LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN IN MEMORY OF STEWART S. HOWE JOURNALISM CLASS OF 1928 STEWART S. HOWE FOUNDATION 912.7731 T46t I.H.S. w. L. Telephone 2691 Main BRENT &CO Real Estate, Loans & Renting ACRES A SPECIALTY W. L. BRENT & CO. 501 Schiller Bldg. 103 to 109 Randolph Street Chicago, 111. Newton ::: Hatter 135 MADISON STREET We invite you to call and see our Styles :: Best in the Market' and $3 LOOSE LEAF ACCOUNT BOOKS Enable you to increase the volume of your business without correspondingly increasing the expense in your accounting department. A leaf may be easily inserted or removed from any portion of the binder without disturbing the balance. Patented Dec. 22, : July i, i Feb. 27, 1900 May 15, 1900 The Perpetual Ledger is adapted to any form of commercial business, and is now in use by representative firms in all lines, completely supplanting " old fogy " methods. All new concerns should start right. All old firms ADVANCE. (No trouble to change systems.) Correspondence Solicited. BAKER =VAWTER COMPANY ATCHISON. KAN. CHICAGO HOLYOKE. MASS. 'Phone Main 3377 Wm. C. Heinemann & Co. MORTGAGE BANKERS g, i oans 92 LaSalle Street::: Keai Jis tate L , _, _, . Fire Insurance Bank Floor, Chicago Telephone Central 2912 Ernest Saunders LAWYER Special Attention Given 507 Roanoke Building Titles and Real Estate 145 LaSalle ;Street : : : Litigation S. E. Comer Madison H. H. BREMER CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR Municipal Engineering -Mapping Room 606 : : 100 Washington Street Chicago Efficiency Promptness FRED T. HAUCKE ENGRAVER Book Cover Stamps 308 Dearborn Street a Specialty Room 720 Telephone Main 4876 E. Percy Maynard (Member Chicago Real Estate Board) Makes a Specialty of WINNETKA GLENCOE & OTHER NORTH SHORE PROPERTY 115 Dearborn Street :: Room 605 Lake Shore lots $60 to $100 a foot. Lots in Groveland Subdivision, 50 x 177 feet r $250 to $500 each, easy monthly payments. Hollister Brothers PRINTERS OF FINE CATALOGS AND BOOKLETS THE KIND THAT BRING BUSINESS Jff FACILITIES FOR HANDLING LARGE ORDERS ECONOMICALLY MADISON 6 MARKET SIX TELEPHONES M ALL MAIN 1066 THE INTER OCEAN GATHERS ALL THE NEWS AND DARES TO PRINT IT The Only Chicago Paper having a world-wide service of its own in addition to the Associated Press HEBARD OFFICE AND WAREHOUSES WINCHESTER AND OGDEN AVENUES TELEPHONE WEST 283 DR. E. S. ATWOOD 339 WEST ADAMS STREET MEDICATED BATHS FOR RHEUMATISM Telephone Main 2978 Emil Rudolph CITY & COUNTY SURVEYOR Room 408 Opera House Block Southwest Cor. Clark and Washington Streets Chicago C. C. CHENEY, President C. A. CHAPMAN, Vi(Jfe-President FRANK ]. POPE, Secretary Western Bank Note Company SECURITIES ENGRAVED BY THIS COMPANY ACCEPTED ON THE NEW YORK AND CHICAGO STOCK EXCHANGES BONDS AND STOCKS Artistic Engraving First-Class Lithograph Work Bankers' Drafts Checks, etc. PRESENTING IN ATLAS FORM THE SECTIONS, BLOCKS, STREETS, HOUSE NUMBERS, PARKS, BOULEVARDS, STEAM AND ELEVATED RAILWAYS AND THEIR STATIONS, C A BLE AND ELECTRIC LINES OF THE CITY AND SUBURBS, REVISED TO DATE PAPER BINDING, ... $ .50 CLOTH BINDING 75 LEATHER BINDING, . l.OO We are using Tillptson's Pocket Map and Street Guide, and have invariably found it reliable and so valuable in our business we would not be without it. EDGAR M. SNOW & Co. The book is revised to date and is the best Pocket Guide of Chi- cago yet published. TRIBUNE. It is a complete guide for both the home library and for daily use in the office. INTER OCEAN. M. D. TILLOTSON, PUBLISHER OFFICE, 507 ROANOKE BUILDING, 145 LA SALLE ST. TELEPHONE CENTRAL 2912 A card in every CAR or a poster on every STATION of the LAKE STREET "L" costs but $1.65 Per Day Circulation .1,800,000 per Month Try it and you buy the motive power for an endless chain of PUBLICITY PROGRESS PROSPERITY PROFIT H. P. WALL & CO. Have exclusive control of this space 67 Wabash Avenue :: :: :: :: Chicago Telephone Main 179 The Economist FIRST NUMBER ISSUED OCTOBER 20, 1888 Issued every Saturday morning. Inter- mediate issues for important news announcements. It deals with financial, commercial and realty subjects. Its real estate department is by far the most complete ever published in Chicago. Each issue contains a full list of real estate transfers in Cook County, all recorded trust deeds and mortgages, and memoranda of proposed new construction. "The Business Situation" and other editorials are widely read. THE ECONOMIST is a great help to investor, speculator, broker, merchant. Subscription Price, $5 per Year Office, 115 Monroe St., Chicago Telephone Main 4537 Gustaf H. Carlson CITY & COUNTY SURVEYOR Rooms 713-714, 115 Dearborn Street Chicago Mitchell's Real Estate Map Office WM. L. MITCHELL, Proprietor Suite 20, 69 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. CATALOGUE OF MAPS All except two showing size, number and shape of Lots and Blocks. 1 Large Map of City, Old Limits 1899, $20 1 Large Map of City, all Annexations and Suburbs, 1896, 20 1 Large Map of City, N. 1 A Hyde Park 1900, 15 1 Large Map of City, S. V4 Hyde Park 1899, 15 1 Large Map of City, Town of Lake 1899. 15 1 Large Map of City, Jefferson 1896, 15 1 Large Map of City, Lake View 1898, 10 1 Large Map of City, Cicero 10 1 Large Map of City, Calumet 1900, 15 1 Large Map of Cook, DuPage and Will Counties, 1898, 15 A liberal discount made on sale of two or more Maps in one order. These are the only old and reliable Real Estate Maps on a large scale published. Corrections have been made from year to year and the Maps are nearly or quite perfect to date. These Maps show lots and blocks, number, size and shape of each; steam, electric elevated railroad stations ; new names of streets ; all subdivisions ; high and public school houses; parks, boulevards; R. R. depots; ward bounda- ries and numbers; drainage, etc. ALL ELEGANTLY COLORED. EACH SUBDIVISION COLORED SEPARATELY. ALL UP TO DATE. SAMUEL S. GREELEY, President MORRIS L. GKEELEV, Vice-President FREDERICK GREELEY, Treasurer SYLVESTER N. HOWARD, Secretary Greeley-Howard Co CITY & COUNTY SURVEYORS Established 1854 822 Opera House Block 1 1 2 Clark Street, Chicago Telephone Main 1416 TILLOTSON'S POCKET MAP 8? STREET GUIDE * CHICAGO SUBURBS OF EVANSTON OAK PARK, MORGAN PARK GLENCOE, KENILWORTH WILMETTE AND WINNETKA PRESENTING A MAP UPON THE SCALE OF THREE INCHES TO THE MILE IN ATLAS FORM OF THE WARDS, SECTIONS, BLOCKS, STREETS, STREET NAMES (FORMER AND PRESENT), HOUSE NUMBERS, PARKS. BOULEVARDS, STEAM AND ELEVATED RAILWAYS AND STATIONS. CABLE AND ELECTRIC LINES WITH COMPLETE TIME TABLE OF SAME. LOCATION OF POST OFFICE, SUB AND CARRIER STATIONS, POLICE COURTS AND STATIONS, BANKS, HOTELS, CLUBS, OFFICE BUILDINGS. THEATERS AND PLACES OF AMUSEMENT, HOSPITALS, ASYLUMS, ETC. Jff Compiled and Published by M. D. Tillotson 145 LaSalle St:: Roanoke Bldg :: Chicago ,111. Copyright :: 1893, 1895, 1900 By M. D. TILLOTSON Press of Hollister Brothers Madison and Market Streets GENERAL INDEX ATLAS MAPS PAGE CITY, 1-123 AUSTIN, 31-107-109-110 EVANSTON, 114-115-117-118 GLBNCOE, 122-123 KENILWORTH, . 119 MORGAN PARK, 90-91 OAK PARK, 106-107-108-109 WlLLMETTE, 116-117-118-119 WlNNETKA, 120-121 ADVERTISERS, ' . . vi ACADEMIES, 144 ASYLUMS, * 145 BANKS, 148 CEMETERIES, 152 CLUBS, 149 COLLEGES, MEDICAL, ETC., 146 CONSULS, 136 COUNTY MAP, 105 ELEVATED RAILWAYS LAKE STREET, 124 METROPOLITAN, 124 NORTHWESTERN, 124 SOUTH SIDE RAPID TRANSIT 125 UNION LOOP, 124 EXPLANATORY, vii EXPRESS COMPANIES, 151 HOTELS, 147 HACK ORDINANCE, 156 HOSPITALS, 143 LIBRARIES, 152 OFFICE BUILDINGS 139 PARKS AND DRIVEWAYS, . . 15c JO'DEX PAGE POLICE COURTS AND STATIONS, ......... 136 POST OFFICE SUB AND CARRIER STATIONS, ..... 154 RAILROAD STATIONS, ............. 138 RAILROAD PASSENGER AND FREIGHT DEPOTS, .... 138 RE-NAMED STREETS, ............. xxii STREET INDEX CITY, ........ ......... x AUSTIN, ................ xix EVANSTON, ............... XX OAK PARK, ............... xx SUBURBAN TOWNS IN CITY LIMITS, ....... xxxi STREET CAR, CABLE AND ELECTRIC TIME TABLES CALUMET STREET RAILWAY Co., ....... 133 CHICAGO CITY RAILWAY Co., ........ 125 CHICAGO CONSOLIDATED RAILWAY Co., .... 127 CHICAGO ELECTRIC TRACTION Co., ...... 135 CHICAGO GENERAL RAILWAY Co., ....... 135 CHICAGO & MILWAUKEE ELECTRIC Co., . . . , 132 CHICAGO SUBURBAN RAILWAY Co., ...... 135 .1 CHICAGO UNION TRACTION Co., ....... 128 NORTHERN ELECTRIC Co., . . ....... 133 SOUTH CHICAGO CITY RAILWAY Co., ...... 134 THEATERS AND PLACES OF AMUSEMENT, ...... 150 TOWNSHIPS WITHIN CITY LIMITS, ........ xxx U. S. GOVERNMENT OFFICES, . . . . . . . . . . 136 WARD MAPS, ................ viii List of Advertisers American Trust and Savings Bank Atwood, Dr. E. S Physician Baker, Vawter & Co. . . . . . Account Books Bremer, H. H Civil Engineer Carlson, Gustaf H. . .' Surveyor Chicago Neostyle Envelope Co. Chicago Terminal Transfer R. R. Co. Economist, The Financial Journal Greeley, Howard & Co Surveyors Haucke, Fred P Engraver Hebard , Storage Heinemann & Co Mortgage Bankers Hollister Brothers Printers Inter Ocean Daily Paper Juergens Bros. Co Electrotypers Koester & Zander Real Estate Kimball Cafe Restaurant Maynard, E. Percy Real Estate Mitchell, Wm. L Maps Newton, Charles N Hatter Northern Trust Company Bank Rudolph, Emil Surveyor Saunders, Ernest Lawyer Wall & Co., H. P Advertisers Webster & Co Typewriters Western Bank Note Company .... Engravers Tillotson's Pocket Map and Street Guide EXPLANATORY. The City contains 190 square miles, and is divided by the River into three divisions, known as the North, South and West Sides. The two following pages contain a Limits Map of the City, divided at 39th street, with Section and Ward boundaries. The numbers in the cen- ter of each two Sections refer to the page of book where the same will be found upon an en- larged scale, with Streets, Avenues, Courts, Places, Railway Lines, Elevated Roads and Stations, Street Car Lines and Street numbers. The top of all Maps are North, the bottom South, right hand East, left hand West. To find a continuation of any street or locality, refer to the number given upon the margin of the page. Streets running North and South commence numbering from Lake street; running East and West, upon the North Side, from the River; upon the South Side, from the Lake; upon the West Side, from the River; and South of 3Qth street, from State street. Steam Railways, Elevated " Electric Lines, == Cable Vlll UJ R. 13 . B, H E. IX SECTIONAL AND WARD MAP. Upon these two pages are given a Limits Map of ttie city divided at Thirty-ninth St. The lighter lines are sectional boundaries- the smaller figures refer to page where streets are given, two sections to each page. The heavy lines are ward boundaries; heavy figures the numbers of the wards. E. 13 E. B. 14 E. K.15E, B, 13 E. B. 14 E. B. 15 E. STREET INDEX. STREET INDEX. ABBREVIATIONS. A Avenue. B Boulevard. C Court. E East. E-W East and West. N North. N-W North-West. P Place. Pk Park. R Road. S South. S-E South-East. S-W South-West. T Terrace. N-S North and South. N-E North-East. W West. A A PAGE E-W 29 Artesian A, N Artesian A, S. Arthington . . . Art Institute. PAGE ..N-S 34 ..N-S 48 ..E-W 43 45 Abbott C N-S 30 Aberdeen .N-S 43 .N-S 30 ience.. 30 N-S 36 Academy P... Academy of Sc Ada N Arundel A N-E 7 Ash ..N-S 13 Ashland A, N. Ashland A, S. Ashland B.... Ashland P Ashland ..N-S 36 ..N-S 35 . .N-S 42 ..E-W 36 E-W 42 Ada, S ..N-S 36 Adams A Adams Adams, W.... Addison Addison, W... Agatite A Ainslie Ainslie, W Alaska .N-S 69 .E-W 44 .E-W 44 .E-W 21 .E-W 18 .E-W 17 .E-W 12 .E-W 10 .E-W 37 Astor ... ..N-S 38 Atlantic N-S 4 Attrill .N-E 27 AubertA ..E-W 19 . N-S 50 Augusta ..E-W 36 Albany A. N.. Albany A. S.. Albert . .N-S 34 .N-S 34 N-S 43 Austin A Avenue A Avenue B Avenue C Avenue D Avenue E Avenue F Avenue G Avenue 11 Avenue J Avenue K Avenue L Avenue M Avenue N Avenue O Avers A, N... Avers A. S.... Avondale A... Ayres C ..E-W IS7 ..N-S 97 ..N-S 97 ..N-S 89 .N-S 89 ..N-S 89 ..N-S 89 ..N-S 89 ..N-S 89 ..N-S 89 ..N-S 104 ..N-S 89 ..N-S 89 ..N-S 89 ..N-S 89 ..N-S 33 .N-S 40 ..N-W 27 ..N-S 36 Albion A .E-W 3 AldineA E-W 21 Aldine ..N-S 52 . . 52 Aldine Square Alexander Alice P . ..E-W 51 E-W 28 Allen A N-E 26 Allport .N-S 43 Almond Alton A .N-S 42 .N-S 5 N-W 7 Ann, N .N-S 36 Ann S N S 36 Anthony A. .. Arbor P .S-E 68 E-W 36 Arcade P .E-W 44 ArcadeP Arcade Pk . . . .E-W 93 52 B B E-W 29 Arch N-W 50 Archer A .S-W 44 Archer P Ardmore A... Argyle .N-E 66 .E-W 12 E-W 12 Baldwin ..N-S 35 Baldwin A.... Ballou .N-S 79 .N-S 26 .E-W 12 ..E-W 10 .S-E 80 ..E-W 38 Argyle, W Arlington P... Armitage A. . . . Armour A Armour... .E-W 10 .E-W 30 .E-W 28 .N-S 44 .N-S 36 Balmoral A. . . Balmoral A,W Baltimore A.. Banks PAGE Barber E-W 44 Barry A E-W 30 Barton A N-S 2 Basil A N-S 27 Batavia A S-E 6 Bates A N-E 7 Bauwans S-E 35 Beach A E-W 33 BeachC N-S 21 Beacon N-S 20 BeekmanA... N-S 81 Beethoven P. . . . K- W 37 BeldenA E-W 29 BeldenA, W....E-W 26 BeldenC N-S 30 Belknap ..E-W 43 BellePlaineA..E-W 20 Bel lePlaine A, W. E- W18 Bellevue A N-S 5 BellevueP E-W 38 BelmontA E-W 28 BelmontA, W..E-W 27 Bennett N-S 17 Bennett A N-S 79 BensleyA N-S 88 Benson N-S 50 Benton P E-W 38 Berenice A E-W 19 Berenice A, W.. E-W 17 Berkeley A N-S 61 Berlin E-W 28 Bernard A N-S 26 Berry E-W 7 Berteau A E-W 20 Berteau A, W...E-W 18 BerwynA E-W 12 Berwyn A. W...E-W 10 Bessemer A N-S 86 Best A N-S 2i* Better E-W 43 BeverleyA S-E 82 Bickerdike N-S 36 Bingham S-E 27 Binzo P N-E 28 Birch E-W 42 Birchwood A....E-W 3 Birkhofl A S-E 76 Bishop C N-S 36 STREET INDEX. PAGE Bishop N-8 58 PAGE California A, N. N-S 34 PAQE Church N-S 91 Bismarck P E-W 36 California A, S .N-S 34 Churchill E-W 28 Bissell N-S 29 CallandC N-S 25 Cicero C N-S 41 Bitter Sweet P.. E-W 21 Calumet A N-S 45 Circle A, E 5 Bixby C N-S 36 Calvary Cemetery. . . 3 Circle A, W. 5 Black Hawk.... E-W 37 Black Hawk, W.E-W 3ti Blackwell . N-S 44 Campbell N-E 49 Campbell A, N.. N-S 34 Campbell A, S.. N-S 34 Clara A N-E 6 Clara P E-W 27 Claremont A N N-S 35 BlaineA N-S 6 Campbell Pk 42 Claremont A S N-S 42 BlaineP . E-W 10 Canal N N-S 37 Claremont E-W 4 BlaineP E-W 43 Canal, S N-S 44 Clarence A. ... E-W 4 Blair N-S 44 Canal P E-W 29 Clarinda E-W 36 Blake S-E 49 Canalport A S-W 44 Clarendon N-S 5 BlanchardC N-S 52 Candis A N-W 7 Clarendon A N-S 20 Blanche E-W 36 Carlisle P E-W 41 Clark N-S 37 Bliss E-W 36 Carmen A E-W 12 Clark, N N-S 37 BloomingdaleAE-W 28 Carmen A, W.... E-W 10 Clarke P E-W 5 Blucher N-S 29 Carl E-W 37 Clarkson C N-S 34 Blucher E-W 35 Blue Island A . N-W 43 CarondeletA...N-S 96 Carpenter, N N-S 36 Clay E-W 29 Clay A E-W 11 Blue Island K..E-W 99 Bohemian Cemetery. 9 Carpenter, S.... N-S 36 Carpenter C S-E 7 Clayton C N-S 2 Cleaver N-S 36 Bonaparte N-E 50 Carpenter A N-S 7 Cleveland A. .N-S 37 Bond A ... .N-S 80 CarrollA E-W 37 Clifford A. N-W 7 Bonfleld N-W 50 Carter P E-W 4 Clifton A N-S 29 Boon E-W 42 Carter N-E 6 Clifton Park A N-S 40 Boston A E-W 44 Bosworth A ...N-S 29 CaryA S-E 78 Cass N-S 38 Clinton, N N-S 37 Clinton, S N-S 44 Boulevard WayN-S 48 Bowen A E-W 61 CastelloA E-W 26 Castlewobd T. . .E-W 12 Clover S-E 16 Clybourn A N-W 37 Bowen N-E 7 CatalpaA E-W 12 Clybourn P E-W 29 Bowmanville A.N-E 11 Bradley A E-W 5 CatalpaA, W...E-W 10 Catalpa C S-E 27 Clybourn P, W.. E-W 28 Coblenz E-W 28 Bradley P E-W 20 Cedar .. . ..E-W 38 Coles A N-S 80 Bradley E-W 36 Cemetery Drive.E-W 11 ColfaxA N-S 80 Brand S-E 28 Centennial P . E-W 36 Coif ax P. . E-W 4 Brant N-E 96 Centre A, N N-S 36 College A N-E 5 Bremen C . N-S 27 Centre A, S N-S 43 Colorado A . S-W 41 Brewery A N-S 52 Center E-W 29 Columbia A E-W 3 Briar P .. E-W 30 Central N-S 2 Columbia E-W 28 Bridewell Grounds 48 Central A N-S 70 Columbus A S-W 73 Brigbam E-W 35 Central B 33 Commercial A N-S 80 Brighton P N-W 56 Central C N-S 38 Commonwealth A Broad . N-W 50 Central Pk A N N-S 33 N-S 30 BroadoakA N-E 7 Brompton A . E-W 21 Central Pk A, S.N-S 40 Ceylon A . ...N-E 5 Concord P E-W 29 Congress Pk N-S 41 Broom N-S 35 Chalmers P E-W 29 Congress E-W 44 BrossC N-E 49 Bryan A E-W 3 Champlain A....N-S 60 Chaney C N-E 27 Congress, W E-W 44 Connor E-W 37 Bryan P S-E 36 Bryant A E- W 52 Chapin E-W 36 Charles C N-S 96 Conrad ..E-W 44 Constance A N-S 79 Bryn Mawr A E-W 12 Charles P E-W 44 Cook N-S 26 Bryn Mawr A WE-W 6 Charles N-S 82 Cook N-E 37 Buckingham P E-W 21 Charlton N-S 50 Cook Co Hospital 42 BuenaA E-W 21 Chase A E-W 3 Cook County In- BuenaT E-W 20 Buena Vista P.. E-W 51 Chase N-S 36 Chatham C N-S 37 sane Asylum 13 Cooper N-S 29 Buffalo A N-S 81 Bunker E-W 44 Burhans A N-S 4 ChaunceyA N-S 69 Cheltenham A.. N-S 81 Cheltenham P.. E-W 80 Cornelia A E-W 21 Cornelia A, W.. E-W 17 Cornelia C N-E 27 Burling N-S 30 Cheney A N-E 5 Cornelia E-W 36 Burlington N-S 44 Cheney N-E 7 Cornell A N-S 61 BurnsideA S-E 85 Cherry A S-E 36 Cornell E-W 36 Burton P E-W 38 Cherry P E-W 27 Cortez E-W 35 Butler N-S 51 Chester E-W 28 Cortland E-W 28 Byron E-W 20 Chestnut E-W 38 Cottage Grove A .... 52 Byron W E-W 18 Chestnut P N-S 38 Cottage P E-W 43 Chicago A E-W 38 Couch P.... E-W 37 Chicago A W E-W 36 c Chi Drainage Canal 49 Court P E-W 37 Chicago T E-W 33 Coventry N-S 29 C .. E-W 29 Chicago University 69 Craft N-S 20 Cable N-S 44 Chittenden A...N-S 103 Crawford P E-W 51 CaldwellA N-W 8 Caldwell P N-E 6 CalhounA N-S 88 Calhoun P E-W 37 ChoctawA S-E 16 ChristianiaA....N-S 33 Church C N-W 50 Church P.. . ,...E-W 43 CregierA N-S 70 Crescent A E-W 5 Crescent P E-W 20 Crescent Pk... 6 Xll STREET INDEX. PAGE Crescent R N-E 7 E Ellsworth .... PAGE N-S 44 CrillyC N-S 30 RI a ~1p E W 37 Ellwood .N-S 2 Crittenden B-W 36 Early A S-E 12 Elm .E-W 38 Cromwell N-S 27 N S 30 Elmer A .S-E 6 Crooked .. E-W 29 N-S 52 Crosby N-S 37 N E 36 Elston A .N-S 36 Crossing E-W 29 Elston C E-W 8 Crowell N-W 50 Emerald A N-S 51 Crystal E-W 35 i E W 16 Emerson A E-W 35 Cullom A ..E-W 20 Emerson R E N-S 7 CullomA,W...E-W 18 Eddy E-W 20 Emerson R, W .N-S 7 Currier N-S 36 E-W 18 Emily .E-W 35 CurtisA N-S 93 Emma E-W 36 Curtis N ...N-S 36 Emmet S-E 26 Curtis, S N-S 36 EW 12 Ems E-W 28 Cushman P E-W 16 Enfleld A N-E 7 Custom House C.N-S 44 CuylerA E-W 20 EdgewaterT.. .E-W 11 Englewood A.. .E-W 67 N-S 94 CuylerA, W....E-W 18 Edison N-S 4 Erie A... .N-S 88 Cypress N-S 42 N-E 7 Erie .E-W 38 Edward C N-S 30 Erie, W ..E-W 37 Edwards .N-E 7 Escanaba A... .N-S 80 Essex A . N-S 80 Dakin E-W 20 18th P W E-W 43 Estes A ..E-W 3 Dakin W E-W 18 18th ' E-W 45 Euclid A .N-S 79 Dale C N-S 49 18th W E-W 44 Euclid .N-S 5 Damon E-W 43 SOth'p E-W 80 Eugenia .E-W 30 Danford N-S 96 Dauphin A N S 86 SOthP.W 80th ..E-W 76 E W 81 Eugenia C Evans A .N-S 30 .N-S 60 DawsonA N-E 26 Dayton N-S 36 80th, W 81st P ..E-W 76 E-W 80 Evanston A . . . Everill A .N-S 30 .E-W 4 Dean S-E 35 81st P W E-W 76 Everett A .N-S 61 Dearborn A N-S 37 81st . . . .E-W 80 Evergreen A . . .E-W 35 Dearborn N-S 37 81st W E-W 76 Evergreen C... .S-E 28 DeKalb N-E 42 82dP E-W 80 Evergreen .N-S 5 DeKoven E-W 44 82d P W E-W 76 EwingA .S-E 89 Delaware P E-W 38 82d E-W 81 EwingP .E-W 35 Deniing P E-W 30 82d W E-W 76 Ewing .E-W 44 Depot C N-S 41 83d'p .E-W 80 Exchange A... .E-W 58 Depot P E-W 44 83d P W E-W 76 Exchange C . . . .N-S 37 Depot N-S 34 83d .E-W 81 Exchange A... .N-S 80 Des Plaines , N . .N-S 37 83d, W .E-W 76 Des Plaines S..N-S 44 84th P, W . . . .E-W 72 Devon A E-W 12 84th . E-W 81 Devon A, W ....E-W 10 84th, W ..E-W 76 Fair P.. . E-W 37 Dewey P E-W 30 85th P W E-W 72 Fairbanks C N-S 38 DewittA ... N-S 38 85th . ..E-W 81 Fairfleld A N N-S 34 Dexter Park A. .N-S 68 85th, W .E-W 76 Fairfleld A, S . .N-S 41 Dickens A E-W 27 86th P E-W 77 Fairview A . N-S 7 Dickson N-S 36 86th P, W .E-W 75 Fake .N-W 50 Dieden .E-W 36 86th . E-W 81 Faraday A N-E 16 DiverseyB E-W 28 86th,W .E-W 76 Farragut A. ... .E-W 12 Diversey A W E-W 27 87th P .E-W 86 Fargo A E-W 3 DiverseyC N-S 29 87th ..E-W 81 Farrell .N-W 50 Division E-W 38 87th W E-W 76 Farwell A E-W 3 Division, W E-W 36 88th P . . . .... .E-W 85 Fay .N-S 36 Dix S-E 36 88th E-W 89 E-W 35 DixonA N-E 7 88th, W .E-W 84 15th P,W .E-W 44 Dobson A N-S 78 89th P E-W 86 15th E-W 44 Dock E-W 38 89th ..E-W 89 15th, W E-W 44 Dodge N-S 44 89th W E-W 84 5th A N-S 37 DoltonA N-S 100 Elaine P .N-S 21 50th A, N N-S 31 Dominick S-E 29 Elbridge A N-E 26 50th A S N-S 31 Douglas Monument. 53 Elburn A .E-W 43 50th C, N .N-S 31 Douglas Pk 41 Eldridge P E-W 45 50th P E-W 60 Douglas B 40 Hth ..E-W 43 50th P.W.. . . .E-W 59 Dover N-S 20 Elias C N-W 50 50th E-W 61 DoylesP E-W 88 Elizabeth A . . .N-S 70 50th, W .E-W 59 Drake A N-S 33 Elizabeth N N-S 36 51st A N N-S 31 Drew N-S 90 Elizabeth, S .. .N-S 36 51st A S .N-S 31 Drexel A N-S 61 Elk E-W 35 51st C N N-S 31 DrexelB N-S 61 Elk Grove. . . . .S-E 35 51st C, S .N-S 31 Drexel C N-S 61 Ellen E-W 35 51st P W E-W 5 Drexel Sq 61 Ellerton A... . N-E 7 51st .E-W 61 Elliott A N-E 79 51st W E-W 5* Dunning . E-W 29 Ellis A N-S 53 52d A N .N-S 31 Dunnine, W....E-W 27 Ellis Pk. ., . 53 52dA, S... .N-S 31 STREE T INDEX. 52d C, N PAGE ..N-S 24 42d P W IT- PAGE E-W 59 PAGE Front E-W 36 52dP, W 52d ...E-W 59 .. E-W 61 42d E-W 61 Fry. E-W 36 42d, W 43d A N ....E-W 59 N-S 32 Fuller S-E 50 52d W E-W 59 Fullerton A.... E-W 30 Fullerton A, W.E-W 27 Fulton A E-W 5 Fulton E-W 37 53d A, N ...N-S 24 43d A S N-S 32 53d C N N-S 24 43d C N N-S 32 53d P, W ...E-W 59 43d C,S 43d P W ....N-S 39 E-W 59 53d E-W 61 Fulton A N-S 93 53d, W ...E-W 59 ...N-S 24 ...N-S 24 43d . E-W 61 G GageC N-S 64 Gage P E-W 64 54th A,N 54th C, N 43d W E-W 59 44th A, N... 44th A S ...N-S 32 N-S 32 54th P E-W 61 54th P, W ...E-W 59 44tbC,N... . . .N-S 25 54th E-W 61 44th C S N-S 32 Gage N-S 50 54th, W .. E-W 59 ...N-S 24 ...N-S 24 44th P E-W 61 Gage Pk 56 55th A,N 55th C, N 44th P W E-W 59 Gait A E-W 20 44th ....E-W 61 Garden E-W 43 55th P E-W 68 44th W E-W 59 Gardner E-W 37 55th P, W ...E-W 63 45th A, N... ...N-S 32 Garfleld A E-W 29 55th E-W 61 45th A S N-S 32 Garfleld B ... E-W 60 55th, W ..E-W 59 ...N-S 24 ..N-S 23 45th C N . . . . N-S 25 Garfleld Pk 33 56th A, N 56th C, N... 45th C S N-S 32 Garland C N-S 38 Garrett N-S 49 45th P ...E-W 60 56th P, W 56th ...E-W 67 ...E-W 70 45th P W E-W 59 Gary P E-W 21 45th ...E-W 61 GaultC N-S 37 56th, W E-W 67 45th W E-W 59 Geary S-E 38 57th A, N ...N-S 23 46thA,N .. N-S 32 Geggenheimer A E-W 17 57th C, N. . N-S 23 46th A S N-S 32 5Tth P, W ..E-W 67 46th C N . N-S 25 George C N-S 35 57th E-W 69 46th P E-W 60 George.. . . E-W 28 57th W E-W 67 46th P W E-W 59 George W E-W 27 58thA,N 58th C, N ..N-S 23 .N-S 23 ..E-W 67 ...E-W 69 46th E-W til Germania P . . . . E-W 37 GiddingsA E-W 19 Giddings A, W..E-W 17 Gilbert C S-E 76 46th W .E-W 69 58th P, W.... 58th 47tb A N N-S 32 47th A, S . . ...N-8 32 58th W E-VV 67 47th C N N-S 32 Gilpin P E-W 43 59th A,N ..N-S 23 47th P .E-W 61 Girard N-S 28 59th C, N 59th P, W ..N-S 23 ...E-W 67 47th P, W.... 47th ...E-W 59 E-W 61 Givins C .. S-E 76 Gladys A E-W 41* 59th .. . E-W 69 47th W E-W 59 GlengyleP E-W 12 Glenlake A E-W 12 Gloy P N-E 28 59th. W . TC-W K7 48th A, N.... 48th A S ...N-S 32 N-S 32 Field Columbian Mu- seum 70 48th C, N 48th C, S 48th P N S 24 Goethe E-W 38 E-W 41 ...N-S 31 E-W 60 Goldsmith A.. ..N-E 76 Good E-W 43 Fisk . N-S 43 Fletcher E-W 29 48th P W E-W 59 Goodman E-W 7 Goose Island 36 Fletcher, W . . Fleetwood ..E-W 27 ..N-S 36 48th .. . E-W 61 48th, W ...E-W 59 Gordon T E-W 21 Governor's Parkway 33 Grace N-S 37 Florence A. . . ..N-S 29 E-W 30 49th A, N ... 49th A S ...N-S 31 N-S 31 Flournoy ..E-W 42 49th C]N 49th C, S ...N-S 24 ...N-S 31 Grace E-W 21 Follansbee A. FoltzC ..E-W 27 . N-S 18 Grace. W E-W 18 49th P W E-W 59 Graceland A E-W 21 Graceland Cem 20 Grand A ... E-W 37 Fontenoy P.. Forest A ..N-E 35 N-S 52 49th ...E-W 61 49th, W Foster A Foster A, W. 14th P, W ... 14th ...E-W 59 ...E-W 12 ...E-W 10 ...E-W 44 .. E-W 45 Forest Forest Glen A Forquer ..N-S 2 ..S-W 8 ..E-W 44 Grand B N-S 52 Granville A.... E-W 12 GranvilleA,-W.E-W 10 Grant P '....E-W 30 Grant Monument ... 30 Grant E-W 5 Forrestville A 40th A, N ..N-S 60 ..N-S 32 14th W 44 40th A, S N-S 32 Fountaine A. Fowler ...N-S 6 ...E-W 35 40th C, N ..N-S 32 GrassmereB....N-S 6 Graves C N-S 52 GreeleyC N-S 36 40th C, S . . N-S 32 FoxC Fox P ...N-E 6 ...E-W 36 40th P, W ..E-W 59 40th E-W 61 Fox N-S 50 Green N N-S 36 40th W E-W 59 Francis P Francis Francisco A, Francisco A, Frank C ...E-W 27 ...E-W 12 N.N-S 34 S N-S 41 Green, S N-S 36 Greenleaf A E-W 3 Green Bay A... .N-S 81 Greenwich E-W 28 Greenwood A . . .N-S 61 Grenshaw . .E-W 42 41st A,N N-S 32 list A S N-S 32 llstC N N S 32 HstC S N-S 39 N-E 6 41st ..E-W 61 Frank E-W 43 41st, W 42d A, N 42dA, S ..E-W 59 ..N-S 32 ..N-S 32 Frankfort . . . Franklin Franklin, N.. Frederick?.. ...E-W 28 ...N-S 44 ...N-S 37 ...E-W 61 N-S 29 GreshamA N-E 26 Griffin N-E 6 GrossA S-W 58 42d C, S 42dP ..N-S 39 ..E-W 61 GrossT N-S 41 Grove... ...N-S 44 Front A. . . ...N-S 93 STREET INDEX. ' PAGE Grove P B-W 30 PAGE Honore.... ' N-S 42 PAGE Groveland A N-S 52 Hood A E-W 12 Groveland C.... S-E 76 Hooker S-E 36 Judd E-W 96 Groveland Pk 52 Hope E-W 43 Judson S-E 36 Groveland T....N-E 82 Grover E-W 6 Hopkins P N-S 82 Hortense A E-W 4 JuliaC N-E 27 Guernsey A.... N-E 8 Hough P N-W 50 Gunnison E-W 7 Houssen C N-S 26 Gurley E-W 43 Houston A N-S 80 H Howard A S-E 103 Howard C N-S 82 Haddock P E-W 38 Howard E-W 3 Haddon A E-W 36 Howe N-S 31 Kamerling A...E-W 32 Haines E-W 36 HoxieA N-S 88 Karnatz A W-N 7 Halsted N . N-S 37 Hoyne A, N ....N-S 35 Kedzie A. N....N-S 34 Halsted, 8 N-S 44 HoyneA, S N-S 35 Hoyne C N-S 28 KedzieA, S N-S 34 Keefe A N-E 68 Hubbard N-S 7 Keeley N-W 50 Hubbard P E-W 45 Keenon E-W 35 Huber E-W 29 Keith N-S 36 Hudson A N-S 37 KemperP. . E-W 30 HamlinA N N S 33 HumboldtA....E-W 26 Kendall N-E 42 Hamlin A, S....N-S 33 HampdenC N-8 30 Hammond N-S 30 Hancock N-S 26 HumboldtB....E-W 27 Humboldt, N. . .N-S 34 Humboldt. S....N-S 41 Humboldt Pk 34 KenesawT E-W 21 Kenmore A ....N-S 20 Kensington A, Pull- man E-W 93 Harbor A N-E 89 Hunting A N-S 32 Kenwood A N-S 61 Huron E-W 38 Kenwood T E-W 79 Huron, W E-W 36 Kerfoot A . . S E 76 Harmon P E-W 45 Hutchinson . ..E-W 17 Kies P E-W 42 Harrison E-W 44 KimballA N-S 26 Harrison, W.... E-W 44 Hart N-S 35 1 Kimbark A N-S 61 KingP E-W 29 HartwellA N-S 68 Harvard A N-S 67 Harvard E-W 41 IglehartC N-S 52 Illinois A S-E 80 Illinois C N-S 50 Kingsbury S-E 37 Kingston A N-S 80 Kingston N-S 5 Hastings E-W 43 Hawley A N-S 46 Independence P.E-W 32 India S-E 16 KinneyA N-S 87 Kinzie E-W 38 Hawthorn A E-W 76 Indiana A N-S 45 Hawthorn S-E 37 Hayes A E-W 3 Indiana E-W 38 Indiana, W E-W 33 Kosciusko E-W 28 KreiterA S-E 89 Hayes .. E-W 26 Indianapolis A. S-E 89 Kroll N-S 49 Hayford E-W 72 InglesideA N-S 61 KuehlP N-E 28 HaynesC N-W 50 IngomarA S-E 5 KuhnsC N-G 27 Hazel A N-S 20 He brew Cemetery ... 20 lugraham E-W 36 Institute P E-W 37 Iowa E-W 35 L Iron N-W 50 Henderson E-W 17 Hermitage A N N-S 35 Irving A, N N-S 35 Irving A, S N-S 42 Lafayette Pk, W.E-W 12 Laflin N-S 43 Hermitage A, 8. N-S 42 Irving Park B.. E-W 20 Lake A N-S 53 Henry C N-E 27 Irving Pk B, W.E-W 18 Lake A ... S-E 80 Herndon N-S 29 Lake E-W 37 Hervey E-W 28 J Lake W . E-W 37 Hibbard A N-S 61 Jackson A N-S 61 Lake Pk A N-S 52 Hickory A S-E 36 Jackson B .. ..E-W 45 Lake Pk P E-W 45 Hinsche N-E 37 Jackson B, W ..E-W 44 Lake Shore Drive.N-S 38 Higgins A N-W 7 Jackson, W E-W 39 Lakeside A . N-S 95 High N-S 29 Jackson Pk 70 Lakeside P E-W 20 Hill P . . E-W 20 Jackson P E-W 42 Lakeside T N-8 3 Hillock A N-E 50 Hirsch E-W 35 JacksonPkT...E-W 69 Jackson E-W 10 Lake View A.... N-S 30 Lakewood A N-S 12 Hobart A E-W 5 James E-W 57 Hobbie E-W 37 Janssen N-S 20 Lane C ... N-S 30 Hoey N-E 50 Jasper N-S 50 Langdon S-W 37 Holcomb A N-W 15 Holden C N-S 38 Jefferson A N-S 61 Jefferson C S-E 8 LangleyA N-S 52 Langley P E-W 53 Holden N-S 44 Holland R S-E 76 Jefferson, N.... N-S 37 Jefferson. S N-S 44 liarchmont A...E-W 19 Larrabee N-S 37 Hollywood A E-W 12 J efferson Pk 43 Larretta C N-S 43 Holstein Pk 28 Jeffery A N-S 70 jaSalleA N-S 37 Holt N-S 36 Jessie C N-S 35 LaSalle .. .N-S 37 Homan A, N....N-S r 33 HomanA, 8.... N-S 33 Home A E-W 2 John P E-W 50 Johnson A E-W 27 Johnson N-S 43 LawA N-S 44 LawndaleA.N..N-8 33 Lawndale A S N-S 40 Homer E-W 28 Jones... ...S-E 28 Lawrence A E-W 20 STREET INDEX. PAGE Lawrence AW E-W 18 PAGE Madison.. .E-W 44 PAGE Montrose A W E-W 18 Lawrence E-W 29 Madison, W....E-W 44 Moore N-S 37 Leavitt, N N-S 35 Leavitt, S N-S 42 Lee A . E-W 27 Magnolia A N-S 20 Malcolm A N-S 16 Maiden N-S 20 Moorman S-E 35 Morgan P E-W 43 Morgan N N S 36 LeeP E-W 35 Malta S-E 83 Morgan, S .. .N-S 36 LelandA E-W 20 MalvernA N-S 2 Morse A .. E-W 3 LelandA, W....E-W 17 Leland E-W 5 LeMoyne E-W 35 Manhattan Beach. . . 80 ManisteeA N-S 80 Manitou P E-W 28 Morse C N-S 93 Morton N-S 6 Morton N-S 2 Leo P . . E-W 10 Maple A . .N-E 16 Mosprat N-S 50 Leo N-S 50 Maplewood A.N.N-S 34 Mt. Olive Cemetery. 13 Lessing N-S 36 Levee N-E 50 MaplewoodA.S.N-S 41 Marble P E-W 44 Mozart, N N-S 34 Lewis .N-S 29 Marble P W E-W 44 Mulberry A N-E 5 Lewis Institute 42 Marcy S-E 29 Murphy A N-S 2 Lexington A.... N-S 61 Lexington E W 42 Marguerite A... N-W 7 Marianna E-W 28 MuskeganA....N-S 80 Myrick E-W 72 LeydenA S-E 100 Marion C N-S 35 Myrtle A...".!.. N-W 5 Liberty .E-W 44 Market N-S 37 Myrtle N-S 42 Lill A E-W 29 Market Square S-E 49 LilyA S-E 5 Lime N-S 50 Marquette A....N-S 80 MarquetteT E-W 21 N Lincoln A N-W 30 Lincoln C N-S 30 Marshfleld A.N.N-S 35 Marshfield A S N-S 42 Naslund P E-W 19 Nebraska A N-S 27 Lincoln P N-E 5 Martin N-S 91 Nelson E-W 29 Lincoln, N N-S 35 Mary. . . N-W 50 Nevada E-W 25 Lincoln, S N-S 35 Mather E-W 44 Newberry A .... N-S 43 Lincoln Park 30 Mathew E-W 42 Newberry Library.. 37 Lincoln Pk B.... N-S 38 Maud A S-E 29 NewgartA N-S 3 Lincoln Monument. 30 Linden A S-E 16 MauteneC N-E 35 Maxwell E-W 44 Newport A E-W 20 Newton N-S 35 LindenC N-S 30 May, N N-S 36 Nieman A E-W 5 Linden P S-E 27 May S N-S 36 19th P W E-W 44 LinneA N-S 5 McDermott. . . . N-W 50 19th E-W 44 Lister A S-E 28 Lock . N-W 50 McGlashen.... N-S 51 McHenry N-S 36 19th, W E-W 44 90th P E-W 86 Lockport S-E 49 McLean A E-W 27 90th P W E-W 82 Locust E-W 37 McReynolds.. .E-W 35 90th E-W 89 Logan A N-S 83 Mechanic N-S 44 90th W E-W 84 Logan N-E 5 Medill A E-W 26 91st P E-W 87 Logan Monument .... 45 Melrose E-W 21 91stP,W E-W 82 Logan Square 26 Melrose, W E-W 18 91st E-W 89 Lonergari N-S 30 Mendel N-S 29 91st W E-W 84 Longwood A N-S 82 Menominee ...E-W 30 92d P E-W 87 Loomis .... N-S 43 Meridian A N-S 90 92d P W E-W 82 LoomisP E-W 43 Meridian E-W 37 92d E-W b9 Lorraine P S-E 6 Merrill A N-S 79 92d, W E-W 84 Louisville C ... S-E 96 Metropole E-W 23 93d P E- W 89 Lowe A N-S 51 Lowell A N-8 25 Metropolitan P.E-W 33 Meyer C . . N-S 30 93dP, W E-W 84 93d E-W 88 Lowell C N-S 43 Michigan E-W 38 93d W E-W 84 Lubeck E-W 28 Michigan A. N-S 38 94th E-W 88 Luce N-W 36 Michigan T S-E 61 94th W E-W 84 LuellaA N-S 79 Lull P E-W 35 Midway PlaisanceE-W69 Mildred A N-S 29 95th P, W E-W 84 %th E-W 8'J Lumber N-S 44 Millard A N-S 40 95th W E-W 84 Lunt A E-W 3 Miller A E-W 16 96th P W E-W 84 Luther E-W 48 Miller C N-S 11 96th. E-W 89 Lutheran Cemetery. 20 Miller N-S 43 9tfth, W E-W 84 Lutz P E-W 37 Milton A N-S 37 97thP W E-W 84 LydiaP E-W 7 Milton P E-W 16 97th ' E-W 89 Lydia E-W 37 Milton N-S 5 97th W E-W 84 LymanA N-S 19 Lyman N-E 50 Milwaukee A... N-W 37 Minerva A N-S 69 98th P, W E-W 84 98th E-W 89 LyndaleA E-W 26 Lyons A S-E 85 Moffatt E-W 27 Mohawk N-S 37 98th, W E-W 84 99th P E-W 85 Lytle N-S 43 Monitor A S-E 5 99th P W E-W 84 Monroe A N-S 61 99th E-W 89 Monroe E-W 44 99th, W E-W 84 Monroe, W E-W 44 Noble A ..E-W 29 Macalister P E-W 43 Montana E-W 29 Noble A W E-W 27 Macedonia N-S 35 Montana. W... E-W 25 Noble C N-S 78 Macfarlane A .N-S 79 Mackinaw A.. .N-S 81 Madison A N-S 61 Madison Park ... 61 Mont Claire A.. N-S 22 Montgomery.. .S-E 56 MonticelloA...N-S 33 MontroseA E-W 20 Noble N-S 36 Normal A N-S 67 Normal Pk. N Way ...E-W 67 STREET INDEX. PAGE Normal Pk S Way 107th P, W PAGE ....E-W 92 136th P.. PAGE E-W 100 ..E-W 67 107th E-W 97 136th E-W 104 107tb W ... . . E-W 92 137th... E-W 103 North A E-W 38 108th P E-W 96 138th E-W 104 North A W E-W 35 108th P, W. .. E-W 92 O'Neill E-W 50 108th E-W 97 Ontario A N-S 80 North Chicago Schuet- 108th W ... E-W 92 Ontario. E-W 38 zen Park 18 109th K.-W 92 Ontario W E-W 32 North Grove P E-W 30 109th W . E-W 97 Orchard N-S 37 North Park A.. N-S 30 North P S-E 28 109th P, W HOthP ....E-W 92 ....E-W 96 Oregon A Orleans .E-W 43 N-S 37 North Shore A E-W 3 HOthP, W. E-W 92 Ormonde A E-W 6 North 65th E-W 7 110th E-W 97 Osborne N-S 35 North Water E-W 38 110th, W ... E-W 92 Osgood . . N-S 29 Norton N-S 43 lllth P E-W 93 N-S 35 Norwood P E-W 5 lllth P, W . E-W 92 Otis N-S 37 Norwood E-W 12 lllth ....E-W 97 Otto. E-W 20 Norwood A N-E 6 lllth, W.... ...E-W 92 Our S-E 7 Norwood Pk A S-E 7 112th P ...E-W 96 N ursery S-E 29 112th P, W . ...E-W 92 Nutt C N-S 43 112th E-W 97 Nutt N-S 43 112th, W ... E-W 92 Pacific A.. . N-S 44 Nutwood A K-W 5 113th P E-W 96 Palatine A E-W 5 113th P, W. E-W 92 Palmer A. . N-S 70 H3th E-W 97 palmer E-W 27 113th. W ... E-W 92 palmer Sq E-W 27 Oak A S-E 83 114th P: ...E-W 93 N-E 5 Oak P N-S 20 114th P, W . ...E-W 92 park A E-W 35 Oak E-W 38 IHth ...E-W 97 parkC N-E 48 Oakdale A W E-W 26 114th, W . . . ...E-W 92 park P E-W 61 Oakdale A E-W 28 115th P E-W 93 park S-E 35 11 5th E-W 97 N S 2 Oak Grove A E-W 20 115th, W ... . .. E-W 92 Parker A E-W 26 Oakland Crescent 61 116th P, W. E-W 92 parnell A N-S 51 Oakley A N N-S 35 116th E-W 97 E-W 19 Oakley A S N-S 35 116th W E-W 92 Oakwood*A E-W 61 117th P ... E-W 93 Paulina N N-S 35 117th P W E-W 92 Paulina S N S 42 117th . . E-W 97 N-E 28 O'Brien A N-S ' 25 117th, W... E-W 92 paxton A N-S 70 O'Brien E-W 44 118th P E-W 93 pearl C N-S 30 Ogden A S-W 36 118th P, W . ...E-W 92 E-W 38 Ogden A B S-W 42 118th . . E-W 97 N-S 22 Ogden P E-W 42 118th, W ... ...E-W 92 peck C E-W 5 Oglesby A N-S TO 119th P . .E-W100 Peck P E-W 45 Ohio E-W 38 H9th ...E-W 97 pennP E-W 32 Ohio W E-W 37 119th, W ....E-W 92 Penn . . . N-S 37 Olga N-S 20 120th P E-W 104 Pensacola A. . E-W 18 Olive A E-W 12 120th ...E-W 103 Peoria N N-S 36 Olive N-S 42 120th, W ...E-W 99 Peoria S N-S 36 Oliver C E-W 43 121st P ... ...E-W 102 Perry A N-S 67 Oliver P E-W 43 121st, W... E-W 99 Perry N-S 29 100th P E-W 85 121st E-W 103 N-S 38 100th P W E-W 84 122dP E-W100 E-W 12 100th E-W 89 122d E-W 103 E W 10 100th W E-W 84 122d W. . E-W 99 E-W 28 101st P W E-W 84 123d... ...E-W 103 Philadelphia P E-W 32 101st E-W 89 123d, W E-W 99 Phillips A E-W 2 101st W E-W 84 124th E-W 103 Phillips A N-S 80 102d P E-W 85 124th, W . . . ...E-W 99 Phillips E-W 37 102d P W E-W 84 125th E-W 103 N-S 9 102d .... E-W 89 125th, W . . . E-W 99 Photo P . . E-W 43 102d W E-W 84 126th E-W 103 E-W 33 103d P E-W 93 126th, W ...E-W 99 Pearce E-W 44 103d P W E-W 92 127th E-W 103 Pine N-S 38 103d E-W 89 127th W E-W 99 Pingree N-S 2 103d W E-W 84 128th E-W 103 Pine Grove A N-S 30 104th P W E-W 90 129th P E-W 104 Pippin . E-W 72 104th E-W 97 129th E-W 104 Pitney C N-W 50 104th W E-W 92 130th E-W 104 Plaisance P E-W 69 105th P E-W 93 131st ....E-W 104 Pleasant A . . .S-E 82 105th P W E-W 92 132d E-W 104 Pleasant P E-W 28 105th E-W 97 133d E-W104 Pleasant .N-S 37 105th W . E-W 92 134th P E-W 100 Plum E-W 43 106th P, W . . E-W 92 134th . .. E-W 104 Plymouth C. . . .N-S 44 106th E-W 97 135th P E-W 100 Poe N-E 29 106th, W E-W 93 135th.... ...E-W101 Point.... .N-W 27 STREET INDEX. PAGE Polk E-W 44 PAGE Rookery C N-S 44 Root E-W 59 Rosalie C N-S 69 Rossano N-S 69 Roscoe E-W 21 Roscoe, W E-W 18 Rose N-S 36 Rose Hill Cemetery. 11 Rosemont A....E-W 1$ RoslynP E-W 30 Ross A N-E 67 PAGE E-W 76 E-W 80 Polk.W E-W 44 Pope C N-S 41 75th P 75thP,W 75th .E-W 74 E-W go Poplar A S-E 50 Portland A N-S 59 Post N-S 50 Postoffice, Temporary 38 Potomac A E-W 35 PotwyneP E-W 19 75th, W .E-W 76 76th P E-W 80 76th P, W .E-W 73 76th E-W 80 76th, W 77th P .E-W 76 E-W 80 Powell A N-S 27 Powell Pk E-W 27 Prairie A. N-S 45 77th P W E W 72 Rowland A N-S 85 Ruble N-S 44 RundelP E-W 43 Rush N-S 38 77th ifi-W 80 PrattA E-W 3 77th W E-W 76 Pratt . E-W 36 78th P . . .E-W 80 PrescottA N-W 7 Prince ton A.... N-S 51 Prindiville N-E 27 Prospect A S-E 82 Prospect Sq N-S 82 Public Library 38 Pullman A N-E 93 S Sacramento A, NN-S 34 Sacramento A, SN-S 34 Sacramento Square. 34 SaginawA N-S 80 Sanford N-W 5 78th E-W 80 78th, W .E-W 76 79th P.. E-W 80 79thP,W 79th 79th W .E-W 76 .E-W 80 .E-W 76 .N-S 44 .S-E 97 E-W 30 Purple N-S 44 Putnam N-S 37 Q Quarry N-W 50 Quincy E-W 44 Seward Shabbonna A.. Shades P. Sangamon, N. ..N-S 36 Sangamon, S....N-S 36 San Jose . ...E-W 11 Shakespeare A Shaughnessy . . Shearer A Sheffield A .... Shelby C .E-W 27 .N-S 37 .N-E 7 .N-S 29 .N-S 43 Sawyer A, N.... N-S 33 Sawyer A, S ....N-S 40 School P E-W 44 Quincy, W E-W 44 School E-W 20 R Racine A N-S 29 School, W E-W 18 Sheldon, N Sheldon, S .N-S 36 .N-S 36 Schiller E-W 38 SchickP N-E 37 Schubert A E-W 27 Scott C N-S 13 Sheridan A Sheridan C.... Sheridan R. ... Sherman A Sherman P Snerman P .N-S 12 .N-E 5 .N-S 21 .N-S 80 .E-W 30 .E-W 38 N-S 44 Railroad A S-E 80 Railroad C N-S 42 Scott P . ...E-W 40 Railroad C . N-S 44 Scott E-W 38 Railroad P E-W 42 Sebor . . E-W 44 Raleigh C N-S 42 Randolph E-W 38 Randolph, W... E-W 37 Rascher A E-W 12 Raven... N-E 6 RavenswoodE. Pk.. 28 RavenswoodW,Pk.. 28 Rawson E-W 29 SedgwickC N-S 37 Sedgwick . . N-S 37 Sherwin A Shields A.. .. .E-W 3 N-S 51 SeeleyA.N ....N-S 28 SeeleyA, S N-S 42 SeippA N-S 70 Sholto .N-S 43 .E-W 7 .N-W 50 Short P Short Selby T N-W 6 Selden E-W 42 Sibley N-S 43 SelwynA N-E 16 Seminary A N-S 29 Seminary P E-W 29 Seminole A E-W 6 Seneca . . .N-S 38 Sidney A .N-S 61 Raymond E-W 28 Redfleld E-W 29 Reed C N-S 34 Siebens P S-E 37 Siegel, .E-W 37 N-E 6 Reed P E-W 20 Sinnot P .E-W 36 Rees E-W 37 Seneschal N-S 59 17th P, W E-W 44 17th E-W 45 16th . . E-W 45 Reta A N-S 20 16th, W .E-W 43 Rhine E W 28 60th A N . ... N-S 23 Rhodes A . . .N-S 52 17th W . .E-W 44 60th C,N 60th P W.. . .N-S 23 E-W 67 Rice E-W 35 70th A N N-S 22 Richards A N-S 91 RidgeA N-W 12 Ridgeland A . . . . N -S 79 Ridgeway A, N..N-S 33 Ridgeway A, S..N-S 40 Ridge wood C.... N-S 61 Ritchie C N-S 38 River N-E 38 70th C N .N-S 13 60th .E-W 69 .E-W 67 .N-S 23 70th P E-W 68 60th, W 61st A, N 70th P, W E-W 67 70th E-W 70 61st P E-W 69 70th W E-W 67 61st P, W .E-W 67 71st A N N-S 22 61st E-W 69 71stC N N-S 22 61st, W .E-W 67 N-S 23 71st P E-W 78 71st P,W E-W 75 71st E-W 70 62d A N River E-W100 62dC,N 62d P .N-S 23 .E-W 69 River, E N-S 96 Roberts A E-W 15 Roberts C E-W 15 71st W E-W 67 62d P W E-W 67 72dA,N N-S 22 72d P E-W 79 62d E-W 69 Roberts.. N-S 37 Robey.N N-S 35 Robey, S N-S 42 Robinson A N-W 6 Robinson S-E 49 Rochester A.... N-E 7 Rockwell, N.... N-S 34 Rockwell, S N-S 41 Roe E-W 42 62d W E-W 67 72d P W E-W 75 63d A, N .N-S 23 72d E-W 80 63d C N N-S 23 72d W E-W 76 63d P E-W 69 73d P E-W 80 63d P, W .E-W 63 73d P W E W 76 63d E-W 69 73d E-W 80 73d W E-W 76 63d W E-W 67 64th A, N 64th C, N 64th P .N-S 23 .N-S 22 E-W 69 74th P E-W 80 Rogers A . .N-E 3 74th P, W. E-W 75 74th..., ...E-W 80 Rokebv N-S 20 64th P. W.... .E-W 63 xviii STREET INDEX. PAGE 64th E-W tilt PAGE Stephens N-S '.Hi PAGE Todd S-E 44 64th. W.... ...E-W 67 Stephensou N-S 44 Tonti A S-E 89 65thA N ... N-8 2*2 Stephenson A...N-S 93 Tooker P E-W 37 65th P E-W 69 Stewart A N-S 44 TorrenceA... N-S 88 65th P W E-W 67 Stone N-S 38 Touhy A E-W 3 65th ' E-W 69 Stony Island A. .N-S 70 Tower C N-S 38 65th W E-W 67 Stowell . . E-W 44 Town N-S 37 6thA, N N-S 22 06th C N N-S 22 Stratford P E-W 21 String N-S 44 TownesC N-S 37 Townsend N-S 37 66th P E-W 69 Strong E-W 7 Transit N-E 79 66th P, W E-W 67 Sullivan C N-W 50 Transit A E-W 58 66th E-W 69 Sullivan E-W 37 TremontA N-8 82 66th W E-W 67 Sultan N-S 59 Tremont E-W 67 67th A N N-S 22 Summer N-S 96 Tripp A N-S 32 67th P, W E-W 65 Summerdale A..E-W 12 Tro wbridge P. . . E- W 55 67tb E-W 70 Summit A N-E 75 Troy, N N-S 34 67th, W E-W 67 Summit S-E 49 Troy,S N-S 41 68th A, N N-S 22 68th C, N N-S 22 SunnysideA....E-W 20 Sunnyside A,W E-W 17 Trumbull A. N..N-S 33 Trumbull A, S. .N-S 40 68th P W E-W 65 Superior A N-S 81 Trustee N-S 35 68th E-W 70 Superior E-W 38 Turner A N-S 40 68th, W E-W 67 69th A N N-S 22 Superior, W... E-W 36 Surf E-W 30 !2thSt. B E-W 43 12th P, W E-W 44 69th C N N-S 13 Surrey C N-S 29 12th E-W 45 69th P E-W 69 Swan E-W 59 12th, W .. E-W 44 69th P W . .E-W 65 Syracuse A N-S 17 20th P E-W 44 69th E-W 70 20th P, W. . E-W 43 69th W E-W 67 20th E-W 45 Slade S-E 49 20th, W. .. E-W 44 Sloan E-W 36 21st P E-W 44 Slocum E-W 14 Talman A N N-S 34 21st P, W. E-W 44 Smalley A N-S 26 Talman A S N-S 34 21st E-W 45 Smart N-S 35 Tarleton A N-E 7 21st, W E-W 44 Smith A N-S 36 Taylor E-W 44 22d P E-W 51 Snow N-E 28 Taylor W E-W 44 22d P, W E-W 49 Solon N-S 43 Tell P . E-W 36 22d E-W 44 Somerset A E-W 5 Tell E-W 30 22d, W E-W 44 Somerset T N-S 82 Temple N-S 36 23d P E-W 51 Soult N-S 29 Terra Cotta P . N-E 28 23d P, W E-W 49 South P E-W 12 13th P W E-W 44 23d E-W 52 South Chicago AS- E 68 13th E-W 44 23d, W E-W 49 South Park A... N-S 52 13th W E-W 44 24th P E-W 51 Southport A N-S 29 30th P E-W 51 24th P, W . E-W 4!) South Water . . . E-W 38 30th E-W 52 24th E-W 52 South West B N-S 48 30th W E-W 48 24th, W. . . E-W 49 Spaulding A N N-S 33 3lst P W E W 46 25th P E-W 51 Spaulding AS. .N-S 40 31st P E-W 50 25th P, W E-W 48 Springbank T S-E 6 3lst E-W 52 25th E-W 52 Springfield A, N.N-S 33 Springfield A S N-S 40 3lst. W.. . ...E-W 49 32d P E-W 50 25th, W E-W 49 26th P E-W 51 Spruce.. . . E-W 43 32d E-W 52 26th E-W 52 Stanley T N-S 41 32d W E-W 49 26th, W E-W 49 Stan ton A.. N-8 60 33d P E-W 52 27thP E-W 52 Stark N-W 50 33d E-W 52 27th E-W 52 Star A N-S 69 33d W E-W 49 27th, W E-W 48 Starr E-W 30 34th P E-W 52 28th P E-W 51 State C N-S 30 34th E-W 52 28th.. E-W 52 State N-S 38 34th W E-W 49 28th, W E-W 48 State N N-S 38 35th P E-W 52 29th P E-W 52 Station S-E 28 35th E-W 53 29th E-W 52 Stave S-E 27 35th W E-W 49 29th, W E-W 43 St. Anthony C. .N-S 11 36th P E-W 52 St. Boniface Cemetery 12 36th E-W 53 St. Charles C. . . .N-W 7 37th P E-W 62 St. Clair. N-S 38 37th E-W 53 u St. George's C... N-E 27 38th P E-W 52 St. Helens N-E 27 38th E-W 53 Uhland S-E 37 St. James P E-W 30 39th P, W. ... E-W 56 Union A N-S 51 St. Johns C N-S 36 39th P E-W 60 Union C N-S 41 St. Lawrence A. N-S 60 39th E-W 53 Union P N-E 51 St. Louis A N N-S 33 39th W E-W 49 Union N N-S 37 St. Louis A, S... N-S 40 The Strand.. N-S 89 Union S N-S 44 St. Marys C N-E 27 Thomas E-W 35 Union Park C... N-S 36 St. Michaels C. .N-S 30 Thome A . E-W 12 Union Park . . 3ti St. Paul A E-W 28 Stein N-S 29 ThorndaleA.. .E-W 12 Throop N-S 43 Union Ridge Cemetery 5 Union Stock Yards 58 SteinerA N-S 7 TildenA E-W 43 Uuton E-W 28 STREET INDEX. V PAGE Washington P E-W 37 PAGE WilcoxA E-W 42 Washington Pk 60 Will. N-S 36 Van Bureu P E-W 42 Washington . . . E-W 38 Willard C. .. N-S 36 Van Buren W E-W 44 Washington, W.E-W 37 Willis C N-S 42 Vaughn A N-8 86 Washington Pk C. . 60 Willitts C . . . S-E 27 Vedder E-W 37 Washington Pk Club 68 Willow A N-S 5 Ventnor A N-E 7 Washington Sq 37 Willow E-W 30 Vernon A N-S 52 Washtenaw A,N. N-S 34 WillmotA S-E 28 Vernon Pk 43 Washtenaw A, S. N-S 41 Wilson A . E-W 21 Victor A S-E 12 Water S-W 103 Wilson A W E-W 17 Victoria E-W 12 Water, N E-W 37 Wilson N-S 4 Vilas P E-W 19 Water S E-W 37 Wilton A N-S 20 Vincennes A N-S 52 Water N, W. 50 WinamacA E-W 12 VincennesR....S-W (57 Vine N-S 37 Waterloo C N-S 30 Waterville N-W 50 Winamac A, W..E-W 7 Winchester N-E 6 W WabansiaA....E-W 29 Wabansia A, W E-W 27 Waterside A.... S-E 104 Watts A N-S 93 WavelandA....E-W 21 WavelandA,W.E-W 18 Waver E-W 51 WaverlyC N-S 36 Winchester A.N.N-S 35 Winchester A.S.N-S 42 Windsor A E-W 20 Winnebago A...S-E 28 Winneconna....E-W 76 Winona A ... E-W 12 WabashA N-S 38 Wayman E-W 37 Winona A, W...E-W 10 Wade ..S-E 36 Wayne A N-S 12 WinslowP. .S-E 6 Wall N-S 50 Webster A E-W 30 Winston A S-E 83 Waite A S-E 6 Webster A, W . .E-W 28 Winter N-S 4 Waldeninair A .N-E 6 Walden Parkway N-S 82 WeedC N-E 37 Weed E-W 36 WtnthropA....N-S 20 Winthrop C N-S 43 Waldo P E-W 37 Waldon N-S 96 Wellington E-W 28 Wellington W E-W 27 Wisconsin A. ...N-E 8 Wisconsin . E-W 30 Walker C N-S 43 Wellington C N-S 61 Wisner A N-E 26 Wallace N-S 51 Wells P E-W 5 Wolfram. E-W 28 Walleck C N-S 42 Wells N-S 37 Wolfram W E-W 26 Waller N-S 43 Wendell E-W 37 Wood, N N-S 35 Walnut A E-W 5 Wentworth A. . . N-S 44 Wood, S N-S 35 Walnut E-W 35 West C N-S 30 Woodard N-E 26 Walton P . E-W 38 West E-W 96 Woodlawn A N-S 61 Ward N-S 29 West End A E-W 30 Wood lawn Pk. . . 53 Warner A E-W 20 Western AN N-S 35 Wright C N-S 34 Warner A, W ... E-W 18 Western A, S . N-S 42 Wright N-S 29 Warren A E-W 35 Warren E-W 5 Western A B.... N-S 49 Weston P. . . E-W 82 Wrightwood A..E-W 80 WrightwoodA W E-W 26 Warrington A..N-E 7 Warsaw A S-E 27 West Water.... N-S 37 Wharf S-E 44 Warwick A S-E 5 Wheeler A N-S 73 Y Warwick? E-W 16 Whipple, N ....N-S 34 Yale N-S 67 Washburn N-E 6 Whipple S N-S 41 Yates A N-S 70 Washburn A E-W 43 Whiting... . E-W 37 Yeaton E-W 42 Washington A.. N-S 61 Wicker Pk 35 York P E-W 30 Washington B.. E-W 36 Wieland N-S 37 York E-W 43 PAGE Adams, W E-W 110 AUSTIN. PAGE Filmore E-W 109 PAGE Iowa, W E-W 31 Alma N-S 31 Franklin A .N-S 107 Indiana W E-W 31 Alma A N-S 31 Flournoy E-W 110 Arlington A N-S 109 48th AS.. N-S 110 Jackson, W E-W 110 Austin A N-S 107 5'-Jd N-S 31 Jasper E-W 31 Augusta E-W 31 53d, W .... N-S 31 54th N-S 31 Laurel N-S 31 BairdA N-S 31 50th A N-S 110 Lexington E-W 110 Lilla E-W 110 51st A N-S 110 53dA N-S 110 Lewis N-S 107 Central A N-S 31 4thA N-S 107 Cedar E-W 107 Frink... E-W 107 Chicago W E-W 31 Fulton E-W 31 Merrick Pk Clark A N-S 31 Monroe W E-W 110 Congress, W.... E-W 110 Cornelia E-W 31 Cortez E-W 31 Grenshaw ,E-W 109 North A, W E-W 31 Neal . . E-W 109 Harrison W E-W 110 Nelson A . .. E-W 31 Division, W E-W 31 Harvard . E-W 110 Emerald .E-W 31 Howard A N-S 107 Henry'.. . . E-W 107 Ohio, W E-W 31 Ontario W E-W 31 Erie, W E-W 107 Huron, W E-W 31 Owasco E-W ill) XX STREET INDEX. Park A PAGE N-S 10T PAGE Robinson A N-S 110 Rice E-W 31 Taylor, W . . PAGE TC-W HW Prairie A N-S 107 Van Buren, W..E-W 110 Washington, W.E-W 31 Walnut N-S i Pine N-S 31 Sophia E-W 107 Pine A ..N-S 31 Pepper A Polk, W ...N-S 31 ..E-W110 Superior, W.... E-W 107 Thomas E-W 31 E-W 110 Willow A ..N-S 31 Randolph, W ..E-W 31 PAGE N S 106 Thompson A ...JS-W 31 3d A N-S 107 Waller A, Waller N-S 107 N-S 107 12th, W E-W 110 Walnut A N-S 110 OAK PARK. PAGE GrantA N-S 110 Goethe E-W 106 Paulina Pleasant Poplar PAGE .E-W 106 ..E-W 107 ..N-S 106 ..N-S 110 N-S 109 E-W 107 Alma ..N-S 110 .N-S 107 Grove N-S 106 Austin A .... Grove A N-S 106 Pine Park A Balmoral A . . Burton C Bellforte A.. BiefleldA.... Chicago A, W Cuyler A Columbia A.. Clinton A.... Clarence A... Central A.... Division, W.- Erie, W... ...N-S 109 ...N-S 106 ..N-S 106 ...N-S 109 ...E-W 107 ...N-S 107 . .N-S 106 ...N-S 106 ...N-S 108 ...N-S 110 ...E-W 106 . . . E-W 107 Harvey A N-S 107 Prairie A.. .. Randolph, W. Ridgeland A.. Railroad A. . . Schneider A.. 16th, W ShreveA.. .. South B Superior, W . . Schiller.. .. ..N-S 109 ..E-W 107 ..N-S 107 ..E-WJ06 ..E-W 106 ..E-W 110 ..N-8 107 ..E-W 107 ..E-W 107 E-W 106 Hayes N-S 107 Humphrey A... N-S 107 Highland A N-S 109 Humboldt N-S 106 Harlem A N-S 106 Home A N-S 108 Iowa E-W 107 JefferyA N-S 110 KenilworthA..N-S 106 Keith A N-S 110 Scoville A .... ..N-S 106 61st W N-S 107 Elm ...E-W 106 LymanA N-S 109 East A Euclid A Evangeline.. Ellen ...N-S 106 ...N-S 106 ..N-S 106 ...N-S 106 LeGrandA N-S 106 Linden N S 106 13th, W ..E-W 110 Lake, W E-W107 Lombard A N-S 107 Marion N-S 106 21st, W 22d. W ..E-W 110 ..E-W 110 18th W E-W 110 Forest A ...N-S 106 ...N-S 110 ...N-S 110 Thomas E-W 107 Taylor ..N-S 107 Union A ..N-S 108 49th A Maple A N-S 106 MapletonA N-S 107 51st A 52d A . .N-S 110 ...N-S 110 Miller A E-W 106 Menominee N-S 106 Madison, W E-W 107 North B E-W107 Washington . . Wesley ..E-W 107 N-S 108 53d A N-S 110 54th A ...N-S 110 Willis N-S lOf 55th A ...N-S 110 ...N-S 109 ...E-W 110 Woodbine A. Wisconsin A. WinonaA.... Watson A Willow A Walnut Waller A. .. . ..N-S lOt ..N-S 106 ..N-S 11* . N-S 111 ..N-S 111 ..N-S 111 N-S 10! Franklin A.. 14th. W North A E-W 107 19tb, W E-W110 Oeden A . ...N-S 106 15th W ... . ..E-W 110 Gaugler A... Graham A ...N-S 106 . N-S 109 Ontario. W E-W 107 Oak Park A N-S 106 EVANSTON. PAGE Broadway A.... N-S 117 Bennett A N-S 116 Benson A N-S 115 Church E-W 115 Clark ..E-W 115 Avers C PAGE . E-W 115 Cooper PAG1 ..N-S 11; E-W 11 Ashland A N-S 114 Asbury A.. v Barton A . . . . ...N-S 115 ...N-S 115 Crain .E-W11 Custer A N-S 11 Dempster ..E-W 11 Bailey Baxter ...E-W118 ...E-W118 Cleveland E-W 114 Chicago A N-S 115 Central E-W 118 Browne A Botsf ord ...N-S 114 ...E-W'118 Davis Dewey A ..E-W 11 ..N-S 11 Bryant A N-S 118 Colfax E-W118 Cook.., ...E-W 118 Darrow A . N-S 11 Boomer P.... ...E-W 117 Dodge A . . , ..N-S 11 STREET INDEX. PAGE E-W 115 PAGE N-S 114 Payne PAGE E-W 117 N-S 114 jenks ...E-W 117 Prairie A .N-S 117 Elm A N-S 117 Park E-W117 Ewing A N-S 116 E-W 115 Pitner A N-S 114 Kedzie E-W 115 Foster .. E-W 115 Reba P E-W 115 ...N-S 115 Lee . ...E-W 115 Rinn E-W 115 Florence A . . ...N-8 114 Lake E-W 115 Kidge A N-S 115 ...N-S 11* i,,vonc ..E-W 115 Ridge C N-S 115 E-W 115 Reese A N-S 116 E-W115 Lake Shore B ..N-S 115 Railroad A E N-W117 Greenwood B ...E-W 115 E-W 115 Lincoln Leonard P . ..E-W 118 ..E-W118 Railroad A, W. .N-W117 Gray A ...N-S 114 Livingstone . . ..E-W117 Steward E-W 115 Grant E-W 118 E-W 115 Garfleld P . . . ...E-W 118 E-W 115 E-W 115 Girard A ...N-S 118 Madison E-W 115 Sheridan R N-S 115 Garrison A . . ...N-S 118 Main ..E-W 115 Sheridan Sq R. .N-S 115 E-W 115 Michigan A.. Maple A ..N-S 115 N-S 115 Sherman A Stewart A ... .N-S 115 N-S 117 Harris . . E-W 1 18 McDonald A N-S 114 Stanley A .N-S 117 Haven ...E-W 118 McDaniel A.. ...N-S 114 . N-S 115 Monticello . . E-W 118 E-W 117 Hartrey A. .. ...N-S 114 Milburn ...E-W 118 Hamlin .... E-W 115 E-W 115 Hartzell ...E-W117 ...E-W 117 University . 115 no- N-S 117 Nate ...E-W 118 N-S 114 Ingleside P. . . .. E-W 118 ...E-W 118 Wilson A N-S 1 14 Isabella ...E-W 117 Warren .E-W115 Irvine P. . . . . ...N-S 118 Oakton E-W 115 Washington E-W 115 Oak A . . N-S 115 Judson A... ...N-S 115 Orington A.. ...N-S 115 STREET LVDEX. RE-NAMED STREETS. Former Name. Present Name. AddisonA N58thC. Addison A Chauncey A. AddisonT 92d P. Adelaide A N Irving A. Adelaide C W 24th. Adelheid A WMelrose. Agnes W School. Alexander A Kenmore A. Alice A Elizabeth A. Alice P Rhine. Allpn A Calhoun A. lima A. ./.: WSunnysideA. Ambrose W 22d P. Andrew ^SSt Andrews A W 125th. Andrew A W Warren A. ASna A NClaremontA. Arboretum, The.. Howard C. Arizona A W Montana. Arlington C Bosworth A. Arlington Magnolia A. Armin A 1 horndale A. Armeda S Hoyne A. Armitage C Jtiomer. Armour A.. Perry. Arnold Bosworth A. Arnold LaSalle. Artesian A, N....FolteC. Arthur A Coles A. Arthur Mechanic. Ash 8 Artesian A. AsburyA N Western A, Ashford A g ,^ Ashland A N 44th C. Ashland A :Norwood Pk A, Ashland C S Artesian A. Ashton W y^d f . AskumA CalfaxA. Attica 3?d t' Atlantic lath A. AtlanticA W 63d P. Auburn A W 81st P. Austin W School. luftinR ggffit Austin A U^thA. Avenue A Kmney A. Avenue B Avenue C Avenue B Seipp A. Avenue C Avenue D. Avenue C Cregier A. Avenue D Avenue B. A venue B Avenue P. Avenue G Avenue H Avenue I Avenue J Avenue K . ..Avenue H. . . Avenue J. ... Avenue K, ....Avenue L ... Avenue M. Avenue K Avenue I< . ..Ewing A. ...Avenue M. Avenue M Avon A AvonP ".'.S Fairneld A. ...Van BurenP. Former Name. Present Name. Baker A .......... N 43d A. Baker A .......... W 45th P. Baker ............ W 71st P. BallP ............ W92dP. Barkley A ........ Carondolet A. Barclay ........... N Humboldt. Bartlett A ........ Evergreen A. BateinanA ....... N 41st C. Bates ............. W 12th P. Baxter ............ Osgood. Bayson ............ Potomac A. Beach ............. Stewart A. Belden A .......... Lyndale A. Bell A ............. SSeeleyA. BellaA .......... N 43d A. Belmont A ........ S Seeley A. Belmont A ........ N 45th A. BercP ......... W Montana. Berfin .... ........ Clara P BIA .......... W 69th P. Bethuel A ........ S Avers A. Beveridge A ...... Paxton A. Beverly C ......... W 89th P. BissellA ......... MacfarlaneA. BissellA .......... Phillips A. Bickerdike A ..... Seipp A. Bickerdike Sq ..... W Ohio. Bismarck ......... Evergreen A. Birch A ........... Central A. Blaine ........... Fulton A. Blaine ............ W 25th P. Blanchard A ...... ^^ c ^ e11 ' Blanche P ........ Wfalst P. Bloom ............ S Hermitage A. Boardman A ...... S Oakley A. Boardman P ...... fe"W P ' Bolvin A ......... W 55th P. Bond . . .......... W w t aveland A. lofden week A .' .' .' .' W Roscoe. Bonney A ......... | Ridgeway A. Boston A ......... S47thA. Boulevard ........ Fairbanks C. Boulevard? ...... 46th P. BoursauldA ..... Cullom A. nA .......... S Peoria. . A. ....... Wayne A. W 49th P. Brooks A .......... Monroe A. Brown Bristol A Bristol T> rlloe Srunswick A ..... Drake A A ....... Kinney A. ........ N Francisco A Burnett .......... Cortez. STREET INDEX. Former Name. Present Name. Burtis S Seeley A. Bush Jetfery A. Bushnell 23d P Butler A S 42d A. Butler Normal A Byf ord A Clifton Park A. Byrne A N Spaulding A. Byron A McLean A. Byron W 45th. California A ...... Carter P. . Cambridge A W 83d P. Carlin A Marquette A. Carlson 122d P. Carmen, W San Jose A Campbell A. N .... Powell A. Caroline A Bishop. Carroll W George. Castello A N Avers A. Castle Haddon A. Catalpa Warner A Catherine Iowa. Cedar Clarendon. Cedar W 59th P. Cedar Stephens. Cedar W 76th. Centre A Everill A. Centre A N 46th A. Centre A N 54tb A. Centre A W Noble A. Centre A W Berteau A. Center Ontario A. Center Carmen A. Center Ward. Center Waterloo C. Center North Shore A. Central A Ceylon A. Chamberlain N 42d C. Chambers Erie A. Champlain S Hamilton A. Charles Cable. Charles C Gunnison. Charles Clover. Charles P Lomax P. Chapin Eberly A. Charlotte A Medill A. Charlotte Grenshaw. Charlton A Magnolia A. Chase A N Harding A. Chase C S Claremont A. Cheney ,W Ainslie. Cherry A N 65th A. Cherry W 78th P. Chestnut Cheney A. Chestnut A Columbia. Chestnut W Indiana. Chestnut W 53d P. Chestnut W 61st P. Chestnut N 71st C. Chicago A Avondale A. Chicago A N Clark. Chippewa A S California A. Choctaw A S Francisco A, Christiana A, N...Phinney A Christopher W 43d P. Church R Devon A . Church Colon. Claremont A Catalpa A. Clarence A Osgood. Clark W97thP. Clarke WFosterA. ClarksonA N Albany A. Clay Ainslie. Clayton W 20th P. Former Name. Present Name. Clayton W 52d. Clement S Fairfleld A. Cleveland A N 43d C. Cleveland A W 56th. Cleveland W 60th. Clifton A N Mozart. Clifton W 24th P. Clinton A S Humboldt. Clinton A College A. Clinton Butler. Cloud A Merrill A. Cloud C W57thP. Coleton A W 80th P. Coif ax A Elizabeth A. Colfax A Hoxie A. Colfax A Vernon A. Colfax Sherman A. College S Hamilton A. College P 33d P. Collins C S Irving A. Collins ,.W 14thP. Cologne 25th Colon Roberts A Columbia A N 44th A. Columbia P N Avers A. Columbia T W 48th P. Columbus A Choctaw A. Commercial A Exchange A . Commercial N Hermitage A. Concord W 49th P. Conneaut A Schubert A Cook .8 Elizabeth. Cooper S Hamilton A. Cossitt N 47th C. Corwin S Winchester A, Cortland C Moffat. Cosgrove A Cullum A.. Coulter W25th. Coulton A W 84th P. Crandall A N Avers A. Crawford A 40th A. Crawford S Canal. Crimea Shields A. Crosby Grace Crosby Washington A Cross S St Louis A. Crown P S Fairfleld A. Custer A Cushman P. Custer A S Humboldt. Cutler 136th P Cutler S Washtenaw Cynthia C Clifton Pk A. Dakota A W 67th P. Dale WEddy. Daly SMaplewoodA. Dania A N Artesian A. Danf orth Norwood Pk A. Daniels P Pierce A. Danube A N58thC. Darwin W Sunnyside A Davis Claremont A. Day Escanaba A. Dayton Blucher C. Dearborn P Garland C. Deering Loomis. Delaware A S 43d A. Delaware Cornelia. Delia WPolk. Delman Milton P. ' Dempster P Berry A. Denver A -. . . N 58th A. DepotP N45thA, Depot Loomis. STREET INDEX. Former Name. Present Name. Depot Catalpa A. Desplaines (S) Lowe A. Detroit A N43dC. Dewey P W 90th P. Dexter A W 46th P. Diana W 116th P. Dickey A LeMoyne. Dickey Eggleston A. Diller N Claremont A. Division A Selwyn A. Douglas W Byron. Douglas A Mackinaw A. Douglas PkP W Uth. Dobbins Aberdeen. Dover A N45thC. Dorr P Potomac A. Dresden A Bernard. Dreyer Marshfleld A. Dryburgh W 45th P. Dudley N Winchester A. Duncan A Sherman A. Duncan Pk W 42d P. Dunham A Harvard A. Durham A N 47th A. Dussold W 12th P. Drummond A N Sacramento A. Dwight W Ainslie. Dyer Carpenter C. East A N 50th A. Eastern A N (54th A. Eastman ., Earl Earl A Eberhart A. Eberhart.... Eberly A, N. Edmunds. 29th P. CregierA. SSt Louis A. Crystal. NSt. Louis A Eda 36th P. Edbrooke P Ems. Edgar N Marshfleld A. Elderkin W Carmen A. Edgerton A Jefferson A. Edith Rice. Edson A Osgodd. Edward A Birchwood A. Edwards A Escanaba A. Eighth A Avenue G. Eleventh A Avenue D. Eleanor A Palmer. Elgin 21stP. Elizabeth C W 80th P. Elizabeth C W 53d P. Elk Grove N Lincoln. Ellery A S Hoyne A. Ellington A Merrill A. Elliott A Ridgeland A. Elm W Ainslie. Elm W Balmoral A. Elm Ell wood. Elm (W) W Ericsson. Elm W 105th. Elm W Grace. Elm W78th. ElsaA S42dC. Emerald Kammerling A. Emery W Roscoe. Emery Thomas. Emmett S 44th A. Ericsson Hobart A Erie N Spaulding. Erina S 44th C. Ernst A Rosemont A. Essex A Calhoun A. Essex Marquette A. Former Name. Present Name. Euclid A Wayne A. Euclid P W 97th P. Evans C W 17th P. Everett N 52d A. Everett W Grace. Evergreen P Charles. Everts A S Hermitage A. Ewing A Avenue K. Fair A Oglesby A. Fairmount A S41stC. Fairview A N Artesian A. Fall S Talman A. Falon N Hamlin A. Farwell A Champlain A . Fay N Ashland A. Fay WCuyler A. Faye Larchmont A. Fayette C Throop. Faxon W96thP. FeinbergA RascherA. Fern N 61st A. Fern wood A Yale. First A Avenue B. First A Avenue O. First Clayton C. First N71st C. Fortieth (N) W School. Forty-first (N) . . . . W Roscoe. Forty-second (N).W Cornelia A. Forty-second C (N) Tripp A. Forty-third C (N) Lowell A. Forty-third C (S).Hawley A. Forty-fourth (N).W Waveland A. Forty-sixth C (N).Malcom A. Forty-seventh P (N) W Cuyler A. Forty-seventh P.. Cottage Grove A. Forty-eighth P (N) W Warner A. Forty-eighth (N) .W Belle Plaine A Forty-ninth P (N)Hutchinson. Forty-ninth (N) ..W Berteau A. Fiftieth P (N) . . . . W Pensacola A. Fiftieth (N) W Cosgrove A. Fifty-third P (N).Slocum. Fifty-third (N). . .W Wilson A. Fifty-fourth P(N)W Giddings. Fifty-fourth (N)..W Leland A. Fifty-fourth A(N)Hubbard. Fifty-seventh A (N) Morton. Fifty-ninth P (N). Berry. Fifty-ninth (N)...Lydia P. Fifty-ninth (N). . . Foster A. Fisher A Edgewater P. Floral A Milton. Florence A W 104th P. ' Florence A S Maplewood A. Florence A N Rockwell. Florence C Malvern A. Finch N43dA. Ford A Saginaw A. Ford W 58th P. Forest A N Campbell A. Forest A Faraday A. Forest A N 49th A. Forest A ...N 65th A. Forest A N 69th C. Forest A N Paulina. Forest Glen A . . . N 51st A. Forest Ridge A . . . S Hamilton A . Formosa T 91st P. Forquer Harvard. Forrest A Longwood A. Forresters A Princeton A. Foster A Constance A. STREET INDEX. Former Name. Present Name. Fourth A Custom House P. Fourth A Avenue L. Frances A Hayes A. Franklin W George. Franklin N 59th A. Franklin North Park A. Franklin A W Sunnyside A. Frederick A Hirsch. Frederick Arlington P. Free WabashA. Free N 58th A. Freeman W 34th. Fremont Soult. Fremont Mildred A. French A Coif ax A. Front Loomis. Front B Ravenswood Pk Fulton Norwood A. Garden A W Wellington. Garden N 62d C. Garfleld A Castello A. Garfleld A N Seeley A. Garvin A Elizabeth A. Girard S Ada. Gehrke Fletcher. Genesee N California A. Genesee A Millard A. Geneva W 36th P. George A N46thC. George BriarP. George Cornell. Geraldine A N 45th A. Gillette A Yates A. Gilman A N Winchester A. Glendale A S Trumbull A. Glenview A Iowa. Glenwood A N Winchester A. Gold S Sangamon. Goodwin W 12th P. Goodspeed Honore. Gordon W 43d P. Goshen W 46th P. Grace A N Albany A . Grace A Columbia A. Grace A Jefferson A. Grace A N Ashland A. Graham N 57th A. Graham Houston A. Grand A Granville A. Grand T 76th P. Grant A N 41st A. Grant A Gunnison. Grant P Ainslie. Grant P Harvard A. Grassie A S Talman A. Gray W Winnemac A. Gray lock A W 48th P. Green S Canal. Greenwood A W Dunning. Greenwood A N 41st A. Gresham A Justine. Griffin A Parker A. Gross A N Talman A. Gross Pk Otto. Gross Pk A WRavenswood Pk Grove P Armour A. Grove W 104th. Grove N64thC. Grove N Robey. Grove Grover. Grove A W Cullom. Grove Huron. Former Name. Present Name. Groveland A Parker A. Gunn W 60th P. GuttenburgA N Avers A. Hall Burling. Hamilton A N Hermitage A. Hammond A Troy A. Hanson A Carmen A. Hanson A N 59th C. Harding A N Avers A. Harrison A Dobson A. Hart A S Campbell A. Harvey W 63d P. Hathaway W School. Haugan A Ward. Haven 30th P. Hawke Oglesby A. Hawkins N 51st A. Hayes A 106th P. Hayes B W Wrighlwood A. HaynesA W Dakin. Hazel WlOlstP. Hazel W 106th. Hazel A S Irving A. Hazelton A N 50th C. Heald ParnellA. Heffron W 106th P. Hegewisch Ontario A. Heine N Francisco A. HeldmairA 25th. Henderson W Dakin A. Henderson . , W Otto. Henderson N Hermitage A. Henry W 114th P. Herbert N Springfield A. Hesing A W School. Hewes A Palmer A. Hewitt A Merrill A. Hickory Hillock A. j Hickory A W 101st P. HicklingA 53d P. High A Green Bay A. High Aberdeen. High N 46th C. High N66thA. High S Mozart. Highland A N 41st A. Highland A S Leavitt. Hill N66thC. Hilliard A Throop. Hinckley A Drake A. Hinckley A N 43d C. Hinman W 21st P. Hoard W 50th P. Hoffman A N Rockwell. Hollowell N53dA. Honore Parnell A. Hope A Washington A. Hopkins C Princeton A. HosmerA N51stA. HortonC W 93d P. Hough W 100th P. Houston A Carondolet A. Howard A Paxton A. Howard C Cornelia. HowardA N 43d A. Howard A Prairie A. Howe W95thP. Hubbard Austin A. HuckA NHoyneA. Hudson A 34th P. Hudson A Lincoln C. Hull A S Mozart. Hull StMichaelsC. STREET INDEX. Former Name. Present Name. HumboldtA N Whipple. HumboldtA W Wrightwood A. Humboldt A Cortez. Hunting A N 44th A. Huntingdon W Argyle. Huron Bernard. HymanA 848th A. Hyndman W Balmoral A. Ida Flournoy. Indian B'dry line R. Rogers A. Indiana A Ingomar A. Indiana B Indianapolis A. Indiana, W Grand A. Inkerman Princeton A. loneP 48th P. Iron 118thP. Irving A N 42d A. Irving A.. SClaremontA. Irving A N Lawndale A. Irving W Roscoe. Irving India. Isabella A Eastwood A. Isabella Cornelia. Jackson A Estes A. Jackson W Winona. Jackson W 54th. James A SlstP. James N FUth C. Jamot Eastwood A. Jane Haddon A. Jan Huss A (N) . .N Springfield A. Jasper Crystal. J efferson A N 48th A. Jefferson P Wisconsin A. Jefferson Rosalie C. Jefferson C Frankfort. Jefferson 8 Humboldt. Johnson A Brewery A. Jones N54thC. J ordon A Kinney A. Joseph A N Ridgeway A. Joseph 38th P. Joseph Stark. Judd W 12th P. Junction A W 103d P. Juniata A W Pensacola A. K Kane W Cornelia. Karl Mark C Columbia. KedzieC N Troy. Keeney A N 42d A. Kellogg A S43dC. Kemper.. ., Glenlake A. Kenwood A W Eddy. Kenwood P 45th P. Kerneg S Hamlin A. Kidder 75th P. Kimball W 102d. Kingston A Manistee A. Kingston A Hoxie A. Kinney A Cornell A. Kleeman A MarquetteA. Koenig A N Humboldt. Kramer W 13th. Kruse A S Maplewood A. Former Name. Present Name. Lake A Albion A. Larchmont A Dakin A. Laugh ton W 2-lth. Laurel A 17 Washtenaw A. Laurel S I'.u ey. Laurel W ]uis*,P. Laurel S Morgan. Layton W 44th P. Leipzig N Irving A. Leggate S Francisco A. Levant A Bennett A. Levy A N55thC. Lewis A N^TthC. Lewis N 54th A. Lexington Schubert A. Leyden N 56th C. Liberty S Springfield A. Lill W Montana. Lilla Harvard. Lincoln A N Springfield A. Lincoln A Leyden A. Lincoln A Merrill A. Lincoln A Newgart A. Lincoln (N) N Wood. Linden A Avondale A. Linden A N 49th A. Linden A Monroe A, Linden A Lily A. Linden A NFairfieldA. Linden P Church. Linden W Belden A. Linden A Magnolia A. Linwood P Cornelia. Lisle W2Jst. Livingston A Ludlla A. Livingston A W 67th P. Locust A S Sawyer A. Locust W 102dP. Locust ....W77thP. Locust Logan. Logan W48tbP. Logan Hood A. Logan Crowell. Lombard A N 47th A. Loring A Ridgeland A. Lundy's Lane S Seeley A. Lunn C W 12th P. Lutz A Pensacola A. Lydiard N 51st C. Lyford Moffatt. M Madison C Rossano. Madison W Leland A. Madsen Otto. Mago N47thC. Mailer Lexington. Main Throop. Manchester A W 70th P. Maple A Turner A. Maple A Perry A. Maple P Frankfort. Maple Malta. Maple W Berwyn A. Maple Myrick. Maple W60thP. Maple N71st. Mara A N Hamilton A. Margaret P S Springfield A. Margaret Solon. Margaret P Birchwood A. Marianna, W Schubert A. MarlinP Beach A. Mark W Roscoe. STREET INDEX. xxvn Former Name. Present Name. Mark W 19th P. Market 134th P. Market E Kavenswood Pk Market (N) Orleans. Marshall Wallace. Marlborough A. . . W 68th P. Martin W 24th P. Marlon C W Eddy. Marvin P S 43d G. Marvin A W 105th P. Maryland A Jackson A. Mason A Schubert A. Matteson A Kingston A. Matteson W 47th P. May Mildred A. May Phillips A. May N Harding A. Mayfair Cuyler A. Maynard A Higgins A. McAlpine 8 Claremont A. McAuley N41st C. McChesneyA Rhodes A. McClay A S Hamlin A. McElroy Cortez. McFarlane A Cregier A. McKibben A S Humboldt. McLennan W 46th P. McLeod A S Washtenaw A. McMaster WEddy. McMullen C W 19th P. Mead A N Sawyer A. Meadow Lane . . . . N Hermitage A. Meaghan 32d P. Meagher 15thP. Medora S42d C. Mentmore A W Belden A. Merian S Troy. Meridian A Walden Parkway. Michael A Beverley C. Michigan A Monitor A. Michigan C Curtis A. Michigan N Kimball A. Mill 32dP. Miltimore A N Harding A. Minneola P W 96th P. Minon A W lU4th. Mitchell A N Albany A: Mitchell W Eastwood A. Modena S 45th A. Monroe W Pensacola A. Montana W Dunning. Mont Clare N 68th C. Montgomery P . . . W 102d P. Moore P S Harding A. Moore N47thA. Moore W 23d. Morgan P 44th. Morris W 54th P. Morris Phillips A. Mound S May. Mound A W 51st P. Mountain A S Oakley A. Mowrey A S Hamlin A. Murray A N 49th A. Myrtle N 60th C. Myrtle A 42d A. Myrtle A Minerva A. Myrtle Morton. Myrtle C W 100th. Myrtle A N51stC. Myrtle A N Talman A. N Nassau .S Humboldt. National A Alton A. Former Name. Present Name. Nellie W Waveland. Nelson A Hirsch. Nelson Warsaw A. Nestledown A . . . .Kinney A. Nevada W Wrightwood A. Nevada Roscoe. Newport A Stratford P. Niagara W 60th P. Niagara Rice. Nicholls N Whipple. Ninth A Avenue F. Nixon Lowell C. Norman A N Troy. North A North Shore A. North C Ainslie. North Winona. Norwood A Potomac A. Notre Dame A. . .Commercial A. Nutt A Kimbark A. Oak A Barton A. Oak P Bissell. Oak 8 Winchester A Oak WArgyle. Oak N63dC. Oak N66thA. Oak NfiSthC. Oak W52dP. Oak W75thP. Oak Cortez. Oakland A N Maplewood A. Oakland P Fremont. Oak Park A N 68th A. Oakwood A W 39th P. Odell W98thP. Ogden Front Lincoln A. Oglesby A S Carpenter. Oglesby Hancock. Oglesby A Kimbark A. Oglesby A Monroe A. Olive C Janssen. Omar A N Avers A. Ontario Christiana A. Orchard A S Oakley A. Orchard N 62d A. Orchard 44th P. Oswell LaSalle. Otto, W Henderson A OviattP McLean A. Owasco Gladys A. Oxford C 38th P. Pacific A W64thP. Pacific A Burhans A. Page (S) S Hermitage A. PalifaxC N Irving A. Palisade W 61st P. Palatine W 13th P. Palm A W66thP. Palmer N Winchester A. Park A.. N43d A. Park A S43dC. Park A Pine Grove A. Park A Christiana A. Park A ParkhurstA. Park A N Artesian A. ParkC Panama. ParkP W 100th P. Park W60thP. Park End A Langley A. Parker A N43dC. xxviii STREET INDEX. Former Name. Present Name. Parmalee W 23d P. Parnell A Houston A. Paulina (N) N Marshfleld A. PaxtonA N59thC. Pearl W 97th. Pearl Medill A. Pearl S Ridgeway A. Pearl Janssen. Pearl W 25th P. Pemberton A Racine A. Pennock B W Wrightwood A. Pennsylvania A.. N 40th C. Pennsylvania A. .Palmer A. Pensacola A Reed P. Pensacola A Naslund P. Perry W Ainslie. Perry A N Maplewood A. Perry A La Salle. Pershore A Ridgeland A. Pittsfleld A S Lawndale A. Phare A S Mozart. Phillips A Buffalo A. Phillips A W Cuyler A. Phillips A Bensley A. Phinney A (N).... Christiana A. Phinney A (S) Turner A. Pier 38th. Pierce W 81st P. Pierce W 56th P. Pine A W 65th P. PineA N54thC. Pine SHoyneA. Pine Hayes. Pine W Byron. Pine ..W76thP. Pine FarragutA. Pine Pingree. Pine Lincoln Pk B. Pleasant A Dickens A. Pleasant A N Lincoln. Pleasant P S 51st C. Pleasant P Kosciusko. Pleasant N Sawyer A. Polland N 59th A. Poplar Pippin. Portland A Rice. Portland A Princeton A. Powell A Oglesby A. Prairie A N 58th A. Prairie A Palatine A. Pratt Norwood Pk A. Pratt P Jackson P. Prescott W Belle Plaine A. Prince A LeMoyne. Pridmore A Bennett A. Primrose A N Winchester A. Princeton W Dunning. Prospect A Howard C. Prospect Humboldt A. Pulaski Berlin. Pullman A S Albany A. Railroad A W 46th. Railway W RavenswoodPk Randolph A N Lawndale A. Randolph West End A. Ray 29th P. Raymond W 101st P. Reade A Houston A. Reaper N Lincoln. Rebecca W Giddings. Rebecca W 15th P. Reece A N Harding A. Reed N68thC. Former Name. Present Name. Reid W Berteau A. Kigdon \V Sunnyside A. Regina Emerald A. Republic A Bellevue A. Reynolds A Muskegon A. Reynolds A Seipp A. Rice P S Irving A. Richardson A Emerald A. Richmond A S 44th A. Richmond A N Humboldt, Richmond N Mozart. Ridge W 106th. Ridgeland N 63d A. Ridgeland A N 64th A. Rhodes A Cortland. River Brant. River Raven. Rhoads A. Riverdale A Roberts Robertson A Robinson A. Vernon A. Avondale A. 63dP. N52d A. Rome A Ainslie. Rosalind P W 95th P. Rosebud A Winnebago A. Rosenmerkel W 57th P. Ross A 55th P.. Ross S45thC. Rowley WlOlstP. Rubens A Perry. Rudolph N Hamilton A. Rumsey N Marshfleld A. Rupp A Central A. Russe 11 A Superior A. Russell 76th P. Rutherford A .... N 68th A. Rutter 5th A. Sackett A S Artesian A. Sampson A N 50tb A. Samuel N Hermitage A. Sanger Lowe A Saratoga W Wrightwood A, Sawyer A 117th P. Sayre A N 70th A. Schell A Ingleside A. School S Elizabeth. School C Wabash A. Schorling W 79th P. Schuettler W Bernice A. Schuetzen W Roscoe. Schuler W 102d P. Schultz W 101st P. Scoville A LuellaA. Second A Avenue N. Second N 70th C. SelwynA N 42d C. Selwyn A S 43d A. Sennott P W 91st P. Seress 110th P. Seventh A Avenue H. Seventy-second P.Kenwood T. Seventy-sixth P . .Patzack A Seymour A Central A. Sheffield A Sheridan R. Sheldon A N 44th A. Sheldon Janssen. Shergold C 75th P. Sheridan A N Sawyer A. Sheridan A N Spaulding A. Sheridan A Kimbark A. Sheridan A Marquette A. Sheridan A Muskegon A. Sheridan A S Whipple. STREET INDEX. xxix Former Name. Present Name. Sheridan P 20th P. Sherman A N 43d C. Sherman A N 48th C. Sherman A W 79th P. Sherman Lowe A. Sherman A N 49th C. Shields A Harvard A. Shober N Irving A. Short Clayton C. Sidney C Pine Grove A. Silverman A N 49th C Sixth A Avenue J. Sixty-fourth (N) .SeminoleA. Sixty-second P,W..Englewood A Sixty-third (N) . . . W Bryn Mawr A. Simms A N 50th C. Sioux A. S Mozart. Slater A 108th P. Slocum W Cornelia Smith A 36th P Snell NAda. Snow W Fullerton. Sobieski N Seeley A. South Chicago A.. Erie A. South C Somerset A. South Winnemac A. South A W Bryn Mawr A. South Park C Washington A Stan wood A 114th P. State Sanford State Chase A. St. Charles A N 41st C. St. Elmo Newport A. St. Hedwigs N Hamilton A. St. James 47th A. N. St. Johns A MonUcello A. Stearns 29th. Stella A Seminary A. Stevens S Mozart. Stewart A N 46th C. Stone A W 47th P. Storms A Jackson A. ' Spears A S Mozart. Spencer A, S Humboldt. Spencer A Oglesby A. Spring 26th P. Springer A 32d P. Spruce S Winchester A. Spruce W Dakin A. Stearns 29th. Steele N55thA. Stewart A N 46th C. Strahorn Crystal. Summers A N Harding A. Summer Saginaw A. Summit A N Claremont A. Sumner Honore. Superior Eberly A. Swift Wayne A. Swift W28th. Tell W117thP. Temple W 95th P. Theodosia A W Leland A. The Strand Avenue O. Third N 70th A. Third A Avenue M. Tenth A Avenue E. Thirty-second C. .32d. Thirty-third P(N)Hayes. Thirty-fourth (N)Schubert A Thirty-fourth (N)Parker A. Thirty-fifth P.... Bryant A. Thomas A N Sacramento A. Former Name. Present Name. Thompson A ...... Ridgeway A, S. Thompson ........ LeMoyne. Thorndike A ..... Potomac A. Towner ............ W Polk. Tracy ............. Shields A. Tremont A ........ S Talman A. Truro ............ Carlisle P. Turner ............ Bradley P. Tuttle A ....... ...A-nslie. Twelfth P (W ). . .Washburne. Twelfth A ........ Avenue C. T wen ty - eighth ( W ) . 27 th . Tyson A .......... N Seeley A. U Upland 126th P. Oilman S Center A. Underwood A . . . .S Francisco A. Union 110th P. University P 34th P. Utica S Whipple. Utitz A N7IstC. Vail .... , S Irving A. Van Buren Hutchinson. Vannatta A N 44th C. Van Horn W 18th P. Van Osdell W 49th P. Vermont A S Winchester A. Vernon A 44th C. Vernon Park P Oregon A. Victor Victoria. Victyria A Euclid A. Vine A N 69th A. Vine (E) Crescent A. Vine (W) Crescent A. W Wabash A Warwick A. Wabash W 74th P. Walnut S Lincoln. Walnut W 102d. Walnut N 67th A. Walnut St. Paul A. Walnut Hayf ord. Walnut W 54th P. Walnut Berwyn A. Walnut 112th P. Walnut A N55thA. Walsh C W20thP. Wallace A N Albany A. Wallace Haddon A. Ward A S Artesian A. WardC W 20th P. Washburn W 72d P. Washington A .... Winona. Washington A Winona A. Washington A. ... Jefferson A. Washington A . . .N 43d C. Washington A .... N 69th A . Washington A. . . .N 72d A. Washington A. . . .S Sacramento A. Washington LaSalle. Washington A. . . .Washburne. Washington W Wilson A. Washington West End A. Washington A (W).L,ongwood A. Washington Pk A.N 44th A. Waubansia A Pine Grove A. STREET INDEX. Former Name. Present Name. Weage Hirscb. Webb A S Spaulding A. Webber A Lakewood A. Weber A Thome A. Webster W Grace. Webster VVinnemac A. Webster A WinnemacA. Webster A Princeton A. Weddell W 73d P. Weld Gunnison. Wendel 1 A Manistee A. Werder Crystal. Wesson Gault C. West N55thC. Westminster A. . . S 41st A. Wharton A Ingleside A. Wheaton Haddon A. Whipple, N Basil. A. ' Whitehouse P.... 30th. Wilbur A S Hamilton A. Will 8 44th C. WillettA Paxton A. William W Catalpa A. William N 51st A. William Parnell A . William A Potomac A. Williams 8 Lawndale A. Williams 37th P. Willis Cullom.W. Willow Wrightwood A. WHlow N 54th A. Wilmot A N 48th C. WilmotA WilletC. Wilson W 13th. Former Name. Present Name. Windett A Iceland A. Wingert Myrtle A. Wisconsin A Mont Clare A. Windsor 75th P. Wisconsin A N 45th A. Wolcott N Lincoln. Wolcott S Troy. Wood Ravenswood Pk. Wood 113th P. Wood NCTth A. Woodbine A N 51st A. Woodland A W Grace. Woodside N Marsbfleld A Work S41stC. Worthen A S Troy. Wright P W 118th P. Wright N Paulina. Wright N Hamilton A. Wright Butler. Wyoming Schubert A. Yorktown S Irving A. Young Curtis A. Young 119th P. Zion P WISthP. TOWNSHIPS WITHIN CITY LIMITS. West Town Wards 7 to 19 and 28 North of Canal. North Town Wards 20 to 24. South Town Wards 1 to 6 and 28 South of Canal. Jefferson Ward 27. Lake View Wards 25 and 26 South of Devon Ave. West Ridge Wards 26 North of Devon Ave. Rogers Park Ward 25 North of Devon Ave. Lake Wards 29, 30 and 31 North of 87th St. Calumet 31 South of 87th St., and 34 West of State St. Hyde Park Wards 32, 33 and 34 East of State St. Austin Ward 35. SUBURBAN TOWNS XXXI SUBURBAN TOWNS Within City Limits A vondale 26 Andersonville 11 Argyle Park 12 AuburnPark 76 Auburn Heights 74 Austin 31 Brighton Park 48 Bridgeport 50 Bryn Mawr 70 Bowmanville 10 Belleville 66 Brainerd 83 Brookhaven 69 BuenaPark 20 Beverly Hill 82 Burnside 86 Brookdale 69 Brookline 77 Calumet 87 Calumet Heights 87 Cheltenham 80 Clarkdale 72 Cragin * 24 Chicago Lawn 63 Cleaverville 60 Colehour 83 Cornell 78 Dunning 13 Dauphin Park 85 Drexel Park 65 Edgewood 75 Englewood 67 Edgebrook 7 Egandale 61 Eggleston 76 Edgewater 7 Elsdon 64 EuclidPark 84 Fern wood 84 ForestGlen 7 Forrestville 60 Gano 92 Gross Park 19 Galewood 23 Garden City. .. 104 Garfield 25 Goose Island 36 Grayland 16 Grand Crossing 78 Holstein 28 Within City Limits Hegewisch 104 HighRidge 11 Irving Park 16 Irondale 95 Kelvin 25 Kensington 93 Kenwood 61 Jefferson 7 LanePark 20 Longwood 82 Linden Grove 67 Lawndale 47 Maplewood 27 Morgan Park .. 90 Mayfair 16 Mont Claire 22 Montrose 16 Moreland 32 MorrellPark 55 Normal Park 67 Norwood Park 5 Park Manor 68 Parkside 69 Pennock 25 PiercePark 78 Pine Grove 21 Placerdale 91 Pullman 93 Pullman, West 92 Ravenswood 19 Riverdale 100 Rogers' Park 2 Roseland 93 Rose Park 18 South Chicago 88 South Englewood 84 South Lynne 65 South Lyons 65 South Shore 80 Sheridan Park 20 Stock Yards 58 Summerdale 11 Tremont Ridge 65 Washington Heights 90 Washington Heights, East.. . . 84 West Auburn 75 Wild wood 100 Windsor Park 80 Woodlawn 69 WestRidge 1 City and Suburban Property Acres:: Lots:: Houses 16 YEARS IN PRESENT LOCATION. OUR EXPERIENCE ENABLES US TO OFFER BUYER AND SELLER, LENDER AND BORROWER, INTELLIGENT AND CONSCIENTIOUS SERVICE. \J GEORGE F. ^ HENRY G. I\OESTER ^ZANDER 69 DEARBORN ST c p E H !&947 WE TRANSACT A GENERAL REAL ESTATE BUSINESS. LOANS NEGOTIATED. FIRE INSURANCE PLACED. RENTS COLLECTED. TAXES PAID. ESTATES MANAGED. INTERESTS OF NON-RESIDENTS CAREFULLY SUBSERVED. PERSONAL SUPERVISION IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. YOUR BUSINESS IS SOLICITED. WE TAKE ENTIRE CHARGE OF PROPERTY AND CAREFULLY PROTECT THE OWNER'S INTERESTS. 69 DEARBORN STREET SUBURBAN BRANCH OFFICES: IRVING PARK, GRAYLAND (Jefferson), 1935 NORTH PAULINA STREET, CORNER CLYBOURN, WESTERN AND BELMONT AVENUES. Continued ? : EVANS s i TON [P MULFORD ST. imits Continued Page 10 Continued Page*** 11* Continued Page It Continued Page 12 u Continued Page 14 Pagely Continued Page 16 Continued Page 17 Page 1 Continued Page 18 Continued Page 2 ROSE HILL CEMETERY- 11 Continued Page 19 12 Continued Page 3 Continued Page 20 Continued Page 6 , __.__ ,__==,\^vy. IRVING PARK * Continued Page 23 Continued Page 7 15 ===. W S IRVING PARK *==-*==- .=^=.; BOUt >^=. Continued Page 24 PageS Page 25 Continued Dlflfl 9DDD ! i N !"* >^v. Continued Page 26 Page 10 Continued Page 27 Continued HDlS C =1 OHSI Continued Page 28 Continued Page 29 21 Continued Page 30 22 Continueo Pae:e13 D.OQOOOO HTWOOP AV . 00010 -'Continued Page 23 W. BCUTCNT W. COHTLAND [y //i n n lafnJ LJ W. BLOOMiNiOALE DDflDDQ 24 Continued Page 15 nlinued S Page 31 Continued Continued 26 Continued Page 17 ^sr^v!.. ' Page 37 Continued N Page 24 = AV . : DClDOyq PARK AV. ST. Continued 32 Continued Page 25 ikn U EL ]z|_ 266',] HlhSCH W.ERIE || 8T. ;g alr-mri JW. ONTARIO ST. NOftTH 787T czDtioaczii -u.. r^H S-J mi i I .8Hi . CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY COMPANY LANDS (.Shops & Round Housed Continued Continued OflaDDDDQ M Continued Page 27 I ^Q^il U LJ I I? I*" ;* AUGUSTA &i*>i i pi rkn nin g [ K~~ jUyliUlJ Nsf^ *! ri*n r>n i ^-piK.y^.y i jn,f L^l cl r^s?i Life I Continued Page 28 35 il I dilosEU i i CD i E=H^=l r^n r *. = Wr=^GRANO i^sas ^ ' '..I,!' Continued 8 ODD yi SSa ffa a Continued Page 43 5 Continued Continued Paee 44^ Continued Page 45 Continued [UEZD s'r isi isj^nr^~isi i il n ;~ ~n r^~i i 1 r^ai r^s 40 Continued Page 33 W. MONROE "wiLCOX W~ ADAMS ST~ g i W. ADAM6 \iin I W. JACKS Jj I ^ GLADYS _ I I W. JACKSON BOUL. W.VAN OUREN ST. SJ t I 1 CD 3 -a BOoL. D ' ' as p EZI El 'S acific=} nn & = HDH'^mDfl IMsJ U U | I ! I Up/I I i -^ i i i LJ I^'LJ LJ iMopQDgSgpjn 3\ \ s . WILCOX c AV . MJ, tsfcxYn ^ s a ^ ^.T 3 . 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KB IE DDD IU ST. -fc, 8* 6 a-A- 5 I j THOMAS rl ffl ft AUGUSTA 6T. noamm Continued Continued Continued Page 109 108 Continued Page 106 ,-QQ 'DQDDD DQDoS CQOOft QOOQQQ MPQLOlU QQODUQDQO 0.00.00021101 ~"~ D n n n n fi FT Continued Page III Continued Page 112 Continued Page 31 MbNROE i L 3i S aSSSSSSS&SJ!^^ oaoQQQ.oo: CDOQODDDi UDDDD MUaoa Continued Page Page !09 W . 39 Tr ST. Continued Continued Page I Continued Page 2 < g E E J tvoo &//-////////M//////A fe \l vj N K "0 ^^ J '! HILL _ ST. AV- i PAYNE ST. run SIMPSON Continued Page H9 ^nnnnnnn 3 &-**tf$*-&--^ Page 114. 118 Continued Page : II5 119 120 Continued Page 122 Continued Continued Page 1 1 9 122 Continued Page 120 123 Continued Pag* 121 124 ELE VA TED & STREE T CAR ELEVATED RAILWAYS. The Loop. Office: 311, 610 Jackson Boul. The Union Elevated Loop, over which all elevated trains run, extends east and west on Van Buren St., with stations at Pacific Ave., Dearborn St., State St., goes north on Wabash Ave. to Lake St., with stations at Adams, Madison and Randolph Sts., runs west on Lake St., with stations at State St. and Clark St., then south on Fifth Ave. to Van Buren St., with stations at Randolph St., Madison St. and Quincy St. The Loop stations are necessarily of intricate arrangement, and the passenger should observe the guiding signs as he ascends from the street to the train. iletropolitan Elevated Railroad. Offices : 169 Jackson Boul. Logan Square and Milwaukee Ave. Line. Red and white signals. From the loop west on Van Buren St. to Marshfield Ave., north on Paulina St. to Milwaukee Ave., and on Milwaukee Ave. to Logan Square, 6 miles. Stations at Franklin St., Canal St., Halsted St., Center Ave., Laflin St., Marshfield Ave., Madison St.. Lake St., Grand Ave., Chicago Ave., Division St., Robey St., Western Ave. and California Ave., Logan Square. Time to loop from Logan Square, 24 minutes; round loop, 14 minutes; between stations, 1 minute, Humboldt Park and North Ave. Line. Red and green signals. From the loop west on Van Buren St. to Marshfield Ave., thence northwest to Robey St., west to Lawndale Ave. Stations at Franklin St., Canal St., Halsted St., Center Ave., Laflin St., Marshfield Ave., Madison St., Lake St., Grand Ave., Division St., Robey St. Western Ave., California Ave., Kedzie Ave., Ballou St., Lawndale Ave., 6^4 miles. Douglas Park Line. Red and white signals. From the loop west to Marshfield Ave., south from Marshfield Ave. to W. 21st St., west to Western Ave. Stations at Franklin St., Canal St., Halsted St., Center Ave., Laflin St., Marshfield Ave., Polk St., 12th St., 14th St., 18th St., Wood St., Hoyne Ave., Western Ave., 4J4 miles. Garfield Park Line. Two red signals. From the loop west to 48th Ave. Stations at Franklin, Canal and Halsted Sts., Center Ave., Laflin St., Marshfield, Ogden, Hoyne, California, Sacramento, Kedzie, St. Louis, and Garfield Aves., Medpra St., 45th and 48th Ayes., 4% miles. From Marshfield Ave., which is the transfer station for all the lines of the Metropolitan, from 12m to 5 :40 trains to loop leave every l l /t minutes, from 6:17 A. M. to 6:50 P. M., \% minutes. Trains upon all lines of the Metropolitan leave loop every 6 minutes. Night trains every 30 minutes after 12. Lake Street Elevated Line. Offices : 169 Jackson Boul., Royal In- surance Building. From the loop west on Lake St. to Wisconsin Ave. in Oak Park. Stations at Canal and Halsted, Morgan, Ann and Sheldon Sts., Ashland Ave., Wood and Robey Sts., Oakley and Campbell, California, Sacra- mento, Kedzie, Homan, Hamlin, 40th, 44th and 52d Aves., where it runs to the surface and continues to Oak Park. Stations are: Central, Prairie, Austin, East, Oak Park and Wisconsin Aves., 45 minutes. Trains every 7 minutes from 5 A. M. Night, every 45 minutes after 12 :45 ; 1% miles. The Northwestern Elevated Line. Offices: 169 Jackson Boul., Royal Insurance Building. Six and one-half miles in length. Beginning at the loop connec- tion at Lake St. and Fifth Ave., the line runs north to Michigan St., west to Franklin St., north to Chicago Ave., then bears off westerly and enters its own right of way, which it keeps to the end of its route at Wilson Ave. in Buena Park. Trains every 6 minutes. Night trains every 35 minutes. The service will be express and local, through trains running on the inner tracks and locals on the outer. All trains will go to the end of the road, Wilson Ave. The trains on express schedule will make the run from the loop to Wilson Ave. in 18 minutes ; locals will consume 25 minutes, and will make all stops. TIME TABLES 125 South Side Rapid Transit Company's Lines. Offices : 47 Congress St. From the loop south and west to alley parallel to and east of State St. to 40th St., south to 63d St., east to Stony Island Ave., where the terminus is. The stations are Congress St., 12th St., 18th St., 22d St., 26th St., 29th St., 31st St., 33d St., 35th St.. 39th St., 40th St., Indiana Ave., 43d St., 47th St., 51st St., 55th St., 58th St., 61st St., South Park Ave., Cottage Grove Ave., Lexington Ave., Madison Ave., Stony Island Are. or Jackson Park, the present terminus, 8% miles. Time to Stony Island Ave., 41 minutes. Trains every 5 minutes. Night trains every 21 minutes from 12 o'clock. CHICAGO CITY RAILWAY. OFFICE: 2020 STATE STREET. Archer Avenue Line. From Lake and State Sts. south on State St. to Archer Ave., southwest to 38th St., Brighton Park, west to Central Park Ave., 6 miles. First car leaves Lake and State at 4.54 A. M. Last car, 11.29 P. M. Cars every IV* minutes. Night cars every 30 minutes from Washington and Clark Sts. Ashland Avenue Line. From Lake St. south on State to Archer Ave., southwest to Ashland Ave., south to 69th St., 9 miles. First car leaves Lake and State at 4.57 A. M. Last car, 12.30. Cars every 7H minutes, night cars every 30 minutes. Fifty-First Street West End Line. -From Wallace St. to Wood St., \% miles. First car leaves 51st and Wallace Sts. at 5.40 A. M. Last car 12 A. M. Cars every 20 minutes. Fifty-First Street East End Line. Stewart Ave. to Grand BouL, 1 mile. First car leaves 51st St. and Stewart Ave. at 5.45 A. M. Last car, 12.30 A. M. Cars every 15 minutes. Fifty-Ninth and Sixty-First Street Lines From Washington Ave. and 61st St. west to State St., north to 59th St., west to South Leavitt St., 5 miles. First car leaves 61st St>. and Washington Ave. at 5.45 A.M. Last car, 12.50 A. M. Cars every 8 minutes. Forty-Seventh Street Line. From Lake Ave. (I. C. R. R.) to Ashland Ave., 4 miles. First car leaves 47th St. and Lake Ave. at 5.25 A. M. Last car, 12.10 A. M. Cars every 6 minutes. Night cars every 30 minutes. Fortv-Seventh Street Extension Line. Ashland to Kedzie Ave., 2 miles. First car leaves 47th St. and Ashland Ave. at 5.18 A. M. Last car, 12.18 A. M. Cars every 12 minutes. Archer Avenue Limits Line. 38th and Archer Ave. southwest to 48th Ave., 2 l /& miles. First car leaves 38th St. and Archer Ave. at 6 A. M. Last car, 6.20 P. M. Cars every 50 minutes. From 10 o'clock to 1 o'clock, no cars. South Chicago Avenue Line. From Cottage Crove Ave. and 71st St. to Grand Crossing, y z mile. First car leaves Cottage Grove Ave. and 71st St. at 6 A. M. Last car, 11.30 P. M. Cars every 20 minutes. State Street Cable Line. From Lake St. south on State St. to 63d St., 7Vi miles. First car leaves Lake and State Sts. at 5.28 A. M. Last car, 1.21 A. M. Cars every 3 minutes. Night cars every 20 minutes. Thirty-Ninth Street Line From Cottage Grove Ave. west to Wentworth Ave., south to Root St., west to the Stock Yards, 2v z miles. First car leaves 39th St. and Cottage Grove Ave. at 5.10 A. M. Last car, 12 A. M. Cars every 9 minutes. Night cars every 30 minutes. Thirty-First Street Line. From Archer Ave. and Pitney Court, east to Lake Ave. (I. C. R. R.), 3 miles. First car leaves 31st St. and Lake Ave. at 5.06 A. M. Last car, 12.36 A. M. Cars every 6 minutes. Night cars every 45 minutes. 126 ELE VA TED & STREE T CAR Thirty-Fifth Street Line. From California Ave. east, to Cottage Grove Ave., 454 miles. First car leaves 35th St. and Cottage Grove Ave. at 5.25 A. M. Last car, 1.04 A. M. Cars every 8 minutes. Forty-Third and Root Street Line. From the Stock Yards east on Root St. to State St., south to 43d St., east to Lake Ave. (I. C. R. R.), 3 miles. First car leaves 43d St. and Lake Ave. at 5.11 A. M. Last car, 1.21 A. M. Cars every 7 minutes. Halsted Street Line. From Washington and Clark Sts. south on Clark St. to Archer Ave., west on Archer Ave. to Halsted St.. south to 79th St., 10 miles. Also from O'Neil St. south on Halsted St. to 79th St., 9 miles. First car leaves Washington and Clark Sts. at 5.40 A. M. Last car, 12.50 A. M. Cars every 6 minutes. Night cars 30 minutes. Indiana Avenue Line. From Randolph St. and Wabash Ave. south on Wabash Ave. to 18th St., east to Indiana Ave., south to 51st St., Washington Park, 5% miles. First car leaves Wabash Ave. and Randolph St. at 5.34 A. M. Last car, 12.50 A. M. Cars every 5 min- utes. Kedzie Avenue Line. From 38th St. and Archer Ave. southwest on Archer Ave. to Kedzie Ave., south to 63d St., west to Chicago Lawn, 354 miles. Also west on 38th St. to Kedzie Ave., and south to 63d St., west to Chicago Lawn, 354 miles. First car leaves 38th St. and Archer Ave. at 5.20 A. M. Last car, 12.30 A. M. Cars every 25 minutes. Sixty-Ninth Street Line. From Leavitt St. east on 69th St. to State St., north on State St. to 63d St., 354 miles. First car leaves State and 63d Sts. at 5.21. Last car, 1.01 A. M. Cars every 9 minutes. Sixty-Third Street Line. From 63d St. and Stony Island Ave. west to South Central Park Ave., Chicago Lawn, 654 miles. First car leaves 63d St. and Stony Island Ave. at 5.12 A. M. Last car, 12.44 A. M. Cars every 6 minutes to Ashland Aye. Cars every 30 min- utes to Chicago Lawn. Night cars every 30 minutes to Ashland Ave. Last car leaves Ashland Ave. for Chicago Lawn at 12.45 A. M. Twenty-Sixth Street Line. From Halsted St. east to Cottage Grove Ave., 1% miles. First car leaves Cottage Grove Ave. and 26th St. at 5.52 A. M. Last car, 12.02 A. M. Cars every 10 minutes . Wabash Avenue and Cottage Grove Avenue Cable Line. Oak- woods Division : Washington Park and Midway Plaisance: From Randolph St. south on Wabash Ave. to 22d St., east to Cottage Grove Ave., south to 71st St., 8!4 miles. Jackson Park Division : From Randolph St. south on Wabash Ave. to 22d St., east to Cottage Grove Ave., south to 55th St. and Washington Park, east to Lake Ave., 7 miles. First car leaves Randolph St. and Wabash Ave. at 5.28 A. M. Last car 12.44 A. M. Last car to 39th St. only at 1.28 A. M. Cars every 3 minutes. Night cars, every 33 minutes. Night cars south of 55th St. every 64 minutes. Wallace Street and Center Avenue Line. From Washington and Clark Sts. south on Clark St. to Archer Ave., southwest to Canal St., south to 29th St., west to Wallace St., south to 39th St., west to Hal- sted St., south to 47th St., west to Center Ave., south to 63d St., 854 miles. First car leaves Washington and Clark Sts. at 5 34 A. M. Last car, 1.36 A. M. Cars every 6 minutes. Wentworth Avenue and Auburn Park Line. From Washington and Clark Sts. south on Clark St. to 22d St., west to Wentworth Ave., south to 79th St., west to Halsted St., 10 miles. First car leaves Clark and Washington Sts. at 4.55 A. M. Last car, 1.10 A. M. Cars every 454 minutes. Night cars every 30 minutes. Western Avenue Line. From Archer Ave. south on Western Ave. to 71st St., 4M, miles. First car leaves Archer and Western Aves. at 5 A. M. Last car, 12 A. M. Cars every 30 minutes. All North and South lines give Transfers on Transfers, except to Archer Ave. All East and West lines give Transfers on intersecting lines only upon cash fares. TIME TABLES 127 CHICAGO CONSOLIDATED RAILWAY CO. OFFICE NOBTH CLARK AND DIVISION STS. CHICAGO AND JEFFERSON URBAN TRANSIT LINES. Fulton Street Line. From State and Adams Sts. west on Adams St. to Desplaines St , north on Desplaines St. to Monroe St., west on Monroe St. to Morgan St., north on Morgan St. to Fulton St., west on Fulton St. to Western Ave., 3H miles. First car leaves State and Adams Sts. at 5.59 A. M. Last car leaves at 12.09 A. M. Cars every 10 minutes. CICERO AND PROVISO STREET RAILWAY LINES. Chicago Avenue Line. From Lake St. and North 48th Ave. north on 48th Ave. to Chicago Ave., west on Chicago Ave. to Harlem Ave., south on Harlem Ave. to Madison St., west on Madison St. to Des- plaines Ave., south on Desplaines Ave. to 12th St., east on 12th St. to Harlem Ave., 6 miles. First car leaves Lake St. and North 48th Ave. at 5.32 A. M. Last car, 12.56 A. M. Cars every 12 minutes. Lake Street Line. From Madison St. and 40th Ave. to 48th Ave., north on 48th Ave. to Lake St., west on Lake St. to Fifth Ave., May- wood. 5 miles. First car leaves Madison St. and North 40th Ave. at 5.00 A. M. Last car, 12.20 A. M. Cars every 10 minutes. Madison Street Line. From Madison St. and 40th Ave. west on Madison St. to Fifth Ave.. Maywood, north on St. Charles Road, west to 19th Ave., Melrose, south to Madison St., return by way of Madison St., Wz miles. First car leaves Madison St. and 40th Ave. at 5. A. M. Last car leaves at 12.15 A. M. Cars every 10 minutes. OGDEN STREET RAILWAY LINES. Berwin Line. From 22d St. and South 40th Ave. southwest on Ogden Ave. to South 48th Ave., north to 25th St., west to Central Ave., south to 26th St., west to Ridgeland Ave., south to 31st St., southwest on Stanley Ave. to Harlem Ave., south on Harlem Ave. to Ogden Ave., Ogden Ave. to the Town of Lyons, 7 miles. First car leaves 22d St. and South 40th Ave. at 5.15 A. M. Last car, 11.45 P. M. Cars every 15 minutes. Forty- Eighth Avenue Line. From Lake St. and 48th Ave. south on 48th Ave. to 25th St., west to 52d Ave., south to 36th St., 4& miles. First car leaves Lake St. and 48th Ave. at 5.44 A. M. Last car, 11.29 P. M. Cars every 15 minutes. Twelfth Street Line. From 12th Street and South 40th Ave. west on 12th St. to Harlem Ave. 4 miles, First car leaves 12th St. and South 40th Ave. at 5.24 A. M. Last car, 11.48 P. M. Cars every 15 minutes. NORTH CHICAGO ELECTRIC LINES. Bowmanville Line. From a connection with the Lincoln Ave. Cable at Wrightwood Ave., north on Lincoln Ave. to Bowmanville, 3V miles. First car leaves Lincoln and Wrightwood Aves. at 5.45 A. M. Last car, 12.10 A. M. Cars every 15 minutes. Night cars every 45 minutes. Evanston Line. From a connection with the Clark St. Cable at the Limits Barn (Clark St. and Dewey Place), north on Clark St. to its connection with Halsted St., northeast on Halsted St. to its con- nection with Evanston Ave., and northwest on Evanston Ave. to Sheri- dan Park; thence north on Evanston Ave. from Sheridan Park to Devon St. or Homan Ave., west on Devon St. or Homan Ave. to Clark St., north on Clark St. to Dempster St. in Evanston, west on Dempster St. to Sherman St., north on Sherman St. to Central St., west on Cen- tral St. to Bennet Ave., North Evanston. First car leaves Clark St. and Dewey PL at 5.44 A. M. Last car, 12.24 A. M. Cars every 6 min- utes. Last car to Edgewater only, 1.00 A. M. Hilwaukee Avenue and Jefferson Park Line From a connection with the West Chicago Street Railroad Company's Milwaukee Avenue Cable Line at Armitage Ave. north on Milwaukee Avenue to Jefferson Park, oVz miles. First car leaves Armitage and Milwaukee Aves. at 6.00 A. M. Last car, 12.30 A. M. Cars every 15 minutes. 128 ELEVATED & STREET CAR Lawrence Avenue Line. From a connection with the Evanston Ave. Electric line on Lawrence Ave. west on Lawrence Ave. to Mil- waukee Ave. 5 miles. First car leaves Evanston and Lawrence Aves. at 6.35 A. M. Last car, 6.00 P. M. Cars every 60 minutes. CHICAGO ELECTRIC TRANSIT LINES. Belmont Avenue Line. From its intersection with Milwaukee Ave. east on Belmont Ave. to Halsted St., south on Halsted and Clark Sts. to a connection with the cable cars of the North Chicago Street Railway Company at Clark St. and Dewey PI., 4K miles. First car leaves Clark St. and Dewey PI. at 6.00 A. M. Last car, 12.15 A. M. Cars every 15 minutes. Elston Avenue Line. Commencing at Randolph and State Sts, north on State St. to Lake St., west on Lake St. to Milwaukee Ave., north on Milwaukee Ave. to its intersection with Elston Ave,. north- west on Eleton Ave. to Irving Park, l l /z miles. First car leaves Ran- dolph and State Sts. at 5.52 A. M. Last car, 1.16 A. M. Cars every 8 minutes. Irving Park Boulevard Line. From a connection with the North Chicago Street Railway cars and the cars of the North Chicago Elec- tric Railway Company at Evanston and Graceland Aves., west on Graceland Ave. and Irving Boul. to Dunning. 7 miles. First car leaves Evanston and Graceland Aves. at 6.00 A. M. Last car, 12.00 P. M. Cars every 15 minutes. Southport Avenue Line. From Southport Ave. and North Clark St. south to Clybourn Ave., southeast to Halsted St., south to Division St., east to Crosby St.. south to Elm St., east to Franklin St., south to Kinzie St., east to Wells St., south to 5th Ave. and Harrison St., GYz miles. Return 5th Ave. north to Kinzie St., west to Franklin St., north to Chicago Ave., west to Larrabee St., north to Elm St., west to Crosby St., north to Division St.. west to Halsted St., north to Clark St. and Southport Ave. First car leaves 5th Ave. and Harrison St. at 6.18 A. M. Last car, 12.25 A. M. Cars every 7 minutes. Montrose Boulevard Line. From a connection with the Evanston Ave. Electric Line at its intersection with Montrose Boul., west on Montrose Boul. to 46th Ct. 5 miles. First car leaves Evanston Ave. and Montrose Boul. at 5.40 A. M. Last car, 6.35 P. M. Cars every 50 minutes. Robey Street (Rose Hill) Line. -From a connection with the North Chicago Street Railway Lines at Lincoln and Wrightwood Aves., northwest on Lincoln Ave. to Robey St., north on Robey St. to Bel- mont Ave., east on Belmont Ave. to East Ravenswood Park Ave., north on East Ravenswood Park Ave. t9 the entrance of Rose Hill Cemetery, 4} miles. First car leaves Lincoln and Wrightwood Aves. at 5.22 A. M. Last car, 12.20 A. M. Cars every 11 minutes. CHICAGO UNION TRACTION CO. MAIN OFFICE: N. CLARK AND DIVISION STS. NORTH CHICAGO LINES. Ashland Ave. Electric Line. From Lincoln and Wrightwood Aves. northwest on Lincoln Ave. to Belmont Ave., north on N. Ash- land Ave. to Graceland Ave., 2 miles. First car leaves Lincoln and Wrightwood Aves., 5:37 A. M. Last car 12:46 A. M. Cars every 7 minutes. Chicago Ave. Electric Line. From N. Clark St. and Chicago Ave. west on Chicago Ave. to N. California Ave., north to Humboldt Park, 3Y 3 miles. First car leaves N. Clark St. and Chicago Ave., 5:30 A. M. Last car, 12 :24 A. M. Cars every 6 minutes. City Limits Cable Line. (Wells St.) From Monroe and Dearborn Sts. north on Dearborn St. to Randolph St., west to La Salle St., north through the tunnel to Illinois St., west to Wells St., north to N. Clark St., north to Diversey Ave., 3V4 miles. First car leaves Mon- roeand Dearborn Sts. 5:51 A. M. Last car, 12:46 A.M. Cars every 8 minutes TIME TABLES 129 City Limits Cable Line. (Clark St.). From Monroe and Dear- born Sts., north on Dearborn St. to Randolph St. west to La Salle St., north through the tunnel to Illinois St., east to N. Clark St., and north to Diversey Ave., 3 l /4 miles. First car leaves Monroe and Dear- born Sts., 6:20 A. M. Last car, 11:56 A. M. Cars every 4 minutes. Night cars every 20 minutes. Clark Street Electric Line. From Clark St. and Dewey PI. north on N. Clark St. to Devon Ave., 4 miles. First car leaves Clark and Dewey PL, 6:10 A. M. Last car, 1:07 A. M. Cars every 6 minutes. Night cars, every 40 minutes to Lawrence Ave. only. Cly bourn Avenue Cable Line. From Monroe and Dearborn Sts. north on Dearborn St. to Randolph St., west to La Salle St., north through tunnel to Illinois St., west to Wells St., north to Division St., west to Clybourn Ave., northwest to Cooper St., 3H miles. First car leaves Monroe and Dearborn Sts. 6:05 A. M. Last car, 12:23 A. M. Cars every 1 minutes. Night cars, 1 hour and twenty minutes. Clybourn and Belmont Avenue Electric Line. From Cooper St. and Clybourn Ave. north on Clybourn Ave. to Belmont Ave., IVt miles. First car leaves Clybourn Ave. and Cooper St., 5:27 A. M. Last car, 12 :17 A. M. Cars every 12 minutes. Dearborn Street Electric Line. From Polk St. Depot north on Dearborn St. to Kinzie St., west to Northwestern Depot on Wells St.. 1*4 miles. First car leaves Polk St. Depot 6:35 A. M. Last car, 10:10 P. M. Cars every 7 minutes. Division Street Electric Line. From Clybpurn and Division west on Division St. to California Ave., 3 miles. First car leaves Division St. and Clybourn Ave. 5 :20 A. M. Last car, 12 :20 A. M. Cars every 7 minutes. Evanston Avenue Electric Line. From N. Clark and Dewey PL on N. Clark St. north on Evanston Ave. to Graceland Ave., 1V miles. First car leaves Clark and Dewey PL, 6 :04 A. M. Last car, 12 :47 A. M. Cars every 7 minutes. Fuller-ton, Lincoln and Milwaukee Avenues Electric Line. From Lincoln Ave. west on Fullerton Ave. to Milwaukee Ave., 2H miles. First car leaves Fullerton and Lincoln Aves. 5 :24 A. M. Last car, 12 :09 A. M. Cars every 9 minutes. Halsted and Twenty-first Streets Electric Line. From Halsted and 21st Sts., north on Halsted St. to N. Clark and Noble Ave., 6 miles. First car leaves Halsted and 21st Sts. 6:01 A. M. Last car, 12 :21 A. M. Cars every 7 minutes. Lincoln Avenue Cable Line. From Dearborn and Monroe Sts. north on Dearborn St. to Randolph St., west to La Salle St., north through the tunnel to Illinois St., east to N. Clark St., north past Lin- coln Park to Center St., west to Lincoln Ave., northwest to Wright- wood Ave., 3Vz miles. First car leaves Dearborn and Monroe Sts. 5:58 A. M. Last car, 12:05. Cars every 8 minutes. Night cars every 40 minutes. Lincoln Avenue Electric Line. From Wrightwood and Lincoln Aves. northwest on Lincoln Ave. to Graceland Ave., 2 miles. First car leaves Lincoln and Wrightwood Aves. 5 :30 A. M. Last car, 12 :30 A. M. Cars every 12 minutes. Larrabee Street Electric Line. From Clark and Washington Sts. north on N. Clark St. to Kinzie St., west to Orleans St., north to Chi- cago Ave., west to Larrabee St., north to Lincoln Ave., west to Racine Ave., south to Webster Ave., east to Lincoln Ave., south to Larrabee St., 4% miles. First car leaves Clark and Washington Sts. 6:03 A. M. Last car, 12 :22 A. M. Cars every 6 minutes. North Avenue Electric Line. From Lincoln Park, North Ave. and N. Clark St. west on North Ave. to N. 40th Ave. Transfers on North Ave. at Larrabee St., Halsted St., Sedgwick St. and Wells St. Trans- fers at these points will be for both directions, 5 miles. First car leaves North Ave. and N. Clark St. 5:34 A. M. Last car, 12:46 A. M. Cars every 5 minutes. 130 ELE VA TED & STREET CAR Lincoln Avenue Line. From Wrigbtwood and Lincoln Aves., northwest on Lincoln Ave. to Irving Park Boul., 2 miles. First car leaves at 5 :05 A. M. Last car leaves at 12 ;40 A. M . Cars every 8 minutes. Indiana Street Line. From State and Lake north on State to Indiana St., west to Western Ave., 354 miles. First car leaves State and Lake at 5 :54 A. M. Last car, 12 :19 A. M. Cars every 13 minutes. North State Street Line. From State and Lake Sts north on State St. to Division St., and west to N. Clark St.. Transfers to and from N. Clark St. cable cars, 154 miles. First car leaves State and Lake Sts. at 6 :28 A. M. Last car, 12 :04 A. M. Cars every 3 minutes. Sedgwick Street, Qarfield Avenue and Center Street Line. From Washington and Clark Sts. north on Clark St. to Kinzie St., west to Orleans St., north to Chicago Ave., west to Sedgwick St., north to Center St., northwest on Lincoln Ave. to Garfield Ave., west to Racine Ave., south to Center St. and east to Sedgwick St., 3 mile* First car leaves Washington and Clark Sts. at 6.06 A. M. Last car 12:17 A. M. Cars every 6 minutes. Sheffield Avenue Line. From Sheffield and Wrightwood Aves., north on Sheffield Ave. to N. Clark St., 1 mile. First car leaves Shef- field and Wrightwood Aves. at 6 :07 A. M. Last car, 12 :13 A. M. Cars every 8 minutes. Halsted and Sedgwick Street Line. From Evanston and Grace- land Aves., south to Halsted St., south to Center St., east to Sedgwick St., south to W. Chicago Ave., east to Orleans St., south to Kinzie St., east to Dearborn St., south to Randolph St., 5 miles. First car leaves at 6:45 A. M. Last car, 6;45 A. M. Cars every 7 minutes. WEST CHICAGO LINES. Armitage Avenue Electric Line. From Armitage and Milwaukee Aves. west on Armitage Ave. to 44th Ave., 254 miles. First car leaves Armitage and Milwaukee Aves. at 4.35 A. M. Last car, 12.49 A. M. Cars every 6 minutes. Ashland Avenue and Paulina Street Electric Lire From Cly- bourn PI. and Wood St., east on Cly bourn PI. to Ashland Ave. south on Ashland Ave. to Lake St., west on Lake St. to Paulina St., south on Paulina St. to 12th St., east on 12th St. to Ashland Ave., south on Ashland Ave. to 22d St., about 454 miles. First car leaves Clybourn PI. and Wood St. at 5.40 A. M. Last car, 11.52 P. M. Cars every 6 minutes. Blue Island Avenue Cable Line. From Dearborn and Adam Sts. West on Adams St. to Franklin St., south on Franklin St. through Van Buren St. tunnel, west to Halsted St., south to Blue Island Ave., southwest to S. Western Ave., about 4 miles. First car leaves Dearborn and Adams Sts. at 5. 30 A. M. Last car, 12 o'clock. Cars every 5 min- utes. Night cars every 50 minutes. Chicago Avenue Electric Line. From State and Randolph Sts. north on State St. to Lake St., west to Milwaukee Aye., northwest to Chicago Ave., west to California Ave., north to Division St., about 4 miles. First car leaves State and Randolph Sts. at 5.45 A. M. Last car, 12.05 A. M. Cars every 7 minutes. Colorado Avenue Line. From Madison St. and California Ave. southwest on Colorado Ave. to Hamlin Ave. Transfers on Madison St., 154 miles. First car leaves Madison St. and Colorado Ave. at 6.07 A. M. Last car, 12.05 A. M. Cars every 8 minutes. Canalport Avenue and Twenty-First Street Line. From Madison St. and Fifth Ave. west on Madison St. to Clinton St. south to Har- rison St., east to Canal St., south to Canalport Ave., southwest to Hal- sted St., on Halsted St. to 2tst St., west on 21st St. to California Ave., 5 miles. First car leaves Madison St. and Fifth Ave. at 5.17 A. M. Last car, 12.30 A. M. Cars every 8 minutes. TIME TABLES 131 Division Street Line. From State and Randolph Sts., north on State St. to Lake St., west to Desplaines St., north to Milwaukee Ave., northwest to Division St., west to California Ave., 4 1 / miles. First car leaves State and Randolph Sts. at 5.37 A. M. Last car, 12.12 A. M. Cars every 7 minutes. Eighteenth and Twenty-Sixth Street Lines. From State and 18th Sts. west on 18th St. to Leavitt St., south to Blue Island Ave., south- west to 26th St., west on 26th St. to 40th Ave., about 5% miles. First car leaves State and 18th Sts. at 5.56 A. M. Last car, 12.28 A. M. Cars every 8 minutes. Fourteenth Street Electric Line. From Wabash Ave. and 12th St. west on 12th St. to Canal St., south to 14th St., west on 14th St. to Robey St., 2 1 A miles. First car leaves Wabash Ave. and 12th St. at 5.18 A. M. Last car, 12 A. M. Cars every 12 minutes. Grand Avenue Electric Line. From State and Randolph Sts. north on State St. to Lake St., west to Halsted St., north to Grand Ave., west on Grand Ave. to 40th Ave., north to North Ave., 6 miles. First car leaves State and Randolph Sts. at 6 A. M. Last car, 12.04 A. M. Cars every 8 minutes. Night cars every 90 minutes. Halsted Street Cable Line. From Adams and Dearborn Sts. west on Adams St. to Franklin St., south on Franklin St., through Van Buren St. tunnel, west to Halsted St., south on Halsted to O'Neil St., 3 miles. First car leaves Adams and Dearborn Sts. at 5.25 A. M. Last car, 12.25 A. M. Cars every 5 minutes. Night cars every hour. Harrison Street Via Center Avenue Electric Line. From State and Adams Sts. west on Adams St. to Center Ave , south to Harrison St., west on Harrison St. to Kedzie Ave., 4*4 miles. First car leaves State and Adams Sts. at 5 46 A. M. Last car, 12.05 A. M. Cars every 5 minutes. Harrison Street via Clinton Street Line. From State and Adams Sts., west on Adams St. to Clinton St., south to Harrison St., west on Harrison St. to Kedzie Ave., 4^4 miles. First car leaves State and Adams Sts. at 5.44 A. M. Last car, 12.10 A. M. Cars every 5 minutes. Kedzie and California Avenues Line. From 12th St. and Kedzie Ave. north on Kedzie Ave. to Chicago Ave., east on Chicago Ave. to California Ave., north on California Ave. to Armitage Ave., 4 miles. First car leaves 12th St and Kedzie Ave. at 5.20 A. M. Last car, 12.50. Cars every 5 minutes. Lake Street Line. From Western Ave., and Lake St., west on Lake St. to 48th Ave., 3 miles. Cars every 20 minutes. Milwaukee Avenue Cable Line. From State and Madison Sts. north on State St. to Washington St., west to Desplaines St., north to Milwaukee Ave., northwest on Milwaukee Ave. to Armitage Ave. Green light or yellow dash on grip car. 3% miles. First car leaves State and Madison Sts. at 5.30 A. M. Last car, 12.34 A. M. Cars every 6 minutes. Milwaukee Avenue Extension Line. From Armitage and Milwau- kee Aves. northwest on Milwaukee Ave. to Lawrence Ave., 4V miles. First car leaves Armitage and Milwaukee Aves. at 5.00 A. M. Last car, 11.52 P. M. Cars every 10 minutes. fladison Street Cable Line. From State and Madison on State St. to Washington St., west to Jefferson St., south to Madison St., west on Madison St. to 40th Ave. Red light or red dashboard on grip car. 5 miles. First car leaves State and Madison Sts. at 5.45 A. M. Last car, 12.40 A. M. Cars every 3 minutes. Night cars every 25 minutes. Desplaines Street Electric Line. From Harrison and Desplaines Sts. east to Clinton St., north to Milwaukee Ave., to Noble St., north on Noble St. to Blackhawk St., west to Holt St., north to North Ave., west on North Ave., to North 40th Ave., 6V& miles. First car leaves Harrison and Def plaines Sts. at 6.35 A. M. Last car, 6.10 P. M. Cars every 12 minutes. 132 ELEVATED & STREET CAR Ogden Avenue Electric Line. From State and Randolph Sts. north on State St. to Lake St., west to 5th Ave., south to Randolph St., west on Randolph St. to Ogden Ave., southwest on Ogden Ave. to South 40th Ave., Lawndale, 4 miles. First car leaves State and Ran- dolph Sts. at 5.46 A. M. Last car, 12.21 A. M. Cars every 5 minutes. Night cars every 75 minutes. Randolph Street Electric Line. From Bryan PL and Randolph St. northwest to Lake St., west on Lake St. to Western Ave., 1J4 miles. First car leaves Bryan PI. and Randolph St. at 5.53 A. M. Last car, 12.02 A. M. Cars every 8 minutes. Robey Street Electric Line. From Fullerton Ave. and Robey St., south on Robey St. to 14th St., 4% miles. First car leaves Fullerton Ave. at 5.20 A. M. Last car, 12.22. Cars every 7 minutes. Night cars every 60 minutes. Sangamon Street and Center Avenue Electric Line. From Ash- land Ave. and Erie St. east on Erie St. to Center Ave., south to Austin Ave.. east to Sangamon St., south to Adams St., west to Center Ave., south on Center Ave. to 21st St., 3% miles. First car leaves Ashland Ave. and Erie St. at 5.18 A. M. Last car, 11.40 P. M. Cars every 10 minutes. Taylor Street Electric Line. From 5th Ave. and Madison St. west on Madison St. to Clinton St., south to Harrison St., east to Canal St., south to Taylor St., west on Taylor St. to Western Ave., 3? miles. First car leaves 5th Ave. and Madison St. at 5.48 A. M. Last car, 12.02 A. M. Cars every 5 minutes. Twelfth Street Electric Line. From State and Van Buren Sts. west on Van Buren St. to 5th Ave., south to 12th St., west on 12th St. to South 40th Ave., 6 miles. First car leaves State and Van Buren Sts. at 5.39 A. M. Last car, 12.44 A. M. Cars every 4 minutes. Night cars every 42 minutes. Van Buren Street Electric Line. From State and Van Buren Sts., west on Van Buren St. to Kedzie Ave., 4 miles. First car leaves State and Van Buren Sts. at 5.32 A. M. Last car, 12.03. A. M. Cars every 4 minutes. Night cars every 35 minutes. Western Avenue Electric Line. From Elston and Western Aves. south on Western Ave. to West 26th St., 6 miles. First car leaves Elston and Western Aves. at 5.10 A. M. Last car, 12.48 A. M., both ends of route. Cars every 6 minutes. Belmont Avenue and Roscoe Street ( Sharpshooters' Park ) Line. From Lincoln and Wrightwood Aves., northwest on Lincoln Ave. to Belmont Ave., west on Belmont Ave. to Robey St., north on Robey St. to Roscoe St., west on Roscoe St. to Sharpshooters' Park. 2& miles. First car leaves Lincoln and Wrightwood Aves. at 5.35 A. M. Last car, 12.40 A. M. Cars every 8 minutes. CHICAGO AND MILWAUKEE ELECTRIC RAILWAY' OFFICE, 1103, 108 LA SALLE STREET. Runs from Evanston to Waukegan, 28 miles ; 9 double track. Leaves Evanston from the C M. & St. P. Ry. station, Church St., every 20 minutes, time, 1.40. Fare, 35c one way, or 60c round trip. Local car, Evanston to Winnetka, every 10 minutes; fare, one way lOc. Commutation, Excursion and Round Trip tickets for sale by local agents. Children alone or over seven years of age, full fare. Bicycles, 25c ; baggage, lOc to 25c. This road can be reached from Chicago over the St Paul to Evanston, or by way of the North Side Cable lines to the limits barns, and then by the Evanston Electric. TIME TABLES 133 NORTHERN ELECTRIC RAILWAY COMPANY. OFFICE, 1409, 100 WASHINGTON STREET. Runs from North 47th Ave. and Kinzie St. north to Thomas St., west to North 48th Ave., north to West North Ave , west to North 56th Ave., north to Armitage Ave. (Hanson Park), 3 miles. Cars leave 47th Ave. and Kinzie St. every 40 minutes to 12 A. M. THE CALUMET ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. GENERAL OFFICES : 9314 DREXEL AVENUE. West Pullman Division. Leaves 63d St. and South Park Ave. (connecting with the Alley "L" at that point), south on South Park Ave. to 66th St. ; to St. Lawrence Ave. ; to 71st St. ; to 72d St. and Cot- tage Grove Ave. by way of alley to 75th St (connecting with Auburn Park and South Chicago lines); south again to 93d St. (connect- ing with South Chicago line) ; south again to 95th St. ; west to Michi- gan Ave. ; south to 103d St. (connecting with Fernwood and Wash- ington Heights line); south again to 115th St. (connecting with Ken- sington line) ; south again to 119th St. ; west to Halsted St. ; south to 121st St. West Pullman, 8V 3 miles. First car leaves South Park at 5.36 A. M. Last car. 12.46 A. M. Cars leave every 10 minutes. Cars leave every 20 minutes till 12.25. flanhattan Beach Division Leaves 63d St. and South Park Ave. (connecting with Alley "L" at that point) ; south on South Park Ave. to 66th St. ; east to St. Lawrence Ave. ; south to 67th St. ; east to Stony Island Ave. ; south to 73d St. (connecting with Pullman and Roby lines) ; east on 73d St. to Railroad Ave. ; southeast to 78th St. ; east to Lake Ave. ; south to Cheltenham PL ; west to Bond Ave. ; south to 79th St. Beach, 3 miles. First car leaves South Park at 5.56 A. M. Every 30 minutes until 12.10 A. M. Auburn Park to South Chicago. Leaves Rock Island tracks and 75th St.; east on 75th St. to Cottage Grove Ave. (connects with West Pullman and Brookline Divisions) ; east again on 75th St., through Grand Crossing to South Chicago''Ave. ; southeast to 79th St. (connects with Pullman line); southeast again to 91st St.; east to Erie Ave.; south to 93d St., South Chicago, 4H miles. Cars leave terminals every 20 minutes. First car leaves Auburn Park at 5.20. A, M. Last car, 12 A. M. South Park to South Chicago Line. Leaves 63d St. and South Park, south on South Park Ave. to 66th St., east to St. Lawrence Ave., south to South Chicago Ave., southeast to 71st St. and Cottage Grove Ave., west on 71st St. to St. Lawrence Ave., south to 75th St. (connects with Auburn Park line), east on 75th St. to Cottage Grove Ave. (con- nects with West Pullman line), east again to South Chicago Ave., southeast to Stony Island Ave. (connects with Pullman line), south- east again to 91st St., east to Erie Ave., south to 93d St. (connecting with Burnside car), 4Vi miles. Cars leave terminals every hour and twenty minutes. First car leaves 63d St. at 7.40 A.M. Last car, 2.20 A. M. Burnside to South Chicago Division. Leaves 93d St. and Cottage Grove Ave. (connecting with West Pullman Line), east on 93d St. to Stony Island Ave. (connects with Pullman Line), east again to Ex- change Ave., north to South Chicago Ave., southeast to 93d St., east to Harbor Ave., northeast to Mackinaw Ave., north to 89th St., east to the Strand, Steel Mills, 3 miles. Cars leave terminals every 20 minutes. First car leaves 93d and Cottage Grove Ave., 5:19 A. M. Last car leaves 12:19 A. M. Last car leaves South Chicago, 12:37 A. M. Brookline Division Leaves 72d and Cottage Grove Ave., south on Cottage Grove to 75th St., east to Stony Island Ave., north to 63d and Stony Island Ave., 2% miles. Cars leave every 20 minutes. First car leaves 63d and Stony Island Ave. 5:44 A. M. Last car leaves 12:25 A. M. 134 ELEVA TED & STREET CAR One Hundred and Third Street Line. Leaves 103d and Michigan, west on 103d St., through Fern wood to Vincennes Road, Washington Heights. 2 miles. Cars leave terminals every 20 minutes. First car leaves Michigan Ave., 5 :08 A. M. Last car leaves 12 :20 A. M. One Hundred and Fifteenth Street Line. Michigan Ave. to Illinois Central R. R., Kensington. Leaves Michigan Ave. (connects with West Pullman Line), east to Illinois Central R. R., 2 miles. Cars run every 10 minutes. First car leaves Michigan Ave. 6:00 A. M. Last car leaves 9 :00 P. M. Roby Division. Leaves 63d St. and Stony Island Ave., south on Stony Island Ave. to 73d St., connects with Manhattan Beach cars, south again to 79th St. and South Chicago Ave. (connects with Auburn Park cars), southeast on South Chicago Aye. to 91st St., east to Erie Ave., south to 93d St. (connects with Burnside cars), south to South Chicago Ave., northeast to 95th St., east to Ave. " N," south to 98th St., east to Ave. " L," south to 108th St., east to Indiana Boul., 7 miles. Cars leave terminals every 10 minutes until 8.35 P. M. Then every 20 minutes until 12.25 A. M. First car leaves 63d St. and Stony Island Ave. at 5.24 A. M. Last car, 12.25 A. M. NOTE. The bridge over the Calumet River is out of repair and cars are not expected to cross the river until May 1st, 1901. St present the terminal is 93d St. and Erie Ave. Pullman Division. Leaves 63d St. and Stony Island Ave., south on Stony Island Ave. to 73d St., connects with Manhattan Beach cars, south again to 79th St. (connnects with Auburn Park cars), south to 93d St. (connects with Burnside and South Chicago Line), south again to 95th St., south and west through town of Pullman to 115th St., 7 miles. Cars leave terminal every 20 minutes until 8.47 P. M. Then every 40 minutes until 12.25 A. M. First car leaves 63d St. and Stony Island Ave. at 5.37 A. M. Last car, 12.25. SOUTH CHICAGO CITY RAILWAY LINES. OFFICE: 308 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG. This company runs in conjunction with the Hammond, Whiting and East Chicago Electric Railway Co., of Indiana, starting from Madison Ave. and 63d St. on the north, to Manhattan Beach, through Windsor Park, South Chicago and Colehour, 111., and through Roby, Robertsdale, Whiting, East Chicago and Hammond, Ind. They operate the following lines : Roby Line. Green light. From Madison Ave. and 63d St. south to 64th St., east to Stony Island Ave., south to 79th St., east to Com- mercial Ave., south to 92d St., east to Ewing Ave., southeast and south to 106th St., east to Indianapolis Ave., to Roby and Robertsdale, to 119th St., to Schrage Ave., in Whiting, and south to East Chicago, 13 miles. Cars every 10 minutes. First car leaves Madison Ave. and 63d St. at 5.45 A. M. Last car, 12.20 A. M. Hammond Line. Blue light. From 63d St. and Madison Ave. south to 64th St., east to Stony Island Ave., south to 75th St., east to Coles Ave., south to 77th St., east to Ontario Ave., south to 83d St., east to Superior Ave., south to 87th St., east to Buffalo Ave., south to 92d St.. east to Ewing Ave., southeast to Indianapolis Ave., through Roby to Hammond, Ind., 12 miles. Cars every 15 minutes. First car leaves 63d St. and Madison Ave. at 6.00 A. M. Last car, 11.35 P. M. Irondale Line. Red light. From 63d St. and Madison Ave. south to 64th St., east to Stony Island Ave., &9uth to 75th St., east to Coles Ave., southeast to 79th St., east to Ontario Ave., south to 83d St., east to Superior Ave., south to 87th St., east to Buffalo Ave., south to 92d St., west to Commercial Ave., south to 104th St., west to Torrence Ave., south to 106th St., 7 miles. Cars every 15 minutes. First car leaves 63d St. and Madison Ave. at 5.30 A. M. Last car, 12.25 A. M. Night cars to 92d St. and Commercial Ave. every hour, commencing at 1 A. M. TIME TABLES 135 Coles Avenue Line. From 75th and Coles Ave. north to 71st St., west to Yates Ave., north to 68th St. Cars every 30 minutes. One Hundred and Sixth Street Line. From Torrence Ave. east on 106th St. to Ewing Ave. Cars every 30 minutes. Windsor Park and Manhattan Beach Line. Runs summer only. From 63d St. and Madison Ave. south to 64th St., east to Stony Island Ave., south to 75th St., east to Windsor Park and Manhattan Beach, 3V miles. Cars every 15 minutes. Sundays, every 3 minutes. SUBURBAN RAILWAY CO. OFFICE: ROYAL INSURANCE BUILDING. I a Orange Line. From Lombard Ave. and Randolph St., Oak Park (connecting with the Lake St. Elevated R. R.), west to Dayton Ave., south to Harrison St., west to Harlem Ave., south to 26th St., southwest through Riverside and Irondale to La Grange, 9 1 A miles. Cars every 20 minutes. First car leaves Lombard Ave. and Randolph St. at 5.20 A. M. Last car 12 P. M. Last car leaves La Grange at 12 P. M. Fortieth Avenue Line. From Flournoy St. and 40th Ave. north to Randolph St., west on dummy track beyond Harlem Ave., south to 12th St. Cars every hour. CHICAGO ELECTRIC TRACTION CO. OFFICES t 88TH ST. AND VINCENNES ROAD STORAGE BATTERY CARS. Cars leave 63d St. and South Park Ave. (Alley " L " ) for Auburn Park, South Englewood, Washington Heights, Morgan Park, Blue Island and Harvey. Fare to Blue Island, 5 cents ; to Harvey, 10 cents. CONNECTIONS. 63d and South Park Alley " L." 71st and Cottage Grove Ave., Cottage Grove Cable. 71st St., Calumet Electric Street Ry. Co. 75th St., Calumet Electric Street Ry. 79th and Wentworth, Wentworth Ave. 79th and Halsted, Halsted St. Cars. 103d St., Calumet Electric St. Ry. Distance from 63d St. to Blue Island, 11 miles. To Harvey, 16 miles. This is what we call our main line. Cars leave 63d St. every 20 minutes until 12.08 at night. Morgan Park cars leave 79th and Halsted, connecting with the Halsted St. and Wentworth Ave. cars every 20 minutes for South Englewood, Washington Heights, Morgan Park, Mt. Greenwood, Mt. Olivet and Mt. Hope Cemeteries. Last car, 11.30 P. M. CHICAGO GENERAL RAILWAY CO. OFFICES: 1496 w. 22o ST. Twenty-Second St. Line. From Wabash Ave. and 22d St. west on 22d St. to S. 40th Ave., 5 miles. First car leaves at 6 A. M.; last car at 12.30 A. M. Cars every 10 minutes. Rockwell, 2gth Sts. and Lawndale Ave. From S. Rockwell St. and W. 22d St., south on S. Rockwell St. to W. 25th St.; west on W. 25th St. to S. Lawndale Ave. ; south on S. Lawndale Ave. to 36th St. (Drainage Canal), 3 miles. First car leaves Rockwell and 22d Sts. at 6.15 A. M. ; last car leaves at 7.15 P. M. Cars every 30 minutes. Stock Yards Line (Throop and florgan Sts.) From W. 22d and S. Wood Sts., east on W. 22d to Throop St., south on Throop to 31st St., south on S. Morgan to 39th St., 2% miles. First car leaves W. 22d and S. Wood Sts. at 5.24 A. M. Last car leaves at 8.39 P. M. Cars every 36 minutes. 136 GO VERNMENT OFFICES CONSULS U. S. GOVERNMENT OFFICES. U. S. Customs Office, Manhattan Bldg. Night Custom House, 2 River St. Light House Department, 1431 Marquette Bldg. Internal Revenue Department, Rand-McNally Bldg., 174 Adam^ St. U. S. Treasury Department, Rand-McNally Bldg. Office of Special Agent, U. S. Treasury, Harrison, N. W. Cor. Sherman. U. S. Appraiser's Office, N. E. Cor. Harrison and Sherman Sts. U. S. District Attorney's Office, 537 Monadnock Bldg. U. S. Circuit Court, 3d floor Monadnock Bldg. U. S. Commissioner's Office, Monadnock Bldg. U. S. Court of Claims, Monadnock Bldg. TJ. S. District Court, Monadnock Bldg. U. S. Engineer's Office, 1639 Indiana Ave. Office of the U. S. Inspector of Steam Vessels, 2 River St. U. S. Inspector of Life Saving Stations of Lake Michigan, 543 Rand- McNally Bldg. U. S. Marine Hospital, Offices 315 and 319 Rand-McNally Bldg. U. S. Marshal's Office, 550 Monadnock Bldg. U. S. Navy Hydrographic Office, 1621 Masonic Temple. U. S. Pension Agency, Rand-McNally Bldg. U. S. Secret Service, Room 219, 174 Adams St. U. S. Signal Office, Auditorium Tower. U. S. Army Headquarters, Pullman Bldg. CONSULS IN CHICAGO. Argentine Republic, 43 W. Randolph St. Austro-Huhgarian, 308, 184 La Salle St. Belgium, Room 404 Journal Bldg. Brazil, Room 205, 19 Wabash Ave. Chile, 57 22d St. Chinese, 323 Clark St. Denmark, 407, 59 Dearborn St. France, Room 1511 Ashland Blk. German Empire, Room 802, 103 Randolph St. Great Britain, Room 630, Pullman Bldg. Greece, 24, 95 Dearborn St. Hawaiian Republic, Room 832 Marquette Bldg. Honduras, 56 5th Ave. Italy, Room 500, 56 5th Ave. Japan, 705 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Mexico, 4009 Drexel Boul. Netherlands, 85 Washington St. Peru, Room 502, 358 Dearborn St. Portugal, 5463 Jefferson Ave. Russia, 56 5th Ave. Spain, 56 5th Ave. Sweden and Norway, Chamber of Commerce. Switzerland, 165 Washington St. Turkey, Room 404, 160 Washington St. Uruguay Republic, 311, 42 River Street. Venezuela, 228 N. Franklin St. Costa Rica, 56 5th Ave. POLICE DEPARTMENT. Police Headquarters, ROOM 127 CITY HALL. Bridewell, House of Correction, California and 26th St. Jail, Illinois St. and Dearborn Ave. POLICE DEPARTMENT 137 Police Courts. 1st District, Harrison Street Station. 2d Maxwell Street Station. 3d " Desplaines Street Station. 4th West Chicago Avenue Station. 5th East Chicago Avenue Station. 6th " 35th Street Station. 7th " Lake Avenue Station. 8th " Stock Yards Station. 9th " Englewood Station. 10th Sheffield Avenue Station, llth Logan Square Station. 12th Warren Avenue Station. POLICE STATIONS. CENTRAL DIVISION. 1st District, 1st Precinct, 181 Washington St. First Division Headquarters HAEEISON STREET AND PACIFIC AVENUE. 2d District, 2d Precinct, Harrison St. and Pacific Ave. 3d 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 318 22d St., Cor. Wentworth Ave. 2523 Cottage Grove Ave. 144 35th St. (Stanton Ave). 35th St., near Halsted St. 2913 Loomis St., near Archer Ave. California Ave., near 38th St. (Brighton Park.) Second Division Headquarters FIFTY-THIRD STREET AND LAKE AVENUE. 4th District, 10th Precinct, 53d St., Cor. Lake Ave. 4th 5th 5th 5th 6th 6th 7th 7th 8th 8th llth 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 50th St., Cor. State. 6344 Grace Ave. (Woodlawn). Dobspn, near 75th St. Kensington and Front. 89th St. and Exchange Ave. Hegewisch. 64th St. and Wentworth Ave. 85th St., S. Green St. and Vincennes Ave. W. 47th PI. and S. Halsted St. 47th and Paulina Sts. Third Division Headquarters ' SOUTH DES PLAINE8 STREET AND WALDO PLACE. 9th District, 21st Precinct, S. Morgan and Maxwell Sts. (W. 13th PI.) 9th 9th 15th 15th 10th 10th loth 15th 15th 22d 23d 24th 25th 27th 28th 29th 30th 31st 187 Canalport Ave. 691 W. 21st and Paulina Sts. W. 13th St. and S. Oakley Ave. S. Ridgway, near Ogden Ave. 19 S. Desplaines. 609 West Lake. 526 Warren Ave. West Lake, Corner 43d Ave. Lake and Central Ave., Austin. Fourth Division Headquarters. 3 WEST CHICAGO AVENUE STATION. llth District, 32d Precinct, 233 W. Chicago Ave. llth llth 14th 14th 14th 33d 34th 35th 36th 37th 99 W. North Ave. 480 W. North Ave. Milwaukee Ave., Corner Atrill St. Milwaukee Ave., Corner Irving Park Blvd. Grand Ave., Corner Bloom ingdale. 138 RAILROAD DEPOTS Fifth Division Headquarters. 242 EAST CHICAGO AVENUE STATION. 12th District, 38th Precinct, 242 Chicago Ave. 12th 39th " Larrabee, Corner North Ave. 12th 40th " 958 N. Halsted. 13th 41st " Sheffield Ave., near Diversey. 13th 42d " N. Halsted and Addison. 13th 43d Foster Ave., Bet. Roby St. and Winchester Ave., Summerdale. 13th District, 44th Precinct, Rogers Park, Estes Ave. and N. Clark St. RAILROAD STATIONS. (See page 45.) Rock Island Station, Van Buren and Sherman Sts. Dearborn Station, Dearborn and Polk Sts. Grand Central Station, Harrison and Fifth Ave. Central Station, Twelfth and Park Row. Union Station, Adams and Canal Sts. Wells Street Station, Wells and Kinzie Sts. PASSENGER AND FREIGHT DEPOTS. Atchison, Topeka & S. F., Dearborn Station ; Freight Depot, Twelfth and State Sts. Baltimore & Ohio, Grand Central Station ; Freight Depot, Polk and Fifth Ave. Chicago, Burlington & Quincy, Union Station; Freight Depot, Har- rison, corner S. Canal. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul,Union Station ; Freight Depot, Carroll, corner N. Union St. Chicago, R. I. & Pacific, Rock Island Station; Freight Depot, Taylor, corner Sherman. Chicago & Alton, Union Station ; Freight Depot, W. Van Buren, corner Canal. Chicago & Eastern Illinois, Dearborn Station ; Freight Depot, corner Twelfth and Clark. Chicago & Erie, Dearborn Station ; Freight Depot, Clark, corner Fourteenth. Chicago & Grand Trunk, Dearborn Station; Freight Depot, Taylor, corner Plymouth Ct. Chicago & North-Western,Wells Street Station ; Freight Depot,Galena Division, State and N. Water St. ; for points in Minnesota, Dakota and West of St. Paul, Jefferson St. and Grand Ave. Chicago Great Western, Grand Central Station; Freight Depot, 206 Harrison. C. C. C. & St. L. (Big Four), Central Station ; Freight Depot, foot of S. Water St. Illinois Central, Central Station; Freight Depot, foot of S. Water St. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern, Rock Island Station ; Freight Depot, Polk and Pacific Ave. Michigan Central, Central Station ; Freight Depot, foot of S. Water St. N. Y. C. & St. L. (Nickel Plate), Rock Island Station ; Freight Depot, Clark and Taylor Sts. P., C. & St. L., Union Station; Freight Depot, 101 N. Clinton St. P., Ft. Wayne & Chicago, Union Station ; Freight Depot ; 2 Sherman St. Wabash, Dearborn Station ; Freight Depot, Twelfth, cor. Plymouth Ct. Wisconsin Central, Central Station; Freigh Depot, foot of South Water St. Chicago Terminal Trans. Ry. Cp., Grand Central Station. Chicago, Indianapolis & Louisville Ry. (Monon), Dearborn Station; Freight Depot, Taylor and Custom House Ct. PRINCIPAL OFFICE BUILDINGS 139 PRINCIPAL OFFICE BUILDINGS. Abel, 447 W. 63d St. Academy of Science, Lincoln Park. Adams Express, 185 Dearborn St. Allerton, S. Water and State Sts. American Express, 72 and 74 Monroe St. Arcade, 156 Clark St. Arcade, 36th St. and Cottage Grove Ave. Arcade (Pullman), 112th St., Cor. Pullman Ave. Argyle, Jackson Boul. and Michigan Ave. Armours, 76-82 Fifth Ave. Ashland, Clark and Randolph Sts. Association, 153-155 La Salle St. Art Institute, Michigan Ave. opposite Adams St. Athenaeum, 52 Dearborn St. Athenaeum. 18 to 26 Van Buren St. Atlantic, Jackson Boul. and Canal St. Atlas, 45 to 61 Wabash Ave. Atwood Building, Madison and Clark Sts. Auditorium, Congress St. and Wabash Ave. Avoca, 34 N. Clark St. Ballard, Jefferson Ave. and Fifty-third St. Baltimore, 17-21 Quincy St. Bassett, 191 Fifth Ave. Bay State, State and Randolph Sts. Beck, 9100 Commercial Ave. Bedford, 215 Dearborn St. Brands Block, Clybou p u and North Aves. Burton, 50 State St. Byrne, 5500 S. Halsted St. Board of Trade, Jackson Boul. and La Salle St. Bonfield,199 Randolph St. Borden, Randolph and Dearborn Sts. Boyce, 112 and 114 Dearborn St. Boylston, 265 to 269 Dearborn St. Brother Jonathan, 4 Sherman St. Bryan, 160 to 174 La Salle St. Cable, 24 Jackson Boul. Calumet, 187 to 191 La Salle St. Casino, Pullman Ave. and 113th St. Castle's Block, 619 W. Lake St. Caxton, 324 Dearborn St. C. B. & Q. R. R., Adams and Franklin Sts. Central Bank Building, 155 and 157 Washington St. Central Block, 351 W. 63d St. Central Manufacturing, 74 to 88 Market St. Central Market, State and S. Water Sts. Central Music Hall, State and Randolph Sts. Central Union, 277 Madison St. Ceylon, Wabash Ave. and Lake St. Chamber of Commerce, Washington and La Salle Sts. Champlain, State and Madison Sts. Chicago Athletic Association, 124 to 126 Michigan Ave. Chicago Opera House, Clark and Washington Sts. Chicago Public Library, Washington St. and Michigan Ave. Chicago Stock Exchange Building, La Salle and Washington Sts. Chicago Times-Herald Building, 154-156 Washington St. Chicago Title and Trust Building, 100 Washington St. Chronicle, 166 Washington St. Cisco, 84 and 86 Washington St. City Hall, Washington and La Salle Sts. Claradale, The, 743 N. Wells St. Clinton, Clinton and Van Buren Sts. Cobb, 124 and 126 Dearborn St. Columbia Block, 4100 Cottage Grove Ave. Columbia Block, 6810 Wentworth Ave. Columbus Memorial, State and Washington Sts. Commerce, 14 and 16 Pacific Ave. 140 PRINCIPAL OFFICE BUILDINGS Commercial Building, 92d St. and Commercial Ave. Commercial National Bank, Monroe and Dearborn Sts. Como, 325 Dearborn St. Consolidated Exchange, 134 Van Buren St. Continental National Bank Building, 218 La Salle St. Counselman, La Salle and Jackson Sts. Cook County Jail, Dearborn Ave. and Illinois St. County, Clark and Washington Sts. Crilly, 167 Dearborn St. Criminal Court, Michigan St. and Dearborn Ave. Dexter, 80 to 82 Adams St. Dexter, 43d and Prairie Ave. Dickey, 34 to 36 Dearborn St. Donohue & Henneberry, 407 Dearborn St. Douglas Arcade, 36th and Cottage Grove Ave. Drake, Wabash Ave. and Washington St. Dunn, 76 W. Jackson Boul. Edison, 139 Adams St. Electric Block, 72-88 Market St. Ellsworth, 353-359 Dearborn St. Ely, Wabash Ave. and Monroe St. Empire, 130 La Salle St. Enterprise, 79-81 Fifth Ave. Equitable, 110 Dearborn St. Ewing Block, 20-32 N. Clark St. Exchange, Union Stock Yards. Fairbanks, 58 to 62 Wabash Ave. Farwell, Arcade Court, rear 159 La Salle St. Field Columbian Museum, Jackson Park. Field, Marshall & Co., Wabash Ave. and Washington St. Fine Arts, 203-207 Michigan Ave. First Infantry, I. N. G. Armory, 16th St. and Michigan Ave. First National Bank, Dearborn and Monroe Sts. Fischer.340-342 Dearborn St. Fisher, Dearboru and Van Buren Sts. Forbes, 193 Washington St. Frances, Monroe and S. Jefferson Sts. Franklin, 349 Dearborn St. Fraternity, 70 Adams St. Ft. Dearborn, Monroe and Clark Sts. Fullerton, 94 and 96 Dearborn St. Gaff, 230 La Salle St. Galbraith, Madison and Franklin Sts. Garden City, 56 Fifth Ave. Gardners, 171-173 Randolph St. Gazolo, 82-84 W. Madison St. Giles, 292-304 Wabash Ave. Girard, 296 Dearborn St. Glickauf Block, 81-83 N. Clark St. Great Northern, 77 Jackson Boul. Greenebaum, 72 Fifth Ave. Grocers. 29-43 Wabash Ave. Hair & Ridgeway, 251-255 55th St. Hallett & Davis, 239 Wabash Ave. Halsted M. E. Church Block, 778 S. Halsted St. Hampshire, La Salle and Monroe Sts. Handel Hall, 40 Randolph St. Hartford, Dearborn and Madison Sts. Haymarket Theater, 161-169 W. Madison St. Hearst's Chicago American, 212 Madison St. Henming & Speed, 121 Dearborn St. Henrietta, 64-66 Wabash Ave. Hobb, 238-240 Adams St. Hobbs, 95 Washington St. Hodges, Indiana. Ave. and 22d St. Hollister Brothers, Madison and Market Sts. Holmes Block, 5856 State St. Home Insurance, La Salle and Adams Sts. Howland, 192 Dearborn St. Huylers, 155 State St. PRINCIPAL OFFICE BUILDINGS 141 Hyman, 146 S. Water St. Illinois Bank, 117 Dearborn St. Imperial, 252 Clark St. Industry, 83-87 Fifth Ave. Inter Ocean, Dearborn and Madison Sts. Irwin, 355-361 Wabash Ave. Isabella, 48 Van Buren St. Jarvis, 124 Clark St. John Jones, 119 Dearborn St. Journal, 160-162 Washington St. Kedzie, 120 and 122 Randolph St. Kemper, Halsted St. and North Ave. Kent, 623 W. 63d St. Kentucky, 195-203 Clark St. Kimball Hall, 243-253 Wabash Ave. Knisely, 68-74 W. Monroe St. Lakeside, Clark and Adams Sts. Lakeside Press, Plymouth Ave. and Polk St. La Fayette, 70 La Salle St. Lanyon's Opera Block, 317 Englewood Ave. Larson Block, 719-723 W. Lake St. La Salle, La Salle and Madison Sts. Law, 318 Dearborn St. Le Moyne, 40-44 E. Randolph St. Lees, 159 Fifth Ave. Lenox, 88 and 90 Washington St. Lewis, 43d St. and Evans Ave. Lewis Institute, W. Madison and S. Robey Sts. Lind, Randolph and Market Sts. Loomis, 2-6 Clark St. Lowell, 308 Dearborn St. Ludington, Wabash Ave. and Harmon PI. Lumber Exchange, S. Water and Franklin Sts. Madison, 230 W. Madison St. Madison Block, 737-745 W. Madison St. Madlener Block, 350 Dearborn St. Mailers, 226 and 228 La Salle St. Manhattan, 307-321 Dearborn St. Mandel, 232-236 Fifth Ave. Manufacturers, 18-30 W. Randolph St. Maplewood Opera House, 1510 N. Rockwell St. Marathon Block, 2300 Cottage Grove Ave. Marine, Lake and La Salle Sts. Marquette, Dearborn and Adams Sts. Mason, 94 Washington St. Masonic Temple, State and Randolph Sts. Masonic, Halsted and Randolph Sts. McCluer Block, 35th and Dearborn Sts. McCormick, 73 Dearborn St. McConnell Block, 2-12 Astor St. McDonald, 947 W. Madison St. McLennan, 31st St. and Calumet Ave. McVicker'p, 78-84 Madison St. Medinah Temple, Jackson St. and Fifth Ave. Mentor, 163 State St. Mercantile, 112-118 La Salle St. Merchants, La Salle and Washington Sts. Merchants Loan and Trust, Adams and Clark StB. Messenger, 6327 Stewart Ave. Metal Workers Block, 43 S. Canal St. Methodist Church, Washington and Clark Sts. Metropolitan, Randolph and La Salle Sts. Monadnock.Dearborn and Jackson Sts. Monon, 326 Dearborn St. Montuak, 111-117 Monroe St. Morrison, Clark and Madison Sts. National Life, 157-163 La Salle St. National Union, 70 Adams St. Newberry, Wabash Ave., Cor. Eldredge Ct. New Era, Blue Island Ave. and Harrison St. 142 PRINCIPAL OFFICE BUILDINGS New York Life Insurance, La Salle and Monroe Sts. North Cape, 822 W. North Ave. North End Masonic Temple, 615 N. Clark St. Northern Office, Lake and La Salle Sts. Oakland Music Hall, 3977 Cottage Grove Ave. Oakwood, 144 Oakland Boul. Occidental, 61 Market St. Ogden, Lake and Clark Sts. Old Colony Building, Dearborn and Van Buren Sts. O'Neil Block, 681 W. Lake St. O'Neil Building, State and Harrison Sts. Oneonta, 71 Clark St. Open Board of Trade, 260 Clark St. Oriental, 122 La Salle St. Ostrander, J. W., 88 W. Jackson Boul. Ottawa, 107 Madison St. Otis, 158 La Salle St. Otis, Madison and State St. Oxford, 84 La Salle St. Patterson & Given, 192 Van Buren St. Peabody Block, 186 W. Madison St. Peoples Gas Light & Coke Co., Michigan Ave. and Adams St. People's Institute, W. Van Buren and Leavitt Sts. Pierce Block, 250 Wabash Ave. Plymouth, 303 Dearborn St. Polish National Alliance, 102 W. Division St. Pontiac, Dearborn and Harrison Sts. Portland, 109 Dearborn St. Post Office, Dearborn, Clark and Adams Sts., and Jackson Boul. Post Office (Temporary), Michigan Ave. opposite Washington St. Powers, 1 to 13 Monroe St. Produce Exchange, S. Water and Clark Sts. Pullman, Adams St. and Michigan Ave. Pullman Market, 112th St. and Stevenson Ave. Quincy, Clark and Adams Sts. Quinlan, 81 and 83 Clark St. Rand-Mc Nally, 160-174 Adams St. Rawson, 149 State St. Real Estate Board, 59 Dearborn St. Reaper, Washington and Clark Sts. Reliance, State and Washington Sts. Rialto. Sherman and Van Buren Sts. Roanoke, 145 La Salle St. Robbins, 204 S. Halsted St. Rookery, Adams and La Salle Sts. Royal Insurance, 165 Jackson St. and 108 to 116 Quincy. St. Russell, 41 W. Randolph St. Ryerson, 49 Randolph St. Safe. 51-55 Dearborn St. Schiller, 103-109 Randolph St. Schiller, Clark and Schiller Sts. Schloesser, La Salle and Adams Sts. Schmidt, Clybourn and North Aves. Schroeder, 465 Milwaukee Ave. Second Regiment Armory, Washington Blvd. and Curtis St. Security, Fifth Ave. and Madison St. Seventh Regiment I. N. G.,Wabash Ave. and Hubbard C. Sheppard, Fifth Ave. and Quincy St. Shreve, 93 Washington St. Sibley, 2-16 N. Clark St. Silversmiths, 131 Wabash Ave. Sorento Block, N. Clark and Kinzie Sts. South Park, 245 57th St. Springer, 195 S. Canal St. Springer, 166 S. Clinton St. Staats Zeitung, 99 Fifth Ave. Star Accident Insurance, 352 Dearborn St. Stevens' Art, 24 and 26 Adams St. Stewart, State and Washington Sts. St. Mary's, Madison St. and Wabash Ave. HOSPITALS 143 Stone, A. J., 578 W. Madison St. Studebaker, 378 Wabash Ave. Studio, N. State St., between Ontario and Ohio Sts. Superior, 77 and 79 Clark St. Tacoma, La Salle and Madison Sts. Taylor, 140 Monroe St. Telephone, 203 Washington St. Temple Court, 225 Dearborn St. Temple (The), La Salle and Monroe Sts. Tennison, Bowen and Cottage Grove Aves. Teutonic, Fifth Ave and Washington St. Thompson Block, 229-247 W. Madison St. Times-Herald, 154 Washington St. Traders', 6 and 12 Pacific Ave. Trayner, 182 State St. Tribune, Dearborn and Madison Sts. Trade, Randolph St. and Wabash Ave. Uhlich Block, 19-37 N. Clark St. Union Bank, 227 92d St. Unity, 75-81 Dearborn St. University Club, 116 and 118 Dearborn St. U. S. Custom House, Harrison and Sherman Sts. U. S. Express, 87 Washington St. Van Buren Block, 41 W. Van Buren St. Van Buren Opera House Building, 1249 W. Madison St. Van Buren, Van Buren St. and Fifth Ave. Venetian, 34 and 36 Washington St. Vermont, 155 Fifth Ave. Vollmer Block, 717 W. North Ave. Wadsworth, 181 Madison St. Watson, 123 La Salle St. Washington, 110 Fifth Ave. Wells, 118 Harrison St. Wendell's Opera House, 1504 Milwaukee Ave. Wendell Block, 167 31st St. Western Union Building, 138 Jackson St. Western Bank Note, Michigan Ave. and Madison St. Wheeler, 6 and 8 Sherman St. Williams, 164 Wabash Ave. William's, 196 Monroe St. Willoughby, Franklin and Jackson Sts. Wilson, Fifth Ave. and Jackson St. - Winnepeg Block, Commercial Ave. and 92d St. Wolff, 91 Dearborn St. W. C. T. U. Temple, La Salle and Monroe Sts. Y.M. C. A., 153-155 La Salle St. HOSPITALS. Alexian Brothers Hospital, Belden and Racine Aves. Acadia Masonic Hospital, 369 Washington Boul. Augustana Hospital, 480 Cleveland Ave. Bennett Hospital, Ada St., Cor. Fulton St. Bohemian Hospital, 648 Loomis St. Chicago Baptist Hospital, Rhodes Ave. and 34th St. Chicago Charity Hospital, 2407 Dearborn St. Chicago Eye and Ear Hospital, 908, 126 State St. Chicago Home for Incurables, 56th St. and Ellis Ave. Chicago Homeopathic Hospital, Cor. Wood and York Sts. Chicago Hospital, 452 49th St. Chicago Lying-in Hospital, 294 South Ashland Boul. Chicago Maternity Hospital, 703 N. Clark St. Chicago Opthalmic Hospital, 607 W. Van Buren St. Chicago Policlinic and Hospital, 174 Chicago Ave. Cook County Hospital, W. Harrison St. Cor. Wood St. 144 ACADEMIES AND SEMINARIES Detention Hospital, Cor. Wood and W. Polk Sts. Englewood Union Hospital, 838-840 West 64th St. Frances E. Willard National Temperance Hospital, 167 South Sanga- mon St. Garfield Park Sanitarium, 1774 Washington Boul. German-American Hospital, 30 Belden Ct. German Hospital, 754 Larrabee St. Hahnemann Hospita.1,2814 Groveland Ave. House Physician Chicago Lying-in Hospital, 298 Maxwell St. Illinois Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary, 227 W. Adams St. Illinois College Hospital, 61 Austin Ave. Isolation Hospital, W. 35th St. and S. Lawndale Ave. Lakeside Hospital, 4147 Lake Ave. Marion Sims Hospital, 438 La Salle Ave. Mary Thompson Hospital for Women and Children, Cor. W. Adams and Paulina Sts. Maurice Porter Memorial Free Hospital for Children, 606 Fullerton Ave. Mercy Hospital, Calumet Ave., Cor. 26th St. Michael Reese Hospital, 29th St. Cor. Groveland Ave. Monroe Street Hospital, 1044 W. Monroe St. National Emergency Hospital, 531 N. Wells St. Norwegian Lutheran Tabitha Hospital, N. Francisco Ave, and Thomas St. Passavant Memorial Hospital, 194 Superior St. People's Hospital, 2184 Archer Ave. Post-Graduate Hospital, Cor. Dearborn and 24th Sts. Presbyterian Hospital, Cor. W. Congress and S. Wood Sts. Provident Hospital and Training School, Cor. Dearborn and 36th Sts. Richardson Home, 1250 Michigan Ave. Samaritan Hospital, 481 Wabash Ave. Streeter Hospital, 2646 Calumet Ave. Sprague Hot Air Hospital, 330 Michigan Ave. St. Anthony's Hospital and Orphanage, 14 Frankfort St. St. Anthony's German Catholic Hospital, W. 19th St. and Doug- las Blvd. St. Elizabeth's Hospital, LeMoine St. and Claremont Ave. St. Joseph's Hospital, 300 Garfield Ave. St. Luke's Hospital, 1426 Indiana Ave. St. Mary's Polish Hospital, 258 W. Division St. U. S. Marine Hospital, Clarendon Ave., near Graceland Ave. Wesley Hospital, 2459 Dearborn St. West Side Hospital, 819 W. Harrison St. Woman's Hospital of Chicago, 32d St., Cor. Rhodes Ave. ACADEMIES AND SEMINARIES. Armour Institute, Armour Ave., S. W. Cor. 33d St. Baptist Union Theological Seminary (now Divinity School of the University of Chicago), Room 43, 69 Dearborn St. Bible Institute for Home and Foreign Missions of the Chicago Evangelization Society; Men's Department and office, 80 Institute PI. ; Women's Department and office, 228 to 254 La Salle Ave. Chicago Manual Training School, Michigan Ave. N. W. Cor. 12th St. Chicago Musical College, 202 Michigan Ave. Chicago Theological Seminary, 81 Ashland Bvd. Christian Science Theological Seminary, 72 Auditorium. De La Salle Institute. Wabash Ave., Cor. 35th St. Ephphita School for Deaf and Dumb, 409 S. May St. Garrett Biblical Institute, Evanston ; office, 13 Reaper Bldg. German Lutheran Theological Seminary, 435 N. Ashland Ave. Holy Family Academy (Polish), 130 W. Division St. McCormick Theological Seminary of the Presbyterian Church, 1060 N. Halsted St. Moody Bible Institute of Chicago, 80 Institute PI. r ASYLUMS 145 Northwestern University, Evanston, 111. Northwestern University School of Music, Evanston. Lewis Institute, Cor. W. Madison and Robey Sts. Northwestern University Academy, Evanston. Northwestern University Law School, 153 La Salle St. St. Ignatius College, 413 W. 12th St. St. Procopius College, 704 Allport St. St. Stanislaus College, 136 W. Division St. St. Viators Normal Institute, N. 40th and W. Belmont Aves. Theological Seminary of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, 13U1 Sheffield Ave. University of Chicago, bet. 57th and 59th Sts. and Ellis and Lexing- ton Aves. Western Theological Seminary of the Protestant Episcopal Church, 1113 Washington Blvd. Secretarial Institute and Training School of Young Men's Christian Association, 709, 153 La Salle St. , ASYLUMS. Angel Gaurdian German Orphan Asylum, 401 Devon Ave. Beatrice House, 716 N. Park Ave. Chicago Bethany Home, 15 S. Center Ave. Chicago Daily News Fresh Air Fund, City Office, 123 Fifth Ave. ; Sani- tarium, foot of Fullerton Ave., Lincoln Park. Chicago Home for Incurables, Ellis Ave., Cor. 56th St. Chicago Home for Provident Orphans, Drexel Ave. and 62d St. Chicago Industrial Home for Children, 106 Franklin St. Chicago Industrial School for Girls, 49th St. and Prairie Ave. Chicago Nursery and Half Orphan Asylum, 175 Burling and 855 N. Halsted Sts. Chicago Orphan Asylum, 2228 Michigan Ave. Chicago Orphan Asylum, 5120 South Park Ave. Church Home for Aged Persons, 4323-4329 Ellis Ave. Church Home for Orphans, 4331 Ellis Ave. Church Home for Boys, 19 Bishop Ct. Cook County Insane Asylum, Dunning, 111. Cook County Poorhouse, Dunning P. O. Danish Lutheran Orphans' Home, 1183 N. Maplewood Ave. Englewood Nursery of Children's Home Society, 6516 Perry Ave. Englewood Workroom and Home for Women, 625 W. 63d St. Epworth Children's Home, 2410 N. Paulina St. Erring Woman's Refuge, 5024 Indiana Ave. Foundlings' Home, 114 S. Wood St. German Baptist Old People's Home, 1006 N. Spaulding Ave. German Old People's Home, Oak Park P. O. Home for Aged and Infirm Colored People, 610 W. Garfield Blvd. Holy Family Orphan Asylum, 136 W. Division St. Home for the Aged, Cor. W. Harrison and Throop Sts. Home for Crippled Children, 46 Park Ave. Home for the Friendless, Vicennes Ave. Cor. 51st St. House of Providence, Cor. Orleans and Elm Sts. House of Mercy for Young Women, adjoining Mercy Hospital, 2538 Calumet Ave. House of the Good Shepherd, Orleans, Cor. Hills St. Illinois Industrial School for Girls, Evanston. Illinois Masonic Orphans' Home, 447 Carroll Ave. Illinois School of Agriculture and Manual Training for Boys, Glen- wood, 111. Industrial Home for the Blind, Southwest Blvd. and 19th St. Jackson Park Sanitarium. 64th St. and the Lake. Jewish Orphans' Home, 3601 Vernon Ave. Jewish Old People's Home, 62d St. and Drexel Ave. Martha Washington Home, Irving Park Blvd. and Western Ave. Newsboys' and Bootblacks' Home, 1418 Wabash Ave. 146 COLLEGES Norwegian Old People's Home, Avondale and Ceylon Ave. Old People's Home, 3850 Indiana Ave. Servita Sisters Industrial Home, 1384 W. Congress St. St. Anthony's Hospital and Orphanage, 14 Frankfort St. St. Joseph's Home for Aged and Crippled, Schubert and Hamlin Ave. St. Joseph's Home for Working Girls and Industrial School, 409 S. May St. St. Mary's Home for Children (Episcopal), 209 Washington Blvd. St. Mary's Training School for Boys, Feehanville, Cook County, 111. St. Vincent's Infant Asylum and Maternity Hospital, 191 La Salle Ave. St. Vincent's Orphan Asylum, Schubert and Hamlin Ave. Star of Hope Mission House, 110 S. Green St. Swedish Home of Mercy, W. Foster and Lincoln Ave. Workingmen's Home and Medical Mission, 1341 State St. Uhlich Evangelical Lutheran Orphans' Asylum, Cor. Burling and Center Sts. Washingtonian Home, 566 to 572 W. Madison St. Working Men's Home and Medical Mission, 1341 State St. Working Woman's Home, 189 Huron St. Angel Guardian German ( R. C.) Orphan Asylum, 401 Devon Ave. Illinois Masonic Home for the Aged, 505, 115 Dearborn St. Remestius Industrial Home, Cor. Seipp Ave. and 82d St. St. Joseph's Orphan Asylum, Cor. 35th St. and Lake Ave. St. Joseph's Provident Orphan Asylum, N. 40th Ave., bet. W. Divevsey and W. Belmont Avcs. MEDICAL, DENTAL, PHARMACEUTICAL AND VETERINARY COLLEGES. Bennett Medical College, Cor. Ada and Fulton Sts. Chicago College of Dental Surgery, Cor. Wood and W. Harrison Sts. Chicago Clinical School, 819 W. Harrison St. Chicago Hospital Training School for Nurses, 452 49th St. Chicago College of Ophthalmology and Otology, 908. 126 State St. Chicago Homeopathic Medical College, Cor. S. Wood and York Sts. Chicago Ophthalmic College, 57 Washington St. Chicago Policlinic, 176 Chicago Ave. Chicago Veterinary College, 2537 State St. College of Medicine and Surgery, 632 S. Center Ave. College of Physicians and Surgeons of Chicago, 813 W. Harrison St. German-American Dental College, 1600 Schiller Bldg. Hahnemann Medical College, 2825 Cottage Grove Ave. Hahnemann Hospital Training School for Nurses, 2811 GrovelandAve. Harvey Medical College, 169 Clark St. Illinois Training School for Nurses, 304 Honore St. Illinois School of Dentistry, Cor. Van Buren and Clark. Jenner Medical College, 370 S. Wood St. Lakeside Hospital Training School for Nurses, 4147 Lake Ave. National Medical College, 531 N. Wells St. Northwestern College of Dental Surgery, 103 State St. Northwestern School of Pharmacy, 2421 Dearborn St. Northwestern University Dental School, Madison, S. W. Cor. Frank- lin St. Northwestern University Medical School, 2421 Dearborn St. Northwestern University Woman's Medical School, 333 S. Lincoln St. Post-Graduate School, Cor. Dearborn and 24th Sts.% Rush Medical College, 762 W. Harrison St. St. Luke's Hospital Training School for Nurses, 1416 Indiana Ave. University of Illinois School of Pharmacy, 465 State St. Woman's Hospital Training School for Nurses, Cor. 32d St. and Rhodes Ave. Union College of Dentistry, Wabash Ave. and Van Buren St. HOTELS 147 HOTELS. Alabama Hotel, 80 Bowen Ave. Alhambra Hotel, 1928 State St. Anderson Hotel, 107 37th St. Atlantic Hotel, Van Buren and Sherman Sts. Auditorium Hotel, Michigan Ave. and Congress St. Auditorium Annex, Michigan Ave. and Congress St. Allen House, Halsted and Root Sts. Anna Hotel, 255 Michigan Ave. Bartl's European Hotel. 353 State St. Belmont Hotel, 153 W.. Madison St. Bismarck Hotel, 180 E. Randolph St. Briggs House, Randolph St. and 5th Ave. Chicago Beach Hotel, 51st St. and the Lake. Chicago View Hotel, 576 W. Madison St. City Hotel, 1601 State St. Clarendon Hotel. 152 N. Clark St. Colonial Hotel, 6325 Monroe Ave. Continental Hotel, Wabash Ave. and Madison St. Dale's European Hotel, 284 Wabash Ave. Elms, The, 55 E. 53d St. Fifth Ave. Hotel, 5th Ave. and Monroe St. Gault House, Madison Ave. and Clinton St. Grenada Hotel, Rush and Ohio Sts. Grand Eastern Hotel, Wabash Ave. and Harrison St. Grand Pacific Hotel, Clark St. and Jackson Blvd. Great Northern Hotel, Dearborn St. and Jackson Blvd. Great Northern European Hotel, Harrison St. and Wabash Ave. Hannah & Hogg's Hotel, 222 S. Clark St. Healy's Bulls Head Hotel, 4161 S. Halsted St. Hotel Anthony, 2702 Wabash Ave. Brevoort, 143 Madison St. Brunswick, 9 Adams St. Cayadretta, 119 Clark St. Del Prado, 59th St. and Madison Ave. Florida, 5721 Cottage Grove Ave. Glen, 10 E. Madison St. Grace, Jackson Blvd. and Clark St. Hayes, 64th St. and Lexington Ave. Holland, Lake Ave., near 53d. La Vita, 211 Dearborn Ave. Luzerne, Clark and Center Sts. Mentone, Dearborn Ave. and Erie St. Metropole, 23d St. and Michigan Ave. Morrison, Clark and Madison Sts. Newberry, 225 Dearborn Ave. Newport, 73 E. Monroe St. Normandie, 339 Michigan Ave. Norwood, 1254 Michigan Ave. Oxford, Canal and Adams Sts. Somerset, 573 Wabash Ave. Strickland, 3800 Lake Ave. Union, 111 E. Randolph St. Warwick. 435 Washington. Woodruff, 21st and Wabash Ave. Hunt's European Hotel, 148 Dearborn St. Hyde Park Hotel, 51st Blvd. and Lake Ave. Jackson Hotel, Halsted and Jackson Blvd. Kenwood, The, Hotel, 47th and Kenwood Ave. Lakota Hotel, 30th and Michigan Ave. La Strain Hotel, 3535 Ellis Ave. Le Grand Hotel, 37 Wells St. Leland Hotel, Michigan Ave. and Jackson Blvd. Lexington Hotel, Michigan Ave. and 22d St. McCoy's New European Hotel, Clark and Van Buren Sts. Logan View Hotel, 286 Michigan Ave. National Hotel, 32 E. Van Buren St. New Hotel Ross, 176 S. Clark St. 148 BANKS North Shore Hotel, Lincoln Pk. and Deming Place. Oakland Hotel, Drexel and Oakwood Blvds. Ontario, The, Ontario and State Sts. Palace Hotel, 101 N. Clark St. Palmer House, State and Monroe Sts. Rainier Hotel, Cottage Grove Ave. and 33d St. Revere House, N. Clark and Michigan Sts. Royal European Hotel, 37 Adams St. Rugia, The, 437 Dearborn St. Saratoga Hotel, 159 Dearborn. Schmidt's Dearborn Ave. Hotel, 28 Dearborn Ave. Sherman House, Randolph and Clark Sts. Sir William, The, Hotel, 70 Randolph St. St. Charles Hotel, 15 S. Clark. Stein's, Oscar, Hotel, Wells and Michigan Sts. Townsend Bros.' Park Hotel, Milwaukee Ave. and Short St. Transit House, 42d and Halsted Sts. Tremont Hotel, Lake and Dearborn Sts. Turner Hotel, 3255 Wabash Ave. Union Hotel, 111 E. Randolph St. Veley's European Hotel, 163 S. Clark St. Victoria Hotel, 194 Michigan Aye. "Vincennes Apartment Hotel, Vincennes Ave. and 36th St. Virginia Hotel, Ohio and Rush Sts. Wellington Hotel, Wabash Ave. and Jackson Blvd. West Terrace Hotel, 5510 Washington Ave. Windsor-Clifton Hotel, 157 Wabash Ave. Windsor European Hotel, 147 Dearbon St. Winters' Hotel, 331 State St. Wyoming, The, Hotel, 266 S. Clark St. Yorkshire, The, Hotel, 1837 Michigan Ave. Y. W. C. A., 288 Michigan Ave. BANKS. American Trust and Savings Bank, 171 LaSalle St. Bank of Chicago, 225 Dearborn St. Bank of Montreal, 184 LaSalle St. Bank of Nova Scotia, 134 Monroe St. Banker's National Bank .f Chicago, Marquette Bldg. Calumet National Bank, 273 92d St. Central Trust and Savings Bank, 155 Washington St. Chicago City Bank, 6225 South Halsted St. Chicago Clearing House Association, 135 Adams St. Chicago National Bank, Dearborn and Monroe Sts. Commercial National Bank, 175 Dearborn St. Continental National Bank, 218 LaSalle St. Corn Exchange National Bank, Rookery. Drovers National Bank,42d and Halsted Sts. Equitable Trust Co., 140 Dearborn St. First National Bank of Chicago, 164 Dearborn St. First National Bank of Englewood, 449 W. 63d St. Foreman Bro.'s Banking Co., LaSalle and Madison Ste. Fort Dearborn National Bank, 132 Monroe St. Garden City Banking and Trust Co., Madison and LaSalie Sts. Hibernian Banking Ass'n., 59 Clark St. Home Savings Bank, 190 Dearborn St. Hyde Park Bank, 111 53d St. Illinoi^ Trust and Savings Bank, Jackson Blvd. aud LaSalle St. Industrial Savings Bank, 652 Blue Island Ave. Merchants Loan and Trust Co., 135 Adams St. Merchants National Bank, 80 LaSalle St. Metropolitan National Bank, 184 LaSalle St. Milwaukee Ave. State Bank, 409 Milwaukee Ave. National Bank of the Republic, 171 LaSalle St. National Live Stock Bank, Exchange Bldg., Union Stock Yards. PRINCIPAL CLUBS 149 New Era Bank, 9 Blue Island Are. Northern Trust Co., Rookery. Oakland National Bank, 3953 Cottage Grove Ave. Prairie State Bank.110 W. Washington St. Produce Exchange Bank, Lake and Clark Sts. Pullman Loan and Savings Bank, Arcade Bldg., Pullman. Ravenswood Bank, 602 Wilson Ave. Ravenswood Exchange Bank, 1291 W. Ravenswood Park. Royal Trust Co. 167 E. Jackson Blvd. Siegel, Cooper and Co.'s Bank, Van Buren and State Sts. South Chicago Bank, 9228 Commercial Ave. State Bank of Chicago, LaSalle and Washington Sts. State Bank of West Pullman, 119th and Halsted Sts. Union Trust Co,, Dearborn and Madison Sts. Western State Bank, LaSalle and Washington Sts. Zion City Bank, 1300 Michigan Ave. PRINCIPAL CLUBS, Acacia, 105 South Ashland Ave. Apollo (Musical), 40 Randolph St. Ashland, 575 Washington Blvd. Bankers, 135 Adams St. Builders, 412 Chamber of Commerce. Calumet, 20th St. and Michigan Ave. Chicago, Michigan Ave. and Van Buren St. Chicago Athenaeum, 18 Van Buren St. Chicago Athletic Ass'n, 125 Michigan Ave Chicago Bar Ass'n, 100 Washington St. Chicago Business Women's, 810 Atwood Bldg. Chicago Cycling, 3947 Michigan Ave. Chicago Historical Society, 142 Dearborn Ave. Chicago Literary, 116 Dearborn St. Chicago Whist, Stock Exchange Bldg. Chicago Women's, 203 Michigan Ave. Chicago Yacht, Foot Randolph St. Pier. Civic Federation, 215 First National Bank Bldg. Columbia Yacht, Foot Randolph St. Pier. Columbus Club, 43-45 Monroe St. Commercial, 157 LaSalle St. Congress Cycling, 242 South Leavitt St. Cosmos, 949 W. North Ave. Dearborn Club, 299 Park Ave. Douglas Park, 911 South Kedzie Ave. . Edgewater, 2739 Evanston Ave. Edgewater Golf, Devon and Evanston Aves. Englewood Men's, 63d St. and Stewart Ave. Englewood Women's, 6323 Harvard Ave. Evanston, Evanston, 111. Evanston Boat, Evanston, 111. Fellowship, 22, 7 Monroe St. Ft. Dearborn Athletic, 44 N. Clark St. Germania Maennerchor, 643 N. Clark St. Hamilton Club of Chicago, 114 Madison St. Highland Park Club, Highland Park. Hoffman Club, 114 Monroe St. Hyde Park Club, 51st St. and Washington Ave. Ideal Club, 300 LaSalle St. Illinois Club, 154 Ashland Blvd. Illinois Cycling, 1215 Washington Blvd. Iroquois, 135 Adams St. Irving Park, 2460 N. 42d St. Jackson Park, 310 60th St. Jackson Park Yacht, Jackson Park. Kenwood, 47th St. and Lake Ave. Kenwood Country, 48th St. and Ellis Ave. 150 THEATERS Lakeside Club of Chicago, 42d St. and Grand Blvd. Lincoln, 261 Ashland Blvd. Lincoln Cycling, 390 Dearborn Ave. Marquette, Dearborn Ave. and Maple St. Menoken, 1196 Washington Blvd. North Shore, 1835 Wellington St. Oakland, Oak wood and Ellis Aves. Onwentsia, Lake Forest. Owasco, 2212 W. Adams St. Press Club of Chicago, 104 Madison St. Pullman Athletic Ass'n, 61 Arcade Bldg., Pullman. Quadrangle, 58th St. and Lexington Ave. Saddle and Cycle, Sheridan R. and Foster Ave. Sheridan, 41st St. and Michigan Ave. Standard, 24th St. and Michigan Ave. Swedish Glee, 470 LaSalle St. Terpsichorean, Chicago Beach Hotel. Union, 12 Washington PI. Union League, Jackson Blvd. and Custom House PI. Unity, 3140 Indiana Ave. University, 116 Dearborn St. Wanderers' Cricket and Athletic, 71st St. and Seipp Ave. Washington, 1215 Washington Blvd. Washington Park, 61st St. and South Park Ave. Woman's Athletic, 150 Michigan Ave. Y. M. C. A., 153 LaSalle St. Y. W. C. A., 288 Michigan Ave. THEATERS AND PLACES OF AMUSEMENT. Academy of Music, 83 South Halsted St. Adelphi Theater, 1840 Wabash Ave. Alhambra Theater, 1920 State St. Art Institute, Michigan Ave., foot Adams St. Auditorium Tower Observatory' and Auditorium Theater, Congress St. and Wabash Ave. Balneum Open Air Natatorium, Cottage Grove Ave. and GCth St. Battle of Manila, Hubbard Ct. and Wabash Ave. Bijou Theater, 169 South Halsted St. Bismarck Garden, N. Halsted and Grace Sts. Calumet Theater, 9206 South Chicago Ave. Central Music Hall, State and Randolph Sts. Chicago Opera House, 118 Washington St. Chicago Water Chute Co,, Jackson Blvd. and Kedzie Ave. Chickering Music Hall. 241 Wabash Ave. Coliseum, 15th St. and Wabash Ave. Criterion Theater, 276 Sedgwick St. Dearborn Theater, 107 Randolph St. Edelweis Garden, Cottage Grove Ave. and 51st St. Electric Park, N. California Ave., near Ellston Ave. Ferris Wheel, 1288 N. Clark St. Field's Columbian Museum, Jackson Park. Flora, The, Garden, Cottage Grove Ave. and 50th Place. Frieberg's Opera House,180 22d St. Germania Garden, 895 E. 51st St. Great Northern Theater, 22 Quincy St. Great Northern Roof Garden, 22 Quincy St. Grand Opera House, 87 Clark St. Handel Hall, 40 Randolph St. Haymarket Theater, 169 W. Madison St. Hedgewisch Opera House, 13305 Erie Ave. Heidelberg Garden. Grand Blvd. and 51st St. Hopkins Theater, 335 State St. Howard Theater, 56 South Desplaines St. Illinois Theater, 20 Jackson Blvd. Jacks, Sam T. Theater, 85 Madison St. EXPRESS COMPANIES 153 Kelly 9 1234 Argvlest. 111 1934 W. 103d st. 70 6262 Halsted st. 112 72!) S. Halsted st. 71 1700 W. Sixty-third st. 113 736 W. Division st. 72 5000 Wentworth ave. 114 228 Thirty-first st. 73 859 W. North ave. 115 3593 N. Clark st. 74 4301 Wabash ave. 110 4300 Grand boul. 75 987 Ogden ave. 117 323 W. Fourteenth sf. 76 744 W. Van Buren st. 118 299 E. Thirty-fifth st. 77 Ninety-first st. and Prospect ave. 119 186 W. Madison st. 78 16i9 Avondaleave. 120 902 W. Twelfth st. 79 3888 Elston ave. 121 420 E. Twenty-sixth st. 80 15 La Salle st. (South Water). 122 949 W. Twentv-rirst st. 81 728 Forty-seventh st. 123 1127 N.Clark st. 82 4259 Wentworth ave. 124 9G Sheffield ave. 83 25 Forty-seventh st. 125 5501 Indiana ave. 84 410 S Clark st. 126 420 E. Irving Park boul. 85 337 W. Diversey ave. 127 359 Rescue boul. 8 1788 W. Chicago ave. 128 1107 W. Chicago ave. 87 2408 Milwaukee ave. '129 32 Wells st. 88 1'iJi) W. Twenty-second st. 130 512 S. Forty-eighth ave. 89 689 N. Humboldt st. 131 1 393 W. Lake st. 90 119 W. Twenty-fourth st. 132 639 S. Ashland ave. 91 1985 N. Ashland ave. 133 334 W.I 17th st. 92 15ti Center st. 134 338 W. Eighteenth st. 93 2,J2(J N. Hermitage ave. 135 1727 W. Twelfth st. 94 212 W. Twelfth pi. 136 5617 W. Madison st. 1'5 127SNinety-thiril st. 137 1047 Morse ave. V6 1800 Wabash ave. 138 203 S. Western ave. 97 7032 Stony Is'and ave. 139 1554 Jackson boul. 98 2115W. VanBurensr. 140 1543 W. Twelfth st. 99 3752 Kedzie ave. 141 1378 W. 12th st. 100 3199 Archer ave. 142 5018 Lake ave. 101 2170 W. Twenty -sixth st. 143 6859 S. Halsted st. 102 1218 Milwaukee ave. 144 601 W. 69th st. 103 5034 Cottage Grove ave. 145 2749 W. 31st st. 104 143 E Thirty-fifth st. 146 344 N. Park ave. 105 4tiT W. Chicago ave. 147 5660 South Halsted st. 106 9901 Ewing ave. 148 638 Noble st. 107 2037 Clarendon ave. 149 2bOO State st. 108 629 Thirty-first st. 150 312^randave. 109 318 E. Division st. RATES OF POSTAGE AND CLASSIFICATION OF MAIL. Domestic mail matter is divided into four classes as follows : Classes. Postage. Limit Weight. First Class Letters (hand and typewriting,! copies of either) and sealed j fraction thereof No Limit. 1 cent each Second Class Newspapers, periodicals en-^| tered as second-class matter I and sent by the publisher or f news agent j Same when mailed by others 1 cent per pound. 1 cent each four ounces No Limit. No Limit. Third Class Books, circulars, pamphlets Fourth Class Merchandise and matter not ) 1 cent each two ounces or fraction thereof.... 1 cent each ounce or (\ pounds, except {single books \ weighing in ex- | cess of that (^amount. classes ) 156 ASYLUMS. Hansom Cab and Hack Ordinance. Notice to Passengers: Note Number of Vehicle on Enter- ing or Leaving. ONE HORSE VEHICLES. For one mile or less, for one or two passengers ................... $0 50 For second and subsequent miles, whether for one or more pas- sengers, per mile ................................................. 25 Such vehicle shall not charge to exceed per hour ................... 75 For each quarter of an hour after the first hour .................... 20 Services outside of City Limits and in Parks, per hour ............ 1.00 For each quarter of an hour after the first hour .................... 25 TWO HORSE VEHICLES. One or two persons, from one depot to another .................... $1 00 One or two persons, not exceeding one mile. ....................... 1.00 One or two persons, any distance over one mile and less than two miles. ........................................................... 1.50 Each additional passenger ................. ....................... 50 One or two passengers, any distance over two miles within city.. 2.00 Each additional passenger ........................................... 50 One or more passengers by the day, per day ........................ 6.00 One or more passengers by the hour, stopping as required, first hour .............................................................. 2 00 Each additional hour or part of an hour ........................... 1.00 Passengers must notify the driver, when starting, if they desire to rise the vehicle by the hour ; otherwise the driver may assume that he is hired by the mile. For any detention exceeding fifteen minutes, when working by the mile, the driver may demand at the rate of $1.00 per hour. Drivers, when hired by the hour, may charge for the time necessary to return to the stand at which engaged. When hired by the hour, such vehicle can carry two passengers for the same hour rates. Children between five and fourteen years of ag"e, half above rates ; children less than five years of age, no charge. BAGGAGE: ONE AND TWO-HORSE VEHICLES. Passengers are allowed, without charge, baggage not to exceed one trunk and 25 pounds of other baggage. Where whole weight of baggage is over 100 pounds, the driver may charge 15 cents for each parcel constituting such overweight. Any violation of the above rules and regulations is punishable by fine and imprisonment. Complaint made to any public officer will receive prompt and courteous attention, and will be immediately reported to the Chief of Police. OMNIBUS AND BAGGAGE TRANSFER RATES. Omnibuses run between all the depots and to all the principal hotels, connecting with all passenger trains. The rate of fare to or from any depot or hotel is 50 cents, payable in exchange for a ticket , to the agent on the train, or to the collector in the vehicle. The price charged by the same company for transferring baggage to or from any train, and to or from any place within the old city limits, is 50 cents for first piece and 25 cents for each additional piece. South of Thirty- ninth street the charge is 75 cents for the first piece and 25 cents for each additional piece. NEOSTYLE " SEALED-YET-OPEN U. S. PATENT 532206 CIRCULAR AND CATALOGUE Circular letters, dated, addressed and signed can be mailed in this enve- lope with main flap SEALED, FOR ONE CENT Save $ 10 per thousand on mail advertising CHICAGO NEOSTYLE ENVELOPE CO. New York: 52-58 Duane Street 1 and 3 North Clark Street Telephone Main 2669 I 5THOTTPRS. J5S zinc icRR5. m !*% MONROE 5T.Cni