LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 977.352 R36p v.l I.H.S. PEORIA CITY AND COUNTY ILLINOIS A Rec(Md of Settlement, Organization, Progress and Achievement By COL. JAMES M. RICE Local liistoiy is tlie ultimate substance of national history— Wilson ILLUSTRATED VOLUME CHICAGO THE S. J. CLARKE PUBLISHING COMPANY 1912 1 1^ . u CONTENTS PART ONE CHAPTER I THE BEGINNING OF PKORIA ' CHAPTER n THE ABORIGINES 5 CHAPTER HI FORCES WIIRH MADE PEORIA AND THE MATERIAL OF WHICH IT WAS MADE... \J CHAPTER IV DISCOVERY I'.l' TH IC FRENCH 21 CHAPTER V TAKING POSSESSION V.Y I. A SAI.LE ^S CHAPTER VI PEORIA UNDER THE FRICNl II 3^ CHAPTER Vn liKITISH RULE IN ILLINOIS 1 763- 1 7/8 39 iii 00 J 070 iv CONTENTS CHAPTER VIII ILLINOIS AS A PART OF VIRGINIA I778-I784 47 CHAPTER IX THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY 5' CHAPTER X PEORIA PART OF INDIANA TERRITORY — 180O-1809 57 CHAPTER XI REMINISCENCES OF OLD SETTLERS 59 PART TWO CHAPTER XII GEOLOGIC FORMATION AND GEOGRAPHY OF THIS SECTION OF THE COUNTY MANY VAI.UAI'.LE COAL VEINS STONE OF COMMERCIAL IMPORTANCE GRAVEL SAND — TIMBER SOIL AND ITS PRODUCTIVITY VEGETATION 79 CHAPTER XIII CREATION AND ORGANIZATION OF PEORIA COUNTY DIFFICULTIES IN OBTAINING TITLE TO COUNTY SEAT PRESIDENT JOHN QUINCY ADAMS LENDS HIS ASSIST- ANCE WILLIAM S. HAMILTON, SON OF ALEXANDER HAMILTON, ATTORNEY FOR THE COUNTY CLAIMS TO LAND OF JOHN HAMLIN AND OTHERS ADJUSTED. . 85 CHAPTER XIV PROCEEDI.N(;S OF THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' COURT THE COUNTY SEAT IS NAMED PEORIA — GRAND AND PETIT JURY SELECTED — FINANCIAL CONDITION REPORTED — ELECTION PRECINCTS ESTABLISHED — COOK COUNTY A PART OF PEORIA COUNTY — FIRST ELECTION HELD IN CHICAGO — COUNTY COURT SUPERSEDES BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS — TOWI^SHIP SYSTEM ADOPTED — THE PROBATE COURT 95 CHAPTER XV SELECTION OF A SITE FOR AND ERECTION OF A COURT HOUSE CIRCUIT COURT JAILS — THE FIRST COURT HOUSE, SO-CALLED, A LOG CABIN THE FIRST BUILD- ING ERECTED BY THE COUNTY A BRICK STRUCTURE THE SECOND COURT HOUSE COUNTY INFIRMARY HOME FOR THE INSANE COUNTY OFFICERS IO5 CONTENTS V CHAPTER X\T 'old PEOUIAS" HOME OF THE FRENXII AND INDIANS FOUNDED AIIOUT I763 IN 1778 THE NF.W VILLAGE WAS ESTAULISHED BY JEAN BAPTISTE MAILETT AND SINCE KNOWN AS FORT CLARK, THE PRESENT CITY OF PEORIA THE VILLAGE DESTROYED IN 1S12 — DESCRIPTION OF EARLY INHABITANTS AND THEIR HOMES — SOME WHO LIVED IN OLD PEORIA SKTTLEM ICNT OF FR1-:N(I1 CLAIMS TO TRACTS OF LAXD. . 121 CHAr'TKR XVIT EARLY THOROUGHFARES FIRST ROAD LAID OUT BY PEORIA AUTHORITIES — FERRIES AND BRIDGES — DIXON's FERRY — THE ILLINt)IS RIVER — PRIMITIVE STEAMBOAT- ING PEORIA AN IMPORTANT KAll.ROAl) CENTER — ILLINOIS TRACTION SYS- TEM 135 CHAPTER XYIU RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATIONS OF PEORIA COUNTY THE CATHOLIC CHURCH FIRST IN THE FIELD THE METHODISTS STRONG IN THE FAITH AND IN NUMBERS — HISTORY OF MANY CHURCHES TO BE FOUND IN THIS CHAPTER I43 CHAPTER XIX CONTINUATION OF CHURCH HISTORY — EARLY METHODISM IN PEORIA COUNTY — THE "shack" or LOG CABIN HOME OF THE EARLY SETTLER THE MEETING PLACE FOR THE CIRCUIT RIDER AND HIS FLOCK I7I CHAPTER XX THE TIME THAT TRIED MEN's SOULS — AN INTERESTING BIT OF UNTOLD HISTORY AS WRITTEN BY COLONEL RICE LINCOLN AND JUDGE KELLOC.C, 203 CHAPTER XXr THE CIVIL WAR — PRESIDENT LINCOLN CALLS FOR SEVENTY-FIVE THOUSAND MEN AND PEORIANS RESPOND LOYALLY AND HEARTILY— PARTY LINES ARE DIMMED AND PRACTICALLY ALL ARE FOR THE UNION ROBERT G. INGERSOLL TENDERS HIS SERVICES AND BECOMES COLONEL OF A REGIMENT COMPLETE LIST OF PEORIA'S HEROES — OTHER WARS — SOLDIERS' MONUMENTS 213 CHAPTER XXn THE TOWNSHIPS OF PEORIA COUNTY^ WHEN SETTLED AND ORGANIZED PIONEER FARMERS AND INTERESTING STORIES TOLD OF THEM' — FIRST SCHOOLS AND CHURCHES BUILDING OF TOWNS AND VILLAGES — ALL PROSPEROUS COMMUNI- TIES 261 vi CONTENTS CHAPTER XXIII VILLAGE OF PEORIA INCORPORATED IN 183I FIRST OFFICIALS VARIOUS INDUSTRIES AND MERCANTILE CONCERNS OF THAT TIME EARLY CHURCHES, PREACHERS, NEWSPAPERS AND DIRECTORIES PEORIA INCORPORATED AS A CITY IN WINTER OF 1844 — FIRST OFFICIALS FOR WHICH ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY-SEVEN VOTES WERE CAST FIRST AND PRESENT PUBLIC BUILDINGS UTILITIES AND GOVERN- MENT OF THE CITY — THE POSTOFFICE 325 CHAPTER XXIV MEDICAL PERSONAGES AND AFFAIRS ASSOCIATED WITH THE HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY- — PIONEER DOCTORS AND THEIR WAYS ^THE FRATERNITY AND THE METHODS OF ITS MEMBERS OF TODAY AS SHOWN BY DR. O. E. WILL OSTEOP- ATHY 347 CHAPTER XXV THE BENCH AND EAR FIRST COURTS, JUDGES AND LAWYERS — AN INDIAN TRIED FOR MURDER — SKETCHES OF SOME OF PEORIA's FAMOUS ADVOCATES — ^THE LATE JUDGE m'cULLOCH's RECOLLECTIONS DESCRIPTION OF LINCOLN-DOUGLAS DE- BATE — COLONEL ROBERT G. INGERSOLL — PEORIA BAR ASSOCIATION 365 CHAPTER XXVI THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF PEORIA BRADLEY POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE PEORIA PUB- LIC LIBRARY PARK SYSTEM HOTELS PLACES OF AMUSEMENT 387 CHAPTER XXVII THE PEORIA PRESS ^THE FIRST EDITOR A SCHOLARLY MAN TRIALS AND TRIEULA TIONS OF THE PIONEER PRINTER SKETCHES OF THE VARIOUS NEWSPAPERS OF THE CITY THE PAPERS OF THE DAY VIE WITH ANY IN THE STATE 405 CHAPTER XXMII ORGANIZATIONS OLD SETTLERS' ASSOCIATION THE PEORIA WOMEN's CHRISTIAN HOME MISSION JOHN C. PROCTOR ENDOWMENT YOUNG MEn's CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION YOUNG WOMEN's CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION WOMAN's CLLHB AND .OTHERS DEACONESS HOSPITAL FRATERNAL ORDERS 4I7 CHAPTER XXIX HI.STORY OF BANKING IN PEORIA MEN WHO TOOK THE INITIATIVE IN THE BUSINESS FIRST BANK BUILDINGS PEORIA STRONG IN ITS FINANCIAL CONCERNS MODERN BANKS AND BANKING THE PEORIA CLEARING HOUSE 447 CHAPTER XXX THE BOARD OF TRADE — INDUSTRIAL PEORIA USES MORE CORN THAN ANY CITY IN THE UNITED STATES MILLIONS PAID THE GOVERNMENT YEARLY IN REV- ENUE GREAT MANUF.\CTURING PLANTS AND M.\NV OF THEM 461 ^ o ^O PART ONE CHAPTER I THE BEGINNING OF PEORIA "Tlie student of history delights in a good foundation on which to start to write history, without which, it is like beginning in the middle of a story." — Rufiis Blanchard. The history of Peoria is one of unusual interest. Emerging as it does grad- ually from the dim, unknown and unknowable past, it connects the myths, fable, and fancy of the Indian with the wonderful things of our modern life — the Piasa bird with the flying machine. At the time when the first persons who were able to write permanent and intelligible records of what they saw and heard visited this country, the beautiful valley of the Illinois was in the posses- sion of the "Illinois," a confederacy composed of five Indian tribes, the Kas- kaskias, Peorias, Cahokias, Tamaroas, and ^litchigamies. The nanne of the confederacy is now seen and will be forever recognized in the names of our glorious state and our own lovely river connecting the great lakes on the north with the great river, "Father of Waters," on the west. I feel inclined to call the Pe-o'-rias our tribes, because their melodious name is made imperishable in the name of our own fair city and our beautiful lake. The Kaskaskias, who were the strongest tribe of the confederacy, have given their name to one of the largest rivers in Illinois and also to the first capital of the state. The Cahokias are remembered in the name of a town near St. Louis which, in many ways, is closely connected with the history of Peoria. Sixty miles southeast of St. Louis the City of Tamaroa perpetuates the memory of another tribe and the Mitchigamies have given their name to the great lake on our north-eastern borders. Thus, although the melancholy tale of the sufferings and extermination of these Indians is read in the setting sun, their names will remind us forever of those who were here before the coming of the white men. When the first missionary asked the Indians what they were called, they replied that they were "Illini" saying the word meant perfect, manly men. The missionaries added the letters "ois" a French termination meaning a race or tribe; hence the word "Illinois" means a race of perfect manly men. May it long be truly characteristic of those who shall live within our boimdaries ! Peoria is situated near forty degrees and forty minutes north. Peorians sometimes complain of the climate. It does occasionally change a great many degrees in a short time but it changes more rapidly in some other places in the temperate zone. Of course, in the far north it is always cold and in the torrid zone it is always hot and little change either place and for some ailments of persons of delicate health the Peoria climate is not suitable, but for persons in good health, it is probably as healthy a climate as can be found anywhere and it is believed that for the majority of such persons there is no climate more desirable. If we desire to learn what other places are situated in our latitude and would follow our latitude eastward, we would pass near Logansport, Indiana ; Lima 1 2 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY and Canton, Ohio ; Pittsburg, Pennsylvania and a little south of New York City ; crossing the Atlantic, we would land about one-third of the way down on the coast of Portugal ; pass near .Madrid, Spain ; pass through the north end of Sardena; then near Naples and Brindisi in Italy; Salonika in Greece; near Constantinople and Erzerum ; near Baku on the western side of the Caspian, the great oil country ; then in Central Asia ; near Bokahra and Samarkand in the Steppes of Central Asia where it is often fifty degrees below zero in winter and of tropical heat in summer, although it is about the same latitude as Peoria ; then near Peking, China; within sixty miles of the north end of the great Jap- anese island of Nipon; and crossing the Pacific land on the Pacific coast about half way between San Francisco and the southern boundary of Oregon ; then near Salt Lake City, the northern line of Colorado ; through Lincoln, Nebraska ; and Burlington, Iowa, to Peoria. Peoria is eighty-nine degrees and forty minutes west of Greenwich. If we would follow that degree of longitude south, we would pass near Cairo. Mem- phis and New Orleans and out in the Pacific Ocean, five hundred miles west of Panama, going past the South pole and coming north on the opposite parallel, we would pass near Calcutta ; Lasso, the great religious center of Thibet, the holy capital city of the Buddhists ; thence through Siberia to the North pole and from there down on this side of the earth, through the center of the west one-third of Hudson Bay and through the west one-third of Lake Superior. The contour of the earth's surface in this valley of the Illinois was of course, the same when first seen by white men as it is now ; but in some portions of it, swamps, the ancient habitant of ducks and wild geese, beavers and muskrats, have been drained and turned into the most valuable of farms, gardens and orchards, happy homes for happy families. This section of Illinois is very pro- ductive, well watered and well supplied with coal and it will receive attention in a subsequent chapter. The vegetation has greatly changed. At that time, along the rivers and the ravines leading to them, there were forests of hickory, oak, elm, walnut, locust, ash, Cottonwood, hard maple or sugar trees, soft maple, wild cherry, red haws, black haws, pers'mmons and pawpaws, together with wild plums, crab apples, blackberries, raspberries, grapes, strawberries and gooseberries ; and away from the streams were broad prairies covered with a kind of coarse tall prairie grass — the seed stems of which were six or eight feet high — interspersed with rosin weeds and with a blue flower so that at certain seasons of the year the prairies seemed blue and purple, and in other seasons, gray, green or yellow. This vegeta- tion, we are told by early pioneers, grew so high that horsemen on the level prairies two or three hundred yards apart could not see each other ; and when in full growth, it was waved by the summer breeze like the rolling billows of the deep ocean, blue and green, very beautiful and enchanting. Some of these prairies were fifteen or twenty miles wide and some of them extended in all directions as far as the eye could reach. If at the season of the year when this prairie grass was dry, it happened purposely or accidentally to be ignited, the confla- gration was at once terrible and magnificent, and could be seen for a score of miles. All these varieties of trees may still be found in reduced numbers here and there, along the streams, but the prairie grass, the golden rosin weeds, and the purple flowers are almost entirely things of the past though a specimen may be found here and there, perhaps, in some country church yard that has never been cultivated or pastured. The Illinois valley was from its earliest history known to be a remarkable producer of Indian corn. It seems to have been "The Corn Belt" from the very start. The Indians also cultivated beans, melons and squashes. The productive- ness of this part of the country was recognized from the beginning by the In- dians in the name they gave their village, Peori.^. which signifies "The Land of Fat Beasts." Marquette says of it that his party had seen nothing like the Illinois valley for fertility. HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 3 The animals consisted chiefly of the bison wliich roamed in immense herds, numbering thouscUids. These when stampeded could neither be stopped nor turned aside, and one's only safety was to escape out of their way. The bison were generally mis-called bulYalo by the inhabitants. They were not much like the bufifalo. They were called "cattle" by some of the early missionaries and explorers but they were not cattle in the sense in which we now use the word. They were a separate and distinct species peculiar to this part of the world. What we now call cattle in this country were lirst brought over to America by Columl)us on his second voyage and from that time on were frequently imported by the Spaniards. The bison were not valuable as dairy animals; they furnished very little milk, although what they did give was rich and good. Moreover, notwithstanding what Hennepin says, they probably were not, and could not have been made useful as draft animals or for any domestic purposes. Some of the early missionaries and pioneers tried to take them when young and train them for draft purposes but on reaching their growth, they would often run away to join any herd of their wild roving kindred coming into the neighborhood ; si.x months afterward they might be found with the herd with their halters or harness still on them. From the earliest time of which we have any knowledge they were extremely numerous but about the time the Indian left, they all migrated to the west in a body apparently and our Illinois country knew them no more. Their departure was sudden and complete. The Indians had no horses. These too were brought over from Europe by the Spaniards, and probably by others of the white race. They eventually became numerous ; and at the present time large herds of wild horses, the de- scendants of the early importations, are found on some of our western plains. These wild horses or ponies are smaller than those in our domestic use, but hardy and enduring, and cattle ranchers use them because they can live on the short grass of our semi-arid plains summer and winter without other food or shelter. It was only after the Indians obtained and learned to use them, that they were able to inhabit or migrate across the prairies. Bears were to be found and the Indians greatly prized their meat for food. There were also turkeys, ducks, geese, rabbits and foxes. The bears and foxes are gone. The wolves that then abounded are now very scarce and rapidly passing away. There were wild pigeons by the million but these are jow no more. There were prairie chickens but now one can seldom be found. There doubtless were c|uail and we still have them as well as the rabbits among us; and thanks to our game laws, the quail may be preserved, for although they are not a domestic bird they do not seem to flee from civilization. It is not known that the Indians had any domestic animal except prol>al)ly the dog. The rivers, especially the Illinois, were at that time as now, filled with an al)unlue Grass region of Kentucky were never settled by the Indians at all but were left wildernesses and were the constant scenes of their internecine wars, savages fighting savages in a war of destruction and extermination, and this before ever the white men came. The name Kentucky, which the Indians gave to that country meant in their language "the dark and bloody ground" and they had made it such, while now to many "the old Kentucky Home" is the most heavenly place on earth. Nor can the white men be charged with killing ofif the Indians by fightmg them; for between the time the first white men came and the time when they could exert any influence over the Indians or fight them aggressively, many more Indians were killed by Indians than were ever killed by white men. It is the usual characteristic of all Indian warriors that they indulged in '■-^^.^ IIORSHOR MILL, KASI' SIDK ( IK PEOIUA LAKK ^-^Sr ■*t*?^^^^" ^^^^^" KUKAl'OO ROAD SCENE— OLD LOi; HI T HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 9 polygamy, made slaves of their squaws, refusing to work themselves, tortured their captives, offered human sacrifices to their pagan gods and fought neigh- boring tribes to extermination. THE PEORIAS VVe are now ready to be introduced to the Peorias and as it is the first time that we have met them and as Marquette is our only mutual friend, we will permit him to introduce us in his own way. The time is the 25th of June, 1673; the place, the western bank of the Mississippi, between Burlington and I'^ort Madison at the mouth of the Des Moines. Manjuette's introduction is somewhat long but very interesting and he gives us a pretty good description of their manner of life and their hospitality. Al- though neither he nor Joliet had ever met this tribe, each party had learned something of the other through the traders and Marquette and Joliet under- stood to some extent the languages of the Indians in this part of the country. In his own words as translated for our better understanding by John G. Shea, Marquette says : "We advanced constantly, but as we did not know where we were going, having already made more than a hundred leagues without having discovered anything but beasts and birds, we kept well on our guard. Accordingly we made only a little fire on the shore at night to prepare our meal, and after sup- per kept as far from it as possible, passing the night in our canoes, which we anchored in the river pretty far from the bank. Even this did not prevent one of us from always serving as a sentinel, for fear of a surprise. "At last, on the 25th of June, w-e perceived footprints of men by the water- side, and a beaten path entering a beautiful prairie. We stopped to examine it, and concluding that it was a path leading to some Indian village, we resolved to go and reconnoitre ; we accordingly left our two canoes in charge of our people, cautioning them strictly to beware of a surprise; then M. Jollyet and I undertook this rather hazardous discovery for two single men. who thus put themselves at the discretion of an unknown and barbarous people. VVe fol- lowed the little path in silence, and having advanced about two leagues, we discovered a village on the banks of the river, and two others on a hill, half a league from the former. "Then, indeed, we recommended ourselves to God, with all our hearts ; and, having implored His help, we passed on undiscovered, and came so near that we even heard the Indians talking. We then deemed it time to announce our- selves, as we did by a cry, which we raised with all our strength, and then halted without advancing any farther. At this cry the Indians rushed out of their cabins, and having probably recognized us as French, especially seeing a black gown, or at least having no reason to distrust us, seeing we were but two, and had made known our coming, they deputed four old men to come and speak with us. Two carried tol)acco-])ipes well-adorned, and trimmed with many kinds of feathers. They marched slowly, lifting their pipes toward the sun as if offering them to him'to smoke, but yet without uttering a single word. They were a long time coming the little way from the village to us. Having reached us at last, they stopped to consider us attentively. I now took courage, seeing these ceremonies, which are used by them only with friends, and still more on seeing them covered with stuffs, which made me to judge them to be allies. I, therefore, spoke to them first, and asked them who they were; they answered that they were Illinois, and, in token of jjeace, they presented their pipes to smoke. The\- then invited us to their village where all the tribe awaited us with impatience.' These pipes for smoking are called in the country, calumets, a word that is so much in use that I shall be obliged to employ it in order to be understood, as I shall have to speak of it freciuently. 10 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY ■'At the door of the cabin in which we were to be received, was an old man awaiting us in a very remarkable posture, which is their usual ceremony in receiving strangers. This man was standing, perfectly naked, with his hands stretched out and raised toward the sun, as if he wished to screen himself from its rays, which nevertheless passed through his fingers to his face. When we came near him, he paid us this compliment: "How beautiful is the sun, O Frenchman, when thou comest to visit us I All our town awaits thee, and thou shalt enter all our cabins in peace." He then took us into his cabin where there was a crowd of people, who devoured us with their eyes, but kept a profound silence. We heard, however, these words occasionally addressed to us : 'Well done, brothers, to visit us !' "As soon as we had taken our places, they showed us the usual civility of the country, which is to present the calumet. You must not refuse it, unless you would pass for an enemy, or at least for being impolite. It is, however, enough to pretend to smoke. While all the old men smoked after us to honor us, some came to invite us on behalf of the great sachem of all the Illinois to proceed to his town, where he wished to hold a council with us. We w-ent with a good retinue, for all the people who had never seen a Frenchman among them could not tire looking at us ; they threw themselves on the grass by the wayside, they ran ahead, then turned and walked back to see us again. All this was done without noise, and with marks of a great respect entertained for us. "Having arrived at the great sachem's town, we espied liim at his cabin-door, between two old men, all three standing naked, with their calumet turned to the sun. He harangued us in a few words, to congratulate us on our arrival, and then presented us his calumet and made us smoke ; at the same time we entered his cabin, where we received all their usual greetings. Seeing all assembled and in silence, I spoke to them by four presents which I made: by the first, I said that we marched in peace to visit the nations on the river to the sea; by the second, I declared to them that God their Creator had pity on them, since, after their having been so long ignorant of Him, He wished to become known to all nations ; that I was sent on His behalf with this design ; that it was for them to acknowledge and obey Him ; by the third, that the great chief of the French informed them that he spread peace everywhere, and had overcome the Iroquois. Lastly, by the fourth, we begged them to give us all the information they had of the sea, and of the nations through which we should have to pass to reach it. "When I had finished my speech, the sachem rose, and laying his hand on the head of a little slave, whom he was about to give us, spoke thus: T thank thee, Blackgown, and thee. Frenchman,' addressing M. Jollyet, "for taking so much pains to come and visit us ; never has the earth been so beautiful, nor the sun so bright, as today; never has our river been so calm, nor so free from rocks, which your canoes have removed as they passed ; never has our tobacco had so fine a 'flavor, nor our corn appeared so beautiful as w^e behold it today. Here is mv son, that I give thee, that thou mayest know my heart. I pray thee to take pitv on me and all my nation. Thou knowest the Great Spirit who has made us ail; thou speakest to Him and hearest His word; ask Him to give me life and health, and come and dwell with us, that we may know Him.' Saying this, he placed the little slave near us and made us a second present, an all- mysterious calumet, which they value more than a slave; by this present he showed us his esteem for our governor, after the account we had given of him ; by the third, he begged us, on behalf of his whole nation, not to proceed further, on account of the great dangers to which we exposed ourselves. •T replied, that I did not fear death, and that I esteemed no happiness greater than that of losing my life for the glory of Him who made all. But this these poor people could not understand. "The council was followed bv a great feast which consisted of four courses, w hich we had to take with all their ways ; the first course was a great wooden HISTORY ()!■ PEORIA COUXTY 1] dish full of sagnniity. that is to say, of Indian meal boiled in water and seasoned with grease. The master of ceremonies, with a spoonful of sagamity, pre- sented it three or four times to my mouth, as we would do with a little chil.l; he did the same to M. Jollyet. I""or the second course, he brought in a second dish containing three fish ; he took some pains to remove the bones, and having blown u[)on it to cool it, put it in my mouth, as we would food to a bird ; for the third course, they produced a large dog, which they had just killed, hut learning that we did not eat it, it was withdrawn. Finally, the fourth course was a piece of wild ox, the fattest portions of which were init into our mouths "After this feast we had to visit the whole village, which consists of full three hundred cal)ins. ^Vhile we marched through the streets, an orator was constantly haranguing, to oblige all to see us without being troublesome ; we were everywhere presented with belts, garters, and other articles made of the hair of the bear and wild cattle, dyed red, yellow and gray. These are ihcir rareties ; but not l^eing of consequence, we did not burthen ourselves with them. "We slept in the sachem's cabin, and the next day took leave of him, promis- ing to pass back through his town in four moons. He escorted us to our canoes with nearly si.x hundred persons, who saw us embark, evincing in every possible way the pleasure our visit had given them. On taking leave, I personally promised that I would return the next year to stay with them, and instruct them. Rut before leaving the Illinois country, it will be well to relate what I remarked of their customs and manners. "To say Illinois is, in their language, to say 'the men" as if other Indians compared to them were mere beasts. And it must be admitted that they have an air of humanity that we had not remarked in the other nations that we had seen on the way. The short stay I made with them did not permit me to acquire all tlie information I would have desired. The following is what I remarked in their manners : "They are divided into several villages, some of which are quite distant from that of which I speak, and which is called Peouarea. This produces a diversity in their language which in general has a great affinity to the Algonquin, so that we easily understood one another. They are mild and tractable in their dis- position, as we experienced in the reception they gave us. They have many wives, of whom they are extremely jealous ; they watch them carefully, and cut off their nose or ears when they do not behave well ; I saw several who bore the marks of their infidelity. They are well-formed, nimble, and very adroit in using the bow and arrow ; they use guns also, which they buy of our Indian allies who trade with the French ; they use them especially to terrify their enemies by the noise and smoke, the others lying too far to the west, have never seen them, and do not know their use. They are war-like and formidable to distant nations in the south and west, where they go to carry off slaves, whom they make an article of trade, selling them at a high price to other nations for goods. "The distant nations against whom they go to war, have no knowledge of Europeans ; thev are acquainted with neither iron nor cojjper, antl have nothing but stone knives. When the Illinois set out on a war jiarty, the whole village is notified by a loud cry made at the door of their huts tlie morning and evening before they set out. The chiefs are distinguished from the soldiers by their wearing a scarf ingeniously made of the hair of bears and wild oxen. The face is painted with red lead or ochre, which is found in great quantities a few days' journey from their village. They live by game, which is abundant in this coun- try, and on Indian corn, of which they always gather a good crop, so that they have never suffered from famine. They also sow beans and melons, which are excellent, especially those with a red seed. Their s(|uashes are not of the best; they dry them in the sun, to eat in the winter and spring. "Their cabins are verv large : they are lined and floored with rush mats. Thev make all their dishes of wood, and their s])oons of the bones of the buffalo, which thev cut so well that it serves them to eat their sagamity easily. 12 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY "They are liberal in their maladies, and believe that the medicines given them operate in proportion to the presents they have made the medicine-man. Their only clothes are skins ; their women are always dressed very modestly and decently, while the men do not take any pains to cover themselves. Through what superstition I know not, some Illinois, as well as some Nadouessi (Sioux or Dacotas), while yet young, assume the female dress, and keep it all their life. There is some mystery about it, for they never marry, and glory in de- basing themselves to do all that is done by women ; yet they go to war, though allowed to use only a club, and not the bow and arrow, the peculiar arm of men ; they are present at all the juggleries and solemn dances in honor of the calumet; they are permitted to sing, but not to dance; they attend the councils, and nothing can be decided without their advice ; finally, by the profession of an extraordinary life, they pass for manitous (that is, for genii), or persons of consequence. "It now only remains for me to speak of the calumet, than which there is nothing among them more mysterious or more esteemed. Men do not pay to the crowns and sceptres of kings the honor they pay to it ; it seems to be the god of peace and war, the arbiter of life and death. Carry it about you and show it, and you can march fearlessly amid enemies, who even in the heat of battle lay down their arms when it is shown. Hence the Illinois gave me one, to serve as my safeguard amid all the nations that I had to pass on my voyage. There is a calumet for peace, and one for war, distinguished only by the color of the feathers with which they are adorned, red being the sign of war. They use them also for settling disputes, strengthening alliances, and speaking to strangers. It is made of a polished red stone, like marble, so pierced that one end serves to hold the tobacco, while the other is fastened on the stem, which is a stick two feet long, as thick as a common cane, and pierced in the middle ; it is ornamented with the head and neck of difl:'erent birds of beautiful plumage; they also add large feathers of red. green and other colors, with which it is all covered. They esteem it particularly because they regard it as the calumet of the sun ; and, in fact, they present it to him to smoke when they wish to obtain calm, or rain, or fair weather. They scruple to bathe at the beginning of summer, or to eat new fruits, till they have danced it. They do it thus: "The calumet dance, which is very famous among these Indians, is per- formed only for important matters, sometimes to strengthen a peace or to as- semble for' some great war; at other times for a public rejoicing; sometimes they do this honor to a nation who is invited to be present ; sometimes they use it to receive some important personage, as if they wished to give him the en- tertainment of a ball or comedy. In winter the ceremony is performed in a cabin, in summer in the open fields. They select a place surrounded with trees, so as to be sheltered beneath their foliage against the heat of the sun. In the middle of the space they spread out a large parti-colored mat of rushes; this serves as a carpet, on which to place with honor the god of the one who gives the dance; for every one has his own god, or manitou as they call it, which is a snake, a bird, or 'something of the kind, which they have dreamed in their sleep, and in which they put all their trust for the success of their wars, fishing, and hunts. Near this 'manitou and at its right, they put the calumet in honor of which the feast is given, making around about it a kind of trophy, spreading there the arms used by the warriors of these tribes, namely, the war-club, bow, hatchet, quiver, and arrows. "Things being thus arranged, and the hour for dancing having arrived, those who are to sing take the most honorable place under the foliage. They are the men and the women who have the finest voices, and who accord perfectly. The spectators then come and take their places around under the branches ; but each one on arrival must salute the manitou. which he does by inhaling the smoke and then puffing it from his mouth upon it. as if offering incense. Each one goes first and takes the calumet respectfully, and supporting it with both hands, TTISTORV ()I- PEORTA COUNTY 13 makes it dance in cadence, suitiiii,' himself to the air of the song; he makes it go through various figures, sometimes showing it to the whole assembly by turning it from side to side. "After this, he who is to begin the dance appears in the midst of the as- sembly, and goes first ; sometimes he presents it to the sun, as if he wished it to smoke ; sometimes he inclines it to the earth ; and at other times he spreads its wings as if for it to fly; at other times, he approaches it to the mouths of the spectators for them to smoke, the whole in cadence. This is the first scene of the ballet. "The second consists in a combat, to the sound of a kind of drum, which succeeds the songs, or rather joins them, harmonizing cjuite well. The dancer beckons to some brave to come and take the arms on the mat, and challenges him to fight to the sound of the drums ; the other approaches, takes his bow and arrow, and begins a duel against the dancer who has no defence but the calmnet. This spectacle is very pleasing, especially as it is always done in time, for one attacks, the other defends; one strikes, the other parries; one flies, the other pursues ; then he who fled faces and puts his enemy to flight. This is all done so well with measured steps, and the regular sound of voices and drums, that it might i)ass for a very pretty opening of a ballet in I'rance. "The third scene consists of a speech delivered by the holder of the calumet, for the combat being ended without bloodshed, he relates the battles he was in, the victories he has gained ; he names the nations, the places, the captives he has taken, and as a reward, he who presides at the dance jjresents him with a beautiful beaver robe, or something else, which he receives, and then he presents the calumet to another, who hands it to a third, and so to all the rest, till all having done their duty, the presitling chief presents the calumet itself to the nation invited to this ceremony in token of the eternal peace which shall reign between the two tribes." Indian customs form a very enticing study but space forbids more being said about them here. H. H. Bancroft in discussing these questions says that his work embodies the researches of some five hundred travelers. Hennepin gives the following account of the village of the Kaskaskias near Starved Rock. "It contains four hundred and si.xty cabins made like long arbors and cov- ered with double mats of flat flags, so well sewed that they are never pene- trated by the wind, snow or rain. Each cabin has four or five fires, and each fire has one or two families, who all live together in a good understanding." This was probably the largest and best built village in the territory occupied by the Illinois tribes at that time. More frequently they lived in wigwams, a kind of a rude tent made by setting a circle of poles in the ground, tying the tops together and covering them over with skins of wild animals. These wigwams they could take down and move as quickly as a soldier could move his tent. This they did frequently, and would leave even their villages in .-i body for their hunting grounds, only re- turning with the change of season. Concerning tribal boundaries, H. H. Bancroft says: ".Accurately to draw partition lines between primitive nations is impossible. Migrating with the seasons, constantly at war, driving and being driven far past the limits of hereditary boundaries, extirpating and being extirpated, over- whelming, intermingling: like a human sea, swelling and .surging in its wild struggle with the winds of fate, they come and go, here to-day, yonder to-mor- row. A traveler passing over the country finds it inhabited by certain tribes ; another coming after finds all changed. ' One writer gives certain names to certain nations; another changes the name, or gives to the nation a totally dif- ferent locality. An approximation, however, can be made sufficiently correct for ])ractical purposes." The location of our Illinois tribes is somewhat difficult for they made no 14 • HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY permanent improvements. They never owned their land in severalty. Xo Intlian could point out a piece of land as belonging to him and to his family after him. and as being his to improve it for their benefit. MIGR.\TIOXS OF THE ILLINOIS The location of our Indian tribes is shown as definitely as possible by the adjoining maps. I'ractically, when first discovered, our Illinois tribes occupied the Illinois \'al!ey and the banks of the Mississippi for a little distance below it. { See first cut on the adjoining page.) Our own Peorians occupied a village where Peoria City now stands and one on the west bank of the Mississippi river, almost due west from Peoria together with all of the territory between the Illinois and ^Mississippi rivers, south of a line connecting these two villages. The Kickapoos were found between the Rock River and the Mississippi. The Pottawottomies in the southeastern corner of Wisconsin and our tribes were bounded on the northeast by the W'ea Aliamis and on the southeast by the Piankeshaw Miamis, while the powerful and bloody Shawnees extended over into the southeast corner of Illinois along the Ohio river. Eighty-one years later in 1765 (see cut number two), when this territory was ceded by France to England, the Indians had moved further south. The Sauks and Foxes then inhabited the territory between the Illinois river and the Mississippi. The Pottawottomies had come to occupy the territory about the southern end of Lake Michigan. The Kickapoos who were at first found in the neighborhood of Galena were now occupying central Illinois east of the Illinois river, and the Illinois tribes, very much reduced in number were driven down and were living about the mouth of the Kaskaskia river opposite St. Louis. Yet later, at the outbreak of the war of 1812, between the Americans and the English, w'hile the W'innebagos had crowded down and were occupying part of the territory north of the Rock River, the Sauks and Foxes were still up along the Mississippi river. The Pottawottomies, who so mercilessly mas- sacred the Kaskaskias near Starved Rock, were occupying the northern half of the valley of the Illinois and the Kickapoos were in the southern part of Illinois. The Piankeshaw Miamis were driven over into Indiana and the rem- nant that was left of our poor Illinois tribes were occupying a little territory down near St. Louis. General William IJ. Harrison in a letter dated 1814 says that when he was first appointed governor of Indiana territory, in 1800, our once powerful Illinois confederacy was reduced to about thirty warriors of whom twenty-five were Kaskaskias, four Peorias and one a Mitchigamian. A furious war between them and the Sauks had reduced them to this forlorn remnant and they had taken refuge among the white people of the towns of Kaskaskia and St. Gene- vieve. Since 1800 they have been moved from reservation to reservation until in 1872 they had dwindled to forty men, women, and children, and were located in the northeast corner of what is now Oklahoma, having merged with the !Miamis and other tribes. The Illinois confederacy had already commenced to decline when the first white men came here, but they were once a powerful organization. Father ^lembre says that in 1680 they had seven or eight thousand souls in their one village at Starved Rock. In the days of their power, they had nearly exter- minated the \\"innebagos, and their war parties had penetrated the towns of the Iroquois as far east as the valleys of the Mohawk and the Genesee. Mar- quette himself says in the passage quoted above, "They had an air of humanity that we had not remarked in the other nations we had seen." A daughter of a sub-chief of the Peoria tribe gave birth to a son in 1793 where the Kaskaskia and the "River of the Plains" unite to form the beginning A SCENK IX 1'.1;A1)I-KV I'AI;K HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 15 of the Illinois and called him Eaptiste Peoria. His reputed father was a French- Canadian trader named Baptiste. The son was a man of large stature, pos- sessed of great strength, activity and courage and was like Keokuk, the great chief of the Sac and Fox Indians, a fearless and expert horseman. He soon came into prominence and his known integrity and ability secured the confidence of all so that he was for many years in the employ of the United States govern- ment. By precept and example he spent the better portion of a busy life in persistent efforts to save the fragment of the Illinois and Miamis by encourag- ing them to adopt the ways of civilized life. He finally collected the remnants of the scattered tribes of Indians and in 1867 led them out to the northeast corner of Indian Territory, where he died at the age of eighty years. It will be interesting to those who now reside in Peoria and vicinity and own and occupy the land once occupied by the Peorias as hunting and fishing grounds when the white men first came, to know what has become of the rem- nant of the Indians who lived here at that time. The different tribes composing the Illinois confederacy were amalgamated with each other and they all then jjecanie known as the Peorias, and then again thev were amalgamated with the Miamis and were called the Peoria-Miami Indians and we have seen that they moved out to northeastern Oklahoma to a reservation there, where they are now living, under the leadership of Baptiste Peoria, one of their leading men. All but five of the one hundred forty-four Peorias wear citizen's dress — that is, white man's dress. The Indians in the accepted sense have disappeared leaving a race in which white blood predominates — a people having nothing in common with the Indian and having everything in common with the whites. As long ago as 1890, of the one hundred sixty Indians, one hundred forty could converse in English well enough for ordinary purposes. Twenty years ago, all the Peorias were made citizens of the United States and of Oklahoma. Those people are self-supporting, not having received any pension for the last twenty years. In that community there are three white persons to each Indian. Upon their reservation is incorporated a town called Peoria, where they have a postofTice, about twelve miles northeast of Wyandotte, with a popula- tion in 1Q04 of two hundred, at which time out of one hundred ninety-two Peorias, there were seventy-one half blood or more and one hundred twenty-one of less than half blood. In estimating the number of Indians now living and in estimating their in- crease or decrease a mistake is almost always made. They count every person of more or less Indian blood as an Indian just as fully as if he were a full blooded Indian. It might be if this process was kept up long enough we would all be counted as Indians. For this reason, in really estimating the number of Indians of the Peoria-Miami tribes in existence at present, of the two hundred who are half bloods, more or less, that ought to be considered as one hundred Indians and one hundred whites. The whites are as well entitled to count a half blood as the Indians are. According to this way of reckoning, it will be seen that the Indians of the Peoria-Miami tribe now .should be considered as er]ual to one hundred full blood Indians. The restriction on the sale of their homesteads of our tribes will expire in in marriage and divorce and all other matters, they follow the laws of then- state.. ^ince they have become citizens, the government of the United States has no further control over their persons. .Although some Indians are poor, the Peorias, as a rule, are in comfortable circumstances according to the standard of communities such as theirs. They are a fairly well-to-do people, there being among them some thrifty and successful farmers and stock raisers. Therd are 16 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY a few uneducated ones in the tribe. A number of them are people of intelli- gence, education and refinement, comparing more than favorably with a large proportion of the whites who have settled among them. Several reside and are engaged in business in Miami, Oklahoma, a modern town of about three thousand people located within the agency on the Neosho river. There remain a very few full bloods, yet among these are some of the best citizens. Many of the tribe are members of the Society of Friends and others belong to various denominations. The wife of the present member of the legislature from their county is a Peoria, a member of one of the old and respected families of the tribe. Soon the Indians like the Angles, the Saxons, the Danes and the Celts, the Normans and the Gauls will cease to exist among us as a separate people. Should some future Bulwer Lytton write the romance of "The Last of the Roving Red Monarchs of the Prairies" his hero would be Baptiste Peoria. ( ,4 \^ 1 ^^" \ / \i \ \ * ♦♦. \ "°*"°pN ^ >?>^.^^ ■2 ^\ i s \ p -) ^ ^K - ^^"^^^^-S 1 . A \ 1 1 \ " « ■& / > \A, \ ~^,,^ 1 N.V ? *t / V 1 * ft \ / -^^\^ > "wCj \ \.-n -^ '■'')(' ^ ; ^„<-*. ^^ / ^x/ Al| f^ s j^i Y >\ (/ SiV'^'^ 1 S'^ i 1 / \ S \i I // J| / \ ^\ ^^v. ^ 1 \ 1 /^ ..-41- i ^ f ^ \j ■«i— — — -^ ^ y \ o. ^ >lit^r. r =^ X ^/ Pv ' ~ - \ =»"* ^ ,i,//l\^^£j "V / X. V 1 V \ " '^-A> \ s /\ A - Xr/y^lN^^^^ ^ 1 X A ^ o# J^ ' #3 . — * >t * " K, t \ >rj> ill'. HV^ ■^v 1 r si **'yr • -- ^'v- iFj ij .' ^ y\ - '"■'^^ < a ( 1 1^7/ 41 $T^' wt\n — ■T* ^tf*-. ^■'l-ji < hoj.7f ~ -r- JirbV •"""^ i ^" ^2"^^^^"^ . '^1C_ 1 / 1^^ f'\ \\ V'^^r^ \ Ojfe[l¥Al^ = /^~--^ k 1 / ' \ S i r a ^^l X ^^ ; t- = ' V S ft 1 \ \ \ 1 r^ ^1 ! 0- f * ^, N;;./ » N5&aaj -«B^ j ^^"l/ 1 -^'"'''^5 >»" " W ^ \ « /. bv rz "^""y""*??^ ^"^ 2\ ■^^ — l~~'-^^^ - C ^--^iri'^'^*^ A "nI H • '1 1 o ' \ 1 ^^^^^"^"^^.^ I x^ J \f J/ ^^ CHAPTER III FORCES WHICH MADE PEORIA AND THE .MATERIAL OF WHICH IT WAS MADE "I beg pardon, once and for all, of those readers who take up 'history' merely for amusement, for plaguing them so long with old fashioned jjolitics, and Whig and Tory, and Hanoverians and Jacobites. The truth is, I cannot promise them that this story shall be intelligible, not to say probable, without it." — Sir Jl'alter Scott. There prevailed in Europe in the days of Le Grand Monarque and the great protector, about the middle of the seventeenth century, many fundamental principles and ideas influencing society, ecclesiastical and civil, which were strenuously contending with each other for supremacy. These warring ele- ments prompted and controlled the discovery and settlement of North America and influenced our development, determining the character and progress of our people and being still efl:'ective in the shaping of our institutions, our laws, and our civilization. The predominance of some of them in North America and their former suppression in South America have made the difference that exists to-day between the people, the laws, the civilization and progress, the happiness and glory of these two continents. Our southern sister republics are now making great advances and for several decades have been but this has come about largelv through their efforts to follow our example and because they have been under the shadow of our flag. In all probability there would not be a republic there to-day if the United States had not demonstrated the proposition that a government of the people, by the people and for the people can live, at least for a hundred years and more. The colonies in South America were a hundred years old at the inception of those in North America. This was perhaps a disadvantage to them for they were begun at a time when civil and religious liberty were little understood any- where in the whole world, and they were controlled by Spain and other nations which in these respects were the least progressive of all — church and state were allied and autocratic ; and the greatest ambition of the people was the acquisition of gold. Only one party was allowed in Spain, the leaders being selfish, cor- rupt and tyrannical while the working people were little better than serfs or beasts of the plow. On the other hand when our continent was colonized personal liberty, espe- cially the liberty of the mind, had begun to be developed ; men were beginning to pursue their own wav of thinking and to express their opinions freely and IHiblicly and the plain working people were more respected through all luirope. In England at this time four great classes of fundamental principles of gov- ernment were at work each represented by a political party and each favoring and favored by some special religious faith and form of church government. The churches differed from each other as much in their form of government as in their creeds and each endeavored to have the civil government brought as nearly as possible to the rules and forms under which it controlled its ecclesias- tical matters. The Independents carried their radical democratic principles not only into matters of church but into matters of state as well. The Presbyte- VoL 1—2 _ 17 18 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY rians were in both respects more conservative and stood for the principles of representative republican government. Then there was the established Episcopal Church with its prelates and bishops, its hierarchy in church and its specially favored nobilitv and gentry, its primogeniture and entailed estates. The fourth party was that of the Roman Catholics, a powerful element in the state. Charles II was a professional member of the Episcopal Church but in his heart he was a sympathizer and lover of the Roman Catholic Church and died in its confession. His brother and heir apparent to the succession was an open and pronounced Roman Catholic and wdien he came to the throne, lived on a pension from Louis XI\' the grand master of absolutism. The kings of France and England both believe in the right of kings to rule absolutely by divine appointment and with- out the consent of the people. Fortunately no one of these four principal politi- cal parties had the uncontrolled power for any great length of time. In France, under Louis XI\", the last of these four principles of absolutism held full sway. The church and state were absolutely allied and thoroughly autocratic, and the king allowed no opposition to his own views or wishes. He surrounded himself with able men who merely executed his will and whose highest aim was to increase and spread abroad the glory of the king. Colbert, his great promoter of French industry, manufactures and trade, and his gen- erals Turenne, Conde and A'aban surpassed the statesmen and soldiers of all other countries while Louis himself was pre-eminently able, efficient, and accom- plished among the kings and princes of his time which he rendered the most illustrious in the French annals. He caused the court of \'ersailles to be every- where admired as the model of taste, refinement and distinction but he sought nothing but the gratification of his own selfishness and love of pleasure, his pride and desire of renown and splendor. His reign became the grave of free- dom, of morals, of firmness of character, and of manly sentiment. Court favor was the end of everv effort of his subjects and flattery the surest means of reaching it. \'irtue and merit met with little acknowledgment. He built up the glory and magnificence of his own age and nation while he destroyed the only sure and permanent foundations of government. Without the free power in the people to conscientiously criticize superiors with impunity, no country can be progressive and enduring. Louis permitted nothing of the kind in either church or state. Without power in the citizen to act according to his own in- dividual judgment and on his own initiative, controlled only by necessary and equitable laws and his own conscience undominated by the dictation of auto- cratic superiors, no people can be intelligent, progressive, courageous, strong or safe. This power in either church or state, Louis completely crushed out in his kingdom. The magnificent centralization of wealth and splendor in his tnne ended after a few generations in a terrible downfall and the horrors of the French revolution and Louis and his wrong principles were responsible for it. There was onlv one clause in the constitution of France and that was made by the king himself. It reads thus, "The State, I am the State." Spain too was a monarchy under the absolute control of the Catholic Church. There were other feebler nations that made settlements in what is now the territory of the United States. But the three great kingdoms of Europe — Spain, England and France — were almost equal in strength, and for hundreds of years it was the policy of European nations to preserve, if possible, the bal- ance of power. At the time the history of Peoria begins, from the Gulf of :\Iexico to the North Pole, there were very few European settlements situated more than ten miles distant from a port accessible to ocean vessels and these were small and insignificant. Florida was held bv the Spaniards. St. Augustine is the oldest settlement in the L^nited States. It was and is a walled town, founded in 1565 by Spaniards. Possibly Santa Fe. New Mexico, also Spanish, was the next. French Calvinists, under the patronage of Admiral Coligny, had made a settlement a short time HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 19 before at St. John in Florida, Ijui the Spanish navy ruthlessly destroyed the place, murdering the women and children and making slaves of the men whom they did not murder. These peoi>le were destroyed because they were Protes- tants. Meanwhile the Fnglish were planting enduring colonies. The Dutch had settled in New York and the Swedes in Delaware but their control was of short duration. Except for these little colonies, which were soon absorbed by the English, the Atlantic coast was settled from Florida to Canada under the auspices and protection of the English government. However, the colonies dif- fered greatlv in character. Each one of the four parties of England was spe- cially interested in its own particular colony and the people of each colony par- took of the characteristic of the party, church or sect which colonized it. New England was colonized by the Independents. They were divided into different sects and were not always tolerant of each other, but they did not differ greatly in the character of their people or even in important matters of creed or of ecclesiastical and civil government. The Dutch colony of New York (New Amsterdam) soon passed into the control of the Duke of York, a Roman Catholic, but all religions were tolerated and most were to be found there. Pennsylvania belonged to a Quaker and Quakers predominated there ; but it also contained man\- Presbyterians and men of other sects, all of whom en- joyed religious liberty. New Jersey and Delaware were settled partly by Swedes and Quakers and largely by Presbyterians. Maryland belonged to a Roman Catholic proprietor but although thus owned and governed the majority of the people were Protestants from a very early day. Religious liberty prevailed there until 1692 when it passed for a short time under the control of the PZpiscopalians. The leading \irginians were from the beginning lovers and imitators of the English gentry. They loved the English Episcopal Church, which was the es- tablished church until after the beginning of the Revolutionary War, and it was rather intolerant in the lower counties, nevertheless the \'irginians were always strong and valiant defenders of liberty. For business reasons, the Lutherans were tolerated by sjjecial statute at an early date ; and the valleys of the Shenan- doah and Holston rivers were first settled by the Scotch and Scotch-Irish Pres- byterians, whom Gov. Gooch sought to introduce, on account of their heroic fighting qualities, as a defense against the Shawnees, Cherokees, and other war- like Indians promising that they should be allowed to enjoy their own religion in their own way. There were also some Dutch immigrants who were Protestant dissenters. It will be seen in another chapter that Virginia was really Illinois' mother country. Neither of the Carolinas nor Georgia was sufficiently settled before the mid- dle of the seventeenth century to make it an appreciable element in early colonial life or politics. At the time of the discovery of Illinois, there were jirobably 150,000 white people settled on the shores of the .Atlantic Ocean within the present territory of the United States ; to the west of them in a territory bounded ijy the great lakes, the Mississippi river, and the Gulf of Mexico, there were approximately an equal number of Indians (150,000). Probably Plymouth had 6,500 whites; Connecticut, 13,000; Massachusetts, 19,000; Maine, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island had about 3,500 each; New York, icS,ooo; Virginia about 42,000; Mary- land probablv ifi,ooo; Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware possibly 6,000; the Carolinas and Georgia together, 7,000. We have given this review of the condition of the eastern colonies because they were at that time establishing and developing those great principles of civil and religious liberty upon which they united and formed of themselves a great nation which from the days of George Rogers Clark and his \'irginians 20 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY protected and defended us and of which we ourselves have since become a part so that their destiny and ours have become one ; and further because the men of heroic character, indomitable energy, self-rehance and individual initia- tive who made Peoria were themselves the unique product of those older colonies. There was not a prelate of any church or sect within the territory of the colonies until after the Revolutionary War nor a nobleman, except those who were made noble in nature by the grace of God and their own efforts. The attempt of France to colonize the new world had not been very success- ful. They made their first permanent settlement at Port Royal three years before Jamestown was settled. Champlain established a colony at Quebec in 1608. In 1644 Cardinal Richelieu organized the "Company of New France" which was to have the monopoly of trade for fifteen years and on the other hand it agreed to take three hundred French Roman Catholic settlers each year to the colony and to provide each settlement with three priests. In 1660 there were no more than two thousand French settlers in New France and there were not probably more than two or three times that many at the time Marquette and Joliet visited Illinois. CHAPTER IV DISCO\ERY BY THE FRENCH "Thou too sail on. O ship of State! Sail on, O Union, strong and great! Humanity with all its fears, With all the hopes of future years, Is hanging breathless on thy fate ! We know what .Master laid thy keel. What Workman wrought thy ribs of steel. Who made each mast, and sail, and rope, What anvils rang, what hammers beat, In what a forge and what a heat Were shaped the anchors of thy hope." ■'Our hearts, our hopes, are all with thee, Our hearts, our hopes, our prayers, our tears, Our faith triumphant o'er our fears, Are all with thee, — are all with thee!" In the foregoing pages we have given something like a "flying machine" view of the forces that united in the making of Peoria and have controlled its destiny It remains to see how, when, and for what purpose, those various influence; explored and finally colonized and developed our city and county. We have seen how our beautiful valley of the Illinois and the whole valley of the Mississippi were inhabited successively by two great races which have moved away forever or perished from the earth. Meanwhile the forces oi history were preparing for the coming of the third, — the white race. We have seen that in Euro])e \his race was then divided into four great parties, each of which was represented in America, and we have seen how they differed among themselves in principles and ideas of government. We have omitted discussion of the Quakers and other small sects, which did not much believe in any form of government. How these great parties contended on the farther side of the Atlantic and on this side, and have continued to contend to the present day. and how their principles have affected us and still affect us and how we Americans have endeavored with more or less success to eliminate the bad and retain the good of each, are among the interesting questions now before us. Earlv in the seventeenth century the French had commenced to establish trading posts and missionary stations on our northern lakes. There was one of these at La Pointe near the southwestern corner of Lake Superior, surrounded by the Apostle Islands, almost due north from the western part of Peoria County. It was from there in 1653. — twenty years before Marquette and Joliet started on their vovage of discovery, when the Grand Monarch has been ten years on the throne of France, ten years after the formation of the first con- federacv between the New England colonies for the purpose of resisting the encroachment of the French and Indians, and about the time Cromwell was dissolving the Long Parliament — that a missionary. Father Jean Dequcrre. a Jesuit, early in 1653, started for the Illinois and, it is said, established a flourish- 21 22 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY ing mission — the first mission in the Mississippi valley — probably at the place where Peoria is now situated. "He visited various Indian nations on the borders of the Mississippi, and was slain in the midst of his apostolical labors in 1661. "In 1657, Father Jean Charles Drocoux, Jesuit, went to the Illinois, and re- turned to Quebec the same year." "In 1663, Father Claude Jean Allouez was appointed Vicar General of the north and west, including Illinois. He preached to the Pottawottomies and Aliamis about Green Bay; in 1665, he returned to Quebec, and went to the Illi- nois in 1668, and visited the missions on the Mississippi." "In 1670, Father Hugues Pinet, Jesuit, went to the Illinois, and established a mission among the Tamarois, or Cahokias, at or near the present site of the village of Cahokia, on the borders of the Mississippi. He remained there until the year 1686, and was at that mission when Marquette and Joliet went down the Mississippi. In the same year M. Bergier, priest of the Seminary of Quebec, succeeded him in the mission to the Tamaroas or Cahokias: and Father Pinet returned to the mission of St. Louis (Peoria), where he remained until he died, the i6th of Tulv, 1704, at the age of seventy-nine." "In 1670," M'. Augustine Meulan de Circe, priest of the Seminary of Quebec, went to Illinois. He left the mission there in 1675 and returned to France." "Thus it will be seen that for tzventy years, to wit. from 1653 to 1673, anterior to the discovery of Marquette and joliet, there was a succession of missions in the Illinois." "There are no other memorials of these missions now extant, as known to us, except those preserved in the Seminary of Quebec, from a copy of which the above notices are taken. The only object is to show, that for years before Marquette and Joliet visited the country, the 'Illinois' and 'Mis- sissippi' had been discovered, and missions actually established on their borders. That these good fathers made notes on their travels, and rendered accounts of the various Indian tribes which they visited along the Father of Waters, to their superiors, there can be no doubt. What have become of these memorials of early western adventure and discovery now? It is impossible to say. That they would throw much light on the early history of the west, there can be no doubt." The Grand Monarque who always had in his service the most alert, ac- complished, able and devoted officers, i'n 1873 had Count de Frontenac as governor of Canada, M. Talon, as Intendent, or Supervisor of the Civil Government, and Claud F. Dablon, as the Father Superior of the Jesuit :\Iissions. These able men knew the importance of the' discoveries made by the missionaries and traders, for they had been told about the Mississippi and believed that it emptied either into the Gulf of California or into the Gulf of :\Iexico; and they now determined to have that matter thoroughly and officially explored. For this purpose they selected Sieur Jollyet, who was a most able and thoroughly com- petent young man, born in this" country and endowed with every quality that could be desired in such an enterprise, having experience and a knowledge of the languages of the Ottawa Country, where he had spent several years; hav- ing moreover the tact and prudence necessary for an expedition so dangerous and difficult, and a courage that feared nothing. For several years, Father James Marquette, a Jesuit missionary, has longed to have the great river and the prairies of Illinois explored and the Gospel car- ried to the Indians; and when an opportunity was offered of accompanying Toliet he at once accepted it with delight and enthusiasm, putting their expedi- tion under the protection of the Blessed \'irgin Immaculate, and promising her that if she did him the grace to discover the great river, he would give it the name of "Conception." In 1669 while stationed at Che-goi-me-gon he selected a young Illinois as a companion by whose instructions he became familiar with the dialect of that tribe. . , t ■ Toliet and Marquette with two canoes and five service men started on their trip the 17th of May, 1673, from the Mission of St. Ignez opposite Mackinack. HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 23 They coasted along the northern shore of Lake Michigan and entered the waters of Green Bay ; from its head they passed the portage into the river Wisconsin and down that into the Mississippi, the great river, tiien without a name, and named it Conception River. This discovery was made on the i/th of June, 1673, just thirty days after they started. Without many interesting incidents they followed down the Mississippi until they arrived at three little villages of the I'eorias, members of the Illinois Confederacy, on the western shore of the Mississippi almost directly west of Peoria. Marquette's description of this visit has been already quoted. From there they went on south to the vicinity of the Arkansas River where they found a different and more warlike people. They were already convinced that the great river emptied into the Gulf of Mexico, and they were told that it w^ould be very dangerous for them to go any farther, not only because the Indians there were unfriendly and warlike, but because they might meet Spanish explorers. For these reasons they wisely concluded to return and report their valuable discoveries rather than to go on further and by their own deaths cause the loss of all they had gained. They therefore started up the .Mississippi River but on reaching the mouth of the Illinois they determined to take it as a shorter route to the lakes. Near Alton they dis- covered the pictures of the Piasa Bird and other pictographs already described. It was on the 17th of July, just thirty days after their discovery of the Mississippi, that they began their return voyage. Marquette expresses his admiration of what he saw in the Illinois valley in the following language: "We had seen nothing like this river for the fertility of the land, its prairies, woods, wild cattle, stag, deer, wild-cats, bustards, swans, ducks, parrots and even beaver ; its many little lakes and rivers. That on which we sailed is broad, deep, and gentle for sixty-five leagues. During the spring and part of the summer, the only portage is half a league." ^Marquette was a very devoted missionary and never lost an opportunity to publish the Gospel to the Indians whom he met. He stopped three days at the village of Peoria, preaching his faith in all their Cabins. As he was embarking, the Indians brought to him at the water's edge a dying child which he baptized a little before it expired; deeming this, as he says, "an admirable providence" for the salvation of that innocent soul and one by which all the fatigue of his voyage was. well repaid. We regret exceedingly that Manjuette did not more fully describe his visit to our Peoria village. He says nothing of the previous visits of Father Jean Dec|uerre, or by any of the other priests that are said to have been here before him. Perhaps he may not have known atwut these visits or he may have had his own reason for not mentioning them. I believe he does not mention the fact that the Indians here were the same tribe that he met in Iowa but this was undoubtedly the case. At any rate, he seems to have been well received and to have spent a busy three days with them and to have baptized a child.^ Perhaps, though he does not refer to it, the Indians already knew something of Christianity from former missionaries. This expedition of Jolict and .Marquette "was a w^onderful journey," says Stephen L. Spear, "without serious accident or misadventure from start to finish. Xo deaths, no sickness, no desertions, no dissensions among them- selves, no conflicts wdth the natives, no fatal scarcity of corn, no waste of time, no change of plan, none of the usual misfortunes accompanying such expeditions in those days — a canoe voyage of more than 2,300 miles in bark canoes over an uncharted route without map or guide — without shelter from scorching sun or pelting rain or driving wind — anchoring near mid-stream at night, not daring to go forward for fear of rock and rapids ; not daring to camp on shore for fear of surprise by hostile natives ; refraining from shooting the game with which the country abounded for fear of attracting the attention of unwelcome neighbors — their little stock of corn and dried meat the only commissary on which they could draw for supplies ; yet 20 miles a day upstream and down, through foul weather 24 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY and fair, including all stops and portages, returning to their point of departure without a mishap worthy of record." Marcjuette has generally been considered the historian of that exploring expedition. Joliet lost his instruments and his memoranda and nearly lost his life at La Chine Rapids, yet he nevertheless prepared a map from memory, which was sent to France by Frontenac. The report of Marquette was intended as Joliet's official report of his voyage. CHAPTER V TAKING POSSESSION BY LA SALLE The last chapter gave an account of the discovery of the Illinois country. This will describe how it was claimed and held for the French King and the Roman Catholic Church. Eight years before Joliet and ]\Iarquette made their historic exploration, Jean Talon, Coun.selor and Intendant to Louis XIY, wrote to John Colbert, the King's Prime '^Minister, as follows: "Canada is of such a vast e.xtent that I know not of its limits on the north, thev are so great a distance from us. and on the south there is nothing to prevent his Majesty's name and arms being carried as far as Florida, New Sweden, New Netherlands, New England ; and that through the first of these countries access can be had even to Mexico. All this country is diversely watered by the Saint Lawrence and the beautiful rivers that flow into it latterly, that com- municate with divers Indian nations rich in furs, especially the more northern of them. The southern nations can also be reached by way of Lake Ontario, if the portages (beyond) with which we are not yet acquainted, are not very difficult, though this may be overcome. If these southern nations do not abound in peltries as those of the north, they may have more precious commodities. And if we do not know of these last, it is because our enemies, the Iroquois, intervene between us and the countries that produce them." Talon does not seem to consider the possibility of reaching the southern country by the way of the Illinois and Mississippi, or even by the way of the Wabash and Ohio, which afterwards were avenues of trade and travel. Per- haps he was not sufficiently sure about them. His plan seems to have been to follow up some river and make a connection by a portage with the head waters of the Ohio. Talon's scheme would probably have been better than the western ones if he could have succeeded and held it, because it would have confined the Atlantic colonies east of the mountains more easily; but it would have been more difficult to hold because the portage would have been longer and the Iroquois and the colonies were dangerously near. Talon also wrote Colbert in 1671, two years before Marquette's expedition, as follows : ■ . "I am no Courtier, and assert, not through a mere desire to please the King, nor without just reason that this portion of the F"rench Monarch will become something grand." "What I discover around me causes me to foresee this, and those colonies of various nations so long settled on the seaboard already tremble with afifright in view of what his Majesty has accomplished here in the interior within seven years. Measures adopted to confine them within narrow limits by taking possession, which I have caused to be effected, do not allow them to spread, without subjecting themselves at the same time to be treated as usurpers and to have war waged against them, and this truth is what, by all their acts, they seem to greatly fear. They already know that your name is spread abroad among the savages' throughout all those countries and that he alone is there regarded by them, (the savages) as the arbitrator of peace and war. All detach themselves insensibly from other Europeans and excepting the Iroquois, of 25 26 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUXTY whom I am not as yet assured, we may safely promise ourselves to make the others take up arms whenever we please." The King's able minister and his intendant saw the great importance of tak- ing possession of the valleys of the ^Mississippi, Illinois, and Ohio, and of hemming in and confining the Atlantic seaboard colonies to the eastern side of the Alle- ghany Alountains, for they belonged to rival nations in Europe and were founded on theories of government — as regards both church and state and social life — very different from those of P'rance, besides being aggressive competitors for the Indian trade. La Salle was an extraordinary man. "It is easy to reckon up his defects but it is not easy to hide from sight the Roman virtues that redeemed them. Beset by a throng of enemies, he stands like a King of Israel, head and shoulders above them all. He was a tower of adamant against whose front hardships and dangers, the rage of men, of the elements, the southern sun, the northern blast, fatigue, famine and disease, delay, disappointment and hope deferred, emptied their cjuivers in vain.'' Four years before Joliet's discovery La Salle had fitted out an expedition to explore the Ohio from its source to the sea, and had actually started on the expedition ; but owing to disagreements with the ecclesiastical part of his associates, he was diverted from his purpose and returned home without even reaching the Ohio. Then for some years he led the life of a "Runner of the Woods,'' but he was more than a runner. He was of good birth and education and of correct habits, a promoter of great enterprises whose management he imposed on himself, a man of great ambition and tenacity, shirking no hard- ships, apparently incapable of discouragement and unconscious of defeat to the last. Joliet, after his return from his exploring expedition with Marquette, met La Salle at Fort Frontenac. Here the two celebrated explorers conferred together as to the geography of the country and its future possibilities. La Salle, enterprising and ambitious as he was, saw in its development a great opportunity and seized it with delight, energy and enthusiasm. He applied to the King for a charter, which was granted. May 12, 1678. This authorized him to build a new and much stronger fort at Fort Frontenac, (now Kingston, Canada) granted him a large tract of land in the vicinity and authorized him to take possession of the country, of which they hoped to make a glorious New France, and to fortify it and hold it for the great King and the Roman Catholic Church. His party was soon gathered. Chevalier Henri de Tonti, an Italian by birth, son of the merchant who invented the Tontine system of accumulating money. a professional soldier with much experience in European wars, a brave and able man, who afterwards proved himself to be a most faithful and loyal friend of La Salle, was introduced to him by Prince de Conti ; and they, together with Louis Hennepin, a Franciscan Friar, Father Gabriel de La Ribourde, and Zeno- bius or Zenoble Membre, all members of the Franciscan order of the Roman Catholic Church, furnished the ability, intelligence and character for the new expedition. The priests of this order were sometimes called "Gray Friars," and they were also known in Belgium, Holland and France as "Recollects," while the Indians called them "Bare Feet'' or "Gray Gowns." La Salle seems to have preferred this order to that of the Jesuits, although both orders were prominent and devoted to the missionary work everywhere ; and the writings of these two orders constitute nearly the entire written history of this valley until it was ceded by France to England in 1763, or even as late as July 4th, 1778, when George Rogers Clark under a commission from Patrick Henry, the Governor, took possession of this country for Virginia. La Salle and Tonti organized their expedition and built at Fort Frontenac, a ship called the Griffon, with whicli they expect to keep up the communication with the settlements on the western lakes and carry on their commerce. La Salle, Tonti, Hennepin, and the two Recollects, with thirty-two persons in all HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 27 sailed from Fort I-'rontenac the 7tli of August, 1679, after the "Te Deum" and amid the firing of cannon, bringing a good supply of arms, merchandise, and seven small cannon. La Salle's plan was to seize and fortify the Mississippi and Illinois rivers and establish trading posts and missionary stations which should be put under the charge of the Friars. Reaching Mackinac with his party in September, 1679, he passed on to Green P)ay and remained there until their vessel, the Griffon, was loaded with furs. This was sent back with a pilot and five good sailors for Montreal to dispose of the cargo and return as soon as possible with the additional sup- plies needed for the furtherance of the expedition. Among other things it was to bring iron and material to build and equip a vessel on the Illinois river to be used in navigating that river and the Mississippi. La Salle and fourteen men then proceeded with four canoes, considerable merchandise and a quantity of utensils and tools to the southern bend of Lake Michigan and built a fort at the mouth of St. Joseph's river, where he was joined by Tonti with twenty addi- tional men. On the third of December, La Salle with thirty men and eight canoes ascended the Miami river to a point near South Bend to make a portage to the Kankakee and thus reach the Illinois. When they reached the village of the Kaskaskias at Starved Rock, they found it deserted. The Indians, however, as was their custom on leaving their villages in the fall for a hunting season in the. south, had stored some corn for their use on their return. La Salle was compelled to take about twenty bushel of this for he was out of provisions. With these fresh supplies he passed on down the Illinois to Peoria Lake. Here they saw a number of wooden canoes on both sides of the river and about eight cabins full of Indians, who did not see them until they had doubled a point behind which the Illinois were encamped within half a gun shot. La Salle and his men were in eight canoes abreast with all their arms in their hands. At first the Indians were alarmed and ran away. He managed to call them back and after a day spent in dancing and feasting, Hennepin notified them that they had come not to trade but to preach. For this purpose, they assembled the chiefs of the villages, which were on both sides of the river. La Salle explained that the French desired to be their allies and that they would bring over addi- tional Frenchmen, who would protect them from the attacks of their enemies and would furnish them all the goods they needed, and that they intended to build a great wooden canoe and sail down to the sea bringing them all kinds of merchandise by that shorter and more easy route. The Indians agreed and gave a description of the Mississippi river. At Peoria La Salle met a large number of t!ie Kaskaskias returning to their village. La Salle explained to them that he had taken some of their corn as a matter of necessity and he settled with them for it to their satisfaction. La Salle now decided to' remain at Peoria until the opening of the river in the spring. The next day after they landed, a Miami chief named Monso arrived with a lot of kettles, axes, knives, etc.. in order bv these presents to make the Illinois believe that the F"renchmen intended to join their enemies who lived beyond the Colbert (Mississippi) river. One of the Illinois chiefs, named Omaouha, notified La Salle that the Miamies were working against them. La Salle believed that Monso had been sent by other Frenchmen who were jealous of his success for he was surprised to find that Monso knew all about his affairs in detail. Nicanape, a brother of the most important of the Illinois chiefs, made a speech at the feast trying to persuade the Frenchmen to abandon their idea of going on down the river, telling them that the river was unnavigalile. full of falls and sandbars and infested with dangerous enemies. .After the meal La Salle explained to Nicanape that when Monso was plotting with him the night before in secret. La Salle had not been asleep and his manifest knowledge of the motive of Nicanape silenced him. In the meantime Monso started back. The Indians sent 28 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY runners after Monso to bring him back for cross-examination but as his tracks were hidden by a recent fall of snow they were unable to overtake him. Never- theless La Salle's men were somewhat disheartened and six of them deserted. They were at that time probably on the western side of the river near Birket's Hollow. La Salle, having gotten consent of the Indians, now commenced to build a fort, a stockade of logs. This was soon finished and named Fort Creve Coeur. Concerning the location of this fort there has been a great deal of controversy and argument. It seems certain, however, that the main fort was built at the southern extremity of the lake on the eastern side of the Illinois river: some think it was located above the lower end of the lake near the upper free bridge, and some that it was located three miles below, near Wesley City. Each of these locations has been marked by a stone and both are on high points of the bluff. It is now confidently asserted by Daniel R. Sheen, Esquire, of this city, that Fort Creve Coeur was situated just across the river from Peoria on the line of Fayette street, and on a little mound only a few feet above high water mark. Notwithstanding the fact that both of the other locations for Creve Coeur have been endorsed by enthusiastic societies and marked by monuments, I am rather inclined to think that Fort Creve Coeur was located in the latter place, not only because it seems to meet the descriptions given by the builders better, but because it is the most reasonable place for such a fort built for the purpose for which this was constructed. At that place and from there on down, the river is always open in the spring several weeks earlier than it is above. There is also at that place a bend in the shore and a slough making a kind of port or harbor. The ground is high enough to avoid the danger of overflow in high water and it is low enough for boats to be brought up close to the fort or even within the pali- sades. It is manifest that this would be desirable as the fort was not built for a temporary purpose only, but as a protection to the commerce they hoped to establish on the Illinois river; and for this latter purpose it would be necessary that it should be close to the harbor and to the boats that were to be protected. The white men had no cannon of long range; and the Indians had none at all, while their muskets were only short range guns. They did most of their fighting with clubs and bows and arrows. Thus a fort on a high point of the bluff would afiford no protection to a boat in the water below. jNIoreover it would be hard to keep a fort so located supplied with provisions and water, a very essential thing. From a military point of view it seems to me altogether probable that the fort would have been built on a little bay near the water's edge at a place where the water from the numerous springs coming into the river would keep it open and free from ice a much greater part of the year than it would be a little farther up, and where the boats would not be threatened with floating ice as they would have been if anchored near where Wesley City now stands. Also, it would have been placed near enough to the village of Peoria on the western shore to be in easy communication with it and yet free from danger of an attack from it. The location of this fort is a very interesting question because the buildings there were the first ones erected by white men in Illinois. It would be well to have careful examination made into this matter and to examine the old remains of the fort that are alleged to be found at the place named h\ Mr. Sheen and perhaps erect another monumental stone to show the location of the first building erected by white men in Illinois. Peorians are specially interested in this location for if the fort were standing now where Mr. Sheen claims it stood it would face our city and be plainly visible from our steamboat landing. At the same time that the fort was being built the keel for a vessel was laid near the fort, but before the work on the boat had advanced far, some of Tonti's men deserted, partly from want of pay, perhaps partly through a disposition to cut lose from restraint and perhaps from fear of the Irociuois. This made it HISTORY OI' PKORIA COUXTY 29 necessary to suspend work on the vessel and La Salle and Tonti agreed that the former should go back on foot to enlist a fresh force of men and bring the necessary supply of materials for finishing and furnishing the boat and that Tonti should liave the river explored farther west and south. A young Illinois passing La Salle's shipyard traced for them with coal a fairly accurate map of the Mississippi river, assuring them that there were no falls or rapids between them and the gulf, giving the names of the nations along the shore. The next morning, after public prayers, La Salle visited the village, where he found the Illinois assembled having a feast. They again tried to per- suade him of the dangers of proceeding down the river. La Salle informed them that he knew all about it and the savages thought he had learned it all in some very mysterious way. Tlie Illinois then apologized saying that they had told him their false stories only with the desire to keep the Frenchmen with the Illinois ; and they then all admitted that the river was navigable to the sea. The chief Oumahouha ( Omaha ) adopted Zenoble Membre as his son. Tiie tribe lived at that time only half a league from Fort Creve Coeur. Early in March La Salle left Tonti in command at Fort Creve Coeur and taking five men went back to Niagara to look after the Griffon and secure neces- sary supplies. Hennepin started down the river Illinois on his exploring expedi- tion. February 29, 1680. He describes the river as skirted by hills, ascending which you discover prairie further than the eye can reach. Hennepin reached the Tamaroas, two leagues from the mouth of the Illinois, Alarch 7, 1680. The Tamaroas then had their village six or seven leagues below the mouth of the Illinois and west of the river ^Mississippi. On April 11, 1680, Hennepin was captured by Indians on the upper Mississippi. After a long captivity and much suffering, he was rescued by Daniel Greysolon Duluth, a cousin of Tonti. When Hennepin and La Salle were gone, Tonti commenced the construc- tion of another fort on the western side of the river, supposed to be where the old pottery stood near llirket's Hollow. In all this work the French were doubtless very greatly assisted by the Illinois, who as well as the French would feel the need of it as a defense against their terrible common enemies, the Iroquois. When Tonti was left by La Salle in command of F'ort Creve Coeur, he was supplied with powder and lead, guns and other arms to defend himself in case he was attacked by the Iroquois. La Salle while on his trip east sent back orders to Tonti to go to Starved Rock and build a strong fort there, and for this purpose Tonti started north- ward. On the way, however, all of his men deserted except two Recollects and three men newly arrived from France, taking with them everything that was most valuable. Tonti went back to hold Fort Creve Coeur with his six men and did hold it all summer. On September 10, 1680, sudden as a clap of thunder, the Iroquois invaded the Illinois. Tonti had only a few hours notice and in trying to negotiate with the Iroquois came near being treacherously killed. The Illinois fled down the river, leaving everything behind, even their corn, which was destroyed. Tonti and Zenoble met the Irof|uois in council .September 18, 1680. The Iroquois told Tonti they were going to eat some of the Illinois before they went away, whereupon Tonti resenting the inference that he might be persuaded to desert his friends, kicked away their presents and the parley broke up in anger. I'onti expected to be killed before morning and resolved to sell his life dearly. At day-break, however, the Iroquois told Tonti and his men to depart, which they promptly did knowing they could no longer, by remaining, be useful to the Illi- nois. Tonti was wounded during the parley but was allowed to start for Green Bay with his few men. The next day. September 19th, after Tonti started back. Father Gabriel Ribourde, who had retired a short distance for private prayer was killed by a band of renegade Kickapoos. The Iroquois returned to New York taking a large number of female jirisoners with them. During the continuation of this parley, the Iroquois must have been encamped or had a 30 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY village near Fort Creve Coeur. This probably was a very temporary village as well as temporary fort because the Iroquois had come in only eight days before like a clap of thunder. Their fort must have been near Creve Coeur because they exchanged messages several times a day. Tonti went on up to Canada hoping to join La Salle but for the time being failed to find him. La Salle, meanwhile, on returning to Peoria, finding that his fort was de- stroyed and that the Indians had been driven away, passed on down the river seeking for Tonti. but not finding him, he returned to Fort St. Joseph. There he met Tonti and proceeded with consummate ability to organize a great con- federacy of the western Indians, including the Illinois, ]\Iiamies, Foxes, Shaw- nees, Tamaroas and others, forming an alliance offensive and defensive with the French and each other against their mutual enemies, the Iroquois, who were the allies of the colonies east of the Alleghanies. La Salle then returned east for new supplies, again leaving Tonti in command. La Salle again rejoined Tonti in December, 1681, and started on the third winter's journey down the Illinois for the mouth of the Alississippi river with a party of twenty-three Frenchmen and thirty-one Indians. This time they crossed Lake Michigan and entered the mouth of the Chicago river. From there they followed down the course of the Deep Waterway Canal (which was not built then, and is not yet. but will be soon) and halted at Peoria long enough to repair their canoes and transfer their supplies from the sledges to the boats, for this trip as far as Peoria had been made by placing their boats on sledges and drawing them by hand on the ice on the frozen rivers and on the snow across the portage. They then successfully passed on down the Illinois and Mississippi river to the Gulf of ^Mexico, and took possession of the country and all its seas, harbors, ports, etc., including the long string of particulars that in those days were included in documents of that sort, in the name of the "most high, mighty, invincible and victorious Prince Louis the Great, by the Grace of God, King of France and Navarre, P^ourteenlh, by that name," April 9. 1682. They then started on their return. La Salle fell sick and had to be left behind at Chickasaw Bluffs, while Tonti came on ahead. La Salle followed later and joined him at Alackinac. All this magnificent domain was then, according to the charter granted him by the Grand Monarch, "La Salle's Country" to be held by him for and in the name of the French King and for his own profit. La Salle on his return proceeded, in the winter of 1682 and 1683, to erect a fort at Starved Rock called Fort St. Louis du Rocher, about which he gathered the remnant of many western tribes, twenty thousand or more Indians. This was to be the military headquarters of La Salle's Country, the principal trad- ing post of the whole region, the rallying point of all of the western red war- riors in opposition to the Iroquois. \\'hen it was finished, he placed Tonti in command and early in the summer of 1683, La Salle left his glorious domain — never to see it again. Some time after he was gone. Tonti led or accompanied his Illinois allies and joining a body of French and Canadian Indians drove the Iroquois back to their home villages and punished them severely. La Salle's friend. Count Frontinac, had been succeeded by La Barre. who was an enemy of La Salle's and thwarted him in every possible way; so that now La Salle was compelled to return to France and appeal directly to the French King. There he was successful and organized a new expedition with the inten- tion of returning to America and establishing a fort and a commercial city for his territory at the mouth of the Mississippi river. It was a grand conception and if he had not accidentally missed the mouth of the Mississippi, landing further west on the shore of Texas, thus losing his ships and his life in an efifort to return, it is hard to determine how great a colony that able man might have developed. His plans were magnificent. His ability was great. His life was terminated by the treachery of one of his own men. CHAPTER VI PEORIA UNDER THE FRENCH Joliet and Marquette, La Salle and Tonti had come and gone like meteors in the sky, wonderful in their brilliant achievements as any of the knights of old. After them there is little to be told of the French occupation of the Mis- sissippi valley that is creditable to the mother country. Tonti was left by La Salle in charge at Starved Rock of all his fortifications and headquarters for all his wide domain and for the confederacy of the west- ern Indians which he had organized. But the enemies of La Salle were in charge of Quebec and they sent Chevalier de Bogis to supersede Tonti in his com- mand, which he did but retained Tonti as a captain of troops. They remained in charge of the Fort at Starved Rock, representing different interests and hav- ing but little symi)athy with each other's plans. In the following March, the approach of their common enemy, the Iroquois, compelled them to unite in a defense of their post, where they were besieged for six days by two thousand warriors. Their position, however, was so strong and their means of defense so adequate that the hitherto victorious Iroquois were repulsed with loss and compelled to abandon the siege. This was the last invasion of the savages from the east. From this time on for many years, the Illinois and allied tribes re- sumed their yearly residence in the vicinity of the fort without molestation. The protecting guns of the French and the presence of Tonti, who made the fort his headquarters for many years, rendered their safety secure. It was also the abode of many French traders and merchants with their families. From this point Tonti roamed the Western world over, and trading, fight- ing, and exploring, he made six trips up and down the Mississippi and visited Montreal. i\lackinac and points on Lake Michigan. In 1702 he was deprived of his command and joined d'Iberville to aid him in his efforts to colonize lower Louisiana, and the fort at Starved Rock was ordered abandoned. It was, how- ever, occasionally occu[)ied as a trading port, until 1718, when it was raided by the Indians and burned on account of the licentiousness of the French inhabitants. In 1686-9 he accompanied Rev. J. F. Buisson Sentsome on his trip with a company of priests from Mackinaw down to Natchez. To the Recollet monks of St. Francis was first assigned the care of the American mission l)Ut Cardinal Richelieu superseded this order and confined the spiritual welfare of the natives and settlers of Canada to the Jesuits. There were accremonious quarrels between these two rival religious orders, which were intensitied by the ])articipation therein of the civil authorities and which continued until the suppression of the Jesuits in most of the provinces of France and their expulsion from the province of Louisiana, in 1763 or before, and from the entire Dominion of France in 1764. After the departure of La Salle there was luit little done by the French in Illinois for the next thirty years. An account of the succession of priests, who were sent to the missions at Peoria by the religious orders to which they be- longed to care for the spiritual welfare of the French traders and Indians, is all there is to keep up the continuity of the story. It is a melancholy tale of 31 32 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY suffering and death, and an evidence of the warmth, zeal, and piety of these faithful followers of the cross. Father Gabriel Lanibronde, Jesuit, went as a missionary to the Illinois in 1678 and was slain at his mission in 1680. Father Maxime Le Clerc went to the Illinois in 1678. He was killed by the Indians in 1687. Father Zenoble Membre, Recollet, went to the Illinois in 1678, returned in 1680, and was employed in visiting the tribes on the Mississippi. Father Louis Hennepin went to the Illinois in 1678 with La Salle; was oc- cupied in making discoveries on the Mississippi where he was made prisoner in 1680 and afterwards ransomed. M. Jean Bergier, mentioned as the successor of Father Pinet, priest of the Seminary of Quebec, went to the Illinois in 1686; was at the Tamaroas or Cahokia mission; died there in 1699; was buried by Father Marest, who was in the mission to the Kaskaskias. During the year 1694-5 Father Grevierre attended his labors among Peorias until 1699 when he was recalled. He returned to the Illinois mission in 1700 and continued his labors with the Peorias, where he was assaulted by a med- icine man of the tribe from whom he received a severe wound which finally resulted in his death, at Mobile in 1706. Peoria then was left without a priest until the Indians had promised better behavior, when Father Deville was sent to them. M. Phillip Boucher, priest of the Seminary of Quebec, was sent to the Tam- aroas or Cahokia mission, to assist M. Bergier; remained with him until 1696, when he went to visit the Arkansas and other Indian tribes on the lower Mis- sissippi: returned and died at Peoria in 1719. In 1692, Father Louis Hyacinth Simon, went as missionary to "St. Louis," (Peoria) ; went from there in 1694 to visit the different establishments and posts on the Mississippi; returned to Quebec in 1699. Father Julien Benettau, Jesuit priest, went to the Illinois in 1696; labored at the mission of (Peoria?) St. Louis with great success; died there in 1709. M. Francois Juliet de Montigney, priest, in 1696 was sent to Louisiana in the character of vicar-general, by the bishop of Quebec. He visited the mis- sions in Illinois. St. Louis, the Tamaroas or Cahokias, while M. Bergier was there, traversed the whole country, and returned to Quebec in 1718. M. Michael Antoine Gamelin, priest of the Seminary of Quebec, accom- panied him. They descended the Mississippi, and went as far as Mobile. Father Gabriel Marest, Jesuit, went to the Illinois in 1699; fixed his resi- dence at Kaskaskia ; died there in 1727. Father Antoine Darion, priest, went in 1700 on a mission to the Tunicas, a tribe living on the Mississippi; and adjoining the Natchez. He went from Quebec. Rev. Phillip Boucher labored a while at St. Louis (Peoria) and died there in 1718. Under the French government the territory of Illinois was at first under the administration of the governor of Canada, the seat of government being at Quebec. The region being so very remote and the population so exceedingly sparce, little if any civil authority was exercised over the people. As the Illi- nois country had been settled by Frenchmen coming through Canada, who had left manv relatives there, and as they liad always traded there, the affections of the old French settlers still remained with Canada ; but in consequence of La Salle's discovery of the mouth of the Mississippi and of his taking posses- sion, in the name of his king, of all the countries drained by it, the people of France now began to come into the Mississippi valley by way of the Gulf, as La Salle had foreseen and planned. As early as the year 1700, they had pene- trated as far north as the River Maramac, not more than twenty miles south from St. Louis, and had there begun the smelting of lead with which that region was supposed to abound. vW \1K\V (iK A I'KdUIA 1!KS11)KX( K STIIKKT Vli:\V OF PKORIA'S PRINCIPAL BUSIXKSS S'lRKET PKdlMA WAIKi; l-Kn\r. I-|;(IM TIIK l.oWKi; KUKK ISKIDiiK HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 33 In 171 1 that portion of Canada or New France in which this part of the State of IlHnois is located was detached from Canada and attached to the prov- ince of Louisiana, and thereafter continued for many years to constitute a part of it. In those days fabulous stories of the great wealth of Louisiana in gold, silver, pearls and precious stones were circulated in Europe. Such paltry things as the great fertility of the soil, or as coal, iron, and lead were uot much thought of. Adventurers explored the country throughout its entire extent in search of the precious metals, little of which was found, but great discoveries were made of lead, iron and mineral coal. In the spring, 1712, the French at Fort St. Louis "The Rock" (Starved Rock) established a trading post here at Peoria Lake, and a number of families came thither from Canada and built cabins in the Indian village. For fifty years French and half-breeds continued to live in the town with the Indians as one people, and during that time peace and harmony prevailed between them. On August 17, 1 71 7, John Law, the celebrated financier, procured from the king a charter for the Company of the Occident for the whole of the colony of Louisiana, which included Illinois, with power to sell and alienate the lands in such manner as they might think proper, and with power to appoint governors and other superior officers and to dismiss them and to appoint others. They were also given a monopoly of the tobacco and slave trades and the exclusive right to refine gold and silver. In pursuance of this charter, a government was organized over the whole territory, including the Illinois country. On the 9th of F"ebruary, 1718, there arrived at Mobile by ship from France, Pierre Duque Boisbriant, a Canadian gentleman, with the commission of Commandant at Illinois. He was a cousin of Bienville, then governor of Louisiana, and had already served under him in that province. In October of the same year, one hundred years before Illinois became a state, accompanied by several officers and a detachment of troops, he departed for the Illinois coun- try, where he was ordered to construct a fort. Late in the year Boisbriant reaclwJ Kaskaskia and selected a site for his fort sixteen miles above the vil- lage,|^n the left bank of the JMississippi. Merrily rang the a.xes of the soldiers in the forest by the mighty river, as they hewed out the ponderous timbers for IJalisades and bastian. And by degrees the walls arose, and the barracks and commandant's house, and the store house and great hall of the Indian company were built and the cannon, bearing the Coat of Arms of Louis XIV, were placed in position. In the spring of 1720 all was finished and the lilies of the Bourbons floated over the work which was named "Fort Chartres." In 1719, while Fort Chartres was in process of erection, the company of the East Indies, established years before by Colbert, was tmited with the Com- pany of the \\ est under the name of the Company of the Indies, which latter company then assumed jurisdiction over the province of Louisiana. Under its authority a provincial council for Illinois was established. This council speedily made Fort Chartres the center of the civil govern- ment and of the colony, and its members executed grants of land upon which some titles still rest, though but few permanent improvements and actual settle- ments were made. They dispensed justice, regulated titles and administered estates, in fact established the court which for more than forty years decided the causes which arose in the Illinois country according to the principles and mode of procedure recognized by the civil law. Phillip Francis Renault, director general of the mines of the Company of the Indies, and formerly a banker of Paris, reached Fort Chartres before its completion and made his headquarters at the post. He brought with him two hundred and fifty miners and soldiers and five hundred slaves from San Do- mingo. This is said to have been the beginning of slavery in Illinois. Renault, as director of the Mines, pursued for years with indefatigable en- ergy the exploration of the Mississippi valley for mineral, carrying his pros- 34 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY pecting far up the Missouri to the Rocky Mountain and up the Ohio and its tributaries to the Alleghanies. He obtained a concession to himself of several tracts of laud some of which are known to have contained valuable mines. The concession in which we Peorians are most interested embraced a tract of land on Peoria lake, which under the name of Renault claims gave rise to much contro- versy in congress, as well as some unrest at Peoria. This claim was described as: "One league in front at Pimiteau ou the River Illinois facing the east and adjoining to the lake bearing the name of the village, and on the other side of the banks opposite the village for a half league above it with a depth of five leagues, the point of the compass following the Illinois river down the same upon one side and ascending by the river of Arcary [de d'Arescy, elsewhere called the des Arcouy. — Ed.] which forms the middle through the rest of the depth." The wording of this grant goes to show that at that time, June 14, 1723, there was a village located on Lake Pimiteau, or Lake Peoria, the precise loca- tion of which is not definitely stated. The heirs of Renault have, from time to time, set up a claim to the land so granted at Lake Peoria. Their last claim was that it embraced a tract lying on both sides of the Kickapoo creek at its mouth extending up the river as far as Bridge street, and following the creek as its middle line for a distance of five leagues, or fifteen miles by one league, or three miles, in width. The description however is of such an uncertain na- ture it was not possible to locate it with any degree of accuracy, and it never has been recognized by the government in any of its surveys. Here we have the fact well authenticated by a grant of land based thereon that in 1723 there existed at Pimiteau ( Pimiteoui ) a village bearing the same name as the lake upon which it was situated. Whether or not this was the same village mentioned by IMarquette, St. Cosme, and Grevierre, does not appear. But that it was a French village can scarcely be doubted. Tradition says that the object of this grant was to secure control of a lead mine, of which some evidence had been found. In the light of the present day it would seem more highly probable that Renault's aim was to secure control of the valuaWPKSroal fields which, it was evident, bordered upon the Kickapoo creek, then calT^anhe Arcary or Arcoury. In 1732 the charter of the Company of the Indies was surrendered, and Louisiana, including what is now the state of Illinois, was thereafter governed by officers appointed directly by the French crown, under a code of laws known as the Common Law of Paris. These laws however not being adapted to the exigency of civil or social relations in a new country were not generally en- forced ; the commandant exercising an arbitrary but mild authority which was acquiesced without complaint. The majority of the colonies who had come with the Indies company were poor and illiterate and for the most part they took themselves to hunting and iDoating. Few men of talent and enterprise remained and became merchants and traders on a large scale with the Indians. In 1734 Pierre d'Artaguiette was appointed commander of the Illinois dis- trict and his administration was popular and successful. In 1736, however, he conducted a disastrous expedition against the Chickasaws who had long op- posed the advancement of the French settlers on the Mississippi. His force was composed of a part of the garrison of Fort Chartres, a company of vol- unteers from the French villages, and a large portion of the warriors of the Kas- kaskias. making an army of two hundred French and four hundred Indians. The Illinois and Miami Indians were under the command of chief Chicagou. Major d'Artaguiette had been promised re-inforcements from New Orleans but they failed to arrive and there was nothing left to the brave young com- mander but to fight. He was severely wounded in the engagement as were manv of his officers. His Indian armies fled and the Chickasaws soon remained masters of the bloody field. D'Artaguiette and some other Frenchmen were taken prisoners and burned at the stake. HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 35 We have reached the point where the names of Washington and Virginia come into our story. In 1611, March 12th, the English king had granted to the Virginia company all the land between parallels thirty and forty-one nmning from the Atlantic to the western sea. The northern line of \'irginia under that charter ran about three miles north of Peoria county, so that the whole of Peoria county was in Virginia. As the French and English colonies increased in population and extended their settlements, the question of the boundary between them became one of in- creasing importance and brought the two rival nations into collision with each other. The first strong competition took place on the head waters of the Ohio river. The first exciting cause of this was the formation of the Ohio Com- pany under a grant from the English crown. Not an Englishman had at that time settled northwest of the Ohio river. The Indians held the whole country with a tenacious grip and had not even a distant fear that the English would ever be able to dispossess them. The grant to the Ohio company was obtained for a tract situated within the present limits of the state of Ohio. The company was composed of eight asso- ciates, of whom Lawrence Washington, Augustine, and George Washington were three. Measures for the occupancy of these lands were taken by com- mencing to build a fort near where Pittsburg now stands but the men there employed were driven away by a large force of French and Indians. This was the beginning of the French and Indian war, which lasted from 1754 to 1759. It involved nearly the whole of Europe in the struggle, for its issue was en- tangled with the old question as to the balance of power on the continent. The Canadian tribes of Indians sided with the French ; the Iroquois and others sided with the English, and all of the Indians were on the warpath on one side or on the other to help settle this question, one of the momentous ques- tions of the world's history, as events have proven. Washington had investigated the situation on the head waters of the Ohio to learn what was the strength of the enemies and of their forts and what they were proixibly ])lanning to do. The information brought by Washington con- vinced the governor of Virginia that the French were preparing to take posses- sion of the Ohio valley, and Major Washington, as he then was, was ordered to the confluence of the Allegheny and Monongahela rivers to superintend the completion of a fort there. V^hen he arrived at the place, he found that it had already been taken possession of by the French with a force of a thousand men. He thereupon determined to proceed to the mouth of Red Stone Creek where the warehouses of the Ohio company were situated. He encountered Sieur de Jumonville de \'illiers, who had been despatched with a military force and a summons to Washington to require him to withdraw from French territory. On May 28th, Washington successfully attacked him, killed ten of the French in- cluding De\'illiers, and captured twenty-one prisoners, while his own loss was one killed and three wounded. This was Washington's first battle, in which he was twenty-two years old. Coulan, a brother of the deceased French general, was sent from Montreal with twelve hundred French and Indians. As Washington only had three hun- dred all told, he retreated to Fort Necessity. Here he was attacked on July 3rd and compelled to surrender. Fort Chartres, Illinois, at this time was garrisoned by a regiment of grena- diers and the fort had just been rebuilt of stone, for it had been of wood, at a cost of a million dollars. Upon learning of the defeat of Jumonville de Villiers, Captain Neyon de Villiers of Fort Chartres was despatched with a company to join the force of his brother Coulan from Fort Duquesne to aid in overcoming "Monsieur de Wachenston." The result of this campaign brought to the gallant Captain \'illicrs and his post on the Mississippi a well earned distinction, for the Illinois 36 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY country was largely depended upon for supplies, which were transported in boats down the Mississippi and up the Ohio to Fort Duquesne, in which ser- vice Neyon de Villiers rendered valuable aid. His honors in this war were dearly bought for he was the only one of several brothers, who was not slain in the defense of Canada. Five years before this time, that is, in 1749, the British white population of the thirteen colonies was estimated at one million, fifty-one thousand. That of the French in all of New France, exclusive of their Indian allies, was about fifty-two thousand. The desire of the English colonists to speculate in the lands northwest of the Ohio was very strong and many prominent men were connected with all such schemes, including Ijesides the Washingtons already mentioned, John Murray, Earl Dunmore, Governor of Virginia, and the Franklins, father and son. The French and Indian war which was begun as we have seen, at what is now Pittsburg, was practically ended five years later, Sept. 13, 1759, on the plains of Abraham at Quebec where the gallant and able commanders on each side lost their lives. From this time forth France lost all power and control in Canada and the whole north west. As soon thereafter as the dilatory movements of the governments could bring it about, France surrendered all her claims to her remaining possessions in North America to Great Britain by the treaty of Paris, which was signed in 1763. She had ceded her territory west of the Mississippi to Spain the year before. Thus ended the magnificent scheme planned by La Salle for making in the Mississippi valley a new France, even greater than the old. It failed because it was not based upon proper fundamental principles of government. Abso- lutism and despotism cannot succeed in a new country such as this was. At the end of almost ninety years of French control, it will be interesting to consider w-hat Illinois gained by it. In the year 1763 when France ceded this country to Great Britain, what did she transfer within that part now included in Illinois? A population consisting of about two thousand whites and five or six hundred negro slaves — and a system of legalized slavery. The soil and forests as nature had made them. Here and there a little wooden town; a magnificent stone fortress, the grandest that up to that time had been built within the present borders of the United States, standing on a sandy foundation too close to the channel of the erratic Mississippi ; a rude wooden village insecurely founded on the same treacherous stream ; three or four other villages scarcely worth naming and a few inefficient water mills located on unreliable streams. And wdiat else besides? No agriculture beyond the supply of immediate wants, and possibly for export, as much flour, bacon, pork, hides, tallow and leather as would be produced on one good prairie farm of six hundred acres ; no build- ings but the rudest and they of wood — there were no brick; no commerce ex- cept trade and barter with the natives of the forest ; no mines developed ; no looms or churns in use and no factories built, no schools established, no print- ing press set up, no roads except the trail of the Indian and the buff^alo, no bridge other than an occasional tree felled across a narrow stream and no trans- portation facilities superior to those of the red men : no civil officers, no popular election ever held, few people outside of the priests who were able to read, and there were not many of them — the Jesuits having just been expelled in a sum- mary manner — no civil courts and no legislatures. There were only a few homesteads so owned by the occupants, that they could develop and improve them, leave them to their heirs with a good title. There was nothing to broaden and strengthen the intellectual life of the people or their political life. There was nothing to produce the strong, active, self-reliant, progressive, and courage- ous characters that are necessarily found in the successful frontiersman or pioneer. There was little or no inducement to the citizen to do anything for the progress of the country, and little ability on the part of the people to ac- HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 37 complisli it if they had so desired. All of this was the fault of their institu- tions. The government was centralized and autocratic both of church and state. The initiative was not accepted or desired on the part of the private citizen, or indeed permitted to them. Without these no new country can prosper. I-"rench institutions themselves on both sides of the sea were tottering. The Grand Monarque had died many years before. The financial interests of the country had been committed to John Law, the author of the Mississippi bubble, and the bubble had burst and John Law had died in poverty. Even the kingdom of France was approaching its downfall. The whole institutions of government in every branch were resting on foundations as insecure as the foundation of their magnificent fort. It remains to be .seen when Clarke and his \'irginians come what can be done with the same natural advantages by free men under free institutions which allow the citizens a large degree of personal, religious, and civil freedom and cultivate in him self-reliance and energy, train him to do his own thinking, and offer him an opportunity to labor for his own benefit and the benefit of his children and heirs, guaranteeing to him the reward of his labor. The government heretofore has existed for the benefit of the governing class and the result shows beyond a doubt that such a government will ulti- mately be a failure evervwhere. The French made no effort to establish colonies of self-supporting, self-governing people. CHAPTER VII BRITISH RULE IN ILLINOIS— 1763-1778 We have already seen that the government of the I'rench over this region for eiglity years or more had been of httle or no benefit to the people of Illinois. We will now see that the government exercised by the English was worse, for it was as damaging as they could make it. The English government desired colonies solely for the benefit they could derive from them in the way of trade and they used every means to keep them in such a state of subjection that England could monopolize that trade, a policy which they had already so successfully and so cruelly carried out in the case of Ireland. This they hoped to be able to do in the colonies along the sea-coast, for by their navy they controlled the ocean ; but they felt sure they would not be able to secure any considerable amount of benefit to themselves from the inland settlements, for the transportation from there to Great Britain for pro- duce and from Great Britain to them for manufactured articles would be so great that such commerce could not be made profitable. For this reason they discouraged settlement in the northwest. Another strong reason they had for not wishing to encourage such settlement was that they hoiked by use of the Indian tribes on the frontiers to be able to keep the eastern colonies in a more servile state of subjection. In furtherance of this policy, they continually made large presents to the Indians and endeav- ored in every possible way to prejudice them against the colonists, and prom- ised them that the vast territory of the Ohio and Illinois valleys and western lakes should be kept as one vast hunting ground for the red men. Notwithstanding this, after England had driven the French from Canada and the Northwest, the Indians fearing they could no longer rely upon the protection of the French, and that they would be entirely within the despotic power of the English when the colonies and the king should be united, shrewdly concluded they must at once make a strong and desperate defense of the country west of the .\lleghanies or be driven from the lands of their fathers. They had been taught by the French to hate the English and many of the tribes near the colonies who had been friendly to them up to this time, began to think that they must unite with their red brethren of the west or be rendered entirely helpless. Pontiac, who has been called the Colossal Chief of the Northwest, the King and Lord of all that country. Chief of the Ottowas, respected and adored in a manner by all of the Indians, a man of "integrity and humanity" according to the morals of the wilderness, of a comprehensive mind, fertile in resources and of an undaunted nature, conceived the idea of uniting all of the Indian tribes and entirely driving out the whites from the whole of the northwest and the Mississippi' valley. He proceeded with consummate ability to execute his plan. He secured the co-operation of nearly all of the Indian tribes and planned that on one and the same fateful day, May i, 1763, they should surprise, attack, and destrov all of the forts of the white men west of the Alleghanies. This they carried out within sixty days in a way that would seem incredible. The forts were all surprised and destroyed except two. 39 40 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY Jt would be an interesting story to tell how each of these forts was captured without any intimation of the coming calamity, and men, women, and children massacred. The only two forts in all the country that were not surprised and captured were those at Detroit and Pittsburg. They managed to withstand a siege until they were relieved. Except them, the entire northwest was in the power of Pontiac. Under his able leadership this unexampled and magnificent confederation of Indians had intended to make this a war of extermination of the whites west of the Alleghanies. They hoped to get rid of the white men at once and forever in all this country and so terrify the English that none of them would ever attempt to enter their hunting grounds again. "They roamed the wilderness, massacring all whom they met. They struck down more than a hundred traders in the woods, scalping every one of them ; quaffing their gushing life-blood, horribly mutilating their bodies. They prowled round the cabins of the husbandmen of the frontiers ; and their tomahawks struck alike the laborer in the field or the child in the cradle. They menaced Fort Ligonier, at the western foot of the Alleghanies, the outpost of Fort Pitt. They passed the mountains and spread death even to Ikdford. The unhappy emigrant knew not whether to brave danger, or to leave his home and his planted fields, for wretchedness and poverty." Of course we know that Pontiac and his allies were fighting against the inevitable. His people with their methods of life, with their civilization and their government such as it was, were unable to develop the strength of the wonderful regions they possessed and must submit to the power of Great Britain, which sent in regiments of regular soldiers and called out the volunteers and militia and soon put an end to Pontiac"s reign. It had not been possible for him to know the tremendous forces of the colonies and the king beyond the Alleghanies and the ocean, wdiom he had set himself up to oppose, or he W'ould never have tried it. Amherst, the British commander, then stationed at New York and represen- tative of the British government in North America, treated the Indians with con- tempt. He issued an order, August lo, 1763, offering one hundred pounds to anyone who would assassinate Pontiac and ordered his soldiers to take no pris- oners but to put to death all that fell into their hands. He deemed the Indians as unfit to be accepted as allies and unworthy to be respected as enemies, and he ordered his soldiers to take no prisoners but to put to death all that fell into their hands of the "nations who had so unjustly and cruelly committed depredation." Pontiac appealed to the French for further assistance but was told that the French had ceded this country to the English and could no longer assist them. Despondent, yet revengeful, he returned to the Illinois country. Here is where he had first received the encouragement which determined him to make the attempt to drive out the English, and here at least he thought he would find a friend in Neyon de \'illiers, the only survivor of six brothers who lost their lives in fighting the English ; but receiving answer that he had already been sent word that France and Great Britain were at peace and that his scheme was imprac- ticable, and when he was still further assured by Crogan that the French would adhere to their treaty with the English and could no longer oiifer the Indians any support, his feelings can be more easily imagined than described; seeing that his cause w^as lost, he surrendered and made peace, a treaty which he there- after respected. As compared with the officers of the English government who attempted to secure the assassination of the peaceful farmers and traders of their own blood and religion, by offering gold and trinkets to bloody savages for the scalps of citizens murdered by stealth in their quiet homes, and who finally offered five hundred dollars for the assassination of Pontiac himself, Pontiac — considering that he was raised a barbarian — was a man of integrity and honor worthy of our esteem. He had led out his Ottowa warriors to assist in Braddock's defeat. He organized his brother red men in order to drive the invader from the land HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 41 of his fatliers, led them and ])lanned for them with consummate abihty until overwhelmed by superior force. It is said that Pontiac while visiting^ his old friends, St. Ange and Chouteau at St. Louis, then a Spanish colony, learned that the Indians were carousing at Cahokia and concluded to join the party. While he was there and they were all drinking heavily, a hired assassin, for the promise of a barrel of wdiiskey, stole up behind him and buried his tomahawk in his brains, and left him lying where he fell until St. .Ange claimed his body and buried it in St. Louis, early in April, 1769. Pontiac's red friends of the Northwest most wrongfully blamed the Illinois Indians with the murdering of Pontiac and resolved to exterminate them. They attacked them at their chief village, La Vantum, in sight of Starved Rock, where the most of them were at that time assembled, and after terrific and bloody fighting for a whole d^y, in which a large proportion of the Illinois warrior's were slain, compelled them to retire during the night to the summit of Starved Rock. There they were starved to death and perished, all but one young warrior who during a severe rain-storm and darkness of the night took a buckskin cord, which had been used for drawing water, and fastening it to the trunk of a cedar tree let himself down into the river and thus made his escape, the only survivor of this fearful tragedy. This young warrior was partly white, being a descend- ant, on his father's side, from the French who lived at Fort St. Louis many years before. Being alone in the world, without friends or kindred, he went to Peoria, joined the colony, and there ended his days. He embraced Christianity, became an officer in the church, assuming the name of Antonia La Bell, and his descendants were living in 1882 near Prairie du Rocher, one of them, Charles La Bell, being a party to a suit in the United States court to recover a part of the land where Peoria now stands. ENGLISH T.\KE POSSESSION Going back to four years before the death and Imrial of Pontiac. we find that the first step of the English toward taking actual possession of the north- west was to send George Croghan on an expedition down the Ohio on his way to Illinois. On reaching the soil of Illinois, just below the mouth of the Wabash, he was attacked, on the 6th of June, 1765, by eight Kickapoo warriors and com- pelled to surrender. When he had been taken as far as Vincennes, the Indians found they had a man not to be trifled with, since he was the representative and agent of the great and powerful nations which had just put a successful end to Pontiac's War. They released him on the i8th of July and he started for the Illinois villages. On the way he met Pontiac at the head of a detachment of Indians. Now for the first time, Pontiac's stubborn resolution gave way and he consented to confer with Croghan as to peaceful relations, which resulted in his renouncing his hostile policy and promising to use his influence in favor of peace. This made it unnecessary for Croghan to go further and he started for Detroit, where he had a council with other Indians. A detachment of the 42d regiment of the Highlanders under Captain Stirling was sent to Fort Chartres, where they arrived on the loth of October, 1765, by the way of the Ohio and Mississippi rivers and on that day the last flag bearing the lilies of France within the state of Illinois fell from the flag staflf and the cross of St. George rose in its stead. The first English court ever convened in Illinois held its first session at Fort Chartres, December 9, 1768, under orders from General Gage. By proclama- tions from George III, dated 1765 and 1772, private ownership in the soil was forbidden. The inference was plain that he intended to divide the whole country up into baronial estates, still following the policy that the country was to be governed for the benefit of the rulers rather than of the people, a policy which could not succeed in a new country to be settled by independent Americans. 42 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY The thirteen colonies were already beginning to be insubordinate and were still further provoked by the act of June 2, 1774, called the Quebec Bill, by which parliament extended the limits of Canada to include all of the territory north of the Ohio, in seeming utter disregard of the jurisdictional rights of \'irginia and some other colonies under their charter from the king. The people com- posing the French province were of a character much more easily to be ruled by the autocratic decrees of their superiors than were the people of tlie thir- teen colonies. DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE This policy of suppression led to the Declaration of Independence on the 4th day of July, 1776. Although this northwestern territory was not repre- sented in the convention that adopted that declaration, wrongs to the north\yest- ern territory were given as some of the reasons for the dissolution of the political bands. The charges against the king were that "He had endeavored to prevent the population of these states ; for that purpose obstructing the laws for natural- ization of foreigners; refusing to pass others, to encourage their migration hither, and raising the conditions of new appropriations of lands." His consent to laws "for cutting off our trade with all parts of the world;" "For abolishing the free system of English laws in a neighboring province (Canada), establish- ing therein an arbitrary government, enlarging its boundaries so as to render it at once an example and fit instrument for introducing the same absolute rule into these colonies ;" and, "he has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavored to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers the merciless Indian savages, whose known rule of warfare is an undistinguished destruction of all the ages, sexes and conditions." Virginia's conquest of the northwest The attack of the Indians on the American frontier had become so numerous, so treacherous, and so bloody, and were so evidently excited by the British, that George Rogers Clark, one of the great men of the frontier, who had been appointed by Mrginia to organize the militia in what was afterward the county of Kentuck'v, concluded that the proper way to prevent those attacks was to drive the British out of the Northwest. For this purpose he called on Patrick Henry, the governor, and received a commission to raise volunteers for the defense of Kentucky. The success of the expedition depended so largely on the celerity and the secrecv with which it should be carried out, that it was not thought practicable to take anyone into confidence except the governor, Patrick Henrv, and George \\'vthe, George Mason, and Thomas Jefferson. They gave Clark twelve hundred pounds in money and promised to use their influence to secure three hundred acres of land for every man who should engage in the expedition. The secret instructions to Clark were to go west ostensibly for the purpose shown by his commission and open letter of instructions, and then under a private letter of instructions, suddenly to attack the British at Fort Chartres and \'incennes and then at Detroit. \Mien he told his men at Louisville, Ky., the object of his expedition, a considerable part of them refused to go further. W'ith one hundred and fifty-three men, instead of the three hundred and fifty which he expected to have, he concluded to press forward. He had been notified by spies whom he sent out for that purpose, of the condition of affairs at Fort Chartres and Vincennes. He passed down the Ohio in boats with his oars double manned and working night and day continuously, reached the soil of Illinois, landed and at once proceeded on foot without any sort of baggage wagons to Fort Chartres, which he reached in six days more, making ten days from Louis- ville to Fort Chartres. He arrived in the evening of the 4th of July, and con- HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 43 cealed his men on the east side of the river until dark, in the meantime sending out spies to reconnoiter. After dark he proceeded to and took possession of the old ferry house about a mile above the town, making prisoners of the family. They waited until the town was wrapped in slumber, when, with his men as- sembled around him, Col. Clark delivered to them a short address. This address is printed in full as nothing could so well, so authoritatively and plainly, describe the motives and feelings that compelled these men to undergo the privations they did : "Soldiers, we are near the enemy for which we have been struggling for years. We are not fighting alone for liberty and independence, but for the defense of our frontiers from the tomahawk and scalping knife of the Indians. We are defending the lives of our women and children, although a long distance from them. These British garrisons furnish the Indians with powder and lead to desolate our frontiers, and pay gold for human scalps. "We must take and destroy these garrisons. The fort before us is one of them, and it must be taken. \\'e cannot retreat, we have no provisions, and we must conquer. "This is the 4th of July ; we must act to honor it and let it not be said in after times that \'irginians were defeated on that memorable day. The fort and town, I repeat it, must be taken at all hazards. "After these stirring remarks they began crossing the river in silence, to accomplish which took about two hours. He immediately divided his little army into two divisions and marched half his men quietly into the town at one end, and half at the other. When in the town they raised their horrible, un- earthly yell, which struck terror into all of the inhabitants, for it was the first intimation they had that the "Long Knives' were in the country. The garrison oblivious of an enemy were taken completely by surprise. "Simon Kenton, at the head of a small detachment, sought the quarters of Gov. Rocheblave, and found that official peacefully sleeping beside his wife, he having no intimation of danger until Kenton, tapping him on the shoulder, informed him he was a prisoner. "The capture of the post was complete. "What little knowledge of French the Americans possessed was utilized in proclaiming to the French inhabitants tliat if they remained in their homes cjuictly they would not be molested, but if they acted to the contrary, they would be annihilated." Clark's policy was to terrorize the inhabitants at first and make them feel their helplessness and then show them leniency. The next day when the priest came to ask permission to have religious services in the church to seek the divine blessing before leaving, and asked permission to take some of their provisions with them, Clark suddenly changing his aspect, wished to know why they wanted to go away, telling them that he had come to take them in as citizens of the United Colonies and did not wish to interfere with their religion, or their property, or their laws, or their business; but that if any of them desired to leave, they might peacefully withdraw. He also told them that the king of France had united his armies with those of the Ameri- cans, which was news to them and greatly pleased both the French and Indians and added to their confidence in the American cause. The inhabitants were so well pleased that the French immediately took the oath of allegiance to the United Colonies with enthusiasm. Col. Clark was disposed also to deal leniently with Rocheblave, and invited him to dine with him; but instead of meeting his courtesies half-way and making the best of his misfortunes, the disgruntled Franco-British officer became violent and insulting. To such a length did he carry his insolence that the colonel felt compelled to place him in irons, and soon after sent him to Williamsburg as a prisoner of war. In 1780, breaking his parole, he made his way to New York, where, in 17S1, he applied for a command and authority to recapture the Illinois 44 HISTO"RY OF PEORIA COUNTY posts. His slaves were confiscated and sold, the proceeds, amounting to five hundred pounds, being distributed among the troops of Col. Clark. When Clark was about to proceed to V'incennes to capture that post, Gibault, the priest, persuaded him not to do it but to send him over as ambassador, which Clark did ; Gibault went over with a small party and as there were no forces there except French and Indians, easily persuaded them to take the oath of allegiance to the United Colonies. Captain Helm of Clark's regiment, who had gone over with Gibault, took charge. When Hamilton at Detroit learned what had happened, he took a detach- ment of three hundred fifty warriors in October, 1778, to retake possession of Vincennes. As he approached the fort and was within hailing distance. Captain Flelm haulted him, standing by his gun with a lighted fuse. When Hamilton called for his surrender at discretion. Helm refused unless he was granted the honors of war, which was done. He then surrendered himself and one man, all he had. When news of what had happened came to George Rogers Clark, he knew that his own situation was desperate. He was receiving no support from Virginia and his forces were too small to withstand a siege, although he com- menced to prepare for one, the best he could. Just then Francis \ igo, an Italian trader of St. Louis, arrived from \'incennes and informed Clark that Hamil- ton was confident that nothing would be done until spring, at which time he proposed to make an advance in force ; but in the meantime had weakened him- self by sending out his force of Indians in dift'erent directions, especially down to the Ohio river to prevent Clark from returning to \'irginia and to prevent reinforcements being sent to Clark. The genius of Clark came to his relief. He knew and said that he must immediately take Hamilton prisoner or Hamilton would take him. He thereupon called together all the forces he could, a con- siderable part of which were Frenchmen, and on the 7th of February started across the country to capture \'incennes. In eleven days he reached the edge of the drowned lands of the Wabash river, which were flooded. To cross these required five days more, during two of which they had to travel in water up to their breasts at times. Hamilton was one of the most bloodthirsty of the representatives of the British government in this country. He was methodical in his use of the In- dians. He gave standing rewards for scalps but offered none for prisoners, thereby winning for himself the nickname of "The Hair Buyer." His contin- uous volunteer parties composed of Indians and whites, spared neither men, women nor children. He promised that in the coming year as early as possible all of the nations from the Chickasaws and Cherokees to the Hurons and Five Nations should join in the expedition against A'irginia. Clark's force on reaching dry land made no delay whatever but with drum beating and white flag flying, entered Mncennes at the lower end of the vil- lage. The town surrendered immediately and assisted in the siege of the fort, which was immediately invested. During the night Clark threw up in- trenchments within rifle shot of the fort, and under their protection his riflemen silenced two pieces of cannon. In the forenoon when Hamilton asked for parley, Clark demanded his surrender at discretion, to which the British replied they would sooner perish to the last man; and oft'ered to capitulate on the con- dition that they might march out with the honors of war, and return to Detroit. Clark replied that he could by no means agree to that. He said. "I will not again leave it in your power to spirit up the Indian nations to scalp men, women, and children." Before night Hamilton and his garrison, hopeless of succor and destitute of provisions, and overestimating Clark's strength, surrendered as prisoners of war. Steps were immediately taken to conciliate the Indians, "who, observing the success of the Americans in obtaining possession of so many important British HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 45 posts, began to reflect whether it was not for their interest to make friends with the winning side. The consideration which most inlliicnced their decision, how- ever, was the fact, repeatedly urged upon them, that 'their old father, the king of the French, had come to life again and was mad at them for fighting for the British.' A council was held at which all the tribes of the Wabash were repre- sented, who declared themselves to have changed their minds in favor of the Americans." The forces that X'irginia had raised to send to reinforce Clark were neces- sarily diverted to an attack upon the Cherokees, who were part of the force relied upon by Hamilton and who were terribly punished by those X'irginia troops. For the rest of the year the western settlements enjoyed peace, and the con- tinued flow of immigrants through the mountains of Kentucky and the country on the Holston river so strengthened them that they were never again in danger of being broken up by any alliance of the savages. This ended the control of the liritish, such as it was. over the state of Illi- nois and the northwest. It lasted for fifteen years, during which time the British government had shown itself unfriendly to the people of this country and during the last three years of which she had been carrying on ilie war of the Revolution, with the aid of the Indians. From this time on the govern- ment passed to the commonwealth of Virginia. CHAPTER VIII ILLINOIS AS A PART OF X'IRGIXIA— 1778-1784 With the capture of Kaskaskia and the fort there on the 4th of July, 1778, the Northwest ceased to be a part of the British dominion and became a part of the Commonwealth of Virginia — at least as far north as the limits of the Vir- ginia charter — and it so remained until March ist, 1784. During all of this time except the last months the Revolutionary war was still pending, and through all of that time there were murderous excursions by the Indians, prompted by the English, into all of the Northwest, into Kentucky and the western part of X'irginia. These were stealthy parties, as a rule, and were of almost weekly occurrence, but they were at this time usually confined to the country now within the states of Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, and western \'irginia ; Illinois being comparatively free from them. We have seen that the regiment that was raised by the Commonwealth of \^irginia to re-inforce Col. Clark was diverted to intercept the Cherokees. who were preparing to come to the support of the British in the Northwest. That attack was very successful but it left Col. Clark unsupported. With wonderful ability he succeeded in securing and retaining the support of the French and Indians and managed to hold the country for X'irginia. The \'irginia llouse of Burgesses or delegates proceeded immediately to extend a civil jurisdiction over the country, and in October, within three months of the capture of Kaskaskia, it enacted a law establishing the county of Illinois, which included then all of the Northwest, and provided for the appointment of a county lieutenant or commandant, who should take the oath of fidelity to the commonwealth according to his own religion, whatever that might be. .All of the civil officers to which the inhabitants had Ijeen accustomed, necessary for the preservation of peace and the administration of justice, were to be continued and the officers, except those of the militia, were to be chosen by the majority of the citizens at elections to be convened for that purpose in their respective districts by the county lieutenant or his deputy, such officers to be commissioned by the county lieutenant. Patrick Henry being then the governor of X'irginia. thus became ex-officio the first governor of Illinois. He appointed Col. John Todd of Kentucky county, the first commandant of the county of Illinois and gave him a letter instructing him to cultivate the good friendship of the French and Indians, for, if unhappily this territory should be lost to the French, it might never be again secured, since early prejudices are so hard to wear out. As the head of the civil government. Todd was to have command of the militia, who were however not to be under command until ordered out by the civil authority to act in conjunction with it. Col. Todd was born in Montgomery county. Pa., but was reared and edu- cated in X'irginia by his uncle, the Rev. John Todd of Hanover county, \'a., who conducted a school or college there. Todd studied law and settled in Fin- castle in X'irginia. where he practiced for several years and about 1775 moved to Kentucky. Col. John Todd immediatelv entered upon the duties of his office as county 47 48 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY lieutenant and was seldom absent from his government up to the time of his death. He was authorized to raise a regiment for the defense of the frontier. His career was ended by his death in the llattle of Blue Licks. He was a man of fine personal appearance and talents, an accomplished gentleman, universally beloved, and died without a stain upon his character and without even one enemy upon earth. The elections provided for by this act of Virginia are believed to be the first elections held in Illinois under authority of law, and, the settlers there being mostly French, they resulted in the election of Frenchmen to nearly all of the offices except those in the militia. To prevent the taking uj) of large tracts of land by prospectors and specu- lators, Todd issued a proclamation enjoining all persons from making any new settlements of lands and requiring the exhibition to duly appointed officers of the evidence of title of those already in possession. To those who are ac- quainted with the difficulties arising from the complication of title in a new settlement or country by speculators under doubtful laws, and where the lands had not been properly surveyed in advance, this will be recognized as a very wise provision. Licenses to erect factories, conduct stores and traffic in general merchan- dise were granted without restrictions. Under instruction from Governor Henry, Todd proposed to the Spanish authorities in St. Louis and St. Genevieve, the establishing of commercial rela- tions between the governments of Spain and Virginia and oft'ered military as- sistance in case it should be needed. This offered friendship was in the end basely betrayed. In 1779 Todd was commissioned colonel of a \'irginia regmient and was thereafter actively engaged in military operations throughout the west but con- tinued to fulfill his duties as commandant as well as distance and the calls of duty upon him would permit. August 5th, 1779, Gen. Clark turned over his military command of Ilhnois to Col. John Montgomery with headquarters at Kaskaskia, who assigned Capt. Linetot to duty along the Illinois river. It was feared that the English would endeavor to recover the territory of Illinois and it was not clear that the Spaniards would not willingly suffer these Illinois settlements — although they were their allies — to fall into British hands, hoping in that case for an opportunity to retake them and make them Spanish territory. The governor of Canada did proceed, under instructions from home, to organize an attack upon the Spanish posts along the Alississippi and upon the Illinois settlements, and the governors of the British garrisons were instructed by secret circular letters to co-operate in the movement. This was discovered by the interception of letters by the Spanish governor at New Orleans, who immediately attacked the English stations in the vicinity and thus prevented the re-inforcements expected by the British in their attack on St. Louis, St. Genevieve, and the Illinois settlements. The English expedition arrived on May 26, 1780, before St. Louis and pre- pared to make the attack. Clark, who had been informed of this while at the Falls of the Ohio, hastened to and arrived at Cahokia with a small force twenty- four hours' before the appearance of the British and their allies. His mere presence was a tower of strength. The commander of the English expedition reported to his superior that they failed on account of the infidelitv of some of their Indian allies but boastfully claimed that sixty-eight of the enemy were killed, eighteen black and white people made prisoners, many cattle destroyed, and forty-three scalps brought m. The retreat of the English was a very hasty one, they being closely followed by Col. John Montgomery with a force of three hundred fifty men, including a party of" Spanish allies. 'Montgomery followed them to Peoria lake and thence to Rock river, destroying towns and crops on the way. Thereafter, the In- dians were not disposed to attack the people of Illinois CHILDREN'S PLAV CKdlM) IN (;LK\ liAK I'AUK (I.X lioSK ISLAND. CiLEN UAK I'AIIK HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 49 Some time after the repulse of this invading force of the liritish, a company of only seventeen Illinoisans, commanded by Thomas Brady, a patriotic citizen of Cahokia. retaliated by attacking the British post at St. Joseph in what is now the state of Michigan, and capturing it; but he was ambushed and defeated on his way back to Illinois and most of his command taken prisoners. He escaped and St. Joseph fell again into the hands of the British. Thereupon the author- ities at St. Louis and Cahokia, joining the forces of the Illinoisans and the Spanish, organized an expedition of about thirty Spaniards under the command of Don Ugenio Pourre, and aijout thirty French under the command of Jean (John) Baptiste Maillet. and some two hundred Indians, and proceeded to re- take it. The Spanish officer was senior in rank and had command of the ex- pedition. They placated the Indians on the way and captured St. Joseph again without striking a blow; the British flag there was replaced by that of Spain and possession taken in the name of his Catholic Majesty who claiined not only St. Joseph and its dependencies but also the valley of Illinois river, an extreme exhibition of infidelity to the Illinoisans who had assisted in the campaign. The Spanish commander made such reports to .Madrid as to create an important complication in the final settlement of the treaty between England and the United States and might have given Spain the country north of the Ohio river but that his Catholic Majesty demanded too much from the British, including the cession of Gibralter. To this demand the British never would consent but were prompted by it to release their claim to the Northwest to the United States to prevent it from falling into the power of Spain. Since St. Joseph at the time it was captured was not a part of the Illinois country, either as a district or territory, the claim of the Illinois river as a sequence to the capture of that fort was a l)arefaced fraud without a shadow of evidence to supj)ort it ; nevertheless, it required all of the sagacity, firmness, and wisdom of Jay, Franklin and Adams to prevent the claim from being allowed. If Spain had succeeded in making the Northwest Spanish territory instead of American, it would have been the death blow to the prosperity of Peoria and all of the Northwest, as well as to the whole United States, and would have made the Father of Waters a private Spanish canal. This Jean Baptiste Maillet is the same man who settled in Peoria in 1778, and in 1779 was commissioned captain of militia for Peoria, receiving his com- mission from Cahokia to which district Peoria then belonged. It is probable that at the time this expedition started, he was at Cahokia, for the French had been driven down there temporarily and most of his men, although they may have been Peorians, were probably there at the time they started for St. Joseph. This is the same Maillet also who started Ville de Maillet or Lower Peoria about 1778 about where Bridge and Llarrison streets are, which new village was named for him. Maillet deserved to have the new village named for him for in his time he was one of Peoria's greatest men. He extended his trading operations far and wide even to the Rocky Mountains. He was killed in 1801. This is the last expedition during the Revolutionary war in which Peorians or other Illinoisans took part. On account of the attention of Virginia being diverted to resisting the at- tacks of the Indians n.earer home, the county of Illinois received very little at- tention and was practically without a government imtil it passed beyond the control of \''irginia by the cession of the country to the United States. Through this interim the French inhabitants were the greatest sufferers, be- ing easily imposed upon and not being of the character of people to defend themselves. Several years before the close of the Revolutionary war, it began to be ap- parent that the confederation of the colonies did not confer power enough upon the general government to enable it to preserve its own existence, and that a closer bond of union must be provided or the government would fall to pieces ; but the smaller colonies which had no territory west of the mountains, feared to 50 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY go into a closer bond with the large colonies with their great expanse of terri- tory for fear they would be overruled and be deprived of their equal rights in the government. Congress, therefore, in 1780 recommended to those states which owned territory in the west, to cede it all to the United Colonies. This they finally concluded to do. Virginia by an act passed January 2, 1781, authorized her delegates in the confederate congress to transfer her claims to western lands, as well as her jurisdiction over the country, to the United States on certain conditions. This tender was accepted by the general government and Virginia by a new act of December 20. 1783, authorized her delegates in the confederate congress, by proper deed under their hands and seals, to convey, transfer, assign, and make over to the United States in congress assembled, for the benefit of said states, all right, title, and claim, as well the soil as the jurisdiction which the common- wealth had to the country within the limits of the Virginia charter lying north- west of the Ohio river — upon the condition that the territory so ceded should be laid out and formed into distinct republican states, having the same right of sovereignty, freedom, and independence as the other states, congress to pay \'irginia the necessary reasonable expenses incurred by that state in subduing the P.ritish forts and maintaining forts and garrisons and defending them. That the French and Canadian inhabitants who had professed themselves citizens of \'irginia should have their possessions confirmed to them and should be pro- tected in the enjoyment of their rights and liberties. Also, that a quantity of land, not exceeding one hundred fifty thousand acres, promised by Virginia to George Rogers Clark and the soldiers of his regiment, should be laid ofif in one tract, to be afterwards divided among the said officers and men in due propor- tion "according to the laws of \'irginia. All other lands, which were more than one hundred and sixtv-six million acres, should be considered as a common fund for the use and benefit for the United States, including the state of Mrginia. The provisions of this act of the House of Burgesses were carried out on March i, 1784. by a deed of cession signed by Thomas Jefiferson, Samuel Hardy, Arthur Lee, and James Monroe, who were then delegates for the commonwealth of \'irginia in the confederate congress. Two of the signers of this deed by \'irginia to the congress afterwards became presidents of the United States. This document was signed, sealed and delivered in a little less than seven weeks after the definitive freaty of peace with Great Britain was ratified by con- gress, and from that time forth Illinois ceased to be a part of the State of Vir- ginia or in any way under its control and became territory of the United States. CHAPTER IX THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY By the deed of cession of ^larch i, 1784. not only all property interest but the right of sovereignty passed from X'irginia to tiie continental congress and Virginia no longer attempted to exercise any control over the territory. Con- gress, as soon as a proper bill could be prepared, on April 23, 1784, passed an ordinance to establish a form of government from the entire region from the gulf to the lakes, although possession had not at that time been entirely acquired. This law was never put in force and was repealed by the ordinance of 1787. The territory continued to exist vuider the laws in force at the date of that deed as they were administered by the otiticers then in power. That transfer provided that the Erench settlers should Ijc protected in all their rights and that they should be allowed to live under their old laws, which they did in a satisfactory way, for they were not a quarrelsome or litigious people. From the time of the cession of this country by Virginia, congress was so engaged in its efforts to secure concessions from other colonies and to secure a re-organization of the United States by the adoption of a constitution to "create a more perfect union'' that little attention was paid to the Northwest territory until 1787. During this period of three years, the power of Virginia to control had ceased and the government by congress had practically not begun so that the people were without any superior control and were without any sub- stantial protection from congress. In 1785, an ordinance for ascertaining the mode of disposing of lands in the western territory was passed by the continental congress which provided for the present plan of surveying and platting the land into townships six miles square and numbered consecutively from south to north and in ranges numbered east and west from a base line and section one mile square, also numbered con- secutively. Sections numbered sixteen of every township were reserved for school i)urposes. which reservation has been continued through all forms of government to the present time. This platting of the land into townships and sections before selling it, is a wonderful advantage in locating and finding the land, in describing it, and in indexing and abstracting the title. Nothing was done under this law at this time in Illinois, which was then a neglected wilderness harrassed by the predatory incursions of Indians, although none were of suffi- cient importance to be called a war. On July 13, 1787, the congress of the confederation passed the celebrated ordinance of that date by which they provided that the whole territory northwest of the Ohio river should be constituted one district for the purpose of temporary government. It will be interesting to notice the provisions of this ordinance at some length for two reasons. It attempted to determine what the future laws of the Northwest should be, and in this manner, to make it a sort of a bill of rights for all time to come. It is also to be studied as a most valuable indication of the progress of ideas, for it is a fact not generally understood that laws are not made. They grow in the minds of the people from time to time and are a con- 51 52 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY trolling power before they are enacted into statutes, and sometimes they have not much force after they are enacted because they are not grounded in the hearts as well as the minds of the people. By a study of this ordinance of '87, we will find how far social and political ideas had progressed up to that time and be able to learn what advancement we have made since. It provided for the descent of property in equal shares, substantially as under our present laws. This just principle was not then generally recognized in the states; (it, however, reserved to the French and Canadian inhabitants who had become citizens of Virginia the laws and customs under which they had lived, relative to descent and conveyancing.) The governor was to be elected for three years and was required to be the owner of at least one thousand acres of land. The secretary's term was four years and he must be the owner of five hundred acres. A court was provided for of three judges, who must each be the owner of five hundred acres. It will be noted that their term of ofiice was during good behavior. All the above officers were elected bv congress and were required to have been residents of the district for the three years last past or to have been for the same time citizens of one of the states, and to take an oath of office. In considering these laws, we must remember that the people were so scat- tered that some provisions that we would consider essential to good government would have been utterly impossible of operation at that time, for the people could not assemble in convention and it was not possible for them to consult with each other as we can do, and they had necessarily very, very few news- papers, if any. This may excuse the provision that as a protection against unwise experiments, they could adopt only laws that were already in force in some one of the original "states, and even after adoption, congress might disapprove of them and they were to remain in force only until the organization of a general assemblv, which might alter, repeal, or re-adopt them. The' governor was constituted commander-in-chief of the militia, with the power to appoint all officers below the grade of general, and, until the organiza- tion of the general assembly, the governor was to appoint all of the civil officers in each county. He was to establish counties from time to time to whose limits, legal process 'was to run. When the territory should have five thousand free male inhabitants of full age, it was to be entitled to a general assembly, the time and place of election to be" fixed by the governor. Each five hundred voters were entitled to one representative until the number reach twenty-five, after which the legislature itself was to regulate the number. A member of the legislature was to be elected for two years and was required to be a resident in the territory for three years, or have had a citizenship in some state for three years and a present residence in the territory and a fee simple right to two hundred acres of land within the territory. " The makers of this ordinance had confidence in the immigrants to the dis- trict who came from any one of the states. He was supposed to be a developed American. We have already seen the importance of studying in the beginning the development of the older colonies for it was in them our first lUinoisans were made. . An elector must have been a citizen of one of the states or have a residence of two years in the district and in either case have a freehold of fifty acres. The'assembly consisted of the governor and council and the house of repre- sentatives. The council was to consist of five members, three to constitute a quorum, term of service five vears unless the members were sooner removed by congress. Congress w^as to 'select the council from ten men-residents of the territory, each having a freehold of five hundred acres— nominated by the House of Representatives. Bills to become laws must be passed by both houses and be approved by the governor. The two houses by joint ballot were to elect a delegate to congress who was allowed to debate but not to vote. An oath of office was to be taken by each of these officers. HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 53 It will be seen from the following extract from the ordinance that it was intended to make it in many respects practically perpetual. "13. And for extending the fundamental principles of civil and religious lib- erty, which form the basis whereupon these republics, their laws, and constitu- tion, are erected ; to fix and establish those principles as the basis of all laws, constitutions and governments, which forever hereafter shall be formed in the said territory ; to provide, also, for the establishment of states, and permanent government therein, and for their admission to a share in the federal councils on an e<|ual footing with the original states, at as early periods as may be consistent with the general interest : "14. It is hereby ordained and declared, by the authority aforesaid, that the following articles shall be considered as articles of compact between the original states and the people and states in the said territory, and forever remain unalter- able, imless by common consent." Among the unalteraljle provisions were these : That any one demeaning himself in an ortlerly manner shall never be molested on account of his mode of worship or religious sentiments. That the inhabitant shall always be entitled to the benefits of the habeas corpus and of the trial l)y jury; of a proportionate representation in the legislature and of judicial proceedings according to the common law. All persons shall be bailable, unless for capital ofifenses, where the proof shall be evident and the presumption great. All fines shall be moderate, and no cruel or unusual punishment shall be inflicted. No one shall be deprived of his libertv or property, but by the judgment of his peers, and the law of the land. Private property shall not be taken for public use nor shall particular services of anyone be required without full compensation made for the same, and no law ought to be made or have force in said territory that shall in any manner whatever interfere with or afi^ect private contracts or engagements bona fide and without fraud, previously formed. It will be seen that this in many respects is wonderfully like the old Magna Charta of King John. "Religion, morality and knowledge being necessary to good government and the happiness of mankind, schools and the means of education shall forever be encouraged." The utmost good faith was required toward the Indians. Their land and propertv should never be taken from them without consent and their property rights and liberty should never be invaded or disturbed unless by just and lawful wars authorized by congress ; but laws founded in justice and humanity shall from time to time be made for preventing wrongs being done to them and for preserving peace and friendship with them. States formed from the territory were to remain forever a part of the gen- eral government and to pay their proportionate part of the national debt. The states were not to interfere with the disposal of the public lands by congress nor tax those lands, nor to tax the land of non-resident proprietors higher than they did that of residents. The navigable waters were to be forever free, as well as the carrying places between the same, and should become highways to the citizens of the United States. The territory was eventually to be divided in not less than three nor more than five independent states. It was provided that there should be neither slavery nor involuntary servi- tude in said territory otherwise than in punishment of crime whereof the party to be punished should have been duly convicted. From the celebrated ordinance of 1787, which was the charter or constitution of the Northwest territory, we have been able to learn something of the ideas of the members of the continental congress at that time in regard to what was necessary and expedient for the organization and construction of a govern- ment for the people in a country such as the Northwest. Major General Arthur St. Clair, who had been an officer in the English army but resigned and settled in Pennsylvania, had rendered distinguished service 54 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY iiiuler Wolfe in the storming of Quebec in 1759, and had also served with honor during the Revolutionary war, was elected by congress, governor of the North- west territory. The three judges required by that ordinance were also elected and entered upon the duties of their office July 15, 1778, and they with the gov- ernor proceeded to legislate for the territories. We must remember that many of the laws we now have would have been impossible of execution under the circumstances of the country at that time. There were no jails, workhouses, or penitentiaries in which convicts could be confined, and the people were too poor and too widely scattered to build them ; conse(|Ucntly that mode of punishment so common with us could not be adopted by them. Some of the offenses, such as horse-stealing, which are the hardest to suppress in new countries, were punished more severely than we would think advisable. Their punishments were summary: Death for murder, treason and arson (if loss of life ensued therefrom) ; whipping with thirty-nine lashes and fine for larceny, burglary and robbery; for perjury, whipping, fine or standing in the pillory : for forgery, fine, disf ranchizement, and standing in the pillory ; drunkenness, fine, for non-payment of which to stand in the stocks ; for non- payment of fines generally, the sheriff was empowered to bind out the convict for a term not exceeding seven years ; obscene conversation and profane swear- ing were admonished against and threatened with the loss of the government's confidence; morality and piety were enjoyed and the Sabbath pronounced sacred. President Washington wrote to Governor St. Clair that one of the most important things to be accomplished as soon as possible was to quit the titles to the lands of the settlers, and publication was made that all persons claiming titles should bring them in to the government to be examined, approved if found correct, and recorded. The difficulties of those in charge of this work were very great, ^lany of the titles presented were fraudulent, forgeries, or issued without authority. When a title was found correct, it became necessary to make an accurate survey of the ground and stake it ofif so the owner not only would know what his title was but would know exactly the boundaries of his land. The law provided that the cost of the surveying and marking corners must be paid by the owner of the land. Many of the settlers at that time were very poor, indeed. They were not good managers. They had been harassed by warfare and by the uncertain condition of business, and unfortunately at this same time there had been unusual overfiows of the .Mississippi, destroying most of their crops for a year or two in succession, so that they were utterly unable to pay the necessary cost of staking off their land. The result was that their lands, many of them, fell into the hands of land speculators who advanced the money to pay for the cost of surveying. Many of the French inhabitants petitioned congress to relieve them of the cost of surveying. Their pathetic and earnest petition was drawn up by Father Gibault, the same priest who was so efficient in securing the support t)f the French at Kaskaskia and also at Vincennes for George Rogers Clarke. It certainly appears to us at this time that congress should have paid that cost of surveying from the treasury. The instructions of congress to Governor St. Clair were to promote peace and harmony between the Indians and the United States, to defeat all com- binations or confederacies between them and to neglect no opportunity to ex- tinguish the Indian titles to lands westward as far as the Mississippi and north as far as the forty-first degree of latitude. Why they should limit it in this man- ner, does not appear. We" know that the forty-first degree was the northern line of the claim of Virginia under its charter, but why stop at the boundary fixed by the charter of old Virginia? In 1790, there was only one lawyer in the Northwestern territory but he was a very able man of Welsh descent, an accomplished linguist with a classical education and a thorough knowledge of law, a hard worker and a forceful speaker. Later when the territory of Indiana was organized, he moved to Vincennes and rendered important services in revising the statutes for the terri- HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 55 tory of Indiana. His name was jolin Rice Jones. He left several distinguished sons. A curious record is mentioned by Governor Reynolds of a trial at Prairie du Rocher which indicates the ai)sence of states attorneys or any other lawyers. The jury, wishing to indict a negro, examined what books they had and con- cluded to and did indict him, and under the indictment convicted him of the "murder" of a hog. He had not stolen it, only shot it as a piece of malicious mischief. The neighborhood of Peoria was free from Indian massacres, incursions, or battles, during the existence of the northwest territory but there were two or three battles of importance farther east. General St. Clair suffered a disastrous defeat November 4tli, 1791, on a small branch of the \\'abash. He lost eight hundred ninety men out of a force of fourteen hundred engaged in battle. Six hundred skulls were found three years afterwards and buried Ijy men from General Wayne's army. The Indian force consisted of one thousand forty men under the command of Little Turtle, chief of the Aliamis. This battlefield was afterwards known as Fort Recovery. Afterward, the conduct of the war was placed in the hands of General Anthony Wayne, whose home was in the immediate vicinity of Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. His campaign during the summer of 1794, culminated in a very decisive victory on the 20th of August on the Maumee river. This was fol- lowed by negotiations with (ireat llritain in which the king pledged a firm peace with the United States and agreed to withdraw all his troops and garri- sons from the posts within the boundary lines of the United States as fixed by the treaty of 1783. This took away from the Indians the last hope of British aid and the various chiefs hastened to the headquarters of General Wayne during the winter and signed preliminary articles of peace which resulted in the treaty of Greenville, in which all the sachems and chiefs of the confederacy signed a lasting treaty of peace on the 3d of August, 1795. Governor St. Clair, as we have seen, was himself a Pennsylvanian l)y adop- tion and it appears that four-fifths of the laws, which were all imported from other states, were from Pennsylvania. Among other things they adopted the common law of England, and the statutes of parliament in aid thereof of a general nature not local to that kingdom, down to the fourth year of James I, which is the law in Illinois to this day except as varied by statute. In 1796, the ]iopulation of the territory had become so large as to entitle it to a delegate in congress and Shadrach Bond was elected. He was after- wards the first governor of the state of Illinois. The representatives in the legislature of the territory nominated ten men, in accordance with the provisions of the ordinance of '87, from which President Adams selected five, who con- stituted the legislative council. These were confirmed by the Senate and on the i6th of September, 1799, both houses met and perfected their organization on the 24th. This was the first time that the people of this country through representatives elected by themselves enacted their own laws for their own local government. The legislature confirmed many of the laws enacted by the governor and judges, and passed forty-eight new ones, of w-hich the government vetoed eleven. They were prorogued December 17, 1799. This territorial government existed for only a few months, for on May 7, 1800, the territory was divided. CHAPTER X PEORIA PART OF INDIANA TERRITORY— 1800-1809 Congress, l)y an act approved 'May 7, 1800, divided the immense territory of the northwest and the present states of Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Indiana, except a little strip on the eastern side, were constituted the territory of Indiana and so remained for nine years, which were not very eventful ones. The act|uisition of land titles from the resident Indian tribes, and the settle- ment of land titles, were the principle subjects receiving attention. Captain William PI. Harrison, afterwards president, was appointed governor and superintendent of Indian affairs and given full powers to negotiate treaties between the United States and the several resident Indian tribes for the cession of their lands. There had been only one term of court with jurisdiction of criminal matters held within that territory for five years. In 1799, while Harrison was secretary of the great territory of the northwest, he had been elected delegate to congress, and it was largely through his influence that congress had created the territory of Indiana from the territory of the northwest, and also provided for the sale of public lands in tracts as small as three hundred twenty acres, upon cash payment of one-fourth the price, the balance to be paid in one. two, and three years. Before that time, the smallest tract sold was four hundred acres and cash payments were recjuired. The first term of the general court under the law for Indiana Territory was held on the _^d of March, 1801. It was about this time that the able, accomplished, and distinguished scoundrel and traitor, Aaron Burr, attempted to organize an independent nation including a large part of the coimtry between the AUe- ghanies and the Mississippi river. After a long trial he was not convicted, although universally believed to be guilty. All the territory between the Illinois and the Mississippi rivers was acquired from the Sac and Fox nations, by the treaty of St. Louis, November 3, 1804, the Indians surrendering all jurisdiction over it and giving up all claim of title to the lands, but it will be seen that the country was practically not opened to settlement for several years, for the lands had not been surveyed and there was no opportunity to acquire title to them, which is the chief object of the pioneer. Land offices were established in T%:}:-at Kaskaskia, in which district Peoria /%0 county was situated, and the settlement of disputed land claims was begun. This proved to be an exceedingly difficult matter. The register and receiver examined eight hundred ninety land claims, of which three hundred seventy were supported by perjury and a considerable number were forged. It seems there was no less perjury and graft in that day than in this, and it is unpleasant to contemplate that the names of many of the most prominent, respected, and influential families were tarnished. This placed a terrible responsibility upon the commissioners, who were compelled to resist these claimants who attacked them viciously in every way. The commissioners felt this grievously and closed their report with the following words : "We close this melancholy picture of human depravity, by rendering our devout acknowledgments that, in the awful alternative in which we have been 57 58 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY placed, of either admitting perjured testimony in support of the claims before us, or having it turned against our characters and lives, it has, as yet, pleased Divine Providence which rules over the affairs of men, to preserve us both from legal murder and private assassination." By vote taken in 1S04. September nth, the people adopted the second grade of territorial government, under which they elected a general assembly. The members elected to the legislature from Illinois were Shadrach Bond, afterwards first governor of the state, William Biggs of St. Clair, and George Fisher of Randolph. The legislature elected ten men from whom the president was author- ized to select five to act as members of the council. The president waived that right to nominate them and delegated that power to Harrison, only asking him that he reject "land jobbers, dishonest men, and those who, though honest, might suffer themselves to be warped by party prejudice." Perry and Menard were selected for Illinois. The legislature met the 29th of June, 1805. This was the second time that the people of this country, through their representatives, exercised the law making power for their own local government. The governor in his first message recommended the passage of laws to pre- vent the sale of intoxicating liquors to the Indians saying: "You have seen our towns crowded with drunken savages ; our streets flowing with blood ; their arms and clothing bartered for the liquor that destroys them ; and their miser- able women and children enduring all the extremities of cold and hunger; whole villages have been swept away. A miserable remnant is all that remains to mark the situation of many warlike tribes." The legislature enacted many general laws and provided for a thorough collection and revision of the same by a commission. This was done by John Rice Tones and John Johnson and the laws were printed in a bound volume, the paper for which was brought on horseback from Georgetown, Kentucky. These laws were not very different from those already in force. Gambling, profane swearing, and Sabbath breaking were each punished by fine. During the continuance of the territory of Indiana, the expedition of Lewis and Clark to the far west was organized. This Clark was a brother of George Rogers Clark. This expedition extended and preserved our boundaries west- ward to the Pacific Ocean. Here ends the work of Colonel Rice on the manuscript for this history. "Man proposes, but God disposes," is an aphorism which has been fully exem- plified in the plans of the author of the foregoing pages of historical events. His aim and ambition were to leave to Peorians a work that would meet their wishes and approval and. at the same time, redound to his credit and come up to the anticipations of his many friends. He had given the matter his earnest, sincere and careful attention, laying out a plan which would cover the subject truthfullv and completelv : but, the'hand of death unexpectedly intervened and. while in 'the full flush of apparently good health, he was laid low and another was delegated to continue the program as mapped out by him and in accordance with his wishes. CHAPTER XI REMINISCENCES OF OLD SETTLERS The spirit of former times, and the hopes, desires, and ambitions of the old pioneers, tlie motives that caused them to move to a new country, the spirit that governed them in their social life and business, their trials, hardships and their pleasures, the difficulties they had to overcome and the methods they took to accomplish this and makeshifts they were compelled to resort to, their modes of entertainment and the happy spirit they preserved with it all are best shown by permitting them to tell their own story in their own way. Therefore, a number of reminiscences and recollections of the old settlers themselves, ex- pressed in their own words as nearly as practicable are embodied in this history. Nothing else could give us such a vivid picture of those early days or could it make it so attractive. In reading these reminiscences, we know we are getting a description of the situation at first hands, and, if in some cases, their views were different from ours, it indicates the progress of civilization and develop- ment, for better or worse, as the case may be. These early reminiscences will give the origin of many of the families now living in Peoria and will be doubly interesting to their descendants because given in the language of the actors in that stirring time. Considerable effort has been made to secure as many of these reminiscences as possible and make them as full as the lapse of time will permit. The first one presented will be that of Airs. Julia M. Ballance who came to Peoria in 1835 and became the wife of Charles ilallance who wrote one of the first histories of Peoria. Mrs. Ballance at the time these recollections were penned was an old lady but her remembrance of persons and events was remarkably full and clear. The reminiscences here given were written at the request of the Herald-Trans- script, and printed in that paper in 1899, but one year before her death. REMINISCENCES OF JULIA M. BALLANCE My father's second wife was a Presbyterian, unused to slave labor and with no faculty for controlling them. Naturally she disliked the blacks, a feeling they were all too ready to reciprocate, and when Rev. Isaac Kellar, who was married to my father's sister, moved to Illinois and wrote back glowing accounts of the promise of the new country my step-mother added her entreaty to his that we should break up our home in Alaryland and join the Kellar's in Peoria. One line of argument had great weight with my father. He had four sons rapidly approaching manhood, his farm was not large enough to settle them all with the corresponding negro hands, other good farm land in the neighborhood was scarce as well as high in price, and there seemed no better way to provide for all these boys than to seek a new country. Accordingly in 1835, after the crops were all gathered, he closed up his business, sold or rented his slaves and started for the land of promise. JOURNEY TO A NEW COUNTRY The journey of course had to be made overland and for that purpose he provided a large covered wagon drawn by four and sometimes five horses for 59 60 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY the accommodation of my brothers, John, David, Washington and Henry, my sisters, Susan and Amanda and myself ; another wagon drawn by two horses in which clothing, camp equipage and food were carried ; and a covered carriage for father, his wife and two little children. Our horses were large, strong ani- mals, our wagons provided with every comfort and convenience, experience or ingenuity could suggest, and one beautiful sunny day in October we started on our journey. It must have been hard for the older people to leave all that was dear to them by association or recollection, but the young looked forward rather than l)ack and in the excitement of that first day's travel my brothers and I drew beautiful fancy pictures of the life that was before us. So far as I can recollect our journey through Maryland and Pennsylvania was uneventful. The road was perfect, the weather fine, and we easily made a drive of twenty-five miles per day. As a rule there was no difficulty in obtain- ing accommodations at a hotel or farmhouse, but if these failed we young people thought it no hardship to spend the night in the wagons. Bedding was abundant, and we were exceedingly comfortable. F"ather was particular about the observance of the Sabbath, and we always laid by from Saturday till Mon- day morning, but these stops must have been at unimportant points, for I remem- ber none till we reached Wheeling, Virginia. Here we remained for two or three days to readjust the loads of goods, the heavy and bulky articles being separated from the others and shipped by water down the Ohio and up the Illinois river to Peoria. This we accomplished through Mr. John R. Forsyth, a commission merchant in Wheeling, who took charge of and shipped them to the care of Andrew Gray, a commission man in Peoria, and our only knowledge of the shipment for many long weeks was through this latter gentleman, who was finally notified when they were transferred to another boat at St. Louis. It may be mentioned in passing that Mr. Forsyth was the father of Henry Forsvth, for a number of years clerk of our county court, and the grandfather of Airs. C. R. \Varner. He removed to Peoria soon after we did, and formed a partnership with Mr. Gray, whom all old citizens will remember and who is still represented in our midst by his daughter, Mrs. John McDougal and her sons. Both of these gentlemen were from the north of Ireland and were fine specimens of that elocjuent and courtly race. There was much to interest us in Wheeling, but unfortunately we had all been made more or less ill by eating pawpaws gathered by the wayside and were unable to avail ourselves of half our opportunities. One thing, however, we felt that all must see and that was the steamer Algonquin, on which our goods were being stored. The Chesapeake and Ohio canal was in operation and the older members of the family had in- spected the boats on the canal and considered them a triumph of luxury, but not even my father had seen anything so fine as a steamboat and to all of us it seemed a floating palace. The boys were especially excited and could not sufficiently admire its various parts from the wheel in the pilot house to the conveniences for storing freight in the hold. Another curiosity and. delight was the glass factory still in its infancy but quite sufiiciently developed to draw crowds of interested observers. I remained at the hotel, too unwell to undertake such an" expedition, but grew quite familiar with its wonders at second-hand in the long days that followed. On Monday we were all feeling much better and with our load of goods greatly lightened, took up our journey across Ohio, still keeping to the National road. Various schemes for facilitating travel were being urged but Illinois knew of these things only by distant rumor. On the whole the greatest civilizer of this and neighboring states was the National Road,* of which such fre(iuent * This National Road at the time it was built was probably as important to the people as the Union Pacific was at the time it was built and it cost the general government in proportion to its means as much as the Transcontinental Railroad. It was built by Con- gress under desires to provide for the mail service and was operated as a mail route, very important in that particular and very important to bind the nation together by union of inter- I.AKK AT (;IJ-;X OAK I'AlMv LOG CABIN AT GLEX OAK I'AKK l!t ll.T \:\ I'KiHMA ((UXTY PIONEERS HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 61 and grateful mention is made by early settlers. Starting from Cumberland it was finished as far as Wheeling in 1820 at a cost of $17,000,000, but was subse- quently extended across Ohio and Indiana. In the language of Professor Andrews, "It was thirty-five feet wide thoroughly macadamized, and had no grade above five degrees." As it was kept in repair for the sake of the govern- ment mail it can easily be imagined what a boon it must have been to immigrants with their heavy wagons and helpless families. The first stop that I remember was at Zanesville, which was considered a flourishing town, and for some reason had an especial attraction for us, but I cannot remember why. Columbus also met with our approval, but we drove briskly through it till we reached some shade trees, where we rested and ate luncheon. W'e especially commended the apples which were very fine and abimdant. At this point my father decided to go by way of Dayton, so we left the National road and drove through mud and slush for half a da)' to reach it. I am not sure whether it was by appointment or accident, but at Dayton we met a family of the name of W onderlich. the father of whom was an uncle of my communications. It is proliable tliat railroads by facilitating intercourse as well as commerce between different neigbborboods and states are not only among tbe greatest civilizers by en- abling eacb portion of tbe country to learn the best tilings from otber parts but it enables the people to become acquainted with each other. "East of Alton was the town of Vandalia, where ended tbe unfinished National Pike. The construction of that famous highway was begun at Cumberland, Maryland, in iSii; but so slowly did the work progress that six years passed before tbe first mail-coach rolled over it and entered Wheeling. Two years later Congress decided to continue the road from Wheeling to some point on the Mississippi between St. Louis and the mouth of the Illinois River, and appropriated ten thousand dollars for preliminary surveys. But five years elapsed before a dollar was provided for building the road, and ground was broken at St. Clairs- ville, a little town in Ohio, a few miles west of Wheeling. Columbus was reached bv 1830, and when tbe last appropriation was made, in 1838, the road was finished as far as Spring- field, and graded, bridged, and partially completed to Vandalia. "In Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Virginia, the Cumberland Road wound and twisted through the mountains, feut once across the Ohio the route was to be as straight as pos- sible from Wheeling to the Mississippi, regardless of towns along the way. Against this the General .Assembly of Illinois protested, and asked that tlie road should join the capital cities of Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois. When tlierefore, the first appropriation for construc- tion was made it was ordered that the great highway should pass through Columbus, In- dianapolis, and Vandalia. then the capital of Illinois. Straightness, however, was not de- parted from, and the road was built with little regard for topography. Hills were cut through, lowlands were crossed on high embankments, and streams, large and small, were spanned by massive stone bridges, the like of which cannot be found on any other road in all our land. "lo keep such a highway, eighty feet wide, in repair was .so costly a matter that Congress ordered gates put up and tolls collected at regular intervals. This, in the opinion of Monroe, was going too far; it was assuming jurisdiction over the land on which tbe road was built; and tbe bill came back with his veto and a long dissertation on the intent and meaning of the Constitution. Thereupon Congress repaired the road so far as built and turned it over to the States through which it passed to be by them kept in repair forever. ,\s new portions were constructed they, too, passed to tbe care of tbe States, wdiich at once put up toll-gates. "No highway was more travelled, more crowded, more interesting. Over it each day went thousands of mail-coaches, passenger-coaches, freighters, .•\long its route had sprung up hundreds of taverns, beneath whose roofs the travellers lodged, and hundreds of wagon houses, where entertainment was provided for the teamsters and their beasts. Before tbe doors of such taverns as went back to tbe early days of tbe road, might still be seen the old-fashioned sign whereon was rudely painted tbe Green Tree, the Golden Lamb, tbe White Horse, tbe Golden Swan, or tbe Indian Queen, by which the bouse was known. Those of a later date had verandas and bore on their signs tbe names of their owners. Only the newest were called .'\merican House. United States Hotel. National House, or Buckeye Hotel. "On tbe outskirts of tbe towns and villages and at short distances along the road were the wagon houses, plain frame buildings with great yards, long watering troughs and huge barns, in many of which a hundred horses might rest. None but teamsters found enter- tainment at such places, and at any of them after nightfall a group of wagoners might be seen gathered at tlie bar or seated around the huge fireplace, and sleeping on tbe floor in winter or in the great yard in summer. "From each important town along tbe route stage lines ran out north and south." — McMastcr. 62 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY step-mother. Tliis man was the grandfather of Mrs. Calvin Schnebly, of Rich woods, and her mother was a young girl at the time and assisted in enter- taining us. We remained two or three days with these kind friends, resting and preparing for the worst part of the journey. I remember little of Indianapolis, except from there on the road was very had, and we seemed a long, long ways from home. The turnpike existed only in spots from this time, and we would sometime jolt for hours over a corduroy road formed of trees roughly cut and dropped carelessly into the oozy soil. The prairies were uncultivated, and while the grass waved above the heads of the horses the wagon wheel would suddenly sink to the hubs in an unsuspected slough. This meant long delay. With a groan the boys would clamber from their seats, double up teams, perhaps have to pry the wheels out of the mud, and then repeat the process with the vehicles in the rear. Sometimes such experiences would occur several times in a day, and were fiery trials to patience and temper as well as weary bodies. Xow and then we would overtake movers with oxen, and as it was a law of the road that each should help the other these were often of great assistance to our lighter loads. The first question of all such was: "Where are you going stranger?" and the almost invariable reply: "To Logansport, Injianny." "Don't they have ague there?"' we would ask, and the reply was: "Oh yes. sometimes." In fact malaria was the rule throughout the state. In many houses where we stopped there was not a single well person to wait upon the sick, and all the settlers looked bleached and sallow. Still all were cheerful under the affliction and looked for better times in the spring — not one was preparing to give it up and return east. As we left the well settled portions of the country behind, we became more dependent upon ourselves in the matter of food. We had brought with us a liberal supply of potatoes, coffee, tea and dried fruit, nuts of various kinds abounded in the woods and apples might generally be had for the asking ; eggs, milk and butter were found at every farm house, and fish in every stream ; but the great annoyance was the diflficulty of obtaining bread. Public bakers were scarce and I recall one town where but a single loaf could be obtained. With so large a family, this became a serious matter and at length my step-mother, with the energy that distinguished her, took the matter in hand. Wherever we might chance to camp at night, by the roadside or in the bleakest prairies, she would set her bread to rise and then in the dim morning hours finish her baking before the early drive began. The only utensil for this purpose was a large, round iron pot or pan, with feet and a right cover, called a "Dutch oven," which was heated by heaping coals beneath it and spreading a layer on the lid. In the light of our present conveniences this appears a slow and troublesome proc- ess, but after all these years it still seems to me that no cakes or bread or biscuit were ever so sweet or so well baked as those turned out of that old "Dutch oven." The ride through Indiana was dreary in the extreme ; we had seen no one we knew anything about for days and when we reached Terre Haute and were invited to dine with a J\Ir. StoU whom father had know-n as a boy the invitation was eagerlv accepted. This gentleman was soon after appointed territorial governor of Iowa and of course left the country, but I still think of Terre Haute tenderlv for the sake of the dinner he gave us. Richmond is also pleasantly remembered; the people were kind and hospitable and we laid in a bountiful supply of provisions to last us through the wilderness which stretched before us. At another town in Indiana we had to lie by on account of the sickness of a favorite mare named Dolly. I had never seen an animal doctored by filling a bottle with medicine and forcibly pouring the dose down its throat and it seemed very cruel, but in this case, at least, it was efficacious and the next day DoUv was able to travel. When we reached the Wabash the difficulties of the journey were greatly increased. Hitherto we had crossed all streams by means of bridges, but here HISTORY OF PEORIA COUXTY 63 there was only a rope ferry boat and when we drove on board all felt as if we were taking our lives in our hands. For a long distance beyond this ferry we drove through dark and forbidding woods and when at length we were called upon to camp in their shadows we were all much depressed. To make the situation more unpleasant we entirely lost our beloved National road from this time. It had been surve^etl and partly graded in Illinois, but not a foot macad- amized beyond the state line. For some reason our route lay midway between Decatur and Springfield, and we passed no town in the state of sufficient im- portance to vary the monotony. Paris, our first stopping place, was not calculated to rouse our courage. The ague was widespread and there was not an able bodied person in the town. As a conse(|uence provisions were scarce and wc went on our way with many forebodings. The next day to our great surprise we met three cousins of father's who had been through Iowa and Illinois buying land and were returning to Maryland. Two of these gentlemen had made the entire journey on horseback, while the third, who was lame, had driven in a buggy. We were much delighted to see them, though our greetings were exchanged in the middle of a big prairie and the visit lasted less than an hour. Their account of what they had seen did much to encourage our party and we went on in far better spirits. Pieyond Waynesville we had in a small way a really serious trouble, though it seems insignificant enough in the retrospect — we lost our mush pot! Every old housckeejjer will remember the value attached in the days before porcelain- lined and galvanized \\are were invented, to any iron vessel that was perfectly smooth and warranted not to discolor the most delicate food. Such a one was our mush pot and valuable as it was under any circumstances, it was doubly so in the present crisis. It had been tied throughout the journey to the wagon pole and came loosened and rolled away. My step-mother felt ruined so far as good cooking was concerned and would have driven back in search of her treasure if mv father had not discouraged the attempt. Coming through Indiana we became acquainted with a family by the name of Boone, and as they were traveling to the same section of the country we were often thrown together. The party consisted of the old gentleman, his wife, who weighed over two hundred pounds, and six grown daughters, and a married son with his wife and two children. Each family had what was called a "Jersey" wagon and a pair of little horses to take them from their distant home in the eastern part of Pennsylvania to central Illinois. Although pleasant acquaintances they became a great drawback to traveling. Their horses were quite unequal to the load they had to draw and several times a day our teams would be unhitched to drag them out of the mud. Finally one of the young ladies was taken sick, and as the family was unable to travel in consequence, our boys hastened on, much pleased to think we were rid of them. But their joy was short lived, for by means of early rising our friends soon overtook us and we continued to help them out of the mud till we reached Mackinaw. Here they remained for a couple of weeks, but eventually came to Peoria to spend the winter. Miss Susan Boone afterwards married Dr. Maus, of Mack- inaw, and they moved to Pekin. Hopkins Boone, the son. and his family went to loliet, where they had relatives, and I lost sight of them. Another family we met in traveling was that of Major Walker. They left us to go to Springfield, but eventually settled in Lewistown. A disease as much dreaded by immigrants as ague was the "milk sickness," which we heard of in Illinois. It was said to come from a weed the cattle ate, which poisoned the milk, and was thereby communicated to human beings. Our first knowledge of I'ekin was through a report that milk sickness was especially prevalent there, though indeed every new place was suspected of the same con- tamination. From Mackinaw we struck across the country, expecting to come through 64 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY Tremont, hut accidentally took the wrong road and passed down Deacon street instead, and soon came to the bluffs overlooking Peoria. It was a beautiful afternoon, and as the sunlight gilded the tops of the trees and played hide-and- seek among the shadows, the panorama that stretched before us was most at- tractive. The hardships of the long weary way over which we had passed were forgotten as we looked at the glistening river and the village so pictur- es(|uely hidden by the surrounding bluffs. Even the horses seemed to feel that rest was near and cantered briskly down the long slope that led to the ferry, which plied at the foot of Bridge street, and over which we must pass before reaching our destination. By the time we got to Main and Water streets dark- ness had set in, and strangers as we were it was impossible to find accommoda- tions for so large a party. At length an old man by the name of Hardesty, who lived in a little house where the Colburn & Birks' building now stands, oft'ered to shelter my father and mother. He had but one room to offer, and even that had no bedstead, but we sent over our own bedding and made a bed upon the floor. This would not have been considered a privation by persons who had lived as we had through the last six weeks of our journey, but unfortunately a terrific storm of rain and wind came up in the night, the rain drifted under the outer door and ran in streams to the bed, which was thoroughly soaked, and the occupants driven to chairs and tables for protection. Those of us who had slept in the wagons were dry and warm but much frightened, and altogether our first night in Peoria was not a happy one. Nor can it be wondered at; but it is rather a surprise that any of us lived through the hardships of the first season, to tell the truth. The girls especially had been delicately reared, and had never done a stroke of work unless for their own pleasure. Servants had always been plentiful to attend to their slightest wish, and the transition from a life of ease to the labor and deprivations of pioneer life was enough to appal the stoutest heart. The Rev. Isaac Kellar, who was married to my father's sister and had lived near us in Maryland, moved to Peoria in the s]iring of 1835 and it was at his solicitation that we determined to make our new home in the same place. After a few months' residence in town Uncle Kellar had purchased a farm about five miles in the country which included what is now Kellar Station on the Rock Island & Peoria Railroad. Here he hastily put up a house and moved his family into it, but so difficult was it to get workmen that when w^e arrived, November 10, it was a shelter and no more. The walls and roof were up but the winter wind whistled between the unchinked logs and the only partitions upstairs were formed of strips of carpets or blankets. As there was not a house to be had and it was too late in the season to think of building we thankfully accepted the offer of a share in this unfinished house and seven Kellars and eleven Schneblvs clustered together as best they could under one roof. All hands immediately set to work to make the place more comfortable. Such apology for carpenters as could be obtained were put to laying floors and making and hanging inside doors, and in the meanwhile big fires were kept burning day and night. As the new^er family, we were able to add many comforts to the general store. There were too many of us to be lonely or low-spirited, and in spite of hardships, we were not unhappy. Air. John Kellar had bought the farm adjoining his brother's, and gradually we came to know other neighbors, all of whom were most kind. Nevertheless it was a dreadful winter. The intense cold set in on the 15th of November, 1835, a full month sooner than was anticipated, and found no one prepared for it. Provisions were scarce not only with us but in the stores, and the Illinois river, the only highway to the base of supplies, was frozen over. Snow soon fell to a greater depth than had ever been known before and ren- dered the country roads well nigh impassable while it was fresh and entirely so when it turned to mud and slush. At the new house it sifted through every crevice and it was no raritv to shake several inches of snow off' our beds in ■7 *"^ ■ 7^ ' KF.Y TO THE PICTURE OF PEORIA IX 1846. The folliiiK'iii;/ iiaiucd [^hiccs arc represented as folltrn's: a. The foot of l-'erry Street aii As early as possible after coming to Peoria, ^Uncle Kellar had begun to preach in a frame building on Jackson between Adams and Washington streets. Here he would no doubt have done well, but unfortunately the discussion which resulted in new and old school Presbyterians was rife even in this distant place and had resulted in the formation of two Presbyterian churches where there was hardly room for one. On the 21st of December, 1834, Joshua Aiken, Aloses Pettengill and Enoch Cross with the assistance of Rev. Flavel Bascom and Rev. Romulus Darnes had organized a church of eleven members with new school proclivities, and on the next day Samuel Lowry, a zealous Presbyterian from the north of Ireland, and Rev. John Birch had organized a second church with old school preferences. This latter organization included Samuel Lowry, Mrs. Andrew Gray, Mrs. Matthew Taggart, John Sutherland, Nelson Buck and others. All this occurred before I came to Peoria and had created not a little feeling, but in my first knowledge of the place both churches were leading a precarious existence, and Uncle Kellar was preaching for the so-called old school body. When my father came with his large family and a little later Mrs. Lindsay with hers and identified themselves with this latter church, it seemed established on a firm basis. And so it might have been but for enemies within the fold, who were far more destructive than those without. The real cause of the trouble which resulted in dismemberment does not appear on the records but in the language of a contemporary arose from "a strong disposition on the part of Mr. Lowry to rule whatever he was concerned with and an equally strong disposition on the part of Mr. Kellar not to be ruled." Be that as it may, it was said at the time that Mr. Lowry had taken the deed to the church lot in his own name, and that he subsequently sold the lot, took the money and went away never to return. To straighten the matter out the synod sent a commission to investigate the matter and this commission dissolved the church which Mr. Lowry claimed to have organized and established another in its ruins, of which Mr. Kellar was elected pastor, and such he continued to be for several years. Miss Kate Kellar and I, being the young ladies of the family, usually ac- companied him to church. As soon as possible father purchased a carriage for the use of the family, but during the first winter our only mode of traveling was on horseback. I remember that Cousin Kate and I had cloaks alike, made very full, wadded and lined and pleated into a yoke. As we rode along these * Mr. Schnebly seems to have preferred timber land to tlie prairie because he tliought it was more fertile. Mr. George Poage Rice, the father of tlie editor, came to Illinois first in 18,^4 and was in Peoria. He went west and settled in Monmouth. His idea was that the prairie land was the best farm land but that farms could not get along without timber to build houses, make fences and for fuel. He took up his farm land in the edge of the prairie adjoining the timber and spent all the money he could spare in buying timber land amongst the breaks thinking that he was getting the key of the situation. Some money he had to in- vest for his sister, he put all in timber land and also when his nephew wished to come and open a farm he sold forty acres of the timber and took up as good farm land as there is in Illinois with the money. One could sell forty acres of that farm land a day without im- provements for enough to buy a section of timber land, even with the timber standing on it as good as it was in those days. HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 67 cloaks would fill with wind like a balloon and must have presented a funny appearance if there had been any spectators on that lonely road. Both Mrs. Gray and Mrs. Lowry were very kind to us and often asked us to spend a day or two at a time with them. On one of these occasions we were invited to a dance given somewhere on Main street, but as neither of us knew how to dance and would have been thought dreadfully wicked if we had, the party was not a success as far as we were concerned. As we had come from a country where snow was plenty, sleighing was one of our ciiief amusements. We had only a home-made jumper, it is true, and in going up and down the hills had to cling to each other to prevent falling off, but youth and high spirits atoned for all shortcomings and we enjoyed it. On one occasion we took the "jumper" and went by invitation to spend the evening at John Clifton's. There was but a single room when we arrived, and the only light came from a huge log fire about which the family was gathered. After a while with some difficulty they rigged up a witch's lamp — a piece of rag drawn through a potato and set in a saucer of oil — and that furnished the balance of the illumination. We were made most welcome, however, and before our de- parture the lady of the house jjassed around a dish of raw turnips — the only refreshments she had. It was most kindly meant, but we were too recently from the land of apples not to be struck with the fun of it, though our own entertainments were little less primitive, being confined to hickory nuts or parched corn, to which the children sometimes added potatoes roasted in the hot ashes. It was years before we had any fruit of our own raising. For many reasons the family reading took a narrow range that season. Two weekly papers, the I'liiladelphia Presbyterian for religious items, and the Hag- , erstown Torchlight for news of our old neighbors, bad been ordered to our new home, and were carefully read. In addition we had our choice of the Bible, a voluminous Concordance, Josephus, a treatise on the Whole Duty of Woman, Grimshaw's History of the United States. Lives of Washington, Calvin, Frank- lin, Marion, Patrick Henry, and for light reading Scottish Chiefs, Charlotte Temple and the Children of the Abbey. How these latter managed to creep into such dignified company I cannot remember, but I, at least, read them with avidity, 'and was thereby beguiled of many weary hours. A little later, through the kindness of a friend. I had access to all of Cooper's novels, then just coming into vogue, and had a new world opened up to me even though the noble red men, as there portrayed, had no resemblance to the specimens with which vve oc- casionally came in contact. The winter of 1835-6 dragged its slow length along, as has been said. In February my stepmother presented us with a tiny addition to the family, and notwithstanding many discomforts inseparable with our crowded quarters, as well as the newness of the country, mother and baby both throve well. A few weeks later Mr. Ballance and I were married, Uncle Kellar being the officiating clergyman. My gown was of white jaconet, the material for which I had providentially brought from ^Maryland, and my one bridesmaid was Miss Amelia Boone, one of the family who traveled with us in our journey through Indiana. There were but two carriages in the town, and one of these Mr. Ballance hired for the wedding, but owing to the darkness of the night and the miseral)le condition of the roads it was thought best to defer the drive into town till morning. Our homecoming was naturally an event of some importance in the little town, and Miss Prudence liallance had issued invitations for a ])arty in our honor. It proved to be a large gathering and an elegant one for the times, but after all these years I can recall no one who was there but the Grays, Lowrys, Taggarts, Vorises, PickettS and Boones.* The house where I began my married life and where my three older children were born was on * This Miss .Amelia Boone was a cousin of the author's mother and was a relative of the pioneer hunter, Daniel Boone of Kentucky. Their family settled at an early day in Pennsylvania, fifty or sixty miles north of Philadelphia. 68 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY the lower side of Water street at the foot of Liberty street, and was considered a superior one for the times. It was near the site of old Fort Clark, w-hich was built in 1813, and which burned in 1819. The fort had been made of logs, standing on end and the charred remains of these were sometimes found about our garden as long as we remained there. One was in such a state of preserva- tion that we used it years as a hitching post until its -age and history made it too valuable for that purpose and when we moved away a man by the name of Drown sawed it into walking sticks which he readily sold for 50 cents apiece. The corner on the south of us had been a powder magazine, but nothing re- mained of it but a few stones and the hole where the powder had been stored. Below this and a little nearer the river — there was not a street laid out south of this till you reach the ferry, now Bridge street — was the old Court House.* In the rear, the house was generally sixty or seventy feet from the river, but in the spring it often happened that the water came up to our back steps, and it was not unusual at such times to attach a fishing rod to the back door to catch a fish for the next meal. The front yard was quite barren when I came to the house, but the next year we had it fenced in and wandering pigs fenced out, so that I soon had a garden, gay with all colors of old-fashioned tiowers. After we left this house for a larger one on South Adams street it was rented to various tenants, but rapidly went to decay and the site is now so changed by business houses and railroad tracks that even I find it difficult to identify. 'Most of those who had been invited to my wedding reception were strangers to me, but ^Irs. Andrew Gray seemed like an old friend. She and her husband were warm hearted Irish people, and had been kind to me from my first arrival. Indeed, to the extent of their means, they kept open house to all comers. Among their frequent guests were William, generally called "Billy" Mitchell, and two young ladies, Margaret and Louisa Heaton, who lived near where (ubilee now stands. Mr. Mitchell was a young Englishman and at that time and for years afterwards was clerk of the county court. Whether Mrs. Gray had any hand in making the match I do not know, but these young people met often at her house and the day before we were married Uncle Kellar was called upon to perform the same services for Mr. Mitchell and Louisa Heaton. After his marriage, Mr. Mitchell took his bride to live in the house on the bluff now occupied by Mrs. Thomas Hurd and her daughter, Mrs. Hotchkiss, and soon after he was joined by his mother and a sister who eventually became Mrs. James Crawley. Of the Lowrys I have spoken before. They were staunch Presbyterians and according to their ideas of things good people, but Air. Lowry was a man of determined will and strong prejudices, and it was impossible for him to see any good in a scheme which ran counter to his preconceived ideas. Mr. Bal- lance was fond of quoting Hudibras with reference to him where he described the English Presbyterians: "Who never kneel but to their God to pray, Nor even then, unless in their own way." He was a prominent citizen for a few years, but became involved in the church quarrel before alluded to and left the place. Mr. Taggart was another Irishman ; his wife was a sister of Mrs. Lowry, and a most excellent kindly woman. They had two daughters. Jane and Mary, the latter of whom was not fully grown at this time, but some years after mar- ried Mr. Dalmain, an artist. In the first Peoria directory issued in 1844 Mr. Taggart would seem to have no business, but the word "gentleman" is opposite his name. On the same page appears the business card of Jane Amanda Tag- *TIiis old courthouse is shown on the picture "Peoria in 1831." HISTORY OF PEORIA COUXTY 69 gart's Select School, wherein is taught "i'hilosophy. History, Arithmetic, Geog- raphy, Grammar, Reading and Spelling. Terms, $2.50 per quarter." Mr. Ballance came from Kentucky to Peoria in 183 1 and soon afterward induced his friends, the Vorises to join him here. The family consisted of Air. and Mrs. Francis Voris, two younger brothers, Abram and Sam, a sister, Hortensia, and Miss Sarah Congleton. The brothers kept a general store, which de%'eloped into a forwarding and commission business. They also went into the packing of ])ork in winter, which they would pack in flat boats and when the river opened in the spring send it down the river where there was always a ready market for provisions. Their store was located on Water street for years and their various interests furnished employment for a number of young men. Miss Hortensia \'oris married Dr. Hogan, a practicing physician, but in a year or two they moved to Texas and I lost sight of them. Mr. Abram Voris went down the river as supercargo of a line of flat-boats, and while in the neighborhood of Natchez took the cholera and died. A year or two later Mr. Samuel \oris married .Miss Congleton and for more than a c|uarter of a century the two brothers, Francis and Samuel, with their families, lived together in the homestead in perfect accord. As children grew to maturity and were mar- ried, additions would be made to the original house, but so long as the first couples remained there was no thought of separation. As time went on they prospered and for years were considered among the wealthiest as well as the most hospitable peojjle in the county. The house or rather the collection of houses that sheltered so many was near the corner of .Adams and Oak street, but has so fallen into decay that it is no longer habitable. The beautiful lawn is entirely destro\cd. The garden that was the pet and pride of the neighbor- hood had not left even a trace, and the fine old trees are all dead and gone. It is a melancholy spectacle and one that I would gladly forget. As I came from a southern state and belonged to a family of slave owners, mv sympathies were naturally opposed to everything savoring of abolitionism. In these days when the Christian world is unanimously convinced of the iniquity of slavery, "it is difficult to realize the intensity of feeling fifty years ago (A.D. 1846) for and against the institution. As years went by sympathy on either side developed into hatred, families were divided and the solid south was arrayed against the solid north, but in New England was to hold him up to approbrium and he must be singularly brave and conscientious who would avow his-ielief in the hated doctrines. U'hatever elements might have entered in to divide that most conservative of l)odies, the Presbyterian church, it is certain that the crowning trouble was the dift'erence of opinion on the subject of slavery. The north saw but one side, and believing that it was wrong felt that it must be pulled up, root and branch ; that it must be done at once regardless of consequences, and the results be left to God. Many in the south on the contrary believed it to be a divine institution, sanctioned by Scripture and the usages of antiquity; others of Africa in touch with the civilizing influences of the whites, and all felt that right or wrong, the blacks were here and to set them free was to, involve the country in far greater troubles than could possibly arise from continuing them in slavery. It would seem that whatever the moral aspect of the question it need not have afl:'ected anv relations in the center of a free state like Illinois, but beliefs are not bound by geogra]ihical lines and the old school Presbyterian church with its supersensitiveness on the slave question and the new school, the offspring of Puritan parents, were the results. I do not undertake to give a history of this new school of Main street church, as it was called, but I remember many of the people connected with it. The leaders were Joshua .Aiken, Moses Pettengill and Dr. Cross, but William A. Nurse, Robert E. Little. Dr. Castle, the Piurlingame brothers, a man by the name of Tarleton and Mrs. Jeffries did much to make it a success. One of the first j^astors was Rev. William T. .Alien, who was noted for his 70 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUXTY anti-slavery i)roclivities, and wrote after his signature, "Preacher of righteous- ness," as descriptive of his calhng. Joshua Aiken, who is now remembered principally as a relative of the late Mark Aiken, lived at Cottonwood, the farm afterwards bought and improved by the late S. S. Clark. He owned a small flouring mill on the Kickapoo about three miles south of town, which was cap- able of turning out fifty barrels of flour per day. He afterwards added a saw mill to it and ran both together till on one of its periodical floods the creek carried the whole plant away so successfully that not a suggestion of it can now be found. It must have been a serious disappointment to those concerned, as the vicinity had been staked ofl: into lots and a considerable amount of business done in the way of selling building spots in the town which was called Peoria Mills. Moses Pettengill was one of the earliest merchants of the place and as he was a careful business man whatever he undertook was a success. Although stern, he was very pious and exceedingly conscientious. He was an avowed abolitionist and it was said that he was connected with the so-called underground railroad and gave protection to slaves who fled across the border. It was even told with honor that Mrs. Pettengill had entertained colored women in her parlor and the tale produced a large sized scandal. I am not sure that the story is true, but feel that if either of these good people had felt it their duty to entertain the lowest of the black race they would not have hesitated a moment to do it. Another prominent member of the new school church was Amos Stevens. He was an educated man and opened a school when he first came to Peoria, but left it in a year or two and went to Baton Rouge. Here he made the ac- ^quaintance of a family by the name of Silliman, who, perhaps, through his influence, spent several summers in Peoria and built the houses occupied by Singer & \\'heeler on Water street. After being away two or three years Mr. Stevens returned and soon after married a Miss Morrow, who was a teacher and a sister of Mrs. Rufus Burlingame. Enos Cross belonged to the same organization. He was a practicing physician of some ability and a brother-in-law of Mrs. Pettengill. All of these had the reputation of being very serious men and as far removed as possible from any hilarity. On one occasion the congregation undertook to give a church social and Jim Alexander, who was considered the wit of the town, was invited to attend. He remained but a short time and gave as a reason that there was no one there but Moses and Aaron and Enoch, and it was too near the flood for him. ]\Ir. Nurse was the first man to introduce fanning mills into central Illinois, and furnished the nucleus that finally developed into the Proctor business. In his advertisements he proudly announced that for wheat fans he made cross wove riddles. A valuable member of this church was Mrs. Jeffries, grandmother of Mrs. Edward Gale. She was a widow with a large family of daughters, and a devoted church worker. The young ladies were noted as capable, industrious women, and as they came to maturity were married, three of them as I remember becoming the wives of Theodore Adams, John Bolton and Alexander Allison. Like all new settlements Peoria had its share of eccentric people. One of them was |ohn G. Bryson. When he first came to the country he taught school in Richwoods township and was very acceptable in that capacity till Jack Hines started the story that he was in the habit of correcting his pupils by hitting them over the head with stove wood. After that he clerked first for Aquilla Wren and then for the \'oris Brothers, and finally had a dry goods store of his own on Main street. This he ran in a slow old-fashioned way till more progressive men monopolized the business. Those who knew him in later years as an eccentric, taciturn recluse, will be surprised to hear that he was once engaged to be married, at which time Mr. \'oris said he walked so much around HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 71 a certain tree, meditating on his beloved that the grass refused ever after to grow on the spot. He was a great man to argue and whatever the (luestion, he might safely be counted on the contrary side. Early settlers will have no difficulty in recalling an old Pole named Klopiski, who kept a sort of restaurant for many years on Main street. The boys dubbed him "Old Pork and Beans" and on ordinary occasions he was rather addicted to soiled linen and old slippers run down at the heels, but when dressed he was a noble looking man and every inch a cultivated gentleman. He came to America during the troublous times of Poland and professed to have been a nol)leman and a military leader. He was very fond of chess and Mr. Ballance used sometimes to invite him to the house that they might have a game together. Very often the game would be forgotten and the old gentleman would talk for hours of outrages practiced upon his native country. As I look back I think we did not appreciate him as we should, and if he was still alive believe the present generation would be disposed to make a hero of him. One of the most conspicuous if not as he thought the greatest man of the day was H. W. Cleveland. Where he came from or what his previous history might have been I do not know, but he suddenly ap])eared among us in several unexpected roles. Somebody had taken it upon himself to raise a company of militia, though in a spirit of bragadocio they paid it the compliment of call- ing it a regiment. Cleveland was a candidate for colonel, and. owing to the unpopularity of the other aspirants, was elected, as much to his own surprise as that of others. • He immediately appointed a complete line of staff officers as though it was a full regiment, among whom I recollect Dr. Rouse as medical officer and Mr. Ballance as quartermaster. About the same time the colonel got a charter for a new ferry across the river which was to be propelled by horse power and the lucky thought struck him to have a parade of his new regiment and a jubilee over the launching of his new boat at the same time. At length the auspicious day arrived. Horses were scarce but every officer that could get one was mounted for the parade. The colonel resided in a frame house on the corner of Madison and Jackson streets and in front of his door he had a table set with wines and all sorts of liquors and every time the parade went around the town the head of the column stopped at his door for refresh- ments. The more they refreshed the more foolish they became, and one by one the more dignified dropped out of the parade. There was a character named "Tig Tom" who being a little in doubt as to his military duties hunted up Dr. Rouse for advice. The doctor was a good deal disgusted by this titpe and growled out, "if this stuff makes the colonel sick it's my duty to physic him and yours to wait on him !" After much fuss and feathers the parade finally reached the new boat and Colonel Cleveland proceeded to make a speech, the opening words of which were remembered and repeated by Peorians for many a day. He said : : "Fellow citizens and countrymen : Let us now proceed to cominemorate the memory of the immortal Washington who has long since been laid in the tomb." The whole thing became so ridiculous that the regiment was never again heard of and even the boat seemed to partake of the general fooling and was soon after sold to a circus company and taken down to St. Louis. A GLANCn: BACKW.\RD BY E. II. FERGUSON, PONTIAC, ILLINOIS Times were very bad when we arrived in Illinois. There was no money in the state ; no sale for grain except to travelers or emigrants ; groceries, boots and shoes had to be paid for with cash ; pork was all the farmers had that would sell for money. Fisher & Chapin l)Ought hogs at Lacon, and always paid for them with Traders Bank of Boston bills. The money was new, 72 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY stamped F. & C— I'isher & Chapin. It paid taxes in Peoria, Marshall and Woodford counties. It was currently reported that Fisher paid sixty cents on the dollar in gold for money and had to redeem every dollar of it in gold that came back to the bank in Boston. That was good financiering for both parties, and a fair sample of early day business. Fisher always had a New Orleans boat come up every spring during the high water to take his pork to New Orleans. One spring, about 1843, or possibly a year or two later, David Heats, a merchant of Chillicothe, sent one hundred sacks of corn to St. Louis and sold it for money, getting about fifteen cents per bushel. Immediately on getting returns from the shipments he sent word all around that he would take grain in payment for boots, shoes, groceries and debts. That was the first shipment of grain that I ever heard of. A little later that same year Isaac Underbill, of Peoria, had Captain Moss, of Peoria, come up and take a load of his "rent" corn to St. Louis, where he received cash for it. After harvest he sent word to the farmers of La Salle Prairie that on a certain date he would have a boat at Rome if they wished to sell their corn. They all availed themselves of the opportunity, as that was the first chance they had had to sell grain for cash. There were two boats loaded with corn at Rome that fall. After that there was a market for grain at some price for cash. My father made three trips to Chicago with wheat. On one of these trips the load brought forty cents per bushel. He brought back shoes, tea and a dollar's worth of cofifee and sugar, which mother made to last until the middle of the next summer. I think this was in 1841. During thedry year — the year of the big prairie fire — the mill race at Senachwine dried up and no flour could be obtained. My mother grated corn on a tin pan punched full of holes and made corn bread and cakes for about two weeks until we could get a grist ground at Crown Creek mill, east of Chillicothe, about where the Santa Fe railroad is now located. Two of my mother's brothers, Elijah and Norman Hyde, came to Peoria about 1823 or 1824. Norman was county surveyor, postmaster and county judge when Chicago was in Peoria county. I have in my possession his text- book and surveying instruments. I have a chest of drawers and some dishes that belonged to my grandmother at the time of her marriage in 1790. In the line of ancient documents I have a history of Greece, printed in 1699, and a copy of a political discussion, published in 1671. A HOUSE WITH MAXY HISTORIES nv M. P. .SIMS. LAWN RIDGE, HXINOIS The house now ( 1904) being torn down on the southeast corner of this place is one with many thrilling historical events. It was built in the '40s, the first house in Lawn Ridge, by Deacon, or Nathaniel Smith. The frame was of large square-hewn timbers, some pieces eight by ten, mortised and braced and cross braced so it might be sure and stand the howling winds from the northwest. The other lumber was hauled from Chicago with ox teams, taking up a load of wheat and bringing back lumber, the round trip taking about a week. This house in the early '50s was one of the many depots on the underground railroad. The next one on the south was Deacon Purge's of Farmington, and the next on the north was Owen Lovejoy's of Princeton. Many a time when the slaveholder, with sherifif and posse, backed up by the Tegeft slave law which allowed him to call on any one to assist him to run down his slaves, and if they refused, be liable to a fine, would be only a few hours behind his slaves as they passed the place. The old house standing there looked so solemn and innocent, that they never suspected that down in the cellar were three or four badly frightened men and women trying to escape to free Canada, and waiting for the excitement to go by and night to come so they could be transported on to Princeton. MIRROR LAlvE, BRADLEY PA UK HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 73 After occupj-ing this house a few years. Deacon Smith bought and built over on the west side of the road a similar one, where he lived a number of years. He was still depot master and fed the runaway slaves the same as before. He was a great character. He was not only a farmer, but a blacksmith, and a good one, too. He was an all around man. He could make a good speech and make it interesting on any subject. He took the lead in all advance movements, church and politics, established and maintained Sunday schools in all the country around. Later in life, he drifted to the west and linally returned to his old home in New York state, where he died. No doulit Deacon Smith had his faulfs but on the whole I believe him to have been a great and good man and one that helped to make this county what it is. Deacon Smith sold this place in an early day to a man by the name of Job Brown, or "Joby" Brown, as he was called. He was more of an inventor than a farmer. There is no doubt but what Job Brown was the real inventor of the corn planter. It was in this house that he studied and thought out the great problem of planting corn by machinery. It was here by the door he first pulled his machine by hand, and then with one horse, and finally made a planter something similar to planters now in use. only dropping three rows, and instead of wheels had sled runners. The dropping part was the real invention. It is said the inventor seldom gets the profits ; it was so in this case. It was in this house he signed away all his rights in the planter for the price of a horse, and another person became rich from the manufacture of the corn planter. Brown was also the inventor of a seed sower, and a scalding tub, that could be moved from one farm to another, in which hogs could be cleaned much faster than in the old way. This was in the days when farmers dressed their hogs at home for market and this machine could easily run out seventy or eighty a day. He was a very odd and eccentric man but known in his day all over the land as an honest, good man. After a time Brown, too, sold out and moved away. Some twenty years ago there came a man by the name of Scoon who lived in the house. He had only one arm. He made and sold what he called Peoria bitters, made of several kinds of drugs, a little whiskey and lots of water ; but it would make you drunk, and that was enough. He did a thriving business for a while, sold it in pint bottles, one dollar a bottle. The business increased, so he rented a small build- ing on the east road, within a few rods of the Cornell house. He fixed it up with shelves and counter and a big lamp in the center of the room and on the opening night set the bitters up to the boys, went home late and to bed, and, I suppose, fell into a sound sleep. It was one of those calm, still nights and not a breath of afr stirring, when at midnight, or a little later, there was a terrible explosion which was heard for miles. The next morning when Scoon came down after breakfast, he found his sho]) and bitters blown to flinders; so that ended Scoon and his bitters. But who put the jug of powder and laid the fuse under the house will never be known. Many detectives came and lay around from I^eoria but went back without solving the mystery. A LEGEND OF H.\LLOCK BY E. C. SILLIM.^N About 1820 Lewis Hallock came to Peoria county. He had been a trapper and fur trader among the Indians of Wisconsin and the northwest. Soon after coming to the county he located on the land at the mouth of Hallock hollow in Hallock township. He was a Quaker and was ojiposed to war and i^loodshed. his life among the Indians and his kindness and truthfulness to them winning for him great influence with them. In 1825, Namac|ua, an Indian of the Pottawatomie tribe, killed a Frenchman in a drunken brawl. He was arrested, and there being no place of confinement nearer than the .Springfield jail, Hallock furnished bail. No one ever sup- 74 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY posed that the Indian would appear, but Hallock knew he would and on the first day of the term of court Namac|na was on hand. He was tried and sen- tenced to death at the November term of court that year, but through the in- fluence of Hallock and others, who believed the sentence was unjust, his case was taken to the supreme court, where it was reversed and remanded for a new trial. The trial was put off from time to time, Hallock always appearing with his prisoner. He remained a lifelong friend of Hallock. In 1S31 the winter was very severe, a big snow falling early, some three feet deep and drifting l)adly, and later was covered with a thick crust. A party of Indians on a hunting trip were caught in what was later called Gimblet hollow, west of Sparland. Hallock, knowing of their peril, went to their as- sistance, piloting them down the hollow to the river, then on the ice to Sen- achwine creek and up the creek to Northampton, along the liluff to his place, where he had a pen of corn and his cabin, which he shared with them. He and the braves took turns at breaking the road through the snow, the women and ponies following. It took three days to make the trip. The deer could not escape and Hallock had the Indians secure enough venison to last until spring. When the Black Hawk war was first inaugurated, Hallock knew the peril of the whites, and having made many trips to the lead mines near Galena, he had many acquaintances between that place and Dixon, whom he determined to warn, faking his rifle he started and as the dusk of the evening approached, he arrived on a hill overlooking the Pottawatomie camp near "Indiantown" now called Tiskilwa. The young braves were holding a war dance and working themselves up to a fighting mood. Hallock knew all the war whoops of the difi^erent tribes. The Iroquois being their worst and most feared enemy, he gave their war cry and rushed down the hill through the brush, landing at the chief's tent, who not being fooled, sat quietly smoking, while all the "braves" ran for cover. Upon seeing a lone white man they came out, brandishing their tomahawks and making warlike demonstrations. Hallock stood his rifle against a tree, lit his pipe and advised the old chief "to spank them papooses and send them to bed." A wave of the old chief's hand and all slunk away. Hallock then handed his pipe to the chief, who refused it. He then stepped back and said: "What! refuse to smoke the pipe of peace with the white man that never sheds blood, that pro- tects the red man from the anger of the pale face and from starving when hungry? Who fed your tribe when the snow was deep? Hallock !" Slowly the chief arose, took the pipe, gave it the customary whifif and returned it, then he produced his sack of salt, took a pinch, and handed it to Hallock, who did the same. And all the tribe knew Hallock was a friend and not an enemy. After supper with the chief, he demanded safe conduct to the camp of Black Hawk. On the morrow two Indians accompanied him on ponies. Near Dixon on the edge of some heavy timber, thev came in sight of a band of some five hundred Indians, who, on dis- covering a white man in charge of two Indians, sent a troop of about fifty Indians out to meet them. They came galloping down upon them in full war paint, demanding the pale face for sacrifice. A wave of the hand and announcement of safe conduct to Black Hawk from their chief, caused them to fall in behind in silence. Of Black Hawk he demanded a safe conduct to Galena, which was granted. Two Indians escorted him to a point where they told him he was beyond danger, and as he went along he gave the alarm and all white settlers, about thirty families, fled to the block houses for safety. For some years the lead mines of Galena were the only place where settlers could get cash for their cattle or produce. Hallock often went there with cattle and sometimes came back on horseback by way of Dixon, but more frequently he came down the river to Rock Island, or a near point west. Sometimes he floated down in a canoe, and at other times came with a flat boat, loaded for St. Louis. From this point he would walk across the hundred miles home, always carrying his rifle and camping wherever night overtook him. HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 75 After the war in 1832, Black Hawk and his hand located in Iowa near Des Moines, and they, too, often went to Galena to trade. And now comes the tradition of Hallock. Many people called it "Hallock's dream." Some say it was a squaw after the death of Namaqua who showed the vision to him, but from my boyhood recollection, having heard the tale from many and from some to whom he had told it himself, I think Hallock's version was this: Some years after the Indians left. Hallock made one of his trips to Galena and there met Namat|ua, the Indian he had stood by in trouble and who had never ceased to hold Hallock as his saviour. White men sometimes forget a favor, an Indian never! He told Hallock he was going down the river and across the country to his band and wanted him to accompany him in his canoe, which Hallock consented to do. They floated down the Mississippi and at sunset they landed, made their cam]) fire, ate their supper and smoked the pipe of friend- ship. Namaqua said, "Would you like to see where the 'wliite bullets' come from?" Hallock said he would. In early days the Indians had many silver bullets which, until they learned their value to the pale face, they traded pound for pound, as they were hard and the Indians preferred the lead bullets. Namaqua said, "If my tribe knew I had shown a white man this they would kill me. Promise you will never tell of this until I am dead." Hallock promised and never revealed the story until after Namaqua's death several years afterward. He blindfolded Hallock, they got into the river, where he whirled the canoe around until it was impossible for Hallock to tell the direction. He then rowed about an hour and landed. They walked a short distance, waded what seemed to be a creek, went up an incline for some distance and then stopped. Fie could hear him remove some stones. He then told Hallock to crawl after him, which he did for a couple of rods. The Indian then removed the blindfold and lit a torch. They were standing in a passageway, which they followed a little distance and came into a cave, possibly 200 feet across and 20 to 50 feet high. On examining the walls he saw where a large amount of silver had been dug out of crevices, some pure silver, other places streaked with lead. Hallock was allowed to examine it and satisfy him- self that it was silver and lead, but he was not allowed to carry any away, nor did the Indian take any. There seemed to have been large quantities removed and there was any amount of it in sight. Namaqua said none had been taken away for a long time. They returned as they came and before landing at their camp, the canoe was whirled until direction was lost. Hallock said they might have rowed several miles, or as many rods. They may have crossed a creek before going up to the cave, or they might have waded in the edge of the river a few feet. Indian strategy and shrewdness threw all chance of tracing the route to the winds. Years afterward Hallock scanned and searched again and again for the silver cave, but in vain. His belief was that it was on the Iowa side of the river. Many persons said it was a dream of Hallock's ; others thought it was truth, as Hallock was always truthful. Inasmuch as the Indians did have silver bullets in early times and as but few places have been found where they could have procured them and those places far to the north, and as quite an amount of silver has been found in the lead mines of Galena, there is no good reason that the "silver cave" does not exist. I am inclined to believe that the gratitude of Namaqua in showing Hallock the cave was covered by the fact that his treach- ery to his own tribe was death and he made the find so secure that years miist elapse after his death before even a vigorous and systematic search could dis- cover his treachery to his tribe. Hallock believed it. And the reader can follow the legend in the same mys- tery as have others in the years gone by. Do not lose sight of one fact, in your judgment. The red man never forgot a friend or a friendly act, even in time of war, w hen all the bloody passions of his race were called into play. I have penned this for the eye of many who have heard the tradition as it was handed 76 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY clown through tlie years, often mutilated, and its truth destroyed. Such is one of the legends of Hallock townshi]) of eighty years ago. HISTORIC OLD SCHOOLHOUSE IIV CALVIN STOWELL, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA Lest the historic old brick schoolhouse, located upon Blue Ridge, in Hallock township, and the many things, mostly educationally and socially, wdiich clustered around it in the pioneer days should be forgotten, we have been tempted, partly by our own feelings and partly by the solicitations of others, to attempt to write a little sketch of the early days of the community who built it. We have often felt that there were many things worthy of note that would be of abiding interest to the present and future generations connected with the history of this com- munitv, that so far as we can ascertain have never been made a matter of record, which, with the lapse of time, must pass into oblivion. While at this late day any record that we can write must be more or less defective for want of details, still we feel that we have been very fortunate in finding two living witnesses whose lives are practically contemporary with the first settlers of the little com- munity of Blue Ridge, and they are the only ones living, so far as we can ascer- tain, who were old enough to furnish items from personal recollections as far back as 1837. We refer to James Will, now (1910) past eighty-five years of age, and his brother George, two years his junior, who were for many years oiar friends and neighbors in Illinois. It is through the courtesy of Mrs. Lura Will Johnson and George Will and daughter Hulda, who have furnished us with much of the memoranda in substance from which we write. The earliest settlers on Blue Ridge were Leonard Ranstead, Zenus G. Bliss, E. C. Root, Lucas Root and Egbert Palmer. The exact time of their settling there is not known to us, but we think we are safe in saying not later than 1836. William B. Will. Elihu Stowell, Roswell Nurse and son Isich, and Ebenger Stowell came in 1836, the latter three making the trip from Chenango county, New York, on foot, .\fter looking over the country and locating land they made the trip to the nearest land office at Quincy and made their entry; returning, they built a cabin. Leaving Isich in possession, the other two, Roswell Nurse and father, returned to New York state late in the fall by way of the lakes. Roswell Nurse with his familv moved to Illinois the following spring. Our father did not move with his family until 1843. In 1837 Robert Wilson with his family moved to this little community from Wilkesbarre, Pennsylvania. In 1840 the little brick schoolhouse was built, the necessary funds being raised by subscription, which certainly meant almost a sacrifice offering in those early days of scarce and hard-earned dollars. Robert Wilson, a stone and brick mason bv trade, assisted by his son George, did the mason work, while Zenus Bliss and Egbert Palmer looked after the wood work. While the house would hardly stand as a model for these more modern days, we doubt if a house was ever built which was more highly appreciated by the public or served a better purpose of general utility for all sorts of public gatherings. The first school taught in this house was by William Atwood, who received twelve dollars per month for his services. The school was thoroughly patronized for many miles around, starting with fiftv scholars, which was soon increased to the fullest pos- sible capacity of the house to accommodate. Everybody took in boarders, going upon the old time pioneer plan, as we suppose, of "come in, if you can get in." It was while Robert W'M was working upon the old Jubilee college building at Tubilee that he met the old pioneer preacher of the Methodist Episcopal church, Father Cummins, whom he invited to come to Blue Ridge to preach. It was he who organized the Methodist church at the settlement in 1840, with John Furge- son and wife, Jacob Booth and wife and two daughters, and Maverick Pratt and wife as charter members — an organization that stands to this day. The fol- lowing spring a revival was held, which increased the membership to forty. It HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 77 is said that some young men of a rowdyish turn of mind went out from Chilli- cothe with the avowed object of lireaking up the meeting but with such men as John h'urgeson, Jacob Ilooth and Maverick Pratt in the front rank, men with the courage of their convictions and the physical abihty to defend them, the rowdy crowd reconsidered the matter and concluded that under these circum- stances "discretion was the better part of valor," and as they rode away one of them called out '"I name this place Blue Ridge," and P>lue Ridge it has been called from that dav to this. PART TWO CHAPTER XII GEOLOGIC FORMATION AND GEOGRAPHY OF THIS SECTION OF THE COUNTY MANY VALUABLE COAL VEINS STONE OF COMMERCIAL IMPORTANCE GRAVEL SAND — TIMRER SOIL AND ITS PRODUCT] VITV — N'F.GETATION. GEOLOGY AND GEOGRAPHY The contents of this article, showing the physical features of the county, are taken from the "Geological Survey of Illinois," and from articles prepared by William Gifford, of Radnor township, to be found among the collections of the Peoria Scientific Society : "The cretaceous and tertiary periods are not represented in this or adjacent counties. They were probably lost by denudation, together with some of the upper coal veins, during the long and turbulent period. "The four divisions of the quaternary are well defined. They rest directly on the upper carboniferous, a coal measure. The alluvial deposits are confined chiefly to the right bank of the Illinois river, forming a terrace of about twenty- four square miles, called La Salle prairie, one of the best corn producing sections of Illinois. The great geological feature of Peoria county consists in its coal measures, which are coextensive with its borders. Only two veins (four and six) are worked to any extent. Coal from vein four is brought to the surface by hori- zontal tunnels at an expense of one cent per bushel, and half a cent in localities where it can be stripped. At no place in Illinois, or perhaps in the world, can coal be mined and brought to market so cheaply as in this county. It is now delivered to consumers in the city of Peoria for one dollar and fifty cents per ton. The thickness of this vein is from three feet, ten, to four feet, eight inches, and is generally covered with a ferruginous shale and concretions of bi-sulphuret of iron, richly stored with marine fossils, which are eagerly sought for by scien- tists. Its horizon is thirty-two feet above low water of the Illinois river. Coal vein six is also worked with little labor, by horizontal tunnels. It is sixty-two feet above coal vein four, and is a good blacksmith coal, makes a hard vitreous coke, and is exclusively used in Peoria and contiguous cities for making gas. It contains but little pyrite, and in most localities has a good limestone cov- ering. One distinctive mark of this vein is a clay seam, or parting, from one to two inches thick, dividing the coal horizontally into two equal sections. The fossils overlaying this vein are well preserved and the species numerous. Among the most common are nyalena angulata, i)leurotomania carbonana, solenomia radiata, and productus pratteninus. "Coal vein five has no reliable outcroj} in this county, but its horizon is well defined in the towns of Limestone, Jubilee, and Kickapoo by its characteristic fossils— fusalina ventriccosa, hempunites crasa, chonetas messeloba, etc. The horizon of this vein has furnished a number of fossil coal plants, which have been figured and described by Leo Lesquereux, and published by the state of Penn- sylvania. 79 80 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY "Coal veins seven, eight and nine are the only other veins represented in this county above the Illinois river, and they are too thin for mining and not easily stripped. "The horizon of coal vein nine in this county has given to paleontologists the most perfect coal-measure fossil found in this state, if not in the world. Coal vein three lies one hundred and thirty-three feet below four, consequently about one hundred and twenty feet below the Illinois river. It is about three feet thick, and is considered a good coal. It is not worked in this county. One hun- dred and twelve feet below three, a coal vein was reached in Voris' boring — opposite Peoria — three feet thick, which is considered coal vein one of the Illi- nois field, and the base of the coal measure resting on the conglomerate, twenty feet above the St. Louis limestone. Coal vein two has not been explored in Peoria county, but crops out on Spoon river in the southwest part of Fulton county. "Sandstone of good quality may be obtained from the beds overlying coal Xo. 4, which at some points on the Kickapoo, is fully twenty feet in thickness and it outcrops at many points under very favorable conditions for quarrying. The rock is a brown micaceous, and partly ferruginous sandstone, in massive beds, some of which are two feet or more in thickness. It presents a bold escarpment at many points where it outcrops, indicating a capacity for with- standing well the ordinary influences of the atmosphere. The ferruginous layers harden very much on exposure, and would form the best material for bridge abutments, and for all other purposes where a rock was required to withstand well the influences of frost and moisture. "On Aiken's and Griswold's land, on the south side of the Kickapoo, on sec- tion 24 (Limestone township) this sandstone has been somewhat extensively quarried, and the bed presents a perpendicular face of solid sandstone fully twenty feet in thickness. It is rather soft when freshly quarried and can be easily dressed, and splits freely into blocks suitable for building and for foundation walls. These quarries are located just above the level of the railroad grade, and very conveniently situated for the transportation of the stone by railroad to the city of Peoria, or wherever else it might be in demand. "At Lonsdale's quarries, on section 14, town 8 north, range 7 east, the lower part of the limestone affords a durable building stone, though the layers are not usually more than from four to six inches thick. This rock is in common use in this part of the county for foundation walls, and there are several small build- ings in this neighborhood constructed of this material. That portion of the beds which affords a building stone is from four to six feet in thickness. At Chase's quarries, three miles northeast of Princeville, the limestone is nearly twenty feet in thickness, and though for the most part thin-bedded, yet the greater portion of it can be used for foundation walls, flagging, etc., and is the only building stone available in that portion of the county. The thickest layers are at the bottom of the bed here, as well as at Lonsdale's, but the rniddle and upper portion is more evenly bedded at this point, and may be quarried in thin, even slabs of large size. "The limestone coal over Xo. 6 may answer for rough foundation walls where it can be protected from the atmosphere, but is generally too argillaceous to make good building stone. "Concretionary bands of iron ore occur in the shales overlying coals No. 4 and 7, but not in sufficient quantity to be of any economical importance. In the south part of the county, concretions of iron and clay, the former mostly in the • form of the bi-sulphuret, are quite abundant in the roof shales of No. 4 coal. Some of these concretions are two feet or more in diameter. "No beds of fire or potter's clay were found in this county in connection with the coal seams that appear to be sufficiently free from foreign matters to be of much value, but excellent brick clays are abundant, the sub-soil clays over a large portion of the uplands throughout the county being used for this pur- pose, and furnishing an abundant supply of brick of good quality at a moderate ir. H X HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 81 cost. The best beds of fire and potter's clay known at the present time in this state are associated with coal Xo. i, of our general section of the Illinois valley coals, and, should a shaft be sunk to that horizon in this county, good clays may proliably be found here and mined successfully in connection with these lower coals. "The modified drift deposits, forming the terrace upon which the city of i'eoria is mainly built, will furnish an inexhaustible supply of sand of various qualities adapted to the varied economical uses to which this material is applicable, and it will also aiTord an excellent moldcr's sand, in quantities sufficient for the supply for all the adjacent region. "An inexhaustible supply of clean gravel may be obtained from the gravel beds forming the bluffs at Peoria, and along the north side of the Kickapoo for a distance of eight or ten miles above the outlet of that stream. All the railroads in the state might obtain here an ample supply of ballast for their road beds, without greatly diminishing the amount of this material to be found in this county. "There is an ample supply of timber in this county, the proportion of timber and prairie land being originally about the same. The timbered land is mostly confined to the ridges and valleys of the streams, though occasionally fine groves are met with on the level land adjacent to the prairie. The growth on the upland is mostly black and white oak, pignut and siiell-bark hickory, elm, linden, wild cherry, honey locust, wild ])lum and crabapple, wdiile on the bottom lands and the slopes of the hills, we find white and sugar maple, black and white walnut, pecan, cottonwood, sycamore, ash, red birch, cofifeenut, hackberry, mockernut, liickory, post-Spanish and swamp-white-oak, red-bud, dogwood, persimmon, mul- berry, serviceberry, buckthorn and three or four varieties of willow and box elder. "As an agricultural region this county ranks among the best in this part of the state. The western and northern portions of the county are mostly prairie, and generally level or gently rolling. The soil is a dark, chocolate colored loam, rich in organic matters, and producing abundant crops annually of corn, wheat, rye, oats and barley, and, with judicious cultivation, this kind of soil will retain its fertility for an indefinite period of years without the application of artificial stimulants. On the more broken lands adjacent to the streams, the soil is of a lighter color, but when it is predicated upon the marly beds of the loess, it is still productive, and scarcely inferior to the best prairie soils. Where the soil overlies the yellow driftclays, the timber is mostly white-oak and hickory; the soil is thin and would be greatly improved by the annual liberal application of manure. These lands, however, produce fine crops of wheat and oats, and are excellent for fruit orchards and vineyards. The soil on the terrace and bottom lands is a sandy loam, and generally very productive." VKGF.T.\TION OF PEGRI.V .\ND VICINITY Though the city of Peoria is centrally located in one of the prairie states of the Upper Mississippi valley, its immediate surroundings present a diversity of surface that would hardly ])e looked for from its geographical location. The city is situated on the west bank of the Illinois river, the main part on a plateau beginning at the river and gently sloping upwards, until terminating a mile or more back in a chain of prominent and ])icturesque bluffs, that completely encircle it, in a natural amjshitheater. This chain terminates above the city, in a commanding eminence, rising almost abruptly from the river, known as Prospect Heights, and affording a panoramic view of the beautiful Illinois valley for miles. The river at this point known as the "Narrows," spreads out into a placid sheet of water termed Peoria Lake, so shallow on the east side, as to afford a most congenial home to a rich aquatic flora. The east bank of the river is very 82 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY low, subject to overflow and still heavily wooded, running back to a chain of bluffs similar to those on the Peoria side. From these bluffs numerous springs gush forth, and making their way towards the river, form cold bogs affording a home to a peculiarly characteristic flora, that would be sought for farther north. The bluff's on both sides are frequently intersected by deep rocky defiles, the sides of which under the influence of moisture and shade, support a luxuriant vegetation. The splendor of the prairies, owing to the march of civilization, has almost disappeared, and the prairie flora, is now, nearly confined to the right of way of the railroads, or the gravelly and sandy bluffs, when it has crept up from the original prairie, and secured a foothold it is likely to maintain, as these bluff's are not susceptible to cultivation. The flora of the vicinity of Peoria is a rich and varied one. About 900 native trees and plants grow in the immediate vicinity of the city, and fully a hundred introduced plants have found a congenial home of adoption. It has drawn outlying types from all points of the compass, who foregather here in a harmonious whole. The cold bogs and springs in the river bottom, furnish perfect conditions for certain species of northern origin, which find their southern limit here. Two Iseautiful dwarf willows {Sali.v Candida and myrtilloidcs) grow in these bogs and upon Dr. Brendel, our first and foremost botanist, sending specimens to Dr. Bebb a famous authority on willows, he commented thus on the find: "Widely distributed in sub-arctic regions, extending southward along the Pacific coast to Oregon, and on the Atlantic side to New Jersey. Its occurrence so far south in the Mississippi valley as found by Dr. Brendel, taken in connection with the equally unexpected finding of 5". Candida, indicate an exceptionally cold spot for the latitude." Most of the woodland flora of the east is at home here. Many of the characteristic plants of the great plains west of the Mississippi, have pushed their way eastward to Peoria. Many of our strictly prairied plants do not pass our state borders into Indiana and Ohio. From the sunny southland, numerous species have crept up the Mississippi and Illinois rivers to this favored locality of ours. Here the pecan tree finds its northern limit in the alluvial river bottom, growing in vigor and producing its delicious nuts. The same niav be said of the persimmon whose astringent fruit becomes so palatable after the advent of frost. Peoria and vicinity must have been a heavily wooded country on the advent of the whites, as after nearly a hundred years of cutting and clearing it still presents a varied and interesting tree growth. The river bottom is still well covered with forest and every knoll and bluff are clothed more or less. In its tree growth Peoria is specially favored. Of course from its location we would not look for cone bearing evergreen trees and have only one representative, the common Juniper occurring in- starved looking specimens on the brow of rocky bluffs.. But the deciduous tree growth is rich in species. In the alluvial river bottom lands, the timber is mainly Syca- more, Soft Maple, White Elm, Slippery Elm, Black Walnut, Butternut, Swamp Hickory, five species of Ash, Cottonwood, Hackberry and scattering specimens of Swamp White Oak, Pecan, Coff'ee Bean, Honey Locust, Mulberry, Box Elder, Ohio Buckeye, PawPaw and Persimmon. The first three sometimes attain a very large size, specimens five feet in diameter not being uncommon. On the bluffs and uplands the forest growth is materially different being rep- resented by the Basswood, Wild Cherry, Sugar Maple, Shell Bark Hickory, Pignut, Aspen White, Chestnut, Scarlet, Red, Bur and Laurel Oaks. Not desiring to go into extreme detail, we will mention some of the most obvious and characteristic features of our flora. Our first harbinger of spring is the beautiful little Trillium nivalc. that in favorable seasons puts forth its white waxy flower the last week in March, often in the proximity of some lingering snow bank. HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 83 It is soon followed by the Liverwort, so common on wooded slopes, Dntch- mans Breeches and Hlood Root. A little later the woods are gay with the exquisite lUue Bells and a Phlox with lavender bloom called Sweet \\'illiam. Among the leafless woods the Service P.erry and Wild i'lum are conspicuous in their snowy dress, while the Red Bud gives the brooks the appearance of purple ribbons in the landscape. Turning to the prairie we meet with the Caro- lina Anemone with its pretty star like blue and white flowers. In company with it are the yellow flowered Puccoons, Pink Sorral and the almost extinct Troximon crespidatiim with its showy dandelion like head. The open bogs are golden with the Marsh ]\larigold, and the ill smelling Skunk Cabbage pushes its flowers through the oozy mud. With the advent of May, nature dons her brightest garb. The trees are putting forth their foliage and the landscape, so bare but a few weeks before, is gay with a varied flora. The Plaws, Crab Apple, Sassafras, \'iburnum and Bladder Nut are bursting into bloom. Of interesting plants we would mention the rare Phlox bifida. It clothes the precipitous sides of Rocky Glen and, with its pretty star like flowers varying through every shade of pink, white and lavender presents a beautiful sight when in full bloom. Growing with it is I'iola pcdata with two of the petals as velvety as a pansy and known locally as '"Rocky Glen Pansy." On the prairie grows a Baptisia, with its ample raceme of showy pea shaped cream colored flowers. As June approaches our Sedges and Grasses are a marked feature of our flora. While inconspicuous individually, their abundance and variety challenge notice. We have seventy-eight species of Sedges and eighty-one Grasses native to our flora. One of our representative prairie plants comes into bloom as the Purple Cone Flower. The large head with its pendulous jnirple rays makes it a showy plant. On sandy barrens, we meet with Chrysopsis villosa, bearing a profusion of golden yellow heads up till frost. In rich shady woods can be found the dainty Yellow Lady Slipper while a little later its sister the rare and beautiful Royal Lady Slipper appears in the cold springy bogs of the river bottom. The woodsnare adorned with clinging vines — several species of grapes. Bit- ter Sweet, Yellow Honeysuckle, Aloonseed and W'oodbine. Julv with its intense heat forces a luxuriant vegetation. About the first w-eeks of the month our Climbing Rose {Rose sctigcra) puts forth its flowers. It grows in large clumps, its long flexible branches clambering rather than climbing over other shrubs and when loaded down with bloom is a glorious sight lighting up the dense shades of the river bottom where it delights to grow. In the cold rills and bogs of the river bottom, one of our most beautiful plants, Queen-of-the-Prairie (Spiraea lobata) finds a congenial home. Its masses of peach colored blossoms are so delicately beautiful and appar- ently so out of place in its uninviting surroundings, that no matter how often one meets with it in a ramble, each succeeding plant brings out a fresh exclama- tion of delight. On sand hills Callirhoc triamjidata occurs and all through July produces its brilliant blossoms of purple. In foUow^ing uj) the rocky defiles of the bluffs our attention is directed to Hydrangea arborcsceus with its showing radiant flowers. Occasionally specimens are seen with the flowers all radiant like the garden species. High up the rocky sides, the Goats Beard {Spiraea arincies) is con- spicuous by its ample feathery panicles of staminate flowers. The shallows on the east side of the river nourish a rich aquatic flora. Acres upon acres are covered with the pads of our Water Lily ( Casta! ia tHbcrosa). The lovely flowers are very large, with a manifest perfume, though usually described as odorless, and find a ready sale on the streets of our city. In company with it but not so common, is Nelumbrium lutcurn, with its immense leaves and cream colored flowers borne on stalks a foot or two above the water. 84 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY differing thus from the preceiiing which spreads its flowers on the surface of the water. Intermingled with these plants are the Sweet Flag, Iris, Arrow Flead, I'ickerel ^Vecd, Common Reed, Wild Celery and Wild Rice. The last two are special dainties with the water fowl. In August the great order Compositse becomes predominant. The intense heat forces the Silphiuns, Sunflowers, Tickseeds, Con'e-flowers, llawkweeds, etc., in a continual procession ending with the Asters and Golden- rod in more variety than I know of in any other local flora. By the latter part of the summer the rich soil of the alluvial bottom has produced a rank and lu.xuriant vegetation that taxes one's efforts to push a way through. Near to the river bank Hibiscus mililaris grows in abundance. Its peculiar halberd shaped leaves and its showy flowers of flesh pink with purple throat render it a striking plant. The Cardinal flower with its spike of intensely red flowers makes a very vivid bit of coloring in the somber shade of the bottom. With it grows its near relative the Blue Lobelia. In the upland woods grows Gerardia grandiyora, bearing a profusion of showy lemon yellow flowers. In this summary of our flora we have touched upon, only, the most char- acteristic features of our vegetation but one who undertakes the careful study of our flora will find that this vicinity will afford him unbounded material and a constant source of delight. Many of our native trees, shrubs and flowers have been brought under cultiva- tion for ornament. As to trees might be mentioned the White Elm, as the leader of them all as a shade tree. It is towering in height, with a graceful spread of branch, vigorous, long lived anil in our climate becomes the equal of the "lordly elms of New Eng- lan(l." On account of its height and spread, it should stand in the open for best results. The Sugar Alaple while slow growing is most desirable on account of its compact crown and the luxuriance of its beautiful foliage. Alagnificent examples of this tree can be seen across the river on the Spring Bay road. Its near ally, the Silver Maple, is frequently planted. Though of quicker growth than the preceding it is not as desirable on accovmt of its softer wood and brittle branches which suff'er severely in heavy windstorms. One of our commonest shadetrees to-day is the so-called Carolina Poplar. It will surprise most people to know that this euphonious name is simply a dis- guise of the well known Cottonwood so frequent along watercourses. The male tree only is planted, as the cotton from the female tree creates such a litter as to make it undesirable. The chief thing in its favor is its very rapid growth. The Bur Oak (Quercus macrocarpa) is a desirable shade tree. Its low and wide spreading branches are covered with a foliage, fully as beautiful and almost as dense as the Sugar Maple. Beautiful examples can be seen near the work- house and at the turn of High street. The Catalpa native from southern Illinois, southward is often planted. Its quick growth, ample heart shaped leaves and showy flowers make it a favorite. It has only one drawback — it is the last tree to unfold its leaves in the spring and the first to shed them in autumn. All the evergreens do well in this vicinity though not planted near as much as formerly. From a cultural standpoint all the grains and fruits of the Temperate Zone find congenial conditions here. Some complain the apple does not seem to flourish as in the past, but this is due mare to the ravages of insect ]3ests, that go hand in hand with civilization, rather than changes in climatic conditions. Give our orchards the same attention they would receive in Oregon, and there would not be as much talk about the decadence of Illinois as an apple country. \'iewing our vegetation in its every phase, only emphasizes the conclusion, that few localities are so generously favored as ours. CHAPTER XIII CREATION AND ORGANIZATION OF PEORIA COUNTY DIFFICULTIES IN OBTAINING TITLE TO COUNTY SEAT PRESIDENT JOHN OUINCY ADAMS LENDS HIS ASSIST- ANCE- — WILLIAM S. HAMILTON, SON OF ALEXANDER HAMILTON, ATTORNEY FOR THE COUNTY CLAIMS TO LAND OF JOHN HAMLIN AND OTHERS ADJUSTED. The territory of Indiana was divided February 3, 1S09, and the new territory of llhnois organized. The counties of St. Clair and Randoliih, which had been formed at the time of the division of the Northwestern Territory in 1800, were continued, their boundaries being designated and described as follows : "The county of Randolph shall include all that part of Illinois territory lying south of the line dividing the counties of Randolph and St. Clair as it existed under the. government of the territory of Indiana on the last day of February, 1809, and the county of St. Clair shall include all that part of the territory which lies north of said line." The following oflicers were appointed for the county of St. Clair: John Hays, sheriff; William Arundale, formerly of Peoria, recorder; John Hay, clerk of the court of common pleas, or county clerk ; Enoch Moore, coroner ; John Mes- singer, surveyor. Among the justices of the peace appointed were Antoine Des Champs, who lived at Peoria, and Nicholas Boilvin. The latter resided at Prai- rie du Chien. He was the father of Nicholas and William C. Boilvin, who became quite prominent in Peoria business circles. Eventually, St. Clair county was divided into other counties. In 1812, Madi- son was organized, within the limits of which was Peoria and so remained until 1821, when it became part and parcel of the newly created county of Pike. Many conveyances of land in Peoria had been recorded in Madison county, at Edwardsville. which have been transcribed and now are included in the records of this county. Pike county was organized in 1821 and for two years thereafter Peoria countv was embraced within its boundaries and all records of conveyances of land were kept at its county seat. During this period the following persons were at the head of afifairs of Pike county; Abram Buck, probate judge, from February 12. 1821, to June 11, 1821, when he resigned and was succeeded by Nicholas Hanson, who also resigned and was followed in the office February 15, 1823, by William Ross; April 2, 1821, Leonard Ross, John Shaw and William Ward were elected county commissioners, Bigelow C. Fenton, sheriff, and Dan- iel Whipple, coroner. At an election held August 5, 1822, James M. Seeley, David Dulton and Ossian M. Ross were elected county commissioners, Leonard Ross, sherifi, and Daniel Whipple, coroner. During this period Abner Fads, John Shaw, Daniel Whipple, William Ross, Henry Tupper, Leonard Ross and William Ward were appointed justices of the peace for Pike county. For the same office Ebenezer Smith and Stephen Dewey were commissioned on May 26, 1821, Ossian M. Ross, November 29, 1821 ; John Bolter, .\ 29, 1821 ; Charles B., January 22. 1822; Amos Barcroft, May 22, 1822. Sangamon county was organized at the same session of the legislature as Pike and on January 28, 1823, the county of Fulton was formed, the boundaries of which were described as follows: "Beginning at the point where the fourth 85 86 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY principal meridian intersects the Illinois river, thence up the middle of said river to where the line between ranges tive and six east strikes the said river, thence north with said line between ranges five and six to the township line between townships 9 and 10 north, thence west with said line to the fourth principal meridian, thence south with said line to the place of beginning." It will be observed that within these boundaries the townships of Trivoli and Elmwood were embraced. On tlie second Monday of April, 1823, an election was held and Joseph Moffatt, David W. Barnes and Thomas R. Corell were chosen as county com- missioners, Abner Eads, sheriff, and William Clark, coroner. Later, on August 2, 1824, James Gardner, James Barnes and David W. Barnes were elected county commissioners. Ossian M. Ross, sheriff, and Joseph Moffatt, coroner, all of whom were in office until after the organization of Peoria county. At this point it is worthy of note that in the list of officials, both for Pike and Fulton coun- ties, Peoria countv was well represented. Abner Eads, who was elected the first sheriff" for' Fulton county, was a Peorian, and his chief opponent for the office was Ossian Ross, who had only been defeated in his ambition by one vote. Ross contested the election of Eads, setting up as his grounds of complaint that some of Eads supporters lived on the east side of the river and, consequently, were not residents of Fulton county and, further, it was contended that Eads was illiterate and could riot write,' therefore, incompetent to fulfill the duties of the office. The case was tried before judge Reynolds, a brother of Governor John Reynolds, in a log cabin at Fort Clark, which served as an office for 'Squire John Hamlin, and Eads was declared elected and qualified to the office of sheriff. The counties of Schuvler, Adams, Hancock, \\'arren. Henry, Putnam and Knox were formed by an act of legislature. January 13. 1825, and on the same day and with the passage of the act herein mentioned, Peoria county was created, under the provision of an act entitled, "An Act to form a new county out of the country in the vicinity of Fort Clark," which provides as follows : "Section i. Be it enacted by the people of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assemblv, That' all that tract of country within the following boundaries, to wit: Beginning where the line between towns 11 and 12 north intersects the Illinois river ; thence west with said line to the line between ranges 4 and 5 east: thence south with said line to the line between towns 7 and 8; thence east to the line between ranges 5 and 6; thence south to the middle of the mam channel of the Illinois river; thence up said middle of the main channel to the place of beginning, shall constitute a county to be called Peoria." Section 2 provided "That all that tract of country north of town 20, and west of the third principal meridian, formerly part of Sangamon county, be, and is hereby attached to said county of Peoria, for county purposes. Provided, how- ever, The citizens of the attached part of said county are not to be taxed for the erection of public buildings, or for the purchase of the quarter section herein- after mentioned. r • 1 r "Section 3. Be it further enacted, That the county seat of said county ot Peoria shall be established on the northeast quarter of section 9. town 8 north, range 8 east and that the countv commissioners of said county are hereby auth- orized to purchase said quarter 'section of land of the United States as provided for by the law of congress. , ^ , r ht 1 "Section 4 Be it further enacted. That on the first day of .March next (182s) an election shall be held at the house of William Eads, at which time there' shall be elected one sheriff, one coroner and three county commissioners for said county, which election shall, in all respects, be conducted agreeably to the provisions of the law now in force regulating elections. Provided, That the qualified voters present may select from among their number three competent electors to act as judges of said election who shall appoint two qualified voters to act as clerks. HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 8% "Section 5. Re it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the clerk of Sangamon county to give public notice in said Peoria county and the at- tached part, at least ten days previous to the election to be held on the first Monday in March next ; and in case there should be no clerk, then the sheriff of said county shall give notice, as aforesaid, of the time and place of holding the election." Section 6 provided, "That the county of Peoria should receive two hundretl dollars out of the public treasury, as full compensation for their proportion of non-resident land tax, in the same way as the county of Pike might or could do under the act entitled An Act amending an act entitled an act providing for the valuation of lands and other property, and laying a ta.x thereon, approved February 15, 1821." Section 7 provided, "That the said county of Peoria and the attached part of said county mentioned in section 2 (the portion detached from Sangamon — Ed.) should vote with the county of Sangamon for representative and senator to the general assembly." Section 8 declared, "That all that tract of country north of said Peoria county, and of the Illinois and Kankakee rivers, be, and the same is hereby attached to said county, for all county purposes. This did not include any of the newly formed counties of Knox, Henry, Warren or Mercer." While Cook county and what is now the great and wonderful city of Chi- cago was embraced within the territory set off to Putnam county, yet for the next six years after the formation of Putnam, Cook county was attached to Peoria county for county purposes and all its county affairs were administered in Peoria. Under the act creating the county of Peoria, provision was made for the election of officers and the first day of March, 1825, was designated as the time for holding said election. Another section of the act, however, required notice of the election to be given for the first Monday in -March. This was a confusion of dates, and, as a result, the election did not take place until the 7th day of March, of the year mentioned, when Samuel Fulton was chosen for the office of sheriff; William Phillips, coroner; William Holland, Nathan Dillon and Joseph Smith, county commissioners. COUNTY COMMIS.SIONERS' COURT The officers chosen by the electors of the county duly qualified, so tliat juris- diction over public matters pertaining to the county vested in them and they at once took up the duties of their respective offices, and the next day after the election the commissioners' court was organized. Xorman Hyde had been chosen clerk, at about the same time of the passage of the act creating the county. The following named persons were appointed and commissioned justices of the peace for the county at the time of its organization : Thomas Camlin, George Ash, John Phillips^ Stephen French, Nathan Dillon, Isaac Perkins, Jacob Wilson, Joseph ^loffatt, Austin Crocker, John Kinzie. The first duty devolving upon the commissioners' court was the purchase of land for a county seat and the securing of title thereto. Congress had passed an act providing that new counties might locate their seats of government upon public land subject to preemption and purchase, upon the same terms as individ- uals, and in pursuance thereof, the general assembly had designated, in section three, a tract of government land, upon which the county seat should be estab- lished. However, when the commissioners endeavored to follow out the require- ments of the law they met with unanticipated objections at the land office. The contentions of the land office were that the quarter section chosen by the legislature was a fractional one and for that reason was not subject to entry. Another objection upon which much stress was laid was the existence of certain French claims. The third contention was that one James Latham, who set up an 88 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY e(|uity in the land 1)V reason of a private entry, liad interposed a counter-claim to the land. And it was not until nine years later that the county came into its own. A concise history of the struggle of Peoria county for a seat of government is well worth relating and to further that end no better means can be adopted than to present here the minutes of the commissioners' court and other documents relating to a subject, which is still one of interest to many now living. The county commissioners held a special term of their court on April i6, 182s. at which time Nathan Dillon, one of the members, was authorized to make application at the land office, in Springfield, for the right of preemption of the northeast quarter of section 9, town 8 north, range 8 east, which was designated in the act creating the county as the site for the county seat, for the purpose of establishing thereon the county seat of Peoria county, under the provision made and enacted by congress. Pursuant to instructions, Commissioner Dillon made application to the register of the land office for leave to enter the said quarter section of land and was refused, the reason being advanced that the tract was not subject to entry. Thereupon, a memorial was addressed to the president of the United States in relation thereto, by the board of commissioners. This the presi- dent referred to the land oiSce, and on November 23, 1825, the register at Springfield was instructed by the commissioner as follows : '"Gentlemen: A memorial from the Comrs. for the county of Peoria and other citizens thereof stating 'that application had been made to your office to enter the N. E. quarter of Sect. 9, 8 N., 8 E., for the Seat of Justice for said County, and that entry had been refused because said quarter section was a frac- tional one,' was addressed to the President & lately referred to this office by him, with instructions to admit the entry if the objection stated is the only one to its admission. If there are others you will report the facts in relation to the case to this office. "I am, etc., "George Gr.\h.\m." It would appear by the foregoing that Peoria county had a friend at court and it was surmised at the time by those most interested that Hon. Daniel P. Cook, the only representative from Illinois then in congress, had used his good offices in her behalf. At any rate, the people were highly gratified by the prompt consideration of President Adams. This feeling is indicated by the fact that on the 6th dav of Alarch, 1826, the clerk of the county commissioners, acting under authority of that body, transmitted to John Quincy Adams, president of the United States, the thanks of the court for his prompt compliance with the prayer of their petition for leave to enter the fractional quarter section of land, on which to locate their county seat ; the president by the same token, was informed that his intervention in behalf of Peoria county had not produced the desired result. On the 8th day of March, 1826, the following was made a matter of record ; "Ordered that lohn Di.xon be and he is hereby authorized in behalf of this court to make application officially to the Register and Receiver of the Land Ofifice at Springfield for a written statement of the obstacles and objections (if any exist) which prevent the entry by the Commissioners of said County of the North East fractional quarter of Sec. 9, Township 8 North, Range 8 East of the fourth principal meridian, on which the Seat of Justice for Peoria County is located, pursuant to an act of Congress by Statute of this State. And as it is anticipated that some objections may arise on account of the exact quantity of land in said fractional c|uarter not being accurately known, he,_the said John Dixon, is further authorized after procuring from the Land Officers aforesaid a statement of all the said objections, etc., to proceed to St. Louis and apply to the Surveyor General for a plat of the survey of the above mentioned quarter Section, and if no plat can be furnished without a re-survey, to contract with the Surveyor General for that purpose, at the expense of this county, for a speedy HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 89 completion of said survey, and request a plat thereof to be immediately made out, properly authenticated and forwarded to the said Register and Receiver. "And the said Joiin Dixon is further authorized, if no objections are made, to enter the said fraction in behalf of and for said county of Peoria." At a special term of the commissioners' court, held Alay 2, 1826, this entry was made and forms a part of the history of the county : "Ordered, that John Dixon be and he is hereby autliorized to borrow on the credit of Peoria county one hundred and eighty-four dollars 62)/, cents, by him to be paid to the Receiver of the Land Office at Springfield, in payment of the N. E. fractional qr. Sec. No. 9, Town 8 North, Range 8 East of the fourth principal (meridian), and that he be authorized to issue orders on the Treasurer to such persons as shall loan the county the above money, at any interest not exceeding 25 per cent per annum until paid." Tradition has it that when the money by loan was not forthcoming, a number of the loyal citizens made up the desired amount out of their own pockets and helped solve one of the county seat problems. At the time of the organization of the county, James Latham, who had set up a counter-claim to the tract of land set off by the legislature as the site for the county seat, was in possession of a house on the land, and this, in a measure, was made use of as a basis for his contention. On the 12th day of July, 1826, the commissioners' court caused to be entered of record the following: "Ordered that Isaac Perkins, William Woodson and Henry Thomas be summoned by the sheriff to be and appear at the next regular term of this court, on the first day of said term, to assess the damage, if any incurred, by James Latham, in consee|uence of being deprived of his claim to the land on which the county seat of Peoria is located, the improvement of which was purchased previous to the location of the said county seat." .Soon after this entry Latham died, leaving to his heirs the prosecution of his claim. At a regular term of the commissioners' court, held December 5, 1826, a change in the personnel of the court appears. The sitting members at this time were Nathan Dillon, William Holland and John Hamlin. Under their direc- tion, at this term, an entry in the records was made as follows : "That William .S. Hamilton be authorized to act as counsel on behalf of this court for the purpose of obtaining the title to the land on which the county seat of Peoria county is located, with full power for said purpose, except that of commencing suit at law. Also that the clerk of this court inform said Hamil- ton that compensation will be allowed only in event of their obtaining said title." It is rather remarkable, but true, that the William S. Hamilton referred to, was a son of Alexander Hamilton, who figured so largely in the colonial and early history of the United States. William S. Hamilton was a brilliant lawyer and his name appears more than once in these pages. On January 26. 1827, Commissioner Graham of the land office at Wash- ington addressed the following letter to Colonel William McKee, surveyor gen- eral at St. Louis: "Sir: — The act of congress passed on the 3d of March, 1823, confirming certain claims to lots in the village of Peoria, in the State of Illinois (the French claims — Ed.), declares that it shall be 'the duty of the Surveyor of Public Lands of the U. S. for that District to cause a survey to be made of the several lots, and to designate on a plat thereof, the lot confirmed and set apart to each claimant, and forward the same to the Secy, of the Treasury.' As the plat above required to be made has not been received, and a Mr. James Latham, having entered the N. E. fr. J4 9. 8 N. 8 E. of the 4th P. M. under a 'Vincennes pre-emption,' I will thank you to inform me if the survey of the village has been made, and if it has. to furnish me with a copy of the survey, exhibiting the con- nection between it & the adjacent pulilic surveys. I am, etc., "Geo. Graham. "P. S. — It is presumed that the Regr. at Edwardsville who acted as commr. for 90 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY the settlement of these claims furnished Gen. Rector with a copy of his report on the subject; if he did you can obtain a copy from the Regr. Office at that place." An election was held August 4, 1828, when a new commissioners' court was made up bv the selection of George Sharp, Isaac Egman. and Francis Thomas who, in their official capacity, addressed a memorial to Elias Kent Kane and John McLean, senators from Illinois, and Joseph Duncan, the successor of Daniel P. Cook in congress, in which was set forth in detail the problem of the county seat title, and a request that they use their influence with the president, to induce him to permit the entry of the land to be made in the name of the county, and if that was not feasible, to put forth every eft'ort to have passed by congress a special act to afford the relief desired. On the 28th of January, 1830, Senator Kane received the following letter from Commissioner Graham of the land office at Washington: "Sir: — I return the letter of Messrs. Hyde & Stillman enclosed in your let- ter of the 26th inst. "Upon examination it appears that in 1825 the commissioners for the county of Peoria made application to the Land Officers at Springfield to enter the N. E. frac. >4 of S. 9 T. 8 R. 8 E. under the provisions of the act of the 26th of May, 1824, granting pre-emption to certain counties for their Seats of Justice (Land Laws, page 86g) which, being refused by these officers on the ground of the tract being a fractional quarter section, they memorialized the President on the subject, and, under his instructions at that time, had they entered and paid for the land, there would have been no difficulty in the case, but they having failed to make such a payment, that tract was entered in November, 1826, by James Latham under a pre-emption certificate, granted by the Register at Vincennes under the 2d section of the act of the nth of May, 1820 (Land Laws p. 778), and payment in full made to the Receiver and regularly entered in the returns of those officers to this office. The letter of the Register to this office that cov- ered this entry by Latham also enclosed a protest against it by William S. Hamil- ton as attorney of the County Commissioners. "In consequence of the belief entertained at this office that that fractional Section included the lots which had been confirmed to certain individuals at Peoria by the act of the 3d of March, 1823 (the French claims — Ed.), and that therefore it could not be legally granted to either the County Commissioners or Mr. Latham, the Register was informed in January, 1827, that this office, not being in possession of a survey of those confirmed lots, could not decide upon the rights of the respective parties until it was ascertained that there was no interference between those lots and that quarter section. A survey has not yet been forwarded to this office of the confirmed Peoria Claims, and until one is received the Case will have to be suspended." On the next day Senator Kane addressed to Stephen Stillman, of Peoria, the following letter : "Dear Sir: — I have delayed to (answer?) you until I could hear in answer to the application of your County Commissioners something satisfactory. I have waited, however, only to be informed of the embarrassments which surround the subject. I send all the papers received from the Comr. of Gen. Land Office, which gives as full a view of the matter as can be obtained. Present me respect- fully to the Commissioners with the assurance that it will at all times give me pleasure to attend to their requests whether made in an official or individual character. "With great respect, your obt. st., "E. K. Kane. "S. Stillman, Esq." HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 91 On the 3d of March, 1830. the county commissioners' court made the fol- lowing order: "Ordered that Stephen Stillman be and he is hereby appointed a Special Agent on the part of the county of Peoria for the purpose of ol)taining for the use of the county the right of soil to the North East fractional quarter of Section No. 9, in Town Eight North and Range Eight East — with full power to act for the county in the Name & in behalf of County Commissioners, and that he be particularly instructed & re(|uired to use his utmost exertions and all necessary means to procure if possible the title to said quarter Section, as it is considered of the utmost importance that it should be obtained immediately. "The Commissioners on the part of the county do hereby agree to accept any part of said quarter Section (be the same more or less) that may remain after deducting that which is appropriated by the law of Congress for Peoria Claims in lieu of a full c|uarter allowed by law to each new county. "The County Commissioners recommend that a special act of Congress be passed, granting to the county of Peoria the remaining part of the fractional quarter section after deducting the Peoria Claims, as aforesaid, let there be more or less." On the 5th day of February, 1831, Elijah Hayward, Commissioner of the Land Office, addressed the following letter to Senator Kane: "Sir : — In replv to your inquiry respecting the entry of the village of Peoria, I beg leave to refer you to the letters to you from this office of the 28th of Janu- ary & 5th of May, 1830, and to state that as the Commissioners of the county of Peoria did not enter the fractional quarter, at the time they might have done so, under the instructions to the Land Officers, and as there now exist conflicting claims under different laws, to the same land, no entry of it by the County Com- missioners will be authorized without special legislative provisions on the sub- ject. With great respect. Sir." On the /th day of March, following, the county commissioners' court, which then consisted of John Hamlin, George Sharp and Stephen French, made the fol- lowing order: "Ordered that Abner Fads be and he is hereby authorized to make a tender of money to the Register & Receiver of the Land Office at Springfield, sufficient to purchase, at the rate of one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre, the frac- tional quarter section on which the County Seat is now located, being the N. E. of S. 9, T. 8 N. R. 8 E. in behalf and in the name of the County Commissioners of Peoria county, for the use of said county, and obtain from said Land Office a certificate of entry that a patent may be speedily obtained if possible. Said Eads is authorized to assure the Register & Receiver of the Land Office, that the Com. of Peoria county for said county are willing to accept that part of the fractional quarter section before named which may remain after deducting what- ever portion may be set apart by the act of Congress granting Peoria Claims to the Old French settlers as surveyed by W'm. L. Hamilton in 1823. And said Eads is hereby authorized to call on the Treasurer for all specie or U. S. paper said Treasurer may have on hand and borrow the balance or a sufficient sum to purchase said fractional qr. Section." And the years were still going into history with the matter unsettled. But no link in the chain has been left unrecorded, save that, on the 14th day of March, 1831, a letter was addressed to the register of the land office at Springfield, the author of which is in doubt. From the fact, however, that it sets forth the case of the county in detail, it is presumed that William S. 1 lamilton, who had been retained by the commissioners to take charge of the matter, prepared it. On July 3. 1832 the record shows the following entry: "Ordered that John Coyle and Atiuilla Wren, two of the members of the court, receive two" hundred' dollars from the county treasurer for the purpose of 92 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY making a tender of the same in the land oiifice in payment for the fraction of land vipon which the town of Peoria is located. "Ordered that the treasurer furnish the said Coyle & Wren with twenty- five dollars to bear their expenses on the foregoing order." When the September (1832) term of the commissioners' court sat, its mem- bers were composed of John Coyle, Aquilla Wren and Edwin S. Jones, and it was ordered that the treasurer pay Aquilla Wren nine dollars and John Coyle four dollars and fifty cents, to reimburse them for money expended in visiting the land office at Quincy, where they tendered the money for the county seat land. It might here be mentioned that the land office at Quincy had been estab- lished after the last memorial of the commissioners had been sent to congress. On the second day of the term the following entry was made: "Ordered that Jolm Coyle, one of the members of this Court, receive of the County Treasurer two hundred and twenty dollars and repair with the same to the Land Office at Quincy, to make payment for the fraction of land upon which the County Seat is located. If the necessary papers or returns have not been furnished by the Surveyor General in the case the said Coyle is directed to go to the Surveyor General's Office in order to procure the papers that may be wanted ; he is also directed to keep a bill of his expenses." At last congress, presumably through the efforts of the Illinois senators and congressmen, took a hand in the matter, and, on the second day of March, 1833, passed an act permitting the county of Peoria to enter the land assigned it by the Illinois legislature for county seat purposes. But this did not end the trouble, although it was the beginning of the end thereof. In so far as Peoria county and the national government were concerned the incident was closed and a patent for the land was issued. John j\I. Aloore, acting connnissioner of the land office, on the 24th day of June. 1833, addressed the following letter to Isaac Waters, clerk of the county commissioners' court : "Sir: — Your letter of the sth ulto., has been received and I enclose herewith for your information a copy of a letter of this date to the Land Officers at Spring- field, 111., in relation to the entry of the fractional quarter Section in which Peoria is situated, under the provisions of the act of Congress of the 2d of March last." And on the same day the same officer addressed the following letter to the register and receiver of the land office at Springfield : "Gentlemen : — Under the provisions of the act of Congress of the 2d of Alarch last "to authorize the County Comrs. of the County of Peoria in the State of Illinois to enter a fractional quarter section of land for a Seat of Justice and for other purposes,' you will permit those Commissioners to enter & pay for the fractional quarter Section mentioned in said act. "The receipts, monthly returns and the certificate of purchase must all designate the entry as being made under this act, and the Certf. of Purchase must conform to the proviso to the ist Section of the act by declaring that "the said purchase shall not be so construed as to interfere with the claim or claims of any other person or persons to the said fractional quarter section,' and at the same time of making the entry the Commissioners should deposit with you for transmission a duly executed instrument of writing stating that in making such entry they expressly exclude therefrom any lands or lot, within the limits of the fractional quarter Section, belonging to or lawfully claimed by another person or persons." The last chapter in the long struggle of the county to secure a perfect title to the land for its county seat ended when a compromise was effected with the heirs of James Latham, in settlement of their claim against the property. The first step in this direction led to the adjustment of the matter when, on the 28th day of May, 1834, an action of ejectment was commended in the circuit court, HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 93 a "friendly" action nominally to recover two lots in the town of Peoria, but actually to settle the title to the whole tract of land. The case was decided by the court on an agreed (by the attorneys) state of facts and taken to the supreme court. However, the case was finally settled out of court as the following will show : "lientlemen : — 1 have this day been able to etTect a compromise with the Lathams in the suit to recover our town. They have withdrawn their entry at the Land Otifice, given up their certificate of entry, and taken their money ; and also withdrawn the suit now pending. I have given them my notes for seven lunidred dollars as you will perceive by the receipts herewith enclosed. $500 is to be paid to them in six mos. and the other two hundred in twelve. You will perceive the arrangement is much less than what I was limited at. "As I have made myself responsible for the payment of the money, I wish the Court to pass orders in my favor for that amount and payable at the time these notes are due to enable me to meet the payment of the same. Say one order for $500 to be paid on the 17th of May, 1835, and one of $200 to be paid on the 17th of November, 1835; I was not able to get them to relinquish up the bond they held for the two lots. Richard & Philip Latham, who I saw would not take any responsibility on their part on account of the other heirs ; if it should be thought expedient to give them anything for their claim to those two lots it can be done yet, but the grand obstacle in the way of improvement is now settled and people can now make investments with perfect safety; I saw all the papers at the Land (Jffice canceled and given up. If Mr. Waters has not yet made out a transcript of the docket he need not do it." This letter was accompanied by the following document signed by Stephen T. Logan, attorney for the Latham heirs: "John Hamlin has this day executed to Richard Latham for the use of the heirs of James Latham his note for five hundred dollars payable in six months, also for one hundred dollars payable in twelve months, also at the request of said Lathams his note to S. T. Logan for one hundred dollars payable in twelve months, in all amounting to seven hundred dollars, on a compromise of a suit l)rought by said Latham Heirs against said Hamlin &- as a compromise by which Lathams are to withdraw in the Land Office at Springfield their entry on the fractional c|uarter Section on which the Town of Peoria Stands." On the 5th day of December, 1834, the county commissioners' court of Peoria county entered the following orders : "Ordered that the Treasurer pay John Llamlin five hundred dollars on the 17th day of JMay, 1835, ^s compensation for a note for the said amount due at the said 17th Alay to the heirs of judge Latham as a compromise of a law suit, etc." "Ordered that the Treasurer pay John Hamlin two hundred dollars on the 17th day of November, A. D., 1835, as comi)ensation a note given him to the heirs of Judge Latham comi)leting the payment of the compromise on the law suit, etc." "The $700 of the two last orders is the price of the compromise with the said heirs of Judge Latham relinquishing their claim and withdrawing their entrv at the Land Office for Peoria Town fraction." CHAPTER XIV PROCEEDINGS OF THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' COURT — THE COUNTY SEAT IS NAMED PEORIA GRAND AND PETIT JURY SELECTED — FINANCIAL CONDITION REPORTED — ELECTION PRECINCTS ESTABLISHED COOK COUNTY A PART OF PEORIA COUNTY FIRST ELECTION HELD IN CHICAGO COUNTY COURT SUPERSEDES BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS TOWNSHIP SYSTEM IS ADOPTED THE PROBATE COURT. Owing to the importance of the county seat controversy, much space has been given that subject and the general proceedings of the commissioners' court ignored. iSut while that matter was taking its course and reaching a final adjust- ment the business affairs of the newly created bailiwick were in good hands and looked after in a business-like manner. The election for county officials had been held March 7, 1825. and on the next day the commissioners, Nathan Dillon, of Mackinaw Point, \\'illiam Holland, of Peoria, and Joseph Smith, of Farm Creek, met at the house of Joseph Ogee, below the ferry landing, where the court was organized by its members taking the prescribed oath of office, and they at once proceeded to perform the duties for which they were elected. Their first act was to appoint, or rather accjuiesce in the a])pointment of Norman Hyde as clerk. Then Aaron Hawley was selected by the court as county treasurer and the county seat was named Peoria. Another measure of imjiortance tran- sacted was the levying of a county ta.x of one-half of one per cent upon the taxable property of the county. The next session called for the performance of an important function of the commissioners, that of selecting a grand and petit jury, as the first term of the circuit court would sit in the following June. The sheriff was ordered and performed his duty in summoning the following named j^ersons to serve as grand jurors: William Kads. Abner h:ads, Alva Moft'att, Elijah Hyde, Noah Beacham, Sr., William Wright. John Ridgeman, Robert I'.errisford, Josiah Fulton, Thomas Gamblin, John l'liillii)s, George Ish. David Matthews, Jacob Wilson. Elisha Fish, Isaac Perkins, Nathaniel Cromwell, Walter Dillon, William Davis. Alexander McNaughton, George Sharp, Austin Crocker, Augustus Langworthy, Allen Dougherty. The following were selected as petit jurors: Stephen French, Joseph Ogee, Abner Cooper, George Love, Joseph O'Brien, Elias P. Avery, Thomas Dillon, Jesse Dillon, Seth Wilson, John Klein. George Klein. Stephen Carle, James Walker. At the June session these names were added : Horace Crocker, Noah Beacham, Jr., Aquilla Moffatt. Henry Neely, William Smith, Charles Love, John Sharp, William ISarker, John Cooper, David Hukey. Philip Latham. It was at this term of the commissioners' court that Norman Hyde, who had been elected probate judge, as stated heretofore, resigned his office as clerk, to take up the duties for which he first had been chosen. For services ren- dered as clerk and stationery furnished by him the treasurer was ordered to pay him $12.50 and the court appointed John Dixon as his successor. At this same June session Rivers Cormack was appointed by the court to take the census of the county, but declined to (|ualify and at a subsequent term of the court John L. Bogardus was selected for the work desired. Being empowered to a]:)point justices of the peace, under confirmation of the governor, Stephen French, Nathan Dillon, John Phillips and Jacob Wilson were so selected immediately after the 95 96 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY organization of the county and during the same year John Kinzie, of Chicago, an4" "P>y amount of delinquent tax list for which the Sheriff is allowed until the March term to collect, it being .State Paper, $416,695/2 equal to $312.52 P)y amount lost by collecting at Chicago at 50 per cent 27.05 By county orders amounting to 358.65 By percentage for collecting the above $64,405^, on which commission has been paid 22.08 By percentage on above orders 7-i73^ $728.07>4 $294-35M" A special meeting of the commissioners was held in March, 1827, and a tax levy was made of one-half of one per cent. George Sharp was appointed county treasurer and his bond fixed at $2,000. If Sharp served as treasurer it could not have been for long, as the records show that at the April term John Birket was appointed to the office, but having declined the honor (if any), Norman Hyde was chosen in his stead. .A session of the court was held in June. A new elec- tion precinct was created and named "La Salle Precinct." It embraced all that territory north of the south line of township 10 north, and south and west of Sand river ; and Peoria precinct to embrace all of Peoria county proper, south of the north line of township 9 north. It also appears by the record that further difficulty had been encountered in securing a suitable person for the office of county treasurer, for the reason that Simeon Crozier had been appointed to succeed Nor- man Hyde and his bond fixed at $2,000. As has been heretofore related a new commissioners' court had been elected in .\ugust, 1826, but at the June term of 1827 only one of the members elected, John Hamlin, was present. His associates were George Sharp and Henry Thomas, but by what process they superseded Nathan Dillon and William Holland, the records fail to denote. At the October term it was ordered that state paper be received by the county treasurer at seventy-five cents on the dollar, which would be an indication that the credit of the state had improved in the course of two years at least twenty-five per cent. The members for the commissioners' court elected in August, 1828, were Isaac Egman, George Sharp and Francis Thomas. Orin Hamlin, sheriff. A session Vol. 1—7 98 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY of the court was held in September and John llaniUn was appointed treasurer with bond at $1,000. At this term "Henderson precinct" was created, embrac- ing Alercer and Warren counties. Francis Thomas did not ciualify as commis- sioner until the December term. The office of county treasurer seems to have "gone a beggin'." Several ap- pointees to the office had declined or failed to (jualify. The last one to decline the office was John Jlamlin, at the May session of the year 1829, and in his place Henry li. Stillman was named, with bond in the sum of $1,000. Stillman served almost a year and within that time furnished the county with seals ; one for the commissioners' court, one for the probate court and one for the circuit court, and at the September term he was allowed live dollars for each. Judge McCulloch, in his history of Peoria county describes the seal of the circuit court as having been "a flat piece of metal like a coin; a piece of paper would be laid on the face of it and rubbed with lead to give the impression of the inscription, and this would l)e fastened to the official document by means of a large wafer." Once again the personnel of the county treasurer's office was changed. At the March term Isaac Waters was appointed county treasurer, assessor and census taker, his bond being placed at $1,000. John Dillon resigned as clerk of the commissioners' court and Stephen Stillman became his successor. Fox River precinct was reorganized at the June session, its new boundaries being fixed as follows : Commencing at the northeast boundary of the Military Land and including the country north and west of the Desplaines river as far north as the north line of township 34 north, extending west as far as the east line of Jo Daviess county. In August, 1830, George Sharp. John Hamlin and Stephen French were elected county commissioners and at the September term of the court were sworn into office. An interesting item recorded at that term was the allowance of five dollars to Elisha Fulton for carrying the abstract of votes to Fulton county and one dollar to Augustus Langworthy, for the use of his horse' upon which Fulton rode to his destination. The minutes of the December session show that the clerk was ordered to transmit to the sheriff of Warren county the tax books maintained for that county, at the request in writing of the county com- missioners' court, and that the said commissioners' court of Warren county be requested to send the amount of sixteen dollars, due Peoria county for assessing the property, by mail as soon as convenient. This item would indicate that Warren county had taken control of its own atifairs and had been released from the jurisdiction of Peoria county. At the April (1831) session of the court. Resolved Cleveland qualified as county commissioner and fulfilled the duties of George Sharp, whose death had made a vacancy. Isaac Waters was appointed county treasurer. By this time, the counties of Cook, \\'arren, Tazewell, Putnam and other counties which had remained attached to Peoria county when the latter was created, became separate organizations and for that reason the Chicago. Hen- derson and Fox River precincts became extinct. Those remaining in 183 1 were Peoria, La Salle and La Marsh, and the judges of elections were thenceforth only appointed for those precincts. In December a session of the court was held and John Hamlin having re- signed as a member, John Coyle was qualified as his successor, Coyle previously having been elected to the office. At the session held in '^Nlarch, 1832, Aquilla Wren became a member of the court, Stephen French having resigned. The members of the court in the session of September, 1832, were Edward J. Tones, John Coyle and Aquilla Wren. At this term Isaac Waters was allowed $1.50 for a record book purchased for the court, and seven dollars for attending the canvass of votes for senator and representative at Hennepin. Jesse W'alker was allowed sixteen dollars for bringing the election returns from Chicago in 1830. Seth Fulton was allowed one dollar, at the ]\Iarch term of 1833, for the use I HISTORY UF i'EORIA COUNTY 99 of a room in which the presidential election had been held the previous year. Orin Hamlin, Alva and Aijuilla Moffatt were granted leave to build a mill dam in Limestone township, on section 13, long known as the Monroe mill. For this session of the court Stephen Stillman was allowed five dollars for the use of a room. Before the e.xpiration of the year Asahel Hale was appointed county treasurer and reappointed in 1834 and 1835. F'rom the fact that his bond was fi.xed at $10,000 under the last two appointments, the reader may gather that the affairs of the county were "looking up" and the responsibilities of the office were "assuring proportions." As a matter of fact, the sum of $5,560.37 passed through the treasurer's hands in 1835, the largest amount the treasurer had ever handled in his official capacity. This can be accounted for by the generous sale of town lots, going on at that period and which had been delayed throughout the previous years, by reason of the difficulty the county experienced in securing a patent for the land from the government and perfecting its title thereto. At the April session of court, in the year 1835, the infirmities of years and other disabilities of Isaac Waters had become so apparent that he was removed from the office of clerk of the county commissioners' court and William .Mitchell was appointed his successor. Waters had been one of the faithful pioneer ser- vants of the new county of F^eoria and had served as clerk five continuous years. By reason of his infirmities of body and brain it also became necessary to ap- point in his stead a clerk of the circuit court. This was accom]jlishecl by the selection of Lewis Bigelow, for the position. Judge Thomas Ford, afterwards governor of the state, making the appointment, July 13, 1835. The court for the September term, of the year 1834, was made up of Andrew Thorpe, John Coyle and Orin Hamlin, and continued in office until August, 1836, when .\quilla Wren, William J. Phelps and Samuel T. McKean were elected. These latter were succeeded, in .August. 1838, by Smith Frye, Clark D. Powell and Moses Harlan. From this time on the tenure of the office was three years, one member being elected each year. Those elected to the office under the new law were: Clark D. Powell, August, 1839; W'illiam Hale, January 10, 1840, to fill the vacancy made by the election of Moses Harlan to the legis- lature; Nathaniel Chapin, August, 1840; Smith Frye, August, 1841 ; Thomas P. Smith and Clementius Ewalt, August, 1842, one to fill the vacancy caused by the election of Smith Frye to the office of sherifif ; William Dawson, 1843; Clementius Ewalt, 1844; Thomas P. Smith, 1845; Thomas Alooney, 1846; James L. Riggs. 1847; Joseph Ladd, 1848. On the 23d day of November, 1849, the last term of the coimty commissioners' court was held. By the year 1837 the population had been greatly increased, so much so that the necessity for a larger number of precincts was self evident. Therefore, at the June term of the commissioners' court the county was laid off into thirteen precincts, namely: No. I to consist of fractional township 11 north, range 9 east (now Chilli- cothe) known as Senachwine precinct, the election to be held at the house of William Dunlap in Chillicothe. No. 2. Northampton, to consist of township 11 north, range 8 east (now Hallock), the elections to be held at the house of Reuben B. Hamlin. No. 3. Prince's Grove, to consist of townships 1 1 north, range 6 east, and II north, range 7 east (now Princeville and .\kron). the elections to be held at the schoolhouse at Prince's Grove. No. 4. Rochester, to consist of townshi]) 11 north, range 5 east (now Millbrook), the elections to be held at the schoolhouse in Rochester. No. 5. Charleston, to consist of township 10 north, range 5 east and east one-half (properly west one-half) of township 10 north, range 6 east (that is to say all of l>rimfield and the west half of Jubilee), the election to be held at the house of Daniel lielcher in Charleston (now Brimfield). No. 6. La Grange, to consist of sections No. i to 24 in each of the town- ships No. 9 north, range 6 east, and 9 north, range 7 east, the east half of town- 100 HISTORY OI' PEORIA COUNTY ship lO north, range 6 east, and all of township lo north, range 7 east (.that is to say the north two-thirds of townships Rosefield and Kickapoo, the east half of Jubilee, and all of Radnor), the elections to be held at the house of Lewis Coolidge. No. 7. La Salle, to consist of townships 10 north, range 8 east, and 10 north, range 9 east (all of Medina and Rome), the elections to be held at the house of Jefferson Taliafero. No. 8. Peoria, to consist of sections i to 4, 9 to 12, 13 to 16, 21 to 24, 25 to 28, 33 to 36 in township 8 north, range 7 east ; sections 25 to 28 and 32 to 36 in township 9 north, range 7 east, and all of fractional township 8 north, range 8 east (that is to say, the east two-thirds of Limestone and eight sections ad- joining the same in the southeast corner of Kickapoo, and all of Peoria and Richwoods), the elections to be held at the court house. No. 9. ^liddle, to consist of township 8 north, range 6 east ; sections 25 to 36 in township 9 north, range 6 east; sections 5 to 8, 17 to 20, 29 to 32 in town- ship 8 north, range 7 east ; and sections 29 to 32 in township 9, range 7 east (that is to say all of Logan, the south one-third of Rosefield, the west one-third of Limestone and four sections in the southwest corner of Kickapoo), the elec- tions to be held at the house of Thomas P. Smith, at Smithville. No. 10. Harkness, to consist of township 9 north, range 5 east (Elmwood), the elections to be held at the house of John Ewalt. No. II. Copperas, to consist of township 8 north, range 5 east (Trivoli), the elections to be held at the house of Joseph Berry. No. 12. LaMarsh, to consist of township 7 north, range 6 east, and 6 north, range 6 east (Timber), the elections to be held at the house of William Duffield. No. 13. Lafayette, to consist of township 7 north, range 7 east (Mollis), the elections to be held at the house of Francis Johnson. At the March term, 1840, township 10 north, range 7 east (Radnor) was constituted an election precinct to be called Benton, the elections to be held at the house of Alva Dunlap. At the same term township 9 north, range 8 east (Richwoods) was consti- tuted an election precinct by the name of Jackson, the elections to be held at the house of John Clifton. At the September term, 1841, the name of LaMarsh precinct was changed to Lancaster precinct. At the March term, 1842, sections 31 and ^2 in township 11 north, range 9 east all of fractional 10 north, range 9 east; sections i, 2, 11 and 12, 13, 14, 23, 24, 25, 26 and 33 in township 10 north, range 8 east (that is to say, the south tier of Chillicothe, all of Rome and one-third of I\Iedina) were formed into a precinct called Rome, but at the June term, 1842, sections 31 and 32, township II north, range 9 east, were taken from Rome and re-attached to Senaclnvine. At the June term, 1843, sections 25 to 36 in township 9 north, range 7 east and sections i to 17, 20 to 30 and 34 to 36, in township 8 north, range 7 east (that is to say, the south one-third of Kickapoo and all of Limestone, with the excep- tion of five sections in the southwest corner) were constituted a precinct to be known as the Limestone precinct, the elections to be held at the house of James Jones. This was the condition of the county when S. De Witt Drown published his map of the same in 1844. Subsequently at the June term, 1847, section 32, 8 north, 7 east, was taken from the middle and added" to Limestone precinct. At the June term, 1848, the Rome and La Salle precincts were vacated and a new precinct called La Salle was constituted out of the following territory : Sections i. 2, 3, east half of 4, east half of 9, all of 10 to 15, the east half of 16, east half of 21, all of 22 to 27, east half of 28, east half of 33, all of 34 and 35, in township 10 north, range 8 east, and all of fractional township 10 north, range 9 east (that is to say, all of Medina east of a line running through the center of sections 4, 9, 16, 21, 28 and 33, and all of Rome), the elections to HISTORY UF PEURJA COUNTY 101 Ije held at the house of Thomas ^Mooney. subse(|uentlv in obedience to a vote of the people at the August election, changed to the house of Thomas B. Reed. In 1849 this section was visited by the scourge of cholera and many were the deaths that followed in its trail. The stricken became so numerous and the disease was so deadly that few of those left untouched by its ravaging hand had the temerity to nurse the sick and dying. Hence it was that the Peoria board of health was forced to find some place to house and segregate cholera patients and, on July 11 of the year above mentioned, the county com- missioners' court was prevailed upon to grant the use of the three upper rooms in the court house for hospital purposes. In addition, the county furnished beds and necessary medicines and delicacies for both town and county patients. At a special term of the court held in September, Alva .Mofifatt was given the contract to furnish coal for the court house and jail at five cents a bushel, and William Compher was authorized to procure three hundred dollars to be ex- pended in Pittsburg for iron used for the roof of the county jail. At this time William Alitchell was clerk, but before the next session of the court, held in November following, he fell a victim of cholera. Ralph Hamlin was appointed his successor and, on the 23d day of November, 1849, the last term of the com- missioners" court was held, it ceasing to e.xist, a county court having been jjrovided for by law. COUNTY COURT .At the election held in the fall of 1849, Thomas P)ryant was elected county judge, who superseded the county commissioners' court in the transaction of the county's business. The first term of the county court was held on the 3d day of December, 1849, but in the spring of 1850, a board of supervisors had been elected, which took full management of the county's afTairs on the 9th of July following. The (|uestion of adopting the "township system" of govern- ment had been submitted to a vote of the electors in the fall of 1849, which resulted in a majority vote of 2,128 being cast in its favor. There were only nineteen votes in the negative. David Sanborn, George Holmes and Mark Aiken were appointed commissioners to divide the county into townships and the first election of supervisors was held in April, 1830. The newly elected body held its first meeting on the 8th day of April, 1850, at which time the twelve town- ships then organized were represented by the following named persons: Townships Supervisors Hollis Stephen Wheeler Rosefield John Combs Orange Samuel Dimon Rich woods Josiah Fulton Chillicothe Charles S. Struther Benton Jonathan 1 Jrassfield Akron Benjamin Slane Limestone Isaac Brown Princeville L. B. Corn well Jubilee William W. Church ■Millbrook Clark W. Stanton Trivoli David R. Gregory Samuel Dimon was elected by liis fellow members chairman of the board, and Charles Killette was clerk. In the June (1850) meeting of the board Orange township was given the name of Kickapoo, Benton was changed to Fremont and later the name was discarded for that of Radnor, in honor of one of the pioneers of that region. The last session of the county commissioners' court was a special one, which 102 IIIS'IORY OF PEORIA COUNTY lasted three days and adjourned on Friday, November 23, 1849. The first term of the county court was held December 3, 1849, ^nd the last term on the 4th day of June. 1850. THE PROBATE COURT In the legislative act creating the county of Peoria, provision was made for the election of a probate judge for the county, whose tenure of office should be during good behavior. The probate courts were first established by law Feb- ruary 10, 1821, and their jurisdiction was similar to that of the probate courts of the present day, although many changes had been made as the years went by. They were courts of record and the judge also acted as his own clerk. Norman Hyde was the first incumbent of this office and was elected within a day or two after the passage of the bill organizing the county. Governor Edward Coles issued to him his commission on the i8th day of January, 1825, but he did not qualify until the 4th day of June following, John Di.xon, clerk of the circuit court administering the oath of office. In the meantime, Air. Hyde had been appointed clerk of the commissioners' court and performed the duties of that office until his induction into the office of probate judge. On the 6th of June, 1825, Judge Hyde opened his court, but there being no matters for settlement, an adjournment was taken until the next term, and so on for the next four terms the court was without anything to do and at once adjourned for that reason. It was not until the 30th day of September, 1825, that the first estate of a deceased person was entered in the court. On that day John P.arker took out letters of administration upon the estate of John O'Brien, giv- ing bond in the sum of S800, with John L. I'.ogardus and Daniel Like as securi- ties. The court then adjourned, that having been all the business before it. Nothing came up before the court until December 5th, when the will of Isaac Remsden, Jr., made in Muskingum county, Ohio, dated May 13, 1825, was probated. The witnesses to the will were Thomas Bell and Gilbert Crandall. Letters of administration were issued to Jacob Crooks. No business was brought before the court until April 11, 1826, several ad- journments having been taken in the meantime. On this day Isaac Perkins was appointed administrator of the estate of Elza Bethard. deceased. However, at the October term. Handy Bethard proved himself to be the next of kin and the letters of administration granted Perkins were revoked and Bethard was appointed in his stead. WHEREIN CHICAGO FIGURES Alexander Wolcott appeared at the .A.pril (1826) term of court and made proof of the death of John Crafts of Chicago, a prominent member of the American Fur Company. Upon filing a bond of $3,000, Wolcott was issued letters testamentary, having for his sureties John Kinzie, of Chicago, and John Latham. On the 20th day of November, 1826, Wolcott submitted his appraise- ment and sale bills of the estate, which were recorded. The appraisers were John Kinzie and "Billy" Caldwell, both of Chicago. On this day also came Jacob Crooks, administrator of the estate of Isaac Remsden and filed his ap- praisement of the estate, made by Alexander McNaughton, John Griffith and Hugh Montgomery, and sworn to before 'Squire John Dillon. On the 10th day of December. John P>arker, as executor of the estate of Joseph O'Brien, filed his appraisement of property of the deceased, which had been sworn to before Stephen French, justice of the peace. On the next day Margaret Latham and Richard Latham, her son, were appointed administrators of the estate of James Latham (the same who claimed title to part of the town site of Peoria) "deceased, Benjamin Briggs. Grant Blackwell and John Hamlin becoming their sureties on a bond of $2,000. HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 103 The first final settlement of an estate in Peoria county was that of Joseph O'Brien, John Barker, on the i6th day of April, 1826, having filed his final account, which showed a balance for distribution among the heirs of $416.31^. The appraisement of the property of James Latham was made by Peter G. Cowerdin, Charles Finley and Grant Blackwell, and an additional appraise- ment was made by John Hamlin, John Barker and Henry Neely, and sworn to before John L. Bogardus, of Peoria. The papers showed that after the deduction of expenses a balance of $968.21 remained. This appraisement was filed b\' Richard Latham, April 19, 1827. On the 8th day of January, 1828, Richard Latham filed the sale bill of James Latham's property at Elkhart Grove, Sangamon county, amounting to $722.46, of which the widow's award was $301.75. Alexander Wolcott, administrator, closed up the afifairs of the estate of John Crafts, in which, among other items, he charged himself with $2,500, received from the American Fur Company in New York, Craft's share of profits on the Chicago assets for 1825-6, according to the award of Thomas Addis Emmet, a noted lawyer of New York city, arbiter in the matter. After crediting himself with an item of $784, being the amount of an account of the American Fur Company against the estate, one of John Kinzie's for $87.88 and one of Gurdon S. Hubbard for $22, a Ijalance was shown in favor of the heirs in the sum of $1,454.25. On the same day Wolcott made proof of the death of John Kinzie, of Chicago, and was granted letters testamentary on his estate, the bond being placed at $3,000, with John Beaubien and James Kinzie as sureties. On the I'gth day of May, W'olcott filed a schedule of the property of John Kinzie, made at Chicago, on April 22d, by Alexander Doyle and J. P.. Beaubien and acknowledged by R. A. Kinzie, clerk. The property amounted to $805.40, plus a sale bill amounting to $254.87^/2. josiah Fulton applied for letters of administration upon the estate of his brother, Samuel Fulton, late sheriff of Peoria county, December 4, 1829. He was appointed administrator and the bond was fixed at $1,000. An appraise- ment was made of the estate by H. B. Stillnian and Norman Hyde and filed with the court. On the 17th day of December, 1830, John B. Beatibien obtained letters of administration upon the estate of Francis La Frambois, of Chicago. John Hamlin and David Hunter were his sureties on a bond of $3,000. On the same day, David Hunter proved the death of Alexander Wolcott and was appointed administrator, dcbonis iioii of the estate of John Kinzie, late of Chicago. His bond was $3,000 and with him signed John B. Beaubien and John Hamlin. By this time the reader must have gathered the idea that the two men just mentioned were professional bondsmen. Francis Sharp, on the 27th day of January, 183 1, proved the death of his father, George Sharp, a member of the county commissioners' court. Letters of administration were granted him and Elizabeth Sharp, the widow of the deceased, with bond of $4,000. The sureties were John Hamlin and Alexander Caldwell. The inventory and sale bill of the estate was filed in May, which showed a personal estate amounting to $524.06^4- On the same day David Hunter, administrator of the estate of John Kinzie, filed a report, showing he had received from various sources the sum of $740.25 due the estate. The report also showed that the sum of $2,190.12 was due the estate from the American Fur Company, with interest at five per cent from May 12, 1828. The David Hunter here mentioned was a man of no ordinary distinction. He was an officer in the regular army and was for some time in command of Fort Dearborn. During the Civil war he became one of the leaders among the many brave commanders in the army and rose to the rank of major-general. The last entry made by Judge Norman Hyde was the notation on his record of the adjournment of court February 6, 1832, as his death occurred soon thereafter. His successor, in the person of Andrew M. Hunt, was commis- 104 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY sioned as judge of the probate court, by Governor John Reynolds, November lO, 1832, and on the 15th day of November took his seat on the bench. On the 2ist day of November John Hamlin and Simon Reed filed the will of Norman Hyde, in which John Hamlin, Simon Reed and Andrew M. Hunt were named as executors. Only the first two could qualify, as the latter had become the judge of the court before whom the estate must be settled. The office of probate judge was abolished by act of the legislature March 4, 1837. Ikit an additional justice of the peace, styled probate justice of the peace, was elected in August of that year, whose jurisdiction was the same as other justices, in addition to which he was clothed with authority and minis- terial powers in probate matters and jurisdiction when executors or adminis- trators were parties to a suit to the amount of $1,000; also the same judicial powers of a probate judge. However, all his acts were subject to the approval of the circuit court. It will be seen, therefore, that Judge Andrew M. Hunt's ofiicial career was a short one. At the election held in August, 1837, George B. Parker was elected the first probate justice of the peace. In 1839 he was succeeded by Dr. Edward Dickinson, who served until 1843, when William H. Fessenden was elected. Thomas Bryant followed Fessenden in 1847 ^^'^ re- tained the office until November 29, 1849, when the office was abolished. CHAPTER X\- SELECTION OF A SITE EOR AND ERECTION OF A COURT HOUSE CIRCUIT COURT — ■ JAILS THE FIRST COURT HOUSE, SO-CALLED, A LOG CABIN THE FIRST BUILD- ING ERECTED BY THE COUNTY A BRICK STRUCTURE THE SECOND COURT HOUSE COUNTY INFIRMARY — HOME FOR THE INSANE — COUNTY OFFICERS. One of the first orders entered in the minute book of the county commis- sioners' court, at its tirst term, was for the selection of a site and the erection thereon of a court house, the same to be twenty feet square and nine feet from the floor to the joists, with a good plank or puncheon floor; also a clerk's office fourteen feet square, with a good puncheon floor, both to be of good materials and finished in a workmanlike manner — the clerk's office to be ready for occu- pancy by the 20th day of April, and the court house on the 25th day of May. Four (lays later the order for these buildings was rescinded. The first court house, or rather, the first meeting place of the county com- missioners, was at the house of Joseph Ogee, below the ferry and some dis- tance from the tract of land designated by the legislature for the county seat, and for the use of the house Ogee was allowed one dollar. This place had also been chosen in which to hold the circuit court, and the records show that the November term of the circuit court was held at the Ogee home and the May term of the commissioners' court in 1826, for the use of which Ogee was allowed three dollars. The next term of the circuit court was held at the house of Louis Beeson, who at the December term, was allowed for the use of his house the sum of $16. Joseph Ogee was a half-breed, with a strain of French blood. His wife was a Pottawatomie. He was in the employ of the American Fur Company, as was also Beeson. The Ogee house was reputed to have been the best in Peoria at the time of which we write, being con- structed of hewn logs, and this probably accounts for his place being chosen by the courts for their meetings. It is surmised that the Beeson house was the same as that mentioned as Ogee, for the latter had moved from the settle- ment soon after the May (1826) term of the commissioners' court. In Drown's Historical \"iew of Peoria, published in 1844, a writer, presumably John Ham- lin, says the house in which the court was held in November, 1826, was "a log building on the bank of the river, in whicli jurors slept on their blankets on the floor." THE CIRCUIT COURT In the session of the legislature which convened in December, 1824, the judiciary of the state was reorganized and divided into five judicial circuits and in the same act five circuit judgeships were created. Prior to this, members of the supreme court of the state held the circuit courts. The first circuit was composed of the counties of Sangamon, Pike, Fulton, Morgan, Greene and Montgomery, and the judge for this district, as for the others, was elected by the general assembly, their commissions being dated on the 19th day of Janu- ary, 1S25. John Sawyer was elected to the first circuit, to which Peoria county upon its organization, was attached. The first term of the circuit court in the 105 106 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY first district convened on the 14th day of November, 1825, with John York Sawyer, judge: John Dixon, clerk; Samuel Fulton, sherit? ; James Turney, attorney general. Judge Sawyer was a large man, physically, and of an impos- ing appearance. He was a terror to evil-doers and severe upon criminals. An incident related of him in this connection is that of a man who had lieen con- victed of petty larceny, the penalty for which was a whipping on the Ijare back, the stripes not to exceed forty. The attorney for the defendant had made a motion for a new trial, but before the question was argued the attorney's atten- tion was called temporarily to some other matter and in his absence the judge ordered the ofifender to be punished according to law by being tied to a tree near the court house. It is said that Judge Sawyer witnessed the whipping from his seat on the bench, counting the stripes as they were laid on. When the job was finished, and not until then, the defendant's attorney appeared and he was informed by the judge that he could have a new trial if he wished; but the defendant was averse to anything of the kind, having protested that he had had trials enough. It will have been seen that the county commissioners' court at its April terrn in 1825 had ordered the sheriff to summon grand and petit jurors selected at the first term of the court to appear on the second Monday in June, but there is no record of any court having been held on that date and it is therefore presumed that the first term was convened in the month of November. Only sixteen of the twenty-four grand jurors selected, appeared, namely: John Ham- lin, Stephen French, Thomas Dillon, Henry Thomas, George Harlan, Isaac Waters, Augustus Langworthy, George Sharp, Seth Wilson, John Klein, George Klein, Isaac Perkins, John Phillips and ^lajor Donaho. The grand jury re- turned five indictments, one of which was for murder, two for assault and two for minor offenses. The murder case referred to brought to Peoria nearly all of the settlers of this locality. The prisoner at the bar was an Indian named Nomaque, who was charged with the killing of a Frenchman by the name of Pierre Landre. Jacques Alette and Joseph Ogee were appointed interpreters. William S. Ham- ilton ^vas counsel for the defendant but great difficulty was encountered in obtaining a jury. The following named persons, however, were empaneled: Austin Crocker, Allen S. Daugherty, Alexander AIcNaughton, Nathan Dillon, Henry Neely, William Woodrow, Peter Dumont, Aaron Reed, Abram Galentine. Josiah Fulton, Cornelius Doty and David Matthews. This jury convicted Nomaque, and Hamilton carried the case to the supreme court, where he ob- tained a reversal of the judgment, but the Indian was held as a prisoner until the next grand Jury should pass upon the case. The other indictments found at this term were against Joseph Ogee and Jacob Frank for an affray ; Levi Ellis and Lyman Leonard charged with a like offense ; Abner Cooper for as- sault and battery ; and John Griffin, charged also with assault and battery. During this term William S. Hamilton was twice fined by the court for con- tempt. At this term Judge York issued peremptory writs to compel the ap- pearance of Louis Beeson, Pierre Chevilire, Francis Borbonnie, Sr., Francis Borbonnie. Jr., and Antoine Borbon, who had failed to recognize the original summons for their appearances as witnesses in the Nomaque case. The duration of the first term of court was four days and no other term was held until in October, 1826, when Judge 'S'ork again sat upon the bench. The most important case to be tried was that of Nomaque, the Indian, against whom a second indictment had been found. Of this second trial and its results an interesting description is given by one of the grand jurors in Drown's direc- tory for 1844: "In the year 1826, I lived three miles from Mackinaw river, on the Peoria and Springfield road, in what is now Tazewell county, but then attached to Peoria, and being that year twenty-one years old, I was summoned upon the grand jury. There were not then enough adults in Peoria county proper to i'i;(isi'i;( I' \.\i.i.i-.'i i'i;iisi'i:( 'I' iii-;i(;iirs HISTORY OI" i'EORIA COUXTY 107 form the grand and petit juries, hence they were summoned from the attached portion. All the grand jury but two were from the east side of the Illinois river, chiefly my acquaintances and neighbors. We took our provisions and bedding, the latter being a blanket or quilt for each. It was the practice also in those days to take a flagon of liquor, and this was not omitted on the occasion spoken of. In truth, so faithfully was the flagon put under requisition, that but two of our number were sober when we appeared in court and received our charge. Judge Sawyer was then the presiding officer ; James Turney the prose- cuting attorney ; and Messrs. Cavarly, Pugh, Bogardus and Turney, the entire bar. "There were about eight bills of indictment found by the grand jury, one of which was against an Indian nained Nomaque for murder. He had been tried the fall before; but obtaining a new trial, he was indicted again this term. There being no secure jail, the sheriff (Samuel Fulton) kejit him under guard in the house of Mr. Allen. At night about a dozen drunken Indians met to rescue him. and attempted to enter the door for that purpose. Allen sprang out of a back window, and seizing a clapboard, rushed to the front of the house and laid aliout him with great fury. He felled four of the Indians to the ground before they could recover from their consternation, when the others retreated. Allen pursuing the hindmost, continued his blows, the retreating fellow crying out 'Schtop, white man! for God's sake schtop!' Felling him also, the five laid till morning, when they were able to crawl off. Nomaque after- wards made his escape — joined Black Hawk in the war of 1832 — was wounded in Stillman's defeat, and afterwards found nearly dead by some Peorians, who humanely shot him through to put an end to his sufferings. "The court house was a log Iniilding on the bank of the river, in which the jurors slept at night on their blankets on the floor. There was a tavern kept by Mr. Bogardus, but it was not large enough to furnish sleeping accom- modations for them. The grand jury room was a lumber cabin in which Bo- gardus kept saddles and other cattle fixings." The session of the legislature held in 1827 reorganized the judiciary by abolishing the office of circuit judge and assigning the judges of the supreme court to do circuit duty. The first circuit was then composed of the counties of Peoria, l-'ulton, Schuyler, Adams, Pike, Calhoun. Greene, Morgan and San- gamon, to which Samuel D. Lockwood was assigned. This jurist is said to have been a most scholarly and polished gentleman and the peer of any judge that had ever sat on the supreme bench of the state. It was said of him by a recent historian that "he stands out conspicuously as the beau ideal of a judge. His appearance on the bench was the very personification of dignity, learning and judicial acumen." Judge Lockwood presided over this court from the May term, 1827, to the October term, 1828. At his first term held in Peoria, the sheriff', Samuel Fulton, was indicted for malfeasance in office. The charge was negligence in allowing the Indian, Nomaque, to escape from his custody. The indictment, however, was twice quashed on the ground that no capias had been issued, requiring the sheriff' to take him into his custody. Another change in the judiciary was made by the legislature in 1829. A circuit was established consisting of the territory west and north of the Illinois and Kankakee rivers, embracing that portion which had formerly been at- tached to the county of Pike. At this same session of the legislature Richard M. Young was elected and commissioned on the 23d dav of January, 1829, as judge of this circuit. His first term of court in Peoria was in June. 1829, and his last was the October term of 1834. Judge Young was the first judge elected to preside in the third circuit and on the formation of the fifth circuit just designated, he removed to Quincy, where he resided during the time he was upon the bench. In 1836 he was elected United States senator and served the full term of six years. In 1843 he was elected to the supreme court and held the office until 1847. when he was appointed commissioner of the land office 108 HISTORY OF PEORIA COL'XTY at Washington. In 1850 he was appointed clerk of the national house of repre- sentatives. His later years, however, were quite tragic, as his intellect became impaired to the extent that it was necessary to send him to an asylum, where he died. John Di.xon resigned as clerk of the circuit court and on the 8th day of June, 1830, Stephen Stillman was appointed his successor. Still another change was made in the judiciary in 1835. In that year the state was again divided into circuits and five judges in addition to the one already in office were chosen. These new judges were Stephen T. Logan, Sid- ney Breese, Henry Eddy, Thomas Ford and Justin Harlan. Thomas Ford was assigned to the sixth district, in which Peoria was situated. For some reason, however, Judge Breese presided at the first term of the circuit court in Peoria. At the September term Judge Stephen T. Logan presided. He resigned his office in 1837 and was again elected by the legislature in 1839, but declined to accept and never afterwards occupied a position u])on the bench. Judge Logan was one of the ablest lawyers and jurists of his time. He had been profession- ally associated with Abraham Lincoln for three years and also filled many posi- tions of public trust, for which he was ably fitted. Thomas Ford, who was assigned to the sixth circuit in which Peoria was situated, afterward became governor of the state. The first term at which he presided was May, 1836, but in March, 1837, he resigned and was succeeded by Dan Stone, one of the noted men of his day. Judge Stone presided from the May term, 1837, until the May term, 1838. One of the noted cases decided by him was political in its character which touched upon the right of aliens to vote at the general elec- tion. The matter was carried to the supreme court but before a final decision had been reached the eighth and ninth judicial circuits had been formed by the legislature and Thomas Ford, on the 25th day of February, 1839, had been elected and commissioned as judge of the ninth district. The controversies growing out of the decision of Judge Stone in the case above referred to led the legislature to again reorganize the judiciary of the state and by an act, February 10, 1841, all former laws authorizing the election of circuit judges or establishing circuit courts was repealed. The act then provided there should be appointed by joint ballot of both branches of the general assembly at that session five additional associate justices and the three associate justices then in office should constitute the supreme court of the state. The state was then divided into nine circuits and the chief justice and his eight associates were recfuired to hold court in these circuits. Thomas Ford was elected one of the five new justices of the supreme court, February 15, 1841, but he resigned August 1st, 1842, to accept the office of governor of the state, to which he was called soon after being elected. While acting as supreme judge he again pre- sided over the circuit court at Peoria from 1841 until 1S42, and Judge Richard M. Young again held court here as one of the supreme judges at the May term, 1843. Judge John Dean Caton presided over the circuit court at the October term," 1842, and the October term, 1843, and from thence on to the October term, 1848. He was a member of the supreme court for twenty-one years, having succeeded Governor Ford upon his resignation in 1842. He was reappointed by Governor Ford in 1843 to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of Judge John M. Robinson. He resigned in 1864. After "the adoption of the constitution in 1848, T. Lyle Dickey presided at the May and October terms of 1849, and William Kellogg, of the tenth circuit, to which Peoria then belonged, from the March term of 1850, to November, 1852. fudge Kellogg had been commissioned as judge of the tenth circuit, February 12, 1830. Resigning in November, 1852, he was succeeded by Heze- kiah M. Wead, but before the latter could hold a term of court the sixteenth circuit, composed of Peoria and Stark counties, had been formed, of which Onslow Peters had been elected judge. Judge Wead, however, held court here at the fall term of 1863 to finish up certain cases in which Judge Peters had HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 109 been engaged as counsel, judge Kellogg was elected to congress in 1856 and again in 1858 and i860. There is some uncertainty as to where the courts were held in the two fol- lowing years. At the January term of the county commissioners' court, the sheriff was authorized to procure a house for the holding of court but the records do not show where the place or places selected were located. At the March term, 1829, a record was made of the purchase from John Hamlin of a log house 16x14 feet, under which was a cellar, which subsecjuently served as a jail. This building John Hamlin, in consideration of $75, conveyed to the county, as the following instrument indicates : "I do hereby assign to the county commissioners of Peoria county for the use of said county, all my right, title and claim to a certain log house situated in the town of Peoria for and in consideration of $75 — the said house known as the one built hy Simon Crozier and formerly occupied as a store house by- said Crozier. "John H.-\mlin. ''Peoria, Illinois, .March 3, 1829. "Witness, John Di.xon." It was therefore ordered at this same term that the treasurer pav John Hamlin $75 for a house to be used for county purposes and here it might be well to explain that this house is also said to have been situated below the pres- ent railroad bridge. ^Ir. Ballance, who arrived in Peoria soon after its pur- chase, in his history of Peoria says in a description of the building that it was located "at or near where the Fort Clark mill stands," to which Judge ]\IcCul- loch in his history of the county of more recent date adds "which was on the river bank on the northeasterly side of Harrison street. The building remained standing until 1843, when it was replaced by Orin Hamlin's steam flouring mill." A pencil sketch of Peoria in 1831 said to have been executed by J. Al. Roberts, indicates from the grouping of the l)uildings that the historians,' Drown and Ballance, were correct in their location of this building and that it was the cabin on the site upon which the Fort Clark mill stood and now covered by the warehouse of the Peoria Transfer Company. .\t the June term (1829) it was ordered that the lower story of the court house, as the building was now termed, be used as a jail, and at the Septemlser term, 1830, John Hamlin, from whom the building had been purchased, was given the use of the cellar until the month of April following, for the sum of $3, which same amount had been paid by F. Bournonait the preceding winter for storing goods therein. At the September term, 1830, the clerk was authorized to have certain repairs made on the court house. That is to say, "plastered in the joints, weather boarded, a window with glass on the river side, and a plank floor laid loose on the joice above — the work to be done on as good terms as could be had reasonable and that he should present his bills to the next commissioners' court properly authenticated." At the same time John Plamlin was given au- thority to buy a ten plate stove, with the necessary pipe, the cost of which was not to exceed $30. Whether or not these repairs were made the record does not show.. However, at the June term, 1831, the following entry was made: "Ordered that the treasurer pay $16 for repairs to the court house as fol- lows : .\ desk, the boarding and casing to be of walnut plank 6 feet long, 43/^ feet high, 31,2 feet wide from the wall, sided in front and posts cased at their end; narrow strip on front top. from that inward slope 12 inches, floored with any kind of sound plank, one step from the room floor, all but the floor to be planed, a narrow strip on the inside end of the slope — four benches, two 14 feet long, or the length of the room, two 6 feet long, one and one-half inches thick, with an additional strip or piece where the legs are put in. The lower 110 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY room, tlie three hewed logs missing to be put in place, that is, replaced with a door cheek, a door to be made of- strong inch plank, hinges, pad-lock and staples to be furnished by the workmen. Also two benches for table." It is very probable these improvements were all made, for an allowance was made to Moses Clifton of $16.75 ^or repairs to the court house. The building, however, was not adequate for the purpose it was intended when pur- chased, as the record shows several orders subsequently made for the use of private houses by the commissioners. However, an entry indicates that on July 10, 1834, leave was granted (some one not shown) to keep a school in the court house for a quarter, except in term of court or when needed by the county commissioners or for elections. The building was also used for religious meet- ings but was sold to Bigelow & Underbill in 1835 for $60. The year 1833 finds the county without a building specially constructed for county purposes, and however necessary might have been a court house at that time, the necessity for a jail was more present. Thieving and outlawry in the county was becoming more prevalent and many arrests in cases of a petty nature were being made at shorter intervals, which placed the authorities at a disadvantage, from the fact there was no proper place in which to incarcerate the culprits pending trial of their cases. A gang of thieves had made their appearance in the county and it became necessary to send one of them to Schuyler county for trial and two others to the jail in Putnam county for safe keeping. This the authorities maintained was putting the county to much ex- pense. The items below would indicate that the county commissioners were not far from wrong in their contention : To Giles C. Dana for arresting and keeping L. Thomas and Joseph McMeehan $ 2.50 Amos Stevens for conveying Thornton Hollis to Schuyler county 49-50 William Compher for conveying Webster Evans to Putnam county 29.00 William Compher for conveying Joseph McAIeehan to Putnam county 29.00 William Compher for pursuing Thornton Hollis 9.37 William Compher for bringing two prisoners from Put- nam jail 3100 Obadiah JMolley, sherilt Putnam county, for keeping Evans from November 21 to April 22 68.50 Obadiah ]\Iotley for keeping McMeehan November 28, to April 22 65.37 Total for three prisoners $284.25 THE FIRST .T.\IL BUILDING It was therefore ordered that lot 3 in block 37 be set apart for the site of a jail. The contract for the building was let to George De Pree, who was awarded on his contract at the April term, 1835, the sum of $381, which was probably but a portion of the contract price. The description of this building in Ballance's history is as follows: "About the year 1834 a jail was built of square logs, on the alley between Main and Hamilton and between Monroe and Perry streets. It was sixteen feet square and fourteen feet high. The lower story was con- structed of three thicknesses of logs, two lying horizontally and the one between them standing perpendicularly, so that should any attempt be made to bore the logs, the perpendicular ones would come down and stop the hole. The upper story was only one thickness of logs. To give strength, these logs were dove- tailed at the corners. Above the strong room there was a strong floor and trap •lAii. AM) (orirriKii sK ix is4.-, I'EoKlA's FIKST ( ( H irii i( ush:. iirii/r i\ is:;(i HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 111 door. Through this trap door prisoners were passed and then the ladder drawn up. The rtoor of the lower part was made of timbers fitted close together and the whole covered with oaken planks sjjiked down." Xo mention is made of any windows in the lower story and when the building was first constructed there probably were none, for at the March term. 1839. Henry Hahn was ordered to put one in. This was the only jail building in the county until 1849. when a new one was erected. When it was replaced the lot was sold to Halsey O. .Merri- man, June g. 1847, for $150. Soon after the erection of the jail a log cabin was built on the same lot for the use of the janitor. Daniel Bristol was the contractor and was paid $2.70 at the June term for his work. THE SECOND J.ML The second jail was erected in 1849 on the corner of Washington and North Fayette (now Eaton) streets. On June 7, 1844, the commissioners' court had ordered notices to be published in the Press and Register, newspapers then pub- lished in Peoria, inviting the submission of plans at the coming September term for a jail to be constructed of stone. The records do not show that anything further was done in this matter until December 4. 1845. when a contract was let to George O. Kingsley for the erection of a jail for $6,640. At the March term, 1846. lot i. No. i of the subdivision of lots i and 3 in block 18, was chosen as the site for the new bastile. Chester Hamlin was appointed superintendent of the work, for which he was to have two per cent commission. Charles Ul- richson, an architect, was allowed $10 for examining the plans and specifica- tions, but what they were, the records do not show. After having made some progress in his work, for which he was paid $616, Kingsley 's contract was re- scinded at the September term 1846. For that reason the work was suspended and nothing further was done until the December term, when the clerk was directed to advertise for proposals to be submitted at the January term, 1847, for the building of a jail according to plans and specifications in the clerk's office. On January 6, 1847, the contract was let to Thomas Turbit, Thomas P. Smith and William Smith, farmers, then living in that part of the county which afterwards became known as Logan township. The contract price was $7,450. Three years after it had been commenced, or, to be exact, on April 14, 1849, the new jail building was accepted as fullv completed and on settlement there was found due the contractors the sum of $1,695.99. This sum w-as allowed, notwithstanding the contractors had placed upon the building a temporary roof instead of a copper roof required of them in the contract. From this it seems they had been relieved. That part of the new .structure which fronted the street liad the appearance of an ordinary brick building. It was brick and was used for the sheriff's home, while the rear portion, or jail proper, was stone. The cells were on the first floor and arranged around the outer walls, in which grated windows were inserted. A hall separated the two ranges of cells. On the second floor was a large room called the debtor's room, which w'as intended for the imprisonment of imfortunates not able, or refusing to pay their debts. As this barbarous practice became illegal, the room was later used as a place of confinement for female prisoners. THE THIRD J.ML In 1867 the board of supervisors bought the lot on wliich the present jail is located, for the sum of $6,000. It had originally belonged to the county but after having olitained title to the county seat site, the county commissioners had sold the lot for $75. The new jail was completed at a cost of $75,000 and was placed in custody of the sheriff on the 24th day of January, 1869. 112 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY THE FIRST COURT HOUSE It was at the June term, 1833, that initial steps were taken for the building of a court house. The clerk was ordered to advertise in the Sangamon Journal for sealed proposals to be delivered at the clerk's office until the 9th day of July- following, for the furnishing of 150,000 brick on the public square, at which time contracts would be awarded, also at the same time contracts would be let for the stone and lumber that might be wanted in the construction of a court house. .At the l^larch term, 1834, Reuben B. Hamlin, one of the contractors for furnishing lumber, was allowed $15 for a drawing of the proposed court house. Bids for brick were received at the July term, 1833, and the contract for the same was awarded to Samuel Hackelton at $5 per thousand, and the firm of Moffatt & Hamlin was awarded the lumber contract. The brick used in the building was burned at the foot of the bluff near Knoxville avenue by Moore & Pitt, who had in their employ at the time Robert Smith, later a resident of Mossville. At the January term, 1834, John Hamlin was made agent to procure rock and have it placed upon the ground for the foundation and also to procure hewn timber for the court house upon the best terms obtainable. The clerk was directed to advertise in the Sangamon Journal, Beardstown Chronicle and St. Louis Republic that sealed proposals would be received at the clerk's office ujitil the third day of the next term for the mason work in the foundation walls and also the brick work, the county to furnish the materials. Proposals were also asked for the carpenter work exclusive of the doors and windows, plans and specifications to be sent to the clerk's office. The query might here arise as to why these notices were not published in a Peoria paper, and the answer is, there was no paper published in Peoria at that time. The contract for the mason work was awarded to Charles W. McClallan, and the carpenter work to George B. Macy, at the March term, 1834. John Hamlin was released as agent to procure materials, and at the April term fol- lowing Francis Voris was selected to superintend the erection of the building and served in that capacity until July 10, when he was succeeded by Isaac Waters. By this time work was progressing on the new county building, and at the June term, 1834, orders were entered for the payment for the first work done thereon : F. Voris, digging 853^ yards foundation at 10 cents per yard $ 8.50 C. W. McCkllan for quarrying 58 window sills at 62^4 cents each, 2 door sills at 623/^ cents each, and 200 feet water table at 6yi cents per foot 50.00 Alvah Moftatt for hauling 16.621^ George .Martin for pine plank 283.00 John H. Dusenberry for time and $5.00 advanced for quarrying rock 6.123^ From what has been related the reader will at once see that a great deal of work in connection with the new court house devolved upon the commissioners' court. At a special term held in July, 1834, Joseph Mitchell was paid for haul- ing caps, sills, water tables and scaffold poles. Alva Moffatt was refunded $150 for money advanced to purchase lumber; C. W. McClallan $50 for mason work ; and John Pitt for hauling caps and sills. At the October term John Hamlin was again appointed agent to procure materials, the lack of which had caused delay in the progress of the work. The first plans for this building made no provision for ornamentation but after the four walls had reached completion it was determined that a portico .MOTl)l!( V( I.K I'Ol.K i;.\li:.\ L\ FlldXI (iF ( 11 V I'KISOX I'A'ir.oL IIOLSE. PEORIA HISTORY OI- PEORIA COUNTY 113 and cupola should be added ; consequently, at the April term, 1836, Joshua Bowman was awarded a contract for foundation stone for the columns, the same to be four feet square, ten inches thick and to cost $35. At the August term, Joshua ISowman was awarded a contract to furnish, cut and lay stone steps around the piazza and up to the back door of the court house at 62^^ cents per foot. On October i6th Charles W. McClallan was ordered paid $100 on his contract for plastering, and soon thereafter the No- vember term of circuit court convened and seems to have been in the new court house while in an unfinished state, for at the December term, Reuben Hamlin, William P. BUxton, Nathaniel Dyes, John Brown, Albert Hurd and Job Ross were allowed compensation for suspension work on the court house during the sitting of circuit court. At the same term Henry Gilbert on the part of the county and \V. A. I'.lair on the part of Reuben B. Hamlin assessed the additional compensation demantled by the latter, as follows : To additional size of building $ 300.OO To one extra window 1 1.50 To extra work on windows 75oo To balustrades around bell deck 50.00 To damages for failure on part of contract S/O.oo To hindrance for lumber this summer 50.00 To glue 20, at 31^ cents 6.25 To extra work on capitals 150.00 To cash paid for labor 1.50 To cash paid for drayage .50 $1,214.75 At this time, while the court house had not reached completion, it was far enough advanced to admit of occupancy of a portion of the first story, which was divided into six rooms. Plorace P. Johnson, an attorney, was granted leave to occupy room No. 2 from and after the 9th of December. On the nth Joshua Bowman was awarded a contract for building and erecting four plain, round columns in front of the court house, to be completed by the ist day of July following, at $10 per foot, running measure. C. W. ]\IcClallan was also given a contract to ornament the court room by putting a cornice around the ceiling. Both these contracts were settled for at the June term 1836, and the court house was practically finished. It seems to have been the aim of the county commissioners, business man- agers of the county, to make the court house in a measure pay for itself, for there are entries showing that several rooms were rented to parties who had no official relation to the county. As has been stated, Horace P. Johnson was granted leave to occupy room No. 2 on the ground floor of the building, for which he was assessed as rent $50 per year. Others to whom rooms were rented were Charles Kettelle, who secured room No. 3, and E. N. Powell, room No. 5, all at the same rent. The grand jury room given over to A. M. Hunt at $45 the year, with liberty of the grand jury to occupy it during the sitting of the circuit court. At the July term, 1837, No. 4 was rented to Onslow Peters until the December term, for $12.50. At the December term there was a re-letting as follows : No. 2, to Horace P. Johnson and Jacob Gale ; No. 3, to Charles Kettelle; No. 4, to Onslow Peters; and No. 5 to E. N. Powell, at $50. There was a re-letting of the rooms the next year. Horace P. Johnson retained No. 2; Charles Kettelle was given No. 3; Peters & Gale, No. 4; George B. Parker, who had recently been elected probate justice of the peace. No. 5 ; and Frizby & Metcalfe, No. 6, at $50 a year. The jury room was let to Lincoln B. Knowl- ton at the June term, 1839. with the condition that the jury should use it when needed. Later some of the partitions were removed and the enlarged rooms Vol, 1—8 114 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY occupied l)y the sheriff and circuit clerk. On the left of the hall was the county clerk's office, which was afterwards used by the board of supervisors. Xext to the county clerk's room was a small one occupied by the county judge, who also shared it w-ith a hrm of attorneys. The court room was in the second story, on each side of which was a jury room, but some years later a balcony was constructed in the portico, which was ap- proached by thin stairways, one on each side of the main entrance. From that time onward the court room occupied the entire second floor. THE SECOND COURT HOUSE I'.v the year 1838 the court house became insufficient for the needs of the county and a more secure place for the records became a matter of prime neces- sity. It was therefore determined to erect a new temple of justice, which was begun on an elaborate plan that year, but only the first story of the northeast wing was erected. It was divided lengthwise into two rooms, which were occu- pied by the circuit and county clerks. It was thoroughly fireproof and although not pleasing to the eye served the purposes for a period of nearly twenty years. The present court house is the second and last completed building of the kind erected in the county. The plans for the one contemplated in 1858 had been abandoned after part of the building had been completed, but it was not until the December session of the board of supervisors that concrete action was taken toward the erection of a new and adequate court house. On the loth of De- cember, 1874, Horace G. Anderson, chairman of the committee on public build- ings submitted a report to the board of supervisors in favor of the building of a new court house. The report concluded with the following resolutions : "Resolved, i. That the county of Peoria needs a new court house and that in order to build the same it is necessary to issue county bonds. "2. That the question of issuing county bonds to the amount of $250,000, to run not to exceed ten years and to draw not to exceed 8 per cent interest, be submitted to the legal voters at the next April election. "3. That the county clerk be instructed to give the proper notice that the question will be submitted to be voted upon at that election and that he cause to be printed on the ballots to be used at that election "for county bonds' and "against county bonds' as provided by law." After amending the resolutions so as to change the time of voting from April to the next November election, they were adopted by a vote of 16 to 9. The vote on the question of issuing jjonds was submitted to the electors of the county at the November election of 1875 and the proposition was carried by a majority of 1,516. There were 6,910 votes cast. Plans were at once adver- tised for and after many had been submitted for examination, those of the firm of Wilcox & Miller." architects of Chicago, were adopted March 31, 1876. The contract for the building was let to Philip H. Decker, of Chicago, May 12, 1876, his bid being $206,071.31. Work at once began on the new building and on Saturday, September 30, 1876, the corner stone was laid, with very simple ceremonies. Addresses were made on that occasion by Jonathan K. Cooper, one of the pioneer members of the bar, and Hon. Joseph "W. Cochran, judge of the circuit court. After the speeches, Thomas Cratty, member of the bar, and Mark M. Aiken, one of the oldest settlers of the county, placed within the stone a number of documents and articles of historical value. Early in the month of November, 1878, the building was completed, and on the 1 8th the event was celebrated by a grand reception to the public, which ter- minated with a banquet, at which time a number of speeches were delivered, being preceded, however, with prayer by Rev. J. D. Wilson, rector of Christ English Reformed church. The orators of the occasion were Judges David McCulloch, loseph W. Cochran and Sabin D. Puterbaugh, and Messrs. Law- rence W. James, Washington Cockle, Thomas Cratty, ^McCoy, Tipton, Cremer PEORIA torXIV ( (IL'KTIIOI.'SE HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 115 and Fuller. The day was spent by a vast throng of visitors to the building and by night time their numbers liad increased amazingly. The banquet was pre- pared by Charles H. Deane, proprietor of the Peoria House, which was dis- cussed by about 250 persons. The total cost of the building, to which, as a matter of course, various additions and changes have been made after the plans had been adopted, was $248,968.70. The clock in the tower was manufactured by the Seth Thomas Clock Company, of New York ; the bell, which weighs four thousand pounds, was made at the McNeely & Kimberly bell works, Troy, New York, both bell and clock furnished by the American Clock Company of New York, cost $2,495. The architects' description of this beautiful building is as follows: "Style, Venetian Italian; plan, cruciform, with grand colonnade entrance or porticoes, 42 feet wide on the two fronts; at Main and Hamilton street fronts, two story colonnades and arcades; size, 177 feet front by 90 feet on Main and Hamilton; height to cornices, 90 feet, and to top of lantern, 166 feet from the base line. Material of exterior w'alls Amherst stone from the Clough cjuarry near Cleve- land, Ohio." "The old court house was sold to David P)Urns for $250 to be removed within ten days. On Saturday, the 13th of May, the members of the Peoria bar, many of whom had grown old in the practice of their profession beneath its shadow, assembled in the court room of the condemned structure for a formal leave-taking before the work of demolition should commence. Jonathan K. Cooper presided, speeches were made by Judge Gale, E. G. Johnson, E. P. Sloan, D. '5lcCulloch, Judge I.oucks and John Holmes. The speeches were full of reminiscences incident to the court houses, lawyers and judges of early times. Some of them were historical, some humorous, but all appropriate to the occasion." THE COUNTY INFIRM.\RY Every commimity has its helpless and indigent individuals who through stress of circumstances, disease or shiftlessness become a care and oft times a burden upon the community at large. Provision for supplying them with food and shelter are incumbent upon the taxpayers, and in conseciuence of this fact the county commissioners' court on the iith day of December, 1847, purchased of William Alitchell the south half of the northeast c|uarter of section 9. town- ship 8 north, 7 east, to be used as a comity farm, for the sum of $i,ocxd. There were buildings on the place at the time which were considered sufficient for the needs of the county, and provisions were made to prepare them for occu- pancy by the ist of February, ensuing. Furniture and provisions were secured and the commissioners in person made all necessary arrangements for the sup- port and accommodation of those who should come under their care. From a number of ap]ilicants, Hiram Partridge was selected as superintendent of the infirmary, and on tiie 2(1 day of February, 1848, he w^as appointed to the posi- tion, at a salary of $275, after giving bond to the county in the sum of $1,000. On the 9th of Alarch notice w-as published in the newspapers requiring all per- sons chargeable to the county to be conveyed to the new home for the indigent. On the 7th of February, 1849, Hiram Partridge w-as reappointed superintendent for another year, and for his wife's services and that of his three boys, also the use of a cow and a yoke of oxen, he was to receive $373 for the ensuing year. This was Partridge's last appointment by the commissioners' court, but he was kept in the position for several years by the board of supervisors. In 1865 the board of supervisors bought a tract of land, consisting of one hundred and sixty acres, known as the Herron farm, adjoining the land already secured, for which was paid $9,000. This increased the county farm to two hundred and forty acres. In February, 1869, the building committee of the board reported, among others, a bid for the construction of an infirmary build- 116 IIIS'I'ORV ()!• r'EORIA COUXTV ing according to plans and specifications already adopted, by G. L. Royce for $50,000. The rejjort also set forth that the committee had prepared a bill to be presented to the legislature, authorizing the board to issue bonds to the amount of $0o,ooo, to pay for the erection of the building, but the board determined to only spend 830,000 for that purpose and accordingly let the contract to Charles Ulrichson. In the month of February, 1870, the building was com- pleted and turned over to the county by the contractor. The total cost, including lieating apparatus and outhouses, amounted to $37,950. To this should be added $500, voted by the board to be paid Contractor Ulrichson, in recognition of the faithful and honest performance of his work. COUNTY HOME FOR THE INS.\NE At the December ( 1880) session of the board of supervisors a committee was appointed to secure plans for a building to l)e used in caring for the insane of the count} . Plans were adopted by the committee and so reported at the following March term, but no action was taken thereon, as legislation pertinent to the subject was at that time progressing in the general assembly. The matter again came up before the board at the March session of 1882, Charles Ulrichson submitting plans for a building to cost $28,390, w'hich were adopted, and no further action was taken until at the September session, when the proposition to issue $50,000 in bonds was carried by the board and ratified by the electors of the county at the November election. In April, 1883, the board of supervisors awarded to A. F. Miller the con- tract for the erection of the main building for the insane, which was completed the following December at a cost of about $37,000. The structure is of brick and three stories in height. It was built contiguous to the main building of the infirmary and when the latter was destroyed by fire in March, 1886, it was not touched by the flames. The main, building of the county farm, the walls of which were standing after the fire, was rebuilt by Contractor Fred Meintz, and completed in De- cember, 1886, the total cost of which was $17,021. The insurance money re- ceived on the old building, $14,030.43, went a long way toward meeting this unanticipated expense. The last extension improvement made here was the erection of a hospital building. This building was started late in 1896 and com- pleted in the early fall of 1897, at a total cost of $11,419. It has a capacity of sixty patients and is modern in its conveniences. There are now two hundred inmates at this home for the infirm and indigent of the county, who are well provided for. The present superintendent is D. J. Davis. n.LINOIS .\SYI.UM FOR THE INCUR.\BLE INS.\NE One of the great eleemosynary institutions of the state, the Illinois Asylum for the incurable insane, is located at the suburban town of Bartonville, in Lime- stone township, and to certain energetic, charitably disposed women of Peoria, may be given credit for the selection of Peoria as the location for this great home for the state's unfortunates. In his report to the governor in 1904, Dr. George A. Zeller, superintendent, among other things, had the following to say: "As local federations of charities multiplied and county supervision of alms- houses became more strict, the necessity of state care for incurables became more and more apparent, and finally culminated in the formation of an organization of Peoria women, headed by that able, energetic and public-spirited woman, Clara Parsons P.ourland. then, as now, president of the Women's Club. "These women agitated the question through the local and state press be- fore meetings of men and women in many localities, they besieged the conven- tions of both parties and secured endorsement of their views and finally sent a lobby to Springfield to present the matter to the legislature, where, in the ses- liriu'ial KitrlH'ii('a|Jarity I'iftccii 'riKuis.iihl McaU Daily 'I'Ih' Xiirsi's" Home, witli (liiiii|i .ii Iiiiiiatr> in tlii' lMirc.i;iiiiiiiil 'l'y|iifal t'dttafic \ iiii's and Flowers. Sliowini; Inmates' ( are HAirmw ii.i.K .\svi.i\\i Fill; insank HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 117 sion of 1895, they finally succeeded in securing an appropriation of $65,000 for the erection of a main building, so constructed as to permit of extensive additions. "In the meantime an organization of Peoria citizens became active in secur- ing desirable sites and a commission named by Governor Altgeld, consisting of Hon. John Finley, of Peoria, Hon. J. J. McAndrevvs, of Chicago, and Hon. Henry \\". Alexander, of Joliet, selected the site oftered by the people of Bartonville — a clean donation of three hundred and eighteen acres of land, paid for out of voluntary subscriptions secured by a commission headed by Joseph P. Barton, and others. "The fact that the first building was found defective and unsafe, owing to the discovery that it was located over abandoned coal drifts, perhaps proved a blessing rather than a misfortune, since it enabled the succeeding governor, John R. Tanner, through his al)le adviser, Dr. Frederick H. Wines, secretary of the State Board of Charities, to re-plan and re-construct it upon the present magnificent and niotlern lines. Its construction occupied the whole of Governor Tanner's term and he left no greater monument than the splendidly eciuipped in- stitution. It came into the hands of Governor Yates as the unfinished task of two previous governors, and he made it the object of his special solicitude, succeeding not only in securing for it the necessary funds to permit of its opening on February 10, 1902, for the reception of seven hundred inmates, but in the legislature of 1903 he again urged measures which doubled its ca- pacity." '1 he original plan was for one large building with wings, the building of which was practically completed when the scheme was changed to the cottage system, and in all probability that was the real reason for discarding the struc- ture already erected at a large expenditure of money, for as a matter of fact, while the building was located upon an abandoned coal mine, the roof of the mine was one hundred and fifty feet from the outer surface of the ground. The change of plans, however, was a most desirable one. The cottage system was selected and now, in addition to the administration buikling and nurses' home, there are some thirty or forty cottages. In 1910 a beautiful octagonal building, the circle being composed prac- tically all of glass and capable of seating one thousand patients, was con- structed as a dining hall, and otTers a most pleasing contrast to the numerous cottages of uniform design. In 1 9 12 the construction of a new administration building was commenced, which, when finished, will cost about $75,000. The last biennial report, pub- lished in June, 1910, showed the actual daily average jiopulation present at this institution during the entire two years of 1909 and 1910 was 2,089. Dr. (leorge A. Zeller is the present superintendent and has been in charge of the institution since it was first opened in 1902. COUNTY F.'MRS The Peoria Agricultural Society was formed in the year 1841. Smith Dunlap was the first president; John C. Flanagan, recording secretary; Amos Stevens, corresponding secretary ; and Peter Sweat, treasurer. There were fifteen members in all. I'Vom this time on it held its annual meets at various places, the third one in the town of Kickapoo. That year new officers were elected. William J. Phelps was chosen jiresident ; John Armstrong and Samuel T. McKean, vice ]iresidents ; John C. I'lanagan, recording secretary; Thomas N. Wells, corresponding secretary. The records were kept in so indifferent a manner as to make it impossible to give any account of subsequent meetings of the association up to the year 1855. However, that year twenty acres of land, now known as the Taole Grove Addition to the city of Peoria, was pur- chased, and in 1856 a fraction over two acres more were added. Buildings were erected and fairs were held there for several vears. 118 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY The society was reorganized in 1855 under the name of Peoria County Agricultural and Mechanical Society, and fairs were held under that name until 1872. The board of supervisors who had purchased the ground, leased it to the society May 4, 1871, for a period of ninety-nine years, upon a nominal rental of one dollar per year, and upon condition that the county fairs should be held there annually. At this time it was thought probable that state fairs would at times be held here but the grounds were so remote from railroad stations and difficult of access that they were found unsuitable and the Peoria Fair Association was organized early in the year 1873, with a capital stock of $50,000. This new society purchased a tract of land lying on the east side of the Rock Island & Peoria railroad, containing about thirty-five acres, and fitted the grounds for the accommodation of the state fair, as well as for county fairs. State fairs were held there in the years 1873 and 1874, with a fair measure of success. In the '90s the state fair was permanently located at Spring- field, and the capital being within such easy distance for the people of Peoria county to reach with a small expenditure of time and money, the local meet- ings were superseded and have ceased to be held. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Nathan Dillon, 1825-27; Joseph Smith, 1825-26; William Holland, 1825-27; John Hamlin, 1826-28; George Sharp, 1827-31; Henry Thomas, 1827-28; Isaac Egman, 1828-30; Francis Thomas, 1828-30 ; Stephen French, 1830-32; John Hamlin, 1830-31; Resolved Cleveland, 1831-32; John Coyle, 1831-36; Aquilla Wren, 1832-34; Edwin S. Jones, 1832-34. CLERKS OF THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT AND COUNTY CLERKS Norman Hyde, March to June, 1825; John Dixon, 1825-30; Stephen Still- man, (resigned) 1830-31; Isaac Waters, 1831-35; William Mitchell (died ii office) 1835-49; Ralph Hamlin, (to fill vacancy) 1849; Charles Kettelle, 1849 65; John D. McClure, 1865-82; James T. Pillsbury, 1882-90; James E. Walsh, 1890-94; Charles A. Rudel, (resigned) 1894-1900; John A. West, June 16, (to fill vacancy) 1900; Lucas I. Butts, 1900-06; Oscar Heinrich, 1906-. JUDGES OF PROB.XTE COURT .\ND PR0B.\TE JUSTICES OF PE.\CE Norman Hyde (died in office), 1825-32; Andrew M. Hunt. 1832-37; George B. Parker, 1837-39; Edward Dickinson, 1839-43; William H. Fessenden, 1843- 47; Thomas Bryant, 1847-49. At this point the office of probate justice of the peace was abolished and juris- diction in probate matters was conferred upon the county courts created by the new constitution. The constitution of 1870 provided for the reorganization of probate courts in counties having 70,000 population. Peoria county having in 1890 attained the requisite population, the office of judge of the probate court was revived, the following being the list of incumbents since that period : Leslie D. Puterbaugh (resigned), 1890-97; Joseph W. Maple (to fill vacancy), 1897-98; Mark M. Bassett, 1898-1906; Leander O. Eagleton, 1906-10; A. M. Otman, 1910-. PROBATE CLERKS George M. Gibbons, 1890-94; Fitch C. Cook, 1894-98; Charles A. Roberts, 1 898-. COUNTY JUDGES Thomas Brvant (with two assistants for county business until 1850). 1849- 57; Wellington Loucks, 1857-61 ; John C. Folliott, 1861-65; John C. Yates, 1865- m HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 119 82; Lawrence \\'. James, (resigned), 1882-1890; Israel C. Pinkney, 1890; Samuel D. Wead, 1890-94; Robert H. Lovett, 1894-1902; W. I. Slemmons, 1902-10; Clyde E. Stone, 1910-. COUNTY TREASURERS Aaron Hawley, March 8, 1825; George Sharp, March 14, 1827; Norman Hyde. April, 1827; Simon Crozier, June, 1827-28; John Hamlin, 1828-29; Henry P. Stillnian, 1829-30; Isaac Waters, 1830-32; Asahel Hale, 1832-37; Rudolphus Rouse. 1837-38; Ralph Hamlin, 1838-39; Joseph C. Fuller, 1839; Allen L. Fahnestock, 1865-67; Thomas A. Shaver, 1867-69; Edward C. Silliman, 1869- 71; Isaac Taylor, 1871-82; Frederick D. Weinette, 1882-86; Henry H. Forsythe, 1886-90; Charles Jaeger, 1890-94; Adolph H. Barnewolt, 1894-98; Jacob F. Knupp. 1898-1902; Frederick Olander, 1902-06; William P. Gauss, 1906-10; Lewis M. Hines, 1910; Amos Stevens, 1839-41; Charles Kettelle, 1841-43; Wil- liam M. Dodge, 1843-45; Ralph Hamlin, 1845-51: John A. McCoy, 1851-55; Joseph Ladd, 1855-59; Isaac Brown, 1859-65. CIRCUIT CLERKS John Dixon, 1825-30; Stephen Stillman, 1830-31; Isaac Waters, 1831-35; Lewis Bigelow, 1835-39; William Mitchell, 1839-45; Jacob Gale. 1845-56; Enoch P. Sloan, 1856-64; Thomas Mooney, 1864-68; George A. Wilson, 1868-76; lohn A. West, 1876-80; James E. Walsh, 1880-88; Francis G. Minor, 1888-92; James E. Pillsbury, 1892-96; Thaddeus S. Simpson, 1896-1908; Richard A. Kellogg, 1908-. state's ATTORNEYS Prior to tlie year 1853, '' does not appear that Peoria had any resident state's attorney. After the formation of the sixteenth circuit, and until 1870, the state's attorney was elected for the entire circuit. Since the adoption of the new con- stitution of that year, each county has elected its own. The following is the list of state's attorneys from 1S53 until the present time, all of whom have resided in Peoria. Elbridge G. Johnson. 1853-56; Alexander McCoy, 1856-64; Charles P. Tag- gart, 1864-67 ; George Puterbaugh. 1867-72 ; William Kellogg, 1872-80 ; Alva Loucks, 1880-83; John M. Niehaus, 1883-92; Richard J. Cooney, 1892-96; John Dailey, 1896-1900; William \'. Teft, 1900-1904: Robert Scholes, 1904-. sheriffs Samuel Fulton, 1825-28; Orin Hamlin, 1828-30: Henry B. Stillman, 1830- 32 ; John W.Caldwell, 1832-34; William Compher, (resigned), 1834-35; Thomas Bryant, 1835-40; Christopher Orr, 1840-42; Smith Frye, 1842-46; William Compher (vacated office — left deputy in charge), 1846-50; Clark Cleveland, (depty), 1850; James L. Riggs, 1850-52; Leonard B. Cornwell, 1852-54; David D. Irons, 1854-56; Francis W. Smith, 1856-58; John Bryner, 1858-60; James Stewart, 1860-62; J- A. J. Murray, 1862-64; George C. McFadden, 1864-66; Frank Hitchcock, 1866-68; Samuel L. Gill, 1868-70; Frank Hitchcock, 1870-80; Samuel L. Gill, 1880-82; Cyrus L. Berry, 1882-86; Warren Noel, 1886-90; Cyrus L. Berry, 1890-94; Charles E. Johnston, 1894-98; John W. Kimsey, 1898-1902; Daniel E. Potter, 1902-06; Lewis M. Hines. 1906-10; Francis G. Minor, 1910-. SCHOOL commissioners AND SUPERINTENDENTS OF SCHOOLS Jeriel Root. 1831-33; Andrew M. Hunt, 1833-37: Charles Kettelle. 1837-45; Ezra G. Sanger, 1845-47; Clark B. Stebbins, 1847-51: Ephraim Hinman, 1851- 55; David McCulloch, 1855-61 ; Charles P. Taggart, 1861-63; William G. Randall, 120 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 1863-65; X. E. Worthington, 1865-73; ^I^ry E. VVhitesides, 1873-77; James E. Pillsbury, 1877-82; Mary Whitesides Emery, 1882-90; AloUie O'Brien, 1890-94; Joseph 1'.. Robertson, 1894-1902; Claude U. Stone, 1902-10; John Arleigh Hayes, 1910-. COUNTY SL'RVEVORS Norman Hyde, 1832; Charles Ballance, 1832; Thomas Phillips, 1835-39; George C. .McFadden, 1839-49; Henry W. McFadden, 1849-53; Daniel B. Allen, 1853-57: Samuel Farmer, 1857-59; Richard Russell, 1859-61; Daniel B. Allen, 1861-65 ; Luther F. Nash, 1865-67; Charles Spaulding, 1867-69; Arthur T. Birkett, 1869-75; Robert Will, 1875-76; Daniel B. Allen, 1876-96; Leander King, 1896-97; Charles H. Dunn, 1897-. CORONERS William E. Phillips, 1825-26; Henry Neeley, 1826-28; Resolved Cleveland, 1828-32; William A. Stewart, 1832-36; John Caldwell, 1836-37; Edward F. Now- land, 1837-38; Jesse Miles, 1838-40; James Mossman, 1840-42; Chester Hamlin, 1842-44; tereniiah Williams, 1^844-48; John C. Heyle, 1848-50; Charles Kimbel, 1850-52; Ephraim Hinman, 1852-56; Milton McCormick, 1856-58: John N. Nig- las", 1858-60; Charles Feinse, "1860-62; Thomas H. Antcliff. 1862-64; Willis B. Goodwin, 1864-68: Philip Eichorn, 1868-70; Willis B. Goodwin, 1870-76; Michael M. Powell, 1876-82; John Thompson, 1882-84; James Bennett, 1884-92; Henry Hoeffer, 1892-96; Samuel Harper, 1896-1904; R. Leslie Baker, 1904-08; William B. Elliott, 1908-. CHAPTF.R X\'I "old peorias" home of the French and Indians founded about 1763 — in 1778 THE NEW VILLAGE WAS ESTAHLISHED BY JEAN BAPTISTE MAILETT AND SINCE known as fort CLARK, THE PRESENT CITY OF PEORIA THE VILLAGE DESTROYED IN 1812 — DESCRIPTION OF EARLY INHABITANTS AND THEIR HOMES — SOME WHO LIVED IN OLD PEORIA SETTLEMENT OF FRENCH CLAIMS TO TRACTS OF LAND. At the time ni the cession of the Ilhiiois countr\' l)y France to England (1/63), there was a village composed of I'rench and Indians, on the west bank of Lake Peoria, near the foot of Caroline street, which extended as far as "Birket's Hollow." Here a fort had been erected and the place was known as "Old Peoria's Fort and \'illage." When the fort was built is not definitely known. It was probably put up soon after the destruction of Fort Creve Coeur. In his "Pioneer History of Illinois" Governor Reynolds says : "The Traders — their voyageurs, and others in their employment, occupied this post, more or less, ever since its first establishment. As it has been said, the Indian trade of that section of the country was better than at any other point. This made it to the interest of the traders to occupy the place. "Peoria never, in ancient times, was as large a village as either Kaskaskia or Cahokia, but it is more ancient than either of them. La Salle, when he first saw the country, was charmed with the beauty of the place and established a fort there. He also knew the resources of the country arising from the Inritain. The fact that St. Francois remained after that period raises the presumption, at least, that he became a P.ritish subject ; and the fact of his heir having been granted land by the government of the United States afl'ords almost conclusive evidence that he had become a citizen of Virginia or of the United States at or after the time of the Revolution. Of his wife's name or parentage we have no information. Nor do we know anything of Pierre Troge, except that he married the daughter. The name of Louis Pilmette is closely and inseparably connected with the history of Peoria. It also appears from the report of Edward Coles that this same Charlotte Troge, nee St. Francois, laid claim to a lot containing two arpens, situated two miles above Fort Clark, near "Old Fort Peoria." We therefore discover in this one instance the name of five persons who lived at "Old Peoria," namely : Antoine St. Francois and his wife, his daughter Char- lotte, her husband Pierre Troge, and Louis Pilette. "That Louis Pilette was a good and loyal citizen is shown by the fact that he received a donation of one hundred acres of land from the government upon Governor Harrison's confirmation, on account of military services. "The claims of a large majority of the inhabitants had been sold before being proved, principally to Nicholas Jarrott, Isaac Darneille, William Russell and William .Arundel, in whose names the proofs were made. These purchasers will be disregarded and the names of the original claimants given as the donees. "To Louis Bihore there was confirmed four hundred acres on account of improvements and four hundred acres on account of his having been the head of the family at Peoria in 1783. That Bihore was a very early inhabitant of Peoria is shown by the fact of his having been a witness on behalf of some of the oldest claims. "To Jean Baptiste Sheonberger, alias St. Jean, were confirmed four hundred acres on account of improvements near the "Old Fort" of Peoria. No other claim having been made on his behalf, it is to be presumed he was neither the head of a family nor a militiaman within the terms of the law. "To Louis Chattlereau were confirmed one hundred acres as a militia man, four hundred as head of a family at Peoria in 1783, and four hundred on account of cultivating about forty acres of land and improving the same by building a house, a horse mill, etc., thereon. "To Pierre Verbois, alias Blondereau, were confirmed at Peoria one hundred acres as a militia man. No other information obtainable. "To Pierre Lavassieur ( dit Chamberlain) were confirmed one hundred acres as a militia man. This man was also a claimant before Edward Coles for a lot containing two arpens in the "Old \'illage" and of another lot containing twelve arpens near the same. "To John B. Chevy were confirmed four hunarticularly to the ladies. "While Darneille retained his youthful vigor, this life passed off very well; but when old age crept on him his former pursuits were abandoned, from neces- sity, and he remained an old man, without sincere friends or means of support. "He taught school in the western part of Kentucky, where he died,_ rather humble and neglected, in 1830, aged sixty years. 128 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY "If Darneille had abandoned this one failing, the excess of gallantry, he would have enjoyed the character of one of the most honorable and respectable gentlemen in Illinois." FOUNDER OF DAVENPORT, IOWA, A PEORIAN It might be well to note here, in passing, that among the prominent inhabitants of New Peoria was one Antoine Le Claire, who had come to the town from Canada. He subsequently, after removing to Iowa Territory, owing to his familiarity with several Indian languages, and of his own people, was educated by the United States government and under its authority acted as interpreter for the government in its dealings with the Indians, prior to and after the Black Hawk war. He was adored by the Sac and Fox tribe of Indians and when they ceded their lands in Iowa to the government, it was provided in the treaty that Le Claire should have a tract of land, consisting of some thousands of acres, and that a certain tract should be set apart and given to Le Claire's wife, Marguerite, the daughter of an Indian chief. Part of this land is now the site of the important city of Davenport, founded by Le Claire and others, chief among whom was Colonel Davenport, a trader on the island of Rock Island, after whom the city was named. Le Claire became the wealthiest man of his time, was a benefactor to his community and died, mourned by that whole section of the country. Le Claire, an important village near Davenport, which he at one time confidently hoped would be the metropolis and seat of government of the county, was named for him. Probably the most noted citizen of Peoria in its primitive days was Thomas Forsyth, to whom allusion has heretofore been made. Another pioneer citizen who played a notable part in the affairs of the community was Michael La Croix. COLONEL GEORGE DAVENPORT Colonel George Davenjiort, who was a contemporary of Antoine Le Claire, was a non-commissioned officer in Captain Owen's company of the regular army, and took part in a primitive expedition against the Indians in 1813, organized by General Howard, ex-governor of the Territory of Missouri. The little army numliered about eight hundred men and marched up the Mississippi bottom to a point above Ouincy and thence to the Illinois river about forty miles above Peoria, and then on down the river to that village. From Colonel Davenport, Historian Matson obtained the following account of the proceedings of the expeditionary party at Peoria : "On arriving at Peoria Lake, the soldiers commenced building a block house for storing the baggage as well as a protection against an attack from the enemy. A well having been dug near the block house to supply it with water, it became necessary to have a sweep to draw it ; consequently, Mr. Davenport, with two companions, went into the woods to get a grapevine for that purpose. Having found one suitable, Davenport climbed the tree to cut it ofif, and while doing so he discovered a large body of Indians skulking in the timber, going in the direction of the block house. On seeing this war party, Davenport and his companions gave an alarm and in all haste fled toward the block house, but finding Indians in that direction turned their course for the gunboats, which were moored in the lake. With all speed the fugitives ran for the boats, closely followed by the Indians, who fired at them many shots, while yelling like demons. The soldiers on the gunboats, thinking only of their own safety, pushed them of? from the shore but fortunately one of them grounded on a sand bar, which was the means of saving the life of Davenport and his companions. The fugitives ran into the water waist deep, pushed the grounded boat off, and jumped on board of it, while the Indians fired on them, many of the rifle balls whizzing by their heads and lodg- ing in the sides of the vessel. The boats went ofif some distance from the shore, TllK Hljsr AlTOMDlilLE IX AMERICA WAS MADE IX PEORIA TWO YK^RS AFTER THE AUTOMOBILE WAS PERFECTED IN FRANCE C. E. DURVEA. IX\EXT()R PEORIA'S FIRST ELECTRIC CARS l-.KTWEEX TTIE (ITV 'V AND KAS-|- 1>E()I!IA. liiOO HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 129 nevertheless the Indians continued to fire on them, but without effect. A cannon on one of the boats was brought to bear on the savages, but in the excitement of the moment its muzzle was raised above the port hole, and the ball tore off a por- tion of the side of the vessel. The Indians also attacked the block house, which was in an unfinished condition, but met witii a warm reception from those within. The cannons on the boats having been brought to bear on the Indians, they fled from the thick timber where thev had taken shelter, and the fight ended." Colonel Davenport, as has been said, was the government's agent at the island of Rock Island, and accumulated a fortune trading among the Indians. He had built a home on the island, where he was enjoying the fruits of a strenuous life, when he was murdered by a band of thieving cuttiiroats in broad daylight, dur- ing the absence of his family at Rock Island, who were attending a Fourth of July celebration. In a letter written in 1850, by one of the participants in this expedition, John S. Brickley, to John Lindsay, then a prominent Peoria lawyer, among other things mentioned was the following: ■'When the mounted riflemen arrived at Peoria they found the village con- sisting of a great number of huts, all deserted a few days before, and two or three frame houses, one thirty or forty feet long (said to have been built by the French), although they did not appear to have been inclosed or covered. The Indians in their flight had left nothing but some dried pumpkins, corn and beans, which were found in some of the houses, but much more was found wrapped up in skins and hid in the ground, all of which was seized and used by those who found them. Every house in the village was demolished the same day we en- tered .... and used for fuel during the stay of the army at that place. . "As the army- approached Peoria from the northwest and got a first view of its situation from the high land prairies, two or three miles from the lake, looking easterly and southerly, beheld the smooth prairie gradually descending to the town, the lake stretching miles far to the northeast, the gunboats lying quietly at anchor upon the water, the towering forest across the water, and the lovely prairies bounded only by the horizon, there was an involuntary halt — the men all gazed in silence for a moment, and then of a sudden, as if moved by one im- pulse, expressed universal admiration of the beauty and grandeur of the pros- ]:)ect s]iread out before them. At this time there was no road to Peoria except the Indian trail, not a forest tree amiss, not a house within one hundred miles (except the town before described), no plow had ever broken the turf that cov- ered the rich soil beneath. The lake was covered with wild geese, ducks and other water fowls ; game such as deer, bear, elk and turkeys everywhere in the thick woods and adjacent prairies. Bees and honey were found in almost every hollow tree, and, notwithstanding express orders to the contrary, the men would and did, on the march, fre(|uently stop and cut down the trees and get large quan- tities of the most delicious honey. While employed in building the fort, many of the men were well supplied with venison, fowls, honey and sometimes with fish caught in the lake. This description fully justifies the Indian name of the place, 'Pimiteoui — The Land of Plenty." "For want of suitable timber and materials within several miles of the place, on the west side of the lake, on account of the country back from the river being prairie, it became necessary to obtain all timber from a fine forest on the east side of the Illinois river at the lower end of the lake and raft it over. The men commenced felling the trees, the most of which were white oak, and for the palisades cut them about eighteen feet long and each log not less than fifteen or eighteen inches in diameter — the timbers for the block houses at the corners of the enclosure were much longer; the era (area) inclosed for the fort con- tained, according to my recollection, two or three acres. While a portion of the men were cutting, others were employed in hauling and rafting the logs over to the opposite side of the lake, and from there to the site for the building ; having no carriages of anv description, all the materials were drawn bv men Vol. 1—9 130 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY on trucks, by means of large ropes, a distance of from one to two miles. Thus was I'ort Clark erected where Peoria now stands, in less than two months, by the Missouri and Illinois volunteers of mounted riflemen, in September and Oc- tober in the year 1813, at a distance of more than one hundred miles from any white settlement, and with no other means than above described." Colonel Davenport's description of the building of the fort is here added to the above for obvious reasons : "Preparations having been made to build a fort on the site of the old French town for the purpose of holding possession of the country, timbers were cut on the opposite side of the lake and floated across to build l)lock store houses, and enclose them with palisades. On a high piece of ground near the bank of the lake a fort was built, consisting of stockades made of two rows of split timbers, and the space between them filled with dirt. A ditch surrounded the fort, and at two corners were bastions for mounting cannon. Inside of the stockades was a large block house, two stories high, and on three sides of it were port holes, so the inmates could fire on the enemy in case of an attack. Besides this block house were store houses and quarters for officers and soldiers. "When the fort was completed and cannons mounted on its ramparts, with flags waving on each bastion. General Howard ordered all the soldiers on duty, forming in double file, fronting the gateway. A speech was made by the com- manding officer, drums beat, soldiers cheered, the cannons fired a salute, and with much enthusiasm the fort was dedicated and named 'Fort Clark' in honor of General George Rogers Clark, the hero of Kaskaskia and X^incennes." Ballance, in his History of Peoria, gives the dimensions of Fort Clark. He says : "This fort was about one hundred feet square, with a ditch along each side. It did not stand with a side to the lake, but with a corner towards it. The cor- ner farthest from the lake was on the upper side of Water street, near the inter- section of the upper line of Water and Liberty streets. From there the west line ran diagonally across the intersection of Water and Liberty streets nearly to the corner of the transportation warehouse, at the lower corner of Liberty and Water streets, x^t this corner was what I suppose military men would call a bastion, that is, there was a projecting corner made in the same manner as the side walls, and so constructed, as I imagine, as to accommodate a small cannon to command the ditches. And the same had, no doubt, been at the opposite cor- ner, but when I came to the country in November. 183 1, there was no vestige of it remaining. In fact at that time there was but little to show that there had ever l.een a fortification there, except some burnt posts along the west side, and a square of some ten or twelve feet at the south corner with a ditch nearly filled upon two sides of it, and on the west side of the square." To the above, Judge McCulloch, in his History of Peoria County, takes ex- ceptions to the dimensions of Fort Clark, as given by Mr. Ballance, in the fol- lowing paragraph : "Observing, iiowever. that Water street is one hundred feet wide at the point indicated, and that the location of the magazine which must have been within the fort was very close to the base of the smokestack of the electric light plant, some distance below Water street, the conclusion is forced upon us that his esti- mate of its dimensions is erroneous. If the fort was of a square form and con- tained one acre, one side of it would measure 208.7 ^^^t, which would correspond more nearly with the points given by Mr. Ballance than does his own estimates." How long Fort Clark was occupied has not been definitely settled by those who have taken the pains to delve into the matter. Some say it was abandoned in 181 5. others, not until i8j8. It would appear from Matson's account that the former contention is the correct one, for he has this to say in that relation: "The gate of the fort having been left open, it became a lair for deer and a roost for wild turkeys. In the fall of 1816 a party of hunters from St. Clair counlv came to Fort Clark and found about twentv deer in the fort and the HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 131 floors of the block house covered with manure. The hunters cleaned out this building and occupied it as a residence during a Stay of ten days while hunting deer and collecting honey in the river timber. Fort Clark stood unmolested until the fall of 1818, when it was burned by the Indians." There is no doubt that the fort was partially destroyed prior to 1819, but there must have been part of it left standing, for in the year last mentioned, the first American settlers (permanent) arrived here and they sj^eak of it in a way to leave the impression a remnant of the structure remained at that time. .\RK1V.\L OK .VMERICAN .SETTLERS In the sjjring of 1819, a party of hardy and venturesome pioneers, composed of Scth and Josiah l-'ulton. Aimer Fads. \'irginians; Joseph Hersey, of New York; J. Davis, S. Doug^herty and T. Russell, natives of Kentucky, left Shoal Creek, now a part of Clinton county, where they had lived for some little time, found their way to the east bank of the river and, on April 15, 1S19, Hersey and Eads, placing their horses in a boat, ferried across the river and landed at Fort Clark. Two days afterward they were joined by their companions. Josiah Fultcr often related the following details of the advent of this pioneer band of settlers to Fort Clark : "We found the walls of two small log cabins, which we supposed to have been built by the soldiers of the garrison stationed there, and at once set to work to cover tlicm over and finish them up for dwelling places. While we were em- ployed at this work we made out to be comfortable in the shelter of our tents and boats. The cabins stood on what is now Water street, and almost directly in front of the Germania Hall building. These cabins were the first American dwelling places at what is now the city of Peoria. "There were also rails enough, which the soldiers had made, to inclose fifteen acres of ground. The ground was broken up and planted to corn and potatoes, from which a pretty good crop was gathered in the fall. The north line of that first field ran west from the river and not far from Fulton street. "About the first of June, Eads, Fulton and Dougherty returned to Shoal Creek with their two horses to move Eads' family, consisting of his wife and two children, to their new home. After settling up his affairs in that neighbor- hood Eads loaded his household effects, wife and children on a two-horse wagon and headed across the country in the direction of the beginning of Peoria — the new settlement at Fort Clark. They reached and crossed the Illinois river at the present site of Wesley City, where there was a trading post, and where Indians and Indian canoes were nearly always to be found. Some of the canoes were secured, the household goods were unloaded from the wagon, and with the family transferred to the canoes and carried over to the west side of the river. The wagon was then taken to pieces and carried over in the same manner. The horses and cattle were made to swim across. "Mrs. Eads was the first American woman to see the site of Peoria." Captain Jude Warner came into the settlement from St. Louis on the loth of June, in a boat loaded with provisions and fishing nets. With him were David W. P.arnes, James Gotif, Isaac De Boise, William Blanchard, Theodore and Charles Sargent. This arrival swelled the number of Americans to fourteen men. Mr. Fulton's recital continues: "We were about as happy a little circle as has ever lived in Peoria. We were isolated, completely shut out from the rest of mankind, it is true. We heard but little from the outside world, and the outside world heard but little from us. I'>ut little was known at that time about the Fort Clark country. There were no roads, nor steamboats, nor mail routes, nor communications of any kind, so that in point of fact we were as much a community by ourselves as if our cabins had been built on an island in the middle of the sea. Our postoffice was St. Louis, and we never got our mail, those of us who got any, only when we went 132 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY there for supplies, and then our letters cost us twenty-five cents, and we couldn't muster that much money every day. "•Mrs. Eads was duly installed as housekeeper, and the rest of the company, except Hersey, who didn't remain long, boarded with her. It was a pretty hard winter on us, but we managed to get through. Bread stufif gave out and we had to fall back on hominy blocks and hominy. It was a coarse kind of food we got this way, but it was a good deal better than none, and served to keep hunger away. Hominy blocks went out of use long ago, and there are thousands of people in Peoria county who never saw one, but they were a blessing to hundreds of the pioneers of Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, Iowa, and in fact to the first settlers of the entire country, and were the means of keeping many of the pioneers and their little ones from starving to death." Two of these pioneers, Seth and Josiah Fulton, were attracted bv the east side of the river and selected claims on Farm creek in that locality, remaining there until 1834, when they sold out and returned to Peoria county, and both proved themselves good citizens and gained their full meed of respect from their neigh- bors. Seth Fulton, however, lending an ear to the tales then told of the rich lead mines at Galena, removed to that place and remained there for a while. He afterwards removed to Henry county. Josiah Fulton spent the rest of his life in Peoria county and died March 4, 1894, at the age of ninety-four years. Abner Eads, another one of the first seven, who came to Peoria, bought the northwest quarter of section 17, in wdiat is now Peoria township, on which Lin- coln Park is situated. He also came into possession, by purchase, of valuable coal mines on Kickapoo creek, which was subsequently developed by others. He became a man of importance in the community and served valiantly as captain of a Peoria company which marched under General Stillman in the Black Hawk war. Absorbing the lead mine fever, he removed to Galena about 1833, from which district he served in the legislature two sessions. In 1854 he went to California and having started back for his family, died on the way, with fever. He was buried at St. Louis. Hersey and Dougherty, the latter a reckless Kentuckian, after a residence of some little time, departed for other scenes of activity not known to the writer. Davis first settled on Farm creek and after a while removed to Sangamon county. He then went to Texas, where he died. Russell was here but a short time and then went to St. Louis, and was last heard of as a river man. Of the Captain Warner party, \Mlliam Blanchard soon after his arrival re- moved to Woodford county, which was his home until his death, which occurred but a comparatively few years since. Barnes and the two Sargents became prom- inent citizens of Fulton county, and Jacob \\'ilson, one of the county's first jus- tices of the peace, on the 22d day of March, 1825, officiated in the marriage of William Blanchard with Betsey Donohoe. This was the first marriage ceremony performed in the new county. John Hamlin, in company with several others, arrived in Peoria in 1821. In March, 1822, he had his personal belongings removed from his former home at Elkhart Grove, then in Madison county, and from that time on he made Peoria his home. In 1823, with William S. Hamilton, who had a contract to supply Fort Howard, now known as Green Bay, with beef cattle, Mr. Hamlin, on ac- count of his knowledge of the Indian character, accompanied the expedition made up by Hamilton, to that place. The journey was made in thirty days. On his return to Peoria, in his capacity as justice of the peace of Fulton county, he performed the first marriage cermony at Fort Dearborn, the parties most in- terested being Dr. Alexander Wolcott and his bride, a daughter of John Kinzie, the first permanent settler of Chicago. This was the first marriage ceremony to take place in the great city of Chicago. John Hamlin, as will be seen further on in this volume, was intimately connected with the early history of this county and became one of its most prominent and influential citizens. Gurdon S. Hubbard, of the American Fur Company, spent the winter of JOSIAH FlUTOX Born in ISOO— Died :\Iaroh 4, 1S94 LiiMili'd iit a place called Fort Clark, now the city of Peoria, on April 15, 1819 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 1^3 1821-2 along the Illinois river. Reaching Bureau Station, he says, he found Mr. IJeebeau in charge, though much enfeebled on account of age. Hubbard also relates that: "After resting a few days and selecting the goods and men to be left at that post (Bureau), we proceeded on our way, making our ne.xt halt at Fort Clark-, where we found several families located^ among whom were Mr. Fulton, the first settler at that point, who still resides in that county, and a Mr. Bogardus, a brother of General Bogardus, of Xew York, a highly intelligent gentleman, and his estimable wife. Two miles below, at a point now known as W'esle)- City, was Mr. Beeson's post, and there we remained about one week, during which time I went almost daily to the fort." During the period between 1821 and 1825 a number of new settlers arrived in the territory now embraced in Peoria county. Among those who settled at Peoria were \\illiam Fads, brother of Abner Fads, Judge James Latham, with whom John Hamlin had made his home in Madison county ; Joseph A. Moffat and his three sons, Alvah, .Atjuilla B. and Franklin, also two Miss Moffatts, daughters; Isaac I>"unk, Xorman Hyde, Elijah Hyde, William Holland, John Dixon. Isaac Waters, George Sharp and Dr. Augustus Langworthy. From an assessment made in the year 1825 by John L. Bogardus, the distri- bution of population and wealth of the new county of Peoria is well shown. At Peoria the following named persons were assessed in the amounts here given: Archibald Allen, $150; Noah Beauchamp, Sr., $200; Noah Beauchamp, $200; John Barker, $400; John L. Bogardus, $500; Joseph Bryant, $300; Cornelius Brown. .$150: John Di.xon, $350; William Fads, $350; Abner Fads. $Soo ; Sam- uel Fulton, $300; Lsaac Funk, $200; Jesse Harrison, $50; John Hamlin, $400; William Holland. ,%Soo ; E. and N. Hyde, $700; Jacob M. liunter, $50; Charles l.ove, $150; Augustus Langworthy, $200; J. Latham, $300; Philip Latham, $100; Daniel Like. $50; Alvah^ Moffatt, $60; Aquilla Mofifatt, $40; Jesse McLaree, $25; Henry Neely, $150'; Martin Porter, $100; Amherst C. Ransom, $100; George Sharp, $600; Joseph \an Scoik, $50; Isaac Waters, $100. At Chicago the following assessments were made: John B. Beaubein, $1,000; Jonas Clyborne. $625 ; John K. Clark, $250; John Crafts, $5,000; Jerrv Clermont, Sioo; Louis Cantra, $50; John Kinzie, '$500 ; Joseph Laframboise, $50; C. La- framboise, $100; David AicKcc, $100; Peter "Piche, $100; Alexander Wolcott, $572; Antoine Wilniette, $400 — thirteen in all. At the Trading House (Wesley City) Antoine Alscome, $50; Francis Bour- bonne, S200; Louis Beabor, $700; Francis Bourbonne, Jr., $100 — four in all. At Mackinaw Point (near which is the village of Dillon) Allen S. Dougherty, $100; Walter Dillon, $250; Nathan Dillon, $400; Absalom Dillon, $200; Thomas Dillon, $300; Jesse Dillon, $727; John Dillon, $93; William Davis, $200; Hugh Montgomery, $200; Alexander McNaughton, $150; Eli Redmon, $35; Henry Redmon, $35 ; Peter Scott, $30 — thirteen in all. At Ten ^lile Creek, William I'.lanchard, $150; Elza Bethard, $275; Reuben Bratton, $135; Thomas Banks, $50; Hiram M. Curry, $225; Major Donahue, $200; Seth Fulton, $100; David Mather, $200; John and William Phillips, $400; John Stephenson, $40; Edmond Weed, $174; Jacob Wilson, $300 — twelve in all. At Farm Creek, Andrew P.arker, $100: Austin Crocker, $200; Thomas Cam- lin. $300; Stephen French, $200; James Fulton, $12.50; Josiah Fulton, $150; Elisha Fish, $200; Jacob Funk, $500; Joshua Harlin, $150; George Ish, $250; Joseph Smith, $550 — eleven in all. At La Salle Prairie, Elias P. Avery, $200; Stephen Carroll, $150; Gilbert Field, $150; John Griffin, $50; George Harlan, $150; Lewis Hallock, $50; John Ridgeway, $100; Hugh W^alker, $50 — eight in all. At Illinois Prairie (Tazewell county) George Cline. $70; John Cline, $264; Nathan Cromwell, $300; Jesse Egman, $100 ; Levi Ellis, $25; William Clark, $250; Levi Gilbert, $25; James Latta, $200; Levi McCormick, $50; Joseph Ogee, $200; Isaac Perkins, $400; John Sommers, $300; Ephraim Stout, Sr., and Jr., $500; Jonathan Tharp, $100; Ezekiel Turner, $150; Seth Wilson, $200; Samuel Woodrow, $150; Hugh W^oodrow, $250 — eighteen in all. 134 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY At Fox River, Robert Baresford, $50; Fred Countryman, $50; Aaron Haw- ley, $200; Pierce Hawley, $300; John L. Ramsey, $200; Jesse Walker, $50 — six in all. At Little Detroit, Thomas N. lirierly, $100; Abner N. Cooper, $120; Peter Du Mont, $50; George N. Love, $350 — four in all. At Prince's Grove ( Princeville ), John Patterson, $20 ; Daniel Prince, $200 — two in all. It will have been seen by the reader that in the year 1825 or two years after the organization of the county, there were but one hundred and twenty taxable inhabitants, one-fourth of which were assessed at Peoria, forty-four in all, living in what is now Peoria county. The others were at Chicago, Mackinaw Point, Ten Mile Creek, Farm Creek, La Salle Prairie, Fox River, Little Detroit and Prince's Grove. CHAPTER XVTI EARLY THOROUGHFARES FIRST ROAD LAID OUT liV PEORIA AUTHORITIES — FERRIES AND BRIDGES DIXON's FERRY THE ILLINOIS RIVER — PRIMITIVE STEAMBOAT- ING — PEORIA AN IMPORTANT RAILROAD CENTER ILLINOIS TRACTION SYSTEM. It is liighly prohahle that at the time of the huihling of Fort Clark there was not a white man's cIwelHng witliin man}- miles of it and the only roads, if such they may be called, were Indian trails. However, the public surveys of Tazewell county, made in 1823, show a thoroughfare marked "Road to Fort Clark," which on the map indicated that the road run along the township line between Grove- land and Fond du Lac, at the head of a ravine through which meanders Cole creek. This was the original course of the road running from Peoria to Spring- field, and it might be taken for granted, there was a road, as described above, from Fort Clark to the lower settlements anterior to the birth of either Peoria or Springfield, and was used by the soldiers of the fort. If such is the case, then this was the first road coimecting the future Peoria with the outer world. .\ history of Illinois was published Ijy Rufus Blanchard in 1883 and the map it contained shows a trail styled the "Fort Clark and Wabash Trace," running from Fort Clark to Terre Haute. Historian Blanchard says: "It was a well traveled road from the settlements of southern Ohio and Indiana to Fort Clark in an early day." This was, in all probability, the road marked on the Tazewell surveys. This survey also shows a road called "Kellogg's Trail from Peoria to Galena, 1825," on practically the route chosen for the Galena state road, after- wards laid out by way of Princeton. Of this Air. Blanchard says: "This trail shows the first overland route from Peoria to Galena. It was made by Mr. Kel- logg, an old pioneer settler, in 1825, and subsequently became a well known route." Another road, as shown by the map, was laid out or in existence in 1822, and was designated as a mail route from Peoria, by way of Lewistown to Rushville, and diverging from the latter place to Quincv, Pittsfield and Jackson- ville. The first road laid out by the authorities of Peoria county was that for which, at the June session (1825) of the county commissioners' court, Norman Hyde and Alexander McXaughton had been appointed viewers, with authority to lo- cate. This road led from the ferry landing opposite the hamlet of Peoria to the "Old Crossing" on Sugar creek, near Robert Musick's where the remains of a bridge were found. As this road trended south, it is presumed the old Fort Clark road crossed the creek at this point. Two years after the laying out of this road by the county, the legislature, on the 12th day of February, 1827, made it a state road, and it became the stage and mail route between Peoria and Spring- field. In the act of creating the state road Springfield. Musick's on Salt creek, Thomas Dillon's and Peoria were mentioned as l)eing on its line. On January 23, 1826, an act of the legislature was passed providing for a state road leading from Peoria to Danville, the county seat of \'ermilion county. and thence to the state line. Abner Eads, Samuel Fulton and Dan W. Beckwith were named in the act as viewers to locate the road. These men performed their duty and were assisted by Orlin Gilbert and James Barnes, chain carriers, and William Rowan, who blazed the trees marking the line of direction. A special 135 136 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY act passed by the legislature in 1831, five years later, by which they received pay for their labors, was secured. At the January (1826) session of the county commissioners' court, viewers were appointed to locate a road leading from Peoria to a point at the northern boundary of the county and also for a road leading from Peoria to as equally an indefinite point at its southern boundary. These roads were subsequently ordered to he opened a sufficient width for the passage of teams. At this same term viewers were appointed to locate a road from Peoria, passing the "Trading Post" — later Wesley City — and the house of Isaac Perkins, to intersect the Springfield road at or near Prairie creek. The first road laid out leading in the direction of Chicago was provided for by the commissioners' court, when, at its September (1826) session, John Barker, George Harland and Samuel Fulton, viewers appointed to locate a road from Peoria to the eastern boundary of the county, made their report and the road was established. Later, in 1833, the legislature appointed Lewis Bigelow, of Peoria county, John M. Gay, of I'utnam county, James B. Campbell, of La Salle county, and James Walker, of Cook county, viewers to locate a road from Peoria to the mouth of Fox river (South Ottaw'a) and thence to Chicago. That part of the road mentioned to run "from Peoria to the mouth of the Fox river," was sub- stantially the one located by the viewers appointed by the county commissioners at their'june session of 1826. It went by way of Metamora (Hanover), Mag- nolia, Union Grove, Ottawa and thence to Chicago. It will have been seen by the reader that by this time, the year 1833, Peoria had secured the state roads of great importance to the settlement — one to Springfield and the south, one to Dan- ville and the east — which became the main thoroughfare for immigration, and the other, to Chicago and the great lakes. The lead mines at Galena early attracted that class of settlers who were short of ready money, and they sought the wages paid there with which many of them subsequently bought land here and in other settlements. .\ thoroughfare to Galena, therefore, became a matter for the consideration of those in authority and consequently, at the September term of the commissioners' court Isaac Waters, Norman Hyde and John Ray were appointed viewers to locate a road to "the lead mines." At the March term, 1828, the order was modified so as to read, towards the lead mines as far as the jurisdiction of the court extended. From this beginning the famous Galena road came into existence and the legislature, on the i8th day of January, 1833, declared it to be a state road. It commenced at the public square and followed the line of Adams street to the limits of the city, thence by the river road to a point near Mossville, thence on a line north through Northampton, Windsor (now Tiskilwa), Princeton, Dixon's ferry, thence northwesterly to the west line of Stephenson county, where it intersected the Chicago and Ga'lena road and from there on to Galena. From this time on roads were laid out when needed, but it was several years before another state road was established in the county. FERRIES .\ND BRIDGES The first ferrv in Peoria is supposed to have been located at the foot of the bridge, but when'and bv whom remains in the dark. It was there in 1821, when Ossian Ross came to the mouth of the Spoon river and learned of this ferry and the only other one on the river, which was at Beardstown. He at once saw the virtue of another ferry, as the two then doing business were ninety miles apart. He, therefore, established a third one at what is now Flavana and prospered, his enterprise yielding him, so history has it, an annual income of $2,000 for many years. .McCulloch, in his history of the county, relates that "James Eads, son of William Eads, says his unc'le, Abner Eads, established the first ferry at Peoria." The legislature in 1827 passed an act re(|uiring all ferry keepers chargmg toll THE COJ.K BKIDGE, OKICIXAL TOLL nPJlXiE ACROSS 'ITIE ILI.IMMS i;i\i:i; TO TAZEWELL COUNTY THE PEORIA & PEKTX IXIOX I!AILI;m\|i I'.IMIiilE. RECENTLY SUPPLAX'TED BY A FINK lirNDKKl) TIlorsAM) IKil.I.AR STRt'( 'irill': HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 137 to procure a license from the county commissioners" court before commencing operations and by the same legislative measure the court was vested with author- ity to grant such licenses, fix the toll rates and license fee and sit upon complaints against keepers not observing the law governing their vocation. By the same act ferry keepers were required to have good boats and eiiuipment, to run their boats from daylight until dark, and, upon call, to carry passengers at any hour of the night and charge double for the service if they so desired. And it seems that passes for public servants were in vogue even at that early day, for the act also stipulated that public messengers and expresses, and jurymen while on their way to court, should be carried free of charge. The custom had been heretofore upon the granting of a ferry license to fix the rates of toll. For example, John L. Bogardus had been authorized to make certain charges at his ferry and those licensed after him were allowed to fix the same rates. However, at the June term, 1826, the county commissioners' court fixed the tolls to be charged on all ferries crossing the Illinois river as follows : For each foot passenger 634 cents For man and horse 121/2 cents For Dearborn, sulky, chair with springs 50 cents One-horse wagon 25 cents For four-wheeled carriage drawn by two oxen or horses ZlY^ cents For cart with two oxen 37>4 cents For every head neat cattle, horses or mules 10 cents For each hog, sheep or goat 3 cents For every hundred weight of goods, wares and merchandise 6^4 cents For each bushel of grain or articles sold by the bushel 3 cents All other articles in equal and just proportion. It was further ordered by the court that the Bogardus ferry might collect double rates when the river should be out of its banks and prevent a landing at the first material bend in the (Farm) creek from the ferry. At the December, 1829, term of the county commissioners' court George Miller and James Scott were licensed to keep a ferry at Hennepin, and at the June term William See, a Methodist minister, was authorized to keep a ferry on the Calu- met river, at the head of Lake Michigan. In July, 1830, the list of ferries given below paid licenses as follows : William Haines, Pekin $ 4.00 \\'illiam Eads, Trading House 2.00 John L. Bogardus, Peoria lo.oo Matthew & Chandler, The Narrows 2.00 Miller & Scott, Hennepin 2.00 James Adams, Little \'ermilion 2.00 Clyborne & Miller, Chicago 2.00 ^^'illiam See, Calimink 2.00 Other ferry licenses were granted from time to time to Jesse Egman, Septem- ber 30, 1830, at Kingston; Thompson and Wright, December, 1830, at Au Sable; Abner Eads, January, T831, at foot of Liberty street, near the ravine. In March, 1832, the license of ]\Iatthews & Chandler, at the Narrows, was revoked and one granted to Yincent Barton, father of W. C. H. Barton, for whom the vil- lage of Bartonville was given its name. The ferry in a year or two thereafter passed into the control of Charles Ballance. In 1832 a license to keep a ferry at a point opposite the extinct village of Allentown. between Rome and Chilli- cothe. was granted Samuel Allen. With the advent of bridges the ferries soon went into a state of "innocuous 138 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY desuetude." The first attempt to build a public bridge in the county was in March, 1827, when the county commissioners' court "then proceeded to examine and ascertain a suitaijle site for a public bridge across Kickapoo creek and, after thorough examination, decided on the following place: 'Immediately above the present crossing of the iniblic road from Peoria to I.ewistown.' " The matter went no further than this until the December term, when the proposed location was again inspected and a contract was awarded John L. Bogardus for the build- ing of the bridge, whose bond was fixed at $500. This he gave with John Dixon and Augustus Langworthy as sureties. Bogardus failed, however, in making good his contract and at the ]\Iarch, 1828, term it was ordered that suit be brought against him and his bondsmen. Another order was entered by the commissioners' court, June 13, 1829, for the erection of a bridge across the Kickapoo creek at the ford on the Lewistown road frni Peoria, "164 feet in length, to rest against two certain trees, one on each side marked 'B.' " The contract was let to John Cameron, who finished work the same year, which was accepted and a balance of $50 due him was paid. The total cost of the structure has not been recorded. Subsequently the building of bridges became more frequent and today, wherever a road crosses a stream of any importance, there a good bridge is standing for the accommodation of the public. And the Illinois, as wide as it is in this locality, is spanned at more than one point in the county, by both wagon and railroad bridges, made and erected to meet the requirements of a busy and prosperous community. Early in the year 1912 a magnificent new bridge crossing the Illinois river was completed by the Peoria & Pekin Union Railway Company, at a cost of about $750,000. The work was begun on the structure early in 1909. It is 1,032 feet in length and the channel opening is 127 feet in the clear. While in course of construction two attempts were made to blow up the structure by dynamite. An unex]>loded bomb and mechanism attached to it was happily discovered in time and it is suspected that John and James McNamara, recently convicted of dyna- miting the Los Angeles Times building, in which a number of lives were lost, were implicated in the movement to destroy the Peoria bridge. This new high- way across the river, it is estimated, has increased the transportation facilities of Peoria at least one hundred per cent. DIXON 's FERRY BECOMES THE CITY OF DIXON There are not many people in this vicinity nor in the locality where the people are more interested in the matter, who are aware of the fact that a Peorian was the primary means of the founding of the city of Dixon, but such is the case. Judge McCulloch, in his history of Peoria county, gives the facts in the follow- ing short paragraph, and as they relate to men who were pioneers of Peoria county, they are here preserved as a part of local history : "John Dixon, who had for some years been clerk of the circuit court of Peoria county, had taken a government contract to carry the mails every two weeks from Peoria to Galena. To facilitate the work Joseph Ogee, the half- breed heretofore mentioned, was sent, or went of his own accord, to establish a ferry across Rock river at the present site of the city of Dixon, which was for a short time operated by him ; but his management not proving satisfactory to Dixon, the latter bought him out and removed with his family to that place. The ferry was ever afterward called Dixon's Ferry, and it was in this way and by two Peorians, the city of Dixon was started and received its name. The viewers were Joseph B. Meredith, of Peoria county ; John D. Winter and Joseph Smith of Jo Daviess county, and Cliarles Boyd, of Putnam county. Meredith drew from the treasury of Peoria county $50 for his services as surveyor." ri'l'Ki; FKKK I'.KIDCK (INK (i|- IIIK KXCIRSKIX IJOATS UN I'l^dKIA LAKK J ^ g^ ^^>4y|jiJM 1 ii\/^i"'ii Ji'n 'tAi P^^^^^^ (8 Ji^^^i BF^ar ' '^Ww' ^^^r M_ I^HP^^ ^ 1 Hi^ ^^^^^^^ &: HJ 1 ^^^^^^^^^^^- Ky.:--^.*- . - - .. •■?i^^l ^IH XKW I'.iMDCK AClidSS Till-: ll.l.lXnls IMNKU Twii atti'iri].i~ wi'ic iii;i(U' tii lil>i\\ up llic striict iii ,■ l.y d.N iiiiniilc HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 139 RIVER AND RAII.RUAU TRAFFIC The first travelers of the white race came to Peoria by way of the Illinois river and for many years thereafter, before land vehicles were available, the canoe, skiff and flatboat were used by the Indians, hunters, adventurers, voy- ageurs and settlers. The Illinois river was the favorite thoroughfare for the transportation of articles of value and until the advent of the railroad traffic by water was of no inconsiderable consequence and value. Tradition, or history has it that the first steamboat seen at the city of Peoria was the "Liberty,"' which had arrived at this port in December, 1849, but from whence no one knows. In the spring of 1830 the "Triton'' tied up here, having come from St. Louis with a stock of merchandise for John Hamlin. This same John Hamlin, whose name appears in this volume many times, secured a half interest in the "Fairy," in 1832, which on its return trip from Peoria was lost near the mouth of the Alissouri river. In 1839 the "Friendship," the "Exchange," the "Utility" and the "Peoria" were all in these waters. By 1834 immigration to Peoria had set in steadily and river traffic increased to a comparatively large extent. The "Winnebago," the "Argus," the "Herald" and "Jo Daviess" plied between ports all along the river and carried many tons of freight to and from Peoria. All of these vessels did a passenger business and brought a number of distinguished visitors to the growing city. The "Jo Da- viess" was owned in Peoria, by its captain. William A. Hall and his brother, David. The craft was sunk near the mouth of the Spoon river early in 1836. There were other citizens of Peoria who had an interest in vessels touching here. Captain W. S. Moss, a prominent merchant, bought the hull of a damaged boat, at St. Louis, and brought it to Peoria, where it was completely rebuilt. By 185 1 the traffic had become so large that Drown, in his history of the times, gives con- siderable space to the subject and mentions the landing of 1,236 vessels at Peoria during the year. When the Illinois and Michigan canal was completed in 1848, the river trade at Peoria began to suffer. There was an alert and vigorous rival with which to contend. Chicago held out inducements to those engaged in the river business and the tide of commerce turned her back on Peoria and headed for the embryo metropolis. In 1851, the "Illinois River Express Line," with its packet boats made weekly trips from St. Louis to La Salle, one leaving St. Louis every day except Sunday. These vessels, the "Ocean Wave," the "Connecticut." the "Gladiator," the "Ava- lanche," the "Prairie Bird" and the "Prairie State" catered principally to pas- senger business, but on their lower decks merchandise and other articles of com- merce were shipped in large quantities. One of the noted river men of those days was Captain Thomas I'.aldwin, master of the "Aunt Letty.'' named after his wife. He had also commanded the "Lucy Bertram." The Captain became one of Peoria's most esteemed and influential citizens and at the time of the Civil war was placed in command of the United States gunboat, Romeo. Other boats of the early day that might be mentioned were the "Bell Gould," the "Amazonia."' the "Cataract," the "Hibernia," "Sam Gaty," "Sam Young," "Louisville," "F. X. Aubrey," "Altoona." "Americus," "Brazil," "Polar Star." "Challenge," "La Salle," "Lacon," "Schuyler," "City of Pekin," "City of Peoria," "Illinois" and "Beardstown." The advent of the railroad was the forerunner of the doom of river traffic at this port. The trade be.gan to dwindle almost from the start until today it might well be termed a negligible quantity. But few boats touch at Peoria and most of the traffic is by the passenger boats, which depend almost entirely on their revenues from excursionists during the summer months. Strange to relate, the city of Peoria has not one trunk line entering its con- fines, ijut to offset this seeming disadvantage, it is the terminal for fourteen branch roads, arteries of some of the greatest systems of railroads in the United 140 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY States. Coupletl with these is the famous Illinois Traction System of interurban railways, which not only brings into the city each day visitors and shoppers, but also contributes to storehouses and busy marts shipments of vast quantities of merchandise and other valuables. A statistician connected with the Peoria As- sociation of Commerce has, by research and computation, arrived at the conclu- sion that I'eoria "outranks every other city of its class in the United States in transportation facilities." The railroads centering in P'eoria are : The Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway. ( Eastern terminals, Chicago and Peoria.) The Chicago, Burlington li- Quincy. (Eastern terminals, Chicago, Peoria and St. Louis.) The Iowa Central. (Eastern terminal, Peoria.) The Rock Island and Peoria. The Toledo, Peoria and Western. ( Under control of the Pennsylvania Com- pany. ) The Lake Erie & Western. (Under Lake Shore & Michigan Southern con- trol and ownership. ) The Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis. (\^anderbilt system.) The \'andalia Line — Terre Haute & Peoria. (Under control of the Penn- sylvania Railroad Company.) The Illinois Central. (Peoria, Decatur & Evansville Division.) The Chicago, Peoria & St. Louis. The Chicago & Alton. The Chicago & Northwestern. The Peoria & Pekin Union Railway. (Terminal line.) The Peoria & Pekin Terminal Railway. STREET R.XILW.WS For the convenience of citizens and the traveling public, omnibus lines were the first means of conveyance in Peoria, but these were not regularly established by organized companies, their existence being due simply to the enterprise of livery men. .As the city grew and the railroads increased their passenger traffic, the need of more rapid transportation in and over the city became apparent. This led to the application of certain capitalists in 1867 for a charter, to empower the 'Central City Street Railway Company" to build a line of street railway in Peoria. The board of directors were De Witt C. Farrell, John C. Proctor, John L. Gris- wold, Horace C. Anderson and Washington Cockle. These gentlemen resigned and a new board was elected in August, 1S68, the project up to that time not having made satisfactory progress. William R. Burt was made president of the board. Nelson Burnham, secretary, and Edward PI. Jack, treasurer. Nothing, however, was accomplished that year and the year 1869 was well on its way when, in October the last named members of the board of directors were superseded by William Reynolds, John L. Griswold, Washington Cockle, Henry R. Woodward, Joseph W. Cochran, Joseph H. Wight and James T. Rogers. William Reynolds, president, Joseph W. Cochran, secretary, and James T. Rogers, treasurer. On October 6, 1869, the company was granted a franchise by the city council, for the construction of railway tracks over a stated portion of the city. December i, 1869, two miles of track commencing on South street was finished and four horse cars in operation. The enterprise proved a success from the start and within a month therefrom the line was continued from Alain street to the vicinity of the American pottery. The company had purchased the land known as Central Park and in the spring of 1870 tracks were laid to the pleasure grounds. November 10, 1871, the Peoria Horse Railway Company received from the council a fran- chise for a double-track line along Washington street from Persimmon to Main, along Alain and the Farmington road to Elizabeth street, along High from Main to Elizabeth and on Elizabeth north to the city limits ; also for a single track SCENE AT COLE BRIDCE. FOOT OE BRIDGE STREET, JUST BEFORE BRIDGE WAS TdUX DOWN IX 1908 FOR NEW STRUCTrRE The liiiilge •■frowd" say "good-bye" PEORIA'S NEW FREE I'.IMDCK AT Fi " ri' of !'>1:IDi;E STI!KET HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY HI along Floral street to P.ourland, on Bourland to Hansel, on Hansel to the city limits; along North street from Main to Armstrong avenue, and on Armstrong avenue to Taylor street and to liluflf street; also along the Knoxville road from Alain to the city limits. May 17, 1873, the Fort Clark Horse Railway Company was organized by Jacob Darst. John S. French, John H. Hall, William E. Bunn and Jacob Littleton. Under the franchise granted the company had authority to lay track, some of which paralleled the "Central's." which eventually led to the last named company absorbing its rival. April 20, 1 888, the Central City Horse Railway Company was reorganized as the Central Railway Company and changed from horse to electric power. The Fort Clark Company was given authority to adopt electric power May 18, 1891, and changed its corporate name to the Fort Clark Street Railway Company, March 11, 1892. The Peoria Rapid Transit Company was organized December 10, 1891, mainly to benefit the Central Company and laid tracks on Monroe and Fifth. These tracks with others of the Central paralleling the Fort Clark road, made the lat- ter's business hazardous to its stockholders and as a result the Fort Clark road lost its identity by being merged with its competitor. The Peoria Heights Street Railway Company was organized October i, 1892, and the Glen Oak & Prospect Heights Railway Company, May 7, 1896. The latter company operated a single track road, which began at the intersection of Main street and Glendale avenue and from thence run to the old Mount Hawley road at the "Alps." Im-oui there the line continued past Glen Oak Park and Springdale cemetery to the village of Prospect Heights. The stock of this road is largely held by the Central City company. ILLINOIS TRACTION SYSTEM The Illinois Traction System known as the McKinley Lines runs from Peoria through Springfield to St. Louis, a distance of one hundred seventy-four miles and is the only railroad between these two points that has its own rails all the way, its own terminals and liridges. Trains run from the courthouse s(|uare in Peoria to the corner of High and Twelfth streets in St. Louis, the very heart of the hotel, business and theatre district. Over forty-five passenger trains and cars a day enter and leave Peoria. From Peoria the traction also runs to Bloomington, Decatur, Champaign, Urbana and Danville, also to Springfield. Decatur and Springfield are connected, mak- ing five hundred miles of high speed lines owned and ojierated by this road. The station in Peoria is located at the corner of Hamilton and Adams streets where the offices of the X'ice President, Executive, the tJeneral Counsel, the Chief Surgeon, the Chief Operating Engineer, the Purchasing Agent and the Depart- ment of Publicity are also located. At the corner of Washington and Walnut is located the freight house, the car barns and the power house. The freight house has but recently been enlarged and afl^ords shipping facilities unequalled by other roads. The Illinois Traction System is the only electric line in the world to operate sleeping cars. These run nightly between Peoria and St. Louis. They leave the station in Peoria at 11 130 p. m. arriving at St. Louis at 7:05 a. m. These cars, designed by officials of the Traction System, are said to be the finest sleepers on wheels, being much superior to Pullmans. They have windows in the upper berths. Steel lockers for valuables are placed in the wall at the head of each berth. The berths are not made into seats and have six inch -spring beds and are six inches longer than standard Pullmans. They are as comfortable as a bed. These cars are lighted by storage batteries with lights in each berth. Another innovation for an electric line is parlor cars. These have every convenience and were designed for comfort and easy riding. They have large 142 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY observation platforms, comfortable arm chairs and for a small charge offer privacy and luxury. These cars run to Springfield, Bloomington, Decatur and St. Louis. The System also handles all classes of freight. Rapid delivery of freight is a big feature. Goods delivered to the freight house in the evening reach any point on the Traction the ne.xt morning. This is true of all terminals. Regulation freight ecjuipment is handled by the Traction which has elevators and connections with steam roads for its freight business. Belt lines around Decatur, Spring- field, Edwardsville and Granite City have recently been completed for the more rapid handling of its freight trains. The lines were built and put in operation from Bloomington to Peoria in 1906 and 1907, and in 1908 from Mackinaw Junction to Springfield. The street car lines in Peoria were acquired by the System in 1904 and work was started on the McKinley bridge across the Illinois. The power house was rebuilt and enlarged to furnish current for the local lines and the interurban. Since acf|uiring the street car lines they have been practicallv rebuilt and to- day are said to be the best in the west for a city of the size of Peoria. The Illinois Traction is in every respect a railroad doing all classes of rail- road business. It operates freight trains and gives an unexcelled passenger service. Cars leave Peoria for all points every hotir and arrive on the same schedule. This frequence of service is a great convenience for travelers. The local cars stop at all highway crossings making it possible for the farmer to visit the city as he pleases. The limited cars stop at stations only and make as good time as the steam roads. At St. Louis across the Mississippi the System has built the McKinley Elec- tric Bridge at a cost of four million, five hundred thousand dollars. This is the largest bridge ever built by an electric railroad and the heaviest in carrying capacity of any that crosses the river. A handsome passenger station and ter- minal facilities have but recently been finished. During the last year, the Traction has installed a complete system of auto- matic electric block signals. These are absolutely automatic in their operation and assure perfect safety in train operation. They are placed at all meeting points, curves and subways and render collision practically impossible. It is interesting to note that the Traction has more signals of this type than an)- other electric road in the United States. In the northern part of the state the INIcKinley interests own and control the Chicago, Ottawa and Peoria Railway Company. This interurban operates one hundred miles of track connecting Princeton, La Salle, Spring \'alley, Ottawa, Streator and Joliet. Eventually these lines will enter Chicago and be connected with the Illinois Traction System, making a continuous interurban from St. Louis, Missouri, to Chicago, via Peoria. William B. McKinley is the founder and builder and president of these inter- urban lines. He is also well known from his public life, having represented the nineteenth district of Illinois in congress for six terms. He is a member of the committee of foreign affairs and was for four years chairman of the committee on coinage weights and measures. H. E. Chubl)uck, vice president and general manager of all the McKinley interests, lives in Peoria. Sir. Chubbuck is one of the foremost men in the "elec- trical business in the United States. His father and grandfather also spent their lives in the electrical inilustry. His grandfather then living in LTica, New York, had the distinction of collaborating with Morse in the invention of the telegraph. His father invented the sounder and established the first factory for the manu- facture of telegraph instruments in the United States. Mr. Chubbuck is the head of an organization of more than three thousand, five hundred men. His offices are in Peoria and he has made this city his permanent home, having bought property on Moss avenue. He is well known in Peoria, taking an active interest in all its business and social affairs. CHAPTER XVIII RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATION'S Ul' PKORIA GOUNTV THE CATHOLIC CHURCH FIRST IN THE FIELD THE METHODISTS STRONG IN THE FAITH AND IN NUMBERS HISTORY OF MANY CHURCHES TO BE FOUND IN THIS CHAPTER. ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH. The story of the Roman Catholic church in I'coria county can best lie told under several general headings. I As with Columbus the church came to this continent so came it also with the sons of France who first rowed down our unknown streams and penetrated our trackless forests. The e.xplorers were catholic : the missionaries, as well. Fre- ()uently the same individual was both the one and the other. Witness the names of Marquette, Hennepin, Allouez, Rasle and Gravier. The spring of 1673 saw Father James Marquette, Joliet and five fellow countrymen rowing down the Wisconsin river to the Mississippi, thence down its current to the place where the Arkansas pitches itself into the Father of Waters. Here, satisfied that the Mississippi emj^ties into the Gulf instead of the Pacific ocean, they started on the return voyage. Just a little curious that as Columbus was seeking a short route to India and discovered America, so these seven Frenchmen in seeking a short passage to India opened up a territory com- pared with whose wealth the lure of India drops into utter insignificance. Mar- quette's Journal of his first glimpse of the Illinois country says: 'AVe had seen nothing like this river for the fertility of its land, its prairies, wood, wild cattle, stag, deer, wild cats, swan, ducks, parrots and even beaver: its many lakes and rivers." Prophetic forecast, for the golden harvests of Illinois now find their wav to Bendemeer and liosphorus ! Having satisfied themselves that the Mississippi afforded no short cut to India, they began the return and when at the mouth of the Illinois river they were told by the Indians of the place that this river offered a shorter way to the lakes, they ascended it and in that ascension we are privileged to chronicle the fact : Peoria County First Pell Upon White }hiu's I'ision The exact date of this potent event we do not know, but the month and the year we are able to record. June 17, 1673, saw Marquette and companions entering the Mississippi and two months later, we note him spending three days with the Indians of the Peoria village, announcing the Catholic faith to them and baptizing a dying child which was brought to him on the water's edge as he and companions were embarking to continue the journey to the Great Lakes. With the preaching of Father Marc|uette and the administration of the Sacra- meiit of I'.aptism .\ugust, 1673, we are able to fix the humble beginning of the Catholic church in Peoria county. Its beginning is caezvl icith the adi'ent of the first Zi'hitc man to these parts. In this voyage up the river a stop was made at the principal village of the 143 144 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY Kaskaskias — a mission station was established, and from this estabhshment dates the authentic period of the Illinois history (1673). Seven years later La Salle descended the Illinois river on his way to the mouth of the Mississippi and while on that journey built Fort Creve Coeur, opposite the present city of Peoria. This marks the second step in the opening up of Illinois. While neither settlement was made in Peoria, they were both made in the portion of Illinois which since 1875 is known in church geography, as The Diocese of Peoria April 8, 1675, finds Father Marquette at the first Kaskaskia village — on the high ground north of the Illinois river and south of the present village of Utica. The narrative tells us that five hundred chiefs and old men were seated in a circle round the priest while the youth stood without, to the number of fifteen hundred besides the many women and children. Marquette preached to them and on the following Thursday and Sunday — Holy Thursday and Easter Sun- day — celebrated Mass, the first clean Oblation ever offered to God in Illinois. April iith and 14th, 1675, are the dates of the first Masses ofifered in the Diocese of Peoria. A little more than a month later this first missionary passed to his reward near the mouth of the St. Joseph river, on the eastern shore of Lake Michigan. His thirty-eight years ending on the i8th of May, 1675, make the historian, however crude, feel they were the beginning of immortality and the Middle West places him among names she cannot afford to let die. After the death of Illinois' and Peoria county's first missionary. Father Allouez came to Kaskaskia on the Illinois ( 1677). Father Rasle, who was later murdered by the New Englanders at Norridgewock, Maine, in 1724, also visited Kaskaskia before 1700. II The era of the discoverer passes and the missionary gives place to the explorer and the colonist. The idea grows upon us as we behold in Fort Creve Coeur ( 1680) the fourth of that chain of fortresses which La Salle's far-reaching plans contemplated. He had already established Fort Frontenac on Lake Ontario, Fort Conti on the River Niagara and Fort Miami. With these the church historian is not particularly concerned except as he finds them centers of mis- sionary activity. We have already noted Marquette's visit to Peoria county, 1673, and a little more than seven years later we chronicle the advent of the second missionary or rather band of missionaries. For New Year's day, 1680, witnessed La Salle, Tonti and twenty-five followers and three Franciscan mis- sionaries landing to begin the construction of Fort Creve Coeur. The mission- aries were Fathers Hennepin, Gabriel de la Rebourde and Zenobe Membre. March i, 1680, saw the fort nearly finished. We cannot do better than let Hennepin tell the story in his own words: "Our fort was very nearly finished and we named it Fort Creve Coeur because the desertions of our men and the other difficulties which we labored under had almost broken our hearts. And we heard nothing of our ship and therefore wanted rigging and tackle for our bark — M. de La Salle did not doubt then that his beloved Griffin (i. e. his transport and trading ship — Ed. ) was lost, but neither this nor the other difficulties dejected him — his great courage buoyed him up, and he resolved to return to Fort Fron- tenac by land notwithstanding the severe and unspeakable dangers attending so great a voyage." Hennepin tells again of long consultations had and the resolve that La Salle set out with three men and bring back with him all the necessary things for their discoveries. La Salle was intending to navigate the Mississippi to its mouth and Hennepin and two companions to go by the mouth of the Illinois to the upper Mississippi. The missionaries who had accompanied La Salle to Creve Coeur are now about ST. MARY'S C-ATIIK1)I;A1. HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 145 to scatter themselves for more widespread effort. We cannot do better than hear again the story in Hennepin's own words : "We were three missionaries for that handful of Europeans at Fort Creve Coeur and therefore we thought lit to divide ourselves. Father Gabriel de la Rebourde, being very old, was tc continue with our men at the fort. Father Zenolire Membre was to go among the Illinois, having desired it himself, in hopes to convert that numerous nation, and I was to go on without discovery." Tonti was left in command of the fort as La Salle with three men set out overland for Canada. Father Hennepin and two companions went down the Illinois and began his memorable e.xploration of the upper Mississippi. Mean- while Father Membre lived in the cabin of the chief Oumahowha but the brutal habits greatly discouraged him. Gradually, however, he accjuired their language. Tonti was deserted by most of his men and the aged Father de la Rebourde was adopted by Asapiata. an Illinois chief. In September, same year, the Peorias and Kaskaskias were attacked by an Iroquois army and tied. Tonti and the missionaries narrowly escaped and seeing no alternative set out for Green Bay in a wretched bark canoe. The following day being compelled to land for repairs while Tonti and Father Membre were making the repairs, Father de la Rebourde retired to the shade of a neighboring grove to recite his office. This was the last seen of him. Three Kickapoos had come upon him and killed him and thrown his body into a hole. His breviary eventually fell into the hands of a Jesuit missionary. Thus September 9. 1680. bears n'itncss to the first martyr of the Illinois mis- sions in the person of Father Gabriel de la Rebourde, who in the seventieth year passed from earth, far indeed, from his native France. From the breaking up of Fort Creve Coeur in Autumn, 1680, to 172 1, we Ijehold the Catholic church in the ministrations of Father Gravier, Jesuit, who was here in 1693 and 1694, and who tells us of fervent Christians among the Indians. Even in the absence of the missionary the men assembled in chapel for morning and evening prayers. The year 1700 we see h'ather Gravier again in Peoria, but this time the medi- cine man incited a sedition in which the missionary was dangerousl}^ wounded and narrowly escaped his life. h'ather Moreat resided here for some time after Father Gravier's experience in 1700. The mission then became vacant, and the Indians in punishment for their cruelty to Father Gravier were cut oft" from the French trade. Father Moreat came a second time to them in 171 1, and found them somewhat subdued and conscious of their former cruelty. On his return to Kaskaskia (on the Mississi])]3i ) he sent from there Father de \'ille to renew the faith among the I'eorias. The next priest to visit this site was Father Charlevoix in 172 1. At that time the chief's little daughter was dying and he brought her to the mis- sionary to be baptized. The chief wore on his breast a cross and figure of the Blessed \'irgin. Ill From 1721 until early in the next century silence falls upon missionary effort among the Indians in the Illinois country. This is so for the reason that tribal wars of the bitterest kind made such effort impossible. That their wars were relentless yet having in them elements of the noblest daring and greatest heroism the reader need but advert to the memorable siege of Starved Rock, where, like Schamyl, on Gunib's height, ninety years later, valiant warriors looked down upon the enemy. But what traitors or new found paths could not do hunger and thirst did. Another explanation is found for a prolonged interruption of the missionary story in what here follows. In 17 12 the French government began to send white settlers to this and other colonies, which stretched all the way from New Orleans to the Great Lakes. It granted valuable franchises to Crosat and Cadillac. The vii. I— 10 146 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY grant ended in disaster in 1717 and was quickly followeil by the bursting of Law's bank in 1720. This was known in those days as the Mississippi Bubble and was doubtless Illinois' first experiment in high finance. The white settler lost his all. In 1736, war broke out with the Chickasaws and the Illinois troops met defeat. Illinois' tirst governor, D'Artaguiette and its second martyr priest. Father Senet, were put to death by slow torture at the stake. The Illinois troops under Bienville again tasted of defeat at the hands of the Chickasaws. Then came \'andruel, as governor of Louisiana, who later in 1760 surrendered Montreal and the whole of Canada to England. 1763, just ninety years after Marquette's visit to Peoria, witnessed the passing of our city and surrounding territory from French to short-lived British rule. IV From Father James Marquette's visit, then, in 1673 to the proclamation of General Gage bearing date December 30, 1764, the catholic was the only form of the christian religion known or proclaimed in Illinois. Bearing upon the fact : the early missionar)- ]3hase of religion was exclusively catholic, ^liss Jones, in her painstaking work entitled "Decisive Dates in Illinois History" writes: "Two strong motives led the French into the wilderness. One was the fur trade and the other was the love of their church which sent them as missionaries among the American Indians. Wherever a trading-post was located, a mission was established. The priest with his altar on his back went side by side with the explorer and the trader. This was the case from the time of the building of Quebec, the first permanent settlement in New France by Samuel Champlain in 1608." The first proclamation of the first English Governor of the newly acquired territory has to do with religion and reads as follows. General Gage says: "And His Brittanic Majesty grants to the inhabitants of Illinois the liberty of the Catholic religion, as has already been granted to his subjects in Canada. He has consequents given the most precise and efifective orders to this end that his new Roman Catholic subjects of the Illinois may exercise the worship of their religion according to the rites of the Roman church." The British held possession of all this northwest territory until 1778 \yhen Col. George Rogers Clark dislodged them. That Father Gibault greatly assisted the colonel the records show. Through him messengers were dispatched to Vincennes and Peoria (\'ille du Maillet) assuring the French residents they were American allies and enemies of the English, against whose rule their racial feelings had protested for the past fourteen years. Father Gibault's services in this episode of the militant gospel were recognized in public eulogium in the legislation of \'irginia in 1780. V From the period of the revolution just adverted to, the local historian asks the reader to make a good long mental jump of more than fifty years. There are no records covering the intervening half century ; in truth, there seems little to record other than a settling back into primeval wilderness and silence from which our territory was first awakened by Father .^Marquette on a memorable August day, 1673. To be exact in dates, the mental jump brings historian and reader to Decem- ber, 1837, and August, 1839. The former date tells of .A lass celebrated in the house of Thomas Alooney", who in 1835, with his family came to the La Salle Prairie about sixteen miles up the river northeast of the present city of Peoria. Mr. Mooney's name attached itself to this early homeseeking in Peoria county and the place is rightfully called Mooney Settlement. The priest who first paid the few Catholic settlers there a visit was a fellow countryman of Father Mar- HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 147 cjuette. IJorn at Lyons, I'Yance, 1804, and ordained at St. Louis, by ISishop Rosati, April 6, 1833, the Rev. J. j\I. J. St. Cyr. has the distinction of being the first resident priest of Chicago and of building its first church — St. Mary's. He has also the pilgrim's experience of walking from (Chicago) l'"ort Dear- born to St. Louis. This foot journey enables us to chronicle his visit to Mooney Settlement and to resume the story of the Catholic church in Peoria county after more than fifty years of silence. The village of Kickapoo lays claim to possessing the first permanent Roman Catholic church edifice built in Illinois. The little stone church is still in use and its cornerstone was laid August 4, 1839. Fortunately the record of this most interesting early event has been preserved. "By the authority of the IJishop, the illustrious and Rt. Rev. Joseph Rosati, I have this day blessed and placed the (first) cornerstone of a church to be erected by the faithful in Kickapoo, a mission connected with this parish and situated in the county of Peoria about sixty miles from La Salle, said church to be erected to the glorv of God and of St. Patrick, ISishop of the Irish People." August 4, 1^9. ' J. B. Raho, C. M^ The local historian finds himself noting the passing of the early Jesuit and Franciscan missionary and their places taken by the Lazarist, who is to occupy no small space in the church history of central Illinois after the event chronicled by their worthy son, who came from the center of their religious activity at La Salle, Illinois, to lay the cornerstone of the first permanent Catholic church in Peoria county and perhaps in Illinois. Father Raho's name is closely associated with the beginnings of the Catholic activity, which has remained down to the present in the city of Peoria. He paid a short visit here in 1838 on his way from St. Louis to La Salle and a year later returned and celebrated Mass at the home of Patrick Ward on tlie Jefferson street lot adjoining the present St. Mary's parochial school. From this date Mass was said now and then at the houses of various early settler Catholics. Services were held in a public building for the first time in 1840. The distinc- tion belongs to Father Raho and the place the u])per room of a frame building, corner Main and Adams, where the AIcDougal drug store now stands. Father Raho was assisted by Fathers Parodi and Staehle. For a few years, the Sunday Mass was celebrated about once a month. From 1841 to 1843, public services were held on the lower side of Washington street about half way between Main and I'ulton streets in what was known as Stillman's Row. The year 1843 bears witness to the visit of the first Catholic bishop to Peoria. P>ishop Peter Kenrick of St. Louis came and celebrated Mass in Stillman's Row and also in the old courthouse. His visit w^as quite an event bringing Catholics from Galena, La Salle, Black Partridge and Kickapoo. He confirmed twenty- seven and remained for some days delivering addresses for three consecutive evenings to mixed audiences in the courthouse. It was this visit which brought about the purchase of the ground which later became the site of old .St. Mary's church — so many years the pro-cathedral of the diocese of Peoria. To-day the church building has passed but the grounds remain ornamented by a new and up-to-date parochial school which is the prop- erty of the parish and retains the name of St. Mary's. From Bishop Kenrick's visit to 185 1 and 1852 when the first St. Mary's church was built, services were held in various places about the city chiefly in a little brick building on the alley between Madison and Jefferson streets. For many years afterward this same spot was the site of the first parochial school in Peoria. St. Mary's church, whose opening under Father Montuori, July 4, 1852, we are all privileged to chronicle was dedicated some months later, April 17, 1853, by Bishop \'an de \'elde — the second bishop of Chicago. From the opening of St. Mary's church in 1852 its abandonment May, 1889, in favor of the cathedral which now stands a thing of imposing beauty, sixteen pastors pre- 148 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY sided over its destinies. Among the best known were Father Abraham J. Ryan, later known as "The Poet Priest of the South" and Fathers M. J. Hurley and Benjamin J. Spalding, whose early death was bemoaned but who left in the new St. Mary's, corner Madison and Green streets, an enduring monument to his memory and an evidence that his ten years of pastorate were busy and fruitful years. Tlic Diocese of Peoria VI The setting apart, into a diocese bearing the name of our county seat, of a certain territory stretching across the entire width of central Illinois gives a new and significant prominence to the Catholic church story of Peoria county. The diocese of Peoria was erected by Papal Brief, February 12. 1875, and its first Bishop Rt. Rev. John L. Spalding was consecrated in New York city by Cardinal McClosky, May i, 1877. Twenty-two days later he came to Peoria and for more than thirty years or to be exact until November, 1908. when his resigna- tion handed in two months previous, was accepted by Rome, he directed the destiny of the Catholic church in Peoria with rare administrative power ; with wisdom, catholic in the broadest sense ; with universal sympathy and with a gift of eloquence that would have marked him in any age or country ; with a pen unfailing and chaste. All this lifted the diocese of Peoria to a place not explained by numbers or distinctive early history, however interesting. Doubtless in last analysis the historian in explanation, finds himself saying as Sir Arthur Helps said of Cardinal Ximines, "He is like a city on the margin of deep waters such as Genoa, where no receding tide reveals anything that is mean, squalid or unbecoming." When Bishop Spalding took up his residence in Peoria, May, 1877, there were' besides St. Mary's, St. Joseph's and St. Patrick's parishes. The year 1855 bears witness to the erection of St. Joseph's church. It was in every way uripretentious, a frame building fifty by thirty-two. Its first pastor and builder was Father Gipperich — formerly of Black Partridge — who remained until 1857. Among the well known and more prominent pastors of this church are Fathers Boers, Dieters, Baak, Rotter and Greve, who yet remains. The distinction of building the present permanent church dedicated in 1880 belongs to Father Baak, who began his pastorate in 1872. St. Patrick's, the largest of the Catholic parishes of the city of Peoria, began its particular history in 1862. Father Coyle, rector of St. Mary's, built a stnall frame church there for the wants of the growing population in "The Lower End." It was attended from St. Mary's, and became strong enough to stand alone. May i, 1868, when Father Hurley resigned the pastorate of St. Mary's to become the first and much loved pastor of St. Patrick's. He built the present permanent church, which was tried as by fire, but which arose again and was dedicated November 27, 1881. Father Hurley died December 11, 1892, and was succeeded by its present rector Rt. Rev. Bishop Peter J. O'Reilly. The parish of the Sacred Heart, whose proximity to the city hall makes the visitor know the church is in toimi and suggests possibly the balance of civil and religious government — this church was the first of the new parishes which fol- lowed in fairly rapid succession under the stimulus of the first bishop of Peoria. Begun in 1880 it was for more than a decade cared for by the Capuchin Fathers, who in 1892 were succeeded by the Sons of St. Francis of Assissi. They have changed all the temporary buildings into permanent structures of approved architectural beauty. The year 1881 finds the population of "The Lower End" demanding nearer church accommodations and in this demand arose St. Boniface's parish. Its first rector and organizer was the Rev. F. Von Schwedler, who built a frame church and school and brick parochial residence. He was succeeded, 1892, by the Fran- HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 149 ciscan Fathers, who later erected the permanent church and school. The parish remains under their charge and shows yearly gains in membership and religious vitality. St. John's parish took birth July, 1890. It found reason for its existence in the growth covered up by that somewhat mystic but comprehensive phrase "The Lower End." It was most fortunate in its first rector, who like the first rector of St. Boniface, came from Oilman, Illinois. The Rev. John P. Ouinn had youth, vigor, industry, enthusiasm and eloquence. They were assets that counted. January, 191 1, he was advanced to the Deanery of Ottawa, Illinois. His twenty years of residence in St. John's left a void in many hearts ; they also left four permanent buildings in which to carry on the parochial life. He was succeeded by the Rev. T. E. .Madden, of Arlington, Illinois. St. Mark's parish made a beginnmg July, 1891. Its first rector and organizer was Rev. Francis J. O'Reilly, who came from Utica, Illinois, to do the work. He remained in charge until June, 1897, when he was advanced to the rectorship of St. Mary's cathedral and made chancellor of the diocese of Peoria. His six years of living on the West Bluff witnessed — after a year of temporary organiza- tion — the completion of the present permanent church and rectory. He was succeeded by Rev. James Shannon, who in December, 1910, was succeeded by Rev. John H. Burke, of Bloomington, Illinois. Father Burke, its third rector still cares for the spiritual needs of the growing parish. St. Bernard's, the newest of the congregations of the city of Peoria proper, was born of the spiritual needs of the people of the Catholic faith who sought homes in what is locally called the East Bluff. The parish was created and the church built in 1904 by Father F. J. O'Reilly, while rector of the cathedral. Its first resident rector was appointed on the day of dedication, October, 1904. He remains and reigns successfully in the person of Rev. M. P. Sammon, who has since added to the parish e(|uipment a parochial residence and school, both of permanent character and architectural beauty. St. Peter's, Averyville, came into existence humbly enough toward the end of December, 1897. In August, 1898, the present church was dedicated and later a parochial residence was acquired. These things were done by Rev. F. J. O'Reilly while rector of St. Mary's Cathedral. The priests of the cathedral answered all its spiritual demands until August, 191 1, when its first and present rector came in the person of Rev. Enos Barnes. Extra-Urban Territory Brimfield, Dunlap, Princeville, Elmwood, Edelstein, and Chillicothe all have churches and four of them are administered by resident priests. Brimfield claimed its first resident priest in 1867 and the honor fell to Rev. J. Murphy who has had twelve successors — among them Rev. Max Albrecht, Canon J. Moyinhan, \'ery Rev. James Shannon, present Vicar General of the Diocese of Peoria and the Rev. A. Mainville, rector since 1899. Elmwood for several years attended from lirimfield, secured a resident rector in 1892. Rev. D. A. Kelley to whom that distinction came was succeeded after a few months by Rev. J. W. Callias, who in turn was followed by Rev. N. Dempsey, the present incumbent. Chillicothe after being an out-mission of Henry for some years, became a distinct parish entity in 1904, when the Rev. E. M. Hayden arrived as its first rec- tor. The present church building was erected by Rev. Edward Kniery, while coming now and then, as rector of St. Joseph's, Henry. The parochial residence is due to Father Hayden, who remained until autumn, 1911. He was succeeded by Rev. J. E. Roach. Catholicity came to Princeville with the early Irish and German settlers. At that time there was no church nearer than Kickapoo or Peoria to which 150 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY places they were accustomed to drive. While the present Peoria diocese was part of the archdiocese of Chicago, the Catholic people of Princeville township were ministered to by priests from Peoria city. On September 7, 1867, the Rev. T. Alurphy was appointed lirst rector of Princeville and his successors in turn have been, Rev. Max Albright, Rev. Chas. Wenserski, Rev. Father .Moore, Very Rev. I. Canon Moyninhan. Rev. H. Schreiber, Rev. P. A. McGair, Rev. C. A. Hausser and Rev. C. 1'. O'.Xeill. It was in Father Murphy's time that the old Presbyterian meeting house was purchased and made into a Roman Catholic church, the first in Princeville. Father Albrecht built the first rectory. The handsome new church was the work of Father McGair, while the present fine new rectory, together with the Christ chapel and the fittings for the church are the results of the labor of Father O'Neill, the present rector. Attached to the mother church in Princeville are two missions, one at Dun- lap and the other at Edelstein. At the former place is a strong parish composed of many of the leading citizens. The first church was built in 1879 by Father Moyninhan on ground given by Alva Dunlap. This church known as St. Rose's served the congregation till the November of 1909 when it was destroyed by lightning. It has been replaced by a handsome new brick and stone structure in the English Gothic style and is now known as St. Clement's. St. Matthew's in Edelstein was the result of a gift by Matthew :\IcDonnell, one of the early settlers of Hallock township and a staunch Catholic. It _ was built in 1 90 1 and although the parish is small the members make up in enthusiasm what they lack in numbers. VII Roman Catholic Institiifions Apart from distinct parochial organization and equipment, which is similar to that found elsewhere, the Bishop of Peoria was eager and persistent in the establishment of parish schools. It is noteworthy therefore, that in the city of I'eoria each parish has its own school. Most of the buildings are new and models in equipment and efficiency. Five sisterhoods direct their progress. Higher education is represented by the Academy of Our Lady of The Sacred Heart, corner Brvan and Madison, and bv the Spalding Institute, corner Madison and lackson streets. The former began in 1863 and has gradually added to its mateVial endowment so that it is stronger to-day than at any time during the past half centurv. It has continued under the management of the founders and their successors in the same sisterhood — Sisters of St. Joseph's, Carondelet, Mo. Many of the women of the leading families of Peoria and surrounding counties lovinglv call it Alma Mater. Spalding Institute, which in 1901 opened its doors for young men seeking a higher education classical, commercial and scientific other than that obtainable in the ordinary graded school, is the personal gift of Bishop Spalding. Born of his brain and pocket book, it continues as it began, under the direction of the Brothers of Mary of Dayton, Ohio, to send forth its yearly quota of young men ec|uipped in things of the mind for the more serious and strenuous problems of modern life. The building itself is one of the architectural triumphs of the citv of Peoria. , , •, ' From the educational institutions we pass to the charitable and philanthropic, which have found material expression in the St. Francis Hospital, Home of the Good Shepherd and St. Joseph's Home for the Aged. St. Francis' Hospital began in 1876. Four 'of the Bismark— exiled sisters were brought to Peoria bv the Rev. B. Baak, rector of St. Joseph's church. They rented the Bradley home place on Adams street and remained there until the autumn of 1877, when Bishop Spalding secured for them the site on Glen Oak avenue, which thev still occupv. Thev have not only annexed neighboring HISTORY OF TEORIA COUNTY 151 lots for tlie needs of newer and up-to-date buildings and equipment at home; hut they liave gone al)road and almost annexed surrounding states. To a modern and highly efficient hospital and Motlier Mouse in I'eoria, they have added ten new hospitals in Illinois, ^Michigan and Iowa. The acorn is now the oak. The Home of the Good Shepherd threw open its doors July, 1891. The impelling power was Bishop Spalding, who called on the various parishes of the tliocese to lend the helping hand. The Catholics of the city of Peoria and many non-Catholics as well have continued their interest in and appreciation of the great sacrifices made by the sisters for the fallen and dangerously-near of our race. The local chronicler finds himself dwelling upon the bond which ties Peoria in its Catholic history to St. Louis. The first bishop to visit Peoria was Bishop Kenrick of St. Louis, the first priest to say Alass here after the discoverer and the explorer had passed was sent by Bishop Rosati of St. Louis. The Sisters of St. Joseph's who opened the first Catholic school of learning here came from St. Louis. The Brothers of Mary who direct the Spalding Institute iioiv look to St. Louis as their Mother House and headquarters. The Sisters of the Good Shepherd came from St. Louis and as their home here grows they turn to St. Louis for other "Angels of Buena Vista" to continue the work. Though tried by fire they have prospered and are to-day more flourishing than ever. Not Peoria county alone nor many counties of Illinois but neighboring states are indebted to their zeal for relieving them of many of the cares and burdens of charity. St. Joseph's Home for the Aged is a home-grown charity. It was given its first impulse by Rev. C. Rotter, rector of St. Joseph's church. December, 1902, found it beginning in a humble way on Smith street. The present modern Iniildings twice added to are an index of the need for such an institution and of the aliility to make things go which stands back of it in the humble garb of Mother Pacifica. It has since sought other fields and con(|uered them. Nine schools and homes look to it for supi)ly and guidance. Just now a new building to be used for training sisters as a mother house is lifting itself skyward on the West Bluflf. YIII We interrupted the story special to St. Mary's parish when we noted the pass- ing of old St. Alary 's church, May 14, 1889, corner Jeflferson and Bryan streets, in the cathedra], corner 'Madison and Green, which since May 15, 1889, has been not only the center of the parochial life for the people of St. Mary's but — being the Bishop's church and seat — of the directive Catholic life of Peoria and sur- rounding counties as well. The day of the opening of the new cathedral was also the day of its dedication. Archbishops P^ehan ant! Ireland, Bishops Ryan of .\lton, Janssens of Bellville, Cosgrove of Davenport and Hennessy of Dubu> w '*-- o ^ •^ tfl < f-H m 173 K n o > ^ H o |— ; c ■-*■• !^ ^ >■ c HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 15;5 ciples : First, the parity of official equality of the clergy ; second, representative government by the people ; and third, the unity of the bodv of Christ. The soul requirement for admission to membership in this church is an open, honest confession of allegiance to Jesus Christ as Lord and Master. No creedal test or obligation is met at the door of the Presbyterian church by one who would enter. That door of entrance is as wide as the gate of Heaven and as narrow as Jesus' declaration makes it, "No man cometh unto the Father but by me." The I'resbyterian church stands today, as of yore, for important Christian prmciples essential to the formation of sturdy character, vital to Christian citizen- ship—two things for which the world has real need. It is also a church most catholic, most fraternal in its spirit, most cordial and courteous in its attitude toward and treatment of other comnumions of the Lord's people. It cultivates an irenic spirit and temper and extends to the Christian world the right hand of fellowship by reason of its ecumenic creed, and with confident hope prays for and seeks to anticipate the reunion of Christendom. Having been reared in this faith, early settlers coming from the south or east and across the seas brought with them to this region their religious habits and fond desires to enjoy after their wont divine services and to rear their children in the Presbyterian faith. Accordingly, they founded churches in every comnuinity where they found any considerable number of people of like religious training with themselves. This favored generation has small appreciation of what it owes to the early settlers, who as Christians maintained their integrity, worshiped God, planted churches, created and left over and handed down to their descendants a rich religious legacy for which they endured privations and made sacrifices in this, then new country, in order that they might provide houses of worship, estated ministry, and gospel privileges for themselves, their neighbors and their children. in the following sketch it is purposed to trace the early history and later developments of what may be called the pioneer churches and to give a brief statement concerning the organization and growth of the later churches estab- lished in Peoria county. Some of these early churches answer perfectly to that description of the patriarchs who "served their generation and fell on sleep," for a changing and complex population. Removals by death and immigration have depleted to exhaustion some churches that early in their history flourished and gave religious tone and moral vitality to the communities in which they were planted. The task of one who essays to write of the early churches of Peoria county is made difticnlt liy reason of the fact that the early records kept of the organiza- tion of the churches and their subsec]uent transactions were very few and scant in the first place, and many of them through lapse of time have been lost or destroyed. It is a great pity that they were not made more complete or had i)een better preserved and that resort for data need not be made to such civil records as may be found for incidental reference, in order to present a historical narration. The attempt is here made to describe the main items of interest and importance connected with each congregation. The earliest Presbyterian church planted in the county of Peoria, whose history remains unbroken from its beginning till now, is the Princess Grove, or Princeville church, founded .August 16, 1834. At the organization of this cliurch under the leadership of the Rev. Robert Stewart and Theron Baldwin, we find such names enrolled as White, Morrow, Garrison, Peet, Miller, as charter mem- bers ; indicating that they were of English and Scotch blood. We see them living through the dangers of the Black Hawk war of the two years before, guarding their flocks and herds from coyotes, wolves, lynxes and wild cats, while building their huts of logs cut from the grove, and then having raised small crops of wheat or corn, hauling it to Chicago and on their return trip bringing back with their ox team, shingles and finishing lumber for their church house, for we are told that they built the first house of worship from stone gathered near by and 154 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY sawed walnut siding by hand from the trees of the grove and hewed the dimen- sion timbers and erected the building by volunteer labor. These were days of devoted self-denial on the part of both ministers and people. The Princeville pulpit was occupied in the early days by Rev. C. W. Bal)bit, George D. Sill, Robert ISreese, and Robert Campbell, all able, consecrated men, and they have had their successors of. like attainments and consecration, who have proved themselves by their service to Christ and the church. To this church such men ,as Dr. Robert Henry, George Rowcliff, Lemuel Auten, B. H. Weir have devoted themselves in the ruling eldership, serving in an unstinted and loyal way the churcli of their love. This church celebrated its seventy-hfth anniversary, and the historical sermon preached by the present pastor, the Rev. Max B. Wiles, is replete with interesting reminiscences and may be found in the "Princeville Telephone" of August 19, 1909. The first Protestant church founded in Peoria was what is now known as the First Presbyterian church . It owed its existence largely to the devotion and determination of one Salnuel Lowry, who was its earliest ruling elder, with con- siderable em]:)hasis on the adjective. But neither his rugged faith nor unflinching adherence to what he saw fit to call "principle" are to be spoken of lightly. That he was intensely human, an active member of the church militant, there is no doubt, and from his appearance as shown in a daguerreotype one might conclude that had he lived a little earlier, he would not have been an unequal antagonist of the rather famous, or infamous, Claverhouse. but making due allowance for his fighting spirit, when it is known that it was his privilege to have been born on Londonderry battlefield, much might be said to his credit. ]\Ir. Lowry, co- operating with the Rev. John Birch, gathered in Peoria a congregation and on the 22d of December, 1834, the First church was organized by Mr. Birch, as "The Ohio Missionary," in Mr. Lowry's home, and it was in all probability the last church organized by this devoted and heroic soldier of the Cross, for he perishefl on Delavan prairie the night of the awful Friday, December 16, 1836, when the temperature fell rapidly without warning and he was overtaken by the storm while making his way on horseback to his appointment in Peoria, and was found next day frozen to death. Succeeding him, came the Rev. Isaac Kellar from Hagerstown, Maryland, who served and brought faithfully in this church — encountered the opposition of the world — the flesh, and Elder Lowry. But all the mistakes made that became steps leading up or down to unhappy contentions over church property — litigation in the church courts — could not have been all on one side, anci it is quite possible that Samuel Lowry was about half right and half wrong, the other contending parties dividing the burden with him in about the same proportion. However, time, changing circumstances, and the coming of new people affected changes in the church life, and out of controversey and division, and by the dissolution of a sporadic organization, the First church persisting came to inherit "all the rights and privileges to the title appertaining," and is therefore the "First Church in Peoria" with its Presbyterian complexion, historically and continuously since 1834 to the present. The Rev. Isaac Kellar was first in the succession of such able, scholarly and worthy pastors as Addison Coffey, Robert Johnston, Jonathan Edwards — all of whom "wrought nobly in the work of the Master," and have been called to meet their reward. Surviving in this succession are John H. Morron, Jesse C. Bruce, Newell D. Hillis, Thomas A. McCurdy, Chauncey T. Edwards and Hugh Jack, each of whom has contributed his particular part in building this Zion, having had the earnest cooperation of the people of the First church, who have always had "a mind to work," and from their ranks have furnished such able men and women as Christian workers as the Weises, the Griswolds, McCoys, Powells, Reynolds, Schneblys, Batchelders, Johnstons, Louckes, Mcllvaines, .McKin- neys. Fishers, and others whose names are in the Book of Life. The First church has been the mother of churches. Through her activity HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 155 from lier membership the Second. Calvary, Grace, Arcadia and Westminster churclies of Peoria and the Pottstown church were formed, each in succession being developed from a mission Sabbath school established and conducted by active and devoted men and women from the First church. This church has given to the Presbyterian ministry eight of her sons, namely : John W C. Nellis, James M. Batchelder. Wellington E. Loucks, Charles M. and Herbert H. Fisher, Charles E. and Chaunccy T. Edwards and A. W. McCurd}-, who all have done, and the surviving members of this band are still doing faithful and fruitful work for and in the church in which they were reared and to which they have devoted their lives. Places of worship occupied by this church were first, the county court house, a small and insignificant building; then the First church building in Peoria county at the corner of Adams and Jackson streets ; then a frame building on Fulton street, between Adams and Jefiferson ; the brick building now standing at the corner of Main and Madison; and the present commodious structure on Hamilton boulevard and Crescent avenue. This church celebrated its seventy-fifth or "Diamond .Anniversary," December, 1909, with attractive, appropriate and impressive services, participated in or con- tributed to by all the former living pastors, and with greetings from the children of the church unable to be present, a full account of which may be found in a i)ooklet called the "Diamond Anniversary" of the First Presbyterian church, Peoria, Illinois, and which may be consulted at the Peoria library. It appears that from 1849 to 1854 a number of churches were formed in the county, namely : La Marsh, Rochester, Orange Prairie, West Jersey, etc., all of which served a good purpose, flourished for a time and because of the incoming of the railroads and the shifting of the population to the new towns erected on these highways, were abandoned and became physically and legally extinct. An early church was that of Brunswick, organized by the Classis of the Reformed Dutch church, September 19, 1840, and was then known as the Protestant Dutch church of Copperas. After the establishment of the Bruns- wick postoffice, the name of the church was changed to Brunswick and in 1844 the church was admitted to Presbytery, and is still connected therewith and maintains stated services and a Sabbath school. The location is beautiful for situation, commanding a view of some of the best farms in Peoria county and magnificent scenery for miles around in either direction. Among the early workers and later laborers in this old church are to be found the names of the Ramseys, Wellses, Fahnestock, Erford. Love. Graham, Wilson and Eslinger, and it has had as its ministers the Revs. Sill, Eraser, Martinis, McFarland, Ferguson, Johnston, Scott, McMillan, Keiry, Mul- len and Smith. The influence of the church on the communit}- life was for years very marked and its fragrance lingers still. On the east slope between the highway and the church lies one of the most-cared-for country cemeteries and in it sleeps the dust of former pastors of the church and members of the Pjrunswick flock. (3nce a year the Cemetery Association of Brunswick holds a reunion, at which the ancient traditions are discussed and the holy memories of the things done by the fathers and mothers are revived and the fund replenished, and serv- ice of grateful love goes on in care bestowed on the grounds that enclose those beds of green, beneath which rest the mortal part of those who "served till set of sun" and entered into the "rest that remaineth." After Brunswick comes the Salem church, organized in 1849 by Revs. S. C. McCune and William McCandlish. William .Stewart and James H. Patterson, were its first elders, and their successors have been such men as John L. Clark. R. W. Francis, C. H. X'orthrup. This church has been ministered to by the Revs. McFarland. Hanna, Cameron, Marquis, Johnston, Scott, McMillan, Flem- ming, Keiry, Alullen and Smith. In the removal of the church to Hanna City, 156 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY and the building of a new and attractive house of worship, steps were taken to change the name to the llanna City church, by which name with Presbyterial and legal sanction that church has become the successor of all the historical and ecclesiastical rights and prerogatives of the old Salem church. Since its removal to Hanna City the church has taken on new life and activity and gives good promise of ministering successfully to the spiritual and social needs of its community. The Prospect church was organized by the Revs. Addison, Coflfee and R. F. Breese in 1850, its first ruling elder being Joseph Yates. "The Prospectors" who knew the meaning of the family altar and the worth of worship came from West Virginia, near Wheeling, and were of that thrifty sort who made farming a business and a success, and they built their first "church house" on a hill in the year 1854, near what is now Prospect cemetery on "a parcel of ground" belonging to Adam Yates. In that building they worshipped until the church was removed to Dunlap, one mile east, after the completion of the Peoria and Rock Island railroad, where they dedicated the present ijuilding in 1877. Prospect church has been served by the following ministers in succession, viz. : Revs. Hervey, Turbit, F. F. Smith, Cairns, Simpson, Gardiner, Winn, Cooke, Nevius, H. Smith, Townsend, Randall, Thomas, Jones, Campbell, and the present, the Benjamin of the band, L. H. McCormick. Serving as ruling elders we have such names as Yates, White, Dunlap, Hervey, Jones, Berry, Hitchcock, Harker, Gray, and of noble women not a few, Kelly, Parks. Dunlap, and such church workers as the Keadys, Parks and others. Prospect gave also of her sons to the Presbyterian ministry — George Dunlap, Thomas C. Winn, William Jones and Frank F. Brown. Prospect celebrated its Jubilee in 1900 with fitting services, and a souvenir of the occasion may be found in the homes of many of the older members. FRENCH GROVE CHURCH French Grove church was organized in October, 1851, by the minister who performed the same services for Prospect. Its early ruling elders were William Reed, and George S. Pursell, and after them came the Alwards, McDonald, Warner, Moore, Coe, Todd, Slocum, McRill, McCune and the Reeds, either as elders or as church workers — devoted, self-sacrificing and efficient. The ministers serving the French church were the Revs. McFarland, Fraser, Smith, Carruthers, Boyd. Hillman, McClelland. Butter, Jones, Sturm, McCluer and others. The days of its early history were days of prosperity and for years it gave out an increasing and heljiful influence to its community that made for its moral and spiritual betterment, but removals westward and heavenward, coupled with the changing racial and religious character of the population have depleted this old church, which still stands a silent reminder of the better things, while near by in the beautiful little cemetery, so well kept and cared for, repose the mortal remains of former ministers, elders and members of the French Grove church. y\mong the churches planted in the county, flourishing for a time but now extinct, are New Scotland, Brimfield, Valley Ridge, and Elba Center, which were in their time once the soul and life of their communities. SECOND CHURCH, PEORI.^ Upon the petition of parties for the most part connected with the First church, and evidently with the concurrence of the pastor and session of that church, the Presbytery organized the Second church of Peoria, December 7, 1853, with a membership of twenty-eight, and John L. Griswold and John C. Grier were elected elders. The Rev. Robert P. Farris was their first minister. Contrary to the usual order here, the Second church was first and the Sabbath HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 157 second, in point of organization. The first house of worship erected by this congregation was built on the present site, corner of Madison and Jackson streets and dedicated in 1855, and here Mr. Farris was installed. He continued to serve the Second cliurch until failing health compelled him to relinquish the charge in 185S and the remainder of the life of this devoted servant of Christ and the church, was spent in educational and editorial work, largely in connection with the publications of the Presbyterian church in the United States (Southern Presbyterian), of which body he was from its beginning till his death, the per- manent clerk of its general assembly and once or twice its moderator. The Rev. Samuel Hibben came next, succeeding Dr. Farris in 1859 and was installed pastor December 4th, the sermon on that occasion being preached by that stalwart and versatile scholar and eloquent biblical preacher, the famous Xathan L. Rice, then professor of theology in the Seminary of the Northwest (now McCormick). L'nder his leadership the church prospered, for Mr. Hibben was an exceptional man and minister, scholarly and saintly, modest and frank, gentle and faithful. 1 lere he marrieiFMiss Elizabeth Grier, the daughter of that worthy elder, John C. Grier, a man thrice honored by the Presbytery of Peoria with a commission to the general assembly. To this worthy couple was born a son, John Grier Hibben, president of Princeton University. Declining health led Mr. Hibben to resign his charge and in the hope of recruiting it by outdoor life, he accepted the chaplaincy of the Fourth Illinois Cavalry, but he continued to decline and returned to L'eoria, where he died in 1862. His successor was the Rev. W. E. McLaren, afterwards bishop of the Episcopal church, who was in- stalled pastor May 8, 1864. and remained in this pastorate upwards of two years. The Rev. Henry \'an Dyke Nevius, succeeded Bishop McLaren, in 1867, and served this charge until 1872. He was a preacher of power and a man of God. Of him one has written, "Few men were better equipped mentally for their work and hence he was a workman that needed not to be ashamed ; few men lived more in sympathy with God's word and Son — hence his spiritual power." After him the Rev. William L. Green came to this pastorate an(l remained until 1875. Mr. Green, like his jiredecessors. was a well furnished man, of strong mental calibre, clear in his conceptions of related truth, versatile and virile in his statement of it. He was followed by the Rev. Lewis O. Thompson, who was pastor from 1876 to 1882. Mr. Thompson was an able man, a painstaking scholar — a his- torian of no mean ability, who did the church great and good service in many ways through his hooks, "Nineteen Christian Centuries," "The Prayer Meeting," etc. lie met a tragic death by drowning at Henry, where he was pastor of the F"irst Presbyterian church. The Rev. Tliomas X. ( )rr came to this pastorate and served for ten years, when impaired health led him to seek rest for a season. During his administra- tion the present unique, churchly and commodious house of worship was erected. Since his retirement from the pastorate of the Second church, Dr. Orr has resided in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where his services are continually called for, he being always an acceptable preacher, a genuine man, genial, kindly, oblig- ing, "a man greatly beloved." Dr. Orr was succeeded for a brief time by the Rev. Samuel M. Moore, a large man in many ways and whose pastorate, though brief, was not unmarked with interest. The present pastor the Rev. Arthur M. Little, Ph. D. D. D., came on in the apostolic succession, being installed in ^May, 1900, and after twelve years of service continues to hold the afifection of his people of the Second church and is named among the progressive men of the city. This church has been served through the over half century of its life by such able men and church workers as the Griers, the McCoys, the Ruggs, the Clarkes, the McCullochs. the Rices, and by noble women, not a few, whose names are set down in the "Impartial Record," kept at present from mortal eyes. 158 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY This church celebrated with appropriate services its semi-centennial in 1903. The "Semi-Centennial" of the Second church of Peoria, a pamphlet attractively arranged, contains matter of special interest to all connected with this congrega- tion and to any others who would know just in what manner the Second church has been used of God, for the good of men, and it may be found in the homes of the members of the Second church and should be also found in our city library. ELMWOOD CHURCH The Elmwood church was organized June 5, 1856, with fourteen members. John Rodgers served as its first elder. Its first church building was purchased from the Congregational church and removed from its then country site to the town of Elmwood. During the ministry of the Rev. William H. Mason the present building was erected at a cost of something over $6,000, and in architec- tural efl'ect and adaptability for its purposes it is a model. Among the men who have served in the eldership of this church we find the names of J. B. Stewart, N. B. Love, S. M. Coe, Castor Patterson, and after them the present efficient elders. The ministers serving Elmwood church have been J- A. AIarc|uis, J. H. Smith. J. R. Reasoner, Wilson. Duncan, and the present scholarly and able pastor, the Rev. Benjamin Y. George. Messrs. Reasoner, Mason and George each served the church for a period of upwards of ten years. The present incumbent has served faithfully and acceptably since 1895 in this pastorate. LIMESTONE CHURCH The Limestone church was founded in 1S59 with fifteen members, with John Cameron and William Jones as ruling elders. It has had as its ministers such men as Dr. T. G. Scott and John bleming, and is at present served by one of the younger men of the Presbytery, the Rev. H. L. Todd. Names appearing among its ruling elders are C. Greenwood, William Cameron and William Taylor. This church has stood as a beacon on a hill, a perpetual invitation to worship the Lord God Almighty, and a constant reminder that "It is not the whole of Life to live, nor all of Death to die." CALV.XRY CHURCH Calvary church was organized in 1867 and had as its first minister the Rev. John Weston, D. D., who after years of service was called to other fields, and again recalled to the pastorate at Calvary church. Its successful pastor, whole- souled, kind-hearted and helpful preacher, the flexible, sympathetic and generous friend of every member of the flock, passed from the scene of labor to his eternal reward while still pastor of Calvary church. Dr. Weston has had follow him in this pastorate such men as Dr. A. Z. McGogney, Andrew Christy Brown, D. D., and after the latter's death, for a time, Dr. A. L. Howard. The church is now ministered to by the resourceful, active and luodest .Mexander Lewis. Its eldership has been adorned by such men as that efficient Sabbath school worker, William R. Reynolds, William Schroeder, William Guyer, A. Water- house, T. J. Love, Peter Hulsibus, James McGill. and the younger men who now constitute the present efficient session. GR.\CE CHURCH Grace church was organized in 1868. with George H. Mcllvaine and Theodore Higbie ruling elders. Among the devoted workers in this church from the be- ginning of the enterprise we find the names of Bush, Lyons, Linsey, Baldwin, Coe, Voorhees, Angier, Andrews, Isele, and Eakin. HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 159 Grace cliurch has had among its ministers Levi C. Littell, Dr. Farris, A. F. Erwin, and the sainted James Alvin Sankey, whose successor, Rev. Walter M. Elliott, gives promise of doing a great and good work in its congregation and the city of Peoria. BETHEL This church was organized September 29, 1887, by a committee of Presby- tery, composed of Revs. I. A. Cornelison, Rev. A. F. Irwin and Elder David McKinney. The organization started with fifty-nine memliers and elected Henry Marmine and Ireneus E. Wliite, elders. Mr. White has remained in continuous service ever since and has rendered the church devoted and self-sacriticing serv- ice in almost every capacity, in which one might serve his church. The church has lieen ministered to bv the Revs. .Andrew Christv Brown, D. D.. C. \\'. Whorrall, George A. Phlug, \\'. W. Tait, D. W. :\IcMillan, W. E. Edmonds, but is at present without a pastor. The church has always maintained an interesting and growing Sabbath school and has been of great help to many in its vicinity. Being situated in a growing part of the city, it has a mission to perform in that neighborhood, ministering moral and spiritual helj) and comfort to the coming generation. .\RC.\DiA .WExri-; ciri'RCii The Arcadia Avenue church was organized October 6, 1896. with twenty- three members, with Isaac Kellar and Robert E. Lauren, elders. This church grew out of a flourishing mission Sabbath school instituted and conducted largely by members of the First church, and in 1897 called as its pastor, the Rev. James Benson, who has continued to serve the church with signal ability and devotion. The harmony of mind and action in this congrega- tion is witnessed by the beautiful and serviceable building at the corner of Ar- cadia and Piigelow. by the flourishing condition of both Sabbath school and church and last but by no means least, the growing liberality of the members shown in the increased ofiferings to the boards of the church and in general lienevolence. Situated as it is, in a beautiful and growing residential district of the city and meeting as it does the religious needs of its vicinity, Arcadia church may be expected to grow in influence as well as in numbers and continue to be an important factor in the moral and social life of the city. WK.STMINSTER CHURCH Out of W^estminster chapel and the Sabbath school meeting there grew West- minster church. It was organized by the Presbytery June i, 1897, with twenty- four members, who elected Messrs. P. W. Petrie, Theodore Higbie and C. R. Kuhn, elders. The Rev. William Parsons, the first pastor, has been followed by Revs. J. B. Farrell, Theodore H. Allen, D. D.. and the present minister the Rev. Clinton J. Greene, a young man, who enters upon the work in Westminster under circumstances that augur success. While still in the active service of this church. Dr. Allen was suddenly called to higher .service in the Church Trium- phant, leaving behind a precious legacy to his children, in a life of devoted service, even that of "a good minister of Jesus Christ." With a splendidly equipped and beautiful house of worship, situated on the West Bluff on Moss avenue, with a growing Sabbath school and a devoted membership, Westminster shouUl "make good" to its constituency and do excellent work for God and men. 160 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY TWO KKATl'RES OF THE GENERAL WORK OF THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, ACCREDITED TO THE CHURCH IN PEORIA COUNTY The first of these was the meeting of the general assembly in the First church Peoria, in 1863, amid the stirring and critical scenes of the civil strife. This meeting was presided over by that justly celebrated, scholarly and devoted pioneer missionary to India, John Hunter Alorrison, D. D., of the Presbytery of Lodiana. The assembly listened to stirring debate and united in earnest prayer over the questions that were uppermost in both the civil and religious life of the country and besought the God of our fathers for his special favor in those trying times and that he would most graciously bring an early end to the awful strife and send peace and prosperity throughout all our borders. In many respects this was a most remarkable assembly and a recital of some of its deliberations and conclusions might properly be made here did space admit or judicious selection of matter out of such a mass of good things were an easy task. The second, that of administration, which after an overture sent up to the general assembly from the Presbytery of Peoria, relative to the erection of the standing committees of the general assembly, was adopted and known as "The Peoria Plan." THE PEORIA PLAN To that worthy Presbyterian elder, James Alontgomery Rice, whose connec- tion as editor-in-chief of this history of the county of Peoria, and whose sudden departure for "Home" has left this part of it to less capable hands to finish that task, together with the justly esteemed Isaac A. Cornelison. D. D., pertains the honor of the conceiving and inaugurating the above named plan. It may be said that the plan was made necessary because of the large number and import- ance of the standing committees of the general assembly, which the new moder- ator was called upon to appoint immediately after taking the chair, and being neither ubiquitous nor infallible, could not by any possibility have personal ac- quaintance with or knowledge of the fitness of all commissioners for the tasks to be assigned them ; and besides, it was thought the principle of representation began to be threatened because too much power was found reposing in the hands of one or two officers of the general assembly. To avoid the danger lurking in this symptom of centralization of power ; to avoid being "managed ;" to reconquer from custom the right to govern them- selves out of the hands of "Ecclesiastical Bosses," this plan was devised and provides a method at once simple, just and clear for the selection of the standing committees of the general assembly so that all sections and interests of the church may be fairly represented. In brief, the plan conserves the fundamental principle of Presbyterian church government, viz. : an equitable distribution of administrative power. To this end the church is geographically divided and grouped by Presbyteries or Synods into twenty districts, there being twenty-two standing committees consisting of twenty-two members each — the commissioners from the whole church make up twenty-two electing sections, which are numbered consecutively in the order in which the standing committees are numbered. The commissioners constituting an electing section assigned to it from a certain given territory assemble at the sitting of the general assembly, elect their own chairman and secretary, vote directly for moderator, and choose either a minister or an elder, as may be its province ; to each one of the standing committees, from their own number such persons as may be thought best fitted for the discharge of the respective duties required of them. The plan liriefly stated is that the odd numbered sections in odd numbered years elect a minister to the odd numbered conunittees, and an elder for the even numljered committees. The even numbered sections elect the other com- mitteemen and in even numbered years the committees are reversed and the IU!ST llAI'Tlsr I lUiaiJ III, I) ( IIUISTIAX Clirilfll UNION CHAPEL IIAI.K MKMOKIAI. MKTIlllDIST KPiscoi'Ai, (;Hn:ril HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 161 sections elect reversely. This gives each district a member, either an elder or a minister, on each standing committee, each year, and to every committee its proper number of members. This plan adopted after lengthened discussion and amendment became what is known as standing rule Xo. 5, and since its adoption the standing committees of the general assembly have been named by the commissioners themselves, as- sembled in their electing sections and with general satisfaction to the church. "women, who l.xpgred with I'S " Much credit for the many achievements wrought in these regions, by the church is justly due to the piety, presistence and devotion of the women, who have "manned" the various aid and missionary societies in the churches of Peoria county. They have in many localities, through the drouth of summer and the biting cold of winter, maintained local religious interest, kept up the church services, repaired the house of worship and at the same time have been large factors in promoting the work of the church in other fields and in other lands. By mutual counsel, by interchange of religious ideas, by social intercourse, by consecrated womanly wa}-s, by practical efforts to relieve distress among the unfortunate and the ill-circumstances, they have succeeded in setting forward the kingdom of Christ. In their planning and their doing, they have furnished a stimulating example to the "Presbyterian Brotherhood," a men's organization, for which there is great and pressing need as well as large room. EDUCATION. \E It is a peculiar mark — one of the signal glories of the Presbyterian church — part of her heritage from John Calvin, that she has favored and fostered liberal learning and wherever she has gone on her mission to men, she has planted the school and the college as well as the church and sought to provide every educational advantage for her constituency. She has believed in popular and progressive education. She has never sought to supplant but rather to supplement the early training of our common school, with the higher and more advanced forms of education. The early Peoria county Presbyterians were not remiss in this particular. In the early 'fifties, they planted academies at Brunswick and Princeville, pro- jected Peoria University in 1857. Here on the Bluff' they began the erection of a brick building, which when all ready for the roof, was wrecked by a tornado in 1858. Because of the general financial depression prevailing throughout the country at that time, the stress of which fell heavily on the west, the re-financing of the project was too heavy a burden for the limited means of its promoters, the local enterprise was therefore abandoned and the attention and the means of the church were turned to the larger institutions, like Knox College and which ever since have had a fair share of the patronage and financial support of Peoria county Presbyterians. In the west as in the east, Presbyterians have sought to bind together thorough scholarshijj and practical religion, that thus they might do their share in the devcloimlent of the moral and religious character of men and make as large a contribution as possible to humanity's uplift. That in this undertaking they have made a creditable showing, is witnessed by deeds of loving and notal)le service to men and a loyal allegiance to Jesus Christ, the changeless, eternal Head of the church. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH This church was first organized as a Presbyterian society in December. 1834, and so continued until 1847, at which time it dropped its connection with 162 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY the Presbyterian church, adopted the congregational form of government and changed its name to that of the Main Street Congregational church. Rev. William H. Starr became pastor under the new organization and ministered to the people until October, 1848. In November of that year Rev. Levi Spencer was called to the pastorate and so continued until April 14, 1853, when his death occurred. During his pastorate a new church was erected at a cost of $8,000. For some time following Rev. Spencer's death there was considerable dissension in the church and eventually twenty-two members withdrew to form a new con- gregation known as the Union Congregational church. This was consummated December 8, 1857, and was organized as a Presbyterian church, known as the Fulton Street Presbyterian church, identified with the "New School" branch of that denomination. Rev. Isaac E. Cary was pastor of this newly organized society from the time it came into existence until August 29, i860, and his suc- cessors were Revs. Wilber McKaig, November 2, 1860-June 2, 1862; Samuel Wykoff, November 24, 1862-October 3, 1864; Asahel H. Brooks, July 3, 1865- March 4, 1868; Horace C. Hovey, January 5, 1869-April 13, 1873; Robert Condit, October 27, 1873-November 10, 1874. The two branches (Old and New School) of the Presbyterian church, having in the year 1870 become united under the name of The Presbyterian Church of the United States, and there being at least four churches of that denomination in the city, and there also being in the Fulton street church a large element in- clined to the Congregational form of government, a movement was set on foot which eventually resulted in tlie union of the Fulton street church and the Alain street Congregational church, known as the First Congregational Church of Peoria. This was consummated January 31, 1875. The pastors of the church as it was originally organized, succeeding Rev. Levi Spencer, have been : Revs. J. W. Marsh, January 2, i853-.May i, 1854; Henry Adams, September, 1854- November, 1855; J. Steiner, December, 1855-Julv, 1856; A. A. Stevens, Decem- ber. i8s6-June, 1866; G. W. Phinny, June, i866-June, 1867; J. A. .Mack, April I, 1868-June 8, 1870. In September of the latter year. Rev. A. A. Stev- ens was again called to the pastorate of the church and so continued until Febru- ary I, 1882, and it was during his term that the New School, or Fulton Street Presbyterian church, became united with this church, and that the commodious church building at the corner of Alonroe aned Boeling, who was installed June 17, 1858. and after two years was succeeded by Rev. Paulus Heid. who came in [anuary, 1861, and remained until 1878, his successor being Rev. Gottlieb Traub, who remained until January i, 1892, and was succeeded by Rev. Otto L. Hoen- stein, who remained "for a long period. The present pastor is Rev. Ernest Flach. CHRIST EV.\NGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH This society was formerly a mission of Trinity church but was organized as an independent congregation' December 9. 1894, with thirty-si.x charter members. In the summer of 1892 Trinity church erected a building for the use of the mission in the southern part of 'the city, on Malone avenue and Chandler street, at a cost of $5,000. This building was destroyed by fire June 25, 1895. This was immediately replaced bv a new structure, at a cost of $8,000, together with a parochial school building,' at a cost of $2,000. Rev. Frederick W. Jass has served as pastor from the time of its organization to the present. SWEDISH EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN SALEM CHURCH This church was organized August 4, 1883, with thirty-four members. The first church was located on Easton street near the Vienna Mills. In the spring 168 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY of 1888 the building was removed to Glendale avenue near Hamilton street. This building was sold in 1896 for $2,800, and the present church, built of brick and stone, at a cost of $10,000, was erected at Bluff street and Hamilton boule- vard. The pastors who have served the church are: Revs. August Xorrbom, 1887-90; E. C. Jessup, 1891-93; Alfred Appell, 1893 — . MISCELLANEOUS CHURCHES The Universalist church was organized May 6, 1843, and among the first members were Orin Hamlin, Dennis Blakeley, Aaron Oakford, Moses M. Webb, J. P. Dennis, John King, Caleb Whittemore, and Norman Howe and wife. At first meetings were held in the courthouse. Rev. F. J. Briggs became the first pastor and his successor was Rev. W. B. Lindell, who remained about two years. The society eventually purchased the building which was located on F"ulton street and had formerly been used by the First Presbyterian church. This con- tinued to be their place of worship until 1863. Rev. William Rounseville was pastor from 1853 until 1858 and was succedeed in the latter year by Rev. D. M. Reed, during whose pastorate the church was reorganized as the Church of the Redeemer, with eighty-three members. Subsequently they held services in various buildings until 1867, when a new church was erected and dedicated January i, 1868, and named the Church of the Messiah. Rev. Reed was succeeded in 1865 by Rev. H. R. Nye, and when the new church was completed Rev. Royal H. Pullman was installed as pastor. His successors have been: Revs. H. B. Smith, J. Murray Bailey, S. A. Gardner, G. W. Kent, W. S. Ralph, George B. Stocking, R. B. :Marsh, Frank McAlpine, T. B. T. Fisher and Barlow Carpenter, who is the present pastor. About 1885 the name of the church was changed to Bradley Memorial First Universalist church, in memory of Tobias S. Bradley, who had been a devoted member and liberal contributor to the church, and whose death occurred in 1867. The present church was erected about 1902 and stands on Hamilton boulevard. THE NEW CHURCH (SWEDENBORGIAN ) The First Society of the New Jerusalem church of the city of Peoria was formed a corporate body in January, 1846. The first church building was erected on Jefiferson street, near Hamilton, about 1846. In 1855 this building was re- placed by a brick structure on Hamilton street, between Madison and Jefferson. In 1896 this building was condemned by the city inspector and the furnishings were sold. Since then no regular services have been held but the society still exists as an organization. The pastors who have served the congregation are : Revs. John Randolph Hibbard, Nelson C. Burnham, Thomas S. Storey, Jabez Fox, George H. Marsten, A. J. Bartels, George F. Stearns, George Nelson Smith, George Hardon, J. R. Hibbard, W. H. Schliffer and Samuel C. Eby. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST (SCIENTIST) On the 29th day of August, 1892, seven persons met together, taking the initial step in forming a church which would inculcate Christian Science, as taught by Rev. Mary Baker G. Eddy. A board of three directors, a treasurer and a clerk were elected, and the name — Church of Christ, Scientist, of Peoria, Illinois, was adopted. On the 6th of October, 1894, the church was incorporated, and the name changed to First Church of Christ, Scientist, of Peoria, Illinois. Beginning the year 1898, with eighty-seven members, efforts were directed towards building a church edifice on the lot on Hamilton boulevard, corner of Bluff street, which had been purchased the previous year. The building was erected during the latter part of the year at a cost, including the lot. of nearly $30,000. The first services, dedicating the building, were held on the 15th of January, 1899. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 169 CHRISTIAN CHURCHES OF PEORIA The organization of the Christian church, or Disciples of Christ, was effected in 1S45, with twelve charter members, the last of whom, Mrs. Eliza Wadsworth Smith, died in 1904. William Tilford was the first elder and Sampson Schockley (grandfather of Mrs. John L. Miller) the first deacon. For a brief period the congregation met from house to house, and later in the engine house in the 200 block, North Adams street. Subsequently the old courthouse was used for their religious purposes. The first church building was erected at the corner of Seventh avenue and Franklin street in 1855, the building which still stands being converted into a dwelling some time later. The trustees of this building were James Maxwell, P. C. Reding (father of ]\Irs. William Ford, Jr.), and Elias Randall. The present location at the corner of Monroe and Fulton streets containing an obsolete building was purchased from the New School Presbyterians and first occupied in May, 1875. The former location on Seventh avenue was thereupon rented and later sold to a congregation of Jews. In the year 1894, the present edifice of the Central congregation was erected the entire property costing approximately $25,000. Some of the early preacher who came with infrequent regularity were William Davenport, William Brow ., Barton W. Stone, Mr. Young and Milton P. King, and often when withou? a preacher. Deacon Schockley spoke. The first pastor of the congregation after the completion of the Seventh avenue building was John Lindsay, ]\larch 15, 1855 to August 17, 1856. He was followed by I. N. Carman, 1857; Elder Howe, 1861 ; John Miller, 1863; John O'Kane, 1864; William Thompson, 1866. Student preachers from the college at Eureka served the congregation from 1867 to 1872, among them Messrs. Wagner, Hart, Crow and lirunner. The next regular pastor was Ira J. Chase, 1872. later Governor of Indiana. Barton O. Aylsworth, now president of Colo- rado .Agricultural college, followed in 1880; T. B. Mayfield, 1882; N. S. Haines, 1885: J. M. Kersey, 1892; J. P. McKnight, 1896; G. B. VanArsdall, 1900; H. F. Burns. 1905; and W. F. Turner, 1909. The longest continuous memberships are today held by Miss Paulina White 1854, Mrs. Naomi Mounts, Mrs. Wm. Ford, Jr. (then 'Miss Reding), 1865; William Ford, Jr., 1867. The present number of communicants is 625. The chapel at 224 Howett street, now the Howett Street Christian church is the outgrowth of a mission established by Alexander G. Tyng, Sr., of the Episcopal Church who conducted for six or eight years what was known as the "Tyng Mission" at the corner of Cedar and 15rotherson streets. This effort was abandoned and was later taken up by the Woman's Christian Temperance Union, assisted by a few of our people who conducted what was known as a temperance Sunday school. This likewise was abandoned after about three years' effort, the Disciples following in 1885. The superintendents of the Sunday school at the chapel and church have been F. M. Barrett — but recently deceased — Samuel Cunningham, Joseph Ray. William Reichel, J. A. Martin, G. W. Rey- nolds, Lewis Lawson, J. C. Murray, C. A. Brown and .M. W. Rotchford. For twenty-three years Miss Lorena Simonson has been continuouslv a teacher at the Howett street church and its predecessor, the Tyng Mission. Regular ])reach- ing services (evenings) began in 1900, with B. C. Piatt, minister, followed by H. II. Jenner, C. A. Marsh, L. P. Schooling, and William Price. The present building was erected in 1890, the plant costing al)out $2,500. Present number of communicants is 180. The West Bluff Christian chapel the "church built in a day" was constructed May 30, 1910, by the brotherhoods of the Howett street Christian and the Central Christian churches, assisted voluntarily by about sixty members of the Local Carpenters Union, No. 183. Williani Price, minister of the Howett street church, 170 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY laid the foundation. Earl D. Stout, superintended the construction of the build- ing. Ashley J. Elliott fathered the idea of building the church in a day and A. J. Buckwalter and A. W. Lew were presidents of the two brotherhoods. The building was dedicated June lo, 1910, by Dr. Arthur Holmes. A school was immediately organized and has continued since. The superintendents thereof have been E. J. Haney, A. J. Elliott and A. I. Buckwalter. A two weeks' preach- ing service was held in February, 191 1, by W. E. Harlow. The building is lo- cated at the corner of Underbill and Main streets. The Christian church in Peoria has had a slow but steady growth. The principal plea of the Disciples of Christ is "The Restoration of Primitive New Testament Christianity and the Union of God's People on that Basis." CHAPTER XIX CHURCH HISTORY CONTINUED CONTINUATION OF CHURCH HISTORV EARLY METHODISM IN PEORIA COUNTY — THE "shack" OR LOG CABIN HOME OF THE EARLY SETTLER THE MEETING PLACE FOR THE CIRCUIT RIDER AND HIS FLOCK At the meeting of the General Conference of the Alethodist Episcopal church, in May, 1824, the territory included in the states of Illinois, Indiana and Wis- consin, as indicated in Stephen R. Begg's "Early History of the West and North- west," which had been included in the Missouri conference, was separated there- from and designated "The Illinois Conference." In the fall the Illinois conference, and the .Missouri conference both met at the same place — Padtields, twenty miles east of St. Louis. At this session of the Illinois conference, Peter Cartwright and Andrew Monroe, elders of the Kentucky conference, were received by transfer. When the assignments were made, Jesse Walker was appointed to the circuit which included Peoria, or Fort Clark, as it was then called. When Jesse Walker arrived at the settlement, he found a few persons of the Methodist faith and formed the first class, consisting of sixteen members. Beggs, who was on the work in 1830 gives the names of the original si.xteen members as Jesse Walker and wife; James Walker and wife; Mrs. Abner Eads ; Sister Dixon, wife of the proprietor of Dixontown, on Rock river; Sister Hamlin, mother of John Hamlin and another sister, converts that winter ; William Holland and wife: William Eads and wife; William Blanchard ; Rev. Reeves McCormick. and Mary Clark. The next summer \\'alker, assisted by his son James and others, one of whom was Rev. Reeves McCormick, who appears to have been a located preacher, held a camp meeting on the west side of the lake about a mile above the village, which was probably either just above the Galena road, now North Adams street, or in a lieautiful grove on Plum Point, down on the bank of the lake. William .See travelled the Peoria circuit in 1827, and S. L. Robertson in 1828. The circuit then covered a very large territory. During the summer of 1828 a camp meeting was held at a place about three miles east of Peoria, in Tazewell county, probably, in the Farm Creek bottoms about where Farmdale is located. Samuel P. Thompson was presiding elder, and Robertson, Jesse Walker, and probably See assisted. At this camp meeting. Governor Edwards, the first gover- nor of Illinois, was present. From the conference held at Edwardsville, Illinois, September 18, 1829, Stephen R. P.eggs was sent to the Logansport Mission, embracing Logansport, Delphi and I.aFayette. Indiana, .\fter the first quarterly meeting, his presiding elder transferred him to the llloomington circuit and at the next conference, which was held at \'incennes, Indiana, he was sent to the Tazewell circuit, which, from his description, would appear to be the same as the Bloomington circuit, barring some possible cliiuiges in preaching points. He describes the most prominent preaching places as Peoria, Holland's Grove, now Washington ; Mud Creek; Walnut Grove; Alackinaw Town; Stout's Grove; Dry Grove; Blooming 171 172 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY Grove, now Bloomington ; Randolph's Grove; Big Grove; Cherry Grove; from' thence down Salt Creek to the Falling Timber country; Brother Beck's on Sugar creek; Ilittlc's Grove, and Dillon's, where there were two appointments; from there I went to Grand Prairie ; from thence to several neighborhoods and back to Peoria.'" So it appears that he served the iMethodist people at Peoria three- fourths of the conference year 1830 and all of the year 1831. He was united in marriage with a daughter of William Pleath, September, 1831. He was succeeded in 1832 by William Royal, and he by Z. Hall in 1833. At this time it seems the assignment was called Fort Clark Mission, the boundaries of which are de- scribed as follows : Peoria, Lancaster, or LaSalle I'rairie ; Brother Jones' on Snack River; Princeville, Essex schoolhouse; Fraker's Grove, now Lafayette; thence to Princeton, some thirty miles distant ; to Troy Grove twenty-five miles farther; to Brother Long's near LaSalle; down the river to Aliller's school- house, five miles below I'eru, then on to John Hall's one hundred fifty miles around. In the spring of 1833 there appears to be the added names of Sister A. Hale, a Sister Waters, David Spencer and some others. At this time John Sin- clair was presiding elder. The Sister Hale mentioned was the wife of Asahel Hale, who afterwards donated the lot at the corner of Madison and P'ulton streets for the First Methodist Episcopal church and the property at Maiir and High streets for Hale Memorial church. Hall was succeeded in 1834 by Joel Arrington, who seems to have re-vivified the membership and was by some given the credit of having established the first class, when in fact Jesse Walker was ahead of him by nine years. More- over, the forming of a class by Arrington would be no evidence that the former organization or class had lapsed or that there was no previous church, as under the system established by John Wesley, a Methodist church might consist of one class or an aggregation of classes. In each case the class had a leader and in early days these classes often met week day evenings at the homes of the leaders, when the members spoke of their religious experience and the leader advised or exhorted. The quarterly meeting service was always accompanied by the love feast, or general class meeting. To be admitted to the love feast was considered a great privilege, and for a time during early times in Peoria, admission was only ob- tained upon ticket, which ticket was only given to faithful attendants upon class meetings and religious services. Copies of love feast tickets : "Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth." — Matthew V-5. The Lord hath spoken good to me. His word my hope secures ; He will my shield and portion be, As long as life endures. Peoria Station. (Signed) C. Hobart S. P. (Station Preacher). 3d Quarter. 1843. James Hazzard "Blessed be the Lord: for He hath showed me His marvelous kindness in a strong city." Psa. XXXII-21. 3 Qr. April 20, 1845. (Signed) J. Chandler. The tickets referred to are now in the possession of J. F. Hazzard of this city. Beggs says that upon one such occasion, feeling in good spirits while he was attending the door and being in a liberal mood he admitted several who had not the proper credentials. Good Brother K. came to him and said : "Brother Beggs, what do you mean by admitting so many to our love feast, you have even let in old man H." At the close of the service Beggs says he called for any who HISTORY OF TEORIA COUNTY 173 might desire to join the church to present themselves and old man II. was the first to come. Referring to the original class formed in 1825, McCulloch, in his history of Peoria city and county gives the name of Rivers Cormack instead of Rev. Reeves McCormick as Beggs gives it. As Beggs was on the ground a few years after- ward he has proljal:>ly given the correct name. McCulloch says H. H. Farkington travelled the Peoria circuit in 1820 and also gives the name of Isaac Scarrett for the same work the same year. By the conference of September, 1829, James Latta was assigned to the circuit in which Peoria was included, and as Stephen R. Beggs was transferred to the circuit from the Logansport mission about Janu- ary, 1830, it is probable that Latta was transferred also, but to what work we are not informed. At this time Peter Cartwright was ]iresiding elder, and his district extended from Chicago to Peoria, and from the Illinois river to the Mississippi. The same author gives the name of Zadoc Hall, as the preacher on tlie circuit in 1S32 and 1833. He. finding that several of the class formed by Walker had removed, re-organized the class and from that time the organization became per- manent. Joel Arrington came in 1833. By the conference of the fall of 1834, Rev. L. S. Walker was sent to this work, and by that of 1835 W. C. Cumming, who was the father of the venerable Rev. J. S. Cumming, now assigned to the Second Methodist Episcopal church at Moline, Illinois. While here Rev. William C. Cumming lived in the cottage on Washington street which belonged to Daniel Brestel. I'eoria was made a station in 1836 and that fall the conference assigned James W. Dunahy to the work. He remained about six months, and N. G. Berryman was sent to supply the place. Beggs says John Sinclair also was here in 1836. It is jjrobable he did his work on the circuit. It was in the year 1837 that Asahel Hale and Mark M. Aiken donated part of a lot, 71 feet by 72 feet at the corner of Fulton and Madison streets, as a site for a church. Beggs. who was assigned to the Peoria church by the conference of 1839, says A. E. Phelps, was his predecessor and says he was a powerful preacher, and on account of Ijeing fully able in debate, to protect his faith and creed, became very ])o]3ular. McCulloch says Phelps was assigned here in 1837 and William !•'. Williams and William Cundilt in 1838. The dates have probably been reversed, and one of the latter was on the circuit work. EARLY HISTORY In the summer of 1835 there came to Peoria, from Ilarrisburg, Pennsylvania, a young man. a carpenter by trade, and a local Methodist preacher, Daniel lirestel by name, who, with his family consisting of his wife and four young daughters had sought a home in the west, and had made choice of Peoria for such a home. He came well recommended and a letter, commending him as a man of high moral character and a competent mechanic dated Harrisburg. Pennsylvania, April 25, 1835. and signed by sixteen business and professional men, who are desig- nated by marginal notes as "State Clerk." "Congressman," "Station Preacher" and ".Merchants" with several "Gentlemen" is still in existence and in the pos- session of one of his descendants. Upon the arrival of the family in Peoria, the onlv place of shelter they could get, was one or two rooms in Hunt's Row, a long frame, one-story building containing four or five tenements, located at tfte west corner of Adams and Fulton streets, where the B. & M. clothing store now stands. There was no chimney, or fire place in this tenement, only a hole in the floor and another in the roof ; and with such accommodations, or rather lack of accommodations, they were compelled to get along until more suitable quarters could be found. Mr. Brestel having brought some means with him, purchased for $1,000 a lot 72 feet front on the northwest side of Washington street, by 171 feet deep toward Adams street, on which was a small cottage of four or five rooms. 174 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY The next year, perhaps, in 1836, he built a good, substantial carpenter shop; and a substantial two-story frame building on the front of the lot and on the line of sidewalk. This building contained a larg£ storeroom on the first floor and two large living rooms above, which were reached by a stairway on the outside of the building. The carpenter's shop was situated on the alley between Wash- ington and Adams streets and immediately in the rear of what is now the Schnel- bacher building, but across the alley, being between Main and l-'ulton streets. This property is now covered with business houses and worth, probably $75,000. Daniel Brestel and his family came from Pennsylvania by wagon most of the way, and were from five to six weeks making the trip. Upon their arrival, being Methodists, they naturally fell in with that people, whom they found at that time worshiping in the old log court house on the bank of the river near wdiere the electric light plant now stands. Stephen R. Beggs tells us in his "Early History of the West and Northwest," that at times preachers of other denominations occupied the court house, and consequently the Methodists were compelled to hold services in the houses of some of the members. After Daniel Brestel built his carpenter shop they had the use of it for services, and it was there and not in a shop on the alley between Washington and Water street, as stated in McCulloch's history, where their services were held. Samuel Markley was also a carpenter and a partner of Daniel Brestel, later Markley built a house and lived on North Adams street, about where number 407 now is. A front part was built on since his death, and the old house remains there yet. It probably belongs to a grandson, C. M. Comegys. Daniel Brestel's house was always open to the circuit riders and Methodist preachers, and Peter Cartwright, Stephen R. Beggs, Richard Haney, Henry Summers, Jacoby, of Cincinnati, and Winebrenner, of Pennsylvania, were among his guests. Born and raised in Pennsylvania of French and German lineage, Brestel was able to read, write and speak English and German equally well, and was always in demand to serve in preaching and marriage services, especially among the Germans, who had no church organization of any kind when he first arrived. He was not averse to preaching the gospel to the colored people and frequently rendered such services for them in a schoolhouse which then stood on Walnut street, between Adams and Washington streets. As the German Methodists had no organization here then, he took great interest in them, and was to a large degree instrumental in organizing the German Methodist Episcopal church, and was a member of their first board of trustees, though himself a member of the English Methodist Episcopal church. He was a zealous student of the scrip- tures and was able to c|uote almost any passage he might be asked for, or if he heard a quotation, to locate the book, chapter and verse. However, not content, and desiring to lietter understand the Bible, he studied Greek and Hebrew after he was fifty years of age. In 184D, about which time Peoria was considered a thrifty and promising young place, there came from Philadelphia a young bricklayer, James Hazzard, by name, seeking employment at his trade and a place to locate. Being a Metho- dist he became acquainted with the Brestel family, and in 1842 was married to IMargaret, the second daughter, the service being read by Rev. Chauncey Hobart, the then preacher in charge, and who but recently died in Red Wing, ^linnesota, after nearing the century mark in years. An interesting fact in connection with this family and the Methodist church is, that from the coming of Daniel Brestel in 1835, when he became connected with the church, to the present time, there has been continuous service upon the official board of some Methodist church, by some member of the family. Daniel Brestel, by virtue of his being an ordained minister; his son-in-law becoming a member of the board of trustees of the First ^lethodisf Episcopal church; a granflson, first for about three years a steward of the Second church, from which he transferred to Hale Chapel in 1868, becoming one of the first trustees, HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 175 in which capacity he has continued ever since ; while a great grandson is now, and has been for a number of years a steward and treasurer of Hale Memorial church, a continuous period of more than seventy-six years. In 1839, the lUinois conference held its session at I'.loomington, and at that session, Stephen R. Beggs was appointed to the church at Peoria, by Bishop Morris. .As some of the members of the church had set their hearts on securing another preacher, a relative of one of the then prominent members, Beggs' recep- tion on the part of some was not very cordial, in fact rather discouraging, but being a man determined to do his duty as he saw it, he went to work vigorously. He made his first appearance Sabbath morning. He says: "Our only place of worship was Brestel's" (Beggs incorrectly spells the name Bristol) "carpenter shop, and there I preached among jackplanes and chisels." He took his first dinner in Peoria with Brestel's family. It soon became so that the carpenter shop would not hold the people who came to the services, so one evening Beggs pro|)osed that they start in and build a church. As is always the case, there were doubtful ones, and they began to object. The period, the winter of 1839-40, was a season of gloomy aspect ; money was hard to get, and so the prospect was not very encouraging. Furthermore, it seems that about two years before, an attempt had been made to build a frame church, and some material collected, but a reverend brother thinking that a frame church would be out of keeping with certain ideas of dignity, and, possibly pride, discouraged the project, insist- ing on a brick church or none, and the materials collected had been sold and the little money received for it had been pocketed by a Mr. A. In si)ite of all the discouraging circumstances and conditions and in face of all objections. Beggs insisted that a frame building would he better than none and carried his point. .\ place for the building having been secured, he per- suaded some of the men to take their axes and sleds, go into the timber and fell trees and haul them in on the snow, score and hew the timbers for sills and plates. Quite a number fell in with his plans, and by the spring of 1840 they had the hewn timbers ready, r)eggs having made a "bee" for that purpose. He went to the sawmills and begged other necessary lumber and also secured bricks in the same way. One Sabbath he invited the men, as many as would assist, to be on the ground the next morning to frame the timbers so that they might have the frame raised by the next Saturday evening. Monday morning he appointed Daniel Brestel, foreman, and the men who came were set to work. About noon, however, the foreman was taken sick and the preacher had to secure another, which he did, presumably Samuel Markley, also a member of the church. At the time there was great stagnation and work was scarce, so Beggs went about the village and solicited every idle man he met to go and assist, which many did will- ingly. He found some masons who went at once and laid the foundation walls, and by Saturday evening the frame of the first Methodist church building was raised. Even then the croakers were not tiuieted and predicted that it would never go any farther ; but Beggs was of a diflierent mind. He took his horse and buggy, and started out. soliciting one dollar or more from every man he met. He went as far as .Alton, St. Louis and Belleville, and secured sixty-five dollars in all ; his largest subscription being twenty-five dollars. On his return, he again went among the sawmills, and secured donations of sheathing and flooring, and Josiah Fulton having given a large oak tree which was made up into shingles, he soon had the building ready for plastering. This work Leonard L. Loomis kindly agreed to do if some one would do the lathing. Lathing in those days was done by taking thin sawed boards, generally of oak, nailing one edge ; then split- ting with a hatchet and spreading, and nailing again, s])litting and s])reading and nailing until the board covered all the space it would, and then repeating the operation until all the walls were covered. This work Beggs found men to do, and Loomis plastered the building. The doors and winflows were gotten, presumably, with the money raised on the southern trip ; and with temporary seats and pulpit, the building was ready 176 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY for services, with less than ten dollars indebtedness, the total money cost being something over $70. This building was erected on a part of lot ten, block thirty, original town of Peoria, being 72 feet on Madison street by 71 feet on Fulton street at the west corner, opposite the present city hall. It has been said and written that this lot was donated by Asahel Hale and Alark \l. Aiken, the latter a member of the church at that time, and the former becoming so later. An examination of the records of deeds, however, does not exactly bear this out. On page 515, Book G of Transcribed Record of Deeds in Peoria county, is the transcript of the deed which transfers the above described part of lot 10 to Mark M. Aiken and Asahel Hale, trustees, which explicitly pre- scribes the uses and purposes for which it is to be used, and directs that it shall descend to their successors in office, trustees of the Methodist Episcopal church. This deed was made and executed by one William Pierce, and the consideration named was $500 in coin. This amount was probably fictitious, as the lot then was on the outskirts of the town, and lots on Adams street were valued less, many years later. This deed is dated March 2, 1837, acknowledged before William Mitchell, notary public and filed for record March 3, 1837. At the same time Pierce transferred to Hale and Aiken, in fee simple, the balance of lot 10, block 30, being 29 feet on Fulton street by 72 feet on the alley, consideration $400. The whole transaction would seem to indicate that the plat yz feet by 71 feet may have been donated to the church by William Pierce, probably at the solicita- tion of Asahel Hale and Mark M. Aiken, and in consideration of the sale of the other part of the lot to them. There is no deed on record from Mark M. Aiken conveying any part of said lot to the church, but he conveyed his interest in the other part of lot 10 to Asahel Hale, and on page six hundred and twenty-three. Book Y of Record of Deeds, is the transcript of a deed from Asahel Hale and Laura Hale, his wife, to George Wilkenson, James R. Hazzard, Samuel B. King. Asahel Hale, Jesse L. Knowl- ton, Joseph J. Thomas and John Easton, trustees of the Methodist Episcopal church, transferring part of lot 10, being 50 feet on Fulton street by 71 feet deep, commencing 71 feet from Madison street, for a consideration of $200. This deed is dated April 20, 1847, and was acknowledged before William H. Fessen- den. Justice Peace. April 30, 1847, but not filed for record until June 23, 1851. The provisions in this deed are the same as those in the deed from Pierce in 1837 and this plat was, no doubt, donated by Asahel Hale and Laura Hale, his wife. Some nine years after the erection of the first building, which had been enlarged in the meantime, it was moved to one side to make way for the erection of a large brick church ; later the old frame building was moved to the corner of Harrison and Water streets, immediately in the rear of the board of trade build- ing site, and became part of a hotel owned and operated by James AfcFadden; which was afterward known as the Central House and operated under that name many years by John Phillips. Of late years it has given way to a large business establishment. Daniel Brestel died in November, 1859, aged sixty-six years and his remains lie in Springdale cemetery. Of his descendants there are now living, one daugh- ter, Mrs. Elizabeth Bowman, living at Los Gatos, California, aged about eighty- one years; seven grand children, six of whom live in Peoria and one in Lincoln, Nebraska ; eighteen great grandchildren and about as many great great grand- children. The late Rev. David G. Stouflr'er was a nephew of Samuel .Markley. When Stephen R. Beggs arrived with his family in Peoria in the fall of 1839, the only house he could obtain was an old, dilapidated dwelling, long tenanted by rats and vermin, which vigorously contested the intrusion for several months. One time, while the preacher was away, Judge George B. Parker, not then a church member nor even a professor of religion, found and rented a good com- fortable dwelling and moved the preacher's family in before he returned. That Daniel Brestel was an ordained minister is attested by the fact that he performed many marriage ceremonies, especially for German couples. W'e have ^si>^'' 'Vlii,,^ i\^^ii,\ 1!K\'. STKl'llKX 1!. Hl-XJGS, Will) as |i:i>tiir nl tlii' Mrtlioilist Episcdpiil Cluiii'li nt I'mria. Iiiiilt tlie first ■'Metli- iiilisl liu'i'lilif; lliillsc." 1;KV. DANIKI. I'.ltKSIKI, Came to I'enria in is:!.') from T'ciin- sylvaiiia. First prcaclicr assigned to preaeli to (icrmaii-spealiiiif.' Mrtli odists, 1S4:i. KK\'. ISAAC KELLAR HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 177 no record of just when lie was ordained, but there are persons living who know of the fact, one of whom is Johnson L. Cole. Joseph F. Hazzard remembers of his performing marriage ceremonies. Ira E. Benton records that at the quarterly meeting held on the camp ground at Ten-i\[ile Creek, in Tazewell county, August 19, 1843, Daniel lirestel resigned as member of the official board to begin work as preacher to the Ciermans in Tazewell county. The writer had the privilege of meeting and entertaining Stephen R. Beggs in 1868 and at that time obtained from him a copy of his "Early History" just then published. With an interest engendered by family connections with the Methodist Epis- copal church, extending into three centuries, and more than sixty years of personal recollections ; with associations and memories of nearly all of the persons and events, it has been the intent of the writer to give in a concise form, historic facts without diversions but surely the names of such arduous, energetic, self- sacrificing men as Jesse Walker, Stephen R. Beggs, Peter Cartwright, Henry Summers, Richard Haney, John Chandler, the generous, far-sighted .\sahel Hale, the willing, ever-ready carpenter-preacher, Daniel Brestel, and Samuel Tart, for many years a class leader, with many others mentioned, ought to be known and held in reverence by all 'Methodists in the city and county of Peoria. It is said that in 1840 Bishop Beverly Waugh preached in the new church and wrote to the New York Christian Advocate, "The Alethodists of Peoria have a new church building, but it is half a mile from the village." FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH The building erected by the zeal and energy of Stephen R. Beggs and his willing supporters in 1840, was 31 feet by 40 feet in size. In 1843, the work having prospered greatly and congregations necessitating more room, the build- ing was lengthened by the addition of 16 feet to the rear. In 1841 and 1842 Rev. Nathaniel P. Cunningham was pastor. Rev. Cuimingham was the father of Mrs. J. D. ]\IcClure. By the general conference of 1840 the Illinois conference w^as again divided and the Rock River conference formed. According to assign- ments of ministers as given by S. R. Beggs, this conference included a large part of the state of Illinois, and the states of Iowa, Wisconsin and Minnesota, and enough territory was included in one presiding elder's district to form two conferences now. In the fall of 1842 N. P. Cunningham transferred to Chicago and was as- signed to the church there. By the same conference Chauncey Hol^art was sent to the church at Peoria and served until the following fall, when Richard Haney succeeded him. Haney was a giant in stature, and a powerful preacher, who was well known in Peoria by many of the present generation. John Chandler was the pastor in 1845-46. In the latter year, the congregation was incorporated and James Hazzard, George Wilkinson, Samuel B. King, Jesse P. Knowlton, Joseph J. Thomas, John Easton and Asahel Hale were the members of the first board of trustees. In the fall of 1846 Rev. F. A. McNeal was appointed to the church and in 1847 N. P. Heath ; Init he being sent oflf on a financial mission, Rev. McNeal again served the people. In 1848 and 1849 Silas IjoIIcs was preacher in charge, and it was under his administration that the second church building was erected. The little frame church erected by S. R. Beggs, after having been enlarged had again been outgrown, and the congregations demanded more room, con- sequently, a new brick building 60x90 feet was erected, with an audience room, which, with a lobby, covered the entire second floor, a lecture room, 42x60 feet, and several class rooms in the basement. This building was very plain. The brickwork was done by Card and Hazzard, and it is thought the carpenter work was done by Thomas & Bain, and the plastering by Loomis & Brown. Finances being short, no more than a base for a spire was ever built, and so remained 178 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY until May 13, 1858, when a severe hurricane, which passed over the city, partly unroofed the church while it blew the spires off almost every other church in the city. This building was dedicated in September, 1849, Bishop Edmund S. Janes preaching the sermon. The building had a gallery over the lobby so that the seating capacity was the entire interior size of the building. However, with the entering into the new building an innovation was introduced and musical instru- ments, and singers were installed in the gallery. The instruments were a bass viol and a flute, the latter of which was played by Edgar M. Banvard, and the former by George Thorpe, as near as can be ascertained. Of the members of the choir, the following names have been obtained. Stark R. Reed. Joseph Brown, Joseph C. Parker, Edward Story, Mrs. Louise Reed and Miss Marie Banvard, sisters of E. M. Banvard; Miss Mary Reed, daughter of S. R. Reed, and Miss Mary Brown, daughter of Joseph Brown ; and Airs. Leah Benton. Of these Edward Story is the only one of whom we have any information at present time. He resides with his wife and daughter at 212 West Armstrong avenue, Peoria. One rather comical feature, was that when the congregation arose for the singing, all turned their backs to the pulpit and "faced the music." The Rev. Peter Cartwright was a rough, uncouth, plain-spoken man and a powerful preacher. One of his antagonisms was to instrumental music in the church. It is said that at one time when about to open services, he announced the hymn, and read it as was customary, and casting his eyes up, he saw the bass viol and said, "You will now please fiddle and sing the hymn as announced." Edgar M. Banvard was about this time superintendent of the Sunday school, but not many years afterwards left for California, and was succeeded by Joseph Brown. In 1850 J. C. Parks was assigned to this church, and he was followed by C. C. Best, who also was reappointed the next year. About this time "The Wesleyan Seminary of Peoria" was started and a lease secured on the "Alitchell House," which had been built by William Mitchell, former county clerk, for a hotel, but which was not a success in that capacity and had been closed. It was located on the corner of Jefferson avenue and Fulton street, where the "Star" office and two or three other business buildings are now situated. The seminary was not a success, and the building was afterward remodeled and opened as a hotel, under the name of "The Massasoit House," and did quite a business for some time. About this time William Jones taught a school in the basement of the Meth- odist Episcopal church. Some of the names, remembered of scholars who attended that school are : Henry B. Rouse. Walter P. Colburn, Edward S. Easton, Charles Easton, Edwin C. Ely. Selby Whittlesy, a cousin of Ely's, Joseph F. Hazzard, Miss Alice Hill, Emeline Shelly, now the widow of the late 'Martin Kingman, Mary Mossman, and Virginia Cunningham, now widow of Colonel J. D. McClure, cousins. In 1852 and 1853, J. W. Flower was pastor and during his pastorate a small mission church, known as Aloft'att church, was built on lower Adams street, about opposite where the Barrett Manufacturing Company's plant is now located. This was used as a mission church by the First church for a few years and then discontinued. In 1855 Caleb Foster was appointed to the church. The general conference of 1856 having divided the Rock River conference and formed the Central Illinois conference the new conference held its first ses- sion in the ]\Iethodist Episcopal church in Peoria, beginning September 19, 1856, being presided over by Bishop Edmund S. Janes. Since that time six other sessions of the annual conference have been held in Peoria, to-wit : 1871, 1886, 1895. igoo. 1905 and the last session held in Hale ^Memorial church, commencing September 6, 191 1. By the conference of 1856, Rev. William H. Hunter, who had transferred HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 179 from the Erie conference of Pennsylvania, was appointed to the Peoria church. At first he was strongly objected to by some on account of his pronounced anti- slavery proclivities, but the events of the next few years wi])ed out all such objec- tions, and \\'illiam H. Hunter liecame a tower of strength to Methodism, not only in Peoria and the Central Illinois conference, but in the nation. He was several times elected a delegate to the general conference. He was also a good business man and financial manager, and by husbanding the very small allowances of his earlier days and the somewhat more liberal income of later years, he accumulated quite an amount of property. He was, nevertheless, of a liberal turn of mind, and quite often assisted his less fortunate, or more improvident, brethren in the ministry, as well as giving of his means to worthy causes. Almost at the commencement of Rev. Hunter's ministrations to the church here, a mis- sion Sunday school was started in a small brick building on North Jefferson street, which stood where the three-story Ijrick building, the "Annex" to the "liailie," now stands. This building was formerly the Swedenborgian church. It had also been used for a private school. In 1857 George R. Parker was super- intendent, C. Dunham, secretary and James Hazzard, librarian of this Sunday school. Joseph F. Hazzard has in his possession several certificates of member- ship in this school, issued to members of his family in April, 1837. However, prior to this, proljably in 1855 and 1856, there was a Sunday school, largely under the auspices of Methodist people, conducted in an old frame building which was originally a foundry and had afterwards been used as a schoolhouse, located on the northwest side of Perry avenue, between Fayette and Jackson streets, and which belonged to George C. Greenwood. In this Sunday school, Mrs. Mary E. Phenix was a teacher, and Joseph F. Plazzard and the girl who is now his wife were attendants. About the time of the opening of the Sunday school in the building on Jefferson street, the school on Perry avenue ceased to exist, and a number of the attendants transferred to the new location. A feature about this new .Sunday school was that the library books, which were mostly for the younger grade of children were kept in a carpenter's tool chest, loaned by Wil- liam Comegys. ]\lilton L. Haney, a brother of Richard Haney, was assigned to Peoria mission, and this Sunday school formed a nucleus from which he or- ganized the Second Alethodist Episcopal cliurch, whose successor is Madison .Avenue ]\Iethodist Episcopal church. In 1857, R. C. Bolles was appointed to succeed W. H. Hunter and he in turn was succeeded by R. C. Rowley. In 1859, S. G. J. Worthington, one of the grand old men of the Central Illinois conference, and father of Judge Nicholas E. Worthington. was appointed to the First church, in Peoria, and remained till 1862, when Rev. J. S. Gumming, a son of Rev. William C. Gumming, who was on the Peoria circuit in 1836, followed. It is said that it was during Cumming'.s. time that the first organ, what was known as a parlor organ, was installed in the church. Also at this time the first camp meeting was held at Oak Hill, and a camp meeting has been held there annually ever since. Rev. Gumming remained until the conference of 1863 again assigned Rev. Richard Haney to the charge, and the next year Rev. G. G. Knowlton. Rev. Knowlton was re-appointed but resigned in Fel^ruary, 1866. and James Tubbs supplied until the conference of 1866. which appointed -Andrew Magee. I'.v the conference of 1868. J. P. Brooks was sent and in the fall of i86g, J. S. Gumming again was assigned to the work, and continued tliis time for three years. In 1872 E. Wasmuth was appointed. He remained three years. In 1875 ''^^ ^• Morgan came for a three years' term, and was followed in 1878 by Selah W. Brown for two years. By the conference of 1880 James T. McFarland, now in charge of the Sunday school publication of the jMethodist Episcopal church, was assigned as pastor, William Hunter as assistant, and they remained two years. This brings us to the end of the chapter so far as the brick church building of 1849 is concerned, for in 1S82 it was sold and the next year aliandoned for church services. 180 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY The writer has thought it might be interesting to many to recall the names of many well remembered as being connected with the First Methodist Episcopal church and its activities at the time of, and immediately following its dedication in 1849. Among those best remembered are: Daniel Brestel and wife, and Eliza- beth Bowman, their daughter, now living in California, where she has been since 1853: I'eter S. Shelly and wife; Enoch I'. Sloan, L. Keyon, Nathaniel Curtiss and family; Leonard L. Loomis and wife; James llazzard and wife, the latter a daughter of Daniel Brestel; Joseph J. Thomas and wife, and daughters, Mrs. Leah Benton and Miss Mary Thomas; Samuel B. King and wife; Samuel Tart and wife and daughter, the latter afterwards the wife of Colonel Chas. H. Deane ; Ira E. Benton and Caroline Chandler, who afterwards became his wife; Jesse L. Knowlton and wife; Edward D. Shutts and wife; I'ather Bowen and wife; Father Bunn and wife and J. H. Bunn ; Wm. Comegys and wife; Mother .]Mark- ley ; Mother Slough; Dr. J\Iossman; Dr. McNeal and wife; Edgar AI. I'anvard and wife; Mother Banvard and Mrs. Lizzie Sloan; Mrs. Louise Reed and Miss Maria Banvard, her daughters; Nathan Giles; Wm. Giles; Columbus Dunham; Asahel Hale and wife, the latter of the class formed in 1832 ; Wm. Hale, the first mayor of Peoria, and his wife; Henry Story and wife, parents of Edward and F. M. Story of this city; Levi B. Gibson; James M. Woodbury and wife; Mrs. Cunningham, widow of the Rev. N. P. Cunningham, and mother of Mrs. Colonel J. D. AlcClure; Stark R. Reed and family; and Clark B. Stebbins, for many years a justice of the peace. By the conference of 1882, Rev. J. E. Keene was appointed to the First Methodist Episcopal church, and during his incumbency the present church edifice at the junction of Fulton, Franklin and Sixth avenue was built. Mr. Keene was quite a young man, at that time being only twenty-eight years of age. He was transferred from the church at Kewanee. When he arrived here, he found that the old church building had been sold, and the congregation was worshiping in what was known as "The Old Armory," at the east corner of Madison avenue and Liberty street. This latter was in fact built as a Cumberland Presbyterian church and known as the Glover church but not used long as such. Glover was the name of the pastor when it was built. Mr. Keene found that the lot for the new church building had been purchased, and that his predecessor, Rev. James T. McFarland, had memoranda of some persons who had promised to make subscriptions. Plans had also been prepared and accepted, so that he started in at once to get the subscription in more tangible form, and of sufficient amount, which he found to be a most arduous task. In the meantime a most efficient building committee, consisting of Isaac Brown, J. H. Bunn, and H. C. Lines, now all passed to their reward, proceeded with the con- struction of the building, with James P.ramble, as contractor. But the building was not completed until the fall of 1884. Mr. Keene preached the first sermon in the unfinished building in May, 1884, but it was not dedicated, according to Ira E. Benton, until 1S88, when Rev. Peter A. Cool, had taken charge. The dedication services were held October 18, 1888, the dedicatory sermon being delivered by Bishop Charles H. Fowler. The cost of the building including site was al)out $35,000. Several years after the building was completed finding that there was not enough seating capacity, it was remodeled by tearing out the end walls of the wings of the transe])t, and extending them and putting in galleries over them. Rev. George W. Gue was appointed in 18S-I and served the church three years, being succeeded in 1887 by Rev. George C. Wilding, who remained one year. By the conference of 1888 Rev. P. A. Cool was appointed to the church, and reappointed for the second year, being followed in 1890 by Rev. H. D. Clark, who served three years. In the fall of 1893 T. W. McYety was appointed pastor and remained three years; Rev. Nelson G. Lyons coming in 1897 and serving three years, being fol- lowed in 1900 by R. E. Buckey. Since that time the pastors have been Rev. HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 181 R. Crewes, Rev. O. T. Dwinell, Rev. R. A. Brown and Rev. W. E Shaw, who is now serving his second year. The church has a very line parsonage property, located on Hamilton street between Perry and Glendale avenues. The building is a substantial brick, built about two years ago. The report to the last ainiual conference gives a total membership in the church of six hundred twenty-four; in the Sunday school of forty-three officers and teachers and five hundred twenty-two scholars, including cradle roll and hon)e department, with seventy-seven members of the Epworth League. M.SDISON .WENUE CHURCH l!y the .session of the Central Illinois conference which was held in the First .Methodist Episcopal church in i85(j, .Milton L. Haney was appointed to "'Peoria Mission." With the Sunday school which had been started in the old Sweden- borgian church on Jefferson street, where the ".Annex" to the "Bailie" now stands, as a nucleus, Haney started in to form and organize a church. With such object in view he proceeded to collect funds, and leased a lot from William E. Robin- son, on .Monroe street, near what was then called Eaton street, but now Bryan street, and in the summer of 1857 erected thereon a plain frame building. liaving secured a building he proceeded to organize the Second Methodist church, with a board of trustees composed of Samuel Tart, William Goklsborough, Hugh B. -McFall. William Thompson and Xelson Green. The building was quite primitive, heated by stoves, and lighted at first by lardoil lamps, which were later super- seded b\- camphene bracket lamps, until one of the members, |ohn Lane, a year or two later, installed lamps in which it was attempted to i)urn a dark, foul smell- ing Huid, which was the first kerosene oil introduced, and so poor was it, that frequently the lights would go out and leave the place in darkness. Rev. Daniel r.restel and Rev. John Borland occasionally preached in this church. This church building was removed in 1864 to a triangular lot at the west corner of Perry and Eaton streets which adjoined the ^lasonic cemetery and again removed to a site on Jefferson street, on the north corner opposite the Greeley school building, b'rom there it was transferred to Madison street, near the present site of the Aladison avenue church and is now retained as the annex to the newer building. Among the well remembered earlier members of this church are Rev. James Hitchcock and wife; Chas. McFall, wife and daughter; Mrs. William Hughes; Miss Mary Hughes, her daughter, now Mrs. Dr. L. B. ^Martin; Mrs. Dr. J. W. Martin ; George C. Babcock and wife and two daughters, one of whom is now Mrs. Jennie E. Stouft'er, the very efficient truant officer of the school board ; Mrs. Mary E. Phenix and two daughters; Judge George B. Parker and wife; Mrs. Mary .Stewardson ; leather and r}iIother Borland, the parents of James and Robert liorland and Mrs. Janet .Apple; Joseph (liles, wife and two daughters; and a little later Joseph F. Hazzard ; John Schleigh and wife; Joshua S. Onstott ; Martha Stewardson ; and Stephen Martin. Nelson Green and his wife, Han- nah, and Mother Sturgis. who became a noted army nurse, must not be forgotten. Of the early pastors M. L. Haney. who was appointed to the Peoria mission by the conference of 1856, was appointed to the Second church in the fall of 1857, also serving a church in South Limestone at the same time. By the conference of 1858, R. N. Morse was appointed to this charge in Peoria and was succeeded by George R. Palmer in the fall of 1859. N. C. Lewis succeeded George R. l^almer and remained one year. By the conference of 1861 a young man named T. W. Stewart was assigned to this church, but remained but part of the year, when he raised a company and enlisted in the army, and Henry Apple was secured to supply the place and reappointed by the conference of 1862. He was succeeded by Benjamin .Applebee. It was Rev. .Applebee, who, recognizing the folly of continuing to pay rent for the lot on Monroe street 182 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY went energetically to work, raised money and purchased a triangular lot on the west corner of I'erry and Eaton streets, had the church building moved onto it and put in repair. At this time the male membership of the church was greatly decimated by enlistments in the army and there were but few left; consequently the question of finances for the undertaking was quite problematical ; but the pastor was equal to the solving of it. He went out among the business men and solicited funds, even going to saloon keepers, to some of whom he said: "Here, you fellows are the cause of the necessity of churches to a great extent and it is no more than right that you should help pay the expenses; I want some of your money for this work," and he usually got it. Our best information is the cost was about $i,ooo. Benjamin Applebee died February 22, 1897, aged nearly seventy-seven years. Rev. John Chandler, one of the staunch old time ministers of the Methodist church, whose home was in Peoria, succeeded Applebee, remaining in charge two years. The conference of i86b assigned Rev. P. A. Crist to this church and he was succeeded in the fall of 1867 by Rev. H. I. Brown, who is now and has for many years been a resident of this city. By the conference of 1868, no assignment was made to the Perry street church, as it was often called, but Hale Chapel being then in the course of construction. Rev. William A. Spencer was appointed to Hale Chapel, which was as yet not organized, with instructions to fill the pulpit at the Perry street church until the organization of a church at Hale Chapel. This he did and when later his work was transferred to Hale, a supply for the Second church was found by the presiding elder. Henry Apple was again appointed to this church by the conference of 1869. He was followed by Rev. W. B. Frazelle, for one year; P. A. Crist again, for one year. The latter afterwards removed to Washington City and was con- nected with the agriculture and other departments of the government for a number of years. H. J\I. Laney followed for one year; then P. A. Cool, who remained two years ; then George F. Merideth, who remained three years. iMere- dith was a young man, very sensational, and drew very large congregations, but lasting results for good, from his pastorate, have not been very apparent. In 1878 Frank H. Cumming, a son of the venerable and revered Rev. Joseph S. Cumming, was assigned to this church and remained three years. He was succeeded by Rev. J. A. Riason, who remained one year and in the fall of 1882 J. W. Frizelle, the present district superintendent of the Kankakee district, was appointed pastor and remained three years. About the time of the pastorate of W. B. Frazelle, the church building was moved from the corner af Perry and Eaton streets to North Jefferson street and about the time of P. A. Cool's pastorate the building was transferred to the present location of the ^Madison Avenue church. Captain Wm. A. Hall, became a member of the church, and Dr. j. H. Wilkinson took a great interest in it. They were strong financial backers. Succeeding Rev. J. W. Frizelle came Alexander Smith in the fall of 1885, remaining three years. It was Alexander Smith who took up the work of build- ing a new church and amid many discouragements and much adverse criticism pushed the project to completion, which resulted in the present building, of which the original, constructed under M. L. Haney in 1857, and known as the "church on wheels." is a part. Alexander Smith is the present district superintendent of Rock Island district. Following Alexander Smith came C. W. Ayling in the fall of 1888: then Laughlin McLean, one year; then D. S. McCown, two years; A. M. Lumkin in 1892 for one year. In 1893, C. W. Green supplied the church three months. About January i, 1894, Rev. E. R. Fulkerson, a missionary, home on furlough from Japan, took charge of the church and remained five months. He was a brother of the wife of Rev. J. R. Wolf, then pastor of Hale Chapel, and it was through this connection that he came to Peoria. He returned to Japan, in the service of the board of foreign missions. HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 183 Wlien E. R. Fulkeison departed, Rev. D. T. Black, a local preacher, a mem- ber of Hale Chapel, and a very successful revivalist, took charge for the remain- ing four months, till the meeting of the conference of 1894. By that conference. Rev. V. Hunter Brink was appointed to Madison avenue, and then reappointed, but deciding to remove from the jurisdiction of Central Illinois conference, he only served one half of the conference year, and was followed by Rev. W. R. Watson, who remained till the conference of 1897, appointed Rev. J. A. Chapman to tile charge. Chapman was a tine preacher and very popular and remained pastor of Aladison Avenue church five years. After Chapman came Douglas for one year; W. J. Leach, two years; Gilbert, two years; J. B. Rutter, one year; J. N. Brown, one year, and the present pastor Rev. W. D. Evans, for two years. In the early days, during the revival meeting it was not considered out of place for the worshippers to shout, if they felt like it, and sometimes quite a good many felt like it, and indicated it pretty loudly, so that the rough element nicknamed them "The Ranters," but some of this same element became convinced of the error of their ways and joined these same "Ranters." So strong were the convictions sometimes that persons now living have seen some fall upon tlie church floor as in a trance and remain so for a long time. The report to the last session of the Central Illinois conference shows this church to have a membership of two hundred fifty, with a Sunday school of twenty-five officers and teachers and two hundred sixty-six scholars, with an F.pworth League of sixty members and with church property valued at $8,000. HALE CH.VPEL .-\sahel Hale, the founder of Hale Chapel, was born in Vermont, December 10, 1791. He and his wife, Laura, came to Peoria in 1831. and she being a Meth- odist, became a member of the class formed by Zadoc Flail, or Joel Arrington, in 1832 or 1833, while he joined the Alethodist Episcopal church in 1840. He invested in a large body of land lying along the top of the bluff, practically extending from High street to Elizabeth street and from Elizabeth street along High street and Xorth street, as they are now, to Chambers avenue. November 26, 1861, Asahel Ilalc made his will, and with a wisdom and foresight quite sur- prisin.g, he provided for the erection of a Methodist Episcopal church, in what was destined in coming years to be one of the best parts of the city of Peoria, and upon one of the most sightly locations. By his will he left one half of his estate for such purposes, and at his death which occurred March 23, 1864, there was turned over to the three trustees he had selected, $11,530.54 to carry out his wishes in this regard. The trustees whom he had selected were William (iiles, Ira E. Benton and Columbus Dunham. And here again I\Ir. Hale dis]ilaved his wisdom and sagacity, for three more upright, conscientious and honorable men could not have been chosen. This writer was personally acquainted with all of them. They were all members of the First Methodist Episcopal church, as was also Jesse L. Knowlton, who with Laura Flale, the wife of the testator, were executor and e.xecutrix, respectively. The moneys left for the church were partly loaned, so that not until the winter of 1867-68, did the trustees of the will decide that it was time to proceed with the building. They then consulted with Joseph F. Hazzard, junior member of the building firm of James Hazzard & Son, and he having spent some time in the office of an architect in Brooklyn, New York, as well as being a practical builder, they employed him to make plans and draw up specifications for the liroposed Iniilding. In doing this he was guided and controlled by the provisions of the will ; for Mr. Hale had so thoroughly digested the matter that he had pro- vided that the building should be a plain, substantial brick structure, with a basement, Sunday school and classrooms, and an audience room above, also that the church should be provided with a belfry and bell. All of these direc- tions were explicitly carried out and a very neat, substantial and commodious building, 40 by 70 feet, erected. 184 TTISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY At that time, Henry Grove, a very eccentric and atheistic lawyer, owned a large tract of land directly across Main street and lived there in a one-story frame cottage which remained until a few years ago, when it was removed to make way for the two very neat brick residences now occupying the site. When the drawings for the church were completed it was suggested that, as a matter of courtesw they be taken and shown to Henry Grove, which was done. Grove looked the tloor plans and elevations over, and then said: "Well, boys, I've always been opposed to putting a church on that corner, but I guess it will be a d — sight better for old Grove's property than a saloon ; go ahead." The contract for the building was let to James Hazzard & Son in May, 1868, for $11,500. The corner stone was laid June 22, 1868, and the building was so far completed that the first service was held in the basement, November ist of that year. Some two years previous to the organization of Hale Chapel, D. B. Allen had organized a Sunday school in an old shop on Elizabeth street lietween High and Main street, which had grown to a membership of about on« hundred twenty- five, and this school was at once transferred to the new church. D. B. Allen, superintendent. The building was dedicated January 15, 1869. Rev. R. M. Hatfield, then of Chicago, preaching the dedicatory sermon. The church was organized November 8. 1868. Among the first members were Daniel B. Allen and wife; Isaac Evans and wife; Joseph F. Hazzard and wife; Mrs. Mary E. Phenix and Laura E. Phenix; Miss .Mary Cooper, afterward Mrs. H. N. Frederick, Mrs. Laura Hale, J. G. Sanson! and 'wife; H. M. Behymer and wife, and others, of whom but three, Isaac Evans and J. F. Hazzard and wife now remain. The first board of trustees consisted of Daniel B. Allen, J. G. Sansom, R. B. \an Petten, Joseph F. Hazzard, Isaac Evans, Jonathan Haley, and H. M. Behy- mer, members of the church; and as the polity of the Methodist Episcopal church allowed the election of a minority of the board from non-members, Henry Grove and Augustine Greenwood were so elected. Greenwood shortly after with his wife, became a member of the church but Grove, while he would attend the official meetings and take part in the business proceedings, would never enter the church to attend a religious service, though his wife became a faithful and useful member. And withall. Grove was a very useful member of the board of trustees, and a liberal contributor to the financial necessities. At the time of the dedication, the cost of furnishings, bell, etc., over and above the building contract, necessitated the raising of some money. Previous to the commence- ment of the services, J. F. Hazzard was on the walk in front of the church, and Henry Grove coming across the street said: "See here, young fellow, how much money is needed to pay up?" The reply was: "About eighteen hundred dollars." Grove said: "Well, you tell them up there, that old Grove thinks he ought to pay ten per cent of that." So one hundred eighty dollars was subscribed for Grove and he paid it. William Reynolds and wife were also liberal donors. The Central Illinois conference' at its session in 1868 appointed as pastor to Hale Chapel, William A. Spencer, a man who became very prominent in the church, and who would, had he lived, no doubt have been one of the bishops ere this. He was Hale Chapel's first pastor, and Hale Chapel was his first charge, and he remained three years, the full limit of time then permitted by the rules of the church. He became very popular and was greatly in demand for exchanging with other pastors of the city. Henry Grove Ijecame fond of him personally, and was a liberal contributor to his support, but not through the church treasury. Rev. Spencer was married just as he came to take charge of the church, and arriving several weeks before the building was far enough along to hold service in, he officiated at the Second Methodist Episcopal church, to which no pastor had been assigned bv the conference, until Hale Chapel could be occupied. To Rev. and Mrs. Spencer a daughter was born while they were at the Hale Chapel, and was named Clarissa Hale" Spencer. She is now world's general secretary of ASAHEL HALE FouncU'i- of Hale Chapel and doiiDi- i.f (iixf lot for First .Aletliodist Episcopal i liiiivli in is:i7. -MliS. LAIKA HALE Wife ,.f Asalicd Hale, and nii'inlier of the lirst licimancril .lass of (lie Methodist Episcojial ( liiiirh ill is:i2. OHICIXAL HALE CHAl'Ef. Uiidt in ISGS— Rennncd in HlOO — I'ar^nna^c Iniill in 1S72 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 185 the Young Woman's Christian Association, with heack|uarters in London, Eng- land. She served a number of years as a missionary in Japan. Rev. WilHam A. Spencer's term of service ended in the fall of 1871. He afterwards transferred to the Rock River conference, served several churches in Chicago and became presiding elder of one of the districts of that conference. He finally removed to Philadelphia and became general secretary of the Church Extension Society, which position he held at the time of his death. He was a tine singer and loved to sing, "The Ninety and Nine" and "Help a Little," playing iiis own accompaniment. The latter hymn was his own composition. By the conference of 1871, Rev. W. C. Knapp was appointed to Hale Chapel, which, under the administrations of William A. Spencer, had become accounted as one of the best appointments in the conference. Quite a large number of ]:)eople had come into the church, including Patrick Galbraith and family, A. J. White and wife. H. M. Summers, D. C. Holcomb and wife, Mrs. Jane Craig and her daughter, now Mrs. Eliza S. Bennett, and very many more, so that the church was in a prosperous condition. About the time the church was being completed, a bell having been purchased, many people living in that part of the city began to ask for a city clock in the belfry of Hale Chapel, and Daniel B. Allen. Patrick Galbraith and possibly another one or two soon raised the money and purchased and installed a Howard tower clock costing about $600, which was a landmark and convenience as long as the old building remained. It was during Knapp's pastorate that the parsonage was built. Henry Lirove still remained on the board of trustees, and at one of the meetings he said, "Mr. Hale's will, which I drew up, provided that if the church should want the triangular lot on the south side of the church, you should have it for four hundred dollars. Better take it ; I will pay one hundred dollars on it." So the lot was purchased, and Rev. Knapp raised the means to build a six room house, which was done w'hile he was pastor. Later another pastor came with more of a family and D. C. Holcoinb added another room by raising the south wing. Still later other additions were made until it became a nine room house. Rev. Knapp remained as pastor three years. Lie is still living and resides at Xornial, Illinois. Rev. C. C. Knowlton was assigned to Hale Chapel in 1874 and served two years. He was followed by C. W. Ayling. two years. R. G. Pearce, one year. His health failing he was compelled to take a superannuate relation, and has been for a number of years custom officer at Rock Island, Illinois. William McPheeters succeeded R. G. Pearce and remained one year. James Haney, son of the veteran Richard Haney was appointed in 1880 and he was succeeded in the fall of 1881 by Rev. C. O. McCulloch, who was pastor two years. Rev. W. I"". Wilson came next and was well liked by the church people. Rev. M. A. Head w'as appointed in 1885 and served two years. h'or several years, a (|uartette, consisting of Walter L. Cleveland, Mary Cleveland, his sister, William J. Steube and Emma Steube, his sister, had charge of the singing, .-\bout three years later, Walter Cleveland and W. J. Steube and wife, who had been Mary Cleveland, removed to Los Angeles, California. Mrs. Steube died there, and \\'alter L. Cleveland is a very prominent and influential member of Boyle Heights Methodist Episcopal church, Los Angeles. Rev. TuUis succeeded Rev. Head and he and his wife were very popular, especially witli the young people, a great many of the latter becoming members of the church during his pastorate, which lasted four years. John R. Wolf succeeded A. K. Tullis, and served four years and was followed by Rev. D. N. Stafford. About a year and a half later, Stafford went to New Jersey and Rev. J. H. Batten from that conference took his place. He remained until the fall of 1899. He has since gained quite a reputation in the northwest on the lecture platform. His home now is in Grand Forks, North Dakota. His successor was Rev. A. Wirt Lowther, who at once took steps toward the pro- curement of a new church building. It was found that the lot to the south of 186 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY the church, wliicli had been purchased and used for parsonage purposes, could be sold and that sufficient room for the residence building could be found on the church lot, west of the church building. Consequently, the old parsonage was moved, and entirely remodelled and the lot disposed of to Dr. J. C. Roberts. The remodeling of the house cost about $1,900. In the meantime a building committee was selected which proceeded to secure plans for a new church build- ing. The contract for the erection of the same was let to Harrison Johns, of Ohio, in the spring of 1900, and gave satisfaction to all. The farewell service in the old chapel was held April i, 1900, attended by several former pastors and many former members of the church. H.\LE MEMORI.\L METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH The contractor for the erection of the new building purchased the. old one, and at once commenced to wreck it. This accomplished, he immediately pro- ceeded with the erection of the new church building. The corner stone was laid September 20, 1900, by Bishop Ninde, assisted by Bishop Hartzell and Rev. W. A. Spencer. Mr. Johns had the building ready for the decorative work early in the spring of 1901. The decorating (art glass work, painting and fres- coing) was done by U. C. Grooms, then a member of the church. The building was completed and dedicated June 13, 1901, Bishop Charles H. Fowler preach- ing the dedicatory sermon, J. \V. Powell, of Buffalo, New York, had charge of the finances. The amount subscribed at that time was something over $11,000. The total cost of church and furnishings was about $43,000. The pastors who have served Hale Memorial church are : A. Wirt Lowther, till the fall of 1903: Rev. A. M. Stocking, fall of 1903 to the fall of 1906; then Rev. W. B. Shoop for three years. Up until the time of Rev. Shoop's pastor.^te the only organ in the church was a reed organ, and in the Sunday school a piano, the gift of Mark D. Bachelder, was in use. In the second year of Rev. Shoop's pastorate he got into correspondence with the secretary of Andrew Carnegie, which resulted in the placing in the church of the very sweet-toned organ now in use, Mr. Carnegie paying one-half the net cost of the instrument, while the church membership paid the other half and also for the necessary changes in the organ loft and rostrum. The cost of the instrument was about $1,875 ^"d the total cost about $2,200. The present pastor, Rev. Sanford P. Archer was assigned to the church by the conference of 1909. It was the privilege of Hale Memorial church to entertain the fifty-sixth session of the Central Illinois conference held September 6 to 11, 1911. The program and entertainment were pronounced as never excelled in the history of the conference. The body of Asahel Hale, the founder of Hale chapel and for whom Hale church is a memorial, lies buried in a little cemetery in Kickapoo township, just above Pottstown, where he and his brother had donated land and built a little church, when they, with George G. Greenwood, operated a mill there, which is still remembered as Hale's Mill. WESLEY CHURCH In the summer of 1870 Jesse L. Knowlton, a merchant, whose place of busi- ness was near the corner of Water and Liberty streets, opposite where the Chicago, Rock Island and Peoria station now stands, a member of the First Methodist Episcopal church, recognizing the need for a Protestant Sunday school in the then extreme lower end of the city, purchased two lots, numbers 11 and 12, in block 18 of Curtenius & Griswold's subdivision, and at once erected thereon a small building. The Rev. Joseph S. Gumming was appointed by the session of the Central 1!K\'. WIIJ.IA.M A. SI'KXCKK First l':is|()i- 1,1 Ihili' ( li:i|icl. Mctlioilist lOpisnijial Clnin-li. I'cciriii, in IsiiS-im-TI) HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 187 Illinois conference, in the fall of 1870, to the pastorate of the First Methodist Episcopal church. On the 4th day of December of that year he, accompanied by a number of members of the First church and some Presbyterians, among whom was the late William Reynolds, went to Knowlton's little church, which he had called Wesley Mission, and dedicated it. The next Sunday a school was organized with Jesse L. Knowlton as superintendent. Rev. Gumming attended at three o'clock Sabbath afternoons and often preached. In 1871 he held meet- ings every evening for three weeks, having about twenty-five conversions. With these and about ten members of the First church, a society was organized which .was the origin of \\'esley church. The building erected by Knowlton was a low, L-shape building, built with the idea of accommodating a mission Sunday school. July 24, 1878, the lots were deeded to the First Methodist Episcopal church by M. Griswold. ' In 1883 Rev. George J. Luckey, then presiding elder of the Peoria district, secured John W. Dieffendorf, a local preacher, then living on a farm, to come to Peoria and undertake the task of raising the means and building a more commodious church building. DietYendorf made a success of the church enterprise and was in charge a little less than three years. Succeeding Dieffendorf, the following pastors have served this church: David Tasker, two years; W. P. Ferguson, one year; W. W. Carr, two years; James Johnson, about one and a half years; and G. M. Webber, six months as a supply. In the fall of 1893 David B. Johnson was assigned to this church and remained three years. He was succeeded by the late Rev. J. P.. Dille for about one year; and then came G. M. Boswell, who re- mained two years; Rev. E. H. Alford followed and served three years; A. C. Kelly, one year; Alfred Dixon, three years. Rev. R. li. Figgins two years; Charles Fitzhenry as a supply less than a year; Henry T. Shook two months. Commencing September, 1909, Isaac Woodrow, two years and he was succeeded by the present pastor, F. E. Ball, who also serves the Mossville church. The report of the conference of 191 1 showed that these churches were quite prosperous. Membership, including thirteen probationers, two hundred sixty- five ; Sunday school officers and teachers, twenty-five ; scholars, three hundred fifty-nine; an Epworth League of fifty-six members and a Junior League of forty-three. Two churches were reported valued at $9,200 and one parsonage valued at $1,600, which belongs to the congregation of Wesley church. GRACE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH In 1896 some of the members of the Hale Memorial church who lived in what is now the extreme northwest corner of the city near the corner of Uni- versity street and Knoxville road, believing that a Methodist church could be maintained in that neighborhood, being joined by a few from the First Methodist E])iscopal church, on the evening of the nth of December of that year, formed an organization by electing as trustees, Henry Apple, J. E. Sherwood, James Flan- agan, W. E. Hack and Mr. Miller, and as stewards Sisters Sherwood, Hack, Apple, Flanagan, Peters, Neff and Mable Nelson, and J. E. Sherwood as super- intendent of the Sunday school. Rev. W. F. Merrill was presiding elder and lie secured J. F. Bliss to act as pastor. At the present time O. T. Dwinel! is district superintendent and Rev. Black- man, pastor. This church reported to the conference of 191 1: Membershi]i. sixty-nine ; Sunday school, teachers and officers, sixteen ; scholars, one hundred sixty-three ; church property, $3,000. The church is now prosperous, with everything paid up to date and money in the treasury and its members are contemplating improvements in the way of a basement and an extension of the wing to better accommodate their increasing Sunday school. 188 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY FIRST GERMAN METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH On August 19, 1843, Daniel Brestel resigned his membership on the official l)oard of the First RIcthodist Episcopal church to accept the appointment as preacher to the German people, principally in Tazewell county, a German mission having been formed. The assignment was probably made by the conference of 1843, the session of which was then at hand. He probably preached the first sermons in the German language in Peoria and Tazewell counties. In September, 185 1, several German Methodist families moving from Cin- cinnati, Ohio, to Peoria, resulted in the establishment of a German Methodist Fpiscopal church here, H. F. Koeneke being pastor. Especially active in this direction were the Oechsle, Venneman and lluehner families, all of whom the present writer remembers well. The initial meetings were lield in a schoolhouse on the west side of Monson street, just south of Fifth (the Hinman schoolhouse, where Bob Burdette was a scholar). A German Methodist Episcopal Sunday school was organized here, and as a result of this, and preaching services, Casper Westemeyer, Herman Albrecht, H. Ludwig and others were brought under the influence of the gospel, and became pillars in the church. After little more than two years of successful laljor the first church building was erected at the corner of Fifth and Monson streets, which was completed in 1854, Frederich Fiegen- baum and F. M. Winkler being each a part of the time pastor. The dedicatory sermon was delivered by Rev. G. L. Mulfinger. The site is now occupied by the African Methodist Episcopal church. Several years later, during the pas- torate of William Zuppan, this first church was sold and the congregation leased, temporarily, the Cumberland Presbyterian church building, located at the east corner of Madison and Liberty streets. Here the centennial jubilee of ]\Iethodism was celebrated in 1866. A short time later the congregation purchased a lot at the corner of South Adams and Chestnut streets for $3,500, and erected thereon a two-story frame church building, at a cost of- $7,000, under the pastor- ate of Rev. C. Schneider. This building is still standing, being used at present by the Salvation Army, and formerly by a German singing society. A stirring revival took place in this church, during the pastorate of Rev. M. Roeder. Under Rev. Chas. Becker a mission chapel was built on the triangular plot at the head of Cedar street near the Webster school, where Sunday school and preaching were held for a tuimber of years ; the property then being sold, and the proceeds applied on a new Mission church on the corner of Sanger street and Oakland avenue, wdiere is now an active congregation. The old mission church at the head of Cedar street was transformed into a dwelling which still stands in the same location. During the pastorate of Rev. W. H. Traeger, another notable revival oc- curred in the Chestnut street church. A frame parsonage, fronting on Adams street, and costing $1,700, was erected on the church property during his term of service. The congregation having outgrown the capacity of this building, plans were made for obtaining larger quarters m a more suitable location and, in the following pastorate of Rev. E. E. Hertzler, the property corner of Fifth and Sanford streets was purchased and the present church edifice erected, repre- senting an outlay of $20,000. Previous to this mission, .Sunday schools were conducted for a time, one in the north end of the city by Herman Albrecht, and another in the lower end, on Garden street, l)y Brethren George E. Green and Jacob Hoffmann. During the pastorate of Rev. C. A. C. Achard, a sweeping revival took place, conducted by Evangelist Flilmer. In May, 1903, the fiftieth anniversary of the church was celebrated with an apjiropriate series of meetings, concluding with the dual celebration of the two- hunrlrcdth anniversary of the birth of John Wesley and the semi-centennial of the foumling of the congregation, by a union service in the I-'irst 'Methodist Episcopal church, corner Sixth and Franklin streets, on Sunday evening. May HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 189 10. 1903, which was addressed (in English) by Dr. George R. Addicks (now deceased), then president of Central Wesleyan College, VVarrenton, Alissouri, his theme lieing "John Wesley and his times." The following pastors have served this church : Henry F. Koeneke, 1851 to 1852; Christian Koeller, 1852 to 1853; Friederich Fiegenbaum, 1853 ^'^ i'^54; F- ^I- Winkler, 1854 to 1855; R. Fickenscher, asst., 1855 to 1856: Christian Holl. 1856 to 1857; H. F. Koeneke, 1857 to 1858; John Haas, 185S to 1859; Jacob Young, 1839 to 1861 ; A. F. Korfhage. 1861 to 1862; Chas. Holtkanip, 1862 to 1865; Wilhelm Zuppan, 1865 to 1866; Karl Schneider, 1866 to i8fi8; Heinrick Thomas, 1868 to 1871 ; Fleinrick Lahrmann, 1871 to 1872; Tulius Franz. 1872 to 1874; Gerhard Tinken, 1874 to 1877; Michael Roeder, "1877 to 1880; Phillipp Kuhl. 1880 to 1881; Chas. G. Becker, 1881 to 1884; William H. Traeger. 1884 to 1887 ; E. E. Hertzler, 1887 to 1891 ; C. A. C. Achard. 1891 to 1894: Wilhelm Balcke, 1894 to 1897; J. L. J. Earth, 1897 to 1900 ; William H. Schwiering, 1900 to 1904; E. C. Margaret, 1904 to 1909; William H. Schwier- ing, 1909 to 1910: E. H. Muelder, 1910 and the present pastor. Church membership about one hundred sixty; Sundav school, fifteen officers and teachers, and one hundred twenty scholars. This church owns a parsonage property adjoining the church, valued at about $4,000. The German churches are not connected with the Central Illinois conference, but are under the jurisdiction of the St. Louis conference of the German Meth- odist Episcopal church. The mission church heretofore referred to at the corner of Sanger street and Oakland avenue is known as the Sanger Street German Methodist Episcopal church. The organization dates from February 3, 1889. The church edifice is a very neat, tasty, little building and there also is a very comfortable parsonage on the same lot, tiie whole being worth, probably $8,000 to $10,000. The pastors have been : G. Schuch, C. W. Hertzler, L. Hermann Kosiski, G. L. Zocher, Karl Buch and II. Schlueter, the present pastor. This pastor also serves a mission church in Jubilee. TlIK .\FRIC.\N METHODIST EPISCGP.XL CHLIRCH W.ARD CH.\PEL Thus church was organized in the year 1846 by Rev. Philip Ward, of Bloom- ington, with ten memiiers. William Gray (commonly known as "Uncle Billy''), was local preacher, class leader, steward and a great deal of the time janitor, all in one. "Uncle Billy" was a good man, and quite a gentleman. He was also very industrious. At first these people, like others of their day, held their meetings in the homes of the members and friends ; then they rented a small schoolhouse on Walnut street below Adams, where their meetings were held until 1848, when they transferred to the schoolhouse on Monson street between Fourth and Fifth streets, known as the Hinman school. This school was on the site now occupied by the Heneberry Apartment building. In 1850 they were compelled to find new ciuarters. and for some time again held their meetings at the homes of their members. About this time a circuit was organized, composed of the churches of Peoria, I'llooniingtonand Galesburg, with Rev. William Brooks as pastor, William Gray still being local preacher and class leader. In 1853, Rev. William J. Davis was appointed to this charge and proved to be quite an energetic and acceptable pastor : a small frame church on Chestnut street, above .\dams, was bought, and answered their purposes until i8(56, when they purchased the little brick, at the corner of l-'ifth and .Monson streets, from the German Methodists. In the early days of their e.xistence, it sometiiues happened that these people could not at all times secure the services of a preacher of their own people, and under such circumstances, Daniel Brestel, the carpenter-preacher of the First Methodist Episcopal church, would fretiuently preach to them. 190 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY This congregation purchased the Httle brick church on Fifth and Monson streets for $2,600. In 1889 the old building was torn down and a more modern and commodious building erected. The building is still in use by them. The following pastors have served them. In 1856, Rev. A. T. Hall; 1857, Rev. J. Mitcheni; 1858. Rev. William J. Done; Rev. Mitchem reappointed for 1859. In 1866, when the little church was purchased from the German ^lethodists Rev. Alyers was pastor. The following are without dates: A. T. Hall, Nathan Mitchem, T. I'erkins, James Semis, 1. M. Perkins, H. Brown, M. M. Becklev, George H. Hand, A. W. White, J. W. Daneson, Henry Simmons, T. A. Clark, A. J. Mc- Cracken, Jesse Woods, B. M. Lewis, J. W. Wilkerson, Charles Sheen, S. J. Johnson, S. A. Hardison and H. W. Jamieson the immediate predecessor of the present pastor Rev. J. T. Morrow. Number of members, one hundred thirty-four. Sunday school officers, seven; teachers seven and scholars one hundred twelve. THE FREE METHODIST CHURCH In the fall of 1880, William A. Huston and his wife Mary, members of the Free Methodist church of Paxton, Illinois, removed to Peoria, at which time there was no organization of that church here, and they were the only members. They commenced holding neighborhood prayer meetings in the home of the people and seeing good results, and securing a number of conversions, they were encouraged to send for Rev. William Manley, chairman of the Galva dis- trict of the Illinois conference of their church, who came in the month of December, 1881, and held a ten days' revival meeting, which resulted in the organization of the Peoria society in the building known as the Olivet Mission, on Walnut street, between Washington and Adams street, which had formerly been Calvary Presbyterian mission, and at which place the late William Reynolds had for many years conducted a Sunday school. The society was organized December 29, 1881, with the following six charter members: \Vm. A. Huston, Mary E. Huston, Jonathan Haley, Belle Orr, Eliza Ward and Cynthia ^Morris. In 1882, Revs. W. G. Hanmer, William Kelsey and P. C. Hanna, held a series of revival meetings in the Mission building on Walnut street, which re- sulted in an addition of fifty members. William A. Huston was the first class leader, and has served continuously in that capacity to the present date, — a period of more than thirty years. Rev. Manle}', who organized the church, has passed away. William Kelsey is now pastor of the Englewood Episcopal -Methodist church, Chicago, and P. C. Hanna is the United States minister plenipotentiary to the Republic of Mexico. The organization of the Free Methodist church is very similar to the organiza- tion of the Methodist Episcopal church, including the itineracy; consequently, pastoral changes are frecjuent. The following pastors have served this church: Rev. J. D. ]\Iarsh, 1882-84; G. W. Whittington, 1884-85; F. A. Arnold, 1885-86; Jaiiies Sprague, 1886-87; ]. T. Taylor and John Harvev, 1887-89; J. D. Marsh, 1889-92; D. M. Smahey, '1892-93; J. T. Taylor, 1893-95; B. D. Fay, 1895-98; W. H. Winter and Lizzie Haist, 1898-1901; Henry Lenz, 1901-03; W. C. Willing, 1903-06; John Harvey, 1906-07; W. J. Bone, 1907-08; R. G. Wilkin, 1908-10; H. J. IMcKinnell, present pastor since 1910. The society worshiped in the Ijuilding on ^\'alnut street ten years. The church building on the corner of South Underbill and Windom streets. West Bluff, was built during the second pastorate of Rev. J. D. Marsh and was dedi- cated by General Superintendent (Bishop) B. T. Robberts, December 6, 1891. The parsonage on Windom street was built during the pastorate of Rev. B. D. Fay in 1897. The society has a mission church at the corner of Broadway and Nebraska streets, built by members of the parent society. A district parsonage has recently been built on Underbill street, under the charge of District Elder HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 191 E. G. Cryer. The number of members at the present time, February, 1912, is forty-six. The Sabbath school at Underhill and Windom streets numbers thirty, while the school at Broadway and Nebraska streets numbers eighty. This so- ciety is also conducting a Sabbath school at 2021 South Washington street, which has a membership of forty. They have an active Women's Foreign Missionary society, which raised and paid for foreign missions last year $156. CHILLICOTIIE METHODIST EPISCOP.\L CHURCH Some of the records of this church having been destroyed it is not possible to ascertain to a certainty the earliest date at which Methodist ministers preached at Chillicothe. but September 29, i85i,John Chandler was appointed presiding elder and R. H. JMoffitt pastor of the circuit to which Chillicothe was attached and it is said there was then quite a flourishing class, and that the church organ- ization was formed about 1850 with about twenty members. .Services were at first held in a schoolhouse. In 1852 the congregation purchased a lot on the corner of Beech and l-'ourth streets upon which a parsonage was at once erected. Later they erected a church, which was dedicated December 28, 1856, Rev. Milton L. Haney preaching the dedicatory sermon. The parsonage continued to be used in its original form until 1892, when it was remodeled. The first church building continued in use until 1898, when during the pastorate of Rev. D. B. [ohnson, the ])resent church was built on the corner of Chestnut and Sixth streets, at a cost of about $8,000 and at the time of building, was the largest and finest church in the cit)'. While it is uncertain as to just when the earliest services were held, and consequently the names of pastors prior to September, 1851, cannot be ascer- tained, since that time the following have served in that capacity : R. H. Moffitt, William Atchison, I. B. Craig, James Cowden, A. J. Jones, J. S. Millsap, D. S. Main, S. L. Hamilton. Benjamin Applebee, J. A. Windsor, J. C. Price, W. B. Frazelle, M. H. Shepherd. G. I. Bailev, T. H. Sanders, H. I. Brown, J- A. Windsor, Thos. Chipperfield, E. N. Bentley, G. M. Webber, R. W. Ames, Wm. Crapp, A. R. Jones, A. M. Limikin, O. AI. Dunlevy, B. E. Kaufman, D. B. Johnson. T. A. Beal. John Rogers, B. F. Eckly and the present pastor W. D. Benjamin, who is now, January, 1912, serving his second year. The church is in a prosperous condition, the number of members reported to the conference of 191 1 being one hundred eighty-five; Sunday school officers and teachers si.xteen and scholars, two hundred seventy-eight, with an Epworth League of fifty members, and a Junior League of fifty members. In connection with the Chillicothe church and served by the same pastor is the IIALLOCK TOWNSHIP, BUH! RIDGE METHODLST EPISCOP.'VL CHURCH This is probably the most peculiar church in the Central Illinois conference. To the conference session of 191 1, it was reported as having eight members with a Sunday school consisting of ten officers and teachers and forty scholars. Nevertheless, it is an old organization which has been maintained for more than seventy years. In 1841, a schoolhouse was built in the north part of Hallock township, a short distance southeast of Lawn Ridge, and a revival service was held in it, which resulted in forming a Methodist class, and Blue Ridge has been an appointment in the conference ever since. On April 14, 1849, John Ferguson. Isaiah Nurse, Jacob Booth, George Nurse and William R. W'ill were elected trustees and empowered to secure funds and build a church. They secured in cash and labor $787.80 and the church was enclosed and used for worship, but was not completed and dedicated until 1856, when it was dedicated by John Chandler, P. E. This structure served the people more than forty years when on February 22, 1898, a farewell service was held 192 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY and the time worn and weather beaten old building was torn down. A new structure was built by the combined energy of Rev. D. C. Martin and the loyal people and was dedicated September 4th, 1898, by F. W. Merrill, P. E., now of the Rock River conference. John Chandler was the first preacher and W. D. Benjamin the present pastor. In the summer of 1856, a church was built on the land of David Shane, Sr., about three miles south of Lawn Ridge, and was dedicated under the name of Mount Hedding Methodist Episcopal church, by Rev. Henry Summers. The principal movers in this project were, David Shane, Sr., Isaac Weidman, and John Ferguson. Some years later it was decided to move the building to Lawn Ridge, which was done in the spring of 187 1, and it was re-dedicated July 226 of that year, and was afterward known as the Lawn Ridge Methodist church. For some reason this church seems to have ceased to exist, as no mention is now made of it in the conference minutes. NORTn.\MPTON METHODIST EPISCOP.XL CHURCH This church is in Hallock township at the village of Northampton a few miles west of north from the city of Chillicothe. A Methodist class was organ- ized here in 1851 and services held in a schoolhouse until 1871, when a church was built. The circuit relations of the church were changed quite often and no records are available. Services are not now held in the church building, which is controlled bv the trustees of Chillicothe church, and the people probably worship with the mem- bers of that church. PRINCEVILLE TOWNSHIP PRINCEVILLE METHODIST EPISCOP.XL CHURCH hrom the days of the early '30s Princeville had the preaching of the circuit riders. In those days, known as Prince's Grove, it was on the Peoria circuit, which extended to Lafayette, Princeton, and near to La Salle and back to Peoria. Stephen R. Beggs states that the first preaching service was in 1833 by T. Hall. However, there must be an error in the name and it must have been Zadoc Hall who was on the Peoria circuit at that time. However there was no class formed at that time. On the 2d of April, 1838, Rev. John Hill came from the state of New York to Illinois and arrived at Princeville. At the time of his arrival he found but one Methodist sister in the neighborhood. He found here a great opening for minis- terial work and commenced work in good earnest and preaching in the neigh- borhood, he soon formed a class of nine persons. In 184 1, William Pitner was appointed to Peoria circuit and held a camp meeting at Princeville. At the first the circuit riders preached in Aunt Jane Morrow's fine log cabin, on the northwest quarter of section 30, of Akron town- ship ; then in the old log schoolhouse ; then in the stone schoolhouse. In March, 1842, at a two days' meeting in the house of Ebenezer Russell, a boy a little less than ten years old was converted. That boy matured into the grand old minister Joseph S. Cumming, now, January, 1912, pastor of the Second Methodist Epis- copal church, Moline, Illinois, at the age of about eighty-one. The first Methodist church building was commenced in 1853 and completed the following year on lots i and 2 block 16 and was later sold to the Seventh. Day Adventists. The next church was built in 1867 on lots 7 and 8, block 24 (Edward Anten's Academy building) and used until the erection of the edifice corner of South and Clark streets in 1889. The preachers, many of whom were circuit riders, have been Z. Hall, J. Hill, Pitner, Whitman, William C. Cumming, Beggs, Chandler, B. C. Swartz, T. F. Royal, J. W. Stogdill, John Luccock, U. J. Giddings, J. B. Craig, H. N. Gregg, HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 193 C. B. Couch, P. T. Rhodes, J. B. Alills, J. S. Millsap, Ahab Keller, W. J. Beck, G. \V. Brown, S. B. Smith, John Cavett, M. Spurlock, G. W. Havermale, E. W'asniuth. ]. Collins, W. B. Carithers, W. D. H. Young, Stephen Brink, J. S. Millsap, M. v. B. White, H. M. Laney, F. W. Merrill, Alexander Smith, R. B. Seaman, J. U. Smith, J. E. Conner, J. Rogers, R. L. Vivian, L. F. Cullom, X. J. Brown, T. A. Beal and the present pastor J. W. Pruen. Princeville was made a station in 1889. The membership of the church September ist, 191 1, was two hundred eleven; of Sunday school, eighteen officers and teachers, and one hundred thirty-five scholars ; Epworth League, thirty. BRIMFIELD TOWNSHIP BRIMFIELD METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH On November ist, 1836, Rev. Zadoc Hall organized the first Methodist class in the village of Brimfield. The members of the first class were: L. L. Guyer, who remained a member of the church continuously until his death a few years ago, Isaac Harrison, Francis J. Hoyt, Ephraim Hoyt, Benjamin F. Berry and Polly W. Berry, Sarah Harrison, David Stansberry, Susanah Stansberry and Susan Stansberry, Martha Johnston, Margaret Johnston, Catherine Johnston, Jacob Snider, Catherine Snider, Samuel Snider, Eliza Martin and Susan Wills. Samuel Snider was chosen class leader. At this time the circuit was called Kickapoo Mission with twenty-eight preaching points, and emjjracing the entire northern part of the state rei|uirnig three hundred miles' travel to get over it, which traveling was usually done on horseback. In consequence. Rev. Hall reached this place once in four weeks. In the year 1848, a new church building was commenced and the corner stone was laid in August of that year, the Rev. A. E. Phelps ofiiciating. The following year the building was completed and paid for. This building was of brick, 28 by 44 feet in size, well finished and seated, being a very great improve- ment over the log cabins and barns which had previously served the people as places of worship. In the year 1876 an addition of brick was built, new jjews and furniture pro- cured, and the church carpeted, at an outlay of about $2,200. Thus improved and enlarged, the building satisfied the needs of the church until the year 1910, when it was torn down and a new and modern church edifice erected, with mod- ern conveniences, and carpeted throughout, at a cost of $7,000. Within the year ending .September, 191 1, $1,417 had been expended in betterments and im- provements, so that with the lot the church property was valued at $10,500, while the congregation also own a parsonage valued at $3,500. Owing to the loss of certain records, it is not possible to give fully and cor- rectly the succession of preachers, but commencing with the fall of 1857 the fol- lowing is practically correct, the dates ijeing from conference session to con- ference session. J. S. Millsap, 1857-58; John Luccock, 1859-61 ; S. G. J. Worthington, 1862-65; Peter Warner. 1865-68; A. Bower, 1868-70; 1870-74, no record; Rev. F. Smith, 1874-77; William E. Stevens, 1877-78; T. J. Wood, 1878-79; W. K. Collins, 1879-81; Stephen Brink, 1881-83; lames Ferguson, 1883-86; G. W. Arnold, 1886-88; D. S. McCown, 1888-90; W. J. Minium, 1890-92; C. L. Davenport, 1893-95; W. H. Clark, part of 1895; John W. Denning, 1895-98; J. E. Mercer, 1898-1903; G. F. Snedaker, 1903-05; M. P. Lackland. 1905-09; R. W. Ames, 190Q-10; and E. J. Sellard, present pastor from 1910. This church was made a separate station at the session of the Central Illinois conference held in Peoria. September, 191 1. Membership, two hundred ; Sunday school officers and teachers, twenty-eight ; scholars, two hundred twenty-four ; members of Epworth League, seventy-four. 194 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY ELMWOOD TOWNSHIP ELMWOOD METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Like almost every other Methodist church, in early days, this church began with a class, organized some time prior to the year 1850, in the home of Absalom Kent, who then lived a short distance to the southwest of the present location of Elmwood near a grove known as Harkness' Grove. In this vicinity most of the early comers had settled and here were located the homes, and probably a shop and store. Of the first members of the first Methodist class, there is record of Absalom Kent and wife, Abner Smith and wife, Eliza Smith, David Morey and wife, John Jordan and wife, and Rufus Kent and wife. This preaching point seems to have been at first designated as Kent, and was connected with the Canton circuit. Later it was in the Farmington circuit. At first, the people here, as elsewhere, worshiped in private homes; afterwards in an upper room over Mr. Snyder's store. David Morey was the first class leader. In September, 1854, such an adjustment was made of circuits as to form the Elmwood circuit, with Jervis G. Evans assigned as preacher in charge, the preaching place having been removed, the previous spring to the village of Elm- wood, then consisting of but few houses. The circuit at that time had the fol- lowing points, or preaching places: Elmwood, Gould's about where Yates City now is, Remington's school house, near ]\Iaquon, the Stone house, near Spoon river, north of Elmwood and French creek. Rev. Jervis G. Evans was later, for some years, president of Redding College. In the spring of 1855 the congregation began the erection of a church building on Silock street which was completed and dedicated in the fall of the same year by Rev. Silas Bolles, of Chicago, who had recently been for two years, pastor of the First church in Peoria. This first church building served the people until 1893 when a new building was erected on Main street at a cost of $10,000. The first distinctively Methodist Sunday school ' was organized in the first church building shortly after its erection, with Francis Minor as its first super- intendent. The pastors who served Elmwood circuit were: J. G. Evans, 1854; A. Magee, 1856; A. Magee and George R. Palmer, 1857; Milton L. Haney and J. W. Stewart, 1858; M. L. Haney and P. Spurlock, i860; B. C. Swartz and George \V. Gue, 1861 ; A. Magee and C. B. Couch, 1862; William Watson, 1863. In 1865 Yates City was joined with Elmwood with J. H. Sanders as pastor. Martin D. Heckard was appointed in 1866; T. C. Workman, 1868; T. E. Webb, 1869; W. B. Frazelle, 1871, T. S. Falkner, 1873; Tames Ferguson, 1876; L T. McFarland, 1879; R. B. Williams, 1880; E. P. Hall", 1882; R. R. Pierce, 1883; W. B. Alexander, 1884; J. W. Denning, 1885; H. K. Metcalf, 1888; O. T. Dwinell, 1893; M. A. Head, 1898; J. A. Riason, 1899; J. S. Gumming, 1900; N. J. Brown, 1903; J. B. Bartle, 1906, and A. E. loder the present pastor in 1910. This church has been served by some of the best preachers in the conference. Rev. J. B. Dille, for many years an honored member of Central Illinois con- ference, passed away at his home in Elmwood, November 30, 191 1. Rev. H. K. Metcalf was pastor when the church was built and under the pastorate of O. T. Dwinell the following year a new parsonage was built. Membership total, one hundred ninety-six ; Sunday school officers and teach- ers, twenty-one ; and scholars, two hundred forty-nine ; Epworth League, forty ; Junior League, fifty members. HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 195 TRIVOLI TOWNSHIP TRIVOLI METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH The Trivoli work is known as Trivoli circuit, Wrigley Chapel and Graham Chapel, both in Rosetield township being connected with the Trivoli church and served by the same pastor. In 1838, in a newly built schoolhouse, a Methodist class was organized. The first church was built in 185 1. The first pastor was a Rev. Mr. Emery. The pastors of which there is any record, following the first were Revs. Smith, Milton L. Haney, Richard Haney in i860, H. I. Brown in 1863. Rev. R. H. Figgins is the present pastor. The membership on the circuit is given as one hundred sixty-one; Sunday school officers and teachers, forty; and scholars, one hundred fifty; with one Epworth League with forty-two members. There are three churches and one parsonage. A new church was Iniilt in Trivoli in 1910, at a cost of $io,ocx). There is another Methodist Episcopal church in Trivoli township located on the northeast quarter of section 30. It is known as the Concord church, and is on a circuit with two churches in Fulton county. It has a small membership, and maintains a Sunday school. The circuit is at present served by Ernest Shult as a supply. ' • IN ROSEFIELD TOWNSHIP, ON TEXAS PRAIRIE; WRIGLEY CHAPEL was organized in 1854 with a membership of ten. Joseph Dunn was class leader. Robert Wrigley and Henry Robins were first trustees and Rev. J. M. Snyder first pastor. They worshipped in a schoolhouse until i860, when they built a frame house of worship at a cost of about $1,600. One of the early preachers was Rev. Mr. Wyckoft', father of Professor Wyckoff, now of Bradley institute. GRAHAM CHAPEL was organized in i860. Rev. Richard tianey was the first circuit preacher to serve this church. Statistics of membership and Sunday schools are included with Trivoli church. Rev. R. H. Figgins is the present pastor. A Methodist church which has been known as the Rosefield church was organized about the year 1844, with twelve members, located about three miles north of Hanna City. The first house of worship was built in 1844 but in 1874 it was abandoned and a new church erected across the road at a cost of $1,650. This church is now familiarly known as the Cottonwood church. In its church- yard many of the early settlers are buried. Among these are Thomas Edwards and wife. Dr. J. H. Wilkinson and wife, Ed Edwards and wife, David Harper and wife and Sylvester Edwards and wife. Another church of the denomination was organized in 1837 and erected a building known as the Combs meeting house on section 14, which appears to have been the first church organized in the township. It has long since been abandoned. OAK HILL This society was organized in 1845. The congregation held their meetings in a schoolhouse until 1858, when they erected a church building, the congrega- tion then numbering sixty. The building cost about $1,200. Oak Hill and Cottonwood churches are now in Kickapoo circuit, and with the other churches are being served by F. W. Appleby as a supply. About 1865 a camp ground comprising a beautiful grove, with good spring water, and but a short distance northeast of the village, was purchased and since then a camp meeting has been held here each summer, where thousands of people have gathered for religious services and a week of relief from business cares. 196 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY KICKAPOO TOWNSHIP KICKAPOO METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH The first services by a Methodist minister were conducted by Rev. Whitman about the year 1843, in the house of William Young. A church organization must have been formed shortly after. This charge has always been in connection with a circuit, and Rev. U. J. Giddings was the circuit rider in 185 1 and 1852. At that time there was quite a large membership, and they soon began the erection of a church edifice which was completed in 1855 under the pastorate of Rev. P. T. Rhodes. The church cost $1,662. A parsonage was built about the same time and both have been in use ever since. The pastors on Kickapoo circuit have been: Rev. U. J. Giddings, 1851 to 1852; John Luccock, 1852-53; C. B. Couch, 1853-54; P. T. Rhodes, 1854-56; J. B. iMills, 1856-58; G. R. I'almer, 1858-59; Robert Cowan, 1859-61 ; Ahab Keller, 1861-64; John Cavett, 1864-66; S. S. Gruber, 1866-69; ^- M- Hill, 1869-70; J. II. Scott, 1870-72; T. F. Sanders, 1872-74; Amos Morey, 1874-75; T. J. Wood, 1875-77; H. Stahl, 1877-78; C. W. Green, 1878-80; J. A. Riason, 1880-81; D. S. Main, 1881-82; G. M. Webber, 1882-85; I. Jones and William Rowciiff, 1885-86; J. L. Reid, 1886-87; A. P. Rolen, 1887-89; A. Smith, 1889-90; J. W. Moles, 1890- 93; J. C. Zeller, 1893-95; J- Ferguson, 1895-96; B. Rist, H. M. McCoy and H.. Manship, 1896-97, each serving part of the time; E. O. Johnson, 1897-98; John Gimson, 1898-99; J. H. Wood and L. J. Blough, 1899-1901 ; J. D. Johnson, 1901- 02; George Browne, 1902-03; H. M. Blout, 1903-05; C. W. Green, 1905-06; Thomas Bartram, 1906-07; H. T. Russell, 1907-08; W. B. Carr, 1908-09; L. J. Blough, 1909-10; C. E. Dunlevy, 1910-11 ; and F. W. Appleby, 1911-12. Several of these serving in later years have been students. The latest statistics give the number of members on the circuit at fifty-five; Sunday school officers and teachers twenty ; and scholars one hundred and thirty- three, with three churches valued at $4,000 and one parsonage valued at $2,000. The church at Edwards on this circuit has had an organization for many years, but had no church building until recently. The services were held at what- soever convenient place might be had, with sometimes the circuit preacher to minister to them, and sometimes a local preacher. We are informed that Daniel Taylor, is, or has been a local preacher and superintendent of the Sunday school, and that he has been an active and efficient worker for a long time. Unfortunately the old records of the church were burned, and we are unable to learn the date of the first organization or the names of the first pastor, or of members of the first official board, except that James Greenough was one member of it. In the year 1866, James Greenough and his daughter 'Alary J. Greenough, with a few others, were seeking better things, and better conditions for themselves and neighbors, and organized a Sunday school in the schoolhouse, with E. Y. Forney as superintendent. JNIr. Greenough was a quiet, unobtrusive man, but it was very largely through his efforts that the Methodist church was organized at Edwards. This charge has been and is connected with the Kickapoo circuit. The late Dr. J. H. Wilkinson had land at Edwards, and after his death and that of his wife, a part of the land fell to Sylvester Edwards, and we are in- formed that he donated to the church at Edwards an acre of land upon which they erected a building in 1905, at a cost of about $1,500, with a seating capacity of two hundred fifty. The present membership is twelve; membership) of Sunday school, eighty-five. The pastor is F. W. Appleby. JUBILEE TOWNSHIP The only Methodist church in this township, is the German Methodist Epis- copal Mission church. This church was organized in the year 1870. It is located in the village of Jubilee. It lias always been a Mission church, and served by the HISTORY OF PEORTA COUNTY 197 pastors in charge of the Sanger Saint Mission in Peoria. The first pastor was Henry Thomas with Fhilhp tjruenewald as assistant. Succeeding the first two, the following pastors have served this church : G. Timken, M. Roeder, |. Lem- kan, J. C. Rapp, Henry Balcke, C. H. Becker, E. S. Havighorst, G. Schuli, C. W. Hartzler, L. Harmel, J. Gisler, H. J. Petersen, L. E Kettlekamp, Herman Kasiski, ("i. L. Zoclier. Karl Iluch and H. Schlueter. LOGAN TOWNSHIP HANN.V CITY METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH This church was organized in 1880 with seven members, the first pastor being Rev. Humphreys. The first church building was erected at Smithville in 1854, but in 1888 the location was removed to Hanna City, where a new church build- ing was erected at a cost of $2,000 and a parsonage costing $1,200. The pastors since 1886 have been J. A. Windsor, H. Coolidge, Wm. Crapp, Daniel Cool, P. S. Garretson, J. N. Fawcett, J. W. Moles. H. C. Birch, Hugh C. Gibson, .\. C. Kelley, Charles Fitzhenry, B. R. Nesbit, George Shepherd, W. R. Warner and R. W. Stocking, the present pastor. There is another -Methodist P'piscopal church in Logan township known as Pleasant Grove church, located two miles southwest of the village of Eden. This church was organized about 1840, with eighteen members. The first pastor was William Pitner. The members first worshipped in the homes and cabins, and then in a schoolhouse in the vicinity. In the year 1848, the first church was built, which was used until 1869, when a more comfortable and commodious building was erected. Limestone church is also on the same circuit. The statistics given in the minutes of the conference of 191 1 show one hundred sixty-eight members includ- ing twelve probationers ; thirty Sunday school officers and teachers and one hun- dred fifty scholars; one Epworth League with twelve members. The circuit has three churches valued at $5,300 and one parsonage, value $1,500. LIMESTONE TOWNSHIP LIMESTONE METHODIST EPISC0P.\L CHURCH was organized in 1849 with twenty-seven members. The first church building was located on section 4 on the Farmington road, and was built in i860 at a cost of $1,000. It was dedicated by the noted, venerable Rev. Peter Cartwright, December 21, i860. Rev. John Borland was preacher in charge. Being on the Hanna City circuit this church has been served by the same pastors, and its statistics of membership, etc., are included with that charge. Bartonville Methodist Episcopal church is in the southeast part of Lime- stone township and adjoining the city of Peoria. It is served by a pastor in connection with the Madison Avenue Methodist Episcopal church, Peoria. Before the village was known as Piartonville although the Barton family lived in that vicinity, the people worshipped at the brick schoolhouse, known as South Limestone school, one mile west of where the church now stands, having a Sunday school and preaching services; (as early as 1857, M. L. Haney, preached there). The old brick building finally became so dilapidated, that a new school- house was built one-half mile east of the former location in the year 1862, and the people worshipped in it for about twenty years, being called the South Lime- stone cluirch. Al)out thirty years ago, that is, about 1882, the people built the present church building, which is located one half mile further east than the second school- house, referred to, and across the street from the splendid new school building which the town of Bartonville now affords. Continuing the numbers from South Peoria on Adams street, the church is located at 6019 South Adams street, Bar- tonville. 198 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY lohn A. Riason, now of Siloam Springs, Arkansas, was the pastor of the Bartonville and Madison avenue, Peoria, churches, when the Bartonville Meth- odist Episcopal church was built in 1882. Present pastor, Rev. W. D. Evans, now in his third year. Number of members, fifty; a fine Sunday school of one hundred twenty, average attendance seventy-five; A. E. Scheidel, superintendent and an Epworth league of forty members ; Miss Audra Wright, president. MILLBROOK TOWNSHIP ELMORE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH In the year 1836 the first Methodist organization was formed at Rochester, near the extreme northwest corner of the township and county. Rev. William Gumming, who was then the station preacher at Peoria, preached the first sermon, in the house of John Smith. The original members were John Smith and wife, Therrygood Smith and wife, William .Metcalf, and an unmarried daughter of John Smith, and John Smith, Sr., was chosen class leader. In 1838 a house of worship was commenced, but was completely destroyed by a hurricane on May 8th of the same year. Through deaths and removals, the church at one time became almost extinct but later another building was secured which had belonged to the Congregationalists, and though the legitimate successor of the first church it is known as Elmore church, the name of the post- office being Elmore. This church is now connected with the West Jersey church in Stark county. The present pastor is E. L. Fahnestock. LAUR.V METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH The church at Laura was built in the summer of 1889 at a cost of $1,300 and furnished at a further outlay of about $200. The first pastor was Rev. D. S. McCown, now pastor of the First Methodist Episcopal church at Moline, Illinois. For quite a long time this church was served in connection with the church at Monica, but is now in connection with the church at Williamsfield, Knox county. Rev. Stanley Ward is pastor. The statistics give for the two charges, one hundred forty-nine members, twelve Sunday school officers and teachers and one hundred forty scholars ; with one Epworth League with forty members ; two churches valued at $5,000 and one parsonage of a value of $1,500. PRINCEVILLE TOWNSHIP MONICA METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH In 1856 or 1857, West Princeville near the west side of Princeville town- ship, was started by the erection of a manufacturing plant, on the south side of the road between sections 19 and 30. In 1858, Mt. Zion Methodist Episcopal church was organized in the same neighborhood, the memliers holding their first meetings in the Nelson school- house. In 1867 the society built a church in the southwest corner of section 20, a little east of West Princeville. This was a frame building 32 by 45 feet and cost $2,200. . , , , ■ r .1. The starting of Cornwell now Monica occasioned by the construction of the Cincinnati, Burlington & Ouincv railroad, spelled disaster for West Princeville, nearly all of the buildingsT including the church being moved to the new town. This 'transfer occurred in 1877. This church was in connection with the Prince- ville charge until 1894, when it was re-organized and with the church at Laura, Millbrook township, became the Monica charge. Rev. Thomas J.' Wood was the first pastor after re-organization and was followed in succession by P. S. Garretson, 1895; O. M. Dunlevy, 1896; H. C. Birch, 1898; H. C. Gibson, 1900; and James G. Blair, 1901. The church connection is now with Duncan. The present pastor is T. T. Bliss. The membership of the charge is eighty-seven; HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 199 Sunday school officers and teachers, ten ; scholars ninetj'-two. Two churches valued $4,000; one parsonage $1,600. RADNOR TOWNSHIP The Methodist churches in this township have existed under varied and rather peculiar conditions. As early as 1840 the missionaries and circuit riders held services in the homes of the people, before there were even any school- houses. Their first church was organized and a building erected in the year i860, though no doubt they had class meetings prior to that date. This first church was located about one mile west of where the village of Alta now is. Its principal members and supporters were George Divelbiss, at one time sheriff of the county and Wesley Smalley, farmers. The church was named the Glendale church. In its pastoral relations, it was then connected with Kickapoo church and Mt. Hedding, in Hallock township, with the pastoral residence at Kick- apoo. After the village of Alta was laid out, Glendale church was moved to that village, which is in .Medina township, the pastor still residing at Kickapoo. In 1884, a church was organized at Dunlap, and the next year a church was built, under the pastorate of Rev. George AI. Webber, and the jiastoral residence changed to Dunlap and the Alta church connected with Dunlap. In the year 1865, the Methodists built a church called the Salem church on the northwest quarter of section 16 near the schoolhouse, some five miles north- west of Alta. The leading members of this church organization were prominent farmers: A. J. Gordon. John Jackson and Wesley Strain. After a number of years, removals and deaths having weakened the membership, the organization was aliandoned for lack of support. The building was sold and another erected on section 18, some two miles west, and near the line of Juijilee township. This church was called Zion church and its pastoral relations were in connection with Kickapoo. The principal men in the church were William Rowcliffe and Daniel Corbett. The membership was small, and this church seems also to have been abandoned, as no mention is made of it in the conference minutes of 191 1. The membership of the two churches is one hundred forty-five; two Sunday schools with twenty-eight officers and teachers and one hundred seventy scholars ; one Epworth League with forty-five members and one Junior League with fifteen members. Two churches valued at $6,750 and one parsonage, at Dunlap, valued $2,200; $2,250 were expended during the conference year for building and improvements. Rev. G. L. Kneebone is pastor. HOLLIS TOWNSHIP MAPLETON METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH This is the only Methodist church in the township. It was organized in 1886 by Robert Burden, a local preacher, with the following members: Mrs. Wm. Harris, Mrs. Emma Newsam, Mrs. Mary Galloway, Mr. and Mrs. James Brad- shaw, Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Walker, Mrs. Mona Thrush, Mrs. J. T. Newsam, Mrs. Ann Galloway, Mr. and Mrs. John Scheidel and Aliss Kate Jones. They have a small church building which was erected in 1890 and dedicated by Rev. Jervis G. Evans, president of Hedding College, at Abingdon, Illinois, in November of that year. The membership is small, being, September i, 191 1, but thirteen, with a Sunday school of thirty-five scholars and five teachers. Rev. Harry M. Blout since transferred to liumside, Hancock county, was pastor. TIMBER TOWNSHIP GLASFORD METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH About the year 1890, a small church was built at Glasford. At that time Dr. William A. Brisendine. an old resident and practicing physician, who from his .200 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY youth had taken an active interest in religious work made application, and was licensed as a local jireacher in that year, and often thereafter, tilled the pulpit from time to time in his home church and probably in others in the neighborhood as well. September i, 191 1, the total membership of the Glasford church was forty- five; Sunday school enrollment, one hundred two scholars, with eight teachers; an Epworth League of twelve members. KINGSTON METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH A church was organized at Kingston Mines prior to the year 1885, and about that year they erected a church building which was destroyed by a hurricane about 1896. There is still an organization and a Sunday school maintained. Church membership nine; Sunday school scholars about sixty. BETHEL METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH In the southwest part of Timber township there w-as a small Methodist church built in 1882, and named Bethel. This church has been maintained ever since and now has a membership of nineteen, with a Sunday school of forty-five scholars and only five teachers. These churches in Timber township, together with the one at Mapleton form the Glasford circuit with pastoral residence at Glasford, with a parsonage located there valued at $1,500. Pastor, H. M. Blout. MEDINA TOWNSHIP MOSSVILLE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH About the year 1869, the late G. W. Schnebly acting for the people who were interested in the Presbyterian church at Mossville, employed the building firm of James Hazzard & Son of Peoria, who erected for him a neat, comfortable, small brick church building, seating about two hundred people, at a cost of about $2,600. A large percentage of the membership residing on High Prairie, in the vicinity of Alta, found the location at Mossville inconvenient and on October 9, 1875, it was decided to remove to the former place. The church building at Mossville was sold, and purchased by the late Samuel C. Neal for the Methodists, and has since been used by them, they having put in a modern hot-water or steam heating plant. As might be surmised the membership has been small — some fif- teen or twenty, with a Sunday school of about forty members. Under these cir- cumstances the pastoral service has been either in connection with some other church, or by a supply appointed by the presiding elder or district superintendent. The present pastoral service is by Rev. F. E. Ball, pastor of Wesley Methodist Episcopal church, Peoria. While the Methodist church at Alta is in Medina township, the early organiza- tion, and location of the church was in Radnor, and as its pastoral connections and residence are still there, it was thought best to so give its history. RICHWOODS TOWNSHIP AVERYVILLE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH The only Methodist Episcopal church in Richwoods since Grace Methodist Episcopal church was taken into the city, is the Averyville church. This society was organized about 1894 by Rev. T. W. Mc\'ety when he was pastor of First church, Peoria. The church was organized in the village hall and its members worshipped there for a short time. Shortly afterwards lots were purchased on Madison avenue from Mr. Luthy and the present church building erected at a cost of about $2,600, beside the cost of the lots. ci^, 9rf^. ^'-'■c^^ I HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 201 This church now (January, 1912) has forty-live members with a Sunday school of seventy-five members and an average attendance of fifty-two. The Ladies' Aid Society, of which Mrs. Charles Koch is president, has thirty members. Frank McBridge is Sunday school superintendent. This church has always been served in connection with some other church. Its present connection is with the church at Putnam. H. Wakefield is pastor. The valuation of the church property including furnishings is $3,950. CHAPTER XX THE TIME THAT TRIED MEN's SOULS — AN INTERESTING BIT OF UNTOLD HISTORY AS WRITTEN BY COLONEL RICE LINCOLN AND JUDGE KELLOGG The real trial of the characters of men occurs before the great outbreak in all revolutionary or critical situations when each man must align himself on one side or the other of the great questions presented according to his own judgment and convictions. It is comparatively easy after an alignment is made for one to fill his place and battle in forum or in field for the side he approves. It is not easy in the beginning to determine what position to take, for this involves two things, the abstract question of what is right and the question of how ditferences of conscientious convictions can be adjusted. Men are so constituted that they look upon important questions from dilTerent points of view and conscientiously differ as to what is just, therefore, in order that we may live together in peace, concessions must be made and the conscientious convictions of others must not be ruthlessly disregarded. It is in such trying times that men of sound judg- ment, strong character, great moral courage, kindness of heart and charitable feelings towards others appear as leaders. Lincoln was pre-eminently such a man. He had strong convictions in regard to slavery and more strong in regard to the necessity of preserving the Union. His problem was "what do the people think?" "What can they be relied upon to do? Can they be induced to work together for the support of right and for the preservation of the Union?" These were cjuestions of very great difficulty calling for solution by the president elect. It was, therefore, thought desirable by Mr. Lincoln and some of his most intimate friends that a projwsition of compromise with the southern states, as liberal as possible toward their views should be oft'ered, which if accepted might prevent a long, l)loody and expensive war and whether adopted or not might secure for the administration the support of Mr. Douglas and his powerful party. Such an attempt was made as appears from the following article which was pre- pared by the late Hon. David McCulloch, after those events had been long enough passed to allow men to think calmly and at the same time was written before those who had personal knowledge of the facts had passed away. It was submitted to the surviving friends of those interested, most of whom are now gone. It narrates circumstances which probably have not found a place in per- manent print before. AWFUL DAYS OF DOUBT AND AN.KIETY BEFORE THE TERRIFIC STORM The rejoicing over the great republican victory (in the fall of i860) was soon turned into a serious consideration of the gravity of the situation. On the next day after the election, the "Palmetto Flag," South Carolina's emblem, was unfurled from the shipmasts in Charleston harbor, and on the next day after the great illumination at Peoria, the legislature of that state passed a bill for the equipment of 10,000 men and ordered an election of delegates to consider the necessity of immediate secession. Two days thereafter both her senators in con- gress resigned their seats. Then men began to inquire of each other, "Do you think the south is in earnest in its threats of secession?" 203 204 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY Georgia followed South Carolina on the i8th of November by appropriating $1,000,000 for the purpose of arming her citizens. Then the inquiry began, "Do you think we are going to have war?" December 3d came and with it the assembling of congress. In his message Mr. Buchanan declared secession to be unlawful, but denied the power of the general government to coerce a sovereign state. This was an announcement to the secessionists that they were at liberty to go on with their unlawful purposes without hindrance from the government during the last four months of his administration. Although the republicans had won the victory their hands were completely tied. It began to look as if the Union was to be dissolved without resistance. Stormy times had now set in. On December 5th the United States treasury suspended specie payment. Then the cabinet began to dissolve by the succes- sive resignation of its members. On the 20th South Carolina passed its ordinance of secession. On the 24th its representatives in congress resigned their seats and returned to their homes. Still men continued to inquire, "Do you think they mean war or only bravado?" We were in a state of war without knowing it. But the war at this period was on one side only. There was no resistance. Forts and arsenals of the United States were quietly taken possession of by the seceding states ; senators and congressmen resigned their seats as their respective states seceded ; on December 27th the United States Revenue Cutter, "The William Aiken" was surrendered to the authorities of South Carolina. On January g, 1861, another one "The Star of the West" on her way from New York with pro- visions and reinforcements for Fort Sumter was fired upon by South Carolina batteries and compelled to return. Still men continued to inquire, "Do you think there will be war?" A pall of terror seemed to have spread itself over the whole North. It was the recoil produced by the discharge of a broadside. People began to consider whether they might not have gone too far in the late election. When confronted with the horrors of internecine war, they began to quail before its awful con- sequences. Especially in the eastern cities it began to look as if the North was ready to give up all it had gained. We began to wonder if we had a country to fight for. or whether our boasted constitution was a rope of sand. The flag itself had disappeared. Except on national holidays, or when carried as an ornament at tlie head of some military display, it had for some years ceased to attract any considerable degree of admiration. During this lull before the storm it inspired little enthusiasm. The slave power had no further use for it ; the new forces of freedom were awaiting their turn. Congress itself seemed to have caught the infection "While the secession leaders were engaged in their schemes for the disruption of the national government and the formation of a new confederacy, congress was employing every effort to arrest the disunion tendency by making new concessions, and offering new guaranties to the offended power of the South." No sooner had it convened than "in each branch special committees of conciliation were appointed. They were not so termed in the resolutions of the senate and house, but their mission was solely one of conciliation." In the senate they raised a committee of thirteen, representing the number of the original states of the Union. In the house the committee was composed of thirty-three members, the representatives from the Peoria district, William Kellogg being a member of the latter. Proposition after proposition was introduced, until, as Mr. Blaine afterwards said they would have filled a large volume. But the South emboldened by the vascillating course of congress became more defiant than ever. One of their leaders contemptuously said if the North would sign their names to a blank sheet of paper and submit it to the South to fill in the terms of re-union they would not do it. With the president at its back the South had the North on the run. With the North it was surrender or fight with the fighting postponed until the incoming of the new administration. Among the measures prominently brought forward for the pacification of I HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 205 the country was a proposed anieiulnienl to the constitution submitted by the venerable and highly respected John J. Crittenden, senator from Kentucky. Coming from a border state senator, it was looked upon by many as the embodi- ment of the sentiments which might be agreed upon by the whole country. This proposition had been rejected by the senate but afterwards brought forward in the liouse as a substitute for the measures purposed by the house committee of thir- teen. The report of that committee was so obno.xious to the northern representa- tives as to meet with but little favor in the house. To his credit be it said that our repre.sentative. Judge Kellogg, was one of the three who voted against it in committee. Hut many of the republicans, rather than have war, were willing to go to great lengths in the way of conciliation, believing that conciliation was better than dis- union. It was even hinted that Senators Cameron and Seward, both of whom were named in connection with cabinet positions, had shown signs of a willing- ness to compromise on terms agreeable to the border states. It was during this period of excitement, when four states had already seceded and others were in process of seceding; when the princii)a! forts, arsenals and navy yards in the South had fallen into the hands of the seceding states and the surrender of Fort Sumter had been demanded, that our congressman, Wil- liam Kellogg, on the 20th day of January, 1861, visited Air. Lincoln at his home in Springfield. What occurred at that interview may never be known. It is known however, that a long interview took place reaching far into the night. It is known too, that Mr. Lincoln was in favor of securing to the people of the South all their constitutional rights even to the restoration of their fugitive slaves. It is also known that he had great solicitude about the retention of the border states in the Union, if disunion should become an accomplished fact. But so far as known he had never by any word publicly uttered or by any letter written re- ceded one jot or one tittle from the principles of the platform upon which he had been elected. But who knows that he never entertained the thought that, if by so doing, war might be averted, the seceding states brought back and the Union restored, he might have considered it his duty to yield? He had already seen enough of the vascillating course of some of the party leaders, both in and out of congress to awaken his deep solicitude for the future, yet still continued to counsel a firm adherence to the principles of "No more slave territory." It was a matter of great surprise therefore, that w'ithin ten days after his return from Springfield, that Mr. Kellogg who was supposed to stand very near the president-elect should present in congress a measure of compromise which was interpreted by all parties as a departure from the Chicago platform. His proposition was presented on February i, for the purpose of having it printed and at the proper time ofl:'ered as a sul^stitutc for the Crittenden amendment. The supposed nearness of political relationship of Judge Kellogg to Mr. Lincoln was at once seized upon by the democrats in congress as a circumstance indicative of a willingness on the jxirt of the president-elect to concede more than his party had been willing to do. But no sooner had this intimation been thrown out than Judge Kellogg declared upon the floor of congress that no human hand other than his own was in any way responsible for the proposition. The Crittenden amendment embraced the following points : To renew the Missouri line of 36° 30' and carry it to the Pacific ocean ; to prohibit slavery north and permit it south of that line : to admit new states with or without slavery as their constitutions might provide ; to ])rohil>it congress from abolishing slavery in the states or in the District of Columbia so long as it should exist in X'irginia or Maryland; to permit free transmission of slaves by land or water in any state; to pay from the National treasury for fugitive slaves rescued after arrest; to amend the Fugitive Slave Law in respect to commissioners' fees and to ask the northern states to repeal their personal liberty laws in regard to such fugitives. The proposition of Judge Kellogg embraced the following points: To renew the Missouri line of 36° 30' and extend it to the Pacific ocean; to prohibit slavery 206 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY north of that line and to permit slave owners in the states to take and hold them in territory south of it while such territory should remain under territorial govern- ment ; to admit new states formed from territory either north or south of it with or without slavery as their constitutions might provide ; that the general gov- ernment should have no power to abolish or establish slavery in any state ; that congress should have power to enact laws for the return of fugitive slaves ; that the foreign slave trade should be abolished and that no new territory should be annexed or acquired by the United States unless by treaty to be ratified by a vote of two-thirds of the senate. There was nothing new in this proposition ; every article thereof having in one form or another been before the house. It seems to have been an effort to collect and condense into one amendment those points which had met with the greatest favor. It was, however, interpreted by both democrats and republicans as a plain departure from the Chicago platform in permitting the extension of slavery into new territory lying south of tlie line of 36° 30'. For this Judge Kellogg was severely condemned by his constituents, and within a week there- after the I'eoria district congressional committee met and called a delegate conven- tion to be held at Peoria on the 226. day of February, ostensibly to take such action as they might see fit ; but, for their utterances made at the time, it would appear that the true object of the convention was to pass judgment upon the course of Judge Kellogg. The several counties responded to the call by calling either delegate county conventions or mass meetings, at which resolutions were passed deprecating any departure from the Chicago platform. One or two called upon Judge Kellogg to resign ; while one commended his motives while differing with him in his plan. The resolutions passed at the caucus held in the city of Peoria were emphatic in declaring the party had not advocated one set of principles before election to be discarded and another set substituted after elec- tion ; that the Kellogg proposition met with their hearty condemnation and they entered an earnest and emphatic protest against them. During all this time the republican papers of the district were filled with articles denunciatory of Kellogg's course, some charging him with treachery to the party, some calling him a renegade, and some called upon him to resign. The republicans of Peoria county met in convention on the 21st day of Feb- ruary to elect delegates to the congressional convention. In their resolutions they had declared that Kellogg had forfeited all claim to the confidence of his constituents and ought not to be considered as the representative of republican principles. This resolution when first presented contained this further clause: "And it is the sense of this convention that he ought to resign his trust into the hands of the people by whom he was elected," but after some debate it was stricken out by the convention. In the congressional convention which met in Peoria on the next day it was resolved "That we enter our solemn protest against the resolutions oft'ered by our representative in congress to amend the federal constitution, believing them to be subversive of our plighted faith, our party's honor and the spirit of our institu- tions, and we earnestly urge him to an unfaltering support of republican principles as enunciated in the Chicago platform." An attempt was made to add the words "or to resign" but after a sharp debate it failed by a vote of 79 to 88. The Transcript in an editorial said that "most of those who voted against the amend- ment believed that Judge Kellogg was a man of honor and if he could not com- ply with the request of the convention he would resign without being asked, and if he was not a man of honor he would not resign although asked, and it would be a waste of breath." But Kellogg did not change his course nor did he resign. Nor was the demand renewed. Possibly the most radical of his opponents had not stopped to consider that his term was about to expire and that his resignation of his then pending term would serve no good purpose. Should he resign the term to which he had just been elected the vacancy would have had to be filled by a new election, which in the then excited state of the country might not have HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 207 resulted in a republican victory. It is possible, too, that Mr. Lincoln may have thrown his advice against the party's insisting on Kellogg's resignation. Here is an enigma in politics which is heightened by the fact that for ten days, during which time this excitement was raging in the fourth district of Illinois, Mr. Lincoln was on his way to Washington, stopping first at Indianapolis, then at Cincinnati, Columbus, Pittsburg, Cleveland, Buffalo, Albany, New York, Trenton, and Philadeljihia, making speeches at all important points addressing the legislatures of three states and arriving at Washington on the day next after this congressional convention. If Mr. Lincoln had then regarded his old friend as a traitor to his party, is it to be supposed he would have maintained a profound silence or would he not have made it known in some way that his course did not meet with his approval ? For five days this silence was maintained and no steps taken by Kellogg to recede from his position. On the 28th day of February, however, with the proceedings of the Peoria convention before him he made the formal presentation of his proposed amend- ment by moving it as a substitute for that known as the Crittenden amendment. This was as far, however, as it ever got. Congress was in a turmoil. One proposition after another was swept away as by a cyclone until nothing remained but a simple proposal to amend the constitution to the effect that congress should have no power to interfere with slavery in the states where it then existed. This ])roposition was adopted by the requisite vote in each house and sent to the sev- eral states for their approval. But the logic of events dispensed with the neces- sity of its being acted upon, for within sixty days from that date the rebellion was in full sway and greater issues were upon the country. fudge Kellogg remained in congress for two years thereafter, during which time his district was changed and he was not again a candidate. But Mr. Lincoln oft'ered him the position of minister of the United States to Nicaragua, which oft'er he declined. He then appointed him chief justice of Nebraska territory, a position he continued to hold until its admission as a state March i, 1867, nearly two years after Mr. Lincoln's death. It is quite evident therefore, that Judge Kellogg never lost the confidence of Mr. Lincoln as he must have done if the latter had regarded him as a -traitor to his party. The history of the time also shows that other republicans in congress had made as bad breaks, or worse than this of Judge Kellogg. Particularly was this the case with Charles Francis Adams, w'hom Mr. Lincoln appointed minister to the court of St. James. Mr. Seward was also accused of weakening and his home organ, the Albany Evening Journal, edited by Thurlow Weed, was out- spoken in favor of some compromise'. Yet Mr. Seward was then known to be slated for and afterwards received a cabinet appointment. The Chicago Journal came out decidedly in favor of Kellogg's course, and the idea seemed to be floatin.g in the air that, if not Mr. Lincoln, at least Mr. Seward looked with favor upon his proposed amendment. Early in February, the Illinois State Journal, the leading republican paper at Mr. Lincoln's home, and before he had started for Washington had said: "Our dispatches from \\'ashington this morning state that Mr. Kellogg had received a message from a leading re)niblican here (Spring- held ) stating that his proposition is satisfactory. Such is not the case. We believe no republican of character has transmitted such a dispatch. The Breck- enridge jjlatform will never be received by the people of Illinois as a basis of an adjustment." Although not mentioning his name the evident purpose of this emphatic denial was to exculpate Mr. Lincoln before the public from any con- nection with the Kellogg proposition. What motive had Judge Kellogg for his course upon this occasion? He must have known his proposition would meet with defeat. He must have known he would be condemned at home. There was nothing to gain at that time either personally or politically from his course. It is possible he thought to lay this last burden upon the conscience of the south ; to offer them this last peace offer- ing, to hold out to them this last olive branch, which if accepted by them would 208 HISTORY OF' PEORIA COUNTY have thrown the responsibilities of the war upon the north, but if rejected by them would justify the incoming administration in the adoption of such measures as should be found necessary to maintain the national authority. Whatever his underlying motives may have been and by whomsoever advised it is certain Judge Kellogg never shirked the whole responsibility of his actions but went to his death bearing his reproach. After his death, however, those who had knowledge of the aiTair gave to the country the solution of the problem. Judge Kellogg died at Peoria, December 20, 1872, and was buried on the Sunday following. On the day of his death a meeting of the Peoria Bar was held, at which meeting a committee was appointed to draft resolutions commemorative of his life and services, of which committee Elbridge G. Johnson, who had been a member of the legislature in 1861, was made chairman. On the Tuesday following, at the convening of the circuit court, Hon. Sabin D. Puterbaugh presiding, Mr. Johnson presented to the court the resolutions which had been adopted by the bar and moved that they be spread upon its records. On the day following (Wednesday, January 8, 1873), an account of these proceedings was published in the Peoria Transcript, then the leading republican paper in the district, in which allusion is thus made to the remarks of Mr. Johnson : "In speaking of the memorable compromise resolutions offered in congress by Judge Kellogg, Mr. Johnson stated that the resolutions had been prepared in Springfield by Judge Kellogg and Mr. Lincoln, the presi- dent-elect, who gave them his hearty indorsement. At the same time he felt that in the agitated state of the country, the presenter of them might fall a victim of popular prejudice. Judge Kellogg, notwithstanding he felt the full force of the danger of political death presented the resolutions and met the fate he feared awaited him, but gave no sign as it would never have done to commit Lincoln to any line of policy." The Daily National Democrat edited by William T. Dowdall, was at that time a leading democrat paper published at Peoria. It did not publish its account of the proceedings in court on the 8th of January, but deferred it until the next day so as to be able to write out its hastily taken notes at greater length. It reports Mr. Johnson as saying: "In the winter of i860, when a member of con- gress, and when the country was on the verge of Civil war, Mr. Kellogg pre- sented to that body a plan of compromise for which he was severely censured by his constituents, and a convention called by them publicly demanded his resigna- tion. I here declare to you that he was unjustly censured on that occasion. Before taking the step he did, he went to Springfield and was closeted with President-elect Lincoln all night, and, at the suggestion, request and approval of Mr. Lincoln he offered his compromise measure in congress. I know this to be true. I was then in the legislature at Springfield, but it was deemed improper to state the facts at the time. Mr. Kellogg was made the conductor that carried out that lightning which blasted himself. While Mr. Lincoln lived, Mr. Kellogg was sure of recognition and reward, and, had he lived, that recognition would have been continued. With heroic bravery he marched to his duty, though he could not but foresee what risks he ran in its performance." No one who knew Mr. Johnson would doubt his word on such an occasion, and on a subject of so great importance. Neither can it be doubted that we have in the foregoing extracts one from a republican, the other from a democratic paper, a substantial report of what he said. In corroboration of this is the fact that Mr. Johnson's office was within two blocks of each of these papers, they being the leading papers of the city, read by every one. and no word of dissent appeared from .Mr. Johnson, or any other person in Peoria. It is more probable that the account published in the National Democrat underwent his personal revision. The interpretation placed upon his words by those present was well voiced by Lucien H. Kerr, who in the legislature next preceding had represented this district in the senate, who said: "In the explanation that has been made by Mr. AMKAIIAM I.IXCnl.X Taken at Peoiia. O.tdlier HI, is.-it HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 209 Johnson, justice has been done to Judge Kellogg. At the time he stepped forward it was necessary for the safety of the country that Mr. Lincoln should stand uncommitted. The mind of the nation was deeply moved and nothing but blood seemed to satisfy the demands of the crisis. Kellogg stepped into the breach. He knew it would be his political death, but he died politically for his country as heroically as the soldier who faces and braves the sword or bullet of his enemy. And he went down to his death and made no sign. He kept it all within his own bosom. Knowing he had been maligned he raised no voice. This is the last, the greatest, the highest tribute to his memory. Mr. Alonzo M. Swan, a life-long citizen of Canton and the historian of the city, in a communication to a friend gives a long statement of the occurrence from which the following extracts are taken. "Republican statesmen in the north who foreseeing the terrible cost of human life and sacrifice that would follow war, were hopeful it might be averted. Among this number were Simon Cameron and William H. Seward, already slated for ])ositions in Mr. Lincoln's cabinet The Hon. William Kellogg * * * arrived in Springfield on Sunday morning. January 20, bearing confidential communications from Messrs. Cameron and Seward to Mr. Lincoln. These communications were of so grave a character that Mr. Lincoln summoned David Davis. * * * ^he Hon. Joseph Gillespie, State Senator from Madison county, * * * David (William) Butler, then State Treasurer of the .State of Illinois, and one or two others to consider the communications of Cameron and Seward. At this conference a new series of compromise resolutions were submitted which Cameron and Seward proposed should be introduced in the house of representatives at Washington by Mr. Kel- logg. These resolutions were on similar lines to the already rejected Crittenden resolutions, but it was argued by their authors that, even if they were rejected, they could furnish an argument for the north that the south had the olive branch extended, not only by Crittenden, a border state statesman, but by a radical republican from Mr. Lincoln's own state, and, therefore, it might be inferred, representing his own views." "Just before midnight Mr. Kellogg came to my room (at the Cheney House) and awakened me saying that he wanted to talk to me. I was from Canton, Kel- logg's town, and had been placed, by his arrangement, in charge of the political editorials of the "Galesburg F"ree Democrat," the leading republican paper of his district, and was considered a protege of his. Kellogg was evidently worried and ' paced back and forwards for several moments before he spoke, when turning sud- denly to me he said 'Swan, I have agreed to-night to dig my own political grave — , a grave so deep that when I am buried no political archangel can ever resurrect I me.' He then went on to tell me that he had been sent by Cameron and Seward, !by Mr. Lincoln's suggestion, to show the resolutions he afterwards offered to Mr. I Lincoln for his approval and suggestions, as to any changes he might desire. These ; resolutions had been under discussion all the afternoon and evening, and had been 'modified in some particulars and amplified in others by Mr. Lincoln's own hand. [Said Kellogg, 'I have not the slightest confidence in their efficiency. Their only (possible effect I believe will be to bury me politically. If I lived in Washburn's i district it might be different, but you know how radical Galesburg is, and Knox ( county controls the fourth district.' I asked him why he proposed to introduce I the resolutions knowing, as he did, the personal consequences. T love Lincoln' was his reply, 'and he has asked me to sacrifice my personal ambition for my country's sake and I cannot resist him.' " The next afternoon Mr. Kellogg called up Swan in the hall of the house of I representatives and, together, they called upon Mr. Lincoln (who then occupied the governor's room in the state house. — McCulloch), who said, "I know how you feel, Kellogg, about those resolutions, and the personal results to you ; but I promise you I will stand by you in the future, no matter what may come." Mr. Lincoln did not appear to believe that the resolutions would lead to any compro- Vol. I— 1 4 210 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY mise, but did l)elicve they would furnish a justification for any future action in defense of the Union which he might be called upon to make. Mr. Swan then speaks of the convention at Peoria, which he says was held to demand his resignation, but at Mr. Lincoln's personal request, a few prominent men succeeded in preventing the passage of such resolutions, although resolutions were passed, and speeches made roundly denouncing his action. He concludes by saying: "True to his promise, Air. Lincoln stood by Kellogg, appointing him chief justice of Nebraska after his term in congress expired, and giving him more appointments in the first distribution of patronage than were received by any other congressman from Illinois." These statements, liowever plausible they may appear, seem at first to be irreconcilable with what Mr. Lincoln wrote to Seward on the same day Kellogg first presented his resolutions in congress. In a letter of February i, he says to Seward. "On the 21st ult. Hon. W. Kellogg, a republican member of congress of this state, whom you probably know, was here in a good deal of anxiety for our friends to go in the way of compromise on the now vexed question. While he was with me I received a dispatch from Senator Trumbull at Washington, alluding to the same question and telling me to await letters. ... I say now, however, as I have all the while said, that on the territorial question — that is, the question of extending slavery under the national auspices — I am inflexible. I am for no compromise which assists or permits the extension of the institution on soil ow'ned by the nation. And any trick by which the nation is to acquire territory and then allow some local authority to spread slavery, is as obnoxious as any other. I take it that to effect some such result as this, and to put us again on the high road to a slave empire, is the object of all these proposed compromises. I am against it." These sentences doubtless express Air. Lincoln's real sentiments. They were also the sentiments of Judge Kellogg up to the time of his apparent desertion of his party on the occasion of the introduction of these compromise resolutions. According to Mr. Swan they continued to be his sentiments even after he had resolved to take the course he did. The letter to Mr. Seward was doubtless written for perusal by others besides himself, as a spur to keep his friends in line. But there are times in a man's public life, as well as in war when strategy is justifiable. Lincoln was firm in his belief, but had doubtless apprehended that in view of the horrors of internecine war and possible disunion compromise might be resorted to before he should reach the presidential chair. If one was to come, that of Crittenden seemed the most likely to Ije adopted. It is possible that oft'ered by Kellogg was intended as a flank movement, to eliminate some of the objectionable features of the former, and to make a fair divide between north and south of the common territory, while it might remain under territorial governments, and to apply the doctrines of popular sovereignty to it when ready for admission. Even if Cameron, Seward and Lincoln were all concerned in it, it is not to be considered as a backing down on their ])art. but simply as a plan by which in the event of an offer of compromise the slave power should gain as little advantage as possible. In the meantime it was of the utmost importance that the name of neither of them should publicly appear as connected therewith, but Kellogg should stand alone — a scape-goat as it were to bear the burden. In this view it was proper for Lincoln to write to Sew-ard as he did. It is possible the latter might have had little acquaintance with Kellogg, and yet he may have been chosen as the bearer of confidential dispatches between Cameron and Seward at Washington and Mr. Lincoln at Springfield. Subsequent events show that Mr. Lincoln never lost confidence in Kellogg, but that the latter was holding a valuable appointment under the president at the time of his assassination. Pos- terity will therefore be justified in believing what Mr. Johnson and Mr. Swan have stated, without imputing insincerity, or duplicity to Mr. Lincoln or a want of adherence to principle on the part of judge Kellogg. In their struggles to save the country from a gigantic rebellion, which at that time seemed almost certain HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 211 to result in the dissolution of the Union the wisest statesmen were at their wits end and many of them may have done things which posterity may have con- demned, but whatever the verdict of posterity may be as to the wisdom of Judge Kellogg's course, none can imi)ugn his patriotism or the sincerity of his motives on that occasion. If he was not faithful to his party, as party fealty is under- stood, it was because his country stood nearer to his breast tiian his party. If he was misjudged he meekly bore his reproach rather than betray the confidence reposed in him by the great martyr. In any event this movement of his formed one of the most interesting episodes in the political history of that most exciting period. In the winter of 'Go and '6i, the editor was attending college in Monmouth and was a member of a debating society which discussed the ciuestion whether the south would actually go to war or whether they were only attempting to intimidate the north. The editor was very sure that they had too much sense to go to war and debated on that side of the question so earnestly as to become almost intemperate in his language. In a very short time after that he was wearing a blue uniform of the United States \'olunteers. which uniform he continued to wear for more than three years. * * * * * ;i= The aI)ove article was submitted by Colonel Rice to Mrs. James, the daugh- ter of Judge Kellogg, and she told him that it gives the true history of the Kellogg Amendment. It was submitted to William T. Dowdall, who is mentioned in the article, and Mr. Dowdall, in a letter states, that in the year 1866 Judge Kellogg, while chief justice of Nebraska, under appointment from Lincoln, related to him the whole history of this proposition of compromise and that his statement fully agreed with what is set out in this article by Judge McCulloch, that Kellogg came from Washington at the request of Seward and Cameron, who had draughted the resolution along the lines of the Crittenden Resolution, eliminating some of the most objectionable clauses, and Mr. Kellogg was authorized to say to Lin- coln that they approved and endorsed the resolution under existing circumstances and Kellogg, at their request, informed Lincoln fully of the situation in Wash- ington and that Lincoln made a few amendments to the resolution and urged Kellogg to introduce it ; that Lincoln conferred, in Springfield, with Judge Joseph Gillespie and with E. G. Johnson, who was then member of the legislature from Peoria, and that Lincoln at that time promised Kellogg that he would stand by him and give him some appointment worth more than a seat in Congress ; and that it was thoroughly understood at that time that no one whatever was to be in any way made responsible for the offering of the resolution except Kellogg himself ; and that Lincoln also suggested to Kellogg that he was then already elected for a term of two years in Congress and that before that had expired, public sentiment might be so changed that his proposition of compromise would be approved by his constituents. The editor is informed by Colonel Dowdall that the article published in his paper (|uoted by Judge .McCulloch was sul)niitted to Mr. E. G. Johnson and had his approval before it was put in type and that when printed Mr. Johnson called at the printing office and bought a number of copies of the articles to send to his friends. CHAPTER XXI THE CIVIL WAR — PRESIDENT LINCOLN CALLS FOR SEVENTY-FIVE THOUSAND MEN AND PEORIANS RESPOND LOYALLY AND HEARTILY PARTY LINES ARE DIMMED AND PRACTICALLY ALL ARE FOR THE UNION ROBERT G. INGERSOLL TENDERS HIS SERVICES AND BECOMES COLONEL OF A REGIMENT — COMPLETE LIST OF PEORIA'S HEROES OTHER WARS SOLDIERS' MONUMENTS. Notwithstanding the threats of the south that it would sever its connection with the Union in the event an anti-slavery president was elected, Abraham Lincoln was inaugurated on the 4th day of March, 1861, great precautions having been taken to guard him from the ruthless hand of the assassin. Even at this lime some of the slave-holding states had seceded and the inauguration of Lincoln l)ut precipitated the "irrepressible conflict." On the 12th day of April, Fort -Sumter was fired on by the vanguard of the southern army at Charleston, South Carolina, and the whole civilized world was notified by that traitorous action that civil war was on in the Linited States. The duty of the president was plain to him, as he saw it under the constitu- tion, and immediately after this taunting insult had been paid the flag, on the t4th day of April, Lincoln issued a proclamation calling upon his countrymen to join with him to defend their homes and country and vindicate her honor. The call of the president was for 75,000 men and on the 15th of April, Governor Richard Yates issued a call for the convening of the legislature. Pleasures were there and then taken to meet the wishes and demands of the president and within ten days after the call for troops, 10,000 men of the state of Illinois had volun- teered their services to their country and millions in money were at the command of the government from patriots in various parts of the state. Only si.x regiments could be accepted at this time, but, anticipating another call, the legislature authorized the raising of ten additional regiments and more than the requisite number of men to fill them at once offered themselves. In May, June and July seventeen regiments of infantry and five of cavalry had been raised and at the close of 1861 Illinois had in camp 17,000 troops and 50,000 in the field, — 15,000 over and above her full quota. The president, in July and .\ugust. 1862, called for 600,000 more men, and .August 18 was set as the limit for volunteers, after which a draft would be ordered. Before eleven days had expired, men came from the fields, shops, stores, offices and other places of business, to the number of 50,000, showing by their promptitude the patriotism of a great state and of its people. On the 2 1st day of December, 1864, the last call was made. It was for 300,000 men and Illinois responded generously, although her c|uota had been overdrawn to a great extent. In the meantime the citizens of Peoria and the country were heartily and enthusiastically in sympathy with the president in his efl:orts and determination to put down rebellion in the states and save the integrity of the Union. There were mass meetings, pole raisings, patriotic speeches on rostrums, in the pulpits and on the street corners. Democrats vied with republicans in expressions of condemnation of the spirit of the southern confederacy and party affiliations were forgotten by the thousands of loyal men who fell over each other in their 213 214 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY eagerness to sign their names to the muster rolls. Hon. William Manning, one of Peoria's eminent lawyers of the day, an ardent Douglas democrat, declared himself for the Union, the constitution and the flag. At a great meeting of citi- zens presided over by the mayor, William A. Williard, William B. Whififen, a democrat, was made one of the secretaries. The Democratic Union announced its policy as being unequivocally for the maintenance of the federal union and Robert G. IngersoU, then a brilliant young Peoria lawyer and up to that time a democrat, offered to raise a regiment of cavalry i,ooo strong. This offer was not available, but shortly after a cavalry regiment was organized and IngersoU was made its colonel. The board of supervisors appropriated $10,000 to equip her volunteer soldiers and provide for the families of those needing assistance. j\Iany offers from influential and wealthy men were made to provide for families of volunteers and it seemed to be in the nature of a competition among the men of aifairs to see who could do the most for the Union cause. The first departure of volunteers from I'eoria was on the 24th day of April, 1861. On this day Captain Dennison's company of "Xational Blues" entrained for Springfield, their departure being witnessed by a mass of men, women a;id children. To the depot the "Blues" were escorted by Captain Norton's company of volunteers, the Peoria Zouaves and the Emmet Guards, each of which v as headed by a brass band. On the following day the company was made a part of the state militia and finally it was mustered into the United States service as Company E, Eighteenth Regiment Illinois \'olunteers. Richard J. Oglesby, who was afterwards three times governor of the state and United States sena<;or, was commissioned as colonel of the regiment. Of the thousands of men sent to the front from Illinois, many of whom never returned, Peoria contributed a generous share. But the tales of the war have been oft told and countless volumes contribute to the history of the great conflict, which make it superfluous to go into details in this work. The well-filled shelves of Peoria's libraries will furnish all that may be desired on the subject. Following is a complete list of names of the brave men, who fought for their country's honor and integrity, from Peoria county : EIGHTH INF.\NTRY. son. Benjamin; Loomis. -Andrew; Lutz, Henry; Company E Miller, Rodolphus; Martens, l-Vederick; Molden- bower, Ernest; Martin, Otis P.; Mund. .August; Captain. i\Ioehl, Emil; McCormick. Seth; Niglass, Ignatz; Charles E. Dennison, April 22, 1861. Nofziger. Jacob; Oberhauser, William; Pluffer. Cbarles H. ; Rollaman, Oscar; Schutte, Otto; Lieutenants. Stutsman. Xavier; Schroeder, Louis; Schuman. Fred- First Tobn Wetzel April 22, l'S6i; second, erick; Thomas, .Tacob; \'oris, Robert; Van Braner, Charles' Proebsting, April 22, 1861. -J."''"; Wills Charles; Wetzland Julius; Wetzland, Gustavus: Wasson, James T. ; W rage, Henry; \\ il- Sergeants. son, Joseph T. ; Zindle, George; Zeidler, William. First, Lloyd Wheaton April 25, 1861. SEVENTH INFANTRY. Robert Wilson. April 25, 1861. Alexander Jackslfalusy, April 25, 1861. Company B. Frederick A. King, April 25, 1861. Sergeant. Corporals. Dred, Richard W., enlisted February 24, 1865. Charles Reiss, April 25, 1861. Corporals. Snyder, David D. April 2^, 1S61. Protsman, Tacob C. enlisted February 24, 1865. Roehrig Antony April 25, 1861. s^;(,,_ wiliiam. enlisted February 20, 1S65. Caldwell. Samuel, April 25. 1861. Conroy. Aaron, enlisted February 20, 1865. Musicians Bunn, William C. enlisted February 23, 1865; Pierce, Henry C, April 25! :86i. promoted sergeant. Watton, Henry. April 25, 1861. ^ . , , ' , Bauman, August, enlisted February 21, 1865. Privates. Bristol, James, enlisted February 21, 1865. Enlisted .April 25, 1861. Anderson, Irwin; Babb. Bristol. Cyrus, enlisted February 20, 1865. Timothy; Bohn, John; Brauns, Otto; Carner, Law- Cornell. George, enlisted February 3, 1865. rence; Christ, Carl M.; Commensenusich, David; Crowe. Isaac, enlisted February 2,^, 1865. Fairke, Otto; Forrester, Asa B.; Frazer, Chastaise Curtis. Anson H.. enlisted February 23, 1865. S.; Fry, Charles G. ; Gray, William H.; Garsuch, Ely. Nathan J., enlisted February 20, 1865. Noah H.; Gilliard. John P.; Gindele. Francis; Falconer, Thomas, enlisted February 20, 1865. Gruse, Gustavus; Gingrich. Tacob; Gillig. Charles Gandell. Charles, enlisted February 23, 1865. E. ; Gaup, William; Greenlcif, Henry B.; Hetzel. Graves. Jasper, enlisted February 23, 1865. Frederick; Hahle, Charles; Harrison. A. Y. ; Hurd, Gray, John, enlisted February 23, 1865. George W. ; Humphries. Tames; Irons, Charles D.; Gifford. John B., enlisted February 20, 1865; pro- Tackel. .Xmandus; July, Basil; Keener. Henry H. ; nioted corporal. Karl, Joseph; Kluge. Gustavus; Kolmbuck. Rev- Haslench. Toseph. enlisted February 21, 1865. nolds; Kellogg, Tohn H. ; Kuehnle, Toseph; Law- Hunter, .Abner M., enlisted February 23, 1865. HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 215 Harlow, Moses, enlisted February 23, 1865. Hinkle. William A., enlisted February 24, 1S65. Isenburg. Samuel U., enlisted February 23, 1865. Jordan, John, enlisted F'ebruary 23, 1865. Johnson. lidgar, enlisted February 20, 1S65. Kampmier, William, enlisted F'ebruary 21, 1865. Keller, Thomas, enlisted February 23, 1865. Keppel, F^rederick, enlisted F'ebruary 23, 1865; promoted corporal. Keyser. Dennis E.. enlisted February 23, 1865. Kistner, Paul, enlisted February 24. 1865. Lorins. Julius, enlisted February 24, 1865. Lorins. Eugene, enlisted February 24. 1865. Nicholas. William, enlisted February 23, 1865. Regan. Henry, enlisted February 23, 1865. Shiplen. Henry F., enlisted February 24. 1865. Scoville, John, enlisted February 24, 1865. Sarver, Benjamin, enlisted February 20, 1865. Sessler. Emile, enlisted February 24. 1865. Teufel, Christian, enlisted February 23, 1865; promoted corporal. Tcufel, Andreas, enlisted February 23. 1865. Wagener. August, enlisted February 21, 1865. Vans, Charles, enlisted February 20. 1865. Yates, John C., enlisted February 20, 1S65. Young, John B., enlisted February 23, 1863. Company K. Private. Brannen. Henry, enlisted July 25, 1861. Company G. Private. Houston, Francis, enlisted March 24, 1865. EIGHTH INFANTRY. Major. Lloyd Wheaton, commissioned July 25, 1863; pro- moted lieutenant colonel, September 23, 1865; pro- moted colonel but never mustered; mustered out as lieutenant colonel May 4, 1865. Adjutant. Frederick A. King, Sergeants. Voris. Kobert, enlisted July 25. 1861; transferred from Company E, July 25. 1861; reduced and re- transferred October i, 1862. Martin, Otis P., en- listed July 25, 1861; transferred from Company E, October i, 1862; reduced* and retransferred No- vember 18, 1862. Hospital Steward. Keener, Henry H.. enlisted January 5. 1864; transferred front Company E, March 14, 1864; mus- tered out May 4, 1866. Company H. Recruit. Stead, William, enlisted February i, 1864. Transferred from Sei-entecntk Infantry. Campbell. William, enlisted F-ebruary 15. 1864. Cross, William, enlisted February 2, 1864. Snyder, James, enlisted December 23, 1863. Transferred from Eleventh Infantry. F'leck, Martin, enlisted September 30. 1864. Miller, Anton, enlisted October 7. 1864. Drafted and Substitute Recruits. Easton, Clark, enlisted September 26, 1864. Childs, Benjamin, enlisted September 27, Cliff, Richard, enlisted October 10, 1864. Grant, Winslow, enlisted September 26, 1864. Harriott, Epiiraim, enlisted October 1 1, 1864. Wonder, John, enlisted October 1 1, 1864. Woods, Henry, enlisted October 11, 1864. Company E. Captains. John Wetzel, commissioned July 25, 186 1. Lloyd Wheaton, commissioned March 25, 1862; promoted major. Lieutenants. First, Lloyd Wheaton, commissioned July 25, 1861 ; promoted, F'irst, l-'rederick A. King, commissioned July 25, t86i; promoted adjutant. Second. F'rederick A. King, commissioned March 25, 1862: promoted. Sergeants. l-'irst. King. Frederick A., enlisted July 25, 1861; promoted second lieutenant. Martin. Otis P., enlisted July 25, i86i; pro- moted sergeant major, October i, 1861; reduced to ranks November 22, 1862; mustered out July 30, 1S64. Corporals. Brown. Benjamin W., enlisted July 25, 1861; promoted sergeant; transferred Veteran Relief Corps, September 15, 1863. Irons. Charles D., enlisted July 2$, 186 r ; re- duced to ranks April, 1S63; discharged April 24, 1863; promotion in Eighty-sixth Illinois. Whane. John, enlisted July 25. 1861; promoted sergeant; discharged July 31, 1862; wounded at Shiloh. Molineaux. Gold D., enlisted July 25. 1861; re- enlisted as veteran. Keener, Henry N., enlisted July 25, 1S61; re- eiilisted as veteran. Musician. W*alton. Henry H., enlisted July 25, 1861; mus- tered out July 30, 1864, Privates. Barrett, John, enlisted July 26, 1861. Beadle, Ira E., enlisted July 25, 1861. Davies, John M,, enlisted July 25, 1861. Duherst, Thomas, enlisted July 25, 1861. Easton, Charles S., enlisted July 25, 1861. Greenieat, Henry B., enlisted July 25, i80r. Masters, William J., enlisted July 25, i86i. McDevitt, John, enlisted July 25, 1861. McMurtne, James, enlisted July 25, 1861. Meeds, John, enlisted July 25, 1S61. O'Connors, Kdward, enlisted July 25, 1861. Peck, Tristam B., enlisted July 25, 1861. Richer, George H., enlisted July 25, i86i. Simpson, Isaac H., enlisted July 25. 1861. Suodorf, George, enlisted July 25, 1861. Sutter, Andrew, enlisted July 25, 1861. Tulley, Patrick, enlisted July 25, 1861. Vidito, Henry, enlisted July 25, 1861. Vorris, Robert C, enlisted July 25, i86r. Walsh, Thomas, enlisted July 25, 1861. Wilson, Joseph F., enlisted July 25, i8bi. Young, Howard, enlisted July 25, 1861. Recruits. Ash, Francis W., enlisted July 28, 1861. Brant, Jacob, enlisted August 20, 1861. Beckman, William J,, enlisted July 28, 1861. Burgest, Samuel, enlisted August 20, 1S61. Devore. William H., enlisted July 28, 1861. Emerson, Joseph, enlisted luly 28, 1S61. Herr, Sheaff L., enlisted July 28, 1861. Kelley, Edward, enlisted July 28. 1861. Kelly, Peter, enlisted July 28, 1861. Line, Ralph E., enlisted July 28, 1861. .Muwry, \\ illiam IL. enlisted December 29, 1S63. I'i|ipin, Barnett M., enlisted September 30, 1864. I'arker. Robert H., enlisted July 28, 186 1. I'owers, John, enlisted Seiitember 12, 1861. Shearer, Henry, enlisted July 28, 186 1. \\est. James, enlisted July 28, 1861. White. Hiram, enlisted July 28, 1861. Wood. \'iralda, enlisted July 28, 1861. Wetmore, Henry, enlisted August 27, 1861. Whane, Joseph H., enlisted December 27, 1863. Transferred from Eleventh Infantry. Cobb. George H.. enlisted January 3, 1864. Dav'is. Samuel, enlisted January 3, 1864. Rakoskie, Stanislaus, enlisted December 15, 1863. Stone, Joseph, enlisted January i, 1864. Veterans. Brant. Jacob, enlisted January 5, 1864. Keener. Henry M.. enlisted January 5, 1864. Masters, Wilburn J., enlisted January 5, 1864. Molineaux, Goldsmith D., enlisted January 4, 1864. Company F. Recruits. Clark, David, enlisted August 18. 1861. Incs. I'rank H.. enlisted October 10, 1861. Nan^;el, Joseph, enlisted March 11, 1864. Veterans. Bensel, John E., January 5, 1864. Irons, Frank H,, enlisted March 31, 1864. Waters, Wilson F,. enlisted February i. 1864. 216 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY Company I. Sergeants. First, Kalambach, Ryiiold. enlisted July 25, 1861; discharged January 1. 1863; disability. SmUh, Dietrich, enlisted July 25, 1861; pro- moted second lieutenant. Schlag. William, enlisted July 25. 1861 ; pro- moted bCLOud lieutenant. Aubin, Albert, enlisted July 25, 1861; trans- ferred to First Mississippi Heavy Artillery U. S. Brauns, Otto, enlisted July 25, 1861; promoted second lieutenant. Corporals. Peffer, Charles, enlisted July 25, 1861; reenlisted as veteran. Guis. IJasil, enlisted July 25. 1861; promoted sergeant. Abel, Albert, enlisted July 25, 1861; discharged May 26, 1 862 ; wounded Fort Donelson. Steen. Paul, enlisted July 25, 1861; promoted sereeant July 30, 1864. Fulfs, August, enlisted July 25, 1861 ; promoted sergeant July 30, 1864. Niglass. Enats, enlisted Tuly 25. 1861; transferred to Sixth Illinois Cavalry December i, 1861. Kluge. ("lustavus. enlisted July 25, 1861 ; killed at Fort Donelson February i s. 1862. Thomas. Jacob, enlisted July 25. 1861; reenlisted as veteran. Privates. Balser. Andreas, enlisted July 25. 1861. Backman, John, enlisted July 25, 1861. Comemish, Daniel, enlisted July 25, 186 1. Evans. Walter F., enlisted July 25. 1861. Fellgra, John, enlisted July 25. 1861. Geible, Henry, enlisted July 25, 1861. Hugger, Gabriel, enlisted July 25, 1861. I verger, I^ewis, enlisted July 25. 186 1. Kuhule, Joseph, enlisted July 25, 1861. Knapii, Christian, enlisted July 25. 1861. Lahr, Tobias, enlisted July 25, 186 1. Meyer, Henry, enlisted July 25. 1861. Mummers, Paul, enlisted Tulv 25, 1S61. Mond, Augustus, enlisted July 25. 1861. Nabenger. Jacob, enlisted Tnly 25, 1861. Pleifer. Henry, enlisted Julv 25, 1861. Schrader, August, enlisted July 25, 1861. Schwedcr. Adam, enlisted July 25, tS^-i. Streiback, Leo. enlisted Tulv 25, 1861. Walter. Phillip, enlisted Tuly 25, 1861. Zendell. Joseiih, enlisted July 25, 1861. Company I. Recruits. Altmeycr. William, enlisted August 2, 1861. Burcheld, William, enlisted August 2. 186 1. Burchard, Adam, enlisted August 9, 1861. Baiter. Casper, enlisted August 9, 1861. Bran timer. John, enlisted August 10, 1861. Buttner, Jacob, enlisted August 19, 1861. Duenaec liter, Jlelcbor J., enlisted August ig, iS6i. Garon, George, enlisted January i, 1864. Harsch, Adolph, enlisted August 19. 1861. Hamme, John, enlisted August 19, 1861. Jackel, Amandus. enlisted August 8. 1861. Gordi, Jacob, enlisted August 19, 1861. Kolbatz, Edward, enlisted August 19. 1S61. Kohn, Franz, enlisted August 19. 1861, Kaechle. Andrew, enlisted August 9. 1S61. Kallinc. Alfred, enlisted August 19, 1861. Ltcberger, Peter, enlisted August i. 1861., John, enlisted August 19. i86t. Menges. John, enlisted Aueust iS. i86r. Onde'^sender, Matthias, enlisted August ig. 1861. Pfander. Charles, enlisted August 19, 1861. Ritzenccr. Andrew, August 10. 186 1. Richter. Edward, enlisted Aueust 2. i86r. Ringclle, Frederick, enlisted August 9. 1861. Stange. Henry, enlisted Aueust 9, 1861. Schronide. Charles, enlisted August 15, 1861. Shand, John, enlisted August 15;, 1861. Schreurmaun, TTenry. enlisted August 16, i8fiT. Schoenthaler, Charles, enlisted August 12, 1861. Tell. William, enlisted January 15. 1864. Trey ens. John, enlisted August IQ, 1861. Wilt. Henry C, August 12. 1861. Zenkel, John, enlisted August ig, 1861. Engel, Drafted and Substititte Recruits. Joseph, enlisted September 26. 1864. Mamburg. Madison, enlisted October 1 r, 1864. Spenive. Jacob, enlisted September 26, 1864. AlcKenny, Michael, enlisted July 9, 1861. I'cterans. Basler, Andrew, enlisted February i, 1864. Duenaechter, Melchor, J., enlisted February i. 1864. Ensch, Michael, enlisted I'ebruary i, 1864. Judig, Basil, enlisted December 7, 1863. Juerger, Lewis, en isted December 25, .863 Kohn, Franz, enlisted February x. i S64. Knapp. Christian, 'jiilisied February j, 1864. Mummert. Paul, enlisted December 26, 1863. Ondessender, Matthias, enlisted February ', 1864. Pfander. Charles, enlisted December :s, 1863. Ringelle, Frederick, enlisted February 1, 1864. Richter. Edward, enlisted February 10. 1864. Schroend, Charles, enlisted January 5. 1864. Schonthaler. Charles, enlisted February i, 1864. Shand. John, enlisted February i, 1864. Streibich, Leo, enlisted December 26, 1863. Thomas, Jacob, enlisted February i. 1864. Walter, PhiJip, enlisted February i, 1864. Company K. Recruits. I^randt, Jacob, enlisted August 20, 1862. Cloud, George, enlisted August 24, 1862. Drafted and Substitute Recruits. jMiner, Cyrus, enlisted September 26, 1864. Stubbs, John, enlisted September 27, 1864. Transferred from Seventeenth Infantry. .\ckerman. William B.. enlisted January 14. 1864, Blind. Philip, enlisted December 15. 1863. Beald, William H.. enlisted February 16, 1864. Clumnings, William C. enlisted December i, 1863. !;orgarthy, Jeremiah, enlisted February 24, 1864. Galaway, George W., enlisted December i, 1863. McHenry, James, enlisted January 20, 1864. Mills, Samuel C, enlisted December 8, 1863. Drafted and Substitute Recruits. Duplade, William, enlisted September 26, 1S64. NINTH INFANTRY. Company C. Liejdenant. First. Oscar Rollman, commissioned July 26, 1861; transferred to Invalid Corps, November 17, 1863. Sergeant. Hale, Charles, enlisted; killed at Shiloh, April 6, 1S62. Prizate. Rauch. Thomas, discharged April 14, 1S62. ELEVENTH INFANTRY. Company I. Private. Bright, George, enlisted September 25, 1861. Company K. L'nassigned, Drafted and Substitute Recruit. Righttinger, Parson H., enlisted October 13, 1864. TWELFTH INFANTRY. Company B. Drafted and Substitute Recruit. Ragan, Weldon, enlisted September 30, 1864. Company D. Drafted and Substitute Rccritif. Broughten, Jeremiah, enlisted September 21, 1864. Company H. Drafted and Substitute Recruits. Fargo, Ralph G., enlisted September 30, 1S64. McClayment, Alexander. Ragan, Weldon, enlisted September 30, 1864. FOURTEENTH INFANTRY'. Company C. Sergeant. Sullivan, James H., enlisted February 27, 1865; deserted March 18, 1865. HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 217 Corporals. Burnitt. William, enlisted February 2;^, 1865; sick at muster out. Perry. Stephen, enlisted February 24, 1865; mus- tered out September 16, 1865. Boyd. lohn B., enlisted February 23, 186.1 ; mus- tered out September id. 1865. Tilden Edward, enlisted February 37, 1865; de- serted March 18, 1865. Privates. Brown. James, enlisted March 27, 1S65, Cain, John, enlisted March 2. 1865. Connor, John, enlisted February 25, 1865. Doyle, James, enlisted February 27, 1865. Dunn. John, enlisted February 25, 1865. Delay, Dennis, enlisted February 27, 1865. Ellis, George B., enlisted February 27, 1865. Farley, John, enlisted I*"ebruary 27, 1865. Furrell, Robert, enlisted February 27, 1865. Galaway, William, enlisted February 22, 1865. Gannon, Joseph, enlisted March 2, 1865. Harland, George, enlisted February 24, 1865. King. Thomas, enlisted February 27. 1865. Killfayle, James, enlisted February 27, 1865. Lewis, Henry J., enlisted I-'ebruary 24. 1865. Lineback. Freeman, enlisted February 22. 1865. Mc Bride, James, enlisted February 22, 1S65. Nacy. Thomas, enlist erl February 27, 1S65. Newton, Neednian, enlisted February 22, 1865. Ross Alexander enlisted February 27 1S65. Smith, William, enlisted February 25, 1865. Sommers. George W.. enlisted February 20, 1865. Whalen, James, enlisted February 27, 1865. Walsh, John, enlisted February 27. 1865. Company E. Privates. Bennett, William, enlisted February 27. 1S65. Jones. Edward, enlisted Marcli 2, 1865. Lardner. Daniel, enlisted March 2, 1865. Stanley, William, enlisted February 27, 1865, Company G. Prizatcs. Rruden. William, enlisted February 16, 1865. Dockstader, Jeremiah, enlisted February 20, 1865. Warner, Thomas J., enlisted February 16, 1865. Zathlow. Charles, enlisted February 22, 1865. SIXTEENTH INFANTRY. Company K. Unassigncd Recruits. Cole, Francis, enlisted February 27, 1865. Ewing, Joshua, enlisted March '22, 1865. Mack. John, enlisted February 27. 1865. Stewart, Enos J., enlisted February 27, 1865. SEVENTEENTH INFANTRY. The Seventeenth Regiment of Illinois Infantry Volunteers was mustered into the United States service at Peoria, Illinois, May 24, 186 1. Left camp on the 17th of June for Alton. Illinois, for the purpose of more fully completing its organi- zation and arming. Late in July it proceeded from Alton to St. Charles, Missouri, remaining but one day; thence went to Warrenton, Missouri, where it remained in camp about two weeks. Company A being detailed as body guard to General John Pope, with headquarters at St. Charles. Regiment left Warrenton for St. Louis and embarked on tran'^ports for Bird's Point. Missouri. Remained at Bird's Point some weeks, doing garrison duty; then proceeded to Sulphur Sprin.cs Landings; dis- embarking there it proceeded via Pilot Knob and [ronton, to Fredericktown. Missouri, in pursuit of General Jeff Thompson and joined General B. M. Prentiss' command at Jackson. Missouri; thence proceeded to Kentucky and aided in the construc- tion of Fort Holt: thence ordered to Elliott's Mips; remained there a short time and returned to Fort Holt; thence to Cape Girardeau and with other regiments, was sent in pursuit of General Jeff Thompson's forces; participated in the en- gagement near Greenfield, lost one man killed and several wounded; returned to Cape Girardeau, do- ing provost duty until early in February, 1862, when ordered to Fort Henry; participated in the encagement at Fort Donelson, losing several men killed, wounded and taken iirisoners; then pro- ceeded to Metal Landing. Tennessee river, and cm- barked for Savannah, Tennessee; from thence to Pittsburgh Landing and was assigned to the First Division. Army of West Tennessee, under General John A. McClernand; was engaged in the battles of the Sixth and Seventh of April; suffered great loss in killed and wounded; was with the advance to Corinth. After the evacuation of Corinth marched to Purdy. Betliel and Jackson. Tennessee; remained there until July 17, when the regiment was ordered to Bolivar and was assigned to duty as provost guard. Remained at Bolivar until November. 1862, during which time it participated in the ex- pedition to [uka, to reinforce General Rosecrans; afterward at the battle of Hatchie; returned again to Bolivar; remained there until the middle of November; then ordered to Lagrange to report to General John A. Logan; assigned to duty as pro- vost guard. Colonel Norton being assigned to the command of the post; early in December marched to Holly Springs, thence to Abbyville, guarding railroads; thence to Oxford. After the capture of Holly Springs, was as- signed to Sixth Division. Seventeenth Army Corps under Major General McPherson; then proceeded via Moscow, to Collierville: from there to Mem- phis and was assigned to duty at the navy yard. Remained there until January 16, then embarked for Vicksburg; reembarked and proceeded to Lake Providence, Louisiana, then the headquarlers of the Seventeenth Army Corps, doing duty there until the investment of Vicksburg commenced. Ar- riving at Milliken's Bend on or about May i, commenced to man h across the Delta to Per'kin's Landing, on the Mississippi river; thence to the crossing below Grand Gulf, advancing with !\Ic- Phersoii's command, via Raymond, Champion Hills, Jackson. Big Block and to the final investment of \ icksburg. After the surrender of that city re- mained there, doing garrison duty and making incursions into the enemy's country as far east as Meridian, west as far as Monroe, Louisiana. Re- turning to \'icksburg, remained until May, 1864, the term of service of the regiment expiring May 24th of that year. The regiment was ordered to Springfield, Illi- nois, for muster out and finally discharged, when and where those of the original organization who did not reenlist as veterans were mustered out and discharged. A sufficient number not having reen- hsted to entitle them to retain their regimental organization, the veterans and recruits whose term of service had not expired were consolidated with the Eighth Illinois Infantry Volunteers, and were finally mustered out with that regiment and dis charged in the spring of 1866. Colonel. Addison S. Norton, commissioned .^pril 2^, 1862; resigned July 9, 1863. Adjutant. Abraham IT. Ryan, commissioned May 25, 1861; promoted Captain Company A. Company A. Captains. Addison S. Norton, commissioned April ig, 1861; promoted lieutenant colonel. Abraham H. Ryan, commi.ssioned April 25, 1862; term expired June, 1864. Lieutenants. First, Abraham H. Ryan, commissioned April 19, 1861 ; promoted adjutant. First, George W. Robson, commissioned May 20, 1861; promoted Captain Company B. First., Edmund E. Ryan, commissioned April 25, 1862; mustered out October 24, 1864. Second. George W. Robson, commissioned April 19, 1861 : promoted. Second. Gawn Wilkins, commissioned April 2$, 1862; term expired June. 1S64. .Sergeants. First. Gerard S. Crane, enlisted May 25, Gawn Wilkins, enlisted May 25, 1861. Frank S. Bishop, enlisted May 25. 1861. William Reynolds, enlisted May 25. 1861. i86r E. E. Ryan, first lieutenant. Corporals. enlisted May 25. i86r ; promoted 218 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY John n. Comphor, enlisted May 25. 1861; dis- charged December 5, 1861. Aaron P. Gilbert, enlisted May 25, 1861. Drummer. John \V. Wonder, enlisted May 25, 1861. Privates. Autcliff, Thomas H., enlisted May 25, 1861. Babcock, George C, Jr., enlisted May 25, 1861. Barlett, Nicholas, enlisted May 25, 1861. Barnes, James, enlisted May 25» 186:. Battersley, Robert, enlisted May 25. 1S6:. Barry, Richard, enlisted May 25, 1861. Bennett, Elliott G., enlisted May 25, 1861. Bohn, Julius, enlisted May 25, 1861. Brown, Edward T., enlisted May 25, 1861. Brown, Vincent, enlisted May 25, 1861. Brown, John, enlisted May 25, 1861. Buckholder, John, enlisted May 25, 1861. Battie, Gordon, enlisted May 25, 1861. Barton. Chauncey E, enlisted May 25. 1861. Butt, William II., enlisted May 25, 1861. Clemmens, Tames W., enlisted May 25, 1861. Cliffy. Richard, enlisted May 25, 1861. Cobb, George H., enlisted May 25, 1861. Dailey, Martin, enlisted May 25, i86i. Davis, Samuel, enlisted May 25, 1861. Dyer, Horace E., enlisted May 25. 1861. Fisher. William, enlisted May 25, 1861. Fisher, Albert C, enlisted May 25, 1861. Flagler, Daniel H., enlisted May 25, 1861. Garlar, John, enlisted May 25, 1861. Gunderlack, Charles R., enlisted May 25, 1861. Grooms. Alfred S., enlisted May 25, 1861. Harriett, Ephraim, enlisted May 25, 1861. Hack, Alexander W. enlisted May 25, 1861:. Hamilton, Theodore F., enlisted May 25, 1861. Howell, Alfred, enlisted May 25, 1861. Hough, John, enlisted May 25. 1861. Huey, Edward C, enlisted May 25, 1861. Huey, James H., enlisted May 25, 1861. Johnson. John, enlisted May 25. 1861. Johnson, Richard, enlisted May 25. 186 1. Johnson. Frederick, enlisted May 25, 1861. Johnson, Heye, enlisted May 25. 1861. Kellogg, Dennis, enlisted May 25, 1861. Kellogg, Solomon, enlisted May 25, 1861. Keshpaugh. John, enlisted May 25. 1861, Lamb, Frederick, enlisted May 25. 1861. Lang. William H., enlisted May 25, 1861. Landon, Fred A., enlisted May 25, 1861. Lazell. Joshua E.. enlisted May 25, 1861. Lemuel. Peter, enlisted May 25, 1861. Miner. Justin L., enlisted May 25, 1861. Mowell, David, enlisted May 25, 1861. Myers, Harrison, enlisted May 25, 1S61. Nicholls. Charles L., enlisted May 25, 1861. Olin. William H., enlisted May 25, 1861. O'Neil. Patrick, enlisted May 25. 1861. Patten, John H., enlisted May 25, 1861. Piper. John, enlisted May 25. 1861. Plumb, Henry, enlisted May 25, 1861. Phoenix, Charles H., enlisted May 25, 1861. Raymon, Eugene K., enlisted May 25, 1861. Ritter. Philip, enlisted May 25, 186 1. Reigle, Anton, enlisted May 25, 1861. Reed, Robert, enlisted May 25. 1861. Rook, John, enlisted May 25, 1861. Ruley. Stanley, enlisted May 25, 1861. Simms, James A., enlisted May 25, 1861. Smith. Weslev. enlisted May 25, 1861. Smedtt, Charles, enlisted May 25. 1861. Shorklev, Millican, enlisted May 25, 1861. Stillweli. John H., enlisted May 25, 1861. Stettman, Jnmes G., enlisted May 25, 1861. Stone, Joseph, enlisted May 25, 1861. Sykes. James B., enlisted May 25, 1861. Taniplin. Benjamin H., enlisted May 25, 1861. Thomas, William B., enlisted May 25, 1861. Thompson, James, enlisted May 25, 1861. Twicgs, James, enlisted Mav 25. 1861. Ulricb. William, enlisted May 25, 1861. VanTine. James H., enlisted May 25. 1861. Watson. Samuel, enlisted May 25. 1861. Wheeler. Horatio, enlisted May 25,-1861. Wentlett. Peter, enlisted May 25. i86i. Woodruff. William A., enlisted May 25. 1861. Woods. Henry A., enlisted May 25, 1S61. Woolstein, Henry, enlisted May 25. 1861. Recruits. Albright. Frederick, enlisted ^lay 25, 18G1. AutclifT, Arthur T., enlisted September 17, 1R61. Bush, George M., enlisted June 24, 1861. Broadman, John, enlisted May 28, i86t. Dodge. James, enlisted May 25, 1861. Dupam, Anton, enlisted November 23. 1863. Howell. Alfred, enlisted October 25, 1861. Jones, George H., enlisted May 25, 1861. Kelley, Lewis, enlisted July 5, 1861. Pfifer, August, enlisted May 25, 1861. Piper, James W., enlisted August 1 1, 1862. Recter. Philip, enlisted January 25, 1864. Schmunck, George, enlisted May 25. 1861. Spiniing. William H., enlisted May 25, 1861. Woods. George E.. enlisted October 25, 1862. yetcraus. Cobb, George C, enlisted January 3, 1864. Davis, Samuel, enlisted January 3, 1864. Stone, Joseph, enlisted January i, 1864. Company B. Lieutenants. First, John Hough, commissioned August 26, 1861; resigned April i6, 1862. First, Albert W. Jones; commissioned April 16, 1862; resigned September 13, 1S62. Second, Albert W. Jones, commissioned May 15, 1861; promoted. Sergeant. Pollock. George W., enlisted May 25, 1861. Corporal. Thurston, William, enlisted May 25, 1861. Privates. Brick, John, enlisted May 25, 1861. Brackett, Aiois, enlisted May 25, 1861. Denton, Isaac, enlisted May 25, 1861. Dureniper, John, enlisted i\Iay 25, 1861. Daily, Daniel, enlisted May 25. 1861. Davidson, George, enlisted May 25, 1861. Elliott, John, enlisted May 25, 1801. Ellis, John H., enlisted May 25, 1861. Falkenburg, Thomas J., enlisted May 25, 1861. Francis, 'ihomas J., enlisted Alay 25, 1861. Galamo, J. W., enlisted May 25, 1861. Glass, William E., enlisted May 25, 1861, Hartman, Augustus, enlisted May 25, 1861. Jones, Job, enlisted May 25, 1861. Litherow', William, enlisted May 25, 1861. Mateland. John, enlisted May 25. 1861. Morris, David, enlisted May 25, 186 1. Martin, James R., enlisted May 25, 1861. Riley. James, enlisted May 25, 1S61. Wickett, John B., enlisted May 25. 1861. Willoughby, M. E., enlisted May 2$, 1861. Wagner, L, enlisted May 25, 1861. Recruits. Ackerman, William B., enlisted January 14, 1864. Blind, Philip, enlisted December 15, 1863. Beal, William H., enlisted February 16, 1864. Britzenhart, John, enlisted May 26, 186 1. Cross, William, enlisted February 2, 1864. Clemmens, William E., enlisted December i, 1861. Davis, Oscar R., enlisted May 29, 1S61. Fogarty, Jeremiah, enlisted February 24, 1864. Miller, Samuel C, enlisted December 8, 1863. McHenry, James, enlisted January 20, 1S64. McGrath, James, enlisted February 25, 1864. Veteran. Rakoskie, Stanislaus, enlisted December 15, 1863. Company C. Recruits. Bayne, James, enlisted May 25, i86r. Wisner, Jacob S., enlisted May 25, 1861. Company D. Private. Price, Samuel, enlisted May 25, 1S61. Recruits. Moore, James, enlisted June 22, 186 1. AlcKinney, Michael, enlisted July 9, :S6i. Company E. Recruits. Brophy, James, enlisted June 15. 1861. Bryan, Moore, enlisted June 15, 1861. Berry, Terry, enlisted June 24, 1861. HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 219 Bateman. James A., enlisted Tune 24, 1861. Carroll, Edwin, enlisted June 24. 1861. Howell. Israel, enlisted June 15, 1861. McCee, William T., enlisted June 15. 1861. Smith, Oliver, enlisted Tune 24, 1S61. Wilson. Walter, enlisted' June 24, 1861. Company G. Scliell. William, enlisted May 25, 1861. Borne. James, enlisted June 25, 1861. Towers, E. J., enlisted June 24, 1861. Company H. Privates. Yates. William E., enlisted May 25, 1861. Law, Thomas J., enlisted May 28, 1861. Lowers, Calvin G.. enlisted August 12, 1861. Company I. Private. Workman, James M., enlisted May 25, 1861. Recruits. Kelley. Lewis, enlisted June 24, 1861. Phelps. James M., enlisted June 24. 1861. Shuflfield. Nelson M., enlisted Tune 26. 1861. Stead. William H., enlisted February i, 1864. Wright, William M., enlisted July i, 1864. Company K. Lieutenants. First. John Q, A. Jones, commissioned April 23. 1861; died in service. Second, Andrew J. Bruner, commissioned April 24. 1861; died in service. Privates. Pfifeshcr. Raymond, enlisted May 25, 1861. Warren. Aaron, enlisted May 25, 1861. Recruit. \'andoran. Jacob, enlisted May 28, 1861. Unassigncd Recruit. Campbell. William, enlisted February 15, 1864. EIGHTEENTH INFANTRY. Company E. Private. Hanlan, Thomas, enlisted December 16, 1863. EIGHTEENTH INFANTRY (REORGANIZED). Company E. Musician. Murphy. John, enlisted February 27, 1865. Privates. Mockhart. George, enlisted February 27, 1865 Mooney, Peter, enlisted February 25, 1865. Company F. Lieutenant. First, George Foster, commissioned March 16, 1865: dishonorably dismissed June 29, 1865.- Sergeant. McCoy, Michael, enlisted March 5, 1865: deserted March 2i, 1865. Corporal. Campen, William H., enlisted March 8, 1865: de- serted .March 26, 1865. Privates. Buckley, Charles A., enlisted March 10, 1865. Clumer. Thomas, enlisted .March 9, 1S65. Collins, Murray, enlisted March 8. 1865 Curtis. George, enlisted March 6. 1865. Dainise, George W., enlisted March 6, 1865. Fairlcy, William, enlisted March 8, 1865. Frank, Nicholas, enlisted ,March 10, 1865. Morgan, Thomas, enlisted March 8, 1865. Miles, Michael, enlisted February 27, 1865. Owen, John, enlisted March 8, 1S65. Ryan. John, enlisted March 6, 1865. Riley, John, enlisted March 11, 1865. Company G, Privates. Ryan. \\'illiam. enlisted February 27, 1865. Co.mpany I. Dawson. Cornelius, enlisted February 28, 1865. Privates. Harper. Thomas, enlisted February 23 1865 King, Lewis M., enlisted February 28, 186s Miller, James D., enlisted March i, 1865. TWENTIETH INFANTRY. Company G. Drafted and Substitute Recruit. Turnbull, Esquire, enlisted October 13, 1864. TWENTY-THIRD INFANTRY. Company G. Recruit. Cronen. Timothy, enlisted June 21, 1862. TWENTY-FOURTH INFANTRY. Company A. Captain. Alexander J, Kelfalusy, commissioned Tuly i 1862; term expired August 6. 1864. Company 1', Lieutenant. First. Alexander J. Kelfalusy, commissioned June 29. 1861; promoted to captain Company A. Priz^ate. Wernick. William, enlisted July 8, i86r. TWENTY-SEVENTH INFANTRY. Company D. Recruit. Anderson, George W., enlisted September 20 1861. •* TWENTY-EIGHTH INFANTRY (CONSOL- IDATED). Company G. Lieutenants. Second. Henry Lewis, commissioned March 21 1S65; dishonorably dismissed, May 2, 1865. Second, Thomas Henderson, commissioned Au- gust 23, 1865; promoted. Sergeant. First, Thomas Henderson, enlisted March 15, 1865; promoted to second lieutenant. Corporal. Canady, William R., enlisted March 8, 1865; as corporal; mustered out March 8, 1865. Musician. Gaylor. John L., enlisted March 8, 1865, as musi- cian; died at Cairo, April 2, 1S65. Privates. Howe, George W., enlisted March 8, 1865. Corber, Con., enlisted March 14, 1865. Kelley, Samuel, enlisted March 16, 1865. Curley^ James, enlisted iMarcli 11, 1865. Lewis, Henry, enlisted March 14, 1865. Lewis, Robert, enlisted March 14, 1865. Mulligan, Thomas S., enlisted March 14. 1865. Morrissey, Michael, enlisted March 14, 1865. Norton, Charles, enlisted Jlarch 14, 1865. Price, David A., enlisted March 8, 1865. Sherer, Hurdy Hill, enlisted March 11, 1865. Thompson, Abram IJ., enlisted March 14, 1865. Wise, David B., enlisted March 8, 1865. TWENTY-NINTH INFANTRY. Company E. Recruit, Jones. Martin L., enlisted August 31, 1864. Company K. Sergeant. William R. Brown, enlisted August 24. 1861; mus- tered out .August 28, 1864; term expired. Private. Garner. George W., enlisted August 24. 1861; mustered out August 28, 1864; term expired. 220 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY Veterans. Davis, Thomas \V.. enlisted January i. 1864. Farris, Christopher, enlisted January i, 1864. Grover, Isaiah, enlisted January i, 1864. Huston, Gilbra, enlisted January i, 1864. Hedgar, Job, enlisted January i, 1864. Markwell, Abner S., enlisted January i. 1864. Wilkins, William T., enlisted January i, 1864. Recruits. Davis, William, enlisted August i5t 1864. Kurst, Thomas K., enlisted August 15, 1864. Igo, Daniel, enlisted August 15. 1864. Tones. Samuel S., enlisted August 15. 1864. "Markwell, Georpe \V.. enlisted August 15. 1864. Company I. Hamer, Henry, enlisted August 11, 1861. THIRTY-FIRST INFANT.RV. Company A. Drafted and Substitute Recruits. Andrews, William, enlisted September 27, 1864. Andrews. W. H., enlisted September 27, 1864. McCurdy. John, enlisted September 27, 1864. Lair, George H., enlisted September 27. 1864. McKinnon. J., enlisted December 15, 1864. Savage. William C, enlisted September 27, 1864. Slygh, Charles C, enlisted September 29, 1864. Soaper, Tohn, enlisted September 27, 1864. Wheeler," John, enlisted September 27, 1864. Ward. Roswell, enlisted September 27, 1864. Company B. Drafted and Substitute Recruit. Mills, Robert E., enlisted October 13, 1864. Company D. Drafted and Substitute Recruits. Taylor, Isaac D., enlisted September 27, 1864. Watson, William, enlisted September 13, 1864. Company G. Drafted and Substitute Recruit. Xreft, Frederick, enlisted October 19, 1864. Company H. Drafted and Substitute Recruit. Noble, Enoch, enlisted September 27, 1864. Company I. Privates. Martin, Isaac, enlisted August 15. 1861. Sheen. Patrick, enlisted August 15, 1861. Winkey, John S., enlisted August 15, 1861. THIRTY-SECOND INFANTRY. Company A. Drafted and Substitute Recruit. Wilson, Finley T., enlisted September 27, 1864. Company G. Drafted and Substitute Recruit. Patterson, William, enlisted September 26, 1861. Company I. Lieutenant. Second, Hiram R. Walgamot, commissioned April 25, 1865; mustered out September 16, 1865. Sergeant. Hiram R. Walgamot, enlisted November 7, 1861, as sergeant ; reenlisted as veteran. Corporals. David M. Cawser. enlisted November 5, 1861, as corporal; reenlisted as veteran. Miles R. Goodwin, enlisted November 7, 1861; discharged April 28, 1862; disability. William Whitlow, enlisted December 17, 1861, as corporal; reenlisted as veteran. Privates. Buck. Abram, enlisted November 5. 1861. Crackel, James, enlisted October 2. 1861. Compton. Thomas, enlisted November i, i86i. Diselms. Washington, enlisted November 5. 1861. Fuller, William, enlisted November 5, 186 1. Fuller, Samuel, enlisted November 5, 1861. Fuller, John, enlisted November 5, 1861. Fuller. Nathan, enlisted November 28, 1861. Gold, Thomas, enlisted October 16. 1861. Jones, George, enlisted November 30, 1861. Veterans. Krisher, John, enlisted January 2, 1864. Peters, Samuel L., enlisted January 2, 1864. Wliitlow, William, enlisted June 2, 1864. Drafted and Substitute Recruits. Buck. Miller H., enlisted October 26, 1864. Blue, James W., enlisted September 27, 1864. Boher. Joseph, enlisted September 27, 1864. Juller, Isaac, enlisted September 2O, 1864, James, Jesse, enlisted .September 26, 1864. Pyle, George, enlisted September 26, 1865. Preston, Samuel, enlisted September 26, 1864, Walter, James, enlisted September 27, 1864. Company K. Drafted and Substitute Recruits. \'inson, Ira, enlisted September 27, 1864. Baker, Joseph, enlisted September 27, 1864. Craig. John, enlisted September 27, 1864. Hamline, W'ade H., enlisted September 27, 1864. Unassigned and Substitute Recruit. Scholler, Jacob, enlisted November 15, 1864. TIIIRTV-THIRD INFANTRY. Musician. Winter or Minor, C. A., enlisted August 15, 1861; mustered out August 15, 1862. Company B. Musician. Packer, William K., enlisted August 20, 186 1 ; died Ironton, Missouri, November 27, 1861. Priz'ates. Ingraham, Edward A., enlisted August 20, 186 1. Mayo, William J. R., enlisted August 20, 1S61. Robinson, Martin B., enlisted August 20, 1861. Veteran. Morgan, Sidney O., enlisted March 29, 1864. Recruit. Chase, Edward D., enlisted August 13. 1862. Company D. Recruit. Leary, Richard, enlisted January 28. 1S65. Unassigned Recruits. Corley, James, enlisted March 3, 1865. Davis, Charles P., enlisted February 25, 1865. Johnson, David, enlisted March 3, 1865. Keenan, William, enlisted March 3, 1865. McLeod. Murdock. enlisted February 25, 1865. McCarthy, Timothy, enlisted March 2, 1865. McCarthy, Lawrence, enlisted March 3, 1865. McKnight, Henry, enlisted March 3, 1865. Stewart, Alexander, enlisted February 25, 1865. Simms, Michael, enlisted March 3, 1865. White, John, enlisted March 3, 1S65. Dolan, Juhn, enlisted March 3. 1865. Dalton, James, enlisted March 3, 1S65. THIRTY-FOURTH INFANTRY. Company C. Recruits transferred from Eighty-sixth Infantry. Hindbaugh. Philip, enlisted January 4, 1864. Sanderen, Charles, enlisted January 2, 1864. Company E. Drafted and Substitute Recruit. LeGrass, George, enlisted March 25, 1864. Company F. Recruits transferred from Eighty-si-vth Infantry. Gladfetter, Albert, enlisted February i, 1864. Hughes, William, enlisted February i, 1864. Harris, Joseph 1).. enlisted January 23, 1865. Lvncli, James A., enlisted January 23. 1865. Nail. William, enlisted January 21, 1864. Drafted and Substitute Recruit. Bane, Matthew, enlisted March 4, 1865. < HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 221 Company G. Recruits Transferred from Eighty-sixth Infantry. Frank. Henry, enlisted December 29. 1863. Holtmeyer, Joseph W., enlisted December 17, 1863. Preston. Tohn R., enlisted December 29. 1863. Preston, David, enlisted Deceinber 22, 1863. Company I. Recruits transferred from Eighty-sixth Infantry. Green. Andrew S., enlisted December 21, 1864. Glasford, John, enlisted December 28, 1S64. Glasford, George, enlisted December 28, 1864. Kelley, Nelson, enlisted February 21. 1865. Petty. Ezekiel. enlisted December 28. 1864. Petty. John R., enlisted December 28. 1864. Sayler. William C. enlisted January 25. 1864. Company K. Transferred from Eighty-sixth Infantry. Reardon. Charles, enlisted March 25, 1865. Anderson, Joseph, enlisted January 30. 1865. Unassigned, Drafted and Substitute Recruits. Farrell. John, enlis^ted Marcli 21, 1865. Flynam. Thomas, enlisted March 21, 1865. THIRTY-FIFTH INFANTRY. Company B. Corporal. Bradley. Seymour W.. enlisted July 3. 1861, as corporal: mustered out September 27, 1864. as pri- vate. THIRTY-SIXTH INFANTRY. Company A. Drafted and Substitute Recruit. Wilder, George F., enlisted September 26. 1864. Company R. Veteran. McGee, Joseph, enlisted January i, 1864. Company C. Drafted and Substitute Recruits. Kepsah, Michael, enlisted October 11. 1864. Roleum, Julius, enlisted October 17, 1864. Company D. Drafted and Substitute Recruits. Nolan, Thomas, enlisted September 27, 1864. Laison. William, enlisted October 12, 1864. Company I. Drafted and Substitute Recruits. Miller. Joseph, enlisted October 11. 1864. Strange. Henry, enlisted October 11. 1864. Unassigned Recruits. Williams. William S., enlisted February 28. 1864. Benton, Charles, enlisted February 28, 1864. THTRTY-ETGHTH INFANTRY. Company A. Priz'ates. Ennis, John, enlisted July is. 1861. Howey. Thomas, enlisted Tuiy 15. 1861. Rollins. Gilbert, enlisted July 15, 1861. Sheehan. Thomas, enlisted July 15, 1861. THIRTY-NTNTTI INFANTRY. Company G. Privates. Borchers, Hermanus, enlisted August 30, 1861. Klumpp. William, enlisted August 30, 186 1. Klumpp, Jacob, enlisted September 4, 1861. FORTY-SFXOND INFANTRY. Company A. Prixate. Carter. James W., enlisted August 21. i86t. Company C. Drafted and Substitute Recruit. Bune. John, enlisted October 13, 1864. Company F,. Swan. William, enlisted January i. 1864. Company 1'. Private. Cook, James H., enlisted July 29. i86i. Drafted and Substitute Recruit. Riteman. William H., enlisted September 27, 1864. Company II. Drafted and Substitute Recruit. Caswell, Chester B., enlisted September 27, 18 — . Company I. Priz'ates. Thilieg. Christian F., enlisted January i. 1864. Bennett. William H., enlisted August 15. 1861. FORTY-THIRD INFANTRY. Company D, Drafted and Substitute Recruit. Clausen, Hein G., enlisted September 26, 1864. Company G. Woolcnmann. John, enlisted September r, 1861. Company H. Drafted and Substitute Recruit. I-'auI, John, enlisted September 26. 1864. FORTY-THIRD INFANTRY (CONSOLIDATED). Company K. Prizate. Carroll, Timothy, enlisted March 30. FORTYFOURTH INFANTRY. Company A. Privates. Schrader, Charles, enlisted July i 1861 Wirtb. Frederick, died at Rolla, Missouri. Decem- ber 21. iR6r. Birieinbacb, John, enlisted July i, 1861. Company E. Captain. Ernest Moldenhawer, commissioned February 6 1862; died of wounds, January 16. 1863. Lieutenants. First. Ernest Moldenhawer, commissioned Decem- ber 27, 1861; promoted. Second. Ernest Moldenhawer, commissioned Au- gust 14, 1861; promoted. Private. Nicbaus, Franz, enlisted September i. 1861. Company K. Lieutenant. Second. William Gebhardt. commissioned August 14. 1861; resigned January 16. 1862. Corporal. Henrich Wilz, enlisted September i, 1861; ser- geant, transferred to Invalid Corps. Prii'ates. Buchrig. Christian C. Degermeyer. George, enlisted September i, 1861. Haager, Julius, died February i, 1863. Heinz. Philip, enlisted September i. 1861. Hiscb, Fred W., enlisted September i, 1861. Meder, August, enlisted September i, i86r. Meyer. Christian, enlisted September i, 1861. Romann. Peter, enlisted September i. 1861, Yogel, Lewis, enlisted September i, 1861. Weth, Frederick, enlisted July i, 1861. Veterans. Bohmann. Peter, enlisted September i, 1864. Duermeyer, George, enlisted January i, 1864. Kennel, Andreas, enlisted January i, 1864. Klassert. William, enlisted January i, 1864. Recruits. Albers. Henry, enlisted March 30. i860. Buchler. Johannus. Berge. Burkhad. Denzel, Lewis. Essig, George. 222 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY Sclimult, Carl. Steiihen, Juseph. Itf-fbergTMax, enlisted January .9, .864. FORTY-FIFTH INFANTRY. Company B. Private. Dresser, Charles W.. enlisted October 2, 1861. FORTY-SIXTH INFANTRY. Company I. Rccmils transferred from Eleventh Illinois Infantry. Hunter, John D., enlisted October 7. '»(>*■ HuSer,' George, enlisted October 7, .864. Mauel, Frank, enlisted October 12, ;864. Vickery, Chester, enlisted October i^ 1864. Clay, Charles H., enlisted March 4. 1S64. FORTY-SEVENTH INFANTRY. The Forty-seventh Illinois Infantry Volunteers was first organized and mustered nUo the service of the Un°ted States at Peoria, Hlinots, on the i6th 'leptembTt3,"'s6., the regiment moved by rail from Peoria to St. Louis. Missouri, going into quarters at Benton Barracks, near the cty, where ?t "as clothed and armed complete; reman ed m Benton Barracks, undergoing a thorough drilling daiW until the 9th dav of October, when it moved b? ^raU o Jefferson City, Missouri where it re- ^■sr^::^'i\'!^t^i"^^s: S'j^-'?^r%r'^8L:'^^^"L= St Charles, where it arrived hebruary iS. crosseo the river at St. Charles and moved by rail to St Touis where it embarked on the steamer W,ar Fagle and moved down the river, arriving at Cairo '"'FebJuary^'^sth it moved back up the river thirty mifes to Commerce, Missouri, where the "giniem disembarked and joined Pope's c°mrnand then pre^ ?retS[aSri^d ""?a;?hed^ro^ ^Son": °Mlsso?,"rS! Sarch 2d arriving in front of the enemy's works ^'o^^n'Ihe'ni^M of"urci;':oth, the regiment with the Eleventh Missouri Infantry marched ten miles below N?w Madrid, taking with 'h-:™, ^''^""^^^ U^ht artillery to Point Pleasant, blockading the dfer and cut=;,ng off the enemy's convmunication^ by river below New Madrid and Island No. 10 Here swamp, with continual heavy rains, until the 7tn ■^'Th"/ enemv hav'ing evacuated New Madrid on and on the Qth were paid four months' pay by ''^cjn%hr moving of April 10th tbe regiment em- Sed^ °w!lth^°?h^ i;;:mf rw:n^t'he\P;ern^ea?ly Fort PiUow returning'on the morning of the nth took on coal, and on the nigni 01 inc „ •„ „ up the Tennessee river, arriving a H^"""", landing. Tennessee, on the ■"o^""'/ rWer Corinth, ."portion of the way it had to constru t |fi:^Mn^-^ar^s-'c^-r2Sth^°M>°5 forces as far as Bonnesville, Mississippi, returning ,0 Camp Clear Creek, six miles ^o"'h of Corinth June li, 1862, where, m a few days, tl'= /58' ment received two months' pay from Major t-t""g. On the 3d of July the regiment marched to Rienzi Mississippi, remaining there until August fs, on which day Colonel John Bryner ;f • fXwei iheVetreating army of 'he eneniy one day ^S^r0^tXrai^d'^o^k",rj:'t in"lhrb^tre"o?Vc^ iflffi^ ^ t!norid cl^^Sf Thruii was killed while bravely leading his om- S^.;? £ ^:;ri:illed^^^t;;iai^^H^rnSn Ji^rews "Tfter.l^s"™;tgrenf he regiment accomp^^^^^^ "SiThf U.h"'of%c''to!,er the regiment, returned J"i'aCr;y''8rrrchJd™om^a;a;i^>nction by w.y -Ei^7^'Sr'T^e;nSef^f:"t|^3 ^■^^f°^'iSr;^e=^Se^£ Ss E^iECl I ?3 reposing in water at nighty ^^^^^^^ ;„ On the 2d of May t lie g Mississippi the army d.°"" .,"^^^, ''g'l„d Gulf, and with the 'Al'- ,TtZ, Corll Then commanded by General On .the morning "f^^^^, '^^'^^^.^^.i^Then' command- leaving .the city Colonel Lromwe ,,^^„t of ng regiment, rode bacK to sec ,,, _„„!„., ..-ere The, regimen, participated " the ha.^e ;riui:Iemphis; moved up the river to Lake Chicot, di=:embarked. moved inland and came in contact with a force of the enemy under General Marmaduke. who was defeated and completely routed. Regiment lost in this engagement eleven men killed and quite a number wounded. Major Miles received almost a fatal shot in the neck and Captain Biser was killed. The regiment then proceeded to Memphis and accompanied General A. J. Smith to Tupelo, Mississippi, with the exception of ten men who had reenlisted. numbering about one hundred, who left the regiment in Moscow, Tennessee, and went to Illinois on veteran furlough. The veterans returned to the regiment on the 8th of August and with the regiment accompanied General A. J. Smith's expedition to Oxford, Mis- sissippi; returned to Memphis, August 27, 1864. The original term of service of the regiment hav- ing expired, it was ordered to Springfield. Illinois, where it was finally discharged October 1 1. 1864. The veterans and recruits of the regiment number- ing 196 men left Memphis, September 2, 1864, un- der command of Lieutenants Edward Rouham and Royal Olmstead. accompanying General Mower's ex- pedition up White river, to Brownsville. Arkansas, and from there marched north into Missouri after the rebel General Price's army, which was raiding in that state. Arrived at Cape Girardeau, Missouri, October 4th. and took steamer for Jefferson City, October 6th, arriving at Jefferson City on the 15th: thence moved by rail to Otterville; thence marched to Warren sburg, where it arrived October 26th; left Warrensburg by rail for St. Louis. No- vember 2d; arrived at St. Louis on the 4th. From St. Louis the veteran detachment was ordered to Chicago. Illinois. November gth, 1S64. to assist in quelling any riot, should tliere he any on the day of election. Their services not being required, they were ordered to report to the superintendent of recruiting service at Springfield. Illitiois. and were stationed at Camp Butler, where, on the 28th of November, it received 200 drafted men and a battalion of four full companies was organized and Lieutenant Bouham commissioned as maior. and Lieutenant Olmstead commissioned as captain of Company A. December 3d the command was or- dered to the field, reporting by way of St. Louis to General Rosecrans. At St. Louis the order was modified and its destination changed to Louisville. Kentucky; from here it was ordered to Bowling Green. Kentucky, where it remained till January 27, i86s, when it moved by rail to Nashville, thence down the Cumberland and up the Tennessee river to Eastport. Mississippi, where it rejoined its old brigade — Second Brigade. First Division. Sixteenth Army Corps — accompanying it to New Orleans, thence to Mobile Bay, taking part in the reduction of Spanish Fort. While laying in front of Spanish Fort, six additional companies arrived from Spring- field. Illinois, making the organization once more complete. After the fall of ^^obile the regiment marched with the Sixteenth Corps to Montgomery, Alabama, where it arrived April 25, iS^s- I^c- cember 31, 1865, the regiment was stationed at Selma. Alabama. Mustered out January 21. 1866, at Selma and ordered to Springfield, Illinois, where it received final pay and discharge. Colonels. John Bryner, commissioned July 27, 1861: re- signed September 2, 1862. William A. Thrush, commissioned September 2, 1862; killed in battle before Corinth, October 3, 1862. John N. Cromwell, commissioned October 3, 1862; killed in battle at Jackson, Mississippi, May j6, 1863. John D. McCIure. commissioned May 16, 1863; term expired October 1 1, 1S64. Lieutenant Colonel. William A. Thrush, commissioned May 9, 1862; promoted. Majors. William A. Thrush, commissioned August 25, 1861; promoted. John N. Cromwell, commissioned May 9, 1862; piomoted. John D. McClure. commissioned October 31, 1S62; promoted colonel. Adjutant. Rush W'. Chambers, commissioned August 24, 186 1 ; promoted major. Quartermaster. Samuel A. A. Law, commissioned August 8, 1863; term expired 1864. Surgeons. George L. Lucas, commissioned August 14, 1861 ; term expired September 19, 1864. First Assistant, Timothy Babb, commissioned Au- gust 14. 1861; resigned August J3, 1863. Chaplain. Jeremiah Hazen, commissioned September 20, 1861 ; resigned November i, 1862. Sergeant Major. W^illiam E. Kuhn, enlisted August 20, 1861 ; pro- moted second lieutenant Company F. Quartermaster Sergeant. Edward E. Tobey. enlisted September 8, 1861, pro- moted second lieutenant Company G. Principal Musicians. James D. Wonden, enlisted August 14, 1861; dis- charged August 25. 1862; disability. Henry C. Pierce, enlisted August 14. 1861; dis- charged April 18, 1863. Company A. Captains. John N. Cromwell, commissioned August 25. 1861 ; promoted major. Converse Southard, commissioned May 9, 1862; resigned October 29. 1S62. John T. Bo wen, commissioned October 29, 1S62; term expired October 1 1, 1864. Lieutenants. First. Converse Southard, commissioned August 25. 1861; promoted. First. John T. Bow'en, commissioned June 17, 1862; promoted. First. William W. Poole, commissioned October 29, 1862; term expired October 11, 1864. Second. John T. Bo wen, commissioned May 9, 1862; promoted. Sergeant. First. John T. Bowen. enlisted August 16, 1861 ; promoted second lieutenant. Corporals. Jacob J. Crook, enlisted August 16, 1861; mus- tered out October 1 1. 1864, as private; reduced at his own request. James Parr, enlisted August 16, 1861; mustered out October 11, 1864, as private; reduced at his own request. William W. Poole, enlisted August 16, 1861; promoted first lieutenant. Simpson Logan, enlisted September 20, 1861; mustered out October 11, 1864. Privates. Blair, Alexander, enlisted August 16, 1861. Burgland, Frederick, enlisted August 16, 1861. Batchor, Neal. enlisted August 16, 1861. Crank, Charles R., enlisted August 16, 1861. Cole, Samuel W., enlisted August 16, 1861. Button, Isaac, enlisted August 16, 1861. 224 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY Ewing, John W. N., enlisted August i6, 1861. Green, Edward A., enlisted August 16. 1861. Green, Tohn W., enlisted August 16, 1861. Grume. "Charles A., enlisted August 16, 1861. Hills, Horace, enlisted August 16, 1861. Hart, James, enlisted August 16, 1861. Huston, Robert E.. enlisted August 15, 1861, Ready, Thomas, enlisted August 16, 1861. Lowe, Hiram, enlisted August 16, 1861. Logan, George, enlisted August 16, 1861. McFarland, John, enlisted August 16, 1861. Mcintosh, John, enlisted August 16, 1861. Murray, Daniel, enlisted August 16, 1861. Odell, Leroy E., enlisted August 16, 1861. Patton, William, enlisted August 16, 1861. Phillips. Erancis M., enlisted August 16, 1861. Proctor. Harry F., enlisted August 16, 1861. Robinson, George, enlisted August 16, 1861. Rice. Elisha. enlisted .Vugust 16. 1861. Susdorf. Charles, enlisted August 16, 1861. Smith. Henry, enlisted August 16, 1861. Stevens, Cha'rles, enlisted August 16, 1861. Toland. George W.. enlisted August 16, 1861. Waston, Wiltz, enlisted August 16, 1861. W'endle, John R., enlisted August 16, 1861. Wilson, tohn G., enlisted August 16, 1861. Wilson, John W., enlisted August 16. 1861. Wilkison. Phineas R.. enlisted August 16, 1861. Recruits. Bonsbaugh, Charles G., enlisted September 18, 1861. Clifton, David, enlisted February 29, 1864. Cleary, Tohn. enlisted November 30, 1863. Dellingham, Tohn D., enlisted August 14, 1862. Dutton, William H.. enlisted August 14, 1862. Harvev. Tames T.. enlisted August 13. 1862. Harvey, Thomas Y., enlisted August 13, 1862. Longshore, John D., enlisted August 14. 1862. Longshore. Aaron, enlisted August 14. 1862. Meyer. William, enlisted August 14, 1862. Reed. Bcniamin. enlisted August 13. 1862. Wheeler. Tohn W.. enlisted January 4. 1864. Young. Calvin, enlisted January 4. 1864. Young. Tames, enlisted February 26. 1864. Young. Andrew, enlisted August 14, 1862. Yates, Tohn M., enlisted August 13. 1S62. Yates. William, enlisted August 13. 1862. Company C. Captains. John D. McClure. commissioned August 25. 1861; promoted major. George Broad, commissioned August 31. 1862; term expired October 11, 1864. Lieufenatrts. First. George Broad, commissioned June 17, 1862; promoted. First, Samuel A. A. Law, commissioned August 31, 1862; promoted quartermaster. First, Christopher C. Gilbert, commissioned De- cember 14, 1863: term expired October 11, 1864. Second, George Broad, commissioned August 25. j86i: promoted. Second, Samuel A. A. Law, commissioned June 17. 1862: promoted. Second, Christopher C. Gilbert, commissioned Au- gust 31, 1862: promoted. Sergeants. First, Samuel A. A. Law. enlisted .\ugust 18. 1861: promoted second lieutenant. Israel Howell, enlisted August 18, 1861; dis- charged May 7, 1862; disability. Dexter M. Camp, enlisted August 18, 1861; mus- tered out October II, 1864. James W. .\rmour. enlisted August 18, 1861: deserted March 11, 1863. Corporals. Thomas Swan, enlisted August 18, 1861 ; mus- tered out October 11. 1864. Benjamin J. Gates, enlisted August 18, 1861; mustered out October 11, 1S64. Christopher Gilbert, enlisted August 18, 1861; promoted second lieutenant. Addison F. Slatin, enlisted August 18, 1861; deserted September 19, 1862. William Wanser, enlisted August 18, 1861; mus- tered out October 11. 1864, as private. John Balfour, enlisted August 18, 1861; mustered out August 24, 1864. Lewis M. Cady. enlisted August 18, 1861; sup- posed to be captured August 11. 1864. IVagoner. Isaac J. Pratt, enlisted August 18, 1861: died at Memphis, September 10, 1864. Prii'atcs. Anten, James, enlisted August 18, 1861. Booth, Henry A., enlisted August 18. 1861. Brittingham. William H.. enlisted August 18, 1861. Baldwin. Albert H., enlisted August 18, 1861. Center, Lemuel L.. enlisted August 18, 1861, Clough, Cassius M., enlisted August 18, 1861. Conley. James, enlisted August 18, 1861. Crawford, John E., enlisted August 18, 1861. DeGrummond. John J., enlisted August 18, 1861. Davison. Tohn. enlisted August 18. 1861. Farris. John S.. enlisted August 18. 1861. Gilbert. 'Charles W.. enlisted August 18, 1861. Hathaway. George H., enlisted August 18, 1861. Himes. Charles H., enlisted August 18, 1861. Hartz. Tohn H.. enlisted August 18. 1861. Harper.' Oliver P.. enlisted August 18, 1861. Hackenburg, William H., enlisted August 18, 1861. Kelley, Stephen, enlisted August 18, 1861. Lapham, Aaron M., enlisted August 18, 1861. McCoy, Daniel, enlisted August 18. 1861. McRil'l. Thomas, enlisted August 18, 1861. Mason. Isaac F., enlisted August iS. 1861. Mendall. Ira L.. enlisted .August 18, 1861. Orton. Augustus L.. enlisted August 18. 1861. Patterson, Caster, enlisted August 18. 1861. Pohlman. Tohn H., enlisted August 18, 1861. Randall, Peter, enlisted August 18, 1861. Stewart, Collins P... enlisted August 18, 1861. Vancamp, Isaac, enlisted ,\ugust 18, 1861. Wickersham. Hiram O., enlisted August 18, 1861. Wheeler. Joseph, enlisted August 18, 1861. Veterans. Baldwin, Albert H., enlisted February 22, 1864, Anten, James B., enlisted February 22, 1864. Recruits. Blanchard. Ira W., enlisted September 20 1861. Burdett. Robert T.. enlisted August 4, ,1862. Cavanaugh. Tames, enlisted December 8. 1863. Ford Swell G., enlisted August 20. 1862. Freeman. Charles H., enlisted September 14, 1861. Hayes, Morris, enlisted August 25, 1862. Johnson, Augustus, enlisted August 25. 1861. 'Kellogg. Philander, enlisted September 20. 1861. Murray. Daniel, enlisted September 6. 1861. Swimm. Peter, enlisted September 6. 1861. Company D. Privates. Boyee. Artemus, enlisted August 16, 1861. Dickerson, Jonathan, enlisted August 16, 1861. Green. Tose'ph D., enlisted August 16. 1861. Merrill. 'James G., enlisted August 16. 1861. Veterans. Green. Joseph D., enlisted February 19. 1864. Boyce. 'Artemus. enlisted February 19. 1864. Recruits. Murray. Tames, enlisted. Smith. John, enlisted January iS. 1864. Company E. Captain. Samuel R. Baker, commissioned August 25, 1861; promoted to lieutenant colonel. Company F. Captains. Lyman W. Clark, commissioned August 25, 1861; resigned December 27. 1861. Theodore M. Lowe, commissioned December 28, 1861: resigned April 12. 1863. George W. Carter, commissioned April 12, 1863; resigned August 21, 1863, Lieutenants, First. Theodore M. Lowe, commissioned August 21. 1861: promoted. Second. George H. Carter, commissioned October 22, 1862: promoted. L. "■■■J 1. V ^ «-* ■ ■ ■ "ssg/lP ^HH \ V i ^ ■,!. i li % 4 I ^ 11 #i- ^^ THE LAST OF l'Kn|;iA (orNTVS MKXK A\ WAi; sri;\'l\i n;s. I'.idi; CAPTAIX COUt'HS (o:MrANV THE XIGHT BEFUKK (.iilNi. In llll. SPANISH AMKHirAX WAR i HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 225 Sergeants, First, George H. Carter, enlisted August i8, i86i- promoted second lieutenan*. William C. Gonclier, enlisted August 21, i86i- discharged December 8, 1862; disability. Patrick Curran, enlisted August 21, 1861; mus- tered out August II, 1864. as private. Moody W. Lowe, enlisted August 21, i86i- dis- charged October 24, 1862; disability. Corporals. Henry Swartwood. enlisted August 21, i86i; mus- tered out October 11, 1864, as sergeant. John Noonan, enlisted August 21, 186 1; mustered out October 11, 1864. James Swartwood, enlisted August 21, 1861; dis- charged December 17, 1861; disability. Musicians. John Joyce, enlisted August 21, 1861; discharged November 21, 1862; disability. Edward Fisher, enlisted August 21, 1861; dis- charged April 9, 1862; disability. Privates. Bulaw, Patrick F., enlisted August 21, 1861. Burns, Nicholas, enlisted August 21, 1861, Bair, David, enlisted August 21, 1861. Bogan, John, enlisted August 21, i86i. Cunningham, James, enlisted August 21, 1861. Carnick, Joseph H., enlisted August 21, 1861. Conely, Francis, enlisted August 21, 1861. Cochran, Joseph, enlisted August 21, 1861. Collerige, Job, enlisted August 21, 1861. Carrey, Larius, enlisted August 21, 1861. Dempsey, Frank, enlisted August 21, 1861. Donnely, Patrick, enlisted August 21, i§6i. Dagan, John, enlisted August 21, 1861. Dennegan, James, enlisted August 21, 1861. Ewing, Noah JVI., enlisted August 21, 1861. Gaffney, James, enlisted August 21, 1861. Galvin, Patrick, enlisted August 21, 18C1. Hollihan, Dennis, .•\ugust 21, 1861. Hawkins, William, enlisted August 21, 1861. Huffman, Charles, enlisted August 21, 1861. Hampton, George S.. enlisted ."Vugust 21, 1861. Kelley. William, enlisted August 21, 1861. Kyle, John, enlisted August 21, 1861. Leisenburge, John, enlisted August 21, 1861. McLaughlin, Peter J., enlisted August 21, 1861. Lonsdale. Ellis, enlisted August 21, 1861. Merrick. Alonzo W., enlisted August 21, ig6i. Maily, Michael, enlisted August 21, 1861. McDermott, James, enlisted August 21, 1861. McCarty. Jeremiah, enlisted August 21, 1861. Murphy, William, enlisted August 21, 1861. McDermott, John, enlisted August 21, 1861. Moreton, Henry, enlisted August 21, 1861. Morgan, Edward, enlisted August 21, 1861. Mclntyre. James, enlisted August 21, 1861, Norton, Henry, enlisted August 21, 1861. Perry, Peter, enlisted August 21, 1861. Porter. William, enlisted August 21, 1861. Powell, John, enlisted August 21, 1861. Ryan, John, enlisted August 21, i86i. Ryan. Patrick, enlisted August 21, 1861. Rether. Joseph, enlisted August 21, 1861. Swartwood, William, enlisted August 21, 1861. Sundren. Charles, enlisted August 21, 1861. Shaw, Owen W., enlisted August 21, 1861. Snyder, Nicholas, enlisted August 21, 1861. Smith, John, enlisted .Xugust 21, 1861. Trernpe. Isaac, enlisted August 21, 1861. Willis, Jackson, enlisted August 21. 1861. Walker. Augustus, enlisted August 21. 1861. Veterans. Beare, David, enlisted February 22, 1864. Hampton. George S.. enlisted February 22, 1864. McLoughlin, Peter J., enlisted February 22, 1864. Ryan. Patrick, enlisted February 22, 1864. .Swartwood, W'illiani, enlisted February 22, 1864. Company G. Wagoner, Sturman. William L., enlisted August 16. 1861; discharged December g, 1862; disability. Privates. Alfolder, Samuel, enlisted August 16, 1861. Bixler. Samuel, enlisted Au&ist 16, 1861. Bower, Martin, enlisted August 16, i86i. Vol. 1—15 Baley. Daniel, enlisted .August i6, 1861. Miller, Robert F., enlisted August 16, 1861. Maurice, .'\dam. enlisted August 16. 1861. Putnian. Judson. enlisted August 16, 1861, Reed, Thomas R., enlisted August 16, 1861. .Seely, William, enlisted August 16, 1861. Wilson, liennett, enlisted August 16, 1861. Recruits. Byrne, Edward, enlisted August 13, 1862, Strum, T. JelTerson. enlisted .'\ugust 27, 1861 Stone, Stephen, enlisted September 19, 1861. Company H. Sergeants. Rogers, Eli B., enlisted September i. 1861: dis- cha_rged October 24, 1862; disability. Gordon, William, enlisted September i, i86i- discharged October 10. 1863; disability. Williams, Charles, died at Ridgway Station, Tulv 24. 1863. Corporals. Levi R. Adkinson, enlisted September i, i86i- died at Rienzi, Mississippi, July 10, 1862. Samuel Gordon, enlisted September i, 1861 ■ mustered out October 11. 1864. Wagoner. Mahlon McGowen, enlisted September 1, i86i- discharged September 29, 1862; disability. Privates. Bailey, John, enlisted September i, 1861. Bailey, Richard, enlisted September i, 1861. Dickison. John, enlisted September i, 1861. Drummond, John P., enlisted September i, 1861. Dumbelle. William H.. enlisted September i, 1861. Drum, Patrick, enlisted September i, 1861. Elson. John, enlisted September I, 1861. Flemming. Michael, enlisted September 1, 1861. Fenens, William, enlisted September i, 1861. Harlan, John, enlisted September i, 186 1. Harlan. Joseph, enlisted September 1, 1861. Hall, George, enlisted September i, 1861. Holeman, Samuel K. P., enlisted September i, 1861. Hendrick. Joel, enlisted September r. 1861. Johnson. Nathan, enlisted September i. 1861. Kingdon. John, enlisted September i, 1861. Kingdon, Tames, enlisted September i, 1861. Keough, Thomas, enlisted September i, 1861. Moore, Bolin L, enlisted September i, 1861. Mendall. David, enlisted September i, 1861, Moffitt, Aaron C, enlisted September I, 1861. O'Connor, James, enlisted September i, 1861. Phalan. Michael, enlisted September i, 1861. Sutherland. Jacob, enlisted September i, 1861. Smith, John, enlisted September i, 1861. Staples, Silas, enlisted September i, i86r. I'eterans. Bailey, John, enlisted February 22, 1864. Kingdon, John, enlisted February 22, 1864. Kingdon, James, enlisted February 22, 1864. Moffitt, Aaron C, enlisted February 22, 1864. Recruits. Brown. George, enlisted -August 14, 1862. Dimon. Jacob, enlisted September 14, 1862. Hall. Gilbert, mustered out November i. 1864. Hartley. Daniel, enlisted August g, 1862. Harlan. Tames I'., enlisted August 2, 1862. Martin, David A., enlisted August g, 1862. Company \. Wagoner. William D. Bell, enlisted September 4. 1861: killed at Jefferson City. Missouri, November 6, 1861: run over by a wagon. Privates. Behymer. Henry M.. enlisted September 4, 1861. Cox, Joseph, enlisted September 4, 1861. Dredgo. John C, enlisted September 4, 1861. Kershaw, John, enlisted September 4, 1861. Miller, George M., enlisted September 4, 1861. Macon. John, enlisted September 4, 1861. Nelson. Thomas, enlisted .September 4, 1861. Nicholas, John S., enlisted September 4, 1861. Pritchard, Thomas, enlisted September 4. 1861. Rowley, Martin E., enlisted September 4, 1861, 226 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY Upshaw, George \V., Jr.. enlisted September 4. 1861. Recruits. Allison. James, enlisted December 28, 1863. Pratt, Edmun M. Pratt. Nathan W. Rogers, Richard. Ryan, Robert R. Company K. Privates. Armtrout. J. B., enlisted September 6. 1861 Buckley. Tohnson. enlisted September 18 1861. Boughslow, Charles G., enlisted September 6, Carter Charles W.. enlisted September 8. 1861. Jacobs. Henry, enlisted September 25. '^^'^ Hutchinson. Franklin, enlisted September 6.J861. Locan. Simpson, enlisted September 18, i8&;- McGregor, Henry B., enlisted September 6. 1861. Tobey. Edward E.. enlisted September 8. 1861. Williams. George, enlisted September 19, i8t)i. FORTY-SEVENTH INFANTRY (CONSOLI- DATED). Company A. Private. Davison. James, enlisted January 3. 1862. Recruits. Davison, Tames, enlisted March 7. 1865. Sweet. Alfred, enlisted March 16, 1865. Recruit transferred from One Hundred and Eighth. Greenville, George, enlisted February 24, 1865. Company B. Privates. Green Gilbert L., enlisted November 16, 1864. Petty, John W., enlisted November 16. 1864. Wiar, John, enlisted November 29, 1864. Recruit. Green. Hedriik, enlisted January 23. 1865 Recruits transferred from One Hundred and Eighth. Alldrich. George C. enlisted March 6. 1865. Bailey, Henry C. enlisted March 6. 1865. Budley, Tohn, enlisted ^larch 6, 1865. Guyer. George C. enlisted March 6, 1865. Fox. Reads, enlisted March 6, 1865. Hibbs. Eben L., enlisted March 6. 1865. King, Joseph, enlisted March 6, 1865. Prior. "Richard, enlisted March 6, 1865. Company D. Private. Burbank, Israel, enlisted September 13, 1864. Recruit transferred from One Hundred and Eighth. Trotman, Frank L., enlisted January 23, 1864. Company E. Captain. Thomas Lynch, commissioned March 9, 1865; mustered out January 21, 1866. Lieutenants. First. Dennis Brennan. commissioned March 9, 1865: mustered out January 21, 1866. Second. William Morrisy. commissioned March 9, 1865; mustered out January 21, 1866. Privates. Avery, Frank, enlisted February 24. 1865. Burningham. John, enlisted February 24. 1865. Casey. Michael, enlisted February 24, 1865. Callahan, John, enlisted February 27. 1865. Dunnivan,* John, enlisted February 20. 1865. Kelley. Patrick, enlisted February 23. 1,865. Keefe, James, enlisted February 24, 1865. Long, Martin, enlisted March i. 1865. McCarthy, James, enlisted February 27. 1S65 McCormick, Edward, enlisted February 25. 1865. McManus, Michael, enlisted February 24^ 1865. McGowan. Thomas, enlisted February 24, 1865. O'Leary, Thomas, enlisted February 25, 1865. Powers, Joseph, enlisted February 24. 1865. Roberts. Daniel, enlisted March i. 1865. Shelmody, Thomas, enlisted February 24. 1865. Williams. John, enlisted February 25, 1865. Zondergani William, enlisted March i, 1865. Company I. Privates. - Couse. Ironie, enlisted March 9, 1865. Divelbliss, John, enlisted March 7, 1865. Hutton, Solomon, enlisted March 7, 1865. Recruit. Brockett, J. B.. enlisted March 22, 1865. Company K. Captain. John J. Ross, commissioned March 23, 1865; mus- tered out January 2 1, 1866. Lieutenants. First, Andrew P. Gibson, commissioned March 21. 1865; mustered out January 21. 1866. Second. John Merrill, commissioned March 23, 1865; died of smallpox at Cahawba, Alabama, No- vember 25. 1865. Second. Henry Hill, commissioned December 19, 1865; not mustered; mustered out as sergeant Jan- uary 21, 1866. Sergeants. James G. Johnson, enlisted ^March 5, 1865 ; mus- tered out January 21, 1866. Albert S. Hoag, enlisted March 14. 1865; mus- tered out January 21, 1866. Corporals. Robert Eaton, enlisted March 3, 1865; mustered out January 21. 1866, sergeant. James A. Gilbert; enlisted March 3. 1865 ; mus- tered out January 21, 1866. Ethan A. Hartz, enlisted March 3, 1865; mus- tered out January 21, 1866. Mortimer D. Hebberd, enlisted March 7, 1865; mustered out January 3, 1866. Musicians. Edward Bartholomew, enlisted March 7, 1865; mustered out at Mobile^ Alabama. Edward D. Richardson, enlisted Jtarch 7, 1865; mustered out January 25, 1866. Privates. Blind. Charles, enlisted March 6. 1S65. Cole. John, enlisted March 3, 1865. Clay pole. James J., enlisted March 3, 1865. Crane, George, enlisted March 4, 1865. Calaway, Jefferson, enlisted March 7, 1865. Eten. Henry, enlisted March 3, 1865. Elliott. John, enlisted March 7. 1865. Green, John H., enlisted March 7, 1865. Heath, or Hiatt. Nicholas, enlisted March 7, 1865. Tohnson. Philander, enlisted March 7. 1865. Kern, Frederick, enlisted March 14, 1865. Knox. James E., enlisted March 3. 1865. Lanscha, George, enlisted March 14. 1865. Moats, Tobias, enlisted March 7, 1865. McCoy. William, enlisted March 7. 1865. Nickson. William H.. enlisted March 14. 1865. Pratt, Stephen, enlisted March 7. 1865. Short. William, enlisted March 6, 1865. Sanger, Lewis, enlisted March 3. 1865. Smith. John, enlisted March 6. 1S65. Todd, Robert M.. enlisted March 7, 1865. Watters, John, enlisted March 4. 1865. Willett, Austin, enlisted March 4, 1865. Recruits. Brown, Russell, enlisted ]March 8, 1865. Bachelder, Leonadus. enlisted March 10, 1865. McGinnis. Kenweth, enlisted March 21. 1865. Morrow, Erastus. enlisted March 14, 1865, McMullen. Samuel, enlisted March 20, 1865. Moore, Aurora C, enlisted March 20, 1865. Smith. Jeremiah, enlisted March 10, 1865. Recruits' transferred from Ninety-fifth Illinois. Albats, Tohn. enlisted March 8, 1865. Adams, "George, enlisted March 13, 1865. Bruen. Tames, enlisted March 10, 1865. Bon, Seth. enlisted March 31. 1865. Clark. William E.. enlisted March 21. 1865. Campbell. Tames, enlisted March 7. 1865. Davis. Alfred, enlisted March 8. 1865. Hastings, William, enlisted November 29, 1864. Hennesey, John, enlisted March 31, 1865. Murray, Tohn, enlisted March 10. 1865. McMahan". Michael, enlisted April 3. 1865. Murphy. John, enlisted April 3. 1865. HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 227 Meyers, Charles, enlisted April 3, 1865. McGuircs, Peter, enlisted April 7, 1S65. Maloney, John, enlisted March 31, 1865. Price, Robert, enlisted April 3, 1865. Reed, John, enlisted March 8. 1865. Wilson. David, enlisted March 8, 1865. Warner, John, enlisted March 31, 1865, WiUiamson, J., enlisted March 31, 1865. FORTY-EIGHTH INFANTRY. Company A. Drafted and Substitute Recruits. Crowder. Richard, enlisted September 27. 1864. McGrail, Anthony, enlisted November 17, 1864. FORTY-NINTH INFANTRY. Company B. Recruit. Dels, Wesley A., enlisted April 3, 1865. Company G. Recruits. Benthall. Asa W.. enlisted March 22. 1865. Kelley. Isaac, enlisted jMari:h 20, 1865. Neal, George W.. enlisted March 20, 1865. Oglesby, Reuben, enlisted March 17, 1865. Webb, Richard, enlisted March 22. 1865. FIFTIETH INFANTRY'. Company F. White, John W., enlisted August 18, 1861. Drafted and Substitute Recruit. Heighton. Hugh, enlisted December i, 1864. Company K. Drafted and Substitute Recruits. Eirlerman, John H., enlisted December i, 1864. Furguson, Tames, enlisted December i, 1864. Plummer, John F., enlisted December 1, 1865. Unassigned Recruit, Hager, John, enlisted December i. 1864. FIFTY-FIRST INFANTRY. Company A. Sergeant. Parker. John R., enlisted October 1, 1861; trans- ferred to "Signal Corps, January 27, 1864. Private. Fox, William, enlisted October 24, 1861. Recruits. Green, Thomas, enlisted November 23, 1S61. Welch, James, enlisted November 1, 1861. Company F. Privates. Brown, George, enlisted July 15. 1862. Brown, Shadrach, enlisted July 15. 1862. Keele. Leonard, enlisted July 15, 1862. Power, Robert, enlisted July 15. 1862. Sill, John, enlisted July I5i 1862. Company K. Raymond, Eugene K., enlisted December 13, 1861. FIFTY-THIRD INFANTRY. Non Commissioned Staff. Hiram A. Hunter, commissioned November 27, 1861. Musicians. Roderick F. Stocking, enlisted October 12. 1S61. William H. Miller. Company A. Drafted and Substitute Recruits. Snow, John, enlisted December 6, 1864. Smith, Henry, enlisted December 6, 1864. Shean, James, enlisted December 6, 1864. Company C. Drafted and Substitute Recruits. Harding. Arnet T.. enlisted October 20, 1864. Kellv. Charles, enlisted December 27. 1864. Lines. Sylvester, enlisted November 17. 1864. Rice, Hobert or Robert, enlisted November 17, 1864. Reeder, Thomas, enlisted December 6, 1864. Thomas, David, enlisted December 7, 1864. Company D. Drafted and Substitute Recruits. Folley. Adam, enlisted December 7, 1864. Lindsay, XN'lUiani, enlisted December 5j 1864. Tuthill, Samuel, enlisted December 7, 1864. Company E. Recruits. Boxwell, Robert, enlisted March 12, 1862. Box well. Jolni, enlisted March 11, 1862. Largent, Jolin, enlisted March 12, 1862. Drafted and Stibstitutc Recruits. Bruce, Samuel G., enlisted December 5, 1864. F'olce, Adam, enlisted December 2, 1864. Company F. Drafted and Substitute Recruit. Burth, Jesse S., enlisted November 29, 1864. Company H. Privates. Arbuckle, Abner, enlisted December 29, 1861. Darvey, Isaiah. Denvy, William. Hattield, Abel, enlisted December 7, 1861. Flaherty. John, enlisted December 29, 1861. Hunter, Hiram A., enlisted November 2, 1861. Hitt, Andrew J., enlisted December 27, 186 1. Holahan, John, enlisted December 29, 1861, McClanan, William, enlisted December 29, 1861. Neill, Stewart, enlisted November 7, 1861. Nelson, John, enlisted December 29, 1861. Pollard, Patrick, enlisted December 29, 1861. Thomas, Seymour, enlisted December 29, 1861. Veteran. Temple, Thomas, enlisted l-'ebruary 28, 1864. Recruits. Reynolds, Abner, enlisted March 12, 1862. Stocking, Frederick F., enlisted February 3, 1862. Wilmot, W. F.. enlisted February 14, 1862. Thompson, Henry, enlisted March lo. 1862. Thompson, William, enlisted March 10, 1862. Drafted and Substitute Recruit. Reese, Alexander, enlisted October 13, 1864. Company I. Unassigned, Drafted and Substitute Recruit. Jaeger, Joseph, enlisted December 8, 1864. FIFTY-FOURTH INFANTRY. Company F. Sergeant. First, William M. Jones, enlisted December 15. :86i. Company G. Private. Smith, Lyman B., enlisted December 2, 1861. Company K. Recruit. Wright. James R., enlisted February 29, 1864. Unassigned Recruit. Smith, William IL, discharged August 13, 1864. FIFTY-SEVENTH INFANTRY. Company C. Corporals. O. W. White, enlisted December 26, 1861 ; cor- poral; died May 4, 1862. Robert A. Howard, enlisted December 23, 1861; mustered out January 14, 1865. Privates. Draper. James E.. enlisted December 18, 1861. Davis, Willis, enlisted December 18, 1S61. Ernst, Adam, enlisted December 23, 1861. Frank. Simon B., enlisted December 16, i86i. German, Robert .S., enlisted December 13, 1861. Howard, Robert B., enlisted December 25, 1861. Higgins. Moses G., enlisted December 20. 1861. Houk, Conrad, enlisted December 26, 1861. 228 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY Maurice, Joseph H., enlisted December 15. 1861. Notistine. John A., enlisted December 24, 1861. Rouse, lohn D.. enlisted December 24, 1861. Steele, William, enlisted December 25, 1861. Stewart. William B., enlisted December 18, 1861. Smith. T. William, enlisted December 15, 1861. Throatt^ Frederick, enlisted December 10, 1861. Weld. William H., enlisted December 13. 1861. Wonder, Benjamin F., enlisted December 16, 1861. Company G. Privates. Wolf, John, enlisted December 16, 1861. Wagner, Casper, enlisted December 16, 1861. FIFTY-FIFTH INFANTRY. Company E. Privates. Holden, William, enlisted August 14. 1861. Hedding, George, enlisted September 20, 1861. Nichols. Thomas, enlisted August i, 1861. Company G. Private. Turner. James, enlisted September 14, 1861. Company K. Sergeant. Forbes, John, enlisted October 22, 1861; sergeant; promoted to first lieutenant. Privates. Connor, John, enlisted October 22, 1861. Besson, H. V., enlisted October 22, 1861. Brown, C. F., enlisted October 22, 1861. Tackson, M. H.. enlisted October 22, 1861. Lower. R. A., enlisted October 22, 1S61. Rouse, T. S., enlisted October 22, 1861. Simmons, Edmund, enlisted October 22, 1861. Vickery, Albert, enlisted October 22, 1861. Widener, M., enlisted October 22, 1861. Waddell, William, enlisted October 22, 1861. Walker, William, emisted October 22, 1861. Recruits. Dewey, Isaacher B., enlisted November 8, 1861. McMuUen, Robert W., enlisted November 7. 1861. Smith, H. F., enlisted November 9, 1861. Company H. Corporal. William H. H. Sterling, enlisted October 10, :86i; mustered out December 25, 1864. Privates. Clifford, William P., enlisted March 10, 1861. Horsley, Thomas E., enlisted October 20, 1861. Morris, Demetrius E., enlisted October 10, 1861. Siygh. Henry S., enlisted October 7, 1861. Slygh. John A., enlisted October 7. 1861. White, Isaiah or Joshua, enlisted October 7. 1861. Unassigned Recruit. Jackson, Henry, enlisted March 23, 1865. FIFTY-EIGHTH INFANTRY. Company B. Corporal. Martin H. Summes, enlisted October 28, 1861; deserted March, 1863. Privates. Black, John, enlisted November 12, 186 1. King, Moses B., enlisted December i, 1861. King, Alexander, enlisted October 31, 1861. Matteson, H. A., enlisted October 31, 1861. Oakley, James H., enlisted October 28, 1861. Summes, Thomas H., enlisted October 28, 1861. Recruits. Halsey, Robert J., enlisted January i, 1863. Sutherland. John, enlisted August 16, 1863. Cunningham, J. C.. enlisted July 29, 1863. FIFTY-EIGHTH (CONSOLIDATED). Company E. Privates. Duffy, Richard, enlisted March 11, 1865. Delaney, Patrick, enlisted March 11, 1865. Grover. Moralde. enlisted March ii, 1865. Goodwin, Thomas, enlisted March 22, 1865. Hart, John, enlisted March 28. 1865. McGinnis, Thomas, enlisted March 21. 1865. O'Brien, John, enlisted March 18, 1865. Brothers, Evan M., enlisted March 28, 1865. Salsbury. Richard, enlisted March 16, 1865. Woods, William, enlisted March 28, 1865. Company F. Privates. DeGan. George, enlisted March 22, 1865. McBain, Joseph, enlisted March 24. 1865. Snow, Frank, enlisted March 22, 1865. Company H. Privates. Craig, \\'illiam. enlisted March 24, 1865. Aladison, John, enlisted March 24, 1865. Worthy, VVilliam. enlisted March 24. 1865. Company I. Sergeants. John M. Willis, enlisted March 27. 1865; de- serted April I, 1865. Harvey, Allison, enlisted March 27. 1865; mus- tered out April I, 1866. Corporals. lohn S. Hoffer, enlisted March 27, 1865; de- serted April 8, 1865. Thomas Warns, enlisted March 25, 1S65; de- serted April 8, 1865. Privates. Allen, George, enlisted March 25, 1865. Backus, Henry, enlisted March 27, 1865. Black, Nicholas, enlisted March 26, 1865. Blong, Ambrose, enlisted March 26. 1865. Bateman, Daniel, enlisted March 25, 1865. Curren. Peter, enlisted March 25. 1865. Dunn, James, enlisted March 2, 1865. Fuller, Charles, enlisted March 27, 1865. Hutchinson. James or John, enlisted March 27, 1865. Habes. Anthony, enlisted March 27, 1865. Hurley. John, enlisted March 27, 1865. Konner or Hower, Matthews, enlisted March 27, 1865. Kinsley. John B., enlisted March 27, 1865. Lewis, William H.. enlisted March 27, 1865. Logan, James, enlisted March 27, 1865. Morris, George, enlisted March 27, 1865 . McCain. George, enlisted March 27. 1865. Mason, George, enlisted March 27, 1865. Ragen, James, enlisted March 23. 1865. Thomas, Charles M., enlisted i\Iarch 27, 1865. Wallace. John C, enlisted March 27, 1865. Unassigned Recruits. Burton. James C, enlisted March 1, 1865. Stone, Charles S., enlisted March i. 1865. FIFTY-NINTH INFANTRY. Company F. Recruit. Ambler, Monroe, enlisted December 16. 1863. SIXTIETH INFANTRY. Company E. Recruit. Hendrickson. Hartwell, enlisted January 24. 1865. SIXTY-FOURTH INFANTRY. Lieutenant Colonel. David E. Williams, commissioned September 3. 1S61; discharged account disability, September 12. 1861. Company E. Private. Donevan, Cornelius, enlisted November 1. 1861. SIXTY-FIFTH INFANTRY. Company F. Private. Putnam, H. W., enlisted Mar-ch 12, 1862. HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 229 SIXTY-SIXTH INFANTRY. Company A. Private. Nevens, Frank E., enlisted November 4. 1861. SIXTY-SEVENTH INFANTRY (three months). Lieutenant Colonel. Eugene K. Oakley, commissioned June 13. 1862; mustered out October 6, 1862. Company F. Lieutenants. First. Abram D. Van Veckten, commissioned June 13, 1862; mustered out September, 1862. Second, Horace E. Dwyer, commissioned June 13, 1862; mustered out September, 1862. Sergeant. Horace E. Dwyer, enlisted May 31, 1862; ser- geant; promoted second lieutenant. Privates. Brock, M. \V., enlisted June 2, 1862. Bailey. John, enlisted June 2, 1862. Miller, William F., enlisted May 31, 1862. Slaughter. William, enlisted June 4, 1862. Company G. Captain. Charles K. Purple, commissioned June 13. 1862; mustered out September, 1862. Lieutenants. First, Jeremiah Dockstader. commissioned June 13. 1862; mustered out September. 1862. Second, Edward K. X'alentine, commissioned June 13, 1862; mustered out September, 1862. Sergeants. John Simpson, enlisted June 2. 1862. John E. Durham, enlisted June 2, 1862. Cornelius C. Holenbeck, enlisted June 2, 1862. John P. Goodwin, enlisted June 2, 1862. Corporals. Daniel D. Stevison, enlisted June 2, 1S63. Daniel D. Miller, enlisted June 2, 1862. George W. Summers, enlisted June 2, 1862. Robert W. Vansaw, enlisted June 2, 1862. Henry J. B. Stillman, enlisted June 2, 1862. James Bryant, enlisted June 2, 1862. William L. Wilds, enlisted June 2, 1862. Edward S. Esston, enlisted June 2, 1862. Privates. Atkinson, John D.. enlisted June 2, 1862. Bishop, William H.. enlisted June 2, 1862. Brady. Charles, enlisted June 2, 1862. Branner, Theodore J., enlisted June 2. 1862. Brennan, Dennis, enlisted June 10, 1862. Callester, Joseph, enlisted June 2, 1862. Dickanson, Griffith A., enlisted June 2, 1862. Drysdale. William, enlisted June 2, 1862. Davis, Henry, enlisted June 2. 1862. Ellis. Henry, enlisted June 2, 1862. Eakin, David, enlisted June 2, 1862. Forbes. Andrew G,, enlisted June 2, 1862. Farrell, Patrick, enlisted June 2, 1862. Garthwait. William, enlisted June 2, 1862. Gillon. Milo C, enlisted June 2, 1862. Hookey. William, enlisted June 2, 1862. Harvey. Henderson, enlisted June 2, 1862. Harvey. John, enlisted June 2, 1862. Harbert, John, enlisted June 2, 1862. Hallock. Clinton, enlisted Tune 2, 1862. Jones. Winfield S., enlisted June 2, 1862. Johnston, Harmon, enlisted June 2, 1862. Kastner. Charles, enlisted June 2, 1862. Kettelle, Charles, enlisted Tune 4, 1862. King. Samuel T., enlisted June 2, 1862. Eong. David M.. enlisted June 2. 1862. McCormick. Thomas J., enlisted June 2, 1862, Merrill. John, enlisted June 2, 1862. Moore, James, enlisted June 2, 1862. McClure, Samuel S., enlisted Tune 2, 1862. Mendenhall, Amos H., enlisted June 2. 1862. Mackey, Robert C, enlisted June 2, 1862. Morse. Samuel M., enlisted June 2, 1862. Osterhout. Charles, enlisted June 2, 1862. Opdyke, Benjamin, enlisted June 2, 1862. Philip, Ellis, enlisted June 2, 1862. Patten. William 11.. enlisted June 2, 1862. Rogers, David, enlisted June 2, 1862. Ruse, Isaac, enlisted June 4, 1862. Spence, Clark, enlisted June 4, 1862. Smith. Edwin A., enlisted June 4, 1862. Spellam. Timothy, enlisted June 4. 1862. Snyder, \'ictor. enlisted June 4, 1862. Smith, IJurdsy A., enlisted June 4, 1862. Stillwell, R. J., enlisted June 4. 1862. Stum. John T., enlisted June 4, 1862. Tomlinson. Ambrose, enlisted June 4. 1862. Tripp, David T., enlisted June 4. 1862. Thurston. Frank, enlisted June 4, 1862. Woodruff, John H., enlisted June 4. 1862. Willey, John A., enlisted June 4, 1862. Wardlow. Robert, enlisted June 4, 1862. Recruits. Valentine, E. IC, enlisted June 4, 1862. Vandorer, Gilbert, enlisted June 4. 1862. Company K. Privates. Adams, Austin, enlisted June 2, 1862. Brown, Charles, enlisted June 4, 1862. Blue. James H., enlisted June 2, 1862. Friedhaber, John M., enlisted June 4. 1862. Gowan. George, enlisted June" 4, 1862. X'arley, Jacob, enlisted June 4. 1862. SIXTY-EIGHTH INFANTRY (three months). Company K. Sergeant. Philip B. Fuller, enlisted June 2. 1862. Privates. Campbell, William, enlisted June 2. 1862. Fickes, Thomas, enlisted June 9, 1862. SEVENTY-FIRST INFANTRY (three months). Company C. Recruits. Kill, James, enlisted July 7, 1862. Robinson, Abram, enlisted July 7, 1862. Company D. Brobts. Jacob, enlisted July 4, 1862, Company E. Sergeant. First. Alfred S. Hemmant, enlisted July 3, 1862; mustered out October 29, 1862, Privates. Brackley, Samuel R., enlisted Jime 30, 1862. Erackley, William H., enlisted June 30, 1862. Conrad, Charles, enlisted July 7, 1862. Clayton, Isaac, enlisted July 3, 1862. Deal, William, enlisted June 3. 1S62. Hammer. Henry, enlisted July 2, 1862. Keeps, Jesse, enlisted June 30, 1862. Nealy, Andrew, enlisted June 30, 1862. Schrimpf, Ernest, enlisted July 9, 1862. Stewart, Erastus W.. enlisted July 7, 1862. SEVENTY-SECOND INFANTRY. Company C. Private. Spencer. John F., enlisted August, 1862. SEVENTY-SEVENTH INFANTRY. The regiment was fully organized and mustered into the United States service September 3, 1862, at Peoria. Illinois. Remained in camp at that place until October 4. at which time it proceeded to Covington, Kentucky, and reported to Major Gen- eral Gordon Granger, commanding army of Ken- tucky, who assigned it to duty in the division com- manded by General A. J. Smith. Marched from Covington with the division, Oc- tober 17th, and reached Lexington on the 29th, and Richmond, November 2d. Marched from that point November nth and arrived at Louisville on the 17th. Nothing of interest transpired during the sojourn of the regiment in Kentucky, there being no force of the enemy in the state at that time; and the campaign there was merely a march of about one hundred and fifty miles into the interior and a march back again. November 20, 1862, the regiment embarked on 230 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY steamer for Memphis, Tennessee, in company with the whole division, under the same commander. Arrived at the latter place November 27tli; .re- mained there until December 20th. 1 he division was reorganized and reported for duty to Major General Sherman; embarked at Memphis. Decem- ber 2oth and proceeded down the river with bher- inan'3 army for the capture of Vicksburg. Dis- embarked in the Yazoo river near Chickasaw Bayou on the 27th. The Seventy-seventh occupied the extreme right of the line and participated in the attack on the rebel works. After four days' fight- ing the attack was abandoned and the army em- barked on their boats and proceeded to Milliken s Bend, Louisiana. At this place Major Ceneral Mc- demand arrived and assumed command of the army. He organized it into two corps— the Thir- tieth and Fifteenth. The Seventy-seventh was as- signed to the Tenth Division, Thirteenth Arniy Corps. Division was commanded by General A. J Smith and Corps by General McClernand. Left Milliken's Bend, January 5. 1863, and arrived at Arkansas Post on the loth. Immediately disem- barked and on the following morning participated in the assault. After a few hours' hard hghting, carried the place by assault, capturing all it con- tained. The loss of the regiment here was six killed and thirtv-nine wounded, some of the latter mortal. The regiment in this battle behaved ad- mirably and was complimented by the commanding general for its gallant conduct. , , . January 14th again embarked and proceeded to Young's Point, Louisiana. Arrived there on the 22d and went into camp, remaining until March 9!*, engaged in the dieging on the canal across the point opposite Vicksburg. In March changed camp to Milliken's Bend. „, . , _ In the first part of April the Thirteenth Corps marched from Milliken's Bend for Grand Gulf. The Seventy-seventh broke camp and moved for- ward about 'the middle of April. Crossed the river below Grand Gulf on the last day of April and marched all night, arriving at Port Gibson early on the morning of the ist of May and participated in the engagement there during the entire day. The regiment remained with General Grant s army during the entire campaign around Vicksburg and the siege of the latter place until its surrender. The regiment was engaged in the actions at Chami.ion Hills, May 17; Black River Bridge May 19; first charge on Vicksburg. May 22 and 23. losing in these engagements twenty killed, eighty- six wounded and twenty-six missing. , Vicksburg surrendered on the 4th of July and the next day the regiment marched for Jackson with the armv under Sherman. Arrived there Tulv 9th and 'was under the fire of the enemy a^ 'that place until the i6th when Jackson was evacuated and the Seventy-seventh returned to Vicksburg. Remained in camp at Vicksburg until August 2Sth. then embarked for New Orleans, where it remained in camp until October 3d; left New Orleans at that time for western Louisiana; marched up Bayou Teche through Franklin to New Iberia. Louisiana; camped there until Decem- ber 6 1863, when it marched back to New Or- leans- left there on December 17th by steamer and disembarked at Paso Cavalo. Texas December 20th. Remained in camp until the last of February, then embarked on Vessels and were transported to Berwick Bay, Louisiana. Thence marched to Alex- andria, Louisiana, with the army mder General Banks, bound for Shreveport. From Alexandria marched up Red river, driving the eneniy until Sabine Cross Roads was reached, April 8, ist>4. where it met the enemy in force and was im- mediately engaged. .... The Seventy-seventh belonged to the division un- der command of General Ransom, which division was first ordered forward to support the advance cavalry. Before the armv could he brought forward to their support, the whole rebel army came down on them and overwhelmed the whole division In this eneagement the Seventy-seventh suffered ter- ribly Lieutenant Colonel Webb was killed instantly by a musket ball through the brain and one hun- dred and seventy-six officers and men were killed, wounded and made prisoners, leaving only about one hundred and twenty-five men in the regiment °On tiie next dav General A. J. Smith's corps came up and at Pleasant Hill another battle was fought, ending in the complete defeat of the rebels. The regiment remained with General Banks through- out his retreat down Kcd river and until he reached the Mississippi. Here it was ordered into camp at Baton Rouge until the first part of August. At that time, with five or six other regiments, it em- barked and was transported to Dauphin's Island under command of General Gordon Granger. Here it assisted in the reduction of Forts Gaines and Morgan and then returned to Morganzie Bend on the Mississippi. In October, the regiment was ordered to New Orleans for provost duty and re- mained there until the first part of March, 1865, when it was assigned to the First Brigade, Third Division. Thirteenth Army Corps and transported to Mobile Point, where it joined General Canby's armv for the capture of Mobile. General Granger collected his thirteenth corps at this point and during the month of March moved up the penin- sula toward Spanish Fort. The regiment was with General Canby's armv during the entire siege and capture of Spanish Fort, Blakely and Mobile and was under fire during the entire time. The day following their entry into Mobile the Third Division, in which the Seventy-seventh served, marched out of the city and proceeded up the Tom- bigbee river in search of General Dick laylor's army. It proceeded up the river about sixty miles, when it was recalled to Mobile — the rebel forces throughout the country having surrendered. Remained in camp in Mobile until July 10, 1865. at which time it was mustered out of service and ordered to Springfield, Illinois, for final payment and discharge, where it arrived July 23, 1865. The Seventv-seventh Illinois during its term of service was engaged in sixteen battles and sieges and in every one of them carried itself with honor and credit to the state. Cohtiels. Charles Ballance, commissioned August 18, 1862, resigned. David P. Grier, commissioned September 12. 1862; transferred. LicutctJant Colonel. Lysander R. Webb, commissioned September 3, 1862; killed in battle, April 8, 1864. Major. Memoir V. Hotchkiss, commissioned September 3, 1862; resigned February 2, 1864. Adjutant. John Hough, commissioned September 6, 1862; promoted assistant adjutant general on staff of General A. J. Smith. Quartermaster. David McKinney, commissioned September 12, 1862; transferred. Chaplain. William G. Pierce, commissioned September 2, :862. Sergeant Major. Walter B. Hotchkiss. enlisted August 12, 1862; discharged September 22, 1864; disability. Quartermaster Sergeant. George W. Cone, enlisted August 14, 1864; pro- moted second lieutenant Company I. Commissary Sergeants. Nathan R. Wakefield, enlisted August 9, 1S64; transferred to Company C. December 21, 1864. William H. Bennett, enlisted August 12, 1864; mustered out July 10, 1865. Principal Musicians. Daniel B. Allen, enlisted August 12, 1864; dis- charged March 1,=;. 1865; disability. John W. Carroll, enlisted August 7, 1064; mus- tered out July 10, 1865. Lemon H. Wiley, enlisted August IS. 1864; mus- tered out July 10. 1865. Company A. Sergeants. Walter B. Hotchkiss, enlisted August 12, 1862; promoted sergeant major. John F. Campbell, enlisted August 7, 1B62; killed at Vicksburg, May 22, 1863. i HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 231 Corporals. Arthur H. Rugg, enlisted August 12, 1862; dis- charged December 18, 1863, as private. W. D. Putnam, enlisted August 14. 1862; dis- charged December 17, 1S63. Frwates. Abraham, Andrew J., enlisted August 15, 1862. Ash, Francis W., enlisted August 15, 1862. Develbliss, Tames H., enlisted August 14. 1862. Develbliss, "Samuel S., enlisted August 7. 1862. Edwards, Ulysses, enlisted August 12, 1S62, Fry, Benjamin, enlisted August 11, 1S62. Holler, Conrad, enlisted August 14, 1862. Hurd, Charles T., enlisted August 15. 1862. Kroeson, Chrys A., enlisted August 12, .1862. Kroeson, Washington, enlisted August 12, 1862. Moss, 1. R., enlisted August 13, 1862. Russell', Luther G., enlisted August 12, 1862. Summers. Fred, enlisted .Vugust 11, 1862. Stone, Lester T.. enlisted August 15. 1862. Sturgeon. William, enlisted August 15, 1862. Trench. Daniel B., enlisted .\ugust 11, 1862. Varley. Henry, enlisted August 14, 1862. White, Mason M., enlisted August 13, 1862. Wilson, Henry, enlisted August 9. 1862. Wilson, John R., enlisted August 15, 1862 Wilson. Samuel R., enlisted August 15, :862. Recruits. Babcock, William H., enlisted December 30, 1863. Crow. Henry, enlisted January 7, 1864. Cutler, Daniel B., enlisted December 26, 1863. Cutler. James H., enlisted December 26, 1863. Crawford. Tames, enlisted December 30. 1863. Cook. Darius T-, enlisted February 13, '^65 Downard, Benjamin F.. enlisted January 4, 1864. Kunert. Joseph, enlisted January 4, 1864. Lockbaum. Andrew J., enlisted November 23, 1S64. Lynch. Thomas, enlisted January 5, 1864. Martin, lohn. enlisted December 29. 1S63. Smith, James, enlisted January 5, 1864. Sutton, George W., enlisted January ii, 1864. Company B. Cuptoin. Joe. K. Stevison, commissioned January 16, 1863. Lieutenants. First. Charles C. Tracy, commissioned January 16. 1863. Second, Joe K. Stevison, commissioned January 16, 1863; promoted. Privates. Blakeslee. William W.. enlisted August 9, 1862. Fisher, Elias, enlisted August 13, 1862. Stevenson, Toe H., enlisted August 5, 1862. Tracy, Cliarles C, enlisted August 6, 1862. Recruits. McFarland, Henry S. Murden. Alonzo F., enlisted March 14. 1865. COMPANV C. Lieutenant. First. William A. Woodruff, commissioned Sep- tember 2, 1862. Sergeant. John S. Hornbacker. enlisted August 9. 1862. Corporals. Albert Shepherd, enlisted August 9, 1862. John Sewell. enlisted August 9. 1862. Thomas S. Patton, enlisted August 9, 1862. IVagoner. Charles Moses, enlisted August 14. 1862. Privates. Bennett, Robert, enlisted August 14, 1862. Bennett, William N., enlisted .August 12. 1862. Crow, James, Jr.. enlisted .\ugust 12, 1862. Dunbar, John, enlisted August 11, 1862. Duff, [)ennis. enlisted August 9. 1862. ITall, Edward, enlisted August 11, 1862. Lindsay. James A., enlisted August 14. 1862. McCracken. James R., enlisted August 14, 1862. McCartney, Philip H., enlisted August 9, 1862. Pitcher, Benjamin, enlisted .August 19, 1862. Pinkerton. John A., enlisted August 7, 1862. Pinkerton. William M., enlisted August 7, 1862. Wallace. Edward, enlisted August 11. 1862. Wiley. John I'., enlisted .August 14, 1862. Woodburri. George M., enlisted August 21, 1862. Company D. Privates. Hake. Frederick W., enlisted August 9, 1862. Stockton, David B., enlisted August 9, 1862. Recntit. Barney, Tompkin C, enlisted November 16. 1863. Company E. Captain. Edwin Stevens, commissioned September 2, 1862. Lieutenants. First, Samuel T. Smith, commissioned September 2, 1862. Second, James H. Schnebly, commissioned Sep- tember 2, 1862. Second. Henry L. Bushnell, commissioned March 28, 1S63. Sergeants. First, William Dawson, enlisted August 5, 1862. George B. Stiles, enlisted August 14, 1862. William J. Brooks, enlisted .August 9, 1862. Henry E. Slough, enlisted August 14. '862, James Parr, enlisted August 9, 1862. Corporals. Erasmus D. Richardson, enlisted August 14, 1862. William G. ATorris. enlisted August 5, 1862. Benjamin F. Robins, enlisted August 14, 1862. Ellis Hakes, enlisted August 7, 1862. Andrew J. Dunlap, enlisted August 4, 1862. Davis R. McKee. enlisted July 22, 1862. Henry Paff, enlisted August 14. 1862. Daniel E. .Allen John W. Carrol Louis Z. Musicians. unlisted August 12, enlisted August 7, IVagoner. Rench, enlisted August 15. 1862 1862. 1862. Priz'ates. Adams, Henry, enlisted August 12, 1862. Adams, Joseph, enlisted August 8, 1862. Brooks, Henry M.. enlisted August 8, 1862. Bunting, Samuel G., enlisted August 12, 1862. Buterick, John, enlisted .August 12. 1862. Berrings, James, enlisted .August 15. 1862. Bowers, Simeon P., enlisted August 4, 1862. Cord. George F. Carter, Charles W., enlisted August 9. 1862. Collins, Tohn. enlisted August 15, 1S61. Cook. Daniel, enlisted August 14, 1862. Chamblin, French, enlisted August 12, 1862. Cord, Lorenzo W. Clark. Franklin R., enlisted .August 16, 1862. Dawson, Isaac S., enlisted .August 6. 1862. Dawson, Joseph N.. enlisted August 4, 1862. Dailey, .Tohn, enlisted .August 13, 1862. Evans. John, enlisted .August 15, 1862. Enslon, Frank W., enlisted .August 9. 1862. Forbes. Thomas, enlisted .August 9, 1862. French. Tohn S., enlisted .August 8, 1862. Fisher, Silas W.. enlisted August 14, 1862. Fulton, Joseph, enlisted August 12, 1862. Gutting. Frederick, enlisted August 15. 1862. Goodman. Philip, enlisted .August 14, 1862. Hoffman, Gustavus, enlisted .August 14, 1862. Hamerbacker. John S., enlisted August 5. 1862. Hutchinson, James, enlisted .August 6, 1862. James, Gran\-^lle, enlisted .August 22, 1862. Kinder. Alexander, enlisted August 9. 1862. Letterman. Joseph, enlisted August 13, 1862. Loughman. John B.. enlisted August 8. 1862. McStravic. Tames, enlisted August 13, 1862. McGee, Wifliani H., enlisted August 15, 1862. McGee, .Ashford, H., enlisted xVugust 9. 1862. Mankle. Joseph, enlisted .August 13. 1862. Mills. Joseph T.. enlisted August 11. 1862. McDerinott. Francis M., enlisted .August 6. 1862. McTntyre. John IL. enlisted August 11. 1862. Nixon, Thomas J., enlisted August 7. 1862. Nash, LeRoy, enlisted August 5, 1862. Parr, Harris, enlisted August 14, 1862. Pierce, Charles, enlisted .August 9, 1862. 232 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY Perry, Samuel, enlisted August 9, 1862. Rathburn, Samuel A., enlisted August 11, 1862. Reeves, Asa H., enlisted August 12, 1862. Ratcliff. Richard W., enlisted August 13, 1862. Ruse, Solomon, enlisted August 11, 1862. Randle, Thomas J., enlisted August 14. 1862. Rogers, David, enlisted August 13. 1S62. Smith, Otis B., enlisted August 6, 1862. Smith, John W., enlisted August 6, 1862. Smith, Joseph A., enlisted August 15, 1862. Stevenson, Cosmer A., enlisted August 15. 1862. Sumners, Robert W., enlisted August 9, 1862. Sweet, James M.. enlisted August 7, 1862. Sutton. Albert, enlisted August 11, 1862. Shipler, Smith E., enlisted August 9, 1862. Thurston. Cheney \V., enlisted August 14, 1862. \''inson, Daniel R., enlisted August 7, 1862. Wood, John W., enlisted August Q, 1862. White, Thomas, enlisted August 14, 1862. White. Leonard T.. enlisted August 13, 1862. Wiggins, David T., enlisted August 15. 1862. Watson. James, enlisted August 21, 1S62. Recruits. Babcock, James W., enlisted February 24. 1864. Donaldson, W^illiam, enlisted February 23, 1865. Houghtalinsr. Tames, enlisted February 23, 1865. Hayes, William H. Jenkins, Newton, enlisted February 23, 1865. Sargent, Henry, enlisted February 24, 1865. Company F. Captain. William W. Crandall, commissioned September 2. 802. Sergeants. Oliver F. Woodcock, enlisted August 22, 1862. Endress M. Conklin, enlisted August 22, 1862. Corporals. Lewis Hamrick, enlisted August 22. 1S62. James Sluth, enlisted August 22, 1S62. Mitchell Graham. Musician. enlisted August 22 Privates. Rolander. Frederick, enlisted August 22. 1862. Buckman. Joseith, enlisted August 22, 1862. Brown, Chister, enlisted Augnst^ 22.. 1862. Bush, John O.. enlisted August 22, 1862. Beach. Hugh P., enlisted August 15, 1862. Crosson. Jesse, enlisted August 22, 1862. Cook. John, enlisted August 22, 1862. Carrigan. Michael, enlisted August 15, 1862. Doran, John, enlisted August 10, 1862. Ewing, Thomas J., enlisted August 22, 1862. McMulIer, A., enlisted August 22. 1862. Mitchell, Allen T., enlisted August 22, 1862. Norman. George, enlisted August 22, 1862. Stone, Jonali, enlisted August 22, 1862. Shipler. Peter W., enlisted August 22, 1862. Stone, Monterville, enlisted August 22, 1862. Walters. Henry, enlisted August 22, 1862. Wright. William M.,. enlisted August 9. 1862. White. Henry, enlisted August 22. 1862. Wiley, William, enlisted August 5, 1862. Company G. Captain. John D. Rouse, commissioned September 2. 1862. Licutcuants. First, Charles Island, commissioned September 2, 1862. First, Henry T, Wyman, commissioned March i, 1863. Second, Hiram M. Barney, commissioned March 28. 1863. Sergeants. First, Hiram Barney, enlisted July 22, 1862; pro- moted. John Loynbee. enlisted August 5, 1862. Henry Wyman, enlisted August 5, 1862; pro- moted. Edward Burt, enlisted August 9, 1862. William W. Miller, enlisted August 14, 1862. Corporals. Henry G. Huey, enlisted August 9, 1862. Hugh Smart, enlisted August 7, 1862. Joseph S. Nightingale, enlisted August 15. 1862. Timothy Martindale, enlisted August 5, 1862. Stephen J. Cook, enlisted August 5, 1862. John Curran. enlisted August 8. 1862. Thomas W. Beckett, enlisted August 7, 1862. Hitz B. Petres, enlisted August 13, 1862. Musicians. Wesley R. Andrews, enlisted August 12, 1862. Robert Cooper, enlisted August 21, 1862. Privates. Aten, Adrian R., enlisted August 13, 1862. Aldrich, Delos, enlisted August 12, 1862. Bailey, Jacob, enlisted August 6. 1862. Belford. Franklin, enlisted August 7, 1862. Beck, Daniel, enlisted August 11, 1862. Burt, Moses, enlisted August 13, 1862. Barnes, Henry, enlisted August 13, 1862. Burnell, Eleazer, enlisted August 14, 1862. Brassfield. Henry C, enlisted August 15, 1862. Baronett, David, enlisted August 18, 1862. Curran, William, enlisted August 5, 1862. Campbell, David O.. enlisted August 15, 1862. Campbell, Charles L., enlisted August 8, 1862. Campbell, Samuel W., enlisted August 8, 1862. Camp. Joseph J., enlisted August 8. 1862. Cady, Henry F.. enlisted August 11, 1862. Com, Charles W.. enlisted August 1 5, 1862. Darby. Russell, enlisted August 8. 1862. Doty. Hiram B.. enlisted August 13, 1862. Davidson, John, enlisted August 1 5, 1862. Dustin, Austin M., enlisted August 14, 1862. Dimmick, Francis O., enlisted August 22. 1862. Eaton, William, enlisted August 14. 1862. Fisher, Moses, enlisted August 7, 1862. Flemming, James, enlisted August 12, 1862. Flower, Fayette, enlisted August 14, 1862. Gilbert, Erastus, enlisted August 11, 1862. Gillins, James, enlisted August 14, 1862. Hanna, William H.. enlisted August 13, 1862, Hart, David, enlisted August 12, 1862. Hackenburg. Jacob, enlisted August 12, 1862. Hatsell, Thomas, enlisted August 13. 1862. Jones. Romeo VV., enlisted August 8, 1862. Johnson, Frederick R., enlisted August 12, 1862. Lawson, William, enlisted August 5, 1862. Lambertson. William M., enlisted 1862. Lauchlin. Heslip W.. enlisted August Mendall, John A., enlisted August 8, Moore, Heiirv P., enlisted August 1 1 McComb, William, enlisted August 10, 1862. Onslott. William, enlisted August 19, 1S62. Purcell, James T.. enlisted August 9, 1862. Robison, tiavlord, enlisted August 11. 1862. Rogers, Joseph, enlisted August 1 5. 1862. Swan. Tohn, enlisted August 5. 1862. Sbinmell, Daniel W.. enlisted August 12. 1862. Shull. Joseph, enlisted August 12, 1862. Shull. John, enlisted August 12, 1862. Shade, Daniel, enlisted August 12, 1862. Slocum, Joseph W.. enlisted August 12, 1862. Stanton, Franklin, enlisted August 13, 1862. Smith. Francis, enlisted August 22, 1S62, Stock well, Cyrus H.. enlisted August 15, 1862. Tanner, Joseph, enlisted August 13, 1862. Ward, John M., enlisted August 5. 1862. Wilson, Washington, enlisted August 12, 1862, Recruits. Bolen. Michael, enlisted February 20, 1S64. Clougli. Cassius RL, enlisted January 27, 1864. Clough. Caleb G., enlisted January 27, 1864. Griswold, Francis \\'. Hunter. Bcniamin G.. enlisted November 5, 1863. Hunter, Joseph, enlisted November 1 1, 1863. Huffman. George W., enlisted January 27, 1864. Williams. Benjamin F., enlisted January 18, 1864. Company H. Recruit. Joseph H., August I 14, 1862. 1862. 1862. Knickerbocker, 1864. enlisted January 25, L Company Captain. Wayne O' Donald, commissioned September 1862; mustered out at consolidation. First. Silas ber 2, 1862. Lieutenants. Wagoner, commissioned Septem- HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 233 First, John H. Eno, commissioned March 17, 1863. First, George W. Cone, commissioned Tune 22, 1863. Second, John H, Eno, commissioned September 2. 1862. Second, GeorRe \V. Cone, commissioned March 17, 1863. Sergeants. Imlo L. Eno, enlisted August 14, 1862. George W. Cone, enlisted August 14. 1862. George L. Lucas, enlisted August 14. 1862. Robert J. Briggs. enlisted August 14, 1862. Corporals. Edward F. Bartholomew, enlisted August 14. 1862. Rufus Atherton. enlisted August 14. 1R62. Rli H. f'lowman, enlisted August 14, 1862. Toseph M. Lee, enlisted Aupust 14. 1862. Tohn T. Rose, enlisted August 14. 1862. Tohn Willis, enlisted August 14. 1862. John McMuIlen, enlisted August 14, 1862. Alfred B. Reed, enlisted August 14, 1862. Musicians. Tasper S. Baker, enlisted August 14, 1862. Jacob H. Snyder, enlisted August 14, 1862. Wagoner. Alonzo G. Klsworth. enlisted August 14. 1862. Privates. Aten. Austin C, enlisted August iS. 1862. Bevans, Lewis J., enlisted August 22, 1862. Beeny, Frederick, enlisted August 24, 1S62. Bentley, William H., enlisted August 14, 1862. Brown. Isaac, enlisted August 15, 1862. Biggs, John T., enlisted August 14. 1862. Clark, John H., enlisted August 14. 1862. Cook. Asa A., enlisted August 14. 1862. Cadwell, Tames D.. enlisted August 15. 1862. Cowley, Richard, enlisted August 22. 1862. Oarnell, George, enlisted August 14. 1862. Frisbie, Enos, enlisted August 15, 1862. Fisher. Jacob, en'isted August 15, 1862. Fox, Joel J., enlisted August 14. 1S62. Fox, Hiram B.. enlisted August 14. 1862. Furguson. William H., enlisted August 14. 1862. Gibbs, Ichahod O.. enlisted August 14. 1862. Hand, Lemuel, enlisted August 15, 1S62. Hyne. John, enlisted August 15. 1862. Humphrey. Eli. enlisted " August 14. 1862. Huffman. Joseph, enlisted August 14, 1862. Higbee, Homer H., enlisted August 14. 1862. TIand. Burner, enlisted August 14. 1862. Horner, Benedict M. S.. enlisted August 15. 1862. Jacobs, Thomas F., enlisted August 14. r862. Jones. Butler K.. enlisted August 14. 1862. Jarman, Theodore P.. enlisted August 14. 1862. Moore. James C, enlisted August 14. 1862. McCann. George W., enlisted August 14, 1862. Macey, Micajah C-. enlisted August 14. 1862. Murphy, Richard, enlisted August 21. 1862. Nunn. Milton, enlisted August 21, 1862. Poe, John \V.. enlisted August 15. 1862. Pense. Garrett D., enlisted August 14, 1863. Richardson. William H.. enlisted August 15, 1862. Rockingfield. Scout H., enlisted August 14, 1862. Rockincficld. Cleves S.. enlisted August 15. 1862. Redfield. Frank A., enlisted August 15. 1862. Randall. John A., enlisted August 15. "1862. Smith. Lyman H., enlisted August 15. 1862. Smith. George S.. enlisted August 14. 1862. Smith, Mvron C. enlisted August 14, 1862. Scanlan. Robert, enli'ited August 22, 1862. Talen, William, enlisted August 15, 1862. Widner, Tohn C. enlisted August 14, i86r. W^arne. William H., enlisted August 15. 1862. Wiley. T^eman TT., enli'ited August 15, 1862. Wasson. Jacob P.. enli'Jted August 14, 1862. Recniits. Bigelow, Frank E.. enlisted December 30. i86^. Cone. Wi'liam D.. enlisted June 4, 1864. Jacobs. William W, Murphy, Daniel T>., enlisted December 23. 1863. Pratz, William W., enlisted February 29, 1864. Whitehead. Wesley J., enlisted January 25, 1864. Company K. Captains. Ephraim E. Rynearson, commissioned September 1862. William K. White, commissioned October 21 1862. Lieutenants. First, William K. White, commissioned Septem- ber 2, 1862. First, Sylvester S. Edwards, commissioned Octo- ber 21, 1862. Second, Marcus O. Harkness, commissioned Oc- tober 21. 1862. Sergeants. Survetus Holt, enlisted August g, 1862. John Vinger, enlisted August 12, 1862. George Edwards, enlisted August 7, 1862. Harvey R. Brackett, enlisted August 9, 1862. Corporal.'i. John White, enlisted August 8, 1862. Francis Shroder, enlisted ^\ugust 12, 1862, John AL Harper, enlisted August 11, 1862. George W. Aurl. enlisted August 12, 1862. Enlee E. Coulson. enlisted August 9, 1862. Andrew J. Vleet, enlisted August 8, 1862. Oswell B. Green, enlisted August 14, 1862, Richard M. Holt, enlisted August 9, 1862. Musicians. Daniel Slane, enlisted August 15, 1862. Charles E. Lines, enlisted August 11, 1862, Wagoner. Clement S. Padget, enlisted August 22. 1862. Privates. Beck, William, enlisted August 8, 1862. Brown, Eli, enlisted August 12, 1862. Brown. J. ITenry, enlisted August 13, 1862. Brown, Patrick, enlisted August 7, 1862, Behrens. Harry, enlisted August 15, 1862. Camp, John, enlisted August 8, 1862. Cronan, John, enlisted August 9, 1862. Clayton, William, enlisted August 12. 1862. Donnelly. William, enlisted August 22. 1862. Dumhaugli, Uriah, enlisted August 9, 1862. Enders. John A., enlisted August 8, 1862. Frank. Jacob, enlisted August 16. 1862. Greenhalch. John, enlisted August 12, 1862, Gilson. Frederick, enlisted August 9, 1862. Greenough. Roger, enlisted August 9, 1862. Gurtcrti, Auxilius, enlisted August 12, 1S62. Haynes, Jolin, enlisted August 11, 1862, Harper, William S., enlisted August 9, 1862. Holt, Richard M., enlisted August 8, 1862. Harding, Adam, enlisted August 13, 1862. Holt. Thomas J., enlisted August 8. 1862. Hollings worth, Warner, enlisted August 9. 1862. Hoffman. Peter, enlisted August 11, 186^. Ibick, John, enlisted August 17, 1862, Thick, Lawrence, enlisted August 1 1, 1862. Kingsley. Charles, enlisted August 11, 1862. King, Joseph M., enlisted August 16, 1862. Kirkman, Samuel, enlisted August 13, 1862. King, Levi H.. enlisted August 9. 1862. King, William W., enlisted August 0, 1862. Kingsley, Alonzo, enlisted August 7. 1862, Lafollett. John, enlisted August 9. 1862. Lafolletl, Jacob, enlisted August 1 1, 1862. Landes, George, enlisted August 9, 1862. T.argent, Henry, enlisted August 9, 1862. Largent. Madison, enlisted August 15, 1862, Miller. James, enlisted August 11, 1862. Morris, Richard, enlisted August 12, 1863. Moody, Tames AI., enlisted August 9, 1862. Merilt, Tohn, enlisted August 9. 1862. Meek. Andrew J., enlisted August 12, 1862. Mulvancy, William, enlisted August 8. 1862. Nelson, I*eter. enlisted August 1 5, 1862. Parnham. Charles, enlisted August 13. 1862. Perry. Tlenry. enlisted August 9, 1862. Powell. Samuel B., enlisted August 13, 1862. Potts. Joseph, enlisted August 11. 1862. Pr it chard, John, enlisted August 16. 1862. Rynearson. Francis, enlisted August 15, 1862. Rench. I-yman T., enlisted August 11. 1862, Race, Williaip, enlisted August 8, 1862. 234 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 1862 1863. 1864. 3- 1863. Roberts, John, enlisted August 12, 1862. Sleeth, Thomas, enlisted August 10, 1862. Smith. George W., enlisted August 15, 1863. Sherwood, Samuel J., enlisted August 8, 1862 Shcpard, Ephraim R., enlisted August 9. 1862 Sharkev, Samuel, enlisted August 22. 1862. Shorden, John, enlisted August 8, 1862. Sheibling. August, enlisted August 15. 1862. Throp, William, enlisted August 14, 1862. Thompson. Robert, enlisted August 15. 1862 Whale or White. Ed P., enlisted August 15. Walker, Austin, enlisted August 13. 1862. Wholstenhohm, John, enlisted August 15. 1862 Yerby, Joseph, enlisted August 12. 1862. Recruits. Archdale. George, enlisted December 24. 186 Caulson, Henry. Haines, John, enlisted January 5, 1864. Hamilton, John H., enlisted December 3, Halstead, Edward. Morris, Henry S. Orr, Isaac, enlisted January 25, 1864. Parker, Thomas, enlisted April 7, 1864. Powell, Lyman J., enlisted January 20, Rynearson. Robert J., enlisted December , Stevenson. William. Somers, Edwin R.. enlisted January 2. 1864. Thurston. George, enlisted February 29, 1864. Wholstenhohm, John D., enlisted April 5, 1864. Unassigned Recruits. Wilson, John, enlisted March i, 1865. Atkins, Richard, enlisted Maich i, 1865. Bun, Thomas, enlisted March 2, 1865. Bennett, James, enlisted March i, 1865. Brown, William H., enlisted February 26, 1864. Conners, James, enlisted March 2, 1S65. Flannigan. Patrick, enlisted September 9, 1864. Folz, William. Grunman, Chauncey W. Haley, James, enlisted February 28, 1865. Hurbert, John, enlisted March 2, -'863. Hayes, John, enlisted March 2, 1865. Hayes. William, enlisted January 30, 1S65. Kerr, Silas, enlisted February 24, 1865. Kelley, Daniel, enlisted March 2, 1865. Kahli'ng, Alfred, enlisted February 27, 1865. Karmany. Henry M. Miller, John, enlisted February 28, 1865. McElhenry. Hugh F., enlisted March 14. 1865. McGru, Jolm, enlisted January 13, 1864. McManus. Henry P., enlisted February 29, 1864. Percival, George H. Pemble, David B. Sorner, Andrew, enlisted February 28, 1S65. Sowders, William, enlisted January 30. 1865. Shurry, John. Stewart, John G. Sanford, Louis. Wardsworth, Samuel. SEVENTY-SEVENTH INFANTRY (CONSOLI- DATED). Colon eL David P. Grier, commissioned September 12, 1862. Major. Edwin Stevens, commissioned July 15. 1865, Quartermaster. David McKinney, commissioned September 12. 1862. Company E. Captain. Edwin Stevens, commissioned September 2, 1862. Lieutenant. First, Samuel J. Smith, commissioned September 2, 1862. Second, Henry L. Bushnell, commissioned March 28, 1863. Company G. Captain. John D, Rouse, commissioned September 2, 1862. Lieuteyiant. First. Henry J. Wyman, commissioned March 1. 1863. Company K. Lieutetxant. Second, Marcus O. Hark/iess, commissioned Oc- tober 21, 1862. EIGHTY-SECOND INFANTRY. Assistant Surgeon. First, Emil Brendil, commissioned August 20, 1862. Company B. Lieutenant. First, Charles Lanzendorfer, commissioned March 12, 1863. Company D. Captain. Rudolph Mueller, commissioned October 7, 1863. Company E. Corporals. John Zimmermann. enlisted August 9, 1862. Joseph Schwabe, enlisted August 11, 1862. Sebastian Winterer, enlisted July 13, 1862. Privates. Barth, Jacob, enlisted August 12, 1862. Borkhauser. Theodore, enlisted August 9, 1862.. Bevechle, Anton, enlisted August ji, 1862, Dening, Henry, enlisted August 13. 1862. Diefenbach, John, enlisted August 15, 1862. Geiger, Joseph, enlisted August 15, 1862. Geisser, John, enlisted August 12, 1862. Gingericli, Christian, enlisted August 5, 1862. Goerges, Peter, enlisted August 9, 1862. Kessler, Francis J., enlisted August 9, 1862. Leuke, Ferdinand, enlisted August 8, 1862. May, Christian, enlisted August 15, 1862. Moorsberger, , enlisted August 14, 1862. MunighofF. Theodore, enlisted August 13, 1862. Navy, Nicholas, enlisted August 15, 1862. Nagele, Charles, enlisted August 13, 1862. Odenwalder. John, enlisted August 13, 1862. Pauly, Frederick, enlisted August 9. 1862. Ritth'aller, Michael, enlisted July 24. 1862. Schelikoph, Joseph, enlisted August 9, 1862. Schoner, William, enlisted August 15, 1862. Seifker, Adolf, enlisted August 14. 1862. Simmemmacher, Adam, enlisted August 6, 1862. Stawitzky. Thomas, enlisted August 4, 1862. Walker. Conrad, enlisted August 4, 1862. Wall. Nicholas, enlisted August 4, 1862. Wetschell, John, enlisted August 14. 1862. Zimmerman, Andrew, enlisted August 15. 1862. Company G. Musician. Theodore Werth, enlisted August 2, 1862. Company H. Privates. KnaufT, George F., enlisted August 7. 1862. Company K. Privates. Blank, Victor, enlisted August s. 1862. Bischoff, Ferdinand, enlisted July 28. 1862. Kuhn. Frederick, enlisted August 13, 1862. Kohler, Morand, enlisted August 18, 1862. EIGHTY-THIRD INFANTRY. Company I. Recruit. Brown. James W., enlisted March 22, 1865. Unassigned Recruit. Higgins, Patrick, enlisted February 6, 1865. EIGHTY-FTFTH INFANTRY. The Eighty-fifth Illinois Infantry Volunteers was organized at Peoria. Illinois, in August, 1862, by Colonel Robert S. Moore, and mustered into service August 27, 1862. Ordered to Louisville, Kentucky, September 6. 1862. and assigned to Thirty-sixth Bri- gade. Eleventh Division, Third Army Corps, Colo- nel D, McCook commanding division, and Major General Gilbert commanding corps. The Eighty- fifth marched in pursuit of the enemy under Gen- eral Bragg, October i, 1862, and was engaged in HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 235 the battle of Champion Hills, at Perryville, Ken- tucky, October 8th, and moved with tlie army to Nashville, Tennessee, arriving November 7. 186^;. Regiment mustered out June 5, 1865, at Washing- ton, D. C. and arrived at Camp Butler, Illinois, June II, 1865, where they received final payment and discharge. Company A. Private. Harrison, William C, enlisted August 10, 1863. Company C. Recruit. Dunn, Joseph, enlisted September i, 1862. Company F, Corporals. John O'Brien, enlisted June 16, 1862. George Deford, enlisted June 21, 1862. Privates. Hamilton, Reuben, enlisted Tune 2, 1862. Hamilton. David, enlisted Tune 21, 1862. Jones, Ed., enlisted June 21, 1862. Landers, Maurice, enlisted June 21, 1863. Quinlan. William, enlisted June 21, 1862. Wrest nour, Fitzhugh, enlisted June 16, 1862. Greteron, John, Recruit. Company K. Privates. Burr, Nelson, enlisted August 15, 1862. Kelso, James A., enlisted August 15, 1862. EIGHTV-SIXTH INFANTRY. The Eighty-sixth Infantry Illinois X'olunteers was organized at Peoria, Illinois, in August, 1862, by Colonel David D. Irons, and mustered in August 27th. Moved for Louisville and camped at Jo Holt, on the Indiana side. September 10, 1862. Was assigned to Thirty-sixth Brigade, Colonel D. ^Mc- Cook. with Fifty-second Ohio and Eighty-fifth Illi- nois and One Hundred and Twenty-fifth Illinois. Eleventh Division, Brigadier General P. H. Sheri- dan commanding. Marched from camp October ist and on the 8th was engaged in the battle of Perry- ville, losing one killed and fourteen wounded. Moved thence to Crab Orchard and to Nashville, arriving November 7th. Soon after moved to Mill Creek. Returned to Nashville December loth. Moved to Brentwood, April 8, 1863. Returned to Nashville June 3d. On the 30th moved to Murfrees- boro. Returned July igth. Marched August 20th via Franklin and Columbia to Huntsville, Alabama, and on the 4th of September marched to Chatta- nooga. The Eighty-sixth was here assigned to the Reserve Corps under Major General Gordon Gran- ger. Engaged in the battle of Chickamauga. Sep- tember 19, 20 and 21. Brigade assigned to Second Division, Fourteenth Army Corps. Moved into Lookout Valley October 2gth. In the night of November 23d crossed the river on a pontoon and camped at the foot of Missionary Ridge. Pursued the enemy on the 26th to Ringgold and was then ordered to Knoxville. Tennessee. Marched as far as Little Tennessee river and returned to Chatta- nooga December iSth after a most severe march. Was engaged on the reconnoissance to Buzzard Roost Gap near Dalton, February 24, 1864. fighting the enemy two days. Lost one man killed and seven wounded. March 6th moved to Lee and Gor- don's Mills and May 3d joined General Sherman's army at Ringgold, Georgia. Was engaged at Buz- zard's Roost, ^lay g, 10 and 1 1 ; Resaca, May 14 and 15; Rome. May 1 7 — six killed and eleven wounded; Dallas, from May 27 to June 5; Kenesaw Mountain from June 11 to 27, losing one hundred and ten killed and wounded. Was again engaged with the enemy on the banks of the Chattahoochie on the i8th of July; at Peach Tree Creek on the igth and near Atlanta from the 20th to the 22d. Engaged in the siege of Atlanta, Colonel Dills worth commanding brigade, Brigadier General J. D. Morgan commanding division, and Brevet Major General Jefferson C. Davis command- ing the corps. Engaged at Jonesboro. September ist. September 2qth moved by rail to Athens, Ala- bama, and marched to Florence, driving Forrest across the Tennessee. Moved to Chattanooga and thence to Galesville. Alabama, Kingston and to At- lanta, arriving November 15th. Commenced the march to the sea. November i6th. Arrived at Sa- vannah, December 21st. Moved January 20, 1865, on the campaign of the Carolinas, Brevet Brigadier General B, D. Fearing commanding the brigade. Engaged in the battle of Averysboro. March i6th and of Bentonville, igth and 20th. and arrived at Goldsboro. March 23d. March to Raleigh, April loth. After the surrender of Johnson marched via Richmond to Washington City, at which place it was mustered out of service, June 6, 1865, by Lieu- tenant George Scroggs, and ordered to Chicago, Il- linois, where it received final pay and discharge. Died, killed and wounded, 346; marched 3,500 miles; by rail, 2.000 miles. Colonel. David D. Irons, commissioned August 27. 1862. Lieutenant Colonel. David W. Magee, commissioned August 27, 1862. Majors. James S. Bean, commissioned August 27, 1862. Joseph F. Thomas, commissioned March 25, 1864. Adjutant. James E. Prescott, commissioned August 27. 1862. Quartermaster. Charles IL Deane. commissioned August 11, 1862. Surgeon. Massena M. Hooton, commissioned August 27, 1862. Assistant Surgeon. First. Israel J. Guth, commissioned July 14. 1864. Company A. Quartermaster Sergeants. John C. Adams, enlisted August 4. 1862. Charles Magee, enlisted August 11, 1862. Privates. Brown, Jasper A., enlisted August 28, 1862. Company B. Corporal. George W. Berdim, enlisted August 11, 1862. Privates. Berdim, Walter I., enlisted August 15, 1862. Brown. Harvey S.. enlisted August 13, 1862. Crouch, Ansel, enlisted August 13. 1863. Lee, Charles, enlisted August 12, 1862. Lemons, George, enlisted August 13. 1862. Sham, John W., enlisted August 13. 1862. Warren, James, enlisted August 15. 1S62. Wallace, Alexander, enlisted August 13. 1862. Company C. Captains. Joseph F. Thomas, commissioned August 27. 1862. William G. McDonald, commissioned March 25. 1864. Lieutenants. I'iv^t. lohn IL Bachelder, commissioned August 27, 1862. , . Second, Reuben B. Beebe. commissioned August 27, 1862. Second. Edwin C. Stillman, commissioned June 12. 1865. Sergeants. Alfred S. Proctor, enlisted August 13, 1862. Corporals. William Arnsworth. enlisted August 13, 1862. James Mitchell, enlisted August 9, 1862. Stephen L. Easton. enlisted August 8, 1862. Isaac M. McCulley, enlisted August 8. 1862. Musicians. Abel W. Brown, enlisted August 12, 1862. Benjamin Swigger, enlisted August 7. 1862. Wagoner. John Buggs, enlisted August 13. 1862. Privates. Beebe, William J., enlisted August 5, 1862. 236 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY Bowers, Joseph, enl.stetl -V'S"'' .'t' s' ^862 BlanJ, William J., enl.sted A"B"5t ?■ '»^'- Bland, John, enl.sted August ». 'f"- „, Baldwin, W.lliam J., enl.sted A"KUSt .5, 1862. Bell, John H.. enl.sted August ■'. -S^^- Bell, James, enlisted August 1 1, 1862. Carver, Horace C. enlisted Augitst -3. -SS^- Carter, Elhert S.. enlisted August '2. 'S^^- Clawson, Henry, enlisted August ii, .862. Clark Cvrus C, enlisted August 9, loo-^- „, Rlwell, 'George' W., enlisted August .2 1862. Damon. Hiram S., enl.sted August .3. 1862. Dray, Henry S.. enlisted August 8. 'Sfi^- Do.iovan, Michael, enl.sted August 8 .862. Easton. William D., enl.sted August 8, 862 Furguson, James B.. enl.sted August 8 >862 Flanders, Chauncey H., enlisted August .3. -862. Glaze. Isaac, enlisted August .2. i8b2. Gallop. Ralph P.. enlisted August 13, 186^. Hutchinsonl Enoch H.. enlisted August .3. 1862. Hunt. Isaac, enlisted August 8, iBU^- Harrington, John, enlisted August 14. '»6-=- Jenkins. Albanus L., enl.sted August 12. 1862. Jenkins, William M., enl.sted Augijst 11, 1862. Mason, John, enlisted August 9, 1862- Marsh, tames, enlisted August 8, 1862. Maxson," Mathew. enlisted August 8, 1862. Nurs, Henry H., enlisted August 7, 1862. Parsons, Ahraham S.. enl.sted August 8, 1862. Putman, Allen, enlisted August 12. 1865. Prentiss. Benjamin, enl.sted August 7, 1862. Root. Cvrus. enlisted August 11. 1862. Rutherford, Jacob J., enl.sted August 5. 1862 Rutherford, Andrew J., enl.sted August 5, 1862. Robertson, Tames, enlisted August 0, 1862. Stowell, Oscar, enlisted August n- '862. Sarver, Jacob, enlisted August 7. 1862. Sarver, John, enlisted August 8, 1862. Sanger, Adna T., enlisted August ■'.■«<'-■ Sexton, Frederick I-., enl.sted August 11, 186-. Selders. John B.. enlisted August 5. 1862. Selders. Thoitias B.. enlisted August 13, 186- Sirlott. James, enlisted August 13. 1862. Stewart, John, enlisted August 13, '862 Stittman, Anson P.. enl.sted August 8 1862 Stittman, Sanford H., enlisted .August 8, 1862. Thomas, John, enlisted .\ugust 8, 1862 Troxell, William, enlisted August 8, 1862. Troxell. Absalom, enlisted August 8, 1862. Vining, William H.. enlisted August 13. 1862 Weldman. Charles E., enl.sted August 8, 1862. Wilson, Loren J., enlisted August 14, 1S62. Wilson. George" N.. enlisted August .,■;, 1802. Young. Charles M., enlisted August ... 186.. Recruits. Brown. Harvev L. Wallace, Alexander. Shane, John W. T.e.non. George. Company D. Caftaln. Frank Hitchcock, commissioned August 27, 1862. Lieutenant. Second, William H. Hall, commissioned August 27, 1862. Sergeants. Augustus \^ Johnson, enlisted August '3, 1862. Samuel Y. Horine, enl.sted August 14, 1862. John Kiefman, enlisted August 11, 1862. Corporals. Lemuel R. KHiot. enlisted August 1 1. 1862. George R. Davis, enl.sted August 8, 1862. Robert M. Tones, enlisted August 13 1862. Thomas Cobb, enlisted August 12, 1862 William Treeley. enlisted August 13, 1S62. Mfred M. McKenney. enl.sted August 14. 18O2. John Decker, enlisted August 9, 1862. Tsaach H. Moore, enlisted August 15. 1862. Musicians. Frank G. Luther, enlisted August 14, 1862. Richard McCarty, enlisted August 8, 1862. Wagoner. Daniel W. Johnson, enlisted August 15. 1862. Privates. \nderson. David IL, enlisted August 13. 1862. Arnold. William B.. enlisted August 14. 1862 Bickford. Leonard B., enlisted August it, 1862. Bohanan, James W., enl.sted August .1 862. Boshwick, W.lliam K., enl.sted August 14, 862. Bauman, Keinhart, enl.sted August .1, 1862. Beal, George, enlisted August II, 1862. Bennett. William, enlisted July 21, 1862 Crane, Asa F., enlisted August 13, 1862 Conrad, Ezra K., enlisted August 9, 1862 Conrad. Elias H.. enl.sted August '■. '862. Cobb, Daniel, enlisted August 11, 1862. Cramer. Arthur, enlisted August 14, '8'>2- Champ, Victor R.. e.^li^'^'i A"8U"t '4. 1862. Duffield. William, enlisted August 11, 1852. DiUaplaine, John W.. enlisted August 12, 1862. Dailev, Henry, enlisted July 30, 1862. Frank, Tesse, enlisted August 11, '862. Greenhaigh, Richard W., enl.sted Angus .3, 1862. Gregory, John F.. enlisted August 15. 1862 Graham. Abram S.. enlisted August ■■■ -862. Graham. William, enl.sted August 15, 1862- Hart. Tohn W., enlisted July 24, '8*>2 Hartman, Henry, enlisted August 8, 1862. Hartman. Christopher, enlisted August 8, 1862. Kingon. Perry, enlisted Aueiist 11, 1862 Kennedy, William S., enlisted August 14. 186-. Krouse, Martin, enlisted August 14. 1S62. Krouse. Tohn. enlisted August 9. "862 Kingon, 'John, enlisted August 9, 1862 Kribbler.'Tohn. enlisted August 13, 1862 Kimsey. Joel L., enlisted August 14. 1862 Love, Samuel D., enlisted August i4. 1862. Lee William D.. enlisted August 11, 1862 Long. Thomas M., enlisted August I. 1862. Lobaugh. Abraham, enlisted August 15, .862 Moore, Francis R.. enlisted August I S. 1862. Magee. Charles, enlisted .\ugust i ., 1862 McCov, Thomas, enlisted August 15. i8b2. Miller, Samuel, enlisted August 8. 1862 McManus. James J., enlisted August '4. '«62. Morris. Tames F., enl.sted August ^'' [^^z. Miller, George, enlisted August "• '862 McCoy, Lerov S.. enl.sted August 11, 1862 Memeyer. William F enl.sted August ,1 .862. Palmer. Rosaloo. enlisted August 14, i«t>2. Priston, Martin, enlisted August 11, 1862. Root Merritt R.. enl.sted August 9. 1862. Rkhardson. William M. enlisted August 14, .862, Stoffer Alva, enlisted August 11, i8b2. Thatcher, Tacob B.. enlisted August .4. 1862. Taylor. Charles E., enlisted August 8, 1862. Taggart. Robert, enlisted .\ueust "• ■''^-A,, Wesrott. Chariton, enl.sted August .8. 1862. Williamson. John, enlisted August 12, 1862 Wriglev, William E., enl.sted August .2, 1862. Wescott. Horatio, enlisted August 8 '862 Williamson, Joseph, enl.sted August ■ ■ '86- Wridev. Joseph, enl.sted A"R"5' ','• 'j,?°^- Wikoff. William, enl.sted August ■'■ "^b^- „,, Wilson William E., enlisted August 5. 1862. Young. William M.. enl.sted August 11, 1862. Recruits. Fry. William F. M. „, Friik Henrv, enlisted December 29, i863- Hal m'ever Tokeph. enlisted December 16, 1863. Ke. pie' Charier B., enlisted December 29. .863. Pres on, Tohn R., enlisted December 29, 1863. Preston David, enl.sted December 22, 1863. Walker. Benjamin F., enlisted January 2, 1863. Company E. Captain. Frederick A. Woldorf. commissioned December 26, 1862. Sergeant. Iram Murray, enlisted August 13. 1862. Prirates. Ghert. Ambrose, enlisted August .3. 1862. Graham, Tohn. enl.sted August 13. 1862. Mallon. Tames, enl.sted August '3, 1862. Sumner. Thomas J., enlisted August 13. 1862. Recruits. Anderson. Joseph, enlisted January 30, 1865. Bridegroom, Julius, enlisted January .9. 1864. Sumner, Anthony W. ,„ ,0/:, Smith. Benjamin F., enlisted January 19. -864. Company G. Private. Upshaw. Thomas J., enlisted August 22. 1862. HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 237 Recruits. Cain, David L. Hindbaugh, Philip, enlisted January 4, 1864. Sandern. Charles, enlisted January 2, 1S64. Company H. Caf>taiti. John H. Hall, commissioned August 27. 1862. Lieutenants. First, Edwin E. Peters, commissioned August 27, 1862. Second, Davilla W. Merwin, commissioned Au- gust 27. 1862. Second. John II. Henderson, commissioned Tune 12, 1865. Sergeants. Mathew Murdock. enlisted July 31, 1862. John C. Adams, enlisted August 4, 1862. Corporals. W^illiam T. Keener, enlisted August 5, 1862. William C. Stewart, enlisted August 11, 1862. Jonathan Haley, enlisted August i, 1862. John T. Geerling, enlisted August 16, 1862. Musician. Salem E. Martin, enlisted August i, 1862. J( agoner. George Farnsworth, enlisted July 19, 1862. Priz-ates. Anthony, Jacob, enlisted August 6, 1862. Alger, Josiah J., enlisted August 11, 1862. Buck, William, enlisted July 18, 1862. Buck. Millar, enlisted July 18, 1862. Bremer, John, enlisted August 1. 1862. Black well, Thomas, enlisted July 31, 1862. Beasemore. Robert G.. enlisted July 29, 1862. Blundcl, William, enlisted July 26, 1862. Brings. William, enlisted July 22, 1862. Cole. Oliver W., enlisted" August 6. 1862. Cain, David L., enlisted July 28. 1862. Claver, David, enlisted August 13. 1862. Church, Andrew G., enlisted August 13, 1862. Charles, H. Charles, enlisted August 27, i86j. Dolan, John, enlisted July 31, 1862. Edwards, Evans, enlisted August i, 1862. Ewing. John W. H., enlisted August 4. 1862. Flick, Erwin, enlisted July 8, 1862. Foster, Robert, enlisted August 6, 1862. Fullerton, James, enlisted August 2, 1862. Fuller. George, enlisted August 6, 1862. Flagler, John W.. enlisted July 31, 1862. Faskitt. Byron O.. enlisted August 4. 1862. Faskitt, Lyman W.. enlisted August 13. 1862. Gasney, William, enlisted August 6, 1862. Hackan, Sebalt, enlisted July 19, 1862. Jayne, Jacob, enlisted August 2. 1862. Kellogg, Lewis F., enlisted August 5, 1862. Kellogg. William P., enlisted July 18, 1862. Keack, Daniel C, enlisted August 2, 1862. Kruger, Edward H.. enlisted August 11, 1862. Kilver. Henry J,, enlisted August 13, 1862. Ley. William L., enlisted August 15, 18G2, Mason. Richard, enlisted August 7, 1862. Macinley. William A., enlisted August 1. 1862. McFarland, Tames A., enlisted July 18. 1862. McConncll, Robert A., enlisted August 6, 1862. McKone. John, enlisted August 13, 1862. McMahan. Sylvester, enlisted August 14, 1862. McGee. Charles, enlisted August 11, 1862. Nowlon, William W.. enlisted August 5. 1862. Oburph, Francis V.. enlisted August 5, 1862. Place. Emerson, enlisted August 5. 1862. Place. John N., enlisted August 5. 1862. Peters. Andrew W., enlisted August 11. iSfij. '^onk, Ch.irles. enlisted August 6, 1862, Reed. An?us M.. enlisted August 6. 1862. Ramsay. Harrison, enlisted August 11. 1862. Stone. Ely. enlisted August 2, 1862. Smock, William, enlisted July 30. 1862. Schleigh. John J., enlisted August 5. 1862. Slocum. George, enli'^ted August 6, 1862. Scott, James, enlisted August 6. 1862. Sharpnerk. William, enlisted August 11, 1862. \'anpatten. Emerson, enlisted August 6. 1862. Wayne. Isaac T^., enlisted August 6. 1862. Wayne. Samuel, enlisted August 6, 1862. Wallace. Charles, enlisted August 6, 1862. Wilkins, John J., enlisted August 13. 1862. Zimmerman. Jesse, enlisted August 6, 1862. Recruit.<. Bennett, William. Darley, Henry. Moore, George M. Company I. Corporals. Thomas J. Love, enlisted August 9, 1862. William P. Parker, enlisted August 9, 1862. Privates. Clark. William L.. enlisted August 9, 1862. Clark. John, enlisted August 9. 1862. Jones. Francis M., enlistetl August 14, 1862. Lemaster, Isaac, enlisted August 9, 1862. Lindenberger, Ernst F. C, enlisted August o, 1862. Slick, Ezra, enlisted August 9, 1862. Sill, William P. J., enlisted August 22. 1862. Sill, George D., enlisted August 14, 1862. Sill, Isaac M., enlisted August 15. 1862. Thomas; David, enlisted August 12, 1862. Recruits. Cromwell. John, enlisted December 28. 1863. Green, Andrew S., enlisted December 28, 1863. Glassford. John, enlisted December 28. 1863. Glassford, George, enlisted December 28. 1863. Johnson, Cyrus, enlisted December 29, 1863. Kelley, Nelson, enlisted February 21, 1865. I*etty, Ezekiel. enlisted December 28. 1863. Petty. John R., enlisted December 28, 1863. Sayler, William C, enlisted January 25, 1864. Wolf, Jonathan B., enlisted October 11, 1864. Company K. Captains. John F. French, commissioned August 27, 1862. Levi A. Ross, commissioned April 20, 1865. Lieutena7its. First, James B. Peet, commissioned August 27, 1862. First, John Morrow, commissioned August 20. 1865. Second, Henry F. Irvin, commissioned August 27, 1862. Second. John McGinnis, commissioned Tune 12, 1865. Sergeants. First, Peter H. Snyder, enlisted August 7, 1862. Alexander Buchanan, enlisted August 9, 1862. Elijah Coburn. enlisted August 7, 1862. Corporals. John Carter, enlisted August 9, 1862. Edwin L. Smith, enlisted August 7, 1862. Levi A. Ross, enlisted August 9, 1862. John Z. Slone, enlisted August 9, 1863. Kbenezer M. Armstrong, enlisted August 8, 1862. Samuel Bohrer, enlisted August 8, 1862. John J. Anderson, enlisted August 7, 1862. William H. Anton, enlisted August 7, 1862. ^llusiciiins. David Smith, enlisted August 9. 1862, John E. White, enlisted August 9, 1862. Wagoner. John Dukes, enlisted August 7, 1862. Prizxttcs. An ten, George, enlisted August 9, 1862. Alter, Charles E., enlisted August 8, 1862. Andrews, Henry A., enlisted August 8, 1862. Aten, Charles S., enlisted August 9. 1862. Anderson, Warren T., enlisted August 7, 1862. Butler, Sylvester, enlisted August 11. 1862. Beach. Frank, enlisted August 7. 1862, Bickner, Andrew J., enlisted August 8. 1862. Blanchard. William H., enlisted August 7, 1862. Burgess. Green, enlisted August 9, 1862. Butler, Henry, enlisted August 8, 1862. Burns, Patrick, enlisted August 12, 1S62. Coburn, Samuel C., enlisted August 7, 1862. Cook. George, enlisted August 8. 1862. Cowley, John J., enlisted August 12, 1862. Dinesmore. Peter, enlisted August 7, 1862, Debord. Jefferson, enlisted August 9. 1862. Debord, Nelson, enlisted August 7. 1862. 238 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY Deal William, enlisted August 9, ^f/- Debord, John, .-'-''■''.^AuKUSt 3, .86^. Foley, Hezekiah, enhsltd A>^«"f /• '° Kram-is loseph, enlisted August 9, i8«- G adfither! Jacib. enUstcd August 7, ■86^- Hnre Henrv H., enlisted August 8, iSb.. R^ 'u „ (Vnrse W , enlisted August 9.^>«o2. SX""'H. enlisted August 9, .86.. Ke e Emanuel, enlisted August 7, .86^. Ke er Andrew, enlisted .\ugust 7. 86^. K^ er Edmund, enlisted August 7. -S^J- h,v Andrew J , enlisted August 7. '862. ^H^s, Ben Imiil' enlisted August 9,-86.. T ttle Henry, enlisted August 8. 1862. M lie; James enlisted August 7. "862. ^ Mman,"john, enlisted August 7, .86 Parents Joseph, enlisted August 7. .862. Pots Wlliam. enlisted August 7. .862. Pons John T:..„!="l'"f„,,4XAug'us 9 '.862. frgt'w."l^a^''renlstr4u^u"s\^2,•^62. Ru^ssell lames A., enlisted August 8 1862 Russe "James M., enlisted August 8, .862. Reed! Philander, enlisted August 8 .862. Roney, Hugh, enlisted Augus 8. 862. Roney Peter, enlisted August 8, 1862 Rook William, enlisted August .2 1S62 Mea, Simon W.. enlisted August 8 .862. Smith John W., enlisted August 8, 1862. Sm h Isaae L., enlisted August 7. .862- levies Moses M.. enlisted August L, .862. lay e : Thomas, enlisted August .1 .86.. pTfer' ^ElUai/B '^"nli^te-ltu u'st''.'!- :862. !;;;'?' Archii'ald. enlisted August 8 ■862. sSger. Madison, enlisted August 7, &6z. Sahin John M.. enlisted August 7, .»62. |™n ' And"ew j.. enlisted August 9. .86.. Timnons, Francis, enlisted August 7, .862 Wa"tson\TamesSenhsted Augusts, ^^8^ ^'Hre?^Vl1iia^'''l^^%ef A"f r ■862-''^- Wh e James E., enlisted August 8 1862. Wiley Charles, enlisted August 9. 'f6^- Young. Harrison, enlisted August .■■ .86|. Zikr Jeremiah C, enlisted August u, .862. Recruits. Dehord Henry, enlisted August 19, '^62. Hladtetier Abert, enlisted February ., .864. Hughs William, enlisted February .. -864. "lafrs Joseph D., enlisted January 23, .865. Lynch tames A., enlisted January 23, 865. Nail! William T., enlisted January 2., 1864. EIGHTY-EIGHTH INFANTRY. Unassigned Recruits. \mbler, Monroe, enlisted December 6. .863. Brwn! Chester F., enlisted October 22. 1863. EIGHTY-NINTH INFANTRY. Company A. Recruits. Smith, Samuel, enlisted August 13, .862 Urie, David R., enlisted August 13, .86-. Company G. Private. Baves, Adelbert, enlisted November. 1863. Recruit. Hunt. James, enlisted November 28, 1863. NINETY-THIRD INFANTRY. Company C. Recruits. Corwin, Thomas R., enlisted April 12. 1865. Pa™ons, John, enlisted December 5. 864. Parker, James, enlisted April 11, .865. Ryon, John, enlisted March 31. '865. Timmons, John, enlisted April 12, 1865. Company K. Recruit. Godfrey, Michael, enlisted March 31, .865- Unassigned Recruits. Baker. James, enlisted April 11, 1865. Cody, Patrick, enlisted April 11, 1865. Clark, Thomas J., enlisted April 1 1, 1865. Dougherty, lohn, enlisted March 9. .865. Flynn. Frank, enlisted March 9. 1865. Farrington. George, enlisted March 29, .865. Higgins. John, enlisted April 11. .865. Hellvard. Thomas, enlisted March 22. 1865. Jenkins. William K.. enlisted March ... .865. Mulcahy. Patrick, enlisted April ... '865. Morgan. James, enlisted March ii. .865. O'Brien. Patrick, enlisted March 9. .865. Powers. William, enlisted March 9, 1865. Welsh. James, enlisted April 11, 1865. Zonowski, Louis, enlisted March 22. 1865. ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTH INFANTRY. Colouel. John Warner, commissioned August 28. 1862. Major. Lyman W. Clark, commissioned October 26. 1864. Adjutants. Benjamin T. Foster, commissioned August 23. '^Henry C. Fursman, commissioned June 23, 1864. Quartermaster. George W. Raney, commissioned August 18, 1862. Sergeant Majors. John E. McDermot, enlisted August i. 1862. tdward Pratt. Quartermaster Sergeants. George B. Raney, enlisted August 15, 1862. Anson Adams. Commissary Sergeants. John M. Dodge, enlisted August 22, 1862. George Hindson. Hospital Steward. Henry C. Fursman, enlisted September 15, .862. Principal Musician. Frederick Wham. Company B. Privates. Coons, Andrew J., enlisted A"gust M, .862. Coons Martin, enlisted August .1, '86.. Crall William H.. enlisted August 4, .86-. Horton Joseph W., enlisted August 11. 1862. Ingalls.- WiUiam R., enlisted August .4, .862. Company E. Captain. Sylvester V. Dooley. commissioned August 28, 1862. Lieutenants. First. Patrick Moore., commissioned August 28, '^lecond. Thomas Lynch, commissioned August 28. '^Peter Young, commissioned August i, 1865. Sergeants. Patrick Lvnch. enlisted August 7, '862. Fames Freeman, enlisted August .5, .862 Akxander Pitcher, enlisted August .3, .862. Corporals. George Simons, enlisted August '5. '862. Tohn Mangan, enlisted August .5. .862. £-"ku^SU^Aigusl^": -62. HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 239 Musicians. Tames Brophy, enlisted August 22, 1862. James Byan, enlisted August 15, 1862. Wagoner. Henry Hammond, enlisted August 9. 1862. Priz-ates. Bradley, Robert, enlisted August 9. 1862. Brophey, John, enlisted August 11, 1862. Barnard, James, enlisted August 15, 1862. Burke, John, enlisted August 8, 1862. Carroll, Michael, enlisted August 15, 1862. Corbet, Joseph, enlisted August 15, 1862. Crass, James, enlisted August 13, 1862. Cranson, John, enlisted August 14, 1862. Chamblin, Elisha, enlisted August 15, 1862. Crowder, John, enlisted August 13, 1S62. Cation, William, enlisted August 22, 1862. Dodd, George, enlisted August 9, 1862. Davis, livan, enlisted August 22, 1862. Dodge, John, enlisted August 22, 1862. Don, Levy Joseph, enlisted August 22, "1862. Driscal, Dennis, enlisted August 15. 1862. Dickerson, I'Vank. enlisted August 18, 1862. Diving. Cyrus, enlisted August 14, 1862. Ewing. George \\ ., enlisted August 3, 1862. Eads. Thomas, enlisted August 22, 1862. Fentrop, Henry, enlisted August 22, 1862. Fleming, Michael, enlisted August 22, 1862, Flanagan, Thomas, enlisted August 22, 1862. Gross, Daniel, enlisted August 22, 1862. Groatatoaut, Jesse, enlisted August 15, 1862. Guppy, Samuel, enlisted August 15, 1862. Gillit. Julien, enlisted August 14, 1862. Graves, Isaac, enlisted August 22, 1862. Higgins, John, enlisted August 15. 1862. Hidson, George, enlisted August 15. 1862. Hutchinson, Samuel, enlisted August 22, 1862. Hogan, Barnard, enlisted August 14, 1862. Hughes, George, enlisted August 13, 1862. Jones, Avrein. enlisted August 5, 1862. James, John, enlisted August 16, 1862. Jenkins, John, enlisted August 13, 1862. Kelley, James, enlisted August 8, 1862. Kenny, James, enlisted August 15, 1862. Lushman, Thomas, enlisted August 22, 1862. Loomis, Michael, enlisted August 22, 1862, Loinan. Thomas, enlisted August 22, 1862. Lockland, Michael, enlisted August 15, 1862. Murphy, William H., enlisted August 15, 1862. McKone. Michael, enlisted August 13, 1863. ^IcComb, James, enlisted August 7, 1862. Moore, John, enlisted August 22, 1862. McCarty, John, enlisted August 11. 1862. Merry, Edward, enlisted August 22, 1862. Ml Knight. James, enlisted August 8, 1862. Roberts. George, enlisted August S. 1862. Rice, George, enlisted August 16, 1862. Simons, John, enlisted August 15, 1862, Strately, James, enlisted August 7, 1862. Simmers. John, enlisted August 12, 1862, Smith. Edwin, enlisted August 15, 1862. Summers, William, enlisted August 13, 1862. Thorp, Charles, enlisted August 15. 1862. Taylor. Tames, enlisted August 17, 1862. Upton. James, enlisted August 15, 1862. Whitty, Samuel, enlisted August 14. 1862. Walters, Andrew, enlisted August 22, 1862. Walters. John, enlisted August 22. 1862. Yost. Bartholomew, enlisted August 22, 1862. Company D. Prifates. Gabriel, Philip, enlisted August 11, 1862. Hartman, William, enlisted August n, 1862. Kellogg. Nathan, enlisted August 8, 1862. Pank. Alexander, enlisted August 20. 1862. Page, James H., enlisted August 15, 1862. Snyder, James, enlisted September 5, 1862. Recruit. Greenwell, George, enlisted February 23. 1S65. Company F. Privates. Doman. John, enlisted August 15, 1862. Edwards. Henry O., enlisted August 15, 1862. Everingham. Joseph H.. enlisted August 15, 1862. Fursman. Henry C. enlisted September 18, 1862. Kirkner. George, enlisted August 1 5. 1862. McKown, Robert, enlisted August 15, 1862. Phillips, George, enlisted August 15, 1862. Perdue. Wil.iam F.. enlisted August 15, 1862. Stine. George A., enlisted August 15, 1862. Sonderland, Olof, enlisted August 15, 1862. Twigs, James L., enlisted August 15, 1862. Recruit. Kyle, John, enlisted January 26, 1865. Company G. Captains. George R. Haglitt, commissioned August 28. 1862. Samuel H. Harts, commissioned January 13, i86j. Henry C. Somniers. commissioned May 30, 1863. John E. McDermott. commissioned June 13, 1864. Lieutenants. First. James* H. Wynd. commissioned lune 13, Second. James Bradshaw, commissioned Aucust I. 1865. Sergeants. First. George W. Morris, enlisted August 12, 1862. George Angus, enlisted August 9, 1862. John S. Phillips, enlisted August 12, 1862. Corporals. Sylvanus H. Williams, enlisted July 28, 1862. William R. Caldwell, enlisted August 15, 1862. Alfert F. Simons, enlisted August 15, 1862. Lewis Elwell, enlisted August 9. 1862. Clinton \'. B. Reader, enlisted August 15, 1862. Lewis Mitchell, enlisted August 15, 1862. Samuel K. Mobery, enlisted August 15, 1862. Aaron T. Sharp, enlisted August 15, 1862. Musicians. Ephraim Bartlett, enlisted August 11, 1862. William C. Mawberry, enlisted August 15, 1862. IVagoncr. Anson Adams, enlisted August 15. 1862. Privates. Atkinson, Henry, enlisted August 15, 1862, Berdine, George W., enlisted August 11, 1862. Buchard. Thomas, enlisted August 15, 1862. Brown. Reuben W., enlisted August 15, 1862. Bowers. Isaac, enlisted August 15, 1862. Bradshaw. W illiam, enlisted August 15, 1862. Blanchard, Robert A., enlisted August 15, 1862. Brummel, Charles, enlisted July 16, 1862. Broomfield. Obadiah. enlisted August 14, 1862. Brown, John H., enlisted August 14, 1862. Conroy, Charles AL, enlisted August 15, 1862. Craig, Hiram D.. enlisted August 14, 1862. Conroy, James A., enlisted August 15, 1S62. Curtis. James, enlisted August 15, 1862. Crouch, John A., enlisted August 11, 1862. Cochran, James, enlisted August 15, 1862. Dunne, James, enlisted August i, 1862. Easter, I'ranklin. enlisted August 13. 1862. Easter, Noah, enlisted October 12, 1862. Frazier. Thomas J., enlisted August 11, 1862. Grundy, James, enlisted August 15, 1862. Homer, Landow, enlisted August 12, 1S62. Harris, Charles T., enlisted August 12, 1862. Hartley, John J., enlisted August 15, 1862. Holmes. Jesse N., enlisted August 15, 1862. Johnson. William, enlisted August 15, 1862. Kippenbrock, Lewis AL, enlisted August 11, 1862. Keefer, Jacob, enlisted August 12, 1862. Kirkman, Clement, enlisted August 1 1, 1862. Kippenbrock, Henry A., enlisted August 11, 1862. Lewis, Barney, enlisted August 15, 1862. Lewis, Charles, enlisted August 13, 1862. Long, Joseph M.. enlisted August 13, 1862. Lama. John, enlisted August 8, 1862. Larimar, James, enlisted August 14, 1862. I^yton. Sylvester, enlisted August 14, 1862. Mitchel. Martin, enlisted July 22, 1862. Meyer. John, enlisted August '11. 1862. Meyers, William J. D., enlisted August 17, 1862. McDermot. John E., enlisted August r, 1862. Moore. John S., enlisted July 28, 1862. McComb. Andrew, enlisted August 15. 1862. Owens. Robert, enlisted August 13, 1862. Owens. Pleasant, enlisted July 15. 1862. Odell. George, enlisted August 11, 1862. Penny, Brayton A., enlisted August 13, 1862. Porter. Jackson, enlisted August 7, 1862 Pernell, M., enlisted August 14. 1862. 240 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 1862. 1862. 1862. Powell, lidward, enlisted AuKUSt 12. 1862 Phillips, Valentine, enlisted August 15, >»02- Ranev, George B., enlisted August is, Randall, Icremiah E., enlisted July 28, Rose Washington, enlisted August 15, Rice, George, enlisted August 15, >862 Stock, Valentine, enlisted August 6, 1862. Sommers, William, enlisted August 5, 1862 Sommers. Leonard, enlisted August ■ 5. 1862. Staples, Toshua, enlisted August is. 1862 Sherwood, Samuel, enlisted August 10, 1862. Tipton, James R., enlisted August 19, 1862 Webell, George W., enlisted August IS, 1862. Watts, Robert, enlisted August 15, 1862. Wright, William, enlisted August is, 1862. Worth, Samuel R., enlisted August 14, 1862. Zuber, .Tohn J., enlisted July 28, ^1862, Recruits. Aldrich, George, enlisted March 6, 1865. Bailey, Henry C enlisted March 6, 1865. Butler, John, enlisted March 6, i86s. Fox. Reed, enlisted March 6. 1865. Guyer, George, enlisted March 6, 1865. Hibbs, Evan, enlisted March 6, 1865. King, Joseph, enlisted March 6, 1865. Prior, 'Richard, enlisted March 6, 1865. Company H. Kirby, Patrick, enlisted September 5. 1862. Moran, Michael, enlisted September 20, 1862. Company I. Cat'tains. Tohn W. Carroll, commissioned August 28. 1862. Patrick Needham, commissioned March 28, 1862. Lieiite)wnt. First Richard Scholes, commissioned August 28, '862. ... Second, Daniel Dulanv. commissioned August 28, 1862. Edward Pratt, commissioned August I, l86s. Sergeants. First, John S. Stater, enlisted August 2, 1862. James Sook, enlisted August 11, 1862. 'Dauphin H. Kendall, enlisted August 13, 1862. Corporals. Tohn Smith, enlisted August 8, 1862. David Rockford, enlisted August 8, 1862. Richard Walsh, enlisted August 15, 1862. Noal Hungertord, enlisted August 15. 1862. George Myers, enlisted August, 1862. Thorhas Byron, enlisted August 14, 1862. Edward Grant, enlisted August 14, 1862. John Kearns, enlisted August 14, 1862. Musicians. Harvev Steele, enlisted August 13. 1862. Frederick Wham, enlisted August 27, 1862. Wagoner. Dudley Willits. enlisted August 11. 1862. Privates. Briggs, Samuel, enlisted August 14, 1862. Bachus, Francis, enlisted August 11, 1862. Brown, Thomas, enlisted August 8, 1862. Barry, Daniel L., enlisted August 17, 1862. Cook, Henry H.. enlisted August 14. 1862. Curtis. George P.. enlisted August 15. 1862. Crews, Thomas M., enlisted August 10, 1862. Carey, Tames, enlisted August 16, 1862. Cullen, Mathew. enlisted August 15, 1862. Dnnningan. Alpbeus. enlisted Aygust 14, 1862. Dillon, Edward, enlisted August 15, 1862. Delong. William H., enlisted August 11. 1862. Dillon. Christopher, enlisted August 14, 1862. Dunne. Patrick, enlisted .\ugust 14, 1862. Eagan. William, enlisted August 15. 1S62. Evans. David, enlisted August 9. 1862. Gabriel, Andrew, enlisted August ll. 1862. Grimes. Terrence, enlisted ,\ugust 15. 1862. Hodees. Alexander, enlisted August 15, 1862. Harding. Samuel C. enlisted August 13, 1862. Heyers, Reuben, enlisted August 14. 1862. T^armon. John, enlisted August, 1862. Hirsh. Beniamin F., enlisted September 22. 1862 Jackson. Victor, enlisted August 15, 1862. Jones, John, enlisted August 13, 1862. Kershau, Thomas, enlisted August 8, 1862. Kinney, James, enlisted August is, 1862. McGinnis. Green, enlisted August 8. 1862. Murphy, Michael, enlisted August 9, 1862. Moore, John S.. enlisted August 9. 1862. Murphy, lames, enlisted August, 1862. Orr, William, enlisted August 11, 1862. Phillips, Andrew, enlisted August 15, 1862. Powers, Thomas, enlisted September 1. 1862. Phillips, William, enlisted August is, 1862. Rockford, David, enlisted August 12, 1862. Ryan, James, enlisted August u, 1862. Roystcr, Joshua, enlisted August 8, 1862. Ransom, Henry, enlisted August 11, 1862. Rodgers, Tames, enlisted August 9, 1862. Ryan, William, enlisted August 12, 1862. Skidmore, William, enlisted August 29, 1862. Sommers. Leonard, enlisted ,-\ugust 29, 1862. Shultz, Samuel, enlisted August 28, 1862, Sedgwick, Charles, enlisted August 9. 1862. Smith, John, enlisted August 20, 1862. Shomaker, William, enlisted August 12, 1862. Smythe. Charles, enlisted .\ugust 9, 1862. Sealer. Anthony, enlisted September i, 1862, Sill. William M., enlisted August 11, 1862. Thenne. Mathias. enlisted September 17, 1862. Turner. John G., enlisted August 16. 1862. Taggert, Robert M., enlisted August 20, 1862. Tvler. Cassius M., enlisted August 18, 1862. Van Volson, Joshua, enlisted .August 11, 1862. Walker, Samuel, enlisted August 18. 1862. Wasterman, Charles C, enlisted August 19. 1862. Walsh, Edward, enlisted August 12. 1S62. Walsh, Tohn, enlisted September 17, i5i62. Walsh. Tames, enlisted September 17, 1862. Walsh. William, enlisted September 17. 1862. Company K. Captain. Lyman W. Clark, commissioned August 28, 1862. Sergeant. Preston H. Bnrch, enlisted February 15. 1862. Corporal. James Balfour, enlisted August 15, 1862. Privates. Alder, George, enlisted August 28. 1862. Alexander. Gilbert, enlisted August 12, 1862. Carroll, Michael, enlisted July 22, 1862. Cliver. Thomas H., enlisted August 28, 1862. Evans. David, enlisted August 4, 1S62. Guy, Samuel S., enlisted August 12, 1862. Howard. John, enlisted August 28, 1862. Huien, Patrick, enlisted August 22, 1862. King, Alexander, enlisted July 28, 1862. Leonard, Tohn C. enlisted August 15, 1862. O'Neil, Peter, enlisted July 17, 1862. Pattee. John F., enlisted August 15, 1862. Robbie. August, enlisted August 11, 1862. Snyder, Daniel H., enlisted August 6. 1862. Tinker. Daniel A., enlisted .August IS, 1862. Vandover, Gilbert, enlisted August 15, 1862. Wham John L, enlisted August 28, 1862. Yaw, George L., enlisted August 12, 1862. Unassigned Recruits. Davidson, Tames, enlisted February 24, i86s. McOuirk, Bernard, enlisted September 22, 1864. Swartwood, Henry. ONE HUNDRED AND TWELFTH INFANTRY. Company D. Privates. Keazel. Tohn D., enlisted August 12, 1862. Sergeant', Jeremiah, enlisted August 12, 1862. Dardis, Michael, enlisted January 24, i86s. ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTEENTH INFANTRY. Sergeant Major. Samuel A, Wilson. Company B. Lieutenant. T'irst John Teffcoat. commissioned August 26, '^''3- ' r- . , Corporals. Miltnn W. Ronnsaviille. enlisted August 9, 1862. HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 241 Loyal S. Blair, enlisted August 8, 1862. John R. Blanchet, enlisted August 11. 1862. Aliisiciaiis. Albert '1". Nicholas, enlisted August 15, 1862. Prirates. Tleech. Rilev V., enlisted August 6, 1862. Carroll, Thomas, enlisted August 9, 1862. Fundy, John, enlisted August 9, 1862. Shays, George E., enlisted August 5. 1862. \'^an Valkenburg. George T., enlisted August 7, 1862. Wheel. Alexander, enlisted August 13. 1862. Company E. Recruits. Bit tie. Melcheur, enlisted March 3. 1865. Behrens. Ferdinand, enlisted March 8. 1865. Deitz, Andrew, enlisted March 10, 1865. Edller, Lawrence, enlisted March S. 1865. Steelig. Christian, enlisted March 8, 1865. Company F. Recruit. Wilson. Samuel A., enlisted November 4. 1863. Company H. Private. Hall, Moses W., enlisted August 1 1. 1862. L'tiassigncd Recruit. Schulze, John G., enlisted February 24. 1863. ONE HUNDRED AND FOURTEENTH INFANTRY. Company E. Lieutenant. First, Lewis R. Hedrick, commissioned May 27, 1865. Sergeant. Ashley Pettibone. enlisted August 1 1. 1862, Privates. Contrail, Edward D., enlisted August 11. 1862. Lemows, Joseph, enlisted August 15. 1862. Petticord, Higginson, enlisted August ji. 1862. Rhodes. William K., enlisted August 11, 1862, South. Leonard, enlisted August 14, 1862. Wells, John, enlisted August 13, 1862. Recruit. George. James XL, enlisted August 11. 1862. Company L Corf^ora!. Woodron. Samuel, enlisted July 25, 1862, Privates. Atkinson. Robert V.. enlisted July 25, 1862. Johnson, Orren D., enlisted July 25. 1862. McCane. William, enlisted July 25, 1862. Savle. Amos, enlisted July 25, 1862. ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTEENTH INFANTRV. Company G. Corporal. \'olney Prosper, enlisted August 14, 1862. ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTEENTH INFANTRV. Rccruil. Mark Feary, enlisted February 16, 1864. ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-THIRD INFANTRY. Vnassigned Recruit. Murray, James, enlisted March 23. 1865. ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTIETH INFANTRY. Company F. Captain. John D. Rouse, commissioned September 2. 1862. ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-SECOND INFANTRY. Company D. Lieutenant. First, H. A. Anderson, commissioned June i, 1864. Sergeant. First. AiKlrew V. Gibson, enlisted May 2, 1864. Musician. William Thatcher, enlisted May 9, 1864. Wagoner. John Darnel, enlisted May 9, 1864. Privates. Bradshaw. Charles, enlisted May 13, 1864. Beesm. Charles N., enlisted May 5, 1864. Darby. Henry H., enlisted May 8, 1864. Eaton. Robert N.. enlisted May 5. 1864. Furman. Warner, enlisted May 27. 1864. Herbert. Daniel K., enlisted May 6, 1864. Humphrey, T. T., enlisted May 5. 1864. Jay, W. Scott, enlisted May 5. 1864. Lockwood. W. P., enlisted May 5. 1864. Oldham, Charles T.. enlisted May 25, 1864. Plummer. Charles H., enlisted May 10. 1864. Robinson. James, enlisted Mav 2. 1864. Richardson, E. D., enlisted May 5. 1864. River, Matthew, enlisted May 26, 1864. Smith. William, enlisted Mav 2, 1864. Welton. Charles P.. enlisted May s. 1864. Recruit. Bartholomew. A. G. Private. Freudenburger. Edward, enlisted May 12, 1864. ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-NINTH INFANTRY. Colonel. Peter Davidson, commissioned June i, 1864. Adjutant. David N. Sanderson, commissioned June i, 1864. Quartermaster. John Bryner. commissioned May 18. 1864. Company A. Sergeant. Edward B. Dunbar, enlisted May 7, 1864. Corporal. Thomas Entz. enlisted May 9, 1864. Privates. Clifton, Joseph H.. enlisted June i, 1864. Farden. James, enlisted May 9, 1864. Leonard. John R., enlisted May 9, 1864. Shaw, James F., enlisted May 9. 1864. Shepard. Mortimer H., enlisted May 10, 1864. Thompson. Henry B., enlisted May 9. 1864. Thomas, Charles H., enlisted May 9. 1864. Company C. Privates. Campbell, James B., enlisted May 5, 1864. Lawless. Thomas, enlisted May 5. 1864. Lynch. James, enlisted May 7, 1864. Company B. Captain. George W. Odell, commissioned June i, 1864. Lieutenants. First. Henry M. Evans, commissioned hine i. 1864. Second. Alonzo Attwood, commissioned Tune i, 1864. Sergeants. Thomas E. Horslcy, enlisted May 27. 1864. William Orr, enlisted May 7, 1864. John Uppole, Sr.. enlistee! May 20, 1864. Albert Soper. enlisted May 2:7, 1864. Vol. T— 1 C 242 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY Corf^OKils. Francis A. Claridge. t'tilisted May lo, 1864. Ebon Curran. enlisted May 4. 1864. Alvah Moffatt, enlisted May 4, 1864. Miisiciiins, Reuben M. Grove, enlisted May ig. 1864. John W. Crandall, enlisted May 14, 1864. Wagoner. Earl Brooks, enlisted May 5, 1864, Friz'ales. Barfoot, Edward A., enlisted May 6, 1864. Barnes, Tames H., enlisted May 14, 1864. Breed, William H., enlisted I\[ay 10, 1864. Cook, James H., enlisted April 27, 1864. Couse, Irvin, enlisted May S. 1864. Cummins. Thomas, enlisted May 23, 1864. Camp, James M., enlisted May 30, 1864. Dunlevy, Andrew, enlisted May i, 1864. Deel, William, enlisted May 6. 1864. Douglas. Samuel, enlisted May 14. 1864. Dukes. William, enlisted May 17. 1864, Deal. James N., enlisted May 23, 1864. Dubord. William P., enlisted May 18. 1864. Dubord. William H.. enlisted May 19. 1864. Ellington, George, enlisted May 17. 1864. Haley. William, enlisted May i'6. 1864. Hedrick. Simpson, enlisted May 14, 1864. Hedrick. Thomas J., enlisted May 14. 1864. Hayes. William, enlisted May 23. 1864. Hardin. Charles, enlisted May 24. 1864. Hart, Pliny M.. enlisted May 23. 1864. Hackney. Washington, enlisted May 14, 1864. Harseby. Zebulon. enlisted May 18'. 1864. Hitchcock. F.. enlisted May 18. 1864. Harrison. Ira D., enlisted May 18. 1864. Hill. John, enlisted May 18. 1864. Kinnah. Joseph, enlisted May 17. 1864. King, James, enlisted May 4, 1864. Livingston. William M., enlisted Mav 5, 1864. Lmsey, Abraham D.. enlisted May '17. 1864 MofFatt. Joseph W., enlisted May 4, 1S64. McMaster, Henry, enlisted May 9, 1864. Martin, Bradley, enlisted May 4, 1864. McClown, Joseph, enlisted Mav 6. 1864. McGinley, Edward, enlisted May 16, 1864. McDaniels, Stadden, enlisted May 16, 1864. Mohrmon, Casper, enlisted May 24. 1864. Opdyke. Benjamin, enlisted May 3, 1864. Richardson, Christopher C, enlisted May 29. 1864. Russell, Joseph, enlisted May 24, 1864, Roth. Henry, enlisted May 30. 1864. Shepard. Benjamin, enlisted May 17, 1864. Stondminger. Charles, enlisted May 3. 1864. Sweely. Michael, enlisted May 17'. 1864. Sheeler. William R., enlisted Mav 24. 1864. Sonders. John P.. enlisted May '31. 1864. Tuthill. Samuel, enlisted Mav 24, 1864. Uppole. John, Jr., enlisted May 20, 1864, Uppole, Henry, enlisted Mav 20, 1864. Walker, Thomas, enlisted Mav 6, 1864. Wakefield, Henry, enlisted May 25, 1864. Wilson, Richard, enlisted May 25', 1864. Company F. Herman W. Snow, commissioned June i, 1864. Lieutenatits. First. Appleton K. Fitch, commissioned June i. 1864. Second, James C. McKenzie, commissioned Tune i, 1864. Sergeants. First. Samuel D. Scholes. enlisted May 13. 1864. Levi A. Tapham. enlisted May 12. 1864. George R. Carter, enlisted Mav 16, 1864. William O. Wann. enlisted May 14, 1864. Corporals. Robert L. Farr, enlisted May 16, 1864. Thomas J. Scholes, enlisted May 14, 1864. John B. Frost, enlisted May 24. 1864. Charles F. Rummell, enlisted May 19, 1864. Robert J. Stilwell. enlisted May 25, 1864. Musician. Calvin G. Towers, enlisted May 12, 1864. Privates. Abbott. George S.. enlisted May ig, 1864. AUemony. Robert, enlisted May 14. 18^4. Austin. Charles S., enlisted May 12. 1864. Avling, Charles W., enlisted May 18, 1864. Bliss, William E., enlisted May 24, 1864. Ballance, Charles, enlisted May 30, 1864. Baringer, Horatio G., enlisted May 12, 1864. Boyd, John, enlisted May 12. 1864. Barnum. William C. enlisted May 12. 1864. Brooks. Thomas G., enlisted May 12. 1864. Brown. Charles, enlisted May ig, 1S64. Barstow, Alfred, enlisted May 12, 1864. Cowell, Joseph H., enlisted May 12, 1864. Caffyn. Tames, enlisted May 21. 1864. Comegys, Charles M.. enlisted May 16. 1864. Conrad. Oliver, enlisted May 12. 1864. Clarke. Emit M., enlisted May 21, 1864. Clauson, Henry T-, enlisted May 20. 1864, Day, Fred J., enlisted May 13, 1864. Day, William H., enlisted May 12, 1864. Davis, Edward L., enlisted May 13, 1864. Elson. Martin, enlisted May 12, 1864, Fuller, Tonas, enlisted Mav 19, 1864. Fuller, Jonas J., enlisted May 19. 1864. Feighmer. Francis L.. enlisted May 13, 1864. Gray, Bushrod, enlisted May 16. 1864. Gillet. Edward, enlisted May 11. 1864. Gray. James A., enlisted May 11. 1864. Hamaker. Abram G.. enlisted May 17. 1864. Hoag. Albert S.. enlisted May I'S. 1864. Horendin, George W.. enlisted Mav 16. 1S64. Hunter, William F.. enlisted May 14, 1864. Harsch, Goodly, enlisted May 14. 1864. Hotchkiss. James M., enlisted May 20. 1864. TelTries. Thomas, enlisted May 21.' 1864. Keelcr. Edmond. enlisted May ig, 1864. Kent. George V., enlisted May 13. 1864. Loomis, Charles M.. enlisted May 20. 1864. Lathy. T. F.. enlisted Mav 12, 1864. Morrow, Nathan, enlisted Mav 23, 1864. McKenzie, William, enlisted Mav 11, 1864. Moore, Herschel J., enlisted May 16, 1864. ■ Miller, Charles, enlisted Mav 12, 1S64. Moore, Thomas F., enlisted Mav 11. 1864. Paige, Kascoe F., enlisted May' 26. 1864. Patten. Joseph G., enlisted Mav 12. 1864. Patten, Robert, enlisted Mav 12, 1864. Quinn, Frederick, enlisted May 16, 1864. Rauschkolb, Peter C enlisted May 20, 1864, Rouse, Rudolphus. enlisted May 12, 1864. Steel. Lewis G.. enlisted Mav 21, 1864. Smith, Franklin, enlisted May 12. 1864. Sharp, William, enlisted May 12, 1864. Steinke, Theodore G., enlisted May 26, 1S64. Stowell, Albert N., enlisted Mav 24, 1864. Thompson, James B., enlisted May 13, 1864. VanDoren, Tacob. enlisted Mav 16, 1864. Wertzel, William, enlisted May 16. 1864. Whitham. Toseph S.. enlisted May 16, 1864. Wilbur, Charles B., enlisted Mav 16, 1864. Williamson. Franklin, enlisted Mav 16, 1864. Weigand, Philip, enlisted Mav :2," 1864. Wright, Roswell B., enlisted 'May 14, 1864. Whittlesey, Henry B.. enlisted May 14, 1864. Company G. Priz'ates. Britton, Andrew, enlisted Mav 30, 1864. McCraw, George, enlisted Mav '20, 1864. Wilcox, Charles L., enlisted May 30, 1864. Company H. Prii'ates. Burns. Quinstus, enlisted May 24, 1864. Cox, Thomas, enlisted Mav 31, 1864. Dolstrum, Tohn, enlisted May 24, 1S64. Plum, Daniel, enlisted Mav 24, 1864. Richmond, Austin, enlisted May 24, 1864. Shellenbarger. Charles T-. enlisted Mav 24. 1864. Williamson, David, enlisted May 23, 1864. Watson, James T., enlisted May 30, 1864. Company I. Private. Hittle. Henry, enlisted May 24, 1864. HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 243 ONIC HUNDRED AND FORTY-SIXTH INFANTRY. Company F. Privates. Frazee, Henry, enlisted September 15. 1S64. Gilstrap, Levi, enlisted September 15, 1864. Company G. Privates. Bybee, William H., enlisted September 5, 1S64. Barkley, Henry, enlisted September 5, 1864. Button, Almon M., enlisted September 6. 1864. Cassel, George, enlisted September 6, 1S64. Heller, Daniel H., enlisted September 5, 1864. Jerome, Samuel, enlisted September 5, 1S64. Jerome, Elias. enlisted September 5. 1864. Lisenby, John W.. enlisted September 5, 1864. Lisenby, George W.. enlisted September s, 1864. Miller, John H., enlisted September 5, 1S64. Orton, Luther M., enlisted September 5, 1864. Ramsay. William R., enlisted September 5, 1864. Sharp, William F., enlisted September 5. 1864. Shell, Milton, enlisted September 5, 1864. Stutes, Perry, enlisted September 5, 1S64. Thomas, Daniel C, enlisted September 5, 1864. Thorp, John W., enlisted September 5, 1864. Wren, Oscar, enlisted September 5, 1 864. Company I. Lieutenant. Second, John D, Heckathorn, commissioned Jan- uary 29, 1865. Sergeants. Samuel P. Murchant. enlisted August 30, 1864. John C. Barber, enlisted September 2, 1864. Corporals. Martin V. Smith, enlisted September 2, 1864. William M. Cloud, enlisted August 30, 1864. Musicians. George M. Gass, enlisted August 24, 1864. Frederick H. Pitt, enlisted August 30, 1864. Privates. Aukland, Shadrach, enlisted August 31, 1864. Adleman, Charles, enlisted September i, 1864. Beasmore, Robert G., enlisted September 6. 1864. Beatty, John, enlisted August 31, 1864. Burt, Edward R., enlisted August 26. 1S64. Barnes, Joshua, enlisted August 29, 1864. Brown, Millard F., enlisted September 5, 1864. Bamber, Robert, enlisted September 5, 1864. Boden. Simon J., enlisted September i, 1864. Culp, Franklin B., enlisted August 31, 1S64. Conrad, William E., enlisted September 5, 1864. Cress, Andrew J., enlisted August 31, 1864. Donahue, Charles M., enlisted September 6, 1864. Dunbar, Robert, enlisted September 8, 1864. Dougherty, Samuel H., enlisted September 9. 1S64. Forbes. Henry, enlisted September 13, 1864. Fosdick, John, enlisted Se[itember 6, 1864. Gates, James F., enlisted September 7, 1864. Hipgins, Oscar S., enlisted September i, 1864. Hiner, Isaac, enlisted August 24, 1864. Hartz. John H., enlisted September 2, 1864. Holt, Jonah F.. enlisted September 2, 1864. Jones. Amos P., enlisted September 1, 1864. Long, Thomas, enlisted September 5, 1864. McCulloufih, Isaac P.. enlisted September 25, 1864. Merrill. Joiin, enlisted September 6, 1864. McMullin, Absalom, enlisted September 5, 1864. McMuIlin, Charles E., enlisted September i, 1864. Robinson. Thomas H., enlisted August 29, 1864. Rogers, James, enlisted September 5, 1864. Rogers, David, enlisted September 5, 1864. Reed, Campbell XL. enlisted September 10, 1864. Storey, Jacob, enlisted September 29, 1864. Schleigh, Robert P., enlisted September 6. 1864. Schradcr, William, enlisted September 5, 1864. Stilwtll, John, enlisted September 9, 1864. Tussing, Joseph A., enlisted September 8, 1864. Upton, Thomas S., enlisted August 25, 1864. Watts. George W., enlisted August 30. 1864. Westerfield. Samuel F., enlisted August 31, 1S64. Recruits. Crawford. George, enlisted September 13, 1864. Smith, Wade, enlisted March 22, 1865. ^^ ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-SEVENTH INFANTRY. Company B. Corporal. McGregor, William, enlisted February 1, 1865. Company I. Private. Milbun, August, enlisted February ^, 1865. ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-EIGHTH INFANTRY. Company C. Corporal. Smith, James W., enlisted February, 1865. Privates. Clark. Thomas M., enlisted February 8, 1865. Griffer, Eugene, enlisted February 8, 1865. Haley, Wool ten. enlisted February 8, 1865. Hill. John, enlisted February 8, 1865. Harbers, Hair C, enlisted February 8, 1865. Hillier. Edgar, enlisted February 8, 1865. McClary, John P.. enlisted February 8. 1865. Shepherd. John M., enlisted February 8, 1865. Shofe, John W., enlisted February 8, 1865. Smith, Robert S., enlisted February 8, 1865. Saylor, Joseph F., enlisted February 8, 1865. Taylor, William F., enlisted February 8, 1 865. Company F. Corporal. George W. Armor, enlisted February 11. 1865. Prizmtes. Blake well, John, enlisted February 11, 1865. Coe, Samuel K., enlisted February 1 1, :865. Dixon. Harrison W., enlisted February 11. 1865. Eddings, Martin M., enlisted January 30, 1S65. Myers. Jacob S., enlisted February 1 1, 1865. Phelps. George, enlisted February 2, 1865. Reed, Morrow P., enlisted Febrviary 11, 1865. Reed, John C, enlisted February 11, 1865. Rounds. William, enlisted February n, 1865. Snyder, Martin H.. enlisted February 11, 1S65. White, George, enlisted February n, 1865. Company G. Priz-atcs. Moffatt, Joseph W., enlisted February 2, 1865. MotTatt. Aquilla, enlisted February 6, 1865. Ray, Charles, enlisted February 8^ 1865. Robertson, George, enlisted February 4, 1865. StJlwell, Robert J., enlisted January 26. 1865. I'Ppole. William H., enlisted February 4, 1865. L'ppole, John, enlisted February 4, 1865. Wheeler, Lewis, enlisted February i, 1865. Company 1. Private. Walter, V. W., enlisted February 11, 1865. ONE HUNDRED FORTY-NINTH INFANTRY. Company A. Privates. Brown, Jacob, enlisted January 27, 1865. Goodrun, Herbert, enlisted February i, 1865. Company F. Private. Welch, John, enlisted January 26, 1865. ONE HUNDRED FIFTY-FIRST INFANTRY. Lieutenant Colonel. Herman W. Snow, enlisted February 25, 1865. Principal Musician. Henry C. Pierce. Company A. Lieutenant. Second, Harrison Elliott, commissioned February 21. 1865. 244 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY Sergeants. Merwin. DoviUa W., enlisted February 'I- -865. Hulse, Henry N., enlisted 1-ebruary 6, 865. Mason, Isaac I'., enlisted February 9, 1865. Corporals. Samuel S. DeWitt. enlisted February '■■ >865. lUuk. William, enlisted l-ebruary 6, 1865. ilammet. William H., enhsted February 9 .865- Walters, Joseph, enlisted February 9, i865- H^agoner. Joseph McCowan, enlisted February 9. 1865. Prwates. Anderson, Simeon, enlisted February 1 5- 1865. Amsler, William, enlisted February 9. 1865. Aj-ends, Henry, enlisted February 11, 1S65. Bates, Chauncey, enlisted February 10, 1865. Buck, John M.. enlisted February 11, 1865. Birkle, 'William, enlisted February 9. 1865. Boerchus. Lohurtus, enlisted February 11, 1865. Brown, John, enlisted February 9. '865. Crow. Isaac INI., enlisted February 11, 1865. Crotz, Baltzer B., enlisted February 3. '865: Clayton. Isaac, enlisted February 15. 1865. Davis, Isaac, enlisted February i, 1865. Dowdell, Tackson, enlisted February 2, 1865. F.l- ards. Thomas II., enlisted February 14. '865. Errion, Richard, enlisted February 11. 1865. FJliott Harrison, enlisted February 9. 1865. Farnstock, Charles, enlisted February 10, 1865. Graham, Andrew, enlisted February 15, 1865. Hunt. Arctus L.. enlisted February 2. 1865. Hay. George, enlisted February 2. 1865. Howard. Tames L.. enlisted February 9, 1865. Keady, Alexander, enlisted February 15- '865. KinR, Daniel, enlisted February 14, '865. I.ottmann. Henry, enlisted February 11, 1865. I.aiiton, Edward, enlisted February 11, 1865. Lamav, Joseph, enlisted February 10, 1865. Largent.' Sanford, enlisted February 14, 1865. Morse, Samuel M., enlisted February 6, 1865. Martin. Bradlev. enlisted February 11. 1865. Martin. Amos K.. enlisted February 15, 1865 Stockton. Tames C, enlisted February 14. 1865. Smith. Tohn W.. enlisted February 14, i86.|. Thomas, James W., enlisted February 13, 186s. Vanpatten. Washington, enlisted February 9- '865. Wakefield, Tohn T.. enlisted February 15. 1865. Woods, Patrick, enlisted January 30, "865 Wilson, Edward T.. enlisted January 31. 1865. Woodruff, Ambrose H., enlisted February 2, 1865. Company B. Prl^'otes. Barringer. William, enlisted February 9, 1865- Wilson, William, enlisted February 6, 1865. Company E. Captain. Snow, commissioned February 23, Lieutenant. Carter, commissioned February Herman W. 1865. First, George R 26, 1865. Sergeant.i. Charles L. Ballance. enlisted February 15, '865. Tames Gray, enlisted February 9. 1865. William E. Neadles, enlisted February 9, i865. Corporal.^. Francis G. Darr. enlisted February 13. 1865. Charles M. Comegss. enlisted February 10. 1865, Franklin Smith, enlisted F'ebruary 15, 1865. Musician. Joseph Clifton, enlisted February 18, 1865. Privates. Barron. Tohn. enlisted February 11, 1865- Carroll, tohn W.. enlisted February 10, 1865. Cameron, Tohn, enlisted February 15, 1S65. Buck, Tam'es A., enlisted February 10, 1865. Clark, Emmett M., enlisted February 9. i865- Clark T. O. A., enlisted February 13. 1865 Crandall, Moses H., enlisted February 13, 1865. Carter, George R., enlisted February 17, ■865. Desmond, Patrick, enlisted February 11, 1865. DriscoU, Thomas, enlisted February 10, 1865. Dugdall, Edward, enlisted February 9. 1865. Eaton, Edward F.. enhsted February 10, 1865. FeighAer. Francis L.. enlisted February 10, 1865. Frye. Samuel, enlisted February 14. 1865- Fuller, Jonas, enlisted February 9. '865- Fuller, Ephraim, enlisted February 14, 1865. Groffy. George, enlisted February 16, 1865. Griggs, W^illiam H., enlisted February 10, 1*65. Green, Silas T., enlisted February 10, 1865. Hogan. William, enlisted February U. i865- Kain. Barney, enlisted February 6, i8b5- Nave, Peter, enlisted February 13, i»05. Opie, Henry, enlisted February to, >865- Selser. William, enlisted February 10. 1865. Sanders. John P.. enlisted February 10, 1865. Vanpatten. William, enlisted February 17, i865. Van Norman, William, enlisted February 17, 1865. Watson, William, enlisted February 10. 1865- Wetzler. Adam, enlisted February i, 1865. Company G. Sergeant. James Macfarlane. enlisted February 16. 1865. Musician.';. Thomas I McCormick, enlisted February 14. 1865. Henry C. Pierce, enlisted February 16. 1865. Priz-ates. Dredge, Henry W., enlisted February 16, 1865. Hanna, W'illiam H., enlisted February 16. 1865. McHenry, John, enlisted February 20. 1865. Murry. Elijah, enlisted February 14. 1865. Company I. Privates. Hills, William, enlisted February 6, 1865. Morgan, James, enlisted February 6, 1865. Company K. Dunlap, John, enlisted February 4. 1865. ONE HUNDRED FIFTY-FOURTH INFANTRY. Company G. Pri-vates. Grav, Noah E., enlisted February 17. '865. Miff'ord, Andrew J., enlisted February 17, 1805. Company H. Privates. Hazell, David, enlisted February 20, 1865. Peterson, George, enlisted February 20, 1865. ONE HUNDRED FIFTY-FIFTH INFANTRY. Company A. Captain. Jacob B. Yeagley, commissioned February 2f ■8'6s. Privates. Deering, Paul, enlisted February 22, 1S65, Oachsle, Matthias, enlisted February 20, 1865. Schuster. Frank, enlisted February 22, 1865. Company F. Private. Watson. William B., enlisted January 23, 1865. Company G. Lieutenant. First John Miller, commissioned F'ebruary 2 1865. Sergeants. Francis M Wood, enlisted February 20. 1865. George Helmbolt, enlisted February 21. 1865. Tohn Berry, enlisted February 23, 1865. Corporals. James Burke, enlisted February 20, 1865. Peter Kelsey, enlisted February 20, 1865. P M Wells, enlisted February 22, 1865. Edward Cadlin. enlisted F'ebruary 20. 1865. Privates. ,\dam Robert H.. enlisted February 20. 1865. Barnes, Tames, enlisted February 20, 1865. Burnes, Patrick, enlisted February 20, 1865. Brown. George H.. enlisted February 24, 1865. Buyrne. Tames, enlisted February 20. 1865. Canady, John, enlisted February 24, 1865. Crawley. Dennis, enlisted February 23, 1865. HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 245 Cosmer or Cashman, David, enlisted February 17, 1865. Davidson, Robert, enlisted February 23. 1865. Dailey, Thomas, enlisted February 24, 1S65. Dickson. John, enlisted February 20, 1865. Eagan, James, enlisted February 23, 1865. Failey. John H., enlisted February 20, 1865. Fairfield, Ksterfier. enlisted February 20, 1865. Frost, John, enlisted February 24, 1865. Hurley. Thomas, enlisted February 21. 1865. Ives, Thomas, enlisted February 23. 1865, Jones. George, enlisted February 22, 1865. Killey, Thomas, enlisted February 20, 1865. Leonard, Richard, enlisted February 20, 1865. Lynch, Michael, enlisted February 20, 1865. Morris, Henry, enlisted February 23, 1S65. Moore, John, enlisted February 23, 1865. Maloy, John, enlisted February 23, 1865. Miller, John, enlisted February 20, 1865. Neagle, Augustine, enlisted February 21, 1865. Neadon, William, enlisted February 28, 1865. Neeley, William, enlisted February 20, 1865. Reiley, John, enlisted February 20, 1865. Reed, James, enlisted February 20, 1S65. Reedman, Henry. enlistelain. Edwin R. Neal, commissioned December 31, 1864. ELEVENTH CAVALRY. Colonels. Robert G. Ingersoll, commissioned October 22, Otto Funke, commissioned April 8, 1865. Lieutettant Colonels. Balzil D. Meek, commissioned October 22, 1S61. Majors. Sabine D. Puterbaugh, commissioned October 22, David J. Waggoner, commissioned October 25, James F. Johnson, commissioned October 25, 1861. Philip F. Elliott, commissioned March 28. 1865. Theophilus Schaever, commissioned August 31, 1865. Adjutants. David T. N. Sanderson, commissioned September 6, 1862. . . . T^ u o Joseph Robinson, commissioned December 28. 1863. Quartermasters. William Currie, commissioned October 22, 1861. Eugene RoUman, commissioned June 30, 1864. Company A. Captains. Otto Funke, commissioned December 20, 1S61. Anthony Rochrig, commissioned November i, Theophilus Schaever, commissioned September 18, John E. Fraesenius, commissioned September 18, 1864. Lieutenants. Second, Herman Herold, commissioned November I, 1862. ... , , •, Second, Louis Ludwig, commissioned April 20, 1861. Quartermaster Sergeant. John Edwards, enlisted October 20, 186 1. Sergeants. Herold H. First, enlisted October i. 1861. Frederick Kallenberg, enlisted November 7, 1S61. Corporals. William Mester. enlisted September 21, 1861. Tobias Indermaur, enlisted October 11, 1861. Julius Klenboehl, enlisted September 22, 1861. Henry Schmidt, enlisted November 14, 186 1. Blacksmith. Charles Pfeifer, enlisted October 27. 1861. Privates. Beutel, Adam, enlisted September 25, 1861. Brickwald. Frank H., October 24, 1861. Birkel. Philip J., enlisted November 2, 1861. Bumiller. Joseph, enlisted November 19, 1861. ueckerich. Nicklaus. enlisted November 21, 1861. Brum, Jacob, enlisted December 1, 1861. Carsens. John, enlisted September 23, 1861. Dood, Henry, enlisted October i, 1861. Douk. Henry, enlisted September 23. >86i. Frey, Charles, enlisted September 23, 1861. Gans, George, enlisted November 12, 1861. Hill, George, enlisted November 4, 1861. Iscrt. John, enlisted November 21. 1861. Johnson, Christian, enlisted November 23, 1861. Tillinghaus, Frederick, enlisted September 20, 1861. Kehl, Adam, enlisted October 27, 1861. Lowman. George, enlisted November 12, 1861. Lutzelschvvai, Charles, enlisted November 20, 1861. Limbert, Fritz, enlisted December 19, 1861. Miller. Jonn. enlisted September 21, 1861. Nehlig. Henrv, enlisted September 2,3. 1861. Noark, Frank, enlisted October 21, 1861. Potinius H. J., enlisted October 21, 1861. Reiten. Peter, enlisted October 15. 1861. Rockle. Herman, enlisted November 9, 1861. Rollman. Eugene, enlisted November 16, 1.^61. Rake. Hervey, enlisted November 25, 1861. Scherkenbach. Edward, enlisted September 23, 1861. Seybold. Frederick, enlisted September 23, i56i. Tanner. John, enlisted September 23, 1861. Umbrecbt. John, enlisted October 11. 1861. Winter, Jacob, enlisted October 21. 1861. Witman." Anton, enlisted November 16. 1861. Zeisler. Jacob, enlisted November 11, j86i. Veterans. Breckwaldt. Frank, enlisted December 20. 1863. Bumiller, Joseph, enlisted December 20, 1863. Seitz. Charles, enlisted December 20, 1863. Recruits. Dood, Henry, enlisted December 28, 1863. Farrer, Jacob, enlisted October 11, 1861. Gruebe. Henrv. enlisted October 3. 1861. Harford. T. H.. enlisted November 12, 1862. Hodapp, Sebastian, enlisted January 5. 1865. Holder. Leonhard, enlisted October i. 1861. Harford. F. W.. enlisted November i. 1861. Keisenberg, Charles, enlisted March 3. 1864. Mc.\ndrew, John M.. enlisted February 28, 1865. Meyer, Herman, enlisted April 13, 1864. Mandt. August, enlisted March 31, 1864. Noark. Frank, enlisted February 19, 1864. Pfannenshil. Emil, enlisted February 14. 1S62. Stolzman, William, enlisted March 30, 1864. Snell. Henrv, enlisted March 31. 1864. Seitz. Charles, enlisted January 10. 1S63. Wade. Henry, enlisted December 23^ 1863. Widemever. Frank, enlisted February 28. 1865. Williams, Tarkson. enlisted November i, 1S62. Watroubeck, Joseph, enlisted January 31. 1864. Zimmerman. Fritz, enlisted March 31. 1864. Company B. Corporals. Tohn W. Bumans. enlisted September 7, 1861. Thomas T. Sims, enlisted September 10, 1861. Charles Campbell, enlisted September 7, 1861. Saddler. William Julg, enlisted September 9. 1861. Prii'ates. Akin. Tames H., enlisted November 8. 1861. Campbell. William, enlisted September 7. 1861. Green .Mbert. enlisted November 19. 1861. Hall. William, enlisted December 7. '861. Hart Covington, enlisted November 23. 1861. Lawless, Thomas, enlisted November 20. 1861. McCann. Alexander D.. enlisted November i. 1861. Miller, Joseph, enlisted December i. 1861. HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 247 Phillips, George T.. enlisted December 3, 1861. Stinyard. Augustus, enlisted November 8. 1861. Sims, David H.. enlisted September 24. 1861. Sans, Robert, enlisted October 12, 1861. Veterans. Akin, Tames H., enlisted December 20. 1863. Hall, William, enlisted December 20. 1863. Kinzey, John W., enlisted December 30. 1863. McCann. Alexander, enlisted December 20. 1863. Manning. John J., enlisted December 31, 1863. Phillips. George F.. enlisted December 20. 1863. Sims. Thomas T.. enlisted December 28. 1863. Sims. David \V., enlisted December 20. 1863. Stinyard, Augustus, enlisted December 20, 1863. Teneycks, Jacob, enlisted February :, 1864. Recruits. Adams, Joseph, enlisted September 25, 1861. Bonnivilie. Gaylord. enlisted July 14. 1864. Castnor. Joseph, enlisted January 23. 1864. Campbell," Alexander, enlisted January 29. 1004. Frank, William H., enlisted January 25. 1865. Hitchcock. Frank, enlisted September 3, 1861. Tones. Robert M., enlisted October n. i8o4. Kimpey. Tohn W., enlisted December 30. 1861. Lawrence! John G.. enlisted January 2. 1862. Manning. John J., enlisted December 31, 1865. Matthewson, Byron, enlisted January 8, 1862. Teneycks. Tacob, enlisted February 1, i8b2. Company C. Lieutenant. N. Sanderson, commissioned First, David T. March 20, 1862. Privates. Burns, Richard, enlisted October 29. 1861. Bunker, Tames M-. enlisted November 30. 1861. Hoover. Christian, enlisted November 30, 1861. Hone. John, enlisted October 30, 1861, Harmon, Philip, enlisted December 20. 1861. Morris, Amos, enlisted November 15, 1861. Myers. John, enlisted November 9. 1861. Newell. "Tudson L.. enlisted November 30, 1861. Williams; Josenh D. S.. enlisted November 4. 1861. Recruits. Cheal. Tames T.. enlisted I-'ebruary 27, 1862. Craig, Samuel, enlisted March 31. 1864. Fash, James M.. enlisted August 13. 1862. Powers, Martin, enlisted January 3, 1862. Snyder, James, enlisted August 15, 1862. Company D. Caf^tain. Louis H. Armstrong, commissioned December 20, 1861. Lieutenant. First. George W. Odell, commissioned December 20. 1861. First, Stephen Andrews, commissioned May 5. Second. William P. Armstrong, commissioned De- cember 20. 1861. Second, John E. Hedrick, commissioned November 6. 1862. ' . . . .r u Second, Stephen Andrews, commissioned March 28, 1865. Second, William N. Peet, commissioned May 5, 1865. Sergeant. First, Ira K. Hopkins, enlisted September 23, 1861. Corf>orals. Leonard Wilmoth. enlisted September 23. 1861. Thomas Jledrick. enlisted September 23. 1861. Charles Stewart, enlisted September 24, 1861. William C. Ward, enlisted September 23, 1861. Horsley, George H., enlisted September 24, 1861. Bugler. Joseph Vandoren, enlisted September 23, 1861. Blacksmith. William Warhust, enlisted September 24. 1861. U^a goner. Elmer Russell, enlisted November 17, 1861. Privates. Ames. George M., enlisted September 24, 1861. Bronson, Henry, enlisted September 23, 1861. Brown, John \V., enlisted September 21, 1861. Brome, George, enlisted September 24. 1861. Bruer, Abram, enlisted November 12, 1861. Cain, Matteson, enlisted October 2, 1861. Count, Thomas, enlisted September 30. 1861. Carney, Thomas, enlisted October 12. 1861. Corn well, Hughes, enlisted September 23, 1861. Coburn, William, enlisted September 30, 1861. Cawley, John, enlisted December 19, 1861. Clusson, Josiah H., enlisted October 14, 1861. Drake. Albert, enlisted September 25, 1861. Dwyer, Dennis, enlisted November 30, 1861. Foreman, James, enlisted September 25, 1861. Gumble, Levi D., enlisted October 14, 1861. Glens. George K., enlisted October 14, 1861. Hemming. \VilIiam. enlisted September 30. 1861. Hooner, Moses, enlisted December 16, 1861. Henderson. Robert, enlisted September 24. 1861. Hubbard, Sylvester, enlisted September 24, 1861. Hedrick, Hiram, enlisted November 28, 1861. Heel, Horace, enlisted November 27, 1861. Hoban, William, enlisted October 22, 1861. Harris. Nathaniel, enlisted December 16. 1861. House, A\'iliiam, enlisted October 14, 1861. Knapp, James, enlisted November 1 1. 1861. Kilver. John H,. enlisted November 26, 1861. Lambert, \'ictor, enlisted October 17. 1861. Mahon, John, enlisted November 28. 1S61. McMahen, Alexander, enlisted October 23. 1861. McMillan. James C, enlisted September 24, 1861. Miller, John, enlisted September 24, 1861. Myers, Herman, enlisted September 23, 186 r. Northup, Jonah, enlisted September 24, 1861. Osterhont, Daniel, enlisted September 24, 1861. Oertley. Leonard, enlisted September 24, 1861. Phillips, James N., enlisted December 16. 186 1. Prentiss, John D.. enlisted November 13. 1861. Price, John H.. enlisted September 24, 1861. Pellman, John, enlisted September 25, 1861. Purcel, Thomas, enlisted September 24, 1861. Potts, David, enlisted December 11, 1861. Reeves, John IL. enlisted December 5, 1861. Russell, Conrad E., enlisted September 24. 1861. Russell, George W., enlisted September 24, 186 1. Russell, Ebenezer F., enlisted September 24, 1861. Randool. George W., enlisted September 24. 1861. Smith, Cyrus S.. enlisted September 25, 1861. Shceler. John, enlisted September 24. 1861. Stewart, William, enlisted September 20. 1861. Shire, Jacob, enlisted December 16, 1861. Sheridan. Edw^ard, enlisted September 24. 1861. \'anhousen. Leonard, enlisted October 1 1. 1861. Whitley. James, enlisted October 9. 1861. Whitley. John, enlisted October 26, 1861. Welch, James, enlisted October 22. 1861. Welch, John, enlisted September 24, 1861. Ward, Charles W., enlisted November 7, 1861. White, Maxwell A. W., enlisted September 25, 1861. Zimmer, Joseph W. N,. enlisted September 20, 1861. Veterans. Andrew. Stephen, enlisted December 20, 1863. Cornwell, William H.. enlisted December 20, 1863. Peet. William N., enlisted December 20. 1863. Redd, James W., enlisted January 2. 1864. Smith, Henry AT., enlisted December 20, 1863. Stewart. Charles H., enlisted December 20, 1863. \'andoren. Joseph, enlisted December 20, 1863. Whitby, James, enlisted December 20, 1S63. Whitby, John, enlisted December 20, 1863. Recruits. Alford, Elmore, enlisted December 24. 1863. Alford. William J., enlisted December 24. 1863. Alford, Isaac W.. enlisted December 5. 1862. Ballard, Anderson, enlisted December 20, 1863. Brush. Henry R.. enlisted October 14, 1861. Chandler. Henry, enlisted January 24, 1865. Dukes. Cornelius, enlisted December 26. 1863. Dukes, William, enlisted March 22. 1865. ?Tare. George, enlisted September 24. 1861. Hart. T^ewis C, enlisted January 24, 1862. Kanouse, Tames E.. enlisted November 12, 1861. Mills. William H., enlisted Tanuary 23, 1863. Murphy. Ri< Iiard. enlisted January 21. 1865. Morton. William H.. enlisted September 23. i86t. Morris. John B.. enlisted September 23. 1861. Osborne, N. F., enlisted December 20, 1864. Phillips, Francis M., enlisted December 20, 1864. 248 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY Redd, lames W.. enlisted January 2. 1862. Smith. 'Franklin D., enlisted September 23, 1861. Smith, Henry M., enlisted October 1, 1861, Staimet, Reuben, enlisted March 1, 1862. Thurston, William, enlisted December 20, 1864. Vanpatten, Albert J., enlisted January 20 1865. Walla, Edmund, enlisted January 23, 1865. Young, John, enlisted September 23, i86t. ELEVENTH ILLINOIS CAVALRY. Company E. Company E of the Eleventh Illinois Cavalry was organized at Peoria and left camp Lyon under com- mand of Captain J. R. Zeigler 1-ebruary 21, 1862, and arrived at Benton Barracks, St. Loiiis, Missouri about the ist of March, and reported to Colonel Eonyville, commanding post. Erom there the regi- ment went to Pittsburg Landing and fought in the battle of Shiloh, Tennessee, under General Pren- tice. Thence they went to Purdy and captured it March 15; also participated in the siege of Corinth under General McKean. The company engaged in a number of skirmishes and battles in their advance, capturing Boliver, Pocahontas, Shewally, Kossuth, Ripley and Memphis, making long and wearisome marches to the towns about Corinth, Mississippi, un- til the 15th of September, 1863. On the 25th of that month the command under Major Buterbaugh was surprised and most of the members of Company L were captured at Hatchie. At the second battle of Corinth, what men were left of the company acted as orderlies and Captain Zeiglcr .served as adjutant on the staff of General McArthur. whose brigade formed a part of General Rosecrans' division. Company E was afterward with General Grant at the battles of Cold Water and Holly Springs; then fought General Forrest in numerous skirmishes and battles for thirty- five days, between Holly Springs and Paducah, Kentucky. At the battle of Cross Roads, Colonel Robert G. Ingersoll and Major Kerr were captured by General Forrest. After engaging in the siege of Vicksburg, Company E returned to Bethel, Ten- nessee, and while there several months marched hun- dreds of miles in guarding the Tennessee river; and had a number of skirmishes near Havana. It was also at Grand Junction, Saulsbury and La- grange, Tennessee. In August they captured La- grange, Mississippi, thence returned to Vicksburg; thence Oueen's Hill and were in several battles and skirmishes. The company was mustered out at the expiration of their term of enlistment but reen- listed and served until the close of the war. Cap- tain retired from the army from disability, March -, 1864. Company E. Captains. John R. Zeieler, commissioned December 20, 1861. Philip F. Elliott, commissioned March 7, 1864. Martin L. Calhoun, commissioned .April 20, 1865. Lieutenants. First, Joseph Swan, commissioned .\pril 20, 1865. Second, Charles L. Eeardsley, commissioned June 20. 1862. Second, William J. A. Buchanan, commissioned April 20, 1865. Sergeants. George Richard, enlisted October 4. 1861. Sylvanus M. Guchus, enlisted September 30, 1861. William Wickwire, enlisted October 4. 1861. Corporals. William Buchanan, enlisted September 7, 1861. Tames T. Wason, enlisted December 7, 1861. Nathaniel Roberson. enlisted October 15. 1861. Tohn Gingerich, enlisted October 2, 1861. Harrison E. Wiley, enlisted October 2, 1861. Henry Gray, enlisted October 16. 1861. Henrv .Summers, enlisted October 6, 1861. .Jasper Ward, enlisted October 18. 1861. Buglers. Wilson Barnes, enlisted October 7, 1861. Austin J. W. Thomas, enlisted December iS, 1861. Saddler. Charles Geeger, enlisted December 4, 1861. li'agoncr. ,\l))heus Roe, enlisted October l.s. 1861, Blacksmith. Amos Waughop, enlisted November 8, 1861. Friz-ates. Allen, Robert, enlisted December 7, 1861. Barber, William, enlisted October 10, 1861. Baxter, George, enlisted October 14, 1861. Brewer, Joseph, enlisted October 15, 1861. Barnes, Charles, enlisted November 5, 1861. Barber, Elijah, enlisted November 5, 1861. Burt, Willis V., enlisted November 20, 1861. Callahan, John, enlisted November 8, 1861. Coleman, lames H.. enlisted October 6, 1861. Callahan. Edward, enlisted November 20, 1861. Cooper, Joseph, enlisted November 15, 1861. Dubald, James M., enlisted November 13, 1861. Dunlap, Marshall L., enlisted December 7, 1861. Denman, Alfred V., enlisted December 18, 1861. Dencius, William, enlisted September 25, 1861. Engart, De Witt C, enlisted October 28, 1861. Eich, Conrad, enlisted October 7, 1S61. Edwards, James J., enlisted November 19, 1861. English, Robert W., enlisted December 19, 1861. Fisher, Elijah T., enlisted November 4, 1861. Fulton, Tames K., enlisted November 4, 1861. Gardner,' William H., enlisted November 18, 1861. Casing, Frederick, enlisted December 5, 1861. Garbarino, Charles, enlisted November 28, 1861. Hickey, John S., enlisted November 14, 1861. Harding, Samuel F., enlisted November 20, 1861. Hall, Joseph A. P. F., enlisted November 2, 1861. Harrison, George, enlisted November 8, 1861. Hall, John M. R., enlisted November 2, 1861. Kirkni'an, Alfred, enlisted December 4, 1861. Lynch, Maurice, enlisted December 7, 1861. Mills, John, enlisted October 3, 1861. McClintock, John C, enlisted November 3, 1861. Melson, George W., enlisted December 2, :86i. Newland, John M.. enlisted October 25, 1861. Orr, William, enlisted October 14, 1861. Patch, Samuel, enlisted October 28, 1861. Redding, James, enlisted November 13, 1861. Robinson, Joseph, enlisted November 25, 1861. Roberts, Peter, enlisted November 14, 1861. Ransom. David, enlisted November 11, 1861. Reed, Joseph L., enlisted September 11, 1861. Sulfa. George, enlisted October 5, 1861. Southworth. George G., enlisted November 4, 1861. Salsman. Charles A., enlisted October 14, 1861. Scriver. Aaron S., enlisted November 15, 1861. Stersenbaugh, George C, enlisted November :8, 1861. Slade. Edwin, enlisted November 19, 1861. Slater. Edward, enlisted November i, 1861. Slater, Thomas, enlisted November i, 1861. Sullivan, John, enlisted December 8, 1861. Ship, Henry, enlisted December 15. l86l. Todhunter, Roberson, enlisted October 26, 1861. Taylor, Henry, enlisted November 13, 1861. Teiian, Jeremiah, enlisted November 2. 1861. \\'alsh. Tames, enlisted October 16, 1861. Walsh. Aaron T.. enlisted October 19. 1861. Williams. William, enlisted October 28, 1861. Wason, Daniel C, enlisted December 2, 1861. Veterans. Ayers, Arad H., enlisted January 2, 1864. Allen, Robert, enlisted December 20, 1863. Bruer, Joseph, enlisted December 20, 1863. Buchanan, William G.. enlisted December 20, 1863. Barber, Elijah, enlisted December 20. 1863. Burt, Willis \'., enlisted December 20, 1863. Calhoun, Martin L., enlisted December 20, 1863. Callahan. John, enlisted December 20, 1863. Callahan, Edward, enlisted December 20, 1863. Dural, Tames M.. enlisted December 20, 1863. Denicus'. William, enlisted December 20, 1863. Engart. De Witt C. enlisted December 20. 1863. Eich, Conrad, enlisted December 20, 1863. Fulton. Tames K.. enlisted December 20. 1863. Gray, Harrv, enlisted December 20, 1863. Guches, Svivanus. enlisted December 20. 1863. Lynch, Maurice, enlisted December 20. 1863. Nelson, George W., enlisted December 20. 1863. Munholland, Charles P., enlisted December 20. 1863. Mills, Tohn M., enlisted December 20, 1863. Patch, Simeon M.. enlisted December 20, 1863. Potter, Ephraim. enlisted December 20. 1863. Redding, Tames, enlisted December 20, 1863. Reid, Joseph L.. enlisted December 20, 1863. Rrece. Humphrey, enlisted February 9, 1864. Robinson. losepli. enlisted January 4, 1864. HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 249 Swan, Joseph, enlisted December 20, 1863. Suffa. George, enlisted December 20, 1863. Slade, Kdwin R., enlisted December 20, 1863. Shipp. Henry, enlisted December 20, 1863. Taylor. Henry, enlisted December 20, 1S63. Tappan, Asher T., enlisted February 5, 1864. Walsh, James, enlisted December 20, 1S63. Williams, William, enlisted December 20, 1863. Wasson. James, enlisted February 9, 1864. Waughop, Amos E., enlisted December 21, 1863 Recruits. Ayers, Arad W., enlisted January 2, 1862. Adams, Thomas, enlisted September 16, 1861. Bailey, John M., enlisted January 21, 1864. Burnet, James, enlisted July 22, 1862. Bruce, Charles W., enlisted September 13, 1864. Booton, Asa, enlisted March 31, 1864, Childs, Frank B., enlisted January 17, 1862. Clancy, Michael, enlisted February 12, 1862. Cummings, David M., enlisted October 10. 1861. C'ox, Tilden, enlisted February 1 1, 1S62. Dougherty, James P., enlisted September 8, 1862. Delong, Edward J., enlisted November 23, 1861. Edmonds, Thomas, enlisted November 20, 1861. Franklin. Samuel T.. enlisted February 2, 1864. Fisher, Hart C, enlisted January 21, 1864. Freezce, Caleb M., enlisted November 18, 1861. Fiefiehi, William E., enlisted January 30, 1862. Cierrard, William, enlisted December 6, 1862. Gill, Thomas, enlisted February 2, 1864. Gesslcr, Henry, enlisted October 8, 1861. Heniford, John L.. enlisted Decemlier 2, 1861. Harding. James J., enlisted November 18, 1861. Hines, Lewis, enlisted h'ebruary 2. 1862. Kellogg, Daniel B., enlisted January 4. 1865. Leland. Francis T.. enlisted March 23. 1864. Lock. William, enlisted January 24, 1S62. Marshall. James M.. enlisted February 2, 1864. Moon. Charles, enlisted June 24. 1865. MunhoUand, Charles P., enlisted November 28. 1861. Murphy, Patrick, enlisted October 27, t86i. Miller, George, enlisted February 19, 1862, Paluliam. Henry, enlisted September 13, 1863. Potter, Ephraim, enlisted December 31, 1861. Robeson. Columbus A., enlisted February 4, 1862. RudlofF, Theodore, enlisted January 10, 1864. Reece, Humphrey, enlisted February 19, 1862. Smith, George W., enlisted February 3, 1864. Soady, Zachariah, enlisted January 4, 1862. Smith, Julius P.. enlisted February 5, 1864. Stem. Charles, enlisted October i.s, 1861. Sheely, Robert, enlisted October 15, 1861. Shafer, Frank, enlisted December 21, 1861. Thurston. Frank, enlisted April 7, 1864. Tappan, Asher. enlisted February 5, 1862. Wetheral. Theodore, enlisted January 5, 1864. Wagner. John E., enlisted November 15, iS6r. West. William, enlisted February 4, 1862. Washburn, C. H., enlisted October 5, t86i. Company F. Lieutenant. Second, William Currie, commissioned March 24. 1862. Privates. Abbott. Tohn C. enlisted December 13. 186 1. Brown, Peter, enlisted November 3, 1861. Card. Amos, enlisted November 13, 1861. Debine, Dennis, enlisted November 5, 1861. Foley, Michael, enlisted October 5, 1861. Johnson. Thomas, enlisted November 24, 1861. Kennedy. Nicholas, enlisted October 5, 1861. Moore. Michael, enlisted October 16, 1861. Ryaxknell. Michael, enlisted December 14. 1861. Slusher. John L., enlisted September 26, 1861. Veteran. Tasser. Andrew, enlisted December 4, 1861. Recruits. Crumbaker. Tames, enlisted March 31, 1864. Church. Milton, enlisted March 31, 1864. Dunn. Joseph K.. enlisted February 3, 1862. Davidson. William, enlisted January 10. 1862. Furlong. Tohn, enlisted January 25. 1865. Higgins, Thomas, enlisted December 2. 1861. Tohnson, Charles H.. enlisted December 21, 1863. Redmond, Michael, enlisted December 7. 1863. Waller, John H.. enlisted January 21, 1864. Company G. CapiaiH. Stephen S. Tripp, commissioned February 16, 1863. Privates. Quirk, Cornelius, enlisted November 10, i86i. Young. W. B., enlisted November 14, 1861. Recruits. Barnes. Samuel, enlisted August 14, 1S62. McNeel, Samuel A., enlisted August 7, 1862. Company H. Private. Williams, John, enlisted December 12, 1861. Veterans. T)evine, Charles J., enlisted February 6, 1864. Lowell, Alfred, enlisted February 6, 1864. Recruits. Amend. Moses H., enlisted March 31, 1864. Bernard, Andrew D.. enlisted August 9, 1862. Courtenay, John, enlisted July 22, 1862. Month. Jacob, enlisted February 23, 1865. Peltier, Dominick. enlisted August 7. 1862. Scruby, William, enlisted August 9, 1862. Staltz. Hubbard L., enlisted August 29, 1862. Scruby, Frank, enlisted August 9, 1862. Company I, Recruits. Ackerman. John H., enlisted February 6, 1865. Brown, Henry, enlisted January i. 1862. Steele. Isaac, enlisted December 28, 1861. Company K. Privates. Haw, James, enlisted November 6, 1861. Malone. William, enlisted December 9, 1861. Quail, John, enlisted November 6. 1861. Rowley. Dexter M., enlisted December 18, i86r. Rowley, Samuel I\.. enlisted November 6, 1861. Rourke, Charles, enlisted December i, 1861. Sullivan, William H., enlisted November 6. 1861. Recniits. .\dam, Albert, enlisted February 20, 1862. iiuswell, Nicholas C, enlisted November 6. 1861. Lucas, T. Z.. enlisted April 14, 1864, Company L. Captain. Thomas O'Hara, commissioned October 28, 1862. Lieutenants. First, William D. Slater, commissioned October 28. 1862. Second. Daniel I^. Buck, commissioned Aiiril 20, 1865. Quartermaster Sergeant. Gilligan. Thomas, enlisted September 25, 1861. Sergeants. William H. Falts. enlisted October 15, 1861. John Martin, enlisted October 2, 1861. Corporals. Daniel R. Buck, enlisted October 5, 1861. Obed F. Wait, enlisted October 28, 1861. Isaac Quiggle, enlisted October 25, 1861. l-". J. Turner, enlisted October 28, 1861. Hnsign. Willis Emery, enlisted October 12, i86r. Blachsmith. Samuel Kemp, enlisted November 21, 1861. Privates. .Arnold, William, enlisted November 6. 1R61. Adams. Thomas, enlisted September 16, 1861. Bearer, George, enlisted October 15, 1861. Calry. Edward A., enlisted October 28, 186 1. Coats. Robert, enlisted November 7, 1861. Curran, James, enlisted November 20. 1861. Campbell, William, enlisted December 7. 1861. Clayton, William, enlisted October 5, 1861. 250 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY Carrigan. Patsy, enlisted November 20. 1861, Decker. David J., enlisted November 20, 1861. Divens,' Tohn. enlisted October 16, 1861. Deland, Peter J., enlisted November 12. 1861. Gean, Joseph, 'enlisted October 23, 1861. Goodwin. Tohn, enlisted November 2, 1861. Gutrix, Tohn. enlisted December 14, 1861. Hickel, Charles, enlisted November 18, 1861. Sherdan, George, enlisted December i, 1861. Shoon. John, enlisted December 7. 1861. Vandcren, G. B.. enlisted October 17. 1861. Washburn, C. H., enlisted October 5. 1861. Veterans. Buck, Daniel R- enlisted December 20, 1863. Fultz. William, enlisted December 20, 1863. Gheen, Josiah. enlisted December 20, 1863. Gilligan," Thomas, enlisted December 20, 1863. Ghiles, Rausler, enlisted January 3, 1864. James, Benjamin E., enlisted January 5. 1864. Kearns, Toseph B., enlisted January 2, 1864. Rogers. VVillis, enlisted January 10, 1862. Luce. Elihu, enlisted February 7. 1862. Marshall. George, enlisted February 8, 1864. Paymod, Tsadore. enlisted February 23, 1865. Powers. John, enlisted January 22. 1862. Schrader. George, enlisted January 4. 1865. Shuley. Robert, enlisted October 23. 1861. Vautral. William, enlisted February 21. 1862. Weaver, Calv'in, enlisted November 27, 1861. Company M. Captains. Adam Stuber, commissioned December 20, 1861. Hugh C. Moffitt, commissioned November 18, Tohn J. Perry, commissioned December 19, 1564. hiexitenants. First, George A. Quinn, commissioned November 18, 1862. . . , -r Second, John Tilby, commissioned January 0, Second, William F. JenViings, commissioned April II, 1865. Sergeants. First, Jackson McCully, enlisted September 27, 1861. Toseph A. McCully, enlisted September 27, 1861. Henry Seeley, enlisted September 27. 1861. Corporals. Tames B. Merwin, enlisted November 8. 1861. Thomas Ward, enlisted October 31, 1861. Sandrieper. Henry, enlisted November 18, 186 1. Henderson. James, enlisted December 5, 1861. Privates. Beck, Henry, enlisted September 23, 1861. Barton, Ira A., enlisted November 6. i86i. Clark, Silas A., enlisted November 28, 1861. Clifton, Nelson, enlisted October 31. 1S61. Calhoun, James H., enlisted November 13, 1861. Davidson, Thomas, enlisted September 27, 1861. Deuffman, Thomas, enlisted November 2, :86i. Ellis. Benjamin, enlisted September 27. 1861. Edelman, John, enlisted September 23, 1861. Ford. James, enlisted December 19, 1861. Garv'in" Ambrose D., enlisted November 20, 1861. Goot. John, enlisted November 11, 1861. Hendricks. Peter, enlisted September 27. 1861. Hick, Benjamin, enlisted October 8, :86i. Ilorwold. Joseph, enlisted September 27, 1861. Holiday, Basil, enlisted November 18, 1S61. Holiday. John J., enlisted November 25. 1861. Haley, Dennis, enlisted October 10, 1861. Henry, Dennis, enlisted October 10, 1861. Hickson. George, enlisted September 27. 1861. Hesse, Joseph, enlisted September 22,. 1861. Lawrence, Charles, enlisted October 28, 1861. Mitchell. George, enlisted December 3, 1861. Matlin, Jacob, enlisted October 27, 1861. Noell, Dennis, enlisted September 2-], 186 1. . NefF, Marks, enlisted October 21, -1861. Owens. Columbus, enlisted September zy, 1861. Otto, John C.. enlisted September 27, 1861. Phelps, Harvey, enlisted October 27. 1861. Ricett, John, enlisted November i, 1861. Roberts. George, enlisted October 31, 1861. Stenn, Charles, enlisted October 15, 1861. Spicer, David, enlisted September 27, 1861. Seipe, Charles F., enlisted December 16. i86r. Smith, George T.. enlisted November 25. 1861. Tanner, Merchant F., enlisted November 25, 1861. Wallace, Henry, enlisted September 27. 1861. Welsh, James, enlisted September 27, 1861. Watson, Thomas, enlisted October 6, 1861, Winches. Andrew, enlisted December 3, 1861. Wayson, Beriah, enlisted November 25, 1861. Walker, John, enlisted November 14, 1861. Yonger, Adam, enlisted September 27, 1861. Veterans. Calvin, John, enlisted December 20, 1863. Carter, Herman S., enlisted December 20, 1863. Ley, John, enlisted December 20, 1 863. liich. William C, enlisted December 20, 1863. Sandritter, Henry, enlisted December 20. 1863. Ward. Thomas, enlisted December 20, 1863. Recruits. Aspinwall, Job, enlisted September 30, 1864. Aten. Benjamin, enlisted March 23, 1865. Beebe, Richard H.. enlisted March 28, 1864. Beebe, James, enlisted March 28, 1864. Brady, Charles, enlisted February 6, 1864. Brown, Cary, enlisted March 17, 1864. Bettis, VVilliam F., enlisted April 14, 1864. Beebe, Alonzo, enlisted February 23, 1864. Cox, Oscar J., enlisted February i, 1864- Carr. John, enlisted August 25, 1864. Crank, John H., enlisted January 27, 1865. Davis, Abel, enlisted February 15, 1864. Drake, Phineas B., enlisted September 30, 1864. Desamo. John S., enlisted September 27, 1861. Goddard, William, enlisted January 5, 1S64. Garvin, Barney, enlisted March 22, 1864. Groon, John W.. enlisted January 27, 1865. Greeg, James G., enlisted February 26, 1864. Hall, Peter A., enlisted I-'ebruary 15, 1864. Kingdon, William H., enlisted August 13. 1862. Keller, Tacob H., enlisted December 28, 1861. Moffit. William E., enlisted January 5, 1S64. McCully, Joseph A., enlisted January 5, 1864, McCullv. William H.. enlisted January 27, 1865. Mulbehill, Jeremiah C. enlisted August 14. 1862. McGraw, Patrick, enlisted August 14. 1862. Nelson, Elias, enlisted January 24, 1S64. Oakford, Thomas H.. enlisted December 4, 1863. O'Neal, Thomas, enlisted March 31, 1865. Putnam. William, enlisted December 28. 1861. Putnam. Luther, enlisted October 4, 1S61. Rome, Nelson E-. enlisted December i, 1863. Rutherford, George, enlisted March 31. 1864. Rich. William, enlisted December 7, 1S61. Sirlat, James, enlisted September 27, 1861. Simmons, Habbie, enlisted October 6, 1S61. Swan, James C. enlisted March 9, 1864. Thompson, William R., enlisted January 5, 1864. Thurston. William, enlisted November 23. 1863. Teal. William, enlisted September 27, 1861. Wheeler. John H.. enlisted January 16, 1864. Waggoner, John, St., enlisted March 31, 1864. Will. Charles, enlisted January 5. 1S64. Webber, Andrew, enlisted October 6, 1863. Unassigned Recruits. Allen. Francis, enlisted March 9, 1865. Brady, John J., enlisted February 4. 1863. Crew, Noah J., enlisted March 29, 1864. Carlton, Edward, enlisted December 15, 1863. Cox. Joseph, enlisted September 16. 1864. Conn. Charles, enlisted November 18, 1864. Conner, John, enlisted Fejsruarf i. 1863. Delaney, Thomas, enlisted March 21, 1864. Dowene, Henry, enlisted March 29, 1865. Dane, Christopher, enlisted March 9, 1865. Foster, R. N.. enlisted November 12, 1862. Ford. Charles D., enlisted April 14, 1864. Goddard. Artemas W.. enlisted August 14, 1862. Jacob. lienry. enlisted January 29, 1863. King. Henry A., enlisted January 21. 1864. Kelley, Tohn, enlisted February 5, 1865. Lainl, Homer, enlisted August 14, 1862. Mitchell, Harrison, enlisted November 18, 1862. McDaniel, Tames, enlisted December 15. 1863. McGoan, Harris, enlisted March 9,' 1865. Murphy, Patrick, enlisted March 9, 1865. Nolin. J. D.. enlisted November 18. 1862. Neuer, August, enlisted December 7, 1863. O'Brien, Tames, enlisted December 19, 1863. Phillips, Charles, enlisted January 29, 1863. Peeper, John E., enlisted April 9. 1864. Phillips, "John, enlisted February 5. 1865. Preston, Alfred H., enlisted December 6, 1863. HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 251 Slocum, John, enlisted December i, iS6j. Shell. Oliver C-, enlisted September 29, 1S64. Snyder, J. C, enlisted February 2S, 1S65, Stewart, Walter F., enlisted March i. 1865. Smith, James, enlisted March 9, 1865. Seymour, John, enlisted March 9, 1865. Shields, John, enlisted January 1 1, 1864. Wilson, William, enlisted August 15, 1862. Young. Adiah, enlisted January 5, 1864. FOURTEENTH CAVALRY. Colonel. Horace Capron, commissioned February 6, 1863. First Assistant Surgeon. George A. Wilson, commissioned January 7, 1863. Privates. Barfoot, William, enlisted September i, 1862. Eley, Jefferson, enlisted December 12, 1862. Somers, Alfred, enlisted October 12, 1862. Somberger. George, enlisted November 2. 1862. Triplet, William, enlisted October 12, 1862. Company B. Captains. Paul Distler. commissioned January 7, 1863. Henry H. Mayo, commissioned October 17, 1864. Lieutenants. First, Henry Heineke, commissioned January 7, 1863. Second. Philip Smith, commissioned January 7, 1863. Commissary Sergeant. Charles A. Lettell, enlisted September 14, 1862. Sergeants. Louis Ernst, enlisted September 18. 1862. William Brown, enlisted September 16, 1862. Corporals. Paul Helmel. enlisted September 15, 1862. Conrad Dassell, enlisted September 18, 1862. Henry Handshu, enlisted October 5, 1862. John Boehm. enlisted September 18, 1862. Frank H. Westerman, enlisted January 5, 1863. Louis H. Smith, enlisted January 5, 1863. Teamster. Jacob Gloring, enlisted September 30. 1862. Blacksmiths. John Grove, enlisted November 10, 1862. Albert Terohn, enlisted September 20, 1862. Saddler. Ferdinand Misselhom. enlisted December 2, 1862. Wagoner. William Huske, enlisted September 14, 1862. Privates. Altman, William, enlisted November 29, 1862. Brauer, John, enlisted September 16, 1862. Baikes. Nicholas, enlisted September 28, 1862. Brown, George, enlisted October 2, 1862. Barnet, Timothy, enlisted December i, 1862, Campbell, Joseph, enlisted October 22, 1862. Dubois, William, enlisted December 2, 1862. Drisler. Frank, enlisted December i, 1862. Ebert. George, enlisted October 5, 1862. Folkers, John W.. enlisted October 2. 1862, Fishbeck, Herman, enlisted September 30, 1862. Froehlich, Jacob, enlisted October i, 1862. Gebhard. William, enlisted November 20, 1862. Grebe, Conrad, enlisted September 14, 1S62. Hauser. Caspar, enlisted September 14, 1862. Huck, Harmon, enlisted September 13, 1862, Johnston. John, enlisted September 23. 1862. Klein. Louis, enlisted November 12, 1862. Kimble, Francis, enlisted September 15, 1862. Kowurtz. Frank, enlisted December t. 1862. Le Genbre, Felix, enlisted October 16. 1862. McPherson, Henry FL, enlisted October 5. 1862. Meyer, Leopold, enlisted September 20, 1862. Mayn. Louis, enlisted October 28, 1862. Naef, John, enlisted September 16. 1862. Nickel, George, enlisted December 15, 1862, Richter. Charles, enlisted September 14, 1862. Ruibty, George, enlisted December 15, 1862. Schneiderfritz, Henry, enlisted September 18, 1862. Spenke. Henry, enlisted September 16, 1862. Seifert, Julius, enlisted September 22, 1862. Tremmel. John, enlisted October 5, 1862. Walter, Lorenz. enlisted September 9, 1862. Weiland. Sebastian, enlisted November 10, 1862. Weinheimer. Philip, enlisted September 16, 1862. Ward, Frank, enlisted September 15, 1862. Zeigler, Gottlieb, enlisted October i, 1862. Recruits. Frederick, Charles, enlisted Januarv 14. 1864. Raver, Christian, enlisted December 9, 1863. Stabler, Christian, enlisted February 29, 1864. Company C. Lieutenant. Second. Henry M. Fvans, commissioned January 7> 1863. Commissary Sergeant. Seth C. Abell, enlisted September 18, 1862. Privates. Lynch. Thomas, enlisted October 14, 1862. Prentice. John 1)., enlisted September 14, 1862. Russell. Robert, enlisted November 28, 1862. Webb, Henry, enlisted November 25, 1862. Company D. Tcar,tstcr. Clements, Charles, enliutcd December i . 1 862. Privates. Carter, Robert D.. enlisted September 18. 1862. Elfcon, C, enlisted December i, 1862. Eversoll, Samuel, enlisted December i, 1862. Hansen, Alonzo. enlisted November i, 1862. Reynolds, Alexander, enlisted December 15, 1862. Company E. Priz'ates. Johnson, Henry, enlisted December 10, 1862. Klasy, George, enlisted December 20, 1862. Ranish. Edward, enlisted September 22, 1862. Company F. Privates. Beekman, John K., enlisted January 4. 1863. Harrison. Mitchell, enlisted January 8, 1863. Potter, John C, eidisted October 20, 1S62. Recruit. Bethrels, William H., enlisted February 22, 1865. Company G. Recruits. Freel. Joseph J., enlisted March i, 1865. Hedgepath, Thomas P., enlisted January, 1865. Company H. Blaklie, Reuben, enlisted February 5. 1863. Beck, Henry, enlisted Januarv 17, 1S63, Hamilton. Claude B.. enlisted" February 2, 1863. Meyer. Ferdinand, enlisted January 25, 1863. Schaefer, Peter, enlisted July 21, 1863. Recruit. Lamb. John, enlisted March 28, 1865. Company L Privates. Birch, George, enlisted October 18. 1862. Black. John J., enlisted October 12. 1862. Casper, James R., enlisted September 25, 1862. Moberry. William, enlisted September 20. 1862. Miller. George A., enlisted October 6. 1862. O'Sullivan. John B., enlisted September 13, 1862. Phelps. Chester, enlisted December 4. 1B62. Stewart. Erastus W., enlisted November 5, 1862. Company K. Sergeayits. First. Edward Groshen, enlisted September 14. 1862. Albert C. Allen, enlisted December i, 1862. Corporals. James Barrow, enlisted September 14, 1862. Allen W. McKenzie, enlisted September 14, 1862. 252 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 1862. Teamster. Thomas J. Sparroch. enlisted December 13. Privates. Bonnie, Louis, enlisted September "5. iSS^- Brown William, enlisted November 15. '''6%,, Cos-ro've Bernard H.. enlisted November . .86-r abbler. 'Emery H enhs.ed October .6, .862. Loony H.. enlisted December i. 1862. McCarty. Tosepb, enlisted October .0, 1862 McCann James, enlisted Noveniber ,5. .86^. NetT, Tohn C. enlisted November 15. i862- Ricker' Edward, enlisted September 14. -862. Sbafer Tohn, enlisted December 2. 1862. Sheen, Michael, enlisted December i, 1862. We"tco;..'^'winiam W.. enlisted November ,5. 1862. Company L. Privates. Tackson. James, enlisted Novernber f^L 'S^^- Nevvmier, Charles, enlisted November =8. '86- Parcell Garrett H., enlisted January 8. 1863. Rogers! David, enlisted January 8, 1863. Company M. Caf^tains. Thomas S. Lupton, commissioned January 7. ' William W. Rowcliff, commissioned January 7. 1863. Lieutenant. William W. Cowles. commissioned July 11, 1865. Sergeants. Alexander Irvine, enlisted September 15. 1862. James Anderson, enlisted September 15. 1802. Thomas Putnam, enlisted October 5. 1862. Corporals. Charles W. Fowler, enlisted October 5. '862. John S. Cleveland, enlisted October 5. 1862. Saddler. John B. Reed, enlisted September 15, '862. Wagoner. James Pitcher, enlisted September 20. 1862. Teamster. James Laughlin, enlisted October 5. 1862. Privates. n.nnlv. Philip, enlisted October 5. 1862. Banks, John D.. enlisted September 20, 1862. Barker, Tames W.. enlisted December 18, 1862. Colinderson, Joseph, enlisted October 5. 1862. Cook. George, enlisted September 20. 1862. Ceirtt. Samuel, enlisted September 20. 1862. Connor, Thomas, enlisted October 5. 1862 Colender. Peter, enlisted September 15. Dunn. Thomas, enlisted October 5. >862. Eseleston. Tames, enlisted October 5. 1862. Folenwider.'John R.. enlisted September 20. 1862. Fernan, Jam'es A., enlisted September 20. 1862. Hopkins,' Thomas, enlisted September 20. 1862. Hodgmon, Isaac, enlisted September 20, 1862. Hamilton. Tohn, enlisted December 1, 1862, Hattock, Clinton, enlisted January 5. 1863. McClay, James, enlisted October 5. 1862. McKee. Jonathan, enlisted October 5. 1862. Ogden. Ira B.. enlisted October 5. 1862. O'Shaughnessy. Henry, enlisted October Price. John, enlisted December 10, 1862. Russell! Emery, enlisted September 20, Reeves. Tohn, enlisted October 5. 1862. Sullivan,' Tohn, enlisted September 15, 1862. Simmons," Hobbe, enlisted January 8, 1863. Smiley, Tames M., enlisted September 15, 1862. Shirley. "Thomas J., enlisted September 20. •"« Seed. Andrew T.. enlisted September 20, 185)2. Somersett, Tho'mas, enlisted October 5, 1862. Temple. Charles II., enlisted September 15, 1862. Van Hess. Henry, enlisted October 5. 1862. Walters. William, enlisted September 20, 1862. Walters, Henry, enlisted September 20, 1862. Recruits. Miller. Tames M.. enlisted February 20, 1864. Smith. David H., enlisted February 28. 1864. Smith, Harrison, enlisted February 2, 1864. 1862. 5. 186, 1862 1862. Vnassigned Recruits. Bennett. James, enlisted March 23, 1865. Casson. James, enlisted March 31. 1865. Connors. James H.. enlisted March 23, 1865. Curter. Andrew, enlisted March 24. 1865. Ford. Michael, enlisted March 28, 1865. Hagan. George, enlisted October 11, 1864. Haley, Richard, enlisted March 23, 1864. Holton, Frederick, enlisted March 9. 1864. Kane. Patrick, enlisted March 23, 1865. Purdy, Tohn, enlisted October 11, 1864. Pratt. Henry, enlisted March 23. 1865. •Reed. Robert, enlisted March 3', '865. Seaver. George, enlisted March 23. 1865. Williams. Samuel, enlisted March 23. 1865. Wilkins, Frank, enlisted March 28, 1865. FIFTEENTH CAVALRY. Company L. Privates. Shaffer. Simon, enlisted February 16, 1862. Wilder, MontreviUe, enlisted October 26, 1861. Recruit. Oakford. Thomas, enlisted June i. 1861. SEVENTEENTH CAVALRY. Company .\. Pri-.ate. Chandler, Samuel T., enlisted November 6, 1863. Company D. Quartermaster Sergeant. William G. Frey, enlisted October 5, 1863. Commissary Sergeant. Henry M. Furchison, enlisted December 15. 1863. Privates. Robert, enlisted October 5, 1863. Benah, enlisted November 23, 1863. George E.. enlisted October 15. 1863. John O., enlisted December 15, 1863. Recruit. Todd. James, enlisted February i, 1S64. Company E. Commissary Sergeant. Hermans. Alfred S., enlisted December 11. 1863. BATTERY A ILLINOIS LIGHT ARTILLERY. Battery A. Second Illinois Light Artillery was organized at Peoria. Illinois, by Captain Peter Da- vidson, and was mustered into state service. -May ■.■! 1861. Moved to Alton. Ilhnois. in July. 1861. flience moved to St, Charles. Missouri, with Gen- eral Pope and then to Mexico, Missouri. hrom this place sections were sent to different parts ot north Missouri, which were again united at Jetter- son Barracks. Missouri, at which place the battery was mustered into United States service, .-\ugust 17 1861 Moved to Jefferson City. Missouri, and on the ist of October to Boonville, Missouri, and thence to OttervWe. Thence marched in Kelton s Brigade. Pope's Division of Fremont s army to Springfield. Missouri, and returned to Otterville. January 25, 1862, in Colonel Julius Whites Brig- ade Brigadier General Jeff C. Davis' Division, moved to Lebanon and with Curtis' army to northwest Arkansas. Was engaged in the battle of Pea Ridge March 7 and 8. where it did faithful and brilliant service. .\ section of the battery at Neosho and Fayetteville. moved to Helena, -Arkan- sas, with General Curtis' army. flattery A was mustered out of service at Camp Butler, Illinois, July 27, 1S65. FIRST ARTILLERY. B.^TTERY M. Priz'ates. Bonson. Thomas, enlisted July 3, 1862. Hamilton. Richard, enlisted July 3. 1862. SECOND LIGHT ARTILLERY. Major. Peter Davidson, commissioned .\pril 11. 1863. Murphy Robbnis Tindall, Walker, HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 253 Rattery a. Caftains. Ilerniaii Horris, commissioned April ii. 1S63. William W. Campbell, commissioned July 3. t865. Lieutenants. First, William J. Gardner, commissioned May 14, i86i. First, J. Corwin Hansel, commissioned January ^5. 1862. First, Frank B. Fen ton, commissioned April 1 1. 1863. First, William W. Campbell, commissioned April II. 1863. First, Rensselaer W. Ilinman, commissioned July 3. 1865. First, Walter Bird, commissioned July 26, 1865. Second. Abraham B. Batterson, commissioned Jan- uary 25, 1862. Second. Samuel Coburn, commissioned Tulv 26, 1865. Second, Denton V. Keys, commissioned July 26. 1865. Quartermaster Sergeant. Abraham B. Batterson, enlisted April 10, 1861. Sergeant Major. Oliver P. Titcomb, enlisted April ig, 1861, Sergeants. William Patterson, enlisted April ig, 186 1. Walter W. Campbell, enlisted April 19, 1861. William L. Gardner, enlisted April 19, i86i. Tames McGinnis. enlisted April 19. 1861. James H. Reddick, enlisted May 27. 1S61. Walter Bird, enlisted April 19, 1861. Corf^orah. Stephen E. Baldwin, enlisted April 19, 1861. Joseph G. Bloomer, enlisted April 26, 1861. John Dimond, enlisted April 24, 1861. John W. French, enlisted April ig, i86i, Nicholas Held, enlisted April 9, 1861. William M. Lucas, enlisted May 14, 1864. William Ranch, enlisted May 20, 1861. William E. Wilkinson, enlisted April 19, 1861. Bugler. Thomas Drew, enlisted May 27, 1861, .-irtiftcers. Lair Letz, enlisted April 19, 1861. Jeremiah Smith, enlisted May 25, 186 1, Fritz Scliierman. eti listed July 22. 1861. John Stanger, enlisted June 18, 1861. Henry Kreiling, enlisted April 19, 1861. Privates. Austin, John W., enlisted April 19, 1861. Rarnaba, John W.. enlisted April 19, 1861. Rauer, Dick, enlisted May 5. 1861. Bustorf, Frederick, enlisted June 19. 1861. Butler, James, enlisted June i. i86r. Carney, Stephen W., enlisted May i, 1861. Chase, Ira. enlisted April 19, 1861. Crandall, William, enlisted May 17, 1861. Carman, James F., enlisted July 10, 1861. Dempsey, William, enlisted April 19, 1861. Dold, Stephen, enlisted July 8, 1861. Farrer, Joachim, enlisted April 19. 1861. Frost, Enos, enlisted April 19, 1861. Gisart, Jacob, enlisted May 17. 1861. Hoag, Edwin, enlisted July 10. 1861. Johnson. Samuel M., enlisted May 23. 1861. Haufman. Martin S., enlisted April 19, j86i. Lair. William, enlisted April 19. 1861. Lair, Noah, enlisted April 19, 1861. Lanigan. Francis M.. enlisted April 19, 1861. Lupton, Charles, enlisted June 18, 1861. ATann. Martin, enlisted April 19, 1861. Maupin, Robert B., enlisted April ig, 1861. Meyer, Philip, enlisted April 19. 1861. Morrow, William, enlisted April 19, 1861. McVickar. Hugh, enlisted May 27. 1861. Paul. Anderson, enlisted April 19, 1861. Ploher, Ferdinand, enlisted May 24, 1861. Ryan, Laurence, enlisted April 19, 1861. Ryan, Samuel, enlisted April 19. 1861. Ryan. Parkinson, enlisted April 19. 1861. Shieman, John, enlisted April ig, i86i. Shafer, Solomon, enlisted April 30, 1861, Smith. Morris, enlisted April 23, 1864. Sick, John, enlisted June 14, 1864. Stowcll, Henry, enlisted July 8. 1864. Wads worth. Berial. enlisted April 19, 1804. Ward. James, enlisted July i. 1864. Waresly, John J., eidisted May 22, 1864. Wolfert. Sebastian, enlisted June 22, 1864. Veterans. Sergeant. .Samuel Coburn. enlisted February i, 1864, Corf*oral. Denton V. Keys, enlisteil January 1. 1864. Bugler. James F. Carman, enlisted February 1, 1864. PriTates. Aldrich. Horace M., enlisted February i. 1864. Baldwin, Stephen E., enlisted January i, 1864. Barnaba. John W., enlisted January i, 1864. Rauer, Dick, enlisted January i. 1864. Millet, Joseph, enlisted January i, 1864. Nurs, Roswell J., enlisted February 1. 1864. Speers, William H., enlisted January i. 1864. Sullivan, Frank, enlisted January i. 1864. Recruits. Ashbury, Samuel, enlisted March 14. 1864. Ayres. Maurice, enlisted September 20, 1862. Aldrick, John P., enlisted October 28, 1862. Baker. Philip, enlisted October 26, 1863. Bauer, Henry, enlisted October 28, 1863. Roydslen, New^ton L.. enlisted November 7, 1863. Bennett, Samuel, enlisted March 14. 1864. Beers. William W., enlisted March 31, 1864. Bobier, William, enlisted March 22, 1864. Bachelor, Neal. enlisted October 24, 1863. Becket. John M., enlisted October 11, 1864. Best, William, enlisted September 8, 1861. Bitner. William, enlisted September 22, 1861. Burgess, Henry, enlisted October 9, 1862. Campbell, Charles B.. enlisted March 21. 1864. Cull. William H., enlisted March 24, 1864. Heller. Charles, enlisted January 4, 1864. Currier, Arthur T., enlisted March 28, 1864. Conger, Allen, enlisted December 16, 1864. Chase, Edward, enlisted September 22, 1861. Coburn, William, enlisted November 30, 1863, Dickenson, Gritftth A., enlisted November 10, 1862. Drummond, John P., enlisted January 4, 1864. Ellis, Benjamin, enlisted January 18, 1864. Eayd, Albert P., enlisted November 21, 1862. Elliott, Jacob, enlisted October 29, 1863. Eastman. Charles, enlisted September 22. 1861. Fitzgerald, John, enlisted January 5, 1864. Ford, Burton S., enlisted March 22, 1864. Ford, Henry, enlisted March 23. 1864. Fowler, Henry, enlisted September 8, 1861. Grotevant, Robert, enlisted September 26, 1864. Howell, Israel, enlisted March 21, 1864. Hawkins, William E., enlisted October 28, 1863. Hurland. William R.. enlisted August 25, 1862. Hull, John R., enlisted September 24, 1862. Houser. Christian, enlisted October 13, 1862. Jaggard, Thomas, enlisted December 8, 1863. Johnson, John L.. enlisted October 31, 1863. Keller, Allen, eidisted Mart h 24. 1864. Kissel, Emanuel, enlisted September 26, 1862. Lutz, Philip, enlisted March 8. 1864. Livingstone, W^illiam. enlisted September 8, 186 1, Morrow, Calvin, enlisted March 22, 1864. Nay lor. Flavins. enlisteits. First, Henry B. Plant, commissioned December 31, 1862. Second, Charles McDonald, commissioned March I, 1863. Privates. Cunningham, Rogers, enlisted November 25, 1861. Jones, Isaac W'., enlisted November 25, 1861. Recruits. Lester. Robert N., enlisted October 23, 1862. Moon, Simon D., enlisted December 25. 1863. Petty, George A., enlisted January 5, 1864. Shippe, Orrin S., enlisted January 5. 1864. Weld, Samuel C, enlisted December 21, 1863. Unassigned Recruits. Atkinson, William H., enlisted January iS, 1864. Pitcher, Robert, enlisted September 26, 1864. Summers, James, enlisted March 24, 1S64. THIRTEENTH UNITED STATES COLORED INFANTRY. Johnson, Charles, enlisted April i, 1865. Lee. John, enlisted April 10, 1865. Wade, Hampton, enlisted April i, 1865. ONE HUNDRED NINTH UNITED STATES COLORED INFANTRY. Bridges. Jesse, enlisted February 14. 1865. Barr. John, enlisted February 28, 1865. Cole, Enochj enlisted February 28, 1865. Carter, Silas, enlisted March 30, 1S65. Drake, Monroe, enlisted February 28, 1865. Gray. Samuel B., enlisted February 28. 1865. Hicks, John, enlisted February 28, 1865. Hillman, William, enlisted February 13, 1865. Jefferson, James, enlisted February 20, 1865. Jones, Wade, enlisted February 28, 1865, Mitchell, William, enlisted February 28, 1865. Porter. John, enlisted March 30. 1865. Red, William, enlisted March 30, 1865. Smith, Isaac, enlisted February 28, 1865, Smith, Washington, enlisted February 28, 1865. Smith, Lewis, enlisted February 28, 1865. Smith. John, enlisted February 28, 1865. Stewart, lohn, enlisted February 28, 1865. Smith, Alfred, enlisted February 28, 1865. Warren, William, enlisted February 28, 1865. Washington, George, enlisted February 13, 1865. Miscellaneous Organisations. SEVENTH TENNESSEE CAVALRY. Arms, John M.. enlisted October 30, 1864. Butter. John T., enlisted October 20, 1864. Cunningham, Elijah, enlisted April 10, 1865. Divey, Robert H., enlisted December, 1864. Edwards, William, enlisted November 8, 1864. Hamilton. W. M. J., enlisted April 11, 1865. Hamilton, Samuel, enlisted April 1 1, 1865. Hays. James E., enlisted March i, 1864. Jenkins, Kelly H., enlisted January 26, 1864. King, Alfred, enlisted October 26, 1864. King, William P., enlisted March 13, 1865. Miller. Joseph C, enlisted March 13, 1865. McAllister, William T.. enlisted March 13, 1865. McFarlane, John, enlisted January 24, 1864. Purdon, Benjamin, enlisted April 11, 1865. Perden. John, enlisted October 20, 1864. Perden. Erwin T.. enlisted October 20, 1864. Rav, William, enlisted November 24, 1864. Robinson. James, enlisted March i, 1865, Scarlett. S. M.. enlisted March 3. 1865. Thomas, John W.. enlisted December 14, 1864. Tucker. George W., enlisted October 20. 1864. Vickers. Francis M.. enlisted October 20, 1864. Waugh. James W., enlisted October 20, 1864. FIRST ARMY CORPS. Enlisted Men of Company No, i. Assigned to Company A. Second Regiment Veteran I'olunteers. Privates. Auten, John W., enlisted February 10, 1865. Greenleaf, George D., enlisted February 6. 1865. Schaller. Charles, enlisted February 4. 1865. Shoemaker,^ Edward, enlisted February 4, 1865. Enlisted Men of Company No. 5. Privates. Lair. Noah, enlisted March 13, 1865. ^McMuUen, James E., enlisted March 13, 1865. Upshaw, George, enlisted March 13. 1865. THIRTEENTH UNITED STATES INFANTRY. Recruits. Barber. James C, enlisted June. 1865. Beasmore. Robert G., enlisted June, 1865. Bink, John H., enlisted June. 1865. Dunbar. Robert F., enlisted June. 1865. Gunsolus, James H., enlisted June. 1865. Satter, Joseph, enlisted June, 1865. MONUMENTS TO HEROIC DEAD Very shortly after the cessation of hostilities between the two sections of the country and the victorious veterans of the northern armies had returned to their homes, a movement gained impetus, toward the creation of a fitting and lasting concrete expression of the community's gratitude for the inestimable blessings made possible and enduring by the recent struggle for free institutions, and also to attest Peoria's pride and glory in the valor and patriotism of the heroic living and dead. Definite results were manifest when, at the September (1865) meeting of the board of supervisors, Dr. John Emery, representative in that body from Radnor township, ofifered a resolution that the board appropriate a sum of money, for the erection of a suitable monument in the court house yard. The resolution was referred to a committee consisting of Emery, Matson and Day, with instruc- tions to secure plans and estimates and report at the next meeting of the board. The committee made its reports at the next meeting, held in April, and the con- tract for a soldiers' monument, to cost $5,000, was awarded to Robert Campbell, of Peoria. The site selected was at the center of the Main street side of the yard, about midway between the old court house and the street, and the corner stone HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 255 was laid with Masonic rites. Grand Master Harmon G. Reynolds, officiating. The dedication took place October ii, 1866, and was the occasion for the gather- ing of a vast concourse of people, and a magnificent demonstration. General Benjamin F. Butler, who assisted in the capture of New Orleans, was military commander of that turbulent city and the best-hated "invader of the sacred soil" of the south, was the orator of the day, and his presence alone created unbounded enthusiasm. One of the notable features of the dedication was the presence of "Old Abe," the war eagle of the Eighth Wisconsin. "Black Jack" (John A.) Logan was also here, and stirred the hearts of the veterans to a white heat of excitement and delight; for he, also, was a war hero and won his spurs bravely and honorably. Colonel "Bob" Ingersoll was the master of ceremonies and with the tongue of a Demosthenes thrilled his auditors by his rendition of a dedicatory- poem, written for the event by Mrs. P. R. K. Brotherton. Spencer's band headed a parade, composed of eleven companies of infantry and one of cavalry ; the tire department, civic societies and citizens in carriages, that had marched to the court house square, and in all one of the greatest gala days ever known in Peoria was passed without a mishap to mar the reverential joy of the populace. And thus one of the first soldiers' monuments in the coun- try was erected to the fallen heroes of 1861-5. When the old court house was torn down, to make place for the new, it became necessary to alter the grade of the square. This called for the removal of the monument and its new site was chosen at the Jefferson street front, where it now stands, still intact, although the names inscribed on its four sides have become almost illegible from action of the elements. MONUMENT .AT SPRINGD.\LE CEMETERY In the Transcript of March 15, 1862, after the bodies of slain soldiers began to be sent here for burial, a paragraph appeared, suggesting the virtue and advisability of securing a suitable tract of land in one of the cemeteries, to be set apart for the last resting place for soldiers losing their lives in the war, who might not have provided for a burial place. This touched a tender spot in the hearts of the directors of Springdale cemetery and they immediately offered, as a gift, one of the best lots at Springdale for the purpose, which was accepted. On this lot, which is about one hundred and fifty feet square, was erected in 1870, a monument designed and e.xecuted by Robert Campbell, at a cost of $2,500, and four cannon donated to the Soldiers' Monument Association by congress. The monument was primarily secured through the valiant and persevering efforts of the Women's National League of Peoria, which had, in the year 1866, merged its identity into that of the Soldiers' Monument Society, at the same time turning over to the latter a balance in its treasury of $82.19, as the nucleus of a fund toward the erection of a monument. The monument is very attractive and faces the soldiers' graves. Its position is a commanding one and the beautiful shaft can be seen from any part of the cemetery. The dedication took place on Decoration day. May 30, 1870, and the principal address was delivered by Rev. S. A. Kingsbury. That same day was the occasion for another outpouring of the people, who were edified and taken to the heights of enthusiasm, by the eloquence of Colonel Robert G. Ingersoll, who delivered an address at the Soldiers' Monument in court house square. soldiers' .\nd s.mlors' monument The women of the Monument Association conceived the idea and were instrumental in having it take concrete form, of erecting a monument commemora- tive of both the army and navy and the brave men of the county who served therein. As a result of this movement the chaste and beautiful monument with its 256 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY symbolic figures of bronze, which now stands on the southeast corner of the square, was chosen. The sculptor was Fritz Triebel, a Peorian, who had gained fame not only at home, but in Europe. Toward the cost of this work of art the county and city of Peoria had each pledged $10,000. The dedication took place October 6, 1S99, and stands out all the more prominently by reason of the fact that the President of the United States, William McKinley, was present, and was, as a matter of course, the most prominent object of interest to the thousands of people then gathered in the city. His arrival in Peoria is described here through the medium of e.xcerpts from the Herald-Transcript's issue of the fol- lowing morning : "The president of the United States was given a welcome such as no other city but loyal old Peoria could give. It was a display of pure, patriotic interest and an anxiety to do honor to the nation's chief executive. For many weeks Peorians and the people in surrounding cities and towns have been on the anxious seat over the coming of Mr. and Mrs. McKinley and their guests, and for two hours prior to the arrival of the train yesterday, Adams and Chestnut streets from the court house to the union station were thronged with humanity. Every upstairs window contained as many faces as could be crowded into it, while many sought the roofs of buildings and other vantage points. "The presidential train was the finest and the most sumptuously equipped that ever came into Peoria. It consisted of the private car Campania, occupied by the president and his wife; the combination car Atlantic; the sleeper Ixion; compartment cars Chili and Omenia, the last two being for the use of the cabinet. In addition to the regular train was the Hawkeye, the Iowa Central's private car, in which the Peoria delegation went to Bushnell to meet the presidential party. "The procession started from Chestnut street, proceeded up Adams to Main, up Main, passing in review before President ^McKinley, to Jeft'erson, thence to Hamilton ; up Hamilton to Madison ; down Madison to Fulton ; on Fulton to Jefiferson, then to Franklin, where the procession disbanded. '"The children's parade proved a most interesting feature of the display. It is estimated there were from 5,000 to 6,000 school children in line. The girls wore white dresses and the boys blue caps. The girls carried arches of flowers and bouquets, and the boys flags. They rallied at the top of Hamilton street hill and marched down Hamilton street to the court house, going around the square and past the reviewing stand.'' The president and other distinguished guests, ladies of the association, com- mittees, the mayor of Peoria, the chairman of the board of supervisors and others, were seated on a stand erected on the southwest side of the square, facing the monument. The exercises opened with prayer, by Rev. John Weston, D. D., pastor of Calvary Presbyterian church, a veteran of the Civil war, and the monument was unveiled by Mrs. Samuel A. Kinsey, chairman of the committee in charge of -its erection. It is said that as the canvas dropped from the beautiful pieces of sculpture, the man who executed the work, Fritz Triebel, was unable to overcome his emotions and burst into tears. Thereupon, in thorough sympathy and admiration, the President grasped him by the hand and congratulated him most heartily. An address was delivered by Mrs. Lucie B. Tyng, president of the Memorial Day Association, in which she related in detail the work of the various persons who had been instrumental in contributing this testimonial to the heroes of the Civil war. Colonel Martin Kingman, president of the day, delivered an address to the women of Memorial Day Association, to his comrades of the Grand Army of the Republic and to the people of the county. The monument was formally accepted by John C. Kingsbury, chairman of the board of supervisors and by Henry W. Lynch, mayor of the city of Peoria. William McKinley. president of the United States, who but two years there- after died at the hands of an assassin, after being introduced by Mayor Lynch, addressed the vast assemblage in the following words : G. A. R. JJKMulMAL HALL. I'EdinA HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 257 "Fellow Citizens: I am glad with my fellow citizens of Peoria county and members of the Crand Army of the Republic, and Ladies' Memorial Day Asso- ciation, to stand about the monument dedicated to patriotic service and heroic devotion in the holiest cause for which mankind ever engaged. "This monument awakens sacred memories, fellow citizens, and that is its purpose. It was erected by these patriotic women that it might for all time perpetuate a glorious page of American history. It tells the whole story of war, the siege, the march, bivouac, battle line, the suffering, sacrifice of the brave men who, from 1861 to 1865. upheld the flag. It tells of every page of history of that civil struggle, and tells of its triumphant consummation at Appo- mattox court house, when Grant accepted the surrender of Lee, and we w'ere kept a nation. "I like this monument. 1 like this symbol 1 face today, 'the defense of the flag.' That is what we do wherever and whenever that Hag is assailed, and with us war always stops when the assailants of our flag face Grant's term, 'uncondi- tional surrender.' 1 do not intend to make a speech here today. I could add nothing of i)atriotic sentiment to that already uttered. I desire to express in this presence my appreciation, not of the tribute paid to the president of the United States, but the tribute the people of Peoria county have paid to the great defenders of the American flag in time of our great peril. "You are proud of the monument. You should be proud of the demonstration which led to its unveiling. Six thousand school children of the city with flags in their hands and love of country in their hearts, and 1 could not but think, as I looked at the glorious procession, that my country is safe. "God bless the school children of America. God bless the patriotic women of the United States and the patriotic band that carried this monument to a suc- cessful consummation. "I congratulate you; you have everything in Peoria. I congratulate you that you found an artist of so high skill, born in Peoria, to execute this work. I thank yon over and over again for this splendid demonstration of patriotism and . Nichols, of Quincy, and Walter F. Colloday, Decatur, were majors; and Stuart Brown, Springfield, regimental adjutant. In addition to Captain Couch, Frank R. Pacey, first lieutenant, and Robert L. Alitchell, second lieutenant, were the commissioned officers of Company L. BLACK HAWK WAR AND PEORIANS At the outbreak of the Plack Hawk war a company was organized in the county of Peoria for a battalion that was placed in command of Major Isaiah Stillman, a Peorian. The comi)any was officered by Abner Fads, captain ; William A. Stewart, first lieutenant ; John W. Caldwell, second lieutenant. The non- commissioned officers and privates were ; Sergeants First, Aquilla Wren; second, Hiram M. Curry; third, Fdwin S. Jones; fourth, John Hinkle. Corporals First, William Wright; second, John Stringer; third, John Hawkins; fourth. Thomas Webb. Privates John E. Bristol, Harrison Brown, Jeremiah Cooper, John Clifton. Stephen Carle, Joseph H. Conner, Jefl:'erson Cox, John Co.\, Fbenezer Clark, Fliram Cleveland, Alexander Caldwell, James Doty, John B. Dodge, William Egman, William Fads, Elias Love, Alvah Mofl^att, Jacob Moats, Sylvanus Moore, Harris Miner, John C. Owen, Joseph Phillis, George Redick, David Ridgeway, Lucas •Root, David Roos, John Ross, Thomas B. Reed, Simon Reed, Francis Sharp, Rice Smith, Jefferson Taliafero, Thomas Tamplin, William D. Trial, Johnson T. Thurman, Henry Thomas, William L. Wood. A complete history of this company will not be attempted in these pages. The story of the Black Hawk war and "Stillman's defeat" has been oft-told and can be found in many histories especially written. The simjjle fact that Peorians took part in that last stand of the Sacs and Foxes is here noted, so that their names may be perpetuated in the local history of the county. No doubt some future local historian will do justice to the heroism of those pioneer Indian fighters, but it is impossible to go into any of the many interesting details at this time. CHAPTER XXII THE TOWNSHIPS OF PEORIA COUNTY WHEN SETTLED AND ORGANIZED — PIONEER FARMERS AND INTERESTING STORIES TOLD OF THEMi — FIRST SCHOOLS AND CHURCHES BUILDING OF TOWNS AND VILLAGES — ALL PROSPEROUS COMMUNI- TIES RICHWOODS TOWNSHIP BY MARGARETTA KELLAR The tract of land designated Richwoods township was known as Richwoods long before any township organization was effected. Its exceeding fertility of soil and abundant wealth of verdure, its gigantic forests of valuable woods — oak, walnut, elm, maple, hickory, birch, cottonwood and all the native fruits — and grass so tall that a man riding on horseback could not see over it, all con- spired to win for it the appellation. Beautiful for situation, rich in varied picturescjue scenery, it is one of the most beautiful townships in the county. Its primeval forests in most localities have been compelled to disappear before the woodman's ax ; yet in others, they have been permitted to remain in all their pristine glory. Stately forest moni- tors ! What tales could they tell, what mysteries reveal ! Richwoods is bounded on the south by Peoria township. On the east its sides are laved by the waters of the Illinois, which renders its acreage incomplete. On the north Medina is its boundary, and on the west, Millbrook. Richwoods certainly possesses more attractive features than any other town- ship in the county. There are few such parks as Glen Oak, with its beautiful sunken gardens, rustic bridges, lake, natural springs, palm house, abounding in beautiful exotics, fountains, beautiful circuitous drives over hill and dale, and most beautiful infloresence everywhere. Springdale cemetery, conceded to be one of the most beautiful in existence, also lies within its boundaries, and pos- sesses the greatest variety of localities adapted to the taste of those compelled to lay away their loved ones. ROADS AND DRIVES IN THE TOWNSHIP Some of the roads here it would seem have been in existence since time im- memorial. The old Galena, which follows the river, and has its terminal at Galena, and over which the oldest inhabitants transported lead ore (Galena) from the Galena mines to shiiiping ])oints along the river, is one of the oldest. The Knoxville, leading out through Knoxville and Galesburg to P.urlington on the Mississippi, is another highway, for whose construction no one now living is accountable. The old Alt. Hawley must have been designed by Mr. Hawley, who lived about nine miles out from Peoria and kept a country inn and post- office many years ago. The new Mt. Hawley, which intersects the old a short distance from Kellar station, originated in the brain of Rev. Isaac Kellar, who thought it too far to go around by the edge of the bluff to Peoria, when he could just as well cut off a mile or more. Mr. Kellar accordingly called a meet- ing and presented his plans before the assemblage, and it seeming feasible to 261 262 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY all, it was decided to have the road — a beautiful driveway extending from Avery- ville, past the country club to Prospect avenue, over hill and dale, disclosing views of the most varied and picturesque scenery. In driving out Prospect avenue, after leaving Peoria Heights, we are again regaled with the most enchanting scenerv. Some beautiful residences where some of our city friends are wont to spend the summer months, with their beautifully improved yards and gardens, border the roadway. But as we are wont to extend our vision, the forests primeval again present themselves, and these are interspersed with beautiful gardens, ef- fectively tilled, and orchards of luscious fruits. While these husbandmen have been providing for the culture of their gardens, they have not neglected the cul- ture of their children's minds. A neat structure revealing itself among the trees, fronting on the Galena road and known as the Gardeners schoolhouse, provides for that. An extended vision gives us the river and the beautiful farms on its east, with their fields of waving grain and restful meadows, mirrored in the sunlight. Originally, the land in the northern part of the township, as it ap- proached the Medina line, assumed a prairie-like contour — miniature prairies interspersed with thickets of wild plum, dogwood, crabapple, hazelnut, etc. On the west it is more undulating. The Big Hollow and the terraced hills of the Kickapoo are along its western boundary. There are many of the early settlers whose living has made history for the township, and of whom we cannot forbear to speak, but it is impossible to mention all ; space forbids. The first settler of whom we have any record was William German on section 39, in 1832. He must have had a short sitting. We have no recollection of ever hearing anything of him or his descendants. Thomas Essex came later in the same year and also settled on section 39. He cleared his farm, reared a family and was a unique figure in the early history of the township. Possessed of a true pioneer spirit, fearless, alert, always carrying his gun and accompanied by his dogs, he was ready for any emergency. We remember to have seen him once at a charivari, the most prominent feature there, with his gun and dogs, around and around the house they marched. Mr. Essex cleared his farm, reared his family, and then laid down his armor and quietly sank to rest. He was laid away under his own vine and fig tree. Jo'siah Fulton came in 1819, when Peoria was yet Fort Clark. He purchased quite a tract of land, in what is now a very prominent part of Peoria, which he disposed of for a mere song. He was never ambitious to amass wealth, and the country was more after his heart than the city. Accordingly he purchased one hundred and sixty acres in the township and moved his family to it, living there the remainder of his days. Some of his family still reside on the place. Mr. Fulton was a prominent feature in the early history of the township. Noted for his inherent good nature and ready wit, he was always an attraction wherever he went. He was seven years old when the first steamboat navigated the Hudson river and in his time the first railroad was built and the first steam engine run. We feel constrained to speak of one who must have settled here in the early '30s and whose pioneer habits always impressed us — John Clifton — a perfect nimrod of the forest, before whose gun the animals would quail. We remember to have seen him clad in a whole suit for which he had killed the deer, tanned the hide and fashioned it into a perfect fitting suit. At the close of the day he would sit out before his cabin door and the country round would be made to resound with the strains from his violin, and many of the young men and maidens were wont to "trip the light fantastic toe" to the melodies of John Clifton's music. Another historical figure was Thomas Giles, and although he passed from earth before the writer came upon the stage of existence, the little green mound with its paling fence, on one of the little hillocks near the Bourland house, where reposed all of him that was of the "earth, earthy" has never been forgotten. Mr. Giles was a British soldier, was sent to the Isle of St. Helena to guard HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 263 Napoleon iSonaparte, and while there his son Thomas was born. In memory of this isle he afterwards named his only daughter Helena. In 1827 Mr. Giles, with his wife, came to America, stopping for a time in Utica and afterwards in Richland, Oswego county. New York. In 1836 he came to Illinois. Mr. Giles was a member of the Baptist church, and although not an ordained minister, he often exhorted. His sons were all men of sterling (jualities and all more or less important factors in establishing a reputation for the township, nearly all, or most of them at least, having held important township offices. Another early settler was Mr. Slough, who came with his wife. Mrs. Slough drove out in her carriage from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, in 1834. Coming by way of St. Louis, she left her horse and carriage there, and being much ])leased with the lay of the land, returned, and in the year following she and her husband moved to Peoria, where they kept hotel on Washington street and afterwards removed to a tract of land which they purchased on the Kno.wille road. The first ordained minister who held service in the township was Rev. Isaac Kellar, who came from Washington county. Maryland, in 1835, overland, his family traveling in a carriage, while his household goods were transported by wagon. A log schoolhouse had been built on section 27, in which Mr. Kellar held the first service in the township. On the east side of the river Air. Kellar had been greeted by a deputation from the First Presbyterian church in Peoria "Why my dear sir we have been looking for you for the last four weeks." Mr. Kellar's first sermon in Peoria was preached in Garrett's ball room in the Garrett hotel. He preached for some time in a church built by Samuel Towsey, which building still stands on Jackson street below Jefiferson, but is not used as a church. After some time the congregation made arrangements to hold services in the court house, which was used until they made arrangements to build a church. Mr. Kellar had purchased a farm on section 16 and moved his family to it, but when they conceived the idea of building a church, he moved his family to Peoria and went east to collect funds toward the building, the congregation not being able to defray all expenses. Mr. Kellar lived in Peoria and super- intended the construction of the building, but after two years moved his family back to the farm. He was pastor of the First Presbyterian church for twelve years and then, in consec|uence of failing health, resigned. Some time afterwards he organized a church on Orange Prairie, preaching in schoolhouses and private homes. When he moved to the township there was no school. There had been a log schoolhouse erected on section 27 in 1834, but there was no school in it. Mr. Kellar opened a school there, with his daughter Katherine as assistant, and taught until J. G. Bryson, a young man from Pennsylvania, came to Peoria, when they got him to take it off their hands. Mr. Kellar performed the first wedding ceremony in the township, the contracting parties being Charles Bal- lance, one of three prominent young lawyers in Peoria at that time, and Miss Julia Schnebley. Her father, Henry Schnebley, had come to Illinois in the fall of the year in which Mr. Kellar appeared and being unable to procure a house and, being a brother-in-law of Mr. Kellar, he offered Mr. Schnebley and his family a home until they could build, and it was when making a call at Mr. Kellar's that Air. Ballance first met Miss Schnebley and lost his heart. The township was not organized until 1848. Air. Kellar had built a new house on the Alt. Hawley road, just at the junction of the old and new Mt. Hawley roads, but it was not ready for occupancy, and as it was a central loca- tion, it' was decided to hold the election there and the name of Richwoods town- ship was established. The election was held there the succeeding year and after- wards in the schoolhouse or wherever most acessil)le until after a town house was built on section 16 for the purpose. The building was, unfortunately, de- stroyed by a storm some years later. It had been found a very convenient build- ing for church service and Sabbath school. The house has never been rebuilt Init the township still owns the ground. The manufacturing villages of "Peoria Heights" and Averyville are both included within the limits of Richwoods. 264 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY ELMWOOD TOWNSHIP In relation to the other townships of the county, Ehnwood is situated in the western tier of townships, being bounded on the north by Brimfield, on the east by Rosetield, south by TrivoH, and west by Fulton county. The locality is well w^atered by numerous streams and the soil is rich and well adapted to agriculture, while an abundance of coal is found in the bluffs along the creek. Originally the township was about half covered with timber. The rest was prairie. John 1-'. Ewalt, a Pennsylvanian, who had lived for some time in Ohio and Indiana, came to Illinois and resided two years in Edgar county. He arrived in Elmwood, May I, 1831, and settled on the edge of the grove in the south- east c|uarter of section 29. Near him in Trivoli township Isaac Harkness had settled in 1830. Mr. Ewalt, with his four sons, spent his time the first summer breaking prairie, building a log house and fencing the land. In the meantime he and the boys made their habitation in a wagon and tent. In 1832 Isaac Doyle located in the southwest quarter of section 20, and in 1834 Henry Cone located on section 18. W. J. Phelps, a native of Connecticut, who had arrived in Peoria in the fall of 1834 with his wife, located on the southeast cjuarter of section 18, which for many years continued to be his home. Fountain Watkins came from Fulton county and settled on section 29 in the winter of 1835, and that same year Joseph Cone, Jr., located on section 7 and Andrew M. Wiley near by. The arrivals of 1836 were Roldon Pierce and Justus Gibbs ; those of 1837 were Ichabod Smith, Avery Dalton, George and Thomas Hut?, Mr. Hunkerford, Samuel McCann and Stanley Butler. It was in 1837 that Joseph Miles built the mill that long bore his name. Henry and Joseph Cone put up a sawmill on section 18 in 1843. In 1838, how- ever, foseph Miles was joined by his son, Freeman, and family, and a year later by his brother Eli. Among others of the early settlers about this period were John Jordan, James Jackson, Isaac West and Ichabod Rowley. Among the first happenings in the township may be mentioned that the first house was built on section 29 by John Ewalt, a pioneer, and there the first white child, Harriet Rebecca Ewalt, was born in 1833. The first blacksmith and wagon shops were built in 1840 by Jacob Wills and William George, respectively. The first marriage in the township was that of Abner H. Smith and Eliza Ann Doyle, James P. Harkness performing the ceremony March 10, 1835. Justus Gibbs is credited with having taught the first school in the winter of 1836-7, in a log building subsequently used for a wagon shop by Isaac Harkness. The first schoolhouse was east of the Henry Harkness residence and was presided over by Daniel Faush. It is a tradition that a station on the "underground rail- road" was maintained by Fountain Watkins on section 29; that he received his passengers from Deacon Beige and transported them to Rochester. Hon. W. E. Phelps has furnished the following article containing data per- tinent to the history of this township, and which also appeared in a sketch fur- nished Judge McCulloch for his history of Peoria county: "The country about here was first known as Harkness Grove, from Isaac Harkness, the first settler, and the large body of timber around which the first settlements were made. It was afterwards called Harkness Precinct. "Elmwood was first the name of the home of William J. Phelps, then the name of the postoffice. When, in 1850, the county adopted township organization, it became the name of the township. Justus Gibbs was the first supervisor, and the first meeting of the board was in April, 1850. As a natural consequence the railroad station and the village were also called Elmwood. For many years it was the only place of the name in the United States, and for that matter, in the world. Now, however, there are two or three Elmwoods in other states. "Isaac Doyle was elected first justice of the peace in 1833. William J. Phelps was elected justice of the peace in 1835, an office which he held for a number AVERV DALTUN. KI.MWddl). IX HIS lii:;,| VKAK Oldest Man in I'l'ini:! (minlv HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 265 of years and which gave him the title of 'S(|uire' Phelps, by which he was known during the remainder of his life. He officiated at a large numhcr of weddings. He married .-\. AI. Wiley and Miss Alary Ewalt in 1838. "The early justice's court was a very unique, and often amusing institution. Usually the litigants managed their own cases, often very ably. Judge Wells, of Connecticut, the grandfather of our townsman, W. T. Wells, was a guest at Mr. Phelps' log cabin during the trial of a cow case. The cabin was crowded and a number of witnesses were examined by the plaintiff and defendant, after which they argued the case. The Judge said he had been very much interested, and was surprised to see how clear an idea each one of them had of what he wished to prove, and just what bearing the evidence had on the case. He was more than ever surprised when Mr. Phelps told him that neither man could read nor write. He could scarcely believe it, and said that frontier life had developed and broadened these men to an extent that would have been impossible any- where else. "In 1836 William J. Phelps was elected county commissioner, and in 1840, after a hotly contested campaign, he was returned to the legislature over Judge Xorman II. Purple by a majority of eight votes, while the Harrison electors were defeated by thirty-two votes. Judge Purple contested the election, and after a long tight Mr. Phelps was sustained in a democratic legislature. John Dougherty, afterwards lieutenant governor, one of the democratic members of the election committee, said boldly: 'Politics is one thing, but right is another. I believe that Phelps has been elected and I shall support him.' "These early settlers were not without their amusements. There was a log- rolling now and then, and once or twice a year a general round-up hunt. Then, too. there was the neighborhood dance and the spelling school, and, greatest of all 'sugaring oft' time in the maple woods in the spring. The women did a good deal of visiting. They went early, spent the afternoon and stayed to sup])er. "Every now and then there was a quilting, on which occasions there was the usual amount of gossip. At one of these the ladies present got into a dis- cussion of the comparative merits of their husbands. One was good natured, but slack and a bad provider ; another always kept the house well supplied, but was a constant fretter. and so on around until Mrs. was reached. She raised her spectacles on her forehead, crossed her hands on the C|uilt and said: 'Well, women. I'll tell you what it is; if I never had married. I know I never would.' "In 1847 Mr. Phelps secured the establishment of the Elmwood postoffice. He was postmaster and mail contractor, the mail being brought twice a week from Farmington. although, if I remember right, the pay was only for one mail each week. At twelve years old I qualified as deputy postmaster and also as mail carrier. The office was kept first in the house of William J. Phelps, in a cherry desk which w'as made for the purpose by the neighborhood cabinet maker, Isaac West. It is still preserved in the family as a historic relic. Mr. Phelixs afterwards built an office twelve or fourteen feet square by the roadside near the house. When the postoffice was moved to town, this building was sold to Mr. Neagley for a shoe shop." Coal was discovered on the land of William J. i 'helps near the village of Elmwood in 1835. It was first obtained in small quantities by stripping off the ground and was used principally by the blacksmiths. When coal stoves were introduced for heating purposes the mining of coal became an industry but was confined to drifting into the hillside. It was not until 1866 that coal was mined for commercial use. In that year William E. Phelps formed a partnership with James Lee and put down the first shaft in the timber west of William J. Phelps' residence on the southeast ([uarter of section 18. The hoisting was done by horse power. About this time William J. Phelps became a member of the firm of Phelps & Lee, and in the fall of 1867 a shaft was sunk on the southwest 266 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY quarter of section i" near Elmwood, and a steam hoisting plant installed. A couple of years later another shaft was sunk near by, and the two being con- nected, the first one was conducted as an escapement shaft, which is supposed to have been the first in the state, affording absolute security to the men below. The Ehnwood Coal Company in 1869 built a narrow gauge railroad to the mines and arranged shipping and retail yards in the village. The same company sunk another shaft in 1873. At present the mines are running full capacity and employing a number of men. THE CITY OF ELMWOOD Elmwood was incorporated as a village February 27, 1867, and as a city, May 24, 1892. It now has a population, according to the census of 1910, of i>390, which is a decrease of 170 since the census of igoo. To the building of the Peoria & Oquawka railroad may be ascribed the in- centive for the founding of Elmwood. William J. Phelps, one of the early set- tlers of the township, was a director in this road and owned a large tract of land in its immediate vicinity, which he readily recognized would be greatly enhanced in value by having the railroad contiguous thereto. It is presumed that it was largely through his influence that the road was swerved from its original intent to go by way of Farmington and run through this tract, after which Mr. Phelps, in 1852, made a plat of the future city and at once began to sell lots. The first house to be built was by George Rodenbaugh on block V in the summer of 1852. About the same time Dr. Swisher built on lot 2 in tlie same block, and Levi Richardson put up a house in block R. In the summer of 1853 Porteus B. Roberts built a residence on block O. In the winter of 1852-3 A. S. Andrews was induced to move his store building from Xewburg to Elm- wood, and in the following spring the store commenced business. This was the pioneer mercantile establishment of Elmwood. It was located on the north- east corner of lot i, block W. In the summer of 1853 Walter T. Brewster and Addison L. Tracy erected a brick store building on lot i, block Q. This building a few years ago was remodeled and is now a structure of modern appearance. \\'illiam J. Phelps established the first bank in Elmwood about the year 1865. His cashier was Harlan P. Tracy. The headquarters of the financial institution were in the rear room of Tracy's dry-goods store. Soon, however, after the con- cern had gotten in good running order, a bank building was erected, which has been in use for that purpose to the present time, being now occupied by the banking firm of Clinch, Schenck & Lott. The name of this first financial con- cern was Phelps & Tracy. It was so known until 1875, when Air. Phelps retired and Fred B. Tracy became cashier and partner with his uncle, the firm name being changed to H. P. Tracy & Company. In 1883 the bank failed and the Farmers & Merchants Bank was organized by Edwin R. Brown, of Elmwood, and Delos S. Brown, of Peoria, brothers, which was sold in 1887 to Thomas Clinch and W. H. Lott, -who had in the meantime opened a private bank. Henry Schenck was taken in as partner and the style name of Clinch, Schenck & Lott adopted, under which the bank now maintains a prominent position. The Elmwood State Bank was organized in 1891, with a capital of $25,000, later increased to $50,000. In 1898 it went into the hands of J. D. Putnam as receiver. The Congregational church was organized June 5, 1854, with the following members: William J. Phelps, Mrs. Olive B. J. Phelps, Walter T. Brewster, Z. E. Spring, Mrs. Avella G. Spring, Warren H. Chapman, Mrs. Susan S. Chap- man, Mrs. Ann L. Tracy, Rev. F. Auten, then a recent graduate of Union Theological Seminary, of New York, became the pastor but died about a year thereafter. About 1855 a buiUling for religious services was erected. Previous thereto services were held in an unfinished room over the store of A. L. Tracy. After the death of Rev. Auten, Rev. R. Rudd supplied the pulpit for a few STREET SCENE IX KI.MWi h H ) ELM^^"OOD SCHOiiL HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 267 months. Rev. J. Steiner became the regular pastor in August, 1856, and re- mained until 1858. He was followed b}' Sherlock Bristol, who came in 1858. He remained two years and was followed by W. G. Pierce, who commenced his labors April 21, 1861. During the war of the rebellion Rev. Pierce acted as chaplain of the Seventy-seventh Regiment of Illinois \ olunteers for about one year. His ministry closed with this church in 187 1 and for some months there was no pastor, the pulpit being supplied by different clergymen. Rev. Albert Fitch was a supply. In 1872 Rev. Allen |. \'an Wagner, who had just graduated from the Chicago Theological Seminary, was called and entered upon his labors. In the fall of 1872 he was ordained and installed as pastor. His successors were Rev. L. R. Royce, W. R. Butcher, \V. S. Pressy and .Arthur Miles. In 1893 the church building was remodeled at a cost of $10,000. It has a seating capacity of about 400 and many of the modern conveniences. June 5, 1856, Revs. Daniel V. AlcFarland. William A. Meniing, John C llanna and Ruling Elder Andrew Rogers met at the Methodist Episcopal church for the purpose of organizing a Presbyterian church, which was accomplished. .An- drew D. Rogers was selected as ruling elder and M. Bush, John Bodine, George Griggs and Levi Richardson, trustees. Rev. D. F. McFarland was the first pastor. By reason of many removals and other causes the church membership had dwindled and interest had waned to such an extent that on December 20, 1859, an organization was cltected with twenty-three members as the I'irst Presbyterian church of Elmwood. The elders elected were \\'illiam Simpson, Cieorge L. Lucas and Joseph Warne. A house of worship was purchased from the Congregational society, which had been located at Newburg about two miles away and moved into the village. It first stood on the tract of land now known as West Park but in 1877 was moved to its present site. Rev. James E. Marquis was the first pastor of the reorganized church and remained until his death, which occurred F'ebruary 22, 1863. The pulpit was then supplied by George N. Johnson for about one year. In June, 1864, Rev. James H. Smith was called to this charge and ministered to the people until 1867. He was followed by Rev. John R. Reason, a supply, whose pastoral relations continued until 1880, after which, imtil 1885, the pidpit was supplied by Revs. A. C. Wilson and C. C. Kerlinger. In 1885 Rev. C. C. B. Duncan became the pastor and remained until 1890. He was succeeded by Rev. W. H. Mason. In June, 1895, Rev. B. Y. George was called. The old church which had been removed and remodeled at a cost of about $1,200. was discarded in 1891 for a more modern structure, erected at a cost of $7,000. The membership now numbers about 160. l-'.lmwood has always been forward in its educational institutions. The town- ship and village had their private and public schools as soon as enough children could be gathered together for the purpose. In 1885 a movement was made in Elmwood for means of higher education and to that end the Elmwood Academy was established. Professor Don Carlos Taft and Miss Anna Somers were the pioneer teachers in this institution and the academy gained a wide and most en- viable reputation. Classes were held in the Congregational church for ten years, when the district and graded schools came into existence and later the high school. ¥ov the latter a building had been erected which was destroyed by fire. It was replaced by the present handsome structure, which is substantially built of brick and stone. A board of seven members and a faculty of twelve teachers are in charge. Elmwood is essentially a residence town, although it has good markets for grain and stock and well appointed mercantile establishments. When the town was about three or four years old John Regan, of Knoxville, established the Elmwood Observer. The first number appeared January 6, 1858, and continued to be issued weekly until May, 1859, when it ceased publication. On May 19, i860, the Chronicle was founded by Woodcock & Son. of Peoria. It only existed about two years, owing to the enlistment of O. F. Woodcock in the Civil war, his son having preceded him in that patriotic duty and become a member of the 268 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY Seventy-seventh Regiment of Illinois \'olnnteers. In the interim between June, 1862, and 1866, Elmwood was without a newspaper. July 19, 1866. John Regan resuscitated the Observer and about the same time O. F. Woodcock brought the Chronicle again to life as a republican paper. On the 7th of November, J. A. Somersby took charge of the Chronicle and continued its publication until May 9, 1872, when R. P. Childs succeeded him in the editorial chair. On the 4th of July, 1872, Joseph P. Barrett, of Peoria, and E. R. lirown, of Elmwood, took charge of the paper and on the 15th of August following, sold it to Alpheus Davidson & Son, who published the sheet until after the campaign of that year, when the plant was removed to Canton. John Regan began the pul)lication of the Messenger, ]\larch 6, 1874. This paper met with considerable good fortune and was successfully conducted until the death of its editor, John Regan, in 1891, when it began to lose control of affairs and in 1895 suspended publication by passing into the hands of the Courier. J. A. Somersby published the Industrial Journal from May 30, 1874, to January 6, 1876, and W. P. Gifford and A. M. Swan published the Central Illinois News about six months during the year 1876. John C. Snyder published the Express, a semi-weekly paper, devoted to the greenback cause, for a few months and then suspended. The Gazette was born in Brimfield, November 4, 1875, ^'^d was published there until July 2, 1879, when it was removed to Elmwood. Here it was issued as an eight column folio but it was soon thereafter changed to a six column folio, semi-weekly. In 1881 the paper passed into the hands of W. E. Phelps, who continued its publication until 1883, when ]\I. H. Spence took charge of it and it is today the leading paper of the citv. The Courier was started in December, 1894, liy Albert McKeighan and in 1895 purchased the plant of The ^Messenger, which was discontinued. From 1895 to 1905 the Courier had several proprietors. In June of the lattt:r year the Beardsley Brothers, of Princeville, bought the Courier ofifice and resurrected the Messenger, at the same time suspending the publication of the Courier. .\KRON TOWNSHIP Akron had settlers within its borders as early as 1831. It was organized in 1850, and the first election was held at the house of Ebenezer Russell, April 2, 1850, at which time Simon P. Chase was moderator and Richard Kidd clerk. There were sixteen votes cast. Benjamin Slane was elected supervisor and all but three of the sixteen electors were selected at this election for some office. Akron is in the northern tier of townships and has for its neighbor on the west, I^rinceville, on the south. Radnor, on the east, Hallock, and on the north, Stark county. The land is quite fertile. Part of it is rolling and the rest level, flat, corn-producing soil, which was originally covered with prairie grass, excepting a narrow strip of timber along the western border. There are two small streams of water which drain this territory — one in the eastern and one in the western part of the township. To Hugh Montgomery is given the credit of being the first permanent settler, coming here in 1831 and locating on section 7. That same year James Morrow and Daniel Prince settled on section 31, and Thomas Morrow on section 18, where he built a log cabin. As is usually the case, settlements were first made near the timber, as prairie land in early days was not considered of very much value for cultivation. This took the first settlers to the western part of the township but gradually the pioneers ventured on to the prairie and opened up farms which vied in fertility with those near the woodland. The growth in settlement in this township was not very rapid but by i860 it had reached its ultimate point. This township has no town or village that can be called entirely its own. On the western border is the village of Princeville, a small portion of which PTISTORY OF lM>:ORIA COUNTY 269 lies within the confines of Akron and within this strip is the Seventh Day Bap- tist church and parsonage, a store, cheese factory and a number of residences. There is a small station named Akron on the line of the Chicago & Northwestern railroad, which was laid out a short time after the completion of the road. l)ut has not grown in dimensions worth mentioning. At a town meeting held in 1854 it was decided to build a town hall. The building, 26x18 and 11 feet high, was erected that same year and served the purposes of a schoolhouse and town hall until i860. In 1865 the voters of the town joined with those of district 5 in the erection of a two-story building, the lower part of which was used for school purposes and the hall above for public gatherings and business meetings. In June, 19CX), the authorities of Akron town- ship bought the interests of school district No. 5 in this building and moved it on to another part of the lot. One of the most notable instances in the history of this township was the contested election case of 1868. In this election $30,000 in bonds were voted, for the construction of a railroad. The vote stood 124 for the issuing of the bonds and 122 votes against. The matter was taken into court and after four years' litigation the supreme court determined that the election was illegal and that the supervisors could not be compelled to issue the $30,000 bonds voted for the purpose. In this trial much bitterness of spirit was engendered and a number of prominent lawyers were engaged. Among them were the late Robert E. Ingersoll. of Peoria, .^dlai E. Stevenson, of Bloomington, Judge John Burns and George C. Barnes, of Lacon, Judge Hezekiah AI. Wead and Henry B. Hop- kins, also of Peoria. The present officers of the township are: M. J. McUonna, supervisor; B. W. Heath, township clerk; George Ortley. assessor; George Del- heimer, collector; Charles .A. Timmons, justice of the peace. Shortly after the settlement of the township a schoolhouse was built on the northwest corner of section 19 and became famous in its day. It accommodated as many as si.xty scholars, children coming from all directions as far as Spoon river to the northwest, and the center of Jubilee township on the southwest. It was used on Sunday as a place of worslii]) and the remainder of the week as a school room. This was also the polling place for c|uite a while. It was destroyed by tire about 1849 ^nd the ne.xt schoolhouse to be built was near where the .-\tchison, Topeka & Santa h'e railroad crosses the public road, one mile east of the west line of the township. It was not long after this that the township was divided into three school districts. The schoolhouse just referred to was in district No. i. In some of these districts school was kept for a few months in the year but as soon as the township was fairly settled, it was redistricted into nine districts, remaining so to the present time. There are now nine substantial frame schoolhouses, each accommodating about thirty pupils. The largest en- rollment of pupils was in the period between 1870 and 1880, when there were 349 pupils out of 409 persons of school age, and from $10, the first wage ])aid. the stijjend for teachers has increased to an average of about $45 per month. The church building of the Seventh Day Baptists stands on the east line of section 24. This religious society was organized September 3, 1852, through the efforts of Anthony Hakes and a few others. In 1870 the present church building was erected, at a cost of about $6,000. The .-\mish church was organized about 1870 and for a number of years services were held at the homes of members. In 1880 a church building was erected, with modern conveniences, for meetings and also for various socials and the like. Christian Straitmatter served as pastor for the organization until 1895. Since then the pulpit has been filled by Ludwig Herbold and h'rank Wortz. The fact that there are but two churches in the township is no indication that its citizens are not disposed toward religious matters, Within easy driving dis- tance are two churches at Lawn Ridge, two at Edelstein, three at Dunlap, three at Princeville and one at Stark, which give the people ample facilities for gratify- ing any desire they may have for church going. 270 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY Up to i860 the settlers of this township received their mail at Princeville and Soutliampton but about the year i860 a postoffice, named Akron, was estab- lished four miles east of Princeville and T. P. Burdick was appointed post- master. His successor, William Sanders, was appointed three years later and he distributed the mails until 1866, when the office was discontinued, but it was reestablished in 1870 near the center of the township, Mrs. Deming serving as postmistress. She resigned about a year later and William Houston succeeded her and retained the position until the office was discontinued, owing to the es- tablishment of a rural delivery route from Princeville, which supplied the needs of the people in a much better and more expeditious manner than the stationary office, as the mail is brought daily to the door of each house in the township. This is essentially an agricultural community and practically all of the inhabi- tants are engaged in tilling the soil, which is rich and yields abundant harvests to an intelligent and prosperous people. The township has good roads, bridges, churches, schools and all that goes to make for a life of happiness and content- ment. Its railroad facilities are very good. In 1871 the Peoria & Rock Island entered the township, and since the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe has been built across the township from east to west near the center. In 1901 the Chicago & Northwestern ran a line across the township a half mile west of the eastern border. Akron is a station on this road near the southeast corner of the town- ship. HALLOCK TOWNSHIP Hallock township is bounded on the north by Marshall county, on the east by Chillicothe, south by Medina and west by Akron townships. It is quite bluffy in places and has considerable timber land, the bulk of which runs through its center from north to south, varying in width from nearly four miles on the north to a little over one mile on its southern boundary'. Most of the land, how- ever, is very fertile and comprises some of the finest farms in Peoria county. It is well watered, the streams being pretty equally scattered over the township. The township was organized in 1850 and namecl after its first settler, Lewis Hallock. The first town meeting was held at the house of Reuben Hamlin in Northampton on Tuesday, April 2, 1850. William Easton was chairman and Charles Barker clerk. The latter was finally elected moderator of the meeting and Robert Will, Jr., clerk. At this election the following officers were chosen : Walter S. Evans, supervisor ; Erastus C. Root, assessor ; Lyman Robinson, clerk ; Isaiah Nurse, Joel Hicks and Simon Reed, commissioners; Jesse Jenkins, over- seer of the poor; Munson Hinman, town clerk; \Villiam Easton and Nathaniel Chapin, justices; Augustus Barton and Eliphalet Russell, constables. Hallock township is one of the first to have been settled, Lewis Hallock having come here about the year 1820. He took up some land in what is now called Hallock Hollow, where he built a log cabin. He was a single man but in the winter of 1829 he married a Mrs. Wright, daughter of Hiram Cleveland, and brought her to his cabin. To them was born a child, Clarissa, who afterward married Henry Robertson. He was a man of upright character and honest in all his dealings and lived on his farm in the hollow until his death, which oc- curred April I, 1857, at the age of sixty-one years. When a young man he had immigrated to the great west from Long Island and lived among the Indians in Wisconsin and elsewhere, gaining his livelihood by hunting and trapping. From all accounts Hallock must have lived in his cabin alone for some time before other settlers came into the neighborhood, for it was known that there was no person here beside him until 1825. In that year Aaron and Simon Reed immigrated from Jackson county, Ohio, also Moses and Samuel Clifton, Joseph Meredith, Francis Thomas, Resolved and Hiram Cleveland, Cornelius Doty, William \\'right and Gershom Silliman and family. In 1830 came Joel Hicks and family and Jeriel Root and sons, Erastus C. and Lucas. Most of these located HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 271 near the north end of La Salle prairie. Joseph Meredith settled on section 12 in 1830 and kept a small tavern for the accommodation of stage drivers and travelers. It was on the main road between Galena and Springfield. Roswell Xurse and son Isaiah, and'Ehenezer Stowell arrived in the township from Chenango county. New York, walking to r.uti'alo and thence by water to Toledo. From Toledo they walked tlie entire distance to this township, carrying their rifles and other necessaries on their backs. At that time they found no settlement north of Northampton. In the fall of the same year, however, Erastus Root located on section 3, northwest of Northampton. The winter of 1831 will ever be remembered by the pioneers for its deep snow and drifts. In many places the snow was three feet deep on the level and the drifts were in some places fifteen to twenty feet deep. The cold was steady and intense. Game was almost exterminated. "The winter of 183 1 was an ex- ceptionally severe one all over the west. During the winter two men, strangers to the settlers, named Dr. Franklin and McMillan, with six yoke of oxen and two sleds, loaded with goods and bound for Prairie du Chien, stopped at Simon Reed's and after a stay of about a week, they built another sled and hired a man by the name of Cooper, who with them started sometime in the month of January and were soon caught in a terrible northeastern snowstorm which filled up their track and caused them to lose their way. Night overtook them when out on the prairie near Boyd's Grove and they turned the oxen loose and tried to reach Poyd's on foot. Two of them perished and the third — McMillan-^-got there the next morning, badly frozen. Eleven of the oxen were frozen to death. The other came to Meredith's." A number of the settlers of this township took up arms against the Indians in the Black Hawk war, enlisting in Abner Reed's company. Among them were Thomas Reed, Lucas Root, Edwin S. Jones, Elias Love, James Doty and Simon Reed. The latter was commissioned as teamster and served until the close of the war. Doty was killed in the battle of Sycamore Creek, May 14, 1832. The Pottawottomies had towns in this vicinity, one on the land of Emery Stillman in Medina township, one at Smith's Springs, between Rome and Chilli- cothe, and the other on Senachewine creek, not far from its banks. The first available mill for the settlers of this township was built on Sena- chewine creek by William Mofifatt, in Chillicothe township, in 1834. The first and only mill of any consequence built in the township was put up by Thomas Ford in 1836 on the northeast quarter of section 13. NORTHAMPTON The village of Northampton was laid off by Reuben Hamlin on section 13 in July, 1836, and the first house to be built in the place was used as a tavern. It was erected in the winter of 1835-6 by Reuben Hamlin, who presided over the welfare of travelers therein for many years. He was a native of Northampton, Massachusetts, and being the founder of the village, named it after his native place. Aaron Reed, one of the pioneers of the township, located near this village and Nathaniel Chapin, a native of Massachusetts, was early a prominent resident of Northampton. He held the office of justice of the peace for some time. The village now has a population of 58. just two less than it had in 1900. L.\WN RIDCE Lawn Ridge is upon the land dividing Peoria and Marshall counties, and one of its first settlers was Nathaniel Smith. It is a flourishing little village and trading point and has a population of 320 — an increase of 120 since the census of 1900. There are two churches, those of the Methodist and Congregational faith. On the Peoria side of the dividing line is an agricultural implement con- cern, a meat market, blacksmith and repair shop and hotel. Here was also estab- lished a postofifice. 272 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY EDELSTEIN Edelstein owes its birth to the building of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad through the township. It is a flourishing village located on section i8 and was founded in 1887 on land owned by Sanuiel Burns. A. J. Ramsey built the lirst store building south of the railroad but afterward removed it to the north side in 1887. That same year Robert A. Green erected a grain elevator and not only handled grain but coal, tile, seeds and live stock. Since then the elevator has changed hands several times. In 1894 the firm of Kendall & Cline built an elevator northwest of the depot near the site of the old one, which had been destroyed by fire. The structure was later removed to Akron, a station on the Chicago & Northwestern railroad. In 1889 J. A. Potter erected a store building, which was managed by his son Anthony Potter about one year, after which it passed through the hands of several owners. In the fall of 1888 C. Y. Brayton erected a building and opened a general store, which he continued to operate until his death. He was succeeded in business by his wife. That same year F. W. Rotterman established a hardware business and M. J. McDonna a blacksmith, wagon and general repair shop. A drug store was established in 1891 by W. R. Peck, who was appointed postmaster in 1893. Edelstein has other industries, and a very well kept hotel. WEST HALLOCK West Hallock is but a hamlet, half of which is in Akron township. It con- tains a cheese factory, which has been in operation for some years. There is also a general store, feed mill, blacksmith and machine shop and general wagon and repair shop. SCHOOLS The first school taught in Hallock township was erected on Lewis Hallock's farm and tauglit by I^ucia Root during the winter of 1829 and 1830. The first schoolhouse in the district was erected near Joel Hicks' place on section 32. It was built in the fall of 1836 and afterwards removed to the Hallock farm. A school was tauglit during the summers of 1839 and 1840 in a log cabin where the residence of Isaiah Nurse was afterwards located, in the northern part of the township. Fiducia Bliss was the first teacher. In 1841 a building for school purposes was built in district No. i. It was built of brick and was 18 feet square. Sarah Fosdick was one of the earlier teachers. An old log cabin in district No. 5 first answered the purposes of a schoolhouse. It stood near O. N. Miller's dwelling and continued to be used for school purposes until 185 1. Joseph Gallup was its first teacher. In both the districts just mentioned more modern buildings were erected in 1856. School district No. 6 was originally composed of parts of Peoria, Stark and Marshall counties but was set off into its present limits in i860. The present schoolhouse was erected at a cost of about $1,400. The structure now occupied in West Hallock district as a public school was first intended as an academy. It was erected in the fall of 1856 and after being used about five years for academical purposes, was turned over to the school trustees and has since been conducted as a public school. The schoolhouse in district No. 4 stands on section 32 and was erected in 1870. In 1894 the village of Edelstein was made an independent school district and that same year a building was erected at a cost of $1,000. At this time there were only twenty- three school children of school age. There are now about one hundred. CHURCHES The Seventh Day Baptist church is located in the village of West Hallock, It was organized in 1852 by Elder Anthony Hakes, of Berlin, New York, who HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 273 c came to the township in 1845 'ind was followed about three years later by his brother Daniel Hakes, and John Simpson. They with others held meetings from house to house but when the academy building was erected it was offered and accepted by the Baptists, wherein to hold their meetings. On the 3d day of September, 1852, at the home of Elder Anthony Hakes, the Seventh Day r.a])tist church was organized by Elder Stillman Coon, with fourteen charter members. Elder Coon served as the first pastor. The growth of the member- ship made it necessary to erect a house of worshij) and that year the present church building was built at a cost of ?5,50o. It comfortably .seats 250 people. Elder Hakes was ordained to the ministry in 1856, and had charge of this con- gregation for a number of years. The Union Baptist church, located at Union, on section 26, was at one time connected with the Chillicothe Baptist Society. It was organized June ly, 1858, with twelve members as follows : Thomas B. Reed, Sanford Reed, Amy Sullivan, Simon Reed, Walter S. Evans, Sarah Kirkpatrick, Mary Baggs, Francis Reed, Nancy Sprague. Levi Sprague, C. Reed, Amy Reed. In July, 1858, Anthony Hakes was chosen pastor and preached once in two weeks. Soon after the or- ganization the ]\Iethodists and Baptists of the neighborhood joined and erected what is known as the Union church. It was occupied by these societies in com- mon until 1873, when the Baptists bought the interests of the other society. In 1894 the Congregational church of Edelstein was organized with twenty- seven members, who came from several denominations. Soon thereafter, or on the 4th of August, 1894, the corner stone of the church building was laid and the church was dedicated December 30th following, by Rev. James Tompkins, of Chicago. Rev. Stephen Burdick, of West Hallock, and Rev. Charles Marsh, of Lawn Ridge. The building cost $2,800, which was practically all paid before the dedication. Rev. Charles Marsh was the first pastor and filled the position until July, 1900, when he resigned, since which time several ministers have sup- plied the pulpit. For the Methodist and Catholic churches, see articles under those titles. HOLLIS TOWNSHIP The above named township is situated in the extreme southeast part of the county. It has for its eastern and southern boundaries the Illinois river, on the west is Timber township, and on the north Limestone township. Hollis is much broken by the river bluffs, La Marsh creek and its tributaries. The land, which was formerly mostly covered with timber, has been cleared and converted into fine farms. The lower bottom land, however, is interspersed with small lakes. Part of this low land is protected from the river by artificial means. The river bluff's are filled with coal and at several points mining operations are carried on. The township was formerly known as Lafayette Precinct and was named for Denzil Hollis, an early settler, who came from England. His grave, by a vote of the township in 1897, was enclosed by an iron fence. The townshiji was organized April 2, 1850. and on that day the first election was held at the house of William Martin. John McGee was moderator and John F. Buck, clerk. .At this election the following were chosen : Supervisor, Stephen C. ^^'hceler ; town clerk, George Jenkins ; assessor, Albert G. Powell ; collector, David (ioodwin; overseer of the ]Joor, Denzil Hollis; commissioners of highways, John Houghtaling. James Clark, John Duffield ; justices of the peace, William Martin, Sr., Miles M. Crandall ; constables, S. D. Buck and David Goodwin. The first white person to settle in this township was Andrew Tharp, who came in 1826 and died in the winter of 1844-5 o^ "black tongue," a contagious disease which it is said killed nine persons in the neighborhood in that year. William Scott, with his family, arrived in this community in 1827, coming from Terre Haute in a one-horse wagon. He located a quarter of a mile east of the present site of Maplcton. Aholiab Buck, with his wife Annie, natives of New 274 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY York, settled on section 6 in 1831, and soon thereafter their neighbors were I'eter Muchler, Captain Francis Johnson and Moses Perdue. They were joined a Httle later by William Tapping, James Clark, William and Abraham J\Iaple, William and John Martin, Robert Buchanan and wife, Moses Dusenbury, a Air. I'^rauks, Hugo Jones and Sidney Ann his wife, John Jenkins, John Kahn, Jesse Jones, John Hornbaker, William S. Powell, Ansel Haines, Samuel Watrous, William Johnston, Thomas J. Mctkew, Samuel Hootman and Isaac Maple. The first steam grist and sawmill erected in the township was by Captain Francis Johnson in 1834. The building was put up on La Marsh creek and was a two-story frame, the first of its kind in the community. Near by was a brick yard, also conducted by Mr. Johnson. He was one of the victims of the "black tongue" already described in this article. The mill became the property of Thomas J. McGrew in 1847. who ran it until 1856, when it was destroyed by a terrific wind storm. In 1836 Moses Dusenbury brought the first hand grist mill to the township, the burrs of which were sixteen inches in diameter. In 1838 Mr. Dusenbury was killed by falling with his blind horse over the high bank on the west branch of La Marsh creek. Thomas Stevens erected a two-story building for a sawmill in 1839 on the west fork of La Marsh creek but in June, 1872, the mill, with the dam, was washed away by the highest water ever known here. Many things happened in those early days that would be looked upon now as a matter of course and not of any especial interest. For instance, Moses Perdue set out the first vineyard in 1832, Mr. Franks in 1837 had a brick yard in the township, and John Rahn in 1839 was running a tan yard, which continued in operation until 1871. In 1838 John Martin brought from near St. Paul, Minne- sota, the first pine tree, which was set out by William Tapping, and it is still standing. In 1838 the Maple brothers set out chestnut trees. By 1855 apples had become plentiful and the Maple brothers were running a cider mill by hand power. In 1853 William T. Stackpole set out fifteen thousand apple trees on section 15, and in 1854 he built a two-story brick house and brick barn, which are still standing. Orchard Mines in the neighborhood gets its name from having had an orchard of forty acres on the land. Few of the trees, however, are left standing. In 1848 Moses Perdue brought the first cook stove into the northeast part of the township. In 1839 John .McFarland built the first blacksmith shop near the northeast corner of section 5. It was constructed of logs. William Van Norman was the first blacksmith. In 1840 James Clark erected a black- smith shop which is still standing. In 1858 the Maple brothers erected a three- story steam saw and grist mill at a cost of $5,800. In 1832 the first coal bank was opened at Little La Marsh creek. The coal was hauled by oxen to Egman Lake, where it was loaded on boats for St. Louis. MOLLIS VILL.\GE is situated in section 11 and is near the point where the old Illinois River railroad, afterward the Peoria, Pekin & Jacksonville, formed a junction with the Peoria & Hannibal railroad, the former crossing the river on a bridge which a few years ago burned and has never been rebuilt. The Toledo, Peoria & Western now occupies and uses the track of the former roads from Peoria to this point. The Peoria & Pekin Terminal railroad also runs through the northern portion of this township, crossing the river to Pekin on its own bridge, lately constructed. Hollis was laid out September 8, 1868, by E. J. and M. A. Jones. Its inhabitants are principally miners. M.^PLETON is located on the east half of the northwest quarter of section 20 and was laid out in 1868 by John T. Lindsay, of Peoria, and Samuel Gilfoy and William HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 275 T. IMaple, of Hollis township. It is a coal town and on a spur of the Toledo, Peoria & Western railway which branches off to Kingston. The mines at Maple- ton are practically worked out but in the immediate vicinity are mines operated by James \\'alker, of Mapleton, and W. F.. Foley. There is a schoolhouse, witli a seating capacity of 80, which was built in the year 1873. REED CITY This is a city more in name than in fact, nor is it a village nor town. It is not really even a hamlet. A bright future was anticipated for it, however, when it was laid out by the Buckeye Coal & Coke Company, composed of speculators from Ohio, who had bought up the coal rights in this vicinity. While the pro- posed village did not materialize the mines are still operated by the Newsam brothers, w'ho also have a general mercantile establishment. Eventually the min- ing company changed its name to that of the Reed City Coal iS: Mining Company, and gave to the village the name of its principal stockholder, Mr. Reed. This gentleman in 1889 erected a school building and haJl combined, at a cost of about $40,000 and endowed it with sufficient funds for its maintenance. It is called the Reed Institute and is for the free use of the residents of the village. Mr. Reed became the sole owner of the mining property consisting of over one thousand acres, and at his death left it to his widow. SCHOOLS L'nder an act of the legislature of 1836 and 1837 the electors of this township held an election at Johnson's mill, April 14, 1838, for the purpose of determining whether or not the township should organize under the school laws just re- ferred to. Twelve votes were cast for and only one against the proposition. On the same day five trustees were elected as follows : Aholiab Buck, John Duf- held, Nathaniel Clifton, Andrew Tharp and Richard Hayes. On the 12th of May the trustees met and appointed Nelson Buck the first township school treas- urer and laid off the township into three school districts. This was the beginning of the public school system in Hollis township. This was not by any means, however, the beginning of the schools in this community. There were private schools as early as 1836, when Israel I. Hurd taught a number of children in a log house on the bluff. The following year he taught a school in a log house belonging to Aloses Perdue which was erected on section 11. This building had two rooms, each with a fire place built of brick from the yards of Mr. Frank. Mr. Perdue gave the use of the larger room for the school children. About 1838 Miss Mary McFarland taught school in a log house which stood on section 4. There are now four district schools in the township beside the Reed Institute. Also a union school with Timber and a union school with Limestone, Logan and Timber. All these have good buildings and are maintained up to the standard of district schools tliroughout the county. LA MARSH BAPTIST CHURCH The Baptist church at Maple Ridge is one of the oldest in the community. It was organized November 27, 1838, with fourteen members, all from Guernsey county, Ohio. Among them were Isaac and Sarah Alaple, Robert and Rebecca Buchanan, Abram Maple, William and Mary Maple, Hugh and Sidney Ann Jones, Mrs. Plarker and Eliza Jones. Rev. A. M. Gardner, pastor of the con- gregation at Peoria, presided over the La Marsh congregation and continued in that capacity until 1848. In January, 1849, Elder William E. Ely became pastor, giving the congregation half of his time. In 1849 ^'i^ Baptist association met here, holding its sessions in a barn for want of a house of worship. Among the ministers were Rev. Henry G. Weston, of Peoria, and Rev. L. G. Minor, who 276 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY remained after the session and held a revival which continued through the fol- lowing vear and during which time there were fifty-two baptisms, which brought the meml)ership of the church up to 102 members. In 185 1 Elder Ely closed his pastorate and was succeeded by Elder Joel Sweet, who preached at Trivoli half of his time. He was succeeded in 1855 by Elder John Edminster, who continued for some years. Soon after the revival meetings herein mentioned, a house of worship 30x35 feet was erected, at a cost of $1,000. The first deacons were William Maple and John McGee. LIMESTONE TOWNSHIP In his carefully compiled and excellently written history of Peoria county, the late Judge 'McCulloch, in writing of Limestone township, had the following in part to say : "The settlement of Limestone township was almost contempo- raneous with that of Peoria. But reaching back many years prior to the advent of the American settlers, it has a history of its own. As early as the year 1723, while yet a part of the. French dominion, one Philip Francis Renault ob- tained a grant of a tract of land one league in front on the lake or river, and extending back five leagues on a stream claimed to have been the Kickapoo. If this claim has any solid foundation to rest upon, it may be inferred that Renault, whose principal business was the development of the mining interests of the country, and who had smelting furnaces not many miles from St. Louis, had made an exploration of the Kickapoo valley, and finding the hills filled with coal, had procured this grant to himself. It has been claimed for him that he had also discovered lead in this vicinity, but this claim has not been verified by more recent researches. "At a later period, about the year 1765, we find Jean Baptiste Maillet ob- taining a grant from the authorities of Great Britain of 1,400 acres at the mouth of the Kickapoo, one mile in front on the river and extending back two miles in the country. This grant took in part of Limestone township. It was sold in 1801 to Isaac Darneille, the first lawyer wdio ever lived at Peoria, and by him to Colonel William Russell, of the United States army, who made an efl:'ort to have the claim confirmed by the government, but failed. "At a still later period, about one hundred years ago. it is known that several of the inhabitants of La Ville de Maillet had lands in cultivation on the Kickapoo bottom in this township, or very near it in Peoria township. Thomas Forsyth, who was an American, had a field of twenty arpens ; Simon Roi, Antoine Roi and Francis Racine jointly had a field of thirty arpens, adjoining one of Antoine Cicare; Hypolite Maillet had one of fifteen arpens adjoining one of Francis Montplaiser — all situated on or very ijear the Kickapoo, which was then called the Gatinan (or possibly the Coteneau). These farms were all vacated during the war of 1812, when the village was destroyed. "It is said that Abner Eads, one of the first settlers at Peoria, for a time resided in Limestone ; but it seems that Joseph .Moffatt and his three sons, Alva, Aquilla and Benjamin, were the first settlers. They came in 1822. Alva and Acjuilla settled on section 13 and continued to reside thereon, or in the im- mediate vicinity, during their lives. The Harker family came in 1829 and settled near the southwest corner of the township, giving the name of Harker's Corners to the vicinity where four townships met. Henry W. Jones came at an early day and settled in the north part of the township. From him, or members of his family, we have the name of Jones' Prairie and Jones' Spring, situated on and along the Farmington road. James Crowe also came about the same time ds lones, but on account of Indian troubles in 1832, he went back to his home in Ohio, but returned in 1834 and settled in the north part of the township. James Heaton came in 1834 and Pleasant Hughes in 1837. "This township can boast of having had the first, if not the first two, flouring mills in the county. George Sharp, one of the county commissioners and a HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 277 prominent business man of Peoria, died about the close of the year 1830. He was at the time of his death a partner in l)usiness with John llanihn. lie had an interest in two mill sites (then regarded as personal property), one across the river in Tazewell county and one on the Kickapoo. That in Tazewell county was sold to his widow for $50, from which circumstances it would appear that no mill had yet been erected. He also had a bolting cloth appraised at $35, which was sold to his son John for $20. No sale is reported of the mill site on the Kickapoo, which evidently went to his partner Air. Hamlin. It is not certain that the mill had then been erected on the Kickapoo, but if not then erected, it is very certain that preparations had been made looking to that event. In a biographical sketch of Air. Hamlin, published some years ago, it is said that he, in connection witli two young men named Sharp, had erected the mill known as Hamlin & Sharp's mill, and this would seem probable from the fact that George Sharp had two sons, John and Francis, the former having purchased the bolting cloth at the administrator's sale. Be this as it may, it is evident that the mill was erected and had been put in operation as early as the year 183 1, and continued in the hands of the same proprietors, Hamlin & Sharp, until the year 1833 or 1834. The exact location of this mill had apparently been forgotten for many years, for Air. Ballance, who in 1832 had been one of the viewers to lay out a road past the same, says in his 'History' that 'a stranger might almost as well seek for the site of Nineveh or Babylon, as the site of these mills.' The roatl mentioned was one laid out by the county commissioners from the Knox county line to Peoria and, having followed the route by courses and distances to the Kickapoo at the mill, it there struck a straight course north 79 degrees, east 865 poles (2.7 miles) to the north corner of block 13 (corner of Madison and Main streets), Peoria. The point where it crossed the Kickapoo was a little north of the center of section 12, about one-half mile north of the present Lincoln avenue (formerly Plank road) bridge. This is further shown by the following facts: ".About the year 1833. Joshua Aiken and Robert E. Little, both men of wealth, came to Peoria and engaged in the mercantile business in partnership. Together or singly, they obtained title to about 1,000 acres of land in Horseshoe Hottom and its immediate vicinity. They also purchased the Hamlin & Sharp mill and at once proceeded to enlarge and put it in perfect order, so that it be- came a mill of high standard, capable of producing fifty barrels of flour per day. It had a very large custom, its patrons coming from the whole country within a radius of sixty miles. Aluch of the flour here manufactured was shi])ped to St. Louis by flat boat, .\iken & Little hail become possessed of the mill as early as the spring of 1834, possibly a year before that time. In June of that year Rev. Flavel Bascom, a Presbyterian missionary stationed in Tazewell county, took his grist there and found Joshua Aiken, from whom he obtained information which afterwards led to the organization of a church at Peoria. They paid cash for wheat and it is said that more money was paid for wheat at that point than in the whole town of Peoria. The money issued was that of the Quinne- baug Bank, an eastern institution, which the Peoria merchants denounced as un- worthy of credit because its issue would not go at tlie land office, but the secre- tary of the treasury being ajjpealed to, issued an order that its money should be received in payment for land and its credit was at once restored. They bor- rowed the money and secured its repayment by mortgage upon a large amount of real estate, four thousand dollars of it remaining unpaid at the time of Little's death in 1842. Mr. Aiken, seeing the importance of capital in a new country, went east and formed a copartnership with George P. Shipman, and, together with Hervey Sanford, Charles Alonson and Eli Goodwin, purchased the north- west c|uarter of section 9, 8 north, range 8 east, and proceeded to plat it as Alonson & Sanford's addition to Peoria. Although this plat was not recorded until August 15, 1836, yet it had been made and lots had been deeded by it as early as June 4th of the same year. First street on this plat was afterwards 278 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY adopted as part of a public road from Peoria to Aiken & Little's mill. About the same lime Robert E. Little, together with Oriii Hamlin and Augustus Lang- worthy, laid out the town of Detroit above the Narrows. But that which most concerns the present narrative is that on April 9, 1836, Joshua Aiken, George P. Shipman and Robert E. Little laid out a town on the southeast quarter of section 12, and the northeast quarter of section 13, town 8 north, range 7 east, which they named Peoria ilills. It covered nearly, if not quite all, of the south- east quarter of section 12, one tier of blocks extending southward on section 13 and overlooking Horseshoe Bottom. The main street ran nearly east and west and was located a few rods north of the present Lincoln avenue road. Fifth street crossed Main street at right angles. "In September, 1836, a road was ordered to be • laid out from Peoria to Aiken & Little's mill. It was surveyed by George C. McFadden, who laid down the lines so accurately they can be easily followed. Commencing at the bridge at Aiken & Little's mill, the line ran by different courses until it reached the center of Fifth street, thence to the center of Main street, following it to its eastern end; it was there deflected southeast twenty rods to the section line between sections 7 and 18 in township 8 north, range 8 east, which is now known as Lincoln avenue. Thence it ran east to the corner of sections 7 and 9, now the intersection of Lincoln and Western avenues, thence northeast to the west end of First street in Monson & Sanford's addition, following which it reached the lower end of Adams street, which was then at Franklin street. By following these lines we reach, unquestionably, the location of the mill near the center of section 12, which was at or near the northwest corner of the town of Peoria Mills, not far from Rocky Glen. "Joshua Aiken died in the year 1840. Robert E. Little died in Peoria in 1842. What became of the mill in the meantime does not appear. Mr. Ballance says Mr. Aiken added a sawmill to it and ran both for some time but finally per- mitted the stream to undermine them and carry them away. In the files of the estate of Air. Little in the probate court, there appears a lease for eighteen months, from him to Joshua and Henry S. Aiken, for the mill then in their pos- session, but from other data, it would seem this may have been only a sawmill. One of the provisions of the lease was that they should keep the dam and flume in good condition but if carried away by the freshet, it should be optional with them to do so or not. It is probable the premises were soon afterwards aban- doned, as Hale's mill had been established above and Hamlin & Moft'att's below it, and these two with others at Peoria, may have cut oil its trade so as to render it unprofitable. "At the March term, 1833, of the county commissioners' court, Orin Hamlin and Alva and Aquilla Moffatt obtained leave to erect a mill dam on the south- west quarter of section 13, past which a road was being laid out, which, on the old maps, bears the name of the 'Middle Road.' This was probably at first a sawmill, at which the lumber that went into the court house was sawed, as Hamlin & Moffatt had a contract to supply it. A flouring mill was, however, erected at that place, which afterwards became known and still lingers in the recollection of many citizens as Monroe's mill. "In the Peoria Register and Northwestern Gazetteer, of April 8, 1837, it is said: 'Some years since a flouring mill (probably Hamlin & Sharp's. — Ed.) was erected on that stream (the Kickapoo), which is in successful operation still, within two and a half miles of Peoria village. Two sawmills in the vicinity of the flouring mill are in profitable business. There are two sawmills above and one grist mill below.' Here are two grist mills spoken of, neither one of which could have been Hale's, for that mill was then in process of erection and had not commenced grinding. These mills, and at least two of the sawmills spoken of. must have been located within the present bounds of Limestone township. From these facts we can judge of the importance of the Kickapoo creek as a mill stream at that time. HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 279 "June lo, 1837, Henry Jones laid out a town plat on the southwest quarter of section 3, and the southeast tjuarter of section 4, which he called Sumnier- ville. It was located on what is now the Farmington road, just north of the county farm. It has never become a place of importance, there being but a few scattered houses at the place, but a postofficc by that name is still maintained. "This township has also the credit of having had the first public bridge in the county — that erected by John Cameron on the Lewiston road. The bridge at Aiken & Little's mill was also erected at an early day, but it may have been erected by the proprietors and not by the public. The township was also well supplied with both county and state roads — the state road running up the Kick- apoo; that by way of Farmington to Knoxville; that to Quincy by way of Can- ton, and that by Pekin — all passing through its territory. "It also had one of the first railroads — the Peoria and Oqtiawka having been finished as far as Edwards in 1855. It now has five railroads in operation: The Chicago, Burlington &• Ouincy ; The Toledo, Peoria & Western ; The Iowa Cen- tral ; The Peoria & Pekin Terminal ; and the Chicago & Northwestern. These several roads converging near the eastern line of the township, make that a point of great importance as a future suburb to the city. "This township also contains the county poor farm. It also has an important state institution, the Asylum for the Incurable Insane, which after sundry reverses and delays, was com]jleted and received its first installment of patients February 10, 1902. "The township contains no regularly organized village, but through sundry subdivisions of lands, especially along the Kickapoo creek, divers centers of popu- lation have become know-n as villages, such as Bartonville, South Bartonville and Minersville, which may soon become suburbs of Peoria. The township also contains several manufacturing plants, the most important of which are the Acme Hay Harvesting Company and the Cellulose factory of the Marsden Com- pany, at South Bartonville. "Coal mining is one of the most important interests, the whole township being apparently underlaid with that mineral. The first coal mining was done at an early day, the first bank having been opened on the southeast corner of section 24. The Mofifatts also mined coal at the same place and shipped it by keel boats to St. Louis. As at other places, the first mining was done either by 'stripping' or drifting into the hillsides where the outcrop appeared. But for some years dee]) mining has been carried on, not only along the river and creek bottoms but on the u|)lands. These mines give employment to a large number of laborers. "The population of this township is of a mixed character — there being many Germans, some Welsh among the miners, some Scotch, some Irish, an English connuunity on the north side and some Americans. Among the early German settlers were Conrad Bontz, who came in 1844, Christian Straesser and the Hallers and Beatty Johnson in 1848, George Ojeman in 1849, and the Roelfs in 1 85 1. These men were and their descendants are, among the very best and most prosperous citizens. "There being an extensive ledge of limestone rock in the north part of the township, the burning of lime for the Peoria market has from an early day been an im])ortant industry. There are also extensive (|uarries of sandstone along the Kickapoo creek, which yield a fairly good c]uality of stone for build- ing purposes." SCHOOLS The first school in the township was probably that which was taught in 1836 by Simeon Ward in a log cabin situated near South Bartonville. There were private schools taught by men and women whose names have unfortimately drifted away. This township, however, has kept pace with others in the county in its educational purposes and results and since the adoption of the free school 280 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY system it has maintained a creditable stand in the matter of public education. There are now nine districts, in each of which is a good schoolhouse well main- tained and where from eight to nine months' schooling is given the children during the year. There is a union district near Harker's Corners. CHURCHES The first church, an Episcopal, was organized early in the '30s. In 1836 Bishop Chase came to the county and formed the people of this faith into a com- pact body, after which regular services were held almost every Sabbath and a house of worship was erected which still stands, though not, however, in its original form. At first it was a buff stone Juiilding but it has been enlarged and beautified by the addition of a tower and the placing of stained glass in the windows. This church was dedicated in the fall of 1845 ^"f^ stands on two acres of ground donated by John Pennington in 1844. The original cost of the building was $1,500. Of this sum $1,100 was contributed by friends in England, twenty pounds of which was the gift of Dowager Queen Adelaide, twenty pounds the gift of Lord Kenyon, a friend of Bishop Chase, after whom he named Kenyon College, established by him in Ohio. Some years ago Rev. John Benson, James Clark and Isabelle Douglas conveyed to this church twenty acres of ground just across the public highway from the church for the use and benefit of the rector. Attached to the church is a small cemetery in which the remains of Henry Wilson, who died September 17, 1838, were the first to be interred. The Presbyterian church was organized May 6, 1859, by a committee of Preslaytery consisting of Rev. Robert P. Farris, D. D., pastor of the Second Presbyterian church at Peoria, Rev. M. L. Wood, minister in charge, and Ruling Elder James H. Patterson, of the Salem church. There were fifteen members admitted and John Cameron and William Jones were ordained and installed as ruling elders. The church has never supported a pastor as its membership had in its palmiest days reached but thirty members. The church building is a neat frame structure, whicli stands on section 8. Rev. AI. L. Wood was the first pastor. The German Evangelical Lutheran church was organized in 1855 with eigh- teen members and from the start the church grew and flourished. In 1856 a house of worship was erected at a cost of $1,000 but in twenty years it became too small for the growing congregation and in 1876 the old building was superseded by a new one which cost .$4,000. This building is located on section 22, where it has three and a half acres of ground, in which was also located a cemetery. The first pastor was Rev. F. Wanke. MEDINA TOWNSHIP This township in point of settlement is one of the earliest in Peoria county. Geographically it is divided into two sections, one lying on the high prairie and the other on the river bottom, the dividing line being a strip of bluff about two miles wide. The land on the river bottom was first considered very desirable, not only from its being close to the river, but also owing to the fact that the soil was very fertile, being part prairie and part timber land. La Salle prairie con- stitutes part of this tract and was in early days a distinctive settlement. Through It ran two state roads, one leading through Northampton to Galena, the other through Chillicothe, Henry and other points to Boyd's Grove, thence on to Ottawa and Chicago. On the high prairie side were two state roads, one from Peoria running north by Mount Hawley, the other branching from that one from Mount Hawley and running diagonally through to Princeville and thence northwesterly to Rock Island. Medina township is in the second tier from the north and has the river and the southern point of Chillicothe township for its eastern border. On the north HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY ' 281 is Hallock townshij., the west, Radnor and on the south, I\ich\voods township. George Love settled near the present vihage of Mossville, with his family, Novem- ber 10, 1824, coming from Parke county, Indiana. He was the pioneer of the township. At the time of his arrival and for several years later there were many Indians in the community. Their village was on section 4. It is said that this pioneer's nearest neighbors were at Fort Clark, nine miles distant, and at Fox river, now the city of Ottawa. It was but a few months after Love's settlement, one John Ridgeway cast his fortunes in this new country and the Ridgeway family became a landmark and has freciuently been mentioned in connection with early highways, elections and school districts. The next to appear here were Samuel Clifton, Edmund Weed Briarly, Henry, Thomas and Abner Cooper. In the next few years the settlement was considerably augmented by other arrivals, many of whom became dissatified and soon left for other scenes of activity. In the year 1825 a settlement sprang up in the northern part of Medina, the principal families of which were the Averys, Resolved Cleveland, Stephen Carl and Stephen French. For temporary habitations they occupied the abandoned bark cabins of the Indians. In the spring of 183 1 Linus Scoville and family immigrated from \'ermilion county, Indiana, and came to this township, locating on a claim on section 22, which Mr. Scoville had previously secured from George Love. Gershom Silliman, a Baptist minister, was a settler in the community as early as 1831, and Nicholas Sturn and John E. Bristol, in 1832. Those who came in 1835 were Thomas Mooney and Sons, James and William. Jerome and Imri W. Case settled here in 1836, William Robinson in 1837, Jonathan W. Rice and John P. Neal in 1838. Many of these early settlers became quite prominent in the affairs of the county. Principally among them may be mentioned Moses Clifton, George Love, Stephen French, Henry Thomas, Resolved Cleveland, Thomas Mooney, John E. Bristol, Hiram Curry and Simon Reed. In 1850 the territory embraced in the township was separated from Rome and La Salle ])recincts and organized and named Medina township. The first election was held April 2, 1850, at which time the following officers were elected: Supervisor, John Jacob; assessor, Linus Scoville; town clerk, Thomas Mooney, Jr. : collector, C. B. Pierce ; overseer of the poor, Isaac Wideman ; commissioner of highways, Harvey Stillman, Samuel C. Neal and Alanson Vantassel ; justices of the peace, Thomas P. Reed and Phineas Crouch ; constables, William Porter and G. W. Hargadine. The first marriage to take place in Medina township was that of .'Mjner Cooi)er and Sallie Sheldon. The ceremony was performed by Rivers Cormack, a Baptist preacher, in February, 1826. The first school was taught by Jesse McGee, who, having secured the neces- sary number of pupils, turned them over to Moses Clifton, in January, 1827. Clifton's successor, Zelotes Marks, took charge of the pupils three months there- after. The school building was erected especially for the purpose and was situated near the jiresent site of Mossville. This schoolhouse was a log cabin 16x18 feet, with puncheon floor, glazed paper windovv's and clapboard door, and the interstices between the logs were closed with mud. This was in the nature of a private school, the tuition being two dollars ])er scholar for a period of three months. Another school was taught by Hiram Curry in 1836, which was afterwards removed to section 27, remaining there until a public school was estab- lished in Mossville, where in 1868 a schoolhouse was erected at a cost of $4,000. The first public school taught in the northwest portion of the township was on section 7 and was presided ov'er by Joseph .M. Batchelder, about 1840. Previous to this, however, a private school had been taught by John I'enjaniin in a log cabin used as a dwelling. It was not until 1852 that a public schoolhouse was erected. This was located on section 3 and remained until 1866, when the location of the school was changed to section 2. In 1853 a schoolhouse was built on the farm of John E. Bristol, which was removed in the fall of 1856 to its present site, where in 1872 a splendid school building, costing $2,500, was erected. 282 ' HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY At the time of the adoption of the free school system there were several schoolhouses in the township. These, of course, have been substituted by others and at the present time there are six school districts in the township, all of which have moderately good school buildings. Two lines of railroads enter Medina township. The Rock Island & Peoria cuts across the extreme southwest corner, where is located the village of Alta, on section 31. Alta was laid out in March, 1853, by Imri Case, Loren Wilder and Thomas Hanson, three prominent citizens of the township. The village is quite a trading point for the surrounding country, has good stores, shops, a factory, church and school, in all of which its citizens take a great pride. The other road, the Peoria & Bureau Valley, which is known as the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific, extends through that part of the eastern portion of the town- ship bordering on the Illinois river. This road was opened in 1854 and about the same time the village of Mossville was laid out and established as a station, on section 21, and got its name from one of the proprietors of the land, William S. Aloss, who at the time was a resident of Peoria, operating a distillery there. He was one of the builders of the Peoria & Oquawka railroad. In 1859 Mr. Moss removed to California, where he died in 1882. The Baptist church at Mossville was organized at a meeting held in the schoolhouse, April g, 1868, by a committee of the Peoria Presbytery, consisting of Rev. John H. Morron, and ruling elders, Jonathan K. Cooper, of the First Presbyterian church of Peoria, and H. Hervey, of Prospect church, Radnor. By public subscription a church edifice was erected at a cost of about $2,600. In 1875, owing to the fact that a large percentage of the members lived on High prairie, the church was removed to that locality and its name changed to the Church of Alta. The old building was sold and the proceeds placed in trust for the erection of a church at Alta. A history of the Methodist and Catholic churches will be found in articles under those titles. RADNOR TOWNSHIP Radnor township is bounded on the north by Akron, on the east by Medina, south by Kickapoo and west by Jubilee townships. The land is mostly prairie, well watered by the Kickapoo and tributaries. Here are many fine farms, and a contented, progressive and high-thinking class of people. At the time of its organization as a township, Radnor was known as Benton precinct, which was composed of Radnor and Kickapoo townships. Previous to its organization an election had been held in the woods in Kickapoo, north of the village, at which time Smith Dunlap was elected justice of the peace, and continued to serve in that capacity until the adoption of township organization. The first election in Radnor township as such was held at the residence of Jonathan Brassfield. Alva Dunlap was the moderator, and Nathaniel T. A. Shaw, clerk. Jonathan Brassfield was elected supervisor; Nathaniel T. A. Shaw, township clerk; Lewis Harlan, assessor ; Jonathan Brassfield, Griffith Dickinson, William Wilkinson, commissioners of highways ; Phineas R. Wilkinson, clerk ; Lorennes Shaw, overseer of the poor; George B. Harlan and Smith Dunlap, justices; John M. Hendricks and Phineas R. Wilkinson, constables. It is probably not too much to say that Erastus Peet was the first settler in this community. He located here in 1834 and soon thereafter his little daugh- ter, four years of age, became lost on the prairie. That night the tall grass took fire and the little one perished, her charred body being discovered the next day. The next settler in the township was Robert Cline, who came from Oswego county. New York, in 1835, and lived two years at Hale's mill, after which period he settled on section 35 and two years later on section 13. Mr. Cline was killed by lightning, April 21, 1849. William Gififord, who came from Barnstable, Massachusetts, in 1836, erected the first frame house on the south half of section 28. Moses Harlan settled on section 22 in the same year. He became quite HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 283 prominent in public affairs, serving as county commissioner in 1838 and repre- senting the county in the legislature in 1838 and 1840. His son George B. Har- lan settled on section t,2 in 1836. He also was called upon for public duty and for some years was justice of the peace, a member of the board of supervisors two years, and held other local offices. William Knott was a settler in 1836, locating on section 26. John L. Wakefield, who came from Butler county, Ohio, to Peoria county in 1834, settled on section 18. Among those who came in 1837 are recalled Abner Russell, Calvin Blake, Aaron G. Wilkinson, Charles, George and Richard W'ilkins, Anson Bushnell and his brothers, Horace and Alvin, Thomas Shaw and Gritifith Dickinson. About this same time Alva Dunlap, of Oneida county, Xew York, appeared in the community, being on a prospecting tour. The country looked good to him and returning to New York for his family, he settled here early in the year 1838. Napoleon Dunlap, with his father and mother, a brother and sister and five children "embarked at Sackett's Harbor, on a little schooner of about one hundred tons, for Chicago. Leaving his mother and sister with a daughter residing at Chicago, for another trip, the rest of the party proceeded in wagons which previously had been engaged, arriving at their destination on the northwest quarter of section 14, on the nth day of October, 1837, and took up quarters in a frame house 16x24 feet, which Alva Dunlap had built the preceding summer with lumber hauled from Hale's mill, then partly erected. Their nearest neighbor was an Englishman named John Jackson, a bachelor, thirty years old, with a lad of fourteen years, named George Scholes, on the northeast quarter of section 15. Jackson had arrived in 1837 and had broken up his land, on which he raised a crop in 1838. Ira Smith, a native of Hampden, Maine, who had been a sea captain, had also come in 1837, and had paid Chloe Case $50 for a claim on the northeast quarter of section 3, which he entered, and afterward, in 1840, sold to Adam Yates for $3,000. He was a very worthy man, an old line ai)olitionist, and believed in the golden rule. He removed to Peoria and went into the lumber trade." J. J. Hitchcock settled on section 3 in 1837 and in the winter of 1838 assisted Alva Dunlap in bringing his goods and famil\- from Chicago to their new home. At that time "the country w-as an unl)roken prairie and what houses there were were scattered along the streams and in the edges of the timber. On the larger prairies one could travel a whole day without seeing a house. The scarcity of timber for fuel, fences and building purposes was a serious matter with the early settlers and if one could get hold of a piece of timber land he was considered fortunate ; and woe to him who, having secured one, would go off without leaving some one to guard it, for on his return he would likely find it all stumps. No one thought lumber could be shipped here in sufficient (|uantities to svipply the needs of these vast prairies. Coal had not yet been developed to any considerable extent. Sawmills were located along the streams where there was timber, and water with sufficient fall to obtain power. But the lumber secured in that way was very unsatisfactory for building pur- poses. When the osage orange was introduced for hedges, it was thought to be a great advance in the matter of fencing, but now since the introduction of barbed wire, the osage is no longer planted and farmers would be glad to be rid of what they have. Jonathan Brassfield took two loads of wheat to Chicago and brought back finishing lumber. Several others tried the same experiment but no one went the second time. When the canal w-as opened in 1848 it brought great relief to those living within reach of the river. Timber is now much more plentiful than it was sixty years ago. Then it was short and scrubby on account of the fires, .\fter that was cut oft' and the fires kept away from the new growth, it became thrifty. Coal became the principal fuel and the inhabitants ceased in a great measure the use of wood, either for fuel or fencing, but for the last few years many prefer to have the land for farming purposes and have been cutting off the timber and making clearings. "As the population increased the deer disajipeared, but the wolves remained and are not yet entirely extinct, occasionally one venturing out from his 284 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY biding place. As cornfields increased the ]jrairie chickens also increased for a time into large flocks and became very destructive to the corn, which, according to the custom of the country, was left in the field over winter, but when the prai- ries had become settled up and their nesting places invaded, they began to decrease in numbers until they were all extinguished. The rattlesnake was a common pest in breaking up the native sod and was often encountered by the plowman. They were not considered dangerous, as they made their presence known by their rattle and were easily disposed of. Cattle instinctively avoided them but were sometimes bitten, which caused severe swellings but seldom death. They disap- peared when the land became cultivated. "After the opening of the canal pine lumber in quantities began to make its appearance. The coal banks began to supply fuel and the people began to lose their fear of settling upon the broad prairies. "The big prairie team with four or five yoke of oxen, and the huge breaking plow rapidly turned over the native sod. Houses sprang up in all directions and a wave of prosperity seemed to have struck the country. The light steel plow, introduced by Tobey & Anderson, of Peoria, took the place of the wooden moldboard and heavy cast iron yAow brought from the east, the reaper took the place of the back-breaking cradle ; the Brown corn planter did away with planting by hand ; the thresher with its simple cylinder throwing straw, chatT and grain out together, displaced the flail and the tramping floor only to be displaced in its turn by the separator, which also took the place of the Nurse or Proctor fanning mill, formerly in use. The single shovel plow doing duty with one horse, traveling first upon one side of the road and back on the other, was superseded by the two-horse riding or walking cultivators. The complete outfit for husking corn was one team, two men and a boy taking five rows, tiie team and wagon turning down the middle one which was the boy's share to pick up. "The first reaping machine known in Radnor and perhaps in the county was owned by Alva Dunlap and was built by George Green Wood, of Peoria. It was so constructed as to throw the cut grain directly back the width of the swath, which had to be bound up before the next swath could be cut. It did clean work and he used it for several years in cutting his own and his neighbors' grain. It was built about the year 1846, only seven years after Cyrus McCormick gave the first exhibition of his reaper on the farm of Joseph Smith in Augusta county, X'irginia. The next was a ]\IcCormick, the grain being raked oft' on one side. This was followed in a few years with a self-raker and in a few years by the self- binder. Through these improvements the hard labor of eight men was done away with and the women of the household were relieved of the labor of boarding a large number of men during the heat of the harvest time. Before that time harvest hands would begin in the south where the season was earlier and work their way northward as the grain ripened. These traveling men were thrown out of employment by the self-binding reaper. "One of the serious problems with the farmers was to get their products to market. In the spring of 1841 John Jackson built two flat boats and loaded them with ear corn and bacon for the purpose of coasting along the Mississippi and selling to the planters and negroes. As was customary, the boat was floated with the current. They had long sweeps or oars to guide them and keep them oft' the snags. To build them two large trees would be found (generally hack- berry), which were hewn flat for the sides, and planks spiked on the bottom, the ends sloped like a scow. The roof or deck was made of boards sawed thin enough to bend across the boat and thus make an arched roof. The crews of these famous boats were John Jackson, Elisha Barker, John Peet, Warren Hale, William Harlan and Napoleon Dunlap. The two latter went as far as Natchez but concluding they had had enough of the life of boatmen they begged off and returned by steamer, working their way by helping to take on wood at the wood- 3'ards along the way." Before the building of the Rock Island & Peoria railroad, a postoftice was HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 285 kept by Enoch Muggins on section 35, where he received mail from Peoria three times a week. There was also a mail route from Peoria by way of Lafayette through Aledina and Akron but most of the people received their mail at Peoria. -Mary J. Peet, daughter of Erastus Peet, the hrst settler, who lost her life by being burned by a prairie tire, was the first person to die in Radnor townshiix The death of Henry Alartin on November 10, 1836, was the second. John Harlan, born in October, 1836, was the first white child whose birth occurred in this township. He died in 1847. Miss E. R. Dunlap taught the first school of the township in the summer of 1840 in a diminutive frame house which stood on section ^^j. It was built by a man who subsequently committed suicide. Horace I'.ushnell taught a sing- ing school here the same summer. In the summer of 1841 Miss Dunlap taught school in a log house on section 13, which she found to have l)een vacated by "its teiiant. In 1841 Charles Kettelle, school commissioner, had surveyed and 'laid oft' the school section No. 16 into forty-acre lots, had these lands appraised and offered for sale. Cyrus W. Pratt bid oft" three of them for $170. He made no payment but gave a mortgage for the purchase price, with interest at twelve per cent. After making two or three payments of interest, nothing further was received and the land reverted to the township. About the same time school trustees were appointed and Peter Auten was made the first school treasurer. At the first meeting of the trustees, April 4, 1842, they laid oft' the town into six school districts. That winter a log schoolhouse was built on section 15, in which Sarah D. Sanford and Anna McKnight taught. The next winter William Gift'ord was the teacher, after which the schoolhouse was moved to section 22 on land subsequently owned by George B. Taylor. There were three schoolhouses built in 1842 — the one just mentioned, a small frame on section 2, and a log cabin on section i. In the latter Catherine J. Jamison taught in the summer of 1842, her pupils being seven children of the Blakesleys, five Wakefields, four Chapins, three Van Camps, two Gordons, two Rogers, a Hall, Gilkinson, Hattield and Slaughter. The directors were Parley E. Blakesley and Joseph Chapin. Deborah L. Woodbury taught his school the next term. Elisha Barker taught in a log schoolhouse on section 22, built in 1842. His successor the next winter was William Gifford. In the spring of 1842 a small frame schoolhouse was built on section 2 by voluntary labor. The lumber was sawed at the mill of Ralph Bette and William Bruzee on the creek on section 23. Miss Margaret Artman taught there in 1842, having for her patrons Ira Smith, J. J. Hitchcock, .Anson Bushnell and his sons Alvin and Horace, Samuel and William Seeley, William Moore, O. L. Nelson, Ira Hitchcock and a Mr. Goodell ; which indicates the school was conducted on a subscrijition basis. NII-L.^GE 01-' DVNr..\l' The village of Dunlap was laid out by Alva Dunlap on section 11, June 12, 1871. That same year Dr. John Gillett erected the first building in the place. It stands opposite the railroad depot and is now the property of B. C. Dunlap. The village is a thriving one and an excellent trading point. It is situated on the Rock Island iS: Peoria road. There are stores, two grain elevators, three churches, a graded school building erected in 1899 ^t a cost of $4,000, Odd Fellows' hall and shops. The population is now 172 — a considerable decrease from that of the census of 1900. In the year 1848-9 a numiser of families from the Panhandle of West \'irginia settled in .-Vkron and Radnor townships and at first connected themselves with the church at Princeville, but the distance was too great for them to travel, so that they asked the Presbytery for a separate organization, which request was granted. Rev. .Addison Coffee, of Peoria, Rev. Robert Breese, of Princeville, and Elder Henry .'-Ichnebly, of Peoria, as a committee of Presbytery, met the congregation June 8, 1850, in the schoolhouse where they had been accustomed to worship and the Prospect Presbyterian church was organized with 286 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY fifteen members as follows: From the Princeville church, Joseph Yates, Sr., and Mary, his wife; John Yates, Sr., and Eleanor, his wife; Samuel Keady and Eleanor, his wife; Thomas Yates and Alary, his wife; John Hervey and Sarah, his wife; and Aliss Margaretta Yates, from the West Alexandria, Pennsylvania, church ; David G. Hervey and Jane, his wife ; and from the church at West Lib- erty, Virginia : Adam Yates and Sarah, his wife. The first house of worship, a frame building 36x46 feet, which cost about $1,400, was erected on a lot con- taining about seven acres, donated by Adam Yates, and dedicated in June, 1854. After the village of Dunlap sprang up the meeting place of the church was re- moved to Dunlap and a new house of worship erected at a cost of something over $5,000. The old church was torn down and the land on which it stood deeded to the church as a burial ground, which is known as Prospect cemetery. A parson- age was added to the church property in 1867, at a cost of $3,000, and in 1878 it was sold and a new parsonage erected at a cost of $1,700, on lots donated by David G. Hervey. Among the pastors who have served this church are Revs. David Hervey, John Turbitt, Thomas F. Smith. George Cairns, J. A. E. Simp- son, A. S. Gardner, John Winn, Silas Cook, H. V. D. Nevins, D. D., Harry Smith and R. C. Townsend. Several of the members of this church have gone into the ministry, among them. Rev. George Dunlap, Rev. Thomas C. Winn, missionary to Japan, William Jones, William Y. Jones, his son, missionary to Japan, William Ayling and Franklin Brown. The Methodists and Catholic church histories will be found in another place in this volume. TIMBER TOW^NSHIP Timber township acquired its name from the fact that its territory was covered at one time with a very fine body of timber, consisting of white, black, red and bur oak, white and black ash, white and black walnut, elm, cottonwood, hard and soft maple, linn, sycamore and others. The township is located in the southwest part of the county and has for its southern boundary the Illinois river. On the west is Fulton county, on the north Logan township and on the east Hollis town- ship. The timber land upon being cleared, developed valuable farms and the bot- tom land extending from the bluffs to the river, in width from a half to two miles, interspersed with beautiful lakes, namely, Stillman, Clifton, Scott and Murray lakes, are not surpassed for fertility and productiveness anywhere. Stillman lake has its history. It received its name from General Stillman, who passed the remainder of his days on his farm near by, after having commanded a body of troops in the Black Hawk war. In the early days this region was a mecca for the hunter and fisherman. The lakes abounded with a fine variety of fish, while within the woods roamed deer and small game. Wild turkeys and geese were plentiful and often the settlers brought them down with their long flint-lock rifles while standing in their cabin doors. It was a veritable paradise, where flowed milk and honey, the wild honey being frequently found in the trees. Allen L. Fahnestock, in his sketch of this township, as published in McCul- loch's history of Peoria county in 1902, gives the following list of early settlers of Timber township: "Daniel J. Hinkle, wife and family, of Virginia; Jesse and William Egman and families and Thomas Ticknor, of New York, came in 1826; William Scott and family, of Kentucky, in 1829; William Duffield and family of Virginia, and George Griggs and family, of New York, in 1829; Theodore Slick- ers and family ; Elijah Preston and family ; Timothy Gridley and family ; John Runnels and family; Jacob McCann and family, from Ohio, came in 1830; Boyce Hayes, Isaac Bush, Thomas, John and George Hunt, Charles .Fielder, Thomas Webb, Elizabeth Duflield and Regina Green and families, of \'irginia ; John Congleton and James Congleton and families, of Kentucky ; Jonathan Newman, J. Thurman, Alexander Brown and Isaac Preston and families ; Dr. Sealy, William Gibbs and son, of New York ; John and Thomas Baty and families, all came in HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 287 183J; John McFadden and family, George Stewart and family; Walter Stewart and family, in 1833; Dr. C. A. Duck, H. Partridge, David Spencer and families, 1834: Rice Smith and family, George Fritt and family, Robert ^IcKay and family, 1835; .M. B. Murray and family, and John Shock, of \'irginia; S. F. Holinger, of Pennsylvania; Orange Babbitt and family, 1836; Jacob Fahnestock, of Pennsylvania; W. C. Andrews, William Webb, George Clark, Matthew Fllis, John Ellis, James O'Connor, K. Palmer, George C. McFadden, Nathan Wells, James Hamilton, Nathan Johnston and family, of Kentucky ; Joseph Doll, Jacob Doll, M. F. Wells, S. F. Underwood, S. Clark, Elias Jones, Sr., Elias Jones, Jr., Samuel Farmer, Solomon Hootman, David Hootman, William Jones and John McFarland, 1837. The hal.iits and customs of the settlers were in kee])ing with the newness of the country. Even their food and clothing were very primitive. Most of the latter was made from the wool by the women of the household. After the routine work of the home was finished the spinning wheel was made to whir and the loom rattled and clattered until time to prepare the next meal. Linsey-woolsey was the chief adornment for both men and women, although on rare occasions the head of the house had a suit of Kentucky jeans, and the women a calico dress. Wild animals and birds were the pests of the early settlers. 'Coons and deer robbed the fields at night, while the birds played havoc in them in the daytime. These were the days of clearings, when at times great frolics would be had upon the occasion of a log rolling. Then all the neighbors came in and assisted one of their number to gather the logs that had been cut, into piles, so that they could be gotten out of the way for the plow. Salt v^-as scarce and often needed not only to cure the meat but to preserve the hides accumulated by the hunters. But all these difficulties were met, in one way or another, and the settlers contrived, with- out any great effort, to live comfortably and happily. The Indians were also a source of annoyance, many of them still retaining their habitations in the town- ship long after the first settlers had gained a foothold. Strenuous methods finally had to be adopted by the pioneers to rid themselves of the red man. To give the present generation of farmer boys an idea as to the primitive means of raising a crop, the following excerpt from Mr. Fahnestock's article is here reproduced : "It was under great difficulties that the settlers could raise enough to support their families on account of the birds and wild animals. The 'coons and deer would be in the fields at night and the fowls during the day. There was also great difficulty in getting the land cleared of large trees and brush, the settlers having nothing but rude tools, such as the ax and grubbing hoe. The trees were girdled and left standing until they rotted down and were then rolled in heaps and burned. All the neighirors would help at the log rolling and at night the log cabin would resound with the music of the old violin and then the dance commenced with the Virginia reel, money musk and the French four. The little brown jug was passed around and a happier set of people was hard to find. Whiskey was cheap at twenty-five cents per gallon, but was not the fighting kind we get at the present time. The land was plowed with a wooden moldboard plow, having a steel point and share. We were compelled to carry a paddle to clean the moldboard every few rods. The other farm implements were a shovel plow, wooden harrow, rakes and forks, sickle and cradle to reap the grain. The wheat was tramped out with horses on the hard ground, then two men with a sheet would create a wind and blow out the chaff. The first small mill was built of logs by the sons of the widow Green. The small stones would crack the corn. By use of horses or oxen it would grind a few bushels a day. The next mill was built at Utica, Fulton county, on Copperas creek, also Lowe's mill on the creek and Hale's mill on Kickapoo creek. The great difficulty was to get a good grist ground, as people w ould go to mill sixty miles away, taking meat and corn dodgers along to eat until the grist was ground. People were sometimes compelled to live on hominy and dried pumpkin, meat and sweet milk for a week at a time until their grists were ground. Still, for dessert, we had stewed 2B8 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY pumpkin and crabapple sauce with honey. During tlie summer we fared much better, having wild fruit of all kinds." From 1840 on the township settled up quite rapidly, .\bout this time Samuel Bailey built a sawmill at Palmyra, now Kingston mines, disposing of the product at Pekin and Peoria. It was within this period also that the mine was opened at Kingston by Thomas Robinson, the coal being hauled by oxen to the mill for fuel. It was about 1843 that Samuel Bandy and Solomon A. Glasford arrived in the township, and in 1846 A. D. and H. Reed, of Farmington, built a slaughter and packing house near Lancaster Landing, where hogs were bought and pre- pared for market. They were brought from Galesburg, Farmington, Kno.xville, Elmwood and Trivoli to the landing and sold for $2 to $2.70 per hundred pounds, dressed. In 1851 David McCook and family moved to Kingston Alines and ran the mines under a lease from J. P. Eddy & Company of St. Louis, and also operated a store there. Finally the family moved back to Ohio, whence they came. Several of the sons became soldiers and served with distinction during the war of the rebellion. The father was killed during the Morgan raid through Ohio in 1864. There were schools in the township early in its history. A small log cabin was built at Lancaster and another at Dry Run, where school was taught during the winter months. The teachers were Samuel Farmer and a Mr. Weston, who received renumeration for their services through subscriptions paid by the parents of their pupils, the teacher's salary being partially eked out by "boarding round" among his patrons. The books most generally used in those early days were the New England primer. Pike's arithmetic, Webster's speller and the Old Testament. In 1835 section 16, set apart for school purposes, was sold in lots, some, as low as $1.82 per acre, which the trustees invested. As early as 1837 there was a board of school trustees, composed of S. F. Bolinger, Thomas Tickner and John G. McFadden. The latter was school treasurer. For many years there was no church building in the community, the old log schoolhouses, cabins of the settlers and their barns being used for religious purposes. The ministers, if they may be called such, were compelled to work as others to keep the wolf from the door. Their parishioners were generous, however, and they were furnished by the hunters with all the meat they desired. It was a common occurrence to see the settlers getting meat on Sunday, both deer and turkeys, for the minister. There were no postoffices in those days and Allen hahnestock carried letters on horseback once a week to Peoria, receiving twenty-five cents in trade for each trip and a furnished horse. This same Fahnestock, with nine other residents of the township, enlisted in Captain May's company at Peoria in 1846 for the Mexi- can war, but as the governor had all the troops he needed the boys returned home from Peoria without going to the front. VILL.\GES The town of Glasford was laid out December 9, 1868, by Samuel A. Glas- ford, a native of Ohio, who came to the county in 1842. It is a station on the Toledo. Peoria & Western railroad and has a population of 625. It is quite a stirring little village, with good stores, mills and shops, an elevator, a churcli and schoolhouse. Colonel A. L. Fahnestock, who came to the county in 1837 from Adams county, Pennsylvania, located at Lancaster, where in 1856 he engaged in the mercantile business. The colonel afterward moved to Glasford and became its leading merchant and also held several local offices. He was at one time treasurer of the county. His Civil war record is a good one. He entered the army as captain and was conmiissioned colonel. To him the compiler of this history is indebted for many of the facts contained in this article, as he has quoted quite liberally from .Mr. Fahnestock's sketch published in McCulloch's history of Peoria county in 1902. HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 289 Lancaster is situated on section 17 and was laid out by Samuel V. I'.olinger. It was quite a flourishing little village until the advent of' the Toledo, Peoria & Western railroad, which took its way through Glasford and left Lancaster in the interior. As a consequence, Glasforil profited bv the innovation and Lancaster lost. Kingston Mines was first known as Palmyra. It was founded by James Monroe and is chiefly noted as a shipping point for the mines located there. It has a population, as determined by the census of 1910, of 492. ROSEFIELD TOWNSHIP Geographically, Rosefield township is almost in the center of the county. Kickapoo township borders it on the east, Logan on the south, Elmwood on the west, Jubilee on the north. Topographically, the surface is broken to cjuite an extent by Kickapoo creek, the two branches of which unite at section 3. How- ever, there is a great deal of fertile and highly productive land, both timber and prairie. The farms are well cultivated and fenced, and have good buildings, many of tliem of a modern description. The farmers are prosperous and progressive. Rosefield was separated from other precincts and organized into a township in 1850, and on the 2d day of April of that year an election was held, Benjamin Brown being chosen moderator and James M. Rogers, clerk. The result of the voting, there being about thirty votes cast, was as follows : John Combs, super- visor; James M. Rogers, town clerk; David Slane, assessor; Nelson Shephard, collector; Edward D. Edwards, Isaac Clayton and Edward Coolidge, highway connnissioners ; Daniel Mc\'icker, James Sherwood, constables ; William W. Miller and Ephraim Rynearson, justices. It was some time about the latter part of 1831 or forepart of 1832 that the lirst settlers appeared here in the persons of Alinnie Rynearson, Casper Yinger, John and David Combs, William Ni.xon and Levi Coolidge. Amos Stevens, who afterwards became quite prominent in the history of Peoria county, located at the banks of the Kickapoo in 1833. where he built a log cabin, and with an ox team worked his prairie land. One of the state roads leading to Kno.xville along the Kickapoo touched this ])oint, whence the hamlets of Southport and New- burg were reached. Joseph I'.ohrer and Benjamin Miller settled in this township about the year 1835. among many others who came that year. Mr. Bohrer was a \'irginian. In 1829 he married Harriet Dawson and with his young iiride immi- grated to Illinois in the latter part of 1835. settling in this township. Along Kickapoo creek below the forks and its mouth, were three grist mills and two sawmills. Each of these had a mill dam, which occasioned at times considerable contention between their owners as to their respective rights. The commissioners under the law had authority to permit such dams to be erected under certain conditions and might also assess any damages sustained by other owners. At the June term of the connnissioners' court a writ was issued in favor of John F. Kinney for the erection of a mill and dam on the northeast (|uarter of section 27,, and at the July term David Combs applied for a similar writ for the erection of a mill dam on the southwest c|uarter of section 1 1 ; hence, it was not a matter of surprise to their neighbors when they got into a wrangle over their rights in the premises. The sheriff, when the case came on, submitted both cases to the same jury, which consisted of John Coyle, Stephen Carl, John H. Oliver, Andrew Race. I. S. \'an .\rsdale, William Stackman, Jacob l>ush, W. F. Mulvaney, Adam Barfut, Asa Deal, Samuel \'eacock and I'.enjamin Kibb. Lie fixed the height of Kinney's dam six feet, six inches from low water mark, determined that Thomas Slane, ^\'illiam Nixon, David Combs and Tom Scott were not in danger of sustaining any damages by its erection, but that John Combs was liable to sustain damages from time to time thereby, and fixed his damages at $32.50. The jury also found that the neighborhood would not be injuriously affected. The petition 290 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY of David Combs was granted witliout any findings. Daniel Combs, however, appeared liefore the court by his attorney, Charles Ballance, and opposed the granting of the Kinney petition, stating his reason therefor, first that Kinney had no title to the land ; second, for informality in the sheriiif' s return ; and third, because proper legal notice had not been given. Kinney's counsel was Elihu N. Powell and upon his motion the sheriff was allowed to amend his return. Arguments were heard and action taken in regard to Kinney's [letition. Coal was early discovered in this locality and is now being mined quite extensively, two companies operating on the line of the railroad. The principal shipping points are at Edwards, Kramm and Langdon. The township is well supplied with schools, it having twelve districts and parts of districts, in all of which instruction is given from eight to nine months during the school year. The first schoolhouse was built in 1838 on section 8 and Roswell Smith was the first teacher. A year previous to this, however, a subscription school was taught in a private house by Martha Miller, daughter of Benjamin Miller. About the time of the completion of the Peoria & Oquawka railroad, now a part of the Burlington system, Joseph Bohrer and William M. Dodge, of Peoria, on April 19, 1856, laid out the village of Oak Hill on the south half of the south- west quarter of section 6. The firm of Tyng & Brotherson, of Peoria, erected a warehouse and at once commenced buying grain. However, when the Buda branch of the Chicago, Burlington it Ouincy railroad and the Peoria & Farm- ington. now of the Iowa Central system, were built. Oak Hill's trade was greatly diminished. The census of 1910 gives the place a population of 81. The first church organized in the township was a Methodist. The society was formed in 1837 ^"d a place of worship known as Combs' meeting house was erected on section 14. It has long since gone to decay and has been abandoned. For a full history of the Methodist church in this township, see article in this volume devoted to that subject. TRIVOLI TOWNSHIP Geographically. Trivoli township in relation to others in the county is in the southwest corner. Its boundaries are as follows : On the south and west is Ful- ton county, north is Elmwood township, and east Logan. It is well watered throughout the whole of its borders by small streams, and the (|uality of the soil can hardly be surpassed, making for it one of the best townships in the county. The land is highly improved, well fenced, residences and outbuildings of the very best and a general air of prosperity pervades the whole community. Trivoli was organized in 1850, the first election being held on April 2d of that year. Hazard Larkins was the chairman and Simeon L. Hunt, clerk of the organizing meeting. On motion of David R. Gregory, Eli Wilson was chosen moderator and Thomas Johnson, clerk. The election for town oflicers resulted as follows : David R. Gregory, supervisor ; Samuel Wilkinson, town clerk ; Thomas Ramsey, assessor ; Elias Potter, overseer of the poor ; Royce Allen, col- lector; Joseph Stevens, Jonathan Crane and Melatiah Bourne, highway commis- sioners; David R. Gregory and Thomas Ramsey, justices; Royce Allen and James Wilson, constables. The first settler was Isaac Harkness, who located on the edge of the grove on section 4, in 1830. He was a Pennsylvanian by nativity and trudged all the way from Bradford county, that state, on foot to his new home, where he built a cabin and fenced in a small plat of ground, in which he planted a crop of corn. The following year found him in the lead mines at Galena, to which place he had made his way on foot, and where he worked and earned sufficient money to pay his expenses back to Pennsylvania. The same winter he walked to his old home and returned to this community the next year with his family, arriving on Christ- mas day. His only means of transportation was a light wagon, drawn by one HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 291 horse. Luckily, he found his little habitation unmolested and his corn in the same condition, notwithstanding a camp of Indians consisting of twelve families, lived only a half mile therefrom. The following year, in February, 1832, his son Henry Harkness was born, the first white child whose birth is ascribed to this township. Some time later Isaac Harkness' father, a veteran of the Revolu- tionary war, joined him and made his home here until his death in 1H35. It is said that soon after his arrival here Mr. Harkness journeyed to Chicago in his one-horse wagon and brought back from that embryo city the first barrel of salt ever brought into the township. Levi Harkness, Gardner Gilbert and wife, Sam- uel Emer)-, Sr., Melatiah Bourne and Robert McConnell were the arrivals in 183 1. Following them on up to 1835, these settlers set stakes for homes here: Samuel Clark and wife, Benjamin \V. Crane and wife, Elias Wilson and wife, James Wickshire, James and Page Hyatt. David R. Gregory and wife, Thomas and Joel Lane, John Bird, Curtis Cady and wife, Samuel M. Mack, Samuel Clark, George Robinson, Saxton Kellogg. Martin Mathis, Thomas Ramsey, William Wilson, John Proctor. Quinton Wilson, the Arteus and Barnes families, and Philip and Henry Green ; and then the population began to increase rapidly. The first schoolhouse to be built in Trivoli township was of crude logs and located on the farm of Isaac Harkness. Its first teacher was Miss Sarah Waters, daughter of Isaac Waters, whose sisters*, Maria, Sarah and Ruth, all subse- quently taught school in this county. In the southwest portions of the township a schoolhouse was built in 1841, which was presided over by John Carter. It was a frame building and was also used by the 'Methodists a number of years for their meetings. At the present lime there are eleven schoolhouses, modern in their make-up. in the township. The one at the village of Trivoli has two rooms large enough to accommodate eighty pupils. Here the high-school course pre- scriljed by the state is taught. September 19, 1840, Rev. George G. Sill as a missionary, and Rev. Abraham D. Wilson, acting as a committee of the Classis of Illinois, organized a church with ten members, which for a time was known as the Protestant Dutch church of Copperas. On November 25, 1844, when a postoffice was located at that point and named Brunswick, the name of the church was changed to Brunswick. Thomas Ramsey and George Wells were the first ruling elders. The church was received into the I'resbytery of Peoria, October 26, 1848, and has since been known as a Presbyterian church. Rev. D. F. McFarland was the first pastor. Located on the southeast quarter of section 25 is an Evangelical Lutheran church, which was organized May 27, 1855, with seventeen members. Rev. James Scherer was the first pastor, Henry Frank the first elder, and Patrick Gilbreath, the first deacon. The church numbers about sixty members. The Methodist churches of the township are spoken of in the chapter under that title. VILL,\GES There have been several villages laid out in the township, only one of which has survived. March 25, 1836, Eli Wilcox, Edson Harkness and Benjamin Newell laid out a town plat on the southwest quarter of section 5 and northwest quarter of section 8, which they named Harkness. For some time it was quite an important station on the stage route from Peoria to Monmouth but it has so dwindled into insignificance as not to be especially mentioned as a separate entity in the census reports. April II, 1836, Henry F. Coulter laid out the village of Wheeling on the north- east quarter of section 9 on the road leading from Peoria to the Knox county line. It now has no place upon the map. On April 28, 1836, Isaac Underwood, of Peoria, laid out lots for a village on the southeast quarter of section 8 and the southwest quarter of section 9 on the road from Peoria to the Mississippi river. This embryo village was given the name of Caledonia and the ostensible reason for the money and trouble expended in creating these towns was the possible 292 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY building of the Peoria & Warsaw railroad through their borders. The anticipa- tions of their projectors, however, were never realized. Aurora was another village contemplated by its ambitious promoter, Robert McKay, who laid it out on the northwest quarter of section 27, August 24, 1836. It is not at all improbable that this village was started in the expectation of the railroad being projected through that portion of the townshi]x The village of Cramer is a shipping point and station on the Iowa Central railroad, which sprang up after the advent of that line of transportation. Trivoli, the only village to survive of the many others projected, has not a recorded plat but it is presumed that it was laid out some time [irevious to the founding of the Trivoli Social Library, which was organized in 1839. The town was first built along the Farmington road but since the location of the Iowa Central railroad the principal places of business have been located nearer the station. There are three retail stores of a general character, an agricultural implement concern, elevator and blacksmith shop. The population in 1910 was 116. The history of the churches is given in another part of this work. KICKAPOO TOWNSHIP This township, 9 north, 8 east, is centrally located, and although somewhat broken by the Kickapoo creek and its branches, is well adapted to agriculture. It derives its name from the creek of that name which flows through it from west to east. This creek has had a variety of names. It seems to have been known to the English, when the country belonged to them, by the name of Cartineaux, to the early French by the name of de Arescy, or Arcoury, to the later French by the name of Corteneau and Gatinan, which latter was probably a corruption ; also by the name of Maillet's river, but by the Indians it was called the Kickapoo, which is their name for the Red Bud or Judas tree, which grew in great abundance along its banks. This stream was considered of inestimable value to tlTe early settlers on account of the water power it afforded. The water power was utilized at a very early day in the history of the township. male's mill In 1S34 William Hale visited the Kickapoo valley, and being well pleased with the outlook, selected a site on the northeast quarter of section 35. Returning home to Oswego county, New York, he resigned the office of sheriff which he then held, and returned again to Illinois in the spring of 1835, accompanied by George Greenwood, John Easton and Waldo Hughes. John L. Wakefield, for- merly of Radnor township, had arrived early in the year 1834. and in the autumn of the same year Francis and George O. Kingsley had arrived, also John Coyle and Israel Pinckney. The Kingsleys were from Vermont and Mr. Pinckney was from New York city. He built his cabin on the southeast quarter of section 12. Samuel Dimon came from Connecticut in 1838 and settled on section 10, where he resided until his death. Joseph Vorhees came in 1839 and Gideon Thomas came in 1844 ''nd settled on a farm a short distance east of the Kickapoo village. Upon his arrival William Hale, who had a brother, Asahel, erected a sawmill on the mill site he had selected the year before. It appears that at some date prior to December, 1835. the Hale brothers had obtained from the county com- missioners' court a writ for the assessment of damages for the erection of a mill dam on the quarter selected, which writ was returned at the December term of that year. The jury reported that they had been sworn by the coroner, there being no sheriff in the county ; that they had been upon the land and, having viewed the site and the land above and below it. were of the opinion that Francis P. Kingsley and George O. Kingsley would sustain damages to the amount of $5,000 ; that they had located and set apart three acres of land beginning on the east side of the Kickapoo river on the line dividing sections 35 and 26. thence to HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 293 the center of the river, taking three rods from said center east and west on both sides of the center of said river following up the stream eighty rods; that no other persons would sustain any damage; that no dwelling house. "outhouse, garden or orchartl would be overflowetl, and that the health of" the neighborhood would not be injuriously att"ected by said overflowing; said claims being made upon the pre- sumption that the said dam should not be built more than ten feet high above the bed of the stream. This return dated October 8. 1835, is signed by Horace P. Johnson, foreman. Thomas P. Phillips, Israel B. Tucker, Henry G. McComsay, S. \V. Stanton, Reuben Carley, Thomas Hardesty. Chris Hamlin, Isaac Under- bill, Robert Cline, John Donnelson and Fitch Meaciiam, jurors. The prayer of the petitioners was granted and they were permitted to build their dam on pay- ment of the damages. The erection of the mill was then proceelat on part of the west half of the northwest (juarter of section 36, which has since then become a lively village of miners. /\ few years ago the Presby- terians established a church there aufl erected a comfortable house of worship. It still maintains a feeble existence but it has recently been greatly weakened by dismissals to other churches. KICK.\P00 This town can boast of as great an age as almost any other in the county. It was laid out by John Coyle, July 3, 1836, on the southwest quarter of section 6. 294 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY It occupied an eight-acre tract and had a public square in the center. The first house was erected by Mr. Judkins on the site of the old Kickapoo house. It was at first used as a store but additions were made and it was converted into a hotel, in which capacity it continued to be used for many years. As the village was on the great stage route from Peoria to the west, a large amount of travel passed through it, and as this was the first stopping place west of Peoria, the hotel became well known to travelers and did a flourishing business. The village was also the place where political conventions were held until the coming in of the railroads, as it was the nearest village to the center of the county. The last convention held there was probably the democratic convention of 1856, when the Peoria delegates were taken by rail on flat cars to Edwards and thence by farm wagons to the village. The railroad was then finished only to that point and passenger coaches had not yet been introduced. Until that time and for some years later, the village enjoyed a large country trade Ijut it has become greatly diminished. There are now two retail stores of general merchandise, an agricultural implement con- cern and two blacksmith shops. CHURCHES There are four churches in the village — Baptist, Methodist, German Catholic and Irish Catholic. It is doubtless true that the Irish Catholic church is one of the oldest in the county, the precise date of its organization, or of the erection of its first chapel, not having been ascertained. It is said upon good authority that in the '30s Black Partridge (now Lourdes, iti Woodford county) and Kick- apoo were more important places in the Catholic church than Peoria. In those early days the priest on Christmas morning said mass at the stroke of twelve in Kickapoo, then hurrying on to Peoria ofifered up the Holy Sacrifice as the sun was rising, only to take the road once more and to finish his day's labor with a third mass about noon at Black Partridge. It is said the present chapel was erected in 1835, but this is not certain. Episcopal church (now extinct). This village Ijeing in the immediate vicinity of Jubilee, the residence of Bishop Chase and the headquarters of the Episcopal church in Illinois, many of that denomination settled in this vicinity. They erected a house of worship in 1843, which continued in their possession until i860, when it was partially destroyed by fire and never afterwards occupied by that denomination. The German Catholic church. In 1861 the German Catholics bought the grounds and the standing walls of the Episcopal church edifice for $324, and at once commenced to reconstruct the building. Father Fronenhofer was priest at the time and under his management the same was completed in the fall of 1862, at a cost of $842. In 1869 an addition was made to the building at a cost of $1,725. Adjoining the church is a parsonage, erected in 1876, at a cost, including the lot, of $3,000. Rev. Father Stower is pastor of both Catholic churches. The Baptist congregation was organized March 29, 1851, by Rev. Henry G. \Veston, of Peoria, who preached a sermon on that occasion. Services had been held at several places in the vicinity for some time, as there were many of that faith settled near the village. The charter members were .Moses Smith, Evan Evans and wife, Thomas Fallyn and wife, Anthony Fallyn and wife, Joseph Fallyn, George H. Frye and wife, George W. Weston and wife, Elizabeth Bell and Fanny Huxtable. A church was built in 1854. EDW.'VRDS STATION This village is on the extreme western boundary of the township where the state road crosses from the east side to the west side of the Kickapoo creek. It has always been considered an important point from the year 1836, when George Berry petitioned the county commissioners' court for permission to erect EDW-AUDS JIULhL A I i:i)\\ Al;l),s MAIIii.X HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 295 a mill clam on the northeast quarter of section 30. \\ hen the railroad was finished to that point it became and continued to be the principal shipping point until Oak Hill was reached. It has ever since been a place where considerable local trade has been carried on. Extensive coal mines are worked in the immediate vicinity, which fact has been the occasion of the growth of a miners' village at this point. The first settler at the place where the station was afterwards located was Isaac Jones, who died in 1840. The next was Conrad Beck in 1861. E. D. Edwards opened the first store in 1851 and two years later built a steam flouring mill, which was successfully operated for three or four years, when it was de- stroyed by fire. It has never been rebuilt. COAL MINING Coal mines had been opened near Hale's mill as early as 1838, but they do not seem to have been operated extensively imtil 1849 or 1850, when Jacob Darst, of Peoria, began "stripping," which he continued for about five years. He then sold some bluff land to Frederick Ruprccht and John Woolenscraft, who com- menced "drifting" into the hillside. In 1851 Ruprecht sold out to his partners who continued to operate the mines for about two years, when he sold to Ander- son Grimes and Judge Thomas Bryant, of Peoria, who in turn sold to .Samuel I'oJtts. Mr. Potts became a very large operator and continued to carry on the business during the remainder of his life. Other mines have for many years been carried on in the same vicinity and between that and Edwards Station. In i860 Dr. Justin 11. Wilkinson commenced buying coal lands near Edwards Starion and continued to make purchases in Rosefield, as well as in Kickapoo, until at one time he owned about one thousand acres. In December, 1876, he associated himself with Isaac Wantling, an experienced miner, and together they developed very extensive mines. These two points, Pottstown and Edwards, ha\c in vears become two of the most important mining points in the county. SCHOOLS Prior to the adoption of the free school system there were very few public schools in the township. In 1840 Samuel Dimon, who had come to the township in 1838, hauled the logs for the first schoolhouse in what is now district No. i. It was situated on the northeast (juarter of section 11, where the present school- house now stands. In that house Miss Harriet Hitchcock is believed to have lieen the first teacher. Samuel Dimon afterwards taught there for two or three terms. Prior to 185 1 there was a schoolhouse some distance west of Hale's mill known as the Kingsley schoolhouse, but it is not known when or by whom it was built. In 185 1 Miss Sarah Smith taught the first school at Hale's mill, occupving a cooper shop for a schoolhouse. The school now located at Potts- town is known as No. 4. The first schoolhouse in district No. 5 was located on the northwest quarter of section 9. It w^as a frame building, erected in the spring of 1851, at a cost of $260. The first school taught there was by H. Gregory, commencing in the fall of that year. This schoolhouse was replaced in 1S77 by a modern frame house which cost $570. The first schoolhouse in district No. 6 was erected on the southeast quarter of section 16, in August, i860. It was a frame building, costing $300. School was commenced there in the fall of i860 by a teacher named H. M. Behymer. The first schoolhouse in district No. 7 was erected in the summer of 1867 on the northeast quarter of section 33. Miss H. Pritchard was the first teacher there. She commenced in the winter of that year. The first schoolhouse in district No. 8 was erected in the suminer of 1867 on the northwest quarter of section 13, at a cost of $528. The first school was taught there in the winter of that year by Miss Hattie C. Hennison. The town- 296 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY ship is now well supplied with schoolhouses of modern style and the schools are in a prosperous condition. The I'atrons of Husbandry at one time had a stronghold in this township, there having been two 'granges, No. 446 or South Kickapoo, now extinct, and Orange, having a grange hall on the northeast quarter of section 11. It is one of the seven yet surviving in the county. CHILLICOTHE TOWNSHIP lliis townshi]) is the only one that lies in range 9 east of the fourth principal meridian. It is composed of two fractional congressional townships, 10 north, 9 east, and 1 1 north, 9 east, the first named being a very small fraction. The northeast corner of this township is the northeast corner of the county, its northern boundary being the south line of Marshall county, its eastern and southeastern boundaries being the Illinois river, which separates it from Wood- ford county. Could the early history of this township be written it would doubtless prove little less interesting than that of Peoria. It was here the eyes of Joliet and Marquette last rested upon the soil of Peoria county, and here LaSalle and his companions first entered Pake Pimiteoui. We can well imagine all the cele- brated vnyagcurs and missionaries to have camped here in their voyages up and down the river, and to have established mission stations or trading posts within its borders. Here also dwelt Gomo and Senachwine, two chiefs of the Potta- wottomies. It was in this township Captain William Levering visited Gomo in the year 181 1 and slept in his cabin just before the great council at Peoria. It was doubtless at the Indian village between Rome and Chillicothe he halted and was obliged to engage a new crew to complete his journey. Into this township the Indians of Black Partridge's village fled when the village was attacked and destroyed by Governor Edwards in 18 12. It was here that General Howard halted his army of nearly 1,000 men in his march against the Indians of Gomo's tribe in 181 3, and it was from this point they returned to Peoria to assist in the building of Fort Clark. All these events, however, occurred long before the modern history of the township began. LaSalle Prairie, a portion of which lies in this township, is about ten miles long from three to four miles wide, and lis one of the most fertile spots in the country. This fact, coupled with its nearness to the river, as well as to the timber land surrounding it, early attracted an enterprising and industrious com- munity of farmers. In fact it was regarded as one of the centers of population, so that in the assessment of property those living there were designated as resi- dents of LaSalle Prairie, the same as were those of Farm Creek, Ten Mile Creek, Mackinaw and other places. In 1837 it had obtained a place and name in the Gazetteers of the day and the settlement is said to have contained one hundred families. It also gave its name to election precincts and school districts. (^ This community furnished a goodly number of public officers and other public-spirited men who did much toward the organization and development of the county. It was here the "Farmers Exporting Company" was formed. At an early day also a state road was laid out from a point on the Galena road near ]\Iossville, thence along the river through Rome and the village of Chillicothe to points farther north, which became part of the stage route from Peoria to Chicago. The northern part of the township which was originally timber land has been cleared and now contains many fine farms. The Senachwine creek is the largest stream in the northern part of the county flowing into the Illinois river. It divides the township into two nearly e(iual portions. It derived its name from Senachwine. the last chief of the Pottawottomies in this section whose village was located on its banks. In an early day the flow of water was much greater than at present, affording, as it did. water power for the driving of both grist and sawmills. Although it is said HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 297 that William Motifitt had a mill in this lownsiiip as early as il~*34, yet it appears that March 7, 1836, William and Jeremiah .MotYitt petitioned the county com- missioners' court for a writ for the assessment of such damages as might be occasioned by the erection of a mill dam on the northwest quarter of section iS. On the same day Ashbel .Merrill obtained a similar writ for the erection of a mill dam on the northwest (luarter of section 17. At the April term, 1836, the writ in favor of Ashbel .Merrill was returned, allowing Henry Pepper $50 dam- ages caused to his land by the erection of the dam. The return to Moffitt's writ found the dam to be u])on their own land and no injury would be caused to the neighborhood. The Motifitt mill was a grist mill, much resorted to by people for many miles around. It had probably no competitor nearer than Rochester on Spoon river and the mills on the Kickapoo near Peoria. Merrill's mill is said to have been a sawmill located about one-half mile lower down the stream than Mofifitts'. About this time or a little later there were three rival villages in what is now Chillicothe township — Rome, Allentown and the village of Chillicothe, the first having twenty-five, the second three, and the third thirty houses. There is no plat of Allentown on record but the ferry licenses granted to George Allen in the year 1832 locate it on the southeast (|uarter of section 29, township 11 north, range 9 east. The first attempt to locate a village upon llie present site of the city of Chillicothe was made by Samuel T. McKean, who on November 28, 1834, caused a plat to be surveyed by Charles Ballance, county surveyor, on the southwest quarter of section 21, and the northwest quarter of section 28. It consisted of four entire blocks and. four extra lots, which were doubtless intended to be included in a subsequent plat. It was acknowledged December 18, 1834, before Andrew M. Hunt, justice of the peace. June 6, 1S38, Harrison H. Jamison and Joseph Hart platted a village on the southwest quarter of section 21, and the southeast quarter of section 20, cover- ing a nuich larger territory, which they named Chillicothe, apparently ignoring the former plat, and possibly including it in this. The streets were 66 feet wide, alleys 18, lots 66x166 feet. October 21, 1836, James T. Temple and Harrison H. Jamison laid out an addition to Chillicothe which they named Temple & Jamison's addition. It was located on the northwest quarter of section 2S on the river. It was of an ir- regular shape, consisting of three fractional blocks on the river, three full blocks and two other fractions. Several other additions have since then been annexed but these were the original plats of the city. December 24, 1832, Jefferson Taliafero placed upon the records of deeds in the recorder's office of Peoria county, a plat of the village of Rome. It con- sisted of twenty-three blocks and a public square, but not being accompanied with any survey or dedication, its location cannot be definitely fixed. I!ut that it was the original plat of the village of Rome cannot be doubted. It is one of the very earliest plats recorded in Peoria county, it being contempo- raneous with the first plat of what is now ^lill's addition to the city of Peoria. The streets running parallel with the river were named Front, Second, Third, and Fourth, while the ones running at right angles to those mentioned bore the distinguished names of Caesar, Pompey, Anthony, Octavius, Cato, Cicero and Brutus. October 10, 1835, Isaac Underbill laid out a village which he also named Rome, which may have covered the territory occupied by the former one, but inasmuch as tlie land is not specifically described this must rest upon conjecture. It consisted of forty-four blocks and a public square, ten lots of 82i<^xi32 feet to a block. .As already seen, Rome was a dangerous rival of Chillicothe and is said to have been at one time an aspirant for the location of the county seat. June 20, 1837, Samuel Bell laid out a village plat named LaSalle, on the northeast quarter of section 32. surveyed by John ^IcFadden, deputy of Thomas 298 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY Phillips, county surveyor. The tract is a fractional one containing about seventy- five acres, of which about sixty-four acres were embraced in the plat. Little is known of this village, if in fact, it ever had any existence. It was vacated ]\Iarch 6, 1849, by Hiram Cleveland, who was then owner of all the lots. In 1840 Mr. Underbill began the cultivation of his farm at Rome by the l)reaking up of two hundred acres, to which were added five hundred acres more the following year. It subsequently grew to twenty-two hundred, which was doubtless the largest farm in the county. In the fall of 1841 he sowed three hundred acres in winter wheat, from which he had an excellent crop, harvested with the old-fashioned cradle, and sold at thirty-two cents per bushel, the highest market price of that year. The next year he put one thousand acres into winter wheat, which was so badly winter killed he did not harvest one bushel. In 1846 he set out on his land at Rome ten thousand grafted apple trees and six thousand peach trees which he cultivated for seven years. April i, 1853. he sold his farm to Dr. Ela H. Clapp and a Mr. Butler for $40,000. While extending his farm at Rome, Air. Underbill had a house built to run on wheels, somewhat similar in construction to a sleeping car. It was drawn by oxen to difi^erent parts of the farm, which consisted wholly of a smooth prairie. He had about twenty yoke of oxen, used in breaking the sod. He had thirty- five families of renters, among whom was a preacher who got free of rent all the land he could till in consideration of his preaching to the tenants on Sunday. Another was a fiddler who furnished the music for the balls that were frequent occurrences at the Rome Hotel during the winter season, on which occasions Mr. Underbill would be a frequent guest. After the completion of the Peoria and Bureau \'alley railroad, of which Mr. Underbill was president, a controversy sprang up between it and the city of Peoria in regard to the use of the streets or some other terminal privileges to connect with the steamboat landing, in consequence of which Rome was for a time made the head of navigation as to all freights going by rail and river. A spur track was built to connect 'the main track with the river and a large ware- house was erected on the river bank (there being a good landing at that point) through which all freight to and from the boats and the railroad were passed, thus avoiding the complications at Peoria. Rome has, however, not grown much in population, it being at the present day but little larger than it was sixty years ago. The Rome fraction constitutes a school district by itself, having a good schoolhouse, in which a good school is; maintained. Prior to township organization that portion of territory known as township II north, range 9 east, constituted an election precinct by the 'name of Senach- wine. When the reorganization took place, the fraction known as township 10 north, range 9 east, was attached and' the name of Chillicothe was given to the newly formed townshijx Prior to 1830 there were a few settlers in what is now Chillicothe township. Mahlon Lupton and John Hammett with his family had settled north of the creek on section 9, as early as 1830. The first cabin erected on the site of Chilli- cothe was that of Jefferson Hickson, a blacksmith, on the bank of. the river, near which he also erected his shop. The second was that of Edwin L. Jones, who was the pioneer .merchant of the place. His store occupied one room of the cabin in which he lived. He was the first justice of the peace and was a man of prom- inence in the county, he having also served for. some years as a member of the county commissioners' court. In 1838 a ]\Ir. Lehart erected a small frame house of one room which his family occupied while. he kept store in a cabin on Water street. The first tavern was opened. in 1835 by James M. Brown, which was called the Dunlap House. It was a one and a half story house situated on First street, but the name was subsequently changed to the American. House. It was kept by William Dunlap for about five years, during which time it was the stopping place for stages to and from Chicago. .The next is said to have been the Illinois, subsequently changed to the Buckeye. MAIX STUEKT. ( IIIIJ.IK ITIIE l'rr,IJ( s( l|o,)l>. ( llll.l.U DillK HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 299 The Transit Hotel was erected about 1850. Thomas Kilts was the first pro- prietor. It is at present operated by J. H. Humes. The Union Hotel was erected about 1865 by O. G. Wood and was at first called Wood's Hotel. It was subsequently changed to the Commercial and later to Union Hotel. D. McKeel is the present proprietor. The Chillicothe House was a frame building containing ten to fifteen rooms, erected and kept for some years by John Haves. It was destroyed l)y fire in 1873. From its position on the river and its pro.ximity to the fertile lands in the northern part of Peoria and the southern part of ?ilarshall counties, Chillicothe has from an early day been a prominent market for grain, pork and other prod- ucts of the farm. This trade was also enhanced by the running of a ferry to the opposite shore, which enabled it to command the custom from a large portion of Woodford county, as well as from that portion of Marshall county lying east of the river. Of such importance was this trade considered that on Alarch 4. 1867, a charter was obtained from the legislature for the Chillicothe Ferry Road and llridge Company, with i)ower to establish and run a ferry, to build a bridge, to make roads approaching the same on both sides of the river and to purchase or condemn lands for that purpose, these rights to be exclusive for a distance of three miles along the river. The company had a capital of $30,000. It es- tablished the ferry, constructed the road across the bottom lands on the easterly side of the river and has been operating the same ever since. John A. ^Moffitt built the first grain warehouse on the river bank in 1847, the trade at that time being confined to the river. Henry Truitt erected a grain warehouse about the year 1853, and in company with Samuel C. Jack started the first extensive business in grain. This firm and its successors have done a very large and flourishing business for many years. Soon after the completion of the Peoria and Bureau \'alley railroad, its lessee, the Chicago & Rock Island Company, erected an elevator at the depot, which was consumed by fire in 1864. It was rebuilt and an elevator has ever since been maintained at that point for the shipment of grain. It is at present operated by the Chillicothe Grain Com- pany. An extensive business in milling was formerly carried on, but unfor- tunately, one of the finest mills, that of Wood & Hosmer, was destroyed by fire in i86g. The year before that event, the Farmers' Mill, w^ith a capacity of grind- ing fifty barrels of flour per day, had been erected by Adam Petry and A. C. Thomas. The River elevator, or Old Star elevator, which had been lying idle for many years, is now operated by the Turner, Hudnut Company, of Pekin, Illinois, who do their shipping entirely by the river, as there are no railroad tracks reaching it. Prior to 1873 Chillicothe had been governed as a village by a board of trus- tees. In April of that year it adopted a city government and elected Henry Hosmer, mayor; William McLean, Levi Booth, Joseph Bailey, William H. Bar- bour and Richard Hughes, aldermen. It now has a poi)ulation of about 1,850 and contains the numljer and variety of business houses usually found in cities of its size; among which may be mentioned several dry-goods, grocery, drug and hardware stores, estaljlishments for tlie sale of farm machinery and furniture, grain elevators, lumberyards, etc. There are two banks. The first, that of Truitt, Matthews & Company, was organized in 1868 by Henry Truitt and Samuel C. Jack. Later the firm was com- posed of Henry Truitt, P. T. Matthews, Harvey Holman and A. D. Sawyer. The present proprietors are Henry Truitt, P. T. Matthews, • Mead and Rollin H. Truitt. It has a capital stock of $40,000, surplus, $30,000. Frank L. Wilmol is cashier. The First Xational Bank was organized December 10, 1900, with a capital of $25,000. B. F. Zinzer being president, Ira D. Buck, vice president, and Fugene Moffitt, cashier. The present cashier is L. R. Phillips. Its stockholders are among the most prosperous business men of Peoria, Pekin, W^ashington and Chillicothe. February 10, 1902, its resources were $111,778, and its deposits, $79.557- 300 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY There are two weekly newspapers, the ChilHcothe Liiillctin and the Chilh- cothe Enquirer, the first started July 4, 1883, by the present proprietor, Frank \V. LJailcy, the second in 1891 by Messrs. Day & Bates. The present proprietor of the latter is H. A. Bates, one of the founders of the paper. The city is supplied with telephone service by The Peoples Telephone Com- pany, of which B. F. Zinzer is president, and E. .Moffitt is secretary and treas- urer. The company was organized in i8gi. It now has one hundred and fifty 'phones in operation. It furnishes country service in Peoria county and cable service across the river connecting with lines in Woodford, McLean, Marshall and Tazewell counties. CHURCHES The Baptists were the first to hold religious meetings in ChilHcothe, probably under the direction of Elder Gersham Silliman as early as 1837. In the spring of 1838 they organized the Baptist church with the following members: Peter Temple and wife, James H. Temple and wife, James Hanimctt and his wife and mother. Elder Silliman ministered to the people for a short time, when Alex- ander Rider, a Scotch clergyman, became pastor and remained for two years. In the same year James H. Temple started a Sunday school which was held at the residence of the members. The church was then without a pastor for several years, there being occasional preaching from time to time. In 1830 Elder C. D. Merritt began preaching semi-monthly and a reorganization took place with fifteen members. Elder Thomas Bodley became the iirst pastor in 1850 and was succeeded in 185 1 by Rev. C. D. Merritt. Through a revival of that year the congregation increased its membership to ninety-two, and in 185 1 and 1852 it erected a comfortable brick house of worship, with a seating capacity of 400. By 1857 the congregation had increased its membership to 102. The church then suffered a great decline for some years and its church building was sold for debt, but through the exertions of its members, aided by the citizens, it was redeemed and from that time took on new life. In 1866 the building was re- paired at an expense of $goo, and on the 2d of December of that year was re- dedicated. From that time until now it has been one of the permanent churches of the city. It is located on the corner of South Second and Elm streets. It maintains a Sunday school of about fifty in average attendance, George H. Sanders being superintendent. REFORMED EPISCOP.XL CHfRCH This church is in one sense the successor of St. John's parish of the Protestant Episcopal church, which was organized about 1865. The first rector was Rev. Dr. Chamberlain, under whose pastorate a church building was erected, which was used for several years. He was succeeded for a short time by Rev. Russell and he by Rev. Johnson. October 25, 1874, Rev. J. P. Davis, as missionary of the Reformed Episcopal church commenced holding services in the church, it having been for some time vacant. September 12, 1875, by vote of the members, the parish severed its ecclesiastical connection with the Protestant Episcopal church and united with the Reformed Episcopal denomination, it still retaining the name of St. John's parish. About 1880 the church building was sold and a new one was erected at a cost of about $2,000. This was also sold to the Roman Catholics and in 1890 the present building .was erected at a cost of $4,000. The first oftlcial board under the new organization was composed of Solomon Stowell, Stephen Martin and Elias Butz. Rev. Jesse P. Davis was rector from 1874-84; Frederick Walton, 1885-88; H. L. Gregg, 1888-89; G. Stroud Vail, 1890-93; E. H. Huston, 1894-98; Frank V. C. Cloak, 1899, to the present time. There is a Sunday school with 36 mem- bers. HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 301 PLYMOUTH CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH This society was organized August 12, 1891, with nineteen members. The lirst pastor was Rev. Elbert G. Colhns, who served from 1892-1900, and in the latter year the present pastor, Rev. J. Charles Evans, assumed charge. The church building, located at the southeast corner of Fourth and Pine streets, was erected in 1S92. and dedicated February 19, 1893, at a cost of $1,500. SCHOOLS Chillicothe has always occupied an advanced position in regard to her public schools. The first school taught in the village was in the winter of 1838-9, in a log cabin. In 1S45 a frame schoolhouse of one room was erected on the public square. This served its purpose until the adoption of the free school system in 1855. As soon as public funds could be raised by taxation, a commodious brick building, 30x56 feet, and two stories high, containing four rooms, was erected and supplied with all up-to-date furniture and equipments. It was erected in 1856. The authorities were greatly encouraged and stimulated into activity by the holding of the Peoria County Teachers' Institute in their new school building in October, 1856. During its session night meetings with public lectures were lield in one of the churches. In 1870 it became necessary to enlarge the building, which was done by adding two school rooms, two recitation rooms and a hall. The exterior of the building was also greatly improved and beautified. It was located on the corner of Elm and Fourth streets and when first erected cost $4,000. The additions and improvements cost about $6,000 additional. This building was destroyed by fire in 1890, and in the following year a new one con- taining thirteen rooms was erected on North Sixth street between Cedar and Chestnut. It accommodates about 500 pupils and has twelve teachers. JUBILEE TOW X SI IIP In the second tier of townships is Jubilee, which has for its northern boundary the township of Princeville. On the east is Radnor, the south, Rosefield, and the west, P.rimfield. The first settlers to locate and acquire permanent homes came in 1835, about fifteen years before the adoption of township organization, settling in or near what is now the west part of the township and at neighboring distance from the little hamlet of Charleston, now the village of Brimfield. A few others scattered themselves on the east side in anticipation of a college being founded by Bishop Chase. The first settlers who came from 1835 to 1840 appeared to be of three classes. First, those who possessed a little money and wished to begin life and homes where property would appreciate in value with time and improvement ; others, having failed in business, or at their first start in life for themselves in the older parts of the country, came to a new one to begin life and fortune again. A few of a third class were hunters and frontiers- men, who keep in advance of civilization, when game becomes scarce and neigh- bors too near their door, sell out and move farther on. Jubilee township has as great a variety of land and as many natural resources as any part of the county. There are a few sections of prairie land scattered in with what is rather a rough and broken township. Several tributaries of the Kickapoo creek have their source in and pass through the township ; also the east branch crosses the southeast corner and joins the main stream near the south line. A few white oaks, black oaks, bur oaks and red oak trees, also several varieties of hickory, were scattered over the bluffs and points at that time called by the settlers Oak 0])cning, skirling the streams, and on the bottoms were a large variety of forest, the oaks, black and white, walnut, sycamore, cottonwood, maples, both hard and soft, and varieties of willow. As the timber on the up- land was scattered and in small groves, that on the bottoms and along the streams 302 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY much l)elo\v the general level, the view of the country was nearly unobstructed and presented to the observer a pleasing sight. Shrubs and small fruits were found on the open, also some varieties of berries, surpassing in sweetness and flavor those of the cultivated kind, grew in the thickets of the timber. Many varieties of grasses covered the ground, furnishing food and sustaining numerous varieties of wild game that roved at will over the country, which in their turn furnished a large amount of the pro- vision for the settlers and their families. The cabins or homes of the pioneers were of the most primitive and rude construction, built in the usual style of the pioneer log cabin. Some of the fron- tiersmen, however, being skilled in woodcraft, or handy with an ax, built houses of a better class. They hewed the timber to a square, dove-tailed the ends at the corners, laid a stone foundation in lime mortar, erected the timber walls above that, making them straight and true as a brick wall, carrying them to the height desired, usually one story and a fourth or a half. The rafters, hewn smooth, were set at a good slant, ribs fastened on crosswise to which shingles, split and shaved by hand, were nailed, fire place and chimney of stone or brick filled with mortar, as was also the joints in the timber walls. The floors were often laid witli boards of the boxes the people brought their goods in, a wide board for a door, one window of sash and glass for each room, and what more could human nature want? The few vehicles, tools and agricultural implements were of the simplest de- sign and construction and were often made by those who used them. Teams of oxen were more generally used than horses or mules, being cheaper and easy to keep at that time. The first breaking of the prairie sod was done with four yoke of cattle, a large plow held in the proper position by axle lever and wheels cutting and turning over a sod twenty inches in width. This work was per- formed in the months of June and July, the tough sod rotting sooner if broken up at that time. Also a crop of sod corn and pumpkins were grown that same season. Cradles were used to harvest the small grain, the hay and wild grasses being cut with a scythe and all put into the stack by hand. Small grain was threshed and corn shelled with flails or trodden out with horses until the advent of the little thresher, a cylinder and concave set in a small frame and run by a four-horse sweep power, the straw being raked ofl: by hand. The grain was afterwards cleaned up with a fanning mill. Possibly the hardest and most dif- ficult labor which the early settlers had to perform was the construction and maintenance of their fences, the kind in general use being built with rails, the splitting of which would occupy the entire winter to make enough to fence a few acres for cultivation. Fenced pasture at that time was unknown, all stock running at large or in common. The spinning wheel and hand loom were found in many of these cabin homes, where the women folk made the cloth or homespun for clothes for their families and a carpet for the floor. These primitive outfits and homes did not require much money, as that was scarce and hard to obtain. With the few things that were brought to the country and such as ingenuity could contrive, the pioneer had the necessaries and a few of the comforts of existence. Such was life in the log cabin days. Prominent among the pioneers of the township was the Rev. Philander Chase. ISishop of Illinois, who came to the then west to found the colloge known as Jubilee. He permanently settled in 1836 on a part of section 36 in the south- east corner of the township. Erecting a log cabin for himself and family, as did the other settlers, he set about the college work. Securing some funds, partly from friends in England and some from others in the eastern states, and at times contributing from his own resources, a tract of land was secured em- bracing about three thousand acres, more than two thousand of which were in Jubilee township, and near the home chosen for himself. Procuring stone and timber near the site chosen for the buildings on section 26, the corner stone of HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 303 the chapel and schoolhouse was laid on the 3d day of April, 1839. The erection of the buildings soon followed with the other necessary buildings; residences for the teachers, boarding houses for the scholars and workmen, so that in a few years, but later than 1850, nearly all of the various industries of the times were represented in the little village of Jubilee and the near surroundings. .A sawmill was constructed on Kickapoo creek, two miles south from the college to which was soon added a flour mill, with both steam and water power. .A store building near at hand was filled with such goods as were used by the early settlers. A blacksmith shop and a shoemaker shop were added for the con- venience of all near liy. A small hand printing press was operated in the college building, on which was printed at short intervals a small sheet entitled "The Alotto." Farming and stockraising were carried on extensively by the college which introduced and operated the first agricultural machinery seen in the vicin- ity, such as McCormick's reaper, Allen's mower, Emory's tread power and thresher. Students soon filled the buildings and the college flourished for a number of years. The first graduating exercises held at the college occurred July 7, 1847, at which five persons received their degrees in the arts and sciences. A large booth was erected for the occasion, constructed of poles set in the ground and covered with branches from the trees. A band from Peoria city furnished the outdoor music. The exercises were attended by several hundred people and it was indeed a happy and proud event to the founder of the college. A little knowledge of the work and the difficulties encountered in the building of such an institution in those early days may be obtained when we realize that the stone was first dug from the quarry and shaped. The brick was burned within a few rods of where it was used and nearly all the timbers were cut and hewn from the native forests by hand. On one occasion, in 1842, one of the settlers made the journey to Chicago in the winter with a team, bringing from there a barrel of salt for use at the college and a load of lumber with which to make sash for the build- ings. Other settlers procured some of the materials for their first homes in the same wa}'. Township organization was adopted .April, 1850, and the usual township of- ficers elected. The formation of school and road districts was completed in a few years afterwards, the number of each at the present time being eight. The schools in each district hold from six to eight months of school each year. Religious services and Sunday schools were held at various times in several of the schoolhouses until the building of various edifices for public worship, of which Jubilee has three — the Episcopal at the college, German Methodist and Lutheran. Five cemeteries situated in difl:'erent parts of the township give the unwritten history that many have finished their labors and gone to the other shore. But few of those are living who purchased their land from the govern- ment, and at this writing but one is living on the land which was purchased by them from Uncle Sam. For a time elections were held at private houses or at the residence of the town clerk. Elections and town meetings are now held at the town hall in the center of the township. Some changes of town officers have been made at every annual meeting and but few have served the township many years in succession. Three members of the Illinois general assembly have been chosen from the township, namely: William Rowcliff, H. R. Chase and Peter Cahill. As township officers, William Church, H. I. Chase, Gilbert Hathaway, James H. Forney, J. B. Slocum, John Moss. William Rowcliff, H. R. Chase, Richard Pacey, Peter Cahill and Cecil C. Moss have served as supervisors. Those having acted as town clerk are: David Sanborn, William M. Jenkins, George Radley, Noah Alden, George Paul, William H. Paul, S. S. Stewart, Charles Hayes, F. E. Coulson, R. H. Van Renssalaer. George Stewart, F. T. Keefer, L. Hasselbacher, L. S. Barrett, S. P. Bower, tjilbert Hathaway held the office of school treasurer for twenty-seven years, Thomas Pacey and Charles Hayes about twenty years. 304 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY I'AU M FI FLD TOW X S 1 1 1 P Brimfield township is one of the richest agricultural sections of the county. It doubtless has more good arable land than any other township, there being not over forty acres that cannot be plowed and cultivated. There is an abundance of bituminous coal underlying the surface of the whole township in five or six veins, some of which are being successfully worked. Two groves are found in the township, one of which, situated in the southwesterly part, is called Atkin- son's Grove, from the first settler, the other French (French's) Grove, west oi the town of Brimfield, besides which there is a point of timber a half mile northeast of the village. There are quarries of lime and sand stone and an abun- dance of living water. Philip Atkinson is considered to have been the first settler, he having arrived in the township in 1834. He was a protestant Irishman and well educated, as were his whole family. He settled in the same grove which bears his name. Two of his sons became Methodist ministers ; Phili[), the youngest, became a college professor and afterwards wrote a work consisting of four volumes on the sub- ject of electricity. In the year 1837 a number of newcomers settled in the township, or in its immediate vicinity. Among these may be mentioned L. S. Booth and family, who settled in the west end of Atkinson's Grove; Levi Jennings, a Quaker, who settled on the section on which Zion's church now stands ; John Tucker and family. Isaac Cutter and family and Daniel Simon and family, all of whom settled in French Grove ; John Sutherland, who settled on the northwest of French Grove near the present Presbyterian church. Northeast of Brimfield there was another group of settlers, among whom were William Compher, who represented the district in the legislature in 1838-40. Others were Jacob W ills, who was the first blacksmith, and the man who opened the first coal bank ; a Mr. Martin, whose son, still living, was the first child born here ; Thomas John- son and family, a Mr. Schenck and family, David Shane. Hiram and \\'illiam Shane, sons of William Shane, Sr., with their families; and Isaac Harrison and family. .As the village of Brimfield, which early became the center of population, is on the extreme eastern edge of the township, it has been thought not out of place to mention some who were not within the township, but who were within the old precinct of Brimfield. East of the village, along the state road, was the following group of settlers : Thomas Martin, William Lambert and family, Clark D. Powell, who was one of the county commissioners and a justice of the peace, a man of liberal education and a very pleasing speaker. He also had a brother, Thornton T. Powell, who with his family settled in the same vicinity. About two miles southeast of the village was a small colony from Pennsylvania, consisting of Roswell, Asahel and Isaac Walker, with their families, Isaac Hark- ness, a prominent citizen who afterwards removed to Harkness Grove in Elmwood township, Edson Harkness, a brother of Isaac, with his son Wright and family, and Ichabod Rowley and his family. In 1836 Jacob Snyder with a large family, H. N. Wiley, John F. and Hiram Wiley, vvith their sisters Elvira and Marcia, W'illiam Lynch, William Berry, Daniel Stansberry and family, a Mr. Floyt, Noah Alden, a very old man with two sons, Hiram and Noah, all arrived. In 1837 the following came : James Berrian. Thomas N. Wells and family ; in 1838, Bradford Hall and family, David Sanborn. John W. Perran, Sanuiel and George Pulsifer, a Mr. Marvin, Captain Fisher, S. H. Judson, John Shores, Edward Hayward and M. D. X'illings. May 6, 1836, a town was laid out on section 25, called Cambridge, but the stage route from Peoria to Burlington having been located a half mile north of it, another town was laid out by Abner Clark (June 9. 1836) on section 24, called Charleston, and the former was abandoned. The first settlers in Charleston SCENE AT I'EOKIA ( nrXTY OLD SF/I'll.ERS- ASSOCFATION PK'XIC Liltle };irl ilrove c;ilf' and rait twi'iitv m\\rartling compiled the data and his work was well done, as is shown in liis article, reproduced here by permission. It has been almost impossible to obtain any record of the names of those brave and fearless men who enforced law and order in the days of the early settlement in Peoria, but there are numerous incidents handed down from father to son telling of the courageous deeds of our pioneer police in the days of old Fort Clark. \n those periods a jail for the incarceration of criminals was not thought of. In the first place the vengeance of the law was swift and sure. No tedious de- lays, such as are now afforded by our modern methods of law, then clogged the wheels of justice. The trials were short, for our forefathers were usually sure of tlicir man before arresting him and he was not fed for months at the expense of the community, but was adjudged .guilty, if so, and speedily punished. It must lie conceded that criminals were not as numerous in those days as they are at the present time. This can be attributed to the fact that the settlements were not thicklv jiopulated and were composed of sturdy and honest men with tiieir families. The trials and tribulations of the settlers were Indians, and it was not until 1834 that the town marshal advised the people crime had increased to such an alarming extent that a jail was imperative. Peoria had been rapidly increasing in population and naturally the criminal was attracted. The jail was built of squared logs and was situated in the alley between Hamilton, Perry, Monroe and ^lain streets. It was sixteen feet square, seven- teen feet high, with walls of three rows of logs, each twenty-four inches in diameter. There was a hole in the top, covered by a trap door. Ingress was Vol. 1—22 338 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY obtained by hoisting the criminal to the hole and gently dropping him to the bottom of the interior, where he usually remained, blinking in an alarming and surprising manner at the twenty-four inch thick layer of logs, vainly es- timating the time it would require to chew his way out and silently cursing his fate that he had not been born a "wood-pecker." Only one man ever escaped from this oak bastile and he evidently was made of India rubber, for, by some elastic method he reached the sills of the chucking hole overhead and bounced joyously over terra firma to liberty. The peculiar circumstances attached to this affair was the fact that the jailer failed to buckle down the trap door over the hole, and the wise old citizens of those days silently rubbed their forefingers against the side of their noses, gravely figuring how big a majority they would pile up against the jailer providing he again ran for office. ]\Iany, however, took issue with the anti-jailer crowd, offering evidence of the escaped man's resourcefulness by pointing to his crime. It appears he was ar- rested for purloining an entire blacksmith shop — not exactly the entire shop, however, because he had carried aw^ay the hammers, anvils, and everything ex- cepting the forge, which was extremely unfortunate, for the reason that he was arrested when he had returned to make a clean sweep, preparatory to putting the place in shape for a "For Rent" placard. That escape had an excellent effect on all "keepers of the oak bastile," for never again was it repeated. The town was rapidly assuming dignity and the fact that it was the county seat of Peoria county made it necessary to have a more pretentious structure for housing criminals, so it was decided to build a commodious building which could be used by both the town and county and in 1849 they erected the building stand- ing on Eaton and Washington streets and now occupied by a pickle concern. A two-story brick dwelling was built in front of the jail and was known as the "Sheriff's Mansion" of Peoria county, which for style and elegance far surpassed any similar structure in the state. It stands today in the heart of the lurid hued district and is occupied by negroes. The jail was used for many years until the city of Peoria built its first city hall on Fulton street, between Jeff'erson and Madison, on the corner of the alley where it now stands. The jail then was immediately in the rear, just about where it is at the present time, and the police court in those days was located on the second floor of a build- ing across the alley. There was a bridge built across the alley on the second floor of the jail, connecting the city hall and the police court and every morning the prisoners were marched over this "bridge of sighs" to tremblingly face the honorable head of the police court. This building was used until 1897, when, during the administration of John Warner, the present city hall was erected. The present jail, police court headquarters, and, in fact, the entire department is practically under one cover, as is proper, and there is not another city the same size of Peoria, that can boast of a more modern jail. The first murder trial which ever took place in Peoria, occurred on the 14th day of November, 1825, before the first circuit court ever held in the county. The accused was an Indian named Nomaque, who was tried for the murder of a Frenchman. He was found guilty and sentenced to suft'er death but in some manner the supreme court reversed the finding of the lower court and granted him a new trial. At that time the Peorians had no jail and as the guarding and feeding of the murderer was too tiresome and expensive they held a consultation and decided that they would punish the fellow by forming a double line of the citizens and start the Indian "down the line." As he passed, each citizen was to have the privilege of bestowing an effectual "boot" upon that section of the Indian's anatomy which it seems was created for that particular purpose. Pointed toes were not then in vogue, but it is recorded that the highly incensed citizens took other measures which were as keenly felt. One remarkable feature of the Indian's trial was the fact that he was represented by a son of the celebrated Alexander Hamilton. HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 339 The next murder which created a great deal of excitement was that of a drunken man who was shot by a sentinel employed by a citizen named Bogardus. Bogardus, when in his customary drunken condition, always labored under the hallucination that any one who approached his home, did so for the purjjose of either killing or robbing him, therefore he employed an army deserter named Seeds, to act in the capacity of "sentinel" or "guard." Bogardus gave this man explicit instructions to shoot any person who approached his house and failed to give the necessary "countersign." The unfortunate man while under the influ- ence of early Peoria Rye, staggered in close proximity to the guard and in a condition which prevented him from being able to distinguish "countersigns" from any other particular signs, he maudlingly related his ignorance to the senti- nel, who promptly followed the instructions given by his lord and master,' by neatly boring the unfortunate "tres])asser." This occurred before the town pos- sessed a jail and again another murderer escaped paying the penalty of his act. Bogardus' reputation was unsavory, as he had a record for being somewhat of a tighter, troublemaker and inciter of wrangles. There were numerous town marshals in Peoria, but it was in 1837 that we find the first record of a "town chief" being selected. This was John B. Lishk, who was appointed in that year by George F. Parker, who was president of the board of trustees of the town of Peoria. Chief Lishk's experience was for a brief duration of one year. The following men afterwards served and were appointed by the mayors, whose names are also given : 1838 — Edward F. Nowland, appointed by President Rudolphus Rouse. 1839 — Edward F. Nowland, reappointed by President Rouse. 1840 — Jacob Silzell, appointed by President Rouse. 1841 — George Divelbiss, appointed by President Peter Sweat. 1842 — George Divelbiss, reappointed by President Sweat. 1843 — Thomas Bryant, appointed by President John King. 1844 — John Brown appointed by President Halsey O. ^lerriman. In 1845 Peoria selected its first mayor, who immediately appointed an oflicial known as chief of police. 1845 — Daniel E. Oakley, appointed by Mayor William Hale. 1846 — Daniel E. Oakley, reappointed by Mayor Charles T. Stearns. 1847 — Daniel E. Oakley, again reappointed by Mayor William Mitchell. 1848 — John E. Carter, apjiointed by Mayor William Mitchell. 1849 — Henry Hahn, ajiijointed by Mayor Jacob Gale. 1850 — Henry Hahn, reappointed by Alayor Dennis Blakely. 185 1 — Wallace Law, appointed by Mayor George C. Bestor. 1852 — Dennis Hays, appointed by Mayor Jonathan K. Cooper. 1853 — Dennis Hays, reappointed by Mayor George C. Bestor, who was again elected. 1854 — John C. Heyle. appointed by Mayor George C. Bestor. 1855 — Alfred R. Kidwell, apjiointed by Mayor Charles Ballance. 1856 — Andrew Bowman, appointed by Mayor Gardner T. Barker. 1857 — Andrew Bowman, reappointed by Mayor Barker. 185S — Stephen \V. Roszell. appointed by Mayor William R. Hamilton. 1859 — John W'etzel, appointed by Mayor Hamilton. i860 — George W. Campbell, appointed by Mayor John D. .Arnold. 1861 — George W. Campbell, reappointed by Mayor William A. Willard. 1862 — Hiram H. Pierce, appointed by Mayor Gardner T. Barker. 1863 — Hiram H. Pierce, reappointed by Mayor Matthew W^ McRevnolds. 1865 — Frank J. A^onachen, apj)ointed by Mayor Henry T. Baldwin. 1866— Frank J. \'onachen, reajipointed by ^^ayor Baldwin. 1867 — Theopholus .Schaerer. ap|)ointed bv flavor Philij) Bender. 1868 — Theopholus Schaerer. reappointed by ]\Iayor Peter R. K. Brotherson. 1869 — Thomas Lynch, appointed by Mayor Brotherson. 340 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY In 1870, the first superintendent of police was created in the person of John ^^. Guill. He was succeeded in 1873 by Samuel L. Gill. Peoria had spread considerably in area in the direction of north and south by this i)eriod, and when John W. Kimsey was made superintendent of police in 1876, he caused the old N'o. 4 engine house on Meyer avenue to be converted into a sub-station to take care of the southern portion of the town. There were no telephones in use then, nor did the city possess a patrol wagon. If one of the officers was fortunate in making an arrest and the offender was in a condition which prevented him walking to the police station, the officer, under the law, had authority to press any convenient wagon into service for the purpose of hauling the prisoner to the nearest station. The city was required to pay the expressman fifty cents for each and every prisoner hauled. It is rumored that a certain expressman invariably drove behind one of the policemen whenever he walked his beat so that he would be pressed into service in the event an arrest was made. There is no record that the expressman ever became enormously wealthy from his efforts to always be on the "job." Superintendent Kimsey officially named the engine house "Lower Station" and placed a night captain in charge from 6 P. ]\1. until 6 A. ;\1. and an assistant from 6 A. AI. until 6 P. M. His captain in charge of the lower station was Charles Camp, and the night captain at police headquarters was H. C. Lincoln. Superintendent Kimsey also introduced crossing policemen in the persons of Henry Pringle, Leonard Sommers and James H. ]\Iurphy. In 1878. Alayor John Warner appointed Alartin C. Dailey superintendent of police and made Elijah C. McWhirter night captain. These men continued to handle the department until 1882, when Mayor Frank Hitchcock was elected. He appointed John Minor (the father of our present sheriff), superintendent, w^ith John Hill night captain. 1884 and 18S5 again saw John \\'arner at the head of the municipality and he immediately discharged Hitchcock's selections and reappointed his old friend Martin Dailey, with McWhirter again as night captain. During Mayor Kinsey's administration the horse patrol wagon was intro- duced. It was drawn by one horse and was without a cover or screen to hide the occupant from the view of a curious public. Despite the criticisms, it con- tinued to be "an open affair" until John King's remonstrance was heeded in 1896. when a closed wagon was put into use. Mayor Kinsey's election in 1886 caused new faces to adorn police headc|uarters and new rules and equipments. His selection for superintendent of police was Henry C. Lincoln, who had served as night captain under former superintendent Kimsey in 1876. William F. Selby was appointed night captain. The police patrol box was also introduced during that administration, which caused the good people to believe that the highest pinnacle of progress had been attained. In 1888 the irrepressible John Warner again became mayor. Since it was out of his province to again appoint Martin Dailey superintendent of police, he selected in his stead, Thomas N. Gorman, with .Andrew J. Mooney night captain. Gorman is now a member of the state legislature and a power in Illinois politics. Charles C. Clarke was elected mayor in 1891 and his choice for head of the department was Charles F. Flynn. Flynn's night captain was Charles A. W. Fash, who afterward became chief. Mrs. Albina Barrett is the first matron of whom we can find a record. She served under Chief Flynn. When Mayor Clarke was reelected in i8q2, he appointed Thomas P. Hawden superintendent; John A. .Arnold, night cantain : .Andrew J. Alooney, chief of de- tectives ; Charles P. Sloan, sergeant and Mrs. Emma P. Wonder, matron. The next man to head the department was Charles Fash, who had served as captain under superintendent Flynn. He immediately appointed S. O. Tripp, captain, and made ex-superintendent of police, Charles Flynn. the chief of de- tectives. Sergeant Sloan still retained his position, as did Airs. Wonder, the matron. A SI 11 IMI.U !•: SIATlilX I'SKI) IX IsTS HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 341 The force remained practically the same, with the exception of a few minor changes in the captaincies, until 1898. when John \V. White was made superinten- dent, with Frank Kleinhenz captain. The sergeant was Charles Sloan. In lyoo Charles F. Flynn was again appointed superintendent; Joseph Amlong, sergeant; D. A. Mclnnis, sergeant; llomnier ]\Iahannah. sergeant; and Tom Doty, night sergeant. Doty is now on the force in the capacity of patrolman. .Mrs. Emma 1\ Wonder was again appointed matron to succeed Mrs. Barrett. In 1902 Edward AI. Kennedy was appointed superintendent, assisted by Captain Michael D. Hurley. John J. Welsh was made lieutenant; Frank Bar- thell, sergeant ; Thomas Powers, sergeant and Tom Doty again appointed night sergeant. Tom Powers remains on the force and is doing duty as crossing po- liceman at Jefferson and Main streets. The police matron was Mrs. Helen F. 1903 saw Mayor Woodruff's first term as mayor. He ap|M)inted William W. Rhoades superintendent. The present captain, Gustave I'.reymeier, held the same position then that he does now. The lieutenant was Frank Lichtweis. I'arthell and Welsh were sergeants, with Charles Stevens, night sergeant, to succeed Doty. Mrs. Anna Stoufter was matron. Edward M. Kennedy was again appointed superintendent in 1905. The present day detective, Charles Wilson, was the captain under Chief Kennedy; .Merritt B. Palmer, lieutenant; sergeants were Welsh. Stephens and Lee Chase. .Mrs. King was again appointed matron. Kennedy served until 1906, when he resigned and Charles \\"ilson was ap- pointed superintendent of police. Sergeant Welsh was promoted to captain and James Halpin. the present secretary, to Superintendent Rhoades. was ap- pointed lieutenant. Charles Smith succeeded Welsh as sergeant. In 1907 John F. Kiernan was appointed the head of the department; Welsh c'lntinued as cajJtain, as did James Halpin as lieutenant. Austin Kirby and Robert McConnell were made sergeants. Mrs. Mabel \\'riL;bt was appointed matron. When Mayor Woodruff' was again selected to head the city administrntion, he appointed the men who now serve in their several capacities, and when tlie civil service law went into effect they were all selected and reappointed. \'ast improvements have taken place since the first patrol wagon was pur- '.hased. The telephone, police alarm boxes and other modern methods have been placed in use and recently the city installed the most complete police signal aiul .ilarm boxes which have ever been installed in any city. The operators at bead- quarters can signal to any officer on any beat in the entire city, lioth by the auto- matic ringing of a gong and the automatic flash of a bull's-eye signal lamp wliirli are attached to each l)ox. At nights, in case of emergency, both the gong and lights are used simultaneously. This wonderful invention gives the chief or captain power to call a policeman on any beat within a few minutes after a rob- bery in his vicinity has been reported. In IQ12, a combination automobile patrol wagon and rinibulance was added to the ijaraphernalia of the de|)artnient and is meeting with ;dl tlie rec|uirenicnt^ anticipated. r;.\S .\XD EI.ECTIUl' LinilT The Peoria Gas Light & Coke Com]xuiy was organized early in 1853, and on February 12th of that year was granted a charter by the legislature. The incor- porators were Hugh J. Sweeney, Peter Sweat, George C. I>estor, Henry Grove and William S. Moss. The company at once erected a plant at the foot of Persimmon street, and on September 15, 1833, entered into a contract wilh the citv for the lighting of the streets. This company had no opi)osition until llie organization of the Peojile's Gas iS: Electric Companv. which was chartered March 21, 1899, with a capital stock of $500,000. Its franchise ran for ninety-nine years 342 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY and chief among the stockholders were Sumner R. Clark, Frank T. Corning, Charles C. Clark, George H. Littlewood, Chauncey D. Clark, Fred Luthy, H. Sandmeyer, Sr., B. Warren, Jr., O. J. Bailey, Philo B. Miles and T. J. Miller. The company built its works near those of the other company, laid their mains and at once entered into strong competition with the Peoria Gas Pight & Coke Company, which at once lowered the price of its product, and started a merry war between the two concerns. This as a matter of course occasioned loss to them both and it only became a question of time as to which one should succumb to the other. A process of absorption by the Peoria Gas & Electric Company, the name assumed by the People's Gas & Electric Company in February, 1900, by acquisition of the stock of the former company, finally was accomplished and in 1904 the two companies were consolidated under the name and title of the Peoria Gas Light & Coke Company. About the year 1884, electricity was introduced into the city of Peoria. Pre- vious to this, on November 8, 1883, a franchise was granted the Jenny Electric Light & Power Company to set poles and string wires in and along the streets of the city, after which the company established an electric lighting plant, and in November, 1885, completed a contract with the city for the lighting of its streets for a period of five years. This move displaced the Peoria Gas Light & Coke Company in furnishing lights to the city and it was required to remove all its lamps from the streets and was' the beginning of the end of the use of gas upon the public thoroughfares. On the expiration of its contract, the Jenny Electric Light & Power Company was successful in securing another contract with the city for the same length of time to light the streets with electricity. Two years thereafter its name was changed to the Peoria General Electric Company, which company continued to light the streets until the end of the year 1900, when the plant was sold to the Peoria Gas & Electric Company, which some time pre- viously had been organized. This company then secured a contract from the city for lighting the streets and has been so employed to the present time. In 1906 the Peoria Gas & Electric Company was granted an extension of its electric fran- chise for a period of twenty-five years, which begins in 1920, or in other words, the original franchise was extended from a period of fifteen years to forty years. The Peoria Gas Light & Electric Company has made a number of important changes for the betterment of its service in the last few years. In 1908, it placed all its wires in the downtown district under ground and in 191 1, through an ar- rangement between the company, the business men and the city, the boulevard system of lighting the business section was inaugurated. The first installation of ornamental posts was on Adams street" from Main to Bridge, and at the present time there are now about two hundred five-glolie ornamental boulevard standards, which not only illuminate the streets and the buildings i^rofusely, but add very materially to the beautihcation of that section of the city. Another improvement of no mean importance and convenience to consumers was the public steam heating system recently installed by the company in the downtown district. The mains extend from Bryan street to Oak and from Water to Monroe. Many private homes and business houses are furnished heat from the central plant and the city hall and other public buildings are also patrons of the company. The modern,' sky-scraper office building, the Jefferson, and the new Jefiferson hotel receive their heat from the company. The electric plants belonging to the company are at the foot of Liberty street and the gas plants at the foot of Persimmon street. Gas is furnished for all purposes at ninety cents per thousand and there are now about 20,000 consumers. The officials of the company are: B. C. Cobb, president; W. H. Barthold, vice- president; E. E. Corken, secretary; A. P. Colvin, treasurer; R. S. Wallace, vice- president and general manager. HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 343 SEWERAGE SYSTEM A general system of sewerage was adopted by the city in 1900. Prior to this the liquid refuse had been run off in underground drains or sewers in certain sections as the occasion demanded and, ui)on determined appeals of citizens inter- ested, the first important one was a dec]) sewer constructed in the west part of the city, and having its main outlet at Oak street. There were other local sewers constructed in that portion of the city between Main and Bridge streets ; but it was not until the year first above mentioned that this necessary convenience and public work was systematized. Since then the greater part of the city has been drained and given outlets for its refuse matter. The city is divided into sewerage districts, which bear the name of the streets in which the mains are constructed, such as the Carolina street district, the Main street district, the Jackson street district, etc. Most of the sewers are constructed of vitrified pipes, ranging in diameter from si.x inches to twenty inches. Many miles of sewers are made of brick, circular in form, which range from twenty-four to eighty-eiglit inches in diameter. There are also egg-shaped brick sewers, from one and one-half feet to five feet in diameter. Some of these sewers are very deep. In 1912 the number of miles of sewers in Peoria was estimated to he ninety. STREETS .\N1) SII>EW.\LKS For many years the streets of Peoria were "worked" at intervals pretty much as the comitry roads are kept up ( ? ) at the present time. As traffic increased, the necessity for harder and firmer thoroughfares became apparent and gravel was used to some extent. This material did not meet the requirements and the next step toward modern steel pavfhg was broken stone with a layer of gravel on top. A street treated in this way was said to be macadamized. Main street was eventually macadamized, while cedar blocks were laid on North Adams and other streets were laid with cobble stones. Washington street, from Alain to Locust, was paved with granite blocks, but none of these materials gave general satisfaction. Then about the year 1885, vitrified brick was tried, first on Ham- ilton, between Adams and Monroe, and at last the "long felt want" was appeased. The first asphalt paving was done in i8gi, Moss avenue being chosen for the first experiment. Since that time several miles of this material have been laid in Peoria. There were no fast mails in those days and a letter cost twenty-five one homogeneous mass by a filling of tar, has been laid for several blocks on Adams street and now it seems that the favorite material for paving is brick, asphalt and cedar block. In 1912 about half of Peoria's 175 miles of streets were paved with one or the other of the materials last mentioned The first sidewalks laid in Peoria were made of planks, which later gave way to the brick walk. For a long time nothing, excepting stone, was considered equal to brick for sidewalk, but now the brick w'alk is being discountenanced and the stone walk with it. Cement stands supreme and the concrete walk is not only chosen for its durability but also for many others of its virtues and today the city, in all probability, has at least 150 miles of walks. THE POSTOFFICE Manv changes have taken place since the establishmetU of the first postoffice in Peoria. Recently cedar blocks, laid on a solid cement foundation and made cents for carriage and delivery, the recipient usually being the one to pay for his fetters. The postoffice at Peoria was established in 1825, within a few days after the organization of the coutUy, and on .^pril qth of the year, James Adams was com- missioned as Peoria's first postmaster. Soon thereafter, John Dixon obtained a contract to carry the mail from Peoria to Galena and made the trip between the 344 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY two points once every two weeks. He traveled at times on horsebact: and oft- times on foot, by way of the trail between this point and Dixon's ferry. Where Mr. Adams kept the mail is not definitely known, but it is safe to say citizens of the village were required to go to the postmaster's home when looking for intelli- gence from distant correspondents. Of the personality of Mr. Adams the reader must remain in the dark, as he left no reminder of himself from which a descrip- tion can be given. However, he did not grow fat and arrogant from the receipts of his office, as they only amounted to about eight dollars the first year, and that j;eriocl covered his incumbency. The second postmaster was Xorman Hyde, who took a large and important part in affairs during the formative period of the county, and then earner-Stephen Stillman, who, if he ever qualified, remained in the office but a few days. But there was nothing very unusual in that, as the history of most of the other coun- ties of the state will show. Up to within a comparatively few years the government owned no buildings outside the larger cities, but now, where the congressman is diligent and persistent in his efiforts to please his constituency, a town of four or five thousand inhabi- tants without its federal building is an object of criticism if not derision. But in the first half century of the republic money was not nearly so plentiful as it is now and in the great farming state of Illinois the people had few wants and were very modest in their efforts toward having them supplied. Up to the federal building era it was the custom of the postmaster to establish his office wherever he pleased and in many instances his choice of location was far from being as convenient to his patrons as it was to himself and intimates. As has been related, no one knows where the first postmaster kept his office, but verv likely his hat or coat pockets were the mail boxes and most of the letters coming to him were distributed wherever he might happen to be found. This was a common practice in the pioneer days. .Antoine Le Claire, one of the French-Canadian residents of Fort Clark, founded the city of Davenport, and was appointed its first postmaster. He carried the mail in his coat-tail pockets. There is no data indicating the location of the postoffice under the administra- tions of Xorman Hyde and Stephen Stillman, but there is scarcely a doubt it was wherever those gentlemen resided. John L. Bogardus, at the time of his appointment, kept a hotel, and here was located the postoffice during his term. This was a log cabin, not far from the foot of Hamilton street. At another time the postoffice was located on the corner of Fulton and Adams streets, the present site of Shipper & Block's department store. Under John King it was moved into the basement of the Peoria House, corner of Adams and Hamilton. In 1861, under George C. Bestor's administration, the office was kept at 311-13 Main street, whence it was removed to the Rouse building by Enoch Emery, in 1865. In 1867 the office was removed to the Puterbaugh building, corner of Main and Monroe streets, where the great federal structure now stands. Finally, about 1883, Congress made an appropriation for the construction of a federal building and at once interested persons owning property, began an active cam- paign to induce the government to purchase the location of them, but the com- mission appointed for the purpose, decided in favor of the Puterbaugh prop- erty, and purchased the grounds and buildings thereon for the sum of $52,000. Contracts were awarded, the building was constructed, and in the spring of 1889 it was completed and occupied. The structure cost $251,833. During the administration of William E. Hull, the business of the department had increased so largely that the building was found to be inadequate for its purposes and through the efforts of Congressman Joseph B. Graff, an appropria- tion was secured from Congress and an addition was built to the rear, costing $218,500, making the total cost of the building, with site, as it now stands, $530,833. This addition was completed and ready for occupancy, January i. 1910. The first floor and basement of the building are devoted to the postoffice department, the second floor to the internal revenue department and chief clerk ill n^iiiiiifiuirthl-l I I xKiiiiiiiieiirFFr .JeHfison linililiny g^kt^ ' ^^^^B^M ^w~ ''~' 1 'j-!j '^ -^ i (IllVc'l lUllrllt llllililill^i SpaMilli; lll^litull City Hall . KiiiL:liIs ni Cciliiiiiljii^ I lull lie. use GROUP OF I'KiMllA I'.r I I.I >l \GS HISTORY OF TEORIA COUNTY 345 of the railway mail service, the third Hoor to the United States court and offices of the collector of customs, deputy clerk and deputy marshal. On the fourth floor are jury rooms and a room for civil service examinations. At the present time there are four branch offices in the city and seventeen numbered stations. On July 7, 1873, a city free delivery system was established, and at that time eight carriers were appointed, namely: John Stillwell, Charles R. Gundlock, Henry Schimpff, E. O. Place, Robert I'f'eilfer, Deitrich Kuch, Kugene RoUman and John Onyon. This corps of carriers started out with three deliveries daily in the business portion and two in the residential sections. At the present time their number has increased to fifty-two carriers and collectors and now there are five deliveries daily in the business district and two in the residential. It is estimated that the average number of persons served by each carrier daily is 1,510. The rural free delivery system was established in Peoria November i, 1900, with two carriers. There are now seven. One of the first to be appointed was Daniel L. .Murphy, still serving in that capacity, and in all the years he has lost but a few days" time and these were occasioned by a severe attack of la grippe in the winter of 1912. Henry W. Lynch, who is serving his second term as postmaster, has for his assistant Robert M. Campbell, who is now rounding out the twentieth year in that capacity, having been first appointed under the Harrison administration. Crover Cleveland permitted Mr. Campbell to retire when he was elected president the second time, but his successor, William McKinley, reappointed Mr. Campbell and he is still in the postoffice, performing his duties well and faithfully. Other employes of the postoffice consist of forty-one clerks, one substitute clerk, and three special delivery messengers. There are also in the office James T. Stacey, superintendent of mails, who is the nestor of the force, having served for more than twenty-eight years. Lawrence 1. Thompson, who commenced his activities in the office as special delivery messenger in 1889, is nearing his twentv-fourth year of service. Among the city carriers, Charles J. Speck is foremost in length of service. He was appointed as carrier in 1873 and is still doing faithful duty on his route every day. George E. Wilde is superintendent bf the money order division and is also in charge of the postal savings bank system, recently inaugurated by the government. The first money order ever paid in this office was on the 4th day of Novem- ber, 1864. The order was issued by the office at Springfield, Illinois, to Abner M. Watson, for $25, and was made payable to Henry M. Kneer, of Peoria. On November 4, 191 1, just forty-seven years from that date, the postal savings bank was opened in this office. The receipts of the postoffice show a steady increase from year to year. For 1825 they were $8; for the fiscal year of 189S the receipts amounted' to $143,- 753.26; and for the fiscal year 191 1, $345,208.46. Below is given a list of the postmasters since the establishment of the office until the present time: James .\dams, .\pril 9, 1825; Norman Hyde, February 23, 1826; Stephen Stillman, April 9, 1830; Norman Hyde, July 12, 1830; John Hamlin, August 17. 1832; John L. Bogardus, August 21, 1833; William Mitchell, May 16, 1834; (Hies C. Dana, February 23, 1835; Joseph C. Fuller, July 12, 1838; George C. Bestor, November 3, 1841 ; William H. Fesenden, October 6, 1843; Washington Cockle, August 19, 1847; John King, ;May 29, 1849; Peter Sweat, Alarch 29, 1853; George W. Raney, September 28, 185S; George C. Bestor, March 27. 1861 ; Enoch Emery, AJay 12, 1865: Isaac Underbill, .August 25, 1866; David W. Magee, April 20, 1867; John S. Stevens, January 7, 1876; Washington Cockle, January 13, 1880; John Warner, June 15, 1885; William T. Dowdall, May 3, 1886; Alexander Stone, December 2, 1889; Henry B. Morgan, February 14, 1894; William Edgar Hull, March 9, 1898; William Edgar Hull, March 9, 1902 ; Henry W. Lynch, May i, 1906: Henry W. Lynch, February 18, 1910. CHAPTER XXI\' MEDICAL PERSONAGES AND AFFAIRS ASSOCIATED WITH THE HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY PIONEER DOCTORS AND THEIR WAYS THE FR.\TERNITY AND THE METHODS OF ITS MEMBERS OF TODAY AS SHOWN BY DR. 0. B. WILL OSTEOPATHY. It is a matter of authentic record as well as common knowledge that the first person attempting the practice of medicine as a business in Peoria county was Augustus Langworthy. who came to Fort Clark for that avowed purpose in 1824, only five years after the first white American settler had placed foot on the same soil. Whence Dr. Langworthy came is not certainly known. He w^as never very communicative, and seemingly had no intimate' or confidential relations with any of his medical comrades. He seems to have been rather in a class by himself ; a surmise accentuated by his many years of complete isolation from professional fellowship. That he meant what he said, liowever, is plain from the fact that he continued to practice in the field of his first selection for nearly thirty-five consecutive years, never once faltering in his faith in Peoria or his fealty to the traditional principles of the profession in which he was regu- larly educated and ordained. According to Mr. Charles Ballance, who knew liim personally, the doctor was more persistent than popular, but in view of his experience of many years as the only medical practitioner in all the territory of northern Illinois from Indiana to the ]\Iississippi river and from Springfield north to the Great Lakes, he was probably justified in a cynical exhibition of inde- l^endence, for even the historian referred to naively remarks in connection with the subject that all the town needed to make it a tempting place for some othe'r physician to "break into competition with Dr. Langworthy was 'people.' " It was not until some eight years, however, after the doctor's first appearance that the "'breaking in" process was effected. In the meantime, in the midst of his 1,236 possible [matrons, all told, scattered all over the extensive region described, the doctor was not altogether either useless or idle. He supplemented the resources of the tardy community by serving both as chairman of the first granrl jury convened under the new organization, and as commissioner of public highways, varying the monotony of the situation by acting as surgeon accompanying the Peoria volunteers during the excitement of the Black Hawk Inflian war. But Dr. Langworthy was not absolutely useless, either, in his technical relations with his subsequent medical colleagues. A love of nature in her manifestations of still-life led him to an investigation of the indigenous materia medica and its therapeutics properties, which he used largely in his own ]5ractice, and to which he succeeded in drawing the attention of some of his professional brethren of a later period who, together with himself developed a modified system of symptomatic therapy of much practical value. The genius and fraternalism thus exhibited was the saving clause in an otherwise somewhat unsympathetic nature. Dr. Langworthy subsequently became a member of the local medical society imme- diately upon its formation, as well as of the state organization, thus giving quiet allegiance to the stipulated objects of both. Some time just before or during the Civil war he retired to his farm in Bureau county, where he passed to his final rest in 1868. The eight years' interval between the arrival of Dr. Langworthy and that of 347 348 HISTORY (3F PEORIA COUNTY his first competitor seemed to represent a period prophetic of, as well as prepara- tory to. the appearance of that coterie of able and distinguished men who formed the essential personal basis of Peoria county's prominence in the field of legitimate medicine throughout not only the pioneer, but most of the succeeding stage of developmental activity. The "breaking into competition" process referred to by Air. liallance occurred with the arrival in 1832 of the first member of this group in the person of Rodulphus Rouse, whose name has been associated with so many of Peoria's interests as to make it even yet a familiar one to most of the popula- tion. Xot only as the first, but one of the ablest and most active, he became con- spicuous in all his relations to the life of the community. A man of exceptional intellectual endowments, supplemented by fine educational acquirements, in the maturity of experience, he assumed at once a commanding position amongst the citizenship, and subsequently with his professional confreres. His experience had been such as to warrant immediate recognition of leadership. After a technical training in the medical school of Philadelphia and New York, Dr. Rouse, then little more than a mere youth, was accepted as a regimental surgeon in the Ameri- can arm\- during the War of 1812-14, at the close of which he was honorably discharged with the special commendation of his commanding oiificer. Return- ing to New York he secured an instructorship in the New York Medical College, a position he held for several years until failing health admonished him to seek more salubrious surroundings amidst primitive conditions. He then came to Peoria in obedience to that demand, stopping first at St. Louis enroute. Accus- tomed as he was to association with the most prominent and gifted in his profes- sion, he could never wholly accustom himself to the exigencies of border associa- tions and so was considered as somewhat eccentric, grufl:' and irrascil^le in man- ner, tliough always sincere and helpful. An accomplished practitioner, careful and exact, the crudities and inattentiveness which he subsequently encountered in professional association generally, led him to take a special interest in the edu- cational status, scientific advancement and material betterment of the profession. He was much impressed with the advantages prospectively obtainable through eft'ective organization, and exerted his influence in that direction continuously. He stimulated efforts eventuating in the formation of the Peoria Society in 1848, and two years later was the enthusiastic presiding officer at the meeting in Springfield preliminary to the organization of the State Association. He was at once made its first vice president for the ensuing year, its treasurer, and in 1852 was honored with the presidency, his capabilities in any professional line being fully -recognized by the best elements within the state. In his address of acceptance Dr. Rouse's statement relative to the advantages of organization on the part of the profession, which became a classic amongst them for its clearness and brevity, is well worth reproduction in this connection, as oft quoted but never improved upon. "It is," he said, "an acknowledged maxim that the association of those who are engaged in the same pursuit facilitates the attainment of their common object. The association of physicians oft'ers many advantages to them- selves and others. By this means the members of our profession are the better enabled mutually to assert their rights, protect their interests, to guard the morals of each other, to preserve their respectability, to maintain the honor and dignity of their profession, to advance their knowledge, and extend their usefulness." In order, furthermore, to illustrate as well the doctor's temper, and show him how on occasion his elegance of diction could l)e turned to keen, sarcastic criticism, the following is reproduced from the minutes of the 1851 meeting: "Dr. Rouse also stated that the only inducement for his acceptance of the office of treasurer had been the constitution makes the treasurer, ex-oflicio, one of the committee of puI)lication ; but as he had not been permitted to have anything to do with that part of the duties of his office, he would take this opportunity to disavow any responsibilitv in relation to numerous errors in a publication which in its present unfortunate' shape he considered as reflecting very little credit upon the contrib- utors, the society, its committee, or the Press." Such exhibitions on the part of HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 349 Dr. Rouse were not unusual, but were never undeserved. He was punctilious in all things, and his attitude always indicative of conscious power and dignity. A lover of art and the drama, Dr. Rouse indulged his penchant in that direction by erecting in the rear of his residence and office, corner of Main and Jefferson streets, the finest opera hall then in existence in the west, in which he had the pleasure of witnessing the exhibitions of many of the greatest histrionic lights on the American stage. Dr. Rouse was held in the highest respect and esteem by the profession and laity of Peoria, and left an honorable record when he passed away in 1873 at the advanced age of eighty years. Thus far, then, Peoria county had been fortunate in her incidental acquisi- tion of medical talent. Talent not only worthy of more than its prospective reward, but befitting the amlMtions and ideals of many a more pretentious com- munity. It is therefore historically interesting and enlightening to call attention at this juncture to that timely and fortunate combination of local and general con- ditions which served to continue the segregation within the county's borders of an ever increasing numiier of able medical men. The renewed activity in American educational concerns following disturbed conditions in Europe and the close of our second war with Great Britain, eventuated in evolving from the colleges and universities of the east a large number of talented, technically well-trained and ambitious young professional men, imbued with the aggressive thought of the time. Chafing under the restrictions and monotonies of customary surround- ings, they longed for a greater measure of personal and professional liberty. -Aroused still further by the growing sentiment that "westward the star of empire makes its way" they wished to satisfy the spirit of adventure as well as progress by seeking and creating for themselves opportunities and homes in the midst of surroundings and institutions at least partially of their own making. Small wonder, then, that their attention was easily directed to the great State of Illi- nois, the frontier commonwealth of the nation, and to the vicinity of Fort Clark, its frontier settlement. The conditions of location and convenient transportation which made Fort Clark a strategical territorial outpost, also made of Peoria the most conspicuous centre of border life and activity. Thither, then, as their first objective, was turned the rapidly increasing streams of immigration. From the Atlantic sea-board and Middle States, down the Ohio, up the Wabash and across country to Peoria ; and from the south up the Mississippi and Illinois rivers to the same destination came these streams of humanity bearing with them not only the professional representatives of recent college experience, but gathering in their currents medical men from all sources enroute ; one from here and another from there, no two from the same locality or with the same antecedents, traditions or training: men of refinement and education, of orthodox principles, and those of irregular and sectarian mould of predisposition. Men imbued with the ])rofes- sional, social and political instincts of the slave states and the south, with those of northern sentiments and sympathies ; all to be collected in a small human whirl- pool on the shore of Peoria lake. Because, when these travelers, worn and weary from their long journey caught sight of the beauties of the Illinois valley from the tops of the Tazewell county hills, or from the decks of the up-bound steam-boats, they cared to go no farther, and prepared at once to call the place home. Many, of course, finding the field preempted, or for other reasons unsatis- factory, made the town of Peoria itself but a rendezvous from which to secure needed supplies and seek locations further interior, where hamlets were spring- ing up in all directions, each expectant and ambitious to become the metropolis of the region. In that state of affairs may be read the answer to the oft repeated inquiry as to why the profession of Peoria and vicinity acquired so commanding an influence in the early medical as well as other councils of the state. Concentra- tion of cultivated intelligence within a com])aratively small area, held the secret. From the admixture of professional materials and forces just alluded to it is not difficult to surmise that some strenuous experiences were in sight. It will be profitable as well as entertaining, therefore, to learn yet more of the dominant 350 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY personalities involved, since character in physical and mental resource can alone come to the rescue in predetermining the nature and quality of results in any professional calling. To that end then, it may be said that the first representative of this younger contingent of medical aspirants for fame and fortune was Joseph C. Frye, from the University of Virginia and Ohio Aledical College, who arrived within the same years as his immediate predecessor. A man of impressive, scholarly feature and quiet dignity as well as politeness of manner, he was not long in winning the confidences he sought in the community, building up a large and lucrative practice as a physician rather than a surgeon. In fact he may be justlv said to have had a specialty, as specialties were counted in those days, in that his mind dealt mostly with the philosophy of medical therapeutics ; or the application of drugs to the cure of disease. An extensive and intensive reader, as well as deep thinker and observer in the line indicated, he was considered throughout central Illinois as an authority into the adjustment of such agencies to the desired end. He loved the study of the intimate, vital relation of external and internal forces within the economy, and was an expert in such divination. Dr. Frye was one of the original members of the Peoria and State Medical Socie- ties, and represented the professional sentiment of central Illinois in the organiza- tion of the American JNIedical Association at Philadelphia in 1847, in association with Drs. Brainard, Davis and one or two others from Chicago. A very con- stant attendant at the meetings of the few gathered now and again in the interest of a local society, Dr. Frye's very interesting report from the national gathering, including its adopted code of medical ethics, had much to do with arousing the necessary enthusiasm to make the scheme an accomplished fact in the following year. Dr. Frye had attained the age of full four score years when he finally passed away, leaving the impression of a systematically conducted and well- balanced life. In the trail thus rebroken, as it were, by Drs. Rouse and Frye, quickly fol- lowed a sufficient number of others to make a score or more of those who as a matter of record constituted the essential personal elements of professional life in what has been designated the pioneer stage of Peoria county's medical develop- ment. In uncertain order of sequence came the other members of this notable group. Whence Edward Dickinson came the writer has been unable to learn, but that appears to be a matter of small moment in comparison with his position as the preeminently beloved physician of Peoria county. A man of splendid physique and intellectual attainments along both general and technical lines, wise, of a judicial temperament, courteous and dispassionate as well as compassionate, he was one whom everybody not only respected but loved. He was a man who endeared himself to his patients as a parent to a child, and was equally adored by his professional brethren for his gentlemanly, kind and helpful disposition. It might almost go without saying, therefore, that he was a successful practitioner, but an indilTerent business man, He entered into both the joys and sorrows of those with whom he became associated, and was everybody's friend. And when he died a most remarkable thing occurred. On the day of his funeral his remains were escorted by his comrades of the medical profession in solemn procession to the church where the last sad rites were said, and then, in the presence of a congregation overflowing accommodations, with windows and doors open, prac- tically every medical man in the city knelt about the casket, and in the silence almost of death in unison reverently intoned the Lord's prayer. And afterwards, as the funeral cortege passed on its way to the tomb residents along the street stood in the open door-ways of their homes with bared and bowed heads in response to the common sentiment of sorrow. No such tribute before or since has ever been so universally paid to a member of that profession which Dr. Dick- inson graced with his personality. And when the formerly exclusive medical club of the city was formed it was christened "The Dickinson Medical Club." The living and lasting contribution of Dr. Dickinson to the professional life of his locality and time must therefore be accounted his inspiring influence toward that nobility, grandeur and self-sacrifice characteristic of the ideal physician. HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 351 Francis McNeil was one of those characters which, though once numerous are now rarely if ever seen in this country. Only in the mission fields of foreign lands is his like probably to be found. He was what nowadays is called a medi- cal missionary, a representative of the Methodist church, combining the functions of theology and medicine. He preached on Sundays and practiced medicine the remaining days of the week. He was a regularly educated physician, possessed of the instincts of that calling, and if he was as efficient in his clerical relations as he was in his medical, his church could have had no reason to find fault with him. He was one of the original members of the Peoria City Medical Society, and was chosen by that body as one of those to represent its membership at the organization of the Illinois State Association in 1850. He possessed the faculty of expressing himself eloquently and logically, and was a valued exponent of the progressive professional energies of the time. Dr. McNeil was highly esteemed by his medical associates, and remained in Peoria for several years, finally remov- ing to some point in Iowa, to which the exigencies of his gospel calling probably led him, but from which it is said he later returned to some point in northern Illinois where he died, rather early in life. Dr. McNeil's name will ever be recalled from the records of both the above named medical societies as a sincere and impressive expounder of the faith in both of his chosen professions, and as a genial, companionable gentleman. But there are other factors necessary in the composition of medical men whose paths lie in differing lines of service. Such was exemplified in the life and work of Elwood Andrew. He seemed to have been especially built for the require- ments of a widely extended country practice under pioneering conditions. He was big, strong, blufl^' and hearty, and enjoyed a splendid reputation through- out a large extent of territory. He feared nothing and nobody and impressed upon his clientele respect for both his opinions and requirements. Like his comrade in arms, Dr. Clark Rankin, his popularity rested more upon his hopeful, inspiring personality than upon any superiority in a purely medical sense, though the latter was a diligent and earnest student, active in organization affairs and a surgeon in the I'nion army. As exemplifying another phase of local professional personality, one of the most impressive characters in the pioneer life of Peoria was John Murphy, an early comer, an Irishman of substantial lineage in the old country, a graduate of Edinborough University, a scholarly man of fine all around professional attainments, naturally of a fiery, passionate disposition, yet tender-hearted and generous with all. He attracted immediate attention through his singular stateli- ness of bearing and polite gravity of manner. By the members of his profession he was often jocularly referred to as "my lord Murphy." Thaf appellation, how- ever, did not fully expound the doctor's character, since with his friends he was condescending, affable and democratic enough, a good story-teller, and alto- gether a very companionable man. \'ery sensitive and easily perturbed by criticism or injustice, his display of temper was sometimes alarming and at others amusing since some of his best friends would now and again take advantage of his disposition for purposes of tantalization. No one recognized or deplored that unfortunate feature of his make-up more than the doctor himself. And yet with it all he managed to gain the highest respect and confidence of a large following and was a successful medical practitioner and surgeon. He seemed to under- stand human nature thoroughly, and could apparently read the composition of a man almost at first sight. He was a remarkably good disciplinarian of his patients, and in that way could secure results where others failed. He was always indulgent toward beginners in the profession who sought his advice. Dr. Murphy was one of the organizers of the City Medical Society, and was its secretary for a long time, his heavy, verbose style of composition being found on many a page of the society's early transactions. On the occasion of the celebration of the last named's semi-centennial anniversary in Tlakesley, John T Lindsay and Henry Lander. Henry S. Austin and Charles C. Bonnev. Thomas Ford, Lewis Bigelow, John L. Bogardus. William Frisby and \\ il- liam L. May had been prominent at the bar, but they had pas,sed away. Lincoln B. Knowlton, Halsey O. Merriman and Ezra G. Sanger soon joined the ranks of the dead. Before coming to Peoria, Bigelow had been a member of con- gress from Massachusetts, but he is better known to the profession as the com- piler of Bigelow's Digest of the Massachusetts reports. Frisby was his son-in- 368 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY law, a brilliant young lawyer, whose life was cut short in early manhood. John L. Bogardus was more prominent as a business man and dealer in lands than as an attorney. Before coming to Peoria, William L. May had served one term in the legis- lature and two terms in congress. He also was more of a busines man than an attorney, and possibly his most enduring monument is the Peoria wagon-road bridge, for the building of which he obtained a charter from the legislature. The building of this bridge, which was the first one erected over the navigalile portion of the Illinois river, was the occasion of a most important decision of our supreme court, in the case of the Illinois River Packet Company versus the Peoria Bridge Association, reported in 38 Illinois Reports, page 467. Lincoln B. Knowlton was a man of great ability. He had been a member of the constitutional convention which framed the constitution of 1848. I remem- ber him as a stalwart man, above medium height, broad-shouldered and raw- boned. He was then in the last stages of consumption. With a shaggy over- coat thrown loosely over his shoulders, he walked down the middle aisle of the court house with great dignity, and took his seat in a hair-cloth rocker which had been provided especially for his use. He died within a month of that time. The following tribute was paid to his memory by the Peoria bar on the occasion of his death: "Resolved, That we pay but a just tribute of respect to the deceased when we declare that his character as a faithful, eloquent and successful advocate in our courts, as a man in whom were united the fidelity and honorable conduct of a good lawyer, as well as the most expanded liberality, kindness and generosity of man, commands our most unfeigned respect ; that the poor, oppressed and un- protected have occasion long to rememljer and to appreciate his generous efforts, gratuitous labor and professional exertions, so often and so faithfully put forth in their behalf, they having ever found in him the poor man's and the widow's advocate and friend." Lincoln Brown Knowlton was born in Shrewsbury, Massachusetts, in 1804, his paternal ancestors having come to America from Knowlton Manor, in Kent, England, in 1642. Lieutenant Daniel Knowlton and Colonel Thomas Knowlton. famed in the early Indian wars and the Revolution, were lineal ancestors. Nathaniel Lyan was his own cousin, tlirough a Knowlton mother. The three Knowlton brothers settled in Ipswich, ^Massachusetts. Lincoln B. Knowlton was very gifted in an intellectual way, and at an early age was sent to LInion College, at Schenectady, New York, whose president was then the famous educator. Eliphalet Nott, D. D., LL. D. After graduating at Union College, Mr. Knowl- ton studied law with the governor of Massachusetts, "Honest John Davis," as he was called. Mr. Knowlton came to Peoria at a very early period in its his- tory and was one of the most brilliant and prominent lawyers of his dav, being known as the Henry Clay of the Illinois bar. He loved his profession, refusing a judgeshi]5 and being practically pushed into politics. He was nominated for congress the year he died (August. 1854), and knowing that he could not live to fill the office, asked the privilege of naming his successor, James Knox, who was elected. He was sent as a delegate to the last whig convention, which met at Baltimore, and nominated his idol, Henry Clay, for the presidency The last speech ever delivered by Mr. Knowlton, when he was almost too weak to stand, and the glory of his rich, magnetic voice had gone, was in advocacy of the election of Clay to the presidency. He was an intimate friend of Abraham Lincoln, David Davis, Stephen A. Douglas and other eminent men who lent dignity to the early bar of Illinois. I have no recollection of ever having seen Halsey O. Merriman. He was a very popular lawyer and had been attorney for the town of Peoria when it obtained its charter as a city, which was largely the work of his hands. Ezra G. Sanger was a young man of talent and considerable prominence. He had Ijeen a member of the legislature in 1848, and one of the presidential electors in 1852. With Judge Purple as a partner, he was fast attaining to an ^-«2<^. J^^ 2.s/rf ■XT- T^-^.'yl. ^'Uoj inf^^-..^^ , £>.v^ lfJijuLa..~^ o(a,<:-A^~^ 7ZZ-^( /Lc^jUPt-v^-^ 'ijfLt^fJG^^ ^s'—us'-^^UJ'- 'i-i-v^ i^.^AijL.^^i^^C-'U. iTu^^A-cJtr/U^^ , '^'" (fi^ ^p-w^ /w2-,^^i^ tpuX)-^ e:j&y^~^^ LETTER FROM I'KORIAN CITIZENS TO ABRAHAM LINCOLN HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 369 eminent position al the bar, when the dreaded consumiUion also claimed him as a victim. The old court house had, in 1836, been replaced b}- a two-story brick one, with a cupola and a portico ornamented with four round sandstone colunms. It was considered an elegant building for the times, and continued to be the seat of justice for about forty years. Here also many political battles were fought, for it was the only public hall in town and for years all political conventions and political meetings were held in it. Its walls on many occasions resounded with the eloquence of such men as Abraham Lincoln, Stephen A. Douglas, Owen Lovejoy, Wendell Phillips, Joshua R. Giddings, Josiah Quincy, Jr., and other men of note. An incident of the times, which strongly impressed itself upon my memory, was the great debate between Lincoln and Douglas on October 16, 1854. The cir- cumstances which brought these two political giants together at that time I did not know, but in some way an arrangement was made that Senator Douglas was to have three hours for his opening sjieech, Mr. Lincoln was to have the same time for reply, and Douglas was to have one hour to close the debate. I was then a young man, and not much inclined to political life, but having been brought up a democrat, I was disposed to side with Senator Douglas. I lis- t"ened with much interest to his speech in defense of the repeal of the "Missouri Comproinise," but was not altogether satisfied with it. When he had closed. Mr. Lincoln arose and spoke about as follows: "My Fellow Citizens: I would like to make a bargain with you. Judge Douglas has occupied all the time allotted to him for his opening speech. It is now late in the afternoon, and if I be.gin mv speech now, I will not be able to finish it until the time you will want to go to your suppers, and, as I would not like to have my speech cut in two, I would suggest that we adjourn this meeting now and come together again jiromptly at seven o'clock. 1 can then finish my speech by ten, and Judge Douglas can finish his by eleven, which is not an unusually late hour at this season of the year. What do you say?" Immediately a cheer went up from his friends all over the vast audience, accompanied by throwing of hats in the air, and other demonstrations of approval. So the meeting was adjourned until seven o'clock, which gave Mr. Lincoln the advantage of a much larger night audience, and an opportunity of arranging his thoughts beforehand. When the evening came Mr. Lincoln proceeded with his speech, during the progress of wh.ich he drove Mr. Douglas into some very close quarters. When the latter arose to replv, he manifested strong symptoms of anger, and continued to speak in that strain until the close of his hour. This debate took place on a small platform, erected on the portico at the south corner of the court house, and the speakers and officers of the meeting came upon it through a window, in one of the offices. It is said upon good authority that Mr. Lincoln expected to again debate with .Senator Douglas on the following day in an adjoining county, but upon the solicitations of the latter, on the ground that his was a controversy with a wing of his own parly and not with tlie ojiposing party, Mr. Lincoln decided to return home. I never saw Mr. Lincoln afterward, except on one occasion when he was in attendance at the circuit court of Woodford county, then being held in a yet smaller court house in the town of ^letamora. Judge David Davis, clad in a gray and apparently homespun suit, with heavy-soled boots on his one leg thrown over the low desk in front of him, his steel-gray hair cropped short, was presid- ing. Mr. Lincoln sat among the lawyers, with his chair thrown back and his hands clasped behind his head. I was struck with the largeness of all his features, especially his ears, which seemed out of all proportion. No one would have suspected then that either of these two men would ever attain to the world- wide rejnitation to which they afterward succeeded. It may be mentioned in this connection that this little town of IMetamora, now abandoned as a county seat, was the place where Adlai Stevenson, late vice president of the United 370 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY States, commenced practice as a youthful attorney, and the place where Simeon P. Shope, an eminent justice of our supreme court, spent his boyhood days. Here also, at court times, were accustomed to assemble many other distinguished attorneys from neighboring counties, amongst whom may be mentioned the late Asahel Gridley, Lawrence Weldon, now of the court of claims at Washington, and Robert E. Williams, of Bloomington ; lienjamin S. Prettynian and Samuel W. Fuller, of Pekin ; T. Lyle Dickey, of Ottawa; Samuel L. Richmond, John Burns, Thomas M. Shaw and George Barnes, of Lacon ; Henry Grove, Henry B. Hopkins, E. C. and R. G. Ingersoll and Sabin D. Puterbaugh, of Peoria. Although the old court house at Peoria had on many occasions been made to resound with the eloquence of the distinguished statesmen already named, yet their eloquence did not by any means eclipse that of some of our home talent. I well remember a murder case tried in the early days of Judge Peter's incumb- ency, in which Elbridge G. Johnson and Judge Norman H. Purple were counsel for the prosecution, and Judge William Kellogg and Julius Manning for the defense. This was indeed a battle of the giants. In all my experience at the bar I have never heard, in any one case, four addresses to the jury of such uniform eloquence and power as those presented on this occasion. Mr. Johnson was a native of New Hampshire, but afterward located in the state of \'ermont, where he read law with the distinguished Judge Redfield, and was there admitted to the bar at the early age of twenty years. He practiced his profession in the state of \'ermont until the year 1850, when he located in Peoria and there continued in active practice until the time of his death, January 26, 1885. It has been truthfully said of Mr. Johnson that he did not attain to that distinction to which his eminent talent entitled him. He was extremely sensitive, so much so as to almost revolt at the idea of putting himself forward as a candi- date for any public position. I had occasion at one time to be a witness of his great diffidence, when attending the supreme court at Ottawa. As is well known to those who attended that court, the chairs in the great court room, for some inexplicable reason, were arranged about its outer walls, so that every attorney who wished to address the court was obliged, as it were, to run the gauntlet of the entire bar in attendance. Mr. Johnson had a motion to present, but was scarcely able to summon courage necessary for the occasion, remarking at the time that he would as lief stand up to be shot at as to go forward to present his motion. The following points in his character are taken from an able address delivered by his former partner, Hon. H. B. Hopkins, on the occasion of his death : "He was a man of dignified and imposing personal appearance, with nature's emphatic stamp of superioritv. He was all his life under the dominion of strong powers, both mentally and physically. His intellect belonged to the type of the colossal. * * * Although he did not attain all that distinction which his early life seemed to indicate, in the judgment of his contemporaries, yet he always had in himself all the qualities of greatness and power which justified that promise, and he needed only the occasion and sufficient force of impulse to have quite realized it. * * * Upright and honest, he had no patience with tricks or duplicity. His opinions upon social, moral, religious, political and personal topics were most independent. * * * Behind the shelter of an external inditiference was a nature so sensitive and delicate tliat almost everything either hurt him or consoled him. A bundle of nerves, a tissue of sensibilities, a battery of forces, pain and pleasure were the ever vibrating tides of his emotions. * * * In the early part of Mr. Johnson's residence here he held the office of state's attorney for one term, and later served one term in the state legislature, as a member of the house of representatives, and soon after the enactment by congress of the old bankrupt law he was appointed register in bankruptcy for this congressional district, and held the office until the law was repealed. He discharged the duties of these various offices with unquestionable ability and faithfulness." William Kellogg had been a member of the lower house of the state legisla- HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 371 ture. after whicli he was elected judge of the tenth circuit, which then included i'eoria and Stark counties. This office he held witii distinction from February, 1850. to Xoveniber, 1852. After leaving the bench he resigned the practice of law until 1856, wlien he was elected to congress, and continued to be a member of that l)ody until March 4, 1863, during which time he took a prominent part in the legislation of that critical period of our country's history. Judge Kellogg was a hue orator and displayed his eloquence with great power, both at the bar and in the halls of legislation. In person he was of medium height, somewhat inclined to corpulency, had a high forehead and was of fair comi)lexion. His face was full and his voice clear and distinct, his gestures graceful, and his whole manner that of a finished orator. After leaving congress he came to Peoria to reside and remained in the practice of the law at this place until tlie time of his death. His public career belongs rather to the state and nation than to the local bar of Peoria. Of Julius .Manning I cannot speak too highly. He was one of my preceptors, and for the last year of his life it was my great privilege to be his partner. He was a native of Canada, his birthplace having been near the Vermont line, and he received his education at Middlebury College in that state, where he also studied law. He came to Illinois in 1837 and at once took a leading position at tlie bar, as well as in political matters. I'efore coming to Peoria he had for some \ears lived and practiced law in Knox county, from which county he had been elected to the lower house of the general assembly for two successive terms, and in 1848 he was elected a member of the electoral college in the presidential contest of that year. His practice had been extensive, covering several counties, including Peoria. In the year 1854, soon after the death of Halsey O. Merri- man, he came to Peoria and formed a partnership with Amos L. Merriman, which firm continued until June, 1861, when Mr. ]\Ierriman was elected to the office of circuit judge of the sixteenth circuit. It was at that time that I became a partner of ^Ir. Manning. In the autumn of that year Mr. Manning and Judge Purple were, by almost common consent, elected to represent the counties of Peoria and .Stark in the constitutional convention. In January, 1862, he left the office to attend that convention and remained at Springfield until the time of its adjourn- ment. Upon his return home his health was very much impaired, and he deemed a trip to Canada, where he had once lived, advisable for rest and recuperation ; l)ut when his preparations had all been made, and while paying a visit to his old home in Knoxville, he suddenly expired on July 4, 1862, at the early age of forty- eight years. In political faith Mr. Manning was a democrat, and although in the constitu- tional convention, he went with his party in a course which seemed somewhat (|uestionab!e. yet he was always loyal to the country. I well remember when the rebellion first broke oiit and excited crowds were filling our streets it became the earnest desire of many good citizens to know the standing of Julius Manning on the all important questions then agitating the country. Accordingly, when called u])on to address the multitude assembled in front of his office, he appeared on the balcony and commenced something in this wise: "My Fellow Citizens: I belong to the north, I was born in the north. I married my wife in the north, my children were born in the north, my interests lie in the north, and in this fight I am for the north." He then went on to show that when sections are at war with each other, there can be no middle ground, but every man must be on one side or on the other. As for himself, whatsoever others might do or be, he was for the north. This speech produced a profound impression upon the community and had much to do with placing many wavering democrats on the right side. His forecasting of political events was shown by a remark made by him at the time of Abraham Lincoln's first nomination. A few of us, mostly democrats, were in his office awaiting the results of the balloting in Chicago. When the news of Lincoln's nomination came, there was manifested a considerable degree of merriment over the choice of the convention, which was checked by Mr. 372 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY Alanninj;. who said: "lioys, don't laugh; Abe Lincoln is the hardest man to beat the republicans could have nominated." This was before the split in the demo- cratic party. After that event occurred Mr. Manning threw his influence in favor of Douglas, in the presidential campaign of that year. Mr. Alanning was slightly above medium height, portly in person, erect in carriage, dignified in appearance, fair in complexion and in the color of his hair, his features heavy and prominent but pleasing in expression. He dressed well, wore a silk hat and carried a gold-headed cane. His presence commanded respect wdierever he appeared. As an orator Julius Manning had few equals and no recognized superiors. His voice was musical and clear as a bell, his enunciation was perfect, his ges- tures elegant, his expression earnest and his whole manner most persuasive. He was a student of rhetoric. Although his speeches seemed, to a listening audience, to be entirely extemporaneous, yet on all important occasions, when time was at his command, they were studiously prepared. Some of his skele- tons, still extant, observe the rhetorical division of exordium, argument and peroration, and the line of thought assigned to each was scrupulously followed in delivery. As a lawyer he was perhaps not so methodical nor so exact in the prepara- tion of his cases as was Judge Purple, but in point of native talent and the in- tuitive grasping of the principles of the law he was generally regarded as the latter's superior. With the jury he was almost invincible and many a man owed his life or his liberty to the eloquence of Julius Manning, when in less able hands he might have been condemned to punishment. The estimate in which he was held by his brethren of the profession is best expressed by the resolutions adopted by the Peoria bar on the occasion of his death, one of which reads as follows: "Resolved, That in the death of i\lr. Manning the bar of this county and state has lost one of its brightest ornaments, the state one of its most distin- guished citizens, and society one of its noblest and worthiest members. En- dowed by nature with a mind of the finest texture and of the most enlarged ca- pacity, enriched and strengthened by cultivation, he grasped with remarkable ease and clearness the whole science of law, and successfully applied it in practice with a rare combination of eloquence and logic. He had thoroughly mastered the elementary principles of his noble profession, and his mind was a vast store house, in which memory had carefully garnered up and stored away inexhaustible treasures of legal lore. He was thus always provided and ready for any professional emergency, whether on the circuit or at home. He was no less' conspicuous for his modesty. Always unconscious of his own merits and preferring the quiet of home rather than the pleasures of the social circle, he sedulously shunned the turmoil and eclat of public life. He entered the political arena but seldom, and with reluctance, in obedience to the urgent and unsolicited demands of his numerous friends. In his deportment, whether in public life or in professional or social intercourse, he was always courteous. No barbed shaft ever found place in his full quiver. His heart was as expansive as his mind. Kindness exhaled from him as an atmosphere and shed its benefi- cence upon all alike who came into his presence." In religious matters, during most of his life, Julius Manning was a liberal thinker. While entertaining a very high regard for the person, character and teachings of Jesus Christ as a man, he could not yield his assent to what is known as orthodox teaching; but in the last few months of his life he became a thorough convert to the Evangelical faith and to all appearances was a devout Christian. Norman H. Purple's proper place in history is with the bar of the state at large, rather than with the local bar at Peoria. But, having spent the best years of his life with us, we claim him as one of our own. After retiring from the supreme bench he removed to Peoria and resumed the practice of the law, HISTORY OF PEORIA COL'NTY 373 wliicli soon became extensive and lucrative. The great contest in the Mihtary I'ract between patent titles and tax titles was then at its height. By an act of congress, in 1812, two million acres of land in Illinois, northwest of the Illinois river, had been set apart for soldiers' bounties. These lands, having been patented directly to the soldiers had become taxable, and many of them hail been sold for taxes. These tax titles were the only ones upon which many of the actual settlers held their farms. As lands became valuable the country was scoured from Maine to Texas by speculators in lands, in search of the patentees or their heirs. When they, or some other persons of like names, were found, suits would be commenced in their names, or in those of their grantees, for the jiossession. In many instances, when the occupant had bought up the apparent patent title of one set of heirs, another, and possibly a third, set would turn u]) claiming the same land. Many of these suits were brought in the federal courts, and many of them in the courts of the state. In this great controversy manv of the members of the bar in the JMilitary Tract came to be recognized as tiie leading land lawyers in the country. Among these may be mentioned Archibald Williams. ( )rville H. Browning, Charles B. Lawrence, of Ouincy ; Robert S. lUackwell. aiuhor of Blackwell on Tax Titles, of Macomb; Hezekiah M. Wead, William Kellogg, William C. Goudy and S. Corning Judd, of Fulton county; Joseph Knox, of Knox county; and Norman H. Purple, Julius Man- ning. Onslow Peters, Flihu X. Powell, William F. Bryan and others of Peoria county. In this contest the law relating to tax titles and the statutes of limita- tion became practically settled for all time. .\nothcr fruitful source of litigation in those days consisted of the l-"rench claims in Peoria. During the War of 18 12 one Captain Craig, acting under orders of the territorial governor, had come to the French village at Peoria lake and, erroneously supposing the inhabitants to be acting in league with the hostile Indians, burned their village and carried the inhabitants away to more southern counties. To atone for this act of injustice congress, in 1823, had granted to these settlers the lots on which they had resided, with their adjacent outlots. The quarter section on which the county seat was afterward located, and the tracts now known as Bigelow and Underbill's Addition and Ballance's .Addition, were all patented subject to these rights of the French, but the claims were not surveyed out for several years after the grant. Charles Ballance, the attorney already mentioned, had become the owner of a large tract of land upon which he had laid out an addition, besides being the owner of other lots covered by the French claims. He, therefore, became champion of the parties in possession, while one Robert Forsyth, of St. Louis, championed the cauSe of the French, he being one of the heirs. The controversy hinged upon the statute of limitation, and the points to be determined were: First. Did the statutes run against these grants? Second. Were the defendants within the provisions of any of those statutes? These questions being finally resolved in favor of the occupants, this vexatious litigation which had lasted for twenty vears came to an end. In these contests Judge I'urple and Julius Manning had frequent occasion to measure intellectual swords with each other. iudge Purple was a forcible rather than an elegant speaker. Unfortunately he had somewhat of a nasal enunciation, which, with those not accustomed to hear him, detracted not a little from the elegance of his diction. In appear- ance he was tall, erect and dignified, in physique he was well proportioned, in gesture not graceful, but the earnestness of his delivery made up for all the other defects and gave his speeches great weight. In the use of sarcasm he was cutting, and, when occasion demanded repartee, he was quick and pointed. As a practitioner at the bar Judge Purple was exact as well as exacting. He never presented a matter in court without due preparation. Keeping him- self within the rules of the court, he expected the same of others. He wrote a bold and very legible hand, and although his penmanship was not elegant, yet his court papers were always prepared with scrupulous neatness. In 1857 Judge 374 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY Puriilc compiled and published an edition of all the laws of the state then in force, and before that had puljlished a compilation of the reai-estate statutes, which are known as Purple's Statutes and Purple's Real-Estate Statutes. Hezekiah M. Wead was a member of the convention which framed the con- stitution of 1848, and was the successor of 'William Kellogg as judge of the tenth circuit. After retiring from the bench he came to Peoria and spent the remaining years of his life in the practice of the law, during which time he was associated at different times with ]\Iarion Williamson, Elihu N. Powell, William Jack and Lawrence W. James. He was a talented lawyer, an able and upright judge, a forcible speaker, a man of fine physical development and of strong will power. His career in Peoria was a successful one. His position upon the questions of the day is shown by tlie following extract from a paper of the opposite party in politics, relative to an oration delivered by him [uly 4, 1862: "It was one of the best and most appropriate addresses of the kind we have ever listened to. * * * At the close the speaker alluded to the war progressing for the integrity of our country and the supremacy of the constitution under which we have made such glorious progress in all that can make a people great and happy. He was not among those who looked despondingly at the future, or had fears as to the result. 'The result,' said the Judge, 'will be the total overthrow of treason and rebellion, and before another Fourth of July dawns, the reestablishment of the national authority over every foot of the soil of these United States.' " Henrv Grove was a diamond in the rough. Born in Pennsylvania, he had in earlv life been taken by his parents to the state of Ohio, where he spent his youth and early manhood. Having there become accustomed to the hardy life of the pioneer backwoodsman, he retained many of its characteristics dur- ing life. In fact, he prided himself upon, and obtained much of his popularity by, keeping closely in touch with the sons of toil. He was a man of most decided native ability, but lacked that culture derived from early education, which many of his associates possessed. On this account some of them were inclined to deride him somewhat when he first came to the Peoria bar, but he proved himself a fair match for the ablest of them, not so much by the force of pure logic as by the force of that vast amount of wit, humor and ridicule which he was able, as occasion required, to throw into his speeches. I remember one occasion, when being hard pressed by his opposing counsel he found it necessary to divert the attention of the jury from the case itself, by turning upon his opponents. Making a terriffic assault upon them for their alleged duplicity, and seizing the old worn Bible on the clerk's desk, quick as a flash he turned to the proper passage, and, pointing alternately to the two opposing counsel, read in the most sonorous voice he could command, "I say unto you the publicans and harlots go into the kingdom of God before you !" The effect was magical and brought the crimson to the faces of his opponents. He was a man of about medium height and weight, had a heavy shock of black hair, which showed but slight acquaintance with either comb or brush; heavy eyebrows, small piercing eyes, prominent Roman nose, thin lips covering firmly set teeth, protruding chin and full beard, less the mustache. His ill fitting clothes seemed to be hung upon him without reference to appearance. He wore low shoes, often down at the heels, and, if tied at all, they were tied with leather shoestrings. But with all these peculiarities Henry Grove was a man of power as well in political life as at the bar. As might be supposed from his antecedents, he had an utter contempt for the aggressions of the slave power, and early es- poused the cause of the Anti-Nebraska party. He was elected to the legislature in 1854, and recorded his votes with others of that political faith, and when the tug of war came in i860 he was made a delegate to the national convention. and had the honor of voting for Abraham Lincoln as a candidate for president of the United States. He was loyal to the core, and although too old, as he HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 375 said, to go into tlie army, he was one of the most liberal supporters of those who did go. At the time of his death the Peoria bar passed a series of resolu- tions commemorative of his life and services, and upon presentation of the same to the circuit court, William F. liryan gave the following sketch of his character: "It is superfluous to say that Mr. Grove had traits of character which made him peculiarly notable. Mis presence was always manifested by some demonstrative act. With but a limited education he had a rare command of the sturdy elements of his mother tongue. He was laboriously diligent in the practice of his profession and was always energetic and aggressive in behalf of his clients. * * * He loved the court room and the excitement incident to its proceedings. His whole professional career has passed like a popular panorama before the public eye. Better, therefore, perhaps than any of his contemporaries, has he delineated his own character, and as it were so molded and shaped it that like the statue of a sculptor it stands forth seen and recog- nized by all men." Henry Grove died in the month of Alay, 1872. Alexander McCoy was a native of Pennsylvania, was graduated at Wash- ington College in the class of 1844, was admitted to the bar in Ohio about the year 1850, after which he came to Peoria and formed a partnership with Henry Grove, in 1851. In 1856 he was elected state's attorney for the sixteenth circuit, for the term of four years, and was reelected to the same office in i860. The duties of this office he discharged with signal faithfulness and ability. In 1861 he formed a partnership with Judge Purple, which continued until the latter's death in 1863. In 1864 he was elected to the lower house of the legislature on the republican ticket. His ability as a lawyer was at once recognized by his being made chairman of the judiciary committee, which made him the leader of the house. When the thirteenth amendment to the constitution of the United States was submitted to the legislature of Illinois for ratification and the same had passed the senate, it was upon the motion of Alexander McCoy that the same was at once ratified by the house, lly this prompt action of its legislature the state of Illinois was the first to place the seal of immortality upon the brow of her noblest son. by its ratification of this amendment, insuring perpetual free- dom not only to the black men of the south, but to every human being wherever our flag floats. Upon the retirement of Judge Marion Williamson from the bench in 1867, a partnership was formed between himself, Alexander McCoy, Lorin G. Pratt and lohn S. Stevens, which continued until the death of Judge Williamson, the vear" following. The business was then continued under the name of McCoy & Stevens until 1870, when Mr. McCoy retired and took up his residence in the city of Chicago. There he had at difl'erent times as partners, George F. Hard- ing, Lorin Grant Pratt, C. B. McCoy and Charles E. Pope. About the year 1887 he retired from business and in January, 1889, removed to California, where he died on February 10, 1893. His late partner, Charles E. Pope, in writing to the surviving members of his college class in 1894, pays him the following beautiful an()I,VI'K( IIXIC' IXSIIITTE HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 391 country occupying a building especially erected for its purposes and its superior equipment has made it pre-eminent in its line. Students come to it from every state in the Union, from Canada, South America and even more distant foreign lands. Horology Hall was planned to accommodate one hundred and twenty- five but the rooms gradually became so crowded that in 1910 a large addition was made nearly doubling the capacity of the building. For the past few years the average attendance has been about three hundred. A faculty of seven members devote their entire time to instruction. II. The School of Arts and Sciences occupies Bradley Hall and buildings which have been added later. The curriculum provides for six years' work, four years academy and two years of strictly college grade. Various groups are outlined so that one may secure at Bradley preparatory training and two years of college work in science, engineering, classics, literature, mechanic arts, domestic science and manual training. This work in general education is divided into eleven departments — biology, chemistry, domestic science, English, German, and French, history, Latin and Greek, manual training, mathematics, physical training, and physics. The ecjuipment and teaching force are such as to admit of most thorough and efficient work. Graduates who wish to continue their studies go with two years of college credit to the leading colleges and universi- ties. Many young people of Peoria and the surrounding community who would otherwise have found a college education impossible, have taken advantage of the opportunities which Bradley Institute presents. The college enrollment for the past vear places Bradley among the larger of the fifty or more institutions of Illinois bearing the title of "college." Unusual effort is made at Bradley to develo]) self-reliant, upright character in every student. From the founding of the institute special emphasis has been placed upon domestic science and manual training. Indeed the school may be regarded as one of the pioneers in these subjects and has wielded an important influence to- ward their rapid introduction throughout the middle west. Thorough technical courses are ofifered for those desiring to become teachers of -manual training and also for those preparing to teach domestic economy. These courses have grown in popularity and at ])resent a large number of students attend Bradley for the purpose of fitting themselves to teach. These come largely from the middle west but many are from more distant states. Although from the first the Mechanic Arts Group has been somewhat indus- trial in its character, the institute has not heretofore offered distinctively voca- tional work, but yielding to an increasing demand it has just organized four such courses so that at present one may secure at Bradley a four-year course preparatory to drafting, a two-year course fitting one for trade work in wood, a similar course or two years in metal, and a two-year course adapted to the needs of farmers and confined to the three winter months of each school year. The institute also offers evening courses in mathematics, machine shop, wood- work, mechanical drawing, electricity and magnetism, art metal and other prac- tical lines. Since 1904 a summer school has been held lasting five weeks and devoted exclusively to manual training and domestic economy. It has been patronized chiefly by teachers and these have come from every part of the United States. The record of the first fifteen years has been one of constant growth. The faculty has increased from thirteen members for Bradley Hall and five in Horologv Hall for the year 1897-98 to fortv at liradley Hall and seven at Horology Hall for the year 1911-12. This large increase in the size of the student body has involved changes in the material equipment. For the first seven years Bradley Hall and the Horological building were the only ones upon the campus. In 1904 a station of the United States Weather Bureau was estab- lished at the north end of the campus. In 1909 a gymnasium was erected at the cost of nearly $80,000 containing a gymnasium for men, another for women, bowling alleys, swimming pool and a series of rooms for social purposes. 392 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY During the summer of 191 1 owing to the crowded condition at Bradley Hall the shops which had occupied the wings of the main building were transferred to two large l)uildings on Bradley avenue owned by the estate but occupied for many years by an automobile industry. The removal of the shops made it pos- sible to utilize the space left vacant to relieve the extremely crowded condition in other classes at Bradley Hall. During the summer and fall of 191 1 a power plant was erected at a cost of $65,000 located at the corner of Clara and Laura streets, furnishing light, heat and power for all the buildings connected with the institute and with a capacity to meet all future demands. Plans are nearly completed for a girls' dormitory to be erected on Clara street during the next school year. Bradley Institute has had but two directors. Mr. Edward O. Sisson was in charge from 1897 to 1904 when he resigned to continue his studies, later accept- ing a ]3osition in the department of education at the University of \\'ashington. Theodore C. Burgess became director in 1904 and still continues in charge of the institute. jMr. Burgess has been a member of the faculty since the founding of the institute and for several years had served as dean of the higher academy and college. He is a graduate of the State Normal School of Fredonia (N. Y.) and of Hamilton College (N. Y.) and for a number of years was the head of the department of ancient languages at the state normal school from which he graduated. He severed his connection with the normal school to continue his studies at the university of Chicago, gaining the doctor's degree' from this insti- tution in 1898. For some eight years he acted as professor of Greek at the university of Chicago during the summer quarter. His doctor's thesis "Epideic- tic Literature" was published by the university as one of its studies. He is also the author of an elementary book in Greek, and various contributions to educa- tional journals. Mrs. Lydia Moss Bradley, founder of Bradley Polytechnic Institute, was born at Vevay. Indiana, on the 31st of July, 1816. Her grandfather, Nathaniel Moss, served as'chaplain in the war of the Revolution. Her father, Zealy ?\Ioss, served in the same war in the commissary department and at its close entered the Baptist ministry. He lived for many years in Virginia where he married Jeanette Glasscock. Their daughter Lydia was married to Tobias S. Bradley in 1837. Their children, two boys and four girls, died in early youth and Mr. Bradley in 1867. Soon after their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Bradley moved from Indiana to Peoria where Mr. Bradley opened a wool yard and sawmill. He soon formed a partnership with Mrs. Bradley's brother William S. Moss and in addition to the business carried on by this firm he managed a steamboat line from Peoria to St. Louis and secured a large interest in the First National Bank. At the time of his death he had amassed a fortune of about a half a million. Mr. Bradley died suddenly without an opportunity to leave instruc- tions in regard to his business afi'airs. Mrs. Bradley had devoted her entire time to the affairs of the household but assumed the burdens and responsibilities of managing this large estate without experience to guide her and through her native good judgment and careful management she not only preserved the orig- inal estate but in the next thirty years increased it more than fourfold. She died after a brief illness on the i6th of January, 1908. Mrs. Bradley always took a deep interest in everything which pertained to the permanent betterment of the city in which she had resided during the greater part of her life. She relieved the Bradley Memorial church on Main street from a $30,000 mortgage. She donated the site of the St. Francis hospital and it was called the Bradlev hospital until about ten years ago when the donation was refunded. She built and helped to maintain the Home for Aged Women on Main street and assisted in many other charitable enterprises. The two greatest gifts remain to be mentioned. At her suggestion in i8gi, a Park Board was organized as one of the conditions upon which she would do- nate to the city the land, including about one hundred acres, which now forms Wi'hstcr Sclidiil Hhiinc Sfliool r^ nt «"iT.^-^^^ q[.^^ Loriofclliiu- Scliool W'liitlim- School PEORTA in T.I.IC SCIIiidL BllLDINGS HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 393 NUMBER SECURING INSTITUTE DIPLOMAS 1897-8 1898-9 1899-0 19110-1 1901-2 1902-3 1903-4 GROUPS C V E o "n o 2 o c o c s c E o 1 s s c e o o d V £ > c c E H Engineering Science .. 1 1 2 1 1 ~2 1 3 2 1 2 2 ~5 2 5 4 11 3 1 i 1 4 4 2 4 10 4 3 1 1 1 4 3 2 "9 2 4 1 2 1 10 3 4 9 16 2 7 5 11 1 26 4 5 2 2 13 3 3 4 10 4 8 Classics 5 Literature 1 1 1 1 6 Mechanic Arts Totals ~ 23 1904-5 1905-« 1906-7 1907-8 1908-9 1909-10 1910-11 GROUPS S V c ,0 c V c 5 "rt H c 1 "5 .0 c c E 5 2 B n h c B E e2 c c Engineering Science 4 1 3 3 2 6 4 4 2 9 2 9 1 12 "2 1 12 15 2 11 1 12 1 27 ri 2 5 1 1 8 10 4 3 8 15 6 3 2 3 1 15 3 3 7 13 6 6 5 10 1 28 8 7 2 2 19 2 1 8 11 8 9 3 10 30 7 6 1 14 3 1 11 15 7 9 1 12 29 9 5 14 1 11 12 9 6 Classics Literature 11 Mechanic Arts Totals ~8 11 19 26 NUMBER SECURING TEACHERS' CERTIFICATES 1905-6 1906-7 1907-8 , 1908-9 | 1909-10 1910-11 Manual Training Domestic Sciunce Totals 2 2 2 4 6 4 4 8 1 5 1 5 ~6 5 2 1 7 1 8 15 15 4 8 12 19 7 5 8 .. 14 27 7 19 12 14 10 10 2 15 17 12 15 97 TOTALS Men Women Tolal Engineering 42 52 17 16 3 T30 39 23 19 84 42 Science 75 Classics 36 Literature 100 Mechanic Arts 3 Totals 126 16 47 256 Manual Training 55 Domestic Science . . 47 Totals 89 68 102 394 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY CD 2 i CI i n 01 I i 1908-7 1907-8 o» S at Lower Academy Meu 82 20 140 70 129 78 no 106 98 88 88 90 71 90 102 89 96 68 76 92 78 114 88 105 92 92 91 Women 82 Total 102 19 11 210 31 11 207 42 42 216 57 54 186 56 51 178 41 59 161 55 64 191 62 61 164 75 63 168 69 48 192 58 43 198 62 55 184 60 54 173 Higher Academy Men 64 Women 73 Total 30 42 16 11 84 19 19 111 16 21 107 23 31 100 31 42 119 25 28 123 27 42 138 39 42 117 39 55 101 49 51 117 66 65 114 60 93 137 College Men 66 Women . . 114 Total . 27 1 12 13 38 1 17 18 37 3 8 54 8 73 4 5 53 1 7 69 4 81 3 13 94 4 42 100 3 33 181 3 36 153 18 27 ISO Unclassified Special Men 1 11 '12 Women Total 11 1 1 3 3 9 2 2 8 1 1 4 1 16 3 46 3 7 36 1 2 39 1 6 45 3 1 Graduate Men 3 11 Women Total 2 187 190 377 3 177 176 353 4 166 198 364 2 153 190 343 3 192 198 890 3 213 189 402 10 191 244 435 3 189 243 432 7 220 267 487 4 233 267 14 224 280 Total School of Arts and Science Men 102 42 144 85 35 120 188 104 292 191 156 847 Women Total 500 504 42 22 Evening School Men Women — Total 64 108 66 Summer School Men 29 26 55 116 2 118 4 512 88 32 70 93 4 97 7 550 50 30 80 134 2 136 5 613 50 48 55 43 79 47 91 45 Women . . Total 98 194 4 198 9 722 98 126 136 174 Horological School Men 92 1 93 98 98 113 2 115 Women Total 281 10 801 310 17 906 320 20 936 296 Deduct counted twice 4 260 32 Grand Totals 292 347 470 451 479 1006 Lincoln SdnHil Harrison Sehool 1 ^4^- -^ ^j stSh !_ ^_JI1„ -; ir: ■■■■- :ir:i . i 11 ti ,4 1 M White School Irving School GROUP OF PUBLIC SCHOOL BiaLDlNGS HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 395 r.radk-y I'ark. Its location and its natural beauty render this one of the finest parks in the country, a gift which will prove of increasing value to the city of Peoria. The last and most important of her benefactions was the founding of Bradley Polytechnic Institute in 1897. This she endowed with her entire estate. This is one of the most notable gifts to education in the history of education in America, and one which will bring inestimaljle benehts to the city which has been fortunate enough to receive it. Mrs. P)radley was an ideal benefactor. When once she had made her gift, conmuinicating with it her intent and wishes, she left the execution of her plans to others whom she had chosen to carry them out and whose training and ex- perience had especially fitted them for it. For eleven years after the founding of the institute she lived to enjoy the results of her beneficence. She was a fre- quent visitor in its halls and took an active interest in all of its work. It was a common remark among her friends that the institute had made her young again : life had taken on a new meaning as the plan so long cherished and labored for took visible form before her eyes. Xo one who knew Mrs. Hradley could fail to be impressed with her intellectual (|ualities. Like most girls at that early period, she had only an elementary school training, but she possessed a mind of extraordinary clearness and strength. Her judgment in regard to politics, religion and social questions was remarkai)ly sane and her conversation full of shrewd, epigrammatic, well-balanced comments gave constant proof of her strong, wholesome common sense. Her remarkable business ability and practical wisdom were proved in her successful management of her large estate. 1 ler great wealth, however, had no power to disturb her principles or conduct : ajjplause and flattery never for a moment turned her head. She manifested that confidence in her chosen agents and representatives which only a strong mind can maintain. The city of Peoria and surrounding commu- nity will realize more and more as years advance, the debt which they owe to Mrs. Lydia Moss Bradley. PEORI.\ PlTPUr I,ir.R.\RY BY Er.vstus S. Wilco.x, Libr.-vrian The Peoria Public Library traces its genealogy back fifty-six years, to the autumn of 1855. when two rival liljraries were started here at the same time — the Mercantile Library and the Peoria Library. The Rev. J. R. ]\IcFarland was the moving spirit of the first, and the Rev. J. W. Cracraft of the second. Prominent in the organization of this first Mercantile Library were B. L. T. Bourland, Onslow Peters, A. P. Bartlett, A. j. Hodges, D. M. Cummings, G. F. Harding, C. C. Bonney, Dr. J. D. Arnold, Isaac Underbill, Timothy Lynch, Philo Holland, G. W. Fridley and E. B. Elwood ; and in the Peoria Library. A. G. Tyng. George T. Metcalfe, A. G. Curtenius. E. N. Powell, H. B. Hopkins, George C. Bestor, X. B. Curtiss, Jacob Gale, Dr. R. Rouse, Dr. T- C. Frye, Wellington Loucks and }. P. Hotchkiss; the two libraries embracing thus in their organization nearly all of the leading men of the city at that time. One naturally inquires why two separate libraries were started here at the same time. It was a c|uestion, I am told, between the so-called "liberals" and the "orthodox," incited by the Evil One himself, we might suppose, but mark how — "There's a divinity that shapes our ends. Rough-hew them how we will." I doubt if the most cunning ingenuity could have contrived a more effective plan for starting a library in a small town, as Peoria then was, than by fanning just such a hot rivalry between opposing theological forces. The whole town 396 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY was stirred from end to end; everyljody took sides and joined in: everyljody brought books or money to his favorite liljrary; and, as a consequence, when, a year later, the two libraries were very sensibly consolidated under the name of the Peoria City Library, they had as choice a collection of some 1,500 volumes as probably any young library ever had in a city of our then size. When I first became a director in the City Liljrary. in January, 1865, the initiation fee was $2, the annual dues were ^2. and the memliership considerably less than 200. It was a good, well-selected library for the time and the place. I think I enjoved access to those few choice books — some 2,000 of them — as much as I do to our 75,000 now, for you cannot very well master more than 2,000 standard books in ten years. In the spring of 1865 a new board of younger men seized the reins, and a fresh impetus was given to the library by incorporating it as the Peoria Mer- cantile Library Association. The charter was obtained by our then member of the legislature, Alexander AlcCoy, and the charter members were Tobias S. Bradley, [ohn L. Griswold, Lewis Howell, D. C. Farrell. Matthew Griswold. Lorin Grant Pratt, H. G. Anderson, Asahel A. Stevens, John Boyd Smith and E. S. Willcox, only two of whom are still living here. While the charter was on its passage through the legislature, meetings were held and a subscription started to raise funds, and, largely through the personal solicitation of L. G. Pratt, ably seconded by the entire board, the very handsome sum of $13,262.50 was secured, with $10,000 of which the John L. Griswold propertv, corner of Main street and Jefferson avenue was bought. It was a splendid showing for those days. It laid the foundation for all the success which mav attend our public library in the future. Peoria owes her new Library building originally to one hundred and forty-five different individuals and firms from among her own hard-working and public-spirited professional and business men, contributing in comparatively small sums, according to their several means. She does not owe it to any one millionaire, eager to seize so rare an opportunity for perpetuating his family name. There is no name carved over our door but the one name which belongs to us all — PEORIA. After the purchase of the Griswold property, our library had its rooms free of rent, but received very little help from rents of offices in the building, which went toward paying for the new building erected on the same spot in 1868. For an income it was still dependent on the meagre sums derived from member- ship dues and miscellaneous entertainments. Our friends, David McKinney, Eliot Callender, T. C. Hansel, John S. Stevens, John Birks, Dr. I. W. Johnson and E. W. Gov ("now of Cincinnati), will not soon forget the hard work we did, running lecture courses, concerts, spelling Bees, "Drummer Boy of Shiloh," etc., in order to eke out our small income of four dollars apiece from about two hun- dred and fifty subscribers, in the days when that estimable lady, Mrs. Sarah B. Armstrong, constituted our entire library staff. It is enough to say, that it was our experience here in this Peoria library, of the utter inadequacy of a sub- scription library, to provide for the literary wants of the people, that first sug- gested the idea of supporting public libraries, like public schools, by public taxation, and which resulted in placing on the statute book of our state in 1872, our present Free Librarv law — the first comprehensive and vitalizing law of the kind in any state of our' Union. Under this law, in 1880, Colonel John XVarner, then mayor of our city, started our present public library by nominatmg the first board of directors. The first librarian in our public library was Fred J. Soldan. He began without a book on his shelves, in a bare room over a store on Adams street. He planned and brought into good running order all the multifarious details so necessary to the smooth working of the modern public library, and, at his untimely death in 1891, left a well selected and well organized library of 40,000 volumes and a well trained corps of assistants. He was succeeded by the present librarian. 1 Hip S^'- H ^M -^ ^^^^^^■B^ H ^^^^^^S^ -j^ ^H"^' VT^ ^H^jP ill 1 Emh jWgjjgg ifiB ^^^^^M^^^^^^^^B TlIK CAUXKlMK IN l,l\('til>X Si,>rAUE 1 F 1 J \ ^ 4 k. \ '^^^H ^ =^^i* 1 J I'KOltIA I'LBLIC LIBRARY JOHN" S. LKK First I'lTsidcnt of tlic l'ci)ii:i I'ulilic Ijl.inry HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 397 April 19, i88i, the German liljrarv gave its line collection of i,yoo \olunics to the Public Library, and, in the spring of icS82, the Mercantile Library Association turned over, as a gift to the Public i,ii)rary, its entire collection of some 12,000 volumes, and leased its rooms to the same for a term of years. Early in 1894 the over-crowded condition of the library had become so press- ingly noticeable that an agitation was begun to purchase another site and erect a new building exclusively for library purposes. The conditions were favorable. The Mercantile Library Association owned valuable property, which, with the growth of the city and by careful management, had risen in value from $10,000 to $75,000, less a debt of $11,000 to $12,000, which yet remained to be ex- tinguished, and the Pul)lic Library owned 50,000 Iwoks. There was no good reason why the two should not now unite in the common oloject of giving Peoria a great library to be proud of, provided some method could be devised for effect- ing the union satisfactorily to all parties. A proposition to this effect was made by the directors of the Mercantile Li- brary to the city council, and was met with immediate and hearty approval by Mayor Miles and the entire council. This proposition was, that if the city would buy the lots, the Mercantile Library Association would would sell its property, corner of Main and Jefferson streets, and devote the proceeds to the erecting of a building. In June, iNi)4, the directors of the Public Library, supported by the action of the city council, purchased for $16,000, three lots on Monroe street, nearly oppo- site the government building. 108 feet front by 171 feet deep, and on December 24, 1894, the directors of the Mercantile Library sold their property at the corner of Main and Jefferson streets, for $75,000. On July 10, 1895, the contract for the erection of the new library building was let. The building is 78 feet front, 135 feet deep, three stories high, the stack room five stories, and will accommodate some 200,000 volumes. The total cost of the building, not including land, for which the city paid $16,000, nor counting such im- provements as paving, etc. — that is, the cost of the building proper — was $67,- 856.34. and this amount was paid entirely by the Peoria Mercantile Library Asso- ciation from the proceeds of the sale of their property. The library was finally closed for removal, January 25. 1897, and the entire collection of 60,000 volumes was transferred a distance of three blocks and put in order in the new building in six days by two men, seven high-school boys and one team, at a total cost of $221.91, or less than three-eighths of a cent ]5cr volume. The building is on Monroe street, nearly opposite the postoffice, half way be- tween ]\Iain and Hamilton streets. It was not placed on a corner lot for the reason that corner lots cost much more than inside lots, and a public edifice on a corner would require at least two architecturally finished fronts instead of one. This would have involved an additional cost in land and building of not less than $20,000, which, in their circumstances, the committee felt bound to take into con- sideratiiin. But there was another weighty reason, besides that of economy, for choosing the site they did. Business men do not plan and locate their workshops and warehouses with a view to an imposing architectural effect on strangers visiting the city, but rather with the more practical object of best serving their purpose as workshops and warehouses. Now, a library is preeminently, and more so than most public buildings, a warehouse and a workshop. As a warehouse, its function is to store books conveniently and safely; as a workshop, it is a place for quiet reading and study ; and for both purposes it ref|uires, above all things, protection from noise and dust of street traffic. These objects are better secured on an inside lot than on a corner lot; and if, as in our case, ample space for light and air is jirovidcd on both sides of the building, it would seem that, for Peoria at least, no better choice of location could have been made. 398 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY The annual report for the fiscal year ending May 31, 191 2, shows a member- ship of 9,470 — all memberships expiring at the end of two years. The number of volumes in the library in active circulation is 110,779, besides duplicates and pamphlets, 21,331 — a grand total of 132,110. Number of volumes issued during the year, 213,351. Of this amount 127,150 volumes were issued from the main library, 42,761 from the children's room, 37,902 from the Lincoln branch on Lincoln avenue, and 5,538 from school libraries. This new Lincoln branch in the lower part of the city was opened July i, 191 1, in an attractive building, costing $10,000, the gift of Andrew Carnegie. The bindery, located in the main library building, employs five persons the year round. The library service consists of a librarian and twelve assistants. E. S. Willcox, the venerable custodian and librarian of the Peoria library, adds color and vigor to a word picture of Peoria, which is deemed a fit setting to the array of plain facts heretofore displayed in these pages. His description of the city and its surroundings is not overdrawn but on the contrary true to the life, and for that reason it is made a part of this chapter and follows below : "Peoria, the second city of the state in population, is in two. not uninmportant particulars, easily the first — in the beauty of its name and the beauty of its loca- tion. It would be difficult to find among all the names of cities, American or European, a happier union of vowels and liquids than go to form the names, which we, who make this city our home, have the privilege of writing on our cards and letter heads — Peoria, Illinois. Both names are of pure Indian origin molded by the facile lips of the early French explorers into their present har- monious form. "But if the name is one agreeable to the ear, no less is the location of the city a delight to the eye. The great river which lends its name to the state, here broadened into a lake, sweeps by in a gentle, outward curve seven miles long, from the narrows above to the converging and wood-crowned heights below. Between these two points of entrance and exit, the lake in front and a wall of commanding bluffs behind, lies the broad plateau, a smiling meadow of wild flowers and native grasses when the white man saw it first more than two hundred years ago, and evidently designed by nature as the seat of a great and prosperous city. There are few more charming landscapes on the earth than that which greets the eye from the brow of these high bluffs. "Below is the busy city extending far up and down between blufi^s and river, its shaded homes, its stores and shops and public buildings, its broad streets full of stirring life, its street cars gliding like a weaver's shuttle in and out, its great mills and factories along the river bank, its moving railroad trains, its steamboats at the landing, the silent expanse of lake and the still more silent wooded bluffs on the farther shore — all these offer to him who takes delight in the works of nature and of man and especially to one who first emerges upon the scene from the level prairie land behind, a landscape of quiet beauty that can never be forgotten. "And there is yet another view hardly less fascinating which is needed to complete the picture — to look back at the bluffs from the city below, to let the eye wander for miles along their magnificent fronts now crowned with noble residences with all their appointments of shade trees and garden plats. "A famous traveler, familiar with many cities and many lands, when he first beheld this scene some years ago, exclaimed : 'It is the finest site for a city I ever saw !' " PEORIA P.\RK SYSTEM The citizens of Peoria take a great pride and extract untold pleasures from their parks, and the system adopted by those in authority is becoming more developed as the years go by. The following facts relating to these beauty and pleasure spots have been gathered through the courtesy of W. J. Murray, sec- retary of the park board : HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 399 The Peoria park system dates from the year iSy^. At that time a nunilier of ]irominent citizens Ijegan the agitation of a park system and the result was that petitions were circulated asking S. D. Wead, then county judge, to call a special election for the purpose of allowing the people to vote on the cjuestion of establishing a park district. The project proved popular and a number of meet- ings were held. The petitions were filed with the county court on February 6, 1894. On the 14th of the same month Judge Wead called a special election and set the date for March 13. The vote cast was not as large as might have been expected considering the extraordinary interest in the proposition. When the I)allots had been counted it was found that 2,672 persons had voted for the establishment of the park system and 1,110 had voted against it. Events then moved forward with considerable rapidity. Mayor Miles was then in office and a meeting was arranged for between the mayor of South Peoria, Averyville, North Peoria and the committee on public grounds and city property of the city council of the city of Peoria. The park caucuses were set for Wednesday, April 11, and the convention for the following night at Rouse's Hall, at that time the only available jilace for holding such a convention in the city. The c|uestion of nominations was left to the committee named above, the mayors of Peoria and suburbs and the committee of aldermen as follows : For the city, E. S. Easton, acting mayor ; for the village of Averyville, R. P. Stitt ; for the village of South Peoria, William Inman ; for the village of North Peoria, Oliver J. I'.ailey ; for the city council, Charles J. Off, J. E. F. Fischer and Frank- lin Dudley. The convention made O. J. Bailey chairman and John Warner nominated the late John H. Francis for president. The following nominations were made unanimously for trustees: H. H. Fahnestock, Henry Triebel, John D. McClure, B. F. Cartwright and William Seibold. It will thus be seen that Cartwright, whose subsequent fate is known to our readers, became identified with the park system at its very inception and it may be added that he never let go until he was Juried loose and sent to the penitentiary. The election was set for the 15th of May and was, of course, a merely per- functory proceeding, the candidates being unopposed. The first meeting of the trustees was held in the office of I. C. I'lnkney. The board organized for busi- ness. Mr. Francis was chosen president, P>en Cartwright was made secretary, H. H. Fahnestock, treasurer, and I. C. Pinkney, temporary attorney. The board then engaged quarters in rooms 218-21 Woolner building and on May 29th announced itself as ready for business. The first official step was to engage Herman & Evans to make a map of the district and the next was to fix the beginning of the fiscal year as June i. The board then advertised for park sites and was immediately overwhelmed with them. The first offer came from W. E. Stone and W. H. Binnian, who oiTered one hundred and eight acres of the tract now known as Madison park for $50,000. Later, as it proved, this was the first park purchased, for on September 6, 1894, the board took over a fraction more than eighty-six acres and the park system of Peoria may be said to have been under way. Then in rapid succession the board received ofTers from Dr. G. A. Zeller, who offered a tract above Al Fresco park ; the Prospect Heights Land Associa- tion offered the tract along the brow of the bluff and still later ofifered the site of the present village of Peoria Heights. William Giles and G. W. H. Gilbert had sites and so did Mrs. Caroline Gibson, who ofifered one hundred and fifty acres for $rx),ooo. Jacob Woolner offered his Keller station farm for $43,000; W. Darst offered thirty-four acres ; Thomas Purtscher offered a tract in Richwoods township and so did Bourland & Bailey. The Birketts then came forward .with an ofifer of what is now Glen Oak park, which had for fifty years been known as I5irkett's Hollow. They offered seventy 400 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY acres more or less for $100,000 and offered to give the park district twenty years' time in which to pay for it at a suitable rate of interest. This tract excited the acute interest of the trustees and the public from the first, but everyone agreed that the price was too high. Then followed a long period of "dickering" and on October ist it was announced that the board had purchased a trifle more than seventy-two acres for $60,000 cash. On December 5th of the same year the board purchased from D. S. Brown and J. S. Starr fourteen and five-tenths acres for $20,000. Sixteen years later the board purchased ten acres adjoining from the German estate for $13,150, a remarkably cheap price, or else the price paid in 1894 was too high. On the 5th of May in the year following the board purchased from the Flem- ing estate five acres for $8,000. South Park was purchased from the late Mathew Griswold. September 29, 1894, for $7,500. This was therefore the second park bought. Laura Bradley Park, the largest in the Peoria system, was the gift of the late Lydia Bradley and is named after her daughter, who died many years ago. When Mrs. Bradley came to cast about as to the best manner in which to dispose of her immense fortune two plans presented themselves — the establishment of a school and presenting the city with a park. The park idea is said to have been the result of a sudden inspiration one day when the general subjectof parks was under discussion. She owned most of the land now known as West Bluff, and realized, with the thrift that enabled her to accumulate millions, that the establishment of a city park, in the hills and hollows through which the stream known as Dry Run winds its way, would be of benefit to the property adjoining it owned by the estate. It would, moreover perpetuate the name of Bradley and give joy to untold thousands in the future. Mrs. Bradley summoned some of the piark trustees and through her agent, W. \V. Hammond, informed them of her desire. The only condition imposed upon the park district was that at least $5,000 a year should be spent in improving the park. The trustees readily assented to this and the transfer was made soon after. In two different tracts Mrs. Bradley presented the city with some one hundred and forty acres of land and it was named after her deceased daughter. This was about the year 1901 and completed the present magnificent chain of parks and gave to the" city of Peoria a system of driveways and pleasure grounds unequalled in the west. There now remained but one thing to make it compare favorably with the finest in the United States and that was the acquisition of what is now known as Grand View drive. For a distance of more than two miles along the hills overlooking the upper lake the vista is said to be, with the single exception of the Hudson river vallev viewed from the Catskills, the finest rural scene in the United States. And many enthusiastic easterners have declared that the view from the point overlooking Al Fresco Park is not excelled anywhere on the Hudson. The agitation looking to the purchase and acquisition of a driveway along the brow of this wondrous bluff began about the year 1902 and within a year or so later was completed and the work of improvement begun. It was finished and first used bv the public in the fall of 1904. But while nature has done much for Peoria parks, much of their beauty is due to the untiring skill and genius of one man — the late Oscar F. Dubuis. For twenty years before coming to Peoria in 1895, or about that time. ]ilr. Dubuis had been in the employ of the West Park Board in Chicago, and when political changes in the state government deprived him of his position there, he was eagerly sought and engaged by the Lincoln park board. It was while he was there that the Peoria park board engaged his services and he planned and per- sonally saw to it that most of the projects for beautifying and improving the local parks were carried to a successful conclusion. Mr. Dubuis brought to his duties in this city a mind trained to his life work and an artistic conception valuable indeed. Here he found to his hand a nat- I'AVILIOX AT LALRA BRADLEY PARK XATURE AT HER BEST IN BRADLEY PARK HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 401 unil park system, unfashioned, but only waiting the hand of the master to transform it' into a wonderland of beauty, and out of the rude hills and hollows of the Peoria park tracts he evolved parks that today stand unrivaled in the United States. But while the credit for the beautification of the park system must be given to -Mr. Dubuis, he was not the first engineer engaged. His predecessor was R. R. Zingsem, of Chicago, who came to this city and gave the park board his ideas on laying out the system and how best to beautify it. However, he was not permanently engaged and Mr. Dubuis was hired soon after. The finances that made possible the transformation of the land into beau- tiful parks have been freely furnished by the citizens of the park district, who have never complained of the park tax. The first money secured was a bond issue authorized November i, 1895, for $200,000. This money was used to pay for the various tracts of land which had hitherto been purchased by the trus- tees. The tax levy for the first year yielded $58,695.57. The annual sum realized is now in the neighborhood of $85,000. The whole amount realized from all sources including bond issues has been to date, $1,562,577.72. It must be said, however, that this includes one refund- ing bond issue. The total expense of the park system for eighteen years has been $1,543,747.65. It aft'ords an interesting comparison to note the cost to date of the dmerent parks. Glen Oak is thus far the only one that has exceeded half a million. The figures taken from the books of the secretary of the park board show the cost to be as follows. Glen Oak park ' $578,856.76 Bradlev park 237,827.96 Madison park 74.701.73 South park 55,843.07 Grand \'iew drive 145,980.54 SOME PEORIA HOTELS Among Peoria's numerous hotels are at least a half dozen that are especially worthy of mention. The Jefiferson opened in February, 191 2, and was erected at a cost of $400,000. It is ten stories in height and contains two hundred and twenty-five rooms. This magnificent structure is owned by a stock company, composed of Robert Clarke, president; G. J. Jobst, vice president; J. W. Mc- Dowell, secretary and treasurer. The hotel is operated by a company consisting of W. E. Hull as president, and Arthur E. Lehman, secretary and treasurer. Tlie pioneer hotel of Peoria was known as the "Travelers' Rest," a tavern opened in 1825 by John L. Bogardus, who was not only known as the first boni- face of the town but was also a lawyer and land speculator. The "Travelers' Rest" was a double log house, located on the bank of the river, between Main and Hamilton streets. As a matter of course one end of the building was devoted to conviviality, which was made possible by the inevitable bar of those days. In 1827 Seth Fulton ojiened a tavern on Water street above Eaton. "Fulton Tavern" had a larger and more popular bar than the "Travelers' Rest." The house was much better furnished with furniture that had been bought in stores and not hand made. It was the hotel of Peoria and lasted until about 1834. "Eads Tavern" was opened in 1829. The building, a two-story frame, stood on Water street, and in its size and appointments surpassed any of its com- petitors. William Eads was the landlord of this hostelry until 1834. when he sold out to Tacob Slough. The house eventually came under the management of Captain Patterson, an old-steamboat man. who ran the place until 1849. The building subsequently was remodeled into store rooms and was finally burned down. 402 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY There were numerous others who contributed to the hotel history of Peoria. In 1834 John Hamlin moved a large frame stable to the corner of Main and Wasliintjton streets, to which he built an extensive addition and after other changes'the place was opened as the "Peoria Hotel," under the management of Colonel O. A. Garrett. The Colonel became prosperous and in 1838 built the "Planters House," subsequently known as the "Peoria House," which was opened in February, 1840. At that time it was considered the largest and best hotel m the state of Illinois and noted as the leading hotel. This hostelry was located at the northeast corner of Hamilton and Adams streets and within its walls many noted people were entertained, among them being President Martin Van Buren. The "Clinton Plouse" was built in 1837 by John R. Caldwell— a three-story l)rick structure, which stood on the corner of Adams and Fulton streets. John King was the first landlord, who made an excellent reputation as such and accu- mulated considerable money from the venture. By the year 1849 the Warners were in possession, the first one of the name being John B. Warner. This house was destroyed by fire in 1853. Another hotel of note of the early days was the "Franklin House," which stood on Main street, between Adams and Washing- ton, and was first under the management of Mrs. Lindsay, mother of J. T. Lind- say. This building was remodeled and drifted into other uses. The "Farmers Hotel" built in 1849 by A. P. Loucks, stood on the lower corner of Main and Water streets. This burned down in 1852 and made way for a brick building, part of which was set aside for the use of the Central Bank. The "Mitchell House" was opened in 1846 by W'illiam :\Iitchell. This build- ing stood on the corner of Jefferson and Fulton streets. Not proving a success as a hotel, it finally came into possession of the Methodist Episcopal church and was converted into a female seminary. This was also a failure and the buildmg was again opened as a hotel and after having several landlords it became known as "The Arctic," then as "The Massasoit" and the "Remington House." In 1858 George Wilson became proprietor and named the hostelry the "Fulton House." The building was finallv burned in 1866. The "Farmers House" was built in 1853 by James McFadden. It stood on Harrison street. In i8fx> John E. Phillips became manager and changed the name to the "Central House." The "Buckeye House," an old-timer, was running in i860 as was also the "City Hotel," which subsequently became known as the "New Buckeye House," under the management of William Brady, and stood on the corner of Adams and Bridge streets. After the war the house was opened by General Otto Funk as "Funk's Hotel." The building many years ago was converted into business rooms. The "Metropolitan" stood on the corner of Fulton and W'ater streets and was a well known hotel in post-bellum days. Part of the building was de- stroyed by fire in 1868 but was rebuilt, and in 1872 became known as the "Pacific Hotel." Later its name was changed to "Conaghan's Hotel." It^ is now used for business purposes. There were also the "Merchants Hotel," Washington street, just below Main, 1874, later known as the "Leland," "The Ingersoll," north corner of court house square, built in 1877. This property was built by Washington Cockle and later sold to Robert G. Ingersoll. Ingersoll sold to Charles H. Deane, who opened the house as "The Ingersoll." Later the build- ing was removed north on the adjoining lot and has been for some years past used by the Lewis Company, cigar manufacturers. Upon the site vacated by The Ingersoll was erected a splendid building, which was opened as the "National Hotel," in the fall of 1887. It was five stories in height and became the leading hostelry of the city. For many years the sixth story was set apart and used by the Elks. In the fall of 191 1 the National Hotel was totally destroyed by fire and in the summer of 191 2 the ground was purchased by the McKinley Traction System for depot purposes. There are other hotels, whose doors are constantly open to the incoming guests, worthy of mention in this article. The "Lud" is a modern building, Ui\:l:\ m NATIdXAL HOTEL BEFOUE TlIK Mi;iO RUIXS OF THE NATIOXAL HOTEL AFTER THE FIRE HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 403 located in the lOO block ut .Main street; the "Mayer," Hamilton and Adams; "Niagara," lOO block South Jefferson; "Fey," Liberty and Adams; "Majestic," on the opposite corner of Liberty and Adams; Knox Inn, 728 Main street; "Pfeift'er Hotel," north end of the city; "Regis." Chestnut and South Adams streets. H.\LLS .AND TIIK.\TRE.S Before the year 1850 no public hall was known to have existed in Peoria, and when a strolling minstrel "aggregation" or other "play actors" came to town, they entertained their audiences in the spacious ball rooms or dining rooms of the Planters, the Clinton and other hotels. As early as the winter of 1837-8 a theatre was advertised in the local paper. About that time the "Lyceum" was in full sway and its members entertained on occasion, principally by way of holding a debate in one of the churches. There was also the Peoria Temperance Society, before whom Elihu N. Powell delivered a lecture, at the court house, on state license. About the year 1850 a hall was built by W. H. Haskell, on the corner of Madison avenue and Jeft'erson street, where Kuhl's grocery store now stands, which was long known as Haskell's hall. The next hall was in a building erected by Justus B. Fleck, on Water street, between Bridge and Walnut streets. This hall, on the second floor of the building, was used a long time by the German singing and dramatic societies and, as is probable, this was the first threatre in Peoria, for traveling theatrical companies appeared here and the Germans gave both operatic and dramatic performances upon its stage. In 1854 Henry S. Austin put up a business block on the corner of Adams and Fulton streets, where the W'oolner block now stands, and the upper story was converted into a hall, first known as Austin's hall and later as Boetger'.s hall. Theatrical perform inces were given here and on one occasion Maggie Mitchell, well known to fame, appeared and delighted an admiring audience with an ex- hibition of great dramatic talent. Then there was the Turn-\'erein building, on Washington street, below Chestnut. In 1858 Dr. Rudolphus Rouse erected a hall on Main street, which became very pojjular. Many noted people, actors, lecturers, opera singers entertained in this place and for years the hall was used for conventions by both democrats and repuljlicans and many men of note in public life spoke to large audiences from the stage. Parmely's hall was built at about the same time of Rouse's. The building stood on North Adams street, adjoining the Peoria House, and the hall was much used for political gatherings. In 1873 the "Academy of Music" was Iniilt on Adams street, between Fayette and Jackson, but has long since dis- appeared. The Grand Opera house was erected in 188 1-2, on Hamilton street, opposite the court house, and was the first pretentious structure built for amusement purposes. A corporation had been formed, with a capitalization of $40,000. and on September 4, 1882, the handsome (then) theatre was thrown open to the public and for many years was the principal show house of the city. But it has been cast aside and now- stands a seedy wreck of former greatness, and in the words of a former ])resident, it has gone into "innocuous desuetude." Since the advent of the moving i)icture, many places of entertainment have sprung up in the city in the past decade, devoted to that form of diversion. And the city has also been embellished with two modern theatre buildings, one the Majestic, devoted mainly to what is termed the legitimate class of dramatic and serio-comic performance, and the Orpheum. which is given over entirely to vaudeville. The Majestic adjoins the Jefiferson Iniilding on the south anil the Orpheum stands in the middle of the block on Madison street, north of Main. CHAPTER XXVII the peoria press the first editor a scholarly man trials and tribula- tions of the pioneer printer- — sketches of the various newspapers of the city — the papers of the day vie with any in the state. Chas. T. Lambert Rich in the names that adorn its records is the history of the Peoria press. In the beginning, when the town was in its swaddling clothes, in fact one year before the town of Peoria was organized, "there were giants in those days." Abram S. Buxton, Peoria's first editor, was a scholarly man and a vigorous writer, and his trenchant pen ran forcibly and fluently until his fingers dro])ped nerveless when touched by death. Then on the roster come the names of James C. Armstrong, Jacob Shewalter, Samuel H. Davis, John S. Zieber, William Rounseville, T. J. Pickett, James Kirkpatrick and Enoch Emery, among the dead and gone who were connected with the English press, and those of Alois Zotz and Hon. Edward Rumniel, editors of i)ublications in the German language. All were men of strong indi- viduality and marked personality who from the beginning saw with prophetic vision the grandeur of Peoria's future, inspired its people with alluring hopes and in the path of progress led the way. Tiie pioneer editor, and the pioneer printer whom he brought with him, were men of superior character and skill and of infinite resourcefulness. It was in the days of hand composition, more than half a century before the linotype was dreamed of, and the printer took as much joy in his work in putting the expressed thoughts of the editor into type as the editor did in transcribing them to paper. They worked side by side in their little offices and it was no uncom- mon thing for the editor to pull the tail of the old fashioned hand press and run its crude mechanism, while the printer fed the dampened sheets into it and withdrew them after each impression. It was slow and laborious work all the way through, but the men who engaged in it labored nobly and well and all that we have today in the way of typesetting machines and mighty presses is but the development of their humbler means, methods and eflforts. The cheer- ful, enterprising and encouraging spirit which they exhibited still lives and it is one of our priceless heritages. The old editor and the old printer have gone, but though dead they yet speaketh. PEORIa's FIRST NEWSPAPER It was in the year of grace 1834 that the first editor and the first printer came to Peoria. The editor was Abram S. Buxton who came hither from Louisville, Ky., where he had been a partner of George D. Prentice who later became celelirated as the editor of the Louisville Courier-Journal. He brought with him TIenrv W'olford, a skilled printer, and on the tenth day of March, 1834, they launched the first issue of "The Illinois Champion and Peoria Herald." It was a small weekly paper of four pages, with five columns to the page, but it was so ably edited and so well printed that it immediately jumped into popular 405 406 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY favor and had a large circulation, for those days, throughout this section of the state. Buxton was a staunch whig, but for a time he published the Champion as a neutral paper. His whig principles, however, dominated and encouraged with its success he eventually devoted it exclusively to the whig interest. This did not affect its popularity and while he was climbing to fame, if not to fortune, he was seized with consumption and went down to the grave, writing to almost his expiring breath. He died on September i, 1835, having ably conducted his paper only one and one-half years. PEORIA REGISTER AND NORTHWESTERN GAZETTEER Henry Wolford, the printer then sold Peoria's original press enterprise to James C. Armstrong and Jacob Shewalter and returned to Louisville, Ky. The new proprietors engaged Jerome L. Alarsh as printer and conducted the paper until the early part of 1837, when they sold it to Samuel H. Davis who came here from Virginia. Davis changed its name to "The Peoria Register and Northwestern Gazetteer" and enlarged it from five to six columns to the page and also lengthened the columns. He conducted it as a neutral paper until the campaign of 1840 when it came out openly in the whig interest and supported General Harrison for the presidency. In this campaign it achieved a fair measure of success and in 1842 he sold it to Samuel and William Butler, who had tormeny worked in the printing establishment of Harper Brothers in New York city. On assuming control of the paper the Butler Bros, dropped the latter part of the title and named it the Peoria Register and retained Samuel H. Davis as editor. It was still published in the whig interest supporting Henry Clay in 1844, but when an anti-abolition riot occurred at the Presbyterian church on Main street and the proprietors refused to permit him to rebuke the outrage Davis resigned and the Butler Bros, sold it to Thomas J. Pickett, who changed its name to the Weekly Register. Peoria's first daily newspaper Thomas J. Pickett was a man filled with the spirit of enterprise in adyance of his times and it was his ambition to establish a daily newspaper. He formed a partnership with H. K. W. Davis, a son of the former publisher and editor, and started in connection with the Peoria Register a daily paper which they called the Daily Register and the first number was issued on June 28. 1848. but its life was short. Still infected with the daily issue idea Pickett started another daily in the following year and called it The Champion in memory of the first Peoria newspaper established by the ill-fated Abram Buxton. The first number of this second daily was issued on December 13, 1849, and it a])pears that there must have been something fateful in its name, for in the following month, on January 26, 1850, the building in which it was published was wrecked by an explosion of combustible liquids and William Pickett, brother of the pro- prietor and James Kirkpatrick. publisher of the Peoria .-Vmerican, a publication which will be referred to further on, were killed by falling walls. Their office was in the second story of a brick building on the corner of Main street and what was known at that time as Printers' .\lley, between Washington and Water streets. William Pickett, the brother of the proprietor, lost his life in an effort to save the books, while Kirkpatrick was caught under the falling walls as he was passing through the alley. the PEORIA republican Although he had lost his brother and almost all his worldly possessions in this disaster Thomas J. Pickett was undismayed. He bought a new outfit and established the Weekly Republican and its first issue appeared on June i, 1850. HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 407 It was well edited and [jriuted and was devoted to the whig interest until the old party lines began to break up between 1854 and 1856 and then it espoused the principles of the rising republican party. Issued tirst as a weekly it eventu- ally became a daily, tri-weekly and weekly and ran successfully until 1856 when Pickett became a candidate for the office of circuit clerk and the paper passed into the possession of Samuel L. Coulter, who endeavored to run' it in the whig interest, but the whig party was rapidly going to pieces and two years later the Peoria Republican went out of existence. Pickett, having been defeated for office went to Rock Island where he conducted the Rock Island Register and during the Civil war was instrumental in raising regiments. After the war he went to Paducah, Ky., where he established a paper called the Federal Union, was appointed postmaster and later clerk of the United States district court. In 1879 h^ went to Nebraska where in the course of fifteen years he founded three papers in as many different cities and died at Ashland, Wis., at the home of his son on December 24, 1891, at the age of seventy years. In his day he was one of the most active of newspaper men, full of ambition and blessed with a remarkable energy, but appeared throughout his life to have been the football of fate. In the course of his career he founded a dozen newspapers and died in the harness assisting in the publication of a newspaper conducted by his son. PEORIA DEMOCR.\TIC PRESS Thus far has been given the history of Peoria's first newspaper, which al- though ]niblished under difl:"erent titles and conducted under various managers, was practically a continuation of the parent paper founded in 1834 by Abram Buxton and expired under the name of the Peoria Republican in 1858. To give the history of the Peoria newspapers in chronological order it will be necessary to go back to 1840 when John S. Zieber established the "Peoria Democratic Press" and issued the first number on February 20 of that year. Zieber came to Peoria from Somerset county, Md., where he had published the "People's Press" and he brought with him his brother-in-law, Enoch P. Sloan, who had learned the printer's trade under him iu their eastern home. Two years later iMr. Sloan became a partner in the enterprise and while working as a printer also rendered valuable assistance as assistant editor. As its name indicated it was a distinctively political paper and as such was the first party organ established in Peoria. Messrs. Zieber and Sloan conducted it until June I, 1846 when it was sold to Thomas Phillips, who came here from Pittsburg, Pa., where he had published the "American Manufacturer." Phillips published the paper for three years and then sold it to Washington Cockle, leaving Peoria for .St. Louis where he became a partner with his brother in publishing the "St. Louis Union." Cockle conducted it for a little more than one year and then sold it to Enoch P. Sloan, one of its original owners and who during its several changes had remained with it. This transfer was made in the fall of 185 1 and on January 5, 1854, Mr. Sloan issued the first number of a daily, the third attempt to establish a daily newspaper in Peoria. In this he was fairly successful and published the sheet as a daily and tri-weekly until the fall of 1856, when he was elected circuit clerk of Peoria county, defeating Thomas J. Pickett, a rival editor and candidate. With the retirement of Mr. Sloan to enter upon the duties of his office the paper was sold to Leonard P). Corinvell who had been sheriff of Peoria countv and who retained John McDonald as its editor. It was a strong supporter of -Stephen A. Douglas, but when I'uchanan was elected the partv patronage went to its rival, the "Peoria Daily News.'' published by George W. Raney and later the two papers were merged. 408 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY PEORIA DAILY NEWS When George W. Raney appeared on the local scene of action he proved to be a new and altogether different factor in Peoria journalism. The men who had conducted Peoria newspapers up to the time of his advent were men of some learning and high character and lent a dignity to the profession, but Raney was of another stamp. Had he been working in these later days his style of journalism would have been designated "yellow." He was essentially a com- mercial journalist and conducted the business solely from the box office point of view and with a glittering eye on political patronage. George W. Raney established the Peoria Daily News and issued the first number on May 26, 1852 and followed soon after with the Weekly and Tri- Weekly News. He adopted a slashing, buccaneering style, which while it may have tickled the ears of the groundlings and made the judicious grieve gave his sheet the popularity which attends originality and he got everything in sight. President liuchanan appointed his postmaster and his sheet became the recog- nized organ of the democratic party and obtained all the party patronage and absorbed the rival paper. In the winter of 1857-8 Raney's whole establishment was destroyed by tire but he took what remained of the "F'eoria Democratic Press" and began the publication of the "Democratic Union" which became the leading democratic paper in this section during the campaign of i860. In that campaign, however, Raney retired from the editorial chair and its management was turned over to William Trench, who as an ardent supporter of Douglas conducted the sheet in his interests during the campaign and at its close, which ended in the defeat of Douglas and the election of Abraham Lincoln. Raney went back to his editorial duties and conducted the sheet tmtil September 1862 when he obtained a position in the army and with his departure the "Democratic Union" went out of existence. This was the end of the ''Peoria Democratic Press" founded in 1840 by John S. Zieber, which, like the first of Peoria's news- papers, changed managers and names, but led a continuous existence for many years. THE nltRRVJNI.VNDER Again in chronological order we are compelled to turn back to the year of grace 1843 when Simeon DeWitt Drown started the German "Gerrymander." This sheet was merely a burlesque but still it exerted a specific influence. The legislature had divided the estate into seven congressional districts in such a manner as to form but one whig district, the seventh. This appealed to the risibilities of Drown and in the interest of the whigs he published the Gerry- mander, the first number of which appeared on March 22, 1843 and was issued weekly during the campaign of that year. Each issue was illustrated with cari- catures representing the shapes of the several congressional districts, Init at the end of the campaign its usefulness, or otherwise ended. THE PEORIA AMERICAN This newspaper was founded in the whig interest by James Kirkpatrick in July 1845, who claimed tlie distinction that it was the first newspaper in the state to place the name of General Zachary Taylor under the title of "Rough and Ready" at the head of its columns as a candidate for the presidency of the United States. He conducted the sheet for four and one-half years until January 26, 1850, when he was killed under the falling walls by the explosion which wrecked his office and that of the Champion as previously recorded. With his death the "Peoria American" died with him. Previous to his death the "Nineteenth Century." a national reform paper, had been started in September, 1848 by J. R. Watson and D. D. Irons and after it had run for a few month.'; it was sold to Kirkpatrick and merged with the "American." }iimi^ :-ii55i.?:':*, uluai.i'; -iinii ADAMS SI i;kkt at xiciri' PKOKIA MH.ISK.r.M \ii;\\ di' i'i;ni;iA iKdM I 111: im uiiuusi'; HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 409 PEORIA DAILY TRANSCRIPT We have now reached the period which presents the line of demarcation between the old order of Peoria journalism and that which obtains at the present time. And it is a melancholy fact that the Peoria newspaper which grew from the primordial germ, as it were, that first received press dispatches and was the first in Peoria to adoi)t the linotype and rise above the deficiencies and restric- tions of hand composition, should have so far lost its identity as to be remem- bered only at the further end of a hyphen in the appellation : Herald-Transcript. In its day and for more than a quarter of a century it was the leading newspaper in Peoria and the stalwart organ of the republican party in the interests of which it was founded. Like all the other Peoria newspapers which preceded it, and many with which it was contemporary it had its periods of youth, manhood and decay and was finally merged with a paper started at a later date and which first eclipsed and then absorbed it. The Peoria Transcript was founded at the instance of William Rounseville, who at that time was pastor of the Universalist church, Grand master of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows of this state and a man of marked literary ability who had previously published a magazine in Chicago. N. C. Nason, who had been previously connected with the "Peoria Republican" and was a practical printer, was also prominent in the Order of Odd Fellows and in 1854 was engaged in merchandising at Wesley City, then a river town of some importance. Rounseville visited him with the view of establishing an Odd Fellows' magazine in Peoria, and the enterprise seeming feasible Xason went to Philadelphia and purchased printing supplies amounting to a value of $2,000. When the supplies arrived the office was established on the third floor of a new brick building now known as 202 Main street where it remained until the fall of 1855 when Rounseville, who had an itch for the newspaper business urged the starting of a daily newspaper in the republican interest to which Nason, after much delibera- tion assented. The type used in the publication of the Odd Fellows' magazine was set up into newspaper columns and the first number of the Peoria Tran- script from its quarters on the corner of Main and Water streets to which the office was transferred was issued on December 17, 1885. It was well edited and well printed but its finances were badly managed and the enterprise soon got into deep water. Aid which had been promised did not appear and at the end of two months when all the resources of the projectors had been exhausted the late Caleb Whittemore stepped in and assumed obligations on behalf of the concern to the amount of $4,000 and was compelled to take the property to save himself. During his ownership he never took active charge of the establish- ment l.nit continued in his regular lousiness of locksmith and gunsmith. In the latter part of 1857 Whittemore sold the concern to J. G. Merrill, a farmer living in this county who conducted it unsuccessfully for one year and then sold it to Nathan C. Geer, who had previously edited the Waukegan Gazette. In 1859 Enoch Emery, who had gained his newspaper experience on Boston publications, came to Peoria and was employed by Geer as city editor and Peoria gained a thorough newspaper man. In i860 the paper passed into the possession of Enoch Emery and Edward A. Andrews and it at once entered upon a successful career. Emery's short, terse, epigrammatic sentences and vigorous stvle of writing was at once recognized and it became the most influ- ential republican organ throughout central Illinois. In the campaign of i860 and during the Civil war and the administration of Abraham Lincoln the paper was a staunch supporter of all the measures of the republican party and just before he was assassinated President Lincoln appointed Emery postmaster, but did not live to sign his commission. That came later from President Johnson. In a little over a year and in consequence of the opposition of the "Transcript" to his policy President Johnson removed Emery from the position of postmaster and appointed Gen. D. W. Magee. In 1869 Mr. Emery purchased the interest 410 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY of his partner and conducted the business alone until a stock company was formed entitled "The Peoria Transcript Company" with Mr. Emery re- maining at the head of the concern as president and general manager. In, that year Mr. Emery was appointed collector of internal revenue by President Grant and held the office for two years, when in consequence of his opposition to Gen. Logan the latter caused him to be removed. Enoch Emery was a positive man and did not hesitate to express his opinions, and it was the assertion of the courage of his convictions which caused him to lose the postoffice and the internal revenue collectorship in turn. In the seventies Enoch Emery left the editorial chair to devote his attention to the business office and his brother was installed as editor. The change was disastrous to the sheet in both departments. The editorial page missed Emery's forceful writings and in the business department he was out of his element. In January 1880 a new organization was formed with R. H. Whiting prsident, R. A. Culter. treasurer, and James M. Rice, secretary, and Emery went back to the editorial chair. In the following year he was removed and he started an afternoon publication known as "The Peorian," but it had an ephem- eral existence and Emery, broken-hearted, died on May 30, 1S82. His was a vigorous, forceful character and during his editorial career he did much for Peoria and his memory implores the passing tribute of a sigh. After the removal of Enoch Emery from the Transcript Alexander S. Stone came here from Keokuk, Iowa, and purchased a controlling interest in the concern and soon after assuming control changed the form of the paper from a folio, or four pages, to the modern quarto, a style that later was adopted by all the Peoria papers. Stone attended the financial management of the paper and in the editorial chair Enoch Emery was succeeded by Welker Given, who in turn was followed by William Hoyne, who later was placed at the head of the law department of Notre Dame University ; Col. E. P. Brooks of Washing- ton, who had been consul at Cork, Ireland; Major William S. Brackett and R M. Hanna, who died in 191 1. THE HERALD-TRANSCRIPT On March i, 1893 a new company was organized, chiefly by parties from Ohio with J. N. Garver as president and treasurer; Thomas R. Weddell of Chicago, vice-president and editor; James L. Garver, secretary. Weddell, the editor came from the Chicago Inter Ocean and attempted innovation of a metro- politan character but which did not take with the Peoria public and after run- ning it for five years it was sold to H. M. Pindell of the Herald who merged it with his paper and gave it the hyphenated name which it now bears — the "Herald- Transcript." In 1892 the Herald-Transcript was sold to a syndicate of repub- licans headed by P. G. Rennick, collector of internal reveaiue and ex-postmaster W. E. Hull who operated the paper until 1904 when Rennick bought the control- ling interest. On November of that year he sold the paper to Charles H. May and W. Sisson and in the following year its publication office was removed from Main street to its present (|uarters in the 200 block South Jefl:'erson avenue. Charles H. May, as the head of the present management has made a number of improvements in the mechanical plant, including the installation of a sextuple press and as the only morning newspaper now published in Peoria has brought it strictly up to date. It is ably edited, is bright, clean and progressive and after all the vicissitudes through which both papers, that are embodied in its hyphenated name, have passed, it is evident that in the old expression attached to newspapers, it has come to stay. THE PEORIA HERALD In giving the history of the "Peoria Transcript" and the circumstances which led to its absorption by the "Peoria Herald" and the adoption of the name HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 411 "Herald-Transcript," it is eminently proper to revert to the circumstances con- nected with the founding of the "Herald." In i88S the democratic party in Peoria was without an organ. The "Na- tional Democrat" which followed the series of newspapers beginning with the Peoria Democratic Press was established in the summer of 1865 by Colonel W. T. Dowdall who came here from Alton, Illinois. He found the democratic newspaper business in a bad condition. After the Democratic Press had come the "L'nion," the "Star" and the "Post," but all had been short-lived and only their names remain to attest that they ever existed. Colonel Dowdall took over the small plant of the "Post" and provided an entirely new outfit. He con- ducted the "National Democrat" from 1865 until 1887 when he was appointed postmaster under the Cleveland administration and sold out to a stock com- pany in which the late Joseph Irwin of Pekin and John Schofield of this city were the principal stockholders. Under their management the paper proved unsuccessful and in a year died from inanition. Early in the year 1889 H. AI. Pindell, who had been city treasurer of Spring- field and had a large state political acc,|uaintance came to this city at the invita- tion of Andrew Jackson ilell. who had been state senator and a candidate for lieutenant governor. Bell expressed the opinion that conditions were ri|5e in Peoria for the establishment of a newspaper which should be recognized as tiie organ of the democratic party. Air. Pindell after looking over the field became convinced of that fact and on March 7, 1889, the first number of the Peoria Herald was issued. It proved successful from the start and gradually in- vaded the morning field which up to that time had been controlled by the "Transcript." It was well edited and it adopted a high moral tone which made it distinctive. Pindell proved to be an astute business manager and it was not long before the "Herald" was in 'possession of a flourishing advertising patron- age and a rapidly extending circulation and in the meantime the "Transcri]it" was perceptibly declining. Primarily a democratic organ, it was Air. Pindell's idea to make it a newspaper in all that the term implies, a medium for the dis- semination of news, and the results of his enterprising spirit soon became mani- fest. The period of rivalry with the "Transcript" was drawing to a close and the end came on December 28, 1S98, when Air. Pindell purchased the entire right, title and interest in the "Transcrijjt" and on the following day the "Herald" appeared as the "Herald-Transcript." The remainder of its history has already been recorded. THE PEORI.\ JOURN.\L In the list of Peoria newspapers it is an indisputable fact that the evening publications have achieved the greater measure of success. This was early recognized by the managers of newspapers published in the German language and from the start all of their publications have been of the evening, or more properly, the afternoon, issue. Feeble attempts had been made in by-gone years to establish an afternoon daily, but they all failed. In 1870 P. W. Sheldon and E. F. Baldwin, the latter the present proprietor of the "Peoria .Star" launched the first evening newspaper worthy of the name and called it the "Review." It ran until Jantiary 1873 and then to get rid of the competition it was bought by Enoch Emery of the "Transcript" and Colonel Dowdall of the "National Democrat." Colonel Dowdall ran it for some years as an afternoon reprint of the "National Democrat" and when he stepped out of the editorial chair in 1887 to take the office of postmaster the "Review" was dropped. The next evening newspaper to come into the field was the Peoria Journal established by J. B. Barnes and E. F. Baldwin who issued its first number on December 3, 1877. The office of the paper was in the Zeigler building on Hamilton street just below .'\dams. The first week its circulation was 1,700 copies but it steadily grew and ran up in two years to 4.000 and two years later to 412 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 7,000. It established an unusual record from the fact that it met all expenses and yielded a profit from the start. After the expenditure of the original capital it did not sink a cent. It was independent in politics and E. E. Baldwin, now the editor and proprietor of the Peoria Star, had the happy faculty of present- ing the local news of the day in a bizarre and original style that caught the public fancy, while his editorials, written on the same day, carried with them the scholarly weight and the masterful style which is still characteristic of all his writings. In 1S94 the Journal was organized as a stock company at a capitali- zation of $100,000 of which Barnes and Baldwin held $40,000 each and AI. N. Snider and Charles H. Powell $10,000 each. In 1891 Messrs. Baldwin and Powell engaged in other business and dropped out of the Journal leaving Barnes the sole owner of all the stock, and who during the first Bryan campaign ran the sheet as a free silver paper. Barnes conducted the paper until February i, 1900, when he sold it to H. M. Pindell, who in the organization of a stock com- pany assigned 40 shares to Charles Carroll, 20 shares to J. E. Elder and re- tained 40 shares for himself. Two years later Mr. Pindell bought the shares of his partners and assumed full control and made considerable additions to the plant equipment. From 1882 the paper had been published in the Grand opera house building, but when that structure was destroyed by fire in the early morning of December 14, 1909, it was removed to temporary quarters and sub- sequently found a permanent home in the Jefferson building on the corner of Jefl'erson avenue and Fulton streets. The Journal is bright and progressive and is the recognized democratic organ in Peoria, but asserts its independence when the occasion demands. THE PEORI.\ ST.\R No other newspaper published in Peoria at any time has equalled the suc- cess which has attached to the Peoria Evening Star. It leaped into public favor with its first issue on September 27, 1897, and it has continued to maintain the advantages gained in its early career. It was established by E. F. Baldwin and Charles H. Powell, who had a limited capital but a world of enterprise and energy. Its circulation of 3,400 on the day of its first issue reached 3,000 by the end of the week and it grew so fast that the chief concern of the publishers was to get the paper into the hands of the subscribers promptly. For weeks the routes of the carriers were changed daily to meet the increasing demand and in the meantime its country circulation extended in a like ratio and at the end of six months the total circulation had reached 20,000. It has now an average daily circulation of 22,000. Its phenomenal success is due mainly to the personality of its editor. E. F. Baldwin, which is reflected in all his writings. An omniverous reader and as close a student as he ever was in his youth and early manhood, with a memory as accurate and as tenacious as a phonographic record, a master of satire and gifted with a strong sense of humor, his work as a writer has a distinctive originality which at once attracts and commands attention. When the reader once gets' the flavor of it he wants more and that is the secret of the remarkable success of the Peoria Evening Star. Editor Baldwin is now on Easy street, but in his moments of relaxation he enjoys reverting to the past when he had an up-hill struggle. Before he started the "Star" he had made and lost two fortunes but he still retained his indomit- able will. When the "Star" project came up he declares that neither he nor his partner had any money. They found an "angel" in Chicago who sold them a press on credit and when it came to Peoria they did not have the necessary $21 to pay the freight. They raised it, however, and as soon as that press be- gan to revolve the foundations of their fortunes were laid. Mr. Powell died in 1902 and E. F. Baldwin is now the sole owner. HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 413 The "Star" is now worked off on a four-deck Goss pL'rfccting press with a capacity of 24,000 sixteen-page papers per hour, folded and counted. Its cir- culation is the largest in the state outside of Chicago ; its advertising business ranks with its circulation and it is the most popular newsjiaper in central Illi- nois. Editor Baldwin has gathered about him a force wliich shares his enthu- siasm, and his benign influence permeates all departments. In no other newspaper office in this state, or probably anywhere else, is there a more pro- nounced expression of "esprit de corps," the working of all to a common end. than is exhibited in the office of the "Peoria Star." It is a perfect piece of altruistic mechanism in which everyone employed takes a joy in his or her work and contributes to the success of the enterprise. As the latest of the dailv news- papers to be established in Peoria the Star stands for the last word in Peoria journalism. THE GERMAN PRESS People from Germany began to settle in Peoria as early as 1835 and spread out into the adjacent counties where they took up farms and eventuallv became an important factor in the population of this growing section of the state. It was not long before they represented one-third of the population of this im- mediate territory and it is shown by census statistics that this ratio holds good today, one-third of the po]nilation of Peoria county being German by birth or descent. The German revolution of 1848 increased emigration from the fatherland rapidly and brought over a very intelligent class among whom were a number of learned and professional men, ripe from the German universities. Stran- gers in a strange land, those who had not studied other professions looked about them for opportunities in the newspaper business and a boom was created for German publications. In 1852 Alois Zotz, an able and learned man, whose memory is still held in reverence came to Peoria and established the "Illinois Banner," as a weekly publication. The first number appeared on February 18, 1852, and it was hailed with delight by the German-speaking element in the community. Zotz was a profound philosopher and a student of the conditions as they existed in the old world and the new and he kept his compatriots in touch with them. He was an intense democrat and his style of writing was lofty and above the heads of the majority of his readers, although it was much admired by his cultured clientele. In 1858 Mr. Zotz sold the publication to Edward Rummel who was an ardent republican. He changed its name to "Deutsche Zeitung" and swung it into the republican column and supported Abraham Lincoln for the presidency in i860. Rummel conducted the paper until 1868 when he was elected state secretary of Illinois and before leaving for Springfield sold the paper to Captain Edward Fresenius who conducted it for three years and in 1871 sold it to Rudolph Eichenberger who ran it for seven years and in 1878 sold it to Bernard Cremer & Bros,, who had previously acquired a rival paper known as the "Demokrat" and it was merged with the latter paper. THE PEORI.X DEMOKR.\T The "Peoria Demokrat" was established during the campaign of i860. After Alois Zotz had sold the "Illinois Banner" to Rummel, who changed its name and its politics, the German democrats found themselves without an organ and in- duced Mr. Zotz to establish the daily and weekly "Demokrat." He conducted the paper until 1864, when Bernard Cremer, the present proprietor purchased it and assumed the control which he has maintained ever since. Mr. Cremer is an astute business man who has not only made his newspaper remarkably suc- cessful, but has engaged in various enterprises with signal results and is re- garded as the wealthiest newspaper publisher in central Illinois. His paper re- 414 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY fleets the sterling character of its editor, enjoys a wide circulation composed of subscribers who stick to it, has a lucrative advertising ])atronage and stands in the front rank of German daily newspapers in this state. PEORIA DIK SONNE During the early career of the "Illinois Banner." the "Deutsche Zeitung" and the "Demokrat," other German papers were started including the "\'olks- blatt" and the "Courier" but they were short-lived and later came "Der Volks- freund" and the "Sonntags Post" to join the innumerable caravan which marches to the pale realms of shade. In 1877 a new man appeared in Peoria to create a name and a place in its journalism in the person of Louis Philip Wolf. Hav- ing received an excellent education in Germany he came to the United States in 1868 and after occupying several positions as teacher of modern languages, his last engagements being in the German-American institute in Chicago and the Academic Francaise he drifted into journalism and established at Lincoln. Illi- nois, the "Volksfreund," and at the time of its first issue in 1875 it was the only German republican paper in this state. In 1877 he came to Peoria to be- come editor of the "Deutsche Zeitung," but when it was sold to the "Demokrat" he found himself again a free agent. In the spring of 1879 he established Die Sonne with Joseph Wolfram and William ISrus as partners. Wolf is a vigorous writer, his diction scholarly and eminently correct, and under his masterful editorship Die Sonne has become a powerful ally of the republican party. In April, 1910, the Peoria Sonne Publishing company was organized with L. Ph. Wolf, president; Louis Herrmann, vice-president; Hermann Goldberger, sec- retary and William C. Grebe, treasurer, Mr. Wolf retaining the editorial chair with' Hermann Goldberger as city editor and they constitute a strong team. "Die Sonne" is fearless in its expressions of opinion, has always worked for the best interests of Peoria and has always been found on the side of right and justice. It is these qualities that have given it its commanding prestige and its deserved popularity. WEEKLY PUBLICATIONS While Peoria journalism had its beginning in weekly publications, which eventually gave way to the dailies, it was a long continued practice for the daily newspapers to issue weekly editions and for many years the tri-weekly idea prevailed. In the course of time these weekly editions were dropped and are now confined to the German publications. With the newspapers published in the English language the Sunday edition has taken the place of the old weekly. There was a time, however, when there was an open and profitable field for weekly papers, not connected with the dailies, and which were not newspapers in the strict meaning of the term. They were known as "society and literary" publications and for twenty years between 1870 and 1890 they had a great vogue. They devoted their columns to topics not touched upon by the daily press, chiefly social and personal, and they occupied a field exclusively their own. Gradually the Sunday editions of the daily newspapers encroached upon their field and' in the end supplanted them. The weekly society sheet could not cope with publications which gave substantially the same information, and in addi- tion published the news of the day. and it became a victim to the remorseless law of the survival of the fittest. S.\TURDAY EVENING CALL The most pretentious and successful of these weekly society publications was the Saturdav Evening Call which was founded by three men who came to this city from Terre Haute, Indiana and issued the first number on April 7, I HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 415 1877. The original proprietors were Simeon R. Henderson, who was the editor, J. D. Weaver, business manager, and J. W. Clifton was superintendent of the mechanical department. They published a remarkably attractive paper which for some years enjoyed a wide circulation. Henderson, the editor, had a rare judgment in selecting the literary material and was, himself, an able writer. Charles \V. Taylor, who for the past twenty-five years, has written the humor- ous sketches which appear on the editorial page of the Chicago Tribune under the caption "In A JNlinor Key" was for several years connected with the Call and contributed much of the qualities that made it popular. Later, William Hawley Smith, who subsecjuently became a partner of the late Bill Nye on the lyceum platform, bought an interest in the sheet and was its managing editor for two years. In 1885 the Call was sold to W. Livingston and George Sylves- ter, who one year later sold it to Fred Patee and Charles \'ail. Livingston went to Laramie, Wyoming and edited the Boomerang on which Bill Nye first rose to fame. In 1866 the paper was sold to Samuel McGowan, who has since become noted as a manager of Indian schools in the west and finally it passed into the possession of A. M. May who conducted it for three years only to see it gradually expire. THE SUND.W MIRROR In 1902 R. M. Hanna, who at that time was holding an editorial position on the Transcript, with A. S. Stone, who had retired from the management of the same paper, and W. W. Welch, a reporter, established the Sunday Mirror. They made a distinctive local sheet and traversed the entire field of local gossip, con- stituting an entertaining and attractive publication. Charles B. Smith bought the interest of Stone and Welch and after conducting it for eighteen months it was sold to J. W. Hill, J. W. Burton and Dr. Eggleston who left the Herald to become the editor of the Mirror. All three of these men were advocates of the single ta.x idea and it was run in that interest for a few months, but unsuccess- fully and in 1905 passed out of existence. PEORIA L.\nOR GAZETTE The only weekly publication in Peoria at the present time, not connected with a daily, is the "Peoria Labor Gazette," which, as its name implies, is de- voted to the interests of the union labor organizations. It was established in 1895 '^y George Wilson Bills and after changing ownership two or three times it passed into the possession of its present publisher, Walter H. Bush, who has lieen prominently identified with union labor organizations in this city for the past twenty years. Being a practical printer, a man of superior intelligence and having a thorough knowledge of labor conditions he has established the Peoria Labor Gazette on a sound financial basis which assures its permanency. It is the organ of the Peoria Trades and Labor Assembly, has an extensive circula- tion and lucrative advertising patronage and has assumed the position of the leading labor paper in central Illinois. THE PRE.SS OF TODAY There have been a number of weekly and monthly publications started in Peoria, other than those alluded to, in the ccnirse of the past half century, but they had merely an ephemeral existence and have long been forgotten.' The press of Peoria as it exists today is confined to three English newspapers, one morning and two evening, and two German newspapers having weekly editions. The Herald-Transcript is issued in the morning and the Star, journal, Demokrat and Die Sonne in the afternoon. They are all well and ably edited, occupy the front rank in provincial journalism and hold their own against metropolitan competition. They represent the vital interests of this city and have done, and are still doing, all that within them lies to advance its interests, keeping ever an eye upon the goal — "Greater Peoria." I CHAPTER XX\I]1 ORC.ANIZATIONS OLD SETTLERS' ASSOCIATION — THE PEORIA WOMEN's CHRISTIAN HOME MISSION JOHN C. PROCTOR ENDOWMENT^ — YOUNG MEn's CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION YOUNG WOMEN's CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION— WOMAN's CLUIl AND OTHERS — DEACONESS HOSPITAL — FRATERNAL ORDERS. OLD settlers' ASSOCIATION Tlie Old Settlers' Association was organized at a meeting- held in the court house, July 4, 1866. John Hamlin, one of the pioneers of the county, acted as chairman, and Charles Uallance, pioneer lawyer and local historian, secretary. There was a large attendance, principally of the old people, and the enthusiasm of the initial assembly presaged many more. George C. Bestor, Edward F. Xowland and Charles Hallance were appointed a committee to prepare a con- stitution and by-laws, which was submitted at the meeting held on the 27th of July, 1867, and adopted. John Hamlin was chairman of this meeting and Charles Ballance was secretary. It was decided to style the association the "Old Settlers' Union of Peoria and X'icinity," and under the constitution a residence of thirty years in the state of Illinois prior to the adoption of the constitution was required of each person applying as members of the society. This provision was amended at the annual meeting, July 4, 1869, so as to read as follows: "That every person who has resided in the state of Illinois prior to A. D. 1840, who is now a resident of Peoria or this vicinity, shall be entitled to become a member of this society by signing the constitution and paying the initial fee ; and the children of any person who is a member of the society shall be entitled to membership at any age." A number of the very early settlers signed their names to the constitution, namely: John Hamlin, 1823; Samuel B. King. 1831; John Todhunter, 1834; Matthew Taggart, 1835; Jacob Hepperly, 1831 ; Edward F. Nowland, 1835; John C. Flanagan, 1834; John T. Lindsay, 1836: .-Mvah Dunlap, 1834; Alvin W. Bushnell, 1837; George W. Fash, 1835; Charles Ballance, 1831 ; John Waugh. 1836; Samuel Tart, 1834; Joseph J. Thomas, 1837; Thomas Mooney, Jr., 1835; Daniel Trail, 1834; C. M. F"razier, 1834; Elihu N. I^owell, 1836; Lyman J. Loomis, 1834; George W. H. Gilbert, 1837; Allen L. Fahnestock, 1S37. In addition to the above over three hundred persons joined the society who dated their residence in the county back to 1840, most of whom are now de- ceased. The constitution was again changed in 1886, so as to admit persons to mem- bership who had been residents of Peoria or this vicinity for a period of thirty years i)rior to that date. Provision was also made for the election annually of a president, two vice presidents, recording and corresponding secretaries and a treasurer, and since the beginning of the society annual reunions have been held at various places, principally in the public parks and groves, which have been attended at various times by persons of prominence throughout the state. One of the most noteworthy events in the history of the association was the dedication of a log cabin in Glen Oak Park at the annual reunion of 1897. -'^ Vol. 1—2 7 417 418 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY cabin had been erected in one of the picturesque spots of beautiful Glen Oak Park, and instead of a corner stone laying, the event was celebrated by the laying of the first course of logs on the 21st day of April, 1897. The meeting was a highly successful one. Isaac W. Crandall, builder of the cabin, was the master of ceremonies. Logs were used for seats and a barrel of cider was on tap during the exercises, the old folks and young using a primitive gourd. In the cabin at that time were placed an old fashioned organ, a spinning wheel, an old style bed, made up, chairs to harmonize with their surroundings and a clock, sixty-five years old, made by Ely Terry, the first clock maker in the country. Dried apples, dried pumpkin, catnip, peppers and "yarbs" were suspended from the rafters, as was the wont of early days. Since the year 1895 Glen Oak Park has been the regular place for holding these reunions which occur every year and at many of them the assemblages have numbered several thousand souls. THE I'EORI.X women's CHRISTI.\N HOME MISSION Mrs. E. S. Willcox It was in the year of 1875, at the close of a series of Bible readings by Rev. Henry Morehouse of England, that a number of Christian women, wishing to enter on some definite service for the Master, organized the "Women's Chris- tian Association," for ministry among the poor. They took for their motto— "The Pove of Christ Constraineth Us," and they went forth to do with their mio-ht whatever their hands found to do for both souls and bodies of the poor and needy. It was during the same year, that this association united with another of like purpose which had been organized longer in the Universalist church, and to this united society was given the name of the "Women's Christian Home Mission." Its first work was the systematic visitation of the afflicted poor. The city was divided into twelve districts — two visitors serving in each. In a few of the larger ones there were three. Each case was care- fully investigated and immediate want relieved. Food, clothing, friendly sym- pathy and advice given — the prime object being to encourage and assist those in poverty or misfortune to become self supporting. This work was carried on by representatives from all the churches, and the entire work of the mission from the beginning has been strictly non-sectarian. It is to the faithful work of these early founders of the Mission, and the wise leadership of its presidents, Mrs. Erastus O. Hardin and Mrs. Lucie B. Tyng, that this Association owes its broad foundation and its constantly enlarged powers for good in our city. Its second, and no less important branch of work, was the establishing of an industrial school, where sewing was taught to girls of six to fourteen years of age. Between three and four hundred children were annually enrolled in this school, and it did a grand work through a competent and faithful corps of volunteer teachers. This school was carried on for many years, until the formation of similar ones in the various churches rendered it no longer necessary. Meantime the need of a temporary home for friendless women and children became urgent. The first experiment in this line was the opening of small c|uarters (two or three rooms) on Merriman street, which served our needs for one year. Then, Peoria's benefactress, the late Mrs. Lydia Bradley, came to our assistance and gave us the rent of a small house on Seventh street, which answered the purpose for several years. It only accommodated a family of six or eight, but it proved a great aid in the work, serving not only as a home for the friendless, but as a depot for receiving and distributing clothing and an employment bureau, and fully demonstrated the need for .larger quarters to meet the demands for the growing work. In 1880 the valuable property, corner of Main street and Flora avenue, was offered for sale at a very low figure. It was pleasantlv situated with ample grounds (150 by 249 feet) and the house ofl:'ered accommodations for a family of twenty-five and great advantages for our endeavors. FIliST (IliOUP PKTrUE EN'El! TAKEX OF THE OLD SETTLERS OF l'EORL\ COUXTY AT THEIR AXXIAL REIXIOX AT OLEXDALE PARK IX isrs A CKon- OF PEiiRIA (dlXTV noXKFi;s vr OLD SI';irLi;i!S- ncXR: c HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 419 It seemed a great undertaking to raise the amount necessary ($5737), but friends responded so generously to a committee appointed to canvass the city, that their subscriptions, with a gift of $1000 from the Orphan Asylum Asso- iation, enabled us to purchase the property. By October, 1881, it was entirely paid for aud ready for occupancy, having been furnished by the various churches. For ten succeeding years it gave a temporary home and shelter to hundreds of women and children — then it, too. was outgrown. It was in 1890 that the opportunity came to sell this property at a large advance over the price paid for it, and availing ourselves of this, to build the present beautiful and com- modious home on Knoxville avenue. Our family here averages about sixty-five children, occasionally adults, alto- gether with matron and helpers about seventy. It is under the supervision of a board of fifteen managers, chosen by the mission, all faithful, conscientious women, whose aim it is to give these unfortunate and helpless little ones their personal care and the comforts, training and advantages of a well ordered Christian home. Of these sixty-five children, some are fatherless, some are motherless, others have been deserted by one or both of their unworthy, irre- sponsible parents. Some are dependent wards of the county, and of all these, many are returned to their parents when the need of temporary help is past, or parents have proved themselves able and worthy to care for them ; and some are placed in homes. About fifty attend the public school and Arcadia Sunday school. For the fifteen or more younger ones we have a kindergarten in the home. Our deiKirtments of work at the present time are the Home for the I<"riend- less and district visiting among the poor. (Jther branches we have liad are the Bradley Home for Aged Women and The Young Women's Boarding Home (both children of the Alission), established and carried on under its auspices for many years until funds were raised for each to make them independent institutions. Our friends have been many and generous. There is no appeal which touches every heart like that for helpless and neglected children and we have never called in vain for help. It was in 1881 that the mission received a bequest of $1,000 from Mr. and Mrs. Charles Storrs, of Brooklyn, in memory of their son-in-law, David Choate Proctor, of Peoria. This was the foundation of our Endowment Trust Fund, for which some twenty or more be(|uests have since been received, ranging from $100 to $10,000 and which, carefully invested, yields an income of $2,400 a year. Parents who are able, pay small sums weekly, according to their means. The county pays $7 a month for the dependent children under its care. And then there are our annual subscriptions, membership fees and donations. Our work and our expenses increase with the years of which we have closed our record of thirty-six, but our cruise of oil has not failed, and we go on our way rejoicing in the good we have been permitted to accomplish, looking forward to still greater things in the Master's name. The officers are: Mrs. E. S. Willcox, president; Mrs. Flora D. Kellogg, first vice president; Mrs. Louise D. Elder, second vice president; Mrs. Isabella C. Ayres, secretary; Mrs. T. A. Grier, as- sistant secretary; Miss Julia F. Cockle, treasurer. IXDUSTRI.VL SCHOOL FOR GIRLS On the loth dav of October. 1879, a permanent organization was effected by a number of Christian women of Peoria who had conceived a plan to establish a home, wherein should be placed fallen women, in the endeavor to sequestrate tliem from former companions and work a reformation in their lives. The '\\'oman's Refuge was chosen as the title of the home and the incorporator.-; were Margaret B. Wise, .\ugusta L. Farr, Harriet Holcomb, Adaline S. Higbie, Catherine L. Truesdale and Margaret B. Reynolds. As set forth in their ; articles of incorporation the object was to rescue fallen women and provide for 420 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY them homes where they might be protected and surrounded by Christian influ- ences. The institution first found a location on Hale street and there remained two years, when it was removed to 613 North Washington street, and later to 914 Fourth street. The home was supported by charitably disposed citizens. The corporate name was changed in 1889 to the Women's Peoria County Home of Hlessing for Girls, and the home was removed to property purchased on Richmond avenue, upon which a building was erected at a cost of about $10,000. In 1892 the association was incorporated and its title changed to that of "The Peoria County Industrial School for Girls and Home of Lilessing." The pri- mary motives of the association were abandoned and since then the only inmates of the institution have been dependent girls committed to its care by order of the county courts of the state. GUYER HOME FOR AGED PEOPLE This most worthy institution came into existence through the beneficence of one of Peoria's Christian and benevolent women, Airs. Alargaret M. Guyer. daughter of Zenas Hotchkiss, and wife of Jacob Guyer, who came to Peoria in an early day, engaged in farming and later became one of the city's wealthy business men. The conception of the home was that of Mrs. Guyer, but before her ambition could be realized she passed away and at her request Mr. Guyer prevailed upon a number of prominent women of the city to form an associa- tion for the purposes devised by his wife. Following out Mr. Guyer's desires, the association agreed that the home should be located upon the Guyer home- stead, situated at the corner of Armstrong and Knoxville avenues, that the home should be for the benefit of persons of good character, temperate habits, resi- dents of the county of Peoria for three years and not less than sixty years of age who, on account of reduced circumstances, or other vicissitudes of fortune should not be adequately provided with homes of their own. Also that other deserving aged persons might be admitted and that the trustees should be chosen from the same denominations of Protestant churches as far as practicable and that divine services should be held at the home at least once on every Sabl)ath da\-. The association was incorporated on July 9, 1889, and the first board of trustees consisted of Sarah Proctor Howe, president; Sarah E. Hodges and Frances E. Fahnestock. vice presidents; Lillie Ballance Rice, secretary; Har- riet Hepperly Hotchkiss, treasurer. The first members were Mary E. Bailey, Lucie P.. Tvng, Susan S. Clagg, Lucy G. Allaire, Lucy M. Ross, Mary F. McCulloch. Mary Bunn \'an Tassell, Flora Day Kellogg, ]Martha B. Reynolds and Lucv W. Baldwin. The home was opened for the reception of inmates in the summer of 1889 and its capacity has been taxed ever since that time. THE JOHN C. PROCTOR ENDOWMENT HOME The name of Proctor has been made enduring and one to be venerated in this comnumity bv the beneficence and magnificent generosity of a life-long bachelor member of the family — a man whose character stood the test of time and, like the great Bayard, was sans peiir ct sans rcproachc. In the year 1845 Tohn C. Proctor arrived in Peoria and with his brother, E. A. Proctor, began "the manufacture of agricultural implements and was suc- cessful. In 1830, he engaged in an extensive lumber business and achieved more success. He oVganized the First National Bank in 1863 and was its president from tile vear 1875 to within a few months of his death, and in all his great business affairs and' activities he proved a master hand and accumulated a fortune estimated at over two million dollars. .lOHN (. I'lliil TtiU THE J. C. PUOCroR EXIMIWMEXT THE i'i;(H"i'i)i; iihsi'ital I HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 421 During all the years of Mr. Proctor's life in the busy marts of trade, barter and finance, it is possible that enemies were made, through envy and ignorance of the motives actuating the man in his ambition to accumulate a vast fortune, luit if this obtained, all was lost in forgetfulness when the intelligence electrified the people that John C. Proctor had donated a home for the worthy poor of all ages, and ambitious l)oys and girls in cpiest of a means of livelihood. It was on the 26th day of June. 1904, that the people of Peoria were notified through the columns of the Journal, that John C. Proctor would erect a home for dependents, on the beautiful grounds known as Spring Hill park, and it was but a short time thereafter that a contract had been let for the massive building. ( )n the morning of .August 2"/, 1906, the house was oj^ened and twenty applicants were given homes for the rest of their lives. The liuilding is one of the handsomest structures of the kind in the country. It is ])ractically square, occupying a ground space of 160.x 1 do feet, four stories in height, exclusive of an attic and basement. The material used is a greyish ( )hio stone and the architectural design is highly pleasing. The interior is all that could be desired for an institution of its kind and a special feature is the auditorium, which has a seating capacity of 400. The cost was $282,000. In April, 1907, John C. Pro'-tor, against the strenuous objection of relatives, became a resident of the home he had founded in the interest of humanity, and early in the morning of June 22, 1907, he passed away in The Proctor Endow- ment Home, mourned not only by a large group of relatives, but also by a com- munity that had benefited so vastly through his enormous benefactions. Jlie John C. Proctor Endowment, which took on concrete form during the life of the donor, amounted to about $300,000; but shortly after the reading of Mr. Proctor's will, it developed that his estate amounted to over two million dollars and that of this great sum of money he had devised but $115,000 to rela- tives and the residue to the John C. Proctor Endowment, to be held in trust for- ever by the trustees and their successors, who were designated in the will as fol- lows: J. S. Stevens, O. J. Bailey, David H. Proctor, .\aron S. Oakford, R. R. llourland, I'redericl; F". Plossom, William E. Stone. YOUNG men's christian ..\SS0CI.\TI0N The chronicler of events gives us no date relating to a Young Men's Chris- tian Association in Peoria prior to the year 1853. It is known, however, that in the winter of that year a course of lectures was delivered under the auspices of the "Young Alen's Christian Association" of Peoria. Among men of promi- nence of that day who favored the public with their views upon subjects of interest to the association. Judge McCuIloch in his history of Peoria county, mentions Professor Jonathan P.. Turner, of Jacksonville, Rev. John W. Cracraft, rector of St. Paul's parish, Peoria, President Blanchard, of Knox College, Rev. Robert V. Farris, pastor of the Second Presbyterian church, Peoria, and Hon. Onslow Peters, judge of the circuit court of Peoria. It is stated that in the year 1858 a great religious awakening came upon the people of this community and as a result a reorganization of the Young Men's Christian .Association was accomplished in the month of May of that year. .\t a meeting held at that time, Alexander G. Tyng was chosen president ; Thomas G. McCulloch and Henry ls\. Kellogg, vice presidents; Calvin C. Lines, recording secretary ; Horace Champlain, corresponding secretary ; and Larkin 1!. Day, treasurer. The meeting place was in the building now occupied by the First National Bank but before the lapse of the year new quarters were secured in the lecture room of the First Presbyterian church, corner Main and Madison. In 1859 ,\. G. Tyng was reelected president and he continued to hold the office until 1862, when William Reynolds succeeded him. In the latter year the association was incorporated, its capitalization being the modest sum of $750. At that time the membership was but twenty-six and from them was chosen a war committee, who directed the operations of the association in connection 422 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY with the Christian Commission which had been organized early in the previous year for the purjjose of lending all possible aid to the men battling for the Union and their families at home. The association kept up its meetings all through the war and it ajjpears that Alexander G. Tyng, the first president, was again holding the chair in the years 1867 and 1868. At this time the association held its meetings in a room opposite the postoffice on Main street. In 1870 and 1871 George II. Mcllvaine was presi- dent. There must have been a lapse in the meetings of the association for a few years, for the records show that the present association was organized August r8, 1879. IMartin Kingman was president, and Henry S. Sayles, secretary, for that year. The membership was twenty-three. Rooms were secured over Irwin & Company's store, 102- 104 South Adams street. William X. P'isher succeeded Mr. Sayles as president in the fall of 1879 and continued in the office until June. 1881. On September 12, 1881, James M. Rice, lately deceased, was elected president and served until September, 1883. On December 16, 1882, however, the association was incorporated and in the fall of 1881 rooms in the second story of a building on the corner of Adams and Fulton streets, formerly occupied by the Peoria Boat Club, were leased and nicely fur- nished. These were occupied until the fall of 1884. Martin Kingman succeeded Mr. Rice in 1883, and on the expiration of a year was succeeded by Oliver J. Bailey. Headquarters were again changed in 1884, this time to the Criiger property, 213 South Jefferson street, and remained there until i8gi, when the association became permanently situated in a building constructed especially for the purpose at 115 North Jefferson street. The corner- stone of this building had been laid with appropriate exercises, March 17, 1890, and was ready for occupancy at the time indicated in this article. At the time of its dedication, however, the building caused the association to assume obliga- tions it could not fulfill, so that the burden becoming so heavy and the associa- tion being unable to meet its heavy indebtedness, the building was sold in 1909 to the publishers of the German-Democrat. At the same time a number of warm hearted and generous citizens who held certain notes against the associa- tion cancelled them and with the money received for the building all indebted- ness was obliterated. The association then established temporary headquarters in room 431 Jefferson building, where it remained until moving into its present magnificent new home. When the old Y. M. C. A. building on Jefferson street was sold a campaign was at once started for the purpose of raising funds with which to erect a new Iniilding. A. I\I. Ward, of New York, an international secretary, was engaged to take charge of the campaign. The work started in June, 1909, and at the end of ten days of a strenuous and magnificent canvass, the splendid sum of $103,500 had been pledged for a new building, which was to be supplied with all modern equipments. Later a building committee was selected, composed of E. C. Fos- ter, chairman, J. M. Morse, J. A. Harman, E. T. Miller and W. E. McRoberts. On December 2, 1909, the contract for the construction of the building was awarded to Fred Meintz, and the firms of Shattuck & Hussey, Chicago, and Howard & Emerson, of Peoria, were secured to draw the plans for a $75,000 structure. Work was commenced on the building later on and by the middle of July, 1912, it was turned over to the officers of the association, completed. It stands on the corner of Si.xth avenue and P'ranklin street, on a lot previously purchased by the association and is one of the finest structures of its kind in the state. It was anticipated that the dedicatory services would be held on August 1st. The cost of the building and lot was $105,000, and furnishings, $15,000, which was all paid up at its completion. The present officers are as follows : President, Horace Clark ; vice presi- dent, E. C. Foster: recording secretary, F. H. Avery; treasurer building fund, S. D. Wead ; general secretary, Herbert H. Holmes ; directors, Horace Clark, ST. FRANCIS IKiSI'ITAL AND CHAPKI,. TEOIUA YOUNG women's Christian -association YOUNG \\(IMI-;X'S (JIKIslIAV ASSi )( I Alii >\ |U ILDIXC. I'KuKIA HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 423 E. C. Foster, F. M. Avery. B. Cowell, D. S. Long, J. M. Morse, William Haz- zard, \\'. G. Causey. George F. Carson, W. C. Collins, H. \V. Lynch, J. A. Har- man, F. S. Wallace, Leonard Hillis, M. W. Rotchford, J. T. Neilson ; physical director. H. D. Sanborn; boys' secretary. A. S. Kresky ; association secretaries. T. J. Killin and J. H. Kopp. RAILROAD V. M. C. A. The Railroad Young Men's Christian Association commenced work in Peoria, Decemijer i. 1900, and it is located at 2336 South Washington street in a build- ing 40x75 feet, two stories in height, with liasement. This structure contains twenty-nine sleeping rooms, a reading room, amusement room, temporary hospi- tal, lunch counter, dining room, bath room, barber shop, store rooms, etc., and its total cost was $17,500, mainly the investment of the Peoria & Pekin Union railways. Its oliject is to furnish the best facilities to railroad men for body, character and soul-building by giving its members, at a nominal cost, clean, wholesome food and other necessaries and pleasures. Its memliership, composed exclusively of railroad men, numbers 250. YOUNG women's CHRISTIAN AS.SOCI.\TI0N At the laying of the corner stone of the new building occupied by the Young Women's Christian Association. Jennie Adair Johnston read a history of the society, from which the following generous extracts are taken : In November, 1893, -Miss Jennie Martin, of the Illinois state board, and Miss Ida Bradshaw, of the Wisconsin state board of the Young Women's Christian Association, arrived in Peoria and started out to interest the people here in the movement for the organization of a Young Women's Christian Association. They found pub- lic opinion in .sympathy with the cause and after a few days' canvass a meeting was held in the parlor of the Second Presbyterian church and the longed-for society was organized under the constitution recommended by the international committee, with officers and board of managers as follows : Mrs. Anna W. Rogers, Mrs. Mary M. McCulloch, Mrs. Ida Bourland, Mrs. Annie E. Dough- erty. Mrs. A. E. Petherbridge. Mrs. Addie Hazzard, Mrs. Katie M. Day, Mrs. Catlierine M. Hill. Mrs. Elizabeth W. Henry, Mrs. Jessie S. Page, Mrs. Mary W. Parker, Mrs. Linda B. Tobias. Mrs. Henry Rouse, Mrs. Hannah M. Hough- ton and Miss Florence Bannister. The newly formed society held its first meeting December 9. 1893, in the parlor of the woman's auxiliary of the Young Alen's Christian Association building, with Mrs. Jennie S. Page in the chair. Committees were appointed on membership, finance, education, social, devotional and furnishing, and at the second meeting held January 26, 1894, in the same place, a rei)ort read indicated that $600 in money had been pledged. At the meeting the principal discussion was over the matter of a home for the association and a dwelling, standing between the Dime Savings Bank and Bartlett's store, was selected for the society's home. .A. membership of 300 was reported at a meeting held in February, 1894, and measures were at once taken to secure a secretary. At a meeting held I'ebruary 27th following, articles of incorporation were filed and an advisory board appointed, consisting of George Page. J. \\'. Rogers. David McCulloch, N. C. Dougherty and O. J. Bailey. Miss Ida May Hickok was secured as secre- tary but after a short time she resigned and in August Miss Caroline Palmer was appointed. Educational classes were instituted and efi'orts were made to secure the attendance of girls working in the various hotels, factories and stores. Soon after the association had been installed in its new home the building was sold and another one was rented of Mr. Norton. To this building the as- sociation moved and remained for a period of fourteen years. 424 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY In 1905 Miss Harriet \'ance, of Portland, Oregon, was called to the sec- retaryship, and the membership of the association having grown to pleasing ])roportions, this zealous young woman put forth every effort toward creating a sentiment in favor of securing a lot and building a modern home for the as- sociation. The work initiated by her was kept up and in March, 1907, several competing organizations were formed among the young lady members and an active campaign was inaugurated in which the sum of $34,000 was pledged for the home. In the fall of 1907 ]Miss Ida Starkweather was called as general secretary. Miss Vance having accepted a call to Pittsburg, and under the skill- ful engineering of Miss Starkweather, aided by enthusiastic lieutenants, and strong public sentiment, ground was broken on March 4, 1907, on a lot previously purchased, and on April 30th following, the corner stone of the building was laid. Dr. Arthur Little, of the Second Presbyterian church, being master of ceremonies. The beautiful building, which cost $30,000 and standing on a lot for which $8,000 was paid, was dedicated and thrown open to the public, Fridav. January I, 1909. The structure stands on Liberty street, between Jefferson and Madi- son, and the design is along old English lines, being constructed of brick, with long windows, pillared porch and solid front. It covers the entire lot, 63 feet front and 933^ feet in length. The front is of brown vitrified brick. Standing three stories in height and having a complete basement, there seems to be nothing that has been forgotten in the beautiful home. The interior is very home-like and very tastefully and conveniently arranged. There is a library, liv- ing room, class room, dining room, tea room, assembly hall and a well appointed gymnasium. The association building is open daily from 8 a. m. to 9 p. m. and the reading and rest rooms are governed by the same rules. Cafeteria lunch is served to gentlemen as well as ladies from 1 1 130 in the morning to i :30, daily, except Sundays, with supper on Saturday evenings from 5 130 to 7 :30. There is an employment and boarding directory and membership is open to all women of good moral character. The annual fees are: A regular, $1; junior, 50 cents; sustaining, $5. Membership in the association entitles one to the use of the building at all times — the parlor, library, rest rooms, employment bureau, board- ing house directory, cafeteria, social- occasions, entertainments and lectures. Some of the classes admit members free of charge. These are the literature, travel and Bible classes, also the glee club. Other classes require a small ad- ditional fee, such as art needle work, sewing, millinery and others. The membership of the Young Women's Christian Association now numbers 1,306. The officers for 1912 are: Mrs. W. C. Collins, president; Miss Elizabeth McKenzie, general secretary ; ^liss Alice R. Reynolds, extension secretary ; Miss Laura Bryan, office secretary; Miss Florence !M. Parmelee, physical di- rector; Miss Inez C. Dusten, cafeteria director; Mrs. Helen AIcDowell, matron; Mrs. Flora B. Reagan, travelers' aid. THE CREVE COEUR CLUB The Creve Coeur Club was organized April 3, 1894, by the incorporators. Theodore Kuhl, Elwood A. Cole, Joseph E. Callender, Frank B. Xewell, Horace Clark, Jr., Frank H. Gift, H. G. Rouse, Charles R. Warner and Charles E. Wheelock. The association takes its name from the celebrated fort built by La Salle, and its object is to promote the business interests of the city of Peoria and the social enjoyment of its members. The management is vested in a board of nine directors. The officers for the first year were: Theodore Kuhl, president ; Charles R. Warner, vice president ; Joseph E. Callender. secretary : Frederick F. Blossom, treasurer. The home of the club is a magnificent modern building erected for the purpose on the corner of Jefferson and Liberty streets. The membership is large and is composed of business and professional men. It is democratic in character and non-political. PEORIA COUNTRY CLUB CRKVE COEUR CLUB, PEORIA HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 425 THE co^^'■|■K^■ club The Country Club of Peoria was incorporated June 2(), 1897, and has iov its object the encouragement of athletic exercises, recreation and social enjoyment. Its management is vested in a board of eleven directors and its membership is about I ^5. The first board of directors consisted of Walter P. Colburn. Frank- lin T Corning. Sumner R. Clarke, Frederick H. Smith, R. W. Kempshall, J. B. (Jreenhut, Nathaniel (iriswold, R. D. Clarke, ClifTord M. Anthony, H. Frederick Steele, Jacob Wachenheimer. The first officers were: Frederick T. Corning, president; Walter P. Colburn, vice president; R. D. Clarke, secretary; and Frederick H. Smith, treasurer. The club grounds are situated in Peoria Heights and contain twenty-seven acres overlooking the Illinois river. The original club house was formerly the residence of -Mrs. Caroline S. Gibson, but recently a new building has been erected and a lookout from which the surrounding country can he seen for many miles. The spot chosen is an ideal one and is pointed out to strangers visiting the city as a place to be seen before leaving. Adjoining the grounds is a tract of land consisting of fortv acres, devoted to golfing. Other clubs that should be especially mentioned are the Women Teachers' Chib. which was organized in the fall of 1897, with Miss Kate Rutherford, pres- ident ; the New Era Women's Club, organized November 12, 1892, with twelve charter members ; the Peoria Art League, previously known as the Sketch Club, organized in the winter of 1890-1. Its charter members were Grant Wright, Carl Pehl, .A.. P.. Marston, L. A. Loomis, a pioneer artist of Peoria, Walter l.aird, llcdlev W. Wavcott, Jesse Watson, Albert Chilcott, Frank Goss, Orie Siivdcr, l'"red' Klein. Robert Slack, William Kerr and Robert Weller. THE l)E.\CONESS HOME AND HOSPIT.\L Some twentv-six vears ago, a zealous and energetic woman of the church, .Mrs. Lucv Rvder :Mever, founded the order of the Deaconesses of the Aleth- odist F])i.scopal Church, in the city of Chicago, and opened a Deaconess' home and training school at or near tlie corner of Rush and Ohio streets, for the purpose of organizing and training volunteer young women for Christian and charitable work among the jjoor and needy, and under the auspices of the church. The work has prospered so that beside the large home and Wesley Hospital in Chicago, deaconess' homes, training schools and hospitals have been estal)- lislied and maintained from the Atlantic to the Pacific oceans, and quite a num- ber of deaconesses have gone to foreign countries as missionaries. About the year iS()8, one of the deaconesses, T^Iiss Ida Phillips, came to this city and through her efforts, the Deaconess' Home and Hos|)ital of the Central Illinois Confer- ence was established here. iMillowing the arrival of Miss Phillips, meeting of the members of the Meth- odist churches were held and the work discussed, and resolutions were passed asking the Central Illinois conference to establish a home and hospital in the city, of Peoria. The conference which met that fall, took such action, and November I, 1898, a meeting of those interested was held, which meeting was continued to Novemlier 7th. .Vt this time a board of trustees and necessary officers were elected, an association having been incorporated October 28, 1898, under the corporate name of The Deaconess' Home and Hospital of the Central Illinois Conference, with the following named as first trustees: I*". W'. Merrell. G. R. Shafer. Jacob Straesser, Dr. W. W. Wyatt, Mrs. L. E. Bovee. C. T. McFall, :Miss Ida Phillips. Mrs. M. Rogers, Mrs. Florence Gardner. C. V. Engstrom. William Schleicher and William Hazzard. This board of trustees was reelected, with the exception of William Schleicher, who declined to serve. November 14th following, the terms of the trustees were fixed as follows: F. W. Merrell, V.V... three vears; G. R. Shafer. two years; Mrs. L. E. Bovee. two years; C. Y. 426 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY Engstroni, two years ; Jacob Straesser, three years ; Miss Ida Phillips, three years; i\Irs. M. Rogers, one year; Dr. W. W. VVyatt, one year; Mrs. Florence Gardner, one year; C. E. McFall, two years; and William Hazzard, one year. Mrs. Gardner resigned, and William Taylor, of Edwards, was elected in her stead. The officers elected were as follows : F. W. Merrell, president of the board ; Jacob Straesser, vice president ; C. V. Engstrom, treasurer, which office he still holds ; and Miss Ida Phillips, financial superintendent. November 23, 1898, the trustees purchased from Mrs. Lydia Bradley the large brick residence now known as Ko. 221 Glen Oak avenue, for $12,000. The association commenced at once to make the necessary alterations and repairs and a few months later opened the home and hospital, with Miss Lucy Hall, a deaconess, as superintendent and matron, with a corps of nurses. From the beginning the new hospital was a success and gained the praise of physicians and patients. However, after it had been in operation a couple of years, a neigbor complained against it as a nuisance and the hospital was closed. On the 1st of December, 1905, the board of trustees obtained an option on the property and an agreement was entered into with Mrs. Amelia Bontjes, by which they afterwards purchased from the latter the property adjoining the home and hospital on the west side, for $13,000, the former hospital was again opened. In the meantime the board of trustees had purchased the vacant lot on the east side of the hospital and later sold the Bontjes property to Dr. E. W'. Oliver at a considerable financial loss, but with stringent provisions in the deed which are intended to forever preclude the possibility of further injunc- tion proceedings. In the fall of 1910 Rev. J. E. Mercer, having been financial agent for several years, and having been quite successful in securing funds and pledges, the board of trustees decided to begin the erection of a new hosi^ital building, con- sisting of a central building and two wings, and contracted with William Z. Martin, a local contractor, for the erection of one of the wings. The dimen- sions of this wing are 62 x 75 feet and five stories high. It is designed in the renaissance style of architecture, with the face wall of the basement story of buff Bedford stone. The next three stories are faced with dark brick, and the upper story with buff brick with appropriate stone and dark brick trimmings. The basement or first story has two large wards, one for men and one for women and children, with necessary bath rooms, toilet rooms, linen room, and diet kitchen. Here also are the autopsy room, morgue and room for heating plant, and all are to be connected for present use, with the old building, by an ap- propriate passage way. The main floor accommodates the administration rooms, doctor's room, drug room and a number of private wards with bath and toilet rooms. The second and third floors will be devoted to private rooms, a num- ber of which will have baths attached. The fourth story is to contain the operat- ing room, surgeons' room, instrument and sterilizing rooms, nurses' dining room and main kitchen, with dumb waiters connecting with the various floors. On the roof, open air rooms for convalescents are to be arranged. The entire building is to be fire proof, and will contain every known convenience of the modern hospital. The ventilation will be so arranged that the fresh air supply for each room may be controlled independent of every other room, and suitable to the needs of each patient. Every known appliance in the way of elevators, electric lights, electric calls, sanitary floors, etc. will be supplied. This part of the entire building will cost from $50,000 to $70,000, and the entire contem- plated hospital building will present a frontage of about 160 feet in Glen Oak aveiuie, and is expected to cost $200,000. The grounds have an extensive frontage on Glen Oak avenue and Knoxville avenue and extend back to Crescent avenue. The architect of the new build- ing is B. L. Hulsebus, of Peoria. The report to the session of the Central Illinois conference which met in this city September 6-1 1, 191 1, shows that under the efficient management of Miss NEW nriM)iX(; OF the DEACONESS' HOSPITAL ^■ie^v from the east l)i:.\l OXKSS' IIOSIMTAL. PEORIA \ic\\ tiikru fniiii the north, showiiiir all of the liuihliiig- HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 427 Nellie Irene Young, .superintendent of nurses. 231 patients received care in the liospital during the preceding year. ( )f 103 were surgical cases. Charity work amounting to $2,364.88 was clone. Under the management of Rev. W. R. Wiley, the present efficient general superintendent and financial agent, there has been gratifying success in raising the necessary funds to carry on the work. It is expected that the wing now under construction will be completed in a few months and will accommodate from forty to fifty patients. The management of the home and hospital is under a board of trustees con- sisting of twenty-five members, of whom thirteen are ministers, and twelve, laymen. The present officers of the board are: Rev. O. T. Dwinell, ijresident : Dr. W. W. Wyatt, vice president; L. C. llinckle. secretary; and C. V. Eng- .strom, treasurer. Rev. J. W. Pruen is auditor and Rev. \V. R. Wiley, superin- tendent. The executive committee consists of Revs. O. T. Dwinell. S. P. Archer. W. D. Evans, C. \'. Engstrom, Jacob Straesser, William Taylor and L. C. Hinckle. The entire funtls for construction and support, aside from what may be received from paying ])atients, arise from donations. The board now owns a fine farm of one hundred and si.xty acres near Emden, Illinois, donated for the purpose. THE FRID.W CLUB The Friday Club is the oldest women's club in Peoria, having been in ex- istence since 1873. At that time Mrs. E. D. Hardin invited to her house a group of women who called themselves jokingly at first "The Tired Mother's Club." While they read and discussed books and magazines, their children played on the spacious grounds of Mrs. Hardin's home. The club is unique, for in all these years it has never had any officers, or any constitution or rules, yet it has never failed to ofifer a delightful literary program at its bi-monthly meetings, and its members, who volunteer one after another to take charge of the arrange- ments, are devotedly attached to its interests and to one another. Any daughter of a member or granddaughter (and there are granddaughters now) is entitled to membership as a birthright. Twenty-five has been the average membership and the meetings of late vears have been held not at one ])lace, but in the homes of the difi^erent women. The club has joined the Civic Federation and has often helped some specially needed cause. THE PEORI.X women's CLUB The Peoria Women's Club has been in existence since January 20, t886, at which time the first little group of women assembled in response to a call issued by Mrs. Clara P. iiourland. Beginning with twenty-seven members, the club grew steadily, increasing al- ways in strength and usefulness, until now the membership is close to three hun- dred and fifty. Its objects, "mutual sympathy and counsel and united efTort to- w-ard the higher civilization of humanity.'' were felt to be best served by dis- tributing the work under various departments. These are now the home and education, art and literature, social science and music deiiartments. Each de- ])artment offers a number of classes for the pleasure and instruction of mem- Ijers. The home and education department has nearly always maintained a class in current events and for many years a large and enthusiastic travel class. Lately classes in domestic science and parliamentary law have been organized. The art and literature department has practically from the beginning of the club life given classes in the study of history, literature and arts of various countries, with particular attention to the study of Shakespeare's work and that of Brown- ing. The Shakespeare class closes its year's work with a presentation of one of the master's plays, given in costume and always with much spirit and intelli- 428 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY gence. Recently a class in the study of modern drama has been formed. This department has also given a number of excellent exhibits of engravings, oil and water color paintings, etchings and photographs, all of a high standard. The department of social science has taken an active part in many good works for the community. It set on foot the movement which eventually resulted in the establishment of the present hospital for the insane at Bartonville, secured the passage of an ordinance prohibiting expectoration in the street cars and on sidewalks and the appointment of a police matron. It has supported at differ- ent times cooking classes for girls, a boys' club, and for a year or more, until the state provided a worker, paid the salary of a teacher who instructed the adult blind of Peoria, in reading, typewriting, etc. This season, 1911-12, it has given one hundred dollars toward the Detention Home and is interested in the establishment of a separate school room for de- fective children. The music department is the only one which holds regular bi-monthlv meet- ings. It has a large membership and provides most interesting programs, which, although prepared as studies, give great pleasure to the audiences and help to spread the knowledge and understanding of music. At one time the department had a mandolin and guitar orchestra, and for the last few years has done splen- did work with its Woman's Club Chorus. The class has given several concerts and is always ready to contribute its share to the club entertainments. In the fall of 191 1 a new department, called the evening department, was formed for the benefit of professional and business women, whose duties prevented their attending the day sessions of the club. It meets twice a month to discuss cur- rent events and to enjoy a literary program at eight o'clock, after which a sup- per is served by the domestic science class. The general meetings of the club are held on the second and fourtli Mondays of the months from October to June, the topics presented being divided among the interests of all departments. While the papers and addresses have been contributed largely by club members, there has been a steadily growing tendency to secure speakers from out of town, which has added variety and breadth to the program. The club has had lectures from Julia Marlowe, Frederick Ward, Walker Whiteside, Julia Ward Howe, Abbey Sage Richardson, Judge Lindsey. Jane Addams and many others equally noted, and the concert committee in addi- tion to the work of the music department, provided for many years a course of from three to five concerts, at which there appeared such world renowned artists as the members of the Kneisel and Spering Quartettes, Fritz Kreisler, Josef Hofman. Bloomfield Zeisler, George Hamlin, Herbert Witherspoou and Cecil Fanning. The joy and inspiration which such artists as these have brought to Peoria's people, cannot be too highly estimated and the musical life of the city owes a tremendous debt to the Women's Club, which has preserved the highest standards, no matter what the discouragements or difficulties. The dramatic committee has presented many plays of interest and usually provides the entertainment for Founders' Day, which is always celebrated Janu- ary 20th. Other special events, in charge of the social committee, are the presi- dent's reception to new members, given in the autumn, the informal tea and social half hour, which follows the monthly meetings, and the annual breakfast, which closes the club year in May. The first meetings of the club were held in the Pettengill Seminary and Uiereafter at the National Hotel parlors until Janu- ary, 1894. when the club moved to its own building, at the corner of Madison and Fayette streets. The first thought had been to erect a modest building, adapted to club purposes only, but the need of a hall for chamber, music and lectures had been so strongly urged by musicians and friends outside the club that the present plan, though it involved heavier responsibility, was adopted. Previous to this a stock company had been formed, with a capital stock of $25,000. The shares were placed at $10 and were chiefly taken by club mem- bers. The change of plan alluded to could only be effected by increasing the HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 429 capital stock, or by placing a mortgage upon the Intilding. The latter course was preferred and the club was left, upon the completion of the building, with a debt of $16,000. Plain and substantial in design and construction, the house has demonstrated over and over again the wisdom of its building. It is free of debt and kept in perfect repair to date. Twice has the Peoria Women's Club been hostess, in her own home, to the Illinois Federation of Women's Clubs; twice has the State Conference of Charities found ample and convenient hospitality under this roof. If, as we are told, the laws which govern the acoustics of a building are im- perfectly understood, a happy accident, it may be said, has made the music hall almost perfect in this respect. Numbers of great singers and players upon in- struments have been enthusiastic in their expression of the ease with which they could play or sing in our hall. This hall, which covers the entire second floor will seat five hundred and twenty-five people, and is frequently rented for theatricals, musicals, and conventions. The lower floor has a large dining room and parlor, ample dressing rooms and a room for the board of directors. This lower floor has proved a delightful social meeting place and is in great demand for dances and recejitions. The club possesses a number of really fine paintings — gifts from various members — which add much to its beauty and attractiveness. Mrs. Clara P. P.ourland was the first president of the club and was reelected to this office for twenty-five years, wlien she resigned and the title of president emeritus was conferred upon her. To her untiring interest and zeal the club owes its home and the larger part of its prosperity. The club was incorporated in July, 1890, and is a member of the City, District and State Federations of Women's Clubs. It has a record of fine things accom- plished and plans for the future which will make it a still greater factor in the betterment of civic life. NEW ER.\ woman's CLUB This club was organized in the city of Peoria in iSg2, having ten charter members, with Mrs. M. L. White president. The meetings are held semi-monthly at the home of a member. The object of the club, as stated in the constitution, is the improvement intellectually and socially of its members, but the work has been broadened, and assistance has been given to many worthy objects. The club holds membership in the Illinois Federation as also in the District Federation of Women's Clubs and the Civic Federation of the City of Peoria. There is always a banquet in mid-winter and an outing at the close of the year, to both of which the husbands are invited. Next October (1912) the club will celebrate its twentieth anniversary. The present presiding officer is Mrs. Isabelle Collins. C.\THOLIC women's LE.\GUE The Catholic Women's League was organized in February, 1894. .Strictly speaking, it is not a woman's club; it is an organization for the general good and advancement of humanity in a charitable way. During the Spanish-Ameri- can war. great quantities of bandages, fruits and jellies were sent to the front bv the league. For many years a sewing school, then a cooking school, were maintanied by the league at the Neighborhood House, but after a few years the need of a dav nursery was evident and the cooking school was abandoned. The nursery, in charge of a competent matron, has been flourishing for the past four years. As many as twentv-four children have been cared for there in a day, although the average is about eleven. The cost of maintaining the day nursery is about sixtv-five dollars a month. 430 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY The league's income is derived principally from the annual league supper, which lakes place at the Coliseum each November. Over a thousand are served with supper, followed by dancing, and the affair is always a success financially and socially. Another service of income is the annual Tag Day. The meetings are held at the Knights of Columbus hall on the first antl third Monday of each month. The league is connected with the Civic Federation. The officers for igii-12 are: President, Mrs. John D. Carey; financial sec- retary, Mrs. Walter Clogston; recording secretary, Mrs. James E. Tinan; treas- urer, Mrs. Oliver J. Dolan. CURRENT EVENTS CLUB The Current Events Club was organized in January, 1896, for intellectual improvement and for the study of important events of the day. It meets every two weeks. Mrs. Eva V'an Tassell was the first president, and the present offi- cers are: Mrs. H. C. Linis, president; Mrs. M. L. Ducker, vice president; Mrs. A. E. Giles, secretary ; Mrs. J. H. Riggs, treasurer. The membership is limited to twenty. The club is a member of the Civic Federation and does its full share in assisting all the work thereof, both finan- cially and in other service. THE AULD LANG SYNE CLUB was organized October, 1897, at the home of Mrs. N. J. Jacquin. ]\Irs. Lucia AI. Swayze was elected president, which office she has held ever since, having been elected later for life. The present officers are: Mrs. Lucia M. Swayze, president ; Mrs. William W. Meeker, vice president ; Mrs. U. N. Clark, secretary ; Mrs. M. M. P>assett, treasurer. The membership is limited to twenty-five, and is composed entirely of ladies who once resided in Pekin, Illinois. The main object of the organization was to perpetuate this friendship of former years. Meetings are held regularly on the second Wednesday of each month. Short miscellaneous programs are given, current events and civic problems discussed. During the past five years the greater part of dues collected have been donated to philanthropic institutions. PEORLV WOMEN TEACHERS' CLUB The Peoria \\'omen Teachers' Club was organized in 1897 and Miss Kate Rutherford was the first president. The others who have served in that capacity have come from all the ranks in the teaching profession : principals of schools, high school and grade teachers and supervisors. All have worked faithfully and well. The present officers are: Miss Edna Earnest, president; Miss Esther Szold and Miss Emma Boynton, vice presidents ; Miss Margaret Mauschbach. recording secretary; Miss Elizabeth Persinger, corresponding secretary; INIiss Iva Distler, treasurer. The club helps support the depot matron and helps financially an industrial school for girls. It is a member of the Civic. District and State Federations and does its share in their good works. It has for a number of years provided a fine course of lectures and entertainments for its members and friends and Drought many prominent people to Peoria. COLLEGE woman's CLUB The College Woman's Club of Peoria w\as organized October 21. 1897, with Miss Helen Partlett as president. Its present membership is seventy-five, and its officers for 1911-12 are: Miss Mary B. Blossom, president; Aliss Elizabeth Jack, vice president; Miss Vera Hays, secretary; and Mrs. Anne Kleene, treas- HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 431 urer. The aim of the clul) is to promote college interest and to maintain a spirit of fellowship among its members. It has contributed money to and also sewed for several charitable organizations. This year the proceeds from a number of lectures, which have been given from time to time, accumulated sufficiently to enable the club to offer a $150 scholarship to a young woman desiring a college education, and also to start a loan fund which may be used to tide college students over temporary financial difficulties. NORTH PE0K1.\ WOMEN's CLUB The Xorth Peoria Women's Club was organized in September, 1898, its object being the intellectual improvement of its members, all of whom were busy housewives. Its first president was Mrs. Francis M. O. Schnebly, who held the position for five years. The membership of the club is limited to fifty. At the present time this list is full. The club meets at the homes of its mem- bers fortnightly on Wednesdays, from October through May, inclusive. The study this year comprises three of Shakespeare's plays. The present officers are: Mrs. William We.x, president; Mrs. L. A. Howes, vice president; Mrs. W^illiam Faber, secretary-treasurer; Mrs. L. B. Follansbee, assistant secretary-treasurer. The club is a member of the Civic Federation and has always been among the first to respoml when help was needed. WEST BLUFF NINETEENTH CENTURY CLUB The West Bluff Nineteenth Century Club was organized in the summer of 1898 for the accomplishment of a systematic course of reading and for the advantage offered by organization, intellectually and socially. There were originally thirteen members. The first meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Bourscheidt, Friday, July 29, \H()S. At this meeting Mrs. Bourscheidt was elected president and Airs. I. D. Wick, secretary. Ill health soon compelled Mrs. Bourscheidt to resign and Mrs. Heffner was elected. The membership has increased to twenty. This year }ilrs. Clara L. Johnston is president; Mrs. W. W. Dewey, vice president; Mrs. Charles Klepinger, secretary; Mrs. E. T. Grady, referee; and Mrs. L. B. ]\Iartin, treasurer. The clul) is a member of the Civic Federation and supports the federation actively in all work proposed. OUTLOOK CLUB The Outlook Club was organized in 1898, with twelve charter members. The objects of this club are, by union, "to promote the happiness and usefulness of its members and to create a center of enjoyment, friendship and culture." The Outlook Club affiliated with the District Federation in 1901. It also is represented in the Civic Federation of Peoria, and through this organization does more or less charitable and philanthropic work. The club numbers twenty- four members at the present time and the topic for study this year (1912) is "America Today." The present officers are: President, Mrs. S. R. Quigley ; vice president, Mrs. A. X. Dunseth; secretary and treasurer, Mrs. R. T. May; critic, Mrs. G. A. Parkhurst ; journalist. Miss M. E. Wliitakcr. THE RESE.\KCn CLUB Fourteen years ago some ladies decided to form a club whose object should be the careful study of current events and the discussion of literary and scien- tific questions which entailed considerable research. The Research Club was the 432 . HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY result of that decision. The members have lived up to the club's motto: "From each according to her ability; to each according to her needs." The club colors are pink and white. The carnation is the club flower and the active membership is limited to thirty. Meetings are held every alternate Friday at the residences of members. The officers for the season of 1911-12 are: President, Georgie Niebuhr; vice president, Cleo Barbour; recording secretary, Edith Frye ; corresponding secretary, Florence Merrill; treasurer, Katherine Wheeler; critic, Drusilla Dailv ; treasurer of flower fund, Carrie Allison. The club is a member of the Civic l^^deration, contributes annually to the support of the truant officers' work and has also given to many other philan- thropic enterprises. women's aid club The colored Women's Aid Club was organized in May, 1899, by Mrs. Eliza- beth Lindsay Davis, of Chicago, and Mrs. B. Y. George, of ^Elmwood; also ]\Irs. Franklin Hall, formerly of Peoria. The object was charity alone when first organized, but since then it has branched out and is helping along all lines of philanthropy and civic improvement. The club has made arrangements for the purchase of a lot on Globe street, and as soon as a sufficient amount of the purchase price has been paid, it is earnestly desired, by the members, that improvement of the property, in the erection' of a suitable building, will soon be started, so as to meet the needs and demands of the colored people. This club is incorporated under the state laws and has a membership of about forty-five. The officers: President, Ida Savage; vice president, Melvina Cotton; secretary, Sarah Sheppard ; assistant secretary, Effie Harper; treasurer, Sarah Floyd. / AS YOU LIKE IT CLUB The idea of a club for a limited area of the West Bluft' originated with Miss Julia Arnold Kempshall. Mrs. E. O. Sisson, wife of the first dean of Bradley Polytechnic Institute, was persuaded to give it her support, and on January 2, igoi, the club was organized at her home. The first regiflar meeting was held on January 15th and Miss Julia Kempshall became the first president. The club was not named until February 20, 1901, when, at the home of Mrs. Sisson, the name As You Like It, was chosen as most appropriate, because of the peculiar character of the organization. Its members are required to have residence within a certain restricted area, and must be voted in by secret ba'. Jt. The basis of membership is ability and willingness to share in the work of the club. The membership is limited to thirty. The present officers are: President, Mrs. Wifliam J. Ralzer : vice president, Mrs. Hugh Weston; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Luther C. Hinckle. For the year 1912 the study is on the Growth and Development of the Mid- dle West, the club's meetings are held on the first and third Wednesdays from October to June. In addition to study topics the club is interested in civic problems and is ready and willing to aid in any undertaking that has for its object a better and more beautiful Peoria. It is a member of the Civic Federa- tion. mothers' club The Peoria Mothers' Club was organized January 15, 1904, its object being to promote a higher and more perfect standard of motherhood among its mem- bers. The seven charter members were Mrs. Charles A. Bennett, Mrs. W. H. PEORIA WOMAN'S CLUB HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 433 Packard, Mrs. M. C. Fritts. Mrs. W. F. Raymond, Mrs. S. G. Lutz and Mrs. C. S. \'an Deusen. The ckib has since grown to a membership of thirty-five and has joined the Illinois Congress of Mothers. In addition to their object of increasing their own efficiency in the home and studying the methods which will best develop the physical, intellectual and spiritual nature of their children, thev have given special attention to child welfare in a broader sense, also to women in industry. Through their efforts the children's rooms, in connection with the public library, were opened, and the Child Welfare League organized. This league which has only just commenced its activities (summer of 1912), is preparing to establish branches in every school and will meet a great need in Peoria by extending the spirit of true motherhood and fatherhood into the community life. It is a member of the Civic Federation. The present officers are: President, Mrs. Rudolph Pfeiffer; vice president, Mrs. F. P. Lewis ; secretary. Mrs. C. E. Goss ; assistant secretary, Mrs. Hugh Weston; treasurer, Mrs. J. F. Cooper. THE PEORI.\ women's CIVIC FEDER.\TION The Peoria Women's Civic Federation was organized in April, 1905, and was the outgrowth of a concerted effort on the part of Peoria club women to secure a truant officer for the city. The nineteen clubs who requested the school board to appoint such an officer accomplished by the combining of forces what individual clubs had tried in vain to do. Thereafter each agreed to send its president and two other delegates to a monthly meeting and to unite in all work for civic betterment. The first officers were: Mrs. Julia P. White, president; Mrs. J. A. Black, vice president; Mrs. Minnie A. Fritts, secretary; and Mrs. A. B. Fink, treasurer. From the first the federation took a very active interest in the juvenile court work, then just beginning in Peoria, and the members assigned to a Juvenile Court Committee acted as voluntary probation officers until the county was able to appoint a paid official. The need of a county detention home, as a supplement to the juvenile court work, very soon became apparent, but after long and arduous work on the part of the Detention Home Committee, it was found impossible to combine the city and county forces and neither alone was willing to erect the home. The committee then succeeded in having the legisla- ture pass a law which permits each county in the state to submit to its voters the matter of levying a special tax for such a home. Other financial burdens, however, lay heavily upon Peoria county and have made it seem unwise to submit the proposition so far. In the autumn of 1911 the need became so great, steps were taken to arrange for a temporary detention home, the rent of a building having been donated for a three year period by the Peoria Betterment Association. The federation agreed to remodel the building if the county would maintain the home, and under its president. Airs. Julia Starr, raised $1,119.79 for this purpose. The home was opened in April, 1912, but the federation will not rest satisfied until a jiermanent detention home built for the specific jnirpose is established. \'ery valuable work is being done by the Dorcas Committee, organized in December, 1907, which maintains a weekly sewing class at the Neighborhood House throughout the school year. Here women are taught to mend and darn, to make new garments and remodel old ones. Their time is counted worth fifteen cents an hour and is paid for in the finished garments, or shoes, hats, etc., if desired. This work was started to assist the truant officer who says it has, in that district, practically done away with the excuse that children cannot go to school because they have not proper clothing. The Garden Committee, in the spring of 1907, gave seeds to a number of school children in the crowded districts and later prizes for the garden showing the best care and results. In 1908-9 two large, vacant lots in opposite ends of 434 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY the city were divided into small squares and apportioned to children interested. Many valuable lessons in manners and morals, as well as gardening, were given, and many a home was supplied bountifully with vegetables, but the work was greatly hampered by the lack of a worker who could give his or her whole time to it and must wait for the best results until such a one can be hired. The various committees, such as the Saloon and Cigarette, Garbage, Clean Cit}- and I'ublic Health, have each worked hard along the lines indicated by their names, but each has in the end bumped hard into city ordinances, boards of health or state laws and has found in the bumps unanswerable arguments in favor of woman's suffrage. The federation assists materially in putting the kindergartens into the public school system and in securing later in placing the salaries of kindergartners on an equality with other teachers. Through its efforts a curfew law was adopted, which has proved an effective weapon in many cases, and would be a greater one if all policemen had the training of probation officers and realized the bene- fits of keeping children under sixteen oft" the streets in the evening. Members of the educational committee have given talks on social hygiene to the mothers in public school meetings and elsewhere and have awakened a greater interest in this vital question among the teachers of the city. The federation cooperates \yith the Y. W. C. A. in supporting a "traveler's aid" and has from time to time raised substantial sums of money for various charities. The federation now includes twenty-nine societies — literary and philan- thropic organizations and those connected with churches. In November, 191 1, it became a member of the National Municipal League. Its meetings are held in the Peoria Women's Club building (through the courtesy of that club), and at each one reports are given by the truant officer, the probation officer and the police matron, and as often as possible by the woman in charge of the traveler's aid work and the representatives of various philanthropic organizations. The meetings are thus a means of keeping the clubs in touch with each other's work and acquainting all with the preventative and corrective work of city and county officials. Throughout its existence the federation has been a constantly in- creasing force for good and has demonstrated again and again the power which conies from united effort. PEORI.K CH.\PTER, D.\UGHTERS OF THE AMERIC.VN REVOLUTION June 14, 1896 (Flag Day) fourteen ladies, descendants of Revolutionary sires met at the home of Miss Caroline Montgomery Rice, and organized the first Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, in Peoria. Miss Rice being Regent by appointment of the National Society D. A. R., the other necessary officers were elected, and Peoria Chapter took her place ready for earnest effort along the lines designated by the general purposes of the order. America was sung, and all present united in the Lord's prayer, thus at the first meeting adopting an order of exercises which has never since been omitted. A paper was read on "The origin and evolution of our Flag," which naturally led to the singing of the Star Spangled Banner, before adjournment. Of the next meeting we will use the words of the historian, Mrs. Esther T. Ellis : "June 30, a meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Lucie B. Tyng for the express purpose of giving each member opportunity to relate the heroic deeds of her Revolutionary Ancestors. Some very interesting stories were told. We have a different interest in the occupation of New York when we know that our own grandfathers, and great grandfathers were in it, and we apprehend with a keener sympathy the suffer- ings of the soldiers at \'alley Forge, when they are related by some one whose grandfather told her the harrowing tale, out of his own experience ; and it gives one a curious sense of kinship to find that we and our neighbors had each an ancestor who lived in the same town and served under the same captain. The HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 435 study of history was continued and each new member achnitted to the society brought a fresh chapter. Lineage was traced to heroic men and brave women and we have in our archives unpubhshed records which will some day have a place in the pages of history which the children of the future will (lelight to review. lune lO, 1902, Peoria Chapter unveiled, near Wesley City, a monument marking the site of Fort Creve Coeur. The tablet deeply cut in the fine red boulder contained the inscription Fort Creve Coeur 1680 Peoria Chapter D. A. R. June 14 1902. .Mr. Charles J. OtT deeded the land, upon wiiich the monument is placed, to the Peoria Chapter. May 25, 190S, the site of Fort Clark was rescued from oblivion by placing a bronze'tablet suitably inscribed, upon the walls of the Gas and Electric building in Peoria, said building having been ])laced upon the spot where the old fort had stood. The Daughters of American Revolution are first of all a memorial and historical society, but are much more than that. We seek not only to keep alive the patriotism of our Revolutionary fathers, but we take an interest in the laudable work of the present. We have 'helped to build every memorial structure in our city ; time and labor and money were freely given for the comfort of our brave boys during the Spanish war. We have given prizes to stimulate the study of American history in our schools, and could point to many institutions in our midst to which we have gladly contributed. The Stars and Stripes have waved from more than one flagstaff' because we have had our eyes turned to the future. It is a part of our work to fit for good citizenship those to whom will be committed the future destinies of our country and we must inculcate lessons of patriotism, and foster the love of our country and her flag. Peoria chapter is but a small part of a very large national society with headquarters in Washington, D. C. With a membership of eighty thousand, it is the largest society know-n which is comprised of women only. .\s a memorial monument. Continental Hall has been liuilt at _ Washington and the chapter at Peoria has contributed freely toward the five hundred' thousand dollars which it has cost to build and furnish this beautiful building We now number one hundred and fifteen members. Our membership has been de])leted by death, removal and withdrawal, yet there is a steady increase in our number. We have had one real daughter — Mrs. Lydia Moss Bradley— so well known for her munificent gifts to Peoria and liradley Polytechnic school — a worthy daughter of a worthy sire. A children's chapter D. A. R. was organized with si.xteen members, some of those who were children when they first had membership are almost old enough to be transferred to the daughters. Some day all the historic sites will have been marked, and all the monu- ments builded, but loyal American women will continue to find work to do for God and home and native land. The ladies wdno have given efficient service to Peoria cha])ter as regents, are: :\Iiss Caroline M. Rice, Mrs. Lucie B. Tyng. Mrs. Joseph I-:ider, Mrs. B. F. Ellis, Mrs. Henry Mansfield, Mrs. John W. Rowcliff, Mrs. John L Black, Mrs. Robt. S. Waddell, Mrs. Julius S. Starr, Airs. George T. Page." The above article was kindly contributed by Clara Knowles Woolf, his- torian of Peoria chapter. 436 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY FRATERNAL ORDERS Free Alasonry has a strong following in I'coria and thrciugliLiut the county. The membership is steadily increasing as the years go by and, as the personnel is par excellence, as morality and good citizenship go, the order's prosperity keeps pace with its influence and it is today the most affluent fraternal society in existence. In Peoria the members of the various lateral lodges of the main order are composed of men and women of the highest standing both in the broadest mean- mg of the word society and in financial circles. This condition has made it possible for the Masons of Peoria to erect, in the past few years, two of the handsomest and most expensive temples in the state of Illinois. In the year 1900, the main lodge purchased the old Universalist church pro- perty, on Main street, between Perry and Glendale, paying for the same the sum of $20,000. The interior of the Ijuilding was remodeled and it was used for lodge purposes. Later the front of the church building w-as cut ofif, a new face of ornamental Bedford stone was attached and with other improvements the remodeled structure, showing Grecian lines of architecture, brought the cost of the new temple up to $40,000. Including the cost of the lot and furniture, the lodge spent about $60,000. In recent years the "Shriners" ranks have greatl)- enlarged by pilgrims de- sirous of trailing with them over the hot, arid sands of the mighty desert and to give them sanctuary and tentage a unique, but beautiful, temple was erected on Monroe street, between Fayette and Hamilton, in the year 1910, at a cost of $133,000. The front of this structure is designed after the ancient Egyptian temples and the vast auditorium is arranged to resemble a hippodrome and seats 1,600 people. The building is one of the show places of the city. ri':ORI.\ LODGE, NO. 15, A. F. & .\. M. In September, 1840, ten masons, residing in the city of Peoria, met for con- sultation and made application to the grand lodge for dispensation to organize a lodge in this city. This was granted January 3, 1842, and Samuel H. Davis was named as worshipful master. A. O. Garrett, senior warden and John King, junior warden. A charter was granted December 24, 1842, and the lodge was named Peoria Lodge, Xo. 15. From the start the organization has prospered TEMPLE [X)D<;;E, no. 46, A. F. & A. M. This lodge was organized October 26, 1846. The first officers were: George T. Metcalfe, W. M. ; John C. Heyle, S. W. ; W. F. Bryan, J. W. ; John King. Treas. ; Elwood Andrew, Sec. PEORIA CHAPTER, NO. 7, R. A. M. Peoria Chapter, No. 7, Royal Arch Masons, was chartered at Columbus, Ohio, by the grand chapter of the United States, September 17, 1847, with Samuel H. Davis, Peter Sweat, William Hale, Augustus O. Garrett, John Slye, Eldrick Smith, John E. Dixon, Nathaniel Chapin, Jonathan Reed, John McDougal, John Comstock and Alexander Rogers as charter members. The first high priest was Samuel H. Davis. PE0RI.\ COMMANDERY, NO. 3, K. T. Peoria Commandery, No. 3, Knights Templar, was chartered September 15. 1856, with eight charter members, namely, Clark B. Stebbins, Charles G. Eggle- ston, W. L. Crane, William Fenn, William E. Cook, Andrew Bowman, N. B. HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 437 Curtis and John C. Heyle. The first officers were: Henry L. Gaines, E. C. ;• Clark B. Stebbins, G. ; Isaac Underbill, C. G. ; A. O. Garrett, P.; William A. Thrush, S. W. ; D. S. Thompson, J. W. ; William E. Mason, Treas. ; Lewis Keyon, Rec. ILLINOIS LODGE, NO. 263, A. F. &• A. M. This lodge was chartered October 6, 18^8, and the first officers were: Stephen H. Burnett, W. M.; Alfred l->eeman, S. W. ; David M. Cunimings, J. W. The charter members were: Joseph W. Brooks, Thomas Bryant, S. H. I'.urnett, Octave Clianute, David AI. Cummings, Alfred Freeman, Henry L. Gaiues, Jonathan Hancock, Uriel H. Kellogg, Henry Nolte, Joseph W. Parish, W. Howell Robinson, David T. N. Sanderson, A. T. Stewart, Thomas A. Smythe, D. S. Thompson, William Augustus Thrush. Henry M. \'an Buskirk and Ben- jamin P. \'an Court. SCHILLER LODGE, NO. 335. A. F. & A. M. September 15, 1859, a meeting of the German Masons of Peoria was held to consider the plan of organizing a lodge, whose meetings should he conducted in their native language. A charter was granted October 3, i860. The organizers were: Abraham Frank, H. N. Frederick. Louis Furst, Charles E. Gillig, Alex- ander Jakelfalusy, C. Koenig, Simon Lyon, Julius G. Lueder, Frederick i\Ioun- ighofif, Friedrick Muller, John N. Niglas, John G. Peck, Albert Potthoft", Emil Quinke, Karl F. Rotterman, Moritz Rosenblatt, August Schulz, L. Seligman, Godfrey Stiehl. Henry Ullman, Leopold Wolf, Casper Odewald, Justus 1!. Fleck. The first officers were Albert Potthofi^, W. M.; Henry Ullman, S. W. ; August Schulz. J, W. ; Abraham Frank. Treas. ; J. N. Niglas, Sec. PI'.ORIA COUNCIL, NO. II, R. & S. M. Peoria Council of Royal and Select Masons was organized March 21, 1862, and the first officers were: Augustus O. (jarrett, thrice illustrious master; Wil- ber McKaig, deputy illustrious master; W. M. Dodge, principal conductor of work: Jacob Darst, treasurer; Lewis Keyon, recorder; Thomas FI. Smythe, captain of the guard. A charter was granted October 10, 1862, and the first officers installed under the charter were : Augustus O. Garrett, thrice illustrious master; James E. Prescott, deputy illustrious master; W. M. Dodge, i)rinci])al conductor of work; Thomas A. H. Smythe, captain of the guard; Jacob Darst, treasurer; Lewis Keyon, recorder. .\NCIENT ACCEPTED SCOTTISH RITE Four separate bodies constitute this branch of the order, having judisdiction of the advanced degrees of Masonry, namely: (i) Grand Lodge of Perfection, which confers degrees from the 4th to the 14th; (2) Council of Princes of Jerusalem, embracing two degrees, the historical and traditional grades; (3) Chapter of Rose Croix, having jurisdiction of two degrees, the doctrinal and Christian grades ; and (4) Consistory of Sublime Princes of the Royal Secret, which confers the chivalric and philosophic grades from the 19th to the 32d. The order was organized under charter granted to Yates City, Illinois, February 25, 1867; in February, 1869, the first meeting was held in Peoria, and in 1874 the name was changed to Peoria Consistory. Valley of Peoria. CENTR.\L CITY CHAPTER, NO. 42, O. E. S. Central Citv Cha]Her, Xo. 42, Order of the Eastern Star, was organized August 19, 1872, with the following charter members: Willis Y. Francis, Sarah J. Francis, Josephine Francis, S. P. Gumming, Martha A. Gumming, Joseph 438 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY Hazzard, Addie Hazzard, Charles Robinson, Sena Robinson, D. B. Allen, Sarah Allen, Crosby White, Mary J. White, William Entwistle, Ann Entwistle, Mary A. Entwistle, James Bennett, Mary J. Bennett, George L. Bean. Lute E. Bean, John A. Bush and wife, Ralph Wolfe, Henry S. Ottenheimer, Frank Baily, E. R. Mann, Marion A. Mann, C. H. Rice, Elvira Rice, Charles Brockett and Clara Brockett. The first officers were: Martha A. Cumming, W. M.; Willis Y. Fran- cis, W. P.; Josephine Francis, A. M.; Marion A. Mann, Sec; Eliza Mann, Treas. ELECTA CHAPTER, NO. 175, O. E. S. Electa Chapter, No. 175, Order of the Eastern Star, was organized April 16, 1891, with fourteen charter members as follows: Mrs. Helen Eastman, Mrs. Arvilla Cole, Joseph M. Cole, Albert Snyder, James A. Hutchinson, Mrs. i\llie Hutchinson, D. John Forl^es, Airs. Nettie Hoover, Dr. I. L. Hoover, B. H. Potter, Mrs. Gressa Potter, Henry Grey, Joseph Elder and Mrs. Amelia Elder. MOHAMMED TEMPLE OF THE MYSTIC SHRINE The Mohammed Temple, Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, was organized August 11. 1893, with the following officers: Sylvester O. Spring, illustrious potentate ; Seth F. Haskins, chief rabbau ; George F. Henthorne, as- 1 sistant rabban : J. W. Sessions, high priest and prophet ; H. J. Graham, oriental ' guide; D. H. Tripp, treasurer; W. W. Wallace, recorder. HENRY BROWN LODGE, NO. 22, A. F. & A. M. Henry Brown Lodge, Xo. 22, A. F. & A. M. (colored), was organized in 1 1877, with thirty charter members. LANCASTER LODGE, NO. Io6, A. F. & A. M. This is one of the oldest Masonic lodges in Peoria county, having been organized August 29, 1851. The first officers were: Daniel McCook, W. M. ; E. J. Jones, S. W. ; A. L. Fahnestock, J. W. ; John W. Robbins, Sec. ; Samuel Reyno, S. D. ; James Styles, J. D. A charter was obtained October 6, 1851, and under this the first officers elected were : E. J. Jones, W. M. ; J. W. Robbins, S. W. ; Guy Campbell. J. W. ; Daniel McCook, Sec; Isaiah Dubois, Treas.; Eli Taylor, tyler. GEORGE WASHINGTON LODGE, NO. 222, A. F. & A. M. The first meeting of George Washington Lodge, at Chillicothe, Illinois, was held January 12, 1856, and on the 7th of October of that year a charter was granted, the first members being: William McLean, H. A. Raney, I-atham A. Wood, D. B. McMaster, Samuel C. Jack, Nathaniel Chapman and Hiram Goodsell. The first officials were: William McLean, W. M.; H. A. Raney, S. W. ; Cyrus Reed, J. W. ; Henry Truitt, Treas. ; J. F. Thomas, Sec. ; E. C. Sprague, tyler. HOREB LODGE, NO. 363, A. F. & A. M. This society was organized at Elmwood, under a charter issued October I, 1861, Ira A. W. Buck officiating as grand master. There were twenty-six charter members, including the following: Hugh Armson, C. G. Eggleston. ]\I. R. H. Mase, A. Hull, P. H. Hopkins. N. D. Jay. L. H. Kerr, J. E. Knable. W. H. Kellogg, Benjamin Hillis, J. J. Lowe, John Mortz, Ephraim Marshall, MASONIC TEMPLE, PEORIA .MiillAMMKl) TKMIM.K ( M" 'nil'. XDl'.I.KS ii| I 1 1 K M^M■|(• Slli;|\K. I'KnlMA HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 439 J. E. Riner, Harrison Steele, N. M. Swisher, George W. Smith, Philip Snyder, J. H. Truax, A. N. Wilcox, A. I. Wiley, H. H. Wood. The first officers were: L. H. Kerr, W. M. ; J. E. Knabfe, S. W.; Lewis Corbin, J W. ALTA LODGE, NO. 748, A. V. & A. M. The first meeting of this lodge was held February 3,* 1876, the following persons being present: Dr. John Gillette, Amos Edwards, N. H. Silliman, John C. Wood, B. C. Vaughn, W. H. Cassity, C. J. Haller, and William Stickler. The charter was received October 28th of that year. The charter members iii addition to those above named were : John Carr, A. Heaverin and J. V. H. Robinson. The first officers elected were: Dr. John Gillette, W. M. ; Amos Edwards, S. W.; A. H. Silliman, ]. W. ; B. C. \'aughn. Sec; ]. C. Wood, Treas. ; W. H. Cassity, S. D. ; C. J. Haller, J. D. ; William Stickler, t'yler. PRINCFA'ILLE LODGE, NO. 360, A. F. & A. M. This lodge was organized August 25, i860, but did not receive a charter until October ist of the following year. The charter members were: Levi La])ham, W. S. Bates, David Fast, Sr., David Fast, Jr., George W. Scott, Shel- don Rilea, A. A. Fast, Rev. J. S. Alillsapps, Charles G. Taylor, M. M. Blan- chard. Henry De Bord, John L. Blanchard. The first officers were : Levi Lapham, W. M. ; W. S. Bates, S. W. ; David Fast, Jr., J. W. ; David Fast, Treas. ; George W. Scott, Sec. ; Sheldon Rilea, S. D. ; A. A. Fast, J. D. COLUMBL\ LODGE, NO. 21, I. O. O. F. The pioneer lodge of Odd Fellows was organized in Peoria in 1846, and named Columbia Lodge, No. 21, being instituted on the 8th of December of that year. The originators of the movement were John I'ayne, Samuel S. Easton, Francis A. McNeil, John Wham, John M. Law, and E. S. Anderson, all of whom are now deceased. The first members received into the new lodge were H. A. Foster, Herman E. Blakely, Robert P. Taylor and James L. Fash. The first officers elected were : John M. Law, N. G. ; John Payne, V. G. ; H. A. Foster, Sec. ; Samuel S. Easton, Treas. PE0RL\ ENCAMPMENT, NO. I5, I. O. O. F. This order was instituted February 7, 1850, P. C. P. Burns officiating. The charter members were: A. R. Gardner, W. H. Davis, John Anderson, H. A. Foster, N. Boilvin, A. B. Fash, H. S. Austin, J. M. Law, James Stewart, Onslow Peters. E. N. Powell, Charles Fisher, H. G. Weston, Horace G. Ander- son, George C. Bestor. The first officers elected were : J. M. Law, C. P. ; Horace G. Anderson, H. P.; E. N. Powell, S. W. ; H. A. Foster, Sec; John Anderson, Treas; Chas. Fisher, J. W. ; George C. P)estor, guard; A. N. i'loilvin, sentinel. FORT CLARK LODGE, NO. lOg, L O. O. F. This lodge was instituted in Peoria July 7. 1852, and is the outgrowth of Columbia Lodge. It had fourteen charter members, as follows : Henry S. Aus- tin, Alexander Bishop, Matthew W. McReynolds, Nathaniel C. Nason, Samuel P. Hazzard, John H. Hall, Edward L. Norton, Lorin G. Pratt. John Warner, Tilman Wagener, Abram Beard, S. L. Moses, Robert P. Hamilton and B. C. Sweeney. 440 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY WESTERN LODGE, NO. 295, I. O. O. F. This lodge was instituted in Peoria on the 27th of March, i8f)i. with six- teen charter members: Jacob Lorentz, William Miller, M. A. Ruppelius, M. Pfeiffer, Jacob Riehm, Charles S. Soupe, Henry Englebad, John Taj den, Henry A. Bush. F. C. Heinzen, A. Schrader, Charles lireier, Henry llruse. John Wagoner, Louis Buchholz, Philip Bender. The first officers were : Jacob Lor- entz, N. G.; H. A. Bush, V. G.; F. C. Heinzen, Rec. Sec; William Miller. Per. Sec. ; Philip Bender, Treas. HOPPNUNG ENC.\MPMEXT, NO. 1 55, I. O. O. F. This lodge was instituted May 22, 1874, with six charter members: Henry A. Bush, Philip Auer, Philip Stiller, Philip Griebel, George Philip Reichardt, and William Miller. The first officers were: Philip Auer, C. P.; Henry A. Bush H. P. ; Philip Stiller, S. W. ; William Miller. S. ; G. P. Reichardt, Treas. ; and Rageth Joos, J. W. At the first meeting the following members were initiated : Henry Kriger, Philip Kamerer, A. Siedle, Henry A. Hurst and Charles Rojahn. CANTON WILDEY, KG. 4, P.\TRI.\RCHS MII.Pr.NNT This society was organized December 30, 1885. with the following charter members: John Jones, E. M. Clark, John Wagner, Charles D. Brainard, A. F. Gable, A. C. Davis, Henry Detweiller, R. Joos, Jacob Hoffman, O. F. Fogel- mark. Nathan Gumbiner, F. H. Borris, Philip Auer, L. H. Sullivan. John A. Bush L. M. Brockett, Henry Oldridge, George H. Fash, F. N. Hester, W. C. Zigler, Peter Bickett, Louis Hoffman, J. T. Mains, C. W. Cram. The first officers were : George H. Fash, commandant ; C. D. Brainard, lieutenant ; F. N. Hester, ensign ; John Jones, clerk ; Philip Auer, accountant ; E. M. Clark stand- ard bearer ; Jacob Hoffman, guard : R. Joos, sentinel ; John Wagner, picket. FRIENDSHIP ENC.\MPMENT, NO. I46, I. O. O. F. This lodge was instituted in Peoria, June lo, 1891, with a charter member- ship of 62. PEORIA REP.EKAH LODGE, NO. II3 In the late '70s a few faithful and energetic Odd Fellows who had received the Rebekah degree in the subordinate lodge, Ijanded together and organized themselves into a society called The Benevolent Society of the Daughters of Rebekah. They worked under this name until a charter was obtained when the name was changed to Peoria Rebekah Lodge, No. 113. The following persons were charter members : L. M. Brockett, E. B. Bond, J. B. Doolittle, Philip Smith, Nathan Crutchfield, Jacob D. Long, L. R. Bergstrand. J. H. Wagner, I. W. Herkardt, D. C. Frazer, N. C. Nason, Philip Griebel, John G. Lawrence, Mrs. E. B. Bond, Mrs. Hannah Bond, Mrs. L R. Crutchfield. Mary Doolittle, Mrs. M. J. Cragen, Mrs. E. M. Bergstrand, 'Mrs. M. E. Carmichael, Mrs. J. W. Herkardt, Anna D. Nason and Mrs. M. Griebel. February 9. 1881, the first election of officers was 'held as follows: Philip Smith, N. G. ; Mrs. M. J. Cragen, V. G. ; Hannah Bond. Sec; Mary Doolittle, Treas.; Mrs. E. M. Berg- strand. warden; Mrs. J. B. Crutchfield, conductor; Mrs. E. B. Bond, chaplain. During the first year the membership was increased from 23 to 67 members, and in a short time ranked among the first lodges of its kind in the state. ELEANOR REI'.EK.MI LODGE, NO. 335 This lodge was organized April lo, 1894, and was named in honor of Mrs. Eleanor Jones, a former member of the Rebekah Auxiliary. She received the HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 441 Rebckah degree in 1856, five years after its presentation and adoption by the sovereign grand lodge but some time before the cliartered Rebekah lodges were organized. She passed away April 30, 1889. The lodge began its career with 117 members, the first officers elected being: N. G., Mrs. Anna Asp; V. G., .Miss Gertrude Dill; Rec. Sec, Mrs. Jennie ^lorris ; Fin. Sec, Mrs. Anna E. Hammatt; Treas., Airs. Helen Davis; warden, Mrs. Sarah Shurts ; conductor, Mrs. Ada Lyman ; chaplain, Mrs. Roxy A. Bradley. KMC.UTS OF PYTHI.\S Calanthe Lodge, Xo. 47 Knights of I'ythias, was organized March 24. 1874, with the following charter members: Jefferson Dunn, Adam H. W'iltz, Nathaniel C. Nason, Isaac C. Edwards, Creighton C. Coffinberry, James A. Jeffries, George N. Walker, Jr., William A. Hunter, John A. Hudson, John C. Weidenham, Wil- liam 1). \'ance. William F. Smith, J. H. Smith and Samuel R. Baker. From the beginning Calanthe Lodge has had a steady growth until the present mem- l)ership is about 300. The present officers are: C. C, Frank Harbers ; \'. C, (). W. Olson; Prelate, Charles Eberle ; M. of W., W. G. Barthell ; Asst. M. of \V., L. L. Weiss; K. of R. & S., Charles Geiger ; M. of F., G. C. Randall; M. of E., F. M. Holloway: M. of A., A. P. Livengood; L G., Le Grand King; O. G., F. R. Shoff'; Alusician, D. E. Conigisky ; Trustees. J. G. Kasjens, F. C. Bid- dleconib and M. G. Newman; Grand Representative, \\'. H. >'oore. PEORIA LODGE, NO. 25O, K. P. This lodge was organized October 23, 1891, with the following charter members: S. K. Hatfield. O. D. Evans, W. H. P. Dickson, Charles R. Warner, W. \'. Tefft, Charles D. Brainard ; C. T. Page, A. V". Thomas. Leslie Kramm, F. R. Eckard, L. A. Turner, R. M. Scanland, B. ^L Ross, Frank Johnson, W. P. Wal'ker, \\\ M. Lvons, R. L. Sammis, C. |. Sammis, G. W. Scott. E. C. Coffey, 1. M. Allen, C. C. Clarke, I. G. Meistef, W. L. Pierce, F C. White, F. C. Cook", W. A. Singer, Warren Sutliff, F. K. Lyons, W. P. Day, L. V. Tucker, J. M. Powell, Charles S. Duke. M. Whiting, W. I. Slemmons, Robert McCor- mick. E. J. Case, R. A. Du Mars, R. D. McDougal, I. C. Pinkney, W. C. Foster, Wesley Permar, F. |. Soldan, T. A. Marteanev, F. H. Helm, George A. Dite- wig. F.. [. Graves. \V. W. Wallace, A. J. Tapping, W. H. Dav. W. G. Putnam. Charles P. Watson, H. R. Smith, J. M'. Cole and C. L. Crawford. The present membership is 162. The present officials are: C. C, Henrv i:ken ; \'. C, F. C. Reid ; P., G. Ogden ; M. of W., L. Voelkers ; K. of R. & S'., William P. Lady; M. of F.. J. H. Albers ; M. of E., L. W. Moorehouse ; M. of .\., George \'icary; I. G., William Williams; O. G., James Fryman; Represen- tative to Grand Lodge, George B. Sucher. WEST I'.I.L'FF LODGE, NO. 1 7", K. P. This lodge was organized I''cbruary 3, 18S8. with the following charter mem- bers: C. W. Robinson, C. S. Faston, E. H. D. Couch, L. Sandvluski, I. C. Lewis, F. A. R. Marsden, J. A. White, F. E. Llowland, E. M. Schneblcv, 11. S. Rice, S. V. Sholl, H. I. Rogers, H. A. Scott, }. J. D. Furry, W. F. Van Doon, S. E. Wilkinson, C. E. Pemble, A. A. Goedecke, G. W. Schnebley, Jr., G. C. Pettit. The present membership is 256. The present officers are: C. C, L. S. Wilson; \'. C, G. T. Klein; P., E. L. Kiddoo; M. of W., W. P. Conrad; K. of R. .^ S.. |. L. Kent; M. of F., E. H. Keas; M. of E., C. F. Hixson ; M. at A.. T. W. Head; L G., C. F. Vail: O. G.. S. R. Brown; Trustees, J. H. Marshall, Otto Grabs and E. S. Eaves; Rep. to Grand Lodge. J. L. Kent. 442 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY \1CT0R LODGE, NO. 3/0, K. P. This lodge meets each Wednesday at 317-23 South Adams street. THE KNIGHTS OE KHORASSAN The Knights of Khorassan are appended to the Knights of I'ythias as the "Shriners" are to the Masonic order; that is, by requiring that ajiphcants shall be Knights of Pythias, should they desire to join in the jollifications. The present officers are : Walter Williams, R. V. ; James Daugherty, G. E. ; Secretary, E. C. Groninger. The order meets at 317-23 South Adams street. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA The Modern Woodmen camps are organizations strictly beneficial, the head office or supreme camp being located at Rock Island, Illinois. There are in the city of Peoria six camps and one in the adjoining village of Averyville. Of the camps in Peoria, Charter Oak Camp, Xo. 87 is the pioneer. It was or- ganized April I, 1885, and now has a membership of nearly 1,400, the second largest in the state. This camp meets each Friday evening at No. 317 South Adams street. The present officers are : A. C. Warner, V. C. ; T. E. Barton, W. A. ; R. V. Ulrich, B.; J. B. Wiley, Clerk; W. H. Shamo, E. ; H. B. Grimm, W. ; J. N. Place, Senator. DIAMOND CAMP. NO. 3449 was organized October 26, 1895, with seventeen charter members, who with- drew their membership from Garden Camp and instituted a new camp designated as above. This camp was organized in its present location in Schmidt's Hall, No. 2901-05 South Adams street. It now has a membership of about 500. The present officers are : E. B. King, P. C. ; Fred Steckel, V. C. ; Albert Gury, W. A. ; William Zerwekh, B. ; William E. Moran, C. ; Jacob A. Edwards, Asst. Clerk ; James McBride, E. ; O. J. Stromberg, S. BAKER CAMP, NO. 843 was organized in Burgi's Hall, No. 2000 South Adams street in February, 1889, with the following officers : D. G. Clemow, \'. C. ; Oscar Heinrichs, W. A. ; John Gather, C. ; James Green, B. ; L. Scheirer. E. ; W. B. Oberlander, W. ; Daniel Giese, S. Other camps are Peoria camp. No. 812, which meets the first and third Fri- day at No. 622 Main street; Central City Camp, No. 1505, which meets the first and third Tuesday at 317 South Adams street; Gold Leaf Camp, No. 2361, which meets the first and third Thursday at 317 South Adams street; and Averyville Camp, No. 51 14, which meets the second and fourth Thursday in Averyville Plall. ROYAL NEIGHBORS OF AMERICA The Royal Neighbors of America is the ladies auxiliary to the Modern Wood- men of America. There are eight camps in Peoria as follows : Maple Leaf Camp, No. 13, chartered September 9, 1892. The present membership is' 190. The Oracle is Mrs. Kate Lindig; Recorder, Miss Hattie Randall. FERN LEAF C.\MP, NO. l8 was chartered December 22, 1892. The present membership is 560. Oracle, Mrs. Anna Lester; Recorder, Mrs. Ethel Warner. HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 443 ORANGE LEAF CAMI', NO. I iT) \vas chartered Fel)ruary 22, 1895. The present memljcrship is 175. Oracle, .Mrs. .Marv Miller; Recorder. .Mrs. Minnie Story. ROSE LEAF CAMP, NO. 1985 was chartered December 15, 1899. The present membership is 140. Oracle, Mrs. Anna Caldwell ; Recorder, Mrs. Mary Wright. BAKER C.\iMl', NO. 2089 was chartered Ajiril 2, 1900. The jiresent membershi]) is 150. Oracle, Mrs. Ophelia White: Recorder, Mrs. Prudence Larrance. LAUREL CAMP, NO. },2\^2> was chartered February 6, 1903. The present membership is 176. Oracle, Mrs. Minnie Sinims; Recorder, Mrs. Mary Smith. F.\V HAW'ES CAMP, NO. 5II5 was chartered December 17, 1907. Its present membership is 163. Oracle, Mrs. Etta Erskine; Recorder, Mrs. Ella Mackley. WHITE ROSE CAMP, NO. 642O was chartered July 8, 1910. The present membership is 258. Oracle, Mrs. Sadie McBride :" Recorder, Mrs. Ada Wertz. Mrs. :\Iary E. Arnholt of Peoria is the state supervising deputy for Illinois, having been district deputy for fifteen years, and organized all of the above camps, except Nos. 13 and 18, she having been a charter member of camp No. 13. Airs. Lottie Moreland is the present district deputy for Peoria county. THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Spalding Council, No. 427, Knights of Columbus, was instituted Sunday, May 21, with a charter membership of 104, composed of members of Peoria Colony, No. 2 of American Sons of Columbus, which with one or two locals, were the only ones in existence at that time. The last named order had not been a success as a national organization and was abandoned. The first officers were: G. K., J. F. Kiernan ; Dep. G. K., O. J. Dolan ; Rec. Sec, James B. Kenny, Fin. Sec, William Bourke ; Treas., W. L. Hof er ; Lee, M. C. Quinn; .\., C.. 'T. Kennedy; W., D. J. Fox; I. (;., Frank O'Rourke; O. G., A. Pastorini. This council was named in honor of Archbishop John L. Spaldmg and on May I, 1902, in token of the celebration of his silver anniversary as a bishop, the' council endowed a scholarship in Sijalding Institute. All members of the order are adherents of the Roman Catholic church. In 1899 their beautiful club house at No. 227-29 North Jefferson avenue was erected, the entire prop- erty costing about $37,000. BENEVOLENT PROTECTIVE ORDER OF ELKS Peoria Lodge, No. 20, was instituted at Peoria, December 16, 1891, under dispensation granted and empowering the requisite nunilier of subscribers to a petition to Grand Exalted Ruler Edwin B. Hay, to form and open a lodge of Elks. As it appears bv records. District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler Alfred G. Orendorf, of Springfield, Illinois, was the instituting officer, at which time thirty- 444 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY six were initiated and enrolled as members, all of whom appear uiaon the records as charter members, although from lack of space in the charter itself, but eight names are there engrossed. The charter was granted June 14, 1892, under the name of William J. Flor- ence Lodge. Xo. 20. there having been initiated to this date one hundred and seventy-one members. Subsequently, in consequence of a regulation of the grand lodge, the name of "Peoria" was substituted for that originally chosen, all lodges being required to take the name of the city in which they are located. Leslie D. Puterbaugh served as the first exalted ruler by appointment while working under dispensation, and by election under charter, a term of two years and four months. Since that time the presiding offtcer has served for a lodge year. The following have been chosen successively: A. G. Tyng, Harry J. Gra- ham. Frank Baker, Fitch C. Cook. George H. Sampson, Charles S. Proctor, Alfred W. Beasley, Al. J. Kanne, \\'illiam A. Murden. Harry AI. Hayes, Tobey \'an Buskirk, Theodore L. Burkland, John N. Powell, L. W. Wells, S. O. Tripp, P. M. Hensler, S. F. jMcGrath. F. D. Fox and L. W. Quinn, the present exalted ruler. The secretary is Clarence W. Heyl. The original meetings were held in Schnellbacher's Hall, and in 1892 the lodge removed to the third floor of the Niagara building. When that building was remodeled, the whole of the seventh floor l^eing fitted up for it, the lodge took possession and remained there until October 15, 1898, the lodge once more moving, this time to the top floor of the National Hotel, where it kept open house to all brothers and their friends, until the building was destroyed by tire in the fall of 191 1. However, the Orpheum Theatre building was in course of con- struction and the two upper stories were secured by the Elks and arranged to suit the wishes of the lodge. There it has been installed for several months past and its spacious and beautiful rooms are always open to the members and visiting friends. A BRIEF HISTORY During the winter of 1867-8 a small coterie of members of the theatrical and musical professions who at that time happened to be in the city of New York, banded together for the purpose of friendly social intercourse and recrea- tion. The prime mover in the formation of this little society, which was known among its members as the "Jolly Corks,"' was Charles Algernon Sidney \'ivian, the son of an English clergyman, who had but a short time before landed in the city and was then singing at the old American Theatre on Broadway. Increasing numbers and appeals for help by needy members of the profes- sion pointed to the formation of a society which would carry into effect such purposes by systematic methods, and thus liy a slow but gradual process the Order of Elks was evolved. It was at first urged by A'ivian that the organization should be called "The Buffaloes," which was the title of a social organization of which he had been a member in England, but the majority of the new society were desirous of a name that was purely American in its suggestions, and at a meeting held Feb- ruary 16, 1868, the name of "Elks"' was chosen, and that date has since been regarded as the natal day of the order, although the constitution and by-laws were not adopted until the following month. At this time there were two degrees of the order, the chief officer in the first degree being known as the right honorable primo, and in the second degree as exalted ruler. These titles were used until the adoption of the ritual of 1883. when all the titles of the first degree were abolished and those of the second degree retained throughout the work, which was condensed to a single degree. It was not long before the fame of the young organization began to spread and to create a desire for the propogation of its principles, which had also HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 445 broadened upon other soil. In order to accomplish this it became necessary for the Xew York lodge, which had become incorporated, to surrender its control of aftairs to a grand lodge, which was done in February, 1871, this grand lodge being composed of the fifteen original founders of the order, and all the past and then present officers of Xew York lodge. March 10, 187 1, the grand lodge of the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks was given a charter by the state of New York, witli power to issue charters to subordinate lodges throughout the country. During the ne.xt six years the order spread grailually to Philadelphia, San I'rancisco, Chicago, Cincinnati, Sacramento, Paltimore, Louisville, St. Louis, Boston and Pittsburg. Eleven lodges with a membership of over eight hundred, grew from the single lodge of the fifteen "Jolly Corks." From 1878 to 1881 no new lodges were organized, and for a few years the order grew but slowly until in 1885 occurred an event which was so far-reaching in its efifect, and to which, probably more than to any other cause, is due the phenomenal growth of the Order of Elks. Up to that year the New York lodge had been able to maintain her contention that the grand lodge should meet ainiually in that city, but at that time it was forced to submit, and the annual meeting of i88f) was held at Cincinnati. Within one year the thirty-five lodges had increased to fifty-five, a gain of twenty, and the memljership had grown from thirty-nine hundred to five thousand, five hundred. That settled the question and since that time the meetings of the grand lodge have been migra- tory, and the growth of the order steady until today there are some ten hundred and fifty lodges, while there are over two hundred and twenty-five thousand wearers of the antlers. MISCELLANEOUS SOCIETIES IMPROVED ORDER OF RED MEN Arapahoe Tribe. Xo. 150; LIuron Tribe, No. 93; Tippecanoe Tribe, No. 70- DATCIITERS OF POC.MIOXTAS Alfarata Council, No. 31. DR.\M.\TIC ORDER KXIGIIT.s OF KIIORASSAN El Medi Temple, No. i. INDEPENDENT ORDER OF FORESTERS Court Glen Oak, No. 3027; Court Gibbons, No. 3852; Court Ford, No. 3499; Companion Court, Fort Clark, No. 316; German Order of Foresters. KXICIITS OF THE M.\CCABEES OF THE WORLD Peoria Tent. No. 8; Invincible Tent, Xo. 14; Fair Plav Tent, Xo. 40; Adams Tent, No. 45. LADIES OF THE MACCABEES Crystal Hive, Xo. 5; (ilen Oak Hive, Xo. 122: Invincible Hive, Xo. 152; Xational Hive. ROYAL ARCANUM Ajax Council, .\'o. 216; Peoria Council, Xo. 55. ANCIENT ORDER UNITED WORKMEN Central City Lodge, Xo. 202; Goethe Lodge, No. 8 (German); Hargrove Lodge, Xo. 310; Peoria Lodge, Xo. 13: W. F. Stevens Lodge, No. 342. 446 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY COURT OF HONOR Columbia Court, No. 12; Royal Court, No. 67; Glen Oak Court, No. 281; Peoria Court, No. 1037. DEGREE OF HONOR Olive Lodge. HARUGARI Peoria Lodge, No. 353. IMPROVED ORDER OF HEPTASOPHS Fort Clark Conclave, No. 729; Peoria Conclave, No. 266. FRATERNAL ORDER OF EAGLES Peoria Aerie, No. 265. FRATERN.\L RESERVE LIFE ASSOCIATION Golden City Lodge, No. 108; Peoria Lodge, No. 66; East Peoria Lodge, No. 56; East Peoria Legion, No. 172. HEBREW SOCIETIES The Circle of Jewish Women; Peoria Hebrew Relief Association; Jewish Ladies' Sewing Society ; Ladies' Hebrew Aid Society ; Sisters of Peace Chari- table Association ; Ladies' Hebrew Benevolent Society ; Home of Shelter. INDEPENDENT ORDER OF b'n.XI BRITH Progress Lodge, No. 118. INDEPENDENT ORDER OF WESTERN STAR Joseph B. Greenhut Lodge, No. 80. ORDER BRITH ABRAHAM I'eoria City Lodge, No. 138. ROYAL BENEFIT SOCIETY Victor Circle, No. 27. CHAPTER XXIX HISTORY OF BANKING IN PEORIA MEN WHO TOOK THE INITIATIVE IN THE BUSINESS — FIRST liANK BUILDINGS PEORIA STRONG IN ITS FINANCIAL CONCERNS MODERN HANKS AND BANKING THE PEORIA CLEARING HOUSE. The welfare of the banks is closely identified with the prosperity of the comnuinity and their progress measures the development of its material re- sources. The business of banking is of great antiquity and in its simpler forms no doubt was understood and practised by the Assyrians, Babylonians and Athe- nians. As the taking of interest for money lies at the root of all banking and furnishes the chief motive for it, wherever a people were sufficiently advanced to loan money for hire there would naturally spring up many of the practices and methods of modern banking. The transfer of credits was undoubtedly known among the ancients. They used checks and bills of exchange, but for all that they were very far from having the confidence in credit business that has since been fostered by modern banking methods. They used gold and silver coin and other commodities then in use as standards of value and media of exchange and had not invented representative money. It is more fanciful than correct to ascribe to the Romans the invention of modern banking. The business carried on by tiieir monev lenders and dealers- was similar to that of the Jews of the middle ages and the J.omljards. When gold and silver were deposited, it was more in the nature of a special deposit to be kept until called for. There have always been money lenders, but banks for lending money are of comparatively modern origin. The bank of \'enice, which originated in 1171, may be pronounced the forerunner of modern banking. It was followed by the Bank of Genoa, 1320; Bank of Amsterdam, ]()oq; Bank of England, 1694; Bank of France, 1716; and others at later dates. In the United States there have been private banks and chartered banks, and of the latter some have derived their powers from state legislatures and some from the Federal Congress. The National Bank .Act, which became a law early in iSf)^, was modelled largely after the free banking laws of New York, Ohio and other states; and the distinctive principles which underlie it are government supervision of the operations of the banks and a circulation based directly upon the securities and guarantee of the government. The original act has undergone many modifica- tions, some of them of considerable importance ; and while in its operations it has proved of great value to the commerce of the country, it is undoubtedly capable of improveriient and further changes may be expected in it in the not distant future. In the early days few of the states were more cursed by fatuous banking enterprises than was Illinois, v\-hose legislature repeatedly gave state aid to fan- tastic schemes which ended disastrously in almost every case. These early banks, which violated almost every known canon of finance, .seemed to spring up more readily in the southern part of the state and Edwards- ville. Shawneetown, Kaskaskia, Cairo and .Alton are familiar names to students of this period of banking history. 447 448 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY In contrast with these was "Smith's Bank," so called, in Chicago, which is- sued certificates of deposit in denominations from one dollar upward, which were always payable on presentation, although in 1851, there was an. aggregate of $1,476,235.00 outstanding. As a result of the unfortunate alliance of the state with successive banks, provisions were incorporated in the constitution of 1847, prohibiting the state from engaging in the banking business and requiring that all banking laws he submitted to a vote of the people. The provisions have been preserved in the present constitution adopted in 1870. The first banking law under the constitu- tion of 1847 was modelled after that of New York and was passed in 1851. While this law was faulty in some particulars, yet the banks organized under it rendered good service to the business interests of the state and provided a safe circulating medium up to the time of the Civil war, when it was displaced by the circulation of the national l)anks. Peoria seems to have escaped any direct' con- nection with these ill-considered banking enterprises, largely, it is to be thought, because of her lack of prominence in those earlier days. In his history of banking. John Jay Knox states that S. Pulsipher was the first of the Peoria bankers and mentions the establishment by Governor Matteson of the Central Bank of Peoria, which seems not to be historically correct. William R. Phelps and B. L. T. Bourland established themselves as land agents and dealers in October, 1847. Later they began receiving deposits and selling exchange in a quiet way and also made commercial loans to a limited extent. Subsequently they formed a partnership with Gideon H. Rupert, James Haines and Thomas N. (iill of Pekin, and greatly extended their business, starting a banking house at Pekin. under the firm name of G. H. Rupert & Co., with a branch at Peoria, under the name of Phelps, Bourland & Co. Later, these two firms organized the Central Bank of Peoria, under the old state bank system, with Mr. Rupert as president, and Robert Arthur Smith as cashier. The banking house used by the firm was built by Messrs. Phelps and Bourland, and was located at the northwest corner of Main and Water streets. Sometime afterward the stock and fixtures of the Central Bank were sold to Governor Joel A. Matteson and his son-in-law, R. E. Goodell. Alessrs. Phelps and Bour- land and the Pekin parties retiring. A few years later, the Central bank went into liquidation and discontinued its business. The banking firm of G. H. Rupert & Co., however, continued in Ijusiness for some years at Pekin, and always main- tained a high standard of business integrity. Messrs. N. B. Curtis & Co. established themselves as bankers here in 185 1. locating at the northeast corner of Main and Water streets, and for many years conducted a large and prosperous business. For a time this concern seems to have had some connection with George Smith, the noted financier of Chicago, as it is reported to have put in circulation large amounts of the notes of the Marine and Fire Insurance Company of Milwaukee, and of Georgia banks (chiefl)' the issues of the Cherokee Bank of Dalton, Georgia), in which Mr. Smith was interested. This bank suspended during the panic year of 1857, but out of it grew the First National Bank of Peoria, the first national banking institution in the citv. Other early banking enterprises were those of J. P. Hotchkiss, established by Joshua P. Hotchkiss in the fall of 1852, which has since developed into the Second National Bank of Peoria; and of S. Pulsipher & Co., which was started about 1855 by ]\Iessrs. Sydney Pulsipher, B. L. T. Bourland and' George F. Flarding, under the management of Mr. Bourland, their office being on the southeast corner of Main and Adams streets. Mr. Bourland sold out his in- terest in 1857, to Erastus D. Hardin, who in conjunction with Mr. Pulsipher, carried on a large and profitable business for many years. This enterprise ended in failure, in consequence of immense but unfortunate advances made to dis- tillers. This temporary disaster, however, resulted advantageously to the city, in that it threw upon the market a large amount of undivided real estate now comprised within the most attractive residence portion of the "middle bluff" GF.OD FOUXTAIX— I>Ari!A l!i;Al)I.KV I'AKK MAIN' AND JEFFERSON STREETS, PEORIA HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 449 district. While some of tiie depositors lost heavily, others bought up the bank's obligations at a discount and realized the full amount of their claims. \'ery largely Peoria's banking institutions have been under the management of her local business men, which gives evidence that they have grown out of the actual demands of business. One effect of this natural development has been the exclusion of enterprises of a merely speculative character, financed by foreign capital and of doubtful legitimacy, which has tended to the more com- plete security of the business public. .As a consequence, banking capital has not at any time exceeded the public demand, and its employment under the direction of men of ability, experience and fidelity, has brought about such community of interest between bankers and depositors that the latter have been accommodated at reasonable interest rates and have kept their accounts with the local banks, almost exclusi\'ely, and it is probable that no city of its wealth and pojiulation has suffered so little loss, through bank failures, as has the city of Peoria. .Although complete figures are not available, the following will indicate the growth of the banking interests of Peoria during the last thirty years. The three National iJanks in existence in Peoria in 1880, each with a capital stock of $100,000.00, have grown, in 1912, to five in number, with an aggregate capital of $1,900,000.00 and a surplus and profits of $1,600,000.00. Statements to the comptroller of the currency and state auditor, of the five national ijanks and four state banks for .April 18, 1912, show' total resources of $28,746,963.52, — a gain in the last ten years of approximately $12,250,000.00. Total deposits in the nine banks on the same date are $22,718,193.60. C0MMEKCI.\L CERM.\N N.\TION.\L T.ANK The Commercial National Bank of Peoria succeeded the private banking firm of Callender, .Ayres «Sc Co., which began business March 12, 1881, with a capital of $75,000, the members of the firm being Columbus R. Cummings, Gardner T. Barker, Henry P. .Ayres, Walter Barker and Eliot Callender, of whom the last two only survive at this date (1912). The national l)ank opened for business at the corner of ^^'ashington and Fulton streets, January 13, 1885, with a cai^i- tal of $200,000. The board of directors consisted of Gardner T. Barker, Charles B. .Allaire, Frank Meyer, George L. Bradbury, Walter Barker, Eliot Callender and Henry P. Ayres and the officers were Eliot Callender, president; Henry P. Ayres, vice-president and cashier. Two weeks later, Gardner T. Barker suc- ceeded Air. .Ayres as vice-president, and on .A])ril ist of the same vear he was succeeded as cashier loy Henry B. Do.x, who continued in the office until his death in September, 1899. Homer W. AlcCoy was then elected cashier and served imtil May, 1901, when he resigned to enter the bond lousiness in Chicago, where he now is president of McCoy & Company. The office was filled by the election of Elwood .A. Cole, who was succeeded as assistant cashier by William Hazzard. Gardner T. Barker became president of the bank January i, [887, and contin- ued in the office till his death in 1894, when Walter Barker succeeded him and has been re-elected annually ever since. January i, 1904, the capital was increased from $200,000 to $550,000; the name was clianged to Commercial (ierman National r.ank and the business of the German .American National liank was absorbed. .At that time the board of directors consisted of Walter Barker, Joseph B. Greenhut, John L. Flinn, Bernard Crewer, J. N. Ward, Joscjih Miller, Frank P. Lewis, Samuel Woolner, \^'arren R. Buckley, A. L. Schimpff, Johnson L. Cole, Leslie D. Puterbaugh, John Wilson, John Finley and \\'eston .Arnold; and the officers were Walter Ijarker, president; J. B. Greenhut and J. L. Flinn, vice-presidents; Weston .\rnold, cashier: Elwood A. Cole, assistant cashier. Report of January 22, 1904, to the comptroller of the currency showed capital of $550,000; surplus and profits $144,000; deposits, $3,922,665 and total re- sources, $5,116,682. 450 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY E. A. Cole, who succeeded to the cashiership July i, 1904, resigned the po- sition May I, 191 1, and was succeeded by William Hazzard, who had been as- sistant cashier since January i, 1905. April 24, 1909, the bank removed from Fulton and Washington streets, where it had been located for twenty-four years, to commodious and elegant quarters at ^21-^2^ South Adams street. Report of June 14, 1912, shows a capital of $550,000; surplus and profits $768,299; deposits, $5,127,294, and total resources, $6,995,593. On August 12, 1912, the capital stock was increased to $750,000, by the issuance of $200,000 new capital. This bank is the largest in the state outside of Chicago. The present board of directors is made up of Walter Barker, William F. Wolfner, John L. Flinn, Bernard Cremer, Robert D. Clarke, Frank P. Lewis, William B. Woolner, Jacob Wocherheimer, Leslie D. Puterbaugh, Johnson L. Cole, Albert T. Schimpff, John Finley, William G. McRoberts and William Hazzard ; and the officers are \\'alter Barker, president ; John L. Flinn and John Finley, vice-presidents ; William Hazzard, cashier ; William B. Reed and William M. Wood, assistant cashiers. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Chronologically considered, the oldest existing banking institution in Peoria, in its present organization, was the outgrowth of conditions existing in the first years of the Civil war, and the enactment of the National Banking Act by Congress in 1863. In 1851, Nathaniel B. Curtiss and his brother, Pliny Curtiss (under the firm name of N. B. Curtiss & Co.), opened up a private banking business at the upper corner of Main and Water streets and for a time did a large business. About 1857, Curtiss & Co. removed to the building long occu- pied by the First National Bank at No. 200 Main street, which had been erected by Mr. Curtiss. Owing to the panic of the latter year, a run was made upon the Curtiss bank, which resulted in its suspension for a time, though it appears to have reopened at a later date for a short period. About 1858 or 1859, Marshall P. Stone and Thaddeus S. Ely appear to have been doing business as bankers at the location of the Curtiss bank, though it evidently continued for only a short time, as we find in i860 that Marshall P. Stone, William F. Bryan and George H. Stone commenced a banking business under the firm name of M. P. Stone & Co., in the Curtiss building. Three years later the last named firm sold out to the First National Bank of Peoria, which was organized under the national banking law on November 23, 1863, with a capital of $150,000.00, owned by fortv-two stockholders. The largest individual stockholders in the origiilal or- ganization were Tobias S. Bradley, Nathaniel B. Curtiss and Richard Gregg, of Peoria, and James H. McCall of Canton. Fulton county. Mr. Bradley held 270 shares of stock and the other three 200 shares each. The first board of directors, elected November 25, consisted of Tobias S. Bradley, Richard Gregg. Nathaniel B. Curtiss. Hervey Lightner. John L. Griswold, John C. Proctor, Louis Green, Thomas S. Dobbins and Robert S. Smith, and a few days later Mr. Bradley was chosen president, and Mr. Curtiss cashier. The bank opened for business Janu- ary 6, 1864, and has been in operation ever since. In June. 1864. the capital stock was increased to $200,000.00; was reduced in 1875 to $100,000.00. but again in- creased, 1884, to $150,000.00; to $400,000.00 in 1905 and to $550,000.00 in 1910, at which sum it still remains. The original charter having expired in 1883, a new charter was secured, running for twenty years, which expired in 1903 and was extended for another period of twenty years. The first board of directors consisted of nine members; in 1870. the number was reduced to seven, and m 1875 to five. :Mr. Bradlev occupied the office of president continuously until his death, which occurred ':\Iav 4. 1867. He was succeeded by the late Wash- ington Cockle, who continued in office until 1875, when he was succeeded by Hervey Lightner. The latter held office onlv a few weeks, when he gave place FIRST NATIOXAI. IIAXK. I'KdlMA HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 451 to Joliii C i'roctor, who was re-elected at each subsequent election until iyo6, when he declined a re-election and was succeeded by Charles R. Wheeler, who has continued in the office to this time. A noteworthy feature in the history of the L'irst National Uank, indicating its conservative and substantial character, is the few changes that have occurred in the board of directors and official staff. From 1875 to 1907, Airs. Lydia Bradley, the widow of the first president, was continuously a member of the board of directors — one of the few instances in which a woman has held this position in a leading banking institution. In 1895, occurred the death of William E. Stone, Sr., who had been identified with the bank from its organization in 1863, first as bookkeeper and later as its cashier, and he was succeeded by his son, William E. Stone, Jr., who became vice-presi- dent also in igo6. The present board of directors (1912) consists of Charles R. Wheeler, William E. Stone, Winslow Evans. Edwin W Armstrong. Henry lled- rich, W'ilber Al. Ijenton, Warren SutliiT, George F. Emerson and E. H. Walker, with Mr. Wheeler as president, Air. .Stone as vice president and casliTer. and George AI. Bush and Arthur W. Bennett as assistant cashiers. The last official statement of the condition of the First National Bank of Peoria, made to the comptroller of the currency, under date of June 14, 1912, shows that it then had a capital stock of $550,000.00, with surplus and ])rofits of $285,000.00; deposits, $3,785,522 and total resources $5,185,271. THE MERCn.\XTS X.^TIO^'AL B.\NK OF PEORI.\ The Alerchants National I'ank of Peoria is the successor of the Alechanics' National Bank, which was organized and opened for business May 20, 1865, with Isaac Underbill as president and Samuel Coskery, cashier. A radical change took place in the directorate in 1866. Horatio N. Wheeler became presi- dent, and J. Boyd Smith, cashier. In 1880 the bank had a ]iaid-up capital of $100,000.00, and a reserve of $70,000.00. its executive officers remaining un- changed. In 1884, the Alechanics' National Bank reorganized as the Alerchpnts Na- tional Bank, the capital stock being increased to $200,000.00. The first board of directors of the new organization consisted of Horatio N. Wheeler, Ezekiel A. Proctor, John C. Yates, Charles T. Luthy, John B. Smith, John D. McClure, and Wm. V. Bryan. H. N. Wheeler, who had been president of the Alechanics' Na- tional during most of its history, was elected the first president of the new insti- tution, and J. B. Smith, cashier. E. A. Proctor was elected president in 1885, continuing in office, by repeated reelections, until 1888, when he resigned, and was succeeded bv .Andrew T- Hodges, whose period of service continued until T893. A new element came into the Alerchants National Bank in 1897, in the ab- sorption of the Bank of Commerce, which had been organized in 1891, under the state banking law, with a capital stock of $100,000, which was increased two years later to $200,000. The first board of directors included the names of Henry H. Fahnestcck, Charles R. Wheeler. A. G. Danforth, H. B. Stewart, George Emerson, B. F. Rhodehamel, C. A. Davis, James AI. Alorse and Fred H. .Smith, with Air. Fahnestock as president, C. R. Wheeler, vice president, and Homer W. AlcCoy. cashier. The bank conducted a successful business, the board of directors and officers in the meantime, remaining unchanged until July, 1897. when it was merged into the Alerchants National Bank of Peoria, the stock holders realizing 103 per cent on their capital stock. After the retirement of Air. Hodges from the presidency of the Merchants National Bank in 1893. Ferdinand Luthy, who had been a director since 1887, became president, and has so continued up to the present time (1912). The terms of other officers have been as follows: John D. AlcClure, vice president, 1885-1892; Plenry Sandmeyer, vice president, 1893-1912; Homer W. AlcCoy, second vice president, 1897-99; Frederick IT. Smith, second vice president, 1899- 452 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 1912; John B. Smith, cashier, 1884-89 (resigned) ; George H. Littlewood, assist- ant cashier, 1888-89, and cashier from 1889 to 1903 (deceased) ; Thaddeus S. Ely, assistant cashier, 1884-88 (resigned) succeeded in turn by Air. Littlewood, who, in 1889, gave place to Fillmore .Millard, the latter resigned in 1894; W. T.' Murray, assistant cashier, 1894-96 (resigned) ; Walter L. Wiley, assistant cash- ier, up to 1903, then cashier, succeeding Geo. H. Littlewood, deceased, to luly. 1907, when he resigned and moved to California; John C. Paddock, present cashier (1912) became connected with the bank as general bookkeeper' in 1897, was appointed assistant cashier in 1903, and succeeded Mr. Wiley as cashier in 1907; Thomas D. McDougal, assistant cashier in 1912, who entered' the employ of the bank as messenger in 1885, was appointed an assistant cashier in 1903.' The present officers (1912) are Ferdinand Luthy, president; Henry Sand- meyer, vice president ; Frederick H. Smith, second vice president ; J. C. Paddock, cashier and Thos. D. McDougal, assistant cashier, with Messrs. Luthy, Sand- meyer. Smith and McDougal members of the board of directors, which also in- c-Iudes Messrs. J. B. Bartholomew, Edward C. Leisy, Valentine Jobst, Jr., George T. Page and Samuel L. Nelson. In addition to those directors already named, the following have served on the board of directors for various periods: B. Cremer, A. J. Hodges, C. S. Clarke, C. C. Clarke, Adolph \\'oolner. B. J. Greenhut, Samuel Woolner, Jr., and Homer W. McCoy. On May 30, 1886, a crisis occurred in the affairs of the bank in consequence of the discovery of the embezzlement of its funds by a bookkeeper, to the amount of $183,000. The bank went into the hands of the National Bank authorities, and for a month remained closed, but, its capital having been restored by an assessment of 50 per cent upon the stockholders, it finally reopened for business and has since enjoyed a steady growth and excellent profits. Besides an unimpaired capital of $200,000 it has now (June, 1912). a sur- plus of $180,000, undivided profits of $33,861.80, and for the past twelve years has paid <|uarterly dividends of 3 per cent, making a total paid to its stockholders since 1887 of $528,000. The statement of June 14, 1912, shows $2,001,224.50 in deposits and total resources of $2,615,158. THE CENTR.\L N.VTIONAL BANK OF PEORIA The Central National Bank of Peoria dates its organization from the year 1884, when it began business with a paid up capital of $200,000, as the successor of the Farmers' Bank, which had been conducting a successful business at 211 Main street. The latter institution was a partnership concern, organized in 1879, by Martin Kingman, Benjamin F. Blossom and Frederick E. Leonard, the transition from a private bank to a National organization being in recognition of changed financial conditions, and a desire to accommodate the business pub- lic of Peoria to better advantage. The members of the first board of directors of the new institution were Harvey Lightner, Richard H. W'hiting, Martin King- man, Benjamin F. Blossom, Isaac Taylor, Frederick E. Leonard and Oliver |. Bailey. At the first election of officers by the board of directors (1884) Mr. Kingman was chosen president, Mr. P)ailey, vice jjresident, Mr. Blossom, cashier and manager, and Mr. Leonard, assistant cashier. In January. 1891. Hervey Lightner was chosen as president of the bank, which position he held with great honor and dignity until the day of his death. Routine changes in the directorate and official staff of the association have occurred from time to time since said date, caused by the decease and resignation of those active and prominent in ownership and management, the board of directors at the time of this writing, namely, igi2, being composed of the following named gentlemen, to-wit : Rich- ard W. Kempshall. of Messrs. Kempshall & Keene, managers of western general agency of the Aetna Life Insurance Company ; Henry W. Lynch, wholesale dealer in bituminous and anthracite coal, coke, etc. ; Henry J. Woodward, presi- HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 453 dent of Allaire, Woodward & Company, pharmaceutical chemists and drug mill- ers ; Charles H. Feltman, grain commission, president Peoria Board of Trade; Edgar C. Foster, manager Peoria Division United Boxboard Company ; Francis H. Tichenor, general counsel, and Frederick F. Blossom, vice president, with a co-existent staff of officers as follows: Richard W. Kempshall, president; Frederick F. Blossom and Henry W. Lynch, vice presidents ; Albert H. Addison, cashier; William R. Cation and George E. McMurray, assistant cashiers. The sworn official statement rendered to the Government on call of the comptroller of the currency, shows condition of the association at close of business June 14, 1912, as follows: Capital paid in $200,000; suri)lus fund and net undivided profits. $200,407; deposits, $2,684,812; total resources, $3,174,213. The bank is centrally and conveniently located at the corner of Main and Adams streets, and is rated as one of the most conservative and substantial of Peoria's financial institutions. Others in addition to those previously mentioned, who have in the past served upon the board of directors of the bank, with credit to themselves and to the institution, are Samuel W. Sessions. Cleveland, Ohio (deceased), Jacob P. Schncllhacher and llenry B. Rouse, of Peoria. ILLINOIS N/\TION..\L B.\NK The youngest of the national banks of Peoria is the Illinois National liank, chartered on May 21, igoo, and which began business under its new charter June I, igoi. It was based upon the foundation of the old "Bank of Illinois," which had been chartered under state law February 21, 1891, under the name of the "Peoria Savings, Loan and Trust Company." in the year 1899. taking the name of the "Bank of Illinois." The officers of the earlier bank, at its organi- zation, were IMartin Kingman, president ; A. S. Oakford, vice president ; C. T. Heald, cashier; and Rudolj^h Pasquay, assistant cashier, and this organization has been continued with little change to the present time. In 1897 ^I''- Heald and Mr. Pasquay resigned their positions, Frank Trefzger being elected cashier and William C. White his assistant. In 1899, Ira D. Buck was chosen second \'ice i:)resident. and these officers were continued under the organization of the new corporation in 1901. The capital stock of the Illinois National ISank, of Peoria, at its organization, was $150,000, which was later increased to $200,000. The first board of directors was composed of Martin Kingman. A. S. Oak- ford, Ira D. Buck, Ben Warren, Jr., Chas. A. Jamieson, John Wilson, E. C. Heidrick, Charles C. Miles and Walter B. Kingman, while the present board (1912) consists of A. S. Oakford. Frank Fischer. A. W. Wilson. Chas. C. Miles, E. M. Chandler, Leonard Hillis, Charles Kretzger, John C. Streibich. Henry G. Kuch. Nicholas LHrich and William C. White, and the officers are, W. C. White, president: A. S. Oakford and Frank Fischer, vice presidents; Charles .-X. Anicker, cashier; Charles J. Sheehaas and Thaddeus H. Fuchs, assistant cashiers. On June 14, 1912, capital was $200,000; surplus and profits, $109,845; deposits, $2,014,210; total resources, $2,524,053. DIME S.^VINGS AND TRUST COMP.VNY In December, 1886, Eliot Callender, Oliver J. Bailey, Frank Meyer, Henry P. .Ayers and Seth W. Freeman, all prominent, well known and wealthy resi- dents of Peoria, formed a copartnership to transact a legitimate savings bank business, under the name of the Dime Savings Bank of Peoria. The bank was opened for business January 17, 1887, on South Jefferson avenue, in what had lieen the residence of A. P. Bartlett, an old resident of the city, and which was located upon the exact site of the present magnificent building of the Dime Sav- ings and Trust Company. Eliot Callender became the first president of the institution, Oliver J. Bailey, 454 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY vice president, and Henry P. Ayers, treasurer. In 1888 Seth W. Freeman retired from the copartnersliip, his associates purchasing his interests. In 1887 Rudolf Pfeiffer became the bani<'s first cashier, and under his management and that of the associate partners the business rapidly grew and prospered. Theodore B. Wissing, present cashier of the bank, entered its service in October, i8go. Herman C. Schwab, present assistant cashier, entered its service in December, 1892. In September, 1894, Henry P. Ayers died and his interests in the bank were purchased by the other partners, thus leaving Eliot Callender, Oliver J. Bailey and Frank Meyer the copartners carrying on the business. Rudolf Pfeiffer, cashier of the bank, severed his 'connection with the institution in 1903, after sixteen years continuous service. On November i, 1903, George W. Curtiss became a vice president and gen- eral manager of the institution. March i, 1904, the bank was incorporated under the state banking law of Illinois as the Dime Savings and Trust Company, and at that date took over the mortgage loan and investment business of the Anthony Loan & Trust Company, and also the business of the Title & Trust Company. Eliot Callender served as president of the bank until January, 1905, when he was succeeded by Oliver J. Bailey, who served as president until 1906, when Sumner R. Clarke was elected president. Upon the death of the latter in January, 1907, the present president, George W. Curtiss, was elected to that position. The Dime Savings Bank was the first bank in Peoria to build and occupy its own building constructed especially for convenience in banking. In 1904 the business had grown to such proportions that the building then occupied became wholly inadequate, and the Dime Savings & Trust Company began the erection of its present magnificent structure, considered by many the finest bank building in the west. It took eighteen months to construct this building, and it was not occupied until February, 1906. The present capital of the institution is a C|uarter of a million dollars, while its surplus is more than one hundred thousand dollars, all earned out of profits in excess of dividends paid. Since its organization March i, 1904, it has paid to its stockholders in dividends a sum almost equalling its capital stock. Its deposits are now about two million dollars. The loans made by the bank are exclusively upon first liens upon improved real estate. The present officers of the institution are: George E. Curtiss, president; John E. Keene. vice president; Frederick H. Smith, vice president; Theo. r>. Wissing, cashier ; Herman C. Schwab, asst. cashier ; J. W. McDowell, treasurer ; Joseph P. Durkin, secretary ; Clifton W. Frazier, trust officer and attorney ; William Jack, general counsel. Statement of June 14, 1912, showed capital of $250,000; surplus and profits, $109,805; deposits, $2,018,814. Total resources, $2,403,619. HOME SAVINGS AND STATE BANK The prime mover in the organization of the Home Savings and State Bank of Peoria was X'alentine Ulrich, who had Ijeen for many years president of the German American National Bank, and who, in 1S92, in connection with twenty- nine other stockholders, obtained a charter from the state of Illinois, under which they began doing business on June 2nd of that year. Mr. Ulrich brought into the concern with him Frank Trefzger, who up to that time had been assistant cashier of the German American National, as well as his son Charles, a member of the law firm of Ulrich & Ulrich, who had been doing a real-estate brokerage business. The original stockholders were all residents of Peoria, except Fred F. Harding, president of the Second National Bank of Monmouth, and the capital stock was $120,000, at which sum it still remains. At the first meeting of stockholders, held June 13, 1892, the following board of directors were elected : Frederick L. Block, C. Gehrmann, Fritz Leuder, Frank Trefzger, Val- 4 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 455 entine Ulrich, Charles E. Ulrich and Charles Zimmermann. \'alentine Ulrich was chosen president, Charles E. Ulrich, vice president, and Frank Trefzger, cashier. In 1895 Mr. Gehrmann moved to New York City and Robert Strehlow was chosen to succeed him as director. Frank Trefzger, having resigned his position in April, 1897, to accept the cashiership of another bank, Henry W. Ulrich was chosen to succeed him as both director and cashier. The present board of directors consists of Valentine Ulrich, E. C. Lersy, Chas. E. Ulrich, August Pfeiffer, Henry W. Ulrich, F. Lueder and R. V. Ulrich. The officers are : President, Valentine Ulrich ; vice president, Charles E. Ulrich ; cashier, Henry \\". Ulrich ; assistant cashier, Robert V. Ulrich. The report for June 14, 1912, showed the capital was $120,000; surplus and profits, $139,986; deposits, $1,596,766; total resources, $1,856,753. In November, 1910, the bank removed from South Adams street to splendidly equipped cjuarters in the new Jeti'erson building. Since that date^its growth has been such as to necessitate the addition of another room to properly accom- modate its increasing business. THE SAVINGS B.\NK OF PEORI.V The Savings Rank of Peoria was organized February i, 1868, as a copartner- ship, by the following gentlemen : W. A. Herron, P. Zell, C. P. King, L. Howell, Z. Hotchkiss, J. Hamlin, L. G. Pratt, Thos. Dobbins and T. C. Moore. The copartners held their first meeting in the directors room of the Second National Bank and organized by electing W. A. Herron, president, and P. Zell, secretary. The room under the First National Bank, corner of Alain and Wash- ington streets, was selected as their banking room and the bank conducted its business in that location until July i, 1906. Phil Zell, secretary, conducted the business from the start for a period of two years, when he resigned and president Herron took charge of the manage- ment and continued as president until his death, which occurred in December, 1906. On February i, 1872, H. Hedrich was appointed cashier and continued to serve as such uninterruptedly until the death of Mr. Herron, when he succeeded Mr. Herron as president. A few years after the organization of the bank, T. C. Moore, L. Howell, and J. Hamlin "were removed by death and W. A. Herron, C. P. King and Phil Zell 'ac(|uired the interests of Z' Hotchkiss, T. Dobbins and L. G. Pratt by purchase. The business of the bank was carried on successfully by the remaining part- ners Herron, King and Zell until June, 1894, when the partners decided to in- corporate under the banking laws of the state of Illinois, with a capital stock of $150,000, surplus $150,000, and undivided profits $10,000. On June 29, 1894, the stockholders held their first meeting and W. A. Herron was elected chairman and Phil Zell, secretary. The stockholders voted a direc- torate of five members and elected W. A. Herron, Phil Zell, W. M. Benton, H. Hedrich, and W. Jack. At a special meeting of the directors held June 29, 1894, W. A. Herron was elected president, Phil Zell, vice president, and H. Hedrich, cashier. The above officers and directors continued in office until February 12, 1901, except Mr. Zell, who died in April, 1900. .A.t the annual meeting of the stockholders held February 12, 1901, the following were elected directors: W. A. Herron, W. M. Benton, M. C. Horton, W. Jack and H. Hed- rich. The directors in special meeting elected W. A. Flerron, president, M. C. Horton, vice president, and H. Hedrich, cashier. The above officers continued in office until the death of Mr. Herron, which occurred in December, 1906. On July T, 1906, the Savings Bank removed its banking quarters to 317 Main street, where it remained until June 8, 191 1, when it removed to its present quarters in the First National Bank building. .\t the annual meeting of the stockholders held February 13, 1907, the direc- 456 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY torate was increased from five to seven and Alary W. Herron, W. i\I. Benton, AI. Huftman, W. H. Rich, M. C. Horton, E. H. Walker and H. Hedrich were elected directors. The directors at a special meeting elected H. Hedrich, presi- dent, E. H. Walker, vice president, and M. C. Horton, cashier. The above officers and directors continued in office until February, 191 1, except Mrs. Her- ron, who resigned as director June 10, 1910, and AI. C. Horton, who resigned July I, 1910. C. R. Wheeler was elected to fill the vacancy caused by the resig- nation of Airs. Herron and W. E. Stone to that of Air. Horton. F. B. Weber was appointed to succeed Air. Horton as cashier. At the annual meeting of the stockholders held February 13, 1912, the fol- lowing directors were elected: E. H. Walker, C. R. Wheeler, H. Hedrich, W. E. Stone, W. AI. Benton, W. Evans and W. Sutliff. The directors elected H. Hedrich, president, E. H. Walker, vice president and F. B. Weber, cashier. Statement of June 14, 1912, showed capital of $150,000; surplus and profits, $224,729; deposits, $2,133,203; and total resources, $2,507,933. PEORI.X CLE.\RINC, HOUSE .\SSOCI.\TION On April 27, 1880, at a meeting of representatives of the leading banks of Peoria, a bankers' association was formed, to facilitate exchange and settlement of daily balances between the several banks represented. The charter members included the First, the Second and the Alechanics National, the German Banking Company, Kingman, Blossom & Co., and Zell, Hotchkiss & Co. The first officers elected were George H. Alcllvaine, president, and Benjamin F. Blossom, secre- tary. In 1884. Henry Hedrich was elected secretary, and President Alcllvaine having died in 1897, was succeeded by Philip Zell, who died in 1901, the position then being filled by Leonard Houghton. In January, 1902, a reorganization was efl^ected under the name of the "Peoria Clearing House Association," a new constitution and by-laws adopted, and an entirely new system of making local e.xchanges inaugurated. Under this arrangement all balances are settled through one bank, known as the "Clearing House Agent," to whom all debit balances must be paid by i 130 P. AI. daily, and by whom all credit accounts must be paid between 2 130 and 3 :oo P. AI. of the same day. The officers ( 1912) are: George W. Curtiss. president; Charles E. Ulrich, vice-president; William C. W'hite, secretary; W'. E. Stone and F. F. Blossom, clearing house committee. The total clearings in 1892 were $99,940,626; in 1897 $81,154,457; in 1902 $142,533,004; in 1907 $141,233,539; in 1911 $161,223,684. The action of the associated banks of Peoria during the money panic of 1907 is thus narrated by George W. Curtiss. present president of the Clearing House Association: In the latter part of October, 1907. a panic beginning in New A'ork, soon became manifest over the entire United States. A severe stringency of currency ensued and the banks having balances in reserve centers were unable to obtain sufficient currency therefrom for business needs. Clearing house associations in these reserve centers declined to allow their members to pay out currency in large sums, and for the settlement of balances between them- .selves, adopted the certificate plan. The Clearing House Association of Peoria issued no certificates — settlement of balances between members being made in New York or Chicago exchange ; but in common with clearing houses generally, found it necessary to provide for the time being a convenient medium for use in place of currency. Banks, mem- bers of the association, to meet the emergency, first issued cashier's checks, which were readily accepted by the public generally and the banks. Later, a clearing house loan committee was provided, with which approved securities were lodged by the banks and checks drawn by the association on such banks to an amount equal to seventy per cent of the face value of such collateral ; and these checks passed readily in lieu of currency. The total issue of such checks in Peoria DIME SAVINGS AND TRUST CnMI'AXV. PEOUIA HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 457 was $209,000, probably less than one-fourth of which was at any one time em- ployed. About lanuary i, u;o8, currency, becoming more available, the use ut these checks was discontinucil. GERMAN-AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK The German-American National Bank, of Peoria, is the outgrowth of the German Banking Company, a copartnership banking concern, organized during the great panic in the fall of 1873. The latter opened its doors for business at the corner of Bridge and Washington streets, on November i, 1873, with Michael Pfeifer as its president. The following were the original partners: Michael Pfeifer, Louis Green, liernard Cremer, Ferdinand Welte, Joseph Iluber. Andrew Heppler, Erhard Kramm, William Oberhauser, Joseph Miller, \'alentine Jobst and Jacob Mueller. At a later date some of the partners disposed of their inter- ests, and \'alentine Ulrich having become a member of the company, was elected its president. The original partnership was formed for a period of ten years, and, on the expiration of this period, steps were taken to organize the German-Ameri- can National Bank of Peoria, which was granted its charter ( No. 3070) on Oc- tober 31, 1883, and the new concern opened up its business at the old stand of the German Banking Company, at the corner of Bridge and Washington streets, January i, 1884" with a capital stock of $100,000.00. X'alentine Clrich, Samuel Woolner, Sabin D. Puterbaugh, Michael Pfeifer, Charles Gehrman, .-V. L. Schimpff and Joseph Miller constituted the first board of directors, with Valen- tine Ulrich as" the first president, Michael Pfeifer, vice-president, and William Oberhauser, cashier. The following changes in the capital stock have been made since the original organization: August, 1885, increased to $105,000; April, 1886, increased to $150,000; August. 1891, occurred a still further increase to $300,000. On December 8, 1884, Mr. Oberhauser resigned the position of cashier, and was succeeded in Tanuarv following by Weston Arnold. In April, 1888, the bank qualified as a government depositary. In March, 1892, Mr. Ulrich resigned the presidency, and was succeeded in June following, by Bernard Cremer. Since its organization, the bank made two removals ; in January, 1884, to No. 203 Main street, and in January, 1891, to 208 South Adams street, where it continued in business until January i, 1894. The German-.Xmerican also did a savings bank business by the payment of interest on time deirosits, dealt largely in foreign exchange, and made a specialty of ocean steamshi]) tickets. On November 17, 1903. the date of the last statement to the com])troller of the currency, the German- American, in addition to its caj)- ital stock of $300,000, had a surplus and profits of $110,000; deposits of $i.733.- 565 and total resources of $2,440,598. In pursuance of an agreement between the shareholders of this bank and those of the Commercial National Bank, it went into voluntary liquidation Janu- ary I, 1904, and its business was absorbed by the latter institution which, at the same time, changed its name to Commercial German National Bank. PEORIA NATIONAL r,.\NK The historv of the Peoria National Bank dates back to 1852 when the bank- ing firm of J. P. Flotchkiss & Co. was organized, with Lewis Howell as cashier and manager. The bank was first located in a narrow room at the west corner on Main street and Commercial alley, but in November. 1855, was removed to the northwest corner of Main and Washington streets. Joshua P. Hotchkiss, the head of the firm, died in 1856, by his will leaving Mr. Howell in charge of the bank, for the benefit of his "heirs'. In January, i860, the name of the firm was changed to L. Howell & Co.. the companv being composed of Mr. Howell, J. Bovd Smith and J. B. Headley, and, on January i, 1863, Lorin G. Pratt succeeded 458 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY to the interest of Mr. Headley, Mr. Howell continuing as manager. On January I, 1864, another change occurred in the chartering of the bank under the national bank act, under the name of the Second National Bank of Peoria, with a capital of $2CX),ooo.oo and with L. Howell as president, L. G. Pratt, vice-president, and J. B. Smith, cashier. In January, 1874, George H. ]\lcllvaine succeeded to the vice-presidency, and Thomas G. McCulloch, Jr., became cashier. Four years later (1878), Charles P. King was chosen vice-president, and George H. Mcllvaine, cashier. May 24, 1880, Vice-President King was advanced to the presidency as successor to ^Ir. Howell, deceased. The charter of the Second National having expired in February, 1883, it was liquidated, and the bank was reorganized under the name of the Peoria National Bank, with Mr. King as president, and Mr. Mcllvaine as cashier. The board of directors consisted of Charles P. King, George H. Mcllvaine, Calvin C. Lines, Charles B. Day, Philip Zell, Charles H. Kellogg and William Jack. The director- ship for 1889 remained unchanged, except that Charles B. Day and Charles H. Kellogg were succeeded by Newton C. Dougherty and Leonard F. Houghton. At the same time Mr. Mcllvaine became vice-president, Richard A. Culter suc- ceeding him in the office of cashier. Mr. Culter was succeeded in the cashier- ship in 1893 by Leonard F. Houghton, who was succeeded in 1902 by Harry T. Bartlett, who served about eighteen months. Mr. Houghton then resumed the ofifice for a few months, when in January, 1904, S. O. Spring was elected his suc- cessor. In January, 1893, ^I''- Culter became a director, as successor to Leonard F. Houghton, and in j\Iarch following, Mr. King having died after a service of ten years, George H. Mcllvaine was chosen president to fill the vacancy. In 1897 Philip Zell succeeded to the presidency, in place of Mr. Mcllvaine, de- ceased, and April 18, 1900, Mr. Zell having died. Newton C. Dougherty was chosen to succeed him. The report of the condition of the Peoria National Bank for August, 1905, shows capital of $200,000.00; surplus and profits of $51,454.46; deposits of $1,286,540.94 and total resources of $1,806,370.57. This was the last statement made by the bank, which was placed in the hands of a receiver, Octolier 7, 1905, in consequence of the downfall of its president, Newton C. Dougherty, who was found to have abstracted a large amount of the funds of the public schools, of which he had been superintendent for many years. O. C. Berry, of Carthage, Illinois, was placed in charge as receiver, and after about two years, paid the depositors in full with interest and turned back the remaining assets to the stockholders. .\NTII0NV LO.W .\XD TRUST COMPANY This company, whose principal business was loaning money on farm prop- ertv and dealing in real estate mortgages, was the outgrowth of a business first established in Washington, Tazewell county, by Charles E. Anthony, about the year 1866. The business was for a time carried on in connection with that of the banking firm of Anthony & Denhart of that place, but in 1874 a branch house was established at Chatsworth, Illinois, under the name of Anthony, Den- hart & Wilson, and placed in charge of Cliflford M. Anthony. The field of opera- tions in farm loans was much enlarged and the business grew rapidly. In 1877, Clifford M. Anthony returned to Washington as a partner in the firm. In 1882 the firm was appointed financial correspondent of the Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company for the state of Illinois. About this time G. W. Curtiss, who had been engaged in the banking busi- ness at Urbana, Illinois, entered the employment of the firm in connection with the loan business. Early in 1885, the Anthony brothers severed their connec- tion, with the house of Anthony & Denhart, retaining the farm loan business, and, removing to Peoria, formed the copartnership of C. E. & C. M. Anthony, in which ]\Ir. Curtiss became a partner in 1888. In 1891 the firm was incor- I'KKIX WA(.()X (dMl'AW R. HERSCHEL MANITFACTlRINi: COMl'AXY PLANT THE PEORIA COKDAliE COMPANY r.iKirs KVK \ii;\\ nr ■iiik a\ ki;^ ((imi'axv i''I' HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 459 porated under the name of the "Anthony Loan & Trust Company," with C. E. Anthony, president; C. M. Anthony, vice president, and G. VV. Curtiss, secretary and treasurer. In 1898, Charles E. Anthony having retired from active par- ticipation in the management of the business, C. M. Anthony was chosen presi- dent, C. E. Anthony, vice president, 'Sir. Curtiss retaining the office of secretary and treasurer until 1899, when he became one of the vice presidents. The business of this company was taken over by the Dime Savings and Trust Com- pany. TITLE & TRUST COMPANY Though not strictly a banking institution the Title & Trust Company of Peoria had an intimate relation with the financial interests of the city, and is deserving mention in this connection. It was incorporated in 1890 by leading capitalists of the city, and, while its chief business was the investigation and furnishing of abstracts of title to real-estate, and the issuing of guaranty cer- tificates for the protection of owners and mortgagees from loss by reason of defective titles to real-estate in Peoria county, it also conducted a loan depart- ment for the purpose of making investments in real-estate (both farm and city property"), dealing in mortgages, collecting interest on loans, etc. It was em- powered by its charter to act as executor or administrator of estates ; as guardian, receiver, assignee or in any other capacity assumed by a trustee in taking charge of estates. The company had a capital of $100,000 with $50,000 deposited with the state auditor for the security of all trust obligations. The board of directors was composed largely of stockholders of different banks. The business of this institution also was taken over by the Dime Savings and Trust Company. people's savings bank The People's Savings Bank of Peoria was organized on a copartnership basis by Messrs. Martin Kingman, Charles A. Jamison, Rudolph Prey and E. C. Heidrich, and began business March 11, 1889, at 1329 South Adams street. The original stock was $10,000, which was subsequently increased to $12,500. At the outset Rudolph Prey served as the active manager and cashier, but in April, 1890, sold his one-quarter interest to Martin Kingman, and was succeeded in the position of cashier by George W. Zinser. In July, 1890. all the partners sold out their entire interests to Jacob Woolner. In 1904 Louis \V. Look became cashier but unfortunate conditions existed which made it necessary to close the bank and its affairs were placed in the hands of a receiver. Assets were found insufficient and deposit liabilities were cancelled on the basis of sixty cents on the dollar. ZELL, HOTCHKISS & COMPANY (PRIVATE RANKERS) The banking house of Zell, Hotchkiss & Company was organized as a partner- ship concern to do a private lianking business, in 1870, the partners being Philip Zell, Walter E. Hotchkiss and Henry C. Fursman. On the death of Mr. Hotch- kiss, which occurred November 21, 1874, Mr. Zell acquired the interest of both Hotchkiss and Fursman, thereby becoming sole owner, and so continued until his death, .April 11, 1900. Mr. Homer C. Lines occupied the ]josition of cashier continuously for a period of twenty-six years (1873-1899). After Mr. Zell's death the business was conducted for his heirs by W. E. M. Cole, who had succeeded Mr. Lines in the cashiership, but was discontinued as soon as matters then pending could be brought to a conclusion. Another private banking concern was that of J. B. Hogue & Company, estab- lished iVIay I, 1867, by James B. Hogue and Thomas L. Davis, with a capital 460 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY of $30,cx30. On account of ill health Mr. Davis retired in May, 1874, Mr. Ilogue becoming sole owner. In Alarch, 1880, the concern was compelled to suspend in consequence of heavy losses resulting from failure of a local business concern, but subsequently paid all liabilities in full. Mr. William Oberhauser started a private bank here in 1885, which con- tinued in operation about eight years, going into liquidation in 1893. It was at first located at the corner of Washington and Bridge streets, but afterwards removed to Adams street at the head of Bridge street. i I'KOKIA l'.OAi;i) iM" li;.\l)F. IX isso KKMINDKI! DF l'K(M!IA COUXTVS FIRST CORN FAIR I CHAPTIiR XXX THE BOARD OF TRADE INDUSTRIAL PEORIA — USES MORE CORN THAN ANY CITY IN THE UNITED STATES MILLIONS PAID THE GOVERNMENT YEARLY IN REV- ENUE — GREAT MANUFACTURING PLANTS AND MANY OF THEM. Peoria is situated in the center of the most productive agricultural state in the Union. At its very door lie rich deposits of coal and underlying it is an inexhaustible vein of pure water of easy access. It is situated on the Illinois river, which gave it the earliest means of transportation facilities. These natural advantages drew to it manufacturing enterprises, many of which were large consumers of grain and so in an early day made Peoria a grain market, and as early as 1857 there was duly incorporated a Peoria Board of Trade, with John C. Grier as president aud A. G. Tyng, Sr. as vice president, with fifty members, all of whom have passed away with the exception of B. L. T. Bourland. This association was organized for the furtherance of the grain business, and like all other boards of trade, was instituted to meet a commercial need. It also undertook to further all other commercial interests of the city. This organization was succeeded in 1869 by the present Peoria Board of Trade, with Horace Clark as its first president. While this exchange was instituted as a distinctly grain exchange, it has always taken a lively interest in national, state and city affairs. Its rules, like all other exchanges, insist upon just and equitable business methods on the part of its members and also provide for the arbitration of all business differences and while dift'erences will occur, courts of law have rarely, if ever, been resorted to for adjustment. The great movements of recent years have been along the lines of organi- zation and cooperation and the Peoria Board of Trade secures its members these advantages to successfully and intelligently meet the exigencies of the ever changing conditions the world over, which invariably affect the grain trade more or less. Boards of trade and their members have been subject to much adverse criti- cism from persons who cannot or will not distinguish the dift'erence between a gambler who risks his money on a chance and the speculator who buys or sells on his judgment after scanning the news of the world as to supply and demand, or the man who buys to provide against future needs or sells for future deliverv to better advantage than present prices will return. Wliile the members of the Peoria Board of Trade, like other prudent and conservative men in the grain trade, take advantage of the future markets when they offer assurances of securing profits, yet the Peoria Board of Trade is rather distinctly a cash grain market. The local consumption of grain at Peoria demands about fxD,ooo bushels per day. while the demand from shippers and for storage purposes is only lim- ited by the price at which it is off'ered. The constant demand for these pur- poses insures a .strong and healthy competition at all times. The inspection of grain is according to the uniform rules adopted by all western markets and is what may be termed commercial inspection. Since the 461 462 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY ado])tioii of the moisture test it has been given to the patrons of this market without extra charge. The inspectors are employed by the board and are under the supervision of a committee representing all interests in the trade : receivers, shippers, consumers and producers. These inspectors are men who have grown up in the trade and have been promoted from helpers as vacancies occur, which is the rule followed. The weighing dejiartment consists of a chief weighmaster with the necessary corps of deputy supervisors at all industries and elevators and a scale expert, who are all employed directly by the Peoria Board of Trade. All defects or leakages are carefully noted on certificates sent to the consignor, which may be used as evidence if a claim is to be made for shortage. There are fourteen railroads running into the city and it is a division point of all the roads. Three public elevators with 2,500,000 bushels capacity, with every facility for transferring and conditioning grain quickly, are at the service of the trade: Burlington elevator, 1,000,000; Iowa elevator, 1,000,000; Central City elevator, 250,000. Switching facilities are the most perfect of any market, requiring no multi- plicity of switching orders, and Peoria is noted for its promjit returns. Many cars are daily accounted for the next day after arrival. In the days when country banks were few, the members of this board sup- plied this deficiency with their means and credit in financing the movement of crops during harvest and to hold grain until demand and markets would re- ceive it. They are still doing this as reasonable requests come to them. It will alvvays be the aim of its members to further the mutual interests of those engaged in the trade and distribute free of charge all news that can be gath- ered affecting the market. The benefits to accrue in future years from the Peoria Board of Trade to the city and the grain territory tributary to Peoria can certainly be contem- plated with hopeful expectancy, for since its organization millions of bushels of grain and thousands of tons of hay, totaling millions of dollars in value, have been handled and accounted for by its members with the utmost fidelity and care. Peoria has come to the front rapidly as a primary market during the past few years. Its importance as a handler of corn and oats has attracted the at- tention of the whole country. Peoria does not claim prominence as to wheat, rye or barley, though considerable business is. done there every year in these cereals, and its industries use large quantities of rye and barley of the best grades. Tiiis city does claim a place in the very front rank as a receiving market of corn and oats every day in the year, and is equally well known as a shipping point to all parts of the south and east. Peoria's system of inspection and weighing, every feature of which is directly under the jurisdiction of the Board of Trade, has proved entirely satisfactory to the country shipper as well as to the consumer, the country over. And it is not on the program that any backward steps will be taken. On the contrary, the Peoria grain market during the past few years has successfully met and won every controversy which threatened its supremacy. Peoria is the largest daily consumer of corn in the world and. in afldition to the corn ground up there every day, supplies a very large portion of that used in the neighboring city of Pekin, which is only ten miles away and con- tains three large corn industries. The motto of Peoria grain dealers is: "Treat your customer fairly every time, and you will keep him. if your market values are in line." Receipts of grain at Peoria during four months prior to May i. iqi2. amounted to 266.835 bushels of wheat; 7.885,181 bushels of corn; 2,324,110 bushels of oats; 89,175 bushels of rye; and 716,711 bushels of barley, compared with 208,954 bushels of wheat; 6,413,883 bushels of corn; 1,706.125 bushels iiAirr (;i;ai\ w i:ii:iii:i; ( (imi'aw Jk n ^^B^^i^^ i ^yJ^'^ -- , ' •-,*■'■■■ ll^glly^ HiteB a^ -J KlXiaiAX PLOW f MM PA XV AX KAUI.V I'i:ni;iA IA( liu;\ IIDMK OK I'KOIM A DKll.l.^ AXl) SKl':i )Ki;S i HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 463 of oats; 122,600 bushels of rye; and 825,032 bushels of barley received during the corresponding four months of 191 1. Shipments of grain from Peoria during the four months prior to May 1, 1912, amounted to 245,485 bushels of wheat; 5,489,229 bushels of corn; 3,668,- 407 bushels of oats; 52,756 bushels of rye; and 269,351 bushels of barley, com- pared with 140,667 bushels of wheat; 5,406,722 bushels of corn; 2,145,302 bushels of oats; 27,774 bushels of rye; and 431,569 bushels of barley. Total receipts of all grain were 11,282,012 bushels during four months of 1912, compared with 9,276,594 bushels received during the same period in 191 1. Total shipments during the four months were 9,725,228 bushels, compared with 8,152,034 bushels of grain shipjied during the same period of 191 1. Peoria is the second city of the state of Illinois in population. It is the terminal point of fourteen railroads, including the most important systems of the United States. The Illinois river is navigable ten months in each year and traffic on it is gradually increasing. The new city directory, issued May i, 1912, contains 51,124 names, indi- cating a population of 115,029. Peoria's parks and parkways contain four hundred and twenty-five acres and are valued at $3,500,000. This acreage is included in Peoria pleasure and park driveway systems and in this system is Grand View drive, 14,632 feet in length and 100 feet wide, skirting the bluffs and overlooking the Illinois river valley. Topographically the city of Peoria and the city of Washington are almost identical. A view unrivaled in America, according to Ian Maclaren, is the Prospect Heights view of the Illinois river valley, the winding stream, the blossoming fields and the neighboring cities. The jiages of this volume increased so rapidly that when the writer reached the subject of industries of Peoria, an important and very interesting one. he was com])elled to condense his lines very much against his will. Peoria is a great manufacturing center and is teeming with many and varied industrial concerns, all of which should be given a place here, but lack of space will not admit of it. A few of the leading manufactories will simply be touched upon. It is interesting to know that early in the history of Peoria the manufacture of farm implements began. This was in the decade between 1850 and i860. The first firms to handle farm machinery were Curtenius & Griswold, J. W. For- sythe, and a man by the name of Gray. Soon after them came into the field the late Isaac Walker and Harvey Lightner. Closes Pettengill also sold hardware and farm machinerv. The Kingman Plow Company is one of the oldest and largest of Peoria's in- dustries. The factory is located in Averyville on North Adams street and is a modern, well e(|uipped plant, giving employment to about 350 people. The busi- ness was founded by Martin Kingman in the year 1867. This company has l)ranch houses in St. Louis, Kansas City, Omaha, Dallas, Oklahoma, Denver and Des Moines. Its export trade is handled from an office in New York city. At this plant is manufactured riding plows, steel lever harrows, disc harrows, cotton ])lanters. corn listers, cultivators, etc. The largest manufacturing concern in Peoria is the Avery Company. The business was originally organized as a partnership by R. H. and C. M. Avery, in Galesburg, Illinois, in the early '70s. It was later incorporated as The Avery .Manufacturing Company. In 1883 the Avery Planter Company was organized, with a ca[)ital stock of $200,000. The capitalization was increased in 1893 to $300,000. In 1900 the capital was raised to $1,000,000 and the name clianged to The Avery Manufacturing Company, whose caj)ital stock is $2,500,000. The officers are: J- B. r>artholomew. president; H. C. Roberts, vice president; h'l- wood Cole, treasurer ; and F. B. Kinsey, superintendent. P)Oth. of the original founders are dead but their representatives still hold stock in the corporation, and G. L. Averv, a son of C. M. Averv, is a member of the board of directors. 464 HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY The plant covers a total of fifty acres. It maintains branch houses at Omaha, Des Aloines, Minneapolis, Fargo, Billings, Aberdeen, Kansas City, Indianapolis,' St. Louis, Grand Forks and Sioux Falls. The company employs from 800 to 1,200 men. The principal output of the factory are traction engines and thresh- ing machines. One of the old established manufactories in Peoria is that of the Culter & Proctor foundry, where are made heating and cooking stoves and ranges. About the year 1907 the concern was absorbed by a stock company, at the head of which is Robert D. Clarke. Proctor P. Cooley is the vice president and general manager and Garrett D. Kinsey, secretary and treasurer. The estab- lishment occupies a solid city block between Hamilton, Fayette, Commercial and Water streets, in a five-story building. About 180 men are given employ- ment. The R. Herschel Manufacturing Company started in 1887 with little capi- tal and employed five men in a shop 40 x 40 feet. In 1893 the company was incorporated with a capital of $30,000. Later this was increased to $50,000, and at the present time the capital and surplus amount to $600,000. The origi- nal plant was located at the corner of South Washington and Persimmon streets, where were manufactured mower knives, reaper sickles, sections, heads, guards and other parts of mowers and binders. In 1902 the new plant was located in East Peoria, covering six acres of floor space and giving em])loyment to 300 people. Additional buildings were erected in 1910 which double the capacity of the plant. Shipments of the Herschel products are made to South America. Germany, France, England, Switzerland, Russia, Sweden, Siberia, Australia and other grain producing countries. In 1892 J. B. Bartholomew, a member of the Avery Company, put up a little factory in Des Moines, Iowa, where he manufactured peanut roasters. The business grew to such proportions that in 1893 a larger and better equipped factory became necessary. That same year the concern was incorporated as the Bartholomew Company, and in 1900 the plant was moved to Peoria, taking up its quarters in the old watch factory on West Bluit. In 1902 Mr. Bartholo- mew began manufacturing Glide automobiles in connection with the roasters, and in 1904 the plant was enlarged by an addition of a brick building two stories in height, 250 feet in length, by 48 feet in depth ; but, by 1909, the build- ings proved to be inadequate and the plant was moved to its present location at Peoria Heights. Here many hundreds of employes are given steady work. The officers of the concern are : J. B. Bartholomew, president : A. Y. Bartholo- mew, first vice president ; O. Y. Bartholomew, second vice president ; and Charles Tjaden, secretary. About the year 1887 the Hart Grain Weigher Company started in business in a small one-story building, where but a few men were employed, but today it owns and occupies a five-story, modern factory building, where 350 men are given steady work. In 1908 the company's four-story building was destroyed by fire, which had been built in 1901. This building has been replaced by a larger and better one, five stories in height. The Hart Grain Weigher Company makes a complete line of grain weighers, loaders, baggers, wing carriers and thresher racks. The officers are : S. H. Hart, president ; W. B. Wilde, vice president and treasurer; J. E. DeVries, secretary. The .\cme Harvesting Alachine Companv manufactures binders, mowers, sulky rakes, stackers, transport trucks. Graver headers and other farm machinery. It has branches in many of the European and South American countries. The plant is an extensive one, having a floor space covering an area of about sixty acres and gives employment to a large number of men. The factory of the Peoria Drill & Seeder Company is also on Xorth Perry street. Its line of manufactures includes grain drills, broadcast seeders, end-gate seeders, stalk cutters, harrow carts, ]3hosphate distributors, etc. C. A. Patterson is president of the company; Walter Barker, vice president; and L. E. Roby, treasurer and superintendent. SCini'PER i; BLOCK DEPARTMENT STORE HISTORY OF PEORIA COUNTY 40.') The Harrington Manufacturing Company is on North Adams street. It began in a small way and is today one of the important concerns of the city. The out- put of the Harrington Mailufacturing Company consists of rural free delivery wagons, of which it makes a specialty, but as a matter of fact all kinds of light commercial wagons are made at this plant. The company was organized and in- corporated in 1903, at Alonticello, Illinois, and in 1904 moved to Peoria. But why go into detail any further? This article has been drawn out too long now to harmonize with the space left for it. It hardly seems fair to men- tion just a few of the industries of Peoria, while so many of ec|ual imijortauce are not given space. 'Jliere are at least four hundred manufacturing plants in the city with a capital invested of $25,000,000. These plants employ an army of 12,000 men and hand out in wages annually about $8,000,000. Their finished products amount to about $6o,ooo,coo. No town on earth makes more whiskey than Peoria and it paid the government during the fiscal year of 191 1 about $30,000,000 in internal revenue. Peoria has its cordage factory, an immense concern, which was organized in 1888 with a capital stock of $200,000, which was increased in 1898 to $400,000. The plant manufactures binder twine, which finds a sale in all parts of the world, and throughout the year employs from 250 to 300 people. E. C. Heidrich is ]iresident and manager. He is ably assisted by his sons, E. C. and Arthur G. Heidrich. There is also the Thomas & Clarke Cracker factory at the corner of liridge and Washington streets; the IJehrens ice plant, which manufactures artificial ice; the Keystone Steel & Wire Company and hundreds of others. THE BIG WIHTI-: STOUE The firm of Schipper & ISlock, composed of Henry C. Block and John C. Schipper, was first formed in Pekin, Illinois, in 1860. Proving successful, it was proposed that another store be opened in Peoria, a much larger city, just ten miles away. For this work Fred L. Block, the younger brother of Henry C. Block, and Theodore Kuhl were commissioned to take charge of the new ven- ture. On October 12, 1879, tlie modest shop in Peoria was opened at 124 South Adams street, and the record of its growth from that day to this — a third of a century — has been phenomenal. The business soon outgrew its quarters and in i8(x) it Ijccame necessary to move to the Woolner building, which had just been erected. In 1895 ^^^^ Tucker furniture store was purchased and continued at 317-319 South Adams until 1905. In August of that year, Schipper & Block moved both stores to the Big White Store, built and owned by them. They also added new departments and warehouses. This firm employs more people than any other institution in the city of Peoria, having as many as six hundred and fifty helpers at times. Schipper & Block now have about three and one-half acres of selling space. Including all warehouses and the garage, there are about six acres of space. Death having removed John Schipper and Fred Block. The present members are: Henry Block, president ; Theodore Kuhl, vice president ; Carl Bloclc, secretary ; H. H. Block, treasurer. I