Catalog of cores from the sub-Galena Group in Illinois Thomas H. Shaw Michael L. Sargent ILLINOIS PETROLEUM 132 Department of Energy and Natural Resources ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY -\ Printed by authority of the State of Illinois 1 1989 1 750 ILLINOIS STATE QEOtOGWWr^lii «#U»3 l Catalog of cores from the sub-Galena Group in Illinois Thomas H. Shaw Michael L. Sargent ILLINOIS PETROLEUM 132 1989 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Morris W. Leighton, Chief Natural Resources Building 615 East Peabody Drive Champaign, Illinois 61820 Sub-Galena Group cores: left, edgewise conglomerate from the Davis Member, Franconia Formation, Central Illinois Light Co., Witte #701, C9240, depth 2232 feet, sec. 11 -T13N-R5E, Stark Co., IL; center, contact between the Galena Group and the finer grained Platteville Group, Superior Oil Co., H.C.Ford etal.,#C-17, C2740, depth 6533 feet, sec. 27-T4S-R14W, White Co., IL; above right, interbedded dolomite and shale (dark) of the Shakopee Dolomite, R.E. Davis Co., South #1, C4213, depth 1497 feet, sec. 30-T16N-R1E, Henry Co., IL; lower right, interbedded shales (dark), containing compacted silt-filled desiccation cracks, and lighter colored siltstones from the Proviso Member, Eau Claire Formation, Northern Illinois Gas Co., Houck #1, C10.181, depth 3291 feet, sec. 19-T26N-R3E, McLean Co., IL. INTRODUCTION Lower Paleozoic rocks in the Illinois Basin are currently the focus of much interest as potential reservoirs for hydrocarbons and sites for waste disposal, natural gas storage, and compressed-air energy storage. The interest in these possibilities was the impetus for compiling this catalog, which provides a reference to the cores on file at the Illinois State Geological Survey (ISGS) of sub-Galena Group strata. The nomenclature for this stratigraphic interval in Illinois is shown in figure 1. The following information is given for each core: the ISGS reference number, company and well name, locality description, county, logging datum (elevation in feet), total depth (in feet), date drilled, and sample type (core chips, complete core, etc.). Where available, stratigraphic intervals and contacts are given. Cores are organized alphabetically by county, and maps are provided to show the geographic distribution of the cores by stratigraphic interval (fig. 2 to 6). Sample types include core chips, core biscuits, and complete cores of various diameters. Core chips include irregularly shaped rock fragments that are generally 1 to 3 inches maximum dimension, are smaller than the full diameter of the core, are obtained at somewhat regular intervals, and are lithologically representative of the interval. Core biscuits are samples 5 to 10 inches in length, the full diameter or half-slab of the core, considered to be representative of the interval, and equal to 10 to 20 percent of the original length. Complete cores refer to cores that are vertically continuous. These include 1) quarter-splits, slabbed and split again to a 25 percent wedge of the original core; 2) half-splits, slabbed and 50 percent of the original diameter retained; and 3) complete cores (100 percent of the diameter retained) of sizes "AX" (1.06- to 1.18-inch), "BX" (1.43- to 1.65-inch), "NX" (1.88- to 2.15-inch), 2.5-inch, 3-inch, 3.5-inch, 4-inch, 5-inch, and 6-inch diameter. The stratigraphic tops and bottoms given are based on studies by Illinois State Geological Survey personnel and others as indicated on logs filed in the Geological Records Unit of the ISGS. The formation assignments and contacts have been checked to the extent that was practical. The stratigraphic nomenclature as reported originally on the sample logs is generally retained. Where sample studies or core studies are unavailable, the stratigraphic data are based on the authors' interpretations of geophysical logs. In using this catalog, the reader should keep in mind that the sample studies available were made over a period of nearly 100 years-the oldest core on file was cut in 1889. The stratigraphic data should be used as general guidelines to the cored interval. The core should be examined to determine the exact position of contacts and stratigraphic units present. Most cores from central and southern Illinois and the most significant cores from northern Illinois are listed; additional undescribed cores that penetrate sub-Galena Group strata in northern Illinois may be available and may not have been included in this document. Should the reader be aware of any cores not listed here or note any errors, please contact the authors. CATALOG OF SUB-GALENA GROUP CORES Figure 1 Stratigraphic nomenclature for sub-Galena Group units in Illinois. Modified from COSUNA correlation chart (Shaver and others, 1985). ILLINOIS PETROLEUM 132 Figure 2 Cores from the Platteville Group. CATALOG OF SUB-GALENA GROUP CORES Figure 3 Cores from the Ancell Group and Everton Dolomite. ILLINOIS PETROLEUM 132 Figure 4 Cores from the Prairie du Chien Group. CATALOG OF SUB-GALENA GROUP CORES Figure 5 Cores from the Cambrian System. ILLINOIS PETROLEUM 132 Figure 6 Cores that penetrate the Precambrian crystalline basement. CATALOG OF SUB-GALENA GROUP CORES ABBREVIATIONS Co. company or county Dol. dolomite elev. elevation ETM estimated from topographic maps Fm. formation Gp. group Ir. irregular Mbr. member Ss. sandstone TD total depth Information is given in the following order: ISGS reference number, company and well name, locality description, county, logging datum (elevation in feet), total depth (in feet), date drilled, and sample type. Stratigraphic intervals and contacts are provided where available. ILLINOIS PETROLEUM 132 CORES BY COUNTY CHAMPAIGN COUNTY C4006 Union Hill Gas Storage Co. George Webster #1 17-21N-7E Champaign Co. elev. 758 TD 4100 1959 core chips 3125-3993 Cambrian System Franconia Fm. 2945-3154 Ironton-Galesville Ss. 3154-3302 Eau Claire Fm. 3302-3900 Mt. Simon Ss. 3900-4100 (TD) C4267 Union Hill Gas Storage Co. A.G. Hunt #1 16-21N-7E Champaign Co. elev. 744 TD 1815 1960 core chips 1487-1584 Ordovician System Galena Gp. 1076-1217 Platteville Gp. 1217-1487 Ancell Gp. 1487-1815 (TD) C4387 Peoples Gas, Light, & Coke Fee #1 9-21 N-7E Champaign Co. elev. 756 TD 4093 1962 core chips 3135-3285, 3770-3976 Cambrian System Galesville Ss. 3135-3160 (cored interval) Eau Claire Fm. 3160-3878 Mt. Simon Ss. 3878-4093 (TD) C4830 Illinois Power Co. Arnold Koss #1* 21-17N-8E Champaign Co. elev. 699 TD 1805 1961 4-inch core 1028-1054; and 4-inch core, condensed to 10%, 1797-1804 Ordovician System Platteville Gp. 1028-1054 (cored interval) Prairie du Chien Gp. 1797-1805 (TD) *core interfiled with C4829 and C4218, Douglas Co. CLARK COUNTY C8737 Velsicol Chemical Co. #2 12-11N-12W Clark Co. elev. 639 TD 6000 1971 4-inch core chips 3343-3371, 4060-4111 Ordovician System Ancell Gp. Joachim Dol. 4020-4120 St. Peter Ss. 4120-4168 CLINTON COUNTY C228 C. B. Sowell et al. Schlaffly #1* 3-2N-3W Clinton Co. elev. 460 TD 4120 1940 select 2.5-inch core 2600-4120 Ordovician System Maquoketa Gp. 3250-3434 Galena Gp. 3434-3558 Platteville Gp. 3558-3934 Ancell Gp. Joachim Dol. 3934-4113 St. Peter Ss. 4113-4120 (TD) *see C2084 CATALOG OF SUB-GALENA GROUP CORES CLINTON COUNTY continued C1048 P. Mosebach Benard Schlarmann #1 9-1N-3W Clinton Co. elev. 499 TD 4212 1941 core chips 4194-4212 Ordovician System Ancell Gp. St. Peter Ss. 4175-4212 (TD) C2084 C. B. Sowell et al. Schlaffly #1* 3-2N-3W Clinton Co. elev. 460 TD 4120 1940 core chips 2600-4120 *see C228 COLES COUNTY C3533 Magnolia Oil Co. M. T. Rodda #1 4-11N-9E Coles Co. elev. 609 TD 5389 1957 core chips 5241-5269 Ordovician System Ancell Gp. Joachim Dol. 5144-5237 St. Peter Ss. 5237-5365 COOK COUNTY C4333 Northern Illinois Gas Co. #147-1 29-35N-13E Cook Co. elev. 728 ETM TD1155 1960 4-inch core 966-1127 Ordovician System Platteville and Ancell Gps. 966-1127 (cored interval) C4334 Northern Illinois Gas Co. #147-13* 29-35N-13E Cook Co. elev. 732 ETM TD 1007 1960 core chips 958-990 Ordovician System Platteville Gp. 958-983 (cored interval) Ancell Gp. St. Peter Ss. 983-1007 (TD) *see C6127 C4335 Northern Illinois Gas Co. #147-7* 29-35N-13E Cook Co. elev. 732 ETM TD 1008 1960 4-inch core 955-979, 990-996 Ordovician System Platteville Gp. 955-979 (cored interval) Ancell Gp. St. Peter Ss. 990-996 (cored interval) *see C6128 C6127 Northern Illinois Gas Co. #147-13* 29-35N-13E Cook Co. elev. 732 ETM TD 1007 1960 plugs from 4-inch core 958-991 *see C4334 C6128 Northern Illinois Gas Co. #147-7* 29-35N-13E Cook Co. elev. 732 ETM TD 1008 1960 plugs from 4-inch core 955-996 *see C4335 10 ILLINOIS PETROLEUM 132 COOK COUNTY continued C7214 Chicago Sanitary District DH-9 25-37N-14E Cook Co. elev. 588 TD 1047 1968 core chips 103-1047 Ordovician System Galena Gp. 664-856 Platteville Gp. 856-993 Ancell Gp. 993-1047 (TD) C9471 Metropolitan Sanitary District-Chicago DH-71 -65 (F-9) 25-41 N-11E Cook Co. elev. 660 TD 1435 1971 NX core 81-1432 Ordovician System Galena Gp. 436-629 Platteville Gp. 629-758 Ancell Gp. Glenwood Fm. 758-763 St. Peter Ss. 763-978 Kress Mbr. 969-978 Prairie du Chien Gp. Oneota Dol. 978-1003 Gunter Ss. 1003-1021 Cambrian System Eminence Dol. 1021-1036 Potosi Dol. 1036-1114 Franconia Fm. 1114-1196 Ironton-Galesville Ss. 1196-1324 Eau Claire Fm. 1324-1435 (TD) C9472 Metropolitan Sanitary District-Chicago DH-71 -43 (77) 5-38N-13E Cook Co. elev. 598 TD 1460 1971 NX core 79-1460 Ordovician System Galena Gp. 534-725 Platteville Gp. 725-857 Ancell Gp. Glenwood Fm. 857-862 St. Peter Ss. 862-993 Kress Mbr. 988-993 Prairie du Chien Gp. Oneota Dol. 993-1094 Cambrian System Eminence Dol. 1094-1122 Potosi Dol. 1122-1309 Franconia Fm. 1309-1412 Ironton Ss. 1412-1460 (TD) C9473 Metropolitan Sanitary District-Chicago DH-71 -57 (54) 9-39N-14E Cook Co. elev. 589 TD 1441 1971 NX core 121-1441 Ordovician System Galena Gp. 583-801 Platteville Gp. 801-898 Ancell Gp. Glenwood Fm. 898-901 St. Peter Ss. 901-1266 Kress Mbr. 1263-1266 Cambrian System Potosi Dol. 1266-1297 Franconia Fm. 1297-1394 Ironton Ss. 1394-1441 (TD) C9474 Metropolitan Sanitary District-Chicago DH-71 -7(28) TD 1296 1971 NX core 84-1296 Ordovician System Galena Gp. 537-735 Platteville Gp. 735-865 Ancell Gp. Glenwood Fm. 865-867 St. Peter Ss. 867-1037 Kress Mbr. 1025-1037 Prairie du Chien Gp. Oneota Dol. 1037-1088 Gunter Ss. 1088-1093 26-41 N-13E Cook Co. elev. 602 Cambrian System Eminence Dol. 1093-1103 Potosi Dol. 1103-1190 Franconia Fm. 1190-1296 (TD) CATALOG OF SUB-GALENA GROUP CORES 11 COOK COUNTY continued C9475 Metropolitan Sanitary District -Chicago DH-71 -9 (31) 35-42N-13E Cook Co. elev 593 TD 1341 1971 NX core 99-1341 Ordovician System Cambrian System Galena Gp. 529-731 Eminence Dol. 1033-1053 Platteville Gp. 731-851 Potosi Dol. 1053-1186 Ancell Gp. Franconia Fm. 1186-1279 Glenwood Fm. 851-855 Ironton-Galesville Ss. 1279-1341 (TD) St. Peter Ss. 855-936 Kress Mbr. 934-936 Prairie du Chien Gp. Oneota Dol. 936-1033 C9656 Metropolitan Sanitary District-Chicago DH-71 -81 (F-2) 22-40N-12E Cook Co elev 618 TD 816 1971 NX core 70-816 Ordovician System Galena Gp. 473-664 Platteville Gp. 664-793 Ancell Gp. Glenwood Fm. 793-799 St. Peter Ss. 799-816 (TD) C9970 Metropolitan Sanitary District-Chicago DH-71 -28 (10) 30-41 N-13E Cook Co. elev. 624 TD 850 1971 NX core 120-849.9 Ordovician System Galena Gp. 506-703 Platteville Gp. 703-828 Ancell Gp. Glenwood Fm. 828-833 St. Peter Ss. 833-849.9 (TD) C9974 Metropolitan Sanitary District-Chicago DH-71 -86 (F-6) 26-39N-12E Cook Co. elev. 619 TD 836 1971 NX core 40-836 Ordovician System Galena Gp. 504-694 Platteville Gp. 694-817 Ancell Gp. Glenwood Fm. 817-820 St. Peter Ss. 820-836 (TD) C9975 Metropolitan Sanitary District-Chicago DH-71 -48 (50) 30-40N-14E Cook Co. elev. 590 ETM TD 886 1971 NX core 70-886 Ordovician System Galena Gp. 534-739 Platteville Gp. 739-869 Ancell Gp. Glenwood Fm. 869-872 St. Peter Ss. 872-886 (TD) 12 ILLINOIS PETROLEUM 132 COOK COUNTY continued C9977 Metropolitan Sanitary District-Chicago DH-71-10 (45) 12-40N-13E Cook Co. elev. 600 TD 901 1971 NX core 81-901 Ordovician System Galena Gp. 556-757 Platteville Gp. 757-886 Ancell Gp. Glenwood Fm. 886-892 St. Peter Ss. 892-901 (TD) C9979 Metropolitan Sanitary District-Chicago DH-71-91 (67) 16-39N-14E Cook Co. elev. 587 TD 912.9 1971 NX core 79.8-912.9 Ordovician System Galena Gp. 574-773 Platteville Gp. 773-897 Ancell Gp. Glenwood Fm. 897-902 St. Peter Ss. 902-912.9 (TD) C9981 Metropolitan Sanitary District-Chicago DH-71-41 (74) 35-39N-13E Cook Co. elev. 598 TD 856 1971 NX core 70-856 Ordovician System Galena Gp. 506-704 Platteville Gp. 704-837 Ancell Gp. Glenwood Fm. 837-856 St. Peter Ss. 840-856 (TD) C9985 Metropolitan Sanitary District-Chicago DH-71-13 (72) 32-39N-14E Cook Co. elev. 593 TD 910.6 1971 NX core 62-910.6 Ordovician System Galena Gp. 555-754 Platteville Gp. 754-877 Ancell Gp. Glenwood Fm. 877-883 St. Peter Ss. 883-910.6 (TD) C9987 Metropolitan Sanitary District-Chicago DH-71-60 (Q-2) 22-38N-12E Cook Co. elev. 613 TD 846 1971 NX core 20-846 Ordovician System Galena Gp. 506-698 Platteville Gp. 698-831 Ancell Gp. Glenwood Fm. 831-836 St. Peter Ss. 836-846 (TD) C9992 Metropolitan Sanitary District -Chicago DH-71-56 (Q-1) 9-38N-12E Cook Co. elev. 650 TD 856 1971 NX core 20-856 Ordovician System Galena Gp. 511-701 Platteville Gp. 701-836 Ancell Gp. Glenwood Fm. 836-839 St. Peter Ss. 839-856 (TD) CATALOG OF SUB-GALENA GROUP CORES 13 DE WITT COUNTY C4405 LA. Harris, Cora Ryan #4 21-21N-3E De Witt Co. elev. 808 TD 2216 1963 core chips 2186-2216 Ordovician System Ancell Gp. St. Peter Ss. 2186-2216 (cored interval) C6251 Peoples Gas, Light, and Coke Co. J. Lamb #1 Ir. 1-20N-4E De Witt Co. elev. 736 TD 4933 1964 4-inch core biscuits and chips 1000-4737 (gaps exist) Ordovician System Cambrian System Platteville Gp. 1990-2224 Eminence Dol. 3202-3355 Ancell Gp. 2224-2494 Potosi Dol. 3355-3617 Prairie du Chien Gp. 2494-3202 Franconia Fm. 3617-3857 Ironton-Galesville Ss. 3857-4020 Eau Claire Fm. 4020-4535 Mt. Simon Ss. 4535-4933 (TD) DOUGLAS COUNTY C3906 Union Hill Gas Storage Co. H. L Hendershot #1 8-15N-14W Douglas Co. elev. 657 TD 2510 1960 core chips 2295-2352 Ordovician System Ancell Gp. Joachim Dol. 2295-2456 C3907 Union Hill Gas Storage Co. A. H. Basch #1 30-16N-11E Douglas Co. elev. 642 TD 2709 1960 core 2601-2633 Ordovician System Ancell Gp. Joachim Dol. 2601-2633 (cored interval) C4218 Illinois Power Co. Frank DeBolt #1* Ir. 4-16N-8E Douglas Co. elev. 677 TD 1632 1961 4-inch core 1341-1421, 1485-1631; and 4-inch core condensed to 10%, 1096-1224, 1278-1476 Ordovician System Platteville Gp. 1054-1342 Ancell Gp. 1342-1624 Prairie du Chien Gp. 1624-1632 (TD) 'interfiled with C4829. Douglas Co., and C4830, Champaign Co. C4829 Illinois Power Co. B. Bristow #1* 4-16N-8E Douglas Co. elev. 686 TD 3670 1964 4-inch core 977-1052, 1433-1492; and 4-inch core condensed to 10%, 1425-1537 Ordovician System Galena Gp. 977-1052 (cored interval) Ancell Gp. 1362-1654 •interfiled with C4218, Douglas Co., and C4830, Champaign Co. C4884 Cabot Corp. Cabot #1 31-16N-8E Douglas Co. elev. 698 TD 5317 1966 core chips and core 3941-4121 Ordovician System Ancell Gp. Joachim Dol. 3810-3948 St. Peter Ss. 3948-4108 Prairie du Chien Gp. Shakopee Dol. 4108-4121 (cored interval) 14 ILLINOIS PETROLEUM 132 EDGAR COUNTY C3905 Union Hill Gas Storage Co. H. L. Powers #1 27-15N-14W Edgar Co. elev. 665 TD 2520 1960 core chips 1760-1860, 2190-2311, 2392-2484 Ordovician System Galena Gp. 1764-2190 Platteville Gp. 2190-2260 Ancell Gp. 2260-2470 Prairie du Chien Gp. 2470-2485 (cored interval) FAYETTE COUNTY C970 Carter Oil Co. Jennie Brauer #6D 21-8N-3E Fayette Co. elev. 528 TD 4679 1941 core chips 3842-3860, 3875-3890, 3928-3943, 4472-4486 Ordovician System Galena and Platteville Gps. and Joachim Dol. 3824-4421 Ancell Gp. St. Peter Ss. 4421-4618 FORD COUNTY C1196 Herndon Drilling Co. W. J. Fecht #1 33-26N-9E Ford Co. elev. 741 TD 2237 1943 core chips 1447-1462 Ordovician System Galena Gp. 1035-1220 Platteville Gp. 1220-1450 Ancell Group St. Peter Ss. 1450-1690 GRUNDY COUNTY C9852 McCarthy Engineering Hydrocarbon Transmission Corp. M-69-2 20-34N-8E Grundy Co. elev. 527 TD 1852 1970 core chips 969-1042, 1772-1852 Cambrian System Potosi Dol. 958-1118 Franconia Fm. 1118-1232 Ironton-Galesville Ss. 1232-1447 Eau Claire Fm. 1447-1852 (TD) HAMILTON COUNTY C4785 Texaco, Inc. E. Cuppy #1 6-6S-7E Hamilton Co. elev. 393 TD 13,051 1965 core chips 7610-7631 and 4-inch core 9668-9696 Ordovician System Ancell Gp. St. Peter Ss. 7606-7758 Everton Fm. 7758-8060 Prairie du Chien Gp. Shakopee Dol. 8060-10252 CATALOG OF SUB-GALENA GROUP CORES 15 HANCOCK COUNTY C7607 New Jersey Zinc Koefer #H-2 13-4N-9W Hancock Co. elev. 690 TD 973 1968 BX core 72-973 Ordovician System Galena Gp. 754-930 Platteville Gp. 930-950 Ancell Gp. St. Peter Ss. 950-973 (TD) C7838 New Jersey Zinc R. Cochran #H-4 15-4N-8W Hancock Co. elev. 669 TD 904 1968 BX core 134-904 Ordovician System Galena Gp. 683-857 Platteville Gp. 857-882 Ancell Gp. St. Peter Ss. 882-904 (TD) C7883 New Jersey Zinc Bruder #H-3 23-4N-9W Hancock Co. elev. 664 TD 991 1 968 BX core 53-991 Ordovician System Galena Gp. 763-950 Platteville Gp. 950-972 Ancell Gp. St. Peter Ss. 972-991 (TD) C7888 New Jersey Zinc Potter #H-1 23-5N-8W Hancock Co. elev. 618 TD 866 1968 BX core 22-866 Ordovician System Galena Gp. 616-812 Platteville Gp. 812-830 Ancell Gp. St. Peter Ss. 830-866 (TD) HENRY COUNTY C4213 R. E. Davis Co. South #1 30-16N-1E Henry Co. elev. 794 TD 3863 1961 core chips 664-1587, 1725-1769 Ordovician System Prairie du Chien Gp. Maquoketa Gp. 659-869 Shakopee Dol. 1303-1510 Galena Gp. 869-1102 New Richmond Ss. 1510-1557 Platteville Gp. 1102-1192 Oneota Dol. 1557-1769 (cored interval) Ancell Gp. Glenwood Fm. 1192-1239 St. Peter Ss. 1239-1303 IROQUOIS COUNTY C3904 Vickery Drilling Co. J. Taden #1 11-26N-13W Iroquois Co. elev. 653 TD 3475 1960 core chips 667-1389, 2500-2685, 3115-3312 Ordovician System Maquoketa-Ancell Gps. 667-1389 (cored interval) Cambrian System Franconia Fm.-Eau Claire Fm. 2500-2685 (cored interval) Eau Claire Fm.-Mt. Simon Ss. 3115-3312 (cored interval) 16 ILLINOIS PETROLEUM 132 IROQUOIS COUNTY continued C3908 Northern Illinois Gas Co. Condit #1 24-27N-14W Iroquois Co. elev. 642 TD 585 1960 core chips 1220-1530, 2528-3537 Ordovician System Platteville-Ancell Gps. 1220-1550 (cored interval) Prairie du Chien Gp. 1550-1994 Cambrian System Eminence Dol. 1994-2150 Potosi Dol. 2150-2446 Ironton-Galesville Ss. 2446-2796 Eau Claire Fm. 2796-3418 Mt. Simon Ss. 3418-3585 (TD) JACKSON COUNTY C58 Stanolind Oil & Gas Co. Leiner #1 20-7S-4W Jackson Co. elev. 626 TD 4144 1938 4-inch core 3220-4115 Ordovician System Galena Gp. 3290-3425 Platteville Gp. 3425-3770 Ancell Gp. 3770-4144 (TD) KANKAKEE COUNTY C2725 Natural Gas Storage Co. Karcher #1 32-30N-10E Kankakee Co. elev. 668 TD 1861 1951 core chips 1510-1860 undescribed core C2727 Carl Bayes et al. Illinois Central R.R. #1* 28-30N-10E Kankakee Co. elev. 661 TD 2022 1951 core chips 1 136-2014 Cambrian System Eminence Dol. 1136-1224 (cored interval) Potosi Dol. 1224-1643 Ironton-Galesville Ss. 1643-1862 Eau Claire Fm. 1862-2014 (cored interval) "see C3900 C3900 Carl Bayes et al. Illinois Central R.R. #1* 28-30N-10E Kankakee Co. elev. 661 TD 2022 1951 core biscuits 1136-2014 * see C2727 LA SALLE COUNTY C3707 Northern Illinois Gas Co. L Mathesius #1 32-35N-1E La Salle Co. elev. 1590 TD 340 1957 4-inch core 1303-1530 Cambrian System Eau Claire Fm. 1000-1421 Mt. Simon Ss. 1421-1590 (TD) C3709 Vickery Drilling Co. Charles E. Haight #1 21-36N-2E La Salle Co. elev. 715* TD 715* 1957 NX core 232-242, 260-276, 295-315 Ordovician System Prairie du Chien Gp. Shakopee Dol. 220-243 New Richmond Ss. 243-323 *elevation and total depth from electric log CATALOG OF SUB-GALENA GROUP CORES 17 LA SALLE COUNTY continued C3710 Vickery Drilling Co. James Van Horn #1 3-36N-2E La Salle Co. elev. 740 TD 645 1957 NX core 259-430 Ordovician System Prairie du Chien Gp. Shakopee Dol. 255-312 New Richmond Ss. 312-383 Oneota Dol. 383-515 C4009 Northern Illinois Gas Co. Schmidt #1 29-35N-1E La Salle Co. elev. 688 TD 1745 1960 core chips 1190-1710 Cambrian System Eau Claire Fm. 1190-1621 (cored interval) Mt. Simon Ss. 1621-1745 (TD) C4308 Vickery Drilling Co. (Northern III. Gas Co.) #S-86 14-30N-2E La Salle Co. elev. 659 TD 603 1962 4-inch core 250-275, 387-469 Ordovician System Galena Gp. 250-420 (cored interval) Platteville Gp. 420-469 (cored interval) C4309 Vickery Drilling Co. (Northern III. Gas Co.) #S-89 11-30N-2E La Salle Co. elev. 666 TD 823 1 962 4-inch core 750-799 Ordovician System Praire du Chien Gp. 750-799 (cored interval) C4413 Vickery Drilling Co. #S-1 17 15-30N-2E La Salle Co. elev. 670 TD 622 1963 4-inch core 46-258 Ordovician System Galena-Platteville Gps. 249-258 (cored interval) C4415 Vickery Drilling Co. #S-1 16 10-30N-2E La Salle Co. elev. 664 ETM TD 583 1963 4-inch core 38-263 Ordovician System Galena-Platteville Gps. 247-263 (cored interval) C4416 Vickery Drilling Co. #S-1 13 14-30N-2E La Salle Co. elev. 661 TD 412 1963 4-inch core 40-197 Ordovician System Galena-Plateville Gps. 186-197 (cored interval) C12516Weldron Silica Prairie State Quarry #76-2 2-34N-1E La Salle Co. elev. 664 ETM TD 86 1 976 NX core 66-86 Ordovician System Ancell Gp. St. Peter Ss. 66-86 (cored interval) C12517Weldron Silica Prairie State Quarry #76-3 2-34N-1E La Salle Co. elev. 662 ETM TD 89 1976 NX core 31-89 Ordovician System Ancell Gp. St. Peter Ss. 31-89 (cored interval) 18 ILLINOIS PETROLEUM 132 LA SALLE COUNTY continued C12518 Weldron Silica Prairie State Quarry #76-4 2-34N-1E La Salle Co. elev. 662 ETM TD 138 1976 NX core 28-138 Ordovician System Ancell Gp. St. Peter Ss. 28-138 (cored interval) C12519 Weldron Silica Prairie State Quarry #76-5 2-34N-1E La Salle Co. elev. 662 ETM TD 98 1976 NX core 28-98 Ordovician System Ancell Gp. St. Peter Ss. 28-98 (cored interval) C12520 Weldron Silica Prairie State Quarry #76-6 2-34N-1E La Salle Co. elev. 664 ETM TD 150 1976 NX core 30-150 Ordovician System Ancell Gp. St. Peter Ss. 30-150 (cored interval) C1 2521 Weldron Silica Prairie State Quarry #76-7 2-34N-1E La Salle Co. elev. 650 ETM TD 102 1976 NX core 11-102 Ordovician System Ancell Gp. St. Peter Ss. 11-102 (cored interval) C12522 Weldron Silica Prairie State Quarry #76-8 2-34N-1E La Salle Co. elev. 620 ETM TD 86 1976 NX core 22-86 Ordovician System Ancell Gp. St. Peter Ss. 22-86 (cored interval) C12523 Weldron Silica Prairie State Quarry #76-9 3-34N-1E La Salle Co. elev. 640 ETM TD 108 1976 NX core 25-108 Ordovician System Ancell Gp. St. Peter Ss. 25-108 (cored interval) C13219 Material Service Corp. #74-U-1 17-33N-2E La Salle Co. elev. 472 ETM TD 126 1974 core chips 2-126 Ordovician System Prairie du Chien Gp. Shakopee Dol.-New Richmond Ss. 2-126 (cored interval) C13220 Material Service Corp. #74-U-2 17-33N-2E La Salle Co. elev. 457 ETM TD 100 1974 NX core 80-100 Ordovician System Prairie du Chien Gp. New Richmond Ss. 80-100 (cored interval) C1 3221 Material Service Corp. #74-U-4 18-33N-2E La Salle Co. elev. 460 ETM TD 80.7 1974 core chips 10-80.7 Ordovician System Prairie du Chien Gp. Shakopee Dol.-New Richmond Ss. 10-80.7 (cored interval) CATALOG OF SUB-GALENA GROUP CORES 19 LA SALLE COUNTY continued C13222 Material Service Corp. #74-11-6 18-33N-2E La Salle Co. elev. 455 ETM TD 92 1974 core chips 70-92 Ordovician System Prairie du Chien Gp. Shakopee Dol.-New Richmond Ss. 70-92 (cored interval) C13223 Material Service Corp. #74-U-7 18-33N-2E La Salle Co. elev. 452 ETM TD 110 1974 NX core 100-110 Ordovician System Prairie du Chien Gp. New Richmond Ss. 100-110 (cored interval) LIVINGSTON COUNTY C2484 Peoples Gas Co. Diamond Drill Hole #1 1-26N-7E Livingston Co. elev. 720 TD 1400 1950 core biscuits and chips 158-1400 Ordovician System Maquoketa Gp. 836-1020 Galena Gp. 1020-1195 Platteville Gp. 1 1 95-1 400 (TD) C2485 Peoples Gas Co. Diamond Drill Hole #2C* 1-26N-7E Livingston Co. elev. 747 TD 1435 1950 core biscuits 1-1434 Ordovician System Galena Gp. 1032-1209 Platteville Gp. 1209-1425 Ancell Gp. 1425-1435 (TD) *see C4493 C4307 Vickery Drilling Co. (Northern III. Gas Co.) #S-104 31-30N-3E Livingston Co. elev. 645 TD 276 1962 4- inch core 37-276 Ordovician System Galena Gp. 234-242 Platteville Gp. 242-276 (TD) C4310 Vickery Drilling Co. (Northern III. Gas Co.) #S-40 34-30N-3E Livingston Co. elev. 631 TD 599 1961 4-inch core 231-253, 356-408, 480-501, 570-591 Ordovician System Galena Gp. 231-253 (cored interval) Platteville Gp. 353-408 (cored interval) Ancell Gp. St. Peter Ss. 480-501 (cored interval) Prairie du Chien Gp. 570-599 (TD) C431 1 Vickery Drilling Co. (Northern III. Gas Co.) #S-21 29-30N-3E Livingston Co. elev. 642 TD 594 1961 4-inch core 495-516 Ordovician System Prairie du Chien Gp. 495-516 (cored interval) C4312 Vickery Drilling Co. (Northern III. Gas Co.) #S-42 3-29N-3E Livingston Co. elev. 632 TD 225 1962 4-inch core 31-225 Ordovician System Platteville Gp. 176-225 (cored interval) 20 ILLINOIS PETROLEUM 132 LIVINGSTON COUNTY continued C4313 Northern Illinois Gas Co. Clark #1 33-30N-3E Livingston Co. elev. 635 TD 425 1962 4-inch core 32-230, 352-377 Ordovician System Ancell Gp. 352-377 (cored interval) C4389 Northern Illinois Gas Co. Fordyce #5 33-30N-3E Livingston Co. elev. 643 TD 2729 1962 core chips 2350-2635 Cambrian System Mt. Simon Ss. 2350-2635 (cored interval) C4390 Northern Illinois Gas Co. Fordyce #1 33-30N-3E Livingston Co. elev. 640 TD 2585 1962 core chips 192-202, 1560-2361 Ordovician System Cambrian System Platteville Gp. 192-402 Eminence Dol.-Franconia Fm. 1107-1546 Ancell Gp. 402-520 Ironton-Galesville Ss. 1546-1749 Prairie du Chien Gp. 520-1107 Eau Claire Fm. 1749-2156 Mt. Simon Ss. 2156-2585 (TD) C4493 Peoples Gas Diamond Drill Hole #2C* 1-26N-7E Livingston Co. elev. 747 TD 1435 1950 select core biscuits 10-1435 *see C2485 C4636 Northern Illinois Gas Co. Fienhold #1 33-28N-6E Livingston Co. elev. 730 TD 3485 1965 core chips 545-1243, 2342-3294 Ordovician System Maquoketa Gp. 489-666 Galena Gp. 666-826 Platteville Gp. 826-1063 Ancell Gp. 1063-1307 Prairie du Chien Gp. 1307-1775 Cambrian System Eminence Dol. 1775-1911 Potosi Dol. 1911-2150 Franconia Fm. 2150-2342 Ironton Ss. 2342-2478 Galesville Ss. 2478-2555 Eau Claire Fm. 2555-3012 Mt. Simon Ss. 3012-3485 (TD) LOGAN COUNTY C9238 Central Illinois Light Co. Rocky Ford #1 8-19N-3W Logan Co. elev. 579 TD 2057 1971 core chips 2003-2057 Ordovician System Galena Gp. 1748-1886 Platteville Gp. 1 886-2057(TD) Mifflin and Pecatonica Fms. 2003-2057 (cored interval) C9239 Central Illinois Light Co. core chips 2175-2225 Ordovician System Ancell Gp. Joachim Dol. St. Peter Ss. Hauffe #1 31-20N-3W Logan Co. elev. 597 TD 2302 1971 2158-2217 2217-2302 (TD) CATALOG OF SUB-GALENA GROUP CORES 21 MACON COUNTY C2759 Sun Oil Corp. Joseph F. Damery #1 5-15N-1E Macon Co. elev. 612 TD 3779 1953 core chips 3036-3086, 3124-3130, 3140-3208, 3750-3779 Ordovician System Ancell Gp. St. Peter Ss. 3036-3086 (cored interval) Prairie du Chien Gp. Shakopee Dol. 3116-3690 (cored interval) Oneota Dol. 3690-3779 (TD) MARION COUNTY C4831 Texaco Inc. R. S. Johnson #1 6-1N-2E Marion Co. elev. 541 TD 9210 1966 core chips and complete core 5237-5252, 8462-8469 Ordovician System Ancell Gp. St. Peter Ss. 5233-5376 (cored interval) Cambrian System Mt. Simon Ss. 8450-9170 (cored interval) MADISON COUNTY C3749 Maryland Services Co. Stewart Klein #S-2* 33-3N-6W Madison Co. elev. 510 TD 5213 1959 core chips 2945-2971 Ordovician System Ancell Gp. Joachim Dol. 2945-2971 (cored interval) *see C8948 C3750 Maryland Services Co. E.F. Kercheis #1-S 27-3N-6W Madison Co. elev. 505 TD 5117.5 1959 core chips 2427-2901, 5014-5017.5 Ordovician System Platteville Gp. 2404-2666 Ancell Gp. Joachim Dol. 2666-2849 St. Peter Ss. 2849-2906 Precambrian 5014-5017.5 (TD) C8948 Mississippi River Transmission Co. Stewart Klein #S-2* 33-3N-6W Madison Co. elev. 510 TD 5213 1959 2.5-inch core 4575-5213 Cambrian System Potosi Dol. 4575-4605 (cored interval) Franconia Fm. 4605-4698 Eau Claire Fm. 4698-5144 Mt. Simon Ss. 5144-5202 Precambrian 5202-5213 (TD) 'see C3749 C8949 Mississippi River Transmission Co. Huldah Baer #S-5 27-3N-6W Madison Co. elev. 525 TD 4866 1 959 2.5-inch core 4740-4866 Cambrian System Eau Claire Fm. 4558-4857 Precambrian 4857-4866 (TD) 22 ILLINOIS PETROLEUM 132 McLEAN COUNTY C1 01 79 Northern Illinois Gas Grimes #1 1-24N-2E 4-inch core 550-720, 1240-1836, 3603-4038 Ordovician System Maquoketa Gp. 1 1 04-1 1 80 Galena Gp. 1180-1292 Platteville Gp. 1292-1664 Ancell Gp. Glenwood Fm. 1664-1680 St. Peter Ss. 1680-1877 Prairie du Chien Gp. 1877-2563 McLean Co. elev. 799 TD 4234 1968 Cambrian System Eminence Dol., Potosi Dol., and Franconia Fms. 2563-3152 Ironton-Galesville Ss. 3152-3623 Eau Claire Fm.-Mt. Simon Ss. 3623-4234 (TD) C10180 Northern Illinois Gas Co. Pyne #1 Ir. 14-25N-3E McLean Co. elev. 746 TD 4002 1968 core chips 1173-3848 Ordovician System Maquoketa Gp. 1006-1183 Galena Gp. 1183-1358 Platteville Gp. 1358-1554 Ancell Gp. 1554-1787 Prairie du Chien Gp. 1787-2443 Cambrian System Eminence Dol.-Potosi Dol. 2443-2801 Franconia Fm. 2801-3027 Ironton-Galesville Ss. 3027-3240 Eau Claire Fm. 3240-3702 Mt. Simon Ss. 3702-4002 (TD) C1 01 81 Northern Illinois Gas Co. Houck #1 19-26N-3E McLean Co. elev. 764 TD 3988 1967 core chips 1191-3779 Ordovician System Maquoketa Gp. 1028-1212 Galena Gp. 1212-1374 Platteville Gp. 1374-1578 Ancell Gp. 1578-1953 (Kress Mbr. 1938-1953) Prairie du Chien Gp. Shakopee Dol. 1953-2168 New Richmond Ss. 2168-2260 Oneota Dol. 2260-2404 Gunter Ss. 2404-2424 Cambrian System Eminence Dol. 2424-2550 Potosi Dol. 2550-2790 Franconia Fm. 2790-3000 Ironton-Galesville Ss. 3000-3220 Eau Claire Fm. 3220-3656 Mt. Simon Ss. 3656-3988 (TD) MERCER COUNTY C3534 Harold Kelley Fullerton #1 19-13N-4W core chips 3235-3250, 3681-3706 Cambrian System Mt. Simon Ss. 2500-3252 Precambrian 3252-3706 (TD) Mercer Co. elev. 584 TD 3706 1957 MONROE COUNTY C2498 Mississippi River Fuel Corp. Theobald #A-1 TD 853 1951 core chips 800-853 Ordovician System Ancell Gp. 800-853 (cored interval) 35-1S-10W Monroe Co. elev. 630 CATALOG OF SUB-GALENA GROUP CORES 23 MONROE COUNTY continued C2512 Mississippi River Fuel Corp. Kolmer #A-3 2-2S-10W Monroe Co. elev. 650 TD 1571 1951 core chips 850-1050 Ordovician System Ancell Gp. Joachim Dol. 790-883 Glenwood Fm. 883-898 St. Peter Ss. 898-958 Everton Dol. 958-1050 (cored interval) C2523 Mississippi River Fuel Corp. A. F. Kolmer #A-4 2-2S-10W Monroe Co. elev. 691 TD 1670 1951 core chips 1430-1589, 1660-1666.5 Ordovician System Prairie du Chien Gp. Roubidoux Dol. 1430-1483 (cored interval) Gasconade Dol. 1483-1666 (cored interval) C2525 Mississippi River Fuel Corp. Abraham Theobald #A-5 35-1S-10W Monroe Co. elev. 687 TD 1670 1951 core chips 1485-1582 Ordovician System Prairie du Chien Gp. Gasconade Dol. 1485-1582 (cored interval) C2800 Mississippi River Fuel Corp. Abraham Theobald #A-15 35-1S-10W Monroe Co. elev. 666 TD 2766.5 1952 core chips 770-2761 (some gaps exist) Ordovician System Ancell Gp. Joachim Dol. -St. Peter Ss. 781-953 Everton Dol. 953-1079 Prairie du Chien Gp. Powell Dol. 1079-1036 Cotter Dol. 1036-1298 Jefferson City Dol. 1298-1358 Roubidoux Dol. 1358-1446 Gasconade Dol. 1446-1545 Van Buren Dol. 1545-1807 Cambrian System Eminence Dol. 1807-1930 Potosi Dol. 1930-2403 Franconia Fm. 2403-2476 Eau Claire Fm. 2476-2759 Precambrian 2759-2766.5 (TD) MONTGOMERY COUNTY C13268 Illinois Power Co. Morrell-Lipe #1 5-9N-3W 1968 1/4 cut of 4-inch core 3061.5-3090.5 Ordovician System Ancell Gp. Joachim Dol. 2996-3068 St. Peter Ss. 3068-3090.5 (TD) Montgomery Co. elev. 643 TD 3090.5 OGLE COUNTY C4569 Natural Gas Pipeline Co. R. Keckler #2 1963 core chips 610-1282 Cambrian System Franconia Fm. 608-690 Ironton-Galesville Ss. 690-835 Eau Claire Fm. 835-1147 Mt. Simon Ss. 1147-2131 (TD) 35-24N-7E Ogle Co. elev. 805 TD 2131 24 ILLINOIS PETROLEUM 132 OGLE COUNTY continued C4570 Natural Gas Pipeline Corp. Oyler #2 Ir. 2-23N-7E Ogle Co. elev. 925 TD 1263 1963 core chips 580-600, 718-875, 80-1121 Cambrian System Potosi Dol. 580-592 (cored interval) Franconia Fm. 592-673 Ironton-Galesville Ss. 673-815 Eau Claire Fm. 815-1050 Mt. Simon Ss. 1050-1263 (TD) PEORIA COUNTY C2228 Algona Oil Co. Charles Cramer #1 27-8N-5E Peoria Co. elev. 629 TD 1560 1939 core chips 497-1560 Ordovician System Galena-Platteville Gps. 1186-1480 Ancell Gp. 1480-1560 (TD) C4100 Central Illinois Light Co. William K. Cowser #1 11-7N-6E Peoria Co. elev. 623 TD 2687 1961 4-inch core 1054-2499 Ordovician System Maquoketa Gp. 1054-1158 (cored interval) Cambro-Ordovician breccia 1158-2499* (cored interval) *core from Glasford Structure PERRY COUNTY C4487 Texaco, Inc. John Majewski #1 23-4S-1W Perry Co. elev. 448 TD 4275 1964 core chips 4164-4214, 4245-4264 Ordovician System Galena Gp. 4134-4214 (cored interval) Plattville Gp. 4245-4275 (TD) PIATT COUNTY C3902 Union Hill Gas Storage J. Buchan #1 13-21 N-6E Piatt Co. elev. 756 TD 2168 1960 core chips 1419-2072 Ordovician System Galena-Platteville Gps. 1412-1824 Ancell Gp. Joachim Dol. 1824-1870 St. Peter Ss. 1870-2110 Prairie du Chien Gp. 2110-2168 (TD) PIKE COUNTY C1416 Herndon Drilling Co. B. Campbell #1 15-4S-5W Pike Co. elev. 715 TD 3207 1944 core chip 3206 Precambrian 3205-3207 (TD) CATALOG OF SUB-GALENA GROUP CORES 25 PIKE COUNTY continued C3500 Pike County Gas Assoc. Conkright #2 4-4S-4W Pike Co. elev. 856 TD 1212 1957 core chips 712-1212 Ordovician System Galena Gp. 712-903 Plattville Gp. 903-970 Ancell Gp. Joachim Dol. 970-1010 St. Peter Ss. 1010-1208 Prairie du Chien Gp. Shakopee Dol. 1208-1212 (TD) C12785 Battelle-Northwest G. Saylor #1 17-5S-4W Pike Co. elev. 804 TD 817 1982 NX core 65-817 Ordovician System Platteville Gp. 650-704 Ancell Gp. 704-817 (TD) C1 3065 D & G Drilling Mumford #3 21-5S-4W Pike Co. elev. 769 TD 705 1983 NX core 524-705 Ordovician System Platteville Gp. 524-612 Ancell Gp. 612-705 (TD) C13066D & G Drilling Elmer Yakley #1 21-5S-4W Pike Co. elev. 794 TD611 1983 NX core 9-61 1 Ordovician System Platteville Gp. 500-575 Ancell Gp. 575-61 1 (TD) C13068 D & G Drilling Elmer Yakley #7 21-5S-4W Pike Co. elev. 804 TD 692.3 1980 NX core 165-612 Ordovician System Maquoketa Gp. 185-348 Galena Gp. 348-507 Platteville Gp. 507-597 Ancell Gp. Joachim Dol. 597-603 St. Peter Ss. 603-692.3 (TD) PUTNAM COUNTY C4930 Jones and Laughlin Steel Co. Waste Disposal #1 3-32N-2W Putnam Co. elev. 527 TD 4877 1966 core chips 2826-2854, 3227-4868 Cambrian System Eau Claire Fm. 2704-3135 Mt. Simon Ss. 3135-4842 Precambrian 4842-4877 (TD) 26 ILLINOIS PETROLEUM 132 RICHLAND COUNTY C3598 and C5778 Pure Oil Co. C.T. Montgomery #18-B 4-3N-9E Richland Co. elev. 503 TD 6800 1959 core chips 5932-6082, 6761-6800; and core plugs 6772.5-6778.5 Ordovician System Galena Gp. 5898-6040 Platteville Gp. 6040-6502 Joachim Dol. 6502-6605 Ancell Gp. St. Peter Ss. 6605-6800 (TD) SANGAMON COUNTY C28 Miller G.W. Sample #1 11-15N-3W Sangamon Co. elev. 596 TD 2732 1939 complete core 632-2732 Ordovician System Maquoketa Gp. 2058-2262 Galena and Platteville Gps. 2262-2670 Ancell Gp. Glenwood Fm. 2670-2675 St. Peter Ss. 2675-2732 (TD) STARK COUNTY C9240 Central Illinois Light Co. Witt e #701 11-13N-5E Stark Co. elev. 750 TD 2822 1971 core biscuits 750-1333, 2035-2300, 2727-2757 Ordovician System Cambrian System Galena Gp. 821-1049 Eminence Dol. 1804-1882 Platteville Gp. 1049-1155 Potosi Dol. 1882-2068 Ancell Gp. 1155-1253 Franconia Fm. 2068-2240 Prairie du Chien Gp. 1253-1804 Ironton-Galesville Ss. 2240-2374 Eau Claire Fm. 2374-2720 Mt. Simon Ss. 2720-2822 (TD) ST. CLAIR COUNTY C1090 Eason Oil Co. Edna C. Thomas #1 4-1S-8W St. Clair Co. elev. 515 TD 2172 1943 core chips 2164-2172 Ordovician System Ancell Gp. St. Peter Ss. 2161-2172 (TD) C3200 Sun Oil Co. (Mississippi River Fuel Corp.) M.E. Vale #1 8-2S-8W St. Clair Co. elev. 450 TD 1961 1954 core chips 1348-1396, 1833-1961 Ordovician System Galena Gp. 1348-1396 (cored interval) Joachim Dol. 1833-1867 (cored interval) St. Peter Ss. 1867-1961 (TD) CATALOG OF SUB-GALENA GROUP CORES 27 STEPHENSON COUNTY C1 2996 Commonwealth Edison UPH #3 1979 NX core 32-2176 Ir. 7-28N-6E Stephenson Co. elev. 989.6 TD 5272 Ordovician System Galena Gp. 32-264 Platteville Gp. 264-343 Ancell Gp. 343-475 Prairie du Chien Gp. 475-642 Cambrian System Jordan Ss. 642-723 Potosi Dol. 723-768 Franconia Fm. 768-853 Ironton-Galesville Ss. 853-998 Eau Claire Fm. 998-1309 Mt. Simon Ss. 1309-2176 Precambrian 2176-5272 (TD) TAZEWELL COUNTY C3766 Central Illinois Light Co. Mary Wooding #1 5-23N-6W Tazewell Co. elev. 518 TD 1561 1958 core chips 1047-1067, 1419-1445 Ordovician System Maquoketa Gp. 922-1114 Galena and Platteville Gps. 1114-1426 Ancell Gp. St. Peter Ss. 1426-1561 (TD) 12-19N-11W Vermilion Co. elev. 662 VERMILION COUNTY C8965 Allied Chemical Corp. Allied Chemical #1 TD 6684 1972 core chips 2787-6505 Ordovician System Prairie du Chien Gp. 2620-3322 Cambrian System Eminence Dol. 3332-3620 Potosi Dol. 3620-3928 Franconia Fm. 3928-4100 Ironton-Galesville Ss. 4100-4260 Eau Claire Fm. 4260-4864 Mt. Simon Ss. 4864-6684 (TD) WARREN COUNTY C7215 Illinois Power Co. Moberg #1 3-12N-1W Warren Co. elev. 737 TD 2640 1968 core chips 691-1175, 1874-2258, 2452-2640; and 4-inch core-biscuits 692-1174, 1874-2640 Ordovician System Galena Gp. 691-927 Platteville Gp. 927-992 Ancell Gp. 992-1168 Prairie du Chien Gp. 1168-1620 Cambrian System Eminence Dol. 1620-1696 Potosi Dol. 1696-1856 Franconia Fm. 1856-2086 Ironton-Galesville Ss. 2086-2181 Eau Claire Fm. 2227-2517 Mt. Simon Ss. 2517-2640 (TD) C7466 Illinois Power Co. Anderson #1 7-12N-1W Warren Co. elev. 701 4-inch core and chips 2081-2137, 2146-2190, 2464-2639 Cambrian System Franconia Fm. 2081-2125 Ironton-Galesville Ss. 2125-2190 no core 2190-2464 Eau Claire Fm. 2464-2577 Mt. Simon Ss. 2577-2639 (TD) TD 2639 1969 28 ILLINOIS PETROLEUM 132 WARREN COUNTY continued C7889 New Jersey Zinc Hepelle#J-11 3-8N-1W Warren Co. elev. 687 TD 1075 1968 BX core 86-1075 Ordovician System Galena-Platteville Gp. 762-1057 Ancell Gp. St. Peter Ss. 1057-1075 (TD) WASHINGTON COUNTY C2239 W. C. McBride, Inc. A. V. Hunleth #1 29-3S-4W Washington Co. elev. 542 TD 3984 1948 core chips 3938-3948 Ordovician System Ancell Gp. Joachim Dol. 3812-3942 St. Peter Ss. 3942-3984 (TD) WHITE COUNTY C2740 Superior Oil H. C. Ford et al. #C-17 27-4S-14W White Co. elev. 384 TD 7683.5 1952 6-inch core, condensed 1/2, 3050-7650 Ordovician System Maquoketa Gp. 6090-6419 Galena Gp. 6419-6533 Platteville Gp. 6533-7055 Ancell Gp. 7055-7509 Everton Dol. 7509-7683.5 (TD) WILL COUNTY C1229 Layne-Western (S. B. Geiger) Kankakee Ordinance Works #1 12-33N-9E Will Co. elev. 580 ETM TD 1642 1942 core chips 750-751.5, 1560-1570 Ordovician System Ancell Gp. Glenwood Fm.-St. Peter Ss. 612-860 (cored interval) Cambrian System Mt. Simon Ss. 1560-1570 (cored interval) C2824 Sullivan Machinery Braidwood City Well #9 8-32N-9E Will Co. elev. 570 TD 900 1889 NX core chips 265-900 Ordovician System Platteville Gp. 460-645 Ancell Gp. Glenwood Fm. 645-750 St. Peter Ss. 750-900 (TD) C621 1 McCarthy Engineering Co. Northern Gas Products Co. composite core of four wells from W 1/2 of NE 1/4 36-37N-10E (center of four wells) Will Co. elev. approx. 700 ETM TD 791 NX core biscuits 141-791 (condensed to 15%) Silurian System 141-255 Ordovician System 255-791 (TD) CATALOG OF SUB-GALENA GROUP CORES 29 WILL COUNTY continued C12955COMINCO #JL-1 (McCoy) 20-35N-9E Will Co. elev. 632 TD 4300 1963 BX core 74-586 undescribed core; continuous core from Silurian System to Glenwood Fm. at TD C12956COMINCO #JL-2 (Bieth) 18-35N-9E Will Co. elev. 646 ETM TD 596 1963 BX core 86-596 undescribed core; continuous core from Silurian System to Glenwood Fm. at TD 30 ILLINOIS PETROLEUM 132