o Ol^ §Mt postatt Pnittcli. LIST OF BOOKS Arranged by Authors, Titles, and Subjects. FIRST EDITIONS. FEBRUARY, 1871. NOTE. — One volume at a time can be had in home use from this Branch, and one from the Bates Hall of the Main Library ; and the Branch volume must always be returned at this Branc^' accompanied by the applicant’s library card, within such hours as the rules prescribe. No book can be taken from the Lower Hall of the Main Library, while the applicant has one from this brancli. Books can be kept out 14 days, but may be renewed loithin that time, b}’ presenting a new slip with the card ; after 14 days a fine of two cents for each day is incurred, and after 21 days the book will be sent for at the cost of the borrower, who cannot take another book until all charges are paid. Books must not be lent out of the household of the borrower, nor be ke[>t by transfers in one household more than one month, and must remain in the Library one week before being drawn again in the same household. Borrowers finding any book mutilated or unwarrantably defaced? are expected to report it; as also any undue delay in the delivery of books. Consult the daily manuscript Bulletin and the printed Bulletins for recent additions to this department. , Recommend for purchase such books as the Library does not have, on slips provided at the desk, NOTICE. Special attention is called to the following law of the Commonwealth : — “ Whoever wilfully and maliciously writes upon, injures, defaces, tears or destroys any book, plate, picture, engraving, or statue, belonging to any law, town, city or public library, shall be punished by a fine of not less than five dollars, nor more than one thousand dollars, for every such oflence.” COPIES ARE FOR SALE AT THE DESK. Books are entered in the following List under the names of authors, when known ; under the initials of the authors’ names when these only appear, the last initial being put first; ww&Qv the pseudonyms, or assumed names, of the writers, when the real names are not ascertained. Such books are also entered under their titles, followed by the names, initials, or pseudonyms of the authors. In the case of an anonymous work, the author of which is unknown, the entry is under the first word of the title, not an article » In the headings of the titles, the names of authors are given in their vernacular form. French surnames preceded by Le, La, or X’ are entered under L; by Du or Des, under D; by de or d\ under the initial letter of the name following this prefix. In English names, the prefix is treated as a component part of the surname; as in De Quincey, y a n B u r e n . In all other languages, surnames are entered under the letter which begins the name that follow the prefix. Compound surnames are entered under the first part of the name. British noblemen and ecclesiastical dignitaries are entered under their family names with cross-references from their titular appellations. All other noblemen are catalogued under their titles. A single dash indicates the omission of the preceding heading ; a subsequent dash, the omission of a subordinate heading. Initials inclosed within marks of parenthesis stand for Christian names which are not usually retained by the persons to whom they properly belong; as, Agassiz, L. (J. E.) In the headings of titles, the German diphthongs, ii, o, u, are written ae, oe, ue; Goethe occurs, for example, in alphabetical order before Goldsmith, instead of after it. An italicized name within marks of parenthesis following the name of an author is the pseudonym of such author; as Adams , W. T. {Oliver Optic.) Brackets, within titles, inclose words additional, or changed in form. Friends of tlie Public Library will assist in making future editions of this List more nearly perfect, if they will be kind enough to communicate to the Superintendent or the Librarian of this Branch the correction of any errors they may discover in it, the authorship of any works treated as anonymous, or the name of any person entered only under initials or under a j)seudonym. Boston lects, Library o I n 1(1 r\ '^iSCO'yi ' PUBLIC LIBRARY OF THE CITY OF BOSTON EAST BOSTON BRANCH. FII^ST EIDITIOIlSr, B B I?. XJ A. E. 18 71 Shelf. No. Abbot, The. Scott, Sir W. V. 10 of 2G3.5 Abbotsford. Irving, W . V. 3 of 46.6 Abbott, A. O. Prison life in the South 136.7 Abbott, B., A., and L. {Benaulij.') Cone cut corners 248.20 Abbott, Jacob. [Franconia stories.] 10 v 16.2 Contents. — Vol. I. Malle- ville. II. Wallace. III. Mary Erskine. IV. Mary Bell. V. Beechnut. VI. Kodolphus. VII. Ellen Linn. VIII. Stuy- vesant. IX. Caroline. X. Agnes. — Harper’s story books. 12 V 16.1 Contents. — Vol. I. Bruno ; Willie and the mortgage ; The strait gate. II. Little Louvre ; Frank; Emma. III. Virginia; Timboo and Joliba; Timboo and Fanny. IV. Harper estab- lishment; Franklin; The stu- dio. V. The story of ancient history; Story of English his- tory ; Story of American his- tory. VI. John True ; Elfred ; Museum. VII. Engineer; liambles among the Alps; Three gold dollars. VIII. Gibraltar gallery ; Alcove ; Dialogues. IX. The great elm; Aunt Margaret; Ver- non. X. Carl and Jocko; Lapstone; Orkney. XI. Judge Justin; Minigo; Jas- per. XII. Congo; Viola; Lit- tle Paul. — Marco Paul’s voyages and travels. 6 v 16.4 Contents. — Vol. I. In New York. II. On the Erie canal. III. In Maine. IV. In Ver- mont. V. In Boston. VI. At the Springfield armory. — Stories of Rainbow and Lucky. 5 V 16.3 Contents. — Vol. I. Handle. II. Rainbow’s journey. III. The three pines. IV. Selling Lucky. V. Up the river. — Alexander the great 15.37 — Alfred of England 15.26 Shelf. No. Abbott, Jacob, continued. — Charles i of England 15.17 — Charles ii of England... 15.23 — Cleopatra 15.27 — Cyrus the great 15.34 — Darius the great 15.9 — Elizabeth 15.16 — Genghis Khan 15.25 — Hannibal 15.29 — Julius Caesar 15.10 — Mary queen of Scots. .. . 15.14 — Nero 15.28 — Peter the great of Russia. 15.18 — Pyrrhus • 15.31 — Richard i of England . .. 15.33 — Richard ii of England. .. 15.36 — Richard III of England.. 15.15 — Romulus 15.30 — Summer in Scotland.... 96.7 — Timboo and Joliba 17.31 — William the conqueror.. 15.35 — Xerxes the great 15.20 Abbott, John S. C. Empire of Austria 185.14 — Empire of Russia 235.6 — French revolution of 1789 141.8 — Henry iv of France and Navarre 15.3^2 — Hernando Cortez 15.11 — History of Joseph Bona- parte 15 8 — Hortense 15.13 — Italy 235.1 — Josephine 15.19 — King Philip, of the Wam- panoags 15.12 — Kings and queens 147.11 Contents. — Josephine and Maria Louisa; Louis Philippe; Ferdinand; Nicholas; Leo- pold ; Isabella ; Victoria ; Louis Napoleon. — Madame Roland 15.22 — Margaret of Anjou 15.24 — Marie Antoinette 15.21 — Napoleon Bonaparte. 2v. 141.6 — Napoleon at St. Helena.. 352.13 — Romance of Spanish his- tory 147.24 Abbott, L. Life of Christ. 32.5 Abbott, R. See Parker, R. A. Shelf. No. A Beckett, G. A. Angelo.. 165.20 — The Siamese twins 164.18 — The turned head 164.18 — and Lemon, M. Don Cm- sardeBazan 165.2 Abercrombie, J. The intel- lectual powers. Bost. . 367.27 Same. N. Y 159.1 Same. With questions. 19.31 — The moral feelings 19.17 About, E. (F. V.) Greece and the Greeks 97.30 — The king of the moun- tains 245.22 — The Roman question.... 188.9 — Rome of to-day 234.26 Abyssinia. Dalton, W. Ad- ventures in the wilds of. 22.20 — Russell, M. History, etc., Acerbi, J. Travels to the North Cape, in 1798, 99. 2 V 361.3 Acoustics. Sound. Tyn- dall, J 33.34 Across the continent. Bowles, S 95.1 Adam, A. Roman antiqui- ties 353.9 Adam, W. Slavery in Brit- ish India 156.21 Adam Bede. Lewes, M. J. 264.5; 347.18 Adams, Abigail. Letters . . . 217.1 Adams, Amelia (afterwards 3Irs. Smith). Journal and correspondence. 2v. 196.16 Adams, H. Truth and excel- lence of the Christian religion 387.25 Adams, J., Suppressed his- tory of the administra- tion of. See Wood, J. 188.1 Adams, J. Q. Lectures on rhetoric and oratory. 2v 152.1 — Letters on the masonic Institution 152.2 — Lives of J. Madison and J. Munroe 195.6 — Brigham, J. Twelve mes- sages from the spirit of. 152.7 ADAMS ^2 ArjITFLAU Hhelf. No. Adatvis, J. Q., continnrd. — (Quincy, .1. Life of 104.1) — Scvvurd, VV. 11. Life and j)ubli(t s(u-viccH of 100.8 Adamh, N. Evenings wiUi the doctrines 808.10 — and Col)l), S. Discussion of tlie scriptural ness of future endless punisli- inent 885.15 Adams, W. T. (Oliver Optic .) All aboard 11.5 — 'rheboatclub 11.2 — Drake up 18.0 — Drave old salt 12.8 — Breaking away 12.11 — Dikes and ditclies; or, young America in Hol- land and Belgium 18.3 — Down the Khine; or, young America in Ger- many 13.2 — Down the river 12.0 — Field and forest 12.14 — Fighting Joe 12.2 — Freaks of fortune 12.10 — Haste and waste 11.0 — Hope and have 11.12 — In school and out 11.7 — Lightning express 13.13 — Little by little 11.1 — Make or break 12.8 — Now or never 11.4 — On time 13.11 — Our standard-bearer ; life of U. S. Grant 12.1 — Outward bound; or, young America afloat. . . 13.1 — Palace and cottage ; or, young America in France and Switzerland 13.4 — Poor and proud 11.6 — lied cross ; or, young America in England and Wales 13.5 — liicli and humble 11.8 — The sailor boy 12.7 — Seek and find 12,12 — Shamrock and thistle ; or. Young America in Ire- land and Scotland 13.6 — The soldier boy 12.6 — The starry flag 12.13 — Switch off 13.10 — Through by daylight 13.12 — Try again 11.3 — Watch and wait 11.11 — The way of the world.. 342.13 — Work and win 11.10 — Yankee middy 12.4 — Young lieutenant 12.5 Note . — "The wuy of the worlf] ” is a novel > tlie rest of tlie above hooks are ])articu- larly intended for youths. In the Jioal club series are Tlie boat club, All aboard. Now or never, Try aj^ain. Poor and prqud, Little by little. In the Lake shore senes are Through by dayliKht, ]dghtrdnj< ex- press, On titne, H witch off, jJrake up. In the Starry jlay series are 'J’ho starry fbag, llreaking away, Heck and find, Freaks of fortune. Make or break, Down tlie river. in the yVoodviUe stories are Rich and iiuinhlc. In school and out. Watch and wait, Work and Slielf. No. Adam.s, W. T., continued. win, Hope and have. Haste and waste. In the Yonuy A tn erica abroad series are Outward bound, Hhamrock and thistle [Ireland and Hcotland], Red cross [Kng- land and Wales], I’alace and cottage [France and Hwltzor- land],I)own the Rhine [Oer- inany] . Addison, .T. Selections from The spectator. 2 v. . . 40.2 — Sir Koger de Coverley. .. 24.3 — The spect ator. 12 v. in 4. 206.12 Adfi.k. Kiiviinagli, .1 822.1 Adkloitma. Lewis, M. G. . 165.20 Adki-ink Mowbray. Opie, A. V. 2 of 282.5 Aden Power. Owen, F. ... 341.25 Adirondack's, Adventures in the wilderness; or, cainji-life in the. Mur- ray, W. H. H 87.12 Adler, G. J. Practical grammar of the Latin hmguage 365.6 Adopted child. Birch, S. . 164.18 Adrienne, the actress. Ox- enford, .1 165.22 Adsiiead, j. Prisons and prisoners 151.7 Adulterations of food jind drink. Hoskins, T. H. 386.15 Adventurer, The. John- son, S V. 1 of 151.4 Adventures of a roving di- plomatist. Wikoff, 11. 215.3 Adventures of a young nat- uralist. Biart, L 22.10 Adventures on the great hunting grounds of the world. Meunier, V. .. 36.5 Adahce to husbands. Lan- caster, C. S 164.18 yEneid. Virgilius Maro, P. 339.3 iEsciiYLUS. [Tragedies.] Translated by K. Potter. 339.17 Contents. —'Essay on the German drama; Prometheus chained; The supplicants; O'he seven chiefs against Thebes; Agamemnon; The Choephorae; The furies; The Persians. ..Slsopus. Fables 17.2 AEthiop. Dimond, W 165.18 Afloat and ashore. Cooper, J. F 286.1 Afloat in the forest. Reid, M 25.3 Africa. Andersson, C. J. Four years in south- western 95.16 — Baldwin, W. C. African hunting 95.18 — Barrow, Sir J. Journey ;n, 1801,2 81.3 — Barth, H. Travels in North and Central, 1849- 65 82.14 — Burton, R. F. Lake re- gions of Central 83.5 — Carnes, J. A. Voyage to the west coast of 97.10 — Du Chaillu, P. B. Ex- plorations and adven- tures in ciiuatorial 82.6, 7 Hll.lf. Nn. A ERICA, rnntinued. — Krapf, J. L. Travels and missionarv labors in Kastern ! 235.13 — Livlngstom!, I). Mission- ary travels and research- es in South 83.1 1 — beadc, W. W. 'I'oiir in. 82.4 — 'I'aylor, (.1.) B. .lourney to Central 96.10 — Wilson, .1. L. Ilislory and prospects of West- ern 86.16 See also Aliyssinhi, Algiers, AHhaiigo-latid, Cape of Good Hope, Kgyiit, Niger, Nile, Ha- harii. Afrk AiNE, L’. Meyerbeer, a 162.5 After the ball. Opie, A. v. 5 of 282.5 Afternoon leclures on lite- rature and art 157.6 Agamemnon. yEschylus... 389.17 Agassiz, L. (J. IL) Geolog- ical sketches 86.38 — Methods of study in nat- ural history 36.34 — and E. C. Journal in Brazil 93.10 Agatha’s husband. Craik, 1). (M.) M 261.33 Age of fable. Bulflnch, T. 856.1 A(;nes. Abbott, J. . . v. 10 of 16.2 Agnes. Arthur, T. S 341.8 Agnes. Oliphant, M. (0. W.) 301.34 Agnes of Sorrento. Stowe, 11. (E.)B 342.1 Agnes Hopetoun’s schools and holidays. Oliphant, M. (O. W.) 15.40 Agricultural chemistry. Kent, J. E. Chemistry applied to agriculture. . 38.10 — Liebig, J. von. Chem- istry in its application to agriculture 386.2 — Nash, J. A. Treatise on. 365.25 — Stoeckhardt, J. A. Chem- ical field lectures 364.5 Agriculture. Andrews, G. H. Agricultural engi- neering 38 17 — Bentz, L. Elements of. V. 2 of 365.29 — Colman, H. European.. 33.15 — Gray, J. C. Agricultural essays 156.26 — Ilaskyns, C. W. Chron- icles of a clay farm 387.3 — Morris, E. Farming for boys 22.6 How to get a farm .... 365.18 — Norton, J. P. Scientific. 34.23 — Pests of the farm . . v. 1 of 365.29 See also Botany, Cattle, Do- meHtic animals, Fruits, Gar- dening, Insects, Landscape gardening. Manures, Plants, Poultry, Sugar, Veterinary medicines, Aguilar, G. The days of Bruce. 2 265.5 — Home influence 265.12 — Home scenes 327.1 AGUILAR 3 AMERICA Shelf. No. Aguilar, G., contimied. — The mother’s recom- pense 327.3 — 'riie vale of cedars 248.5 — Woman’s friendship.... 327.2 — The women of Israel. 2v. 185.15 Aids to reflection. Cole- ridge, S. T 1 of 45.1 Aikin, G. L. Uncle Tom’s cabin. Dramatized-... 165.23 Aikin, J. Calendar of na- ture. /See Howitt, M. .. 157.20 Aimwell, Walter, |)6’eiid. See Siinonds, W. Aimwell stories. Simonds, W 17.18-24 Ainsworth, W. H. The tower of London 321 2 Ajax. Sophocles 339.16 Aladdin 165.21 Alarming sacriflce. Buck- stone, J. B 164.20 Alaska, Travel and adven- ture in. Whymper, F. 84.7 Albert, prince consort, The early years of. See Vic- toria, queen of England. 124.3 Alcestis. Euripides, v. 1 of 339.2 Alchemist, The. Balzac, H. de 283.23 Alcock, Sir R. The capital of the Tycoon : three years in Japan. 2 v. ... 95.24 Alcoholic drinks, Physio- logical effects of. Forbes, /S7rJ 364.20 Alcott, L. M. Little wo- men. 2 V 325.2 — An old-fashioned girl.... 325.1 Alcott, W. A. Courtship and marriage 385.10 — Forty years in the wilder- ness of pills and pow- ders 197.19 — Letters to young men... 207.11 Alcove, The. Abbott, J. V. 8 of 16.1 Aldrich, T. B. Out of his head 247.3 — Story of a bad boy 27.7 Alec Forbes of Howglen. Mac Donald, G 261.1 Alexander the great. Ab- bott, J. History of 15.37 — Williams, J. Life of.... 19.7 Alexis the runaway. Par- ker, R. A 26.1 Alford, H. Poetical works. 167.23 Alfred the great. Abbott, J. History of 15.26 — Giles, J. A. Asser’s life of 337.2 — Hughes, T. Life of 106.7 Alger, H.,jr. Ragged Dick series. Ben, the luggage boy 28.5 Fame and fortune 28.2 Mark, the match boy.. 28.3 Ragged Dick 28.1 Rough and ready 28.4 Rufus and Rose 28.6 — Sink or swim 28.7 Alger, W. R. Poetry of the East 166.9 Algic researches. School- craft, H. R 327.32 Slielf. No. Algiers, Sketches of. Sha- ler, W 93.11 Alhambra, The. Irving, W 46.4; V. 4 of 46.6 Alice Seymour. Grey, Mrs. 341.36 Aline. Stirling, E 165.17 Alison, Sir A. History of Europe, 1789-1815. 4 v. 143.5 Same. 1815-52. 4 v. . 143.6 All aboard. Adams, W. T. 11.5 All that glitters is not gold. Morton, T 164.5 All the world’s a stage. Jackman, 1 164.22 All ’s fair in love. Brougham, J 165.19 All ’s well that ends well. Shakespeare, W. ..v. 5 of 163.1 V. 2 of 163.2 Allen, D. O. India 93.3 Allen, E., Life of. See Sparks, J v. 1 of 117.1 V. 2 of 123.7 Allen, J. F. Culture of the grapevine 365.14 Allen, P. Expedition of Lewis and Clarke. 2 v. 48.23 Allen, W. American bio- graphical dictionary. *R. R., A. 3 — Memoir [and sermons] of J. Cod man 113.11 Allingham, J. T. Fortune’s frolic 164.13 — The weathercock 164.5 Allston, W., Works and genius of. /S'eeWare, W. 153.30 Allwortii abbey. South- worth, E. D. E. N 345.1 Almar, G. The charcoal- burner 165.29 — Crossing the line 164.10 — Oliver Twist. [Drama- tized from Dickens]... 165.23 — The robber of the Rhine. [Dramatized from L. Ritchie] 165.20 Alps. Abbott, J. Rambles among the v. 7 of 16.1 — Johnson, A. C. Cottages of the 234.18 Alton Locke. Kingsley, C. 324.7 Alwyn’s first wife. Craik, D. (M.) M 241.3 Amateur dramas. Baker, G M 27.3 Amateur mechanic’s work- shop 33.7 Amateurs and actors. Peake, R. B 164.14, 25 Amazon. Herndon, W. L. Exploration of the val- ley of the 84.12, 13 — Orton, J. The Andes and. 84.11 Amber gods. Spofibrd, H. (E.) P 266.2 Amber witch. Meinhold, J. W 248.14; 307.8 Ambrose Gwinett. Jerrold, D 164.24; 165.21 Amenities of literature. Disraeli, 1 155.4 America. Allen, W. Ameri- can biographical dic- tionary *R. R., A. 3 — Banvard, J. Novelties of the New World 27.8 Shelf. No. America, continued. — Banvard, J. Romance of American history 24.8 — Belknap, J. American biography 48.21; 194.20 — Bishop, N. H. A thou- sand miles’ walk across South 26.11 — Bogen, F. W. The Ger- man in 158.1 — Bremer, F. The homes of the New World 94.1 — Browne, D. J. Trees of. 32.22 — Clement, J. Noble deeds of American women 116.13 — Cooper, J. F. Notions of the Americans 185.20 — Darusmont, F. W. So- ciety and manners in. . . 134.1 — Downing, A. J. Fruits and fruit trees of 33.3 — Gasparin, A. (l^k), comte de. America before Eu- rope 186.16 — Hall, E. H. Appleton’s hand-book of American travel 86.2 — Helps, A. Spanish con- quest in 147.14 — Humboldt, (F. H.) A. von. Travels to the equinoc- tial regions of 48.28 — Humphreys, E. R. Past, present, and prospective. 133.13 — Hunt, F. Lives of Ameri- can merchants 193 3 — Lanman, C. Adventures in the British American provinces 232.12 — Lyell, Sir C. Travels in North, in 1841, 42 235.12 — Mackay, C. Life and lib- erty in 356.9 — Marshall, J. History of the colonies planted by the English in North . . . 183.3 — Murray, H. British 19.1 — Paez, R. Wild scenes in South 235.27 — Parkman, F. Pioneers of France in the New World V. 1 of 135.1 — Parton, J. Famous Amer- icans 113.5 — Pumpelly, R. Across America and Asia 82.9 — Robertson, W. Discov- ery and settlement of. . 142.2 History of 133.7 — Scott, G. C. Fishing in American waters 33.11 — Sparks, J. American bi- ography 117.1, 2 Lives of individuals, celebrated in American history 123.7 — Stephens, J. L. Incidents of travel in Central.... 83.8 — Trollope, A. North Amer- ica 94.20; 235.10 — Tytler, P. F. Progress of discovery on the north- ern coasts of 19.25 — Warburton, E. Hoche- laga ; or, England in the New World 87.17 AMEiaCA 4 ANIMALS Sliclf. No. Amkimca, condnuejl. Srr (tho Anmzon, AikIch, Apiiclic coiiiifry, Arctic, rc- KioiiH, Arj^ctiliiio cont'cdcrji- tion, A iiHlriili.'i, IJruzil.Ciinada, Cliijii)iiH, (tiib.'i, (irfciiluiid, Mexican war, Mexico, Moh- (|nito Hliore, New Granada, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Pocky rnonntains, United mates, West Indies. Ameigcan and European druf>:jrists’ directory. 1858-51) 305.30 Amepican angler’s book. Norris, T 31.10 AMEitiCAN annual cyclopaediti and register of events for 1801-01). 1) V. ..*JL]{.,C.l Amepican eclectic. 4 v. . .. 31)3.1 See Eclectic magazine. Amepican encyclopedia of arts and sciences. Vol. 1-7. 7 V 72.1 Amepican journal of science • and arts. Vol. 1-8, 11, 12, 14-10, 11), 27, 21)-31), 42-41). 35 V. in 30 31)5.1 Amepican literature. Gris- wold, K. W. Curiosities of 152.11 — Knapp, S. L. Lectures on 202.7 Amepican medical biogra- phy. Williams, S."w. 113.0 Amepican museum. The. Carey, M 03.3 Amepican note-books. Pas- sages from the. Haw- thorne, N 45.9 Amepican poets, Selections from the. Bryant, W. C 49.7 American quarterly review. Vol. 1-10. 10 V 412.1 Amepican review: a whig journal. Vol. 1-6. 6 v. 62.1 — Same. New series. Vol. 1-9,16. 10 V 62.2 American review of history and politics. Vol. 1-4. 4 V 63.2 American revolution. Bou- cher, J. Causes and consequences of the. .. . 132.6 — Campbell, W. W. Bor- der warfare in New York 188.6 — Ellet, E. F. Domestic history of the 185.7 Women of the 195.10 — Headley, J. T. Chaplains and clergy of the 185.10 — Heroes of the 356.8 — Bossing, B. .1. Pictorial field-book of the 181.1 — Massacre in Boston, 5th March, 1770 .353.8 — Moore, F. Diary of the. 181.6 — Niles,]!. Principles and acts of the 182.1 — Sabine, L. American loyalists lOl.'l ]A)yalists of the 111.8 — Stone, W. L. Border wars of the 47.4 Ameimcan revolution, nmi'd. — 'I'lialclier, IL B. Tales of the 48. 3 — Warren, M. History of the ‘ 132.5 — Watson, H. C. Cainp- 11 res of the 181.13 See also P.iinkcr liill, Con- cord, Muhh., I.oxinglon, Muhh. American rose culturist. V. 2 of 365.29 Ameiucan Unitarian associa- tion. Monthly jourmd. 10 V 77.4 — Quarterly journal. A^ol. 1-6, ami no. 1 of v. 7 (no more published) 77.3 American wit .‘ind humor. .. 202.1 American year-book and national register for 1869. Edited by 1). N. Camp *K. K., E.l Americans, The. Grund, F. .1 2.33.7 Americans in Paris 165.22 A:mes, F. AVorks 194.7 Ames, N. Pirates’ glen and dungeon rock 168.17 Amherst, J. A. Ireland as it is 165.16 A MM I A N us M A RC I : EL I N US. Ivoman history 186.5 Among my books. Lowell, J. K 157.16 Among the pines. Gilmore, J. R 136.17 Amoor, Travels in the re- gions of the. Atkinson, T. W 82.16 Amusements. See Recrea- tive arts. Amy Herbert. Sewell, E. M 261.24; 304.8 Amy Lee 246.23 Anabaptist, The. Velde, C. F. van der 327.31 Anabasis, The. Xenophon. 19.6 Anacreon. [Odes.] Trans- lated by T. Bourne S39.4 Analogy of religion. But- ler, J 387.17 Anastasius, M. Craik, D. (M.) M 241.3 Anastasius. Hope, T 305.29 Anatomy. Edwards, H. M. Outlines of 32.18 — Gray, H. Descriptive and surgical 31.9 See also Pathology, Physi- ology. Anatomy of melancholy. Burton, R 207.22 Andersen, H. C. Danish fairy legends and tales. 15.4 — Life in Italy. The im- provisatore 302.30 — Sand-hills of Jutland. 1860 307.11 Same. 1869 14.6 Anderson, A. British em- bassy to China, in 1792- 94 357.3 Anderson, R. Foreign mis- sions : tlieir relations and claims 366.3 KlH-lf. No. A NDI l!.‘-ON, 11. , rmifhiunl. — 'I'hc I I.'iwaiiiin IshimO . . . . 91.2 \.\Di;ps(>Nvii,i i:, (I'a., Niir- r:ilivlibor- hood. Mac Donald, G. 305.21 Annals of England. 3v. .. 148.11 Annk Blake. Marston, (J.) W 1G5.2G Anne Boleyn. Boker, G. H. V. 1 of 1G8.20 Anne of Geierstein. Scott, MV W V. 22 of 2G3.5 Annual of scientific discov- ery, 1850-70. 21 35.1 Antiion, C. Ancient and mediaeval geography. . . 32.24 Anthony and Cleopatra. Selby, C 1G4.17 Anti-slavery. See Slavery. Antigone. Sophocles 339.16 Antiquary. Scott, Sir W. V. 3 of 263.5 Antiquities, Dictionary of Greek and Roman. Smith, W *R. R., A.6 Antiquities, Popular, of Great Britain. Brand, J. 338.7 Antiquity of man. Lyell, SirC 3G2.10 Antonia. Dudevant, A. L. A. 1) 326.7 Antonina. Collins, (W.) W 261.32 Antony and Cleopatra. Shakespeare, W. ..v. 2 of 161.4 V. 12 of 163 1 ; V. 5 of 163.2 Any thing for a quiet life. Middleton, T v. 4 of 163.10 Apache country. Adventures in the. Browne, J. R. . 95.13 Apostate, The. Shiel, R. L. 165.9 Apostles, Lives of the twelve. Cushman, R. W 389.1 Apple of life. Bulwer-Lyt- ton, (E.) R. B 168.14 Appleton, J. Works, with memoir [by A. S. Pack- ard]. 2 V 332.1 — Addresses at commence- ments, 1808-18 152.3 — Lectures, and occasional sermons 152.15 Appleton, S., Memorial of. See Jewett, I. A 121.9 Appleton’s dictionary of machines, mechanics, ^ engine-work, and engi- ’neering. 2 v *R. R., G. 2 Appletons’ hand-book of American travel. See Hall, E. H 86.2 Appletons’ journal. Vol. 1-3. 3v 371.1 Arabia, (’richton, A. His- tory of 47.3 — Olin, S. Travels in Ara- bia Petra3a 234.4 — Robinson, E. Biblical re- searches in Arabia Pe- trsea 232.11 — Stephens, J. L. Incidents of travel in Arabia Pe- traea 86.11 Arabian days’ entertain- ments. Hauff, W 22.12 Shelf. No. Arabian nights’ entertain- ments. See Thousand and one nights. Arabs in Spain. Conde, J. A 186.1 Arago, (D.) F. (J.) Biog- raphies of distinguished scientific men 197.7 Ararat, Journey to. Parrot, (J. J.)r. (W.) 87.5 Archer, ' T. Asmodeus. See Scribe, A. L 165.22 Architects, Lives of Brit- ish. Cunningham, A. . . 47.14 Architecture. Civil engi- neer’s and architect’s journal 52.1 — Lefevrc, A. Wonders of. 36.12 See also Carpenter, Dwell- ing houses, Naval architecture. Arctic Crusoe, The. St. John, P. B 17.26 Arctic regions. Hall, C. F. Arctic regions and life among the Esquimaux, 1860-62 82.15 — Hartwig, G. The polar world 82.12 — Hayes, I. I. Arctic boat journey, 1854 95.28; 235.18 The open polar sea .... 84.5 — Murray, H. Discovery and adventure in the polar sea 48.10 — Osborn, S. Stray leaves from an arctic journal. . 97.26 — Richardson, J. Arc- tic searching expedition. 86.15 — Sargent, E. Arctic ad- venture 97.5 — Wrangell, F. von. Expe- dition to the polar sea. . 19.14 See also Franklin, Sir J., North-west passage. Arculf, Bishop. Narrative. Me Wright, T 85.22 Areopagitica. Milton, J. V. 2 of 337.5 Argentine confederation. Exploration of the. Page, T. J 82.5 Argyll, Duke of. See Camp- bell, G. D. Ariosto, L. Orlando furi- oso. 2 168.19 Aristoteles. History of animals 37.15 Ark of Elm island. Kellogg, E 14.15 Armadale. Collins, (W.) W. 301.36 Armand. Ritchie, A. C. (M.) 165.22 Armenia. Curzon, R. A year at Erzeroom, etc. 95.22 Southgate, H. Tour . through 234.7 Arms and armour. Boutell, C 34.4 Armstrong, J. Life of A. Wayne v. 4 of 117.1 V. 3 of 123.7 — Life of R. Montgomery. V. 1 of 117.1 ; V. 3 of 123.7 Army of the Cumberland, Society of the 134.4 Shelf. No. Arnold, B., Life of. See Sparks, J v. 3 of 117.1 Arnold, M. Essays in crit- icism 157.14 Arnold, T. History of the later Roman common- wealth 134.9 — Introductory lectures on modern history 356.6 — Life of Hannibal 127.7 — Life and correspondence. See Stanley, A. P 116.9 Arnold, W. D. Oakfield. 246.1 Arnot, W. The race for riches 207.10 Art. Afternoon lectures on. 157.6 — Brande, W. T. Diction- ary of *R. R., B. 5 Encyclopsedia of. . .*R. R. A. 8 — Jameson, A. (M.) Sacred and legendary..*. 47.23 Sketches of 47.20 — Jarves, J. J. Art-hints. 34.11 — Lardner, 1). Lectures on. 363.21 — Mueller, C. O. Ancient art and its remains 151.9 — Ossoli, S. M. F , 7nar- chesad’. Art, literature, and the drama 204.4 See also Arts, Fine arts, Ital- ian art, Italy, Water colours. Art and artifice. Brougham, J 165.23 Art and artlessness. Baker, H. N. (W.) 14.19 Art of acting; or, guide to the stage 164.18 Art recreations 364.33 Artemus Ward — his book. Browne, C. F 243.10 Arthur, T. S. Agnes 341.8 — The banker’s wife 341.15 — Cecilia Howard 341 4 — The debtor’s daughter.. 341.5 — The divorced wife 341.1 — The good time coming .. 343.1 — Heart-histories and life- pictures 247.23 — Insubordination 341.6 — The iron rule 341.11 — The lady at home 341.13 — Lights and shadows of real-life 241.4 — Lizzy Glenn 326.14 — The lost bride 341.10 — Love in a cottage 341.14 — Love in high life 341.7 — Lucy Sanford 341.2 — Mary Moreton 341.16 — The orphan children.... 341.12 — Out in the world 245.2 — Pride and prudence 341.3 — Six nights with the Wash- ingtonians 326.15 — Trial and triumph 341.18 — The two brides 341.9 — The two merchants 341.17 Arthur, W. Life of S. Budgett 199.2 Arthuh, King, and his knights. Bulfinch, T. . . 188.13 Artillery. Gibbon, J. Ar- tillerist’s manual 363.20 — Heavy. See United States 37.13 AllTILLEHY UACON () Shelf. No. Aktii-i.kky, continuoA. — Hoberts, ,1. Iliiiul-liook of. 308.1 Artist’s [ Diircr’s] iiiiuTicd life. Sclicfer, L 11)8.!) Artists, Women. Ellet, E. F 124.11 Arts, Museum of. Larduer, 1) 385.11 Arts and sciences, Tut.roduc- tion to tiic. .loyce, J. 37.8 Auts of desijj^u in the United States. Dunlai), W. . . . 202.4 Arvink, K. Cyclopaalia of anecdotes of literature and the line arts .... *11. K., C, 2 As you like it. Sliakespcare, W 4 of 103.1 V. 2 of 103.2; 105.10 Asiiango-rand, Journey to. Du Chaillu, P. 11 82.7 Asia. Pall, 1>. L. Kambles in Eastern 00.2 — Malcom, II. Travels in South-eastern 00.22 — Pumpehy, 11. Across America and 82.0 — Train, G. F. American merchant in 233.2 — Vambery, A. Travels in Central 83.1 See also Arabia, Ararat, Caspian sea, Caucasus, Cey- lon, China, Cochin-China, East ('the), India, Japan, Rersia, Si- beria, Tartary, Turkey. Aslanga’s knight. La Mottc Fouque, F. (14. C.), baron de 17.12 Asmodeus. Scribe, a. I... .. 105 22 Aspen court. Brooks, (C.) S 204.10 Asphyxia, Treatise on. Or- tila, M. J. B 35.3 Asser’s life of Alfred. See Giles, J. A 337.2 Assyria, History of. Fra- ser, J. B. 47.10 Astoria. Irving, W. ..v. 8 of 46.0 46.10 Astronomer, The practical. Dick, T 335.7 Astronomy. Bouvier, H. M. Familiar 362.5 — Bradford, D. l^opular view of 31.14 — Chalmers, T. Christian revelation in connection with 363.4 — Dick, T. The sidereal heavens 10.11; 383.21 I'lie solar system 383.22 — Ferguson, J. Astronomy explained 383.5 Guillemin,A. Illustrated handbook of popular 31.7 — Ilerschel, Sir J. F. W. I'reatise on 367.11 — Olmsted, D. Conqxm- dium of 367.20 See. al.Ho E'AVih, Navigation, Oi>ticH. At last. Terhune, M. V. .. 342.24 At odds. I’autphoeus, Jiar- 07ienH I. von 264.20 Atai.antis. Simms, W. G. V. 1 of 167.32 Hlirlf. No. Atiieijn(;s, I'he. Oliphant, M. ((). W.) 261.38 Atiikneum, I’he; ors|)lrit of the Ivuglish maga/Jnes. Vol. 1-3. 3v 62.5 Atjikns: its rise and fall. Bulwer-Lytton, E. (G. E. L.) M7.17 Atiiern, a. Here and here- aller 288.7 A'I'kinson, 'f. W. Oriontid and Western Siberia... 82.8 — The upp(!r and lower Amoor and the Pussian ac(pusitions f)n the con- fines of I ndia and China. 82.16 Atlantic monthly. Vol. 1- 24. 24 174.1 Atlantic talcs 343.2 Contents. — Hale, E. E., My double, and )iow be undid me; O’I’.rieii, F. J., 'I'lie diamoml lens; Davis. It. IL, Life in the iron-mills; J)o, Ellis, pseud. See Bronte, E. Bei-l, H. G. Info of Mary (pieen of Scots. 2 v. .. 10.38 Beij., J. Iiei>orton sanitary measures. See National (piarantine and sanitary convention 31 20 BeuIm B. I/ife of G. Canning. 127.10 — Temper 165.8 | Shfif. No. Bem.e of the family. Grey, 71/r.s ■ 311.12 Bei.i.e Boyd in camp and prison. Hardingi;, B. B. 186.6 Beeue Helene, La. Offen- bach, . I 162.0 Belle’s stratagem. Cow- ley, H 165.27 Bei.i.tni, V. Norma; II pi- rata; 1 pnritani ; Romeo and .Inliet. ; I^a sonnam- bula. Italian, with Eng- lish translation 162.8 Bellows, A. .1. How not to lie sick 34.31 — Philosophy of eating-... 34.30 Bellows, H. W. Tlie old worhl in its new face. 2 V 05.8 Beijmiec.or, the mounte- bank. Webb, C 165.30 Ben the boatswuiin. Wilks, T. E 165.18 Ben, the luggage boy. Al- ger, H.,?r 28.5 Ben Bolt, jolnistone, J. B. 165.10 Ben Sylvester’s word. Yonge, C. M 18.28 Benauly, pseud. See Ab- bot, B., A., and B. Bench and bar. Bigelow, L. J 115.2 Bengal tiger. The. Dance, C 164.16 Benjamin, of Tudela. Narra- tive. See Wright, T. .. 85.22 Bennett, J. C. History of the saints ; or, an extiose of Joe Smitli and mor- monism 386.11 Bennison, Mrs. 1). M. Po- ems 167.8 Bentz, L., and Chretien de Boville, A J. Elements of agriculture v. 2 of 365.20 Berger, E., pseud. See Sheppard, E. S. Berlin and Sans-souci. Aluiidt, C 281.10 Bernard. Narrative. See Wright, T 85.22 Bernard, C. de. Lion’s skill and Lover hunt... 244.16 Bernard, W. B. The dumb belle 164.15 — The evil genius 165.10 — His last legs 164.1 — The Irish attorney 164.1 — The midd}’’ ashore 164.10 — The mummy 164.17 — The nervous man and the man of nerve 165.6 — The passing cloud 165.12 Berry, Miss E. M. See Whitcher, F. M. Bertram. Maturin, C 165.8 Bertrams, The. Trollope, A 264.1 Bertrandon de la Broc- (pjiERE. Narrative. See Wright, T 85.22 Bessiomer, II. New system of manufacturing sugar from tli(! (aine 382.4 BfyniuNE, M. de. See Sully, duCy de. hli.H. No. Betroth al, The. Boker, G. 1 1 V. 2 of 168.20 Betro i h AI-, 'I’he. Patmore, C. (K.) 167.28 Betroth ID, 'I'he. Scott, Sir W V. IS of 2(;3.5 Betsy Baker. Mortfui,.!. M. 161.16 Biart, L. Adveninres of a young nalurallst 22.10 Biule. La saintly Bibb* 367.4 — I^saims. 'fran'^laf if)n and notes, by (J. R. Noy(!s.. 385.3 — (iospels. Notes, by A. Barnes. 2 v. 385.2 — Borrow, G. 'I’lie Bible in Spain 151.13 — Campliell, J. Betters on the Bibl(! monopoly.... 366.7 — Cheever, G. B. Right of the Bible in our public seliools 387.1 — Criiden, A. Concordanee to the *R. R., G. 1 — GiItlllan,G. Bards of the. 155.13 — Gl(‘ig, G. R. History of the 48 25 — Hackett, H. B. Illustra- ti()ns of Se,rij)ture 363.13 — Kitto, J. Popular cyclo- jiaalia of biblical litera- ture *R. IB, B. 4 — Smith, W. Dictionary of the *R. R., 1). 1 — Soldier’s pocket Bible... 380.20 — Westcott, B. F. Study of the Gospels 363.16 — Wilkins, S. J. Bible acrostics 366.12 See also Inspiration, Mira- cles, Prophecy, Theology. Biule history 368.6 Bickerstaff, I. Tlie hypo- crite 165.15 Bickmore, a. S. Travels in the East Indian archipel- ago 82.10 Bigelow, J. Nature in dis- ease 37.25 — Rational medicine 364.4 Bigelow, L. J. Bench and bar 115.2 Biglow papers. Lowell, J. R 166.10 Billy Grimes’ favorite. Nowell, H. P. H 14.10 Biographia literaria. Cole- ridge, S. T ... V . 3 of 45.1; 205^0 Biography. Bayne, P. Es- says in 153.5 — Brightwell, C. L. Bye- paths of 127.10 — De Quincey, T. Bio- graphical essays 44.14 — Edgar, J. G. Boyhood of great men 16.6 — Francis, G. II. Orators of the age 108.15 — Godwin, P. Cyclopaedia of *R. R., E. 5 — Griswold, R. W. Bio- graphical annual 126.0 — Hawthorne, N. True stories from 14.30 — Hole, C. Brief biograph- ical dictionary ....*R. R., E. 10 BIOGRAPHY 9 BOSTON Shelf. No Biography, continued . — Kuapp, S. L. Eminent lawyers, statesmen, aud men of letters 183.5 — Lamartine, A. (M. L. P.) de. Oelebrated charac- ters 125.1 — MacCabe, J. D., jr., Great fortunes, and how they were made 122.11 — Memorials of early ge- nius 120.18 — Men of the time 126.14 — Payne, J. B. Haydn’s universal index of. .*R. R., A. 10 — Prescott, W. H. Bio- graphical aud critical essays ...158.4; 201.2 — Smiles, S. Brief biog- raphies 110.3 Industrial biograpliy.. 110.4 — Taylor, W. C. Modern British Plutarch 158.18 — Thomas, J. Dictionary of *R. R., A.14 — Timbs, J. School-days of eminent men 195.5 — Tuckerman, H. T. Bio- graphical essays 194.2 — Wilson, H. Book of won- derful characters 103.1 See also America, Archi* tects. Artists, Buccaneers, Cy- clopaedia, Encyclopaedia, Eng- land, Europe, France, Great Britain, Heroes, Heroines, In- ventors, Ireland, London, Mar- tyrs, Mechanics, Medical biog- raphy, Painters, Philosophers, Scientific men, Scotland, Sculptors, Sea-kings, Self- made men. Self-taught men, Statesmen, Vocalists, Women. Biography and correspond- ence of individuals. See their several names. Birch, S. The adopted child 164.18 Birchall, j. England un- der the Normans and Plantagenets 185.17 Birds. Browne, D. J. Amer- ican bird fancier 305.22 V. 2 of 365.29 — Rennie, J. Natural his- tory of 19.16 See also Pigeon fancier. Birds of a feather. Bradley, M 26.0 Birotteau, C., Greatness and decline of. See Bal- zac, 11. de 243.5 Birthright, The. Gore, Mrs. (C. G. F.) 302.3 Bishop, N. H. A thousand miles’ walk across South America 26.11 Bismarck, O. von. Life of. See Hesekiel, J. G. L. .. 121.4 Bitter-sweet. Holland, J. G 106.13 Black, A. and C. General atlas of the world. *R. R., Table Black book. The. Middle- Black diamonds. Pollard, E. A 156.22 Shelf. No. Black dwarf. Scott, Sir W. V. 5 of 263.5 Black-eyed Susan. Jer- rold, D 165.24 Black phantom. The. Shrimpton, C 343.12 Black sea. Oliphant, L. Russian shores of the, in 1852 :... 94.22 — Spencer, E. Turkey, Rus- sia, the Black sea, and Circassia 96.13 Black sheep. Yates, E. ... 261.47 Black velvet pelisse. Opie, A V. 2 of 282.5 Blackstone, Sir W. Com- mentaries on the laws of England. 4 31.2 Blackwood, F. T., lord Duf- ferin. Letters from high latitudes ; Iceland, Jan Mayen, and Spitzbergen, in 1856 ^.... 96.12 Blaikie, a. Philosophy of sectarianism 360.19 Blanche of Brandywine. Burnett, J. G 105.22 Bleak house. Dickens, C. (J. H.).. 245. 18; 281.35; 284.14 Blessington, Countess of. See Gardiner, M. Blighted being, A. Taylor, T 164.19 Blitiiedale romance. Haw- thorne, N 45.11 Bloomer costume. Stirling, E 164.6 Blot, P. Practical cookery. 34.17 Blot in the ’scutcheon. Browning, R v. 2 of 167.15 Blue devils. Colman, G., the younger 165.10 Blunt, H. Doctrinal arti- cles of the church of England. Also History of St. Peter 385.19 Boadicea. Glover, R 169.6 Boat club. Adams, W. T. . 11.2 Bobbin boy. The. Thayer, W. M 26.24 Boese, T. Public educa- tion in the city of New York 133.3 Bogart, W. H. Life of D. Boone, and the hunters of Kentucky 22.16 Bogen, F. W. The German in America. [German and English] 158.1 Bohemian girl. Balfe, M. W 162.3 Bohn, H. G. Handbook of games 37.22 Boieldieu, F. a. La dame blanche 162.3 Boissv, T., marquise de {for- merly contessa Guiccioli). My recollections of Lord Byron 103.2 Boker, G. H. Plays and poems. 2 V 168.20 Contents. — Vol. I. Calay- nos; Anne Boleyn; Leonor de Guzman ; Francesca da Rimi- ni. II. The betrothal; The widow’s marriage; Poems; Songs; Street lyrics; Sonnets, Shelf. No. Bold dragoons. Barnett, M. 165.18 Bold stroke for a wife. Centlivre, S 169.6 Bolingbroke, Lord. See St. John, H. Bombastes furioso. Rhodes, T. B 164.5 Bonaparte, Joseph. See Joseph Bonaparte. Bonaparte, Napoleon. See Napoleon I. Bonaparte, L. C. N. See Napoleon HI. Bond, H. Genealogies and history of AVatertown, Mass., including Wal- tham and Weston. 2 v. in 1 353.5 Bon Gaultier, pseud. See Martin, T. Bonnechose, (F. P.) £. (B.) de. History of France. 185.18 Bonner, J. Child’s h y of Greece. 2 v 16.9 — Child’s history of Rome. 2 16.8 — Child’s history of the United States. 3 v. ... 26.17 Bonneville’s adventures. Irving, W 2 of 46.6 Book about doctors. Jeaf- freson, J. C 195.7 Book for a corner. Hunt, (J. H.) Leigh 205.5 Book-hunter, The. Bur- ton, J. H 205.1 Book of ballads. Martin, T 166.11 Book of snobs. Thackeray, W. M 3 of 347.1 Book of vagaries. Paulding, J. K 305.9 Boone, D. Bogart, W. H. Life of 22.16 — Peck, J. M. Life of. v. 13 of 117.2 Booth, J. B. Ugolino 165.16 — Histrionic genius of. See Gould, T. R 106.1 Boots at the Swan. Selby, C 164.1 Boris, P. J. French simple and compound vowels, compared with English sounds *R. R., D. 11 Born to good luck. Power, T 164.6 Borneo, Expedition to, for the suppression of pira- cy. Keppel, H 234.8 Borrow, G. The Bible in Spain 151.13 — Lavengro... 92.1 — Romany Rye . - 92.2 — The Zincali ; or, gypsies of Spain 151.13 Boscob EL tracts. Hamilton, A 337.1 Boston, Mass. Annals of the primary school com- mittee, 1818-55 133.2 — The city hall 133.15 — Communications and re- ports in relation to the survey of Boston harbor by J. G. Totten, A. D. Bache, and C. H. Davis. 3.13 2 liOSTON 10 HKAINKin) SliPlf. No. Boston, continued — Memorial of I). W(‘l)St(!r. 113.1) — Memorial of t.lie ii)au^n- I'al-ioii of Llu! statue of Franklin 113.8 — l'roc(‘(3(lin^is on oecasion of tlie death of A. Jiin- coln 112.2 — I’nblic Jval.in scliool. Fri/.e book, no. 1-4. 4 v. in 1 02. 4 — Public library. Bulletins. No. 1-15 *]{. K.,C. 5 Index to the catalo^>;ue of books in the Bates Hall *H. H., C.3 Same. First supple- ment *K. IF, C. 4 Ih’ince library. Cata- lo^^ue of the books and manuscripts *R. R., C. 0 Proceed ini 2 ;s at tlie ded- ication of the building, Jan. 1, 1858 133.4 — Abbott, J. Marco Paul in. V. 5 of 10.4 — Bowditch, N. I. Suffolk surnames 353.18 — Bridgman, T. Epitaphs from Copp’s hill burial ground 350.3 Memorials of the dead ill 188.3 Pilgrims of Boston and their descendants 134.21 — Frothingham, 11. Siege of 184.5 — Greenwood, F. W. P. History of King’s chapel. 358.2 — Hales, j. G. Survey of. 233.0 — Loring, J. S. The hun- dred Boston orators, 1770-1852 101.5 — Narrative of the massacre in Boston, 5tli of March, 1770 353.8 Quincy, J. Municipal history of 181.14 — Robbins, C. History of the second church, or Old North, in Boston.. 353.0 — Simonds, T. C. History of South Boston 130.23 — Sumner, W. H. History of East Boston 181.11 — Treadwell, 1). Report on the subject of water, 1825 31.23 — Trial of British soldiers for the murder of Cris- pus Attucks and others. 137.1 — Wales, A. I... Reminis- cences of the Boston fe- male asylum 157.25 — Warren, J.C. Great tree on the common 133.10 — Whitman, Z. G. Histor- ical sketch of the Ancient and honourable artillery company 187.5 — Williams, B. W. Old South chapel prayer meeting : origin and his- tory 387.1) Shrlf. No. Boston, rnn! iiniod. — Wines, E. G. Trip to .. 88.3 Boston book. 1850 153.10 Boston directory for ]s7(), *R. R., G. 8 Boston journal of ])hiloso- ])hy and the arts. Vol.2. 407.3 Boswioli-, j. Life of S. Johnson. 2 11)4.8 Same. With additions, by J. W. Groker. 10 v. in 5 120.1 Botany. Gomstock, J. L. Introduction to the study of 304.23 — Hitchcock, E. Botany of Massachusetts 33.21 — Nuttall, J'. Systematic and physiological 304.24 — Schleidcn, M. J. Science of 305.23 — Smith, Sir J. E. Physio- logical and systematic . . 33. 1 7 — Unger, F. Botanical let- ters 304.21) See also Flowers, Plants, Trees. Botiiwei.t.. Aytoun, W. E. 107.22 Botta, a. C. L. Hand-book of universal literature.. 207.21 Bottle, The. Taylor, T. P. 104.3 Butts, J. M. The great re- bellion 130.5 Bough EK, J. Causes and consetiuences of the American revolution ... 132. G Boucicault, D. (L.) Andy Blake 104.11 — Grimaldi 105.11) — Jessie Brown. 105.22 — The knight of Arva 105.23 — London assurance 105.4 — A lover by proxy 104.19 — Old heads and young hearts 105.9 — Pauvrette 105.23 — The phantom 105.19 — The pope of Rome 105.23 — West end 105.24 — The willow copse 105.24 — Foul play. See Reade, C 347.21 — and Seymour, C. Wanted — a widow, with imme- > diate possession 104.12 Bound to John Company. . . 301.20 Bounty, Mutiny of the. Barrow, Sir J 47.1 Boukgoise, A. A.,andFeval, P. (H. C.) The duke’s daughter 105.29 Bourne, B. F. The captive in Patagonia 94.5 Bourne, H. R. F. Famous London merchants 127.17 Bourne, J. Catechism of the steam engine 307.14 Bouteli., C. Arms and ar- mour 34.4 Bouton, J. B. Round the block 204,4 Bouvier, H. M. Familiar astronomy 302.5 Bowditch, H. I. Nat the navigator. Life of N. Bowditch 120.5 Hhrlf. Nil. BoWIHICII, N., Life of. Srr Bowditch, H. 1 120.5 Bowdikh, N. I. Sullolk ■ urmimcs 35.3. 18 Bowi;n, F, Life of B. Lin- coln V. 13 of 1 17.2 — Lifeof J. Otis v. 2 of 117.3 — Life of W. I*hips..v. 7 of 117.1 — Life of Baron Steuben. V. 9 ol 117.1 Bowen, G. F, Handbook for Greeia* 87.13 Bowles, S. Across tin* con- tinent 95.1 — 'J he Pacitlc r.'iilroad — open. How to go: what to see 87.8 Box and (’ox. Morton, J. M 104.3 Box and Cox married and settled. Coyne, J. S. .. 104.7 Boy farmers of Elm island. Kellogg, E 14.10 Boy hunters. lieid, M 25.20 Boy martyrs of Sept. 12, 1814. 'faybrnre, C. W. . 105.25 Boy of Mount Rhigi. Sedg- wick, C. M 24.0 Boy slaves. Reid, M 25.10 Boy tar. Reid, M 25.1 Boy’s adventures in the wilds of Australia. Howitt, W 14,28 Boyd, A. K. H. Every-day philosopher in town and country 205.10 — Graver thoughts of a country parson 1.54.34 — Recreations of a country parson. 2 v 154.35 Brace, C. L. Home-life in Germany 97.25 — The Norse-folk; or, a visit to the homes of Norway and Sweden. . . 236.9 Bracebridge hall. Irving, W 46.3; V. 3 of 46.6 Brackett, A. G. History of the United States cav- alry 136.10 Bradford, A. Biographical notices of distinguished men in New England. . . 195.14 — History of Massachu- setts, 1764-89. 2 V. ... 133.9 — History of the federal government, from 1789- 1839 133.10 Bradford, D. Wonders of the heavens, a popular view of astronomy 31.14 Bradford, W. History of Plymouth colony; Jour- nal ; Dialogue ; Memoir of W. Brewster. See Young, A 181.8 Bradlee, L. H. Three crowns 166.15 Bradley, M. Birds of a feather 26.6 — Handsome is that hand- some does 26.7 Brainerd, I). Edwards, J. Lifeof 194.18 — Peabody, W. B. O. Life of.... V. 8 of 117.1; V. 1 of 123.7 BRAKE 11 BROWN Shelf. No. Brake up. Adams, W. T. . 13.9 Brakespeare. Lawrence, G. A 301.41 Brand, J. Popular antiqui- ties of Great Britain. 3v. 338.7 Brande, W. T. Dictionary of science, literature and art *R. R., B. 5 — Encyclopoedia of science, literature and art. 3 v. *R.R., A. 8 Brave lady. Craik, D. (M.) M 301.12 Brave old salt. Adams, W. T 12.3 Bravo, The. Cooper, J. F. 286.2; 288.9 Brayman, j. O. Daring deeds of American he- roes 356.15 Brazil. Agassiz, L. (J. R.) Journal in 93.10 — Cod man, J. Ten months in 95.29 — Fletcher, J. C. Brazil and the Brazilians 83.7 — Kidder, D P. Brazil and the Brazilians 92.4 Breach of promise. Buck- stone, J. B 165.26 Breaking a butterfly. Law- rence, G. A 326.19 Breaking away. Adams, W. T 12.11 Breezie Langton. Smart, H. 302.52 Bremer, F. Brothers and sisters 261.52 — The H — family; Triilin- nan; Axel and Anna; and other tales 302.35 — Hertha 287.26 — Home 261.14 — The homes of the New World; impressions of America. 2 94.1 — Life, letters, and post- humous works 106.5 — The midnight sun 261.22 — The neighbors. N. Y. . . 302.21 Same. Phil 283.17 Same. And other tales. Loud 157.21 — The parsonage of Mora. . 261.42 — The president’s daugh- ters; including Nina. . . 261.43 — New sketches of every- day life. With Strife and peace 261.44 — Two years in Switzerland and Italy. 2 v. 234.20 Brewer, E. C. Scientific knowledge of things fa- miliar 367.20 Brewster, Sir D. Life of Sir I. Newton 19.12 Brewster, M. M. Work: or, plenty to do and how to do it 288-2 Brewster, W., Memoir of. See Bradford, W 181.8 Brian Boroihme. Knowles, J. S 165.16 Brian O’Linn 164.8 Bridal, The. Knowles, J. S. 165.7 Bridal eve. Southworth, E D. E. N 345.8 Shelf. No. Bridal of Pennacook. Whittier, J. G. ..v. 1 of 167.12 Bridal of Triermain. Scott, Sir W 8 of 228.7 Bride of Abydos. Byron, G. (G. N.), lord V. 5 of 228.2 Bride of Larnmermoor. Calcraft, J. W 165.20 Bride of Larnmermoor. Scott, Sir W V. 7 of 263,5 Bride of Llewellyn. South- worth, E. D. E. N 345.2 Bride of Messina. Schiller, (J. C.)F. von 157.23 Bride’s fate. Southworth, E. D. E. N 345.13 Bridgman, T. Epitaphs from Copp’s hill burial ground, Boston 356.3 — Memorials of the dead in Boston ; King’s chapel burial ground 188.3 — Pilgrims of Boston and their descendants 134.21 Briery wood 18.4 Brigand, The. Blanche, J. R 164.24; 165.21 Briggs, C.F., and Maverick, A. Story of the tele- graph 364.32 Briggs, G. N., Memoir of, Richards, W. C 115.15 Brigham, J. Twelve mes- sages from the spirit of J. Q. Adams 152.7 Brightwell, C. L. Bye- paths of biography 127.19 Brinley, F. Life of W. T. Porter 127.22 British architects. Cun- ningham, A 47.14 British Cicero; a selection ofspeeches. Browne, T. 152.8 British eloquence. Select. Goodrich, C. A 152.13 British novelists. Masson, . D 157.19 British painters. Cunning- ham, A 47.14 British poets. Halleck, F. G. Selections from the. 47.13 — Howitt, W. Homes and haunts of the 124.16 British sculptors. Cun- ningham, A 47.14 British slave. Howe, J. B. 165.27 British song book. Car- penter, J. E 169.3 Brittany and La Vendee. Souvestre, £ 264.31 Brock, W. Sketch of Sir H. Havelock 197.1 Broken sword. The. Di- mond, W 165.20 Bronte, A. {Acton Bell.) Tenant of Wildfell hall. 287.2 Bronte, C. {Currer Bell.) Jane Eyre 287.5 — The professor 265.16 — Villette 287.1 — Jane Eyre. Dramatized. ^'ee Brougham, J 165.17 — Life of. See Gaskell, E. C. 108.2 BRONTfi, E. (Ellis Bell.) W uthering heights 287.3 Shelf. No. Brooke, H. The fool of quality, or, the history of Henry, earl of More- land. 5 199.5 Brooke, S. A. Sermons... 366.1 Brooke, W. Julia 166.12 Brookes, G. All the world’s a stage, altered from I. Jackman 164.22 — Quash, or nigger practice. 164.22 Brooks, (C.) S. Aspen court 264.19 — The silver cord 301.55 Brothers, The. Cumber- land, R 168.22 Brothers and sisters. Bre- mer, F 261.52 Brough, R. B. Crinoline.. 164.18 Brough, W. The corsair.. 164.12 — Number one, round the corner 164.16 — A phenomenon in a smock frock 164.13 — Trying it on 164.17 Brougham, H., lord. Sketch- es of public characters. Vol. 2 198.11 — Statesmen in the time of George iii 195.4 — Life of. See Campbell, J., lord 122.7 Brougham, J. All ’s fair in love 165.19 — Art and artifice 165.23 — Columbus el fllibustero ! ! 164.13 — David Copperfleld, adapt- ed from Dickens.. 165.17 — A decided case 164.11 — The demon lover 164 11 — Dombey and son. Dram- atized from Dickens .... 165.17 — Died. Dramatized from Mrs. Stowe 165.18 — Franklin 165.19 — The game of life 165.16 — The game of love 165.15 — The great tragic revival. 164.14, 25 — The gun-maker of Mos- cow 165.19 — The Irish Yankee 164.9 — Jane Eyre, adapted from C. Bronte... 165.17 — Life in New York 164.10 — Metamora 164.20 — The miller of New Jersey. 165.23 — The musard ball 164.14, 25 — Neptune’s defeat 164.14, 26 — Night and morning 165.18 — Po-ca-hon-tas 164.8 — Recollection of O’Flanni- gan and the fairies 164.9 — The red mask 165. 19 — Romance and reality ... . 165.16 — Shakespeare’s dream. .164.14, 26 — Take care of little Char- ley 164.14, 26 — Temptation 164.8 — and Goodrich. F. B. The dark hour before dawn. 165.23 Brown, C. B., Life of. See Prescott, W. H. ..v. 1 of 117.1 Brown, H. S. Lectures for the people 153.29 Brow'n, j. Spare hours. 2 157.15 imowN 12 lU HNKY 8Iulf. No* liKowN, S. Cf. Life of 11. Clioato nr,. 11 liiiowNK, A. (}., jr. Ollicial life of.T. A. Andrew.... 110.2 Bkow’Nio, C. F. (Artrnmfi \]'<(rd.) Arlenuis Ward — his book 213.10 Buowne, C. 'r. Life of U. Southey 105.3 Buownk, J). 3. Anieriean bird fancier 305.22 V. 2 of 305.21) — Trees of America 32.22 Buownk, F. F. Poems.... 107.4 BitowNE, J. 11. Adventures ill the Apaclie country . . 1)5.13 — An American family in Germany 1)5.12 — Crusoe’s island : with sketches of adventure in California and Washoe. 05.14 — The land of Thor 05 11 — Keports upon the mineral resources of the United States. Ste United States 383.3 Browne, T. British Cicero ; a selection of speeches. 3 152.8 Browning, K. I’oems. 2 v. 107.15 Contents. — Vol. I. Para- celsus; lM])i)a passes; King Victor and King Charles; Colombe’s birth-day. II. A blot in the ’scutcheon ; The return of the Druses; Luria; A soul’s tragedy; Dramatic romances and lyrics. — Dramatis personal 107.18 — Men and women 107.10 — The ring and the book. 2 107.13 — Sordello,Straftbrd, Christ- mas-eve,and Easter-day. 107.14 Brownlow, W. G. Sketches of secession 185.5 Brownlows. Oliphant, M. (0. W.) 261.56 Bruce, J., Life of. ^S'eeHead, F. B 48.5 Bruin. Keid, M 25.5 Bruno. Abbott, J v. 1 of 16.1 Brutus. Payne, J. II 165.9 Bryan Maurice. Mitchell, W. 246.26 Bryant, W. C. Letters from Spain, and other coun- tries 233.1 — Selections from the Amer- ican poets 49.7 Buccaneers, History of the. 48.12 Bucer, M. Judgment con- cerning divorce v. 3 of 337.5 Buchan, W. Domestic med- icine 383.6 Buchanan, F. Journey through Mysore, Canara and Malabar. 3v 81.1 Buchanan, It. Notes of a clerical furlough, spent chiefly in the Holy Land. 234.3 Bucke, G. Beauties, har- monies, atid sublimities of nature 19.21 Buckinchiam, j. 'r. Speci- meuH of newspaper liter- ature. 2 v 115.16 Hliilf. No. Bikmvi.anh, W. Geology and miuendogy as exhibiting the pow»*r, wisdom, and goodness of God 2 v. 37.5 Buuki.e, H. T. (dvilizalion in England. 2 v 183.4 — Essays 156.32 Buckminster, J. S. Ser- mons, with a nuuuoir [by S. G. Thacher) .... 383.7 — Sermons [a further selec- tion] 383.8 Buck.stone, j. B. An alarm- ing sacrifice 164.20 — The breach of promise-. 165.26 — Th(! dead shot 164.1 — 'I'lie dream at sea 165.26 — The flowers of the forest. 165,28 — Good for nothing 164.17 — 'I'he green bushes 165.27 — Henriette the forsaken . . 165.18 — A husband at sight 164.13 — The Irish lion 164.4 — Isabelle 165.20 — Jack Sheppard 104.7 — A kiss in the dark 164.6 — Leap year 165.12 — The lottery ticket 164.13 — Luke the labourer 164.2 — The maid with the milk- ing-pail 164.19 — Married life 165.17 — Mischief-making 164.12 — The pet of the petticoats. 164.19 — Popping the (piestion... 164.8 — 'I'he rough diamond 164.6 — Bural felicity 165.25 — The sailor of France.... 165.19 — 'riie scholar 165.26 — Shocking events 164.22 — 'Phe two queens 164,10 — Victorine 165.22 — The wreck ashore 165.25 Budget closed. Fames, J. A 96.24 Budgett, S., Life of. See Arthur, W 199 2 Buffum, E. G. American journalist in Europe .... 95 20 Bulfinch, S. G. Contem- plations of the Saviour. 366.38 Bulfinch, T, The age of chivalry 188,13 Contents. — Part I. King Arthur and his knights. II. The Mabinogeou ; or, Welsh popular tales. — The age of fable ; or, sto- ries of gods and heroes. 356.1 — The boy inventor; a memoir of M. Edwards. 26.13 Bulwer-Lytton, E. (G. E. Jj.),lo7'd L>jUon. Miscel- laneous prose works. 2 156.1 Contents. — Vol. I, 'I’he reign of terror ; its causes and results; Oliver Goldsmith; Charles Lamh and some of his companions; Gray’s works; Sir Thomas Browne; Pitt and Fox; l*ym ?7.s'. Falkland ; Tdfe of Schiller. II. Essays Avritleu in youth; Influence of love upon literature and real life. — Athens. 2 V. in 1 147.17 — (hixtonifiua 156.3 — 'Phe Gjixtons 265.17 | Hliilf. No. Bui-wku-Ly i T(»N, E. (G. E. B.), Cdiitlinird. — Euglfiud and Ihc IbiglUh. 2 V. ill I 85.25 — Eugmic Anim 302.22 — Godolpiiiii 21’, — 'I’lie lad v of Lyons .. 1(;5. 1 ; 1(;6.6 — I.i’ihi; (J.'ildcroii, f lu‘ cour- tier 246.16 — Mfiliey 165.1 — I’iiul (Tifford. LoikI 217.7 SaiiH*. Phil 301.53 — I’elhai'i 211.2.3 — Hiihelieu 165.1 — A .stninge story 216 9 — 'I’lie student. 2 v. in 1.. 156,2 — Wliaf will he do with it? .302.5 — Zaiioni. 2 v. 12° 245.1.3 Same. 8°/- 301.54 — 'Phe Ijisf dfiys of Pomiieii. See .Medina, 1.. H 165.18 Bulwer-Lytton, (E.) K. (Omen Meredith.') 'Die apple of life 168.14 — laicile 168.6 Bumstead, J. Gil the wing. 36.32 Bunrury, G. j. F. Hesi- deiict! at the Cape of Good Hope 96.23 Bunce, (). Love in ’76 .... 164.11 Bungener, L. (F.) History of the council of 'Prent. 147.19 — 'Phe preacher and the king 326.2 — 'Phe jiriest and the Huguenot. 2 v 283.21 Bunker hh.l. The battle, and account of the monu- ment. P'rothingham, U. 184.5 Bunker hill. Battle of. Phnmons, K 167.1 Bunker-hill monument as- sociation. Inauguration of the statue of War- ren, June 17, 1857 112.6 Bunn, A. My neighbor’s wife 164.9 Bdnner, E. History of Louisiana 19.2 Bunsen, C. C. J, von. Life of Martin Luther 127.4 — Signs of the times 184.9 Bunyan, j. Pilgrim’s pro- gress 305.23 Buonarroti, Michael- An- gelo, Life of. See Grimm, H 123.11 Buried city of the East. Nineveh 233.4 Burk, J. History of Vir- ginia. 2 V 132.7 Burke, C. Kip Van Winkle. 165.20 Burke, E. Works. 3 v. .. 151.2 — Life of. See ITior, J. .. 116.6 Burnand, F'. C. Romance under difficulties 164.11 Burnap, G. W. Life of L. Calvert v. 9 of 117.2 Burnet, J. Settlement of the North-western terri- tory 133.6 Burnett, J. G. Bhanche of Brandyivine 165.22 Burney, F. See D’Arblay, F. BURNS 13 CAMPBELL Shelf. No. Burns, R. Life and works. 4v 1G6.29 Containivg “The various compositions, strunjr in strict clironologicul order upon the memoir.” — Preface. — [Poems and songs] 1G0.8 — Poetical works 1G2.15 — Life of. See Carlyle, T. . 127.5 Burk, A. Private journal in Europe. 2 111.2 — Knapp, S. L. Life of. . . 215 10 — Parton. J. Life and times of ...' 102.3 Burr, C. C. Notes on the constitution of the Uni- ted States 3G5.31 Burralu, F. a. Asiatic cholera 35.2 Burritt, E. Thoughts and things at home and abroad 234.15 Burton, J. H. The book- hunter, etc 205.1 Burton, Richard F. The city of the saints, and across the Rocky moun- tains to California 93.2 — The lake regions of Cen- tral Africa 83.5 Burton, Robert. (Demo- critas junior.) Anatomy of melancholy. 3v. ... 207.22 Burton, Warren. Helps to education 154.25 Burton, William E. Cyclo- paedia of wit and humor. 2 72.2 — The Yankee amongst the mermaids 343.10 Bush, A. F. Memoirs of the queens of France. 2 v. 184. G Bush, G. Life of Moham- med 48.29 — Reply to [R. W.] Emer- son on Swedenborg 383.10 — Reply to Rev. Dr. VV'^oods’ “Lectures on Sweden- borgiauism” 383.10 Bush-boys, The. Reid, M. 25. G Bush wanderings of a natur- alist 2G.20 Bushnell, H. Christian nurture 3GG.31 Bushrangers, The. Thornes, W. H 22.14 Business. Laing, J. The- ory of 3G5.34 — Parsons, T. Laws of. .. 33.18 Butler, B., in New Orleans. See Parton, J. 113.3 Butler, J. Analogy of re- ligion 387.17 Butler, R , earl of Glengall. The Irish tutor 1G4.2 Butler, S. Poetical works. 2 228.1 Contents. — Vo\. I. Life, by J. Milford. I, II. Iludibras. II. Remains. Butterfly hunters, The. Conant, H. S 22.8 Buzzard’s bay ; Report up- on the proposed canal to unite Barnstable and Buzzard’s bays 151.11 Shelf. No. Byerley, T., and Robertson, J. C. (SJtoUo and lieu- ben Percy.) Memorials of [London] 359.1 — Percy anecdotes. Added, American anecdotes. 2 V. in 1 151.3 Byron, G. (G. N.), lord. Po- etical works. 10 V 228.2 Contents. — Yo\. I. Life; Hours of idleness ; Occasional pieces, 1807-24. II. English bards and Scotch reviewers; Hints from Horace ; The curse of Minerva; The waltz; Ode to Napoleon Bonaparte; He- brew melodies ; Domestic pieces ; Monody on the death of R. B. Sheridan ; The dream ; The lament of Tasso ; Ode on Venice. HI. Beppo; The prophecy of Dante ; Francesca of Rimini ; The Morgante Mag- giore of Pulci ; The blues ; The vision of judgment; The age of bronze. IV. Childe Harold’s pilgrimage. V. The giaour; The bride of Abydos; The corsair; Lara; The siege of Corinth ; Parasina ; The pris- oner of Chillon ; Mazeppa; The island. VI. Manlred; Marino Faliero. VII. Sarda- napalus ; The two Foscari ; Cain. VIII. Heaven and earth; The deformed transformed; Werner. IX, X. Don Juan. — Cliilde Harold’s pilgrim- age, and other poems .. 1G9.1G — Sardanapalus, adapted by C. Kean 1G5.14 — Werner 1G5.10 — Vision of judgment. See Southey, R 1G8.12 — Boissy, T., marquise de. Recollections of 103 2 — Galt, J. Life of 48.35 — Moore, T. Life, letters, and journals of 121.3 — Trelawny, E. ,J. Last days of 20G.3 Cabell, N. F. Reply to Rev. Dr. Pond’s “Svvedeu- borgianism reviewed”.. 383.10 Cabin on the prairie. Pear- son, C. H 2G.9 Cabot, S., Life of. See Hayward, C.,jr. ..v. 9 of 117.1 V. 2 of 123.7 Cadet life at West Point. Kinsman, J. B 24.5 C.ESAR, C. J. [Commen- taries. Also those of Hirtius.] 2 v 339.15 — Abbott, J. History of.. 15.10 — Liddell, H. G. Life of.. 127.G — Napoleon HI. History of 142.1 CAESARS, The. De Quincey, T 44.15 Cagnoni, a. Don Bucefalo. Italian, with English translation 1G2.3 Calaf. Holford, M 288.10 Calamities of authors. Dis- raeli, 1 155 3 Calaynos. Boker, G. H. V. 1 of 1G8.20 Calcraft, j. W. The bride of Lammermoor.. 1G5.20 Shelf. No. Calderon de la Barca, F. E. The attache in Mad- rid 234.14 — Life in Mexico. 2 v 97.20 Calderon, the courtier. Bulwer-Lytton, E. (G. E. L.) 24G.1G Caldwell, J., Trial of Brit- ish soldiers for the mur- der of, in Boston, 1770. 137.1 Caleb AVilliams. Godwin, W 288.3 Calhoun, J. C. Works. G v. 42.G California. Browne, J. R. Adventures in 95.14 — Colton, W. Three years in 9G.18 — Fremont, J. C. Explor- ing expedition to. . 94.4 — Hutchings, -I. M. Scenes of wonder and curiosity in 84.1 — Palmer, J. W. Califor- nia and India 97.11 — Patterson, L. B. Twelve years in the mines of. . . 87.1 — Ringgold, C. Charts, with sailing directions for bays and rivers in.. 31.12 — Thornton, J. Q. Oregon and 85.13 — Wise, H. A. An inside view of 23G.10 — Woods, D. B. Sixteen months at the gold dig- gings 8G.14 See also San Diego. Calisthenics, Physiology and. Beecher, C. E. .. 3G7.15 See also Gymnastics. Calkins, N. A. Object les- sons 154.23 Call at number 1-7. Trip- let, J 1G4.22 Call to the unconverted. Baxter, R 389.3 Called to account. Cudlip, A 2G1.20 Callery, j. M., and Yvan, M. Insurrection in China 188.4 Calvert, J. Fiji and the Fijians. See Williams, T 91.2 Calvert, L., Life of. See Burnap, G. W v. 9 of 117.2 Calvin, J., Life of. See Dyer, T. H 125.5 Camilla’s husband. Phil- lips, W 1G5.29 Camille. Dumas, A., fils. 1G5.17 Campbell, G. Lectures on systematic theology and pulpit eloquence 363 2 — Philosophy of rhetoric.. 3G5.1 Campbell, G. D., duke of Argyll. Primeval man. 37.10 Campbell, John. Letters on the Bible monopoly. 3GG.7 Campbell, John, lord. Lives of Lord Lyndhurst and Lord Brougliam 122. 7 Campbell, Joliu W. His- tory of Virginia, till 1781. 137.2 CAMIMiELL M ClIALM ERS Shelf. No. Hht'lf. No. Hhcir. N... Campijki.l, T. rooticjil works 100.:il Ccmtmtu . — TJI'o; (JeniiiH and cliaraeler, by <1. Oillillan; I’leaHiiroH of bopo; 'J'lieodric ; O’Connor’H cliild ; Locbiol’H warniiif'; Ilob(*nlindcM ; (lor- tnidcof Wyoinintf ; IMlgriin of (.} leiicoc ; lil isccllancous. — Beattie, W. TAfe of . . . . 121.17 — Bevievv of liis Leetures on poetry. Reviews. 185.3 Campbell, W. W. Border warfare of New A’ork, diirins^ the revolution; or, the annals of Tryon county 188.0 — Life and writings of l)c Witt Clinton 101,15 Camp-fikes of the revolu- tion. Watson, II. C. .. 181.13 Campin, F. rraclice of hand-turning in wood, ivoiy, shell, etc 305.10 Can wrong be right? Hall, A. M 302.33 Caanda. Moody, S. Life in.. 87.10 Life in the clearings versus the bush 00.20 — Murray, A. AI. Letters from 07.1 — Springs, water-falls, etc. 87.7 — Thoreau, 11. I). Yankee in 44.2 — Warburtou, E. Conquest of 117.15 Canada West, introduenon to statistical account of. Gourlay, R 202.2 Canaka, Journey through. Buchanan, F 81.1 Candle, (hiemical history of a. Faraday, M 307.31 Canning, G., Life of. See Bell, R 127.10 Canoe and saddle. Win- throp, T 150.30 Canongate, Chronicles of the. Scott, Sir W. V. 20, 21 of 203.5 Cape Cod. Thoreau, H. D. 44.3 Cape Cod and all along shore Nordhotf, C. . . . 321.5 Cape of Good Hope, Resi- dence at the. Bunbury, C. J. F 90.23 Cappjce. Leland, O. S 105.28 Captain Horace. Clarke, R. S 18.13 Captain Kyd. Jones, J. S. 105.20 Captain of ihe watch. Blan- che, J K 104.2 Capt. Russel’s watchword. Grosvenor, Mrs. H. S... 248.2 Capi'ain’s, The, not a-iniss. , Wilks, T. E 101.14, 25 Captains of the Roman re- public. Herbert, 11. W. 350.4 Caplgiilv, J’he. Foote, S. . 103.12 ('abds. Sre Whist. Cauey, M. Amm-iean mu- seum, or, repository of ancient and modern fu- gitive pieces, 1787-92. Vol. J-12. 12 V 03.3 Caul and Jocko. Abbott, J. V. 10 of 10.1 Caui.An, (E.) F. One year. 201.22 — Whimsical woman 217.1 C/AKLioroN, Cd/it. (“ (Jrar- cti”) Recreations in shooting 37.2 Caiilei'on, pseud, . See (’of- lin, C. C. Caulisle, Sari of. See How- ard, G. W. F. Caulyle, a. Autobiogra- phy r... B>5.8 CaklyI.e, T. Chartism 157.8 — Critical and ndscellanc- ous essays. Iv 155.1 — Heroes, hero-worship, and the heroic in his- tory 207.17 — History of Friedrich ii. 0 V 111.3 — Histoiy of the French revolution. 2 v 117.10 — I.atter-day pamphlets... 207.15 — Life of R. Burns 127.5 — Bast and present. Char- tism, and Sartor resar- tus. N. V 155.8 — Bast and present. Lond. 155.9 Carnes, J. A. Voyage from Boston to the west coast of Africa 97 10 Carnival of Venice. Bc- trella, — 102.10 Caroline. Abbott, J ..v. 9 of 10.2 Carpani, G. Life of Haydn; JJfe of Mozart, from the German of Schlictegroll, with observations on Metastasio 120.10 Carpenter, J. E. The Brit- ish song book 109.3 — The convivial songster . . 109.1 — The fire-side song book 109.10 — The home songster 109.2 — Songs for all ages 109.4 Carpenter, M. Juvenile delinquents, their con- dition and treatment. .. 200.7 Carpenter, W. B. Zoology. 2v . 304.0 CA.srr.E Dangerous. Sc<)lt, Sir \V v. 2 1 of 203. 5 Casi i.e of iiidolenci*. 'riiom- son, J 2 of 227 5 f -AS’i Li; spec! er. Lewis, M. G 105.22 (^\STLE’s heir. W'ocxl, E. 1’. 321.15 CAi'ARAcr of the Ganges. Moncrieir, W'. T 10.5,20 Catherine, 'fhackeray, \V. M 5 of 317.1 Catherine II, of Jhissia, Court and reign of. See Smneker, S. M 350.2 Catholic, 'I'he. Derby, E, H ‘. .‘too. 8 Catspaw, 'file. Jerrold, I). 105.11 Cati le. Diseases of. Dadd, G. H 35.12 Ser al.io Vctcrin.'iry modl- cines. CAUftAsrs. Ditson, G. L. 'four to the 232.0 — Ilommaire de Hell, X. 'f ravels in the 232.8 Caudle’s, Mrs., cnrlain lec- ture, adapted from D. Jerrold. Stirling, E. 101.11, 20 Caudle’s, Mrs., curtain lec- tures. Jerrold, 1) 17.11 Caulfield, J. Book of won- derful characters. See Wilson, 11 103.1 Cavalier, 'i'he. James, G. B. R 201.24 Cavendish, T., Life and voy- ages of 48.12 Cavendish, pseud. Laws and principles of whist. 307.13 Caxtoniana. Bulwer-Lyt- ton, E. (G. E. L.) 150.3 Cantons, The. Bulwer- Lytton, E. (G. E. L.). .. 265.17 Cazin, A. Bhenomena and laws of heat 30.1 Cecil Dreeme. Wintlirop, T 248.4 Cecilia Howard. Arthur, T. S 341.4 Carpenter of Rouen. Jones, J. S 105.17 Carpenter’s new guide. Nicholson, B 301.1 Carrel, (J. B. N.) A. The counter-revolution in England 338.8 Carthage and her remains. Davis, N 82.3 Cary, A. Clovernook 215.20 Cary, T. G. Memoir of T. H. Berkins 112.1 Casey. S. Infantry tactics. Vol. 2, 3. 2 V 38.14 Casimir Maremma. Helps, A 320.18 Caspian sea. Travels in the. Ilommaire de Hell, X *. 232.8 Cast away in the cold. Hayes, !. 1 22.4 Cast up by the sea. Baker, Sir S. W 10.5 Castle builders. Vonge, C. M ' 303.9 Celestial scenery, etc., dis- played. Dick, T. ..59.5; 335 6 Cellini, B. Memoirs. 2 v. in 1 194.13 Cenci, The. Shelley, B. B. 108.24 Centlivre, S. a bold stroke for a wife 109.6 — The wonder 105.27 Cera-antes Saavedra, M. de. Don Quixote. N. Y. 247.8 Same. Bost. 1800. 2 V. in 1 321.23 Same. Bost. 1865. 4 v. S26.5 Ceylon, Rifle and hound in. Baker, .90’ S. W 26.19 CiiAiNBEARER, The. Cooper, J. F 286.4 CiiALLis, F. My Avife’s hus- band 164.12, 23 Chalmers, T. Christian rev- elation viewed in con- nection Avith astronomy. 363.4 — Correspondence 124.18 — Christian labors of. See Wayland, F 120.2 CHAMBERS 15 CHINA Shelf. No. Chambers, R. Cyclopaedia of English literature. 2 V *R. R.,B.3 CiiAMBEits, T. W. Memoir of T. Freliiigliiiysen 196.2 Chambers, W. Home book ; or, pocket miscellany. 6 77.2 — Miscellany of useful and entertaining knowledge. Vol. 1-3, 5. 4 V 207.25 — and R. Papers fqr the people. 12 204.3 Changed brides. South- worth, E. D. E. N 345.9 Changeling, Ti e. Middle- ton, T. V. 4 of 163.10 Changing base. Everett, W 27.1 Channing, E. T. Life of W. Ellery v. 6 of 117.1 V. 3 of 123.7 Channing, Walter. A phy- sician’s vacation ; or, a summer in Europe 94.15 Channing, William E. Works. 6 V 44.21 Contents . — Vol. I. Intro- ductory remarks ; Character and writings of Milton ; Life of Napoleon Bonaparte ; Char- acter and writings of Fenelon ; Moral argument against Cal- vinism; National literature; Associations ; The union ; Ed- ucation. II. Slavery; The abolitionists ; Annexation of Texas to the United States; Letter on Catholicism ; The creeds; Address on temper- ance ; Address on self-cul- ture. Ill, IV. Discourses; Evidences of Christianity. V. Remarks on the slavery ques- tion; Lecture on war; Lec- tures on the elevation of the laboring classes; Death of Dr. Follen, a discourse; Charges at the ordinations of F. T. Gray, R. C. Waterston, and J. S. Dwight; Miscellanies; Ap- pendix. VI. Emancipation, 1840; Discourse on J. Tucker- man ; Address on the present age; The church ; Duty of the free states; Address on the anniversary of the emancipa- tion in the British West Indies. — Discourses 366.23 Channings, The. Wood, E. P 321.8 Chapel of St. Mary ........ 247.17 Chapel of the hermits. Whittier, J. G. ..v. 1 of 167.12 Chaplet of pearls. Youge, C. M 301.42 Chapman, J. Characteris- tics of men of genius. 2v 215.14 Character. Clark, R. W. Formation of 204.8 — Jameson, A. (M.) Sketch- es of 47.20 — Ware, H., jr. Formation of Christian 389.4 Character and characteris- tic men. Whipple, E. P 116.7 Characteristics of men of genius. Chapman, J. .. 215.14 Charcoal-burner, The. Al- mar, G 165.29 Shelf. No. Charcoal sketches. Neal, J. C 324.15 Charlemagne, History of. James, G. P. R. ... 49.10 ClIARLEMONT. SilUmS, W. G 243.17 Charles I, of England, His- tory of. See Abbott, J. 15.17 Charles II, of England. Ab- bott, J. History of. ... 15.23 — Hamilton, A. Personal history, etc., of 337.1 Charles the second. Payne, J. H 165.3 Charles V, of Germany, Reign of. See Robert- son, W 148.12 Charles XII, king of Sweden, History of. See Vol- taire, F. (M. A.) de.... 135.13 Charles XII. Planche, J. R 165.7 Chari.es the bold. History of. N^-eKirk, J. F 141.1 Charles, E. Diary of Mrs. Kitty Trevylyan 265.6 — Schonberg-Cotta family. 246.11 — The victory of the van- quished 246.8 — Winifred Bertram 264.7 Charles Auchester. Shep- pard, E. S. 261.35 Charles Edward Stuart, jwinee. See Johnes, M. 17.32 Charles O’Malley. Lever, C. (J.) 241.11; 348.3 Charlie Bell. Kellogg, E. 14.17 Charlotte Elizabeth, pseud. Nee Tonna, C. E. Chartism. Carlyle, T. 155.8; 157.8 Chase, G. W. Digest of masonic law 156.18 Chase, H., and Sanborn, C. W. The North and the South 136.15 Chaste maid in Cheapside. Middleton, T. ...v. 4 of 163.10 Chatham, Earl of. See Pitt, W. Chatrian, a. Madam The- rese. Nee Erckmann, E. 326.16 Cheever, G. B. Right of the Bible in our public schools 387.1 Cheever, H. T. Life in the Sandwich islands 236.11 Chemical history of a can- dle. Faraday, M 367.31 Chemistry. Liebig, J. von. Chemistry in its applica- tions to agriculture and physiology 386.2 Familiar letters on 364.13 — Prout, W. Chemistry and natural theology ... 37.6 — Stoeckhardt, J. A. Prin- ciples of 37.14 See also Adulterations, Ag- ricultural chemistry, Metal- lurgy. Cherry, A. The soldier’s daughter 165.14 Cherry and fair star 164.10 CiiESEBRO’, C. Isa 246.22 — Peter Carradine 247.6 — Victoria 264.3 Shelf. No. ClIESNEY, F. R. Russo- Turkish campaigns of 1828, 29 97.12 Chess. Morphy, P. Games of 37.19 — Staunton, H. The chess- player’s hand-book 37.18 The chess tournament. 37.4 Chesterfield, Earl of. See Stanhope, P. D. Chiapas, Incidents of travel in. Stephens, J. L 83.8 Child, A. B. Better views of living 366.16 Child, L. M. Autumnal leaves 207.20 — Condition of women. 2 v. 186.12 — Isaac T. Hopper: life... 215.8 — Philothea 265.7 — Progress of religious ideas. 3 v 383.2 — A romance of the repub- lic 326.21 Childe Harold’s pilgrim- age. Byron, G. (G. N.), lord 169.16; v. 4 of 228.2 Children. Newcomb, H. Kind words for 18.25 — Sedgwick, C. M. Love token for 18.2 — Struve, C. A. Domestic education of 154.13 — Warren, E. How I man- aged my 35.7 Children in the wood. Mor- ton, T 164.12, 23 Children of the New forest. Marryat, F 323.1 Chimney-corner, The. Stowe, H. (E.) B 157.10 China. Anderson, A. Brit- ish embassy to, in 1792- 94 357.3 — Callery, J. M. Insurrec- tion in 188.4 — Cooke, G. W. Corre- spondence from, in 1857, 58 234.2 — Davis, Sir J. F. Descrip- tion of 47.15 — Doolittle, J. Social life of the Chinese 95.15 — Hanks, F. L. Expedi- tion to the China seas and Japan, in 1852-54. 231.1; 232.5 — Hue, J^. R. Journey through the Chinese em- pire 94.16 Travels in, 1844-46 235.14 — Medhurst, W. H. State and prospects 94.13 — Neviiis, J. R. China and the Chinese 85.16 — Oliphant, L. Earl of El- gin’s mission to 82.13 — Scarth, J. Twelve years ill 96.15 — Smith, G. Visit to the consular cities of 94.21 — Smith, W. L. G. China and the Chinese 97.13 — Taylor, (J.) Bayard. Vis- it to, in 1853 87.20 — Williams, Mrs. H. D. A year in 94.11 CHINA f'LKVKI. \NI> Sliclf. No. China, c.onli.nncd. — VVillijuiiH, S. W. The Chinese (nnpirc; Jind its iiiliabitunts 2.‘}5jn CiUT-ciiA'r oT Iminor, wit, jiiul iuiee.dote 3 13.1. ‘5 CiirvALitY. Hidlincli, T. Age of 188.13 — James, G. P. P. Jlistory of 19.10 CiioATK, P. Works, witli memoir by S. G. Prowii. 2v 42.5 Contents. — Vol. T. Memoir; LetterH ; Lectures :iud address* es. II. Speeches ; llorio 'I’hii- cydidiaiiaj; Translalioti from Tacitus. - Brown, S. G. Life of 115.11 — Parker, E. G. Peminis- cences of 214.1 CiioEriroiiyL, The. iEschy- Ins 339.17 CnoLEUA, Asiatic. Burrall, E. A 35.2 Choleric man. The. Cum- berland, P 108.22 CiiORLTON, W. Grape grow- er’s guide 34.19 CiiouLES, J. O. Cruise of the steam yacht North Star 87.15 — Young Americans abroad ; or, vacation in Europe . . 15.43 Chretien he Poville, A. J. Elements of agriculture. V. 2 of 305.29 Christ. Abbott, L. Life of. 32.5 — Bulfinch, S. G. Contem- plations of the Saviour. 300.38 — Ellicott, C. J. Life of.. 363.18 — Johnson, S. The worship of Jesus 307.0 — Kempis, T. a. Imitation of 303.15 — Neancler, (J.) A. (W.) Life of 122.3 — Parker, J. Ecce Deus.. 300.10 — Plumptre, E. H. Christ and Christendom 32. 1 — Seeley, J. P. Ecce Homo. 300.9 — Testimony of Christ’s second appearing. See Shakers 303.5 — Ware, IL, jr. Offices and character of 300.33 See also Trinity. Christian believing and liv- ing. Huntington, F. I). 380.10 Christian character. Ware, IL, jr 389.4 Christian examiner. Vol. 1-27, 31-05, 07-73, 75-84. 73 V 418.1 CintiSTiAN nurture. Bush- nell, H 300.31 Christian professor, The. James,.!. A 387.7 Christian religion, ’I'nitli and exc.ellence of the. Adams, H 387.25 Christia.n Hjiec-tator. Vol. 1-3. 3 V 03.5 CiiRisriAN’s mistake. (Jraik, IL (M.) M 204.0 Sliilf. No. Chihstianh Y. Fish, H. C. I’rimilive piety revived. 300.21 — Magoon, E. L. Itepubli- can 207.24 — Martineau, .1. Sf iidies — Mil man, 11. 11. History of 142.11 — Peabody, A. P. Chris- tianity the rel igion of nature — Shelley, P. B. ]< Issay on. 108.5 See also Clirist, Cliurch, Kv- idcticcH, MiwHioiiH, Itcifcneru- lion, Religion, Tlieology. CiiRiS'i IE Johnstone. Peade, C 249.1 ; 317.24 Christmas books. Diekens, C. (J. H.) 281.10 CiiRisT.MAS-EVE aiul Eastci'- day. Browning, K 107.11 Christmas guest. South- worth, E. 1). E. N 315.17 Christmas hours. Haven, C. IM. 1.53.22 Christy, 1). Culture of cot- ton 150.24 Chronicles of Carlingford. Oliphant, M. ((). W.) .. .301.15 CiiROMCLE.s of the Canon- gate. Scott, Sir W. V. 20, 21 of 203.5 Chronicles of the crusades. 338.9 Chronicles of the tombs. Pettigrew, T. J 157.4 Church and congregation. Bartol, C. A 300.4 Church music. Gould, N. 1). History of church music in America 303.19 — Hewins, J. M. Hints concerning 387.6 Churchill, J., chtke ofdlarl- borouqh, Memoirs of. See Cbxe, W 337.4 Cibber, C. Life 79.2 — Richard iii. See Shake- speare, W 105.2 Cicero, M. T. Orations, Offices, Cato andLaelius. ^ 3 V 339.7 — Three dialogues on the orator 339.5 Cincinnati in 1826. Drake, B 233.6 Cinderella 165.19 Cinderella. Rossini, G. A. 162.7 Cinderella. Thackeray, ms5(A. I.) 347.13 Cinq-Mars, H. d’E., ma?'- quis de. Cinq-Mars : or a conspiracy under Lou- is xiii 201.21 Circassia. Spencer, E. ... 90.13 CiuCASsiA; or, a tour to the (hiucasus. Ditson, G. L. 232.6 Circumnavigation of the globe 47.16 Circumstances alter cases. Hoiipin, W. J 164.22 Civil (mgineer’s and arclii- tect’s journal. Vol. 1-23. 23 V. ! 52.1 CiviLiZA'i'ioN, True. Sega, J. 200.13 Civilization. Wilkins, J. H. 105.14 Slirlf. No. (’iviLiZA I ION In Kuropc, Hi - lorvol’. Gid/.ot , F. IM i j 147.2 Claii:\ h.i.k, L. F. N. iS.itan in I'.aris. AV-r S<-ll)y, ( 10.».2l Clamh;si IM-; marrl.agc. ('cd- man, (L. Hn i hh r 10.5.0 Clai*, IL, .Memoirs of. A'- e Young, A IS 1.7 Clai’I’, M. F., Memoir of. Srr Kobl)ins, c 190.21 Cr.Ai-p, W. W., jr. La liain- min.a 1 <1.5.28 — My husband’.s mirror.... 101.17 Clarendon, Lard . See Hyde, E. Clari. Payne, .1. H 105.25 Clark, J. A. ’I’Ik* pastor’s lestimony 201.7 Clauk, IL W. I-’ormaf ion of cliaracter 201.8 Clark, T. M. John Whop- per tli(! newsl)oy HI. 12 Clauke, C. Life 79.3 Ci.AiiKE, M. C. 5'arns of an old m.ariner 14.8 Clauke, N. H. B. O’Neal the great 10.5.30 — 'I’he i)irate of the isles. .. 10.5.30 Clarke, It. S. {Stqdiie Mdij.) Dotty Dimple stories. Dotty Dimple at her grandmother’s 18.17 Dotty llimple at home. 18.15 Dotty Dimph* Jit play.. 18.10 Dotty Dimple at school. 18.19 — - Dotty Dimple’s Fly- away 18.14 Dotty Dimple out West. 18. 18 — Little Prudy series. Cap- tain Horace 18.13 Cousin Gracie 18.8 Dotty Dimple 18.10 Fairy book 18.9 Little Prudy 18.11 Sister Su.sy 18.12 — Little Prudy’s Flyaway series. Prudy keeping house 18.33 Clarke and Lewis’ expedi- tion. See Allen, P 48.23 Classical studies. Sears, B. 153.1 Claverings, The. Trollope, A 301.35 Clay, H. Obituary addresses on the death of. See United States 101.2 — Sargent, E. Life of .... 195.11 Clayton, E. C. Queens of song : memoirs of fe- male vocalists 103.4 Clement, — . Ernestine. See Deunery, — 165.15 Clement, J. Noble deeds of American women 116.13 Cleopatra, History of. See Abbott, J 15.27 Cleve hall. Sewell, E. M. . 304.2 Cleveland, C. D. English literature of the 19th century 204.13 Cleveland, H. P. Life of II. Hudson V. 10 of 117.1 V. 2 of 123.7 Cleveland, P. J. Narrative of voyages and commer- cial enterprises. 2 v. . . 96.20 CLEVER 17 CONJUGAL Shelf. No. Clever stories of many na- tions. Saxe, J. G 22.5 Clever woman of the fam- ily. You're, C. M. ..... 301.38 Clife-climbers, The. Reid, M 25.14 Climbing the rope. Nowell, H. P. H 14.13 Clinton, P. W., Life and writinojs of. See Camp- bell, W. W 194.15 Clinton, H. F. Literary remains 206.6 Clinton. Simonds, W. ... 17.23 Clockmaker’s hat. Girar- din, E. de 164.8 Cloister, The, and the hearth. Reade, C 347.25 Clovernook. Cary, A 245.20 Coale, W. E. Hints on health 34.21 Cobb, C. and D. The veter- an of the grand army.. 243.1 Cobb, S. Compend of Chris- tian divinity 385.14 — Family singing book 158.14 — Review of the Conflict of ages 458.16 — Human destiny. See Hud- son, C. F 385.16 — Scripturalness of future endless punishment. See Adams, N 385.15 Cobbett, W. American gar- dener 364.21 — A year’s residence in the United States 236.12 CoBDEN, R. Political career aud public services. See MacGilchrist, J 127.16 Cochin, A. Results of eman- cipation .... 356.11 Cochin-China, Voyage to, in 1792,93. Barrow, iSirJ. 81.3 Cockneys in California. Coyne, J. S 164.5 CoDMAN, John, D. D. Me- moir and sermons. See Allen, W 113.11 CoDMAN, John. Ten months in Brazil .... 95.29 Coffin, C. C. {Carleton.) Following the flag 27.25 — Four years of fighting. . . 132.11 — My days and nights on the battle-field 27.22 — Our new way round the world 84.14 — The seat of empire 95.26 CoLASTERiON. Milton, J. V. 3 of 337. 5 Coleridge, S. T. Complete works. 7 45.1 Contents. — Vol. 1. Aids to reflection ; Statesman’s man- ual. II. The friend, edited by H. N. Coleridge. III. Biogra- phia literaria, edited by H. N. C. IV. Lectures upon Shak- speare and other dramatists, edited by Mrs. H. N. Coleridge. V. Literary remains, edited by H. N. C.; Confessions of an inquiring spirit, edited by H. N. C. VI. Constitution of church and state, edited by H. N. C.; A lay sermon on the distresses and discontents, 1817; Table talk. VII. Poeti- cal and dramatic works. Shelf. No. Coleridge, S. T., continued. — Biographia literaria 2 v. 205.9 — Reminiscences of. See Cottle, J 104.2 Collegian, The. [Feb.- July, 1830] 55.1 Collier, J. P. Notes and emendations to Shake- speare’s plays 204.11 Collins, W. Poetical works. 228.3 Contents. — Memoir; Essay on the genius and poems of Collins, by Sir E. Brydges; Oriental eclogues; Odes; Ob- servations on the oriental eclogues, and odes, by ;Dr. Langhorne. Collins, (W.) W. Anto- nina 261.32 — Armadale 301.36 — Basil 324.18 — Mad Monkton ; and other tales 302.40 — Man and wife ‘301.26 — The moonstone 301.10 — No name. Bost. 2v. .. 244.25 Same. N. Y 241.1 — The queen of hearts 326.9 — The queen’s revenge 302.41 — Sights a- foot 302.42 — The woman in white.... 301.22 COLMAN, G., the elder. The clandestine marriage .. . 165.6 — The jealous wife 165.4 CoLMAN, G., the younger. Blue devils 165.10 — The heir at law 165.13 — The iron chest 165.7 — Jonathan in England. . .. 165.29 — The mountaineers 165.9 — The poor gentleman .... 165.3 — The review 165.26 CoLMAN, H. European agri- culture. 2 V 33.15 — European life and man- ners. 2 V 234.22 CoLMAN, J. F. The island bride, and other poems. 167.5 Colombat de l’Isere, M. Diseases and hygiene of the voice 38.12 Colombe’s birth-day. Brown- ing, R V. 1 of 167.15 Colombo, C. Irving, W. Life and voyages of. v. 6 of 46.6 Columbus and his com- panions V. 7 of 46.6; 46.15 — Lamartine, A. (M. L. P.) de. Life of 127.3 — Life of 127.14 Color-guard, The. Hos- mer, J. K 136.19 Colorado river of the West, Report upon the. Ives, J. C 81.5 Colton, G. W. General atlas *R. R., Table Colton, W. Ship and shore, in Madeira, Lisbon, and the Mediterranean 97.3 — Three years in California. 96.18 Columbus, C. /See Colombo, C. Columbus el fllibustero ! ! Brougham, J 164.13 CoLvocoRESSES, G. M. Four years in a government exploring expedition. . . 234.10 Shelf. No. Combe, A. Physiology of digestion 364.9 — Principles of physiology applied to health 19.35 Combe, G. Constitution of man 38.1 — System of phrenology. . . 34.7 Combe, W. Tour of Doctor Syntax in search of the picturesque 166.1 Comedy and tragedy. Four- nier, R 164.13 Comedy of errors. Shake- speare, W 3 of 163.1 V. 1 of 163.2 Cometh up as a flower 302.46 Comfort, L. C. Folks and fairies 325.4 Comic history of the United States. Sherwood, J. D 282.1 Comical people. Pictures of. 248.24 Commerce, Cyclopaedia of. Homans, J. S *R. R., B. 2 Commissary, The. Foote, S 163.12 Common-place book. Jame- son, A. (M.) 156.16 Common school journal. Vol. 1-6, 10. 7 V 65.2 Comparative physiognomy. Redfield, J. W 382.3 Comstock, J. L. Introduc- tion to the study of bot- any 364.23 CoMUS. Milton, J 2 of 161.5 V. 2 of 167.24 CoNANT, H. S. The butter- fly hunters 22.8 Concord, Mass., Battle of. Frothingham, R 184.5 Concord river. Mass., A week on the. Thoreau, H. D 44.6 Concordance to the Old and New Testament. Cru- den, A *R. R., G. 1 Cond6, j. a. Dominion of the Arabs in Spain. 3 v. 186.1 Conduct of life. Emerson, R. W 204.9 Cone cut corners. Abbott, B., A., and L 248.20 Confession. Simms, W. G. 247.21 Confessions of a pretty wo- man. Pardoe, J 321.4 Confessions of an English opium-eater. De Quin- cey, T 44.24 Confessions of an odd-tem- pered man v. 3 of 282.5 V. 2 of 327.30 Confidences, Les. Lamar- tine, A. (M. L. P.) de.. 114.19 Conflict of ages. Beecher, E 366.5 CoNGAR, O. Autobiography and memorials 199.4 Congo. Abbott, J. ...v 12 of 16.1 Congregational churches of New England, Princi- ples and practice of the. Mitchell, J 367.1 CoNiNGSBY. Disraeli, B. .. 341.59 Conjugal lesson, A. Dan- vers, H 164.10 3 CONKI.ING 18 COXK Hhclf. No. C()NKi,iN(}, M. C. Moinoir of the mother and wife of VVashin^don ]\)7.2 CoNNEGTiour, History of. l)wi,i;ht, 'r., jr 180.2 CoNNKCTicnT river, Fossil iin[)ressions in t he sand- stone rocks of. Warren, d. (; 303.0 CoN(iUKST of Granada. Jr- vin,ij:, W 5 of 40.0 CoNQUKST of Spain. Jrvin^;, W V. 5 of 40.0 Constant couple. Farquhar, G 100.0 CoNSTANTiNOPLK, Visit to. Grey, lion. Mrs. W. ... 80.4 CoNSUKLO. Diidevant, A. L. A. I) 324 12 CoNTAKiNi Fleming. Disra- eli, H '. 341.57, 00 CoNTiCNTiON of the houses of Yorke and Lancaster. Shakespeare, W. .v. 3 of 103.11 Convalescent, The. Willis, N. P 287.27 Convivial songster. Car- penter, J. E 100.1 Conway, H. J. Hiram Hire- out 104.15 — Our Jemiiny 104.10 Cook, E. Poems 102.12 Cook, J. Voyages round the world, with his life. iSee Kippis, A 148.7 Cooke, G. W. Correspon- dence from China in 1857, 58 234.2 Cooke, J. E. Henry St John, gentleman 246.21 — Stonewall Jackson : a military biography 114.2 Cookery. See Domestic economy. Cool as a cucumber. Jer- rold, W. B 164.19 Cooper, Frank, pseud. See Simms, W. G. Cooper, J. F. Afloat aud ashore 286.1 — The bravo. N. Y 286.2 Same. Phil. 2 v 288.9 — The chaiubearer 286.4 — The crater 286.3 — The deerslayer 286.5 — The headsman 286.6 — The Heidenmauer 286.9 — History of the navy of the United States to 1856. 3 V. in 1 183.12 — Home as found. .. .248.12 ; 286.7 — Homeward bound 286.8 — Jack Tier 286.10 — Last of the Mohicans .... 286. 15 — Jiionel Lincoln 286.11 — Mercedes of Castile 286.13 — Miles Wallingford 286.12 — Monikins 286.14 — Ned Myers 286.17 — Notions of the Americans. 2 185.20 — The oak-openings. 246. 12 ; 286.16 — 'I'he pathfinder 285.5 — 'J’he pilot 285.3 — 'I'lie pioneers 248.19; 285.2 — The prairie 285.1 Hhoir. No. Cooper, J. F., ronlhiucd. — Precjiution 285.1 — Fed Lover 285.7 — J'he redskins 214.5; 285.6 — Satanstoe 2H5.H — J'he sea lions 2H5.10 — 'I'he spy 2H5.9 — Stories of the prairie. .. . 17.5 — Stories of t he sea 17.6 — Storii's of the woods.. .. 26.15 — 'I’he travelling bachelor. 2 V. in 1 218.11 ; 285.17 — The two admirals. 285 11 — 'I'he Water-witch. 247.19; 285.12 — The ways of the hour. 246.14; 285.13 — The wept of Wish-ton- Wish 285.16 Same. [Dramatized].. 165.19 — Wing-and-wing ; or, le Feu-follet 285.15 — Wyandotte 285.14 Note . — Five of tlic above form the “ I.eatlior Htocking tales,” in the following oriler : 'J'lie deerslayer, Last of the Mohicans, 'The i)athliiKler, The pioneers, The prairie. Cooper, 'I'he 38 7 Coopers, 'I'he. Haven, A. IL 265.18 Cord and creese. De Mille, J 261.29 CORioLANUS. Shakespeare, W. ..V. 2 of 161.4; V. 9 of 163.1 V. 5 of 163.4; 165.29 CORKRAN, J. F. National constituent assembly, 1848 147.8 Cornwall, Barry, pseud. See Procter, B. W. Cornwallis, K. Pilgrims of fashion 247.29 Coroner’s, A, inquisition. Hall, A. 0 164.11 Corsair, The. Brough, W. 164.12 Corsair, The. Dudevant, A. L. A. D 302.43 Corse de Leon. James, G. P. R 283.4 Corsican brothers. Dumas, A. (D.) 165.13 Cortes, H. Abbott, J. S. C. History of 15.11 — Life of 127.15 Cosmos. Humboldt, (F. H.) A. von 364.25 Cottage bee keeper 364.12 Cottin, S. R. Elizabeth; or, the exiles of Siberia. 287.10 Cottle, J. Reminiscences of Coleridge and Southey. 104.2 Cotton, C. The complete angler. See Walton, I. 387.14 Cotton, E. Voice from Waterloo 358.1 Cotton, J., Life and letters of. See Young, A 181.7 Cotton. Christy, D. Cul- ture of 156.24 — Ure, A. Cotton manu- facture of Great Britain. 37.1 Count of Monte-Cristo. Du- mas, A. (D.) 321.1 Count Robert of Paris. Scott, Sir W. ...v. 23 of 263.5 Counterparts. Sheppard, E. S 282.3 Hlii ir No. Coi NTESH Gisfla. John, E. 301.4 CoUNii.s.s <)l‘ KudoLt.idt. Dmh-vaut, A. L. A. 1). . . 321.1 I Country girl. WvclnTly, W i !. 169.9 Cou^ ^R^ living and country thinking 1)( dge, M. A. 151.31 Cou.vniY .s<|uirc. I)anc<*, C 165.28 Court and camp of liona- jiarlc 49.8 Courtney, J. Eustochc Baudiu 165.18 — 'l ime tries all 165.27 CdiJRisiiiP and marriage. Alcott, W. A 385,10 Courtship and marriage. I lent/., C. L 346.1 CouRiSMip of Miles Stau- dish. Longfellow, II.W. 16(5.28 Cousin, V. Elements of psychology 36.38 “ Co^^sIN .Ai.ice,” pseud. Sec Haven, A. B. Cousin Grade. Clarke, R. S 18.8 Cousin Harry. Grey, Mrs. 326.13 Cousin Pliillis. Gaskell, E. CovERLEY, Sir Itogcr de. Addison, J 24.3 See also Spectator, no. I, 2, lOft-l 10, 112-12:5, 12.-), 12G, RSO- 132, 200, ;520, 3:15, :i30, 383, 517. CovETOi'SNE.ss, Sin and evil of. Dick, T 335.2 Cow, 'I'he. Milburn, M. M. V. 1 of 365.29 Cowley, H. The belle’s stratagem 165,27 CowPER, W, Works. Lond. 8v 46.1 Contents. — Vol. I, II. Life, by li. Southey. II-IV. Let- ters aud papers in the Con- noisseur. V. Miscellaneous poems; Olney hymns; Trans- lations from V. Bourne; Translations from the French of Madame de La Mothe- Guion; Translation of the Latin and Italian poems of Milton; Epigrams; Miscella- neous poems; Translations from Virgil; Translation of Greek verses, etc. V'l. The task; Tirocinium; Miscellane- ous poems; Adam, a sacred drama, translated from the Italian of G. B. Andreini. VI. Iliad of Homer. VIII. Odyssey of Homer. Same. N. Y 161.3 Contents. — Life and let- ters ; Table talk ; Progress of error ; Truth ; Expostulation ; Hope ; Charity ; Conversa- tion; Retirement; The task; Miscellaneous poems; Olney hymns; Translations from the French of Madame de La Mothe- Guion; Translations from the Latin and Italian poems of Milton; Translations of Greek verses; Translations from the fables of Gay ; Epigrams trans- lated from the Latin of Owen; Translations from Virgil, etc.; Latin poems. CoxE, W. History of the house of Austria, 1218- 1792. 3 338.14 COXE 19 CYCLOPEDIA Shelf. No. CoxE, W., continued. — Memoirs of the duke of Marlborough. 3 v 337.4 Coyne, J. S. An awkward arrival 164.10 — Box and Cox married and settled 164.7 — Cockneys in California. . 164.5 — The love-knot 165.29 — Pas de fascination 164.21 — A scene in the life of an unprotected female.... 164.19 — The trumpeter’s daugh- ter 164.21 — The vicar of Waketield. [Dramatized] 165.12 — Wanted, one thousand spirited young milliners, for the gold diggings. . . 164.17 Cozeners, The. Foote, S. 163.12 CozzENS, F. S. The Spar- rovvgrass papers 283.15 Cradle of liberty. Glover, S. E 165.28 Cradock, M. Letter to Capt. J. Endicott 181.7 Craik, D. (M.) M., formerly Miss Muloch. Agatha’s husband 261.33 — Avillion, and other tales. 261.40 — A brave lady 301.12 — Christian’s mistake 264.6 — The fairy book 15.3 — The head of the family.. 261.11 — John Halifiix, gentleman. 307.5 — Mistress and maid 302.11 — A noble life 264.8 — Nothing new 241.3 Contents. — Lord Erlistoun; Alwyn’s first wife ; M. Anasta- sius ; The water cure ; The last house in G street ; A fami- ly in love; A low marriage; The double house. — The Ogilvies 261.4 — Olive 302.9 — Our year 307.2 — Poems 168.15 — Studies from life 307.6 — Two marriages 342.8 — The unkind word, and other stories 307.7 — The woman’s kingdom . . 301.37 — A woman’s thoughts about women 153.11 Craik, G. L. The pursuit of knowledge under dif- ficulties. Illustrated by anecdotes. 2 v 156.8 Same. Illustrated by memoirs of eminent men. 2 v 158.15 Cranch, C. P. Kobboltozo. 22.1 — Last of the Huggermug- gers 22.3 Cranford. Gaskell, E. C. 307.3 Cranmer, T., Life of. See Le Bas, C. W 127.11 Crater, The. Cooper, J. F. 286.3 Craven, H. T. Meg’s di- version 165.30 “ Craven,” pseud. See Carle- ton, Capt. Crayon, Geoffrey, pseud. See Irving, W. Crayon miscellany. Irving, W 46.17 Shelf. No. Crayon, The. Vol. 1, 2. 2v. 401.2 Creasy, E. L. The fifteen decisive battles of the world 147.12 Creation. Ilequembourg, C. L. Plan of the 387.11 — Lord, E. Epoch of 365.19 — Powell, B. Philosophy of. 37.17 — Vestiges of the natural history of 38.3 — Winchell, A. Sketches of. 34.13 Creighton, J. Memoirs... 79.7 Crescent, The, and French crusaders. Ditson, G. L. 97.9 Crescent, The, and the cross. Warburton, E. 235.3 Creswell, j. a. j. Oration on the life and character of H. W. Davis 134.6 Creyton, Paul, pseud. See Trowbridge, J. T. Crichton, A. History of Arabia 47.3 — and Wheaton, H. Scan- dinavia, ancient and modern. 2 v 48.14 Cricket field 36.35 Cricket on the hearth. Dickens, C. (J. H.) 165.30 Crimea. Grey, Hon. Mrs. W. Visit to the 86.4 — Hommaire de Hell, X. Travels in the 232.8 — Kinglake, A. W. Inva- sion of the 135.12 Crinoline. Brough, R. B. 164.18 Crispino e la comare. Ricci, F 162.10 Criterion, The. Tucker- man, H. T 156.6 Critic, The. Sheridan, R. B 163.9; 165.8 Criticism. Arnold, M. Es- says in 157.14 — Bayne, P. Essays in.... 153.5 — Pope, A. Essay on. v. 1 of 169.7 Croly, G. Life and times of George IV 48.6 Croly, J. C. Jennie June- iana : talks on women’s topics 154.29 Cromwell, O. Letters and speeches. 2 v 197.18 — Life of. See Russell, M. 19.13 Crosland, Mrs. N. Memo- rable women 198.7 Crossing the line. Almar,G. 164.10 Crowfield, Christopher, pseud. See Stowe, H. (E.) B. Crown prince. The. Wilks, T. E 164.10 Cruden, a. Complete con- cordance to the Old and New Testament .... *R. R., G. 1 Cruise of a Guineaman. Gould, J. W 248.27 Cruise of the Dashaway. Nowell, H. P. H 14.11 Crusades. Chronicles of the. 338.8 — Michaud, J. F. History of the 188.11 Crusades and the crusaders. Edgar, J. G 186.13 Crusoe’s island. Browne, J. R 95.14 Shelf. No. Cuba. Dana, R. IL, jr. To Cuba and back 97.15 — Howe, J. W. Trip to. .. 97.14 — Murray, A. JM. Letters from 97.4 CuDLip, A., formerly Miss Thomas. Called to ac- count 261.20 — Denis Donne 261.7 — The dower house 261.18 — False colors 261.41 — Married at last 324.22 — On guard 261.53 — Only herself 261.37 — Played out 261.39 — Playing for high stakes. . 261.10 — Theo Leigh 261.17 — Walter Goring 261.19 Cumberland, R. The broth- ers 168.22 — The choleric man 168.22 — The fashionable lover... 168.22 — Memoirs 122.2 CuM.MiNS, G. D Life of V. H. Hoffman 126.19 Cummins, M. S. ElFureidis. 248.10 — Haunted hearts 342.10 — The lamplighter 342.18 Cunningham, A. British painters, sculptors, and architects. 5 v 47.14 Cure for the heartache. Morton, T 165.2 Curie, P. F. Domestic homoeopathy 389.2 Curiosities of literature. Disraeli, 1 152.11; 155.6 Curran, J. P., and his con- temporaries. See Phil- lips, C 124.13 Curse of Clifton. South- worth, E. D. E. N 345.5 Curse of gold. Stephens, A. S 306.12 Curse of Kehama. Southey, R 161.2; V. 8 of 227.2 Curtis, G. T. Constitution of the United States. 2 V. 132.9 — Life of D. Webster. 2 v. 111.3 Curtis, G. W. Thehowadji in Syria 97.2 — Lotus-eating 305.13 — Nile notes of a howadji.. 97.7 — Potiphar papers. 1854.. 283.20 Same. 1869 305.14 — Trumps 305.12 CuRZON, R. Armenia : a year at Erzeroom, [etc.] 95.22 — Monasteries in the Le- vant 234.11 Cushman, H. W. Geneal- ogy of the Cushmans, 1617 to 1855 121.10 Cushman, R. On the state of the [Plymouth] colony. 181.8 Cushman, R. W. Lives of the twelve apostles .. .. 389.1 CusTis, G. W. P. Recollec- tions and private me- moirs of Washington.. 193.2 Cyclopaedia. American an- nual cyclopaedia ... *R. R. , C. 1 — Arviue, K. Cyclopaedia of anecdotes *R. R., C. 2 — Burton, W. E. Cyclopae- dia of wit and humor. . . 72.2 CYCLOPiT^DIA 20 I)K FORKST Bholf. No. Cyclopaedia, continued. — Cliainbcr.s, R. Cycloprc- dia of English literature. *R. R., B. 3 — Godwin, P. Cyclopedia of biography *J{. R., E. 5 — * Homans, J. S. Cyclope- dia of commerce.. .*R. R., B. 2 Kirkland, F. Cyclopedia of commercial and busi- ness anecdotes 121.1 Kitto, J. Popular cyclo- pedia of biblical litera- ture *11. R., B. 4 — Long, G. Cyclopedia of political knowledge 77.1 — New American cyclope- dia *R. R.,B. 1 — Tayior, (J.) Bayard. Cy- clopedia of modern travel 83.10 See also Encycloprodia. Cymbeline. Shakespeare, W 2 of 101.4 V. 12 of 163.1 ; V. 6 of 1G3.2 Cyprus, Travels through. Mariti, G 83.6 CYROP.EDIA, The. Xeno- phon V. 2 of 19.6 Cyrus the great. History of. See Abbott, J 15.34 Dadd, G. II. Diseases of cattle 35.12 Daisy Burns. Kavanagh, J. 322.5 Daisy chain. Yonge, C. M. 266.16 Dall, C. H. Egypt’s place in history 183.13 — Patty Gray’s journey from Boston to Balti- more 27.13 From Baltimore to Washington 27.12 On the way ; or, Patty at Mount Vernon 27.11 Dalrymple, j. S. The nai- ad queen 165.28 Dalton, W. The tiger prince ; or, adventures in the wilds of Abys- sinia 22.20 Dame blanche. La. Boiel- dieu, F. A 162.3 Damon and Pythias. Banim, J 165.6 Dampier, W., Life and voy- ages of 48.12 Dana, D. D. The fireman : the fire departments of the United States 156.12 Dana, J. D. System of mineralogy 382.1 Dana, R. II. Poems and prose writings. 2v. .. 204.2 Contents. — Vol. I. Pooms; The buccaneer; The changes of home; Factitioufl life ; Mis- cellaiieouH ; The idle man. II. EasayH ; IlevlewH. Dana, R. IL, jr. To Cuba and back 97.15 — Two years before the mast 19.37 Same. New ed 95.27 Dana, S. L. Essay on ma- nures V. 2 of 365.29 No. Dance, (’. 'I'lio Bengal tiger. 161.16 — 'fhe country S(|nire 165. 2H — Delicatn ground 161.5 — Kill or cure 161.6 — A match in the dark 161.18 — A morning call 161.8 — Naval engagements 161.1 — ’fhe two b’hoys 161.22 — ’I'he victor vaiupilshed .. 161.16 — Wlio speaks first? 161.5 — High, low, Jack, and the game. See Planch6, J. R 164.14, 25 Dangerfield’s rest. Sedley, H 247.28 Danish fairy legends and tales. Andersen, H. C. 15.4 Dante Alioiiieri. The vi- sion. Translated by H. F. Cary 168.3 Danvers, H. A conjugal lesson 164.10 — A fascinating individual. 164.14, 26 D’Arblay, F., formerly Miss Burney. Evelina. Leip. 265.26 Same. NY. 2 v. in 1. 305.24 Darius the great. History of. See Abbott, J 15.9 Dark hour before dawn. Brougham, J 165.23 Dark night’s work. Gaskell, E. C 302.12 Dark scenes of history. James, G. P. R 136.22 Darlington, J. Records of mining and metal- lurgy. Phillips, J. A. 365.26 Darnley. James, G. P. R. 283.10 Darusmont, F. W. (Fran- ces Wright.) Society and manners in America .... 134.1 Darwin, C. (R.) Natural history and geology of the countries visited by the Beagle. 2 37.27 — Origin of species 34.3 — Variation of animals and plants under domestica- tion. 2 34.2 Dasent, G. W. Popular tales from the Norse... 283.14 Dash, Comtesse, pseud. See Saint-Mars, Cisterne de Courtiras, vicomtesse de. Dates, Dictionary of. Haydn, J *R. R., A. 9 Daughter, The. Bayly, T. H 164.11 Daughter of an empress. Mundt, C 281.1 Davenport Dunn. Lever, C. (J.) 241.10; 348.2 David Copperfield. Dickens, C. (J. H.) 284.11 Same. Dramatized. See Brougham, J 165.17 David Elgin brod. MacDon- ald, G 343.3 Davidge, W. The drama defended 164.15 Davidson, J. W. Living writers of the South 115.1 Davidson, L. M., Memoir of. See Sedgwick, C. M V. 7 oni7.1 Khilf N<». Davie, W. R., Life of. llubbnrd, F. M. ..v. 15 of 117.2 Daviich, (’. N. Leclurc.s on prophecy 366.14 Davis, (J. H. l{ei>ort in re- lation to the surveys of • BosU)n harbor. Stc Boston 33.13 Davis, 1)., jr. Manual of magin’tism 364 15 Davis, H. W., Life and char- acter of. See C res well, J. A. J 134.6 Davis, A7r J. F. The Chi- nese. 2 47.15 Davis, N. Carthage and her remains 82.3 Davis, B. B., formerly Miss I la rd ing. M a rg r (; t Howth 245.4 Davis, W. W. H. New Mexico and her peo- ple 85.24 Davy, Young Humphry. Mayhew, H 16.10 Day, H. The opium habit. 166.11 Day, T. Sanford and Mer- ton 17.7 Day after the fair. Somer- set, G. A 164.12, 23 Day after the wedding. Kemble, Mrs. C 165.6 Days of Bruce. Aguilar, G. 265.5 Days of my life. Oliphant, M. (O. W.) 305.28 Dead guest. Zschokke, (J.) H. (D.) 302.57 Dead heart. Webster, B. . 165.30 Dead sea. Expedition to the. Lynch, W. F 232.4 Dead shot. Buckstone, J. B. * 164.1 Deaf as a post. Poole, T. 164.8 Deafness. Lighthill, E. B. 364.28 Dean of Dedham. Wood, E. P 321.22 Deane, S. History of Scitu- ate 363 7 Death-bed, The. Opie, A. V. 2 of 282.5 Death, Punishment of. Spear, C 156.25 Death-shot, The 248.27 Debenham’s vow. Edwards, A. B 261.48 Debit and credit. Freytag, G 305.27 Deborah’s drawer. O’Reil- ly, E. G 29.1 Debtor’s daughter. Arthur, T. S 341.5 Decatur, S., Life of. See Mackenzie, A. S..v. 11 of 117.2 Decided case, A. Brougham, J 164.11 Deerslayer, The. Cooper, J. F 286.5 DeFoe, D. Robinson Cru- soe. Bost. 1855 246.18 Same. Bost. 1869 17.27 Same. Lond 305.8 De Forest, J. W. European acquaintance : sketches of people in Europe .... 95.23 — Miss Haveners conver- sion from secession to loyalty 324.9 DE FOEEST 21 DIEDEICH Shelf. No. De Forest, J. W., continued. — Oriental acquaintance ; or, letters from Syria.. 97.28 Deformed, The, transform- ed. Byron, G. (G. N.), lord V. 8 of 228.2 Delano, A. Voyages and travels in the northern and southern hemis- pheres 93.8 Delicate ground. Dance, C 164.5 DeMille, J. The “ B. O. W. C.” [i.e. Brethren of the White Cross] 27.15 — Cord and creese 261.29 — Dodge club 301.25 — Lost in the fog 27.19 Democracy in America. Tocqueville, A. (C. H. C.) de 133.17 Democritus junior, pseud. See Burton, R. Demon lover. Brougham, J 164.11 Dendy, W. C. Philosophy of mystery 386.19 Denis Donne. Cudlip, A. .. 261.7 Denis Duval. Thackeray, W.M V. 3 of 347.1 Denison, C. W. Life, cam- paigns and public ser- vices of P. H. Sheridan. 115.13 Denmark, Summer and win- ter pictures of. Taylor, (J.) Bayard 97.19 Dennery, — , and Clement, — . Ernestine, trans- lated by W. Robertson. 165.15 Depping, G. B. Wonders of bodily strength and skill 36.15 De Quincey, T Autobio- graphic sketches ' 44.20 — The avenger, and other papers 44.23 — Biographical essays 44.14 — The Caesars 44.15 — Confessions of an English opium-eater, and Suspi- ria de profundis 44.24 — Historical and critical essays 44.12 — Letters to a young man, and other papers 44.10 — Literary reminiscences. 2 V 44.22 — Logic of political econ- omy, and other papers. 44.16 — Memorials and other pa- pers 44.18 — Miscellaneous essays 44.17 — Narrative and miscella- neous papers. 2v 44.13 — Note book of an English opium-eater 44.19 — Philosophical writers and other men of letters. 2 V. 44.11 — The poets, and other Eng- lish writers 44.8 — Theological essays and other papers. 2v .... 44.9 Derby, E. H. The catholic. 366.8 Derby, G. Influence of anthracite fires upon health 38.13 1 Shelf. No. Derby, G. H. {John Phoe- nix.') Phoeuixiana 326.8 Durham, W. Life of John Ray 122.9 Description and history of vegetable substances used in the arts. Tim- ber trees : fruits 367.21 Deseret deserted 165.22 Desert home. Reid, M. .. 25.8 Deserted village. Gold- smith, 0 228.5 Deserted wife. South- worth, E. D. E. N 345.16 De Vere, a. Picturesque sketches in Greece and Turkey 236.15 Devil upon two sticks. Foote, S 163.12 Devilish good joke. Hig- gie,T 164.21 De Voe, T. F. The market assistant 155.10 Dewey, C. Reports on the herbaceous flowering plants of Massachusetts. 33.12 Dexter, S., Reminiscences of. See Sargent, L. M. 47.31 Dexter, T., Life of. See Knapp, S. L 199.1 Dialogues. Abbott, J. v. 8 of 16.1 — Fette, J. E. Dialogues from Dickens 27.2 — Joyce, J. Scientific .... 38.16 — Martine, A. Droll 168.25 — Sargent, E. Original... 154.20 Diary of a late physician. Passages from the. W ar- ren, S 308.4 Diary of an ennuyee. Jame- son, A. (M.) 47.18 Diary of Mrs. Kitty Tre- vylyan. Charles, E. .. . 265.6 Diaz, A. M. The William Henry letters 16.7 Dibdin, T. The heart of Mid-Lothian, from Sir W. Scott 165.20 — Ivanhoe, from Sir W. Scott 165.29 — The lady of the lake, from Sir W. Scott 165.26 Dick, T. Celestial scenery ; or, the wonders of the planetary system dis- played. N. Y 59.5 Same. Phil 335.6 — Improvement of socie- ty by the difi’usion of knowledge. N. Y 19.39 Same. Phil 335.4 — Mental illumination and moral improvement of mankind 335.5 — Philosophy of a future state 335.1 — Philosophy of religion. . . 335.3 — The practical astronomer. 335 7 — The sidereal heavens. N. Y 19.11 Same. Phil 383.21 — Sin and evil of covetous- ness 335.2 — The solar system 383.23 Dick Turpin and Tom King. Suter, W. E 164.22 Shelf. No. Dickens, C. (J. H.) {Boz.) Works. Library edition. Bost. 27 V. Namely : — I, II. Pickwick papers. 284.2 Ill, lY. Nicholas Nic- kleby 284.4 V, VI. Martin Chuz- zlewit 284.9 VII. The old curiosity shop. Vol. 1 V. 1 of 284. 15 VIII. The old curios- ity shop. Vol. 2. Re- printed pieces v. 2 of 284. 15 IX. Barnaby Rudge. Vol. 1 V. 1 of 284.3 X. Barnaby Rudge. Vol. 2. Hard times, v. 2 of 284.3 XI. Sketches 284.1 XII. Oliver Twist.... 284.7 Xlir, XIV. Dombey and son 284.13 XV, XVI. David Cop- perfield 284.11 XVII. Pictures from Italy; Reprinted pieces. 284.17 XVIII, XIX. Bleak house 284.14 XX, XXL Little Dorrit. 284.5 XXII. Christmas books. 284.10 XXIII. A tale of two cities 284.16 XXIV. Great expecta- tions 284.12 XXV, XXVI. Our mu- tual friend 284.6 XXVII. The uncom- mercial traveller 284.8 — Barnaby Rudge. Phil. .. 281.37 — Bleak house. N. Y. 2 v. 245.18 Same. Phil 281.35 — Child’s history of Eng- land. 2 V 26.18 — Dombey and son Phil... 281.34 — Great expectations. Phil. 282.2 — Hard times. N. Y 281.33 — Little Dorrit. Phil 281.32 — The mystery of Edwin Drood 281.29 — Nicholas Nickleby. Phil. 247.27 — Our mutual friend. N.Y. 281.30 — Sketches. Phil 247.26 — Tale of two cities. N. Y. 246.19 Same. Phil 281.36 — The uncommercial travel- ler; Master Humphrey’s clock; New Christmas stories. N. Y. 2 v. in 1. 325 8 — The cricket on the hearth. Dramatized. See Smith, A 165.30 — David Copperfield. Dram- atized. See Brougham, J 165.17 — Dombey and son. Dram- atized. See Brougham, J 165.17 — Nicholas Nickleby. Dram- atized. See Stirling, E. 164.20 — Oliver Twist. Drama- tized. Nee Almar, G. .. 165.23 — Dialogues from. See Fette, J. E 27.2 Dickinson, A. E. What answer? 326.22 Diedrich KNICKERBOCIvER, pseud. See Irving, W. DIET Dorrv Shelf. No. Diet, follows, A. . I. riii- losophy of oaiin;^ r^i.ao — IIit(;licock, E. LcotnrcH on 31.24 See also Food. Digestion. Coinlic, A. I’iiysiology of 304.0 — Mace, J. History of a mouthful of liread 34.10 — Prout, W. Dij^cstiou with reference to nat- ural theology 37 0 — Sweetser, W. "I'l’catise on 304.17 See also Dyspepsia, Food. Dikes and ditches. Adams, W. T 13.3 Dilke, C. W. Greater Brit- ain : a record of trav- el in Enj^lish-speakin^^ countries, 1800, 07 8.0.4 Dimoxi), VV. ^J'he Tl^lthiop . . 105. 18 — The broken sword 105.20 — The lady and the Devil . . 105.24 Dinokaii. Meyerbeer, G. . . 102.5 Discahded daughter. South- worth, E. D. E. N 345.10 Discoveuies, inventions, and origins. Beckmann, J. 338.0 Diseases. See Pathology. Disraeli, B. Coningsby .. 341.50 — Contarini Fleming. N. Y. 341.57 Same. Phil. 341.00 — Henrietta Temple. N. Y. 341.51 Same. Phil 341.58 — Lothair 301.10 Miriam Alroy. N. Y. ... 341.54 Same. Phil 341.01 Venetia 341.55 — Vivian Grey. N. Y 341.52 Same. Phil 341.50 — The young duke 341 56 Disraeli, I. Amenities of literature 155.4 — Calamities and quarrels of authors 155.3 — Curiosities of literature. Loud. 3 V 155.6 Same With curiosi- ties of American litera- ture, by R. W. Griswold. N. Y 152.11 — Literary character 155.5 Contents. — Literary char- acter; Literary miscellanies ; Character of James i. Distinguished men of mod- ern times. 2 V 47.6 Ditsox, G. L. Circassia; or, a tour to the Caucasus. 232.6 — The crescent and French crusaders 07.0 DivoitCE. Bucer, M. .Judg- ment concerning. .V. 3 of 337.5 — Milton, .1. Colasterion; Doctrine and discipline of divorce; 'J'etrachor- don V. 3 of 337.5 Divorced wife. Arthur, T. S, 341.1 Dixon, E. H. Scenes in the practice of a New York surgeon 108.8 Shelf. No. Dixon, W. 11. Free Hnssia. 85.2 — Her majesty’s tower 147.3 Same. 2d scries 117.4 — 'I'he Holy Land 85.3 — New America 85.1 — ^Villiam Penn : an histor- ical biography 106.6 Doctor, 'I'he. Southey, B. .305.15 Doctor Dil worth. Oxen- ford, .1 164.20 Doctor of Alcantara. Eich- I)firg, .1 162.14 Doctor 3'hornc. Trollope, Doctors, Book about. Jeaf- freson, .7. C 105.7 Doddridge, P. Works. 5 v. 43.2 Contents. — Yo\. I. Orton’s memoiiH of the life of Dr. Doddridge; 'J'hc rise and pro- gress of religion in the soul; Christianity founded on argu- ment; An address on the im- l)ortancc of family religion. 1 1. Bermons on the education of children; Sermons to young persons; Sermons on the pow- er a?id grace of Christ ; Her- monson regeneration : On tho doctrine of salvation hy gr.aec through faidi ; On Christ’s in- vitation to thirsty souls. III. Sermons on puhlic occasions ; Ordination sermons ; Funeral sermons ; Hymns. IV. Lifeof Colonel Gardiner ; A friendly letter to the private soldiers in the battle of Culloden ; A dissertation on Sir I. Newton’s chronology of the evangelists; On the inspiration of the New 3'estament; Free thoughts on the means of reviving the dis- senting interest; Principles of the Christian religion in plain and easy verse; Life and char- acter of the Rev. Thomas Stefte; Lectures on pneumalol- ogy, ethics and divinity. V. Lectures on divinity; Lectures on preaching and the several branches of the ministerial of- fice; Letters on various sub- jects; A table of such Scrip- tures as are illustrated in these ■works; General index. — Life and labors. See Stoughton, J 126.4 Dodge, M. A. {Gail Hamil- ton.') Country living and country thinking.. . 154.31 — Gala-days 45.4 — A new atmosphere 45.7 — Red-letter days in Apple- thorpe 14.25 — Skirmishes and sketches. 45.2 — Stumbling-blocks 45.5 — Summer rest 45.8 — Woman’s wrongs 45.6 — Wool-gathering 45.3 Dodge club. De Mille, J. . . 301.25 Doesticks, Q. K. Philander, pseud. See Thomson, M. DoESfiCKS. What he says. Thomson, M .... 283.22 Dogs. Herbert, 11. W. The . . . 33.2 — Hutchinson, W. N. Dog br(‘aking .... 33.1, 2 — .Jesse, E. Anecdotes of,. 37.3 — Mayhew, E. ])ogs their management . . and 33.2 Blu-lf. No Dogs, continued . — VouafI , W. 'I'he dog... 361.35 See also Quormb )n liKundfi. Dommi.v a nd son. 1 liekeilS, (’. (.1. H.) .... ..2M1,3I ; 2.8 1. 13 Same 1 . I )raniatize(l. Sec P.roiigham, .1 165.17 Do.mks lie animals, , .Manag<'- ment of. Bog< •rs, .1. ... ,38.8 See. also Rlrds, Cattle, flow, Dogs, Hog, Horse, Pigeon, Poultry, Itabbit, Veterinary medicines. Do.mestig economy. Bcoeh- cr, C. E. Domestic economy 34.6 — Blot, P. Practical cook- ery 31.17 — De Voe, T. F. 3'lic mar- ket assistant 155.10 — The family save-all 156.17 — Plain talk to (lomesfics . . 385.20 — Knndell, d/r.s. Domestic cookery 367.17 — Widdifleld, H. Now cook book 367.33 Domestic worship. Fnr- ne.ss, W. H 366.21 Don B'leefalo. Cagnoni, A. 162.3 Don Caesar de Bazan. A Beckett, G. A 165.2 Don Carlos. Schiller, (.7. C.) F. von 157.23 Don Carlos. Verdi, G 162.11 Don Giovanni. Mozart, (,7. C. S. G.) W. A 162.13 Don Juan. Byron, G. (G. N.), lord V. 9, 10 of 228.2 Don Ihisquale. Donizetti, G. 162.4 Don Quixote. Cervantes Saavedra, M. de 247.8 .^21.23; 326.5 Don Roderick, Vision of. Scott, Sir W 4 of 228.7 Donizetti, G. Anna Bo- lena; Don Pasquale; L’elisire d’amore; I.,a favorita; I..a fille du regiment ; Idnda di Cha- mounix; Imcia di Lam- mermoor ; I^ucrezia Bor- gia; Maria di Rohan; I martiri. Italian, with English translation 162.4 Donne, A. Mothers and nurses 207.19 Donovan, C. Handbook of phrenology 363.9 Don’t forget your opera- glasses. Woolf, B. E. 164.17 Doolittle, J. Social life of the Chinese. 2 v 95.15 Doom of Devorgoil. Scott, SirW V. 9 of 228.7 Dora. Kavanagh, J 301.7 Doran, J. Knights and their day 184.10 Dorchester antiquarian and historical society. His- tory of Dorchester, Mass 134.22 Dotty Dimple. Clarke, R. S 18.10 D(»tty Dimple at her grand- mother’s. Clarke, R. S. 18.17 DOTTY 23 DRAMAS Shelf. Nc. Dotty Dimple at home. Clarke, R. S 18.15 Dotty Dimple at play. Clarke, R. S 18.16 Dotty Dimple at school. Clarke, R. S 18.19 Dotty Dimple out West. Clarke, R. S 18.18 Dotty Dimple’s Flyaway. Clarke, R. S. ...r 18.14 Douijle-ijeddkd room, The. Morton, J. M 164.15 Double house. Craik, D. (M.) M 241.3 Double play. Everett, W. 27.9 Doubly false. Stephens, A. S 306.13 Douglas, S. A., Life of. Sheahan, J. W 115.10 Douglas. Home, J 165.14 Dove in the eaj;le’s nest. Yonge, C. M.' 263.3 Dow, L. Life, travels, la- bors, and writings 151.14 Dow, jr., Faige, E. F. DowAGER,The. Mathews, C. 164.20 Doweu house. Cudlip, A. .. 261.18 Down the Rhine. Adams, W. T 13.2 Down the river. Adams, W.T 12.9 Downing, A. J. Fruits and fruit trees of America. . 33.3 — Landscape gardening... 362.4 Downing, Major Jack, Life and writings of. ISee Smith, S 246.7 Drake, B., and Mansfield, E. D. Cincinnati in 1826. 233.6 Drake, S. F., Life and voy- ages of 48.12 Drama, Art, literature, and the. Ossoli, S. M. F., Drama defended. Davidge, W 164.15 Dramas. Baker, G. M. Am- ateur 27.3 The mimic stage 27.4 Dramas, Collection of. 57 v. Note. — The plays whose ti- tles are given below, belong chiefly to the collections known as French’s Standard drama, French’s Minor dra- ma, and French’s American drama, Wemyss’s Minor dra- ma, Sargent’s Modern stan- dard drama, and Spencer’s Boston theatre ; but many of the volumes are made up in a heterogeneous manner, and the series are all imperfect. They are, therefore, all placed under the general head of Dramas, rather than under the names of the editors or publishers. — Ion, by T. N. Talfourd; Fazio, by H. H. Milman ; The lady of Lyons, by Sir E. L. Bulwer; Richelieu, by Sir E. L. Bulwer ; The wife, by J. S. Knowles; The honey-moon, by J. Tobin ; The school for scandal, by R, B, Sheri- dan; Money, by Sir E. L. Bulwer 165.1 Shelf. No. Dramas, continued. — The stranger, by A. F. F. von Kotzebue ; Grand- father Whitehead, by M. J..emon ; Richard iii, by W. Shakespeare, adapt- ed to representation by C. Cibber; J^ove’s sacri- fice, by G. Lovell ; The gamester, by E. Moore ; A cure for the heart- ache, by T. Morton ; The hunchback, by J. S. Knowles; DonCtesarde Bazan, by G. A. A Beck- ett and M. Lemon 165.2 — The poor gentleman, by G. Colman, the younger ; Hamlet, by W. Shake- speare ; Charles the sec- ond, by J. H. Fayne; Venice preserved, by T. Otway; Fizarro, altered from Kotzebue, by R. B. Sheridan ; The love- chase, by J. S. Knowles ; Othello, by W. Shake- peare ; Lend me five shil- lings, by J. M. Morton. 165.3 — Virginius, by J. S. Knowles; The king of the commons, by J. White; London assur- ance, by D. (L.) Bouci- cault; The rent-day, by D. Jerrold; The two gentlemen of Verona, by W. Shakespeare; The jealous wife, by G. Colman, the elder; The rivals, by R. B. Sheri- dan; Ferfection, by T. H. Bayly 165.4 — A new way to pay old debts, by F. Massinger ; Look before you leap, by G. W. Lovell ; King John, by W. Shakespeare ; The nervous man and the man of nerve, by W. B. Bernard ; Damon and Fythias, by J. Banim ; The clandestine mar- riage, by G. Colman, the elder; William Tell, by J. S. Knowles ; The day after the wedding, by Mrs. C. Kemble 165.6 — Speed the plough, by T. Morton; Romeo and Ju- liet, by W. Shakespeare ; Feudal times, by J. White; Charles xii, by J. R. Blanche; The bri- dal, by Beaumont and Fletcher; The follies of a night, by JfR. Blanche , The iron chest, by G. Colman, the younger; Faint heart never won fair lady, by J.R. Blanche. 165.7 — The road to ruin, by T. Holcroft; Macbeth, by W. Shakespeare ; Tem- per, by R. Bell ; Evadne, by R. L. Shiel ; Bertram, Shelf. No. Dramas, continued. by C. Maturin ; The du- enna, by R. B. Sheridan ; Much ado about nothing, by W. Shakespeare ; The critic, by R. B. Sheridan. 165.8 — The apostate, by R. L. Shiel; Twelfth night, by W. Shakespeare ; Bru- tus, by J. H. Fayne; Simpson and co., by J. Boole ; The merchant of Venice, by W. Shake- speare ; Old heads and young hearts, by D. (L.) Boucicault ; The moun- taineers, by G. Colman, the younger; Three weeks after marriage, by A. Murphy 165,9 — Love, by J. S. Knowles ; As you like it, by W. Shakespeare ; The elder brother, altered from Beaumont and Fletcher ; Werner, by Lord Byron ; Gisippus, by G. Griffin ; Town and country, by T. Morton ; King Lear, by W. Shakespeare ; Blue devils, by G. Col- man, the younger 165.10 — King Henry viii, by W. Shakespeare ; Married and single, by J. Boole ; King Henry iv, part 1, by W. Shakespeare; Faul Pry, by J. Boole; Guy Mannering, by D. Terry; Sweethearts and wives, by J. Kenney; The serious family, by M. Barnett; She stoops to conquer, by O. Gold- smith 165.11 — Julius Caesar, by W. Shakespeare ; The vicar of Wakefield, by J. S. Coyne ; Leap year, by J. B. Buckstone ; The cats- paw, by D. Jerrold; The passing cloud, by W. B. Bernard ; The drunkard, adapted by W. H. (S.) Smith; Rob Roy Mac- gregor, by I. Focock; George Barnwell, by G. Lillo 165.12 — Ingomar, translated from the German, by M. Lovell ; The two friends, by R. Lacy ; Sketches in India, from the opera of “ The Englishman in India,” by T. Morten; Jane Shore, by N. Rowe ; The Corsican brothers, from the romance of Dumas, by E. Grange and X. de Montepin ; Mind your own busi- ness, by M. Lemon ; The writing on the wall, by T. and J. M. Morton; The heir at law, by G. Colman, the younger.. 165.13 DRAMAS DRAMAS Shcir. No. ])RAMAS, continued. — 'J'lio soldier’s dnu^^htor, l)y A. (diorry ; Doii^^las, l)y Homo; Marco Spada, by d. Ib Simpson ; >Jaturo’s nobleman, by 11. O. Rardey; Sardmia- l)aliis, by Lord Byron; Civilizalion, by d. 11. Wilkins; Tlie robbers, by (d. C.) F. von Schil- ler; Katliarine and Re- trnchio, by W. Shake- speare 105.14 — The game of love, by d. Brongliain ; A midsum- mer-night’s dream, by W. Shakespeare ; Ernes- tine, from the French of Dcnnery and Clement, by VV. Robertson ; The rag-picker of Raris, by E. Stirling; The Hying Dutchman, by E. Fitz- ball; The hypocrite, by I. Bickerstalf; Therese, the orphan of Geneva, from the French, by J. II. Rayne; La tour de Nesle, from the French of V. lingo 105.15 — Ireland as it is, by J. A. Amherst ; The sea of ice ; The seven clerks, by T. E. Wilks; The game of life, by J. Brougham; The forty thieves; Bri- an Boroihme, by d. S. Knowles; Romance and reality, by J. Brougham ; Ugolino, byJ B. Booth. 105.10 — The dewess, by W. T. Moncriett' ; The pilot, by E. Fitzball ; The tem- pest. by W. Shakespeare ; The carpenter of Rouen, by J. S. Jones ; The king’s rival, by T. Tay- lor and C. Reade; The little treasure, by A. Harris ; 1 )ombey and son, dramatized from Dick- ens, by J. Brougham; To parents and guar- dians ! Camille, translat- ed and adapted from the French, by M. Heron; Married life, by J. B. Buckstone; Wenlock of Wenlock, by T. E. Wilks ; The rose of Ettrick vale, by T. J. Lynch ; Da- vid Copperlield, adapted from Dickens, by J. Brougham; Aline, by E. Stirling; Rauline, trans- lated and adai)ted from the French ; dane Eyre, adapted from C. Bronte, by d. Brougham 105.17 — Night and morning, adulated from Bulwer’s novel, by d. Brougham; 'J'he ACldiiop, by W. Di- mond ; 'I'he three guards- men, I’ounded on Dumas’ 21 Hlirlf. No Dramas, continued. celebrated romance, by C. Bice; 'rom (.'ringh!, by E. Fitzbidl; llen- rietlc the forsaken, by d. B. Buckstone; Ens- tache Baudin, by d. (’onrtney; Ernest Mid- travers, by L. Medina; The bold dragoons, by M. Barnett; Died, dram- atized from 11. B. Stowe’s novel, by J. Brougham ; ’fhe last days of Rf)mpeii, taken from Bulwer’s novel, by 1j. Medina; Esmeralda, founded on V. Hugo’s novel of ‘‘Notre Dame,” by E. P'ltzball; Refer Wilkins; Ben the boat- swain, by T. E. Wilks; Jonathan Braor of New York ; Am- brose Gwinett, by 1). .lerrold ; Baymond and Agnes, by M. (I Lewis; 'I’he gambler’s fate, by H. M. Milner; Father and son, by E. Fitzball; 'I'he innkeeper of Abbe- ville, by E. Fitzball; Sixteen-string Jack, by W. L. Rede; 'I'lie youth- ful (jueen, by C. Shan- non ; 'I’he skeleton wit- ness, by W. L. Rede; Massaniello, by G. Mil- ner ; 'I'he miller and hi.s men, by I. Rocock ; Alad- din 165.21 — Adrienne, the actress, by J, Oxenford; Undine, by G. Soane ; Jessie Brown, by 1). (L.) Boucicault; Asmodeus, adapted from the French of Scribe, by 'P. Archer; The mor- mons, by T. I). English; Blanche of Brandywine, by J. G. Burnett; Viola, by E. Maturin ; Deseret deserted; Americans in Raris; Victorine, by J. B, Buckstone ; The wiz- ard of the wave, by J. T. Haines ; 'Phe castle spec- ter, by M. G. Lewis; Horseshoe Robinson, by C. W. Tayleure; Ar- mand, by A C Mowatt ; Fashion, by A. C. Mow- att; A glance at New York 165.22 — The inconstant, by G. Farquhar; Uncle Tom’s cabin, dramatized by G. L. Aiken ; The guide to the stage, by L. T. Rede ; The veteran, by J. L. Wallack; The miller of New Jersey, by J. Brougham; The dark hour before dawn, by J. Brougham and F. B. Goodrich ; Midsummer night’s dream, by W. Shakespeare ; Art and artifice, by J. Brough- am ; 'Phe romance of a poor young man, adapt- ed from the French of O DRAMAS 25 DRAMAS Shelf. No. Dram.vs, continued. Jbeuillet, by P. Edwards and L. Wallack; Ossa- wattomie Brown, by Mrs. J. C. Swayze; The pope of Rome, by D. (L.) Boucicault; Oliver Twist, [dramatized from Dickens] by G. xMmar; Pauvrette, by D. (1^.) Boucicault ; The man with tlie iron mask, adapted from the French, by W. J. Lucas ; The kni.uiit of Arva, by D. (L.) Boucicault; Moil Pitcher, by J, S. Jones. 1G5.23 — Black-eyed Susan, by 1). Jerrold; Satan in Paris, by C. Selby ; Rosina Meadows, adapted by C. II. Saunders from W. B. English; West end, by D. (L.) Boucicault; The six dei^rees of crime, by F. S. ilill; The lady and the Devil, l)y W. Di- mond ; J'he aven^'er, by D. Lee; Masks and faces, by T. Taylor and C Reade; The merry wives of Windsor, by W. Shakespeare ; Mary’s birthday, by G. H. Miles ; Shandy Majj^uire, by J. Pilgrim; Wild oats, by J. O'Keeffe ; Michael Erie, by T. E. Wilks; The idiot witness, by J. T. Haines ; The willow copse, by D. (L.) Bouci- cault ; The people’s law- yer, by J. S. Jones 165.24 — The boy martyrs, by C. W. Tayleure; Lucretia Borgia, adapted from the French of V. Hugo, by J. M. Weston; The sur- geon of Paris, by J. S. Jones ; The patrician’s daughter, by J. (W.) Marston ; The shoe- maker of Toulouse, byF. S. Hill ; The momentous question, by PL Phtzball ; Love and loyalty, by W. J. Robson; The robber’s wife, by I. Pocock; The dumb girl of Genoa, by J P'arrell; The wreck ashore, by J. B. Buck- stone; Clari, by J. H. Payne ; Rural felicity, by J. B. Buckstone; VVai- lace. by W. Barrymore ; Madelaine ; The tire man, by S. D. Johnson ; Grist to the mill, by J. R. Blanche 165.25 — Two loves and a life, by T. Taylor and C. Reade ; Anne Blake, by (J.) W. Marston; The steward, altered and adapted from T. Holcroft’s “ Deserted daughter,” by S. Bease- 4 Shelf. No. Drawas, continued. ley ; Captain Kyd, by J. S. Jones; Nick of the woods, by L. H. Medina; The marble heart, by C. Sell)y ; Second love, by J. P. Simpson; The dream at sea, by J. B. Ituck- stone; The breach of promise, by J. B Buck- stone ; The review, by G. Colman, the younger ; The lady of the lake, from Sir W. Scott, by T. Dibdin ; Still waters run deep, by T. Tay- lor; The scholar, by J. B. Buckstone; Helping hands, by T. Taylor; P’aust and Marguerite, adapted from the P’rench and German; The last man, by G. D. Pitt 165.26 — The belle’s stratagem, by H. Cowley ; Old and young, by J. Salmon ; Rattaelle the reprobate, by T E. Wilks; Ruth Oakley, by T. Williams and A. Harris ; The Brit- ish slave, by J. B. Howe; A life’s ransom, by (J.) W. Marston ; Giralda, by B. Webster; 'Time tries all, by J Courtney ; Ella Rosenberg, by J. Kenney; The warlock of the glen, by C. E. Walk- er; Zelina, by C. A Som- erset; Beatrice, by O. S. Leland ; Neighbor Jack- wood, by J. T. Trow- bridge ; The wonder, by S. Centlivre; Robert Plmmet, by J. Pilgrim; The green bushes, by J. B. Buckstone 165.27 — The ffowers of the forest, by J. B. Buckstone; A bachelor of arts, by P. Hardwicke; Midnight banquet; The husband of an hour, by E. P’al- coner; Love’s labour’s lost, by W. Shakespeare ; The naiad queen, by J. S. Dalrymple; Caprice, by O. S. Leland; The cradle of liberty, by S. E. Glover, from J. P''. Coop- er’s Lionel Lincoln”; The lost ship, by T. Townsend ; The country squire, by C. Dance; Putnam, the iron son of ’76, by N. H. Bannister; The king and deserter, by J. M. Maddox; I.,a . flammina, founded upon a P^rench play by M. Achard, by W. W. Clapp, jr. ; A hard struggle, by (J ) W. Marston; Gwyn- neth Vaughan, by M. r.,emon 165.28 — The love-knot, by J. S. Shelf. No. Dramas, continu'd. Coyne; T^avater, or not a bad judge, by J. R. Planche; The noble heart, by G. H. Tjcwes ; Coriolanus, by W. Shakespeare; The win- ter’s tale, by W. Sliake- sjieare ; Plveleen Wilson, by J Pilgrim; Ivanhoe, adapted from Sir W. Scott, by T. Dibdin ; Jonathan in England, al- tered from G. Colman’s comedy of “ Who wants a guinea ” ; The pirate’s legacy, by C. H. Saun- ders ; The charcoal- burner, by G. Almar; Adelgitha, by M. G. Lewis: Sehor Valiente, by G. 11. Miles ; The for- est rose, by S. Wood- worth ; 'The duke’s daughter, dramatized from IL L’eval’s “ Le petite l^arisieii,” by Ani- cet Bourgoise and P'e- val, as “ TjC Bossu”; Camilla’s liusband, by W. Phillips; Pure gold, by(J.)W. Marston.... 165.29 — The ticket-of-leave man, by T. Taylor; The fool’s revenge, by T. Taylor; O’Neal, the great, by N. H. B. Clarke; Handy Andy, by W. R. Floyd; The pirate of the isles, by N. H. B. Clarke; P'anchon, the cricket, from the German, by A. Waldauer; Little bare- foot, from the German, by A. Waldauer; Wild Irish girl, by J. Pilgrim ; The pearl of Savoy ; The dead heart, by B. Web- ster; Ten nights in a bar-room, dramatized from 'r. S. Arthur’s nov- el, by W. W. Pratt ; The dumb boy of Manches- ter, by B. F. Rayner; Belphegor, the mounte- bank, by C. Webb; Mesc’s diversion, by H. T Craven; The cricket on the hearth, drama- tized by A. Smith, by permission of the au- thor, C. Dickens ; The printer’s devil, by J. R. Planche 165.30 — A midsummer- night’s dream, by W. Shake- speare ; Popping the question, by J. B. Buck- stone ; La tourde Nesle, from V. Hugo ; Deaf as a post, by T. Poole ; The- rese, the orphan of Ge- neva, from the French, by J. H. Payne; The flying Dutchman, by E. Fitzball; 'Phe new foot- DItAMAS DU A MAS Klit-lf. No. DifAMAH, coutinacd. iiijui, by (b Selby; A |)](‘}isimt> iici^liljor, by 10. rijinelie 105.32 — 'J'lip Irish Jittoniey, I)y W. ]i. liernanl ; lioots at the Swan, ))y C. Selby; Dow to ])ay the rent, by 'r. I’ower ; Tlie loan of a lover, by J. K. rianche; The dead shot, by J. B. Bnchstone; IDs last le.i^s, by W. B. Bernard ; Tlie invisible prince, by J. It. Blanche; The golden fanner, by B. Webster. 104.1 — The i)ride of the market, by J It. Blanche; Used np, Irom the rrench of “ T/homme blase,” by C. Mathews; The Irish tu- tor, by the Earl of Glen- gall (It. Butler) ; The barrack room, by T. 11. Bayly ; laike the labour- er, by J. B. Buckstonc; Beauty and the beast, by J. It. Blanche; St. Batrick’s eve, by T. Bower; The captain of the Match, by J. It. Blanche 104.2 — The secret; The M’hitc horse of the Beppers, by S. Lover; The Jacobite, by J. It. Blanche ; The bottle, by T. B. Taylor ; Box and Cox, by J. M. Morton ; Bamboozling, by T. E. Wilks; The Midow’s victim, by C. . Selby ; Kobert Macaire, by C. Selby 1G4.3 — Secret service, from the French of Melesville and Duveyrier, by J. R. Blanche ; The omnibus ; The Irish lion, by J. B. Buckstone ; The maid of Croissey, by Mrs. C. Gore; The old guard; Raising the Mdnd, by J. Kenney ; Slasher and Crasher, by J. M. Mor- ton; Naval engage- ments, by C. Dance .... 164.4 — , Cockneys in California, by J. S. Coyne; Bom- bastes furioso, by T. B. Rhodes ; Macbeth trav- estie, by W. K. Northall ; The Irish ambassador, by J. Kenney; Delicate ground, by C. Dance; The weathercock, by J. T. Allingham; All that glitters is not gold, by j'. Jind J. M. Morton; Who speaks first, by C. Dance 164.5 — "J'he rough diamond, by J. B>. Buckstone; Grim- shaw, Bagshaw, and Bradshaw, hy J. M. Mor- ton ; 'l'h(! Bloomer cos- tume, by E. Stirling; 2() Shelf. No. Duamas, conthtnrd. 'I h(! two Uonnycnslles, by J. M. JMorton; Born 1o good luck, adapted from “ Fals(“ ami 1 rue,” by 'I'. Tower; A kiss in the dark, by J. M. Buckslone ; M'onld l)uz/lc a conjurer, by .1. Booh;; Kill or cure;, by C. Dance 164.6 — Box and Cox married and settled, by J. S. Coyne; St. Cupid, or Dorothy’s fortune, by 1). Jerrold ; Gotobed 'Pom, by 'P. Morton; 'Phe lawyers, by S. Lawrence; Jack Sheppard, by J. B. Buck- stone; The Toodles; The mob caji, by H. Baul ; Ladies beware ! 164.7 — A morning call, by C. Dance; Bopping the (jucstion, by J. B. Buck- stone; Deaf as a iiost, by T. Boole; The new footman, by C. Selby; A pleasant neighbor, by E. Blanche; Baddy the liiper, by J. Bilgrim; Brian O’Linn; Irish a.s- surance and Yankee modesty; Temptation, by J. Brougham; Baddy Carey, by T. Bower; The two Gregories ; King Charming, by J. R. Blanche; Bo-ca-hon- tas, by J. Brougham ; The clockmaker’s hat, adapted from “ Le cha- peau d’uu horologer,” by D. de Girardin, and translated by W. Robert- son; The married rake, by C. Selby; Love and murder, by J. Brougham. 164.8 — Ireland and America; A pretty piece of business, by T. Morton ; The Irish broom-maker, by C. A. F. Wood; To Baris and back, for five pounds, by J. M. Morton ; That blessed baby, by J. G. Moore ; Our gal, by S. D. Johnson; The Swiss cottage, by T. II. Bayly ; The young widow, by T. G. Rodwell ; A recollec- tion of O’Flannigan and the fairies, by J.Brough- am; The Irish post, by J. R. Blanche ; My neigh- bor’s wife, adapted from the French, by A. Bunn ; The Irish tiger, by .1. M. Morton ; B. B., or the man and the tiger, byT. I’arry ; To oblige Ben- son, adapted from “ Un service a Blanchard,” hy T. ’i’aylor; State se- crets; ’Phe Irish Yankee, by J. Brougham 164.0 sill If. No. I lUAMAM, rnvtivufd . — “ .\ good I'vllow,” by ( '. M . W.ah’ol ; ( 'Imutv ami lair star; G;do DiMT/.ely, by .1. li. Jolin.-'lom- ; Our .Iciuimy, by II. J. Gon- wav ; 'Pho miller's maid, by'j. F. Saville; An awkward arrival, by .1. S. Coyne; Crossing tim line, by G. Alniar; conjugal lesson, by D. Danvers; My wife’s mir- ror, by E. G. T. Wilkins ; Life in New York, by J. Brougham ; 'Phe middy ashore, by W. I>. lier- nard ; 'Phe crown prince, by 'P. E. Wilks ; 'Phe two (pieens, by .1. B. Buck- slone ; A 1 humping h-g- acy, by J. M. Morton; The unllnished gentle- man, by C. Selby; 'Phe house dog, by 'P. 1 1 iggie. 1 64. 1 0 — The demon lov(!r, by J. Brougham ; Matriiminy, altered from Ihc Fnmch, by J. Kenney; In and out of place, by S. 1). John- son ; I dine with my mother, adapted by (;. McLachlan ; Hiawatha, by C. M. Walcot; Andy Blake, by D. (L.) Bouci- cault; Love in ’76, by O. Bunce; Romance under dilliculties, by F. C. Bur- nand; One coat for two suits, by C. M. Walcot; A decided case, by J. Brougham ; 'Lhe daugh- ter, by T. 11. Bayly; No!! A coroner’s in- quisition, by A. O. Hall; Love in humble life, by J. II. Bayne ; Family jars ; Bersonation, by Mrs. C. Kemble 164.11 — The children in the wood, by T. Morton ; Winning a husband, by Macfar- ren; Day after the fair, by G. A. Somerset; Make your wMlls, by E. Mayhew and G. Smith; The rendezvous, by R. Ayton; My wife’s hus- band, by F. Challis; Monsieur Tonson, by W. T. Moncrieff; 'The illus- trious stranger, by F. Kenney; Mischief-mak- ing, by J. B. Buckstone ; A live woman in the mines, by “ Old Block ” ; The corsair, by W. Brough ; Shylock, or the mercliaut of Venice pre- served, new reading of Shakespeare, by F. 'fal- fourd ; 'The spoiled child, by B. lloare ; 'Lhe evil eye, by J. B. Bhillips; Nothing to nurse, by C. M. Waicot; Wanted — a DRAMAS 27 DRAMAS Shelf. No. Dramas, continued. widow, with immediate possession, by D. (L.) Boucicault and C. Sey- mour 1G4.12 — The lottery ticket, I)y J. B. Buckstone ; Fortune’s frolic, by J. T. Ailing- ham; Is he jealous, by S. Beaseley; The mar- ried bachelor, by P. P. O’Callaghan; A husband at sight, by J. B. Buck- stone ; The Irishman in London, by W. Mac- ready ; Animal magnet- ism, by E. Inchbald ; Highways and by-ways, by B. Webster; Colum- bus el fllibustero, by J. Brougham ; Harlequin Blue Beard; Ladies at home, by J. G. Millen- geu; A phenomenon in a smock frock, by W. Brough ; Comedy and tragedy, from the French of R. Fournier, by W. Robson ; Opposite neigh- bors, by J. H Paul ; The Dutchman's ghost, by S. Barry ; The persecuted Dutchman, by S. Barry. 164.13 — The musard ball, by J. Brougham ; The great tragic revival, ' by J. Brougham ; High, low, Jack, and the game, by J. R. Blanche and C. Dance ; A gentleman from Ireland, by F. O’Brien; Tom and Jer- ry, by W. T. Moncrieff; The village lawyer ; The captain’s not a-miss, by T. E. Wilks ; Amateurs and actors, by R. B, Peake ; Promotion, by J. R. Blanche; A fasci- nating individual, by H. Danvers ; Mrs. Caudle’s curtain lecture, [adapted from D. Jerrold] by E. Stirling ; Shakespeare’s dream, by J. Brougham ; Neptune’s defeat, by J. Brougham ; The lady of the bed-chamber ; Take care of little Charley, by J. Brougham; The Irish widow, by D. Garrick.. 164.14 — Yankee peddler, by M. Barnett ; Hiram Hireout, by H. J. Conway; The double-bedded room, by J. M. Morton ; The dra- ma defended, by W. Da- vidge; Vermont wool- dealer; Ebenezer Ven- ture, by L. La Bree; Principles form charac- ter, by J. H. Wehner; The lady of the lake, by M. Thomson ; Mad dogs, by J. Moore ; Barney the baron; The Swiss Shelf. No. Dramas, continued. swains, by B. Webster; The bachelor’s bed- room, by C. Mathews; A Roland for an Oliver, by T. Morton ; More blunders tlian one, by T. G. Rodwell ; The dumb belle, by W. B. Bernard ; The Limerick boy, by J. Pilgrim 164.15 — Nature and philosophy; Teddy the tiler, by G. H. Rodwell ; The spectre bridegroom, by W. T. Moncrieff; Matteo Fal- cone, by W. H. Oxberry ; Jenny Lind at last, by A. B. Reach ; The two > Buzzards, by J. M. Mor- ton ; The happy man, by S. Lover; Betsy Baker, by J. M. Morton ; Num- ber one, round the cor- ner, by W. Brough ; Teddy Roe, by E. Stir- ling ; An object of inter- est, by J. H. Stocqueler ; My fellow clerk, ' by J. Oxenford ; The Bengal tiger, by C. Dance ; The laughing hyena, by B. Webster ; The victor vanquished, by C. Dance ; Our wife, by J. M. Morton 164.16 — My husband’s mirror, by W. W. Clapp, jr. ; Yan- kee land, by C. A. Lo- gan; Norah Creiua, by E. Stirling; Good for nothing, by J. B. Buck- stone ; The Jrst night ; The Eton boy, by E. Morton ; The wandering minstrel, by H. Mayhew ; Wanted, one thousand spirited young milliners, for the gold diggings, by J. S. Coyne ; Poor Pilli- coddy, by J. M. Morton ; The mummy, by VY. B. Bernard ; Don’t forget your opera-glasses, by B. E. Woolf; Love in livery, by J. B. Wooler ; Antho- ny and Cleopatra, by C. Selby ; Trying it on, by W. Brough ; The stage- struck Yankee, by O. E. Durivage ; My young wife, and my old um- brella, adapted from the French, by B. Webster. 164,17 Crinoline, by R. B. Brough A family fail- ing, by j! Oxenford ; The adopted child, by S. Birch ; The turned head, by G. A. A Beckett; A match in the dark, by C. Dance ; Advice to hus- bands, by C. G. Lancas- ter; The Siamese twins, by G. A. A Beckett ; Sent to the tower, by J. M. Shelf. No. Dramas, continued. Morton ; Somebody else, by .1. li. Planche; The ladles’ battle, translated from the French drama “Un duel en amour”; The art of acting, or guide to the stage ; The lady of the lions, by O. F. Durivage ; The rights of man, by O. S. Leland; My husband’s ghost, by J. M. Morton ; Two can play at that game, from the French of E. Pier- ron and A. Laferriere ; Fighting by proxy, by J. Kenney 164.18 — A scene in the life of an unprotected female, by J. S. Coyne; The pet of the petticoats, by J. B. Buckstone ; Forty and fifty, by T. H. Bayly; Who stole the pocket- book, by J. M. Morton; My son Diana, by A. Harris ; A most unwar- rantable intrusion, by J. M. Morton ; Mr. and Mrs. Peter White, by R. J. Raymond ; A quiet family, by W. Suter ; Cool as a cucumber, by W. B. Jerrold; Sudden thoughts,by T. E. Wilks ; Jumbo-jum! A blighted being, adapted from “ Une existence deco- loree,” by T. Taylor; Little Toddlekins, by C. Mathews; A lover by proxy, by D. (L.) Bouci- cault; The maid with the milking pail, by J. B. Buckstone ; A lady and gentleman in a pe- culiarly perplexing pre- dicament, by C. Selby. 164.19 — Doctor Dilworth, by J. Oxenford; Out to nurse, by T. Williams ; A lucky hit, by H. Paul; The dowager, by C. Math- ews; Metamora, by J. Brougham ; Dreams of delusion, adapted from the French drama “ Elle est folle,” by J. P. Simp- son ; The shaker lovers, by S. D. Johnson ; Tick- lish times, by J. M. Mor- ton ; Twenty minutes with a tiger, adapted from the French ; Miral- da, by M. M. Ballou; A soldier’s courtship, by J. Poole ; Servants by lega- cy, by J. Pilgrim ; Dying for love, by J. M. Mor- ton ; An alarming sacri- fice, byJ. B. Buckstone; The valet de sham, by C. Selby; Nicholas Nickle- by, [dramatized from Dickens] by E. Stirling. 164.20 J)UAlVrAS IHTNLAI 2H Shelf. No. J)i:amas, ron/iuvrtl. — 'J'lio Iasi of tin; |)ii;tnils, by (J, Selby ; Kiii^ Uenr's (lau;;liter, IVoiii If. Her/, by io. IMiipps; TIk* ^Mot- to iiymjih, by A. W. 'riiaxler; A devilisli fjjood joke, fiy T. I lifjujie ; A twice told tale, by J. r. Woofer; I’as (le fas- cination, ])y J. S. (!oyne ; The revolutionary sol- dier, 1)3'^ (J. .laiinson; A man without a head, by J P. Woofer; The olio, or speaker’s companion ; Tlie trumpeter’s dauj;li- ter, by J. S. Coyne ; See- in^i^ Warren (adapted from “ seeing Wri^lit ”), by T. Morton; Tlic Green mountain l)oy, by J. S. Jones ; Tliat nose, by B. E. Woolf; ’Fom Noddy’s secret, by T. if. Bayly lGt.21 — Shocking events, f)y J. B. Buckstone ; A regular fix, by J. M. Morton ; Dick Turpin and Tom King, by W. E. Suter; The young scamp, by E. Stirling; The manager’s daugliter, i)y E. Lancas- ter; Call at number 1 — 7, by J. Triplet; One touch of nature, by B. Webster; The two b’hoys, by C. Dance ; All tlie workl ’s a stage, al- tered ai^d adapted by G. Brookes ; Quash, adapt- ed by G. Brookes; Turn him out, by T. J. Wil- liams ; The pretty girls of Stillberg; The angel of the attic, by T. Mor- ton ; Circumstances alter cases, adapted from A. Dumas, by W. J. Hop- pin ; Katty O’Sheal, by J. Pilgrim ; A supper in Dixie, by J. Triplet 1G4.22 — The children in the wood, by T. Morton; Winning a husband, by Macfar- ren ; Day after the fair, by G. A. Somerset ; Make your wills, by E. May- hew and G. Smith; The rendezvous, by R. Ay- ton ; My wife’s Imsband, I y F. Cliallis ; Monsieur ’1 onson, by W. T. Mon- crielf; The illustrious stranger, by F. Kenney. 1G4.2G — Young New York, by E. G. P. Wilkins; Victims, by T. Taylor; Romance after marriage, by F. B. Goodrich and F. L. Warden; 'i'he brigand, by J. R. Planche; J'iie poor of New York; Am- brose Gwiiiett, by I). Jerrold ; Raymond and Sholf. No. 1 )KAMAH, roiifintiftl. Agnes, by M. G. T.ewis; 4'he gaml)ler’s fate, by II. M. Milner 1GL21 — 'Fhe musard ball, b}' J. Brougham; The great tragic revival, by J. Brougham; High, low. Jack, and the game, by J. R. Planche and C. Dance; A gentleman from Ireland, by F. O’Rrieii; 'I'om ami Jer- ry, by W. T. Moncrielf; J'lu! village lawyer ; 'Fhe captain’s not a-miss, by T. E. Wilks; Amateurs and actors, by R. P>. Peake 1G4.25 — Promotion, by J. K. Planche; A fascinating individual, by II. Dan- vers ; M rs. Caudle’s cur- tain lecture, [adapted from 1), Jerrold] by E. Stirling ; Shakespeare’s dream, by J. Brougham ; Neptune’s defeat, by J. Brougham ; The lady of the bed-cliamber ; Take care of little Cliarley, by J. Brougham; The Irish widow, by D. Garrick.. 1G4.2G Dramatic literature of tlie age of Elizabeth. Ilaz- litt, W 207.12 Dramatis personae. Browm- ing, R 1G7.18 DiiArEK, J. AV. History of the American civil war. 3 v 131.4 — Intellectual development of Europe 143.7 Drawing. Minitie, W. Geo- metrical 3G2.11 — Ruskiii, J. Elements of. 3G7.24 Dream at sea. Buckstone, J. B 1G5.2G Dream life. Mitchell, D. G. 158.9; 247.12 Dreams of delusion. Simp- son, J. P 1G4.20 Dred. Stowe, H. (E.) B. . . 2G5.2 Same. Dramatized. See Brougham, J 1G5.18 Note. — See Nina Gordon. “Drifting about.” Mas- sett, S. C 243.19 Drunkard, The. Smith, W. H. (S.) 1G5.12 Drury, A. H. Misrepre- sentation 302.19 Dryden, j. Poetical works. 5 228.4 Contents. — Vol. I. Life, by J. Mitford; Poems; Astriea redux; Annus inirabilis ; Es- say upon salire; Absalom and Acliitopbel, parti, il. Absa- lom and Acliitopbel, part 2; 'file medal ; Iteligio laid ; "J’brcnodia Aiiyustalis ; Tbe bind and the jiantber; Rritan- nia rediviva; M ac Klecknoe ; Epistles ; Elegies and epitajibs. III. Hongs, odes, ami a masinie ; Ib-ologiies and epi- logues; 'J'ranslations from Tlieocritus, Jiucretius, and SluK. No. DrVDI.N, j., runt ! until, FloriK-e; Palainon iiml Arelle; 'Ibe eoek ami ll.e foX. IV. 'I'lie lliiwcr ami the leaf; The wife of I’.alb. her tale; Tim rbaraeler of a gooil parsoti ; 'rratislallons from I ’.occaee ; 'rr.inslallons from Ovid's Mel- amorpliof-es. V. Translations from Ovid’s epistles, Ovlil’s art of love. .Iiivenal. Persliis, and Homer. Du CiiAii.i.u, P. B. Explo- riitions and !idvcnlurcs in ctpiMtorial ,\fric!t .... H2.G — Jotirne^’ into .Ashantro- land : .and further pene- tfittion into (■(|uatorial Africa 82.7 — Lost in the jungle 15. G — My Apingi kingdom : with life in the gre;it Salnira. 23.1 — Stories of the gorilla country 15.5 — Wild life under the etpia- b)r 15.7 Dudev'ant, ,\. L. A. I). ((S'ortfe Sand.) Antonia. 32G.7 — Consuelo 321.12 — The corsair 302.13 — Cotintess of Kudolsladt. 321.1 1 — F.'inchon ; t he cricket 321.14 S.TirU!. Dramatized by A. Waldaiier 1G5.3 — First and true love 302.41 — Indiana 321.10 — Jealousy. Phil. 324.13 Same.- N. Y 307.12 — ^Mauprat 32G.G — Tererino. N. Y 307 12 Same. Pliil 324.13 Dudley, T. Letter to the countess of Lincoln 181.7 Duenna, The. Sheridan, R. B 1G3.9; 1G5.8 Duer, W. a. Constitution- al jurisprudence of the United States 19.29 Dufferin, Lord. See Black- wood, F. T. Duke and cousin. Grey, JMs-. 341.39 Duke’s daughter. Bour- goise, A. A 1G5.29 Dumas, A.,j^Zs. Camille-... 1G5.17 Dumas, A. (D.) Andree de Taverney. 2v.ini 281.18 — The count of Monte- Cristo 321.1 — Garibaldians in Sicily - . . 18G.8 — The Corsican brothers. Dramatized. See Gran- ge, E 165 13 Dumb belle. The. Bernard, W. B 164.15 Dumb boy of Manchester. Rayner, B. F. 165.30 Dumb girl of Genoa. Far- rell, J 165.25 Dun, F. Veterinary medi- cines 362.6 Dunciad, The. Pope, A. V. 3 of 169.7 Dunham, S. A. History of Spain and Portugal. 5v 148.1 Dunlap, W. Arts of de- sign in the IJ nited States. I 2 202.4 DUNLAP 29 EGYPT Shelf. No. DuNLAr, W., continU'ed. — History of New York. 2 V 148.9 — History of the New Netherkuids to [1789]. 2 V 132.1 Dupin, L. E. The universal library of historians. 2v 187.12 DunniN, J. P. Observations in Europe. 2 v 85.19 — Observations in the East. 2 T 86.19 Dukivagk, O. E. The lady of the lions. 164.18 — The stage-struck Yan- kee 164 17 Dutch and Fleinish schools of painting. Stanley, G. 156.14 Dutchman’s ghost. Barry, S 164.13 Du Turk ail, P., Chevalier Bayard, Life of. See Simms, W. G 125.6 Duxbury, Mass. Thomas, C. B. Landing of the French Atlantic cable at. 133.19 — Winsor, J. History of. . 134 15 Dwelling-houses, Con- struction of 367.16 Dwight, Theodore, jr. His- toi-y of Connecticut. .. . 189.2 Dwight, Timothy, Life of. See Sprague, W. B. v. 4 of 117.2 Dyer, T. H. Life of J. Cal- vin 125.5 Dying for love. Morton, J. M 164.20 DYnevor terrace. Yonge, C. M 287.6 Dyspepsia. Hitchcock, E Dyspepsy forestalled and resisted 34.24 — Mace, J. Servants of the stomach 34.27 See also Diet, Digestion. Eames, j. a. The budget closed 96.24 Earl’s daughter. Sewell, E. M 304.3 Earl’s heirs. Wood, E. P. 282.4 Earth. Guyot, A. Earth and man 364.30 — Higgins, W. M. Physi- cal condition of the 49.12 East, The. Alger, W. li. Poetry of 166.9 — Durbin, J. P. Observa- tions in 86.19 — Fctridge, W. P. Harper’s hand-book for travelers in 86.1; 234.1 — Martineau, H. Eastern life 97.6 East Indian archipelago. Travels in the. Bick- more, A. S 82.10 Easter-day. Browning, R. 167.14 Eaton, W , Life of. See Felton, C. C v. 9 of 117.1 Ebenezer V enture. La Bree, L 164.15 Ecce Deus. Parker, J 366.10 Ecce Homo. Seeley, J. R. 366.9 Shelf. No. Ecclesiastical history. Eu- sebius Pamphilus. Ec- clesiastical history 188.14 — Gieseler, J. C. L. Text- book of church history. 142.4 — Mosheim, J. L. Ecclesi- astical history ... . 142.12 — White, J. The eighteen Christian centuries 188.10 See also Christianity, Church, Congregational churclies of New England, England (Church of). Missions, New Jerusalem church, Protestant episcopal church, U. S. A., Popes, Reformation, Roman catholic church. Eclectic magazine. Vol. 3-8, 12, 45-52, 54-59, 61- 63 ; new series, v. 1-4, 7. 29 V. in 30 393.2 Note. — This is a continua- tion of the American eclectic. Eclogues. Virgil ius Maro, P 339.3 Edda, The prose. Mallet, P. H 235.15 Eddy, D. C. Scenes and society in England, France, Italy, and Swit- zerland 234.16 Eden, Hon. Emily. The semi-attached couple... 264.21 — The semi-detached house. 248.16 Edgar, J. G. Boyhood of great men 16.6 — The crusades and the crusaders 186.13 — Footprints of famous men 127.9 — Great men and gallant deeds 14.7 — History for boys 17.13 — Sea-kings and naval he- roes 17.15 — The wars of the roses... 17.14 Edgeworth, M. Essay on self-justification 249.6 — Letters for literary ladies. 249.6 — Letters of Julia and Car- oline 249.6 — Tlie modern Griselda .... 249.6 — Popular tales 249.3 Contents. — Murud the un- lucky; The manufacturers; The contrast; Tlie grateful negro; To-morrow. Edith Hale. Talmon, T. .. 243.11 Education. Babingtoii, T. View of Christian 366.22 — Bache, A. D. Education in Europe 154.11 — Boese, T. Public educa- tion in the city of New York 133.3 — Burton, W. Helps to... 154.25 — Hamilton, E. Element- ary principles of 367.3 — Mann, M. Moral culture of infancy 154.22 — Milton, J. Tractate on. V. 3 of 337.5 — More, H. Female 207.2 — Necker de Saussure, A. A. Progressive 154.26 Shelf. No. Education, continued. — Northend, C. Teacher’s assistant 154.24 — Phelps, 3Irs. L. Hours with my i)upils 157.7 — Schmidt, H. I. History of 19.3 — Spencer, II. Intellectual, moral, and physical... 155 12 — Taylor, I. Home 154.16 — Wells, W.II. The graded school 154.27 See also Object lessons. Edwards, A. B. Barbara’s history 261.45 — Debenham’s vow 261.48 — Half a million of money. 261.55 — Hand and glove 261 27 — Ladder of life 261.25 — Miss Carew 261.54 — My brother’s wife 261.31 — Susan Fielding 301.39 Edwards, B. B. Biography of self-taught men. 1832. 126.15 Same. 1850, 52. 2 v. 118.2 Note. — Vol. 2 was pre* pared by S. 0-. B [ullinch]. Same. 1859 199.3 — Classical studies. See Sears, B 153.1 Edwards, C. History and poetry of finger-rings .. 235.8 Edwards, 11. Milne. Anat- omy and physiology. . . . 32.18 — Iihemens de zoologie.... 33.20 Edwards, J. Life [and ser- mons] 194.16 — Life of D. Brainerd 194.18 — Life of. See Miller, S. V. 8 of 117.1 Edwards, M., Memoir of. See Bultiuch, T 26.13 Edwards, P., and Wallack, J. L. Romance of a poor young man. Adapted from 0. Feuillet 165.23 Edwin Brothertoft. Win- throp, T 156.31 Edwin Drood, Mystery of. Dickens, C. (J- IL)..-. 281.29 Egmont, Lamoral, Count of, Trial of. See Schiller, (J. C.) F. von.... 148.4; 157.24 Egmont. Goethe, J. W. von. 166.2 Egypt. Dali, C. H. Egypt’s place iu history 183.13 — Grey, i/oa. J/rs. W. Visit to 86.4 — Hawks, F. L. Monuments of.... 91.3 — Lanoye, F. (T.) de. Egypt 3300 years ago 36.8 — Olin, S. Travels in 234.4 — Prime, W.C. Boatlifein. 87.18 — Russell, M. Ancient and modern 88.1 — St. John, B. Village life in 236.7 — Smith, J. V. C. Pilgrim- age to 94.6 — Stephens, J. L. Inci- dents of travel in 86.11 — Wilkinson, Sir 3. G. An- cient Egyptians. .85.11 ; 356.12 ETC I m ERG EN(M.ANI) Shrlf. No. EiCMJMCiMj, .1. Tlio doctor of Alcautani; 'I'Ik! two cadis 1(;2.]4 Eicii iCNDouFii', J. von. A US dcni Lehcn cin(!S 'J’aujL^c- niclits 277.5 Eksii rii coininaiidnicnt, The. Keade, C 2r,t..^0 Eikonoivi.astks. Milton, J. V. 1 of 337.5 Elam, C. A physician’s problems 30.31 Eldek brother. Beaumont, F 105.10 Eldorado, or, adventures in the patli of empire. Taylor, (.1.) Bayard 00.17 Electjia. Euripides ..v. 3 of 330.2 Electka. Sophocles 330.10 Electricity, Elements of. Farrar, J 303.12 See also Magnetism, Tele- graph. Electro-magnetism, Ele- ments of. Farrar, J. .. 303.12 Elephant, Natural history of the 10.4 Elfred. Abbott, J. ...v. 0 of 10. 1 El Fureidis. Cummins, M. S 248.10 Elia, Essaj^s of. Laml), C. V. 2 of 150.0 Eliot, George, pseud. See Lewes, M. J. Eliot, J., Life of. See Fran- cis, C V. 5 of 117.1 Eliot, S. History of liberty. P. 1. The aiicicut Ro- mans. 2 187.1 P. 2. The early Chris- tians. 2v 187.2 Elisire d’amore. Doni- zetti, G 162.4 Elizaretii, of England, His- tory of. See Abbott, J. 15.10 Elizaretii ; or, the exiles of Siberia. Cottin, S. R- . 287.10 Ella. Simonds, W 17.10 Ella Rosenberg. Kenney, J 105.27 Ellen Linn. Abbott, J. v. 7 of 16.2 Ellen VVareliam. Picker- ing, E 302.16 Ellery, \V., Life of See Chanuing, E. T. . . .v. 6 of 117.1 V. 3 of 123.7 Ellet, E. F. Domestic his- tory of the American revolution 185.7 — Women artists 124.11 — Women of the American revolution. 3v 105.10 I'iLi.HiOTT, C. J. Life of Christ 303.18 Eli.iott, C. VV. New Eng- land liistory, 080-1770. 2 181.15 Ellio'I 'I', E., Life, poetry and letters of. See Watkins, .1..: 105.4 Ellis, G. Specimens of early English metrical ro- mances 338.11 Ellis, G. E. Life of A. Hutchinson v. 6 of 117.2 Hhclf. No. Ellis, G. E., rnntinued. — Lift^ of Mason v. 3 of 1 1 7.2 — Life of W. I'enn...v. 12 of 117.2 Ellis, W. 'rinaa! visits to Madagascti r, 1 85;5-50 . . . 2;’, 2. 2 Ellwood, O'. Life 70.7 IOlm isliuid stories. Kel- logg, E 11.11-10 Elocution. Philbrlck, .1. 1). American union speaker 151.17 — Russell, W. American elocutionist 305.2 — Sargent, E. Standard spetiker 153.14 — O'ower, D. Progressive speaker 151.21 Elo(juence, Select British. Goodrich, C. A 152.13 Elsie Venner. Holmes, (). \V 207.2 Fester’s folly. Wood, E. 1’. 321.0 Ely, a. Jourmd in Rich- mond 234.17 Emerson, R. W. ITose works. 2 V 153.7 — Conduct of life 20L0 — English traits 00.5 — Essays. 2 v 154. 2H — Representiitive men 215.4 — Society and solitude 157.18 Emma. Abbott, .1 v. 2 of Itl.l Em.ma. Austen, ,J 343.0 Em.mons, E. Report on the (piadrupeds of Massa- chusetts. See Massa- chusetts 33.12 Emmons, R. The battle of Bunker hill 107.1 Emory, W. H. Notes of a military reconnoissance, from Fort Leavenworth, Mo., to San Diego, Cal. Ncfi United States 232.0 Enchanting and enchanted. Hacklaender, F. W 14.24 Encyclopaedia in the form of treatises on the sciences and arts. Supplement. 21 V. in 23 71.1 Contents. — Vol.I. A — Ang. II. Ang— Bar. III. Bar — Bzo. IV. Caa— Cic. V. Cic — Dia. VI. Dia — Elh. VII. Etm — Goa. VIII. Gob— Hyd. IX. Hyd — Les. X. Les — Mec. XI. Med— Mid. XII. Mie— Xeg. XIII. Neh— Pas. XIV. Pas— Pla. XV. Pla-Ran. XVI. Uan — Sco. XVII. Sco — Str. XVIII. Str — Zym. Supple- ment: Vol. I. A— Ele. II. Ele —Phi. III. Phi— Zoneshio. Encyclopaedia Americana. Edited by F. Lieber, as- sisted by E. Wiggles- worth and T. G. Brad- ford, with supplement bylLVethake. 14 v. .. 73.1 ContcMts. — Vol.I. A — Bat. II. Bat — Cat. HI. Cat — Cra. IV. Cra— 1^1 ve. V. Eve — Gre. VI. Gre-lnd. VII. Did— Lin. VIII. Lin-Mon. IX. Mon — J’en. X. Pen — R,(!V. aXI. Rev— Hte. XII. Sle— Vis. XIII. Vis-Zwi. XIV. Sup- plement. Hliclf. N... E.NU’Vri.oPKDIA, Amcric.'in, of arts and schmccs. 7 V En) 1 1 H Kus’i ai'mikvio, a. Kcsoiirccs ol' Ivussia 18H.15 Eittaw. Siimus, VV.(r 218. .‘3 Eu'I’iianahy. Mouiitfoixl, \V. 20(),1 13vai)NK. Sliicl, It. L 1()5.8 Evan(;ki.ink. Ivomi^IcHow, II. W. ...1(12.17; V. 2 of ICS. 13 Evans, A. ,1. /See Wilson, A. ,1. Evans, F . W. Shakers. Bi- ograiihies of Ann Lee, etc. . 366.29 — 'rests of divine insjiira- tion . 366.34 Eveleen Wilson. IMlgrim, J. . . . 165.29 Evelina. D’ Arblay, F. . . . 265.26 305.24 Ever ett. A. H. Life of J. Warren v. 10 of 117.1 V. 2 of 123,7 — Life of r. Henry • . . . v. 1 of 1 17.2 Eveuki'T, E. Orations and speeches. 4 42.1 — Idle of ,1. Stark v. 1 of 117.1 V. 1 of 132.7 — Life of G. WasIiini 2 :ton . . . 107.20 — The Mount Vernon pa- ])ers 154.10 — Tribute to the nieniory of. /See New-Enf;land historic-genealogical so- ciety 103.5 Everett, W. Changing base. 27.1 — Double play 27.0 Every boy’s book. Forest, G 26.2G Evera"-day philosopher in toAVu and country. Boyd, A. K. H 205.10 Every little boy’s book. .. . 26.22 Evidences of Christianity. Paley, W 387.24 — Sumner, J. P 385.23 Evil, Nature of. James, H. 385.4 EviLeye, The. Phillips, J. B. 164.12 Evil genius, The. Bernard, AV. B 165.10 Excursions. Thoreaii, H. 1) 44.7 Exercises for private de- votion 367.7 Expectant, The. Picker- ing, E 302.28 Experience of life. Sewell, E. M 265.23 Exploring expedition. Four years in a government. Colvocoresses, G. IM. ... 234.10 Eye, Diseases of the. Wil- liams, 11. W 365.24 Eyes and ears. Beecher, 11. W 153.12 Eyrrygg.ja Saga, Abstract of the. Scott, ,Sir W. . . 235.15 Fap.i.es. 71‘isopus 17.2 — Vri.arte, T. de. Idterary. 166.21 Faeiii/,, E. F. M. The na- tional memoi’ial day 133.14 h'Aiatn'; (piecme. Spcmser, E V. 1-4 of 227.3 Faint heart inwer won fair lady. I'lanchc, J. K. . . . 165.7 Slipif. No. Eaiu phay. South worth, E. 1). E. N 315.1 Faik <|narrel, A. Middleton, T V. 3 of 163.10 FAiniiAiRN, W. Iron ship bnilding 33.0 Fairy tahjs. Andersen, II. C. Danish 15.1 — (darki;, IE S. F.airy l)ook. 18.0 — Craik, 1). (,M.) M. Fairy book 15.3 — Kingsley, C. Greek fairy tales M.27 — Labonlaye, i\. (R. L.) Fairy l ale.s of all nations. 15.2 — Mace, J. Home 15.1 Faith, Manual of. Hobart, .1 11 365.. 35 Faith Gartney’s girlhood. Whitney, A. 1) T 265.3 Faitheul for ever. J’at- more, C. (K.) 167.20 Faitheul Hannah. Baker, 11. N. (W.) 14.2 Falconer, E. The husband of an hour 165.28 — Reading without tears. . . 365.11 Fallen minister. The. Spiess, C. H V. 1 of 327.36 Fallen pride. South worth, E. I). E. N 345.7 False colors. Cndlip, A. .. 261.41 Falsehood and truth. Ton- na, C. E 268.3 Fame and fortune. Alger, H.,jr 28.2 Faaiiliar quotations. Bart- lett, J 205.11; *R. R.,E.7 Family doom. Soutlnvorth, E. D. E. N 345.12 Family failing. Oxenford,J. 164.18 Family in love. Craik, D. (M.) M 241.3 Family jars 164.11 Family of love. Middleton. T 2 of 163.10 Family pride 324.21 Family save-all 156.17 Family secrets 324.23 Family singing book. Cobb, S 158.14 Famous men, Footprints of. Edgar, J. G 127.9 Famous persons and places. Willis, N. P 98.3 Fanciion ; the cricket. Du- devant, A. L. A. D 324.14 Same. Dramatized by A. Waldauer 165.30 FANiavEi; or, the San Jacin- to in the seas of India, etc. Wood, W. M 86.18 Fantine. Hugo, Comte V. (M.) 241.8 Faraday, M. Chemical his- tory of a candle 367.31 — Faraday as a discoverer. /See Tyndall, J 123.4 Farming. See Agriculture. Farnham, E. W. Life in prairie land 236.13 Faroe islands. Historical and descriptive account of the 48.8 Farin. 363.12 Kaihh;ll, .1. 'file dtiinl) girl of Genoa 165.25 Fakihi.uy. 'fhe horse’s foot. Miles, W 34.18 Fascinming individual, Danvers, 11 164.11,25 Fashion. Ritchie, A. (k (M.) 165.22 I'ashio.n and famine. Stcr- phens, A. S 213.18; 306.3 Fashionahle lover. Cnm- berland, H 168.22 Fas«p'elle, L. New method of learning the l<’ren(di language 365.12 Fatal marriage. South- worth, E. I). E. N :H5.3 Fa ther and daughter. Dpie, A 3 of 282.5 Father and son. Fitzball, E 165.21 Father Hnbbard’.s tales. Middleton,'!’ 5 of 163.10 Faucon, N. Blbliotheipie portative (!es meillenrs ecrivains fi’anyais 276.1 Faust, (ioethe, J. W. von. 166.2; 168.4 Faust. Gounod, C. F 162.3 Fau.st and Marguerite 165.26 Favorita, La. Jlonizetti, G. 162.4 Fazio. Milman, H. H 165.1 Federallst, 'Ihe. Hamil- ton, A 207.4 Felix Holt. Lewes, M. J. . . 347.14 Felt, J. B. Memorials of W. S. Shaw 198.2 Felton, C. C. Life of W. Eaton V. 9 of 117.1 — Classical studies. /See Sears, B 153.1 Female skeptic; or, faith triumphant 246.17 Female sovereigns. Cele- brated. Jameson, A. (M.) 48.15 F£^s"elon, F. (de S. de La Mothe). Lives of the ancient philosophers .. . 19.34 Ferdinand and Isabella. Prescott, W. H. ..148.13; 352.1 Ferguson, A. History of civil society 154.15 Ferguson, J. Astronomy explained 383.5 — Life 79.5 — Early life of. See May- hew, H 16.11 Fermented liquors. F eucht- wanger, L 364.14 Fernald, W. M. God in his providence 366.13 Ferry, G. Vagabond life in Mexico 95.10 Fessenden, T. G. Ameri- can kitchen gardener.. 364.22 V. 2 of 365.29 Festivals, Ancient and mod- ern. Smith, H. 48.26 Ficstus. Bailey, P. j 162.16 FETRIDGE 33 FOSTER Slielf. No. Fetkidgk, W. F. Harper’s hand-book for travelers in Europe and the East. 1862 234.1 — Same. 1870 86.1 Fette, VV". E. Dialogues from Dickens for school and home amusement.. 27.2 Feucutvvangeh, L. Fer- mented liquors 364.14 Feudal times. White, J... 165.7 Feueubacie, a. R. von. Re- markable criminal trials. 158.17 Feuillet, O. Romance of a poor young .man. See Edwards, P 165.23 FJiVAL, P. (H. C.) The duke’s daughter. See Bourgoise, A. A 165.29 Fiammina, La. Clapp, VV". W.,;> 165.28 Fiction, Dictionary of the noted names of. Wheel- er, W. A *R. R., E. 9 Fidelio. Beethoven, L. van. 162.3 Field, H. M. Irish confed- erates 188.2 — Summer pictures : from Copenhagen to Venice. 153.10 Field and forest. Adams, W. T 12.14 Field of Waterloo. Scott, Sir W 8 of 228.7 Fighting by proxy. Ken- ney, J 164.18 Fighting Joe. Adams, W. T 12.2 Figuier, (G.) L. The insect world 31.5 — The world before the del- uge 31.4 Fiji and the Fijians. Wil- liams, T. 91.2 Fills du regiment. Doni- zetti, G 162.4 Fine arts. Outline history of the. Lossiug, B. J. ... 47.9 See also Architecture, Art, Music. Fine arts quarterly. 3 v. .. 411.3 Fine feathers do not make tine birds. Neily, K. J. 26.8 Finger-rings, History and poetry of. Edwards, C. 235.8 Fior d’Aliza. Lamartine, A. (M. L. P.)de 17.8 Fire-side song book. Car- penter, J. E 169.10 Fireman, The. Johnson, S. D 165.25 Fireman : the lire depart- ments of the United States. Dana, D. D. .. 156.12 Fireside travels. Lowell, J. R. 158.5 First and true love. Dude- vaut, A. L. A. D 302.44 First night. The 164.17 Fish, H. C. Primitive piety revived 366.24 Fish and ’fishing. Herbert, H. W. Fish and Ashing in the United States and British provinces 33.5 — Scott, G. C. Fishing in American waters 33.11 Shelf. No. Fitch, J., Life of. See Whit- tlesey, C v.6of 117.2 Fitchburg, Mass., in tlie war of the rebellion. Willis, H. A 112.7 Fitz-Gubin 248.27 Fitzball, E. Esmeralda... 165.18 — Father and son 165.21 — The dying Dutchman- . .. 165.15 — Hofer 165.19 — The innkeeper of Abbe- ville 165.21 — Jonathan Bradford 165.18 — The momentous question. 165.25 — The pilot 165.17 — Tom Cringle 165.18 Fitzgerald, P. Life of D. Garrick. 2 v 121.2 Five old friends. Thack- eray, Miss (A. I.) 347.13 Flagg, E. Venice, 1797- 1849. 2 84.15 Flauto magico, II. Mozart, (J. C. S. G.) W. A 162.13 Fletcher, James. History of Poland 48.34 Fletcher, James C., and Kidder, D. P. Brazil and the Brazilians. .... ..83.7; 92.4 Fletcher, John. The elder brother. See Beaumont, F 165.10 — The maid’s tragedy. See Beaumont, F 165.7 Fleur-de-th 6. Ronger, F. 162.6 Flirt, The. Grey, 3Irs. ... 341.35 Floating beacon. Ball, E. 165.20 Florian, j. P. C. de. The Moors of Spain. Added, a notice of islamism .... 47.8 Florida. Giddings, J. R. Exiles of 184.8 — Irving, T. Conquest of. V. 10 of 46.6 Florida war, Origin, prog- ress, and conclusion of the. Sprague, J. T. ... 134.7 Flotow, F. F. a. von. Mar- tha. Italian, with Eng- lish translation 162.3 Flowers. Beecher, H. W. Flowers and farming. . . 153.8 — Johnson, L. Every lady her own Aower gar- dener V. 2 of 365.29 See also Glardening, Rose. Flowers of the forest. Buckstone, J. B 165.28 Floyd, W. B. Handy Andy. [Dramatized from S. Lover] 165.30 Flying Dutchman. Fitzball, E 165.15 Folks and fairies. Comfort, L. C 325.4 Follies of a night. Blanche, J. R 165.7 Following the Aag. ColAn, C. C 27.25 Fonblanque, a. A tangled skein 281.19 Fonvielle, W. de. Thun- der and lightning 36.3 Food. Lankester, E. Food of man 19.27 Shelf. No. Food, continued . — Thomson, R. D. Food of animals 34.22 — Useful arts employed in the production of 367.19 See also Adulterations, Diet. Fool of quality. Brooke, H. 199.5 Fool’s revenge. Taylor, T. 165.30 Foote, H. S. The war of the rebellion ; or, Scylla and Charybdis 136.4 Foote, S. Dramas 163.12 Contents. — The commissa- ry ; The lame lover; The bank- rupt ; The cozeners ; The maid of Bath ; The Devil upon two sticks ; The nabob ; A trip to Calais; The capuchin. Footprints of the Creator. Miller, H 154.1 Forayers, The. Simms, W. G. .................... 243.20 Forbes, C. S. Garibaldi in the two Sicilies 102.1 Forbes, Sir J. Physiologi- cal elfects of alcoholic drinks 364.20 Fore and aft. Phelps, W. D 23.2 Foreign reminiscences. Fox, H. R 124.15 Forest, G. Every boy’s book 26.26 Forest exiles. Reid, M. .. 25.12 Forest rose. Woodworth, S 165.29 Forest tragedy. Lippincott, S. J 14.26 Forester, Frank, pseud. See Herbert, H. W. Forester, T. Paris and its environs 338.10 Forgiven at last. Hader- mann, J. R 326.1 Forster, J. Statesmen of England 142.8 — Walter Savage Landor. A biography 122.6 Forsyth, W. Napoleon at St. Helena. 2 124.14 Fort Pillow massacre. Re- port on the. See United States 352.11 Fortune seeker. South- worth, E. D. E. N 345.18 Fortune’s frolic. Ailing- ham, J. T 164.13 Fortunes of Nigel. Scott, Sir W 13 of 263.5 Forty and Afty. Bayly, T. H 164.19 Forty thieves, The 165.16 Foster, J. Essays 158.10 Contents. — On a man’s writ- ing memoirs of himself; On decision of character ; On the application of the epithet ro- mantic ; Causes by which evan- gelical religion has been ren- dered unacceptable to persons of cultivated taste. — Evils of popular igno- rance 157.1 — Fosteriana : consisting of thoughts, reAectious, and criticisms 157.2 5 FOSTKR I'llJNERS :u Hhclf. No. I'oH'i'Kit, ,1., conlinucd. — Jjccturo.s at Jiroiidincad cliaixd. 2 V 157.J5 — LilV.* and corrospondcnrc. 2 V. in 1 127.21 Foul play. Rc'ado, C 247.21 Fouii isoldiei’H; or, riglit abont, lace 380.20 Fouit y(!ar.s ol‘ lighting. Col- lin, C. C 132.11 Fouuniur, U. Comedy and tragedy 104.13 Fox, C. I’ortrait oTG. Wash- ington : history and evi- dence of the correct- ness of tlie likeness 101.3 Fox, II. K., lord JloUand. Foreign reminiscences . ]24.1.'i Fox, J. Hook of martyrs .. IBO.l.'l Fra diavolo. Anber, 1). F. E. 102.3 Fram.iee, 1). The I’arsees. 185.10 Framley ])arsonage. Trol- lope, A 204.10 France. Abbott, J. S. C. French revolution of 1780 141.8 — Adams, W. T. Young America in 13.4 — Boniiechose, (F. P.) l^b (li.) do. Ilistory of . . . 185.18 — Bush, A. F. Queens of. 184.0 — Carlyle, T. Ilistory of the French revolution .. 147.10 — Corkran, J. F. National constituent assembly, 1848 147.8 — Eddy, D. C. Scenes and society in 234.10 — Godwin, P. History of. 141.5 Herbert, H. W. Cheva- liers of 188 12 Knights of 188.8 — Hugo, Comte V. (M.) The destroyer of the second republic 147.7 — Lamartine, A. (M. L. P.) de. Past, present, and future of the republic.. 147.20 Pevolution of 1848 350.14 — Lippincott, S. J. Stories and sights of 27.5 — Michelet, J. History of. 141.3 — Moore, J. Journal dur- ing a residence in, 1792. 230.23 — Pardoe, J. Episodes of French history 147.21 — Parkman, F. Pioneers of France in the New World V. 1 of 135.1 — Scott, Sir W. Stories from the history of.v. 27 of 203.5 — Shelley, M. W. Lives of eminent French wri- ters 197.14 — Siborne, W. ilistory of tlie war, in 1815 181.5 — Stephen, Sir J. Lectures on the Ilistory of 141.7 — Thiers, (L.) A. History of the French revolu- tion 141 4 — Tociiueville, A. (C. II. C.) de. 4'he old r(!gime and the revolution 97.21 — White, J. Ilistory of, to 1848 134.20 Hlifir. No. France, ronllnued. Sr<- (iIho Henry IV, I.oiiIh IX, LoiiiH XIII, LniiiH XIV, J.onip X VI I , Niipoleoii I, Na- j)ok'on III. Francesca da Rimini. Bo- ker, G. 11 v. 1 of 108.20 Francis, C. Life of J. Eliot. V. 5 of 117.1 — Life of S. Rale v. 7 of 117.2 Francis, G. II. Orators of the age 198.0 Frank Mildmay. Marryat, F 323.5 Franklin, B. Works. Vol. 2-10. 9v 41.2 — Autobiogra|)hy. N. V. .. 122.10 Same. Phil 114.1 — Memoirs ; by himself. 2v. 47.2 — Inauguration of the stat- ue of. >SVc Boston 113.8 — Mayhew, II. Young Ben- jamin Franklin 17.17 — I’arton, ,1. Life and times of 114.4 — Si)arks, J. Life of 194.3 Franklin, AYr .1. Kane, E. K. Grinnell expedition in search of 93.0 — MacCIintock, F. L. Dis- covery of tlie fate of . . . 97.17 Franklin. Abbott, J. ..v. 4 of 10.1 Franklin. Brougham, J. . . 105.19 Fraser, rl. B. Historical and descriptive account of Persia 48.9 — Mesoi)otamia and As- syria 47.10 Fraserian papers. Maginn, W 154.22 Freaks of fortune. Adams, W. T 12.10 Freaks of fortune. Jones, J. B 247.10 Frederick II, of Prussia. See Friedrich II. Frederick Latimer. Mac- Keever, H. B 24.1 Frederick the great and his court. Mundt, G 305,25 Frederick the great and his family. Mundt, C 281.2 Free masonry. Adams, J. Q. Letters on the ma-. sonic institution 152.2 — Chase, G. W. Digest of masonic law 150.18 — Gassett, H. Catalogue of books, anti-masonic in arguments and con- clusions 31.18 — Odiorne, J. C. Opinions on speculative mason- ry 156.19 — Stearns, J. G. Specula- tive 385.22 Frelinciiuysen, T., Me- moir of. See Chambers, T. W 190.2 FRf;!viONT, Jessie B. Story of the guard 357 1 FitfiMONT, John C. Exiilor- ing expedition to the Rocky mountains, Ore- gon and North Califor- nia 94.4 HhoH. No. FufMoN i , .lohn C., 1071 fin lit tl. — Life <»f. Sn r pham, ('. W F|!EN( H, S. AVr Dramas, ( 'olleet ion of. % Fri;n( II country family. Witt, Mme. de !. 3.05.11; French l!niguag(‘. Boris, P. .1. Frelieli 1 simple and (Compound vowels, comiiared willi 1 Fnglish sounds . ..*IL R., 1). 1 1 — Fas(|ucllc, L. New niflli- 0(1 of learning the 305.12 — L’llomond, C. F. Kle- ments of French griiin- m:ir 305. .3 — Spiers, A. French and English dictiomiry. *l{. R., A. 4 French literal ure. Ribli- otheepK; portative des mcilh'iirs (''Ci ivains fran- ^^•ais. Faucon, N 270.1 French spy. Haines, J. 4’. 105.19 Freyschcetz, Der. Weber, C. M. von 102.10 Frevtah, G. Debit and credit 305.27 — The lost manuscript 302.18 — Soil und Haben. 2 v. .. 277.0 Friars WOOD post-ollice. Vonge, C. M 308.2 Friedrich 11, of rruHsia. Carlyle, T. History of. 114.3 — Macaulay, T. B., lord. Life of 127.8 From an island. Thackeray, J/m (A. 1.) 347.12 Frost, J. Life of Z. Taylor. 215 12 — Pioneer mothers of the West 22.11 — Wild scenes of a hunter’s life 22.17 Frothingiiam, E. L. State- ment of the trinitarian principle, or law of tri- personality 32.17 — and A. L. Philosophy as absolute science. Vol. 1. 32.19 Frotiiingham, R. Life and times of J. Warren 111.9 — Siege of Boston, and battles of Lexington, Concord, and Bunker hill 184.5 Froude, j. a. History of England. 12 v 144.1 Fruits 367.21 Fruits and fruit-trees of America. Downing, A. J 33.3 Fudge doings. Mitchell, D. G 247.9 Fuller, H. Sparks from a locomotive 96.16 Fullerton, Lady G. Mrs. Gerald’s niece 301.17 Fulton, R., Life of. See Renwick, J v. 10 of 117 1 V. 1 of 123.7 Fun for the million 343.7 Fun-jottings. Willis, N. P 153.15 Furies, The. iEschylus . . . . 339.17 Furness, W. H. Domestic worship 300.21 FUTURE 35 GIESELER Shelf. No. Future life. Wood, G 38G.8 Future state, Philosophy of a. Dick, T 335.1 Gail Hamilton, pseud. 8ee Dod^e, M. A. GAiTiEsand gravities. Smith, H 158.6 Gajani,G The Roman exile. 107.3 Gala-days. Dodge, M. A. 45.4 Galaxy, The. Vol. 1, 3, 6-8. 5 406.1 Gale Breezely. Johnstone, J. B 164.10 Galt, J. Life of Lord By- ron 48.35 Gambler’s fate. Milner, H. M 164.24; 165.21 Game at chess. Middleton, G.AMEoflife. Brougham, J. 165.16 Game of love. Brougham, J. 165.15 Games. See Recreative arts. Gamester, The. Moore, PL 165.2 Gammell, W. Life of R. Williams v. 4 of 117.2 — Life of S. Ward. . • . v. 9 of 117.2 Gardening. Beecher, H. W. Fruits, flowers, and farming 153.8 — Cobbett, W. American gardener 364.21 — F'essenden, T. G. Amer- ican kitchen gardener. 364.22 V. 2 of 365.29 — Loudon, J. W. Garden- ing for ladies 35.6 See also Agriculture, Flow- ers, Fruits, Grape, Landscape gardening, Manures, Vine. Gardiner, M., countess of Blessington, Literary life and correspondence of. See Madden, R. R 123.3 Gardner, C. K. United States system of infan- try exercise 35.14 Garibaldi, G. Autobiogra- phy 215.1. — The rule of the monk... 261.51 — Dumas, A. (D.) The Garibaldians in Sicily.. 186.8 — Forbes, C. S. Campaign in the two Sicilies 102.1 Garland, H. A. Life of J. Randolph 193.4 Garrick, D. Country girl, altered from Wycherley. 169.9 — The Irish widow 164.14, 26 — Life of. See Fitzgerald, P 121.2 Gaskell, E. C. Cousin Phil- lis 261.6 — Cranford 307.3 — A dark night’s work.... 302.12 — Life of C. Bronte. 2 v . 108.2 — Mary Barton 261.30 — Moorland cottage 307.1 — My lady Ludlow 261.3 — North and South 261.5 — Right at last 287.4 — Sylvia’s lovers 261.46 — Wives and daughters. . .. 301.18 Gasparin, a. (fi.), comte de. America before Europe. 186.16 Shelf. No. Gasparin, A. (I'L), comte de, continued. — The United States in 1861. 188.5 Gassett, H. Catalogue of books on the anti-ma- sonic institution 31.18 Gates ajar. Phelps, E. S. . . 27.28 Gaultier, Bon, pseud. See Martin, T. Gaussen, S. R. L. Theop- nensty; or, the plenary inspiration of the Holy Scriptures 366.18 Gayler, C. The love of a prince 165.19 — The son of the night .... 165.20 Gazza ladra. La. Rossini, G. A 162.7 Genealogy. Goodwin, N. Genealogical notes 353.12 — New England historical and genealogical regis- • ter 74.1 See also the following names : Cushman, Greenleaf, Hunt, Lawrence. General, The. Barrows, W 26.10 Genevieve. Lamartine, A. (M. L. P.) de 261.23 Genevieve de Brabant. Of- fenbach, J 162.9 Genghis Khan, History of. See Abbott, J 15.25 Genius. Chapman, J. Char- acteristics of men of. . . . 215.14 — Giles, H. Illustrations of. 207.5 Gentleman from Ireland. O’Brien, F 164.14, 25 Geoffrey Crayon, pseud. See Irving, W. Geoffrey de Vinsauf. Cru- sades of Richard i 338.9 Geoffrey of Monmouth’s British history. See Giles, J. A 337.2 Geoffry Hamlyu. Kingsley, H 307.10 Geography. Anthon, C. An- cient and mediaeval 32.24 — Goodrich, S. G. Com- prehensive 381.1 — Lavallee, T. (S.) Physi- cal, historical, and mili- tary 364.2 — Smith, W. Dictionary of Greek and Roman . . *R. R. , A. 7 See also Atlas, Ethnography, Physical geography. Voyages, World. Geology. Agassiz, L. (J. R.) Geological sketches 36.33 — Buckland, W. Geology as exhibiting the power, wisdom, and goodness of God 37.5 — Darwin, C. (R.) Geol- ogy of the countries visited by the Beagle. .. 37.27 — Goodrich, S. G. Wonders of 386.20 — Hitchcock, E. Geology of Massachusetts 32.21 Geology of the globe.. 32.20 Religion of 386 7 Shelf. No Geology, continued. — Lee, C. A. Elements of. 19.5 — Lyell, NiVC. Elementary. 362.9 Elements of 386.9 Principles of 362.7 — Miller, H. Footprints of the Creator 154.1 Old red sandstone 154.8 Popular 154.9 Testimony of the rocks. 154.5 See also Creation, Earth, Mineralogy, Physical geogra- p>>y- Geometrical drawing. Min- ifle, W 362.11 George It, of England. Her- vey, J., lord. Reign of. 197.5 — Oliphant, M. (O. W.) Historical sketches of the reign of 122.5 George IV, Life and times of. See Croly, G 48.6 George Barnwell. Lillo, G. 165.12 George Canterbury’s will. Wood, E. P 321.6 Georges, of England. Smucker, S. M. His- tory of the four 188.7 — Thackeray, W. M. The four Georges v. 4 of 347.1 Georgia. Journal of a resi- dence on a Georgian plantation. Kemble, F. A 86.17 See also Andersonville. Georgics. Virgilius Maro, P 339.3 GfmARD, C. J. B. The lion hunter 243.16 German popular tales. Grimm, J. (L. C.) 267.4 Germany. Adams, W. T. Young America in 13.2 — Brace, C. L. Home-life in 97.25 — Browne, JR. An Amer- ican family in 95.12 — Kohlrausch, F. History of 134 8 See also Austria, Rhine. Also Charles V. Gerstaecker, F. Journey round the world 85.23 Gertrude. Sewell, E. M. . 304.7 Gervinus, G. G. Introduc- tion to the history of the 19th century 186.4 Gibbon, E. Decline and fall of the Roman empire. 6 146.3 — Life and writings. 2 v. . 79.9 Gibbon, J. Artillerist’s manual 363 20 Gibbon, L. Exploration of the valley of the Ama- zon. See Herndon, W. H 84.13 Gibraltar gallery. Abbott, J 8 of J6.1 Giddings, j. R. Exiles of Florida 184.8 Gieseler, j. C. L. Text- book of church history. 4 V 142.4 (JTFFOUI) (join-: SJiolf. No. CiKFoifD, S. N. LMndinj' of the Freiieli Alljmtic. ca- ])Ic, .Inly, IHO!). A'ec Thomas, C. n 13:h]') Gii’KOKi), W. Memoir 70.7 Gilhakt, J. \V. of ])aiikin^ 37.21 Gil lilas. Lc Sngc, A. K. 24r>.8; 320.4 Gildas, Works of. tSee Giles, J. A 337.2 Giles, II. Illustrations of genius 207.5 — Lectures and essays. 2 v. 200.4 Giles, J. A. Six old Eng- lish elironiclcs 337,2 Contents. — Ethel vverd’e chronicle; Asser’s life of Al- fred ; Geoffrey of Monmonth’H Ilritisli history; Works of Oil- das; Nennius’s history of the Britons; Hi chard of Cirences- ter on the ancient state of Britain. Gileillan, G. Bards of tlio Bible 155.13 Giliiam, W. Manual for the volunteers niul militia of the United States 35.10 Gilmok, H. Four years in the saddle 130.0 Gilmoke, j. R. (Ethmmcl Kirke.) Among the pines : or, South in se- cession-time 130.17 Gipsy’s daughter. Gre}^ Mrs 341.28 Gipsy's prophecy. South- worth, E. D. E. N 345.14 Giraffe - hunters. Reid, M 25.11 Giralda. Webster, B 165.27 Girardin, £. de. The clock- maker’s hat, translated by W. Robertson 164.8 — Marguerite 302.54 Girondists, History of the. Lamartine, A. (M. L. P.) de 184.12 Gisippus. Griffin, G 165.10 Giuramento, II. Merca- dante, C 162.6 Gladstone, W. E. Juventus mundi; the gods and men in the heroic age . . 156.13 Glance at New York 165.22 Glass. Wonders of glass- making in all ages. Sau- zay, A 36.10 Gleig, G. R. Battle of Wa- terloo 147.23 — Campaigns of the British armj^ at Washington, Baltimore, and New Or- leans, 1814, 15 183.11 — History of the Bible. 2 v. 48.25 Glengall, Earl of. Eee But- ler, R. Glimpse of the world. Sew- ell, E. M 287.20 Glover, R. Boadicea 160.6 Gi-Lver, S. E. ’I’he cradle of liberty 165.28 God with imm Osgood, S. 204.6 Goddard, J. Badled; or, Michael Brand’s wrong. 143.4 :u> Hliiir. No. Goddaim), S. a. Letters f)n 1li(^ Amerie.-in rebellion, 1860-65, ele 133.8 Godfrey of llulloigne, or llie recovery of .leriisa- lem. 'I’asso, 'I' 168.3 Godoi.pmin. Ihilwer-Lytton, E. (G. E. b.) 264.23 Godwin, P. Cycloj)a'dia of biogr:ij)liy B., E. 5 — History of France. Vol. 1. Ancient CJaul 141.5 — Political essays 136.3 GfiDvviN, W. Caleb Williams. 288.3 Goergei, a. My life and acts in Hungary, 1848, 49 147.13 Goethe, J. W. von. Dra- matic works 166.2 Contents. — F.iust ; Tphi- genia Jn 3’(uiriH ; 'J'orquato 'J'asBo; Egrnotit, fT.-innlated l)y A. Swaawick ; Goetz von Berlicliingen, tranBlatc*d by Sir W. Scott. — Auto-biography. Also Letters frtmi Switzer- land, and Travels in It- aly. 2v 125.12 — Faust 168.4 — Goetz of Berlicliingen, translated bj'^ Sir W. Scott V. 0 of 228.7 — Hermann and Dorothea. . 168.1 — Wilhelm Meister’s ap- prenticeship and travels. 2 V 342.7 Goethe and Schiller. Mundt, C 281.5 Goetz von Berlicliingen. Goethe, J. W. von 1 66 2 V. 9 of 228.7 Gold brick. Stephens, A. S 306.9 Gold Elsie. John, E 325.6 Gold foil. Holland, J. G. 153.21 Gold hunters in Europe. Thornes, W. H 22.15 Golden eagle. Howe, J. B. 165.20 Golden farmer. Webster, B 164.1 Goldsmith, O. Poetical Avorks 228.5 Contents. — Memoir, by T. B. Macaulay; Anecdotes of Goldsmith; The traveller; The deserted village; Ed- win and Angelina; The haunch of venison ; lietalia- tion ; The captivity ; Thre- nodia Augustalis; Miscella- neous. — The good natur’d man. Dublin 168.22 Same. Lond 169.9 — History of Greece 148.8 — History of Rome 148.6 — Roman history, to the de- struction of the West- ern empire. 2 v 353.13 — She stoops to coiKiuer. Dublin 168.22 Same. N. Y. 165.11 — J'he vicar of Wakelleld .. 246.5 Same. Dramatized. Eec Coyne, J S 165.12 Hhrlf. N«>. Gor.DSMrm, ()., rmitiininh — Life, wllh sniocthms from his writings. < Ir- ving, W 19 36 V. 2 of 16 C; 1115 Good, .1. M. Book of na- ture. 2 V 383.1 “ (JooD fellow. ” Waleot, C. M 161.10 Good f(>r nothing. Muek- stone, .1. B 164.17 fJooD natiir’d man. Gold- smith, 0 16H.22; 169.9 fJooD society. Grey, J/r.«. . . 341.33 Good stories. Part 1-4. 4 v. in 1 288.1 Contents. — I )(> (/nlnrey, 3’., 3’tiP avenyor; I lawttiorne, N., Pefer (foldttiwaite’H tri aHiin’; Winttiroj), 3’.. Lf)V«‘ and HkntoB ; Mood, 3’., 33ic default- er; Vaughan, II.. fJold Hirearn ; Hjiieer, II., Manna; Mae* niBh. R., 33ie rnctempsyehoHlH ; 3’he uninvited; 3'he bellows- mender of I.yoriH; 3'he Hm.'ill- change family; I.ee, FI., 3'ho HeotHinan’s tale; 3’he black- prnithB of Ilolsby; A j)enitent confeBsinn; CbriHtmaH with the baron; Davis, R. IL, Ste- phen Yarrow; Family (dirist- mas in Germany, translated from the German ; Hawthorne, N., ChriBlmai- barupiet ; G’Rri- en, k'. .1.. 3’bree of a trade, or red little Kriss Kringie; ZBchokke,(.T.) 1 1. (I).), Adven- ture* of a new year’s eve; O’Hrien, F. J., From hand to month; Heyse, I'. (.1. I..), (y’ount kirneMt’fl home; Little ]’eg O’ShaughnesBy ; Thack- eray, W'. M., A fihabby geritcel story. Good time coming. Arthur, T. S. 343.1 Goodman, R. M. Philosophy of life 152.4 Goodrich, C. A. Select British eloquence 152.13 Goodrich, F. B. The dark hour before dawn. See Brougham, J 165.23 — and Warden, F. L. Ro- mance after marriage. 164.24; 165.21 Goodrich, S. G. {Peter Parleij.) Comprehen- sive geography and his- tory 381.1 — Recollections of a life- time. 2 V 197.21 — Wonders of geology 386.20 Goodwin, N. Genealogical notes 353.12 Gordon, C. ( Vieux Mous- tache.') That good old time 17.3 Gordon, S., Life of. See Mackie, J. M v. 5 of 117.2 Gordon, T. F. History of Pennsylvania, to 1776.. 131.8 Gordon, W. Rise, progress, and independence of the United States. 3 v. . - • 132.2 Gore, Mrs. (C. G. F.) The birthright 302.3 — The maid of Croissey .... 164.4 — Royal favourite 302.8 GORILLA 37 GRISWOLD Shelf. No. Gorilla country, Stories of the. Du Cliaillu, P. R. 15.5 Gossk, P. H. Evenings at the microscope 38G.14 — Romance of natural his- tory 35.9 Gotobed Tom. Morton, T. 104.7 Gould, J. W. Cruise of a Guineainan 248.27 Gould, N D. History of church music in Amer- ica 363 14 Gould, T. R. The trage- dian : histrionic genius of J. B. Booth 106.1 Gounod, C. F. Faust; Ro- meo and Juliet. Italian, with English translation. 162.3 Gourlay, R. Introduction to statistical account of Upper Canada 202.2 Government, Principles of. O’Brien, W. S 267.25 Grace Lee. Kavanagh, J. 322.4 Grammont, a.. Count de. See Hamilton, A. Granada, Conquest of. Ir- ving, W 5 of 46.6 Grand army of the repub- lic. The national me- morial day. Faehtz, E. F. M 133.14 Grand duchess of Gerol- stein. Offenbach, J. .. . 162.9 Grandfather Whitehead. Lemon, M 165.2 Grange, E., and Montepin, X. de. The Corsican brothers, from Dumas. 165.13 Grant, A. Letters from the mountains, 1773-1807. 2v 195.16 Grant, J. Adventures of Rob Roy 287.8 Grant, U. S. Adams, W. T. Life of 12.1 — Badeau, A. Life of 112.11 Grape. Allen, J.F. Culture of the grape vine 365.14 — (Jhorlton, W. Grape grower’s guide 34.19 See also Vine. Grattan, S. C. High-ways and by-ways. 3 v 245.16 — History of the Nether- lands 148.2 Graver thoughts of a coun- try parson. Boyd, A. K. H 154.34 Gray, H. Anatomy, descrip- tive and surgical 31 9 Gray, J. C. Essays : agri- cultural and literary 156.26 Gray, S., Trial of British soldiers for the murder of, in Boston, 1770 137.1 Great Britain. Admiralty manual of scientihe en- quiry. By Sir J. F. W. Herschel 37.23 — Exhibition of 1851. Re- ports by the juries 31.13 — Brand, J. Popular antiq- uities of 338.7 Shelf. No. Great Britain, continued. — Harvey, W. H. Natural history of the British coasts 367.18 — Mills, A. Literature and literary men of 151.5 — Strickland, A. Queens of Scotland and English princesses 145.3 — Ure, A. Cotton manu- facture of 37.1 See also England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Great elm. Abbott, J. . v. 9 of 16.1 Great expectations. Dick- ens, C. (J. H:)... 282.2; 284.12 Great fortunes, and how they were made. Mac- Cabe, J. D., jr 122.11 Great Hoggarty diamond. Thackeray, W. M..v. 1 of 347.1 Great men and gallant deeds. Edgar, J. G 14.7 Great tragic revival. The. Brougham, J 164.14, 25 Greater Britain. Dilke, C. W 85.4 Greece. About, E. /F. V.) Greece and the Greeks. 97.30 — Bonner, J. Child’s his- tory of 16.9 — Bowen, G. F. Handbook for 87.13 — DeVere, A. Picturesque sketches in 236.15 — Goldsmith, O. History of 148.8 — Grey, lion. Mrs. W. Visit to 86.4 — Grote, G. History of... 145.4 — Howe, S. G. Sketch of the Greek revolution... 185.4 — Smith, W. History of. . 185.12 — Stephens, J. L. Incidents of travel in 86.12 See also Athens. Greek waters. Diary in. Howard, G. W. F., earl of Carlisle 233.3 Greeley, H. Overland jour- ney from New York to San Francisco, in 1859 . 234.5 — Political economy 36.30 — Recollections of a busy life 111.4 — Struggle for slavery ex- tension in the United States 181.3 — Life of. /S'ee Parton, J. . . 113.4 Green, C., and Wells, S. ■ Y. Summary view of the millennial church, or shakers 366.17 Green bushes. Buckstone, J. B 165.27 Green mountain boy. The. Jones, J. S 164.21 Greene, G. W. Life of N. Greene v. 10 of 117.2 Greene, N., Life of. See Greene, G. W.. . . v. 10 of 117.2 Greenland, Historical and descriptive account of . 48.8 Greenleaf, j. Genealogy of the Greenleaf family . 353.17 Shelf. No. Greenwood, F. W. P. His- tory of King’s chapel, Boston 358.2 Greenw^ood, Grace, pseud. See Lippincott, S. J. Greenwood, J. True his- tory of a little ragamuf- fin 261.26 — Wild sports of the world. 84.2 Greenwood leaves. Lip- pincott, S. J 244.14 Greppo, j. G. H. Hiero- glyphic system of Cham- pollion, jr 153.26 Grey, Mrs. Alice Seymour. 341.36 — The belle of the family.. 341.42 — Cousin Harry 326.13 — The duke and cousin.... 341.39 — The flirt 341.35 — The gipsy’s daughter. . . . 341 .28 — Good society 341.33 — Hyacinthe 341.32 — Lena Cameron 341.26 — Lion-hearted 341.34 — Little beauty 326.12 — The little wife 341.37 — The manoeuvring mother. 341.30 — A marriage in high life.. 341.41 — Mary Sealiam 341.40 — The old dower house 341.31 — Passion and principle... 341 27 — Sybil Lennard 341.29 — The young prirna donna. 341.38 Grey, Hon. Mrs. W. Visit to Egypt, Constantino- ple, the Crimea, Greece, &c 86.4 Griffin, F. Junius discov- ered 153.17 Griffin, G. Gisippus 165.10 Griffith, E. Morality of Shakespeare’s drama... 155.15 Griffith Gaunt. Reade, C. 347.23 Grimaldi. Boucicault, D. (L.) 165.19 Grimm, H. Life of M. An- gelo. 2v 123.11 — Uniiberwindliche Miichte. 3 . • 277.1 Grimm, J. (L. C.) and W. (C.) German popular tales and household stories 267.4 Grimshaw, Bagshaw, and Bradshaw. Morton, J.M. 164.6 Grinnell expedition in search of Sir J. Frank- lin. Kane, E. K 93.6 Griscom, j. H. Animal mechanism and physi- ology 19.22 Griseldi, The modern. Edgeworth, M 249.6 Grist to the mill. Planche, J. R 165.25 Griswold, A. V., Memoir of. See Stone, J. S 194.4 Griswold, R. W. Biograph- ical annual 126.9 Contents. — T. Sedgwick ; W. Dunlap; B. B. Tliatchej-; J. Buel; II. L. White; J. B. Van Schaick ; J. Jar- vis; 0. Hammond; C. Fol- len ; B. Pierce; A. Peters; It. Y. Hayne ; R. Bacon, jr. ; Chevalier de Gerstuer; 1). A. (JHISWOLl) IIANDIK SiK-lf. No. Gimhwom), K. W., conlinvpd. (Jallilziti; W. I.cKi;c(i; H. HoiiMiwick ; 11. .1. h"lim; K. VV. H.'ildwin; N. Ciinick ; .1. '1'. Kirklmid; W. Mfudiirc; W. Hloiie ; (1. Wolf; d. l!.il(!y; tS. I’.iirrouKliH; d. Ilcdii) ; J. Adair ; d. I.owcll ; (L H. New- ton ; d. Ward; H. Van llens- Hela(!r; II. I’errinc; '1'. Flint; M . Carey. — Curio.sitics of American liteniLure. iSee Disraeli, 1 152.11 Gkosvicnok, Mrs. 11. S. Capt. llnsscl’s watchword . . . 248.2 Guotk, G. History of Greece. 12 v 145.4 Gkotto nymi)li, The. Thax- ter, A. W 104.21 Guuimbfek, The. rickcriii^^, K 302.25 Guund, T. J. The Ameri- cans, ill their moral, so- cial, and political rela- tions 233.7 Guakdian anj^el. Holmes, O. W 200.10 Guesses at truth. Hare, A. W 153.2 Guiccioui, T., coniessa. See Boissy, T., numiuise de. Guide to the stai>e. Kede, L. T 165.23 Guild court. MacDonald, G 201.15 Guillemin, a. The hea- vens : an illustrated handbook of popular astronomy 31.7 — The sun 30.7 Guitar, Instructor for the. Howe, E 162.22 Guizot, (E C. P. de Meu- lan), Mme. Popular tales 24.4 Guizot, F. (P. G.) History of civilization. 4 v. ... 147.2 — History of the English revolution. Bond 338.13 Same. N. Y 204.5 — Shakspeare and his times. 123.2 Gulliver’s travels. Swift, J V. 5 of 49.1; 249.5 Gun-maker of Moscow. Brougham, J 165.19 Gurney, M. Apology. In justitication of Mrs. — ’s friendship 133.18 Gurowski, a. (G.) de. Di- ary from March 4, 1861, to Nov. 12, 1802 195.9 — Bussia as it is 94.12 Guttle and gulpit. Khand, T., psevd 105.28 Gutzkow, C. (F.) llolien- schwangau. 1530-07. 5 V 277.3 Guy Livingstone. Law- rence, G. A 305.7 Guy Maniifiring. Scott, Sir W V. 2 of 203.5 Same. Dramatized. Seji 'ferry, D 105.11 Guyot, a. tiartli and man 304.30 Gwy.nne'iii Vaughan. Lem- on, M 105.28 Shi ir. No. Gymnahhus. Depping, G. B. ^Von(I(‘rH of bodily strength and skill 30.15 — Howard, .1.11. Gymn.islic exercises 30.30 Sec, also CaliHthonics. Gypsies of Spain. Borrow, G 151.13 Gypsy Breynton. Phelps, E. S. ..: 14.32 Gypsy’s cousin Joy. Phelps, E. S 14.33 Gypsy^’s sowing and reaping. Phelps, E. S 14.34 Gym'St’s year at the golden crescent. Phelps, E. S. 14.35 H — family. Bremer, F. .. .302.35 Hackett, H. B. Hlustra- lions of Scripture 303.13 Hacklaender, F. VV. En- chanting and enchant- ed 14.24 Haddock, or, Hadduck, C. B. Addresses and mis- cellaneous writings 42.4 IIadermann, J. R. Forgiven at last 320.1 IIaendal, G. F., and Haydn, J. See Barnard, C. F., jr. V. 2 of 27.14 Haines, J. T. The French spy 105.19 — The idiot witness 105.24 — The wizard of the wave . 105.22 Hair, The, and its diseases. Perry, B. C 307..30 Hale, E. E. {Col. Frederic Ingham.) If, yes, and perhaps 200.0 — The Ingham papers 200.5 — Kanzas and Nebraska . . . 235.20 — The man without a coun- try 308.5 — Ninety da 3 ^s’ worth of Eu- rope 96.8 — Sybaris and other homes. 260.7 — Ten times one is ten 266.4 Hale, Salma. History of the United States to 1817. Lond 353.16 Same. N. Y. 2 v 19.15 Hale, Sarah J. Liberia. . . . 305.30 Hales, J. G. Survey of Boston and its vicinity. 233.5 HALfwY, J. F. The Jewess. Italian, with English translation 162.6 Hale a million of money. Edwards, A. B 201.55 Half-hours with the best authors. Knight, C 155.7 Halirurton, T. C. {Sam Slick.) Rule and mis- rule of the English in America 95.19 — Yaid. A poroner’s inqui-:il ion 101.11 1 \Li., G. K. Arctic n -c.irch- • and life among Ihc I'ir.quimaux, IsOO (’.2.... hlM5 Iall, E. R. M' liioir of M. L. Ware 105.7 Iali., 10. H. .Applctons’ hand-book of American travel K0.2 Iali., J. Memoir of T. Posey V. 9 of 1 1 7.2 Hali,, Mr.H. S. C. See Hall, A. M. Hall, W. W. Health by good living 31.10 — Manual of health 3H9.20 — Sleep 34.15 Hallam, H. Constitutional history of England 142.9 — Introduction to the lite- rature of Eurf)pe, in the 15th, 10th, and 17th cmi- turies. 2v 112.10 — State of Europe during the midfile ag.2() IIlCAUTSKASIC. Yoil^c, C. M. 30 : 5.3 lIiCAT. Ca/in, A. riioiiom- ena and laws of 30.1 — Tyndall, J. l^eat as a mode of motion 33.19 Heath, W. Memoirs 195.3 Heavens, The. Gnillemin, A 31.7 Sec also Astronomy. llEHKEW poetry. Spirit of the. Taylor,! 152.12 Hecuha. Euripides. ..v. 3 of 339.2 Heixjei) in. Phelps, E. S. 200.3 llEiDENiMAUEii, The. Cooper, J. E 280.9 Heine, H. Poems 107.20 llEiu at law. Colman, G., the younger 105.13 Heiu of Redclylle. Yongc, C. M 244.15 Heiress, The. Stephens, A. S 300.10 Helen and Artliur. Hentz, C. L 340.5 Helena. Euripides ... v. 3 of 339.2 Hellas. Shelley, P. B 108.24 llELrER, H. 11. The impend- ing crisis of the South. 135.11 llELriN(t-iiANi) series. Now- ell, H. P. II 14.9-13 Helring hands. Taylor, T. 105.20 Hells, A. Casimir Marem- ma 320.18 — The Spanish coiupiest in America. 4v 147.14 IIemans, E. (D.) Works. Vol. 2-7. Gv. iu3 102.19 Contents. — Vol.l[2]. Tales and historic scenes; Restora- tion of the works of art to Italy ; Modern Greece; Translations from Cainoens, and other po- ets; Italian literature. [3.] The sceiJlic ; Tale of the secret tribunal; 'J'he hast Constan- tine; Sebastian of Portugal; The siege of Valencia. 11 [4]. The forest sanctuary ; Lays of many lands; Miscellaneous pieces; Dartmoor; Welsh melodies; Hymns for child- hood; DeChatillon; Miscel- laneous pieces. [5.] The ves- pers of Palermo ; Songs of the Cid; Records of woman ; M is- cellaneous poems. Ill [G]. Hongs of the allections; Na- tional lyrics. [7.] Lyiics; Hongs of Hi)ain ; Hongs for sum- mer hours ; Hongs of captivity ; 9'he league of the A Ips ; Hcenes and hymns of life; Female characters of Hcripture; Hon- nets, devotional and memorial ; Records of the spring of 1834; Itecordb of the autumn of 1 834 ; DesjHuidency and }isj>ir;ition ; 'I'houghts during sickness; Ju- venile jjoetns. IIe.nderson, W. llomocoi)- !ilhy fairly rttprc.sciiicd. 302.3 II A d'cmplc. Disi’ji- cli, II 341.51, 58 llENhiE'iTE the for,sjd<(‘ii. liucksloiic, P> 1G5.J8 Hlielf. No. Henry IV, of France. Ah- hott, .1. S. G. Life of. . 15. .32 — .Itimcs, G, P, R. Jdfeof. 12;{.12 IIenuv IV. Shakc.spc.arc, W. ..V. 0 of 1(;3.1 ; V. 3 of 103.2 V. 2 of 10:{.l 1 ; 104.1 1 Henry V. Sh.akc.spearc, W. V. 7 of 103.1 V. 4 of 10.3.2; v. .3 of 103.11 Henry VI. Sluikcspctirc, W V. 2 of 101.4 T. 7, 8 of 103.1 ; V. 4 of 103.2 Henry VIII, of Eiujland. Herbert, H.VV. Mtuiirrirs of 127.23 — Muiidt, C. Henry VIII and hi.s court 281.8 Henry VJII. Shakespeare, W. .V. 2 of 101.4; V. 8 of 10:5.1 V. 4 of 10.3.2; 105.11 Henry, C. S. Epitome of the philosophy of his- tory. 2 V 49.4 Henry, P. Everett, A. H. Life of V. 1 of 117.2 — Wirt, W. Life and char- acter of 113.7; 190.12 Henry, W. S. Ctmiptiign sketches of the war with Mexico 350.7 Henry Esmond. Thackeray, W. M .302.2(5; 347.11 Henry Masterton, James, G. P. R 283.1 Henry of Guise. James, G. P. R 283.7 Henry St. John, gentleman. Cooke, J. E 240.21 Henson, J. Eather Henson’s story of his own life 127.20 Hentz, C. L. The bauislied son 340.3 — Courtship and marriage . 340.1 — Eoline 340.11 — Ernest Liiiwood 340.10 — Helen and Arthur 340.5 — Linda 340.9 — The lost daughter 340.4 — Love after marriage .... 340.2 — Marcus Warlaud 340.7 — The planter’s northern bride 340.8 — Rena 346.12 — Robert Graham 346.6 Hequemrourg, C. L. Plan of the creation 387.11 Her majesty’s tower. Dix- on, W. H 147.3, 4 IIeraclidai, The. Euripides. V. 2 of 339.2 Herbert, E., lord of Cher- hury. Life 79.1 Herbert, H. W. {Frank Forester.) Captains of the Roman republic 356.4 — The chevaliers of Erance. 188.12 — The dog 33.2 Contents. — Sportsmun’s vade mecum ; Dogs and their management, by E. Mahew; Dog breaking, by W. N. 11 utcliinHon. — Field S])orts of ( he United Slates and British prov- inces. 2 33.22 sii*ir. No. llERBER'r, 1 1. W., rotiliniif fl. — Eish and llshii iig of t he Lulled Stall's and 15ril- isli proviiiees. 3:5 5 — Knights ol’ England, I'raiice, and Sc ot land . .. 188.8 — Memoirs of lb •nry viii. 127 2:5 — ’Fhe (.^uorudoii hounds . . 385.1:5 — 'fhe Warwick w oodlamls. :585.i:5 Hi .RCiJi.Es. Luripii les . . V. 2 o f :5:59 2 Hi ORE ami hereaftei •. Alhern, A 2KH,7 Hi ORKW ARi). Kiugsh.'y, C. . -. 312.21 Hi OR.MA.N.N and I lorothea. (Joel he, J. W. von 108.1 Hi ■:rnoon, W. L. Explora- tion of the valley of the Amazon 84.12 — and (iibl)on, L. Explora- tion of the valhw of the Amazon. 4 v. 84.13 Contents . — Vol. I. Hern- don. II. Gibbon. HI, IV. Maps. Herd without (T)urage 18.0 Herodoips. ’rranslaled by W. I5eloe. 3v 339.1 — Life and travels of. See Wheeler, J. '1' 125.3 IlEROEb, Tlie. Kingsley, C. 14.27 llEROfcks and hero-worslnp. Carlyle, T 207.17 IlKRORsof the American rev- olution ; declaration of indei)endence, [etc]... 350.8 Heroines of sacred history. Steele, E. R 197.9 Herold, L. j. E. Zanipa. Italian, with Phiglish translation 102.6 Heuschel, Sir J. E. W. Treatise on astronomy . 367.11 — Admiralty manual of sci- entilic enquiry. See Great Britain 37.23 Hertiia. Bremer, E 287.26 HKiivi:, pseud. See Konger, E. Hervey, James. Letters, life, character, and writ- ings 126.7 Hervey, John, lord. Reign of George ii. 2 v 197.5 Herz, H. King Rene’s daugh- ter. Rendered into Eng- lish verse by E. Phipps. 164.21 Hesekiel, j. G. L. Life of Bismarck 121.4 Hewins, j. M. Hints con- cerning church music, the liturgy, [etc.] 387.6 Hiawatha, Song of. Long- fellow, H. W 166.27 Hiawatha : or, ardent spir- its and laughing water. Walcot, C. M 164.11 Hickey, W. Constitution of the United States, with an account of the state papers, [etc.] 207.9 Hieroglyphics. System of Champolliou, jr. See Grcqipo, J. G. H 153.26 lIiGGiE, T. A devilish good joke 104.21 — The house dog 164.10 HIGGINS 41 HOMEWARD Shelf. No. Shelf. No. Shelf. No. Higgins, W. M. The earth : Its physical condition, [etc.] 49.12 Higginson, F. Journal; New-England’s planta- • tion 181.7 Higginson, T. W. Army life in a black regiment. 9.5.25 — Malbone 256. 12 — Out-door papers 153.28 High latitudes, Letters from. Blackwood, F. T 96.12 High, low, Jack, and the game. Pianchc, J. R. 164.14, 25 Highland widow. Scott, Sir W V. 20 of 263.5 High-ways and by-ways. Grattan, T. C 245.16 Highways and by-ways. Webster, B 164.13 IIiLDREi'ii, R. History of the United States. 6 v. 131.1 — Japan as it was and is. . . 185.11 Hill, F. S. The shoemaker of Toulouse 165.25 — The six degrees of crime. 165.24 Hillard, G. S. Life of Capt. J. Smith V. 2 of 117 1 V. 1 of 123.7 — Six months in Italy. 2 v. 84.16 Hills of Shatemuc. War- ner, S 244.8 Hillyars, The. and the Burtons. Kingsley, H. 342.19 Hippolytus. Euripides. V. 1 of 339.2 Hiram Hireout. Conway, H. J 164.15 Hirtius, a. Commentaries. See Caesar, C. J 339.15 His last legs. Bernard, W. B 164.1 Historical and critical es- says. De Quincey, T. 44.12 Historical and descriptive account of Iceland, Greenland, and the Fa- roe islands 48.8 Historical magazine. Vol. 3-6. 4v. r 407.1 History. Abbott, J. Story of ancient v. 5 of 16.1 — Arnold, T. Lectures on modern 356.6 — Dupin, L. E. Universal library of historians... 187.12 — Edgar, J. G. History for boys 17.13 — Gervinus, G. G. Intro- duction. to the history of the 19th century 186.4 — Goodrich, S. G. Compre- hensive 381.1 — Hawthorne, N. True stories from 14.30 — Michelet, J. Modern .. 19.28 — Miller, G. History philo- sophically illustrated .. 338.1 — Miller, S. Brief retro- spect of the 18th cen- tury 143.2 — Millot, C. F. X. Elements of general 187.11 — RoHin, C. Ancient 143.1 — St. Jolin, H. Study and use of 184.3 History, continued. — Schlegel, (C. W.) F. von. Lectures on 338.5 ridlosophy of 337.3 — Smith, G. Lectures on the study of 147.22 — Taylor, W. C. Manual of ancient and modern. 181.9 — White, J. The eighteen Christian centuries 188.10 — Worcester, J. E. Ele- ments of 147.1 See also Antiquiticf?. Biojjra- phy, C’ivilization, Crusades, Ecclesiastical Instory, Ethnog- raphy, Geography, Middle ages. Political science, and the names of countries, cities, etc. History of my pets. Lip- pincott, S, J 18.21 History of wonderful inven- tions 34.28 Hitchcock, D. K. Preser- vation of the teeth 38.11 Hitchcock, E. Dyspepsy forestalled and resisted : or lectures on diet 34.24 — Geology of the globe 32.20 — Phenomena in the four seasons 365,20 — Religion of geology 386.7 — Report on the geology, mineralogy, botany, and zoology of Massachu- setts. Nee Massachusetts. 32.21 IIoARE, P. The spoiled child. 164.12 Hobart, J. H. Manual of faith and devotion 365.35 Hociiei.aga; or, England in the New World. War- burton, E. (B. G.) 87.17 Hodge, C. The way of life. 387.5 Hodgkinson, E. Experi- mental researches on the strength and other prop- erties of cast iron 33.23 Hodson, W. S. R. Twelve years of a soldier’s life in India 356.10 IIoEFER, E. The old coun- tess 326.3 IIoFER. Fitzball, E 165.19 HOFF3IAN, C. F. Life of J. Leisler v. 3 of 117.2 Hoffman, V. H., Life of. See Cummins, G. D 126.19 Hofland, T. C. British angler’s manual 34.1 Hog, The. Richardson, H. D V. 1 of 365.29 Hogg, J. Elements of ex- perimental and natural philosophy 37.20 Hohenschwangau. Gutz- kow, C. (F.) 277.3 Holberg, L. Memoirs.... 79.8 Holbrook, J. Ten years among the mail bags .. . 244.20 Holbrook, S, F. Autobiog- raphy 197.15 Holcroft, T. The road to ruin 165.8 Hole, C. Brief biographical dictionary. With addi- tions and corrections by W. A. Wheeler. *R. R., E. 10 Holford, M. Calaf. 2 v. 288.10 Holland, J. G. {Tirnolhy Titcomh.) The bay-path. 264.10 — Bitter-sweet 166,13 — Gold-foil 153.21 — Lessons in life 154.33 — Letters to young people single and married 153.20 Holland, S. S., lady. Me- moir of Sydney Smith. 2 V 125.8 Holland, W. M. Life of M. VanBuren 104.5 Holland, Lord. See Fox, H. R. Holland. Adams, W. T. Young America in 13.3 — Andrews, J. History of the war with, 1775-83.. 134.13 Holmes, E. Life of Mozart. 196.10 Holmes, O. W. The auto- crat of the breakfast- table 206.21 — Currents and counter- currents in medical sci- ence 386.4 — Elsie Venner. 2v 267.2 — The guardian angel 266.10 — Homoeopathy, and its kindred delusions 364.18 — Poems. 1859 226,4 Same. 1869 168.8 — The professor at the breakfast-table 154.30 — Songs in many keys 166.14 — Soundings from the At- lantic 206.20 Holton, I, F. New Gra- nada : twenty months in the Andes 232.3 Holy grail. Tennyson, A. 166.7 Holy Land. See Palestine. Homans, J. S. and J. S., jr. Cyclopedia of com- merce *R. R., B. 2 Home, J. Douglas 165.14 Home. Bremer, F 261.14 Home and social philosophy. 206.14 Home as found. Cooper, J. F 248.12; 286.7 Home ballads. Whittier, J. G V. 2 of 167.12 Home book. Chambers, W. 77.2 Home influence. Aguilar, G. 265.12 Home pastimes. Head, J. H. 207.16 Home scenes. Aguilar, G. 327.1 Ho.me songster. Carpenter, J. E 169.2 Home twilight stories. 4v. Namely : — — Briery wood; and other stories 18.4 — The hero without cour- age ; and other stories. 18.6 — Much ado about nothing ; and other stories 18.5 — The young fortune seek- ers; and other stories.. 18.7 Homerus. [Iliad and Odys- sey.] Translated by A. Pope. 3 V 339.18 Homes without hands. Wood, J. G 31.6 Homeward bound. Cooper, J. F 286.8 6 iioMiLryi'ic's 42 HTTMi’.oi.D'r Shelf. No. IIoMH.KTics, Loftiiros on pulpit (‘l()((ii<‘iic(*. C^'uiip- ix'ii, (i r.(:a.2 IIoal-maiwk D ie IlKi.i., X. 'I'niv- cls in llnr steppes of tlio (’aspian sea, the (h-iniea, tiu! Caucasus, etc 232. H lIoMdcorATii Y^ Chirie, I*. F. Domestic 383.2 — Henderson, AV. Jlonue- opathy fairly repre- sented 3fi2.3 — Holmes, O. W. Honue- opalhy, and its kindia'd delusions 301.18 — rnlle, ,1. H. IIonHCopathic domestic physician 380 3 IIONKST whore. Middleton, 'J' V. 3 of 103.10 lIoNKY-isiooN, 'J'he. Tobin, J 105.1 Hood, T. l*o('tical works. 1854-50. 4 V 227.0 Same. 1800 103.4 — Tales, romances, and ex- trava^an/as 305.5 — Tylney hall 307.14 — Up thellhine 305.17 — Whims and oddities 305.0 Same. And National tales 245.5 Hone, T. Anastasins. 2 v. in 1 305.20 Hone and have. Adams, W. T 11.12 Hone Leslie. Sedgwick, C. M 324.3 Hones and fears. Yonge, C. M 303.2 Hopkins, S. The puritans of England. Vol. 1, 2. 2v. 351.2 — The youth of the Old do- minion 235.7 Ilornen, E. Old horse Gray, and the parish of Gruni- bleton 100.30 Ilornen, I. T. A true life. ;SVe Child, L. M. 215.8 IIoppiN, AV. J. Circum- stances alter cases 104.22 lIoiiACie Templeton. Lever, C. (J.) 301.52 IIouATius Epaccus, Q. AVorks. Translated by r. Erancis. 2v 339.12 — Odes and epodes. A metrical translation by Lf)rd J.ytton 100.3 IIoKDVNSKi, J. History of the Eolish revolution. .. 143.9 Jlonx, J’., roniit, Trial of. tSt'e Schiller, (J. C.) E. von 148.4; 157.24 ILii'.sie. Linsley, D. C. Mor- gan horses 35.11 — Mayhew, E. 'J'he illus- trated horse doctor 33.4 — KichariLon, 11. 1). Va- j’ieties, etc v. 1 of 305.29 Scf', also Farriery. Honsie-siioie Robinson. Ken- nedy, .1. E 201.28; .305.3 Same. Dram.ati/.ed. /S'cc 'faylenre, C. \V 105.22 Slirir. Nn. Honnexsie, History of. AVc Abbott, .1. S. C 15.13 lIoiM K I i.'i (ime. ,Srr. Gar- dening. H().''KINs, 'I'. H. AVhnt we eat : adnltiTat ions of food and drink 380.15 IIos.Aiien, .1. K. 'I'he color- guard 130.19 IIosMien, M. d'he Morri- sons 324.20 Hos.Aiieu, AY. 1 1. C. Eoetical Yvorks. 2 V 100.33 Covtrvts. — Vol. T. noiidio; I.c^oodH of tin* Scoc- ruH ; liidi.'io tradifioiia and hoiij;h ; Oird-iiotcH ; 'l lio inonOiH. II. (Ic'caHion.'iI po- ems; Historic HCJTies ; M.artial lyrics ; Soiiffs and ballads; Funeral eclioes ; .Sonnets; .Mis- cellaneous poems. lIouDix, 11. Alcmoirs. Loud. 2 V 190.13 Same. IMiil 215.11 Horns at home. Vol. 1 400.1 Houus with my jnipils. Ehelps, d/r.s\ L 157.7 IIousH ;ind home papers. Stowe, H. (E.) E> 1.58.7 Housk dog, The. Higgic, T. 101.10 llousio of Aspen. Scott, Sir AY V. 9 of 228.7 House of the seven gables. Hawthorne, N 248.8 lIousEiioi.D, The, of Eou- verie. 2 v 243.3 llousEiioi.i) stories. Grimm, ,J. (L. C.) and AY. (C.) . 207.4 IIousEiioi.i) words. Vol. 1- 15. 15 V 411.1 IIou.sTOX, S. Life 108.1 How could he help it? Koe, A. S 243.13 IIoYV he Avon her. South- Yvorth, E. D. E. N 345.0 Hoyv to pay the rent. EoYver, T 104.1 IIoYVADji. Curtis, G.AA’’. The hoYvadji in Syria 97.2 Niles notes of a 97.7 Hoyvaud, G. ay. E., earl of Ca rl isle. I) i ary in T u r k- ish and Greek Yvaters. . . 233.3 IIoYVAnD, J. H. Athletic and gymnastic exercises .... 30.30 IIgyvaud and his teacher. Laker, II. N. (AY.) 14.2 lIoYVE, E. Instructor for the guitar ; added, a col- lection of waltzes, etc. 102.22 lIoYVE, H. Eminent mechan- ics 124.4 Howe, J. L. The British slave 105.27 — The golden eagle 105.20 Howe, j. AY. Eassion-lloYV- ers 107.2 — Trip to Cuba 97.14 IIoYVE, S. G. Keiiort on idiocy 303.10 — Sketch of the Greek rev- olution 185.4 Hoyvei.i.s, W. 1). Italian journeys 85.20 — Venetian life 85.21 MkII. No. Hoyvitt, M. Eiclorlnl cal- endar of tin* scmsoiiH, embodying -Alkln’.s eid- Hoyvh i, AAC a boy’s adven- tures in the Yvilds of Australia — Homes and haunts of ihe most «*ndnent I’riilsh 1 t.2R poets. li V — Visits to remarkable 121.10 plaees. 2 v 23.5.22 — AA'oodl)nrn grange lIoY'r, E. History ot the In- :524.19 187.3 HunnAUD, E. M. Infe of 1{. D.ivic; V, 1.5 of 1 17.2 Ht'imAiM), W . I)iscf)v<-ry and first planting of Mnssaclmsetts 181.7 Hue, i‘). K. .lourney thionuh the Chinese empire. 2 v. 91.10 — Travels in 'rarl.iry, 'I'hi- b(*t. Mild China, Ikll-IC. 235.14 IIuDinuAS. Butler, S 228.1 Hudson, C. E., and (!obb, S. Human destiny.... 385.10 Hudson, E. Erivate the- atricals 108.23 Hudson, H., Life of. Sre Cleveland, 11. U. ..v. 10 ofll7.1 V. 2 of 123.7 Hudson’s bay. Ballantvne, li. M ”. ... 20.14 IIuoiiEs, T. Alfred the great 100.7 — School days at liugby... 248.13 Same. Illustrated.... 200.9 — The scouring of the Yvhite horse 307.13 — Tom BroYvn at Oxford. Lost. 2 V 200.8 Same. N. Y 245.9 Hugo, Corate V. (M.) The destroyer of the second republic; being Napo- leon the little 147.7 — Hans of Iceland 201.59 — Les miserables. Eantine. 241.8 .lean Ealj can 241.0 lAIarius 241,7 Saint Denis 241.5 — Lucretia Borgia, adapted from the Erencn, by J. M. AA'eston 105.25 — The man Yvho laughs ... . 301.3 — The toilers of the sea... 301.19 — La tour de Nesle 105.15 Huguenot, The. James, G. E. R 283.12 Huguenot and priest. Bun- gener, L. (E.) 283.21 Huguenot family. Tytler, S. 305.22 Huguenots, Les. Meyer- beer, G 102.5 Huguenots, The, in England and Ireland. Smiles, S. 147.5 IIULLAii, J. Third or tran- sition period of musical history 152.10 — The song book 108.5 lluAinoLDT, (C.) AV. von. IJfe by G. Schlcsier. See Klencke, E. E. H 124.12 lIUiYinoEDT, (E. 11.) A. von. Aspects of nature 385.7 HUMBOLDT 43 INDIA Shelf. No. Humboldt, (F. H.) A. von, continued. — Cosmos. 2 V 3G4.25 — Letters to Variihagen von Ense 127.24 — Views of nature 30.37 — Life of. See Klencke, F. F. H 124.12 — Travels and researches of. See Maci*ilUvray, W 48.28 Hume, D. History of Eng- land. 6 V 145.2 Humor. American 202.1 — Burton, W. E. Cyclo- pmdiaof 72.2 — Chit-chat of 343.13 Humorous poetry of the English language. Par- ton, J 1G2.1 Humphreys, E. 11. America, past, present and pro- spective 133.13 Humphry Clinker. Smol- lett, T 249.2; 324.1 Hunchback, The. Knowles, J. S 1G5.2 Hungary and its revolutions to the 19th century. With a memoir of Kos- suth 18G.2 Hungary, My life and acts in. Goeruei, A 147.13 Hunt, Frederick K. The fourth estate : a history of the press. 2 v 185.2 Hunt, Freeman. Lives of American merchants. 2 V 193.3 Contents. — Vol. I. Tntro- cluclory es.say, by G. R. Rus- sell; T. II. Perkins, by T'. G. Oiu-y; T. T. Cope, by J. R. Ciiiuuller; P. C. Brooks, by E. Everett; J. G. Kiii^, by C. Kinsr ; N. Brown; S. Girard; S. Ward, by C. King; M. Carey: 'I'. Eddy; J. Goodhue; J. Peabody, by G. A. Ward; J. Lorillaid, by W. Berrian; G. I.ee, by C. M. Leupp; W. R. Jones, by W. A. Jones; S. Appleton, by E. Peabody; J. May ; S. Slater, by J. L. Blake ; A. Henry, by S. A. Allibone; J. Chiekering, by J. 1j. Blake ; A. < lapp; P. T. Jackson, by J. A. Lowell. II. E H. Derby, by E. II. Derby ; Sir W. Pepperrell, by U. Parsons; S. Allen, by W.M Allen; Major S. Shaw; Amos Lawrence; Abbott Lawrence, by N. Ap- pleton ; W. Lawrence, by S. K. Lothrop ; J. J. Astor, by D. R. Jaques; J. Touro, by A. Walker; .1. Bronifield, by J. Quincy; H. R. W. Hill, by W. R. King; J. Brown, by G. S. Hillard; J. Hancock, by G. Mouuttbrt ; R. Morris. Hunt, (J. H.) Leigh. Au- tobiography. 2 V 124.8 — A book for a corner 205.5 — Essays and miscellanies. 205.7 — Men, women, and books. 2 V 15G.7 — Selections from the Eng- lish poets. Imagination and fancy 205. G — Stories from the Italian poets 204.10 Shelf. No. Hunt, Genealogy of the name and family of. See Wyman, T. B., Jr 193.7 IIuN'J'ER, K. F. ISIanual for quartermasters and com- missaries 3G4,21 Hunter, W. S. Panoramic guide from Niagara falls to Quebec 239.2 Huntington, P\ D. Chris- tian believing and liv- ing .' 38G.1G — Sermons for the people. . 385. G Huntington, J. V. Lady Alice; or, the new Una. 302. 5G Huntington, S., Memoirs of. See Wisner, B. B. . 19G.15 Huntley, L. Moral pieces. 158.11 Hurry-graphs. Willis, N. P 153.13 Husband at sight. Buck- stone, J. B 1G4.13 Husb vnd of an hour. Fal- coner, E 1G5.28 Hutchings, J. M. Scenes of wonder and curiosity ill California 84.1 Hutchinson, A., Life of. See Ellis, G. E. .. v. G of 117.2 Hutchinson, Col. J., Life of. N’ee Hutchinson, L 125.11 Hutchinson, L. Life of Col. Hutchinson 125.11 Hutchinson, T. History of Massachusetts, 1G28- 1750. 2 v 132.10 Hutchinson, W. N. Dog breaking 33.1 Same. See Herbert, H. W 33.2 Huxley, T. H. Man’s place in nature 34.8 — Origin of species 34.9 Hyacinthe, Le pere. See Loyson, C., ahhe. IIawcinthe. Grey, Mrs. .. 341.32 Hyde, E., earl of Clarendon, Life and administration of. See Lister, T. H. .. 122.1 Hydraulics, Treatise on. Aubuissonde Voisins, J. F. d’ 31.21 Hypatia. Kingsley, C 244. G Hyperion. Longfellow, H. W 2 of 158.3; 2G7.3 Hypocrite, The, altered from Cibber. Bicker- stafi*, 1 1G5.15 I DINE with my mother. Mac- Lachlan, C 1G4.11 Iceland. Blackwood. F. T. Voyage to, in 185G 93.12 — Historical and descriptive account of 48.8 Idiocy, Report on. Howe, S. G 3G3.10 Idiot witness. The. Haines, J. T 1G5.24 Idler, The. Johnson, S. V. 1 of 151.4; 208.1 If, yes, and perhaps. Hale, E. E 2GG.G Iliad. Honierus..v. 1, 2 of 339.18 I’ll try. Baker, H. N. (W.) 14.20 Shelf. No. Illustp,.\ted library of won- ders. Namehj : — — Cazin, A. Phenomena and laws of heat 3G.1 — Depping, G. B. Wonders of bodily strength and skill 3G.15 — Fonvielle, W. de. Thun- der and lightning 3G.3 — Guillemin, A. The sun.. 3G.7 — Lanoye, F. (T.) de. Raineses the great; or, Egypt 3300 years ago. . . 3G.8 The sublime in na- ture 3G.G — Le Pileur, A. Wonders of the human body 3G.13 — Marion, F. Wonders of optics 3G.2 — Menault, E. Intelligence of animals 3G.0 — Meunier, V. Adventures *on the great hunting grounds of the world.. 3G.5 — Monnier, M. Wonders of Pompeii 3G.11 — Sauzay, A. Wonders of glass-making in all ages. 3G. 10 — Sonrel, L. The bottom of the sea 3G.14 Illustrated news. Vol. 1. 401.1 Illustrations of lying. Opie, A V. 3 of 282.5 Illustrious stranger. The. Kenney, F 1G4.12, 23 Imagination and fancy. Hunt, (J. H.) Leigh. . . . 205. G Imitation of Christ. By Thomas a Kempis 3G3.15 Impiiee, Sorgho and. 01- cott, H. S 3G4.19 Improvisatore, The. An- dersen, H. C 302.30 In and out of place. John- son, S. D 1G4.11 In memoriam. Tennyson, A 2 of 167.10 In school and out. Adams, AV. T 11.7 Inchbald, E. Animal mag- netism 1G4.13 — The wedding day 165.19 Incidents in the life of a slave girl 265.8 Inconstant, The. Farqu- har, G 1G5.23 India. Adam, W. Slavery in British 156.21 — Allen, 1). 0. Ancient and modern 93.3 — Hodson, W. S. R. Twelve years ofa soldier’s life in. 356.10 — Murray, H. Account of British 49.9 — Palmer, J. AV. California and 97.11 — Robertson, AV. Knowl- edge which the ancients had of 143.3 — Royle, J. F. Fibrous plants of 33. IG — Skinner, T. Journey over land to 236.22 — Taylor, (J.) Bayard. Vis- it to, in 1853 87.20 — AVright, C. Lectures on. 91.4 INDIA 11 IVANIIOI-: Sliclf. No. India : tho ptinrl of Tcini riv(‘r. Soullivvorlli, K. D. 10. N Indian !ncliii)elnj>(), Travels ill llie East. Jiickiuoro, A.S 82.10 Indian biofirnpliy. Thatch- er, 15. 15 48.32 Indian talcs and le;.^cii(ls. .Schoolcraft, 11. H 327.32 Indian traits. Thatcher, 15. 15 48.2 Indian wars. Hoyt, 10 187.3 Indiana. Duclevaiit, A. L. A. I) 324.10 Inductive philosophy. Tow- ell, 15 37.17 Inez. Wilson, A. J 247.25 Infantry. Casey, S. In- fantry tactics 38.14 — Hardee, W. J. Light in- fantry tactics 3G8.4 — Infantry tactics. ISee United States 308.2 — Scott, W. Infantry tactics. 308.3 Ingelow, j. rocins 107.31 Ingham, Col. Erederic, pseud. /iS'ee Hale, 10.. 10. Ingham papers. Hale, 10. 10. 200.5 Ingomar, tiie barbarian. Lovell, M 105.13 Initials. Taiitphoeus, Bar- oness I. von 324.17 Inner-temi’Le masque. IMid- dleton, T v. 5 of 103.10 Innkeeper of Abbeville. Filzball, 10 105.21 Insanity. Spiirzheini, J. G. Observations on 31.15 — Uphain, T. C. Imperfect and disordered mental action 19.33 Insect architecture. Ken- nie, J 388.3 Insect transformations 38.19 Insects. Eiguier, (G.) L. The insect world 31.5 — Jones, J.IL Insects.... 380.10 Inspiration. Evans, E. W. Tests of divine 300.34 — Gaiissen, S. K. L. The- opneusty 300.18 Insuro R DIN ATiON. A rtiiur, T. S 341.0 Intellectual powers. The. Abercrombie, J 19.31 159.1; 307.25 NfiertZ.so Insanity, Mind, IMii- losopliy, Plii'cnology, Psychol- ogy, Science. Inventions. Beckmann, J. History of 338.0 — History of wonderful .... 34.28 Inventors, Stories of. Timbs, J 124.1 Invish'.le induce. Blanche, J. li 101.1 Ion. Euripides v. 1 of 3:i9.2 Ion. Thifourd, T. N J05.1 lo.NE. Betrella, — 102.10 Iphigenia in Aulis. Eurip- ides V. 2 of 339.2 Iphigenia inTanris. Eurip- ides V. 3 of 339.2 Iphigenia in 'raiirus. Goe- the, .1 . W. von 100.2 Sh. If. No. Ireland. Adams, W. T. Young ,\mei iea in 13.0 — f'ield, II. JM. I rish con- federates 188.2 — Mills, .\. I/iterat nnmind liteniry men of 151.5 — Street ballads, iiopnltir ])oetry, iind household songs of 108.18 — Taylor, W. C. Civil wars of 19.40 Iricland and America 101.'.) Ireland jis it is. Amherst, Irene. Johnson, S. ...v. 1 of 151.4 Irish ambassador. Kenney, J 101.5 Irish assurance and Yankee modesty 104.8 Irish attornev. 15crnard, W. 15 ■ 101.1 Irish broom-maker. Wood, C. A. E 101.9 Irish lion. Buckstone, J. 15. 101.4 Irish post. Blanche, .1. IL 104.9 Irish sketch liook. Thack- eray, W. M V. 2 of 317.1 Irish tiger. Morton, J. M. 104.9 lRI.>^H tutor. Butler, U 104 2 Irish widow. Garrick, 1). 104.14, 20 Irish Yankee. Brougham, J 104.9 Irishaian in London. Mac- ready, W. 104.13 Iron. Hodgkinson, E. Strength and properties of cast iron 33.23 — Stylfe, K. Iron and steel. 3:kl0 Iron chest. Colnuin, G., the youufjer 105.7 Iron rule. Arthur, T. S. .. 341.11 Iron ship building. Eair- bairn, AY. 33.9 Irving, E., Life of. See Oli- phant, M. (O. AV.).... 121.5 Irving, B. M. Life and let- ters of W. Irving. 4 v. 113.13 Irving, T. Conquest of Florida v. 10 of 40.0 Irving, \Y. (Geoffrey Cray- on ; Diedrich Knicker- bocker.) AA^'orks. lOv. .. 40.0 Contents. — Vol. I. Salma- gundi; History of New York. II. Sketch book; Oliver Gold- smith. 111. Bracebridge hall ; Abbotsford, and Newstead ab- bey. IV. Alhambra; Tales of a traveller. V. Conquest of Granada and Spain. VI. Co- lumbus. Vll. Columbus and his companions. Vlll. Asto- ria, Tour on the prairies. IX. Mahomet and his successors. X. Adventures of Captain Bonneville; Conquest of Flor- ida, by T. Irving. — Alhambra 40.4 — Astoria 40.10 — Bracebridge hall 40.3 — Coliimlms and his coni- panions 40.15 — Crayon miscellany 40.17 — Life of 15. Franklin 194.3 — Oliver Goldsmith. N. Y. 1814. 2 V 19.30 .Same. N. Y. 1851 114.5 Hliclf. .No. IlG ING, W., ( unthlUrd. — Life of G. Wa.shinglon. Loud. 5 V 107.1 .S.amc. N. Y. K®. 5 v. Isl.l 1 Same. N. Y. 12®. 5 v. 195.17 — Life and lellers of. Sip Irving, F..M 113.13 Is he jealous? Heaseley, S. 101.13 l.s,\. Chesebro’, C. . . . 210.22 ISAUEL, psrt(d. Si'C Hllcldc, A. (’. (M.) Isa HELM’., lluckstone, J. 15. 105.20 Isi AMi.^.M, Notice of. Elo- rien, J. I’. C dt; 47.8 Lslani> bride, 'file, (,’olmau, J. F 107.5 Island home, 'I'he. Uo- maunt, C 15.38 Island world: or .Aladagas- car, .l.-iva, Iceland, etc. Nordholf, C 307.4 LsriiMiANA. AVinthrop, T. . 15)5.30 1 r is never too late to mend. Keade, C 347.22 Italia.n art, AV'onders of. AHardot, L 30.4 Italian language. Grammar of the. Bachi, B 305.4 Italia.n itainters, E:irly. .lameson, A. (M.) 47.24 Ii'ALiAN poets. Stories from the. Hunt,(J. 11.) Leigh. 201.10 Italy. Aliliott, .1. S. C. - . . 235.1 — Bremer, F. Two years in 234.20 — Dickens, C. (J. H.) Bic- tures from 284.17 — Eddy, D. C. Scenes and society in 234. IG — Goethe, J. W. von. Trtiv- els in V. 2 of 125.12 — Headley, J. T. Letters from 97.27 — Hillard, G. S. Six months in 84. IG — Howells, AV. D. Italian journeys 85.20 — Jarves, J. J. Italian sights and papal prin- ciples 85.12 — Kemble, F. A. A^ear of consolation 98.4 — Lanzi, B. History of painting in 338.15 — Lippincott, S. J. Stories and sights of 27.5 — Mariotti, L. Italy, past and present 234.23 — JMendelssohn - Bartlioldy, F. Letters from 120.12 — Moens, A\". J. C. English travellers and Italian brigands 80.7 — Moore, J. Society and manners in 94.18 — Sforzosi, L. Compen- dious history of 59.4 — Spalding, AV. Italy and the Italian islands 48.4 See also Alps, Rome, Sicily, Venice. IvANHOE. Scott, Sir AV. V. 8 of 203.5 Same. Dramatized. See Dibdin, T 105.29 IVES 45 JOIINES Shelf. No. Ives, J. C. Report upon the Colorado river of the West. See United States 81.5 Ives, L. S. Trials of a mind in its progress to Cathol- icism 387.2 Ivors. Sewell, E. M 304.5 Jack of all trades. Parker, R. A 2G.3 Jack the chimney sweeper. Baker, 11. N. (W.) 14.3 Jack the giant-killer. Thack- eray, J/m (A. I.) 347.13 Jack Hinton. Lever, C. (J ) 2G1.G0 Jack Sheppard. Bnckstone, J. B 1G4.7 Jack Tier. Cooper, J. F. .. 28G.10 Jackman, I. All the world’s a stage. Altered. See Brookes, G 1C4.22 Jackson, A. Addresses on the presentation of [his] sword to congress. See United States 194.5 — Parton, J. Life of 113.2 — Walker, A. Jackson and New Orleans 19G.24 Jackson, C. T. Manual of etherization 34.20 Jackson, J. Letters to a young physician 3G7.2G — Another letter to a young physician 37. 2G Jackson, T. J. A military biography. See Cooke, J. E 114.2 Jacob Faithful. Marryat, F. 323.7 Jacobite, The. Planche, J. R 1G4.3 Jacquerie, The. James, G. P. R 283.8 Jaimson, G. The revolu- tionary soldier 1G4.21 James I, Character of. See Disraeli, 1 155.5 James, H. The nature of evil 385.4 James, G. P. R. The cava- lier 2G4.24 — Corse de Leon. 2 v. in 1. 283.4 — Dark scenes in history.. 130.22 — Darnley. 2 v. in 1 283.10 — Henry Masterton. 2 v. in 1 283.1 — Henry of Guise. 2 v. in 1. 283.7 — History of Charlemagne. 49.10 — History of chivalry 19.10 — The Huguenot. 2 v. in 1. 283.12 — The Jacquerie. 2 v. in 1. 283.8 — John Marston Hall. 2 v. in 1 283.11 — Life of Henry iv, of France and Navarre. 2v. 123.12 — Lord Montagu’s page... 283. G — The man-at-arms. 2 v. in 1 283.2 — Richelieu. 2 v. in 1.... 283.3 James, J. y\. The Christian professor 387.7 Jameson, A. (M.) Celebrated female sovereigns. 2 v. 48.15 — Characteristics of women. 47.22 — Commonplace book of thoughts, [etc ] 15G.1G Shelf. No. Jameson, A. (M.), continued. — Diary of an ennuyee.... 47.18 — Legends of the Madonna. 47. 2G — Legends of the monastic orders 47.19 — Memoirs of the loves of the poets 47.25 — Memoirs of the early Ital- ian painters 47.24 — Sacred and legendary art. 2 V 47.23 — Sketches of art, litera- ture, and character 47.20 — Studies, stories, and me- moirs 47.21 Jan Mayen, Voyage to, in 185G. Blackwood, F. T. 9G.12 Jane Eyre. Bronte, C 287.5 Same. Dramatized. See Brougham, J 1G5.17 Jane Shore. Rowe, N 1G5.13 Japan. Alcock, Sirll. Three years in 95.24 — Hawks, F. L. Japan ex- pedition, 1852-54 . 231.1; 232.5 — Hildreth, R. Japan as it was and is 185.11 — Manners and customs of the .Japanese 48.18 — Oliphant, L. Earl of El- gin’s mission to 82.13 — Taylor, (J.) Bayard. Vis- it to, in 1853 87.20 Japiiet in search of a father. Marryat, F 323.3,9 Jarves, j. j Art-hints 34.11 — Italian sights and papal principles 85.12 — Parisian sights and French principles. 1st series 85 2G 2d series 85.27 Jasper. Abbott,,!. ...v. 11 of IG.l Jay, j. The federalist. See Hamilton, A 207.4 — Life of, with selections from his correspon- dence. See Jay, W. ... 101. G — Life of. See Renwick, H. B 48.19 Jay, W. Causes and conse- quences of the Mexican war 135.10 — Life of J. Jay, with his correspondence. 2 v. . . 101.1 Jeaffreson, J. C. Book about doctors 195.7 Jealous wife. Colman, G., the elder 1G5.4 Jealous wife. Pardoe, J. 321.4 Jealousy. Dudevant, A. L. A. D 307.12; 324.13 Jean Valjean. Hugo, Comte V. (M.) 241. G Jefferson, T. Memoir, cor- respondence, and mis- cellanies. 4 V 43.3 — Notes on Virginia 353.14 — Randall, H. S. Life of.. 121.11 — Smucker, S. M. Life and times of 215.13 Jemison, M. {Deh-He- IFa- 31is), Life of. See Sea- ver, J. E 197.12 Jennie Juneiana. Croly, J. C 154.29 Shelf. No. .Tennison, j. Lessons in orthoepy 38.9 Je.nny Lind at last. Reach, A. B 1G4.1G •Jenyns, L. Observations in meteorology 37.24 Jerdan, W. Autobiography. 4v 123.10 .Terroli), B. Life and re- mains of D. Jerrold 19G.25 Jerroli), D. Ambrose Gwinett 1G4.24; 1G5.21 — Black-eyed Susan 1G5.24 — The catspaw 1G5.12 — Mrs. Caudle’s curtain lec- tures 17.11 — The rent-day 1G5.4 — St. Cupid 1G4.7 — Specimens of [his] wit.. 20G.18 — Mrs. Caudle’s curtain lec- ture. Dramatized. See Stirling, E 1G4.14, 2G — Life and remains of. See Jerrold, B 19G.25 Jerrold, W. B. Cool as a cucumlier 1G4.19 Jerra". Simonds. W 17.24 Jerusalem delivered. Tas- so, T 1G8.2 Jesse, E. Anecdotes of dogs. 37.3 Jessie. Simonds, W 17.22 Jessie Brown. Boucicault, I). (L.) 1G5.22 Jesuits. Parkman, F. Jes- uits in North America in the 17th century. . . v. 2 of 135.1 — Seymour, M. H. Morn- ings among the Jesuits at Rome 387.8 — Stein metz, A. History of the 187.10 .Jewess, The. Halevy, .1. F. 1G2.G Jewess, The. Moncriefl’, W. T 1G5.17 Jewett, I. A. Memorial of S. Appleton 121.9 Jews, History of the. Mil- man, H. H 48.13 Joan of Arc, Life of. See Michelet, J 127.2 Joan of Arc. Southey, R... l(;i.2 v. 1 of 227.2 ,Joiin,E. (E. Marlitt.) Count- ess Gisela 301.4 — Gold Elsie 325. G — The old mam’selle’s se- cret 32G.20 John, King. Shakespeare, W. . . V. G of 1G3.1 ; V. 3 of 1G3.2 V. 2 of 1G3.11 ; 1G5 G .John Brent. Winthrop, T. 2G4.32 John Godfrey’s fortunes. Taylor, (J.) Bayard.... 2G5.15 John Guilderstring’s sin. Richards, C. F 24G.30 John Halifax, gentleman. Craik, D. (M.) M 307.5 John Marston Hall. James, G. P. R 283.11 John True. Abbott, J. v. G of IG.l John Whopper the newsboy. Clark, T. M 1G.12 John Woodvil, Lamb, C. V. 2 of 15G.9 JoiiNES, M. Prince Charlie, the young chevalier ... 17.32 .lOIINSON K KNNKV Shelf. No. »1()IINS(>N, A.(J. of llu! Alps 2;M,18 Johnson, Lcmch/o 1). Me- juoria 1.(“c)i)iica 815.2 1 J^)iiNS(>N, Louisa. Kv('ry lady licr own flower Hardener v. 2 of 30.";. 2!) Johnson, iSainuel, JJj . 1 ). Work.s. 2 V 151.4 (kmtentfi. — Vol. 1. T.ifo .and ji;(MiiiiN, ])y A. Miirpliy! 'i'lio ruinblcr ; 'I’iie advcjiitiircM'; 3'lio idli'r; lias.scdaH ; 'riuio- doro; 'I’lu* fouataiiKs ; lAdtiTs; Iroiie, tragc‘dy; M iscollamiouH poems. II. laves of Uie poets ; laves of eminent per.soiis ; I’o- lilieal ti’acts; J’liilologieal traets, cdc. ; Miseellatieoiis tracts, etc. ; Dedications ; < )j»in- ions on (jnestions of law; lie- views and criticisms; .Journey to the Western islands of Scotland; 1‘rayers and medi- tations. — Life and writings. 2 v. . . 1!).32 — Idler. 2v. ...r 208.1 — Lives of English poets. 3 V 190. .5 — Life of. iSee Boswell, .1. 120.1; 194.8 Johnson, Samuel. TJie worship of Jesus 307.0 Johnson, Stunuel 1). The lirenian 105.2.5 — In and out of place 104.11 — Our gal 104.9 — The shaker lovers 104.20 Johnstone, J. B. Ben Bolt . 105.19 — Gale Bree/.ely 104.10 JoiNviELE, J. (ic. Crusade of St. Louis 338.9 JoMiNi, II. do. Art of war. 305.17 Jonathan Bradford. Eitz- ball, E 105.18 Jonathan in England. Col- nuin, G., the ij.SEi*H iiiid his friend. J'ay- lor, (J.) Bayiird 205.20 Joseph Bo.N'APAirrE, laiuj of /Sp'r/j/,. Cori'espondeiice. See, Milpoleon 1 123.0 — History of. So.e Abbott, J. S. C 15.8 JosiO’H II and liis coiii't. Mundt, C 281.11 Hlwlf. No. .loHEPIHNE. Abbott, J. S. C. Ilislorv of 15.19 — Headley, B. C. Life of.. 197.8 — Le Noi niand, M. A. Me- moirs of : 105.5 — Meines, .LS. Memoirs of. 19.41 — Mundt, C. 'fhe empress. 281.7 JoHUNAE of a hoiite life. Sewell, E. M 301.11 JouitNAi. of health. Vol. 1 . 33.25 Joyce, J. Introduction to the aids and sciences .. 37.8 — S(ueittilie, dialogues. :5 v. 38. li; J E'D.E.v eapta. 'J'onna, C. E. 189.1 JuixjE .lustin. Abbott, .1. V. 1 1 of 10.1 .IcDSON, E. (C.) My two sis- ters : a sketch' 20.25 JiJi.Ev. Brooke, W 100.12 JuidA (le Koubigne. Mac- kenzie, 1 1 150.10 Jeteie'ite. liaker, 11. N. (W.) 312.17 J iJEius Cicsaiv Shakespeare, W ..V. 2 of 101.4; V. 10 of 10;5.1 V. 5 of 103.2; 105.12 JiEMno-.JiTM ! 104.19 J CN(}-S riEi.iNo, J. II. Au- tobiography 112.15 JuNics, ]Ks( 0 ((l. Letters. 2 v. ill 1 350.5 — Junius discovered. Gridin, F 153. IT JuNKiN, G. Bolitical falla- cies which have brought on this civil war 380.5 JuNOT, L. 1’., duclicsHP. (VA- hi'diites. JMemoirs of Na- poleon. 2 V 141.2 JuvENAEis, I). J. [Satires.] Translated by C. Bad- ham 339.0 JuvH<'.NH.E delimiuents. Car- penter, M. Condition and treatment of 200.7 — Peirce, B. K. A half cen- tury with 154.14 JuvENTUs mundi. Glad- stone, W. E 150.13 Kaines, J. Last words of eminent persons 124.5 Kane, 41. K. Grinnell expe- dition in search of Sir J. Franklin 93.0 Kanzas, History of. Hale, E. E ‘235.20 Kapp, F. Life of F. \V. von Steul)en 190.7 Kate Aylesford. Peterson, C. J 243.0 Kate Walsinghara. Picker- ing, E 302.34 Kateu, II. , and Lardner, 1). Treatise on mechanics . . 307.34 Kathauine and Petruchio. Sliakespeare, W 105.14 Kathauine Asliton. Sew- ell, E. M 304.1 Katharine Walton. Simms, W. G 243.21 Katie Stuart 201.9 Ka'I'I'Y O’Sheal. Pilgrim, J. 104 22 Kavanahh, j. Adele 322.1 — Beatrie-e 322.0 — Daisy Burns 322.5 Slirlf. No. Kav.wach, .L, ronfiniit ' d . — Dora 301.7 — Grace Lei; 322.4 — Madelim* 201.25 — i\atliali»; 201.11 — (^nerm ,Mab 2E.5.4 — Ka'-hel Gray 287.10 — Saint-Gild.is 24.2 — Seven years, and other talcs 322.3 — Silvia 302.50 — Sybil’s second love 322.7 — Women of Christianity.. 197.4 Kavanaihi. Longfellow, 11. W V. 2 of I5S :? ; 205.21 Kay, .1. Social condition and education of the [leojile in Ibigland 91.14 Ki'.a.n, C. Sardanapalus, adapted from land By- ron 105.11 Keats, J. Life, letters, and literary remains 1 9 LI 4 f'o7>trnft.— ]AU', l.y ll. M. ^tiliicH; ( )tlu) til'- Stephen; 'I'lio e:ip ntnl helln; M ii'colliinoourt pooiiiH; Huii- m;lrt. Keene, L. A midsummer night’s dream, arranged lor reirresentation. iSpe Shakespeare, ^V’ 105.23 Kekhiteey, T. History of England, to 1839. 5 v. 49.11 — History of Rome 185.9 Kei.eoci;, E. Elm island sto- ries. The ark of Elm island 14.15 'I’he boy farmers of Elm island 14.10 Charlie Bell, the waif of Elm island 14.17 Lion Ben of Elm island. 14.14 — - The young shipbuilders of Elm island 14.18 Kelt, T. MeiJianic’s text- book and engineer’s guide 385.12 Kemble, Mrs. C. Day after the wedding 105.0 — Personation 104.11 Kemble, F. A. Residence on a Georgian plantation in 1838, 39 80.17 — Year of consolation. 2 v. in 1 98.4 Kempis, T. a. Imitation of Christ 303.15 Kenilworth. Scott, Sir W. V. 11 of 203.5 Kennedy, J. P. Horse-shoe Robinson. Phil. 204.28 Same. N. Y 305.3 — Life of W. AVirt. 2 v. .. 115.9 — Rob of the bowl. Phil. 2v. 245.17 Same. N. Y 305.4 — Swallow barn. Phil 204.30 Same. N. Y 305.1 — Horseshoe Robinson. Dramatized. See Tay- leiire, C. W 105 22 Kenneth. Yonge, C. M. .. 303.1 Kennicy, F. The illustrious stranger 104.12, 23 Kenney, J. Ella Rosenberg. 105.27 — Fighting by proxy 104.18 KENNEY 47 LADY Shelf. No. Kenney, J., continued. — Tlie Irisli aml):issador. .. 104.5 — Matrimony 104.11 — Kaisin,<>: tlie wind 104.4 — Sweetiiearts and wives.. 105.11 Kent, J. E. Chemistry ap- plied to ajjrienltnre 38.10 Keppel, II. Expedition to Eorneo 234.8 Kehu, Orpheus C.. pseud. See Newell, li. II. Kiddeu. D. F., and Fletcher, J. C. Brazil and the Brazilians 83.7; 92.4 Kidder, F. History of New Ipswich 181.4 Kiel or cure. Dance, C. .. 104.0 Kimhall, K. B. To-day... 342.14 — Undercurrents 244.21 — Was he successful? 283.10 Kind words for children. Newcomb, H 18.25 KlNDEPtGARl’EN gUidC. Mann, M 154.22 King, R. J. Handbook to the cathedrals of Eng- land. Eastern division. 87.22 Contents . — Oxford, Peter- borough, Norwich, Ely, Lin- coln. Same. Southern divis- ion. 2 V 87.23 Contents. —Yo\. I. Win- chester, Salisbury, Exeter, Wells. II. Chichester, Can- terbury, Itochester. King, T. S. The White hills. 235.9 King and deserter. Mad- dox, J. M 165.28 King of the commons. White, J 165.4 King of the golden river. Buskin, J 22.2 King of the mountains. About, E. (F. V.) 245.22 King Charming. Planche, J. R 104.8 King John. Shakespeare, W. . .V. 0 of 103.1 ; V. 3 of 163.2 V. 2 of 163.11; 165.0 King Lear. Shakespeare, W. V. 2 of 161.4 V. 11 of 163.1; V. 0 of 163.2 V. 2, 4 of 163.11; 165. lU King Rene’s daughter. Herz, H 164.21 King Stephen. Keats, J... 194.14 King Victor and King Charles. Browning, R. V. 1 of 167.15 King’s own. Marryat, F. 248.21; 323.15 King’s rival. Taylor, T. .. 165.17 Kinglake, a. ay. Eothen, or traces of travel from the East 236.8 — Invasion of the Crimea. 2 v 135.12 Kings and magistrates. Ten- ure of. Milton, J. .V. 2 of 337.5 Kings and queens. Abbott, J. S. C 147.11 Kingsford, Jane,pset((Z. See Barnard, C. F., jr. Shelf. No. Kingsley, C. Alton Locke. 324.7 — Andromeda, and other ])oems 107.3 — Hereward 3$2.2l — The heroes; or Greek fairy tales 14.27 — Ilypati* 244.6 — Sir W. Raleigh and his time, with other pa- pers 154.18 — Two years ago 246.2 — Westward ho! 246.22 Kingsley, 11. Austin El- liot 342.28 — Geoffry Hamlyn 307.18 — The Hillyars aiid the Bur- tons 342.19 — Leighton court 342.20 — Ravenshoe 204.9 — Stretton * 301.1 Kingsley, J. L. Life of E. Stiles v. 6 of 117.2 Kingston, W. H. G. School- boy days 14.5 Kinsman, J. B. Cadet life at West Point 24.5 Kipping, R. Sails and sail- making 37.12 Kippis, A. Voyages around the world by Capt. J. Cook, with his life 148.7 Kirk, J. F. History of Charles the bold. 3 v. . 141.1 Kikke, Edmund, pseud. See Gilmore, J. R. Kirkes, W. S. Handbook of physiology 364.1 Kirkland, F. Cyclopaedia of commercial and busi- ness anecdotes. 2v. .. 121.1 Kirkland, S., Life of. See LoUirop, S. K. .. T. 15 of 117.2 Kirwan, 2}seud. See Murray , N. Kiss in the dark. Buckstone, J. B 164.0 Kissing the rod. Yates, E. 261.34 Kitto, j. History of Pales- tine 94.7 — Popular cyclopaedia of biblical literature. *K. R., B. 4 Klencke, P. F. H., and Schlesier, G. Lives of the brothers Humboldt. 124.12 Knapp, S. L, Lectures on American literature.... 202.7 — Life of A. Burr 215.10 — Life of T. Dexter 199.1 — Sketches of eminent law- yers, statesmen, and men of letters 183.5 Knick er bock e r , Died rich , pseud. See Irving, AY. Knickerbocker, The. Vol. 13-16, 30-34, 41, 42, 45- 50. 17 V. 375.7 Knight, C. Half-hours with the best authors. 4 v. . . 155.7 — History of England. 8 v. 184.4 — Knowledge is power 153.6 Knight, H. C. Life of J. Montgomery 136.12 Knight of Arva. Bouci- cault, D. (L.) 165.23 Knight of Gwynne. Lever, C. (J.) ; 301.51 Shelf. Not Knighton, AY. Private life of Nnssir-u-Deen, king of Oude 196.23 Knights and their days. Do- ran, J 184-10 Knights of the frozen sea.. 305. 20 Knitting-work. Shillaber, B. P 244.1 Knout, The, and the Rus- sians. Lagny, G. de. . . 86.13 Knowledge. Craik, G. L. Pursuit of, under dilli- culties 156.8; 158.15 — Dick, T. Improvement of society by the dillii- sion of 19.39; 335.4 — Knight, C. Knowledge is power 153.6 Knowles, J. S. Brian Bo- roihme 165.16 — Tlie bridal, altered from Beaumont and Fletcher. 165.7 — The hunchback 165.2 — Love 165.10 — The love-chase 165.3 — Virginius 165.4 — The wife 165.1 — AYilliam Tell 165.6 Kobboltozo. Cranch,C.P. 22.1 Koenigswinter, ay. M. von. See Mueller von Koc- nigswinter, AY. Koeppen, a. L. The world in the middle ages. 2 v. 136.21 Koiilrausch, F. History of Germany 134.8 Kossuth, L., Memoir of 186.2 Kotzebue, A.F.F. von. Life and literary career 2 v. 79.6 — Pizarro, aliered by R. B. Sheridan 165.3 — The stranger 165.2 Krapf, j. L. 'fravels and missionary labors in Eastern Africa 235.13 Kurdistan, Tour through. Southgate, 11 234.7 Laboring classes of Eng- land 365.32 Laboulaye, E. (R.L.) Fairy tales of all nations 15.2 — Paris in America 234.12 La Bree, L. Ebenezer Ven- ture 164.15 Lackington, J. Memoirs.. 79.10 Lacy, R. The two friends. 165.13 Ladder of life. Edwards, A. B 261.25 Ladies at home. IMillengen, J. G ".. .. 164.13 Ladies beware ! 164.7 Ladies’ battle 164.18 Lady and gentleman in a peculiarly perplexing predicament. Selby, C. 164.19 Lady and the Devil. Di- mond, AY 165.24 Lady at home. Arthur, T. S 341.13 Lady of Lyons. Bulwer- Lytton, E. (G. E. L.) 165.4; 166.6 Lady of the bed-chamber. 164.14, 26 Lady of the i^le. South- • worth, E. D. E. N 344.3 LADY .AWHLNCIC 4anions 218.14 Shelf. No. La IMtiTTE FoPfjnf:, F. (H.) ( k), /nirnii de, ('(nitiinit ti. — Undine. I tram.atized. NVe .So.ane, G 105.22 LAAiPi.nnri Hit, J'he. (him- mins, M. S 312.18 liANG.v.s TEit, C. S. Advice to hnsb.ands 104.18 Laxca.steu, E. J'he mana- ger’s daughter 1 0 1.22 Laxces of Lynwood. A'onge, C. y\. . 27.27 Laxd al last. Yates, E 201.12 Land drainer. Mnnn, 15... 35.13 Landeu, K. and J. Expedi- tion to the Niger. 2 v. 48.27 Laxdok, AV. S., Iliograjiliy of. Srr Forster, J 122.0 Landscape gardening. The- ory and practice of. Downing, A. J 302.4 Laxetox jiarsonage. Sew- ell, E. iAI 200.15 Laxg, j. D. 'The Ansir.alian emigrant’s manual 30.42 Laxgstuotii, Iv. L. Hive jind honey-bee 304 10 Language, Essay on. Haz- ard, IL G 305.7 Laxkesteu, E. A’'egetable substances used for the food of man 19.27 Laxmax, C. Adventures in the Avilds of the United States and British Amer- ican jirovinces. 2 v. ... 232.12 — Dictionary of the United States congress 194.24 — Frivate life of D. AA"eb- ster 115.4 Laxmax, J. H. History of Alichigan 189.3 Laxoye, F. (T.) de. Bain- eses the great ; or, Egypt 3300 years ago 30.8 — The sublime in nature .. . 30.0 Laxzi, L. History of paint- ing in Italy. 3v 338.15 Lapland, Summer and win- ter pictures of. Taylor, (J.) Bayard 97.19 La Flata, Exploration of. Fage, T. J 82.5 Lapstoxe. Abbott, j. v. 10 of 10.1 Lakdxek, D. Museum of science and art. Vol. 1- 0, 9-12. 10 V. in 5 385.11 roafCTf.?. — Vol.I [1]. The planct.'i, are tliey iiiliabited worlds ? Weather prognos- tics; Popular fallacies ; I^ati- tudes and longitudes; Lunar inlluences; Meteoric stones and shooting stars; Railway- accidents; Light. [2.] Air; Locomotion by river and rail- way in the IJ. S.; Cometary intluences; Water; 4'he pot- ter's art; Fire. II [3]. Lo- comotion and transi)oit, their inlliience and ])rogrcsH; 'I'he moon; "I'he earth; 'I'errestrial lieat; 'I'hc sun. [4.] 'I'he electric telegraph ; Earth- fiuakes and vohainoes; 'I'he baromet((r; 'I'he sab-lylamp; Whitworth’s micronnlric ap- ])aratnH; Steam. Ill |.')|. Tho steam (muine; 'I’he eye; 'I’Ik! almosi)here; 'I'ime; Pumps; 8j)ectacleH; The ka- Hli«ir. No. Laudn'I'.u, D., rnntimtnl. hddoscope, [ft] ('lock* nnfl walcheo; M ii'ri>s('ii|il(; draw- ing and envravlni; ; The loco- motive; 'I’he Ihcrmoincter ; 'I’he new phificls; I.e Vcrtlcr and Adam's planet; Magni- tude .and niinnieness. V' Itt], 'I'he mieroseopc ; 'I he wfiiln ants, t hei r m.antn'rs .and hah its; 'I’hi' surface of the earth; Helenee and poetry. [ 10. | 'l lje bee, its character and man- ners; 'riinnder and lightning, ami the aurora horealls; l‘;ieetro-mf)tive tfower. V'l Ml]. 'I'he printing i»ress ; The ernst of the earth. [Pi.] 'I’he stereoscope ; Comets ; ITe- Adamite earth ; J‘>li|>ses. — T.cci tiros on soionco ami art. 2v 351.21 — St cam oiigiuo, steam nav- igtdifm, roafis, .‘ind rail- ways, explained 3G7.28 — J' realise on mecliaiii(;s. Sec K:it(‘r, 1 1 307.14 Larimoue, j. ay. An ove- niitg with Hie clniplain. 389.20 La Saei e, B. C. do. Lift; of. See Sp.arks, J v. 1 of 117.2 liAS Cases, AI, .1. E. 1)., ronnt de. I’riv.'ile life ami con- A’crsations of Najioleon. Ov. in 3 353.1 Last chronicle of Barset. Trolhipe, A 301.8 La.st days of I’ompeii. Me- dina, L. H 105.18 Last liouse in C street. Craik,D. (M.) M 241.3 Last man. The. Fitt, G. D. 105. 2G Last of tho Huggermuggers. Cranch, C. F 22.3 Last of the Mohicans. Coop- er, J. F 280.15 Last of the Mortimers. Oli- phant, M. (O. AY.) 824. C Last of the pigtails. Selby, C 104.21 L.vst words of eminent per- sons. Kaines, J 124.5 L.vtiiam, B. G. Elementary English grammar 305.10 Latin language, Grammar of the. Adler, G. J. ... 305. G Latter-day pamphlets. Car- lyle, T 207.15 Laughing hyena. AVebster, B 1G4.16 LaawllCe, T. (S.) Fhysical, historical, and military geography 364.2 Laa^ater, or not a bad judge. Blanche, J. B 1G5.29 Lavexgro. Borrow, G.... 92.1 Laamxia. Buftini, G 243.8 Law, j., Memoir of. See Thiers, (L.) A 196.20 Law. Commentaries on the laws of England. Black- stone, Sir VY 31.2 Laavrexce, a. Diary and correspondence. 1855.. 112.14 Same. I860., 114.16 — IJfe of. See Thayer, AV. M 15.39 Lawrence, G. A. Brakes- peare 301.41 LAWRENCE 49 LIGHTS Shelf. No. Lawrence, G. A., continued. — Breakin*^ a butterlly 320.19 — Guy Livingstone 305.7 Lawrence, J. Genealogy of the family of John Law- rence. [1630-1809] ... 113.10 Lawrence, M. W. Memo- rials of H. A. L. Hamlin. 107.2 Lawrence, S. The lawyers. 104.7 Lawrence’s adventures. Trowbridge, J. T 248.22 Lawyers, The. Lawrence, S 164.7 Lay of the last minstrel. Scott, Sir W V. 1 of 228.7 228.9 Layard, a. H. Discoveries among the ruins of Nin- eveh and Babylon 82.2 Same. Abridged 235.19 — Nineveh and its remains. 2v 91.1 Lays of liberty; or, verses for the times 108.11 Leap year. Buckstone, J. B 105.12 Lear, King. Shakespeare, W V. 2 of 161.4 V. 11 of 163.1; V. 6 of 163.2 V. 2, 4 of 103.11; 165.10 Leather stocking tales. See Cooper, J. F., note. Le B as, C. W. Life of Craii- mer. 2 v 127.11 — Life of Wiclif 127.12 Lecky, W. E. H. European morals. 2 v 142.5 — Rationalism in Europe.. 184.7 Lectures for the people. Brown, H. S 153.29 Led YARD, J., Life of. See Sparks, J v. 14 of 117.2 Lee, a. and W., Biographies of. See Evans, F. W. . . 366.29 Lee, C., Life of. See Sparks, J V. 8 of 117.2 Lee, C. A. Elements of geology 19.6 Lee, D. K. The master builder 198.5 Lee, E. B. Life of J. P. F. Richter 116.5 — Parthenia 248.15 Lee, Hannah F. Memoir of P. Toussaint 120.11 Lee, Herbert. The avenger. 105.24 Lee, W. Use of brandy and salt as a remedy for va- rious diseases 36.39 Leej^vre, a. Wonders of architecture 30.12 Legend of Montrose. Scott, Sir W V. 7 of 263.5 Legend of the Rhine. Thackeray, W. M. v. 1 of 347.1 Legends of the Madonna. Jameson, A. (M.) 47.26 Legends of the monastic orders. Jameson, A. (M.) 47.19 Legion of liberty, and force of truth 156.20 Leighton court. Kingsley, H 342.20 Leila. Bulwer-Lytton, E. (G. E. L.) 246.10 Shelf. No. Leisler, j., Life of. See Hoftman, C. F v.3 of 117.2 Leland, C. G. Hans Breit- mann’s ballads 100.5 Leland, O. S. Beatrice.... 165.27 — Caprice 105.28 — The rights of man 164.18 Lemon, M. Grandfather Whitehead 165.2 — Gwinneth Vaughan 165.28 — Mind your own business. 105.13 — Don Caesar de Bazan. See A Beckett, G. A 105.2 Lena Cameron. Grey, Mrs. 341.26 Lend me live shillings. Morton, J. M 165.3 Le Norm and, M. A. Me- moirs of Josephine. 2 v. 105.5 Leonor de Guzman. Boker, G. II 1 of 168.20 Le Pileur, a. Wonders of the human body 36.13 Le Sage, A. R. Gil Bias. Hartford. 3 v 245.8 — - Same. Bost. 3 v. ... 320.4 Les miserables. Hugo, Comte V. (M.) 241.5-8 Leslie, C. R. Autobio- graphical recollections. 127.25 Leslie, E. American girl’s book 18.31 Leslie, J. Discovery and adventure in the polar seas. Nee Murray, H. . . 48.10 Leslie, Madeline, pse^^d. See Baker, H. N. (W.) Lessons in life. Holland, J. G 154.33 L’Estrange, a. G. K. Life of M. R. Mitford. 2 v. 136.13 Letters from the mountains. Grant, A 195.16 Letters to a young man. De Quincey, T 44.10 Letters to young people. Holland, J. G 153.20 Levana. Richter, J. P. (F.) 206.22 Levant. Curzon, R. Mo- nasteries in the 234.11 — Mariti, G. History of the. 83.6 Lever, C. (J.) Charles O’Malley. Leip. 3 v. . . 348.3 Same. Phil * 241.11 — Davenport Dunn. Leip. 3 V. in 2 348.2 Same. Phil 241.10 — Harry Lorrequer 301.31 — Horace Templeton 301.52 — Jack Hinton 261.60 — Knight of Gwynne 301.51 — One of them 302.4 — A rent in a cloud 301.32 Le Vert, O. W. Souvenirs of travel. 2 v 96.29 Lewes, G. H. The noble heart 165.29 Lewes, M. J., formerly Miss Evans. {George Eliot.') Adam Bede. Bost 347.18 Same. N. Y 264.5 — Felix Holt 347.14 — The mill on the i’loss. Bost 347.16 Same. N. Y 287.19 — Romola. Bost 347.15 Same. N. Y 241.9 Shelf. No. Lewes, M. J., continued. — Silas Marner. Bost 347.17 Same. N. Y 287.29 Lewis, A. History of Lynn, including Nahant 134.10 Lewis, M. G. Adelgitha... 105.29 — The castle specter 105.22 — Raymond and Agnes 104.24 165.21 Lewis and Clarke’s expedi- tion. See Allen, P 48 23 Lewis Arundel. S medley, F. E 302.10 Lexington, 3Iass., Battle of. Frothingham, R 184.5 L’Homond, C. F. Elements of French grammar 365.3 Liberia. Hale, S. J 305.30 Liberty, History of. Eliot, S 187.1, 2 Lichtensteins, The. Velde, C. F. van der 327.31 Liddell, H. G. Life of Ju- lius Cmsar 127.6 Lieber, F. Great events described by historians and other writers 130.20 Liebig, J. von. Chemistry in its applications to agriculture and physi- ology 386.2 — Familiar letters on chem- istry 364.13 Life. Child, A. B. Better views of living 360.16 — Goodman, R. M. Phi- losophy of 152.4 — Hamilton, J. Life in earnest .• 18.30 — Hayes, A. H. Science of. 38.4 — Matteucci, C. Physical phenomena of human beings 207.23 — Whipple, E. P. Lectures on subjects connected with 157.13 Life and adventure in the South Pacific 85.18 Life, here and there. Willis, N. P 96.3 Life in Italy. Andersen, H. C 302.30 Life in New York. Brough- am, J 164.10 Life in prairie laud. Faru- ham, E. W 236.13 Life in the open air. Win- throp, T 156.29 Life memories. Rand, E. S.,ir 100.20 Life of trust. Mueller, G. . 116.14 Life under the equator. Du Chaillu, P. B 15.7 Life without and life within. Ossoli, S. M. F., mar- chesa 207.18 Life’s ransom. Marston, (J.) W 105.27 Light, A, and a dark Christ- mas. Wood, E. P 321.17 Lighthill, E. B. and A. D. Deafness 364.28 Lightning express. Adams, W. T 13.13 Lights and shadows of real- life. Arthur, T. S 241.4 LIKELIEST LONG rA) Slicif. No. LiKKMKfi'i' inofui.M to remove JiinHin^^s out, of IIk; clmreli. Milton, . I. .v. .'5 of 337.5 Lii,micki,kak. Olipliaiit, M. ((). VV.) 287.12 Lii.i.o, (f. (Jeorf^e liarnwell. l(;r).12 LiiMKiuCK ])oy. ,1. 1(;4.15 JjINColn, a. Eaiieroft, (J. Address on 133.11 — Proceed! iififs on occasion of the death of. /See Boston 112.2 — Sumner, C. Eulogy on. 112.13 Lincoi.n, B., Life of. See Bowen, P 13 of 117.2 Linda. I lent/., C. L 34G.9 Linda di Chamounix. Doni- zetti, G 102.4 Lindisfaun chase. Trollope, T. A 302.24 Lingard, J. History of Eng- land. 13 180.17 Linnet’s trial. M., S 245.7 Linsi.ey, D. C. Morgan liorses 35.11 Linton, C. The healing of the nations 32.2 Linwoods, The. Sedgwick, C. M 324.4 Lion Ben of Elm island. Kellogg, E 14.14 Lion-hearted. Grey, 3/rs. 341.34 Lion hunter, The. Gerard, C. J. B 243.10 Lion’s skin. Bernard, C. de 244.10 Lionel Lincoln. Cooper, J. E 280.11 Lippincott, S. j. {Grace Greenwood.) Bonnie Scotland 20.23 — A forest tragedy and oth- er tales 14.20 — Greenwood leaves. 2 v. 244.14 — Haps and mishaps of a tour in Europe 98.2 — History of my pets 18.21 — Merrie England 27.0 — llecollections of my child- hood 18.20 — Records of five years .... 110.8 — Stories and legends of travel and history 27.23 — Stories and sights of France and Italy 27.5 — Stories from famous bal- lads 18.27 — Stories of many lands . . 27.24 Lippincott’s biographical dictionary. /S’ee Thomas, J *li. R., A. 14 Lister, T. H. Life and ad- ministration of Edward, first carl of Clarendon. 3 V 122.1 Literap.y ladies, Letters for. Edgeworth, M 249.0 LiTEitAPvY reminiscences. De Qiiincey, T 44.22 LiTERAiiY recreatif)ns and miscellanies. Whittier, .LG V. 2 of 157.9 Literary world. Vol. 1-13. 13 V. in 9 01.1 LiTKitATURE. Afternoon lec- tures on 157.0 Kholf. No. Li te i : a ' r u r e, rn n f i nv rd. — Ilotl.'i, A. C. L. Hand- book of nniversal 207.21 — Lnuide, W. '1'. Dictiomiry of *K.’ IL, B. 5 Kncyclopa'dia of. . .*K. U., A. 8 — Disraeli, I. Amenities of. 155.4 Curiosities of... 152.11; 155.0 — .lameson, A. (M.) Sketch- es of 47.20 — Mathias, T. .1. Pursuits of 203.1 — Montgomery,.!. I.ectures on general 158.8 — Ossoli, S. M. F., niareliesa d’. Art, literature, and the drama 204.4 — Staf'l-Holstein, (A. L. G. N.), madame de. Influ- ence of literature ujion society 150.15 — Whipple, E. P. Lectures on subjects connected with 157.13 — Willmott, R. A. Pleas- ures, objects, and advan- tages of 158.12 Litteix’s living age. Vol. 1-100. 100 405.1 Little Agnes. Baker, 1 1. N. (W.) 14.22 Little barefoot. Waldaucr, A 105.. 30 Little beauty. Grey, A/r.s. 320.12 Little by little. Adams, W.T 11.1 Little Dorrit. Dickens, C. (J. H.) 281.32; 284.5 Little foxes. Stowe, 11. (E.) B 27.21 Little Louvre. Abbott, J. V. 2 of 10.1 Little mountain guide 288.0 Little Paul. Abbott, J. V. 12 of 10.1 Little Prudy series. Clarke, R. S 18.8-13 Little Pussy Willow. Stowe, H. (E.) B 22.10 Little Red Riding Hood. Thackeray, Miss (A. I.) 347.13 Little savage. Marryat, F. 323.2 Little Spaniard. Nowell, H. P. H 14.12 Little Toddlekins. Math- ews, C. 104.19 Little treasure. The. Har- ris, A 105.17 Little wife. Grey, .. 341.37 Little women. Alcott, L. M 325.2 Live and let live. Sedg- wick, C. M 308.3 Live woman in the mines. “Old Block” 104.12 Livermore, Mrs. The old corner cupboard 287.24 Livermore, A. A. Lectures to young men 30.40 — The war with Mexico re- viewed 130.2 Livermore, Opinions of the founders of the re- public on negroes as slaves, as citizens, and as soldiers 183.10 Mh. lf. No. Li\ Es and voyages of Drako, Gavendish, and Dam- ])i<‘r; Including carlh r disc*)V(‘ri<‘s ill t he Soiit h sea and the history «)f the bucaiiccrs 18.12 Lives, 'I’Im-, of balboa. ('orics, and IMzarro.... 127.15 Lives, 'flK!, of Columbus and Vcspiicliis 127.14 Lives of distinguished fe- males 48.1 liiviNG, riiilosophy of. 'I’ick- nor, C lt>.23 Livingston, V. “Oxford theology” 388.1 Living.s loNE, C. Expedition to the Zambesi. Sre. Tavingstone, 1) 83.2 Livingstone, I). Mission- ary travels and re- searches in South Africa. 83. 1 1 — and (h Exi)e(liti()n to the Zambesi and its triim- taries 83 2 Livingstone. W., Memoir of. i SlH-lf. N(». IMautyus, I’ook of. Fox, .1. 180.15 Makvki., Ik, psend S(X MilclicII, 1). (J. ]M Ai{VEi-L, A. I’ooliciil works. 227.7 JNIaky, (laecn of Scots. Ab- bott, J. History of 15.14 — Ik'll, II. (1. JAfc of 11). 38 IVIauy Jbirtoii. (laskoll, F. C 201.30 IMauy Hell. Abbott, .1 . .v. 4 of 10.2 ;Mauy Derwent. Stephens, A. S 300.2 Maky Erskinc. Abbott, .1. V. 3 of 10.2 Maky’' Evans; or, the rec- tory of Moreland 240. 13 Mary' Moreton. Arthur, T. S 341.10 Mary Schvveidler. Mein- hold, J. W 248.14; 307.8 Mary Seahain. Grey, Mrs. 341.40 Mary Stuart. Schiller, (J. C.) F. von 157.23 Mary’s birthday. Miles, G. H 105.24 Mary'Lanj), Tragic scenes in the history of. Ban- vard, J. 27.10 Masaniello. Anber, 1). F. E 102.3 Masked ball. Verdi, G.... 102.11 Masks and faces. Taylor, T. 105 24 Mason, J., Life of. See Ellis, G. E V. 3 of 117.2 ISlASSACirusE'rTs. Bureau of statistics of labor, lie- port from Aug. 2, 1800, to March 1, 1870 151.12 — Debates and proceedings in the state convention to revise the constitu- tion, 1853. 3 V 131.0 — Journal of the convention to revise the constitu- tion, 1820,21 133.5 — liecords of the Massa- chusetts bay, 1G28-41 . . . 133.23 — Deport of a plan for the promotion of health, by the commissioners ap- pointed by the legisla- ture 31.10 — Deport of the joint com- mittee of 18 g 6 upon the proposed canal to unite Barnstable and Buz- zard’s bays 151.11 ■ — Dei)ort on the geology, mineralogy, botany, and zoology of Massachu- setts. By E. Hitchcock 32.21 — Deport on the herba- ceous llowering plaids of Massachusetts, [by C. DewetyJ 33.12 — Itejiort on the (piadrupeds of Massachusetts, [by E. EmmonsJ 33.12 — Barber, .1. W. Historical collections of 181.12 — Barry, .1. S. History of. 181. IG — Bradford, A. History of, J7G1-8'.) 133.y — Ilnlclimson, History of, 1G28-1750 132.10 Shelf. No. M A SH A c M u s ivi 'r s , r o — Mmol, (J. D. (hmlinua- Hon of the history of Massachnsctls bay, 1 718- G5 131.12 — Young, A. (Chronicles of the first jilnnters of 181.7 Sec. fit. ‘to r.oHton, Capo CoG, (Coticord, Concord river, Dor- clieHtcr, Iliixhiiry, Ehhcx coun- ty, Fitcliburj^. EexiiiKton, l.ynn, Merrimack river, Na- liant, I’lyinoutli, Hcitnale, Wal- tham, Watertown, Weston. Massachusetts historical society. I’roceedings in rt'spect to the memory of W. H. Prescott, Feb. 1, 1850 104.10 Massachusetts tpiarterly re- view. Vol. 1-3. 3v. .. G3.] Massachusetts society for the |)revention of cruelty to animals. Our tlumb animals. Vol. 1 4112 Massaniei.i.o. Milner, G... 1G5.21 Massktt, S. C. “ Drifting about” 213.10 Massincer, P. a new way to pay old dclits 1G5.G Masson, D. British novel- ists and their styles 157.10 — Life of Milton. Vol. 1.. 121.8 Master builder, The. Lee, D. K 108.5 Master llumjihrey’s clock. Dickens, C. (3. H.).... 325.8 Match in the dark. Dance, C 1G4.18 Maternity'. Verdi, T.S... 34. 2G MATHEii, C. Mather, S. Life of 215.15 — Peabody, W. B. O. Life of V. G of 117.1 Mather, R. Journal 181.7 Mather, S. Life of C. Math- er 215.15 Mathews, C. The bache- lor’s bedroom 164.15 — The dowagers 164.20 — Little Toddlekins 164.19 — Used up 164.2 Matrimony'. Kenney, J.... 164.11 Mattmo Falcone. Oxberry, W. H 164.16 Matteucci, C. Physical phenomena of human beings 207.23 Maturin, C. Bertram 165.8 Maturin, E. Viola 165.22 Maud. Tennyson, A. v. 2 of 167.10 Maundevilue, Sir J. See Mandeville, Sir J. Maundrell, 11. Narrative. See Wright, T 85.22 Mauprat. Dudevant, A. L. A. D 326.6 Maury, M. F. Physical ge- ography of the sea 362.2 — Sailing directions to ac- company wind and cur- rent charts 31.11 Maveri(;k, a. Story of the tel(!graph. See Briggs, C. F 364.32 Shrlf. No. ,M A vu.im'K, S., 'I’rlid of Brit- ish soldiers for I In; mur- der *)f, in Boston, 1770. 137.1 M A\ wi.i.i,, .1. S. 'I'he czar, his c()urt and pirople ... 106 22 Max WEI. I., S. 1 1. Miranda Flliot 211.17 May, E. .1. Mortimer’s col- lege life 211.22 May, Sophie, psrud. See Clarke, D. S. May' flower, ’I’he. Stowe, 1 1. (F.) M 312.2 May MA.NNEIHNC.p.ve/td. See Nowell, H. P. H. Mayhew, E. Hlustnded horse doctor 33.1 — Dogs and their manage- ment. See Herbert, H. W .33.2 — and Smith, G. Make your wills! 161.12, 23 May hew, 1 1. Boyhood of Martin Luther 17.16 — London labor and the London poor 151.10 — ’J'he peas!int-boy philoso- pher : [.!.] Fm'guson . . . 16.11 — The wandering min- strel 164.17 — Young Benjamin Frank- lin 17.17 Wonders of science ; or, young Humphry Davy. . 16.10 Mazej'Pa. Milner, H. M. .. 165.20 Measuj'.e for measure. Shakespeare, W. . .v. 3 of 163.1 V. 1 of 163.2 Measures. /See Webster, N., Dictionary of the Phig- lish language [Counting- house edition], pp. 550- 608 *D. D., A. 5 Mechanics. Amateur me- chanic’s workshop 33 7 — Appleton’s dictionary of. *D. D., G. 2 — Howe, H. Eminent 124.4 — Kater, H. Treatise on.. 367.34 — Kelt, T. Mechanic’s text- book 385.12 — Morin, A. Fundamental ideas of 363.8 — Moseley, H. Illustrations of 49.5 See also Engineering, Hy- draulics, Machines. Mechanics’ magazine. Vol. 5-10, 13. 7 V 416.1 Medbery, j. K. Men and mysteries of Wall street. 153.3 Medea. Euripides v. lof339.2 Medea. Dead, II. F 161.1 Medhurst, W. H. China; its state and prospects. 94.13 Medical biography, Amer- ican. Williams, S. W. 113.6 Medicine. Bigelow, J. Ra- tional 364.4 — Buchan, W. Domestic. 383.6 — Holmes, O. W. Currents and counter-currents in medical science 386.4 See also Anatomy, Health, HoinuiopathyJ’atliology, Phys- iology, Veterinary niediciues. MEDINA 55 MILL Shelf. No. Medina, L, H. Ernest Mal- travers 1G5.18 — The last days of Pompeii, from Bulwer 105.18 — Nick of the woods 105.26 Mediterranean, Summer cruise in the. Willis, N. P 97.24 Mediterranean islands, Sketches and stories of the. Sleeper, M. G. ... 27.18 Meg’s diversion. Craven, H. T 165.30 Meiniiold, J. W. Mary Schweidler, the amber witch 248.14; 307.8 Melancholy, Anatomy of. Burton, R 207.22 Melliciiampe. Simms, W. G 243.22- Melville, H. Omoo : ad- ventures in the South seas 85.14 — Piazza tales 247.20 — White-jacket 305.20 Memes, J. S. Memoirs of the empress Josephine. 19.41 Memorials and other pa- pers. De Quincey, T. 44.18 Memorials of early gen- ius 126.18 Memory. Memoriatechnica. Johnson, L. D 33.24 Men and mysteries of Wall street. Medbery, J. K. 153.3 Men and things. Baker, J. L 156.27 Men and women. Brown- ing, R 167.16 Men of the time 126.14 Men, women, and books. Hunt, (J. H.) Leigh.... 156.7 Men, women, and ghosts. Phelps, E. S 245.19 Men’s wives. Thackeray, W. M 153.27 Menault, E. Intelligence of animals 36.9 Mendelssohn - Bartiioldy, F. Letters from Italy and Switzerland 126.12 — Mozart and. See Bar- nard, C. F., jr. ...V. 1 of 27.14 Mental action, Imperfect and disordered. Upham, T. C 19.33 Mental science. See Intel- lectual powers. Mercadante, C. II giura- mento. Italian, with English translation.... 162.6 Mercedes of Castile. Coop- er, J F 286.13 Merchant of Berlin. Mundt, C 281.3 Merchant of Venice. Shake- speare, W 4 of 163.1 V. 1 of 163.2; 165.9 Merchants’ magazine. Hunt’s. Vol. 1-7, 10, 11, 13-25, 27-38, 60. 35 v. 414.1 Meredith, Owen, pseud. See Bulwer-Lytton, (E.) R. Merle d’Aubigne, J. H. History of the reforma- tion. 5 V 185,1 Shelf. No. Merrimack river. Mass., A week on the. Thoreau, 11. D 44.6 Merry mount. Motley, J. L 245.21 Merry wives of Windsor. Shakespeare, W. v. 2 of 163.1 V. 1 of 163.2; 165.24 Mesopotamia. Fraser, J. B. History of 47.10 — Southgate, H. Tour through 234.7 Metallurgy, Records of. Phillips, J. A 365.26 See also Iron. Metamora. Brougham, J. 164.20 Metamorphoses. Ovidius Naso, P 339.11 Metastasio, P., Genius of. See Carpani, G 126.16 Meteorology. Jenyns, L. Observations in 37.24 — Prout, W. Meteorology and natural theology .. . 37.6 — Zuercher, F. Meteors, etc 34.5 Meunier, V. Adventures on the great hunting grounds of the world . • . 36.5 Mexican war. Henry, W. S. Campaign sketches of the 356.7 — Jay, W. Causes and con- sequences of the 135.10 — Livermore, A. A. The war with Mexico re- viewed 136.2 Mexico. Calderon de la Barca, F. E. Life in... 97.20 — Ferry, G. Vagabond life in 95.10 — Prescott, W. H. Conquest of 148.15; 352.2 — Ruxton, G. F. Adven- tures in 95.4 — Wilson, R. A. Conquest of 134.11 — Wise, H. A. An inside view of 236.10 Meyerbeer, G. L’Africaine ; Dinorah ; L’etoile du nord ; Les Huguenots ; Le prophete ; Robert le diable. Italian, with English translation 162.5 Miall, j. G. Footsteps of ‘ our forefathers 207.6 Michael Erie. Wilks, T. E. 165.24 Michaud, J. F. History of the crusades. 3v 188.11 Michel-Angelo. See Buo- narroti, Michel-Angelo. Micfielet, j. History of France. 2 v 141.3 — Joan of Arc 127.2 — Life of Luther 105.1 — Modern history 19.28 Michigan, History of. Lan- man, J. H. 189.3 Micro-cynicon. Middleton, T 5 of 163.10 Microscope. Beale, L. S. How to work with the. 33.8 — Gosse, P. H. Evenings at the 386.14 Shelf. No. Middle ages. The world in the, Koeppen, A. L., .. 136.21 See also Crusadee, Middleton, T. Works. Vol. 2-5. 4v 163.10 Contents. — Vol. II. A trick to catch the old one ; The fam- ily of love; Your five gal- lants ; A mad world, my mastens ; The roaring girl ; III. The honest whore; The witch; The widow; A fair quarrel ; More dissemblers besides women. IV. A chaste maid in Cheapside ; The Span- ish gipsy: The changeling; A game at chess ; Any thing for a quiet life; Women beware women. V. No wit, no help like a woman’s; Tlie inner- temple masque; The world tost at Tennis ; Part of the en- tertainment to King James. The triumphs of truth ; Civi- tatis amor; The triumphs of love and antiquity; The sun in Aries ; The triumphs of in- tegrity; The triumphs of health and prosperity; The wisdom of Solomon para- phrased; Micro-cynicon; On the death of Burbage; To Webster on the duchess of Malfi; The black book; Fa- ther Ilubburd’s tales ; The triumphs of honor and indus- try. Middy ashore. Bernard, W. B 164.10 Midnight banquet 165.28 Midnight sun. Bremer, F. 261.22 Midsummer eve. Hall, A. M 261.36 Midsummer-night’s dream. Shakespeare, W. • .v. 4 of 163.1 V. 2 of 163.2; 165.15, 23 Mifflin, S. W. Modes of describing and adjusting railway curves and tan- gents 34.25 Milburn, M. M. The cow. V. 1 of 365.29 Milburn, W. H. The rifle, axe, and saddle-bags, and other lectures 243.15 — Ten years of preacher- life 102.4 Mildred Arkell. Wood, E. P 326.11 Miles, G. H. Mary’s birth- day 165.24 — Sehor Valiente 165.29 Miles, W. The horse’s foot. .^4.18 Miles O’Reilly, pseud. See Halpinc, C. G. Miles Standish, Courtship of. Longfellow, H. W. 166.28 Miles Wallingford. Cooper, J. F 286.12 Military art and science. Gilliam, W. Manual for the volunteers and mili- tia of the United States. 35.10 — MacClellan, G. B. The armies of Europe 93.4 See also Artillery, Engineer- ing, Infantry, Ordnance, Rifle, Tactics, War. Mill, J. S. Subjection of woman 156.5 Mill on the Floss. Lewes, M. J 287.19; 347.16 MILLENOKN MONASTKHY Shelf. No. MlLl-lCNClKN, J. G. Liulios at, home 10 1.1. ‘5 IVIiLLicu, K. 1*. Vital foree : how wasted and liow l)reserved Jhir).!.*] MiLLioii, G. History, iihilo- soiihically illustrated. 4 V Miller, H. An autobiogra- phy. My schools and schoolmasters 154.3 — Cruise of the Betsy 164.6 — Essays 154.4 — First impressions of Eng- land and its people 97.1 — Footiirints of the Crea- tor 154.1 — Headship of Christ, and rights of Christian peo- pie 154.2 — Old red sandstone 154.8 — Popular geology 154.9 — Tales and sketches 154.10 — Testimony of the rocks.. 154.5 Miller, S. Brief retrospect of the 18th century. Part 1. 2 V 143.2 — Life of J. Edwards. .V. 8 of 117.1 JNliLLKR, W. Views of the prophecies and prophetic chronology 3G6.2G — The king’s vesture ; com- paratively applied to. See Prior, W. M 3GG.25 Miller, The, and his men. Pocock, 1 1G5.21 Miller, The, of New Jersey. Brougham, J 1G5.23 Miller’s maid. The. Saville, J. E 1G4.10 Millot, C. F. X. Elements of general history. 5 v. 187.11 Mills, A. Literature and literary men of Great Britain and Ireland. 2 v. 151.5 Milmax, H. H. Fazio IGS.l — History of Christianity.. 142.11 — History of the Jews. 3v 48.13 Milxer, G. Massaniello. . . 1G5.21 Milner, H. M. The gam- bler’s fate 1G4.24; 1G5.21 — Mazeppa 1G5.20 Milnes, K. M. Life of J. Keats 194.14 — Poems of many years ... 1GG.16 Milton, J. Poetical works. Bost. 2v 1G1.5 Contp.nts. — Vol. I. Life, by J. Mitford; Paradise lost, b. I-IO. Jl. i’aradise lost, b. 11, 12; Paradise regained; Sam- son Agonistes; Com us; Lyc:i- das; II Penseroso; L’ Allegro; Arcades; Miscellaneous po- ems; Sonnets; Psabns; Jile- giarurn liber; Kiugrarnmatum liber; Sylvarum liber. Same. Lond. 2 v 1G7.24 (JonlPvtH. — Vol. I. Memoir, by .1. Montgomery ; Paradise lost. M. Paradise regained; Bamson Agoiiistes; (Jonius; Arcafles; Lycidas; L’ Allegro; II Ptiiseroso; BonnetH; Odes; M IscellanicH ; 'J’ranslations ; Llegiarum liber; ICjdgramma- tum liber; Bylvaruin liber. Sludf. No Mii.ton, j., rnntinurd. — I ’rose works. Vol. 1-3. 3 .337.5 (InntevtH. — Vol. I. Oefr-nce of the people of England; Becond defence; Elkonoklas- tes. II. 'I'enurc! of kings utnl magistrates ; Areopagitica; 3’ractfl on the commonwealth ; Obstuvations on Ormond’s pciice; Letters of state ; Rrltd notes on Dr. < Irillith’s sermon ; Reformation in Englainl ; I’re- liitical ej)iscopacy; Reason of church government tirged against jirelacy ; 'I’rue religion, heresy, schism; 'I’olerat ion ; Civil power in ecclesiastical cjiuscs. III. Likeliest means to remove hirelitigs f)ut of the cliurch; Anim.ailverslons upon the remonstrant’s defence against Smectymmius; Apolo- gy for Smectymnuus ; Doc- trine and discipline of divorce ; .Judgment of M arlin P.ucer con- cerning divorce; 'Tetrachor- don ; Colasterion ; 'I’ractate on cducatioti ; Declaration for tlic election of .lohn in, king of Poland; Familiar letters. — Life of. Ser Masson, 1). 121.8 Mimic life. Ritchie, A. C. (M.) Mniic stage. The. Baker, G. M 27.4 Mind. Moore, G. Use of the body in relation to the 207.8 — Rush, B. Diseases of the 154.12 See also Ins.anity, Intellec- tual powers, i’hilosophy. Phrenology, I’sychology. Mind your own business. Lemon, M 1G5.13 Minerali, The. Plunkett, H. G 1G5.18 Mineralogy. Bucklaud, W. IMineralogy as exhibit- ing the power, wisdom, and goodness of God .. 37.5 — Dana, J, D. System of. 382.1 — Hitchcock, E. Mineral- ogy of Massachusetts.. 32.21 See also Geology, Metallurgy. Minifie, W. Geometrical drawing 3G2.11 Minigo. Abbott, J. V. 11 of IG.l Mining, Eecords of. Phil- lips, J. A 3G5.26 Minister’s wife. Oliphant, M. (O. W.) 301.40 Minister’s wooing. Stowe, H. (E.) B 245.3 Minot, G. 11. Continuation of the history of Massa- chusetts bay, 1748-G5. 2 V 134.12 Minstrel’s gift. Turner, J. W 387.10 Minturn, U. B., jr. From New York to Delhi 234.13 Miracles, jiast and present. Mountford, W 167.17 Miralda. Jiallou, M. M. . . . 1G4.20 Miranda Elliot. Maxwell, S. 11 244.17 Miriam. Whittier, J. G. . .. 1G7.7 Hh. lf. No. Miria.m ,\lroy. Dlsranll, M. ;Hl.r»l,GI Miscilll I' MAKING. Bnck- stoiw, .1. n i(;i.i2 M isrki’resian I A I iGN. 1 )rnry, A. H 302.19 Miss ( !arew. Edwanls, .A. B. 2G1.5I M iss Majoribanks. ( Jliphant, M. (( ). w.) 261.49 Mi.ss R)i\ ’enel’s (tonverslon from secession to loy- alt V. I)e Forest, J. W. 321.9 Misslng brid(!. Sontliworih, E. 1). E. N 344.4 Missions, Foreign. Ander- son. R 366.3 Mississim •I. Rieliardson, A. 1). 1 ieyond the 82.1 1 — Thiers , (L.)A. The Mis- sissipjii bubble 196.20 Mr. . Lamb, . . v. 2 of 156.9 .Mr. and Mrs. Peter White. Raymond, R J 1GL19 Mr. Mid.slii[)inan Easy. Mar- ryat, F 323. G Mr. Snigsby’s yacht 218.27 Mistress and maid. Craik, I). (M.) M .302.17 Mrs. Caudle’s curtain lec- ture, adapted from 1). Jerrold. Stirling, E. ]Gt.l4,2G Mrs. (hiudle’s curtain lec- tures. Jerrold, I) 17.11 Mrs. Gerald’s niece. Fuller- ton, Lndij G .301.17 Mitchell, I). G. (/^• Mar- vel.) Dream life 217.12 Same. New ed 1.58.9 — Fudge doings. 2 v 247.9 — The lorgnette. 2 v 247.11 — New sheaf from the old helds of continental Eu- rope 247.10 — Reveries of a bachelor.. 24G.24 — Seven stories, with base- ment and attic 244.12 Mitchell, J. Principles and practice of the congre- gational churches of New England 3G7.1 Mitchell, W. Bryan Mau- rice 24G.26 Mitford, M. R. Recollec- tions of a literary life.. 125.2 — Rienzi 1G5.20 — Life of. See L’Estrange, A. G. K 13G.13 Mob cap. The. Paul, J. H. 1G4.7 Modern British Plutarch. Taylor, W. C 158.18 Modern pilgrims. Wood, G 386.13 Moens, W. j. C. English travellers and Italian brigands 86.7 Mogg Megone. Whittier, J. G 1 of 167.12 Mohammed. Bush, G. Life of 48.29 — Irving, W. Mahomet and his successors v. 9 of 46.6 Moll Pitcher. Jones, J. S. 165.23 Moaientous question. Fitz- ball, E 165.25 Monastery, The. Scott, Sir W 9 of 263.5 MONASTIC 57 MOTHER Shelf. No. Monastic orders, Lc^euds of the. Jameson, A. (M.) 47.19 Moncrieff, W. T. The cat- aract of the Ganges.... 165.20 — The Jewess 165.17 — Monsieur Tonson 164.12, 23 — The spectre bridegroom. 164.16 — Tom and Jerry 164.14, 25 Money. Bulwer-Lytton, E. (G. E. L.) 165.1 Money, weight, and meas- ure, Tables of. See Webster, N., Dictionary of the English language [Counting-house edi- tion], pp. 550-608.. *R. R., A. 5 Money getting. Art of. Rede, L. T 158.13 Monikins. Cooper, J. F. .. . 286.14 'Monnter, M. Wonders of Pompeii 36.11 Monroe, J., Life of. See Adams, J. Q 195.6 Mons.vlvatge, R. (B. E.) Life 198.1 Monsieur Tonson. Mon- crielf, W. T 164.12,23 Montagu, M. W., lo,dtj. Letters 195.15 Montclair, J. W. Real and ideal 167.21 Monte-Cristo, The count of. Dumas, A. (D.)... 321.1 Montepin, X. de. The Cor- sican brothers. See Grange, E 165.13 Montesquieu, C. de Secoii- dat, baron de. Works. 4 V 332.3 Montgomery, H. - Life of Z. Taylor 107.4 Montgomery, J. Poetry and general literature. . 158 8 — Life of. Nee Knight, H. C. 136.12 Montgomery, R., Life of. See Armstrong, J. v. 1 of 117.1 V. 3 of 123.7 Monthly anthology, and Boston review. Vol. 2-8. 7 V 394.2 Monthly religious maga- zine. Vol. 1-4, 7, 9-22, 24, 25, 27-31, 33, 34, 37- 40. 29 V. in 30 397.10 Monthly traveller. Vol. 1. 411.4 Montolieu, I. P. de B. de. Swiss family Robinson. See Wyss, J. R. von 17.4 Moodie, S. Life in the clear- ings versus the bush... 96.26 — Mark Hurdlestone 246.20 — Roughing it in the bush ; or, life in Canada 87.19 Moonstone, The. Collins, (W.) W 301.10 Moohe, E. The gamester. . 165.2 Moore, F. Diary of the American revolution 2v 181.6 Moore, G. Use of the body in relation to the mind. 207.8 Moore, John, M. D. Jour- nal during a residence in France, in 1792. 2 v .. 236.23 — View of society and man- ners in Italy 94.18 8 Shelf. No. Moore, John, esq. Mad dogs 164.15 Moore, J. G. That blessed baby 164.9 Moore, T. Poetical works. 6 V 228.6 Contents. — Vol. I. Memoir; Ode.s of Anacreon translated into English verse; Epigrams from the Anthologia; Juvenile lioems. It. Poems relating to America; Corruption, and in- tolerance ; The sceptic ; Two- penny post-bag; Satirical and humorous poems; Political and satirical poems; The Fudge family in Paris; Fables for the holy alliance. III. Sa- tirical and humorous poems; The Fudges in England. IV. Irish melodies; National airs; Sacred songs ; Set of glees ; Ballads, songs, and miscella- neous poems. V. Evenings in Greece; Legendary ballads; The summer fete; Miscella- neous poems; Songs from the Greek anthology ; Unpublish- ed songs; Rhymes on the road; Alciphron. VI. Lalla Rookh; The loves of the angels. — Life of Lord Byron. 2 v. 121.3 — Memoirs of R. B. Sheri- dau. 2v 102.2 Moorland cottage. Gas- kell, E. C 307.1 Moors of Spain. Floriau, J. P. C. de 47.8 Moral feelings. The. Aber- crombie, J 19.17 Moral philosophy. See Ethics. More, H. Works. 7 v 204.1 Contents. — Vol. I. Reposi- tory tales. II. Ccelebs in search of a wife; Essays; Mo- riana. III. Christian morals ; Moral sketches ; Reflections on prayer. IV. Practical piety; Life and writings of St. Paul. V. Manners of the great ; Re- ligion of the fashionable world ; Tragedies ; Poems. VI. Stric- tures on female education; Sacred dramas. VII. Hints for forming the character of a princess; Spirit of i>rayer; Bible rhymes. — Female education. 2 v. 207.2 — Practical piety. 2v 389.5 — Life and correspondence of. See Roberts, W. . . 196.3 More blunders than one. Rodwell, T. G 164.15 More dissemblers besides women. Middleton, T. V. 3 of 162.10 Moreland, Henry, earl of, History of. See Brooke, H 199.5 Morgan, H. Ned Nevins, the news boy 14.29 Morin, A. Fundamental ideas of mechanics 363.8 Morison, j. H. Life of Jeremiah Smith 196.9 Mohmonism. History of the saints. Bennett, J. C. 386.11 Mormons, The. English, T. D 165.22 lyioRNiNG call. Dance, C... 164.8 Morocco, Spanish campaign in. Hardman, F 185.8 Shelf. No. Morphy, P. Games of chess. 37.19 Morris, E. Farming for boys 22.6 — How to get a farm . 365.18 Morrisons, The. Hosmer, M 324.20 Mortimer’s college life. May, E. J 244.22 Morto.n, E. The Eton boy. 164.17 Morton, J. M. Betsy Ba- ker 164.16 — Box and Cox 164.3 — The double-bedded room. 164.15 — Dying for love 164.20 — Grimshaw, Bagshaw, and Bradshaw 164.6 — The Irish tiger 164.9 — Lend me five shillings . . 165.3 — A most unwarrantable in- trusion 164.19 — My husband’s ghost!.... 164.18 — Our wife 164.16 — Poor Pillicoddy 164.17 — A regular fix! 164 22 — Sent to the tower 164.18 — Slasher and Crasher.... 164.4 — A thumping legacy 164.10 — Ticklish times 164.20 — To Paris and back, for five pounds 164.9 — The two Bonnycastles . . 164.6 — The two Buzzards 164.16 — Who stole the pocket- book 164.19 — All that glitters is not gold. Nee Morton, T- . . 164.5 — The writing on the wall. See Morton, T 165.13 Morton, S. G. Types of manhood : or, ethnologi- cal researches 32.16 Morton, T. The angel of the attic 164.22 — Children in the wood. .164.12, 23 — A cure for the heartache. 165.2 — GotobedTom 164.7 — A pretty piece of busi- ness 164.9 — A Roland for an Oliver.. 164.15 — The school of reform... 165.20 — Seeing Warren (adapted from “ Seeing Wright ”) 164.21 — Sketches in India 165.13 — Speed the plough 165.7 — Town and country 165.10 — and J. M. All that glit- ters is not gold 164.5 The writing on the wall 165.13 Mosaics. Saunders, F 153.19 Moseley, H. Illustrations of mechanics 49.5 Moses in Egypt. Rossini, G. A 162.7 Mosiieim, j. L. von. Ec- clesiastical history. 6 v. 142.12 Mosquito shore. Adventures on the. Bard, S. A. ... 95.21 Moses from an old manse. Hawthorne, N. ...45.14; 248.1 Most unwarrantable intru- sion, A. Morton, J. M. 164.19 Mother and sou. Opie, A. V. 3 of 282.5 Mother - in - law. The. Southworth, E. D. E. N. 344.6 MO'I'IIKH’S NATOLKON r>H Kliflf. No. Motiiiok’s mission, 'I'ln* 218.28 Motjikk’n n‘(;<)mi>ensc, 'I'Ik'. AjL^uiliir, (J 827.15 Mo’i iiKni.icss cliildrcn, Tlic. I5iik('r, JI. N. (W.) 14.4 Moth Kins iuid nurses. Donne, A 207.10 Moti.ky, J. \j. History of the United Netherlands. 4v 182.2 — Merry-mount. 2 v. in 1. 24.5.21 — Nlse of the Dutch re]>nl)- lic. 3 V 182.4 Moulton, L. C. Idy tldrd book 244.13 Mt. lloiA'OKK female sem- inary. Memorial [of the I 2.5tli anniversary . . 3(55.33 Mount Vernon papers, The. Everett, E 154.10 Mountaineeus, Tlie. Col- man, G., /he yovnf/er 105.0 Mounteoui), W. Eutlianasy. 200.1 — Miracles, past and pres- ent 157.17 — Thorpe 248.17 Moustache, Vienx, pseud. See Gordon, C. Moavatt, a. C. See Ritchie, A. C. (M.) Mozaut, (J. 0. S. G.) W. A. Don Giovanni; 11 llauto maaico ; Marriage of Figaro. Italian, wit h English translation 102.13 — Letters. 1700-01. 2 v. 100.0 — Barnard, C. F., jr. Mo- zart and Memielssohn. V. 1 of 27.1 — Holmes, E. Life of 100.10 — Schlichtegroll,M. Life of. 120.10 Much ado about nothing. Shakespeare, AY. . . v. 3 of 103. 1 V. 2 of 103.2; 105.8 Much ado about nothing; and other stories 18.5 Mudge, Z. a. Witch hill: a history of Salem witch- craft 137.4 Mui) 1 k, 1L Popular guide to the observation of na- ture 10.18 MuEiiLiJACii, Louise, pseud. See Mundt, C. Mueller, C. O. Ancient art and its remains 151.0 Mueller, G. Life of trust. 110.14 Mueller von Koenigswin- TER, W. Von drei Muh- len 277.7 — Zum stillen Vergniigen. 2 277.4 Muloch. D. M. See Craik, D. (M.) M. Mum.my, The. Bernard, W. B 104.17 Mundt, C. (Louise Miield- haeh,.) Andreas Ilofer. 281.4 — Bei lin and Sans-souci .. . 281.10 — The daughter of an em- press 281.1 — 'Die empr(;ss .Josepliine . . 281.7 — Frederiek the great and his court 305.25 — Frederick tlie great and his family 281.2 Shcir. No. Mundt, C.. roulitno d . — Goellie and Schiller 281.5 — Henry vm and his court. 281.8 — .loseph II and his c(mrt. 281.11 — Louisa of Prussia and her times 281.12 — Marie Antoinette and her son 281.13 — 'file merchant of I’erlin. 281.3 — Napoleon in Germany. Napoleon and Bluclicr.. 281.0 Napoleon and the (pieen of Prussia 281.14 — Old Fritz and the new era. 281.15 — Prince Eugene and his times 281.0 — Two life-jiaths 281.17 Munn, B. Land drainer. . . 35.13 Murdek will out. Opie, A. V. 2 of 282.5 Murderer, 'J’he. Spiess, C. 11 1 of 327.30 Murereesroro’, "Tom., Ke- j)ort on the battle ol, by W. S Kosccrans. See United Slates 352.7 Murray, Amelia iM. Letters from the United States, Chiba and Canada 07.4 Murphy, Arthur. Three weeks after marriage .. 105.0 Murray, 11. British Amer- ica. 2 V 10.1 — and others. Account of British India. 3 v 40.0 Discovery and adven- ture ill the polar seas and regions 48.10 Murray, J. Handbook for Paris 87.2 — Handbook for Turkey ... 87.11 — Handbook to the cathe- drals of England. See King, K. J..^ 87.22, 23 Murray, N. (Kinoan.) Let- ters to the Kight Lev. J. Hughes 387.15 Murray, AV. H. H. Adven- tures in the wilderne>s; or, camp-life in the Adi- rondacks 87.12 Musard ball. Brougham, J. 104.14, 25 Museum, The. Abbott, J. Y. 0 of 16.1 Music. Hullah, J. Third or transition period of musical history 152.10 — La Motte, G. de. Piano and musical matter .... 381.3 — Panseron, A. A B C of. 363.7 Muster-roll, The 389.20 Mutiny of the Bounty. Barrow. Sir J 47.1 Muzzea% a. B. The young maiden 307.10 My Apingi kingdom. Du Chailiu, P. B 23.1 My aunt Margaret’s mirror. Scott, Sir W V. 20 of 203.5 My brother’s wife. Edwards, A. B 261.31 My courtship and its con- seipiences. VVikolf, 11. 247.18 My fellow clerk. Oxenford, .1 1(54.10 Hhclf. No. ,Mv husband’s gln>st I Mor- ton, .1. M 1(51,18 M Y husband’s mirror. ( ’lapp, W. W., jr 1(51.17 My huly Ludlow. Gaskell, P. C 2(51.3 My neighbor’s wife. I5unn, A. 101.9 Mv son Diami, Harris, A. 101,19 My third book, MouIdhi, L. C 214.13 My two sisters. .Tudson, E. (U.) 20.25 My wife’s husband. Challis, P 1(51 12, 23 My wife’s mirror. Wilkins, E. G. P 1(54.10 ,My young wife, and my old umbrella. Webster, 11. 1(54.17 Mysori:, .lourney through. Buchanan, F 81.1 Mysncry, Bhilosojihy of. Dendy, W. C .380 19 Mysi ery, 'I he. Wood, E, P 321.10 My.stpry of Edwin Drood, Dickens, C. (.L H.) .... 281.29 M YTHoiAxiY. Gladstone, W. E. 'I'lio gods and men in the heroic age 150.13 — ’1 homas, .1. Dictionary of *11. It., A. 14 Naror, 3'he Foote, 8 103.12 Nach j igai., j. C. (J. Popu- lar traditions v. 2 of 327.25 Nahant, Mass., History of. Lewis, A 134.10 Naiad queen. Dalrymple, J. S 105.28 Napoleon I. Argument for the divinity of Clirist and the Scriptures 389.20 — Conlidential correspond- ence with Ids brother Joseph. 2 v 123.6 — Abbott,.!. S. C. History of 141.6 Napoleon at St. Helena. 352.13 — Court and camp of 49.8 — Forsyth, AA^. Captivity at St. Helena 124.14 — Headley, J. T. Napoleon and his marshals 215.7 — Jauot, L.F., duchesse d’A- brantes. Memoirs of. .. 141.2 — Las Casas, M, J. E. D., count de. Private life and conversations of... 353,1 — Lockhart, J. G. History of 48.24 — O’Meara, B. E. Napoleon in exile 215.5 — Scott, Sir yV. Life of. . . 187.4 — Thiers, L. A. Consulate and empire of 134.23 — AVatson. H. C. Camp- tire ■; of 187.6 NAPOLlijN HI. History of Julius Ciesar. 2 v 142.1 — Napoleonic ideas 147.25 — The destroyer of the sec- ond republic. See Hugo, V^. (M.) 147.7 Napoleon and Bliicher. Mundt, C 281.6 NAPOLEON 59 NEW HAMPSHIRE Shelf. No. Napoleon and the queen of Prussia. Miindt, C. ... 281.14 Nares, E. Universal his- tory, continued. Nee Tytlcr, A. F 59.3 Narrative of an English soldier 389.20 Narrative of the massacre in Boston, 5th of March, 1770 353.8 Nash, J. A. Treatise on agricultural chemistry . . 3G5.25 Nathalie. Kavanagh, J. .. 2G4.14 National quarantine and sanitary convention. Report on the impor- tance of sanitary meas- ures to cities, by J. Bell 31.20 National quarterly review. Vol. 1-10, 13. llv. ... 54.1 National tales. Hood, T. 245.5 Natural history. Agassiz, L. (J. R.) Methods of study in 3G.34 — Darwin, C. (R.) Natural history of the countries visited by the Beagle . . . 37.27 — Gosse, P. H. Romance of 35.9 — Greenwood, J. Wild sports of the world 84.2 — Martin, F. Natural his- tory 285.21 -T- The reason why 385.17 — Scheie de Vere, M. Won- ders of the deep 34.14 — White, G. Natural his- tory of Selborne 47.17 — Wood, J. G. Homes without hands 31.6 Illustrated 34.12 See also Animals, Birds, Botany, Chemistry, Elephant, Geology, Insects, Meteorolo- gy, Mineralogy, Nature, Orni- thology, Philosophy, Physical geography. Quadrupeds, Sea, Zoology. Natural history of quadru- peds 19.20 Natural history of the ele- phant 19.4 Natural philosophy. See Physics. Natural theology. Nee The- ology. Naturalist. Biart, L. Ad- ventures of a young. .. . 22.19 — Bush wanderings of a. . . 26.20 Nature. Bucke, C. Beau- ties, harmonies, and sublimities of 19.21 — Good, J. M. Book of... 383.1 — Humboldt, (F. H.) A. von. Aspects of 385.7 Views of 36.37 — Lanoye, F. (T.) de. The sublime in 36.6 — Mudie, R. Guide to the observation of 19.18 — Scheie de Vere, M. Stray leaves from the book of. 364.27 Nature and philosophy 164.16 Nature’s nobleman. Par- dey, H. 0 165.14 Shelf. No. Naval architecture. Iron ship building. Fair- bairn, W 33.9 Naval art and science. Par- ker, F. A. Squadron tactics under steam ...» 33.14 — Totten, B. J. Naval text- book 365.21 Naval engagements. Dance, C. 164.4 Naval gunnery, Treatise on. Simpson, E 31.22 Navigation. Sailing direc- tions to accompany wind and current charts. Maury, M. F 31.11 Neal, D. History of the puritans. 2 v 142.7 Neal, John. True woman- hood 243.9 Neal, Joseph C. Charcoal sketches 324. 15 Neander, (J.) A. (W.) Life of Jesus Christ 122.3 Nebraska, History of. Hale, E. E 235.20 Necker ue Saussure, a. a. Progressive education. . 154.26 Ned Myers. Cooper, J. F. 286.17 Ned Nevins, the news boy. Morgan, H 14.29 Negroes. Livermore, G. Negroes as slaves, as citizens, and a^ soldiers. 183.10 — Van Evrie, J. H. Negroes and negro slavery 156 23 Neighbor Jackwood. Trow- bridge, J. T 165.27 Neighbors, The. Bremer, F 157.21; 283.17; 302.21 Neighbors’ wives. Trow- bridge, J. T 342 12 Neily, K j. Fine feathers do not make fine birds. 26.8 Nelson, H., lord, Life of. See Southey, R. ..48.16; 127.18 Nennius. History of the Britons. See Giles, J. A 337.2 Neptune’s defeat. Brough- am, J 164.14, 26 Nero, History of. See Ab- bott, J 15.28 NervOus man. The, and the man of nerve. Bernard, W. B 165.6 Netherlands. Grattan, T. C. History of the 148.2 — Motley, J. L. History of the United 182.2 Rise of the Dutch re- public 182.4 — Schiller, (J. C.) F. von. Revolt of the United . . . 148.4 157.24 See also Belgium, Holland. Neues Novellenbuch. Riehl, W. H 277.2 Nevins, W. Sermons 386.12 Nevius, j. R. China and the Chinese 85.16 New America. Dixon, W. H 85.1 New American cyclopaedia. 16 *R. R.,B. 1 Shelf. No. New atmosphere. Dodge, M. A 45.7 New Christmas stories. Dickens, C. (J. 1 1.).... 325.8 New footman. Selby, C. .. 164.8 New Jerusalem church. Bush, G. Reply to Dr. Woods’ “ Lectures on Swedenborgianism ” . .. 383.10 — Cabell, N. F. Reply to Dr. Pond’s “ Sweden- borgianism reviewed.” 383.10 New monthly magazine. Vol. 7, 8, 10. 3 V 76.1 New priest in Conception bay. Lowell, R. T. S. 245.10 New sketches of every-day life. Bremer, F 261.44 New star papers. Beecher, H. W 385.8 New way to pay old debts. Massinger, P 165.6 New world. Read, H. F. . . 161.1 Newcomb, H. Anecdotes for boys 18.24 — Anecdotes for girls 18.26 — How to be a lady 18.23 — How to be a man 18.22 — Kind words for children. 18.25 Newcombe, S. P. Pleasant pagevS for young peo- ple 15.42 Newcomes, The. Thackeray, W. M 302.2; 347.9 Newell, R. H. (Orpheus C. Kerr.) The Orpheus C. Kerr papers. 2d series. 244.19 New England. Bradford, A. Distinguished men in 195.14 — Elliott, C. W. New Eng- land history, 986-1776.. 181.15 — Palfrey, J. G. History of 132.12 — Samuels, E. A. Orni- thology and oology of.. 31.8 — Winthrop, J. History of, 1630-49 187.9 See also Pilgrims, and the names of the states within the limits of New England. New-England historic-gen- ealogical society. Ter- centenary celebration of the birth of Shake- speare 101.1 — Tribute to the memory of E. Everett 193.5 New England historical and genealogical register. Vol. 1-5, 7-15, 19,22-24. 18 74.1 New England magazine. Vol. 1-3, 5, 6. 5 V 373.1 New-England tragedies. Longfellow, H. W 166.26 New Granada. Twenty months in the Andes. Holton, I. F. 232.3 ' Newiiall, j. R. Essex me- morial, for 1836 357.2 New Hampshire, History of. Belknap, J 187.8 See also New Ipswich, White mountains. NEW IPSWICH OMUUKN GO Shilf. No. Ni«w Ii’swKMi, N. If., IliH- iory of. KiddcM-, P 181.4 Nicwman, .1. I*. “ From Dan to lieorsiK'ha or, tJio land of promise! 11.5.0 Nkw Mnxioo and her people!. Davis, W. W. 11 8.5.24 New Netiieki.ands. iSee New York. Neav Oki.eans, Campaign of the British army at, in 181.5. Gleig, G.R 183.11 NEWsrAPEE literature. Speci- mens of. Buckingliain, J. T 115.10 News'I'eai) abbey. Irving, W 3 of 40.0 Newton, Sir I., Life of. See Brewster, Sir D. .. 10.12 Neavton Forster. Marrvat, F 247.22; 323.12 New York, City. Abbott, J. Marco Paul iii..v. 1 of 10. 4 — Boese, T. Public educa- tion in 133.3 — Medbery, J. K. Men and mysteries of AYall street. 153.3 — Minturn, R. B.,;>. From New York to Delhi 234.13 — The old brewery and the new mission house at Five points 204.12 — Peirce, B. K. New York house of refuge and its times 154.14 — Loyal publication society. [Publications.] 3v. .. 133.1 Note. — For contents, see C.-vtalogue of Bates Hall, First supplement. — Military post library as- sociation. [Various pub- lications] 389.20 Contents. — Manual of health, hy W. W. Hall. — The sol- dier’s pocket Bible. — Narrative of an English soldier. — AVash- ington: the soldier and Chris- tian, by M. Vernon. — The brave and happy soldier, by Miss Marsh. — Will you en- list? or, the soldier out of uni- form. — An evening with the chaplain, by J. \\’. Larimore. — The roll-call ; or, how will you answer it. — The war which knows no exempts, and gives no quarter, by AV. R. AVilliarns. — Out on picket. — Naxjoleon’s argument for the divinity of Christ and the Scriptures. — The cax)tain and ills orderly, by Miss E. AV. Baarnhielm. — The four sol- diers; or, right about, face. — 'i'he soldier’s knapsack. — Me- morials of Lieut. G. W. Pyle, U. S. A., by J. Woart. — The pass-word, by C. B. Taylor. — 'J’lie muster-roll, and other sketches. New York, Colony and pro- vince. History of the New NctJierhiuds. Dun- lap, W 132.1 New York, Slate. Dunlap, W. History of 148.9 — Irving, W. History of. V. 1 of 40.0 — Smith, W. History of.. 134.2 Sec. also Adirond.acks, Niag- ara falls, 'i’ryon county. Shrlf, No. New A'ork review. Vol.3-8. Ov 57.1 Ngami, Lak(!. Andersson, ('. .1 95.10 Niagara I'.vm.s, Guide from, to (^uel)cc. Hunl(!r, W. S 239.2 Nicaragua. Stpder, F. G. People, sccn(!ry, monu- ments, (!tc., of 82.1 — Wells, W. V. Bxpedition to 130.10 Nicholas Nickleby. Dick- ens, C. (J. H.). .247.27 ; 284.4 — Same. Dramatized. See Stirling, F 104.20 Nichols, G. W. Story of the great march 130.8 Nicholson, 1*. Carpenter’s new guide 301.1 Nick of the woods. Medina, L. H 105.20 Nieruhr, B. G. Life and letters 103.3 Niger, Fxiicdition to the. Lander, R. and J 48.27 Night and morning. Brougham, .T 105.18 Nile. Curtis, G. AVL Nile notes of a howadji 97.7 — Speke, J. H. Discovery of the source of the 83.12 Niles, H. Principles and acts of the revolution in America 182.1 Nina. Bremer, F 201.43 Nina Gordon. StoAve, 11. (E.) B 342.5 Note. — Originally published under the title of Dred. Ninea'eii. Buried city of the East 233.4 — Layard, A. H. Discov- eries among the ruins of 82.2; 235.19 Nineveh and its re- mains 91.1 No!! 164.11 No name. Collins, (W.) AV. 241.1; 244.25 No wit, no help like a avo- man’s. Middleton, T. V. 5 of 163.10 Noble heart. The. LeAves, G. H 165.29 Noble life, A. Craik, D. (M.) M 264.8 Nolte, V. Fifty years in both hemispheres 215.16 Norah Creina. Stirling, E. 164.17 Nordiioff, C. Cape Cod and all along shore 324 5 — Stories of the island world 307.4 Contents. — Madagascar, Ja- va, Iceland, Ceylon, and New Zealand. Norma. Bellini, V 162 8 Norman Maurice. Simms, W. G V. 1 of 167.32 Norris, T. American an- gli!r’sbook 31.10 North America. Trollope, A 94.20; 235.10 Mhrir. No. North and South. Ga'^kell, B. C 201.5 Nori HAI L, AV. K. Macbeth Iravi'slle 1(;4.5 North American revlcAv. Vol. .3-108. 100 V. 08.1 Nori 11 Cape, 'I'raA els to the, in 179M,9!). Ai'erbi, .1. . 301.3 Norhi Carollna, History of. Williamson, H 134.14 Nor I II Star, (!ruis(! of Ihe yacht. Chonlcs, .1. (). .. 87.15 Northeni), C. Teacher’s assistant 154.24 Norihern antitjuitics. Mal- let, P. H 235.15 Norihern traveller to the springs, [etc. | 239.1 Nor i H-AVEsr passage!. Par- ry, Sir W. E. Se-eemd voyage for the discovery of a 232.7 Voyages for the dis- covery of a 48.20 Noimh-avestern territory, Early settlement of the. Burnet, .1 133.0 Norton, J. P. Scientific agriculture 34.23 Noravaa'. Braea*, C. L. Visit to the homes of. . . 230.9 — Sleeper, M. G. Sketches and stories of 27.17 Noravooi). Beecher, H. AV. 312.15 Not Avisely, but too well 302.47 Noie book of an English opium-eater. De t^uin- cey, T 44.19 Nothing new. Craik, D. (M.) M 241.3 Nothing to nurse. AA’'alcot, C. M 164.12 Noav or never. Adams, AV. T 11.4 Nowell, H. P. IL (May Manneriny.) Helping- hand series. Billy Grimes’ favorite 14.10 Climbing the rope 14.13 Cruise of the Dash- aAvay 14.11 The little Spaniard 14.12 Salt-water Dick 14.9 Noyes, G. R. Translation ofthe Psalms, Avith notes. 385.3 Nubia. Prime, AV. C. Boat life in 87.18 — Russell, M. History, an- tiquities, etc., of 19.30 Number one, round the cor- ner. Brough, AV 164.16 Nuttall, T. Systematic and physiological bot- any 364.24 Oak-openings, The. Coop- er, J. F 246.12: 286.16 Oakfielb. Arnold, AV. D. 246.1 Object, An, of interest. Stocqueler, J. H 164.16 Object lessons. Calkins, N. A 154.23 O’Brien, F. A gentleman from Ireland 164.14, 25 O’Brien, W. S. Principles of government 267.25 O’CALLAGIIAN 61 ORTON Shelf. No. O’Callagtian, P. P. The married bachelor 164.13 Ocean waifs. Reid, M 25.9 OCKLEY, S. History of the Saracens 338.3 Odd people. Reid, M 25.2 Odd-temfered man. Confes- sions of an. Opie, A. V. 3 of 282.5 ; v. 2 of 327.30 Odiorne, J. C. Opinions on speculative masonry ... . 156.19 Odyssey. Homerus. V. 2, 3 of 339.18 CEdipus Coloneus. Sopho- cles 339.16 CEdipus tyrannus. Sopho- cles 339.16 Offenbach, J. Barbe-bleue ; La belle Helene ; Gene- vieve de Brabant ; Grand duchess of Gerolstein ; “Orphens”; La peri- chole. French, with English translation 162.9 O’Flannigan and the fairies, Recollection of. Brough- am, J 164.9 Ogilvies, The. Craik, D. (M.) M 261.4 Oglethorpe, J., Life of. See Peabody, W. B. O. V. 2 of 117.2 Okavango river. The. An- dersson, C. J 83.3 O’Keeffe, J". Wild oats ... 165.24 Olcott, H. S. Sorgho and imphee 364.19 Old and new. Vol. 1 392.1 Old and young. Salmon, J. 165.27 Old, The, brewery and the new mission house at Five points 204.12 “ Old Block,” psernZ. A live woman in the mines 164.12 Old corner cupboard. Liv- ermore, 3Irs 287.24 Old countess. Hoefer, E. 326.3 Old curiosity shop. Dick- ens, C. (J. H.) 284.15 Old dower house Grey, 3/rs. 341.31 Old-fashioned girl,. An. Alcott, L. M 325.1 Old Fritz and the new era. Mundt, C 281.15 Old guard. The 164.4 Old heads and young hearts. Boucicault, D. (L.) .... 165.9 Old homestead. Stephens, A. S 306.11 Old horse Gray, and the parish of Grumbletou. Hopper, E 166.30 Old mam’selle’s secret. John, E 326.20 Old Mortality. Scott, Sir W V. 5 of 263.5 Old portraits and modern sketches. Whittier, J. G v. 1 of 157.9; 206.15 Oldtown folks. Stowe, H. (E.) B 342.4 Olin, S. Travels in Egypt, Arabia Petraea, and the Holy Land. 2 v 234.4 Olio ; or, speaker’s compan- ion 164.21 Shelf. No. Olipiiant, L. Earl of El- gin’s mission to China and Japan, 1857-59 82.13 — Russian shores of the Black sea, 1852 94.22 Olipiiant, M. (O.W.) Agnes. 301.34 — Agnes Ilopetoun’s schools and holidays 15.40 — The Athelings 261.38 — Brownlows 261.56 — Chronicles of Carlingford. 301.15 — The days of my life 305.28 — Historical sketches of the reign of George ii 122.5 — The laird of Norlaw.... 303.10 — The last of the Morti- mers 324.6 — Life of E. Irving 121.5 — Lilliesleaf 287.12 — Lucy Crofton 324.8 — Madonna Mary 261.16 — The minister’s wife 301.40 — Miss Marjoribanks 261.49 — The perpetual curate. .. . 301.24 — A sou of the soil 301.23 Olive. Craik, D. (M.) M. 302.9 Olive and pine. Lowe, M. P 167.27 Oliver, P. Puritan com- monwealth reviewed. See Thornton, J. W. .. 353.10 Oliver Newman. Southey, R 161.2; V. 10 of 227.2 Oliver Optic, pseud. See Adams, W. T. Oliver Optic’s magazine. Our boys and girls. Vol. 1-3,5. 4v .. 175.1 Oliver Twist. Dickens, C. (J. H.) 284.7 Same. Dramatized. See Almar, G 165.23 Olmsted, D. Compendium of astronomy 367.29 Olmsted, F. L. Journey in the back country 96.14 — Journey in the seaboard slave states 97.23 — Journey through Texas . . 96.19 O’Meara, B. E. Napoleon in exile. 2v 215.5 Omnibus, The 164.4 On guard. Cudlip, A 261.53 On the heights. Auerbach, B 325.7 On the wing. Bu instead, J. 36 32 On time. Adams, W. T. .. 13.11 One coat for two suits. Walcot, C. M 164.11 One of them. Lever, C. (J.) 302.4 One touch of nature. Web- ster, B 164.22 One week at Amer 166.22 One year. Carlen, E. (F.) 264.22 O’Neal the great. Clarke, N. H. B 165.30 Only a pauper 249.7 Only herself. Cudlip, A. .. 261.37 Opie, A. Works. Vol. 2-6. 5v 282.5 Contents.—VoX. If. Adeline Mowbray; Murder will out; The revenge; The orphan; The soldier’s return ; The uncle and nephew; Love and duty; The death-bed; Tlie black velvet pelisse. III. II- Shelf. No. Opie, A., continued. lustrations of lying; The fa- ther and daughter; The qua- ker, and the young man of the world; A tafe of trials; Tlie confessions of an odd-tem- pered man; The ruflian boy; The welcome home ; The moth- er and son. IV. Lady Anne and Lady Jane; Austin and his wife; A woman’s love; A wife’s duty; The two sons; The opposite neighbor. V. Love, mystery, and supersti- tion ; After the ball; Happy faces; Temper. VI. Valen- tine’s eve. — New tales. Vol. 2 ... 327.30 Contents. — The quaker, and the young man of the world; A tale of trials; The confessions of an odd-tem- pered man; The ruffian boy; The welcome home. Opium-eater, Confessions of an English. De Quin- cey, T 44.24 Opium habit, The Day, H. 156.11 Opposite neighbor. Opie, A V. 4 of 282.5 Opposite neighbors. Paul, J. H 164.13 Optic, Oliver, pseud. See Adams, W. T. Optics, Wonders of. Ma- rion, F 36.2 See also Eye, Microscope. Orator, Three dialogues on the. Cicero, M. T 339.5 Oratory, Lectures on. Ad- ams, J. Q 152.1 See also Elocution, Elo- quence, Homiletics, Rhetoric. Ordnance, Treatise on. Simpson, E 31.22 Oregon. Fremont, J. C. Exploring expedition to. 94.4 — Thornton, J. Q. Califor- nia and 85.13 O’Reilly, E. G. Deborah’s drawer 29.1 O’Reilly, Miles, pseud. See Halpiue, C. G. Orestes. Euripides ..v. 3 of 339.2 Orfila, M. j B. Treatise on poisons and asphyx- ies 35.3 Origins, History of. Beck- mann, J 338.6 Orkney. Abbott, J. ..v. 10 of 16.1 Orlando furioso. Ariosto, L 168.19 Orley farm. Trollope, A. 301.14 Ornithology, American. Wilson, A 363.22 See also Birds. Oroonoko. Southern, T. . . 169.6 Orphan, The. Opie, A. V. 2 of 282.5 Orphan children. Arthur, T. S 341.12 “ Orpheus.” Offenbach, J. 162.9 Orpheus C. Kerr papers. Newell, R. H 244.19 Orthoepy. See Pronuncia- tion. Orton, J. ’fhe Andes and the Amazon 84.11 ORVIU.E 02 A1{K MAN KliPif. No. Okvii.i.k collc^^o. Wood, E. 1* ;52].l!) ()siu)i:.N, S. Ii<‘:ives IVoiii an arctic journal J>7.2n OsOAii. Simonds, W 17.20 ()s(jo()i), S. (iod with men. 2Ul.() ( ) ss A w A 'l l ( )M 1 10 1 > r o \v n . Svvay/Ai, Mrs. J. C’ ]().'>. 23 Ossoi-i, S. M. F., marchrsft (V . Art, literature, and the drama 201.4 — Life without and lile within 207.18 — Woman in the nineteenth century 100.18 OswALO Cray. Wood, E. P. 321.11 Oi'ELLO. Rossini, G. A. ... 102.7 Othello. Shakespeare, W. V. 2 of 101.4 V. 11 of 103.1 ; V. 0 of 103.2 V. 4 of 103.11; ](;.5.3 Oriio the frreat. Keats, J. r.»4.14 Otis, Mrs. 'll. G. The liar- clays of Boston 243.14 OiTS, J. Bowen, F. JAfeof. V. 2 of 117.2 — Tudor, W, Life of 183.8 Otway, T. Venice pre- servetl 105.3 OuDE, Journey throusih, in 1849,50. Sh enian. Sir W. H 97.18 “ OuiDA,” pseud. /S'eeRame, L. de la. Ouii boys and i^irls. See Oli- ver Optic’s magazine. Ouu gal. Johnson, S. D 104.9 Ouu honeymoon and oth- er comicalities, from “Punch” 283.19 Ouii Jemimy. Conway, II. J. 104.10 Ouu living representative men. Savage, J 197.0 Ouu mutual friend. Dickens, C. (J. il.) 281.30; 284.0 Ouu new way round the world. Coffin, C. C. .. 84.14 Ouu old home. Hawthorne, N 45.10 Ouu seven churches. Beech- er, T. K 38.20 Ouu standard-bearer. Ad- ams, W. 1’ 12.1 Ouu wife. Morton, .T. M. .. 104.10 (4uu year. Craik, D. (M.) M 307.2 Ouu young folks. Vol. 1-3, 5. 4v 177.1 OUT-Doou papers. Iliggin- son, W 1.53.28 Out in the world. Arthur, T. S 215.2 Out of his head. y\ldrich, B 247.3 Out of the world. Thack- eray, Miss (A. 1.) 317.13 Out on picket 389.20 < )u r to nurse. Williams, 4'. 104.20 Ou'i ni:-.Mi;i{. Longfellow, 11. W 1 of 158.3 Ol’TWauo bound. Adams, W. 4' 13.1 Ovioius Naso, B. 4'he met- amorphoses and 44ie epistles 339.11 ShrU. N(I. OwiCN, Farlcigh, pseud .? Aden Bower 341.25 OxHEUKY, W. 11. Malteo Falcom^ 101. Bl OxENiOHti), .L Adrienm^, the actress 105.22 — Doctor Dilworth 101.20 — A family failing 101. is — My IVdlow clerk 101.10 “OxKouD the»)logy.” Liv- ingston, J 388.1 1*. P., or the man and the tiger. Barry, 4' 101.9 Bacha of many talcs. Mar- ry at, F. .! .302.38; 323.8 Bauiitc, Life and adventure in the South 85.18 Bvcikic railroad, 44ic. Bowles, S 87.8 Bacini, G. Salfo. Italian, with English transla- tion 102.10 Baddy Carey. Bower, 4'. • 101.8 Baddy the piper. Bilgrim,.!. 101.8 Pai'.z, R. Wild scenes in South America 235.27 Bade, 4'. ,1. La Blata, the Argentine co n fe d e ra- tion, and Baraguay 82 5 Baget, .1. The charges brought by Macaulay against Benn 180.7 Paige, E. F. ( I ) oio , jr .) Short patent sermons. 4th series 244.18 Painters. Cunningham, A. Lives of British 47.14 — Ruskin, J. Modern 304.20 — Stanley, G. Classified synopsis of Dutch and Flemish 150.14 Palace and cottage. Adams, W. T 13.4 Palestine. Buchanan, R. Notes of a clerical fur- lough ill the Holy Land. 234.3 — Dixon, W. H. The Holy Land 85.3 — Kitto. J. History of 94.7 — Mariti, G. Travels through 83.0 — Newman, J. P. “From Dan to Beersheba” 95.0 — Olin, S. Travels in the Holy Land 234.4 — Prime, W. C. Tent-life in the Holy Land 87.10 — Robinson, E. Biblical re- searches in 232.11 — Russell, M. History of. . 19.8 — Stanley, A. P. Sinai and. 92.3 — Stephens, J. L. Incidents of travel in the Holy Land 80.11 — Thomson, W. M. The Land and the Book ... 80.0 — Wells, T. Letters on... 230.14 — Wright, T. Early travels in 85.22 See, oho Dead sea, Jordan, Sinai, Syria. Baley, W. Evidences of (’hristianity 387.24 — Natural theology. Bhil. 383.15 Same. N. Y. ‘ 2 v 59.2 Slirlf. No. I’ai.euey, j. G. Hi'-loryof .N'ew Eiu-dand. 3v 132 12 — Life of W. Ballrey..v. 7 <»f 117 2 — Sermons on some plc. Chambers, W. 201.3 Baraiu'.lsus. Browning, IL v. 1 of 107.15 Bauadlse lost. Milton, .1. 101.5; V. 1 of 107.21 Bauadise regained. Milton, .1. ..V. 2 f)f 101.5; V. 2 of 107.24 Bauaguay, Exploration of. Bage, T. J 82.5 Baudey, H.O. Nature’s no- bleman 105.14 Baudoe, J. Works. 5v. ini. 321.4 dnulents . — ConfoPHionH of a ])rcny' woman ; 'I'lie je.iloiia wife; Tlie rival Ix-aulieH; 'I’lio wife’H trials ; Itomance of the harern. — Episodes of French lus- tory during the consul- :ite and the first empire. 147.21 — Louis XIV, and the court of France. 2 v 123.1 — Traits and traditions of Bortugal. Vol. 1 327.31 PAiiDo.v, G. F. Handbook of whist 308.5 Pauls. Forester, 4\ Paris and its environs 338. 10 — .Tarves, J. J. Parisian sights and French prin- ciples 85.20,27 — Laboulaye, (R. L.) Paris ill America 234.12 — Murray, J. Handbook for 87.2 Paris sketch book. Thack- erav, W. M v. 2 of 347.1 Park, M. Life and travels; with later discoveries . . 47. 11 Parker, E. G. Reminis- cences of R. Choate.... 214.1 Parker, F. A. Squadron tac- tics under steam 33.14 Parker, J. Ecce Deus .... 360.10 Barker, N. Sermons 32.4 Parker, Richard G. Aids to English composition... 365.8 Barkeu, Rosa A. Rosa Ab- bott stories. Alexis the runaway 26 1 Jack of all trades 20.3 d’ornmy Hickup 20.4 Lpside down 26.5 The young detective.. 26.2 Parker, 4\ Experience as a minister ... 114.20 — IJfe and correspondence of. Nee Weiss. J 111.5 Parkman, F. Conspiracy of Bontiac. 2 v 136.2 PAKKMAN 63 PERICLES Shelf. No. Parkman, F., continued. — France: and England in North America. 3v 135.1 Contents. — Vol. I. Pio- neers of Franee in the New World. II. Tlie Jesuits in North America in the 17th century. III. The discovery of the great West. Parks and pleasure grounds. Smith, C. II. J 364.8 Parley, Peter, pseud. See ' Goodrich, S. G. Parhot, (J. J.) F. (W.) Journey to Ararat 87.5 Parry, T. P. P., or the man and the tiger 164. 9 Parry, Sir W. E. Second voyage for the discovery of a northwest passage, 1821-23 232.7 — Three voyages for the discovery of a north- west passage. 2 v 48.20 Parsers, The : their history, etc. Framjee, D 185.16 Parsonage of Mora. Bre- mer, F 261 42 Parsons, Theophilus. Laws of Imsiness for business men. 33.18 — Memoir 104.4 Parsons, Thomas W. Poems. 167.6 Partiienia. Lee, E. B. ... 248.15 Partington, C. F. Nation- al history and views of London. 2 v. 92.5 Partington, Mrs., pseud. See Shillaber, B. P. Partisan, The. Simms, W. G 243.23 Parton, j. Famous Amer- icans of recent times .. 113.5 Contents. — H. Clay; D. Webster; J. C. Calhoun; J. Randolph; S. Girard and his college; J. G. Bennett and the New York herald; C. Goodyear; H.W. Beecher and his church; Commodore Van- derbilt; T.Burr; J. J. Astor. — Gen. Butler in New Or- leans 113.3 — Humorous poetry of the English language, from Chaucer to Saxe 1621 — Life and times of A. Burr. 102.3 — Life and times of B. Franklin. 2v 114.4 — Life of A. Jackson. 3 v. 113.2 — Life of H. Greeley 113.4 Pas de fascination. Coyne, J. S 164.21 Passing cloud. The. Ber- nard, W. B 165.12 Passion and principle. Grey, Mrs 341.27 Passion-flc.wers. Howe, J. W 167 2 Past and present. Carlyle, T. 155.8,9 Pastor’s testimony. Clarke, J. A 204.7 Patagonia, The captive in. Bourne, B. F 94.5 Paterson, W. Writings. 3v 43.1 Shelf. No. Pathfinder, The. Cooper, J. F 285.5 Pathology. Bigelow, J. Nature in disease 37.25 — Lee, W. Use of brandy and salt as a remedy for various diseases 36.39 — Watson, T. Principles and practice of physics. 362.8 See also Anatomy, Eye, In- sanity. Patmore, C. (K.) The angel in the house. The be- trothal 167.28 The espousals ... 166.8 — Faithful for ever 167.29 — The victories of love 167.30 Patrician’s daughter. The. Marston, (J.) W 165.25 Patterson, L. B. Twelve years in the mines of California 87.1 Patterson, K. Campaign in the valley of the Shen- andoah, in 1861 133.12 Patton, A. S. The losing and taking of Mansoul. 32.23 Patty Grav’s journey. Dali, C. H..‘ 27.11-13 Paul, J. H. A lucky hit. .. 164.20 — The mob cap 164.7 — Opposite neighbors 164.13 Paul and Virginia. Saint Pierre. (J. 11.) B. de... 17.10 Paul Clifford. Bnlwer-Lyt- ton,E. (G. E. L.) 247.7; 301 53 Paul Pry. Poole, J 165.11 Paulding, J. K. Book of vagaries 305.9 — Letters from the South, 1816 236.20 — Life of Washington. 2 v. 49.13 Pauline 165.17 Pauvrette. Boucicault, D. (L.) 165.23 Paxton, P. Stray Yankee in Texas 96.6 Payne, J. Bertrand. Haydn’s universal index of biog- raphy *R. R., A. 10 Payne. John H. Brutus... 165.9 — Charles the second 165.3 — Clari 165.25 — I.ove in humble life 164.11 — Therese, the orphan of Geneva 165.15 Peabody, A. P. Christian consolations 366.28 — Christianity the religion of nature 363.17 — Reminiscences of Euro- pean travel 87.6 Peabody, Elizabeth P. Kin- dergarten guide. See Mann, M 154.22 Peabody% Ephraim. Ser- mons 108 3 Peabody, G. Account of the proceedings at the dinner given by Mr. Pea- body to the Americans connected with the great exhibition 112.9 — Life of. See Hanaford, P. A 115.6 Shelf. No. Peabody, O. W. B. Life of I. Putnam v. 7 of 1 17.1 V. 2 of 123.7 — Life of J. Sullivan.. V. 3 of 117.2 Peabody, W. B. O. Life of A. Wilson V. 2 of 117.1 — Life of C. Mather... V. 6 of 117.1 — Life of 1). Brainerd. v. 8 of 117.1 V. 1 of 123.7 — Life of J. Oglethorpe. V. 2 of 117.2 Peace. Beckwith, G. C. Peace manual 367.9 — Hancock, T. Principles of peace exemplified... 367.5 Peake, R. B. Amateurs and actors 164.14, 25 Pearce, R. R. Memoirs and correspondence of Rich- ard, marquess of W elles- ley. 3 122.8 Pearl-fishing 243.7 Pearl of Orr’s island. Stowe, H. (^E.) B. ..... 342.3 Pearl of Savoy 165.30 Pearson, C. H. The cabin on the prairie 26.9 Pearson, J. Exposition of the creed 382.5 Peck, J. M. Life of D. Boone v. 13 of 117.2 Peculiar. Sargent, E 265.19 Peg VVotlington. Reade, C. 246.3; 347.24 Peirce, B. K. A half cen- tury with juvenile delin- quents; or, the New York house of refuge and its times 154.14 Peissner, E. The Ameri- can question in its na- tional aspect 136.14 Pelham. Bulwer-Lytton, E. (G. E. L.) 244.23 Peloponnesian war. His- tory of the. Thucydi- des 339.14 Pendennis. Thackerav, W. M 261.28; 347.8 Penn, W. Dixon, W. H. An historical biography. 196.6 — Ellis, G. E Life of. v. 12 of 117.2 — Paget, J. Inquiry into the charges against 186.7 Pennsylvania, History of. Gordon, T. F 131.8 Penny magazine. Vol. 2, 4, 7, 8. 4 V 61.2 Peopi.e I have met. Willis, N. P 108.4 People’s lawyer. Jones, J. S 165.24 Percival, j. G., Life of. See Ward, J. H 115.14 Percival Keene. IMarryat, F 323.4 Percy, S hoi to and Reuben, pseud. See Byerley, T. Percy anecdotes. Byerley, T 151.3 Percys. The. Prentiss, E. 14.23 Perfection. Bayly, T. H. 165.4 Periciiole, La. Ofienbach, J 162.9 Pericles. Shakespeare, W. V. 12 of 163.1; V. 6 of 163.2 rEHIODICALS (>1 I’HFlHNOUxnCAL Shelf. No. ]’kui()1)icalh. Aiiicriciiii an- iinal (•y(‘l(>l>aMlia . . li., C. 1 — Ainericaii ccl(U‘,f.io 3!).‘3.1 — Ainoric.an journal of Hci- enco and arts 305.1 — American mmscnin. Hcc Carey, M 03. 3 — American (inarterly re- view 412.1 — American review 02. 1, 2 — American review of liis- tory and ])olilics 03.2 — Annual of scientilic dis- covery 35,1 — Ai)plctons’ journal 371.1 — Atlienenm (;2.5 — Atlantic monthly 174.1 — lloston fjfnide to health. See Spear, J. S 33.0 — Boston journal of philos- ophy and the arts 407.3 — Christian examiner ...... . 418.1 — Christian spectator 03.5 — Civil eniiineer’s and ar- chitect’s journal 52.1 — The collegian 55 1 — Common school journal. 55.2 — The crayon 401.2 — Eclectic maifazine 3!)3.2 — hhiie arts (piarterly 411.3 — Galaxy 400.1 — Harper’s new monthly magazine 172.1 — Historical mag-azine 407.1 — Honrs at home 400.1 — Household words 411.1 — Illustrated news 401.1 — Journal of health 33 25 — Knickerbocker 375.7 — Literary world 01.1 — Littell’s living age 405 1 — Massachusetts quarterly review 03.1 — Mechanics’ magazine 410 1 — jMerchants’ magazine. .. . 414,1 — Monthly anthology, and Boston review 304.2 — Monthly journal of the American iinitarian as- sociation 77.4 — Monthly religious maga- zine 397.10 — Monthly traveller 411.4 — National quarterly review. 54.1 — Kew England historical and genealogical regis- ter 74.1 — New England magazine. 373.1 — New monthly magazine. 70.1 — New York review 57.1 — North American review. 08.1 — Old and new 392 1 — Oliver Optic’s nuigazine. 175.1 — Our boys and girls 175.1 — Our dumb animals 411.2 — Our young folks 177.1 — Eenny magazim! 01.2 — I'hrenological jounialand life illusi rated 02.3 — Ihitnam’s magazine . .53. 1 ; 175.2 — Quart(!rly journal of the Americ.an Unitarian as- sociation 77.3 — •evievv 407.4 — Badiftal 397.1 — Biverside magazine 170.1 Shelf. No. r i : a I ( n ) F o A r ,H, r o a O’ /i — Select journal of I’orcign l)(!riodical literature 407.2 — Spirit of the pilgrims... 03.4 — Sunday magazine for 1805 01.3 — United States magazine and deimxu’atic review. 415.1 I’i5i{KiNS, J'. H,, Memoir of, Cary, T. G 112.1 I’lciFi’iyruAi. curate. Oliphant, M. (O. W.) 301.24 Pin{i{Y, B. C. The human hair and its diseases. . . 307.30 EKUltV, O. 11., Lif(; of. See Mackenzie, A. S 47.5 Bic s icci TT i: I ) I ) u tc h m a n , h e . Barry, S 104.13 1’eifsia. Ei'aser, J. 11, His- torical and descriptive account of 48.9 — Southgate, H. Tour through 234.7 I’lcusiANS, 'file. .Eschylus. 339.17 Ekhsius Fi.accus, a. [Sat- ires.] Ti-anslated by W. Drummond 339.0 BincsoNATioN. Kemble, Mrs. C 104.11 Bkiiu. Prescott, W. H. Coiupiest of 148.14; 352.4 — Tschudi, J. J. von. Travels in, 1838-42.... 235.2 Pksts, The, of the farm. V. 1 of 305.29 Pet of the petticoats. Buck- stone, J. B 104.19 Peteii, St., the apostle, His- tory of. See Blunt, H. 385.19 Peter the great. Abbott, J. Histoi-y of 15.18 — Barrow, Sir J. Life of. 48.31 Peter Carradine. Chese- bro’, C 247.0 Peter Parley, pseud. See Goodrich, S. G. Peter Schlemihl in Amer- ica. Wood, G 240.4 Peter Simple. Marry at, F 323.13 Peter Wilkins. [Drama- tized from B. Pulcockj 105.18 Petersburg, Attack on. See United States 352.10 Peterson, C. J. Kate Avles- foi’d 243.0 Petrella, — . Carnival of Venice; lone. Italian, with English translation. 102.10 Pettigim:w, T. j. Chroni- cles of the tombs 157.4 Pevicril of the Peak. Scott, Sir W V. 14 of 203.5 Pfeiei^’eil I. A lady’s sec- ond journey round the world 95.2 — Last travels 95.3 PiiyioDRUS : with the appen- dix of Gudins v, 2 of 339.12 PiiAN I’ASTios, Mac Donald, G 240.11 Phantom, The. Boucicault, 1). (U.) 105.19 Phan roM ship. Mariyat, F. 323.10 Piiici-i’H, E. S. The gates ajar ! . . . . 27.28 No. PlFi:i,I*.s, F. S., rmitiiiurd. — 'I'he gypsy series. shelf. No. J’oK'i's, vonfiniK'd. — Jlmit,, (.J. 11.) So Iccl.ion.s from llic, lisli 205.5 — Jiimcson, A. (M.) Mem- oirs of tlu* loves of the.. 4 7.25 — .loliiison, S. JJves of eminent Eniilish 190.5 Poisons, 'J'rcatiso on. Or- iila, M. J. H 35.9 Poi.ANi). Fletcher, J. His- tory of 48.34 — Hordyiiski, J. History of t he Polish revolution. 143.9 — Stephens, J. \j. Inci- dents of travel in 80.12 Polar sea. See Arctic rc- f,dons. PoLi'iiCAL economy. ])e Qiiincey, T. Loj^ic of. 44.10 ■ — Greeley, H. Essays on. 30.30 — Malthus, T. P. Princi- ples of 31.10 — Pae, J. New principles of 31.17 Ste also Agriculture, Rank- ing, Conunerce, Cotton, Manu- factures, Money. Political parties in the United States. Van Buren, M, 132.8 Political science. Godwin, P. Political essays 130.3 • — Knight, C. Knowledge is power 53.0 — Long, G. Cyclopaedia of political knowledge. .. . 77.1 See also Government, Peace, Political economy. Pollard, E. A. Black dia- monds 156.22 — Observations in the North : eight months in prison and on parole . . . 184.1 Polo, M. Travels 47.12 Pompeii : its past and pres- ent state. 2v 87.10 Pompeii, \yonders of. Mon- nier, M 36.11 Pontiac, Conspiracy of. Parkman, P 135.2 Poole, J. Married and single 165.11 — Paul Pry 105.11 < — Simpson and co 165.9 — A soldier’s courtship.... 164.20 — "r would puzzle a con- juror 164.8 Poole, T. Ueaf as a post.. 104.8 Poor and proud. Adams, W.T 11.6 Poor gentleman. Colman, G., the youiKjer 105.3 Pof)R of New York. . . 104.24 ; 105.21 l*ooR Pillicoddy. Morton, ,1. M 104.17 l*ooR ricli man. The, and the rich poor man. Sedg- wick, C. M ... 208.2 I'OPE, A. Works. Ov. ... 109.7 ('onlenls. — Vol. T. I’anto- ralH; McHHlah; WhidHor-for- « Mi; 0(1«; on Ht. Cecllia’H day ; KcMuy on criliclHrn ; Rape of the lock ; Hapj)iio t(i I’h.aon ; 'J'rariHlatiotiH ; JmitationH. JI. Hh.-lf. No. 1‘oPK, A., . Halirc'H ainl cidMlIeg of Horace iinitatc<| ; H.'itircH of .1. I)r)tinc vcrHifled; I'iMMay cni H.atire ; Eh- Hay on man; Moral CKH.ayg; MlHccllanlcH; E|>itai>liH; J'.pl- graing; ImliationH of Horace. III. 'I he I Inneiad. IV. Mar- liniiH ScrihlcniH; (Juardiang; l.etteiH. V. VI. Lctterg. Pope, .1. Eeport on Hie Vir- ginia campaign. See Cnited States 352.12 Eope of Home. Boucicault, J>. (L.) 105.23 Popes, History of the. Banke, (F.) L. von 338.2 PoppiNCf the (piestion. Buck- stone, J. B 104.8 roPiiLAR tales. Guizot (E. C. P. de Meulan), Mine. 24.4 Popular talus from the Norse. Dasent, G. W. 283.14 PoR.soNiANA. Kogers, S. .. 205.2 I’ORIER, W.T.,Jdfeof. See Brinley, F 127.22 PoRTUOAL. Dunham, S. A. History of 148.1 — March, C. W. Sketches and adventures in 84.9 — Pardoe, J. Traits and traditions of 327.34 See also Madeira. Posey, T., Memoir of. See Hall, J V. 9 of 117.2 PoTiPiiAR papers. Curtis, G. W 283.20; 305.14 Potomac, Army of the. Mac- Clellau, G. B. Keport on the 133.21, 22 — Swinton, W. Campaigns of the 131.5 Potter, A. Handbook for readers and students . . . 19.24 Poultry, Domestic fowl and ornamental. Rich- ardson, H. D V. 1 of 365.29 Powell, B. Inductive phi- losophy, the plurality of worlds, and the philos- ophy of creation 37.17 Power, T. Born to good luck 164.6 — How to pay the rent 164.1 — Paddy Carey 104.8 — St. Patrick’s eve 104.2 Prairie, The. Cooper, J. F. 285.1 Prairie Crusoe 17.29 Prairie traveler. The. Mar- cy, R. B 87.3 Prank. Abbott, J v. 2 of 10.1 Pratt, W. W. Ten nights in a bar-room 165.30 Prayer for colleges. Tyler, W. S 306.15 Prayers. Hartley, D 307.2 Preacher, The, and tiie king. Bungener, L. (F.) 326.2 Prigile, E., liife of. See Sabine, L v. 12 of 117.2 IhiECAUTioN. Cooper, J. F. 285.4 Rre-iiisioric nations. Bald- win, ,1. 1) 147.10 Prelacy, Reason of church government urged against. Milton, J. . v. 2 of 337.5 Sli.lf. N». Rki’.LATW’A L rpi.viropfU’V. Milton, J V. 2 of 337.5 I’KKN'IISS, E. 'I'hc rcrc.v.s.. 11.23 I’Ri;.scsl(!y, II. 2G4.0 Ray, .1. Mcinoriiils, by I)cr- linin, Sir J. E. Smith, Cuvier, aiul Diipetit Thouiirs 122.0 Raymond, R. J. Mr. and Mrs. Peter White 104.10 Raymond and Agnes. Lewis, M. G 104.24; 105.21 Raynku, R. F. The dumb boy of Mancliester 105.30 Rkacii, a. 1L Jenny Lind at last 104.10 Read, II. F. Dramatic po- ems 101.1 Covtevts. — Medea; Ernii- nia; The new world. Reade, C. Christie John- stone. 18.55 240.1 — The cloister and the hearth 347.25 — The eightli command- ment 204.30 — Grihitli Gaunt 347.23 — Hard cash 347.20 — It is never too late to mend 347.22 — “ Love me little, love me long.” Bost 347.10 -Same. N. Y 288.11 — Peg Woffington, Christie Johnstone, and other stories. 1800 347.24 — Peg Woffington. 1855.. 240.3 — White lies 347.20 — The king’s rival. See Taylor, T 105.17 — Masks and faces. See Taylor, T 105.24 — Two loves and a life. See Taylor, T 105.20 — and Boucicault, D. (L.) Foul play 347.21 Reade, W. W. Savage Af- rica . 82.4 Reading without tears. Falconer, E 305.11 Real and ideal. Montclair, J. W 107.21 Reason, The, why 385.17 Reavis, L. U. Saint Louis ; the future great city of the world 181.2 Rehecca and Rowena. Thackeray, W. M. .v. 1 of 347.1 Recent inquiries in theol- ogy 385.1 Recollection of O’Flanni- gan and the fairies. Brougham, J 104.9 Recollec'I'ions of a busy life. Greeley, H 111.4 JtECOLLi'XiTJONS of iiiy cluld- hood. JJppincott. S. J. 18.20 Recollections of seventy years. Farrar, E 120.17 Recoudh of live years. Lip- pi ncott, S. J 110.8 RKcnicAiiONS of a country parson. Boyd, A. K. H. 154.35 Hhi lf. No. Recueative arts. Bohn, 11. G. 1 1:md-book of gumes. 37 22 — Every little boy’s book.. 20.22 — Forest, G. Every boy’s book 20.20 — Head, J. H. Home pas- times 207.10 — Hudson, F. I’rivale tln;- alricals 108.23 — T.eslie, E. Aimjrlcan girl’s book 18.31 — Martine, A. Droll dia- logues for school and home amusement 108.25 — Smith, H. Festivals, games, and amusements. 48 20 See aim Ainfliiiif, CallHllien- GymiiahtioH, Magic, Hliootiiig, PportH, WliiHt. Rector’s wife. Stretton, J. 244.11 Rec'I'ory of Moreland. See Mary Evans 240.13 Red as a rose is she 301.0 Red court farm. Wood, E. P 320.10 Red cross. Adams, W T. 13.5 Redgauntlet. vSeott, Sir W V. 17 of 203.5 Red-.iacket, Life and times of. ,SVe Stone, W. L. .. 102.5 Red-letter days in Apple- thorjie. Dodge, M. A. . 14.25 Red mask. Brougham, J. . 105.19 Red Rover. Cooper, J. F. . 285.7 Rede, L. T. Art of getting money 158.13 — Guide to the stage 105.23 Rede, W. L. Sixteen-string Jack 105.21 — The skeleton witness ... 105.21 Redfieli), j. W. Compara- tive physiognomy 382.3 Redskins, The. Cooper, J. F 244.5; 285.0 Reed, II. Life of J. Reed. V. 8 of 117.2 Reed, J., Life of. See Reed, H V. 8 of 117.2 Reemelin, C. Vine-dress- er’s manual 304.10 Reflections in retirement. 307.8 Reformation. Merle d’Au- bigne, J. H. Reforma- tion of the 10th century in Germany 185.1 — Tulloch, J. Leaders of the 300.37 Regeneration. Sears, E. 11 300.30 Regular fix. A! Morton, J. M 104.22 Reid, M. Afloat in the for- est 25.3 — The boy hunters 25.20 — The boy slaves 25.10 — The boy tar 25.1 — Bruin 25.5 — The bush-boys 25.0 — The clifi-climbers 25.14 — The desert home 25.8 — The forest exiles 25.12 — ’I'he giratte-hunters 25.11 — J’he ocean waifs 25.9 — Odd people 25.2 — J'Jie plant hunters 25.4 — Ran away to sea 25.15 Sh.lf. No. Re ID, M., continned. — 'flic vonng voyaiimirs . .. 25.13 — 'fin* yoiin;; y:»g< •rs 25.7 Re .n.ci ED ad. D. Discovery and settle- ment of America 142.2 — History of America, in- cluding the posthumous volume containing the history of Virginia to 1688, and of New Eng- land to 1652. 4 V 133.7 — Knowledge which the an- cients had of India 143.3 — Reign of Charles v; Life after his abdication, by W. H. Prescott. 2 v. .. 148.12 — Scotland during the reign of queen Mary and of king James vi 142.3 Robinson, E., and Smith, E. Biblical researches in Palestine, Mount Sinai, and Arabia Petraea. 3 v. 232.11 Robinson, F. Organization of the army of the Uni- ted States. 2 V 207.1 Robinson, H. C. Diary, reminiscences, and cor- respondence. 2 V 116.12 Robinson, M. Life 79.3 Robinson Crusoe. De Foe, D 17.27; 246.18; 305.8 Robson, W. J. Love and loyalty 165.25 Rocky mountains. Fre- mont, J. C. Exploring expedition to the 94.4 — Ruxtou, G. F. Adven- tures in the 95.4 Roderick, the last of the Goths. Southey, R. .. . 161.2 V. 9 of 227.2 Roderick Random. Smol- lett, T 324.1 Rodolphus. Abbott, J. v. 6 of 16.2 Rodwell, G. H. Teddy the tiler 164.16 Rodwell, T. G. More blun- ders than one 164.15 — The young widow 164.9 Roe, a. S. How could he help it? 243.13 — To love and to be loved, and Time and tide 243.12 Rogers, J. Management of poultry, pigeons, etc. . . 38.8 Rogers, S. Table-talk. Ad- ded Porsoniana 205.2 Roget, P. M. Thesaurus of English words and phrases *R. R., E. 3 Rokeby. Scott, SirW. v. 4 of 228 7 228.9 Roland, M. J. P., History of. See Abbott, J. S. C. 15.22 Roland, A, for an Oliver. Morton, T 164.15 Roland Yorke. Wood, E.P. 321.7 Roll-call, The 389.20 Rollin, C. Ancient history. 8 143.1 Roman catholic church. Tri- als of a mind in its pro- gress to Catholicism. Ives, L. S 387.2 ROMAN 70 ST. JOHN Hliclf. No. Roman oxilo, TIic. 0;ijani, (} 107.3 Roman (iiK^slion, 'I’lio. About, K. (F. V.) 188.0 Romanck iiftoi’ marriage. Goodrich, F. H...l()4.2l; 105.21 Ro.manck and nudity. Rroii^jjham, J 105.10 Romanck oT a poor youujij man. Feuillot, 0 105.23 Roaianck of the harem. Rardoe, .1 321.4 Roaianck of the republic. Child, L. M 320.21 Romanck under diMiculties. Rurnand, F. C 104.11 Romany Rye. Borrow, G. 02.2 Romaunt, C. The island home ; or the young cast-aways 15.38 Roaik. About, E. (F. V.) Rome of to-day 234.20 — Adam, A. Roman an- tiquities 353.0 — Ammianus Marcelliuus. Roman history 180.5 — Arnold, T. History of the later Roman com- monwealth 134.0 — Bonner, J. C.’hild’s his- tory of 10.8 — Gibbon, E. Decline and fall of the Roman em- pire 140.3 — Goldsmith, O. History of 148.0 Roman history, to the destruction of the West- ern empire 353.13 — Keightley, T. History of. 185.0 Livius Patavinus, T. His- tory of 330.8 — Record, E. W. History of 180.10 Roaiko and Juliet. Bellini, V 102.8 Roaiko and Juliet. Gouuod, C. E 162.3 Roaiko and Juliet. Shake- speare, W V. 2 of 161.4 V. 10 of 163.1 ; V. 6 of 163.2 V. 4 of 163.11; 165.7 Roaiola. Lewes, M. J. 241.0 ; 347.15 Roaiui.us, History of. See Abbott, J 15.30 Rongku, E. {llerve.) Eleur- de-the. Erencii, with English translation.... 162.6 RoiiY G’More. Lover, S. • . 165.20 Rosamund Gray. Lamb, C. V. 2 of 156.0 Ro.scoe, T. German novel- i.sts. Vol. 2 327.25 (Jontfmts. — I’onul.-xr tradi- tioriH by Nachtigal and others. Ros(;oe, W. Life of Lorenzo de’ Medici 338,12 Rosk. American rosecultur- ist V. 2 of 365.20 Rosk of Ettrick vale. I.ynch, T. J 165.17 lioSKCUANH, W. S. Report on the batth; of Mur- freesboro’, 'I’enn. See United States 352.7 8h<-ir. No. Rosina Meadows. Engli.sh, W. B 165.21 Rossini, G. A. II barliiere di Siviglia; fMnderclla; La gazz;i, ladra ; Moses in Egy|)t; Otelh ); Semi- raiuidi!; Stabat mater; William 4’(>11. Italian, with English trail si a- tion 162.7 Rough and ready. Alger, H.,jr ’.. 28.4 Rough diamond. Buck- stone, J. B. . . . 164.6 Round the block. Bouton, J. B 261.4 Rowk, N. Jane Shore 165.13 — Lady Jane Gray 160.6 Royal favourite. Gore, Mrs. (C. G. F.) .302.8 Roylk, j. F. Fibrous i)lants of India litted for cord- age, clolhing, and paper. 33.16 Ruuy Gray’s strategy. Ste- phens, A. S 306.14 Ruhy’s husband. Terhune, M. V 342.23 Ruffian boy. Opie, A v. 3 of 282.5 V. 2 of 327. .30 Kuffini, G. Lavinia 213.8 Rufus and Lose. Alger, IL, jr ' 28.6 Rumkoff, J. Tritles 27.30 Rulk of the monk. Gari- baldi, G. 261.51 Rumfoiu), Count. See Thompson, B. Runaway match. Wood, E. Rundkll, Mrs. Domestic cookery 367.17 Rural felicity. Buckstone, J. B 165.25 Rural hand books. Saxton, C. M 365.29 Rur.\l letters. Willis, N. P 386.1 Rush, B. Medical inquiries upon diseases of the mind 154.12 Rush, R. Residence at the court of London 183.10 Ruskin, j. Elements of drawing 367.24 — King of the golden river. 22.2 — Modern painters. 4 v. .. 364.26 — The true and the beauti- ful 207.7 Russell, M. Ancient and modern Egypt 88.1 — History and present con- dition of the Barbary states 19.19 — History of Palestine 19.8 — Life of Cromwell. 2 v. . 19.13 — Nubia and Abyssinia 19.30 Russell, William, of Lon- don. Modern Europe. 3 143.8 Russell, William, of Mass. American elocutionist. 365.2 Russell, William 11. My diary North and South. 94.19 Russkli., Williams. Guide to IMymoutli, and recol- lections of the pilgrims. 186.14 No. Kuhsia. Abbott, J. S. C. Fmpln- of 235.6 — Dixon, W. 11. Free Hus- sia 85.2 — EuLdisliwomau iu 236.1 — Eusl.aphiovf, A. 10'- source.s of ISS.lf) — Gurowski, A. (G.) de. Kussi.a as it is 91.12 — Hainley, E. B. War in southern 185.13 — LaLOiv, G. (hu 'FIk! knout and the hussi.ans 86.13 Macirillivray, W. Hum- boldl’s ifuirncy iu Asi- atic...! 48.28 — Maxwell, J. S. 'The czar, his court and people... 196.22 — Oliphant, L. Russian sljores of the Black S(;a, 1852 91.22 — S.ala, G. A. Residcnee in. 236.2 — Segur, P. 1’. de. Expe- dition to, iu 1812 18.17 — Spencer, E. Turkey, Russia, etc 9t;.13 — Stephens. . I. L. Incidents of travel in 86.12 .SVfi aZso Arnoor, Hlnck ftory .... 337.3 SciiLEiDEN, M. J. Poetry of the vegetable world ; the science of botany 365.23 SCHLESIER, G. Life of W. von Humboldt. See Kleiicke, P. F. H 124.12 Schmidt, or Smith, H. I. Education 19.3 Scholar, The. Buckstone, J. B 165.26 ScH()NBERG-CoTTA family. Charles, E 246.11 School days at Rugby. Hughes, T 248.13; 266.9 School-days of eminent men. Timbs, J 195.5 School for scandal. Sheri- dan, R. B 163.9; 165.1 School of reform. Morton, T 165.20 Schoolboy davs. Kingston, W. H. G. “ 14.5 Schoolcraft, H. R. Algic researches. Indian tales and legends. Vol. 2 ... 327.32 Science. Braude, W. 'V. Dictionary of *R. R., B. 5 Encycloptedia of. .*R. R., A. 8 — Brewer, E. C. Scientific knowledge of things fa- miliar 367.20 — Lardner, D. Lectures on. 361.21 Museum of 385.11 — Mayhevv, H. Wonders of. 16.10 — Wells, I). A. Annals of scientific discovery.... 35.1 See also Natural history, Physical sciences. Scientific dialogues. Joyce, J 38.16 Scip:ntific men. Biogra- phies of distinguished. Arago, (D.) F. (J.).... 197.7 SCITUATE 72 RKI.K Rbclf. No. Scituate, Mass.. History of. D(‘ane, S 353.7 Scotland. Abbott , J. A — Adams, W. T. Young America in .... 13.6 — Herbert, 11. W. Knights of — Lippincott, S. J. Bonnie Scotland 26.23 — Robertson, W. History of, 1542-1603 .. — Scott, Sir W. Stories from Scottish history. V. 24-20 of 200.5; 348.1 — Strickland, A. Lives of the (luecns of 145.3 — Victoria, (jiiaen of Emj- laml. Our life in the lliglilands 124.2 See also Mary, Skye. Scott, G. C. Fishing in American waters 33.11 Scott, Sir Walter. Poetical works. Post. 1) V. ... 228.7 Contents. — Vol. T. Memoir; Tyay of tlie Last minstrel. 11. Marmion. 111. Lady of the lake. IV. Ivokehy ; Vision of Don Roderick. V. The lord of the isles. VI. Imitations of the ancient h.allads; Ballads from the Grerman; Songs. Vll. Miscellaneous ])oem8; Poems printed in Lockhart’s biography; Lyrical pieces, mottoes, etc., from the Waver- ley novels. VIII. Bridal of Triermain; Harold the daunt- less; The field of Waterloo; P.alidon hill ; MacDuff ’s cross. IX. Doom of Devorgoil ; Au- chindrane ; The house of As- pen ; G-oetz of Berlichingen. Same. N. Y 228.9 Contents. — Memoir; Lay of the last minstrel ; Marmion ; I.ady of the lake ; Vision of Don Roderick; Rokeby; Bal- lads; Lyrics; Songs. — WaveiTey novels. 27 v. 263.5 Contents. — Vol. I. Waver- ley. II. Guy Mannering. III. The antiquary. IV. Rob Roy. V-VII. 'I’ales of my landlord ; V. Black dwarf; Gld mortali- ty. VI. Heart of Mid-Lothian. VII. Bride of Lammermoor; I.egend of Montrose. VIII. Ivanhoe. IX. The monastery. X. The abbot. XI. Kenil- worth. XII. 'rhei)irate. XIII. Fortunes of Nigel. XIV. Pev- eril of the Peak. XV. Quen- titi Durward. XVI. St. Ro- rian’s well. XVII. Redgaunt- let. XVII I. Tales of the cru- saders: 'J’he hetrothed ; 'I'he talisman. XIX. Woodstock. XX, XXL Chroidcles of the Canongate: XX. Highland widow; 'I’wo drovers; My aunt Margaret’s mirror; H'ap- cstried ehami)er ; Laird’s .Jock. XXL St. Vahitiline’s day. or the fair maid of Perth. XXII. Anne of Geierstein. XXIll. Count Robert of I'aris. XXIV. Castle Daiitrcirous ; Glossary to the W.-iverley nov(ds. XXIV-XXVI. 'Pales of a grandfather: Stories from Hef)ttlHh history. XXVII. 'Pahfs of a grandfather: Sto- ries taken from the history of J''runcc. • Hhclf. No. Hcott, Sir W., ronfin.iied. — Idle ol’ Nupolcoii Iluoiui- luirtc. 2v 187.4 — Lady of l lic hike 106.24 — Marmion 166. IH — 'i’al(*H of .t gramUallicr. I listory ol‘ Scot land. 6 v. 318.1 — Eyrhyggja Saga, Abstract of the. '/S'cc .Mallet, IMI. 235.15 — Guy Mannering. Drama- •'ti/.ed. A'edTerry, I). . . . 165.11 — Heart of Mid-Lotliian. Dramatized. See Dib- din, T 165.20 — Ivanlio(>. Dramatized. Dibdin, 'r 165.29 — Lady of the lake. Dram- atized. See Dibdin, 16.5.26 — Life of. /S’ee Jvockhart, J. G 198.4 Note. — 'Phe following table gives the time of action in the various ‘novels, and the indic- ative historical data. Count Robert of I’aris. UKW). (Jni- sni/px mill ( 'oii.itii )i/iiioj)lr, Hctrotlicd. Iisr. If'rMi.rlr. 'J'ulisman. C„h .\7. AuiUMifticicrstcin. 1474-7. France. Mona.stery. !.").'>!), etc. Abbot. I.■>(i8. (^Hcrn of Sciitx. Kenilworth. 15(5. Queen KUza- brf/i , Laird’s Jock. 1000. Fortunes of Nigel. 1020. .Tnnien T. Legend of Montrose. 1045-0. Scot- thh . Woodstock. 1052. Cromwell. I’cveril of the Peak. 1000. Charles U. Old Mortality. 107t)-tM). Scotch Corenanters. Pirate. 17(K). Zetland and Orkney. Aunt Margaret’s mirror. 170(J. Bride of Lainiuennoor. 1700. Scot- tish. Black dwarf. 1708. Scotti.<s, M. J. 287. 2:>; 347.17 Silent struggles. Stcqihens, A. S 300.5 SiLLi.MAN, B. Visit to Eu- rope in 1851. 2 V 94.9 Silver cord, 'J'he. Brooks, (C.)S 301.55 Silvia. Kavanagh, J 302.50 Simms, W. G. {Fraiik Cooper.^ Poems. 2 v. 107.32 f'ontents. — Vol. I. Norman Maurice; AtalaiitiH; 'I'aleHaiid traditioiiH of tlie South; City of die silent. II. Soutliern passages and pictures; Histor- ical and dramatic sketches; Scripture legends; Francesca da Rimini. Simms, AY. G. Beauchampe. 204.12 — Charlemont 243 17 — Confession 247.21 — Eutaw 248 3 — The forayers 243.20 — Katharine Walton 243.21 — Life of Chevalier Bayard. 125.0 — Mellichampe 243.22 — The partisan 243.23 — The scout 243.24 — Southward ho ! 245.6 — Yemassee 343.11 Note. — The following of the above tales form a connected, series of revolutionary ro- mances: — 1. The partisan. 2. Mellichampe. 3. The scout, (called originally The kins- men). 4. Katharine Walton. 5. The forayers. 6. Eutaw. SiMOND, L. Switzerland, 1817-19. 2 V 93.9 SiMONDS, T. C. History of South Boston 136.23 SiMONDS, W. {yValter Aim- 'leell.) Aimwell stories. Clinton 17.23 Ella 17.19 Jerry 17.24 Jessie 17.22 Marcus 17.21 Oscar 17.20 Whistler 17.18 SIMPSON 75 SOCIETY Shelf. No. Simpson, E. Treatise on ordnance and naval gun- nery 31.22 Simpson, J. P. Dreams of delusion 104.20 — Marco Spada 105.14 — Second love 105.20 Simpson and co. Poole, J. 105.9 Sinai and Palestine. Stan- ley, A. P 92.3 Sink or swim. Alger, H., jr 28.7 Sintkam and liis compan- ions. La Motte ITouque, F. (II. C.), baron de. 17.12; 248.14 Sioux war. History of the. Heard, I. V. D 130.11 Sir Roger de Coverley. Ad- dison, J 24.3 See also Spectator, no. 1, 2, 106-110, 112-123, 125, 126, 130- 132, 269, 329, 335, 359, 383, 517. Siren, A. Trollope, T. A. 204.15 Sister Susy. Clarke, R. S. 18.12 Sister’s influence. Baker, H. N. (W.) 14.2 Six degrees of crime. Hill, F. S 105.24 Six nights with the Wash- ingtonians. Arthur, T. S 320.15 Six old English chronicles. Giles, J. A 337.2 Sixteen-string Jack. Rede, W. L 105.21 Skeleton witness. Rede, W. L 165.21 Sketch book. Irving, W. v. 2 of 46.6 Sketches by “ Boz.” Dick- ens, C. (J. H.).... 247.26; 284.1 Sketches in India. Morton, T 166.13 Skinner, T. Journey over land to India 236.22 Skirmishes and sketches. Dodge, M. A 45.2 Skye, A summer in. Smith, A 96.9 Slasher and Crasher. Mor- ton, J. M 164.4 Slavery. Adam, W. Slav- ery in British India 156.21 — Cochin, A. Results of emancipation 356.11 — Greeley, H. Struggle for slavery extension in the United States 181.3 — Peissner, E. The Amer- ican question in its na- tional aspect 136.14 — Van Evrie, J. H. Ne- groes and negro slavery. 156.23 — Weld, T. D. American slavery as it is 134.5 See also Negroes. Sleeman, Sir W. H. Jour- ney through the king- dom of Oude, 1819, 50. 97.18 Sleep. Hall, W. W 34.15 Sleeper, M. G. The Med- iterranean islands 27.18 Shelf. No. Sleeper, M. G., continued. — Sweden and Norway 27.17 — The two Sicilies 27.16 Sleeping beauty in the wood. Thackeray, Miss (A. I.) 347.13 Slick, Sam, pseud. See Hali- burton, T. C. Small house at Arlington. Trollope, A 301.28 Smart, H. Breezie . Lang- ton 302.52 — A race for a wife 302.53 Smectymnuus, pseud. Mil- ton, J. Animadversions upon the remonstrant’s Defence against. ..v. 3 of 337.6 Apology for v. 3 of 337.5 Note.—Smectymmms\fi made up from the initial letters of the names of Stephen J/ar- shall, ^^dmundCalamy, Thom- as ibung, A/iitthew A^ew- comen, and IFilliam Npur- stow, presbytorian divines who wrote an “Answer” to “An humble remonstrance to the high court of parliament,” by Joseph Hall, bishop of Nor- wich, to which “Answer” Hall replied in a “ Defence of the remonstrance.” Smedley, E. Sketches from Venetian history. 2 v. 49.6 Smedley, F. E. Lewis Arundel 302.10 Smiles, S. Brief biogra - phies 116.3 — The Huguenots in Eng- land and Ireland 147.5 — Industrial biography.... 116.4 — Life of G. Stephenson . . . 105.6 — Life of G. and R. Ste- phenson 121.6 — Self-help. Bost 114.18 Same. N. Y 106.4 Smith, Albert. The cricket on the hearth, drama- tized from C. Dickens. 165.30 Smith, Alexander. A sum- mer in Skye 96.9 Smith, Amelia. Journal and correspondence. See Ad- ams, A 196.16 Smith, C. H. Natural his- tory of the human spe- cies 35.4 Smith, C. H. J. Parks and pleasure grounds 364.8 Smith, Eli. Biblical re- searches in Palestine. Nee Robinson, E 232.11 Smith, Elizabeth E. The three eras of woman’s life ; • • • 264.2 Smith, G. Make your wills ! See Mayhew, E 164.12, 23 Smith, George. Visit to the consular cities of China, and the islands of Hong Kong and Chusan 94.21 Smith, Goldwin. Lectures on the study of history. 147.22 — Three English states- men. [Pyra, Cromwell, Pitt] • 124.9 Smith, H. I. See Schmidt, H. I Shelf. No. Smith, Horace. Gaieties and gravities 158.6 — and J. Rejected addresses. 167.9 Smith, Horatio Festivals, games, and amusements. 48.26 Smith, Sir James E. Phys- iological and systemati- cal botany 33.17 Smith, .Jeremiah, Life of. See Morison, .J. H 196.9 Smith, Jerome V. C. Pil- grimage to Egypt 94.6 — Turkey and the Turks.. 97.22 Smith, Capt. John, Life of. See Hillard, G. S. v. 2 of 117.1 V. 1 of 123.7 Smith, Seba. Life and writings of Major Jack Downing 246.7 Smith, Sol, pseud. Theat- rical apprenticeship 343.8 — Theatrical journey-work. 343.9 — Theatrical management in the West and South for thirty years 111.1 Smith, Sydney. Works 152.6 — Memoir, with a selection from his letters. See Holland, S. S., ladif 125.8 Smith, Hon. William. His- tory of New York, from the discovery to 1814. . . 134.2 Smith, William, LL. D. Dic- tionary of Greek and Ro- man antiquities . ..*R. R., A. 6 — Dictionary of Greek and Roman geography. 2 v. ’*'R. R., A. 7 — Dictionary of the Bible. Revised by H. B. Hack- ett [and] E. Abbot 4 v. *R. R., D. 1 — History of Greece 185.12 Smith, W. H. (S.) The drunkard 165.12 SxMiTH, W. L. G. China and the Chinese 97.13 Smith, W. R. History of Wisconsin. 2 v 133.22 Smollett, T. Humphry Clinker. Lond 249.2 Same. N. Y 324.1 — Roderick Random 324.1 Smucker, S. M. Court and reign of Catherine ii . . . 356.2 — History of the four Georges 188.7 — Life and times of A. Hamilton 196.17 — Life and times of T. Jef- ferson 215.13 Snarleyyow. Marryat, F. 323.14 Snow, H. Spirit-intercourse. 366.2 Snow-lmage, The. Haw- thorne, N 45.15 Soane, G. Undine. [Dram- atized from La Motte Fouque] 165.21 Society. Dick, T. Improve- ment of 19.39 ; 335 4 — Ferguson, A. Civil 154.15 Society and solitude. Em- erson, R. W 157.18 Society of the army of the Cumberland. Report of the first meeting 134.4 SOLDIER S1’ALD1N(; 7(; Hhrlf. No. S()Li>iKit boy. Adams, W. 'r. 12.0 Soi.dikk’h courtshii). I’oolo, .1 it; 1.20 Soi.Diicii’adaiij^hter. Cherry, A 10r).14 SoLDiicu’s knapsack ^80. 20 Soi.DiKu’s lile in India. Hod- son, W. S. U 350.10 SoLiUKii’s orphans. Ste- phens, A. S 300.15 Soldier’s pocket Bible 380.20 Soldier’s return. Oi)ie, A. V. 2 of 282.5 Soli, und Ilaben. Frey tag, G 277.0 SoMERODY else. rianclie, ,7. B 104.18 Somerset, C. A. Day after the fair 104.12, 23 — Zelina... 105.27 Somerville, M. Connection of the physical sciences. 380.0 — Physical geography 387.20 Son of the night. Gayler, C 105.20 Son of the soil. Oliphant, M. (O.W.) 301.23 Song of Hiawatha. Long- fellow, H. W 100.27 Songs. Carpenter, J. E. The British song book. 109.3 The convivial songster. 169.1 The tire-side song book. 109.10 The home songster 109.2 Songs for all ages 109.4 — Holmes, O. W. Songs in many keys 100.14 — Hullali, J. The song book 108.5 — Street ballads, popular poetry, and household songs of Ireland 108.18 — Whittier, J. G. Songs of labor V. 1 of 167.12 See also Ballads. SoNNAMBULA, La. Bellini, V. 162.8 SoNREL, L. The bottom of the sea 36.14 Sophocles. [Tragedies.] Translated by T. Franck- lin 339.16 Contents. — Ajax; Electra; Philoctetea; Antigone; Tra- chiniae; Oedipus tyrannus; OSdipuB Coloneus. Sorceress, The. Velde, C. F. van der 327.31 SoRDELLO. Browning, K. . . 107.14 SoiiGiio and imphee. Olcott, H.S 304.19 Soul’s, A, tragedy. Brown- ing, R v. 2 of 107.15 Soule, R., and Wheeler, W. A. Manual of Eng- lish pronunciation and spelling 155.14 Soundings from the Atlan- tic. Holmes, O. W 200.20 Sourii. Davidson, J. W. Living writers of the .. 115.1 — J’aulding, J. K. Letters from the, 1810 230.20 South Cai'.olina, History of, from 1070 to 1808. Ram- say, D 132.4 ShplC. No. South seas, Adventures in tlie. Melville, II 85.11 Sou I If EKN, 'r. Oroonoko.. 109.0 SOU'IHEY, R. I’oetieal works. Bost. 10 v. .. 227.2 — Vol. 1. l.y II. 'I'. 'I’ln-korinan ; .Joan of Arc; 9'Iic viHion of the Maid of OrlcaiiH, II. 'I'lic triiiini)h of woman; 'NV.at'l’ylcr ; I’ocnni concerning tlic Klavo-lrade; I’.otany-Lav^ ec logncH; Son- nelH; Monodram.-iM; Amatory >oemH of Alx’l Slinflleixittom ; .yric ])ot'mH; HongH of llio American IinliaiiH ; ( tccaHional piecew; 'Dk- rctroK|)e(t : Hymn to the penatcH. III. I'ingliHh oclogucH; NondoHcriplt* ; Tlie Dcvii’H walk; lnHcrij)tionH ; Carmt'ii triumplialc, for tlio commencement of the ytair 1814; Odea; Epistle to Allan Cnnningliam; Oji eene verza- inellng van mijne afhceldin- gen. IV. d'halaba the de- stroyer. V. Madoc. VI. Bal- lads and metrical tales. VII. A tale of Paraguay; All for love; 'Tlie jiilgrim to Comjxis- tella. VIII. 'I’lie curse of Ke- liama. IX. Roderick, the last of the Goths. X. 'J’he jioet's pilgrimage to Waterloo; 'The lay of tlie laureate; Funeral song for the jirinceHS Charlotte of Wales; A vision of judg- ment; Oliver Newmau ; Mis- cellaneous poems. Same. N. Y 101.2 Contents. — Prefaces; .Joan of Arc; 'The vision of the Maid of Orleans; 'The triumph of woman; Wat 'Tyler; Poems concerning the slave trade; Botany hay eclogues ; Son- nets ; Monodramas; Amatory poems of Abel Shufflebottom; Lyric poems; Songs of the American Indians; Occasion- al pieces ; The retrospect ; Hymn to the penates; English eclogues; Nondescripts; 'The Devil’s walk; Inscriptions; Carmen triumphale, for the commencement of the year 1814 ; Odes ; The warning voice ; On the portrait of Bish- op Heber; Epistle to Allan Cunningham ; Op eene verza- meling v.an mijne afbeeldin- gen ; 'Tbalaba the destroyer; Madoc; Ballads and metrical tales ; A tale of Paraguay ; All for love ; The pilgrim to Com- postella; The curse of Keha- ma; Roderick, the last of the Goths; The poet’s pilgrimage to Waterloo; Carmen nuptiale ; Funeral song, for the princess Charlotte of Wales; A vision of judgement ; Oliver New- man; Miscellaneous poetical remains. — The doctor, etc. 2 v. in 1 305.15 — Life and correspond- ence 121.7 — Life of Cowper...v. 1, 2 of 40.1 — Life of Nelson. Lond. . . 127.18 Same. N. Y 48.10 — Life of Wesley. 2 v. . . . 125.9 — Browne, C. T. Life of.. 105.3 — Cottle, J. Reminiscences of 104.2 — und Byron, G. (G. N.), lord. The two visions of judgment 108.12 Hhcir. No. Sou riH} A 1 1 ,, 11. 'I’our Ihruu^li .\niuni:i, Kur- di.^laii, IV i'siii and Mr.so- potamla, 2 v. in I 2:’. I 7 Sou I iiw MID ho ! SimiuH, W. G 215.0 SoniiwouiH, I'h I). E. N. Allworlh abbey 315.1 — 'I'he brid.al eve 315.8 — 'Tlie bride of Llewellyn . . 315 2 — 'I'he briile’s fate 315.13 — 'I’he ehani;elooim.*r costume. .. 104.0 — Mrs. Caudle’s curtain lec- ture. [Adapted from 1). Jerrold] 101.14,20 — Nicholas Nickleby. [Dra- matized from Dickens]. 104.20 — Norah Creina 101.17 — The rag-picker of Paris. 105.15 — 4'eddy itoe 10.4.10 — The young scamp 101.22 STOCipiELER, .1. 11. An ob- ject of interest 104.10 Stoddard, D. T,, Memoir of. A'ce Thompson, J. P. 110.1 Stoeckiiardt, j. a. Chem- ical lield lectures 304.5 — Princijiles of chemistry . . 37.14 Stokes LEY secret. Yongc, C. M . 308.1 Stolen dress. The. Baker, 11. N. (W.) 14.2 Stone, ,7. S. Memoir of A. V. Griswold 194.4 Stone, W. L. Border wars of the American revolu- tion. 2 V 47.4 — Life and times of Ked- jacket 102.5 Stone-mason of Saint Point. Lamartine, A. (M. L. P.) de 305.31 Stories and sketches 342.11 Contents. — Regester, S., The skeleton at the banquet; Tuttle, S. W., Let those laugh who win ; Ludlow, F. II., The proper use of grandfathers; Hrodd, G., At eve ; Wolcott, K., Broken idols; Moulton, L. C., Dr. Huger’s intentions; The man whose life was saved ; Lord, J. L , The romance of a western trip; Galpiu, M/'S., The two ghosts of N ew London turnpike ; Griswold, H. T., Down by the sea; Why Mrs. Radnor fainted; Sikes, (W.) W., Under a cloud; Wolcott, R. , Corning from the front; Shanly, C. D., A night in the sewers. Stories and legends of travel and history. Lippincott, S. J 27.23 Stories for young persons. Sedgwick, C. M 18.3 Stories from famous bal- lads. Lipjiincott, S. J. 18.27 S'l’ORiES from the Italian po- ets. Hunt, (J. IL)L(‘igh. 204.10 S'l’ORiES of many lands. Lippincott, S. J 27.24 Stories of the prairie. Cooper, J. F 17.6 I Hli. lf, No. SroRIE.S of the Srui. Crropcr, I J. E 17.0 Si<)Rii;s ol' the woods. Cooper, .1. E 20,15 SroRY, .1., liife of. /See Storv, W. W 111.7 Story, W. W. Life of .1. Story. 2v 111.7 SioRY of a bad boy. Al- drich, 'f. B 27.7 Story' of Elizabet h. 4’hack- eray, MIhh (A. T.) 34 7.13 Story of the guard. Fre- mont, J. B 357.1 SroiToirroN, J. Philip Dod- dridge : life and labors . . 120.4 S ro w i : , 1 1 . f E , ) B . ( Ch visit / - p/rcr Cvi/injirld.') Agnes ofSorrenlo 312,1 — 'fhe chimney-corner 157 10 — Dred. 2v 205.2 — House and home jiapers, 15H.7 — Little foxes 27.21 — Little Pussy Willow 22,10 — The May llower, and niis- cellanemis writings :>12.2 — 4'he minist(!r’s wooing .. 2 15. .‘5 — Nina Gordon. 2 v. in 1, 312 5 Note. — 'I’hiH is the same work as Dred, but iriiblislicd under a dilfurent title. — GIdtown folks 312.4 — J’hc j)C!irl of Orr’s island. 342.3 — (^iieer little people 22.7 — Sunny memories of for- eign lands. 2 V 94.8 — Uncle Tom’s cabin. 2 v. in 1 342.0 — Dred, dramatized. /See Brougham, J 105.18 — Uncle Toni’s cabin, dram- atized. /See Aiken, G. L 105.23 Strafford. Browning, R. 107.14 Strait gate. The. Abbott, .1 V. 1 of 10.1 Strange sfory. Bulwer- Lytton, E. (G. E. L.) .. 240.9 Stranger, The. Kotzebue, A. F. F, von 105.2 Street ballads, popular po- etry, and household songs of Ireland 168.18 Stretton, j. The rector’s wife 244.11 Stretton. Kingsley, H. . . 301.1 Strickland, A. Lives of the queens of Jlngland. Phil. 12 V, in 6 145.1 Contents. — Yo\.l[l\. Ma- tilda of Flanders, a. d. 1066; Matilda of Scotland, 1100; Adellcia of Louvaine, 1120; Matilda of Boulogne, 1136 ; Eleanora of Aquitaine, 1154. [2.] Berengaria of Navarre, 1101; Isabell I of AngoulCnne, 1200; Eleanor of Provence, 1236; Eleanora of Castille, 1273; Marguerite of France, 1299 ; Isabella of France, 1.308; I’hilippa of Ilainault, 1327; Anne of Bohemia, -1380. [3.] Isabella of Valois, 1397; Joan- na of Navarre, 1402 ; Katherine of Valois, 1402; Margaret of Aiqou, 1444; Elizabeth Wood- ville, 1464; Anne of Warwick, 1473. 11 [4]. Elizabeth of York, 1480; Katharine of Arra- STRICKLAND 79 TALES Shelf. No. Strickland, A., continued. gon, 1509 ; Anno Boleyn, 1533 ; Jane Seymour, 1536 ; Anne of Cloves, 1539; Katharine How- ard, 1540. [5.] Katharine Parr, 1543; Mary, 1553. HI f6, 7]. Elizabeth, 1553. [7.] Anne of Denmark, 1603. iV [8]. Hen- * rielta Maria, 1628; Catharine of Braganza, 1661. IV, V [8, 91. Mary Beatrice, of Modena, 1685. V [9, 10]. Mary il, 1688. V, VI [11, 12]. Anne, 1702. — - Same. Abridged. N.Y. 147.9 — Lives of the queens of Scotland, and English princesses connected with the regal succes- sion of Great Brita'a. 8 145.3 Contents. — Vol. I. Mar- garet Tudor; Magdalene of France. I, II. Mary of Lor- raine. II. Lady Margaret Douglas. IIT-VII. Mary Stu- art. VIII. Elizabeth Stuart. Strife and peace. Bremer, F 2G1.44 Struve, C. A. Domestic education of children. . . 154.13 Stuart, M. Hints on the interpretation of proph- ecy 3G6.32 Student, The. Bulwer-Lyt- ton, E. (G. E. L.) 15G.2 Studies from life. Craik, D. (M.) M 307.G Studies, stories, and mem- oirs. Jameson, A. (M.) 47.21 Studio, The. Abbott, J. v. 4 of IG.l Stumbling-blocks. Dodge, M. ^ 45.5 Stuyvesant. Abbott, J v. 8 of 1G.2 Styffe, K. Iron and steel. 33.10 Sudden thoughts. Wilks, T. E 1G4.19 Sugar. New system of manufacturing sugar from the cane. Bes- semer, H 382.4 Sullivan, J., Life of. See Peabody, O. W. B. v. 3 of 117.2 Sully, M. de Bethune, due de. Memoirs. 4 v. ... 125.10 Summer rest. Dodge, M. A. 45.8 Sumner, C. Eulogy on A. Lincoln 112.13 Sumner, J. P. Evidence of Christianity 385.23 Sumner, W. H. History of East Boston 181.11 — Some recollections of Washington’s visit to Boston [in 1789] 194.23 Sun, The. Guillemin, A. . . 3G.7 Sunday magazine for 18G5 . . G1.3 Sunny memories of foreign lands. Stowe, H. (E.) B. 94.8 SuNNYBANK. Terliuiie, M.V. 32G.17 Supper in Dixie. Triplet, J. 1G4.22 Suppliants, The, Euripides. V. 2 of 339.2 Supplicants, The. iEschy- lus 339.17 SuRENNE, G. French and English, and English and French pronouncing dic- tionary. See Spiers, A. *R. R., A. 4 Shelf. No. Surgeon of Paris. Jones, J. S 1G5.25 Susan Fielding. Edwards, A. B 301.39 SuspiRiA de profundis. De Quincey, T 44.24 SuTER, W. A quiet family. 1G4.19 SuTER, W. E. Dick Turpin and Tom King 1G4.22 Swallow barn. Kennedy, J. P 2G4.3G; 305.1 Swan, J. G. The northwest coast ; or, three years in Washington territory.. 9G.21 Swayze, 3Irs. J. C. Ossa- wattomie Brown 1G5 23 Sweat, M. J. M. A summer in Europe 285.23 Sweden. Anjou, L. A. Ref- ormation in 235.4 — Brace, C. L. Visit to the homes of 23G.9 — Sleeper, M. G. Sketches and stories of 27.17 — Taylor, (J.) Bayard. Sum- mer and winter pictures of 97.19 See also Charles XII. Swedenborg, E. von. Bush, G. Reply to R. W. Emerson on 383.10 — Hayden, W. B. Review of Dr. Pond on the facts and philosophy of 383.10 — Taftel, J. F. 1. Docu- ments concerning 383.11 Swedenborgianism. See New Jerusalem church. Sweethearts and wives. Kenney, J 1G5.11 Sweetser, W. Treatise on digestion 3G4.17 Swell life at sea. [Nauti- cal tales] 248.27 Contents . — Cruise of a Guin- earaan, by J. W. Gould; Fitz- Gubin ; Homeward bound; Aquatic expedition from Gib- raltar to Barcelona ; Mr. Snigs- by’s yacht; The death-shot. Swift, J. Works. 24 V. in 12. 49.1 Contents. — Vol. I [1, 2]. Life, by T. Sheridan. II [3, 4]. Tale of a tub ; History of Mar- tin ; Battle of the books, etc. Ill [5, 6]. Examiner, etc. IV [7, 8]. Miscellaneous. V [9]. Gulliver’s travels. [10.] Po- ems. VI [11]. Poems. [12 ] Tracts relative to Ireland; Drapier’s letters, etc. VII [13, 14]. Miscellaneous. Vlli-X [I0-20]. Letters. Xr [21,22]. Journal to Stella, etc. XII [23]. Martinus Scriblerus; History of John Bull, etc. [24.] Miscellanies in verse; Miscel- lanies in prose. — Poetical works. 3 v. ... 227.4 — Gulliver’s travels 249,5 Swinton, W. Campaigns of the army of the Poto- mac 131.5 Swiss cottage. The. Bayly, T. H 1G4.9 Swiss family Robinson, The. Wyss, J. U. von.. ...... 17.4 Shelf. No. Swiss swains. Webster, B. 1G4.15 Switch off. Adams, W. T. 13.10 Switzerland. Adams, W. T. Young America in. 13.4 — Bremer, F. Two years in. 234.20 — Eddy, D. C. Scenes and society in 234. IG — Goethe, J. W. von. Let- ters from V. 2 of 125.12 — Jones, 11. The regular Swiss round 98.1 — Mendelssohn - Bartholdy, F. Letters from 12G.12 — Simond, L. Tour and residence in, 1817-19... 93.9 — Wilson, J. History of. . 148.5 See also Alps. Sybaris and other homes. Hale, E. E 2GG.7 Sybil Lennard. Grey, 3Irs. 341.29 Sybil’s second love. Kav- anagh, J 322.7 Sylvia’s lovers. Gaskell, E. C 2G1.4G Syntax, Doctor, Tour of, in search of the pictur- esque. Combe, W IGG.l Syria. Curtis, G. W. The howadji in 97.2 — De Forest, J. W. Letters from 97.28 — Mariti, G. Travels through 83. G See also Palestine. SzABAD, E. Modern war... 387.13 Table-talk. Cowper, W. Table talk 1G1.3 — Hazlitt, W. Table talk. 205.4 — Rogers, S. Table-talk.. 205.2 Tacitus, C. C. Works. [Translated] by A. Mur- phy. 4 V 3G1.2 Tactics. Casey, S. Infan- try 38.14 — Hardee, W. J. Rifle and light infantry 3G8.4 — Scott, W. Infantry 3G8.3 — Steflen,W. United States. 3G7.22 — United States infantry.. 3G8.2 Taffel, j. F. I. Documents concerning Swedenborg. 383.11 Take care of little Charley. Brougham, J 1G4.14, 2G Tale of trials. Opie, A. V. 3 of 282.5; v. 2 of 327.30 Tale of two cities. Dickens, C. (J. H.) 24G.19; 281.3G; 284.1G Tales and sketches. Miller, H 154.10 Tales and sketches. Sedg- wick, C. M 18.1 Tales of a grandfather. Scott, Sir W. . .V. 24-2G of 2G3.5 348.1 Tales of a traveller. Irving, W 4-of 4G.6 Tales of a wayside inn. Longfellow, H. W 1GG.25 Tales of Glauber-Spa. Sedg- wick, C. M 305.19 Tales of my landlord. Scott, Sir W 5-7 of 2G3.5 'I'ALKS rilAf'KKR AV Kh. If. No. 'J'ai.kh of tlio cni.sjKlcrs. Scol t,, Sir W V. \H of 203.5 'J’ai.koukd, F. Sliylock, or l liu morcliant of Venice l)r('S(‘rve(l 104.12 TAi.KorKi), N. (h’iiiciil ami iniscelhincous writ- ings 202. .5 — Ion 1()5.1 Talisman, The. Scott, Sir VV 18 of 203.5 Tallaiadgk, Ji. Memoir... lUt.l2 Tally Khand. See Itluind, Tally. Talaion, Thrace, pseud, f Edith Hale 243.11 Talpa. Haskyns, C. W. .. 387.3 Taming of tlie shrew. Shakespeare, W. ..v. 4 of 103.1 V. 2 of 103.2; v. 2 of 103.11 Tangled skein, A. Fon- lilamine, A 281.10 Tanglkwooi) tales. Haw- tliorne, N 14.31 Tapesthiki) chamber. Scott, Sir W V. 20 of 203.5 Tautauy, Travels in, 1844- 40. Hue, R 235.14 Task, The. Cowper, W. .. 101.3 Tasso, T. Godfrey of Kul- loigne ; or, the recovery of Jerusalem 108.3 — Jerusalem delivered 108.2 Tautpiioeus, Baroness I. vou. At odds 204.20 — The initials 324.17 — Quits 240.32 Tay'leuue, C. W. The boy martyrs of Sept. 12, 1814. 105.25 — Horseshoe Kobiusou. [Dramatized from J. P. Kennedy] 105.22 Taylou, C. B. The pass- word 380.20 Taatlok, E. Tales from the history of the Saxons.. 137.3 Taylor, I. Home educa- tion 154.16 — Physical theory of an- other life 364.34 — Spirit of Hebrew poetry. 152.12 Taa'lor, (J.) Bayard. By- ways of Europe 85.10 — Cyclopaedia of modern travel 83.10 — Eldorado, or, adventures in the path of empire.. . 06.17 — John Godfrey’s fortunes. 265.15 — Joseph and his friend 265.20 — Journey to Central Africa. 06.10 — Lands of the Saracen... 234.25 — ]\>ems 168.0 — Summer and winter pic- tures of Sweden, Den- mark, and Lai)land 07.10 — Views a-foot; or, Europe seen with knapsack and stair. 0th ed 234.24 Same. 15th ed 08.5 — - Same. 20th ed 87.0 — Visit to India, Cliina, and Japan, in 1853 87.20 Tayi.or, j. W. l{ef)orts up- on th0 — Helping hands 165,26 — Iletnbntion 165.18 — Still waters run deep.... 165.26 — The ticket-of-l(Nive man. 165.30 — To oblige Benson 164.0 — Victims 164.24; 165.21 — amlKetide, C. Theking’s rival 165.17 Masks and faces 165.21 Two loves and a life.. 165 26 Taylor, AV. C. Civil wars of Ireland. 2v 10.40 — Manual of ancient and modern history 181.0 — The modern Britisli Plu- tarch 158.18 Taylor, Z. Frost, J. Life of 215.12 — Montgomery, 1 1. Life of. 107.4 Teach iN(;. Sre Education. Technology, Popular. Ha- zen,E 40.3 See also Useful arts. Teddy the tiler. Kodwell, G. H 164.16 Teddy Poe. Stirling, E. . . 164.16 Teeth, Preservation of tlie. Hitclicock, D. K 38.11 Telegraph. Briggs, C. F. Story of the 364.32 — Prescott, G. B. Electric. 34.32 — Sabine, IL Electric.... 37.11 Temper. Bell, B 165.8 Temper. Opie, A. . . v. 5 of 282.5 Teaipest. Shakespeare, AV. V. 2 of 163.1 V. 1 of 163.2; 165.17 Temptation. Brougham, J. 164.8 Ten nights in a bar-room. Pratt, AAL AV 165.30 Ten times one is ten. Hale, E. E 266.4 Ten years among the mail bags. Holbrook, J 244.20 Tenant of AVildfell hall. Bronte, A 287.2 Tennyson, A. Poems. 2v. 167.10 Contents. — Vol. I. Miscel- laneous poems; The princess; Enoch Arden. II. In meino- riani ; Maud, and other poems ; Idylls of the king; Additional poems ; Experiments. — Enoch Arden, etc 167.34 — The holy grail and other poems 166.7 — The princess 167.33 Teriiune, M. V., formerly Aliss Hawes. {Marion Harland.) At last 342.24 — Ihiemie’s temptation.... 342.9 — Puby’s husband 342.23 — Sunnybank 326.17 Teihiy, 1). Guy Mannering. 1 Dramatized from Sir W. Scott j 165.11 Tei'rachordon. Milton, ,1. V. 3 of 337.5 Hli ••If. No. 'I’k A ERINO. Du(l<*vaiif., A. L. A. D 307.12; 21, 13 'I'l :.\ \s. ( )lm D •d, F. L. Joiir- ncy lliroiii 2b '.16, 19 — I’aNfoii, r. Stray Van- kt'c in 9( :.6 — A’isii, to . . . o 36. 21 — AVoodman, !)., />. Guid(^ to J'c.xas ( |•mig^an(„s .... 35: r.4 Thachkk,. a . Narrative of his shipwreck 181 1.6 Til lACK ERA v, Miss (A. I.) 'flic siory of Fili/.alxdb tvith f)tii( cr talcs and sketches 317.13 Contents. — 'I'lie story of Elizahcth; Elvt‘ old friends; The Hleejdng beauty In llio wooil ; Ciiideri'Ila ; Heanty and the beast; l.inie lied Ridit.g Iloodi.Iaek tlie giant-killer; Out of tlie world ; 'J’o Ksther. — The village on the clKf with other stories and sk(;tehes 347.12 Contents. — The village on the clKf; From an island; .Mis- cellanies. Thackeray, AAL M. {Mirhael Anyelo Titma.rsh.') Mis- celianics. 5 v 347.1 Contents. — Vol. I. The me- moirs of Harry l>yndon, esip; 'The history of 8amuel 'I’it- marsh and the great iloggarty diamond; Hurlesrpies; 'I'lie di- ary of C. .Jeames de l.,a Pluche, esq.; The tremendous adven- tures of Major Gahagan; A legend of tiie Rhine; Rebecca and Jiowena; 'J'he liistory of the next French revolution; Cox’s diary, il. 3'he I’aris sketch book; The memoirs of Mr. C. J. Yellowplush; The Irish sketch book of 1S42; A journey from Cornhill to Grand Cairo. III. The book of snobs ; tSketches and travels in London; Character sketches; Denis Duval; Men’s wives; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Berry; Dennis Haggerty’s wife; The Bedford Row conspiracy; A little dinner at Timrnin’s; The fatal boots. IV. The four Georges; The English humor- ists of the 18th century; Char- ity and humor; Roundabout papers; 'I'he second funeral of Napoleon ; Little travels and roadside sketches; The Fitz-Boodle papers; Critical reviews; The wolves and the lamb. V. Catherine ; Tit- marsh among papers and books; Fraser miscellanies; The Christmas books; Selec- tions from Punch ; Ballads, etc. — English humorists of the 18th century 153.9 — Henry Esmond and Lovel the widower. Bost. ... 347.11 — Henry Esmond. N. Y. . . 302.26 — Men’s wives 153.27 — The Newcomes. N. Y. 2 V. in 1 302.2 Same. Bost 347.9 — Pendennis. N.A". 2v. iul. 261.28 Same. Bost 347.8 — Philip. N. Y 261.57 Same. Bost 347.6 — Vanity fair 347.10 THACKERAY 81 TOCQUEVILLE Shelf. No. Thackeray, W. M., cont'd. — The Virginians 347.7 — Story of the life of. See Taylor, T 124.6 Thalaba the destroyer. Southey, R. 161.2; v. 4 of 227.2 That blessed baby. Moore, J. G 164.9 That good old time. Gor- don, C 17.3 That nose! Woolf, B. E. 164.21 Thatcher, B. B. Indian biography. 2 48.32 — Indian traits. 2 48.2 — Tales of the revolution. . 48.3 Tiiaxter, a. W. The grotto nymph 164.21 Thayer, W. M. The bob- bin boy 26.24 — Good girl and true wo- man 15.44 — Life and character of Amos Lawrence 15.39 Theatricals, Private. Hud- son, F 168.23 Tiieo Leigh. Cudlip, A. .. 261.17 Theology. Adams, N. Evenings with the doc- trines 363.19 — Andrews, W. S. Natural and revealed religion . . . 366.20 — Campbell, G. Lectures on systematic 363.2 — Cobb, S. Compend of Christian divinity 385.14 — De Quincey, T. Theolog- ical essays 44.9 — Fernald, W. M. God in his providence 366.13 — Paley, W. Natural theol- ogy 59.2; 383.15 — Prout, W. Chemistry, meteorology, and diges- tion, with reference to natural theology ... 37.6 — Recent inquiries in 385.1 See also Christ, Christianity, Churcli, God, Inspiration, Jes- uits, Jews, Miracles, Missions, Providence, Punishment (Fu- ture), Regeneration, Religion, Sermons, Trinity. Tiierese, the orphan of Ge- neva. Payne, J. H. ... 165.15 Thibet, Travels in, 1844-46. Hue, 111. R 235.14 Thiers, (L.) A. Consulate and empire of Napoleon. 2 134.23 — History of the French revolution. 4 v. in 2 . . . 141.4 — The Mississippi bubble : Memoir of J. Law 196.20 “Things new and old.” Welles, — 32.3 Thirty years of army life on the Border. Marcy, R. B 84.3 Thirty years’ war. Schiller, (J. C.)F. vou 148.3 Thomas, 3Iiss A. See Cud- lip, A. Thomas, C. B., and Giflbrd, S. N. The lauding of the French Atlantic ca- ble, July, 1869 133.19 Shelf. No. Thomas, E. S. Reminis- cences of the last sixty- live years, 2 204.2 Thomas, J. Universal pro- nouncing dictionary of biography and niytliol- ogy. Yol. 1 *R. R., A. 14 Tiiomes, W. H. The bush- rangers 22.14 — The gold hunters in Eu- rope 22.15 — Life in Australia 22.13 Thompson, B., count Rum- ford. Essays, political, economical, and philo- sophical. 3 V 33.27 — Life of. See Reuwick, J. V. 5 of 117.2 Thompson, G. Prison life and reflections 153.25 Thompson, J. P. Memoir of D. T. Stoddard 116.1 Thomson, A. T. Philosophy of magic. 2 v 383.22 Thomson, James. Poetical works. 2 227.5 Contents. — Vol. I. Memoir, by Sir II. Nicolas; Poems; Songs; Britannia;., Liberty. II. The seasons; Castle of in- dolence. Thomson, John C. The queens of society. See Thomson, K. (B.) 124.7 — The wits and beaux of society. See Thomson, K. (B.) 124.10 Thomson, K. (B.) and J. C. (^Cirace and Philip Whar- ton.) The queens of so- ciety 124.7 — The wits and beaux of society 124.10 Thomson, M. ((>. K. Philan- der Doesticks.) Doe- sticks. What he says . . 283.22 — The lady of the lake 164.15 Thomson, R. D. Food of animals, and the fatten- ing of cattle 34.22 Thomson, W. M. The Laud and the Book. 2 v 86.6 Thor, Laud of. Browne, J.R. 95.11 Thoreau, H. D. Cape Cod. 44.3 — Excursions 44.7 — Letters to various per- sons 44.4 — The Maine woods 44.5 — Walden 44.1 — A week on the Concord and Merrimack rivers . . 44.6 — A Yankee in Canada 44.2 Thornton, J. Q. Oregon and California in 1848. 2 85.13 Thornton, J. W. Peter Ol- iver’s “Puritan com- monwealth” reviewed. 353.10 Thorpe. Mountford, W. .. 248.17 Thoughts and things at home and abroad. Bur- ritt, E 234.15 Thousand and one nights; or, the Arabian nights’ entertainments. Bost. 17.28 — Same. Cincinnati 248.17 Shelf. No. Three beauties. South- worth, E. 1). E. N 344.9 Three courses and a dessert. 157.22 Three crowns. Bradlee, L. II 166.15 Three eras of woman’s life. Smith, E. E 264.2 Three gold dollars. Abbott, J V. 7 of 16.1 Three guardsmen. The. Rice, C 165.18 Three little spades. War- ner, A. B 26.16 Three pines. Abbott, J. V. 3 of 16.3 Three weeks after marriage. Murphy, A 165.9 Three years in camp and hospital. Locke, E. W. 136.1 Through by daylight. Adams, W. T 13.12 Through night to light. Spielhageu, F 305.18 Thucydides. History of the Peloponnesian war. 2 v. 339.14 Thumping legacy. Morton, J. M 164.10 Thunder and lightning. Fonvielle, W. de 36.3 Ticket-of-leave man. Tay- lor, T 165.30 Ticklish times. Morton, J. M 164.20 Ticknor, C. Philosophy of living 19.23 Ticknor, G. Life of W. H. Prescott 116.10 Tiger prince. Dalton, W. 22.20 Timber trees 367.21 Timboo and Fanny. Abbott, J V. 3 of 16.1 Timboo and Joliba. Abbott, J. V. 3 of 16.1; 17.31 Timbs, j. School-days of eminent men 195.5 — Stories of inventors and discoverers 124.1 Time and tide. Roe, A. S. 243.12 Time tries all. Courtney. J. 165.27 Timon of Athens. Shake- speare, W 2 of 161.4 V. 10 of 163.1; V. 5 of 163.2 Titcomb, Timothy, pseud. See Holland, J. G. Titmarsii, Michael Angelo, pseud. See Thackeray, W. M. Titus Andronicus. Shake- speare, W 2 of 161.4 V. 9 of 163.1; V. 5 of 163.2 To-day. Kimball, R. B. .. 342.14 To Esther. Thackeray, Miss (A. I.) 347.13 To love and to be loved. Roe, A. S 243 12 To oblige Benson. Taylor, T 164.9 To parents and guardians.. 165.17 To Paris and back, for flve pounds. Morton, J. M. 164.9 Tobin, J. The honey-moon. 165.1 TOCQUEVILLE, A. (C. H. Clerel) de. Democracy in America 133.17 — The old regime and the revolution 97.21 11 TODD TWICK H2 Shelf. No. 'J'oDD, S. II. Occnsional po- ems ir,(;,32 Ton, lows of llic sea.. Comte (M.) oOJ.l!) T()]\r and .Jerry. Moneried’, W. T. KM.M, 25 Tom Drown at Oxford. 1 1 Holies, T 215. P; 200 8 Tom Criiiiile. Kit/diall, K. 105.18 Tom Noddy’s secret. Dayly, T. II 101.21 Tomes, Iv. rananni in 1855. 87.4 Tommy Ilicknp. Parker, R. A 20.4 Tone masters, ’J'lic. Par- nard, C. F., jr 27.14 Tonna, C. F. {Charlotte Elizaheth . ) Fa I sc 1 1 ood and truth 208. .3 — Jnda3a capta 18h.l — Personal recollections.. . 100.1 Toodles, The 104.7 To]:quato Tasso. Goethe, J. AV. von 100.2 Totten, B.‘ J. Naval text- book 305.21 Totten, ,T. G. Reports in relation to the surveys of Boston harbor. Nee Boston 33.13 Tour, La, de Nesle. lingo, Comte V. (M.) 105.15 Tour of Doctor Syntax in search of the pictur- esque. Combe, AV IGG.l Tour on the prairies. Ir- ving, AV' V. 8 of 40.0 Toussaint, P., Memoir of. Nee Lee, H. F 120.11 Tower, D. The progressive speaker and common school reader 154.21 Tower of London. Aius- worth, AV. 11 321.2 Town and country. ton, T Townsend, G. A. Mor- 165.10 Lost abro.nd 22.18 Townsend, T. The lost ship 105.28 Traces of the Roman and Moor, through Lombar- dy and the Spains 87.21 Trachini^t:. Sophocles 339.10 Tracts, New, intended to teach religion without superstition 385.24 Train, G. F. American mer- chant in Europe, Asia, and Australia 233.2 'I’ramnnan. Bremer, F. . . 302.35 'J'rai* to catch a sunbeam. Mackarness, M. A 208.4 'rjiAvnn,, Cyclopaidia of mod- ern. ’I'aylor, (,J,) Bay- ard 83.10 'I'RAVEi.LEit, The. Gold- smith,!). 228.5 'J'raveei ers, Lives of cele- brated. St. .John, J. A. 50.1 'fifAVEij-iNC bachelor, ’J’he. Cooper, .1. F. .. .218.1 1 ; 285.17 Travia'i a, IjH. Verdi, G. .. 102.11 'J'Ri;Ai)VVi:r-E, D. Rejioi’t on the subj(!ct f)f snpi)lying [BostonJ with water... 31.23 shcr. No. Treasitijy of travel and ad- venture 230.1 3'Ri:i:sof America. Browne, 1). .4 3'relawny, L. j. Last days of Shelley and liy ron . . Trf.nch, IL C. S(*rmons be- fore the nnivcrsily of 200.3 300.0 Trent, History of the coun- cil of. ilungener, L. (B.) 147.10 TniAE, 'linn A’onge, C. M. . 303.7 Triai, and triumi)h. Arthur, 'J'. S 311.18 Trial of the British soldiers for the murder of C. _ A tt ticks, S. Gray, S. ' Maverick, J. Caldwell, and P. Carr, March 5, 1770 137.1 Trials, Remarkable crinn- nal. Feuerbach, A. R. von 158.17 Trick to catch the old one. JMiddleton, T v. 2 of 103.10 TitiEioiAiN, Bridal of. Scott, Nir W v. 8 of 228.7 Trifles. Ruhkopf, .T 27.30 Trinity. Frothingham, E. L. Law of tri-person- ality 32.17 — Jones, AA^. Catholic doc- trine of a 38.18 Trip to Calais. Foote, S. .. 103.12 Trip to Scarborough. Sher- idan, R. B 103.0 Triplet, J. Call at number 1-7 104.22 — A supper in Dixie 104.22 Troilus and Cressida. Shakespeare, AV. ..v. 2 of 101.4 V. 0 of 103.1; V. 5 of 103.2 V. 3 of 103.11 Trojan dames. Euripides. V. 2 of 330.2 Trollope, A. The Ber- trams 204.1 — The Claverings 301.35 — Doctor Thorne. 1803 .. 204.13 Same. 1800 200.13 — Framley parsonage 204.10 — He knew he was right... 301.0 — The last chronicle of Bar- set 301.8 — North America. N. Y. . 235.10 Same. Phil. 2 v. in 1. 04.20 — Orleyfarm 301.14 — Phineas Finn, the Irish member 301.11 — The small house at Al- lington 301.28 — The vicar of Bullhamp- ton 301.13 — The AA^est Indies and the Spanish main 80.5 Troi.lope, T. a. Lindis- farn chase 302.24 — A siren. 2 v. in 1 204.15 Tropi(;s. In the tropics, by ii settler in Santo Do- mingo 230.3 — AVillis, N. P. Health trip to the 87.14 'rifo’i'i'v book. Plielps, E. S. 22.0 Hli.Or No. TnoVAiouE, ll. Ab-rdl, G. 102.11 'rnownitiiMiE, J. 'r. Cr< ijlon. ) Lawrrncr’s ad vent n res 2ls.gi> — Marlin Mrrriv.alr 218.18 — Neighbor .lackwtiod 105.27 — Neighbor.s’ wives 342.12 'rnui',, 'fhe, in nalur<’, art, morals, and ladigion. Buskin, J 207.7 Ticue history of a lillle rag- amnllin. Giaa-nwood, .1. 201.20 'fKl’E stories Iroin history and biography. Haw- thorne, N 14 .30 'I’nuE womanhood. Neal, J. 243.0 Tru.mpei Elds, 'The, daughter. Coyne, .1. S 101.21 J'nuMps. Curtis, G. AV. ... 305.21 Try again. Adams, W. 3’. 11.3 'l uYiNC it on. Brough, AV. 101.17 TryincIo be useful. Baker, H. N. (W.) 14.21 Tryon county, N. Annals of, (Inring the revolu- tion. Campbell, \V. \V. 188.0 Tsciiudi, J..I. von. Travels in Peru, 1838-42 235.2 Tuckeraian, H. 3'. Bio- graphical essays 104.2 — 33ie criterion 150.0 — A month in England 00.25 — Rambles and reveries... 100 11 — Sicily 00.27 Tudor, W. Life of J. Gtis. 183.8 Tulloch, j. Leaders of the reformation 300.37 Tupper, M. F. Proverbial philosophy 220.2 Turkey. De Vere, A. Pic- turesque sketches in... 230.15 — Howard, G. AV. F., earl of Carlisle. Diary in 3'ur- kish and Greek waters. 233.3 — Murray,!. Handbook for. 87.11 — Smith, J. V. C. Turkey and the Turks 07.22 — Spencer, E. Turkey, Rus- sia, the Black sea, and Circassia 90.10 — Stephens, J. L. Incidents of travel in 80.12 — AA^alpole, R. Memoirs relating to 81.4 See also Armenia, Assyria, Babylon, Constantinople, Cy- prus. East (The), Mesopota- mia, Palestine, Syria. Turn him out. AA^illiaras, T. J 104.22 Turned head. A Beckett, G. A ■. 104.18 Turner, J. AA^. Minstrel’s gift 387.10 Turner, S. Sacred history of the world. 3 v 48.11 Turning. Hand-turning in wood, ivory, shell, etc. Campin, F 365.10 Twelfth night. Shake- speare, AV V. 5 of 103.1 V. 2 of 103.2; 105.0 Twenty minutes Avitli a tiger 104.20 Twice told tale. AVooler, J. P 104.21 TWICE-TOLD 83 UNITED STATES Shelf. No. Twice-told talcs. Ilaw- tlioiTie, N 45.13 Two admirals, The. Cooper, J. E 285.11 Two b’hoys, The. Dance, C 1G4.22 Two Boiinycastles, The. Morton, J. M 1G4.G- Two brides, The. Arthur, T. S 341.9 Two Buzzards, The. Mor- ton, J. M 1G4.1G Two cadis, The. Eichberg, J 1G2.14 Two can play at that game. Pierron, E 1G4.18 Two captains. La Motte Eouque, F. (H. C.), bar- on (\q 17.12 Two drovers. The. Scott, SirW 20 of 2G3.5 Two Foscari, The. Byron, G. (G. N.), lord...v. 7 of 228.2 Two friends. The. Lacy, R. 1G5.13 Two gentlemen of Verona. Shakespeare, AY. ..v. 2 of 1G3.1 V. 1 of 1G3.2; 1G5.4 Two Gregories, The 1G4.8 Two guardians. Yonge, C. M 303.8 Two life-paths. Mundt, C. 281.17 Two lives. Macintosh, M. J 2G5.24 Two loves and a life. Tay- lor, T 1G5.2G Two marriages. Craik, D. (M.) M 342.8 Two merchants. Arthur, T. S 341.17 Two queens. The. Buck- stone, J. B 1G4.10 Two sisters. Southworth, E. D.E. N 344.8 Two sons. Opie, A. ..v. 4 of 282.5 Two years ago. Kingsley, C 24G.2 Two years before the mast. Dana, R. H , jr. ...19.37; 95.27 ’T WOULD puzzle a conjuror. Poole, J 1G4.G Tyler, W. S. Prayer for colleges 3GG.15 Tvlney hall. Hood, T. ... 307.14 Tyndall, J. Faraday as a discoverer 123.4 — Heat as a mode of mo- tion 33.19 — Sound 33.34 Tytlek, a. F., lord Wood- houselee, and Nares, E. Universal history, to the decease of George m. Gv 59.3 Tytler, P. F. Progress of discovery on the north- ern coasts of America . . 19.25 Tytler, S. The Huguenot family 305.22 Ugolino. Booth, J. B 1G5.16 Uncle and nephew. Opie, A 2 of 282.5 Uncle Tom’s cabin. Stowe, H. (E.) B 342.G Same. Dramatized. See Aiken, G. L 1G5.22 Shelf. No. Uncommercial traveller. Dickens, C. (J. H.) 284.8 ;325.8 Under the willows. Low- ell, J. R 1G7.20 Undercurrents. Kimball, R. B 244.21 Understanding, Conduct of the. Locke, J 19. 2G Undine. La Motte Fouque, F. (H. C.), &aronde-... 17.12 Same. Dramatized. See Soane, G. 1G5.22 Unfinished gentleman. The. Selby, C 1G4.10 Unger, F. Botanical let- ters 3G4.29 Union, ilie., History of. Sib- ley, J. L 136.18 Union, The. Lunt, G 1G8.21 United States. Addresses on the presentation of the sword of A. Jack- sou, to congress, Feb. 2G, 1855 194.5 — Expedition of an Ameri- can squadron to the China seas and .Tapan, 1852-54. By F. L. Hawks. 3v. ..^ 231.1 — Infantry tactics 3G8.2 — Instruction for heavy ar- tillery 37.13 — Notes of a military recou- noissauce, from Fort Leavenworth, Mo., to San Diego, Cal. By AY. H. Emory 232.9 — Obituary addresses on the death of D. Webster. 112.5 — Obituary addresses on the death of H. Clay 101.2 — Report of J. Pope on the Virginia campaign 352.12 — Report of the committee on the conduct of the war on the attack on Petersburg, 30th July, 1864 352.10 — Report on the battle of Murfreesboro’, Teun., by W. S. Rosecraus 352.7 — Report on the Fort Pil- low massacre and on condition of the return- ed Union prisoners .... 352.11 — Report on the Harper’s ferry invasion 352.8 — Report on the organiza- tion of the army of the Potomac under G. B. McClellan 133.21 — Report respecting the purchase of camels for the purposes of military transportation 383.4 — Report upon the Colora- do river of the West, by J. C. Ives 81.5 — Reports upon the mineral resources of the United States, by J. R. Browne and J. W. Taylor 383.3 — Abbott, J. American history v. 5 of 16.1 Shelf. No. United States, continued. — Bancroft, G. History of the 182.5 ; 351.1 — Bogen, F. AY. The Ger- man in America 158.1 — Bonner, J. Child’s his- tory of the 26.17 — Bowles, S. Across the continent 95.1 — Brackett, A. G. History of the United States cavalry 136.10 — Bradford, A. History of . the federal government, 1789-1839 133.10 — Bray man, J. 0. Daring deeds of American he- roes 35G.15 — Burr, C. C. Notes on the constitution of the .... 3G5.31 — Chase, H. The North and the South 136.15 — Cobbett, AY. A year’s residence in the 236.12 — Cooper, J. F. History of the navy of the, to 1856 183.12 — Curtis, G. T. History of the constitution of the. 132.9 — Dana, D. D. The fire de- partments of the 156.12 — Darns mont, F. AY. So- ciety and manners in America 134.1 — Dixon, AY. H. New Amer- ica 85.1 — Duer, AY. A. Constitu- tional jurisprudence of the 19.29 — Dunlap, AY. Arts of de- sign in the 202.4 — Gardner, C. K. United States system of in- fantry exercise 35.14 — Gilliam, W. Manual for the volunteers and mili- tia of the 35.10 — Gordon, W. Indepen- dence of the 132.2 — Gould, N. D. Church music in America 363.14 — Greeley, H. Struggle for slavery extension in the. 181.3 — Hale, S. History of the, to 1817 19.15; 353.16 — Haliburton, T. C. Rule and mis -rule of the Eng- lish in America 95.19 — Helper, H. R. Impend- ing crisis of the South. 135.11 — Hickey, AY. The consti- tution, with an account of the state papers, etc. 207.9 -- Hildreth, R. History of the 131.1 — Lanmau, C. Adventures in the wilds of the 232.2 Dictionary of the Uni- ted States congress.... 194.24 — Livermore, G. Negroes as slaves, citizens, and soldiers 183.9 — Lossing, B. J. Sketches of the signers of the declaration of indepen- dence 197.11 UNITED STATES 84 VENUS Hhi'ir. No. Uni'I'ki) S'I’A'I'ks, conihnicd. Eudlovv, E. li. 'I'lKiJiciirt or the coiitiiicMit 81. 4 Lyell, Sir C. Second visit to tlie 8G.10 Alarcli, C. W. Ueininis- cenees of congress 185.1! Murray, A. M. Letters from the 07.4 Pitkin, T. History of the, 1 703-07 131.7 Pliees, AV. J. Manual of l)nl)lic libraries in the.. 151.8 Robinson, P. Orf?ani/.ii- tion of the army of the. 207.1 Savage, J. Our living representative men 107.0 Schalf, P. Political, so- cial, and religious char- acter of the 230.0 Sherwood, 3. D. Comic liistory of the 282.1 Springs, water-falls, sea- bathing resorts, and mountain scenery of the. 87.7 Stcllen, W. Tactics of the 307.22 Tocquevillc, A. (C. II. Clerel) de. Democracy in America 133.17 Trollope, A. North America 04.20 Van Puren, M. Origin and course of political parties in the 132.8 AVilkes, C. United States exploring expedition, 1838-42 01.5; 00.1 AA^ortley, E. S., lady. Travels in the, 1840, 50. 08.0 See also Alaska, America, American revolution, Califor- nia, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Louisiana, Maine. Maryland, Massachu- setts, Mexican war, Michigan, Mississippi, Nebr.aska, New England, New Hampshire, New York, North Carolina, North-western territory, Ore- gon, Pennsylvania, South Car- olina, Texas, Utah, A^'ermont, Virginia, AVar of 1812, AA'ash- ington territory, AVest (The), AVisconsiu. Civil war, 1801-05. Abbott, A. 0. Prison life in the South 130,7 Botts, J. M. Tlie great rebellion 130.5 Collin, C. C. Pour years of fighting 132.11 - My days and nights on the battle-field 27.22 Draper, J. W. liistory of the 131.4 Ely, A. .Journal in liich- niond ’ 234,17 Foote, II. S. AVar of the rebellion 130.4 Casparin, A. (TL), comte de. 'I'he Uniletl States in 1801 188.5 Cilmor, 11. h\mr yttars in tlie saddh; 130.0 Cilmore, .1. K, South in secession-tin. e 130.17 Shelf. N... Unitko Sta'it.m, ronfiniird. — Coddard, S, A. Ecltcrs on th(! Aineiican rebel- lion 133.8 — Ilardinge, IL H. Belle Boyd incam|)and prison. 180. (i — llarjicr’s pictorial history of the great rttbellion. ♦li. IL, Table — lligginson, T. AAL Army life in a black rttgiment. 1)5.25 — lIosiiHU', ,I.K. The color- guard 130.11) — .lunkin, G. I’olitical fal- lacies which have brought on this civil Avar 380.5 — Locke, E. AA'. Three years in camp and hos- iiital 130.1 — liossing, B. .1. Pictorial history of the 131.3 — Nichols, G, W. Story of the great march 130.8 — I’apers by federal pris- oners 153.15 — Parton, ,1. Gen. Butler in New Orleans 113.3 — Patterson, II. Campaign in the valley of the Shenandoah, in 1801... 133.12 — Peissner, E, The Amer- ican (piestion in its na- tional as])cct 130.14 — Pollard, E, A. Observa- tions in the North : eight months in prison and on parole 184.1 — Richardson, A. D. The secret service, the field, the dungeon, and the es- cape 131.0 — Russell, AY. II. My diary North and South 94.19 — Spencer, A. Narrative of Andersonville 130.9 — SAvinton, AA^. Campaigns of the army of the Po- tomac 131.5 — AVillis, H. A. Fitchburg in the war of the rebel- lion 112.7 United States magazine, and democratic revicAv. Vol. 1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 11-10. 11 415.1 United States sanitary commission. Succinct iiarratiA'c of its works and purposes 113.14 Univeksal history, to the decease of George iii. Tytler, A. F 59.3 Unkind Avord. Craik, 1). (M.) M 307.7 UNunEuwiNDLiciiE Miichtc. Grimm, 11 277.1 Up the Rhine. Hood, T. . .. 305.17 Up the river. Abbott, J. al 5 of 10.3 Upiiam, C. VV. Life of J. C. Fremont 195.12 — Life of Sir 11. Vane. V. 4 of 117.1 ; v. 3 of 123.7 Upiiam, 'J\ C. Imperfect and disoi'dered mental acl.ion 19.33 siH'ir. No. Up'^idi, down. P:irkcr, It. A. 20.5 Ik I", A. 'flic cotton munu- tiicture of Greiit III itidii Investigated and illus- 1 rated. 2v 37.1 — 'flic philosophy of manu- factures 37.10 Uksi la. Sewell, 1C. M .301.1 1 si.D up. Mai I m‘Wh, G. ... UsEi iiL arts <‘niplo\ cd in i Im? 101.2 const ruction of dwelling UsEM L arts employed in the production of food 307.19 U'lAii, ICxploration of the valley of the Great salt lake of. Stansbury, 11. 83.9 A'agabond, The. Badcau, A. Vale of cedars. Aguilar, 247.1 G 248.5 Valentine’s eve. Opie, A. v. 0 of 282.5 Valet de sham. Selby, C. . . A'amuAky", a. 'fratels in 104.20 Central Asia 83.1 A^vn Bi p.kn, M. Origin and course of jiolilical jiar- tics in the United States. 132.8 — Life and political opin- ions of. See Holland, AV. M 104.5 Vandekkiste, R. AV. Six 3 'ear.s’ mission among the dens of London.... 180.9 Vane, Sir IL, Life of. See Uphain, C. AV v. 4 of 117.1 V. 3 of 123.7 Van Eahiie, J. H. Negroes and negro “slavery”.. 150.23 Vanity^ or, the merchant. Spiess, C. 11 v. 1 of 327.30 Vanhy fair. Thackeray, AV. M 347 10 Varniiagen yon En.se, C. A. Extracts from his diaries, and letters to Humboldt. See Hum- bolt, (F. H.) A. von... 127.24 VA.SSA, G. Life of Olaudah Equiano, or Gustav us Vassa 120.6 Vaux, C. Villas and cot- tages 31.3 Vegetable substances used for the food of man. Lankester, E 19.27 Vegetable substances used in the arts 367.21 Velde, C. F. van der. Tales from the German 327.31 Contents. — The Licliten- eteins; The sorceress; The anabaptist. Venetia. Disraeli* B 341.55 Venetian history. Sketches from. Smedley, E 49.6 Venice. Flagg, E. Venice from 1797 to 1849 84.15 — Howells, AA". 1). A^enetinii life 85.21 Venice i)rescrvcd. Otwav, T ^ 105.3 Venus and Adonis. Sliake- speare, AV. . . v. 2 of 101.4 ; 227.1 VERDI 85 WARNER Sh§lf. No. Vekdt, G. Don Carlos ; Er- iiani; I Lombardi; Lu- isa Miller ; The masked ball ; Rigoletto ; Sicilian vespers ; La traviata ; II trovatore. Italian, with English translation 162.11 Verdi, T.S. Maternity 34.26 Vermont. Abbott, J. Mar- co Paul in V. 4 of 16.4 — Williams, S. Natural and civil history of 132.3 Vermont wool- dealer ...... 164. 15 Verner’s pride. Wood, E. P 321.5 Vernon, M. Washington: the soldier and the Christian 389.20 Vernon. Abbott, J. ..v. 9 of 16.1 Vespucius, A., Life of 127.14 Vestiges of the natural his- tory of creation 38.3 Veteran, The. Wallack, J. L 165.23 Veteran of the grand army. Cobb, C. and D 243.1 Veterinary medicines. Dun, F 362.6 ViARDOT, L. Wonders of Italian art 36.4 Vicar of Bullhampton. Trol- lope, A 301.13 Vicar of Wakefield. Gold- smith, 0 246.5 Same. Dramatized. Bee Coyne, J. S 165.12 Victims. Taylor, T. 164.24 ; 165.21 Victor vanquished. Dance, C 164.16 Victoria, queen of England. Early years of the prince consort 124.3 — Our life in the Highlands, 1848-61 124.2 Victoria. Chesebro’, C. .. 264.3 Victories of love. Patmore, C. (K.) 167.30 ViC'j’ORiNE. Buckstone, J. B 165.22 ViCTORA^ of the vanquished. Cliarles, E 246.8 ViEux Moustache, pseud. Bee Gordon, C.' Views a- foot. Taylor, (J.) Bayard 87.9; 98.5; 234.24 Vigny, Comte A. (V.) de. Cinq-Mars : or, a con- spiracy under Louis XIII 261.21 Villa on the Rhine. Auer- bach, B 266.14 Village lawyer. The 164.14, 25 Village on the clift*. Thack- eray, 3Iiss (A. I.) 347.12 Villas and cottages. Vaux, C 31.3 ViLLETTE. Bronte, C 287.1 Vine-dresser’s manual. Reemelin, C 364.16 Vinegar, Manufacture of. Wetherill, C. M 365.15 Viola. Abbott, J v. 12 of 16.1 Viola. Maturin, E 165.22 ViRGiLius Maro, P. [The eclogues, georgics, and Aiiueid.] 2 V 339,3 Shelf. No. Virginia. Burk, J. His- tory of 132.7 — Campbell, J. W. History of, till 1781 137.2 — Jefferson, T. Notes on. 353.14 Virginia campaign. Report on the, by J. Pope. Bee United States 352.12 Virginia. Abbott, J. ..v. 3 of 16.1 Virginians, The. Thacke- ray, W. M 347.7 ViRGiNius. Knowles, J. S. 165.4 Vision, The. Dante Ali- ghieri 168.3 Vision of Don Roderick. Scott, Bir W V. 4 of 228.7 Vision of judgment. Sou- they, R... 168. 12; V. 10 of 227.2 Visit to Texas 236.21 Visits to remarkable places. Howitt, W 235.22 Vital force : how wasted and how preserved. Miller, E. P 365.13 ViviA. Southworth, E. D. E. N. 304.12 Vivian Grey. Disraeli, B. 341.50, 52 Vocalists, Female. Clay- ton, E. C 103.4 Voice, Diseases and hygiene of the. Colombat de risere, M 38.12 Voice from Waterloo. Cot- ton, E • 35‘8.1 Voltaire, F. (M. A.) de. History of Charles xii.. 135.13 Von drei Mlihlen. Mueller von Koenigswinter, W. 277.7 Voyages round the world. Gerstaecker, F. Jour- ney round the world... 85.23 — Kippis, A. Voyages by Capt. Cook 148.7 — Pfeiffer, I. A lady's sec- ond journey round the world 95.2 See also Exploring expedi- tion. Waikna; or, adventures on the Mosquito shore. Bard, S. A 95.21 Walcot, C. M. “A good fellow” 164.10 — Hiawatha 164.11 — Nothing to nurse 164.12 — One coat for two suits. . . 164.11 Waldauer, a. Little bare- foot 165.30 — Fanchon, the cricket. Bee Dudevant,A.L. A.D. .. 165.30 Walden. Thoreau, H. D. . 44.1 Wales, A. L. Reminis- cences of the Boston female asylum 157.25 Wales, Young America in. Adams, W. T 13.5 Walker, A. Jackson and New Orleans 196.24 Walker, C. E. The warlock of the glen 165.27 Walker, W. Expedition to Nicaragua. Bee VYells, W. V 136.16 Shelf No. Wallace, A. R. The Ma- lay archipelago 84.8 Wallace, W. V. Maritana. 162.10 Wallace. Abbott, J. .v. 2 of 16.2 Wallace. Barrymore, W. 165.25 Wallack, J.L. Tlie veteran. 165.23 — Romance of a poor young man. Bee Edwards, P. 165.23 Wallenstein, Death of. Schiller, (J. C.) F. von. 157.24 Wallenstein’s camp. Schil- ler, (J. C.) F. von 157.24 Wallis, S. T. Glimpses of Spain 86.9 — Spain : her institutions, politics, and public men. 97.29 Walpole, R. Memoirs re- lating to European and Asiatic Turkey 81.4 Walter Goring. Cudlip, A. 261.19 Waltham, 3Iass., Genealo- gies and history of. Bond, H 353.5 Walton, I., and Cotton, C. The complete angler... 387.14 Wandering boys 165.20 Wandering minstrel. May- hew, H 164.17 Wanted — a widow, with immediate possession. Boucicault, I). (L.) 164.12 Wanted, one thousand •spirited young milliners, for the gold diggings. Coyne, J.S 164.17 War. Jomini, H. de. Art of. 365.17 — Szabad, E. Modern 387.13 War of 1812, Pictorial field- book of the. Lossing, B. J 131.2 See also Jackson and New Orleans, New Orleans. Warburton, E. (B. G.) The crescent and the cross . . 235.3 — Conquest of Canada. 2 v. 147.15 — Hochelaga; or, England in the New World 87. 17 . Ward, J. H. Life of J. G. Percival 115.14 Ward, S., Life of. Bee Garamell, W v. 9 of 117.2 Warden, F. L. Romance after marriage. Bee Goodrich, F. B. 164.24; 165.21 Ware, H., jr. Formation of Christian character 389.4 — Offices -and character of Christ 366.33 Ware, M. L., Memoir of. Bee Hall, E. B 105.7 Ware, W. Life of N. Bacon. V. 3 of 117.2 — Sketches of European capitals 96.28 — Works and genius of Washington Allston. .. . 153.30 — Zenobia. 2v. in 1 244.2 Warlock, The, of the glen. Walker, C. E 165.27 Warner, A. B. (Amy Loth- rop.) Three little spades. 26.16 Warner, S. (Elizabeth Weth- erell.) Hills of Shatemuc. 244.8 — Queechy. 2 v. 218.23 — Say and seal. 2 263.4 AVAKNEU WEST Shelf. No. Waunkh, S., continnod. — “WJiat slie could ” 211.20 — TJic wide, wid(! woidd. 2v 214.1) Wahkkn, E. JIowJ niiiiia^j^od iny children 35.7 AVaukkn, .John C. Fossil impressions in the sand- stone rocks of Connec- ticut river 303.0 — The j^rcat tree on Eoston coininon 133.10 — Life, compiled chiefly from Ids antobioj^raphy and iournals. Jly E. Warren. 2v 112.12 — Freservation of health.. 38.15 Wauken, Joseph. Everett, A. 11. Life of....v. 10 of 117.1 V. 2 of 123.7 — Frothinj^liam, K. Life and times of 111.9 — Inauguration of the statue of. tSee Bunker-liill mon- ument association 112. G WAnuEN, M. History of the American revolution. 3 132.5 — rooms 102.21 Contents. — '^I'lie sack of Koine; The ladies of Castile; Miscellaneous. Warren, S. Passages from the diary of a late plij^- sician. 3 v 308.4 AVarreniana 158.2 AVars of the roses. Edgar, J. G 17.14 AA^arwick woodlands. Her- bert, H. AV 385.13 AA^'as he successful? Kim- ball, K. B 283.16 AA^asiiington, G. AVritings, with life by J. Sparks. 12 V 41.1 — Political legacies, [with] appendix 194.19 — Conkling, M C. JMemoir of the mother and the Mdfe of 197.2 — Custis, G. AV. P. Recol- lections and private me- moirs of 193.2 — Everett, E. Life of.... 197.20 — Fox, C. Portrait of 101.3 — Headley, J. T. Washing- ton and his generals .-. . 215. G — Irving, AV. Life of 107.1 184.11; 195.17 — Marshall,.!. Life of 183.2 — Paulding, J. K. Life of. 49.13 — Si)arks,J. Life of 111.10 — Sumner, AV. H. Some recollections of AVash- ington’s visit to Boston in 1789 194.23 — Vernon, M. 'J'he soldier and the Christian 389.20 AA''Asni.N'(; ION, Bi’Itish army at, in I8M. Gleig, G. li. 183.11 AV ASHING TON territory, 'I'hrei! years in. Swan, J. G 9G.21 VVa'I’ 'I’ylcr. S(nithey, It... 1G].2 V. 2 of 227.2 I 8() Hlielf. No. AVatcii and wait. Adams, AV. T 11.11 AVater colours, Mints for sketching trees from na- ture in. Hatton, 'I'. ... 3G.41 AVATEUcure. Craik, 1). (M.) M 241.3 AVater-witgm, 'I'lic. Coop- er, ,1. F 217.19; 285.12 AVatereoo. Battle of. Gleig, G. U 147.23 AA^aterloo, Field of. Scott, /SVr AV V. 8 of 228.7 AVateri.oo, Voice from. C«)tton, E 358.1 AVateicston, R. C. Tiifeand character of 'I'. Sherwin. 152.9 AA’^atertown, jMd.ss., Gene- alogies and history of. Bond, II 353.5 AA'^atkins, j. Life, jioetry, and letters of Ph Ph- liott 105.4 AA’'atson, II. C. Camii-tlres of Napoleon 187. G — Camp-tires of the revo- lution 181.13 AVatson, T. Principles and practice of physic 3G2.8 AA^avereey. Scott, NVr AV. V. 1 of 2G3.5 AA’' AY of life. Hodge, C.... 387.5 AA^vy of the world. Adams, AV. T 342.13 AALvtland, Ph Christian la- bors of T. Chalmers .... 12G.2 — Moral science 3G5.27 AA^ayne, a., Life of. See Armstrong, J v. 4 of 117.1 V. 3 of 123.7 AVays of the hour. Cooper, J. F 24G.14; 285.13 AAT^ girls. AVhitney, A. I). T 265.1 AA^eathercock, The. Ailing- ham, J. T 164.5 AVebb, C. Belphegor, the mountebank 165.30 .AA^eber, C. M. von. Her freyschiitz. Italian, with English translation.... 162.10 “ AVebfoot,” pseud. See Phelps, AV. D. Webster, B. The dead heart 165.30 — Giralda 165.27 — The golden farmer 164.1 — Highways and by-ways . . 164.13 — The laughing hyena 164.16 — My young wife, and my old umbrella 164.17 — One touch of nature 164.22 — The Swiss swains 164.15 Webster, I). Works. 6 v. 42.2 Contents. — Vol. I. BIo- grai)hical memoir, by E. Ever- ett. 1,11. Speeches on various public occasions. 111. Spcecb- es in convention to amend the constitution of Massacliusetts. 1 1 1, 1 V. Speeclies in congress. V, VI. Legal arguments. VI. Diplomatic and ollicial papers. — Diplomatic and ollicial papers 112.4 — Private corres[)ondence. 2v 111.6 8li .•If. No. AVi '.nSTER, 1)., conthi II rd. — Spc<*(!hes and forensic, ar- gnments . . 112.3 — Banvanl, .1. . 1 llnst.rat ion.s of the life of 15.11 — Curl is, G. ' r. Life of... 111.3 — Lanman, C. Private life of 115.4 — Memorial of. See Boston. 113.!) — ( )l)it uarv addresses on t he death of. StMf e« See Lnitisl 112.5 AVebsi i-.u, N. American ilic- tionary of the Phiglish language . *H. R., , A. 1 — l)icti(mary of the Phig- lish language. AVMlh an appendix containing tables [of money, weight, and measure, etc.] [Counting-house edition] *lt. B., A. 5 AA'ediung day. Inchbald, Ph 165.19 AA'edding day in all ages and countries. AVLjod, E. J 156.4 AV’^eeks, j. M. Phisy methcxl of managing bees 361.11 AATuiner, j. II. Principles form character 164.15 AA'EiGirrs and measures. See AVebster, N., Dictionary of the Phiglish language [Counting-house edi- tion], pp. .5.50—608. *14. R.,A. 5 AA'eiss, j. Life and corres- pondence of T. Parker. 2v 111.5 AVelcome home. Opie, A. V. 3 of 282.5; v. 2 of 327.30 AVi:ld, T. D. American slavery as it is 134.5 AVelles, — . “Things new and old : ” sermons 32.3 AA^ellesley, R., marquess. Memoirs and correspon- dence of. See Pearce, R. R 122.8 AVells, S. Y. Summary view of the millennial church. See Green, C. 366.17 AA^ells, T. Letters on Pal- estine 236.14 AVells, AA". II. The graded school 154.27 AVells, AV. V. AValker’s ex- pedition to Nicaragua.. 136.16 AVells of Baca. Macduff, J. R 168.10 AVemyss^P^. C. Minor drama. See Dramas, Collection of. Wenlock of AA^enlock. Wilks, T. E 165.17 AVensley. Quincy, E. .... 264.26 Wept of AVish-ton-AVish. Cooper, J. P" 285.16 Same. Dramatized... 165.19 AVerner. Byron, G. (G. N.), lord 165.10; v. 8 of 228.2 AA"esi.ey, j.. Life of. See Southey, R 125.9 AAT<:st, The. Phtrnham, E. AA^. I Afe in prairie land. 236.13 — Ph'ost, J. Pioneer moth- ers of 22.11 WEST 87 WILLIAM Shelf. No. West, The, continued. — Parkman, F. Discovery of V. 3 of 135.1 — Euxton, G. F. Life in.. 95.5 West end. Boucicaiilt, D. (L.) 165.24 Westcott, B. F. Study of the Gospels 363.16 West Indies, The, and the Spanish main. Trollope, A 86.5 See also Cuba. Weston, J. M. Lucretia Borgia. See Hugo, . GomteY.iM..) 165.25 Weston, 31ass., Genealogies and history of. Bond, H. 353.5 Westward ho! Kingsley, C. 246.28 Wetherell, Elizabeth, pseud. /S'ee Warner, S. Wetiierill, C. M. Manu- facture of vinegar 365.15 Wharton, Grace and Philip, pseud. /S'ee Thomson, K. (B.) and J. C. Wharton, Philip, duJce. Life 194.1 What answer? Dickinson, A. E 326.22 “What she could.” War- ner, S 244.26 What will he do with it? Bulwer-Lytton, E. (G. E. L.) 302.5 Whately, R. Elements of logic 365.5 — Elements of rhetoric... 365.9 Wheat and tares 247.13 Wheaton, H. Life of W. Pinkney v. 6 of 117.1 V. 3 of 123.7 — Scandinavia, ancient and modern. See Crichton, A 48.14 Wheeler, J. T. Life and travels of Herodotus. 2v 125.3 Wheeler, W. A. Diction- ary of the noted names of fiction *R. R., E. 9 — Manual of English pro- nunciation and spelling. See Soule, R 155.14 Whewell, W. Elements of morality. 2 v 385.9 — Plurality of worlds 35.8 Same. New ed 35.5 Whims and oddities. Hood, Whimsical woman. Carlen, E. (F.) 247.4 Whipple, E. P. Character and characteristic men. 116.7 — Essays and reviews. N. Y. 2 V 206.17 Same. Post. 2 v 157.12 — Lectures on subjects con- nected with literature and life 157.13 — Literature of the age of Elizabeth 157.11 Whist. Cavendish. Laws and principles of 367.13 — Pardon, G. F. Handbook of 368.5 Shelf. No. Whistler. Simonds, W. .. 17.18 WiiiTCiiER, F. M., /• rmerhj 3Iiss Berry. Widow Be- dott papers 226.25 White, G. Natural history ofSelborne 47.17 White, H. The massacre of St. Bartholomew .... 147.6 White, H. K. Complete works 162.2 White, James. The eigh- teen Christian centuries. 188.10 — Feudal times 165.7 — History of France, to 1848 134.20 — Thekingof the commons. 165.4 White, John. Brief relation of the planting of Mas- sachusetts 181.7 White lies. Reade, C 347.20 Whiteboy, The. Hall, A. M 261.50 White horse of the Peppers. Lover, S 164.3 White-jacket. Melville, H. 305.20 White mountains. The White hills. King, T. S. 235.9 Wiiiteeield, G. Voyage from London to Savan- nah 79.5 Whiting, H. Life of Z. M. Pike V. 5 of 117.2 Whitman, Z. G. Historical sketch of the Ancient and honourable artillery ^ company 187.5 Whitney, Adeline D. T. Faith Gartney’s girl- hood 265.3 — We girls 265.1 Whitney, Anne. Poems.. 166.10 Whittier, J. G. Poetical works. 2 V 167.12 Contents. — Vol. I. Mogg Megone ; The bridal of Penna- cook; Legendary; Voices of freedom ; Miscellaneous ; Songs of labor ; Miscellaneous ; Chap- el of the hermits. II. The panorama ; Miscellaneous; Ballads; Later poems; Home ballads; Poems and lyrics; In war time; Occasional po- ems; Snow-bound; The tent on the beach, and other poems ; National lyrics; Among the hills. — Prose works. 2 v 157,9 Contents. — Vol. I. Marga- ret Smith’s journal; Old por- traits and modern sketches. II. Literary recreations and miscellanies. — Miriam and other poems. 167.7 — Old portraits and modern sketches 206.15 Whittlesey, C. Life of J. Fitch V. 6 of 117.2 Who speaks first? Dance, C 164.5 Who stole the pocket book. Morton, J. M 164.19 Whymper, F. Travel and adventure in Alaska. - . . 84.7 WiCLiF, J., Life of. See Le Bas, C. W 127.12 WiDDIFIELD, H. New cook book 367.33 Shelf. No. Wide, wide world. Warner, S 244.9 AVidow, The. Middleton, T V. 3 of 163.10 Widow Bedott papers. Whitcher, F. M 226.25 Widow’s marriage. Boker, G. H V. 2 of 168.20 Widow’s son. Southworth, E. D. E. N 344.13 Widow’s victim. Selby, C. 164.3 Wife, The. Knowles, J. S. 165.1 Wife’s, A, duty. Opie, A. V. 4 of 282.5 Wife’s secret. Stephens, A. S 306.8 Wife’s trial. Lamb, C. v. 2 of 156.9 Wife’s trials. Pardoe, J. . . 321.4 Wife’s victory. South- worth, E. D. E. N 344.11 WiKOFF, H. Adventures of a roving diplomatist ... 215.3 — My courtship and its con- sequences 247.18 Wild Irish girl. Pilgrim, J. 165.30 Wild oats. O’Keefie, J. . . . 165.24 Wild scenes of a hunter’s life. Frost, J 22.17 Wilhelm Meister’s appren- ticeship and travels. Goethe, J. W. von 342.7 Wilhelm Tell. Schiller, (J. C.) F. von 157.24 Wilkes, C. United States exploring expedition, 1838-42. Phil. 5 v. . . . 91.5 Same. Lond. 2v. ... 96.1 Wilkins, E. G. P. My wife’s mirror 164.10 — Young New York. 164.24; 165.21 Wilkins, J. H. Civilization. 165.14 AVilkins, S. j. Bible acros- tics 366.12 Wilkinson, James J. G. The human body and its con- nection with man. 387.16 Wilkinson, Sir John G. Pop- ular account of the an- cient Egyptians. Lond. 2v 356.12 Same. N. Y. 2v. ... 85.11 Wilks, T. E. Bamboozling. 164.3 — Ben the boatswain 165.18 — The captain’s not a-miss. 164.14, 25 — The crown prince 164.10 — Michael Erie 165.24 — Rafiaelle the reprobate.. 165.27 — The seven clerks 165.16 — Sudden thoughts 164.19 — AVenlock of Wenlock. . . . 165.17 AVill you enlist? 389.20 AVillard, S. Memories of youth and manhood. 2v 198.3 AVilliam Allair. AVood, E. P 321.20 AVilliam Henry letters. Diaz, A. M 16.7 AVilliam Tell. Knowles, J. S 165.6 AVilliam Tell. Rossini, G. A 162.7 AVilliam the conqueror. History of. See Abbott, J 15.35 WILLIAMS 88 WON DICKFLI Shelf. No. Wilu,\ms, 1L AV. Old South cliMpol i)r:iy(M' mcetiii;^: origin luul history 387.0 WiLLiAiM.s, E. Statosiniin’s iiuuiual. Addresses Jiiid messages of tlie pres- ident.s of the United States, 178!)-1849. 4 v. 3.52.0 Wii.i.TAM.s, Mrs. Jl. D. A year in Cliina 94.11 WiLiJAiMS, II. W. Diseases of the eye 305.24 AVili.iams, J. Life of Alex- ander the great 19.7 — Memoir of. See Wil- liams, S. W 120.10 Williams, llobert F. [Tlic Shakspearc novels.] 3v. in 1 321.3 Contents. — The secret i)as- sion ; Tlie youth of Sliak- speare; Shakspearc, and his friends. AVilltams, Roger, Life of. See Gammell, AV'. v. 4 of 117.2 AAGlliams, Samuel. Natural and civil history of Ver- mont. 2 V 132.3 AVilliams, Stephen, Journal of. See AVilliams, S. AV. 120.10 AVilliams, Stephen AV. American medical biog- raphy 113.0 — Biographical memoir of J. Williams. AVith the journal of S. AVilliams. 120.10 — History of the family of AAUlliams in America... 194.17 AAHlliams, S. AVells. The middle kingdom ; a sur- vey of the Chinese em- pire and its inhabitants. 2 235.10 AA’'illiams, Thomas, and Cal- vert, J. Fiji and the Fi- jians 91.2 AATlliams, Thomas, esq. Out to nurse 104.20 — and Harris, A. Ruth Oak- ley 105.27 AVilliams, Thomas J. Turn him out 164.22 AVilliams, AV. R. The war which knows no ex- empts, and gives no quarter 389.20 AVilliamson, H. History of North Carolina. 2 v. 134.14 AVillujald. Narrative. See Wright, T 85.22 AVillie and Ins mother. Baker, H. N. (W.) .... 14.2 AVillie and the mortgage. Abbott, J V. 1 of 10.1 AVillis, H. a. Fitchburg in the war of the rebellion. 112.7 AVillis, N. P. The convales- cent 287.27 — Famhus persons and places 98.3 — Fun-jf)ttings 153.15 — I lealth trip to the tropics. 87.14 — Hurry-graphs 153.13 — liife, here and there .... 90.3 — J’eojjle 1 have met 108.4 | Shelf. No. Willis, N. P., continuod. — PoiMiis, sacrial, p.assion- ale, and humorous 100.17 — Rural letters and other records of thought and leisure 380.1 — Summer cruise in the Mediterranean 97.2 4 AVillis the pilot 17.25 WiLLMOTT, H. A. Pleasures, objee.ts, and advantages of literature 158.12 Willow copse. Boucicault, 1). (L.) 105.24 AVii.son, Alexander. Amer- ican ornithology 303.22 — Life of. See Peabody, AV. B. O V. 2 of 117.1 AVilson, Augusta J., /or- merlif Miss Evans. Inez. 247.25 AVilson, H., and Caulfield, J. Book of wonderful characters 103.1 AATlsox, J. Leighton. AVest- ern Africa 80.10 AATlson, James (4. Life of F. Cj. Ilalleck 11.5.5 AATlson, John. History of Switzerland 149.5 Wilson, R. A. Conquest of Mexico 134.11 WiNCiiELL, A. Sketches of creation 34.13 AATnes, E. C. Trip to Boston. 88.3 Wing-and-wing. Cooper, J. F 285.15 AVinifked Bertram. Charles, E 204.7 AVinning a husband. IMac- farren, — 104.12, 23 AATnslow, E. Journal, Re- lation and Brief narra- tion 181.8 AVinsor, j. History of Dux- bury 134.15 AViNTER’stale. Shakespeare, AV 5 of 103.1 V. 3 of 103.2; 365.29 AVintiirop, j. History of New England, 1630-49. 2 V 187.9 AVintiirop, R. C. Speeches and addresses 42.3 AVintiirop, T. Canoe and saddle; Isthraiaua 156.30 — Cecil Dreeme 248.4 — John Brent 264.32 — Edwin Brothertoft 150.31 — Life in the open air, and other papers 156.29 AVirt, AV. Life and charac- ter of P. Henry. Hart- ford 113.7 Same. N. Y 190.12 — Life of. See Kennedy, J. P 115.9 Wisconsin, History of. Smith, AV. R 133.22 Wisdom of Solomon para- phrased. Middleton, T. V. 5 of 103.10 AVise, H. A. Los Gringos: or, an inside view of Mexico and California, with wanderings in Pe- ru, Chili, and Polynesia. 230.10 Mhclf. u. AVihner, B. B. Memoirs of S. Iluuflngton pt0.15 Wrr. American 202.1 — Burton, W. E. Cy<*lop)e- dia of 72.2 — Cldt-chatof 343.13 — .b'rrold, I). Sp7. 8° A. 3 Alliiu)ne, S. a. (Critical dictionary of bmnlish literature and Britisli .and American .au- tliors. [lM issue.] IMidadelphia, 1871. 3 v. 1.8° Q. 3 American annual cycloptedia .and register of events for 1801-(;‘). New York, 1870. 0 v. s° C. 1 American year-book and national register for 1801). Kdited by 1). N. Camp. Hartford, 1801). 8° E. 1 Appleton’s dictionary of machines, mechanics, engine-work, and engineering. New York, 1850, 52. 2 v. 8 ° q, .j Arvine, K. Cyclopaedia of anecdotes of literature and the line arts. 3d edition. Boston, 1870. 1.8° (1, 2 Bartlei f, J. Familiar (luotations. 5th edition. Bostott, 1870. 12° E. 7 Black, A. and C. General atlas of tlie wot Id. Fifty-six imips. New and revised edition. Fdinburgli, 1870. f° Table Boris, F. J. French simple and compound vowels, compared with Knglish sounds, n p., n. d. pp. 2. 4° ■ I), Boston, J/ass. rublic library. Bulletins. No. 1-15. [Boston, 1807-70.] 1.8° (;. 5 — Index to the catalogue of books in the Bates Hall. Boston, 1801. 1. 8° c! 3 Same. First supplement. Boston, 1800. 1. 8° 4 Prince library. A catalogue of the books and manuscripts [of] T. Prince, be- queathed to the Old South church, and now deposited in the Public library. Bos- ton, 1870. 1.8“ c. 0 Boston directory for 1870. Boston, [1870]. 8 ° q] q Brande, W. T. Dictionary of science, literature, and art. New edition. London, 1807. 3 V. 8° ! A. 8 Same. New Y'ork, 1870. 8° 5 Chamrers, K, Cyclopa3dia of English literature. Boston, 1870, 2 v, 8“ B.* 3 Colton, G. W. General atlas. Letter-press descriptions by K. S. Fisher. New York, ’ Table Cruden, a. Complete concordance to the Old and New Testament. Philadelphia, 1830. G. 1 Godwin, P. Cyclopmdiaof liiography. New edition. With Supplement, by G. Sheppard. New York, 1870. 12° E. 5 Harper’s pictorial history of the great rebellion. New York, 1866. P Table Haydn, J. Dictionary of dates. By B. Vincent, Authorized American edition, with Supplement, by G. P. Putnam. New York, 1869. 8° A.. 9 — Universal index of biography. See Payne, J, B A. 10 Hole, C. Brief biographical dictionary. With additions and corrections by W. A. Wheeler. New Y'ork, 1866. 16° E. 10 Homans, J. S. and J. S., jr. Cyclopedia of commerce and commercial navigation. New York, 1858. 8° B. 2 Kitto, J. Popular cyclopaedia of biblical literature condensed. Boston, 1867. 8° B. 4 Lippincott’s biographical dictionary. Nee Thomas, J A. 14 Payne, J. B. Haydn’s universal index of biography. London, 1870. 8° A. 10 lioGET, P. M. Thesaurus of English words and phrases. Revised by B. Sears. Boston, 1870, 12° E. 3 New American cyclopaedia. Edited by G. Ripley and C. A. Dana. New Y'ork, 1870. 16 v. B. 1 Smith, W. Dictionary of Greek and Roman antiquities. 2d edition. Boston, 1870. 8°. A. 6 — Dictionary of Greek and Roman geography. Boston, 1870. 2 v. 8° A. 7 — Dictionary of the Bible. Revised by H. B. Hackett [and] E. Abbot. New Y'ork, 1870. 4 V. 8° E. 1 Spiers, A,, and Surenne, G, French and English [and English and French] pronouncing dictionary. Revised and enlarged by G. P. Quackeubos. New Y'ork, 1868. 2 v. in L 8° A. 4 Thomas, J. Universal pronouncing dictionar}’- of biography and mythology. Phila- d(;lphia, 1870. 2v. 1.8° A. 14 Werster, N. American dictionary of the English language. Revised by C. A. Goodrich and N. Porter. Springlield, 1869. 4° A. 1 — Dictionary of the English language. With an appendix containing tables [of money, weight, and measure, etc.]. Abridged from the latest edition of the quarto diction- ary, by W. G. Webster and W. A. Wheeler. [Counting-house edition.] New Y^ork, 1869. sm.4° A. 5 Wheeler, W. A. Dictionary of the noted names of llction. Boston, 1869. 16° E. 9 Worcester, .1. E. Dictionary of the English language. Boston, 1870. 4° A. 2 — Historical atlas. New and revised edition, Boston, 1863. 4° Table Description and illustration, with questions to facilitate its use. Boston, 1857. 12°. Table : *r- >_ •. .v. :-■* , •. o ' ~ -Vx, • -, - i:r..' . ;./v,N.'. .u.' '-. =!;■ -r •''••. ■*':■- r- ' ■'•'^■’ ‘ '■ ■'^•- ‘ ■■- '.'ri?'-'*; ."; ~ -■■; ?'■ ■, ” -- i-,- ■'•” '' ‘ • •• ■ -jV- ■" ■ ^ V ■ -■ V-'- ' - ' ■^•^■' •■/*:-■ \' .'.4* Xkr"\ '* ''^: 7 . t •“ * ' -'7. - , >.* - r^-y \: ; •'. \ -jit-'x .-- .,-A*.-Yvs iX-'ATv^ - 4 . . * ' ft* ../-.V- ''T - N'T -^v- V.' -' -■ >■ i -- • = ■ ' ’-■H’ -■■ :■*« '■ -» ■ -• ■ .'■-'’W-^ ■ 5s '-; ■ V-'-‘ ■ -' ..^' .■ ->V: y': .V::.::? v'^' HvVy _ ■ • '-Y-Tgs,^ Y-- Y--' ’ -- '^'-j?P?^' iYt.r . :• . - Y ■: . .. 'VvYv Yi - LIST OF BOOKS, Arranged by Authors, Titles, and Subjects. FIRST EDITION. FEBRUARY, 1871. NOTE. — One volume at a time can be had in home use from this Branch, and one from the Bates Hall of the Main Library ; and the Branch volume must always be returned at this Branch, accompanied by the applicant’s library card, within such hours as the rules prescribe. No book can be taken from the Lower Hall of the Main Library, while the applicant has one from this Branch. Books can be kept out 14 days, but may be renewed within that time, by presenting a new slip with tbe card ; after 14 days a fine of two cents for each day is incurred, and after 21 days the book will be sent for at the cost of the borrower, who cannot take another book until all charges are paid. Books must not be lent out of the household of the borrower, nor be kept by transfers in one household more than one month, and must remain in the Librarj" one week before being drawn again in the same household. Borrowers finding any book mutilated or unwarrantably defaced, are expected to report it; as also any undue delay in the delivery of books. Consult the daily manuscript Bulletin and the printed Bulletins for recent additions to this department. Recommend for purchase such books as the Library does not have, on slips provided at the Desk. ]sr O T I C E. Special attention is called to the following law of the Commonwealth : — “ Whoovcjr wilfully and maliciously writes upon, injures, defaces, tears or destroys any book, plate, picture, en/,Taving, or statue, belonging to any law, town, city or public library, shall be punished by a fine of not less than five dollars, nor more than one thousand dollars, for every such offence.’* COl’lKS ARE FOR SALE AT THE DESK.