MMMI UNIVCRSITY ORIO OXFORD c “s ‘S' ill llllMIII[||||linil»lllll!lllllllllt»lllt!IIIIIIHlllllllNllltll llimil MIAMI UNIVERSITY BULLETIN j Series Twenty JANUARY, 1922 The Diagonal Walk r>^ljmber ^ye |3 TEACHERS 1 ^ 1 COLLEGE 1 of MIAMI UNIVERSITY 2 :m I A :\ I I U X I V E R S I T Y TEACHERS COLLEGE MIAMI UNIVERSITY OXFORD. OHIO I am dedicating this illustrated bulletin to the young men and women of Ohio who desire to enter the patriotic service of training the youth of our great country into a self- supporting and self-controlling people, the dream of our great- est statesmen and wisest forefathers. Hoping that you are thinking of some such occupation, that this. book will aid you in choosing a college in which you can best prepare for it, and that we may have the pleasure of seeing you among our students at the opening of the next college year, I am Host sincerely yours. THE TEACHERS COLLEGE 3 Main Building j\ /IIAMI UNIVERSITY, founded in 1809, one of the oldest colleges of the middle west, is located in Oxford, Ohio, fourteen miles northwest of Cincinnati, on the Cincinnati, Indianapolis, and Western Railroad. Oxford is a village of wide streets and beautiful shade trees. Miami University is co-educational and confers the de- grees of Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science in Education, and the State Normal Diploma. THE COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS^(¥ox full information send for “With Miami iMen” and a general catalog of Miami University.) THE TEACHERS COLLEGE was established at Miami in 1902. Training is offered to elementary teachers, high school teachers, and special teachers. The Teachers College Catalog gives general information about the University and a description of courses leading to the State Normal Diploma. The General Catalog gives general information about the University and descriptions of all of the curricula offered in the University. 4 MIAMI UNIVERSITY McGuffey Hall is named in honor of William Holmes McGuffey, who wrote the McGuffey Readers while a professor in the University 1826-3G. The McGuffey Readers became the universal readers for the Ohio Valley and fol- McGuffey Hall — Teachers College Building THE TEACHERS COLLEGE 5 lowed the westward march of the American people to the Pacific coast. In many homes and communities these books constituted the entire literary library. McGuffey Hall is the cen- ter of activity for the stu- dents preparing to teach. McGuffey Half — North View 6 MIAMI UNIVERSITY Bishop Hall Parlor Hepburn Hall Parlor The Commons Hepburn Hall Dining Room THE TEACHERS COLLEGE Bishop Hall FOUR WELL-EQUIPPED DIXIXG HALLS accommo- date all of the women of the halls and cottages. Men of the college and members of the faculty may board at the University Commons. 7 THE GIRLS OF IMIAIMI all live in dormitories and cottages supervised by the Dean of Women and her assistants. Hepburn Hall 8 M I A M 1 U X I V E R S I T Y A Geography Class in the Presence of “The World in the Making” Wallace Robert McConnell Professor of Geography Fkeshman Class, Teachers College THE TEACHERS COLLEGE 9 Curricula '"T^HE following curricula of study are offered for prospective teachers; I. Four-year curricula offered by cooperation of Teachers College and the College of Liberal Arts and leading to the Bachelor of Science degree and a State four-year provisional high school certificate. A — English and History. B — Latin and English. C — IMathematics, Physics, and Chemistry. D — Modern Language and English. E — Latin and Modern Languages. F — Biological Sciences. G — Industrial Education. H — Home Economics. H. Two-year curricula offered entirely in Teachers College and leading to a State Teachers College diploma, and a State four-year provisional elementary or special certificate. — Regular Grade Teachers. B — Industrial Education. C — Public School Music. ' Home Economics. E — Special Teachers for Subnormal Classes. 10 M I A M I U N I V E RSITY Home Economics — For Greater Economy and Greater Artistry in American Homes Two-year course, leading- to the diploma and the state certificate. Four-year course, leading- to the B. S. degree and the state certificate. THE TEACHERS COLLEGE 11 The Home Economics Cottage, Where Students Live and Learn by Actual Experience the Practical Application of Modern Housekeeping 12 .MIAMI UNIVERSITY The Madrigal Club THE TEACHERS COLLEGE 13 The Glee Club 14 MIAMI UNIVERSITY Cabinet of Young Women’s Christian Association in Session ‘That young women may grow in Christian strength and increase in efficiency in Christian work.’ THE TEACHERS COLLEGE 15 The Alumni Library 16 M I A IVI I UNIVERSITY THE TEACHERS COLLEGE 17 Girls Unii’ormly Improve in Health at Miami 18 MIAMI UNIVERSITY Courses are now offered to both men and women who are preparing to coach athletics in the high school. The following courses are offered to girls: Plays and (lames Coaching of Sports Teaching of Physical Education in Primary and Secondary Schools THE TEACHERS COLLEGE 19 The following coach courses are offered to men; Organization and Administration of Physical Education in Secondary Schools Principles of Coaching Football Teaching of Physical Education Principles of Coaching Basketball Principles of Coaching Track Principles of Coaching Baseball Anthropometry and Physical Diagnosis 20 MIAMI UNIVERSITY Ohio Conference Champions — Miami’s “Big Red Team’’ of 1921 THE TEACHERS COLLEGE 21 Volley Ball 22 MIAMI UNIVERSITY The First Class in Special Education In 1921 there was established at the Teachers C ollege of Miami University a Department for the Training of Teachers of Defective Children — subnormal and delinquent. Teachers who pre- pare themselves for this type of teaching receive higher remuneration. Many superintendents are establishing classes of such children in the systems under their charge. If you are interested in this type of teaching, send for Special Bulletin, Bureau of Special Education. THE TEACHERS COLLEGE 23 Psychological and Anthropometric Apparatus in the Psychological Laboratory and Clinic 24 IMIAMI UNIVERSITY Shop Machinery of the Industrial Arts Department THE TEACHERS COLLEGE 25 Woodworking Shop ok the Industrial Arts Department 26 .MIAMI UNIVERSITY Going to Daily Chapel Exercises Thp; William IIcGui fey School THE TEACHERS COLLEGE 27 A Midsummer Day Scene 28 .MIAMI UNIVERSITY A Restful Walk When the Day is Done THE TEACHERS COLLEGE 29 The Tallawanda 30 An Outdoor Gvm Class MIAMI UNIVERSITY THE TEACHERS COLLEGE 31 Annual Expp:nses Incidental fee — Two-year courses*.. $ 20.00 Four-year courses.. . 50.00 Health fee 8.00 Laboratory deposits $5.00 to 15.00 Room rent — dormitories and cottages, 36 weeks at $2.00 72.00 Laundry of bed linen (women) 4.00 Rental and laundry of bed linen (men) 5.00 Board in dining halls — 36 weeks at $4.50 (women) 162.00 36 weeks at $5.00 (men) 180.00 ‘Students in the two-year course in Home Economics [lay an incidental fee of $50.00 a year. Chemistry Building Lewis Place Auditorium Herron Gymnasium i MIAMI UNIVERSITY # V APR 6 mi POINTS TO BE NOTED ABOUT THE TEACHERS COLLEGE OF MIAMI UNIVERSITY 1. A faculty of ripe scholarship and experience. 2. The college and living expenses at Miami are notably moderate. 3. Self-help is possible to many students who are needy. 4. McGuffey School of over 40(1 pupils is housed in the college building and affords ideal opportunities for observation and practice teaching. 5. A community of college atmosphere. Western College for Women and Oxford College for Women are located in Oxford The distinguished musical composer, Edgar Stillman Kelly, and Percy MacKaye, literary author and playwright, live in the community. (i. The Y. IM. C. A. and the Y. W. C. A. of the college, the Wesley Student Center of the Methodist Episcopal church, St. Faith’s House of the Episcopal Church, and the student affiliation in other churches of the village make gn environ- ment favorable to moral and religious growth. 7. Musical and literary organizations, athletic and social groups provide for wholesome recreation and social contact. 8. High School, Elementary, and Special State Teachers’ Certificates are awarded to all graduates. 9. Graduates of the Teachers College are assured positions at excellent salaries in the best school systems. 10. A large teaching alumni guarantee college friends in your work when you enter upon the profession of teaching. 3 0112 105875931