A V •A m V A A A -• m 6 a\> V A V A 6 ■V A A A A A V A ■ A V A V A - A A A A J3 O STO N . C.W.Thompson 8? Co. V A m V A ja^ V A A ■ dt\ djs — uL_ Scents per copy } 5.00 per 100 A Nation’s Hymn i Maestoso ^§2 ^ r f r f J Words and Music by St. JOHN BYER f £ i S £ frrr 1. O Land, by our fa - thers sought a - far, 2. 0 Land, may war-cloud ne’er in- vade 3. Em-pire nor con- quest be thine aim, j Brav - ing the storm - y wild Field of thy star - light- ed Vaunt - ing vie - to - ri - ous J , J p J> J- i | &J2A J ~ T .J r -f-A-f P 4 -f r - r- - j I Pp o splen le I cean dor, gions f To come and May Free - dom But foun - ding rear heath nev - er Jus - tice Ves be in per star be - trayed God’s name a J7i 2 2 1 ill S=p=J r th' - mn S rff.T A1 - tars for Faiths de Nor un - to foe sur Far thru be - night - ed r vo ren re tion der, gions 4-j- jfin A .J JO E^ fe;.,.r, r. irrrff tjj- r '• Where God should This Na - tion That gol - den 3 J reign in be her age all ^3 -4 -j*- =f=2= =4=; ^=4=1 #4= ~t t? f— & P =f= Truth and Right , A new world realm ere a ted. To chain - pion bold, Een tho her last de fen - der. On shall at - tain, When war his hosts dis ban - ding. And 1 k-*- J J. , v | * - -i ]y~ 2. J) A i M ^ 4 -J— ! — [L_ 4= ~rr =F= 1 ■4-:-— 4=^ Copyright , MCMXVII, by C .W. Thompson & Co. r T .8c Co. 460-2 ^ rYN^.ra- CL . 3 c-\%\A "lER&Tt Free - dom con - se - God’s strong" arm re - ol - ive branch ex - era - ted Whose her- aid _ ly - ing- f A hos - tile- pan - ding- Shall wave wide star as - cen - dant Should world de - fy - ing-, So o'er the na - tions, Then i Ji i it is O p rrr rr=r rise and shine, a bea- con light Free - dom’s flam - ing- torch here hold, Righ- teous - ness and Peace shall reign, 1 A jr J> i JVU High o’er the na - tions re - splen-dent Strong- Light un-to a - ges un - dy - ing- Strong: Down thru all g-en - e - ra - tions Strong- T.& Co. 460 -2 Alleluia Easter Anthem Frank H. Brackett .15 Thou Art O God, the Life and Light Four Parts James C . Warhurst .15 Thou Art O God, the Life and Light Two Parts James C. Warhurst .12 Jubilate Deo . . . . Edward Leeson Powers .15 I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say . P. S . Gilman .15 Blessed is the Peqple .... . P. S. Gilman .12 Come Thou Holy Spirit .... Chas. A. Chase .12 Ten Short Responses .... W. G. Hambleton .12 Lift your Glad Voices ( Easter) Two Part Chorus James C .Warhurst .12 The Lord is great in Zion Anthem . . Carrie Burpee Shaw .20 0 Sing* unto the Lord a New Song* Roland Diggle .20 Praise Ye the Lord .... . W. D. Armstrong .15 There is None Holy as the Lord . H.J. Stewart .18 God is Our Refug*e .... Francis W. Snow .15 Father to us, Thy Children Chopin - Scott .12 Lord My Pasture shall Prepare Hofmann - Scott .15 Lord Remember Me . • . Charles B. Blount .15 We Trust in the Living* God . . Charles B. Blount .15 For the Lord hath Chosen Zion . Charles B. Blount .15 Te Deum in B*? . • . B. Frank Michelsen .20 He Leadeth Me .... . J . Henry Francis .10 New Missionary Hymn and three others Various .12 How Beautiful Upon the Mountains . James D. MC Rae .10 God has been Merciful to Me . . J . Henry Francis .10 Saviour Breathe an Evening* Blessing* Le Roy B. Campbell .12 He Shall Send His Ang*els W.W. Adams .20 Lord, With Glowing* Heart . Charles A. Chase .10 The Lord Reigneth .... Alfred Goodearl .15 Boston C .W. T ho mpson 8c. Co.