0 SUMMARY,,OF,„„„ ■J«- (Y CF ILUNOrS LIBRARY NOTICES TO MARINERS mar I (FOR THE YEAR 1916) FOR HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE PUBLICATION No. 172 OF 1916 SOUTH AMERICA PILOT VOL. I WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OPiiCi: 1917 SCI lW\6SU SUMMAM, OF NOTICES TO MARIiNERS FOR H. 0. PUBLICATION NO. 172 OF 1916. UWiVEFSnYcriiUNOSUBRABV (Published January, 1917, by the Hydrographic Office, under y^^ijthprity . of the Secretary of the Navy.) 19]:T The following paragraphs constitute a summary of all information published in “ Notice to Mariners,” up to and including No. 53, of 1916, affecting H. O. Publication No. 172, South America Pilot, Vol. I, 1916. The pages should be cut into slips and the paragraphs inserted in the book at the page affected. All bearings are given True from 0° to 360° (clockwise) ; in case of lights from Seaward. Paramaribo—Time signal suspended. — The Netherlands Government has P. 128 given notice that the time signal of Paramaribo has been suspended. Wreck reported.—A wreck with mast about 3 feet above water is reported P. 130 in 2f fathoms, 5 miles from the coast, between Organabo River and IMana Point. IMPORTANT. Masters of American merchant vessels will be spared much inconvenience and delay if they will display their colors promptly when a man-of-war is sighted. Paramaribo—Time signal suspended. — The Netherlands Government has given notice that the time signal of Paramaribo has been suspended. Maroni River — Buoys carried away. — The two red buoys marking Dutch P. 131 or Tigre Bank have disappeared. » Maroni River — Kaimar Head (Galibi Point) — Light moved.—The light at Kaimar Head (Galibi Point) has been moved about 1.2 miles westward. Mana River—Light extinguished.—The light on Isere Point, northern side j, ^33 of the entrance to the Mana River,, has been temporarily extinguished on account of damage. Cape Orange—Shoal northeastward.—A shoal, with a least depth of 4^ V. 159 fathoms, has been reported about 18 miles northeastward of Cape Orange, in (approximately) latitude 4° 34' 00" N., longitude 51° 15' 45" W. , This shoal is to ho marked “ posn apiirox ” on the clnirts. Para River entrance—Braganga Bank Light Vessel—Position.—Brauganga p 175 * Bank Light Vessel is located in (approximately) latitude 0° 23' 00" S., longi- ^^\:tiide 47° 53' 30" W. Point Atalia—Light changed.—The light on Point Atalia has been replaced p. 224 by a new light showing fixed and flashing white, exhibited 230 feet above high water from a red octagonal skeleton tower 164 feet high. The light is visible 21 miles. Camocim River—Breakers reported northward.—Breakers have been re- P. 252 •Sported in (approximately) latitude 2° S., longitude 41° W., where 30 fathoms . is indicated on the chart. 75880—17 n ( 3 ) . • ^ - 1 f' /.on'A-i[.i!j j>j .0 .ij Ho'i <)i:\fi]nh\i ot sh 'Ito/. 'to th/ mm ..!Hlj{«5»JiiiO‘ibvH ffdl 'id .Ttb‘l ..'.hm^mi*,U ; '»>i!>iM!f'i < •^ . * V IBl'nDOP. ‘iifj bfjtIftK.-Mft; ^uh'bouio^iii iIh l£> '‘J»'tijMHO'j MrlqisiiJfvUM; v.t*jv/oHv!t f»iiT .0 M 'jrAiof/ilfi lu .c'/L ;^«rbuf'iaf Ixin ot 1'* ni .Oior .1 Jo'/ ./oft 1 Holtou'/ ffuior^ i;T£ .o/l iio!/i.olMu'i ■?o0(; './fj ui ]--&i^irin ■silt f>nr yqilM .»Ti»i )ir> 'nf Mijorf.^ =^iiiiUi diIT .ff-flooTth 'tjr.ii '(fit )r.' >.jf<;L:jI )' OAiw) iff ; (fir!//>!*::■ < lUP'll . T X A V H O "/ 14 I il‘)biu L'->'n/qf* Uivr jiJ/ido‘i9ffl aovonon/A ‘\o gioiob 'iiofii vffkjf^ib ni^?/ v/3ili II biu; yofJYfff^v/tObai .botd^Is ki *i«w-lo-nrvHi e aotly/ vljq/.noiq ■< -. j .*1 i-.fjil bfonirno hf.ioi;/*xw£i,t'j>l. oiiT—.babxioqsjj* i.aa'sia odri^rriiim*! .JfoLuJi*{».£?■'? a93(f ’fisnl /• oouj oj; > /iufl H fio'/li* * t/c.f .'• r ai j9Jf.v/ 97o«ff! js'^l ^ Jfi^>ifp. /fiBOi illfw ii'Wi?/ locd t jCds^iW .Jaiv'l i'.si-- f‘.*ii ’iiMni o(t«fTUi/'iO j-;iioo sfii oun'1 f'.^^uni P- jfi: ill * Jet .'f d‘’i:n 2^/ird/ft/ix ri7.‘irf --,Yflw/5 bfliTx«i> --■f'ivtJi. itio-rfiM 9 't^iT l'.» ! j/fyii f>iri-—.beYonr Jil'giJ--(f rifo i idriAO) hiC‘tr,M. , .in/T" i" r.v 2.r r.’fi»'fr. kosI ( ini^i ‘VfUiilsX Ju I; j,<,f .c ofd;< fiiorfmxf t<*rywT mo --.fw.da/wgcnJxo fd^iS -'toviSi khaM •. JTCi }>9-.rrr.U/14Pn>l^> ;Iri' 'Ii'’r iro''»iJ >i]& .."‘H'Jl Kfii'.T4 o,!/ Oj 'rYtif'» ioe Of>t ' .'r^ijrUOb lO j^UforilY/?: ^ f% S O/jr /rUi jaaAf z'. tfJfv/' ,iuofifc5 4-—.ijTja-V7 7a.ti£Mlj7 jn fiioifS-- iSfiA/O Ilf to nodai ^.i •Mf/'Iii “(iui. .^liit/dlji'i .W '*^4} 'Mi HibrjbYiiioV.-VTI /iob-fiffzo'niqj}) '.t nvflt! • Ii iu.> i.iii .‘H* r i >.{ Ino--.' >^ 1 x 11 ' 2 JI T *o^o;r\fr .tU- •.xioiii-'O'i—tsfdiaV J.digAl dxrsd no reviH ■I'linvl . >* "(.Hi ’’O ^buru: r < vioioMt!.•:•»:.jn?;) xjx f»Mbv‘ni[ >f ? Aur.ii J/f 'Vfg "7f yiM0'.'4j ■ib- .*^1 ijB’iijujfYt xx )fX’ a;-if i/iltdA t(Ao*'l oo nlv/it odT—.bs^m^xCo JdaiJL —ctljiiA ^ jto^ ^ ‘YvoUe i'Yot Oyi: l)^lh1!ii:t j liniJr^i-h httn f)o/f> :j;itfvAoi(5ri ^ 04 il //^m <: vr -^1 oMiviv «i o.ifT jli^iil. 1 ‘Yat ^ 0 .£ -iowoj i;oioI‘ida lr-oj*v»jbK» fioY xj axo-i't *i9.tii.v ,j .aoii.MX LrJj I-M svrn! 9ViiiI —.b'liiwifj'ioxi bsiioqyT leviK oshoatnC nnu>!iit:'t Ot' eiadw ,.Vf ”Ji 9fYfjJij.!iOt *'2 ^brrtl/af ( »!:jtMMlxxviMrrf;) ol boi lo- .,5 /AXM- 1 * oil^ ru? . , 4 } Tr.-08-nr ■ 4 Aracaty Light—Visibility increased.—The visibility of Aracaty Light has P. 263 been increased to 12 miles. The characteristic is unchanged. Lavardeira Reef—Decreased depth on shoal—Shoal reported.—The depth p. 267 on the shoal northwestward of Minhoto Reef is 4 fathoms instead of 5^ fathoms. A shoal on which the swell breaks occasionally has been reported in (ap¬ proximately) latitude 4° 56' 20" S., longitude 36° 09' 38" W. Trinidad Island—Position.—The commanding officer of the Brazilian naval P. 276 vessel Benjamin Constant reports that the correct longitude for the highest point of Trinidad Island is 29° 18' 48" W. Cape St. Roque Light temporarily changed.—On account of damage to P. 309 apparatus Cape St. Roque Light has been temporarily changed to show fixed wliite. Taniandare—Fort Santo Ignacio Light reported irregular.—The light at P. 317 Port Santo Ignacio has been reported irregular. Port Maceio—Light changed.—The fixed and flashing white light formerly P. 322 exhibited at Port Maceio has been replaced by an alternating light. The new light is exhibited 214 feet above high water from the same tower, wiucli has been raised 20 feet and should he visible 22 miles. Port Aracaju—Buoy temporarily established—Light buoy established.— P. 329 A spherical buoy, pfunted black and \Adiite in vertical stripes, has been estab¬ lished on the bar at Port Aracaju, on the hearings: Aracaju Lighthouse_ 265° 30' New watch tower_ 299° 15' It is intended to replace this buoy by a light buoy, of which further notice will l)e gwen. Rio Cotinguiba (Port Aracaju) — Hydrographic information. — The south¬ ern entrance to the Cotinguiba River has closed, leaving the entrance at Pontal do Propria the only entrance to the port. The bar is changing rapidly, and mariners should not attempt to enter with¬ out a pilot. Rio Cotinguiba (Port Aracaju) Light — Normal characteristic resumed. — P. 330 Rio Cotinguiba (Port Aracaju) Light resumed its normal characteristic. Real River — Light established — Light discontinued. — A flashing white P. 332 light has been established on the northern side of the entrance to the Real River, about i mile northward from the old fixed white light, which has been discontinued. The light is exhibited from a tower at a height of 71 feet and is visible 14 miles. Garcia de Avila—Light established.—A fixed and flashing white light, P. 333 exhibited at a height of 73^ feet from a white tower 65^ feet high, has been established at Garcia de Avila. The light is visible 15 miles. Garcia de Avila—Shoals discovered.—A rock called Mar do Velho. with a least depth of 19 feet, has been discovered 1,030 yards 183° from the light at Garcia de Avila. A rock called Pirambu, with a least depth of 13i feet, has been reported 990 yards 200° from the light. A reef called Esperal has been reported 5 miles 213° from the light. This reef extends to the coast. The boiler of the steamer Workman, visible at low water, lies on this reef in 9f feet of water. .4 ^ «il iiiski vJii'j/iiA \ij /jilUiiHii *»iiT—.baej^'j'ioai .lyy^^inu?:)^!/ ?f oil^-VioroB'iijiio ‘ulT .y^inr o-' fvinfr-* .mh* a'< ‘d TOii/i d3 ird* ^dT—.bsJio'iat laodB^ luodb ao iftqsh bj»aB&'r.s*jO[- le^H. ati&b'inva*! 'liKjdtBt ifi io f>t{* j-^ni fifiioiliisi t- ?? IsuH olorta”^ fn/r//)^7/dtf0/t Ittynia ‘Hit no -in) (*H» ofl’ no iaodft J. .7/ "v;. 'Cs> ‘’14? Hbfrt/^no* ,.« '‘OS* ‘Jm”. 't' i (ITS/i iB'j u ntiinx/nH orf) loyflto gnibnouiifloo ydT- .aoiJfc^oSC- LiiBiBl bfibfni fT .dj ’ri *1 obirtijiaof J'vtf'itoo *»ii1 ifuli «)'fr»»i‘vi .7/ '^?4^ '8f >T hfi,;M ind usiiT 1‘, tnuMf ftOC .4 « t lo iiinoo‘>B tiO—.ba^aniirf^ tjJiiB'xoqBfiftl idgiil ^npoaC\J8 <)q/iO •vo!i;> ,07 b fiin/ifio •^li'Tjrcoi.fttTMi o'jorl ^tu! idTjiJ “j/jiMdl JH -t.Mc’i fi;' *<1^?: .‘'iijl7/ T13 .4 i. iJi.-:' ^>ii'r h^i'xoqsr id^LI oir»BiigI oixi^a i*ia^ sTaLu/SiUJiT /liifu'H'i'nl n'>'»d fiptl <>nir.y. i fo4 2S:i? .4 vf’ioixijol HJfdv/ f>tii: bM/.fl ^ifr—.hsga^cf^ rrfpjiJ—oioo/iM t'ic4 .jii^U ?^fiit'am.Ki*v n.i; 7d I onbi'n nf^'xd Rxsd omid/l rio'l jx: I>f#ibr.i7o .'("v.oj erft ffioft '107/XV/ ilpm' ''Vudix Ml* fv.fJixMdzo «{ JxJv.if 7/o^f ox'r 'Hiir>f SI: oi‘.f{v!!/ •>-! fdffoi!^ bifij O'j !»•»•?«*» i'xmI ifoixlw OSii/i —.b6/;?fXdBt*5e icoifd irf-si J— 'xlrt/Moqnfifi -^ouS XioSL 1:;!>:0 .'iS'H l vjuf ,h/it4x''}|f< .' r vUi xy ixr orixiv^ Fm.-. >l Ivu-'f^q .vof/d In •if9flq> A '».j[ /r(.- .in^njiny. r:o4 tn ‘ifttJ ‘^•ii no 03 ‘’r'fii: ___. VII Sjlis; _ . _^_ y«r‘,iiin:;ikT up.xb'/A -. „. 1 v7/t:l({‘Vf <*1 fv'if.'nVtni sc* )! Off {fi 7 -iljuoa -5111’—.noili’VoioiG.i nbjqjEji^o'rrvH—(iitnosii^ oiS 7*} 7‘>n(;’‘7uu Oi!i V-'rfVfMi ; ^tnf IH'/lJi jJoD Oift o1 ly £ix3‘Jlrid z'>'io otiJ f.rtqo'jM ot» JXiv,' oi ^ojasfii: ion bluwffj' ss'i'jariwn luiu /^Ibiq/n T^xiJ^^Xfxirhs -ind odT .tofiq j; trff> < . ’ ' ' ,. i»f4:/I --.t‘3£ni?fe9'x odt^He.toBtfixfo iBmxoVI—ixtgiJE jioS[) ucfiui^qiioD oijEC fxnxnxHt fiii fKoraxgjo-i .lifsoX (nur'Ok’fA 77l .*1 oiiilw safd^iifi A—.b^m'xicixic’j^rh id-§jvi—fc?»xiijHcf«ia& —'isvxJI l^oSl Vt3J{ 9dj ot 9'MUJ*tbtO oxft 'to H I' dt'TOff 9llt iW. 0'>9ff ^XXfl f'99d vml fhiitj/ rldMif otidvr boyfi bio o»ri mo'i'r f*'rx;voft-i(.n oitu; j jifocfo /(‘V/Ui .!>OS;.it Ot>r(!. I f olxifpiy Ri toot tT lo .lx{Ai‘>fl o tn tovoxi xi xjio't^ boikifffx'x >*X nfv:i? oilT .;roloa 333,4 .tifjiii o1!iS'/r :^afiif>,j.lt hat, A .bndfiffdssSdo ixi^^iil—.nffvA oh nh'xr.O irooti Rfui ioo'i fiift ’h>7/uj '»lifjV n -ox f't loot #37 to MtibHi a to fx'xJbUHxo .x-oUni dt ohil^Iv K? odT of) nl-k-iBO in fV}.‘f7n(fin.?o i‘. rOXlloY ob >fx*t /—.i>9'X9vo‘>«ib xslBocfS-—elivA ob .«i')'r/iO tB Irfpjf oiit went ‘'K^r Rhtn'T, OfO,!. f>e'iove«!)«lb no^f f>nA .ry*jl (]T to ilhi^h ■* - .nffv/. ol» {d')-t(;{> CHi’G balTrfiO'f nr#«x{ ?!«if .iool: [PA !(> iftq'jf) insiol a till*/ ,ijV|*( A Jjfsjl od? iinn'l "XXig eirfT o/lt mo'xj o fionGq^)! xxooxf emf boffx?'* j. v/o{ Js oU1le.lv JitoVY ‘loatMlR fiiil to ^oIto(^ otfT .taxio't o/it oi KbfiOixs j'rj'i .* 10107 / lo 50 nf to 9 *i ?.M] no eoil ,"ioiir/r o Tariry- River—Wreck northward.—The wreck of the bark Laltolmee was reported February 26, 1916, in latitude 12® 03' S., about 2 miles northward of the mouth of the Tariry River. Sao Jorge dos Ilheos—Morro Pernambuco—Light established.—An un- p 357 watched dashing white light has -been established on Morro Pernambuco. The ligld. is exhibited, 177 feet above liigh water, from a white iron structure and is visil)le 15 miles. Porto Seguro—Normal characteristic of light restored. — Porto Seguro p, 335 Light has resumed its normal characteristic. Abrolhos Channel—Shoal reported. — A shoal, with a depth of 3i fathoms, p. 377 has been reported in Aljrolhos Channel, 8.6 miles northwestward of Abrolhos Lighthouse oil Santa Pnrbara Islet. This shoal should be marked “Reported (1915), position approx.” Abrolhos Channel — Shoals reported. — A shoal with a depth of 4| fathoms p. 379 has been reported in Abrolhos Channel, 3.7 miles 356° from Abrolhos light¬ house on Santa Barbara Islet. A shoal with a depth of 41 fathoms has been rei)orted 300 yards southwest- ward of the preceding shoal. Nonexistence of islet in assigned position. — The master of the British P. 383 steamer Lcu-islirnn re}>o]'ts that on April 3, 1916, he passed over or very close to the assigned position of the Islet of Yellow Sand, reixuled in 1892 in (approxi¬ mately) latitude 20° 21' S., longitude 38° 48' W., but saw no sign of its existence. The lead gave no bottom at 70 fathoms. Rio de Janeiro-'Fiscal (Rat) Island — Chronometer comparisons. —The p, 417 Brajiilian (Toveriuiient has given notice that chronometers will be received for regulation and comparison by the National Marine Chreiiometer Division in the building of the superintendent of navigation on Fiscal (Rat) Island. Rio de Janeiro Bay — Fiscal (Rat) Island — Wreck northeastward. —The wreck of the steamer WiUtcJniina, no portion of which is visible above water, lies sunk alxmt 950 yards northeastward of Fiscal (Rat) Island and .94 mile 33° from Calhabouco Point Lighthouse. 'Phe wreck is marked l>y a green conical buoy. Note. — This wreck does not constitute a menace to navigation as there is a lea.st depth of 12 fathoms over it. Vessels are, however, cautioned against anchoring in the immediate vicinity on account of the danger of fouling their anchors. Rio de Janeiro Harbor — Light buoy withdrawn. —The black conical light p. 419 buoy, showing a hashing white light moored 290 yards northeastward of Fort Villegagnon Lighthouse, has been withdrawn. Rio de Janeiro Harbor — Buoys changed.— The light buoj’S marking the submarine cable between Rio de Janeiro and Nictheroy have been withdrawn and two light Inioys. painted blue, exhibiting flashing blue lights, have been established as follows: The tirst alamt 9(K1 yards 97° mately) latitude 22° 54' 39" S., 2,450 yards 73° from the tirst. from Calhabouco Point Light, in (approxi- longitude 43° 09' 30" W.: the second about Rio de Janeiro approach — Marica Islands — Light established. — The Bra-P. 422 ziliaii Government has given notice that the light established January 25, 1916, on the Marica Islands is a flashing white light. The light is exhibited 257 feet above high water from an iron tower 284 feet high on the largest of the islands and is visible 15 miles. Note.—The Marica Islands are shown on the charts about If miles too far eastward. R/rfr ■‘3 ‘>uiW\UkV A vui od'A'— .bih'Tidi'ioki ioe'iW Tf^vlAl v ixTflT tn Initv/fH itwi -".5i![i 2 ?fr(id)i ,.>i 'i'O ®Sr of*ir)hRf rl ,Oriir .liii 7irtotdo'*f b‘»1noq‘ri v'iiiHT odi 1o r(1wo»t ‘♦dl 7 ^^» q-xii/ fiA—.b^udiUfhi'i^ idgiJ -ooifdtnuaT^^ O'/ioM—eo^xffl aoh o«2 •xI'P .«v>i;ffsi5i!inV< o'j 'ol/. fhynf- (khI-mi; // l»/ir> t<. aofi j: fno'i't /I'jieio jfsiif ^yovii: t*>yr TTf JyfUtJul/.-y <1 Ailuil • .f'-tlrm r.t >*i CbK/I oJi'PI---b-^ roAcdi j lo axAartatoBxado InnnrQVr - oix/saS oA to^ * faJinofi >il {nftriiyri f'liii J/IyLI T7K /{ A>uu.tii<,\ frP- lo ». tJii/f .Inuil-i L .bsJyoqa'r fiiorf3 -lanniirfO aoxffo rdA lo > >ni{!4>*r(M- iii Ivjl'unfn y.ml fnrtd-rr.Ji j;tji**3 ao a-'inifljdiif.l " ZO'jqqi! uoDi^thf jr.fflt f ItaTMoq ijf “ lK^-.J'l(,'((f 'x> IkosI^- >'ifl'l' ,(JTo .'I'»<> drqolf r: tflf // A. -.bat70'fa-i ^^nod8 IstirfndO ^ofi^o’l<^K Mfli.l ^i!f'iMif/• tiiicf! T.y. l-aJiifaf') tii r.fai;’-'. no -f'- iaiiH on,': fiarnKfi't n-rxi >mi[ rsuioxflnt Al 'tifT n* l.u.-v/ /i rir-niiH ‘jd? ’i‘}1ri'r .rtoiJiaoq bari3x;>;,!<( «>d .?> lAiq/.^iu lull) ''IfoifiM !• 'n\yrn>v\ •i 7 nir;oi>. 'i/uMqqn) iii C'yv.t ni //offoY iPr to ni.;t?>o([ adi -.If ’? i iryii-. Off 7.7t> ind ,,7/ >1- '’xy*. ofnjlti^md' ..X Mi: "^OLV ■;[»»»)irid < vt9tnni .oofiijs'.ixo .Will*'((ir:’{ hT li; Jiroifo'* on o7j;i; lni*d odT TU-.M^^d'L' -.RffoariRqxtxoa lejamoaoi/iO biiaf-I (AisH) [fioai’J -oxiscftt ab oiJI Mo't i(97f7-,»*/j '»;> iij.ili'ordl iti n;){,-i/{ ifiOhi'd ,u> fiortfo^ivun ‘Nt bt*4fuf>bU'l‘^<((5>. 'ofj !<» i^iitbliod odl ^il'l'-<~-.b7Ji7rie/tedTicir doajVr (iaSi.) f^osiU—'^ bSE O'lianfil .ab .MOjJiV/ o/f><;{K ofdi'-il/ >;r A* noiM'ioq Off .\^uun\ 3 A\rff MonjnnJj^ odi ro /l-Krtv/ ofbij A(). i<;?n (taJH br^'^n to i^Mny/T^uoxI j-'Oij Oo(l nrodr: >tun> inio*I oqfHHfinlljtM aioit MtK 7,t>nd fjt )f(joo nn^M^ f; qi >I-m'| 7/ oft'P n HI 'j-JHih f-'i noi hs-yi/'iui ton H‘*ofj dvov// -ibid'—.aAoVI ;:■> ,77vo7/oil .9M<; i^lo>!^o7 ..tf mo/o vnuHhn*! i:r lo itnjoh .t>oot Mfoilt ;!•'- orlt ‘to Jijifo-m; no y.)}ni*.i7 olaibouniH odj nf ^^iiiModoffrt " .aMotAoin JlA .M li:-)iuoM o‘i r—.fiv/xs'ibdii w —yodiaH OTiaoil, ab oxH 7M<,*‘1 li It'inv/I'lon ff tf 7 / n .‘ 3 Hf ji/iubt if-Mlt oifT tnoiln r>no->o> orlt : .'H "«>{: 'lyt '’f;A abuti^nof ,.3 "<)f: 'ir. 'i:i: obnlMn! ' /I^tnin .J> ajtjii:: joil ToL' fwthfnizo i:b 4 tf oofl{n rJ ‘jiiii'iy d biifi I'tl oot lutnU; Hi-nui') odI tfu ){//off>i oMf: ttof-inK oflT—.aJoVI .(nuy/tHiJO () Rio de Janeiro Harbor — Fort Villegagnon Light ^—Characteristic P. 423 changed.—The characteristic of the light on Fort Villegagnon has been changed from fixed red to flashing white. The light is unwatched and is visible 9 miles. The other details remain unchanged. Rio de Janeiro Harbor—Fort Lage Light—Characteristic changed.— The characteristic of the light on Fort Lage has been changed from fixed red to flashing white. The new light has a visibility of 10 miles. Rio de Janeiro Harbor — Fort Santa Cruz Light — Characteristic changed.—The characteristic of Fort Santa Cruz Light, on the eastern side of the entrance to Rio de Janeiro Harbor, has been changed from fixed white to flashing red. Rio de Janeiro Harbor—Buoys changed.—The black can buoys, formerly marking the measured mile off Mucangue Island, have been replaced by conical buoys painted black and white in vertical stripes. Ilha Grande—Homen Rocks Light—Characteristic changed.—The light P. 434 on Homen Rocks has been changed from flashing white to flashing red. Ilha Grande Bay — Changes in buoyage. — The following changes have been P. 441 made in the buoyage of Jacuacanga Bay and Port Angra dos Reis: Imboassica Rock Buoy, Almeida Rock Buoy, Guaxima Island Buoy, Cavaco Rock Buoy, and the 4J-fathom shoal buoy of Biscaia Bay have been discon¬ tinued. The black buoy formerly moored northward of Saracura Island has been moved 150 yards eastward. The black and white buoy southward of Saracura Reef has been discontinued jind a black and red buoy established 75 yards eastward of the reef. The two black and white buoys marking Badejo Reef have been discontinued, and a red buoy established 100 yards westward and a black buoy 100 yards east¬ ward of the southern end of the reef. The red buoy formerly moored soutliwestward of Sal)onete Reef has been moved 175 yards northwestward. The black and white buoy formerly moored northward of Bernardo Rock has been discontinued and a red buoy established about 150 yards westward of the rock. A black and red buoy has been established 200 yards northwestward of the center of the 5-fathom spot northward of Tacuatiba Island. The black and white buoy northward of Colombo Island has been replaced by a red buoy. The red buoy soutliwestward of the reef westward of Colombo Island has been replaced by a buoy exhibiting a red light. A red buoy has been established about 1,400 yards southward of Cidale Point to mark Baixa Rock, a rock with a depth of 5 fathoms about 75 yards eastward of the buoy. The red biioy formerly moored northward of Alagada Rock has been moved and reestablished about 900 yards northwestward of Homens Rock Light. Boi Point Light irregular. — Boi Point Light has been reported irregular, Anhatomirini Islet Light — Characteristic changed. —The fixed white light on Anhatomirini Islet has been changed to flashing red, visible 10 miles. Rio Grande do Sul approach — Discoloration reported.— The master of the p. 489 British steamer Shimosa reports that a patch of discolored water about i mile long, north and south, and of small irregular width, with small overfalls in the middle, was observed in (approximately) latitude 31° 20' S.. longitude 50° 26' W. 75880—17' *l oi3^I'^9^oB•^r^iiO "djihl .’JOrfiiiH oixeffATr aft oiJSL f»oanflUo nvHJ and notr^H^Jlirf Uo'i no Jil^H 9i(t 5o ofJbifotoniKd'j srfT— .Jas'^asdo .oUrlw ^jrfriatsft o) fm lv)xfl nio’rt (Hiifif'f'l sUfit'd) 'jojfjo !*ffr 0 okfl-!i7 «tl linn tioil'itnv/nn «i oflT . . I>9:atnft(ioflir —aiiaf'iatDsicifO— ^•ro'^—*rod'ijjH oii&anZ ob oiH fiO'i k ixfi tn'Vfl Ivt'^fifui') >.nt\ o^^jsJ l-io’I no OiH liu 'jUnh^rjimuh oxlT -oJidv/ '40id:>j}tt oi .safari Ot to iilUdwlY a «ju{ tikeiil v/^a odT DiJaii9^oj3»BiiO — ^daiJC smO — Tod^AH 0'ii9nBt» ab oiH 9f«ia frroT^^fso' sift no sui'J nixraB, no'-r. lu vijahat-jr/iuih od%’—.bda/xAdo siid’// fifo'i! rni-Hl ?./ul /lorhnll fl 1 lo j . • dm ) 4 nirfHi;ll ot Yd’Jf^tU’toi ati'j /IonIt! odT—.ba^xtado a^coxifl.~«*-iod*iBH otiouaX* 9i> oijl laolno'j ^.1 it'iod aviul 4>fiJ(d?moH no B/ail a9i3ni;if.> ^nlwollol orfT--.o^LSllo^d ni aa’saadO— sbanrO adCI :«f >H «<>f» tioq f'xia ■tiiil «oaaoiit/oAl. io ‘>^av.t)ii‘yT iibisrsil/. /{/niil ;fooJI K)i>'^aodn[it -aooatfj ovarl y.a^ niinalH to yoiid Ir.o/ii? modlnl-li- ofii bur. ,v.onH d-xill .bdi/fiil n^«d4 }^ari rnu;fal xnif'xnn;^ to I*^^v/f^3^o^l fmoonf ^rf-ioon^it you**, /l-jald oiiT p.bfiiv, f) 07 oni boon!f(ivn>e«f» fw«f aad ninoffuj^^ ‘lo fv/i;willnofe ’ijoiixf oiiif?/ bruj :I>Bfd odT .'t^n odi dn {nav/taa?)'oT 7.0ml Im bifd rioiild a bna 07 i{!f looll Sitf/t-x/nn ^7:0x01 orliW/ baa 3 l‘»aM ov/t orlT -laae afvfp.7 (HJl ijfontd n bna fviawJ^o'v 5>lna<^ Old (Hnlgildoiao b^'J n I»n /5 mil >0 .f)ffo fr«ot-}im>e. orf.t b 7 j 37 X n.yai etiuX tmdl lo Lvii;//lao7yil3m>a iioiiKan v.oird Iki'p 'mIT .f)iuv/J>»07/tf3‘ioxi atnay. oTr boyonr to frtavxxliion fmo^mi <[l70«noJ '(joiol oMdu full), doulil ftdT odj 'to f«7B7/’l?'>7/ hb’isri inodij 7oud b/ft to r*‘rfi7irjvfc:j7/iI1'ton alrinv, f>od!!riIdj nooxl find v.oud Im Iina 'Aynhi A .hnnliil tfOtlanoa'C to iatayyjd'ion bnir. 01ft ‘lojiio*! l>ojal»{9't d >.ad ij«nI«T tHfinoio-V) io b7/;v/ilnofx vowel ncJiilv/ fwi/; iloald oilT .rjifsd fm «$ aiwi linnJ>;i odiaol<*0 lo Inuy/iei^iy/ ^oov oflt 'to b’jKV/'t^-ov/djrroa '^ond fi-yr odT .Til^fl f>9 i K 7,o»d li fjl {pi.>ntc(oi aood taxod offtpHl) JO iViav/dlno^ J-jnu^ f’Ot'.f inodw iioxHidaisf:!.jwKtxl and v,oi/d Im A I» »K 7 /.tr r ;9 >'li'JX!V. oT .TW^HIw XftfOlflil'l C tO iflUOf. ft flllY/ dtHj-J /{ JyOiJ ft/IftH jlTftni X>t • Y.OJ/d -JflT lo fo/unr it'XMf and j/voJt abaiiidA to InftV'flxvo.J fmox»fTl v.ivonnoT:-vori.l {»>7 O!!' /l K>n J^riomoH >> friftv/isi>>vxdt'!on al>7jr< iKHt Jt/odf; I;»on'>lklftt«‘^»0'r i IT lain .’if'dnjionl f?9rf.ftniirfK vorifa^tft dalti’iH ■ ‘alt £11 albit-iovo Ifftiaft fitrfx .dthb/f flania to bnn ,dJwoa h«« dlvtin .s^nol ®<)r, ohnJqjifol ,.P. '0^ ®fS o!>oiii/d i ' ni fw/ ioaifo anyr .^ibbbts . V- .7f '02 ' - 2 * ■ - - 7 Rio Grande do Sul—Light and bell buoy missing.—The Fairway light and P. 490 bell buoy has been reported missing. Shoal reported.—^The master of the American steamer Corozal, drawing 20 P. 503 feet, reports that on January 12, 1916, he passed over what appeared to be a shoal, in (approximately) latitude 33° 15' S., longitude 51° 53' W. The area of shallow water appeared to be about 6 miles long east-northeast and west-southwest and 300 yards wide. The water appeared of a whitish color and the sea was choppy on the western side. Plata River—Intermedio Light Vessel replaced by new vessel.—Inter- P. 507 medio Light Vessel has been replaced by a light vessel with two masts, with openwork tower surmounted by a spherical topmast amidships, the hull and the tower painted red and black in horizontal bands and marked “ Intermedio.” The light is occulting white, exhibited 44 feet above the water, visible 12 miles. The fog signal is a siren. Plata River—English Bank light vessel replaced by new vessel.—English Bank light vessel has been replaced by a new light vessel having two masts and an iron hull painted dark red with the inscription “ M. O. P.—R. O. U.— Banco Ingles ” in white letters on both sides. The mainmast carries a ball top mark and a red light is shown from the yardarm. A fixed white light, visible 12 miles, is exhibited from the foremast, 68 feet above the water. A submarine bell sounds 3 strokes every 10 seconds. The vessel carries a radio outfit with call letters C W C and a sending radius of 37 miles. Plata River—Ohio Bank light vessel—Characteristic of fog signal changed.—The characteristic of fog siren on Chico Bank light vessel has been changed. Plata River—Colonia Road—Light buoy established.—-A red light buoy, exhibiting a flashing red light, has been established in Colonia Road, in 2* fathoms, on the bearings: Colonia Light _ 121 ° 50' Hut on San Gabriel Island _ 194° 30' Farallon Light _ 223° 40' The period of the light is not stated. Call letters for radio station: Labos Island, C W B. P.515 Plata River — Maldonado Bay — Gorriti Island—Light established.—A P. 519 flashing green light has been established on a black iron beacon set in a cement base, about 120 yards 183° from the hut on Gorriti Island. The light is visible 3 miles from 357° to 77°. Plata River—Maldonado Bay — Gorriti Island — Fog signal established—■ Color of light structure. — A bell has been established on a pillar southwest- ward of the light on Gorriti Island. Plata River — Archimedes Bank — Light buoy established.—A light buoy painted black and showing a flashing white light, visible 8 ^ miles, has been established, in 5 fathoms of water, on the northern side of Archimedes Bank. Montevideo — Light established. — Information has been received that a p 525 fixed green light, visible 4 miles, has been established on the head of Mole B, Montevideo Harbor. The light is exhibited, 31 feet above the water, from a skeleton iron tower painted gray, on a masonry base. Call letters for radio station: English Bank, C W C. 'T i ; Myil T.cy/'ii’i/i sifT—.siiiaRr/a ^oi/d Kdd hcu. Jd-gid — Iu8 ob sbajisO olS bon'»d 'I nL' yfjf7AH’ii> .UismoO louit'jjd vif.oh^ia^. edi lo i-iJgniu odT—.bsiioqei ii^ofta i« yd ot ixnxifMMii lovo b'^apjiq oiJ ,Or(iI ,i!X v/ifiui/nf, i!o jpdr f:no«io'i .vr 'ST, ®£6 sfMJlisnoI ,,8 'Gt ''88 sbirHtfd (yJoJhfiiizo'tqqrO nl ,fnodK J Mfifilnon-t-t;:*/ toflai 0 i.'jodft yd cyj fky'iiwfqu 'lyfriw 7 /olfnila Yo no'ia yrn* ii:^'nicl // f; 1 m f/rffiyrpin ’fohtw orlT .yhf’.v alyui'C ^^'8 Isi^yf/tiUroa-i^^ r brin .oMa niDlaoy/ ofii ii-*' fxiii •I t ; .r—.fd^i^yv W9a xd b^o^Iq')! faaaeV id^xj oibyrnielxrl -tyyJil cjrd^I .PlhHiU 0 //J dJiv/ f‘>a897 Itlgt! Ji yd botmUisy atid iHtas'f oii oni ».'{! hfis: Ih'd ifiij .'-qUiaiibfin iRfuaqol fnonodqe n vd btilni/onffira i^^rro} ilv.v/xnoqo ■ x'Ui:i?'.fi:ifzT “ i [)(u: ybfiud fR)fif>snoil fii liojild biin fm lO'fJ'ot Si'i ek'i'd.v .lytjiv' • >?; yvodn loot £4 f>9ttdrdX9 ,9}jdv/ al yxlT, .aolifii .imla ft !:iftftif» ijol ydT — .laaa&v ".ve/r xd byoiifqyi fyaayv ^d^ll d/raH! 'cevlH {hja - vaiun ov/:l r' i/tuf kfcp.yv //off fi xd ['jP'y/ o')^A?I —.U X) .>l—.q O M *' iioilqh i'^ni odr ittiv/ hyj ?(*ij3(> ftyantuq Ilfffl uonl ii« •fiytii qoi IfRq f; >9rt‘iF/ iPHUniliiui od'l’ y’.XAa iftod ao *'2£>lJ9l ytiifv/ n? a.i-itr/*! .itrfrtb'iax 9dj tao'il ;!»i j:tVi iV,'( a luia J-u>l 3 ?yi)‘d Hay iHi y dilifo yfftf;*! a ;^yiTtno yrfT .>ariiif 78 lo 'Hivav; 'inlUnni^. a 'ft io yii^x'istontfidO—Iyaadv d/iaa ordO- isv^a i(9sfj hi.d Ise.p.^y oyhlO ao rryiia >{(»i 'to odT—.fcy^naifo * ' .I>9';infid'> .v.oud rdi^iJ fiyu A—.f^yffaUdfliPs xoud aifcofoO levtK Hi Jffif'il fil f)Oifa|Idi3t8o atmf aad Lot ^aiffwaii r :;^aljrdhIzo : s!'4Hi'f.jj9d 9/{7 i«o ,>t!i;l/',I :='.odavI : iioltRte.oibai lol a'l^iial IlaO {/ .badsildfitp.a —biiafal R n{ jy : IVY^wd ntj‘^1 jllfjfd •dtfi-dv ?.i 'idT .btttdal itf'i'foV riii'xoO-'^Xaff obi^rfoJbfisM—^'tavi JI aifelSf n r.o fi9‘ir ildiits'o fi?)f)d a/;d jiififfajitt 1 do \v:{ ydt rno'd “8?f ab'cxx 02f ii/Oi'a .ysr.ad .“77 0 5 "708 8 —baxTfri.Vcfa^aa tGirala siiTtoX)--x&S obp^aobtfi'M. —'idvi^ niHLH -j ao Idi^U 9f{j To b'^aYX vod f 'JdujL A— .bsdf-ildsifaa id'gitX —:^^Iaa aoboitiiiloiA—'levxil i^jalT fH>9d and £?. oidihlr ,.td;glf olirfvx Xiuldafilt a «olwoda bno /hafd boffibig .:.'iir;'i aobeaiM-yyA Jo oldft fnaflJ'ion yrft n:) ,'roi(i7/ to '"arodtftl G iii Jndylldi'la^a ^ jt Tftdt bavia-yyi iif^nd !riul rfoftRoiKrtnl—.badalfdBApa .ooblvaJnoM .H 'to f>f;'»jf offj oo bod>jldn.i>.a aoo:i aitd .aollni P ofdifeiv i/oy'fa .•ro't'ijdH o^fh^/ytrTo?^ fy/. O't jT(,>'i iTol'.>{*jy;>c n ifto*»t o/it ovoda Jool rg .fiojMJrfyo si iffr’l ^nVi' .AKhd -OdOgflid a ffO u-d<5?li(] ,r> V 7 , 5 tnf;f{ dsld^idd ittold&is oibji'i lol: aiat^al I/oO 8 Montevideo — ^Wreck removed — Light buoy discontinued. — The black light P.527 buoy exhibiting a flashing white light, moored 270 yards 340° from the light on the northern end of the west breakwater, to mark the wreck of the Harley, has been discoiitinned, tlie wreck having been removed. Montevideo—Change in buoyage.—A black light and bell buoy exhibiting a flashing white light has been established l.OGO yards 180° from the flashing green light on the west breakwater and about 60 yards northward of its former position on the western side of the dredged channel. A red light buoy, exhibiting a flashing red light has been established, about 1.100 yards 166° fi'om the same ligb.t and about 00 yards northward of the former position, on the eastern side of the dredged channel. Call letters for radio station: Cerrito, C W Q. P.531 Plata River—San Gregorio Bank—Position of light buoy.—The light buoy P.537 mai'king San Gregorio P>ank is moored in (approximate!v) latitude 34° 42' 18" S., longitude 56° .53' 05" W. Plata River — Rio Payon entrance — Position of light buoy, — The light buoy marking the bank southwni’d of the entrance of the Kio Pnyon is moored in 3f fathoms of water, in (approximatelv) latitude .34° 33' 09" S., longitude 57° 03' .50" W. Plata River — Cufre River entrance—Position of light buoy.—The light buoy marking the bank southward of tlie entrance of the Cufre River is moored in 21 fathoms of water, in (approximatelv) latitude 34° 28' 15" S., longitude .57° 10' 43" W. Plata River — Artilleria Point — Wreck removed—Light buoy discon-1** tinned. — 'The green light buoy showing a fixed green light, moored southward of Artilleria Point to mark the wreck of the Phtma, has been discontinued, the wreck having been removed. Plata River — San Boronbon Bay — Wreck—Buoy established. — 'The wreck P. 544 of the tug Elisahcth lies sunk in 6 fathoms of water, in (approximately) latitude 35° 45' S., longitude .56° 59' W. The wreck is marked by a small spar which should not be depended upon. Plata River — Port La Plata—Light buoys established.— Two light buoys P. 551 have been established in the canal at the entrance to Port T..a Plata to mark the axis of the channel. The buoy on the starboard hand in entering shows fixed red and the one on the port hand fixed white. The buoys are about 800 yards north-northeastward of the semaphore. Plata River — Port La Plata — Characteristics of lights changed. — The lights on the end of the entrance piers have been changed to flashing. Plata River — Buenos Aires — Facilities for chronometer comparisons. — .P.556 The signal station at the North Basin will be open daily, except Sundays and holidays, from noon to 1 p. m., and from 9.30 to 10 p. m., to permit navigators to make chronometer comparisons. Plata River — Buenos Aires approach — Wrecks—Light buoys estab¬ lished. — 'The Argentine Government reports the following wrecks in the ap¬ proach to the harboi- of Buenos Aii-es: 'riie wreck of the Gemma, in (approximatelv) latitude 34° 34' .50" S., longi¬ tude .58° 09' 45" W. . ■ The wreck of the Lo.s Anrles, in (approximately) latitude 34° 35' 10" S,, longitude 58° 18' 35" W. The wi-eck of the TeloeUlad. in (approximatelv) latitude 34° 36' 1.0" S., longitude 58° 19' 37" W, • T-<»/I 'A'jiiUt silT—.jbeiffrilaoaaib -b^y^om©”! XoatW —oafcivdinoM no *if{j mont afitBV'OTS! fmlK©'rd tR‘» 7 / ©J] 1 <» f>nM jffjirjioir ‘ufi .b©/nrim n-mf :s(]l7fjf| ©iJj n‘» 1 n (/7 yoirivjtlt m I'jmtoi Rii fjTrrwjfj'fon v.fnhv, irr^vjln f»fji? 1>:©« 'nJt iio nHO'i:^ .f^nirr.rf:* ©ill In ©big ©rli f*o li/ofiH ,iYn1i*UiU}V^t ^.iul f^n i^niiixiilt /s vnltbfifly.o' ,yon«f tifiill Im. A Oiii To fnjiv/ilin.fi kJnt'.f, OU iiunUi l*/in Jifsff ©toii^ •»♦!] luont <*«>t ►.Iniiy t.C J-Oiinnrfr) ho'jlie'if) oiH lo ©M?. ©ill no .nf»jil>«Mi t-nino^ JOG .n ' r ‘ '* ' W O ; aof:^iii3 oibB^ lo'i e*r©it©X XfBO . ’ t TJw’/l yorrff Ifliijl orfT—.'loi/cf 5o xroXiiaoS:-^ XitrS oHo^eiO rma 79Vf5I '2P oinrill/jf (yl ilRfniT-o-fqqB) fil fvt'KKwn Aufxti oho^;*#*}!) lutP, Jtnbl'njin- //A "r/i ’JUT *rir. ©(n»tb4n*>f s ulaif ©liT'—ivowcf rmtxiffj al fK»7B*J obwth 40 of ,.a ”00 fio{:tr3o^-^93JTB7lrr9 oiH—i9ViS b^b£lft/{d ofil sfflX'iufji 7/>n«f “hT fihf/llttd (yf‘>t«fnfr ®7r. I ■ • • lifyfl ©d'r—.youcT 7d:gif lo noiii^q: -dnnfitrirre laviH ©^Tr/O —tsTiar lw7^*o(i{ ffj vi-flU oifj To odt To h’icrffflVuof’. >!(ii;d oiri s;nf7h«oi youif *>{>/<"of ofiiM'tRf (yfglRffrfxoiifqR) hI /r^taV To a.iuodlfiiT fC nl .'H "K^ 'Or-^To 8R-'.*!-/toDaib ^axxd TdaiJ:~~f>9"yoxnaT ioto^ al-reiliTiA -taviH aTafI b'iii'rrtfhtijB f>'>i04>ur JUnH iifmij M/ft r; ^irlv/oda yorid nooiii ‘JiiX—^'.bswnb orfi ,boiffil1no »>.if» no©d wad odt To X-wv/ ©ifi A’lnai inloM Ri^oHltTA To :. Jf^YOirfOT iraoif I'nlvijf! X-mv/ . d*>f)77/odT—.badaHcfaTs©X©9TW--yaa aodaotoK anB t^vrS MiuJhfil (xhinmUoiiiqi^) nf .totav/ To afnodht'l 0 irl Xrii/g aylf lUtoTiirTA ^oi oiU'io ; doldv/ Tnqp, i!hmf> it yd fi^lhnjrt gl ;{j9^rr 'iiH’ .'ft 'flT; ‘'fJT. obntljjaof i noqo f>of)rr©q«>jt ^ )oir ^•^lloJ 2 ^ ^ ^ - • •! ’ ■ ‘ Mo .4 p-yotid idsif o7/7V-.b^ffgilo'Bjf8© ayo:/d Td-^iJ -aiaXSt aJ tio*I—T©vj,a aJal’a ^ /HHiry ol ajfil’f it<.l l704 oT 'ymn'fiiio odt ti: iHiUi© orfj ol hodi nooif otii'I haxO 5*iTi70jfjo ril l'iiHiI ©jfl no yotnl odT .f*Hi/ii:d J mil To Hizft oift «f>-iny: 008 If/oda o'lft 5*yr>r/fj odT bftRrf odl no ono od) fain lyn ^©mdriiinm odJ To biRVfTgr.mflnon-dlioa *i:fTT^.fo9:§ii«i{'j aTd^iX To ioliati^ioii'tniLO &J. T-ioS! aTaia .X-'ifdgRh oj I>€!:pniirt.) nood o-yiuf ?nolq ©oix.(tH dJ*ioVl odl t« uolijjR odT Ji7otfl:ud7an tforyaq ot ,,or .(} OC oiWt.O morT r>nn...qi .cj f ot ft04>n moiT .ayablloif .RfiOBhaqnioo 'lol^fixonoirio eXnni oi -daTa© ayox/d TdsxJi-—xfDBO'rqqa e©*xiA aoxx©«ff - lavlS bJbI^ -qs ©dl ni Rd*,mw ^^niwoMoT'odt aj7o<|©7 iiimnftioyoO ©trljne^^iA odX—.barfail ^ofFJi/n To ‘oxf'iRd ©fit oi d:)jnvj«t -ij^rnd ,.8 'NTT; 'i-ft ®l-r; obtilflul XylotRiiitZo'Hjtffi) ni odi To ;[*)©*iv/ ©liT '' . . ft ” 8 *^ m “85 ©iMii ..H ,''0X V.8 •XJt ofnijljiif {yiyTKfiTlxoiqan) ni .h'»VvrA->Ttv>'UM> 'to Miwr/r‘?;fT .V/ 'SC * 7 C 9 l)U) •hjjo* "TC '()£ ''if; sfwjlitRf i'/f4)iirffl/o*i.iqn) n! .noAMi ^nit >J*v>TrY kIT :rf "CO 'sr '8r. of*irr -i»i/i:vfiof "^r, • jtiiiif ivt'it'vj c iiHiiUfUi/'> k ’/tj ‘ni? 'iii'l* *)irr -.i)9ii«f[dRjg9 axoiiS if .BOiqqf; aaiiA aoisai/R idvrflL HuiiYirM **1 ir>nfnq^}o 'xfl ul ‘ynu\ x'/^otui *01 ,.H "(K) i-i; ‘^finllfaC f ill .y.ojj'I Lt*yn'r\ A ./i>uH r 'r'jfwi.fttfi/i tu‘'>ii i; M'lfjfiT o? ..7/ ''Tt \ T T r ^ - » ■ I T<;; ^ 1)11 }{;iii!<»f ,.>i "TC ’TS ’’f'}* 5 >r»i/tii;:I ) rn .v.oimI A .✓I'xjJl •iI«M!j;rt(ifIn I'lojj ‘*dt iitt •iOn i::unn( "T'J '»L' tf! -ifuiliJul t yifiqqi; > ri /. .Hi.rr zJ h.'i j-ijjni f»i..'// "8r 'cc •’tc 'n. »•; ..a "t,*!: 7.L‘ 'I-f‘ nfu«)ln:l < 7,[n J (;»jtixn-i({i{c. i A ik!'tfiij.J* I il'iitfii <>) .//z' "fCL f)'0f[:ullz!i5 iiA - .yoifd helif-a/InU ajlGsiW—rlDBoiqq« Ainl^ 7'. ihj.ifot "r.j; Vij MhfriintJ ( i iff f)'*fl<^ildj{jr»yi iimyC .\v w.^ jlthviY/ ‘^ih dTjfai o1 ,.7/ "St M lo BoiierisioA'iQifs ui s-^aa/sriO - rfoBOiqq/? S'.iiA aoxi»x/£C- -revi^I (H) 5!7»aaf {•u»; hiioou‘Hf no iia fiiiviyi /ii v<‘»(! '>i(f *>.| ax'fniiioY o'l’jtl'gil ■tihl Y f'.y’iiA -inrhiid Y/fl 'aii lo yr)i[!< ?‘hK{ Yfif ‘Jill JhiH r'tifijil ■yififf'fiu yrotix ''ti**7i47d '»itT .!‘‘>^ nblx Yifi fu* faiu r^fj ii/nni/i oafiif AT I'lfM.f [•'tuod’tiiJ''. kj/r>XY fy^XiJ fi'fjomi Y/oiIx ffncdv/ ,(hY,ofjU- Ti; /I j.-x|'}'*'f5 jfjid 'ifCMl <>!fT- -bo^firtrfo sxaiT—^^-ixA aoa.-'f/ff - 't^v'iK ninl'I YUii f /''.xf A lisYU uiaxd d"loii Yffi ‘b» *^ 1(7 fii''*iT '.i-.’f/olUA f'ti .iyyAi'lhifiJf'* i^tul ,K:iiiuU -h'iIyyI') to Of p.oiW.ittt 'Jn ft linr/Tiiitf-. ..in ,q < 1 x 1 ur>A ifO /ir no }v>j! >Hv^a ‘*in a 7 d:a.(.l to •{‘fn- R iiodf' t no|l'«fiif» afino'v*^ OT; to Jd^rf ft iioift ; fttdtiniif) af»no‘>o-< .ifol7Hfi/f» y!tinn*i>. OT. to !c»xr1 n ifoxlj rnoilntnJ) ’ iinont binlxfisi^i m .q yiKi rnM) dOI YtioB/.o iA .J>‘>d<.iij'-;r07/'i oMit >7ii:jjj olt .Yintl d’»i/^no^'fli tnOT rlkl 07 Y'nrtt odi -(OJli; no Imi-qvu". 'A I'iYz^ sdt t'.witooni od lAnv^i" oiM hljrodJR lfiiii;(>. od.1 hno .noilinof) >4ti/ni!ii ^ 'to ?<':»rio>' i: ::iai A/Oiia ,^U)uiiti ono to .('OHit nf.Yrn jsdofxTo'i> »x'Ht jffO} ifOf in fiuiziii M to odT .i}9gaarfo aUagce ^xaii oibnK -aa-iiA anooirS - leviil no'.'d >i.n < A r .1 -^/foltol llnoz iUtiU'£<^» (fl^jtli ifttoV' odi oio'i’l oibjj’i : av/offot >!K .-rttnj) 'U* ^y-illiqiul o(ifl f nll: liiq‘«-.> 0 tf> >■ r-;ii;no‘» Iftilgia '>iuil OJiT .jftfp-tf* dojinwijij oifl ,‘)infi ncsiir doti .-cOo ooir. dP.J oj y.r*e> njoo ifKC rno-rd .xfmoooa id ,if;y'!o1n{ itfoli-! ;a*>d>:f;(> f —• —--> to vtird-*'"! r to itnitafaiioo -toh (') ..^x* ntOo df.r 7A or .fu7-joi4:i inofiy :vod>id> (-— —) ,-;*«rbidi ( - - -,-*.^1 qgf :a,~o nioi'^i .^.r»fro'K)a .7oL» (-> .>.00 fiiOo ij'Bt JA O! .fi/nornr .inoli>, ja-Mjaith ( — — ^ -) fnOo dCf ot aOf; niOc d8f nnn'^ ■ . ■ ->.7)110 ‘9?* “ -tob (-) ni(K) dM lA .> 7 .i{|»irorf Inijt S'Vjibifiih tqn ty.o v.i;7» x’ioyo ii ivb .aoit}it> 'i';*d7«> Or hria il-. I vl >'io. 7 t 9 f rr«>) noiiitta offovi rtdri’ oonobm^q^o'fioo f)a‘Ki>.ir>. fii// .onhni/. to v/ij>{nil/: ddt to noi 7 jiL»>rtiJt odt i^lnoi h:u*u». 07 {y:>jR‘»n^m 071 ; alo^toY UA /)mh Mxbnuf-. ,.ffi ,q Cl-.O o1 .in ,q 08.0 iifo^t .>fBnuIa BstYdt to oinii odi '^nf-inO 10 Plata River—Pozos de San Juan—Wreck—Lighted buoy established.— P.574 The wreck of the tug Josefina lies sunk in the Pozos de San Juan. A green buoy exhibiting a fixed green light, visible 2 miles, is moored in fathoms, 33 yards 200 ° from the wreck, on the bearings: Ombu tree of San .Jan_ 30° 30' Ombu tree of San Pedro_114° Plata River—Martin Garcia Light—Characteristic changed.—Information has been received that the light on Martin Garcia Island would be changed from fixed to flashing light. Plata River—Martin Garcia Channel—Change in characteristics of lights on buoys.—To conform to the new system, the following changes have been made in the characteristics of the aids of Martin Garcia Channel: All port-hand buoys on entering show fixed white lights and all starboard- hand buoys fixed red lights, except the ones in the following approximate posi¬ tions: Latitude 34° 26' 23" S., longitude 57° 56' 16" W., and latitude 34° 25' 27" S., longitude 57° 57' 15" W. These two exhibit flashing white lights to avoid confusion with the lights in Colonia Harbor. Kfl/I —.btnfeiW«isr9 xot/d bafd^hl -jId9'cW roini «c»9*J8 A iiilvrtjy as^C ishB 9b aoaiog:—i 9 via: [^•Jg A MJluL XlfiS dllr BoS.O^l adJ {(I TlUUH »Al 7i‘>^T/f Uiri' Ec ^r, ut Cr'noofTi hJ ,i!^lUu C ,t«r8lJ h^yxH ; 9dS no ,}l:i(9Tfr ndj tan-i'i ‘ ^«?fr ---udittir f-Ji---- nnH it^ ndntij «oij.;,iriolnt~.b^3«Bd9 3i#?ii5^o6rriji£0^. Id^ij ^hj^O riiJoalff—isvxS nUi^ ; JfOiin.iih 9ff b/wirw bfi«j?l itni«{» no f*rft tnrfJ u 9 8Jil//oUot oilT ;Jun}^y« ficiotxfoo fjT—.arox/d no ^ixfiiXA :{yfimui'> jn'XjiiV aitiaK to sbiH silj to ?»‘>f3Khi9J.>f{fKd-) oxft ni ihp.m xi^od -piBoayai^% ii/i bnij f'lrfsH ejblv/ f>9zfi 77^xlp. aaiMoixxo no avinuf tuituf-yiocj n/^ " ".“S "» »tl .i( ”85 'OS H8 f»f.a}i,t(.J ;xii..ij 03 »tfrf// srifdftXjft 3l(iLrfzt» ov /3 9^xrr .W "5r 'Td ’Tn Obntwiol .,8 "Ti: .nodifiiJ jifffoloO nr &ii{5jr{ od} ffri7/ nol^^utuoo biovi: O h/ '■ . _.-■ 'j. :. =Ti* y ■.'.i.-’-'v: T '%■ ^' ■ * ^4 *’ ?’■ f* >; K ■ i' '•> 'y\*< UNtVERSfTY OF 3 0112124392389 V