0. IWmois. University "LiWy VWnAV»oV of paUic service divisions. Return this book on or before the Latest Date stamped below. University of Illinois Library 9 SEP 1 S IB ' AUG 2 |981 JUN 2 9 HANDBOOK OP PUBLIC SERVICE DIVISIONS IN THE UNIVERSITY OP ILLINOIS LIBRARY CONTENTS: Agriculture Architecture Astronomy, see Observatory Browsing Room Ceramics Chemistry Classics Commerce Economics, see Commerce Education Engineering English Floriculture Geological Survey History Illini Union Browsing Room, see Union Browsing Room Illinois Historical Survey Information Desk Journalism Landscape Architecture Law Library School Loan Desk Map Room Mathematics Modern Languages Music Natural History Natural History Survey Newspaper Room North Reserve Observatory Philosophy, see Education Physics Political Science, see History Psychology, see Education Rare Book Room Reference Ricker Library, see Architecture S Collection (School Collection) Seven-Day Book Room Seventeenth Century Collection, see Rare Book Room Sociology, see Commerce South Reserve Union Browsing Room University High School Urbana, Illinois January 1944 tt- This handbook is a revised edition of College and Departmental Libraries and Reading Booms in the University of Illinois Library , published in February, 1942. The data included has "been supplied "by each departmental librarian and edited by Miss Ruth Erlandson, Reference Assistant in charge of the Information Desk. Any changes in the information given here, especially variations in hours, should be reported promptly to the Information Desk* H. G. Bousfield Associate University Librarian FOR USE BY THE LIBRARY STAFF January, 1944 ■ AGRI CULTURE AGRICULTURAL LIBRARY 226 Hew Agriculture U6132 No Bell phone 1. LIBRARIAN: Miss Mary G. Burwash. (Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8-4; Sat, 8-12) 2. PROFESS I ONAL ASSISTANT: Miss Lucile M. Neu. 3. LIBRARY HOURS: School year: Mon.-Thurs. 7:50-12, 1-5:30, 7-10; Fri.-Sat. 7:50-12, 1-5: 30 e Closed Sunday, Summer semester: Same as above. Usual vacation hours: Men. -Sat, 8-12, 1-5, 4. BOOK COLLECTION: 29,000 volumes. 5. SUBJECTS: Agriculture, Bacteriology, "botany, chemistry, economics, medicine, sociology— all as related to agriculture, 6. SPECL'iL MATERIALS: 1. Vertical file of uncataloged material. 2. Pamphlet "box file of 38,000 duplicate uncataloged "bulletins from USDA and state agricultural experiment stations. 3. Browsing collection, 280 volumes, 4. Herd "books of pure bred dairy cattle, 650 volumes, 7. CIASS RESERVES: All courses in the College of Agriculture except most of those in Home economic So 8. PERSONS ENTITLED TO USE LIBRARY: All connected with the University* Others with special permission, 9. CIRCULATION OF BOOKS: I. PERIODS OF CIRCULATION: (1) Non-circulating: Reference books; bound sets of USDA and state agricultural experiment station bulletins and reports; herd books, (2) Overnight (Mon.-Thurs. 9 p.m. -9 a.m.; Fri . 4 p.m. -Sat, 9 a.m.; Sat, 4 p.m.-Mon, 9 a.m.): Class reserves. (3) One week: None, (4) Two weeks: All except as noted above, (5) Other periods: Official publications to faculty on campus by special permission, II t NUMBER OF BOOKS TO A PERSON: Restricted only when demand requires, III, RENEWALS. Two-week books renewed if not in demand. No telephone renewals. May renew without bringing book, IV, RESERVATIONS: Only in exceptional cases. No reserve books held for individuals. Faculty members have first privilege of taking books recommended by them, 10. CIRCULATION OF MAGAZINES: Faculty use on campus for a limited period, usually 2-3 daysc Graduate students may take to seminar classes by permissiono 11. CIRCULATION OF PAMPHLETS: (See no. 6) Vertical file material does not circulate. Bulletins circulate for two weeks. 12. RECORDS: (1) Public card catalog (author, subject, title) Kept up-to- date by cards from Catalog Department* (2) Public shelf list, kept in librarian's office but available at all times, (3) Special card catalog (author, subject, title) of publica- tions of the U.St Department of agriculture. (4) Reserve lists, by courses, (5) Alphabetical author file of all books on class reserve, 13. PERIODICAL INDEXES: Agricultural index; also several abstracting journals on scientific literature. 14. EXAMINATION QUESTIONS: Only as placed on temporary reserve by instruc- tors. 15. SPECIAL EQUIPMENT: None. ARCHITECTURE BICKER LIBRARY OF ARCHITECTURE 208 Architecture U5224 No Bell phone 1. LIBRARIAN? Miss Cerilla E. Saylor. (Hours: Irregular) 2. PROFESSIONAL ASSISTANTS Miss Helen M. Reynolds. 3. LIBRARY HOURS: School years Mon.-Sat. 7:50-5, 7-10. Closed Sunday. Summer semester: Mon.-Fri. 8-5; Sat. 8-12. Usual vacation hours i Mon<>-Fri. 8-5; Sat. 8-12. 4. BOOK COLLECTIONS 16,700 volumes. 5. SUBJECTS? All phases of art, except music. 6. SPECIAL MATERIALS; 1^ Clipping file, mounted illustrative material. 9,200 items. 2. Phonograph collection, architecture and art. 12,100 items. 3. Lantern slide collection, architecture and art. 17,500 items. 4. American Institute of Architects pamphlet file. 980 items. Unca'ralogedc 7. CLASS BESESVESj History of Architecture; History of Art; Architectural Design o (Short time reserves) 8. PERSONS ENTITLED TO USS LIBRARY* All connected with the University* Oth err with special permission from the Library Office. 9. CIRCULATION OF BOOKS t I. PETcIO'US OF CIRCULATION: (i) Non-circu'.ating: Current and "bound periodicals, folios and rare "books may be used only in the "building. (2) Oversight (Mon.-Fri. 4 p,.m.-9 a^m.; Sat. 12 noon-Mon. 9 a.m.); General rule for all books, clippings, etc. loaned from Ricker Library, except for faculty use. (3) One week: None. (4) Two weekss Noneo (5) Other periods: None« II. NUMBER OF BOOKS TO A PERSON: Not limited. III. RENEWALS: None. IV. RESERVATIONS: Only for books that are on reserve for special courseso 10 v CIRCULATION OF MAGAZINES: Can be used in the architecture Building— in drafting rooms or studios. 11. CIRCULATION OF PAMPHLETS: Overnight circulation permitted. 12. RECORDS: (1) Public card catalog (author, subject, title) Kept up-to- date by cards from Catalog Department. (2) Public shelf list. (3} Reseive lists, "by courses. (4) Special card indexes: slide and photograph catalogs. 13. PERIODICAL INDEXESs Art index; Industrial arts index; Annual magazine subject index 1927-1934; Readers* guide (numbers retired by Refer- ence Room) 14. EXAMINATION QUESTIONS: None. 16. SPECIAL EQUIPMENT: None. BROWSING ROOM BROWSING ROOM 203 Library U4111 Bell: 7-4200 1. LIBRARIAN: Miss Sylvia Gilroore. (Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8-12, 1:15-4:15; sometimes Mon. 7-10 p.m.; Sat. 8-12) 2. PROFESSIONAL ASSISTANT: None. 3. LIBRARY HOURS: School year: Mon. -Sat. 7:50 a.m. -10 p.m. Sunday 2; 30-5: 30 p.m. Summer semester: Mon. -Sat. 7:50 a.m. -10 p.m. Closed Sunday. Usual vacation hours: Same as main circulation desk. NOTE: During hours when Browsing Room librarian is not on duty, the Main Loan Desk charges and discharges Browsing Room books. 4. BOOK COLLECTION: 2200 volumes. 5. SUBJECTS: General. 6. SPECIAL MATERIALS: World affairs; Poetry; Modern drama; Pamphlets on post-war planning; Current newspapers ( Daily Illini ; Chicago Daily News ; Chicago Sun ; Chicago Tribune ; St . Louis Post Dispatch ) . 7. CLASS RESERVES: None. 8. PERSONS ENTITLED TO USE LIBRARY: All connected with the University. However, "I suggest to graduates and faculty that undergraduates have prior rights; particularly that new books should be for under- graduate use only. tt 9. CIRCULATION OF BOOKS: I. PERIODS OF CIRCULATION: (1) Non-circulating: A few reference books. These contain slip "For reading room use only." (2) Overnight: None. (3) One week: None. (4) Two weeks: All except the few reference books. (5) Other periods: None. II. NUMBER OF BOOKS TO A PERSON: Usually two. Only one new book; only one of those in demand for class reports. III. RENEWALS: Usually none. "Renewals at discretion of librarian according to public demand. n IV. RESERVATIONS: None. 10. CIRCULATION OF MAGAZINES: The room has 3 book review magazines, gift copies, which are circulated at the discretion of the li- brarian. 11. CIRCULATION OF PAMPHLETS: Patrons requested to return pamphlets within three days. 12. RECCRDS: (1) Public card catalogs (author, subject, title) Kept up- to-date with typed cards filed soon after books are received. (2) Public shelf lists — one arranged by author or biographee, as are books in the room; another arranged by class numbers. (3) No reserve lists. Rhetoric manual on file. (4) No special card indexes. 13. PERIODICAL INDEXES: None. 14. EXAMINATION QUESTIONS: None. 15. SPECIAL EQUIPMENT: None. CERAMICS CERAMICS LIBRARY 205 Ceramics (entrance through Room 204) U2252 Bell: 7-3556 1. LIBRARIAN: c In charge of Miss Vannie L. Sheiry, department stenogra- pher;) (Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8:30-12, 1-5; Sat. 8:30-12) 2. PROFESSIONAL ASSISTANT: None. 3. LIBRARY HOURS: School year: Mon.-Fri. 8:30-12, 1-5; Sat. 8:30-12. Closed Sunday. Summer semester: Same* Usual vacation hours: Same. Closed ca.Aug. 15-Sept. 15. 4. BOOK COLLECTION: 2500 volumes. 5. SUBJECTS: Ceramics*) 6. SPECIAL MATERIALS: Vertical file of uncataloged material. 7. CLASS RESERVES: Ceramic Engineering. 8. PERSONS ENTITLED TO USE LIBRARY: All undergraduates, graduates, and staff. 9. CIRCULATION OF BOOKS: I. PERIODS OF CIRCULATION: (1) Non-circulating: All unbound or hound copies of all journals or periodicals; reference hooks; all theses. (2) Overnight (Mon.-Fri. 4 p.m. -9 a.m.; Sat. 11 a.m.-Mon. 9 ajn.): All ceramics hooks used for class. (3) Other periods: "We allow the hooks which are not in constant demand to "be taken out for a period of time— 1 or 2 weeks as the need may he; however, our policy is to keep the hooks in the Library during the day so all may have access to them when needed." II. NUMBER OF BOOKS TO A PERSON: No limit. III. RENEWALS: "We do not hold rigidly to dates hut explain to the students our system and we have had very good cooperation from them. They realize that if all get their hooks in, they too will not he inconvenienced." IV. RESERVATIONS: Permitted. 10. CIRCULATION OF MAGAZINES: Maga2dnes do not circulate. 11. CIRCULATION OF PAMPHLETS: (See no. 6) Permitted. 12. RECORDS: (1) Public card catalog (author, title) Kept up-to-date. (2) n No shelf list;, (3) cNo reserve lists by courses;, (4) c No special card indexes;, 13. PERIODICAL INDEXES: Ceramic only. 14. EXAMINATION QUESTIONS; None. 15. SPECIAL EQUIPMENT: None. CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY LIBRARY 257 Noyes Laboratory U2226 No Bell phone 1. LIBRARIAN: Mrs. Jean Malloy Welton. (Hours: Irregular) 2. PROFESSIONAL ASSISTANT; None. 3. LIBRARY HOURS: School year: Mon.-Sat. 7:50-6, 7-10. Closed Sunday. Summer semester: Same. Usual vacation hours: Mon.-Fri. 8:30-12, 1-5; Sat. 8:30-12, 4. BOOK COLLECTION: 17,000 volumes. 5. SUBJECTS: Chemistry and chemical engineering. Some hooks and periodicals in physics, psysiology, medicine, pharmacy, metallurgy. 6. SPECIAL MATERIALS: Palmer collection of 500 volumes from personal library of Professor Palmer* 7. CLASS RESERVES: No class reserves except for Chem. 95a. Other hooks placed on reserve because of frequent use. 8. PERSONS ENTITLED TO USE LIBRARY: All connected with the University. Others (l) with permit -from Director of the Library, or (2) if introduced by a faculty member* 9. CIRCULATION OF BOOKS: I. PERIODS OF CIRCULATION: (1) Non-circulating: Reference books, including abstract journals. On very rare occasions these are permitted to circulate. Palmer collection. (2) Overnight (Mon.-Fri. 9 p.m. -9 a.m.j Sat. 5 p.m.-Mon. 9 a»m.); Reserve books and a few periodical sets (periodicals to graduate students only) . (3) One week: Current and bound periodicals, to graduate and faculty. (4) Two weeks: All except those listed above. (5) Other periods: None, "except that we do not send over- due notices for two-week books to graduate students until the end of the semester unless there are requests for the books." II. NUMBER OF BOOKS TO A PERSON: Not limited'. III. RENEWALS: For 1- and 2-week books, if there have been no other requests for them. Prefer that book be brought in when re- newed. Telephone renewals permitted. IV. RESERVATIONS: Reserve 2-week books, holding them 3 days. Seldom notify anyone but a faculty member that a book is in. 10. CIRCULATION OF MAGAZINES: Current issues and bound volumes circulate to graduate students for one week. Undergraduates must have Chem- istry Librarian's permission to take magazines. 11. CIRCULATION OF PAMPHLETS: No pamphlets in collection. 12. RECORDS: (1) Public card catalogs (author, subject, title) Kept up-to- date with temporary slips and cards from Catalog Department. (2) Shelf list, kept behind desk. (3) No lists of reserves by courses; reserve books are so indicated in circulation file. (4) No special indexes. 13. PERIODICAL INDEXES: Industrial arts index, 1928-date. Complete sets of: Chemical abstracts; British chemical abstracts; Chemisches zentralblatt; SocieW chimique de France, Bulletin; documentation; Pharmaceutical abstracts; Physiological abstracts; Nutrition abstracts. 14. EXAMINATION QUESTIONS: None. 15. SPECIAL EQUIPMENT: None. CLASSICS CLASSICS READING ROOM 112 Library (entrance through 114) U5149 No Bell phone 1. LIBRARIAN: Miss Edith C. Jones* (Hours: No definite schedule in Classics. May "be reached in Catalog Dept. Mon.-Fri. 8-12, 1-4; Sat. 8-12) 2. PROFESSIONAL ASSISTANT: None. (3 student assistants) 3. LIBRARY HOURS: Attendant at desk Mon.-Fri. 3-5, 7-10 p.m. Room may he entered through 114 rest of day. Certain members of the Library staff and the faculty, and graduate students in Classics, have keys to Room 114, which is unlocked when one of those people is present. Key is available at Loan Desk if needed. 4. BOOK COLLECTION: About 30,000 volumes* 5. SUBJECTS: All subjects pertaining to classical literature, history and culture are well represented; e.g. patristics, mythology, archae- ology, ancient history, modern Greek, Greek philosophy, numismatics, and of course editions, translations and criticisms of Greek and Latin authors and of mediaeval and Byzantine authors. 6. SPECIAL MATERIALS; None in Classics library. Pamphlet collection on classical subjects (mostly "programs", dissertations, etc. of the 19th century) kept on fifth floor of stacks. An author list of these is kept (in drawers following card catalog) in Classics. They are not listed in any way in the main catalog. 7. CLASS RESERVES: For all graduate courses in Classics, and for some undergraduate courses (Latin la, 13, 20). Large reserves, such as English 54 (Comparative Literature) are kept in regular reserve rooms. 8. PERSONS ENTITLED TO USE LIBRARY: Anyone who wishes to consult or read a book or periodical in Classics is very welcome. Anyone entitled to withdraw a book from the main Loan Desk may take book from Classics. If help is needed during the hours the desk is unattended, phone Miss Jones in Catalog Dept. 9. CIRCULATION OF BOOKS: I. PERIODS OF CIRCULATION: (1) Non-circulating: Current and bound periodicals; reference books; Mss. and photostats of Mss.; very rare or early books. (2) Overnight (Mon.-Fri. 9 p.m.-9 a.m.; Sat. 11 a.m.-Mon. 9 a.n.): Reserved books. (3) One week: None* (4) Two weeks: Books not in (l) or (2). (5) Other periods: Graduate students and faculty permitted to keep books for indefinite periods, until called in. II. NUMBER OF BOOKS TO A PERSON: No definite limit. III. RENEWALS 1 Permitted. IV. RESERVATIONS: Permitted. 10. CIRCULATION OF MAGAZINES: Only to members of the faculty. 11. CIRCULATION OF PAMPHLETS: Uncataloged pamphlets do not circulate; after they are cataloged they are under the same rules as other books f 12. RECORDS: (1) Card catalog complete for books acquired before 1929; after that date author or main entry cards only have been added. The main catalog must be consulted for subject, translator, editor, title cards and for analytics. (2) Public shelf list. Kept up-to-date by cards from Catalog Dept. Contains notations from inventories. (3) Books on reserve. Charges in charging tray. CLASSICS 2 (4) Special author index of uncataloged Classios pamphlets* (See No. 6) 13. PEBIQDICAL INDEXES; None. (The "BursianU jahresberichte" and the "L'Anne'e philologique"— now "behind on account of the war — are "bibliographies which list "books and reviews). 14. EXAMINATION QUESTIONS: None. 15. SPECIAL EQUIPMENT: None. • COMMERCE COLLEGE OF COMMERCE DEPT. OP SOCIOLOGY READING ROOM U4156 No Bell phone 1. LIBRARIAN: Miss Hazel Yearsley Shaw. (Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8-12, 1-4; Sat. 8-12) 2. PROFESSIONAL ASSISTANT: None. 3. LIBRARY HOURS: School year: Mon.-Fri. 7:50-12, 1-5, 7-10; Sat. 7:50-12, 1-5. Closed Sunday. Summer semester: Same as above. Usual vacation hours: Mon.-Sat. 10-12 a.m. Closed after summer semester. (Key at Loan Desk) 4. BOOK COLLECTION: 7,293 volumes. 5. SUBJECTS: Accountancy, business law, "business organization and operation, economics (including public utilities and transportation), sociology* 6. SPECIAL MATERLALS: None. 7. CLASS RESERVES: For courses in the above subjects which require out- side reading by sophomores, juniors, seniors and graduate students. (Econ. 22 in North Reserve) 8. PERSONS ENTITLED TO USE LIBRARY: All connected with the University. "This is supposed to be a study room for upperclassmen, therefore we try to discourage its use by freshmen. n "Key at loan desk in vacation periods when shorter hours are scheduled. All books here are reserve books ." 9. CIRCULATION OF BOOKS: I. PERIODS OF CIRCULATION: (1) Non-circulating: Books printed before 1880; government publications; magazines and newspapers; permanent reserves (reference books); privately owned copies. (2) Overnight (Mon.-Fri. 9 p.m. -9 a.m.; Sat. 4 p.m.-Mon. 9 am,): All except those listed above* (3) One week? None* (4) Two weeks: None* (5) Other periods: "Occasionally for a few days by written permit issued by professor in charge of course*" II. NUMBER OF BOOKS TO A PERSON: Limited only enough to insure fair distribution among the various borrowers* III. RENEWALS: None. IV. RESERVATIONS: Absolutely none. 10. CIRCULATION OF MAGAZINES: "Very seldom. Occasionally an unbound number is issued to a professor for a few days for use in his office." Only 3 latest issues of each magazine are kept, with a few exceptions. 11. CIRCULATION OF PAMPHLETS: No pamphlets in collection. 12. RECORDS: (1) Author file at desk, for use of librarians* Up-to-date. (2) Shelf list ("Charging file"), for use of librarians. (3) Reserve li6ts, by courses. (4) Newspaper and magazine list. (5) Permanent reserve lis to (6) Course file (alphabetically by courses) on librarian's desk. 13. PERIODICAL INDEXES: P.A.I.S. Bulletin; Readers' guide* 14: EXAMINATION QUESTIONS: Econ. 19, 20, 70, 122 (hour exams and finals). 15. SPECIAL EQUIPMENT: None. . ■, EDUCATION EDUCATION, PHILOSOPHY, AND PSYCHOLOGY READING ROOM 123 Library U4155 No Bell phone It LIBRARIAN: Dr. Gwladys Spencer* (Hours: Irregular) 2. PROFESSIONAL ASSISTANTS: Mrs. Evalyn Reich Nelson, full-time; Miss lone Chapman, half-time* 3. LIBRARY HOURS: School year: Mon»-Sat. 7:50-12, 1-6, 7-10. Closed Sunday. Summer semester: Mon.-Sat. 7:50 a.m. - 10 p.m. Usual vacation hours: Mon.-Sat. 9-12, 2-4. 4. 300K COLLECTION: 10,000 volumes. 5. SUBJECTS: As indicated. 6. SPECIAL MATERIALS: Tests; Courses of study; Loyola digests; State educational directories; State school laws (latest only) 7. CLASS RESERVES: Education (all courses except Educ. 6); Philosophy; Psychology (except Psych, l); General Division 6 (Fine arts); General Division 7 (Philosophy and psychology) 8. PERSONS ENTITLED TO USE LIBRARY: Upperclassmen and graduate students in Education and Psychology. All students in Philosophy. Others assisted individually. 9. CIRCULATION OF BOOKS: I. PERIODS OF CIRCULATION: (1) Non-circulating; Periodicals, tests, courses of study, yearbooks, and other special reference materials do not circulate to students. (2) Overnight (Mon.-Fri. 9 p.m.-9 a.m.; Sat., duplicates 5 p.m.-Mon. 9 a.m., single copies 8 p.m.-Mon. 9 a.m.): Class reserves. (3) One week: All unreserved hooks. (4) Two weeks: None. (5) Other periods: None. II. NUMBER OF BOOES TO A PERSON: Usually not more than two of the 1-week hooks at a time. III. RENEWALS: 1-week hooks are renewable. Faculty may renew by phone. IV. RESERVATIONS: Not customary. 10. CIRCULATION OF MAGAZINES: Circulate in special cases only, with per- mission of the librarianc 11. CIRCULATION OF PAMPHLETS: Follows general rules for books. 12. RECORDS: (1) Public author catalog (with a few subjects and titles) (2) Supplementary card catalog of books from the old Lincoln Hall collection, largely kept now in general stacks. (3) Shelf list. (4) Lists of reserve books 9 by courses (kept at desk) (5) Finding list (alphabetical by author) of reserve books. (6) Special indexes and bibliographies: Subject index to tests and courses of study; Loyola digests; Bibliography on Latin-American education. 13. PERIODICAL INDEXES: Education index; Readers 1 guide; International index; Occupational index; Psychological abstracts; Philosophic abstracts. 14. EXAMINATION QUESTIONS: Some old Psych. 1 questions, before May 1937. 15. SPECIAL EQUIPMENT; (1) 1943 wall map of Illinois.. (2) EllL.otical-projection world map, 1942 (wall). (3) Terrestrial globe. ENGINEERING ENGINEERING LIBRARY 119 Engineering Hall U6134 No Bell phone 1. LIBRARIAN: Miss Hilda J. Alseth. (Hours: Daytime; occasionally even- ings) 2. PROFESSIONAL ASSISTANT! Mr. E. B. Caldwell. 3. LIBRARY HOURS* School year! Mon.-Sat. 7:50 a.m. -10 p.m. Closed Sunday. Summer semester! Mon.-Sat. 7:50 a.m. -10 p.m. Usual vacation hours: Vary according to need. Often 8-12, 1-6. 4. BOOK COLLECTION: 47,000 volumes. 5. SUBJECTS: Engineering and related subjects. 6. SPECIAL MATERIALS: 1. Lantern slides. 2. Manufacturers' catalogs, including "Catalogue studies". 7. CLASS RESERVES! For graduate and undergraduate courses in Engineering. Some Freshman Hygiene reserves. Reserves for elementary Physics courseso Reserves for some of the special courses now being given. 8. PERSONS ENTITLED TO USE LIBRARY: University faculty, students, and researoh workers, including research staffs of state surveys* Others who have permits from the Director's office. Men in the armed forces according to regular University practice. 9. CIRCULATION OF BOOKS! I. PERIODS OF CIRCULATION! (1) Non-circulating! Reference hooks; publications of engineering societies; handhooks; magazines. (Staff members are occasionally permitted to take society publications or magazines for a limited time) (2) Overnight (Mon.-Fri. 9 p.m. -9 a.m.; Sat. 8 p.m.-Mon. 9 a.m.): Reserve hooks. (3) One week: None. (4) Two weeks: Books not in ahove classifications. (5) Other periods! None* II. NUMBER OF BOOES TO A PERSON! Not limited. III. RENEWALS: Two-week "books may he renewed once. IV. RESERVATIONS: When requested, we notify faculty memhers of new hooks and hold the hooks for them. 10. CIRCULATION OF MAGAZINES: "Only occasionally, to faculty or to research workers, hy special permission and for a limited time, usually 2 or 3 days. Once in a while a hound magazine is taken for a week. Research professors are permitted to keep magazines in foreign languages for a longer time." 11. CIRCULATION OF PAMPHLETS! Only Bibliographies in the file. They do not circulate. 12. RECORDS! (1) Public card catalog (author, subject, title) Kept up-to- date with cards from Catalog Department. (2) Public shelf list. (3) Reserve lists, by courses. (4) Special card indexes! lantern slides; manufacturers' catalogs; college and university catalogs* 13. PERIODICAL INDEXES! Engineering index; Industrial arts index; Indexes to special publications. 14. EXAMINATION QUESTIONS: None. 15. SPECIAL EQUIPMENT: "The College of Engineering owns microfilm machines. These are not kept in the Library." ENGLISH GRADUATE BEADING ROOM IN ENGLISH 321 Library U4256 No Bell phone 1. LIBRARIAN: Miss Eva Faye Benton* (Hours: Mon*-Fri* 8-12, 1-4; Sat* 8-12) 2. PROFESSIONAL ASSISTANT: None. 3. LIBRARY HOURS: School year: Mon.-Fri* 7:50 a.ra.-9 p.m.; Sat. 7:50 a.m. -6 p.m. Closed Sunday* Sumner semester: Same* Usual vacation hours: Mon.-Sat* 9-12* 4. BOOK COLLECTION: 6200 volumes. 5* SUBJECTS: English literature (emphasis on material used by graduate students); very little American or contemporary literature* 6* SPECIAL MATERLiLS: None. 7. CLASS RESERVES: English 17, 27, 62, 63, 65; all English graduate courses; General Division 6 (English, Speech)* 8* PERSONS ENTITLED TO USE LIBRARY: All connected with University. Used mainly "by graduates and faculty "because of nature of material in collection* 9. CIRCULATION OP BOOBS: I* PERIODS OP CIRCULATIONS (1) Non-circulating: Bound periodicals; certain Society publications; fine, expensive, or old volumes* (2) Overnight (Mon*-Fri« 8 p.m*-9 a*m*; Sat* 5 p.m.-Mon. 9 a.m,)s Class reserves. (3) One week: Some* (4) Two weeks: Some* (5) Other periods: Some for 2 or 3 days* II. NUMBER OP BOOKS TO A PERSON: Limited only when demand requires. Ill* RENEWALS: Permitted* No telephone renewals* IV* RESERVATIONS: None for individuals* 10. CIRCULATION OF MAGAZINES: Very rare. 11. CIRCULATION OF PAMPHLETS: No pamphlets. 12„ BECORDS: (1) Public card catalog (author, title, subject) Kept up-to- date only on author cards* Also represents books no longer in Seminar* (2) Public shelf list. (3) Lists of books on reserve, by courses* (4) Author file of books on reserve* (5) List (with location and call number) of magazines most commonly referred to in bibliographies on English and American literature* 13. PERIODICAL INDEXES: Modern humanities research association's Bibliography » 14* EXAMINATION QUESTIONS: None. 15. SPECIAL EQUIPMENT: None. FLORICULTURE FLORICULTURE LIBRARY 202 Floriculture Greenhouse U4139 Bell: 7-3160 1. LIBRARIAN: c*n charge of Mrs. Dorothy Dillman Koch, stenographer^ (Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8-12, 1-5; Sat. 8-12) 2. PROFESSIONAL ASSISTANT: None. 3. LIBRARY HOURS: School year: Mon.-Fri. 8-12, 1-5; Sat. 8-12. Closed Sunday. Summer semester: Same. Usual vacation hours: Same. 4. BOCK COLLECTION: 5. SUBJECTS: Floriculture hooks, trade and garden journals, horticul- tural reference books, chemical and botanical books dealing with floricultural subjects. 6. SPECIAL MATERIALS: None. 7. CLASS RESERVES: None. 8. PERSONS ENTITLED TO USE LIBRARY: All connected with the University, 9. CIRCULATION OF BOOKS: I. PERIODS OF CIRCULATION: (1) Non-circulating: Bound volumes of periodicals. (2) Overnight (Mon.-Fri. 4:30 p.m. -9 a.m.; Sat. 11:30 a.m.- Mon. 9 a.m.): All books in the library. One week: None. Two weeks : None , (5) Other periods: None. II. NUMBER OF BOOKS TO A PERSON: Not limited. III. BBWALS! None. IV. HESITATIONS: None. 10. CIRCULATION OF MAGAZINES: Not permitted. 11. CIRCULATION OF PAMPHLETS: No pamphlet collection. 12. RECORDS: (1) Card catalog (author, subject). Kept up-to-date. Not available to students. (2) No shelf list. (3) No reserve lists. (4) No special card indexes. 13. PERIODICAL INDEXES: None. 14. EXAMINATION QUESTIONS: None. 15. SPECIAL EQUIPMENT: None. ill GEOLOGICAL SURVEY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY LIBRARY 419 Natural Resources U4293 Bell J 6-1838 (Survey office) NOTE: This library belongs to the Geological Survey and is not a part of the University of Illinois Library. Its holdings are not listed in the public card catalog at the Main Library. Information about the Survey library is included here because its resources are available on the campus. I. LIBRARIAN: tin charge of Mrs. Portia Allyn Smith, Assistant technical editor. D (Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8:30-12, 1-5; Sat. 8:30-12) 2. • PROFESSIONAL ASSISTANT : None. 3. LIBRARY HOURS: School year: Mon.-Fri. 8:30-12, 1-5; Sat. -8:30-12. Closed Sunday, Summer semester: Same. Usual vacation hours: Same. 4. BOOK COLLECTION: 5. SUBJECTS: Geology and its branches. 6. SPECIAL MATERIALS: Publications of U.S. Geological Survey and of geological surveys for states bordering Illinois; publications of the U.S. Bureau of Mines; A..I.M.E. pamphlets and transactions, 7. CLASS RESERVES: None. 8. PERSONS ENTITLED TO USE LIBRARY: All connected with the University; visitors. Members of the Geological Survey staff have priority in the use of all material, but there are no other restrictions. 9. CIRCULATION OP BOOKS: I, PERIODS OP CIRCULATION: (1) Non-circulating: General reference books. (2) Other periods: At the discretion of the librarian in charge. No special time period. II. NUMBER OF BOOKS TO A PERSON: Not limited. III. RENEWALS: No policy. IV. RESERVATIONS: No policy. 10. CIRCULATION OF MAGAZINES: Permitted to members of Survey staff. Others must have special permission from librarian in charge. II. CIRCULATION OF PAMPHLETS: Under same rules as books. 12. RECORDS: (1) Card catalog (author, subject, title). Incomplete, (2) Shelf list. (Books are arranged by state; most of them not 13. PERIODICAL INDEXES: None. classified.) 14. EXAMINATION QUESTIONS: None. 15. SPECIAL EQUIPMENT: None. HISTOEY HISTORY AND POLITICAL SCIENCE GRADUATE READING ROOM 424 Library (also 424 A, B, 0; 422, 412) U6248 No Bell phone. 1. LIBRARIAN: Miss Nelle Sz.gnor (Hours: Mon.-Pri. 8:30-12, 1-4:30; Sat. 8:30-12) 2. PROFESSIONAL ASSISTANT; None. (2 student assistants.) 3. LIBEAEY HOUES: School year: Mon.-Sat. 8 a.m. - 10 p.m. Closed Sunday. Summer semester: Same. Usual vacation hours: Same hours as the General Library. 4. BOOK COLLECTION: Eoom 424 and 424B: 16,000 volumes. Eoom 422 (League of Nations): 700 volumes. Eoom 412: 3500-4000 pamphlets, 250 books. 5. SUBJECTS: As indicated. 6. SPECIAL MATERIALS: (1) Eoom 412. Pamphlets on city governments, cataloged second class according to a special classification. (2) Eoom 422. League of Nations publications. (3) Eoom 424C. Microfilms. 7. CLASS RESERVES: Por History and Political Science graduate courses; Social Science 1; 9-L courses, 8. PERSONS ENTITLED TO USE LIBRARY: Graduate students and faculty mem- bers. Undergraduates majoring in History and Political Science. "Undergraduate students may use books in the History and Political Science Library when needed. If book is to be used for an extended time in case of term papers, senior theses, etc., written permit from the instructor is required." 9. CIRCULATION OP BOOKS: - I. PERIODS OP CIRCULATION: (1) Non-circulating: British documents; League of Nations documents; Encyclopedias; U.S. Statutes at Large; Jour- nals of Continental Congress, etc. (2) Overnight (Mon.-Pri . 9 p.m. -9 a.m.; Sat, 8 p.m.-Mon. 9 a.m.); University studies; reserve books; volumes from important collections (e.g. Mass. HistSoc, Coll, ) ; bound periodicals. (3) One week: Only with a special permit. (4) Two weeks: Books not in (l) or (2). (5) Other periods: Por theses and seminar reports time is extended. II. NUMBER OP BOOKS TO A PERSON; No limit. Ill, RENEWALS: Students must bring in the book to renew it. IV. RESERVATIONS: None. 10. CIRCULATION OP MAGAZINES: "Both current issues and bound volumes if request is important enough to warrant t " 11. CIRCULATION OP PAMPHLETS: Pamphlets in Room 412 circulate. 12. RECORDS: (1) Public author catalog. Kept up-to-date by main entry cards from the Catalog Department for all books pur- chased on History and Political Science funds. Two separate files (l) Permanent collection, (2) Books sent to stacks, (2) Shelf list, made by the librarians on receipt of book which is to be kept permanently. (3) Lists of books on reserve. HISTORY 2 (4) Temporary card index for League of Nations Documents until printed list is received. (5) Printed checklist of Great Britain Roll Series. Kept up- to-date "by insertions made by the librarian. 13, PERIODICAL INDEXES; None. 14, EXAMINATION QUESTIONS: None. 15, SPECIAL EQUIPMENT: Microfilm reading machines. ILL. HIST, SURVEY ILLIIIOIS HISTORICAL SURVEY 416-412 Lincoln Hall U2158 No Bell phone 1. LIBRARIAN: c^one. Part-time assistants only.] 2. PROFESSIONAL ASSISTANT: None. 3. LIBRARY HOURS: School year: Irregular. Telephone before sending people over. Summer semester: Same. Usual vacation hours: Closed. 4. BOOK COLLECTION: 2300 volumes. 5. SUBJECTS: Illinois history; western history. 6. SPECIAL MATERIALS: Large collections of MSS., photostats, transcripts, microfilms of KSS. in various repositories in this country and in Europe. Some newspaper files. 7. CLASS RESERVES: Hone. 8. PERSONS ENTITLED TO USE LIBRARY: All connected with the University. Books and files not in the rare class may "be transferred to the Ma. in Library for students who are making serious use of them. 9. CIRCULATION OF BOOKS: I. PERIODS OP CIRCULATION: (1) Non-circulating: Rare "books and original MSS, (2) Overnight: Nono. (3) Other periods: Cases decided individually on responsibi- lity of person and value of material. II. NUMBER OP BOOKS TO A PERSON: Not limited. III. RENEWALS: None. IV. RESERVATIONS: None, 10. CIRCULATION OP MAGAZINES: Generally not permitted. 11. CIRCULATION OP PAMPHLETS: Pile of pamphlets not permitted to circu- late. 12. RECORDS: (1) Public card catalog (author, subject, title) of all the printed books in the collection. Kept up-to-date. (2) Public shelf list. (3) Card catalog of MSS. and transcripts (incomplete). (4) No reserve lists. 13. PERIODICAL INDEXES: None. 14. EXAMINATI ON QUESTIONS; None. 15. SPECIAL EQUIPMENT: None. INFORMATION DESK INFORMATION DESK Circulation Roon, Main Library U6147 (Reference Desk) Sell: 7-4200 1. LIBRARIANS: Miss Ruth Erlandson, Miss Dorothy Parrish. 2. HOURS: School year: Mon.-Thurs. 9-11 a.m.; 2-4:30, 7-9:30 p. m. Fri. 9-11 a.n.; 2-4:30 p. n. Sat. 9-11 a.n.; 2-4 p.m. Closed Sunday. Sumner semester: Irregular. Usual vacation hours: Closed. NOTE : During hours when the Information Desk is not attended, librarians at the Reference Desk give this service. 3. SERVICES: (1) Assists readers in the use of the card catalog, and refers them to additional sources of material in other departments of the library. (2) Explains library rules and procedures. (3) Answers general questions about the library, campus and community. JOURNALISM JOURNALISM LIBRARY 122 Gregory Hall U5173 Bell: 7-4131 1* LIBRARIAN: Mrs. Eunice Collins Mohra (Hours: Mon.-Sat. 9-12 a*m.} other hours irregular) 2. PROFESSIONAL ASSISTANT: Miss Frances Brooks. 3. LIBRARY HOURS: School year: Mon*-Fri. 8-6, 7-10; Sata 8-6a Closed Sundaya Summer semester: Mon. 9-12, 1-5; Tuesa-Thursa 9-12, 1-5, 7-10; Fri. 9-12, 1-5; Sata 9-12. Usual vacation hours: Mon.-Sat. 9-12* 4. BOOK COLLECTION: 3000 volumes* 5. SUBJECTS: Journalism, printing, advertising, photography, public relations, radio, freedom of the press, biography* 6. SPECIAL MATERIALS: 1. Kiler collection - manuscripts, letters and books* 2. Clipping file - from local papers (since 1939) on University faculty, organizations, departments, etc. 3. Vertical file collection - house organs and newspaper promotion material* 4. Bound volumes of New York Times since 1937. Bound volumes of Daily Illlnl . Recent years of all papers received in Journalism Library* 7. CLASS RESERVES: For Journalism courses only. 8. PERSONS ENTITLED TO USE LIBRARY: All connected with University. Newspaper stack room open only to students in Journalism courses, except by special permission (granted liberally to those who demonstrate real need to use file) . 9. CIRCULATION OF BOOKS: I. PERIODS OF CIRCULATION: (1) Non-circulating: Some reference books; all magazines