CATALO OF THE LIBRARY OF THE Commandery of flie State of Illinois MILITARY ORDER OF THE Loyal Legion of the United States JANUARY 1909 ^r.. : CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE Commandery of {he State of Illinois MILITARY ORDER OF THE Loyal Legion ,of the United States JANUARY 1909 320 ASHLAND BLOCK CH ICACO 1909 on /BOB -J o ^ ADJUTANT GENERAL REPORTS. Arkansas. Report. 18G6. California. Report. 1861-62, 1868-69. 2 vol. Califobxia. Record of California men in war of the Rebellion. Connecticut. Annual report. 1862-67. 3 vol. Connecticut. Record of Connecticut men in the war of the Rebellion. 1889. Illinois. Report revised. 9 vol. 1900-02. Illinois. Report. 1SG2, 1885-80. 2 vol. Illinois. Report, revised by Gen. I. W. Vance. 1861-06. 8 vol. Indiana. Report. 1861-65. 8 vol. Iowa. Ex-soldiers, sailors and marines living in Iowa. 1886. Iowa. Report. 1863-68. 8 vol. Kansas. Report. 1861-65. Vol. I. Kentucky. Annual report. 1863. Kentucky. Report. 1861-67. 2 vol. Maine. Annual report. 1861-67. 8 vol. Maryland. History and roster of Maryland volunteers, war of 1861-65. 2 vol. 1898-99. Massachusetts. Annual report. 1861-68. 8 vol. Massachusetts. Record of the Massachusetts volunteers. 1861-65. 2 vol. Michigan. Annual Report. 1862-66. 6 vol. MiciUGAN. Michigan in the war. 1882. Minnesota. Annual report. 1863-65. Missouri. Annual report. 1863-65. 3 vol. New HAMrsiiiRE. Register of New Hampshire soldiers and sailors, war of the Rebellion. 1895. Nev/ Hampshire. Report. 1862-67. 6 vol. New Jersey. Annual report. 1861-63, 1865, 1867-G9. 10 vol. Nev/ Jersey. Record of officers and men of New Jersey in the Civil War. 1861-65. 2 vol. New York. Annual report. 1861-64, 1865, vol. I, 1866, vol. 1, 1867-68. 11 vol. New York. A record of the offioers and privates of the regiments which were organized in the State of New York. Vol. 1-35, 1894, lacks vol. 14, 16, 19, 22, 27 and 29. New York. Annual report. 1894-1900. (3) . ^ I 036039 ADJUTANT GENERAL REPORTS-Continued. New York. New York in the Spanish-American War. 1900. 3 vol. Ohio. Annual report. 1863-C4, 1866-68. 5 vol. Ohio. Roster of Ohio soldiers. 1861-C6. 11 vol. Pennsylvania. Annual report. 1862, 1864-66, 1878. 6 vol. Rhode Island. Annual report. 1862-66. 3 vol. Vebmont. Report. 1862-66. 4 vol. Veemont. Revised roster of Vermont volunteers in the war of the Re- bellion. 1892. West Vibginia. Annual report. 1864-66. 3 vol. WiscoNSix. Annual report. 1861-67. 5 vol. Wisconsin. Roster of Wisconsin volunteers. 2 vol. 1886. (4) ARMY OF THE UNITED STATES. Army and Navy Journal. Vol. 1- 1863- lacks vols. 8, 12, 14 and 30. Association of Military Suiuiko.ns of tue U. S. Proceedings of the An- nual Meeting. Vol. 14-18. BoYNTO.x. History of West Point and U. S. Military Academy. 1871. Centennial of the U. S. Military Academy at West Point. 2 vol. 1904. CuLLUM. Biographical register of U. S. Military Academy. 2 vol. 1868. Hasiersley. Complete army register of the United States. 1776-1889. Hancock. Life at West Point. 1902. Historical register of the U. S. army. 1789-1889. Heitman. Historical register and dictionary of the U. S. army. 1789-1903. 2 vol. 1903. Henry. Military record of civilian appointments U. S. army. Vol. I. 1870, Logan. Volunteer soldier of America. 1S8S. Nelson. Army of the U. S. illustrated by H. A. Ogden. n. d. Powell. List of officers of the U. S. army. 1779-1900. Powell. Records of living officers of the U. S. army. 1890. Records of living officers of the U. S. army. 1884. Robinson. Army of the U. S. 2 vol. 1848. RouENBOUGH and Haskin. Army of the United States. 1789-1896. Smith. West Point fifty years ago. 1879. U. S. A. Congress. Report of the Commission to examine into the U. S. Military Academy at West Point. 1860. U. S. A. Quartermaster General. Report. 1865. U. S. A. Quartermaster's Departjient. Uniform of the army of the U. S. 1888. U. S. A. War Department. Army digest. 18G0. U. S. A, War Department. Army register. 1845, 1847, 1866-. U. S. A. War Department. Army regulations. 1861, 1863, 1881, 1889, 1895, 1901, 1904, 1905. U. S. A. War Department. Digest of opinions of the Judge Advocate General. 1868. U. S. A. War Department Quartermaster General. List of distances compiled for officers in making payment for mileage. 1868. U. S. A. War Department. Regulations for the army of the U. 8. 1861- 1904. U. S. A. War Department. Report of the Board of Visitors to the U. S. Military Academy. 1886. 1889. Walton. Army and navy of the United States. 2 vol. 1889-95. Woodward. Camp diseases of the U. S. armies. 1863. (5) BIOGRAPHY (COLLECTIVE) Babnet. Martyrs and heroes of Illinois. 1865. Cabkoix. Twelve Americans. 1883. Chesxey. Essaj's in military biography. 1874. Clabk. Heroes of Albany. 1867. Dodge. Great captains. 1889. DvYCKiNCK. National portrait gallery of eminent Americans. 2 vol. 1861- 62. JoHXSTOx. Leading American soldiers. 1907. LiNDEB. Early bench and bar of Illinois. 1879. MooBE. Women of the war. 1866. Ore Gbeat Captains. 1865. Piatt. Memories of the men who saved the Union. 1887. Shanks. Recollections of distinguished generals. 186G. SouTHEY. Lives of British admirals. 5 vol. 1833. (6) BIOGRAPHY (INDIVIDUAL) Abercrombte, J. J. .'/til. In memoriam. 1900. Aiken, Mrs. E. N. A. Anderson. The story of Aunt Lizzie Aiken. 1S80. Alexander the Great. Dodge. Alexander. 1S90. (Great captains.) Alexander, Archer. Eliot. Story of Archer Alexander. 1885. Allen, H. W. DoRSEY. Recollections of H. W. Allpn. 18CC. Ambler, I. W. Life of Sergeant I. W. Ambler. 1875. Andrew, J. A. Brown. Sketch of the official life of J. A. Andrew. 1SG8. Pearson. Life of J. A. Andrew. 2 vol. 1904. Arnold, Benedict. Arnold. Life of Benedict Arnold. ISSO. AsiiBY, Gen. Turner. Avirett. Memoirs of Gen. Turner Ashby and his compeers. 1867. Bartlett, W. F. Pali-rey. Memoir of W. F. Bartlett. 1878. Beauregard, Gen. P. G. T. Roman. Military operations of Gen. Beauregard. 1S84. Bickerdike, Mrs. M. A. CuASE. M. A. Bickerdike "Mother." 189G. Birney, Gen. D. B. Life of Maj. Gen. Birney. 18G7. Bismarck. Buscu. Bismarck in the Franco-German war. Bright, John, Robertson. Life and times of John Bright. 1S77. Brinkerhoff, Gen. R. Recollections of a liftirae. 1900. Boutweix, G. S. Reminiscences of 50 years in public life. 2 vol 1902. (7) BIOGRAPHY (INDIVIDUAD-Continued. Beoss, J. A. " Memorial of Col. J. A. Bross. 1865. Brown, John. Redpath. John Brown. 1865. BuRGOYNE, Gen. John. FoNBLANQUE. Rt. Hon. J. Bui'goyne. Political and military episodes. 1876. BuRNSiDE, Gen. A. E. BuRNSiDE statue dedication. 1887. Butler, Gen. B. F. Butler's book. 1892. Parton. Gen. Butler in New Orleans. 1864. Caesar, Julius. Dodge. Caesar. 1893. (Great captains.) Chandler, Zachariah. Detroit Post and Tribune. Life of Zachariah Chandler. 1880. Chetlain, Gen. A. L. Recollections of 70 years. 1899. Chittenden, L. E. Personal reminiscences, 1840-1890. 1893. Columbus, Christopher. Irving. History of the life and voyages of Christopher Columbus. 4 vol. 1828. Conrad, C. H. In memorian. 1898. Cooke, Jat. Oberholtzer. Jay Cooke, financier of the Civil War. 1907. Dabny, T. S. G. Smedes. a southern planter. 1890. Dahlgren, Adm. J. A. Dahlgren. Memoir of J. A. Dahlgren. 1891. Dalzell, J. M. Private Dalzell's book. 1888. Dana, C. A. V/ilson. Life of C. A. Dana. 1907. Davis, Jefferson. Craven. Prison life of Jefferson Davis. 1866. Life and reminiscences of Jefferson Davis by distinguished men of his time. 1890. Pollard. Life of Jefferson Davis with a secret history of the Confed- eracy. 1869. Decatur, Stephen. Brady. Stephen Decatur. 1900. (Beacon MograpMes.) Delaney, M. R. Rollin. Major Delaney. 1868. (8) BIOGRAPHY (INDIVIDtJAD-Contlnued. Dewey, Acini. George. Halstead. Life of Adm. Dewey. 1890. Dix, Gen. J. A. Dix. Memoirs of J. A. Dix. 2 vol. 1883. Draper, W. F. Recollections of a varied career. 1908. Ducat, Ge7i. A. C. Memoir of Gen. A. C. Ducat. 1897. Durham, Sir Philip. Murray. Memoir of Sir Philip Durham. 1846. Edwards, Nixiax. Washburne. Edwards papers. 1884 Ellis, Daniel. Thrilling adventures of Daniel Ellis, the Union Spy. 18G7. Evans, R. D. A sailor's log. 1901. Farragut, Adm. D. G. Barnes. D. G. Farragut. 1899. (Beacon biographies.) Farkagut. Life and letters of Adm. Farragut. 1882. Headley. Life and naval career of Vice-Admiral D. G. Farragut. 1865. Mahan. Adm. Farragut. 1892. {Great commanders.) Foote, Adm. A. H. HoppiN. Life of Adm. Foote. 1874. Forbes, J. M. Hughes. J. M. Forbes. 2 vol. 1899. Forrest, Gen. N. B. Jordan and Pryor. Campaigns of Gen. Forrest. 1868. Mathes. General Forrest. 1902. {Great commanders.) Wyeth. Life of Gen. N. B. Forrest. 1899. Franklin, Benjamin. Ceremony held in Paris to commemorate the bi-centenary of the birth of Benjamin Franklin. 1906. Hale and Hale. Franklin in France. 1887. French, Gen. S. G. Two Wars. An autobiography. 1901. Gansevoort, H. S. Hoadley, ed. Memorial of H. S. Gansevoort. 1875. Garfield, J. A. Blaine. Eulogy on J. A. Garfield. 1882. Goodman, H. E. H. E. GtOODMAN. Grant, Gen. U. S. Axexander. Grant as a soldier. 1887. Badeau. Military history of U. S. Grant. 3 vol. 1868-81. (9) BIOGRAPHY (INDIVIDUAD-Continued. BuEB. New, original and authentic record of the life and deeds of Gen. U. S. Grant. 18S5. CoppEE. Grant and his campaigns. 18G6. CopPEE. Life and services of Gen. U. S. Grant. 1S68. Deming. Life of U. S. Grant. 1868. Gex. U. S. Gbaxt. 1885. Gen. Grant: his life and times, n. d. HowLAXD. Grant as a soldier and statesman. 1868. Labke. General Grant and his campaigns. ISGi. Life, campaigns and battles of Gen. U. S. Grant. 1868. McCleixax. Grant versus the record. 1887. Palmee. Grant's tour around the world. ISSO. Peksonal memoirs. 2 vol. 1885-86. PoKTEB. Campaigning with Grant. 1897. RiCHAEDSON. Personal history of U. S. Grant. 18CS. U. S. A. Congress. Proceedings on the acceptance of the statue of Gen. U. S. Grant. 1901. Wilson. Life and public services of U. S. Grant. 1885. "Wilson. Gen. Grant. 1897. (Great commanders.) Wistee. Ulysses Grant. 1900. {Beacon hiog rapines.) Gbee-XE, Gen. Nathaniel. Geeene. Gen. Greene. 1898. {Great corainandcrs.) GUSTAVUS II, Adolpiius. Dodge. Gustavus Adolphus. 189G. {Great captains.) Hamilton, Alexandee. BouTELL. Alexander Hamilton. 1890. Hamlix, Hannibal. Hamlin. Life and times of Hannibal Hamlin. 1899. Hammond, John. John Hammond. 1890. Hampton, Gen. Wade. V/ells. Hampton and his cavalry in 'C-1. 1899. Hancock, Gen. W. S. M. O. L. L. U. S. W. S. Hancock. MiLiTAEY Sebvice INSTITUTION. In memory of W. S. Hancock. 1886. Reminiscences. 1887. Walkeb. Gen. Hancock. 1S94. {Great commanders.) Hannibal. Dodge. Hannibal. 1893. {Great captains.) Hatjpt, Gen. Heeman. Reminiscences. 1901. Hayes, Mrs. L. W. Wokan's Home Mxssioxaby Society. L. W. Hayes. 1890. (10) . , . BIOGRAPHY (INDIVIDUAL)-Continued. Hayes, R. B. M. O. L. L. U. S. R. B. Hayes. Henson, Philip. Johns. Philip Henson. 1887. HoAB, G. F. Autobiography of 70 years. 2 vol. 1903. Hoffman, Wickiiam. vJamp, court and seige. 1877. Hood, Gen. J. B. Advance and retreat. ISSO. Hooker, Gen. Joseph. Gragg. Gen. Hooker's ancestry. 1900. Massachusetts. Equestrian statue of Maj. Gen. Hooker. 1903. Houston, Sam. Elliott. Sam Houston. 1900. {Beacon Uographies.) Howard, Gen. O. O. Autobiography. 2 vol. 1907. Hudson, H. N. Gen. Butler's campaign on the Hudson. 1883. Jackson, Gen. Andrew. BUELL. History of Andrew Jackson. 2 vol. 1904. Pabton. Gen. Jackson. 1S93. (Great commanders.) U. S. A. Congress. Addresses on the presentation of the sword of Gen. Jackson to the Congress of the U. S. 1855. Jackson, Gen. T. J. Addet. Gen. T. J. Jackson. 1863. Chase. Story of Stonewall Jackson. 1901. Cooke. Stonewall Jackson. 1876. Dabny. Life and campaigns of Stonewall Jackson. 186G. Daniells. Life of Stonewall Jackson. 1863, Ex-Cadet. Life of T. J. Jackson. 1864. Henderson. Stonewall Jackson and the American Civil War. 2 vol. 1903. Hovey. Stonewall Jackson. 1900. {Beacon MograpTiies.) Randolph. Life of Gten. T. J. Jackson. 1876. Virginian. Life of Stonewall Jackson. Johnson, Andrew. Impeachment of Andrew Johnson. 3 vol. 1868. Johnson, Gen. R. W. Soldier's reminiscences. 1886. Johnston, Gen. A. S. Johnston. Gen. A. S. Johnston. 1879. Johnston, Gen. J. E. Hughes. Gen. Johnston. 1893. {Great commanders.) Johnston's Narrative. 1874. ' (11) ' ' BIOGRAPHY (INDIVIDUAL)-Contlnuea. Johnstone, W. C. JouNSTONE. The Young Chaplain. 1876. Jones, Paul. BuELL. Paul Jones. 2 vol. 1900. Keabney, Oen. Philip. DePey.ster. Personal and military history of Philip Kearney. 1870. Parker. Philip Kearney. 1S68. Kell, J. M. Recollections of a naval life. 1900. Keyes, E. D. Fifty years' observation of men and events. 1884. KiLPATBicK, Gen. H. J. Moore. Kilpatrick and our cavalry. 18G3. Lathers, Richard. Sanborn. Reminiscenses of Richard Lathers. 1907. Lawrence, C. S. Life Sketch. 1896. Lee, Gen. R. E. " CiiiLDE. Life of Gen. Lee. 1875. Cooke. Life of Gen. R. E. Lee. 1871. Lee. Ge«. Lee. 1894. {Great commanders.) Lee, Capt. R. E. Recollections and letters of Gen. R. E. Lee. 1904. Long. Memoirs of R. E. Lee. 1887. McCabe. Life and campaigns of Gen. R. E. Lee. 1806. Taylor. Four years with Gen. Lee. 1878. Trent. R. E. Lee. 1899. {Beacon biographies.) Leo X. Pope. RoscoE. Life and pontificate of Leo X. 2 vol. 1840. Lincoln, Abraham. Arnold. Life of A. Lincoln. 1887. Bancroft. Lincoln. 1860. Bancroft. Abraham Lincoln. 1908. Barrett. Life of Abraham Lincoln. 1860. Barrett. Lincoln. 1865. Babtlett. Life and public services of Abraham Lincoln. 1860. BiNNS, Abraham Lincoln. 1907. Fish. Lincoln literature. 1900. GiLMORE. Personal recollections of Abraham Lincoln. 1898. Holland. Life of Abraham Lincoln. 1806. Ingobsoll. Abraham Lincoln. 1907. LiAMON. Recollections of Abraham Lincoln. 1895. Lincoln Obsequies. 1806. McClure. "Abe" Lincoln's yarns and stories. 1901. M. O. L. L. U. S. Pennsylvania Commandery. Abraham Lincoln. 1907. (12) BIOGRAPHY (INDIVIDAL)-Continued. Lincoln, Abraham. NicoLAY a7id Hay. Abraham Lincoln. 10 voi. 1890. Oldroyo, €(1. Lincoln memorial album. 1883. Oldkoyi). Assassination of Abraham Lincoln. 1901. Pen and voice. 1890. Pitman. Assassination of Pros. Lincoln. 1SC5. Power. Lincoln Monument. 1872. Power. Attempt to steal Lincoln's body. 1890. Pratt. Lincoln in story. 1901. Raymond. Life, public services and state papers of Abraham Lincoln. 1865. RoTiisciiiLn. Lincoln, master of men. 1906. Tarrei.l. Life of Abraham Lincoln. 2 vol. 1904. Logan, Gcu. J. A. ■ Dawson. Life of Logan. 1888. Illinois Logan Monument Memorial. Logan. 1898. U. S. A. Congress. Memorial addresses. 1887. Longstreet. Gen. James. From Manassas to Appomattox. 1896. Longstreet, H. D. Lee and Longstreet at high tide. 1904. Long. Enoch. Reid. Sketch of Enoch Long. 1884. Lowell. C. R. Emerson. Life and letters of C. R. Lowell. 1907. Lyon, Gen. Nathaniel. Peckiiam. Gen. N. Lyon. 1866. Woodward. Life of Gen. Nathaniel Lyon. 1862. McCahe, C. C. Bristol. Life of Chaplain McCabe. 1908. McClellan. Gen. G. B. HuRLBCRT. Gen. McClellan and the conduct of the war. 1864. McClellan's own story. 1887. Miciiie. General McClellan. 1901. (Great commanders.) Marbot, J. B. A. M. Baron De. Memoirs. 3 vol. 1844. Macry. Gen. D. H. Recolle(tions of a Virginian. 1894. Meade, Gen. G. G. Bache. Life of Gen. Meade. 1897. Pennypacker. General Meade. 1901. [Great commajiders.) Miles, Gen. N. A. Personal recollections. 1897. Mitchell, Gen. O. M. Mitchell. O. M. Mitchell. 1887. (13) BIOGRAPHY (INDIVIDUAL)-Continued. Montgomery, F. A. Reminiscences of a Mississippian in peace and war. 1901. Morgan, Gen. J. H. Duke. History of Morgan's cavalry. 1867. Senoub. Morgan and his captors. 1865. Morton, O. P. FouLKE. Life of Oliver P. Morton. 2 vol. 1S99. U. S. A. Congress. Proceedings upon the accepta::ce of the statue of O. P. Morton. 1900. MOSBY, J. S. Scott. Partisan life with Mosby. 18G7. War reminiscences. 1887. Napoleon, I. Dodge. Napoleon. 4 vol. 1904-07. (Gicat captains.) JoMiNi. Life of Napoleon. 5 vol. 18G4. Laurent de l'Ardeche. Histoire de Napoleon. 1859. Wolseley. Decline and fall of Napoleon. 1S95. Nicholson, J. P. Melville. Remarks. M. O. L. L. U. S. Pennsylvania Commandery. Resolutions. 1904. Oglethorpe, James. Cooper. James Oglethorpe. 1904. Olnhausen, 3Irs. M. P. Adventures of an army nurse. 1903. OSBON, B. S. Sailor of fortune. 1905. Palmer, J. M. Personal recollections. 1901. Palmerston, H. J. T. Viscount. BuLWER. Life of H. J. T. Viscount Palmerston. 2 vol. 1870. Parsons, Gen. L. B. In memoriam. 1908. Pendleton, W. N. Lee. Memoirs of W. N. Pendleton. 1893. Penn, Sir William. Penn. Memorials of the professional life and times of Sir William Penn. 2 vol. 1833. Pickett, Geii. G. E. Pickett. Pickett and his men. 1900. Pitt, William. Toailine. Memoirs of the life of William Pitt. 3 vol. 1831. Porter, Oen. Fitz-John. Logan. Fitz-John Porter. 1884. Proceedings of a board of army officers in the case of Fitz-John Porter. 4 vol. 1879. (14) . • • BIOGRAPHY (INDIVIDUAL)-Continued. Post, P. S. U. S. A. Congress. Memorial addresses. 1S95. Reagan, J. H. Memoirs. 1906. Rimini, Baron. Memoirs. 18SS. Roe, C. H. Shannon. Minister's life, memoirs of C. II. Roe. 1900. Root, G. F. Story of a musical life. 1891. RUfiGLES, C. L. Great American scout and spy. 1S70. Russell, M. J. Riordan. In memoriam. M. J. Russell. 1900. SciioFiELD, Gen. J. M. Forty-six years in the army. 1897. SciiuKZ, Carl. Carl Schurz memorial services, Chicago. 1907. ScHURZ. Reminiscences. 2 vol. 1907. Scott, Gen. Winfield. Memoirs. 2 vol. 1864. Wright. Gen. Scott. 1894. (Great commanders.) Shakespeare, William. Mabie. William Shakespeare. 1902. Shaw, R. G. Boston. City Council. Exercises at the dedication of the monument to Col. R. G. Shaw. 1897. Shelby, Gen. J. O. Edwards. Shelby and his men. 1867. Sheridan, Gen. P. H. Burn aiid Hinton. Life of Gen. Sheridan. 1888. Davies. Gen. Sheridan. (Great commanders.) Keim. Sheridan's troopers. 1885. M. O. L. L. U. S. P. H. Sheridan. Personal memoirs. 2 vol. 1888. Sherman, Gen. W. T. Bowman and Irv. in. Sherman. 1865. BoYNTON. Sherman's historical raid. 1875. Force. Gen. Shci-man. 1S99. Hayes a7id others. Life r.Tid reminiscences of Gen. W. T. Sherman. 1891. Johnson. Life of Gen. Sherman. 1891. Mejioirs. 2 vol. 1375. Sherman and Sherman. Letters. 1837-91. 1894. U. S. A. Congress. Sherm?.n. 1004. (15) • < BIOGRAPHY (INDIVIDUAD-Continued. Shields. Gen. James. Condon. Life of Maj. Gen. James Shields. 1900. Sibley, Gen. H. H. West. Ancestry, life and times of H. H. Sibley. 1889. Slocum, Gen. H. W. New York. Monuments commission for the BattleSelds of Gettysburg and Chattanooga. In memoriam. H. W. Slocum. 1826-94. 1904. Stantox, E. M. Flower. E. M. Stanton. 1905. GoBHAM. E. M. Stanton. 2 vol. 1899. Stephens. Alexandeb H. Pendleton. Alexander H. Stephens. 1907. Stevens, Gen. I. I. Stevens. Life of Gen. L I. Stevens. 2 vol. 1900. Stcabt, Gen. J. E. B. McClellan. Major General J. E. B. Stuart. 1SS5. SUEBATT, J. H. Tbial Of J. H. Surratt. 2 vol. 1867. SuwABOW, Alexander. Macready. Sketch of Suwarow. 1851. Taylor, Gen. Zachaby. Howard. Gen. Taylor. 1892. (Great commanders.) Thomas. Gen. G. H. BoYNTON. Gen. Thomas at Nashville. . 1896. Coppee. Gen. Thomas. 189.^. {Great commanders.) Piatt. Gen. G. H. Thoma.^?. 1893. Van Horne. Life of Maj Gen. G. H. Thomas. 1882. Thompson, J. L. Memorial. 1890. Thornton, IMatthew. Matthew Thornton. 189^. TUKNLEY, P. T. Reminiscences. 1892. Tyndale. Hector. McL. Memoir of Hector Tyndale. 1SS2. Upton, Emory. Michie. Life and letters of Emory Upton. 1885. Van Dorn, Gen. Earl. A soldier's honor. 1902. Villabd, Henry. Memoirs. 2 vol. 1904. Wallace, Gen. Lew. Autobiogbaphy. 2 vol. 1897. (16) BIOGRAPHY (INDIVIDUAD-Continued. Wabben, Oen. G. K. Findings of the court of inquiry. 1883. Proceedings of a board of army officers in the case of G. K. Warren. 3 vol. 1883. Washington, George. Dedication of the Washington National Monument. 1885. Johnson. Gen. Washington. 1898. (Great commanders.) Webb, W. S. Ballard. Brief in reapplication of W. S. Webb, M, O. L. L. U. S. 1902. Webster, Daniel. Dedication of the statue of Daniel Wester. 1886. Wellington, A. W. Duke of. Alexander. Life of Wellington. 2 vol. 1839-40. Roberts. Rise of Wellington. 1895. Winslow, J. A. Ellicott. J. A. Winslow. 1902. Wright, R. M. Loyal girl of Winchester. 1888. (17) HISTORY (OTHER THAN UNITED STATES) Battle of Inkerman. 1856. Blake. How sailors fight. 1901. Cathcart. Correspondence relative to Kaffraria. 1857. Cyclopedic review of current history. Vol. S-9. 1898-99. Dbinkwatee. Siege of Gibraltar. 1786. Eliot. Portugal. 1810. Faemer. Regimental records of the British army. 1901. Ford. American cruiser in the East. 1898. Fortescue. History of the British army. Vol. 1-4. 1899-1906. Greene. Army life in Russia. 1881. History of the mutiny at Spithead and the Nore. 1842. Home. Views Mysore country. 1794. Jones. British campaign on the continent 1794-95. 1797. Jones. War in Spain, Portugal and France. 1818. Katow. Sadowa. Les Prussiens en campagne. 1869. Knox. Decisive battles since Waterlco. 1887. Lynch. Expedition to the Dead Sea. 1850. Mahan. Influence of sea power upon history. 16G0-17S3. 1894. Mahan, Influence of sea pov/er upon the French revolution and empire. 2 vol. 1894. Marvin. Our public offices. 1879. Napoleon and the Marshals of the Empire. 1873. Nolan. History of against Russia. 2 vol. 1857. Pbescott. Conquest of Mexico. 1848. Prescott. Conquest of Feru. 1847. ■ • Prescott. Ferdinand and Isabella. 1841. Prescott. Philip II. 4 vol. in 2. 1855. Rees. Personal narrative of the seige of Lucknow. 1858. Robertson. Charles V. 1856. Ropes. Campaign of Waterloo. 1892. Russell. Todleben's defense of Sebastopol. 18G5. SiMONDE DE SisMONDi. Etudcs Eur Ics constitutions des peuples libres. 1836. Thiers. History of the Consulate and the Empire of Napoleon. 1850. Thiers. History of the French Revolution, n. d. (18) HISTORY-Continued. TvTi.EB. England under the reigns of Edward VI. and Mary. 2 vol. 1839, U. S. A. Wab DKrAKTMiCNT. Notes on China. 1900. U. S. A. Wab DEPABTMiiNT. Notes and tables on organization and estab- lishment of the Spanish army in the peninsula and colonies. 1898. Exploration of the world. 1879. Wao'EB. Campaign of Koniggratz. 2 vol. 1899. Wallace. Regimental chronicle 60th Royal rifles. 1879. Wasublene. Recollections of a minister to France. 2 vol. 1869-77. White. Political history of the events which led to the Burmese war. 1827. (19) HISTORY OF THE CIVIL WAR Adams. Lee at Appomattox and other papers. 1902. Adams. Siege of Washington. 18G7. Alabama. General Assembly. Acts. 1861-63. Amuerst College. Roll of the graduates and undergraduates who served in the army or navy of the U. S. during the War of the Rebellion. 1871. Andeews. War-time journal of a Georgia girl. 1908. Annals of the w^ar. 1879. Anticipations of the future. 1S64-1870. 18C0. Ayeb. Great northwestern conspirarcy in all its startling details. 1SG5. AvAEY. Dixie after the war. 1906. Bailey. Private chapter of the war (1881-65). 1880. Bakee. Secret service in the late war. 1874. Babbee. War letters of a disbanded volunteer. 1864. Baenaed, ed. War talks of Confederate veterans. 1892. Bates. Lincoln in the telegraph office. 1907. Battine. The crisis of the Confederacy. 1905. Battlefields of the South. 2 vol. 1863. Beechee. American Rebellion. 1864. Billings. Hardtack and coffee. 1887. Bolton. Personal reminiscences of the late war. 1892. Boston slave riot and trial of Anthony Burns. 1854. Botts. Great Rebellion. 18G6. Boyd. Belle Boyd in camp and prison. 1S67. Boynton. English and French neutrality and the Anglo-French alliance in their relations to the United States and Russia. 1864. BowDOiN in the war. 1867. Beady and Gardiner. Original photographs t«ken on the battefields during the Civil War of the U. S. 1907. Beitton. Civil War on the border. 2 vol. 1890-99. Beown. Harvard University in the war of lSGl-1865. 1886. Beown. Signal Corps U. S. A. 18G1-1SC5. 1896. Beowne. Four years in Secessia. 1865. Bbownlow. Parson Brov/nlow's book. 1862. Buchanan. Administration en the eve of the Rebellion. 1865. Buchanan, Buchanan's administration. 1SG6. Bullock. Secret service of the Coiilederate states. 2 vol. 1SS3. (20) HISTORY.'OF THE CIVIL WAR-Continucd. BiTRCESs. Civil War and the constitution. 2 vol. 1901. BrHR.vcE. Brown University in the Civil War. 18G8. Cami'BKJX. Rebellion register and citizens manual. 1806. Caki.ktox. Stories of our soldiers. 189.T. Caktland. Southern heroes; or. The friends in war time. 1897. CiiK.NEY. Young folks histoiy of Ihe Civil War. 1884. CiiESNUT. Diary from Dixie. 1905. Clark. Trent and San Jacinto. 18C2. Clay. Belle of the fifties. 1904. CoFFi.N. Boys of '61. 1SS5. Coffin. Four years of fighting. 1866. Cr.vfts. Soutliern rebellion. 2 vol. 1865-67. Confederate war journal. Vol. 1-2. 1893-95. CooKE. Wearing of the gray. 1867. Cox. Military reminiscences of the Civil War. 2 vol. 1900. Dana. Recollections of the Civil War. 1898. Daughters of the Confederacy. South Carolina women in the Confed- eracy. 1903. Davis. Camp-fire chats of the Civil War. 1887. Davis. Rise and fall of the Confederate government. 2 vol. 1881. Davis. Short history of the Confederate states. 1890. Day. Down south during the American War. 1862. DeLeon. Four years in rebel capitals. 1S92. Dicey. Six months in the federal states. 2 vol. 1863. DouGE. Bird's-eye view of our Civil War. 1883. Dodge. Bird's-eye view of our Civil War. 1897. Drater. Civil War in America. 3 vol. 1867-70. Dunning. Essays on the Civil V/ar and reconstruction. 1904. Duuyea. Commemorative address and the Princeton roll of honor. 1866. DuYCKiNCK. History of the war for the Union. 3 vol. 1861. Dye. History of the plots and crimes of tho great conspiracy to overthrow liberty in America. 1866. East Maine Conference Seminary. War record. 1877. EIaton. Grant, Lincoln and the freedmen. 1907. Edmonds. Nurse and spy. 1865. Eggleston. Rebel's recollections. 1887. Eliot. In California. A horse history of the Civil War. War remin- iscences, by Barker. {Newspaper clippings.) Ellis. Leaves from the diary of an army surgeon. Ellis. Norwich University. 1819-1 S9S. 1898. Estvan. War pictures from the South. 1863. Evans, ed. Confederate military history. 12 vol. 1899. Farrar. The war, its causes and consequences. 1864. Peree. Heroes of the war for the Union. Vol. L 1864. Fleming. Civil War and reconstruction in Alabama. 1905. (21) HISTORY OF THE CIVIL WAR-Continnecl. Fleming. Documentary history of reconstruction. 2 vol. 1906-07. Fletcher. History of the American War. 3 vol. 1865-66. FooTE. War of the Rebellion. 1866. Forbes. Artist's story of the great war. 4 vol. 1890. Forbes. Life studies of the great army. 1876. Fox. Regimental losses in the Civil War. 1889. Frank Leslie's illustrated newspaper. Vol. 12-21. 1861-65. Freese. Secrets of the great Rebellion. 1882. Gantt. Address. Gardner. Photographic sketch book of the war. 2 vol. 1862-66. Gay. Life in Dixie during the war. 1892. GiDDiNGS. History of the Rebellion. 1864. GiLMOR. Four years in the saddle. 1866. Goodhue. Incidents of the Civil War. 1890. Gordon. Reminiscences of the Civil War. 1904. Gray jackets, by a Confederate. 1867. Gregg. Life in the army. 1868. Greeley. American conflict. 2 vol. 1867. Greene. Stories of the Rebellion. 1864. GuROWSKi. Diary. Vol. 1-2. 1862-64. Hall. Rending of Virginia. 1902. Halpine. Private Miles O'Reilly, his book. 1864. Harper's Weekly. Vol. 5-9. 1861-65. Harris. Sectional struggle. Vol. I. 1902. Hart, ed. American nation. Group 4: Trial of nationality. Vol. 19, 20, 21. 1906-07. Harvard. Memorial biographies. 2 vol. 1867. Haversack. 1864. Hazelton. Scouts, spies and heroes. 1892. Hazen. Narrative of military service. 1885. Headley. Great Rebellion. 2 vol. 1804-66. Headley. Confederate operations in Canada and New York. 1906. Hedrick. Incidents of the Civil War. 1888, Helper. Impending crisis in the South. 1857. Hepworth. Whip, hoe and sword. 1804. Hinman. Corporal Si Klegg and his pard. 1895. HoRTON. Youths history of the great Civil War. 1868. Hudson. Second war of independence in America. 1863. Hume. Abolitionists. 1905. Humphreys. Heroes and spies of the Civil War. 1903. Hunter. Johnny Reb and Billy Yank. 1905. HuELBURT. Rebellion in Bradley Co. 1866. Huse. Supplies for the Confederate army. 1904. Ide. Battle e/^hoes. (22) HISTORY OF THE CIVIL WAR-Continued. In perils by mine own countrymen; three years on the Kansas border. 1856. Joiixsox. Campfire and battlefiehl. 1894. Johnson. Short history of the war of secession. 1888. Johnson and Buki.i,. Battles and leaders of the Civil War. 4 vol. 1884-88. Jones. Life in the South. 2 vol. 18G3. Jones. Rebel war clerk's diary. 2 vol. 18G6. Jones. Warpapers. Addresses delivered before the Confederate Survivor's Association. 1883-93. Kelsey. Deeds of daring by blue and gray. 1884. Kelsey. Deeds of daring by the American soldier. 1898. Kebbey. On the war path. 1890. Kerb. Orpheus C. Kerr papers. 3 vol. 1862-G6. Keiui. Orpheus C. Kerr papers. Vol. 1. 1866. Kettei.l. History of the great Rebellion. 1865. KiBKE. Among the pines. 1862. KiKKE. Down in Tennessee. 1864. KiBKE. My southern friends. 1863. KiRKLAND. Book of anecdotes and incidents of the Rebellion. 1867. Knox. Camp-fire and cotton-fields. 1865. Labned. History of the battle monument at West Point. 1898. Lester a7icl Wilson. Ku KIux Ivlan. 1905. LiEB. How to make a million. 1862. Lincoln and Douglas. Debates. 1860. Lincoln and Douglas. Debates of 1858, ed. by Sparks. 1908. Lincoln. Life and works. 9 vol. 1907. Lincoln. Writings. 8 vol. 1905-06. LivERMORE. Numbers and losses in the Civil War in America. LrvEBMOBE. Numbers and losses in the Civil War in America. Ed. 2. 1901. Logan. Great conspiracy. 1886. LossiNG. The Civil War in America. 3 vol. 1866-68. Lyon. Life and writings. 18G1. McGuiRE. Diary of a refugee. 1889. McPuERSON. History of the Rebellion. 18G5. Marietta College in the war of secession, 1861-65. 1878. Miscellaneous war papers. 2 vol. 1878-96. Moore, ed. Putnam's record of the Rebellion. 11 vol. and supplement. 1861-71. MooRE. Complete history of the Great Rebellion. 1866. Morgan. How it was. 1892. Mulliiolland. Military order Congress Medal of Honor Legion of the U. S. 1905. Murdoch, ed. Patriotism in poetry and prose. 1864. National. Almanac and annual record. Vol. 1-2. 1863-64. New York. Inspector General. Annual report. 1864. (23) HISTORYJOF THE'CIVIL WAR— Continued. NoBTH. Five years in Texas. 1871. Norton. Army letters 1861-1865. 1903. NoTT. Sketches of the war. 1865. Gates. War between the Union and the Confederacy. 1905. Officers who served in the Civil War. 1894. Ohio, Department of the. Military map of the states of Kentucky and Tennessee. 1805. Page. Letters of a war correspondent. 1899. Pamphlets on secession, war, etc. 18 vol. 1834-67. Paris, Comte de. History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 1-4. 1875-88. Patterson. War memories of Fort Monroe. 1885. Pennsylvania SurRExiE Cotkt. Opinions on the constitutionality of the act of March 3, 1863, "for enrolling and calling out the national forces." 1864. Personne, pseud. Marginalia. 1864. Peyton. American crisis. 1867. Photographs of the Civil War. {26 photographs.) PiNKEETON. Spy of the Rebellion. 1883. Pitman, ed. Trials for treason at Indianapolis. 1865. PiTTiNGEB. Capturing a locomotive. 1882. Plum. Military telegraph in the Civil War. 2 vol. 1882 Pollard. Lost cause. 1867. Pollard. Southern history of the war. 2 vol. 1866. PoLLEY. Soldier's letters to charming Nellie. 1900. Porter. Incidents and anecdotes of the Civil War. 1886. Powell and Shippen. Officers who served in the Civil War. 1892. Powell, ed. Officers of the army and navy (volunteer) who served in the Civil War. 1893. Prang's war pictures. 1888. Price. Across the continent with the 5th cavalry. 1883. Pbyoe. Reminiscences of war and peace. 1904. Rehjington. Military record of the Sons of Dartmouth, 1801-63. 1907. Red-tape and pigeon-hole generals. 1804. RicHAKDSOx. The field, the dungeon and the escape. 1865. Richmond during the war, by a Richmond lady. 1867. Riddle. Recollections of war times. 1895. Ropes. Story of the Civil War. 2 vol. 1895-98. Ross. Cities and camps of the Confederate states. 1865. RuSLiNQ. Civil War days. 1899. Russell. My diary north and south. 2 vol. 1863. Sala. My diary in America in the midst of the war. 2 vol. 1865. ScHAFF. Spirit of old West Point. 1907. Schouleb. History of the United States. Vol. 6. 1899. Schwab. Confederate States of America. 1901. Smith. Civil War in America. 1866. (24) ' ^ - . HISTORY OF THE CIVIL WAR-Contlnued. Smith. History and debates of the couveution of the people of Alabama. 1861. Smith. Confederate war papers. 1884. Snyueb. Civil War from a Southern standpoint. 1881. Spaulding. Financial history of the war. Legal tender. 1869. Stephens. War between the states. 2 vol. 1868-70. Stevens. Berdan's sharpshooters in the army of the Potomac. 1892. Stiles. Four years under Marse Robert. 1903. Stbait. Roster of regimental surgeons during the Rebellion. 1882. Symonds. Report of a commissary of subsistence, 1861-65. 1888. Taylob. Destruction and reconstruction. 1S83. Taylor. Pictures of life in camp and field. 1884. Temple. East Tennessee and the Civil War. 1899. Tennet. Military and naval history of the Rebellion. 1806. TiiABiN. Arbitrary arrests in the South. 1863. TiioMrsoN. Prison life and reflections. 1881. Theee years among the working classes in the U. S. during the war. 1865. ToMES. War with the South. 1862. Tomes. War with the South. 3 vol. 1862. Tkemain. Two days of war. 1905. Tbobbiand. Four years with the Army of the Potomac. 1889. Teumbull. War memories of an army chaplain. 1898. U. S. A. CoNGBEss. Joint committee on the conduct of the war. Report. 3 vol. 1865. U. S. A. Congbess. Joint committee on the conduct of the war. Report. 3 vol. 1863. U. S. A. Congbess. Senate. Select committee on the Harper's Ferry in- vasion. Invasion at Harper's Ferry. 1860. U. S. A. Quabtebmasteb Geneeal. Designating flags of the U. S. army. 1861-65. U. S. A. Wab Depabtment. Army register of volunteers. 8 vol. 1865-67. U. S. A. Wab Depabtment. War of the Rebellion. Serial Vol. 130. 1880- 1901. U. S. A. Wab Dkpabtment. Memorandum relative to the general officers appointed by the president in the armies of the Confederate States. 1861-65. 1905. ViCTOB. History of the southern rebellion. 2 vol. 1861. ViCTOB. Incidents and anecdotes of the war. 1862. Walkeb. Memorial Virginia Military Institute. 1875. W. A. O. Eyewitness; or, Life scenes in the old North state. 1865. Wabino. Whip and spur. 1875. Webneb. Historical sketch of the War of the Rebellion. 1890. White. New gospel of peace according to St. Benjamin. 1806. White. New gospel of peace according to St. Benjamin. 1863-66. ^ (25) HISTORY OF tHE CIVIL WAR-Continued. Wn.KiE. Pen and powder. 1888. Williams. Rise and fall of "the model republic." 1863. Wilson. Atrocities of the Rebellion. 1865. Wilson. Pictorial history of the great Civil War. 1881. Wise. End of an era. 1900. Wood and Edmonds. History of the Civil War in the U. S. 1905. Wright. Southern girl in '61. 1905. ARMIES, BRIGADES, DIVISONS AND CORPS Allan. Army of Northern Virginia in 1862. 1892. Blessixgton. Campaigns of Walker's Texas Division. 1875. Buck. Cleburne and his command. 1908. Caldwell. History of a brigade of South Carolinians. 18G6. (See also Regimental Histories. South Carolina.) Dodge. History of the old 2nd division. 1867. DoDSON, ed. Campaigns of Wheeler and his cavalry 1862-65; Wheeler's Santiago campaign, 1898. 1899. Ellis. Campfires of Gen. Lee. 1886. Fitch. Annals of the army of the Cumberland. 1864. French. Army of the Potomac from ISGl to 1865. 1906. Gebbish a7id Hutchinson. Blue and the gray. 1884. Gross. Recollections of a private. 1890. Army of the Potomac. Hough. History of Duryea brigade. 1864. Ibwin. History of the 19th army corps. 1892. Joinville. Army of the Potomac. 1862. Jones. Army of Northern Virginia Memorial volume. 1880. King. Complete history of the old Persimmon brigade. Letterman. Medical recollections of the Army of the Potomac. 1866. McClellan. Report. 1864. McClellan. Report and campaign. 1864. McDonald. History of the Laurel brigade. 1907. Powell. 5th army corps. 1896. Rhodes. History of the cavalry of the Army of the Potomac. 1900. Sorrel. Recollections of a Confederate staff-officer. 1905. Sundry. The Union Army. 8 vol. 1908. SwTNTON. Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac. 1882. Thomas. History of the Doles-Cook brigade, Army of Northern Virginia. 1903. U. S. A. War Department. Commanders of Army Corps, Divisions and Brigades U. S. army 1S61-65. 1SS7. Vale. Minty and the cavalry. 1886. Van Hobxe. History of the Army of the Cumberland. 3 vol. 1875. Walker. History of the 2nd army corps. 1886. Woodbury. Burnside and the 9th army corps. 1867. (2«) HISTORY OF THE GIVH. WAR-Continued. CAMPAIGNS AND BATTLES An.vMS. Story of a trooper. 1865. Allan. Jackson's valley campaign, 1861-62. 1880. Alexander. Military memoirs of a Confederate. 1907. Atlanta Campaign. Cox. Atlanta. 1SS2. {Campaigns of the Civil War.) Wood. Atlanta campaign. 1S64. 1SS9. Balls Bluff. Baltz. Senator E. D. Baker's defense at Ball's Bluff. 1888. Barnard and Baury. Peninsula campaign, Army of the Potomac. 1863. Beciiler. Atlas showing battles, engagements and important localities connected with the campaigns of Virginia. 1864. Bisuor. Loyalty on the frontier. 1863. BoYNTON. Chickamauga national military park. 1895. Boynton, ed. Dedication of the Chickamauga and Chattanooga national military park. September IS and 20, 1895. 1896. Brown. Baltimore and the 19th April, 1861. 1887. Bull Run. Barrett. What I saw at Bull Run. 1886. Be.\uregard. Battle of Manassas. 1891. Cox. The second battle of Bull Run. 1882. Cedar Creek. Black. Battle of Cedar Creek. Chancellorsville. B.-V.TES. Battle of Chancellorsville. 1883. Dodge. Campaign of Chancellorsville. 1881. Doubleday. Chancellorsville and Gettysburg. 1882. (Campaigns of the Civil War.) Hamlin. Battle of Chancellorsville. 1896. HoTCHKiss, and Allan. Chancellorsville. 1867. Nelson. Chancellorsville and Grettysburg. 1899. Chickamauga. Boyd. Battlefield of Chickamauga. 1864. McElroy. Battle of Chickamauga. 1895. McElroy. Chickamauga. 1896. TuRciriN. Battle of Chickamauga. 1888. Cist. Army of the Cumberland. (1882.) (Campaigns of the Civil War.) Confederate States of America. Official reports of battles. 1862. Confederate States of America. Reports of battles. 1863. Confederate States of America. Southern reports of battles. Part 2. 1863. Cook. Seige of Richmond. 1862. Cooper. Chronological and Alphabetical record of the engagements of the great Civil War. 1204. (27) CAMPAIGNS AND BATTLES DuxLOP. Lee's sharpshooters. 1S99. DwiGiiT, ed. Virginia campaign of 1862 under Pope. 1895. {Military Historical Society of Massachusetts. Papers. Vol. II.) DwiGHT, ed. Virginia campaigns of 1862 under Pope. 1895. {Military Historical Society of Massachusetts. Papers. Vol. II.) Eably. Memoir. 1864-65. 1867. EiEVEN days in the militia. By a militiaman. 1883. FiSKE. Mississippi valley in the Civil War. 1900. FoBCE. From Fort Henry to Corinth. 1881. {Campaigns of the Civil War.) Fort I^illow. U. S. A. Congress. Fort Pillow massacre, returned prisoners. 1884. Foster. The Civil War by campaigns. 1899. Franklin. Cox. Battle of Franklin. 1897. See also March to the sea. Banks: Battle of Franklin. 1908. Fredericksburg. Campaign of Fredericksburg, by a line officer. 1886. Greene. Gen. Wm. B. Franklin and the battle of Fredericksburg. 1900. Fremont. Story of the guard. 1863. Gettysburg. Bond. Pickett or Pettigrew. 1888. Burrage. Gettysburg and Lincoln. 1906. Drake. Battle of Gettysburg. 1892. Gettysburg national military park. 1898. Gregg. Second cavalry division of the Army of the Potomac in the Gettysburg campaign. 1907. Haskell. Battle of Gettysburg. 1908. Humphreys. Gettysburg to the Rapidan. 1883. Illinois monuments at Gettysburg. 1892. Maine. Gettysburg Commission. Maine . at Gettysburg. 1898. Michigan at Gettysburg. 1889. MosBY. Stuart's cavalry in the Gettysburg campaign. 1908. New Jersey. Gettysburg battlefield commission. Final report. 1891. New York. Monuments commission for the battlefields of Gettysburg and Chattanooga. New York at Gettysburg. 3 vol. 1900. Ohio Gettysburg Memorial Commission. Reports. 1887. Our campaign around Gettysburg. 1864. Pennsylvania at Gettysburg. 2 vol. 1893. Pennsylvanlv. Gettysburg commission. Pennsylvania at Gettysburg. 2 vol. 1904. Toombs. New Jersey troops in the Gettysburg campaign. 1888. (28) CAMPAIGNS AND BATTLES Gettysburg. Tregaskis. Souvenir of the re-union of the blue and the gray on the battlefield of Gettysburg. 1888. U. S. A. Gettysbuijg National Military Park Commission. Gettys- burg national park. 1907. Vanderslice. Gettysbui'g then and now. 1S99. Waldron. With pen and camera on the field of Gettysburg. 1898. See also Chancellorsville. GiLLMORE. Engineer and artillery operations against the defences of Charleston harbor, and supplement. 2 vol. 1865-G8. Glazier. Battles for the Union. 1878. Gordon. Army of Virginia from Cedar Mountain to Alexandria. 1889. Gordon. Brook farm to Cedar Mountain. 1883. Grant. Report of the operations of the Union army. 1865. Greene. The Mississippi. 1882. (Campaigns of the Civil War.) Harrison. Pickett's men. 1870. Hill. Campaigns of the Confederate armies. 1901. Humphreys. Virginia campaign of '64 and '65. 1883. (Campaigns of the Civil War.) Indiana at Chickamauga. 1901. Johnson. The defence of Charleston harbor. 1890. Kellogg. Shenandoah valley and Virginia, 1861-65. 1903. Kremer. 100 great battles of the Rebellion. 1906. Lloyd. Battle history of the great Rebellion. 1866. HcBbide. Historic "General." 1904. McConkey. Dakota war whoop; or, Indian massacres and war in Minne- sota, 1862-63. 1864. Mahan. Critical history of the late American war. 1877. Manassas, see Bull Run. March to the Sea. Byers. March to the Sea. 1896. Cox. March to the sea, Franklin and Nashville. 1882. (Campaigns of the Civil War.) Nichols. Story of the great march. 1865. Mountain campaigns in Georgia. 1886. MuRFREESBORO, See Stone's river. Nelson. Three decisive battles and who fought them. 1887. NicoLAY. Outbreak of the Rebellion. 1881. (Campaigns of the Civil War.) Officer of the rear guard. Falling flag. 1874. Palfrey. Antietam and Fredericksburg. 1882. (Campaigns of the Civil War.) Patterson. Shenandoah valley campaign of 1861. 1865. Pennsylvania at Chickamauga and Chattanooga. 1901. (29) CAMPAIGNS AND BATTLES Pepper. Personal recollections of Sherman's campaigns in Georgia and the Carolinas. 18GC. Petersburg. U. S. CoNuKEss. Joint committee on the conduct of the war. Report on the attack on Petersburg. 18G5. PiiisTEREu. Statistical record. 1883. (Campaigns of the Civil War.) Pond. Shenandoah valley in 1864. 1883. {Campaiyns of the Civil MVar.) Rebel invasion of Missouri and Kansas. 18C5. Ropes. Army under Pope. 1881. {Cavipaigns of the Civil War.) RosECBANS' campaign. 1863. ScHALK. Campaigns of 1862 and 1863. 1863. Schneck. Burning of Chambersburg, Pa. 1865. SlIILOH. Illinois. Shiloh Battlefield Commission. Illinois at Shiloh. 1905. Indiana. Shiloh National Park Commission. Indiana at Shiloh. 1904. Ohio. Shiloh Battlefield Commission. Ohio at Shiloh. 1903. U. S. A. Shiloh National MilTEary park Commission. Battle of Shiloh and the organizations engaged. 1903. Smith. From Chattanooga to Petersburg. 1893. Smith. Gettysburg to Appomattox. 1900. Speed. Who fought the battle. 1904. Staff Officer. With Gen. Sheridan in Lee's last campaign. 1866. Stone's River. Stevenson. Battle of Stone's river. 1884. U. S. A. War Department. Report on the battle of Murfreesboro. 1863. Sumter. Doubleday. Forts Sumter and Moultrie. 1876. Ceawford. Genesis of the Civil War, the story of Sumter. 1887. Surby. Grierson raids. 1865. Swinton. Decisive battles of the war. 1867. Tbemain. Closing days about Richmond. Tbemain. Last hours of Sheridan's cavalry. 1894. ViCKSBUEG. Illinois Vicksburg Military Park Commisson. Illinois at Vicks- burg. 1907. My cave life in Vicksburg; by a lady. 1864. Oldroyd. Siege of Vicksburg. 1884. Reed. Vicksburg campaign. 1882. Webb. The Peninsula. 1881. {Campaigns of the Civil War.) WlLHAMSBUBG. Burns. Battle of Williamsburg. 1865. (30) FICTION Altsheleb. In circling camps. 1900. Altsheler. Before the dawn. 1903. Anderson. Campfire stories. 1896. AvABY. Virginia girl in the Civil War. 1908. Benson. Who goes there? 1900. Bessie and Raymond. 1866. BiEBCE. Tales of soldiers and civilians. 1891. Boyle. Serena. 1905. Bbady. Patriots. 1906. Bbady. The Southerners. 1903. Cable. Cavalier. 1901, Cable. Kincaid's battery. 1906. Caer. mini. 1904. Churchill. The crisis. 1901. Clay. Frank Logan. 1901. Cooke. Surry of Eagles-nest. 1889. Ckaddock. Storm centre. 1905. Crane. Little regiment. 1896. Crane. Red badge of courage. 1896. Cbozieb. Confederate spy. 1885. Dahlingeb. Where the red volleys poured. 1907. Dunn. Battling for Atlanta. 1906. {Young Kentuckians series.) Dunn. Gen. Nelson's scout. 1899. (Young Kentuckians series.) Dunn. On Gen. Thomas's staff. 1899. {Young Kentuckians series.) Dunn. F^-om Atlanta to the sea. 1901. (Young Kentuckians series.) Dunn. Raiding with Morgan. 1903. (Young Kentuckians series.) Eggleston. Bale marked circle "X." 1902. Eggleston. Master of Warlock. 1903. Eggleston. Tuckahoe. 1903. Fox. Little shepherd of kingdom come. 1903. Garland. Captain of the gray horse troop. 1902. Glassgow. Battleground. 1902. Hadley. Seven months a prisoner. 1898. Harrington. Inside, a chronicle of secession. 1866. Harris. Little union scout. 1905. Hosmer. Thinking bayonet. 1865. Keenan. Iron game. 1891. King. Iron brigade. 1902. King. Rock of Chickamauga. 1907. Kirkland. Captain of company K. 1891, McLaws. The welding. 1907. Mitchell. In war time. 1885. Old Flag. 1864. Orpen. Jay-hawkers. 1900. Parrish. My lady of the North. 1904. (31) FICTION— Continued. Paterson. Gospel writ with steel. 1898. Pease. In the wake of war. 1900. RiciiARuso.N. Heart of hope. 1905. Sage. The Claybornes. 1902. Sinclair. Manassas. 1905. Skedaddle. 1865. Stanley. Order No. 11. 1904. Van Pbaag. Weaving of webs. 1902. Watrous. Richard Epps and other stories. 190G. White. Norwich cadets. 1873. Williams. Bullet and shell. 1882. Williams. The captain. 1903. Wise. Lion's skin. 1905. WoERNER. Rebel's daughter. 1899. GENERAL ORDERS Army Corps, 16th. General orders. 1863. Confederate States of America. Army regulations. 1861, 1863. Cumberland, Department of the. General orders. 1862-63. Missouri, Department of the. General orders. 1861-62. U. S. A. War Department. General orders. 1861-63. 2 vol. 1864. U. S. A. War Department. General orders. 1861-63. 3 vol. U. S. A. War Department. General orders volunteer force. 1861-63. U. S. A. War Department. Regulations for recruiting, mustering and keeping records. 1863. HOSPITAL AND CHARITIES Beers. Memoirs. 1891. Brayton and Terry. Our acre and its harvest. 1869. Brockett. Camp, the battlefield and the hospital. 1866. Brockett and Vaughan. Woman's work in the Civil War. 1868, Corby. Memoirs of chaplain life. 1893. Gumming. Hospital life. 1866. Goodrich. Tribute book. 1865. Henshaw. Our branch and its tributaries. 1868. History of the northwestern soldiers' fair. 1863. HoGE. Boys in blue. 1867. Holstein. Three years in field hospitals. 1867. Lr'ebmore. My story of the war. 1888. LfOCKE. Three years in camp and hospital. 1870. Moss. Annals of the U. S. Christian Commission. 1868. Newberry. Sanitary commission in the valley of the Mississippi. 1871. Notes of hospital life. 1864. Olmsted. Sanitary Commission. 1890. (32) HOSPITALS AND CHARITIES— Continued. Potter. Reminiscences of field hospital service with the Army of the Potomac. 1889. Stille. History of the Sanitary Commission. U. S. Sanitary Commission. Hospital transports. 1863. U. S. A. War Department. Medical statistics. 1875. WooLSEY. Hospital days. 1870. WoBMELEY. other side of the war. 1889. MILITARY SOCIETIES AND THEIR PUBLICATIONS Abmy reunions, Chicago. 1868. AuBiN. Register of the M. 0. L. L. U. S. 1906. Fibst Maine Cavalky Association. Record of proceedings. 1872-82. FiBST reunion of the Army of the Tennessee and its four corps. 1892. Grand Army of the Republic. Lafayette post and the flag. 1899. Grand of the Rkpubuc. Department of New Jersey, proceedings and roll lOth annual encampment. 1907. Grand Army of the Republic. Records of members of the G. A. R. 1886. Hamebsly Co. Companions of the Loyal Legion. 1901. Hamebsly, pub. Companions of the Loyal Legion. Ed. 2. 1901. Maine Association. Maine bugle. 7 vol. 1890-98. Mimtaby Historical Society of Massachusetts. Papers. Vol. 1-6, 10-12. 1895-1906. M. O. L. L. U. S. Address of Gen. Hayes. 1885. ClBCULABS OF COMMANDERY IN ChIEF. Constitution and by-lav/s. 1881, 1885, 1889, 1893, 1897, 1901, 1905. Digest of decisions. 1865-1889. Twenty-fifth anniversary. 1865-90. Papers. Vol. 1-4. California Commandery. Circulars. No. 1-. 1882-. Pocket register. 1898. Register. 1883, 1886, 1888. Song book. 1899. Colorado Commandery. Circulars. No. 1-. 1887-. Pocket register. 1898-1900. District of Columbia Commandery. Circulars. No. 1-. 1882-. Register. 1884-85, 1891, 1894, 1898. Necrology. 1882-85. Illinois Commandery. Albums of companions. 5 vol. Albums of generals. 1861-65. 5 vol. Album portraits of companions. 1892. (33) MILITARY SOCIETIES AND THEIR PUBLICATIONS— Continued. Illinois Commandeby. Banquets to Lieut. Gen. Sheridan. Circulars. No. 1-. 1879-. Essays and papers. 6 vol. 1880-98. List of members. 1882, 1890. Memorials of deceased comi)anious. 1879-1901. Military essays and recollections. Vol. 1-4. 1891-99. Register. 1886, 1896. Register. 1879-1900. Songs. 1883. I.NDI.VNA COMMAMDEKY, Circulars. No. 1-. 18S8-. Organization of the Indiana connnandcry. 1888. Pocket roster. 1897, 1900. Register. 1894, 1900. War papers. Vol. 1-. 1S9S. Iowa Com.mandeky. Circulars. No. 1-. 1SS6-. Pocket register. 1897, 1S99, 1901. Register of the commandery. 1888-89. Songs. 1887. War sketches and incidents. Vol. 1-2. 1893-98. Kansas Commaxdery. Circulars. No. 1-. 1886-. Register. 1888-92, 1894-1900. War talks in Kansas. Vol. 1-. 1906. Maine Cojimandery. Circulars. No. 1-. 1SS1-. Roll of members. 1885, 1894. War papers. Vol. 1. 1S9S. Vol. 2. 1902. Vol. 3. 1908. Massachusetts Commanury. Circulars. No. 158-. 1S79-. Civil War papers. Vol. 1-2. 1900. List of members. 1881, 1894. Register. 1882, 1891, 1900. Michigan Cojimanueky. Circulars. No. 1-. 1SS5-. Register of members. 1SSS-S9. 1897. Songs. 1892. War papers. Vol. 1-2. 1S93-9S. Minnesota Comm.\ndeey. Banquet, February 12, 1901. Circulars. No.l-. 1S85-. Glimpses of the nation's struggle. Vol. 1-4. 1887- Register. 1887, 1892, 1895, 1S37, 1900. (34) MILITARY SOCIETIES AND THEIR PUBLICATIONS— Continued. Minnesota Commandery. Songs. 1886. Missouri Commanderv. Circulars. No. 1-. 18S5-. Register of companions. 1S8G, 1889. 1890-98. Songs. 18S7. 1905. War papers and personal reminiscences. Vol. 1-. 1892. Nebraska Commandery. Circulars. No. 1-. 1885-. Civil War sketches and incidents. Vol. 1-. 1902-. Pocket register. 1893. 1898. Register. 1888, 1890. New York Commandery. Circulars. No. 1-. 1SG7-. Original and selected songs. ? editions. Personal recollections of the Rebellion. Vol. 1-3. 1891-97-1907. Register. 18Ci;-1901. Roster, January 17, 1866, to March 10, 1906. 1906. Ohio Commandery. Album. 1893. Catalogue of the library. 1901. Circulars. No. 1-. 1SS3-. Papers. Vol. 1-. 1885-. Proceedings of the annual dinner. No. 1-3, 6, 15, 17. 1884-86. 1889, 1898, 1901. Register. 1883-93. Sketches of war history. Vol. 1-G. lSSS-1908. Oregon Com.mandeuy. Circulars. No. 1-. 18S5-. Pocket register. 1890-1901. Register. 1887-88. Pennsylvania Commandery. Circulars. No. 65-. 1879-. Membership roll. 1865-91. 3 vol. Register. April 15, 186o-Septeraber 1, 1907. Song book. 1883, 1886, 1890, 1896, 1900, 1902. Vermont Commandery. Circulars. No. 1-. 1891-. Washington Commandery. Circulars. No. 1-. 1890-. Register of officers and companions. 1896-97. Wisconsin Commandery. Circulars. No. 3-. 1880-. Pocket register. 1898-1901. Register. 1886. (35) MILITARY SOCIETIES AND THEIR PUBLICATIONS-Continued. Wisconsin Commandeby. War papers. Vol. 1-3. 1891-96. Parsons. Patriotic roster, LaSalle Co., 111. 1899. Parsons. Patriotic roster, Livingston Co., 111. 1899. Reunion Society of Vermont Okkkers. Proceerlings. Vol. 1-21. 1864-84. Rhode Island Soldiers and Sailors Historical Society. Personal narra- tives of the Rebellion. 9 vols. 1878-. Society of the Army of the Cumberland. Reunion. No. 1-. 1868-. Society of the Army of the James. Report of the proceedings of the triennial reunions. No. 1-3. 1868-74. Society of the Army of the Potomac. Report of the annual reunion. No. 2-. Society of the Army of the Tennessee. Meeting. No. 1-. 1866- - Society of the Army of the Tennessee. Sherman statue commission. 1896. Southern Historical Society. Papers. Vol. 1-21. 1876-93. Souvenir of the dedication of the Soldiers and Sailors' monument. Ulysses S. Grant Post at Elmwood cemetery, Chicago. 1903. Third Brigade Association. Record. 1894. Third Brigade Association. Record 3rd brigade, 1st division, 5th army corps. No. 1-3. 1893-99. United States Military Academy, West Point. Association of the grad- uates. Annual reunion. No. 32-35. 1900-04. NAVAL HISTORY see NAVY OF THE UNITED STATES. NEGRO TROOPS Califf. Record of the 7th regiment U. S. C. T. 1878. Cowden. 59th U. S. C. infantry. 1883. Forty-third regiment U. S. C. T. 1866. HiGGiNSON. Army life in a black regiment. 18S2. U, S. A. War Department. Infantry tactics for colored troops. 18G3. Williams. Negro troops in the Rebellion. 1888. Wilson. Black phalanx. 1888. POETRY Browne, eil. Bugle echoes. 1SS6. Bugle call. 1886. Jack Morgan songster. 1864. Fogle, ed. Standard selections for male voices. 1889. GiFFE, ed. New male quartet book. 1895. Halpine. Poetical works. 1869. Jones. Twenty army ballads. 1882. Mason. Southern poems of the war. 1SG7. (36) POETRY— Continued. Moore, ed. Lj-rics of loj'alty. 1SG4. Moore, ed. Personal and political ballads. 1864. Moore, ed. Songs of the soldiers. 1S64. Rifle shots. 18G2. Sherwood. Camr-fire and other poems. 1885. Sonus of love and liberty, by a North Carolina lady. 18C4. Songs we used to sing. 1891. War lyrics. 1866. War songs. 1883. PRISON LIFE Abbott. Prison life in the South. 1866. Barbiere. Scraps from the prison table. 1868. BoGGS. Prisoner under the rebel flag. 1889. Booth. Dark days of the Rebellion. 1897. Braun. Andersonville. 1892. BuBSON. Race for liberty. 1867. Cavada. Prison life in Richmond. 1865. Connecticut Andersonville Monument Commission. Dedication of the monument at Andersonville, Ga., October 23, 1907, to the men of Connecticut who suffered in Southern military prisons. 1908. Cooper. In and out of rebel prisons. 1888. Corcoran. Gen. Corcoran's captivity. 1865. Davidson. Fourteen months in southern prisons. 1865. Davis. Andersonville. 1890. DowLiNQ. Southern prisons. 1870. Drake. Fast and loose in Dixie. 1880. Ely. Journal in Richmond. 1862. EsTABROOKS. Adrift in Dixie. 1866. Ferguson. Life-struggles in rebel prisons. 1865. Fort La Fayette Ltee. 1865. FosDicK. Rebel prisons. 1887. Geer. Beyond the lines. 1S64. Glazier. Capture, prison pen and escape. 1867. Goss. Soldier's story. 1871. Grigsby. Smoked Yank. 1891. Hamllx. Martyria; or, Andersonville prison. 1866. Harris. Prison life at Richmond. 1862. Havves. Cahaba; or, A story of the boys in olue. 1888. Howard. American bastiles. 1863. Howe. Adventures of an escaped Union soldier from Andersonville prison In 1864. 1886. Hyde. Captive of war. 1900. IsHAM, DA\^DS0N and Furness. Prisoners of war and military prisons. 1890. , (37) PRISON LIFE— Continued. Jeftbkt. Richmond prisons. 1861-62. 1893. Johnston. Four months in Libby. 1864. Jones. Prisoners of war. 1S7C. Keiley. In vJnculis. 1860. Keixey. What I saw and suffered in rebel prisons. 1868. Kei.logu. Life and death in rebel prisons. 1865. Kino. Three hundred days in a Yankee prison. 1904. Lawbince. Border and bastile. Long. Twelve months in Andersonville. 1887. McElboy. Andersonville. 1879. Mabshaix. American bastile. 1869. MoBAN. Bastiles of the Confederacy. 1S90. MuBBAY. History of confinement at Andersonville. Newlin. Prison escape. 1887. Newlin. Prison escapes. 1889. NoTT. Prison camps. 1865. Oats. Prison life in Dixie. 1880. Old capltol and its inmates, by a lady. 1867. Page. True story of Andersonville. 1908. Ransom. Andersonville diary. 1881. Roach. Prisoner of war. 1887. Sabbe. Prisoner of war. 1865. SiCHWABTZ. 22 months a prisoner of war. 1892. Spenceb. Andersonville prison. 186C. Stevenson. Southern side; or, Andersonville Prison. 1870. United States Sanitaey Commission. Narrative of prisoners of war. 1864. United States Sanitary Commission. Photos of Union soldiers after their return from Belle Isle. Ubba.n. Battlefield and prison pen. 1882. REGIMENTAL HISTORIES Fallon. List of synonyms of organizations in the volunteer service of the U. S. 1861-65. 1885. Haskin. History of the 1st regiment of artillery. 1821-70. 1879. Alabama. Alabama, by Brewer. 1872. 1st infantry. History of the 1st regiment Alabama infantry, by McMorris. 1904. 60th infantry. fiOth Alabama, by Shaver. 1867. Abkansas. With the light guns in 'G1-'C5. 1903. COLOKADO. Colorado volunteers in the Civil War, by Whitford. 1906. 2nd iufantiy. Three years and a half in the army, by Williamik. 1885. ' (38) REGIMENTAL HISTORIES-Coniinued. Connecticut. Annals of Norwich, by Dana. 1873. Military aud civil history of Connecticut, by Crotfut and Morris. 18GS. New Haven Grays. 1816-76, by Lucke. 1876. 1st artilleiy. Uoster of the 1st Conn, heavy artillery. Histori- cal sketch and present address of members, by Bennett. iBt artillery. Our first year of army life, by W. 1SC2. 2nd artillery. 19th C. V. Afterwards the 2nd C. V. A., by Vaill. 1868. iBt light battery. History of the 1st light battery Connecticut volun- teers, by Bucher. 1901. 5th infantry. 5th Conn, regiment. 1889. 6th infantry. 6th regiment Conn, volunteers, by Cadwell. 1875. 7th infantry. History of the 7th Conn, volunteer infantry, by Walkley. 1905. 9th infantry. History of the 9th regiment C. V., by Murray. 1903. 10th infantry. Knightly soldier, by Trumbull. 1871. 13th infantry. History of the 13th Conn, volunteers, by Sprague. 1867. 14th infantry. Dunn Browne in the armj-, by Fiske. 1866. 14th infantry. History of the 14tli regiment Conn, volunteer in- fantry. 1906. 14th infantry. Souvenir of the 14th C. V. Excursion to Battle- fields and reunion at Antietani, September, 1891. 1893. 15th infantry. History of the 15th Conn, volunteers, by Thorpe. 1893. 16th infantry. History of the 16th Conn, volunteers, by Blakeslee. 1876. 18th Infantry. History of the ISth regiment Conn, volunteers, by Walker. 1885. 20th infantry. History of the 20tn Conn, volunteers, by Storrs. 1886. 2l3t infantry. Story of the 21st regiment Conn, volunteers. 1900. 22nd Infantry. .Journal of incidents connected with the travels of the 22nd regiment Conn, volunteers, by Waters. 1863. 25th infantry. 25th regiment battlefields revisited, by McManus. 1896. 27th Conn, volunteers, by Sheldon. 1866. 27th infantry. Delaware. ist Infantry. iBt infantry. Four years in the war, by Murphy. 1S6C. 1st Delaware infantry. 1SS4. (39) REGIMENTAL HISTORIES— Continued. Georgia. Chatham artillery. 1st Infantry. 6th infantry. 11th infantry. Sketch of the Chatham artillery, by Jones. 1867. Reminiscences of service with the 1st volunteer regiment of Georgia, by Olmstead. 1879. 6th Georgia infantry, by Green. 1870. History of the 11th Georgia volunteers, embracing the muster rolls, by Warren. 1863. Soldier's story of his regiment, by Nichols. 1898. 61st infantry. Illinois. Fifteen years ago; or, The patriotism of Will Co., by Woodruff Patriotism of Illinois, by Eddy. 2 vol. 18G5-66. Sketches of Illinois officers, by Wilson. 1862. 1876. 1st artillery. McAllister's battery, by McAllister. 1895. 1st artillery. History of Battery "A" Chicago light artillery, by Kimball. 1899. Artillery. Historical sketch of the Chicago Board of Trade battery. 1902. 8th cavalry. History of the 8th cavalry reg. 111. volunteers, by Hard. 1868. 9th cavalry. History of the 9th 111. cavalry, by Davenport. 1889. 14th cavalry. History of the 14th 111. cavalry, by Sanford. 1898. 7th infantry. History of the 7th 111. Inf'y., by Ambrose. 1868. 10th infantry. Memoirs of the war, by Wilson. 1893. 11th infantry. Proceedings of the first reunion, by Parker. 1875. 13th infantry. History of the 13th 111. infantry. 1892. 14th infantry. 14th Illinois infantry, by Dugan. 1863. 16th infantry. 16th HI. vet. vol. infantry, by Gash. 1887. 31st infantry. Proceedings of the 31st 111. inf. assoc. Annual ad- dress, by Pearson. 1890. 31st infantry. History of 31st regiment Illinois volunteers. 1902. 32nd infantry. Marching through Georgia, by Hadley. 1885. 33rd infantry. Army life, by Marshall. 1884. 33rd infantry. History of the 33rd III. infantry, by Elliott. 1902. 34th infantry. History of the 34th regiment Illinois infantry, by Payne. 1902. 36th infantry. History 36th regiment 111. volunteers, by Bennett and Haigh. 1876. 39th infantry. 39th regiment III. volunteer veteran infantry (Yates Phalanx), by Clark. 1889. 45th infantry. 45th 111. infantry, by Adair. 1869. 46th infantry. Complete history of the 46th Illinois volunteer infantry, by .Tones, n. d. 46th infantry. Complete history of the 46th Illinois veteran volunteer infantry. 1866. (4Q) Illinois. 47th infantry. 50th infantry. 52nd infantry. 55th infantry. 57th infantry. 59th infantry. 59th infantry. 73rd infantry. 73rd infantry. 74th infantry. 75th infantry. 77th infantry. 81st. infantry. 84th infantry. 85th infantry. 86th infantry. 89th infantry. 92nd infantry. 93rd infantry. 95th infantry. 96th infantry. 96th infantry. 102nd infantry. 103rd infantry. 103rd infantry. 104th infantry. 112th infantry. 115th infantry. 124th infantry. REGIMENTAL HISTORIES-Contihued. Bugle echoes, by Brynes. 1905. History of the 50th regiment Illinois volunteer in- fantry, by Hubert. 1894. 52nd Illinois vols., by Swaddling. 1868. Story of the 55th 111. Infantry. 1887. History of the 57th regt. 111. vet. vol. infantry, by Cluett. 1886. Episodes of the Civil War, by Herr. 1890. History of the 59th 111. regt., by Lathrop. 1865. History of the 73rd 111. vol. inf. 1890. Minutes of proceedings of the 11th annual reun- ion, 1897. Campaigns of 74th Illinois volunteer infantry, by society of the 74th Illinois vol. infantry. 1908. Waif of the war, by Dodge. 1866. 77th 111. volunteers, by Bentley. 1883. Experience in the war, by a soldier. 1880. History of the 84th reg't. 111. vols., by Simmons. 1866. The 85th Illinois volunteer, by Aten. 1901. History of the 86th reg't. 111. vol., by Kinnear. 1866. Organization of the 89th Illinois vol. inf. reun- ion association. 1886. 92nd 111. volunteers. 1875. History of the 93rd regiment Illinois volunteer in- fantry, by Dunbar. History 95th regiment 111. inf. vols., by Wood. 1865. 96th regiment 111. inf. vol. reception. 1890 and 1893. History of the 96th regiment 111. vol. inf. 1887. History of the 102nd 111. infantry volunteers, by Fleharty. 1865. Life of an Illinois soldier, by Wills. 1906. Reminiscences of the Civil War. 1904. flistory of the 104th regiment 111. volunteer infan- try, by Calkins. 1895. History 112th regt. 111. vol. Inf., by Thompson. 1885. 115th regiment Illinois infantry volunteers, by Royse. 1900. History of the 124th 111. infantry, by Howard. 1880. (41) Indiana. Star corps, by Roll of Honor, Indiana in the 11th battery. 7th cavalry. 9th cavalry. Gth infantry, tith infantry. 6th infantry. 12th infantry. 21st infantry. 22nd infantry. 27th infantry, iilst infantry. ?.3rd infantry. 26th infantry. 37th infantry. 38th infantry. 44th infantry. 46th infantry. 51st infantry. 57th infantry. 58th itifantry. 68th infantry. 70th infantry. 72nd infantry. 75th infantry. 79th infantry. 81st infantry. 82nd infantry. 83rd infantry. ddth infantry. REGIMENTAL HISTORIES-Goniinued. Bradley. 1865. by Stevenson. Vol. 1. 1864. war of the Rebellion. 1869. History 11th Indiana battery, by Otto. 1891. History of the 7th Ind. cnvalry volunteers, bv Cogley. 1876. 9th cavalry. 121st regiment Indiana volunteers, by Comstock. 1890. History of the 6th regt. Ind. vols., by Briant. 1891. Spirit of 1861, by Grayson. History of the 6th regiment Indiana voltinteer In fantry, by Doll. 1905. From Vicksburg to Raleigh, by Gage. 1805. Miscellaneous writings, by Harding. 1882. 22nd Ind. inf.. by Marshall. 1884. 27th Indiana, by Brown. 1899. History of the 31st regiment of Indiana volunteer infantry, by Smith. 1900. Regimental history 33rd Indiana volunteers, by McBride. 1900. Story of the 36th regiment, by Grose. 1891. History of the 37th regiment Indiana infantry vol unteers, by Puntenney. 1896. How soldiers were made, by Scribner. 1887. History of the 44th Ind. vol. infantry, by Rerick, 1880. History of the 46th regt. I. V. I. 1888. History of the 51st Indiana veteran volunteer in fantry, by Hartpence. 1894. Annals of the 57th Ind. vols., by Kerwood. 1808 History of the 58th Ind. vols., by Hight. 1895. History of the OSth Indiana infantry, 1862-65, by High. 1902. The 70th Indiana vol. inf., by Merrill. 1900. History of the 72nd regt. Ind. vols., by McGee i882. History of the 75th Ind. vols., by Floyd. 1893. Civil War times, by Howe. 1902. History of the 81st regiment Indiana volunteer in fantry, by Morris. 1901. History of the S2nd regiment Indiana volunteers by Hunter. 1893. History of the 83rd regiment Indiana volunteei infantry, by Grecian. 1865. History of the 99th Ind. infantry, by Lucas. 1865 (42) REGIMENTAL HISTORIES-Cominued. ?n)IANA. 300th infantry. .Marches and battles of the 100th Ind. infantry, hy Sherlock. 1896. nnth infantry. See Armies. Brigades, Divisions and C'orp.s. Old Persimmon Brigade, by King. OWA. Iowa and the Rebellion, by IngersoU. 186G. Iowa colonels and regiments, by Stuart. 1865. Iowa in war times, by Byers. 1SS8. 1st cavalry. 2nd cavalry. 4th cavalry. 6th cavaliy. 2nd infantry. 3rd infantry. Tth infantry. 12th infantry. 15ta infantry. 20th infantry. 21st infantry. 2l8t infantry. 22nd infantry. 33rd infantry. 34th infantry. Kansas. Cth cavalry. History of the 1st Iowa cavalry veteran volunteers, by Lothrop. 1890. History of the 2nd Iowa cavalry, by Pierce. ISG't. Story of a cavalry regiment, by Scott. 1893. Three years among the Indians in Dakota, by Drips. 1894. Tramps and triumphs of the 2nd Iowa infantry, by Bell. 1886. Recollections with the 3rd Iowa regifnent, by Thompson. 1864. History of the Tth Iowa veteran volunteer infantry, by Smith. Campaigns and battles of the 12th regiment Iowa veteran volunteer infantry, by Reed. 1903. llisiory of the loth Iowa volunteers. 1887. Recollections of field service, by Barney. 1865. 21si regimeui Iowa volunteer infantry, by Crooke. 1891. 21st regt. Iowa volunteer infantry, by Crooke. 1889. Reminiscences of the 22nd Iowa volunteer infan- try, by Jones. 1907. History of the 33rd Iowa infantry, by Sperry. 1866. 34th Iowa regiment, by Clark. 1892. Memoirs of the Rebellion on the border, by Brit- ton. 1882. Kentucky. History of the 1st Kentucky brigade, by Thompson. 1868. Confed- erate. Union regiments of Kentucky. 1897. Ist cavalry. History of the Ist Kentucky cavalry, by Tarrant. 1894. 8th infantry. History of the Sth Kentucky infantry volunteera, by Wright. 1880. (43) Letters from the army, by Stevenson. Checkered life, by Joyce. 1883. 1886. REGIMENTAL MISTORIES-Continued. Kentucky. 22nd infantry. 24th infantry. Louisiana. Soldier's story of the war including the marches and battles of the Washington artillery and of other Louisiana troops. 1874. "Washington artillery. In camp and battles, by Owen. 1885. 1st infantry. Letters from a soldier's diary, by Smith. 1906. 3rd infantry. southern record. The history of the 3rd regiment Louisiana infantry, by Tunnard. 186C. 26th infantry. Story of the 26th Louisiana infantry, by Hall. Maine. Eastern Maine in the Rebellion, by Stanley. 1887. Maine in the war for the Union, by Whitman and True. 1865. 4th battery. History of the 4th Maine battery light artillery. 1905. 7th battery, 7th Maine battery, by Twitchell. 1892. 1st heavy artillery. 1st Maine heavy artillery, by Shaw. 1903. 1st cavalry. Campaigns of the 1st Maine and 1st D. C. cavalry, by Merrill. 1866. 1st cavalry. 1st Maine cavalry, by Tobie. 1887. 2nd cavalry. Story of Gen. A. B. Spurling and 2nd Maine cav- alry, by Roberts. 1904. Srd infantry. Sword of honor, by Johnson. 1906. 5th infantry. Memorial and letters, by Adams. 1890. 5th infantry. History of the 5th Maine regt., by Bicknell. 1871. 7th infantry. Following the Gr,eek Cross, by Hyde. 1894. 11th infantry. Company D of the 11th regiment Maine infantry volunteers, by Maxwell and Brady. 1890. 11th infantry. Story of the 11th Maine regiment. 1896. 13th infantry. Story of the Maine 13th, by Lufldn. 1898. 16th infantry. History of the 16th Maine, by Small. 1886. 17th infantry. Campaigns of the 17th Maine, by Houghton. 1866. 19th infantry. 19th Maine infantry. 1878. 20th infantry. Reminiscences of the war, by Gerrish. 1882, 21st infantry. Historic record and complete biographical roster 21st Me. vols. 1907. 26th infantry. History of the 26th Maine regiment, by Maddocks. 1899. 27th infantry. 27th Maine, by Stone. 1895. 29th infantry. History of the lst-10th-29th Maine regiments, by Gould. 1871. 32nd Infantry. Historical sketch 32nd Maine regiment, by Hous- ton. 1903. (44) REGIMENTAL HISTORIES -Continued. Makylaxd. Maryland line C. S. A., by Goidsborough. 1869. 1st cavalry. Comrades, by Rich. 1898. Cole's cavalry; or, 3 years in the saddle in the Shenandoah valley, by Newcomer. 1895. 1st infantry. 1st Maryland inf., by Camper and Kirkley. 1871. Massachusetts. History of Massachusetts in the Civil War, by Schouler. 2 vol. 1868-71. Massachusetts in the war, by Bowen. 1889. Massachusetts in the Rebellion, by Headley. 186G. Record of Andover in the Rebellion, by Raymond. 1875. History of Worcester in the war of the Rebellion, by Marvin. 1870. 1st battery. Story of the 1st Mass. light battery, by Bennett. 1886. 9th battery. 9th Mass. battery, by Baker. 1888. 10th battery. 10th Mass. battery, by Billings. 1881. 1st cavalry. History of the 1st regiment Mass. cavalry, by Crowninshield. 1891. 3rd cavalry. 3rd Massachusetts cavalry, by Ewer. 1903. 1st infantry. Ist Mass. regiment by Cudworth. 1866. 2nd infantry. W^ar diary of events in the great Rebellion, by Gordon. 1885. 2nd infantry. Potomac and the Rapidan, by Quint. 1864. 2nd infantry. Record of the 2nd Massachusetts infantry, by Quint. 1867. 5th infantry. History of the 5th regt. M. V. M., by Robinson. 1879. 6th infantry. 6th Mass. regiment, by Hanson. 1866. 7th infantry. History of the 7th regt. Mass. volunteer infantry, by Hutchinson. 1890. 9th infantry. Irish 9th in bivouac and battle, by MacNamara 1867. 10th infantry. . "Ours" annals of the 10th Mass. infantry, by Newell. 1875. 11th infantry. Three years in the army, by Blake. 1865. 12th infantry. History of the 12th Mass. vols., by Cook. 1882. 13th infantry. Three years in the army. 13th Mass. vol., by Davis. 1894. 15th infantry. 15th Massachusetts infantry in the war of the Re- bellion, by Ford. 1898. 19th infantry. History of the 19th regiment Mass. volunteer in- fantry. 1906, 20th infantry. 20th regiment of Mass. volunteer infantry, by Bruce. 1906. (45) RlASBACHrSETTS. 20th infantry. 21st infanliy. 22nd infantry. 2or(l infautiy. 2;jitl infantry. 21 111 infantry. j^lh infantjy. 25th infantry. 25th infantry. 25th infantry. 27th infantry. 29th infantry. 31st infantry. 32nd infantry. 3ord infantry. 33rd infantry. 31th infantry. 34th infant ly. 35th infantry. 36th infantry. 37th infantry. 3Sth infantry. 42nd infantry. 4Crd infantry. 44th infantry. 44th infantry. 45th infantry. 45th infantry. 4Sth infantry. REGIMENTAL HISTORIES— Continued. Letters from a surgeon of the Civil War, by Perry. 1906. 21st regiment Mass. vols., by Wakott. 1882. Henry Wilson's legiraent, by Parker. 1887. Record of the 23rd regiment Mass. vol. infantry, by Emmerton. 1886. Story of Co. F, 23rd Mass. volunteers, by Valentine. 1896. 21th regiment Mass. volunteers. 1907. Captured scout, by Trumbull. 1869. My diary, by Day. ISSl. Story of Company A 25th reg't. Mass. vols., by Putnam. 1886. AVearing the blue in the 25th Mass. volunteer in- fantry, by Denny. 1879. Bearing arms, by Derby. 1883. History of the 29th Mass. regiment, by Osborjie. 1877. Report of Mass. Adjutant General on 31st Mass. and 3rd Mass. cavalry. 1862-65. Story of the 32d Mass. infantry, by Parker. 1880. Record of the 33rd Mass. volunteer infantry, by Boies. 1880. 33rd Mass. reg., by Underwood. 1881. 34th Mass. infantry in the of the Rebellion, by Lincoln. 1879. Soldier's offering, by Clark. 1875. History of the 35th regiment Mass. vols. 1884. History of the 36th regiment Mass. vols. 1884. History of the 37th regiment Mass. vols., by Bowen. 1884. 38th Mass. regiment, by Powers. 1866. History of the 42nd regiment Mass. vols., by Bos- son. 1886. History of the 13rd regiment M. V. :M., 1862-63, by Rogers. 1883. Record of the 44th Mass. 1863. Letters from the 44th regiment, by Haines. 1863. 43th Mass. vols. 1882. History of the 45th regiment Mass. volunteer militia, by Mann. 1908. History of the 4Sth regiment M. V. J.I. during the Civil War, by Plummer. 1907. (46) MASSACnrSETTS. 49th Infantry. 50th infantry. REGIMENTAL HISTORIES— Continued. Life with the -I'Jth Mass. vols., by Johns. 1864. History of the 50th regiment of infantry, by Stevens. 1907. Company C, 51st regiment M. V. M., by Pierce. 1886. Color-guard, by Hosmer. 1SG4. Brave black regiment, by Emilio. 1891. r.-'ith Mass. vols. 1S6S. History of the 57th Mass. vols., by Amlorson. 189G. 51st infantry. 52nd infantry. 54th infantry. 55th infantry. 57th infantry. Jlicinc.w. Michigan Adjutant Generals. Ilecortl of service of Michigan volun- teers in the Civil War. 46 vol. n. d. Flags of Michigan. 1877. lied Book of Michigan, by Lannian. 1871. 2nd cavalry. 5tb cavalry. 7th cavalry. 7th cavalry. 10th cavalry. ord infantry. 4tli infant ly. Gth infantry. 7th infantry. 17th infantry. 1884. by Hundred battles of the West, by 1 hatcher, Personal reminiscences, by Harris. 1897. 7th regiment Michigan volunteer cavalry, Isham. Personal and historical sketches of the 7th regi- ment Michigan volunteer cavalry, by Lee. n. d. Brief history of the 10th Michigan cavalry, by Trowbridge. 1905. Four years in the army of the Potomac, by Crolty. 1874. Old 4th Michigan infantry, by Barrett. 1888. Among the cotton thieves, by Bacon. 1807. Souvenir of the 7th, by Tivy. n. d. Recollections of the East Tennessee campaign, by Brcarley. 1871. Soldier's diary, by Lane. 1905. 24th Michigan of the Iron brigade, by Curtis. 1891. 17th infantry. 24th infantry. Ml.N.NESOlA. Minnesota in the Civil War and The Indian War 2 vol. 1890-93. 2nd infantry. Story of a regiment, by Bishop. 1890. 2nd infantry. Drummer boy's diary, by Bircher. 1889. 4th infantry. History of the 4th regiment Minn, infantry volun- teers, by Brown. 1892. tjth infantry. History of Company E of the 6th Minnesota regi- ment of volunteer infantry, by Hill. 1899. 15th infantry. Story of the 15th Minnesota volunteer infantry, by Turner. 1899. Missihsiri'i. 16th infantry. Veteran's story, by Lightsey. 1899. Ml.SSOUKI. Battles and biographies of Missourians, by Webb. 1900. (47) REGIMENTAL HISTORIES-Continued. MissorBr. Confederate 1st and 2nd Missouri brigades, by Bevier. 1879. 25th infantry. History of the Missouri engineers and 25th in- fantry, by Neal. 1889. 26th infantry. 2Cth Missouri vol. inf., by Dean. 1892. New Hampsiiiue. Claremont war history, by Waite. 1868. New Hampshire in the Rebellion, by Waite. 1870. 1st infantry. 1st N. H. regiment, by Abbott. 1890. 2nd infantry. 2nd New Hampshire regiment, by Haynes. 1896. 3rd infantry. 3rd New Hampshire volunteers, by Eldredge. 1893. 4th infantry. Roster, lSGl-1865. 1896. 5th infantry. 5th New Hampshire regiment. 1893. 6th infantry. History of the 6th regiment New Hampshire vol- unteers, by Jackman. 1891. 7th infantry. History of the 7th New Hampshire volunteers, by Little. 1896. 8th infantry. Roster 8th New Hampshire volunteers. 8th infantry. ' History of the 8th regiment New Hampshire vol- unteers, by Stanyan. 1892. 9th infantry. History of the ninth regiment New Hampshire volunteers, by Lord. 1895. lltn infantry. History of the 11th New Hampshire volunteers, by Cogswell. 1891. 12th infantry. 12th New Hampshire regiment, by Bartlett. 1897. 13th infantry. 13th New Hampshire volunteers, by Thompson. 1888. 14th infantry. 14th regiment memorial. 1882. 15th infantry. History of the 15th regiment New Hampshire vol- unteers, by McGregor. 1900. 16th infantry. History of the IGth regiment New Hampshire vol- unteers, by Townsend. 1897. 17th infantry. History of the 17th New Hampshire infantry. 1898. New Jebsey. New Jersey and the Rebellion, by Foster. 1868. New Jersey troops in the Gettysburg campaign, by Toombs. 1888. 1st artillery. History of battery B, 1st New Jersey artillery, by Hanifen. 1905. 1st cavalry. History of the 1st Ne wJersey cavalry, by Pym. 1871. 9th infantry. History of 9th New Jersey veteran volunteers, by Drake. 1889. 9th infantry. Complete and comprehensive history of the 9th regiment New Jersey volunteer infantry, by Everts. 1865. (48) . - - . I New Jeiset. 9th Infantry. 9th Infantry. 11th infantry. 13th infantry. 13th infantry. 13th infantry. 13th infantry. 15th infantry, 201 h infantry. 24th infantry. 24th infantry. 37th infantry. New York. New Yorl< in 2nd artillery. 2nd artillery. 4th artillery. 5th artillery. 8th artillery. 9th artillery. 10th artillery. 1st battery. 4th battery. 11th battery. 24th battery. 1st cavalry. 1st cavalry. 2nd cavalry. 5th cavalry. REGIMENTAL HISTORIES— 0>nHoa*d. Eight days with the confederates, by Runyan. 1896. Report of the New Jersey commission for erection of a monument to 9th New Jersey volunteers at New Berne. N. C. 1905. History of the 11th New Jersey volunteers, by Marbaker. 1S9S. History of Company D, 13th regiment, New Jersey volunteers. 1S75. Rcminisrencps of the war, by Toombs. 1878. Newark soldier in the Civil War, by Ritchie. 1903. Young volunteer, by Crowell. 1906. History of the 15th regiment New Jersey volun- teers, by Haines. 1883. Awhile with the blue, by Borton. 1S98. On the parallels, by Borton. 1903. History of the 24th regiment New Jersey volun- teers,. by Reeves. 1889. Epitome of the 37th regiment New Jersey volun- teers, by Rodgers. the war of the Rebellion, by Pliistirer. 1890. Drum taps in Dixie, by Miller. 1905. Flushing battery, by Koemer. 1897. Heavy guns and light, by Kirk. 1890. More than conqueror. Memorials of Col. Kltching. 1873. Historical roll of Company D, Sth regiment New York heavy artillery, by Hudnut. 1887. 9th New York heavy artillery, by Roe. 1899. History of the lOth regiment New York heavy artillery, by Webb. 1887. 1st New York independent battery of light artil- lery. 1886. A famous battery and its campaigns, by Smith. 1892. Recollections of a private soldier, by Wilkeson. 1898. 24th New York battery, by Merrill. 1870. Boots and saddles, by Stevenson. 1879. 1st New Y'ork (Lincoln) cavalry, by Beach. 1902. Three years in the Federal cavalry, by Glazier. 1873. 5th New York cavalry, 1st Ira Harris Guard, by Boudrye, 1865. (49) New York. 6th cavalry. 7th cavalry. 8th cavalry. 8th cavalry. 9th cavalry. 9th cavalry. 10th cavalry. 11th cavalry. 15th cavalry. l8t dragoons. 5th infantry. 6th infantry. 7th infantry. 9th infantry. 9th infantry. 10th infantry. 12th infantry. 13th infantry. 16th infantry. 19th infantry. 21st infantry. 22nd infantry. 22nd infantry. 23rd infantry. 23rd infantry. 27th infantry. REGIMENTAL HISTORIES— Continued. (jth New York volunteer cavalry, by Foster. 1892. Evolution of a life, by Eyland. 1884. Sketch of the 8th New York cavalry, by Norton 1888. History of the Sth New York volunteer cavalry, by Norton. 1889. Address by Bentley. 1888. History of the 9th New York cavalry, war of 1861-65, by Cheney. 1901. History of the 10th regiment New York volunteer cavalry, by Preston. 1892. Story of "Scott 900" 11th New York cavalry, by Smith. 1897. History of the 15th New York cavalry, by Norton. 1891. History of the 1st New York dragoons, by Bowcn. 1900. 5th New York volunteer infantry. Duryea zou- aves, by Davenport. 1879. History of a volunteer regiment, by Morris. 1891. New York 7th regiment, by Swinton. 1870. Hawkins zouaves, by Whitney. 1866. 9th regiment New York volunteers. (Hawkins zouaves), by Graham. 1900. 10th New York volunteers, National zouaves, by Cowtan. 1882. History of the 12th regiment N. G. S. N. Y., by Dowley, 1869. Little drummer boy, C. D. McKenzie. 1861. From Bull Run to Chaucellorsville, by Curtis. 1906. Cayuga in the field; a record of the 19tli Now York volunteers, 3rd New York artillery anO 45tli New York volunteers, by Hall and Hall. 1873. Chronicles of the New York infantry volunteers, by Mills. 1887. History of the 22nd regiment N. G. N. Y., by Win- gate. 1890. Last campaigns of the 22nd regiment, N. G. S. N. Y. 1863. 1864. Camp fires of the 23rd, by Pound Sterling. 1863. Our campaign around Gettysburg. 1864. History of the 22nd regiment New York volun- teers, by Fairchild. 1888. (50) New Yobk. 28th infantry. 33rd infantry- 34th infantry. 4t;th infantry. 4Sth infantry. 4Sth infantry. [)Gth infantry. 57th infantry. GOth infantry. CStli infantry. GDth infantry. 60th infantry. 71st infantry. 71st infantry. 72nd infantry. 76th infantry. 77th infantry. 79th infantry. SOth infantry. Slst infantry, 83rd infantry. S3rd infantry. y3rd infantry. 93rd infantry. 9 of the 48th regiment New York state volunteers, by Carlton. 1892. Perry's saints, by Nichols. 1886. 48th regiment N. Y. S. V., by Palmer. 1885. Condensed history of the 56th regiment N. Y. veteran volunteer infantry, by Fisk and Blake. 1906. Story of a regiment, by Frederick. 1895. History of the GOth regiment N. Y. S. V., by Eddy. 1864. Gallant captain of the Civil War, by Fritsch. 1902. Irish brigade and its campaigns, by Conyngham. 1869. G9th regiment in peace and war, by Root. 1905. Battlefield of the 71st regiment N. G. S. N. Y., by Telfer. 1864. History of the 71st regiment N. G. S. N. Y., by Whitteniore. 1886. 72ud New York infantry, by Brown. 1902. 7eth New York volunteers, by Smith. 1867. Three years in the Gth corps, by Stevens. 1870. 79th Highlanders, New York volunteers, by Todd. 1886. Ulster guard and the war of the Rebellion, by Gates. 1879. 2nd Oswego regiment, by De Forest. 1861. 9th regiment N. Y. S. M. S3rd New York volun- teers in war and peace, by Hussey. 1SS9. Campaigns of the 9th N. Y. S. M. volunteer in- fantry, by Jacques. 1865. History of the 93rd regiment N. Y. S. volunteer infantiy, by King, Gibbs and Northup. 1S95. War memories, by Robertson. .1895. History of the 97th regiment New York volunteers, •'Conkliug rifles." 1890. 98th New York volunteers, by Kreutzer. 1878. History of 100th New York volunteers, by Stowits. 1870. History of Company I, 103rd N. Y. S. V., 1862-64. 1900. (51) New Yomc. 108th infantry. 112th infantry. 114th infantry. 114th infantry. 114th infantry. 115th infantry. 116th infantry. 117th infantry. 120th infantry. 120th infantry. 124th infantry. 125th infantry. 126th infantry. 127th infantry. 12Sth infantry. 143rd infantry. 149th infantry. 150th infantry. 150th infantry. 152nd infantry. 157th infantry. 159th infantry. 159th infantry. 176th infantry. 179th infantry. lS4th infantry. 189th infantry. REGIMENTAL HISTORIES-Continued. History of the lOSth New York volunteer*, by Washburn. 1S94. History of the 112th regiment, N. Y. V., by Hyde. 1866. Record of the 114th regiment, N. Y. S. V., by Beecher. 1866. History of the 114th regiment, by Pellet. 1866. In war times. 1862-65, by McKee. 1903. Iron hearted regiment, by Clark. 1S65. 116th New York volunteers, by Clark. 1868. History of the 117th New York volunteers, by Mowris. 1866. Fighting Quakers, by Duganne. 1866. 120th New York volunteers, by Van Santwood. 1S94. History of the 124th regiment N. Y. S, V., by Wey- gant. 1877. Regimental history, by Simons. 18S8. Disaster, struggle, triumph, by Willson. 1870. Regimental history 127th New York volunteers, by INIcGrath. History 128th New York volunteer infantry, by Hanaburgh. 1894. 143rd regiment New York volunteer infantry, Sulli- van Co. 1892. Memories of the 149th regiment New York volun- teers, by Collins. 1891. As seen from the ranks, by Benton. 1902. Dutchess county regiment, by Bartlett. 11107. History of the 152nd New York volunteers, by Roback. 1888. Lieutenant Colonel Arrowsmith, by Applegite. 1893. History of the 159th regiment N. i'. S. volunteers by Duffy. 1890. 150th regiment infantry N. Y. State volunteers, by Tiemann. 1891. Camps and prisons, by Duganne. 18C5. History of the 179th regiment N. Y. S. V. 1900. History of the lS4th regiment New York state vol- unteers, by Robinson. 1S95. 189th regiment New York volunteers, by Rogers, 1865. ■\ (52) REGIMENTAL HISTORIES-Cantinued. NOBTH CaBOUNA. North Carolina regiments, lSGl-65, by Clark. 1901. 27th infantry. Guilford grays, by Sloan. 1883. Ohio. Ohio in the war, by Reid. 2 vol. 18G8. lio.ster of the Ohio Veteran Association of Illinois. 1891, Story of the Sherman brigade, by Hinman. 1897. ]st artillery. ]st artillery. 1st cavalry. 2n(l cavalry. l;;ih cavalry. 3rd infantry. 4 til infantry. 0th Infantry. 7th infantry, 71 h infantry. 7th infantry. 8th infantry. 11th infantry, TTth infantry. 14th infantry, 15th infantry. 17th infantry. 19th infantry. 2l8t Infantry. 25th infantry. 29tii Infantry. 29th infantry. 32ud infantry. 32rd Infantry. 35th infantry, 37th infantry. 40th infantry. Battery A, 1st regiment O. V. L. A., by Davidson. 1805. Our battery; or the journal of Company B, 1st O. V. A., by Cutter. 18C4. History 1st Ohio volunteer cavalry, by Curry. 1898. Four years with five armies, by Cause. 1908. History and roster of the 4th and 5th independent battalions and 13th regiment Ohio cavalry volun- teers, by Aston. 1902. Citizens soldier, by Beatty. 1879. 4th Ohio in the war for the Union, by Kepler. 1886. Story of a regiment, by Hannaford, 1868. Company C, by Wilder. 1866. 7th regiment, a record, by Wood. 1865. Itinerary of the 7th Ohio volunteer infantry, by Wilson. 1907. Sth Ohio, by Sawyer. 1881. Roster of the 11th Ohio Infantry MBOClatlon. 1198. 11th Ohio, by Horton and Teverbaugh. 1866. History of the 14th O. V. I., by Chaae. 1881. Diary, by McConnell. 1899. 17th Ohio inf., by De Veiling. 1889. Twin seven-shooters, by Manderson. 1902. History 21st regiment Ohio volunteer infantry, by Canfield. 1893. 25th Ohio, by Culp. 1S85. 29th regiment, O. V. V. I., by SeCheverell. 1883. 29th Ohio at Gettysburg. History of the 32nd regiment O. V. V I by Hayi 1896. 33rd Ohio inf., by Waddle. 1889. History of the 35th Ohio vol. 1894. History of the 37th regiment O. V. V. I. 1890. History of the 40th O. V. V. I., by Beach. 1884, (63) Ohio. 40th Infantry. 41st Infantry. 42nd infantry. 46th Infantry. 48th infantry, C2nd infantry, 63rd infantry. 55th infantry. 73rd infantry, 74th infantry. 78th infantry. 81st infantry. 81st infantry. 94th infantry. 9Gth infantry. 96th infantry. 98th infantry. 101st infantry. 103rd infantry. 103rd infantry. 104th infantry. lOStli infantry. 113th infantry. llGth infantry. 123rd infantry. 124th infantry. 125th infantry. 133rd infantiv. REGIMENTAL HISTORIES-Contioued. Reminiscences of the Chattanooga campaign, by Doan. 1894. 41st Ohio veteran volunteer infantry in the War of the Rebellion, 1861-65, by Kimiierly and Hollo- way. 1897. 42nd O. V. I., by Mason. 1876. Brief history of the 46th Ohio volunteers, by Worthington. 1878. History of Ihe 48t)i O. V. V. inf., by Bering and Montgomery. 1880. Dan MrCook's regiment, 52nd O. V. I., by Stewart. 1900. History of the 53rd Ohio regiment, by Duke. 1900. Trials and Triumphs, by Osborn. 1904. 72)d Ohio V. I., by Hurst. 1866. Creene county in the war, by Owens. 1872. llistoiy of the 78th regiment O. V. V. I., by Steven- son. 1865. History of the 81st Ohio, by Chamberlin. 1865. Corporal's story. Co. C 81st O. V. I., by Wright. 1887. Gallant 94th. Roster of the 96th regiment Ohio volunteer infan- try, by Bartlett. 1895. 96th O. V. I., by Woods. 1874. Letters from the 98th Ohio volunteer infantry, by Branum. 1897. ; Story of a regiment, by Day. 1894, ^ Journal history of the 103rd O, V. I., by Hayes, ' 1872. Personal reminiscences of the 103rd Ohio vol. inf. 104th Ohio inf., by Pinney. 1886. Story of a thousand, by Tourgge. 1896. History of the 113th reg't. Ohio volunteer infan- • try, by McAdams. 1884. " Record of the 116th regiment O. V. I. in the war of the Rebellion, by Wildes. 1884. Military history 123rd O. V. I., by Keyes. 1874. Campaigns of the 124th regiment Ohio volunteer infantry, by Lewis. 1894. Opdyek tigers, 125th O. V. I., by Clark. 1895. 133rd leg't. Ohio volunteer infantry, by Sherman. 1896. (54) J REGIMBNTAL HISTORIES-Contiaued. Pennsylvania. History of Pennsylvania volunteers, by Bates. 5 vol. 1869-71. History of the Pennsylvania reserve corps, by Sypher. ISCi. History of the Philadelphia brigade, by Banes. ISTtJ. Martial deeds of Pennsylvania, by Bates. 1875. Durell's battery. Durell's battery in the Civil War, by Cuffel. 1900. 2nd artillery. History of the 2nd Penn. veteran heavy artillery, by Ward. 1904. 1st cavalry. History of the 1st reg't. Penn. reserve cavalry, by Lloyd. 18(;4. I'.rd cnvnlry. History of the 3rd Penn. cavalry, 60th reg't. Penn. volunteers, by 3rd Pennsylvania Cavalry Associa- tion. 4lh cavalry. History of a cavalry company, by Hyndman. 1870. 4th cavalry. 4th Penn. cavalry. 1891. (ith cavalry. Annals of the 6th Penn. cavalry, by Gracey. 18G8. 7tir cavalry. Sabre strokes in the war, by Dornblaser. 1884. 7th cavalry. History and roster of 7th Penn. cavalry veteran volunteers, n. d. Sth cavalry. List of the battles in which the 8th Penn. cav. par- ticipated, by Carpenter. 1886. b;th infantry. Charge at Chaucellorsville, by Huey. 1883. 11th cavalry. History of the 11th Penn. volunteer cavalry. 1902. 15th cavalry. History of the 15th Penn. volunteer cavalry, by Kirk. 1906. nth infantry. Story of the regiment, by Locke. 1868. 15th infantry. Leaves from a trooper's diary. 1869. 23rd infantry. History of the 23rd Pennsylvania volunteer infan- try, Birneys Zouaves, by Wray. 1903-04. 25th infantry. Doylestowii guards, by Davis. 1887. 28th infantry. Association of the 28th and 147th regiments, in- fantry, Penn. vet. vol., by Nicholson. ■ 30th infantry. History of Company K, 1st inft., Penn. reserves, by Minnigh. 1891. 31st infantry. Our campaigns. 2nd Penn. reserves, by Woodward. 32nd infantry. History of the 3rd Penn. reserve, by Woodward. 1883. 37th infantry. Our boys in the army, by Hill. 1864. 41st infantry. 12th regiment P. R. V. C, by Hardm. 1890. 42nd infantry. History of the "B>icktails," by Thomp.son and Ranch. 1906. 48th Infantry. 48th in the war, by Bosbyshell. 1895. 49th infantry. History 49th Penn. volunteers, by Westbrook. 1898. (55) Pennsylvania. 5l9t Infantry. 57th infantry. 63rd Infantry. 63rd Infantry. 69th Infantry. 83rd infantry. 87th Infantry. 88th Infantry. 95th infantry. 97th infantry. 100th infantry. 102nd infantry. 104th infantry. 105th infantry. 106th infantry. 111th infantry. 114tu infantry. 114th Infantry. 116th infantry. 118th infantry. ]21st infantry. 121st infantry. 3 22nd infantry. ±/Aih inlautry. 12[i(li ill Inn (ly. 12Cth infantry. 127th infantry. 130th infantry. REGIMENTAL HISTORIES-Gontinued. History of the 51st regiment of Penn. volunteera, by Parlter. 18C9. History of the 57th regiment Penn. veteran vol- unteer infantry, by Martin, n. d. Tinder the red patch, by Hays. 1908. Peninsula campaign in Virginia, by Mai-ks. 1864. C9th regiment Pennsylvania volunteers, by McDer- mott. Hi.story of the S.^rd regiment Pennsylvania vols., by .Judson. S7th Penn. volunteers, by Prowell. 1901. .SNiii Pennsylvania in the war for the Union, by Vautier. 1894. 95th Pennsylvania volunteers (Gostines Pennsyl- vania Tiouaves) in the fith corps, by Galloway 1884. History of the 97th regiment Pennsylvania volun- teer infantry, by Price. 1875. Brief history of the 100th regiment, (Roundheads) by Bates. 1884. Camp, march and battlefield, by Stewart. 1865. The 104th Pennsylvania, by Davis. 180G. History of the 105th regiment Pennsylvania vol- unteers, by Scott. 1877. History of the 106th regiment Pennsylvania vol- unteers, by Ward. 1883. Soldiers true, by Boyle. 1903. Music on the march, by Rauscher. 1894. Woman's wai' record, by Collis. 1889. llGth Penn. infantry, by Mulholland. 1899. Antietam to Appomattox, Exchange regiment 1892. History ]21st regiment Penn. vols. 1893. History of the 121st regiment Penn. volunteers, by the Survivors Association. Rev. ed. 190(J. History 122nd reg't. P. V.. by Springer. 1885. History of the 124th regiment Penn. volunteers by Green. 1907. History of the J25th Penn. volunteers. 190G. 12Cth Penn. vols., by Franldin Co. Soldiers' Mon- umental Association. 1869. History of the 127th regiment Penn. volunteers. My little war experiences, by Spangler. 1904. (66) REGIMENTAL HISTORIES-Continued. Pennstlvanta. 138th infantry. 141st infantry. 142nd infantry. 148th infantry. 150th infantry. 150th Infantry. 153rd Infantry. 187th infantry. 190th Infantry. 192nd infantry. History of (he 13.Sth reg. P. V., by Lewis. 1866. 141st reg't. Penn. vols., by Craft. 1880. 142iul regiment Pennsylvania volunteers, by War- ren. 1890. Story of onr regiment, by Miiffly. 1!)01. History of the 150th regiment Penn. volunteers, 2nd regiment, Burktail brigade, by Chambevlin. Enl. ed. 1905. History of 150lh regiment Penn. volunteers (Bncktixils), by Cliamberlin. 1895. 153rd Penn. vols., by Simmons and Baehsclimid. 1863. History of the 1st Battalion Penn. G months vol- unteers and lS7th regiment Penn. volunteer in- fantry, by Gibbs. 1905. In tlie ranks, by McBride. 1881. Journal of the 192nd regiment Penn. vols., by Myers. 1864. 198th Penn. vols., by Woodward. 1884. 198th Infantry. Rhodi Island. Rhode Island in the Rebellion, by Stone. 1864. Memoirs of Rhode Island officers, by Bartlett. 1867. 1st artillery. Ist artillery. 1st artillery. Ist artillery. 1st artillery. 3rd H. artillery. 6th H. artillery. 14th H. artillery. Ist cavalry. Ist cavalry. iBt infantry. 2nd Infantry. 4th infantry. 7th infantry. 9th Infantry. 11th infantry. Battery E, 1st R. I. light artillery, l)y Lewis. 1892. Battery F, 1st R. I. light artillery, by Chase. 1892. Battery H, 1st R. I. light artillery, by Fenner. 1894. History of battery B, 1st R. I. light artillery, by Rhodes. 1894. History of battery A, 1st regiment R. I. light artillery, by Aldrich. 1904. Shot and shell, the 3rd R. I. heavy artillery regi- ment, by Denison. 1879. History of the 5th R. I. heavy artillery, by Burlln- game. 1892. 14th R. I. heavy artillery, colored, 1861-65. 1908. Sabres and spurs, 1st R. I. cavalry, by Denison. College cavaliers, by Pettingill. 1883. Campaign of the 1st R. I. reg't., bv Woodbury. 1862. 2nd R. I. regiment, by Woodbury. 1875. Forty-six months with the 4th R. I. volunteers, by Allen. 1887. 7th R. I. volunteers, by Hopkins. 1903. 9th and 10th R. I. volunteers, by Spicer. 1892. nth R. I. regiment, by Rock. 1881. (67) REGIMENTAL HISTORIES-Gontinued. Rhode Island. 12th infantry 12th infantry Flying regiment, by Grant. 1865 History of the 12th regiment R. Tillinghast. 1901-04. South Cabomna. Kershaw's brigade, by Dickert. 1899. i-iistory of a brigade of South Carolinians, by Caldwell. 18C6 7th cavalry. Falling flag, by officer of the rear guard. 4th infantry. Fourth S. C. volunteers, by Reid. 1892. Tennessee. Tennessee in the war, by Wright. 1908. I. volunteers, by 1874. Isl cavalry. 2nd cavalry. 7th cavalry. VMh cavalry. 1st infantry 2nd infantry. 13th infantry, ICth infantry. 19th infantry, 20th infantry. Texas. 2Gth cavalry. 1902. History 1st Tennessee cavalry, by Carter. Hancock's diary; or, A history or" the 2nd Tenn. cav. C. S. A., by Hancock. 1887. 7th Tennessee cavalry, confederate, by Yoimg. 1890, History of the 13th regiment Tennessee volunteer cavalry, by Scott and Angel. 1903. Co. aytch 1st Tennessee regiment; or, A side show of the big show, by Watkins. 1882. Thirteen months in the rebel army, by Stevenson. 1862. Personal record of the 13th regiment Tennessee infantry, C. S. A., by Vaughan. 1897, Campaigns and battles, IGth Tenn. and other Tenn. regts., by Head. 1885. Old 19th Tennessee regiment, C. S. A., by Wor- sham. 1902. History of the 20th Tennessee regiment volunteer infantry, C. S. A., by McMurray. 1904. A sketch of the history of Debray's (26th) regi- ment of Texas cavalry, by Debray. 1884. Reminiscences of the Civil War, by Stevens. 5th infantry. Vermont. Vermont in the great Rebellion, by Waite. 1369. Vermont in the Civil War. 2 vol. Vermont brigade in the Shenandoah valley, by Walker 1902. 1860. 7th infantry. Narrative of the services of the 7th regiment Ver- mont volunteers, by Holbrook. 1882. Sth infantry. History of the 8th reg't. Vermont volunteers, by Carpenter. 1886. 10th infantry. History of the 10th regiment Vermont volunteers, by Haynes. 1870. (58) REGIMENTAL HISTORIES-Contlnued. Vermont. lOth infantry. History of the Ititli roRinient Vf. iiiranlry, by Haynes. 1894. 12th infantry. Army life iii Virginia, l)y IJcnodict. IMi"). 14th infantry. Life in camp, l)y Williams. ISCl. Virginia. Loudon rangers. History, by Coodliart. ISflfi. J'nion. Lynchburg home guard, Annals, by Blackford. 1891. Notoways Grays, Historical sketch of, l)y Irhy. 1.S78. "Where men only dare to go!" or, 'i'lit' slory ol' a l)oy coinp:iny, by an ex-boy. 1885. Richmond howitzers. Contiibiitions to a liistory of llio Richmond howitzer battalion. No. 1-2. 1S8:!. Richmond howitzers. Richmond howitzers in the war, l)y a member of the company. 1891. Story of a cannoneer under Stonewall .larkson, by Moore. 1907. (Jth cavalry. From Bull Run to Apiiomattox, by Hopkins. 1908. 9th cavalry. History of (he 9th Virginia cavalry, by Beale. 1899. 12th cavalry. Bull Run to Bull Run, by Baylor. 1900. 43rd cavalry. War reminiscences, by Monteiro. 1890. 43rd cavalry. Reminiscences of a Mosby Guerilla, by Mansou. 1906. 43rd cavalry. Mosby's rangers, by Williamson. 1892. 1st infantry. History of the 1st regiment infantry, by Rawling. 1887. Union. 1st infantry. War history, 18G1-C.'".. Old 1st Va. inf., by Loehr. 1884. 17th infantry. History of the 17th Virginia infantry, C. S. A., by Wise. 1870. 33rd infantry. Four years in the Stonewall brigade, by Casler. 1893. West Vieginia. 2nd cavalry. History of the 2nd regiment W. Va. cavalry, by Sutton. 1892. 5th cavalry. History of the 5th W. Va. cavalry and battery G, 1st W. Va. light artillery, by Reader. 1890. On the plains in 'G5, by Holliday. 1SS3. Autobiography, by Barton. 1890. Flying gray-haired Yank, by Egan. 1888. Cth cavalry. 4th infantry. 15th infantry. Wisconsin. Military history of Wisconsin, by Qiiiner. 18CG. Wlflconsin in the war of the Rebellion, by Love. (59) REGIMENTAL HISTORIES-Continued. Wisconsin. Wisconsin. Secretary of State. List of persons of the state of WiB- consin reported as deserters. 1867. 3rd battery. ?.d battery Wisconsin light artillery. Cth l)attery. History of the 6th Wisconsin battery. 1879. 2rd infantry. 3rd Wisconsin veterans, by Bryant. 1891. 6th infantry. Service with the 6th Wisconsin volunteers, by Dawes. 1890. Sth infantry. Eagle regiment, 8th Wis. inf. vols., by Williams. 1890. Sth infantry. Opening of the Mississippi; or, Two years cam- paigning in the southwest. 18G4. 13th infantry. From youth to age, by Lovejoy. 1894. 14th infantry. War pictures, by Rogers. 1863. 21st infantry. Echoes of the Civil Uar as I hear them, by Pitch. 1905. Sfiih infantry. 36th Wisconsin volunteer infantry, by Aubery. 1900. 37th infantry. Sword and gun, by Eden. 1865. («) HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES (Othek than Civil Wab.) Abercromuie. Copper river exploring expedition in Alaska. 1899. Abridged blue books or biennial register. 1866. A>tEHiCAN IIitiXoiucAL Asbociation. Annual report-. 1903-. American Historical review. Vol. 9-. 1904-. AxDBAs. History of Chicago. C vol. 1884-86. Banchoft. History of the U. S. 7 vol. 1866. Feyeb and Keydel. Deeds of valor. 2 vol. 1901 02. liOTTA. History of the war of independence of Iho U. S. A. 1834. BouRKE. On the border with Crook. 1892. Beackett. History of the U. S. cavalry. 1865. Bryce. American commonwealth. 2 vol. 1888. Calki.ns. Calkins's memorial military roster. 1903. Cautek. From Yorktown to Santiago with the 6th cavalry. 1900. CAaiiiN and others. Under fire with the 10th U. S. cavalry. 1902. CiiAMBER.s. Higher history of the U. S. 1898. CiiAJiBEKS. School history of the U. S. 1898. CiiAMBEBLiN. Blow from behind. 1903. CiiESTERMAX. Guide to Richmond. 1881. Chicago Daily News almanac, 1900. lt>06. CowA.N. New invasion of the South. Seveuly-lirst regiment trip. 1881. Crawi-obd. Credit Mobilier of America. 1880. Dallas. Series of letters from London. 1856 to 1860. 1869. Dixox. White conquest. 2 vol. 1876. Dbakk. Campaign of Trenton, 1776-77. 1895. DvEB. "Fort Reno." 1896. Ex-orsekly Sei«;ea.\"t. Recollections of the 7th regiment. 1868. Fallows, ed. Story of the American flag. 1902. Field. Bright skies and dant shadows. 1890. FI.0WER. Illinois; History of the English settlement in Edwards Co. 1882. Fobs Y III. Report of the march made from Fort Meade, Da., to Fort Riley, Kan. 1887. FoKSYTii. Story of the soldier. 1900. Foster. Century ol" American diplomacy. 1901. Garner. Reconstruction in Mississippi. 1901. Glisa.x. Journal of army life. 1874. Greg. History of the U. S. 1892. («1) . . HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES— Continued. Hall. Travels in North Amerira. 2 vol. 1829. Hamersly & Co. Military album containing portraits of commissioned officers who served in the Spanish-American war. 1902. Hari'ku'.s E.myclopokdia ov U. S. Histouy. 10 vol. 1902. IIlWroKlCAL E.NCYCI.OrOKDIA OK ILLINOIS. 1906. IlLSToECAL sketch 20th infantry, July, 1861-October, 1902. 1902. HiSTouicAL Society oi" Contributions. Vol. 1-4. 1876-1903. iMrABTiAL and correct history oi the war between the U. S. and Great Britain, 1812. 1815. iNMA.x. Old Santa Fe tiail. 1899. JoiiNSTO.N. Storming of Stony Point. 1900. Jones. School history of the Ij. S. 1896. Kansas State Historical Society. Transactions. Vol. 6. 1900. KiKG. Campaigning with Crook. 16jO. King. Story of the war. 1898. Latoi'R. Historical memoir of war in West Florida and Louisiana. 1816. Lee. S-hool history of the U. S. 1895. Lester. Our first hundred years. 1877. McAlexander. History of the 13th regiment U. S. infantry. 19U5. Montague, Rise and progress of the Stanuard Oil Company. 1903. New Hami'SIIIEE men at Louisburg, 1745. 1896. NoAiLLES. Marins et soldats fraucais en Amerique, 1778-82. 1903. Phelan. School history of Tennessee. 1889. Rhodes. History of the U. S. 7 vol. 1900-06. RiciiAUusoN. War of 1812. Richardson, comp. Messages and papers of the presidents. 10 vol. 1903. RiDPATii. New complete history of the U. S. of America. 12 vol. 1905-07. Rodenboi'gh. From Everglade to canon with the 2nd dragoons. 1875. Roosevelt. Naval war of 1S12. 1882. Russell. History of the war between the U. S. and Great Britain, 1812-15. 1815. SiGSBEE. "Maine." 1899. Smith. School history of Georgia. 1893. S'rEARS. American slave trade. 1900. SoRENSON. History of Omaha. 1889. Strait. Ali)habetical list of battles. 1754-1900. Souvenir album 1st infantry of Chicago. U. S. A. Bureau of the Census. Abstract of the 12th census of the U. S. Ed. 3. 1904. U. S. A. Bureau ok the Ce.nsus. Statistical Atlas. 1902. U. S. A. Gettysburg National Military Park Commission. Annual re- ports. 1893-1901. U. S. A. Library of Congress. Naval records of the American Revolu- tion. 1905. ' ' (G2) ^ ^ . HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES-Continued. U. S. A. Navy Department. Battles and capituRition of Santiago de Cuba. 1898-99. (War Notes.) U. S. A. War Depart.ment. Military notes on the Phiiipijincs. 1S9.S. U. S. A. Navy Department. U. S. Japan expedition by Com. M. C. Perry. 2 vol. 1856. U. S. A. Naval Institute. Log of the Gloucester. 1899. Washington and the generals of the American revolution. 18G(J. W^ashington. Accounts. 1775. WATEni.oo Library anu Historical Society. Sullivau. Seneca county cen- tennial. 1880. Waterman. Century of caste. 1901. Weaver. Story of our flag. 1898. Wharton, ed. Diplomatic correspondence of the American Revolution. G vol. 1889. White. History of the American troops during the late war under the command of Colonels Fenton and Campbell. 1830. Williams. South vindicated. Wilson. History of the American people. 5 vol. 1907. Wilson. Rise and fall of the slave power in America. 3 vol. 1874-77. WoLi'. American Jew as patriot, soldier and citizen. 1895. (63) MAPS Afnold. Topographical map of the original District of Columbia and environs showing the fortifications around the city of Washington. 1862. Caxto.n Co. Cuba. CuATTANooiiA and its appi'oaches. 18G4. Ceam. Standard atlas of the world. 1891. Habper's Weekly. Map of the China Seas showing Philippine Islands. 1S9S. Map of North Atlantic ocean. 18'JS. Map of Northern Georgia. 1864. Rand McNaixy & Co. Universal atlas oi the world. iOOi. U. S. A. Navy Depaux.ment. West Indies with the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean sea. U. S. A. War DEPAr.TMENX. Military map, island of Puerto Rico. 1898. U. S. A. War Depaktme.nt. Map of Philippine Islands and adjacent seas. 1898. (64) MILITARY ART AND SCIENCE Arjty xhd Navy Vol. 1- 1863- lacks vols. S, 12, 14 atid W. A.SSOCIAri().N OF MlLITAHY SURGEONS OF THE U. S. JOUBNAL. Vol. 14-18. iy04-, Benton. Course of instruction in ordinance and gunnery. 1862. Berriman. Militiaman's manual and sword play. 1864. DiGEi.ow. Principles of strategy. 1891. Bobmann. Shrapnel shell in England and in Belgium. 1S59. BucKHOLTZ. Tactics for officers. 1861. BuBN. Naval and military technical dictionary. 1863. Callan. Military laws of the U. S. 1864. Cassieb's Magazine. Vol. 16, No. 2. 1898. {special Naval number. Craighiu.. Army officer's pocket companion and manual for staff officers in the field. 1862. D'Aguilar. Courts martial and courts of inquiry. 1865. DeHabt. Observations on military law. 1864. Delafiejlo. Report on the art of war in Europe in 1854-50. 1861. DE L'ESPBIT MlLlTAIBE. 1789. DtTA>'E. Manual for engineer troops. 1864. DuFX)i'U. Strategy and tactics. 1878. Duparcq. Military art and history. 1863. Farbar. Military manners and customs. 1885. Farrow. Military encyclopoedia. 3 vol. 1885. Ferguson. Essay on a proposed new system of fortilicatiou. 1849. Field Officer's familiar lectures. 1855. Gay de Vernon. Traits elementaire d'art milituire et de fortification. 2 vol. 1805. GiLHAM. Manual for volunteers and militia. 1862. GiLHAM. Manual of instruction for the volunteers of the Confederate States. 1861. Grafton. Treatise on the camp and march. 1854. Great Britain. War office, orders and regulations. 1807% Halleck. Elements of military art and science. 1802. Hamly. Operations of war. 1886. Henderson. Science of war. 1905. HoENiG. Tactics of the future. 1899. Imbebt. Cour elementaire de fortification. 1833. Instruction sur la fortification passarrere. 1858. Jackson. View of the formatiou, ditciijliue and economy of armies. 184.j. (65) MILITARY ART AND SCIENCE— Continued. JorBNAL DE8 Akmes Speciaies. Vol. 1-6, series 2. Vol. 1-3. 1834-42. JoMiNi. Art of war. 1879. Kautz. Company clerk. 1864. Kautz. Customs of service for non-commissioucd officers and soldiers of the army. 186t). Lallemand. Minor operations of war. 1852. LeGal. School of the guides. 1862. McArthub. Report on the encampments for field instruction aind man- euvers in the Pacific division. 1904. McClellan. Armies of Europe. 1862. Mahan. Treatise in field fortiucation. 1863. Maje.ndi. Arms and ammunition. Mabching salute exercise of the old English pikosman. 1 plate. Maurice. Essai sur la fortification moderne. 1845. MiLiTABY Service Institution of the U. S. Journal. Vol. 1-. 1880-. MoBDECAi. Report of military commission to Europe. 1860. Murray. Manual for courts martial. 1895. Mtefs. Manual of signals. 1877. National. Rule As.sociation. Meeting at Wimbledon. 1873. National Volunteer. Vol. 1. 1899. Noizet de Saint Paul. Elemens de fortification. 2 vol. in 1. 1811-12. NoiZET DE Saint Paul. Traits complet de fortification. 2 vol. 1818. Norton and Valentine. Report on munitions of war. 1868. Ohio, General Assembly. Military regulations, tactics and statutes. 1861. Patten. Army manual for officers. 1862. PiNCKNEY. National guard manual. 1863. PoLTAENUs. Strategems of war. 1803. Preaost. Aid to military instruction. 1884. Reei). Military science and tactics. 1890. Keinhold. Dictionaire universal technique de I'art milltaire. 1830. KinoNi. Broadsword fencing. 1862. Saxe. Reveries or memoirs upon the art of war. 1757. ScHALK, Summary of the art of war. 1S63. StoTT. Military dictionary. 1861. StoTT. Military dictionary. 1863. Smith. Universal military dictionary. 1779. Stephens. Broad and small sword exercise. 1861. Straith. Introductory essay on the study of fortification. 1852. SzABAD. Modern war; its theory and practice. 1863. Tielke. Field engineer. United Service Magazine. Series 1 vol. 14, series 2 vol. 16, series 3 vol. I. United States Service Magazine. Vol. 1-5. 1864-65. Upton. Armies of Asia and Europe. 1878. (66) MILITARY ART AND SCIENCE-Continued. U. S. A. War Depaimmk-nt. lustriu tions lor inalciiig quarterly returns of ordnance and ordnance stores. 1863. IT. S. A. "War Dkpartmknt. IiiStriutions for oflioers and ,non-comra1a- sloned officers on outpost and patrol duty and troops in campaign. 1863. U. S. A. War Department. Ordnance maniial for the use of the officers of the U. S. army. 1862. IT. 3. A. War Department. Oidnance memoranda. Nos. 17, 19-21. 1874- 78. U. S. A. War Department. Ordnance notes. Vol. 5-12. 1880-84. U. S. A. War Department. System of target practice for the use of troops. 1862. U. S. A. War Department. Ordnance manual. 1861. 1863-65. U. S. A. War Department. Ordnance maniial. 18G1. ViELE. Handbook for active service. 1861. ViOLET-LE-Duc. Annals of a fortress. 1876. Wagner. Organization and tactics. 1894. Waoneb. Service of security and information. 1903. Wagner. Strategy. 1904. Wellington. General orders. 1837. WiLHELM. Military dictionary and gazetteer. 1881. Wilcox. Rifles and rifle practice. 1861. Wilkinson. War and policy. 1900. WiNGATE. Manual of rifle practice. 1876. Wittich. De la fortification et de la defense des granda places. 1847. Wolselt. Soldiers pocket book for field service. 1869. ZoQBAUM, Horse, foot and dragoons. 1888. ARTILLERY Abbot. Siege artillery in the campaigns against Richmond. 1868. Gibbon. Artillerist's manual. 1860. Journal of the U. S. Artillery. Vol. 1-. 1889-. Robert. Handbook of artillery. 1863. Theroux. Instruction d'artlllerle. 1849. U. S. A. War Department. Field artillery tactics. 1864. U. S. A. War Department. Heavy artillery tactics. 1863. U. S. A. War Department. Instruction for field artillery. U. S. A. War Department. Artillery tactics. 1874. U. S. A. War Department. Instructions for field artillery. 1863. CAVALRY Cooke. Cavalry tactics. 1862. Bismark. Tactics of cavalry. Gn.HAM. Authorized cavalry tactics. 1861. Great Britain. War office, cavalry Instruction and regulations, 1796. (67) MILITARY ART AND SCIENCE, Cavalry-Continued. McClellan. European cavalry. 18G1. Nolan. On cavalry horses. 18C2. Spencer. English horse exercise. 2 plates. Tone. School of cavalry. 18P..3. IT. S. A. W.\R Dep.vrtment. Cavalry tactics. ?. vol. lSfil-62. U. S. A. Wab Department. U. S. army cavalry tactics. 1885. U. S. A. War Department. Cavalry tactics. 1874. U. S. Cavai.rv Association Joxtrnat,. Vol. 1-. 1889-. Wheeier. Cavalry tactics. 1863. Wood. Achievements of cavalry. 1897. INFANTRY Casey. Infantry tactics. .'> vol. 1SC2. CoPPEE. Field Manual for battalion drill. lSfi2. COPPEE. Field manual of evolutions ot the line. 1802. Dttane. U. S. army regulations. 181.3. Ellsworth. Zouave drill, manual of arms. 1861. Gaudi. Instruction adresse aux oflBciers d'infanterie pour tracer et con- struive toutes sortes d'ouvrages de campagne. 1768. Gemard. Bayonet exercise for the army. 1862. Great Britain. War office. Field exercise. 1877. Great Britain. War office. Rules and regulations for the formations, field exercises and movements of his majesty's forces. 1799. Great Britain. Adjutant-Generals rules for the army. 1792. Hardee. Rifle and light infantry tactics. 2 vol. 1862. Instructions for conduct of infantry in actual service. 1807. Malton. Sinnott's catechism. 18CG. Manoeuvres for a battalion of infantry, by a German officer. 1767. Robertson. Infantry diill. 1862. Scott. Infantry tactics. 3 vol. 1861. ToRRENS. Field exercise and evolutions of the army. 1824. U. S. A. War Department. Infantry and rifle tactics. 1861. U. S. A. War Department. Infantry tactics. 1874. U. S. A. War Department. Infantry drill regulations. 1895. U. S. Infantry Assoclation; Journal. Vol. 1-. 1904-. (68) MISCELLANEOUS Ai-TOELD. Live questions. 1S90. Amebk'an Library Association. A. L. A. catalog. 1004. Amebuan Whig Review. Vol. 7-16. 1848-52. Army ami Navy Club, Washington. Oflficeis and membeis. 1S91-92. BowKER. Publications of societies. 1S9G. Cabter. Old army sketches. 19oG. Chicago Directory Co. Lakeside city directory. Latest edition. Colton. Debatable land. 1901. Daily News Almanac. 1900. Dana. Household book of poetry. 1858. Fox. Crittenden. General Society of the War ok 1812. Constitution. 1895. Gerard. Blood-tax. 1902. Gbieb. Familiar chats about our mints. Gbieb. Our silver coinage. 1889. Hacklandeb. Soldatenleben in Frieden. 1884. Hayes. Letters and messages. 1890. Hayes. Socialism and what it means. 1903. Hebschel. Manual of scientific enquiry. 1859. HiATT. Political manual. 1864. Hinkson. Point of honor. 1902. Illinois. General assembly. Laws. 1897. Illinois Society of the Sons of the Amercan Revoltttiox. Year book. 1899. King. Apaclie princess. 19on. Kino. Army wife. 1901. King. Fort Frayne. 1901. King. Found in the Phlltppines. 1901. King. Garrison tangle. 1901. King. Medal of honor. 1905. Kino, Trumpeter Fred. 1901. King. Warrior gap. 1901. King. Wounded Name. 1901. Lake Mohank Confebence on International Arbitration. Report. 1898. Lawton. American caucus system. 1S85. (Questions of the (lay.) Lloyd. Soldier of the valley. 1904. (W) - MISCELLANEOUS-Continued. MASSAcnusETTS. Afljutant-general. Regulations Mass. volunteer militia. 1879. Newcomb. Financial -policy. 1865. NoRDHOFF. Politics for young Americans. 3875, Ordkr of the old guard. Constitution and by-laws. 1897. Pennsylvania military college. Register. 1899. Phillpotts. American prisoner. 1904. Phoenix. Phoenixiana. 1856. Shakespeare. Works. 10 vol. 1902. Soldier's trial. 1905. Sons of the Revolution. Constitution. 1892. Southern bivouac. New series, Vol. 1-2. 1885-87. United Service Club, New York. 1892-93. U. S. A. Civil Service Commission. Report. 1898. U. S. A. Congress. Message and documents. 1865-67. U. S. A. Congress. Paris universal exposition, 1878. 5 vol. 1880. U. S. A. Treasury Department. Digest of decisions in the office of the 2nd comptroller of the treasury. 1865. U. S. A. Treasury Department. Digest of decisions In the office of the 3rd auditor of the treasury. 1866. U. S. A. War Department. Alphabetical catalogue of the War Depart- ment library. 1882, 1884, 1891. U. S. A. War Department. Annual reports. 1898-99. U. S. A. War Department. Military literature. 1899. Utley and Cutcheon. University of Michigan class of '61. 1902. WiLDENBRucn. Noblc blood and a West Point parallel, by King. 1901, Williams. Europe from May to December. Wood. Spirit of the service. 1905. Worcester. Dictionary. 1887. (70) NAVY OF THE UNITED STATES Aldbich. History of the U. S. marine corps. 1S75. Ammen. Atlantic coast. 1883. (Navy in the Civil War.) Ammen. Old navy and the new. 1891. Batten. Two years iu the U. S. navy. 1881. Be.vjamix. U. S. Naval Academy. 1900. Bennett. Monitor and the navy under steam. 1900. BENNE-rr. Steam navy of the U. S. 2 vol. 1897. BiQELOw. France and the Confederate navy. 1888. BoYNTON. History of the navy during the Rebellion. 2 vol. 1S67-6S. CoLLUM. History of the U. S. marine corps. 1890. Coi.LrM. History of the U. S. marine corps. 1903. Cooper. History of the navy of the U. S. of America. 1841. Crandall. History of the ram fleet and the Mississippi marine brigade in the war for the Union. 1907. Evans. A sailor's log. 1901. Hamersley. Records of living officers of the U. S. navy. 1878. Hamersley. Records of living oflBcers of the U. S. navy. 1890. Ha.mersley. Records of living officers of the U. S. navy and marine corps. 1898. HicuBOBX. Standard designs for boats of the U. S. navy. 1900. HoLUS. The frigate Constitution. 1900. Maclay. History of the navy. 2 vol. 1894-95. Maclay. History of American privateers. 1899. Mahan. Gulf and inland waters. 1883. (yavy in the Civil War.) Naval Magazine. Vol. 1. 1S3G. Navy. Vol. 1. 1907. Navy League of the U. S. Joubxal. Vol. 1-. 1903-. Porter. Naval history of the Civil War. 1S8G. Preble. Steam navigation. 1895. ScHABF. History of the Confederate States navy. 1894. Semmes. Service afloat. 1887. Sinclair. Two years in the Alabama. 1896. SoLEY. Blockade and the cruisers. 1883. (Navy in the Civil War.) Spears. History of our navy. 5 vol. 1897-99. U. S. A. Navy Depabtmext. List of officers of the U. S. navy and the marine corps. 1775-1900. (71) . NAVY OF THE UNITED STATES-Continued. U. S. A. Navy Departmem". Naval uniform regulations. 1886. U. S. A. Navy Depaktmeat. Navy register. 1869, 1877, 1883, 1887, 1890- 1900. U. S. A. Navy Department. Official records of the Union and Confed- erate navies. Vol. 1-21. 1894. United States Naval Institute. Proceedings. Vol. 1-. 1874-. AValke. Naval scenes. Civil War in the U. S. 1877. Wabbuktoi!?. Privateer Savannah trial. (72) UNIVERSfryoFlLLINOlS-URBANA