire), Omaha, Neb. Taught, New Hamburgh, N. Y., and Flushing, N. Y. ; m. 1881. Marietta Craft, Elkdale, Pa. Has taught since graduation; now, in Clifford, Pa. Annie S. Dunham (Walter S. Mills) , Industrial S., 68th st. and Broadway, N. Y. City. Taught Dist. Ss., Saratoga, N. Y., and vicinity, 8 yrs.; as at present, 1 yr.; m. 1877; 1 child. Helen L. Emerson, Saratoga Springs. Taught io years. Ass’t High School; has taught in the P. Ss. of Saratoga since graduation; now, as above. Malvina F. Howes (Rev. H. C. Van Der Wart, ’72), Taught 4J yrs. Athens, N. Y. Taught, Ass’t Prin. P. S. No. i, Haverstraw, N. Y., 4 yrs.; taught 1 term during course; m. 1877. Addle E. Hyde, dec’d. Taught 2 years. Address father, William Scofield, Oneonta, N. Y. Taught — all N. Y.— Fort Edward, ^ yr. ; P. S. No. 2, Albany, in 1873 and ’74; died in 1875, at Hartwick, N. Y., and is there buried; widow when she entered the school. Harriet C. Xngersoll (Adelbert Hewitt, M. D.), Taught 4 years. Fort Edward, N. Y. Taught Coll. Inst, as above; teacher of Gram., and became Preceptress; x child. Helen I. Mackey, Gilboa, N. Y. Taught 1 year. Taught P. S. as above i yr. and i mo. ; health failed and spent a year in Wis. and 111 . ; has been obliged to refuse numerous positions. Emma Mason (W. H. Ketchum), Albany, N. Y. Taught 4 years. Taught, Glens Falls, N. Y., 4 yrs.; m. 1880; since, as above. Annie M. McAvinue, 1 74 S. Swan st., Albany, N. Y. Taught 1 year. Taught, Hoboken, N. J. ; since, at home. Alice Reed, dec’d, Taught 3 years. Address father, Daniel, Arthursburgh, N. Y. Taught, Dutchess and Ulster counties, N. Y., and in N. J., where she contracted the disease of which she died, 1876. Sarah J. Stewart, Johnstown, N. Y. Taught ioj years. Taught, Ticonderoga, 2% yrs.; and at Loudonville, Prin. 8 yrs.; now, Prin., Plattsburgh— all N. Y. Ada A. Swezey, Newport, N. Y. Taught io years. Has taught in Newburgh, N. Y., Gram. S. No. 1 since graduation, and now. Cora P. Swezey, Newport, N. Y. Taught 9 years. Has taught since graduation except i yr. Kittie E. Van Buren, dec’d (Beverly S. Boicourt), Taught 4J years. Ft. Scott, Kansas. Taught in Col. Co., N. Y., 3 yrs.; in Kansas, 3 terms; m. 1878; 3 children, 2 sons. Grace A. Welch (Frank L. Andress), Taught 2 years. Gansevoort, N. Y. Was Prin., Schuylerville, N. Y., i yr. ; at present location, i yr. ; declined offer of position in State Normal School of N. J., and in High School, Ft. Edward, N. Y. ; m. 1875, and lived in Wis. for 5 yrs.; then came East. Mary H. Wells, Canajoharie, N. Y. Taught 6 years. Taught in Ss. of Mont. Co., N. Y.; now, in dress-making business. George E. Anderson, LL. B., Carmel, N. Y. Taught £ year. Taught Dist. S. i term; grad. Albany Law S., 1876; since, as above; clerk Bd. Sup. 2 terms; 1877 m. Eliza Agor; 1 son. Taught 7J years. Taught 10 years. Taught 9 years. *93 Lewis Cass, A. M., lawyer, 55 State st., Albany, N. Y. Taught o years. Immediately after grad, entered Colgate Acad., Hamilton, N. Y. ; graduated 1874; entered Union College; graduated 1878; admitted to bar 1881. Wm. M. Giffin, A.M., Prin. Gram. S., Newark, N. J. Taught io yrs. Has taught in Newark, N. J. ; author of Number Cards for Sight Work, Number Chart, How Not to Teach, Way to Teach, Number Lessons for Little Folk; fifteen assistants in school; writes for ‘•Primary Teacher,” for “ Teacher and Pupil’s Companion”; m. Jennie O. Smithers; 1 child. Albert E. Knight, Usher, N. Y. Taught J year. Taught, dist. S., % yr. ; com. agent, 1 yr. ; since, farmer; 1873 m. Isadora Southard; 5 sons, 4 living. Smith Lent, LL.B., lawyer, Sing Sing, N. Y. Taught ij years. Taught, High S., New Brunswick, N. J., % yr. ; Highland Falls, N. Y., 1 yr. ; graduated Alban Law School 1875, and has practiced, since, as at present; m. Elizabeth Carrick, ’74. William Schell, West Hoboken, N. J. Taught o years. Has been a clerk since graduation; m. Miss G. L. Whitney; 1 child. Oscar B. Shaffer, Warrensville, N. J. Taught io years. Prin. P. S., Kingston, N. Y., 1873-5; ist ass’t, Randall’s Island, N. Y., 4 yrs., Vice Prin., 2 yrs.; Prin. as above since 1881, and now. Henry J. Van Denberg, LL.B., Albany, N. Y. Taught o years. Graduated Albany Business College and Albany Law School; practiced law for 2 yrs.; since, in the laundry business ; m. Mary E. Dunn; 2 children. James H. Van Sickle, 19 N. 15th st., Denver, Col. Taught 8J years. Taught, N. Providence, N. J., 2 yrs.; Caledonia, N. Y. ; Cook Academy, Havana, N. Y. ; Denver, Col., now, and since; Prin. N. Denver High S.; unmarried. 1873 — Fifty-seventh Class. Fifty-eighth Term, ending July i, 1873. Carrie Forman Bridge, Corning, N. Y. Taught 6 years. Has taught drawing and painting, Hornellsville, 3 yrs.; in Corning, 1 yr., and Bath — all N. Y. ; son a graduate of Harvard, ’84. Carrie F. Brown (George J. Keesel), Taught 6 years. Ottawa, Kansas. Taught, Otsego Co., N. Y., 2 yrs.; attended S., 1 yr.; taught, Kansas, 3 yrs.; Wash. Co., N. Y., i yr. ; m. 1882; 1 child. Elizabeth H. Buss, 24 Jay st., Albany, N. Y. Taught 10 years. Since grad, has taught iu P. S. No. 15, as above, and now. Kate Byrnell, Portland, Oregon. Taught io years. Has taught since graduation; now, teaching as above. Susan A. Callaghan, Saratoga Springs, N. Y. Taught ij years. Taught, Greenfield, N. Y., % yr. ; ass’t in High S., Ballston Spa, N. Y., 1 yr. ; left teaching on account of health, and has been housekeeper in hotels, viz., St. James, Jacksonville, Fla.; Cooper House, Cooperstown, N. Y. ; Clarendon, and Congress Hall, as above; Willards’s, Wash’n, D. C. Sarah A. Carey, P. S. No. 24, Albany, N. Y. Taught 10 years. Has taught since graduation ; now, as above. Martha Elizabeth Davidson, Dobbs Ferry, N.Y. Taught 10 years. Taught, select school and P. S., at Pitcher, N. Y., yrs.; Dobbs Ferry, N. Y., Un. S., 9 yrs., and now ; taught 10 yrs. belore graduation. Louise Dewey (Charles W. Sharp), Sharon, N. Y. Taught 5 years. Taught in Scho. Co., N. Y.; m. 1879; 2 sons; husband a farmer. Emma L. French, Yonkers, N. Y. Taught 7J years. Has taught in ungraded and graded Ss.; health not robust; has been, and is now, engaged in private teaching. 2 I 194 Mary Matilda Hanna (Hunter Collins), Taught 7 years. 106 Livingston st., Brooklyn, N. Y. Taught, Hastings-on-Hudson, N. Y., 7 yrs. ; m. 1880; 2 children. Mary B. La Grange, Slingerlands, N. Y. Taught 7 years. Taught, Private S. as above, 2 yrs. ; taught 5 yrs. during course; grad, of model S. Carrie Emma Locke, dec’d. Taught o years. Address mother, 140 High st., Brooklyn, N. Y. Had a bad cough when she went home; terminated in consumption, fatal, 1874; one of the founders of Literary Society of Normal School. Kate Morford, Glen, N. Y. Taught io years. Taught, Slingerlands, N. Y., 3 yrs.; in various schools in Cal.; at present location, 2 yrs. Alida Mosher (Ezra Bryan), Kearney, Neb. Taught 4J years. Taught in Dutchess Co., N. Y., 9 terms; m. 1878; 1 child. Anna J. Parker (John P. Lee), Taught o years. 374 Harrison st., Chicago, 111 . M. 1876; 4 children. Laura W. Patterson (James N. Chamberlain), Taught 3 years. Livonia, N. Y. Taught Gilbertsville, N. Y., Acad., 2 terms; the rest at S. Livonia, N. Y. ; m. 1878; 2 children. Lora T. Person, Batchellerville, N. Y. Taught 9 years. Taught at Sag Harbor, 2 yrs.; Gloversville, 2 yrs.; and is now Prin. of a department of graded S. at Lansingburgh — all N. Y. Margaret Roche, P. S. No. 22, Albany, N. Y. Taught 10 years. Teaching as above since graduation, and now. Kate A. Ronan, dec’d, Albany, N. Y. Taught 2J years. Taught in P. S. No. 13 as above, until resigned on account of ill health, 1875; died 1876. Mary Urban (Charles Arnold), Ghent, N. Y. Taught 7 years. Has taught 14 terms in P. Ss. of N. Y. ; and been Prin. of the Un. S. as above. Emma Van Alstyne (Frederick C. Ward), Taught o years. 12 Hawk st., Albany, N. Y. M. 1875; 4 children — 3 boys, 1 girl. Stella Van Courtlandt (A. G. Elliott), Taught 8 years. Sing Sing, N. Y. Taught, Mt. Kisco, Sing Sing and Babylon — all N. Y., 8 yrs.; m. 1881; no children. Eleanora Wark, 73 Second ave., Greenbush, N. Y. Taught 8 years. Taught in P. S. No. 17, Albany, N. Y., 8 yrs., and is now there.- Hector W. Blake, Naples, N. Y. Taught 4 years. Prin., E. Bloomfield and Wayland, N. Y., until 1877; agency for publishing house; has written for papers and magazines — Eng. Lit. and Microscopy; m. Emma M. Hobart, who died 1875; 1877 m. Libbie A. Dilts. Bezaleel H. Gallup, Taught 9 years. House of Refuge, Randall’s Island, N. Y. Taught, N. Nassau and Schuylerville, N. Y., i yr. ; Verona, N. J., i yr. ; E. Chatham, N. Y., i yr. ; present position, 5 yrs. Elias B. Glen, Rose, N. Y. Taught 9 years. Taught, Battle Creek, Mich., yr. ; Clyde, % yr. ; Peekskill Mil. Acad., 2 yrs.; own Boarding School, 3 yrs.; East Albany, 3 yrs.; and now Agt. for S. furniture— all N. Y. except Mich.; m. Mary D. Hill, undergraduate; 1 girl. Frank H. Horton, Pound Ridge, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Taught at Rockland Lake, Pound Ridge, South East Centre and Lewiston— all N. Y. ; failing health demanded a farmer’s life, as now ; is also magistrate. Marcus H. Mullenneaux, LL. B., Taught 5 years. Newburgh, N. Y. Taught 1 yr. during course; Claverack College and Hud. River Inst., 4 yrs. ; grad. Albany Law S., 1878; since, has practiced as above; 1880 m. Miss Verity; 2 children: taught from the time he was 1 5 yrs. old. 195 R. Charles Patterson, LL. B., Taught 3 years. Lawyer, Glens Falls, N. Y. Prin. P. S., Topeka, Kansas, i yr. ; Jonesville, N. Y., i yr. ; Troy Conference Acad., i yr. ; gradu- ated Albany Law School, and practiced law since. 1874 — Fifty-eighth Class. Fifty-ninth Term, ending January 27, 1874. Mary W. Alexander, Van Wie’s, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Taught as above 3 yrs. ; then was needed at home. Agnes M. Brown, Corinth, N. Y. Taught 9 years. Has taught in Westville, Conn., as now, ever since graduation; first and second primary work. Allie T. Chapman (Wm. H. Arnold), Pawling, N. Y. Taught 4 years. Taught, P. S. in Dutchess Co., and select school as above, 3 yrs.; health failed; m. 1881. Frances M. Cole (Edward Udell), Dixon, Cal. Taught 9 years. Taught, Otsego Co., N. Y., 2 yrs.; Austin City, Minn., 1 yr. ; reached Cal. 1877; has taught since as above; m. 1879; no child. Josephine C. Congdon (Frank McCarter), Clove Valley, N. Y. Taught till m., 1879. Taught 5 years. Jennie T. Corbett (John O’Hara), Albany, N. Y. Taught 5 years. Taught in P. S. No. 13, as above; m. 1880; 1 child, which died. Addie M. Gaylord, care J. B. Gaylord, Stamford, N.Y. Taught 3 yrs. Taught 2 yrs.; health failed; afterwards i yr. ; now, living at home. Mary E. Hawkes, Ballston Spa, N. Y. Taught 8 years. Taught, dist. S. i term; asst. prim, dept., Ballston P. S., 2 yrs.; prin. 1 yr. ; health failed; rested 1 yr. ; asst. prim. dept. 4 yrs. ; prin. of same, now. Mary E. Hughes, Hartford, N. Y. Taught 9 years. Has taught since graduation; now, in P. S. at Yonkers, N. Y. Ella L. Johnson (Culver H. Ten Broeck), Burnt Hills, N.Y. Taught o yrs. M. 1877; 2 children. Amelia B. Lyon, Dobb’s Ferry, N. Y. Taught 9 years. Teaching since graduation in same graded school as now, at home. Minnie B. Murrell, dec’d (G. P. K. Pomeroy, M.D.), Taught £ year. Stuyvesant Landing, N. Y. Taught 1 term dist. school, Schodack, N. Y.; m. in 1879 a graduate of Albany Med. Coll. ; died March, 1881. Ella Ottman (Walter V. V. Marsh), Albany, N. Y. Taught o years. Duty kept her at home; m. 1883. Anna L. Packer, Charlton, N. Y. Taught 8 years. Taught, Hastings-on-Hudson 7 yrs. ; resigned to study music in N. Y. Coll, of Music, where she has taught; proficient, both vocal and instrumental. Elizabeth S. Reynolds (Stephen Reynolds), Taught 8 years. Rayville, N. Y. Taught in P. Ss. of Greenbush, N. Y., till December, 1882, when m* Kate A. Sawyer, care Wm. Sawyer, Albany, N. Y. Taught o years. Elizabeth P. Snow (Chas. Wait), Batchellerville, N. Y. Taught 5 yrs. Taught in dist. schools, Saratoga Co., N. Y., 3 yrs.; in Rondout, N. Y., 2 yrs.; 1879 m. a mer- chant; 1 child. Amelia R. Steiner (Eugene Haight, ’74), Modena, N. Y, Taught 1 yr. Taught i yr.; m. 1875; 2 children. 196 Olive B. Sturges (Rev. W. E. Porter), Taught 10 years. P. O. box 1112, Los Angeles, Cal. Taught 1st asst. P. Ss., San Buenaventura, Cal., 7 yrs.; during same time member Co. Bd. Ex- aminers, and Co. Bd. Education; as at present 2 yrs. ; in Maine 1 yr. ; has Cal. life diploma; m. as above ; no children. William Agor, Mahopac Falls, N. Y. Taught i J years. Taught, Rockland Co., N. Y., 1J4 yrs.; since, a farmer; town clerk 2 yrs.; now, J. P. ; is married. O. Clark Crawford, Middletown, N. Y. Taught 8 years. Taught, 8 yrs. ; since, merchant as above. Elwin S. Piper, Saratoga Springs, N. Y. Taught J year. Taught, Eagle Mills, N. Y. ; since, dry goods, except some experience in newspaper publishing; 1875 m. Mary J. Golden; 2 children. Charles A. Rounds, lawyer, Sioux Falls, Dakota. Taught £ year. Taught part of a year at Moore’s Mills, N. Y. ; admitted to bar, Detroit, Mich., 1877; Sec’y Ins. Co.; ass’t editor; unmarried. Louis H. Smith, Peekskill, N. Y. Taught 9 years. Taught, Inst, for Blind, N. Y. City, i yr. ; Prin. P. S., Montrose, N. Y., since and now. 1874 — Fifty -ninth Class. Sixtieth Term, ending June 30, 1874. Emma J. Alger, Ames, N. Y. Taught 4J years. Taught, Villisca, Iowa, 3 yrs.; Norwalk, Cal., 34 yr. ; Los Angeles, Cal., 1 yr. Mary T. Beckwith, Stissing, N. Y. Taught 1 term near home; home duties since required her attention. Hattie Bergh (Charles Sholtes), Schoharie, N. Y. Tamma Bristol, Amenia, N. Y. Taught, as above, 8 yrs., 7 in one S.; in graded S., Scranton, Pa., 1 yr. Taught J year. Taught o years. Taught 9 years. Mary Bunyan, West Charlton, N. Y. Taught 7 years. Taught 5 yrs., Old Westbury, N. Y. ; Prin. at Manhasset, N. Y., 2 yrs., where she is at present. Elizabeth Carrick (Smith Lent, ’73), Taught 5 years. Sing Sing, N. Y. Taught in Albany, N. Y., private S., i yr. ; College of the Sisters of Bethany, Topeka, Kan., i yr. ; private S., East Mauch Chunk, Pa., 3 yrs.; m. 1879. Ermina F. Crumb (C. D. Henry, ’74), Utica, N. Y. Taught 5J years. Taught, Five Points House of Industry, yr. ; Un. S. Peekskill, N. Y., 5 yrs.; m. 1880; 2 child- ren, sons. Jennie E. Elton (Mattison L. Parkhurst), Taught 2 years. Canandaigua, N. Y. Taught in dist. No. 3 as above; m. 1877. Huldah A, Grant, Delhi, N. Y. Taught 8J years. Taught since grad., except 6 mos. devoted to sick mother; now, Stamford Seminary, N. Y. ; studied at Mt. Holyoke Sem., Mass.; taught 8 yrs. before graduation; primary, object and kindergarten methods, her specialties. Ida E. Hand, Gardiner, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Taught, N. J., 1 yr. ; Ulster Co., N. Y., i yr. ; health impaired; living at home. Kia Hilts, Breakabeen, N. Y. Taught 6 years. Taught, Ulster Acad., Kingston, N. Y., 2 yrs.; taught at home, 4 yrs. Emma Horton (Rev. L. B. Albert), Taught 5 J years. Univ. ave. and Arlington st.,. Rochester, ,N. Y. Taught, High S., Rondout, N. Y., % yr. ; Danville, N. Y., i yr. ; Young Ladies’ Inst., Granville, O., 2 yrs.; High S., McGregor, Iowa, 2 yrs.; m. 1879. i 9 7 Delia R. Phillips (Fred. C. Ham) Taught o years. 14 S. Knox st., Albany, N. Y. M. 1883, as above. Imogene Pollock (Rev. Chas. Hunsdon), Elba, N.Y. Taught 2 years. Taught, Odessa, and Kingston — all N. Y., until m., 1875; no children; taught 4 yrs. before grad. .Jane H. Pratt, Portlandville, N. Y. Taught 9 years. Taught, int. dept., Afton Acad., 2 yrs.; select S., Collier’s; Laurens, 2 yrs.; ass’t int. dept., Oneonta, and now — all N. Y. Abbie A. Sherwood (Allen E. Bailey), Taught ij years. Burnt Hills, N. Y. Taught, Saratoga Co., N. Y., 2% terms; m. 1878; 1 child. Minnie J. Sherwood, Ballston Spa, N. Y. Taught 5 years. Prin. P. S., Auburn, 2 yrs.; Prin. P. S., Brewster, 2 yrs.; ass’t instructor Teachers’ Insts., 1875-6; grad, at Vassar College, 1883; is ass’t to Prof. Cooley, Vassar College — all N. Y. Hettie Swartout, Huguenot, N. Y. Taught 4 years. Taught, Loudonville, N. Y., % yr. ; New Brunswick, N. J., ass’t in High S., 2 yrs.; health failed, but has since taught somewhat, at home. Sarah Van Auken (William B. Davidson, ’72), Taught 4 years. Dobbs Ferry, N. Y. Taught, as above, Un. S., 4 vrs.; m. 1878; 1 girl. Maria E. Van Schoonhoven, Port Henry, N, Y. Taught 9 years. Taught, Albatoy Co.; and as above, primary work. Helen Vosburg (G. E. Youmans), Taught 5J years. Fishkill-on-Hudson, N. Y. Taught, Austerlitz, % yr. ; Stuyvesant, i yr. ; Matteawan Un. S., 4 yrs. — all N. Y. ; m. 1881. Mattie Waggoner, Quaker st., N. Y. Taught 6 years. Has taught mostly in district schools in Schenectady Co., N. Y., except 2 yrs. of poor health. Etta Williams, Canajoharie, N. Y. Taught 4J years. Taught, 1st Ass’t, Fort Plain, N. Y., 4 yrs.; health failed; rested % yr. ; Amsterdam, N. Y.’, P. S., yr. ; health tailed; is resting as above. Mima H. Williams (B. Frank Diefendorf), Taught 2 years. Canajoharie, N. Y. Taught at New Hartford, N. Y., and at Canajoharie, N. Y.; m. 1876; one child, a daughter. Alvaro J. Adams, LL. B., Mt. Kisco, N. Y, Taught £ year. Taught select S., Schodack, N. Y., % yr. ; grad, at Albany Law S., 1878; has since practiced law successfully as above; 1880 m. Miss Emily Bennett. Alvaro D. Arnold, Sandy Hill, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Taught, Wash. Co., N. Y. ; attended school, Poultney, Vt., i yr. ; studied law 4 yrs.; admitted to the bar. George E. Atwood, E. Bloomfield, N. Y. Taught 9 years. Taught, N. Cohocton, N. Y., Prin. Un. S., 2 yrs.; Cook Academy, Havana, N. Y., 1 yr. ; Prin. Un. S., as now, 6 yrs. John F. Barker, LL. B.,dec’d, Peekskill, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Taught Howard st. P. S. as above; grad. Albany Law School; studied with Calvin Frost, Esq.; died March, 1880. Leonard W. Barrett, LL. B., Ft. Edward, N. Y. Taught 5 years. Taught, Cedar Grove, N. J., i yr. ; Ticonderoga, N. Y., 2 yrs.; Prin. Fort Ann, N. Y., 1 yr. ; Prin. Ticonderoga, 1 yr. ; graduated Albany Law S., 1878; practiced, Fort Ann, 2 yrs. — all N. Y. ; 1880, m. Amelia Griffin, ’76; 1 child. Eugene Haight, Modena, N. Y. Taught 4 years. Taught 4 yrs. at Carthage Landing, N. Y., and Narrowsburgh, N. Y. ; now, farmer; 1875 m. A. R. Steiner, ’74; 2 children. Cyrus D. Henry, 70 Kemble st., Utica, N. Y. Taught i year. Taught, West Hebron, N. Y., i yr. ; health failed; Sunday S. work ever since; fire and life insur- ance; 1880 m. E. F. Crumb, ’74; 2 children — sons. 198 Christopher Keller, East Worcester, N. Y. Taught 9 years. Taught, Barnerville, i yr. ; Prin. Graded School, Otego, i yr. ; Prin. .E. Worcester Un. School, 7 yrs. — all N. Y. ; one of his pupils graduated at N. S.; many have become teachers. John F. Kent, dec’d, Pawtucker, R. I. Taught 9 years. From graduation, till death, 1883, Prin. of Church Hill Gram. S. as above; 1877 m. Ella M. Bullock; 1 child. Oliver B. Kipp, Islip, L. I. Taught 9 years.' Taught, Sar. and Schen. counties, 3 yrs.; Prin. P. S., Orient, 5 yrs. ; since ’82, Prin. P. S. as above — all N. Y.; was Pres’t East End Teachers’ Assoc’n; now, Pres’t Suffolk Co. Teachers’ Assoc’n. Jacob H. Mann, West Fulton, N. Y. Taught 9 years. Taught P. S., Breakabeen, i yr. ; Middleburgh, i yr. ; Richmondville, 5 yrs. ; school com’r, elected first in ’81; re-elected without opposition— all N. Y. ; six of his pupils have attended the Normal S., and graduated; during the first year he was commissioner, he issued 13 appointments to this school. S. Harrison Moore, Little Neck, N. Y. Taught 8 years. Prin. Un. S., Flushing, L. I.; now, lawyer, as above. James A. Rose, LL. B., Taught 5 years. Laramore, Grand Forks, Dakota. Taught, Adamsville, N. Y., 3 yrs.; at Belleville, N. J., 2 yrs. ; grad. Albany Law S., 1878; since 1882, lawyer, as above. » Louis N. Seaman, Belvidere, 111 . Taught 2 years. Taught, Scotch Plains, N.J., 2 yrs. ; attended Williams Col., i yr. ; health failed; rested for a year ; mercantile business, as above; 1880 m. Helen E. Terwilliger; one boy. S. Eugene Starkweather, Worcester, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Taught, N. Y., 1 yr.; Wis., i yr. ; farmer; has sent a number of students to Alma Mater. Alfred Thomas, De Smet, Dakota. Taught 9 years. Prin., Ft. Howard, Wis., 3 yrs.; Green Bay, Wis.; Two Rivers, Wis.; as now, since April, 1883, Land, Loan, and Ins. Agency; 1874 m. Miss Christina Powers; 4 children; Teachers’ Institute work. Rev- Henry H. Wilbur, Mt. Vision, N. Y. Taught 5 years. Taught, Eagle Mills, and near Troy, 3 yrs.; Mt. Vision, 1 yr. ; Hartwick, 2 yrs. — all N. Y. ; pas- tor, Wellsville, N. Y., 2 yrs.; spring of 1883, ordained and assumed charge Masonville, N. Y., Church; 1876 m. Miss Susie Fowler; 1 child. Irving Wright, Tarrytown Heights, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Taught, Mahopac Falls, N. Y., 2% yrs.; Jefferson Valley, N. Y., % yr. ; now in business, as above; 1876 m. Miss Fannie S. Hill; no children. 1875 — Sixtieth Class. Sixty- first Term, ending January 26, 1875. Mary Betts (Geo. G. Brennan), W. Laurens, N.Y. Taught 1 year. Taught, dist. S., Sar. Co., N. Y., 2 terms; m. 1876; 2 children; husband, a farmer. Mary E. Cobb, Mount Cobb, Pa. Taught 8 years. Has taught since graduation; in Kansas 3 yrs.; and in Pa., since, and now. Anna A. Farr and, Goshen, N. Y. Taught 8J years. Has taught Arith. and Alg. in State Normal School ever since graduation. Celia S. Fellows, Albany, N. Y. Taught 8 years. Teaching since graduation music and painting in her mother’s school, as above. Sarah E. Forsyth, West Troy, N. Y. Taught 7 years. Remained at home i yrs. ; entered compet. ex. with 10 others for position in 3rd Ward S. as above, and stood first; taught in that school from 1876, s yrs.; transferred to 1st Ward S., prim. 3 yrs.; since and now in intermediate. Gertrude Hamburger, P. S. No. 14, Albany, N. Y. Taught 5 years. Has taught as at present 5 yrs. I 99 Margaret Felicia Hayes, P. S. No. io, Albany, N.Y. Taught 7 years. Taught as above 7 yrs., and is still in same school. Mildred E. Jones (Geo. B. Marshall), Clearmont, Mo. Taught 4 years. Taught, Sag Harbor, N. Y., Un. S., i yr. ; Clifton, N. J., i yr. ; Denison, Iowa, 2 yrs.; m. 1879; 2 children. Elizabeth B. Lathrop (Watson C. Mackey), Taught 2 % years. 77 Lancaster st., Albany, N. Y. Spent 3 yrs. at Vassar College; private pupils i yr. ; P. S., Van Wie’s Point, i yr.; private pupils in Latin and Math. ; m. 1880. Hannah E. Meade, Luddingtonville, N. Y. Taught 4J years. Taught in P. S. near Cold Spring, N. Y., 2 yrs.; and near Pawlings, N. Y., 2 yrs. Carrie A. Mills (Fred H. Schmidt), Youngstown, O. Taught 2 years. Taught, Canajoharie, N. Y., 2 yrs.; m. 1878; 1 child, girl; removed to present residence 1880. Sarah Nixon (Wm. Van Allen), Lansingburgh, N. Y. Taught J year. M. as above; 1 child. Lucy Northup (J. M. Sheldon), W. Oneonta, N.Y. Taught 3J years. Taught, Otsego Co., N. Y., 7 terms; m. 1879; lived in N. Adams, Mass., 3 yrs.; since, as above. Ella L. Taylor, Charlton, N. Y. Taught 4 years. Taught, New Hamburgh, N. Y., i% yrs.; Monticello, Ga.,x yr. ; Drifton, Pa., \4 yr. ; as above i yr. Laura L. Thomas (Albert S. Emans), E. Fishkill, N.Y. Taught 4J yrs. Taught, Bethel, N. Y., yr. ; as above 4 yrs. ; treas. Dutchess Co. Teachers’ Assn. 2 yrs.; m. 1880; one child; daughter. Mary Thomson (Chas. E. Bullard), Glen’s Falls, N.Y. Taught 3 years. Taught, Middle Falls, N. Y., i yr. ; Glen’s Falls Academy, N. Y., 2 yrs.; m. 1878; no children. Caroline Louisa Walker (Duncan McDonald), Taught 4 years. 362 North Pearl st., Albany, N. Y. Governess in Albany, N. Y., i yr. ; taught, Williamstown, Mass., 3 yrs.; traveled in Europe; was presented to Queen Victoria; wrote much admired verses on death of President Garfield; m. 1878. Mary A. Walter, 70 S. Pearl st., Albany, N.Y. Taught 8 years. Taught in Albany and Delaware Co’s, N. Y., 3^ yrs.; since, in Albany Business College; has taught phonography; has contributed to periodical literature. Jane Anna Williams, P. S. No. 14, Albany, N. Y. Taught 8 years. Has taught in same school since graduation; prim. dept, i yr. ; int. 7 yrs. Martha Williams, Taught o years. Care Mrs. R. E. Williams, 46 Bassett st., Albany, N. Y. Attended Oberlin College, and has done some literary work; health delicate. Chas W. Atwood, lawyer, Middle Granville, N. Y. Taught 2 J year. Taught, Spring Valley, N. Y., % yr.; prin. Un. S. as above 4 yrs.; Putnam Inst., N. Y., J 4 yr.; admitted to bar 1879; 1879 m. Martha H. Hall; practicing law as above. Franklin P. Coons, Quaker Springs, N. Y. Taught 7 years. Taught 7 yrs. ; farmer last 4; m. ; 2 children. Peter T. Durfy, Los Angeles, Cal. Taught 5 years. Has taught 5 yrs. since grad. ; now, farmer as above. Daniel S. Jones, Kortright, N. Y. Taught i year. Taught, N. Harpersfield, X yr. ; Stamford, % yr. ; farming some of the time; editor and prop’r “ Rural Press,” Sidney Plains, consolidated with it the “Living Issue,” of Cooperstown; sold out his newspaper property; has made several inventions, and worked at others — all N. Y. John H. Lee, Pine Plains, N. Y. Taught 8 years. Taught, E. Fishkill, ?.% yrs.; Rhinebeck, 3 yrs.; Sec’y Dutchess Co. Teachers’ Ass’n.; East Chat- ham, 14 yr. ; Wappinger, 1 yr. ; as now, 1 yr. — all N. Y. Henry E. Williams, Walden, N. Y. Taught 7 years. Taught, Scotch Bush, i term; Prin. P. S., High Falls, 6 % yrs.; since, hardware and stoves — all N. Y.; m. Allie Schoonmaker, undergraduate. 200 Franklin J. Wilson, Verona, N. J. Taught 8 years. Prin., Spencertown, i yr. ; Boy’s Academy, Albany, 2 yrs., as pupil and teacher; filled temporary vacancy in Normal School; Prin., Knowersville, 3 yrs. — all N. Y. ; now Prin. P. S. as above. 1875 — Sixty-first Class. Sixty-second Term, ending June 29, 1875. Mirah H. Beebe, Canaan 4 Corners, N. Y. Taught 8 years. Taught, Spencertown, N. Y., i yr. ; 2 yrs. at her home as above; 1 yr. at Long’s Peak, Col.; 4 yrs. at Erie, Col. ; now, at home. * Nellie A. Beebe (John Wilson), Taught £ year. Canaan 4 Corners, N. Y. Taught, Flat Brook, N. Y. ; m. 1875; 1 boy, born 3d anniversary of graduation. Rozilla Beers, Chaseville, N. Y. Taught 7 years. Taught in various Ss. in Del. and Otsego Co’s, N. Y., 3^3 yrs.; in Neb., 3% yrs. Ellen Bishop, Castile, N. Y. Taught 8 years. Taught, Preceptress Clarence Classical Un. S., N. Y., 3 yrs.; ass’t model dept. Normal S., 4 yrs.; teacher elocution, Normal S., from Sept. 28, 1882. Julia E. Brown, Bath-on-Hudson, N. Y. Taught 8 years. Has taught since graduation in dist. Ss. ; at present, Un. S. as above, 2d ass’t. Margaret E. Bunyan, West Charlton, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Taught at Coblesktll and Port Washington, N. Y.; retired on acc’t of health. Sarah T. Dakin, Glen Cove, N. Y. Taught 7 years. Taught, P. Ss. Watkins, N. Y., 3 yrs.; in the family of J. Duryea, Esq., Glen Cove, L. I., 4 yrs.; is now, ’83, there. Frances E. Dewey, Fort Ann, N. Y. Taught 4 years. Taught, Hempstead, L. I., 4 yrs., and is still teaching there. Cora B. Edson, 317 Lark st., Albany, N. Y. Taught 1 year. Taught, Newtonville, N. Y., i yr. ; sickness and death of mother, 1879, called her home. Phebe Gordon, Port Jervis, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Teaching since grad, and now, in P. S. as above. Mary Louise Gorham, Mt. Kisko, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Taught at home i yr., in P. S.; i yr. at Ridgfield, Conn.; since, at home. Sarah J. Houston (Rev. E. J. Guernsey), Taught 2 years. Mechanicsville, N. Y. Taught 2 yrs.; m. 1877, as above. Troy conference. Mary Carrie Ingersoll, Spencertown, N. Y. Taught 7 years. Taught, W. Stockbridge, Mass., and Austerlitz, N. Y., ever since grad., except one year. Hannah Eliza Jones (N. M. Beers), Chaseville, N.Y. Taught 3 years. Taught, Del. Co. dist. Ss. ; 1879 m * a farmer; boy and girl. Rose Linda Jones (Newton H. Pierce), Kortright, N.Y. Taught 5 yrs. Taught, dist. Ss. in Del. and Otsego Co’s, N.Y. ; m. 1880; husband’s health very poor. Kate E. Lyons, Bath-on-Hudson, N. Y. Taught o years. Fitting herself for teaching drawing. Kate J. Martin, Waterford, N. Y. Taught 8 years. Taught, N. Y. Inst, for the Blind i yr. ; P. Ss. of Cohoes 7 yrs. Phebe R. Owen (Geo. A. Temple), Lebanon Spa, N.Y. Taught 7J yrs. Taught, V. P. High S., Santa Barbara, Cal., for 7}^ yrs., with great success. 201 Grace A. Parmele (Arthur Smythe), Columbus, O. Taught J year. Taught, “ supply,” State Normal School; m. 1876; 2 children; as above since marriage. Isabella A. Parmele, Greenbush, N. Y. Taught 7 years. Governess, and also taught music. Mary Augusta Rose (H. D. Ingersoll), Taught 2 years. 411 Pleasant ave., N. Y. City. Taught, Del. Co. yr.; Bedford yrs. — both N. Y. ; m. 1879; 2 children. Marcena E. Sherman, Castile, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Taught in 1875-6 at home i yr. ; health failed; taught again at home, and in N. E. Pa., 2 yrs.; delicate health has interfered with work; 2 years’ course in nursing, Rochester hosp. Amy Sutton, Bedford Station, N. Y. Taught i year. Taught at home; is a member of the Chaut.^ircle. Ellen Swartwout, Huguenot, N. Y. Taught o years. Family duties kept her at home, while her sisters have taught. Emma R. Taylor, Charlton, N. Y. Taught 5 J years. Prin. Fern. Acad., Monticello, Ga., 2 yrs.; taught, Galway, N. Y., 2 yrs. ; boarding and day school, at home, iJ4 yrs. Ada Van Etten (Walter McFarlane), Oswego, 111 . Taught 3 years. Taught 2 yrs. at Port Jervis, N. Y. ; i yr. at Port Clinton, N. Y. ; 1882 m. a graduate of Oswego, N. Y., Normal S. Minerva Waldorf (Rev. J’yn Jones), Big Flats, N. Y. Taught J year. Taught, W. Richmondville, N. Y. ; m. 1876 a Baptist clergyman; 2 children, boy and girl; has taken much interest in S. S. work, and in missionary and literary societies. Elizabeth B. Wall (James E. Glover, dec’d), Taught o years. West Mitchell, Iowa. M. 1876; 2 children; husband died 1880. Lucinda Williams, Kingston, N. Y. Taught 6 years. Taught, Wing’s Station 2 yrs. ; Kingston 1 yr. ; Prin. P. S., Rosendale; 3 yrs. as now — all N. Y. Ellen M. Wilson (Wm. H. Preston), Schenevus, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Taught as above yrs.; Marion ^ yr. ; Columbia i yr. — all N. Y. ; m. as above. James A. Betts, Kingston, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Taught Prin. P. S. No. n, 2 yrs.; admitted to bar 1880; practiced since — all as above; sec’y to N. Y. Civil Service Com. Martin L. Earing, 368 Madison ave., Albany, N. Y. Taught 4 years. Taught, Mechanicsville, N. Y. ; baker since; 1877 m. Jennie E. Crocker. Francis C. Hastings, S. Jefferson, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Taught 2 yrs. ; since, an invalid. Geo. W. Horton, LL.B., Brewster, N. Y. Taught o years. Graduated Law S. Univ., City of N.Y., ’78, and was admitted to bar; since has practiced law; office in N. Y. City also; candidate for dist. att’y 1880; defeated by small majority. Albert P. Lawrence, Spring Valley, N. Y. Taught 5 years. Taught, Berlin, N. Y., 2 yrs.; since, has taught winters and farmed summers; m. 1876. Rev. Luther P. Ludden, East Schodack, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Taught in Brunswick, N. Y. ; Knowersville, N. Y. ; studied theology; passed the Gettysburgh examination and entered on active duty, 1878; 5 yrs. pastor of Lutheran Church, Knox, N. Y. ; now, pastor as above; 1879 m. M. Machesney; 2 children. Charles W. Manchester, Taught 9 % years. House of Refuge, Randall's Island, N. Y. Is Vice-Prin., as above; has taught there ever since graduation; taught i% yrs. during course. George W. Mattice, Taught 2J years. Medical Lake, Wash. Territory. Taught, E. Bloomfield, N. Y., yr. ; Middleburgh, N. Y., 2 yrs. ; connected with Un. Pacific R. R., Nebraska; traveled through nearly all the territories; in printing business at New Tacoma, Puget Sound, publishing several newspapers besides “Medical Lake Press”; notary public, J.P., etc.; m. 1883. 22 202 David Mosher, M. D., Marlborough, N. Y. Taught i year. Taught, Lake Mahopac, N. Y., i yr. ; studied medicine in N. Y. Medical College, 1878; practiced his profession at Elmore’s Corners, 1 yr. ; since, as above; m. 1880; wife died 1882. Frank F. Noyes, Bellport, L. I. Taught 8 years. Taught in Inst, for Blind, N. Y. City, 4 yrs. ; Saratoga Co., 2 yrs. ; Shelter Island, 1 yr. ; as at present, 1 yr., and now — all N. Y. Hambly P. Orchard, Beekman, N. Y. Taught 7 years. Taught in different schools for 6 yrs.; ’81 to ’82 in Windsor, N. Y. ; now, farming; 1877 m - Louisa Calkins. De Witt Pinckney, Lake Mahopac, N. Y. Taught 6 years. Taught H. C. C. Institute, Charleston, S. C., 4 yrs.; before this he taught at Lake Mahopac, N. Y., 2 yrs. ; devoted one year to practical surveying. Ira Sawyer, Ellenville, N. Y. • Taught 5J years. Was School Com’r Ulster Co. from 1876-79, and has taught, winters, since. George W. Smith, LL. B., Griffin’s Corners, N. Y. Taught 4 yrs. Taught, Rockaway, L. I., i yr. ; Queens, L. I., 3 yrs.; graduated Albany Law School, 1880; prac- ticing law in Albany, N. Y. Charles C. Van Valkenburgh, M. D., Taught i year. Hanford, Cal. Taught, Stuyvesant Falls, N. Y., 1 yr. ; graduated Ann Arbor, Mich., Med. College; practiced, Stuyvesant, N. Y., yrs.; at Tipton, Cal., 2 yrs.; and as above, since; m. 1880; 1 child — boy. J. Seward White, M. D., South Glens Falls, N.Y. Taught i year. Taught, Orient Pt., L. I., 1 yr. ; studied Cornell Un., 2 yrs.; grad. Albany Med. Col., 1880; 1882 m. Flora Sweet. 1876 — Sixty-second Class. Sixty-third Term, ending January 25, 1876. Sarah E. Cashman, West Troy, N. Y. Taught 7 years. Taught, as above. Frances P. Cass (Joseph Cowell), Taught £ year. 94 First st., Albany, N. Y. Taught as “ substitute” in Pub. S. No. 15 as above; m. 1878. Mattie J. Cass (A. C. Johnson), 392 Clinton ave., Albany, N. Y. M. 1878; 2 children. Taught o years. Mary J. Chalmers, Perth Centre, N. Y. Taught 5 years. Taught, Fulton Co., 5 yrs. ; 2 yrs. and now, in charge int. dept, graded S., Kingsboro — all N. Y. Carrie A. Chapin (C. A. Nicholson, M. D.), Taught 5 years. Beekman, N. Y. Taught as above, and Ghent, N. Y., 5 yrs.; gave lessons on piano; 1882, attended Wellesley College; m. 1883. Martha Colwell (D. S. Du Bois), Taught 7 years. Rochdale, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Taught as above, 4 yrs.; Pleasant Valley, 1 yr. ; Clinton Corners, 2 yrs. — all N. Y. ; m. 1882. Annie L. Corbett, P. S. No. 20, Albany, N. Y. Taught 6 years. Taught as above. Emma W. Davison, dec’d (William Stark) . Taught 4J years. Address Mrs. Geo. Davison, Albany, N. Y. Taught, P. S. No. 6, as above, 4J4 yrs.; m. April 15, 1881; died Aug. 19, 1881, in Adrian, Mich. Kate A. Dunn ( McDonald), Albany, N. Y. Taught 7J years. Taught, P. S. No. 13, Albany, N. Y., 7 yrs.; also night S. 203 Matilda W. Fling (Chas. B. Fling), Potsdam, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Taught int. dept. Hamilton graded S., N. Y., i yr. ; private teaching at home, i yr. ; health has since been too poor to teach. Lizzie M. Graves, East Clarence, N. Y. Taught 7 years. Teaching since grad., and now, in Hornellsville, N. Y. ; primary work and assistant. Amelia Griffin (L. W. Barrett, ’74), Taught 3 years. Fort Edward, N. Y. Taught, Ticonderoga, a yrs.; Matteawan, i yr. — all N. Y. ; m. 1880; 1 child. Sarah Keppel (W. K. Vickery), Taught o years. Editor “ Pacific Press,” East Oakland, Cal. M. 1879; 1 boy; wrote poem, “ The Angelus,” for Reunion, ’83. Anna C. Ladd, Braman’s Corners, N. Y. Taught 7 years. Address 113 Col. Heights, Brooklyn, N. Y. Teaching since grad., male dept. Gram. S. 14, N. Y. City. Lisbeth Lindsley (Rev. John W. Conklin). Taught 7J years. Chittoor, Madras Presidency, India. Filled vacancies in Dover, N. J., and Westbury, L. I., % yr. ; Fem. Acad., Jacksonville, 111., 4 yrs., ending with preceptress; m. 1880, and went with husband as above, where they are in charge of miss, school. Hattie M. Lomax (Charles W. Forman, ’77), Taught 1 year. Underhill, N. Y. Taught as supply in P. S. No. 14, Albany, N. Y., and in husband’s school; m. 1879; one child, daughter. Alice Murray, Cohoes, N. Y. Taught 7 years. Has taught Cohoes P. S., 7 yrs.; and before graduation, 2 yrs. Clara A. Peterson (Frank Sears), Grand Island, Neb. Taught 6 yrs. Taught, Northville, N. Y. ; Unionville, Conn.; Gloversville, N. Y.; m. 1881; i child. Mary J. Ritchmyer, Athens, N. Y. Taught 5 years. Taught, Acra, i yr. ; Leeds, i yr. ; Jefferson, 2 yrs.; Athens, 1 yr., and as at present — all N. Y. Ettie Smith, Woodbourne, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Teaching dist. Ss, since grad. ; a part of the time near home. J. Wilhelmine Weeks (Rev. E. M. Bliss), Taught 2 % years. Aberdeen, Dakota. Taught 5 terms at Hamilton Fem. Sem. and dist. S. — all N. Y. ; m. 1883. Baptist. Frone J. Whitney (George M. Knapp), Taught 3J years. Glenville, N. Y. Taught, Galway, N. Y., % yr. ; Unionville, Conn., i yr. ; Gloversville, N. Y., Un. S., 2 yrs.; m. 1882. Mary Willets (Rev. Henry R. Harris), Taught 3 years. 136 Rodney st., Brooklyn, N. Y. Taught, Friend’s Select S., Orient, 2 yrs.; private family, English and music — all N. Y.; m. 1880; permanent address, Minola, L. I. Emma Wood (Geo. J. Johnson), Ellenville, N. Y. Taught 5J years. Taught, dist. S. i term; at home, prim, dept., i yr. ; prin. same 4 yrs.; prin. int.; m. 1881. Chas. E. Abraham, Kearnsey, Natal, Africa. Taught i year. Taught, prin. acad., as above, 1 yr. ; was son of a missionary; visited the U. S. after grad. ; traveled in Cal. and Mexico, and returned to Africa. Levi Carey, Braman’s Comers, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Taught, village Ss. 6 terms, winters; farmer in summer; 1877 Hattie Parks, dec’d; 1 child, daughter. Lafayette Carr, Stuyvesant Falls, N. Y. Taught 7 years. Taught, Greenville; prin. Spencertown Un. Free S. 6 yrs.; prin. P. S., as above, i yr.— all N. Y. Stephen S. Day, New Providence, N. J. Taught 7 years. Prin. country S., Morris Co., N. J.; prin. graded S., Scotchtown, N. Y., 3 yrs.; prin. S. 10th st., Newark, N. J., P. S. till 1883, when promoted to prin. Newton St. S,, second largest in city. 204 Wm. S. De Golia, M.D., Athens, N. Y. Taught i J years. Taught 3 winters at and near Batchellerville, N. Y. ; grad. Albany Med. Coll. 1879, where he took first prize for clinic report ; practiced at Batchellerville ; now, as above. De Witt C. Dominick, B.S., Gallupville, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Taught 1 % yrs. ; grad. Cornell Uuiv. ’8i; prin. Schaghticoke graded S. 2 yrs.; now, prin. Un. S., Greenport — all N. Y. John E. Graham, Wallkill, N. Y. Taught 6J years. Teaching since graduation, except winter of 1878-9, when he was in mercantile business in Brooklyn, E. D. ; teaching now, as above ; unmarried. Lindsey Green, Alcove, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Taught, Aquetuck, N. Y., i yr. ; Coeyman’s Hollow, N. Y., 2 yrs.; now, lawyer. Franklin L. Haight, Fishkill, N. Y. Taught 6J years. Teaching since grad.; 1881 m. Annie Snook. Frederick C. Haight, Fishkill, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Taught, Hughsonville, N. Y. ; since, farmer; 1879 m. Miss Lillie Watts; 2 children. Amenzo Kling, Seward, N. Y. Taught 7 years. Teaching since graduation, mostly in N. J.; health impaired in 1883; worked at carpenter’s trade; expects to make teaching his life work. JohnY. McGay, M.D., 210 Raymond st., Brooklyn N.Y. Taught i J yrs. Taught in Gram. S., Brooklyn, N. Y., *4 yr. ; prin. P. S., Southold, L. I., x yr. ; grad. Med. Dept. N. Y. Univ. 1880; by compet. ex. became house physician, hospital, Blackwell’s Island; afterwards on Hart’s Island; since, private practice ; visiting M. D. for St. Mary’s Hospital for Consumptives; surg. Brooklyn dispensary ; unmarried. . Riley 1YL Pitcher, East Worcester, N. Y. Taught 3J years. Has taught dist. S., Otsego Co., N. Y., each winter but one since grad. C. Riverius Stiles, East Bloomfield, N. Y. Taught 6 years. During course, was asst. prin. night school, Albany. N. Y. ; established private school at home ^ yr. ; in office of railroad supt. ; thrown out by consolidation; prin. graded S., Unionville, Conn., i yr. ; taught, Nat. Sci., Troy Con. Sem., Poultney, Vt., 2 yrs.; asst. Latin and math., Claverack Coll., N. Y. ; Gen. Russell’s S., New Haven, Conn.; teaching and taking the college course at Yale. A. Elting Thompson, Ulsterville, N. Y. Taught 3J years. Taught, Rosendale 9 weeks; prin. Un. S., Walden, 6 mo’s; Marlborough 1 yr. ; Fort Montgomery 2 yrs. — all N. Y. ; remainder of time at home. Willard M. Whitney, Athens, N. Y. Taught 7 years. Taught, prin. graded S., Stillwater, 3 yrs. ; Queens 2 yrs.; as at present since ’81 — all N. Y. ; m. 1879; 2 children. Hiram B. Wilkes, Bath-on- Hudson, N. Y. Taught 7 years. Taught, Athens, 4 yrs. prin. Un. S.; prin. Bath Un. S. and Acad. 3 yrs. — all N. Y. ; sec’y Alumni Ass’n 1882; prest. Rens. Co. Teachers’ Ass’n 1883; m. S. E. Chalmers, ’76; 1 boy, 1 girl. O. Jay Wilsey, M.D., Asst. Physician, Insane Asylum, Taught o yrs. Binghamton, N. Y. Grad. N. Y. Univ. Med. Coll. 1878; practiced W. Oneonta, Bainbridge, and Binghamton — all N.Y.; m. A. A. Field, ’76. 1876 — Sixty-third Class. Sixty-fourth Term, ending June 27, 1876. Sarah E. Chalmers (H. B. Wilkes), Taught 3 years. Bath-on-the-Hudson, N. Y. Taught at Athens, N. Y. ; see husband’s record. Elizabeth Clark, Rye, N. Y. Taught 7 years. Taught private pupils 2 yrs. ; since, and now, in P. S., Mt. Vernon, N. Y. Anna A. Field (O. J. Wilsey, ’76, M. D.), Taught 1 \ yrs. Binghamton, N. Y. Taught, Laurens, N. Y. ; Supt. Sunday-school, Mt. Vision, N. Y. Husband, ass’t physician, In- sane Asylum, as above. / 205 Olivia A. Griffin, Dover Plains, N. Y. Taught 8 years. Has taught ever since graduation; White Plains, 2 yrs. ; for 5 yrs. Prin. primary, Roslyn; now, Prin., Loudonville — all N. Y.; 178 Jay st., Albany, N. Y. Margaret E. Hennessy, 96 Blandina st., Utica, N.Y. Taught 6 yrs. Taught 1 term dist. S. ; P. S., Roslyn, 3 yrs.; 1 term P. S., New London — all N.Y.; member C. L. S. C.; graduated in it June, 1883. Mary S. Hornby, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Taught, as above, yrs.; Plainfield, N. J., 1 yr. Mary J. Lawrence, Cohoes, N. Y. Taught since graduation in P. S., as above, primary work. Ella Lyons, dec’d, Bath-on-the-Hudson, N. Y. Invalid at home until she died, 1878. Frances J. Mackey, East st., Greenbush, N.'Y. Teaching since graduation, and now, P. S., East Albany, N. Y. Mintie Newcomb, 19 1 Adelphi st., Brooklyn, N. Y. Taught o years. Anna L. Scally (John Lenihan), Albany, N.Y. Taught 6 years. Taught in P. S. No. 19, as above; m. 1882. Fanny Sheridan, P. S. No. 7, Albany, N. Y. Taught 4 years. Has taught all, as above. Taught 2J years. Taught 7 years. Taught o years. Taught 5 years. Mary O. Todd, Dobb’s Ferry, N. Y. Teaching P. S., as above, since graduation, and now. Annette Whitman (Darwin F. Arnold, ’77), West Oneonta, N. Y. Taught, Otego and West Oneonta, i term each; m. 1879. Adelaide Winegard (John J. Vanderpoel), New Baltimore, N. Y. Taught, New Salem, N. Y. ; m. 1878. Taught 7 years. Taught 1 year. Taught 1 year. Stephen L. Angle, Addison, N. Y., and Bradford, Pa. Taught o years. The death of his grandfather required his attention to family affairs. He has traveled extensively in California, Utah, etc. ; since 1880 he has lived in Bradford, Pa., where he is ass’ t cashier of Tuna Valley Bank. John Anthony, North River, N. Y. Taught 7 years. Taught, Glens’ Falls, Luzerne, Lake George, Jonesville, and Eagle Mills — all N. Y. ; 2 years at last place; 1882, m’. Libbie Stevenson. Arthur J. Bates, dec’d, West Richmondville, N. Y. Taught i year. Address Wm. Bates, father. Taught 2 terms; health failed soon after graduation; died, 1879. Albert Briggs, Canastota, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Taught, Leonards ville, N. Y. ; admitted to the bar, 1880; has practiced at Hamilton, N. Y., and as above; 1881, m. Gertrude Lamb; x child. Orville Drumm, Stuyvesant Falls, N. Y. Taught 6 years. Taught, as above; farmer; has been and is ins. agent; also, newspaper corresp. ; 1881, m. Ruth A. Hanford. George F. Greene, A. M., Princeton, N. J. Taught 2 years. Prin. Pub. Sch. Stirling, N. J., 2 yrs.; grad Princeton Col., June, ’82, rank 11 in a class of 99; Sp. Honor in Belles Lettre, Fellow in Hist. ; preparing in Theo. Seminary for Pres. Ministry. “ Boudinot Fellow in Hist.,” Col., N. J. Edwin S. Hallock, Evanston, Wyoming Ty. Taught 7 years. Taught, Dutch. Co., N. Y., i yr. ; Glen Cove, L. I., 5 yrs.; as above, one year and now. Edward J. Isham, M.D., Sidney Plains, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Taught in Del. and Scho. Co’s, N. Y. ; grad. Med. S. Univ. City of N. Y., 1882; practicing. Geo. M. Palmer, lawyer, Cobleskill, N.Y. Taught 2 years. Taught, Wamerville, N. Y., 2 yrs. ; admitted to bar 1882; since, as above; failed of nom. as S. com’r by one vote; delivered oration, as above, Decoration Day, 1883. 206 Albert S. Pratt, Haverstraw, N. Y. Taught 4 years. Taught at home and adjacent towns 4 yrs.; health failed; is building houses to rent. Erwin H. Schuyler, Minaville, N. Y. Taught 7 years. Taught, New Providence 3 ^ yrs.; prin. graded S., Summit, since and now — allN. J.; 1880 m. Miss Isabella J. Valentine, undergraduate; has been prest. Union Co., N. J., Teachers’ Ass’n; has been sec’y Alumni Association of this Normal School. Chas. H. Stockwell, Hoosick Falls, N. Y. Taught 5 years. Taught, Long Hill, N. J., i yr. ; prin. Valley Falls, N. Y., Un. S. 3 yrs; supt. Ss., Stillwater, N. Y., 1 yr. ; prest. Teachers’ Union Relief Association 2 yrs. Myron H. Thomas, M.D., dec’d, Douglas, Kansas. Taught 4 years. Taught, P. S., East Varick, N. Y., i yr. ; Prof. math, in Southland College and prin. Normal Dept. 2 yrs.; located as stockman 45 miles west of Arkansas river, Kingman, Kansas, and prin. of P. S. ; grad. Chicago Med. Coll.; m. 1878; died 1883. Dwight D. Warne, Hermon, N. Y. Taught 7 years. Prin. new Un. S., Williamson, 4 yrs.; prin. graded S., Richville, 2 yrs.; prin. Un. S., as above, since and now — all N. Y.; 1877 m. Miss Vida E. Brown; 1 son. 1877 — Sixty-fourth Class. Sixty-fifth Term, ending January 30, 1877. Harriet Angell, Taberg, N. Y. Taught 4 years. Taught, New Springville, 1 yr. ; Taberg S, i yr. ; Remsen; Westernville, i yr.; now, teaching in home dist. — all N. Y. ; health has been delicate, interfering with continuous work. Sarah F. Brown, residence and history unknown. Belle Bryce (Aug. S. Fitch), Walton, N. Y Taught i£ years. Taught, Un. S., as above, yrs.; m. 1880. Sarah A. Buchanan, 880 River st., Troy, N. Y. Taught 6 years. Taught prim., Troy, i yr. ; same in Cohoes, 5 yrs., and at present. Dora S. Clark, Vernon, N. Y. Taught 5 years. Has taught prim, dept., since grad., New Brunswick, N. J. Almeda Cook (Henry Cook), Ancram, N. Y. Taught 3J years. Taught, Shekomeko, i term; since, Ancram village S., with one assistant; now teaching — all N. Y.; m. 1881. Mary E. Darrow, Black River Falls, Wis. Taught 5J years. Taught, Chester, Vt., 3 mos. ; Lake, N. Y., 1 yr. ; Salem, N. Y., yr.; Un. H. S., as above, 4 yrs. ; and now, teacher in 1st gram. dept. High S. Ellen A. Deevey, P. S. No. 9, Albany, N. Y. Taught 5 years. Teaching since grad., and now, as above. Phebe J. Fort, B. S., Elkhart, Indiana. Taught 2 years. Has taught High S. as above since she grad, at Cornell Univ., 1881, with degree of B. S., after a 4 yrs. course. Eliza E. Grilling (Winfield Cartwright), Taught i year. Shelter Island, N. Y. Remained at home, 1 yr. ; taught, E. Marion and Northville, N. Y., 1 yr. ; m. 1879; 2 children, sons. Ella L. Ham, dec’d (F. B. Sutliff, M. D.) Taught i year. Address Mrs. C. V. D. Ham, Bath-on-the-Hudson. Taught, Female Acad., Albany, N. Y., 1 yr. ; a year at home; died 1881. Addie Miller, Ballston Centre, N. Y. Taught 4 years. Taught in Ballston, N. Y., 2 yrs.; Charlton, N. Y., 2 yrs.; since, at home; expects to resume teaching in 1883, but is doing missionary work in Troy, N. Y. 207 Catharine L. Murphy, P. S. No. 13, Albany, N. Y. Taught 5 years. Has taught in same school for 5 yrs., and now. Jennie Proper, Saratoga Springs, N. Y. Taught 5 years. Taught, dist. Ss. in Saratoga Co., N. Y., io terms. Margaret M. Randles, 4 Monroe ave., Detroit, Mich. Taught o yrs. Graduated at a com. college ; cashier and bookkeeper, as above. Alice L. Rhodes, Cuddebackville, N. Y. Taught 5 years. Prin. at home, 3 yrs.; White Plains, primary work, 1 yr, ; health failed; since 1882. and now, Prin. P. S., Rosendale — all N. Y. ; 1884 m. Wm. W. Seaman, ’77, Bertha A. White, dec’d, West Township, N. Y. Taught \ year. Taught % yr., Knox, N. Y.; health failed; invalid yrs.; died 1880. Florence A. Willetts, Brooklyn, N. Y. Taught 5 years. Taught prim., Greenpoint, N. Y., 2 yrs.; P. S., Plainfield, N. J., since 1880, and now. Sumner H. Babcock, State N. S., Albany, N. Y. Taught 6 years. Taught, Prin. Morris Un. S. academic dept., 5 yrs.;' since Dec. 29, 1882, Prof. Nat. Sci. as above. Oscar V. Barger, Peekskill, N. Y. Taught 6 years. Taught, New Windsor, N. Y.; Bristol, 111 ., 2 yrs.; Queens. N. Y., 2 yrs. Edgar H. Cook, “ Daily Gazette,” Willmington, Del. Taught 5 J years. Taught, Knox, N. Y. ; in various other places in N. Y. ; as above, 2 yrs.; now, business manager, as above; m. 1882, Alida Chesebro. Epaphro D. Craw, North Nassau, N. Y. Taught i J years. Taught 3 terms; bought farm 1877; 1879 m. Elmira Mower; 1 child. Chas. W. Forman, Underhill, N.Y. Taught 2 years. Taught 4 winters; business, summers; now, carpenter and builder; m. H. M. Lomax, ’76; 1 child. Herbert C. Hinds, A.M., E. Greenwich, N. Y. Taught o years. Entered, in the Fall, Westminster prep. S. and Coll., Pa., and passed very high English examina- tions; studied at Albany Acad, and prepared for Un Coll.; grad. ’82; had appointment, and elected mem. Phi Beta Kappa; was class orator; now at Princeton Theol. Seminary preparing for ministry. Matthew B. Hutton, M.D., Valley Falls, N. Y. Taught 3J years. Taught, Cambridge 2% yrs.; Fort Ann % yr. ; at home, dist. S., % yr. — all N. Y.; grad. Med. Dept. Michigan Univ. ’82; practicing; m. 1883. Geo. S. Maben, dec’d, Taught i year. Address bro., W. Chas., Lexington, N. Y. Taught, Stone Ridge, N. Y. ; greatly respected; admitted to bar Jan., 1882; died June, 1882, of typhoid fever. William Murdoch, Marbletown, N. Y. Taught 6 years. Taught, Woodstock i yr. ; as above, 5 yrs. — all N. Y. Samuel F. Powell, Coeymans, N. Y. Taught 6 years. Taught, Un. S., Boonville, i yr. ; P. S., Coeymans, 3 yrs.; school com’r 2 yrs., and now — all N. Y. ; m. 1882; no children. Farley Rikert, Bull’s Head, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Taught, Dutchess Co., N. Y., 1 yr. ; attended Normal S., Alfred, O., 2 terms; taught, Lebanon, O., 2 yrs. ; spent 1 yr. in Kansas; hardware bus., Dayton, O., 3 yrs.; as above, the last year; un- married. Walter W. Scofield, M.D., Dalton, Mass. Taught 3 years. Taught, New Scotland, N. Y., 3 yrs. ; grad. Albany Med. Coll. 1882 ; 1st junior asst, on compet. exam.; senior asst. ; and then house phys. of the Albany hosp., in which he served 1% yrs.; 1883, settled as above. Wm. W. Seaman, Castile, N. Y. Taught 4 years. Taught, Lisha’s Kill, N. Y., 2 yrs.; went to Colorado for health; clerk at Belvidere, 111 ., 1 yr. ; Santa Monica, Cal., 2 yrs. and now; 1884 m. Miss Alice L. Rhodes, ’77. Leslie Smith, Griffin’s Corners, N. Y. Taught 5 years. Taught, Pine Hill, N. Y., and Rockaway, N. Y., 5 yrs., prin. P. S.; since, in wholesale mercantile business. 208 Frank N. Stephens, Addison, N. Y. Taught ij years. Taught 3 terms; since, com. trav. for boot and shoe house; 1880 m. Ella M. Allyn; x child. John W. Witbeck, Indian Field, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Taught, Bethlehem, i yr. ; Cedar Hill % yr. ; as above i yr. ; and farmer — all N. Y. 1877 — Sixty -fifth Class. Sixty-sixth Term, ending June 28, 1877. Imogene Adams, 416 River st., Troy, N. Y. Taught 1 year. Taught x yr. ; kept home by sickness in family; now, dress-making business; took C. L. S. C. Lucie Adams (John Day Vail), Hamden, N. Y. Taught 6 years. Taught, district S. i yr. ; since, private pupils; m. 1878. Fannie E. Best, Valatie, N. Y. Taught 4 years. Taught, S. Schodack % yr. ; Kinderhook i% yrs., and yr.; governess i yr. ; Valatie graded S. 2 yrs. ; xst asst, elocution, penmanship, English, drawing and French; has studied music, languages, etc. ; organist — all N. Y. Pattie E. Bowyer, Chestertown, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Taught, asst. Warrensburgh, N. Y., Acad.; and in Ss., Warren Co., N. Y. ; traveled in Europe, and is now there studying. Jennie Stuart Brown, Shushan, N. Y. Taught 6 years. Teaching since graduation in Flushing High S., N. Y., and now; 528 7th ave., N. Y. City. Mary E. Cleveland (Geo. Pearsall), Spirit Lake, Iowa. Taught 4 yrs. Taught, Franklin, N. Y., i yr.; Charles City, Iowa, i yr. ; McGregor, Iowa, 2 yrs.; m. 1882. Helen A. Coleman, Fort Ann, N. Y. Taught 4 years. Taught, primary and intermediate in Fort Ann and Kingsbury, N. Y. Jennie Frank Cullen, P. S. No. 6, Albany, N. Y. Taught 4 years. Has taught as above, only. Myra Adelle Higley (George P. Durham), Taught 4 years. New Haven, Conn. Taught, precep. Holland Patent Un. S. and Acad., N. Y., 4 yrs.; m. 1881, and has since resided as above. One of her pupils, alumnus, ’81. Margaret Kenwill, Normal School, Hampton, Va. Taught 6 years. Taught, Mechanicsville, N. Y., i yr. ; Binghamton, N. Y., College, 2 yrs.; since, as above, elocu- tion, etc. Martha J. Law, 289 Clinton ave., Albany, N. Y. Taught 5 years. Teaching since 1878, and now, in Un. S., Whitehall, N. Y. Ella McClurkin, Au Sable Forks, N. Y. Taught 6 years. Teaching since grad., and now, P. S., Whitehall, N. Y. Emeline M. Morand, 143 First st., Troy, N. Y. Taught o years. Has lived at home ; is studying music. Alice Cary Palmer, Grapeville, N. Y. Taught 6 years. Taught, district Ss. and i term in Holland Patent, N. Y., Academy; now, P. S., Gay Head, N. Y. Olive Schoonmaker (Charles W. Taylor), Hobart, N. Y. Taught a school at Stone Ridge, N. Y. ; m. as above; i child. Phidelia Sears (Rev. O. C. Sargent), M. 1878; 1 child, son. Jewett City, Conn. Taught i year. Taught o years. 209 Mary C. Stuart (Joseph Fancher), Taught 4J years. Rensselaerville, N. Y. Taught, dist. Ss., Westerlo, Medusa, Rensselaerville — all N. Y. ; i winter in Wisconsin; Smith’s Corners, N. Y., % yr. ; m. 1883. Asenath Van Etten, Sparrowbush, N. Y. > Taught 6 years. Since 1878, Prin. in Matamoras, Pa. Helen M. Whedon, care Prof. Bake, St. Paul, Minn. Taught 6 years. Taught 7 terms, dist. S. in Vt. ; River Falls Inst., Wis., i yr. ; elocution, alg., geom., arith. ; as above, in graded S. since, and now. Addie M. Woodin, Pawling, N. Y. Taught 6 years. Passed competitive exam., and was app. primary teacher Un. Free S., White Plains, N. Y., in 1878; afterwards, intermediate, as at present; taught dist. S. ist year after graduation; has diploma for Chautauqua course; has studied German; 1883, Prin. Un. S., Cambridge, N. Y. ; sister, alum- nus ’83. Millard F. Agor, Mahopac Falls, N. Y. Taught 4 years. Taught, Canopus, Mahopac Falls, and West Somers — all N. Y. ; since 1882, general merchandizing; has been Town Clerk of Carnjel, N. Y., and is Ass’t P. M. Darwin F. Arnold, West Oneonta, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Taught, Sidney Plains, N. Y., 2 yrs.; teaches winters, and farms , summers ; 1879 m - Annette Whit- man, ’76. John M. Bell, dec’d, W. Charlton, N. Y. Taught i £ years. Attended Charlton Acad., N. Y., 3 yrs. before entering Normal S.; taught during course, 1 yr. ; spent 1 yr. in Nebraska for health, and studied law; 1878, Prin. Charlton Acad.; consumption; studied to the last; died July, 1883. Charles W. Carey, 347 Broadway, Albany, N. Y. Taught ij years. Taught, Howe’s Cave, % yr. ; Esperance, y t yr. ; Oak Hill, yr. — all N. Y. ; bookkeeper as above, 2 yrs., and now. Clarence A. Chaloner, M. D., Stephentown, N. Y. Taught i \ years. Taught, Clark’s Chapel, N. Y., % yr. ; East Schodack, N. Y., 1 yr. ; grad. Albany Med. Col., 1881 ; practiced since, as above. Franklin Day, io Maiden Lane, N. Y. City. Taught, N. Farmingdale, N. J., x yr. ; since, jewelry, as above. Matthew E. Egan, 4 th Ward P. S., W. Troy, N. Y. All teaching, as above. Charles F. Gardineer, Peekskill, N. Y. Has taught since graduation; 5 yrs. in N. Y . ; 1 yr. in Mich. Sensaburo Kodzu, Tokio, Japan. Has taught since graduation in Normal S., as above. Joseph S. Mackey, St. Paul, Minn. Taught 1 year. Taught 5 years. Taught 6 years. Taught 5 years. Taught o years. Spent 2 yrs. on father’s farm; studied law, and was in insurance business till 1881, when removed to Minn.; admitted to practice law 1882. Geo. H. Mallory, 337 Hudson ave., Albany, N. Y. Taught 5 years. Taught, Indian Fields 2 yrs.; prin. P. S., Lansingburgh, 3 yrs.; admitted to bar 1883 — all N. Y. Francis A. Molyneaux, Winnebago City, Minn. Taught 4J years. Taught, Col. Co., N. Y., i yr. ; Egremont, Mass., 2% yrs.; prin. as above since 1881, and now; unmarried; has State certificate, Minn. John C. Morton, Haynerville, N. Y. Taught 1 year. Taught, Raymertown, N. Y., 1877-8; since and now, on farm, which he and his father own. Geo. A. Murrell, Hinsdale, 111 . Taught £ year. Is book-keeper and asst, manager lumber house of J. S. Hair & Co., Chicago, 111. ; taught 4 months at Adamsville, N. Y. ; then m. 1878 and moved to Kansas; in 1882 removed to Chicago. Julius H. Potter, M.D., 209 Dearborn st., Buffalo, N.Y. Taught J yr. Taught, dist. S. i term; grad. Bellevue Hosp. Med. Coll. 1881; grand marshal of class; 1881 m. Effie M. Rawson; i child. 2 3 210 Israel Slingerland, M.D., Slingerlands, N. Y. Taught 2 % years. Taught, New Salem 1 yr. ; Guilderland Centre i term; Keefer’s Corners i yr. ; taught i term be- fore entering Normal S. — all N. Y. ; grad, at Albany Med. Coll.; 1883 m. Miss M. Virginia Young. Abram Smith, Gallatinville, N. Y. Taught 5 J years. Teaching dist. Ss. in Col. Co., N. Y., since grad., and now. Geo. E. Tabor, dec’d, Castile, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Taught, Bergen, N. Y., and Livonia Station, N. Y., until 1880; went to Cal. for health; died within a week of his arrival. Irving P. Town, Burlington Flats, N. Y. Taught 7 years. Taught as above 1 term ; Leonardsville, N. Y., i term; Scotch Plains, N. J., 6 yrs.; examiner of teachers for Un. Co., N. J. 1878 — Sixty-sixth Class. Sixty-seventh Term, ending January 29, 1878. Marion L. Bennett (E. T. Cooke), Taught J year. 139 2d ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Taught, Newark, N. Y., Un. S. 3 months; m. 1878; 1 child. Mary A. Brown, Kingsboro, N. Y. Taught 5 years. Taught in Riceville and Pleasant Square for 4 yrs.; Gloversville 1 yr. — all N. Y. Emma K. Cramer, Sloansville, N. Y. Taught 5 years. Taught in Union S., Schoharie; since and now, Un. S., Cobleskill, N. Y. Ella J. Dodge, P. O. box 83, Lancaster, Pa. Taught o years. After a year’s rest she became a book-keeper for the cork works of her father and brother, as above. Fannie L. Hart (A. T. Pack), Fort Miller, N. Y. Taught 2 % years. Taught, Wilbur’s basin, N. Y., yrs.; and at Fort Miller, N. Y., i yr. ; m. 1879. Josie C. Mayhew (Cyrus W. Sprague), Taught i£ years. W. Stockbridge, Mass. Taught, dist. S. 3 terms, N. Y. ; m. 1879; 1 child; husband a farmer. Kate L. McGowen, 119 Lumber st„ Albany, N. Y. Taught o years. Alice U. Miller, Ballston Centre, N. Y. Taught 4 years. Taught in Sar. Co. 1 yr. ; Amenia 2 yrs. ; New York Juvenile Asylum 1 yr. ; Commette Inst., Al- . bany, 1 yr. — all N. Y. Annie A. Moran, 148 1st st., Albany, N. Y. Taught J year. Taught, Prep. Normal class, Broome Centre, N. Y. ; at home to care for mother. Carrie S. Pardee, Watsonville, Cal. Taught 5 years. Taught, Oneida Co., N. Y., l / 2 yr. ; prim. dept, as above, since; taught 5 yrs. before grad. Cornelia L. Payne, Wadham’s Mills, N. Y. Taught i year. Taught in Conn. % yr. ; Maryland, N. Y., J 4 yr. ; health failed; at home. Augusta Porter, Millerton, N. Y. Taught 4 years. Taught, Glen Cove, N. Y., 3 yrs.; resigned on account of eyes; prin. Copake, N. Y., 1 yr., and now; has studied and observed “ Quincy methods.” Rachel F. Rudd (Frank Eno), Pine Plains, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Taught, Orient, N. Y., i% yrs.; Flushing, L. I., iJdj yrs.; m. 1881. Kate V. Shaffer (Eliot F. Mills), Gloversville, N. Y. Taught o years. M. 1882; 1 child. Jennie A. Sheridan, care John Sheridan, Albany, N. Y. Taught 2 yrs. Kept books for several yrs.; has taught, Coeymans, N. Y., 2 yrs.; still there, 1884. 2 1 1 Julia B. Soule, Milford, N. Y. Taught 5 years. Has been teaching prim. dept, of P. S., as above, ever since graduation. Libbie P. Sweet, Gilman, 111 . Taught 5 years. Taught in N. Y., Mass., Wis. and 111 . since grad.; for the last yr. and now, asst. High S. as above. Anna C. Van Auken, Voorheesville, N. Y. Taught 6 years. Taught, Albany Co., N. Y., X yr. ; at J)obbs Ferry, N. Y., 5^ yrs. John Bo we, 39 Rensselaer st., Albany, N. Y. Taught J year. Taught, night school 1878; clerk in adjt. gen’s, county clerk’s, and tax receiver’s offices; supervisor 3d ward, ’78, ’79, ’80 — all as above. John Lyon, A.M., Schultzville, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Taught 2 yrs. during course; 1878-9, prin. P. S., Garrison’s, N. Y.; grad. June, 1883, from Cornell Univ. H. Rennie Powell, M.B., Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Taught o years. Clerk in drug store in Bath-on-Hudson; grad. Albany Med. Coll., Jan., '82; valedictorian; 1883 m. Idell Champine; practiced Housatonac, Mass.; as at present since 1882. Allen D. Wickham, Sea Plain, N. J. Taught 5 years. Taught, Prin. P. S. as above from grad, till July, 1883; throat difficulty; now clerk, Leland Hotel, N. Y. City; expects to resume teaching. 1878— Sixty-seventh Class. Sixty-eighth Term, ending June 27, 1878. Frances Alden, Smith’s Basin, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Taught, select S., i yr. ; district S., i yr. ; private pupils, x yr. ; now, teaching dist. S. Harriet C. Bagg, Gree.nbush, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Teaching in P. S. as above since 1880, and now. Henrietta A. Bancroft, Ocean Grove, N. J. Taught 3 years. On graduation, attended Amherst, Mass., S. of Languages; then studied French and German at Mt. Holyoke Sem. ; in 1879, accepted Prin. P. S. Willmette, 111 ., 3 yrs.; circumstances called her home, but she looks upon teaching as her life work. Ida V. Burch, care Henry C. Burch, Albany, N. Y. Taught o years. Mary E. Burke, P. S. No. 16, Albany, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Teaching as above since graduation, and now. Alice H. Cadman (Willard A. Shaul), Taught 3 years. Ballston Spa, N. Y. Taught, Rock City Falls, % yr. ; Howard’s Corners, i yr. ; W. Galway, % yr; Middle Grove select S., 1 yr.— allN. Y.; m. 1881. Ellen F. Chubb, Schuylerville, N. Y. Taught 4 years. Taught, Victory Mills, N. Y. ; primary dept. Un. S., Schuylerville, N. Y., and district school. Kate Darcy, Highland Falls, N. Y. Taught J year. Is now teaching as above. Lizzie J. Emmett (Eugene Bradt), Castile, N. Y. Taught J year. Taught, Gainesville, N. Y., % yr. ; m. 1880; 2 children. Eugenia Gibson, care Judge McNamara, Albany, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Sailed for India, Nov. ’78; reached India June, ’79; taught in Girls’ Anglo Vernacular S., Lucknow; Prin. of S., 1880-1; left India Feb., ’82; reached Albany May, ’82; expects to return to Hindostan. Emma D. Goodrich (H. E. Gorham), Taught years. 284 Madison ave., Albany, N. Y. Taught in Del. Co., 2 yrs.; Prin. branch Un. S., Oneonta, 1 yr. ; Prin.’s ass’t, Un. S., same place, 1 yr. ; P. S. near Oneonta, 1 yr. — all N. Y. ; taught 2 yrs. during course; m. 1882, 212 Mary Hallenbeck (Robert C. Cullings). Taught 2J years. West Glenville, N. Y. Taught in home dist. until m., 1881. Annie M. Heron (M. C. Jones), Green Island, N. Y. Taught 2J years. Taught as above, yrs. ; m. 1880. Susan A. Hulett (A. G. Jakway), Goodland, Ind. Taught 3J years. Went to St. Augustine, Fla., for health: taught private school there for 3 yrs.; first ass’t P. S. No. 1, St. Augustine, yr. — all Fla.; m. 1882. Fanny M. Hyde, Whitney’s Point, N. Y. Taught 5 years. Taught, Whitney’s Point, E. Worcester, New Hamburgh; Loudonville, 3 yrs. — all N. Y. ; called home. Annie E. Lansing (W. E. Baird), 122 Seymour st., Syracuse, N. Y. Taught select S. 4 terms and P. S. 1 term since graduation; m. 1884. Anna La Rue, Athens, N. Y. Teaching primary dept., Un. S. as above, since May, 1879. Isabella Miller, Green Island, N. Y. Teaching as above since graduation. Hattie B. Robinson, N. Nassau, N. Y. Taught 2 terms; called home. Taught 2J years. Taught 4 years. Taught 5 years. Taught 1 year. Taught 5 years. Amelia S. Smith, Flushing, N. Y. Taught, Pt. Washington, % yr. ; Flower Hill S., 2 yrs.; Prin. Bayside S. since, and now — all N. Y. John D. Brownell, Brinkerhoffville, N. Y. Taught 5 years. Taught, Dutchess Co., i%. yrs. ; Monroe, yrs. ; Chester, 2 yrs., and now there; is Pres’t Orange Co. Teachers' Association — all N. Y. James H. Burns, Shelter Island, N. Y. No report. Elias J. Gregory, Mt. Vision, N. Y. Taught £ year. Taught one winter; health failed; invalid in Col. 2 yrs.; no settled employment. W. Charles Maben, Lexington, N. Y. Taught 2J years. Teaches winters ; farms summers ; has written for various periodicals. August Odenwalder, Wausau, Wis. Taught 2J years. Taught, Highland Falls, N. Y., i% yrs.; spent winter in Fla. for health; New Scotlaud, N. Y., i yr. ; since 1881 with lumber firm, as above. Andrew F. Pitts, E. Schodack, N. Y. Taught 1 year. Taught, Sand Lake, N. Y., i term; N. Nassau, N. Y., i term; health poor until 1881; since, study- ing medicine; now, at Bellevue Hospital Med. Col. John W. Roe, Port Jefferson, N. Y. Taught 5J years. Taught, Mt. Sinai, N. Y., i yr. during course; teaching in P. Ss. of Suffolk Co., N. Y., since graduation, and now. Rev. Milford H. Smith, Willsboro Point N .Y. Taught 5 years. Taught 2 yrs. before entering N. S. ; since then entered Methodist ministry; preached, Peaseley- ville, Dannemora, Ellenburgh, N. Y.; m. 1872; 1 son. 1879— Sixty-eighth Class. Sixty-ninth Term, ending January 28, 1879. Isabella M. Bain (James A. Smeallie, M. D.), Taught o years. Canajoharie, N. Y. Was offered position as ist ass’t, High School, but kept home by mother’s health; m. 1881. J. Florence Cady, Pottersville, N. Y. Taught 4 years. Taught, Friends’ S., Old Westbury, N. Y., i% yrs.; since, in dist. S. in same place. 213 Ella M. Carhart (Charles Warren), Coeymans, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Taught, as above. Ida E. Castle (Marvin A. Haynor), Taught 2J years. Bath-on-the-Hudson, N. Y. Taught in Bath, N. Y., Un. S., primary work until m., 1882. Minnie C. Coen, Rondout, N. Y. Taught 4 years. Teaching as above since grad., and now, in primary. Annette Cole (Joel O. Surney), Galway, N. Y. Taught 4 years. Taught, Glenville, i term; Howard’s Corners, 3 terms; Galen, 1 term; Rock City Falls, 1% yrs. — all N. Y.; has also taught elocution; Pres, and Vice-Pres. of Galway Lit. Soc. ; m. 1883. Lena B. Deitz, Schoharie, N. Y. Taught 3J years. Taught at home, i yr. ; Sharptown, N. J., i yr. ; Vienna, Va., i yr. ; during course, taught % yr. Annie Emigh, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Taught 4 years. Taught at White Plains and Scarsdale, N. Y., since graduation; now at White Plains. Mary Grey (Fred. Goldring), Kenwood, Albany, N. Y. Taught J year, Taught, New Scotland P. S., yr. ; m. 1881; i child, died. Ida Griffiths, 16 Mansion st., Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Taught 4 years. Taught, district school in Rens. Co., N. Y., 1 yr. ; Ulster Co., N. Y., i yr. ; since 1880, and now, St. Mary’s Hall, Burlington, N. J., teacher of alg., geom., trig., astron. Laura G. Hill, Garnerville, N. Y, Taught 4 years. Taught, as above a few weeks; since, and now, teaching at Nanuet, N. Y. Eliza Hudson, care Geo. Hudson, M.D., Stillwater, N. Y. Taught 4 yrs. Taught, Sandlake, 3 yrs; Amsterdam, 1 yr. — all N. Y. ; essayist. Elizabeth J. Johnson, dec’d (Joseph S. Baumus), Cedar Hill, N. Y. Taught, dist. S., Bethlehem, N. Y. ; m. 1881; died 1883; no children. Frances A. Lacy, Durham, N. Y. Teaching since grad, in dist. Ss., vicinity of home. Caroline A. Marman, West Albany, N. Y. Teaching in Albany Co., N. Y., since graduation, and now. Kate Meade, Cold Spring, N. Y. Taught 4 years. Taught, Garrisons, % yr. ; Noxon, 2 yrs.; since 1882, and at present, in P. S., Fishkill-on-Hudson — all N. Y. Elizabeth C. Schermerhorn, E. Greenbush, N. Y. Taught 4 years. Taught at home, 2 yrs.; Schodack, N. Greenbush, and E. Greenbush, 2 yrs. — all N. Y. ; sec’y of her class. Adelaide Sullivan, Haverstraw, N. Y. Taught 4 years. Teaching in High S., Port Henry, N. Y., since graduation, and now. Annie Whitehead (W. Roland Blythe), Taught 4 years. Wappinger’s Falls, N. Y. Taught at home in graded S.; principal’s ass’t in charge of primary; m. 1884. Martha Winne, care Kate Stoneman, Albany, N. Y. Taught 4 years. Taught in P. S. No. 17, Albany, N. Y., until 1884; now, teacher of lan., Normal S., Peru, Neb. Edmond F. Bronk, New Baltimore, N. Y. Taught o years. Spent 2 yrs. Syracuse Univ. ; Cornell Univ., 1 yr. ; entered Albany Med. Col., 1882. Taught 2 years. Taught 4 years. Taught 4 yearr. John Dwyer, Liberty, N. Y. Taught 4 years. Taught, Prin. Callicoon, 1 yr. ; Prin. Liberty Normal Inst,. 2 yrs. ; Prin. Washingtonville Graded S., 1 yr.; all N. Y. Ira D. Horton, Katonah, N. Y. Taught 1^ years. Taught 3 terms; studied medicine; contracted scarlet fever; lost health; went on a farm; now in coal business. 214 John W. Lyman, dec’d, Rose, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Taught, Prin. P. S., Garrisons, N. Y., 2 yrs. ; died May, 1881. Edwin De F. Putney, Brentwood, N. Y. Taught 4 years. Taught, Mateawan, N. Y. ; New Jersey; Jamaica, N. Y. ; taught 6 years before graduation; m. 1881; i daughter. Wm. Edward Redmond, dec’d, Haverstraw, N. Y. Taught i year. Address father, Farrell Redmond. Died July 9, 1882. Nelson Smith, Wallkill, N. Y. Taught 3J years. Taught, Marlborough i yr. ; as above, 2% yrs. ; now, accountant with condensed milk co., as above -all N. Y. William H. Story, Schultzville, N. Y. Taught 4 years. Taught, East Moriches % yr. ; Quaker st. private S. i yr. ; Inst., College Point, i yr. — all N. Y.; now, Prof., Rugby Academy, Wilmington, Del. Irving W. Story, Schultzville, N. Y. Taught 4 years. Taught, Moriches, N. Y., 1 yr. ; since, at Clifton, N. J.; m. Sadie J. Redshaw. Frank H. Valentine, Clyde, N. Y. Taught 2 \ years. Taught in Boys’ Boarding School, Englewood, N. J., yr. ; prin. Schuyler’s Lake, N. Y., graded S. 1 yr. ; prin. Un. S., Rose, N. Y., i yr. ; health failed; changed to occupation in open air, and regained health; m. 1882 an undergraduate. Walton E. Werner, Northville, N. Y. Taught i year. Taught, Lake Grove, L. I., 1 yr. ; health failed, and physician commanded him to stop teaching; book-keeping for last 3 yrs. ; dep'y sheriff; notary; mem. gen. com. Prohibition party. 1879 — Sixty -ninth Class. Seventieth Term, ending June 27, 1879. Kittie F. Abbott, Bath, Rens. Co., N. Y. Taught 3J years. Taught, E. Greenbush, N. Y., i term; Un. Free S., Bath-on-Hudson, 3 yrs., and still there; sec’y of class. Carrie A. Beattie, Salem, N. Y. Taught 4 years. Taught, Bainbridge Acad, and Un. S. 3 yrs.; New Berlin, N. Y., Un. S. 1 yr. ; cor. sec. Wash. Co. Teachers’ Association. Emma L. Benedict, Adams Station, N. Y. Taught 3J years. Taught, Schodack, 2 yrs.; Albany, yr. ; Adams Station 1 yr.— all N. Y. Ella Boldry, Green Island, N. Y. Taught 3J years. Taught, Bainbridge Acad, and Un. S. 2 yrs. ; Southold % yr. ; New Berlin, preceptress Un. S. 1 yr., and now — all N. Y. Elizabeth M. Brett (Geo. H. Fort, ’83), Taught 3 years. 321 Hamilton st., Albany, N. Y. Taught, Melrose i yr. ; Cold Spring i yr. ; East Fishkill i yr. — all N Y. ; m. 1884. Josephine A. Cain, dec’d, Whitehall, N. Y. Taught i year. Address W. S. Eddy. Taught as above; died Aug., 1882. Harriet A. Carr, Saratoga Springs, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Spent first year in regaining health; reserve teacher % yr. ; asst. jun. dept. grad. S.; at home, since. Emma M. Clark (Wm. Campbell), Ballston Spa, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Studied a yr. in Boston, and grad, at Kindergarten Training School; then taught Kindergarten 2 terms; prin. jun. dept, graded S., Saratoga Springs, N. Y., 2 yrs.; m. 1883. Anna Cookingham, Staatsburg, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Has studied 1 yr. ; has taught the rest of the time ; the last 2 yrs. and now in Prot. Half Orphan Asylum, 67 W. 20th st., N. Y. City. 2I 5 Charlotte E. Edmonds, Rondout, N. Y. Taught 4 years. Teaching in Ulster Acad, since grad. ; now in inter, dept. Isabella MacKinnon, Cohoes, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Teaching, prin. 2d grade S., as above, except when hindered by ill health. Sarah R. Marselius (F. O. Cornell, M.D.), Taught i year. Port Jackson, N. Y. Taught, Glenville, N. Y., 1 yr. ; m. 1881. Susan Miller, 14 Wilson st., Albany, N. Y. Taught 1 year. Kept at home until 1882; taught then in Grapeville, N. Y., 1 yr. ; expects to continue in profession. Caroline F. Mochrie, Bath-on-Hudson, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Taught, Lansing’s Corners and E. Greenbush i yr. ; N. Greenbush i yr., and at present — all N. Y. Anna Nichols, 187 Livingston ave., Albany, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Studied at home for 2 yrs. ; then taught, Cedar Hill, N. Y., % yr. ; teacher 2d grade, Glen Cove; also 3d grade, Glen Cove — all N. Y. ; salary raised twice. Anna E. Pearse, Adams’ Station, N. Y. Taught J year. Taught 1 term; studied and teaches music. Harriet A. Reid, Voorheesville, N. Y. Taught 4 years. Taught, Albany Co. 1 yr. ; Cedar Hill 3 mo’s ; Glen Cove 1 yr. ; Juvenile Asylum, N. Y. City, since ’82, and now — all N. Y. Ida E. Sewell (E. R. Gregory), Garrattsville, N. Y. Taught 4 years. Taught in Inst, for the Blind, N. Y. City, 3 yrs.; and at Garrattsville, N. Y.; m. 1882. May C. Thompson, 87 3d ave., Greenbush, N. Y. Taught 1 year. Taught, Greenbush and East Greenbush, N. Y. Anna L. Waggoner (Clinton Monk), Sloansville, N. Y. Taught 4 yrs. Taught, P. S., Slingerlands, and Guilderland, and Charleston— all N. Y. ; m. 1881. Josephine West, Clarksville, N. Y. Taught 3J years. Taught, Van Wie’s, N. Y., 3% yrs., prin. Chas. E. Betts, 129 Congress st., Troy, N. Y. Taught 2J years. Taught, Brunswick, N..Y., 2 % yrs.; studied law 1 yr. ; in fence business; traveling salesman. Byron M. Child, Albany, N. Y. Taught o years. Since grad., bookkeeper, Albany, N. Y.; m. 1881; no children; taught 2 yrs. before grad. Walter Church, High Falls, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Since teaching, and now, a position in a furniture store in Rondout, N. Y. Wm. A. Cummings, Ticonderoga, N. Y. Taught 1 year. Taught, Putnam, % yr. ; Ft. Ann High S., i yr. ; in wagon business ; studying medicine; attended Albany Med Col.— all N. Y. Irving S. Edsall, Prattsville, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Taught, Roxbury. % yr. ; Hart’s Falls, 2 % yrs. ; attending lectures at Albany Med. Col. — all N. Y. Clark C. Fenner, Denver, Col. Taught i year. Taught, Lake Ridge, N. Y., 1 yr. ; chief clerk and deputy Int. Rev. office as above, 3 yrs.; taught 2 yrs. before entering Normal S. T. Otto Fisk, Shushan, N. Y. Taught i year. Taught Saratoga Co., N. Y., 1 yr. ; bookkeeper since; kept at home by sickness and death of mother and brother; has studied music 2 yrs.; also German; is now in Aurora, 111 . James A. Foshay, Kent Cliff, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Taught, 1879-81, in dist S. as above; tanght 2 yrs. before graduating; elected School Com’r, Put- nam Co., ’81. Willis D. Graves, Bainbridge, N. Y. Taught 5 years. Taught 2 yrs. before entering Normal School; i yr. during course; Prin. of Bainbridge Academy since graduation, 4 yrs. 2l6 Charles E. Greene, Traverse City, Mich. Taught 2 years. Taught, Basking Ridge, N. J., i yr. ; left because of ill health; taught, as above, i yr. ; now, in post office. J. Radford Johnson, Mount Ivy, N. Y. Taught 3J years. Taught, Rockland Co., 2 yrs.; salesman in wholesale store, N. Y. City, a few months; health failed; lived on farm 5 months; since, teaching P. S., Florida — all N. Y. William Keenholtz, Knowersville, N. Y. Taught i J years. Taught, Guilderland, Clarksville — all N. Y. ; bookkeeper, 1 % yrs.; emigrated to Dakota, 1883; located 320 acres. Henry D. Kerr, Polytechnic Inst., Allegheny, Pa. Taught 4 years. Taught, N. Port, L. I., 2 yrs.; as at present since; taught also during course. Charles C. Pierce, Walton, N. Y. Taught 4 years. Taught, House of Refuge, Randall’s Island, N. Y., during the last year; before, at Highland, N. J., 1 yr. ; Arlington, N. J., 2 yrs. A. Beverly Smith, N. Y. City. Taught 4 years. • Taught, Callanan’s Cor’s, N. Y., x yr. ; Yorktown, % yr.; Verplanck Un. S., i%; Petersburgh, 1 yr. — all N. Y. Edson L. Smith, Taught 4 years. N. Y. Inst, for the Blind, Qth ave. and 34th st., N. Y. City. Lit. teacher, as above, since graduation. Emmett F. Smith, Blue Point, N. Y. Taught 4 years. Prin. P. S., Islip, 2 yrs.; Prin. P. S., Port Jefferson, 2 yrs.; Tappan, 1 yr. ; Prin. P. S., Brewster, at present — all N. Y. ; taught 3 yrs. before entering N. S. Henry L. Taylor, A. B., Mooers, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Taught, Wilbraham Acad., Mass., i yr. ; grad, at Syracuse Univ. 1884; has had private pupils; taught during course, 1 yr. ; now prin. Yates Acad., Chittenango, N. Y. Martin M. Todd, Dobbs Ferry, N. Y. Taught 4 years. Taught in ward schools of White Plains, 2 yrs.; East Irvington, % yr; now, Prin. Frazier Free S., Hastings — all N. Y. Charles M. Tompkins, Callanan’s Corners, N. Y. Taught J year. Taught Bethlehem, N. Y.; studied law, Albany, N. Y., with E. Newcomb. 1880 — Seventieth Class. Seventy -first Term, ending January 27, Ida M. Antes, Plank Road, N. Y. Kept at home by mother’s health.* Harriet L. Atchinson, Clove Valley, N. Y. Taught 2 yrs. Jefferson, N. Y. ; and i yr. as at present. Elizabeth J. Bake, Ticonderoga, N. Y. Teaching P. S. at Glen Head, L. I., since graduation. Julia E. Blakely, E. Norwich, N. Y. Teaching since graduation, and now, as above. 1880. Taught o years. Taught 3 years. Taught 3 years. Taught 3 years. Sarah J. Champine, Bath-on-Hudson, N. Y. Taught J year. Taught, dist. S., Greenbush, N. Y., i term; now, book-keeper as above. Kate B. Dobbs (R. B. Worman), Verona, N. J. Taught 3 years. Taught, Knowersville % yr.; Bethlehem l £ yr.— both N. Y. ; Verona, N. J., i yr.; rested a yr.; Verona, N. J., i yr. ; in. 1884. Kate M. Garrison, Stapleton, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Taught as above till 1883; then, accepted position in Inst, for Improved Instruction of Deaf Mutes, Lex. ave., N. Y. City, where she now is. I 217 Mary A. Gillespie, Dobbs Ferry, N. Y. Taught 2J years. Teaching prim, since grad., and now, P. S. No. 6, Yonkers, N. Y. Jennie M. Greene (Eugene G. Hanford), Taught 2J years. 364 Grand ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Taught, E. Greenbush, N. Y., 2 yrs. ; Michigan, % yr. Mary Holloway, Delhi, N. Y. Taught 2} years. Taught, Franklin i% yrs.; Oneonta i yr. ; taught 10 terms before entering N. S. — all N. Y. Louisa A. Hull, Durham, N. Y. Taught 1 J years. Taught, Albany Co. % yr.; Greene Co. i yr. — all N. Y. Anna M. Ingalls, Milford, N. Y. Taught 1 } years. Prin. prim. dept. P. S., Shelter Island, 7 mo’s; Elk Creek 4 mo’s — all N. Y. Minnie McLaughlin, Newark, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Teaches dist. S., summers; has taken cert. Bryant course, Chautauqua L. S. C. Minnie E. Stephens, 318 Clinton ave., Albany, N. Y. Taught o years. Kept at home ; would like to teach ; reading and studying. ^ Elizabeth A. Toohey, Highland Falls, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Gave private lessons; 1882 and since as above. Jessie Van Auken, Voorheesville, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Grad. Model S.; taught, Glen Cove, N. Y., J 4 yr- ; Flushing High S., geog. and hist., 2% yrs., and now. Jennie Van Orden (Frank B. Lyon), Calumet, Mich. Taught 2 years. Taught, graded S., Houghton, Mich., i yr. ; prin. of a suburban S. x yr. ; m. 1882. Louisa H. Vincent, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Teaching, since grad., P. Ss. as above. Moses Becker, Jr., Philmont, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Teaching since graduation, prin. Great River, N. Y. ; prest. Teachers’ Assn., Suffolk Co., N. Y. George F. Bell, Garrattsville, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Prin. Earlville, N. Y., Un. S. since grad.; m. 1881. Loron M. Burdick, Mosherville, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Shipping clerk yr.; prin. Un. S., Williamson, 2 yrs.; now, prin. Orient; taught 1 yr. before grad. — all N. Y. Albert C. Derby, Afton, N. Y. Taught i year. Taught, private pupils; has been farming, and lumber, since grad, until 1883; now, grocery busi- ness; married. Arthur Flood, 705 Broadway, Albany, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Taught, Scotch Bush, N. Y., 2 yrs.; in charge senior class. Parochial S., West Troy, N. Y., since. Josiah S. McLaughlin, Newark, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Taught, Arcadia % yr. ; Chenango Co. 1 % yrs.; now, prin. Un. S., Smyrna — all N. Y. William R. Moe, deck’d, Albany, N. Y. Taught o years. Sang in one of the Albany churches; died 1880. Robert Muir, Cohoes, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Taught, Germantown, N. Y., from grad, till Jan., ’83, except 5 months as P. O. clerk as above; taught night school 2 winters before grad.; 1880 m. Amanda M. Page; x child, boy; died. Henry H. Plough, Roxbury, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Teaching since grad, school of 2 dept’s, Highland, N. J. Myron C. Plough, Roxbury, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Teaching, prin. with x asst, since graduation, Navesink, N. J.; taught 3 yrs. before graduation. Howard W. Richardson, Del Norte, Col. Taught 3 years. Studied law ; admitted to bar ; practicing as above. 24 2l8 Charles Rivenburgh, East Camp, N. Y. * Taught 4 years. Prin. East Camp 2 yrs. ; Madaline 2 yrs. ; since and now, prin. Hillsdale — all N. Y. Edwin Smith, Jackson Corners, N. Y. Taught 3J years. Taught, Elizaville yrs. ; Lasher S. i yr. ; Snyderville % yr. ; Dunlz, at present — all N. Y. Ezbon A. Smith, Blue Store, N. Y. Taught 3J years. Taught in Columbia Co. 7 terms; as above, 2 yrs. and at present — all N. Y. Frank Tinklepaugh, 113 Wabash ave., Chicago, 111 . Taught J year. Taught, Preston Hollow, N. Y., % yr.; clerk in various stores; now, book-keeper as above. Charles H. Tyndall, A.B., Alton, N. Y. Taught o years. Studied in Albany Acad. i% yrs.; grad, at Williams College; studied theology Auburn Sem., N.Y. Hoyt Wightman, Livingston, Montana. Taught 2 years. Taught, Edmeston, N. Y., 1 % yrs.; at Macungie, Pa., 1 yr. ; as above, book-keeper since 1882. 1880 — Seventy-first Class. Seventy-second Term, ending June 24, 1880. Emily Ashton, E. Albany, N. Y. Taught 2 years. At home i yr. ; taught 2 yrs. in Un. S. at Bath-on-Hudson, N. Y., 1st asst, and prim. dept. M. Alice Bake, Ticonderoga, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Taught, dist. S. in Columbia Co. i yr. ; since ’82 in Un. S., Glen’s Falls — all N. Y. Emma L. Bennett, Auburn, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Preceptress Port Byron, N. Y., Acad, i yr. ; has taught drawing and painting, and studied art and modern languages; read poem at Alumni Reunion, ’80; contributes to the press, “ N. Y. Evangelist,” etc.; prin. acad. dept. Commette Inst., Albany, N. Y., i yr. Carrie L. Bristol, W.Sand Lake, Rens. Co., N. Y. Taught J year. Kept at home to care for invalid mother; is now teaching, Melrose, N. Y. ; sister at Normal S. Mary B. Buswell, West Troy, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Taught, Groton, Mass., i yr. ; Watervliet, N. Y., i yr. Emma Comeskey, Tappan, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Taught an ungraded S., i yr., and ist ass’t in graded S., 2 yrs., as above; now teaching, Mamar- oneck, N. Y. Ella Cruikshank (D. P. Cruikshank), 7 Front st., N. Y. City. Taught at Amsterdam, N. Y., % yr. ; m. 1881; 1 child. Matilda Dunn, 52 Philip st., Albany, N. Y. Taught, P. S. No. 19 and as substitute, as above. Elgiva Dusenbury, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Teaching primary since graduation, in P. S. as above. Mary E. Eldredge, Cambridge, N. Y. Taught, Wash. Co., N. Y., 3 yrs.; now in High S., Kenosha, Wis. Minnie R. Hall, Verbank, N. Y. Teaching, Pleasant Valley, N. Y., since graduation. Taught J year. Taught J year. Taught 3 years. Taught 3 years. Taught 3 years. Irena L. Ham, Valatie, N. Y. Taught 2J years. Taught at Kline Kill, i yr. ; Valatie graded school, iJ>*j yrs.; Sec’y and Treas. Col. Co. Teachers’ Ass’n— all N. Y. Ida M. Hayner, Haynerville, N. Y. Taught, Melrose, i yr. ; Eagle Mills, i yr. ; Cooksboro, i yr. — all N. Y. Taught 3 years. 219 M. Libbie Hockbridge, Bath-on-Hudson, N. Y. Taught i year. Taught, Nassau, i term; Bloomingrove, i term; since, at home, and as bookkeeper in Albany — all N. Y. Susie Litchfield, East Albany, N. Y. Taught i year. Taught, Bethlehem Centre, N. Y., % yr.; governess, y 2 yr. Ella Maguire, Southfield, N. Y. Taught 2 % years. Teaching since grad, in home dist. S. ; has sent i pupil to Normal S. Anna L. Matson (Wm. F. Jones), Mont Clair, N. J. Taught 1 year. Taught, Greenbush, N. Y., 1881-2; m. 1882. Mary T % McCormick, 45 Morton st., Albany, N. Y. Taught i£ years. Taught, private S., Broome Centre, N. Y., i yr. ; now acting as substitute, P. S. No. 15, Albany; sent 5 pupils to Normal School. Alice Moore, Baldwin Place, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Taught, dist. S., Jefferson Valley, N. Y., and in Washington, D. C. ; the latter, private teaching. Viola J. Reed (Alonzo Moyer), Taught 6 years. Davis Ranch, Wyoming Territory. Went, after graduation, to Leadville, Col. ; thence to Wyoming Territory; taught as governess and in P. S., Cheyenne; has studied German and music; m. 1883. Jennie Ring, P. S. No. 20, Albany, N. Y. Taught, P. S., 2 yrs. ; night S. ; 2 yrs. Minnie Smith, Cropseyville, N. Y. Taught, Poestenkill, N. Y. Florence I. Snyder (JudsonC. Nelson), Truxton, N. Y. Taught, acad. dept., Un. S., Cobleskill, N. Y., 1 yr. ; gram. S., Council Bluffs, la., 1 yr. ; m. 1883. M. Libbie Spaulding (J. Willis Vandercook), Taught 3 years. Rose Valley, N. Y. Taught in Un. S., Cobleskill, N. Y., i yr.; since, private pupils in Brooklyn, N. Y. ; m. 1881. Carrie Stam, Sharon Centre, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Taught, Sharon, N. Y., and vicinity, in district Ss. Adella P. Travers, Defreestville, N. Y. Taught 2 £ years. Taught, Schodack, % yr. ; N. Greenbush, 2 yrs. — all N. Y, Estelle M. Warne (T. Fred. Wiser), Taught i year. Richville, N. Y. Taught, as above, 2 terms; health failed; at home until m., 1882; 1 son. Emma Weeks, Green Island, N. Y. Taught 2J years. Teaching, as above, since Jan. ’8i. George E. Barber, Mongaup Valley, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Taught, Barryville, N. Y., 2 yrs.; since, in N. Y. City. H. Weston Barnum, Bridgeville, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Prin. since grad., and now, graded S., Valley Falls, N. Y. ; has sent one student to the Normal S. ; others, preparing. Remer H. Barringer, Ronje, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Taught, Blauveltville, 2 yrs.; Prin. Liberty st. Pub. S., Rome, since, and now — all N. Y. Silas D. Becker, Philmont, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Taught, Hillsdale, i yr. ; Canaan Four Corners, since, 2 yrs. — all N. Y. C. Adelbert Bishop, Lewisboro, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Taught, Pleasantvifle, i yr. ; Mt. Kisko, i yr. ; High Falls, since, and now — all N. Y. ; 1880 m. Miss Phebe A. Carrier, ’69, of Albany, N. Y. R. Rockwell Felter, Rockland Lake, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Teaching since grad., and now, Tomkins Cove, N. Y. ; during course, i yr. at Melrose, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Taught 3 years. Taught 2 years. 220 Abram L. Haines, M. D., Fultonham, N. Y. Taught i year. Taught, Gilboa, N. Y., i yr. ; grad. N. Y. University Medical S., 1883. George Hannay, West Fulton, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Has taught in public and private schools in N. Y. ; now, math, and nat. sci. in Rockland College, Nyack, N. Y. Tracy J. Manchester, Taught ij years. House of Refuge, Randall’s Island, N. Y. Taught Rens. Co., and instructor at House of Refuge as above, and now. John B. McClernan, Green Island, N. Y. Taught o years. R. R. freight clerk; law student; expects to be admitted to bar, spring, 1884. Herbert Pinckney, Mahopac, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Taught near home, 2 yrs. ; since, and now, Prin. P. S., Hunter, N. Y. Daniel B. Relyea, Springtown, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Taught, Riverside, % yr.; Prin., West Catskill, i yr. ; Prin., Berlin, since Aug., 1882 — all N. Y. William E. Thompson, Livingston, Montana. Taught 4 years. Taught, Prin. Un. S., Schuyler’s Lake, N. Y., 2 terms; Central City, Dakota, 2 terms.; Prin. Un. S., Lead City, Dakota, 3 terms; now, merchant, as above; taught several terms during course, unmarried. J. Willis Vandercook, Rose Valley, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Taught, Mt. Pleasant Mil. Acad., Sing Sing, N. Y., i yr; Adelphi Acad., Brooklyn, N. Y., since, and now; 1881 m. M. L. Spaulding, ’80. Clarence E. Van Zandt, Eagle Mills, N. Y. Taught 1 year. Taught, Cropseyville, N. Y., i yr; for the last 2 yrs.. and now, cashier, 306 River st., Troy, N. Y. Abram H. Wiggins, Pt. Peninsula, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Prin., Phila., N. Y., 2 yrs.; Prin. graded S., Rensselaer Falls, N. Y., since, and now. J. Franklin Wright, 283 Main st., Springfield, Mass. Taught 1 year. Taught, Boyntonville, N. Y., i yr. ; since, and now, a position in boot and shoe house, as above. 1881 — Seventy-second Class. Seventy-third Term, ending January 25, 1881. Carrie K. Bishop (Wm. R. Paterson, ’8i), Taught 2 years. Worcester, N. Y. Taught from grad., Columbia Co., N. Y.; m. 1882. Sarah L. Dennis, Whitehall, N. Y. Taught 2J years. Prin. higher int. dept., Whitehall Un. S., 1^3 yrs.; prin. gram. dept, of same 1 yr. A. Bella Mayhon, Port Chester, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Teaching as above, Un. S. Charlotte E, Miller, Ballston Spa, N.Y. Taught 2} years. Has taught, Coeymans i yr. ; Lake i yr. ; Bethlehem, since — all N. Y. Augusta M. Muller, 287 E. B’way, N. Y. City. Taught 3J years. Has taught in East-side Industrial School, as above, since graduation, and now. E. Lillie Parks, Minaville, N. Y. Taught 2J years. Taught, Port Henry, N. Y., i yr. ; Minaville, N. Y., yrs.; in Cass St. P. S., Omaha, Neb., since 1882. Julia E. Rawcliffe (Abram L. Haines, M.D.), Taught o years. Fultonham, N. Y. Emma A. Sheldon, Valley Falls, N. Y. Taught 2J years. Taught, dist. S., Lake, 2 terms; Schaghticoke, all N. Y. yr,, graded S,; since and now, teaching as above 221 L. Bell Simons, 359 Gates ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Head teacher Inst, for the Ruptured and Crippled, N. Y. City, until Feb., 1883, when she resigned. Carrie E. Smth, P. S. No. 13, Albany, N. Y. Taught 2 % years. Taught, Kinderhook, N. Y., yrs.; asst, as above since ’82. Annie T. Vail, Millbrook, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Teaching since graduation in P. S. and select school, as above. Jennie R. Van Tine, Clarence, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Teaching in graded school as above since graduation, and now. Maria M. Vrooman, Bethlehem Centre, N. Y. Taught i£ years. Taught in P. S., Bethlehem, and Coeymans — ail N. Y. George Babcock, Warnersville, N. Y. Taught 2J years. Has taught since graduation, at Warnersville; and at Northport for the past 2 yrs — all N. Y. Albert E. Barrett, 113 Wabush ave., Chicago, 111 . Taught J year. Taught, dist. S., Perth Centre, N. Y., yr. ; at Un. Coll, i yr. ; health failed. Devillo N. Bulson, Yorktown, N. Y. - Taught 2 years. Has taught in Westchester Co., N. Y., since grad.; now, prin. P. S. as above. Wm, C, Franklin, Plank Road, N. Y. Taught 3 years. Taught, Slingerlands 2 % yrs.; during course % yr. ; sent several students to Normal S. Charles A. Mott, Morris, N. Y. Taught J year. Taught 14 weeks Marlborough, N. Y. ; clerk Del. & Hud. Canal Co., machine shop dep’t; now, at Utica, N. Y. 1881 — Seventy -third Class. Seventy-fourth Term, ending June 28, Ella F. Andrews, P. S. No. 2, Yonkers, N. Y. Teaching, as above, and now. Niece of S. A. Morehead, ’56. Emma L. Bailey, Coeymas, N. Y. Taught six weeks; kept at home; niece of Emily, ’47. Carrie F. Clifford, Troy Road, Albany, N. Y. Prin. P. S. No. 15, Watervliet, N. Y.; 90 pupils; one assistant. Agnes E. Coffey, Southfields, N. Y. Teaching dist. S., near Newburgh, N. Y., since grad., and now. Maggie B. Costello, West Troy, N. Y. Has been kept at home; now anxious to get a school. Lizzie Cullum, Sag Harbor, N. Y. Taught Central S., Islip, 1 yr. ; int. dept., Patchogue, 1 yr. ; now, gram. l88l. Taught 2 years. Taught o years. Taught 2 years. Taught 2 years. Taught o years. Taught 2 years. dept., same S. — all N. Y. Julia S. Downer, E. Bloomfield, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Teaching int. dept., Un. S., as above, 2 yrs. H. Adaline Duncan, Taught 2 years. Care J. W. Eddy, Saratoga Springs, N. Y. Teaching 4th and 5th grades since grad., and now, in P. S., Detroit, Mich. Address, 41 Forest ave. Delia L. Dunn, Colonie st., Albany, N. Y. Taught o years. Carrie L. Hand, Spencertown, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Taught Averill Sem., Sand Lake, N. Y., i yr; Un. S., at home, since. Marietta Hitchcock, Wadham’s Mills. N. Y. Taught 2 years. Taught, village S., at home, i term; N. Elba, 5 mos. ; Lewis, 1 yr. — all N. Y. 222 Ida L. Johnson, Spring Valley, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Taught 3 Ss. near home; now teaching. Caroline A. Kaiser, 54 Bassett st., Albany, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Teaching, New Hamburgh, N. Y., since grad.; now, Prin. primary dept. Kate S. Livingston, 174 Fourth st., Troy, N. Y. Taught 1 year. Taught, New Baltimore, N. Y., i yr. ; health impaired; expects to resume. 1 YL Rosa McIntyre, Omaha, Neb. Taught 2 years. Prin. of South S., as above, where she has taught since grad.; married before attending N. S.; taught before graduation ist ass’t High S., Des Moines, Iowa, and in Chatham Acad., N. Y. ; 2 boys. Lizzie B. Marvin, Jamaica, L. I. Taught 2 years. Taught, 2 miles from home, an ungraded school, as now; trustees voluntarily increased salary at end of first year; now, Prin. as above. Mary E. Miller, Greenwich, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Has taught in various grades in Un. S. and Academy as above; now, preceptress. Eva C. Moore, New Rochelle, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Taught in Iowa, % yr. ; East Orange, N. J., i yr. ; now, ass’t gram, dept., Warwick, N. Y. Mary E. Murdock (Maj. Charles D. Miller), Taught 1 year. Newark, O. Taught, Crown Point, and Batchellerville, N. Y. ; m. 1882, and removed to present residence. Jennie Nixon, Clinton Heights, Greenbush, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Taught Westbury, N. Y., private S. Lucy K. Reynolds (John W. Sanford), Trinidad, Col. Taught 2 years. Taught as above in a missionary school i yr. ; m. 1883. Emma M. Roscoe, Elizabethtown, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Taught, Sloansville i yr. ; St. Johnsville; and Canajoharie since and now, i yr. — all N. Y. Minnie Rysedorph, E. Schodack, N. Y. Taught 1 year. Has taught as above 2 terms; N. Greenbush ^ yr. ; there now — all N. Y. A. Louella Sanderson, Morris, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Taught, prin. int. dept. Un. S., Deposit, N. Y., i yr. ; ill health; rested; again at Deposit. Eugenia J. Steiner, Low Point, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Taught, Narrowsburg i% yrs.; since April, 1883, at Carthage Landing — all N. Y. Nellie A. Thompson, Green Island, N. Y. Taught 2 years. As “ substitute ” and teacher as above since grad., and now. Cora Wells, Amsterdam, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Taught, Kingsboro, N. Y., i yr. ; Scarsdale, N. Y., i yr. Minnie F, Wells, Crown Point Centre, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Taught, Crown Point, N. Y., i yr. ; gram. dept. High S., Clarence, Iowa, i yr. ; taught 3 yrs. before entering Normal S. Amza J. Boyce, Sayville, L. I. Taught 2 years. Prin. P. S. as above since grad., and now. John S. Brown, Meredith Hollow, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Taught, prin. Un. Free S., Tuckahoe, N. Y.; taking C. L. S. C.; 1883, teaching Del Norte, Col.; and dep. supt. Ss. ; m. 1882. Edward A. Burt, E. Galway, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Teaching in Albany, N. Y., Academy since grad., and now. Benjamin I. Carhart, New Baltimore, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Was prin. pro tem. Market st. S. in Lansingburgh ; prin. P. S., Bethlehem, N. Y.; editorial and business work on Greenbush “ Gazette ” % yr. ; traveled with New American Encyclopoedia ; teaching arith. Business College, Albany, N. Y. Peter F. Collins, Salem, N. Y. Taught 1 J years. Taught as above i yr. ; Batchellerville, N. Y., ^ yr. ; since and now, clerk in N. Y. City P. O., Station A. 223 Francis Comesky, Tappan, N. Y. Prin. P. S., Rock. Co., N. Y., since grad., and now; is studying law. Taught 2 years. Richard E. Coon, Stillwater, N. Y. Prin. Hot Springs High S., Arkansas; now, prin. P. S., Athens, N. Y. Daniel R. Geary, Taught, West Albany, N. Y., i term; clerk N. Y. City post office. Melancthon J. Getman, Gloversville, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Taught J year. Taught i year. Taught, Port Jackson i winter; Cross Roads x winter — all N. Y. Willard D. Johnson, Morris, N. Y. Taught 4 years. Taught, Schuyler’s Lake and Morris, N. Y. ; prin. Morris Un. S. ; 3 assistants. Sidney W. Nicholls, West Winfield, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Prin. Petersburgh graded S. i yr. ; Schaghticoke i yr., and now — all N. Y. Wm. Reid Paterson, Chipman’s Point, Vt. Taught i£ years. Prin. P. S. 1 % yrs. ; sent 5 students to Normal S.; m. Carrie K. Bishop, ’81. Kirtland W. Perry, Centre White Creek, N. Y. Taught J year. After teaching North Hoosick, N. Y., passed competitive examination, and is a cadet in U. S. Rev. Marine Service, and is located at New Bedford, Mass. Henry P. Van Liew, Del Norte, Col. Taught 2 years. Prin. P. S. as above; taught before entering N. S.; supt. Pres. S. S.; supt. Ed. Rio Grande Co. George H. Wells, Southold, N. Y. Taught years. Teaching at East Marion, N. Y. ; taught during course, in Cutchogne, i yr. Willard D. Winne, South Valley, N. Y. Taught o years. After grad, he took senior year in Williams College; health failed. 1882 — Seventy-fourth Class. Seventy-fifth Term, ending January 27, 1882. Carrie D. Abbott, Centre Brunswick, N. Y. Taught ij- years. Teaching as above since graduation. Clara M. Briggs, Laurens, N. Y. Prin. int. dept., Deposit, N. Y. Un. S., i yr. Laura J. Brust, Centre Brunswick, N. Y. Teaching as above since graduation, and now. Effie Russell Buck, care Hiram Buck, Albany, N. Y. Taught as governess, Albany, N. Y. Vi via Ada Buck, care Hiram Buck, Albany, N. Y. Taught 1 year. Taught 1 year. Taught J year. Taught J year. Taught in Hoosick Falls, N. Y., Un. S.; resigned on account of ill health. Kate A. Cullen, 464 Madison ave, Albany, N. Y. Taught 1 year. Teaching in P. S. as above; before, private teaching. Margaret Fitzgerald, Galway, N. Y. Taught ij years. Teaching, Matteawan, N. Y., primary grade, since graduation. M. Jane Glover, Clyde, N. Y. Taught i£ years. Taught, as above, High S., % yr. ; dist. S., ^ yr. ; Marshalltown, Iowa, % yr. ; has taken 160 acres of land in Nebraska under “ Timber Culture Act.” Minnie H. Joyce, Boston st., Somerville, Mass. Taught J year. Taught, N. Y. Inst, for the Blind, % yr. ; at home since, caring for invalid mother. Taught o years. Nettie L. Lasell, Malone, N. Y. Has not succeeded in obtaining a school. Mary E. Le Boeuf, 3 Congress st., Albany, N. Y. Taught 1 £ years. Taught and studied at Albany Female Academy, and graduated there June, ’82; taught, Osborn’s Bridge, N. Y.; then, teacher of vocal music and higher math., Waterville, N. Y., Un. S. Nellie F. Lohnas, Saratoga Springs, N. Y. Taught o years. Has remained at home. Harriet B. Nichols, 187 Liv. ave., Albany, N. Y. Taught 1 year. Did not obtain a school; 1884, teaching, Glen Cove, N. Y. Edith R. Potts, Mineville, N. Y. Taught ij years. Taught, higher dept., Port Henry Un. S., N. Y. ; also in Schoharie Co., N. Y. Mary E. Snow, Batchellerville, N. Y. Taught ij years. Teaching, since graduation, in Hospital for Crippled Children in N. Y. City; taught before gradua- tion, 4 yrs. Augusta Tabor, Cohoes, N. Y. Taught ij years. Taught, Glen Cove, L. I., J 4 Y r - now, prin. 2d grade. Cohoes P. S. Kittie N. Weiant, Stony Point, N. Y. Taught i year. Taught select school. Hattie A. West, Herkimer, N. Y. Taught ij years. Taught dist. S. in Herkimer and German Flats; now, int. dept., graded S., Newport — all N. Y. Zeb A. Dyer, 257 Elm st., Albany, N. Y. Taught J year. Taught, East Berne, N. Y. ; reading law, and expecting to teach more. William H. Frick, Harris Hill, N. Y. * Taught J year. Taught, High Falls, N. Y., Prin. P. S. ; took special course in Williams College. Adelbert C. Hayden, Osborne’s Bridge, N. Y. Taught 1 year. Taught, Prin. Un. S., Half Moon, N. Y., i yr. Fred. De L. King, Batchellerville, N. Y. Taught 1 year. Taught, Florida, N. Y., 2 yrs.; Prin., Shelter Is., N. Y., since Sept., 1883; taught 1 yr. before en- tering Normal S. John W. Shaw, Jr., Morris, N. Y. Taught £ year. Taught after grad. 1 term Dist. S. ; since, clerk and book-keeper in country stores. Frank H. Wilcox, Morris, N. Y. Taught i year. Prin. P. S., Schuyler’s Lake, N. Y. George O. Wilsey, Aquetuck, N. Y. Taught i J years. Taught in North Neighborhood, l A yr. ; Coeymans Hollow, l A yr. ; now, in Becker’s Corners— all N. Y. 1882 — Seventy-fifth Class. Seventy-sixth Term, ending June 23, 1882. Jessie B. Abbott, Centre Brunswick, N. Y. Taught J year. Taught as above % term; then at Cropseyville, N. Y., and now. Sarah F. Austin, Peekskill, N. Y. Taught £ year. Has studied Latin, and has taught at Mount Airy, N. Y. Carrie A. Beebe, New Concord, N. Y. Taught 2 years. Teaching since grad. Dist. S. at home; during course, i yr. Livia G. Cameron, 335 Wash. ave„ Albany, N. Y. Taught 1 year. Taught, Steuben Co., A yr. ; New Scotland, i term— all N. Y. 225 Mary T. Crofts, Newtonville, N. Y. Taught ij years. Taught, Bethlehem Centre; at Newtonville, % yr. ; now, at Fishkill village, Prin. Primary — all N. Y. Jane F. Hallock, Half Moon, N. Y. Taught i year. Has taught in Un. S. as above since grad. Maria V. Hampson, Yonkers, N. Y. Taught i year. Has taught since grad, in P. S. No. 2 as above. Jessie L. Keesler, Chittenango, N. Y. Taught i year. Taught in Yates Un. S., at home, 2d ass’t and 1st ass’t since grad., and now; taught before entering Normal S. Frances E, Kincaid, Albion, N. Y. Taught i year. Has taught since grad, in Institution for the Blind, 9th ave. and 34th st., N. Y. City. Ella La Monte, Richmondville, N. Y. Taught i year. Taught in Graded S. as above; and now there. Jennie Leonard, Prattsville, N. Y. Taught o years. Health poor; sec’y of a Lit. Soc. and editor of its “ paper.” Effie L. Link, 416 River st., Troy, N. Y. Taught £ year. Taught, Pittstown, N. Y., yr. ; kept at home. Cora Marsland, Sing Sing, N. Y. Taught 1 year. Taught, Patchogue; Yonkers P. S.; taught 3% yrs. before grad.; 1 yr. course at Wellesley College. Nellie McQuade, Taught i year. Care Joseph McQuede, Albany, N. Y. Taught P. S. at Chappaqua, N. Y., 1 yr. Emma Miller, Middleburgh, N. Y. Taught J year. Has taught one term. Mary A. Miller, Katonah, N. Y. Taught i year. Taught, primary dept., Katonah, N. Y. Katharina Muller, Highland Falls, N. Y. Taught 1 year. Teaching, asst, teacher gram, and int. depts., Un. S., Patchogue, N. Y., since grad., and now. Martha L. Pettit, Sackett’s Harbor, N. Y. Taught o years. Kept at home by domestic affliction. Jestena Phillips, Lansingburgh, N. Y. Taught i year. Has taught in P. S. as above since grad. Alice M. Reynolds, Peekskill, N. Y. Taught i year. Has taugh, Drum Hill, N. Y., since grad. Annie S. Shuler, Indian Fields, N. Y. Has taught, Keeper’s Corners and as above — all N. Y. Bessie Van Gaasbeek, Kingston, N. Y. Taught, Kingston, N. Y., P. S. % yr. ; now, invalid. Fannie W. Wicks, Lansingburgh, N. Y. Has taught as above, 1st asst, in gram. S., since grad. Taught i year. Taught J year. Taught 1 year. Jennie Lusk Young, Clarence, N. Y. Taught ij years. Taught a few weeks at Tonawanda, N. Y., until Sept., 1882; since, asst, in model dept. State Normal School. Mary P. Young, Hartwick, N. Y. Taught i year. Taught since grad, in Inst, for the Blind, N. Y. City. Thomas B. Aldrich, Port Jefferson, N. Y. Taught i year. Taught, Herricks, N. Y. ; and will continue another yr. at least. 2 5 226 Sands J. Bowman, Salt Point, N. Y. Taught, Coxsackie, N. Y. Jacob Chadeayne, Sing Sing, N.Y. Taught, North Rose, N. Y. H. Sylvester Covey, E. Worcester, N. Y. Taught, Maryland, N. Y. George H. Heald, Albany, N. Y. Taught, Underhill, N. Y., dist. S. i yr. ; Duanesburgh, N. Y., i yr. ; n< Pleasantville, N. Y. Frank W. Lindsley, Wellsburgh, N. Y. Taught, home school and at Big Flats, N. Y. ; 1884, prin. Akron, N. Y., Charles McKern, Harlemville, N. Y. Clerk in a store. Milton Quay, Knox, N. Y. Prin. Centreville, N. Y. Chas. F. Randall, Burtonville, N.Y. Prest. 76th class; taught before entering 2% yrs. ; during course 1 yr. ir Teachers’ Inst., ’83; taught at Glen, N. Y., 1 yr. Adolphus Schleiermacher, Durham, N. Y. Has taught since graduation and during course. Wm. M. Tracy, Afton, N. Y. Taught, Guilford Centre, N. Y., % yr. ; during course 4^ yrs. H. De Witt Turner, Clifton Park, N. Y. Has taught at Nyack, N. Y. ; now, 1884, prin. Batchellerville, N. Y. James R. White, 18 Second st., E. Albany, N. Y. Taught at Sand Lake, N. Y. Taught 1 year. Taught J year. Taught 7 months. Taught 1 year. •w, 1884, prin. graded S., Taught i year. Un. S. Taught o years. Taught 1 year. Taught 2J years. 1 S. C. ; read paper before Taught 2 years. Taught 5 years. Taught 1 year. Taught 1 year. 227 1883 — Seventy-sixth Class. Seventy-seventh Term, ending January 26, 1883. Josephine Ashton, East Albany, N. Y. Has taught i term, Sandlake, N. Y. ; not eng., July 26, ’84. Adelia S. Bacon, Batchellerville, N. Y. Has taught at and near Batchellerville, N. Y., since grad., 1% yrs. ; not eng., July 28, ’84. Minnie Bates, 485 Broadway, East Albany, N. Y. Has taught Un. S., Bath-on-Hudson, N. Y., i)£ yrs.; took lessons in “ Boston School of Oratory,” 1884. Minnie E. Benedict, Johnsonville, N. Y. Has tanght, and now, Prin. graded S. as above. Mary E. Call, Haverstraw, N. Y. Taught, as above, 2d Reader grade; higher grade, next year. Agnes S. Chalmers, Perth, N. Y. Has taught since grad., and now, graded S., Amsterdam, N. Y. M. Amelia Foshay, Underhill, N. Y. Has taught since grad., 1 yr., in Un. S., Bainbridge, N. Y. ; no eng., Aug. 5., 1884. Edith A. Horton, Peekskill, N. Y. Taught, Sept, to Nov., ’84, at Garrisons, N. Y. ; since, and now, teaching, New Rochelle, N. Y. Ella Jersey, Spring Valley, N. Y. Has taught 20 weeks since graduation; no eng., July 31, ’84. Margaret McFeely, N. Stephentown, N. Y. Taught, Berlin, N. Y., 1 yr. ; as above, * term; no eng., July 28, ’84. Mary J. McHugh, 52 Bassett st., Albany, N. Y. Has not taught; has visited Ss. and studied continuously; her parents wish her to teach in or near Albany. Almira A. Munger, 70 Schuyler st., Albany, N. Y. Taught, Medway, N. Y., % term; i term, Roesselleville, N. Y. ; Prin. select S., Broome Centre, N. Y. Kate Thompson, Everett, Pa. Typhoid fever and other sickness followed graduation ; keeping house for brother and younger sis- ters; has not taught. Gertrude E. Tiel, Coxsackie, N. Y. Has taught since grad., 4 terms in Un. S., as above; there, next year. Clara E. Veeder, Gloversville, N. Y. Taught, Greenbush, N. Y., P. S., 1^ yrs.; eng. next year, Orange, N. J. Ella J. Wiggins, Pt. Peninsula, N. Y. Taught, commencing 3 days after graduation, Cedar Hill, N. Y., 5 mos.; Clayton, N. Y., graded S., 14 weeks; called home by sickness of mother, who died; since, housekeeper and teacher of prim, dept, of village S. ; studying Latin and music. William M. Colliton, Quaker Street, N. Y. Has taught since grad.; Duanesburgh 4 Corners, N. Y., 4 mos.; Knox, N. Y., 4 mos. Jarvis S. Ingraham, 137 Green st., Albany, N. Y. Has taught i term, Callanan’s Corners, N. Y.; not eng., July 24, ’84. Richard A. Lane, Bolton, N. Y. Has taught since grad., continuously; Hague, N. Y., 1 term; Pottersville, N. Y., r yr. ; not eng., July 23, 1884. Walter E. Potter, Raceville, N. Y. Was recuperating from grad, till the next Sept.; studying divinity; is Methodist minister at North Creek, N. Y. ; has not taught. 228 Charles T. Seaman, Spring Valley, N. Y. Taught 2^4 yrs. before entering N. S. ; since grad., at Garrisons and Nanuet, N. Y. ; engaged at latter for next year. Willie J. Stebbins, Plank Road, N. Y. No eng., Aug. 2, ’84; has not taught. Horace E. Twichell, Lackawaxen, Pa. Has taught, Highland, N. Y., 2 terms; Barryville, N. Y., 1 term; surveying, studying, writing; no eng., July 23, 1884. 1883 — Seventy-seventh Class. Seventy-eighth Term, ending June 28, 1883. Mena Babcock, 363 Third st., Troy, N. Y. Has taught since grad, as “substitute” as above; engaged for next year, Primary, Wappinger’s Falls, N. Y. Bertha Bartholf, Vischer’s Ferry, N. Y. Has taught i yr. and finished term for sick teacher; no eng. July 28, *84. Nellie M. Boothby, Greenbush, N. Y. Has taught 1st int. as above, 1 yr. ; now, the same. V. Xdalette Brett, 221 Hamilton st., Albany, N. Y. Has taught, Bellport, L. I., i year; is sec’y of her class. Ella M. Briggs, Laurens, N. Y. Has taught in Un. S., Deposit, N. Y., i yr.; will remain at home with parents for the present. Mary E. Buell, Clyde, N. Y. Has taught since graduation in High S. as above; now, engaged there. Harriet E. Carskaden, Ancram Lead Mines, N. Y. Has taught, as above, 2 terms since grad.; no eng., July 28, ’84. Agnes S. Christie, 298 S. Pearl st., Albany, N. Y. Has taught six weeks during course in Albany Teachers’ Training Class, which she has com- pleted; no eng., July 24th, ’84. Mary Corry, Slingerlands, N. Y. . Has taught since Oct., ’83, Prin. as above. Ellen Adair Dooley, Glenmore, N. Y. Taught, Amsterdam, N. Y., x yr., in St. Mary’s Inst.; engaged there for next year. Mary E. Elmore, Liberty, N. Y. Taught, 1 term, Washingtonville, N. Y. ; since Jan., ’84, in P. S., Elgin, 111 . Sophie M. Fischer, Port Chester, N. Y. Has taught, Un. S., Port Chester, N. Y., 1 yr. ; engaged there for next year. Emma A. Forman, Cold Spring, N. Y. Taught, Athens, N. Y., P. S., % yr. ; New Salem, N. Y., % yr. Efhe M. Fraats, Sharon Springs, N. Y. Has taught a year and graduated in Froebel Kindergarten S., Hamburg, Germany, July, ’84; is appointed Supt. kindergarten dept., State Normal School, Albany, N. Y. Birdella M. Garner, Chatham, N. Y. Has taught, Philmont, N. Y., 1 yr. ; engaged, same place, for next year. Fannie E. Goodrich, OJmsteadville, N. Y. Has taught since Nov., '83, at Minerva, N. Y-5 engaged there next year. 229 Jennie A. Goss, N. Granville, N. Y. Has taught in Un. S., Deposit, N. Y., i yr. ; engaged there for next year. Minnie T. Griffin, Dover Plains, N. Y. Has taught at White Plains since graduation; now, teaching there. Jeannette L. Hendry, Monticello, N. Y. Has taught, Tallman Seminary, Paterson, N. J., i yr., and now. Elizabeth Hermans, Cohoes, N. Y. Taught, 5 mos. evening S. as above; also substitute; no engagement, July 27, ’84. Lillian Holloway, Delhi, N. Y. Has been teaching since Sept., ’83, in Elgin, 111 . Georgiana Jayne, Old Westbury, N. Y. Taught, private S. as above since graduation; engaged now, same school at advanced salary. Laura E. Kinne, Ilion, N. Y. Has taught female dept. Un. S. as above, 1 yr. ; engaged there for next year. Helena A. Kring, Mayfield, N. Y. Has taught 1 yr. in Un. S., Glovarsville, N. Y., and now. Cornelia F. Lawrence, S. Salem, N. Y. Has taught as above since grad. ; she taught 3 yrs. before grad. Ella M. Lawson, S. Berne, N. Y. Has taught as above 1 term; no engagement, July 24, ’84. Ida B. Lawson, Aquetuck, N. Y. Has taught 1 yr., Stanton Hill, N. Y. ; no eng., July 28, ’84. Grace R. Lawyer, Schoharie, N. Y. Has taught since graduation, In Academy as above; no engagement July 24, ’84. Carrie C. McMillan (Henry R. Wilson), Hebron, N. Y. Has not taught; married Nov. 14, 1884. Maggie Miller, Kinderhook, N. Y. Has taught, Medway, N. Y., 1 yr. Lizzie A. Murray, West Albany, N. Y. Has taught, W. Albany, N. Y., 1 yr., and now. Mary E. O’Toole, Waterville, N. Y. Has taught, Westmoreland, N. Y., 1 yr. ; now engaged for Un. S., Waterville, N. Y. Mary E. Rowell, Waterville, N. Y. Has taught in Inst, for the Blind, N. Y. City, 1 yr., and now. Nettie E. C. Russell, Lebanon Springs, N. Y. Poor health since grad.; taught x week in fall of ’83; stopped by ill health. Joanna S. Schlemmer (Wm. D. Walradt, M. D.), Castleton, N. Y. Has not taught ; m. 1883. Angie Smith, Shekomeko, N. Y. Taught, P. S., Baldwin, L. I., 1 yr., and now. Lizzette A. Sprague, 2 Lorimer st., Rochester, N. Y. Has taught in High S., Clyde, N. Y., since grad., and now. Hannah A. Stymus, Dobbs Ferry, N. Y. Has taught since grad, in P. S., Dobbs Ferry, and now. Lizzie A. Tompkins, Stillwater, N. Y. Has taught 2 mos. in graded S., Ellenville, N. Y., and now. S. Jennie Townsend, Coxsackie, N. Y. Has* taught, as above, 1 yr. 230 Mary Van Inwegen, Cuddebackville, N. Y. Has taught, as above, i yr., and now. Marcia J. Wagar, Eagle Mills, N. Y. Has taught, Prin. at Nyack, N. Y., i yr. ; eng. adj. dist. ; studying French and German. Angeline Watson, Bolton Landing, N. Y. Has not taught. Mary J. Whalen, Yonkers, N. Y. Has taught 4 mos., P. S. No. 6, Yonkers, N. Y., and now. Adelle L. Whitaker, Warrensburgh, N. Y. Has taught, High S., Saratoga, N. Y., 1 yr. ; now, teaching same village. Alida A. Woodin, Pawling, N. Y. Has taught, Chatham, N. Y., 1 mo.; Jamaica, N. Y., 5 mos., and now. Marion Woolverton, 186 Elm st., Albany, N. Y. At home since grad.; has reviewed her studies and learned methods; no eng., Aug. 13, 1884. Alexander M. Arries, Morris, N. Y. Not able to secure S. ; in furniture business; desires to teach. John R. Campbell, Roscoe, N. Y. Has taught 1 term, Roscoe, N. Y. ; not eng., July 24, ’84. Stephen J. Daring, Gallupville, N. Y. Typhoid fever after grad. ; traveling salesman ; wants S.; no eng., July 29, ’84. James R. Egan, West Troy, N. Y. Has not taught; law student in Troy. George H. Fort, W. Charlton, N. Y. Taught 14 Y r at N. Coeymans, N. Y.; not eng., July 24, '84; 1884 m. E. M. Brett, ’79. Irving Green, Patchogue, L. I. Grad, at bus. col., Albany, N. Y. ; now, bookkeeper in an ins. office, same city. Charles D. Hill, Turin, N. Y. Has taught, Prin. Batchellerville, N. Y., 1 yr. ; Carthage, N. Y., 1 term. Nathan G. Kingsley, Jonesville, N. Y. Prin. Acad, and Un. S., Cambridge, N. Y., since grad., and now; taught 3 yrs. before grad. L. Jesse McMullen, Worcester, N. Y. Teaching, Colliersville, N. Y., 4 months; also next year. Harry L. Moore, West Rupert, Vt. Teaching since grad., and now, Prin. P. S., Islip, L. I. Fayette Munson, Hebron, N. Y. Prin., Luzerne, N. Y., % term; stopped by ill health. William H. Myers, Reynolds, N. Y. Taught, Ketcham’s Corners, N. Y., 1 term; S. Bethlehem, N. Y., 1 term, and now. George H. Neal, Green Island, N. Y. Taught, Cary Col. Inst., Oakfield, N. Y., 1 yr. ; eng., Inst, for the Blind, N. Y. City. Frank J. Newberry, Penfield, N. Y. Has taught 1 yr. in Pol. Inst., Brooklyn, N. Y., and now. Eliot B. Norton, Cambridge, N. Y. Taught. Inst, for the Blind, N. Y. City, 1 yr. ; eng. Prin., Eagle Mills, N. Y. ; 1883 m. Miss Helen M. McFadden, undergraduate. Henry M. Tyndall, Rose, N. Y. Has studied a year and is studying at Theol. Sem., Auburn, N. Y. ; preached as a “ supply.” 231 1884 — Seventy-eighth Class. Seventy -ninth Term, ending January 25, 1884. Alice Brower, Clove Junction, N. Y. Commenced teaching in home dist. 3 days after grad. ; taught 24 weeks; no eng., July 24, ’84. Luella J. Clark, Willsboro Point, N. Y. Has taught since grad., 1 term, Luzerne, N. Y.; has taught 15 terms; no eng., July 28, ’84. Caroline C. Conover, Valley Falls, N. Y. Has taught, Cohoes, N. Y., 3 mos. ; is eng. there for next year. Mary L. Cowles, Osceola, N. Y. Has taught 1 term as above. Ida A. Dutton, 17 S. Swan st., Albany, N. Y. Is engaged prim, dept., Verona, N. J. ; has taught private pupils. Lizzie Garnsey, Jonesville, N. Y. Has taught since grad., and now, Gloversville, N. Y. Jennie J. Hollister, New Lisbon, N. Y. Has taught since grad, in Un. S., Morris, N. Y.; now, in int. dept. Julia King, Salem, N. Y, Has taught since April i, ’84, and now, highest primary, Whitestone, N. Y. Harriet M. Mahaffy, Salem, N. Y. Taught 1 term, Lake, N. Y.; now, int. dept., Acad., Cambridge, N. Y. Elizabeth Mussey, Newkirk Mills, N. Y. Has taught, Rockwood, N. Y. Mary J. Oakes, Copenhagen, N. Y. Taught, Minneapolis, Minn., a few weeks; health failed; is in Dakota. Cora A. Paterson, Ticonderoga, N. Y. Ha$ taught since grad., and now. Shelter Island, N. Y. Arthetta Reed, Vischer’s Ferry, N. Y. Has taught near home 1 term; cannot teach on account of eyes. Mary E. Reid, New Salem, N. Y. Has taught since grad., 1 term, Newtonville, N. Y. Mary Roscoe, Elizabethtown, N. Y. Has taught since May 5, 1884, and now, East Creek, N. Y. Jessie W. Schermerhorn, East Greenbush, N. Y. Was sick during sen. 2d term and for six months after; now, July 24, ’84, ready to teach. Libbie Stacpole, 118 Jefferson st., Albany, N. Y. Has taught % term, and now, Philmont, N. Y. Henrietta Sutherland, Wappinger’s Falls, N. Y. Has taught since grad., and now, Prin. 1st ass’t, P. S., Passaic, N. J. Alice H- Sweet, Dean’s Corners, N. Y. Has taught 1 term, Bemis Heights, N. Y.; no eng., July 31, ’84. Julia R. Waldron, Peekskill, N. Y. Has not taught since grad. ; no eng., July 28, ’84. Evelena Williams, Westbury Station, N. Y. Has not taught since graduation. La Mott Day, Burlington Flats, N. Y. Has taught, Prin. at Rosendale, N. Y., since grad., and now. 232 James M. Edsall, Prattsville, N. Y. Has taught since grad., and now, Roxbury, N. Y., 4 mos. ; salary increased^ William G. Reed, Alton, N. Y. Has taught, and now, Prin. at Clyde, N. Y., S, of three dept’s. Myron Reightmyer, W. Richmondville, N. Y. At home on account of illness of father; position in S. in West offered him. Herbert W. Smith, Islip, N. Y. Has taught since grad.; Jonesville, N. Y., 3 mos.; Mahopac, N. Y., 3 mos.; eng. now for Smith- town Branch ; each change a promotion . Oren B. Wilbur, North Easton, N. Y. Has taught since grad., Minaville, N. Y.; no eng., July 23, ’84. 1884 — Seventy-ninth Class. Eightieth Term, ending June 26, 1884. S. Grace Anderson, Clayville, N. Y. Taught before grad. 2 terms; no eng., July 28, *84. Ida M. Babcock, Laurens, N. Y. Eng. for prim. P. S. as above. Minnie Babcock, Haverstraw, N. Y. Not eng., July 29, ’84. Abbie E. Benson (Elmer E. Henderson, ’84), Walton, N. Y. Married July, 1884. Mary E. Berns, 117 Franklin st., Albany, N. Y. Taught before entering N. S.; not eng., July 27, ’84. Ida Brimmer, Painted Post, N. Y. Not eng., July 22, ’84. Carrie A. Carroll, Copenhagen, N. Y. Not eng., July 30, ’84. Alice W. Coakley, Hempstead, N. Y. Not engaged, July 26, ’84. Emma M. Coe, Gilbertsville, N. Y. Not engaged, July 29, ’84. Irene Embler, Walden, N. Y. Not engaged, July 25, ’84; can teach piano and vocal music. Eleanor D. Gillespie, Dobbs Ferry, N. Y. Not engaged, July 28, ’84. E. Helen Hannahs, Rome, N. Y. Engaged int. dept., Waterville, N. Y., Un. S.; daughter of H. '53. Emma Hard, Sharon Springs, N. Y. Taught before grad., 6 terms; not engaged, Aug. 14, 1884. Mary Hardy, E. Watertown, N. Y. Taught 12 terms before entering Normal S. ; eng. to teach graded S., Rockford, 111 . Lillie D. Hedden, Charlton, N. Y, Keeping house for father; not engaged, July 29, '84. Ella A. Holmes, Marion, N. Y. Engaged, precep., Un. S., Webster, N. Y. 2 33 Nellie Horsfall, Freeport, N. Y. Not engaged, Aug. 22, ’84. • Marion H. Imrie, 48 Hawk st., Albany, N. Y. Engaged, Un. S., Fultonville, N. Y. Ida M. Isdell, Phildelphia, N. Y. Not engaged, July 28, ’84; studying music. Cornelia M. Jenkins, King’s Ferry, N. Y. Engaged, int. graded S., High Falls, N. Y. Jenna L. Kathan, Ballston, N. Y. Engaged, preceptress, High S., Marquette, Mich. Jennie Mathias, Jerusalem, N. Y. At home to help invalid mother, and allow sister to attend Normal S. ; Chautauqua course. Margaret McIntyre, Waterloo, N. Y. Not engaged, July 27, ’84. Abbie Miller, Coxsackie, N. Y. Not engaged, July 26, ’84. Katharine Murphy, Copenhagen, N. Y. Not engaged, July 24, ’84. Mary Bell Ostrom, W. Charlton, N. Y. Not engaged, July 29, ’84. Charlotte R. Parmele, Greenbush, N. Y. Engaged, prep. dept. Eng. and Class. S., Columbus, O.; West for health; expects to teach in N. Y. Anna M. Patterson, Dobbs Ferry, N. Y. Engaged, Prin., Palisades, N. J. Nettie E. Patterson, Braman’s Corners, N. Y. Not engaged, July 30, ’84. Anna E. Pierce, Union Centre, N. Y. Not engaged, July 24, '84. Fanny M. Pratt, Easton, N. Y. Engaged, Inst, for the Blind, N. Y. City. Eugenia B. Purdy, Port Chester, N. Y. Not engaged, July 23, ’84; studying Latin. H. Agnes Smith, Islip, N. Y. Health poor in sen. 2d, and now; waiting at home. Mary Smith, Cropseyville, N. Y. Not engaged, July 26, ’84. Elizabeth Stever, Bath-on-the-Hudson, N. Y. Not engaged, July 28, ’84. Mary Louisa Sutliff, Bath-on-the-Hudson, N. Y. Is engaged to teach in family of Mrs. Briggs. Ada Vrooman, Becker’s Corners, N. Y. No engagement, Aug. 6, ’84. Lynn J. Arnold, Burlington Flats, N. Y. Taught during course, yr. ; eng., Prin. Un. S., Wappingers’s Falls, N. Y. Alvin Converse, Coventry, N. Y. Engaged, Prin. P. S., Purchase, N. Y. 26 2 34 Jacob W. Drumm, Stuyvesant Falls, N. Y. ^Taught during course, East Camp, N. Y*, x yr.; business, Clifton Park, N. Y.; not engaged, July Michael Wm. Gilmore, Clinton Corners, N. Y. Taught during course, 113 weeks; engaged, Prin., Valley Stream, N. Y. Charles H. Gorsline, N. Hillsdale, N. Y. 2 y«i"Jo h ,e7r a duSi„“ d ,eaCh " ari,h '’ rapid caI ' a " d Business Col., Albany, N. Y. ; taught Joseph D. G-reenslete, Broadalbin, N. Y. Not engaged, July 29, ’84. Elmer E. Henderson, Walton, N. Y. July 2, 1884, m. A. E. Benson, '84; not eng., July 28, ’84. William S. Hulbert, Broome Centre, N. Y. Prin. P. S., Voorheesville, N. Y. James W. Jacobus, White Plains, N. Y. Taught before grad., 5 yrs.; engaged, Prin. P. Ss., Greenbergh, N. Y. John James, Union Grove, N. Y. No engagement, July 25, ’84. Theophilus Johnson, Hillsdale, N. Y. Taught 2 yrs. before grad.; Prin. now, as above. Martin Joyce, Hillsdale, N. Y. N Taugh, during courso, a yrs. as above; a yrs. i„ Copake; „„ w , Prin., Copake Iron Works-all Daniel D. Lillie, Gilbertsville, N. Y. Engaged, prin. graded S., Chappaqua, N. Y. Michael Nolan, Gray, N. Y. Not engaged, July 27, ’84. Irvin Peck, Middleburgh, N. Y. Book canvassing; no school engaged, July 25, ’84. Elmer H. Porter, Hartwick, N. Y. Not engaged, July 26, ’84. George K. Smith, W. Richmondville, N. Y. Prin. graded S., Blue Point, N. Y. Theodore Witte, Holbrook, N. Y N.^S.'oFa °”"> N - Y - «» — N. S.; is engaged, Prin. P. S„ Blno Point, tValter H. Wood, Voorheesville, N. Y. Engaged, prim.. Highlands, N. Y. Press of Brandow & Barton, Albany, N. Y. '