gjiiiilll HHRHM1 ■H nun flfiK^' . " ' ■■■••■■ • '•' $§88 ggg Inl nnHHi ; §il iiiiiii IHHBI L I E> RAHY OF THL UN IVLRSITY Of ILLINOIS A09I 1953 ttt ««T. SUftVfey Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://archive.org/details/guidetomanuscripOOwill GUIDE TO THE MANUSCRIPT COLLECTIONS IN THE WILLIAM L. CLEMENTS LIBRARY GUIDE TO THE MANUSCRIPT COLLECTIONS IN THE WILLIAM L. CLEMENTS LIBRARY Compiled by WILLIAM S. EWING Curator of Manuscripts Second Edition ANN ARBOR: CLEMENTS LIBRARY 1953 PHOTOLITHOPRINTED BY CUSHING - MALLOY, INC. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1953 f}0 1 I jjj i«Ut- 4 Preface The aim in gathering historical manuscripts for the Clements Library has always been to acquire collections suitable for research rather than autographs of a miscel- laneous nature. Moreover, whenever possible, collections related to those already here have been obtained, so that the contents of the entire division would have cohesion. Although unlimited by dates, the Division of Manu- scripts contains few records before 1700. The strength and uniqueness of the division lies in its several integrated collections representing the British point of view in the period of the American Revolution. This emphasis was the study of Mr. Clements from the time he presented his li- brary to the University until his death in 1934. He was influenced toward this concentration by the enthusiasm of the late Professor Claude H. Van Tyne, head of the Universi- ty's history department. At the same time, both Mr. Clements and the Library administration pressed the acqui- sition of selected collections in the general field of Americana. The simplest approach to the manuscripts is to con- sider them geographically and in the light of their crea- ky tors 1 careers. The collections of British origin, nearly ^ all obtained from family descendants, fall into three Abroad periods. The pre-Revolutionary period is illuminated by the papers of Admiral George Clinton, governor of New York from 1743 to 1753; Sir Peter Warren, naval commander who took v Louisburg in 1745; Sir William Mildmay, commissioner of $5 claims growing out of the Treaty of 1748; John Wilkes, %> liberal friend of the colonies; and George, Marquess Town- shend, lord-lieutenant of Ireland, 1767-1772. For the Revolutionary War period, the Library possesses the papers of Lord George Germain, colonial secretary during the American Revolution, and those of his under-secretary, William Knox. Of the four commanders-in-chief of the Brit- ish forces in America during the war, the military corre- spondence of two of them is here: Lieutenant General Thomas Gage and Lieutenant General Sir Henry Clinton. The ^semi-independent command in the West Indies of Major General Sir John Vaughan may be studied in his papers; while the ex- ploits of the Queen 1 s Rangers and the supplying of the Royal Regiment of Artillery in America are chronicled in the cor- respondence of Lieutenant Colonel John Graves Simcoe and Commissary George Wray, respectively. The fortunate acqui- vi sition of the papers of Baron von Jungkenn, war minister of Hesse-Cassel, salted this British viewpoint with the opinion of the hired Hessian officers. Overthrow of the unsuccessful war cabinet in Great Britain in 1782 brought into power the Earl of Shelburne. As Prime Minister, his first task was to negotiate a peace treaty with the united American colonies. His long concern with American affairs, both before and after the Revolution, is reflected in his extensive papers. The correspondence of his secretary of war, Viscount Sydney, later home secretary, likewise has its American interest. Two of the British peace commissioners were Richard Oswald and David Hartley, whose negotiations with the American commissioners in Paris are set forth in their correspondence. Some of the legal problems provoked by the dispossessed and banished Loyalists were the concern of Alexander Wedderburn, attorney general, and John Lee, solicitor general, whose papers the Library secured. To round out this period on the political side, transcripts of the unpublished papers of King George III were obtained. British politics at the turn of the century and the second war with the United States, 1812-15, may be studied in the papers of the first and second Viscounts Melville, who served as secretary of war and first lord of the ad- miralty; the Earl of Sheffield, privy councillor; John Wilson Croker, secretary of the admiralty, 1809-1830; Henry Goulburn, one of the British commissioners who negotiated the Treaty of Ghent, 1814; and Baron Brougham, member of Parliament and lord chancellor. As for collections of American origin, the Library possesses the largest collection of Major General Nathanael Greene's papers, recounting his operations in the southern theater of the Revolution. Here also are the papers of Brigadier General Josiah Harmar, first commander of the first United States Army, 1785-1791, when it was posted along the Ohio River frontier. As America expanded engi- neering projects, like canals, railroads, and dry docks, be- came of national importance; they are the substance of the correspondence of the Loammi Baldwins, father and son. The papers of James G. Birney and the Rev. Theodore D. Weld are important collections on the genesis of the anti-slavery movement. Birney was secretary of the Ameri- can Anti-Slavery Society, and he ran for President on the ticket of the Liberty party in 1840 and again in 1844. Weld, with his wife and sister-in-law, Angelina and Sarah Grimke*, helped spread the gospel of slavery's sin and swelled the ranks of Abolitionists in the 1830' s. The Lucius Lyon papers are the correspondence of Michigan's first senator and surveyor general for Ohio, Indiana, and Michigan. The long and distinguished career of Lewis Cass of Michigan is illustrated in a collection of his private papers. George Brinley' s papers show the busi- ness interests of himself and his father in New England, as well as his extensive collecting of Americana. Mr. Clements' vii own bibliographical correspondence carries on the story of Americana collecting two generations later. The Spanish- American War and the emerging imperialism of the United States are echoed in the papers of Russell A. Alger, secre- tary of war under McKinley and later U. S. Senator from Michigan, and the small collection of President Theodore Roosevelt's correspondence. The papers mentioned are the larger ones in the 304 collections housed in the Division of Manuscripts. They range in size from one to about 300 volumes, and they total more than 200,000 pieces. There are also several notable small collections, including such groups as the Porfirio Diaz papers relating to the battle of Puebla; a gathering of Mexican Revolution documents, 1810-1824; the Journal of Thomas Duggan, storekeeper and Indian agent at Forts Michilimackinac and St. Joseph, 1796-1802; the Sessa Papers covering the founding of the first public botanical garden in America, Mexico City, 1785-88; the Clinton H. Haskell Collections of George Washington and William T. Sherman Letters: and the daily prescription and case books prepared by Dr. Amos A. Evans aboard the U. S. Frigate ■"Constitution." II The first Guide to the Manuscript Division was com- piled by Howard H. Peckham and published in 1942. Since that time, many new manuscripts and several important manu- script collections have been added to the Library. The pres- ent work incorporates much of the information found in Mr. Peckham 1 s Guide and includes descriptions of all material added since 1942. It is intended to inform the reader of the holdings of the Division of Manuscripts. An attempt has been made to describe the collections according to the tentative rules for cataloguing collections of manuscripts issued by the Library of Congress. It is hoped that the long needed National Register of Manuscripts will become a reality and that the descriptions can be enter- ed immediately. Collections are alphabetically arranged. Papers consisting of material written by or addressed to a person, family, government agency, or other corporate body, are entered under the name of the person, family, or cor- porate body. Other collections are entered under the name of the collector, if this information is available. We have entered anonymous collections and anonymous works of book length by subject, as this arrangement is best suited to our collections. Collections occupying less than one linear foot of shelf space are collated in terms of items. Collections occupying more than one linear foot are described in terms of the number of linear feet of shelf space occupied by the material including the bindings or boxes. viii The content note describes the types of papers and documents constituting the collection. Special features which characterize the collection and essential biographical data for personal papers are mentioned. The publication of groups of letters or of separate pieces from the collections is noted with references to the printed works when known. Mention is made of items or collections appearing in sales catalogues. Provenance is given where this information is available. Some collections of photostats, transcripts, and fac- similes have been included, as for example photostats of the correspondence of Charles James Fox relative to the peace negotiations between Great Britain and the United States, the Fortesque transcripts of the George III papers, and the Stevens' Facsimiles of Manuscripts in European Archives Re- lating to America . The index contains a listing of all writers of letters and authors and signers of documents represented in the manuscript collections. In addition, the manuscript cata- logue at the Library lists the recipients of letters for a number of the collections. Visitors from out of town are advised to write in ad- vance about their purposes, qualifications, and references. Students are requested to secure application cards from the professors under whom they are working when they expect to make frequent use of our resources. Visitors are admitted to exhibit rooms without restrictions. Admittance to the collections is by permission of the Director in every in- stance, after an interview with the Director or a senior staff member. The Library is open to visitors and readers Monday through Friday, nine until twelve and one until five, important holidays excepted. Permission to publish Clements Library materials must be specially requested from the Direc- tor. The request must state in specific terms the nature of the use, the name of the intended publisher, and the place of publication. It is the obligation of the scholar or pub- lisher, and not the Library, to secure permission to publish from the owner of common law literary property and to assume any liabilities if it cannot be cleared, even though physical possession resides with the Library. Arrangements may be made for microfilming, photo- graphing, and photostating most of the materials in the Library's collections. Contouras may be used. Typewriters may be used when they do not interfere with the studies of other readers. Ill A Guide of the kind presented here could not be pro- duced in an eighteen month period without the close cooper- ix at ion and energetic help of many people. The compiler, Mr. William S. Ewing, and the Library are particularly grateful for the splendid work of Mr. John Parker, who was responsibl< for a large number of the technical descriptions. At var- ious times and for specific parts of the compilation, the following members of the Library staff have given time and energy to the Guide: Mr. Charles W. Arnade, Mrs. Janet H. Brown, Mrs. Vesta F. La Zebnick, Mrs. Barbara S. Marshall, Miss Patricia Phelan, and Mr. Charles W. Sargent. To all of them go the warm thanks of the Clements Library. Colton Storm MANUSCRIPT COLLECTIONS 1. ABBOTT, JOHN STEPHENS CABOT, 1805-1877. Autograph album, 1851-1860. 88 items. American clergyman and author. Album contains 88 autographs and 7 letters addressed to John Abbott. Gift of Waldo Abbott, 1945. 2. ADAMS, ANDREW, 1736-1797. Correspondence, 1763-1794. 30 items. American jurist. Letters addressed to Adams by his legal clients and friends. Described in the catalogue of the Aldine book co., summer, 1936, item 3. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Purchased, 1936. Names of writers of letters. Beekman, David Buckingham, Gideon Ely, David Everitt, Daniel Johnson, William Samuel Leavenworth, John Marshall, Rev. John R. Minor, Nathaniel Porter, Joshua Reab, George Seymour, Thomas Shelden, Samuel Smith, John Cotton Smith, Noah Smith, Reuben Strong, Adonijah Strong, Jedediah Thompson, Hezekiah Van Dyck, Henry Wadsworth, Elijah Walton, Abraham ADAMS, RANDOLPH GREENFIELD, 1892-1951. Papers, 1920-1949. 1 ft. American librarian and historian; director of the William L. Clements Library, 1923-1951. Articles, thesis notes, memoranda, and book reviews relating to historical, bibliographical, and library matters ALBANY [4] Letters written from Scotland when Adams was Visiting Carnegie Professor of American History at St. Andrews University, are also included. Gift of the Adams family, 1951-1952. ALBANY CONGRESS, 1754. Proceedings of Commissioners on Indian Affairs from Six Provinces met at Albany, Anno 1754. New York, 1914. 7 5 items. The printed proceedings of the convention taken from Sir William Johnson. Manuscripts ... Albany, 1849. Interleaved in this account are portraits, letters, and documents by members of the convention, colonial governors, and other persons connected with colonial Indian affairs, some of them relating to the Albany congress. See Peckham* s Guide for fuller description. Purchased . Names of writers of letters and authors and signers of documents: Alexander, James Atkinson, Theodore Baldwin, Abraham Banyar, George Benjamin, Aaron Benjamin, George Bradstreet, Simon Brown, Jacob Burger, Gilbert Bute, John Stuart, 3rd earl of Chambers, John Champlin, George Chandler, John Craghead, George Cranston, Thomas Cruger, John Cuyler, Cornelius Danforth, Thomas DeLancey, James DePeyster, John Ellsworth, Oliver Emerson, Moses Fitch, Thomas Franklin, Benjamin Great Britain. Sovereigns, George III Greene, William Grenville, George Hamilton, James Harris, James Hastings, Samuel Hastings, Walter Hopkins, Stephen Howard, Martin Hutchinson, Thomas Jencke, Daniel Jenifer, Daniel of St. Thomas Johnson, Sir William, 1st bart. Livingston, Philip Murray, Joseph Nichol, Jonas Norris, Isaac Omand, John Partridge, Oliver V. Penn, John Pitkin, William Pownall, Thomas Rensselaer, John Russell, James E. Sanders, Robert Schuyler, Myndert Schuyler, Nicholas Schuyler, Philip John Sharpe, Horatio Sherburne, Henry, Jr. [5-6] ALDERDICE ALEXANDER Shirley, William Smith, William Stokes, John Tasker, Benjamin Ten Eyck, Jacob Conrad t Tryon, William Turner, John Van Driessen, John Van Schaick, Jacob Van Schaick, Sybrant G. Walton, George Weare, Meshech Weiser, Johann Conrad Welles, Samuel Wentworth, Benning Wibird, Richard Williams, Elisha Winne, Pieter Wolcott, Roger Worthington, John Wraxall, Peter Yates, Abraham 5. ALDERDICE, CATHERINE. Song book, ca. 1810. 1 item, 436 pages. Manuscript song book of English and German reli- gious songs including some composed by Mrs. Catherine Alderdice. Purchased, 1948. 6. ALEXANDER, LUCIEN HUGH, 1866-1926. Correspondence, 1901-1913. 80 items. American lawyer. Correspondence relates chiefly to standards for admission to the American Bar Association, and standards for admission to law schools. Names of writers of letters: Alexander, Lucien H. Ames, James Burr Back, Seid, Jr. Biddle, Charles Danaher, Franklin Dickson, Samuel Dillon, William Flanders, Henry Harris, John Morgan Henning, D. C. Herrick, Cheesman A. Holmes, Oliver Wendell Hornor, William M. Lewis, William Draper Niles, W. H. Page, Howard W. Pearson, George Pepper, George Wharton Prichard, Frank P. Putnam, Herbert Rawle, William Brooke Sharp, George M. Shauck, John A. Simpson, Alexander, Jr Smith, Walter George Staake, William H. Stockwell, Herbert G. Strauss, S. J. Thayer, E. R. Warner, Joseph B. ALGER [7] Whitelock, George Williams, Talcott Wolverton, S. P, 7. ALGER, RUSSELL ALEXANDER, 1836-1907. Papers, 1862-1907. 3 ft. Civil War officer, governor of Michigan, secretary of war, and United States senator. Papers concern his military record in the Civil War, and treat at greater length the Cuban expedition of the Spanish- American War. Includes about 2000 letters from persons in public life, and two volumes of newspaper clippings. See Peckham' s Guide for fuller description. Gift of Alger's daughters, 1934. Names of writers of letters: Adee, Alvey Augustus Ainsworth, Dr. F. C. Alger, Horatio Alger, Russell A. Allen, Charles H. Allerton, Samuel W. Allison, William Boyd Angel 1, James Burr ill Armour & Co. Aspinwall, H. F. Ayer, Edward E. Barton, Clara Bates, John C. Bennett, Charles G. Beveridge, Albert J. Blaine, Harriet Stanwood, Mrs. James G. Blaine, James G. Bliss, Aaron T. Bliss, Cornelius N. Block, Benjamin A. Boynton, H. V. Bradley, William O. Breck, Samuel Brooke, John R. Brown, Henry B. Burleigh, H. G. Burrows, Julius C. Butler, Benjamin F. Carnegie, Andrew Cassatt, Alexander J. Cesnola, Luigi Palma di Chamber, William Astor Chamberlin, L. H. Chicago Tribune Cleveland, S. Grover Corbin, Henry C. Cramp, Charles H. Crapo, Henry Howland Custer, Elizabeth Bacon, Mrs. George Armstrong Custer, George Armstrong Dabney, Chiswell Dalton, Charles H. Davenny, Wilson Davies, Rev. Thomas F. Dawes, Charles G. Day, William R. Depew, Chauncey M. Deshon, H. S. Detroit Newsboys Association Devore, D. B. Dexter, John L. Dickinson, A. D. Dickinson, Donald M. Dodge, Grenville M. Draper, Eben S. Drennan, D. 0. Duf field, Henry M. Dwyer, Jeremiah Eagan, Charles Eaton, John Eckhart, B. A. Eliot, Charles W. Elkins, Stephen B. Elliot, Washington L. Ellsworth, William L. [7] ALGER Fairbanks, Charles W. Fairchild, Lucius Farrar, J. S. Field, Marshall Fish, Nicholas Fish, Stuyvesant Flagler, Daniel W. Flagler, Henry Morrison Foraker, Joseph B. Forsyth, James W. Fort, Homer Foster, John W. Freer, Charles Lang Frye, William Pierce Fuller, Melville W. Gallinger, Jacob H. Garcia, Calixto Gary, James A. Gibbons, James, Cardinal Grand Army of the Republic Grant, Frederick D. Grant, Ida Honore*, Mrs. Frederick D. Grant, Julia Dent, Mrs. Ulysses S. Greely, Adolphus W. Griggs, John W. Griscom, Clement Acton Haff, Delbert J. Hale, Edward Everett Hale, Eugene Hall, Mary Chandler Halstead, Murat Hamlin, Hannibal Hanna, Marcus A. Harding, Arthur T. Harris, Rev. Samuel S. Harrison, Benjamin Hay, John M. Hayes, Rutherford B. Hecker, Frank J. Hedges, H. C. Henderson, David B. Henry, Guy V. Henry, Julia M. , Mrs. Guy V. Herrick, Myron T. Hill, Edward Hoar, George F. Hobart, Garret A. Hollister, Dr. J. H. Hooker, Warren B. Hopkins, George H. Howard, Oliver Otis Hunsaker, W. J. Huntington, Collis P. Jackson, Sheldon January, William L. Jerome, Thomas Spencer Johne, C. V. D. Johnson, C. R. Joy, James Frederick Kellogg, F. W. Kidd, J. H. King, Adam E. King, Horatio C. Kountz, John S. Lacey, John F. Laffan, William M. Lamont, Daniel S. Lee, Fitzhugh Leslie, Arthur A. Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Robert Todd Livingstone, William Lodge, Henry Cabot Logan, John A. Long, John D. Lothrop, George Van Ness Ludlow, William McGarvey, John W. McKenna, Joseph L. McKinley, Ida Saxton, Mrs. William McKinley, William McKinnie, P. L. McMahon, M. T. McMillan, James McPherson, William, Jr. MacVeagh, I. Wayne Magee, Christopher L. Manly, J. H. Marshall, Edward Mason, V. L. Mason, W. S. Maybury, William C. Mecklejohn, L. D. Medill, Joseph Melchers, Gari Mendoza, R. G Merritt, Wesley Miles, Nelson A. Miley, J. D. Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. Michigan Commandery Moore, Charles A. Morgan, J. Pierpont Morgan, Richard Price Morton, Levi P. Mothersill, Phillip Newberry, Truman H. ALGER [7] Newel, Stanford New York Journal New York World Nicholson, John P. O'Brien, Thomas J. Osburn, J. L. Palmer, Thomas W. Patterson, Raymond Pauncefote, Sir Julian Pauncefote, 1st baron Perry, Leslie J. Phelps, William Walter Phillips, Fulton Pickett, LaSalle Corball Pingree, Hazen S. Piatt, Thomas C. Poe, Orlando M. Polk, C. Huron Porter, Horace Porter, J. A. Potter, Henry C. Pray, G. B. Proctor, Redfield Quay, Matthew S. Quinby, William E. Rafferty, Peter F. Reed, Thomas B # Reid, Whitelaw Reily, Peter Rhodes, James Ford Roosevelt, Theodore Root, Elihu Rosecrans, William S. Rowland, Hugh B. Ryan, Mrs. Wallace P. Safferd, Charles H. Sanger, Joseph P. Savage, Richard Henry Sawyer, E. H. Schofield, John M. Scofield, John C. Scovel, H. Sylvester Scripps, James E. Scriven, George Percival Sears, Charles E. Selfredge, Robert 0. Shafter, William R. Shepard, Elliot F. Sheridan, Irene Rucker, Mrs. Philip H. Sheridan, Philip H. Sherman, Ellen Ewing, Mrs. William T. Sherman, John M. Sherman, P. T. Sherman, Rachel Sherman, William T. Sickles, Daniel E. Sloan, W. H. Sloane, John Smith, Charles Emory Smith, William Alden Smythe, J. Henry Spooner, John Coit Squires, Grant Sternberg, Dr. George M Sternberg, Speck von Stockbridge, Francis B. Strong, H. S. Stuart, Flora Cooke, Mrs. James E. B. Stuart, James E. B. , Jr, Swift & Co. Taft, William Howard Tarver, B. C. Taylor, John L. Thomas, H. H. Thompson & Slater Tourge"e, Albion Winegar Tweedale, John Vanderbilt, William H. Van Home, William C. Waite, Horatio L. Wallace, Lewis Wanamaker, John Ward, Thomas W. Webb, Alexander S. Webb, W. S. Weightman, Richard Westinghouse, George Wheeler, Joseph White, Peter Whitney, Casper Wickham, John J. Wiley, John A. Wilkins, Beriah Wilson, James Wilson, James H. Wilson, John M. Wolcott, C. C. Wood, Leonard Woodbury, Urban A. Woodford, Stewart L. Wooster, Dr. S. R. Wrenn, B. W. Wu Tingfang Youngblood, W. [8-10] ALLEN - AMERICAN FUR COMPANY 7 8. ALLEN FAMILY. Papers, 1836-1875. 6 items. Letters and other manuscripts relating to the Allen family and the founding of Ann Arbor. Included are the family record of James Allen with an account of his journey from Virginia to Michigan in 1824, and a plat book, showing the original plan of Ann Arbor, the land deeded by the United States to John Allen, and the owners of lots sold by him. The family record of James Allen is described in The Michigan Alumnus. Quarterly review, v. 44, no. 10, p. 17-22. Gift of Mrs. Genevieve Allen Carter, 1937. Names of writers of letters: Allen, Ann I. Barry McCue, Bell, Phoebe McCue Mrs. John Currier, Nathaniel Allen, James Turner ALZATE Y RAMIREZ, JOSE ANTONIO DE, 1738-1799. Memoria sobre la naturaleza cultivo, y beneficio de Grana <5 Cochinilla, 1777. 1 item, 132 pages. Mexican priest and author. A manuscript on the cochineal which was printed in Madrid in 1795. Described in the catalogue of Sotheby and co., June 24-27, 1919, item 391. It is Phillipps Ms. 15993. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Acquired upon settlement of the Clements estate, 1937. 10. AMERICAN FUR COMPANY, MACKINAC. Papers, 1808-1830. 31 items. Letters and documents relating to the operation of the American fur company in the Great Lakes region. The letters from John Jacob Astor offer advice re- garding the type of furs to be acquired, and make suggestions for marketing. These manuscripts give an interesting account of the early fur trading AMERICAN REVOLUTION [11] activity in the Michilimackinac area. Purchased, 1952. Names of writers of letters and authors and signers of documents: Abbott, Samuel Askin, John As tor, John Jacob Crooks, Ramsay Davis, John Johnston, John Puthuff, William Henry 11. AMERICAN REVOLUTION. Correspondence, 1781-1782. Photostats. 1 ft. Correspondence between the British commanders-in- chief in America and the British colonial secre- taries. Other writers are represented mainly by enclosures. Subjects dealt with include the Huddy- Asgill-Lippincott case, possible military campaigns for 1782, the problem of the Loyalists, the exchange of prisoners and plans for the evacuation of American ports. Originals located in the Public record office, London, of Colonial office papers, class 5, v. 105, p. 1-480, and v. 106, p. 1-536. See Peckham' s Guide for fuller description. Names of writers of letters: Asgill, Sir Charles Blowers, Sampson Salter Borden, William Brearly, David Browne, Gov. William Bull, William Campbell, Sir Archibald Carleton, Sir Guy, 1st baron Dorchester Chads, Henry Clinton, Sir Henry Coxe, Daniel Cunningham, William Dalrymple, William Digby, Robert Elliott, Andrew Franklin, William Georgia. Council Gordon, James Haldimand, Sir Frederick Hancock, John Irving, Thomas Knox, Henry Leslie, Alexander Livingston, William Meibon, Maj. von Monmouth County, inhabi- tants of Morris, George New York, loyal refugees of New York City, inhabi- tants of North, John Parker, Josiah Parker, Sir Peter, 1st bart. Pennsylvania, Maryland and Delaware, Loyalists of Pew, Red ah Randolph, Daniel Robertson, James Rumford, Sir Benjamin Thompson, count von [12-13] AMERICAN REVOLUTION Russell, John Shedden, William Shelburne, William Petty, 1st marquess of Lansdowne, 2nd earl of Sydney, Thomas Townshend, 1st viscount Tilton, Clayton Tilton, John Washington, George Watson, John Watson Tad- well White, Aaron Wright, Sir James, 1st bart. 12 AMERICAN REVOLUTION Guerra Di America, 1804. 1 item, 284 pages. Author unknown. A history of the American Revolu- tion in Italian. The writer indicates an enthusiasm for the American cause, particular admiration of Washington and Franklin as well as an understanding of the history of other countries and international law. Described in the catalogue of Libreria Nardecchia, Rome, Americana, no.l, 1929, item 154. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Purchased, 1929. 13 AMERICAN REVOLUTION. Thoughts on the War between Great Britain & America made in Sept. & October-1776 and Thoughts on the same Subject wrote Feby. 1778, 1776-1778. 1 item, 238 pages. Author unknown. Monograph apparently prepared for government officials in Great Britain by an English author who had some knowledge of military strategy and a political point of view. Described in the catalogue of Sotheby and co., April 26, 1926, item 34. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Purchased, 1930. 10 AMHERST [14] 14. AMHERST, JEFFERY AMHERST, 1ST BARON, 1717-1797. Papers, 1758-1764. 2 ft. Commander-in-chief of British forces in America. Five general categories of papers: (1) papers and information turned over to General Gage in 1763; ( 2) letters and petitions addressed to Amherst before 1763, but referred to Gage from time to time; (3) Amherst's letters to Gage; (4) letters to Amherst as commander-in-chief which arrived in New York after he had sailed; and (5) letters and papers written by Amherst in 1758 and 1759. The library also has a calendar of Amherst papers in the Public record office. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Acquired upon settlement of the Clements estate, 1937. Names of writers of letters and authors and signers of documents: Abbott, Edward Albany, skippers of sloops belonging to Amherst, Sir Jeffery Amherst, baron A PPy> John Articles of Capitulation, Montreal. Barrington, William Wildman Barrington, 2nd viscount Batten, John Beardsley, Samuel Beckwith, John Boone , Gov . Thomas Bouquet, Henry Bradstreet, John Brehm, Dietrich Browning, William Bruce, Robert George Burton, John Burton, Ralph Campbell, John Cherokee Headman Little Carpenter Colden, Cadwallader Colvill, Lt. Creek, Lower. Chiefs Dalrymple, Capt. John Des Barres, Joseph Frederick Wallet Detroit, French inhabitants of Dobbs, Arthur Duncan, Alexander Ecuyer, Simeon Egremont, Sir Charles Wyndham, 2nd earl of Elliot, Robert Ellis, Welbore, 1st baron Mendip Farmar, Robert Fitzpatrick, Patrick Fleming, Samuel Forster, William Franklin, William Fratts, Jacob Gage , Thomas Gambier, John Garling, Charles Gaull, William Gladwin, Henry Gould-Morgan, Sir Charles Great Britain Army in America. Garrison at Detroit Board of Trade Sovereigns. George III Gualy, Stephen Haldimand, Sir Frederick Halifax, George Montagu Dunk, 2nd earl of Hamilton, Gov. James [15-16] ANDRE - ANTIGUA 11 Hamilton, John Hancock, Thomas Hawkins, John Henesy, James Hopkins, Joseph Johnson, Sir William, 1st bart. Leake, Robert Limes, Peter Liverpool, Charles Jenkinson, 1st baron Hawkesbury, 1st earl of Loring, Joshua, Sr. McBride, Barard Mackenzie, Robert Maclean, Allan Marr, John Martin, Samuel Massy, Eyre, 1st baron Clarina Maturin, Gabriel Moncrieffe, Thomas Morrall, Thomas Mortier, Abraham Murphy, Morgan Neal, Thomas Nesbitt, William Ormsby, James Osborne, Charles Ottawa ( Indians) Ottawa. Chief Pontiac Penfold, Charles Penn, Richard Pittman, Philip Prevost, Augustine, Sr. Ramsay, Peter Robertson, James Rogers, Robert Rogers, William Scott, James Scott, Joseph Sharpe, Horatio Sissholt, Michael Stanwix, John Stephen, Adam Stephens, Sir Philip, 1st bart. Stevens, Samuel Stuart, John Swits, Isaac Tul liken, John Van der Werken, Johannis Villiers, Pierre Joseph Neyon de Walters, William Wempel, John Wentworth, Benning Weston, Peter Wheelwright, Nathaniel Wilkins, John Williamos, Charles 15. ANDRE, JOHN, 1750-1780. The cow chase, ca. 1780. 5 items, 9 pages. Manuscript copy. British army officer. Contemporary manuscript copy bound with a printed edition of John Andre\ The cow chase. The identity of the copyist has not been determined. Three letters relating to the manuscript from Benson J. Lossing, Arthur Swann, and Israel K. Tefft are bound with the other items. Purchased, 1946. 16. ANTIGUA. Papers, 1719-1749 19 items. 12 ARITHMETIC - ATIENZA [17-19] Miscellaneous official papers relating to the island of Antigua in the West Indies. Included are reports, depositions, memorials, and letters relating to the governing of the island. Described in the catalogue of Sotheby and co May 19-23, 1913, items 226 and 228. Phillipps Mss. 19095 and 20947. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Purchased, 1937. Names of writers of letters and authors and signers of documents: Blizard, Stephen King, Benjamin Clagett, Wiseman Lucas, George Crawford, Alexander Martin, Josiah Cust, Savile Smith, Wavell Glen, William Smith, William Hedges, Charles Tomlinson, John Jessup, Edward Walsh, De la Court Kerby, Thomas 17. ARITHMETIC BOOK, ca. 1850. 1 item, 54 pages. Manuscript arithmetic book, Gift of Jacob Blanck, 1947, 18. ASPA, ANTONIO DE . Relacion de los dos primeros viages de Christobal Colon, ca. 1518. Copy. 1 item, 128 pages. Spanish monk. Manuscript copy of a description of Columbus' early voyages. The original was probably written at the monastery of Mejorada where Columbus is known to have deposited some papers. The original manuscript is in the Real Academia de la Historia de Madrid. 19. ATIENZA, LOPE DE, 1537-1596. Compendio historial del estado de los Yndios del Peru, con mucha Doctrina y cosas notables de Vitos costumbres e* inclinaciones que tienen, con otra [2 0] BALDWIN 13 doctrina y avisos para los que viven entre estos Neophitos ... ca. 1580. Manuscript copy. 1 item, 370 pages. Priest and Missionary to Peru. The author dis- cusses the problems that face the missionaries because of the customs and manners of the Indians. He boldly asserts that the priests must hold the respect of the Indians by exemplary behavior, and he urges the clergy to forget the pomp of the church and work humbly among the natives. The original manuscript is in the library of the Cathedral of Palencia, Spain. A copy made for J. B. Munoz is in the Real Academia de Historia, Madrid, and two other copies are in the New York Public Library. The manuscript copy in this library is bound with copies of Polo de Ondegardo 1 s Relacidn and Zurita' s Relacidn. Described in the catalogue of Sotheby and co., June 24-27, 1919, item 387. Phillipps Ms. 11633. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Purchased, 1928. 20. BALDWIN FAMILY Correspondence, 1662-1864. 3 ft. Loammi Baldwin, 1740-1807, was colonel of the 26th Continental Infantry in the Revolution, was sheriff and state legislator in Massachusetts. His son, Loammi Baldwin, 1780-1838, was a civil engineer, and is called "the father of civil engineering in America. " The collection contains correspondence among members of the Baldwin family who served in various capacities as surveyors, engineers and legislators. It also contains letters from various state and city officials in Massachusetts to the younger Loammi, consulting him on matters of public works and canals. Drafts of his replies are also included, See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Purchased, 1939. Names of writers of letters: Allen, Horatio Appleton, Dr. Nathaniel Allston, Washington Walker Amory, Thomas Armstrong, Samuel Turell 14 BALDWIN [20] Asgill, Lady Charles Austin, William Avery, John, Jr. Bainbridge, William Baker, Luke Baldwin, Benjamin Franklin Baldwin, Clarissa Baldwin, Cyrus Baldwin, Cyrus Baldwin, George Rumford Baldwin, James Baldwin, James Fowle Baldwin, Jenison Baldwin, Loammi, 1740-1807 Baldwin, Loammi, 1780-1838 Baldwin, Mrs. Loammi, Jr. Baldwin, Loammi Baldwin, Nahum Baldwin, Ruth Baldwin, Ruth, Mrs. Cyrus Baldwin, Samuel Bangs, Edward D. Bartlett, Samuel Bates , Joshua Bayley, Rev. Abner Beach, Ephraim Beard, I. A. Beaufoy, Henry Beckford, Catherine Richardson Beckford, Thomas Belknap, Samuel Berry, Isaac Y. Blair, Phineas Blake, Joshua Blodget, William Blogget, Nathan Bodwell, Nathan Booth, John S. Boston & Lowell Railroad Corp. Boyle, John Bradford, William J. A. Bradley, Samuel A. Brenton, John Brice, George Brodhead, D. D. Brooks, Isaac Brooks, Peter Chardon Brown, Moses Browne, Peter Bruff, J. G. Bryant, Gridley Bulfinch, Charles Burnham, Jonathan Butterfield, Joseph Camae, Turner Campbell, Philadelphia Campbell, William Carr, James Carrington, Edward Carter, Joseph Chadbourne, J. R. Chamberlin, Aaron Champney, Francis Chevalier, Michel Chickering, Joseph Clapp, Zebedee Clark, Henry Clark, Hobart Cleveland, George Cleveland, Richard Jeffry Cleveland, Stephen Codman, Stephen, Jr. Coffin, Sir Isaac Coolidge, Benjamin Coolidge, George Coolidge, Thomas B. Cordis, Joseph Cox, Lemuel Craigie, Andrew Curtis, C. Curtis, H. K. Curtis, Neddy Curtis, Samuel Curtis, Thomas B. Cutler, Manasseh Dana, F. M. Dana, James Dana, Samuel Davies, Jonathan Dearborn, Henry A. S. Delesdernier, W. Deming, Mary Derby, James Dexter, Franklin Dexter, George M. Dexter, S. Newton Dexter, Samuel Dickerson, Mahlon Doolittle, J. Dustin, Alexander Elder, Thomas Eldridge, Edward Ely, Justin Emerson, Amos Emery, Samuel Everett, Edward Eynaud, P. Farley, Joseph Farmer, Edward [20] BALDWIN 15 Farwe 1 1 , Samue 1 Fessenden, Samuel Finsbury Square Academy Fisher, John A. Flagg, Gersholm Flint, John Ford, William Forster, John Foster, Andrew Foster, George Fowle, Josiah Fowle, W. French, Frederic Frye, Joseph Galvin, George I. Gamble, John G. Gannett, Caleb Gardiner, Robert Hallowell Gardner, John Godfrey, Jonas Gooch, James Goodhue, Samuel Gorham, Stephen Graff, Frederick Grahame , Thomas Gratiot, Charles Gratz, Jacob Gray, Benjamin G. Gray, Horace Great Britain. Admiralty Green, Joshua Greenleaf, Enoch Griswold, Nathaniel Hall, David A. Hancock, John Harding, Chester Harrington, Joseph Hay, Dr. John Hayward, Dr. George Heald, Ebenezer Henley, Samuel Higginson, D. Waldo Hobart, William Hogins, Asa B. Holbrook, John C. Hollingsworth, Levi G. Homes, Barzillai Hooker, John Hopkins, James Hove, B. Hull, William Hunewell, Jonathan Hunt, William Hurd , Thomas Jackson, Jonathan, Jackson, Patrick Tracy Jefferds, William Jennison, Timothy L. Johnson, Isaac Johnston, Thomas Jones, Benjamin Jones, Cadr. Jones, Ephraim Jones, Willard Kennedy, D. S. Keyes, Ebenezer Kirkland, John Thornton Knapp, John Kneeland, William Knight, John Lawrence, Abbott Lawrence, Luther Lawrence, Samuel Le Baron, William Le Barron, Charles Leigh, Benjamin Watkins Lester, Ebenezer A. Lincoln, Levi Linnaean Society of New England Little, Rev. Dard Livermore, Arthur London Provident Institution Low, Joseph Lowell, Francis C. Lyman, Theodore Lyon, Mrs. Abby McKean, Henry S. McLane, Edward Maginness, James Martin, Jonathan Mercer, Charles Fenton Merrill, Benjamin Mitchell, H. Mordecai, Alfred Morgan, Jonathan Morris, Charles Morse, Rev. Jedidiah Mulliken, John Norton, A. W. Orme , Edward Osgood, Timothy Page , John Page, William Park, Rev. Russell Park, Stuart J. Parker, Ichabod Parks, Marshall Parsons, Benjamin Parsons, Theophilus Partridge, George Payson, Phillips Peabody, Augustus 16 BALDWIN [20] Peaslee, Charles H. Peck, John Peirce, Thomas Pell, Peggy Perham, B. F. Perkins, Thomas Handasyd Perry, John Phinney, Elias Phinney, J. B. Pickering, John Pierce, Josiah, Jr. Pierce, Mrs. Ruth Pitkin, F. W. Pollard, Solomon Porter, Aaron Pratt, Thomas Willis Prentiss, James Prescott, Edward G. Prescott, James Prescott, Dr. Oliver Putnam, Dr. Aaron Randall, James M. Randolph, Richard K. Rankin, William Reed, Caleb Richardson, Wyman Ripley, Rev. Ezra Ripley, Samuel Rodgers, John Rogers, William S. Rogers & Bromfield Rumford, Sir Benjamin Thompson, count von Rumford, Sarah Thompson, countess von Russell, Bill Russell, James Saltonstall, Leverett Sargeant, Nathaniel Peaslee Sargeant, Samuel Scott, Andrew Seaver, Norman Seymour, Joshua H. Sherman, Isaac Shove, Jonathan Silliman, Benjamin Singleton, Henry Smith, Ebenezer Smith, Francis Gurney Smith, Henry Smith, Dr. Oliver Smith, Thomas Somars , Henry Sprague, Nathan Stacey, George Staples, J. & I. Stark, Dr. R. B. Stephens, Thomas Stevens, Frederick Stevens, Thomas Holdup Stickney, James Stickney, John Stimson, Jeremy Stoddard, Amos Storer, Charles Storer, Isaac Storer, Woodbury, Jr. Storrow, Thomas Wentworth Sullivan, James Sullivan, William Swift, Jonathan Tay, William Teale, Peter Thaler, Charles Thayer, Minott Thorn, Dr. Isaac Thome , John Thompson, Abijah Thompson, Dr. Abner R. Thompson, George Thompson, Isaac S. Thompson, Samuel Thompson & Co. , Jonah Tillinghast, Nicholas Totten, Joseph Gilbert Towne, Asa Trowbridge, Edmund W. Tudor, Frederic Tyng, Dudley A. United States. Continental Army. 2 6th Regiment Varnum, Joseph Bradley Vaughan, Benjamin Vaughan, William Vergennes, Charles Gravier, comte de Vignole, Charles Vinton, John Wainwright, Mrs, M. M. Wattles, Edward Walker, Rev. James Walker, Sears Cook Walker, William Ward, William, Jr. Watson, Marston Wattles, W. T. Webb, George K. Webb, Jonathan Weed, Dr. Samuel Weidman, Jacob West, John H. Whipple, William J. White, Canvass [21-22] BARBEE - - BEAUMARCHAIS Whitney, Joseph Wilson, Ruth Wilder, James Wilson, Samuel W. Willard, Sidney Wingfield, Charles Williams, Charles Winthrop, James Williams, John Winthrop, William Williams, Stephen Wood, Ephraim Williams, Timothy Wyman, Joseph Willis, William Wyman, Zebadiah, Jr Willson, John Young, William P. Wilson, Joseph 17 21 BARBEE, THOMAS Orderly book, 1794. Photostat. 1 item, 93 pp. American army officer. The orderly book records some of the activities of Major General Charles Scott' s "Mounted Volunteers" in their campaign against the Indians in the Northwest Territory in 1794. Thomas Barbee was his brigadier general. The period covered by the orderly book is from July 15 to Sept. 15, during which time Barbee 1 s brigade was ordered to march to Fort Recovery and bring up supplies to the camp at the Miami villages. The photostat was made in 1932 from the original in the possession of Mrs. Frances Allen Upson of Ann Arbor. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. 22. BEAUMARCHAIS, PIERRE AUGUSTIN CARON DE, 1732-1799. Papers, 1767-1832. 140 items. French playwright and diplomat. Contains letters by Beaumarchais and documents relative to him, dating from 1791 to 1799, and letters of Madame de Beaumarchais and their daughter Euge*nie. Some of the letters were published in G. Chinard, ed. Lettres ine*dites de Beaumarchais ... Letters for the period 1791-1799 were listed in the catalogue of Sotheby and co . , Nov. 16-17, 1925, item 239. See Peckham' s Guide for fuller description. Acquired upon settlement of the Clements estate, 1937. 18 BEESON BELL [23-24] Names of writers of letters and authors and signers of documents: Beaumarchais, Marie- The>ese-Emilie Willermaulaz, Mme. Pierre-Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais, Pierre- Augustin Caron de Delarue, Eugdnie de Beau Beaumarchais, Mme. Louis- Andre* -Toussa in t France. Commissaires de la Tre*sorerie Nationale France. Commission de la Comptabilite* Intermediaire France. Ministre des Finances Gue*bhard, Pere E. Lindet, Robert-Thomas 23. BEESON FAMILY. Business and financial papers, 1809-1850. 7 items. Bank stock records, financial statements, receipts for pay, real estate documents, and memoranda of the Beeson family of Uniontown, Pennsylvania. Gift of William Van Dyke, 1944. Names of authors and signers of documents: Adair, James Baily, Ellis Barton, Benjamin Beeson, Jacob Edwards, J. L. Freeman, Azel Gans, George Greenland, A. Greenland, Thomas Hurton, J. Kennedy, John Pennock, H. L. Piper, James St. Clair, John Todd, James West, Enos Wiggins, Isaac Wilson, James Wi throw, John 24. BELL, SIR WILLIAM. Journal, 1830-1833. 1 item, 172 pages. British army officer. Journal contains notes on Barbadoes, relating principally to slavery, and on Gilbraltar. Spanish language exercises and extracts from Gil Bias are added. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Purchased, 1925. [2 5-27] BERLANDIER - BERNALDEZ 19 25. BERLANDIER, JEAN LUIS. Observaciones Astrdnomicas, 1832-1835. 1 item, 70 pages. Scientist and geographer. Manuscript book con- tains observations made by the author from points in northern Mexico and Texas while he served on the Mexican commission to survey the northern boundary. Described in the catalog of Sotheby and co., May 19-23, 1913 (Phillipps sale), item 349. Phillipps Ms. 15521. See Peckham' s Guide for fuller description. Purchased, 1928. 26. BERNALDEZ, ANDRES, ca. 1450-1513. Historia de los reyes catholicos Dn. Fernando y Da. Ysabel escrita por el bachiller Andre's Bernalde's cura que fue* de la Villa de los Palacios, y Capellan de D. Diego Deza Arzobispo de Seville, 17- . Transcript. 1 item, 414 leaves. Spanish priest, acquaintance of Columbus. A history of the reign of Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain, with numerous chapters devoted to the voyages of Columbus. This transcript is an eighteenth century copy of one made in 1682. Described in the catalogue of Sotheby and co., June 24-27, 1919, item 134. Also described in Seymour De Ricci and W. J. Wilson. Census of medieval and renaissance manuscripts in the United States and Canada, v. 2, p. 1128. Phillipps Ms. 8115. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. 27. BERNALDEZ, ANDRES, ca. 1450-1513. Historia de los reyes catholicos D. Fernando y Da Ysabel escrita por el bachiller Andreas Bernaldes, cura que fue de la villa de los palacios, capellan de D. Diego Deza, arzobispo de Sevilla, 16- . Transcript. 1 item, 154 pages. 20 BERNARD - BETHLEHEM [28-29] Spanish priest, acquaintance of Columbus. Contains only chapters 118-131 of the larger work. These chapters are especially concerned with Columbus' voyages. Also included is an extract of Chapter 17, Book I, of Pedro Mexia 1 s Historia de el emperador Carlos V, which relates to Corte*s and Magellan. The latter item was published by J. Deloffre in the Revue Hispanique, v. 44, p. 1-564. Described in the catalogue of Sotheby and co., June 24-27, 1935, item 8. Phillipps MS. 8116. See Peckham' s Guide for fuller description. Purchased, 1935. 28. BERNARD, SIR FRANCIS, 1712-1779. The Answer of Francis Bernard Esq. Governor of his Majesty's Province of Massachusetts Bay, to the queries proposed by the Right Honorable the Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantations, ca. 1770. 1 item, 32 pages. Colonial governor. Copy of a document written in 1763, in which a report on many aspects of colonial life was made. Included are descriptions of the climate, crops, trade, history, law enforcement, relations with the Indians, state of military pre- paredness, and the governmental structure of the colony, together with recommendations for changes in its constitution. 29. BETHLEHEM, PA. Records, 1741-1784. 44 items. A collection of bills, receipts, letters, minute books, deeds and other material relative to the early settlement of the Moravian Brethern at Bethle- hem, Pennsylvania. Some of the papers are signed by prominent Pennsylvanians of the eighteenth cen- tury. Described in the catalogue of Georges Andrieux, Paris, June 18-19, 1934, item 49. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. [30] BIRNEY 21 Names of writers of letters: Barton, Thomas Bartow, Thomas Bird, William Brodhead, Daniel Burnside, J. Dupui, Samuel Moore, Samuel Preston Okely, J. Parsons, William Pat ton, John 30. BIRNEY, JAMES GILLESPIE, 1792-1857. Papers, 1816-1857. 7 ft. Anti-slavery leader. The collection contains drafts of 137 of Birney 1 s own letters and photostats of 60 more in other libraries. Among the letters are 67 from Theodore D. Weld, a contemporary anti- slavery advocate. About 350 of the most important anti-slavery letters in the collection were published in D. L. Dumond, ed. Letters of James Gillespie Birney, 1831-1857, 2 v. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Gift of George Birney Jennison, 1935. Names of writers of letters: Adam, John J. Albany, citizens of Albany Literary Association Allan, James S. Allan, William T. Allegheny College Literary Society Allen, Richard Alvord, Henry H. Anderson, Peter Anderson, William Anderson & Hannah Andrews, Ethan Allen Andrews, J„ W. Armstrong, William Arnold, Henry Ayres, Thomas Backus, F. W. Bacon, Rev. Leonard Woolsey Bailey, Gamaliel Baldwin, Dr. Cyrus Ball, George F. Ball, Martha V. Barber, E. Barker, Eliel Barker, Jacob Barnes, Rev. James C. Bartlett & Welford Bayless, John Clark Beach, Noah Beaumont , John Beckley, Rev. Guy Beecher, Rev. Henry Ward Beirne, George P. Bell, Dr. David Bell, Hiram Bell, Joshua F. Bentley, A. V. Bernie, James Beverly, John E. Bibb, Henry Bingham, Kinsley Scott Birney, Agatha A. L. McDowell, Mrs. James Gillespie Birney, David Bell Birney, Dion Birney, Elizabeth Fitzhugh, Mrs. James Gillespie Birney, Florence Birney, George 22 BIRNEY [30] Birney, James, d. 18 39 Birney, James, 1817-88 Birney, James Gillespie Birney, Katy H. Birney, William Bishop, Robert H. Blackmore, J. Blackney, William A. Blair, M. P. Blair, William T. Bond , Lewis Booker, Paul J. Booth, William W. Bowly, Samuel H. Bowyer, John M. Boykin, B. Brackin, Richard H. Bradley, Henry Bragg, Henry A. Braithwaite, Mrs. Anna Braithwaite, Mary Caroline Brandon, Byrd Brashear, Lucinda M. Brayton, H. F. Breckinridge, John Cabell British and Foreign Anti- Slavery Society Brooke, Dr. Abram Brooke , Edward Brown, George W. Brown, Rev. J. S. Brown, James M. Bryant, William Bryant, William Cullen Buchanan, James M. Buffalo Liberty Committee Buffum, Arnold Bullock, George W. Bunce , Truman Burk, Moses Burnell, Levi Butler, Percival Buxton, Sir Thomas Fowell Caldwell, William W. Campbell, Sydney Campbe 1 1 , Thomas Carlisle, J. Carter, Dr. Benjamin Caruthers, Hawn & Co. Cavender, Thomas S. Channing, Rev. William Ellery Chaplin, William L. Chapman, A. Chase, Salmon Portland Chatfield, Samson Christian, John D. Cincinnati Anti-Texas Committee Clark, W. H. Clarke, Edwin W. Clarkson, Thomas Clay, Cassius M. Clay, Clement Conner Clay, Henry Cleveland, Charles Dexter Cogshall, Rev. Israel Cook, Rev. J. B. Cossitt, F. R. Cox, Luther J. Craemer, Augustus Crary, B. D. Crawford, Robert Cropper, Anne, Mrs. John Cross, John B. Danville, inhabitants of Davidson, Alexander Daviess, Samuel Davis, Alexander Davis, Dr. George Dawes, William Dean, Charles K. Dolbeare, Jeremiah F. Dorrance, S. J. Draper, Lyman C. Earle, Mary Eastman, Zebina Elder, Dr. William Ellis, George Edward Elmore, Franklin Harper Errett, Russell Farnsworth, B. F. Fearn, Dr. Thomas Fenn, Rev. Benjamin Ferris, Edward B. Fields, Richard Fitzhugh, Dr. Daniel H. Fitzhugh, Henry M. Fleeson, Reese C. Folger, Robert H. Forster, Josiah Forster, Matthew Forster, William Edward Foster, Prior Foster, Theodore Fowler, Bancroft Fowlers & Wells Fox, James L. P. Franklin College. Jefferson Literary Society Fraser, Alexander D. Fraser, James Frazier, George L. French J. [30] BIRNEY 23 Fuller, James C. Fulton, Robert Gallup, J. C. Garland, Jerome B. Gas lay, William, Jr. Gaston, Rev. Ammon Gaston, C. T. Gates, Seth Merrill Gazzam, A. H. Gazzam, Dr. Joseph P. Gemmel, George Geyer, Henry Sheffie Gilbert, H. C. Gillaspie, J. W. Gillespie, James E . Goddard, S. B. S. Godwin, Benjamin Goodell, William Goodrich, Carey S. Goodwin, Mrs. A. L. Goodwin, John Graham, George Grayson, B. R. Greeley, Horace Green, Rev. Beriah Green, John Green, Nathan Green, Samuel W. Gretter, John A. Gretter, W. Griffith, Julia Grimke, Sarah M. Gurley, Ralph Randolph Gwynn, William Halleck, Horace Hammond, Robert F. Harcourt, E. V. Harned, William Hascall, Chas. C. Haydon, Benjamin Robert He nd e r s on , Jame s Henry, Joseph Hoffman, Benjamin F. Hogue, A. A. A. Holley, Myron Holloway & Davis Holman, Rev. Robert Holmes, J. C. Holmes, Silas M. Hopkins, Arthur Francis Hubbard, Rev. R. B. Hudson, Timothy B. Hulburt, John, & Co. Hunt, James Bennett Hunter, B. B. Hutchinson, Anson Hyde, Dr. Dana Ionia County (Mich.) Convention Isham, Giles S. Jackson, James Caleb Jay, William Jennison, Florence Birney, Mrs. Jennison, H. W. Jenny, R. W. Jessup, William Jewett, Dr. Adam Jewett, Sophronia A., Mrs. Hubbard Johnson, John T. Johnson, Oliver Jones, John Jones, Rev. Laban Jones, Warren G. Joy, James Frederick Joy & Porter Keener, David Keep, Rev. John Kellogg, Hiram Huntington Ker, Dr. John Kimberly, Charles S. Kimberly, Ebenezer C. King, Dr. J. W. Kingsbury, Harmon Kinne, Asa Kinsley, Z. J. D. Kirkman, T. and J. Kress, Azaniah Labaree, Rev. B. Lackey, Albert Langdon, Robert Leavitt, Joshua Leffingwell, E. H. Leggett, William Le Moyne, Dr. Francis Julius Lewis, Samuel Liberty Party Committee Light, Rev. George C. Lillie, William Lindsay, M. E. B. Lindsley, Philip Little, Charles D. Little, David H. Loring, Ellis Gray Ludlow, James C. Lundy, Benjamin Lyman, Huntingdon Lynn, Rev. Samuel McClelland, Robert McCormick, James J. McDowell, William McGarty, James 24 BIRNEY [30] McGehee, Edward M. McKinley, John McKinney, Robert R. MacKnight, W. P. McMillan, William Madden, Dr. Richard Robert Mahan, Rev. Asa Mann, Horace Marshall, Anna R. Birney, Mrs. John J. Marshall, Charles E. Marshall, John Jay Mason, Thompson Massie, J. W. May, Samuel Joseph Mechlin, A. H. Merriman, Marcus, Jr. Michigan, University of. Phi Phi Alpha Society Miller, Albert Miller, Mrs. Elizabeth S. Miller, Hiram L. Mills, Joseph Mills, Rev. Thornton A. Montgomery, Thomas C. Moore, Lindley D. Moore & Foote Moore Bradfield & Co. Morse, Chas. H. Murray, R. L. Nelson, Artimus Nelson, F. B. New York Ladies' Anti- Slavery Society Northwestern Liberty Party Convention Norton, Rev. John T. Norwich, E. Noyes, P. P. and W. , Jr. Olmstead, Enoch Opie, Mrs. Amelia Ormond , John J. Paine, James H. Pait, William J. Parish, F. D. Parker, Rev. O. Parnell, B. A. Pasey, Madison B. Patterson, R. M. Pearson, Adam Pennock, Abraham S. Pennock, George Phelps, Rev. Amos A. Phi Beta Kappa Society Pierce, Moses Piatt, Joseph Piatt, Rev. William Pomeroy, Isaac Pope, Lottie C. Porter, Dr. Arthur Livermore Porter, George F. Porter, Samuel D. Post, Henry D. Powell, A. Purdom, Richard B. Purinton, N. B. Putnam, George Palmer Quincy, Edmund Ramsay, John Rankin, E. R. Ray, Charles B. Peed, Thomas B. Reid, Mrs. Elizabeth J. Richardson, Dr. William H. Richman, Charles Rogers, Thomas Rogers, W. S. Romeyn, Theodore Rose, Robert Hutchinson Ross, Andrew Saginaw City Convention Salisbury, Rev. Simeon Sanford, Ephraim H. Sayre, William Scoble, John Scott, J. M. Seavy, Mary P. Shields, William Sievers, Rev. Ferdinand Simpson, Thomas Skillman, Abraham T. Smith, Daniel B. Smith Gerrit Smith, Dr. James McCune Smith, Jere Smith, Richard Smithe, N. Soul, Joseph Stafford, J. R. Stanton, Henry Brewster Starling, William Stead, William Steele, Rev. Jason Stephenson, Dr. William M. Stevenson, Joseph Vance Stewart, Alvan Stuart, Charles Stuart, Robert Sturge, Joseph Sturge, Sophia Sullivant, Joseph Sutherland, J. G. Sweet, J. N. [31] BOOK COLLECTORS 25 Swift, Henry A. Swift, Joseph Gardner Tappan, Lewis Belden George N. W. Dr. Nathan M. Thomas E. George C. Milo Octavus W. , Jr. Taylor, Taylor, Taylor, Thomas , Thomas, Thompson, Thompson, Thompson, Thompson, Towne, E. Tredgold, Tucker, J. Tunnicliff, Nelson Turnbull, David Tuttle, Sarah Tutwiler, Henry Tyndale, Sarah Underwood, Joseph Rogers Union Safety Committee Vanarsdall, Peter Van Dyke, T. Nixon Vaughan, William C. Veuve, D. John Harfield N. T. Wade, Edward Walker, Amasa Warren, C. A. Watson, James Watson, Charles C. , & Son Webb, Richard D. Webb & Co. , E. Weld, James Weld, Theodore Dwight We Her, Rev. George Wellington, Luke Wells, F. B. Wheaton & Herrick Whittier, John Greenleaf Willey, Seth Williams, G. D. Williams, Isaac Williams, Melancthon B. Willson, Martin Wilson, Hiram Wood s , Re v . He r ve y Wright, Elizur, Jr. Youmans, Edward L. Young, Rev. John Clarke Young, Robert 31. BOOK COLLECTORS. Letters, 1810-1950. 1 ft. A collection created by the gradual acquisition of letters of prominent book collectors, biblio- philes and bibliographers. Names of persons now living and of antiquarian book sellers with whom the library now deals have been omitted. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Names of writers of letters: Adams, Randolph Greenfield Allen, Elisha Hunt Allibone, Samuel Austin Baker, William Spohn Barrowes, Sir John Bartlett, John Russell Bennet, Reo Beyer, Barnet J. Bixby, William Keeney Boltwood, Lucius M. Bradford, Alden Bullard, F. Lauriston Burns, Charles D. Burton, Clarence Monroe Capen, Edward Chapman, Charles E. Cogswell, Joseph Green Collier, John Payne Cole, George Watson Daly, John August in Dalzell, James McCormick Dibdin, Thomas Fragnall Dreer, Ferdinand Julius Eames, Wilberforce Fleming, John Foley, P. K. 26 BOSTON (WILLIAM) - BOSTON [ 32-33] Ford, Worthington C. Francis, Charles Stephen Gilman, Daniel Coit Grant, S. Hastings Greeley, Horace Griffin, N. H. Harmsworth, Sir Robert Leicester Harrisse, Henry Harrison, Fairfax Haskell, Clinton H. Hildeburn, Charles S. R. Hogan, Frank J. Howe, Fisher Howe, William Wirt Hubbard, Lucius L. Hunnewell, James F. Jameson, John Franklin Jenks, William L. Jones, Carl Jones, Matt B. Jones, John Winter Kellogg, Louise Phelps Kemble, John Philip Kennerley, Mitchell Koch, Theodore Wesley Lenox, James Lenox, Robert McCoy, James Comly Mackall, Leonard L. Manning, James Hilton March, Francis Andrew Miller, S. Millington Moore, Charles Moore, George Henry Norton, Charles B. Poore, Benjamin Perley Quincy, Josiah Rich, Obadiah Roosevelt, Franklin Delano Rose, John S. Rosenbach, Abraham S. W. Sabin, Joseph Sabin, Joseph F. Seymour, George S. Sibley, John Langdon Spiegelberg, Frederick Spofford, Ainsworth Rand Sprague, William Buell Spring, Robert Stamp, Sir Josiah, 1st baron Stamp Stone, Edward L. Thompson, John Reuben Thurston, Ada Trumbull, James Hammond Whitney, C. V. 32. BOSTON, WILLIAM, d. 1915. Diary, 1862-1865. 1 item, 96 pages. Typescript. Soldier. Typescript of a Civil War diary kept by William Boston of the twentieth Michigan volunteer infantry. Gift of Mr. Orlan W. Boston, 1938. 33. BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS. Marine hospital records, 1812-1813 1 item, 6 pages. Record of patients and illnesses. Gift of Dr. R. C. Williams, 1937. Photostats [34-36] BOSTON - BRADFORD 27 34. BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS. Petition, 1770. 1 item, 3 pages. Petition addressed to the marquis of Granby, dated March 23, 1770, and signed by James Bowdoin, Samuel Pemberton, and Joseph Warren, on behalf of the town of Boston. The petition calls for the removal of troops from the town of Boston and the province of Massachusetts Bay. Purchased . 35. BOYD, JOHN. Arithmetic book, ca. 1761. 2 items, 183 pages. Bound with his record as Notary Public in Irvine, Scotland. 36. BRADFORD CLUB PAPERS, 1859-1867. 1 ft. Bibliophile club. Correspondence of John B. Moreau, secretary of the Bradford club of New York City. Included are 550 letters written by persons interested in the Bradford club publications, and official minutes of the club meetings. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Purchased, 1934. Names of writers of letters: Alofsen, S. Alvord, Corydon Alexis Andrews, William Loring Asay, E. G. Banks, Robert Lenox Barlow, Samuel L. M. Bartlett, John Russell Betts, George A. Bishop, T. A. Botfield, Beriah Bleecker, R. W. Bradstreet, Henry Bradstreet, J. M. Brevoort, J. Carson Brinley, George Brotherhead, William Bruce, James M. Bushnell, Charles I. Buxton, W. L. Clasback, George Colburn, J. Congdon, Charles Corning, Erastus Cotten, Charles B. Cue, John F. W. Cutter, Abram E. Dalrymple, E. A. Davis, Gilbert F. Dawson, Henry Barton DeWitt, Edward 28 BRADFORD [36] Dexter, Edward Dexter, Elias Dexter, Henry M. Drake, Samuel Gardner Dreer, Ferdinand Julius Drowne, Henry T. Duyckinck, Evert Augustus Earle, James Eman, William A. Farnum, Alexander Field, James T. Fogg, John S. H. Folsom, George Fowler, John, Jr. Fowler, W. F. Fraser, J. French, Eli Giber t, James T. Gill, Theodore Nicholas Goodnough, J. Graham, James Lorimer, Jr ( Griswold, Alman W. Hall, Benjamin H. Hart, Charles Henry Hayes, Francis B. Hickcox, J. H. Hodges, A. D. Hoffman, Francis S. Hough, Franklin B. Hurd, Melancthon M. Hurd & Houghton Irvin, Theodore Joralemon, N. H. Jordan, John, Jr. Josselyn, Freeman M. Keese, John M. Kennedy, Robert Lenox Kimball, Henry H. Koecker, Leonard R. Lenox, James Little, Frank H. Lossing, Benson J. McAllister, John A. Maher, William H. Matthews, William Maxwell, William D. Mayer, Brantz Medlicott, William G. Menzies, William Mercantile Library Association Mills, John W. Moore, George Henry Moore, M. Moreau, Charles C. Moreau, John B. Morrell, Thomas H. Munsell, Joel Murphy, Henry Cruse Nicholson, James B. O'Callaghan, Dr. Edmund B, Parish, Daniel, Jr. Patterson, D. William Pawson & Nicholson Philes, George P. Priestley, John Pruyn, John V. L. Pruyn, Joseph Purple, Dr. Samuel S. Putnam, J. P. Read, John Meredith Rich, Thomas B. Richardson, C. B. Roche, Richard W. Sabin, Joseph Sedgwick, William E. Sewall, H. T. Shea, John D. G. Simms, William Gilmore Smith, Buckingham Somerby, G. A. Southwick, F. Spofford, Ainsworth Rand Stiles, Dr. Henry Reed Streeter, F. Stuart, Robert L. Tillon, F. R. Toedteberg, Augustus Togghot, John S. H. Townsend, Howard Track, W. B. Traster, William H. Trumbull, James Hammond Tuckerman, Henry T. Tuthill, William H. Vandersrott, S. 0. Van Siclen, H. K. Wales, George W. Wallace, John William Ward, Townsend Waterman, Robert H. West, Charles E. Wetmore, P. M. Whiteman, William A. Whitney, Henry Austin Wiggin, John K. Wight, Andrew Wild, Alfred Williams, J. E. Winthrop, Benjamin R. [37-39] BRADISH - BRINLEY 29 Woodward, W. Elliot Wright, John H 4 Woolworth, S. R. Young, W. A. 37. BRADISH, DAVID, d. 1818. Orderly book, 1778-1779. 1 item, 210 pages. American Revolutionary war officer. The orderly book contains general, brigade, and regimental orders, reports of courts-martial, extracts of acts of Congress, and items on the progress of the war. Described in the catalogue of the American Art Association, January 21-22, 1926, item 22 ( Turner- Munn sale) . See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Acquired upon settlement of the Clements estate, 1937. 38. BREARLEY, WILLIAM H. Album. 200 items. Autograph and photograph album containing pictures and signatures of prominent people. Gift of Mrs. Hazel Pingree Mills. 39. BRINLEY FAMILY. Papers, 1822-1888. 8 ft. Business, family, and bibliographical correspond- ence of George Brinley (d. 1857) merchant, book collector. The papers of the elder Brinley begin with the correspondence, affidavits, and arguments in the slander suit of Rev. George S. White v. George Brinley at Boston in 1823. His correspondence with agents, friends and churchmen, reflects the political upheavals, business panics and growing anti-slavery sentiment of the time. The papers of his son deal chiefly with book collecting activities. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. 30 BRINLEY [39] Gift of Henry Stevens, Son and Stiles, 1934, and purchased, 1939 and 1942. Names of writers of letters and authors and signers of documents: Adams, William J. Alden, Mrs. P. Alden, William C. Alexander, Francis Allen, Edward G. Allen, Lewis Alston, P. P. Amory, Charles Amory, James S. Andrews, William Andrews & Gleason Apthorp, James T. Atterbury, John G. Austin, J. L. Austin, James T. Babcock, Adam Bacon, Theodore Baker, Z. , & Co. Baldwin, Austin, & Co. Baldwin, D. A. Bancroft, Charles E. Bangs, Merwin & Co. Barlow, D. H. Barnes , James Barnes, L. H. Barratt, J. Barrett, N. N. Barry, C. C. Bars tow & Lockwood Bartell, John K. Bartlett, William 0. Bartlett & Halliday Bass, Horatio Bastow, G. Bates, W. M. Bedford, Francis Beel, J. Romeyn Belknap, T. Bellumay, John B. Benedict, Samuel Bennett, C. Bethune, George Bigelow, Dr. J. Blackburn, William Blake, Alexander V. Blake, Edward Blake, Pynson Blatford, Seward, Griswold & Da Casta Blood, 0. H. Boardman, E. N. Bolly, David C. Bond, C. V. Borland, John Bottomly, Thomas Bouton, J. W. Bowditch, J. Ingersoll Boyden, Joseph Boyle, Isaac Brigham, E. L. Brigham, L. Brimmer, George W. Brinley, Charles A. Brinley, Edward Brinley, F. E. Brinley, Francis Brinley, Mrs. Francis Brinley, G. F. Brinley, George Brinley, George, Sr. Brinley, Mrs. George Brinley, Katharine Brinley, Putnam Brinley, Robert Brotherhead, William Brown, James Brown, John Carter Brown, Margaret K. Brown, Thomas M. Bullfinch, Thomas Bunce, J. F. Burgess, George Burlington College Burnside, Samuel M. Burroughs, Charles Burroughs , Henry Butler, Peter Butman, Benjamin Butterfield, Jonathan Butterfield, Thomas W. Cadman, C. R. Cains, Thomas Camp, R. Campbell, John Cardella, L. Chamberlain, Henry H. Chapman, Moriss Weston Chandler, Seth Chartrand, John Chase, Anthony Chase, P. Clark, Joel C. Clark, Thomas M. Clarke, Edward [39] BRINLEY 31 Clarke, M. S. Cleaveland, C. F. Cobb, Matthew Cochran, Miss F. C. Coffin, Margaret Coffin, N. Colburn, Jeremiah Cone, William R. Coolidge, A. J. Coolidge, Annita Cooper, Henry Corwin, E. B. Cranston, Henry Crocker, N. B. Crocker, S. E. Crosby, P. D. Crosswell, Harry Croswell, William Crowninshield, Edward A, Cummings, Preston Cushing, John T. Cutter, C. A. Daggett, Henry L. Dall, Henry P. Dalton, Charles H. Danforth, J. W. Daniels, J. D e Darby, R. C. Davis, Emerson Davis, J. W. Davis, Mary S. Dawson, Henry B. Dayton, G. M. Dean, John Ward Deane, Charles Deane, William Reed Deblois, Thomas Amory De Bow, J. D. B. Degrand, P. P. F. Denby, Richard C. Dewey, Francis H. Dexter, Edward A. Dexter, Elias Dexter, G. M. Dexter, Thomas A. Dimock, J. W. Dixie, E. F. Doakes, Samuel G. Doane, G. W. Dorr, A. C. Downes , John Drake, S. G. Durkin, Susan L. Dutton & Wentworth Duycknick, Evart Earl, Thomas Eastburn, Marton Eaton, Asa Eaton, C. B. Eaton, Edwin Eddy, H. W. Edrington, A. S. Ellis & Ames Ely, L. A. , & Co. Emery, Isaac Emery, Julia C. Emery, Margaret L. Episcopal Academy of Connecticut Erving, Edward L. Etting, Frank M. Fairchild, Robert Fellows, Francis Fellows & Matson Fessenden, Deblois & Fessenden Fish, Hamilton Fisher, Charles R. Fogg, Edward Fogg, Francis Brinley, Jr, Fowler, M. C. Francis, Joseph H. Freeman, Horace French, Thos. Frothingham, Richard Fuller, Ebenezer Gardiner, Robert George, R. S. H. Gilbert, M. W. Gillett, E. H. Gilpin, Edwin Goddard, Benjamin Goddard, Calvin Goodnough, E. A. Gowans, William Graham, James S. Gratz, Simon Greene, Albert G. Greene, Charles W. Greene, H. E. Greene, M. B. Griswold, Alex V. Grout, Jonathan Haflin, Edward F. Hale, John A. Hales, M. L. Hammond, T. W. Hancock, Charles L. Hannah, George Harrington, Daniel Harris, A. Holbrook Harris, J. M. Harris, Mary Harris, T. M. 32 BRINLEY [39] Harris, Thaddeus William Harrison, Gabriel Harrison & Lee Hastings, George D. Haven, Henry P. Haven, Samuel F. Hawersby, William Hazen, D. Brinley Head, Anna Frances Head, Harriet F. Head, Joseph Hemenway, E. H. Henshaw, David Heydock, M. 0. Hickcox, J. H. , & Co. Hillerd, George L. Hinsdale, Richard L. Hoadly, Charles J. Hoffman, Francis S. Holmes, J. Hood, J. L. Horton, R. Hosford, Boudinot & Brown Hosmer, Charles Holland, William M. Howe , John Hubbard Brothers Hudson, G. . Hudson, H. Hunt, E. , & Son Hunt, Edwin Hunter, Rector Huntington, Catherine Huntington, H. , Jr. Huntington, Samuel H. Hyde , John Jay Inches, B. Inches, Herman B. Jackson, Hugh B. Jaques, Peter L. Jarvis, Samuel & Farmai Jennings, M. M. Johnson, Edward W. Johnson, John P. Jones, Archibald Keith, John, & Co. Kellog, Samuel Kemper, Jackson Kendall, Smith Kernot, Henry Knoedler, M. , & Co. Langworthy, Isaac P. Leavitt, George A., & Co, Lee, James Lenox, J. Leonard, Mrs. C. F. Leonard & Co. Lincoln, Edward W. Lincoln, John W. Lincoln, Levi Little, Charles C. , & Brown, James Little, Frank H. Livermore, Edward Livermore, George Lloyd, Anna Lloyd, J. T. Loud, Jacob H. Lowe, Abraham J. Lowe, Jacob H. Lyney, Dudley A. McCoy, John F. McGown, Henry P. Mallory, M. H. , & Co. Mandolph, J. Mann, Bruning Mason, George C. Mason, John Mason, L. L. Mather, R. Mearns, David C. Merrick, Pliny Metcalf, Theron Minot, W. W. Mitchell, J. F. Montgomery, James Moore, Jacob B. Moore, William H. Moreau, John B. Morgan, Emily Morgan, William F. Morrell, T. H. Morris European Express Morse, Robert M. Morton, J. Wingate Morton, Joseph Munsell, J. Mussey, J. Newton, E. S. Newton, Edward A. Newton, James Nicolson, L. Nicolson, Samuel Norton, Charles B. 0'Callaghan,Dr. Odenheimer, Annie D. R. Onderdonk, Henry, Jr. Osborn, William H. Otis, John Otis, William F. Owen, E. H. Paine, Geo. T. Paine, Mrs. John [39] BRINLEY 33 Palmer, J. C . Parker, Anna Parker, Isaac Parker, James Parker, John Parker, William Parkins, John Parkman, Daniel Past, Richard B. Patterson, D. Williams Perkins, Elisha B. Phillips, M. 0. Phillips, Sampson & Co. Pickering, John Pickering, John, Jr. Pierce, John Piper, W. H. , & Co. Poller, Alonzo Polock, M. Porter, H. H. Powers, Eliza Pratt, George Pratt, William Pur rows, James H. Putnam, A. W. Putnam, D. Putnam, Perley Quaritch, Bernard Quincy, Josiah, Jr. Randolph, Richard K. Rau, Joseph Peach, Elijah Real, Samuel J. Rhoades, B. H. Rice, Henry Rice & Whiting Richardson, Charles B. , & Co. Richardson, George W. Rider, Sidney & Brother Robbins, E . H. Robbins, E. W. Bobbins, Elliott Robins, Powell & Co. Sabin, J. , & Sons Sabin, Joseph Salisbury, Stephen Satterlee, B. B. Scheide, John H. Scribner, Welford & Armstrong Searle, Addison Searle, Nathaniel Shea, John G. Shepard, Charles Shimmins, W. , Jr. Sibley, John Landon Sigourney, Mrs. L. H. Sloane, William Slocomb, Christopher C. Smith, A. R. Smith, Alfred Russell Smith, Miss E. Smith, John Russell Smith, L. Smith, Marc Smith, Nathan Smith, P. L. Smith, Wm. B. Snow, Lewis E. Snow, T. W. Sohier, William D. Spofford, A. R. Sprague & Gray Spalding, B. B. Sprague, Phineas Squier, E. George Stevens, B. F. Stevens, Charles E. Stevens, Henry Stickney, M. A. Stiles, Henry R. Stillwell, Margaret Stimpson, Frederic Stimpson, William C. Stimpson, W. C. , & Co. Stone, A. H. , & Co. Stone, John L. Sullivan, William Swan, Benjamin L. Sweetser, S. S. Swett, Miss E. L Swett, S. Symons , Joseph Taintor, Charles M. Talcott, William H. Taylor, E. Tenney, Moses, Jr. Thatcher, B. B. Thayer, J. C. Thayer, J. C. , & Brothers Thayer, Lewis Thomas, Benjamin A. Thomas, Isabella G. Thurston, Jonathan V. Timmins, Henry Tobey, J. G. Totten, S. Tows, F. H. Trumbull, George A. Trumbull, J. H. Trumbull, James Hammond 34 BROUGHAM AND VAUX [40] Tukey, Francis Tyler, John S. Valk, Jacob R. Veazie, William Vose, James W. Wainwright, Jonathan M. Wales, Benjamin Wall, James H. Wallace, John W. Ward, Joseph W. Warde, Townsend Ware, A. P. Ware & Pratt Warren, Charles Warren, Leander Washburn, Emory Watson, John L. Weeks, J. & J. W. Weld, Louis Wells, L. A. Wheatley, George W. , & Co, Wheaton, N. L. Wheaton, Salmon Whipple, Henry White, Adams White, George Savage Whitman, Benjamin Whitmore, W. H. Whittier, S. C. Widdleton, W. J. Wiggin, J. K. Wiley, John & Son Williams, Eliphalet Williams, John Adams Williams, Thomas Williams, Tucker Winslow, Benjamin Winslow, Isaac & Son Winsor, Justin Winthrop, Robert C. Withers, Alex L. Woodward, Ashbel Woodward, W. Elliot Worcester (Mass.) Citizens Bank Worcester Turnpike Corporation Wright, T. L. Zollikoffer, Oscar 40. BROUGHAM AND VAUX, HENRY PETER BROUGHAM, 1ST BARON, 1778-1868. Papers, 1807-1866. 2 ft. British lawyer, essayist, member of Parliament, Lord Chancellor. The collection contains letters to John Wilson Croker, Henry Reeve, Lord Murray and Lord John Russell. Also included are a large mis- cellaneous correspondence, and proofs and notes of a few of his essays and cases. Described in the catalogue of J. Pearson and co., London, spring, 1925, item 12; fall, 1927, item 27. See Peckham' s Guide for fuller description. Purchased. 1925 and 1927. Names of writers of letters: Borbone, Carlo Brougham and Vaux, Henry Peter Brougham, baron Custance, R. Dundonald, Thomas Cochrane, 10th earl of Fry, A. A. Grey, Lady Mary Elizabeth Ponsonby Grey, countess Gurney, Russell Harley, Reeve, Henry [41-42] BUCARELI Y URSUA - CALEF 35 41. BUCARELI Y URSUA, ANTONIO MARIA, 1717-177 9. Copias de cartas escritas a la via reservada de Indias por el Excmo. Sr. D. ^Antonio Bucarelli y Ursua, Virrey de Nueva Espana, en los messes de Noviembre y Dicierabre de 1771, Diciembre de 1772, Septiembre de 1773, Octubre de 1774, Febrero de 1774, Noviembre de 1776, Octubre de 1777, Febrero de 1778. Copieas de cartas escritas al Supremo Consejo de Indias en los anos de 1771, 1772, 1773, y 1775, por el Excmo. Sr. D. Antonio Bucarelli y Ursua, Virrey de Nueva Espana. 2 ft. Spanish general and administrator, viceroy of New Spain. Copies of letters written by Bucareli during his term as viceroy of New Spain, dealing with the administration of Mexico, expeditions against the Apache Indians, development and fortification of the frontier provinces, encouragement of agriculture and industry, and government revenue. Printed proclama- tions and pamphlets relating to some of these sub- jects are also included. The letters addressed to the Consejo de Indias, are not only concerned with administrative, commercial, religious and diplomatic matters, but they also inform the Consejo of the news arriving from the different provinces of Mexico. Described in catalogue 23 of the Dolphin book co., 1951, item 532. Gift of The Clements Library Associates, 1951. 42. CALEF, JOHN, 1725-1812. Papers, 1766-1782. 12 items. American loyalist. Papers consist of letters and documents concerning claims of loyalists against the British government for property damage suffered during the American Revolution. Acquired upon settlement of the Clements estate, 1937. Names of writers of letters and authors and signers of documents: Calef, John Hutchinson, Thomas Conway, Henry Seymour McDonald, John Fluker, Thomas Mowat, Henry Gage, Thomas Sydney, Thomas Townshend Goldthwaite, Thomas 1st viscount Great Britain. Parliament . Wadsworth, Peleg House of Commons Watkins, George 36 CANADA [43] 43. CANADA. Official correspondence, 1682-1727. Transcripts. 1 ft. The official correspondence between the governors of Canada and the colonial office, with enclosures from various military officers and priests. It con- cerns the government of Canada and the exploration and settlement of the Great Lakes region and the Illinois country. Handwritten transcripts from Archives des Colonies, Paris, Se*rie C. II (Canada et de*pendances) , Sub- division A (Correspondance ge*n£rale) , v. 6-49. 2,720 pages, made by Abel Doysie". See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Names of writers of letters: Argenteuil, Dailleboust d* Auteuil, Francois- Madeleine Fortune* Ruette d' Baugy, Chevalier de Beauharnais, Francois de Be*gon, Claude-Michel, sieur de la Picardiere Belief ond, Sieur de Benac, Mons. Boishebert, Louis-Henri Deschamps, sieur de Cadillac, Antoine de Lamothe, sieur de Callieres, Louis-Hector de Champigny, Jean Bochart de Chardon, Pere Jean Compagnie de Canada, directeurs de la Courte- manche, Sieur de Dadoncour, Sieur Denonville, Jacques Rene* de Bressay, marquis de Dheu, Pere Du Lhut, Daniel Greysolon Dumont, Sieur Duplessis, George Renard, seigneur de Lauzon Dupuy, Claude Thomas France Conseil de Marine Sovereigns, Louis XIV Frontenac, Louis de Buade, comte de Garnier, Pere Julien Indians, conferences of Juchereau, Mme. The*rese Migeon Juchereau de St. Denis, Noel La Barre, Joseph-Antoinne Lefebvre de La Chenaye, Charles Aubert de La Durantaye, Oliver Morel de La Forest, Guillaume Lamberville, Pere Jean de Lanoullier, Mons. La Potherye, Sieur Roy de La Touche, Mons. de Laval, Pere La Verandrye, Pierre Gaultier de Varennes, sieur de Lignery, Sieur Marchand de Lino, Mons. de Longuetiil, Charles Le Moyne, 1st baron de Lotbiniere, Rene"-Louis Chartier Escuyer, seigneur de Lovigny, Louis de la Porte, sieur de Marest, Pere Gabriel Marigny, Capt. de Maunoir, Sieur de Monseignat, Mons. de Ottawa. Chief Brochet Quebec, Seminary of Superior and directors Potawatomi Chief Donanguisse Chief Makisabe* Chief Ouilamek Ramezay, Claude de [44-46] CANNING - CARTER 37 Raudot, Antoine Denis Raudot, Jacques Riverin, Mons. Tonty, Henri de Vaudreuil, Marquise de Vaudreuil, Philippe de Rigaud, marquis de 44. CANNING, GEORGE, 1770-1827. Papers, 1791-1829. 214 items. British statesman. Private and official corre- spondence, dealing chiefly with diplomatic affairs, appointments to office, and other political matters Acquired upon settlement of the Clements estate, 1937. Names of writers of letters: Canning, George Croker, John W. Dashword, Thomas Melville, Robert Saunders Dundas, 2nd viscount, Perceval, Spencer Pitt, William Polignac, August Jules Armand Marie, due de, Sinclair, Sir John Stratford de Redcliffe, Stratford Canning, 1st viscount, 45. CAREY, HENRY CHARLES, 1793-1879. Letters, 1829-1835. 13 items. American economist and publisher. Letters to his father, Mathew Carey, relative to the finances of the Carey family and to their publishing business. Purchased, 1946. 46. CARTER, LANDON, 1710-1778. Diary, 1764-1767. 4 items. Virginia planter, member of House of Burgesses. Manuscript diary written on blank pages interleaved through The Virginia Almanack. The entries made in 1766 and 1767 are those of Landon Carter, and con- tain extracts from The Compleat Body of Husbandry. 38 CARTER-POLARD - CASAS [47-49] The entries made in 1764 and 1765 are believed to have been made by Robert Wormeley Carter, and contain memoranda of winnings and losses at cards. See Peckham' s Guide for fuller description. 47. CARTER-POLLARD PAPERS, 1934-1945 Ca. 100 items. Correspondence, articles, book reviews and news- paper clippings relating to the exposure of for- geries. Based on John Carter and Graham Pollard. An enquiry into the nature of certain nineteenth century pamphlets. London and New York, 1934. Reading subject to Library restrictions. 48. CASA CONCHA, MARQUES DE. Relacion del estado que ha tenido, y tiene la Real Mina de Guancavelica y los intereses de la Real Hacienda en les dependencias del Azogue q. hace El Marques de Casa Concha, al Senor Don Albaro Cavero su succesor en los cargos de Gobernador de Guanca- velica y Supte. de la Real Mina y Caxa. Ano de 1726. Copy. 1 item, 290 pages. Peruvian judge. Manuscript copy of Marque's de Casa Concha 1 s report to his successor as governor of the district of Huancavelica, Peru. Described in the catalogue of Sotheby and co., June 24-27, 1919, item 509. Phillipps Ms. 3029. See Peckham' s Guide for fuller description. Acquired upon settlement of the Clements estate, 1937. 49. CASAS, BARTOLOME DE LAS, 1474-1566. Copia de la Historia de Yndias escrita por Fray Bartolome de las Casas, ( 1800j 1 item, 192 pages. Spanish missionary. This manuscript copy includes the Prologue and Chapters 1-11 of the Historia de [50-51] CASAS 39 las Indias, which consisted of two chronicles de- signed by the author to form a single work. The contents of the Historia were written between 1520 and 1561, but did not appear in published form until 1875-76. The work is concerned with the relations between the Spaniards and the Indians in New Spain. The original manuscripts are in the Biblioteca de la Acadamia de la Historia, Madrid. Described in the catalogue of Sotheby and co., June 24-27, 1919 (Phillipps sale), item 319. Phillipps Ms. 16197. See Peckham' s Guide for fuller description. Acquired upon settlement of the Clements estate, 1937. 50. CASAS, BARTOLOME DE LAS, 1474-1566. Este es el primer viaje y los derrotero y camino qtuej hizo el almirante don epoual colon quando descubrio las indias puesto sumariamente sin el prologo qtuej hizo a los reies q[Uej va a la letra y comiece desta mnra, 1493? Photostat. 1 item, 151 pages. Spanish missionary. An abridgement of Columbus' holograph journal of his first voyage to America made from the original which was in the author's possession for a time. The abridgement contains quotations from Columbus' journal, summaries of parts of it, and comments by the author. It was first published in Madrid in 1825. The original manuscript is in the Biblioteca Nacional, Madrid. See Peckham' s Guide for fuller description. Purchased, 1940. 51. CASAS, BARTOLOME DE LAS, 1474-1566. Tyrannies et Cruautez des Espagnols Perpetre*es es Indes Occidentales Quon dit le Nouveau Monde: Brievement Descrites en Lettre Castillane par L' Evesque Don Frere Bartelemy De Las Casas ... 1582. 1 item, 203 pages. Spanish missionary. A French translation by Jacques De Miggrode of the short treatise Brevissima Relacion de la Destruycion de las Indias, which was an indictment of the Spaniards for their cruelties 40 CASS [52] practiced on the Indians. The original tract was published in 1552. Described in the catalogue of Sotheby and co., June 24-27, 1919, item 125, and in Seymour De Ricci and W. J. Wilson. Census of medieval and renaissance manuscripts in the United States and Canada, v. 2, p. 1128. Phillipps Ms. 18228. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Acquired upon settlement of the Clements estate, 1937. 52. CASS, LEWIS, 1782-1866 Papers, 1774-1921. 6 ft. American statesman. Papers consist of correspond- ence which is especially concentrated in the period 1830-1850, and which deals with all of the leading political problems of that period. The earlier material is chiefly concerned with Indian affairs in Michigan Territory, and the years after 1850 are represented by a journal of a tour of the Mediterranean made in 1857, essays by Cass, an autograph collection made by his daughter Elizabeth, and some official and political correspondence. Other Cass letters and documents will be found in the Lyon papers (no. 166), Michigan papers (no. 191), Vignaud papers (no. 291), and Williams papers (no. 298). Gift of Mr. Lewis Cass Ledyard, 1948. Names of writers of letters and authors and signers of documents : Abbot, Benjamin Adams, Alva Blanchard Adams, James Hopkins Adams, John Adams, John Quincy Allen, William Allison, William Appleton, J. J. Astor, John Jacob Bache, Alexander Dallas Badger, George Edmund Baldwin, Henry Bancroft, George Barney, John Barney, Mary Barry, William Taylor Bartlett, William H. C. Barton, Mary K. Barton, Seth Baudrand Beaugrand, Jean Baptiste Benjamin, Judah Philip Benjamin, Park Benton, Thomas Hart Bethune, George Washington Biddle, Nicholas Bille, Steen Binney, Horace Black, J. L. Black, J. S. Blair, Montgomery Bleammack, Robert Blood, Frederick H. Blume, Carle J. Boardman, George Dana Bonaparte, Jerome Napoleon Booth, Maude W. Bradbury, Jeremiah [52] CASS 41 Bradford, James Breese, Sidney Brent, C. H. Brent, Daniel Brewster, Benjamin Harris Brock, Isaac Bronson, Arthur Bronson, Charles Brook, Williams Broun, W. J. Brown, John P. Brown, Venable Brush, Edmund Askin Bryant, William Cullen Bryce, J. G. Buchanan, Andrew Buchanan, James Buck, Marcus C. Burr, Aaron Bush, Chauncey Butler, Benjamin Franklin Butler, Richard C. , W. T. Calhoun, John C. Cameron, Simon Campeau, Joseph Campeau, Nicholas Canfield, A. Capers, Theodotus Caradoc, Sir John Hobart, 2nd baron Howden Cass, Charles Lee Cass, Dolly Webster Cass, Eliza, Mrs. Lewis Cass, George W. Cass, Jonathan Cass, Lewis Cass, Lewis, Jr. Cass, Polly Chace, Elizabeth Buffum Chase, Hannah K. Chatelling, M. Chaumont, James Le Roy de Chaumont, Vincent Le Roy de Chauvain, Pierre Chippewas Cicotte, Baptiste Cincinnati. Committee of Citizens Clarendon, George William Frederick Villiers, 4th earl of Clark, Lewis Gaylord Clark, Myron Holley Clark, Thomas March Clarke, Rebecca P. Clay, Henry Clayton, John Middleton Cleveland, Stephen Grover Clibborn, Catherine Booth Clibborn, Victoire Booth Clinton, Catherine I. Cobb, Howell Cochrane, J. T. Coghlan, John Cook, William W. Coulter, James T. Cramer, John Cushing, Caleb Dahlgren, John Adolphus Bernard Dallas, George Mifflin Dalmatie, due de Davies, Charles Davis, Jefferson Davis, Varina Anne Jefferson Decatur, S., Mrs. Stephen Delaunay, Jean Baptiste Delaware. Citizens. Delawares Denoyer, Peter Depeyel, Louis Noel Detroit. Board of Education Detroit Free Press Detroit Gazette Dewey, George Dickerson, Edward Nicoll Dickinson, Daniel Stevens Dickson, Robert Dobbin, Daniel Donelson, Andrew Jackson Douglas, Stephen Drummond, W. W. Ducharme, Francois Duffield, D. Bethune DuPonceau, Peter Stephen Dwight, H. Eaton, John Henry Elliott, Jesse Duncan Ely, Richard T. English, James L. Everett, Alexander Hill Everett, Edward Fay, Laura Fellow, C. C. Field, Cyrus West Fisher, George Purnell Fiske, N. W. Fletcher, Charles Floyd, John B. Forsyth, John 42 CASS [52] Fortier, Peter Fowler, Adele France. Sovereigns. Louis Philippe Frelinghuysen, Theodore French, Alice French, Parker H. Frost, George Fulberton, G. Gales, Joseph, Jr. Gallatin, Albert Garfield, James Abram George, Henry Gilbert, C. C. Gilman, Joseph B. Gilman, Sarah Godfroy, Gabriel, Sr. Gorham, Benjamin Gouin, Le*on Gouin, Pierre Granger, Francis Grant, Ulysses Simpson Great Britain. Soverigns. George III Victoria Greeley, Aaron Greely, Adolphus Green, Henrietta Howland Robinson Greer, Noah Gre"ville, Henry Grimke*, Thomas Smith Groesbeck, William Slocum Hackett, James Henry Halsted, John Hamilton Hamilton, James Hamilton, James Alexander Harlan, John F. Harper, A. Harper' s Weekly Harrison, William Henry Harrisse, Henry Harsen, Frances Harvard University Hayes, Rutherford B. Healy, George Peter Alexander Healy, Jeremiah F. Heiskell, Henry L. Hendricks, Thomas Andrews Herran, P. A. Heth, John Heth, M. L. Hickey, Anna Hirst, Robert B. Houston, Sam Howard, Benjamin C. Howe, Julia Ward Howells, William Dean Hughes, Christopher Hull, William Hunt, Henry Jackson Hunt, John E. Hunter, W. Ingersoll, Joseph Reed Iroquois. General Council. Lewis Henry Morgan Irving, Washington Irwin, Agnes Irwin, M. Jackson, Andrew James, William Jay, Peter Augustus Jefferson, Thomas Jesup, Thomas Sidney Johnson, Cave Johnson, Irving P. Johnson, R. S. Johnson, Richard M. Johnston, Joseph Eggleston Joinville, Prince de Jones, George Wallace Jones, Richard H. Jones, T. D. Kane, Thomas Leiper Kelly, John Kemble, Gouverneur Key, Francis Scott Kirke, Edward Norris Knox, Henry Kohl, Theodore G. Laidlaw, Gilbert W. Laurence, W. B. Lawrence, William Beach Lawson, Thomas Ledyard Ledyard, Henry Lee, Amos Legare*, Hugh Swinton Leslie, Charles Robert Lettre- Journal de Paris Lewis, William Berkeley Lieber, Francis Linn, Lewis Fields Littell, Eliakim Livingston, Edward Livingtstone, Caroline Lockwood, Belva Ann Bennett Lodge, Henry Cabot Long, John D. Lorange*, Joseph Lyons, Archibald [52] CASS 43 Lyons, Richard Bickerton Pemel, 2nd baron and 1st earl Mabie, Hamilton Wright McClelland, J. G. , Mrs. James McClelland, Robert W. McCloskey, James McCosh, James McCoskry, Samuel A. McDowell, William F. McHenry, James McKee , Alexander McLane, Allen McLane, Louis McLane, Robert McLean, John Macomb, Alexander Malmesbury, James Howard, 3rd earl of Marcy, V. Marcy, William Learned Margry, Pierre Mason, James Murray Mason, John Young Mason, Stevens T. Massachusetts. Committee of Citizens Treasury Massie, Robert B. Mathews, William Smythe Babcock Mecklen, H. A. Meigs, Montgomery Cunningham Mendenhall, J. D. Miamis Michigan (Territory). Inhabitants Monroe , James Morphy, Diego Morris, Robert H. Morse, Samuel F. B. Morton, William Thomas Green Myers, Frederick A. Napier, Nina Napier, Sir William Francis Patrick New England. Citizens New England Historic & Genealogical Society New Orleans (La.). Recorder's Office New York University. Regents Nourse , J. E. Nowell, John 0' Conor, Charles O'Dell, D. D. Ohio. General Assembly Volunteer Regiments Ornsen, James B. Orr, James Lawrence Pacha, Reschid Painted Tobacco Palfrey, John Gorham Parkhurst, Charles Henry Parkman, Francis, Jr. Parr, Ida Lewis Patton, Benjamin, Jr. Paulding, James Kirke Peabody, George Pearce, Dutee Jerauld Pearce, James Alfred Pendleton, E. P. Pendleton, Edmund Philadelphia. Committee of Citizens Democratic Citizens Phillips, Susan Pierce, Franklin Pitcher, Zina Poe, Edgar Allan Poinsett, Joel Roberts Polk, James K. Porter, Augustus Seymour Porter, David Porter, David Dixon Porter, Peter Buell Potawatomies Potter, Alonzo Poussin, E. de Rambuleau Ramsay, William Raye Renwick, James Reynolds, Levi Rhode Island Historical Society Rice, Wallace Ritchie, Thomas Rivard , Simon Rives, William Cabell Roosevelt, Theodore Rothschild, Lionel Nathan, baron de Rumpf f Rush, Richard St. Bernard, Antoine St. Clair, Arthur St. Joseph (Mich.). Farmers & Merchants Bank 44 CASS [52] Salisbury, Guy H # Saltonstall, Leverett Sargent, Winthrop Sartiges, comte de Schoolcraft, Henry R. Schoolcraft, James L. Scott, Winfield Sedgwick, Theodore Selden, Dudley Seward, William H. Shawnees. Chiefs. Yealabahcah and the Prophet Sheaf fe Shelby, Isaac Sibly, William Sigourney, Lydia Howard Huntley Smith, James L. Southard, Samuel Lewis Sparks, Jared Spencer, John Canfield Spencer, Joseph Spencer, Samuel S. Sprague, Jonathan Stevenson, Andrew Stewart, A. P. Stewart, Mary Stockhausen, baron de Storer, Bellamy Strang, James Jesse Swayne, Noah Haynes Taney, Roger B. Tanner, John Taylor, Zachary Ten Eyck, Conrad Thayer, Sylvanus Thomas, Charles Spaulding Thompson, Smith Throop, Enos Thompson Thurston, Theodore Payne Tillinghast, Joseph Leonard Todd, Charles Stewart Tomlinson, Gideon Toombs, Robert Augustus Toucey, Isaac Townsend, C, D. Trescot, William Henry Trowbridge, C. F. Trumbull, John Tucker, William Jewett Turin, Royal Academy Tyler, John United States. Citizens in Paris Congress Senate Committee of Claims Naval Lyceum Ordmance Dept. Clerks Van Buren, Martin Vanderpool, Aaron Vanderpool, James Van Zandt, W. T. Visger, Jacob Walker, Robert J. Walsh, Robert Walworth, Reuben Hyde Ward, Thomas Wren Washington, George Waterhouse, Benjamin Wayne, James Moore Webb, Thomas H. Webster, Daniel Webster, Noah Wesbrook, Andrew H. Wesbrook, Ebenezer Wheaton, Francis W. Wheaton, Henry Whipple, John Whittier, John Greenleaf Wiandots Wickham, James N. Wilkinson, William Cleaver Willard, Frances E. Williams, Oliver Williamson, C. A. Winslow, Warren Winthrop, Robert G. Wolcott, Edward Oliver Woodbury, Levi Woodford, Stewart L. Woods, Leonard Wool, John Ellis Woolsey, Sarah Chaunc y Worrell, Edward Worth, William Jenkins Wright, Silas, Jr. Zerrahn, Carl [53-55] CASTELLANE - CHADWICK 45 53. CASTELLANE FAMILY. Papers, 1779-1782. 12 items. Miscellaneous manuscripts concerning the American Revolution. The principal items in the collection are two notebooks dealing with the seige of York- town; five pages on the naval battle off Martinique, April 9-12, 1782; a notebook on the French army's route from Rhode Island to Yorktown; a journal covering the seige of Yorktown and several naval actions. The author of the documents is unknown, but they may have been written or collected by Henri Ce'sar, Marquis de Castellane who was an officer in De Grasse' s squadron when it defeated the British off the Chesapeake on September 5, 1781. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Purchased, 1934. 54. CASTRIES, ARMAND CHARLES AUGUSTIN DE LA CROIX, DUC DE, 1756-1842. Journal de Mon Voyage en Ame'rique, 1780. Photostat. 1 item, 7 6 pages. French army officer. A journal relating the events of Comte de Rochambeau' s expedition to America in 1780. It includes an account of the sailing from Brest on May 1, and the arrival at Newport on July 11, as well as minor events at sea. It also records some activities of the French winter camp in Rhode Island, and is very detailed as to headquarters gossip and letters of superior officers. The original journal is in the De"pSt General des Fortifications, Paris. See Peckham' s Guide for fuller description. 55. CHADWICK, JOSEPH. Journal of a Survey throu the intere parts of the Countery from Penobscot to Quebec by Order of the Goverment of the Massachusetts Bay, 1764. Photostat 1 item, 17 pages. Surveyor, army officer. The journal contains 46 CHALON - CHOWELL [56-58] maps, and was made to indicate whether it was prac ticable to construct a road from Fort Pownall on the Penobscot to Quebec. The original journal and maps are in the Public Record Office, London. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Gift of Dr. Lucius L. Hubbard, 1928. 56. CHALON, JEAN. Histoire abrege*e de la conquete du Canada . . . ca. 1763. 1 item, 54 pages. An account of the British conquest of French pos- sessions in North America. The account begins with the attempt by the French to strengthen their hold on the Mississippi and Great Lakes region, and ends with one of the articles of the Treaty of Paris of 1763. It includes much information about troops and munitions, and accounts of various military engage- ments, including the taking of Quebec. Purchased, 1952. 57. CHOISEUL-STAINVILLE, ETIENNE FRANCOIS, DUC DE, 1719-1785. Letters, 1778-1781. 9 items. French statesman. Letters were written during Choiseul' s residence in Turin, and are concerned in part with his views on the American Revolution, Purchased, 1948. 58. CHOWELL, RALPH Meteorologie Observations faites a Goliad ci- devant Bahia del Espiritu Santo, Texas, 1832-1833. 1 item, 96 pages. Mineralogist. Journal kept for Jean Luis Berlandier (see no. 25) for whom the compiler worked as a member of the frontier commission of Mexico. [59-60] CHURCH OF ENGLAND - CLEMENTS 47 The observations run from December 1832 to December 1833. Bound with J. L. Berlandier. Observaciones astrdnomicas. Described in the catalog of Sotheby and co., May 19-23, 1913 (Phillipps sale) item 348. Phillipps Ms. 15521. See Peckham' s Guide for fuller description. Purchased, 1928. 59. CHURCH OF ENGLAND IN AMERICA. Thoughts upon the present state of the Church of England in America, 1764. 1 item, 12 pages. A summary of the position of the Church of England in America, 1764. 1 item, 12 pages. A summary of the position of the Church of England in the various colonies and a statement of desired policy. The statement is unsigned, but was apparent- ly issued at the order of the Archbishop of Canterbury. 60. CLEMENTS, WILLIAM LAWRENCE, 1861-1934 Papers, 1914-1934. 8 ft. American industrialist, book collector; founder of the William L. Clements Library. Correspondence with numerous librarians, bookdealers, historians, historical societies, and auction houses relative to the location and purchase of rare books and manu- scripts. Also included are manuscript drafts of his dedicatory address and of his book on the library. Reading subject to Library restrictions. See Peckham' s Guide for fuller description. Gift of the Clements family, 1937. 48 CLINTON (GEORGE) [61] 61. CLINTON, GEORGE, 16867-1761. Papers, 1697-1759. 6 ft. Colonial governor of New York. Official and pri- vate correspondence dealing especially with the period 1745-1753. Contains drafts of Clinton's letters, military memoranda, letters received and personal and public accounts. Indian relations and political affairs of New York are the subjects most heavily dealt with. Most of the correspondence with Cadwallader Colden and Sir William Johnson has been printed. Other George Clinton letters will be found in the Sir Henry Clinton papers (no. 62), Shelburne papers (no. 251), Sydney papers (no. 268), and Warren papers ( no. 292) . See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Acquired upon settlement of the Clements estate, 1937. Names of writers of letters and authors and signers of documents: Alexander, James Anson, George Anson, 1st baron Ayscough, John Bagueneau, Marcha, & Prescott Bainbridge, Edmund Baker, Sir William Baltimore, Charles Calvert, 5th baron Barrington, William Wildman Barrington, 2nd viscount Bartman, George Bayard, Stephen Bedford, John Russell, 4th duke of Belcher, Johathan Bladen, Martin Bladen, Thomas Bleecker, Rutger Jansen Bradley, Richard Brookeby, Cornelius Browne John, William Brudenell, James Bruyn, Jacobus Bryant, William Bull, William Burnet, William Burns , George Butler, Walter Campbell, Daniel Casamaijor, John Catherwood, John Chabert, Daniel de Joncaire de Chambers, John Chetwood, William Chew, Joseph Christie, Gabriel Clark, Thomas Clarke, George Clevland, John Clinton, Charles Clinton, George Clinton, Sir Henry Cockburn, John Coffin, Stephen Colden, Cadwallader (1688-1776) Colden, Cadwallader (1722-1797) Colhoun, Alexander Connecticut. General Assembly Corbet t, Thomas Cosby, William Crofts, Dudley Croghan, George Cuyler, John Darlington, Henry Vane, 3rd baron Barnard, 1st earl of DeLancey, James (1703-1760) De La Warr, John West, 1st earl [61] CLINTON (GEORGE) 49 Diemer, John Dobson, John Douw, Abraham Duncan, George Eight, Abraham Erskine, Robert Fane, Francis Fawkener, William Forsans, Mt. France. Sovereigns. Louis XV Fraser, Robert Frazier, John Gellibrand, Samuel Glen, Jacob Glen, James Glen, John Gomez, David Gooch, Sir William Gower, John Leveson-Gower, 1st earl Granville, John Carteret, 1st earl Great Britain Admiralty Victualling Office Army in America. Provincials. Rangers Board of Trade Commissioners for distributing Spanish prizes, 1744 Lords Justices Paymaster General Privy Council. Committee for Plantation Affairs Sovereigns. George I George II Grenville, James Groesbeck, Gerardus Guerin, Maynard Hale, Robert Halifax, George Montagu Dunk, 2nd earl of Hall, Ezekiel Hall, Richard Hamilton, James Hamilton, John Hardwicke, Philip Yorke, 1st baron and 1st earl of Hawkins, Eleazar Hay, Joseph Hill, Thomas Holderness, Robert D'Arcy, 4th earl of Holland, Edward Holland, Henry Holland, Hitchen Holland. States General Horsmanden, Daniel Houden, Michel Hunter, Robert Hyde, John Jackson, Robert Jarvis, John Jasper, Edward Johnson, Sir William, 1st bart. Jordan, John Josephson, Manuel Keene, Sir Benjamin Kennedy, Archibald Kennon, Anthony Kinnoul, Thomas Hay, 8th earl of Knowles, Sir Charles, 1st bart. La Jonquiere, Jacques Pierre de Taffanel, marquis de La Roche, Est ion Lawrence , Thomas Lee, Sir George Leveson-Gower, Baptist Lincoln, Henry Clinton, 7th earl of Lindesay, John Livingston, Henry Livingston, James Livingston, Philip Livingston, Robert Lock, Thomas Longuetlil, Charles Le Moyne, 1st baron de Ludlow, Gabriel Lydius, John Henry Lyttelton, George Lyttelton, 1st baron Mcpherson, Joseph Magin, Teady Mann, Galfridus Marlborough, Charles Spencer, 5th earl of Sunderland, 3rd duke of Marshall, Hubert Marshall, John Maryland. Assembly. House of Delegates Mascarene, Paul Massachusetts. General Court Mathews, Vincent 50 CLINTON (SIR HENRY) [62] Mohawk. Hendrick Monson, Sir John Monson, 1st baron Montour, Andrew Morris, Lewis Morris, Robert Hunter Murray, George Murray, Joseph Newcastle, Thomas Pel ham- Holies, 1st duke of Newcastle, Henry Fiennes Pelham-Clinton, 9th earl of Lincoln, 2nd duke of New York Commissioners of Indian Affairs Council General Assembly Nicholls, Richard Ogle, Samuel Oswald, James Palmer, Anthony Parker, James Partridge, Oliver V. Partridge, Richard Patterson, John Pavy, Lewis Pelham, Henry Pennsylvania. Assembly Pepperell, Sir William, 1st bart. Philipse, Adolphus D. Phips, Spencer Pitt, John Plumer, Richard Potter, John Rensselaer, Killyaen Richards, Paul Roberts, John Rutherfurd. John Sanders, Robert San Juan, Jose* Miguel de Schuyler, Myndert Schuyler, Peter Scobie, William Shirley, William Shuckburgh, Dr. Richard Smith, Edward Smith, William Spotswood, Alexander Stevens, Arent Stevens, Campbell Stoddert, Benjamin Stone, Andrew Swits, Isaac Thomas , George Townsend, Isaac Townshend, Hon. Charles Trent, William Van Dam, Rip Van Slyck, Albert Walker, Henry Wall, Gwiney Warren, Sir Peter Webster, Edward Weiser, Johann Conrad Welles, Samuel Wendell, Evert Wentworth, Benning West, James Wheelwright, John Willard, Josiah Williams, Charles Williams, Thomas Winchilsea, Daniel Finch, 3rd earl of Nottingham, 8th earl of Wolcott, Roger Wraxall, Peter Yonge , John 62. CLINTON, SIR HENRY, 1731?-1795 Papers, 1750-1812. 80 ft. British commander-in-chief in America. The papers of the British headquarters in America under Sir Henry Clinton, 1778-1782. The collection includes correspondence with the colonial secretary, the secretary at war, the treasury, the paymaster general and the board of ordnance in England, and with various generals, admirals, Loyalist leaders and subordinate officers in America. Intercepted mail- [62] CLINTON (SIR HENRY) 51 bags account for many letters of American officers. The manuscript of Clinton's account of the war entitled An Historical Detail of Seven Years Cam- paign in North America, is among the papers. Some of Clinton's letters have been printed in Sir Banastre Tarleton. History of the campaigns of 1780-1781; Carl Van Doren. Secret history of the American revolution; the pamphlets of the Clinton- Cornwallis controversy, and contemporary periodicals. Other Clinton letters will be found under the American Revolution (no. 11), George Clinton papers (no. 61), Gage papers (no. 95), Germain papers (no. 98), Gt. Brit. Army records (no. 107), von Jungkenn papers (no. 147), Shelburne papers (no. 251), Simcoe papers (no. 253), Sydney papers (no. 268), and Sir John Vaughan papers (no. 287). See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Acquired upon settlement of the Clements estate, 1937. Names of writers of letters and authors and signers of documents: Abbott, Thomas Henry Abercromby, Sir Robert Aberdein, Robert Acland, John Dyke Adair, Dr. Robert Adam, W. Addligton, James Adye, Stephen Payne Affleck, Sir Edmund Albany County, N. Y. Loyalists of Aldington, John Alexander, Robert Allaire, Peter Alexander Allegonnesse, Sebastian Allen, Andrew Allen, Ethan Allen, Ira Alliance, crew of the Allicocke, Joseph Allinson, George Almod6var, Pedro Luj£n Jime*nez G6ngora y Silva, marque's y duque de "American Soldier, An" Amherst, Sir Jeffery Amherst, baron Ammerman, Obadiah Ancrum, William Anderson, Benjamin Anderson, John Andre*, John Andrews, John Anstey, John Anstruther, William Ant ill, Edward Ant ill, John Aplin, Joseph Arbuckle, Samuel Arbuthnot, Marriot Archdall, Robert Archer, Mark Archer, Richard Argout, Senor Argyll, John Campbell, 5th duke of Armstrong, William Arnold, Benedict Arnold, Margaret Shippen, Mrs. Benedict Articles of Capitulation Charleston York town Atkins, George Aubant, Abraham d' Auchinleck, Dr. James Auchmuty, Richard Harrison Avent, Ebenezer Averel, Ebenezer Axtell, William Ayscough, John B., D. Babcock, David Bache, Theophylact Backus , John Baggott, Samuel Bahama Islands LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF WW**? 52 CLINTON (SIR HENRY) [62] Bahama Islands-continued Council New Providence Bailis, Cpl. Bail lie, James Baker, R. B. Balcarres, Alexander Lindsay, 6th earl of Balfour, Nisbet Banyar, Goldsbrow Barber, John Barber, William Barckley, Thomas Barclay, Thomas Bard, Peter Baremore, Mansfield Barker, Thomas Barkley, Andrew Barnett, Mrs. Mary Barnes, Mrs. Mary Barns , Thomas Barras, Louis, comte de Barretts, Thomas George Leonard Barrington, William Wildman Barrington, 2nd viscount Barrow, Thomas Barry, Edward Barry, Henry Barry, William Bartlett, John Bartlett, Lewis Bartling, Ernst August von Barton, Joseph Bassewitz, Lt. Bate, Thomas Batt, John Thomas Batwell, D niel Baxter, William Bayard, John Bayard, Robert Bayard, William Baynes, William Bealey, Thomas Beatty, John Beaumont, Hammond Beckman, John Beckwith, Sir George Beckwith, Ichabod Beekman, Barnard Beichler, Christopher Bell, John Benson, Christopher _, Benson, George Benson, Robert Bentham, Rev. James Berdot, Frederick Bernard, Peter Berrin, George and Jame: Berry, John Betts, Benjamin Bettys, Joseph Bibby, Thomas Bickers, John Biddle, John Biggerstaff, Samuel Biggs, Capt. Billopp, Christopher Birch, Samuel Birch, Tryce Black, Matthew Blackden, Samuel Blackford, Martin Blagden, Sir Charles Blair, George Blanchard, Cornelius Blanckley, H. Staneford Bland, Theodoric Bland, Thomas Blankenbush, Frederick Blauvelt, Tunis Blinahury, Salomon Blowers, Sampson Salter Blucke, John Blundell, Christopher Blunt, Charles Boegan, John Bogart, Peter Boloir, Jayme Bolton, Mason Bond, P. Bonet, Juan Bautista Bonsell, George Bosey, Pablo Boston, Loyalists of Botner, Elias Botsford, Amos Bowen, John Bower, John H. Bowes, Frederick Bowler, Metcalf Bowman, J. Bowman, Mr. Bowyer, William Boyce, William Boyd, Mr. Boyd , John Boyd, Samuel Brabazon, George Bradbridge, Thomas Bradford, James Bradley, R. R. CLINTON (SIR HENRY) 53 Bradshaw, John Smith Bradshaw, Richard Bradstreet, Simon Brandon, John Brenan, Charles Brenton, William Brenton, Mr. Brevoort, Henry Brewerton, Mrs. George Brewster, Caleb Bridgham, Edward Bright, Moses Br image, William Brinley, George Brisbane, Adam J. Brodrick, Henry Bromhead , Josephus Brooke Brooks , John Broun, Archibald Broun, John Wete Brown, Ebenezer Brown, John Hamilton Brown, Thomas Brown, Lt. William Brown, William Browne, Daniel Isaac Browne , John Browne , Labans Browne, Montfort Browne, Peter Browne, Philip Browne, Samuel Browne , Thomas Brownlow, Charles Brownrigg, Richard F. Bruce, Andrew Bruce , James Bruce, Capt. John Bruen, Caleb Bruen, Henry Bruere, George Bruere, George James Brunswick, North Carolina. Customs House Brush, Mrs. Margaret Bryan, Jonathan Bryden, John Buchanan, Mr. Buchanan, Mrs. Frances Buchanan, John Buckinghamshire, John Hobart, 2nd earl of Buckler, F? S? Buffington, Peter Bulkeley, Joseph Bull, George Bull, Richard Bull. Thomas Burgoyne, John Burhauns?, Isaac Burn, Thomas Burnet, Ichabod Burnley, Hardin Burt, Baily Burton, William Busk irk Butler, Edmund Butler, G. Butler, John Butler, William Buttington, Peter Byron, John C., C. J. Cadmus, Mrs. Jane Cadogan, Charles Sloane, 3rd baron and 1st earl Caithness, John Sinclair, 11th earl of Calder, Sir Henry, bart. Callander, Kenneth Calvert, Sir Harry Cambel, John Cambray, Chevalier de Cameron, Sir Alan Cameron, Alexander Cameron, Angus Campbell, Maj. Alexander Campbe 1 1 , Angus Campbell, Sir Archibald Campbell, Charles Campbell, Colin Campbell, David Campbell, Donald Campbe 1 1 , Duncan Campbe 1 1 , George Campbe 1 1 , James Campbell, John Campbell, John Campbell, Josiah Campbell, Lawrence Robert Campbell, Patrick Campbell, Peter Campbell, Polly Campbell, Robert Campbell, Thomas B. Campbell, Lord William Campbell, William Carden, John Cardenas, Senor Carleton, Thomas Carlisle, Alexander Carlisle, Ebenezer Carlisle, Frederick Howard, 5th earl of 54 CLINTON (SIR HENRY) [62] Carlton, Sir Guy, 1st baron Dorchester Carm, Jacob Frederick Carney, James Carpenter, Benjamin Carr, David Carr, Mrs. Carre, Robert B. Carrol, David Carson, Mrs. Carson, William Carter, Elizabeth Carter, John Carteret, Henry Frederick Thynne, 1st baron Carteret Carty, William Cashman, Michael Cashman, Nicholas Cater, Thomas Cathcart, Sir William Schaw Cathcart, 1st earl Catherwood, John Chalmers, Hamilton Chalmers, James Chaloner, Walter Chamier Chamier, Daniel Champ, John Champagne", Forbes Chapin, Leonard Chapman, Samuel Chapman, Thomas Charleston (S.C.) Board of Police Loyalists of Charleton, Thomas Chastellux, Francois Jean, marquis de Cheape , Thomas Chesley, John Chetwynd, William Chevalier, C. Chew, Joseph Chewton, George Waldergrave, 4th earl Chisholm, Alexander Chisholm, Colin Chisholm, Duncan Chittenden, Thomas Christie, Gabriel Clapham, John Clark, Joseph Clark, Richard Clark, Thomas Clark & Milligan Clarke, Sir Mured Clarke, Arthur Clarke, James Clarke, Jonathan Clarke, Joseph Clason, Timothy Claus, Daniel Clein, Valentine Clements, James Clerk, George Clinton, Charles Clinton, George (c. 1686-1761) Clinton, George (1739-1812) Clinton, Sir Henry (17317-1795) Clinton, Sir Henry (1771-1829) Clinton, James Clinton, Sir William Henry Clossy, Samuel Cluny, Comtesse de Cochenhausen, Johann Friedrich von Cochran, Charles Cochrane, Charles Cock, William Cockburn, James Cockburn, William Cockell, Teesdale Coffin, T. A. Coffins & Anderson Cold, Nicholas Colden, Cadwallader Colden, Thomas Cole, Aaron Coleman, David Coles, Jarvis Col ins, Thomas Collins, Joseph Collett, John Collier, Sir George Collier, William Collins, W. Commins, Patrick Compton, William Connecticut. General Assembly Connel, Daniel Connolly, Dr. John Connor, Constant Constant, Isaac Conway, George Seymour Conway, Hon. Henry Seymour Cook, Phillip Cooke, John Cooke, Robert [62] CLINTON (SIR HENRY) 55 Cooke, Thomas Ivie Cope, Joseph Cope land, Thomas Corbett, Erasmus Cornell, Ezekiel Cornwall, William Cornwallis, Charles Cornwallis, 1st marquess and 2nd earl Corny, Lewis Ethis de Cosby, Phillips Cosgrave, Edward Costen, Isaac Cotton, James Cousseau, James Coutant, Isaac Couwenhoven, Nicholas Cowdry, John Cowley, William Cowper, B. Cox, John Cox, Joseph Cox, Richard Cox, Thomas Cox, Cox, & Greenwood Cox & Drummond Cox & Greenwood Cox & Mair Cox, Mair & Cox Coxe, Daniel Cozens, Daniel Cozens, John Craddock, John Craig, G. Craig, Capt. Crammond, J. Crane, Jonas Crane, Robert Crane, Sears Creeks. Upper Creeks. Upper Emistisego Creeks, Lower. Chiefs. Chrichton, Patrick Cromley, Capt. Crosbie, William Crosby, Isaac Crowe, Richard Crowe, Thomas Crowell, Thomas Crowley, Cornelius Cruden, Mr. Cruden, James Cruger, John Harris Cuff, Michael Cuffe, Otway Cuming, William Cumings, Thomas Cumming, John Noble Cuningham, Robert Cunningham, John Cunningham, William Cuppaidge, George Cure, Catherine Cutler, John Cuyler, Abraham Cornelius Cuyler, Sir Cornelius D., B. Dalling, Sir John Dalrymple, William Danol, John Darby, George Darby, William John Darcus, James Darke, William Dastuge, Bernard D. Davidson, Mr. Davies, David Davies, Thomas Davies, William Davies, William John Davis, Illedge Davis, William Daviss, Benjamin Dawson, George Dean, George Deane, Silas Deare, Philip Deas, John De Combe, Andrew De Combe, Dominique de Grasse DeGrey, Thomas, 2nd baron Walsingham Deincanson, James A. DeLancey, Oliver, 1717-1785 DeLancey, Oliver, 1749-1822 De la Serree De Orio, Joseph De Orio, Raymond De Peyster, Mr. De Peyster, Arent Schuyler De Peyster, Frederick Dering Sylvester De Rosset, Lewis Desbrisay, Thomas Despard, John De Veber, Gabriel De Visme, Samuel DeWint, Guert S. Dick, Sir John Dickenson, John 56 CLINTON (SIR HENRY) [62] Dickson, Alexander Digby, Robert Digby, Thomas Dillae, Jacob Dillenback, Henry Dillon, Capt. Dixon, Matthew Dixon, Robert Dongan, Mrs. Frances Donkin, Robert Donop, Christian Friedrich von Dosdje, William Dougherty, James Dougherty, John Douglas, A. V. Douglas, Sir Charles, 1st bart. Douglas, Robert Downing, Edward Dowse, Joseph Doyle, Welbore Ellis Drayton, William Henry Drewe, Edward Drummond, Duncan Drummond , John Drury, Michael Duane , James Duberly, J. Dubois, Peter Duffield, Francis Dunbar, Peter Duncan, Henry Duncanson, James Duncanson, Robertson Dundas, Ralph Dundas, Robert, of Arniston Dundas, Thomas Dun lop, James Dunmore, John Murray, 4th earl of Dunster, William Dupont, Gideon Duportail, Antoine- Jean- Louis, chevalier le Begue Durfee, Joseph Duroure, Francis Dye , Abraham Dyer, Henry E., H. Eagles, John Easton, James Eaton, John Eddo, James Eden, William, 1st baron Auckland Edgar, David Edmondson, Joseph Edwards, Joseph Edwards, Thomas Eirick, Mrs. Catherine Elder, Andrew Ellington, Edward Elliot, Andrew Ellis, Henry Ellis, John Ellis, Welbore, 1st baron Mendip Ellison, John Ely, John Emmerich, Andreas Empey, William England, Richard Erkert, B. von Seyfertiz, baroness von Erskine, Archibald Erskine, Thomas W. Erskine, Sir William Erwin, John Estaing, Charles-Hector- Thdodat d' Estaing, comte d* Este, Margaret Ethcart, Capt. Evans, Absalom Evans, Robert Evelyn, William Glanville Eve ret, John Everitt, Charles Ewald, Johann von Eyre, Edmund Fage, Edward Fairfield Co. , Conn. Fairlamb, John Fairlamb, Samuel Fanning, Edmund Farlane Farley, Henry Farquhar, William Farr, Thomas Farrin, John Fawcett, Sir William Fay, Jonas Fay, Joseph Febiger, Elizabeth, Mrs. Christian Fenwick, Edward Fenwick, Robert George Ferguson, Adam Ferguson, David Ferguson, George Ferguson, Patrick Ferguson, Robert [62] CLINTON (SIR HENRY) 57 Fetherston, William Fick, Peter Fickling, Joseph Fielding, John Fife, Adam Finegan, Patrick Fitzhugh, Peregrine Floyd, Benjamin Floyd, Richard Foley, James Forbes, Arthur Forbes, John Foreman, James Forman, David Forrest, Andrew Forrest, James Forster, Thompson Fousche, Abraham Fox, Charles James Fox, Edward Fox, Henry Edward Foy, Edward Francis, F. Francisco, Gaspar Franklin, William Franks, David Fraser, Charles Fraser, Daniel Fraser, Edward Satchwell Fraser, Simon, 1726-1782 Fraser, Simon, 1738-1813 Fraser, William Freeland, George Freeman, Quin John French, Thomas Frevel, Commissary Frey, Capt. B. de Friendly, S. Fullone, Capt. Fulton, Lt. Furstner, Andrew George Furye, Peregrine Fuser, Lewis Valentine Fyers, William G., N. Gage , Thomas Gale, Henry Gall, Wilhelm Rudolph von Galloway, Joseph Galvay, John G£lvez, Bernardo de Gilvez Madrid Cabrera, conde de Gambier, James Gambier, John Gardiner, George Gardiner, Sylvester Gardiner, W? Gardner, Valentine Garth, George Garvey, Patrick Gates, Horatio Gautier, Andrew Gautier, Daniel Gayton, George Georgia. Commissioners Gerin, Thomas Germain, George Sackville, 1st viscount Sackville Germany. Army Gerrow, Mrs. Charity Gervais, John Lewis Gibbon, Edward Gidman, Nathan Giekie, William Gifford, William B. Gilbert, Thomas Giles, Aquila H. Gilfillan, William Gironcourt de Vomecourt, Charles-Auguste de Glazier, Beams ley Gledhill, John Glover, Elias Glover, John Goatch, Richard Goddard, Capt. Goes, Mathew Goff, Thomas Goldthwait, Thomas Goodrich, John Goodricke, John Gordon, Lord Adam Gordon, Sir Charles Gordon, Cornelius Gordon, Cosmo Gordon, David Gordon, Harry Gordon, Hugh Mackay Gordon, John Gordon, Robert Gorham, Lt. Gov. Joseph Gould, Paston Gould-Morgan, Sir Charles Graham, Charles Graham, Colin Graham, D. Graham, John Graham, Robert Grant, Capt. Grant, Alexander Grant, Humphrey Grant, James Grant, Capt. John Grant, Peter 58 CLINTON (SIR HENRY) [62] Grant, Robert Grant, Mrs. Sarah Gratton, William Graves , John Graves, Samuel Graves, Thomas, 1st baron Graves Great Britain Admiralty Navy Office Army in America Army under Burgoyne Army under Clinton Brigade of Guards, officers of Colonels Corps of Chasseurs Council of War Garrison at St. Augustine General and field officers Hessian Corps Lieutenant colonels and majors of Regulars Limerick Volunteers New York Hospital Board Provincials New York Battalion Queen 1 s Rangers Regiments 2nd Grenadiers 12th Foot 17th Dragoons 43rd Foot 71st Foot Commissioners for restoring peace, 1778 Lords Justices Navy Board Navy. Captains Parliament House of Commons House of Lords Sovereigns George II George III Treasury Green, Francis Green, James Green, Thomas Green, William Greene, Nathanael Greenwood, Charles Greenwood, William Greenwood & Higginson Grey, Sir Charles Grey, 1st earl Grey, David Grey, John Griffiths, John Grinfield, William Guarnsey, John Guevara, Francisco Gurial, Francisco Gunning, John Gutches, John Guyon, Stephen H., T. Hackett, A. Hadden, James Murray Haddox, Arthur Hagerty, Thomas Haggerty, Hugh Hake, Samuel Haldimand, Sir Frederick Hale, Timothy Hall, Elihu Hall, Peter Hallett, Moses Halliburton, Dr. John Hallowell, Benjamin Hamilton, Alexander Hamilton, Ens. Henry Hamilton, Gen. James Hamilton, John Hammill, Daniel Hampton, John Hanger, George, 4th baron Coleraine Hanscomb, William Hanxleden, W. ? Happele, Adam Hardenbrook, Abel Hardenbrook, John Harding, George Harding, Jasper Harding, Richard Harding, William Hare, Peter Thomas Harg, William Haris?, Richard Harnage, Henry Harrington, Charles Stanhope, 3rd earl of Harris, Thomas Harrison, Martin Harrison, Robert Hanson Hart, Jasper Hartcup, Thomas Harte, Henry Hartley, David Hartshorn, Thomas, Jr. Hartwick, John Christopher Harvey, Edward [62] CLINTON (SIR HENRY) 59 Harvey, James Hassard, James Hassard, William Hastings, Sir Charles Haszard, Thomas Hatch, Christopher Hatfield, Isaac Hatsell, John Hatton, Mrs. Elizabeth Neal Hatton, Humphry Hausseger, Nicholas Hawkins, Isaac Hawkins, Philip Hay, George Hayden, Joseph Hayden, Samuel Haydock & Browne Hayes , John Hayes, Sir John McNamara Hayne, Abraham Haynes , John Hays , Barrak Haywood, Michael Haywood , Wi 1 1 iam Hazard, Thomas Hegan, Nicholas Henderson, John Henderson, Peter Hendrican, Peter Henly, William Henry, Patrick Henshaw, Bill Hentz, John Henry Hepburn, John Hepburn , Thomas Heron, William Hertford, Francis Seymour Conway, 1st earl and 1st marquess of Hesse-Cassel. Army. Corps of Light Infantry Hewetson, Brinsley Hewlett, Richard Heydte, Wilhelm von Hibton, William G. Hick, William Hierliky, Timothy Hifferan, John Higday, George Higgenbottom, David Higgins, James Higgins, Michael Hill, John Hill, Lloyd Hill, Richard Hill, Thomas Hill, West Hillman, John Hillsborough, Wills Hill, 1st marquess of Downshire, 1st earl of Hinchman, John Hinds, Charles Hirschfeld, Frederick Hitchbone, Thomas Hitchcock, John Hogan , James Hoghton, Sir Henry Hohmann, Karl Hoit, Joseph Ho Ike r, Jean Holland, John Holland, Samuel Holland, Stephen Holmes, Asher Holmes, Richard Holms, Joseph Home, Walter Homes , John Homfray, Charles Hood, Sir Samuel Hood, 1st viscount Hooper, Stephen Hope, Henry Hope, Dr. Richard Hopton, John Horbrook, Cornelius Homes , John Hotham, William Hotham, 1st baron Houley, John Houston, James Hovenden, Moore Howard , John Howe, Richard Howe, 4th viscount and 1st earl Howe, Sir William, 5th viscount Howe Howell, George Hubbill, John Hubbill, Nathaniel Huddleston, Richard Huddleston, William Orch. Hudson, Charles Huger, Isaac Hughes , George Hughes, Patrick Hulton, Henry Hume , John Hunt, Col. Hunt, Leake Hunter, Elijah Huntingdon, Francis Hastings, 10th earl of 60 CLINTON (SIR HENRY) [62] Huntington, Jedediah Huntington, Samuel Hurlitz, Timothy Hutcheson, Francis Hutcheson, Robert Hutchins, Hillman Hutchinson, George Hyde , Thomas Hyde, West Iclar, John Inglis, Charles Inglis, Thomas Ingraham, Anna Innes, Col. Alexander Innes, John Ins tone, Samuel I re 1 and , Thomas Irvine, James Irving, Sir Paulus Emilius Isaacs, Samuel Ives, David Jackson, William James, Goerge James, William Jamieson, Neil Jamieson, Neil & Co. Jarvis, James Jay, John Jay, Richard Jeffries, John Jenifer, Daniel of St. Thomas Jenkins, Edward Johnson, B. J. Johnson, George Johnson, Guy Johnson, Sir Henry Johnson, Obadiah Johnson, Richard Johnson, Sir William, 1st bart. Johnston, Francis Johnston, Lewis Johnston, Samuel Johnston, William Johnstone, George Johnstone, William Jollie, Martin Jones, Benjamin Jones, Daniel Jones, Elisha Jones, Joseph Jones , Thomas Jones, Valentine Jordan, Michael Jovet, Chevalier Joyce , Thomas Julliott, S. P. "Justus" Kane, John Katenkamp, Herman Kearns, James Kearsal, Robert Keith, George Keith Elphinstone, 1st viscount Keith, Robert Kelly, James Kelly, Patrick Kemble, Samuel Kemble, Stephen Kempe, John Tabor Kendall, J. Kendel, William Kennedy, Archibald Kenny, Samuel Keppel, William Keppel, Sir William Kerr, Job Keugh, William Kidd, James Kiener, Christian Kirkland, Moses Kite, William A. Klein, Henry Knapp, Israel Knecht, Anthony Knowles, Charlotte Knowles, John Knox, George Knox, Henry Knox, William Knyphausen, Wilhelm, freiherr von Kollock, Simon Kortright, Lawrence Kutzleben, Baron von Kutzleben, Carl August von L., L. Lacy, Edward Lacy, George LaFayette, Marie- Joseph- Paul-Yves-Roch Gilbert du Motier, marquis de Laird, David La Luzurne, Anne-Cesar, chevalier de Lamb, Roger Land, Robert Lane, George Lane, John L' Anglais, Jean Langley, John Laurens, Henry Lauvs, Chevalier de [62] CLINTON (SIR HENRY) 61 La Verre'e, Mons. de Lawlor, William Digby Lawrence, Elisha Lawson, Robert Leake, John Martin Learning, Jeremiah L'Eblane, Mons. LeConte, P. Le Despencer, Sir Francis Dashwood , 15th baron Lee, Arthur Lee, Charity Lee, Charles Lee, Henry Lee, Riverius Lee , Thomas Leland, John Le Maistre, Francis Leonard, George Leslie, Alexander Leslie, Samuel Lestarjette, Lewis Levett, Charles Levy, Hiam Levy, Moses Levy, Simeon Lewes , John L'Hommedieu, Ezra Ligonier, Edward Ligonier, viscount and 1st earl Lincoln, Henry Fiennes Pelham-Clinton, earl of Lincoln, Benjamin Lind, John Linero, Juana Tacesa Linzee, Robert Lippincott, Richard Little, Samuel Litton, Edward Liverpool, Charles Jenkinson, 1st baron Hawkesbury, 1st earl of Liverpool, Robert Banks Jenkinson, 2nd earl of Livingston, Abraham Livingston, Mrs. Catharine Livingston, Henry Livingston, Robert T. Livingston, William Locke, Samuel LOckell, N. Lockwood , George Logan, Richard London, merchants of, trading to South Carolina Loocock, Aaron Loosey, Isaac Lorentz, Johann Georg Loring, Joshua Loring & Co. Los tell, James Lovell, James Lovell, John Low, Isaac Lowndes, Mrs. S. Lowndes, Rawlins "Loyalist , A" Loyalists Associated Associated. Board of Directors South Carolina Luce, Capt. Ludlow, Gabriel G. Luke, Philip Lumm, Charles Lutwidge, Skeffington Lyday, Christian Lyell, Thomas Lyman, Daniel Lyman, Mrs. Statira Lyons, Ralph Lysaught, Henry Mabb, Richard MacAlester, Hector McAlpine, James McAlpine, John McArthur, Archibald McCarthy, Daniel McCay, Knox McCleland, Mr. McClellan M 1 Cormick MacCra, Alexander McCulloh, Henry Eustace McCulloh, Robert McDonald, Alexander McDonald, Allan Macdonald, Allan Macdonald, Charles McDonald, Lachlan Macdonald, R. McDonough, Henry McDoval Macfarlan, Robert McFell, Patrick McGinniss, John McGinnis, Roger McGloughlan, William McGuin, William McHenry, Dr. James Mcintosh, Roderick Mackay, James McKay, John 62 CLINTON (SIR HENRY) [62] Mackay, John & H. McKee, Alexander McKenney, William McKenny, John Mackenzie, Frederick Mackenzie, Henry Mackenzie, Robert McKenzie, Roderick McKew, James Mackie, Richard McKinne, William McKinnon, John Macknight, Thomas McLachlan, John McLaughlin, Bernard McLaughlin, John McLaughlin, William McLaurens, Mr. MacLean, Alexander McLean, Archibald McLean, Francis McLean, John MacLeod, Alexander MacLeod, John MacLeod, William McLeroth, Robert McMahon, John McMichael, Edward McNaier, David McNamara, James McNamara, Patrick McNicol, Duncan McNeil, Charles McNiell, Niell McPhall, Daniel Macpherson, Duncan Mader, John Madison, James Mahon, Andrew Mair, Arthur Maitland, John Mallet, John Mallet, Dr. Jonathan Man, Isaac Mandeville, Nathan Mangan, Matthew Mansch, William Manuel, Anthony March, Charles Mardaunt, Thomas Osbert Markhanr, Enoch Marks , John Marks, Nehemiah Marquard, Capt. Marsh, James Marsh, Thomas Marshall, Mr. Martin, Anthony George Martin, Daniel Martin, Josiah Martin, William Maryland. Assembly Mason, John Massey, Eyre, 1st baron Clarina Mathew, Edward Mathews, David Mathews, Henry Mathews, Joseph Mathews, Robert Maxwell, John Maxwell, William Maybie, Abraham Mazzei, Philip Mead, Jonathan Mead, Seth Mecan, Thomas Mediana, Maria Pepa Medows, Charles Mellish, Charles Melville, Henry Dundas 1st viscount Melzheimer, John Mercer, Alexander Meredith, David Mergadier, Philip Mermaid, Loo Merrick, Thomas Metzner, F. Metzner, P. Meyern, Phillippe de Middleton, Thomas Miles, Francis Miles, John Millard, Abijah Miller, Nathan Miller, Peter Miller, Robert Miller, Thomas Miller, William Mill id ge, Thomas Millish, Charles Mills, Ezra Mills, George Mills, John Minglesdorf, George Mitchel, James Molesworth, Richard Mollay, Edward Molleson, William Molohon, William Molton, George Moncrief, James Moncrieffe, Thomas [62] CLINTON (SIR HENRY) 63 Money, Rev. Mongan, Charles Monk, George H. Monro, Alexander Montagu, George Brudnell Montagu, 4th earl of Cardigan, 1st duke of Montanie, Benjamin Montgomery, James Montgomery, Sir William Montgonery, William Montross, Samuel Moody, Lt. Moody, James Moor, George Moore, John Moore, Judaea Moorhouse, Willis & Co. Morden, James Morgan, Daniel, Jr. Morison, John Morrell, Robert Morris, Charles Morris, David Morris, Michael Morris, Richard Morris, Roger Morrison, John Morriss, James Morse, Leonard Mosengeil, Anthony Mossman, James Mowat , Henry Mowat, James Ryder Mowles, Mr. Muirson, Sylvester Mulcaster, Frederick G. W. Mumford, Edward Murdock, Thomas Mure, Atkinson & Mure Murphy, Lt. Murray, Daniel Murray, Thomas Musgrave, Sir William Myer, Capt. Myer, Christian Myers, Isaac N. , M. Nafie, Cornelius Nantucket, Loyalists of Navarro Garcia de Valladares, Diego Jose* Naylor,WWilliara Needham, Francis Jack, 12th viscount and 1st earl of Kilmorey Neill, Mrs. Nelson, William Nesbitt, Colebrook Nesbitt, Drummond & Franks Netzer, Henry Newcastle, Henry Fiennes Pelham-Clinton, 9th earl of Lincoln, 2nd duke of New Hampshire Grants. Convention Newhaven, William Mayne, 1st baron New Jersey, Loyalists of Newman, Michael Newman, Wingate Newmarch, Timothy Newport, Loyalists of Newton, William New York Council Loyalists of Militia. 2d Regt. Light Dragoons Treasury New York City Chamber of Commerce Corporation of Mayor, Vestry, and Overseers of the Poor Nicholas, John Nights, Richard Nisbett, William Nivernois, Mancine, due de Nixon, James Nonsuch, David Nooth, Dr. John Mervin Norman, Charles Norriss?, Dr. Henry North, Frederick North, 2nd earl of Guilford, baron North, John North Carolina. Anson & Cumberland counties, Loyalists of Militia Northumberland, Hugh Percy, 2nd duke of Norton, Beriah Norton, Chappie Norton, William Nova Scotia. General Assembly Nutt, John 0. , H. O'Brien, Arthur 0» Bryan, Michael 64 CLINTON (SIR HENRY) [62] Odell, Jonathan Ogden, David Ogden, Isaac Ogden, Moses Ogden, Samuel Ogilvie, John O'Hara, Charles O'Hara, James Ohio Confederacy of Indians Okerson, Thomas "Old Officer, An" Olding, Nicholas Purdie Olding, William Oliver, James Oliver, William Ommanney, Cornthwaite Onslow, George Onslow, 1st baron and 1st earl of Opterre, Mons. d' O'Reilly, Capt. Ormsby, Henry Ormsby, William Osborn, Samuel 0' Sullivan, Thomas Herbert Ottendorff, Nicolaus Overall, John Overturf, Jacob Paine, Samuel Palding, Justice Panton, Dr. George Parke, Abiah Parker, Sir Hyde Parker, James Parker, Joseph Parker, Sir Peter, 1st bart. Parkin, Thomas Parson, Swaine Parsons, Samuel Holden Paterson, James Paterson, John Paterson, Mathew Patterson, John Pattinson, Thomas Pattison, James Paumier, Mr. Paumier, Peter Paxton, Charles Payne, Benjamin Charnock Payne, Sir Ralph, baron Lavington Payne, William Peacocke, George Pearce, Abel Pearis, Richard Pearse, Nicholas Peebles, John Pegge, Samuel Pegler, James Peirson, R. Pelham, Charles Pell, John ( Pell, Philip Pembroke, Henry Herbert, 10th earl of Penman, James Pennington, Lowther Pepperell, Sir William Perkins, Joseph Perrot, John Perry, Henry W. Perry, Jacob Perry, Sturgic Peters, Harry Peters, Henry Peters, James Peyton, Henry Phepoe, Thomas Philips, Nathaniel Philips, William Phillips, Alexander Phillips, Alexander Joseph Phillips, Ralph Phillips, William Pickering, Timothy Picton, William Pigot, Sir Robert, 2nd bart Pike, Thomas Pillgast, Henry Pinkerton, John Piper, John Pitcher, James Pitt, William Playter, George Pleydell, John Cleve Plombard, J. Plow, Pedro Pointer, William Pollard, Mrs. Hannah Pond, Francis Anthony Ponit, Francis Anthony Pool , Thomas Pope , Thomas Porteous, John Porter, John Porter, Richard Porter, William Porterfield, Boyd Postell, Francis Postell, James Potter, James Potter, William Potts, John [62] CLINTON (SIR HENRY) 65 Potts, Cpl. Potts, Richard Potts, Thompson Powell, Robert William Pownall, John Pownoll, Philemon Prescott, Richard Prescott, Robert Preston, Achilles Prevost, Augustine Price, Samuel Price, William Proudfoot, Lawrence Prussia. Army. Prynam, Matthew Purden, Lewis Purdie Purdon, Peter Putnam, Daniel Putnam, Israel Pye, Sir Thomas Quin, Patrick Neal Quinnen, Peter Rader, John Rainsford, Charles Ramos , Senor Randolph, David Meade Randolph, Edmund Jennings Rankin, William Rawdon, Adj. Gen 1 1 Rawdon, Francis Rawdon- Hastings, 1st marquess of Hastings, 2nd earl of Moira, baron Rawle, William Raymond , James Raymond, William Rayner, John Read, William Reading, William Reed, John Reed, Joseph Reeve, Richard Retzman, G. Rhode Island. General Assembly Quakers of Rice, John Richardson, Jacob Richardson, William Richmond and Lennox, Charles Lennox, 3rd duke of Rider, Jonas Ridghill, William Ridley, James Riedesel, Friedrich Adolph, freiherr von Riely, Stephen Rigby, Richard Rily, John Rio, Alexander Ritzema, Rudolphus Rivington, James Roberts, J. Roberts, James Roberts & Shippey Robertson, Archibald Robertson, Charles Robertson, James, 1720?-1788 Robertson, James, 1751-1818 Robertson, James Robertson, John Robins, Lewis Robinson, Capt. Robinson, Beverly Robinson, James Robinson, John Robinson, Robert Robinson, Thomas Robinson, Townsend Rochambeau, Jean-Baptiste- Donatien de Vimeur, comte de Roche, James Rocheblave, Philippe- Francois Rastel, sieur de Rochfort, George Roddam, Robert Rodman, Daniel Rodney, Sir George Brydges Rodney, 1st baron Roger, Mr. Rogers, H. Rogers, James Rogers, John Rogers, Robert Rogers, Thomas Rome, George Roohr, Henry Rooke, Henry Roome, John Le Chevalier Roorbach, Barent Rose, George Rose, James Rose, Samuel Ross, Capt. Ross, Alexander Ross, G. Ross, Robert Ross, Stewart Ross & Ogilvie 66 CLINTON (SIR HENRY) [62] Roubalet, Charles Rouse, Nicholas Rowland, Uriah Ruggles, Timothy Russel, David Russell, Joseph Russell, Lewis Russell, Peter Russell, Richard Russell, Thomas R. Russell, Timothy Russia. Sovereigns. Catherine II Ryan, Richardson Rycaut, Paul St. George, Richard St. John, Mr. St. Leger, Anthony St. Leger, Barry St. Leger, William St. Vincent, Sir John Jervis, 1st earl of Sambin, Joseph Sandon, Thomas Sandwich, John Montagu, 4th earl of Sanford, Ephram Santa Domingo. Committee of Correspondence Sargent, John Saunders, John Savage, Henry Savage, Jer Sayre , John Sceleback, Ternisien de Schieffelin, Jacob Schlieffen, Freiherr von Schoedde, Theodore Alexander Schreiber, Wilhelm Schutz, William Scott, Alexander Scott, Charles Scott, David Scott, Thomas Scott, William Searle, Charles Sears Seeburn Seitz, Franz Karl von Seixas, Moses Seton, William Sewer, Thomas Seymer, George Shads, Henry Shairp, John Sharp, C. Sharpe, William Sheaf f, H. Sheldon, Elisha Sheridan, Henry Fortick Sheridan, Richard Brinsley Sherwood, Justus Shields, Capt. Shirreff, William Shoemaker, Joseph Shoemake r , Samue 1 Shotwell, Eden Sho t we 1 1 , Jame s Sibbald, Capt. Sibrell, John Siebert, Henry Silliman, G. Selleck Simcoe, John Graves Simons, Joseph Simmons, William Simpson, James Sinclair, G. Sinclair, Henry Siscoe, Isaac Skelly, Francis Skene, Philip Skinner, Cortland Slub, Martin Sluby, Nicholas Small, John Smith, Austin Smith, Daniel Smith, Francis Smith, George Smith, John Smith, Meriwether Smith, Michael Smith, Phineas Smith, Robert Smith, Samuel Smith, William Smock , John Smyth, Francis Smyth, Frederick Smyth, George Smyth, John Smyth, John Ferdinand D. Smyth, R. Snow, John Soame, Charlotte Sonora, Jose* Bernardo Galvez Gallardo, marque's de Southampton, Charles Fitzroy, 1st baron South Carolina Loyalists and Rebels Merchants [62] CLINTON (SIR HENRY) 67 South Carolina-continued Orangeburg District Sower, Christopher Sparkes, John Spier, John Spilsbury, John Sproule Spry, William Squib Stair, John Dalrymple, 6th earl of Stamford, Friedrich von Stanhope, John Stansbury, Joseph Staples, John Baptist Stapleton, John Stark, John Stays, Jacob Stedman, Charles Steele, Thomas Stephen, John Stephens, Francis Stephens, Henry Stephens, Sir Philip, 1st bart. Sterling, John Stevens, Abraham Stevens, John Stevens, William Stevenson, Charles Stevenson, Henry Stewart, Alexander Stewart, Allan Stewart, Anthony Stewart, Charles Stewart, Duncan Stewart, James Stewart, William Stiell, William Stillwell, John Stirling, Charles Stirling, Sir Thomas, 1st bart. Stirling, Thomas Stockton, Samuel Witham Stone, Thomas Story, Enoch Stott, John Straton, James Street, Joseph Striker, Joseph Stringham, James Stuart, Sir Charles Stuart, Charles Stuart, James Stuart, John Sturgis, Jesse "Subaltern, A" Suffolk, Henry Howard, 5th earl of Berkshire, 12th earl of Sullivan, B. Sullivan, Daniel Sullivan, John Sutherland, Alexander Sutherland, Andrew Sutherland, William Swanton, George Swanwick, Richard Swasey, J. Swatheridge, Joseph Sweeny, Bryan Swettenham, Joshua Sydney, Thomas Townshend , 1st viscount Symes, Richard Symmer, Andrew Symonds , Thomas Symons, John T., B. Tabor, Nathaniel Taitt, David Tallmadge, Benjamin Tarleton, Sir Banastre Tayer Taylor, James Telfair, William Teller, Abraham Ten Eyck, Henry Ternant, Jean-Baptiste Ternay, Charles-Louis d' Arsac, chevalier de Terrill, John Terry, William Thew, Gilbert Thomas, David Thomas, Frederick Thomas, James A. Thomas, Samuel Thompson, A. Thompson, Sir Charles Thompson, Edward Thompson, Richard Thompson, William Thomson, Charles Thornbrough, Edward Tibbuls, Joseph Tice, Gilbert Till, William Tillenberk, Henry Tilton, Clayton Tonken, Thomas Tonyn, Patrick Toors, Johannes 68 CLINTON (SIR HENRY) [62] Tornier, Charles Totten, Robert Tournelle, Ce*sar-Auguste de Townsend , Gregory Townsend , Micah Townsend, Samuel Townshend , George Townshend, 4th viscount and 1st marquess Traille, Peter Traviss, Hezekiah Tray, Timothy Trench, F. W. Trigge, Thomas Truedell, John Trueheart, John Trumbull, Jonathan Tryon, William Tucker, Robert Tul liken, John Turbelock, Thomas Turnbull, George Turnbull, William, & Co. Turner, John Turner, William Tuttridge, Thomas United States Continental Army. Army under Gates Officers Simon' s Brigade South Carolina. Artillery Militia 1st Virginia Brigade Continental Congress Board of Navy Upham, Joshua Valentine, Thomas Vallancey, Charles Valnois Van Alstone, Peter Van Boskerke, John Van Busk irk, Abraham Vance, William Van Cortland, Philip Vandeput, George Vanderhoven, John Van Dike, John Vandyck, Henry Van Garden, Mrs. Mary Van Houghton, John Van Mater, Chrineyonce Van Schaack, David Van Schaack, Henry Van Wagener, Jacob Vardy, Aaron Vaughan, Sir John Veal, John Veale, Dr. Richard Vermont Agents (Fay, Allen and Woodward) General Assembly Vernon, Gideon Vernon, Mrs. P. Virginia. General Assembly Voit, August de Wade, William Waldenberg, Michael Peter Walker, James Walker, Patrick Wallace, Sir James Wallace, Samuel Waller, John Walsh, Lt. Walsh, Patrick Walsh, R. Walsh, Richard Walter, Dr. J. Walter, Robert Walter, Rev. William Walton, Gerard Walton, William Ward, Abram Ward, Elizabeth Ward , James Ward , Joshua Ward, Peninnah Ward , Thomas Warne, Ezekiel Warner, John Washington, George Washington, Martha Dandridge Custis, Mrs. George Watkins, Benjamin Watkins, Mrs. Elizabeth Watkins, George Watson, Mrs. Hannah Watson, Johannes Watson, John Watson, John Watson Tad we 11 Watson, Robert Watson, Thomas Watts, Bohan Wayne, Richard Weale, J. Weare, Meshech Weaver, Henry Webb, Joseph Webb, Samuel Blatchley [62] CLINTON (SIR HENRY) 69 Weber, Christian Webster, James Webster, Jonathan Weichmann, J. Weeks , John Wei ham, Thomas Wellington, James Wells, Philip Wells, Samuel Welsh, Richard Welsh, Thomas Welsh, William Wemyss , James Wentworth, Sir John, bart. Westerfield, Benjamin Westerfield, Dowah Westerhagen, Maximilian von Whitaker, John White, Henry Whitehead, Charles Whiting, Benjamin Whitney, Samuel Wickham, Benjamin Wier, Daniel Wier, Winant Wigglesworth, John Wightman, George Wilding, John Wilkie, Joseph Wilkinson, Charles Wilkinson, John Wilkinson, Morton Willard, Abijah Willes, Lady Mary Suzannah Clinton Williams, Charles Williams, David Williams, Edward Williams, Francis Williams, Frederick Williams, Henry Williams, John Williams, Otho Holland Williams, Thomas C. Williams, Winant Williamson, Daniel Williamson, Wynot Willington, Edward Pearce Willis, Thomas Willoe, Samuel Willoe, Thomas Willson, James Wilson, Mrs. Wilson, John Wilson, Ralph Wilson, Sir Thomas Spencer, 6th bart. Wilson, Thomas Wilson & Co. Winchilsea, George Finch, 4th earl of Nottingham, 9th earl of Wing, William Winner, John Winslow, Edward Winslow, John Winthrop & Kemble Wishart, James Witherby, Thomas Wolff, Christopher Wollaston, Frederick William Wood Wood , Thomas Wooden, Morris Woodford, William Woodruff Woodruff, Usual Woodward, Bezaleel Woodsow, D. Wooley, Thomas Wootendyke, Frederick Wragg, Mrs. Judith Wragg, William Wray, Goerge Wright, Sir James, 1st bart. Wright , James Wrightman, Tobias Wurmb, Ludwig Johann Adolph von Wurttemberg, Prinz Friedrich Eugen, herzog von Wylly, Alexander Wynyard, William Yarrack, Matheas Yeomans, Ezekiel Yonge, Sir George, 5th bart. Yorke , John Yorke, Sir Joseph, 1st baron Dover Young, John Young, Joseph 70 COMMONPLACE - COOKE [63-64] 63. COMMONPLACE BOOK, 1749-1790. 1 item, 157 pages. Manuscript book containing legal notes, poetry, essays, orations and brief biographies. Purchased, 1936. 64. COOKE, AARON J. , COLLECTOR. Civil War papers, 1850-1889. 3 60 items. Material collected by Aaron J. Cooke consists of letters by Civil War officers and public officials of the time. The majority of the letters were written during the Civil War, and those written later generally pertain to it. Most of the letters are military in nature. Purchased, 1944. Names of writers of letters: Adams, Charles Francis Alden, James Alexander, Edward Porter Ames, Adelbert Ammen, Daniel Anderson, Robert Andrew, John Albion Anthony, Henry Bowen Arnold, Richard Asboth, Alexander Sandor Augur, Christopher Columbus Averell, William Woods Backus, F. W. Badeau, Adam Banks, Nathaniel Prentiss Barnard, B. Barnes, Joseph K. Barry, William Farquhar Bartlett, John Russell Bates, Edward Beauregard, Pierre Gustave Toutant Bee, Hamilton Prioleau Bell, Charles Henry Benham, Henry Washington Benton, Thomas Hart Bidwell, Daniel D. Birney, David Bell Birney, John? Birney, William Black, Jeremiah Sullivan Blair, Frank P. ? Blair, Montgomery Blenker, Louis Boggs, Charles Stuart Bonham, Mi Hedge Luke Bowen, James Boyce, William W. Branch, Lawrence O 1 Bryan Breckinridge, John Cabell Breese, Kidder Randolph Buchanan, James Buckner, Simon Bolivar Buell, Don Carlos Buford, Napoleon Bonaparte Burbridge, Stephen Gano Butler, Benjamin Franklin Butterfield, Daniel Cameron, Simon Canby, Edward Richard Sprigg Chamberlain, Joshua Lawrence Chapman, George H. Chase, Salmon Portland Chesnut, James Clark, John B. Clay, Clement Claiborne Clay, Henry COOKE 71 Clay, James B. Clingman, Thomas Lanier Cobb, Howell Cochrane, John Cockrell, Francis Marion Comstock, Cyrus Ballou Cooke, John Esten Cooke, Philip St. George Cooper, Samuel Coppee , Henry Corcoran, Michael Corse, John Murray Couch, Darius Nash Cox, Jacob Dolson Craven, Thomas Tingey Crawford, Martin Jenkins Crawford, Samuel W. Cullum, George Washington Curry, Jabez Lamar Monroe Curtin, Andrew Gregg Curtis, Samuel Ryan Cushing, Caleb Dahlgren, John Adolphus Bernard Dana, Charles Anderson Davidson, John Wynn Davis, Charles Henry Davis, Henry E. , Jr. Davis, Jefferson Davis, W. W. H. DeKay, Drake Dennison, William Dent, Frederick Tracy De Trobriand, Regis Denis de Keredern Devens, Charles Devin, Thomas Casimer Dickinson, Daniel Stevens Dix, John Adams Dodge, Grenville Mellen Donelson, D. S. Doubleday, Abner Douglas, Stephen Arnold DuPont, Samuel Francis Duryee, Stephen Arnold Early, Jubal Anderson Ellet, Alfred W. Ellet, Charles Emory, William Hems ley Ericsson, John Ewell, Richard Stoddert Fagan, James Fleming Fairfax, Donald McNeill Farnsworth, John Franklin Farragut, David Glasgow, Farragut, Virginia Loyall, Mrs. David Fenton, Reuben Eaton Ferry, Orvis Sanford Field, Charles William Fish, Hamilton Floyd, John Buchanan Foote, Andrew Hull Foster, John Gray Foster, John Watson Foster, Robert Sanford Fox, Gustavus Vasa Franklin, William Buel Fremont, John Charles French, S. G. French, William Henry Gardner, W. M. Gavet, D. G. Getty, George Washington Gillmore, Quincy Adams Gist, S. R. Goldsborough, Louis Malesherbes Gordon, John Brown Gorgas, Josiah Greene, George Sears Greer, James August in Gregory, F. H. Grierson, Benjamin Henry Halleck, Henry Wager Hamilton, Charles Smith Hamlin, Hannibal Hammond, James Henry Hampton, Wade Hancock, Winfield Scott Hardee, William Joseph Harris, J. G. ? Hatch, John Porter Hawkins, John P. Hawley, Joseph Roswell Hay, John Hayes, Rutherford Birchard Hays, William Hazen, W. Heintzelman, Samuel Peter Herron, Francis Jay Heth, Henry Hill, Benjamin Harvey Hill, Charles W. Hill, D. W. Hofmann, J. W. Holt, Joseph Hovey, Alvin Peterson Howard, Oliver Otis Howe, Albion Parris Huger, Benjamin Humphreys, Andrew Atkinson Hunt, Henry Jackson Hunter, Robert Mercer Taliaferro 72 COOKE [64] Ingalls, Rufus Ireland Ivesson, Alfred Jackson, A. E. Johnson, Bradley Tyler Johnson, Richard W. Johnston, Albert Sidney Johnston, Joseph Eggleston Johnston, Josiah Stoddard Johnston, William Preston Jones, Edward F. Jones, Samuel Jordan, Thomas Kane, George P. Keilt, L. M. Kilpatrick, Hugh Judson Kimball, Nathan King, Horatio King, Rufus Lad lie, James Lander, Frederick West Latcher, John Lee, A. L. Lee, Robert Edward Lee, Samuel Phillips Lee, William Henry Fitzhugh Logan, John Alexander Longs t ree t , James McCauley, Charles Stewart McClellan, George Brinton McCook, Alexander McDowell McCulloch, Hugh McLaws, Lafayette Magruder, John Bankhead Mallory, Stephen Russell Manning, Fred L. Mansfield, Joseph King Fenno Marcy, Randolph Barnes Marshall, H. Martindale, John Henry Mason, J. M. Mathews, Stanley Maxey, Samuel Bell Maynard, Horace Meigs, Montgomery Cunningham Meminger, Christopher Gustavus Miles, Dixon S. Miles, William Porcher Milroy, Robert Huston Mitchel, Ormsby MacKnight Morgan, Edwin Davison Morris, Thomas Armstrong Mosby, John Singleton Nagle, H. M. Negley, James Scott New, George W. Opdycke, E. Ord, Edward Otho Cresap Orleans, Louis Phillipe d ! , comte de Paris Orr, James Lawrence Ould, Robert Page, Thomas J. Palmer, William Jackson Parke, John Grubb Parker, Ely Samuel Patterson, Robert Paulding, Hiram Peck, John James Pemberton, John Clifford Peo, Orlando Metcalfe Phelps, J. W. Pickens, Francis Wilkinson Pike, Albert Pillow, Gideon Johnson Polk, Bishop Pope , John Porter, Fitz-John Post, P. Sidney Potter, Robert Brown Prentiss, Benjamin Mayberry Price, E. W. Price, Sterling Pryor, Roger Atkinson Quinby, Isaac Ferdinand Randall, James Ryder Rawlins, John Aaron Read, Theodore Reagan, John Henninger Reed, T. Buchanan Reno, Jesse Lee Reynolds, John Fulton Rhett, Robert Barnwell Rice, J. C. Robinson, John Cleveland Rodgers, Christopher Raymond Perry Ruffin, Edmund Schenck, Robert Cumming Schoepf, A. Schurz, Carl Scott, Winfield Seddon, James Alexander Self ridge, Thomas Oliver Sexton, R. Seymour, Horatio Seymour, Truman Shal, Robert G. Sheridan, Philip Henry CORONADO 73 Sherman, Thomas West Sherman, William Tecumseh Shields, James Shirk, James W. Sickles, Daniel Edgar Sigel, Franz Slemmer, A. J. Smith, Gerrit Smith, Gustavus Woodson Smith, Martin Luther Smith, Watson Smith, William L. Smith, William Sooy Soule, Pierre Stahel, Julius Stanley, David Sloane Stephens, Alexander Steuart, George H. Stevens, Isaac Ingalls Stone, Charles Pomeroy Stuart, James Ewell Brown Sturgis, Samuel Davis Sumner, Charles Sumner, Edwin Vose Sykes, George Taliaferro, William Booth Tattnall, Josiah Terry, Alfred Howe Terry, William Thatcher, Henry Knox Thomas, George Henry Thomas, Lorenzo Thompson, Jacob Thompson, M. Jefferson Toombs, Robert Augustus Totten, Joseph Gilbert Trimble, Isaac Ridgeway Turner, Th. P. Twiggs, Daniel Emanuel Tyler, Robert Ogden Van Dorn, Earl Viele, Egbert Ludovicus Wadsworth, James Samuel Waite, M. R. Walke, Henry Walker, John Grimes Walker, Leroy Pope Ward, J # Hobart Waring, George Edwin Warren, Gouverneur Kemble Waul, T. N. Webb, Alexander Stewart Webb, James Watson Weber, Max Webster, Fletcher Wells, Gideon Wheaton, Frank Wheeler, Joseph Wilkes, Charles Wilson, Byron Wilson, James Grant Wilson, James Harrison Winthrop, Theodore Wood, Thomas John Wool, Jolin Ellis Worden, John Lorimer Yates, Richard 65. CORONADO, FRANCISCO VAZQUEZ DE, 1510-1554. El Alarde que se hizo de la Gente que el Virrey enbio a Cibola, 1540. Photostat. 1 item, 21 pages. Spanish explorer. A muster of men and equipment made at Compostela, Mexico, on February 25, 1540, preparatory to Coronado 1 s expedition northward which carried him as far as the present state of Kansas. The manuscript was published in Spanish by Professor Arthur S. Aiton in the American historical review, v. 44, p. 556-570. It was first translated into English by Professor Aiton in 1939 and was published as Clements Library bulletin, no. 30. The archival description of the original manu- script is: Archivo General de Indias, Audiencia de Guadalajara, Legajo 5, Documento 2. See Peckham' s Guide for fuller description. 74 CORTEZ - CROKER [66-67] 66. CORTEZ FAMILY. Document, 1604. 1 item, 33 pages. Manuscript concerning the exact tribute due the Spanish crown from the Marque's del Valle, grandson of Hernando Cortez. Purchased, 1950. 67. CROKER, JOHN WILSON, 1780-1857. Papers, 1803-1857. 17 ft. British statesman and essayist. Correspondence dealing with naval, literary, political, and per- sonal matters. The papers deal almost solely with British affairs, the only American interest being references to the Webster-Ashburton Treaty of 1842 and the War of 1812. Of particular importance are the letters for the period from 1809 to 1830 when Croker was secretary to the admiralty. A total of 1084 letters and excerpts from the Croker papers have been published in L. J. Jennings, ed. The Croker papers ... 3 v. and in M. F. Brightfield. John Wilson Croker. Other Croker letters will be found in the Melville papers (no. 174). Described in the catalog of Sotheby and co., June 23-26, 1924, items 20, 46, 80, 171, 187, 188, 195, 202, 245, 252, 341, 388, 392, 448, 464, 473, 478, 560, 589, 592, 638, 652, 689, 758, 779; and in J. Pearson's handlist, March, 1925, items 15 and 41. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Purchased, 1934. Names of writers of letters: Abbot, Charles, 1st baron Colchester Adair, Sir Robert Annesley, William Richard Annesley, 3rd earl of Arbuthnot, Charles Ashburton, Alexander Baring, 1st baron Ashburton, Anne Louisa Bingham Baring, baroness Asperne, James Backhouse , J. Bagot, Sir Charles Baker, Samuel Baring, Hon. Louisa Emily Barnard, Lady Anne Barrington, C. J. Barrow, Sir George Barrow, Sir John Bate-Dudley, Sir Henry Bath, Harriet Baring Thynne, marchioness of Bathurst, Henry Bathurst, 3rd earl Bayly, John Bayten, Charles Beauchamp, William Lygon, 1st earl [67] CROKER 75 Beckett, J. Belmore, Somerset Lowry- Corry, 2nd earl of Beresford, Rev. George de la Poer Berry, Sir Edward Bickerton, Sir Richard Hussey Bicknell, Charles Biggs, L. J. Birrill, Richard Blackwood , Wi 1 1 iam Blake, Sir Valentine John, 12th bart. Bloomfield, Benjamin, 1st baron Bloomfield Bootle-Wilbraham, Edward, 1st baron Skelmersdale Borel, Louis Fauche Borless, G. S. Boswell, Sir Alexander Bourchier, John Bridport, Alexander Hood, 1st viscount Bristol, Frederick William Hervey, 5th earl and 1st marquess of Browne, Denis Brunnow, Ernest Philip, baron Buckinghamshire, Robert Hobart, 4th earl of Bullen, J. Bulwer, Sir William Henry Lytton Earle, baron Dalling and Bulwer Bunbury, Sir Henry Edward, 7th bart. Burdett, Sir Francis Burges, Sir James Bland Burke, Sir John Bernard Burton, Decimus Butler, G. Butler, James Bynon, Mr. Calder, Sir Robert Camden, George Charles Pratt, 3rd earl and 2nd marquess of Camden, Sir John Jeffreys Pratt, 2nd earl and 1st marquess of Campanile, Pauline Canning, George Caraman, Comte de Carew, Sir Benjamin Hallowell Casey, Thomas Castlereagh, Robert Stewart, 2nd marquess of Londonderry, 2nd viscount Chabannes, Comte de Chambers, Robert Chard, Edward Chateaubriand, Francois- Auguste, vicomte de Chichester, Thomas Pelham, 2nd earl of Clancarty, Richard Le Poer Trench, 1st viscount and 2nd earl of Clarendon, George William Frederick Villiers, 4th earl of Clerk, Sir George Clifford, Edward, Lord Clinton, Charles Rodolph Trefusis, 19th baron Cochrane -Bail lie, Alexander Dundas Ross Wishart, 1st baron Lamington Cockburn, Sir George Collingwood, John Collingwood, Mary Conyngham, Henry Conyngham, 3rd baron and 1st marquess of Cork and Orrery, Lady Mary Monckton Boyle, countess of Cor ley, Thomas Corran, Henry Cotton, Henry Couttenho, Souza Coutts, Thomas Croker, Dillon Croker, Edward Croker, Elizabeth Croker, John Croker, John Wilson Croker, Rosamond Pennell, Mrs. John Wilson Croker, Thomas Crofton Croker, Walter Croly, George Cumberland, Prince Ernest Augustus, duke of Cunningham, Allan Cunningham, Peter Davenport, D. Davy, Sir Humphry Denison, John Evelyn, 1st viscount Ossington 76 CROKER [67] Dent, J. Derby, Edward Stanley, 14th earl of Disraeli, Benjamin, 1st earl of Beaconsfield Dorington, J. Dowdeswell, J. E. Doyle, M. N. Drummond , Henry Dumas , C . Dundas, Robert of Arniston Dysart, N. Ellesmere, Francis Egerton, 1st earl of Ellis, W. H. Elrington, Charles Richard Elrington, Rev. Thomas Elwin, Whitwell Farnborough, Charles Long, 1st baron Fitzgerald, William Vesey, baron Fitzgerald and Vesey Flint, C. W. Follett, John Foster, John Foster, John Leslie Foster, Thomas Gambier, James Gambier, 1st baron Giffard, Edward Giffard, John Gilbert, Davies Goulburn, Henry Granard, Georgiana Augusta Berkeley, countess of Grant, Sir Alexander Cray, 6th bart. Great Britain. Sovereigns. George III Gregory, William Greville, Algernon Frederick Gurwood , John Haddington, Charles Hamilton, 8th earl of Haig, J. Halifax, Sir Charles Wood, 1st viscount Hall, Basil Hall, Spencer Harcourt, Mary Danby Harcourt, countess of Hardwicke, Charles Philip Yorke, 4th earl of Harrowby, Dudley Ryder, 1st earl of Harvey, Richard Hawkins, Edward Haydn, Joseph Hayley, William Herbert, Sidney, 1st baron Herbert Hereford, Henry Fleming Lea Devereux, 14th viscount Herries, John Charles Hertford, Francis Seymour Ingram, 2nd marquess of Hervey, Lord Arthur Charles Hickey, G. Hobhouse, Henry Holmes, L. W. Hope, Sir George Hope, Sir William Johnstone Horn, W. Horsey, Spencer de Horton, Sir Robert Wilmot, 3rd bart. Hotham, Sir Henry Hunt, James Henry Leigh Huskisson, William Hutchinson, Christopher Hely Inglis, Sir Robert Harry, 2nd bart. Jackson, Joseph D. Jacobson, Rev. William Jancourt, Mons. Jersey, Sarah Sophia Fane Villiers, countess of Jesse, Edward Jeune, Rev. Francis Jocelyn, Robert, 3rd earl of Roden Johnston, Samuel Johnston, W. Johnstone, Andrew James Cochrane Jones, John Winter Kellett, Arthur Kerslake, Thomas King, H. S. Knatchbull, Sir Edward, 9th bart. Knight, Charles Kyle, Rev. Samuel Lascelles, John F. Legg, George Libri, William Lieven, Graf von Littlehales, Edward Baker Liverpool, Charles Cecil Cope Jenkinson, 3rd earl [67] CROKER 77 Liverpool, Louisa Theodosia Hervey Jenkinson, countess of Lloyd, Batholomew Locker, Edward Hawke Lockhart, John Gibson Loftus, William Londonderry, Charles William Stewart, 3rd marquess of Londonderry, Frederick William Robert Stewart, 4th viscount Castlereagh, 4th marquess of Londonderry, Frances Anne Emily Tempest Stewart, marchioness of Lonsdale, Sir William Lowther, 1st earl of Lonsdale, William Lowther, 2nd earl of Lyndhurst, John Singleton Copley, 1st baron McDermott, Anthony J. Macdonell, Sir James Mackintosh, Sir James McMahon, John McMahon, Sir William, 1st bart. Maginn, William Mahon, M. N. Major, James Manners-Sutton, Charles, 1st viscount Canterbury Mar joribanks, Edward Marsden, William Martin, Sir Thomas Byam Mason, William Monck Miller, Alex Monteagle, Thomas Spring- Rice, 1st baron Montgomery, Robert Moore, Sir Graham Mudge, Thomas Mulgrave, Henry Phipps, 3rd baron and 1st earl of Mulock, Thomas Murray, John, 1778-1843 Murray, John, 1808-1892 Murray, Robert Napier, Sir William Francis Patrick Normanby, Constantine Henry Phipps, 2nd earl of Mulgrave, 1st marquess of Nunez, Conde Fernan O 1 Moore, Garrett Orleans, Due d' Orleans, Louis d' Outram, Sir Benjamin Fonseca Page, George Currie Panizzi, Sir Anthony Parry, J. Peel, Sir Robert, 2nd bart. Pellew, Sir Edward, 1st viscount Exmouth Pellew, Rev. George Pennell, William Pepys, William Weller Perceval, Spencer Perrier, Anthony Phillips, Charles Phillpotts, Henry Pitt, William Marton Planta, Joseph Polwarth, Henry Francis Hepburne-Scott , 7th baron Ponsonby, Rev. Richard Porter, Jame Portman, Edward Berkeley Powell, John Penell Prior, Sir James Pulman, J. Quaritch, Bernard Raglan, Lord Fitzroy Somerest, 1st baron Railton, William Rennell, C. F. Rennie, George Rennie, John Rennie, Sir John Richards, W. P. Richmond, C. Rickman, John Rose, George Rose, Sir George Henry Rosse, Sir Lawrence Parsons, 2nd earl of Russell, Lord John Russell, 1st earl Russell, W. M. Rutland, John Henry Manners, 5th duke of Rutland, John James Robert Manners, 7th duke of Ryan, D. F. Ryder, Richard St. Leonards, Edward Burtenshaw Sugden, 1st baron 78 CUERNAVACA [68] Salis, Jerome Fane de Salis, count de Sedley, Davenport Sexton, Charles Seymour, Sir George Francis Shaftesbury, Cropley Ashley Cooper, 6th earl of Shawe , M. Sheridan, C. B. Shrewsbury, John Talbot, 16th earl of Sidmouth, Henry Addington, 1st viscount Sinclair, Sir George Singer, Rev. Joseph Henderson Sligo, John Denis Browne, 1st marquess of Sligo, Lady Louisa Catherine Howe Browne, marchioness of Smirke, Sir Robert Smith, Culling Charles Smith, Horatio Smith, James Smith, Leonard Sparrowe, John E. Stephen, James Strachan, Sir Richard John, 4th bart. Strangford, Percy Clinton Sydney Smythe, 6th viscount Street, H. G. Sykes, Sir Mark Masterman 3rd bart. Taylor, Sir Herbert Thompson, Sir Thomas Boulden, 1st bart. Thorns, William John Torrens, Sir Henry Trench, Rev. Richard Chenevix Trip, Travers Turner, William Twiss, Horace Vane-Tempest, Sir Henry Vansittart, Nicholas, 1st baron Bexley Waddington, H. Walter, John Walter, Rev. Robert Warrender, Anne Evelyn, Lady George Warrender, Sir George, 4th bart. Warring, Mrs. Wedderburn, David Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, 1st duke of Westmeath, George Thomas John Nugent, 8th earl and 1st marquess of Westmorland, John Fane, 10th earl of Whitbread, Samuel Whitworth, Charles Whitworth, 1st earl Wightman, Sir William Wilberforce, William Williams, Richard Willoughby, Sir Nesbitt Jos i ah Wilson, Sir Robert Thomas Wolff, Baron Yorke, Hamet 68. CUERNAVACA, MEXICO. Papers, ca. 1650 ca. 100 items. Miscellaneous manuscripts dealing with Cuernavaca in the seventeenth century. Gift of Mr. C. C. Adams, 1950. [69-70] DALTON - DAUPHIN COUNTY 79 69. DALTON FAMILY. Papers, 1693-1852. 150 items. Merchants and shippers. Letters, bills of lading, receipts, insurance agreements, contracts and army provision orders relative to the commercial activi- ties of Captain James Dalton (d. 1783), Peter Roe Dalton (1743-1811), and Peter Roe Dalton II. The family engaged in trade with Europe and the West Indies, and supplied the Continental troops in Boston during the Revolution. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Gift of Professor Stanley Dalton Dodge, 1926. Names of writers of letters and authors and signers of documents : Adams, Thomas Addington, Isaiah Alden, Samuel Aqueduct Corporation, Boston Blanchard, C. Brayton, John Burk, Michael Collis, Henry Colt, Peter Coolidge, Charles Creed, William Dalton, James Dalton, Peter Roe Dalton, Peter Roe, Jr. Edes, Peter Fisher, Wilfret Fritz, Henry Gasney, Martin Gerrish, Samuel Gould, John Gray, Samuel Gruchy, Thomas James Hall, Andrew A. Harman, William Harris, Robert Hartt, John Hoar, Leonard Ingersoll, Benjamin Keith, James Lee, John Loring, Seth Marsdin, George Marshall, John Massachusetts. Treasurer Metcalf, Samuel Orr, Adam Parkman, Samuel Pemberton, Thomas Richardson, Joseph Robert, John Scott, James Sullivan, Catherine Thompson & Gridley Tucker, N. Amory Wilson, Joseph 70. DAUPHIN COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. Slave records, 1788-1825. 1 item, 49 pages. Record book containing statements granting freedom to negro slaves, in accordance with an act passed by the legislative assembly of Pennsylvania in 1788. Purchased, 1934. 80 DAWSON - DENHAM [71-72] 71. DAWSON, HENRY BARTON, 1821-1889. Papers, 1827-1893. 7 items. Editor, historian, antiquarian bookseller. A collection of letters from historians, librarians, and collectors. One item is a manuscript catalogue of duplicate books offered for exchange in which 222 books are itemized. Also included are historical notes by Dawson on Benedict Arnold, Daniel Morgan and Nathanael Greene. Described in the American art association, Anderson galleries catalogue, April 30, 1936, item 14. See Peckham' s Guide for fuller description. Purchased, 1936. Names of writers of letters: Aspinwall, William H. Beardsley, Eben E. Binney, Horace Brown, David Paul Chittenden, Simeon B. Coxe, Charles S. Daly, Charles P. Dawson, Henry Barton Dean, John W. Dean, William DeLancey, E. J. DeLancey, William H. De Peyster, Frederic De Renne, Wymberley Jones Dix, Morgan Doubleday, Abner Drake, Charles D. Draper, Lyman Copeland Dykman, J. O. Frazer, Reah Grey, Hon. Charles Hall, Abraham Oakey Homes, Henry A. Ingersoll, Charles J. Irwin, Theodore Lander, B. Latimer, Thomas Lawrence, Eugene Mitchell, Josiah S. Morse, Samuel F. B. Murphy, Henry Cruse Piatt, L. C. Pruyn, John V. L. Seward, Frederick W. Simms, Jeptha R. Smith, Persifor Frazer Stigston, John Storrs, Richard S. Stryker, William S. Tait, Arthur F. Tyler, John Vinton, Gertrude Vogdes, Israel Winthrop, Robert C. 72. DENHAM, SIR JAMES STEUART, 1712-1780. Letters, 1775-1778. 10 items. British political economist. The letters are ad- dressed to Archibald Hamilton who was probably an official of minor rank in the government. They express the attitude toward the American Revolution of a man of learning who was free from political bias and the influence of court circles. Purchased, 1950. [73-74] DEVONSHIRE - DIAZ 81 DEVONSHIRE, GEORGIANA (SPENCER) CAVENDISH, DUCHESS OF, 1757-1806. Correspondence, 1789-1802. 67 items. Correspondence, mainly with her Paris banker, Alphonse C. C. Perregaux, regarding business matters and other of the duchess 1 activities. Described in the catalogue of J. Pearson and co., spring, 1925, item 32. See Peckham' s Guide for fuller description Acquired upon settlement of the Clements estate, 1937. Names of writers of letters. Deschamps, Mons. Devonshire, Georgiana Spencer Cavendish, duchess of Devonshire, William Cavendish, 5th duke of Sutherland, Countess Elizabeth Sutherland, marchioness of Stafford, duchess of 74. DIAZ, PORFIRIO, PRES. MEXICO, 1830-1915. Papers, 1856-1903. 3 ft. Mexican general and statesman. Letters and docu- ments relating to Diaz' career as commander of the army of the east in the War of Intervention. The papers reflect the military operations of 1867, including the siege of Puebla, the battle of San Lorenzo, and the occupation of Mexico City; and the administration of occupied areas in the states of Vera Cruz, Puebla and Oaxaca. Purchased, 1949. Names of writers of letters and authors and signers of documents: Abra, Jesus S. Abrego, J. Acedo, Fausto Aguilar, Ignacio AlaTorre, Ignacio R. Alcantara, Adolfo T. Alce*na, A. Altamirano, Jesus Alvarez, D. Alvarez, Emilio Amone, Carlos Andrade, Miguel T. Aragon, Jose* M. Aragon, Rosario Arismendi, Jose* Maria Bangis, Juan Barroeta, Miguel M. Bautista, Jose* Bazaine, Adolfo Benavides, Rafael Benitez, Justo Blumenkran, A. Burnoaf, E. Caamano, J. B. Cadena, Trinidad G. Calllas, A. 82 DIAZ [74] Camacho, Juan Cansuo, Enrique Canuco, C. Carpio, Jose" Indalecio, del Carvallo Ortega, Alvino Castaneda, Y. Castro, Juan Castro, Miguel Cevallos, Jose* Chastanier, A. Chenet, E. Coca, Felipe Comonfort, Ignacio Corona, Ramtin Cortes, G. Cossio, Jose" Courrech, F. Couttilene, J. N. Cravioto, Rafael Cruz, Felipe Cuellar Diaz, Felix Diaz, Profirio Diaz Ordaz, Jose" Maria Doblado, Manuel Dominguez, H. Dom i ngue z , Je s us Dominguez, Pantaleon Enriquez, J. Escalante, Francisco Escarcega, Jose" Escobedo, Mariano Escoto, Joaquin U. Escudero y Echanove, Pedro Esperan, Antonio Espinoza, Manuel Esteve, Jose" Maria Flores Cervantes, Lino Fragaso, Carlos Fragua, Jose* Maria la Fuente, Juan Antonio de Gageon, Carlos de Gamalo y Fernando, N. Gamboa, F. M. Gamboa, Jose* Antonio Gamboa, Manuel F. Garcia, Alejandro Gomez, Jose* Maria Grandison, T. Guendulain, Jose* Gutierrez, Jose* M. Hinojosa, Pedro Hofmann, George Iglesias, Jose* M. Jimenez, N. N. Juarez, Benito Kapicka V. Pafring, Josef Laiamo, Mariano Leiva, Francisco Lejarazti, Antonio Leon, Doroteo Leon, Patricio L. Lerdo de Tejada, Sebastian Leyva, Francisco Lira y Ortega, Manuel Lobato, Jose" Loera, Manuel Lopez Gansindo, Nicolas Lorano, A. Magos, Maria Maldonado, German Maldonado, Juan N. Malo, Louis Marinal Marquez, Estevan Marquez, M. Marquez de Leon, Manuel Martinez, Joaquin Martinez de la Concha, Jose* M. Mata, Jose* Maria Maximilian, Emperor of Mexico Mejia, Francisco Mejia, Ignacio Mejia de Leon, Jose* Demetrio Mendez, Gregorio Mendez, Juan Mercado, Novensino Mertrand, E. Mier y Teran, Luis Miradenyra, Y. Moller, Federico Moreno, Joaquin Munoz, Francisco Neal, Tomas Negrete, Miguel Noriega, Manuel Ogarrio, F. Olguin, Genaro Ossaye, F. Pacheco, Carlos Pacheco de Ribera, Francisco Pantoja, Pablo Parias, Sebastian Pasos, H. Perez, Marcos Petrit, J. Peza, Juan de Dios Pineda, N. Quinones, Nemesio DOWDESWELL 83 Ramirez, Juan Rangel, Joaquin Ravelo, Ignacio Regules, N. de Reskorhka, Jose* Ribera, Marques de la Riva Palacios, Vicente Rivera, Aureliano Robledo, Jose* Maria Robles, S. Rocha Lizardi, Natalia Rojas, Antonio Romero, Felix Romero, Hazario Romero, Matias Roguera, Angel Maria Ruiz, Joaquin Salinas, Cristobal Sanchez Santos, Trinidad Santandella, Juan Schmitt, G. N. Serra, Felipe Setechipia, Pedro Socera, Manuel Simonson, H. B. Tabera, Ramon Tamariz, Francisco de Paula Ter£n, Jesus Teresa y Miranda, Jose* de Thier, Arnold P. de Toro, Manuel Torres, Juan Travesi, N. Trevino, Geronimo Triplen, Guillermo Uribe, Juan G. Urquialos, J. Vallarta, Ignacio Luis Valle, Miguel de Valverde, Jose* F. Vargas, N. Anselmo Varravan, Juan G. Visquez, Juan N. Vazquez, Clemente Ve*lez, Angel Maria Vidal, Miguel Villagrin, Vicente Vizoso, Jesus Wolf, Juan A. Worch, Johann Ybarra, Jose* Maria de Zaragoza, Ignacio Zives, August in 75. DOWDESWELL, WILLIAM, 1721-1775. Papers, 1765-1774. 53 items. British statesman. Political correspondence with leaders of the Whig party regarding financial and taxation problems, the writing of and obtaining criticism on party pamphlets, and party strategy in regard to America, the East India Company, Ireland and particularly the Middlesex election issue. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Purchased, 1936. Names of writers of letters: Conway, Hon. Henry Seymour Cornwall, Charles Wolf ran Dowdeswell, William Grafton, Augustus Henry Fitzroy, 3rd duke of Richmond and Lennox, Charles Lennox, 3rd duke of Sydney, Thomas Townshend, 1st viscount Townshend, Hon. Charles Winnington, Sir Edward, 1st bart. 84 DUGGAN - ENGEL [76-78] 76. DUGGAN, THOMAS. Journal, 1796-1800. 1 item, 142 pages. Storekeeper. Journal kept at Fort Michilimacinac contains daily accounts of visits by the Indians, and a detailed record of trade in food and skins carried on at the fort. Gift of The Clements Library Associates, 1949. 77. DUMAS, JEAN-DANIEL. Traite" de la Defense et de la Conservation des Colonies ... 1775. Two copies of the same work, 190 pages and 281 pages. French army officer. A general treatment of the French colonial situation, including problems of defense, duties of the governor generals, the cost of colonial administration, colonial legislation and the commerce of the colonies. The 190 page volume has an additional chapter entitled Reflexions sur le projet de former une nouvelle Compagnie des Indes. This chapter was written in 1780, possibly by Dumas . See Peckham' s Guide for fuller description. 78. ENGEL, JOHANN JAKOB, 1741-1802. Ideen zu einer Mimik ... 1785. 1 item, 382 pages. German author. This treatise on the use of mimicry on the stage was written in the form of 27 letters to an unnamed and probably fictitious friend. Ref- erence is made to contemporary actors, critics and playwrights, and the author's approach combines scholarliness and 18th century philosophy with practical examples. Purchased, 1952. EPISCOPAL CHURCH 85 79. EPISCOPAL CHURCH PAPERS, 1785-1904. 1 ft. Clerical correspondence of Protestant Episcopal bishops of the American Church. The correspondence deals entirely with church matters. Portraits of the bishops are included with the letters. Purchased, 1945. Names of writers of letters: Adams, William Forbes Armitage, William Edmond Atkinson, Thomas Atwill, Edwin Robert Auer, John Gottlieb Bass, Edward Beckwith, John Watrous Bedell, Gregory Thurston Bissell, William Henry Augustus Boone, William Jones, 1811-1864 Boone, William Jones, 1847-1891 Bowen, Nathaniel Bowman, Samuel Brewer, Leigh Richmond Brooks, Phillips Brown, John Henry Hobart Brownell, Thomas Church Burgess, Alexander Burgess, George Chase, Carlton Clark, Thomas March Clarkson, Robert Harper Cobbs, Nicholas Hamner Coleman, Leighton Coxe, Arthur Cleveland Cummins, George David Davis, Thomas Frederick Dehon, Theodore De Lancey, William Heathcote Doane, George Washington Doane, William Croswell Dudley, Thomas Underwood Dunlop, George Kelly Eastburn, Manton Elliott, Robert Woodward Barnwell Elliott, Stephen Ferguson, Samuel David Freeman, George Washington Gadsden, Christopher Edwards Galleher, John Nicholas Garrett, Alexander Charles Gilbert, Mahlon Morris Gillespie, George de Normandie Grafton, Charles Chapman Graves, Anson Rogers Green, William Mercer Hare, William Hobart Harris, Samuel Smith Hawks, Cicero Stephens Henshaw, John Prentiss Kewley Hopkins, John Henry Howe, Mark Anthony de Wolfe Howe, William Bell White Huntington, Frederic Dan Ives, Levi Silliman Jackson, Henry Melville Jagger, Thomas Augustus Jarvis, Abraham Johns , John Johnson, James Steptoe Kemper, Jackson Kendrick, John Mills Kerfoot, John Barrett Kip, William Ingraham Knickerbacker, David Buel Knight, Cyrus Frederic Lay, Henry Champlin Lee, Alfred Leonard, Abiel Leonard, William Andrew Littlejohn, Abram Newkirk Lyman, Theodore Benedict McCoskry, Samuel Allen Mcllvaine, Charles Pettit McLaren, William Edward Moore, Benjamin Morris, Benjamin Wistar Neely, Henry Adams Nichols, William Ford Nicholson, Isaac Lea Niles, William Woodruff Odenheimer, William Henry Onderdonk, Benjamin Tredwell 86 ESTAING [80] Onderdonk, Henry Ustick Otey, James Hervey Paddock, Benjamin Henry Paddock, John Adams Paret, William Parker, Samuel Payne, John Penick, Charles Clifton Perry, William Stevens Peterkin, George William Pierce, Henry Niles Pinkney, William Potter, Alonzo Potter, Henry Codman Potter, Horatio Quintard, Charles Toda Randall, George Maxwell Randolph, Alfred Magill Ravenscroft, John Stark Robertson, Charles Franklin Rulison, Nelson Somerville Rutledge, Francis Huger Scarborough, John Schereschewsky, Samuel Isaac Joseph Scott, Thomas Fielding Seabury, Samuel Sessums, Davis Seymour, George Franklin Smith, Robert Southgate, Horatio Spalding, Franklin Spencer Starkey, Thomas Alfred Stevens, William Bacon Stone, William Murray Talbot, Ethelbert Talbot, Joseph Cruickshank Thomas, Elisha Smith Thompson, Hugh Miller Tuttle, Daniel Sylvester Upfold, George Vail, Thomas Hubbard Vincent, Boyd Wainwright, Jonathan Mayhew Walker, William David Watson, Alfred Augustin Weed, Edwin Gardner Welles, Edward Randolph Whipple, Henry Benjamin Whitaker, Ozi William Whitehead, Cortlandt Whitehouse, Henry John Whittingham, William Rollinson Whittle, Francis McNeese Williams, Channing Moore Williams, John Wilmer, Joseph Pere Bell Wilmer, Richard Hooker Wingfield, John Henry Ducachet Worthington, George Young, John Freeman 80. ESTAING, CHARLES HENRI, COMTE D' , 1729-1794. Journal du Siege de Savannah ( par M. O'Connor, Avec des Observations de M. Le Comte D' Estaing, 1779. Photostat. 1 item, 60 pages. French naval officer. The journal deals with the French siege of Savannah in 1779, and was written largely by a French army engineer named O'Connor. An eight page introduction by Estaing gives the background of the operations, and O'Connor's narra- tive is accompanied by a commentary by Estaing. Together the two accounts constitute a full descrip- tion of the French activities at Savannah. The original manuscript is in the De'pot General des Fortifications, Paris. See Peckham' s Guide for fuller description. [81-83] ESTAING - EVANS 87 81. ESTAING, CHARLES HENRI, COMTE D« , 1729-1794. Signaux de Jour pour l 1 arme*e combine*e aux ordres de M. Le Comte d'Estaing, Vice admiral de France, 1780. 1 item, 69 pages. French naval officer. Manuscript official signal book of the fleet, with orders and regulations for the fleet, and a series of finely hand-drawn and hand-colored miniature flags. The signal book was compiled for Estaing for the fleet which he took command of, after his experiences at Newport, the West Indies and Savannah. The only date in the signal book is 1780, this being a notation made by Sublieutenant d' Horgenvillier of the infantry regi- ment from Penthievre, on the ship Bien Aime. Purchased, 1951. 82. EVANS, AMOS A., 1785-1848. Daily Prescription Book on board the U. S. Frigate Constitution, Isaac Hull Esqr. commander, 1812. 1 item, 262 pages. Surgeon's mate, U. S. Navy. Journal giving diag- nosis, first treatment and subsequent visits of all sick and wounded seamen on board the Constitution who reported for medical treatment. The journal covers the period from March 26 to August 27, 1812. Described in the catalogue of James L. Hook of Bala-Cynwyd, Pennsylvania, no. 18, 1935, item 617. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Purchased, 1935. 83. EVANS, Amos A., 1785-1848. Daily Report of Cases in Marine Barracks at the Navy Yard Charles town, and on board the Gun Boats employed in the harbour, 1813. 1 item, 15 pages. Surgeon's mate, U. S. Navy. Journal covering the period from August 7 to October 16, 1813, giving diagnosis and treatment of all men reporting for medical treatment. Described in the catalogue of James L. Hook of Bala-Cynwyd, Pennsylvania, no. 18, 1935, item 619. See Peckham' s Guide for fuller description. Purchased, 1935. 88 EVANS - FORCE [84-87] 84. , EVANS, , A Reefer's Log, 1833. 1 item, 33 pages. Son of Amos A. Evans (no. 82). A journal of a trip from Philadelphia to Boston, via New York and Provi- dence. In Boston the writer visited the Charlestown navy yard and Harvard University. He traveled by steamboat, stage coach and railroad. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Purchased, 1935. 85. EVERETT, EDWARD, 1794-1865. Address, 1862. 1 item, 10 pages. American statesman. Text of a speech given in Faneuil Hall on Sept. 8, 1862, at the invitation of the Irish societies of Boston and vicinity in aid of the first regiment of Irish nine months volunteers Gift of Alice King Howell, 1930. 86. FILKIN, RICHARD. Notebooks, ca. 1864. Typescript. 1 item, 94 pages. Typed copy of ten notebooks containing notes for a biography of John Paul Jones. The original manuscript is British Museum, addi- tional Ms. 25893. Gift of Mr. William Van Dyke, 1945. 87. FORCE, PETER, 1790-1868. Papers, 1820-1868. 2 ft. American historian and editor. Notes, correspond- ence, and miscellaneous writings relative to the local politics of Washington, D.C., the editing of a newspaper there, and the collection and editing of historical manuscripts and rare printed materials [87] FORCE 89 See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description Purchased, 1941, 1945. Names of writers of letters: Abercrombie, John Joseph Abut, J. J. Agassiz, Jean Louis Rodolphe Allibone, Samuel Austin Allston, S. R. Armstrong, John Arnold, Samuel Greene Arthur, William F. Bacon, J. B. Bacourt, Ad. de Baird, Henry Carey Baird, Spencer Fullerton Baker, R. S. Balch, Thomas Barker, J. Bartlett, John Russell Baxter, John Black, H. D. Bowie, Richard Johns Boyle, Cornelius Bradford, Alden Bradley, Joseph H. Brent, Daniel Brent, William Brodhead, John Romeyn Brooke, George M. Brooks, N. C. Brown, Jacob Butler, D. G. W. Campbell, Charles Campbell, Dykes Cass, Lewis Causter, James Cawthorn, Joseph P. Cayle, Andrew Champion, George D. Clark, J. Clark, Matthew St. Clair Clauncey, J. Clinch, L. Clinton, DeWitt, Jr. Cobbs, W. Collins, R. D. C. Colwell, Stephen Conant, Samuel Stillman Cozzens, Frederick S. Craig, Neville B. Cunningham, John S. Curtis, George Ticknor Dale, Thomas Davis, George L. L. Davlown, William B. Dawson, Henry B. Deane, Thomas De Hass, Will Dickins, A. District of Columbia. District Court Draper, Lyman Copeland Duer, William Alexander Dunlap, James Elliot, Jonathan Elton, Romeo Erwin, J. P. Etting, Frank M. Eustis, Abraham Ewbank, Thomas Fahnenstock, G. W. Fendall, P. R. Field, Joseph B. Fitzpatrick, John C. Folsom, Charles Folsum, George Force, Peter Force, William Quereau Forney, John Wien Forsyth, John French, Benjamin B. Froebel, Julius Gaines, Edmund Pendleton Gales, Joseph Gait, P. H. Gayarre*, Charles E. A. Gibbs, George Gibbs, Robert Wilson Gibson, George Gibson, William Gouge, William M. Gratiot, Charles Greene, George Washington Greenhow, Robert Gwynne, David Hagedorn, C. F. Haliday, James F. Hall, Hiland Hall, William Hamilton, James Alexander Hamilton, Schuyler Harrett, Carter S. Harris, Thaddeus Mason Harrisse, Henry Hart, Charles Henry Hart, W. S. Hayden, S. Hazard, Ebenezer 90 FORCE [87] Hazard, Samuel Hewitt, William Hillegas, Michael Hiller, John Hinman, Royal R. Hoen, A. & Co. Holley, Orville Luther Hollingsworth, Jacob Hollingsworth, Thomas Hollingsworth, Zebulon Hough, Franklin B. Ingersoll, Charles Jared Johnson, C. Johnston, Robert M. Jones, J. Seawall Jones, R. Kennedy, James Kent, James King, Horatio Kinney, William Kohl, Johann Georg Lanman, Charles Lee, Edmund, J. Livingston, Edward Lossing, Benson John Lowdermilk, W. H. Lowrie, Walter Lyon, E. McCall, George Archibald McCluney, W. J. Mcintosh, J. S. Macomb, Alexander Mann, John Maury, John W. Mayer, Brantz Mayo, R. Me as am, George Miller, J. Minor, R. B. Mitchell, G. Moore, George Henry Moore, Martha Mordecai, Alfred Mounts, G. W. Munsell, Joel Murphy, Henry Cruse Newcomb, F. D. Newnan, R. Noel, Thomas Norton, Charles Nourse, Michael Noyes, J. H. Page, John Page, Dr. R. C. M. Pickens, Andrew Poore, Benjamin Perley Randall, Henry Stevens Read, W. M. Reed, William B. Reily, John H. Richardson, C. Benjamin Ridgely, Daniel B. Riggs, George Washington Rives, John Cook Rives, William Cabell Rogers, I. Rudulph, Tobias Salmon, George Sand, R. M. Sargent, Winthrop Schoolcraft, Henry R. Scott, Winfield Shaw, J. B. Shea, John D. G. Sherburne, John H. Slidell, Alexander Smith, Francis Osmond Jon Smith, Henry Smith, Horace W. Squier, Ephraim George Steuart, William M. Stevens, Simon Stevens, William Bacon Stewart, Andrew Storer, Bellamy Strange, Robert Streeter, S. F. Stubbs, Edward Taney, Roger B. Tayloe, B. A. Taylor, Alexander S. Taylor, Edwin M. Thomas, George Thomas, Lorenzo Thomas, Philip I. Thompson, R. Thompson, W. Thornton, John Wingate Tuckerman, Henry T. Van Ness, John P. Vaughan, John Walbach, J. R. Walker, Benjamin Wampole, Isaac Webb, J. Weightman, U. Wells, William V. Wheeler, J., Jr. Wheeler, John H. Wiley, B. Wilkinson, Brian Wilson, James Winthrop Withers, A. L. [88-89] FOX - FRANCE 91 Woodward, William R. Wool, John E. Woolley, G. R. Worcester, Joseph E Wright, Thomas 88. FOX, CHARLES JAMES, 1749-1806. Correspondence, 1781-1783. Photostats. 175 items. English statesman. Fox 1 s correspondence with the king, Fitz-Herbert, Manchester, Grenville, Stepney, and Harris relative to the peace negotiations in Paris between Great Britain and the United States and her allies. Also included are minutes of several Cabine t mee t ings . The originals of these papers are in Holland House, London. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Names of writers of letters: Campbell, Sir Archibald Fagel, Henry Fox, Charles James Great Britain Cabinet Sovereigns. George III Grenville, Thomas Honduras. Committe of Settlers Malmesbury, Sir James Harris, 1st earl of Manchester, George Montagu, 4th duke of Manchester, Elizabeth Dashwood Montagu, duchess of St. Helens, Alleyne FitzHerbert, 1st baron Shirley, Henry Stepney, Sir John Vergennes, Charles Gravier, comte de Walpole, Hon. Thomas 8 9 . FRANCE . Documents, 1660-1867. 12 items. Autograph collection of documents signed by the marshals of France. Gift of Dr. Joseph Fields, 1949. Names of signers of documents: Albret, Ce'sar-Phe'bus d» Bazin, Jacques, de Besons Bidal, Claude-Francois, chevalier and marquis d f Asfeld Castellane, Esprit- Boniface, comte de Clermont-Tonnerre , Gaspard, marquis de Cournilles, Deschamps de Croix, Charles-Eugene- Gabriel de la, marquis de Castries Felix, Louis-Nicolas Victor de, comte du Muy 92 FRANCE FRANKLIN [90-91] France. Sovereigns. Louis XVI Guignes, Joseph de La Saune Noailles, Anne- Jules, due de Salvadet Sennectere, Henri de, Mare'chal de la Ferte* Testu, Claude-Guillaume, marquis de Balincourt 90. FRANCE. Papers, 1781-1784. Photostats. 1 ft. Extracts from the Archives des Affaires Etrangeres, Paris, of the following classes of papers: Corre- spondence politique, Etats Unis, 19-27; Espagne, 606-614; Angleterre, 534-546. All correspondence and memoranda relate to the peace negotiations con- cluding the American Revolution. Names of writers of letters: Adhe*mar, Mons. d' Alexander, William Aranda, Pedro Pablo Abarca de Bolea, conde d 1 Baudouin, Mons. Beaumarchais, Pierre- Augustin Caron de Bourgoing, Jean-Francois Cabannes, F. M. Cooper, Rev. Samuel Deane, Silas Dupont de Nemours, Pierre -Samuel Fox, Charles James Franklin, Benjamin Gerard de Rayneval, Joseph-Mathias Grasse-Tilly, Francois- Joseph-Paul, comte de Grasse, marquis de Hartley, David Jay, John Lafayette, Marie-Joseph- Paul-Yves-Roch Gilbert du Motier, marquis de La Luzerne, Anne-Cesar, chevalier de Lerchenberg Livingston, Robert R. Montmorin, Armand-Marc, comte de Shelburne, William Petty, 1st marquess of Lansdowne, 2nd earl of Strange, Sir Robert United States. Commissioners (Jay, Franklin, and Adams) Vergennes, Charles Gravier, comte de 91. FRANKLIN, BENJAMIN, 1706-1790. Letters, 1766-1788. 21 items. American diplomat. Seventeen of these letters were addressed to Joseph Galloway by Franklin, from London. They report the pre Revolution policies of the British government. Four of these letters and [92-93] FREEMAN - FRENCH 93 one addressed to Charles Thomson, from Philadelphia, are published in A. H. Smyth, ed. The writings of Benjamin Franklin ... 10 v. Of the remaining letters, one is addressed to Benjamin Vaughan, from Passy, and the other two are photostats of letters to Dr. Richard Price, written from Passy, and to Granville Sharpe, written from Philadelphia. Other Franklin letters will be found under Albany Convention (no. 4), France (no. 90), Gage papers (no. 95), Harmar papers (no. 118), Hartley papers (no. 121), Shelburne papers (no. 251), and Benjamin Vaughan papers (no. 286). The letters to Vaughan and Thomson are described in the catalogue of Sotheby and co., April 23-25, 1934, items 402, and 403. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. 92. FREEMAN, EDWARD A. , 1823-1892. Letters, 1881-1891. 53 items. English historian. Letters addressed to an Ameri can friend, Charles Henry Hart. The correspondence begins with letters written by Freeman during his lecture tour in America, 1881-1882, and continues through later years when he was at Oxford. The letters deal with historical topics, family matters and items of current interest. Purchased, 1949. 93. FRENCH, Jonathan, 1740-1809. Journal, 17 57. 1 item, 21 pages. Soldier. The journal covers the period from April 14 to October 20, 1757, during which time the author served with a company of Massachusetts troops commanded by Colonel Frey. The march from Boston to Fort Edward, New York, is described, as are the author's duties and experiences at that station. The journal contains a postscript by Eben Sperry Stearns, who identifies the author as the Reverend Jonathan French of Andover, Massachusetts. It was dated at Albany, May 23, 1868. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. 94 FYFFE - GAGE [94-95] 94. FYFFE FAMILY. Papers, 1756-1845. 57 items. A collection of letters from various members of the Fyffe family, from two periods: 1756-1777 and 1842-1845. The early letters are largely from three brothers of the Fyffe family who settled in America to their father and sisters in Dundee, Scotland. The nineteenth century letters are from David Fyffe, a descendant of the family, to his mother in Dundee. They were written while he was stationed at St. Vincent and in the Barbadoes. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Purchased, 1925. 95. GAGE, THOMAS, 1721-1787. Papers, 1754-1783. 49 ft. British commander-in-chief in North America. Correspondence and records of the British head- quarters in America, divided into English and Ameri- can series. The English series includes correspond- ence with secretaries of state, secretaries at war, the treasury, the board of trade, the board of ordnance and other British officials. Selections from this series were published in C. E. Carter. The correspondence of General Thomas Gage with the secretaries of state ... 2 v. The American series contains Gage 1 s correspondence with colonial gov- ernors, Indian superintendents, admirals, engineers, army contractors, various prominent civilian offi- cials and subordinate officers in America. Publi- cations from this series include: R. G. Adams, New light on the Boston Massacre; H. H. Peckham, ed. George Croghan 1 s journal of his trip to Detroit in 1767 ... H. H. Peckham, ed. The journal of Capt. Thomas Morris, 17 64, published in Old fort news, v.6, no.l, p. 3-11. The Gage-Johnson correspondence is included in Sir William Johnson. Papers. Albany, 1921- See Peckham* s Guide for fuller description. Acquired upon settlement of the Clements estate, 1937. Names of writers of letters and authors and signers of documents: Abbadie, Gov. d 1 Abeel, Garret Abbott, Edward Abercrombie, James [95] GAGE 95 Abercromby, James Adair, Dr. Robert Adams, John Aikman, Joseph Ains, Joseph Louis Ainslie, Thomas Albany Magistrates Mayor and Aldermen Alexander, William Alexander, J. , & Co. Allen, William Allison, Robert Allsopp, George Amherst, Sir Jeffery Amherst, baron Andrews, John Andrews, John Annesley, Dr. William Anstruther, William Anthon, Dr. George Christian Apthorp, Charles Ward Apthorp, Thomas Apthorp, Thomas & William Armstrong, John Arnot, Hugh Ashburn, Thomas Athearn, James Attkinson, Phillip Aubry, Charles Philippe Austin, Joseph Austinoe, Louis Aylward, Peter Aylwin, Thomas Baby, Jacques Duperon Bacon, Edward Bacon, Richard Bagnell, John Baker, John Baker, Ruth Balfour, Henry Ball, George Balneavis, Patrick Bamford, William Banks , John Bannerman, James Barbut , James Barclay, Capt. Barnsley, Thomas Baron, Pierre Barr, Dr. William Barrett, Nathaniel Barrington, Samuel Barrington, William Wildman Barrington, 2nd viscount Barrow, Thomas Barter, James Baskins, John Basset, Henry Basset, James Batt, Thomas Battier, John G. Baugh, Thomas Baxter, Alexander Bayard, Robert Bayard, William Bayley, William Bayly, Richard Baynton, Wharton & Morgan Baytry, William Beard, Arthur Beardsley, Samuel Beauvais, Raphael Beckwith, John Beckwith, Onslow Belestre, Francois-Marie Picottie, sieur de Ben bow, Samuel Bentham, Edward William Bermuda Council General Assembly Bernard, Sir Francis, bart, Bernard, Beausoleil Bertrand, John Bethune, James Bethune, Nathaniel and George Betton, David Bewes , George Bigelow, Joshua Billiond, Jean Baptiste Birch, Samuel Bishop, Thomas Black, David Black, George Black, Samuel Blackburn, John Blacker, Henry Blackwell, Jacob Blair, John Blanchard, Charles Blanchard, Joseph Blane, Archibald Bleecher, John Blizzard, Conway Blouin, Daniel Blundell, Christopher Blyth, William Boddington, John Bogart, Jacob Boone, Gov. Thomas 96 GAGE [95] Boston Agents of Transport Commissioners of Customs Committee of the Town of Committee of Correspondence Five Companies of Associates Inhabitants of Loyal inhabitants of Selectmen Town meeting Bostwick, Henry Botetourt, Norborne Berkeley, baron de Boucher, James Boulard, J. Bouquet, Henry Bourassa, J. G. Bourmaster, John Bourn, Thomas Bowdoin, James Bowen, John Bowie , John Bowker, Anthony Boyle, Hugh Boyle, Philip Brabazon, Edward Bradford, James Bradley, John Bradshaw, Thomas Bradstreet, John Brehm, Dietrich Brewer, David Brewer, Jonathan Brewerton, George, Jr. Brien, Jean Beaulieux Brigstock, James Brisco, William Musgrave Briscoe, Robert Bromf ie Id , Thomas Bromley, Edward Brooke, Rev. J. Brooks, John Brown, Archibald Montague Brown , James Brown, Capt. John Brown, Lt. John Brown, Richard Brown, Lt. William Browne, Hon. Arthur Browne, Henry Browne, James Browne, Montfort Browne, Maj, William Browning, William Brownson, Dr. Richard Bruce, Andrew Bruce, Robert George Bruce, Hon. Thomas Bruere, George Bruere, George James Brush, Crean Brymer, William Bucareli, Don Antonio Buck le y , Thomas Budd, James Buf ord , Thomas Bulkeley, Richard Bull, Fenwicke Bull, William Bullock, John Burdett, Charles Burke , John Burne, James Burr, Thaddeus Burton, Ralph Butler, Lt. John Butler, John Butler, John Butler, Pierce Butler, William Byles, Dr. Mather Byrd, Thomas Taylor Byron, John Cairns, John Caldwell, John Callender, Robert Cambel, John Cameron, Alexander Campau, Jacques Campbell, Maj. Alexander Campbell, Lt. Alexander Campbell, Allan Campbell, Arthur Campbell, Colin, Sr. Campbell, Colin, Jr. Campbell, Daniel Campbell, Donald C arapbe 1 1 , Duga 1 d Campbe 1 1 , Duncan Campbell, Hugh Campbell, James Campbell, Capt. John Campbell, Lt. Col. John Campbell, Lord William Cane, Edward Carden, John Carleton, Charles Carleton, Sir Guy, 1st baron Dorchester Carr, Maurice Carr, Robert Carter, John [95] GAGE 97 Cary, Hon. Lucius Ferdinand Catherwood, Dr. Robert Catherwood, Dr. William Cavendish, Lord Frederick Chabert, Daniel de Jo nc a ire de Chads, Henry Chalon, Joseph Chamier, Anthony Chamier, Daniel Chandler, Reuben Chapman, Benjamin Chatham, William Pitt, 1st earl of Chelsea Hospital Board, Commissioners of Ch6ne, Charles Caoussa Cherokee Chote* Jud 1 s Friend Kittagurta Ocunnestota Saluy Chester, Gov. Peter Chevallier, Louis Chew, James Chissolm, James Choiseul et d'Amboise, Etienne-Francois de Choiseul, due de Christie, Gabriel Christie, John Christopher, John Church, Dr. Benjamin Clajon, William Clapp, Thomas Clarke, Henry Clarke, Capt. John Clarke, Lt. John Claus, Daniel Cleaveland, Samuel Clephane, James Clerk, George Clifton, William Clinton, Sir Henry Cochran, Gavin Cochran, John Cockburn, James Coddington, John Codington, Edward Colden, Cadwallader Cole, Arthur Cole, Edward Colebrook, Sir James Colebrooke, Sir George Collet, John A. Colvill, Alexander Colvill, 7th lord Congalton, Henry Coningham, John Connecticut. Governor and Company Connolly, Dr. John Conojoharie, inhabitants of Conolly, William Conran, Henry Conway, Hon. Henry Seymour Cook, William Cooper, David Cooper, Sir Grey Cornell, George Cornish, William Cornwall, Richard Cornwallis, Sir William Corrance, Maj. John Corrance, Capt. John Coventry, George Cox, Nicholas Cox & Drummond Cox & Mair Craig, Sir James Henry Cramahe', Hector Theophilus Crane, Moses Craven, Charles Crawford, Henry Crawford, Hugh Crawfurd, Capt. J. W. Creek Lower Chiefs Tugulkey Wolf King Upper Chief Emistisigo Homahta Muklasalgi The Mortar Crely, Mme. Cresap, Thomas Cridland, Simonides Crofton, Edward Croghan, George Cuddie, Arthur Cuillierier, Jean Cuillierier, Jean Baptiste Beaubien Cuming, Witter Cunningham, Adam Cunningham, John Curot, Amable C. Cushing, Deborah Fletcher, Mrs. Thomas 98 GAGE [95] Cushing, Thomas Dalrymple, William Dalton, Blundel Dalton, Valentine Dan, Charles Dartmouth, William Legge, 2nd earl of Datchurut, Mons. Davenport, J. G. Davies, William Dawes, Joseph Day & Scott Debbieg, Hugh DeBerniere, John Decoigne, Francois Marie Delacherois, Nicholas DeLancey, James DeLancey, Oliver DeLancey, Stephen DeLancey & Watts De la Place, William Delaware, Killbuck Dernier, George Denormandie, Daniel DePeyster, Arent Schuyler Des Barres, Joseph Frederick Wallet Deschamps, Isaac Des Ruisseaux, Paul Detroit French inhabitants of Merchants Dick, Sir John Dickinson, James Dickson, Alexander Dickson, Hugh Disney, Daniel Ditson, Thomas, Jr. Dobbs, Arthur Douglas, James Douw, Volckert, P. Dow, Alexander Downman, Francis D' Oyly, Christopher Drage, Theodorus Swaine Drayton, William Henry Drummond, Colin Dubuq, Mons. Duchouquet, Mons. Dudgeon, Richard Dugdale, Henry Du Jaunay, Pere Pierre Dumaresq, Philip Dunbar, William Duncan, Alexander Duncan, Charles Duncan, John Dunmore, John Murray, 4th earl of Dunn, George Dunn, Thomas DuPerron, Philip Durant, George Durnford, Elias Dyson, John Echambault, Mons. d' Edington, William Edmonstone, Charles Edwards, Dr. A. Egremont, Sir Charles Wyndham, 2nd earl of Elletson, Roger Hope Elliot, Daniel Elliot, Robert Ellis, Henry Ellis, Thomas Ellis, Welbore, 1st baron Mendip Elwell, Isaac Ermatinger, Lawrence Erwin, Isaac Etherington, George Eustace, Dr. Charles Evans, Henry Evans, John Evelyn, William Glanville Eves, Thomas Ewings, Flavell Eyre, Thomas Eyre, William Falconer, Thomas Falmouth, inhabitants of Famizier, Pierre Farly, Mons. Farmar, John Farmar, Robert Farquhar, William Farquharson, William Farrell, Kennedy Fauche, Mons. Fauquier, Francis Feltham, Jocelyn Fenwick, Robert Finlay, Hugh Finley, John Fish, Benjamin Fish, Nicholas Fisher, John Fisher, M. Fitch, Thomas Fitzmaurice, Ulysses Five Nations. Chiefs Fleming, Thomas Fleming, William [95] GAGE 99 Forbes, Dr. George Forbes, Gordon Forbes, William Ford, Thomas Fordyce, Charles Forman, William Forrester, Stephen Forster, Edward Forster, George Forster, William Foucault, Mons. Fournier, Mons. Fowle, Richard Fowler, Alexander Fox, Joseph Foxcroft, John Foxon, John Francis, Thomas Francklin, Michael Franklin, Benjamin Franklin, William Franks, David Franks, Moses Franks & Inglis Franks, Inglis & Barkly Fraser, Lt. Alexander Fraser, Capt. John Fraser, Simon Frazer, Andrew Frazier, Nathan Freeman, James "Friend, A" Friend, William Fuller, Peake Fullerton, David Fullwood, George Funstone, Christopher Furlong, Jonathan Furnis, James Fuser, Lewis Valentine Gage, John Lewis Gage, Thomas Gal land, John Galphin, George Gamb i e r , Jame s Gamble, Thomas Garbrand, Caleb J. Garnett, Sarah Garrigues, John Georgia General Assembly Merchants and traders of Augusta. Magistrates Germain, George Sackville, 1st viscount Sackville Gerrish, Benjamin Gibbings, Thomas Gibbons, Thomas Gillespie, Robert Gist, Thomas Gladwin, Henry Glazier, Beamsley Glegg, Samuel Glen, John, Jr. Godfroi, Jacques Godwin, John Goldfrap, James Goldfinch, John Goldsbury, Samuel Goldthwait, Thomas Goodwin, Samuel Goold, Arthur Gordan, Pere Antoine Gordon, Lord Adam Gordon, Ben Gordon, Harry Gordon, Patrick Gorham, Lt. Gov. Joseph Gorling, Robert Gorrell, James Gostling, William Gould-Morgan, Sir Charles Graham, Colin Graham, Gordon Granby, John Mannners, marquess of Grandidier, James Grant, Alexander Grant, Dr. Alexander Grant, Allan Grant, Charles Grant, James Grant, Maj. James Grant, Capt. James Grant, Capt. William Grant, Lt. William Graves, Booty Graves, Samuel Great Britain Army in America Army under Amherst Corps of Engineers Department of the Lakes Garrison at Detroit Mobile Niagra Fort Pitt Placentia Quebec Ticonderoga Ordnance office. St. Johns Provincials New York Battalion 100 GAGE [95] Great Britain - continued Army in America - continued Provincials - continued New Jersey Battalion Regiments 17th Foot 18th Foot 22nd Foot. Officers 23rd Foot 27th Foot 31st Foot. Officers 34th Foot. Officers 35th Foot 43rd Foot 44th Foot 60th Foot Royal Regiment of Artillery Board of Trade Customs, Board of, for America King in Council Navy. Officers and Commissioners Ordnance, Board of Parliament House of Commons House of Lords Sovereigns. George III Treasury Green, Benjamin Green, Charles Green, Francis Green, Hammond Green, Henry Greenfield, Francis Greenleaf, Stephen Greenwood, Thomas Griffiths, John Griffiths, Solomon Grove, George Gualy, Stephen Gugy, Conrad Gunnings, John Hagen, Gilbert Halcot, Matthew Haldimand, Sir Frederick Halifax, George Montagu Dunk, 2nd earl of Halifax (Nova Scotia). Council Inhabitants Hall, Dr. Charles Hall, Ebenezer Hall, Isaac Hall, James Hall, John Hall, Luke Hall, William Hallowell, Benjamin Hallowell, Robert Hallwood, Henry Hamback, T. D. Hamilton, Andrew Hamilton, Archibald Hamilton, Henry Hamilton, Ens. Henry Hamilton, Isaac Hamilton, Capt. John Hamilton, Lt. John Hamilton, Lt. Gov. Otho Hamilton, Otho, Jr. Hamton, Andrew Hancock, John Hancock, Thomas Handfield, William Hanson, John Hardy, T. Harper, Joseph Harries, John Harrison, Benjamin Harvard College, Corporation of Harvey, Edward Hatch, Noah Haushaw, Benjamin Haviland, William Hawkins, John Hawkshaw, Thomas Hay, David Hay, Jehu Hay, John Hayes, James Hayes, James Haynes, John Hays, Cornelius Hazen, Moses Hecht, Frederick William Henderson, James Henderson, Richard Henderson, William Henry, Abraham Henry, Patrick Hepburn, Dr. David Herbert, George Hereford, Francis Heruieux, Mons. Hervey, William Hewitt, James Hey, William Hichborn, Benjamin Hicks, Garshom Hicks, Whitehead [95] GAGE 101 Hill, Ralph Hill, Dr. Trotter Hillsborough, Wills Hill, 1st marquess of Downshire 1st earl of Hinshelwood, Archibald Hoare, Mr. Hobson, Thomas Hockett, James Hodgson, Thomas Hogan, William W. Holland, Samuel Holmes, Robert Homans , John Home , Thomas Hood, Sir Samuel Hood, 1st viscount Hope, David Hopkins, Mrs. Elizabeth Hopkins, Stephen Hore, Walter Horsmanden, Daniel Hotham, Charles Houghlund, Richard Howard, Charles Howard, Francis Howard, William Howatson, James Howdell, Thomas Howe, Robert Howe, Sir William, 5th viscount Howe Huay, Daniel Hughes, Ens. James Hughes, Maj. James Hume , John Huron Chiefs Douairon Huson, Narcissus Hutcheson, Francis Hutchins, Thomas Hutchinson, Thomas Illinois Court of Judiciary French inhabitants of Magistrates at Indians, conferences of Ingersoll, David Ingersoll, Jared Inglis, John Innes, Patrick Irving, Paulus Emilius Isidore, Pere Jackson, William Jacob, William Jacobs, Maximilian Jadeau, Mons. Jadot, Lewis James, Thomas Jaquet, Peter Jenkins, William Jessen, Christopher Johnson, Guy Johnson, John Johnson, Matthew Johnson, Noah Johnson, Thomas, Jr. Johnson, Sir William, 1st bart. Johnston, Robert Johnstone, Alexander Johnstone, George Jones , John Jones, Nathan Jones, Valentine Jordan, Jacob Jordan, James Kaskaskias, French inhabitants of Keen, Lot Kemble, Stephen Kempe, John Tabor Kempe, William Kennedy, Capt. Archibald Kennedy, Patrick Kennedy, Primrose Kennedy, Samuel Keough, Mathew Keppel, William Kilby, Christopher King, Gilbert King, William Knickerbacker, Evert Knight, Henry Knowles, John Knox, John Labutte, Pierre Chene, called La Chanse, Mons. La Corne, St. Luc de Lacorne de Chapte, Abbe" La Ferronays, Vicomte de Lagautrais, Harpain de LaGoterie, Pierre Lambert, William Lander, George Lanoue, Chevalier de La Selle Latham, Dr. James Lathrop, Rev. John Laurie, Walter S. Lawrie, Ens. Andrew Leake, Robert 102 GAGE [95] Lee, Charles Lee, Henry Lee, Richard Lefleur, Henry Legge, Gov. Francis LeHunte, George Leonard, George Lernoult, Richard Berrenger Leslie, Alexander Leslie, Samuel Levy & Franks Lewis, Andrew Leyborne, William L. Lind, John Lindsay, Sir John Lindsay, Robert Little River (Ga. ) . Settlers Litton, Benjamin Livingston, James Livingston, Peter Van Brugh Livingston, Philip, Jr. Lloyd, Henry Lloyd, William Lochead, Thomas Loflor, Henry Loftus, Arthur Long, John Lord, Hugh Lorimer, Dr. John Loring, Joshua, Sr. Loring, Joshua, Jr. Lorrain, Mons. Lottridge, John Loudoun, John Campbell, 4th earl of Louis, Joseph Lovell, Lt. James Lovell, John, Jr. Lovet, Phineas Lowden, Thomas Lowndes, Charles Luke , John Lux, Agnes Lux, William Lyell, Charles Lyttelton, William Henry, 1st baron Lyttelton Mabane, Dr. Adam MacAlister, Archibald Macartney, John McBean, Alexander Macben, Dr. John McConnie, John McCormick, James McCulloch, Alexander McCulloch, Kenneth McCulloch, Nathaniel McDonald, Alexander MacDonald, Allan MacDonald, Donald McDonald, Patrick McDougall, George McEvers, Charles McFaddin, William McGillivray, John Mclntire, John Mclntire, Peter Mcintosh, Donald Mcintosh, John Mcintosh, Roderick Mackay, Hon. Alexander Mackay, Aeneas Mackay, Francis Mackay, Samuel McKee, Alexander McKennon, Lt. Robert Mackenzie, Alexander Mackenzie, Frederick Mackenzie, Robert Mackenzie, Roderick Mackinen, Robert McLachlan, Michael McLean, Andrew Maclean, Daniel McLean, Neil Macleane, Allan Maclellan, Alexander MacLeod, Norman McLeroth, Robert McLoughlin, Nicholas McMasters, Patrick McMechan, Richard McMillan, Alexander McNeill, John MacPherson, James Macullagh, Alexander Macvicar, Duncan Madden, Edward Madden, William Maddern, Richard Magenis, Hugh Magra, Perkins Maiet, John Maisonville, Alexis Loranger, called Maisonville, Francois Loranger, called Maitland, Hon. Richard Malcom, John Mallet, Dr. Jonathan Malone, Mathew GAGE 103 Man, Spencer Man, Thomas C. Marblehead, inhabitants of Marsac, Francois Marsh, Francis Marshfield. Town meeting Marshfield and Scituate, inhabitants of Martin, Josiah Martin, Philip Martin, Samuel Martin, William Mason, Edward Massachusetts Barristers and attorneys of Council Court of Common Pleas. Justices Plymouth Colony. Justices of the peace Provincial Congress Provincial Congress. House of Representatives Suffolk County. Delegates Justices of the peace Worchester County. Justices Massey,Eyre, 1st baron Clarina Massy, Hugh Matier, Richard Mattiar, Daniel Maturin, Gabriel Maunsell, John Maxant, M. Maxwell, James Maxwell, John Maxwell -Brown, Edward Meara, Jeremiah Mecan, Thomas Mee, Serg. John Melvill, Robert Menzies, Alexander Meserve, Nathaniel Metcalfe, John Metral, Lewis de Meyrick Michie, William Miller, Christopher Miller, John Milligen, George Mil liken, James Mills, Maj. Thomas Milward, Robert Minchin, Paul Marchant, Elizabeth Marr, John Marriott, Edward Mitchelson, James Mobile, French inhabitants of Mohicon, John Mohicon, Joseph Molesworth, Pons Molineux, W. Molleson, William Monckton, Robert Moncrief, James Moncrieffe, Thomas Moneypenny, Alexander Monier, John Monsanto, Isaac Monsell, William Montagu, Lord Charles Greville Montagu, Adm. John Montant de Montbereaut, Chevalier de Montreal Citizens of English merchants of French merchants of Grand Jury Justices of the Peace Montresor, John Moodie, Dr. Alexander Moore, Charles Moore, Sir Henry, 1st bart Moore, Joshua Moore, Robert Morden, James Morgan, George Morgan, Jacquil Morod, Jean Morris, Apollos Morris, Dr. Michael Mortier, Abraham Moultrie, John Mountain, George Muckenfuss, Joseph Mukins, Francis Mulcaster, Frederick G. W. Mumford, Peter Munday, William Munture, Henry Munro, Harry Munro, John Murison, James Murphy, William Murray, Alexander Murray, James Murray, John 104 GAGE [95] Murray, Capt. William Murray, William Murray & Williamson Musgrave, Thomas Myers, William Napier, William Navarre, Robert Neil, Arthur Nelson, William Nesbitt, Arnold Nesbitt, William Nesbitt, Drummond & Franks Ness, John Newburgh, Rev. Robert New Hampshire. General Assembly New Jersey Council General Assembly Supreme Court Newland, Trevor Newton, William New York Council General Assembly Provincial Congress New York City. Committee of Association Mayor, Alderman and Commonalty Nicoll, Francis Nicolls, John Luke Noble, John Nordberg, John North Carolina Dobbs County, sundry inhabitants of Guildford, sundry inhabitants of Northumberland, Hugh Percy, 1st duke of Northumberland, Hugh Percy, Znd duke of Nova Scotia. Council Oakman, Tobias O'Brien, Capt. Edward Ogden, David Ogilvie, Francis Ogliby, William O'Hara, Brabazon Oliver, Andrew Oliver, Peter Oliver, Thomas Ord, Thomas O'Reilly, Conde Alexandro Ormsby, Eubule Ormsby, James Ormsby, John Ortoman, Sieur d' Osborne, Charles Ottawa Chiefs Ishiwabami and Shawaneese* Chief Pontiac Ouiatanon, French traders of Ourry, Lewis Outerbridge, Walter Owens, David Paine, Samuel Paine, Timothy Palliser, Sir Hugh, 1st bart. Palmer, Benjamin Pampellonne, James Parant, Pierre Paris, Peter Parke, Andrew Parker, James Parker, John Paterson, James Patterson, Gov. Walter Pauli, Christopher Pavy, Lewis Pawlett, William Payne, Benjamin Charles Peck, Thomas Handasyd Peltier, Antoine Pemberton, Dr. William Penn, John Penn, Richard Pennsylvania Assembly Cumberland County, magistrates of York and Cumberland Counties. Sundry inhabitants Pensacola Inhabitants of Officers of Ordnance Perkins, William Perricule, Louis Perth Amboy, church and inhabitants of Perth Amboy, Mayor and aldermen Peterson, James Petrie, George Pet tit, John Samuel Pexton, John Peyton, Yelverton Pfister, Francis [95] GAGE 105 Phillips, Daniel Phillips, Nathaniel Phillips, Ralph Phyn, George Phyn & Ellice Pierie, William Pieman, Pedro Pigot, Sir Robert, 2nd bart. Pilot, Henry Pitcairn, John Pitkin, William Pittman, Philip Pittsburgh (Pa. ) , inhabitants of Pittsfield (Mass. ) , justices of Plumsted & Franks Pointer, Elizabeth Pollock, Oliver Pomeroy, John Porteous, James Porter, Robert Potawatomi. Chief Machioquisse Potter, Nathaniel Potts, Lt. William Powell, John Powell, Thomas Power, Nicholas Pownalborough, inhabitants of Pownall, Edward Pownall, John Poynton, Brereton Preble, Abraham Preston, Thomas Prevost, Augustine Prevost, Augustine, Jr. Prevost, James Mark Price, George Pricket, Jacob Prideaux, Edmund Pringle, James Pringle, Robert Provence, John William Pryce, David Putnam, James Quakinbouss, Anthony Quebec Citizens of Council English merchants of Justices of the Peace Recollects of the Order of St. Francis Seminary of. Superior and directors Quincy, Edmund Ramsay, David Ramsay, William Randolph, John Ratzer, Bernard Raymond, William Rea, Daniel Rea, Richard Read, John Re"aume, Pierre Reed, John Reeve, Richard Reid, John Revere, Rachel, Mrs. Paul Reynolds, Thomas Rhode Island. Assembly Richards, Owen Richardson, John Richmond and Lennox, Charles Lennox, 3rd duke of Rigby, Richard Ritchy, John Roberts, Benjamin Roberts, Charles West Robertson, Alexander Robertson, Archibald Robertson, Charles Robertson, James Robinson, John Robinson, Mark Robinson, William Robison, Thomas Roche, Sir Boyle Rocheblave, Philippe- Francois Rastel, sieur de Rogers, Amos Rogers, Elizabeth Browne, Mrs. Robert Rogers, Jonathan Rogers, Robert Rome, George Rose, Hugh Roseboom, Bart. Roseboom, Myndert Ross, Alexander Ross, George Ross, James Ross, John Ross, Thomas Ross & Gray Roupell, George Ruggles, Timothy Rumford, Sir Benjamin Thompson, count von Rumsey, B. Rumsey, James 106 GAGE [95] Russel, Giles Rutherford, Thomas Ryves, Thomas S., J. St. Ange, Louis St. Cartier, Germain St. Clair, David St. Clair, Sir John, bart. St. John, Hon. Henry St. Leger, Barry St. Pe*, Mons. St. Pierre, J. L. Dumiesnie de St. Vincent. Council and Assembly Salem Commissioners of Customs Merchants and freeholders of Wardens and Vestry of St. Peters' Church Sampson, Henry Sands, James Schaw, Alexander Schaw, John Schlosser, Francis Schlosser, John Joseph Schupar, Nicola Schuyler, Cortland Schuyler, Harmanus Schuyler, Philip John Scollay, John Scott, C. F. Scott, Col. John Scott, Joseph Scroggs, William Seaman, Zebulun Sebright, Sir John, 6th bart. Sedgwick, Hunter Seneca Kayasshuta Silver Heels Sewall, Jonathan Sharp, Thomas Sharpe, Horatio Shawnee. Chiefs Shearman, Elisha Sheehan, William Shelburne, Willian Petty, 1st marquess of Lansdowne, 2nd earl of Sherwood, Joseph Sherwood, Robert Shippen, Edward Shirley, Sir Thomas Shirley, William Shirreff, William Shirrell, Charles Shorne, Oliver Schuckburgh, Dr. Richard Shuldham, Molyneux, baron Shuldham Simpson, Andrew Simpson, Jonathan Sinclair, Patrick Sinnot, Pierce Acton Skene, Philip Skinner, Cortland Skynner, Henry Sleeper, Samuel Small, John Sma 1 lman , Thomas Smelt, Thomas Smith, Burton Smith, Devereux Smith, Francis Smith, Johnston Smith, Stephen Smith, Dr. Thomas Smith, Thomas Smith, William Smith, Lt. William Smith & Nutt Smyth, Frederick Smyth, James Snell, Lt. Jacob Solomons, Alexander South Carolina Charleston. Committee of Intelligence General Assembly Licensed traders of Sout hwe 1 1 , Thomas Sowers, Thomas Spar hawk, N. Sparke, Henry Spence, John Russell Spendelove, Roger Spiesmacher, Frederick C. Splain, William Spry, William Stainforth, George Stamper, George Stanton, John Stanwix, John Stapylton, Francis Samuel Stedman, John Steel, Samuel Steele, George Stegman, Jacob Stegman, Mary Steiner, Lewis Stephens, Francis [95] GAGE 107 Stephens, James Stephens, Sir Philip, 1st bart. Stephenson, John Sterling, James Stevens, Willard Stevenson, James Stevenson, John Steward, Charles Augustus Stewart, James Stewart, John Stewart, Walter Stirke, Henry Stirling, Sir Thomas, 1st bart. Stockbridge, Charles Stone, Thomas Stopford, William Strachan, Patrick Strachey, Samuel St ret tell, John Strobel, Christopher Stronge, John Stuart, Charles Stuart, John Suckling, George Suffolk, Henry Howard, 5th earl of Berkshire, 12 earl of Suffolk County (Mass.)* delegates from Surman, Lewis Sutherland, Nicholas Sutherland, William Swettenham, George Swords, Thomas Sylvestor, Nathaniel Tait, David Tamisier, Pierre Tayler, William Temple, Elizabeth Bowdoin, Lady John Templer, Dudley Ten Broeck, Dirck Ten Broeck, Jeremiah Ten Eyck, John Thomas, Isaac Thomas, John Thomas, Nathaniel Ray Thomas, Samuel Thompson, George Thompson, Zachary Thomson, Prinerose Thorne, George Thornton, Thomas Thurlow, Edward Thurlow, 1st baron Timber lake, Henry Timpson, Robert Tindall, Jonathan Todd, Anthony Tolver, Anthony Tonge, Winckworth Tonyn, Patrick Tovey, Abraham Townsend, Chauncy Townsend, Gregory Townshend, Charles Townshend, George Townshend, 4th viscount and 1st marquess "Tradesman, A" Treby, John Trent, William Trickett, Thomas Trimlestown, Robert Barnewall, 12th baron Trimming, Thomas Trist, Nicholas Trotter, John Trouant, Rodah Trumbull, Jonathan "Truth" Tryon, William Tucker, Dan Tucker, Ens. Daniel Tucker, James Tulliken, John Tupper, Benjamin Tupper, John Turnbull, George Turner, George Turner, Simeon Turner, William Tyler, Dr. William Tyms, Samuel Tyng, William Ulloa, Antonio de Uncle, Mr. United States Continental Army Continental Congress. President Unzaga, Luis de Urings, John Urquhart, James Van Aernen, Abraham Van Bure, Henderik Van der Neyden, Jacob Van Deusen, Robert A. Van Schajck, Jacob Varlo, Thomas Vassal, John Vattas, John 108 GAGE [95] Vaudreuil, Pierre de Rigaud, marquis de Vaughan, Sir John Veale, Dr. Richard Vevers , John Vignoles, Francis Vilemont, Mons. Villiers, Balthazar de Villiers, Pierre- Joseph Neyon de Vincennes, inhabitants of Poste Virginia Council House of Burgesses Augusta County, inhabitants of Viviat, Louis Wade & Keyser Wadman, Arthur Wainwright, James Walcott, William Wales, Ruth Walker, Thomas Walker, Thomas Wall, James Walsh, Ralph Walters, William Walton, Joshua Wanton, Joseph Ward, Daniel Ward, Henry Warren, Dr. Joseph Warren, Mathias Washington, George Washington, Townshend Watson, George Watts, John Watts & McEvers Waugh, David Webb, Daniel Webb, Capt. T. Webster, John Webster, Pelatiah Wedderburn, David Weetman, Agar Wegg, Edmund Rush Weir, Dr. John Weir, William Welch, James Well, Pere B. "Well Wisher to the Soldiers, A" Wells, Phillip Wells, Samuel Wemple, Andrew Wendell, Henry J. Wentworth, Benning Wentworth, Sir John, bart West Florida Assembly Council Inhabitants of Merchants trading to Ordnance, Board of Wharton, John Whately, Thomas Wheaton, Caleb Wheeler, Daniel Wheelock, Anthony Wheelwright, Nathaniel White, Elizabeth White, Henry White, Robert Whitmore, Thomas Whitworth, Dr. Miles Wild, Edward Wilder, Caleb Wilkins, John Wilkinson, Edward Wilkinson, Thomas Williams, Arthur Williams, Charles Williams, Edward Williams, Griffith Williams, Israel Williams, Jacob Williams, Capt. John Williams, Jonathan Williams, Joseph Williams, Richard Williams, Samuel Williams, Rev. Solomon Williams, Thomas Williams, William Williamson, George Williamson, Dr. Hugh Willing, Thomas Willington, Charles Wilmot, Montague Wilson, Capt. John Wilson, Richard Winemiller, Conrad Winepress, William Winniett, Joseph Winslow, Isaac Winslow, Joshua Winslow, Pelham Winter, Frederick Wolcott, Josiah Wood, Jeremiah Wood, Rev. Thomas Woodward, Dennett Milton Wooldridge, Thomas [96-97] GEOGRAPHY - GEORGE III 109 Wray, George Wright, Abner Wright, Huldah Wright, James Wright, Sir James, 1st bart. Wright, Jesse Wright, John Wrisberg, Daniel Wynne, Lewis Yates, Richard Yorke, Sir Joseph, 1st baron Dover Young, Samuel Young, William 96. GEOGRAPHY. Breve trattato di geografia, ca. 1660. 1 item, 57 pages. Manuscript Italian geography with chapters on the great circle, the equator, the meridian, the parallel and climate, and other geographical topics. Illus- trated with maps and charts. Purchased, 1952. 97. GEORGE III, KING OF GREAT BRITAIN, 1738-1820. Papers, 1784-1810. Typescript. 5 ft. The typescripts were made preparatory to the publi- cation of Sir J. W. Fortescue, ed. Correspondence of King George III ... 6 v. The published edition, however, includes only the years 1760-1783. The typescripts cover the remaining years of George Ill's active rule, and deal with all aspects of foreign and domestic policy. The original papers of King George III are in the Royal Archives of Windsor Castle and are the property of the reigning monarch. See Peckham" s Guide for fuller description. Purchased, 1929. Names of writers of letters: Abercromby, Sir Ralph Ailesbury, Thomas Brudenell, 1st earl of Ainslie, Sir Robert Aiton, Mrs. Elizabeth Albany, Princess Louise- Marie-Caroline Aloise, comtesse d 1 Amherst, Sir Jeffrey Amherst, baron Anglesey, Henry William Paget, 1st marquess of Annan, magistrates and town council of Anstruther, Sir John Arbuthnot, Robert Aygyll, John Campbell, 5th duke of Arran, Arthur Saunders Gore, 3rd earl of Ashburnham, John Ashburnham, 2nd earl Aust, Mr. 110 GEORGE III [97] Austria. Sovereigns Francis II Aylesford, Heneage Finch, 4th earl of Bagot, Sir Charles Banks, Sir Joseph Barham, Charles Middleton, 1st baron Barham, J. Foster Barker, Rev. Samuel Bath, Elizabeth Cavendish Bentinck Thynne, 1st marchioness of Bath, Thomas Thynne, 1st marquess of Bathurst, Henry Bathurst, 3rd earl Bayntun, F. Beauchamp, William Lygon, 1st earl Beaufort, Henry Somerset, 5th duke of Beresford, William Carr Beresford, 1st viscount Berkeley, Frederick Augustus Berkeley, 5th earl of Beulditz, Herr von Bischof fswerder, Hans Rodolph, freiherr von Boers, Mr. Boston, Frederick Irby, 2nd baron Bouf f lers-Rouvrel, Marie- Charlotte Hippolyte, comtesse de Bouillon, Philip d'Auvergne, due de Boulton, Matthew Bo wen, James Bowyer, Robert Boyd, Sir Robert Boydell, Josiah Braybrooke, Richard Aldworth Griffin-Neville, 2nd baron Brett, Mr. Broglie, Victor-Francois, due de Brown, Robert Brunswick, Prinz Karl Wilhelm Ferdinand, Herzog von Brunswick, Prinz Friedrich Wilhelm, herzog von Buchan, David Stewart Erskine, 11th earl of Buckingham, George Nugent- Temple-Grenville, 3rd earl Temple, 1st marquess of Buckinghamshire, Robert Hobart, 4th earl of Burdett, Sir Francis Burgoyne, John Bute, Mary Wortley-Montagu Stuart, countess of Bute, John Stuart, viscount Mountstuart, 4th earl and 1st marquess of Calvert, Sir Harry Camden, Sir John Jeffreys Pratt, 2nd earl and 1st marquess of Campbell, Mrs. Alicia Campbell, Sir Archiblad Campbell, Sir Hay Canning, George Caradoc, Sir John Francis, 1st baron Howden Carmarthen, Francis Osborne, 5th duke of Leeds, marquess of Carr, Mrs. S. Castlereagh, Robert Stewart, 2nd marquess of Londonderry, 2nd viscount Cathcart, Sir William Schaw Cathcart, 1st earl Chambers, Sir William Champagny, Jean-Baptiste Nompere, due de Cadore et comte de Chatham, John Pitt, 2nd earl of Chesterfield, Philip Stanhope, 5th earl of Chichester, Thomas Pelham, 2nd earl of Chickagoff, E. Clare, John Fitzgibbon, 1st earl of Cochenhause, Mme. de Cockburn, Sir William, 5th bart. Cole, Robert Collingwood, Cuthbert Collingwood, 1st baron Cooke, Mr. Cookson, Rev. W. Cornwallis, Charles Cornwallis, 1st marquess and 2nd earl GEORGE III 111 Cottrell, Sir Stephen Courtown, James Stopford, 2nd earl of Courtown, Mary Powys Stopford, countess of Coutts, Thomas Coventry, George William Coventry, 6th earl of Cowper, George Nassau Clavering Cowper, 3rd earl of Craig, Sir James Henry Crauford, Q. W. Cumberland, Lady Albinia Hobart, Mrs. Richard Dalrymple, Sir Hew Whitefoord, 1st bart. Dangereuse, Comte de Dartmouth, George Legge, 3rd earl of Davis, Thomas Delancey, Oliver Delany, Mrs. Dickson, Sir Archibald Digby, Robert Digby, Stephen Domeier, Dr. William Dorset, John Frederick Sackville, 3rd duke of Douglas, Mrs. Elizabeth Douglas, Rev. John Douglas, Stuart Downshire, Mary, baroness Sandys, marchioness of Drake, Thomas Drummond, Andrew Berkeley Drummond, Sir Gordon Drummond, Henry Drummond, Robert Dundas, Sir David Dundas, Francis Eden, William, 1st baron Auckland Edmonstone, Neil Benjamin Edwards, Edward Egerton, Mrs. Ariadne Margaret Eldon, John Scott, 1st earl of Elgin, Thomas Bruce, 7th earl of Elliot, Hugh Essex, Harriet Bladen Capell, countess of Eton, Provost of Ewart, Mrs. Elizabeth Ewart, Joseph Farhill, John Fauconberg, Henry Belasyse, 2nd earl of Fawcett, Sir William Fisher, Rev. John Fitzwilliam, Hon. John Fitzwilliam, William Wentworth Fitzwilliam, 2nd earl of Forbes, John Fox, Charles James Fox, Henry Edward Fraser, Mr. Fraser, Alexander Mackenzie Freeling, Sir Francis Fremantle, Sir William Henry Frere, John Hookham Freytag, Wilhelm von Fuller, Rev. William Galloway, John Stewart, 7th earl of Gibbon, R. H. Gibbs, Sir Vicary Gisborne, Dr. Thomas Glencairn, John, earl of Godolphin, Francis Godolphin, 2nd baron Goldsworthy, Philip Goodenough, Rev. Samuel Gordon, Lord Adam Gore, Sir John Gould-Morgan, Sir Charles Grafton, Augustus Henry Fitzroy, 3rd duke of Graham, A. Granard, Georgiana Augusta Berkeley, countess of Grant, Charles Great Britain Admiralty Sovereigns George III George IV Grenville, Richard Greville, Charles Greville, Lady Charlotte Bentinck, Mrs. Charles Greville, Robert Fulke Grey, Mr. Grey, Sir Charles Grey, 1st viscount Howick, 1st earl Grey, Charles Grey, 2nd viscount Howick, 2nd earl Griesbach, H. 112 GEORGE III [97] Grosvenor, Thomas Guines, Adrien-Louis de Bonnieres, due de Hallifax, Rev. Samuel Hammond, Mr. Harcourt, George Simon Harcourt, 2nd earl Harcourt, William Harcourt, 3rd earl Hardenberg, Prinz Karl August von Hardwicke, Philip Yorke, 2nd earl of Harrington, Charles Stanhope, 3rd earl of Harrowby, Dudley Ryder, 1st earl of Hawkins, Christopher Heard, Sir Isaac Heath, Dr. George Hedges, W. Herbert, Charles Herschel, Sir William Hertford, Francis Seymour Conway, 1st earl and 1st marquess of Hertford, Francis Ingram Conway, 2nd marquess of Hesse-Cassel. Landgraf. William IX Hill, George Hillsborough, Wills Hill, 1st marquess of Downshire, 1st earl of Hippisley, Sir John Coxe, 1st bart. Hood, Sir Samuel Hood, 1st viscount Hope, Charles, Lord Granton Home, Mr. Hotham, George Howe, Lady Howe, Richard Howe, 4th viscount and 1st earl Howe, Sir William, 5th viscount Howe Hoym, Baroness de Hughes, James Hulse, Richard Hunter, Sir Martin Ilchester, Maria Digby Fox-Strangways, countess of Jersey, George Bussy Villiers, 4th earl of Jones, C. Bassett Jones, Sir William Kaunitz-Rietberg, Venceslaus Anton prinz von Keate, Dr. Thomas Keith, George Keith Elphinstone, 1st viscount Kent, Nathaniel Kent and Strathern, Prince Edward Augustus, duke of Kenyon, Lloyd Kenyon, 1st baron Knox, William Lecoin, Pere Legge, Rev. Edward Leland, John Lind, Dr. James Liverpool, Charles Jenkinson, 1st baron Hawkesbury, 1st earl of Liverpool, Robert Banks Jenkinson, 2nd earl of Livingstone, E. Lloyd, Rev. H. Lloyd, Mrs. M. Lonsdale, Sir William Lowther, 1st earl of Lothian, William John Kerr, 5th marquess of Luc, Mons. de Lunardi, Vincenzo Macclesfield, George Parker, 4th earl of MacDonald, A. Maclaine, Rev. Archibald Macleod, Sir John Macpherson, Sir John, 1st bart. Madan, Charles Maitland, Frederick Malmesbury, Sir James Harris, viscount Fitzharris, 1st earl of Malortie, Gen. Manners-Sutton, Rev. Charles Mansfield, David Murray, 2nd earl of Mansfield, Louisa Cathcart Murray, countess of Mansfield, William Murray, 1st earl of Markham, Rev. William Marlborough, George Spencer, 4th duke of Marsh, Mr. Martyr, Jh. Mecklenberg, Prince Ernst of GEORGE III 113 Medows, Sir William Melville, Henry Dundas, 1st viscount Melville, Jane Hopetoun Dundas, viscountess Menonville, Mons. Methuen, Paul Millington, Langford Minto, Sir Gilbert Elliot, 1st earl of Missett, Ernest Mitford, John Montagu, George Brudenell Montagu, 4th earl of Cardigan, 1st duke of Montgomery, Sir James Moore, Jane Simson, Lady Jane Moore, Sir John Moore, Rev. John Morley, John Parker, 2nd baron Borington, 1st earl of Mortemart, Victurnien- Jean- Baptiste-Marie de Rochechouart, due de Mosse, Joseph Robert Mulgrave, Henry Phipps, 3rd baron and 1st earl of Mtlnster, Ernst Friedrich, graf von Murray, John N. , K. Neale, Sir Harry Burrard, 2nd bart. Nelson, Horatio Nelson, 1st viscount Nepean, Sir Evan, 1st bart. Newcastle, Henry Pelham Clinton, 4th duke of Newton, William Nixon, Thomas Northumberland, Hugh Percy, 2nd duke of Nova Scotia, Charles, bishop of Nugent, Sir George, 1st bart. Ompteda, C. von Orange, Prince William of Orange, Princess Wilhelmina of Oxford University Paoli, Pasquale de Parker, Sir Hyde Parr, Gov. John Payn, A. W. Pelham, Frances Pelham, Rev. George Pembroke, George Augustus Herbert, 11th earl of Pembroke, Elizabeth B Beauclerk Herbert, countess of Perceval, Spencer Petre, Edward Robert Petre, 9th baron Pitt, William Pitt, Sir William Augustus Pitt, William Morton Poland. Sovereigns. Stanislaus II Portland, William Henry Cavendish Bentinck, 3rd duke of Powis, Edward Clive, 2nd baron Clive, 1st earl of Prevost, Sir George, 1st bart. Price, William Prussia. Sovereigns. Friedrich Wilhelm II Pulteney, Sir James Murray, 7th bart. Pulteney, Sir William Johnstone Queensberry, William Douglas, 3rd earl of March, 4th duke of Ramsden, Frecheville Rawdon, Francis Rawdon- Hastings, 1st marquess of Hastings, 2nd earl of Moira, baron Rede, Thomas William Redern, Sigismund Ehrenreich, count Reynolds, Dr. Henry Revell Richmond and Lennox, Charles Lennox, 3rd duke of Rigby, Richard Rivers, George Pitt, 1st baron Riviere de Riffardeau, Charles-Francois, marquess et due de Robinson, John Rose, Mr. Roxburgh, John Ker, 3rd duke of Russell, J. Russia. Sovereigns. Paul I 114 GEORGE III [97] Ryder, Richard St. Helens, Alleyne Fitzherbert, 1st baron St. Vincent, Sir John Jervis, 1st earl of Saigas, C. de Salisbury, James Cecil, 7th earl and 1st marquess of Sance", Mons. de Sandwich, John Montagu, 5th earl of Sandwich Islands Sovereigns Tamaahmaah Sargent, John Saxe-Coburg, Francis, herzog von Saxe-Weimar, Prinz Karl August, grossherzog von Scarsdale, Nathaniel Curzon, 1st baron Sedley, Henry Seymour, Lady Anne Horatia Waldegrave Sheldon, William Shuckburgh-Evelyn, Sir George Augustus William, 6th bart. Sidmouth, Henry Addington, 1st viscount Sinclair, Sir John, 1st bart. Sligo, Lady Louisa Catherine Howe Browne, marchioness of Smelt, Leonard Somerset, Edward Adolphus Seymour, 11th duke of Somerset, Charles Henry, Lord Somerville, John Southey, 15th baron Southampton, Charles Fitzroy, 1st baron Spencer, George John Spencer, 2nd earl of Spencer, Sir Brent Spencer, Lord Charles SpOrcke, Baron von Stafford, Granville Leveson-Gower, 1st marquess of Stafford, Lady Susannah Stewart Leveson-Gower, 1st marchioness of Stafford, John Steinberg, G. , baron de Steinberg, H. , madame de Stevens, Edmund Stewart, G. R. Strachey, Sir Henry, 1st bart. Stuart, J. 0. Stuart, James Stuart, Mrs. Sophie M. Stuart, Rev. William Suffolk, John Howard, 8th earl of Berkshire, 15 earl of Sussex, Prince Augustus Frederick, duke of Sutherland, George Granville Leveson-Gower, earl Gower, 2nd marquess of Stafford, 1st duke of Sutton, Dr. R. Sweden Sovereigns Gustave III Queen-Consort Sophia Magdalena Sydney, Thomas Townshend, 1st viscount Symes, Richard Talbot, Richard Talbot, 1st baron Talleyrand -Per igord, Charles Maurice de Tate, Paul Taylor, Cathcart Taylor, Sir Herbert Temple, Sir John, 8th bart. Thomand, Murrough O'Brien, 5th earl of Inchiquin, 1st marquess of Thurlow, Edward Thurlow, 1st baron Torrington, George Byng, 4th viscount Townsend, Samuel Townshend, Anne Montgomery Townshend, marchioness of Trevor, John Tulloch, Rosamond Tyrrell, T. Villiers, George Villiers, Therese, Mrs. George Vyse, Richard Waldegrave, Elizabeth Laura Waldegrave, countess Waldegrave, William, 1st baron Radstock [98] GERMAIN 115 Wardle, Gwyllym Lloyd Warren, Caroline Clavering, Lady John Warren, Sir John Borlase Warren, Dr. Richard Watson, Rev. Richard Wedderburn, Alexander, 1st baron Loughborough, 1st earl of Rosslyn Wellesley, Richard Colley Wellesley, 2nd earl of Mornington, 1st marquess of Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, 1st duke of Wemyss, Maurice West, Benjamin Westmorland, John Fane, 10th earl of White, Sir John Chambers Whitelocke, John Wickham, William Willoughby, Christopher Willoughby de Broke, John Peyto Verney, 14th baron Wilton, Sir Thomas Egerton, 1st earl of Wimpfen-Bornebourg, Louis- Francois, baron de Windham, William Wood, Dr. William Wright, R. Wyatt, James Yonge, Sir George, 5th bart. York and Albany, Prince Frederick Augustus, duke of York and Albany, Frederica, duchess of Yorke, Charles Phillip Yorke, Sir Joseph, 1st baron Dover 98. GERMAIN, GEORGE SACKVILLE, 1ST VISCOUNT SACKVILLE, 1716-1785. Papers, 1683-1785. 6 ft. British statesman; secretary of state for colonies. The collection contains letters relative to the War of the Austrian Succession and correspondence with Amherst and Wolfe during the Seven Years' War, but is mainly concerned with the American Revolution. An active correspondence was carried on with Sir William Howe, John Burgoyne, Sir Henry Clinton, Admiral Richard Howe, Sir George Brydges Rodney, the Carlisle peace commissioners, and other officers serving in America. Also included is a letter book of secret military dispatches from Germain during the war. Calendar published by the Historical manuscripts commission, 1884, and revised, 1904-1910. The col- lection is further described in R. G. Adams. The papers of Lord George Germain . . . Clements library bulletin, no. 18. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Acquired upon settlement of the Clements estate, 1937. Names of writers of letters and authors and signers of documents: A. , R. Abbott, Edward Aberdein, Robert Adair, Dr. Robert 116 GERMAIN [98; Amherst, Sir Jeffery Amherst, baron "Amicus" Arbuthnot, Marriot Aylmer, Sir Fitzgerald, 6th bart. Babbidge, James Baines, C. Barbadoes. Governor and Council Barretts, Thomas George Leonard Barrington, William Wildman Barrington, 2nd viscount Barry, Robert Bartlett, James Bathurst, Henry Bathurst, 2nd earl Bellamont, Charles Coote, 5th baron Coote, earl of Belmore, Armar Lowry-Corry 1st earl of Benfield, Paul Bengal. Governor and Council Berkenhout, Dr. John Bernard, Rev. Thomas Berry, Thomas Blackburn, John Boucher, Jonathan Bristol, George William Hervey, 2nd earl of Bristol, Frederick Augustus Hervey, 4th earl of Brown, Archibald Montague Brown , Thomas Brudenell, Hon. Thomas Browne , John Brunswick, Prinz Ferdinand herzog von Buchan, David Stewart Erskine, 11th earl of Buchanan, James Buckingham, Lord Buckinghamshire, John Hobart, 2nd earl of Bull, William Buny, George Burgoyne, John Burrow, James Burt, William Matthew Burton, J. Bute, John Stuart, 3rd earl of Caldwell, Frederick Caldwell, Sir Henry Caldwell, Sir James Callander, James Campbell, Sir Archibald Campbell, Colin, 1754-1815 Campbell, Colin, d. 1782 Carden, Hans Carleton, Sir Guy, 1st baron Dorchester Carron Co. Cary, Hon. Lucius Ferdinand "Chelsea Pensioner, A" Chipman, Ward Christie, Gabriel Christopher, John Clarendon, Thomas Villiers, 1st earl of Clinton, Sir Henry Cochrane, Hon. Charles Cochrane, Charles Colden, Cadwallader Collier, Sir George Conway, Hon. Henry Seymour Cooper, Rev. Samuel Cornwallis, Charles Cornwallis, 1st marquess and 2nd earl Craraahe", Hector Theophilus Crawley, Mr. Cruden, John Cullen, Patrick Cumberland, Prince William Augustus, duke of Cumberland, Richard Cuninghame, James Cuninghame, Robert Cuninghame, William Curteis, T. Cuthbert, James Cuyler, M. Dalling, Sir John Dalrymple, William, 1747?-1794 Dalrymple, William, d. 1807 Dalzel, Archibald Darner, George, 2nd earl of Dorchester Davis, H. DeGrey, William, 1st baron Walsingham DeGrey, Thomas, 2nd baron Walsingham GERMAIN 117 Derby, Edward Stanley, 12th earl of Dick, Sir John Dodington, George Bubb, 1st baron Melcombe Dominica and St. Vincent, Joint Committee for Dorchester, James Damen, viscount Milton, 1st earl of Dorset, Charles Sackville, 2nd duke of Dorset, John Frederick Sackville, 3rd duke of Douglas, Sir Charles, 1st bart. Draper, Sir William Drummond, John Edmestone, William Eden, William, 1st baron Auckland Elibank, Patrick Murray, 5th baron F., J. Fahie, John Fargues, Mons. Farley, Henry Fawkener, W. Ferguson, Joseph Finucane, Bry Fisher, John Fletcher, Sir Robert Floridablanca, Jose* Monino y Redondo, conde de Fowler, Rev. Robert France. Navy under D 1 Orvilliers Fraser, Simon Frederick, Sir Charles Fullarton, William Gall, J. Galloway, Joseph G£lvez Gallardo, Matfas de Gamb i e r , Jame s Gambier, John Gardiner, Richard Gascoigne, Charles Gates, Horatio Germain, George Sackville, 1st viscount Sackville Gibbes, Sir Philip Gloucester, Maria Waldegrave, duchess of Gloucester, Prince William Henry, duke of Goddard, J. Goldthwait, Thomas Gordon, A. Gordon, Harry Grafton, Augustus Henry Fitzroy, 3rd duke of Graham, Jo. Grant, Capt. John Granville, John Carteret, 1st earl Great Britain Admiralty Army in America Army under Clinton Army under Howe Provincials. Queens Rangers Troops at Boston Board of Trade Commissioners for restoring peace, 1776 King in Council Privy Council Sovereigns George II George III Grenville, George Grey, Charles Grey, 1st earl Griffiths, Capt. John Groves, Henry Haldimand, Sir Frederick Hamilton, Henry Harcourt, William Harcourt, 3rd earl Harley, Mr. Hawkins, William Heron, Isaac Herries, Sir Robert Hewats, Alexander Hillsborough, Wills Hill, 1st marquess of Downshire, 1st earl of Hodgson, Robert Holderness, Robert D'Arcy, 4th earl of Holland, Henry Fox, 1st baron Hope, Henry Hopson, Peregrine T. Hotham, William Hotham, 1st baron Hotham, Sir John, bart. Howe, Richard Howe, 4th viscount and 1st earl Howe, Sir William Howe, 5th viscount Hunter, Thomas Orby Hussey, Thomas 118 GERMAIN [98] Hutchins, Thomas Hut ton, James Ingram, John Iredell, Thomas Irving, Thomas Irwin, Sir John Jacques, John Jadus, C. N. Godfrey Jamaica Council Planters of Planters and merchants of Jauncey, James Jenkins, E. J. Jennings, John Knox, William Knyphausen, Wilhelm, freiherr von La Chordinier, Mons. de Laroche, Sir James Leigh, Egerton Lennox, George Henry Lewis, M. Ligonier, John Ligonier, viscount and 1st earl Lisburne, Wilmot Vaughan, 1st earl of Livius, Peter Locke, Joshua London, sugar refiners of Macartney, George Macartney, 1st earl McColme, John Macdowall, Alexander McGillivray, William Mackinnon, John McLean, Francis MacLeod, Norman Malet, John Adam Mansfield, William Murray, 1st earl of Mansfield, David Murray, 2nd earl of Marlborough, Charles Spencer, 5th earl of Sunderland, 3rd duke of Martin, Samuel Massachusetts. General Court Maxwell, Robert Medows, Sir William Mexico, Alonso, arzobispo de Minorca, Britannick and Minorqueen gentlemen of Minorca. Rector and judges of Mahon Mitchell, Archibald Mitchell, C. Monk, James Montagu, Adm. John Moore, Capt. Morgan, Sir Henry Morris, Mrs. Ann Morris, Apollos Morris, Valentine Morrison, John Mowat, Henry Munchhausen, Jerome Karl Friedrich, freiherr von Murray, James Murray, Lord John Neave, Richard Neilson, A. S. Newcastle, Thomas Pelham- Holles, 1st duke of Nixon, Thomas North, Frederick North, 2nd earl of Guilford, baron North Carolina. Provincial Congress Nova Scotia. General Assembly Nugent, Sir Charles Edmund "Officer, An" Oliver, Peter Oliver, Dr. William Osborn, Sir George, 4th. bart. Oswald, Richard Oudermeulen, C. V. V. P., 0. Parker, Sir Peter, 1st bart. Partington, Thomas Walley Patterson, John Patrickson, J. Patten, Charles Patterson, Gov. Walter Phillips, William Pitt, William Pleydell, John Cleve Plowden, Richard Chichele Poplett, Thomas Potenger, Richard Pringle, Thomas Pulteney, Sir William Johnstone Ramsay, James Riedesel, Friedrich Adolph, freiherr von Rivington, James GERMAIN 119 Roberts, Lt. Roberts, Benjamin Roberts, John Robinson, John Rochfort, George Rodney, Sir George Brydges Rodney, 1st baron Rome, George Ross, Hercules Ross, Patrick Ross & Gray Rowland, Richard Rumford, Sir Benjamin Thompson, count von Russell, William Russell, Lord Russell, Charles Rycaut, Capt. Ed. St. Helens, Alleyne Fitzherbert, 1st baron St. John River Indians. Chiefs, sachems, and young men Sandwich, John Montagu, 4th earl of Schaw, Gideon Schulenburg-Wolfsburg, Gebhard Gernard, freiherr von Shannon, Richard Boyle, 2nd earl of Shaw, Charles Shuttleworth, Dr. John Simpson, James Skene, Philip Slacke, Benjamin Slater, Gill Smith, Gov. E. Smith, William Smyth, David Smyth, John South Carolina. General Assembly Southouse, Edward Spain. Sovereigns. Charles III Speer, Joseph Smith Spice, William Spottiswoode, John Stanhope, John Steinberg, E. Stephens, Sir Philip Sterling, James Stevenson, Henry Stiles, Copeland Stockton, Richard W. Story, Enoch Suffolk, Henry Howard, 5th earl of Berkshire and 12th earl of Sydney, Thomas Townshend, 1st viscount Tayler, Thomas Temple, Richard Temple Grenville, 2nd earl Thurlow, Edward Thurlow, 1st baron Tobago. Proprietors Tonge, Winckworth Townsend, Samuel Townshend, George Townshend, 4th viscount and 1st marquess Townshend, Hon. Charles Trafford, Henry Traquair, Charles Stuart, 7th earl of "True Friend, A" Tryon, William Turnbull, Dr. Andrew United States. Continental Congress Vaughan, Sir John Virginia. House of Burgesses Walpole, Sir Edward Walpole, Hon. Thomas Walter, John Ward, Michael Wardlaw, William Watson, Sir Brook, 1st bart. Webb, Capt. T. Wedderburn, Alexander, 1st baron Loughborough, 1st earl of Rosslyn Wentworth, Sir John, bart. Wesley, John West India merchants Whately, Thomas White, Robert Williams, Sir Charles Hanbury Williamson, George Willoe, Samuel Wintringham, Sir Clifton, bart. Wolfe, James Wright, Sir James, 1st bart. Wynne, Rt. Hon. Owen Yeilding, George 120 GERMAN REGIMENTS - GIRARD BANK [99-100] 99. GERMAN REGIMENTS IN AMERICA. Muster rolls, 1776-1782. 27 items. The rosters list troops from Anhalt Zerbst, Brunswick, Hesse-Cassel , Hesse-Hanau, and Waldeck. With them is a copy of the treaty executed in 177 6 between the Duke of Brunswick and George III for hiring of the Brunswickians. For other manuscripts of the Hessian troops see the von Jungkenn papers (no. 147) . Described in the catalogue of Charles Heartman, Jan. 12, 1929, items 24-26, 61, 62, 106-126, 159. See Peckham' s Guide for fuller description. Purchased, 1929. Units for which rolls and returns were made: Anhalt Zerbst. Army in America Brunswick. Army in America Army under Riedesel Regiment Prinz Friedrich Grenadier battalion von Mengen Regiment von Riedesel Regiment von Specht Hesse-Cassel. Army in America Grenadier battalion vacant Graff Grenadier battalion von Loewenstein Company von Biesenrodt Company von Mondorff Company von Wachs Grenadier Regiment d' Angelelli Leib Company Regiment von Bunau. Leib Company Regiment Erb Prinz Company von Cochenhausen Company von Fuchs Regiment von Lossberg, Jr. Company von Baurmeister Company von Biesenrodt Company von Romrod Company von Wilmowsky Leib Company Hesse-Hanau. Army in America Artillery detachment under Pausch Waldeck. Army in America 3rd Regiment Company von Albert i Company von Horn Company von Penzel 100. GIRARD (PENNSYLVANIA) BANK. Statement, 1839. 1 item, 43 pages. Statement listing stockholders and the number of shares held by each in the Girard bank, Girard, Pennsylvania. Gift of Mr. L. C. Karpinski, 1946. [101-103] GLOVER - GOULBURN 121 101. GLOVER, STEPHEN E. The Cradle of Liberty, 1832. 1 item, 56 leaves. Manuscript copy of a play that was adapted from James Fenimore Cooper's novel, Lionel Lincoln. It is probably a prompt copy and not the original manuscript. Purchased, 1948. 102. GOODMAN, REUBEN SMITH, 1818-1894. Papers, 1864. 10 items. American clergyman. Manuscript diary and papers of Rev. R. S. Goodman describing his service with the U. S. Christian commission during the Civil War. The item of chief interest is the manuscript diary which relates his work with patients in the Union Army hospitals in Nashville and Chattanooga, Tennessee . Gift of William R. Vis, 1944. 103. GOULBURN, HENRY, 1784-1856. Papers, 1813-1814. 200 items. British statesman. A collection of materials relating to the proceedings of the peace commis- sioners at Ghent in 1814. The British commissioners corresponded with Lord Liverpool, Lord Castlereagh, and the Earl Bathurst, as well as exchanging notes with John Quincy Adams, James A. Bayard, Henry Clay, Jonathan Russell and Albert Gallatin. The most outstanding item in the collection is a signed and sealed copy of the Treaty of Ghent, in the hand- writing of Henry Clay. Approximately one fourth of the letters in the collection have been printed in R. S. Londonderry. Memoirs and correspondence of Viscount Castlereagh. 12 v.; Massachusetts historical society. Proceedings, v. 48, p. 138-162; A. W. Wellington. Supplementary dispatches and memoranda of the Duke of Wellington. 15 v.; U. S. Congress. American state papers, class 1, v. 3. 122 GRANVILLE [104] Described in the catalogue of Sotheby and co., July 29-30, 1940, item 568. See Peckham' s Guide for fuller description. Gift of Dr. Lawrence Reynolds, 1941. Names of writers of letters and authors and signers of documents: Adams, John Quincy Adams, William Allen, Rev. Bennet Ashburton, Alexander Baring, 1st baron Bathurst, Henry Bathurst, 3rd earl Brouillon, Mr. Bunbury, Sir Henry Edward, 7th bart. Castlereagh, Robert Stewart, 2nd marquess of Londonderry, viscount Clancarty, Richard Le Poer Trench, 1st viscount and 2nd earl of Clay, Henry Cockburn, Sir George Crawford, William Harris Gallatin, A. A. Albert Gambier, James Gambier, 1st baron Gordon, Sir Robert Goulbrun, Henry Great Britain Commissioners for restoring peace, 1814 (Gambier, Goulburn, and Adams) Treaties with the United States Hamilton, William Richard Liverpool, Robert Banks Jenkinson, 2nd earl of London, merchants of Madison, James Monroe, James Morier, John Philip Newfoundland, merchants of Sevright, C. United States Commissioners (Adams, Bayard, Clay, Russell, and Gallatin) Treaties with Great Britain 104. GRANVILLE, JOHN CARTERET, EARL, 1690-1763. Papers, 1756-1761. 19 items. English statesman; lord proprietor of Carolina. The papers are concerned with an attempt to settle a dispute arising out of conflicting land claims in Carolina between Henry McCulloh and Lord Granville. Described in the catalogue of Sotheby and company, June 24-27, 1919, item 120. Phillipps Ms. 25475. See Peckham' s Guide for fuller description. Names of writers of letters: Granville, John Carteret, McCulloh, Henry Eustace 1st earl Sharpe, Joshua McCulloh, Henry [104A-106] GREAT BRITAIN 123 104A. GREAT BRITAIN. ARMY. Orderly book, 1764. 1 item, 133 leaves. Orderly book contained in two notebooks, of the 1st and 2nd battalions of the Pennsylvania Regiment, describing the expedition against the Indians in the country beyond the Ohio River, August 5 to November 9, 1764. This account records the day by day ad- vance of the detachment of regulars and militia under the command of Colonel Henry Bouquet. The entries point out the care and planning taken for the protection of the army. There are recurrent warnings to be alert for sudden attacks, and to save food and ammunition. The impact of the army on frontier life is reflected throughout the orderly book, including directions for road-building, the shepherding of stray cattle, stern admonition against the pillaging of farmers' crops, unauthor- ized firing in enemy country, and the selling of liquor to the Indians. There are many references to scouts, hunters, surgeons, coopers and the men who cleared a road for the army's progress. Purchased, 1953. 105. GREAT BRITAIN. ARMY. Orderly book, 1775. 1 item, 28 leaves. Orderly book for the 10th regiment of foot, stationed at Boston, March 3 to April 25, 1775. The entries deal with matters of desertion, patrol, guard duty, directions and instructions for courts martial, appointments and promotions, procurement of ammunition, regulations and orders to the regiment concerning debt, and instructions as to the strength of guard details. Some of the entries relate to the Battles of Lexington and Concord. Gift of Mrs. Christopher Ward and family, 1948. 106. GREAT BRITAIN. ARMY. Orderly book, 1776-1777 1 item, 154 leaves. 124 GREAT BRITAIN [107] Orderly book of the King's American regiment, a loyalist unit, December, 1776 to November, 1777. Entries relate to the organization of the regiment, methods of recruitment, mobements of the regiment and parts thereof, the apportionment of supplies, and similar matters of a military nature. Purchased, 1949. 107. GREAT BRITAIN. ARMY IN AMERICA. Army records, 1758-1824. 1 item. A bound volume of miscellaneous subsistence and pay warrants and receipts of the British army evidently collected for their autograph interest. They are signed chiefly by officers who served in North America. Described in the catalogue of Sotheby and co. , June 24-27, 1919, item 33. Phillipps Ms. 13818. See Peckham' s Guide for fuller description. Acquired upon settlement of the Clements estate, 1937. Names of authors and signers of documents: Abercromby, James Adair, Dr. Robert Balfour, Nisbet Bruen, Henry Cutler, William Campbell, Sir Archibald Campbell, John Carleton, Sir Guy, 1st baron Dorchester Clinton, Sir Henry Cornwall, Charles Wolf ran Cresset, James Crosbie, William Cuthbert, David Disney, Daniel Engel, James Samuel Graham, James Graham, William Grenville, George Grenville, William Wyndham Grenville, 1st baron Harris, James Howe, Sir William, 5th viscount Howe Hunter, Thomas Orby Ilchester, Stephen Fox- Strangways, 1st earl of Molesworth, Richard Mulgrave, Constantine John Phipps, 2nd baron Newcastle, Henry Fiennes Pelham-Clinton, 9th earl of Lincoln, 2nd duke of Norman, Charles Orde, Sir John, 1st bart. Powna 1 1 , Thomas Robertson, Archibald Seton, James Smith, Sir William Sidney Yorke, Sir Joseph, 1st baron Dover [108-109] GREAT BRITAIN - GREENE 125 108. GREAT BRITAIN. SECRETARY OF STATE FOR THE AMERICAN OR COLONIAL DEPARTMENT. A list of offices in the North American and West Indian colonies, ca. 1775. 1 item, 74 pages. The list of offices includes the names of the holders, method of appointment, salary, and in most cases method of payment. It is calendared with the Dartmouth papers in Historical manuscripts com- mission. Fourteenth report, part 10. Purchased, 1952. 109. GREENE, NATHANAEL, 1742-1786. Papers, 1775-1786. 25 ft. American Revolutionary general. Correspondence and reports relating chiefly to the southern cam- paign of the Revolution. The bulk of the letters are to and from subordinate officers, but the collection contains frequent reports to Washington, to the president of Congress and certain committee members, and to the board of war. Also included are letters to the governors of the southern states, merchants selling to the Quartermaster's department, civilians with complaints, certain British officers, business associates of his last years and some family correspondence. Some of the letters are printed in The Michigan Alumnus. Quarterly review. v.58, no. 14, p. 109-119. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Acquired upon settlement of the Clements estate, 1937. Names of writers of letters and authors and signers of documents: Abeel, James Armstrong, Andrew Adams, John Armstrong, James Adams, William Armstrong, John, Jr. Alexander, Dr. Nathaniel Armstrong, Thomas Almy, Job Arnold, Dr. Jonathan Ambrose, Israel Arnold, Welcome Ancrum, William Arthur, James Anderson, Archibald Baddeley, John Anderson, John Bagge, Traugott Anderson, Nelson, Jr. Bailey, Edward Anderson, Robert Bainbridge, Peter Andrews, Richard Baker, H. Anthony, Joseph Baker, Richard Bahon 126 GREENE [109] Balfour, Nisbet Ball, Daniel Ballinton, William Banks, Henry Banks, John Banks, Burnet & Co. Barbee, Thomas Barbe"-Marbois, Francois Marbois, marquis de Barber, William Bard, Peter Barker, Peleg Barnwell, John Barnwell, Robert Barry, Henry Baylor, George Beall, William Dent Beebe, Nathan Bell, William Benbury, Thomas Benson, Martin Bentley, William Bently, Mrs. Barbara Berger, George Henry Berryhill, John Biddle, Clement Bigham, John Bignall, Robert Blaau, Uriah Blake, Edward Blodget, William Blount, Reading Blount, William Bostwick, Andrew Bourne, Benjamin Bowen, Charles Bowen, Ephraim Bowen, Oliver Bower, Jacob Bowie, John Bowman, J. Bowyer, Henry Boyd, Andrew Boyer, James Boyle, Richard Bradley, John Branham, Ebenezer Bratton, William Brenay, Chevalier de Brice, Walker, & Craike Brickell, John Britt, Robert Brodhead, Daniel Broun, Archibald Broun, W. Brown, John Brown, Joseph Brown, Moses Browne, Charles Browne, Dr. James Brownfield, Dr. Robert Brownson, Nathan Bruff, James Bryce, John Bryen, John Buford, Abraham Bull, Stephen Bull, Thomas Bunce, Jared Burke, Aedanus Burke, Thomas Burllinggame, Samuel Burnet, Ichabod Burnet, William Burns ide, John Burton, Robert Burwell, Lewis Butler, John Butler, Pierce Butler, Richard Butler, William Cahoon, Jonathan Calhoun, James Call, James, Jr. Call, Richard Callaghan, Jane Callaway, James Campbel, James Campbell, David Campbell, Dougal Campbell, Lt. John Campbell, Richard Campen, James Carleton, Sir Guy, 1st baron Dorchester Carleton, Joseph Cams, Patrick Carrington, Edward Car ruth, John Carter, John Carthy, Daniel Carthy, James Cary, Archibald Casey, Silas Casey, William Casey Son & Greene Cassels, James Castries, Charles-EiSgene Gabriel de la Croix, marquis de Caswell, Richard Caswell, William Cathie, James Ceely, Justice [109] GREENE 127 Chamberlain, Hubbard Champion, Richard Channing, Walter Charlton, Dr. Thomas Cheney, Benj. Chester, John Claiborne, Richard Clancy, W. Clark, John Clark, Peleg Clark & Nightingale Clarke, Sir Mured Clarke, E. Clarke, Ethan Clarke, Jonathan, Jr. Clarkson, Matthew Clarkson, T. Clay, Joseph Clay, Telfair & Co. Clegg, Samuel Clendenin, John Clinton, George Clitherah, Eliza Coates, James Colhoun, John Ewing Collett, Ebenezer John Collins, John Collins & Hayes Colt, Peter Compty, J. Compty, Thomas Conyers, James Cook, John Coppinger, Cornelius Cornell, Ezekiel Cornell, Joseph Cornwallis, Charles Cornwallis, 1st marquess and Znd earl Cornwallis, Frederick Cornwell, David Courtney, Fanny, Mrs. William Courtney, William Cox, John Craig, Sir James Henry Craig, Thomas Crandall, Ezekiel Crawford, John Crocket, Hugh Crofts, William Croskeys, John Crouch, H. T., Estate of Cruden, J. Cruger, John Harris Crump, Abner Cumming, John Noble dimming, Thomas Cuningham, Peter Cunningham, William Dart, John Sandford Davidson, George Davidson, William Lee Davie, William Richardson Davies, William Davis, John Deal, John Deane, Barnabas De Berdt, Dennis Deedrick, William Deleny, Mark Denning, William De Peyster, Abraham De Tcllenare, Sarah Detreville, John de Laboularderie Dewar, David Dickson, Joseph Digby, Robert Dorsius, John Douglas, John Douglass, Thomas Dow, Hendricus Doyle, Sir John Drayton, Stephen Drew, Thomas Haynes Duane, James Dudley, Thomas Duer, William Dunkin, Ann Dunn, Isaac Budd Dupont, Charles Duportail, Antoine- Jean- Louis, chevalier le Begue Du Re, Benjamin Dyer, Edward Eastin, Philip Easton, John Easton, Walter, Jr. Eaton, Pinketham Eaton, Thomas Ebden, J. Eccleston, John Edmiston, Samuel Edwards, Evan Edwards, Howson, & Co. Eggleston, Joseph, Jr. Elbert, John L. Elizer, Isaac Elliott, Mrs. Elliott, Benjamin Elliott, Thomas Ellis, J. Ellis, Richard 128 GREENE [109] Ellis, Welbore, 1st baron Mendip Elton, Anthony Emerson, Stephen Emmet, James Eppes, William Ervin, J. Estaing, Charles-Hector- The*odat d 1 Estaing, comte d f Estes, J. Evans, Edmond Evans, William Eyre, Benjamin G. Fairbanks, Jonathan Fanning, David Faquish, John Farmer, Thomas Farr, Thomas Fatis, F. P. Fauntleroy, Griffin Fayssoux, Dr. Peter Febiger, Christian Feke, Charles Feke, Horatio Fells, Thomas Feltman, William Fenwick, Edward Fergus, Dr. Janus Ferguson, Thomas Ferguson, William Finley, Ebenezer Finley, Samuel Finnie, William Fitch, Charity Fitzhugh, William Frisbie FitzSimons, Thomas Flagg, Dr. Henry Collins Fletcher, George Flint, Royal Flower, Benjamin Foard, Hezekiah Foot, Ebenezer Ford, Benjamin Forman, David Forsyth, James Forsyth, Robert, 8t Co. Fouler, Samuel, & Son Fraser, Charles Fraser, James Fraser, M. Fraser, Simon Frazer, John G. Freebody, John Freer, Charles French, B. and N. French & Gillies Furman , Wood Furman & Hunt Gadsden, Christopher Gadsden, Thomas Galbraith, J. Gale, John Gamble, Edmund Gamble, Robert Gates, Horatio Genninger, Francis Gerley, John Gibbs, Caleb Gibbs, George Gibbs, John Gibson, John Giles, Edward Gill, Erasmus Gillett, Aaron Gillies, Robert Gillon, A. Gist, Mordecai Glover, John Goddard, John Goddard & Engs Godfree, Benjamin Gooch, John Gooch, Sir William Gordon, Ambrose Gordon, Rev. William Gould, Paston Graeme, Mrs. Anne Graham, Richard Grant, Hary Grant & Simons Grayson, William Great Britain Army in America Army under Cornwallis Parliament House of Commons Sovereigns George III Green, John Green, Thomas & Son Greene. Catherine Littlefield, Mrs. Nathanael Greene, Christopher Greene, F. Greene, George Washington Greene, Griffin Greene, Jacob Greene, Jacob, & Co. Greene, Jacob, & Griffin Greene, Nathanael Greene, Peregrine Greene, Sylvester [109] GREENE 129 Greene, William Griffin, Cyrus Grigg, Henry Grimke', John Faucheraud Groome, Francis Guerard, Gov. Benjamin S. C. Guerard, God in Gunby, John Gunn, James Habersham, John Hadly, Joshua Hall, Daniel Hall, David Hall, George Abbott Hall, Josias Carvil Hamilton, John Hammond , LeRoy Hampton, Henry Hampton, Wade Handy, George Hanson, John Hardman, Henry Harmar, Josiah Harris, William Harrison, Benjamin Harrison, Charles Harrison, Richard Harvey, Arnold Harvey, William Hawes, Samuel Hawkins, Benjamin Hay, Udny Hayes, Sir John McNamara Hays, R. Hazard, George Hazard, Thomas Hazelhurst, Robert Hazen, Moses Heath, William Henderson, William Henderson, William Henley, David Henry, John Heriot, Robert Heriot, William Hewes & Anthony Hill, John Hill, Philip Hill, Thomas Hillhouse, David Hinds, James Hines, James Hite, George Hiwell, John Hoffman, Nicholas Holcombe, John Hollingsworth, Henry Holzendorf, John Honeycut , John Hooper, Robert Lettis Hoops, Adam Horry, Mrs. Daniel Horry, Peter Horsfield, Israel Hort, William Howard, Charles Howard, John Eager Howe, Robert Howell, Jacob S. Howell, Joseph, Jr. Hubbard, Nehemiah Hudson, Joel Huger, Isaac Huger, Mary E. Hughes, Hugh Hughes, John Humphreys, David Humphreys, Ralph Humpton, Richard Hunt, Abraham Hunt, Nathaniel Hunter, James Huntington, Samuel Hurt, Rev. John Hutson, Richard Hutson, Thomas Hyrne, Edmund Massingberd Ingleman, Joseph Ingraham Ingram, John Irish, Nathaniel Irvine, Dr. Matthew Jackson, William Jamison, Adam Jaquett, Peter Jefferson, Thomas Jenifer, Daniel of St. Thomas Jenkins, Mrs. Susannah Jervais, John Johnson, Thomas Johnson, W. Johnston, Andrew Johnston, Francis Johnston, Robert Jones, Allen Jones, Edward Jones, John Jones, Samuel Jones, Thomas Joyner, John Kean, John Keckely, George 130 GREENE [109] Kelly, Dennis Ker, George Kerber, John Kershaw, Ely Kershaw, Joseph Kethen, D. J. Kilty, John Kimball, Frederick Kimbrough, John Kinan, James King, Elisha King, John King, Richard Kinloch, Francis Knapp, John Knox, George Knox, Henry Kress, E. W. Lacase & Mallet Lafayette, Marie- Joseph- Paul -Yves -Roch Gilbert du Motier, marquis de La Foralt, Mons. de Larid, Robert Lalor, Henry La Luzerne, Anne-Ce*sar, chevalier de Langford, Holderby Langham, Elias Lapsley, Samuel La Rouerie, Charles- Armand Tufin, marquis de Laurens, Henry Laurens, John Lavy, Thomas Lawlor, Jonathan Lawrence, Nathaniel Lawrence, Stephen Lawson, Robert Lawton, John Le Brun de Bellecour, Mons Lee, Charles Lee, Francis Lee, Henry Lee, Richard Henry Lee, Thomas Sim LeGare, Benjamin Leslie, Alexander Lewis, Morgan Lewis, S. Lewis, Stephen Lewis, William Lillington, John Alexander Lincoln, Benjamin Linton, John Lithgow, Robert Little, Nicholas Littlefield, William Livingston, James Livingston, Robert R. Livingston, William Smith Lloyd, Edward Lloyd, James Lock, Francis Lock, Matthew Lockhardt, Samuel Lomagne, Jean-Baptiste, vicomte de Long, Nicholas Lopez, Joseph Losack, James Lott, Abraham Lovell, James Lowndes, Rawlins Lowre y , Thomas Lucas, John Luckett, David Ludlow & Shaw Lunsford, William Lushington, Richard Lutterlough, Henry E. Lux, George Lynch, Charles Lytle, Archibald Macaulay, George McCall, James McCall, John McCluer, John McCorkle, Robert McCromick, James McCoy, John McCraw, William McCrea, James McDonald, William McDowell, John McDowell, Samuel McFadon, James McFatter, Donald McGraw, William McGregor, Alexander McGuire, Matthew McHenry, Dr. James Mcintosh, Lachlan McKay, James McKean, Thomas McKennan, William McKinner, John McKintock, Jacob Mackinzie, John Macklin, John McKnight, Dr. Charles McLane, Daniel McLean, Catherine McMillan, John [109] GREENE 131 McNabb, Charles McNair, John McNeill, Hector McPherson, Charles McQueen, John McRae, Duncan McRay, Archibald McRee, Griffith John McWann, William Magaw, Robert Maham, Hezekiah Mallet, Peter Mallet, Tulloch & Estes Mallett, Peter Malmedy, Francois Lellorquis, marquis de Marable, Mathew Marbury, Joseph Marbury, Leonard Marchant, Joseph Marion, Francis Marsh, Gould Marshall, Col. John Martin, Alexander Martin, James Martin, John Martin, Patrick Mason, David Mason, Thomas Massachusetts Council General Court Mathews, George Mathews, John Mathews, Mrs. M. Mathis, Samuel Maxwell, A. Maxwell, Adam Mayson, James Mazaret, John Mead, John Meade, Richard Kidder Mealares, John Meals, John Megee, Phebe Mell, Will Meng, Christopher Mentges, Francis Mercier, John D. Middleton, Mrs. Mary Mifflin, Thomas Miller, James Miller, John Miller, Phineas Milligan, Jacob Milligan, James Milligan, John Millin, John Mills, Peter Mills, Samuel Milxan, John Mitchel, David Mitchell, Ephraim Molloy, D. Montaigut, David Moody, Edward Moore , James Moore, James Moore, John Moore, William Moore, Zedakiah Morgan, Daniel Morris, Gouverneur Morris, Lewis, Jr. Morris, Robert Morris, Thomas Mott, Jacob Motte, Isaac Moultrie, William Mountf lorence, James Moylan, John Muhlenberg, John Peter Gabriel Mumford, Gideon Munford, Robert Munro, Daniel Murfree, Hardy Murphey, Andrew Murphy, Edward Murray, Rev. John Murray, John Myddleton, Charles S. Nash, Abner Necker, Jacques Nelson, Thomas Nichols, Walter Nicholson, James Nicholson, John Nixon, Andrew Nixon, George Norris, John North, William North Carolina Council General Assembly Norton, Seth Nowlan, Maurice Ogden, Samuel Ogilvie, Charles Olney, George Olney, Richard Olyphant, Dr. David O'Neill, Thomas Oram, Peter 132 GREENE [109] Orendorff, Christian Osborne, H. Otis, James Otis, Samuel Alleyne Owen, John Owen, Thomas Palmer, Robert Parker, Josiah Parker, Richard Parker, William Partridge, Samuel Pasteur, Thomas Patterson, M. Pearce, Isaac Pearce, Lawrence Pemberton, Thomas Pendergast, William Pendleton, Daniel Pendleton, Edmund Pendleton, Henry Pendleton, John Pendleton, Nathaniel Penman, Edward Penman, James Person, Thomas Peters, Richard Peters, William Petrie, Edmund Pettit, Charles Phillips, James Pickens, Andrew Pickering, Timothy Pierce, William Leigh Pickney, Mrs. Frances S Pindell, Dr. Richard Place, James Polk, Jehosaphet Polk, Thomas Polk, William Porter & Guignard Porterfield, Charles Posey, Thomas Post Office Potter, Ichabod Potter, Nathan Potter, Stephen Potts, Joshua Pozo y Sucre, Jose* del Prescott, Dr. Joseph Preston, William Price, Bourne Price, James Price William Prior, William Pryor, John Purcell, Henry Putnam, Henry Putnam, Israel Ragsdale, Drury Raiford, Robert Rains, John Ramsay, Dr. David Ramsay, John Ramsay, Nathaniel Ramsey, Matthew Randall, Son & Stuuarts Rapalje, Stephen Rapley, R. Rawdon, Francis Rawdon Hastings, 2nd earl of Moira, baron Ray, Cornelius Ray, Donald Ray, Duncan Read, Jacob Read, James Read, Dr. William Reed, Joseph Reed, Oliver Rees, David Reid, George Reynolds, John Rhea, Matthew Rhodes, Joseph Thomas Richardson, Jacob Richardson, Thomas Richardson, William Rivera, Jacob Rodriguez, & Co. Rivington, James Robinson, John Robinson, Robert Rochambeau, Jean-Baptiste- Donatien de Vimeur, comte de Rogers & Bromfield Rogers, Daniel Rogers, Joseph Rogers, Robert Rose, Alexander Rowan, Robert Rowland, Thomas Roxburgh, Alexander Ruby, T. Rudolph, John Rugeley, Henry Russell, Charles Russell, H.. Russell, Joseph and William Russell, Nathaniel Russell, William Rutherford, Griffith Rutledge, Henry M. Rutledge, Hugh [109] GREENE 133 Rut ledge, John Ryan, Peter S. S., M. St. Clair, Arthur Sanders, R. Sansum, Philip Sargent, Winthrop Saunders, Martha Saunders, Roger Parker Scarbrough & Cook Schuyler, Philip John Scott, Charles Scott, Edward Seagrove, Js. Searle, James Sears, Isaac Senf, Charles Sevier, John Shaler, Nathaniel Sharp, James Sharpe, William Shaw, Richard Sheffield, George Shelby, Isaac Sherburne, Henry Shubrick, Thomas Silvester, Edward Simons, M. Simons, Keating & James Singleton, Anthony Sinkler, John Skelly, Francis Skinner, Alexander Skipwith, Peyton Small, Antonia Smallwood, William Smith, B. Smith, Francis Smith, Jabez Smith, James Smith, John Smith, Nathan Smith, R. Smith, Richard Smith, Robert Smith, Samuel Smith, Thomas Smith, William Smylie, James Snead, Smith Southall, Stephen South Carolina General Assembly House of Representatives General Assembly Senate Southwick, Solomon Spencer, Rufus Spillard, Maurice Spotswood, Alexander Stall, William Stanly, J. W. Staples, William Stark, Robert Starr, Ezra Steele, Archibald Steele, John Sternbergh, Abram Steuben, Frederick William Augustus Henry Ferdinand, baron von Stevens, Daniel Stevens, Nathaniel Stevens & Stevenson Stevensen, Stephen Steward, John Stewart, Alexander Stewart, Walter Stites, Richard M. Stoddert, Benjamin Story, John Strachan, J. , Mackenzie, J. , & Co. Stribling, Sigismund Sumner, Jethro Sumter, Thomas Swan, John Swiney, William Swinton, Alexander Tate, Francis Tattnall, John Mulloyne Tatum, Absalom Tatum, Howell Ternant, Jean-Baptiste Terrell, Harry Tew, William Thackston, James Thaxter, John Thayer & Bartlett Thomas, Abishai Thomas, James Thomas, John, Jr. Thomas, Tristam Thomson, Charles Thomson, William Tillinghast, Daniel Tillinghast, Nicholas Tompkins, Charles Tonyn, Patrick Topham, Boss & Newman Totten, Robert Towle, Nathaniel Towles, Joseph Towles, Oliver 134 GREENE [109] Townes, John Townsend, John Tracy, Nathaniel Tureman, Alexander Trueman, John Tucker, Dr. Thomas Tudor Turman, Moore Turner, George Turner, Dr. Peter Tutt, Benjamin United States Continental Army Army under Lafayette Board of Admiralty Council of War Georgia Battalion Officers Northern Department Southern Department Corps of Artillery 1st Artillery 3rd Cavalry Commissary General 1st Continental Dragoons Marion 1 s Brigade Maryland Brigade Maryland & Delaware Lines Maryland Line, Officers North Carolina Line North Carolina Line, Officers North Carolina Militia Officers Pennsylvania Line, Officers Pickens 1 Brigade South Carolina Militia 2nd Virginia Brigade Virginia Line. Board of Field Officers Continental Congress Treasury Department Unzaga, Luis de Upham, Joshua Van Berkel, P. J. Vander Horst, Arnoldus Varnum, James Mitchell Vaughan, Joseph Verdier, J. Virginia Council House of Delegates Vickers, Dr. Samuel Vinson, James Wade, Francis Wade, George Wade, Holden Wade , Thomas Wadsworth, Jeremiah Wainwright, Richard Walker, John Wallace, Hugh Wallace, James Wallace, John Walton, George Walton, Robert Wanton, Philip Ward, John Ward, Samuel Ward, Simon Warfield, Dr. Walter Waring, Basil Waring, John Smith Waring, Morton Warington, James Warley, Felix Washington, George Washington, George Augustine Washington, Thomas Washington, William Waterhouse, Timothy Waties, John, Jr. Watrous, Dr. John Richard Watson, Dr. John Watson, Josiah, & Co. Watson, Copail & Co. Wayne, Anthony Wayne, William Webb, Joseph Webb, Samuel Blatchley Weedon, George Weiss, Jacob Wemyss, Jumes West, Joseph Whi taker, John White, Anthony Walton White, John White, Tarpley Wigfall, John Wightman, Valentine Wilber, Benjamin Wilcocks, Alexander Wilhelm & Van Willink Wilkinson, James Wilkinson, John Wilkinson, Morton Wilkinson, Reuben Williams, Joseph Williams, John Williams, Otho Holland Williamson, Matthias, Jr. [110-111] GREENLEY - GRENVILLE 135 Williamson, William Wills & Bethune Willson, Jonathan Wilmot, William Wilson, David Wilson, J. Wilson, John Winn, M. Winn, Richard Winslow, Edward Winston, Joseph Winthrop, Tod & Winthrop Wood, James Wood, Joseph Woodford, William Wooding, Robert Worth, William Wragg, Mrs. Henrietta Wragg, Joseph Wright, Sir James, 1st bart. Wyath, Standfast Yarborough, Edward Young, Edward Zeigler, David Zespedes, Vicente Manuel de 110. GREENLEY, E. M. Journal, 1863-1864. 1 item, 120 pages. Manuscript journal of a European trip. Gift of Mrs. Rene* Talamon, 1939. 111. GRENVILLE, GEORGE, 1712-1770. Papers, 1756-1757. 60 items. British statesman. Letters deal with the Seven Years' War, especially the fleet movements and the campaign on the continent; the ministerial policies ; and social gossip. Also included is a copy of Grenville' s resignation from the naval treasury, April 9, 1757. The letters have been edited in W. J. Smith, ed. The Grenville papers ... v.l Described in the catalogue of J. Pearson and co., 1927, item 146. See Peckham' s Guide for fuller description. Acquired upon settlement of the Clements estate, 1937. Names of writers of letters: Chatham, William Pitt, 1st earl of Chatham, Lady Hester Grenville Pitt, countess of Devonshire, William Cavendish, 4th duke of Erskine, Sir Henry Grenville, Elizabeth Wyndham, Mrs. George Grenville, George Grenville, James Harcourt, Simon Harcourt, 1st earl 136 GUATEMALA [112-114] Hillsborough, Wills Hill, 1st marquess of Downshire, 1st earl of Holderness, Robert D'Arcy, 4th earl of Liverpool, Charles Jenkinson, 1st baron Hawkesbury, 1st earl of Minto, Sir Gilbert Elliot, 3rd baronet of Orford, Horace Walpole, 4th earl of Potter, Thomas Rodney, Sir George Brydges Rodney, 1st baron Temple, Richard Temple Grenville, 2nd earl 112. GUATEMALA. Apuntamiento en derecho por la Iglesia Cathedral de Goathemala, y su Cabildo, en el pleyto de el remate de los diezmos, 1714. 1 item, 30 pages. The manuscript is illegibly signed; possibly the reading is El Alcalde publico de la Madrfe Soriano Paniagua. Page numbers indicate the manuscript is an excerpt from a larger work. Described in the catalogue of Sotheby and co., June 24-27, 1919, item 165. Phillipps Ms. 21279. See Peckham' s Guide for fuller description. Acquired upon settlement of the Clements estate, 1937. 113. GUATEMALA. Papers, 1760-1879. ca. 200 items. Letters and documents relating to Guatemalan history. Purchased, 1949. 114 , K. The history of the reign of George III, King of Great Britain, (Designed as a continuation of Mr. Smollet 1 s History). In four volumes, 1820-1823. 3 vols., 1323 pages. [115-116] HALE - HAMILTON 137 The author is unidentified, possibly due to the loss of volume I. This manuscript history was designed as a continuation of Tobias G. Smollet. A complete history of England which extended through the reign of George II. The three remaining volumes cover the years 177 0-1820. They are dated from Stonehouse and Cheltenham in Gloucestershire. Volume IV contains an appendix of 214 pages. Described in the catalogue of Henry Stevens, Son and Stiles, January 22, 1931, item 133. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Purchased, 1931. 115. HALE, JOHN, CA. 1765-1838. Letters, 1812. 2 items. Receiver-general of Lower Canada. Report of the surrender of the American general Hull 1 s forces at Detroit, and a plan of operations drawn by major general Sir Isaac Brock, the victorious English commander. Purchased, 1942. 116. HAMILTON, HENRY, 1734-1796. Papers, 1754-1789. 13 items. British army officer. Collection contains two journals in photostat, three reports, and eight letters. The first journal, although written in 1792, covers the period from 1754 to 1762. The second journal begins on August 6, 1778, and ends June 26, 1779. The originals of both journals are in the Harvard College Library. The reports and letters are to be found in the following: Germain papers (no. 98), Shelburne papers (no. 251), and the Gage papers (no. 95). See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. 138 HANCOCK - HARMAR [117-118] 117. HANCOCK, CORNELIA, 1839-1926. Correspondence, 1863-1865. 17 5 items. Civil War nurse. Correspondence with relatives recording conditions and happenings in the Army of the Potomac as it moved south from Gettysburg. Two thirds of the correspondence was edited and published in H. S. Jaquette. South after Gettysburg, See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Gift of Henrietta Stratton Jaquette, 1938. 118. HARMAR, JOSIAH, 1753-1813. Papers, 1681-1855. 10 ft. American army officer. Papers contain orderly books and diary pertaining to the Revolution, but are chiefly concerned with activities against the Indians in the Ohio River region. Material rela- tive to these actions includes correspondence with Secretary of War Knox, Governor Mifflin of Pennsylvania, orders to county brigade inspectors, and business letters, bills and receipts. The cor- respondence of the general's two sons for the first half of the nineteenth century forms a part of the collection. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Purchased, 1936. Names of writers of letters and authors and signers of documents: Adair, Archibald Addison, Alexander Alexander, Hugh Alexander, John Alexander, John Byers Allen, John F. Allison, Richard Andebert, Philip Anderson, Adam Anderson, Richard C. Andrews, Joseph Anthony, Joseph, Jr. Armstrong, George Armstrong, Hannah Armstrong, John Armstrong, John, Jr. Ashe ton, Joseph Astley, Thomas Attwood, Dr. Baird, Absalom Bankson, John Barclay, Thomas Bartholomew, Benjamin Bartholomon, Benedict Baynton, Peter Beardsley, Alexander Beardsley, Margaret Beatty, Erkurius Betheney Town, inhabitants of Biddle, Charles Biddle, Clement Blaine, Ephraim Bond, P. Bo wen, James Bradford, James HARMAR 139 Bradshaw, John Brandon, John Briggs, Edmund Briggs, William Britt, Daniel Brit ton, Thomas Brooke, Clement Brooke, William Brown, Andrew Buckley, Clement A. Buckley, George W. Buky, Paul Burd, Benjamin Butler, Edward Butler, Richard Cadwallader, John Call, Richard Campbell, Charles Carleton, Joseph Carpenter, Samuel L. Carver, John H. Catlin, Putnam Chapman, Samuel Chippewa Chum, Joseph Clark, George Rogers Clarksville, inhabitants of Cochran, Robert Craig, Bethia Craig, John Craig, Thomas Crawford, James Crawford, Josiah Crooks, George Culbertson, John Dallas, Alexander J. Dallas, George Mifflin Dart, John Davis, John Davis and Williams Delaware ( Indians) Delaware and Schuykill Canal Navigation Co. Denny, Ebenezer Denny, Harmar Dickinson, John Dimitry, Alexander Dobson, Thomas Donnaldson, John Dougherty, Barnard Doughty, John Douglass, Ephraim Douglass, Thomas Dove , John Duncan, David Dunlap, James Dunlap and Claypoole Dunlap 1 s Station, inhabitants of Dupuy, John, Jr. Dupuy, Mary Eckert, George Edgar, John Edie, John Edwards, Evan Elliot, John Elliott, Robert Elliott & Williams Emerson, Daniel Ernest, Matthew Erwin, Joseph Erwin, Robert Este*, D. K. Evans, David Far lie, James Fearing, Paul Fenno, John Ferguson, William Finchley, Thomas Finley, John Finney, Walter Fish, Nicholas Ford, Mahlon Ford, Moses Forgett, Charles Franklin, Benjamin Frothingham, Ebenezer Fullerton, Richard Gallaber, James Gallaher, David Gallaher, Margaret Gardner, Richard Garrard, J. D. Gates, Horatio Gibson, John Gibson, Mary Gibson, Thomas Gilkey, William Gilman, Benjamin Ives Gloninger, John Goodman, Alfred T. Govett, William Graff, Jacob Gray, George Gray, George W. Gray, James Gray, Joseph, b. 1696 Gray, Joseph, 1754-1816 Gray, R. G. Gray, William Greene, Nathanael Greenleaf, Isaac Grier, Samuel E. 140 HARMAR [118] Griffin, William Grubb, Edward B. Hamilton, James Hamilton, Thomas Hamtramck, John Francis Hanna, John A. Hanna, Robert Harmar, Charles Harmar, Charles Jenkins Harmar, James Lanman Harmar, Josiah, 1753-1813 Harmar, Josiah, 1802-1848 Harmar, Josiah, 1873- Harmar, Josiah William Harmar, Mary Buckley, Mrs. William Harmar, Sarah Jenkins, Mrs. Josiah Harmar, Sarah Lanman, Mrs. Josiah Harmar, William Harper, John Hart, Harry C. Hartshorn, Asa Harvey, James Hazen, S. Heart, Jonathan Heaton, John Heckewelder, Rev. John G. E. Heister, John Henderson, Andrew Henderson, Thomas Henry, Patrick Her bough, Jacob Heron, James Gordon Herrington, Jacob Hillborn, Jo. Hillegas, Michael Hodgdon, Samuel Horner, J. Hough, Matthias Howard, Samuel Harvey Howell, John, Jr. Howell, Joseph Howell, Joseph, Jr., d. 1798 Hubley, Bernard Hubley, J. Huffnagle, Michael Huntington, Samuel Huron. Chiefs Huster & Aston Huston, Samuel Hutchins, Thomas Ingersoll, Jared Irvine, James Irvine, William Irwin & Whiteman Jackson & Dunn Jeffers, John Jenkins, Charles Jenkins, Hannah Jenkins, Joseph Jenkins, Lydia Jenkins, Mary Gray, Mrs. Charles Jenkins, Phineas, Jr. Jenkins, Stephen Jenkins, William, d. c. 1711 Jenkins, William, 1704-c. 1781 Johns, Frederica Johnson, Henry Johnson, John G. Johnson, Robert Johnston, Francis Johnston, James Johnston, John Johnston, William Jones, George Wallace Jones, Owen Jones, John Rice Kean, John Keiser, Luis Kenly, Charles J. Kenly, William Kennedy, David Kennedy, Joseph C. G. Ker, Joseph Kersey, William Kingsbury, Jacob Kirkpatrick, A. Knight, Joshua Knox, Henry Knox, William Lacassagne, Michael Lamont & Erwin Lane, Derick Lanman, Benjamin Lanman, James Lanman, James Henry Lanman, Mary Anne Latham, Allen Lawrence & Morris Lear, Tobias Lee, Arthur Legras, J. M. P. Leitch, David Lesher, William Lewis, A. H. Lewis, Samuel Library Company of Philadelphia HARMAR 141 Liebert, Phillip Linck, George Lindsay, John Lodge, Benjamin Lofland, Charles Loocherman, Mary Lovell, John M. Luckett, David Ludlow, Israel Lukens, John McConnell, Dennis McCrea, Robert McCully, George McCurdy, William McDowell, Alexander McDowell, John McDowell, Nathan McGannon, Michel McHenry, Dr. James Manderson, Andrew Marmie*, Mr. Martin, Absalom Maryland. Queen Anne County. Referee in chancery. Mease, Robert Melcher, Jacob Mercer, John Meredith, Reese Mifflin, Gov. Thomas Mill Creek Village, inhabitants of Miller, Hannah Miller, Henry Miller, Samuel Mills, John Moore, George H. Moore, Thomas D. Moravian Indians Morgan, Cloe Morgan, George Morgan, Peter Morris, William W. Morrow, Thomas Neilson, Esther La Coste, Mrs. William S. Neilson, Noble C. Neilson, William Smith Nesbitt, J. M. , & Co. Nevill, Presley Nevin, U. ? J. New Jersey. Council and Assembly Nicholas, Mary Jenkins, Mrs. Samuel Nicholas, Samuel Nichols, William Nicholson, John Nicholas, Lewis North, William O'Brien, Michael Morgan O'Hara, James Ohio Company Ohio. Washington, Athens and Gallia counties, landholders of Ohio River Inhabitants of the western side of the Settlers west of the Ottawa Chiefs Kitanokey Owens, David Pace, James Page, S. David Parke, Thomas Parker, Alexander Parker, James Parkhurst, Frederic A. Parrish, John Parsons, William Pemberton, Israel Pemberton, Phineas Pemberton, Robert Penn, John, 1729-1795 Penn, John, Jr. Penn, Richard Penn, William, 1644-1718 Pennsylvania Militia. Philadelphia brigade. Officers Proprietors Supreme Executive Council Westmoreland County. Court of Common Pleas Peters, William Phipp, Stephen Physick, Edmund Plumsted, William Pole, Edward Polk, Jehosaphat Poulson, Zachariah, Jr. Power, William Poyer, John Pratt, John Prevost, Augustine, Jr. Prior, Abner Purviance, John H. Putnam, Benjamin P. Putnam, David Putnam, Douglas Putnam, Rufus 142 HARMAR [118] Redick, David Redman, Mary Rees, James Reiter, George Reynolds, John Rice, John Richards, Charles B. Richardson, Joseph Ridgely, G. W. Rittenhouse, David Roads, Thomas Roberts, John Robins, Obadiah Rogers, James Ross, George, Jr. Ross, James Rudolph, Jacob Rudolph, John St. Clair, Arthur St. Marie, Joseph Sargeant, E. Sargent, Winthrop Saundey, Joseph Schuyler, Dirck Scott, John M. Seckel, David Sedam, Cornelius Ryer Sergeant, W. Sheaff, William Shelby, Evan Shippen, Edward Shippen, John Shoemaker, George Shufflebottom, William Simpson, James Smith, Alfred D. Smith, Ballard Smith, Charles Smith, John Smith, Jos. Smith, William Stephens Smyth, Anthony Society of the Cincinnati Society of the Cincinnati Pennsylvania Spear, Edward Springer, Jacob Sproat, Ebenezer Stagg, John Starr, James Starr, James, & Sons Steele, John W. Sterritt, Benjamin Steuben, Frederick William Augustus Henry Ferdinand, baron von Stolley, John H. Stoy, John Street, Samuel Strong, David Strong & Bartle Sullivan, John Sumner, Joshua Swift, E. S. Swift, Mary Symmes, John Cleves Taitro, Jean-Baptiste Tardiveau, Bartholomew Ternant, Jean-Baptiste Teunise, Capt. (Delaware Indian) Thomas, Eliza Harmar, Mrs. Evan W. Thomas, Evan W. Thomas & Baldwin Thompson, George Thompson, William Thomson, Charles Thornhill, John Todd, Levi Torrence, Joseph Tracy, John Traquair, James, & Co. Trimble, James Truby, Christopher Tudor, George Tupper, Benjamin Turnbull, William Turnbull, Marmie* & Co. Tybout, Andrew United States Army. 1st Regiment. Officers Commissioners of Indian Affairs (Clark, Butler, and Lee) Congress Continental Congress Treasury Board (Osgood, Livingston, and Lee) Vigo, Francis Vincennes American settlers at Poste French inhabitants of Poste Wallace, George Walton, Mathew Ward, Mr. Warfield, M. Watts, Silas Waye, Nicholas Weaver, George Webster, John [119-120] HARPER 143 Wells, Edward Wells, John Wells, William Wescott, Robert Wetzel, Lewis Wheeler, Dennis Whetstone, John White, James Whiton, James Morris Wilkins, Charles Wilkinson, James Willett, Augustin Williams, Ellie Williams, Ennion Williams, Jonathan Williams, Otho Holland Wilson, John Wimer, Henry Wistar, Caspar, Jr. Wolbert, Fred Wood, James Woods, George Woods ide, John Woolsey, Theodore D. Wylie, John Wyllys, John Palgrave Young, John Zane, Ebenezer Zane, William Zeigler, David Zeisberger, Rev. David 119. HARPER, ROBERT GOODLOE, 1765-1825. Letters, 1797-1823. 5 items. American politician; member, U. S. House of Representatives. Three letters to William Sullivan, one to Stephen Van Rensselaer, and one to Mr. Nicholson. Described in the catalogue of the Aldine Book co., summer, 1936, item 183. .See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Purchased, 1936. HARPER, ROBERT GOODLOE, 1765-1825. Reflexoens sobre a questao entre os Estados Unidos, e a Franca offerecidas por Roberto Goodloe Harper ... 1798. 1 item, 280 pages. Manuscript copy. American politician; member, U. S. House of Rep- resentatives. This Portugese translation is from R. G. Harper. Observations on the dispute between the United States and France . . . The name of the translator is not known. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Purchased, 1933. 144 HARTLEY - HASKELL [121-122] 121. HARTLEY, DAVID, 1732-1813. Papers, 1783-1785. British diplomat. The collection consists almost entirely of copies of letters to Charles James Fox and to his successor in the cabinet, the Marquess of Carmarthen, and of letters from these two men. The correspondence pertains to the negotiations between Hartley and Benjamin Franklin in Paris. The correspondence is catalogued in L. Z. Leiter. The Leiter library. A catalogue of the books, manu- scripts and maps relating principally to America . . . With collations and bibliographical notes by Hugh Alexander Morrison. Described in catalogue 4021 of the American art association. Anderson galleries, Feb. 15-16, 1933 (Leiter sale), item 98. See Peckham' s Guide for fuller description. Purchased, 1933. Names of writers of letters: Adams, John Great Britain. Sovereigns. Benson, Egbert George III Boudinot, Elias Hartley, David Calonne, Charles- Jay, John Alexandre de Scott, John M. Carmarthen, Francis Thomson, Charles Osborne, 5th duke of Trumbull, Jonathan, Jr. Leeds, marquess of United States. Continental Clinton, George Congress Fox, Charles James Vergennes, Charles Gravier, Franklin, Benjamin comte de Franklin, William Temple Walker, Thomas Fraser, William Washington, George Great Britain. Merchants interested in trading to Quebec 122. HASKELL, CLINTON H. , 1888-1951, COLLECTOR. Papers, 1778-1948. 1 ft. Papers include three distinct collections: (1) Washington family papers, including 85 items of correspondence, documents and other material relating to various members of the family; (2) William T. Sherman papers, consisting of 110 items of military correspondence relative to the Civil War and to the maintenance of army outposts in the West in the post Civil War period; (3) Civil War HASKELL 145 papers, 230 items, mostly correspondence of military officers. Gift of Mr. Clinton H. Haskell, 1948. Names of writers of letters and authors and signers of documents: Andrews, Stephen H. Annand, Thomas Bacon, Milton E. Banks, Nathaniel P. Baya, William Bayard, Samuel Beall, W. N. R. Beattie, Lawrence Beauregard, Armand Bell, Henry H. Bland, James Boteler, Alex R. Bowers, Theodore S. Breckenridge, John C. Brent. George William Brooke, G. Buchanan, Franklin Buell, Don Carlos Burnside, Ambrose E. Butler, William Cameron, J. W. Carruth, Sumner Chesnut, James, Jr. Clark, Robert Clark, W. T. Clarke, J. M. Cluseret, Gustave Paul Cofer, M. H. Covert, G. Crane, John Crook, W. J. Curtis, M. L. Curtiss, Mary E. Cushing, Nathaniel Custis, George Washington Parke Dahlgren, John A. Davis, Jefferson Dayton, Elias_ Dayton, L. M. De Kay, Drake De Saussure, Wilmot G. Devin, Thomas C. Dinwiddie, Robert Dix, John A. Dulaney, M. H. Duncan, Johnson K. Early, Jubal A. Eason, James M. Eason, W. G. Eastman, Harry E. Eayre, J. W. Elliott, Washington L, Ewell, Richard S. Farragut, D. G. Foote, Andrew H. Forrest, Nathaniel B. Fox, Gustavus Vasa Frankenberry, A. D. Franklin, William B. Fremont, John C. Gadsby, John Gair, Robert Gillmore, Q. A. Gilmore, K. Gist, States Rights Glenn, John W. Gordon, G. T. Gottlieb, Joseph Graham, Alex. Grant, Ulysses S. Greaves, William F. Grierson, Benjamin H. Grubb, E. B. Hale, D. Hale, P. Henry Halleck, Henry W. Hamilton, G. Hampton, Wade Hancock, Winfield S. Harlee, W. W. Hartin, E. Harvey, W. Haskell, E. Heintzelman, Samuel P. Herron, Francis J. Hill, Charles W. Hoke, William J. Howard, James R. Hulsemann, Chevalier Hurlbut, Stephen A. Indino, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Johnson, J. Johnson, James Johnston, Joseph E. Jones, Cyrus Jones, David R. Jordan, Thomas Kearny, Philip 146 HASKELL [122] Keith, James Ketcham, John H. King, John H. Knox, Henry Laurence, John Lee, Fitzhugh Lee, I. G. C. Lee, Mildred Lee, Robert E. Leggett, Mortimer D. Lewis, Eleanor Parke Custis Lewis, Gabriel Lincoln, Abraham Longstreet, James McAllister, A. C. McCann, J. R. McClellan, George McClernand, John A. McDonald, John McDowell, Irvin McElroy, Thomas Mcintosh, Lachlan Mackintosh, John McKnerr, Mason E. McLean, Archibald Manigault, Edward Marshall, Robert Marshller, P. Martin, George William Martindale, John H. Mason, A. P. Massie, Thomas Maury, Dabney Herndon Maxey, E. E. Meade, George C. Mines, John F. Mitchel, Ormsby M. Montgomery, William S. Moore, Cleon Moore, John B. Morand, Pierre Morao, Figaniere Morgandye, R. G. Morris, Robert Mouton, Alfred Mullen, W. G. Murray Muse, Battaile Niernse"e, John R. Norton, S. E. Oladowski, H. Parke, John Pickering, Timothy Pickett, George E. Pier, George W. Pillow, Gideon J. Polk, Leonidas Pope, John J. Porter, David D. Portevent, J. Price, Sterling Quinby, I. F. Rains, George W. Randolph, Edmund Randolph, Thomas Ravenel, A. F. Rawlins, John A. Redman, Vincent Reed, Joseph Reid, S. V. Re i ley, John Reinhardt, J. D. Richardson, T. G. Ripley, R. S. Robertson, T. W. Robertson, William Robinson, William Rosecrans, William S. Ruggles, Daniel Russel, John Sale, John B. Sanford, Edward Sayre, C. L. Schurz, Carl Scott, Winfield Shaw, William C. Sheridan, Philip H. Sherman, Ellen E. Sherman, William Tecumseh Sickles, Daniel E. Sigel, Franz Simpson, William Slidell, John Slocura, Henry W. Smith, Francis W. Smith, Martin Luther Smith S. Sneed, John L. T. Sparks, Jared Spotswood, Alexander Stearnes, George L. Stickney, John B. Strong, William E. Tandy, Moses Taylor, John Taylor, Richard Thomas, George Henry Tinsley, Peter Trumbull, John Tyler, John Van Vliet, Stewart [123-124] HAWAIIAN ISLANDS - HAY 147 Vaughan, A. J. Wager, Archibald Wales, Andrew Wallace, Lewis Washington, Bushrod C. Washington, Charles Washington, Cynthia B. Tucker Washington, Edward Washington, Fredinand Washington, George (Genl.) Washington, George (Capt.) Washington, George (Col.) Washington, George Corbin Washington, George Steptoe Washington, H. A. Washington, J. B. Washington, J. E. Washington, John H. Washington, J. M. Washington, Jane C. Washington, John Augustine Washington, Lawrence Washington, Lund Washington, Marie Washington, Richard, fl. 1832 Washington, Richard, fl. 1846 Washington, S. T. Washington, T. B. Washington, Thomas Washington, William Augustine Washington, William Townshend Watts, N. G. Wayne, Anthony Weed, Thurlow Windsor, John Wise, Henry A. Withers, J. M. Wolcott, Oliver Wool, John E. Worden, John L. 123. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, Papers, 1864. 50 items. Journals, notebooks, maps and pictures relative to the Hawaiian Islands, made by H. Mann, a natural ist who explored various parts of the islands in 1864. Purchased, 1944. 124. HAY, JEHU, d. 1785 Diary, 1763-1765. 1 item, 212 pages British army officer. Diary kept at Detroit from May 1, 1763 to June 6, 1765 includes a day by day account of activity during Pontiac's siege. It was printed anonymously in F. B. Hough, ed. Diary of the siege of Detroit in the war with Pontiac. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Purchased, 1936. 148 HECKER [125] 125. HECKER, FRANK JOSEPH, 1856-1927. Papers, 1891-1904. 1 ft. American army officer. Papers pertain primarily to affairs of the quartermaster's department during the Spanish-American War, and to Colonel Hecker 1 s service as a member of the Isthmian Canal Commission, Gift of Mr. Christian Henry Hecker, 1952. Names of writers of letters and authors and signers of documents: Alger, Russell A. Allen, Charles H. Averill, W. B. Baker, B. N. Bird, Charles Black, W. M. Bliss, Tasker H. Boas, Emil Bourne, H. A. Brooks , John Burr, William H. Butterworth, Frank Carboney, C. Carter, William H. Codd, E. J. Coffin, H. W. Convers and Kirlin Corbin, H. C. Cortelyou, George B, Crawford, Joseph U. Davis, George W. Drake, E. A. Dunn, A. L. Eagan, Charles Gould, E. Sherman Griscom, Clement A. Grunsky, C. Ewald Ham, Samuel V. Hanna, Marcus A. Harrod, B. M. Hay, John Hayes, Rutherford B, Hecker, Frank J. Higbee, F. D. Hoffman, J. Ogden Humphrey, C. F. King, J. B. , Transportation Co. Kirby, Frank E. Loeb, William, Jr. Long, John D. Lord, James Ludington, M. I. McKinley, William McMillan, James Menocal, M. C. Meiklejohn, George D. Miles, Nelson A. Murphy, D. I. Neale, L. C. Orcutt, C. B. Parker, George F. Parsons, William Barclay Parrado, Julian Gonzales Roosevelt, Theodore Schwan, Theo. Scofield, John C. Shafter, William Rufus Smith, R. A. C. Summerhays, John W. Van Akin, D. , and Co. Vanetten Varganes, Ricardo Wade, J. F. Walker, John C. Wallace, John F. Walters, John F. Whiteley, James S. Williams, W. P. Wilson, James H. Woodbury, Urban A. Woodward Young, S. B. M. [126-127] HESSIAN JOURNAL - HOLKER 149 126. HESSIAN JOURNAL, 1776-1784. 1 item, 38 leaves. Journal of an unidentified Hessian soldier in the service of Great Britain in the American Revolution, The narrative includes a record of his departure from Cassel, descriptions of various military actions, observations on some American cities, and an account of his return to Europe. Purchased, 1948. 127. HOLKER, JOHN, 1745-1822. Papers, 1770-1813. 105 items. French consul general in the United States, merchant. Papers reflect mercantile interests of the French consul general, especially after 1781 when he resigned his position to become a business- man in Philadelphia. See Peckham' s Guide for fuller description. Purchased, 1932 and 1947. Names of writers of letters and authors and signers of documents: Bancroft, Edward Barclay, John Basmarein Raimbaux et Cie Bell, Daniel Bert in, Mons. Betbeder, Mons. Bond, George Boulainvilliers, Anne- Gabriel-Henri Bernard, marquis de Chollet Masson et Cie. Churchman, John Cist, Charles DeVienne, Le Marquis Diant, J. Estaing, Charles-Hectcr- The*odat d» Estaing., comte d 1 FitzSimons, Thomas Hill, Henry Holker, John Ingersoll, I. Jolidon, Mons. Joly, L. Lamar, Thomas Latimer, George Laussat, Jean Lavabre* Doerner et Cie. Livingston, Brockholst Livingston, Walter Lory & Plombard Luzerne, Anne-Cgsar, chevalier de la Magnan, Pierre Crose Marmie', Mr. Martan, James Meulan, Mons. (father) Meulan, Mons. (son) Meulan freres Morris, Robert Moylan, Jasper Murray, William Ocknig, Christian Philadelphia County. Court of Common Pleas. Judge John D. Coxe Pricke, D. , & Co. Ross, John Sabatier fils et Despre*s Sullivan, John L. Tardiveau, P. Traversier, Joseph 150 HOPKINSON - HOUSMAN [128-130] Turnbull, William, & Co. Weiss, Lewis United States. Continental Williams, Jonathan Congress. Wyckhoff, Hendrick Committee on Appeals 128. HOPKINSON, JOSEPH, 1770-1842. Puerile essays ... 1787. 1 item, 93 pages. American jurist. Collection of ten essays on a variety of scientific and philosophical subjects, delivered before the Philomathian society of Philadelphia. Gift of Mr. Randolph G. Adams, 1937. 129. HOSKINS, SIR ANTHONY HILEY, 1828-1901. Letter book, 1869-1871. 1 item, 262 pages. British naval officer. Letter book kept on board H.M.S. Eclipse in the West Indies from June 20, 1-869 to September 27, 1871. It contains copies of more than 270 letters, most of them addressed to Vice Admirals Wellesley and Fanshawe, Commodore Courtenay, the governors in the West Indies, and fellow officers. See Peckham' s Guide for fuller description. Purchased, 1925. 130. HOUSMAN, ALFRED EDWARD, 1859-1936. Letters, 1927-1934. 8 items. English scholar and poet. Six letters and two enclosures addressed to Frank E. Robbins of the University of Michigan, discussing the deciphering of the Michigan astrological papyrus. Gift of Mr. Frank E. Robbins, 1937. [131-13 3] HOWE - HUDSON BAY COMPANY 151 131. HOWE, RICHARD HOWE, 1ST EARL, 1726-1799. Instructions, ca. 1776. 1 item, 97 pages. British naval officer. Admiral Lord Howe's official instructions to the British fleet in American waters, comprising signals, order of battle, conduct in battle, and sailing instructions. Described in the catalogue of Parke-Bernet galleries, March 18-19, 1952. Gift of Dr. Otto 0. Fisher, 1952. 132. HOWE, SIR WILLIAM, 1729-1814. Papers, 1775-1778. 6 items. British commander-in-chief in America. This collection contains an orderly book of the commands of General Howe from March 9, 1776, to May 1, 1778, numbering 5 54 pages; a secret letter from Howe to Burgoyne, dated July 17, 1777; three other items of correspondence; and photostats of the pre*cis of Howe's correspondence in the Library of Congress, covering 195 pages. Summaries of correspondence in the precis are arranged by subject matter: correspondence with the secretary of state, measures for the relief of Quebec, measures for reinforcing General Howe, relative to the commission for re- storing peace, Howe's campaign of 1777, state of the army in Canada, 1777; and general precis for 1778. See Peckham' s Guide for fuller description. 133. HUDSON BAY COMPANY. Papers, 1767-1914. 13 items. Papers include five letters, three accounts, and one bill of lading from Hudson Bay company posts; a three page manuscript entitled Considerations on ye Trade in Hudson's Bay; an anonymous memorandum of 56 pages; a manuscript of 47 pages entitled Thoughts on the Furr Trade with the Indians in North America . . . which is bound with Andrew Burnaby. Travels through the middle settlements in North 152 HULST - HUNTINGTON [134-136] America in the years 1759 and 1760. The papers contain descriptions of various fur trade posts and Indian tribes in the Hudson Bay region, as well as notations on prices paid for furs and methods of dealing with the Indians. Purchased, 1949. 134. HULST, CORNELIA STEKETE. Papers, 1927-1935. 7 items. Papers consist largely of correspondence between Mrs. Hulst and former Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany and other members of the royal family. The cor- respondence is chiefly concerned with current events and archaeology. Gift of Mr. Albert Hyma, 1950. 135. HULTON, HENRY, CA. 1731-1791. Sketches, 1773-1776. 1 item, 206 pages. Commissioner of customs, Boston. A collection of nine essays and eight poems on a variety of topics. See Peckham's Guide for fuller description. 136. HUNTINGTON FAMILY. Papers, 1766-1847. 19 items. Miscellaneous letters and documents of the Huntington family of Connecticut. The letters deal with a number of topics, and include one from Samuel Huntington to George Washington, dated February 2, 1781. The documents are shipping mani- fests signed by Jedediah Huntington. Described in the catalogue of the Aldine Book co. summer, 1936, item 202. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Purchased, 1936. [137-138] HUTCHINSON 153 Names of writers of letters Hinsdale, James Hubbard, Joel Huntington, Rev. Daniel Huntington, Rev. E. A. Huntington, Ebenezer Huntington, Erastus Huntington, Hezekiah Huntington, Jabez Huntington, Jedediah Huntington, Samuel Huntington, Simon Niles, R. Perkins, Erastus Tinker, Daniel 137. HUTCHINSON, THOMAS, 1711-1780. Addresses, 1771-1773. 2 items. Colonial governor of Massachusetts. Two addresses to the Council and the House of Representatives. One is dated May 30, 1771, and is a signed copy, two pages. The other is dated January 6, 177 3, and is ten pages in length. It is printed in The speeches of His Excellency Governor Hutchinson to the General Assembly of the Massachusetts Bay . . . Boston, 1773. Letters from Hutchinson may be found in the Shelburne papers (no. 251), the Wedderburn papers (no. 293), and the Gage papers (no. 95). See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. 138. HUTCHINSON, THOMAS, 1711-1780. Diary extracts, 1774-1780. 1 item, 57 pages. Colonial governor of Massachusetts. Diary extracts copied under the direction of John Hutchinson, ca. 1828. About 75 pages of the diary are made up of Governor Hutchinson 1 s letters marked for insertion under their proper dates. The contents of this transcript were published in P. O. Hutchinson, comp. The diary and letters of His Excellency Thomas Hutchinson ... 2 v. There are minor differences in the two works. Described in the catalogue of the American art association, April 11, 1918 (Hutchinson sale), item 88 ; and in catalogue 2075 of the Anderson galleries, May 17-18, 1926 (Williams sale), item 830. See Peckham' s Guide for fuller description. 154 JAPAN - JEFFERSON [139-142] 139. JAPAN. Amerika kokusho jisan no ken no of lire dome. [In- structions for receiving the accredited mission from America., ca. 1853. 1 item, 25 pages. Japanese manuscript relating to confidential in- structions for Perry 1 s reception in Japan. Purchased, 1950. 140. JAPAN. Hyo ryu danki. [The strange story of a castaway., Nagasaki, 1852. 1 item, 112 pages. A contemporary account of the adventures of three Japanese castaways to American in 1841. Hand il- lustrations include maps of their travels, clothes, American steamship and train. Purchased, 1949. 141. JAPAN. Kobei nichir ku. [Diary of a voyage to America., 1861. 1 item, ca. 700 pages. A detailed account of the first official Japanese mission to the United States written by one of the party. Included are descriptions of the voyage, of Hawaii and California, and events in Washington and New York. Purchased, 1949. 142. JEFFERSON, THOMAS, PRES. U. S. , 1743-1826. Correspondence, 1780-1825. 45 items. Five letters from Jefferson to Hugh H. Bracken- ridge, Stephen Van Rensselaer, Captain Cutting, John Mason, and a bookdealer. Forty letters to [143] JEFFERYS AND FADEN 155 Jefferson concerning scientific, agricultural, political and philosophical topics. Twelve of the letters were addressed to him while he was president The forty letters to Jefferson are described in the catalogue of the American art association, January 21-22, 1926, item 322 ( Turner-Munn sale). See Peckham' s Guide for fuller description. Acquired upon settlement of the Clements estate, 1937. Names of writers of letters: Churchman, John Jefferson, Thomas Jones, Dr. Calvin Kneeland, Benjamin Marshall, Thomas Mazzei, Philip Mitchell, Andrew C. Nash, Melatiah Nourse, Gabriel Oliver, Andrew, Jr. Overton, Samuel Pearce, William Pleasants, Robert Scales, William Schultz, William Short, Peyton Small, Abraham Smith, Francis Gurney Sproat, P. W. Story, Rev. Isaac Strickland, William Swift, Joseph Gardner Tatham, William Taylor, Hugh P. Thomson, William Tracy, Elisha Vaughan, Samuel Welles, Charles F. Williston, Ebenezer Bancroft Wingate, William 143. JEFFERYS AND FADEN. Business correspondence, 1773-1783. 84 items. Geographers to the king. Letters from continental map makers, engravers, dealers, and collectors in Paris, Turin, Venice, Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Leyden, Berne, and Berlin. Described in the catalogue of Henry Stevens, Son and Stiles, new series 23, 1936, item 19. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Purchased, 1936. Names of writers of letters: Aberli, Johann Ludwig Allamand, Prof. Anville, Jean-Baptiste Bourguignon d 1 Baudouin, Simon-Rene* Beseke, C. W. Boucher, Mons. Boudet, A. Buache, Phillippe Chrysologue, Noel -Andre", pere Covens, Johannes Covens, Mortier, et Covens, Jr. Demanne, Mons. Famitt, W. Haak et Cie. Julien, Roch- Joseph 156 JESUITS - JONES [144-146] Lamers, George Robert de Vaugondy, Didier Lattre", J. Tielike, Capt. F. G. Mortier, Cornells Verrier, Jan Naudd, Mons. Zannoni, Giovanni Antonio Perrier et Verrier Rizzi- Reycend f re res 144. JESUITS. LETTERS FROM MISSIONS (PHILIPPINE ISLANDS) Carta annua de la Provincia de Philippinas De la Compania de Jesus del ano De 1615. 1 item, 13 2 pages. Manuscript presenting a detailed study of the Jesuit missions in the Philippine islands in 1615. Purchased, 1950. 145. JOHNS, JAMES, 1797-1874. Papers, 1857-1865. 10 items. Vermont printer. Copies of Johns' pen printed newspaper, the Vermont autograph and remarker, containing articles on political topics. Letters, poems, and an essay on Abraham Lincoln are also included. Purchased, 1935. 146. JONES, JOHN PAUL, 1747-1792. Papers, 1778-1791. Typescript. 28 items. Naval officer. Correspondence concerning silver plate from the estate of the Earl of Selkirk. The originals of this correspondence are at Manor House, St. Mary's Isle, Kirkudbright , Scotland. Gift of George and Hazel Schermerhorn, 1944. Names of writers of letters: Daer, Lord Jones, John Paul Elliot, Mary Le Despencer, Lord Herries and co. Mackenzie, Kenneth Jeffrey, Robert Maxwell, Sir Robert [147] VON JUNGKENN 157 Nesbitt, Jonathan Pulteney, William Selkirk, Lord Selkirk, Lady Helen 147. JUNGKENN, FRIEDRICH KRISTIAN ARNOLD VON, 1732-1806. Papers, 1775-1784. Minister of state, Hesse-Cassel . Letters, diaries, and military returns of various officers among the Hessian troops hired by Great Britain during the Revolution. Letters from Major Baurmeister to von Jungkenn have appeared in translation in The Pennsylvania magazine of history and biography, v.59, p. 392-419, and v. 60, p. 34-52, 161-183; reprinted as C. L. Baurmeister. Letters from Major Baurmeister . . . edited by Bernhard A. Uhlendorf and Edna Vosper. Other von Jungkenn papers were published in B. A. Uhlendorf, ed. and trans. The siege of Charleston, with an account of the province of South Carolina: diaries and letters of Hessian officers from the von Jungkenn papers in the William L. Clements Library. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Purchased, 1932. Names of writers of letters: Baurmeister, Carl Leopold von Benning, Friedrich Ludwig von Bentheim, Carl Heinrich Bickell, Alexander Wilhelm Borck, Heinrich von Bose, Carl von Brauns, Johann Heinrich Clinton, Sir Henry Cochenhausen, Johann Friedrich von Cornwallis, Charles Cornwallis, 1st marquess and 2nd earl Donop, Christian Friedrich von Du Buy, J. Christian Endemann, Johann Wilhelm G. Eptingen, Anton von Eschwege, Friedrich von Ewald, Johann von Fenner, H. C. Fischer, Johann Jacob Gironcourt de Vomecourt, Charles Auguste de Gosen, Carl Uphraim von Hachenberg, Friedrich von Hartung, Johann Christian Gerhard Hatzfeld, Herr Henkelmann, Johann Heinrich Heymell, Carl Philipp Howe, Sir William, 5th viscount Howe Huyn, Johann Christoph von Jungkenn, Friedrich Christian Arnold, freiherr von Knoblauch, Hans von Knyphausen, Wilhelm, freiherr von Kohler, Johann Christoph von Kospoth, Heinrich Julius von Lengercke, Georg Emmanuel von Linder, Friedrich Carl Ludwig von Loewenstein, Wilhelm von Loos, Johann August von Lorentz, Johann Georg Lossberg, Friedrich Wilhelm, freiherr von 158 KENNEDY - KNOX [148-149] Lotheissen, J. J. Martini, Melchior Motz, H. R. O'Reilly, Maj. Platte, Friedrich von Porbeck, Friedrich von Prueschenck, Ernst Carl von Rabenau, Christian Friedrich Romrod, Carl Christoph von Schallern, Ludwig von Scheffer, Franz Schirmer, Philip Schlemmer, Arnold Schmidt, Johann Philip Schmidt, Martin Conrad Schuler, Friedrich Heinrich von Seitz, Franz Karl von Seume, Johann Gottfried Stirn, Johann Daniel von Urff, Christian Friedrich von Waldenberg, Michael Peter Wangenheim, Friedrich Adam Julius von Wernicke, L. Westerhagen, Maximilian von Wiedeburg, Herr Wiederholdt, Andreas Wilmowsky, Wilhelm von Wurmb, Friedrich Wilhelm von Wurmb, Ludwig Johann Adolph von Wurmb, Philip von 148. KENNEDY, WILLIAM. Petition, 1752-1753. 1 item, 260 pages. Contemporary copy of the petition and appeal of William Kennedy of Barbadoes to the British Privy Council, February 7, 1753, against the decree in the case brought by Sir John Gay Alleyne and Thomas Nicholas. It is followed by copies of the papers in the case of Alleyne and Nicholas V. Kennedy, 17 52, over debts and ownership of the estate of George Nicholas of Barbadoes. Described in the catalogue of Sotheby and co., May 19-23, 1913, item 233. Phillipps Ms. 17095. See Peckham' s Guide for fuller description. Purchased, 1928. 149. KNOX, WILLIAM, 1732-1810 Papers, 1757-1809. 3 ft. British statesman; undersecretary of state for America. Correspondence chiefly concerned with American affairs prior to the end of the American Revolution. Later correspondence is largely con- cerned with Loyalist land claims. The collection. [149] KNOX 159 with the exception of about 120 letters is calen- dared in the Historical manuscripts commission. Report on manuscripts in various collections, v. 6, p. 81-296. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Purchased, 1931. Names of writers of letters: Agar, Charles, baron and viscount Somerton, earl of Norman ton Amherst, Sir Jeffery Amherst, baron Atkinson, Richard Bathurst, Henry Bathurst, 2nd earl Blaquiere, Sir John, baron de Blaquiere Buckingham, George Nugent- Temple-Grenville, 3rd earl Temple, 1st marquess of Burke, Richard Campbell, Sir Archibald Campbell, Lord Frederick Clarendon, Thomas Villiers, 1st earl of Clive, Robert Clive, baron Cooke , Edward Cooper, Sir Grey Cressener, George Cuninghame, Robert Dartmouth, William Legge , 2nd earl of De Grey, Thomas, 2nd baron Walsingham D'Oyly, Christian Eden, William, 1st baron Auckland Ellis, Henry Ellis, Welbore, 1st baron Mendip Fanning, Edmund Faulkner, Thomas Fisher, John Ford, William Germain, George Sackville, 1st viscount Sackville Gorman, Fort. Graves, Thomas, 1st baron Graves Great Britain Army in America. Army under Clinton Board of Trade Parliament House of Commons Great Britain - continued Parliament - continued House of Lords Sovereigns. George III Grenville, George Haldimand, Sir Frederick Hardwicke , Philip Yorke , 2nd earl of Harold, Edmund, baron de Has t ings , Thomas Hawkshaw, John Hemmings, Matthew Heron, Sir Richard Herschel, Sir William Hillsborough, Wills Hills, 1st marquess of Downshire, 1st earl of Hutchins , Thomas Johnstone, George Knox, William Leonard , George Lyttelton, William Henry, 1st baron Lyttelton Mayne , Edward Molleson, William Montcalm-Gozon, Louis- Joseph de, marquis de Saint-Ve*ran Nepean, Sir Evan, 1st bart. North, Frederick North, 2nd earl of Guilford, baron North, George Augustus, 3rd earl of Guilford Northumberland, Hugh Percy, 1st duke of Northumberland, Hugh Percy, 2nd duke of Nugent, Robert Nugent Craggs, 1st viscount Clare, 1st earl Nutt, John O'Brien, Sir Lucius Henry, 3rd bart. Parnell, Sir John, 2nd bart. Pery, Edmund Sexton Pery, 1st viscount Pownall, John 160 KORAN - LACAITA [150-151] Prince Edward Island Assembly Assembly. Committee of Correspondence Council Rawdon, Francis Rawdon- Hastings, 1st marquess of Hastings, 2nd earl of Moira, baron Robertson, James Robinson, John Rodney, Sir George Brydges Rodney, 1st baron Rose, George Sandwich, John Montagu, 4th earl of Scott, John, baron Earlsfort, earl of Clonmell Sheffield, John Baker Holroyd, 1st earl of Skelton, Philip Smith, Samuel Stikeman, Thomas J. Stuart, John Temple, Richard Temple Grenville, 2nd earl Thurlow, Edward Thurlow, 1st baron Townshend , George Townshend, 4th viscount and 1st marquess Townshend, Hon. Charles Tucker, Rev. Josiah United States. Continental Congress Watson, William White, Henry 150. KORAN. Illuminated manuscript of part of the Koran, written in Fez, Morocco, in the eleventh century. Part of the volume is a literary work of Persian origin. Gift of Mr. R. B. Brown, 1948. 151. LACAITA, SIR JAMES PHILIP, 1813-1895, COLLECTOR. Papers, 1692-1885. 1 ft. Bibliographer. Miscellaneous autograph collection built up by Sir James Lacaita and his son. The papers consist largely of unconnected letters, but contain many items addressed to Lord Shelburne which are related to the material found in the Shelburne papers ( no. 251) . Described in the catalogue of Sotheby and co., April 23-25, 1934, and November 14, 1934. See Peckham' s Guide for fuller description. Purchased, 1934. [151] LACAITA 161 Names of writers of letters and authors and signers of documents: Abercromby, James, 1st baron Dunferline Aberdeen, George Gordon, 3rd earl of Aberdeen, George Hamilton Gordon, 4th earl of Abingdon, Willoughby Bertie, 4th earl of Adair, Sir Robert Adolphus, John Leycester Aide, Charles Hamilton Albert, prince consort of Queen Victoria Aldborough, Edward Stratford, 2nd earl of Anglesey, Henry William Paget, 1st marquess of Anson, George Anson, 1st baron Arbuthnot, Charles Argyll, John Campbell, 5th duke of Arnold, Benedict Ashburton, Alexander Baring, 1st baron Ashburton, John Dunning, 1st baron Austin, Alfred Austin, John Bagehot, Walter Baillie, William Bancroft, Edward Banfield, Thomas Baring, Sir Francis Barklay, David Barrington, Samuel Bateman, John Bateman, 2nd viscount Bath, Thomas Thynne, 1st marquess of Bathurst, Henry Bathurst, 3rd earl Beaufort, Henry Somerset, 5th duke of Bell, Sir Charles Berkeley, Frederick Augustus Berkeley, 5th earl of Berkeley, Rev. George Bindley, James Bingham, William Black, Adam Blackstone, Sir William Blewitt, Octavian Bolton, Thomas Orde, 1st baron Bridport, Alexander Hood, 1st viscount Bright, John Bristol, Augustus John Hervey, 3rd earl of Brougham & Vaux, Henry Peter Brougham, baron Broughton, John Cam Hobhouse, 1st baron Brown, John Bruce, J. L. Knight Buchan, David Stewart Erskine, 11th earl of Buckingham, George Nugent- Temple Grenville, 3rd earl Temple, 1st marquess of Buckle, Henry Thomas Buhler, Baron Bulloch, John W. Bunbury, E. H. Bunbury, Sir Henry Edward, 7th bart. Bunbury, Sir William, 5th bart. Bute, John Stuart, 3rd earl of Bute, John Stuart, viscount Mountstuart, 4th earl of and 1st marquess of Butler, Henry Edward Camden, Sir Charles Pratt, 1st baron and 1st earl of Campbell, John Campbell, 1st baron Campbell, Martin Carleton, Thomas Carlisle, Frederick Howard, 5th earl of Carmarthen, Francis Osborne, 5th duke of Leeds, marquess of Cass, Lewis Cavendish, Henry Cavendish, Sir William, 2nd earl of Burlington, 7th duke of Devonshire Chambers, Robert Charlemont, James Caulefield, 4th viscount and 1st earl of 162 LACAITA [151] Chatham, Lady Hester Grenville Pitt, countess of Chester, John Chichester, Thomas Pelham, 1st earl of Clapham, John Clarendon, George William Frederick Villiers, 4th earl of Clarendon, K. Clarendon, Thomas Villiers, 1st earl of Clarke, Edward Daniel Clavering, Thomas Clinton, Sir Henry Cobden, Richard Cockburn, Henry Thomas Cockburn, lord Cockburn, Sir Alexander James Edmund Colebrooke, Sir George Coleridge, Sir John Taylor Cope, William Copleston, Rev. Edward Cornwall, Charles Wolf ran Count, William a Coxe, William Cranworth, Robert Monsey Rolfe, 1st baron Craven, R. K. Croker, John Wilson Dalhousie, George Ramsay, 8th earl of Dampier, Rev. Thomas Dartrey, Lord Delane, John T. Denison, William Denman, Thomas Denman, 1st baron Dennistoun, James Devonshire, Georgiana Spencer Cavendish, duchess of Devonshire, William Spencer Cavendish, 6th duke of Digges, Thomas Dimsdale, Dr. Thomas Dobbs, Francis D'Orsay, Alfred Guillaume Gabriel, comte Dorset, John Frederick Sackville, 3rd duke of Doyle, Sir Francis Hastings Charles, 2nd bart. Drake, Sir Francis Samuel, 1st bart. Duckworth, Sir John Thomas, 1st bart. Dundas, Sir James Whitely Deans Dundas, Sir Lawrence, 1st bart. Eardley, Sir Culling Eardley Eastlake, Lady Elizabeth Eden, Sir John, 4th bart. Eden, William, 1st baron Auckland Edgeworth, Richard Lovell Effingham, Thomas Howard, 9th baron Howard, 3rd earl of Egmont, John Perceval, 2nd earl of Egremont, Sir Charles Wyndham, 2nd earl of Elgin, Thomas Bruce, 7th earl of Ellice, Edward Elliot, Hugh Elphinstone, Mountstuart Eon de Beaumont, Charles- Genevieve -Louis -Auguste- Andre'-Timothe'e d 1 Ernie, Sir John Erskine, Thomas Erskine, 1st baron Essex, William Anne Capell, 4th earl of Everett, Edward Eversley, Charles Shaw- Lefevre, viscount Ferrers, Robert Shirley, 6th earl of Fonblanque, Albany Fonblanque, Edward Barrington de Forster, John Fox, Charles James Fox, Sir Stephen Frost, John Garbett, Samuel Girdlestone, Charles Gledhill, John Gordon, Alexander, 4th duke of Gordon, Lord George Grafton, Augustus Henry Fitzroy, 3rd duke of Graham, Sir James Robert George [151] LACAITA 163 Grantham, Thomas Robinson, 1st baron Grantham, Thomas Robinson, 2nd baron Granville, Lord Granville Leveson-Gower, 1st earl Great Britain Admiralty Sovereigns George III Victoria Stamp Commissioners Treasury Greg, William Rathbone Grenville, George Grenville, James Grenville, Thomas Grenville, William Wyndham Grenville, 1st baron Grey, Charles Grey, 2nd viscount Howick, 2nd earl Griffith, Holland Grosvenor, Richard Grosvenor, 1st earl Guilford, Francis North, 7th baron North, 1st earl of Guilford, Frederick North, 5th earl H., T. Halifax, George Montagu Dunk, 2nd earl of Hamilton, Douglas Douglas, 5th duke of Brandon, 8th duke of Hamilton, George Hamond, Sir Andrew Snape, 1st bart. Hardwicke, Philip Yorke, 2nd earl of Harland, Sir Robert, 1st bart. Harris, James Hawke, Martin Bladen Hawke, 2nd baron Hawtrey, Edward Craven Hayward, Dr. George Henderson, Sir John Hereford, R. D. Herries, Sir Robert Hervey, Lord Arthur Charles Hillsborough, Wills Hill, 1st marquess of Downshire, 1st earl of Holland, Elizabeth Vassall Fox, baroness Holland, Henry Fox, 1st baron Holland, Henry Richard Vassall Fox, 3rd baron Holland, Henry Fox, 4th baron Holmes, Thomas Holmes, 1st baron Hood, Sir Samuel Hood, 1st viscount Hook, Theodore Hope, John Horner, Francis Horner, Samuel Hort, Sir John, 1st bart. Howard, George Edmond Howard, Henry Howe, Richard Howe, 4th viscount and 1st earl Hut ton, C. Hut ton, James Jackman, Isaac Jackson, Robert J. Jackson, W. James, Walter Jeffrey, Francis Jeffrey, lord Jekyll, Joseph Jesse, Edward Jones, Dr. Henry Bence Jones, John Winter Jones, Sir William Kay-Shuttleworth, Sir James Phillips, 1st bart. Keble, John Keith, Sir Robert Murray Kent County (England) Members of Parliament Kenyon, Lloyd Kenyon, 1st baron Keppel, Augustus Keppel, 1st viscount Killaloe, William Kinglake, Alexander William Knight, Henry Gaily Knight, Richard Payne Lamb, John Lang, A. Lansdowne, Henry Petty- Fitzmaurice, 4th earl of Kerry, 3rd marquess of Lauderdale, James Maitland, 7th earl of Laurens, Henry Lennox, George Henry Lewes, Sir Watkin 164 LACAITA [151] Lewis, Sir George Cornewall 2nd bart. Lifford, James Hewitt, 1st viscount Liverpool, Charles Jenkinson, 1st baron Hawkesbury, 1st earl of Liverpool, Robert Banks Jenkinson, 2nd earl of Lockhart, John Gibson London, C. T. Longman, Thomas Lowe, Robert, 1st viscount Sherbrook Lushington, Henry Lyndhurst, G. Lyons, Edmund Lyons, 1st baron Maddison, John Mallet, John Lewis Malmesbury, Sir James Harris, viscount Fitz- harris, 1st earl of Manchester, George Montagu, 4th duke of Mann, Sir Horace, 1st bart. Marlborough, Charles Spencer, 5th earl of Sunderland, 3rd duke of Marlborough, George Spencer, 4th duke of Mathews, George Maynard, Lord Melbourne, William Lamb, 2nd viscount Merry, Anthony Methuen, Lord Milman, Henry Hart Minto, Sir Gilbert Elliot, 1st earl of Minto, Gilbert Elliot, 2nd earl of Montagu, George Brudenell Montagu, 4th earl of Cardigan, 1st duke of Monteagle, Thomas Spring- Rice, 1st baron Morgann, Maurice Morton, Charles Mountnorris, Arthur Annesley, 8th viscount Valentia, 1st earl of Mulgrave, Henry Phipps, 3rd baron and 1st earl of Murray, Sir John Archibald, lord Murray Napier, Sir Charles Napier, Mark Nash, Treadway Russell Neaves, Charles Neaves, lord Nepean, Sir Evan, 1st bart. Newcastle, Thomas Pelham- Holles, 1st duke of Newcastle, Henry Fiennes Clinton, 9th earl of Lincoln, 2nd duke of Newhaven, Sir William Mayne, 1st baron North, Frederick North, 2nd earl of Guilford, baron Northumberland, Hugh Percy, 1st duke of Norton, R. Wilmot Orde, Sir John, 1st bart. Orford, George Walpole, 3rd earl of Orford, Horace Walpole, 4th earl of Oswald, James Oxford, Edward Harley, 4th earl of Oxford, Robert Harley, 1st earl of Paget, Sir Arthur Paget, Sir Edward Palfrey, John Gorham Palk, Sir Robert, 1st bart. Palliser, Sir Hugh, 1st bart. Palmerton, E. Palmers ton, Henry John Temple, 3rd viscount Panizzi, Sir Anthony Paoli, Pasquale de Parish, Sir Woodbine Paulet, Harry, 6th duke of Bolton, 11th marquis of Winchester Peel, Sir Robert, 1st bart. Pelham, Charles Pembroke, Henry Herbert, 10th earl of Perceval, Spencer Pery, Edmund Sexton Pery, 1st viscount Phillimore, Sir Robert Joseph, 1st bart. [151] LACAITA 165 Piereville, Chevalier de Plunket, William Conyngham Plunket, 1st baron Portland, William Henry Cavendish Bentinck, 3rd duke of Pretzman, Mr. Prior, Sir James Pultsby, Francis Ravensworth, Sir Henry Liddell, 1st baron Richardson, James Richmond and Lennox, Charles Lennox, 3rd duke of Rochford, William Henry Zuylestein, 4th earl of Rockingham, Charles Watson-Wentworth, 2nd marquess of Rodney, Sir George Brydges Rodney, 1st baron Romilly, John Romilly, 1st baron Romilly, Sir Samuel Rose, William Stewart Russell, Alexander Rutland, Charles Manners, 4th duke of Ryan, Samuel St. Helens, Alleyne Fitzherbert, 1st baron St. Leonards, Edward Burtenshaw Sugden, 1st baron St. Vincent, Sir John Jervis, 1st earl of Sandwich, John Montagu, 4th earl of Selkirk, Dunbar Douglas- Hamilton, 4th earl of Selwyn, George Augustus Senior, Nassau William Sheil, Richard Lalor Shelburne, William Petty, 1st marquess of Lansdowne, 2nd earl of Sherbrooke, Robert Lowe, 1st viscount Sidmouth, Henry Addinton, 1st viscount Sinclair, Sir John, 1st bart . Smith, Adam Spencer, Lord Charles Spencer, Lord Robert Squibb, Arnold Stanhope, Charles Stanhope, 3rd earl Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn Stefan, C. Stephen, Sir James Sterling, John Sterling-Maxwell, Sir William Strafford, Thomas Wentworth, 3rd earl of Stratford de Redcliffe, Stratford Canning, 1st viscount Swiney, John Talbot, Richard Talbot, 1st baron Tal ley rand -Per igord, Charles Maurice de Tankerville, Charles Bennet, 3rd earl of Taylor, H. Taylor, Sir Henry Taylor, Tom Temple, Richard Temple Grenville, 2nd earl Temple, W. Thornton, Sir Edward Thurlow, Edward Thurlow, 1st baron Townshend, George Townshend, 4th viscount and 1st marquess Trench, Richard Chenevix Truro, Thomas Wilde, 1st baron Tryon, William Tupper, M. F. Twopenny, William Tytler, Patrick Fraser Vaughan, Benjamin Verney, Ralph Verney, 2nd earl Vernon, George John Warren, 5th baron Villiers, Charles Pelham Visconti-Venosta, Emilia, marche'se Wallace, George Waller, W. Warren, Sir John Borlase Warwick, George Greville, 2nd earl of Wellesley, Richard Colley Wellesley, 2nd earl of Mornington, 1st marquess of Wellwood, Sir Henry Moncrieff, 8th bart. 166 LAHONTAN - LANSDOWNE [152-153] Wensleydale, Sir James Wilson, Charles Heath Parke, 1st baron Windham, William Westbury, Richard Bethell, Winter, J. 1st baron Worsley, Sir Richard, Westmoreland, John Fane, 7th bart. 10th earl of Wreford, Henry Whately, Rev. Richard Wright, Justice Sampson White, Joseph Blanco Wynn, Sir Watkins Williams- Whiteside, James 4th bart. Wilberforce, William Young, Thomas Wilmot, Sir John Eardley 152. LAHONTAN, LOUIS ARMAND DE LOM D» ARCE, BARON DE, 1666-1715? Brief Discours qui montre en substance Combien il seroit important de reusser dans deux entreprises proposees et contenues en le memoire. ca. 17 03. 1 item, 12 pages. Plan offered by Lahontan to the British for control of North America. Phillipps Ms. 8684. Gift of The Clements Library Associates, 1951. 153. LANSDOWNE, HENRY PETTY FITZMAURICE, 3D MARQUIS OF, 1780-1863. Letters, 1806-1835. 71 items. English statesman; chancellor of the exchequer. Letters from Marquis and Lady Lansdowne to the Reverend and Mrs. William Lisle Bowles. The Rev- erend Mr. Bowles was vicar of Bremhill, Wiltshire Other letters by the 3d Marquis of Lansdowne will be found in the Lacaita papers (no. 151), the Melville papers (no. 174), and the Russell papers (no. 239) . Described in the catalogue of Sotheby and co., March 23-24, 1936, item 415. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Purchased, 1936. [154-156] LATIN AMERICA - LEAR 167 154. LATIN AMERICA. Papers, 1644-1882. ca. 50 items. Letters, documents, notebooks, and account books relating to various Latin American countries. Other manuscripts will be found in the Guatemala papers (no. 113), and the Yucatan papers (no. 302). Purchased, 1949. 155. LEAR, TOBIAS, 1762-1816. Diary, 1799-1801. Photostat. 1 item, 58 pages. Private secretary to George Washington. The diary contains an account of Washington 1 s death and funeral similar to that in the manuscript, (no. 156). There are no entries for the year 1800 Entries in 1801 concern his appointment as Consul General to Santo Domingo, and his subsequent voyage there. The original diary belongs to Mr. R. Keith Kane of New York. See Peckham' s Guide for fuller description. Gift of Mr. R. Keith Kane, 1931. 156. LEAR, TOBIAS, 1762-1816. A minute account of the last sickness and death of George Washington, 1799. 1 item, 12 pages. Private secretary to George Washington. An ac- count of Washington's last illness, relating the manner of his taking cold, his increasing sickness, Martha Washington's anxiety, his last words, and the funeral ceremonies. The manuscript was pub- lished in W. C. Ford, ed. The writings of George Washington. 14 v. See Peckham' s Guide for fuller description. 168 LE CLERC LEE [157-158] 157. LE CLERC, SEBASTIEN, 1637-1714. Pratique de la Geometrie. Par Mr S: Le Clerc. A son excellence William Tryon Gouverneur de la Nouvelle York. Copie* Par C. J. Sauthier 1774. 1 item, 214 pages. Parisian engraver. Manuscript copy of Se*bastien Le Clerc. Pratique de la ge"ometrie sur le papier ... 1669. See Peckham' s Guide for fuller description. Purchased, 1935. 158. LEE FAMILY. Papers, 1763-1817. 1 ft. Political and family correspondence of John Lee, 1733-1793, and his wife, Mary Hutchinson Lee, to whom most of the letters after 1793 are addressed. Correspondence prior to 1793 concerns the leading political issues in England during that period. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Names of writers of letters and authors and signers of documents: Addison, William Albemarle, George Thomas Keppel, 6th earl of Allen, John Ashburton, Elizabeth Baring Dunning, baroness Ashburton, John Dunning, 1st baron Ashburton, Richard Barre* Dunning, 2nd baron Blackburne, Francis Burke , Edmund Busk, Edward Busk, Lady S. Vane Busk, Sir Wadsworth Carhampton, John Luttrell- Olmius, 3rd earl of Colman, George Coulthurst, M. Darlington, Henry Vane, 4th baron Barnard, 2nd earl of "Durham, A citizen of" Durham County. Grand Jury Durham County Court Eden, Eleanor Elliot, baroness Auckland Eden, Sir John, 4th bart, Eden, William, 1st baron Auckland Eldon, John Scott, 1st earl of Erskine, Frances Moore Erskine, baroness Erskine, Thomas Erskine, 1st baron Fitzwilliam, William Wentworth Fitzwilliam, 2nd earl Fox, Charles James Grose, Francis Home Tooke, John Hotham, Beaumont Hotham, 2nd baron Jackson, Cyril Jolliffe, William Keppel, Augustus Keppel, 1st viscount Lee , John LEXINGTON 169 Lee, Mary Hutchinson, Mrs. John Lee, Mary Tabitha Leigh, Egerton Lincoln' s Inn. Council Lindsey, Theophilus Lister, Rebecca Feilding, baroness Ribblesdale Lister, Thomas, 1st baron Ribblesdale Long North, Dudley Milbanke, Sir Ralph Miller, Jane Riggs North, Frederick North, 2nd earl of Guilford, baron Paley, William Pitt, William Portland, William Henry Cavendish Bentinck, 3rd duke of Rainsford, Charles Rigby, Richard Rockingham, Charles Watson-Wentworth, 2nd marquess of Rockingham, Mary Bright Watson-Wentworth, marchioness of St. Vincent, Sir John Jervis, 1st earl of Savile, Sir George, 8th bart. Scott, William, baron St owe 11 Shelburne, William Petty, 1st marquess of Lansdowne, 2nd earl of Shoolbred, Henry Strickland, James Thurlow, Edward Thurlow, 1st baron Wallace, James Wedderburn, Alexander, 1st baron Loughborough, 1st earl of Rosslyn Wentowrth, Lady Charlotte Wilkes, John Wyvill, Christopher York and Albany, Prince Frederick Augustus, duke of 159. LEXINGTON, MASS. Papers relating to the Battle of Lexington, 1775 24 items. Papers contain a set of twenty statements regard- ing the actions at Lexington and Concord bridge, made upon the order of the Massachusetts provin- cial congress, for the purpose of establishing the fact that the British fired first. They have been printed in American archives, 4th series, v. 2, 490 ff., and elsewhere. Another item in the collec- tion is a document stating the names of men who were killed or wounded in the actions of April 19. Also included is a copy of a letter from Joseph Palmer of the Watertown committee of safety to Captain Philip Mortimer, dated April 19. The copy is endorsed by Silas Deane and was used to announce the beginning of hostilities with Britain. The twenty statements are described in the Ander- son galleries catalogue 2026, January 19-20, 1926 (Manning sale), item 523. The document listing those killed and wounded is included in American art association. Anderson galleries catalogue 4367, January 25-26, 1938, item 22. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. 170 LINCOLN - LOPEZ DE VARGAS MACHUCA [160-162] 160. LINCOLN, ABRAHAM, PRES. U. S., 1809-1865. Papers, 1856-1863. 4 items. Papers contain one letter and one photostat of a letter concerning Lincoln' s acceptance of an invi- tation to attend a political meeting in Kalamazoo, Michigan in 18 56, and two documents to Orrin E. Davis also signed by Edwin M. Stanton. 161. LITTLE, NATHANIEL, D. 1835. Journal, 1802. 1 item, 129 pages. Explorer. Journal of a trip from Blandford, Massachusetts, to the central part of Ohio and back again, dating from July 30 to October 7, 1802, in the interest of the Scioto Company. See Peckham* s Guide for fuller description. Gift of Mrs. R. J. Mefford, 1935. 162. LOPEZ DE VARGAS MACHUCA, TOMAS, 1731-1802. Descripcion de la Provincia de Guatemala, pre- sentala al Rey nuestro sefior, por mano del excelen- tisimo sefior Marques de Grimaldi, D. Tom£s Lopez y Vargas, Geografo de S. M. , de sus Reales Academias de S. Fernando, de la de Buenas Letras de Sevilla, y de la Sociedad Bascongada, 1773. 1 item, 22 pages. Spanish geographer. Description and map of Guatemala. Described in the catalogue of Sotheby and co., June 24-27, 1919, item 166. Phillipps Ms. 36137. See Peckham' s Guide for fuller description. Acquired upon settlement of the Clements estate, 1937. [163-165] LOUISBURG - LOVE JOY 171 163. LOUISBURG. SIEGE, 1745. Papers, 1745-1746. 23 items. Letters and documents written at Louisburg from April, 1745 to February, 1746, by several New Hampshire men who were members of the besieging expedition. The letters form a running narrative of the siege and include a copy of the articles of capitulation. Described in Bangs and co . Catalogue of the li- brary of the late George H. Moore . . . New York, 1893 Part 2, item 1721. See Peckham' s Guide for fuller description. Names of writers of letters: Moore, Col. Samuel Sanborn, Ebenezer Vaughan, Col. William Waldron, Richard Waldron, Capt. Thomas Westbrooke Weare, Nathaniel Williams, Capt. Edward Williams, Rev. Stephen 164. LOUISIANA. Papers, 1787-1803. 101 items. Collection of land surveys, grants, and petitions for land along the lower Mississippi River during the Spanish regime. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Names of signers and authors of documents: Atchinson, William Boiling, Christopher Cammock, John Carondelet, Francisco Luis Hector, baron de Cayle, Hugh Collins, Luke Conway, Maurice Dunbar, William Farar, Benjamin Layssard, Valentin Lovelace, John Mird, Esteban Rodrfguez Moore, James Pintado, Vicente Trudeau, Carlos Vourdan, William Walker, Pedro 165. LOVEJOY, OWEN, 1811-1864. Papers, 1828-1948. 200 items. 172 LOVE JOY [165] American abolitionist. Letters, family deeds, anti-slavery pamphlets, newspaper clippings and commemorative brochures by or about Owen Lovejoy Gift of Mr. E. P. Lovejoy, 1948. Names of writers of letters and authors and signers of documents: Adams, Frank L. Adams, John Quincy Alexander, James, Jr. Ament, John L. Ament, Sarah Avery, Joseph Bailer , Martin Barnes, Gilbert H. Barton, Thomas Barton, William Beecher, E. Benedict, S. W. Billings, E. Billings, Henry Billings, William Boyle, Oliver Bradley, Effie L. Bryant, John H. Burr, Freeman Burr, Maria Carow, J. D. Chamberlain, Nathaniel Colton, Betsy Colton, J. S. Cropley, Sarah B. Denham, Butler Denham, Eunice S. Denham, Mathilda Denham, Samuel Dimmock, F. Doolittle, Joel Du Vail, Grace Elston, Thomas S. Field, A. P. Gay, John M. Gay, Sarah Goodale, Hannah Goodale, Solomon Goodale, Timothy Greenleaf, E. A. James, Edmund J. Jones, Emma Kenny, W. W. Lasher, M. E. Leland, Lorenzo Lincoln, Abraham Lorimer, 0. C. Lovejoy, Betsy P. Lovejoy, C. E. Lovejoy, Caroline Lovejoy, Daniel Lovejoy, Elijah P. , Sr. Lovejoy, Elijah P. , Jr. Lovejoy, Frederick B. Lovejoy, John W. E. Lovejoy, Joseph C. Lovejoy, Owen Lovejoy, P. S. Lovejoy, Sarah Moody Lovejoy, Sibyl Lovejoy, Sophia Maffa McAllister, M. P. Mcllvaine, Caroline M. McKee, William Miller, Bethiah Norton, W. T. Page, Barbara E. Phelps, Ebenezer S. Phelps, Isaac N. Reeve, Darlene A. Rennick, P. G. Reynolds, John Rice, J. B. Seriter, Elizabeth Lovejoy Scatterday, John Skinner, Gertrude S. Smith, Abraham Smith, Alby Smith, Elijah Smith, Sylvia C. Stapp, James T. B. Steele, Dick Tallman, John C. Tarbell, Ida M. Thomas, Henry Thomas, Mary Turner, Asa, Jr. Ward, G. L. Ware, Samuel Weber, Jessie Palmer Weyer, Josiah S. Weyer, Leonora Winkler, E. F. Winship, Horace LYON 173 166. LYON, LUCIUS, 1800-1851. Papers, 1812-1852. 8 ft. United States representative and senator from Michigan. The collection includes public and busi- ness correspondence, mostly from residents of Michigan, Wisconsin, northern Illinois, and Indiana. Correspondents include land speculators, postmasters local and state politicians, and persons of national importance. A selection of 565 of these letters was published in the Michigan pioneer and historical society. Historical collections, v. 27, 1896. See Peckham' s Guide for fuller description. Gift of Mrs. James H. Campbell, 1925. Names of writers of letters: Abbott, James Abbott, Dr. Jonathan G, Abbott, Robert Abbott, Samuel Adam, John J. Adams, Augustine W. Adams, Charles S. Adams, Dr. Isaac Adams, Isaac 0. Adams, James Q. Adams, Sterling Adams, William H. Aitken, William A. Alger, C. L. Allen, Alfred Allen, Ethan Allen, James Allen, John Allen, John Allen, Lewis Allen, William Allport, N. J. Almy, John Alvord, Dr. H. J. Amsden, Dr. A. S. Anderson, Alexander D. Anderson, John Anderson, William Andrews, J. G. Angell, Nedebiah Appleton, D. , & Co. Armstrong, James A. Arndt, John P. Arnold, Dan Arnold, James Atchison, John AtLee, Dr. Edwin A. AtLee, Samuel Yorke AtLee, Thomas S. Atwater, Ambrose Atwater, Lyman R. Averill, C. K. Averill, Joseph K. Ayrault, N. Babcock, Russell Bache, Richard Backus, Andrew Backus, Electus Backus, Henry I. Bacon, Charles Bacon, D. L. Bacon, Edward J. Bacon, John F. Bacon, Marshal J. Badgley, John T. Badsley, John S. Bagg, Dr. Joseph H. Bagg, Melancthon Jefferson Bagley, David M. Bailey, J. C. Baird, Henry S. Baird, Peter M. Baker, Reuel C. Balch, Benjamin Balch, Nathaniel A. Baldwin, D. S. Baldwin, Ezra P. Baldwin, H. N. Ball, Augustus F. Ball, Daniel Ball, John Ball, Samuel B. Ballard, Arden H. Ballard, Rev. James Barker, Dr. Perrin Barlow, Dr. Timothy 174 LYON [166] Barnes, Carlos Barnes, George W. Barnes, Isaac Barney, Milton Barry, John Stewart Barry, William Taylor Barstow, Charles F. Barstow, H. A. Bartholomew, A. M. , & Co, Bartlett, Samuel M. Bartlett, William H. C. Barton, John Barton, Joseph Bartow, Henry Bassett, Elisha Bourne Batch, N. A. Batcham, M. B. Batchelder, J. D. Bates, George C. Bayard, Samuel J. Beach, Elisha Beall, Samuel Wootton Beals, Alanson Beardslee, Morison Becker, Abraham Becker, George S. Beckwith, Cyrus Beedon, John Beeson, Jacob Belding, Ransom R. Bell, Alexander F, Bell, Charles Bell, Digby V. Bement, Dr. R. B. Bennet, B. G. Bennett, Alonzo Bennett, Dr. John Cook Benson, Silas Berrien, John M. Berry, Dr. Enos G. Bevans, Dr. John Bibb, George Mortimer Biddle, John Bigelow, Daniel Bigelow, George Tyler Bigelow, Dr. R. M. Biggs, Uriah Bingham, Kinsley Scott Bingham, Lemuel Binney, Horace Birckhead, Dr. Lenox Blackman, James C. H. Blackman, Silvanus Blackney, William A. Blair, F. P. Blake, A. V. Blake, Thomas H. Blanchard, John C. Blanchard, Stillman Blanchard, Dr. Washington Z Boardman, Horace Boardman, Mrs. M. M. Bockee, Isaac S. Bolton, Abram F. Bond, John G. Bond, Lewis Bonnycastle, Mrs. A. M. Booth, William A. Booth, William L. Borup, Dr. Charles W. Bostwick, E. B. Bostwick, 0. N. Boughton, Selleck C. Bowen, Dr. A. W. Bowen, Luther H. Bowie, Thomas Latimer Boyd, George William Boyer, Joshua Boynton & Hyde Bracken, Charles Bradford, Vincent L. Bradley, Edward Bradley, John Brady, Samuel P. Braley, Andrew M. Breneman, Lewis Brent, Mrs. Jane Wilkins Brent, John H. Brevoort, Henry B. Brewster, William Bridge, Henry P. Bridges, Edwin N. Briggs, William H. H. Brigham, Ebenezer Brisbois, Joseph Britain, Calvin Brodhead, Thornton F. Bronson, Arthur Bronson, Frederic Bronson, Greene C. Bronson, Isaac Brooke, George M. Brooks, Edward S. Brown, Anson Brown, Daniel Brown, Dr. David E. Brown, Ethan Allen Brown , James Brown, John A. Brown, Joseph White Brown, Levi Brown, N. J. Brown, P. H. Brown, Pitt LYON 175 Brown, Rev. Solyman Brown, William Brown, William A. Brown, William S. Brunet, Jean Brunson, Rev. Alfred Brunson, John Brush, Edmund Askin Bryant, Dr. Thomas S. Buck, George Buck, Dr. Marcus C. Bull, Albert E. Bullard, George H. Bunce, Henry C. Burch, Col. S. Burchard, Matthew Burdick, Ad in Burdick, Cyrus Burdick, Elisha Burdick, Justus Burger, James M. Burnett, David Burnham, Hiram Burr, Ezra D. Burson, Isaiah Burt, William Austin Burt is, John Bush, Chauncey Bush, Rev. George Bushnell, D. P. Butler, Charles Butler, William G. Butterfield, J. Byrne, Henry A. Cadle, Rev. Richard F. Cadotte, Michel Calder, Mrs. M. E. Calhoun, John C. Callan, James Camblass, George W. Campau, D. G. Campau, Joseph Campbell, John Campbell, William Canniff, Abram C. Carroll, Charles H. Carroll, William Thomas Carver, David Case, Anthony Case, Nathaniel Cass, George W. Cass, Lewis Catlin, John Causter, James H. Center, A. J. Chamberlin, John B. Chamberlin, Wells Champion, Salmon, Jr. Chapin, Adolphus Chapin, Samuel A. Chapin, H. A. , & Co. Chapin, V. , & Co. Chapman, Bela Chapman, J. B. Charlton, Thomas Chase, Philander Chatfield, Levi S. Chedsey, Joseph Chester, S. W. B. Child, David Lee Chipman, John S. Chittenden, Joseph, Jr. Chittenden, Truman Choate, William N. Chubb, Franklin Church, Thomas B. Clapp, Otis Clark, Edward Clark, George Thomas Clark, John Clark, John A. Clark, Lot Clark, Oliver P. Clark, Dr. Robert Clark, Samuel Clark, Walter Clarke, Hovey K. Clarke, John Clarke, Dr. Thomas B. Clayton, John Middleton Cleland, Charles Cleveland, J. H. Cleveland, William A. Clossey, Franklin Coates, L. B. Cobb, Dr. Hosea P. Cobbs, William N. Coggeshall, George Coit, Daniel W. Coit, Joshua Coleman, William H. Colston, Josiah Colton, Dr. Walter Comstock, Addison J. Comstock, Daniel D. Comstock, Horace H. Comstock, Levi Comstock, Dr. Oliver C. Comstock, Stephen B. Conant, Shubael Connor, Henry Conouse, John P. Conover, James F. Converse, John H. 176 LYON [166] Cook, Darius B. Cook, E. F. Cook, Levi Cook, Moses B. Cooke, S. A. Cooley, Anthony Coon, Peter Cooper, George B. Cooper, Richard Coquillard, Alexis Corbin, David E. Corcoran & Riggs Cornell, Alanson Cornish, Andrew Cornish, Gabriel Corselius, George Cotton, A. L. Cotton, John W. Coxe, Mrs. Ellen Crane, F. J. B. Crane, Roswell Crane, Rev. S. A. Crary, Isaac Edwin Crawford, George Crawford, T. Hartley Cressy, Dr. Alonzo Crosby, C. C. P. Crossraan, Rufus Croswell, Edwin Crow, Dr. A. L. Crowell, Moses P. Crump, George William Cumming, Rev. Francis H, Curtis, Norman D. Curtis, Dr. Thomas Cutler, Enos Dalby, Amos Danforth, George Daniels, Lyman I. Dashiell, Robert L. Davis, Caleb F. Davis, James Davis, L. W. Davis, Martin Davis, P. , Jr. Deacon, E. P. Dean, Charles Dean, Gaius S. Deane, W. W. De Graff, John J. Deming, A. L. Dennis, Ira Denniston, G. V. Denton, Dr. Samuel Derby, Ezra Dewey, N. F. Dewey, Nelson Dexter, George W. Dexter, John C. Dexter, Samuel Dibble, Orville B. Dickens, Ashbury Dickson, John Dimmick, Joseph, Jr. Disbrow, Henry Dobbins, Daniel Dodge, A. C. Dorr, Joseph R. Dorsey, Thomas S. Doty, Ellis Doty, James Duane Dougherty, James S. Douglass, C. C. Douglass, Samuel T. Dousman, H. L. Drake, Dr. Daniel Draper, William Driggs, William S. Dudley, J. G. Duncan, Leslie Dunham, Nelson Dunn, Daniel Durocher, Laurent Dusenbery, W. C. Dustin, D. H. Dutcher, William Dyckman, Evart B. Eames, Lovett Eastman, Dr. Timothy Eaton, R. P. Eberts, Robert M. Edgerton, Fred W. Edmonds, A. J. Edmunds, John M. Edwards, Dr. Abraham Edwards, James L. Edwards, Thomas H. Eldred, Caleb Eldred, Julius, & Sons Eldred, Mumford, Jr. Ellis, A. G. Ellis, Edward D. Ellsworth, Henry Leavitt Elmer, Lucius Q. C. Elston, Isaac C. Ely, Alexander L. Ely, Elisha Emerson, Curtis Emerson, Thomas Emery, Nathaniel Ermatinger, George Etheridge, Samuel Evans, George C. Evans, Musgrove LYON 177 Everett, Franklin Fahnestock, Levi Fairbanks, Drury Fargo, James H. Farley, Isaac G. Farley, John Farnsworth, Elon Farnsworth, John Farrand, Ira T. Faxon, Marcellus Felch, Alpheus Field, Chauncey W. Fifield, Osgood H. Fillmore, Millard Finch, Ashael, Jr. Finch, Silas Finley, William Fish, Hamilton Fisher, Cyrus Fiske, William Fitch, Chauncey W. Fitch, William W. Fitzgerald, Aaron Fitzgerald, Jerome B. Ftizgerald, Thomas Flagg, A. C. Fletcher, Joseph Flynn, Cornelius 0. Foley, John Foot, Andrew Foote, E. T. Foote, Rev. Luman Forbes, Stephen Ford, Gordon L. Forsyth, John Foster, J. W. Foster, William Fox, Dorus M. Fox, Rev. Jabez Fox, John M. Fraser, Alexander D. French, David Frost, George S. Fuller, Philo C. Fuller, Samuel L. Fulton, James Gaffey, Neal W. Gardeneir, John Randolph B. Gardiner, E. P. Gardner, Charles K. Garland, John Garrett, Samuel N. Gates, Chapman Gates, Gideon Gehon, Francis Giddings, C. M. Gilbert, Henry Gilbert, John Gilchrist, I. I. Gill, J. J. Gillet, Asa Gillet, R. Gillet, Ranson Hooker Gil lis, James L. Gilpin, Henry D. Gilpin, Joseph Girardin, Peter N. Godfroy, James Jacques Godfroy, Peter Goodell, N. Goodrich, Harris C. Goodridge, Allen Goodwin, Daniel Goodwin, Justus Goodwin & Collins Goodyear, Henry A. Gordon, Thomas F. Gordon & Woodruff Goss, Milo J. Goulard, James G. Graham, Mrs. Jane L. Granger, Sylvester Gratiot, Henry Graves, Edmund Gray, Curtis W. Gray, Elliot Gray, Philip Green, Archibald H. Green, C. K. Green, Thomas K. Greene, George Greene, Herman Greenly, William L. Grimes, Dr. W. H. Grimke", Thomas Smith Griswold, George R. Griswold, H. W. Griswold, William H. Grout, John R. Groves, John Grovier, Isaac J. Guiteau, John B. Gwynne, Thomas P. Haeg, William H. Hagner, Peter Haight, John Haight, John T. Haight, S. Haines, Elias H. Hale, William Hall, David A. Hall, Frederick Hall, Hiland 178 LYON [166] Hall, James H. Hall, Moses Hall, Salmon C. Hallett, W. P. Halsey, Nicoll Hamilton, Reuben Hamilton, Richard J. Hamilton, W. Brooke Hamilton, William S. Hammond, Charles G. Hammond, William Hand, George E. Handy, H. S. Hanmer, James Hannegan, Edward Allen Hanscom, Alfred H. Harleston, George B. Harrington, Ebenezer B, Harris, Cary A. Harris, Simon D. Harrison, George W. Harrison, Nathan Hart, Alvin N. Hart, Catherine Harvey, Apollos Harvey, Thomas W. Hascall, Charles C. Hastings, Eurotas P. Haswell, Nathan B. Hatch, Ambrose T. Hatch, Ezra Hatch, Junius H. Hathon, A. E. Hawkins, Olney Hawley, Elijah, Jr. Hayes, A. L. Hayes, J. E. Hayes, Joseph Hayward, Elijah Heath, John R. Heaton, Charles M. Hempstead, Charles S. Herring, Elbert Hewitt, P. S. Hickcox, Rev. Joseph Higbee, Isaac N. Higgins, Sylvester W. Hill, Oliver C. Hill, Samuel W. Hill, William B. Hillick, Hugh Hillman, James Hinsdill, Mitchell Hinsdill, Stephen Hoard, Robert C. Hoard, Samuel Hobbie, Selah R. Hodge, James T. Hoffman, George W. Holbrook, Silas A. Holland, William M. Hollister & Wendell Holmes, John T. Hoi ton, Amos Homans, Benjamin Homer, John J. Hooker, C. S. Hooper, Pontius Hopkins, Benjamin Hopkins, Charles Hopkins, Elliott R. Hopkins, William F. Horner, Mrs. H. L. Horner, John S. Hough, Olmsted Houghton, Dr. Douglass Houghton, Jacob Howard, Benjamin C. Howard, Cyrus Howard, Dan D. Howard, Johan Howard, Joshua Howe, Dennis Howe, George Howe, Philander R. Howland, Samuel Howland, W. L. Hoyt, Rev. Melancthon Hubbard, Bela Hubbard, Henry Hudson, Henry Huff, William Hugunin, Robert Hulbert, Ansel Hulbert, John J. Hull, Milton Humphrey, Hiram Humphrey, Levi S. Humphrey, Rev. Luther Humphreys, J. Hunt, Charles C. P. Hunt, Freeman Hunt, James Hunt, James Bennett Hunt, Jedediah Hunt, John E. Hunt, Joseph Hunt, Robert F. Hunt, Samuel Hunt, Thomas Hunt, William B. Huntington, Elisha M. Hutchins, Allen Hutchins, John LYON 179 Hutchins, Mrs. Roxanna Huyck, Richard J. Hyer, N. F. Ingersoll, Erastus S. Ingersoll, R. I. Irish, David Irvin, D. Isham, Giles S. Ives, William Jackson, C. C. Jackson, Daniel Jackson, Hamilton S. Jacobs, Thomas H. James C. W. James, George F. Jennings, Henry S. Jewett, Charles Jewett, George W. Johnson, Benjamin P. Johnson, Edwin Ferry Johnson, Ethan S. Johnson, J. Eastman Johnson, John Johnson, Lucius A. Johnson, Noadiah Johnson, Oliver Johnson, Richard M. Johnson, Simeon M. Johnston, John C. Johnston, William Jones, D. G. Jones, David Jones, David S. Jones, G. C. Jones, George Wallace Jones, Ira Jones, Thomas W. Joslyn, Chauncey Jouett, William R. Joy, N. H. Joy & Porter Judson, Andrew T. Juneau, Solomon Kearsley, Jonathan Keeler, Eleazer H. Keeler, Simon 0. Keeney, Benjamin Keeney, Salmon Keith, William Kellogg, Dwight Kellogg, John R. Kendall, Amos Kendall, David G. Kendall, Jacob Kent, William A. Kercheval, Benjamin B. Kerley, Michael L. Ketchum, Rev. Isaac S. Kilbourn, Byron Kimball, Elijah H. Kindle, James King, Dr. Benjamin King, John King & Wilson Kingsley, James Kingsley, Moses Kinzie, John H. Kirby, Michael G. Kirtland, F. W. Knapp, D. B. Knapp, Thomas S. LaBall, W. Lacey, Obediah P. Lacroix, Mrs. Archange LaGrave,A. Laing, Peter Lamond, Dr. Robert D. Lancaster, Columbia Landon, R. W. Lane, Marcus Langdon, Mrs. H. C. Langdon, J. Jay Langdon, William Chauncey Langham, E. T. Langley, J. L. F. Langley, Thomas M. Lanman, Charles James Larned, James Lasley, Samuel C. Last, John Lawrence, Dewitt C. Lawrence, Peter C. Lawrence, Wolcott Lawson, Dr. Thomas Ledyard, Henry Lee, Dr. J. C. Lefevere, Rev. Peter Paul Legare*, Hugh Swinton Legate, Thomas C. Leib, John L. Leland, Louis A. Lenake, Henry A. Leonard, H. A. Letander, Joseph Lewis, Benjamin H. Lewis, Isaac B. Lewis, William Lewis, William B. Lewis, Winslow Lindsley, Abraham B. Linsley, Charles Litchfield, E. C. Little, Norman Little, William L. P. 180 LYON [166] Littlejohn, Flavius J. Livermore, John S. Locke , John Long, Silas Loomis, H. G. Loranger, Joseph Lord, Daniel J. Lorimier, P. A. Lothrop, Edwin Howard Lovell, Cyrus Lowry, George Loyd, John Lyon, Addison J. Lyon, Mrs. Anna Lyon, Daniel Lyon, Edward Lyon, Ira Lyon, Lucius Lyon, Lucretia Lyon, Orson Lyon, Sarah Atwater, Mrs. Asa L. Lyon, Truman H. Lyon, Worthington S. McArthur H. MacCabe, Julius P. B. McCamly, Sands McCarty, William M. McClelland, Robert McConnell, Willard M. McCormick, George McCulloh, James W. McCutchen, John McDonell, John McDougall, George McGaffey, Neal McGowan , John McGunneagh & Way Mack, Andrew Mack, Charles A. Mackay, Aeneas McKeen, S. D. McKeon, John McKey, Anthony McKim, John W. McKinney, John McKinstry, Andrew McKinstry, David C. McKinstry, Elisha Williams McKinstry, James P. McKinstry, Justus McKnight, Sarah M. , Mrs. Sheldon McKnight, Sheldon McLean, A. D. McLean, John McNeil, Benjamin McNeil, Mrs. E. A. McNeil, John Macomb, Alexander McOmber, Philip H. McReynolds, Andrew T. McVean, John McVickar, Bard Macy, E. H. Macy, George F. Madison, L. K. Magill, Arthur W. Man, H. V. Mapes, James Jay March F. Marcy, William L. Marsac, Joseph F. Marsh, Lowrin Marsh, Oren Martin, George Martin, Morgan L. Marvin, Anthony Mason, Charles Mason, Jasper Mason, John T. Mason, S. E. Mason, Stevens T. Mason, Z. P. Matthias, Benjamin Mayhew, Ira Maynard, William S. Mead, Amos Medill, William Meeker, George W. Merritt, Benjamin Merritt, William Franklin Merryweather, Algernon Messinger, John Miller, A. G. Miller, Charles L. Miller, Daniel B. Miller, John H. Miller, Joseph, Jr. Milington, Dr. Abel Mills, Elisha Lyman Mills, George M. Miner, Peter A. Minturn, R. B. Mitchell, Elijah B. Mitchell, Robert Mitchell, William B. Mizner, Lansing B. Moffat, R. C. Monson, H. N. Montgomery, John H. Moody, William J. Moore, Andrew Y. Moore , Hiram LYON 181 Moore, John Moore, Lovell Moors, Jeremiah Morel 1, George Morgan, Elijah W. Morison & Jones Morse, L. L. Morton, Abner Moseley, William F. Moseman, Charles M. Mottram, Dr. William Mullett, John Mumford, John J. Mundy, Edward Munger, Calvin Munger, Daniel Murdock, F. B. Murray, Bronson Murray, James B. Murray, John B. Murray, Robert H. Neale, Seeley Newberry, Oliver Newbould, Alexander H. Newhall, Dr. Horatio Nichols, Dr. Cyril Niles, N. Niles, William Ogden Noble, Alonzo Noble, Charles Noble, James Noonan, Josiah A. Northrup, Cornelius Norton, Howell B. Norton, John Norvell, Mrs. Isabella H, Norvell, John Oakes, Charles H. Ogden, Benjamin Ogden, William Butler Olds, James Oliver, William O'Neill, John F. Ormsby, Dr. Caleb N. Osborn, H. R. Osborn, Nathan Osborne, C. C. Otis, Isaac Ousterhout, Cornelius Owen, Robert Dale Owen, Thomas J. V. Packard, Dr. Benjamin H. Page, David Page, Mrs. Sherman Paige, Timothy Palmer, Andrew Palmer, Chester Palmer, George N. Palmer, N. Pardy, Robert Parker, D. Parker, James Parks, W. H. Parnell, B. A. Parris, Albion K. Partridge, Alden Patrick, Pierce Patrick, William P. Patterson, Dr. Michael A. Paulding, James K. Pearson, Hiram Peck, George Washington Peck, Dr. John Peckham & Colt Peirce, John W. Peltier, Charles Pelton, S. M. Penfield, Henry L. Penrose, Charles B. Penrose, Mary Biddle Perrin, John Pettibone, K. L. Pettibone, Samuel Phelps, F. E. Philbrick, Nathan S. Philleo, Dr. Addison Phillips, Samuel A. Pickering, Augustus A. Pierce, Rev. John Davis Pilcher, Rev. Elijah Holmes Pitcher, Dr. Zina Place, John B. Piatt, Dr. Alonzo Plitt, George Poinsett, Joel B. Polk, James K. Polk, Josiah F. Poole, Benjamin Porter, Augustus S. Porter, George F. Porter, Ira Porter, James Porter Samuel Humes Post, Henry Post, James Pratt, Abner Pratt, D. D. Pratt, J. M. Pratt, William A. Preston, Marvin Preston, Stephen H. Price, Maj. M. Prince, J. Hardy Prindle, Charles B. 182 LYON [166] Pritchette, Kintzing Probart, John, Jr. Prouty, Amariah T. Purdy, Robert Randall, Henry Ransom, Alexis Ransom, Epaphroditus Rathbone, A. D. Rathbone & Miller Rathbun, Charles Rathbun, George Rawson, Ruel Ray, Alexander Raynale, Ebenezer Raynor, Henry Raynor, John T. Redfield, Alexander H, Redfield, George Reed, Grosvenor Reed, J. Z. Reilly, Dr. Boyd Rese, Rev. Frederick Rice, H. G. Rice, Henry Mower Rice, L. Rice, Nathan Rice, Dr. Randall S. Rice, Samuel A. Rich, Hiram Richards, Mrs. H. L. Richards, R. K. Richardson, John P. Richardson, Origen D. Richardson, William H, Richmond, William A. Rider, Dr. M. Riggs, Jeremiah Riley, H. H. Ring, Paul B. Risdon, Orange Rives, John Cook Robbins, Asher Roberts, George R. Roberts, Peter Roberts, A., & Son Robinson, George A. Robinson, James H. Robinson, Rix Rogers, Henry Darwin Rolette, Joseph Romeyn, Theodore Romeyn & Lee Roof, Adam L. Roosevelt, Cornelius Rose, Edwin Rose, H. K. Rountree, Hiram Rountree, John H. Royal, Mrs. Anne Ruggles, Rev. Isaac W. Rumsey, James G. Russell, John B, F. Russell, William Ryan, Samuel Sadler, E. B. St. Clair, W. H. St. John, Ezra Sandord, Peleg P. Sanger, H. K. Savery, Asabel Sawyer, G. B. Schermerhorn, Rev. J. F. Schetterly, Dr. H. R. Schlater, C. M. Schwarz, John E. Scott, A. H. Scovill, Phillo Scovill, William Scranton, Leonidas S. Seaman, B. 0. Selden, William Severn, James Varrick Seymour, Thomas Hart Shaw, Samuel S. Shearer, Daniel Shelden, C. A. Sheldon, John P. Sheldon, Theodore P. Sheldon, Thomas C. Sheldon, Timothy F. Shepard, Dr. Charles Shepherd, Forrest Shepherd, S. P. Sherburne, John H. Sherman, Benjamin Sherman, Elias B. Sherman, Watts Sherwood, Winfield Scott Shields, James Shurtz, Frederick Sibley, Ebenezer S. Sibley, Henry Hastings Sibley, Solomon Sibley, Sylvester Silliman, Benjamin Silver, Abiel Silver, Jacob Simpson, Richard Franklin Simpson, Thomas Sinclair, Daniel Scott Sines, Philip Skerrett, D. C. Skinner, Elias M. Skinner, J. P. G. [166] LYON 183 Slater, Rev. Leonard Slawson, William Sleeper, John R. Slidell, John Smith, C. C. Smith, Calvin Smith, Davis Smith, E. Kirby Smith, Francis H. Smith, Giles Smith, Henry Smith, I. C. Smith, J. Mortimer Smith, James, Jr. Smith, John G. Smith, John K. Smith, John Y. Smith, Joseph A. Smith, Niles F. Smith, Richard Smith, Sidney Smith, T. S. Smith, William Smith, Worthington Smoker, Samuel Snelling, Henry H. Snow, Josiah Southard, Samuel Lewis Sparrow, Thomas Spencer, John Canfield Spencer, Dr. Thomas Spencer, William Sprague, John T. Squiers, John W. , & Co. Stackweather, Samuel Starkey, Lewis F. Steele, Hiram Stephenson, James W. Stevens, Fitz H. Stevenson, Hay Stewart, Charles H. Stewart, Hart L. Stewart, James B. Stewart, John Stiles, William H. Stillson, Eli LeGrand Stinson, Abner P. Stockton, John Stockton, Thomas B. W. Stokes, Charles Stone, Lyman Stone, W. I. Stone, Dean & Co. Storey, W. F. Stratton, Jonathan F. Street, Joseph Montfort Street, Thomas P. Strong, Ezra Strong, John Strong, John W. Strong, Moses M. Stryker, J. Stuart, Charles E. Stuart, David Stuart, Robert Summers, Jacob Sutherland, Thomas W. Suydam, John T. Tabor, James W. Talbot, John L. Talcott, Andrew Taney, Roger B. Taylor, C. W. Taylor, Franck Taylor, Henry W. Taylor, Hudson Taylor, Levi Taylor, Oliver Teackle, Littleton Dennis Temple, Dr. John T. Templeman, George Ten Eyck, Anthony Ten Eyck, Conrad Terry, Dr. J. H. Thayer, Charles Thayer, George W. Thayer, Lucius A. Thayer, Pamela, Mrs. George W. Thielsen, H.. Thomas, Alfred Thomas, Joseph Thomas, Dr. Nathan M. Thome, Michael Thompson, Alexander R. Thompson, Hiram Thompson, James L. Thompson, Mrs. Mary M. Thompson, William R. Thomson, Edward H. Thorn, John Thomson, E. H. Thurber, Jefferson G. Tiffany, Alexander R. Tiffin, Edward Tigar, Thomas Tillman, J. W. Tillotson, Ira Tinker, L. W. , & Co. Tisdale, F. A. Titus, J. H. Tod, David Toll, Isaac D. Toll, Philip R. 184 LYON [166] Tomlinson, G. Totten, Joseph Gilbert Tower, D. F. Tower, Lewis Tracy, Philander Trowbridge, Charles C. Truesdail, Wesley Tryon, Charles Tucker, Enoch Tucker, Joel Tucker, Thomas William Turner, Isaac Turner, Dr. John Turney, John Turrill, Dr. Minor Y. Tyrrell, John Tyner, James N. Vallee, J. B. Van Allen, Lawrence, & Co. Van Dewalker, S. Van Nest, S. Van Nortwich, Ira Van Rensselaer, Jeremiah Varnum, John Vickery, Joseph Vickery, Stephen Videto, James Vinton, Samuel F. Von Schmidt, Peter Wadsworth, A. S. Wadsworth, Decius Walker, Henry N. Walker, Jason F. Walker, Robert John Walton, Cruger Walton, Jerome Ward, Dr. David Ward, William Wardwell, Daniel Waring, W. L. Warner, Elijah v Warner, Thaddeus 0. Warren, Lyman M. Warren, William W. Washburn, E. A. Watson, James B. Watson, Joseph Watson, Samuel G. Watson, William H. Watts, Henry Webb, Stephen H. Webber, John A. Webster, David B. Weed, Masters & Weed Weeks, James A. Welch, Henry Welch, William H. Weller, Rev. Henry Welles, John A. Wells, Bazil Wells, Daniel, Jr. Wells, Hezekiah G. Wells, Thomas W. Wendall, Abraham Wendell, Tunis S. Wentworth, John Wheaton, William G. Wheeler, Chalange S. Wheeler, John H. Wheeler, Dr. Tolman Whipple, Charles W. Whitaker, James Whitcomb, James White, Campbell P. White, David White, I. R. White, Timothy Whiting, Henry Whitman, Martin C. Whitmore, Oliver Whitney, Asa Whitney, Daniel Whitney, George L. Whittemore, Gideon 0. Whittlesey, Charles Whittlesey, Elisha Whittlesey, Thomas T. Wickliffe, Charles A. Wiggins, B. L. Wight, John F. Wilcox, Lawson Wilder, Oshea Wilder, Samuel S. Wilder, William H. Wilkins, Ross Willard, Isaac W. Willard, Titus B. Willey, Aristarchus Williams, Alpheus S. Williams, D. H. Williams, Ezra Williams, G. Mott Williams, Gardiner D. Williams, Henry R. Williams, Jesse Williams, John R. Williams, Lewis Williams, M. T. Williams, Samuel Williams, Dr. Sidney P. Williamson, Abbie J. Williamson, Mrs. Frances H, Wilson, John [167] MACARTNEY 185 Wilson, Robert L. Wilson, Samuel G. Wilson, William Wilson, William Duane Winder, John Wing, Austin E. Wing, Talcott E. Wing, Warner Winsor, Zenas G. Winston, Dr. Erasmus Witherell, Benjamin F Witherell, James Withey, Orison A. Withey, Solomon L. Withey, William H. Wittenmeyer, John Wolcott, H. G. Wood, Samuel S. Wood, William J. Woodard, D. A. Woodbridge, William Woodbury, Levi Woodruff, Benjamin . Woodward, Kendall Woolson, Charles J. Worrell, Dr. E. Wright, Alfred D. Wright, Joseph A. Yale, H. P. Young, Ebenezer Young, George Young, McClintock Young, William J. 167. MACARTNEY, GEORGE MACARTNEY, 1ST EARL, 1737-1806. Papers, 1776-1800. 57 items. British diplomat and colonial governor. This correspondence is concerned with the war against France in the West Indies and with the administra- tion of Macartney's estates after he had left' the islands. Other Macartney letters will be found in the Germain papers (no. 98), Melville papers (no. 174), Shelburne papers (no. 251), and Sir John Vaughan papers ( no. 287) . See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Purchased, 1925. Names of writers of letters: Ashwell, Charles Balfour, John Barrington, Samuel Burt, William Matthew Byron, John Creighton, Dr. DeGrey, Thomas, 2nd baron Walsingham Dillon, Theobald, comte de Germain, George Sackville, 1st viscount Sackville Grant , James Great Britain. Sovereigns. George III Harrison, Thomas Henville, Robert Hind, John Home, William Knox, William Lascelles, Rawley Macartney, George Macartney, 1st earl Mill, David Robertson, Walter Tod, W. Woodford, Sir Ralph 186 MACDONALD - MARSHALL [168-170] 168. MACDONALD, JAMES. Letters, 1761-1763. 7 items. Photostats. British army officer. Five letters addressed to Colonel Henry Bouquet at Fort Pitt, the originals of which are in the British Museum; one letter addressed to Major Horatio Gates, the original of which is in the Henry E. Huntington Library; and one letter also addressed to Gates which is in manuscript. The first five letters are calendared in Canadian archives. Report 1889. The first four letters are printed in Michigan pioneer and historical society. Historical collections, v. 29, 1891. 169. MARKHAM, SIR CLEMENTS ROBERT, 1830-1916. Papers, 1850-1910. 43 items. English geographer. Papers include letters and monographs on a variety of scientific topics, most of them pertaining to commercial geography. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Purchased, 1925. Names of writers of letters: Bridwood, H. Markham, Sir Clements R. Chachapoyas, Pedro, Paz-Soldan y Unaime, Pedro bishop of, Reyna, Pedro King, J. Stamfeld, J. Law, William Williams, Mark Lugard, Sir Edward 170. MARSHALL, JOHN, 1755-1835. Autobiographical sketch, 1827. 1 item, 16 pages. American jurist. Sketch of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court in the form of a letter sent to Justice Joseph Story upon request. It was edited by John Stokes Adams and published as An autobio- graphical sketch of John Marshall . . . Ann Arbor, 1937. See Peckham' s Guide for fuller description. Purchased, 1932. f 171-173] MASON - MATHER 187 171. MASON, CHRISTOPHER, 1741-1809. Letter book, 1780-1795. 1 item, 143 pages. British naval officer. Letter book contains copies of correspondence with the Navy Board and with fellow officers during two distinct periods: from 1780 to 1783, and from 1794 to 1795. Described in Henry Stevens, Son and Stiles. Catalogue of pamphlets, maps etc. relating to the American War of Independence, fall, 1931, item 356. See Peckham' s Guide for fuller description. Purchased, 1931. Names of writers of letters: Aitcheson, Robert Hood, Sir Samuel Hood, Aplin, Peter 1st viscount Arbuthnot, Marriot Hopkins, John Chamberlayne, Charles Hughes, Sir Richard Cosby, Phillips Inglis, John Creighton, John Loader, John Crew, R. H. McLean, Francis Dickson, James Mason, Christopher Digby, Robert Mowat , Henry Evans, Henry Francis Nepean, Sir Evan, 1st bart Frederick, Thomas Lenox Phips, David Great Britain Stephens, Sir Philip, Navy. Victualling Office 1st. bart. Navy Board Taffery, S. W. Hastings, G. Thomson, Alexander 172. MASSACHUSETTS BAY. Treasury accounts, 1698-1699. 1 item, 28 pages. Accounts contain statements of assessment for each town and county in the colony, and payments made from the treasury for goods and services. The account is audited by George Addington. Phillipps Ms. 9720. Purchased, 1928. 173. MATHER, COTTON, 1663-1728. Greek Testament. Passages. 1 item, 26 pages. 188 MELVILLE [174] American clergyman. Passages from the Greek Testament with English translations by Cotton Mather. Purchased, 1937. 174. MELVILLE, HENRY DUNDAS, 1ST VISCOUNT, 1742-1811. Papers, 1728-1830. 8 ft. British statesman. Papers also include those of Robert Saunders Dundas, 2d viscount Melville ( 1771-1851) . Includes correspondence relative to English, Scottish, Indian, French, and American affairs. Melville letters may also be found in the Canning papers (no. 44), the Clinton papers (no. 62), George III papers (no. 97), Shelburne papers (no. 251), Sydney papers (no. 268), and Vaux papers ( no. 288) . See Peckham' s Guide for fuller description. Acquired upon settlement of the Clements estate, 1937. Names of writers of letters and authors and signers of documents: Abercromby, Alexander Abercromby, Sir Ralph Abercromby, Sir Robert Adams, John Quincy Advocates Library, curators of Albermarle, George Keppel, 3rd earl of Alvanley, Anne Bootle Arden, baroness Amherst, Sir Jeffery Amherst, baron Amherst, William Pitt Amherst, 2nd baron and 1st earl Anson, George Ashe, Edward Auckland, George Eden, 1st earl of Banks, Sir Joseph Barrallier, Francis Louis Barrvis, Jackson Barton, John Bathurst, Henry Bathurst, 2nd earl Bayard, Dr. James Asheton Beasley, R. G. Beaumarchais, Pierre- Augustin Caron de Bell, Sir John Bent ham, Sir Samuel Beresford, William Carr Beresford, 1st viscount Bernard, George Blackwood, Sir Henry Bolivar, Simon Bond, P. Borthwick, William Bourne, S. Boyd, Walter Bridgeman, Orlando Brisbane, Jemina Ventham Brisbane, Lady Bristol, Elizabeth Davers Hervey, countess of Bristol, Frederick Augustus Hervey, 4th earl of Broke, Sir Philip Bowes Vere Brown, Montague Brownrigg, Sir Robert Bruce, John Bryant, Thomas Buccleuch, Lady Elizabeth Montagu Scott, duchess of [174] MELVILLE 189 Buchanan, Sir Andrew Buckingham, George Nugent-Temple-Grenville , 3rd earl Temple, 1st marquess of Buckinghamshire, Robert Hobart, 4th earl of Burke, Edmund Cabell, William Calder, Sir Robert Camden, Sir John Jeffreys Pratt, 2nd earl and 1st marquess of Campbell, Duncan Campbell, James Canning George Carleton, Sir Guy, 1st baron Dorchester Caradoc, Sir John Francis, 1st baron Howden Cary, Walter Castlereagh, Robert Stewart, 2nd marquess of Londonderry, 2nd viscount Champion, G. ? Chatham, John Pitt, 2nd earl of Chichester, Thomas Pelham, 2nd earl of Clerk, James Cochrane, Sir Alexander F. I. Cockburn, Sir George Cockburn, Sir James Cockburn, T. Coke, Thomas William, 1st earl of Leicester Collier, Sir George Ralph Colquhoun, Patrick Congreve, William Conway, Hon. Henry Seymour Cooper, Sir Grey Cornwallis, Charles COrnwallis, 1st marquis and 2nd earl Coutts, Thomas Croker, John Wilson Cumberland, Prince Ernest Augustus, duke of Cunninghame, William Dallas, James Dalrymple, Sir John, 4th baronet of Cranstoun Davison, Alexander De Fresne, Ebaudy Devinezac, Comte de Devonshire, Georgiana Spencer Cavendish, duchess of Devonshire, William Spencer Cavendish, 6th duke of Dorset, Arabella Diana Cope Sackville, duchess of Dorset, John Frederick Sackville, 3rd duke of Duncan, Adam Duncan, 1st viscount Dundas, Sir David Dundas, John Dunkin, Sir William Dunlop, James Durham, Mrs. Anne Durham, Sir Philip C. H. C, Durno, James Eden, William, 1st baron Auckland Eldon, John Scott, 1st earl of English, Thomas Eton, William Farquhar, Sir Robert Townsend Fawcett, John Ferrior, Robert Fife, James Duff, 2nd earl of Findlay, Ro. Foster, Lady Elizabeth Hervey, Mrs. John Thomas Foucault, Comte de Fox, Charles James Franklin, Sir John Fullarton, William Gallatin, A. A. Albert Galloway, George Stewart, 8th earl of Gardiner, William Gen6t, Edmond-Charles Gifford, John Gladwin, Francis Glassford, Henry Glenbervie, Sylvester Douglas, 1st baron Gordon, Lord Adam Goulburn, Henry Graham, Sir James Robert George Graham, Thomas, baron Lynedoch Grant, Alexander 190 MELVILLE [174] Grant, Anne, Mrs. James Grant, Sir Archibald Grant, Charles Grant, D. Grant, D. Macdowall Grant, Col. F. A. Grant, George Grant, Isaac Grant, Sir James, 7th bart. Grant, James Grant, Jane Duff, lady Grant, John Grant, Sir John Peter Grant, Mrs. Margaret Grant, Mrs. Mary Dishington Grant, Sir William Grantham, Thomas Robinson, 2nd baron Great Britain Board of Trade Merchants interested in trading to America Sovereigns George III Queen Caroline Amelia Elizabeth George IV William IV Treaty with the United States, 1794 Grenville, George Grenville, Richard Grenville, Thomas Grenville, William Wyndham Grenville, 1st baron Greville, Charles C. F. Grey, Sir Charles Grey, 2nd viscount Howick, 2nd earl Grey, Sir George, 2nd bart. Haldane, George Haldane, James Alexander Haldane, Margaret Haldane, Robert Hall, Basil Halliburton, Dr. John Hambly, W. Hamilton, Lady Anne Hamilton, Gilbert Hamilton, John Hamilton, Thomas, Jr. Harcourt, Elizabeth Vernon Harcourt, countess Hastings, Warren Hauterive, Comte de Hay, R. W. Hertford, Francis Charles Seymour-Conway, 3rd marquess of Hervey, Lord Arthur Charles Holland, Henry Fox, 1st baron Holland, Henry Richard Vassall Fox, 3rd baron Hooker, Sir William Jackson Hope, Sir Alexander Horsburgh, James Howard, J. Hudson, James Hunter, William Orby Huskisson, William Innes, Col. Alexander Isle de France. Assembly Jefferson, Thomas Johnson, Thomas Keene, Sir Benjamin Keith, George Keith Elphinstone, 1st viscount Kent and Strathern, Prince Edward Augustus, duke of Kerr, James Knighton, Sir William, 1st bart. La Morliere, Francois- Louis Magallon, comte de Lansdowne, Henry Petty- Fitzmaurice, 4th earl of Kerry, 3rd marquess of La Roziere, Louis-Francois Carlet, marquis de Lenthe, Baron Leslie, George Littlejohn, James Liverpool, Charles Jenkinson, 1st baron Hawkesbury, 1st earl of Liverpool, Robert Banks Jenkinson, 2nd earl of Liverpool, Charles Cecil Cope Jenkinson, 3rd earl of Livingston, E . Lockhart, William Londonderry, Charles William Stewart, 3rd marquess of [174] MELVILLE 191 Londonderry, Lady Frances Pratt Stewart, marchioness of Lonsdale, Sir William Lowther, 1st earl of Louis, Sir Thomas, 1st bart. Loyalists, Uncompensated American Lymeburner, Mr. Macartney, George Macartney, 1st earl Macdonell, Alexander Mackenzie, Sir Alexander MacKinnon, James MacKinnon, John, Jr. Mckonochie, Alexander Maclean, Allan McMahon, John Maisonier, Mons. Maitland, Sir Thomas Malcolm, Sir Pulteney Mallet du Pan, Jacques Mar joribanks, Sir John Martin, Sir George Melfort, L. Maurice Drummond, comte de Melville, Henry Dundas, 1st viscount Melville, Robert Saunders Dundas, 2nd viscount Melville, Lady Jane Hope Dundas, viscountess Miranda, Francisco de Molleson, William Monday, John Montellano, Due de Moore, Thomas Morris, Staats Long Murray, Sir George Murray-Pulteney, Sir James New York. Chamber of Commerce Nutt, John O'Hara, Charles Orr, William Oswald, Alexander Oswald, Sir John Owen, D. Panton, Dr. George Parish, John, Jr. Paxton, George Pechell, Sir George Richard Brooke, 4th bart. Pechell, H. Pechell, Sir Samuel John Brooke, 3rd bart. Pellew, Sir Edward, 1st viscount Exmouth Peterborough, Lord Pitt, John Pitt, William Playfair, William Popham, Sir Home Riggs Portland, William Henry Cavendish Bentinck, 3rd duke of Pownall, Thomas Puisay, Joseph Genevieve, comte de Pulteney, Sir William Johnstone Queensberry, William Douglas 3rd earl of March, 4th duke of Raglan, Lord Fitzroy Somerset, 1st baron Rawdon, Francis Hastings, 1st marquess of Hastings, 2nd earl of Moira, baron Re id, Thomas Ritchie, James Rochford, William Henry Zuylestein, 4th earl of Romagne, Dr. Nicholas Ronald, Andrew St. Albans, William Aubrey de Vere, 9th duke of St. Vincent, Sir John Jervis, 1st earl of Sandwich, John Montagu, 4th earl of Seafield, James Ogilvy, 7th earl of Findlater, 4th earl of Seddon, Joseph Sercey, Adm. Shelburne, William Petty, 1st marquess of Lansdowne, 2nd earl of Sheridan, Charles Robert Siddons, Sarah Kemble, Mrs. William Siddons, Thomas Sidmouth, Henry Addington, 1st viscount Sinclair, Sir John, 1st bart. Smith, Thomas Smith, Sir William Sidney Smith, William Stephens Smollett, A. 192 MEXICO [175-176] Speyer, John Stafford, Lady Susannah Stewart Leveson-Gower, marchioness of Stanhope, Charles Stanhope, 3rd vicount Mahon, 3rd earl Stewart, John Stuart, Sir Charles Stuart, Ford Smyth Sturges-Bourne, William Sussex, Prince Augustus Frederick, duke of Sutherland, Countess Elizabeth Sutherland, marchioness of Stafford, duchess of Talbot, William Taylor, Sir Herbert Taylor, John M. Temple, Richard Temple Grenville, 2nd earl Thomson, Alexander Thornton, Samuel Tierney, George Tinseau, Col. de Titchfield, Lord Torrens, Sir Henry Townshend, Charles, 1st baron Bayning Townshend, Hon. Thomas Troup, Robert Tweeddale, George Hay, 7th marquess of United States. Treaty with Great Britain, 1794 Vansittart, Nicholas, 1st baron Bexley Vaux, Charles Grant, viscomte de Vorontsov, Semen Romanovich, count Warren, Sir John Borlase Wedderburn, James Welch, Matthew Wellesley, Richard Colley Wellesley, 2nd earl of Mornington, 1st marquess of Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, 1st duke of Westmoreland, John Fane, 7th earl of Wh i t bre ad , Samue 1 Whitehead, William Whitworth, Charles Whitworth, 1st earl Williamson, Charles Windham, William York and Albany, Prince Frederick Augustus, duke of 175. MEXICO. Aztec catechism, ca. 1800. 1 item, 186 pages. Early nineteenth century catechism, written in Aztec. Purchased, 1950. 17 6. MEXICO. Confesionario Tarasco, 16- . 1 item, 34 pages. Seventeenth century Mexican manuscript for reli- gious instruction, written in the Tarascan language Purchased, 1950. [177-179] MEXICO 193 177. MEXICO Copia de la letra de los Autos Acordados, que p£ran en el Offcio de Dn. Juan Francisco de Castro Secretario de Camara mas antiguo de esta Real Audienca, y de su Real Acuerdo, Sacada en el Ano de 1769. 1 item, 216 pages. Copies of the Mexican court decisions, extending from 1695 to 1767. Described in the catalogue of Sotheby and co., June 24-27, 1919, item 127. Phillipps Ms. 21266. See Peckham' s Guide for fuller description. Acquired upon settlement of the Clements estate, 1937. 178. MEXICO. Documents, 1784-1790. 40 items, 82 pages. Copies of documents passing between Spain and the Mexican viceroy, and between the viceroy and various repositories where search was made for material requested by the Spanish government for the pro- jected history of the Spanish possessions in the Indies. Described in the catalogue of Sotheby and co., June 24-27, 1919, item 438. Phillipps Ms. 21327. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Acquired upon settlement of the Clements estate, 1937. 17 9. MEXICO. Indian dramas, ca. 1587. Copy. 1 item, 52 leaves. Eighteenth century copy in the N^huatl language, containing three texts of native Mexican religious dramas. One of the plays, the Sacrifice of Isaac, was published by Francisco del Paso y Troncoso, as the first volume of the series Biblioteca N^huatl Gift of The Clements Library Associates, 1950. 194 MEXICO [180-181] 180. MEXICO Manuscripts, [17- j 6 items, 32 pages. Bound volume of unrelated manuscripts. All of them appear to be late eighteenth-century copies. Described in the catalogue of Sotheby and co., June 24-27, 1919, item 348. Phillipps Ms. 13685. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Acquired upon settlement of the Clements estate, 1937. 181. MEXICO, Manuscritos Siglo XIX, 1800-1835. 40 items, 437 pages. Bound volume of miscellaneous letters, documents, and essays of Mexican origin. Described in the catalogue of Sotheby and co., June 24-25, 1935 (Phillipps sale), item 301. Phillipps Ms. 21330. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Purchased, 1935. Names of writers of letters and authors and signers of documents: Aguirre, Jose* Maria Arillaga, Basilio Bernal, Miguel Belaurazan, Fr. Jose* Maria de Jeuy Chavert, Dr. Juan Luis DaVila, Jose* Gutierrez, Jose* Bernardo Humboldt, Friedrich Heinrich Alexander, freiherr von Jesus, Fr. Jose* Manuel de Leon, Jose* Mariano de Lerdo, Ignacio Maria Mexico Camara de Diputados. Comision de Yndustria Cdrdoba. Jueces Hacedores Mier, Servando Feresa de Pena, Francisco Xavier de la Pe*rez, Francisco Pe*rez-Madrid, Jose* Salazar, Lopez Garcia de San Luis, Fr. Ignacio de Sartorio, Jose* Manuel Torres, Manuel Valde*s, Alexandro Vegas, Nicolas Vengana, Senor de Villavicencio, Pablo Yanes , Juan Yrazabal, Rafael de Ytolinque, Pedro Patino [182] MEXICO 195 182 MEXICO Mexican independence papers, 1810-1821. 110 i terns . Letters and documents dealing chiefly with the early independence movement in Mexico under Miguel Hidalgo and Ignacio Allende from 1810 to 1812. The later material reflects the continued struggle for independence during the following decade. Purchased, 1949. Names of writers of letters and authors and signers of documents: Abarca, Roque Aguilar, Jose* Francisco Aguirre, Matias Aldama, Mariano Amador, Pedro Manuel Anaya, Juan Pablo Arvallo, Jose* Jestis Arriaga y Diaz Ayala, Ignacio de Barvoso, Francisco Xavier Benavides, Jose* Miguel Bonavia, V. Cabeza de baca, Lucas Calleja, Felipe Maria Camina, Tiburcio Canseco, Joaquin Manvel Cantera, Lucio Calvo Cardenas, Marcos Carmona, Jose* Maria Carmona, Mariano Carrasco, Joaquin Castillo y Bustamante, Joaquin del Chico, V. Clarisa, V. Collado, Juan de Conto, Antonio de Correa, Manuel Cos, Jose* Maria Davila, Braulio Diaz de Bustamante, Francisco Garcia, Alvino Gordoa, Andres Mariano Grejo, Jose" Antonio Herrera, Jose* Herrera, Luis Hidalgo y Costillo, Pedro Leon Iriarte, Jose* Raphael de Iturbide, Augustine de Liceaga, Jose* Maria Lopez Aguado, Maria Rafaela Lopez, Benedicto Lopez, Jose* Ignacio Lopez , Juan Lopez , Rayon Llano, Ciriaco del Llorente, Carlos Maria Magos, Eduardo Monsalve, Pedro Montes, Jose* Maria Navarro, Ignacio Negrete, Pedro Celestino Nemesio Salcedo Ora, Bernado de Oviedo, Juan de Puente, Pedro de la Ramirez, Mariano Rayon, Ignacio Rocha, Jose* Ygnacio Rosains, Juan Ruiz de Aguirre Sancedo, Francisco Santa Maria, Vicente Sobato, Jose* Maria Tirado, Jose" Antonio Velasquez, Pedro Francisco Vene*gas, Francisco Javier Victoria, Francisco Villagran, Julian Villasenor, Jose* Maria Vraga, Antonio Maria Yarza, Remigio de 196 MEXICO [183] 183. MEXICO Mexican land grants, 1558-1808. 14 items. Documents signed by viceroys relating to land policies in New Spain. Those signed by Luis de Velasco show the formation of the Spanish land policy. Of particular interest is a land grant concerning the Montezuma family. Purchased, 1950. Names of signers and authors of documents: Aguirre, Juan Albuquerque, Fernandez de la cueva, Francisco, duque de , Anaya, Alonso de Anaya, Joseph Anzures, Pedro Arteaga, Felipe Ayala, Juan de Barreda, Carlos de Barreros, Ignacio de la Bautista, Antonio Bautista, Miguel Bermudez de c astro, Francisco Bermudez de castro, Juan Bias de Castillejo Jazintho Salvador Maria Antonio Cansino de Fiola Chaves, Francisco de Chaves, Mathias Coronbas, Diego Coruna, Lorenzo Juarez de Mendosa, conde de la, Cuellas, Fernando Dabreti, Juan Joseph Dias de Vega, Francisco Enriquez de Almansa, Martin Enriquez de Rivera Fernandez de Guzman Gallego, Nicolas Garcia, Pedro Godoy, Joselh Gomez, Juan Gonzales, Lorenzo Gualdalcazar, Fernandez de C6rdoba, Diego, marquez de Bolano, Cabanas Cadena, Guemes y Horcasitas, Juan Francisco Guerrero, Antonio Jimenez de Vargas, Luis Lara, Joseph de Ledesma, Joan Leon, Joseph de Lima, Joaquin Antonio Lubian, Joseph Antonio Manrique de Zuniga, Alvaro Martinez Llorente Mexia Maldonado, Miguel Montezuma, Sarmiento Valladares, conde de Morena, Joseph Munoz, Bernado Munoz del Bravo, Luis Olaso, Juan de Paz, Juan Joseph Pena Antonio, Luis de Plaza, Francisco de la Ramirez, Diego Ramirez, Felipe Reves del Castillo, Antonio Ribera Maldonado, Juan Riveza Butron, Joseph Rodriguez, Marcos Robledo, Pedro de Rodriguez de Prado Romero de Zanega, Carlos San Francisco, Patricio Joseph Sardoxantes de Carranca, Balta Suarez de Vargas, Antonio Torre. Francisco de la Valdes, Francisco Valdivia, Nicolas de Valenzuela, Francisco [184-185] MEXICO 197 Velasco, Luis de Vinas, Luis de Xauxez de Soria Villaroel Yanez, Alonso Zuniga, Luis de 184. MEXICO. Miscellaneous manuscripts, 1551-1842. 48 items. Separate and unrelated letters and documents per- taining to various aspects of the history of Mexico Purchases and gifts. Some of the items are gifts of The Clements Library Associates. Names of writers of letters and authors and signers of documents: Acarete, Juan Maria Alvarez, Melchor Antonio, Nicolas Basadre, Ignacio Codallos, Filipe Esteva, Ignacio Filisola, Vicente Garcia Conde, Francisco Guerrero, Vicente Iturbide, Augustin de Jus to Corro, Jose" Leon Valdes, Jose* de Martinez, Juan Mexia, Alonso de Monedo, Baltasar de Palou, Francisco Pafia, Juan de la Pedroso, Manuel Ramirez y Senna, Joaquin Rincon, Jose* Rivera y Moncada, Fernando Romero, Jose" Santa Anna, Antonio Lopez de Suarez, Manuel Valencia, Gabriel Vargas, Hernando de 185. MEXICO. Varios Papeles, 1716-1833. 44 items, 291 pages. Bound volume of miscellaneous letters and documents, some of them copies, relating to Mexico. Described in the catalogue of Sotheby and co., June 24-27, 1919, item 490. Phillipps Ms. 21265. See Peckham's Guide for fuller description. Purchased, 1928. Names of writers of letters and authors and signers of documents: Alamgn, Lucas Bocanegra, Jose" Maria de Codallos, Juan Jose" Garcia, Antonio 198 MEXICO [186-187] Garcia, Carlos Garfias, Francisco Guerrero, Vicente Hierro Vargas, Antonio Maria de Linares, Fernando de Alencastre* Norona y Silva, marques de Valdefuentes, duque de Mexico. Contaduria mayor de cuentas Santa Anna, Antonio Lopez de Sonora, Jose' de Grflvez, marque's de Vieyra, Jose* Maria 18 6. MEXICO ( VICEROYALTY) LAWS, STATUTES, ETC. Coleccion General de las Reales Cedulas y Ordenes que hacen el Govierno de los asuntos Fiscales formada por el Sr. Dr. Dn. Josef Antonio de Areche, del Consejo de S. M. y su Fiscal en la Rl. Audiencia de Mexico. 1773. 3 ft. Royal decrees, letters and instructions relating to the government of New Spain and to many aspects of social life in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, including hospitals, prisons, factories, educational institutions, and treatment of the Indians in Mexico, California, Florida and Cuba. Described in catalogue 23 of the Dolphin book co., 1951, item 478. Gift of The Clements Library Associates, 1951. 187. MEXICO (VICEROYALTY) Papers, 1542-1802. 10 items. Documents signed by viceroys and subordinate officials relating to governmental and army matters, many of them dealing with appointments to the Mexican garrison. Purchased. Names of authors and signers of documents: Alburquerque, Francisco Fernandez de la Cueva, duque de Azanza, Miguel Joseph de Branciforte, Miguel de la Grua Talamanca y Branciforte, marque's de Bucareli y Urstia, Antonio Maria de Castillo, Jose* del Marquina, Felix Berenguer de Mendoza, Antonio de Palafox y Mendoza, Juan de [188-189] MEXICO CITY 199 Revilla Gigedo, Juan Vin- cente de Giie*mez Pacheco de Padilla de Horcasitas Y Aguayo, conde de Rodriquez, Marcos Salcedo, Jose* Maria 188. MEXICO CITY. BOTANICAL GARDENS. Papers, 1785-1789. 50 items. Letters and documents relating to the establish ment of the first botanical gardens in the New World. Gift of The Clements Library Associates, 1948. Names of writers of letters and authors and signers of documents: Aleguia Alva Anda Antonio Gernfno Basail, Lie. Manuel Lucio Bravo Caamano, Joaquin Rom. de Carrillo Cervantes, Vicente Colla, Fernando de Costanio, Miguel Florez, Manuel Antonio Gallardo, Lie. Ignacio de Perez Galvez, Ysidro Gamboa Gfra, M. Jose* Granging, Fernando Josef Guevara Herrera, Francisco Maria de Hugo, Ricardo Francisco Fernandez de Jone, M. Jose* Ignacfo Garcia Leal, Jose* Marfa Los ad a Mstldorado, Luis Marin, Campo Matamoro, Jose* de Ayala Mier y Trespalacios, Cosme de Nuapa, El Marque's de Pablo, Ignacio de Toleriaz Paresa Parrilla, Luis Pena y Brizuela, Jub. Juan Josef Mat fas de la Pesa y Casas, Ignacio Jose* de la Sensere, Taime Sesse, Martin de Sonia Valdez, Andres Velasco, Antonio Rodriguez de Velasco, Juan Francisco de 189. MEXICO CITY. Ordenanzas que se han observar y guardar en la muy Noble, muy leal, Ynsigne, e Ymperial Ciudad de Mexico. Aprobadas por S. M. El Sof. Dn. Felipe Quinto, por su Real Ce*dula de Quatro de Noviembre de 1728. 200 MEXICO CITY - MICHIGAN [190-191] 1 item, 159 pages. Certified copy of new ordinances as approved and put in force in Mexico City in 1728. Described in the catalogue of Sotheby and co., June 24-27, 1919, item 448. Phillipps Ms. 21285. See Peckham' s Guide for fuller description. Acquired upon settlement of the Clements estate, 1937. 190. MEXICO CITY. Remonstrance, (1772, 1 item, 164 pages. Remonstrance of the municipal government of Mexico City to the king of Spain against the practice of appointing only Spaniards from Spain to the high offices of army, church, and state in Mexico. The manuscript is unsigned and undated. Described in the catalogue of Sotheby and co., June 24-27, 1919, item 450. Phillipps Ms. 21311. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Purchased, 1928. 191. MICHIGAN. Papers, 1761-1947. 1 ft. Letters and documents written by Michigan offi- cials, prominent citizens, and early settlers, usually with reference to the territory or the state Other material relating to the history of Michigan will be found in the Alger papers (no. 7), Cass papers (no. 52), and Lyon papers (no. 166). See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Purchases and gifts. Some of the items are gifts of The Clements Library Associates. Names of writers of letters and authors and signers of documents: Abbott, James Barclay, Thomas Adams, John Quincy Beguigue, Joseph Allen, James Turner Bourdault, Veronique Angel 1, James Burrill Brant, Joseph Baby, Duperon Brock, Sir Isaac MICHIGAN 201 Brush, Elijah Bucklew, William Burton, Clarence Monroe Campau, B. Campeau, Jacques Campeau, Simon Cass, Lewis Catlin, George B. Cenae, J. Portier Cessure, Rebecca Charnwood, Godfrey Rathbone Benson, 1st baron Chene, Joseph Chippewa chiefs Nanguis Vouytonaince Chovin, Charles Chovin, Susanne Cook, Frank Cooke, Aaron J. Crequi, Veuve Crequis, Jean Baptiste Cross, Arthur Lyon Crouthier, Renfe Currier, Nathaniel Dearborn, Henry Denby, Edwin Dequindre, Catherine Dexter, Kate Donelson, Andrew J. Drouillard, Marie Duffy, M. 0. Eberts, Hermann Edwards, Thomas Emery, Benjamin Franklin Ferris, B. Ferris, William Fields, Eleanor Fields, James Fields, James, Jr. Foxen, James Foxen, Mary Frank, Lawrence Gatinion, Josette Gilbert, Thomas Girardin, Charles F. Gladwin, Henry Gowin, Charles Grant, Claudius B. Gratiot, Charles Groesbeck, William Guthrie, James Hale, John Hamtramck, John Francis Harris Harron, Alexander Haywood, Elijah Herague, Joseph Hull, Abraham F. Hull, William Jackson, Andrew Jesup, Thomas Sidney Jones, William Lajoie, Hyacinthe Lewis, Meriwether Ligth, Jacob Lognon, Louis Loson, Archange Lyman, Theodore McArthur, Duncan McDonnell, John McDouall, Robert McLaughlin, Andrew C. McVay, Hugh Macy and Driggs, western land agency Mason, J. Meldrum and Park Michener, Earl C. Missomur, John Monroe, James Moore, Charles Morgan, George Morin, Isidore Morrison, James Nelson, Jonathan Nelson, Otto Ottawas. Chief Pontiac Pettit, John Pollard, Rev. Richard Porlin, Jacques Pouget, Joseph Rassette, Francois Rawlins, George C. Rese, Rev. Frederick Rivardi, John Joseph Ulrich Robidaux, Elisabethe Rocheblave, Noel Roe, Coleman Rogers, Robert Ruland, Israel Sans Crainte, Marie Saunders, William Schoolcraft, Henry R. Shaw, John Stevenson, James Strickland, Randolph Strong, David Tappan, Henry Philip Thompson, David Towson, Nathan Tracy, Uriah 202 MILDMAY - MINTO [192-193] Trowbridge, R. E. Van Buren, Martin Van Dyke, William Walner, S. Z. Wayne, Anthony Williams, William M, Woodbridge, William Young, John W. 192. MILDMAY, SIR WILLIAM, 1st BART., d. 1771. Papers, 1748-1756. 1 ft. British diplomat. Correspondence and negotiations with British and French officials relative to matters provided for in the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle, including boundary settlements, prizes taken at sea, and the exchange of prisoners. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Purchased, 1934. Names of writers of letters and authors and signers of documents: Albemarle, William Anne Keppel, 2nd earl of Allix, Charles Barbadoes . Gove rnor , Council and Assembly Bedford, John Russell, 4th duke of Cornwall is, Hon. Edward De Cosne, Ruvigny Durand de Distroff, Francois -Marie France Sovereigns. Louis XV Treaty with Great Britain, 1748 Great Britain Sovereigns. George II Treaty with France, 1748 Hinde, George Maurepas, Jean-Fre'de'ric Phdlippeaux, comte de Mildmay, Sir William, 1st bart. Shirley, William United Provinces of the Low Country. States General Yorke, Sir Joseph, 1st baron Dover 193. MINTO, WALTER, 1753-1796. Papers, 1757-1799. 28 items. Mathematician. Miscellaneous papers, including correspondence with scientists and learned societies See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Gift of Harry B. Earhart, 1934. MISCELLANEOUS 203 Names of writers of letters and authors and signers of documents: American Philosophical Society Baynton, Peter Daniell, Anna Elizabeth Detargny, Marin Edinburgh. University. Library Epene, Giorgio Bagovide Dio Kemp, John Mann, Sir Horace, 1st bart. Mocenigo, C6nte Demetrius de Orange Society of Edinburgh Presbyterians Congregation of Princeton Robertson, James Rush, Dr. Benjamin St. Andrews Society of New York St. Paul 1 s Church Tommasini, Jacopo And. University of Aberdeen 194. MISCELLANEOUS MANUSCRIPTS, 1493-1949 7 ft. Separate and unrelated letters and documents by a large number of writers and pertaining to many different topics. Few of the items are by the same writer. See Peckham' s Guide for fuller description. Purchases and gifts. Some of the items are gifts of The Clements Library Associates. Names of writers of letters and authors and signers of documents: Abbe*, M. S. Abbott, A. B. Aberdeen, George Hamilton Gordon, 4th earl of Adam, Stephen Adams, Abigail Brown Brooks, Mrs. Charles Francis Adams, Charles Francis Adams, Franklin P. Adams, Randolph Greenfield Agassiz, Jean Louis Rodolphe Albemarle, Arnold Allan Cecil Keppel, 8th earl of Alcott, Louisa May Alexander, James Alexander, Lucien Hugh Alexandria (Va.). Bank of Allan, John Allen, Aaron Allen, Benjamin Allen, Joseph Allen, William Allison, Edward H. Allison, John Alvord, Clarence Walworth American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions Amherst, Sir Jeffery Amherst, baron Amory, Thomas Coffin Anderson, Johanna Anderson, Joseph Anderson, Joseph Andre", John Angel 1, Sir Norman Appleton, Dr. Nathaniel Walker Aquart, B. Archer, William Archibald, C. D. Aristides (ship) Armstrong, John Arnold, A. A. Arnold, Charles Arnold, Margaret Shippen 204 MISCELLANEOUS [194] Asgill, Sir Charles Ashley, James M. Aspinwall, Thomas As tor, John Jacob Atkins, Joseph Atkinson, Jonathan Atkinson, Wilfred At lee, Samuel John Atlee, William Austin, James Trecothik Avery, John Babcock, H. Bailey, Littleton Baker, Chauncey Brooke Baker, William Spohn Balch, Thomas Baldwin, Christopher Columbus Ball, Spencer M. Baltimore Country Committee Banagant, Miguel Bancroft, George Banks, Sir Joseph Bannarcier, Mons. de Bant, William Barber, Francis Barker, John Barlow, Joel Barnes, Rev. Albert Barnet, Isaac Cox Barnwell, Anna Marie, Mrs. John Barrow, Sir John Barry, William F. Bartlett, L. Bartlett, Mary Barton, William Bascom, Linus Basmarien, de Bastard, John Bath, John Grenville, 1st earl of Bathurst, Henry Bathurst, 3rd earl Bayard and Couy Beach, Samuel Bellamy Beckwith, Sir George Bedford, John Russell, 6th duke of Bee, Thomas Belcher, Jonathan Belford, William Belknap, Jeremy Benedict, Mrs. Benerhondt, Margaret Benner, John Bennett, James O'Donnell Benson, Robert Bentham, Rev. James Berkeley, George Cranfield Berkeley, 17th baron Bernard, Sir Francis, bart, Bernard, James B. Best, William Draper, 1st baron Wynford Bestrand, E. Biddle, Charles Biddle, Clement Biddle, Nicholas Bigelow, Jacob Bigot, Francis Bingham, Hiram Bishop, Abraham Black, Mary Blackford, John Blackman, John Lurie Blair, Frank P. Blair, Rev. Hugh Blathwayt, William Blenman, Jonathan Blodget, Samuel Bloomfield, Moses Bollinger, James William Boog, Robert Bosawen, Edward Boston, William Botts, Benjamin Bougainville, comte de Bourdon, Louis Gabriel Bourne, Benjamin Bowdoin, James Bower, Joseph M. Bowie, Robert Boynton, John Brace, Charles Loring Brackett, Anthony Braddyll, Wilson Bradish, David Bradstreet, Martha Brand, Sir Henry B. W. , 1st viscount Hampden, 23d baron Dacre Breasley, David Brent, Daniel Breteuil, Louis-Auguste Le Tonnelier, baron de Brevoort, J. Carson Bridgewater, Henry Bridgman, John Brimsley, J. G. Brinley, Francis Brisbane, Sir Charles Bristed, Henry MISCELLANEOUS 205 Brooks, A. S. Brooks, John Brougham and Vaux, Henry Peter Brougham, baron Broun, Heywood Brown, Benjamin Brown, John Brown, John Brown, Robert Benaway Brown, Thomas Browne, Mary Brownson, Henry F. Brunswick, Prinz Carl Wilhelm Ferdinand, herzog von Brush, Charles R. Bryan, George Bryan, John A. Bryant, Foster Bryce, James, viscount Buchan, David Stewart Erskine, 11th earl of Bucknam, George, & Co. Buell, Benjamin F. Bull, Thomas J. Burbeck, Henry Burgoyne, John Burke, Aedanus Burke, James Francis Burns & Sons Burns, W. W. Burr, Aaron Burroughs, William Burt, Charles Pym Burwell, Lewis Busca, Chevalier de Butler, Thomas Butterfield, Daniel Byfield, Nathaniel Cabell, James Branch Cabell, Joseph Carrington Cabell, Samuel Jordan Cade, Peter Cairns, Ann E. Calef, John Callender, Eliezer Callender, James Campbell, Alan Campbell, Alex Campbell, Sir Colin Campbell, David Campbell, John Cannon, Le Grand Bouton Carey, Matthew Carleton, Sir Guy, 1st baron Dorchester Carlton, Osgood Carmichael, William Carondelet, Francisco Luis Hector, baron de Carson, Hampton L. Cartwright, John Castlereagh, Robert Stewart, 2nd marquis of Londonderry, 2nd viscount Castries, Charles Eugene Gabriel de la Croix, marquis de Castro, Macedo Melchor Castro, Jose* Caswell, Richard Catlin, George Cazenove, Theophile Chafin, Eugene Wilder Chamberlain, Joseph Champlin, John Denison Chanche, Bishop John Mary Joseph Chandler, John Chandler, Joshua Chandler, Samuel Chandler, Thomas Chandler, William Chase, Robert Chauncey, Charles Chauncy, Nathaniel Snell Chelmsford, Frederick Thesiger, 1st baron Chesapeake & Ohio canal co. Chester, Leonard Cheswill, Wentworth Chetwynd, William Chick, Edward Lord Child, Jonathan Chilton, E. Christie, Gabriel Church, Dr. Benjamin Church of England Churron, Fr. Cist, Henry Martyn Clagett, Wyseman Clark, John Bates Clarke, Gedney Clarke, Thomas Clarkson, Andrew Claviere, Etienne Clemenceau, Georges Clemens, Charles L. Clements, Nathanael Clinton, George Clinton, James Clinton-Bradley, V. C. 206 MISCELLANEOUS [194] Clopton, John Cluverius, Wat J"yler Clyraer, George Cobb, James M. Cobb, Sylvanus, Jr. Cobbett, William Cobden, Richard Cockburn, Sir George Codman, John Codrington, Sir William John Cogswell, William Colbert, Jean Baptiste Colcord, Samuel Cole, George Watson Collet, John Collier, John Payne Columbia College. Board of Trustees Colvill, Robert Connecticut General Assembly Governor and Council of Safety Militia Captain General 10th regiment Connor, Samuel Conway, Hon. Henry Seymour Cooke, Frank A. Cooke, Nicholas Cooper, Mary Cooper, William Copway, George Cordova, Luis de Coxe, Tench Coxe, William Craig, Sir James Henry Craig, Milliken Craige, David Crane, Cephas Bennett Cranfield, Edward Crapo, William W. Croker, John Wilson Crosby, Bing Crowley, Thomas Cullimore, Isaac Cumberland, Prince William Augustus, duke of Cumings, Samuel Cutler, Ephriam Cutts, R. D. Dalkerque, Delatre Dampne, Louis Dana, James Dwight^ Dana, Richard Henry Dane, Nathan Danforth, Jonathan Daniels, Ramsloe Dart, John Sandford Davies, Isaac Davis, Gherardi Davis, John Day & Nourse Dayton, Elias Deane, Charles Deane, Silas Dearborn, Henry Dearborn, Sarah Bowdoin, Mrs. Henry De Evia, Rodrigo Delafield, Richard Delisle, Simon-Claude Denby, Edwin Denton, Joseph De Quiron, Don Fernando Derby, Edward Stanley, 14th earl of Derby, John De Rothesay, Sir Charles Stuart, baron Stuart Des Jardins, M. Des Vateuil, baron Devonshire, Spencer Cavendish, 8th duke of De Voto, Bernard Dewey, John Dexter, A. Dexter, Timothy Dezoteux, Pierre Marie Felicite, baron de Carmatin Dibdin, Thomas Frognall Dickinson, John Dickinson, Samuel, Sr. Dickinson, Samuel, Jr. Dilke, Sir Charles Wentworth, 2nd bart. Dinwiddie, Robert Disraeli, Benjamin, 1st earl of Beaconsfield Dix, Rev. Morgan Dixon, Matthew Dodge, Benjamin Dominguez, Miguel Doughty, John Dow, J. E. Down & Connor, Richard Downman, Hugh Draper, Josiah Drayton, William Henry Duche, Jacob Dudley, John Dufour, M. MISCELLANEOUS 207 Dumas, Alphonse Dunbar, Charles Durfee, Job Dutilk, Stephen Duty, William Duval, Gabriel Duvall, G. Dwight, Joseph E., 0. East India Co. Eastman, Edward Eberhard, Louis Eckmayer, Wilhelm Edely, Benjamin Eden, Sir Robert Eden, William, 1st baron Auckland Edgar, William Crowell Eliot, Caron Ellery, Christopher Ellery, Joseph A. Ellery, William Ellzey, William Elmer, Daniel Elmer, Theodore English, George Bethune Entsminger, John Erving, George William Everett, Edward Ewing, Maskell Exeter ( N. H. ) bank Eyre, William Farmer, James Farnsworth, William Farquhar, A. B. Feathersonhaugh, George William Fechter, Charles Albert Fellows, Joseph Ferdinand, Pere Ferris, John Fess, Simeon D # Feuquiere, Marquis de Field, Catherine Field, Jonathan Fifield, John Fifield, Joseph Fish, Stuyvesant Fishbourne, Benjamin Fishburne, William Fisher, Joshua Francis Fiske, John Fitch, Jonathan Fitzhardinge, Maurice F. F. Berkeley, 1st baron FitzSimons, Thomas Fletcher, Inglis, Mrs. John George Follows, Samuell Ford, Paul Leicester Ford, Worthington Chauncey Forde, Standish Forjaz, D. M. P. Foster, John Watson Fowler, Benjamin Fox, Gustav Vasa France. Sovereigns. Louis XV Francia, J. G. R. Frankland, Sir Thomas Franklin, Benjamin Frazer, Andrew Frazer, John G. Freake, John Freeman, Douglas Southall Freeman, Russell French, George Henry Freneau, Peter Friend, Gabriel Friends, Society of Pennsylvania and New Jersey meetings Yearly meeting of women Fritz, Randolph Nathan Frost, George Frothingham, P. Fulton, John H. G., S. Gaillard, Thomas Galakey, John Gale, John Gallatin, A. A. Albert Gardiner, Benjamin Garnett, David Gates, Horatio Geoffrey, fils Georgetown (S. C.)- Committee Georgia Mississippi Co. Germain, James Gerrard, Ph. Gerrish, Benjamin Gholson, Thomas Gibbon, Edward Gibbon, John Gibson, James Gibson, James Edgar Gifford, Ziba Gilpin, Joshua Gilpin, Thomas Giraud, Antoine Girdwood, Rev. John Gladstone, William B. Gleig, George Robert Goldy, Collis Goldschmidt, Ernst Philip 208 MISCELLANEOUS [194] Goodrich, Elizur Goodrich, John Gore (Canada), inhabitants of Goschen, George J. Gouverneur, N. Gouye, Pere Thomas Graham, Robert Bontine Cunningham Grant, Claudius Buchanan Grant, Edward Chapman Grant, Major James Grantley, Charles Graves, Robert Gray, Harrison Gray, James, Jr. Gray, William Great Britain Army in America Board of Trade Council to H. M. Commissioners, 1781 Customs King in Council Prince of Wales, Regent Prince Regent in Council Privy Council Sovereigns George II George III George IV Victoria Greeley, Horace Green, Nathan Green, William N. Greene, William Greene, Zachariah Greenough, Horatio Greenwood, Thales Grenville, Henry Griswold, Stanley Grummon, Joseph Guerard, Gov. Benjamin S. C. Guillouet, Claude Guiteau, Charles Julius Hadden, James Murray Haldimand, Sir Frederick Halifax, Edward Lindley Wood, 3rd viscount Halkett, Henry Hall, Benjamin Hall, John Hallett, John Halliburton, Dr. John Hamersley, Hugh Hamilton, Alexander Hamilton, John Hamilton, Walter Hampton Falls, Selectmen of Hamtramck, John Francis Hancock, D. Thomas Hancock, John Hand, Edward Hand, Jesse Handley, R. H. Hanson, Samuel Hardwicke, Philip Yorke, 3rd earl of Harmsworth, Sir Robert Leicester Harper, James Harris, F. W. Harris, Thaddeus Wilson Harrison, Benjamin Harrison, Richard Hartley, David Hauterive, Alexandre Maurice Blanc de Lanautte comte d 1 Hawkins, Charles Hawkins, Harry S. Hayes, Col. Joseph Head, Franklin R. Heath, George Crawford Heath, William He 11 ins, John Hempstead, Robert Henderson, Rev. Alexander Henderson, David Henry, Joseph Henry, Moses Henty, George Alfred Herbert, Sidney, 1st baron Herbert Herrick, Myron Hessian soldier Hey, Dr. William Hicks, Elias Hide, John Hill, G. Birkbeck Hillhouse, David Hindson, William Hinman, Royal Ralph Hitchcock, Daniel Hoare, William Henry Hodges, Thomas Hollingsworth, Levi Hollingsworth, Samuel Hollingsworth, Thomas Hollister, Jonathan Holmes, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Thomas James MISCELLANEOUS 209 Hooker, Rev. Asahel Hooper, R. Hope, Erskine Hopes, Samuel Hopkins, Daniel Hopkins, S. Hosmer, Titus Houdin, Anthony Peter Houghton Mifflin Co. Houston, William C. Howe, Sir Joseph Howe, Robert Howell, Samuel Howland, Henry R. Hubbard, John Hubbard, Thomas Huber, William Henry Hude, James Hughes, John Humphreys, Arthur Lee Humphreys, David Hunter, Alexander Hunter, M. Huntington, Samuel Hurst, Fannie Husbands, Elizabeth Husbands, William H. H. Hu-Shih Hutchinson, Thomas Hutchinson, William Hyatt, Elijah Ingels, George Ingersoll, J. R. Ingraham, Edward Duncan Innes, M. C. Irish, Nathaniel Irvine, James Colquhoun Izard, Ralph Jackson, Daniel Jackson, John George Jackson, Mrs. Lucy Jacob, Joshua Jacobs, Albert Jaffrey, George Jamison, Benjamin Jarret, Henry Jay, John Jefferys, Thomas Jenckes, John Jenkins, Abel Jesup, Thomas Sydney Johnson, Daniel Johnson, Eastman Johnson, Joseph Johnson, Reverdy Johnson, Rossiter Johnson, Sir William, 1st bart. Johnston, Joshua Johnston, William Jones, Thomas Catesby Keene, G. W. Kelland, Thomas Kelly, Harry Francis Kennedy, John Stewart Kent County (Md.) , inhabitants of Kergarion, Loemaria, comte de Key, Francis Scott Kilgore, James King, Rufus Kinsey, John Kite, Thomas Kitt, Frederick Klaw, Francis Knowles, James Sheridan Knox, Henry Knox, William Kornmann, F. Grimo Kosciuszko, Tadeusz Kossuth, Louis Kraker, R. Kunkel, C. N. L., D. K. Lafayette, Marie- Joseph- Paul-Yves-Roch Gilbert du Motier, marquis de La For6t, Mons. de Laing, Allen Stewart Lamb, Martha J. Lame, John Lameth, Alexandre de La Motte-Grout, Ensign de Lane, William Coolidge Lang, Charles Porcher Langdon, John Langeron, C. C. Andrault, comte de Lansdowne, Henry William Edmond Petty-Fitzmaurice, 7th earl of Kerry, 6th marquess of Larrabee, Benjamin Lathrop, S. H. Lathrop, Thomas Laurens, Henry La Valiniere, Huet de Lawrence, Joseph Leaf, Munro Lean, Alexander Lear, Tobias Leavitt, Masey Le Breton de Blessin et Dessaudrais Sebire 210 MISCELLANEOUS [194] Le Camus Lee, Arthur Lee, Elizabeth Lee, Henry Lee, Jeremiah Lee, Richard Henry Lee, Thomas Ludlow Lee, William Leech, Joseph Lepineau, Lt. Lescallier, Daniel Lester, Charles Edwards Le Verrier, Urbain Jean Joseph Levis, Samuel & Son Lewis, Estelle Lewis, John L. Lewis, Lyman Lewis, Samuel Lincoln, Benjamin Lincoln, Levi Lincoln, Robert Todd Lippincott, Benjamin Lippincott, Charles E. Lippincott, Isaac Littlebury, J. Livermore, Daniel Livingston, Edward Livingston, Robert R. Livingston, Walter Livingston, William Lloyd, James Logan, James Long, Pierce Lord, Theodorus Lossing, Benson John Love 11, James Low, Abraham Low, Nicholas Low, Richard Lowden, George L. Lowe, James Lowe, Robert Lowell, Francis Cabot Lowell, John Lucas, H. S. Lucas, Philip Monoux Ludlam, Charles Ludlow, George Ludlow, William Lush, Stephen Lusser, Mons. de Lux, William Lyndhurst, John Singleton Copley, 1st baron McAlexander, Ulysses Grant MacArthur, Douglas Macartney, George Macartney, 1st earl Macaulay, Thomas Babington, 1st baron Macaulay McCall, Hugh McCarty, David McClintock, Marion McCormick, Robert R. McCoy, Frank Ross McCulloh, Henry McDonell, Alexander McDougall, Alexander Macembon, Deborah B. Macembon, Otis Machault, Jean-Baptiste de McHenry, Dr. James McHenry, Joseph McHenry, Margaret Caldwell, Mrs . James Mcintosh, James Mcintosh, Lachlan McKean, Thomas McKee, John McKinney, John McLellan, George W. McMullin, William McNeil, John, Jr. Madison, Dolly Payne Todd, Mrs. James Madison, Nelly C. Maille", comte de Mann, Ambrose Dudley Marburg, William March, John Marcy, William Learned Marigny, Bernard de Markoe, Francis Markoe, Peter Marschalk, Andrew Marsden, William Marsh, George Martin, H. W. Martin, J. Martinez, Ramon Maryland Militia 1st Regiment 15th Regiment 28th Regiment 29th Regiment Mason, John Y ung Mason, Nathaniel Mason, Stephen T. Massachusetts General Court MISCELLANEOUS 211 Mather, Samuel Mather, William Gwinn Matlack, Timothy Matson, Nathaniel Matthews, D. G. Matthews, William Mattison, S. H. Maxwell, Adam Mazarini, Cardinal Giulio Mead, Lewis Carlisle Mearns, David Chambers Mease, James Mercer, Charles Fenton Mercer, Hugh Merit, Lovering Mershom, Mary S. Mershom, Samuel D. Merwin, John B. Miamis. Chief Little Turtle Michener, Earl C. Mico, John Middlesex County (Mass.) Court of Common Pleas Mifflin, Thomas Miles, Nelson Appleton Millett, William Mitchill, Samuel Latham Mogridge, Thomas Monroe, Harriet Montagu, Edward Montbarey, Prince de Moore, George Henry Moore, Nathaniel Fish More, Thomas Morgan, Daniel Morgan, George Morgan, Harriett Morigny, Pierre Isaac de Morison, Jan Morley, Christopher Morris, John Morris, Richard Morris, Robert Morris, Samuel Morris, Vail Morsman, Edgar Martin Morton, Perez Motta, P. Moulton, Jeremiah Moulton, Jonathan Moulton, 0. B. Moultrie, William Muir, G. Mullin, William E. Munson, William Murat, Napoleon-Achille Murphy, Henry Cruse Murphy, Juan Murray, Lindley Nadal, Mons. Nagel, Johannis Neal, John Nelson, Hugh Nelson, Otto Nevis, Island of House of Assembly New, Thomas Newbiggin, James Newcastle, Thomas Pelham- Holles, 1st duke of Newhall, Daniel H. New Hampshire Committee of Safety General Assembly Militia 7th Regiment New Haven (Conn.) Subscribers Newnan, William New York General Assembly House of Representatives, 1776 New York Society Library Nicholas, Andrew Nicholson, John Nixon, John Noble, John S. Northrup, John Norton, Eliakim Norton, Peter Nott, Eliphalet Nourse, Joseph O'Connell, Daniel Ogden, Thomas Ludlow Ohio Warren County School district no. 4, Franklin Township O'Neal, Sam Orde, Sir John, 1st bart. O'Reilly, Andrew O'Reilly, Matt Orleans, Louis Philippe d' , comte de Paris Or me, Robert Osborn, Chase S. Osborn, Stella Brunt Osgood, Samuel Otis, Harrison Gray Ottley, Drewry Owen, Abijah C. Page, Alfred Blylies 212 MISCELLANEOUS [194] Pago Paine, Robert Treat Pairo & Nourse Palairet, I. Palfrey, John Gorham Palmer, Joseph Parker, Francis Jewett Parnie, Evariste Desire de Forges, vicomte de Parr, William Parris, Samuel Partridge, Col. Oliver Passenger, W. Patten, John Patterson, James Willis Patterson, R. Patterson, Rev. R. W. Patterson, Robert Patterson, William Patton, John Patton, John, Jr. Paul, H. J. Payant, John R. Payn, Phillip Payne, John Howard Peale, Rembrandt Peale, Rubens Pease, Theodore C. Peck, William Peckham, Howard H. Pemberton, John Clifford Pemberton, Samuel Pendleton, Edmund Pendleton, Nathaniel Pendleton, Philip Penn, Thomas Penn, William Pennsylvania. Assembly Perkins, Frances Perkins, George Walbridge Perkins, Henry Pe rk i ns , Thomas Perry, Nathaniel Peters, Richard Peters, Samuel Andrew Phillips, Henry, Jr. Phillips, Ulrich B. Phips, Spencer Phoenix, Daniel Pickering, Timothy Pickett, William Piel, Jacob Pierce, D. Peirce, John D. Pinchot, Gifford Pitkin, Timothy Pitkin, William Pitt, Moses Plaistow (N. H. ) , Petitioners from Piatt, Thomas Collier Pleasants, James Plumer, William Poindexter, George Pollock, Thomas Pope, Elisha Portalis, Joseph-Marie, comte du Porter, George Frederick Porter, Henry Potter, Alonzo Potter, John Pownall, Thomas Prabo, Nicolas Prentice, John Prentiss, Rev. Mr. Prescott, William H. Preston, Jacob Preston, N. J. Preston, Selectmen of Prevost, Sir George, 1st bart. Prince, Henry Proud, Robert Providence ( R. I.), Subscribers Prowse, George Robert Farrar Purviance, Samuel Putnam, Benjamin P. Putnam, Rufus Qunicy, Jos i ah Quintella, J. C. Radcliffe, Jacob Ramsay, David Ramsay, Nathaniel Randolph, Beverly Randolph, John Randolph, Richard, Jr. Randolph, Thomas Mann Rann, Jonathan Raven, Richard Rawle, William Raynal, Guillaume -Thomas Francois Read, Jacob Read, James Read, Mathew Redgrave, John Redwood, Abraham Reed, Charlotte Reed, James Reed, Joseph Reed, Philip [194] MISCELLANEOUS 213 Reedman, Charles Reynolds, Ja. Rhea, J. Rhode Island Assembly, 1776 Rhodes, James Ford Rich, John T. Richardson, William Richey, Lawrence Ripley, H. L. Ripley, James Wolfe Rivers, Richard Savage, 4th earl of Rives, William Cabell Roach, Isaac Robbins, Ashur Robbins, Chandler Roberdeau, Daniel Roberts, Benjamin Roberts, Craig V. Roberts, John Robertson, Walter Robins, Richard Robinson, Beverly Robinson, George Washington Robinson, Lyles R, Robinson, Sir Thomas, 1st bart. Robinson, Walter Rockingham, Charles Watson-Wentworth, 2nd marquess of Rockwell, Daniel Rodman, William M. Rodney, Caesar Rogers, Robert Rogers, Sarah Rogers, Will Rollins, Ichabod Roosevelt, Isaac Roosevelt, Nicholas Executors of estate of Roosevelt, Theodore Rose, Daniel Ross, George W. Ross, Maria Rowan, Archibald Hamilton Rowley, Sir Josias, bart. Royall, Henry Ruddock, John Ruffin, John Ruffin, Thomas Russell, Jonathan Ruston, Thomas Ruthven, Alexander Grant Rut ledge, J. Ryder, Sir Dudley S., J. Sabin, Joseph F. St. Elmo, Walter M. St. Leonards, Edward Burtenshaw Sugden, 1st baron St. Vincent, Prior and Canons of Salmon, Lucy M. Salvadora, Jph. Sanborn, Jonathan Sands, Comfort Sandwith, Humphrey Sanford, Charles A. Sansom, Samuel Sanz, Ph. Gant Sargeant, William Sargent, Winthrop Sarmiento, Pedro Sartine, Antoine Raymond Jean Gaulbert Gabriel de, comte d'Alby Savage, Arthur Savage, Habijah Savage, Mary Sayer, Joseph Schank, Th. Scheide, John H. Schoolcraft, Henry R. Schuyler, Phillip John Scollay, William Scott, Alexander John Scott, Gustavus Scott, Winfield Seabury, Samuel Seard, William H. Seeker, Rev. Thomas Seedman, Jonathan Selbourne, Sir Roundell Palmer, 1st earl of Seneca. Chiefs Seward, Anna Shacklette, Hansford T. Sharpe, Hercules Shaw, Mrs. Louisa C. Shelburne, John H. Sherbrooke, Robert Lowe, 1st viscount Sheridan, Philip H. Sheridan, Richard Brinsley Shields, A. Shipley, Thomas & Sons Shippen, William Short, William 214 MISCELLANEOUS [194] Sidmouth, Henry Addington,_ 1st viscount Silva, Antonio Simmons, William Simons, J. N. Slocum, Henry Warner Smith, Alfred Emanuel Smith, Gerrit Smith, John Smith, John Cotton Smith, Nathaniel Smith, O'Brien Smith, Polly Ann Smith, Richard Smith, Samuel Smith, Shirley Wheeler Smith, Wavell Smith, William Hayden Snickers, Edward Snowden, F. Southard, Samuel Lewis South Carolina General Assembly House of Representatives, 1776 Governors and Lords Proprietors Souvre", Jacques Sowerby, George Brettingham, Jr. Sparhawk, Mary L. Sparks, Jared Spencer, Philip Spooner, Walter Spottswood, John Spurrier, Caleb Squier, Ephram George Squire, Samuel Stalcop, Elizabeth Stalcop, John Standnitski, Pierre Stanton, Edwin McMasters Stanton, Henry Stanton, William C. Steele, John Stephens, Alexander Hamilton Stephenson, Robert W. Sterett, J. Sterling, William Alexander, Lord Stettinius, Edward R. , Jr. Steuart, Sir" Henry Seton, 1st bart. Steuben, Fredericks William Augustus Henry Ferdinand, baron von Stevens, Benjamin Franklin Stevens, Ebenezer Stevens, Henry Stevens, Henry Newton Stevens, Thomas Wood Stewart, Charles Stewart, Dr. George Stiles, Ezra Stille, James Stoddard, Amos Stoddard, William Stoddert, Benjamin Stone, Banister Stone, Edward Stone, Frederick Dawson Stone, J. H. Stone, Wilbur Macy Stone, William Leete Storer, John Storey, Monfield Stoughton, William Strachey, Sir Henry, 1st bart. Strafford, Thomas Wentworth, 3rd earl of Strahan, William Streeter, Ruth Cheney Strong, Caleb Stronge, Jedediah Stuart, James Stumvoll, Joseph Sturm, John, Jr. Suke Sullivan, James Suite, Benjamin Sumner, Charles Sumter, Thomas Sutherland, Nicholas Swain, Leonard Swan, Caleb Swan, James Swan ( Indian chief) Sweet, John Symmes, John Cleves Talleyrand -Per igord, Charles Maurice de Tallmadge, Frederick S. Talon, Mile. Talon, Omer Antoine Tardy, C. Taylor, James Taylor, Thomas Taylor, William Tebbets, Ebenezer Terry, Thomas Alexander Thatcher, Dr. James Thayer, William Roscoe £194] MISCELLANEOUS 215 Thomas, Isaiah Thomas, Isaiah, Jr. Thomas , John Thomassin, M. Thompson, E. Thompson, J. Thompson, J. R. Thomson, Charles Thomson, John Thomson, William Thornton, William Thorpe, William Thruston, Mynna Ticknor, George Tilebein, Chris. Andrew Timmins, Edward Tisserant, Cardinal Eugene Tolozan Tonyn, Patrick Townshend, Jacob Towson, Nathan Tracy, Nicholas Trumbull, Benjamin Trumbull, John Trumbull, Jonathan Trumbull, Joseph Truxton, Thomas Tryon, William Tucker, Rev. Jos i ah Tudor, William Turgot, Mons. Turton, Dr. William Tyler, James Edell Tyler, Royall U., M. United States Army 2nd Canadian Regiment Officers 15th Regiment 1st Batt. Co. C. World War II European theatre of operations General hospital Continental Congress Treasury U. S. S. Warren Court Martial Upham, Charles Wentworth Upton, J. A. Urquhart, James Vail, Robert William Glenroie Valdes, Antonio Valentine, Catherine Valiniere, Huet de la Van Antwerp, Daniel G. Van Belle, Peter Vandenberg, Arthur Hendrick Vander Horst, Arnoldus Van Doren, Carl Van Home, Cors. Van Home, Gerrit Van Tyne, Claude H. Van Voorhees, G. Verplanck, Gulian Crommelin Viall, John Villa Real, Francisco Vosburgh, Peter Wadsworth, James Wainwright, Jonathan Mayhew Wait, Joseph Walker, James Barr Walker, Timothy Walter, Abel Ward Ward, Aaron Ward, George A. Ward, Nahum Warren, Dr. Joseph Washington, Booker T. Washington, Bushrod Washington, George Washington National Monument Office Officers and Board of Managers Watson, Abraham Watson & Murray Waymarth, Henry Wayne, Anthony Wayne, W. R. Weare, Meschech Webster, Alexander Weed, Thurlow Weekes, James Welles, Gideon Welles, John Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, 1st duke of Wells, Hannah Wells, John Wells, Samuel Wentworth, Benning Wentworth, Joshua West, Benjamin Wetmore, Prosper Montgomery Wharton, Charles 216 MONETTE - MONTE IL [195-196] Wharton, Joseph, Jr. Wharton, Philip Wharton, duke of Wharton, Thomas Whipple, Abraham Whipple, William Whi taker, Rev. Thomas Dunham White, Andrew White, John White, John White, P. Whitefield, Rev. George Whitelocke, John Whiting, William Whyle, Robert Wickham, John Wightwick, John Wilberforce, William Wilbur, Ray Lyman Wileman, Henry Wilkinson, James Williams, Daniel Williams, Elizabeth Williams, Henry Williams, Joseph Wilson, Henry Wilson, Thomas Wingate, Joshua Winship, George Parker Winslow, John Witmer, John Wolcott, William Wolfe, James Wolfe, John D. Woodbery, Elijah Woodford, William Worthington, John Wray, Catherine Wright, Silas Yates, Robert Young, Moses Youssuf Kamal, Prince Zubly, Rev. John Joachim 195. MONETTE, JOHN WESLEY, 1803-1851. Papers, 1824-1851. 2 ft. American physician and author. Papers contain drafts of chapters of a projected work to be called The valley of the Mississippi, the first part of which was published in 1846 as The history of the discovery and settlement of the valley of the Mississippi ... 2 v. The collection also includes drafts of four essays on a variety of topics, and three letters. See Peckham' s Guide for fuller description. Purchased, 1935. 196. MONTE IL, CHEVALIER DE. Papers, 1781-1782. 5 items. French naval officer. Papers consist of a log book of 103 pages kept during the naval campaigns in American waters in 1781-1782; a letter written by Monteil; a letter from the Comte de Grasse; and [197-199] MONTEZUMA - MORTON 217 two sets of instructions from Louis XVI. Purchased, 1949. 197. MONTEZUMA FAMILY. Document, 1596. 1 item, 3 pages. Manuscript relating to the tribute due the Spanish crown from the Montezuma family. Purchased, 1950. 198. MORENO, MARIANO, 1778-1811. Plan que manifiesta el regimen de las Operationes que debendirigir y poner a" cubierto la grande obra de la Liber tad a las Provincias unidas del Rio de la Plata en la America del Sud, 1810. 1 item, 121 pages. Argentine revolutionist. Recommendations of a republican as to the best methods to be adopted in dealing with the authorities and factions opposed to the freedom of Argentina and in winning over other countries to its side. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Purchased, 1928. 199. MORTON, THOMAS, 1575-1646. New English Canaan or New Canaan. Containing an Abstract of New England, Composed in Three Bookes ... 1830. 1 item, 191 leaves. English adventurer. Copy of the work printed in 1637 made by Samuel G. Drake of Boston. Explana- tory passages and footnotes were added by the copyist. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Purchased, 1928. 218 MUNOZ [200-201] 200. MUNOZ, JUAN BAUTISTA, 1745-1799. Historia del Neuvo Mondo, ca. 1830. 1 item, 254 pages. Spanish historian. Manuscript copy made from the original work which was written in the last decade of the eighteenth century. This copy includes books 7 and 8, which were to be the first two books of vol.11, which was never published. Also in- cluded in an appendix are copies of six letters and a memorial from Corte*s to Charles V dating between 1522 and 1544. The letters from Cortis have been printed in Pascuale de Gayangos y Arce, ed. Cartas y relaciones de Hernan Corte"s al emperador Carlos V ... Paris, 1866. The original manuscript is in the Real Academia de la Historia, Madrid. Described in the catalogue of Sotheby and co., June 24-27, 1919, item 371. Phillipps Ms. 11651. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Purchased, 1928. 201. MUNOZ, JUAN BAUTISTA, 1745-1799. Yndice de la Coleccion de Manuscritos pertenecien- tes a la Historia de Yndias que escribia Dn. Juan Bautista Munoz, y por su muerte se han hallado en su Libreria, 1796-1800. 6 items, 259 pages. Spanish historian. Contemporary copy of the library of Munoz, made after his death. Bound with: (1) Plan Division y Prospecto general de la Memorias de Nueva Espana, que han de servir a la Historia universal de esta Septentrional de America; (2) Cedula Biographica de Dn. Fernando Colon hi jo del Almirante Dn. Xritobal; (3) Cedula Bibliographica de la Historia del Almirante Dn. Christobal Colon que escribio su hi jo Dn. Fernando; (4) Letter signed from Silvestre Collar to Don Bernardo de Iriarte, July 5, 1796; (5) Letter signed from Don Bernardo de Iriarte to Silvestre Collar, July 27, 1796. Described in the catalogue of Sotheby and co., June 24-27, 1919, item 339. Phillipps Ms. 11796. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Purchased, 1928. [202-204] MURILLO VELARDE - NEW SPAIN 219 202. MURILLO VELARDE, PEDRO, 1696-1753. Some account of the Islands Palaos Catolinas and Garabanzos taken from Murillo, 18- . 1 item, 29 pages. Spanish priest. Translated extract in manuscript relating to the discovery in 1696 of Samar Island, part of the Philippines, and the effort to Christianize the natives up to 1733. There is also an account of the Mariana Islands. Described in the catalogue of Sotheby and co., May 19-23, 1913, item 29. Phillipps Ms. 8488. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Acquired upon settlement of the Clements estate, 1937. 203. NAVARRE, ROBERT, 1709-1791. Journal ou Relation d' une Conspiration faite par les Sauvages Contre les Anglois, et du Siege du fort du Detroit mis par quatre nations differents. Le 7 Mai 1763. Transcript. 1 item, 146 pages. Royal notary in Detroit. Transcript made by James Valentine Campbell, of Detroit, from the original manuscript in the Burton Historical Collection, Detroit Public Library. Original authorship is uncertain, but has been attributed to Robert Navarre. Journal was first translated and printed in Michigan pioneer and historical society. Historical collections, v. 8, p. 266-339. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Gift of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Hays, 1935. 204. NEW SPAIN. A history of New Spain, 18- . 1 item, 164 pages. A fragmentary copy of a history of New Spain, including Chapters 10-32 of Book 1 and Chapters 1 of Book II. The title page is missing, and the author is unknown. Described in the catalogue of Sotheby and co., June 24-27, 1919, item 319. 220 NEWFOUNDLAND - NORTH [205-206] Phillipps Ms. 16195. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Acquired upon settlement of the Clements estate, 1937. 2 05. NEWFOUNDLAND. ( Ordnance papers, 1790-1791. 58 items. Collection of papers from the office of ordnance at St. Johns, Newfoundland. They consist of issues and receipts signed by army officers, privates and ordnance clerks. Described in the catalogue of Sotheby and co. , May 19-23, 1913, item 445. Phillipps Ms. 16904. Acquired upon settlement of the Clements estate, 1937. Names of signers of receipts: Allen, William Ballard, Robert Bulger, John Carthew, James Forsyth, Robert Gilbert, R. Hawkins, Edward Humfrey, William Lees , John Lomax, Corp. Robert Roberts, Thomas Small, Serg. William Smith, James Sower, John Todridge, Thomas Wilson, John 2 06. NORTH, FREDERICK NORTH, 2ND EARL OF GUILFORD, BARON, 1732-1792. Papers, 1763-1783. 7 items. British statesman. Papers include four letters and three documents signed by Lord North. Other letters by Lord North will be found in the Clinton papers (no. 62), Germain papers (no. 98), Knox papers (no. 149), Lee papers (no. 158), Shelburne papers (no. 251), and Townshend letter books (no. 275) . See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. [207-209] NORTH - OSWALD 221 207. NORTH, FREDERICK NORTH, 2ND EARL OF GUILFORD, BARON, 1732-1792. Army reports, 1770-1782. 3 ft. British statesman. Fifty-eight volumes of con- fidential army reports from Lord North' s library. Purchased, 1948. 208. NOVA SCOTIA. Papers, 1762-1776. 6 items. Papers relating to Nova Scotia include a memorial of Joshua Mauger to the Board of Trade, March 5, 17 63; a letter from him to Thomas Pownall, December 8, 17 63; an exise act and impost act passed by the Nova Scotia legislature in 1762; two letters from the Board of Trade to Lieutenant Governor Jonathan Belcher, March 16, 1763, and to Governor Francis Legge, February 27, 1776. Described in the catalogue of Sotheby and co., May 19-23, 1913, item 440. Phillipps Ms. 11568. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Acquired upon settlement of the Clements estate, 1937. 209. OSWALD, RICHARD, 1705-1784. Letters and essays, 1779-1783. 4 items. British diplomat. Two letters to unidentified recipients, dated Paris, November 16, 1782 and January 8, 1783, deal with Loyalists and Newfoundland fisheries respectively. One essay is entitled General Observations Relative to the present State of the War, and is dated London, August 9, 1779. The second essay contains a proposal made to Viscount Melville in February, 1781, that Russia be asked for aid in the war against the American revolutionists . See Peckham' s Guide for fuller description. Purchased, 1927, 1929 and 1934. 222 PAINE - PALMERSTON [210-212] 210. PAINE, THOMAS, 1737-1809. Letters and essays, 1776-1811. 6 items. Political philosopher and author. Three letters by Paine are addressed to Lord Shelburne, Hugh H. Brackenridge and an unidentified official in London. A letter about Paine is signed "T. H.", and is dated October 14, 1811, from London. The first essay is entitled To the Citizens of the United States, and particularly to the Leaders of the Federal Faction. Letter the Sixth. It is dated at Bordentown, New Jersey, April 21, 1803. It has been printed in various collections of Paine' s letters. The second essay is Le Sens Commun ... a translation made for the first French edition which was printed in Rotterdam in 1776. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Purchased, 1925, 1927, 1932 and 1934. 211. PALGRAVE FAMILY. Papers, 1796-1844. 72 items. Letters and other material relating to Robert Palgrave (d. ca. 1804) and his appointment at Gibraltar, and to his father William Palgrave. Names of writers of letters: Barker, Edmund Henry Jervis, T. Denman, Thomas, 1st baron Laing, David Denman Palgrave, Robert Downyhouse Palgrave, W. B. Eliot, Edward Granville, Palgrave, William 3rd earl of St. Germans Parr, Samuel Hely-Hutchinson, John, Rowley, Sir Josias, bart 3rd earl of Donoughmore Rumbold, W. Hoare, L. Stuart, George Jephson, Richard M. Talbot 212. PALMERSTON, HENRY JOHN TEMPLE, 3D VISCOUNT, 1784-1865. Papers, 1816-1864. 36 items. [213-216] PARSONS - PERU 223 British statesman. Papers include documents and official correspondence dealing with military, naval and diplomatic matters, and some personal correspondence . 213. PARSONS, JONATHAN, 1705-1776. Sermons, 1737-1761. 19 items, 330 pages. American clergyman. Holograph copies of sermons preached by the Reverend Jonathan Parsons in his parishes at Lyme, Connecticut and Newburyport, Massachusetts. See Peckham' s Guide for fuller description. Purchased, 1930. 214. PATCH, IRA J. Letter Book, 1856-1857. 1 item, 56 pages. Autograph collector. Letter book contains copies of letters to various dealers and autographer col- lectors. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Purchased, 1936. 215. PEEL FAMILY. Letters, 1820-1870. 24 items. Official and private correspondence of three Sir Robert Peels, 1st bart. (1750-1830), 2d bart (1788-1850), and 3d bart. (1822-1895). 216. PERU, Defensa a" favor de los Yndios de Quito contra la Critica . . . ca. 1750. 224 PERU [217-218] 1 item, 184 pages. Reply to an anonymous criticism of Jorge Juan y Santacilia and Antonio de Ulloa. Relacidn Historica del Viage a" la America Meridional. Bound with Juicio Imparcial, sobre la Critica que se hizo £ dn. Jorge Juan y dn. Antonio de Ulloa de Critica del Viage . . . Described in the catalogue of Sotheby and co., June 24-27, 1919, item 390. Phillipps Ms. 19911. Purchased, 1928. 217. PERU, Juicio Imparcial, sobre la Critica que se hizo a* dn. Jorge Juan y dn. Antonio de Ulloa de Critica del Viage ... ca. 1750. 1 item, 165 pages. Reply to an anonymous criticism of Jorge Juan y Santacilia and Antonio de Ulloa. Relacidn Historica del Viage a* la America Meridional. Bound with Defensa a* favor de los Yndios de Quito contra la Critica ... ca. 1750. Described in the catalogue of Sotheby and co., June 24-27, 1919, item 390. Phillipps Ms. 19911. See Peckham' s Guide for fuller description. Purchased, 1928. 218. PERU. Peruvian history, 18- . 1 item, 136 pages. Fragments of Peruvian history bound in one volume, without a title page. Six chapters are titled and are credited to Dr. Brabo de Sarabia and Hernando de Santillan. Other chapters are anonymous. Described in the catalogue of Sotheby and co., June 24-27, 1919, item 319. Acquired upon settlement of the Clements estate, 1937. See Peckham' s Guide for fuller description. [219-222] PERU - PHILIPPINE ISLANDS 225 219. PERU. Viceregal reports, 1667-1681. 4 items, 102 pages. Eighteenth century copies of four viceregal re- ports on the state of Peru. Described in the catalogue of Sotheby and co., June 24-27, 1919, item 413. Phillipps Ms. 2352. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Purchased, 1928. 220. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. La Bascoana: Dichos y hechos de Don Joseph Basco Governador de Philipinas, 1826. 1 item, 50 pages. Copy of an anonymous diatribe against the adminis tration of Governor Jose" de Basco y Vargas in the Philippines, 1778-1787. See Peckham' s Guide for fuller description. Purchased, 1928. 221. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. Demonstracidn historica de quantas depredaciones llevan cometidas los Moros desde que se incorporaron estas Islas a la monarquia Espaiiola ... 1775. 1 item, 240 pages. An anonymous narrative of the depredations com- mitted by the natives from 1564 to 1774. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Purchased, 1928. 222. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. Descripcion topographica de terreno habitado por los infieles desde el Abra a* Pangasinan, y desde Ylocos S a* Cagayan, 1836. 1 item, 94 pages. 226 PITT [223] An unsigned and undated report of a commission, apparently appointed by the governor of the Philip- pines, to investigate the geographic, economic, linguistic and religious conditions of the unsub- dued tribes and to suggest methods of subjugating them. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Purchased, 1928. 223. PITT FAMILY. Papers, 1750-1830. 1 ft. Papers consist of letters to and from members of the Pitt family, 196 of them being by William Pitt the younger (1759-1806); the elder Pitt, the first Earl of Chatham (1708-1778), is represented by 11 letters; 20 letters are from Lady Pitt (1721-1803); Sir John Pitt, second Earl of Chatham wrote 33 of the letters; 12 letters are from various persons to the Pitt family. Copies of letters from the first Earl of Chatham may be found in the Shelburne papers (no. 251), and other of letters may be found in the Gage papers (no. 95), and the Grenville papers (no. 111). Letters from Lady Pitt may be found in the Grenville papers (no. Ill), Melville papers (no. 174), and Sydney papers (no. 268). Letters of the second Earl of Chatham may be found in the George III papers (no. 97), Sheffield papers (no. 250), and Sydney papers (no. 268). Letters of William Pitt the Younger may be found in the Clinton papers (no. 62), George III papers (no. 97), Germain papers (no. 98), Lee papers (no. 158), Melville papers (no. 174), and Sydney papers (no. 268). See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Acquired upon settlement of the Clements estate, 1937. Names of writers of letters: Albemarle, George Keppel, Chatham, Lady Hester 3rd earl of Grenville Pitt, Beaumarchais, Pierre- Countess of Augustin Caron de Great Britain. Board of Bristol, Frederick Trade Augustus Hervey, Keene, Sir Benjamin 4th earl of Pitt, William Chatham, William Pitt, Sandwich, John Montagu, 1st earl of 4th earl of Chatham, John Pitt, Stanhope, Lady Hester Lucy 2nd earl of Temple, Richard Temple Grenville, 2nd earl of [224-22 6] POLO DE ONDEGARDO - QUAKER 227 Townshend, Hon. Thomas Wellesley, Richard Colley Vorontsov, Semen Wellesley, 2nd earl of Romanovich, count Mornington, 1st marquess 224. POLO DE ONDEGARDO, JUAN, d. 1575. Tax accounts, 18- . 1 item, 194 pages. Tax collector. Copy of a record of tributes and taxes paid by the Indians of Peru. The original was probably made in 1571 at the request of the viceroy, Don Francisco de Toledo. Bound with Lope de Atienza. Compendio historial ... (no. 19) and Alonso de Zurita. Breve y Sumaria Relacidn ... (no. 304). Described in the catalogue of Sotheby and co., June 24-27, 1919, item 387. Phillipps Ms. 11633. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Purchased, 1928. 225. PUEBLA, MEXICO. Papers, 1868. ca. 200 items. Letters and documents relating to the history of the* state of Puebla in 1868, including manuscripts dealing with the revolt led by Miguel Negrete in the Sierra region. Purchased, 1949. 226. QUAKER COMMONPLACE BOOK, 1755-1775. 1 item, 182 pages. Manuscript transcripts of epistles, letters, re- ports of meetings for the alleviation of suffer- ings during the American Revolution, and religious expressions, chiefly of Samuel Fothergill. Purchased, 1952. Names of writers of letters: Arnold, Benjamin Balfour, N. Bailey, Anselm Brown, Moses 228 RALEIGH - REEVES [227-228] Buffum, David Crew, John Fothergill, Samuel Lapham, Thomas, Jr, Moline, John Pemberton, John Pleasants, Robert Stabler, Edward Steere, Thomas Trebank, Thomas 227. RALEIGH, SIR WALTER, 1552?-1618. A Discours touchinge the present consultation concerninge the peace with Spaine, and the retayn- inge of ye Netherlands in society Si protection, 1603. Copy. 1 item, 49 pages. English military and naval c Contemporary copy of an essay shortly after he ascended the was printed in Philip Raleigh. Sir Walter Ralegh. It was rep Raleigh. Works. Oxford, 1829. Described in the catalogue o and Hodge, July 24-25, 1924, i See Peckham' s Guide for full ommander and author, addressed to James I throne. The essay Three Discourses of rinted in Sir Walter v.8, p. 299-316. f Sotheby, Wilkinson tem 169. er description. 228. REEVES, JESSE SIDDALL, 1872-1942, COLLECTOR. Papers, 1814-1927. 5 ft. American educator; professor of international law, Papers collected are largely those of Christopher Hughes (1786-1849), American diplomat who held posts in Sweden and the Netherlands. They include instructions, dispatches and correspondence with foreign officials. Other papers in the collection deal with Maryland politics of the 1850' s, the operations of the San Pedro company in Venezuela, and conferences on international law in the 1920's. Gift of the Reeves family. Names of writers of letters and authors and signers of documents: Aberdeen, George Hamilton Gordon, 4th earl of Adair, Sir Robert Adams, Henry Adams, John Quincy Adams, Louisa Catherine Adams, Mary C. Adrion, William Airy, G. B. Alexander, Charles R, Alexander, Henry Alexander, T. S. Allen, Albert G. Allen, William [228] REEVES 229 Ankermann, G. F. Appleton, Edith S. Appleton, H. Stuart Appleton, J. J. Arenberg, August, due d 1 Arfwedson, Elizabeth A. Arfwedson, J. Edward Armistead, Mary Armstrong, Gen. John Armstrong, Mary Armstrong, Molly Astor, M. Bagot, Lady Baner, W. Bankhead, James Barbosa, Gustavo Barbour, James Baring Brothers Barney, John Bartlett, William E. , Jr. Bates, Joshua Baudeuil, James Beasley, R. Beasley, R. G. Bedford, John Russell, 6th duke of Belgium Sovereigns Leopold I Bestemarth, Worende op de Bey, Savek Biddle, Edward Bidwell, J. Biggs, J. Bishop, Anna Bleecker, H. Bligh, John Bloomfield, Benjamin, 1st baron Bomford, George Bonaparte, Charles L. Bonaparte, Joseph Napole*on Borchard, Edwin M. Boreel, R. Boteler, Alexander R. Botts, John M. Boyd, M. H. Brady, Sam Brangle, L. J. Brant, David Brederode, G. Bristol, Frederick William Hervey, 5th earl and 1st marquess of Broom, Jacob Brougham and Vaux, Henry Peter Brougham, baron Brown, Philip M. Brown, Shipley & Co. Browning, Robert Brummell, George Brunnon, Charlotte Buchanan, James M. Burdett, Sir Francis Butler, Captain Byron, George Gordon Noel Byron, 6th baron Campbell, B. H. Campbell, J. Mason Campbell, T. Campbell, William J. Canole, James Capell Brooke, Arthur de Caradoc, Sir John Hobart Carman, Due de Carter, Thomas L. Cartwright, Lady Marie Elisabeth Cartwright, Sir Thomas Cass, Lewis Castle, Elizabeth M. Castlereagh, Robert Stewart, 2nd marquess of Londonderry, 2nd viscount Cather, Thomas Chamier, Frederic Chantry, Sir Francis Chauncey, William H. Chenay, Princess de Childe, Mrs. N. L. Clark, J. P. Clay, Henry Clayton, John N. Clemson, Anna Clinton, Isabella Cogswell, J. E. Coke, Lady Anne Coke, Thomas William Collier, William M. Connell, John Cooke, Fanny Cooke, John A. Cooper, D. Corbin, Virginia Count, William A. Coxe & Co. Crane , Robert T. Crawford, John T. Crawford, William H. Crittenden, J. J. Crump, William W. da Cunha, Lopes Daingerf ield, William Henry Dallas, George M. 230 REEVES [228] Dalton, P. T. Dandridge, Adam S. Dandridge, P. P. Dandriefo, A. S. David, Jacques Louis Davies, Scrope Davis, C. A. Davis, Henry W. Decker, G. DeFord, Charles D. , & Co, de la Cour, Ed. Delarue & Co. Dellefsen, Laborde Delmatie, due de Denraan, J. Devereaux, J. Dinone, B. H. Dixey, Charles W. Du Bois, John Dukinson, Edwin D. Dulany, G. L. Dumas, Alexandre Eliot, Lady Jemima Ellicott, Thomas Ellis, C. A. Ellis, Henry Ellsworth, H. W. Everett, Edward Eyre, Anne C. Fagel, General Fenwick, Charles G. Finch, George A. Fitzclarence, Frederick FitzGerald, Charlotte FitzGerald, Hamilton Forsyth, John Fowler, Marianne Fox, Charles Fox, Mary Fribourg & Soutet Fricke, George Patrick P. E. Fry, John B. Fulton, John B. Garmin, Dr. Garner, G. W. Garnett, R. H. Gates, J. Gee, P. E. Gibson, Patrick Gilmor, Robert Glenn, J. Goldsmith, Dr. Alban Gordon, John M. Goulburn, Henry Grafton, George Henry Fitzroy, 4th duke of Graham, Thomas, baron Lynedoch Granville, Lord Granville Leveson-Gower, 1st earl Greene & Co. Greville, Lady Charlotte Bentinck, Mrs. Charles Grey, Charles Grey, 2nd viscount Howick, 2nd earl Grouchy, Marechal Gwynn, Charles J. M. Gwynn, William Hamilton, William T. Harding, Chester Harper, Robert Goodloe Harris, J. Morrison Harris, John T. Harris, Morrison Harris, W. Hall Hart, Joel T. Heiden, Admiral L. de Henderson, General Hillen, Solomon, Jr. Hislop, Sir Thomas Hoffman, H. W. Hoffman, M. Holland, Elizabeth Vassal Fox, baroness Hone, Philip Hope & Co. Hopkinson, Joseph Houston, Samuel Howard, H. Howell, Benjamin P. Howell, Lewis Howell, Margaret H. Hubbard, Nat. D. Hudson, Irving Hudson, James Hudson, Manley Hughes, Charles J. Hughes, Christopher Hughes, Christopher, Jr. Hughes, George A. Hughes, George R. H. Hughes, Laura Hughes, Margaret Smith Hughes, Rebecca L. Hunter, R. M. Y. Ingersoll, J. R. International Committee of American Jurists Irving, P. Irving, Washington Isaac, W. M. Jackson, Andrew [228] REEVES 231 Jackson, J. R. Jackson, Samuel Jefferson, Wilson Johnson Johan, Carl Johnson, C. Johnson, Reverdy Johnson, W. Jones, Anson Jones, Edward Jones, Hugh B. Joy, H. H. Kemp, E. D. Kennedy, Andrew E. Kennedy, Anthony Kennedy, Fanny H. Kennedy, H. C. Kennedy, Philip C. King, William R. Kraus, Horatio Kuhn, Arthur K. Lafayette, Marie- Joseph- Paul-Yves-Roch Gilbert du Motier, marquis de Lahobe, J. H. B. Lane, L. M. Lansdowne, Henry Petty- Fitzmaurice, 4th earl of Kerry, 3rd marquess of Laurence, Abbott Leffou, Countess LeFur, L. Legare, H. S. Leigh, Benjamin Watkins Live Oak Club Livingston, Edward Londonderry, Charles William Stewart, 3rd marquis of Londonderry, Frances Anne Emily Tempest Stewart, marchioness of Low, C. Lowenskold, A. de Lowther, J. H. Lucas, Edward B. Lyles, J. P. McCall, Harry McConkey, William McDonald, William McLane , L. MacLaughlin, Daniel McTavish, John Maddox, Charles T. Madison, Dolly Payne Todd, Mrs. James Manly, Clement Manly, Mary Lord Manly, Matthew M. Mansfield, Emily Mansfield, J. L. Mansfield, Morgan Mason, General Mercer, S. Merusee, John R. Mestin, Thomas Michelson, B. Mickle, R. Miller, John Moale, John C. Moffett, J. N. Monroe, James Montebello, Due de Moore, Andrew Moore, E. Moore, Jane Moore, John Moore, Margaret Moore, Col. S. Moore, Thomas Moore, William Mordecai, Alfred Mortlock, John Morton, Alfred Mospeth, Lord Moss, Maria J. Murat, Achille Musten, Thomas Napoleon I, emperor of the French Nicholas, Mary Spear Oelrichs, Henry Ohr, C. H. O'Reilly, A. E. Pageot, A. Pakenham, R. Palmer, Benjamin Palmer, J. C. Palmerston, Henry John Temple, 3rd viscount Panton, Henry Peel, Sir Robert, 2nd bart. Pendleton, Charlotte R. Pendleton, Edmund Pendleton, Philip C. Philip & Wicker Piers, Howard Pinkney, William Piper, Elizabeth Placide, Henry Platen, B. Pleasanton, S. Plunket, William Conyngham Plunket, 1st baron 232 REEVES [228] Politis, N. Polk, J. F. Pontois, E. de Porter, G. B. Porter, Robert Kerr Porterfield, George A. Potter, Pitman B. Power, Marguerite A. Prescott, William H. Rabeneau, Henry C. Rankin, S. M. Reeves, Jesse Siddall Rekausen, John Ringgold, Cadwalader Robert, Mary Roenne, Adelaide de Rogers, J. Rogers, Samuel Rohausen, Baron Rohausen, Baroness Roscoe, W. Ross, John Rothschild, N. M. , & Sons Rowe , L . S . Rumigny, General Rush, Richard Russell, Jonathan Sanderson, C. Sangston, George E. San Pedro Company Savoy, Prince Eugene de Saxe-Coburg, Ernest, herzog von Schley, Frederick Scott, D. Sibbald Scott, David Scott, Winfield Scriba, Eugene Seaford, Charles Rose, baron Selden, Annie Sepel, G. Seymour, Edward L. Shand, C. Farquhar Shannon, Joseph P. Shea, Martin Arthur Shipley, Ann Silliman, B. Sinclair, John Singer, S. W. Skinner, F. G. Smith, John Jay Smith, John Spear Smith, S. Smith, Samuel Sotomayor, Duque de Sparks, Jared Spears, William Spiers, Thomas Stanard, Robert C. Stanhope, Spencer Starling, L. , Jr. Stedingk, Curt Bogislaus Ludvig Kristoffer von, grefve Stephens, John L. Stewart, G. N. Stokes, C. Stowell, Ellery C. Strangford, Lady Ellen Strangford, viscountess Strangford, Percy Clinton Sydney Smythe, 6th viscount Straten, J. D. Suebteten, Count Sullivan, P. H. Sussex, Prince Augustus Frederick, duke of Swann, Ann Jane Sweden Sovereigns Oscar I Taney, Roger B. Taylor, Thomas Thomas, Ed. L. Thomas, J. Hanson Thomas, John L. Thorn, Colonel Thurston, C. M. Thurston, J. Tierney, George Tinkham, George H. Tousard, A. M. de Tucker, Ben Tucker, J. R. Turner, Theodore Tyler, John Upton, John Vallenilla, A. J. Van Buren, Martin Vane, Sir Henry Ralph, 4th bart. Van Ryn, Pierre Van Sassen, Abraham Vaughan, Charles R. Verney & Baelde Vetaneours, J. C. Waldegrave, John James Waldegrave, 6th earl Walden, Howard de Walker, Molly B. Walsh, Robert [229-231] REVILLA GIGEDO - RICH 233 Waring, George W. Wilcocks, Mary Waters, James S. Williams, Lloyd W. Weber, H. M. Williamson, Louisa Webster, Daniel Wilson, William Wellington, Arthur Windt, C. Wellesley, 1st duke of Woodward, Benjamin Wheaton, Henry Woodward, W. T. Wheeler, Clement G. Worthington, William C. Whitton, John B. Wright, Benjamin Wickersham, George Wright, Quincy Wikoff, Henry 229. REVILLA GIGEDO, JUAN VINCENTE DE GUEMEZ PACHECO DE PADILLA DE HORCASITAS Y AGUAYO, CONDE DE, 1740-17 99. Defenza de el Exmo. Sor. Conde de Revilla Gegedo ... 1794. 1 item, 247 pages. Spanish viceroy. A copy of the defense of Revilla Gigedo against charges of mismanagement of which he was accused and for which he was tried and acquitted in a jucio de residencia in Mexico City. Purchased, 1950. 23 0. REVILLA GIGEDO, JUAN VINCENTE DE GUEMEZ PACHECO DE PADILLA HORCASITAS Y AGUAYO, CONDE DE, 1740-1799. Ynstruccion Reservada del Reyno de N[UevOj E t spaHaj ... ca. 1794. 1 item, 635 pages. Spanish viceroy. Instructions written by Revilla Gigedo upon his removal from office for the benefit of his successor, Marques de Branciforte. They include many references to the present areas of Texas, California and New Mexico, and to Spain's acitivities in the American Revolution. Printed in Mexico, 1831. Gift of The Clements Library Associates, 1948. 231. RICH, OBADIAH. Papers, 1846-1848. 26 items. 234 RIOPELLE - RIVADENEIRA Y BARRIENTOS [232-233] English book dealer. Correspondence, business records, and receipts relative to the purchase and sale of books. 2 32. RIOPELLE FAMILY. Papers, 1737-1894. 37 items. Letters and documents relating to the Riopelle family and the early settlement of Detroit. Gift of Mrs. Sydney F. Heavenrich, 1942. Names of writers of letters and authors and signers of documents: Adams, John Quincy Beaubien, Louis Antoine Beauharnais, Charles de la Baische, marquis de Bienvenu, Alexis, called DeLisle Carleton, Sir Guy, 1st baron Dorchester Cramahe*, Hector Theophilus Cuillerier, Jean Baptiste Beaubien DeHemar, 0. C. Desnoyers, Peter J. Duquesne de Menneville, Michel Ange, marquis de Dyee & Williams France Sovereigns Louis XV Gouin, Archange Gouin, Claude Hull, William Lancoreux, S. W. McMullen, James Madison, James May, James Monroe, James Porlier, Claude Cyprian Riopelle, Colette (Gouin) Riopelle, Dominique Riopelle, Embroise St. Clair, Arthur Sargent, Winthrop Scott, William McDowell Trotier, Francis Xavier, called Bellecour United States Vaudreuil, Pierre de Rigaud, marquis de Williams, Isaac 233. RIVADENEIRA Y BARRIENTOS, ANTONIO JOAQUIN DE, b. 1710 Compendio de Todo lo Trabajado durante el Con- cilio IV. Mexican ... ca. 1771. 1 item, 910 pages. Mexican poet and lawyer. Contemporary copy of a summary of the proceedings of the Mexican council held on January 13, 1771. It contains speeches, arguments and comments made by the royal assistant representing Charles III of Spain. Described in the catalogue of Sotheby and co., June 24-27, 1919, item 326. [234-235] ROGERS - ROLFE 235 Phillipps Ms. 11803. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Purchased, 1928. 234. ROGERS, ROBERT, 1731-1795. Papers, 1759-1832. 52 items. British army officer. Papers consist of twenty letters from Robert Rogers to his wife Elizabeth Browne Rogers; six letters to Mrs. Rogers from her son Arthur, stepson John Roche, Jr., and others; fourteen letters from John Roche, Jr. to his father while he was serving on board the Constitutions- eleven other letters and a photostat of Mrs. Rogers' petition for divorce in 1778. Other Rogers letters may be found in the Clinton papers (no. 62) , and the Gage papers (no. 95). Described in the catalogue of Charles F. Heartman, no. 237, June 11, 1932, items 133-154; and in The Month at Goodspeed's, v. 11, no. 9, 1940, item 292. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Purchased, 1932 and 1940. Names of writers of letters: Ask in, John Bebb, S. Flagg, Miss B. V. Flagg, Isaac Fowle, Robert Hull, Isaac Humphreys, James Livermore, Edward McKnight, Roger M. Roche, John, Jr. Rogers, Arthur Rogers, Elizabeth Browne Mrs. Robert Rogers, Octavius T. Rogers, Robert Serjeant, E. Talbot, Silas 235. ROLFE, JOHN, 1585-1622. A true relation of tht, state of Virginia lefte by Sr. Thomas Dale Kt. in May last. 1616. Photostat. 1 item, 17 pages. English colonist. Letter addressed to the Earl of Pembroke, one of the members of the Privy Council, by John Rolfe at the conclusion of Sir Thomas Dale 1 s term as governor of Virginia in 1616. Gift of Mr. Herbert Reichner, 1948. 236 ROLLINSON - ROOSEVELT [236-237] 236. ROLLINSON, WILLIAM, 1762-1842. Diary, 1788-1789. Photostat. 1 item, 66 pages. English engraver. Diary of a voyage from Liver- pool to New York, November 29, 1788, to February 15, 1789. The original of this photostat is in the posses- sion of Mr. Charles Rollinson. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Gift of Mr. Charles Rollinson, 1930. 237. ROOSEVELT, THEODORE, PRES. U. S. , 1858-1919. Papers, 1885-1919. 290 items. Correspondence relating to Roosevelt 1 s career as civil service commissioner, governor of New York, assistant secretary of the navy, and President, and to his candidacy for President in 1912. Major correspondence is with William Moody, Paul V. Bunn, and William R. Nelson. Gift of Mr. William A. Vawter II, 1948, 1950-1952 Names of writers of letters: Briggs, Frank H. Brisbane, Arthur Bulloch, Archibald Bunn, Paul Vernor Carnegie, Andrew Carpenter, Kenneth G. Corrick, F. P. Cotton, Edward Howe Daniels, Charles C. Davie, W. E. Davis, O. R. Deming, William Chapin Doyle, John T. Glynn, Martin H. Gros, Emilie B. Hale, Richard Harbord, James Guthrie Harper, Frank Holcombe, Theodore G. Howe, William D. Johnson, Rossiter Kelsey, Francis W. Loeb, William, Jr. Loud, George B. Love, Edward K. McGrath, J. W. McPheeters, Harold Manning, James Hilton Nelson, William Rockhill Niles, Walter L. Parker, John Henry Pforzheimer, Carl H. Putnam, George Haven Putnam, Irving Putnam, John Bishop Reilly, James M. Romm, Charles Roosevelt, Edith Kermit Carow (Mrs. Theodore) Roosevelt, George Emlen Roosevelt, Oliver Wolcott Roosevelt, Theodore Roosevelt, Theodore, Jr. Roosevelt Memorial Association Root, Elihu Rosskopf, H. A. Serven, Abram R. [238-239] RUSH - RUSSELL 237 Smith, James Ellwood Strieker, M. M. Thompson, J. Walter Treadwell, George Curtis United States. Army Viereck, Louis Wales, George Russell Walsh, Nicholas F. Wardrop, George Douglas Wister, Owen 238. RUSH, RICHARD, 1780-1859. Correspondence, 1814. 6 items. American statesman. Letters written to Richard Rush by Mrs. Rush and her sister, Mrs. A. M. Mason, while refugees in Maryland as a result of the British invasion of 1814. Four letters are from Mrs. Rush; two are from Mrs. Mason. Purchased, 1950. 239. RUSSELL, JOHN RUSSELL, 1ST EARL, 1792-1878. Papers, 1808-1866. 1 ft. British statesman. Papers consist of personal and political correspondence, notes and quotations for speeches, drafts and revisions of historical writings and essays, and political notations on size and representation of districts and party affiliations of their representatives. Described in the catalogue of J. Pearson and co. 1927, item 180. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Purchased, 1927. Names of writers of letters: Aberdeen, George Hamilton Gordon, 4th earl of Adam, William Albemarle, George Thomas Keppel, 6th earl of Allen, J. Bedford, Francis Russell, 7th duke of Cambridge, Princess Augusta, duchess of Campbell, John Campbell, 1st baron Codrington, Sir Edward Coleman. William Cottenham, Sir Charles C. Pepys, 1st earl of Durham, John George Lambton, 1st earl of Fitzhardinge, Maurice F. F. Berkeley, 1st baron Gladstone, William Ewart Great Britain. Sovereigns. William IV Grey, Charles Grey, 2nd viscount Howick, 2nd earl Grey, Sir Henry George Grey, 3rd viscount Howick, 3rd earl 238 SACROBOSCO - ST. MARTIN [240-241] Grey, Sir George, 2nd bart. Grimshawe, Thomas Shuttleworth Halifax, Sir Charles Wood, 1st viscount Haydon, Benjamin Robert Holland, Henry Richard Vassall Fox, 3rd baron Howley, Rev. William Hume, Joseph Lansdowne, Henry Petty- Fitzmaurice, 4th earl of Kerry, 3rd marquess of Lewis, Sir Thomas Frankland Melbourne, William Lamb, 2nd viscount Newman, R. W. Normanby, Constantine Henry Phipps, 2nd earl of Mulgrave, 1st marquess of Owen, R. Palmerston, Amelia Peniston Temple, Viscountess Parkes, Joseph Parr, Samuel Pearts, James Phillipps, Samuel March Phips, Sir Charles Beaumont Raglan, Lord Fitzroy Somerset, 1st baron Russell, Lord John Russell, 1st earl Selborne, Sir Roundell Palmer, 1st earl of Smith, Catherine Amelia Pybus, Mrs. Sydney Smyth, Sydney Speirs, Alex Spring-Rice, Thomas, 1st baron Monteagle of Brandon Sumner, John Bird Toussouff, Bogher Villiers, Charles Pelham Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, 1st duke of Williams, William Yonge, Charlotte Mary 240. SACROBOSCO, JOHANNES DE, d. 1256. Notes on De Sphaera, ca. 1520. 1 item, 30 pages. Notes in Latin on Sacrobosco 1 s De Sphaera, bound with four geographical tracts dating from 1509 to 1518, and with climatological tables appended. Described in Seymour De Ricci and W. J. Wilson. Census of medieval and renaissance manuscripts in the United States and Canada, v. 2, p. 1128. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. 241. ST. MARTIN, ALEXIS, 1797?-1880. Papers, 1879. 11 items. Army guide. Papers consist of letters and docu- ments concerning the effort of Rush Medical College to hire St. Martin for observation. Purpose of [242-244] SARGEANT - SAVANNAH 239 the observation was to discover digestive processes, which could be observed through an unhealed gun- shot wound in the stomach. Four letters from this collection were printed in William L. Clements Library. Bulletin 26. 1937. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Gift of Dr. Frederick A. Coller, 1936. 242. SARGEANT, WILLIAM. Voyages and Travels, ca. 1798. 1 item, 400 pages. Extracts from various books and journals on travels. This appears to be one of a many volume set on travels. 243. SARTORIO, JOSE MANUEL, 1746-1829. Writings. 1 ft. Mexican priest. Manuscript of Sartorio' s work's written in Spanish and Latin, dealing with religious and bibliographical matters. Purchased, 1950. 244. SAVANNAH SHIPPING RECORDS, 1828-1860. 52 items. Ships' manifestos recording activity of the port of Savannah. Gift of Oglethorpe's Book Shop, 1936. Signers of shipping records: Adams, David dimming, Joseph Barnsley, Godfrey Cunningham, David Birnie, James Davis, Joseph Burns, Gavin Donaldson, J. P. Campbell, Robert Duncan, William Clark, W. F. Dunning, L. C. Coe, George M. Dyer, Benjamin Cope, George L. Fay, Joseph S. Corbitt, Samuel C. Ganahl, J. Crabtree, Eleazer Ganalie, J. 240 SETSUGYOKUSAI - SEWARD [245-245A] Garson, Andrew Gaston, William Godfrey, James E. Goldie, James Goodall, James Gordon, George Green, Charles Greene, Stephen Gross, G. Haberstrow, Robert Hadgley, John Halstead, John Harden, Eben Harrison, W. R. Hutchison, R. Jewitt, Albert Kelly, Francis Knight, Elias Lamb, James Lippitt, Charles Low, Andrew Maclellan, A. Mauran, N. L. Miller, John Mills, John Molyneaux, E. Morce, George Morgan, Peter Morrison, A. Palmer, Samuel Parkman, L. B. Peckitt, Joseph Pratt, Alexander Pratt, J. Quiglee, J. W. Rankin, John Rattray, Henry Re id, John A. Richards, James Richardson and Martin Ross, James Rowland and Bars tow Smith, William H. Snow, Jabes Stevenson, Robert Tayler, James Taylor, James Taylor, Robert L. Thomas, George Turner, J. C. Varnum, C. Wallace, Norman Weed, N. B. Wilson, William 245. SETSUGYOKUSAI, HARUNOBU. Bamkoku ichiyo. [Costumes of the world., Niigata, 1832. 1 item, 70 pages. Pictures of people of 43 countries, painted and described with annotations by the author. Purchased, 1950. 245A. SEWARD, ANNA, 1747-1809. Monody on Majr. Andre" ... c. 1780. 1 item, 21 pages. English poet. Autograph manuscript poem in the form of a eulogy in memory of Major John Andre*. Published, 1781, under title: Monody on Major Andre" Gift of Foreman M. Lebold, 1952. [246-247] SEWARD - SEYMOUR 241 246. SEWARD, WILLIAM HENRY, 1801-1872. Letters, 1840-1845. 27 items. American statesman. Letters to Colonel James Bowen of New York, president of the New York and Erie Railroad. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Gift of Harold C. Brooks, 1937. 247. SEYMOUR, ISAAC GURDON, D. 1862. Papers, 1836-1868. 50 items. Confederate officer. Papers contain two manuscript diaries, several letters, numerous clippings and other materials relative to the Civil War. Purchased, 1948. Names of writers of letters and authors and signers of documents: Billings, E. A. Bragg, Seneca G. Bruce, Jonas H. Brunish, L. Clay, Henry Clinch, D. S. Conway, John R. Crawford, George W. Davis, J. R. Day, Jeremiah De Peyster, Frederic De Witt, Thomas Duff, William N. Elliott, Stephen Evans, C. A. Fremann, W. T. Goodrich, Elizur Gordon, J. B. Grivet, Maurice Hardy, P. D. Harrod, Charles Harrod, G. P. Hiddleston, J. Ingersoll, C. F. Jenkins, Charles I. Jesup, W. T. Johnson, Elizabeth R Johnson, Rev. W. L. King, T. Butler Kuhn, H. Leacock, W. T. Lee, Robert E. Lippitt, M. A. McLean, Charles Martin, Fred Moore, Thomas Overton Nisbet, S. R. M. Oliver, S. H. Osgood, Sam Patterson, R. Phillips, S. A. Pierce, J. E. Plank, E. M. Regis, Sister Robinson, Edward Santa Anna, Antonio Lopez de Sedden, James A. Semmes, A. J. Seymour, Elizabeth B. Grimshaw Seymour, Isaac Gurdon Seymour, John G. Seymour, William J. Shotwell, L. Sigourney, Lydia H. Smith, Cephas Stiles, William H. 242 SHADWELL - SHAW [248-249] Stone, C. R. Thackeray, William Makepeace Toombs, R. Twiggs, D. G. Warner, Andrew Waterman, Charles M. Williams, Henry Williams, James S. Williams, W. Thorne Worth, W. J. 248. SHADWELL, THOMAS G. , D. 1780. Letters, 1773-1778. 8 6 items. Embassy secretary. Letters to John Marsh, British consul at Malaga, dated at various places in Spain. They contain political gossip of the court of Spain, and thirty-eight of them contain reference to the American Revolution. Described in the catalogue of Maggs brothers, no. 417, December, 1921, item 3131; and in List no. 64 of Forest H. Sweet, July, 1940, item 5. See Peckham' s Guide for fuller description. 249. SHAW FAMILY. Papers, 1745-1850. 40 items. Business receipts and records of the Shaw family of Abington, Massachusetts. Gift of Mr. Wilfred Shaw, 1947. Names of writers of letters and authors and signers of documents: Allen, Jacob Bates, Rachel Briggs, Eliahim Browne, Woodbridge Dyer, Christopher Dyer, Jacob Gannett, Jonathan Godfrey, Job Greenleaf, Joseph Hansen, Jacob Herman, Al. Hobart, Aaron Hobart, Isaac Hoges, William Norton, Sam. Noyes, Daniel Pool, Abijah Pool, Benjamin Pool, Joseph Pool, Joshua Portior, Abner Reed, Daniel Shaw, Lydia Spooner, Ephraim Thaxter, S. Thompson, Josiah Tirrill, John Torrey, Josiah Whitman, Eleazar Willis, Jonah [250] SHEFFIELD 243 250. SHEFFIELD, JOHN BAKER HOLRO YD, 1ST EARL OF, 1735-1821 Correspondence, 1801-1819. 1 ft. English statesman. Correspondence consists of 315 letters addressed to Lord Sheffield by English and Irish friends in the later years of his life. The letters deal with a variety of topics includ- ing political and parliamentary matters, Irish politics, agriculture, international trade, the Napoleonic wars, requests for appointments, and family affairs. See Peckham' s Guide for fuller description. Purchased, 1939. Names of writers of letters: Abbot, Charles, 1st baron Colchester Addy, J. Jepson Alley, Jerome Asaph, S. Atcheson, Nathaniel Banks, Sir Joseph Barnard, Sir Andrew Francis Bassett, Charlotte Bathurst, Henry Bathurst, 3rd earl Batt, John Thomas Benedick, Mr. Benson, Martin Birch, Thomas Boase, Henry Bouillon, Philip d'Auvergne, due de Brownrigg, Thomas Carter, W. Chatham, John Pitt, 2nd earl of Chichester, Anne Frankland Pelham, countess of Chichester, Thomas Pelham, 1st earl oi Chichester, Thomas Pelham, 2nd earl of Chilver, S. Clinton, Sir William Henry Clinton, Susan Elcha, lady Cicest, Rev. J. Clive, Sidney Colquhoun, Patrick Cooke, Edward Corbet, Robert Cox, William Douglas, Frederick S. N. Douglas, J. W. Downes, William, 1st baron Downes D'Oyly, M. D'Oyly, Thomas Egremont, Sir George O 1 Brien Wyndham, 3rd earl of Elliot, Hugh Fawkener, Mr. Ferrers, Edmund Foster, John Leslie Freeling, Sir Francis Fuller, J. J. Gage, Henry Gage, 3rd viscount Gilbert, Davies Gleig, George Glenbervie, Sylvester Douglas, 1st baron Graham, G. E. Gregory, G. Guilford, Frederic North, 5th earl of Guilford, Maria Boycott North, countess of Hadden, James Murray Hamilton, E. Hamilton, L. Hardwicke, Philip Yorke, 3rd earl of Hardy, Joseph Harford, Charles Joseph Holland, Elizabeth Vassall Fox, baroness Holland, Henry Richard Vassal Fox, 3rd baron 244 SHELBURNE [251] Holroyd, T. Hooker, Rev. Thomas R. Jackson, Thomas Larking, John Ledwycke, E. G. Leonard, George Luade, D. Milbanke, J. Milligan, Robert Newcastle, Henry Pelham Clinton, 4th duke of Norfolk, Bernard Edward Howard, 12th duke of Norfolk, Henry Charles Howard, 13th duke of Parr, Samuel Pelham, Amelia Pelham, Rev. George Perceval, Spencer Planta, Joseph Preston, Mrs. W. (or M?) Pulteney, Sir James Murray, 7th bart. Ravenscroft, Edward Richmond and Lennox, Charles Lennox, 4th duke of Ridcost, R. Roffen, Thomas Rose, George St. Leonards, Edward Burtenshaw Sugden, 1st baron Sergison, Warden SeVery, Wilhelm de Sheffield, George A. F. C. Holroyd, 2nd earl of Shiffner, George Smith, M. Sneyd, J. Stanley, Maria Holroyd, baroness Stanley, Isabella Louisa Stratton, George Frederick Van Neck, Ger. and Jos., & Co. Wakefield, Edward Watson, Rev. Richard Way, Anne Way, Sir Gregory Holman Bromley Way, Isabella Way, R. Webster, Godfrey Woodfall, William 251. SHELBURNE, WILLIAM PETTY, 2D EARL OF, 1737-1805. Papers, 1663-1797. 34 ft. English statesman. Papers consist chiefly of official correspondence relating to British, Euro- pean and American affairs. They were incompletely calendared in Historical manuscripts commission. 3d, 5th, and 6th reports. They are listed there as Marquis of Lansdowne manuscripts. Of those listed, this collection holds v. 1-99, 101-125, 127-155, 161-168. Also included are photostats of corre- spondence with George III; two volumes of papers relating to Belle-Isle-en-Mer ; a volume entitled A Table of Reference concerning the King, Lords and Commoners; correspondence with Thomas Coutts; family letters; and minutes of the House of Lords, 1767-1788. Other Shelburne , letters will be found in American Revolution (no. 11), France (no. 90), Gage papers (no. 95), Lacaita-Shelburne papers (no. 151), Lee papers (no. 158), Melville papers (no. 174), Sydney papers (no. 268), Townshend letter [251] SHELBURNE 245 books (no. 275), and Benjamin Vaughan papers (no. 286). Described in the catalogue of Sotheby and co., July 11-12, 1921. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Gift of Mr. William L. Clements, 1923. Names of writers of letters and authors and signers of documents: Abbadie, Gov. d 1 Abercromby, James Adams, John Ad lam, John Ageno, Francesco d 1 Aiguillon, Armand Vignerot-Duplessis Richelieu, due d' Ainslie, Sir Robert Akers (son of Aretas Akers) Akers, Aretas Albany Congress Albany. Magistrates Albemarle, William Anne Keppel, 2nd earl of Alexander, William Allen, Andrew Allen, Bennet Alleyne, Sir John Gay Allmutt, H. Alt, J. H e Alvensleben, Philip Karl, freiherr von Amat y Junient, Manuel de American Merchants, Committee of Amherst, Sir Jeffery Amherst, baron Amoncourt, Barillon d 1 Anderson, James Andros, Sir Edmund Angeac, Francois d' Anson, George Anson, 1st baron Antigua. Council Aranda, Pedro Pablo Abarca de Bolea, conde d 1 Arnold, Benedict Ashburton, John Dunning, 1st baron As tie, Thomas Atala, Jose* de Atkinson, Theodore Aubeterre, Joseph-Henri Bouchard d'Esparbes, marquis d 1 Aubry, Charles Philippe Auchmuty, Robert August in, Antoine Austria Ayloffe, Sir Joseph Ayspuru, Juan Ignacio de Azurza, Ignacio del Baker, William Banyar, Goldsbrow Barbadoes Attorney General Clergy Merchants and traders Naval Office Society for Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce Barbary States Barbe"-Marbois, Francois Marbois, marquis de Barber, Nathaniel Barclay, David Barham, Sir Charles Middleton, 1st baron Baring, Sir Francis Barras, Louis, comte de Bar re", Isaac Barreto, Francisco Barrington, William Wildman Barrington, 2nd viscount Barry, J. Barton, Matthew Bayley, T. Baynton, Wharton & Morgan Beauteville, Jean-Louis du Brisson de Bedford, John Russell, 4th duke of Bedmar, Mr. Belaunzaran, Juan Bauptista de Belcher, Jonathan Bell, Edward Bell, Stephen Belleisle, Charle-Louis- Auguste Fouquet, comte de Belleisle en Mer. Commissaire de Guerre Bellini, Charles Belloni, Jean Angelo Bengal. Governor and Council 246 SHELBURNE [251] Berens, John Berkeley, Rev. George Bermuda Attorney General Council Legislature Bernard, Sir Francis, bart. Bertrand, Sieur Jean- Baptiste Betts, Luckyn Bingham, William Blackburn, John Blackwell, Jacob Blackwood, J. Blair, John Blanket t, John Blechyndon, Thomas Bligh, Thomas Blowers, Sampson Salter Bolingbroke, Henry St. John, 1st viscount Bolton, Thomas Orde, 1st baron "Bon Francois, Un" Bonrepaus, Francois Dusson, marquis D 1 Usson et sieur de Boone, Gov. Thomas Bothwell, Neill Bourdieu, James Bourdieu, Cholet & Bourdieu Bouverie, William Henry Bowdoin, James Bowen, Emanuel Bowen, Henry Bowen, Thomas Bartholomeus Bowman, David Box, George Boye", Mons. Brad, Charles Bradshaw, Thomas Brantsen, Gerard Breen, John Breteuil, Louis-Auguste Le Tonnelier, baron de Brett, John Bridgen, Edward Bristol, Augustus John Hervey, 3rd earl of Bristow, John British Merchants Trading to Spain, Committee of "Brittanicus" Brocklesby, Dr. Richard Brooksbank, Stamp Brotherson, Charles Payne Brown, John Brown, Moses Brown, William Browne, Montfort Bruce, James Bruere, George Bruere, George James Brunswick, Prinz Ferdinand, herzog von Brusby, James Bryant, Thomas B. Buckinghamshire, George Hobart, 3rd earl of Bulkeley, John Bull, Samuel Bull, William Buller, Sir Francis Bumpsted, William Burchett, Josiah Burgoyne, John Burgoyne, Montagu Burke, Edmund Burke, Redmund Burke, William Burnaby, Andrew Burnell, Edward Burnet, William Burrell, Peter Burrington, George Burrow, James Burton, George Burwell, Lewis Bussy, Mons. de Butcher, Robert Butcher, Thomas Bute, John Stuart, 3rd earl of Bute, John Stuart, viscount Mountstuart, 4th earl and 1st marquess of Caldwell, Sir Henry Calef, John Call, Sir John Camden, Sir Charles Pratt, 1st baron and 1st earl of Cameron, Alexander Campbell, Sir Archibald Campbell, George Campbell, John Campbell, Lord William Campbell & Orem Canada. Indian traders Cape Coast Castle. Council Capucin, J. Caracciolo, Domenico, marchese [251] SHELBURNE 247 Carleton, Sir Guy, 1st baron Dorchester Carleton, Thomas Carlisle, Charles Howard, 1st earl of Carteret, Henry Frederick Thynne, 1st baron Carteret Cartwright, George Cartwright, John Cary, Wilson Miles Casafuerte, Juan Antonio Vazquez de Acufla, marque's de Cathcart, J. Catt, Jean Gabriel Cawthorne, Joseph Cells, John Coesvelt Chabert, Pedro Chads, Henry Chalmers, George Chamberlayne, William Chambers, J. Chastellux, Francois- Jean, marquis de Chatelet-Lomont, Florent- Louis-Marie, due et comte du Chatham, William Pitt, 1st earl of Chauvelin, Claude-Francois, marquis de Cheape, Thomas Cherokee Chisholm, James Choiseul et d'Amboise Etienne-Francois de Choiseul, due de Cholwich, William Christie, Alexander Chrysel, Christopher Claphamson, Thomas Clarke, Gedney Clarke, John Clarke, William Claus, Daniel Clawsen, Lawrence Clerk, Duncan Cleveland, Archibald Clinton, George Clinton, Sir Henry Cocke, Leonard Cokburne, George Coke, Daniel Parker Colden, Alexander Colden, Cadwallader Colebrooke, Edward Colebrooke, Sir George Coleman, S. Colen, F. V. Collet, John Collet, John A. Collier, Sir George Collier, John Collins, Mr. Company of Merchants Adventurers of England Company of Merchants of England Trading into the Levant Seas Company of Merchants Trading to Africa. Committee Connolly, Dr. John Conway, Hon. Henry Seymour Cooke, Edward Cooper, Sir Grey Cooper, John Coote, Sir Eyre Corbin, Richard Cornwallis, Charles Cornwallis, 1st marquess and 2nd earl Cornwallis, Hon. Edward Corsica. Consulta Generale Cosuela, Manuel de Cottrell, Sir Stephen Coutts, Thomas Cowley, Capt. Cox, John Cranford, John Craufurd, John Creek, Upper. Muklasalgi Croghan, George Cruger, Henry Cumberland, Richard Cuming, James Cunha, Senor Cuninghame, James Cuninghame, Col. William Curson, Samuel Curteis, J. Curtis, Sir Roger Custodio de Faria, Jose* Dalling, Sir John D'Almaine, G. C. Dalrymple, Campbell Dalrymple, William Dalzel, Archibald Dartmouth, William Legge, 2nd earl of Davies, J. Davis, J. Henry Davison, Moses 248 SHELBURNE [251] Deane, Silas Debat, Joseph Debbieg, Hugh De Brahm, John William Gerard De Cosne, Ruvigny Dedal S. DeGrey, William, 1st baron Walsingham Demerara Commander and Council Court Dempster, George Denniss, Jonathan Derbage, George Desaguliers, Thomas Desmaretz, John Peter De Visme, Louis Dexter, Samuel Dick, Sir John Dickinson, John Digby, Robert Digges, Thomas Dillon, Theobald, comte de Disney, Daniel Dominica. Merchants, traders, and inhabitants Dongan, Thomas Douglas, Sir Charles, 1st bart . Douglas, Stuart Dow, Alexander Drake, F. H. Drayton, William Henry Drummond, John Drummond, Robert Hay Duce, Benjamin Duff, Robert Duffy, George Dufouar, Dr. Dulany, Daniel Duncombe, David Dunkerque, France Dunmore, John Murray, 4th earl of Dunn, Alexander Du Prat, Mons. Duquesne de Menneville, Michel Ange, marquis de Durand de Distroff, Francois-Marie Durant, John Durell, Philip Durnford, Elias Dury, Alexander Dykes, Thomas Dyson, Jeremiah Earle, W. R. East, Hinton East India Co. Secret Committee Eastwood, Joseph Echlin, James Eden, Sir Robert Edwards, George Edwards, Richard Eggleston, Edward Egmont, John Perceval, 2nd earl of Egremont, Sir Charles Wyndham, 2nd earl of Elletson, Roger Hope Elliot, Andrew Ellis, Henry Ellis, John Ellis, Welbore, 1st baron Mendip Elwin, Fountain Engel, Mr. Escarano, Francisco Esquibel, Joseph de Estwick, Samuel Evans, Simon Everest, William Eyles, Sir John Eyre, Sir Robert Fairholme, Thomas Fairweather, James, & Son Fane, Francis Fanshawe, Sir Richard Farmar, Robert Fauquier, Francis Faure, Henry Fawcett, Sir William Fellowship of English Merchants for the Discovery of New Trades (The Russia Company) Ferguson, Gov. George Fersen, Frederik Axel, count von Finckenstein, Karl Wilhelm Finck, graf von Findlay, David Finlay, Hugh Finucane, Bry Fish, Dyer Five Nations ( Indians) Floridablanca, Jose* Mollino y Redondo, conde de Flucker, Thomas Foley, Sir Robert Ralph Follett, John & Co. Ford, Francis [251] SHELBURNE 249 Forrester, James Fothergill, John Fowler, John Fox, Charles James Fox, George C. , & Sons Fraizier, John France Amiraute' (Cherbourg) Army in America Bureau des Fermes a Bordeaux Parlement de Paris Sovereigns Louis XIV Louis XV Louis XVI Francklin, Michael Franklin, Benjamin Franklin, William Franks, Moses Fraser, John Fraser, William Frazer, Andrew Frederick, Sir Charles Fre'zier, Ame'de'e -Francois Friends, Society of New England Meetings for sufferings Friesland. States Frobisher, Benjamin Fryar, Thomas Fuentes, Conde de Fuller, Stephen Furnell, Peter G. , S. Gage , Thomas Galloway, Joseph Garbett, Samuel Gardiner, Silvester Garth, Charles Gastaldi, Signor Gauvain, G. Gee , Thomas Gem, Richard Genoa. Segretario di Stato Georgia Council Council and Governor General Assembly Merchants and traders Geraldino, Sir Thomas Gerard de Rayneval, Joseph-Mathias Germain, George Sackville, 1st viscount Sackville Gibbes, Sir Philip Gilbert, Thomas Gildart, Francis Gilligan, Mr. Gilson, Rev. David Glapion, Pere Augustin- Louis de Glen, James Glynn, John Godolphin, Sir William Goldthwait, Thomas Gordon, Lord Adam Gordon, Harry Gordon, Robert Gordon, Lord William Gouverneur, Isaac Gower, Sir Erasmus Grafton, Augustus Henry Fitzroy, 3rd duke of Graham, Alexander Granby, John Manners, marquess of Grant, James Grant, James Grantham, Thomas Robinson, 1st baron Grantham, Thomas Robinson, 2nd baron Granville, Robert Carteret, 3rd earl Grasse-Tilly, Francois- Joseph-Paul, comte de Grasse, marquis de Gray, George Gray, Sir James Gray, John Great Britain Admiralty American possessions Governors Indian Affairs Northern Department Southern Department Army under Bligh Army under Hodgson Army in America Army under Clinton Department of the Lakes New York District Northern District Nova Scotia District Quebec District Garrisons at Fort Amherst Detroit Halifax Louisbourg Niagara 250 SHELBURNE [251] Great Britain-continued Army in America-continued Garrisons at-continued Quebec St. Augustine Tombigbee Provincials Georgia Rangers Royal Regiment of Artillery St. Lucia Hospital Board Troops at Jamaica Field Officers Board of Trade Cabinet Commissioners appointed for the execution of the treaty of 1687 Commissioners appointed for the execution of the treaty of 1714 Customs, Board of Customs, Board of, for America Ipswich. Great Court Judges Merchants. Factory at Constantinople Factory at Oporto Factory at Lisbon Merchants interested in trading to America Merchants of Glasgow interested in the North American Trade previous to 1776 Merchants of London Merchants of London formerly trading to West Florida Merchants of London trading to North America Navy Squadron under Anson Squadron under Howe Squadron under Saunders Ordnance, Board of Parliament Privy Council Sovereigns Charles II James I I William and Mary Anne George I George II Great Britain-continued Sovereigns-continued George III State Paper Office Treasury Treaties with Portugal Portugal and Holland Spain Sweden United States Vice-Admiralty Courts New York Green, Benjamin Green, Joseph Green, William, & Co. Greenwood, William Gregson, Robert Grenada British planters and merchants Proprietors Grenville, George Grenville, Henry Grenville, James Grigson, J. Grimaldi, Jerdnimo, marque's de Groesbeck, John Grove, Leslie Guerchy, Claude-Francois- Louis Re*gnier, comte de Guerry, Lewis Guiguer, Lewis Guinand, Henry Gull an, Thomas Gunning, Sir Robert Habersham, James Hake, L. E. Haldimand, Sir Frederick Halifax, George Montagu Dunk, 2nd earl of Hamilton, Charles Hamilton, David Hamilton, Henry Hamilton, John Hamilton, Sir William Hanbury, John Harcourt, Simon Harcourt, 1st viscount Hardwicke, Philip Yorke, 1st baron and 1st earl of Harrington, George Harris, George Harrison, Benjamin Harrison, Thomas Hart, Naph. [251] SHELBURNE 251 Hartley, David Harvey, John Harvey, Reuben Harvey, Samuel Clay Hastings, Warren Hawke, Sir Edward Hawke, 1st baron Hawles, Sir John Hay, Gov. Edward Hay, George Hays, Lewis Hazenclever, Peter Hedges, Sir Charles Helvetius, Claude-Adrien Henchman, Humphrey Henley, Morton Eden, 1st baron Heron, Benjamin Herrenschwand, Dr. Jean Frederic von Herry, Anthony Hertford, Francis Seymour Conway, 1st earl and 1st marquess of Hervey, James Hewitt, William Hey, William Higginson, William Hill, John Hillsborough, Wills Hill, 1st marquess of Downshire, 1st earl of Hilton, Robert Hodgson, Robert Hodgson, Studholme Hogg, John Holderness, Robert D'Arcy, 4th earl of Holdsworth, Arthur Holland, Henry Fox, 1st baron Holland, Samuel Holland States General Treaty with Great Britain and Portugal Hoi 1 ford, James Horcasitas y Guimes, Juan Antonio de Hornby, William Hort, Sir John, 1st bart. Houstoun, James Houstoun, Sir Patrick How, Robert Howard, Charles Howard, Frances, Mrs. Charles Howard, Joseph Howe, Richard Howe, 4th viscount and 1st earl Howe, Sir William, 5th Viscount Howe Howse, R. , Jr. Hughes, Sir Edward Humphreys, Francis Hutchins, Thomas Hutchinson, Henry Hutchinson, Thomas Hut ton, James Hyder, Ali Hylton, John Illinois Company "Impartial Observer, An" Impey, Sir Elijah Irving, Sir Paulus Emilius Irving, Thomas Izard, Ralph J., C. W. Jackson, James Jackson, Richard Jaffrey, George Jamaica Assembly Council Committee of Correspondence Jamineau, Mons. Jay, Sir James Jay , John Jefferson, Thomas Jenckes, Joseph Jennings, Joseph Clayton Jennings, Richard Downing Jersey. Royal Court Johnson, B. Johnson, Guy Johnson, Henry Johnson, John Johnson, Sir William, 1st bart. Johnston, James Johnstone, George Jones, Noble Jones, Samuel Judd, John Kane, Richard Kaunitz-Rietberg, Venceslaus Anton Dominik, prinz von Keane, Michael Keene, Sir Benjamin Keith, Robert Keith, Sir Robert Murray Keith, Sir William, bart. Kellog, Joseph Kellogg, William 252 SHELBURNE [251] Kempe, John Tabor Kennedy, Archibald Kenyon, Lloyd Kenyon, 1st baron Keppel, Augustus Keppel, 1st viscount Kerr, John Kersaint, Armand-Guy- Simon de Coetnempren, comte de Kingsley, William Kingston, Robert Kinnoull, Thomas Hay, 8th earl of Kirke, Robert Knoblauch, Baron de Knox, William Kroll, Adam Kutzleben, Baron von Kynaston L., W. Labrador, ship adventurers at Lacam, Benjamin La Canada, William Tirry, marque's de La Corne, St. Luc de La Gallisonniere, Roland- Michel Barrin, marquis de La Luzerne, Anne-Ce*sar, chevalier de Lambert, Hamilton Landi, John Thomas Langlois, Benjamin Lansdowne, John Henry Petty-Fitzmaurice , viscount Fitzmaurice, earl Wycombe, 2nd marquess of Larcher, G. Lascelles, Edward La Touche, William George Digges LaTouche, David, & Sons Laurens, Henry Laurent, Mr. Laurie, James Law, Thomas Lea, William Ledoulx, Jaques de Lee, Arthur Lee, Richard Henry Lee, Thomas Legge, Gov. Francis Legros, Mons. Leigh, Egerton Lemesurier, John Lempriere, Charles Lennox, George Henry Leonard, George Leslie, Alexander Lester, Benjamin Lestevenon van Berkenroode, Mattijs Lettsom, John Coakley Lewing, R. Lexington, Robert Sutton, 2nd baron Lidderdale, John Ligonier, John Ligonier, viscount and 1st earl Lilly & Roberts Lincoln, Edmund Lindsay, Sir John Lindsey, Richard Livius, Peter Lloyd, M. G. Lloyd, Sir Nathaniel Lloyd, Sir Richard London, sugar refiners of Lonsberg, E. Lopez de la Flor, Francisco Loreto, Francisco Xaime de Loring, Joshua Lothian, William Henry Kerr, 7th earl of Ancram, 4th marquess of Lott, Abraham Lovel, Mr. Loyalists, Associated Board of Directors Lusi, Spiridion, graf von Lutwidge, Charles Lutwyche, Edward Golds tone Lyman, Phineas Lyttelton, William Henry, 1st baron Westcote, 1st baron Lyttelton Mabane, Dr. Adam Macabee, James Macartney, George Macartney, 1st earl MacBride, John MacDonald, John McDouall, Robert McGillivray, John Mackay, Hon. Alexander Mackay, Francis Mackenzie, Kenneth McKenzie, Murdoch Maclean, Allan MacLeane, Lauchlin MacPherson, Sir John, 1st bart. [251] SHELBURNE 253 Madden, Wyndham Maffett, John Maister, Henry Maitland, Hon. Richard Malcom, Daniel Malmesbury, Sir James Harris, viscount Fitz- harris, 1st earl of Malta. Ambassador to France Maltzan, comte de Manchester, George Montagu, 4th duke of Mann, Edward Mann, Sir Horace, 1st bart. Manning, Edward Mansfield, William Murray, 1st earl of Mansfield, David Murray, 2nd earl of Mark, Thomas Marlborough, Charles Spencer, 5th earl of Sunderland, 3rd duke of Marriott, Sir James Marsh, John Maryland Assembly Convention Maseres, Francis Massachusetts Berkshire County District of Egremont Selectmen and Overseers of the Poor Council General Court Masserano, Prince Masterman, W. Mather, James Mathew, Edward Mathew, William Mathews, Robert Matthews, James Mauduit, William Maupeou, Rene*-Charles de Maurepas, Jean-Fre'de'ric Phe*lypeaux, comte de Maxwell, J. P. Maxwell Brown, Edward May, John Meer, Frans van der Melville, Henry Dundas, 1st viscount Melville, Robert Mendisaval y Ascue, Joseph Antonio Merewether, John Merle, Louis Meserve, George Mildmay, Sir William, 1st bart. Miles, William Augustus Mills, Sir Thomas Minorca. Clergy "Minutius Felix" Mirabel, Comte de Mirepoix, Charles-Pierre- Gaston-Francois de Levis, due de Mitchell, Sir Andrew Mitchell, Thomas Mitford, William Koffatt, Thomas Mogaguen, Juan de Molleson, William Monaghan, Mr. Montagu, Charles Greville Montagu, George Brudenell Montagu, 4th earl of Cardigan, 1st duke of Montagu, Sir James Montagu, Adm. John Montague, Edward Montgomery, James Montgomery, Sir James William, 1st bart. Moore, Sir Henry, 1st bart. Moore, William Morellet, Andre* Morgann, Maurice Morin, Peter Michael Morocco Sovereigns Mohamet XVI Morris. Charles Morris, Robert Morris, Valentine Mosquito Coast, British settlers on Motteux, John Mourier, Chevalier de Mowat, Henry Munchhausen, Gerlach Adolph, freiherr von Munro, Sir Hector Murray, James Musgrave, Sir William "Mustapha" N., J. Napoles Arevalo, Joseph de Nasmyth, Thomas Neave, Richard 254 SHELBURNE [251] Necker, Jacques Neilson, A. S. Neilson, Charles Nelson, Thomas Nepean, Sir Evan, 1st bart. Neufville, Mons. de Newcastle, Thomas Pelham- Holles, 1st duke of Newton, Sir Henry New York Commissioners of Indian Affairs Council Council and Lieutenant Governor General Assembly New York City Merchants Nicholson, Wargent North, Frederick North, 2nd earl of Guildford, baron North Carolina. Council Northey, Sir Edward Northington, Sir Robert Henley, baron of Grange, viscount Henley, 1st earl of Norton, Sir Fletcher, 1st baron Grantley Norton, William, 2nd baron Grantley Nova Scotia Council General Assembly Nugent, T. Nutting, John Oakes, Richard Ochoa de Arfn, Joseph O'Connor, John Ogden, Isaac Ogle, Samuel O'Hara, Charles Oliver, Mr. Oliver, Andrew Oporto Merchants, Committee of Ord, James Osborne, Charles Osborne, Wadham Oswald, Richard Otley, Matthias Otway, Joseph Oursel, Mr. Owen, Arthur Pache, l'aine Palliser, Sir Hugh, 1st bart. Palmer, John Palmer, Robert Paoli, Pasquale de Parker, Sir Peter, 1st bart. Parma, Ferdinando, due di Parminter, William Parr, John Paterson, J. Patiiio, Joseph Patrick, Gordon Patten, John Patterson, John Patterson, Samuel Patterson, Gov. Walter Patton, William Paz, Juan Bautista de Orendayn, marque's de la Peete, George Pemberton, Samuel Penn, John Penn, Thomas Pennsylvania. Assembly Perron, Francois-Balthazar, comte de Peru. Junta general de come re io Pery, Edmund Sexton Pery, 1st viscount Peters, George Peters, Samuel Andrew Petrie, Gilbert Petty, Hon. William Granville "Philanthropist" Philips, William "Philosophoff " Pictet, Mr. Pierce, Edwards Pierie, William Pierson, James Pigot, Hugh Pigot, Sir Robert, 2nd bart. Pike, John Pinckney, Roger Pinson, Andrew Pinto Bandeira, Francisco Pitkin, William Poirier, Samuel Poland Sovereigns Stanislau II Pombal, Sebastiao Jose de Carvalho e Mello, conde d 1 Oeyras, marquez de [251] SHELBURNE 255 Pomroy, Ebenezer Poncet de la Riviere, Marquis de Poole Inhabitants of Merchants trading to Newfoundland Poplett, Thomas Popple, William, d. 1708 Popple, William, d. 1722 Popple, William, 1701-64 Porten, Sir Stanier Portugal British merchants in Sovereigns Pedro II John V Joseph I Maria Treaties with Great Britain Great Britain and Holland Spain Potter, Nathaniel Potter, Thomas Pouchkin, Alexis Moussin Poussett, Francis Powell, James Pownall, John Poyntz, William Deane Praslin, Cesar-Gabriel de Choiseul comte de Choiseul, due de Pratter, Edward Prevost, James Mark Price, John Price, Joseph Price, Richard Pride, James Pringle, Robert Prior, Matthew Prussia Sovereigns Frederick II Pye, Sir Thomas Quebec Council Council and Governor Intendant Ram, George Randolph, Peyton Raoux, Adrien-Philippe Raymond, Robert Raymond, 1st baron Read, John Reed, James Rich, Henry Pye Richie, James Richmond and Lennox, Charles Lennox, 3rd duke of Ridlington, Will Rigby, James Rivers, James Roberts, Benjamin Robe r t so n , Jame s Robinson, Rev. John Rochambeau, Jean-Baptiste- Donatien de Vimeur, comte de Roche, Sir Boyle Rochford, William Henry Zuylestein, 4th earl of Rodney, Sir George Brydges Rodney, 1st baron Rogers, W. Ross, David Rouille', Antoine-Louis, comte de Jouy Rous, Samuel Rowles, Samuel Rufane, William Rumbold, Sir Thomas, 1st bart. Russell, F. Russia Sovereigns Catherine II Rutherford, John Rut ledge, John Ryder, Sir Dudley S., A. C. Sa e Mello, Don Ayres de Sacken, Count von Sadlier, Anthony St. Christopher's and Nevis, planters and merchants of St. Helens, Alleyne Fitzherbert, 1st baron St. Johns (Newfoundland) Merchants and traders St. Vincent, Sir John Jervis, 1st earl of St. Vincent (Island) Saldern, Kaspar von Sampson, James Sanchez Bernal, Pedro Sandwich, Edward Montagu, 1st earl of Sanglar, Jean Baptiste Sardinia. Sovereigns Victor Ammadeus III 256 SHELBURNE [251] Saunders, Sir Charles Savage, Arthur Savannah. Merchants Savile, Sir George, 8th bart. Savill, James Saxby, George Saxony. Elector Friedrich August II Sayer, Exton Schaumbourg Lippe, comte de Schomberg, Solomon Schuyler, Dirk Schuyler, Peter Scott-Waring, John Sedgwick, Edward Segur, Philippe Henri, marquis de Seilern, Count Shairp, Walter Sharpe, Horatio Shelburne, William Petty, 1st marquess of Lansdowne, 2nd earl of Shirley, Henry Shirley, Sir Thomas Shirley, William Shrewbury, Charles Talbot, 12th earl and 1st duke of Silhouette, Etienne de Simolin, John Matthew Simond & Hankey Simpson, James Six Nations ( Indians) Skene, Philip Skinner, Charles Smart, David Smith, Benjamin Smith, William, 1728-1793 Smith, William Smyth, Frederick Smyth, Sir Hervey Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce Society of West India Merchants Solar de Breille, Mons. le Bailli Somers, Sir John, baron Somers of Evesham Somers, Thomas Sorba, Agostino Paolo Domenico South Carolina General Assembly South Carolina-continued Police South Sea Co. Committee of Correspondence Committee of Treasury Court of Directors Factories General Court Spain Consejo estraordinario Sovereigns. Philip V Treaties with Great Britain Treaties with Portugal Speer, Joseph Smith Spencer, Henry Spotswood, Alexander Spry, Sir Richard Squarey, J. Robert Squire, Joseph Stanley, Hans Steele, Joshua Stephens, John Stephenson, Robert Stepney, Sir John Stewart, John Stewart, Robert Stoddard, John Stone, Andrew Strachey, Sir Henry, 1st bart. Strafford, Thomas Wentworth, 3rd earl of Strange, Sir John Strangways, James Strettell & Crafton Stuart, Charles Stuart, John Suckling, George Sulivan, Laurence Sutton, Sir Richard Sweden Treaty with Great Britain Sydney, Thomas Townshend, 1st viscount Symmer, Andrew Taggart, James Tahourdin, William Talbot, Charles, 1st baron Talbot of Hensol Talcott, Joseph Talleyrand-Perigord, Charles Maurice de Tarman, Nathaniel Tassell, Hubert Tayler, William [251] SHELBURNE 257 Taylor, Hugh Taylor, Peter Taylor, Thomas Terray, Joseph-Marie Terrick, Rev. Richard Thibault d'Arauxelle Thompson, Edward Thompson, Thomas Thompson, Sir William Thoppison, Peter Thorne, Perigrine Francis Thornton, Mr. Tickell, Richard Tilghman, James Tinker, John Tobago Assembly Committee to Appraise Losses Sustained during the Capture of the Island Proprietors Todd, James Tomson, Mr. Tonyn, Patrick Tooke, Randall Torey, Mons. de Tort, Mons. Townshend, George Townshend, 4th viscount and 1st marquess Townshend, Hon. Charles Trafford, Henry Traill, Robert Treby, Sir George Trelawney, Edward Trembley, Pierre Trevor, John Hampden, 3rd viscount Hampden Trevor, Sir Thomas, baron Trevor of Bromham Trinder, Thomas Tronjoly "True Briton, A" Tryon, William Turnbull, Dr. Andrew Tuscany Twiss, William Udney, Robert Ulloa, Antonio de Unamunsaga, Domingo de United Company of merchants of England trading to the East Indies United States Continental Congress Treaties with United States-continued Treaties with-contined France Great Britain Holland "Unknown" Upham, Joshua Upton, William Valltravers, Rodolph Valory, M, Vansittart, Henry Varlo, Charles Vaughan, Benjamin Vaughan, Sir John Vaughan, William Veaitch, Charles Venezuela Venice. Consul at Genoa Vera Cruz. Governador y oficiales reales Verchild, James Vergennes, Charles Gravier, comte de Villahermosa, marque's de Villalon, Pedro de Rivera Virginia Council General Assembly Treasury Viry, Joseph-Marie- Francois-Justin de Viry, comte de Wadeson, Samuel Wadsworth, Peleg Wager, Sir Charles Waldo, Francis Walker, George Walker, John Wallis, Samuel Walpole, Robert Walpole, Hon. Thomas Wane, George Ward, Samuel Ware, Nathaniel Warren, Dr. Joseph Warren, Milbourne Warrington, George Augustus Washington, George Watson, Sir Brook, 1st bart. Watson, Elkanah Waugh, Joseph Wearg, Sir Clement Welderen, Bernard, graf von "Well-wisher to England, A" 258 SHERRIL - SIMCOE [252-253] Weltden, Anthony Wentworth, Sir John, bart Werden, Sir John, 1st bart. West, Richard West Florida. Council and Assembly West Indian and North American Merchants Committee West India planters and merchants Wharton, Samuel Wheler, Edward White, Robert Whitworth, Charles, baron Whitworth of Galway Wilkinson, M. Willes, Sir John Williams, Sir Charles Hanbury Williams, Griffith Williams, John Williams, William Wilmot, Sir John Eardley Wilson, Sir Thomas Spencer, 6th bart. Wimble, William Winnington, Sir Edward, 1st bart. Wood, R. Wood, Robert Wood, Thomas Woodford, Sir Ralph Wooldridge, Susanna Wormley, Ralph Worsley, Henry Wright, Sir James, 1st bart. Wright, John Wrixon, Elias Wroughton, Sir Thomas Wylly, Alexander Xime*nez, Pedro Ignacio Yonge, Sir George, 5th bart. Yorke, Charles Yorke, Sir Joseph, 1st baron Dover Z., A. Ziron, Pedro 252. SHERRIL, ABRAHAM PARSON Account books, 1837-1849. 4 items. Storekeeper. Account books kept by Abraham P, Sherril in his general store in Pike, New York. Gift of Mr. Edwin Stanton Sherrill, 1935. 253. SIMCOE, JOHN GRAVES, 1752-1806 Papers, 1774-1824. 421 items. British army officer; lieutenant governor of Upper Canada. Papers consist of military returns, correspondence pertaining to the Queen 1 s Rangers and the administration of Upper Canada, letters concerning diplomatic affairs between the United States and Great Britain, a letter book containing copies of letters written for Simcoe by his secre- tary, and a notebook containing poems and essays written by Simcoe. Other letters by Simcoe will be found in the Clinton papers (no. 62), and Sydney [254] SOLINUS 259 papers ( no. 2 68) . Described in the catalogue of Maggs brothers, no. 586 (summer, 1933), item 745. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Acquired upon settlement of the Clements estate, 1937. Names of writers of letters and authors and signers of documents: Barnes, Maj. John Beckwith, Sir George Betton, David Caldwell, Sir Henry Canada, Lower. Governor and Council Clifford Clinton, Sir Henry Coleridge, Sir John Taylor Cowan, David Cuff, Michael Darling, Henry Elliot, M. Eustace, John Skey Ewald, Johann von Exeter (England). City Council Ford, Henry Germain, George Sackville, 1st viscount Sackville Grant, Alexander Graves, Margaret Graves, W. Great Britain. Army in America. Provincials. Queens Rangers Hammond , George Harrow, Alexander Howe, Richard Howe, 4th viscount and 1st earl Kent and Strathern, Prince Edward Augustus, duke of Knox, Henry Littlehales, Edward Baker McGill, John Mackay, William Mackenzie, Frederick Martin, William Mercer, Alexander Munday, Nathaniel Olney, Jeremiah Rawdon, Francis Rawdon- Hasting, 1st marquess of Hastings, 2nd earl of Moira, baron Saunders, John Scadding, John Simcoe, Elizabeth Gwillim, Mrs. John Graves Simcoe, John Graves Smith, Sir D. W. Smith, Samuel Smith, William Stirling, Sir Thomas, 1st bart. Yonge, Sir George, 5th bait. 254. SOLINUS, CAIUS JULIUS. C. Iulii Solini sive gramatici Polyhistor ab ipso editus et recognitus de situ orbis terrarum et de singulis mirabilibus quae in mundo habentur incipit, 14- . 1 item, 172 pages. Latin grammarian and historian. Palimpsest manuscript copy on vellum. A general history of outstanding events written in the third century. Described in Seymour De Ricci and W. J. Wilson. 260 SOLORZANO PEREIRA - SPAIN [255-257] Census of medieval and renaissance manuscripts in the United States and Canada, v. 2, p. 1127. Described in the catalogue of Bernard Quatrich, no. 87, January, 1888, item 51. See Peckham* s Guide for fuller description. 255. SOLORZANO PEREIRA, JUAN DE, 157 5-165 5. De Justa indiarum Occidentalium gubernatione Liber quartus in quo agitur de his que ad fiscum Regium in his partibus pertinent, et ejus juribus, ca. 1617. 1 item, 436 pages. Spanish scholar and judge. Authorship uncertain Books four and five of a work that is either a treatise on the laws of the Spanish Indies or a draft of Solorzano' s work, De Jure Indiarum. The manuscript was written in Peru, and also contains a letter dated Lima, March 9, 1614, addressed to the king on the subject of the Reformation, and several legal notes and references. Described in the catalogue of Sotheby and co., June 24-27, 1919, item 341. Phillipps Ms. 13688. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Purchased, 1928. 256. SPAIN. Royal decree, 1493. 1 item, 12 pages. Legal document, signed by the Spanish sovereigns Ferdinand and Isabella, at Barcelona, August 22, 1493, confirms and extends an entail applied for by Fernando de Monrroy. Described in Seymour De Ricci and W. J. Wilson. Census of medieval and renaissance manuscripts in the United States and Canada, v. 2, p. 1127. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Purchased, 1927. 257. SPAIN. State paper, 1652 [258-259] SPARKS - SQUIER 261 1 item, 16 leaves. Contemporary copy of a document issued by Phillip IV, explaining that he planned to meet some of his financial obligations by seizing certain moneys coming in on the treasure fleet from the Indies. Gift of James Shearer II, 1924. 258. SPARKS, JARED, 1789-1866. Letters, 1832-1858. 21 items. American historian. Letters mainly relating to the Benjamin Franklin papers owned by Henry Stevens, which reflect Sparks' interest in publishing a printed edition of these papers. Includes one letter from Mrs. Jared Sparks to Henry Stevens. Gift of Randolph G. Adams, 1943. 259. SQUIER, EPHRAIM GEORGE, 1821-1888. Papers, 1818-1886. 46 items. American archaeologist. Letters and documents concerning archaeological work in Honduras, rela- tions between Honduras and the United States, and some family correspondence. Purchased, 1948. Names of writers of letters and authors and signers of documents: Baiz, Jacob Morris, Dwight Baldwin, Simon E. Seward, William Henry Berwind, Edward J. Sigel, John N. Cass, Lewis Squier, Ephraim George Chase, Salmon P. Squier, Ethan Clark, S. Morton Squier, Joel Fish, Hamilton Stebbins, H. G. Gomez, Ignacio Stevens, Henry Hamilton, A. J. Tallmadge, H. F. Hunter, W. Toledo, Rodrico Johnson, Andrew Valentine, J. Leiva, Ponciano Vallejo, Antonio R. Medina, Jose* Maria Voebel, Charles Molina, Luis 262 STERLING - STEVENS [260-262] 2 60. STERLING, JAMES. Letter book, 1761-1765. 1 item, 164 pages. Fur trader. Letter book contains copies of 134 letters which are mainly concerned with the Indian fur trade. Some letters make reference to Pontiac 1 s siege. Provision returns and vouchers signed by Sterling will be found in the Amherst papers (no. 14) and Gage papers (no. 95). A letter from Sterling is in the Germain papers (no. 98). See Peckham' s Guide for fuller description. Purchased, 1931. 261. STEVENS, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, 1833-1902, COMP. Facsimiles of manuscripts in European archives relating to America, 1773-1783 ... London, 1889- 1898. 5 ft. American bibliophile. Photographed facsimiles of documents, most of which are unpublished. Completely indexed. See Peckham' s Guide for fuller description. 262. STEVENS, HENRY, 1819-1886. Papers, 1812-1911. 1 ft. London bookdealer. Papers include letter books containing duplicate copies of letters and bills sent to customers from 1852 to 1866, and 145 letters addressed to Stevens by book collectors and librarians. See Peckham' s Guide for fuller description. Deposited in the William L. Clements Library by Henry Stevens, son and Stiles, 1937. Names of writers of letters: Allibone, Samuel Austin Blades, William Arber, Edward Bradshaw, Henry Asher, A. , & Co. Brown, John Carter Barlow, Samuel L. M. Dana, James Dwight Bartlett, John Russell Deane, Charles Beecher, Rev. Henry Ward Drake, Samuel Gardner [263] STRACHEY 263 Draper, Lyman Cope land Drexel, Joseph William Fre"mont, John Charles Frothingham, Richard Gilman, Daniel Coit Gilraor, Robert Greene, George Washington Harrisse, Henry Helps, Sir Arthur Kohl, Johann Georg Lenox, James Lieber, Francis Livermore, George Major, Richard Henry Murphy, Henry Cruse Palfrey, John Gorham Palmer, Joseph Parkman, Francis Pearson, John Pennypacker, Samuel Whi taker Quaritch, Bernard Rich, Obadiah Shea, John D. G. Smith, Buckingham Smith, Joseph Squier, Ephraim George Stevens, Benjamin Franklin Stevens, Henry Tenney, Harriet A. Trubner, Nicholas Washburne, Elihu Benjamin STRACHEY, SIR HENRY, 1ST BART., 1737-1810 Papers, 1768-1775. 1 item, 782 pages. Copy. English Statesman. Papers contain replies and records from governors and colonial officials in response to a circular letter sent out by the Earl of Dartmouth, colonial secretary, on July 5, 1773. Strachey apparently had these copies made for his information when he was appointed secretary in May, 177 6, to the Howe commission for restoring peace in America. Calendared in Historical manuscripts commission. 6th report. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Purchased, 1924. Names of writers of letters and authors and signers of documents: Banyar, George Bridgewater, Joseph Bright, William Browne, Montfort Browne, William Bruere, George James Chester, Gov. Peter Colden, Alexander Dartmouth, William Legge 2nd earl of DeGrey, William, 1st baron Walsingham Dunmore, John Murray, 4th earl of Elliot, Andrew Five Nations (Indians) Flowers, John Franklin, William Gil loch, James Great Britain. Privy Council. Committee for plantation Affairs Grenada. Court of Vice Admiralty Haven, William Hay, Gov. Edward Hutchinson, Thomas Ireland, John Johnson, Sir William, 1st bart. Keith, Sir Basil Kempe, John Tabor Legge, Gov. Francis 264 STUART SUMNER [264-266] Lewis, John Leyborne, William L. Lott, Alexander Lucas, William McKenzie, Rev. James McLaughlin, Joseph Moore, Samuel Morris, Valentine New York. Harbor Masters and Wardens Patterson, John Patterson, Gov. Walter Payne, Sir Ralph, baron Lavington Penn, John Porteus , John Proudfoot, Mr. Purcell, John Ruding, Dr. John Rustat, William Sharpe , Henry Shiffuer, John Shirley, Sir Thomas Stuart, Lt. Gov. William Symson, Alexander Thomson, Alexander Thurlow, Edward Thurlow, 1st baron Tobago, Lt. Gov. Trumbull, Jonathan Tryon, William Wentworth, Sir John, bart Winniet, Alexander Wright, Sir James, 1st bart. Young, William 264. STUART, JAMES, 1741-1815. Letters, 1780. 2 items. British army officer. Letters deal with the American Revolution, and are addressed to Lord Blantyre and the writer's brother Charles. Purchased. 1931. 265. STUART, JAMES. Record book, 1816-1820. 1 item, 466 pages. Book of legal notes and business records Gift of Mr. E. B. Voegele, 1946. 266. SUMNER, JETHRO, CA. 1733-1785. Correspondence, 1780-1781. 72 items. American Revolutionary officer. Correspondence relates to the southern campaign. Many of the [267-268] SUPERUNDA - SYDNEY 265 letters are drafts or copies in the hand of James Cole-Mountf lorence, Sumner's aide. Twelve letters from Sumner to General Nathanael Greene will be found in the Greene papers (no. 109). Described in the catalogue of the Anderson Galleries, no. 2201, November 28-29, 1927, (Hollings- worth sale), items 21, 79, 132, 133, 814. See Peckham' s Guide for fuller description. Acquired upon settlement of the Clements estate, 1937. Names of writers of letters. Armstrong, Mark Lock, Francis Ashe, John Baptist Mountf lorence, James Davidson, William Lee C61e- Davie, William Richardson Peasley, John Doherty, George Seawell, Benjamin Dunn, John Sumner, Jethro Eaton, Pinketham Taylor, Philip M. Gates, Horatio Thackston, James Lamb, Gideon Williams, Joseph 267. SUPERUNDA, JOSE ANTONIO MANSO DE VELASCO, CONDE DE . Relacion que escribe el Conde de Superunda, Virrey de el Peril de los principales sucesos de su Govierno ... 17 61. 1 item, 660 pages. Viceroy of Peru. Extensive manuscript report on Peru. Printed in Manuel Atanasio Fuentes. Memorias de los Vireyes que Han Gobernado el Peru . . . Described in the catalogue of Sotheby and co., June 24-27, 1919, item 385. Phillipps Ms. 14121. See Peckham' s Guide for fuller description. Purchased, 1928. 268. SYDNEY FAMILY. Papers, 1685-1829. 4 ft. Papers are chiefly those of Thomas Townshend, 1st viscount Sydney, 1733-1800, English statesman. They are especially concentrated in !:he decade 1780-1790, and deal with affairs in the West Indies and Nova Scotia, elections in Whitchurch, the 266 SYDNEY [268] American Revolution, peace negotiations, and Irish and colonial matters. Manuscripts from the earlier period include treasury papers of both Thomas Townshend and his father, Thomas Townshend, 1701- 1780, teller of the exchequer. They consist of bills, receipts, stays of process and statements of taxes and revenue in America. Some family correspondence is also included. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Acquired upon settlement of the Clements estate, 1937. Names of writers of letters and authors and signers of documents: Abington, Robert Adhe*mar de Saint-Martin, Jean-Baptiste Amable Ailesbury, Lady Caroline Anne Akers, Aretas Alexander, Harry Alvanley, Richard Pepper Arden, baron Amherst, Sir Jeffery Amherst, baron Ancaster, Mary Panton, duchess of Applewhaite, Thomas Ardenn, J. Ardouin, Daniel Armstrong, Lawrence Arnald, Rev. William Arnold, Benedict Asgill, Pratville, Lady Charles Ashburton, John Dunning, 1st baron Baltimore, Frederick Calvert, 6th baron Banks, William Barman, Bait. Barnard, Edward Barrett, John Barrington, Samuel Barry, Henry Belgioioso, Barbaro, comte de Bembridge, Charles Benson, George Bergey, Mons. Bingham, Thomas Blake way, E. Blankett, John Bolton, Thomas Orde, 1st baron Bouillon, Godef roi-Charles- Henri de la Tour d'Auvergne, due de Bouillon, Philip d'Auvergne Boyd, Sir Robert Brand, John Braybrooke, Sir John Griffin Whitwell Griffin, 1st baron Brecknock, Timothy Bridger, John Brodrick, Charles Brodrick, Hon. Thomas Brown, William Buckingham, George Nugent- Temple-Grenville, 3rd earl Temple, 1st marquess of Bulkeley, Thomas James Bulkeley, 7th viscount Burgoyne, John Burke , Edmund Bute, John Stuart, viscount Mountstuart, 4th earl and 1st marquess of Byron, John Byron, Sophia Trevannion, Mrs. John C, Mrs. C. , Lady Mary Caldwell, Sir Henry Cambridge University Camden, Sir Charles Pratt, 1st baron and 1st earl of Campbell, Sir Archibald Carpenter, George Carpenter, 1st baron Carrington, Rev. J. A. Carteret, Henry Frederick Thynne, 1st baron Carteret Cathcart, Sir William Schaw Cathcart, 1st earl Cerjat, Mons. Chandler, Samuel Chandos, James Brydges, marquess of Carnarvon, 3rd duke of [268] SYDNEY 267 Chatham, John Pitt, 2nd earl of Chatham, Lady Hester Grenville Pitt, countess of Choiseul et d'Amboise, Etienne-Francois de Choiseul, due de Christchurch, borough of Clarendon, Thomas Villiers, 1st earl of Clarke, Thomas Clifford, Jeronimy Clinton, George Clinton, Sir Henry Clissold, Stephen Clovelsay, John Conduitt, John Conway, Hon. Henry Seymour Conyngham, William Cook, Fountaine Cooke, George John Cooper, Rev. Samuel Coote, Sir Eyre Cornwallis, Charles Cornwallis, 1st marquess and 2nd earl Cotigno, Henry Cottrell, Sir Stephen Courtown, James Stopford, 2nd earl of Cresset, James Cripps, William Crokatt, James Crussol, T. de Cuninghame, James Cunningham, Alexander Curzon, Samuel Dalhousie, George Ramsay, 8th earl of Dalrymple, Henry Hew Dalrymple, William Dassier, Paul Davis, Humphry Davison, Alexander Deare, Philip Debbieg, Hugh DeGrey, William, 1st baron Walsingham DeGrey, Thomas, 2nd baron Walsingham Delisle, Jean Guillaume Denbigh, Basil Feilding, 6th earl of Denne, William Diescaut, Mons. Dinwiddie, Robert Dive, John Dodington, George Bubb, baron Melcombe Downman, Hugh Draper, Sir William Du Bourgay, Col. Dudley and Ward, John Ward, 2nd viscount Dundas , Thomas Dunthorn, Richard Edgcumbe, Richard, 1st baron Edgcumbe Errinton, H. Fairfax of Cameron, Robert Fairfax, 7th baron Fenoulket, James John Ferguson, Adam Ferguson, Gov. George Fergussone, John Ferrers, Robert Shirley, 6th earl of Fife, James Duff, 2nd earl of Fisher, Gerrit Fitzherbert, Sir William Fitzmaurice, Ulysses Fletcher, Sir Henry Fougeray, Chevalier de Foules, Benjamin Freeman, J. Freuny, Joachim de Frodsham, John Gage, Thomas Gale, Mathew Galiffe, James Augustus Galiffe, J. P. Galloway, John Stewart, 7th earl of Gardner, G. Geraldino, Sir Thomas Germain, George Sackville, 1st viscount Sackville Gibson, Rev. Edmund Gillbee, William Gilmour, A. Gloucester, Prince William Henry, duke of Gordon, Catherine Gordon, Sir Charles Gosling, Robert Gould-Morgan, Sir Charles Grafton, Augustus Henry Fitzroy, 3rd duke of Grantham, Thomas Robinson, 2nd baron Great Britain 268 SYDNEY [268] Great Britain-continued Attorney General Board of Trade Commissioners for restoring peace, 1778 Parliament Privy Council Privy Seal Office Sovereigns George I I George III Treasury Treaties with Prussia Spain Green, R. Greene, Edward Burnaby Grey, Sir Charles Grey, 1st viscount Howick, 1st earl Griffith, William Grove, G. W. Guzman, Juan Pablo de Haddock, Nicholas Haldimand, Sir Frederick Hale, Nath. Halliday, Lady Jane Hallyburton, H. Douglas Hanson, John Harborough, Robert Sherard, 4th earl of Harcourt, Mary Danby Harcourt, countess Harcourt, William Harcourt, 3rd earl Hardings, George Hardwicke, Philip Yorke, 1st baron and 1st earl of Harison, Francis Harley, Edward Harrington, William Stanhope, 1st earl of Harris, Gab. Harris, S. Hartley, David Hawell, John Hayes, F. Hayward, F. (or T. ?) Heathcote, Charles Hill, Francis Hill, John Hill, Richard Hoadly, Rev. Benjamin Hodgson, William Holland, Henry Fox, 1st baron Home, George Honduras, magistrates of Hope, Henry Hopetoun, James Hope, 3rd earl of Home, Thomas Hort, Sir John, 1st bart. Howe, Richard Howe, 4th viscount and 1st earl Hurd, Thomas Indo, Miguel de Ireland Lord Lieutenant and Council Privy Council Jay, Sir James Jeeb, Thomas Jennings, John Kane, Richard Keane, Michael Keene, Sir Benjamin Keith, Sir Robert Murray Kemps ter, Thomas Kensington, William Edwardes, 1st baron Keppel, Augustus Keppel, 1st viscount Kermar, Mr. Kinnaird, George Kinnaird, 7th baron Kirkby, John Knowles, Henry Knox, William Kutzleben, Baron von Lachervallerie, G. ? de Lafayette, Marie-Joseph- Paul-Yves-Roch Gilbert du Motier, marquis de Langford, William Lascelles, Edward Lauderdale, James Mai t land, 8th earl of Law, Henry Legge, Henry Bilson Leicester, George Townshend, 1st earl of Leitrim, Nathaniel Clements, 2nd earl of Leland, John Ley, John Lincoln, Edmund Liverpool, Charles Jenkinson, 1st baron Hawkesbury, 1st earl of Lotbiniere, Michel-Gaspard Chartier, marquis de Lothian, William Kerr, 9th earl of Ancram, 6th marquess of SYDNEY 269 Lucas, Simon Lymington, Lord Macabee, James McDanall, Mr. McMahon, E. Britt MacMahon, T. Maddison, Robertus Magens, Magens Dorrien Malmesbury, Sir James Harris, viscount Fitz- harris, 1st earl of Manchester, George Montagu, 4th duke of Mann, Edward Manners -Sutton, Rev. Charles Manning, E. March, George R. Marshall, Rev. Edmund Martin, John Martin, Josiah Martyn, Benjamin Maseres, Francis Mathew, Edward Maule, George Melville, Henry Dundas, 1st viscount Melville, Robert "Merchant, A" Metcalfe, Major Midleton, Albinia Townshend, viscountess Mildmay, H. A. S. Mildmay, Sir William Minto, Sir Gilbert Elliot, 1st earl of Mitchell, Major Mitford, William Molesworth, Robert Molesworth, 5th viscount Molineux, Mr. Molyneux, Mrs. Moore, Rev. Charles Mordaunt, G. Morris, Corbyn Morris, Lewis Morris, William Moss, Rev. Charles Murray, James Musgrave, Sir William Nepean, Sir Evan, 1st bart. Newburgh, James Bartholomew Radcliffe, 4th earl of Newcastle, Thomas Pelham- Holles, 1st duke of Newton, Hibbert Newton, J. B. Nicholson, Anthony Norman, Mr. Norris, Sir John Northington, Robert Henley, 2nd earl of Norton, Chappie Norton, Sir Fletcher, 1st baron Grantley Oakley, Mr. 1 Flaherty, Daniel Ogle, Sir Chaloner Oliver, Thomas Onslow, Arthur Ord, James Orde, Sir John, 1st bart. Orlebar, Richard Orme, Robert Osborn, John Ostler, John Owen, R. Page, J. Parke, Daniel Parry, David Parsons, R. Payne, Mr. Peake, Thomas Pearce, Rev. Zachary Pearson, Sir Richard Pelham, Henry Pemberton, J. Penton, Henry Pestell, Ellis P. Phillip, Arthur Pitcher, Robert Pitt, William Pohill, Charles Pollette, Anthony Pollock, William Portal, C. J. Portland, William Henry Cavendish Bentinck, 3rd duke of Portsmouth, John Wallop, 1st earl of Potter, Thomas Pottle, Mr. Poulett, Poulett, viscount Hinton, 3rd earl Poulsum, Is. Povall, William Powell, John Poyntz, Stephen Poyntz, William Pryme, Francis Pugh, Evan 270 SYDNEY [268] Pulteney, Mr. Rawdon, Francis Rawden- Hasting, 1st marquess of Hastings, 2nd earl of Moira, baron Rawson, George Richmond and Lennox, Charles Lennox, 3rd duke of Robinson, Sir Thomas, 1st bart. Rochford, William Henry Nassau de Zuylestein, 5th earl of Rodney, Sir George Brydges Rodney, 1st baron Rose, George Rose , John Ryder, Sir Dudley St. Helens, Alleyne Fitzherbert, 1st baron St. Leger, Anthony St. Leger, Barry Sainte Ovide de Brouillant Salis, Peter de Salis, count de Sandby, Dr. G. Sandby, William Sandford, George Savage, Arthur Saye and Sele, Thomas Twisleton, 13th baron Scudamore, John Selkirk, Dunbar Douglas- Hamilton, 4th earl of Selwyn, A. F., Mrs. Congreve Selwyn, C. J. Selwyn, John Seton, James Shelburne, William Petty, 1st marquess of Lansdowne, 2nd earl of Shirley, Sir Thomas Shute, Samuel Simcoe, John Graves Skeat, Richard Skene, G. Sleech, Stephen Sloane, Hans Sloper, Sir Robert Smith, J. H. Somerset, Edward Seymour, 9th duke of South, Thomas Southampton, Charles Fitzroy, 1st baron "Speculator, A" Stanhope, Charles Stanhope, 3rd viscount Mahon, 3rd earl of Stephenson, J. Steuart-Denham, Sir James, 8th bart. Stewart, Alexander Stillingf leet, Benjamin Stone, Rev. George Stopford, S., marchioness of Stopford, Thomas Strachey, Sir Henry, 1st bart. Strangford, Philip Smythe, 4th viscount Sydney, Thomas Townshend, 1st viscount Sydney, John Thomas Townshend, 2nd viscount Symes, Richard Taylor, Capt. Temple, Richard Temple Grenville, 2nd earl Terroux, Sieur Jacques Thompson, Edward Thornton, J. Thorpe, J. Thurlow, Edward Thurlow, 1st baron Tollemache, Lady Bridget Henley Fox-Lane Torkington, John Torrington, George Byng, 4th viscount Tottenham, Loftus Anthony Townesend, William Townshend, George Townshend, 4th viscount and 1st marquess Townshend, Sir Horatio Townshend, 1st viscount Townshend, Augustus Townshend, Charles Townshend, Hon. Thomas Trent, William Trotter, John Tull james, Thomas United States Commissioners ( Jay, Adams, Franklin) Upper Ossory, Anne Liddell Fitzroy Fitzpatrick, countess of Uzes, Chastillon, duchesse d» [269-271] TANNER - TOOMBS 271 Vandeput, George Vesey, Ag. Vorontsov, Semen Romanovich, count Walpole, Sir Edward Walpole, Horatio, 1st baron Walpole of Wolterton Walpole, Robert Walpole, Hon. Thomas Weaver, Mr. Wentworth, Hugh Hall Wentworth, Thomas West, John Wharton, Philip Wharton, duke of White, J. E. Whiter, Walter Whitfeld, Henry Wight, Alexander Williams, John Wollaston, Francis Woodcock, Elbro Woodyer, John Wray, Sir Cecil, 13th bart. Yonge, Sir George, 5th bart. Yorke, Charles Young, J. Young, William 269. TANNER, JAMES, 1844-1927. Letter, 1865. 1 item. Stenographer. Three page letter in shorthand describing the death of Lincoln, the testimony of witnesses to the assassination, and the activi ties of officials. An imperfect and incomplete transcription of the letter was printed in the American historical review v. 29, p. 514-517. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Gift of Mrs. Nellie B. Strawhecker and Paul 0. Strawhecker, 1936. 270. TEXAS. Noticia de las tribus de salvages conocidos q. habitan en el Departamento de Tejas ... 1828. 1 item, 52 pages. An inventory of tribes living in Texas, with an account of the number of families in each tribe, tribal songs, and amount of land held by each. Purchased, 1950. 271. TOOMBS FAMILY. Papers, 1778-1849. 272 TOWNSEND (SOLOMON) - TOWNSEND FAMILY [272-273] 200 items. Papers are chiefly those of Robert Toombs, d. 1815, major in the Virginia militia, and his son Robert, 1810-1885, Confederate statesman. Papers consist of inventories and appraisals of estates, court orders, jury bills, wills, and receipts, all dated from Wilkes County, Georgia. See Peckham' s Guide for fuller description. 272. TOWNSEND, SOLOMON. Sermons, 1866-1878. 1 item, 27 pages. Notebook containing three sermons of the Reverend Solomon Townsend of New York. 273. TOWNSEND FAMILY. Papers, 1763-1874. 37 items. Papers consist of scattered personal letters to and from various members of the Townsend family of New York. The correspondence is mainly concerned with family matters. Described in the catalogue of the Aldine book co., summer, 1936, item 473. See Peckham' s Guide for fuller description. Purchased, 1936. Names of writers of letters: Muirson, George Townsend, Elizabeth Nicoll, Mary Townsend, Townsend, Isaiah Mrs. Edward H. Townsend, Jacob Pringle, John Townsend, Mary Sparham, C. Townsend, Maurice E. Stoddard, D. Townsend, Phebe Townsend, Anne Townsend, Townsend, S[amuel?] Mrs. Solomon Townsend, Sarah Townsend, David Townsend, Solomon [274-275] TOWNSHEND (CHARLES) - TOWNSHEND (GEORGE) 273 274. TOWNSHEND, CHARLES, 1725-1767. Letters, 1763-1766. 65 items. British statesman. Letters addressed to Dr. Richard Brocklesby deal chiefly with British poli- tics and international affairs. Eight of the letters make reference to American affairs. Phillipps Ms. 15648. Purchased, 1947. 275. TOWNSHEND, GEORGE TOWNSHEND, 4TH VISCOUNT AND 1ST MARQUIS, 1724-1807. Papers, 1767-1807. 2 ft. British army officer; lord lieutenant of Ireland. Papers consist of 8 letter books and 127 separate letters relating to appointments and preferments, and to Irish political affairs. Some family correspondence is also included. Other letters by Townshend will be found in the Clinton papers (no. 62), Gage papers (no. 95), Germain papers (no. 98), Knox papers (no. 149), Lacaita-Shelburne papers (no. 151), Shelburne papers (no. 251), Sydney papers (no. 268), and Sir John Vaughan papers (no. 287). The letter books are described in the catalogue of Sotheby and co., July 14-16, 1924, item 109; and in the catalogue of J. Pearson and co., 1927, item 213; and 1928, item 226. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Acquired upon settlement of the Clements estate, 1937. Names of writers of letters: Agar, James Bradshaw, Thomas Anglesy, Lady I. Browne, Hon. Arthur Ashburnham, John, 2nd earl Browne, George Balfour, David Burke, Bingham Barrington, William Carey, Col. Wildman Barrington, Caulfield, William 2nd viscount Clarke, John Bath, Thomas Thynne, Clogher, John 1st marquess of Conolly, Thomas Bellisle, Lord Conyngham, Henry, 1st Beresford, John baron and earl Birch, Job Cox, George Evans Bourke, John Cunningham, Col. Boyd, Ponsonby Dally 274 TRAVEL - TRUMBULL [276-277] Dash, Samuel Dawson, Thomas, viscount and 1st baron Cremorne, baron Dartrey Denny, Edward Dillon, John Dutton, James Edgecumbe, George, 1st earl of Mount-Edgecumbe Fitzgerald, Maurice Fortescue, James Foster, John, baron Oriel Gore, John, baron Annaly Grafton, Augustus Henry Fitzroy, 3rd duke of Greene, William Hamilton Harcourt, Simon Harcourt, 1st earl Hennis, Peter Horton, William Howard, Gorges Edmond Jackson, Richard Jocelyn, Robert, 1st earl of Roden Johnston, Richard Longe, Francis Lome, Lord Macartney, Henrietta Massey, Hugh Mill, Hugh Moore, John Neville, Richard Neville Aldworth North, Frederick North, 2nd earl of Guilford, baron Rochford, William Henry Zuylestein, 4th earl of Rogers Shelburne, William Petty, 1st marquess of Lansdowne, 2nd earl of Suffolk, Henry Howard, 5th earl of Berkshire, 12th earl of Tighe, Robert Townshend, George Townshend, 4th viscount and 1st marquess Upton, C. Wad dell, James Winder, Thomas Windham, William 276. TRAVEL DIARY, 1818-1819. 1 item, 150 pages. Anonymous diary of the travels of two Englishmen on the continent. Gift of Miss Geneva Smith, 1945. 277. TRUMBULL, JOHN, 1756-1843 Papers, 1776-1829. 26 items. American painter. Collection of letters and bills, including correspondence relative to the sale of Revolutionary War paintings. Some items are described in the catalogue of Sotheby and co., June 24-27, 1919, items 137, 138, 553. See Peckham' s Guide for fuller description. [278-280] TYLER - UNITED STATES 275 Names of writers of letters and authors and signers of documents: Anthony, Joseph, Jr, Lang, Turner & Co. Miller, Charles Pierce, Loammi Townsend, Thomas, Jr, Trumbull, John Trumbull, Jonathan 278. TYLER, MOSES COIT, 1835-1900. Papers, 1864-1921. 21 items. American educator. Collection is made up of correspondence by and about Moses C. Tyler. Thir- teen letters are addressed to the Reverend and Mrs. Moncure Daniel Conway, two to F. F. Browne, and one to President Taylor of Wooster College. They are dated from London, Ann Arbor, and Ithaca. One letter is to an unidentified correspondent and the four remaining items comprise correspondence be- tween Mrs. Jessica Tyler Austin and William L. Clements. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. U. S. ARMY. CONTINENTAL ARMY. Records, 1778-1783. 1 item, 98 leaves. Bound volume of the adjutant general's weekly and monthly returns of the strength of the Continental army. Most of the returns are for the army under the immediate command of Washington, but there are two returns for the army under Greene, two for the troops under Heath, and one for the army under St. Clair. See Peckham' s Guide for fuller description. 28 0. UNITED STATES. CONGRESS. Papers, 1760-1821. 110 items. Letters and documents signed by members of the 276 UNITED STATES [280] Continental Congress and early federal congresses Gift of Dr. Joseph Fields, 1948 and 1950. Names of writers of letters and authors and signers of documents: Adams, Andrew Arnold, Peleg Ashe, John B. Atkinson, George W. Barnwell, Robert Bayard, John Benson, Egbert Biddle, Clement Bingham, William Blount, William Boerum, Simon Bradford, William Brown, John Cadwalader, Lambert Carmichael, William Caswell, Richard Chase, Jeremiah Townley Chase, Samuel Clarkson, Matthew Clay, Joseph Clingan, William Clymer, George Condit, Silas Cooke, Josiah Piatt Cornell, Ezekiel Crane, Stephen Cushing, Thomas Dane, Nathan Deane, Silas DeHart, John Drayton, William Henry Duane, James Duer, William Edwards, Pierrepont Ellery, Mary Folsom, Nathaniel Fox, Joseph Gadsden, Christopher Galloway, Joseph Gardiner, John Gardiner, Sylvester Gelston, David Gervais, John Lewis Gilman, John Taylor Gilman, Nicholas Habersham, John Hall, Lyman Halsted, Matthias Hancock, John Hanson, John, Jr. Haring, John Harrison, Benjamin Hartley, Thomas Hawkins, Benjamin Helme, R. J. Henderson, Alexander Heyward, Thomas, Jr. Hillhouse, James Hopkinson, Francis Hopper, Jasper Hornblower, Josiah Howell, David Hubbell, Samuel Hughes, H. Huntington, Benjamin Hutson, Richard Jackson, David Jackson, Jonathan Jay, John Johnson, Thomas Kean, John Kearney, Dyre Kinsey, James Langdon, Woodbury Laurence, John Law, Richard Lee, Arthur Lee, Richard Bland Lee, Francis Lightfoot Lee, Thomas Sim Lee, William Lewis, Francis L'Hommedieu, Ezra Lincoln, Levi Lindley, James Livermore, Samuel Livingston, Robert R. Livingston, Walter Lovell, James Low, Isaac McCline, James McHenry, James McKean, Thomas Manning, James Marchant, Henry Mattack, Timothy Middleton, Henry Miller, Nathan Montgomery, John Montgomery, William Morris, Cadwalader Ogden, John Osgood, Samuel Otis, Samuel A. UNITED STATES 277 Page, Mann, Jr. Paine, Robert Treat Partridge, George Pemberton, Samuel Pendleton, Edmund Penington, Edward Peters, Richard Pettit, Charles Plater, George Piatt, Zephaniah Read, Jacob Remsen, Hendrick Remsen, Peter Rhodes, Samuel Ridgely, Richard Roberdeau, Daniel Rodney, Caesar Rodney, Thomas Root, Jesse Rush, Benjamin Rut ledge, Edward Schuyler, Philip John Searle, James Sedgwick, Theodore Smith, James Smith, Jonathan Smith, Melancthon Smith, Thomas Stewart, Charles Stockton, Richard Stone, Thomas Strong, Jedediah Sullivan, John Sumner, Increase Telfair, Edward Thacher, George Thornton, Matthew Tilghman, Matthew Til ton, James Trapier, Paul Trumbull, Jonathan, Jr, Trumbull, Joseph Tucker, Thomas Tucker, William Wadsworth, James Wallace, Joseph Ward, Henry Weare, Mesech Wentworth, John, Jr. White, James Wingate, Paine Wisner, Henry Wood, Joseph Wynkoop, Henry Yates, Peter Waldron 281. UNITED STATES OFFICE FOR INDIAN AFFAIRS. AGENCY. FORT WAYNE Letterbook, 1809-1815 1 item, 179 pages. Letterbook kept by John Johnston and B. F. Stickney, agents at the Fort Wayne Indian agency. Included are copies of letters to superior officers and various departments of the government, lists of supplies sold to the Indians, receipts for work done at the fort, speeches addressed to the Indians and replies by the chiefs, and other material dealing with relations between the agency and the Indians. Gift of Mrs. Thomas Byrd, 1947. Names of writers of letters: Chippewas. Chiefs Dearborn, Henry A. S. Delawares. Chiefs Eel Rivers. Chiefs Eustis, William Harrison, William Henry Hull, William Jefferson, Thomas Johnston, John Mason, L. 278 UNITED STATES - VALLETTE LAUD UN [282-283] Muncies. Chiefs Ottawas. Chiefs Potawatomies. Chiefs Potawatomies. Chief Five Medals Shawnees. Chiefs Shawnees. Chief Black Hoof Six Nations. Chiefs Stickney, B. F. Wiandots. Chiefs 282. UNITED STATES. PRESIDENTS. Papers, 177 6-1945. 62 items. Miscellaneous manuscripts of Presidents of the United States. Names of writers of letters and authors and signers of documents: Adams, John Jackson, Andrew Adams, John Quincy Johnson, Andrew Arthur, Chester Alan Lincoln, Abraham Buchanan, James Madison, James Coolidge, Calvin Monroe, James Fillmore, Millard Pierce, Franklin Garfield, James Abram Taft, William Howard Grant, Ulysses Simpson Taylor, Zachary Harding, Warren Gamaliel Truman, Harry S. Harrison, William Henry Washington, George Hayes, Rutherford Birchard Wilson, Woodrow Hoover, Herbert Clark 283. VALLETTE LAUDUN. Relation du Voyage de la Louisiane en forme de Lettres Ecrites a une Dame en l 1 anne*e 1720. 1 item, 285 pages. French army officer, commander of a scientific expedition to Louisiana. Eighteenth century manu- script copy of a journal of a voyage from Toulon to Louisiana. The original journal was in the form of a series of 132 letters addressed to an unnamed woman. The letters were published without reveal- ing the writers name in Journal d' un Voyage a la Louisiane, fait en 1720 ... La Haye et Paris, 1768. See Peckham' s Guide for fuller description. [284-285] VALLEY FORGE - VAN TYNE 279 284. VALLEY FORGE. Orderly book, 1778. 1 item, 54 pages. Orderly book kept at headquarters, Valley Forge, from January 20 to February 22, 1778. It contains the general orders and brigade orders issued from headquarters of the Continental army. Described in the catalogue of the American art association ( Turner-Munn sale), January 21-22, 1926, item 28. See Peckham' s Guide for fuller description. Acquired upon settlement of the Clements estate, 1937. 285. VAN TYNE, CLAUDE HALSTEAD, 1870-1930. Papers, 1895-1930. 2 ft. American historian. Correspondence, lecture notes, drafts of articles, newspaper clippings, etc., relating to Van Tyne' s lecturing, publishing, teaching, and to his studies in India in 1923. Contains ca. 1000 letters to Van Tyne, 84 of these from Sir George Otto Trevelyan. Gift of the Van Tyne family, 1952. Names of writers of letters and authors and signers of documents: Adams, Charles Francis Adams, James Truslow Adams, Randolph Greenfield Allen, Isabel Alvord, Clarence Walworth Anderson, Frank Maloy Andrews, Charles McLean Angell, James Burrill Appleton, Jean Axson, Stockton Aydelotte, Frank Bach, Bajpai, R. S. Barbeau, A. Barber, E. Barnard, Charles Inman Barstow, Charles Lester Bassett, John Spencer Bates, Helen Becker, Carl Lotus Beer, George Louis Bell, Kenneth Norman Bemis, Samuel Flagg Beveridge, Albert Jeremiah Bigelow, Poultney Bingham, Hiram Bishop, William Warner Boak, Arthur Edward Romilly Boirac, Emile Bolton, Herbert Eugene Bournes, Edward Gaylord Breasted, James Henry Bretz, Julian Pleasant Bryas, Comtesse Madeleine de Bryce, Elizabeth Marion, Viscountess Burr, George Lincoln Burton, Clarence Monroe Burton, Marion LeRoy 280 VAN TYNE [285] Burton, Theodore Elijah Butler, Harcourt Buckler, Barbara Buckler, Mrs. William Cadbury, Henry Joel Canfield, R. Bishop Cansit, E. F. Carlyle, Alexander James Carroll, Eber Malcolm Carter, Mary (Duncan) Catterall, Ralph Charles Henry Channing, Edward Chapman, Charles Edward Charmoy, Jose* de Chase, Lew A. Chessex, Lucien Cheyney, Edward Potts Childers, Charles E. E. Chirol, Sir Valentine Clark, Victor Selden Cle'dat, Le*on Clements, William Lawrence Cleveland, Frederick Albert Collins, Wilkie Nelson Colsenet, Edmond Cook, William W. Coolidge, Archibald Cary Corwin, Edward Samuel Coupland, Reginald Cross, Arthur Lyon Crump, Leslie Maurice Curtis, Edward Ely Curtis, Ellicott D. Curtis, Lionel Daniels, William Das, Premananda de Broke, Willoughby Demmon, Isaac N. Denby, Edwin Dewan, B. R. DeWeerd, Harvey Arthur Dodd, William Edward Douady, Jules Dove , John Duff, Ralph Dunning, William Archibald Dutcher, George Matthew Eddy, George Simpson Effinger, John R. Egerton, Mabelle A. Ellis, Griffith Ogden Fackenthal, Frank D. Fairlie, John Archibald Farrand, Max Faulkner, Harold Underwood Fay, Sidney Bradshaw Ferguson, William Scott Ferrey, Marie B. Ferris, Woodbridge Nathan Feuillerat, Albert Fisher, Herbert Albert Laurens Ford, Guy Stanton Ford, Worthington Chauncey Foster, Roger Fox, Dixon Ryan French, Allen Fuller, George Newman Fullerton, Morton Garvin, James Louis Gay, Edwin Francis Gayley, Charles Mills Ge'raro Varet, L. Gibbs, Sir Philip Gibbons, Herbert Adams Goddard, Edwin Charles Gooch, George Peabody Goode, Mrs. John Paul Goodell, C. H. Gookin, Edward L. Gourlay, W. R. Gray, Fred L. Green, Fred W. Greene, Evarts Boutell Greenough, Charles Pelham Greenslet, Ferris Guitteau, William Backus Hall, Herbert James Harper and Brothers Harrington, William Watson Hart, Albert Bushnell Hartog, Sir Philip Joseph Haskins, Charles Homer Hayden, Joseph Ralston Hauser, Henri Hayes, Carlton Joseph Huntley Headlam, Cecil Hempl, George Herrick, Myron Timothy Hieronymus, R. E. Hitchcock, Ripley Hoar, George Frisbie Hobbs, William Herbert Hodson, William Holt, Hamilton Hoover, Herbert Clark Hopwood, Avery Houghton, Alanson Bigelow Howe, W. D. Hubbell, Jay Broadus [285] VAN TYNE 281 Hudson, Manley Ottmer Hudson, R. Hughes, Rupert Hugounenq, Louis Hull, Charles Henry Hutchins, Harry Burns Hyde, James Hazen Hyde, William DeWitt Hyma, Albert Irwin, Mary Iyer, T. S. Ganesa Jameson, John Franklin Jenks, William Lee Johnson, Allen Johnson, William S. Johnston, Clarence Thomas Jones, Edward Alfred Kaltchas, Nicholas Stavrow Kar, Manmatha Nath Keen, Gregory B. Kelly, Shaun Kelsey, Francis Willey Kerr, Lowell S. Kerr, Phillip H. Khan, Sir Shafaat Ahmad Kittredge, George Lyman Kock, Theodore Wesley Krey, August Charles Lambert, C. S. Laprade, William Thomas Latane, John Holladay Lee of Fareham, Arthur Hamilton, viscount Lee of Fareham, Ruth, viscountess Legouis, Emile Hyacinthe Legras, Jules Leland, Waldo Gifford Lindsey, James H. Little, Clarence Cook Lloyd, Alfred Henry Lloyd, George Ambrose Loud, Edward F. Lucas, Henry S. Lyon, Georges Henri Joseph MacAlister, Sir Donald McAndrew, William McCul lough, James F. MacDonald, William McElroy, Robert McNutt MacFadyen, D. Mcllwain, Charles Howard McLaughlin, Andrew Cunningham McMaster, John Bach Macnicol, Nicol Mallet, R. Marsh, Edward Clark Mathiez, Albert- Meredith, Howard Graves Merriman, Roger Bigelow Metzger, Charles Henry Moody, Vernon Alton Moore, Charles More, Paul Elmer Morillot, Paul Morison, Samuel Eliot Morris, Lawrence Johnson Morris, Sir William Alfred Muir, Ramsay Muirhead, James Fullerton Munir, Sheikh Muhammad Munro, Dana Carleton Munro, William Bennett Murfin, James 0. Muzzey, David Saville Myers, Albert Cook Naique, S. K. Nevine, Allan Newbold, William Romaine Nicholson, Meredith Mickerson, Hoffman Norton, John Pease Notestein, Wallace Nye, D. W. Oberholtzer, Ellis Paxson O'Brien, Rt. Rev. Mgr. Frank A. Osgood, Herbert Levi Ogden, Rollo Owen, Robert Latham P., L. L. Page, Thomas Nelson Page, Walter Hines Paish, Palmer, D. K. Palmer, G. H. Pasquet, D. Patten, Simon Nelson Paul, Julian Paxson, Frederick Logan Perkins, Dexter Perkins, Mrs. Mary ( Martindale) Perkins, William Titcomb Perry, Bliss Perry, Stuart Hoffman Petit-Dutaillis, Charles Edmond Pettijohn, J. J. Phelps, William Lyon 282 VAN TYNE [285] Phillips, Ulrich Bonnell Pond, Edgar LeRoy Porritt, Edward Pound, Arthur Pratt, Fletcher Preston, Thomas Jex, Jr. Prothero, George Walter Putnam, George Haven Putnam, Herbert Rait, Sir Robert Sangster Rammelkamp, Charles Henry Rand, Benjamin Reading, Rufus Daniel Isaac, 1st marquis of Reading, Alice, marchioness of Reeves, Jesse Siddall Reyher, Paul Rhees, Rush Rhodes, James Ford Robbins, Frank Egleston Robertson, Sir Charles Grant Robinson, Edgar Eugene Roland, Edourd Rolfe, John Carew Ronaldshay, Henry Charles Clement Dundas, viscount Root, Winifred Trexler Rose, John Holland Rothenstein, John Knewstub Maurice Rosenberry, Mrs. Lois (Kimball) Mathews Rothfield, Otto Rutherford, James Ruthven, Alexander Grant Sandys, E. F. Sastry, K. A. Nilakanta Sawyer, Walter Hulme Schelling, Felix Emmanuel Schlesinger, Arthur Maier Schmitt, Bernadotte Everly Scholes, France Scott, Sir Ernest Sedgwick, Ellery Sen, J. K. Seymour, Charles Shepherd, William Robert Shome, Jadub Prossonno Shotwell, James Thomson Sihler, Christian Sioussat, St. George Leakin Sleeper, Albert E. Slosson, Edwin Emery Smith, Justin Harvey Smith, Peter Smith, Shirley Wheeler Stanton, Theodore Stark, Herbert A. Steel, Mrs. Flora Annie (Webster) Stephens, Henry Morse Stephenson, Gilbert Thomas Stephenson, Nathaniel Wright Stephenson, Orlando Worth Stevenson, Edward Luther Stoiber, A. H. Stratton, Samuel Wesley Sullivan, James Swann, Albert W. Sweet, William Warren Talbot, Paul Tarbell, Ida Minerva Tatlock, John Strong Perry Tedder, Henry Richard Thayer, William Roscoe Thomas, M. S. Thwaites, Rueben Gold Trevelyan, Caroline Trevelyan, George Macaulay Trevelyan, Sir George Otto Tumulty, Joseph Patrick Turner, Edward Raymond Turner, Frederick Jackson Tyler, Ufason W. Vander Velde, Lewis George VanDyke, Paul Van Tyne, Claude Halstead Villard, Oswald Garrison Vincent, George Edgar Waddington, Albert Ward, Charles Henshaw Warner, Edward Dodge Warren, Mrs. Maude Lavinia (Radford) Watson, Trevor N. Webb, Jules Webster, Charles Kingsley West, Henry Litchfield Whitcomb, Merrick White, Albert Beebe Whyte, Sir Frederick Wicks, Sidney F. Williams, Charles David Willingdon, Freeman Freeman-Thomas, 1st of marquis of Willingdon, Marie, marchioness [286-287] VAUGHAN (BENJAMIN) - VAUGHAN (SIR JOHN) 283 Wilson, Arthur McCandless Wilson, Woodrow Winship, George Parker Wise-Wood, Henry A. Wister, Owen Woodburn, James Albert Wrong, George McKinnon Yvet, Mme. L. 286. VAUGHAN, BENJAMIN, 1751-1835. Papers, 1776-1828. Photostats. 1 ft. British diplomat and colonist. Papers contain political correspondence with Lord Shelburne, diplomatic correspondence with Benjamin Franklin and miscellaneous letters and papers. Other letters from Benjamin Vaughan will be found in the Shelburne papers ( no. 251) . See Peckham' s Guide for fuller description. Names of writers of letters: Adams, John Bentham, Jeremy Conway, Rev. Moncure Daniel Cuninghame, P. Franklin, Benjamin Franklin, William Temple Great Britain. Sovereigns. George III Harrison, Richard Jay , John Jefferson, Thomas Laurens, Henry Morris, Robert Price, Richard Priestley, Joseph Shelburne, William Petty, 1st marquess of Lansdowne, 2nd earl of Sparks, Jared Vaughan, Benjamin Vaughan, John Vaughan, Samuel Vaughan, Sarah Manning, Mrs. Benjamin Vaughan, Mrs. William Warren Walterstorff , Mr. de Washington, George 287. VAUGHAN, SIR JOHN, 1738?-1795. Papers, 1779-1781. 1 ft. British army officer. Papers relating to the conduct of the Revolutionary War in the West Indies, consisting of letters, dispatches, and bills from subordinate officers, and letters from government officials and from relatives and friends in England and North America. Some of these letters are described in Edna Vosper. Report on the Sir John Vaughan papers. William L. Clements library bulletin 19. Other letters of Sir John Vaughan 284 VAUGHAN (SIR JOHN) [287] will be found in the Clinton papers (no. 62), Gage papers (no. 95), Germain papers (no. 98), and Shelburne papers (no. 251). Described in the catalogue of Sotheby and co., June 24-27, 1919, item 49 J and in Stevens, son and Stiles. Rare Americana, a catalogue of ... books ... relating to America ... ( 1927], item 132. Phillipps Ms. 10820. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Purchased, 1928. Names of writers of letters: Ackland, Dudley Adair, Dr. Robert Amherst, Sir Jeffery Amherst, baron Antigua Assembly Committee for Procuring Barracks Council Antrim, Randal William Macdonnel, 1st marquess of Archbold, John Barber, James Batwell, Lullum Boycott, Richard Bradshaw, Robert H. Brotherson, B. M. Brotherson, Charles Payne Burke , Edmund Burt, William Matthew Calder, Sir Henry Caldwell, Fitzmaurice Campbell, Sir Archibald Carteret, Philip Cary, Anne, Mrs. Lucius Ferdinand Cary, Hon. Lucius Ferdinand Chauvin, Mons. Chewton, George Waldegrave, 4th earl of Christie, Gabriel Clark, J. Rush Clarke, John Clarke, Richard Clarke, William Clinton, Sir Henry Cockburn, James Colquhoun, W. Conolly, Hon. Thomas Crosbie, J. H. Cuninghame, James Cuyler, Abraham Cornelius Cuyler, Sir Cornelius Dalling, Sir John Damer, George, 2nd earl of Dorchester Deacon, James Dickson, William Dillon, Robert, Jr. Dinzey, Thomas Donkin, Robert Drewe, Edward Drummond , John Ducmontel Eden, William, 1st baron Auckland Edmeston, Robert Edmeston, William Fawson, Jones Ferguson, David Ferguson, Gov. George Ferguson, Joseph Fisher, Gerrit Ford, William Forster, Matthew Forster, R. Fraser, George Fraser, John Garth, George Germain, Goerge Sackville, 1st viscount Sackville Gillan, John Gordon, Abraham Cyrus Gordon, Lord Adam Gould-Morgan, Sir Charles Graham, James Graham, John Granard, George Forbes, 6th earl of Gray, John Great Britain Sovereigns George III Greville, J. Hartwell, Sir Francis John, 1st bart. Haviland, William Herbert, John Richardson [288] VAUX 285 Heriot, George Hertford, Francis Ingram Seymour, 2nd marquess of Hewetson, William Hoar, Charles Hood, Sir Samuel Hood, 1st viscount Hot ham, William Hotham, 1st baron How, Mr. Johnson, Mathew Jones, Daniel Kelly, William Laforey, John Lewis, Mathew Lisburne, Wilmot Vaughan, 1st earl of Liverpool, Charles Jenkinson, 1st baron Hawkesbury, 1st earl of Macartney, George Macartney, 1st earl McKittrick, James Malmesbury, Sir James Harris, viscount Fitzharris, 1st earl of Martin, Henry May, Humphrey Maylor, Paul Mendonsa & Co. Moore, William Murray, F. M. Murray, James Napier, James Northumberland, Hugh Percy, 2nd duke of Pagett, William Parker, Sir Hyde, 3rd bart . Patterson, Stephen Pitts, Matthew Powell, Hugh Prescott, Robert Pulteney, Sir William Johnstone Ramsay, James Reynolds-Moreton, Francis, 3rd baron Ducie Robinson, John Rodney, Sir George Brydges Rodney, 1st baron Ross, A. Rowley, Sir Joshua Russell, Peter St. Leger, Anthony Santin, Chic Fortesque Savage, Henry Scott, John, baron Earlsfort, earl of Clonmell Scott, Thomas Barton Scudamore, John Sheridan, Henry Fortick Smelt, Cornelius Stanhope, Henry Fitzroy Stewart, Dr. John Stopford, Joseph Sutherland, William Sydney, Thomas Townshend, 1st viscount Temple, Ann, Mrs. William Johnstone Temple, William Johnstone Thomas, Adm. John Tobago. Assembly Tonhouse, W. Tortola, inhabitants of Tottenham, Loftus Anthony Townshend, George Townshend, 4th viscount and 1st marquess Vaughan, Daniel Vaughan, Dorothy Elizabeth Vaughan, Sir John Verchild, James George Warner, Ashton Watson, Catherine Young, Walter 288. VAUX, CHARLES GRANT, VICOMTE DE. Papers, 1756-1804. 60 items. French army officer. Papers include a petition and correspondence intended to gain for Vaux a 286 VIGNAUD [289-291] military appointment in England, a draft of a petition to the Continental Congress for a grant of land, various historical notes and letters, and a 22 page journal entitled Journal du voyage de Louis-Charles Grant de Vaux lorsqu' il revenoit de 1' isle Maurice en France en 1758. Described in the catalogue of Sotheby and co., May 19-23, 1913, item 781. Phillipps Ms. 22771. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Names of writers of letters: Du Catelet, Mons. Ferroux, Jacques L. Grant, Sir James, 7th bart. Grant, Sir William Grant de Vaux, Louis Charles Hobart La Bove, Mons. de F. Melfort, James Lewis Drummond, 4th due de Melville, Henry Dundas, 1st viscount Mirau, Mons. Vaux, Charles Grant, vicomte de 289. VIGNAUD, HENRY, 1830-1922. Analyse des notes de Xime'nes sur la Lettre de Toscanelli, 1901. 1 item, 18 pages. American bibliophile Autograph manuscript 290. VIGNAUD, HENRY, 1830-1922. La Lettre de Toscanelli a Martins, 1901. 1 item, 66 pages. American bibliophile. Autograph manuscript 291. VIGNAUD, HENRY, 1830-1922. Papers, 1840-1922. 2 ft. American bibliophile. Papers contain correspond- ence and notes concerning historical investigations on the early explorations of the New World, num- erous items of correspondence with Pierre Margry [291] VIGNAUD 287 ( 1818-1894) , and some autograph notes of Ferdinand Denis (1798-1890) . See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Purchased. Names of writers of letters: Abreu, Dr. Eduardo Adams, Brooks Adams, Edward D. Adams, Henry Adams, John Quincy Allain, He'lene Amadov de los Rios, Jose* Andial, Mons. Archambault, U. E. Armagnac, L. Asensio y Toledo, Jose" Maria Assailly, Octave d' Balch, Norman Barber, F. M. Barrera Pezzi, Carlo Beaumont, P. de Benedict, Robert D. Benezet, A. Bensaude, Joaquim Bezou, Henry Bianconi, Giovanni Guiseppe Blanchard, A. Bailly Blanchard, Rufus Blarquer, Antonio Bogaert, Le*on Boimare, A. L. Bontier, Pierre Boyant, L. Brown, Henry J. Brunetiere, Ferdinand Burton, Clarence Monroe Calzada, Rafael Campbell, D. Forbes Campbell, Douglas Campillo, M. Gomez del Canto, Ernesto do Capps, W. L. Carderera y Solano, Valentin Casabianca, Abbe* Laurent Maria Cass, Lewis Catlin, George Chapin, F. L. Charnay, De*sire" Chatfield-Taylor, Hobart Chatfield Chinard, Gilbert Clunet, Edouard Conway, Rev. Moncure Daniel Corcelle, Pierre-Francois G. Tircuy de Corsini, Prince Tommaso Covert, John Cutler Crevecoeur, Robert St. John de ' Curtis, Wm. Ellery Davis, J. C. Bancroft Dawson, Samuel Edward Deane, Charles DeCosta, Benjamin Franklin Delisle, Leopold-Victor Denis, Ferdinand Denuce*, Jean Desimoni, Cornelio Dwight, Theodore F. Eames, Wilberforce Eastman, Zebina Errera, Carlo Estreicher, Tadeusz Kazimierz Eustis, James Biddle Everett, William Fabre, Hector Faillon, Etienne-Michel Falcon y Ozcoidi, Modesto Fannin, Mrs. J. Gertrude Ferin, E. Fernandez Duro, Cesa>eo Fernando Fe* Ferry, Rene* Fisher, J. Charlton Fiske, John Fonseca, Faustino da Fordham, Sir Herbert George Fortier, Alce*e Frank, V. S. Froidevaux, Henri Ganong, William Francis Gardiner, Asa Bird George's Sons, William Gilman, Daniel Coit Glynn, Ermence Gomes, M. Gonzalez de la Rosa, Manuel Toribio Gravier, Gabriel Growoll, Adolf Guichon de Grandpont, Alfred 288 VIGNAUD [291] Guillemin-Tarayre, E. Gunther, Charles Frederick Guyot, Yves Hall, Theodore P. Hamy, Jules-Theodore- Ernest Harisse, Henry Hautreux, A. Herbette, Louis Huntington, Archer Milton Hyde, James H. Jordan, John W. Kimball, William Wirt King, Grace Elizabeth Labbe*e, Eugene Lafayette, Edmond de Lafayette, Oscar-Thomas- Gilbert Dumotier de Lafone y Quevedo, Samuel Alexander LaFontaine, L. H. Langevin, Hector L. Lathrop, Lorin Andrews Lecocq, Mile. Maria Lecomte, Abbe* Lejeal, Le"on Leland, Waldo Gifford Lenox, James Leprohon, Jean-Lucien Levasseur, Emile Little, W. McCarty Lodge, Henry Cabot Loubat, Joseph Florimond, due de Love, Alfred Henry Magne, J. Marcou, Jules Margry, A. Margry, Pierre Mason, Frank H. Maury, Alfred Medina, Jose* Toribio Mees, Jules Morel, Emile Epiphanius Morel-Fatio, Alfred-Paul- Victor Mowat, 0. Neuville, D. Nolet, Mons. Nollard, Armand Nott, G. W. Ortroy, Fernand Gratien van Papineau, Louis-Joseph Patterson, George Peccatte, Charles Peralta, Manuel Marfa de Perez y Gredilla, Claudio Petherick, Edward Augustus Picaret, Francois Pinzon, Col. F. Porter, Horace Potter, Frank W. Prowse, George Robert Farrar Raemdonck, J. van Rochambeau, Vicomte de Rodriquer, Juocencio Roselly de Lorgues, An toine -Francois -Felix, comte Rosengarten, Joseph George Rosenthal, Lewis Roy, Joseph Edmond Royau, Philippe Salembier, Louis Sanguily y Garrett, Manuel Sayn Wittgenstein, Prinz von Schalck de la Faverie, Alfred Scharff, Robert Francis Shea, George Sloane, William Milligan Smith, Charles Card Solar i fu Giuseppe, Giovanni Stevens, Benjamin Franklin Stewart, Charles W. Stier, H. C. G. Straus, Oscar Solomon Sumien, Norbert Talleyrand, Due de Thacher, John Boyd Tocqueville, Vicomte Alexis de Tourge'e, Albion Winegar Tournier, C. Tower, Charlemagne Tree, Lambert Viennet, G. Vignaud, Henry Vignaud, J. A. Vindel, Pedro Voynich, Wilfrid M. Wilson, James Grant Winsor, Justin Wright, Richard [292-293] WARREN - WEDDERBURN 289 292. WARREN, SIR PETER, 1703-1752. Papers, 1744-1751. 1 ft. British admiral. Papers relate chiefly to naval affairs, and include accounts with London agents, the navy commissioners and the treasury; lists of workmen and accounts for fuel and building materials; and reports of troops at Louisburg. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Names of writers of letters and authors and signers of documents: Apthorp, Charles Ward Auchmuty, Robert Baker, Samuel and William Barker, Pentecost Blanckley, T. R. Bogdani, W. Brett, John Calmady, Warwick Clinton, George Corbett, Thomas Cotton, Sir Lynch De Berdt, Dennys Edwards, Richard Elliott, George Fonnereau, Abel Great Britain Ordnance, Board of Treasury Griffiths, George Hawke, Edward Hawke, 1st baron Hore, Daniel Innes, Alexander Knowles, Sir Charles, 1st bart. Lee, Sir George Mifflin, John Montagu, William Pepperell, Sir William, 1st bart. Richards, Paul Sherburn, Joseph Shirley, William Sparhawk, Nathaniel Thomas , George Thomas , James Walley, Thomas Warren, Sir Peter Warren, Thomas Wentworth, Benning Woods, J. 293. WEDDERBURN, ALEXANDER, 1733-1805 Papers, 1676-1800. 1 ft. British statesman. Letters, drafts of speeches and acts, notes on cases, copies of orders and commissions, and proclamations. Heaviest concen- tration is in the period 1764-1780, but there is also material relative to the Jay Treaty of 1794. See Peckham' s Guide for fuller description. Purchased, 1930. 290 WELD-GRIMKE [294] Names of writers of letters and authors and signers of documents: Anderson, Francis Boston. Town meeting C. , 0. Clarke, Richard Dartmouth, William Legge, 1st earl of Eldon, John Scott, 1st earl of Faneuil, Benjamin, Jr. Fraser, Luke Germain, George Sackville, 1st viscount Sackville Grant, James Great Britain Admiralty Board of Trade Commissioners for restoring peace, 1778 Commissioners under sixth article of the treaty of 1794 Privy Council Sovereigns Charles II William and Mary William III Anne George I George II George III Haldimand, Sir Frederick Hammond, George Harcourt, Simon Harcourt, 1st earl Hawles, Sir John Hedges, Sir Charles Hutchinson, Elisha Hutchinson, Thomas, 1711-1780 Hutchinson, Thomas, 1740-1811 King, Rufus Leslie, Alexander Macdonald, Thomas Mansfield, William Murray, 1st earl of Massachusetts. Council Mitford, John Freeman, 1st baron Redesdale Montagu, Adm. John Northey, Sir Edward Plymouth (Mass.). Town meeting Pownall, John Pulteney, Sir William Johnstone Putnam, James Robinson, Rev. John Ryder, Sir Dudley Scott, William, baron St owe 11 Smith, Adam Trevor, Sir Thomas, baron Trevor of Bromham Ward, Sir Edward Wedderburn, Alexander, 1st baron Loughborough, 1st earl of Rosslyn Wedderburn, David Winslow, Joshua 294. WELD-GRIMKE PAPERS, 1822-1898. 4 ft. Correspondence, diaries, notebooks and other papers of Theodore Dwight Weld, 1803-1895, his wife Angelina Grimke' Weld, 1805-1879, her sister Sarah Moore Grimke*, 1792-1873, and Charles Stuart F. Weld, 1839-1901. Papers pertain to religious questions, the American Anti-Slavery Society, and movements for social reform. Letters pertaining to the anti-slavery movement were edited in Gilbert H. Barnes and Dwight L. Dumond. Letters of Theodore Dwight Weld, Angelina Grimke' Weld and Sarah Grimke', 1822-1844. 2 v. [294] WELD-GRIMKE 291 See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description Gift of Louis D. H. Weld, 1939 and 1942. Names of writers of letters: Abbot, Rev. Ezra Adams, John Quincy Allen, Nathaniel T. Alvord, John Watson American Anti-Slavery Society Anthony, Susan B. Atkinson, W. P. Avery, John J. Badger, Clay Bailey, John Ballou, Adin Bancroft, George Barker, Abigail Bascom, Elizabeth P. Beaumont, S. Beecher, Lyman Belcher, C. E. Belleville ( N. J. ) , citizens of Bellows, Eliza Nevins, Mrs. Henry Whitney Bellows, Henry Whitney Beman, Rev. Nathaniel S. Birney, James Gillespie Bishop, Emeline Bishop, Joel Prentiss Bissell, Mrs. Henrietta Blackwell, Antoinette Brown, Mrs. Samuel C. Blackwell, Henry Brown Blanchard, Jonathan Bond, Elizabeth Powell, Mrs. Henry Herrick Bontelle, Luther Booth, Sherman M. Bowditch, Dr. Henry I. Brackett, J. Q. A. Breckinridge, Clifton Rodes Bristol, George A. Brown, Dr. William Burgess, Rev. Dyer Bush, Charles P. Bushnell, Chauncey K. Butterworth, Benjamin Carpenter, J. S. Carpenter, Sarah Channing, Rev. William Ellery Chaplin, Dr. Ebenezer Chaplin, William L. Chapman, Maria Weston, Mrs. Henry Grafton Chapman, Mary G. Chase, George S. Chauncey, Charles Child, David Lee Child, Lydia Maria Francis, Mrs. David Lee Claflin, F. A. Clapp, Henry A. Clark, Erastus Clark, George Clark, Theodore E. Clarke, James Freeman Cleveland, Chauncey Fitch Cobb, Sylvanus Concord, Ladies 1 Anti- Slavery Society of Conkling, Thomas L. Connecticut Anti-Slavery Society Coolidge, Archibald Cary Cooper, Thomas Courter, P. Cowles, Horace S. Cushman, John P. Dartmouth College Anti- Slavery Society Davis, Andrew Jackson Davis, E. M. Davis, James W. Davis, William Morris DeGrasse, Isaiah G. Dexter, S. Newton Diaz, Abby Morton Doddridge, J. G. Dorrance, Samuel Douglass, Sarah M. Duncan, Alexander Dyer, Dr. Charles Volney Dymond, Sarah Eliot, Samuel Everett, Edward Everett, William Fairbank, Calvin Fairchild, James Harris Fanshaw, D. Farnham, C. H. Faxon, Henry H. Felton, Cornelius Conway Field, Cyrus West Finney, Rev. Charles Grandison Fisher, J. P. Fisher, Milton M. 292 WELD-GRIMKE [294] Fiske, John Flower, Frank A. Foote, Hiram Forbes, John Murray Forten, Sarah L. Foster, George Fowler, Henry Fowler, L. N. Frost, Mrs. Anna R. Galloway, Samuel Garrison, Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Giddings, Joshua Reed Ginn & Heath Co. Godwin, Parke Gould, Hannah Flagg Gove, E. Graham, Sylvester Granville College Calliopean Society Green, Rev. Beriah Grew, Mary Grimke*, Frederick Grimke*, Mary Smith, Mrs. John Faucheraud Grimke", Sarah Moore Grimke*, Thomas Smith Guibert, Jacques Gunn, Lewis C. Gurney, Ephraim Whitman Hadwen, Charles Hagen, Charles C. Hale, Edward Everett Hamilton, Rev. William Harney, George Julian Hasell, E. G. Haven, Rev. Gilbert Hawthorne, Sophia Peabody, Mrs. Nathaniel Hill, Thomas Hitchcock, D. H. Holmann, Laura S. Hopkins, Dr. Mark Horsford, Eben Norton Howells, William Dean Hubbard, Ellen P. Hurd, Charles E. Jameson, J. Franklin Jay, William Johnson, Oliver Joralemon, John P. Keep, Rev. John Kelly, Abby Kirkland, Caroline Stansbury, Mrs. William Knight, Anne Kuthen, A. F. Lansing, Dirk Cornelius Lathrop, Dr. S. K. Lawrence, Margaret Woods Leavitt, Joshua Lesley, J. Peter Lewis, Dr. Dioclesian Liberty Party of Alleghany County, Pa. Liberty Party of Eastern Pennsylvania Lincoln, Rev. J. Sumner Lippincott, Sara Jane Clarke, Mrs. Leander K. Livermore, Mary Ashton Rice, Mrs. Daniel P. Lodge, Henry Cabot Loring, George Bailey Loyd, Isaac Ludlow, Henry C. Lyman, Huntingdon McDowall, J. R. McDowell, Rev. William A. Mann, Hallock Mann, T. H. Manning, J. A. Marsh, Luther R. Marshall, John Matthews, Phebe, Mrs. Edward Weed May, Samuel Joseph Mercantile Literary Association Milburn, Ann Miller, Dr. Miner, Alonzo Ames Morgan, Eugenia Morgan, John Murray, Charles B. Nevin, J. W. New England Anti-Slavery Convention New York Female Wesleyan Anti-Slavery Society New York Young Men's Anti-Slavery Society Noble, L. P. Owen, W. Parker, Rev. Joel Parmele, T. Patch, Henry Paterson, James M. Pease, Elizabeth Peirce, Cyrus Perkins, Frederic Beecher Philadelphia Church Union Anti-Slavery Society Philbrick, Edward S. [294] WELD-GRIMKE 293 Philbrick, Eliza Phillips, Wendell Pickard, Samuel Thomas Pierce, John T. Porter, Rev. Samuel Fuller Purvis, C. B. Putnam, Carolina F. Quincy, Edmund Quincy, Josiah Phillips Raymond, Marsden Rendall, J. N. Renshaw, Charles Stuart Rhode Island State Anti- Slavery Society Robinson, J. F. Robinson, Marius R. Russel, William C. Russe 1 1 , Thomas Salem Female Anti-Slavery Society Sanborn, Franklin Benjamin Sargent, Henrietta Scoble, John Seabrook, Whitemarsh B. Sewall, Mrs. N. W. Sexton, Pliny Shepard, Addie Sherman, John Sherwood, Elisha B. Skinner, Fanny Skinner, P. Smith, William Snowden, Hester Southwick, Sarah H. Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, Mrs. Henry Brewster Stanton, Henry Brewster Stebbins, Giles B. Stetson, Edward G. Stickney, Hannah L. Stone, Asa A. Stone Blackwell, Lucy Story, Joseph Streeter, Mary, Mrs. Sereno Wright Streeter, Sereno Wright Stuart, Charles Sturge, Joseph Sturgess, Mrs. Sunderland, Mehitabel, Mrs. La Roy Tappan, Arthur Tappan, Julia Tappan, Lewis Thome, James Armstrong Thompson, George Thompson, Leander Thurman, Allen Granberry Tracy, J. L. Troy (N. Y. ) , Committee of Tuttle, Joseph Farrand Union College Committee of Students Vail, Rev. F. Y. Waldo, George Warren, William Fairchild Wasson, David A. Waterbury, Calvin Wattles, Augustus Waugh, Rev. John Weed, Rev. Edward Weld, Angelina Grimke', Mrs. Theodore Dwight Weld, Charles Huntington Weld, Charles R. Weld, Charles Stuart Faucheraud Weld, Cornelia Elizabeth Weld, Lewis Weld, Louis D. H. Weld, Rev. Ludovicus Weld, Elizabeth Clark, Mrs. Ludovicus Weld, Mary A. Cosgwell, Mrs. Lewis Weld, Theodore Dwight Whipple, Edwin Percy White, Andrew Dickson White, John Williams Whittier, John Greenleaf Whittlesey, Mary R. Wilkeson, Samuel Willard, Frances Willis, Nathaniel Parker Wilson, Henry Winslow, G. Winsor, Justin Wright, Elizur, Jr. Wright, Lucy Yale, Catherine B. Younglove, M. C. Zerdahalyi, E. 294 WHITE - WILLIAMS [295-298] 295. WHITE, WILLIAM. Of Anticipation of Heaven. 1 item, 66 pages. American clergyman. Undated sermon in manuscript. Gift of Mr. William Van Dyke, 1944. 296. WILKES, JOHN, 1727-1797. Papers, 1741-1784. 1 ft. English political reformer. Collection of drafts and letters relative to political, financial and family affairs; a contemporary, anonymous manu- script parody on Wilkes' Essay on Woman; and a manuscript of his pamphlet entitled Letter to the Worthy Electors of the Borough of Aylesbury . . . il764j . Described in the catalogues of Sotheby and co., December 16-20, 1929, item 602; and J. Pearson and co., spring, 1925, item 72; and spring, 1926, item 254. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Purchased, 1934. 297. WILKINSON, JAMES, 1757-1825. Letters, 1796-1797. 15 items. American army officer. Letters addressed to Major Henry Burbeck relative to the military administra- tion of the Northwest Territory. Purchased, 1951. 298. WILLIAMS, SAMUEL, 1786-1859. Papers, 1814-1856. 340 items. Surveyor General's clerk. Letters and documents from the office of the Surveyor General at Chilli- [299] WILSON 295 cothe, Ohio. They pertain to surveying and in the Great Lakes area. Purchased, 1944. Names of writers of letters; lapping Allard, J. P. Ball, Horatio Barnes, James Barrows, W. Brandon, A. Britain, Calvin Brunson, A. Canfield, William H. Cass, Lewis Cathcart, Ch. W. Cauniff, H. J. Chapin, L. B. Clark, Robert, Jr. Clason, Lewis Colton, Joseph Hutchins Duncan, Garnett Eddy, John H. Ellis, Albert Gallatin Far an, James F. Finley, Anthony Gardiner, John Haines, C. S. (Mrs. Ezekiel S. ) Haines, Ezekiel S. Harrison, William Henry Hayward, Elijah Higbee, James T. Higgins, Sylvester W. Hunt, James Bennett Johnston, William Lyon, Lucius Lytle, Robert Todd Moore, John M. Morris, Bishop Thomas Asbury Morrison, Samuel Mullett, John Piper, James H. Reeder, Alfred S. Risdon, Orange Shields, James Sibley, Sylvester Strickland, W. P. Tanner, Henry Schenck Wampler, Joseph Williams, M. T. Williams, Samuel Wilson, Jos. S. 2 99. WILSON FAMILY. Papers, 1790-1850. 12 ft. Personal, legal and business correspondence of William Wilson of Clermont, N. Y. and his sons, and considerable correspondence of Chancellor Livingston and his family, also of Clermont. Wilson was a doctor, judge, postmaster, and manager of the Livingston estate. The early papers contain much Livingston correspondence, and deal chiefly with the management of the estate, agricultural matters, medical practice, judicial affairs and politics. The later papers are primarily concerned with the legal activities of Robert L. Wilson. Purchased, 1952. Names of writers of letters and authors and signers of documents: Abbot, Abijah Abbott, William Abertson & Olmstead Acker t, George Ackly, L. Acly, Salmond 296 WILSON [299] Adams, Hezekiah Adams, John Adgate, M. Agnew, J. H. Ainley, Elias Aken, Albro Alexander, J. R. Alger, Cyrus Allen, B. Allen, Richard Allen, Stephen Allerton, Cornelius Ailing, Samuel Allis, Thomas W. Almstead, Gottlieb Almstead, Henry Almstead, Peter Almy, P. Alsop, John Ames, Charles F. Ames, Norman C. Ammery, Roland Andersen, James Anderson & Raymond Andrews, A. C. Andrews, Asabel Andrews, H. Andrews, Loring Andrews, R. E. Andrews & Woodruff Appel, William Archer & Martin Arckembrach, William Arcularius, George Arcularius, P. C. , & Co. Armitage & Witt Armour, John A. Armstrong, A. G. Armstrong, John Armstrong, William Arnold, Thomas Arnoux, Anthony Arnoux, Gabriel A. Arthur, C. M. , & Son Arthur, Samuel Ashley, Gilbert & Co. Ashley, Jane Aster, Abraham Athensen, G. Atwell, Daniel A., & Co. Auchinvole, David Austin, Charles G. Austin, G. & C. Austin, S. , Jr. Austin & Andrews Authon, John Averill, Henry K. Avery, Fidelius Avery, Henry Avery, Richard Ayer, N. W. Ayer, Robert Ayres, Daniel Ayres, William Babcock, William Bachman, Jacob Bachman, Joseph Bachman, S. Bachman & Howard Backus & Whiting Bacon, Converse Bacon, Mrs. E. Bacon, J. L. Bacon, John C. Badger, John J. Bailey, A. H. Bailey, James, & Co. Bailey, John T. Bailey & Holmes Baker, Abel W. Baker, Henry Baker, Peter Baker, William A. Baker & Walker & Co. Bakewell, John Balcke, Frederick Baldwin, Jesse Baldwin, Joseph Banyer, William Barber, John Bard, William Baremore , James Barnard, John Barnard, Curtis & Co Barne, Jeremiah Barnes, H. Barnes, Peter Barney, Margaret Barn urn, Amos Barnum, Charles P. Barnum & Nelson Barringer, Henry J. Barringer, Jacob Barringer, Peter J. Barringer, R. , & Co. Barringer, Robert Bartholomew, Andrew Bartlett, Robert Barton, Erastus Barton, James Bassett, Joshua Batts, Henry Bay, John Bay, Thomas [299] WILSON 297 Bay, William Bayard, N. Bayard, W. N. Bayard, William Beach, Morris Beacker, Jacob Beale, Matthew Beale, Phebe Beard, W. H. Beck, John Becker, Jacob Becker, Peter Becker, William Tunis Beeker, Peter Beekman, J. P. Beekman, James W. Beekman, John K. Beekman, P. D. Beekman, Samuel Beekman, Thomas Beker, Jacob Bell, Andrew Bell, Isabella Bell, John Bement & Swift Benedict, James Benner, Hendrick Benner, Henry Bennett, J. Benson, Egbert Benton, S. Benton, Samuel, & Co. Benton, Walter Berry, Samuel J. Bertoff, David Bessar, H. W. Best, George J. Best, John W. Best, Lewis Best & Hicks Bevier, E. R. Bigelow, Asa Bigelow & Isham Bininger & Co. Birch, George Birch, J. R. Birdsall, Benjamin Bishop, Peter Blain, James Blake, Richard Blass, Catherine Blass, Christian Blass, Hanna Blass, Hendrick Blass, Henry Blass, Patrick Blatchford, R. M. Bleck, A. Bleecker, Barent Bleecker, H. Bloodgood, F. Bloodgood, James Bloodgood, Thomas Bloom, Pamette Bodine, Gilbert Bogardus, Henry Bogardus, J. B . Bogardus, James Bogardus, P. & A. Bogardus, Peter Bogardus, Samuel Bogardus, Groat & Co. Bogardus & White Bolles, John N. Bolton, Thomas Bond, Samuel Cato Bones tee 1, Henry Bonesteel, P. W. Bonesteel, V. D. Bonesteel & Brodhead Booth, Justus Bostwick, C. B. Bostwick, R. W. Boucher, James Bouck, William C. Bouney, Mrs. C. V. R. Bourne, Henry Bourne, Mary Bowen, William B. Bowley, John Bowman, Nathaniel Boyd, David Boyd , John Brace, Henry Brackett, J. W. Brackett, Warren Bradbury, Soden & Co. Bradford, W. L. Bradley, Abraham Branhall, Frank J. Brande, A. Bray, John W. Brekner, James Brett & Bunn Briggs, Abraham Briggs, Allen Briggs, Nancy Briggs, R. Brink, Andrew Brink, John Brinkerhoff, G. Brinkerhoff, Stephen J, Brisee, Gertrude Brodhead, Charles 298 WILSON [299] Brodhead, J. T. Brodhead, James 0. Brodhead, L. C. Brodhead, Thomas Brodhead & Wackerhagen Bromley, Zephaniah Brookes, James Brooks, D. Brooks, Grier Brooks, Silvia Brookshank, William Broom, Charles Broome, John L. Brower, Wm. Brown, E. M. Brown, J. R. , Jr. Brown, Jedediah Brown, John Brown, Richard Brown, Thomas Brownell, L. C. Browning, Jeremiah Browning, Robert Browning, William Bruce, Archibald Bruce, James Bruce, Robert Brush, John Bryce, Hanny Buckingham, J. H. Buel, Jesse Bunker, Robert T. Bunker, William J. Burchsted & Barnard Burger, G. C. Burk, J. Burke, P. Burkart, Cornelius Burnett, Eleanor Burnett, Ely Burnett, Robert E. Burrall, Charles Burt, T. M. Burwell, Calvin Bushnell, C. Butler, C. E. Butler, Erastus Butler, Isaac Butler, John Butler, Martin Butler, W. Cadburn, James Cadmus, John Cady, Eleazer Cain, Henry Calkin, Elisha Callow, J. Campbell, Alex Campbell, Archibald Campbell, James M. Campbe 11, Samue 1 Cantelo, W. J. Cantine, Jacob Cantine, Moses J. Cantine, Peter Capron, Miss Capron, Cyrus Capron, Giles Capron, William Cargill, Abraham Carr, John S. Carrique, P. Dean Carshore, David Carswell & Eaton Carter, John M. Carter, S. W. Carter & Prentiss Carvill, G. & C. Carvill, H. Case, Robert L. Castle, William Catner, B. Cauldwell, Ebenezer Champlin, Charles C. Chandler, L. Chapman, William Chase, G. , & Co. Cheesman, Joshua Child, E. B. Chittenden, Charles Choi well, James Cholwell, Lyle Churchman & Parson Clan, Henry Clare, George Clark, B. B . Clark, Benjamin Clark, John Clark, L. W. Clark, R. L. Clark, S. E. Clark, Samuel J. Clark, Samuel W. Clark & Baldwin Clarke, James B. Clarkson, David A. Clarkson, L. F. Clarkson, M. Clinton, C. A. Clinton, DeWitt Clinton, George Cloney, Henry Closson, Josiah Clow, Henry [299] WILSON 299 Clum, Adam Clum, G. Clum, Henry P. Clum, John Clum, Peter H. , Jr. Clum, Philip H. Cock, Albert Cock, William Cockburn, Eliza Cockburn, James Cockburn, Margaret Cockburn, William Coffin, Alex Coffin, Dan Coffin, James Coffin, L. A. Coffin, Robert Coffin & Van Dusen Cogswell, J. M. Cole, Fred M. Cole, Jacob Cole, John S. Cole, Maritrie Cole, Peter P. Coles, John Butler Collins, Gifford Collins, John F. Collins, Nathan Collins, Peter B. Compo, Elisha Julius Corns tock, Anna Comstock, Ebenezer Conars, Isaac Conklin, Enoch Conklin, J. Conklin, J. M. , & Co. Connhovern, Christian Constantine, Peter Cook & Baker Cook, Palmer Coolidge, D. Coon, Alex Coon, John H. Coon, Peter Coon, Philip W. Coon, Simon H. Coon & Sagendorph Cooper, Charles D. Cooper, Isaac Cooper, Jacob Cooper, John Cooper, Martin Cooper, William Cooper & Bogardus Corbin, Francis P. Cork, Garret Cornbury, Edward L. Cornwell, N. Corre", Anne Corry, Samuel Cortelyne, Mary Corwell, William Coster, J. Cotheal & Hoff Cotton, Samuel Coutante, David Cox, Clark, & Co. Cox, John Cox, John, Jr. Cox, Walton Cramer, George Cramer, William Crane, John Crane, P. D. Crapser, John Crawford, George Crawford, James Crawford & Trumpbour Cregien, John L. Cremer, Barnard Cremer, Frederick Crindell, M. Crindell, T. M. Crofts, Alexander Crooke, C. Crooke and Fowkes Crooke and Ten Broeck Crooks, John Crookshank, Grace Cross, John Cross, Peleg Cross, S. Crosswell, Dr. T. Crowninshield, R. W. Crysler, John J. Cummings, J. , & Co. Cunningham, Charles Cunningham, G. A. Cupper, Henry Currie, A. & D. Currie, Archibald Currie, John R. Curtis, S. J. Curtis, Seth Curtiss, Cyrus Cutting, William Dacker, Andries Dacker, Lawrence Dakin, Johnson Dakin, Joshua Darling, Charles A. Darling & Pown David, James Davies, William 300 WILSON [299] Davies, Wm. , & Co. Davis, Ann Davis, C. L. Davis, Henry Davis, Jabez Davis, John G. Davis, John H. Davis, Richard Davis, William Davis & Platner Day, J. S. Day, Orrin Day, Steven, & Sons Dayton, Giles Dayton, J. Dayton, Stephen Deacon, Thomas Dean, Daniel L. Dean, N. Dean & Storm Deane, William De Camp, Morris Decker, Coenrad Decker, Jacob C. Decker, John J. Decker, Lawrence Decker, P. Decker, Peter Decker, Richard Decker, William R. Dederick, Wilhelm Delabigarre, L. Delabigarre, Margaret Delabigarre, Peter Delafield, John Ross Delamater, Abraham Delamater, Alex Delamater, Anthony Delamater, Cornelius Delamater, D. C. Delamater, G. E. DeLancey, Warren Delong, James Denegan, Albert Denegan, Ephriam Denegan, George Denison, W. A. Derby, M. Devereaux, E. DeWitt, Henry DeWitt, John DeWitt, Simeon De Zeng, F. A. Dhietrich, Philip W. Dibblee, Albert Dibblee, Clara Semmes Dibblee, E. E. Dibblee, Eliza M. Dibblee, Frances Wilson, Mrs. Fyler Dibblee, Frederick Dibblee, Fyler Dibblee, Hamlin & Co. Dibblee, Henry Dibblee, Richard H. Dibblee, Thomas B. Dibblee, William Wilson Dibblee, Bostwich & Co. Dick, Henry Dick, John J. Dickinson, John D. Dickinson, L. Dickson & Manny Dimmick, Thomas Dimmick & Armstrong Dings, Jacob Dodge, William Doll, George J. L. Dolloph, Thomas Donelly, John Dorr, Matthew Dorset, J. Doty, James, & Co. Doty, William Douglas, Nathan Downing, A. J. , & Co. Downing, William L. Doyle, Louis Drum, Johannes Drummond, James P. Du Bois, Cornelius Du Bois, John Du Bois, L. P. Ducruat, John F. Duncan, Lewis Duncan, Richard Dune an , Thomas Dunderdale, J. & F. Dunlop & Wilson Dunning & Warne Dunsbach, John Dutcher, John M. Duvall, William Duycknick, G. Dwight, William R. Dyer, H. H. Dyre, Samuel Eacker, George J. Eaton, H. W. Eaton & Lasher Eckert, M. Eckley, Thomas Edgar, Ann Edgar, William [299] WILSON 301 Edmonds, James Edmonds, Nathaniel Edwards, George Edwards, Thomas Edwards, Uriah Ellet, William Elliot, N. Ellrie, Alex. Elmendorf, Conrad Elmendorf, Edmund Elmendorph, Cornelius C Elseffor, David Elsworth, Henry Elsworth, John Elting, John Elting, Robert, & Co. Elting & Lapham Elting and Varick Elton, Cyprian Elton, Rhesa Elwyn, John Ely, Ruth Ely, Sumner Ely & Nuttman Emmet & White Emott, James Erghenbreck, Cornelius Erghenbreck, Jacob Erghenbreck, William Esselstyne, Charles Esselstyne, E. Etting, J. , & Co. Etton, Cyprian Eustis, F. A. Evans, H. G. Evans & Brown Everett, Jesse Everett, N. C. Evert, William T. Fairbanks, David Fairfield, G. W. Fairlie, James Fairlie & Bloodgood Falconer, Robert Farley, Joshua Feary, John Featherstonhaugh, G. W. Feller, Jacob Feller, Peter P. Feller, Philip P. Fench, William Fenno, John Fields, Peter Finch, W. B. Finch & Capron Finger, German F inkle, John Finkle, Nicholas Finley, Ephriam Fish, Henry Fitch, E. Fitch, Hendrick Fitch, Samuel M. Flagg, A. C. Flagg, H. Flagler, W. B. Fleming, Augustus Fleming, James Fletcher, Mrs. Fletcher, Joseph Fletcher & Scudder Flint, H. N. Flower, Mary Ann Floyd, Augustus Foland, H. Folger, B. Folger, R. Fonda, Abraham C. Fonda, John A. Forbus, Alex Forest, Henry Forman, Daniel Forsythe, William W. Foster, Thomas Fowle, E. J. Fox, S. N. Fraleigh, John P. Franklin, Thomas Franklin & Miller Franklin Bank of the City of New York Frary, J. Frederick, H. Freeman, J. Freer, L. L. French, John C. Frick, Hendrick Frisher, C. Frothingham, Thomas Froyer, David Fryer & Van Vleck Fuller, H. F. Fulmer, Anthony Fulton, Philip Funk, Cassy Funk, William Furlong, Robert Gadson, E. G. Gage, Hiram Gale, Ira Gale, Jeremiah Gales & Seaton 302 WILSON [299] Gamage, A. Ganon, Patt Gardner, Charles Gardner, G. Gardner, Joshua Gardner, Richard Gardner, Thomas Gardner, William W. Gardner & Dayton Garratt, William Garretson, F. Garrison, Henry Garrison, William Gass, William Gaul, I. J. & D. I. Geery, J. & W. Gelston, Cotton Gelston, Samuel German, Hiram Germond, William Geving, Amos Gibbs & Rodgers Gibsen, John Gideon, John Gifford, E. , & Co. Gilbert, Ezekiel Gilbert, William D. Gilbertson, M. Gilcrist, James Giles, Robert, Jr. Gill, Henry Gill, Robert, & Co. Gill, Thomas Givan, Robert Givens, John Glen and Bleeckers Glenn, Thomas Allen Godey, L. A. , Co. Gojon, C. F. Goodrich, A. L. , & Co. Goodrich, Elihu Chauncey Goodwin, John Gordon, Alexander Gordon, Joseph Gordon, William Gould, Stephen Gould & Banks Goyon, J. B. Gracie & Co. Graham, D. Graham, L. Graham, William Gram, Fanny C. Granger, G. Grant, Eleazer Graves, Benjamin Greely, H. , & Co. Greely & McElrath Green, Samuel Greene, Edward Greene, Nathaniel Greenleaf, Ann Greenleaf, 0. Greenwood, William L. Gridley, Lucius N. Gridley, Obed Grier, John Griffen, William Griffing, Isaiah Grim, C. F. Grim, David Philip Grim, James Oswald Griswold, Calvin Groesbeeck, C. W. Groesbeeck, William Gross, John Gruman, Maria Gruman, S. E. Gulick, John Gury, James Guthrie, Samuel H. Haas, John Habersham, J. Hagard, M. W. Hagedorn, Jacob Haight, Benjamin Haight, David L. Haight, Samuel Hall, A. C. Hall, Aaron Hall, Charles Henry Hall, H. C. Hall, John B. Hall, Fuller & Barlowe Hallick, Peter Halliday, S. Hallinbeck Hally, Frances Halsapper, William Halsted, 0. L. Ham, Casper H. Ham, George P. Ham, Henry M. Ham, Jeremiah Ham, Petrus P. Ham, Wendell Hamer, Prosper, & Son Hamlin, Asher P. Hamlin, D. Hamlin, G. S. Hamlin, J. C. Hammond, D. Hand, Eleazar Hanley, Joseph [299] WILSON 303 Hannoch, William W. Hapman, John P. Harbec, Henry Hare, W. Harly, Henry Harmony, Peter Harrison, Andrew Harrison, James Harrison, John Harrison, William Hartwell, Thomas Harvey, John Hasbrouck, James Hasbrouck, Peter Haskins, A. Hathaway, John Hatheway, S. S . Hattrick, Mary Hattrick, Peter Hattrick, Lee & Co, Hause, H. Hauser, Herman Havemeyer, William Havner, Samuel Hawkins, William Hawley, E. Hawley, George Hayward, George Hayward, W. Hazard, B. Hazelius, Ernest L, Hegerman, Benjamin Hegerman, P. A. Hener, Samuel Hennessy, James Hennessy, John O. Henry, I. Henry, John V. Henry, Peter Seton Henry, R. R. Henry, Robert R. Hermance, A. Hermance, Henry Hermans, I. J. Hicks, Elias Hicks & Merrick Higbe, L. Hildreth, R. B. Hill, H. Hill, Robert H. Hi Hiker, Norman Hills, I. Hitchcock, Miles Hoes, Casparus Hoff, William Hoffman, A. N. Hoffman, Anthony Hoffman, Helena Hoffman, Herman Hoffman, John Hoffman, Joseph C. Hoffman, L. Hoffman, M. , & Sons Hoffman, Nicholas Hoffman, Philip L. Hoffman, Samuel Hoffman, Zacharias Hoffman & Van Beuren Hoffman, Van Deusen & Co. Hogeboom, H. Hogeboom, John C. Hogeboom, Peter Hogeboom, Stephen Holbrook, Elliot Holbrook, V. V. Holland, Kitchen Hollenbeck, M. M. Holley, Elisha Holley, P. Holloway, Joseph Holsople, Nicholas Holt, Charles Homans, Benjamin Homme 1, Peter Hopkins, George F. Hopkins, Rev. John H. Horn, Joseph G. Hornblower, J. C. Horton, Joseph Hosack, D. Hosmer, H. L. Hotchkin, S. F. Hotchkis, Roswell Housradt, Henry H. Hover, Andrew Hover, John Howard, Keeler & Scofield Howell, A. Howey, Thomas Howks , L ambe r t Howland, James Howland, Joseph Hubbard, Caleb Hubbard, E. S. Hubbard, L. H. Hubbard, Margaret Hubbell, William G. Hubbert, E. Hudson & Berkshire Railroad Co. Hudson (N. Y. ) , Bank of Hulme, A. C. Hulme, C. Hulme, D. Franklin 304 WILSON [299] Hulme, Henri Hulme, John H. Hulme, Mary C. Hulme, Peter Hulme, Thomas Hulme, Thomas, Jr. Hunt, L. & W. Hunt & Wilson Hunter, J. William Hunter, John Hurley, L. Hyatt & Van Hoesen Hyatt, James Hyde, G. Ingersoll, David Ingerson, D. Ingraham, John Ingraham, Nathaniel G. Innes, Charles Ironside, William Irvin, Adam Irving, John T. Jacks, Robert Jackson, James Jackson, Robert James, Stephen, Jansen, John B. Jansen, T. B. Jarvis, N. Jarvis, Bulkley & Wheeler Jay, Peter Augustus Jaycox, Thomas S. Jenkins, Elisha Jenkins, G. Jenkins, Marchal Jenkins, Robert, & Co. Jenkins, Thomas Jenkins, Thomas, & Sons Jensen, John B. Johnson, Daniel Johnson, James Johnson, John P. Johnson, Nehemiah Johnson, Robert Johnson, Walter Johnson, William Samuel Johnston, A. Johnston, John C. Jones, David Jones, John J. Jones, John P. Jones, Levi Jones, M. Jones, Samuel Jones, Thomas Jones, William R. Jones & Son & Clinch Jordan, W. Jukel, John Kane, Archibald Kellogg, Samuel Kelly, James Kemper, John Kendall, Amos Kerr, Anthony Kesselburgh, Jacob Ketchum, Joseph Keyser, A. Kiersted, C. C. Kiersted, John Kiersted, Luke King, E. W. King, George W. King, John A. King, Joseph L. King, Rufus King, Vincent, & Co. King, William O. Kingsland, A. Kingston, Thomas B. Kinney, Thomas J. Kinney, William Burnett Kip, Leonard Kip, Ralph Kipp, John Kirby & Yeats Kirch, John Kittle, A. N. Kittle, John Kleild, Anne Kline, Nicholas Klum, Philip Knapp, Shepherd Knickerbocker, Edwin Knickerbocker, Evert Knickerbocker, John L. Knickerbocker, Lawrence Knickerbocker, Peter Knickerbocker, Philip H. Knickerbocker & Brodhead Knickerbocker & More Knower, B. Knox, Henry M. Koon, Hendrick Koon, Henry Koon, John A. Kortz, John Krookshanks, B. Kuhn, Henrich Kuny, B. M. Kyes, Catherine Laidlie, William Lamb, George C. L ambe r t , Jame s [299] WILSON 305 Lambert, Samuel F. Lane, John Lane, Jonathan Lane, R. & A. Lang, John, & Co. Lang, Turner & Co. Langlois, Charles Langs taff, John Lansing, Abraham G. Lansing, R. N. Lasher, B. C. Lasher, B. M. Lasher, Coenrad Lasher, Elias Lasher, Garned B. Lasher, Garret Lasher, George B. Lasher, Jacob Lasher, John G. Lasher, P. N. Lasher, R. Lasher, Samuel B. Lasher, Zachariah Lasher & Staats Latham, James Latham, John L. Laurence, George Laurence, William Laurence & Willard Lawrence, John L. Lawrence, Joseph Lawrence, Richard Le Breton, Edward A Ledyard, Mary Lee, Mrs. James Lee , James Lee, James, Jr. Lee, John Lee, Mary Lee, R. H. Lee, Roland Lee, Sarah Lemon, Johannes Lemon, Henry Lenox, Robert Lent, Nathaniel Leonard, David Leroy, Levi Lescuere, H. Lewis, Amy Lewis, Emma H. C. Lewis, George Lewis, Morgan Lewis, Thomas L. Leymon, Jacob Lillay, James Lipscomb Lissem, John Lister, Murray Littell, D. F. Littell, E. , & Co. Littell, Son & Co. Livingston. B. W Livingston Livingston Livingston Livingston Livingston Livingston Livingston Livingston Livingston Livingston Livingston Livingston Livingston Livingston Livingston Livingston Livingston Livingston Livingston Livingston Livingston Livingston Livingston Livingston Livingston Livingston Livingston Livingston Livingston Livingston Livingston Livingston Livingston Livingston Livingston Livingston Livingston Livingston Livingston Livingston Jr, Betsy Brockholst Carrell Clermont Cornelia Crawford Edward P. Eliza F. A. Gilbert H. W. Harriet Henry James S. Joanna John John R, John S. \ M. & C. Margaret Mary Mary C. Moncrief f N. P. W. Peter Brugh Peter R. Philip R. J. Robert Robert E. Robert L. Robert R. Schuyler Susan Thomas F. W. A. Walter J. Walter T. William Lobdell, Jeremiah & Co, Lodi Manufacturing Co. Loffman, John Lombard, John Loomis, Edmund Loomis, Libbius Loop, Jacob Loop, Jo si ah Loop, Maria Lord, Elizabeth Losee, Cyrus 306 WILSON [299] Lovering, Joseph S. , & Co. Lovejoy, Ebenezer Low, Isaac Lowndes, Arthur Ludlow, Edward H. Ludlow, Gulian Ludlow, John Ludlow, W. B. Ludlow, William H. Ludlum, Anna S. Luff, N. W. Lyck, John J. Lyke, C. Lyle, Henry Lynch, Henry Lynch, James Lynk, Jacob Lynk, John Lynk, Philip Lynk, William L. McAlpine, Walter McArthur, Charles McCarshore, Andrew McCarty, John McClean, Henry McClellan, John McClellan, Robert McClelland, William McCrindell, Thomas McDermott, Lawrence McDonald, George McDougall, Peter McFarlan, Andrew McGan, William McGaraghan, Edward McGill, William Mclntyre, Archibald McKearn, Levi McKibbin, Charles McKinley, George McKinstry, George McKinstry, John McKinstry, Justus McKinstry & Tallmadge McKinstry & White McKo we n , Jame s McLean, John McMannus, John McMannus, Miss P. W . McNicol, Alex Macomb, John McRae, C. Macy, Richard W. Macy, Seymour Macy & Hors Malcolm, Donald Malcolm, Henry Malony, John Mancius, George W. Mann, John M. Mansfield, James L. Mansfield & Shirts Manson, Alexander Marsh, Jeremiah Marshall, Milo C. Marshall, Nathaniel Martin, D. C. Martin, Edward Martin, Ephraim, & Co. Martin, John Martin, Robert Martine, S. F. Mason, George Mason, J. W. Mather Matthews, James Maxwell, E. H. Mayer, Philip F. Mayo, J. Mearns, Alexander The Mechanics & Farmers Bank Megley, Jacob Megley, John Meier, John H. Meigs, Return J. Meinell, James Melford, James Mennomy, Robert W. Merchants' Canal Line Merchants Transportation Line Merifield, Peter Merifield, Walter Merrick, Justin Mesler & Ballad Methuen, James Meyer, John Midler, Christopher Mier, Frederick Milk, Benjamin Miller, Andrew R. Miller, Chris. B. Miller, Cornelius Miller, Edward Miller, Fite Miller, Jacob Miller, James Miller, James B. Miller, Jane Miller, J. H. , & Co. Miller, Joachim Miller, Killian Miller, L. R. [299] WILSON 307 Miller, Maria Miller, Matthias Miller, Peter A. Miller, Rosamond B, Miller, Samuel Miller, Solomon Miller, Tobias Miller & Feller Miller & Gaul Miller & Punderson Millot, Abraham Mills, Arthur Mills, John, Jr. Mills, Philip Mills, Park & Co. Miner, Elisha Miner, Erastus Miner, Eunice Mink, Henry Mink, Philip H. Minno, Henry Minor, D. E. Minor, D. K. Minster, Isabella Mitchell, Charles Mitchell, Isaac Mitchell, John Monell & Bushnell Monell & Van Buren Monell, James D. Montgomery, Mrs. Montgomery, Janet Mooklar & Storrs Moolley, Isaac W. Moor, A. R. Moore, A. D. Moore, Abraham J. Moore, Benjamin Moore, C. B. Moore, Conrad Moore, D. M. Moore, Jacob J. Moore, James Moore, John, Jr. Moore, Nicholas Moore, Philip C. Moore, Philip J. Moore, Samuel Moore, Stephen Moore, Thomas R. Moore, William Moore & Joseph Moore & Robertson Morange, B. , & Son Morell, George Morey, Robert Morgan, H. Morgan, James H. Morgan, John Morgan & Hubbel Morrill, Stephen Morris, James Morris, John C. Morris, Lewis L. Morris, Richard R. Morris, Robert Morrison, John Mosher, William Mosier, Eli Mosier & Bennit Mosill, Eli Mount, John Muldon & Montgomery Muller, P. Munson, Ebenezer Murphy, James Murphy, Michael Murray & Bryce Murtaugh, Barny Myer, H. C. Myer, Henry F. Myer, James Myer, P. L. Myer, Peter B. Myers, Andrew P. Myers, H. Myers, H. C. Myers, Jacob H. Myers, John L. Myre, David Myres, Solomon Near, H. & L. Nelson, Thomas, & Son Nevins, James L. Nevins, Thomas J. Newcomb, William Newkirk, C. New York. Supreme Court Nexsen, Elias T. Ney, G. Nichols, David Nichols & Wilcox Niven, George W. Niven, Michael Norman, W. E. Northrop, Elijah Norton, John L. Norton, Sarah Nott, E. Noyes, Isaac R. Oakley, George P. Oakley, Samuel Odell, Isaac Ogden, 0. W. 308 WILSON [299] Oliver, James Olmstead, Samuel Olney, Joseph Ostrander, Moses Outwater, James Outwater, Peter Outwater & Elsworth Owen, Chas. Owen , Hannah Owen, Jesse C. Paddock, Judah Paddock, Maria Page, William P. Paige, Harriet Paine, Catherine Paine, E. T. Palmer, Freeman Palmer, John W. Palmer, William Panfold, John Pardy, Joseph Park, James Park, Jacob Parker, James Parker, John Parker, Philip L. Parker, Ranson Parker, & Co. Parkhurst, S. W. Parkman, H. D. Parkman, Thomas Parks, James Parks, Rufus Parrish, Eliza Parsell, Pierre P. Parsons, Jabez Parton, George Patric, Jacob J. Patrick, Henry Patrie, N. Patterson, R. L. Patterson, Robert Patterson, Roger Patterson, W. Payne, John Peacock, Jonathan Peake, William J. Pearson, Jonathan Pease & Wiswall Peck, Benjamin Peck, Richard Pekham, Reuben Pell, A. S. Pells, John J. Peltier, F. & L. Morel Pendleton, J. M. Penfield, G. H. Perkins, James T. Person, A. Pest, John J. Peter, M. B. , & Co. Pet re, John Petter, J. Phelps, B. B. Phelps, Philip Philadelphia & N. Y. Steam Transportation Co, Philip, David Philip, John G. Phillips, John R. Phillips, M. Phillips, N. Pickering, Timothy Pierce, J. , & Co. Pierce, John Plass, J. H. Platner, Mark Platner, Mathias Platner, Philip Platner, Samuel L. B. Piatt, Charles Piatt, Israel Piatt, Jonas Plitt, George Plum, Isaac Plum, W. Polk, John J. Pool, John J. Porter, James Porter, Samuel A. Porter, William A. Porteus, John Post, G. W. & S. O. Post, Israel Potter, P. Potter, William Potts, Abram Potts, Henry Potts, John J. Potts, Morgan Potts, Peter W. Potts, R. Potts, William G. Potts & Moore Power, Isaac Power, J. Power, Luke Power, N. Power, Nicholas Power, Thomas Power, & Livingston Pratt, Erastus Pratt, Ralph C. Pratt, Virgil [299] WILSON 309 Preston, L. Prevost, Theodore L. Price, William M. Prince, Benjamin Prober, David Prober, George Proge, Christian Proper, Peter Pudney & Russell Pulver, Peter Punderson, Eben. Punderson, R. Punderson & Allyn Queen, John Queen, Samuel Radcliff, Jacob Radcliff, John Radcliff, P. W. Radcliff, William Radcliff & Mason Rae, Thomas Ramsen, John Rankin, Henry Rankin, John Rapalye, G. B. Rathbone, J. Rause, Nicholas Rawles, Henry, & Co. Ray, Cornelius Ray, Robert Raymond, A. Raymond, Wesley & Co. Raynor, John Read, George, Jr. Redfield, Bernard Reed, George Reed, Morris Reed, Rufus Re id, J. Remsen, Henry Rensselaer, Killyaen Rerusen & Clarkson Retcher, Andries Reynolds, Allen Reynolds, Cuyler Reynolds, Gamaliel Reynolds, John Rhoades, Julius Richard, John Richards, Henry S. Richardson Richmond, John Richmond, L. Richmond, Thomas Rider, George T. Riggs, Caleb S. Riggs, H. C. Riker, R. Rivers, Adam Roberts, E. Roberts, Sylvester Robertson, G. H. Robertson, James Robertson, John Robertson, J. Stark Robinson, Peter Rockefeller, Jacob W. Rockefeller, John A. Rockefeller, John P. Rockefeller, Peter D. Rockefeller, Philip D. Rockefeller, Philip W. Rockefeller, Robert Rockefeller, Simeon W.. Rockefeller & Sharp Rodgers, John R. B. Rodgers, W. M. Roe, Matthew Roe, Walter Rogers, Benjamin W. Rogers, D. Rogers, Peet & Company Romayne, J. Romayne, Nicholas Roome, Jacob Roorbach, Arthur H. Roorback, Uriah Root, William Rose, William M. Rose & Hurley Ross, Alex Ross, John E. Rossman, Elias Rossman, Peter J. Rossman & McKinstry Row, Thomas Row & Reed Rowe, Henry Rowe, James Rowland, Ezra Rowley, J. D. Royce, Solomon Ruggles, Charles H. Runk, Emma Ten Broeck Russell, Isaac Russell, W. E. Rutherford, Walter Rutherfurd, John Ryfenbergh, Alexander Ryfenbergh, Peter P. Ryfenbergh, William G. Ryker, John 310 WILSON [299] Sabagh, John J. Sagendorph, George A. St. John & Ogle St. Johns, 0. R. Salbaugh, John Salles, Laurent Salsach, Jacob Sanders, Barent Sanders, James B. Sanders, Jane Sanders, John Sanders, Robert Sanders, Walter L. Sanders, William N. S. Saunders, D. Schaeffer, F. C. Schauers, John Schell, Christ. Schenck, C. Schenck, G. Schenck, Sarah Schermerhorn, Johannes Schism, John Schmidt, James Schofeld, Polly Schofeld, Sarah Schroeppel, G. L. Schultz, Jacob Schutt, Hendrick M. Schutts, J. W. Scott, Jonathan Scriba, Frederick Scriba, George Scriba, Schroeppel & Starman Sears, Nathan Seaving, Simon Sebard, H. S. Secor & Priest See , John Segner, Phillip A. Selby, H. Selden, Dudley Selluk, Levi Senigham, William W. Seton, James Shafer, John Sharks, J. A. Sharp, George P. Sharp, Peter G. Sharp, A. , Co. Sharp & Dubois Sharp, Elton & Co. Shaver, Hendrick J. Shear, Henry Sheenburgh, Maria Sheldon, B. Shepard, C. , & Co. Shepherd, R. I. Sheys, James B. Shoemaker, D. Shook, George Shook, Jacob Shook, Robert Shop, Henry Short, Huldy Showerman, Peter A. Showers, John Shufeldt, Alexander Shufeldt, Catherine Shufeldt, George A. Shufeldt, Henry Shufeldt, Peter G. Shufeldt, R. W. Shufeldt, W. B. E. Shufeldt, W. T. Shultz, Casperus Silliman, W. Simmons, Johannes Simon, David Simons, Titus Simpson, E. Sinclair, G. Sinclair, Robert Sinclear, S. Sipperly, William Skinner, H. P. Skinner, Jonathan Sloan, Rachel Slocomb, J. Slosson, John Slosson, Nathaniel Slosson, William Smart, Corneleus Smith, A. C. Smith, Albert Smith, Egerton Smith, Eleazer Smith, George B. Smith, Henry Smith, Isaac Smith, James M. Smith, James Scott Smith, John P. Smith, Lorentz Smith, Michael Smith, Nathan Smith, Nathaniel Smith, Nicholas Smith, Seymour Smith, Thomas Smith, Thomas Jefferson Smith, T. Tredwell Smith, William H. [299] WILSON 311 Smith, William Sidney Smith & Miller Smith, Litchfield & West Smyth, Lindley Snowden & Co. Snyder, Elizabeth Snyder, George T. Snyder, Peter Snyder, Samuel Snyder, Tunis G. Southard, Samuel Southart, Jacob Southwick, S. Spafford, Horatio Gates Sparkman, James D. Spencer, Ambrose Spencer, H. 0. Spencer, M. Spenenburgh, Jacob Sperry, Jacob Spickerman, John Spooner, A. Stall, Hendrick Starks, Charles Staats, John Stagg, Benjamin F. Staples & Johnson Statts, Peter Steamboat Congress Stearns, John Stebbins, William B. Steel, John B. Steenburg, Jacob Stevens, H. Stevens, John Stevens, Ozias Stewart, Alex Stewart, James Stiles, John Stimson, George Stocking, A. Stocking, Stephen Stocking, Walter V. Stockholm & Browne y Stockton, Richard Stoddard, Ashbel Stokes, H. & A. Stokes, Robert Stollenwerk & Brothers Stone, Fred W. Stone, Silas Stone & Cross Storm, Garrit Storm, Stephen Storm, Thomas Storrs, W. & G. Storrs & Gunn Stout, F. Y. Stoutenburgh, Isaac Strever, J. H. Strong, H. M. Strong, Jeremiah Studey, David Stymets, Peter Summers, William M. Sutherland, Joshua Sutherland, Talmadge Sutherland & McClellan Suter, John Swartwout, John Swift, Samuel G. Swords, James Swords, 0. M. Swords, T. & J. Sylvester & Croswell Talcott, N. Tallmadge, Nathaniel P. Tanner, Stephen Taylor, Charles W. Taylor, John N. Taylor, P. N. Taylor, Robert Taylor, Robert E. Teal, William H. Teller, James Ten Broeck, Catharina Ten Broeck, Dirk Ten Broeck, Emmeline Ten Broeck, G. Hendrick Ten Broeck, Jacob Ten Broeck, Johannes Ten Broeck, John V. R. Ten Broeck, John & R. , & Co. Ten Broeck, L. W. Ten Broeck, Leonard Ten Broeck, Nicholas Ten Broeck, Peter B. Ten Broeck, Samuel Ten Broeck & Benjamin Ten Broeck & Wilson Ten Eyck, Joseph Ten Eyck, Margaret Terry, Urbana Thomas, David Thomas, Rebecca Thompson, Alexander W. Thompson, Egbert Thompson, G. L. Thompson, Samuel Thompson, Smith Thompson, William A. Thomson, James Thomson, Thomas 312 WILSON [299] Thomson, William A. Thomson, William H. Thorkeson, W. Thorne, Daniel Thorp, Edward Throckmorton, William Thurston, Edward C. Tiger, John Tilden, E. Tillary, James Tillotson, John C. Tillotson, Thomas Tipple, Catherine Tipple, M. Tirrell, Joseph Tobey, Silas Tobey, William W. Toby, Joshua Tompkins, Daniel D. Toncray, Daniel Tooker, Samuel Torrence, Ann Townsend, Dwight Townsend Tracy, Lyman Traver, J. J. Tremain, A. Tremper, William Trier, Samuel L. Truesdail, W. Trusdell, Nathan Tryon, Jeremiah Union Transportation Line Valkenburgh, Christian Van Alen, James J. Van Alstyne, Adam Van Alstyne, Margaret Van Alstyne, Peter Van Antwerp, R. Van Benthuyssen, John Van Beuren, E. Van Beuren, Henry Van Beuren, Joseph J. Van Beuren, Hoffman Van Beuren, M. Van Beuren, P. B. Van Brant Van Buren, A. A. Van Buren, John Van Buren, Peter Van Buren & Clow Vandebogart, Cornelius Vandebogart, Peter Vandebogart, R. Vandenburgh, Jeremiah Vanderbilt, John Vander Poel, A. B. Vander Poel, B. Vander Poel, J. Van Deusen, H. & B. Van Deusen, J. , & Co. Van Deusen, James Van Deusen, John T. Van Deusen, Matthew Van Deusen, Nicholas Van Deusen, Peter Van Deusen, P. & Co. Van Deusen, R. D. & J. Van Deusen, Robert Van Deusen & Gaul Van Deusen & Reed Van Dusen, Ann Van Dusen, D. Van Dusen, P. D. Van Dyke, Miss Van Dyke, A. Van Etten, M. Van Hogen, William Van Home, James Van Ingen, Dirck Van Loan, M. D. & B. Van Ness, C. P. Van Ness, David Van Ness, G. B. Van Ness, Jacob Van Ness, John Van Ness, William Van Nortwick & Miller Van Patten, C. C. Van Peth, John Van Rank, Cornelius Van Ranst, A. M. Van Rensselaer, A. R. Van Rensselaer, J. R. Van Rensselaer, K. K. Van Rensselaer, Maunsell Van Rensselaer, Peter Van Rensselaer, Robert Van Rensselaer, Rusten Van Rensselaer, Sol. Van Schaack, Peter Van Steenburgh, Jacob B. Van Tassall, Frederick Van Valkenburgh, B. Van Valkenburgh & Rossman Van Vechte, Ephriam Van Vechten, S. J. Van Vleck, A. , Jr. Van Vleck, Abraham J. Van Vleck, Henry Van Vleck & Cantine Van Wickle, Evert Van Zandt, Margaret Van Zandt, Wynant [299] WILSON 313 Varick, Nicholas Varick, Richard Vedder, Albert H. Ver Meule, Richard Villagrand, Joseph Jerome d' Villie, Cornelius Villie, G. Vleck, A. Voorhis, D. Voorhis, J. V. Wackerhagen, Augustus Wackerhagen, Augustus, Jr, Waggoner, Peter W. Wagram, John Waite, G. & R. Walcott & Walker Walden, Alfred P. Waldie, Adam Waldo, D. R. Waldo, Hammond & Co. Walgrove, E. W. Walsh, J. Walson, L. Z. Walter, Henry Walworth, H. Walworth, Reuben H. Ward, Owen Warner, Herman N. Warren, A. Washburn, K. Waters, Reuben, Jr. Watson, Elkanah Watson, John Watson, M. J. Wattermier, George M. Watts, John Webb, James Weeks, Peter Weil, Elias Weir, John Welch, J. Wells, J. Wells, Richard J. Wells, Tomas Welstad, Edward Wendell, Jacob Wentworth, Jacob Wescott, Samuel Wessel, Dirck Wessen, Elias T. West, John Westervelt, H. Westervelt & Munson Wetmore, William W. Wetmore & Chauncey Wheaton, H. Wheeler, G. Wheeler, Michael Wheeler, Ralph Wheeler, W. Wheeler & Knickerbocker Whi taker, James Whitaker, 0. Whit beck, Herman Whitbeck, John Whitbeck, Peter White, Ann White, Agnes White, Calvin White, Campbell P. White, Charlotte White, Henry White, John White, John T. White, Mrs. 0. White, Philip White, Samuel Whiting, B. Whiting, J. R. Whiting & Leavenworth Whitney, S. Whittaker, 0. Whittock, Peter Whybreus, T. Wigman & Clock Wigman, John Wigman, William Wilbur, H. Wilby, William Wilcox, John Wild, Nathan Wilde, John Wilkes, Charles Wilks, George Willcocks, John Willcox, Abner Williams, E. N. Williams, Elisha Williams, H. L. Williams, John Williams, John L. Williams, Martin Williams, N. Williams, 0. Williams, R. Williams, Thomas C. Williams, William Williams & Squire Wilmart, Daniel Wilson, Mrs. A. H. Wilson, Alex W. Wilson, Alexander Wilson, Sir Alexander 314 WINSTONE - WRAY [300-301] Ann Bayard Bessie E. H. Hannah Harold W. Isaac John Alex Margaret, Mrs. Stephen B. Wilson, Mary A. Wilson, Mary E. L. , Mrs. Harold W. Wilson, Robert L. Stephen B. W. H. William Dr. William William H. William H. , Jr, Winchester, J. Winckler, John Winthrop, William N. Wintringham, David L. Wintringham, Sidney Wilson, Wilson, Wilson, Wilson, Wilson, Wilson, Wilson, Wilson, Wilson, Wilson, Wilson, Wilson, Wilson, Wilson, Wilson, Wiswall, Oliver Wiswall, Samuel Wiswall, Thomas Wolcott, C. C. Wood, John Wood, Timothy Woodruff, Dr. Woodruff, Aaron Woodruff, Samuel Woods, William Woodward , John Woodworth, A. Wyckoff, F. L. Wyckoff, Nicholas Wyckoff, Samuel S. Wyer, J. I. Wynkoop, Miss A. Wynkoop, Cornelius Wynkoop, P. L. & R. G. Wynkoop, R. C. Yates, William Young, Henry Young, J. & S. Younglove & West Zeller, James 300. WINSTONE, CHARLES. Letter book, 1777-1786. 1 item, 210 pages. Dominican lawyer. Letters concerning legal af- fairs and the shipping and selling of coffee and sugar. The letters contain remarks on the effect of the American Revolution on trade, the taking of Dominica by France, and the activities of American privateers. Described in the special summer catalogue of the Export book co., 1931, item 10. See Peckham 1 s Guide for fuller description. Purchased, 1931. 301. WRAY, GEORGE. Papers, 1770-1793. 2 ft. British army officer. Papers include orders to issue ordnance, receipts for supplies issued, cor- [301] WRAY 315 respondence with merchants and officers regarding supplies, muster rolls and orderly books, returns of laborers employed by the Royal artillery regi- ment, and other records and accounts pertaining to the supplying of the regiment during the American Revolution. The only post Revolutionary manuscript is a deed to John Wray, dated 1793. See Peckham' s Guide for fuller description. Purchased, 1933. A manuscript journal of commissary stores, 1775- 1783, was added in 1948, gift of The Clements Li- brary Associates. Names of writers of letters and authors and signers of documents: Abbott, Thomas Henry Adye, Stephen Payne Anderson, Robert Andre", John Arnold, Robert Ashley, Joseph Balfour, Nisbet Barry, Henry Bennan, James Benson, George Blucke, John Burns , James Cahill, Patrick Carden, John Charleton, Thomas Charleton, William Constable, James Courtney, James Crowell, Thomas Cruden, John Daly, Timothy Day, Michael Dennyman, John Douglas, John Downing, John Doyle, Sir John Dundas, Thomas Ferguson, Robert Forbes, Alexander Forman, William Fraser, Charles Fraser, James Fraser, Simon French, Samuel French, Thomas Gavnie, Peter Gilbert, Francis Graham, John Grant, Jon Great Britain Army in America Office of Ordnance, N. Y, Great Britain-continued Army in America-continued Royal Artillery Artificers First Battalion Capt. David Standish 1 s company Capt. John Williamson's company Third Battalion Maj. John Innes 1 company Capt. Peter Traille's company Fourth Battalion Capt. George Anderson's company Maj. Francis James Buchanon's company Capt. Thomas Davies' company Capt. Anthony Farrington's company Capt. William Johnston' s company Maj, William Martin's company Haldane, Henry Hall, Adam Hall, William Hanes, Joseph L. Hobin, John Innes, John Johnstone, William King, John Laing, Lt. J. Leonard, George Lonsdale, John Loobey, John Lowell, R. W. Macbean, Forbes McDonald, Alexander 316 YUCATAN - ZACATECAS [302-303] McLeod, Angus Macleod, John Man, Thomas C. Manson, Daniel Morgan, T. Philips, Philip Phillips, Joseph Roberts, Stephen Ryan, Peter S. Schaw, Alexander Scollay, Edmond Scott, Edward Small, John Stapleton, John Stephens, Francis Taylor, W. Traille, Peter Trotter, Thomas Vandyke, Thomas Vardill, Thomas Watt, James Wells, John, Jr. Wemyss, James Wilson, William Wood, William Wray, George Wray, John Young, Joseph 302. YUCATAN. Papers, 1772-1898. ca. 200 items. Letters, documents and letter books relating to the history of Yucatan. Purchased, 1949. 303. ZACATECAS, MEXICO. Records, 1561?-1870? 43 ft. A section of the archives of the province of Zacatecas dealing mainly with economic and fiscal matters during the period from the middle of the sixteenth century to the end of the third quarter of the nineteenth century. The collection has been examined only roughly, and contains approximately 300,000 pages of manuscript. Plans are underway to catalog the collection, and when completed, a separate publication of the Library will be issued, listing the writers of letters and authors and signers of documents. Purchased, 1952. [304] ZURITA 317 304. ZURITA, ALONSO DE, B. 1511. Breve y sumaria relacion de los sefiores, maneras y diferencias que habia de ellos en la Nueva Espafia, y en otras Provincias sus comarcanas . . . 18- . Manuscript copy. 1 item, 392 pages. Spanish historian. Nineteenth century copy of a sixteenth century description of the civilization of the Indians native to the Spanish colonies. It has been published in Henri Ternaux-Compans . Voyages, relations et memoires originaux pour servir a 1* histoire de la de*couverte de l'Ame"rique. v. 2.; in Coleccidn de documentos ine*ditos relativos al descubrimiento, conquists y colonizacidn de las posesiones espanolas en America y Oceania, sacados en su mayor parte del Real archivo de Indias. v. 2.; and in Joaquin Garcfa Icazbalceta. Nueva coleccidn de documentos para la historia de Mexico, v. 3. Bound with Lope de Atienza. Compendio historial ... and Juan Polo de Ondegardo. Relacion. Described in the catalogue of Sotheby and co., June 24-27, 1919, item 387. Phillipps Ms. 11633. Purchased, 1928. INDEX OF NAMES This index lists the names of all writers of letters and authors and signers of documents found in the collections of the Division of Manuscripts. As an aid in identification, the dates of birth and death are given when known; if these are not available, a date or period when the author is known to have flourished is given. In addition, such titles as "Dr.," "Gen.," "Gov., 1 " and "Rev." are sometimes used. Pseudonyms are placed in quotation marks. Anonymous essays and works of book length are entered by title. The references are to collection numbers rather than to pages. The customary abbreviations are used: b. for "born"; c. for "about"; d. for "died"; and fl. for "flourished." A. , R. , fl. 1775 98 Abarca, Poque, fl. 1810 . . 182 Abbadie, Gov. d' , 1726-65 95, 251 Abbe", M. L. , fl. 1854 . . . 194 Abbot, A. B. , fl. 1875 . . 194 Abbot, Abijah, fl. 1820 . . 299 Abbot, Benjamin, 1762-1849 . 52 Abbot, Charles, 1st baron Colchester, 1757-1829. 67, 250 Abbot, Rev. Ezra, 1819-84 . 294 Abbott, Edward, fl. 1759-79 14, 95, 98 Abbott, James, c. 1791-post 1835 . . 166, 191 Abbott, John Stephens Cabot, 1805-1877 1 Abbott, Dr. Jonathan G. , d. 1878 166 Abbott, Robert, fl. 1834 . 166 Abbott, Samuel, fl. 1810-35 166 Abbott, Thomas Henry .... 62 Abbott, Thomas Henry fl. 1770-81 301 Abbott, William, fl. 1798. 299 Abeel, Garret 95 Abeel, James, 1733-1825 . . 109 Abella, Manuel, fl. 1799 . 201 Abercrombie, James, d. 177 5. 95 Abercrombie, John Joseph, 1802-77 87 Abercromby, Alexander, 1745-95 174 Abercromby, James, 1706-81 95, 107, 194 Abercromby, James, fl. 1752 251 Abercromby, James, 1st baron Dunferline, 1776-1858 . . 151 Abercromby, Sir Ralph 1734-1801 97, 174 Abercromby, Sir Robert, 1740-1827 62, 174 Aberdeen, George Gordon, 3rd earl of, 1720-1801 . 151 Aberdeen, George Hamilton Gordon, 4th earl of, 1784-1860. 151, 194, 228, 239 Aberdein, Robert, fl. 1775-81 62, 98 Aberli, Johann Ludwig, 1723-86 143 Abert, John James, 1788-1863 87 Abertson & Olmstead, fl. 1847 299 Abingdon, Willoughby Bertie, 4th earl of, 1740-99 . . 151 Abington, Robert, fl. 1783 Abra, Jesus S Abrego, J., fl. 1867 . . Abreu, Dr. Eduardo, fl. 1907 Acarate, Juan Maria, fl. 1827 Acedo, Fausto, fl. 1867. Ackert, George, fl. 1798 Ackland, Dudley, fl. 1780 Ackly, L. , fl. 1822 . . Acland, John Dyke, d. 1778. 62 Adair, Archibald, fl. 1836 Adair, James, fl. 1828 Adair, Dr. Robert, 1711-90 107, 62, 95, 98, 287 Adair, Sir Robert, 1763-1855 ... 67, 151, Adam, John J. , 1807-post 1850 ... 30, Adam, Stephen, fl. 1750 . Adam, William, 1751-1839 . Adams, Abigail Brown Brooks, Mrs. Charles Francis, fl. 1841 194 Adams, Alva Blanchard, 1875-1925 52 268 74 74 289 184 74 299 287 299 118 23 228 166 194 239 320 ADAMS - AKERS 1831 Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams, Andrew, 1736-97 . 2 Adams, Augustine W. , fl. 1843 Adams, Brooks, 1848-1927 . Adams, Charles Francis, 1807-86 64 Adams, Charles Francis, 1835-1915 Adams, Charles S fl. 1840 . . . Adams, David, fl Adams, Edward D. fl. 1903 . . . Adams, Frank L. , fl. 1913 Franklin P. , 1881- Henry, 1838-1918 . Henry, fl. 1931 . . Hezekiah, fl. 1798 Dr. Isaac, c. 1803-79 Adams, Isaac 0., fl. 1839 Adams, James Hopkins, 1812-61 Adams, James Q. , fl. 1834 Adams, James Truslow, 1878-1949 Adams, John, 1735-1826, 52, 95, 109, 194, 251, 282 John, fl. 1801 . . John Quincy, 1848 . . 52, 60, 191, 232, Adams, John Quincy, 1833-94 Adams, Louisa Catherine, fl. 1824 Adams, Mary C. , fl. 1849 . Adams, Randolph Greenfield, 1892-1951, 3, 31, 47, 194, Sterling, fl. 1834 . Thomas, fl. 1751 . . William, fl. 1782 . William, 1772-1851 . Rev. William Forbes, b. 1833 Adams, William H. , fl. 1848 Adams, William J. , fl. 1874 Addington, Henry, see 1st viscount Sidmouth Addington, Isaiah, fl. 1693 Addison, Alexander, fl. 1786 Addison, William, fl. 1789. Addligton, James, fl. 1776 Addy, J. Jepson, fl. 1808 . Adee, Alvey Augustus, 1842-1924 Adgate, M. , fl. 1793 . . . Adams , Adams , 1767- 103 282 Adams , Adams, Adams , Adams , Adams , 280 166 289 194 285 166 244 289 165 194 289 228 299 166 166 . 52 166 285 121, 286 299 174 289 294 228 228 285 166 69 109 103 79 166 39 69 118 158 62 250 7 299 Adhe'mar, Mons. d' , fl. 1783.90 Adh^mar de Saint-Martin, Jean Baptiste Amable, fl. 1736-1800 268 Adlam, John, fl. 1780 . . 251 Adolphus, John Leycester, 1795-1862 151 Adrion, William, fl. 1856. 228 Advocates Library, curators of 174 Adye, Stephen Payne, d. 1794 62, 301 Affleck, Sir Edmund, 1723?-88 62 Agar, Charles, baron and viscount Somerton, earl of Normanton, 1736-1809 . 149 Agar, James, fl. 1772 . . 275 Agassiz, Jean Louis Rodolphe, 1807-73 . . 87, 194 Ageno, Francesco d* , fl. 1762 251 Agnew, J. H. , fl. 1844 . . 299 Aguilar, Ignacio, fl. 1867. 74 Aguilar, Jose* Francisco, fl. 1812 182 Aguirre, Jose* Maria, fl. 1830 181 Aguirre, Juan, fl. 1699 . 183 Aguirre, Matias, fl. 1820. 182 Aide, Charles Hamilton, 1826-1906 151 Aiguillon, Armand Vignerot- Duplessis Richelieu, due d' , 1720-98 251 Aikman, Joseph, fl. 1768 . 95 Ailesbury, Lady Caroline Anne, d. 1824 268 Ailesbury, Thomas Brudenell, 1st earl of, 1729-1814 97 Ainley, Elias, fl. 1831 . 299 Ains, Joseph Louis, 1744-post 1787 95 Ainslie, Sir Robert, 1730?-1812 97, 251 Ainslie, Thomas, fl. 1775 . 95 Ainsworth, Dr. F. C. , fl. 1892 7 Airy, G. B. , fl. 1839 . . 228 Aitcheson, Robert, fl. 1780 171 Aitken, William A. , fl. 1839 166 Aiton, Mrs. Elizabeth, fl. 1793 97 Akarman, Benjamin, Jr. , fl. 1753 194 Aken, Albro, fl. 1821 . . 299 Akers (son of Aretas Akers) , f 1. 1783 .... 251 Akers, Aretas, fl. 1780-99 .... 251, 268 ALAMAN ALLEN 321 Alaman, Lucas, 1791-1853 . 185 Ala Torre, Ignacio R. , 1833-99 74 Albany, Princess Louise Marie Caroline Aloise, comtesse d 1 , 1753-1824 . . 97 Albany Citizens of, fl. 1843 ... 30 Magistrates, fl. 1766. 95, 251 Mayor and Aldermen, fl. 1765 95 Skippers of sloops belonging to 14 Albany Congress, 1754. . 4, 251 Albany County (N.Y.), Loyalists of 62 Albany Literary Association, fl. 1844 ... 30 Albemarle, Arnold Allan Cecil Keppel, 8th earl of, 1858-1942 194 Albemarle, George Keppel, 3rd earl of, 1724-72. 174, 223 Albemarle, George Thomas Keppel, 6th earl of, 1799-1891 158, 239 Albemarle, William Anne Keppel, 2nd earl Of, 1702-54 192, 251 Albert, prince consort of Queen Victoria, 1819-61 . 151 Albret, Ce*sar-Phe"bus d' , 1614-76 89 Albuquerque, Fernandez de la cueva, Francisco, duque de, fl. 1653-1655 .... 183 Alcantara, Adolfo T. , fl. 1867 74 Alcana, A., fl. 1867 .... 74 Alcott, Louisa May, 1832-88 194 Aldama, Mariano 182 Aldborough, Edward Stratford, 2nd earl of, d. 1801 151 Alden, James, 1810-77 ... 64 Alden, Mrs. P., fl. 1867 . . 39 Alden, Samuel, fl. 1787 . . 69 Alden, William C. , fl. 1867. 39 Alderdice, Catherine, 1788-1839 5 Aldington, John, fl. 1780 . 62 Aleguia, fl. 1788 188 Alexander, Charles R. , fl. 1845 228 Alexander, Edward Porter, 1835-1910 64 Alexander, Francis, fl. 1845 39 Alexander, Harry, fl. 1769 268 Alexander, Henry, fl. 1846 228 Alexander, Hugh, fl. 1790. 118 Alexander, J. , & Co. , fl. 1764 95 Alexander, J. R. , fl. 1817 299 Alexander, James, 1691-1750 .... 4, 61, 194 Alexander, James, Jr., fl. 1837 165 Alexander, John, fl. 1794 118 Alexander, John Byers, fl., 1812 118 Alexander, Lucien Hugh, 1866-1926 6, 194 Alexander, Dr. Nathaniel, d. 1808 109 Alexander, Robert, fl. 1780 62 Alexander, T. S. , fl. 1859 228 Alexander, William, 1729-1819 90, 251 Alexander, William, fl. 1772 95 Alexander (Va.), Bank of, fl. 1796 194 Alger, C. L. , fl. 1848 . . 166 Alger, Cyrus, fl. 1822 . . 299 Alger, Horatio, 1834-99 . . 7 Alger, Russell A. , 1836-1907. . . . 7, 125, 191 Allain, He"lene, fl. 1883 . 289 Allaire, Peter Alexander, fl. 1780 62 Allamand, Prof. , fl. 1773 143 Allan, James S. , fl. 1811-37 30 Allan, John, 1777-1863 . . 194 Allan, William T. , fl. 1828 30 Allard, J. P., fl. 1844 . 298 Allegheny College Literary Society, fl. 1841 .... 30 Allegonnesse, Sebastian, fl. 1780 62 Allen, Aaron, d. c. 1815 . 194 Allen, Albert G. , fl. 1850 228 Allen, Alfred, 1818-86 . . 166 Allen, Andrew, 1740-1825 62 , 251 Allen, Ann I. Barry McCue, Mrs. John, fl. 1836 .... 8 Allen, B. , fl. 1806 . . . 299 Allen, Benjamin, fl. 1806. 194 Allen, Rev. Bennet, fl. 1766-1814 . . . 103, 251 Allen, Charles H. , 1848-1934 7, 125 Allen, Edward G. , fl. 1811. 39 Allen, Elisha Hunt, 1804-83 31 322 ALLEN - AMHERST Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen 1804 Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen Allen fl. Allen Allen Allen Allen Ethan, 1739-89 . , Ethan, fl. 1834 . Horatio, 1802-90 . Ira, 1751-1814 . , Isabel J Jacob James, fl. 1846 . James Turner, 90 John, fl. 1792 . . John, fl. 1838 . . John, fl. 1846 . . John F. , fl. 1894 Joseph, fl. 1774 . Lewis, fl. 1844 . Lewis, fl. 1847 . Nathaniel T. , 1857 Richard, fl. 1804 Richard, fl. 1840 Stephen, fl. 1829 William, 1704-80 95 Allen, William, fl. 1790 . Allen, William, 1803-79 52, Allen, William, fl. 1834 . Allerton, Cornelius, fl. 1820 Allerton, Samuel W. , 1828-1914 Alley, Jerome, fl. 1803 . . Alleyne, Sir John Gay, fl. 1752-82 148, Alliance, crew of the . . . Allibone, Samuel Austin, 1816-89 ... 31, 87, 194, Ailing, Samuel, fl. 1785 . Allinson, George, fl. 1779 Allis, Thomas W. , fl. 1800 Allison, Edward H. , fl. 1892 Allison, John, fl. 1844 . . Allison, Richard, fl. 1789 Allison, Robert, fl. 1765 . Allison, William, fl. 1857 Allison, William Boyd, 1829-1908 Allix, Charles, fl. 1750 . Allmutt, H. , fl. 1782 . . . Allport, N. J. , fl. 1844 . Allsopp, George, fl. 1761-83 Allston, S. R Allston, Washington, 1779-1843 Almod<5var, Pedro LujStn Jime'nez Gdngora y Silva, marque's y duque de, d. 1794 62 166 20 62 285 239 249 166 158 166 166 118 194 , 39 166 294 299 30 299 194 205 166 228 299 7 250 251 62 262 299 62 299 194 194 118 95 52 7 192 251 166 95 87 20 62 Almstead, Gottlieb, fl. 1803 299 Almstead, Henry, fl. 1844 . 299 Almstead, Peter, fl. 1831 . 299 Almy, Job 109 Almy, John, fl. 1835 . . . 166 Almy, P. , fl. 1828 .... 299 Alofsen, S. , fl. 1863 ... 36 Alonso, Zenon, fl. 1799 . . 201 Alsop, John, fl. 1785 . . . 299 Alston, P. P., fl. 1884 . . 39 Alt, J. H. , fl. 1767 . . . 251 Altamirano, Jesus, fl. 1867 74 Alva, fl. 1788 188 Alvanley, Anne Bootle Arden, baroness, d. 1825 . 174 Alvanley, Richard Pepper Arden, baron, 1745-1804 . 268 Alvarez, D. , fl. 1867 ... 74 Alvarez, Melchor, fl. 1836 184 Alvensleben, Philip Karl, freiherr von, 1745-1802 . 251 Alvord, Clarence Walworth, 1868-1928 194, 285 Alvord, Corydon Alexis, 1813-74 36 Alvord, Dr. H. J. , fl. 1843 166 Alvord, Henry Hobert .... 30 Alvord, John Watson, d. 1880 294 Alzate y Ramirez, Jose" Antonio de, 1737-99 .... 9 Amador, Pedro Manuel, fl. 1812 182 Amadorde los Rios, Jose* . . 289 Amat y Junient, Manuel de, fl. 1766 251 Ambrosa, Israel 109 Amenia, William, fl. 1778 . 194 Ament, John L. , fl. 1835 . 165 Ament, Sarah, fl. 1835 . . 165 American Anti-Slavery Society 294 American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions 194 American Merchants, Committee of, fl. 1782 . . 251 American Philosophical Society 193 "American Soldier, An" ... 62 Ames, Adelbert, fl. 1864 . . 64 Ames, Charles F. , fl. 1825. 299 Ames, James Barr, fl. 1901 . 6 Ames, Norman C. , fl. 1844 . 299 Amherst, Sir Jeffery Amherst, 1st baron, 1717-97 .... 14, 62, 95, 97 98, 149, 174 194, 251, 268, 287 AMHERST ANSON 323 Amherst, William Pitt Amherst, 2nd baron and 1st earl, 1773-1857 . . . 174 "Amicus, 11 fl. 1776 98 Ammen, Daniel, 1819-98 ... 64 Ammerman, Obadiah, fl. 1781. 62 Ammery, Roland, fl. 1768 . 299 Amoncourt, Barillon d' . . 251 Amone, Carlos, fl. 1867 . . 74 Amory, Charles, fl. 1841 . . 39 Amory, James S. , fl. 1841 . 39 Amory, Thomas, fl. 1802 . . 20 Amory, Thomas Coffin, 1812-89 194 Amsden, Dr. A. S. , fl. 1834 166 Anaya, Alonso de, fl. 1747 183 Anaya, Joseph, fl. 1691 . . 183 Anaya, Juan Pablo, fl. 1816-1820 182 Ancaster, Mary Panton, duchess of, d. 1793 . . . 268 Ancram, earl of, see Lothian, marquess of Ancrum, William, fl. 1783 62, 109 Anda, fl. 1787 188 Andebert, Philip, fl. 1786. 118 Andersen, James, fl. 1805 . 299 Anderson, Adam, fl. 1812 . 118 Anderson, Alexander D. , fl. 1834 166 Anderson, Archibald, d. 1781 109 Anderson, Benjamin, fl. 1777 62 Anderson, Francis, fl. 1776 293 Anderson, Frank Maloy, 1871- 285 Anderson, James, 1739-1808 251 Anderson, James, fl. 1869 . 133 Anderson, Johanna, fl. 1824 194 Anderson, John 109 Anderson, John, fl. 1778 . . 62 Anderson, John, d. 1834 . . 166 Anderson, Joseph, 1757-1837 194 Anderson, Nelson, Jr. . . 109 Anderson, Peter, fl. 1833 . 30 Anderson, Richard C. , 1750-1826 118 Anderson, Robert, fl. 1782 301 Anderson, Robert, d. 1813 . 109 Anderson, Robert, 1805-71 . 64 Anderson, William, fl. 1834 166 Anderson, William, fl. 1848 30 Anderson & Hannah, fl. 1832 30 Anderson & Raymond, fl. 1826 299 Andial, Mons., fl. 1877 . . 289 Andrade, Miguel T. , fl. 1867 74 Andre", John, 1750-80 15, 62, 194, 301 Andrews, A. C. , fl. 1831 299 And rews , As abe 1 , fl. 1829 299 Andrews, Charles McLean, 1863-1943 285 Andrews, Ethan Allen, 1787-1858 30 Andrews, H. , fl. 1830 . . . 299 Andrews, J. G. , fl. 1837 . 166 Andrews, J. W. , fl. 1850 . . 30 Andrews, John, fl. 1765-80 62, 95 Andrews, John, fl. 1775 . . 95 Andrews, John Albion, 1818-67 64 Andrews, Joseph, fl. 1810 . 118 Andrews, Loring, fl. 1799 . 299 Andrews, R. E. , fl. 1850 . 299 Andrews, Richard, fl. 1777-81 109 Andrews, Stephen H. ... 122 Andrews, William, fl. 1843 . 39 Andrews, William Loring, 1837-1920 36 Andrews & Gleason, fl. 1875. 39 Andrews & Woodruff, fl. 1813 299 Andros, Sir Edmund, 1637-1714 251 Angeac, Francois d' , fl. 1767 . * 251 Angell, James Burrill, 1829-1916 .... 7, 191, 285 Angell, Nedebiah, fl. 1835. 166 Angell, Sir Norman, 1874- . 194 Anglesey, Henry William Paget, 1st marquess of, 1768-1854 97, 151 Anhalt Zerbst. Army in America 99 Ankermann, G. F. . fl. 1842. 228 Annan, magistrates and town council of 97 Annand, Thomas 122 Ann Arbor (Mich) 8 Annesley, Arthur, see Mountnorris, 1st earl of Annesley, Dr. William, fl. 1764 95 Annesley, William Richard Annesley, 3rd earl of, 1772-1838 67 Anson, George, 1797-1857 . 174 324 ANSON - ARMSTRONG Anson, George Anson, 1st baron, 1697-1762 61, 151, 251 Anstey, John, d. 1819 ... 62 Anstruther, Sir John, 1753-1811 97 Anstruther, William, fl. 1770-80 ...... 62, 95 Anthon, Dr. George Christian, 1734-1815 ... 95 Anthony, Henry Bowen, 1815-84 64 Anthony, Joseph, fl. 1784 . 109 Anthony, Joseph, Jr. , fl. 1790 118, 277 Anthony, Susan B. , 1820-1906 294 Antigua Assembly 16, 287 Committee for Procuring Barracks . . . 287 Council 16, 251, 287 Antill, Edward, d. 1789 . . 62 Antill, John, c. 1745-c. 1813 62 Antonio, Germfno, fl. 1788. 188 Antonio, Nicolas, 1617-84 . 184 Antrim, Randal William Macdonnel, 1st marquess of, 1748-91 287 Anville, Jean-Baptiste Bourguignon d' , 1697-1782 143 Anzures, Pedro de, fl. 1594 183 Aplin, Joseph, fl. 1780 . . 62 Aplin, Peter, 1753-1817 . . 171 Appel, William, fl. 1714 . 299 Appleton, D. , & Co. , fl. 1842 166 Appleton, Edith S. , fl. 1886 228 Appleton, H. Stuart, fl. 1856 228 Appleton, J. J., fl. 1830 . 228 Appleton, J. J., fl. 1843 . 52 Appleton, Jean, b. 1868 . . 285 Appleton, Dr. Nathaniel Walker, 1755-95 ... 20, 194 Applewhaite, Thomas, fl. 1748 268 Appy, John, 1725-61 .... 14 Apthorp, Charles Ward, d. 1797 95, 292 Apthorp, James T. , fl. 1836. 39 Apthorp, Thomas and William, fl. 1769-74 ... 95 Aquart, B. , fl. 1762 . . . 194 Aqueduct Corporation, Boston 69 Aragon, Jose* M. , fl. 1867 . 74 Aragon, Rosario, fl. 1867 . 74 Aranda, Pedro Pablo Abarca de Bolea, conde d' , 1719-98 90, 251 Arber, Edward, fl. 1876-83. 262 Arbuckle, Samuel 62 Arbuthnot, Charles, 1767-1850 67, 151 Arbuthnot, Marriot, 1711?-94 62, 98, 171 Arbuthnot, Robert, fl. 1799 97 Arbuthnot, William, fl. 1757 93 Archambault, U. E. , fl. 1884 289 Archbold, John, fl. 1780 . 287 Archdall, Robert, fl. 1781 . 62 Archer, Mark, fl. 1775 ... 62 Archer, Richard 62 Archer, William, fl. 1748 . 194 Archer & Martin, fl. 1850 . 299 Archibald, C. D. , fl. 1848. 194 Arckembrach, William, fl. 1816 299 Arcularius, George, fl. 1823 299 Arcularius, P. C. , & Co., fl. 1831 299 Arden, Ann Bootle, Mrs. Richard Pepper, see Alvanley, baroness Arden, Richard Pepper, see Alvanley, baron Ardenn, J., fl. 1784 ... 268 Ardouin, Daniel, fl. 1766 . 268 Arenberg, August, due d' , fl. 1827 228 Arfwedson, Elizabeth A. , fl. 1840 228 Arfwedson, J. Edward, fl. 1839 228 Argenteuil, Dailleboust d' , fl. 1710 43 Argout, Senor, fl. 1779 . . 62 Argyll, John Campbell, 5th duke of, 1723-1806 62, 97, 151 Arillaga, Basilio, fl. 1829 181 Arismendi, Jose* Maria, fl. 1867 74 Aristides (Ship) , fl. 1810. 194 Armagnac, L. , fl. 1877 . . 289 Armin, Samuel, fl. 1800 . . 194 Armistead, Mary, fl. 1842 . 228 Armitage, William Edmund, 1830-73 79 Armitage & Witt, fl. 1817 . 299 Armour, John A., fl. 1826 . 299 Armour & Co 7 Armstrong, A. G. , fl. 1823. 299 Armstrong, Andrew, fl. 1782 109 Armstrong, George, fl. 1797 118 Armstrong, Hannah, fl. 1670 118 ARMSTRONG - ASTOR 325 Armstrong, James, fl. 1782 109 Armstrong, James A., fl. 1839 166 Armstrong, John 87 Armstrong, John, 1717-95 . . 95 Armstrong, John, 1755-1816 118 Armstrong, John, Jr., 1758-1843 109, 118 Armstrong, John, fl. 1785 . 299 Armstrong, John, fl. 1792 . 194 Armstrong, Gen. John, fl. 1832 228 Armstrong, Lawrence, d. 1739 268 Armstrong, Mark, fl. 1780 . 266 Armstrong, Mary, fl. 1826 . 228 Armstrong, Molly, fl. 1886. 228 Armstrong, Samuel Turell, 1784-1850 20 Armstrong, Thomas, fl. 1780 109 Armstrong, William, fl. 1779 62 Armstrong, William, fl. 1848 30 Armstrong, William, fl. 1850 299 Arnald, Rev. William, fl. 1770 268 Arndt, John P., fl. 1834 . 166 Arnold, A. A., fl. 1885 . . 194 Arnold, Benedict, 1741-1801 62, 151, 251, 268 Arnold, Benjamin, fl. 1775. 226 Arnold, Charles, fl. 1813 . 194 Arnold, Dan, fl. 1835 . . . 166 Arnold, Henry, fl. 1839 . . 30 Arnold, James, fl. 1843 . . 166 Arnold, Dr. Jonathan, 1741-93 109 Arnold, Margaret Shippen, Mrs. Benedict, 1760?-1804 194, 62 Arnold, Peleg, 1752-1820 . 280 Arnold, Richard, 1828-82 . . 64 Arnold, Robert, fl. 1782 . 301 Arnold, Samuel Greene, 1821-80 87 Arnold, Thomas, fl. 1798 . 299 Arnold, Welcome, fl. 1785 . 109 Arnot, Hugh, fl. 1761-66 . . 95 Arnoux, Anthony, fl. 1821 . 299 Amoux, Gabriel A. , fl. 1822 299 Arran, Arthur Saunders Gore, 3rd earl of, 1761-1837 97 Arriaga y Diaz, fl. 1812 . 182 Arteaga, Felipe 183 Arthur, C. M. , & Son, fl. 1844 299 Arthur, Chester Allan, 1830-86 282 Arthur, James, fl. 1782 . . 109 Arthur, Samuel, fl. 1850 . 299 Arthur, William, fl. 1843 . 87 Articles of Capitulation Charleston, May 12, 1780 . 62 Montreal, Sept. 8, 1760 . . 14 Yorktown, Oct. 20, 1781 . . 62 Arvallo, Jose* Jesus, fl. 1812? 182 Asaph, S., fl. 1807 .... 250 Asay, E. G. , fl. 1867 ... 36 Asboth, Alexander Sandor, 1811-68 64 Asensio y Toledo, Jose* Maria, 1829-1905 289 Asgill, Lady, d. 1816 . 20, 268 Asgill, Sir Charles, 17637-1823 Ashburn, Thomas, fl. 1775 . 95 Ashburnham, John Ashburnham, 2nd earl, 1724-1812 . Ashburton, Alexander Baring, 1st baron, 1774-1848 67, 103, 151 Ashburton, Anne Louisa Bingham Baring, baroness, d. 1848 67 Ashburton, Elizabeth Baring Dunning, baroness, d. 1809 158 Ashburton, John Dunning, 1st baron, 1731-83 151, 158, 251, 268 Ashburton, Richard Barre* Dunning, 2nd baron, 1782-1823 158 Ashe, Edward 174 Ashe, John Baptist, 1748-1802 266, 280 Asher, A., & Co. , fl. 1847. 262 Asheton, Joseph, fl. 1789 . 118 Ashley, Gilbert & Co. , fl. 1798 299 Ashley, James M. , 1824-96 . 194 Ashley, Jane, fl. 1815 . . 299 Ashley, Joseph, fl. 1775 . 301 Ashwell, Charles, fl. 1789. 167 Askin, John, d. 1815 . 10, 234 Aspa, Fray Antoniade, fl. 1518 18 Asperne, James, fl. 1812 . . 67 Aspinwall, H. F. , fl. 1902 . 7 Aspinwall, Thomas, 1786-1876 194 Aspinwall, William H. , 1807-75 71 Assailly, Octave d' , fl. 1890 289 Associated Loyalists, see Loyalists, Associated Aster, Abraham, fl. 1803 . 299 Astle, Thomas, 1735-1803 . 251 Astley, Thomas, fl. 1835 . 118 Astor, John Jacob, 1763-1848 10, 52, 194 326 ASTOR - AYER Astor, M., fl. 1825 .... 228 Atala, Jose" de, fl. 1781 . 251 Atcheson, Nathaniel, fl. 1807 250 Atchinson, William, fl. 1802 164 Atchison, David Rice, 1807-86 194 Atchison, John, fl. 1834 . 166 Athearn, James, fl. 1775 . . 95 Athensen, G. , fl. 1803 . . 299 Atienza, Lope de, 1537-96 . 19 Atkins, George, fl. 1781 . . 62 Atkins, Joseph, fl. 1774 . 194 Atkinson, George W. , fl. 1781 280 Atkinson, Jonathan, fl. 1777 194 Atkinson, Richard, fl. 1779 149 Atkinson, Theodore, fl. 1754-67 4, 251 Atkinson, Rev. Thomas, 1807-81 79 Atkinson, W. P., fl. 1871 . 294 Atkinson, Wilfred 194 AtLee, Dr. Edwin A., fl. 1844 166 At lee, Samuel John, 1738-86 194 AtLee, Samuel Yorke, fl. 1842 166 AtLee, Thomas S. , fl. 1845. 166 Atlee, William 194 Attenbury, John G. , fl. 1843 39 Attkinson, Phillip, fl. 1764 95 Attwood, Dr., fl. 1788 . . 118 Atwater, Ambrose, fl. 1850. 166 Atwater, Lyman R. , fl. 1843 166 Atwell, Dajaiel A., & Co., fl. 1874 299 A twill, Rev. Edwin Robert, 1840-1911 79 Aubant, Abraham d' , fl. 1777 62 Aubeterre, Joseph-Henri Bouchard d'Esparbes, marquis d' , 1714-88 . . . 251 Aubry, Charles Philippe, d. 1770 95, 251 Auchinleck, Dr. James, fl. 1779 62 Auchinvole, David, fl. 1821 299 Auchmuty, Richard Harrison, fl. 1780 62 Auchmuty, Robert, d. 1750 .292 Auchmuty, Robert, d. 1778 251 Auckland, 1st baron, see Eden, William Auckland, baroness, see Eden, Eleanor Elliot Auckland, George Eden, 1st earl of, 1784-1849 . . 174 Auer, Rev. John Gottleib, 1832-74 79 Augur, Christopher Columbus, 1821-98 64 Augustin, Antoine, 1662-1746 . . . 251 Aust, Mr., fl. 1794 97 Austen, Mrs. Jessica .... 278 Austin, Alfred, fl. 1896 . . 151 Austin, Charles G. , fl. 1831 299 Austin, G. & C. 299 Austin, J. L. , fl. 1822 ... 39 Austin, James T. , fl. 1822 . 39 Austin, James Trecothick, 1784-1870 194 Austin, John, 1790-1859 . . 151 Austin, Joseph, fl. 1757 . . 95 Austin, S., Jr., fl. 1793 . 299 Austin, William, 1778-1841 . 20 Austin & Andrews, fl. 1820 . 299 Austinoe, Louis, fl. 1767 . . 95 Austria 251 Sovereigns Leopold II (1790-92) ... 97 Francis II (1792-1804) . . 97 Auteuil, Francois-Madeleine Fortune* Ruette d' , c. 1660- 43 Authon, John, fl. 1827 . . . 299 Auvergne, Godef roi-Charles- Henri de la Tour d' , see Bouillon, due de Auvergne, Philip d' , see Bouillon, due de Avent, Ebenezer, fl. 1781 . . 62 Averel, Ebenezer 62 Averell, William Woods, 1832-1900 64 Averill, C. K. , fl. 1835 . . 166 Averill, Henry K. , fl. 1820. 299 Averill, Joseph K. , fl. 1844 166 Averill, W. B. , fl. 1898 . . 125 Avery, Fidelius, fl. 1800 . 299 Avery, Henry, fl. 1801 ... 299 Avery, John, fl. 1775 . . . 194 Avery, John Jr., fl. 1793 . . 20 Avery, John J., fl. 1893 . . 294 Avery, Joseph, fl. 1829 . . 165 Avery, Richard, fl. 1764 . . 299 Axson, Stockton, 1867-1935 . 285 Axtell, William, 17207-95 . . 62 Ayala, Ignacio de, fl. 1812 182 Ayala, Juan de 183 Aydelotte, Frank, fl. 1918 . 285 Ayer, Edward E. , 1841-1927 7 Ayer, N. W. , fl. 1844 . . . 299 Ayer, Robert, fl. 1828 ... 299 AYLESFORD - BAIRD 327 Aylesford, Heneage Finch, 4th earl of, 1751-1812 97 Aylmer, Sir Fitzgerald, 6th bart. , d. 1794 .... 98 Ayloffe, Sir Joseph, 1709-81 251 Aylward, Peter, fl. 1763-66 95 Aylwin, Thomas, c. 1730-91 95 Ayrault, N. , fl. 1838 . . . 166 Ayres, Daniel, fl. 1825 . . 299 Ayres, Thomas, fl. 1835 . . 30 Ayres, William, fl. 1822 . 299 Ayscough, John, fl. 1750 61, 62 Ayspuru, Juan Ignacio de, fl. 1730 251 Azanza, Miguel Joseph de, fl. 1799 187 Azurza, Ignacio del, fl. 1736 251 B B. , G. . 62 Babbidge, James, fl. 177 6 . 98 Babcock, Adam, fl. 1811 . . 39 Babcock, David, fl. 1780 . . 62 Babcock, H. , fl. 1780 . . . 194 Babcock, Russell, fl. 1834. 166 Babcock, William, fl. 1828.. 299 Baby, Jacques Duperon, 1731-89 95, 191 Bach ; 285 Bache, Alexander Dallas, 1806-67 52 Bache, Richard, d. 1836 . . 166 Bache, Theophylact, 1735-1807 62 Bachman, Jacob, fl. 1799 . 299 Bachman, Joseph, fl. 1799 . 299 Bachman, S. , fl. 1844 . . . 299 Bachman & Howard, fl. 1840. 299 Back, Seid, Jr., fl. 1909 . . 6 Backhouse, J., fl. 1828 . . 67 Backus, Andrew, fl. 1850 . 166 Backus, Electus, d. 1862 . 166 Backus, F. W. , fl. 1846-62 30, 64 Backus, Henry I., fl. 1842. 166 Backus, John, fl. 1781 ... 62 Backus & Whiting, fl. 1807. 299 Bacon, Charles, fl. 1837 . 166 Bacon, Converse, fl. 1828 . 299 Bacon, D. L. , fl. 1835 . . 166 Bacon, Mrs. E. , fl. 1825 . 299 Bacon, Edward, fl. 1775 . . 95 Bacon, Edward J., fl. 1844. 166 Bacon, J. B. , fl. 1858 ... 87 Bacon, J. L. , fl. 1816 . . 299 Bacon, John C. , fl. 1823 .- 299 Bacon, John F. , fl. 1834 . 166 Badger, John J., fl. 1823 . 299 Bacon, Rev. Leonard Woolsey, 1830-1907 30 Bacon, Marshal J. , fl. 1833 166 Bacon, Milton E. , fl. 1863. 122 Bacon, Richard, fl. 1770 . . 95 Bacon, Theodore, fl. 1870 . 39 Bacourt, Ad. de, fl. 1842 . 87 Baddeley, John, fl. 1782 . 109 Badeau, Adam, 1831-95 ... 64 Badger, Clay, fl. 1857 . . 294 Badger, George Edmund, 1795-1866 52 Badgley, John T. , fl. 1847. 166 Badsley, John S. , fl. 1847. 166 Bagby, Arthur Pendleton, 1794-1858 194 Bagehot, Walter 151 Bagg, Dr. Joseph H. , fl. 1846 166 Bagg, Melancthon Jefferson, fl. 1834 166 Bagge, Traugott, fl. 1781 . 109 Bagley, David M. , fl. 1844. 166 Bagnell, John, fl. 1765 . . 95 Bagot, Lady 228 Bagot, Sir Charles, 1781-1843 67, 97 Bagueneau, Marcha & Prescott, fl. 1749 61 Bahama Islands Council 62 New Providence 62 Bailey, A. H. , fl. 1844 . . 299 Bailey, Anselm, fl. 1775 . 226 Bailey, Edward 109 Bailey, Gamaliel, 1807-59 . 30 Bailey, J. C. , fl. 1849 . . 166 Bailey, James, & Co. . . . 299 Bailey, John, fl. 1843 . . 294 Bailey, John T. , fl. 1831 . 299 Bailey, Littleton, fl. 1813 194 Bailey & Holmes, fl. 1822 . 299 Bailis, Cpl., fl. 1781 ... 62 Baillie, James, fl. 1781 . . 62 Baillie, William, 1723-1810 151 Baily, Ellis, fl. 1812 ... 23 Bainbridge, Edmund, fl. 1747 61 Bainbridge, Peter, fl. 1781 109 Bainbridge, William, 1774-1833 20 Baines, C. , fl. 1780 .... 98 Baird, Absalom, d. 1805 . . 118 Baird, Henry Carey, 1825-1912 87 Baird, Henry S. , 1800-75 . 166 Baird, Peter M. , fl. 1842 . 166 Baird, Spencer Fullerton, 1823-88 87 328 BAISCHE - BANKS Baische, Charles de la, marquis de Beauharnais, see Beauharnais, Charles de la Baische, marquis de Baiz, Jacob, fl. 1878 . . . 259 Bajpai, R. S. , fl. 1 18 . . 285 Baker, Abel W. , fl. 1850 . . 299 Baker, B. N. , fl. 1898 . . . 125 Baker, Chauncy Brooke, 1860-1936 194 Baker, H. , fl. 1782 .... 109 Baker, Henry, fl. 1830 . . . 299 Baker, John, fl. 1775 .... 95 Baker, Luke, fl. 1790 .... 20 Baker, Peter, fl. 1840 . . . 299 Baker, R. B. , fl. 1780 ... 62 Baker, R. S 87 Baker, Reuel C. , fl. 1844 . 166 Baker, Richard Bahon, fl. 1782 109 Baker, Ruth, fl. 1775 .... 95 Baker, Samuel, fl. 1818 ... 67 Baker, Samuel and William, fl. 1745 292 Baker, Sir William, fl. 1744. 61 Baker, William, fl. 1783 . . 251 Baker, William A. , fl. 1831. 299 Baker, William Spohn, 1824-97 31, 194 Baker, Z. , & Co. , fl. 1855 . 39 Baker & Walker & Co. , fl. 1837 299 Bakewell, John, fl. 1817 . . 299 Balcarres, Alexander Lindsay, 6th earl of, 1752-1825 ... 62 Balch, Benjamin, fl. 1838 . 166 Balch, Nathaniel A. , fl. 1842 166 Balch, Norman, fl. 1877 . . 289 Balch, Thomas, 1821-77 . 87, 194 Balcke, Frederick, fl. 1804. 299 Baldwin, Abraham, fl. 1754 . . 4 Baldwin, Austin, & Co., fl. 1873 39 Baldwin, Benjamin Franklin, fl. 1795 20 Baldwin, Christopher Columbus, fl. 1834 194 Baldwin, Clarissa, fl. 1803 . 20 Baldwin, Cyrus, fl. 1786 . . 20 Baldwin, Dr. Cyrus, 1775-1856 30 Baldwin, D. A., fl. 1849 . . 39 Baldwin, D. S. , fl. 1842 . . 166 Baldwin, Ezra P., fl. 1844 . 166 Baldwin, George Rumford, b. 1798 20 Baldwin, H. N. , fl. 1833 . . 166 Baldwin, Henry, 1780-1844 52 Baldwin, James, fl. 1774-95 . 20 Baldwin, James Fowle, 1782-1862 20 Baldwin, Jenison, fl. 1794 . 20 Ball, Ball Baldwin, Jesse, fl. 1823 . . Baldwin, Joseph, 11. 1810 . Baldwin, Loammi, 1740-1807 . Baldwin, Loammi, 1780-1838 . Baldwin, Mrs. Loammi, Jr., fl. 1837 Baldwin, Nahum, d. 1788 . . Baldwin, Ruth, fl. 1807 . . Baldwin, Ruth, Mrs. Cyrus, fl. 1789 Baldwin, Samuel, fl. 1789 . Baldwin, Simon E. , fl. 1878. Balfour, David, fl. 1768 . . Balfour, Henry, fl. 1760 . . Balfour, John, fl. 1786 . . Balfour, N. , fl. 1775 . . . Balfour, Nisbet, 1743-1823 62, 107, 109, Ball, Augustus F. , fl. 1840. Daniel, fl. 1781 . . . Daniel, fl. 1847 . . . Ball, George, fl. 1775 . . . Ball, George F. , fl. 1850 Ball, Horatio, fl. 1822 . Ball, John, 1794-1884 . . Ball, Martha V., fl. 1848 Ball, Samuel B. , fl. 1847 Ball, Spencer M Ballard, Arden H. , fl. 1835. Ballard, Rev. James, fl. 1842 Ballard, Robert, fl. 1790 . Ballinton, William, fl. 1781 Ballou, Adin, 1803-90 . . . Ballou, Martin, fl. 1857 . . Balneavis, Patrick, fl. 1767 Baltimore, Charles Calvert, 5th baron, 1699-1751 . . . , Baltimore, Frederick Calvert 6th baron, 1731-71 . . . . Baltimore County. Committee. Bamford, William, fl. 1765 . Banagant, Miguel, fl. 1824 . Bancroft, Charles E. , fl. 1881 Bancroft, Edward, 1744-1821 127, Bancroft, George, 1800-91 52, 194, Baner, W. , fl. 1839 .... Banfield, Thomas Bangis, Juan, fl. 1867 . . . Bangs, Edward D. , fl. 1835 . Bangs, Merwin & Co., fl. 1873 Bankhead, James, fl. 1835 . Banks, Henry, fl. 1785 . . . Banks, John, fl. 1764 . . . . Banks, John, d. 1784 .... Banks, Sir Joseph, 1743-1820 97, 174, 194, Banks, Nathaniel Prentiss, 1816-94 299 299 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 259 275 95 167 226 301 166 109 166 95 30 298 166 30 166 194 166 166 205 109 294 165 95 61 2 68 194 95 194 39 151 294 228 151 74 20 39 228 109 95 109 250 64 BANKS BARNET 329 Banks, Robert Lenox, fl. 1865 36 Banks, William, fl. 1793 . 268 Banks, Burnet & Co., fl. 1783 109 Bankson, John, fl. 1783 . . 118 Bannarcier, Mons. de , fl. 1778 194 Bannerman, James, fl. 1770 . 95 Banyar, George, fl. 1754-74 4, 263 Banyar, Goldsbrow, 1724-1815 62, 251 Banyer, William, fl. 1790 . 299 Barbadoes 251 Attorney General 251 Clergy 251 Governor and Council ... 98 Governor, Council, and Assembly 192 Merchants and traders . . 251 Naval Office 251 Society for Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce 2 51 Barbary States 251 Barbeau, A., fl. 1913 . . . 285 Barbee, Thomas, fl. 1781-94 21, 109 Barb^-Marbois , Francois Marbois, marquis de , 1745-1837 109, 251 Barber, E. , fl. 1849 .... 30 Barber, E. , fl. 1919 . . . 285 Barber, F. M. , fl. 1915 . . 289 Barber, Francis, 1751-83 . 194 Barber, James, fl. 1780 . . 287 Barber, John, fl. 1801 . . 299 Barber, John 62 Barber, Nathaniel, fl. 1766 251 Barber, William, d. 1799 . 109 Barber, William 62 Barbosa, Gustavo, fl. 1927. 228 Barbour, James, fl. 1828 . 228 Barbut, James, fl. 1775 . . 95 Barckley, Thomas, fl. 1781 . 62 Barclay, Capt. , fl. 1775 . . 95 Barclay, David, fl. 1782 . 251 Barclay, John, fl. 1813 . . 127 Barclay, Thomas, 1753-1830 .... 62, 118, 191 Bard, Peter, fl. 1776-85 62, 109 Bard, William, fl. 1819 . . 299 Baremore, James, fl. 1825 . 299 Baremore, Mansfield, fl. 1778 62 Barham, Charles Middle ton, 1st baron, 1726-1813 . 97, 251 Barham, J. Foster, fl. 1797 97 Baring, Alexander, see Ashburton, 1st baron Baring, Anne Louisa Bingham, Mrs. Alexander, see Ashburton, baroness Baring, Sir Francis, 1740-1810 151, 251 Baring, Hon. Louisa Emily, d. 1888 67 Baring Brothers, fl. 1847 . 228 Barker, Abigail, fl. 1835 . 294 Barker, Edward Henry, 1788-1839 211 Barker, Eliel, fl. 1845 ... 30 Barker, J., fl. 1840 .... 87 Barker, Jacob, 1779-1871 . . 30 Barker, John 194 Barker, Peleg 109 Barker, Pentecost, fl. 1748. 292 Barker, Dr. Perrin, fl. 1834 166 Barker, Rev. Samuel, fl. 1810 97 Barker, Thomas, fl. 1779 . . 62 Barklay, David 151 Barkley, Andrew, fl. 1776 . . 62 Barlow, D. H. , fl. 1842 ... 39 Barlow, Joel, 1754-1812 . . 194 Barlow, Samuel L. M. , 1826-89 36, 262 Barlow, Dr. Timothy, fl. 1837 166 Barman, Bait., fl. 1760 . . 268 Barnard, 3rd baron, see Darlington, 1st earl of Barnard, 4th baron, see Darlington, 2nd earl of Barnard, Sir Andrew Francis, 1773-1855 250 Barnard, Lady Anne, 1750-1825 67 Barnard, B. , fl. 1870 .... 64 Barnard, Charles Inman, b. 1850 285 Barnard, Edward, 1717-81 . . 268 Barnard, John, fl. 1801 . . 299 Barnard, Curtis & Co., fl. 1838 299 Barne, Jeremiah, fl. 1831 . 299 Barnes, Rev. Albert, 1798-1870 194 Barnes, Carlos, fl. 1834 . . 166 Barnes, George W. , fl. 1844. 166 Barnes, Gilbert H 165 Barnes, H. , fl. 1801 .... 299 Barnes, Isaac, fl. 1845 . . 166 Barnes, James, fl. 1846 ... 39 Barnes, James, fl. 1814 . . 298 Barnes, Rev. James C. , fl. 1835 30 Barnes, Ma j . John, fl. 1794. 253 Barnes, Joseph K. , 1817-83 . 64 Barnes, L. H. , fl. 1844 ... 39 Barnes, Mrs. Mary, fl. 1780 . 62 Barnes, Peter, fl. 1847 . . 299 Barnet, Isaac Cox, fl. 1800. 194 330 BARNETT - BARTON Barnett, Mrs. Mary, fl. 1779 62 Barney, John, fl. 1847 . . 228 Barney, John, fl. 1843 ... 52 Barney, Margaret, fl. 1815. 299 Barney, Mary, fl. 1842 ... 52 Barney, Milton, fl. 1835 . 166 Barns, Thomas, fl. 1780 . . 62 Barnsley, Godfrey, fl. 1828 244 Barnsley, Thomas, fl. 1765 . 95 Barnum, Amos, fl. 1800 . . 299 Barnum, Charles P. , fl. 1822 299 Barnum & Nelson, fl. 1817 . 299 Barnwell, Anna Maria, Mrs. John, d. 1830 .... 194 Barnwell, John, fl. 1783 . 109 Barnwell, Robert, fl. 1782. 109 Barnwell, Robert, 1761-1814 280 Baron, Pierre, fl. 1768 . . 95 Barr, Dr. William, fl. 1765. 95 Barr, William 194 Barrallier, Francis Louis, fl. 1807 174 Barras, Louis, corate de, fl. 1781 62, 251 Barratt, J., fl. 1855 ... 39 Barre", Isaac, 1726-1802 . . 251 Barreda, Carlos de, fl. 1692 183 Barrera Pezzi, Carlo . . . 289 Barreras, Agnacio de la, fl. 1818 183 Barre to, Francisco, fl. 1765 251 Barrett, John, fl. 1783 . . 268 Barrett, N. N. , fl. 1864 . . 39 Barrett, Nathaniel, fl. 1775 95 Barrett^, Thomas George Leonard, fl. 1780 ... 62 , 98 Barringer, Henry J. , fl. 1800 299 Barringer, Jacob, fl. 1799. 299 Barringer, Peter J. , fl. 1813 299 Barringer, R. , & Co., fl. 1850 299 Barringer, Robert, fl. 1847 299 Barrington, C. J., fl. 1812 67 Barrington, Samuel, 1729-1800 . 95, 151, 167, 268 Barrington, William Wildman Barrington, 2nd viscount, 1717-93 14, 61, 62, 95, 98, 251 Barroeta, Miguel M. , fl. 1867 74 Barrow, Sir George, 1806-76. 67 Barrow, Sir John, 1764-1848 67, 194 Barrow, Thomas, fl. 1771-79 62, 95 Barrowes, Sir John, fl. 1867 31 Barrows, W. , fl. 1838 . . . 298 Barrvis, Jackson, fl. 1794. 174 Barry, C. C. , fl. 1852 ... 39 Barry, Edward, fl. 1780 . . 62 Barry, Henry, 1750-1822 62, 109, 268, 301 Barry, J., fl. 1782 .... 251 Barry, John Stewart, 1802-70 166 Barry, Robert, fl. 1780 . . 98 Barry, William, fl. 1780 . . 62 Barry, Wm. Farquhar, 1818-79 64, 194 Barry, William Taylor, 1785-1835 52, 166 Barstow, Charles F. , fl. 1844 166 Barstow, Charles Lester, b. 1867 285 Barstow, H. A., fl. 1847 . 166 Barstow & Lockwood , fl. 1842 39 Bartell, John K. , fl. 1854 . 39 Barter, James, fl. 1763 . . 95 Bartholomew, A. M. , & Co., fl. 1841 166 Bartholomew, Andrew, fl. 1800 299 Bartholomew, Benjamin, fl. 1782 118 Bartholomon, Benedict, fl. 1803 118 Bartlett, James, fl. 1779 . 98 Bartlett, John, d. 1820 . . 62 Bartlett, John Russell, 1805-85 . 31, 36, 64, 87, 262 Bartlett, L. , fl. 1808 . . 194 Bartlett, Lewis, fl. 1780 . 62 Bartlett, Mary 194 Bartlett, Robert, fl. 1823. 299 Bartlett, Samuel, fl. 1794 . 20 Bartlett, Samuel M., fl. 1846 166 Bartlett, William E. , Jr., fl. 1856 228 Bartlett, William H. C. , fl. 1826-71 52, 166 Bartlett, William 0. , fl. 1845 39 Bartlett & Halliday, fl. 1865 39 Bartlett & Welford, fl. 1848 30 Bartling, Ernst August von, fl. 1779-81 62 Bartman, George, fl. 1757 . 61 Barton, Benjamin, fl. 1816 . 23 Barton, Clara, 1821-1912 . . 7 Barton, Erastus, fl. 1820 . 299 Barton, James, fl. 1822 . . 299 BARTON BAYLEY 331 Barton, John 174 Barton, John, fl. 1845 . . 166 Barton, Joseph, fl. 1780 . . 62 Barton, Joseph, fl. 1845 . 166 Barton, Mary K. , fl. 1841 . 52 Barton, Matthew, 1715?-95 251 Barton, Seth, fl. 1845 ... 52 Barton, Thomas, fl. 1776 . . 29 Barton, Thomas, fl. 1839 . 165 Barton, William, 1758-1831 194 Barton, William, fl. 1839 . 165 Bartow, Henry, fl. 1834 . . 166 Bartow, Thomas, fl. 1748 . . 29 Barvoso, Francisco Xavier, fl. 1812 182 Basadre, Ignacio, fl. 1829. 184 Basail, Lie. Manuel Lucio, fl. 1788 188 "La Bascoana: Dichos y hechos de Don J. Basco..." 220 Bascom, Elizabeth P. , fl. 1828 294 Bascom, Linus, fl. 1861 . . 194 Baskins, John, fl. 1768 . . 95 de Basmarein, fl. 1778 . . 194 Basmarein Raimbaux et Cie . 127 Bass, Rev. Edward, 1726-1803 79 Bass, Horatio, fl. 1823 . . 39 Basset, Henry, fl. 1767-72 . 95 Basset, James, fl. 1770 . . 95 Bassett, Charlotte, fl. 1817 250 Bassett, Elisha Bourne, fl. 1848 166 Bassett, John Spencer, 1867-1928 285 Bassett, Joshua, fl. 1802 . 299 Bassewitz, Lt. , fl. 1775-80. 62 Bastard, John, fl. 1714 . . 194 Bastow, G. , fl. 1839 .... 39 Batch, N. A., fl. 1842 . . 166 Batcham, M. B. , fl. 1839 . 166 Batchelder, J. D. , fl. 1845 166 Bate, Thomas, fl. 1767 ... 62 Bate-Dudley, Sir Henry, 1745-1824 67 Bateman, John Bateman, 2nd viscount, d. 1802 . . 151 Bates, George C. , 1812-86 . 166 Bates, Helen B. , fl. 1928 . 285 Bates, John C. , 1842-1919 . . 7 Bates, Joshua, 1776-1854 20, 228 Bates, Rachel 249 Bates, W. M. , fl. 1867 ... 39 Bath, Elizabeth Cavendish Bentinck Thynne , marchioness of, 1734-1825 . 97 Bath, Harriet Baring Thynne, marchioness of, d. 1892 . . 67 Bath, John Grenville, 1st earl of, 1628-1701 .... 194 Bath, Thomas Thynne, 3rd viscount Weymouth, 1st marquess of, 1734-96 97, 98, 151, 275 Bathurst, Henry Bathurst, 1st baron Apsley, 2nd earl, 1714-94 98, 149, 174 Bathurst, Henry Bathurst, 2nd baron Apsley, 3rd earl, 1762-1834 67, 97, 103, 151, 194, 250 Batt, John Thomas, fl. 1786-1803 .... 62, 250 Batt, Thomas, fl. 1775 ... 95 Batten, John, fl. 1758 ... 14 Battier, John G. , fl. 1775 . 95 Batts, Henry, fl. 1797 . . 299 Batwell, Daniel, fl. 1779 . 62 Batwell, Lullum, fl. 1780 . 287 Baudeuil, James, 1783-1849. 228 Baudouin, Mons. , fl. 1782 . 90 Baudouin, Simon-Rene", 1723-post 1783 143 Baudrand, fl. 1841 52 Baugh, Thomas, fl. 1759 . . 95 Baugy, Chevalier de, fl. 1684 43 Baurmeister, Carl Leopold von, fl. 1775-84 147 Bautista, Antonio, fl. 1698 183 Bautista, Jose", fl. 1867 . . 74 Bautista, Miguel, fl. 1698. 183 Baxter, Alexander, fl. 1770. 95 Baxter, John, fl. 1792 ... 87 Baxter, William, fl. 1780 . 62 Bay, John, fl. 1801 .... 299 Bay, Thomas, fl. 1806 . . . 299 Bay, William, fl. 1806 . . 299 Baya, William, fl. 1865 . . 122 Bayard, Dr. James Ashe ton, 1737-70 174 Bayard, James Ashe ton, 1767-1815 103 Bayard, John, fl. 1779 ... 62 Bayard, John B. , 1738-1807 280 Bayard, N. , fl. 1799 . . . 299 Bayard, Robert, fl. 1766-78 62, 95 Bayard, Samuel J. , fl. 1833 122, 166 Bayard, Stephen, 1700-57 . . 61 Bayard, W. N. , fl. 1790 . . 299 Bayard, William, fl. 1819 . 299 Bayard, William, d. 1804 62, 95 Bayard & Couy, fl. 1778 . . 194 Bayless, John Clark, fl. 1841 30 Bayley, Rev. Abner, fl. 1790 20 332 BAYLEY BEDFORD Bayley, T. , fl. 1780 . . . 251 Bayley, William, fl. 1767 . 95 Baylor, George, 1752-84 . . 109 Bayly, John, fl. 1853 ... 67 Bayly, Richard, fl. 1761 . . 95 Bayning, 1st baron, see Townshend, Charles Baynton, Peter, fl. 1789-99 118, 193 Baynton, Wharton & Morgan, fl. 1765 95, 251 Bayntun, F., fl. 1795 ... 97 Bayten, Charles, fl. 1832 . 67 Baytry, William, fl. 1771 . 95 Bazaine, Adolfo, fl. 1867 . 74 Bazin, Jacques, de Besons, 1645-1733 89 Beach, Elisha, fl. 1833 . . 166 Beach, Ephraim, fl. 1824 . . 20 Beach, Morris, fl. 1822 . . 299 Beach, Noah, fl. 1844 ... 30 Beach, Samuel Bellamy, 1784-1866 194 Beacker, Jacob, fl. 1800 . 299 Beaconsf ield , 1st earl of, see Disraeli, Benjamin Beale, Matthew, fl. 1819 . 299 Beale, Phebe, fl. 1819 . . 299 Bealey, Thomas, fl. 1786 . . 62 Beall, Samuel Wootton, 1807-68 166 Beall, W. N. R. , fl. 1863 122 Beall, William Dent, d. 1829 109 Beals, Alanson, fl. 1844 . 166 Beard, Arthur, fl. 1765 . . 95 Beard, I. A., fl. 1836 ... 20 Beard, W. H. , fl. 1816 . . 299 Beardslee, Morison, fl. 1847 166 Beardsley, Alexander, fl. 1696 118 Beardsley, Eben E., 1808-91 71 Beardsley, Margaret, fl. 1699 118 Beardsley, Samuel, fl. 1758-66 14, 95 Beasley, R 228 Beasley, R. G. ... 174, 228 Beattie, Lawrence, fl. 1861 122 Beatty, Erkurius, 1759-1823 118 Beatty, John, 1749-1826 . . 62 Beaubien, Jean Baptiste Cuillerier, see Cuillerier, Jean Baptiste Beaubien Beaubien, Louis Antoine, 1754-1836 232 Beauchamp, viscount, see Hertford, marquess of Beauchamp, William Lygon, 1st earl, 1747-1816 . . 67, 97 Beaufort, Henry Somerset, 5th duke of, 1744-1803 97, 151 Beaufoy, Henry, fl. 1837 . . 20 Beaugrand, Jean Baptiste, fl. 1811 52 Beauharnais, Charles de la Baische, marquis de, c. 1670-1749 232 Beauharnais, Francois de, 1665-1746 ..." 43 Beaumarchais, Marie-The'rese^- Emilie Willermaulaz , Mme. Pierre-Augustin Caron de, c. 1751-1816 22 Beaumarchais, Pierre-Augustin Caron de, 1732-99 22, 90, 174, 223 Beaumont, Hammond, fl. 1778 62 Beaumont, John, fl. 1840 . . 30 Beaumont, P. de 289 Beaumont, S. , fl. 1837 . . 294 Beauregard, Armand, fl. 1861 122 Beauregard, Pierre Gustave Toutant, 1818-93 64 Beauteville, Jean-Louis du Brisson de, 1708-c. 75 . . 251 Beauvais, Raphael, fl. 1767. 95 Bebb, S., fl. 1808 .... 234 Beck, John, fl. 1796 . . . 299 Becker, Abraham, fl. 1850 . 166 Becker, Carl Lotus, 1873-1945 285 Becker, George S., fl. 1845 166 Becker, Jacob, fl. 1800 . . 299 Becker, Peter, fl. 1840 . . 299 Becker, William Tunis, fl. 1800 299 Beckett, J., fl. 1812 ... 67 Beckford, Catherine Richardson, fl. 1828 ... 20 Beckford, Thomas, fl. 1813 . 20 Beckley, Rev. Guy, d. 1850 . 30 Beckman, John, fl. 1781 . . 62 Beckwith, Cyrus, fl. 1834 . 166 Beckwith, Sir George, 1753-1823 .... 62, 194, 253 Beckwith, Ichabod, fl. 1781. 62 Beckwith, John, fl. 1758-64 14, 95 Beckwith, Rev. John Watrous, 1831-90 79 Beckwith, Onslow, fl. 1775 . 95 Bedell, Rev. Gregory Thurston, b. 1817 79 Bedford, Francis, fl. 1870 . 39 Bedford, Francis Russell, 7th duke of, 1788-1861 . . 239 BEDFORD - BEMENT 333 Bedford, John Russell, 4th duke of, 1710-71 61, 192, 251 Bedford, John Russell, 6th duke of, 1766-1839 194, 228 Bedmar, Mr., fl. 1713 ... 251 Bee, Hamilton Prioleau, 1822-97 64 Bee, Thomas, fl. 1777 . . . 194 Beebe, Nathan 109 Beecher, Edward, 1803-95 . 165 Beecher, Rev. Henry Ward, 1813-87 30, 262 Beecher, Lyman, 1775-1863 294 Beedon, John, fl. 1845 . . 166 Beeker, Peter, fl. 1838 . . 299 Beekman , Barnard, fl. 1775-82 62 Beekman, David, fl. 1763 . . 2 Beekamn, J. P., fl. 1847 . 299 Beekamn, James W. , fl. 1838 299 Beekman, John K. , fl. 1799. 299 Beekman, P. D. , fl. 1828 . 299 Beekman, Samuel, fl. 1796 . 299 Beekman, Thomas, fl. 1814 . 299 Beel, J. Romeyn, fl. 1855 . 39 Beer, George Louis, 1872-1920 285 Beeson, Jacob, fl. 1813 . . 23 Beeson, Jacob, 1807-85 . . 166 Be*gon, Claude-Michel, sieur de la Picardi^re, 1674-1740 43 Beguigue, Joseph, fl. 1817. 191 Beichler, Christopher ... 62 Beirne, George P., fl. 1835-42 30 Beker, Jacob, fl. 1799 . . 299 Belasyse, Henry, see Fauconberg, 2nd earl of Belaunzaran, Juan Bauptista de, fl. 1737 251 Belaurazan, Fr. Jose" Maria de Jeuy, fl. 1829 .... 181 Belcher, C. E., fl. 1865 . 294 Belcher, Jonathan, 1681-1757 .... 61, 194, 251 Belding, Ransom R. , fl. 1846 166 Belestre, Francois-Marie Picottie, sieur de, 1719-93 95 Belford, William, fl. 1782. 194 Belgioioso, Barbaro, comte de, fl. 1785 268 Belgium Sovereigns Leopold I, 1790-1865 . . 228 Belknap, Jeremy, 1744-98 . 194 Belknap, Samuel, fl. 1782 . 20 Belknap, T. , fl. 1867 ... 39 Bell, Alexander F. , fl. 1842 166 Bell, Andrew, fl. 1790 . . 299 Bell, Charles, fl. 1835 . . 166 Bell, Sir Charles, 1774-1842 151 Bell, Charles Henry, 1823-93 64 Bell, Daniel, fl. 1781 . . 127 Bell, Dr. David, 1810-post 1837 30 Bell, Digby, V., fl. 1843 . 166 Bell, Edward, fl. 1782 . . 251 Bell, Henry H. , 1808-68 . . 122 Bell, Hiram, fl. 1845 ... 30 Bell, Isabella, fl. 1802 . 299 Bell, Sir John, 1782-1876 174 Bell, John, fl. 1828 . . . 299 Bell, John 62 Bell, Joshua F. , fl. 1838 . 30 Bell, Kenneth Norman, 1884- 285 Bell, Phoebe McCue 8 Bell, Stephen, fl. 1782 . . 251 Bell, Sir William, fl. 1812-67 24 Bell, William 109 Bellamont, Charles Coote, 5th baron Coote, earl of, d. 1800 98 Bellecour, Francois Desruisseaux, see Trotier, Francis Xavier Bellefond, Sieur de, fl. 1708 43 Belleisle, Charles-Louis- Auguste Fouquet, comte de, 1684-1761 251 Belleisle en Mer. Commissaire de Guerre, fl. 1763 . . . 251 Belleville (N. J.) , citizens of, 1842 .... 294 Bellini, Charles, fl. 1778. 251 Belloni, Jean Angelo, fl. 1732 251 Bellows, Eliza Nevins, Mrs. Henry Whitney, d. 1869 294 Bellows, Henry Whitney, 1814-82 294 Bellumay, John B. , fl. 1849. 39 Belmore, Armar Lowry-Corry, 1st earl of, d. 1802 ... 98 Belmore, Somerset Lowry- Corry, 2nd earl of, 1774-1841 67 Beman , Rev. Nathaniel S. S., 1785-1871 294 Bembridge, Charles, fl. 1781 268 Bement, Dr. R. B. , fl. 1844 166 Bement & Swift, fl. 1812 . 299 334 BEMIS - BERNALDEZ Bemis, Samuel Flagg, 1891- 285 Benac, Mons. , fl. 1691 ... 43 Benavides, Jose" Miguel, fl. 1816 182 Benavides, Rafael, fl. 1867. 74 Benbow, Samuel, fl. 1767 . . 95 Benbury, Thomas, fl. 1780 . 109 Benedick, Mr., fl. 1809 . . 250 Benedict, James, fl. 1828 299 Benedict, Robert D. , fl. 1900 289 Benedict, S. W. , fl. 1838 165 Benedict, Samuel, fl. 1869 . 39 Benezet, A., fl. 1908 . . . 289 Benfield, Paul, d. 1810 . . 98 Bengal. Governor and Council 98, 251 Benham, Henry Washington, 1813-84 64 Benitez, Justo, 1832-1900 . 74 Benjamin, Aaron, fl. 1754 . . 4 Benjamin, George, fl. 1754 . 4 Benjamin, Judah Philip, 1811-84 52 Benjamin, Park, 1809-64 . . 52 Bennan, James, fl. 1775 . . 301 Benner, Hendrick, fl. 1785. 299 Benner, Henry, fl. 1800 . . 299 Bennet, B. G. , fl. 1844 . . 166 Bennet, Charles, see Tankerville, 3rd earl of Bennett, Alonzo, c. 1817-88 166 Bennett, C. , fl. 1847 ... 39 Bennett, Charles G. , 1863-1914 7 Bennett, J., fl. 1838 . . . 299 Bennett, James O'Donnell, 1870-1940 194 Bennett, Dr. John Cook, fl. 1834 166 Bennett, Reo, fl. 1927 ... 31 Bennett, William, fl. 1799. 194 Benning, Friedrich Ludwig von, fl. 1782 147 Benson, Christopher, fl. 1778 62 Benson, Egbert, 1746-1833 121, 280 Benson, George, fl. 1770-1814 . . 62, 268, 301 Benson, Martin, fl. 1784 . 109 Benson, Martin, fl. 1808 . 250 Benson, Robert, fl. 1780 62, 194 Benson, Silas, fl. 1834 . . 166 Bensuade, Joaquim, fl. 1914 289 Bentham, Edward William, fl. 1770 95 Bentham, Rev. James, 1708-94 62, 194 Bentham, Jeremy, 1748-1832 286 Bentham, Sir Samuel, 1757-1831 174, 194 Bentheim, Carl Heinrich, fl. 1776 147 Bentinck, William Henry Cavendish, see Portland, 3rd duke of Bentley, A. V., fl. 1844 . . 30 Bentley, Barbara 109 Bentley, William, fl. 1781 109 Bently, Mrs. Barbara, fl. 1784 109 Benton, S. , fl. 1823 . . . 299 Benton, Samuel, & Co. . . 299 Benton, Thomas Hart, 1782-1858 52, 64 Benton, Walter, fl. 1847 . 299 Berdot, Frederick, fl. 1780. 62 Berens, John, fl. 1781 . . 251 Beresford, John, 1738-1805 275 Beresford, William Carr Beresford, 1st viscount, 1768-1854 97, 174 Beresford, Rev. George de la Poer, 1765-1841 .... 67 Berger, George Henry, fl. 1782 109 Bergey, Mons., fl. 1784 . . 268 Berkeley, Frederick Augustus Berkeley, 5th earl of, c. 1745-1810. 97, 151 Berkeley, Rev. George, fl. 1782 151, 251 Berkeley, George Cranfield Berkeley, 17th baron, 1753-1818 194 Berkeley, Maurice F. F. , see Fitzhardinge, 1st baron Berkeley, Norborne, see Botetourt, baron de Berkenhout, Dr. John, 1730?-91 98 Berlandier, Jean Luis, fl. 1826-35 25 Bermuda Attorney general 251 Council 95, 251 General Assembly 95 Legislature 251 Bermudez de Castro, Francisco, fl. 1693 . . . 183 Bermudez de Castro, Juan, fl. 1686 183 Bernal, Miguel fl. 1833 181 Bernildez, Andre's, d. 1513? 26, 27 BERNARD - BIGELOW 335 Bernard, Anne-Gabriel- Henri, see Boulanvilliers, marquis de Bernard, Beausoleil, fl. 1768 95 Bernard, Sir Francis, bart., 1712-79 28, 95, 194, 251 Bernard, George 174 Bernard, James B. , fl. 1837 194 Bernard, Peter, fl. 1778 . . 62 Bernard, Rev. Thomas, fl. 1780 98 Bernie, James, fl. 1842 . . 30 Berrien, John M. , fl. 1835 166 Berrin, George and James, fl. 1780 62 Berry, Sir Edward, 1768-1831 67 Berry, Dr. Enos G. , fl. 1844 166 Berry, Isaac Y. , fl. 1827 . 20 Berry, John, fl. 1781 ... 62 Berry, Samuel J. , fl. 1829 299 Berry, Thomas, fl. 1779 . . 98 Berryhill, John, fl. 1782 109 Bertie, Willoughby, see Abingdon, 4th earl of Bertin, Mons., fl. 1779 . . 127 Bertoff, David, fl. 1790 . 299 Bertrand, Sieur Jean- Baptiste, fl. 1766 .... 251 Bertrand, John, fl. 1767 . . 95 Berwind, Edward J., fl. 1878 259 Beseke, C. W. , fl. 1773 . . 143 Bessar, H. W. , fl. 1838 . . 299 Bessett, James, fl. 1872 . 133 Best, George J., fl. 1803 . 299 Best, John W. , fl. 1817 . . 299 Best, Lewis, fl. 1841 . . . 299 Best, Wm. Draper, 1st baron Wynford, 1767-1845 . 194 Best & Hicks, fl. 1850 . . 299 Bestemarth, Worende op de, fl. 1843 228 Bestrand, E. , fl. 1838 . . 194 Betbeder, Mons., fl. 1781 . 127 Bethell, Richard, see Westbury, 1st baron Betheney Town, inhabitants of, fl. 1791 118 Bethlehem (Pa.) 29 Bethune, George, fl. 1845 . 39 Bethune, George and Nathaniel, fl. 1763 .... 95 Bethune, George Washington, 1805-62 52 Bethune, James, fl. 17 69 . . 95 Betton, David, fl. 1772-94 95, 253 Betts, Benjamin, fl. 1778 62 Betts, George A. , fl. 1860 36 Betts, Luckyn, fl. 1782 . 251 Bettys, Joseph, f. 1782 . . 62 Beulditz, Herr von, fl. 1787 97 Be vans, Dr. John, fl. 1833 166 Beverhondt, Margaret, fl. 1753 194 Beveridge, Albert J., 1862-1927 7 Beverly, John E. , fl. 1855 30 Bevier, E. R. , fl. 1810 . 299 Bewes, George, fl. 1770 . . 95 Bexley, 1st baron, see Vansittart, Nicholas Bey, Savek 228 Beyer, Barnet J 31 Bezou, Henry, fl. 1880 . . 289 Bianconi, Giovanni Guiseppe, 1809-78 .... 289 Bibb, George Mortimer, 1776-1859 166 Bibb, Henry, fl. 1842-49 . 30 Bibby, Thomas, fl. 1782 . . 62 Bickell, Alexander Wilhelm, fl. 1781 .... 147 Bickers, John, fl. 1781 . . 62 Bickerton, Sir Richard Hussey, 1759-1832 .... 67 Bicknell, Charles, fl. 1812 67 Bidal, Claude-Francois, chevalier & marquis d'Asfeld, 1667-1743 ... 89 Biddle, Charles, fl. 1787-90 .... 118, 194 Biddle, Charles, fl. 1905 . 6 Biddle, Clement, 1740-1814 109, 118, 194, 280 Biddle, Edward, fl. 1848 . 228 Biddle, John, fl. 1780 . . 62 Biddle, John, 1792-1859 . 166 Biddle, Moncure, fl. 1950 . 31 Biddle, Nicholas, 1786-1844 52, 194 Bidwell, Daniel D. , fl. 1861 64 Bidwell, J., fl. 1845 . . 228 Bienvenu, Alexis 232 Bigelow, Asa, fl. 1810 . . 299 Bigelow, Daniel, fl. 1835. 166 B^Lgelow, George Tyler, fl. 1834 166 Bigelow, Dr. J., fl. 1847 . 39 Bigelow, Jacob, 1786-1879 194 336 BIGELOW - BLACKWELL Bigelow, Joshua, fl. 1774 . . 95 Bigelow, Poultney, 1855- . . 285 Bigelow, Dr. R. M. , fl. 1847 166 Bigelow & Isham, fl. 1810 . 299 Biggerstaff, Samuel, fl. 1778 62 Biggs, Capt., fl. 1781 ... 62 Biggs, J., fl. 1832 .... 228 Biggs, L. J., fl. 1818 ... 67 Biggs, Uriah, fl. 1845 ... 166 Bighara, John, fl. 1780 . . . 109 Bignall, Robert, fl. 1781 . 109 Bigot, Francois 194 Bille, Steen, fl. 1844 ... 52 Billings, E., fl. 1829 ... 52 Billings, E. A., 247 Billings, Henry, fl. 1829 . . 52 Billings, William, fl. 1828 . 52 Billiond, Jean Baptiste, fl. 1765 95 Billopp, Christopher, 1737-1827 62 Bindley, James, fl. 1782 . . 151 Bingham, Hiram, 1875- . 194, 285 Bingham, Kinsley Scott, 1808-61 30, 166 Bingham, Lemuel, fl. 1834 . 166 Bingham, Thomas, fl. 1752 . 268 Bingham, William, 1751-1804 .... 151, 251, 280 Bininger & Co., fl. 1838 . . 299 Binney, Horace, 1780-1875 52, 71, 166 Birch, George, fl. 1823 . . 299 Birch, J. R., fl. 1810 . . . 299 Birch, 'Job, fl. 1772 .... 275 Birch, Samuel, fl. 1779 . 62, 95 Birch, Thomas, fl. 1807 . . 250 Birch, Tryce, fl. 1767 ... 62 Birkhead, Dr. Lenox, fl. 1838 166 Bird, Charles, fl. 1900 . . 125 Bird, William, fl. 1747 ... 29 Birdsall, Benjamin, fl. 1801 299 Birney, Agatha A. L. McDowell, Mrs. James Gillespie, d. 1839 30 Birney, David Bell, 1825-64 30 Birney, Dion, fl. 1832-45 . . 30 Birney, Elizabeth Fitzhugh, Mrs. James Gillespie, fl. 1844 30 Birney, Florence, fl. 1848 . 30 Birney, George, fl. 1854 . . 30 Birney, James, d. 1839 ... 30 Birney, James, 1817-88 ... 30 Birney, James, fl. 1835 . . 244 Birney, James Gillespie, 1792-1857 30, 294 Birney, John, fl. 1864 ... 64 Birney, Katy H. , fl. 1855 . . 30 Birney, William 1819-1907 30, 64 Birrill, Richard, fl. 1822 67 Bischof fswerder, Hans Rodolph, freiherr von, d. 1803 97 Bishop, Abraham, 1763-1844. 194 Bishop, Anna, 1814-1884 . . 228 Bishop, Emeline, fl. 1835 . 294 Bishop, Joel Prentiss, 1814-1901 294 Bishop, Peter, fl. 1798 . . 299 Bishop, Robert H. , 1777-1855 30 Bishop, T. A., fl. 1865 . . 36 Bishop, Thomas, fl. 1775 . . 95 Bishop, William Warner, 1871- 285 Bissell, Mrs. Henrietta, fl. 1831 294 Bissell, Rev. Wm. Henry Augustus, b. 1814 79 Bixby, William Keeney, 1857-1931 31 Blaau, Uriah, fl. 1782 . . 109 Black, Adam, 1784-1874 . . 151 Black, David, fl. 1774 ... 52 Black, H. D., fl. 1868 ... 87 Black, J. S., fl. 1818-58 . 52 Black, Jeremiah Sullivan, 1810-83 64 Black, Mary, fl. 1670 . . . 194 Black, Matthew 62 Black, Samuel, fl. 1768 . . 95 Black, W. M., fl. 1898 . . 125 Blackburn, John, fl. 1770-82 ... 95, 98, 251 Blackburn, William, fl. 1845 39 Blackburne, Francis, fl. 1782 158 Blackden, Samuel, fl. 1779 . 62 Blacker, Henry, fl. 1775 . . 95 Blackford, John, fl. 1670 . 194 Blackford, Martin, fl. 1779. 62 Blackman, James C. H. , fl. 1834 166 Blackman, John Lurie, fl. 1726 194 Blackman, Silvanus, fl. 1835 166 Blackmore, J., fl. 1847 . . 30 Blackney, William A., fl. 1844 30, 166 Blackstone, Sir William, 1723-80 151 Blackwell, Antoinette Brown, Mrs. Samuel C. , 1825-1921 294 Blackwell, Henry Brown, 1825-1909 294 Blackwell, Mrs. Henry Brown, see Stone, Lucy BLACKWELL - BLOOM 3 3.7 64, 166 1780 . , Blackwell, Jacob, d. 1775 Blackwood, Sir Henry, 1770-1832 Blackwood, J., fl. 1735 . Blackwood, William, 1776-1834 Bladen, Martin, 1680-1746 Bladen, Thomas, 1698-1780 Blades, William, 1824-90 . Blagden, Sir Charles, 1748-1820 Blain, James, fl. 1785 . . Blaine, Ephraim, d. 1804 . Blaine, Harriet Stanwood, Mrs. James G. , fl. 1891 . Blaine, James G. , 1830-93 Blair, Frank P. , 1821-1875 . . . Blair, George, fl Blair, Rev. Hugh, 1718-1800 Blair, John, 1687-1771. 95, Blair, M. P., fl. 1840 . . Blair, Montgomery, 1813-83 52 Blair, Phineas, fl. 1827 . Blair, William T. , fl. 1840 Blake, A. V., fl. 1840. 39 Blake, Edward, fl. 1851 . Blake, Edward, fl. Blake, Joshua, fl. Blake, Pynson, fl. Blake, Richard, fl Blake, Thomas H. , 1792-1849 Blake, Sir Valentine John, 12th bart. , 1780-1847 . . Blakeway, E. , fl. 1787 . . Blanchard, A. Bailly, fl. 1896 Blanchard, Blanchard, fl. 1767 Blanchard, fl. 1781 Blanchard, fl. 1843 Blanchard, 1811-92 Blanchard, Joseph, fl Blanchard, Rufus, 1821-1904 Blanchard, Stillman, fl. 1834 Blanchard, Dr. Washington Z., fl. 1847 Blanckley, H. Staneford, fl. 1779 Blanckley, T. R. , fl. 1748. Bland, James * . Bland, Theodoric, 1742-90 ' . . 1783 , 1832 , 1847 , 1826 C, fl. 1834 Charles, Cornelius, John C. , Jonathan 95, 251 . 174 251 , 67 61 61 262 , 62 299 118 7 . 7 194 62 194 251 30 64 20 30 166 39 109 20 39 299 166 67 2 68 289 69 95 62 166 294 95 289 166 166 62 292 122 1770 Bland, Thomas, d. 1816 ... 62 Blane, Archibald, fl. 1763 . 95 Blankenbush, Frederick ... 62 Blankett, John, d. 1801 251, 268 Blaquiere, Sir John, baron de Blaquiere, 1732-1812 . 149 Blarquer, Antonio 289 Bias de Castillejo, fl. 1692 183 Blass, Catherine, fl. 1798. 299 Blass, Christian, fl. 1830. 299 Blass, Hanna, fl. 1797 . . 299 Blass, Hendrick, fl. 1815 . 299 Blass, Henry, fl. 1815 . . 299 Blass, Patrick, fl. 1802 . 299 Blatchford, R. M. , fl. 1823 299 Blatford, Seward, Griswold & Da Casta, fl. 1871 ... 39 Blathwayt, William, 1649?-1717 194 Blauvelt, Tunis 62 Bleammack, Robert, fl. 1838. 52 Blechyndon, Thomas, fl. 1738 251 Bleck, A., fl. 1785 .... 299 Bleecher, John, fl. 1759 . . 95 Bleecker, Barent, fl. 1804. 299 Bleecker, H. , fl. 1826 . . 299 Bleecker, H. , fl. 1842 . . 228 Bleecker, R. W. , fl. 1865 . 36 Bleecker, Rutger Jansen, 1675-1756 61 Blenker, Louis, fl. 1861 . . 64 Blenman, Jonathan, fl. 1757 194 Blewitt, Octavian, 1810-84. 151 Bligh, John, fl. 1841 . . . 228 Bligh, Thomas, 1685-1775 . 251 Bliss, Aaron T. , 1837-1906 . 7 Bliss, Cornelius N. , 1833-1911 7 Bliss, Tasker H. , 1853-1930 125 Blizard, Stephen, fl. 1749 . 16 Blizzard, Conway, fl. 1764 . 95 Block, Benjamin A. , fl. 1899 7 Blodget, Samuel, 1757-1814 194 Blodget, William, fl. 1770-79 20, 109 Blogget, Nathan, fl. 1737 . 20 Blood, Frederick H. , fl. 1857 52 Blood, O. H., fl. 1845 ... 39 Bloodgood, F., fl. 1799 . . 299 Bloodgood, James, fl. 1827 299 Bloodgood, Thomas, fl. 1826 299 Bloom, Pamette, fl. 1802 . 299 62 338 BLOOMFIELD - BOOTH Bloomfield, Benjamin, 1st baron Bloomfield, 1768-1846 67, 228 Bloomfield, Moses, d. 1791 194 Blouin, Daniel, d. c. 1781 95 Blount, Reading, d. 1807 . 109 Blount, William, 1749-1800 109, 280 Blowers, Sampson Salter, 1742-1841 .... 11, 62, 251 Blucke, John, fl. 1774-82 62, 301 Blume, Carle J. , fl. 1897 52 Blumenkran, A., fl. 1867 . . 74 Blundell, Christopher, fl. 1768 62, 95 Blunt, Charles, fl. 1779 . . 62 Blyth, William, fl. 1768 . . 95 Boak, Arthur Edward Romilly, 1888- 285 Boardman, E. N. , fl. 1847 . 39 Boardman, George Dana ... 52 Boardman, Horace, fl. 1850 166 Boardman, Mrs. M. M. , fl. 1844 166 Boas, Emil L. , fl. 1898 . . 125 Boase, Henry, 1763-1827 . . 250 Bocanegra, Jose* Maria de, fl. 1829 185 Bockee, Isaac S. , fl. 1846 166 Boddington, John, fl. 1765-71 95 Bodine, Gilbert, fl. 1805 . 299 Bodwell, Nathan, fl. 1795 . 20 Boers, Mr., fl. 1787 .... 97 Boerum, Simon, 1724-1775 . 280 Bogaert, Le*on, fl. 1908 . . 289 Bogardus, Henry, fl. 1817 . 299 Bogardus, J. B. , fl. 1844 . 299 Bogardus, James, fl. 1801 . 299 Bogardus, P. & A. , fl. 1850 299 Bogardus, Peter, fl. 1850 . 299 Bogardus, Samuel, fl. 1825. 299 Bogardus & White, fl. 1850. 299 Bogardus, Groat & Co., fl. 1847 299 Bogart, Jacob, fl. 1768 . . 95 Bogart, Peter, fl. 1777 . . 62 Bogdani, W. , fl. 1749 . . . 292 Boggs, Charles Stuart, 1811-88 64 Boimare, A. L. , fl. 1866 . 289 Boirac, Emile, 1851-1917 . 285 Boishebert, Louis-Henri Deschamps, sieur de, 1679-1736 43 Bolano, Jazintho, fl. 1747. 183 Bolingbroke, Henry St. John, 1st viscount, 1678-1751 . 251 Bolivar, Simon, 1783-1830 . 174 Bolles, John N. , fl. 1790 . 299 Boiling, Christopher, fl. 1798 164 Bollinger, James Willis, b. 1867 194 Bolly, David C. , fl. 1822 . 39 Boloir, Jayme, fl. 1780 . . 62 Bolton, AbramF., fl. 1835. 166 Bolton, Herbert Eugene, 1870- 285 Bolton, Mason, fl. 1778 . . 62 Bolton, Thomas, fl. 1817 . 299 Bolton, Thomas Orde, 1st baron, 1746-1807 151, 251, 268 Boltwood, Lucius M. , fl. 1857 31 Bomford, George, fl. 1833 . 228 Bonaparte, Charles L. , fl. 1829 228 Bonaparte, Jerome Napoleon, 1805-1870 52, 228 Bonavia, V., fl. 1810 . . . 182 Bond, C. V., fl. 1851 ... 39 Bond, Elizabeth Powell, Mrs. Henry Herrick, 1841-1926 294 Bond, George, fl. 1788 . . 127 Bond, John G. , fl. 1846 . . 166 Bond, Lewis, fl. 1793-1835 .... 30, 166 Bond, P., fl. 1755 .... 118 Bond, Phineas, 1749-1815 62, 174 Bond, Samuel Cato, fl. 1812 299 Bonesteel, Henry, fl. 1815 299 Bonesteel, P. W. , fl. 1840. 299 Bonesteel, V. D. , fl. 1829. 299 Bonet, Juan Bautista, 1709-85 62 "Bon Francois, Un," fl. 1781 251 Bonham, Milledge Luke, 1813-90 64 Bonnycastle, Mrs. A. M. , fl. 1846 166 Bonrepaus, Francois Dusson, marquis D' Usson et sieur de, c. 1650-1719 251 Bonsell, George, fl. 1781 . 62 Bontelle, Luther, fl. 1893. 294 Bontier, Pierre, fl. 1874 . 289 Boog, Robert, fl. 1794 . . 194 Booker, Paul J., fl. 1839 . 30 Boone, Gov. Thomas, fl. 1761-64 ... 14, 95, 251 Boone, Rev. Wm. Jones, 1811-64 79 Boone, Rev. Wm. Jones 1847-91 79 Booth, John S. , fl. 1837 20 BOOTH - BOURN 339 Booth, Justus, fl. 1827 . . 299 Booth, Maude W 52 Booth, Sherman M., fl. 1836-58 294 Booth, William A. , fl. 1839 166 Booth, William L. , fl. 1844 166 Booth, William W. , fl. 1845 30 Bootle-Wilbraham, Edward, 1st baron Skelmersdale, 1771-1853 67 Borbone, Carlo 40 Borchard, Edwin M. , fl. 1923 228 Borck, Heinrich von, fl. 1781 147 Borden, William, fl. 1782 . 11 Boreel, R. , fl. 1845 . . . 228 Borel, Louis Fauche, fl. 1812 67 Borgan, John 62 Borington, 2nd baron, see Morley, 1st earl of Borless, G. S. , fl. 1832 . . 67 Borland, John, fl. 1836 . . 39 Borthwick, William, 1760-1820 174 Borup, Dr. Charles W. , fl. 1846 166 Boscawen, Edward, 1711-61 . 194 Bose, Carl von, fl. 1781 . 147 Bosey, Pablo 62 Boston, Frederick Irby, 2nd baron, 1749-1825 ... 97 Boston, William, 1840-1915 32, 194 Boston Agents of Transport fl. 1775 95 Commissioners of Customs, fl. 1775 95 Committee of Correspondence, fl. 1775 95 Committee of the Town of, fl. 1770 95 Five Companies of Associates, fl. 1775 ... 95 Inhabitants of, fl. 1774 . 95 Loyal inhabitants of, fl. 1775 95 Loyalists of, fl. 1775 . . 62 Selectmen, fl. 1775 .... 95 Town meeting 95, 293 Boston & Lowell Railroad Corp., 1834 20 Bostwick, Andrew, fl. 1782 109 Bostwick, C. B. , fl. 1820 . 299 Bostwick, R. W. , fl. 1817 . 299 Bostwick, E. B. , fl. 1845 . 166 Bostwick, Henry, fl. 1763-81 95 Bostwick, 0. N. , fl. 1844 . 166 Boswell, Sir Alexander, 1775-1822 67 Boteler, Alex R. , fl. 1862 122, 228 Botetourt, Norborne Berkeley, baron de, c. 1718-70 95 Botfield, Beriah, fl. 1859 . 36 Bothwell, Neill, fl. 1735 . 251 Botner, Elias 62 Botsford, Amos, fl. 1782 . . 62 Bottomly, Thomas, fl. 1844 . 39 Botts, Benjamin, fl. 1798 . 194 Botts, John M., fl. 1848 . 228 Boucher, Mons. , fl. 1778 . 143 Boucher, James, fl. 1800 . 299 Boucher, James, fl. 1768 . . 95 Boucher, Jonathan, 1738-1804 98 Bouck, William C, fl. 1838 299 Boudet, A., fl. 1774 . . . 143 Boudinot, Elias, 1740-1821 121 Bouf f lers-Rouvrel, Marie- Charlotte Hippolyte, comtesse de, 1724-c. 1800 . 97 Bougainville, Comte de, 1729-1811 194 Boughton, Selleck C. , fl. 1834 166 Bouillon, Godef roi-Charles- Henri de la Tour d'Auvergne, due de, d. 1792 268 Bouillon, Philip d'Auvergne, due de, 1754-1816 97, 250, 268 Boulainvilliers, Anne- Gabriel-Henri Bernard, marquis de, fl. 1770 . . . 127 Boulard, J., fl. 1766 ... 95 Boulton, Matthew, 1728-1809 97 Bouney, Mrs. C. V. R. , fl. 1875 299 Bouquet, Henry, 1719-65 14, 95 Bourassa, J. G. , fl. 1763 . 95 Bourchier, John 67 Bourdault, Veronique, fl. 1761 191 Bourdieu, James, fl. 1782 . 251 Bourdieu, Cholet & Bourdieu, fl. 1782 251 Bourdon, Louis Gabriel, 1741-95 194 Bourgoing, Jean-Francois, 1748-1811 90 Bourke, John, fl. 1772 . . 275 Bourmaster, John, fl. 1775 95 Bourn, Thomas, fl. 1774 95 340 BOURNE - BRADBRIDGE Bourne, Benjamin, 1755-1808 109, 194 Bourne, Edward Gay lord, 1860-1908 285 Bourne, H. A., fl. 1898 . . 125 Bourne, Henry, fl. 1810 . . 299 Bourne, Mary, fl. 1810 . . . 299 Bourne, S 174 Bouton, J. W., fl. 1865 ... 39 Bouverie, William Henry, fl. 1783 251 Bowditch, Dr. Henry I., 1808-92 294 Bowditch, J. Ingersoll, fl. 1841 39 Bowdoin, James, 1726-90 34, 194, 251 Bowdoin, James, 1762-1811 . . 95 Bowen, Dr. A. W. , fl. 1834 166 Bowen, Charles 109 Bowen, Emanuel, fl. 1747 . . 251 Bowen, Ephraim, fl. 1779 . . 109 Bowen, Henry, fl. 1783 . . . 251 Bowen, James, 1751-1835 ... 97 Bowen, James, fl. 1794 . . . 118 Bowen, James, fl. 1840-45 64, 246 Bowen, John, fl. 1775-80. 62, 95 Bowen, Luther H. , fl. 1833 166 Bowen, Nathaniel, 1779-1839 79 Bowen, Oliver, fl. 1780 . . 109 Bowen, Thomas Bartholomeus, fl. 1782 251 Bowen, William B. , fl. 1823 299 Bower, Jacob, d. 1822 . . . 109 Bower, John H. , fl. 1780 . . 62 Bower, Joseph M., fl. 1836 194 Bowers, Theodore S., 1832-66 122 Bowes, Frederick, fl. 1780 . 62 Bowie, John, fl. 1767 .... 95 Bowie, John, fl. 1780 . . . 109 Bowie, Richard Johns, 1807-81 87 Bowie, Robert, c. 1750-1818. 194 Bowie, Thomas Latimer, fl. 1838 166 Bowker, Anthony, fl. 1774 . . 95 Bowler, Metcalf, 1726-89 . . 62 Bowles, Rev. William Lisle, 1762-1850 153 Bowley, John, fl. 1817 . . . 299 Bowly, Samuel H. , fl. 1843 . 30 Bowman, Mr., fl. 1781 .... 62 Bowman, David, fl. 1767 . . 251 Bowman, J 62 Bowman, J., fl. 1784 .... 109 Bowman, Nathaniel, fl. 1819. 299 Bowman, Rev. Samuel, 1800-61. 79 Bowyer, Henry, d. 1832 . . 109 Bowyer, John M. , fl. 1833 30 Bowyer, Robert, 1758-1834 97 Bowyer, William 62 Box, George, fl. 1783 . . . 251 Boyant, L. , fl. 1913 . . . 289 Boyce, William 62 Boyce, William W. , fl. 1853 64 Boycott, Richard, fl. 1780 287 Boyd, Mr., fl. 1781 .... 62 Boyd, Andrew, fl. 1784 . . 109 Boyd, David, fl. 1799 . . . 299 Boyd, George William, fl. 1834 166 Boyd, John, fl. 1840 . . . 299 Boyd, John, fl. 1761 .... 35 Boyd, John, fl. 1778 .... 62 Boyd, Julian Parks, 1903- . 194 Boyd, M. H., fl. 1846 . . . 228 Boyd, Ponsonby, fl. 1770 . 275 Boyd, Sir Robert, 1710-94 97, 268 Boyd, Samuel, fl. 1812 ... 62 Boyd, Walter, 17547-1837 . 174 Boydell, Josiah, 1752-1817 97 Boyden, Joseph, fl. 1852 . . 39 Boye*, Mons., fl. 1754 . . . 251 Boyer, James 109 Boyer, Joshua, fl. 1836 . . 166 Boykin, B. , fl. 1832 .... 30 Boyle, Cornelius, fl. 1841 . 87 Boyle, Hugh, fl. 1767 ... 95 Boyle, Isaac, fl. 1840 ... 39 Boyle, John, fl. 1834 ... 20 Boyle, Oliver, fl. 1841 . . 165 Boyle, Philip, fl. 1768 . . 95 Boyle, Richard, see Shannon, 2nd earl of Boyle, Richard, fl. 1781 . 109 Boynton, H. V., fl. 1900 . . 7 Boynton, John, fl. 1745 . . 194 Boynton & Hyde, fl. 1838 . 166 Brabazon, Edward, fl. 1766 95 Brabazon, George, fl. 1779 . 62 Brace, Charles Loring, 1826-90 194 Brace, Henry, fl. 1897 . . 299 Bracken, Charles, fl. 1834 166 Brackett, Anthony 194 Brackett, J. Q. A., fl. 1891 294 Brackett, J. W. , fl. 1825 . 299 Brackett, Warren, fl. 1823. 299 Brackin, Richard H. , fl. 1844 30 Brad, Charles, fl. 1767 . . 251 Bradbridge, Thomas, fl. 1787 62 BRADBURY - BREILLE 341 Bradbury, Jeremiah, fl. 1848 52 Bradbury, Soden & Co., fl. 1844 299 Braddyll, Wilson, fl. 1780. 194 Bradford, Alden, 1765-1843 31, 87 Bradford, James, fl. 17 65 . 95 Bradford, James, d. 17 91 52, 62, 118 Bradford, Vincent L. , d. 1884 166 Bradford, W. L., fl. 1797 . 299 Bradford, William, 1729-1808 280 Bradford, William J. A., fl. 1827 20 Bradford Club 36 Bradish, David, d. 1818 37, 194 Bradley, Abraham, fl. 1800 299 Bradley, Edward, 1808-47 166 Bradley, Effie L. , fl. 1918 165 Bradley, Henry," fl. 1845 . . 30 Bradley, John, fl. 1770 . . 95 Bradley, John, fl. 1780 . . 109 Bradley, John, fl. 1837 . . 166 Bradley, Joseph H. , fl. 1842 87 Bradley, R. R. , fl. 1781 . . 62 Bradley, Richard, fl. 1744 . 61 Bradley, Samuel A., fl. 1836 20 Bradley, William O. , 1847-1914 7 Bradshaw, Henry, 1831-86 . 262 Bradshaw, John, fl. 1785 . 118 Bradshaw, John Smith, fl. 1780 62 Bradshaw, Richard 62 Bradshaw, Robert H. , fl. 1780 287 Bradshaw, Thomas, fl. 1766-70 ... 95, 251, 275 Bradstreet, Henry, fl. 1865 36 Bradstreet, J. M. , fl. 1865 36 Bradstreet, John, 1711-74 14, 95 Bradstreet, Martha .... 194 Bradstreet, Simon, 1603-97 4 Bradstreet, Simon, fl. 1779 62 Brady, Samuel P. , fl. 1834 166, 228 Bragg, Henry A., fl. 1833 . 30 Bragg, Seneca G 247 Braithwaite, Mrs. Anna, fl. 1840 30 Braithwaite, Mary Caroline, fl. 1840 30 Braley, Andrew M. , fl. 1835 166 Bramhall, Frank J., fl. 1866 299 Branch, Lawrence 0' Bryan, 1820-62 64 Branciforte, Miguel de la Grua Talamanca y Branciforte, marques de, fl. 1795 187 Brand, Sir Henry B. W. , 1st viscount Hampden, 23rd baron Dacre, 1814-92 194 Brand, John, 1744-1806 . . 268 Brande, A., fl. 1842 . . . 299 Brandon, A., fl. 1817 . . . 298 Brandon, Byrd, 1800-38 ... 30 Brandon, John, fl. 1780 . . 62 Brandon, John, fl. 1800 . . 118 Brangle, L. J., fl. 1856 . 228 Branham, Ebenezer, fl. 1783 109 Brant, Daniel, fl. 1832 . . 228 Brant, Joseph, 1742-1807 . 191 Brantsen, Gerard, d. 1808 . 251 Brashear, Lucinda M. , fl. 1830 30 Bratton, William, d. 1815 . 109 Brauns, Johann Heinrich, fl. 1782 147 Bravo, fl. 1788 188 Bray, John W. , fl. 1820 . . 299 Braybrooke, Sir John Griffin Whitwell Griffin, 1st baron, 1719-97 268 Braybrooke, Richard Aldworth Griffin-Neville, 2nd baron, 1750-1825 ... 97 Brayton, H. F. , fl. 1845 . . 30 Brayton, John, fl. 1741 . . 69 Brearley, William H. ... 38 Brearly, David, fl. 1782 . . 11 Breasley, David, d. 1837 . 194 Breasted, James Henry, 1865-1935 285 Breck, Samuel, fl. 1897 ... 7 Breckinridge, Clifton Rodes, 1846-1932 294 Breckinridge, John Cabell, 1821-75 30, 64, 122 Brecknock, Timothy, fl. 1783 268 Brederode, G. , fl. 1842 . . 228 Breen, John, fl. 1782 . . . 251 Breese, Kidder Randolph, 1831-81 64 Breese, Sidney, 1800-78 . . 52 Brehm, Dietrich, fl. 1760-85 14, 95 Breille, le Bailli Solar de, see Solar de Breille 342 BREKNER - BRISBANE Brekner, James, fl. 1793 . 299 Brenan, Charles, fl. 1781 . 62 Brenay, Chevalier de, fl. 1786 109 Breneman, Lewis, fl. 1841 166 Brent, C. H. , fl. 1902 . . 52 Brent, Daniel, fl. 1820-1838 . . 52, 87, 194 Brent, George William, fl. 1865 122 Brent, Mrs. Jane Wilkins, fl. 1844 166 Brent, John H. , fl. 1835 166 Brent, William, fl. 1848 . 87 Brenton, Mr., fl. 1781 . . 62 Brenton, John, fl. 1831 . . 20 Brenton, William 62 Bressay, Jacques Rene* de, see Denonville, marquis de Breteuil, Louis-Auguste Le Tonnelier, baron de, 1733-1807 194, 251 Brett, Mr., fl. 1785 ... 97 Brett, John, d. 1785. 251, 292 Brett & Bunn, fl. 1801 . . 299 Bretz, Julian Pleasant, fl. 1910 285 "Breve trattato di geografia" 96 Brevoort, Henry, fl. 1778 62 Brevoort, Henry B. , fl. 1835 166 Brevoort, J. Carson, 1818-87 36, 194 Brewer, David, fl. 1766 . . 95 Brewer, Jonathan, fl. 1766 95 Brewer, Rev. Leigh Richmond, b. 1839 79 Brewerton, George, Jr., fl. 1759 95 Brewerton, Mrs. George, fl. 1780 62 Brewster, Benjamin Harris, 1816-88 52 Brewster, Caleb, fl. 1779 . 62 Brewster, William, fl. 1840 166 Brice, George, fl. 1826 . . 20 Br ice, Walker & Craike, fl. 1781 109 Brickell, John, fl. 1786 . 109 Bridge, Henry P., 1808-84 166 Bridgeman, Orlando .... 174 Bridgen, Edward, fl. 1782. 251 Bridger, John, b. 1695 . . 268 Bridges, Edwin N. , fl. 1838 166 Bridgewater, Henry, fl. 1819 194 Bridgewater, Joseph, fl. 1773 263 Bridgham, Edward, fl. 1777 . 62 Bridgman, John, fl. 1851 . 194 Bridport, Alexander Hood, 1st viscount, 1727-1814 67, 151 Bridwood, H. , fl. 1860 . . 169 Brien, Jean Beaulieux, fl. 1772 95 Briggs, Abraham, fl. 1831 . 299 Briggs, Allen, fl. 1819 . . 299 Briggs, Edmund, fl. 1754 . 118 Briggs, Eliahim 249 Briggs, Frank H. , fl. 1921. 237 Briggs, Nancy, fl. 1810 . . 299 Briggs, R., fl. 1810 . . . 299 Briggs, William, fl. 1754 . 118 Briggs, William H. H. , fl. 1845 166 Brigham, Ebenezer, fl. 1835 166 Brigham, L. , fl. 1847 ... 39 Bright, Jesse David, 1812-1875 194 Bright, John, 1811-89 . . . 151 Bright, Moses, fl. 1781 . . 62 Bright, William, fl. 1773 . 263 Brigstock, James, fl. 1772 . 95 Brimage, William, fl. 1778 . 62 Brimmer, George W. , fl. 1836 39 Brimsley, J. G 194 Brink, Andrew, fl. 1800 . . 299 Brink, John, fl. 1801 . . . 299 Brinkerhoff, G. , fl. 1820 . 299 Brinkerhoff, Stephen J., fl. 1818 299 Brinley, Charles A., fl. 1875 39 Brinley, Edward, fl. 1851 . 39 Brinley, F. E., fl. 1875 . . 39 Brinley, Francis, fl. 1742 194 Brinley, Francis, fl. 1818-59 39 Brinley, G. F. , fl. 1884 . . 39 Brinley, George, fl. 1777 . 62 Brinley, George, Sr. , fl. 1848 39 Brinley, George, 1817-75 36, 39 Brinley, Mrs. George, fl. 1841 39 Brinley, Katharine, fl. 1937 39 Brinley, Putnam, fl. 1856 . 39 Brinley, Robert, fl. 1838 . 39 Brisbane, Adam J. , fl. 1781 62 Brisbane, Arthur, 1864-1936 237 Brisbane, Sir Charles, 1769?-1829 194 BRISBANE - BROOKSHANK 343 Brisbane, Jemina Ventham Brisbane, lady, fl. 1826 174 Brisbois, Joseph, fl. 1833 166 Brisco, William Musgrave, fl. 1767 95 Briscoe, Robert, fl. 1764 . 95 Brisee, Gertrude, fl. 1800 299 Bristed, John, 1778-1855 . 194 Bristol, Augustus John Hervey, 3rd earl of, 1724-79 151, 251 Bristol, Elizabeth Davers Hervey, countess of, d. 1800 174 Bristol, Frederick Augustus Hervey, 4th earl of, 1730-1803 .... 98, 174, 223 Bristol, Frederick William Hervey, 5th earl and 1st marquess of, 1769-1859 67, 228 Bristol, George A., fl. 1832 294 Bristol, George William Hervey, 2nd earl of, 1721-75 98 Bristow, John, fl. 1738 . . 251 Britain, Calvin, 1800-62 166, 298 British and Foreign Anti- Slavery Society, fl. 1840 30 British Merchants Trading to Spain, Committee of, fl. 1783 251 Britt, Daniel, fl. 1786 . . 118 Britt, Robert, fl. 1781 . . 109 "Brittanicus," fl. 1782 . . 251 Britton, Thomas, fl. 1786 . 118 Brock, Sir Isaac, 1769-1812 52, 191 Brocklesby, Dr. Richard, 1722-97 251 Brocksie, David, fl. 1860 . 194 Brodhead, Charles, fl. 1790 299 Brodhead, D. D. , fl. 1835 20 Brodhead, Daniel, 1736-1809 29, 109 Brodhead, J. T. , fl. 1815 . 299 Brodhead, James 0., fl. 1831 299 Brodhead, John Romeyn, 1814-73 87 Brodhead, L. C. , fl. 1823 . 299 Brodhead, Thomas, fl. 1799. 299 Brodhead, Thornton F., d. 1862 166 Brodhead & Bonesteel, fl. 1830 299 Brodhead & Wackerhagen, fl. 1840 299 Brodrick, Charles, 1761-1822 268 Brodrick, Henry, fl. 1780 . 62 Brodrick, Hon. Thomas, 1756-95 268 Broglie, Victor-Francois, due de, 1718-1804 97 Broke, Sir Philip Bowes Vere, 1776-1841 174 Bromfield, Thomas, fl. 1775 95 Bromhead, Josephus 62 Bromley, Edward, fl. 1766 . 95 Bromley, Zephaniah, fl. 1819 299 Bronson, Arthur, fl. 1833 52, 166 Bronson, Charles, fl. 1836 52 Bronson, Frederic, fl. 1835 166 Bronson, Greene C, fl. 1835 166 Bronson, Isaac, fl. 1835 . 166 Brook, Williams 52 Brooke, fl. 1788 62 Brooke, Dr. Abram, fl. 1843 30 Brooke, Clement, fl. 1831 . 118 Brooke, Edward, fl. 1843 . . 30 Brooke, G 122 Brooke, George M. , fl. 1808-48 87, 166 Brooke, Rev. J., fl. 1766 95 Brooke, John R. , 1838-1926 7 Brooke, William, fl. 1794-99 118 Brookeby, Cornelius, fl. 1750 61 Brookes, James, fl. 1840 . 299 Brooks, A. S. , 1808-37 . . 194 Brooks, D. , fl. 1793 . . . 299 Brooks, Edward S. # fl. 1844 166 Brooks, Grier, fl. 1790 . . 299 Brooks, Isaac, fl. 1791 . . 20 Brooks, John, fl. 1898 . . 125 Brooks, John, fl. 17 64 . . . 95 Brooks, John, 1752-1825 62, 194 Brooks, N. C., fl. 1845 . . 87 Brooks, Peter Chardon, 1767-1849 20 Brooks, Rev. Phillips, 1835-93 79 Brooks, Silvia, fl. 1831 . 299 Brooksbank, Stamp, fl. 1783 251 Brookshank, William, fl. 1850 299 344 BROOM BROWNE Broom, Charles, fl. 1844 . . 299 Broom, Jacob, fl. 1856 . . . 228 Broom, Jacob, fl. 1790 .... 2 Broome, John L. , fl. 1820 . 299 Brotherhead, William .... 39 Brotherhead, William, fl. 1863 36 Brotherson, B. M. , fl. 1780 287 Brotherson, Charles Payne, fl. 1782 251, 287 Brougham and Vaux, Henry Peter Brougham, baron, 1778-1868 .... 40, 151, 228 Broughton, John Cam Hobhouse, 1st baron, 1786-1869 151 Brouillon, Mr., fl. 1814 . . 103 Broun, Archibald, fl. 1782 62, 109 Broun, Hey wood, 1888-1939 194 Broun, John W. , fl. 1781 . . 62 Broun, W. , fl. 1782 .... 109 Broun, W. J., fl. 1848 . . . 52 Brower, Wm. , fl. 1807 . . . 299 Brown, Aaron Venable, 1795-1849 5 2 Brown, Andrew, fl. 1797 . . 118 Brown, Anson, d. 1834 . . . 166 Brown, Archibald Montague, fl. 1755-1809 95 , 98 Brown, Benjamin 194 Brown, Daniel, fl. 1844 . . 166 Brown, Dr. David E. , fl. 1845 166 Brown, David Paul, 1795-1872 71 Brown, E. M. , fl. 1826 . . . 299 Brown, Ebenezer, fl. 1780 . . 62 Brown, Ethan Allen, 1766-1852 166 Brown, George, fl. 1781 . . . 62 Brown, George W. , fl. 1849 . 30 Brown, Henry B. , 1836-1913 . 7 Brown, Henry J., fl. 1911 . 289 Brown, J. R. , Jr. , fl. 1935 299 Brown, Rev. J. S., fl. 1844 . 30 Brown, Jacob 87 Brown, James, fl. 17 64 . . . 95 Brown, James, fl. 1844 . 39, 166 Brown, James M. , 1818-67 . . 30 Brown, Jedediah, fl. 1823 299 Brown, John, fl. 1819 . . . 299 Brown, John 194 Brown, John, fl. 17 32 . . . 251 Brown, John, 1736-1803 109, 280 Brown, Capt. John, fl. 1765-71 95 Brown, Lt. John, fl. 1769 . . 95 Brown, John, 1757-1837 194 Brown, John, 1810-82 .... 151 Brown, John A., fl. 1845 . . 166 Brown, John Carter, 1797-1874 39, 262 Brown, John Hamilton, fl. 1780 62 Brown, Rev. John Henry Hobart, 1831-88 79 Brown, John P., fl. 1866 . . 52 Brown, Joseph, fl. 1785 . . 109 Brown, Joseph White, 1793-1880 166 Brown, Levi, fl. 1835 . . . 166 Brown, Margaret K. , fl. 1840 39 Brown, Montague 17 4 Brown, Moses, 1738-1836 . . 109 Brown, Moses, 1742-1827 ... 20 Brown, Moses, fl. 1775 . . . 226 Brown, Moses, fl. 1776 . . . 251 Brown, N. J., fl. 1834 . . . 166 Brown, P. H. , fl. 1840 . . . 166 Brown, Philip M. , fl. 1925 . 228 Brown, Pitt, fl. 1834 . . . 166 Brown, Richard, fl. 1850 . . 299 Brown, Richard, fl. 1771 . . 95 Brown, Robert, fl. 1792 ... 97 Brown, Robert Benaway, 1916-1950 194 Brown, Rev. Solyman, 1790-1876 166 Brown, Thomas, d. 182 5 62, 98, 194 Brown, Thomas, fl. 1840 . . 299 Brown, Thomas M., fl. 1851 . 39 Brown, William . . . . . . . 62 Brown, Lt. William, fl. 1756-80 62, 95 Brown, William, fl. 1783 . . 251 Brown, William, fl. 1787 . . 268 Brown, William, fl. 1834 . . 166 Brown, Dr. William, d. 1881 294 Brown, William A. , fl. 1846 166 Brown, William S. , fl. 1849 166 Brown, Shipley & Co. , fl. 1845 228 Browne, Hon. Arthur, fl. 1740-78 .... 95, 98, 275 Browne, Charles, fl. 1782 109 Browne, Daniel Isaac, fl. 1779 62 Browne, Denis, fl. 1803-07 . 67 Browne, George, fl. 1772 . . 27 5 Browne, Henry, fl. 1762 ... 95 Browne, James, fl. 177 5 ... 95 Browne, Dr. James, fl. 1782. 109 Browne, John 62 BROWNE - BRUSH 345 Browne, John, fl. 1769-80 98 Browne, John Denis, see Sligo, 1st marquess of Browne, Labans, fl. 1781 62 Browne, Mary, fl. 1722 . . 194 Browne, Mont fort, fl. 1767-78 . 62, 95, 251, 263 Browne, Peter, fl. 1778 . . 62 Browne, Peter, fl. 1816 . . 20 Browne, Philip, fl. 1778 . . 62 Browne, Samuel, fl. 1781 . . 62 Browne, Thomas, d. 1824 . . 62 Browne, Maj. William, fl. 1765 95 Browne, Gov. William, fl. 1773-82 11, 263 Browne, Woodbridge .... 249 Brownejohn, William, fl. 1750 61 Brownell, L. C. , fl. 1807 299 Brownell, Rev. Thomas Church, 1779-1865 79 Brownfield, Dr. Robert, fl. 1783 109 Browning, Jeremiah, fl. 1835 299 Browning, Robert, fl. 1817. 299 Brown i ng , Robe r t , 1812-1889 228 Browning, William, fl. 1825 299 Browning, William, fl. 1759-64 14, 95 Brownlow, Charles, fl. 1779 62 Brownrigg, Richard F. , fl. 1779 62 Brownrigg, Sir Robert, 1759-1833 174 Brownrigg, Thomas, fl. 1814 250 Brownson, Henry F. , fl. 1912 194 Brownson, Nathan, d. 1796 109 Brownson, Dr. Richard, fl. 1765 95 Bruce, Andrew, fl. 1775 62, 95 Bruce, Archibald, fl. 1810 299 Bruce, J. L. Knight .... 151 Bruce, James, fl. 1810 . . 299 Bruce, James, fl. 1782 62, 251 Bruce, James M. , fl. 1865 36 Bruce, John, 1745-1826 . . 174 Bruce, Capt. John, fl. 1780 62 Bruce, Jonas H. , fl. 1862 . 247 Bruce, Robert, fl. 1805 . . 299 Bruce, Robert George, fl. 1763 14, 95 Bruce, Thomas, see Elgin, 7th earl of Bruce, Hon. Thomas, fl. 1769-75 95 Brudenell, James, d. 1746 61 Brudenell, Hon. Thomas, d. 1767 98 Brudenell, Thomas, see Ailesbury, 1st earl of Bruen, Caleb, fl. 1781 ... 62 Bruen, Henry, fl. 1780. 62, 107 Bruere, George, d. 1786 62, 95, 251 Bruere, George James, d. 1780 ... 62, 95, 251, 263 Bruff, J. G. , fl. 1834 20 Bruff, James, fl. 1776-1807 109 Brummell, George, fl. 1826 228 Brunet, Jean, fl. 1839 . . 166 Brunetiere, Ferdinand, 1849-1906 289 Brunish, L. , fl. 1857 . . . 247 Brunnon, Charlotte .... 228 Brunnow, Ernest Philip, baron, 1797-1875 67 Brunson, A., fl. 1839 . . . 298 Brunson, Rev. Alfred, 1793-1886 166 Brunson, John, fl. 1834 . . 166 Brunson, Samuel, fl. 1778 . 194 Brunswick, Prinz Ferdinand, herzog von, 1721-92 . 98, 251 Brunswick, Prinz Friedrich Wilhelm, herzog von, d. 1815 97 Brunswick, Prinz Karl, herzog von, d. 1780 .... 99 Brunswick, Prinz Karl Wilhelm Ferdinand, herzog von, 1735-1806 .... 97, 194 Brunswick, Army Army under Riedesel .... 99 Regiment Prinz Friedrich . 99 Grenadier battalion von Mengen 99 Regiment von Riedesel ... 99 Regiment von Specht .... 99 Brunswick, N. C. Customs House 62 Brusby, James, fl. 17 68 . . 251 Brush, Charles R. , fl. 1832 194 Brush, Crean, c. 1725-1777 95 Brush, Edmund Askin, d. 1877 52, 166 Brush, Elijah, 1772-1814 . 191 346 BRUSH BULL Brush, John, fl. 1817 . . . 299 Brush, Mrs. Margaret, fl. 1778 62 Bruyn, Jacobus, fl. 1750 . . 61 Bryan, George, 1731-1791 . 194 Bryan, John A., fl. 1848 . 194 Bryan, Jonathan, fl. 1780 . 62 Bryant, Foster, fl. 1847 . 194 Bryant, Gridley, 1789-1867 20 Bryant, John H. , 1807-1902 165 Bryant, Thomas 174 Bryant, Thomas B. , fl. 1782 251 Bryant, Dr. Thomas S. , fl. 1834 166 Bryant, William, fl. 1753 . 61 Bryant, William, fl. 1835 . 30 Bryant, William Cullen, 1794-1878 30, 52 Bryas, Comtesse Madeleine de, b. 1889 285 Bryce, Elizabeth Marion, viscountess, fl. 1927 . . 285 Bryce, Hanny, fl. 1796 . . 299 Bryce, J. G. , fl. 1845 ... 52 Bryce, James, viscount, 1838-1922 194 Bryce, John, fl. 1782 ... 109 Bryden, John, fl. 1779 ... 62 Brydges, James, see Chandos, 3rd duke of Bryen, John 109 Brymer, William, fl. 1764 . 95 Buache, Philippe, 1700-73 143 Buade, Louis de, see Fontenac, comte de Bucareli y Urstia, Antonio Marfa, 1717-79 41, 95, 187 Buccleuch, Lady Elizabeth Montagu Scott, duchess of, d. 1827 174 Buchan, David Stewart Erskine, 11th earl of, 1742-1829 . . 97, 98, 151, 194 Buchanan, Mr., fl. 1781 . . 62 Buchanan, Andrew, 1780-1848 52 Buchanan, Sir Andrew, 1807-82 174 Buchanan, Mrs. Frances, fl. 1778 62 Buchanan, Franklin, 1800-74 122 Buchanan, James, fl. 1781 . 98 Buchanan, James, 1791-1868 . . . . 52, 64, 282 Buchanan, James M. , fl. 1835 30, 228 Buchanan, John, fl. 1776 . . 62 Buck, George, fl. 1834 . . 166 Buck, Dr. Marcus C. , fl. 1844 52, 166 Buckingham, George Nugent- Temple-Grenville, 3rd earl Temple, 1st marquess of, 1753-1813 97, 149, 151, 174, 268 Buckingham, Gideon, fl. 1770 2 Buckingham, J. H. , fl. 1829 299 Buckinghamshire, John Hobart, 2nd earl of, 1723-93 . 62, 98 Buckinghamshire, George Hobart, 3rd earl of, 1731-1804? 251 Buckinghamshire, Robert Hobart, 4th earl of, 1760-1816 .... 67, 97, 174 Bucklaw, William, fl. 1805 191 Buckle, Henry Thomas, 1821-62 151 Buckler, Barbara 285 Buckler, F? S?, fl. 1780 . 62 Buckler, Mrs. William . . . 285 Buckley, Clement A., fl. 1832 118 Buckley, George W. , fl. 1867 118 Buckley, Mary Emma, see Harmar, Mrs. William Buckley, Thomas, fl. 1770 . 95 Bucknam, George, & Co. . . 194 Buckner, Simon Bolivar, 1823-1914 64 Budd, James, fl. 1774 ... 95 Buel, Jesse, fl. 1807 . . . 299 Buell, Don Carlos, 1818-98 64 Buffalo Liberty Committee, fl. 1844 30 Buffington, Peter 62 Buffum, Arnold, 1782-1859 30 Buffum, David, fl. 1775 . . 226 Buford, Abraham, 1749-1833 109 Buford, Napoleon Bonaparte, 1807-83 64 Buford, Thomas, fl. 17 64 . . 95 Btlhler, Baron 151 Buky, Paul, fl. 1781 ... 118 Bulfinch, Charles, 1763-1844 20 Bulger, John, fl. 1790 . . 205 Bulkeley, Thomas James Bulkeley, 7th viscount, 1752-1822 268 Bulkeley, John, fl. 1783 . 251 Bulkeley, Joseph, fl. 1781 . 62 Bulkeley, Richard, fl. 1775 95 Bull, Albert E., fl. 1834 . 166 Bull, Fenwicke, fl. 1765 . . 95 BULL - BURNELL 347 Bull, George, fl. 1780 . . 62 Bull, Richard, fl. 1777 . . 62 Bull, Samuel, fl. 1748 . . 251 Bull, Stephen, fl. 1775-82 109 Bull, Thomas, fl. 1780 62, 109 Bull, Thomas J. , fl. 1852 194 Bull, William, 1710-91 11, 61, 95, 98, 251 Bullard, F. Lauriston ... 31 Bullard, George H. , fl. 1839 166 Bullen, J., fl. 1780-1820 67 Buller, Sir Francis, 1746-1800 . . . 206, 207, 251 Bullfinch, Thomas, fl. 1845 39 Bulloch, Archibald, 1730-77 237 Bullock, George W. , fl. 1848 30 Bullock, John, fl. 1771 . . 95 Bulloch, John W 151 Bulwer, Sir William Henry Lytton Earle, baron Dalling and Bulwer, 1801-72 ... 67 Bumpsted, William, fl. 1737 251 Bunbury, E. H. , fl. 1882 151 Bunbury, Sir Henry Edward, 7th bart. , 1778-1860 67, 103, 151 Bunbury, Sir William, 5th bart. , d. 1764 ... 151 Bunce, Henry C. , fl. 1844 166 Bunce, J. F. , fl. 1867 . . 39 Bunce, Jared 109 Bunce, Truman, fl. 1846 . . 30 Bunker, Robert T. , fl. 1831 299 Bunker, William J. , fl. 1819 299 Bunn, Paul Vernor, 1871-1938 237 Bunner, John 194 Buny, George, fl. 1776 . . 98 Burbeck, Henry, fl. 1796 194 Burbridge, Stephen Gano, 1831-94 64 Burch, Col. S. , fl. 1834 166 Burchard, Matthew, fl. 1841 166 Burchett, Josiah, 1666?-1746 251 Burchsted & Barnard, fl. 1816 299 Burd, Benjamin, d. 1823 . 118 Burdett, Charles, fl. 1774 . 95 Burdett, Sir Francis, 1770-1844 .... 67, 97, 228 Burdick, Adin, fl. 1846 166 Burdick, Cyrus, fl. 1835 . 166 Burdick, Elisha, fl. 1846 166 Burdick, Justus, d. c. 1862 ........ 166 Burger, G. C. , fl. 1826 . . 299 Burger, Gilbert, fl. 1763 4 Burger, James M. , fl. 1839 166 Burges, Sir James Bland, 1752-1824 67 Burges, Walter S. , fl. 1848 52 Burgess, Rev. Alexander, 1819-1901 79 Burgess, Rev. Dyer, fl. 1838 294 Burgess, George 39 Burgess, Rev. George, 1809-66 79 Burgoyne, John, 1722-92 62, 97, 98, 194, 251, 268 Burgoyne, Montagu, fl. 1782 251 Burhauns, Isaac 62 Burk, J. , fl. 1822 .... 299 Burk, Michael, fl. 1755 . . 69 Burk, Moses, fl. 1842 ... 30 Burkart, Cornelius .... 299 Burke, Aedanus, 1743-1802 109, 194 Burke, Bingham, fl. 1770 275 Burke, Edmund, 1729-97 158, 174, 251 Burke, Edmund, fl. 1780 . . 287 Burke, James Francis, fl. 1895 191 Burke, John, fl. 1763-82 95, 268 Burke, Sir John Bernard, 1814-92 67 Burke, P., fl. 1828 .... 299 Burke, Redmund , fl. 1782 . 2 51 Burke, Richard, fl. 1782 . 149 Burke , Thomas , c. 1747-83 109 Burke, William, d. 1798 . . 251 Burleigh, H. G. , fl. 1899 7 Burlington College, fl. 1849 39 Burllinggame , Samuel . . . 109 Burn, Thomas, fl. 1780 . . . 62 Burnaby, Andrew, 17347-1812 251 Burne, James, fl. 1768 ... 95 Burnell, Edward, fl. 1783 . 251 348 BURNELL BUTLER Burnell, Levi, d. 1881 ... 30 Burnet, Ichabod, 1755-83 62, 109 Burnet, William 1688-1729 61, 251 Burnet, William, 1730-91 109 Burnett, David, fl. 1845 . . 166 Burnett, Eleanor, fl. 1940 299 Burnett, Ely, fl. 1810 ... 299 Burnett, Robert E. , fl. 1940 299 Burnham, Hiram, c. 1802-82 . 166 Burnham, Jonathan, fl. 1805 20 Burnley, Hardin, fl. 1781 . . 62 Burnoaf, E. , fl. 1867 .... 74 Burns, Charles DeF. , fl. 1868 194 Burns, Gavin, fl. 1835 . . . 244 Burns, George, fl. 1745 ... 61 Burns, James, fl. 177 5 . . . 301 Burns, William Wallace, b. 1825 194 Burns & Sons 194 Burns ide, Ambrose E. , 1824-81 122 Burnside, J., fl. 1752 ... 29 Burnside, John, d. 1781 . . 109 Burnside, Samuel M. , fl. 1845 39 Burr, Aaron, 1756-1836 52, 194 Burr, Ezra D. , 1811-89 . . . 166 Burr, Freeman, fl. 1829 . . 165 Burr, George Lincoln, 1857-1938 285 Burr, Maria, fl. 1829 ... 165 Burr, Thaddeus, fl. 177 3 . . 95 Burr, William H. , fl. 1904 125 Burrall, Charles, fl. 1799 . 299 Burrell, Peter, fl. 1730-38 251 Burrington, George, fl. 1732 251 Burroughs, Charles, fl. 1822 39 Burroughs, Henry, fl. 1842 . 39 Burroughs, William, fl. 1806 194 Burrow, James, fl. 1782. 98, 251 Burrows, Julius C. , 1837-1916 7 Burson, Isaiah, fl. 1841 . . 166 Burt, Baily 62 Burt, Charles Pym, fl. 1756 194 Burt, T. M., fl. 1835 . . . 299 Burt, William Austin, 1792-1858 166 Burt, William Matthew, d. 1781 98, 167, 287 Burtis, John, fl. 1836. . . 166 Burton, Clarence Monroe, 1853-1932 31, 289 Burton , Dec imus , 1800-81 67 Burton, George, fl. 1783 . . 251 Burton, J., fl. 1779 .... 98 Burton, John, fl. 17 58 . . . 14 Burton, Marion LeRoy, 1874-1925 285 Burton, Ralph, d. 1768 . 14, 95 Burton, Robert, fl. 1781 . . 109 Burton, Theodore Elijah, 1851-1929 285 Burton, William, fl. 1777 . . 62 Burton, William, fl. 1796 . 194 Burwell, Calvin, fl. 1828 . 299 Burwell, Lewis, d. 1800 109, 194, 251 Bush, Charles P. , fl. 1834-39 294 Bush, Chauncey, fl. 1834 52, 166 Busca, Chevalier de, fl. 1715 194 Bush, Rev. George, 1796-1859 166 Bushnell, C. , fl. 1819 . . . 299 Bushnell, Charles S. , fl. 1860 36 Bushnell, Chauncey K. , 1805-post 1883 294 Bushnell, D. P. , fl. 1839 166 Busk, Edward, c. 1765-1838 158 Busk, Sir Wadsworth, c. 1729-1811 158 Buskirk, Abraham van, c. 1750-83 62 Bussy, Mons. de, fl. 1761 . 251 Butcher, Robert, fl. 1781 251 Butcher, Thomas, fl. 1736 251 Bute, John Stuart, 3rd earl of, 1713-92 4, 97, 98, 151, 251 Bute, John Stuart, viscount Mountstuart, 4th earl and 1st marquess of, 1744-1814 .... 151, 251, 268 Bute, Mary Wortly-Montagu Stuart, countess of, d. 1794 97 Butler, Captain 228 Butler, Benjamin F. , 1818-93 7, 52, 64 Butler, C. E. , fl. 1850 . . 299 Butler, Charles, fl. 1833 166 Butler, D. G. W 87 Butler, Edmund, fl. 1781 62 BUTLER - CADWALADER 349 Butler, Edward, fl. 1785 . 118 Butler, Erastus, fl. 1823 . 299 Butler, G 62 Butler, G. , fl. 1850 .... 67 Butler, Harcourt, fl. 1922 285 Butler, Henry Edward, fl. 1779 151 Butler, Isaac, fl. 1847 . . 299 Butler, James 67 Butler, John, fl. 1813 . . 299 Butler, Lt. John, fl. 1760-68 95 Butler, John, fl. 1775 ... 95 Butler, John, d. 1786 . . . 109 Butler, John, 1728-96 62, 95 Butler, Martin, fl. 1790 . 299 Butler, Percival, fl. 1838 30 Butler, Peter, fl. 1865 . . 39 Butler, Pierce, fl. 1763-69 95 Butler, Pierce, 1745-1822 •. 109 Butler, Richard, 1743-91 52, 109, 118, 194 Butler, Thomas, 1754-1805 194 Butler, W. , fl. 1837 . . . 299 Butler, Walter, fl. 1726-53 61 Butler, William, fl. 1770-77 95, 107 Butler, William, fl. 1780 . 62 Butler, William, 1759-1821 109, 122 Butler, William G. , d. 1857 166 Butman, Benjamin, fl. 1837 . 39 Butterfield, Daniel, 1831-1901 64, 194 Butterfield, J., fl. 1850 166 Butterfield, Jonathan, fl. 1840 39 Butterfield, Joseph, fl. 1839 20 Butterfield, Thomas W. , fl. 1840 39 Butterworth, Benjamin, 1837-98 294 Butterworth, Frank, fl. 1898 125 Buttington, Peter, fl. 1781 62 Buxton, Sir Thomas Fowell, 1786-1845 30 Buxton, W. L., fl. 1860 . . 36 Byfield, Nathaniel, 1653-1733 194 Byles, Dr. Mather, fl. 1775 95 Byng, George, see Torrinton, 4th viscount Bynon, Mr. , fl. 1832 ... 67 Byrd, Thomas Taylor, fl. 1775 95 Byrne, Henry A. , fl. 1834 166 Byron, John, 1723-86 62, 95, 167, 268 Byron, George Gordon Noel Byron, 6th baron, 1788-1824 228 Byron, Sophia Trevannion Mrs. John, fl. 1735-86 . 268 C. , Mrs. , fl. 1787 .... 268 C. , C. J 62 C, Lady Mary, fl. 1788 . 268 C, O. , fl. 1773 293 C. , W. T., fl. 1917 .... 52 Caamano, J. B. , fl. 1867 . 74 Caamano, Joaquin Rom. de, fl. 1787 188 Cabannes, F. M. , fl. 1783 90 Cabanos, Salvador, fl. 1749 183 Cabell, James Branch, 1879- 194 Cabell, Joseph Carrington, 1778-1856 194 Cabell, Samuel Jordan, 1756-1818 194 Cabell, William, fl. 1797. 174 Cabezade baca, Lucas, fl. 1810 182 Cable, I. , fl. 1862 ... 194 Cadburn, James, fl. 1785 299 Cadbury, Henry Joel, 1883 285 Cade, Peter, fl. 1688 . . 194 Cadena, Maria Antonio, fl. 1761 183 Cadena, Trinidad G. , fl. 1867 74 Cadillac, Antoine de Lamothe, sieur de, d. 1730 43 Cadle, Rev. Richard F. , fl. 1824-38 166 Cadman, C. R. , fl. 1840 . . 39 Cadmus, Mrs. Jane, fl. 1781 62 Cadmus, John, fl. 1830 . . 299 Cadogan, Charles Sloane, 3rd baron and 1st earl, 1728-1807 62 Cadore, due de , see Champagny, comte de Cadotte, Michel, fl. 1849 166 Cadwalader, Lambert, 1742-1823 280 350 CADWALLADER - CAMPBELL Cadwallader, John, fl. 1794-97 118 Cady, Eleazer, fl. 1819 . . 299 Cahill, Patrick, fl. 1775 301 Cahoon, Jonathan 109 Calllas, A., fl. 1867 ... 74 Cain, Henry, fl. 1801 . . . 29° Cains, Thomas, fl. 1848 . . 39 Cairns, Ann E. , fl. 1844 194 Cairns, John, fl. 1759 ... 95 Caithness, John Sinclair, 11th earl of, d. 1789 ... 62 Calder, Sir Henry, bart. , d. 1792 62, 287 Calder, Mrs. M. E. , fl. 1850 166 Calder, Sir Robert, 1745-1818 67, 174 Caldwell, Fitzmaurice, fl. 1780 287 Caldwell, Frederick, fl. 1780 98 Caldwell, Sir Henry, 17387-1810 . 98, 251, 253, 268 Caldwell, Sir James, fl. 1759-79 98 Caldwell, John, fl. 1775 . . 95 Caldwell, William W. , fl. 1833 30 Calef, John, 1725-1812 42, 194, 251 Calhoun. James, fl. 177 9 . 109 Calhoun, John C. , 1782-1850 52, 166 Calkin, Elisha, fl. 1802 . 299 Call , James, Jr. , fl. 1783 109 Call, Sir John, 1732-1801 . 251 Call, Richard, fl. 1782-88 109, 118 Callaghan, Jane 109 Callan, James, fl. 1835 . . 166 Callander, James, fl. 1779 98 Callander, Kenneth, fl. 1780 62 Callaway, James, fl. 1782 . 109 Calleja, Felipe Maria, 1750-1820 182 Callender, Eliezer, fl. 1783 194 Callender, James, fl. 1746. 194 Callender, Robert, fl. 1764 95 Callieres, Louis-Hector de, 16467-1703 43 Callow, J., fl. 1826 . . . 299 Calmady, Warwick, fl. 1743-57 292 Calonne, Charles-Alexandre de, 1734-1802 121 Calvert, Charles, see Baltimore, 5th baron Calvert, Frederick, see Baltimore, 6th baron Calvert, Sir Harry, 17637-1826 62, 97 Calzada, Rafael, fl. 1905 289 Camacho, Juan, fl. 1867 . . 74 Camae, Turner, fl. 1826 . . 20 Cambel, John, fl. 1763-94 62, 95 Camblass, George W. , fl. 1838 166 Cambray, Chevalier de, fl. 1780 62 Cambridge, Princess Augusta, duchess of, b. 1797 . . . 239 Cambridge University . . . 268 Camden, Sir Charles Pratt, 1st baron and 1st earl of, 1714-94 .... 151, 251, 268 Camden, George Charles Pratt, 3rd earl and 2nd marquess of, 1799-1866 . . 67 Camden, Sir John Jeffreys Pratt, 2nd earl and 1st marquess of, 1759-1840 67, 97, 174 Cameron, Sir Alan, 1753-1828 62 Cameron, Alexander, d. 1781 62, 95, 251 Cameron, Angus, fl. 1778 . . 62 Cameron, J. W. , fl. 1865 . 122 Cameron, Simon, 1799-1889 52, 64 Camina, Tiburcio, fl. 1810 182 Cammock, John, fl. 1796 . . 164 Camp, R., fl. 1844 39 Campanile, Pauline, fl. 1849 67 Campau, B. , fl. 1823 . . . 191 Campau, D. G. , fl. 1835 . . 166 Campau, Jacques, 1735-89 . . 95 Campau, Joseph, fl. 1844 . 166 Campbel, James, fl. 1785 . 109 Campbell, Alan, fl. 1786 . 194 Campbell, Alex, fl. 1786 . 194 Campbell, Alex, fl. 1823 . 299 Campbell, Maj. Alexander, fl. 1760 95 Campbell, Lt. Alexander, fl. 1775 95 Campbell, Maj. Alexander, fl. 1780 62 Campbell, Mrs. Alicia, fl. 1810 97 Campbell, Allan, fl. 1759 . 95 Campbell, Angus, fl. 1788 . 62 Campbell, Sir Archibald, 1739-91 11, 62, 88 97, 98, 107, 149, 251, 268, 287 Campbell, Archibald, fl. 1827 299 Campbell, Arthur, fl. 1774 . 95 CAMPBELL - CANE 351 Campbell, B. H. , fl. 1885 228 Campbell, Charles, fl. 1778 62 Campbell, Charles, fl. 1798 118 Campbell, Charles, 1807-76 87 Campbell, Colin, Sr. , fl. 1775 95 Campbell, Colin, Jr., fl. 1765 95 Campbell, Colin, 1754-1814 62, 98 Campbell, Sir Colin, 1776-1847 194 Campbell, Colin, d. 1782 98 Campbell, D. Forbes, fl. 1882 289 Campbell, Daniel, fl. 1746-70 61, 95 Campbell, Daniel, fl. 1790 299 Campbell, David, fl. 1780 62, 109 Campbell, David, fl. 1823 194 Campbell, Donald, d. 1763 95 Campbell, Donald, fl. 1779 62 Campbell, Dougal, fl. 1782. 109 Campbell, Douglas, fl. 1892 289 Campbell, Dugald, fl. 1765 95 Campbell , Duncan, fl. 1764-80 62, 95 Campbell, Duncan 174 Campbell, Dykes, fl. 1884 . 87 Campbell, Lord Frederick, 1729-1816 149 Campbell, George, 1719-96 62, 251 Campbell, Hugh, fl. 1764 . . 95 Campbell, Sir Hay, 1734-1823 . 97 Campbell, J. Mason, fl. 1865 228 Campbell, James, fl. 1764-80 62, 95 Campbell, James, fl, 1813 . 174 Campbell, James M. , fl. 1844 299 Campbell, James Valentine, 1823-90 203 Campbell, John, see Argyll, 5th duke of Campbell, Capt. John, fl. 1765 95 Campbell, John, fl. 1781 . . 62 Campbell, John, 17207-1790 251 Campbell, John, 1723-1806 14, 62, 95, 107, 194 Campbell, Lt. John, fl. 1783 109 Campbell, John, fl. 1836 . 166 Campbell, John, fl. 1865 . . 39 Campbell, John Campbell, 1st baron, 1779-1861. 151, 239 Campbell, Josiah, fl. 1781 62 Campbell, Lawrence Robert, fl. 1779 62 Campbell, Martin 151 Campbell, Patrick, fl. 1780 62 Campbell, Peter, fl. 1767 . 62 Campbell, Philadelphia, fl. 1832 20 Campbell, Polly, fl. 1780 62 Campbell, Richard, fl. 1781 109 Campbell, Robert, fl. 1768 62 Campbell, Robert, fl. 1828. 244 Campbell, Samuel, fl. 1800 299 Campbell, Sidney S. , fl. 1844 30 Campbell, T. , fl. 1829 . . 228 Campbell, Thomas, fl. 1839 . 30 Campbell, Thomas B. , fl. 1781 62 Campbell, Lord William, d. 1778 62, 95, 251 Campbell, William, fl. 1781 62 Campbell, William, fl. 1824 20 Campbell, William, fl. 1834 166 Campbell, William J., fl. 1828 228 Campbell & Orem, fl. 1737 251 Campeau, Jacques, fl. 1796 191 Campeau, Joseph, fl. 1810. 52 Campeau, Nicholas, fl. 1810. 52 Campeau, Simon, fl. 1761 . 191 Campen, James, fl. 1780 . . 109 Campillo, M. Gomez del, fl. 1903 289 Canada Indian traders, fl. 1766 . 251 Lower. Governor and Council 253 Provincial Govt., Indian Dept 133 Canby, Edward Richard Sprigg, 1817-73 64 Cane, Edward, fl. 1775 95 352 CANFIELD - CAROW Canfield, A., fl. 1851 52 Canfield, Roy Bishop, 1874-1932 285 Canfield, William H. , fl. 1853 298 Canniff , Abram C. , 1791-1876 166 Canning, George, 1770-1827 . . 44, 67, 97, 174 Canning, Stratford, see Stratford de Recliffe, 1st viscount Cannon, Le Grand Bouton, 1815-1906 194 Canole, James, fl. 1839 . . 228 Canseco, Joaquin Manuel, fl. 1811 182 Cansino de Fiola, fl. 1644 183 Cansit, E. F. , fl. 1927 . . 285 Cansuo, Enrique, fl. 1867 . 74 Cantelo, W. J., fl. 1826 . 299 Cantera, Lucio Calvo de la, fl. 1812 182 Canterbury, 1st viscount, see Manners-Sutton, Charles Cantine, Jacob, fl. 1802 . 299 Cantine, Moses J., fl. 1812 299 Cantine, Peter, fl. 1798 . 299 Canto, Ernesto do, 1831-1900 289 Cape Coast Castle. Council. 251 Capell, William Anne, see Essex, 4th earl of Capell Brooke, Arthur de, fl. 1827 228 Capen, Edward, fl. 1857 . . 31 Capers, Theodotus 52 Capps, W. L., fl. 1909 . . 289 Capron, Miss, fl. 1844 . . 299 Capron, Cyrus, fl. 1802 . . 299 Capron, Giles, fl. 1821 . . 299 Capron, William, fl. 1813 299 Capucin, J., fl. 1765 . . . 251 Caracciolo, Domenico, marchese, 1715-89 .... 251 Caradoc, Sir John Francis, 1st baron Howden, 1762-1839 97, 174 Caradoc, Sir John Hobart, 2nd baron Howdon, 1799-1873 52, 228 Caraman, Comte de 67 Carboney, C. , fl. 1899 . . 125 Cardella, L. , fl. 1852 ... 39 Carden, Hans, fl. 1773-82 98 Carden, John, d. 1783 62, 95, 301 Cardenas, Senor, fl. 1780 . 62 Cardenas, Marcos, fl. 1811. 182 Carderera y Solano, Valentin, 1796-1880 . . . 289 Cardigan, 4th earl of, see Montagu, 1st duke of Cardova, Luis de 194 Carew, Sir Benjamin Hallowell, 1760-1834 ... 67 Carey, fl. c. 1770 .... 275 Carey, Henry Charles, 1793-1879 45 Carey, Mathew, 1760-1839 194 Cargill, Abraham, fl. 1828 299 Carhampton, John Luttrell- Olmius, 3rd earl of, d. 1829 158 Carlet, Louis-Francois, see La Roziere, marquis de Carleton, Charles, fl. 1773 95 Carleton, Sir Guy, 1st baron Dorchester, 1724-1808 . . 11, 95, 98, 107 109, 174, 194, 232, 251, 253 Carleton, Joseph, fl. 1780-85 . . 109, 118, 194 Carleton, Osgood, 1742-1816 194 Carleton, Thomas, 1736-1817 .... 62, 151, 251 Carlisle, Alexander, fl. 1781 62 Carlisle, Charles Howard, 1st earl of, 1629-85 . . . 251 Carlisle, Ebenezer 62 Carlisle, Frederick Howard, 5th earl of, 1748-1825 62, 151 Carlisle, J., fl. 1836 ... 30 Carlyle, Alexander James, 1861-1943 285 Carm, Jacob Frederick, fl. 1781 62 Carman, Due de, fl. 1839 . 228 Carmarthen, Francis Osborne, 5th duke of Leeds, marquess of, 1751-99 ... 97, 121, 151 Carmichael, William, d. 1795 194, 280 Carmona, Jose" Maria, fl. 1819 182 Carmona, Mariano, fl. 1812. 182 Carnarvon, marquess of, see Chandos, 3rd duke of Carnegie, Andrew, 1835-1919 7, 237 Carney, James, fl. 1780 . . 62 Cams, Patrick 109 Carondelet, Francisco Luis Hector, baron de, d. 1748-1807 .... 164, 194 Carow, J. D. , fl. 1857 165 CARPENTER - CASEY 353 Carpenter, Benjamin, fl. 1775 62 Carpenter, George Carpenter, 1st baron, fl. 1671-1731 . 268 Carpenter, J. S. , fl. 1835-40 294 Carpenter, Kenneth G. , fl. 1921 237 Carpenter, Samuel L. , fl. 1834-40 118 Carpenter, Sarah, fl. 1835 294 Carpio, Jose" Indalecio, del, fl. 1867 74 Carr, Mrs 62 Carr, David, fl. 1781 ... 62 Carr, James, fl. 1832 ... 20 Carr, John S. , fl. 1826 . . 299 Carr, Maurice, fl. 1765-73 95 Carr, Robert, fl. 1775 ... 95 Carr, Mrs. S. , fl. 1788 . . 97 Carrasco, Joaquin, fl. 1817 182 Carre, Robert B. , fl. 1781 62 Carrillo, fl. 1788 .... 188 Carrington, Edward, 1749-1810 109 Carrington, Edward, fl. 1827 20 Carrington, Rev. J. A. , fl. 1787 268 Carrique, P. Dean, fl. 1835 299 Carrol, David, fl. 1779 . . 62 Carroll, Charles H. , fl. 1840 166 Carroll, Eber Malcolm, 1893- 285 Carroll, William Thomas, fl. 1838 166 Carron Co., fl. 1779 .... 98 Carruth, E. H. , fl. 1862 194 Carruth, John, fl. 1781 . . 109 Carruth, Sumner 122 Carshove, David, fl. 1822 . 299 Carson, Mrs., fl. 1779 ... 62 Carson, Hampton Laurence, 1852-1929 194 Carson, William, fl. 1780 . 62 Carswell & Eaton, fl. 1840 299 Carter, Dr. Benjamin, fl. 1832 30 Carter, Elizabeth, fl. 1770 . 62 Carter, John 62 Carter, John, fl. 1770 ... 95 Carter, John, fl. 1783 . . 109 Carter, John M. , fl. 1790 299 Carter, Joseph, fl. 1674 . . 20 Carter, Landon, 1710-78 . . 46 Carter, Mary Duncan, 1896- 285 Carter, Robert Wormeley, fl. 1750-76 46 Carter, S. W. , fl. 1828 . . 299 Carter, Thomas L. , fl. 1876 228 Carter, W. , fl. 1809 . . . 250 Carter, William H. , fl. 1898 125 Carter & Prentiss, fl. 1828 299 Carteret, Henry Frederick Thynne, 1st baron Carteret, 1735-1826 .... 62, 251, 268 Carteret, John, see Granville, 1st earl Carteret, Philip, d. 1796 . 287 Carteret, Robert, see Granville, 3rd earl Carthew, James, fl. 1790 . 205 Carthy, Daniel, fl. 1780 . 109 Carthy, James, fl. 1782 . . 109 Cartwright, George, 1839-1819 251 Cartwright, John, 1740-1824 194, 251 Cartwright, Lady Marie Elisabeth, fl. 1840 . . . 228 Cartwright, Sir Thomas, 1795-1850 228 Carty, William, fl. 1781 . . 62 Caruthers, Hawn & Co. , fl. 1832 30 Carvallo Ortega, Alvino, fl. 1867 74 Carver, David, fl. 1836 . . 166 Carver, John H. , fl. 1842 118 Carvill, G. & C 299 Carvill, H. , fl. 1835 . . . 299 Cary, Anne, Mrs. Lucius Ferdinand, d. 1785 .... 287 Cary, Archibald, 1721-87 . 109 Cary, Hon. Lucius Ferdinand, d. 1780 95, 98, 287 Cary, Walter 174 Cary, Wilson Miles, fl. 1767 251 Casabianca, Abbe" Laurent Maria, b. 1843 289 Casa Concha, Marques de . . 48 Casafuerte, Juan Antonio Vazquez de Acuna, marque's de, c. 1675-1734 . . 189, 251 Casamaijor, John, fl. 1744 . 61 Casas, Bartolome" de las, 1474-1566 49, 50, 51, 204, 218 Case, Anthony, fl. 1834 . . 166 Case, Nathaniel, fl. 1834 . 166 Case, Robert L. , fl. 1826 . 299 Casey, Silas, fl. 1785 . . 109 354 CASEY - CERVANTES Casey, Thomas, fl. 1807-28 67 Casey, William, fl. 1785 109 Casey, Son & Greene, fl. 1784 109 Cashman, Michael 62 Cashman, Nicholas, fl. 1782 62 Cass, Charles Lee, fl. 1795 52 Cass, Dolly Webster, fl. 1794 52 Cass, Eliza, Mrs. Lewis, 1786-1853 52 Cass, George Washington, 1810-88 52, 166 Cass, Jonathan, d. 1830 52, 194 Cass, Lewis, 1782-1866 52, 87, 151, 166 191, 194, 228, 259, 289, 298 Cass, Lewis, Jr. , fl. 1858 52 Cass, Polly, fl. 1796 ... 52 Cassatt, Alexander J., 1839-1906 7 Cassels, James, fl. 1780 . 109 Castaneda, Y, fl. 1867 . . 74 Castellane, Esprit Boniface, comte de 89 Castellane, Henri Ce"sar, marquis de, fl. 1781 ... 53 Castellar, Baltasar de la Cueva, marque's de Malagon, conde de, 1626-86 .... 219 Castillo, Jose" del, fl. 1802 187 Castillo y Bustamante, Joaquin del, fl. 1811 . . 182 Castle, Elizabeth M. , fl. 1927 228 Castle, William, fl. 1828. 299 Castlereagh, Robert Stewart, 2nd marquess of Londonderry, 2nd viscount, 1769-1822 67, 97, 174, 194, 228 Castno, Jose\ fl. 1824 . . 194 Castries, Armand-Charles- Augustin de la Croix, comte de Charlus, due de 1756-1842 54 Castries, Charles-Eugdne- Gabriel de la Croix, marquis de, 1727-1801 109, 194 Castro, Juan, fl. 1867 . . 74 Castro, Macedo Melchor, fl. 1585 ........ 194 Castro, Miguel, fl. 1867 . 74 Caswell, Richard, 1729-89 .... 109, 194, 280 Caswell, William, fl. 1781 109 Cater, Thomas, fl. 1781 . . 62 Cathcart, Ch. W. , fl. 1849 298 Cathcart, J., fl. 1735 . . 251 Cathcart, Sir William Schaw Cathcart, 1st earl, 1755-1843 .... 62, 97, 268 Cather, Thomas 228 Catherwood, John, fl. 1761 61, 62 Catherwood, Dr. Robert, fl. 1770 95 Catherwood, Dr. William, fl. 1765 95 Cathie, James, fl. 1782 . . 109 Catlin, George, 1796-1872 194, 289 Catlin, George B. , fl. 1924 191 Catlin, John, fl. 1846 . . 166 Catlin, Putnam, fl. 1798 118 Catner, B. , fl. 1802 . . . 299 Catt, Jean Gabriel, fl. 1768 251 Catterall, Ralph Charles Henry, 1866-1914 285 Cauldwell, Ebenezer, fl. 1838 299 Caulefeild, James, see Charlemont, 1st earl of Caulfield, William, fl. 1772 275 Cauniff, H. J., fl. 1849 . 298 Causter, James H. , fl. 1844 166 Cavallos, Jose", fl. 1867 . . 74 Cavender, Thomas S. , fl. 1845 30 Cavendish, Lord Frederick, 1729-1803 95 Cavendish, Henry 151 Cavendish, Spencer, see Devonshire, 8th duke of Cavendish, William, see Devonshire 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th dukes of Cawthorne, Joseph, fl. 1767-82 251 Cayle, Andrew, fl. 1823 . . 87 Cayle, Hugh, fl. 1798 . . . 164 Cazenove, Theophile, fl. 1788 194 Cecil, James, see Salisbury, 1st marquess of Ceely, Justice, fl. 1780 . 109 Cells, John Coesvelt, fl. 1782 251 Cenae, J. Portier, fl. 1792 191 Center, A. J., fl. 1836 . . 166 Cerjat, Mons., fl. 1784 . . 268 Cervantes, Vincente, fl. 1788 188 CESNOLA CHAPIN 355 Cesnola, Luigi Palma di , 1832-1904 7 Chabannes, Comte de, fl. 1850 67 Chabert, Daniel de Joncaire de, 1716-71 61, 95 Chabert, Pedro, fl. 1737 . 251 Chace, Elizabeth Buffum, 1806-99 52 Chachapoyas, Pedro, bishop of, fl. 1855 169 Chadbourne, J. R. , fl. 1836 20 Chads, Henry, fl. 1775-82 ... 11, 95, 251 Chadwick, Joseph, fl. 1760-69 55 Chafin, Eugene Wilder, 1852-1920 194 Chalmers, George, 1742-1825 251 Chalmers, Hamilton, fl. 1778 62 Chalmers, James, fl. 1777 . 62 Chalon, Jean, fl. 1763 ... 56 Chalon, Joseph, fl. 1767 95 Chalorier, Walter, d. 1792 62 Chamber, William As tor, fl. 1898 7 Chamberlain, Henry H. , fl. 1839 39 Chamberlain, Hubbard, fl. 1783 109 Chamberlain, Joseph, 1836-1914 194 Chamberlain, Joshua Lawrence, 1828-1914 .... 64 Chamberlain, Nathaniel, fl. 1839 165 Chamberlayne, Charles, d. 1810 171 Chamberlayne, William, fl. 1783 251 Chamberlin, Aaron, fl. 1780 20 Chamberlin, John B. , fl. 1834 166 Chamberlin, L. H. , fl. 1898 7 Chamberlin, Wells, fl. 1835 166 Chambers, J., fl. 1782 . . 251 Chambers, John, fl. 1753 4, 61 Chambers, Robert, 1802-71 67, 151 Chambers, Sir William, 1726-96 97 Chamier, fl. 1781 62 Chamier, Anthony, d. 1780 . 95 Chamier, Daniel, c. 1720-78 62, 95 Chamier, Frederic, fl. 1841 228 Champ, John, fl. 1780 ... 62 Champagne", Forbes, fl. 1778 62 Champagny, Jean-Baptiste Nompere, due de Cadore, comte de, 1756-1834 ... 97 Champigny, Jean Bochart de, fl. 1691 43 Champion, G 174 Champion, George D. , fl. 1820 87 Champion, Richard, 1743-91 109 Champion, Salmon, Jr. , fl. 1837 166 Champlin, Charles C. , fl. 1850 299 Champlin, George, fl. 1784 4 Champlin, John Denison, 1834-1915 194 Champney, Francis, fl. 1793 20 Chanche, Bishop John Mary Joseph, 1795-1852 .... 194 Chandler, John, fl. 1736 194 Chandler, John, fl. 1766 4, 194 Chandler, Joshua, fl. 1756 194 Chandler, L. , fl. 1790 . . 299 Chandler, Reuben, fl. 1765 95 Chandler, Samuel, fl. 1754 194 Chandler, Samuel, 1693-1766 268 Chandler, Seth, fl. 1858 39 Chandler, Thomas, fl. 1749 194 Chandler, William, fl. 1754 194 Chandos, James Brydges, marquess of Carnarvon, 3rd duke of, 1731-89 . . 268 Channing, Edward, 1856-1931 285 Channing, Walter 109 Channing, Rev. William Ellery, 1780-1842 . . 30, 294 Chantry, Sir Francis, 1784-1841 228 Chapin, Adolphus, fl. 1833 166 Chapin, F. L. , fl. 1910 . 289 Chapin, H. A. , & Co. , fl. 1841 166 Chapin, L. B. , fl. 1838 . 298 Chapin, Leonard, fl. 1781 62 356 CHAPIN - CHEDSEY Chapin, Samuel A., fl. 1839 166 Chapin, V. , & Co. , fl. 1842 166 Chaplin, Dr. Ebenezer, 1777-1844 294 Chaplin, William L. , fl. 1837-50 ..... 30, 294 Chapman, A., fl. 1855 ... 30 Chapman, Bela, fl. 1836 . . 166 Chapman, Benjamin, fl. 1774 95 Chapman, Charles Edward, 1880-1941 31, 285 Chapman, George H. , fl. 1864 64 Chapman, J. B. , fl. 1836 166 Chapman, Maria Weston, Mrs. Henry Grafton, 1806-85 294 Chapman, Mary G. , fl. 1874 294 Chapman, Moriss Weston, fl. 1846 39 Chapman, Samuel 62 Chapman, Samuel, fl. 1758 . 118 Chapman, Thomas, fl. 1776-81 62 Chapman, William, fl. 1822 299 Chard, Edward, fl. 182 6 . . 67 Chardon, Pere Jean, d. 1743 43 Charlemont, James Caulefeild, 4th viscount and 1st earl of, 1728-99 151 Charleston (S. C). Board of Police 62 Charleston (S. C. ) , Loyalists of, fl. 1781 . . 62 Char le ton, Thomas, fl. 1772-82 62, 301 Charleton, William, fl. 1780 301 Charlton, Dr. Thomas, d. 1835 109 Charlton, Thomas, fl. 1834 166 Charlus, comte de, see Castries, due de Charmoy, Jose" de, fl. 1914. 285 Charnay, Desire" 289 Charnwood, Godfrey Rathbone Benson, 1st baron, 1864-1945 191 Chartrand, John, fl. 1836 39 Chase, Anthony, fl. 1854 . . 39 Chase, Rev. Carlton, 1794-1870 79 Chase, G. , & Co., 299 Chase, George S. , fl. 1837 294 Chase, Hannah K. , fl. 1839 52 Chase, Jeremiah Townley, 1748-1828 280 Chase, Lew A., fl. 1933 . . 285 Chase, P. , fl. 1840 .... 39 Chase, Philander, 1775-1852 166 Chase, Robert 194 Chase, Salmon Portland, 1808-73 30, 64, 259 Chase, Samuel, 1741-1811 . 280 Chastanier, A. , fl. 1867 74 Chastellux, Francois- Jean, marquis de, 1734-88 . 62, 251 Chateaubriand, Francois- Auguste, vicomte de, 1768-1848 67 Chatelet-Lomont , Florent- Louis-Marie, due et comte du, 1727-93 251 Chatelling, M. , fl. 1917 . . 52 Chatfield, Levi S. , fl. 1849 166 Chatfield, Samson, fl. 1847 30 Chatfield-Taylor, Hobart Chatfield, 1865-1945 . . . 289 Chatham, Lady Hester Grenville Pitt, countess of, 1721-1803 111, 151, 174, 268 Chatham, John Pitt, 2nd earl of, 1756-1835 97, 174, 223, 250, 268 Chatham, William Pitt, 1st earl of, 1708-78 95, 111, 223, 251 Chaumont, James Le Roy de, fl. 1841 52 Chaumont, Vincent Le Roy de, fl. 1840 52 Chauncey, Charles, fl. 1787 194 Chauncey, Charles, 1777-1849 294 Chauncey, William H. , fl. 1844 228 Chauncy, Nathaniel Snell, fl. 1830 194 Chauvelin, Claude-Francois, marquis de, d. 1774 . . . 251 Chauvin, Mons. , fl. 1780 . 287 Chauvin, Pierre, fl. 1810 . 52 Chavert, Dr. Jaun Luis, fl. 1833 181 Chaves, Francisco de, fl. 1748 183 Chavez, Mathias, fl. 1754 . 183 Cheape, Thomas, fl. 1768-80 62, 251 Chedsey, Joseph, fl. 1845 166 CHEESMAN CHOLLET 357 Cheesraan, Joshua, fl. 1820 299 Chelmsford, Frederick Thesiger, 1st baron, 1794-1878 194 Chelsea Hospital Board, Commissioners of 95 "Chelsea Pensioner, A," fl. 1777 98 Chenay, Princess de, fl. 1826 228 Chene, Charles Caoussa, 1732-post 1770 95 Chene, Joseph, fl. 1800 . 191 Chenet, E. , fl. 1867 ... 74 Cheney, Benj., fl. 1782 . 109 Cherokees 251 Cliote", fl. 1765 95 Headmen 14 Jud's Friend, fl. 1771 . . 95 Kittagurta, fl. 1766 ... 95 Little Carpenter, fl. 1758 14 Oconostota, d. 1758 ... 95 Saluy, fl. 1764 95 Chesapeake & Ohio Canal Co 194 Chelsley, John, fl. 1780 . 62 Chesnut, James, 1815-85 . . 64 Chesnut, John 109 Chessex, Lucien, fl. 1914 285 Chester, John, d. 1809 . . 109 Chester, John, fl. 1782 . 151 Chester, Leonard, fl. 1780 194 Chester, Gov. Peter, fl. 1770 95, 263 Chester, S. W. B. , fl. 1845 166 Chesterfield, Philip Stanhope, 5th earl of, 1755-1815 97 Cheswill, Wentworth, fl. 1774 194 Chetwood, William, fl. 1747 61 Chetwynd, William, fl. 1735 194 Chetwynd, William, fl. 1778 62 Chevalier, C. , fl. 1780 . . 62 Chevalier, Michel, fl. 1834 20 Chevallier, Louis, fl. 1745-80 95 Chew, James, fl. 1764 ... 95 Chew, Joseph, fl. 1748-79 61, 62 Chewton, George Waldegrave, 4th earl, 1751-89 . . 62, 287 Cheyney, Edward Potts, 1861-1947 285 Chicago Tribune 7 Chichester, Anne Frankland Pelham, countess of, d. 1813 250 Chichester, Thomas Pelham, 1st earl of, 1728-1805 151, 250 Chichester, Thomas Pelham, 2nd earl of, 1756-1826 . . 67, 97, 174, 250 Chick, Edward Lord, fl. 1786 194 Chickagoff, E. , fl. 1803 . . 97 Chickering, Joseph, fl. 1807 20 Chico, fl. 1810 182 Child, David Lee, 1794-1874 166, 294 Child, E. B. , fl. 1823 . . 299 Child, Jonathan 194 Child, Lydia Maria Francis, Mrs. David Lee, 1802-80 . 294 Childe, Mrs. N. L. , fl. 1844 228 Childers, Charles E. E. , fl. 1922 285 Chilton, E., fl. 1703 . . . 194 Chilver, S 250 Chinard, Gilbert, 1881- . . 289 Chipman, John S. , 1800-69 166 Chipman, Ward, 1754-1824 98 Chippewa 52, 118, 191 Chippewa Chiefs 281 Nanguis 191 Votlytonaince 191 Chirol, Sir Valentine, 1852-1929 285 Chisholm, Alexander, fl. 1779 62 Chesholm, Colin, fl. 1780 . 62 Chisholm, Duncan, d. 1782 62 Chissolm, James, fl. 1767 95, 251 Chittenden, Charles, fl. 1802 299 Chittenden, Joseph, Jr. , fl. 1834 166 Chittenden, Simeon B. , 1814-89 71 Chittenden, Thomas, 1730-97 62 Chittenden, Truman, fl. 1836 166 Choate, William N. , fl. 1850 166 Choiseul, comte de, see Praslin, due de Choiseul et d'Amboise, Etienne-Francois de Choiseul, due de, 1719-85 57, 95, 251, 268 Chollet, Masson & Cie. , fl. 1779 127 358 CHOLWELL - CLARK Cholwell, James, fl. 1822 299 Cholwell, Lyle, fl. 1830 . 299 Cholwich, William, fl. 1782 251 Chovin, Charles, fl. 1811 . 191 Chovin, Susanne, fl. 1811 . 191 Chowell, Ralph, fl. 1833 25, 58 Christchurch, Borough of . 268 Christian, John D. , fl. 1831 30 Christie, Alexander, fl. 1781-94 251 Christie, Gabriel, 1722-99 61, 62, 95, 98, 194, 287 Christie, John, fl. 1768 95 Christopher, John, fl. 1760 95 Christopher, John, fl. 1775 98 Chrysel, Christopher, fl. 1782 251 Chrysologue, Noel-Andre", pere, fl. 1773 143 Chubb, Franklin, fl. 1844 166 Chum, Joseph, fl. 1794 . . 118 Church, Dr. Benjamin, 1734-77? 95, 194 Church, Thomas B. , 1813-90 166 Church of England in America 59 Churchman, John, d. 1805 127, 142 Churchman & Parson, fl. 1828 299 Churron, Fr. , fl. 1590 . . 194 Cicest, Rev. J., fl. 1815 250 Cicotte, Baptiste, fl. 1810 52 Cincinnati Anti-Texas Committee 30 Cincinnati (Ohio) Committee of Citizens ... 52 Cissure, Rebecca, fl. 1803. 191 Cist, Charles, 1738-1805 127 Cist, Henry Martyn, 1839-1902 194 Claflin, F. A., fl. 1882 . 294 Clagett, Wysemann, 1721-84 16, 194 Claiborne, Richard, fl. 1777-82 109 Clajon, William, fl. 1771 . 95 Clan, Henry, fl. 1812 . . . 299 Clancarty, Richard Le Poer Trench, 1st viscount and 2nd earl of, 1767-1837 67, 103 Clancy, W 109 Clapham, John, fl. 1779 62, 151 Claphamson, Thomas, fl. 1762 251 Clapp, Henry A., fl. 1897 . 294 Clapp, Otis, fl. 1850 . . . 166 Clapp, Thomas, fl. 1764 ... 95 Clapp, Zebedee, fl. 1793 . . 20 Clare, viscount, see Nugent, 1st earl Clare, George, fl. 1844 . . 299 Clare, John Fitzgibbon, 1st earl of, 1749-1802 ... 97 Clarence and St. Andrews, duke of, see Great Britain. Sovereigns. William IV Clarendon, George William Frederick Villiers, 4th earl of, 1800-70 . 52. 67, 151 Clarendon, K 151 Clarendon, Thomas Villiers, 1st earl of, 1709-86 98, 149, 151, 268 Clariere, Etienne, 1735-93 194 Clarina, 1st baron, see Massey, Eyre Clarisa, fl. 1812 182 Clark, B. B 299 Clark, Benjamin, fl. 1827 . 299 Clark, Edward, 1807-87 . . . 166 Clark, Erastus, fl. 1873 . . 294 Clark, George, d. 1888 . . . 294 Clark, George Rogers, 1752-1818 118 Clark, George Thomas, fl. 1842 166 Clark, Henry, fl. 1836 ... 20 Clark, Hobart, fl. 1833 ... 20 Clark, J 87 Clark, J. P., fl. 1844 . . . 228 Clark, J. Rush, fl. 1780 . . 287 Clark, Joel C, fl. 1856 . . 39 Clark, John, fl. 1817 . . . 299 Clark, John, d. 1819 .... 109 Clark, John, fl. 1835 . . . 166 Clark, John A., fl. 1834 . . 166 Clark, John B. , fl. 1840 . . 64 Clark, John Bates, 1847-1938 194 Clark, Joseph, fl. 1781 ... 62 Clark, L. W. , fl. 1807 . . . 299 Clark, Lewis Gaylord, 1808-73 52 Clark, Lot, fl. 1834 .... 166 Clark, Myron Holley, 1806-92 52 Clark, Oliver P., fl. 1835 . 166 Clark, Peleg 109 Clark, R. L. , fl. 1798 . . . 299 Clark, Richard, fl. 1792 . . 62 Clark, Dr. Robert, fl. 1833 166 CLARK - CLEAVELAND 359 Clark, Robert, fl. 1861 . . Clark, Robert, Jr. , fl. 1835 Clark, S. E. , fl. 1840 . . Clark, S. Morton, fl. 1851 Clark, Samuel, 1800-70 . . Clark, Samuel J. , fl. 1840 Clark, Samuel W. , fl. 1813 Clark, Theodore E. , fl. 1829 Clark, Thomas, fl. 1766 61 Clark, Thomas M. , fl. 1855 Clark, Rev. Thos. March, 1812-1903 52 Clark, Victor Selden, 1868- Clark, W. F. , fl. 1835 . Clark, W. H. , fl. 1840 , Clark, W. T. , fl. 1861 . Clark, Walter, d. 1842 . Clark & Baldwin, fl. 1805 Clark & Milligan, fl. 1778 Clark & Nightingale, fl. 1784 Clarke, Sir Alured, 1745-1832 62 Clarke, Arthur, fl. 1780 . Clarke, E. , fl. 1785 . . . Clarke, Eduard, fl. 1852 . Clarke, Edward Daniel, 1769-1822 Clarke, Edwin W. , 1801-86 Clarke, Ethan Clarke, Gedney, fl. 1757-66 194 Clarke, George, d. 1763 Clarke, Henry, fl. 1772 . Clarke, Hovey K. , fl. 1844 Clarke, J. M. , fl. 1864 . Clarke, James, fl. 1779 . Clarke, James B. , fl. 1828 Clarke, James Freeman, fl. 1871 Clarke, Capt. John, fl. 1764 Clarke, John, fl. 1772 . . Clarke, Lt. John, fl. 1775 Clarke, John, fl. 1781 . . Clarke, John, fl. 1785 . . Clarke, John, fl. 1836 . . Clarke, Jonathan, fl. 1778 122 Clarke, Jonathan, Jr., fl. 1776-82 109 298 Clarke, Joseph, 299 fl. 1781 62 Clarke, M. S. , fl. 1848 . . 39 259 Clarke, Matthew St. Clair, 166 fl. 1833 87 Clarke, Rebecca P. , 299 fl. 1858 52 Clarke, Richard, 299 d. 1795 287, 293 Clarke, Thomas, 294 fl. 1783 194, 268 Clarke, Dr. Thomas B. , , 62 fl. 1833 166 Clarke, William, 39 fl. 1783 251 Clarkson, Andrew, , 79 fl. 1759 194 Clarkson, David A., 285 fl. 1844 299 244 Clarkson, L. F. , . 30 fl. 1847 299 122 Clarkson, M. , fl. 1805 . . 299 166 Clarkson, Matthew, 1758-1825 109, 280 299 Clarkson, Rev. Robert Harper, 1826-84 79 62 Clarkson, T. L 109 Clarkson, Thomas, 109 fl. 1840 30 Clarksville, inhabitants 109 of, fl. 1790 118 . 62 Clasback, George, 109 fl. 1865 36 . 39 Clason, Lewis, fl. 1837-49 298 151 Clason, Timothy, fl. 1781 62 . 30 Clauncey, J 87 109 Claus, Daniel, 1727-87 62, 95, 251 251 Clavering, Thomas 151 Clawsen, Lawrence, . 61 fl. 1720 251 95 Clay, Cassius M. , 1810-1903 30 166 Clay, Clement Claiborne, 122 1816-82 64 62 Clay, Clement Conner, 1789-1866 30 299 Clay, Henry, 1777-1852 30, 52, 64, 103, 228, 247 294 Clay, James B. , fl. 1844 . . 64 Clay, Joseph, 95 1741-1804 109, 280 275 Clay, Telfair & Co. . . . 109 Clayton, Charles H. , 95 fl. 1841 87 287 Clayton, John Middleton, 251 1796-1856 52, 166 166 Clayton, John N. , fl. 1855 228 62 Cleaveland, C. F. , fl. 1853 39 360 CLEAVELAND - CLUM Cleaveland, Samuel, fl. 1774 95 Cle*dat, Leon, 1851-1930 . . 285 Clegg, Samuel, fl. 1784 . . 109 Clein, Valentine, fl. 1781 62 Cleland, Charles, fl. 1833 ......... 166 Clemenceau, Georges, 1841-1929 194 Clemens, Charles L. ... 194 Clements, James, fl. 1781 . 62 Clements, Nathaniel, fl. 1727 194 Clements, Nathaniel, see Leitrim, 2nd earl of Clements, William Lawrence, 1861-1934 .... 60, 278, 285 Clemson, Anna 228 Clendenin, John, fl. 1776-83 109 Clephane, James, fl. 1759 . 95 Clerk, Duncan, fl. 1782 . . 251 Clerk, George, fl. 1775. 62, 95 Clerk, Sir George, 1787-1867 67 Clerk, James, fl. 1807 . . 174 Clermont-Tonnere, Gaspard, marquis de, 1688-1781 ... 89 Cleveland, Archibald, fl. 1765 251 Cleveland, Charles Dexter, 1802-69 30 Cleveland, Chauncey Fitch, 1799-1887 294 Cleveland, Frederick Albert, 1865-1946 .... 285 Cleveland, George, fl. 1830 20 Cleveland, J. H. , fl. 1842 166 Cleveland, Richard Jeffry, 1773-1860 20 Cleveland, S. Grover, 1837-1908 7, 52 Cleveland, Stephen, fl. 1799 20 Cleveland, William A., fl. 1844 166 Clevland, John, fl. 1747 . . 61 Clibborn, Catherine Booth . 52 Clibborn, Victoria Booth . . 52 Clifford 253 Clifford, Edward, Lord, fl. 1810 67 Clifford, Jeronimy, fl. 1724 268 Clifton, William, fl. 1765 95 Clinch, Duncan Lamont, 1787-1849 247 Clinch, L 87 Clingan, William, d. 1790 . 280 Clingman, Thomas Lanier, 1812-97 64 Clinton, C. A., fl. 1825 . 299 Clinton, Catherine I. , fl. 1837 52 Clinton, Charles, 1690-1773 61, 62 Clinton, Charles Rodolph Trefusis, 19th baron, 1791-1866 67 Clinton, De Witt, 1769-1828 194, 299 Clinton, De Witt, Jr. ... 87 Clinton, George, 16867-1761 62, 251, 268, 292 Clinton, George, 1739-1812 61, 62, 109, 121, 194 Clinton, George, fl. 1803 299 Clinton, Henry, see Lincoln, 7th earl of Clinton, Sir Henry, 17317-95 11, 61, 62, 95, 98 107, 147, 251, 253, 268, 287 Clinton, Sir Henry, 1771-1829 62 Clinton, Henry Fynes, 1781-1852 151 Clinton, Isabella 228 Clinton, James, 1736-1812 62, 194 Clinton, Susan Elcha, Lady, d. 1816 250 Clinton, Victoire Booth . . 52 Clinton, Sir William Henry, 1769-1846 ... 62, 250 Clinton-Baddeley, V. C. , fl. 1943 194 Clissold, Stephen, fl. 1825 268 Clitherah, Elisa, fl. 1782 109 Clive, Edward, see Powis, 1st earl of Clive, Robert Clive, baron, 1725-74 149 Clive, Sidney, fl. 1803 . . 250 Clogher, John, fl. 1767 . . 275 Cloney, Henry, fl. 1825 . . 299 Clonmell, earl of, see Scott, John Clopton, John, 1756-1816 . 194 Clossey, Franklin, fl. 1837 166 Closson, Josiah 299 Clossy, Samuel, fl. 1779 . . 62 Clovelsay, John, fl. 1786 268 Clow, Henry, fl. 1827 . . . 299 Clum, Adam, fl. 1802 . . . 299 Clum, G. , fl. 1823 .... 299 Clum, Henry P. , fl. 1817 299 CLUM - COFFINS 361 Clum, John, fl. 1831 . . . 299 Clum, Peter H. , Jr., fl. 1888 299 Clum, Philip H. , fl. 1797 299 Clunet, Edouard, fl. 1902 289 Cluny, Comtesse de . . . . 62 Cluseret, Gustave Paul, 1823-72 122 Cluverius, Wat Tyler, 1874- 194 Clymer, George, 1739-1813 194, 280 Coates, James, fl. 1755-1822 109 Coates, L. B. , fl. 1836 166 Cobb, Dr. Hosea P. , fl. 1835 166 Cobb, Howell, 1815-68 52, 64 Cobb, James M. , fl. 1836 194 Cobb, Matthew, fl. 1841 . . 39 Cobb, Sylvanus, 1823-87 194, 294 Cobbett, Wm., 1762-1835 194 Cobbs, Rev. Nicholas Hammer, 1796-1861 .... 79 Cobbs, William N. , fl. 1834 87, 166 Cobden, Richard, 1804-65 151, 194 Coca, Felipe, fl. 1867 . . 74 Cochenhausen, Mme. de, fl. 1795 97 Cochenhausen, Johann Friedrich von, fl. 1776-82 62, 147 Cochran, Charles, fl. 1781 62 Cochran, Miss F. C. , fl. 1843 39 Cochran, Gavin, d. 1786 . . 95 Cochran, John, fl. 1774 . . 95 Cochran, Robert, fl. 1784 118 Cochrane, Sir Alexander F. I., 1758-1832 .... 174 Cochrane, Charles, d. 1781 62, 98 Cochrane, J. T. , fl. 1846 52 Cochrane, John, 1813-98 . . 64 Cochrane, Thomas, see Dundonald, 10th earl of Cochrane -Bail lie, Alexander Dundas Ross Wishart, 1st baron Lamington, 1816-90 .... 67 Cock, Albert, fl. 1819 . . 299 Cock, William 62 Cock, William, fl. 1790 . . 299 Cockburn, Sir Alexander James Edmund, 1802-80 . . . 151 Cockburn, Eliza, fl. 1810 . 299 Cockburn, Sir George, 1772-1853 . . 67, 103, 174, 194 Cockburn, Henry Thomas Cockburn, Lord, 1779-1864 151 Cockburn, James, fl. 1793 . 299 Cockburn, Sir James, fl. 1806-19 174 Cockburn, James, fl. 1759-83 .... 62, 95, 287 Cockburn, John, fl. 1743 . . 61 Cockburn, Margaret, fl. 1793 299 Cockburn, T 174 Cockburn, Sir William, 5th bart., 1768-1835 .... 97 Cockburn, William, fl. 1767 62 Cockburn, William, fl. 1801 299 Cocke, Leonard, fl. 17 37 . . 2 51 Cockell, Teesdale, fl. 1780 62 Cockrell, Francis Marion, 1834-1915 64 Codallos, Felipe, fl. 1836 184 Codallos, Juan Jose", fl. 1830 185 Codd, E. J 125 Coddington, John, fl. 1767 95 Codington, Edward, fl. 1772 95 Codman, John, fl. 1794 . . . 194 Codman, Stephen, Jr 20 Codrington, Sir Edward, 1770-1851 239 Codrington, Sir Wm. John, 1804-84 194 Coe, George M., fl. 1830 . . 244 Cofer, M. H. , fl. 1865 . . . 122 Coffin, Alex, fl. 1820 . . . 299 Coffin, Dan, fl. 1805 . . . 299 Coffin, H. W. , fl. 1898 . . 125 Coffin, Sir Isaac, 1759-1839 20 Coffin, James, fl. 1803 . . 299 Coffin, L. A., fl. 1835 . . 299 Coffin, Margaret, fl. 1838 39 Coffin, N., fl. 1837 .... 39 Coffin, Robert, fl. 1840 . . 299 Coffin, Stephen, fl. 1754 61 Coffin, Sir Thomas Aston, 1754-1810 62 Coffin & Van Dusen, fl. 1831 299 Coffins & Anderson, fl. 1779. 62 362 COGGESHALL - COLMAN Coggeshall, George, fl. 1847 166 Coghlan, John B. , fl. 1898 52 Cogshall, Rev. Israel, fl. 1856 30 Cogswell, J. E 228 Cogswell, J. M. , fl. 1785 299 Cogswell, Joseph Green, 1786-1871 31 Cogswell, William, fl. 1804 194 Coit, Daniel W. , fl. 1847 166 Coit, Joshua, fl. 1848 . . 166 Cokburne, George, fl. 1758 251 Coke, Lady Anne, fl. 1841 . 228 Coke, Daniel Parker, 1745-1825 251 Coke, Thomas William, 1st earl of Leicester, 1752-1842 174, 228 Colbert, Jean-Baptiste, 1619-1683 194 Colburn, J., fl. 1865 ... 36 Colburn, Jeremiah, fl. 1865 39 Colchester, 1st baron, see Abbot, Charles Colcord, Samuel, fl. 1712 . 194 Colden, Alexander, 1716-74 251, 263 Colden, Cadwallader, 1687-1776. 14, 61, 62, 95, 251 Colden, Cadwallader, 1722-97 61, 98 Colden, Thomas, 1754-1826 62 Cole, Aaron, fl. 1781 ... 62 Cole, Arthur, fl. 1766 ... 95 Cole, Edward, fl. 1767-74 . 95 Cole, Fred M. , fl. 1840 . . 299 Cole, George Watson, 1850-1939 31, 194 Cole, Jacob, fl. 1791 . . . 299 Cole, John S. , fl. 1798 . . 299 Cole, Maritrie, fl. 1799 . 299 Cole, Peter P., fl. 1819 . 299 Cole, Robert, fl. 1789 ... 97 Cole, Robert, fl. 1839-68 . 31 Colebrook, Sir James, fl. 1761 95 Colebrooke, Edward, fl. 1781 251 Colebrooke, Sir George, fl. 1761-82 . 95, 151, 251 Coleman, David, fl. 1781 . . 62 Coleman, Edward, fl. 1814 194 Coleman, Rev. Leighton, 1837-1907 79 Coleman, S. , fl. 1777 ... 251 Coleman, William, fl. 1790-1838 239 Coleman, William H. , d. 1870 166 Colen, F. V., fl. 1767 . . 251 Coleraine, 4th baron, see Hanger, George Coleridge, Sir John Taylor, 1790-1876 151, 253 Coles, Jarvis, fl. 1779 . . 62 Coles, John Butler, fl. 1800 299 Colhoun, Alexander, fl. 1747 61 Colhoun, John Ewing .... 109 Colins, Thomas, fl. 1779 . . 62 Colla, Joaquin, fl. 1787 . 188 Collado, Juan de, fl. 1810 182 Collar, Silbestre, fl. 1796 201 Collet, John, fl. 1782 194, 251 Collet, John A. , fl. 1767-75 95, 251 Collett, Ebenezer John, fl. 1786 109 Collett, John, fl. 1791 . . 62 Collier, Sir George, 1738-95 62, 98, 251 Collier, Sir George Ralph, fl. 1823 174 Collier, John, fl. 1767 . . 251 Collier, John Payne, 1789-1883 31, 194 Collier, William, fl. 1780 . 62 Collier, William M. , fl. 1927 228 Collingwood, Cuthbert Collingwood, 1st baron, 1750-1810 97 Collingwood, John, fl. 1810 67 Collingwood, Mary, fl. 1800 67 Collins, Mr., fl. 1766 . . 251 Collins, Gifford, fl. 1817 299 Collins, John, 1717-95 . . 109 Collins, John F. , fl. 1850 299 Collins, Joseph 62 Collins, Luke, fl. 1798 . . 164 Collins, Nathan, fl. 1797 . 299 Collins, Peter B. , fl. 1800 299 Collins, R. D. C 87 Collins, W., fl. 1780 ... 62 Collins, Wilkie Nelson, fl. 1912 285 Collins & Hayes 109 Collis, Henry, fl. 1766 . . 69 Colman, George, 1732-94 158 COLOMBO - CONVERSE 363 Colombo, Christdforo, see Columbus Colquhoun, Patrick, 1745-1820 174, 250 Colquhoun, W. , fl. 1780 . . 287 Colsenet, Edmond, fl. 1914 285 Colston, Josiah, fl. 1837 166 Colt, Peter, d. 1824 . 69, 109 Colton, Betsy, fl. 1839 165 Colton, Jonathan S., fl. 1839 165 Colton, Joseph Hutchins, 1800-93 298 Colton, Dr. Walter, fl. 1833 166 Columbia College. Board of Trustees 194 Columbus, Christopher, 1446-1506 50, 201 Colvill, Lt., fl. 1758 ... 14 Colvill, Alexander Colvill, 7th Lord, d. 1770 95 Colvill, Robert, d. 1788 . 194 Colwell, Stephen, 1800-71 87 Commins, Patrick, fl. 1782 62 Comonfort, Ignacio, 1812-1863 74 Compagnie de Canada, directeurs de la, fl. 1701. 43 Company of Merchants Adventurers of England . . 251 Company of Merchants of England Trading into the Levant Seas, fl. 1715 . . 251 Company of Merchants Trading to Africa. Committee, fl. 1767 . . . 251 Compo, Elisha Julius, fl. 1805 299 Compton, William, fl. 1780 62 Compty, J., fl. 1781 . . . 109 Compty, Thomas, fl. 1781 . 109 Comstock, Addison J. , fl. 1833 166 Comstock, Anna, fl. 1810 . 299 Comstock, Cyrus Ballou, fl. 1864 64 Comstock, Daniel D. , fl. 1846 166 Comstock, Ebenezer, fl. 1810 299 Comstock, Horace H. , d. 1860 166 Comstock, Levi, fl. 1834 . 166 Comstock, Dr. Oliver C. , d. c. 1895 166 Comstock, Stephen B. , fl. 1833 166 Conant, Samuel Stillman, 1831-85 87 Conant, Shubael, fl. 1807-34 166 Conars, Isaac, fl. 1798 . . 299 Concord, Ladies' Anti- Slavery Society of, fl. 1835 294 Condit, Silas, 1778-1861 . . 280 Conduitt, John, 1688-1737 . 268 Cone, William R. , fl. 1879 39 Congalton, Henry, fl. 1766 . 95 Congdon, Charles, fl. 1865 . 36 Congreve, William, 1772-1828 174 Coningham, John, fl. 17 66 . . 95 Conklin, Enoch, fl. 1810 . . 299 Conklin, J,, fl. 1830 . . . 299 Conklin, J. M. , & Co. , fl. 1817 299 Conkling, Thomas L. , fl. 1844 294 Connecticut Anti-Slavery Society . . . 294 General Assembly . 61, 62, 194 Governor and Company, fl. 1775 95 Governor and Council of Safety 194 Militia Captain General 194 10th Regiment ...... 194 Connel, Daniel, fl. 1781 . . 62 Connell, John, fl. 1842 . . 228 Connhovern, Christian, fl. 1821 299 Connolly, Dr. John, 17507-1813 .... 62, 95, 251 Connor, Constant, fl. 1778 62 Connor, Henry, fl. 1834 . . 166 Connor, Samuel 194 Conojoharie, inhabitants of, fl. 1759 95 Conolly, Hon. Thomas, 1738-1803 275, 287 Conolly, William, fl. 1772 95 Conouse, John P., fl. 1834 . 166 Conover, James F. , fl. 1834 166 Conran, Henry, fl. 1768 ... 95 Constable, James, fl. 1775 301 Constant, Isaac, fl. 1776 . . 62 Constantine, Peter, fl. 1802 299 Continental Army, see United States Conto, Antonio de, fl. 1816. 182 Convers & Kirlin 125 Converse, John H. , fl. 1834 166 364 CONVERSE - COPPEE Converse, John P. , fl. 1834 166 Conway, Francis Seymour, see Hertford, 1st marquess of Conway, George Seymour, fl. 1782 62 Conway, Hon. Henry Seymour, 1721-95 ... 42, 62 75, 95, 98, 174, 194, 251, 268 Conway, John R. , fl. 1869 247 Conway, Maurice, fl. 1787 164 Conway, Rev. Moncure Daniel, 1832-1907 278, 286, 289 Conyers, James, fl. 1781 . 109 Conyngham, Henry Conyngham, 1st baron and earl, d. 1781 275 Conyngham, Henry Conyngham, 3rd baron and 1st marquess of, 1766-1832 67 Conyngham, William, fl. 1783 268 Cook, Darius B. , fl. 1843 . 166 Cook, E. F., fl. 1839 . . . 166 Cook, Fountaine, fl. 1750 268 Cook, Rev. J. B. , fl. 1827-37 30 Cook, John 109 Cook, Levi, fl. 1834 . . . 166 Cook, Moses B. , fl. 1835 . 166 Cook, Palmer, fl. 1822 . . 299 Cook, Phillip, fl. 1780 . . 62 Cook, William, fl. 1765 . . 95 Cook, William W. , d. 1930 52, 285 Cook & Baker, fl. 1815 . . 299 Cooke, Mr., fl. 1794 .... 97 Cooke, Aaron J. , fl. 1903 64, 191 Cooke, Edward, fl. 1712 . . 251 Cooke, Edward, 1755-1820 149, 250 Cooke, Fanny 228 Cooke, Frank A. , fl. 1892 194 Cooke, George John, fl. 1768 268 Cooke, John, fl. 1781 ... 62 Cooke, John A., fl. 1853 . 228 Cooke, John Esten, 1783-1853 64 Cooke, Josiah Piatt, 1730-1816 280 Cooke, Nicholas, 1717-1782 194 Cooke, Philip St. George, 1809-95 64 Cooke, Robert, fl. 1780 . . 62 Cooke, S. A., fl. 1839 . . 166 Cooke, Thomas I vie, fl. 1779 62 Cookson, Rev. W. , fl. 1808 . 97 Cooley, Anthony, fl. 1844 . 166 Coolidge, A. J., fl. 1865 . . 39 Coolidge, Annita, fl. 1843 . 39 Coolidge, Archibald Cary, 1866-1928 285, 294 Coolidge, Benjamin, fl. 1805 20 Coolidge, Calvin, 1872-1933 282 Coolidge, Charles, fl. 1815 . 69 Coolidge, D. , fl. 1812 . . . 299 Coolidge, George, fl. 1830 . 20 Coolidge, Thomas B. , fl. 1827 20 Coon, Alex, fl. 1850 .... 299 Coon, John H. , fl. 1802 . . 299 Coon, Peter, fl. 1818 . . . 299 Coon, Peter, fl. 1843 . . . 166 Coon, Philip W. , fl. 1830 . 299 Coon, Simon H. , fl. 1798 . . 299 Coon & Sagendorph, fl. 1850 299 Cooper, Charles D. , fl. 1804 299 Cooper, D., fl. 1845 .... 228 Cooper, David, fl. 1775 ... 95 Cooper, Cropley Ashley, see Shaftesbury, 6th earl of Cooper, George B. , 1808-66 166 Cooper, Sir Grey, d. 1801 95, 149, 174, 251 Cooper, Henry, fl. 1842 ... 39 Cooper, Isaac, fl. 1813 . . 299 Cooper, Jacob, fl. 1825 . . 299 Cooper; John, fl. 1782 . . . 251 Cooper, John, fl. 1799 . . . 299 Cooper, Martin, fl. 1790 . . 299 Cooper, Mary 194 Cooper, Richard, fl. 1838 . 166 Cooper, Rev. Samuel, 1739-1800 90, 98, 268 Cooper, Samuel, 1798-1876 . . 64 Cooper, Thomas, fl. 1827 . . 294 Cooper, William 194 Cooper, William, fl. 1807 . 299 Cooper & Bogardus, fl. 1806 299 Coote, Charles, see Bellamont, earl of Coote, Sir Eyre, 1762-1823 251, 268 Cope, George L. , fl. 1856 . 244 Cope, Joseph, fl. 1779 ... 62 Cope, William, 1762-1831 . . ] 51 Copeland, Thomas, fl. 1780 . 62 Copleston, Rev. Eduard, d. 1849 151 Copley, John Singleton, see Lyndhurst, 1st baron Coppee, Henry, 1821-95 ... 64 COPPINGER - COTTENHAM 365 Coppinger, Cornelius, fl. 1784 109 Copway, George ( Kagigegabo) , 1818-63 194 Coquillard, Alexis, fl. 1834 166 Corbet, Robert, fl. 1801 . 250 Corbett, Erasmus, fl. 1780 62 Corbett, Thomas, d. 1751 61, 292 Corbin, David E. , fl. 1835 166 Corbin, Francis P. , fl. 1826 299 Corbin, Henry C. , fl. 1898 7, 125 Corbin, Richard, fl. 1767 . 251 Corbin, Virginia, fl. 1851 228 Corbitt, Samuel C. , fl. 1843 244 Corcelle, Pierre-Francois G. Tircuy de, d. 1898 . . 289 Corcoran, Michael, fl. 1763 64 Corcoran & Riggs, fl. 1845. 166 Cordis, Joseph, fl. 1792 . . 20 Cordova, Fernando de, fl. 1788 188 Cordova, Luis de, fl. 1784 194 Cork, Garret, fl. 1801 . . 299 Cork and Orrery, Lady Mary Monckton Boyle, countess of, 1746-1840 67 Cor ley, Thomas, fl. 1826 67 Cornbury, Edward L. ... 299 Cornell, Alanson, fl. 1841 166 Cornell, Ezekiel, 1733-1800 .... 62, 109, 280 Cornell, George, fl. 1764-70 95 Cornell, Joseph 109 Corning, Erastus, 1794-1872 36 Cornish, Andrew, fl. 1835 . 166 Cornish, Gabriel, fl. 1834 166 Cornish, William, fl. 1765 95 Cornwall, Charles Wolf ran, 1735-89 75, 107, 151 Cornwall, Richard, fl. 1772 95 Cornwall, William, fl. 1781 62 Cornwallis, Charles Cornwallis, 1st marquess and 2nd earl, 1738-1805 62, 97 98, 109, 147, 174, 251, 268 Cornwallis, Hon. Edward, 1713-76 192 Cornwallis, Frederick, fl. 1768-96 Cornwallis, Sir William 1744-1819 Cornwell, Daniel, fl. 1782 Cornwell, N. , fl. 1818 Corny, Lewis Ethis de, fl. 1780 Corona, Ramdn, d. 1889 Coronado, Francisco Vazquez de, 1510-54 . Coronbas, Diego, fl. 1634 . Corran, Henry, fl. 1812 . . Corrance, Ma j . John, fl. 1771 Corrance, Capt. John, fl. 1773 Corre", Anne, fl. 1823 . . . Correa, Manuel, fl. 1812 . Corrick, F. P., fl. 1916 . Corry, Samuel, fl. 1828 . . Corse, John Murray, 1835-93 Corselius, George, d. 1849 Corsica. Consulta Generale Corsini, Prince Tommaso, fl. 1898 Cortelyou, George B., fl. 1904 Cortelyou, Mary, fl. 1821 . Corte*s, G., fl. 1867 . . . Cortes, Hernando, 1485-1547 Coruna, Lorenzo Juarez de Mendosa, conde de la, fl. 1561 Corwell, William, fl. 1828 Corwin, E. B. , fl. 1853 . . Corwin, Edward Samuel, 1878- Cos, Jose* Maria, fl. 1812 . Cosby, Phillips, 1730-1808 62 Cosby, William, 1690-1736 Cosgrove, Edward Cossio, Jose", fl. 1867 . . Cossitt, F. R., fl. 1841 . Costanio, Miguel, fl. 1788 Costen, Isaac, fl. 1778 . . Coster, J., fl. 1831 . . . Cosuela, Manuel de, fl. 1737 Cotheal & Hoff, fl. 1810 . Cotigno, Henry, fl. 1683-1724 Cotten, Charles B. , fl. 1863 Cottenhara, Sir Charles C. Pepys, 1st earl of, 1781-1851 251 109 95 109 299 62 74 65 183 67 95 95 299 182 237 299 64 166 251 289 125 299 74 200 183 299 , 39 285 182 171 61 62 74 30 188 , 62 299 251 299 268 36 239 366 COTTON CRAIG Cotton, A. L., fl. 1835 . . 166 Cotton, Edward Howe, b. 1881 237 Cotton, Henry, fl. 1789-1879 67 Cotton, James, fl. 1776 . . 62 Cotton, John W. , fl. 1823-45 166 Cotton, Sir Lynch, fl. 1749 292 Cotton, Samuel, fl. 1797 . 299 Cottrell, Sir Stephen, fl. 1768-1801 . . 97, 251, 268 Couch, Darias Nash, 1822-97 64 Coulter, James T. , fl. 1897 52 Coulthurst, M., fl. 1769 . 158 Count, William A. , 1779-1860 151, 228 Cournilles, Deschamps de, fl. 1867 89 Courrech, F. , fl. 1867 ... 74 Coupland, Sir Reginald, 1884- 285 Courtemanche, Sieur de, fl. 1691 43 Courter, P., fl. 1840 . . . 294 Courtney, Fanny, Mrs. William, fl. 1781 .... 109 Courtney, James, fl. 1776 301 Courtney, William^ fl. 1781 109 Courtown, James Stopford, 2nd earl of, d. 1810 . 97, 268 Courtown, Mary Powys Stopford, countess of, d. 1810 97 Cousseau, James, fl. 1779 . 62 Coutant, Isaac, fl. 1776 . . 62 Coutante, David, fl. 1830 . 299 Coutharn, Joseph P., fl. 1842 87 Couttenho, Souza, fl. 1810 67 Coutts, Thomas, 1735-1822 67, 97, 174, 251 Couwenhoven, Nicholas, fl. 1779 62 Covens, Johannes, fl. 1773. 143 Covens, Mortier et Covens, Jr., fl. 1773 143 Coventry, George, fl. 1759 95 Coventry, George William Coventry, 6th earl of, 1722-1809 97 Covert, G. , fl. 1863 ... 122 Covert, John Cutler, 1839-1919 289 Cowan, David, fl. 1793 . . 253 Cowdry, John, fl. 1781 ... 62 Cowles, Horace, fl. 1838 . 294 Cowley, Capt., fl. 1699 . . 251 Cowley, William, fl. 1780 62 Cowper, B., fl. 1780 .... 62 Cowper, George Nassau Clavering Cowper, 3rd earl of, 1738-89 97 Cox, George Evans, fl. 1772 275 Cox, Jacob Dolson, 1828-1900 64 Cox, John, fl. 1730 .... 251 Cox, John, fl. 1778 .... 62 Cox, John, fl. 1799 .... 299 Cox, John, d. 1837 .... 109 Cox, John, Jr., fl. 1799 299 Cox, Joseph, fl. 1781 ... 62 Cox, Lemuel, 1736-1806 ... 20 Cox, Luther J. , fl. 1840 30 Cox, Nicholas, fl. 1775 . . 95 Cox, Richard, fl. 1778 ... 62 Cox, Thomas 62 Cox, Walton, fl. 1818 . . . 299 Cox, William, fl. 1808 . . 250 Cox & Drummond, fl. 1769 62, 95 Cox & Greenwood 62 Cox & Mair, fl. 1773 . . 62, 95 Cox, Clark, & Co. , fl. 1821 299 Cox, Cox, & Greenwood ... 62 Cox, Mair & Cox, fl. 1779 . 62 Coxe, Rev. Arthur Cleveland, 1818-96 79 Coxe, Charles S., fl. 1838 71 Coxe, Daniel, fl. 1778-1804 11, 62 Coxe, Mrs. Ellen, fl. 1839 166 Coxe, Tench, 1755-1824 . . 194 Coxe, William, 1762-1831 151, 194 Coxe & Co., fl. 1849 . . . 228 Cozens, Daniel, fl. 1781 . . 62 Cozens, John, fl. 1779 ... 62 Cozzens, Frederick S. , 1818-69 87 Crabtree, Eleazer, fl. 1835 244 Craddock, John, fl. 1776-80 62 Cradock, Sir John Francis, see Caradoc Craemer, Augustus, fl. 1846 30 Craggs, Robert Nugent, see Nugent, 1st earl Craghead, George, fl. 1790 . 4 Craig, Capt., fl. 1781 ... 62 Craig, Bethia, fl. 1784 . . 118 Craig, G., fl. 1786 .... 62 CRAIG - CRESSENER 367 Craig, Isaac, fl. 1868 ... 87 Craig, Sir James Henry, 1748-1812 . . 95, 97, 109, 194 Craig, John, fl. 1798 ... 118 Craig, Milliken, d. 1820 . 194 Craig, Neville B. , fl. 1829 87 Craig, Thomas, d. 1832 109, 118 Craige, David, fl. 1795 . . 194 Craigie, Andrew, 1743-1819 20 Cramahe', Hector Theophilus, fl. 1760-90 ... 95, 98, 232 Cramer, George, fl. 1793 . 299 Cramer, John, 1779-1870 . . 52 Cramer, William, fl. 1818 299 Cramond, J 62 Cramp, Charles H. , 1828-1913 7 Crandall, Ezekel 109 Crane, Cephas Bennett, 1833-1917 194 Crane, F. J. B. , fl. 1837 . 166 Crane, John 122 Crane, John, fl. 1790 . . . 299 Crane, Jonas 62 Crane, Moses, fl. 1771 ... 95 Crane, P. D. , fl. 1818 . . 299 Crane, Robert, fl. 1780 . . 62 Crane, Robert T. , fl. 1927 228 Crane, Roswell, fl. 1840 . 166 Crane, Rev. S. A., fl. 1842 166 Crane, Sears, fl. 1781 ... 62 Crane, Stephen, 1709-80 . . 280 Cranfield, Edward, fl. 1687 194 Cranford, John, fl. 1782 . 251 Cranston, Henry, fl. 1822 . 39 Cranston, Thomas, fl. 1755 . 4 Cranstoun, 4th baronet of, see Dalrymple, Sir John Cranworth, Robert Monsey Rolfe, 1st baron, 1796-1868 151 Crapley, Sarah B. , fl. 1930 165 Crapo, Henry Howland, 1804-69 7 Crapo, William W. , fl. 1947 194 Crapser, John, fl. 1844 . . 299 Crary, B. D. , fl. 1848 ... 30 Crary, Isaac Edwin, 1804-54 166, 191 Crauford, Q. W. , fl. 1793 97 Craufurd, John, fl. 1761 . 251 Craven, Charles, fl. 1765 95 Craven, R. K., fl. 1848 . . 151 Craven, Thomas Tingey, 1808-87 „ . 64 Cravioto, Rafael, 1829-1903 74 Crawford, Alexander, fl. 1749 16 Crawford, George, fl. 1798. 299 Crawford, George, fl. 1834 166 Crawford, George W. , b. 1798 247 Crawford, Henry, fl. 1775 . 95 Crawford, Hugh, fl. 1765 . . 95 Crawford, James, fl. 1788 . 118 Crawford, James, fl. 1799 . 299 Crawford, John, fl. 1781 . 109 Crawford, John T. , fl. 1834 228 Crawford, Josiah, fl. 1794 118 Crawford, Joseph U. , fl. 1898 125 Crawford, Martin Jenkins, 1820-83 64 Crawford, Robert, fl. 1848 30 Crawford, Samuel W. , fl. 1865 64 Crawford, T. Hartley, fl. 1839 166 Crawford, William Harris, 1772-1834 103 Crawford, William H. , fl. 1817 228 Crawford & Trumpbour, fl. 1835 299 Crawfurd, J. W. , fl. 1759 . 95 Crawley, Mr 98 Creed, William, fl. 1766 . . 69 Creeks 95 Lower Chiefs, fl. 1760-67 . 14, 95 Tugulkey, fl. 1764 .... 95 Wolf King, fl. 1766 ... 95 Upper Chief, fl. 1764 95 Emistisigo, fl. 1764 ... 95 Homahta, fl. 1767 .... 95 Muklasalgi, fl. 1766. 95, 251 The Mortar, fl. 1764 ... 95 Cregien, John L. , fl, 1825 299 Creighton, Dr., fl. 1779 . 167 Creighton, John, d. 1807 . 171 Crely, Mme., fl. 1771 ... 95 Cremer, Barnard, fl. 1800 . 299 Cremer, Frederick, fl. 1785 299 Crequi, Veuve, fl. 1797 . . 191 Crequis, Jean Baptiste, 1729-95 191 C re sap, Thomas, c. 1702-c. 1790 95 Cressener, George, fl. 1774 149 368 CRESSET - CULBERTSON Cresset, James, fl. 1751-73 107, 268 Cressy, Dr. Alonzo, fl. 1833 166 Crevecoeur, Robert St. John de, 1833-1896 289 Crew, John, fl. 1775 . . . 226 Crew, R. H. , fl. 1794 ... 171 Crichton, Patrick, fl. 1780 62 Cridland, Simonides, fl. 1761 95 Crindell, M. , fl. 1823 . . 299 Crindell, T. M. , fl. 1821 . 299 Cripps, William, fl. 1788 . 268 Crittenden, J. J. , fl. 1839 228 Crocker, N. B. , fl. 1823 . . 39 Crocker, S. E. , fl. 1837 . . 39 Crocket, Hugh, fl. 1781 . . 109 Crofton, Edward, fl. 1771 . 95 Crofts, Alexander, fl. 1815 299 Crofts, Dudley, fl. 1746 . . 61 Crofts, William, fl. 1786 . 109 Croghan, George, d. 1782 61, 95, 251 Crokatt, James, fl. 1730-49 268 Croker, Dillon, fl. 1855 . . 67 Croker, Edward, fl. 1818 . . 67 Croker, Elizabeth, fl. 1857 67 Croker, John, fl. 1807-12 . 67 Croker, John Wilson, 1780-1857 44, 67, 151, 174, 194 Croker, Rosamond Pennell, Mrs. John Wilson, fl. 1806-57 67 Croker, Thomas Crofton, 1798-1854 67 Croker, Walter, fl. 1815 . . 67 Croly, George, 1780-1860 67 Cromley, Capt 62 Crook, W. J., fl. 1864 . . .122 Crooke, C. , fl. 1827 . . . 299 Crooke and Fowkes, fl. 1831 299 Crooke & Ten Broeck, fl. 1826 299 Crooks, George, fl. 1794 . 118 Crooks, John, fl. 1798 . . 299 Crooks, Ramsay, 1787-1859 . 10 Crookshank, Grace, fl. 1802 299 Cropper, Anne, Mrs. John, fl. 1840 30 Crosbie, J. H. , fl. 1780 . 287 Crosbie, William, fl. 1777-87 62, 107 Crosby, Bing, 1904- .... 194 Crosby, C. C. P., fl. 1841. 166 Crosby, Isaac, fl. 1773 . . 62 Crosby, P. D. , fl. 1849 . . 39 Croskeys, John, fl. 1784 . 109 Cross, Arthur Lyon, 1873-1940 191, 285 Cross, John, fl. 1806 . . . 299 Cross, John B. , fl. 1845 . . 30 Cross, Peleg, fl. 1831 . . 299 Cross, S 299 Crossman, Rufus, fl. 1834 . 166 Croswell, Edwin, 1797-1871 166 Crosswell, Harry, fl. 1823 . 39 Crosswell, Dr. T. , fl. 1813 299 Croswell, William, fl. 1836 39 Crouch, H. T., Estate of . 109 Crouthier, Renee, fl. 1792. 191 Crow, Dr. A. L. , fl. 1834 . 166 Crowe, Richard, fl. 1780 . . 62 Crowe, Thomas, fl. 1780 . . 62 Crowell, Moses P., fl. 1844 166 Crowell, Thomas, fl. 1779 62, 301 Crowley, Cornelius 62 Crowley, Thomas, fl. 177 6 . 194 Crowninshield, Edward A., fl. 1848 39 Crowninshield, R. W. , fl. 1816 299 Cruden, Mr., fl. 1776 ... 62 Cruden, J., fl. 1783 . . . 109 Cruden, James, fl. 1781 . . 62 Cruden, John, fl. 1778-81 98, 301 Cruger, Henry, 1739-1827 . 251 Cruger, John, 1710-91 .... 4 Cruger, John Harris, 1738-1807 62, 109 Crump, Abner, fl. 1777-82 . 109 Crump, George William, fl. 1835 166 Crump, Leslie Maurice, fl. 1921 285 Crump, William W. , fl. 1850 228 Crussol, T. de, fl. 1799 . 268 Cruz, Felipe, fl. 1867 ... 74 Crysler, John J. , fl. 1799 299 Cuddie, Arthur, fl. 1763 . . 95 Cue, John F. W. , fl. 1865 . 36 Cuellar, fl. 1867 74 Cuellas, Fernando, fl. 1593 183 Cuernavaca (Mexico) .... 68 Cuff, Michael, fl. 1780 62, 253 Cuffe, Otway, fl. 1767 ... 62 Cuillierier, Jean Baptiste Beaubien, b. 1706 . . 95, 232 Culbertson, John, fl. 1798. 118 CULLEN - CUSHING 369 Cullen, Patrick, fl. 1779 . . 98 Cullimore, Isaac, 1791-1852 194 Cullum, George Washington, 1809-92 64 Cumberland, Lady Albinia Hobart, Mrs. Richard, fl. 1804 97 Cumberland, Prince Ernest Augustus, duke of, 1771-1851 67, 174 Cumberland, Richard, 1732-1811 98, 251 Cumberland, Prince William Augustus, duke of, 1721-65 98, 194 Cuming, James, fl. 1767 . . 251 Cuming, William, fl. 1776 62 Cuming, Witter, fl. 1767 . . 95 Cumings, Samuel, fl. 1745 . 194 Cumings, Thomas, fl. 1782 . . 62 Cumming, Rev. Francis H. , d. c. 1863 166 Cumming, John Noble, fl. 1775-83 62, 109 Cumming, Joseph, fl. 1831 244 Cumming, Thomas, fl. 1786 . 109 Cummings, J., & Co., fl. 1807 299 Cummings, Preston, fl. 1860 39 Cummins, Rev. George David, 1822-76 79 Cunha, Senor, fl. 1765 . . . 251 Cunha, Lopes da, fl. 1848 . 228 Cuningham, Peter, fl. 1782 109 Cuningham, Robert, fl. 1772 62 Cuninghame, James, d. 1788 98, 251, 268, 287 Cuninghame, P., fl. 1782 . . 286 Cuninghame, Robert, fl. 1762-82 98, 149 Cuninghame, Col. William, fl. 1758 251 Cuninghame, William, fl. 1777 98 Cunningham, Col., fl. c. 1770 275 Cunningham, Adam, fl. 1773 . 95 Cunningham, Alexander, 1654-1737 268 Cunningham, Allan, 1784-1842 67 Cunningham, Charles, fl. 1804 299 Cunningham, David, fl. 1835 244 Cunningham, G. A , fl. 1829 . . . .' 299 Cunningham, John, fl. 1767 . 95 Cunningham, John, fl. 1780 62 Cunningham, John S. , fl. 1857 87 Cunningham, Peter, 1816-69 67 Cunningham, William, d. 1791 11, 62, 109 Cunninghame, William ... 174 Cuppaidge, George, fl. 1780 62 Cupper, Henry, fl. 1826 . . 299 Cure, Catherine ?, fl. 1782 62 Curot, Amable C., fl. 1764 95 Currie, A. & D 299 Currie, Archibald, fl. 1790 299 Currie, John R. , fl. 1844 299 Currier, Nathaniel, 1813-88 8 Curry, Jabez Lamar Monroe, 1825-1903 64 Curson, Samuel, d. 1786 . . 251 Curteis, J., fl. 1783 . . . 251 Curteis, T. , fl. 1754 ... 98 Curtin, Andrew Gregg, 1815?-94 64 Curtis, C, fl. 1826 .... 20 Curtis, Edward Ely, fl. 1928 285 Curtis, Ellicott D. ... 285 Curtis, George Ticknor, 1812-94 87 Curtis, H. K., fl. 1837 . . 20 Curtis, Lionel, 1872- . . . 285 Curtis, Neddy, fl. 1829 . . 20 Curtis, Norman D. , fl. 1834 166 Curtis, Sir Roger, 1746-1816 251 Curtis, S. J., fl. 1831 . . 299 Curtis, Samuel, fl. 1791 . . 20 Curtis, Samuel Ryan, 1805-66 64 Curtis, Seth, fl. 1801 . . 299 Curtis, Dr. Thomas, fl. 1835 166 Curtis, Thomas B. , fl. 1851 20 Curtis, Wm. Ellery, 1850-1911 289 Curtiss, Cyrus, fl. 1831 . 299 Curtiss, Mary E. , fl. 1844 122 Curzon, Nathaniel, see Scarsdale, 1st baron Curzon, Samuel, fl. 1782 . 268 Cushing, Caleb, 1800-79 52, 64 Cushing, Deborah Fletcher, Mrs. Thomas, fl. 177 5 . . . 95 370 CUSHING - DALZELL Cushing, John T. , fl. 1839 39 Cushing Nathaniel, 1753-1814 122 Cushing, Thomas, 1725-88 95, 280 Cushman, John P. , fl. 1830 294 Cust, Savile, fl. 1735 ... 16 Custance, R 40 Custer, Elizabeth Bacon, Mrs. George Armstrong, fl. 1900 7 Custer, George Armstrong, 1839-76 7 Custis, George Washington Parke, 1781-1857 122 Custodio de Faria, Jose", fl. 1765 ...... 251 Cuthbert, David, fl. 1763 . 107 Cuthbert, James, fl. 177 6 . 98 Cutler, Enos, fl. 1808-39 . 166 Cutler, John, fl. 1766 ... 62 Cutler, Manasseh, 1742-1823 20 Cutter, Abram E. , fl. 1864 36 Cutter, C. A., fl. 1887 . . 39 Cutter, Ephraim, fl. 1802 194 Cutting, William, fl. 1800 299 Cutts, R. D., fl. 1880 . . 194 Cuyler, Abraham Cornelius, 1742-1810 62, 287 Cuyler, Cornelius, fl. 1735-48 4 Cuyler, Sir Cornelius, 1741-1819 62, 287 Cuyler, John, fl. 1746 ... 61 Cuyler, M. , fl. 1781 .... 98 D D. , B. , fl. 1781 62 Dabney, Chiswell, fl. 1860-98 7 Dabreii, Juan Josseph, fl. 1756 183 Dacker, Andries, fl. 1796 299 Dacker, Lawrence, fl. 1799 299 Dacre, 2 3rd baron, see Brand, Sir Henry B. W. Dadoncour, Sieur, fl. 1715 43 Daer, Lord Basil William, 1763-94 146 D'Ageno, Francesco, see Ageno, Francesco d 1 Daggett, Henry L., fl. 1842 39 Dahlgren, John Adolphus Bernard, 1809-70 ... 52, 122 Daingerf ield, William A., fl. 1813 194 Daingerfield, William Henry, fl. 1845 228 Dakin, Johnson, fl. 1822 . . 299 Dakin, Joshua, fl. 1800 . . 299 Dalby, Amos, fl. 1837 . . . 166 Dalgren, John Adolphus Bernard, 1809-70 .... 64, 52 Dalhousie, George Ramsay, 8th earl of, d. 1787 . 151, 268 Dalkerque, Delatre, fl. 1778 194 Dall, Henry P., fl. 1856 . . 39 Dallas, Alexander J., 1759-1817 118 Dallas, George M. , fl. 1845 228 Dallas, George Mifflin, 1792-1864 52, 118 Dallas, James, fl. 1791 . . 174 Dalling, Sir John, d. 1798 62, 98, 251, 287 Dally, fl. 1771 289 D'Almaine, G. C. , fl. 1782 . 251 Dalmatie, due de, fl. 1840 . 52 Dalrymple, Campbell, 1725-67 251 Dalrymple, E. A., fl. 1864 , 36 Dalrymple, Henry Hew, fl. 1782 268 Dalrymple, Sir Hew Whitefoord, 1st bart., 1750-1830 .... 97 Dalrymple, John, see Stair, 6th earl of Dalrymple, Sir John, 4th baronet of Cranstoun . . . 174 Dalrymple, Capt. John, fl. 1760 14 Dalrymple, William, 1747?-94 98, 251 Dalrymple, William, d. 1807 11, 62, 95, 98, 268 Dalton, Blundel, fl. 1764 . . 95 Dalton, Charles H. , fl. 1873 39 Dalton, Charles H. , fl. 1897 7 Dalton, James, d. 1793 ... 69 Dalton, P. T., fl. 1844 . . 228 Dalton, Peter Roe, 1743-1811 ' . . 69 Dalton, Peter Roe, Jr. ... 69 Dalton, Valentine, fl. 1771 . 95 Daly, Charles P. , 1816-99 71 Daly, John Augustin, 1838-99 31 Daly, Timothy, fl. 1775 . . 301 Dalzel, Archibald, fl. 1767-77 98, 251 Dalzell, James McCormick, 1838-1924 31 DAMER - DAVILA 371 Damer, George, 2nd earl of Dorchester, 1746-1808 98, 287 Damer, Joseph, see Dorchester, 1st earl of Dampier, Rev. Thomas, 1748-1812 151 Dampne, Louis, fl. 1814 . . 194 Dan, Charles, fl. 1769 ... 95 Dana, Charles Anderson, 1819-97 64 Dana, F. M. , fl. 1794 ... 20 Dana, James, fl. 1864 ... 20 Dana, James Dwight, 1813-95 194, 262 Dana, Richard Henry, 1787-1879 194 Dana, Samuel, 1739-98 ... 20 Danaher, Franklin M. , fl. 1902 6 Dandridge, Adam S. , fl. 1855 228 Dandridge, P. P., fl. 1858. 228 Dandriefo, A. S. , fl. 1855. 228 Dane, Nathan, 1752-1835 . . 194 Danforth, George, fl. 1845 166 Danforth, J. W. , fl. 1847 . 39 Danforth, Jonathan, fl. 1745 194 Danforth, Thomas, 1623-99 . . 4 Dangereuse, Comte de, fl. 1786 97 Daniell, Anna Elizabeth, fl. 1738 193 Daniels, Charles C. , fl. 1912 237 Daniels, J. D. , fl. 1866 . . 39 Daniels, Lyman I., d. 1838 166 Daniels, Ramsloe, fl. 1834 194 Daniels, William, fl. 1905. 285 Danol, John 62 Danville, inhabitants of, fl. 1835 30 Darby, George, d. 1790 ... 62 Darby, R. C. , fl. 1838 ... 39 Darby, William John, fl. 1780 62 Darcus, James, fl. 1780 . . 62 D'Arcy, Robert, see Holderness, 4th earl of Darke, William, 1736-1801 62 Darling, Charles A., fl. 1844 299 Darling, Henry, fl. 1824 . 253 Darling & Pown, fl. 1840 . 299 Darlington, Henry Vane, 3rd baron Barnard, 1st earl of 61 Darlington, Henry Vane, 4th baron Barnard, 2nd earl of, 1726-92 158 Dart, John, fl. 1783 ... 118 Dart, John Sandford, fl. 1782-96 109, 194 Dartmouth, George Legge, 3rd earl of, 1755-1810 . . 97 Dartmouth, William Legge, 1st earl of, 1672-1750 . . 293 Dartmouth, William Legge, 2nd earl of, 1731-1801 95, 149, 251, 263 Dartmouth College Anti- Slavery Society 294 Dartrey, Lord 151 Dash, Samuel, fl. 1771 . . 275 Dashiell, Robert L. , fl. 1844 166 Dashwood, Sir Francis, see Le Despencer, 15th baron Dashwood, Thomas, fl. 1824 44 Dassier, Paul, fl. 1788 . . 268 Dastuge, Bernard D. , fl. 1778 62 Datchurut, Mons., fl. 1770 . 95 Dauphin county (Pa.) .... 70 Davenny, Wilson, fl. 1898 7 Davenport, D. , fl. 1822 . . 67 Davenport, J. G. , fl. 1764 95 David, Jacques Louis, 1748-1825 228 David, James, fl. 1817 . . 299 Davidson, Mr., fl. 1768 . . 62 Davidson, Alexander, fl. 1848 30 Davidson, George, fl. 1781. 109 Davidson, John Wynn, 1823-81 64 Davidson, William Lee, 1746-81 109, 266 Davie, W. E. , fl. 1917 . . 237 Davie, William Richardson, 1756-1820 . . . 109, 194, 266 Davies, Rev., fl. 1842 . . 194 Davies, Charles, fl. 1834 . 52 Davies, David, fl. 1779 . . 62 Davies, J., fl. 1783 . . . 251 Davies, Jonathan, fl. 1794 20 Davies, Scrope, fl. 1827 . 228 Davies, Thomas, fl. 1778 . . 62 Davies, Rev. Thomas F., fl. 1900 7 Davies, William, fl. 1770 . 95 Davies, William, fl. 1775-81 62, 109 Davies, William, fl. 1812 . 299 Davies, Wm. , & Co. , fl. 1802 299 Davies, William John, fl. 1780 62 Daviess, Samuel, fl. 1839 . 30 Davila, Braulio, fl. 1812? 182 372 DAVILA DEANE Davila, Jose", fl. 1820 . . . 181 Davis , Alexander, fi. : L846 . 30 Davis , Andrew Jackson, 1803- -92 294 Davis , Ann, fl. 1822 . . . . 299 Davis , C. A., fl. 1845 . . . 228 Davis , C. L., fl. 1822 . . . 299 Davis Caleb F., fi. : L840 166 Davis Charles Henry, fl. 3 L877 . 64 Davis E. M., fl. 1860 . . . 294 Davis Emerson, fl. 1865 . . 39 Davis Dr. George, fl. ] L845 . 30 Davis George L. L. , fl. 3 L852 . 87 Davis George W. , fl. 1904 . 125 Davis j Gherardi, b. 1858 . . 194 Davis Gilbert F. , fl. ] L860 . 36 Davis H., fl. 1780 .... . 98 Davis Henry, fl. 1798 . . . 299 Davis Henry E. , Jr. , fl. ] L864 . 64 Davis 3 Henry W 228 Davis , Humphry, fl. 1780 . . 268 Davis j Illedge, fl. 1772 . . 62 Davis j Isaac, 1799-1883 . . 194 Davis , J. C. Bancroft, 1822- -1907 289 Davis, J. Henry, fl. 1783 . 251 Davis j J. R., fl. 1864 . . . 247 Davis j J. W., fl. 1823 . . . 39 Davis j Jabez, fl. 1835 . . 299 Davis j James, fl. 1844 . . . 166 DaViis, James W. , fl. 1836 . 294 Davis j Jefferson, 1808-89 52, 64, 122 Davis, John, fl. 1808 . . . . 10 Davis , John, d. 1827 . . . . 109 Davis j John, 1761-1847 . . . 118 Davis j John, 1787-1854 . . . 194 Davis, John G., fl. 1825 . . 299 Davis j John H. , fl. 1806 . . 299 Davis j Joseph, fl. 1828 . . 244 Davis j L. W., fl. 1835 . . . 166 Davis, Martin, fl. 1835 . . 166 Davis, Mary S. , fl. 1874 . . 39 Davis, 0. R., fl. 1917 . . . 237 Davis, P., Jr., fl. 1834 . . 166 Davis, Richard, fl. 1803 . . 299 Davis, Thomas, fl. 1793 . . . 97 Davis, Rev. Thomas Frederick » 1804- -71 79 Davis, Varina Anne Jefferson y 1864- -98 52 Davis, W. W. H., fl. ] L863 . 64 Davis, William 62 Davis, William, fl. 3819 . . 299 Davis, William Morris, fl. ] L861 294 Davis & Platner, fl. 1821 . 299 Davis and Williams, fl. 1837 118 Davison, Alexander, 1750-1829 174, 268 Davison, Moses, fl. 1736 . . 251 Daviss, Benjamin 62 Davlown, William B 87 Davy, Sir Humphry, 1778-1829 67 Dawes, Charles G. , 1865-1951 7 Dawes, Joseph, fl. 1772 ... 95 Dawes, William, fl. 1840 . . 30 Dawson, George, fl. 1780 . . 62 Dawson, Henry B. , fl. 1865 . 39 Dawson, Henry Barton, 1821-89 36, 71, 87 Dawson, Samuel Edward, 1833-1916 289 Dawson, Thomas, viscount and 1st baron Cremorne, baron Dartrey, 1725-1813 . 275 Day, J. S., fl. 1825 .... 299 Day Jeremiah, 1773-1867 . . 247 Day, Michael, fl. 1775 ... 301 Day, Orrin, fl. 1813 .... 299 Day, Steven, & Sons, fl. 1802 299 Day, William R. , 1849-1923 7 Day and Nourse, fl. 1852 . . 194 Day & Scott, fl. 1775 .... 95 Dayton, Elias, 1737-1807 122, 194 Dayton, G. M. , fl. 1846 ... 39 Dayton, Giles, fl. 1810 . . 299 Dayton, J., fl. 1800 .... 299 Dayton, Stephen, fl. 1800 . 299 Deacon, E. P., fl. 1836 . . 166 Deacon, James, fl. 1780 . . 287 Deacon, Thomas, fl. 1825 . . 299 Deal, John, fl. 1782 .... 109 Dean, Charles, fl. 1847 . . 166 Dean, Charles K. , fl. 1844 . 30 Dean, Daniel L. , fl. 1816 . 299 Dean, Gaius S. , d. 1883 . . 166 Dean, George, fl. 1779 ... 62 Dean, John W. , 1815-post 1869 71 Dean, John Ward, fl. 1865 . . 39 Dean, N. , fl. 1822 299 Dean, William, fl. 1870 ... 71 Dean & Storm, fl. 1850 . . . 299 Deane, Barnabas, d. 17 94 . . 109 Deane, Charles, 1813-89 194, 262, 289 Deane, Charles, fl. 1864 . . 39 Deane, Silas, 1737-89 62, 90, 194, 251 Deane, W. W. , fl. 1835 ... 166 Deane, William, fl. 1825 . . 299 Deane, William Reed, fl. 1865 39 DEARBORN - DELAUNAY 373 Dearborn, Henry, 1751-1829 191, 194 Dearborn, Henry A. S. , 1783-1851 20, 281 Dearborn, Sarah Bowdoin (Mrs. Henry), fl. 1823-4. 194 Deare, Philip, 17427-1813 62, 268 Deas, John, d. 1790 .... 62 Debat, Joseph, fl. 1767 . 251 Debbieg, Hugh, 1731-1810 95, 251, 268 De Berdt, Dennis, fl. 1783 109 De Berdt, Dennys, fl. 1748 292 De Berniere, John, fl. 1771 95 Deblois, Thomas Amory, fl. 1845 39 De Bow, J. D. B. , fl. 1854 39 De Brahm, John William Gerard, 1717-99 251 deBroke, Willoughby, fl. 1923 285 De Camp, Morris, fl. 1825. 299 Decatur, S. (Mrs. Stephen), fl. 1831 52 Decker, Coenrad, fl. 1799 299 Decker, G. , fl. 1820 . . . 228 Decker, Jacob E. , fl. 1805 299 Decker, John J. , fl. 1799 299 Decker, Lawrence, fl. 1793 299 Decker, P., fl. 1850 . . . 299 Decker, Peter, fl. 1798 . 299 Decker, Richard, fl. 1830 299 Decker, William R. , fl. 1826 299 Decoigne, Francois Marie, fl. 1770 95 De Combe, Andrew 62 De Combe, Dominique .... 62 De Cosne, Ruvigny, 1715-75 192, 251 De Costa, Benjamin Franklin, 1831-1904 . . . 289 Dedal, S. , fl. 1767 . . . 251 Dederick, Wilhelm, fl. 1805 299 Deedrick, William .... 109 De Evia, Rodrigo, fl. 1587 194 De Ford, Charles D. , & Co. , fl. 1856 228 De Fresne, Ebaudy, 1743-1815 174 De Graff, John J. , fl. 1835 166 Degrand, P. P. F., fl. 1847 39 de Grasse 62 De Grasse, Isaiah G. , fl. 1837 294 De Grey, Thomas, 2nd baron Walsingham, 1748-1818 62, 98, 149, 167, 268 De Grey, William, 1st baron Walsingham, 1719-81 98, 251, 263, 268 DeHart, John, 1729-1795 . . 280 De Hass, Will, fl. 1833 ... 87 De Hemar, O. C 2 32 Dehon, Theodore, 1776-1817 79 DeKay, Drake, fl. 1861 ... 64 Delabigarre, L. , fl. 1798 . 299 Delabigarre, Margaret, fl. 1801 299 Delabigarre, Peter, fl. 1799 299 Delacherois, Nicholas, fl. 1768 95 de la Cour, Ed., fl. 1841 . 228 Delafield, John Ross, fl. 1938 299 Delafield, Richard, 1798-1873 194 Delamater, Abraham, fl. 1798 299 Delamater, Alex, fl. 1797 . 299 Delamater, Anthony, fl. 1799 299 Delamater, Cornelius, fl. 1793 299 Delamater, D. C. , fl. 1806 299 Delamater, G. E., fl. 1835 . 299 DeLancey, E. J., fl. 1887 . . 71 DeLancey, James, 1703-60 4, 61, 95 DeLancey, Oliver, 1717-85 . . 62 DeLancey, Oliver, 1749-1822 62, 95, 97 DeLancey, Stephen, fl. 1765-82 95 DeLancey, Warren, fl. 1818 . 299 DeLancey, William H. , 1797-1865 71, 79 DeLancey & Watts, fl. 1765 95 Delane, John T 151 Delany, Mrs., fl. 1785 ... 97 De la Place, William, fl. 1775 95 Delarue, Euge'nie de Beaumarchais, Mme. Louis- Andrd-Toussaint , fl. 1778-1832 22 Delarue & Co., fl. 1850 . . 228 De la Seree 62 Delaunay, Jean Baptiste, fl. 1810 52 374 DELAWARE - DE ROTHESAY Delaware. Citizens 52 Delaware and Schuylkill Canal Navigation Co. , fl. 1792 118 Delaware Historical Society 191 Delaware ( Indians) , fl. 1786 52, 118 De La Warr, John West, 1st earl, 1693-1766 .... 61 Deleny, Mark, fl. 1782 . . 109 Delesdernier, W. , fl. 1836 . 20 DeLisle, Alexis Bienvenu, see Bienvenu, Alexis, called DeLisle Delisle, Jean Guillaume, fl. 1753-87 268 Delisle, Leopold Victor, 1826-1910 289 Delisle, Simon-Claude, 1675-1726 194 Dell, John, fl. 1753-81 . . 296 Dellefsen, Laborde, fl. 1844 228 Delmatie, due de, fl. 1839 228 Delong, James, fl. 1790 . . 299 Demanne, Mons., fl. 1773 . 143 Demerara Commander and Council . . 251 Court 251 Deming, A. L. , fl. 1844 . . 166 Deming, Mary 20 Deming, Wm. Chapin, 1869-1949 237 Demler, George, fl. 1771 . . 95 Demmon, Isaac N. , fl. 1915. 285 "Demonstracidn historica de quantas depredaciones llevan cometidas los Moros" . . . 221 Dempster, George, 1732-1818 251 Denbigh, Basil Feilding, 6th earl of, 1719-1800 . . 268 Denby, Edwin, 1870-1929 194, 285 Denby, Richard C. , fl. 1841 39 Denegan, Albert, fl. 1838 . 299 Denegan, Ephriam, fl. 1847 299 Denegan, George 299 Denham, Butler, fl. 1841 . 165 Denham, Eunice S. , fl. 1841 165 Denham, Sir James Steuart, 1712-1780 72 Denham, Mathilda, fl. 1829 165 Denham, Samuel, fl. 1829 . 165 Denis, Ferdinand, 1798-1890 289 Denison, John Evelyn, 1st viscount Ossington, 1800-73 67 Denison, W. A., fl. 1828 . . 299 Denison, William 151 Denman, J., fl. 1839 .... 228 Denman, Thomas Denman, 1st baron, 1779-1854 . . . .151, 211 Denne, William, fl. 1783 . . 268 Denning, William, fl. 1784 . 109 Dennis, Ira, fl. 1847 .... 166 Dennison, Wm. , 1815-82 .... 64 Denniss, Jonathan, fl. 1731 251 Denniston, G. V., fl. 1841 . 166 Dennis toun, James, 1803-55 151 Denny, Ebenezer, 1761-1822 118 Denny, Edward, fl. 1772 . . . 289 Denny, Harmar, fl. 1828 . . . 118 Dennyman, John, fl. 177 5 . . 3 01 Denonville, Jacques Rene" de Bressay, marquis de, d. 1710. 43 Denormandie, Daniel, fl. 1760 95 Dent, Frederick Tracy, 1821-92 64 Dent, J., fl. 1811 67 Denton, Joseph 194 Denton, Dr. Samuel, fl. 1842 166 Denuce*, Jean, 187 8-1944 . . . 289 DeOrio, Joseph 62 DeOrio, Raymondo 62 Depew, Chauncey M. , 1834-1928 7 Depeyel, Louis Noel 52 DePeyster, Mr., fl. 1781 ... 62 DePeyster, Abraham, 1752-1798 109 DePeyster, Arent Schuyler, 1736-1822 62, 95 DePeyster, Frederic 71 DePeyster, Frederick, fl. 1779 62 DePeyster, Frederic, fl. 1857 247 DePeyster, John, fl. 1737 ... 4 Dequindre, Catherine, d. 1817 191 De Quiron, Don Fernando, fl. 1787 194 Derbage, George, fl. 1767 . . 251 Derby, Edward Stanley, 12th earl of, 1752-1834 98 Derby, Edward Stanley, 14th earl of, 1799-1869 ... 67, 194 Derby, Ezra, fl. 1834 .... 166 Derby, James, fl. 1792 .... 20 Derby, John, fl. 1783 .... 194 Derby, M. , fl. 1831 299 De Renne, Wymberley Jones, 1853-1916 71 Dering, Sylvester, fl. 1779 . 62 DeRosset, Lewis, fl. 1780 . . 62 De Rothesay, Sir Charles Stuart, baron Stuart, 1779-1845 . . .194 DESAGULIERS - DIAZ DE BUSTAMANTE 375 Desaguliers, Thomas, fl. 1758 251 Des Barres, Joseph Frederick Wallet, 1721-1824 ... 14, 95 Desbrisay, Thomas, fl. 1779 62 Deschamps, Mons. , fl. 1790 . 73 Deschamps, Isaac, fl. 1773 . 95 Deschamps, Louis Henri, see Boishebert, sieur de "Descripcion topografica de terreno habitado por los infieles" 222 Deseret, John, fl. 1791 . . 133 Deshon, H. S. , fl. 1898 ... 7 Desimoni, Cornelio, 1813-99 289 Des Jardins, M., fl. 1793 . 194 Desmaretz, John Peter, d. 1768 251 Desnoyers, Peter J., fl. 1844 52, 232 DeSoussure, Wilmot Gibbes, 1822-86 122 Despard, John, 1745-1829 . . 62 Des Ruisseux, Paul, d. c. 1788 95 Des Vateuil, baron 194 Detargny, Marin, b. 1776 . . 193 De Tollenare, Sarah, fl. 1782 109 Detreville, John de Laboularderie, fl. 1762 . . 109 DeTrobriand, Regis Denis de Keredern, 1816-97 64 Detroit Board of Education 52 French inhabitants of, fl. 1764 14, 95 Merchants, fl. 1767 .... 95 See also Great Britain. Army in America. Garrison at Detroit. Detroit Free Press 52 Detroit Gazette 52 Detroit Newsboys Association . 7 Devans, Richard, fl. 1775 159 De Veber, Gabriel, fl. 1779 62 Devens, Charles, 1820-91 . . 64 Devereaux, E. , fl. 1825 . . 299 Devereux, Henry Fleming Lea, see Hereford, 14th viscount Devereaux, J 228 Devienne, Le Marquis, fl. 1778 127 Devinezac, Comte de . . . . 174 Devins, Thomas Casimer, fl. 1865 64, 122 D e Visme, Louis, 1720-76 . . 251 DeVisme, Samuel, fl. 1779 . . 62 Devonshire, Georgiana Spencer Cavendish, duchess of, 1757-1806 .... 73, 151, 174 Devonshire, William Cavendish, 4th duke of, 1720-64 .... Ill Devonshire, William Cavendish, 5th duke of, 1748-1811 ... 73 Devonshire, William Cavendish, 7th duke of, 1808-91 .... 151 Devonshire, William Spencer Cavendish, 6th duke of, 1790-1858 151, 174 Devonshire, Spencer Cavendish, Dewey Dewey Dewey Dewey Dewey 36, 194 . 7 194 285 109 285 39 52 194 166 166 62 36 299 299 299 247 194 36 39 39 8th duke of, 1833-1908 . . Devore, D. B. , fl. 1898 . . DeVoto, Bernard, 1897- . . , DeWan, B. R. , fl. 1922 . . , Dewar, David, fl. 1778-83 . DeWeerd, Harvey Arthur, 1902- , Francis H. , fl. 1845 George, 1837-1917 . , John, 1859-1952 . . , N. F., fl. 1835 . . , Nelson, fl. 1837 . . DeWint, Guert S., fl. 1778 , DeWitt, Edward, fl. 1865 . , DeWitt, Henry, fl. 1806 . . De Witt, John, fl. 1799 . . De Witt, Simeon, fl. 1790 . DeWitt, Thomas, 1791-1874 . Dexter, A., fl. 1792 .... Dexter, Edward, fl. 1865 . , Dexter, Edward A., fl. 1836 Dexter, Elias, fl. 1860 Dexter, Franklin, 1793-1857 20 Dexter, G. M. , fl. 1838 . . Dexter, George M. , fl. 1834 Dexter, George W. , fl. 1842 Dexter, Henry M. , fl. 1866 Dexter, John C. , fl. 1844 . Dexter, John L. , fl. 1900 . Dexter, Kate, fl. 1881 Dexter, S. Newton, fl. 1822-31 20 Dexter, Samuel, 1726-1810 . Dexter, Samuel, 1761-1816 . Dexter, Samuel, fl. 1834 Dexter, Thomas A., fl. 1835 Dexter, Timothy, 1747-1806 De Zeng, F. A., fl. 1785 . Dezoteux, Pierre Marie Felicite", baron de Carmatin, 1753-1812 Dheu, Pere, fl. 1708 . Dhietrich, Philip W. , fl. 1798 299 Diant, J., fl. 1782 127 Dias de Vega, Francisco, fl. 1676 183 Diaz, Abby Morton, 1821-1904 294 Diaz, Felix, d. 1872 74 Diaz, Porfirio, 1830-1915 . . 74 Diaz de Bustamante, Francisco, fl. 1810 182 39 20 166 36 166 . 7 191 294 251 20 166 39 194 299 194 43 376 DIAZ ORDAZ - DOANE Diaz Ordaz, Jose" Maria, fl. 1867 74 Dibble, Orville, B. , fl. 1845 166 Dibblee, Albert, fl. 1847 . 299 Dibblee, Clara Semmes . . . 299 Dibblee, E. E. , fl. 1829 . . 299 Dibblee, Eliza M., fl. 1863 299 Dibblee, Frances Wilson, Mrs. Fyler, fl. 1816 . . . 299 Dibblee, Frederick, fl. 1810 299 Dibblee, Fyler, fl. 1810 . . 299 Dibblee, Hamlin, & Co. . . 299 Dibblee, Henry, fl. 1810 . . 299 Dibblee, Richard H. , fl. 1815 299 Dibblee, Thomas B. , fl. 1850 299 Dibblee, William Wilson, fl. 1825 299 Dibblee, Bostwick, & Co., fl. 1817 299 Dibdin, Thomas Frognall, 1776-1847 31, 194 Dick, Henry, fl. 1798 . . . 299 Dick, Sir John 62 Dick, Sir John, 1719-1804 95, 98, 251 Dick, John J., fl. 1835 . . 299 Dickens, Ashbury, 1773-1861 166 Dickenson, John, fl. 1779 . . 62 Dickerson, Edward Nicoll, 1824-89 52 Dickerson, Mahlon, 1770-1853 20 Dickins, A 87 Dickinson, A. D. , fl. 1899 . . 7 Dickinson, Daniel Stevens, 1800-66 52, 64 Dickinson, Donald M. , 1846-1917 7 Dickinson, James, fl. 1775 . 95 Dickinson, John, 1732-1808 109, 194, 251 Dickinson, John D. , fl. 1813 299 Dickinson, L. , fl. 1830 . . 299 Dickinson, Samuel, Sr. , fl. 1814 194 Dickinson, Samuel, Jr., fl. 1814 194 Dickson, Alexander, fl. 1774-79 62, 95 Dickson, Sir Archibald, d. 1803 97 Dickson, James, fl. 1780 . . 171 Dickson, John, fl. 1835 . . 166 Dickson, Joseph, 1745-1825 109 Dickson, Robert, fl. 1813 . . 52 Dickson, Samuel, fl. 1902 . . 6 Dickson, William, fl. 1780 287 Dickson & Manny, fl. 1850 . 299 Diemer, John, fl. 1745 ... 61 Diescaut, Mons. , fl. 1730 . 268 Digby, Robert, 1732-1815 11, 62, 97, 109, 171, 251 Digby, Stephen, fl. 1792 . . 97 Digby, Thomas, fl. 1781 . . 62 Digges, Thomas 151 Digges, Thomas, fl. 1782 . 251 Dilke, Sir Charles Wentworth, 2nd bart., 1843-1911 . . . 194 Dillenback, Henry, fl. 1781 62 Dilloe, Jacob, fl. 1780 . . 62 Dillon, Capt 62 Dillon, John, fl. 1772 . . 275 Dillon, Robert, Jr., fl. 1780 287 Dillon, Theobald, comte de, 1745-92 167, 251 Dillon, William, fl. 1912 . . 6 Dimitry, Alexander, 1805-83 118 Dimmick, Joseph, Jr. , fl. 1844 166 Dimmick, Thomas, fl. 1847 . 299 Dimmick & Armstrong, fl. 1850 299 Dimmock, F. , fl. 1891 . . . 165 Dimock, J. W. , fl. 1870 . . 39 Dimsdale, Dr. Thomas, 1712-1800 151 Dings, Jacob, fl. 1793 . . 299 Dinone, B. H. , fl. 1842 . . 228 Dinwiddie, Robert, 1693-1770 . . . 122, 194, 268 Dinzey, Thomas, fl. 1780 . 287 Disbrow, Henry, fl. 1734 . 166 Disney, Daniel, fl. 1766 95, 107, 251 Disraeli, Banjamin, 1st earl of Beaconsf ield, 1804-81 67, 194 District of Columbia. District Court 87 Ditson, Thomas, Jr., fl. 1775 95 Dive, John, fl. 1732 . . . 268 Dix, John Adams, 1798-1879 64 Dix, Morgan, 1827-1908. 71, 194 Dixey, Charles W. , fl. 1849 228 Dixey, E. F., fl. 1844 ... 39 Dixon, Matthew, fl. 1756-93 62, 194 Dixon, Robert 62 Doakes, Samuel G. , fl. 1845-71 39 Doane, G. W. , fl. 1835 ... 39 Doane, Rev. George Washington, 1799-1859 ... 79 DOANE - DOUGLAS 377 Doane, Rev. Wm. Croswell, 1832-1913 79 Dobbin, Daniel, fl. 1812 . . 52 Dobbins, Daniel, fl. 1845 . 166 Dobbs, Arthur, 1684-1765 14, 95 Dobbs, Francis, 1750-1811 151 Doblado, Manuel, 1818-1865 . 74 Dobson, John, fl. 1745 ... 61 Dobson, Thomas, fl. 1792 118 Dodd, William Edward, 1869-1940 285 Doddridge, J. G. , fl. 1835-83 294 Dodge, Augustus C. , fl. 1849 166 Dodge, Benjamin 194 Dodge, Grenville M. , 1831-1916 7, 64 Dodge, William, fl. 1827 . . 299 Dodington, George Bubb, 1st baron Melcombe, 1691-1762 98, 268 Doherty, George, fl. 1780 . 266 Dolbeare, Jeremiah F. , fl. 1850 30 Dolittle, Joel, fl. 1835 . . 165 Doll, George J. L. , fl. 1798 299 Dolloph, Thomas, fl. 1799 . 299 Domeier, Dr. William, fl. 1798 97 Dominguez, H. , fl. 1866 ... 74 Dominguez, Jesus 74 Dominguez, Miguel, fl. 1824 194 Dominguez, Pantaleon, fl. 1867 74 Dominica. Merchants, traders and inhabitants 251 Dominica and St. Vincent, Joint Committee for, fl. 1781 98 Donaldson, J. P., fl. 1828 244 Donelly, John, fl. 1831 . . 299 Donelson, Andrew Jackson,. 1799-1871 52, 191 Donelson, D. S. , fl. 1861 64 Dongan, Mrs. Frances, fl. 1780 62 Dongan, Thomas, 1634-1715 . 251 Donkin, Robert, 17277-1821 62, 287 Donnaldson, John, fl. 1799 118 Donop, Christian Friedrich von, fl. 1776-81 ... 62, 147 Doolittle, Benjamin, 1695-1748 194 Doolittle, J., fl. 1836 ... 20 Dorchester, 1st baron, see Carleton, Sir Guy Dorchester, 2nd earl of, see Damer, George Dorchester, Joseph Damer, viscount Milton, 1st earl of, d. 1798 98 Dorington, J., fl. 1810 ... 67 Dorr, A. C. , fl. 1845 .... 39 Dorr, Joseph R. , fl. 1835 . 166 Dorr, Matthew, fl. 1815 . . 299 Dorrance, S. J 30 Dorrance, Samuel, fl. 1842 . 294 D'Orsay, Alfred Guillaume Gabriel, comte, 1801-52 . . 151 Dorset, Arabella Diana Cope Sackville, duchess of, fl. 1790 174 Dorset, Charles Sackville, 2nd duke of, 1711-69 .... 98 Dorset, J., fl. 1829 .... 299 Dorset, John Frederick Sackville, 3rd duke of, 1745-99 ... 97, 98, 151, 174 Dorsey, Thomas S., fl. 1844 166 Dorsius, John, fl. 1782 . . 109 Dosdje, William 62 Doty, Ellis, fl. 1833 ... 166 Doty, James, & Co., fl. 1831 299 Doty, James Duane, fl. 1834 166 Doty, William, fl. 1813 . . 299 Douady, Jules, b. 1876 . . . 285 Doubleday, Abner, 1819-93 64, 71 Dougherty, Barnard, fl. 1785 118 Dougherty, James 62 Dougherty, James S. , fl. 1834 166 Dougherty, John, fl. 1781 . . 62 Doughty, John, d. 1826. 118, 194 Douglas, A. V., fl. 1780 . . 62 Douglas, Sir Charles, 1st bart., d. 1789 . . 62, 98, 251 Douglas, Douglas, see Hamilton, 8th duke of Douglas, Mrs. Elizabeth, fl. 1798 97 Douglas, Frederick S. N. , fl. 1791-1819 250 Douglas, J. W. , fl. 1820 . . 250 Douglas, James, fl. 1767 . . 95 Douglas, John 109 Douglas, Rev. John, 1721-1807 97 Douglas, John, fl. 1780 . . 301 Douglas, Nathan, fl. 1796 . 299 Douglas, Robert, fl. 1779 . . 62 Douglas, Stephen Arnold, 1813-61 52, 64 Douglas, Stuart, d. 1795 97, 251 378 DOUGLAS DRUMMOND Douglas, Sylvester, see Glenbervie, 1st baron Douglas, William, see Queensberry, 4th duke of Douglas-Hamilton, Dunbar, see Selkirk, 4th earl of Douglass, C. C, fl. 1846 . 166 Douglass, Ephraim, d. 1833 118 Douglass, Samuel T. , fl. 1844 166 Douglass, Sarah M. , fl. 1836-73 294 Douglass, Thomas, fl. 1782 109, 118 Dousman, Hercules L. , fl. 1833 166 Douw, Abraham, fl. 1747-64 . 61 Douw, Volckert P. , fl. 1765 95 Dove, John, fl. 1789 . . . 118 Dove, John, 1872-1934 . . . 285 Dover, 1st baron, see Yorke, Sir Joseph Dow, Alexander, fl. 1766 . . 95 Dow, Alexander, d. 1779 . . 251 Dow, Hendricus, fl. 1785 . 109 Dow, J. E., fl. 1848 . . . 194 Dowdeswell, J. E. , fl. 1822 67 Dowdeswell, William, 1721-75 75 Down and Connor, Richard, fl. 1828 194 Downes, John, fl. 1852 ... 39 Downes, William, 1st baron Downes, 1752-1826 .... 250 Downing, A. J. , & Co., fl. 1840 299 Downing, Edward, fl. 1781 . 62 Downing, John, fl. 1782 . . 301 Downing, William L., fl. 1822 299 Downman, Francis, fl. 1765 95 Downman, Hugh, 1740-1809 194, 268 Downshire, 1st marquess of, see Hillsborough, 1st earl of Downshire, Mary, baroness Sandys, marchioness of, d. 1836 97 Downyhouse, fl. 1832-35 . . 211 Dowse, Joseph, fl. 1779 . . 62 Doyle, Sir Francis Hastings Charles, 2nd bart., 1810-88 151 Doyle, Sir John, 1750?-1834 109, 301 Doyle, Jdhn T. , fl. 1925 237 Doyle, Louis, fl. 1823 . . 299 Doyle, M. N. , fl. 1815-22 . 67 Doyle, Welbore Ellis, d. 1797 62 D'Oyly, Christian, fl. 1765-78 95, 149 D'Oyly, M., fl. 1815 .... 250 D'Oyly, Thomas 250 Drage, Theodorus Swaine, fl. 1769 95 Drake, Charles D. , 1811-92 71 Drake, Dr. Daniel, 1785-1852 166 Drake, E. A., fl. 1904 . . . 125 Drake, F. H. , fl. 1782 . . . 251 Drake, Francis, fl. 1806 . . 151 Drake, Sir Francis Samuel, 1st bart., d. 1789 .... 151 Drake, S. G. , fl. 1868 ... 39 Drake, Samuel Gardner, 1798-1875 .... 36, 199, 262 Drake, Thomas, fl. 1785 ... 97 Draper, Eben S. , 1858-1914 7 Draper, Josiah 194 Draper, Lyman Copeland, 1815-91 .... 30, 71, 87, 262 Draper, Sir William, 1721-87 98, 268 Draper, William, fl. 1836 . 166 Drayton, Stephen, fl. 1781 109 Drayton, William Henry, 1742-79 . 62, 95, 194, 251, 280 Dreer, Ferdinand Julius, 1812-1902 31, 36 Drennan, D. 0., fl. 1886 ... 7 Drew, Thomas Haynes, fl. 1782 109 Drewe, Edward, d. 1793 . 62, 287 Drexel, Joseph William, 1833-88 262 Driggs, William S. , fl. 1849 166 Drouillard, Marie, fl. 1814 191 Drowne, Henry T. , fl. 1864 . 36 Drum, Johannes, fl. 1799 299 Drummond, Andrew Berkeley, fl. 1804 97 Drummond, Colin, fl. 1770-75 95 Drummond, Duncan, fl. 1777 . 62 Drummond, Sir Gordon, 1772-1854 97 Drummond, Henry, d. 17 94 . . 97 Drummond, Henry, 1786-1860 67 Drummond, James P., fl. 1827 299 Drummond, John, fl. 1780 62, 98, 251, 287 Drummond, L. Maurice, see Melfort, comte de DRUMMOND DUNDAS 379 Druramond , Robert, c. 1728-1804 97 Drummond, Robert Hay, 1711-76 251 Drummond, W. W. , fl. 1856 . 52 Drury, Michael, fl. 1781 . . 62 Duane, James, 1733-97 62, 109, 280 Duberly, J., fl. 1770 ... 62 Du Bois, Cornelius, fl. 1802 299 Du Bois, John, fl. 1817 . . 299 Du Bois, John, fl. 1833 . . 228 Du Bois, L. P., fl. 1828 . 299 Dubois, Peter, fl. 1777-81 . 62 Du Bourgay, Col., fl. 1724 268 Dubuq, Mons., fl. 1775 ... 95 Dubuy, J. Christian, fl. 1781 147 Du Catelet, Mons., fl. 1756 288 Duce, Benjamin, fl. 1736 . 251 Ducharme, Francois, fl. 1811 . . * 52 Duche*, Jacob, 1737-98 . . . 194 Duchesne, Maydeleine Gatignant, fl. 1713 . . . 191 Duchouquet, Mons., fl. 1766. 95 Ducie, 3rd baron, see Reynolds-Moreton, Francis Duckworth, Sir John Thomas, 1st bart., 1748-1817 ... 151 Ducmontel, Mons., fl. 1780 287 Ducruat, John F., fl. 1826 299 Dudgeon, Richard, fl. 1764 95 Dudley, J. G. , fl. 1849 . . 166 Dudley, John 194 Dudley, Thomas, fl. 1776-81 109 Dudley, Rev. Thos. Underwood, 1837-1904 ... 79 Dudley and Ward, John Ward, 2nd viscount, c. 1724-88 268 Duer, William, 1747-99 109, 280 Duer, William Alexander, 1780-1858 87 Duff, James, see Fife, 2nd earl of Duff, Ralph, fl. 1918 . . . 285 Duff, Robert, d. 1787 . . . 251 Duff, William N 247 Duffield, D. Bethune, fl. 1860 52 Duffield, Francis, fl. 1780 62 Duffield, Henry M. , fl. 1892 7 Duffy, George, fl. 1782 . . 251 Duffy, M. 191 Dufouar, Dr., fl. 1754 . . . 251 Dufour, M., fl. 1816 .... 194 Dugdale, Henry, fl. 1764 . . 95 Duggan, Thomas, fl. 1800 . . 76 Du Jaunay, Pere Pierre, 1704-80 95 Dukinson, Edwin D. , fl. 1926 228 Dulaney, M. H. , fl. 1864 . . 122 Dulany, Daniel, 1721-97 251 Dulany, G. L. , fl. 1844 . . 228 Du Lhut, Daniel Greysolon, 16407-1710 . 43 Dumaresq, Philip, fl. 1775 . 95 Dumas, Alexandre, 1802-1870 228 Dumas, Alphonse, fl. 1653 . 194 Dumas, C. , fl. 1850 67 Dumas, Jean-Daniel, fl. 1730-75 77 Dumont, Sieur, fl. 1721 ... 43 Dunbar, Charles, fl. 1732 . 194 Dunbar, Peter, fl. 1768 ... 62 Dunbar, William, fl. 1759-65 95 Dunbar, William, 1749-1810 164 Duncan, Adam Duncan, 1st viscount, 1731-1804 .... 174 Duncan, Alexander, fl. 1758-64 14, 95 Duncan, Alexander, fl. 1834 294 Duncan, Charles, fl. 1771 . . 95 Duncan, David, fl. 1785-89 . 118 Duncan, Garnett, fl. 1838 . 298 Duncan, George, fl. 1745 . . 61 Duncan, Henry 62 Duncan, John 95 Duncan, Johnson K. , 1827-62 122 Duncan, Leslie, fl. 1833 . . 166 Duncan, Lewis, fl. 1826 . . 299 Duncan, Richard, fl. 1801 . 299 Duncan, Thomas, fl. 1804 . . 299 Duncan, William, fl. 1829 . 244 Duncanson, James A. , fl. 1780 62 Duncanson, Robertson, fl. 1780 62 Duncombe, David, fl. 1767 . 251 Dundas, Sir David, 1735-1820 97, 174 Dundas, Francis, d. 1824 . . 97 Dundas, Henry, see Melville, 1st viscount Dundas, Henry, see Ronaldshay, 7th viscount of Dundas, Sir James Whitley Deans, 1785-1862 151 Dundas, John, fl. 1812 . . . 174 Dundas, Sir Lawrence, 1st bart 151 380 DUNDAS - DUTTON Dundas, Ralph, fl. 1781 . . 62 Dundas, Robert, of Arniston, 1758-1819 . . 62, 67 Dundas, Robert Saunders, see Melville, 2nd viscount Dundas, Thomas, 1750-94 62, 268, 301 Dunderdale, J. & F. , fl. 1840 299 Dundonald, Thomas Cochrane, 10th earl of, 1775-1860 . . 40 Dunham, Nelson, f 1.. 1843 . 166 Dunk, George Montagu, see Halifax, 2nd earl of Dunkerque (France) .... 251 Dunkin, Ann 109 Dunkin, Sir William .... 174 Dunlap, James, fl. 1774 . . 118 Dunlap, James, fl. 1836 . . 87 Dunlap and Claypoole, fl. 1786 118 Dunlap* s Station, inhabitants of, fl. 1791 118 Dunlop, Rev. Geo. Kelly, 1830-88 79 Dunlop, James, fl. 1779 62, 174 Dunlop & Wilson, fl. 1785 . 299 Dunmore, John Murray, 4th earl of, 1732-1809 62, 95, 251, 263 Dunn, A. L. , fl. 1898 . . . 125 Dunn, Alexander, fl. 1766 . 251 Dunn, Daniel, fl. 1833 . . 166 Dunn, George, fl. 1752 ... 95 Dunn, Isaac Budd, fl. 1776-83 109 Dunn, John, fl. 1780 . . . 266 Dunn, Thomas, 1731-1818 . . 95 Dunning, Elizabeth Baring, Mrs. John, see Ashburton, baroness Dunning, John, see Ashburton, 1st baron Dunning, L. C., fl. 1824 . 244 Dunning, Richard Barre", see Ashburton, 2nd baron Dunning, William Archibald, 1857-1922 285 Dunning & Warne, fl. 1800 . 299 Dunsbach, John, fl. 1802 . 299 Dunster, William, fl. 1781 62 Dunthorn, Richard, 1711-75 268 DuPerron, Philip, fl. 1759 . 95 Duplessis, George Renard, seigneur de Lauzon, fl. 1705 43 DuPonceau, Peter Stephen, 1760-1844 52 Dupont, Charles, fl. 1786 109 Dupont, Gideon, fl. 1780 . . 62 Dupont, Samuel Francis, 1803-65 64 Dupont de Nemours, Pierre- Samuel, 1739-1817 90 Duportail, Antoine- Jean- Louis, chevalier le Begue, d. 1802 .... 62, 109 Du Prat, Mons., fl. 1768 . 251 Dupui, Samuel, fl. 1755 . . 29 Dupuy, Claude Thomas, fl. 1726 43 Dupuy, John, Jr. , fl. 1833 118 Dupuy, Mary, fl. 1831 . . . 118 Duquesne de Menneville, Michel Ange, marquis de, 1702-78 232, 251 Dural, Gabriel, 1752-1844 . 194 Durand de Distroff, Francois-Marie, 1714-78 192, 251 Durant, George, fl. 1764 . . 95 Durant, John, fl. 1721 . . 251 DuRe, Benj 109 Durell, Philip, d. 1766 . . 251 Durfee, Job, 1790-1847 . . 194 Durfee, Joseph, fl. 1780 . . 62 Durham, Mrs. Anne 174 Durham, John George Lambton, 1st earl of, 1792-1840 239 Durham, Sir Philip C. H. C. , 1763-1845 174 •'Durham, A citizen of" . . 158 Durham County Grand Jury 158 Court 158 Durkin, Susan L. , fl. 1842 39 Durnford, Elias, d. 1794 95, 251 Durno, James, 1750?-95 . . 174 Durocher, Laurent, fl. 1834 166 Duroure, Francis, fl. 1758 . 62 Dury, Alexander, d. 1758 . 251 Durye"e, Samuel Francis, 1815-90 64 Dusenbery, W. C. , fl. 1844 166 Dusson, Francois, see Bonrepaus, sieur de Dustin, Alexander, fl. 1825 20 Dustin, D. H., fl. 1847 . . 166 Dutcher, George Matthew, 1874- 285 Dutcher, John M., fl. 1822 299 Dutcher, William, fl. 1835 166 Dutilh, Stephen, fl. 1801 . 194 Dutton, James, fl. c. 1770. 289 Dutton & Wentworth, fl. 1855 39 DUTY EDEN 381 Duty, William, fl. 1789 . . 194 Duvall, G. , fl. 1804 . . . 194 DuVall, Grace B. , fl. 1921 165 Duvall, William, fl. 1823 299 Duyckinck, Evert Augustus, 1816-78 36, 39 Duyckinck, G. , fl. 1785 . . 299 Dwight, H. , fl. 1831 .... 52 Dwight, Joseph 194 Dwight, Theodore F., fl. 1878 289 Dwight, William R. , fl. 1823 299 Dwyer, Jeremiah, fl. 1899 7 Dyckman, Evart B. , d. 1881 166 Dye, Abraham, fl. 1781 ... 62 Dyee and Williams 232 Dyer, Benjamin, fl. 1834 244 Dyer, Dr. Charles Volney, 1808-78 294 Dyer, Christopher 249 Dyer, Edward, fl. 1777-83 . 109 Dyer, H. H. , fl. 1829 . . . 299 Dyer, Henry, fl. 1781 ... 64 Dyer, Jacob 249 Dykes, Thomas, fl. 1782 . . 251 Dykman, J. 0., fl. 1886 . . 71 Dymond, Sarah, fl. 1842 . . 294 Dyre, Samuel, fl. 1796 . . 299 Dysart, N. , fl. 1821 .... 67 Dyson, Jeremiah, 1722-76 251 Dyson, John, fl. 1762 ... 95 E E., H. , fl. 1779 62 E., 0., fl. 1777 194 Eacker, George J. , fl. 1800 299 Eagan, Charles, fl. 1898 7, 125 Eagles, John 62 Eames, Lovett, fl. 1842 . . 166 Eames, Wilberforce, 1855-1937 31, 289 Eardley, Sir Culling Eardley, 1805-63 151 Earl, Thomas, fl. 1845 ... 39 Earle, James, fl. 1865 ... 36 Earle, Mary, fl. 1846 ... 30 Earle, W. R. , fl. 1765 . . 251 Earlsfort, baron, see Clonmell, earl of Early, Jubal Anderson, 1816-94 64 Eason, James M. , fl. 1862 122 Eason, W. G. , fl. 1861 ... 122 East, Hinton, fl. 1781 . . . 251 Eastburn, Rev. Manton, 1801-72 39, 79 Eastin, Philip, d. 1817 . . 109 East India Co 194, 251 Secret Committee, fl. 1782 251 Eastlake, Lady Elizabeth, 1809-93 151 Eastman, Edward, fl. 1769 . 194 Eastman, Harry E. , fl. 1864 122 Eastman, Dr. Timothy, fl. 1844 166 Eastman, Zebina, 1815-83 30, 289 Easton, James 62 Easton, John, fl. 1782 ... 109 Easton, Walter, Jr., fl. 1785 109 Eastwood, Joseph, fl. 1758 251 Eaton, Asa, fl. 1822 .... 39 Eaton, C. B. , fl. 1867 ... 39 Eaton, Edwin, fl. 1845 ... 39 Eaton, H. W. , fl. 1807 ... 299 Eaton, John 62 Eaton, John, 1829-1906 .... 7 Eaton, John Henry, 1790-1856. 52 Eaton, Pinketham, d. 1781 109, 266 Eaton, R. P., fl. 1844 . . . 166 Eaton, Thomas, fl. 1781 . . 109 Eaton & Tasher, fl. 1817 299 Eayre, J. W. , d. 1864 ... 122 Ebden, J 109 Eberhard, Louis, fl. 1783 194 Eberts, Hermann, 1753-1819 191 Eberts, Robert M. , fl. 1835 166 Eccleston, John, fl. 1776-83 109 Echambault, Mons. d' , fl. 1766 95 Echlin, James, fl. 1730 . . 251 Eckert, George, fl. 1795 . . 118 Eckert, M. , fl. 1821 .... 299 Eckhart, B. A., fl. 1899 ... 7 Eckley, Thomas, fl. 1793 . . 299 Eckmayer, Wilhelm 194 Ecuyer, Simeon, d. 1764 ... 14 Eddo, James, fl. 1778 .... 62 Eddy, George Simpson, fl. 1922 285 Eddy, H. W. , fl. 1866 .... 39 Eddy, John H. , fl. 1817 . . 298 Edely, Benjamin, fl. 1726 . 194 Eden, Eleanor Elliot, Mrs. William, baroness Auckland, d. 1818 158 382 EDEN ELDRED Eden, George, see Auckland, 1st earl of Eden, Sir John, 4th bart., 1740-1812 151, 158 Eden, Morton, see Henley, 1st baron Eden, Sir Robert, d. 1786 194, 251 Eden, William, 1st baron Auckland, 1744-1814 62, 97, 98 149, 151, 158, 174, 194, 287 Edes, Peter, fl. 1827 ... 69 Edgar, Ann, fl. 1801 . . . 299 Edgar, David, fl. 1777 ... 62 Edgar, John, fl. 1789 . . . 118 Edgar, William, fl. 1801 299 Edgar, William C. , 1856-1932 194 Edgcumbe, George, 1st earl of Mount-Edgcumbe, 1721-95 275 Edgcumbe, Richard, 1st baron Edgcumbe, 1680-1758 . . . 268 Edgerton, Fred W. , fl. 1850 166 Edgeworth, Richard Lovell, 1844-1917 151 Edie, John, fl. 1798 . . . 118 Edinburgh. University. Library 193 Edington, William, fl. 1766-70 95 Edmeston, Robert, fl. 1780. 287 Edmeston, William, fl. 1780 287 Edmestone, William, fl. 1755-1804 98 Edmiston, Samuel, fl. 1776-83 109 Edmonds, A. J., fl. 1850 . 166 Edmonds, James, fl. 1812 299 Edmonds, Nathaniel, fl. 1835 299 Edmondson, Joseph 62 Edmonstone, Charles, fl. 1767-74 95 Edmonstone, Neil Benjamin, 1765-1841 97 Edmunds, John M. , fl. 1847 166 Edrington, A. S., fl. 1888 39 Edwards, Dr. A., fl. 1775 . 95 Edwards, Dr. Abraham, 1781-1860 166 Edwards, Edward, 1738-1806 97 Edwards, Evan, fl. 1776-83 109, 118 Edwards, George, fl. 1782 251 Edwards, George, fl. 1825 . 299 Edwards, J. L. , fl. 1820 . . 23 Edwards, James L. , fl. 1834 166 Edwards, Joseph, fl. 1781 . 62 Edwards, Pierrepont, 1750-1826 280 Edwards, Richard, d. 1773 292 Edwards, Richard, d. 1794 . 251 Edwards, Thomas 62 Edwards, Thomas, fl. 1787 . 191 Edwards, Thomas, fl. 1815 299 Edwards, Thomas H. , fl. 1833 166 Edwards, Uriah, fl. 1838 . 299 Edwards, Howson, & Co. , fl. 1785 109 Eel Rivers. Chiefs, fl. 1812 281 Effinger, John R 285 Effingham, Thomas Howard, 9th baron Howard, 3rd earl of, 1746-91 151 Egerton, Mrs. Ariadne Margaret, fl. 1808 .... 97 Egerton, Francis, see Ellesmere, 1st earl of Egerton, Mabelle A. , fl. 1922 285 Egerton, Sir Thomas, see Wilton, 1st earl of Eggleston, Edward, 1837-1902 251 Eggleston, Joseph, Jr. , fl. 1781 109 Egmont, John Perceval, 2nd earl of, 1711-70 151, 251 Egremont, Sir Charles Wyndham, 2nd earl of, 1710-63 ... 14, 95, 151, 251 Egremont, Sir George O'Brien Wyndham, 3rd earl of, 1751-1837 250 Eight, Abraham, fl. 1745 . . 61 Eirick, Mrs. Catherine, fl. 1780 62 Elbert, John L. , fl. 1780 109 Elder, Andrew 62 Elder, Thomas, fl. 1822 . . 20 Elder, Dr. William, 1806-85 30 Eldon, John Scott, 1st earl fl. 1751-1838 97, 158, 174, 293 Eldred, Caleb, 1781-post 1855 166 Eldred, Julius, & Sons, fl. 1844 166 Eldred, Mumford, Jr., fl. 1844 166 ELDRIDGE - ELSEFFOR 383 Eldridge, Edward, fl. 1837 . 20 Elford, Lt. Gov. J., fl. 1790 205 Elgin, Thomas Bruce, 7th earl of, 1766-1841 . . 97, 151 Elibank, Patrick Murray, 5th baron, 1703-78 98 Eliot, Aaron 194 Eliot, Charles W. , 1834-1926 7 Eliot, Edward Granville, 3rd earl of St. Germans, 1798-1877 211 Eliot, Lady Jemima 228 Eliot, Samuel, 1821-98 . . . 294 Elizer, Isaac 109 Elkins, Stephen B. , 1841-1911 7 Ellery, Christopher .... 194 Ellery, Joseph A., fl. 1810 194 Ellery, Mary, fl. 1760 . . . 280 Ellery, William, 1727-1820 . 194 Ellesmere, Francis Egerton, 1st earl of, 1800-57 .... 67 Ellet, Alfred W. , fl. 1869 64 Ellet, Charles, 1810-62 ... 64 Ellet, William, fl. 1828 . . 299 Elletson, Roger Hope, d. 1775 95, 251 Ellice, Alexander, see Phyn & Ellice Ellice, Edward, 1810-80 . . 151 Ellicott, Thomas, fl. 1825 228 Ellington, Edward, fl. 1780 62 Elliot, Andrew, 1728-97 11, 62, 251, 263 Elliot, Daniel, fl. 1764 . . 95 Elliot, Sir Gilbert, see Minto, 1st earl of Elliot, Gilbert, see Minto, 2nd earl of Elliot, Hugh, 1752-1830 97, 151, 250 Elliot, John, fl. 1789 . . . 118 Elliot, Jonathan, 1784-1846 87 Elliot, M., fl. 1799 .... 253 Elliot, Mary 146 Elliot, N. , fl. 1812 .... 299 Elliot, Washington L. , 1825-88 7 Elliott, Mrs., fl. 1782 . . 109 Elliott, Benjamin, fl. 1775-82 109 Elliott, George, fl. 1751 . 292 Elliott, Jesse Duncan, 1782-1845 52 Elliott, Robert, fl. 1758-64 14, 95 Elliott, Robert, fl. 1790 . 118 Elliott, Rev. Robt. Woodward Barnwell, 1840-87 . 79 Elliott, Rev. Stephen, 1806-66 79 Elliott, Thomas, fl. 1782 . 109 Elliott, Washington Lafayette, 1821-88 122 Elliott & Williams, fl. 1788-92 118 Ellis, Albert Gallatin, 1800-85 166, 298 Ellis, C. A., fl. 1844 . . . 228 Ellis, Edward D. , fl. 1834 166 Ellis, George Edward, 1814-94 30 Ellis, Griffith Ogden, 1869-1948 285 Ellis, Henry, 1721-1806 95, 149, 251 Ellis, Henry, fl. 1781 ... 62 Ellis, Henry, fl. 1844 . . . 228 Ellis, J., fl. 1782 .... 109 Ellis, John, 1710-76 .... 251 Ellis, John, fl. 1781 .... 62 Ellis, Richard 109 Ellis, Thomas, fl. 1764 ... 95 Ellis, W. H., fl. 1809-30 . . 67 Ellis, Welbore, 1st baron Mendip, 1713-1802 14, 62, 95, 109, 149, 251 Ellis & Ames, fl. 1869 ... 39 Ellison, John, fl. 1780 ... 62 Ellrie, Alex, fl, 1790 . . . 299 Ellsworth, H. W. , fl. 1847 228 Ellsworth, Henry Leavitt, 1791-1858 166 Ellsworth, Oliver, 1745-1807 . 4 Ellsworth, William L. , fl. 1898 7 Ellzey, William, fl. 1800 . 194 Elmendorf, Conrad, fl. 1819 299 Elmendorf, Edmund, fl. 1827 299 Elmendorph, Cornelius C. , fl. 1798 299 Elmer, Daniel, fl. 1843 . . 194 Elmer, Lucius Q. C. , 1793-1883 166 Elmer, Theodore 194 Elmore, Franklin Harper, 1799-1850 30 Elphinstone, George Keith, see Keith, 1st viscount Elphinstone, Mountstuart, 1779-1859 151 Elrington, Charles Richard, 1787-1850 67 Elrington, Rev. Thomas, 1760-1835 67 Elseffor, David, fl. 1818 . 299 384 ELSTON - ERVIN Elston, Isaac C. , fl. 1833 166 Elston, Thomas S. , fl. 1835 165 Elsworth, Henry, fl. 1823 . 299 Elsworth, John, fl. 1815 . 299 Elting, John, fl. 1825. . . 299 Elting, Robert, & Co. , fl. 1818 299 Elting & Lapham, fl. 1813 299 Elting and Varick, fl. 1785 299 Elton, Anthony, fl. 1782 . 109 Elton, Cyprian, fl. 1813 . 299 Elton, Rhesa, fl. 1805 . . 299 Elton, Romeo, fl. 1841 ... 87 Elwell, Isaac, fl. 1775 . . 95 Elwin, Fountain, fl. 1767 251 Elwin, Whitwell, 1816-1900 . 67 Elwyn, John, fl. 1810 . . . 299 Ely, Alexander L. , fl. 1844 166 Ely, David, fl. 1787 .... 2 Ely, Elisha, fl. 1843 . . . 166 Ely, John, d. 1800 67 Ely, Justin, fl. 1791 ... 20 Ely, L. A., & Co., fl. 1867 39 Ely, Richard T. , fl. 1895 . 52 Ely, Ruth, fl. 1827 .... 299 Ely, Sumner, fl. 1807 . . . 299 Ely & Nuttman, fl. 1828 . . 299 Eman, William A. , fl. 1865 36 Emerson, Amos, fl. 1797 . . 20 Emerson, Curtis, 1810-80 . 166 Emerson, Daniel, fl. 1833 118 Emerson, Moses, fl. 1747 . . 4 Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 1803-82 191 Emerson, Stephen, fl. 1780. 109 Emerson, Thomas, fl. 18 3 6 . 166 Emery, Benj.. Franklin, b. 1867 191 Emery, Isaac, fl. 1856 ... 39 Emery, Julia C. , fl. 1875 39 Emery, Margaret L. , fl. 1875 39 Emery, Nathaniel, fl. 1844. 166 Emery, Samuel, fl. 1804 . . 20 Emmerich, Andreas, fl. 1777 62 Emmet, James, d. 1787 . . . 109 Emmet & White, fl. 1825 299 Emory, Wm. Hemsley, 1811-87 64 Emott, James, fl. 1820 . . 299 Empey, William, fl. 1781 . . 62 Encombe, 1st viscount, see Eldon, 1st earl of Endemann, Johann Wilhelm G. , fl. 1782 147 Engel, Mr., fl. 1766 .... 251 Engel, James Samuel, fl. 1779 107 Engel, Johann Jakob, 1741-1802 78 England, Richard, d. 1812 . . 62 English, George Bethune, 1787-1828 194 English, James L., fl. 1844 52 English, Thomas 174 Enriguez, J., fl. 1867 ... 74 Enriguez de Almansa, Martin, fl. 1580 183 Enriguez de Rivera, fl. 1673-80 183 Entsminger, John, fl. 1795 . 194 Eon de Beaumont, Charles- Genevieve-Louis-Auguste- Andre"- Timothe*e d 1 , 1728-1810 151 Epene, Giorgio Bagovide Dio, fl. 1782 193 Episcopal Academy of Connecticut 39 Eppes, William, fl. 1776-81. 109 Eptingen, Anton von, fl. 1782 147 Erghenbreck, Cornelius, fl. 1813 299 Erghenbreck, Jacob, fl. 1798 299 Erghenbreck, William, fl. 1817 299 Ericsson, John, 1803-89 ... 64 Erkert, B. von Seyfertitz, baroness von, fl. 1781 ... 62 Ermatinger, George, fl. 1838 166 Ermatinger, Lawrence, fl. 1765 95 Ernest, Matthew, d. 1805 . . 118 Ernie, Sir John 151 Errera, Carlo, b. 1867 . . . 289 Errett, Russell, 1817-91 . . 30 Errington, H. , fl. 1787 . . 268 Erskine, Archibald, fl. 1779 62 Erskine, David Stewart, see Buchan, 11th earl of Erskine, Frances Moore Erskine, baroness, d. 1805 158 Erskine, Sir Henry, d. 1765 Ill Erskine, Robert, fl. 1747 . . 61 Erskine, Thomas Erskine, 1st baron, 1750-1823 . 151, 158 Erskine, Thomas W. , fl. 1778 62 Erskine, Sir William, 1728-95 62 Ervin, John, fl. 1781 . . . 109 ERVING - EWBANK 38 5 Erving, Edward L., fl. 1841 39 Erving, George Wm. , 1769-1850 194 Erwin, Isaac, fl. 1764 ... 95 Erwin, J. P., fl. 1828 ... 87 Erwin, John, fl. 1779 ... 62 Erwin, Joseph, fl. 1785 . . 118 Erwin, Robert, fl. 1774 . . 118 Escalante, Francisco, fl. 1867 74 Escarcega, JosS , fl. 1867 74 Escarno, Francisco, fl. 1767 251 Eschwege, Friedrich von, fl. 1781 147 Escobedo, Mariano, 1826-1902 74 Escoto, Joaquin U. , fl. 1867 74 Escudero y Echanove, Pedro, d. 1897 74 Esparbes, Joseph Henri Bouchard d' , see Aubeterre, marquis d' Esperan, Antonio, fl. 1867 74 Espinoza, Manuel, fl. 1867 74 Esquibel, Joseph de, fl. 1732 251 Esselstyne, Charles, fl. 1850 299 Esselstyne, E., fl. 1844 . 299 Essex, Harriet Bladen Capell, countess of, d. 1821 97 Essex, William Anne Capell, 4th earl of, 1732-99 . . . 151 Estaing, Charles-Hector- Thdodat d' Estaing, comte d' , 1729-94 62, 80, 109, 127 Este", D. K., fl. 1847 . . . 118 Este, Margaret, fl. 1786 . . 62 Estes, J., fl. 1782 .... 109 Esteva, Ignacio, fl. 1827 , . 184 Esteve, Jose* Maria, 1818-1904 74 Estreicher, Tadeusz Kazimierz, b. 1871 . . . 289 Estwick, Samuel, fl. 1782 . 251 Ethcart, Capt., fl. 1780 . . 62 Etheridge, Samuel, fl. 1843 166 Etherington, George, d. c. 1788 95 Eton, William 174 Eton, Provost of, fl. 1796 97 Etting, Frank M. , fl. 1857 . . 39, 87 Etting, J. , & Co. , fl. 1810 299 Etton, Cyprian, fl. 1803 . 299 Eustace, Dr. Charles, fl. 1774 95 Eustace, John Skey, d. 1805 253 Eustis, Abraham, 1786-1843. 194 Eustis, F. A., fl. 1840 . . 299 Eustis, James Biddle, 1834-99 289 Eustis, William, 1753-1825. 281 Evans, fl. 1833 84 Evans, Mr., fl. 1833 .... 82 Evans, Absalom, fl. 1781 . . 62 Evans, Dr. Amos A., 1785-1848 82 Evans, C. A 247 Evans, David, fl. 1813 . . 118 Evans, Edmond, fl. 1782 . . 109 Evans, George C., fl. 1849 166 Evans, H. G. , fl. 1838 . . 299 Evans, Henry, fl. 1768 ... 95 Evans, Henry Francis, d. 1781 171 Evans, John, fl. 1770 ... 95 Evans, Musgrove, fl. 1834 . 166 Evans, Robert, fl. 1787 . . 62 Evans, Simon, fl. 1766 . . 251 Evans, William, fl. 1776-83 109 Evans & Brown, fl. 1840 . . 299 Evelyn, William Glanville, d. 1776 62, 95 Everest, William, fl. 1782 251 Everet, John, fl. 1780 ... 62 Everett, Alexander Hill, 1790-1847 52 Everett, Edward, 1794-1865 20, 151, 194, 228, 294 Everett, Franklin, fl. 1847 166 Everett, Jesse, fl. 1820 . 299 Everett, N. C. , fl. 1827 . 299 Everett, William, fl. 1879 294 Everett, William, fl. 1892. 289 Everitt, Charles, fl. 1781 62 Everitt, Daniel, fl. 1792 . . 2 Eversley, Charles Shaw- Lefevre, viscount, 1794-1888 151 Evert, William T. , fl. 1826 299 Eves, Thomas, fl. 1760 . . . 95 Ewald, Johann von, 1744-1813 .... 62, 147, 253 Ewart, Mrs. Elizabeth, fl. 1792 97 Ewart, Joseph, 1759-92 ... 97 Ewbank, Thomas, 1792-1870 . 87 386 EWELL - FARNSWORTH Ewell, Richard Stoddert, 1817-72 64 Ewing, Maskell, fl. 1788 . 194 Ewings, Flavell, fl. 1758 95 Exeter (England). City Council, 1782 253 Exeter ( N. H. ) , Bank of . . 194 Exmouth, 1st viscount, see Pellew, Sir Edward Eyles, Sir John, d. 1745 . 251 Eynaud, P., fl. 1829 .... 20 Eyre, A. M. , fl. 1819 . . . 194 Eyre, Anne C 228 Eyre, Benjamin G. , fl. 1784 109 Eyre, Edmund, fl. 1780 ... 62 Eyre, Sir Robert, 1666-1735 251 Eyre, Thomas, fl. 1763 ... 95 Eyre, William, d. 1765. 95, 194 F., J., fl. 1775 95 F., J., fl. 1780 98 Fabre, Hector, fl. 1895 . . 289 Fackenthal, Frank D. , fl. 1930 285 Fagan, James Fleming, 1828-93 64 Fage, Edward, fl. 1780 ... 62 Fagel, General, fl. 1844 . 228 Fagel, Henry, 1706-90 ... 88 Fahie, John, fl. 1777 ... 98 Fahnestock, G. W. , fl. 1863 87 Fahnestock, Levi, fl. 1838 166 Faillon, Etienne-Michel, fl. 1864 289 Fairbank, Calvin, 1816-98 294 Fairbanks, Charles W. , 1852-1918 7 Fairbanks, David, fl. 1815. 299 Fairbanks, Drury, fl. 1841 166 Fairbanks, Jonathan .... 109 Fairchild, James Harris, 1817-1902 294 Fairchild, Lucius, 1831-96 . 7 Fairchild, Robert, fl. 1822. 39 Fairfax, Donald McNeill, 1821-94 64 Fairfax of Cameron, Robert Fairfax, 7th baron, 1707-93 268 Fairfield, G. W. , fl. 1838 299 Fairfield County (Connecticut), 1779 .... 62 Fairholme, Thomas, fl. 1780 251 Fairlamb, John, fl. 1779 . . 62 Fairlamb, Samuel, fl. 1780 62 Fairlie, James, fl. 1826 . . 299 Fairlie, John Archibald, 1872-1947 285 Fairlie & Bloodgood, fl. 1800 299 Fairweather, James, & Son, fl. 1782 251 Falcon y Ozcoidi, Modesto, b. 1828 289 Falconer, Robert, fl. 1800 . 299 Falconer, Thomas, fl. 1759-63 95 Falmouth, inhabitants of, fl. 1775 95 Famitt, W. , fl. 1774 .... 143 Famizier, Pierre, fl. 1770 95 Fane, Francis, 1698?-1757 61, 251 Fane, John, see Westmoreland, earls of Faneuil, Benjamin, Jr., 1701-85 293 Fannin, Mrs-. J. Gertrude, fl. 1922 289 Fanning, David, c. 1755-1825 109 Fanning, Edmund, 1737-1818 62, 149 Fanshaw, D. , fl. 1834 . . . 294 Fanshawe, Sir Richard, 1608-66 251 Faquish, John 109 Far an, James F. , fl. 1847 298 Farar, Benjamin, fl. 1790 . 164 Fareham, Arthur, see Lee, viscount Fargo, James H. , fl. 1835 . 166 Fargues, Mons., fl. 1777 . . 98 Farhill, John, fl. 1785 ... 97 Farley, Henry, fl. 1778-82 62, 98 Farley, Isaac G. , fl. 1844 166 Farley, John, fl. 1834 . . . 166 Farley, Joseph, fl. 1835 . . 20 Farley, Joshua, fl. 1805 . . 299 Farlie, James, fl. 1787 . . 118 Farly, Mons., fl. 1764 ... 95 Farmar, John, fl. 1764 ... 95 Farmar, Robert, 1735-80 14, 95, 251 Farmer, Edward, fl. 1803 . . . 20 Farmer, James, fl. 1838 . . 194 Farmer, Thomas, fl. 1781 . . 109 Farnborough, Charles Long, 1st baron, 1761-1838 .... 67 Farnham, C. H. , fl. 1892 . . 294 Farnsworth, B. F. , fl. 1838 30 FARNSWORTH - FERGUS 387 Farnsworth, Elon, fl. 1825-52 166 Farnsworth, John, fl. 1839 166 Farnsworth, John Franklin, 1820-97 64 Farnsworth, William, fl. 1832 194 Farnum, Alexander, fl. 1864 36 Farquhar, A. B. , fl. 1885 . 194 Farquhar, Sir Robert Townsend, 1776-1830 . . . 174 Farquhar, William, d. 1759 95 Farquhar, William, fl. 1780 62 Farquharson, William, fl. 1762 95 Farr, Thomas, fl. 1780. 62, 109 Farragut, David Glasgow, 1801-70 64 Farragut, Virginia Loyall, Mrs. David 64 Farrand, Ira T. , fl. 1841 166 Farrand, Max 285 Farrar> J. S. , fl. 1898 ... 7 Farrell, Kennedy, fl. 1767 . 95 Farrin, John, fl. 1780 ... 62 Farwell, Samuel, fl. 1803 . 20 Fatis, F. P., fl. 1785 . . 109 Fauche, Mons., fl. 1767 . . 95 Fauconberg, Henry Belasyse, 2nd earl of, fl. 1766-83 . 97 Faulkner, Harold Underwood, 1890- 285 Faulkner, Thomas, 1707-84 149 Fauntleroy, Griffin, d. 1781 109 Fauquier, Francis, 1704?-68 95, 251 Faure, Henry, fl. 1736 . . 251 Fawcett, John, 1768-1837 174 Fawcett, Sir William, 1728-1804 .... 62, 97, 251 Fawkener, Mr., fl. 1809 . . 250 Fawkener, W. , fl. 1781 ... 98 Fawkener, William, fl. 1744 61 Fawson, Jones, fl. 1780 . . 287 Faxon, Henry H. , fl. 1891 294 Faxon, Marcellus, fl. 1850. 166 Fay, Jonas, 1737-1818 ... 62 Fay, Joseph, c. 1752-1803 . 62 Fay, Joseph S., fl. 1843 . 244 Fay, Laura, fl. 1836 .... 52 Fay, Sidney Bradshaw, 1876- 285 Fayssoux, Dr. Peter, 1745-95 109 Fead, George, fl. 1790 . . 205 Fearing, Paul, 1762-1822 . 118 Fearn, Dr. Thomas, 1790-1864 30 Feary, John, fl. 1823 . . . 299 Featherstonhaugh, George Wm., 1780-1866 . . . 194, 299 Febiger, Christian, 1746-96 109 Febiger, Elizabeth, Mrs. Christian, fl. 1775 .... 62 Fechter, Charles Albert, 1824-79 194 Feilding, Basil, see Denbigh, 6th earl of Feke, Charles 109 Feke, Horatio 109 Felch, Alpheus, 1804-96 . . 166 Felix, Louis-Nicolas-Victor de, comte du Muy, 1711-45 89 Fell, John, 1721-98 .... 280 Feller, Jacob, fl. 1807 . . 299 Feller, Peter P. , fl. 1802 299 Feller, Philip P. , fl. 1802 299 Fellow, C. C, fl. 1857 . . 52 Fellows, Francis, fl. 1848 39 Fellows, Joseph, fl. 1742 . 194 Fellows & Matson, fl. 1841 . 39 Fellowship of English Merchants for the Discovery of New Trades (The Russia Company) 251 Fells, Thomas 109 Feltham, Jocelyn, fl. 1774 95 Feltman, William, fl. 1776-82 109 Felton, Cornelius Conway, 1807-62 294 Fench, William fl. 1831 299 Fendall, P. R. , fl. 1829 . . 87 Fenn, Rev. Benjamin, fl. 1835-44 30 Fenner, H. C., fl. 1782 . . 147 Fenno, John, 1751-98 . 118, 299 Fenoulket, James John, fl. 1782 268 Fenton, Reuben Eaton, 1819-85 64 Fenwick, Charles G. , fl. 1923 228 Fenwick, Edward, fl. 1780-85 62, 109 Fenwick, Robert, fl. 1766 . 95 Fenwick, Robert George, fl. 1780 62 Ferdinand, Pere, fl. 1763 . 194 Fergus, Dr. Janus, fl. 1782 109 388 FERGUSON FINLEY Ferguson, Adam, 1723-1816 62, 268 Ferguson, David, fl. 1780 62, 287 Ferguson, Gov. George, fl. 1780-82. 62, 251, 268, 287 Ferguson, Joseph, fl. 1755-88 98, 287 Ferguson, Patrick, 1744-80 62 Ferguson, Robert, fl. 1780 62, 301 Ferguson, Rev. Samuel David, 1842-1916 79 Ferguson, Thomas, fl. 1783. 109 Ferguson, William, d. 1791 109, 118 Ferguson, William Scott, 1875- 285 Fergussone, John, fl. 1760-88 268 Ferin, E. , fl. 1909 .... 289 Fernandez de Guzman, fl. 1747 183 Fernandez Duro, Ces£reo, 1830-1908 289 Fernando Fe* 289 Ferrers, Robert Shirley, 6th earl of, 1723-87. 151, 268 Ferrers, Edmund, fl. 1816 . 250 Ferrey, Marie B. , fl. 1916 285 Ferrior, Robert 174 Ferris, Benjamin, fl. 1852 191 Ferris, Edward B. , fl. 1855 30 Ferris, Mary, fl. 1852 . . 191 Ferris, John, fl. 1780 . . 194 Ferris, William, fl. 1852 . 191 Ferris, Woodbridge Nathan, 1853-1928 285 Ferroux, Jacques L. F. , fl. 1794 288 Ferry, Orvis Sanford, 1823-75 64 Ferry, Rene", fl. 1911 . . . 289 Fersen, Frederik Axel, count von, 1719-94 .... 251 Fess, Simeon D. , 1861-1939 194 Fessenden, Samuel, 1784-1869 20 Fessenden, Deblois & Fessenden, fl. 1843 .... 39 Fetherston, William, fl. 1779 62 Feuillerat, Albert, 1874- . 285 Feuquiere, Marquis de, fl. 1655 194 Fick, Peter, fl. 1781 ... 62 Fickling, Joseph, fl. 1780 62 Field, A. P., fl. 1834 . . 165 Field, Catharine, fl. 1809 194 Field, Charles William, 1828-92 64 Field, Chauncey W. , fl. 1844 166 Field, Cyrus West, 1819-92 52, 294 Field, James T. , fl. 1864 . . 36 Field, John, fl. 1780 .... 62 Field, Jonathan, fl. 1809 . 194 Field, Joseph B. , fl. 1843 87 Field, Marshall, 1834-1906 . . 7 Fields, Eleanor, fl. 1807 . 191 Fields, James, fl. 1807 . . 191 Fields, James, Jr., fl. 1807 191 Fields, James T. , fl. 1849 . 194 Fields, Peter, fl. 1785 . . 299 Fields, Richard, fl. 1832 . . 30 Fife, Adam, fl. 1782 .... 62 Fife, James Duff, 2nd earl of, 1729-1809 .... 174, 268 Fifield, John, fl. 1712 . . 194 Fifleid, Joseph, fl. 1712 . 194 Fifield, Osgood H. , fl. 1834 166 Filisola, Vicente, fl. 1840 184 Filkin, Dr. Richard 86 Fillmore, Millard, 1800-74 166, 282 Finch, Ashael, Jr., fl. 1837 166 Finch, George A., fl. 1927 . 228 Finch, Heneage, see Aylesford, 4th earl of Finch, Silas, fl. 1833 ... 166 Finch, W. B. , fl. 1847 . . ..299 Finch & Capron, fl. 1838 . . 299 Finchley, Thomas,- fl. 1785 118 Finckenstein, Karl Wilhelm Finck, graf von, 1714-1800 251 Findlater, 7th earl of, see Seafield, 4th earl of Findlay, David, fl. 1736 . . 251 Findlay, Ro 174 Finegan, Patrick, fl. 1779 . 62 Finger, German, fl. 1847 . . 299 Finkle, John, fl. 1800 . . . 299 Finkle, Nicholas, fl. 1796 299 Finlay, Hugh, 1732-1801. 95, 251 Finley, Anthony, fl. 1825-27 298 Finley, Ebenezer, fl. 1777-81 109 Finley, Ephriam, fl. 1801 . 299 Finley, John, fl. 1771-90 95, 118 Finley, Samuel, d. 1829 . . 109 FINLEY - FLAGG 389 Finley, William, fl. 1850 166 Finney, Rev. Charles Grandison, 1792-1875 . . . 294 Finney, Walter, d. 1820 . . 118 Finnie, William, fl. 1776-82 109 Finsbury Square Academy . . 20 Finucane, Bry, fl. 1780 98, 251 Fischer, Johann Jacob, fl. 1782 147 Fish, Benjamin 95 Fish, Dyer, fl. 1783 . . . 251 Fish, Hamilton, 1808-93 39, 64, 166, 259 Fish, Henry, fl. 1819 . . . 299 Fish, John, fl. 1808 . . . 194 Fish, Nicholas, fl. 1775 . . 95 Fish, Nicholas, 1758-1833 118 Fish, Nicholas, fl. 1898 . . 7 Fish, Stuyvesant, 1851-1923 7, 194 Fishbourne, Benjamin, fl. 1782 194 Fishburne, William, fl. 1787 194 Fisher, Charles R. , fl. 1843 39 Fisher, Cyrus, fl. 1837 . . 166 Fisher, George Purnell, 1817-99 52 Fisher, Gerrit, fl. 1761-1811 .... 268, 287 Fisher, Herbert Albert Laurens, 1865-1940 .... 285 Fisher, J. Charlton .... 289 Fisher, J. P., fl. 1836 . . 294 Fisher, John, fl. 1775-78 ... 95, 98, 149 Fisher, Rev. John, 1748-1825 97 Fisher, John A., fl. 1835 . 20 Fisher, Joshua Francis, 1807-73 194 Fisher, M. , fl. 1775 .... 95 Fisher, Milton M. , fl. 1889 294 Fisher, Wilfret, fl. 1757 69 Fiske, John, 1842-1901 . . . 194, 289, 294 Fiske, N. W. , fl. 1845 ... 52 Fiske, William, fl. 1839 166 Fitch, Charity 109 Fitch, Chauncey W. , fl. 1844 166 Fitch, E., fl. 1801 .... 299 Fitch, Hendrick, fl. 1818 299 Fitch, Jonathan 194 Fitch, Samuel M. , fl. 1820. 299 Fitch, Thomas, c. 1700-74 4, 95 Fitch, William W. , fl. 1844 166 Fitzclarence, Frederick . . 228 Fitzgerald, Aaron, fl. 1844 166 Fitzgerald, Charlotte, fl. 1830 228 Fitzgerald, Hamilton, 1783-1843 228 Fitzgerald, Jerome B. , fl. 1844 166 Fitzgerald, Maurice, fl. 1768 275 Fitzgerald, Thomas, 1796-1855 166 Fitzgerald, William Vesey, baron Fitzgerald and Vesey, 1783-1843 67 Fitzgibbon, John, see Clare, 1st earl of Fitzhardinge, Maurice F. F. Berkeley, 1st baron, 1788-1867 194, 239 Fitzharris, viscount, see Malmesbury, 1st earl of Fitzherbert, Alleyne, see St. Helens, 1st baron Fitzherbert, Sir William, 1748-91 268 Fitzhugh, Dr. Daniel H. , fl. 1856 30 Fitzhugh, Henry M. , fl. 1846 30 Fitzhugh, Peregrine, fl. 1779 62 Fitzhugh, William, 1741-1809 280 Fitzhugh, William Frisbie, d. 1839 109 Fitzmaurice, Ulysses, fl. 1769 95, 268 Fitzpatrick, John C. , fl. 1853 87 Fitzpatrick, Patrick, fl. 1758 14 Fitz Randolph, Nathan . . . 194 Fitzroy, Augustus Henry, see Grafton, 3rd duke of Fitzroy, Charles, see Southampton, 1st baron FitzSimons, Thomas, 1741-1811 109, 127, 194 Fitzwilliam, Hon. John, d. 1789 97 Fitzwilliam, William Wentworth Fitzwilliam, 2nd earl, 1748-1833 . 97, 158 Five Nations ( Indians) 251, 263 Five Nations. Chiefs, fl. 1764 95 Flagg, A. C, fl. 1817 . . 299 390 FLAGG FORBES Flagg, A. C, fl. 1835 166 Flagg, Miss B. V. M. , fl. 1801 234 Flagg, Gersholm, fl. 1691 . 20 Flagg, H., fl. 1838 .... 299 Flagg, Dr. Henry Collins, fl. 1775-84 109 Flagg, Isaac, fl. 1800 . . 234 Flagler, Daniel W. , fl. 1898 7 Flagler, Henry Morrison, 1830-1913 7 Flagler, W. B. , fl. 1831 . 299 Flanders, Henry, fl. 1902 6 Fleeson, Reese C., 1813-63 30 Fleming, Augustus, fl. 1827 299 Fleming, James, fl. 1819 . 299 Fleming, John 31 Fleming, Samuel, fl. 1758 14 Fleming, Thomas, fl. 1771 . 95 Fleming, William, fl. 1770 95 Fletcher, Mrs., fl. 1831 . 299 Fletcher, Charles, fl. 1846 52 Fletcher, George, fl. 1780 109 Fletcher, Sir Henry, 1727-1807 268 Fletcher, Inglis, Mrs. John, fl. 1950 194 Fletcher, Joseph, fl. 1802 299 Fletcher, Joseph, fl. 1834. 166 Fletcher, Sir Robert, fl. 1776 98 Fletcher & Scudder, fl. 1802 299 Flint, C. W. , fl. 1810 ... 67 Flint, H. N. , fl. 1821 . . 299 Flint, John, fl. 1789 ... 20 Flint, Royal, 1754-97 ... 109 Flores, Cervantes, Lino, fl. 1867 74 Florez, Manuel Antonio, fl. 1788 188 Floridablanca, Jose* Monino y Redondo, conde de, 1728-1808 98, 251 Flower, Benjamin, d. 1781 109 Flower, Frank A., fl. 1887 294 Flower, Mary Ann, fl. 1827 299 Flowers, John, fl. 1774 . . 263 Floyd, Augustus, fl. 1829 299 Floyd, Benjamin, fl. 1778 . 62 Floyd, John Buchanan, 1806-63 52, 64 Floyd, Richard, fl. 1779 . . 62 Flucker, Thomas, d. 1783 42, 251 Flynn, Cornelius 0., 1811-81 166 Foard, Hezekiah, fl. 1782 . 109 Fogg, Edward, fl. 1845 ... 39 Fogg, Francis Brinley Jr. , fl. 1846 39 Fogg, John S. H., fl. 1865 . 36 Foland, H. , fl. 1847 .... 299 Foley, James, fl. 1780 ... 62 Foley, John, fl. 1834 . . . 166 Foley, P. K., 1856-1937 ... 31 Foley, Sir Robert Ralph, d. 1782 251 Folger, B., fl. 1810 .... 299 Folger, R. , fl. 1810 .... 299 Folger, Robert H. , 1812-post 1844 30 Follett, John, fl. 1853 ... 67 Follett, John, & Co. , fl. 1776' 251 Follows, Samuoll, fl. 1710 194 Folsom, Charles, 1794-1872 87 Folsom, George, 1802-69 . 36, 87 Folsom, Nathaniel, 1726-90 . 280 Fonblanque, Albany, 1793-1872 151 Fonblanque, Edward Barrington de 151 Fonda, Abraham C. , fl. 1803 299 Fonda, John A., fl. 1799 . . 299 Fonnereau, Abel, fl. 1748 292 Fonseca, Faustino da, fl. 1908 289 Foot, Andrew, fl. 1848 . . . 166 Foot, Ebenezer, fl. 1780 . . 109 Foote, Andrew Hull, 1806-63 64 Foote, E. T., fl. 1843 . . . 166 Foote, Hiram, d. 1889 . . . 294 Foote, Rev. Luman, fl. 1846 166 Foraker, Joseph B. , 1846-1917 7 Forbes, Alexander, fl. 1782. 301 Forbes, Arthur, fl. 1780 . . 62 Forbes, George, see Granard, 6th earl of Forbes, Dr. George, fl. 1768 95 Forbes, Gordon, fl. 1768 . . 95 Forbes, John, 1714-96 .... 97 Forbes, John, fl. 1779 ... 62 Forbes, John Murray, 1813-98 294 Forbes, Stephen, fl. 1834 . 166 FORBES - FOUNTAIN 391 Forbes, William, fl. 1759-64 95 Forbus, Alex, fl. 1818 . . 299 Force, Peter, 1790-1868 31, 87 Force, William Quereau, 1820-80 87 Ford, Benjamin, d. 1781 . . 109 Ford, Francis, fl. 1766 . . 251 Ford, Gordon L. , fl. 1843 166 Ford, Guy Stanton, 1873- 285 Ford, Henry, fl. 1792 ... 253 Ford, Mahlon, d. 1820 . . . 118 Ford, Moses, fl. 1786 ... 118 Ford, Paul Leicester, 1865-1902 194 Ford, Thomas, d. 17 68 . . . 95 Ford, William, fl. 1778 . . 149 Ford, William, fl. 1781 . . 287 Ford, William, fl. 1836 . . 20 Ford, Worthington Chauncey, 1858-1941 . 31, 194 Forde, Standish, fl. 1783 . 194 Fordham, Sir Herbert George, 1854-1929 .... 289 Fordyce, Charles, fl. 1774 95 Foreman, James, fl. 1780 . . 62 Forest, Henry, fl. 1817 . . 299 Forgett, Charles, fl. 1790 118 Forjaz, D. M. P., fl. 1810 194 Forman, Daniel, fl. 1820 . 299 Forman, David, fl. 1781 62, 109 Forman, William, fl. 1764-74 95, 301 Forney, John Wien, 1817-81 87 Forrest, Andrew 62 Forrest, James, fl. 1780 . . 62 Forrest, Nathan Bedford, 1821-77 122 Forrester, James, fl. 1762 251 Forrester, Stephen, fl. 1772 95 Forsans, Mt., fl. 1745 ... 61 Forster, Edward, fl. 1760 95 Forster, George, fl. 1774 95 Forster, John, fl. 1826 . . 20 Forster, John, 1812-76 . . 151 Forster, Josiah, fl. 1840 30 Forster, Matthew, fl. 1780 287 Forster, Matthew, fl. 1842 167 Forster, R. , fl. 1780 ... 287 Forster, Thompson, fl. 1780 62 Forster, William 62 Forster, William, fl. 1758-63 14, 95 Forster, William Edward, 1818-86 30, 151 Forsyth, James, fl. 1780 . . 109 Forsyth, James W. , fl. 1892 7 Forsyth, John, 1780-1841 52, 87, 166 Forsyth, John, fl. 1839 228 Forsyth, Robert, fl. 1776-91 109 Forsyth, Robert, fl. 1790 . 205 Forsyth, Robt. , and Co. . . 109 Forsythe, William W. , fl. 1826 299 Fort, Homer, fl. 1890 .... 7 Forten, Sarah L. , fl. 1837 294 Fortescue, James, fl. 1768 275 Fortier, Alce"e, 1856-1914 . 289 Fortier, Peter, fl. 1811 . . 52 Foster, Andrew, fl. 1827 . . 20 Foster, Andrew, fl. 1831 . . 244 Foster, Lady Elizabeth Hervey, Mrs. John Thomas, 1776-1824 174 Foster, George, fl. 1855-74 20, 294 Foster, J. W. , fl. 1847 . . 166 Foster, John, fl. 1812 ... 67 Foster, John, baron Oriel, 1740-1828 275 Foster, John Gray, 1823-74 64 Foster, John Leslie, d. 1842 67, 250 Foster, John Watson, 1836-1917 7, 64, 194 Foster, Prior, fl. 1846 ... 30 Foster, Roger, 1857-1924 ... 285 Foster, Theodore, 1812-65 30 Foster, Thomas, 1798-1826 . . 67 Foster, Thomas, fl. 1807 . . 299 Foster, William, fl. 1841 166 Fothergill, John, 1712-80 251 Fothergill, Samuel, fl. 1760 226 Foucault, Comte de 174 Foucault, Mons., fl. 1765 . . 95 Fougeray, Chevalier de, fl. 1795 268 Foules, Benjamin, fl. 1720 . 268 Fountain, W. Peter, fl. 1779-82 296 392 FOUQUET - FRANKLIN Fouquet, Charles-Louis- Auguste*, see Belleisle, comte de Fournier, Mons., fl. 1772 95 Fousche, Abraham, fl. 1781 62 Fowle, E. J., fl. 1828 . . 299 Fowle, Josiah, fl. 1799 20 Fowle, Richard, fl. 1771 . . 95 Fowle, Robert, fl. 1832 . . 234 Fowle, W., fl. 1831 .... 20 Fowler, Adele, fl. 1838 . . 52 Fowler, Alexander, fl. 1775 95 Fowler, Bancroft, fl. 1842 . 30 Fowler, Benjamin 194 Fowler, Henry, fl. 1848 . . 294 Fowler, John, fl. 1767 . . 251 Fowler, John, Jr. , fl. 1885 36 Fowler, L. N. , fl. 1880 . . 294 Fowler, M. C., fl. 1865 . . 39 Fowler, Marianne, fl. 1849 228 Fowler, Rev. Robert, 1726?-1801 98 Fowler, W. F. , fl. 1864 . . 36 Fowlers & Wells, fl. 1854 30 Fox, Charles, 1796-1873 228 Fox, Charles James, 1749-1806 62, 88, 90 97, 121, 151, 158, 174, 251 Fox, Dixon Ryan, 1887-1945 285 Fox, Dorus M. , fl. 1843 . . 166 Fox, Edward, fl. 1779 ... 62 Fox, George C. , & Sons, fl. 1783 251 Fox, Gustavus Vasa, 1821-83 64, 122, 194 Fox, Henry, see Holland, 1st and 4th barons Fox, Henry Edward, 1755-1811 62, 97 Fox, Henry Richard V. , see Holland, 3rd baron Fox, Rev. Jabez, fl. 1849 . 166 Fox, James L. P. , fl. 1850 30 Fox, John M., fl. 1849 . . 166 Fox, Joseph, fl. 1766 . 95, 280 Fox, Mary, fl. 1832 .... 228 Fox, S. N. , fl. 1847 . . . 299 Fox, Sir Stephen, 1627-1716 151 Foxcroft, John, fl. 1775 . . 95 Foxen, James, fl. 1847 . . 191 Foxen, Mary, fl. 1847 ... 191 Foxon, John, fl. 1760 ... 95 Fox-Strangways, Stephen, see Ilchester, 1st earl of Foy, Edward, fl. 1770 ... 62 Fragaso, Carlos, fl. 1867 . 74 Fragua, Jose" Maria la, 1813-75 74 Fraizier, John, fl. 1767 . 251 Fraleigh, John P., fl. 1847 299 France Amiraute' (Cherbourg) . . . 251 Army in America, 1763 . . 251 Bureau des Fermes a Bordeaux 251 Commissaires de la Tre'sorerie Nationale, 1799 22 Commission de la Comptabilite' Intermediaire, 1799 22 Conseil de Marine 43 Ministre des Finances, 1798 22 Navy under D' Orvilliers, 1779 98 Parlement de Paris, 1754, 1764 251 Sovereigns. Louis XIV (1643-1715). 43, 251 Louis XV ( 1715-74) 61, 192, 194, 232, 251 Louis XVI ( 1774-93) 89, 196, 251 Louis Philippe (1830-48) . 52 Treaty with Great Britain, 1748 192 Francia, J. G. R. , fl. 1839 194 Franciot-Legall, X., see Lecocq, Mile. Maria Francis, Charles Stephen, 1805-87 31 Francis, F 62 Francis, Joseph H. , fl. 1841 39 Francis, Thomas, fl. 1774 . 95 Francisco, Gaspar 62 Francklin, Michael, 1720-82 95, 251 Frank, Lawrence, fl. 1801 . 191 Frank, V. S. , fl. 1918 . . 289 Frankenberry, A. D. , 1862-95 122 Frankfurter, Felix, 1882- . 194 Frankland, Sir Thomas, 17177-84 194 Franklin, Benjamin, 1706-90 4, 90, 91, 95 118, 121, 194, 251, 286 Franklin, Sir John, 1786-1847 174 Franklin, Thomas, fl. 1799 299 Franklin, William, 1731-1813 11, 14, 62, 95, 251, 263 FRANKLIN FREY 393 Franklin, Win. Buell, 1823-1903 64, 122 Franklin, William Temple, 1760-1823 121, 286 Franklin & Miller, fl. 1840 299 Franklin Bank of the City of New York, fl. 1823 . . 299 Franklin College. Jefferson Literary Society 30 Franks, David, fl. 1764-80 62, 95 Franks, Moses, fl. 1761-82 95, 251 Franks & Inglis, fl. 1766 95 Franks, Inglis & Barkly, fl. 1764 95 Frary, J., fl. 1815 .... 299 Fraser, Mr., fl. 1788 ... 97 Fraser, Lt. Alexander, fl. 1757-97 95 Fraser, Alexander D. , fl. 1834-42 30, 166 Fraser, Alexander Mackenzie, 1756-1809 97 Fraser, Charles, fl. 1780 62, 109, 301 Fraser, Daniel, fl. 1779 . . 62 Fraser, Edward Satchwell, fl. 1779 62 Fraser, George, fl. 1780 . 287 Fraser, J., fl. 1867 .... 36 Fraser, James, fl. 1778-82 109, 301 Fraser, James, fl. 1856 . . 30 Fraser/* John, fl. 1766 . . 251 Fraser, Capt. John, fl. 1766 95 Fraser, Lt. John, fl. 1780 287 Fraser, Luke, fl. 1776 . . 293 Fraser, M. , fl. 1782 . . . 109 Fraser, Robert, fl. 1749 . . 61 Fraser, Simon, 1726-82 62, 95, 98, 109, 301 Fraser, Simon, 1738-1813 . . 62 Fraser, William, fl. 1775-83 62, 121, 251 Fratts, Jacob, fl. 1758 . . 14 Frazer, Andrew, d. 1792 95, 194, 251 Frazer, John G. , fl. 1780 109, 194 Frazer, Reah, fl. 1853 ... 71 Frazier, George L. , fl. 1844 30 Frazier, John, fl. 1745 . . 61 Frazier, Nathan, fl. 1774 . 95 Freake, John, fl. 1670 . . 194 Frederick, Sir Charles, 1709-85 98, 251 Frederick, H. , fl. 1800 . . 299 Frederick, Thomas Lenox, 1750-99 171 Frederick Augustus, see York and Albany, duke of Freebody, John, fl. 1784 . . 109 Freeland, George, fl. 1782 . 62 Freeling, Sir Francis, 1764-1836 97, 250 Freeman, Azel, fl. 1829 ... 23 Freeman, Douglas Southall, 1886- 194 Freeman, Edward A., 1823-92 . 92 Freeman, Eleanor, fl. 1882 . 92 Freeman, Rev. Geo. Washington, 1789-1858 79 Freeman, Horace 39 Freeman, J., fl. 1782 . . . 268 Freeman, J., fl. 1823 . . . 299 Freeman, James, fl. 17 68 . . 95 Freeman, Quin John, fl. 1780 62 Freeman, Russel, fl. 1774 . 194 Freer, Charles, fl. 1775-82 109 Freer, Charles Lang, 1856-1919 7 Freer, L. L. , fl. 1807 . . . 299 Freke, John, see Freake, John Frelinghuysen, Theodore, 1787-1862 52 Fremann, W. T. , fl. 1865 . . 247 Fremantle, Sir William Henry, 1766-1850 97 Fremont, John Charles, 1813-90 64, 122, 262 French, Alice, fl. 1906 ... 52 French, Allen, 1870-1946 . . 285 French, B. and N. , fl. 1783. 109 French, Benjamin B. , fl. 1842 87 French, David, fl. 1833 . . 166 French, Eli, fl. 1865 .... 36 French, Frederic, fl. 1805 . 20 French, George Henry, fl. 1830 194 French, J., fl. 1848 .... 30 French, John C., fl. 1819 . 299 French, Jonathan, 1740-1809 . 93 French, Packer H. , fl. 1850 . 52 French, S. G. , fl. 1881 ... 64 French, Samuel, fl. 1781 . . 301 French, Thomas, fl. 1781 62, 301 French, Thos. , fl. 1867 ... 39 French, William Henry, 1815-81 64 French & Gillies 109 Freneau, Peter, fl. 1794 . . 194 Frere, John Hookham, 1769-1846 97 Freuny, Joachim de, fl. 1710 268 Frevel, Commissary, fl. 1780. 62 Frey, Capt. B. de, fl. 1781 62 394 FREYTAG - G. Freytag, Wilhelm von, fl. 1795 97 Frdzier, Ame'de'e-Francois, 1682-1773 . . 251 Fribourg & Sontet, fl. 1844 228 Frick, Hendrick, fl. 1803 . 299 Fricke, George Patrick P. E., fl. 1828 228 Friend, Gabriel 194 Friend, William, fl. 1772 . 95 "Friend, A," fl. 1774 ... 95 Friendly, S 62 Friends, Society of Pennsylvania and New Jersey meetings, 1778 194 New England. Meeting for sufferings, 1775 .... 251 Yearly meeting of women, 1794, 1796 194 Friesland. States, 1794 . . 251 Frisher, C. , fl. 1810 . . . 299 Fritz, Henry, fl. 1777 ... 69 Frobisher, Benjamin, c. 1742-87 251 Frodsham, John, fl. 1778-82 268 Froebel, Julius, fl. 1852 . 87 Froidevaux, Henri, fl. 1903 289 Frontenac, Louis de Buade, comte de, 1620-98 43 Frost, Mrs. Anna R. , fl. 1840 294 Frost, George, fl. 1777 . . 194 Frost, George, fl. 1860 . . 52 Frost, George S. , fl. 1846 166 Frost, John, 1750-1842 . . 151 Frothingham, Ebenezer, d. 1790 118 Frothingham, P., fl. 1791 . 194 Frothingham, Richard, 1812-80 262 Frothingham, Richard, fl. 1848 39 Frothingham, Thomas, fl. 1804 299 Froyer, David 299 Fry, A. A 40 Fry, John B. , fl. 1845 . . 228 Fryar, Thomas 2 51 Frye, Joseph, d. 1794 ... 93 Frye, Joseph, fl. 1797 ... 20 Frye, William Pierce, 1831-1911 7 Fryer & Van Vleck, fl. 1831 299 Fuente, Juan Antonio de, 1814-87 74 Fuentes, Conde de, fl. 1761 251 Fulberton, G. , fl. c. 1840 52 Fullarton, William, 1754-1808 98, 174 Fuller, Ebenezer, fl. 1841 . 39 Fuller, George Newman, 1873- 285 Fuller, H. F. , fl. 1810 . . 299 Fuller, J. J., fl. 1807 . . 250 Fuller, James Cannings, fl. 1840 30 Fuller, Melville W. , 1833-1910 7 Fuller, Peake, fl. 1765 . . 95 Fuller, Philo C. , fl. 1838 166 Fuller, Samuel L. , fl. 1845 166 Fuller, Stephen, fl. 1782 . 251 Fuller, Rev. William, d. 1796 97 Fullerton, David, fl. 1768 . 95 Fullerton, Morton, fl. 1914 285 Fullerton, Richard, fl. 1788 118 Fullwood, George, fl. 1760 95 Fulmer, Anthony, fl. 1838 . 299 Fulton, Lieut., fl. 1781 . . 62 Fulton, James, fl. 1834 . . 166 Fulton, John B. , fl. 1856 228 Fulton, John H 194 Fulton, Philip, fl. 1826 . 299 Fulton, Robert, fl. 1844 . . 30 Funk, Cassy, fl. 1796 . . . 299 Funk, William, fl. 1817 . . 299 Funstone, Christopher, fl. 1765 ........... 95 Furlong, Jonathan, fl. 1769-75 95 Furlong, Robert, fl. 1828 . 299 Furman, Wood, fl. 1781 . . 109 Furman & Hunt 109 Furnell, Peter, fl. 1782 . 251 Furnis, James, fl. 1759 . . 95 Furstner, Andrew George, fl. 1779 62 Furye, Peregrine, d. 1792 . 62 Ftlser, Lewis Valentine, fl. 1780 62, 95 Fyers, William, fl. 1780 . . 62 Fyffe, Alexander, d. c. 1767 94 Fyffe, Anne, Mrs. William, fl. 1756-73 94 Fyffe, Charles, fl. 1773 . . 94 Fyffe, David, fl. 1775 ... 94 Fyffe, David, d. 1855 ... 94 Fyffe, John, fl. 1777 ... 94 Fyffe, Dr. William, d. 1772. 94 G. , N., fl. 1779 62 G. - GARDENEIR 395 G., S. , fl. 1766 251 G. , S., fl. 1778 194 Gadsby, John 122 Gadsden, Christopher, 1723-1805 109, 280 Gadsden, Rev. Christopher Edwards, 1785-1852 .... 79 Gadsden, Thomas, fl. 1786 . 109 Gadson, E. G. , fl. 1835 . . 299 Gaffey, Neal W. , fl. 1835 . 166 Gage, Henry Gage, 3rd viscount, 1761-1808 . . . 250 Gage, Hiram, fl. 1840 . . . 299 Gage, John Lewis, d. 1770 . 95 Gage, Thomas, 1721-87 14, 42, 62, 95, 251, 268 Gageon, Carlos de, fl. 1867 74 Gaillard, Thomas, fl. 1795. 194 Gaines, Edmund Pendleton, 1777-1849 87 Gair, Robert, fl. 1861 . . 122 Galakey, John, fl. 1748 . . 194 Galbraith, J., fl. 1781 109 Gale, Henry, fl. 1791 ... 62 Gale, Ira, fl. 1801 .... 299 Gale, Jeremiah, fl. 1802 . 299 Gale, John, fl. 1776-83 109, 194 Gale, Mathew, fl. 1750 . . 268 Gales, Joseph, 1786-1860 52, 87 Gales & Seaton, fl. 1813 299 Galiffe, J. P., fl. 1798 . 268 Galiffe, James Augustus, 1776-1853 268 Gall, J., fl. 1779 98 Gall, Wilhelm Rudolph von, fl. 1779 62 Gallaber, James, fl. 1803 118 Gallaher, David, fl. 1825 118 Gallaher, Margaret, fl. 1825 118 Galland, John, fl. 1765 . . 95 Gallardo, Lie. Ignacio de Perez, fl. 1788 188 Gallatin, A. A. Albert, 1761-1849 . 52, 103, 174, 194 Gallego, Nicolas, fl. 1647-48 183 Galleher, John Nicholas . . 79 Gallinger, Jacob H. , 1837-1918 7 Galloway, George Stewart, 8th earl of, 1768-1834 . . 174 Galloway, John Stewart, 7th earl of, 1736-1806 . . 97, 268 Galloway, Joseph, 1731-1803 62, 91, 98, 251, 280 Galloway, Samuel, 1811-72 . 294 Gallup, J. C, fl. 1844 . . 30 Galphin, George, fl. 1768 . 95 Gait, P. H 87 Galvay, John, fl. 1780 ... 62 G£lvez, Bernardo de Gilvez Madrid Cabrera, conde de, 1746-94 62 Galvez, Jose* de, see Sonora, marque's de Galvez, Ysidro, fl. 1785 . 188 Galvez Gallardo, Jose* Bernardo, see Sonora, marque's de Galvez Gallardo, Matfas de, d. 1783 98 Galvin, George I., fl. 1836 20 Gamage, A., fl. 1806 . . . 299 Gamalo y 1 Fernando, N. , fl. 1867 74 Gambier, James, 1723-89 62, 95, 98 Gambier, James Gambier, 1st baron, 1756-1833 . 67, 103 Gambier, John, fl. 1758-80 14, 62, 98 Gamble, Edmund, fl. 1776-82 109 Gamble, John G. , fl. 1830 20 Gamble, Robert, fl. 1776-82 109 Gamble, Thomas, fl. 1769-75 95 Gamboa, fl. 1788 188 Gamboa, F. M. , fl. 1867 . . 74 Gamboa, Jose* Antonio, fl. 1867 74 Gamboa, Manuel F. , fl. 1867 74 Ganahl, J., fl. 1828 . . . 244 Ganalie, J., fl..l831 . . . 244 Gannet, Caleb, fl. 1787 . . 20 Gannett, Jonathan 249 Ganon, Patt, fl. 1803 . . . 299 Ganong, William Francis, 1864-1941 289 Gans, George, fl. 1828 ... 23 Garbett, Samuel, fl. 1782 151, 251 Garbrand, Caleb J., fl. 1771 95 Garcia, Alejandro, fl. 1866 74 Garcia, Alvino, d. 1812 . . 182 Garcfa, Antonio, fl. 1830 185 Garcfa, Calixto, fl. 1898 . . 7 Garcfa, Carlos, fl. 1833 . 185 Garcia, Pedro, fl. 1698 . . 183 Garcia Conde, Francisco, fl. 1835 184 Gardeneir, John Randolph B. , d. 1850 166 396 GARDINER - GAYTON Gardiner, Asa Bird, 1839-1919 289 Gardiner, Benjamin .... 194 Gardiner, E. P., fl. 1844 166 Gardiner, George 62 Gardiner, John, 1747-1808 . 280 Gardiner, John, fl. 1818 . 298 Gardiner, Richard, 1723-81 98 Gardiner, Robert, fl. 1839 . 39 Gardiner, Robert Hallowell, 1782-1864 20 Gardiner, Silvester, 1707-86 62, 251 Gardiner, Sylvester, c. 1730-1803 280 Gardiner, W 62 Gardiner, William, 1748-1806 174 Gardner, Charles, fl. 1819. 299 Gardner, Charles K. , 1787-1869 166 Gardner, G. , fl. 1742 . . . 268 Gardner, G. , fl. 1819 . . . 299 Gardner, John, fl. 1804 . . 20 Gardner, Joshua, fl. 1831 299 Gardner, Richard, fl. 1766 118 Gardner, Richard, fl. 1828 299 Gardner, Thomas, fl. 1844 . 299 Gardner, Valentine, fl. 1779 62 Gardner, W. M. , fl. 1864 64 Gardner, William W. , fl. 1863 299 Gardner & Dayton, fl. 1803 299 Garett, Samuel N. , fl. 1845 166 Garfias, Francisco, fl. 1830 185 Garfield, James A., 1831-1881 52, 282 Garland, Jerome B. , fl. 1844 30 Garland, John, d. 1861 . . 166 Garling, Charles, fl. 1758 14 Garmin, Dr., fl. 1804 . . . 228 Garner, G. W. , fl. 1926 . . 228 Garnett, David, 1892- . . . 194 Garnett, R. H. , fl. 1856 . 228 Garnett, Sarah, fl. 1775 95 Gamier, Pere Julien, fl. 1643-1702 43 Garrard, J. D. , fl. 1829 . 118 Garratt, William, fl. 1813 299 Garretson, F. , fl. 1798 . . 299 Garrett, Rev. Alex. Chas. , 1832-1924 79 Garrigues, John, fl. 1765 95 Garrison, Francis Jackson, 1848-1916 294 Garrison, Henry, fl. 1802 299 Garrison, William, fl. 1798 299 Garrison, William Lloyd, 1805-79 294 Garson, Andrew, fl. 1835 . 244 Garth, Charles, fl. 1763 251 Garth, George, d. 1819 62, 287 Garvey, Patrick, fl. 1779 62 Garvin, James Louis, 1868-1947 285 Gary, James A. , 1833-1920 7 Gascoigne, Charles, fl. 1779 98 Gasley, William, Jr., fl. 1845 30 Gasney, Martin, fl. 1765 69 Gass, William, fl. 1793 . . 299 Gastaldi, Signor, fl. 1753 251 Gaston, Rev. Ammon, fl. 1845 30 Gaston, C. T. , fl. 1850 . . 30 Gaston, William, fl. 1830 244 Gates, Chapman, fl. 1839 . 166 Gates, Gideon, fl. 1834 . . 166 Gates, Horatio, 1728-1806 62, 98, 109, 194, 266 Gates, J., fl. 1848 .... 228 Gates, Seth Merrill, 1800-77 30 Gatinion, Josette, fl. 1809 191 Gatling Ordnance Co. . . . 194 Gaul, I. J. & D. I., fl. 1844 299 Gaull, William, fl. 1758 . . 14 Gautier, Andrew, fl. 1781 . 62 Gautier, Daniel, fl. 1781 . 62 Gauvain, G. , fl. 175.8 ... 251 Gavet, D. G. , fl. 1862 ... 64 Gavnie, Peter, fl. 1780 . . 301 Gay, Edwin Francis .... 285 Gay, John M. , fl. 1835 . . 165 Gay, Sarah, fl. 1835 . . . 165 Gayarre*, Charles E. A. , 1805-95 87 Gayley, Charles Mills, 1858-1932 285 Gay ton, George, fl. 1767 62 GAZZAM - GIFFORD 397 Gazzam, A. H. , fl. 1832 30 Gazzam, Dr. Joseph P. , 1797-1863 30 Geanty, L. , fl. 1800 . . . 194 Gee, P. E., fl. 1925 . . . 228 Gee, Thomas, fl. 1783 . . . 251 Geery, J. & W. , fl. 1840 . 299 Gehon, Francis, fl. 1834 . 166 Gellibrand, Samuel, fl. 1741 61 Gelston, Cotton, fl. 1803 299 Gelston, David, 1744-1828 280 Gelston, Samuel, fl. 1804 299 Gem, Richard, fl. 1754 . . 251 Gemmel, George, fl. 1838 . . 30 Genet, Edmond Charles, 1763-1834 174 Genninger, Francis, fl. 1780 109 Genoa. Segretario di stato, 1768 251 Geoffroy, fils, fl. 1786 . 194 George, Henry, 1839-97 ... 52 George, R. S. H. , fl. 1842 39 George K s Sons, William, fl. 1897 289 George Town (S. C.) Committee 194 Georgia 109 Commissioners, fl. 1778 62 Council 11, 251 Council and Governor ... 251 General Assembly . . . 95, 251 Merchants and traders of 95, 251 Augusta. Magistrates, fl. 1767 95 Georgia Mississippi Co. . . 194 Geraldino, Sir Thomas, fl. 1738 251, 268 Gerard de Rayneval, Joseph- Mathias, 1746-1812 • . 90, 251 Gerin, Thomas, fl. 1781 .• . 62 Gerley, John 109 Germain, George Sackville, 1st viscount Sackville, 1716-85 ... 62, 95, 98, 149 167, 251, 253, 268, 287, 293 Germain, James, fl. 1794 194 German, Hiram, fl. 1831 . . 299 Germany. Army 62 Germond, William, fl. 1818 299 Gerrard, Ph 194 Gerrish, Benjamin, fl. 1764-68 95, 194 Gerrish, Samuel, fl. 1745 . 69 Gerrow, Mrs. Charity, fl. 1782 62 Gerry, Elbridge, 1744-1814 194 Gervais, John Lewis, fl. 1775-82 ... 62, 109, 280 Getty, George Washington, 1819-1901 64 Geving, Amos, fl. 1828 . . . 299 Geyer, Henry Sheffie, 1790-1859 30 Gholson, Thomas, fl. 1813 . 194 Gibbes, Sir Philip, fl. 1766-78 98, 251 Gibbes, Robert Wilson, 1809-66 87 Gibbings, Thomas, fl. 1775 95 Gibbon, Edward, 1737-94. 62, 194 Gibbon, John, 1827-1896 . . 194 Gibbon, R. H. , fl. 1794 ... 97 Gibbons, Herbert Adams, 1880-1934 285 Gibbons, James, Cardinal, 1834-1921 7 Gibbons, Thomas, fl. 1775 . . 95 Gibbs, Caleb, d. 1818 ... 109 Gibbs, George 109 Gibbs, John 109 Gibbs, Sir Philip, 1877- . . 285 Gibbs, Sir Vicary, 1751-1820 97 Gibbs & Rodgers, fl. 1870 . 299 Giber t, James T. , fl. 1863 36 Gibsen, John, fl. 1800 ... 299 Gibson, Rev. Edmund, 1669-1748 268 Gibson, Frances, fl. 1798 . 194 Gibson, George 87 Gibson, James, fl. 1842 . . 194 Gibson, James Edgar, 1875- 194 Gibson, John 109 Gibson, John, fl. 1855 . . . 118 Gibson, Mary, fl. 1855 . . . 118 Gibson, Patrick, fl. 1824 . 228 Gibson, Thomas, fl. 1791 . . 118 Gibson, William, fl. 1792 . . 87 Giddings, C. M. , fl. 1849 . 166 Giddings, Joshua Reed, 1795-1864 294 Gideon, John, fl. 1826 . . . 299 Gidman, Nathan, fl. 1781 . . 62 Giekie, William, fl. 1780 . . 62 Giffard, Edward, fl. 1850-55 67 Giffard, John, 1765-1855 . . 67 Gifford, E. , & Co. , fl. 1831 299 Gifford, .John, 1758-1818 . . 174 Gifford, William B. , fl. 1780 62 Gifford, Ziba, fl. 1774 . . 194 398 GILBERT - GLEDHILL Gilbert, C. C., d. 1845 . . 52 Gilbert, Davies, 1767-1839 67, 250 Gilbert, Ezekiel, fl. 1798 299 Gilbert, Francis, fl. 1781 301 Gilbert, H. C., fl. 1844 . . 30 Gilbert, Henry, fl. 1842 . 166 Gilbert, John, fl. 1834 . . 166 Gilbert, M. W. , fl. 1874 . . 39 Gilbert, Rev. Mahlon Norris, 1848-1900 79 Gilbert, R. , fl. 1790 . . . 205 Gilbert, Thomas, 1720-98 62, 251 Gilbert, Thomas, fl. 1818 191 Gilbert, William D. , fl. 1840 299 Gilbertson, M. , fl. 1850 . 299 Gilchrist, I. I. , fl. 1839 166 Gilcrist, James, fl. 1804 . 299 Gildart, Francis, fl. 1767 251 Giles, Aquila H. , fl. 1779 62 Giles, Edward, fl. 1778-82. 109 Giles, Robert, Jr., fl. 1825 . . . 299 Gilfillan, William, fl. 1780 62 Gilkey, William, fl. 1789 118 Gill, Erasmus, fl. 1776-82 109 Gill, Henry, fl. 1815 ... 299 Gill, J. J., fl. 1834 . . . 166 Gill, Robert, & Co. ... 299 Gill, Theodore Nicholas, 1837-1914 36 Gill, Thomas, fl. 1827 . . 299 Gillan, John, fl. 1780 . . 287 Gillaspie, J. W. , fl. 1832 30 Gillbee, William, fl. 1761 268 Gillespie, Rev. Geo. de Normandie, 1819-1909 ... 79 Gillespie, James E. , fl. 1844 30 Gillespie, Robert, fl. 1769 95 Gillet, Asa, fl. 1834 . . . 166 Gillet, R. , fl. 1844 . . . 166 Gillet, Ransom Hooker, 1800-76 166 Gillett, Aaron, fl. 1781 . 109 Gillett, E. H. , fl. 1874 . . 39 Gillies, Robert, fl. 1781 109 Gilligan, Mr., fl. 1713 . . 251 Gillis, James L. , fl. 1841. 166 Gillmore, Quincy Adams, 1825-88 64 Gilloch, James, fl. 1774 . 263 Gillon, Alexander, 1741-94 109 Gilman, Benjamin Ives, fl. 1789-1814 118 Gilman, Daniel Coit, 1831-1908 .... 31, 262, 289 Gilman, John Taylor, 1753-1828 280 Gilman, Joseph B. , fl. 1848 52 Gilman, Sarah, fl. 1857 . . 52 Gilmor, Robert 228 Gilmor, Robert, fl. 1837 . 262 Gilmore, K. , fl. 1861 . . . 122 Gilmour, A., fl. 17-88 . . . 268 Gilpin, Edwin, fl. 1845 . . 39 Gilpin, Henry D. , 1801-60 166 Gilpin, Joseph, fl. 1835 . 166 Gilpin, Joshua, 1765-1840 194 Gilpin, Thomas, 1776-1853 194 Gilson, Rev. David, fl. 1782 251 Ginn & Heath Co 294 Gfra, M. Jose, fl. 1788 . . 188 Girard (Pa.) Bank, fl. 1804 100 Girardin, Charles F. , b. 1739 191 Girardin, Peter N. , fl. 1834 166 Giraud, Antoine 194 Girdlestone, Charles, 1797-1881 151 Girdwood, Rev. John, fl. 1842 194 Gironcourt de Vomecourt, Charles-Auguste de, fl. 1776-80 62, 147 Gisborne, Dr. Thomas, d. 1806 97 Gist, Mordecai, 1743-92 . . 109 Gist, S. R. , fl. 1862 ... 64 Gist, Thomas, fl. 1759 ... 95 Givan, Robert, fl. 1793 . . 299 Givens, John, fl. 1825 . . 299 Gladstone, William Ewart, 1809-98 194, 239 Gladwin, Francis, d. 1813? 174 Gladwin, Henry, 1729-91 14, 95, 191 Glapion, Pere Augustin- Louis de, 1719-90 .... 251 Glassford, Henry 174 Glazier, Beamsley, fl. 1765-81 62, 95 Gledhill, John, fl. 1780 62, 151 GLEGG - GOODHUE 399 Glegg, Samuel, fl. 1758 . . 95 Gleig, George, 1753-1840 250 Gleig, George Robert, 1796-1888 194 Glen, Jacob, fl. 1745 ... 61 Glen, James, 1701-77 61, 251 Glen, John, fl. 1753 .... 61 Glen, John, Jr., fl. 1764 . 95 Glen, William, fl. 1749 . . 16 Glen and Bleeckers, fl. 1793 299 Glenbervie, Sylvester Douglas, 1st baron, 1743-1823 174, 250 Glencairn, John, earl of, d. 1796 97 Glenn, J., fl. 1845 .... 228 Glenn, John W. , fl. 1865 . 122 Glenn, Thomas Allen, fl. 1901 299 Gloninger, John, fl. 1794-98 118 Gloucester, Maria Waldegrave, duchess of, d. 1807 98 Gloucester, Prince William Henry, duke of, 1743-1805 .... 62, 98, 268 Glover, Elias, fl. 1781 . . 62 Glover, John, 1732-97 62, 109 Glover, Stephen E. , fl. 1831 101 Glynn, Ermence, fl. 1895 . 289 Glynn, John, 1722-79? ... 251 Glynn, Martin H. , 1871-1924 237 Goatch, Richard, fl. 1781 62 Goddard, Capt., fl. 1781 . . 62 Goddard, Benjamin, fl. 1845 39 Goddard, Calvin, fl. 1839 . 39 Goddard, Edwin Charles, 1865-1942 285 Goddard, J., fl. 1780 ... 98 Goddard, John 109 Goddard, S. B. S. , fl. 1855 30 Goddard & Engs 109 Godey, L. A., Co., fl. 1831 299 Godfree, Benj 109 Godfrey, James E. , fl. 1859 244 Godfrey, Job 249 Godfrey, Jonas, fl. 1807 . . 20 Godfroi, Jacques 95 Godfroy, James Jacques, d. 1847 166 Godfroy, Peter, fl. 1834 166 Godolphin, Francis Godolphin, 2nd baron, d. 1785 97 Godolphin, Sir William, 1634?-96 251 Godoy, Joseph, fl. 1747 . . 183 Godwin, Benjamin, fl. 1840 30 Godwin, John, fl. 1764 ... 95 Godwin, Parke, 1816-1904 294 Goes, Mathew, fl. 1780 ... 62 Goff, Thomas, fl. 1779 ... 62 Gojon, C. F., fl. 1825 . . . 299 Goldfinch, John, fl. 1770 . . 95 Goldfrap, James, fl. 1765 . . 95 Goldie, James, fl. 1835 . . 244 Goldsbury, Samuel, fl. 1775 95 Goldschmidt, Ernst Philip, fl. 1930 194 Goldsmith, Dr. Alban, fl. 1844 228 Goldsworthy, Philip, d. 1801 97 Goldthwait, Thomas, 1717-79 42, 62, 95, 98, 251 Goldy, Collis, fl. 1780 . . 194 Gomes, M. , fl. 1897 .... 289 Gomez, David, fl. 1745 ... 61 Gomez, Ignacio, fl. 1869 . . 259 Gomez, Jose" Marfa, fl. 1867 74 Gomez, Juan, fl. 1749 . . . 183 Gomm, Sir William Maynard, 1784-1875 151 Gonzales, Lorenzo, fl. 1747 183 Gonzalez de la Rosa, Manuel, Toribio, c. 1844-1912 . . . 289 Gooch, George Peabody, 1873- 285 Gooch, James, fl. 1799 ... 20 Gooch, John, fl. 1776-80 109 Gooch, Sir William, 1681-1751 61 Gooch, William, fl. 1785 109 Goodale, Hannah, fl. 1829 165 Goodale, Solomon, fl. 1829 165 Goodale, Timothy, fl. 1829 . 165 Goodall, S., fl. 1860 . . . 244 Goode, Mrs. John Paul, fl. 1908 285 Goodell, C. H., fl. 1901 285 Goodell, N. , fl. 1835 . . . 166 Goodell, William, 1792-1878 30 Goodenough, Rev. Samuel, 1743-1827 97 Goodhue, Samuel, fl. 1826 . . 20 400 GOODMAN - GOSTLING Goodman, Alfred T. , fl. 1870 118 Goodman, Reuben Smith, 1818-94 102 Goodnough, E. A. , fl. 1875 39 Goodnough, J., fl. 1860 ... 36 Goodrich, A. L. , & Co. . . 299 Goodrich, Carey S. , fl. 1852 30 Goodrich, Elihu Chauncey, fl. 1799 299 Goodrich, Elizur, 1761-1849 194, 247 Goodrich, Harris C. , fl. 1844 166 Goodrich, John, fl. 1770-78 62, 194 Goodricke, John, fl. 1779 62 Goodridge, Allen, fl. 1843 166 Goodwin, Mrs. A. L. , fl. 1848 30 Goodwin, Daniel, 1799-1887 166 Goodwin, John, fl. 1790 299 Goodwin, John, fl. 1833 30 Goodwin, Justus, fl. 1835 166 Goodwin, Samuel, fl. 1774 95 Goodwin & Collins, fl. 1842 166 Goodyear, Henry A. , fl. 1844 166 Gookin, Edward L. , fl. 1925 285 Goold, Arthur, fl. 1775 ... 95 Gordan, Pere Antoine, fl. 1762 95 Gordoa, Andres Mariano, fl. 1821 182 Gordon, A., fl. 1775 .... 98 Gordon, Abraham Cyrus, fl. 1780 287 Gordon, Lord Adam, 17267-1801 62, 95, 97, 174, 251, 287 Gordon, Ambrose, fl. 1779-83 109 Gordon, Alexander, fl. 1810 299 Gordon, Alexander, 4th duke of, 1743-1837 151 Gordon, Ben, fl. 1759 .... 95 Gordon, Catherine, fl. 1782 268 Gordon, Sir Charles, 1756-1835 62, 268 Gordon, Cornelius, fl. 1781 62 Gordon, Cosmo, fl. 1780 62 Gordon, David, fl. 1779 ... 62 Gordon, G. T. , fl. 1865 . . 122 Gordon, George, see Aberdeen, 3rd earl of Gordon, Lord George, fl. 1780 151 Gordon, George, fl. 1831 . . 244 Gordon, George Hamilton, see Aberdeen, 4th earl of Gordon, Harry, d. 1787 62, 95, 98, 251 Gordon, Hugh Mackay, fl. 1780 62 Gordon, James, fl. 1782 ... 11 Gordon, John, fl. 1779 ... 62 Gordon, John Brown, 1832-1904 64, 247 Gordon, John M. , fl. 1834 . 228 Gordon, Joseph, fl. 1790 299 Gordon, Patrick, fl. 1759 . . 95 Gordon, Robert, fl. 1778-82 62, 251 Gordon, Sir Robert, 1791-1847 103 Gordon, Thomas F. , fl. 1844 166 Gordon, William, fl. 1813 . 299 Gordon, Lord William, fl. 1782 251 Gordon, Rev. William, 1728-1807 109 Gordon & Woodruff, fl. 1839 166 Gore, Arthur Saunders, see Arran, 3rd earl of Gore, John, baron Annaly, 1718-84 275 Gore, Sir John, 1772-1836 97 Gore (Canada), inhabitants of, 1843 194 Gorgas, Josiah, 1818-83 ... 64 Gorham, Benjamin, 1775-1855 52 Gorham, Lt. Gov. Joseph, fl. 1771-80 62, 95 Gorham, Stephen, fl. 1804 20 Gorling, Robert, fl. 1792 . . 95 Gorman, Fort., fl. 1774 . . 149 Gorrell, James, fl. 1763 . . 95 Goschen, George J 194 Goschen, George Joachim, 1st viscount, 1831-1907 . . 151 Gosen, Carl Uphraim von, fl. 1781 147 Gosling, Robert, fl. 1763 268 Goss, Milo J., fl. 1849 . . 166 Gostling, William, fl. 1770 95 GOTTLIEB - GRANT 401 Gottlieb, Joseph, fl. 1864 122 Gouge, William M. , 1796-1863 87 Gouin, Archange 2 32 Gouin, Charles, fl. 1802 . . 191 Gouin, Claude, b. 1789 . . . 232 Gouin, Le<5n, fl. 1809 .... 52 Gouin, Pierre, fl. 1810 ... 52 Goulard, James G. , fl. 1834 166 Goulburn, Henry, 1784-1856 67, 103, 174, 228 Gould, E. Sherman, fl. 1898 125 Gould, Hannah Flagg, 1789-1865 294 Gould, John, fl. 1757 .... 69 Gould, Paston, 1731-82 . 62, 109 Gould, Stephen, fl. 1819 299 Gould & Banks, fl. 1820 . . 299 Gould-Morgan, Sir Charles, 1726-1808 14, 62, 95, 97, 268, 287 Gourlay, W. R. , fl. 1925 . . 285 Gouverneur, Isaac, fl. 1786 251 Gouverneur, N 194 Gouye, Pere Thomas, fl. 1706 194 Gove, E., 1814-post 1894 . . 294 Govett, William, fl. 1788-92 118 Gowans, William, fl. 1860 39 Gower, Sir Erasmus, 1742-1814 251 Gower, John Leveson-Gower, 1st earl, d. 1754 61 Goyon, J. B. , fl. 1813 . . . 299 Gracie & Co., fl. 1840 . . . 299 Graeme, Mrs. Anne, fl. 1782 109 Graff, Frederick, 1774-1847 20 Graff, Jacob, fl. 1830 . . . 118 Grafton, Augustus Henry Fitzroy, 3rd duke of, 1735-1811 75, 97, 98, 151, 251, 268, 275 Grafton, Rev. Chas. Chapman, 1830-1912 79 Grafton, George Henry Fitzroy, 4th duke of, 1760-1844 . . 228 Graham, A., fl. 1809 .... 97 Graham, Alexander, fl. 1782 251 Graham, Alexander, fl. 1861 122 Graham, Charles, fl. 1779 . . 62 Graham, Colin, fl. 1774-80 62, 95 Graham, D. , fl. 1829 .... 299 Graham, D. , fl. 1768 .... 62 Graham, G. E. , fl. 1800 . . 250 Graham, George, fl. 1845 . . 30 Graham, Gordon, fl. 1761 . . 95 Graham, James, fl. 1780 107, 287 Graham, James Lorimer, Jr. , fl. 1860 36 Graham, Sir James Robert George, 1792-1861 . . 151, 174 Graham, James S. , fl. 1866 39 Graham, Mrs. Jane L. , fl. 1845 166 Graham, Jo., fl. 1780 .... 98 Graham, John, fl. 1776-80 62, 287, 301 Graham, L. , fl. 1828 .... 299 Graham, Richard, fl. 1783 109 Graham, Robert, fl. 1781 . . 62 Graham, Robt. Bontine Cunninghame, 1852-1936 . . 194 Graham, Sylvester, 1794-1851 294 Graham, Thomas, baron Lynedoch, 1748-1843 . 174, 228 Graham, William, fl. 1829 299 Graham, William, fl. 1779 . 107 Grahame, Thomas, fl. 1834 20 Gram, Fanny C. , fl. 1867 . . 299 Granard, George Forbes, 6th earl of, 1760-1837 . . 287 Granard, Georgiana Augusta Berkeley, countess of, d. 1820 ........ 67, 97 Granby, John Manners, marquess of, 1721-70 . 95, 251 Grand Army of the Republic . . 7 Grand id ier, James, fl. 1767-71 95 Grandison, T. , fl. 1867 ... 74 Granger, Francis, 1792-1868 52 Granger, G. , fl. 1812 . . . 299 Granger, Sylvester, fl. 1844 166 Granging, Fernando Josef, fl. 1787 188 Grant, Capt 62 Grant, Alexander, 1734-1813 62, 95, 253 Grant, Dr. Alexander, fl. 1775 95 Grant, Alexander, fl. 1807 . 174 Grant, Sir Alexander Cray, 6th bart., 1782-1854 .... 67 Grant, Allan, fl. 1770 ... 95 Grant, Anne, Mrs. James, fl. 1806 174 Grant, Sir Archibald, fl. 1810 174 402 GRANT GRAY Grant, Charles, see Vaux, vicomte de Grant, Charles, fl. 1750 . . 174 Grant, Charles, fl. 1765 . . 95 Grant, Charles, 1746-1823 97 Grant, Claudius B. , fl. 1893 191 Grant, D. , fl. 1795 .... 174 Grant, D. Macdowall, fl. 1825 174 Grant, Edward Chapman . . . 194 Grant, Eleazer, fl. 1798 . . 299 Grant, Col. F. A., fl. 1812 174 Grant, Frederick D. , 1850-1912 7 Grant, George, fl. 1795 . . 174 Grant, Hary, fl. 1786 ... 109 Grant, Humphrey, fl. 1779 62 Grant, Ida Honore", Mrs. Frederick D. , fl. 1898 ... 7 Grant, Isaac, fl. 1791 . . . 174 Grant, Major James 194 Grant, James, 1720-1806 62, 95, 167, 174, 251, 293 Grant, Sir James, 7th bart. , 1738-1811 174, 288 Grant, Ma j . James, fl. 1759 95, 194 Grant, Capt. James, fl. 1764 95 Grant, James, fl. 1781 . . . 251 Grant, James P. , fl. 1825 174 Grant, Jane Duff, lady, fl. 1798 174 Grant, Capt. John, fl. 1779 62, 98 Grant, John, fl. 1824 . . . 174 Grant, Sir John Peter, 1774-1848 174 Grant, Jon, fl. 1770-77 . . 301 Grant, Julia Dent, Mrs. Ulysses S. , fl. 1890 .... 7 Grant, Mrs. Margaret, fl. 1809 174 Grant, Mrs. Mary Dishington, fl. 1796 174 Grant, Peter, fl. 1780 ... 62 Grant, Robert, fl. 1779 ... 62 Grant, S. Hastings, fl. 1864 31 Grant, Mrs. Sarah, d. 1787 62 Grant, Ulysses Simpson, 1822-85 52, 122, 282 Grant, Sir William, 1752-1832 174, 288 Grant, Capt. William, fl. 1766 95 Grant, Lt. William, fl. 1775 95 Grant & Simons 109 Grant de Vaux, Louis- Charles, fl. 1758 288 Grantham, Thomas Robinson, 1st baron, 1695-1770 . 151, 251 Grantham, Thomas Robinson, 2nd baron, 1738-86 151, 174, 251, 268 Grantley, 1st baron, see Norton, Sir Fletcher Grantley, Charles, fl. 1798 194 Granton, Lord, see Hope, Charles Granville, Lord Granville Leveson-Gower, 1st earl, 1773-1846 151, 228 Granville, John Carteret, 1st earl, 1690-1763 61, 98, 104 Granville, Robert Carteret, 3rd earl, 1721-76 251 Granville College Calliopean Society, 1836 294 Grasse-Tilly, Fran5ois- Joseph- Paul, comte de Grasse, marquis de, 1723-88 87, 90, 196, 251 Gratiot, Charles, 1788-1855 20, 191 Gratiot, Henry, fl. 1833 . . 166 Gratton, William, fl. 1769-81 62 Gratz, Jacob, fl. 1822 ... 20 Gratz, Simon, fl. 1874 ... 39 Graves, Rev. Anson Rogers . .79 Graves, Benjamin, fl. 1790 299 Graves, Booty, fl. 1766 ... 95 Graves, Edmund, fl. 1847 . . 166 Graves, John, fl. 1776 ... 62 Graves, Margaret, fl. 1776 253 Graves, Robert, 1895- . . . 194 Graves, Samuel, 1713-87 62, 95 Graves, Thomas, 1st baron Graves, 17257-1802 . . 62, 149 Graves, W. , fl. 1779 .... 253 Gravier, Gabriel, 1827-1904 289 Gray, Benjamin G. , fl. 1836 20 Gray, Curtis W. , fl. 1847 166 Gray, Elliot, fl. 1833 . . . 166 Gray, Fred L. , fl. 1922 . . 285 Gray, George, d. 1781 . . . 251 Gray, George, fl. 1798 . . . 194 Gray, George, fl. 1821 . . . 118 Gray, George W. , fl. 1867 118 Gray, Harrison, 1711-94 . . 194 Gray, Horace, fl. 1824 ... 20 GRAY - GREAT BRITAIN 403 Gray, Sir James, d. 1773 251 Gray, James, fl. 1788 . . . 118 Gray, John, fl. 1736 .... 251 Gray, John, fl. 1768 .... 133 Gray, John, fl. 1780 .... 287 Gray, Joseph, 1696-post 1754 118 Gray, Joseph, 1754-1816 . . 118 Gray, Mary, see Jenkins, Mrs. Charles Gray, Philip, fl. 1835 . . . 166 Gray, R. G. , fl. 1835 ... 118 Gray, Samuel, fl. 1777 ... 69 Gray, William, d. 1800 ... 118 Gray, William, 1750-1825 194 Grayson, B. R. , fl. 1833 . . 30 Grayson, William, 1736?-90 109 Great Britain 192, 251 Admiralty 20, 61 62, 97, 98, 151, 251, 293 Navy Office 62 Victualling Office .... 61 American possessions . . . 251 Governors 251 Indian Affairs Northern Department . . . 251 Southern Department . . . 251 Army Army under Bligh, 1757 . . 251 Army under Hodgson, 1761 . 251 Army in America .... 14, 62 98, 194, 251 Army under Amherst .... 95 Army under Burgoyne .... 62 Army under Clinton 62, 98, 149, 251 Army under Cornwallis . . 109 Army under Howe 98 Brigade of Guards, officers of 62 Colonels, 1778 62 Corps of Chasseurs .... 62 Corps of Engineers .... 95 Council of War 62 Department of the Lakes 95, 251 Garrisons at Fort Amherst 251 Detroit 14, 95, 251 Halifax 251 Louisbourg 251 Mobile 95 Niagara 95, 251 Fort Pitt 95 Placentia 95 Quebec 95, 251 St. Augustine .... 62, 251 Ticonderoga 95 Tombigbee 2 51 General and field officers. 62 Hessian Corps 62 Lieutenant colonels and majors of Regulars . . Limerick Volunteers . . New York District . . . New York Hospital Board Northern District . . . Nova Scotia District . Office of Ordnance, New York Office of Ordnance, St. Johns Provincials Georgia Rangers 251 King's American Regiment. 106 New Jersey Battalion ... 95 New York Battalion . . 62, 95 Pennsylvania Regiment Queen's Rangers . 62, Rangers Quebec District 251 Regiments 2nd Grenadiers 62 10th Foot 105 12th Foot 62 17 th Dragoons 62 17th Foot 95 62 62 251 62 251 251 301 95 104A 98, 253 . . 61 18th Foot 22nd Foot 23rd Foot 27th Foot 31st Foot, Officers Officers 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 62 Officers . . . 34th Foot. Officers . . . 35th Foot 43rd Foot 62, 44th Foot 60th Foot 71st Foot Royal Regiment of Artillery 95, 251, 301 First Battalion 301 Third Battalion 301 Fourth Battalion .... 301 Artificers 301 St. Lucia Hospital Board . 251 Troops at Boston ... 98, 105 Troops at Jamaica. Field Officers 251 Attorney general, 1783 . . 268 Board of Trade 14, 61, 95, 98, 149, 174 194, 208, 223, 251, 268, 293 Cabinet 88, 251 Commissioners appointed for the execution of the treaty of 1687 251 Commissioners appointed for the execution of the treaty of 1714 251 Commissioners for distributing Spanish prizes, 1744 ... 61 Commissioners for restoring peace, 1776 98 Commissioners for restoring peace, 1778 . 62, 98, 268, 293 404 GREAT BRITAIN GREEN Great Britain-continued Commissioners for restoring peace, 1814 103 Commissioners under the sixth article of the treaty of 1794 293 Council to H. M. Commissioners, 1781 . . . 194 Customs, Board of . . 194, 251 Customs, Board of, for America 95, 251 Ipswich. Great Court, 1783 251 Judges, 1766 251 King in Council . 95, 98, 194 Lords Justices .... 61, 62 Merchants Factory at Constantinople 251 Factory at Lisbon .... 251 Factory at Oporto .... 251 Interested in trading to America .... 174, 251 Interested in trading to Quebec 121 Of Glasgow interested in the North American trade previous to 1776 .... 251 Of London 251 Of London formerly trading to West Florida .... 251 Of London trading to North America 251 Navy Navy Board 62, 171 Captains 62 Officers and Commissioners 95 Squadrons under Anson 251 Howe 251 Saunders . 251 Victualling office . . . 171 Ordnance, Board of 95, 251, 292 Parliament . 62, 109, 251, 268 House of Commons 42, 62, 95, 109, 149 House of Lords . 62, 95, 149 Prince of Wales. Regent . 194 Prince Regent in Council . 194 Paymaster general 61 Privy Council 98, 194, 251, 268, 293 Committee for Plantation Affairs 61, 263 Privy Seal Office .... 268 Secretary of State for the American or colonial dept 108 Sovereigns Charles II (1660-85) 251, 293 James II ( 1685-88) ... 251 William and Mary (1689-94) 251, 293 William III (1694-1702) . 293 Anne (1702-14) . . . 251, 293 George I (1714-27) 61, 251, 293 George II (1727-60). . 61, 62 98, 192, 194, 251, 268, 293 George III (1760-1820) 4, 14, 52 62, 67, 88, 95, 97, 98, 99 109, 121, 149, 151, 167, 174 194, 251, 268, 286, 287, 293 Queen Caroline Amelia Elizabeth, 1768-1821 . . 174 George IV ( 1820-30) 97, 174, 194 William IV ( 1830-37) 67, 174, 239 Victoria (1837-1901) 52, 151, 194 Stamp Commissioners . . . 151 State Paper Office .... 251 Treasury 62, 95, 151, 251, 268, 292 Treaties with France, 1748 192 Portugal, 1642, 1654, 1661 251 Portugal and Holland, 1703 251 Prussia, 1725 268 Spain, 1529, 1604, 1630, 1670, 1713, 1738, 1783, 251, 268 Sweden, 1766 251 United States, 1782, 1783, 1794, 1814 . . 103, 174, 251 Vice-Admiralty Courts New York 251 Grenada 263 Greaves, William F. , fl. 1863 122 Greeley, Aaron, fl. 1810 . . 52 Greeley, Horace, 1811-72 30, 31, 194 Greely, Adolphus W. , fl. 1898 7, 52 Greely, H. , & Co. , fl. 1838 299 Greely & McElrath, fl. 1840 299 Green, Archibald H. , 1793-1887 . 166 Green, Benjamin, 1713-72 95, 251 Green, Rev. Beriah, 1795-1874 30, 294 Green, C. K. , fl. 1833 . . 166 Green, Charles, fl. 1768 . . 95 Green, Charles, fl. 1834 . 244 Green, Francis, fl. 1764-79 62, 95 Green. Fred W 285 GREEN - GRENVILLE 405 Green, Hammond, fl. 1775 95 Green, Henrietta Howland Robinson, 1834-1916 .... 52 Green, Henry, fl. 1765 ... 95 Green, James, fl. 1779 ... 62 Green, John, d. 1793 . . . 109 Green, John, 1787-1838 ... 30 Green, Joseph, fl. 1782 . . 251 Green, Joshua, fl. 1803 . . 20 Green, Nathan, d. 1866 30, 194 Green, R. , fl. 1784 .... 268 Green, Samuel, fl. 1819 . . 299 Green, Samuel W. , fl. 1856 30 Green, Thomas, fl. 1781 . . 62 Green, Thomas, & Son . . . 109 Green, Thomas K. , fl. 1834 166 Green, William, fl. 1780 . . 62 Green, William, & Co. , fl. 1782 251 Green, Rev. Wm. Mercer, 1798-1887 79 Green, William N 194 Greene, Albert G. , fl. 1840 39 Greene, Catherine Littlef ield, Mrs. Nathanael, d. 1814 . 109 Greene, Charles W. , fl. 1838 39 Greene, Christopher, 1748-post 1784 109 Greene, Edward, fl. 1826 . 299 Greene, Edward Burnaby, fl. 1788 268 Greene, Evarts Boutell, 1870-1947 285 Greene, F. , fl. 1785 . . . 109 Greene, George, fl. 1844 166 Greene, George Sears, 1801-99 64 Greene, George Washington, 1811-83 87, 109, 262 Greene, Griffin, fl. 1777-84 ........ 109 Greene, H. E. , fl. 1888.. . 39 Greene, Herman, fl. 1850 . 166 Greene, Jacob, b. 1740 . . 109 Greene, Jacob, & Co. . . . 109 Greene, Jacob, & Griffin . 109 Greene, M. B. , fl. 1851 . . 39 Greene, Nathanael, 1742-86 62, 109, 118 Greene, Peregrine 109 Greene, Stephen, fl. 1837 . 244 Greene, Sylvester 109 Greene, William, 1696-1758 4, 194 Greene, William, 1731-1809 109, 194 Greene, William, fl. 1772 . 275 Greene, Zachariah 194 Greene & Co., fl. 1845 . . . 228 Greenfield, Francis, fl. 1764 95 Greenhow, Robert, 1800-54 . . 87 Greenland, A., fl. 1824 ... 23 Greenland, Thomas, fl. 1828 23 Greenleaf, Ann, fl. 1793 . . 299 Greenleaf, E. A., fl. 1836 . 165 Greenleaf, Enoch, fl. 1794 20 Greenleaf, Isaac, fl. 1768 118 Greenleaf, Joseph 249 Greenleaf, 0., fl. 1798 . . 299 Greenleaf, Stephen, c. 1704-95 95 Greenley, E. M. , fl. 1863-64 110 Greenly, William L. , 1812-83 166 Greenough, Charles Pelham, b. 1844 285 Greenough, Horatio, 1805-52 194 Greenslet, Ferris, 1875- 285 Greenwood, Charles 62 Greenwood, Grace, see Lippincott, Mrs. Leander K. Greenwood, Thomas, fl. 1770 95 Greenwood, William, fl. 1782 62, 251 Greenwood, William L. , fl. 1828 299 Greenwood & Higginson, fl. 1778 62 Greer, James Augustin, 1833-1904 64 Greer, Noah, fl. 1813 .... 52 Greg, William Rathbone, 1809-81 151 Gregory, F. H. , fl. 1864 . . 64 Gregory, G. , fl. 1800 . . . 250 Gregory, William, 1766-1840 67 Gregson, Robert, fl. 1777-80 251 Grejo, Jose Antonio, fl. 1816 182 Grenada. British planters and merchants, 1779 .... 251 Grenada proprietors, fl. 1782 251 Grenville, Elizabeth Wyndham, Mrs. George, d. 1769 Ill Grenville, George, 1712-70 4, 98 107, 111, 149, 151, 174, 251 Grenville, George Nugent- Temple-, see Buckingham, 1st marquess of 406 GRENVILLE - GRISWOLD Grenville, Henry, d. 1784 148, 194, 251 Grenville, James, 1715-83 61, 111, 151, 251 Grenville, John, see Bath, 1st earl of Grenville, Richard, fl. 1779-1823 .... 97, 174 Grenville, Thomas, 1755-1846 .... 88, 151, 174 Grenville, William Wyndham Grenville, 1st baron, 1759-1834 . . . 107, 151, 174 Grenville-Temple, Richard Temple, see Temple, 1st earl Gretter, John A., fl. 1831 30 Gretter, W. , fl. 1832 ... 30 Greville, Algernon Frederick, 1789-1864 67 Greville, Charles, 1762-1832 97 Greville, Charles C. F. , 1794-1865 174 Greville, Lady Charlotte Bentinck, Mrs. Charles, d. 1862 97, 228 Greville, George, see Warwick, 2nd earl of GreVille, Henri, fl. 1885 . 52 Greville, J., fl. 1780 . . 287 Greville, Robert Fulke, 1751-1824 97 Grew, Mary, fl. 1880 . . . 294 Grey, Mr., fl. 1806 .... 97 Grey, Hon. Charles, 1804-70 71 Grey, Sir Charles Grey, 1st viscount Howick, 1st earl, 1729-1807 . . 62, 97, 98, 268 Grey, Charles Grey, 2nd viscount Howick, 2nd earl, 1764-1845 97, 151, 174, 228, 239 Grey, David, fl. 1781 ... 62 Grey, Sir George, 2nd bart., 1799-1882 ...... 174, 239 Grey, Sir Henry George Grey, 3rd viscount Howick, 3rd earl, 1802-94 239 Grey, James, Jr. , fl. 1813 194 Grey, John 62 Grey, Lady Mary Elizabeth Ponsonby Grey, countess, d. 1861 40 Gridley, Lucuis N. , fl. 1835 299 Gridley, Obed, fl. 1827 . . 299 Grier, John, fl. 1785 . . . 299 Grier, Samuel E. , fl. 1796 118 Grierson, Benjamin Henry, 1826-1911 64, 122 Griesbach, H. , fl. 1788 ... 97 Griffin, Cyrus, 1748-1810 109 Griffin, Sir John Griffin Whitwell, see Braybrooke, 1st baron Griffin, N. H. , fl. 1863 . . 31 Griffin, William, fl. 1790 . 299 Griffin, William, fl. 1788 . 118 Griffin-Neville, Richard Aldworth, see Braybrooke, 2nd baron Griffing, Isaiah, fl. 1810 . 299 Griffith, Holland 151 Griffith, Julia, fl. 1853 . . 30 Griffith, William, fl. 1750 268 Griffiths, George, fl. 1748 292 Griffiths, John, fl. 1763 . . 95 Griffiths, John, fl. 1779 . . 62 Griffiths, Capt. John, fl. 1780 98 Griffiths, Solomon, fl. 1765 95 Grigg, Henry, fl. 1780 . . . 109 Griggs, John W. , 1849-1927 7 Grigson, J., fl. 1782 . . . 251 Grim, C. J., fl. 1826 ... 299 Grim, David Philip, fl. 1796 299 Grim, James Oswald, fl. 1827 299 Grimaldi, Jerdnimo, marque's de, 1720-86 251 Grimes, Dr. W. H. , fl. 1834 166 Grimke", Angelina Emily, see Weld, Mrs. Theodore Dwight Grimke', Frederick, 1791-1863 294 Grimke', John Faucheraud, 1752-1819 109 Grimke", May Smith, Mrs. John Faucheraud, c. 1763-1839 294 Grimke', Sarah Moore, 1792-1873 30, 294 Grimke', Thomas Smith, 1786-1834 .... 52, 166, 294 Grimshaw, Thomas Shuttleworth, 1778-1850 239 Grinfield, William, fl. 1776-80 62 Griscom, Clement Acton, 1841-1912 7, 125 Griswold, Alex V. , fl. 1822 39 Griswold, Alman W. , fl. 1865 36 Griswold, Calvin, fl. 1826 299 GRISWOLD - GULLAN 407 Griswold, George W. , fl. 1844 166 Griswold, H. W. , fl. 1844 166 Griswold, Nathaniel, fl. 1835 20 Griswold, Stanley, 1763-1815 194 Griswold, William H. , fl. 1836 166 Grivet, Maurice, fl. 1861 247 Groesbeck, Gerardus, fl. 1749 61 Groesbeck, John, fl. 1725 . 251 Groesbeck, William, fl. 1793 191 Groesbeck, William Slocum, 1815-97 52 Groesbeeck, C. W. , fl. 1815 299 Groesbeeck, William, fl. 1790 299 Groome, Francis, fl. 1784 109 Gros, Emilie B. , fl. 1921 237 Grose, Francis, fl. 1789 . . 158 Gross, G. , fl. 1835 .... 244 Gross, John, fl. 1819 . . . 299 Grosvenor, Richard Grosvenor, 1st earl, 1731-1802 151 Grosvenor, Thomas, d. 1795 97 Grouchy, Marechal, fl. 1839 228 Grout, John R. , 1806-82 166 Grout, Jonathan, fl. 1850 . . 39 Grove, G. W. , fl. 1752 ... 268 Grove, George, fl. 1766 ... 95 Grove, Leslie, fl. 1782 . . 251 Groves, Henry, fl. 1760-82 98 Groves, John, fl. 1845 166 Grovier, Isaac J. , fl. 1844 166 Growell, Adolf, 1850-1909 289 Grubb, Edward B. , fl. 1835 118 Gruchy, Thomas James, fl. 1749 69 Gruman, Maria, fl. 1838 . . 299 Gruman, S. E. , fl. 1840 . . 299 Grummon, Joseph 194 Grunsky, C. Ewald, fl. 1904 125 Guadalcazar, Fernandez de Cordoba, Diego, marquez de, fl. 1616 183 Gualy, Stephen, fl. 1758-64 14, 95 Guarnsey, John, fl. 1780 . . 62 Guatemala 112, 113 Gue*bhard, Pere E. , fl. 1805 22 Guemes y Horcasitas, Juan Francisco, fl. 1747 .... 183 GUendulain, Jose", fl. 1867 74 Guerard, Gov. Benjamin fl. 1785 109, 194 Guerard, Godin, fl. 1785 . . 109 Guerchy, Claude-Francois- Louis Re"gnier, comte de, 1715-67 251 Guerin, Maynard, d. 1749 . . 61 "Guerra Di America" 12 Guerrero, Antonio, fl. 1699-1700 183 Guerrero, Vicente, 1782-1831 185, 194 Guerry, Lewis, fl. 1782 . . 251 Guevara, fl. 1787 188 Guevara, Francisco 62 Gugy, Conrad, fl. 1764 95 Guibert, Jacques, fl. 1804 294 Guichon de Grandpont, Alfred, fl. 1889 289 Guignes, Joseph de, 1721-1800 89 Guiguer, Lewis, fl. 1768 251 Guilford, 2nd earl of, see North, Frederick North, baron Guilford, 3rd earl of, see North, George Augustus Guilford, Francis North, 7th baron North, 1st earl of, 1704-90 151 Guilford, Frederick North, 5th earl of, 1766-1827 151, 250 Guilford, Maria Boycott North, countess of, fl. 1810 250 Guillemin-Tarayre, E. , fl. 1908 289 Guillouet, Claude, fl. 1720 194 Guinand, Henry, fl. 1768 . . 251 Guines, Adrien-Louis de Bonnieres, due de, 1735-1806 97 Guiral, Francisco, fl. 1780 62 Guiteau, Charles Julius, 1841-82 194 Guiteau, John B. , fl. 1845 166 Guitteau, William Backus, 1877- 285 Gulick, John, fl. 1805 ... 299 Gullan, Thomas, fl. 1767 . . 251 408 GUNBY HALE Gunby, John, fl. 1776-83 109 Gunn, James, d. 1801 .... 109 Gunn, Lewis C. , fl. 1838 . . 294 Gunning, John, d. 1797 . 62, 95 Gunning, Sir Robert, 1731-1816 251 Gunther, Charles Frederick, 1837-1920 289 Gurley, Ralph Randolph, 1797-1872 30 Gurney, Ephraim Whitman, 1829-86 294 Gurney, Russell 40 Gurwood, John, 1790-1845 . . 67 Gury, James, fl. 1835 . . . 299 Gutches, John 62 Guthrie, James, fl. 1798 . . 191 Guthrie, Samuel H. , fl. 1816 299 Gutierrez, Jose" Bernardo, fl. 1813 181 Gutierrez, Jose* M. , fl. 1866 74 Guyon, Stephen, fl. 1780 . . 62 Guyot, Yves, fl. 1897 . . . 289 Guzman, Juan Pablo de, fl. 1782 268 Gwynn, Charles J. M. , fl. 1850 228 Gwynn, William, fl. 1825 . . 228 Gwynn, William, fl. 1833 . . 30 Gwynne, David 87 Gwynne, Thomas P. , d. 1861 166 H H. , H 151 H. , K., fl. 1820 114 H. , T 62 H. , T 151 H--d, Capt., fl. 1781 .... 62 Haak et Cie. , fl. 1774 ... 143 Haas, John, fl. 1820 .... 299 Habersham, J., fl. 1799 . . 299 Habersham, James, 1712-75 251 Habersham, John, d. 1799 109, 280 Haberstrow, Robert, fl. 1829 244 Hachenberg, Friedrich von, C. 1722-83 147 Hackett, A., fl. 1780 .... 62 Hackett, James Henry, 1800-71 52 Hadden, James Murray, d. 1817 62, 194, 250 Haddington, Charles Hamilton, 8th earl of, 1753-1828 67 Haddock, Nicholas, 1686-1746 268 Haddox, Arthur, fl. 1777 . . 62 Hadgley, John, fl. 1828 . . 244 Hadly, Joshua, d. 1830 . . . 109 Hadwen, Charles, fl. 1839 294 Haeg, William H. , fl. 1834 . 166 Haff, Delbert J., fl. 1898 . . 7 Haflin, Edward F. , fl. 1874 39 Hagard, M. W. , fl. 1810 . . 299 Hagedorn, C. F. , fl. 1850 87 Hagedorn, Jacob, fl. 1798 . 299 Hagen, Charles C. , fl. 1887 294 Hagen, Gilbert, fl. 1775 . . 95 Hagerty, Thomas, fl. 1781 62 Haggerty, Hugh, fl. 1781 . . 62 Hagner, Peter, 1772-1850 166 Haig, J., fl. 1813 67 Haight, Benjamin, fl. 1785 299 Haight, David L. , fl. 1800 . 299 Haight, John, fl. 1835 . . . 166 Haight, John T. , fl. 1845 . 166 Haight, S., fl. 1839 .... 166 Haight, Samuel, fl. 1801 299 Haines, C. S. , Mrs. Ezekiel S 298 Haines, Elias H. , fl. 1845 166 Haines, Ezekiel S. , fl. 1838-47 298 Hake, L. E. , fl. 1782 ... 251 Hake, Samuel, fl. 1781 ... 62 Halcot, Matthew, fl. 1775 95 Haldane, George, fl. 1790 174 Haldane, Henry, fl. 1771-81. 301 Haldane, James Alexander, 1768-1851 174 Haldane, Margaret, fl. 1791-1804 174 Haldane, Robert, 1764-1842 174 Haldimand, Sir Frederick, 1718-91 .... 11, 14, 62, 95 98, 149, 194, 251, 268, 293 Hale, D. , fl. 1778 122 Hale, Edward Everett, 1822-1909 7, 294 Hale, Eugene, 1836-1918 ... 7 Hale, Hon. John, c. 1765-1838 115 Hale, John A., fl. 1853 ... 39 Hale, M. L., fl. 1842 .... 39 Hale, Nath., fl. 1786 ... 268 Hale, P. Henry, fl. 1761 . . 122 Hale, Richard, fl. 1921 . . 237 Hale, Robert, fl. 1745 61 HALE - HAMILTON 409 Hale, Timothy, fl. 1781 . 62 Hale, William, fl. 1843 166 Haliday, James F. , fl. 1853 . 87 Halifax, Sir Charles Wood, 1st viscount, 1800-85 . 67, 239 Halifax, Edw. Lindley Wood, Halifax, George Montagu Dunk, 2nd earl of, 1716-71 . 14, 61, 95, 151, 251 Halifax ( N. S.) Council 95 Inhabitants 95 Halkett, Henry, fl. 1845 . . 194 Hall, A. C, fl. 1830 . . . 299 Hall, Aaron, fl. 1800 . . . 299 Hall, Abraham Oakey, 1826-98 71 Hall, Adam, fl. 1775 . . . . 301 Hall, Andrew A. , fl. 1830 . 69 Hall, Basil, 1788-1844 67, 174 Hall, Benjamin 194 Hall, Benjamin H. , fl. 1859 . 36 Hall, Dr. Charles, fl. 1774 . 95 Hall, Charles Henry, fl. 1826 299 Hall, Daniel, fl. 1782 . . . 109 Hall, David, d. 1817 . . . . 109 fl. 1834 20, 166 Hall, Ebenezer, fl. 1774 . . 95 Hall, Elihu, fl. 1779 . . . . 62 Hall, Ezekiel, fl. 1744 . 61 Hall, Frederick, fl. 1840-80 166 Hall, George Abbott, fl. 1782 109 Hall, H. C., fl. 1823 . 299 Hall, Hebert James, 285 Hall, Hiland, 1795-1885. «7, 166 Hall, Isaac, fl. 1774 . . . . 95 Hall, James, fl. 1774 . . . . 95 Hall, James H. , fl. 1840 . . 166 Hall, John, fl. 1765 . . . . 95 Hall, Josias Carvil, d. 1814 109 Hall, Luke, fl. 177 5 . . . 95 Hall, Lyman, 1724-90 . . . 280 Hall, Mary Chandler, fl. 1898 7 Hall, Moses, d. 1860 . 166 Hall, Peter, fl. 1773 . . 62 Hall, Richard, fl. 1743 . . 61 166 Hall, Spencer, 1806-75 ... 67 Hall, Theodore P. , fl. 1878 289 Hall, William, fl. 1764-80 95, 301 Hall, William W. , fl. 1828 87 Hall, Fuller & Barlowe, fl. 1840 299 Halleck, Henry Wager, 1815-82 64, 122 Halleck, Horace, fl. 1846 . . 30 Hallett, John, fl. 1687 . . 194 Hallett, Moses, fl. 1781 . . 62 Hallett, W. P., fl. 1836 . . 166 Halliburton, Dr. John, c. 1739-1808 ... 62, 174, 194 Hallick, Peter, fl. 1829 . . 299 Halliday, Lady Jane .... 268 Halliday, S. , fl. 1827 . . . 299 Hallifax, Rev. Samuel, 1733-90 97 Hallinbeck, fl. 1799 .... 299 Hallowell, Benjamin, 1724?-99 62, 95 Hallowell, Robert, fl. 1775 95 Hallwood, Henry, fl. 1771 . . 95 Hally, Frances, fl. 1825 . . 299 Hallyburton, H. Douglas, d. 1784 268 Halpern, Irving, fl. 1950 . . 31 Halsapper, William, fl. 1844 299 Halsey, Nicoll, 1782-1865 166 Halstead, John, fl. 1835 . . 244 Halstead, Murat, 1829-1908 7 Halsted, John, fl. 1785 ... 52 Halsted, Matthew, fl, 1796 280 Halsted, O. L. , fl. 1826 . . 299 Ham, Casper H. , fl. 1807 . . 299 Ham, George P., fl. 1812 . . 299 Ham, Henry M. , fl. 1812 . . 299 Ham, Jeremiah, fl. 1812 . . 299 Ham, Petrus P., fl. 1798 . . 299 Ham, Samuel V., fl. 1898 . . 125 Ham, Wendell, fl. 1798 ... 299 Hamback, T. D. , d. 17 68 . . . 95 Hambly, W. , fl. 1808 .... 174 Hamer, Prosper, & Son, fl. 1810 299 Hamersley, Hugh 194 Hamilton, fl. 1770 275 Hamilton, fl. 1832 52 Hamilton, Alexander, 1757-1804 .... 62, 109, 194 Hamilton, Andrew, fl. 1766 . 95 Hamilton, Andrew Jackson, 1815-75 259 Hamilton, Archibald, d. 1795 62, 95 410 HAMILTON - HAND Hamilton, Lady Anne .... 174 Hamilton, Charles, fl. 1782 251 Hamilton, Charles, see Haddington, 8th earl of Hamilton, Charles Smith, 1822-91 64 Hamilton, David, fl. 1767 . 251 Hamilton, Douglas Douglas, 5th duke of Brandon and 8th duke of, 1756-99 151 Hamilton, E., fl. 1800 . . 250 Hamilton, G. , fl. 1861 . . 122 Hamilton, George, fl. 1782 151 Hamilton, Gilbert 174 Hamilton, Helen, Lady Selkirk, d. 1802 146 Hamilton, Ens. Henry, fl. 1775-80 62, 95 Hamilton, Henry, 1734-96 ... 95, 98, 116, 251 Hamilton, Isaac, fl. 1768-75 95 Hamilton, James, 1710-83 4, 14, 61 Hamilton, Gen. James, fl. 1780 62 Hamilton, James, fl. 1784 . 118 Hamilton, James, 1786-1857 52 Hamilton, James Alexander, 1788-1878 52, 87 Hamilton, John 194 Hamilton, John, c\ 1692-1747 61 Hamilton, John, fl. 1737 . 251 Hamilton, Capt. John, fl. 1758-65 14, 95 Hamilton, Lt. John, fl. 1764 95 Hamilton, John, fl. 1783 . 109 Hamilton, John, d. 1816 . . 62 Hamilton, John, fl. 1794 . 174 Hamilton, L?, fl. 1808 . . 250 Hamilton, Lt. Gov. Otho, fl. 1764 95 Hamilton, Otho, Jr., fl. 1760-75 95 Hamilton, Reuben, fl. 1834 166 Hamilton, Richard J. , fl. 1834 . 166 Hamilton, Schuyler, 1822-1903 87 Hamilton, Thomas, fl. 1818. 118 Hamilton, Thomas, Jr., fl. 1808 174 Hamilton, W. Brooke, fl. 1845 166 Hamilton, Walter, fl. 1717 194 Hamilton, Sir William, 1730-1803 251 Hamilton, Rev. William, fl. 1901 294 Hamilton, William Richard, 1777-1859 103 Hamilton, William S. , fl. 1833 166 Hamilton, William T. , fl. 1871 228 Hamlin, Asher P., fl. 1813 . 299 Hamlin, D. , fl. 1813 .... 299 Hamlin, G. S. , fl. 1823 . . 299 Hamlin, Hannibal, 1809-91 7, 64 Hamlin, J. C. , fl. 1827 299 Hammill, Daniel, fl. 1779 62 Hammond, Mr., fl. 1796 ... 97 Hammond, A., fl. 1819 . . . 299 Hammond, Charles G. , fl. 1844 166 Hammond, D. , fl. 1829 . . . 299 Hammond , George , 1763-1853 253, 293 Hammond, James Henry, 1807-64 64 Hammond, LeRoy, fl. 1776-82 109 Hammond, Robert F. , fl. 1837 30 Hammond, T. W. , fl. 1852 . . 39 Hammond, William, fl. 1844 166 Hamond, Sir Andrew Snape, 1st bart., 1738-1828 ... 151 Hampden, 1st viscount, see Brand, Sir Henry B. W. Hampton, Henry, fl. 1779 . . 109 Hampton, John 62 Hampton, Wade, 1752-1835 109, 122 Hampton, Wade, 1818-1902 64, 122 Hampton Falls, Selectmen of. 194 Hamton, Andrew 95 Hamtramck, John Francis, 1757-1803 .... 118, 191, 194 Hamy, Jules-The'odore- Ernest, 1842-1908 289 Hanbury, John, d. 17 32 . . . 2 51 Hancock, Charles L. , fl. 1844 39 Hancock, Cornelia, 1839-1926 117 Hancock, John, 1737-93 11, 20, 95, 194, 280 Hancock, Thomas, 1703-64 14, 95 Hancock, Dr. Thomas, 1783-1849 194 Hancock, Winfield Scott, 1824-86 . 64, 122 Hand, Edward, 1744-1802 194, 279 HAND - HARLEE 411 Hand, Eleazar, fl. 1827 299 Hand, George E. , fl. 1833 166 Hand, Jesse, fl. 1776 . . . 194 Handfield, William, fl. 1775 95 Handley, R. H. , fl. 1896 . 194 Handy, George, fl. 1777-82 109 Handy, H. S. , fl. 1833 . . 166 Hanes, Joseph L. , fl. 1848 301 Hanger, George, 4th baron Coleraine, 17517-1824 ... 62 Hanley, Joseph, fl. 1802 299 Hanmer, James, fl. 1845 166 Hanna, John A. , fl. 1795 118 Hanna, Marcus A. , 1837-1904 7, 125 Hanna, Robert, fl. 1773 . . 118 Hannah, George, fl. 1868 39 Hannegan, Edward Allen, 1807-59 166 Hannoch, William W. , fl. 1844 299 Hanscom, Alfred H. , fl. 1845 166 Hanscomb, William, fl. 1780 62 Hansen, Jacob 249 Hanson, John, Jr. , 1715-83 109, 280 Hanson, John, fl. 1774-1801 .... 95, 268 Hanson, Samuel 194 Hanxleden, W. , d. 1781 ... 62 Hapman, John P., fl. 1823 . 299 Happele, Adam, fl. 1780 62 Harbec , Henry, fl. 1815 299 Harbord, James Guthrie, 1866-1947 237 Harborough, Robert Sherard, 4th earl of, 1712-99 . . . 268 Harcourt , E. V. , fl. 1840 30 Harcourt, Elizabeth Vernon Harcourt, countess, fl. 1765-1819 174 Harcourt, George Simon Harcourt, 2nd earl, d. 1809 97 Harcourt, Mary Danby Harcourt, countess, d. 1833 67, 268 Harcourt, Simon Harcourt, 1st viscount, 16617-1727 251 Harcourt, Simon Harcourt, 1st earl, 1714-77 111, 275, 293 Harcourt, William Harcourt, 3rd earl, 1743-1830 97, 98, 268 Hardee, Wm. Joseph, 1815-73 64 Harden, Eben, fl. 1835 . . . 244 Harden, William 109 Hardenberg, Prinz Karl August von, 1750-1822 ... 97 Hardenbrook, Abel, fl. 1778 62 Hardenbrook, John, fl. 1778 62 Harding, Arthur T. , fl. 1902 7 Harding, Chester, fl. 1848 228 Harding, Chester, 1792-1866 20 Harding, George, fl. 1780 . . 62 Harding, Jasper, fl. 1780 . . 62 Harding, Richard, fl. 1780 62 Harding, Warren Gamaliel, 1865-1923 282 Harding, William, fl. 1780 62 Hardings, George, 1743-1816 268 Hardman, Henry, fl. 1776-83. 109 Hardwicke, Charles Philip Yorke, 4th earl of, 1799-1873 67 Hardwicke, Philip Yorke, 1st baron and 1st earl of, 1690-1764 . . 61, 251, 268 Hardwicke, Philip Yorke, 2nd earl of, 1720-90 97, 149, 151 Hardwicke, Philip Yorke, 3rd earl of, 1757-1834 194, 250 Hardy, Joseph, fl. 1816 . . 250 Hardy, P. D. , fl. 1861 ... 247 Hardy, T 95 Hare, Peter Thomas, fl. 1779 62 Hare, W. , fl. 1847 299 Hare, Rev. Wm. Hobart, 1838-1909 79 Harford, Charles Joseph, fl. 1803 250 Harg, William, fl. 1776 ... 62 Haring, John, 1739-1809 . . 280 Haris, Richard 62 Harison, Francis, fl. 1734 268 Harlan, John F. , fl. 1892 . . 52 Harland, Sir Robert, 1st bart., 17157-84 .... 151 Harlee, W. W. , fl. 1862 . . 122 412 HARLESTON HARRISON Harleston, George B. , fl. 1845 166 Harley 40 Harley, Mr., fl. 1779 ... 98 Harley, Edward, 1664-1735 268 Harley, Edward, see Oxford, 4th earl of Harley, Robert, see Oxford, 1st earl of Harly, Henry, fl. 1819 . . 299 Harman, William, fl. 1725 . 69 Harmar, Charles, 1827-69 118 Harmar, Charles Jenkins, 1785-1806 118 Harmar, Eliza, see Thomas, Mrs. Evan W. Harmar, James Lanman, 1841-80 118 Harmar, Josiah, 1753-1813 109, 118 Harmar, Josiah, 1802-48 118 Harmar, Josiah, b. 1873 . . 118 Harmar, Josiah William, 1834-67 118 Harmar, Mary Buckley, Mrs. William, 1791-1874 118 Harmar, Sarah Jenkins, Mrs. Josiah, 1761-1847 . . 118 Harmar, Sarah Lanman, Mrs. Josiah, 1805-69 . . . 118 Harmar, William, 1803-78 118 Harmony, Peter, fl. 1819 . 299 Harmsworth, Sir Robert Leicester, 1870-1937 31, 194 Harnage, Henry, fl. 1779 . . 62 Harned, William, fl. 1846 30 Harney, George Julian, fl. 1874 252 Harold, Edmund, baron de, fl. 1774 149 Harper, A., fl. 1815 .... 52 Harper, Frank, fl. 1909 . . 237 Harper, James 194 Harper, John, fl. 1794-98 118 Harper, Joseph, fl. 1764 95 Harper, Lathrop C 31 Harper, Robert Goodloe, 1765-1825 . . . 119, 120, 228 Harper & Brothers 285 Harper' s Weekly 52 Harrett, Carter S. , fl. 1830 87 Harries, John, fl. 1764 . . 95 Harries & Co 146 Harrington, Charles Stanhope, 3rd earl of, 1753-1829 62, 97 Harrington, Daniel, fl. 1846 39 Harrington, Ebenezer B. , fl. 1844 166 Harrington, George, fl. 1782 251 Harrington, Joseph, fl. 1837. 20 Harrington, William Stanhope, 1st earl of, 16907-1756 268 Harrington, William Watson, fl. 1926 285 Harris, fl. 1837 191 Harris, A. Holbrook, fl. 1850 39 Harris, Cary A. , fl. 1837 166 Harris, F. W. , fl. 1835 . . 194 Harris, Gab., fl. 1777 . . . 268 Harris, George, 1722-96? 251 Harris, Henry F. , fl. 1879 241 Harris, J. G. , fl. 1857 ... 64 Harris, J. M. , fl. 1836 ... 39 Harris, J. Morrison, fl. 1856 228 Harris, Sir James, see Malmesbury, 1st earl of Harris, James, 1709-80 4, 107, 151 Harris, John Morgan, fl. 1902 6 Harris, John T. , fl. 1825 . 228 Harris, Mary, fl. 1847 ... 39 Harris, Morrison 228 Harris, Robert, fl. 1810 . . 69 Harris, S. , fl. 1725 .... 268 Harris, Rev. Samuel Smith, 1841-88 7, 77 Harris, Simon D. , fl. 1849 166 Harris, T. M. , fl. 1836 ... 39 Harris, Thaddeus Mason, 1768-1842 87 Harris, Thaddeus Wm. , 1795-1856 39, 194 Harris, Thomas, fl. 17 63 . . 62 Harris, W. Hall, fl. 1885 228 Harris, William, fl. 1785 . 109 Harrison, Andrew, fl. 1822 . 299 Harrison, Benjamin, 1726?-91 95, 109, 194, 251, 280 Harrison, Benjamin, 1833-1901 7 Harrison, Charles, d. 1794 . 109 Harrison, Fairfax, 1869-1938 31 Harrison, Gabriel, fl. 1865 39 Harrison, George W. , fl. 1833 166 Harrison, James, fl. 1823 299 HARRISON - HATCH 413 Harrison, John, fl. 1800 . . 299 Harrison, Martin, fl. 1779 62 Harrison, Nathan, fl. 1831 166 Harrison, Richard, fl. 1782 109, 286 Harrison, Richard, 1750-1841 194 Harrison, Robert Hanson, 1745-90 62 Harrison, Thomas, fl. 1766 251 Harrison, Thomas, fl. 1778 167 Harrison, W. R. , fl. 1859 244 Harrison, William, fl. 1816 299 Harrison, Wm. Henry, 1773-1841 . . 52, 281, 282, 298 Harrison & Lee, fl. 1851 39 Harrisse, Henry, 1829-1910. 31, 52, 87, 262, 289 Harrod, B. M. , fl. 1904 125 Harrod, Charles, fl. 1862 . 247 Harrod, G. P., fl. 1862 . . 247 Harron, Alexander, fl. 1797 191 Harrow, Alexander, fl. 1793 253 Harrowby, Dudley Ryder, 1st earl of, 1762-1847 67, 97 Harsen, Frances, fl. 1857 . . 52 Hart, Albert Bushnell, 1854-1943 285 Hart, Alvin N. , 1804-74 166 Hart, Catherine, fl. 1849 166 Hart, Charles Henry, fl. 1865 36, 87 Hart, Harry C. , fl. 1852 118 Hart, Jasper 62 Hart, Joel T. , fl. 1845 ... 228 Hart, Naph., fl'. 1783 . . . 251 Hart, W. S. , fl. 1824 .... 87 Hartcup, Thomas, fl. 1777 . . 62 Harte, Henry, fl. 1778 ... 62 Hartin, B 122 Hartley, David, 1732-1813 62, 90, 121, 194, 251, 268 Hartley, Thomas, 1748-1800 280 Hartog, Sir Philip Joseph, 1864-1947 285 Hartshorn, Asa, fl. 1789 . . 118 Hartshorn, Thomas, Jr. ... 62 Hartt, John, fl. 1816 .... 69 Hartung, Johann Christian Gerhard, fl. 1780 147 Hartwell, Sir Francis John, 1st bart., 1757-1831 ... 287 Hartwell, Thomas, fl. 1817 299 Hartwick, John Christopher, fl. 1753 62 Harvard College, Corporation of, 1774 95 Harvard University 52 Harvey, Apollos, fl. 1839 . 166 Harvey, Arnold, fl. 1783 . . 109 Harvey, Edward, d. 1778 . 62, 95 Harvey, James, fl. 1780 ... 62 Harvey, James, fl. 1834 . . 118 Harvey, John, fl. 1763 . . . 251 Harvey, John, fl. 1804 . . . 299 Harvey, Reuben, fl. 1782 251 Harvey, Richard, fl. 1810 67 Harvey, Samuel Clay, fl. 1782 251 Harvey, Thomas W. , fl. 1829 166 Harvey, W. , fl. 1833 .... 122 Harvey, William, fl. 1782 109 Hasbrouck, James, fl. 1801 . 299 Hasbrouck, Peter, fl. 1805 . 299 Hascall, Charles C., fl. 1834 30, 166 Hasell, E. G. , fl. 1822 . . 294 Haskell, Clinton H. , 1888-1951 31 , 122 Haskell, E 122 Haskins, A., fl. 1798 . . . 299 Haskins, Charles Homer, 1870-1937 285 Hassard, James, fl. 1781 . . 62 Hassard, Thomas, fl. 1781 . . 62 Hassard, William, fl. 1778 62 Hastings, 1st marquess of, see Rawdon, baron Hastings, Sir Charles, fl. 1778 62 Hastings, Eurotas P., fl. 1834 166 Hastings, G. , fl. 1780 . . . 171 Hastings, George D. , fl. 1868 39 Hastings, Samuel, fl. 1699 4 Hastings, Thomas, fl. 1780-89 149 Hastings, Walter, fl. 1699 . . 4 Hastings, Warren, 1732-1819 174, 251 Haswell, Nathan B. , fl. 1835 166 Haszard, Thomas, fl. 1780 . . 62 Hatch, Ambrose T. , fl. 1837 166 Hatch, Christopher, fl. 1779 62 414 HATCH - HAYES Hatch, Ezra, fl. 1844 166 Hatch, John Porter, 1822-1901 64 Hatch, Junius H. , fl. 1835 166 Hatch, Noah, fl. 1775 ... 95 Hatfield, Isaac, 17487-1822 ........ 62 Hathaway, John, fl. 1801 299 Hatheway, S. S. , fl. 1830 . . 299 Hathon, A. E. , fl. 1837 . . 166 Hatsell; John, 1743-1820 . . 62 Hatton, Mrs. Elizabeth Neal, fl. 1778 62 Hatton, Humphry, fl. 1778 62 Hattrick, Mary, fl. 1803 . 299 Hattrick, Peter, fl. 1812 . 299 Hattrick, Lee & Co., fl. 1822 299 Hatzfeld, Herr, fl. 1782 147 Hause, H. , fl. 1847 .... 299 Hauser, Henri, 1866- . . . 285 Hauser, Herman, fl. 1799 . 299 Haushaw, Benjamin, fl. 1775 95 Haussegger, Nicholas, fl. 1781 62 Hauterive, Alexandre Maurice Blanc de Lanautte, comte d' , 1754-1830 174, 194 Hautreux, A 289 Havemeyer, William, fl. 1823 299 Haven, Rev. Gilbert, 1821-80 294 Haven, Henry P. , fl. 1866 39 Haven, Samuel F. , fl. 1854 39 Haven, William, fl. 1774 . 263 Haviland, William, 1718-84 95, 287 Havner, Samuel, fl. 1790 299 Hawaiian Islands 123 Hawell, John, fl. 1782 . . 268 Hawersby, William, fl. 1869 39 Hawes, Samuel, fl. 1776-83. 109 Hawke, Sir Edward Hawke, 1st baron, 1705-81 . 251, 292 Hawke, Martin Bladen Hawke, 2nd baron, 1744-1805 . . . 151 Hawkesbury, 1st baron, see Liverpool, 1st earl of Hawkins, Benjamin, 1754-1818 109, 280 Hawkins, Charles, fl. 1804 194 Hawkins, Christopher, fl. 1797 97 Hawkins, Edward, fl. 1790 . 205 Hawkins, Edward, 1780-1867 67 Hawkins, Eleazar, fl. 1746 . 61 Hawkins, Harry S. , fl. 1932 282 Hawkins, Isaac 62 Hawkins, John, fl. 1758-66 14, 95 Hawkins, John P., fl. 1864 . 64 Hawkins, Olney, fl. 1834 166 Hawkins, Philip, fl. 1781 . . 62 Hawkins, William, fl. 1816 299 Hawkins, William, fl. 1782 . 98 Hawks, Cicero Stephens, 1812-68 79 Hawkshaw, John, fl. 1777 . . 149 Hawkshaw, Thomas, fl. 1775 95 Hawles, Sir John, 1645-1716 251, 293 Hawley, E., fl. 1815 .... 299 Hawley, Elijah, Jr., fl. 1838 166 Hawley, George, fl. 1829 299 Hawley, Joseph Roswell, 1826-1905 64 Hawthorne, Sophia Peabody, Mrs. Nathaniel, 1809-71 . . 294 Hawtrey, Edward Craven, 1789-1862 151 Hay, David, fl. 1764 .... 95 Hay, Gov. Edward, fl. 1767-73 251, 263 Hay, George, see Tweeddale, 7th marquess of Hay, George, fl. 1763 . . . 251 Hay, Jehu, d. 1785 ... 95, 124 Hay, John, fl. 1774 95 Hay, Dr. John, fl. 1796 ... 20 Hay, John, fl. 1861 64 Hay, John M. , 1838-1905 7, 125 Hay, Joseph, fl. 1745 .... 61 Hay, R. W. , fl. 1818 .... 174 Hay, Thomas, see Kinnoull, 8th earl of Hay, Udny, d. 1806 109 Hayden, Joseph 62 Hayden, Joseph Ralston, 1887-1945 285 Hayden, S. , fl. 1862 .... 87 Hayden, Samuel, fl. 1780 . . 62 Haydn, Joseph, d. 1856 ... 67 Haydock & Bowne, fl. 1764 62 Haydon, Benjamin Robert, 1786-1846 .... 30, 212, 239 Hayes, A. L. , fl. 1845 . . . 166 HAYES - HENCHMAN 415 Hayes, Carlton Joseph Huntley, 1882- 285 Hayes, F. , fl. 1764 .... 268 Hayes, Francis B. , fl. 1865 36 Hayes, J. E. , fl. 1850 . . 166 Hayes, James, fl. 1764 ... 95 Hayes, John, fl. 1777 ... 62 Hayes, Sir John McNamara, 1750?-1809 62, 109 Hayes, Col. Joseph, fl. 1778 194 Hayes, Joseph, fl. 1834 . . 166 Hayes, Rutherford Birchard, 1822-93 7, 52, 64, 282 Hayley, William, 1745-1820 . 67 Hayne, Abraham, fl. 1780 . . 62 Haynes, John 62 Haynes, John, fl. 1765 ... 95 Hays, Barrak, fl. 1780 ... 62 Hays, Cornelius, fl. 1764 95 Hays, Lewis, fl. 1736 . . . 251 Hays, R. , fl. 1782 .... 109 Hays, William, fl. 1863 . . 64 Hayward, Elijah, fl. 18.34 ...... 166, 298 Hayward, F. , fl. 1782 . . . 268 Hayward, Dr. George, 1791-1863 20, 151 Hayward, W. , fl. 1829 . . . 299 Haywood, Michael, fl. 1780 62 Haywood, William, fl. 1780 62 Hazard, B. , fl. 1823 . . . 299 Hazard, Ebenezer, 1744-1817 87 Hazard, George 109 Hazard, Samuel, 1784-1870 87 Hazard, Thomas, fl. 1781 . . 62 Hazard, Thomas G 109 Hazelius, Ernest L. , fl. 1823 299 Hazen, D. Brinley, fl. 1837 . 39 Hazen, Moses, 1733-1803 95, 109 Hazen, S. , fl. 1830 .... 118 Hazen, W. K. , fl. 1887 ... 64 Hazenclever, Peter, 1716-93 251 Hazlehurst, Robert, fl. 1785 .109 Head, Anna Frances, fl. 1839 39 Head, Franklin R 194 Head, Harriet F. , fl. 1842 39 Head, Joseph, fl. 1856 ... 39 Headlam, Cecil, 1872-1934 285 Heald, Ebenezer, fl. 1794 . . 20 Healy, George Peter Alexander, 1813-94 52 Healy, Jeremiah F. , fl. 1859 52 Heard, Sir Isaac, 1730-1822 97 Heart, Jonathan, 1748-91 118 Heath, Dr. George, fl. 1801 97 Heath, George Crawford, d. 1860 194 Heath, John R. , fl. 1836 . . 166 Heath, William, 1737-1814 109, 194 Heathcote, Charles, fl. 1760-88 268 Heaton, Charles M. , fl. 1848 166 Heaton, John, fl. 1795 . . . 118 Heawood, Edward, fl. 1929 31 Hecht, Frederick William, fl. 1773-80 62, 95 Hecker, Frank Joseph, 1856-1927 7, 125 Heckewelder, Rev. John G. E., 1743-1823 118 Hedges, Sir Charles, d. 1714 251, 293 Hedges, Charles, fl. 1719 . . 16 Hedges, H. C. , fl. 1898 ... 7 Hedges, W. , fl. 1800 .... 97 Hegan, Nicholas 62 Hegerman, Benjamin, fl. 1798 299 Hegerman, P. A., fl. 1828 . 299 Heiden, Admiral L. de, fl. 1840 228 Heintzelman, Samuel Peter, 1805-80 64, 122 Heiskell, Henry L. , d. 1855 52 Heister, John, fl. 1798 . . 118 Hellins, John, d. 1827 . . . 194 Helme, R. J., fl. 1777 / . . 280 Helps, Sir Arthur, 1813-75 262 Helvetius, Claude-Adrien, 1715-71 251 Hely-Hutchinson, John, 3rd earl of Donoughmore, 1787-1851 211 Hemenway, E. H. , fl. 1847 . . 39 Hemmings, Matthew, fl. 1780 149 Hempl, George, 1859-1921 285 Hempstead, Charles S., fl. 1834 166 Hemps ted, Robert 194 Henchman, Humphrey, 1669-1739 251 416 HENDERSON HERRING Henderson, General, fl. 1839 228 Henderson, Rev. Alexander, fl. 1860 194 Henderson, Andrew, fl. 1784 118 Henderson, David, fl. 1783 . 194 Henderson, David B, , 1840-1906 7 Henderson, James, fl. 1774 . 95 Henderson, James, fl. 1848 30 Henderson, Sir John, fl. 1782 151 Henderson, John, fl. 1779 . . 62 Henderson, Peter, fl. 1781 62 Henderson, Richard 95 Henderson, Thomas, 1743-1824 118 Henderson, William 95 Henderson, William, d. 1787 109 Henderson, Wm. , d. 1811 . . 109 Hendrican, Peter 62 Hendricks, Thomas Andrews, 1819-85 52 Hener, Samuel, fl. 1794 . . 299 Henesy, James, fl. 1758 ... 14 Henkelmann, Johann Heinrich, fl. 1777 147 Henley, David, d. 1823 ... 109 Henley, Morton Eden, 1st baron, 1752-1830 . . . 251 Henley, Sir Robert, see Northington, 1st earl of Henley, Samuel, fl. 1784 20 Henly, William, fl. 1781 . . 62 Hennessy, James, fl. 1803 299 Hennessy, John O. , fl. 1801 299 Henning, D. C. , fl. 1902 ... 6 Hennis, Peter, d. 1771 . . . 275 Henry, Alexander 95 Henry, Guy V., fl. 1898 ... 7 Henry, I., fl. 1828 .... 299 Henry, John, fl. 1782 ... 109 Henry, John V., fl. 1801 . . 299 Henry, Joseph, 1797-1878 30, 194 Henry, Julia M. , Mrs. Guy V., fl. 1899 7 Henry, Moses, fl. 1773 . . . 194 Henry, Patrick, 1736-99 62, 95, 118 Henry, Peter Seton, fl. 1829 299 Henry, Robert R. , fl. 1801 299 Henshaw, Bill, fl. 1781 ... 62 Henshaw, David, fl. 1843 . . 39 Henshaw, Rev. John Prentiss Kewley, 1792-1852 79 Henty, George Alfred, 1832-1902 194 Hentz, John Henry, fl. 1780 62 Henville, Robert, fl. 1779 . 167 Hepburn, Dr. David, fl. 1764 95 Hepburn, John, fl. 1780 ... 62 Hepburn, Thomas, fl. 177 6 . . 62 Hepburne-Scott, Henry Francis, see Polwarth, 7th baron Herbert, Charles, fl. 1808 . 97 Herbert, George, fl. 1768-72 95 Herbert, Henry, see Penbroke, 10th earl of Herbert, John L. , fl. 1823 . 299 Herbert, John Richardson, d. 1793 287 Herbert, Sidney, 1st baron Herbert, 1810-61 ... 67, 194 Herbette, Louis, fl. 1912 . 289 Herbough, Jacob, fl. 1794 . 118 Hereford, Francis, fl. 1771 95 Hereford, Henry Fleming Lea Devereux, 14th viscount, 1777-1843 67 Hereford, R. D 151 Heriot, George, fl. 1780 . . 287 Heriot, Robert, fl. 1781 . . 109 Heriot, William, fl. 1783 109 Herman, Al 249 Hermance, A., fl. 1807 . . . 299 Hermance, Henry, fl. 1820 . 299 Hermans, I. J., fl. 1840 . . 299 Heron, Benjamin, fl. 1767 251 Heron, Isaac, fl. 1760-79 . . 98 Heron, James Gordon, d. 1809 118 Heron, Sir Richard, 1726-1805 149 Heron, William, 1742-1819 . . 62 Herran, P. A., fl. 1857 ... 52 Herrenschwand, Dr. Jean Frederic von, 1715-96 . . . 251 Herrera, Francisco Maria de, fl. 1787 188 Herrera, Jose" Joaquin, 1792-1854 182 Herrera, Luis, fl. 1810 . . 182 Herrick, Cheesman A. , fl. 1908 6 Herrick, Myron T. , 1854-1929 7, 194, 285 Herries, John Charles, 1778-1855 67 Herries, Sir Robert, fl. 1779 98, 151 Herring, Elbert, 1777-c. 1877 166 Herring, Rev. Thomas, 1693-1757 296 HERRINGTON - HIGBEE 417 Herrington, Jacob, fl. 1811 118 Herron, Francis Jay, 1837-1902 64, 122 Herry, Anthony, fl. 1782 251 Herschel, Sir William, 1738-1822 97, 149 Hertford, Francis Charles Seymour-Conway, 3rd marquess of, 1777-1842 . . 174 Hertford, Francis Ingram Seymour, 2nd marquess of, 1743-1822 .... 67, 97, 287 Hertford, Francis Seymour Conway, 1st earl and 1st marquess of, 1719-94 62 97, 251 Heruieux, Mons. , fl. 1765 95 Hervey, Lord Arthur Charles, 1808-94 ..... 67, 151, 174 Hervey, Augustus John, see Bristol, 3rd earl of Hervey, Frederick Augustus, see Bristol, 4th earl of Hervey, Frederick William, see Bristol, 1st marquess of Hervey, George William, see Bristol, 2nd earl of Hervey, James, fl. 1782 . . 251 Hervey, William, fl. 1760 . 95 Hesse-Cassel. Army Corps of Light Infantry . . 62 Grenadier battalion vacant Graff 99 Grenadier battalion von Loewenstein. Company von Biesenrodt 99 Grenadier battalion von Loewenstein. Company von Mondorff 99 Grenadier battalion von Loewenstein. Company von Wachs 99 Grenadier regiment d'Angelelli. Leib .company. 99 Regiment von Bunau. Leib company 99 Regiment Erb Prinz. Company von Cochenhausen . 99 Rttgiment Erb Prinz. Company von Fuchs .... 99 Regiment von Lossberg, Jr. Company von Baurmeister . 99 Regiment von Lossberg, Jr. Company von Biesenrodt . . 99 Regiment von Lossberg, Jr. Company von Romrod .... 99 Regiment von Lossberg, Jr. Company von Wilmowsky . . 99 Regiment von Lossberg, Jr. Leib company 99 Hesse-Cassel. Landgraf. Wilhelm IX (1785-1821) ... 97 Hesse-Hanau. Army. Artillery under Pausch 99 Hessian Soldier, fl. 1777 . 194 Heth, Henry, 1825-99 .... 64 Heth, John, fl. 1843 .... 52 Heth, M. L., fl. 1832 .... 52 Hewats, Alexander, fl. 1781 98 Hewes & Anthony, fl. 1783 . 109 Hewetson, Brinsley, fl. 1780 62 Hewetson, William, fl. 1780. 287 Hewitt, James, see Lifford, 1st viscount Hewitt, James, fl. 1767 ... 95 Hewitt, P. S., fl. 1844 . . 166 Hewitt, William, fl. 1768 251 Hewitt, William, fl. 1830 . . 87 Hewlett, Richard, d. 1789 . . 62 Hey, William, 1733-97. . 95, 251 Hey, Dr. William, 1736-1819 194 Heyde, Wilhelm von, fl. 1780 62 Heydock, M. 0., fl. 1852 . . 39 Heymell, Carl Philipp, fl. 1779 147 Heyward, Thomas, Jr., d. 1809 280 Hibton, William G. , fl. 1780 62 Hichborn, Benjamin, fl. 1775 95 Hick, William, fl. 1780 ... 62 Hickcox, J. H. , fl. 1864 . . 36 Hickcox, J. H. , & Co. ... 39 Hickcox, Rev. Joseph, fl. 1834 166 Hickey, Anna, fl. 1838 ... 52 Hickey, G. , fl. 1820 .... 67 Hicks, Elias, 1748-1830 194, 299 Hicks, Garshom, fl. 1764 . . 95 Hicks, Thomas Holliday, 1798-1865 64 Hicks, Whitehead, 1728-80 95 Hicks & Merrick, fl. 1818 . 299 Hidalgo y Costillo, Pedro Leon, 1753-1811 182 Hiddleston, J., fl. 1862 . . 247 Hide, John, fl. 1682 .... 194 Hierliky, Timothy, fl. 1777 62 Hieronymus, R. E. , fl. 1918 285 Hierro Vargas, Antonio Maria de, fl. 1829 185 Hifferan, John 62 Higbe, L., fl. 1785 .... 299 Higbee, F. D. , fl. 1898 . . 125 418 HIGBEE - HOARD Higbee, Isaac N. , fl. 1839 166 Higbee, James T. , fl. 1781 298 Higday, George, fl. 1779 . . 62 Higgenbottom, David, fl. 1781 62 Higgins, James, fl. 1781 . . 62 Higgins, Michael, fl. 1781 6?, Higgins, Sylvester W. , fl. 1848 166, 298 Higginson, D. Waldo, fl. 1838 20 Higginson, William, fl. 1782 251 Hildeburn, Charles S. R. , 1855-1901 . 31 Hildreth, R. B. , fl. 1829 . 299 Hill, Benjamin Harvey, 1823-82 64 Hill, Charles W. , fl. 1865 64 Hill, D. W. , fl. 1887 . . . 64 Hill, Edward, fl. 1892 . . . 7 Hill, Francis, fl. 1752 . . 268 Hill, G. Birkbeck, fl. 1888 194 Hill, George, 1716-1808 . . 97 Hill, H. , fl. 1821 .... 299 Hill, Henry, fl. 1781 . . . 127 Hill, John, fl. 1767 . . . . 62 Hill, John, fl. 1782 . 251, 268 Hill, John, fl. 1784 . . . 109 Hill, Lloyd, fl. 1778 . . . 62 Hill, Oliver C. , fl. 1844 . 166 Hill, Philip, fl. 1777-83 . 109 Hill, Ralph, fl. 1765 . . . 95 Hill, Richard 62 Hill, Richard, fl. 1785 . . 2 68 Hill, Robert H. , fl. 1840 . 299 Hill, Samuel W. , fl. 1846 166 Hill, Thomas, fl. 1752 . . . 61 Hill, Thomas, fl. 1776-81 109 Hill, Thomas, fl. 1779 . . . 62 Hill, Thomas, 1818-91 . . . 294 Hill, Dr. Trotter Hill, West, fl. 1780 . . . . 62 Hill, William B. , fl. 1843 166 Hillborn, Jo., fl. 1788 . . 118 Hillegas, Michael, 1729-1804 87, 118 Hillen, Solomon, Jr. , fl. 1839 228 Hiller, John, fl. 1829 . . . 87 Hillerd, George L. , fl. 1839 39 Hillhouse, David, fl. 1785 109, 194 Hillhouse, James, 1754-1832 280 Hillick, Hugh, fl. 1834 . . 166 Hilliker, Norman, fl. 1827 299 Hillman, James, fl. 1848 . 166 Hillman, John 62 Hills, I., fl. 1785 .... 299 Hillsborough, Wills Hill, 1st marquess of Downshire, 1st earl of, 1718-93 ... 62, 95 97, 98, 111, 149, 151, 251 Hilton, Robert, fl. 1730 . 251 Hinchman, John, fl. 1779 . . 62 Hind, John, fl. 1778 ... 167 Hinde, George, fl. 1750 . . 192 Hinds, Charles, fl. 1781 . . 62 Hinds, James, fl. 1781 . . 109 Hindson, William, fl. 1777. 194 Hines, James, fl. 1782 . . 109 Hinman, Royal Ralph, 1785-1868 87, 194 Hinojosa, Pedro, 1840-1903 74 Hinsdale, James, fl. 1791 . 136 Hinsdale, Richard L. , fl. 1847 39 Hinsdill, Mitchell, fl. 1844 166 Hinsdill, Stephen, fl. 1845 166 Hinshelwood, Archibald, fl. 1769 95 Hippisley, Sir John Coxe, 1st bart., 1748-1825 ... 97 Hirague, Joseph, fl. 1795 . 191 Hirschfeld, Frederick, fl. 1780 62 Hirst, Robert B 52 Hislop, Sir Thomas, fl. 1834 228 "Historia de las Yndias" . . 49 "Historia de los reyes catholicos" 26, 27 Hitchbone, Thomas, fl. 1771 62 Hitchcock, D. H. , fl. 1834. 294 Hitchcock, Daniel 194 Hitchcock, John, fl. 1781 62 Hitchcock, Miles, fl. 1821 299 Hitchcock, Ripley, 1857-1918 285 Hite, George, fl. 1781 . . 109 Hiwill, John, fl. 1786 . . 109 Hoadly, Rev. Benjamin, 1676-1761 268 Hoadly, Charles J. , fl. 1884 39 Hoar, Charles, fl. 1780 . . 287 Hoar, George F. , 1826-1904 7, 285 Hoar, Leonard, fl. 1814 . . 69 Hoard, Robert C. , fl. 1834 166 HOARD - HOLLAND 419 Hoard, Samuel, fl. 1836 . . 166 Hoare, Mr 95 Hoare, L. , fl. 1833 .... 211 Hoare, Wm. Henry, 1809-88 194 Hobart, fl. 1793 288 Hobart, Aaron 249 Hobart, Garret A., 1844-99 7 Hobart, George, see Buckinghamshire, 3rd earl of Hobart, Isaac 249 Hobart, John, see Buckinghamshire, 2nd earl of Hobart, Robert, see Buckinghamshire, 4th earl of Hobart, William, fl. 1786 . 20 Hobbie, Selah R. , 1797-1854 166 Hobbs, William Herbert, 1864-1953 285 Hobhouse, Henry, 1776-1854 67 Hobin, John, fl. 1775 ... 301 Hobson, Thomas, fl. 1763 95 Hockett, James, fl. 1770 . . 95 Hodgdon, Samuel, d. 1824 118 Hodge, James T. , fl. 1845 116 Hodges, A. D. , fl. 1860 . . 36 Hodges, Thomas, fl. 1701 . 194 Hodgson, Robert, fl. 1768-82 98, 251 Hodgson, Studholme, 1708-98 251 Hodgson, Thomas, fl. 1768 . 95 Hodgson, William, 1745-1851 268 Hodson, William, 1891-1943 285 Hoen, A. , & Co. , fl. 1852 87 Hoes, Casparus, fl. 1799 . 299 Hoff, William, fl. 1843 . . 299 Hoffman, A. N. , fl. 1823 . 299 Hoffman, Anthony, fl. 1797 299 Hoffman, Benjamin F. , 1812-1909 30 Hoffman, Francis S. , fl. 1860 36, 39 Hoffman, George W. , fl. 1839 166 Hoffman, H. W. , fl. 1859 228 Hoffman, Helena, fl. 1802 . 299 Hoffman, Herman, fl. 1801 299 Hoffman, J. Ogden, fl. 1898 125 Hoffman, John, fl. 1805 299 Hoffman, Joseph C. , fl. 1825 299 Hoffman, L. , fl. 1818 ... 299 Hoffman, M 228 Hoffman, M. , & Sons .... 299 Hoffman, Nicholas 109 Hoffman, Nicholas 299 Hoffman, Philip L. , fl. 1798 299 Hoffman, Samuel, fl. 1797 . 299 Hoffman, Zacharias, fl. 1785 299 Hoffman & Van Beuren, fl. 1819 299 Hoffman, Van Deusen & Co., fl. 1847 299 Hofmann, George, fl. 1867 . . 74 Hofmann, J. W. , fl. 1862 . . 64 Hogan, Frank J., fl. 1950 . . 31 Hogan, James, d. 1781 .... 62 Hogan, William W. , fl. 1764 95 Hogeboom, H. , fl. 1803 . . . 299 Hogeboom, John C. , fl. 1799 299 Hogeboom, Peter, fl. 1822 . 299 Hogeboom, Stephen, fl. 1804 299 Hoges, William 249 Hogg, John, fl. 1783 .... 251 Hoghton, Sir Henry, 1728-95 62 Hogins, Asa B. , fl. 1835 . . 20 Hogue, A. A. A. , fl. 1833 30 Hohmann, Karl, fl. 1781 ... 62 Hoit, Joseph, fl. 1780 ... 62 Hoke, William J. , fl. 1865 122 Holbrook, Elliot, fl. 1835 299 Holbrook, John C. , fl. 1835 20 Holbrook, Silas A. , fl. 1833 166 Holbrook, V. V., fl. 1913 299 Holcombe, John, fl. 1776-81. 109 Holcombe, Theodore G. , fl. 1921 237 Holderness, Robert D'Arcy, 4th earl of, 1718-78 61, 98, 111, 251 Holdsworth, Arthur, fl. 1783 251 Holker, Jean, see Holker, John Holker, John, fl. 1779-89 62, 127 Holland, Edward, 1702-56 61 Holland, Elizabeth Vassall Fox, baroness, 1770-1845 151, 228, 250 420 HOLLAND - HOOVER Holland, Henry, 1704-77 . . 61 Holland Henry Fox, 1st baron, 1705-74 98, 151, 174, 251, 268 Holland, Henry Fox, 4th baron 151 Holland, Henry Richard Vassall Fox, 3rd baron, 1773-1840 . 151, 174, 239, 250 Holland, Hitchen, fl. 1753 61, 299 Holland, John, fl. 1778 . . 62 Holland, Samuel, d. 1801 62, 95, 251 Holland, Stephen, fl. 1780 . 62 Holland, William M. , fl. 1838 39, 166 Holland States General .... 61, 251 Treaty with Great Britain and Portugal, 1703 . . . 251 Hollenbeck, M. M. , fl. 1812 299 Holley, Elisha, fl. 1799 . 299 Holley, Myron, 1779-1841 . . 30 Holley, Orville Luther, 1791-1861 87 Holly, P., fl. 1818 .... 299 Hollford, James, fl. 1767 . 251 Hollingsworth, Henry, d. 1803 109 Hollingsworth, Jacob, fl. 1792 87 Hollingsworth, Levi G. , fl. 1822 20, 194 Hollingsworth, Samuel, fl. 1796 194 Hollingsworth, Thomas, fl. 1792 87, 194 Hollingsworth, Zebulon, fl. 1792 87 Hollister, Dr. J. H. , fl. 1901 7 Hollister, Jonathan .... 194 Hollister & Wendell, fl. 1834 166 Holloway, Joseph, fl. 1790 299 Holloway & Davis, fl. 1839 . 30 Holman, Rev. Robert, fl. 1826-34 30 Holmann, Laura S. , fl. 1867 294 Holmes, Asher, fl. 1781 . . 62 Holmes, J., fl. 1869 .... 39 Holmes, J. C. , fl. 1850 . . 30 Holmes, John T. , fl. 1848 166 Holmes, L. W. , fl. 1821 . . 67 Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 1809-94 194 Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 1841-1935 6 Holmes, Richard, fl. 1769 . 62 Holmes, Robert, d. 1763 ... 95 Holmes, Thomas Holmes, 1st baron, 1699-1764 .... 151 Holmes, Thomas James, 1874- 194 Holmes, Silas M. , fl. 1847-59 30 Holms, Joseph, fl. 1781 ... 62 Holroyd, George A. F. C. , see Sheffield, 2nd earl of Holroyd, John Baker, see Sheffield, 1st earl of Holroyd, T. , fl. 1800 . . , Holsople, Nicholas, fl. 1793 , Holt, Charles, fl. 1803 . Holt, Hamilton, 1872-1951 , Holt, Joseph, 1807-94 . . , Hoi ten, Dr. Samuel, fl. 1775 , Holton, Amos, fl. 1835 . . Holzendorf, John, fl. 1790 Homans, Benjamin, fl. 1816 Homans, Benjamin, fl. 1834 Homans, John, fl. 1775 . . Home, George, fl. 1787 . . Thomas, fl. 1771 . . Walter, fl. 1780 . . William, fl. 1786 . . Home, Home, Home, Homer, Homes , John J. , fl. 1835 . Barzillai, fl. 1800 Homes, Henry A., 1812-87 . Homes, John, fl. 1781 . . . . Homfray, Charles, fl. 1781 . Hommel, Peter, fl. 1798 . . . Honduras Magistrates of, fl. 1790 . . Committee of Settlers, fl. 1783 Hone, Philip, fl. 1849 . . . Honeycut, John, fl. 1780 . . Hood, Alexander, see Bridport 1st viscount Hood, J. L., fl. 1855 . . . . Hood, Sir Samuel Hood, 1st viscount, 1724-1816 62, 95, 97, 151, 171, Hook, Theodore, 1788-1841 . . Hooker, Rev. Asahel, 1762-1813 Hooker, C. S. , fl. 1844 . . . Hooker, John, fl. 1802 . . . Hooker, Rev. Thomas R. , 1760-post 1808 Hooker, Warren B. , fl. 1902 . Hooker, Sir William Jackson, 1785-1865 Hooper, Pontius, fl. 1834 . . Hooper, R. , fl. 1827 .... Hooper, Robert Lettis, d. 1785 Hooper, Stephen Hoops, Adam, fl. 1776-82 . . Hoover, Herbert, 1874- 31, 62, 282, 250 299 299 285 64 159 166 109 299 166 . 95 268 . 95 . 62 167 166 . 20 . 71 62 . 62 299 268 88 228 109 39 287 151 194 166 20 250 . 7 174 166 194 109 62 109 285 HOPE - HOUGH 421 Hope, Sir Alexander, 1769-1837 174 Hope, Charles, lord Granton, 1763-1851 .... 97 Hope, David, fl. 17 67 . . . 95 Hope, Erskine, fl. 1787 . . 194 Hope, Sir George, fl. 1812 . 67 Hope, Henry, d. 1789 ..... 62, 98, 268 Hope, James, see Hopetoun, 3rd earl of Hope, John, 1794-1858 ... 151 Hope, Dr. Richard, fl. 1779 62 Hope, Sir William Johnstone, 1766-1831 67 Hope & Co., fl. 1844 . . . 228 Hopes, Samuel, fl. 1799 . . 194 Hopetoun, James Hope, 3rd earl of, 1741-1816 . . 268 Hopkins, Arthur Francis, 1794-1865 30 Hopkins, Benjamin, fl. 1844 166 Hopkins, Charles, f 1.1846 . 166 Hopkins, Daniel 194 Hopkins, Mrs. Elizabeth, fl. 1744 95 Hopkins, Elliott R. , fl. 1838 166 Hopkins, George F. , fl. 1823 299 Hopkins, George H. , fl. 1898 7 Hopkins, James, fl. 1822 . . 20 Hopkins, John, fl. 1780 . . 171 Hopkins, Rev. John Henry, 1792-1868 79, 299 Hopkins, Joseph, fl. 1758 . 14 Hopkins, Dr. Mark, 1802-87 294 Hopkins, S. , fl. 1787 . . . 194 Hopkins, Stephen, 1707-85 4, 95 Hopkins, William F. , fl. 1834 166 Hopkinson, Francis, 1737-91 280 Hopkinson, Joseph, 1770-1842 12'8, 228 Hopper, Jasper, fl. 1800 . 280 Hopson, Peregrine Thomas d. 1759 98 Hopton, John, fl. 1780 ... 62 Hopwood, Avery, 1884-1928 . 285 Horbrook, Cornelius, fl. 1781 62 Horcasitas y Guimes, Juan Antonio de, fl. 1738 . . . 251 Hore, Daniel, d. 1762 . . . 292 Hore, Walter 95 Horn, Joseph G. , fl. 1790 . 299 Horn, W. , fl. 1826 67 Hornblower, J. C. , fl. 1823 299 Hornblower, Josiah, 1729-1809 280 Hornby, William, fl. 1782 . 251 Home, Mr., fl. 1807 .... 97 Home, John 62 Home, Thomas, fl. 17 60 . . 2 68 Home Tooke, John 1736-1812 158 Horner, Francis, 1778-1817 . 151 Horner, Mrs. H. L. , fl. 1836 166 Horner, J., fl. 1791 .... 118 Horner, John S. , fl. 1835 . 166 Horner, Leonard, 1785-1864 . 151 Horner, Samuel 151 Hornor, William M. , fl. 1901 . 6 Horry, Mrs. Daniel, fl. 1781 109 Horry, Peter, fl. 1775-81 . 109 Horsburgh, James, 1762-1836 174 Horsey, Spencer de, fl. 1834-49 67 Horsfield, Israel 109 Horsford, Eben Norton, 1818-93 294 Horsmanden, Daniel, 1694-1778 61, 95, 194 Hort, Sir John, 1st bart., 1735-1807 .... 151, 251, 268 Hort, William, fl. 1782 . . 109 Horton, Joseph, fl. 1819 . . 299 Horton, R. , fl. 1847 .... 39 Horton, Sir Robert Wilmot, 3rd bart., 1784-1841 .... 67 Horton, William, fl. 1700 . 275 Hosack, D. , fl. 1810 .... 299 Hosford, Boudinbt & Brown, fl. 1870 39 Hoskins, Sir Anthony Hiley, 1828-1901 129 Hosmer, Charles, fl. 1840 . . 39 Hosmer, H. L. , fl. 1810 . . 299 Hosmer, Titus, 1737-80 . . . 194 Hotchkin, S. F 299 Hotchkis, Roswell, fl. 1813 299 Hotham, Beaumont Hotham, 2nd baron, 1737-1814 . . . 158 Hotham, Charles, fl. 1769 . . 95 Hotham, George, 1741-1806 . . 97 Hotham, Sir Henry, 1777-1833 67 Hotham, Sir John, bart., d. 1795 98 Hotham, William Hotham, 1st baron, 1736-1813 62, 98, 287 Houden, Michel, fl. 1744 , . 61 Houdin, Anthony Peter, fl. 1767 194 Hough, Franklin B. , 1822-85 36, 87 Hough, Matthias, fl. 1796 . 118 422 HOUGH - HOWLAND Hough, Olmsted, fl. 1834 . . 166 Houghlund, Richard, fl. 1764 95 Houghton, Alanson Bigelow, 1865-1941 285 Houghton, Dr. Douglass, 1809-45 166 Houghton, Jacob, fl. 1846 . 166 Houghton Mifflin Co 194 Houley, John, fl. 1785 ... 62 Housman, A. E. , 1859-1936 . 130 Housradt, Henry H. , fl. 1807 299 Houston, James, fl. 1780 . . 62 Houston, Samuel, 1793-1863 .... 52, 194, 228 Houston, Wm. C. , fl. 1788 . 194 Houstoun, James, fl. 1739 . 251 Houstoun, Sir Patrick, fl. 1767 251 Hove, B., fl. 1838 20 Hovenden, Moore, fl. 1792 . . 62 Hover, Andrew, fl. 1822 . . 299 Hover, John, fl. 1798 . . . 299 Hovey, Alvin Peterson, 1821-91 64 How, Mr., fl. 1780 287 How, Robert, fl. 17 67 . . . 251 Howard, Benjamin C, 1791-1872 52, 166 Howard, Bernard Edward, see Norfolk, 12th duke of Howard, Charles, see Carlisle, 1st earl of Howard, Charles, fl. 1763-67 95, 251 Howard, Charles, fl. 1786 . 109 Howard, Cyrus, fl. 1834 . . 166 Howard, Dan D. , fl. 1848 . . 166 Howard, Frances, Mrs Charles, fl. 1763 251 Howard, Francis, fl. 1770 . . 95 Howard, Frederick, see Carlisle, 5th earl of Howard, Gorges Edmond, 1715-86 151, 275 Howard, H. , fl. 1845 .... 228 Howard, Henry, see Suffolk, 12th earl of Howard, Henry, 1769-1847 . . 151 Howard, Henry Charles, see Norfolk, 13th duke of Howard, J., fl. 1798 .... 174 Howard, James R. , fl. 1861 . 122 Howard, Johan, fl. 1834 . . 166 Howard, John, fl. 1780 . . . 62 Howard, John, see Suffolk, 15th earl of Howard, John Eager, 1752-1827 109 Howard, Joseph, d. 17 97 . . 2 51 Howard, Joshua, fl. 1841 . . 166 Howard, Martin 4 Howard, Oliver Otis, 1830-1909 7, 64 Howard, Samuel Harvey . . . 118 Howard, Thomas, see Effingham, 3rd earl of Howard, William, fl. 1765 . . 95 Howard, Keeler & Scofield, fl. 1838 299 Howatson, James 95 Howdell, Thomas, fl. 1759 . . 95 Howden, 1st baron, see Caradoc, Sir John Francis Howden, 2nd baron, see Caradoc, Sir John Hobart Howe, Lady, fl. 1794 .... 97 Howe, Albion Parris, 1818-97 64 Howe, Dennis, fl. 1843 . . . 166 Howe, Fisher, fl. 1932 ... 31 Howe, George, fl. 1836 . . . 166 Howe, John, fl. 1823 .... 39 Howe, Sir Joseph, 1804-73 . 194 Howe, Julia Ward, 1819-1910 . 52 Howe, Rev. Mark Anthony de Wolfe, 1808-95 79 Howe, Philander R. , fl. 1840 166 Howe, Richard Howe, 4th viscount and 1st earl, 1726-99 62, 97 98, 131, 151, 251, 253, 268 Howe, Robert 95 Howe, Robert, 1732-85 . 109, 194 Howe, W. D. , fl. 1921 . 237, 285 Howe, Sir William, 5th viscount Howe, 1729-1814, . 62 95, 97, 98, 107, 132, 147, 251 Howe, Rev. Wm. Bell White, b. 1823 79 Howe, William Wirt, 1833-1909 31 Howell, A., fl. 1820 .... 299 Howell, Benjamin P., fl. 1863 228 Howell, David, 1747-1824 . . 280 Howell, George, fl. 1781 . . 62 Howell, Jacob S. , fl. 1781 . 109 Howell, John, Jr., fl. 1781 118 Howell, Joseph, fl. 1777 . . 118 Howell, Joseph, Jr., d. 1798 109, 118 Howell, Lewis, fl. 1844 . . 228 Howell, Margaret H. , fl. 1852 228 Howell, Samuel 194 Howells, William Dean, 1837-1920 52, 294 Howes, Wright, b. 1882 ... 60 Howey, Thomas, fl. 1804 . . 299 Howick, viscounts, see Grey, earls Howks, Lambert, fl. 1793 . . 299 Howland, Henry R. , fl. 1902 fl. 1902 194 Howland, James, fl. 1810 . . 299 HOWLAND HULME 423 Howland, Joseph, fl. 1812 . 299 Howland, Samuel, fl. 1847 . 166 Howland, Thomas, Jr. . . . 109 Howland, W. L. , fl. 1849 . 166 Howley, Rev. William, 1766-1848 239 Howse, R., Jr., fl. 1782 . 251 Hoym, Baroness de, fl. 1797 97 Hoyt, Rev. Melancthon, fl. 1843 166 Huay, Robert 95 Hubbard, Bela, 1814-96 . . 166 Hubbard, Caleb, fl. 1835 . 299 Hubbard, E. S., fl. 1835 . 299 Hubbard, Ellen P., fl. 1872 294 Hubbard, Henry, fl. 1839 . 166 Hubbard, Joel, fl. 1791 . . 133 Hubbard, L. H. , fl. 1829 . 299 Hubbard, Lucius L. , 1849-1933 31 Hubbard, Margaret, fl. 1844 299 Hubbard, Nat. D. , fl. 1845 228 Hubbard, Nehemiah, d. 1837 109 Hubbard, Rev. R. B. , fl. 1844 30 Hubbard, Thomas 194 Hubbard Brothers, fl. 1863 39 Hubbell, Jay Broadus, 1885- 285 Hubbell, Samuel, fl. 1760 . 280 Hubbell, William G. , fl. 1801 299 Hubbert, E. , fl. 1810 . . . 299 Hubbill, John, fl. 1781 . . 62 Hubbill, Nathan, fl. 1781 . 62 Hubburd, John, fl. 1712 . . 194 Huber, Wm. Henry, fl. 1924 194 Hubley, Bernard, fl. 1794-98 118 Hubley, J., fl. 1788 ... 118 Huddleston, Richard, fl. 1779 62 Huddleston, William Orch. . 62 Hude, James 194 Hudson, Charles, fl. 1780 . 62 Hudson, G., fl. 1838 .... 39 Hudson, H. , fl. 1840 .... 39 Hudson, Henry, fl. 1833 . . 166 Hudson, Irving, fl. 1849 . 228 Hudson, James 174 Hudson, James, fl. 1845 . . 228 Hudson, Joel, fl. 1782 . . 109 Hudson, Manley Ottmer, 1886- 228, 285 Hudson, R., fl. 1911 . . . 285 Hudson, Timothy B. , 1814-58 30 Hudson (N. Y.), Bank of . . 299 Hudson & Berkshire Railroad Co., fl. 1850 299 Hudson Bay Co 133 Huest, John, fl. 1786 . . . 191 Huff, William, fl. 1835 . . 166 Huffnagle, Michael, d. 1819 118 Huger, Benjamin, 1805-77 . . 64 Huger, Isaac, 1742-97 . 62, 109 Huger, Mary E., fl. 1782 . . 109 Hughes, Charles J., fl. 1833 228 Hughes, Christopher, 1786-1849 52, 228 Hughes, Christopher, Jr., fl. 1820 228 Hughes, Sir Edward, 1720?-94 251 Hughes, George, fl. 1780 . . 62 Hughes, George A., fl. 1849 228 Hughes, George R. H. , fl. 1884 228 Hughes, Hugh, d. 1804 . . . 109 Hughes, Ens. James, fl. 1764 95 Hughes, Ma j . James, fl. 1775 95 Hughes, James, fl. 1810 ... 97 Hughes, John, fl. 1763 . . . 194 Hughes, John, fl. 1783 . . . 109 Hughes, Laura, fl. 1820 . . 228 Hughes, Margaret Smith, fl. 1830 228 Hughes, Patrick, fl. 1780 62 Hughes, Rebecca L 228 Hughes, Sir Richard, 1729?-1812 171 Hughes, Rupert, 1872- . . . 285 Hugo, Ricardo Francisco Fernandez de, fl. 1787 . . 188 Hugouneng, Louis, fl. 1914 285 Hugunin, Robert, fl. 1838 166 Hulbert, A n sel, fl. 1840 . . 166 Hulbert, John J., fl. 1836 166 Hulburt, John, & Co. , fl. 1845 30 Hull, Abraham Fuller, d. 1814 191 Hull, Charles Henry, 1864-1936 285 Hull, Isaac, 1773-1843 . . 234 Hull, Milton, fl. 1838 . . . 166 Hull, William, 1753-1825 20, 52, 191, 232, 281 Hulme, A. C., fl. 1870 . . . 299 Hulme, C, fl. 1883 .... 299 Hulme, D. Franklin, fl. 1835 299 424 HULME HUNTINGTON Hulme, Henri, fl. 1895 299 Hulme , John H. , fl. 1850 299 Hulme, Mary C 299 Hulme, Peter, fl. 1829 . . 299 Hulme , Thomas , fl. 1835 ......... 299 Hulme, Thomas, Jr., fl. 1835 299 Hulse, Richard, fl. 1794 . . 97 HUlsemann, Chevalier, fl. 1848 122 Hulst, Cornelia Stekete . . 134 Hulton, Henry, c. 1731-91 62, 135 Humboldt, Friedrich Heinrich Alexander, freiherr von, 1769-1859 181 Hume, John, fl. 1770 . . 62, 95 Hume, Joseph, 1777-1855 239 Humfrey, William, fl. 1790 205 Humphrey, C. F. , fl. 1898 125 Humphrey, Hiram, fl. 1838 166 Humphrey, Levi S., fl. 1845 166 Humphrey, Rev. Luther, fl. 1834 166 Humphreys, Andrew Atkinson, 1810-83 64 Humphreys, Arthur Lee, 1865-1946 194 Humphreys, David, 1752-1818 109, 194 Humphreys, Francis, fl. 1730-39 251 Humphreys, J., fl. 1833 . . 166 Humphreys, James, fl. 1821 234 Humphreys, Ralph, fl. 1781 109 Humpton, Richard, d. 1804 109 Hunewell, Jonathan, fl. 1814 20 Hunnewell, James F. , fl. 1920 31 Hunsaker, W. J. , fl. 1897 7 Hunt, Col 62 Hunt, Abraham, fl. 1775-80. 109 Hunt, Charles C. P. , fl. 1834 166 Hunt, E. , & son, fl. 1854 39 Hunt, Edwin, fl. 1848 ... 39 Hunt, Freeman, fl. 1844 . . 166 Hunt, Henry Jackson, 1819-89 52, 64 Hunt, James, fl. 1835 . . . 166 Hunt, James Bennett, 1799-1857 .... 30, 166, 298 Hunt, James Henry Leigh, 1784-1859 67 Hunt, Jedediah, fl. 1834 166 Hunt, John E. , fl. 1836 52, 166 Hunt, Joseph, fl. 1850 . . 166 Hunt, L. & W. , fl. 1847 299 Hunt, Leake 62 Hunt, Nathaniel, fl. 1781 . 109 Hunt, Robert F. , fl. 1850 166 Hunt, Samuel, fl. 1847 . . 166 Hunt, Thomas, fl. 1834 . . 166 Hunt, William, fl. 1800 . . 20 Hunt, William B. , fl. 1834 166 Hunt & Wilson, fl. 1844 . . 299 Hunter, Alexander, fl. 1813 194 Hunter, B. B. , fl. 1844 . . 30 Hunter, Elijah 62 Hunter, J. William, fl. 1829 299 Hunter, James, fl. 1780-85. 109 Hunter, John, fl. 1823 . . 299 Hunter, Sir Martin, 1757-1846 97 Hunter, N. , fl. 1797 . . . 194 Hunter, R. , fl. 1838 ... 228 Hunter, Rector, fl. 1842 39 Hunter, Robert, d. 1734 . . 61 Hunter, Robert Mercer Taliaferro, 1809-87 .... 64 Hunter, Thomas Orby, fl. 1759-65 98, 107 Hunter, William, 1805-86 52, 259 Hunter, William Orby, fl. 1789 174 Huntingdon, Francis Hastings, 10th earl of, 1729-89 62 Huntington, Archer Milton, 1870- 289 Huntington, Catherine B. , fl. 1846 39 Huntington, Collis P., 1821-1900 7 Huntington, Rev. David, 1745-1812 136 Huntington, Rev. Dr. E. A., fl. 1847 136 Huntington, Ebenezer, 1754-1834 136 Huntington, Elisha M. , fl. 1841 166 Huntington, Erastus, fl. 1789 136 Huntington, Rev. Frederick Dan, 1819-1904 79 HUNTINGTON IGLESIAS 42 5 Huntington, H. , Jr., fl. 1838 39 Huntington, Hezekiah, d. 1807 136 Huntington, Jabez, 1719-86 136 Huntington, Jedediah, 1743-1818 62, 136 Huntington, Samuel, 1731-96 62, 109, 118, 136, 194 Huntington, Samuel H. , fl. 1822 39 Huntington, Simon, fl. 1778 136 Hurd, Charles E. , fl. 1877 294 Hurd, Melancthon M., fl. 1865 36 Hurd, Rev. Richard, 1720-1808 97 Hurd, Thomas, 17577-1823 268 Hurd, Thomas, fl. 1824 ... 20 Hurd & Houghton, fl. 1865 36 Hurlbut, Stephen A., 1815-82 122 Hurley, L. , fl. 1826 . . . 299 Hurlitz, Timothy 62 Huron Chiefs 95, 118 Douairon, fl. 1774 .... 95 Hurst, Fannie, 1889- . . . 194 Hurt, Rev. John, fl. 1776-94 109 Hurton, J. , fl. 1814 .... 23 Husbands, Elizabeth, Mrs. William?, fl. 1796 . 194 Husbands, Richard, fl. 1750 148 Husbands, William H. H. , fl. 1796 194 Hu-Shih, 1891- 194 Huskisson, William, 1770-1830 67, 174 Huson, Narcissus, fl. 1766 95 Hussey, Thomas, 1741-1803 98 Huster & Aston, fl. 1784 . 118 Huston, Samuel, fl. 1832 . 118 Hutcheson, Francis, fl. 1767-80 62, 95 Hutcheson, Robert, fl. 1779 62 Hutchins, Allen, d. 1839 . 166 Hutchins, Harry Burns, 1847-1930 285 Hutchins, Hillman, fl. 1780 62 Hutchins, John, fl. 1844 . 166 Hutchins, Mrs. Roxanna, fl. 1840 166 Hutchins, Thomas, 1730-89 95, 98, 118, 149, 251 Hutchinson, Anson, fl. 1844 30 Hutchinson, Christopher Hely, 1767-1826 67 Hutchinson, Elisha, 1745-1824 293 Hutchinson, George, fl. 1778 62 Hutchinson, Henry, fl. 1730 251 Hutchinson, Rev. John, 1793-1865 137, 138 Hutchinson, Thomas, 1711-80 4, 42, 95 137, 138, 194, 251, 263, 293 Hutchinson, Thomas, 1740-1811 293 Hutchinson, William, fl. 1774 194 Hutchison, R. , fl. 1829 . . 244 Hutson, Richard, 1748-95 109, 280 Hutson, Thomas, fl. 1782 109 Hutton, C 151 Hutton, James, 1715-95 98, 151, 251 Huyck, Richard J., fl. 1837 166 Huyn, Johann Christoph von, c. 1720-80 147 Hyatt, Elijah, fl. 1814 . . 194 Hyatt, James, fl. 1812 . . 299 Hyatt & Van Hoesen, fl. 1801 299 Hyde, baron, see Clarendon, 1st earl of Hyde, Dr. Dana, fl. 1844 . . 30 Hyde, G. , fl. 1813 .... 299 Hyde, James H. , 1876- 285, 289 Hyde, John, fl. 1744 .... 61 Hyde, John Jay, fl. 1855 . . 39 Hyde, Thomas, fl. 1779 ... 62 Hyde, West, fl. 1778 .... 62 Hyde, William DeWitt, 1858-1917 285 Hyder Ali, c. 1722-82 . . . 251 Hyer, N. F., fl. 1836 ... 166 Hylton, John, fl. 1767 . . 251 Hyma, Albert, 1893- .... 285 Hyrne, Edmund Massingberd, 1748-83 109 Iclar, John 62 Iglesias, Jose" Marfa, 1823-1891 74 426 ILCHESTER - IRWIN Ilchester, Maria Digby Fox- Strangways, countess of, d. 1842 97 Ilchester, Stephen Fox- Strangways, 1st earl of, 1704-76 107 Illinois Court of Judiciary .... 95 French inhabitants of, fl. 1769 95 Magistrates at, fl. 1770 . 95 Illinois Company, fl. 1766 251 "Impartial Observer, An," fl. 1782 251 Impey, Sir Elijah, 1732-1809 251 Inches, B. , fl. 1850 .... 39 Inches, Herman B. , fl. 1855 39 Inchiquin, 5th earl of, see Thomand, 1st marquess of Indians, conferences of. 43, 95 Indino, Thomas, fl. 1862 . 122 Indo, Miguel de, fl. 1710 268 Ingalls, Rufus, fl. 1862 . . 64 Ingels, George, fl. 1803 . 194 Ingersoll, Benjamin, fl. 1768 69 Ingersoll, Charles Jared, 1782-1862 .... 71, 87, 247 Ingersoll, David, fl. 1774 . 95 Ingersoll, David, fl. 1798. 299 Ingersoll, Erastus S. , 1808-80 166 Ingersoll, I., fl. 1787 . . 127 Ingersoll, J. R. , fl. 1835 228 Ingersoll, Jared, 1722-81 95, 118 Ingersoll, Joseph Reed, 1786-1868 52, 194 Ingersoll, R. I. , fl. 1837 166 Ingerson, D. , fl. 1805 . . 299 Ingleman, Joseph, fl. 1782 109 Inglis, Charles, 1734-1816 62 Inglis, John, fl. 1765 ... 95 Inglis, John, fl. 1780 . . 171 Inglis, Sir Robert Harry, 2nd bart., 1786-1855 ... 67 Inglis, Thomas, fl. 1780 . . 62 Ingraham 109 Ingraham, Anna, fl. 1776 . . 62 Ingraham, Edward Duncan, 1793-1854 194 Ingraham, John, fl. 1825 . 299 Ingraham, Nathaniel G. , fl. 1813 299 Ingram, John, fl. 1780 98, 109 Innes, Alexander, fl. 1748-56 292 Innes, Col. Alexander, fl. 1777-82 62, 174 Innes, Charles, fl. 1828 . 299 Innes, John, fl. 1779 . 62, 301 Innes, M. C. , fl. 1818 . . 194 Innes, Patrick, fl. 1769 . . 95 Instone, Samuel, fl. 1780 . 62 International Committee of American Jurists, fl. 1927 228 Ionia County (Mich.) Convention, 1845 30 Irby, Frederick, see Boston, 2nd baron Iredell, Thomas, fl. 1779 . 98 Ireland, fl. 1864 64 Ireland, John, fl. 1773 . . 263 Ireland, Thomas, fl. 1781 . 62 Ireland Lord Lieutenant and Council, 1750 268 Privy Council, 1750 . . . 268 Iriarte, Bernardo de, fl. 1796 ......... 201 Iriarte, Jose* Rafael de, fl. 1810 182 Irish, David, fl. 1839 . . 166 Irish, Nathaniel, d. 1816 109, 194 Ironside, J. Syme, fl. 1870 133 Ironside, William, fl. 1826 299 Iroquois. General Council Lewis Henry Morgan, 1818-81 52 Iroquois Confederacy, see Five Nations Irvin, Adam, fl. 1850 . . . 299 Irvin, D., fl. 1834 .... 166 Irvin, Theodore, fl. 1867 . 36 Irvine, James, 1735-1819 62, 118 Irvine, James Colquhoun, fl. 1939 194 Irvine, Dr. Matthew, s. 1827 109 Irvine, William, 1741-1804 118 Irving, John T., fl. 1826 . 299 Irving, P., fl. 1827 ... 228 Irving, Sir Paulus Emilius, 1714-96 62, 95, 251 Irving, Thomas, fl. 1774-81 ... 11, 98, 251 Irving, Washington, 1783-1859 52, 228 Irwin, Agnes, fl. 1898 ... 52 Irwin, Archibald, fl. 1834-46 118 Irwin, James F. , fl. 1841-51 .... 118 Irwin, Sir John, 1728-88 98 IRWIN JAMISON 427 Irwin, John, fl. 1789 ... 118 Irwin, M., fl. 1812 .... 52 Irwin, Mary, fl. 1928 . . . 285 Irwin, Theodore, fl. 1893 . 71 Irwin, William, fl. 1832-40 118 Irwin & Whiteraan, fl. 1834 118 Isaac, W. M., fl. 1881 . . 228 Isaacs, Samuel, fl. 1781 . . 62 Isham, Giles, S. , fl. 1835-44 30, 166 Isidore, Pere, fl. 1765 . . 95 Isle de France. Assembly . 174 Iturbide, Augustin de, 1783-1824 182, 184 Ives, David, fl. 1781 . ! . 62 Ives, Rev. Levi Silliman, 1797-1867 79 Ives, William, fl. 1849 . . 166 Ivesson, Alfred, fl. 1857 . 64 Ixtlilxochitl , Fernando Cortes, d. c. 1529 .... 180 Iyer, T. S. Ganesa, fl. 1922 285 Izard, Ralph, 1742-1804 194, 251 J. , C. W. , fl. 1782 .... 251 Jackman, Isaac, fl. 1786-95 151 Jacks, Robert, fl. 1797 . . 299 Jackson, A. E., fl. 1864 . . 64 Jackson, Andrew, 1767-1845 . 52, 191, 228, 282 Jackson, C. C. , c. 1814-83 166 Jackson, Cyril, 1746-1819 158 Jackson, Daniel, fl. 1834 166, 194 Jackson, David, c. 1743-1801 280 Jackson, Hamilton S. , fl. 1835 166 Jackson, Rev. Henry Melville 79 Jackson, Hugh B. , fl. 1870 39 Jackson, J. R. , fl. 1841 . 228 Jackson, James, fl. 1785 . 251 Jackson, James, fl. 1840 . 299 Jackson, James Caleb, 1811-95 30 Jackson, John George, 1777-1825 194 Jackson, Jonathan, fl. 1789 20 Jackson, Jonathan, 1743-1810 280 Jackson, Joseph D. , fl. 1810 67 Jackson, Mrs. Lucy, fl. 1861 194 Jackson, Patrick Tracy, 1780-1847 20 Jackson, Richard, d. 1787 251, 275 Jackson, Robert, fl. 1744 . 61 Jackson, Robert, fl. 1826 . 299 Jackson, Robert J 151 Jackson, Samuel, fl. 1848 . 228 Jackson, Sheldon, 1834-1909 7 Jackson, Thomas, fl. 1817 . 250 Jackson, William, fl. 1772 . 95 Jackson, William, 1759-1828 .... 62, 109, 151 Jackson & Dunn, fl. 1784 . 118 Jacob, Joshua 194 Jacob, William, fl. 1775 . . 95 Jacobs, Albert 194 Jacobs, Maximilian, fl. 1771 95 Jacobs, Thomas H. , fl. 1834 166 Jacobson, Rev. William, 1803-84 67 Jacques, John, fl. 1780 . . 98 Jadeau, Mons. , fl. 1764 . . 95 Jadot, Louis, fl. 1765 ... 95 Jadus, C. N. Godfrey, fl. 1781 98 Jaffrey, George, fl. 1754-68 194, 251 Jagger, Rev. Thomas Augustus, 1839-1912 .... 79 Jamaica Assembly 251 Committee of Correspondence 251 Council 98, 251 Planters of, fl. 1779 ... 98 Planters and merchants of, fl. 1779 98 James, C. W. , fl. 1847 . . 166 James, Edmund J., 1855-1925 165 James, George, fl. 1781 . . 62 James, George F. , fl. 1838 166 James, Stephen, fl. 1798 . 299 James, Thomas, fl. 1771 . . 95 James, Walter 151 James, Webster 109 James, William, fl. 1779 . . 62 James, William, 1842-1910 52 Jameson, J. Franklin, 1859-1937 . 31, 194, 294, 285 Jamieson, Neil, fl. 1776 . . 62 Jamieson, Neil, & Co. ... 62 Jamineau, Mons., fl. 1766 . 251 Jamison, Adam, fl. 1783 . . 109 Jamison, Benjamin, fl. 1803 194 428 JANCOURT - JERVAIS Jancourt, Mons. , fl. 1815 Jansen, John B. , fl. 1825 Jansen, T. B. , fl. 1823 . January , William L. , fl. 1897 Jaques, Peter L. , fl. 1836 Jaquet, Peter, fl. 1759 . Jaquett, Peter, d. 1834 . Jarret, Henry, fl. 1804 . Jarvis, Rev. Abraham, 1739/40-1813 Jarvis, James, fl. 1781 . Jarvis, John, fl. 1740 . . Jarvis, N. , fl. 1820 . . . Jarvis, Samuel, & Farmar, fl. 1846 Jarvis, Bulkley & Wheeler, fl. 1819 . . . Jasper, Edward, d. 17 49 . . Jauncey, James, d. 17 90 . . Jay, Sir James, 1732-1815 251, Jay, John, 1745-1829 . . . 90, 121, 194, 251, 280, Jay, Peter Augustus, 1776-1843 52, Jay, Richard, fl. 1781 . . Jay, William, 1789-1858 30, Jaycox, Thomas S. , fl. 1825 Jeeb, Thomas, fl. 1787 . . Jefferds, William, fl. 1804 Jeffers, John, fl. 1788-91 Jefferson, Thomas, 1743-1826 52, 122, 142, 174, 251, 281, Jefferson, Wilson Johnson, fl. 1846 Jefferys, Thomas, 1699-1771 Jeffrey, Francis Jeffrey, lord, 1773-1850 Jeffrey, Robert, fl. 1778 . Jeffries, John 1744-1819 Jekyil, Joseph 1754-1837 Jencke, Daniel, fl. 1755 . Jenckes, John Jenckes, Joseph, 1656-1740 Jenifer, Daniel of St. Thomas, 1723-90 . . 4, 62, Jenkins, Abel, fl. 1846 . . Jenkins, Charles, 1716-68 Jenkins, 1805-83 Jenkins, Charles Jones E. J., fl. 1779 Jenkins, Edward, fl. 1780 . 67 Jenkins, Elisha, fl. 1799 . 299 299 Jenkins, G. , fl. 1813 . . . 299 299 Jenkins, Hannah, fl. 1775-86 118 . 7 Jenkins, Joseph, fl. 1768 . 118 Jenkins, Lydia, fl. 1756 . . 118 39 Jenkins, Marshal, fl. 1812 . 299 95 Jenkins, Mary Gray, 109 Mrs. Charles, d. c. 1796 . 118 194 Jenkins, Phineas, Jr., fl. 1762 118 7 9 Jenkins, Robert, & Co., 62 fl. 1805 299 61 Jenkins, Sarah, see 299 Harmar, Mrs. Josiah Jenkins, Stephen, 39 d. c. 1759 . 118 Jenkins, Mrs. Susannah, 299 fl. 1781 109 61 Jenkins, Thomas, fl. 1798 . 299 98 Jenkins, Thomas, & Sons, fl. 1798 299 268 Jenkins, William, 62 d. c. 1711 118 286 Jenkins, William, 1704-c. 1781 118 299 Jenkins, Capt. William, 62 fl. 1767 95 Jenkinson, Charles, see 294 Liverpool, 1st earl of Jenkinson, Robert Banks, see 299 Liverpool, 2nd earl of 268 Jenks, William L. , 1856-1936 31, 285 20 Jennings, Henry S. , fl. 1843 166 118 Jennings, John, fl. 1762-77 98, 268 109 Jennings, Joseph Clayton, 286 fl. 1786 251 Jennings, M. M. , fl. 1884 . . 39 228 Jennings, Richard Downing, fl. 1780-86 251 194 Jennison, Mrs. Florence Birney 30 151 Jennison, H. W. , 146 fl. 1854 30 Jennison, Timothy L. , 62 fl. 1794-1827 20 Jenny, R. W. , f 1 . 1846 ... 30 151 Jensen, John B. , 4 fl. 1826 299 194 Jephson, Richard M. , fl. 1805 211 251 Jerome, Thomas Spencer, fl. 1901 7 109 Jersey, George Bussy 194 Villiers, 4th earl of, 1735-1805 97 118 Jersey, Sarah Sophia Fane Villiers, countess of, 247 d. 1867 67 98 Jersey, Royal Court .... 251 62 Jervais, John, fl. 1784 . . 109 JERVIS - JOHNSON 429 Jervis, Sir John, see St. Vincent, 1st earl of Jervis, T. , fl. 1804 ... 211 Jesse, Edward 151 Jesse, Edward, 1780-1868 . . 67 Jessen, Christopher, fl. 1766 95 Jessup, Edward, fl. 1737 . . 16 Jessup, William, 1797-1868 30 Jesuits. Letters from Missions (Philippine Islands ) . . 144 Jesup, Thomas Sidney, 1788-1860 .... 52, 191, 194 Jesup, W. T 247 Jesus, Fr. Jose" Manuel de, fl. 1823 181 Jeune, Rev. Francis, 1806-68 67 Jewett, Dr. Adam, 1807-75 30 Jewett, Charles, fl. 1843 . 166 Jewett, George W. , fl. 1838 166 Jewett, Sophronia A., Mrs. Hubbard, fl. 1844 . . 30 Jewitt, Albert, fl. 1835 . 244 Jimenez, N. N. , fl. 1866 . . 74 Jimenez de Vargas, Luis, fl. 1558 183 Jocelyn, Robert, 1st earl of Roden, 1731-97 .... 275 Jocelyn, Robert, 3rd earl of Roden, 1788-1870 .... 67 Johan, Carl, fl. 182 5 . . . 228 Johne, C. V. D. , fl. 1903 . . 7 Johns, Frederica, fl. 1864 118 Johns, James, 1797-1874 . . 145 Johns, Rev. John, 1796-1876 79 Johnson, Allen, 1870-1931 285 Johnson, Andrew, 1808-75 . 282 Johnson, B. J. , fl. 1782-91 62, 251 Johnson, Benjamin P. , fl. 1844 166 Johnson, Bradley Tyler, , 1829-1903 64 Johnson, C, fl. 1836 ... 87 Johnson, C. , fl. 1845 . . . 228 Johnson, C. R. , fl. 1899 . . 7 Johnson, Cave, 1793-1866 . . 52 Johnson, Daniel 194 Johnson, Daniel, fl. 1804 . 299 Johnson, Eastman, 1824-1906 194 Johnson, Edward W. , fl. 1874 39 Johnson, Edwin Ferry, 1803-72 166 Johnson, Elizabeth .... 247 Johnson, Ethan S. , fl. 1849 166 Johnson, George, fl. 1780 . 62 Johnson, Guy, 1740-88 62, 95, 251 Johnson, Henry, fl. 1730 . 251 Johnson, Sir Henry, 1748-1835 62 Johnson, Henry, fl. 1779 . 118 Johnson, Irving P. , fl. 1917 52 Johnson, Isaac, fl. 1778 . . 20 Johnson, J., fl. 1864 ... 122 Johnson, J. Eastman, 1805-88 166 Johnson, James 122 Johnson, James, fl. 1806 . 299 Johnson, Rev. James Steptoe 79 Johnson, John 95 Johnson, John, fl. 1749 . . 251 Johnson, John, fl. 1833 . . 166 Johnson, John G. , 1841-1917 118 Johnson, John P 39 Johnson, John P. , fl. 1835 299 Johnson, John T. , 1788-1856 30 Johnson, Joseph, 1776-1862 194 Johnson, Lucius A., fl. 1840 166 Johnson, Mathew, fl. 1760-80 95, 287 Johnson, Nehemiah, fl. 1821 299 Johnson, Noadiah, fl. 1835 166 Johnson, Noah, fl. 1759 . . 95 Johnson, Obadiah, fl. 1781 . 62 Johnson, Oliver, fl. 1834 . 166 Johnson, Oliver, 1809-89 30, 294 Johnson, R. S, , fl. 1861 . . 52 Johnson, Reverdy, 1796-1876 194, 228 Johnson, Richard, fl. 1781 62 Johnson, Richard M. , 1781-1850 52, 166 Johnson, Richard W. , 1827-97 64 Johnson, Robert, fl. 1790 . 118 Johnson, Robert, fl. 1838 . 299 Johnson, Rossiter, 1840-1931 194, 237 Johnson, Simeon M., fl. 1839 166 Johnson, Thomas, 1732-1819 109, 280 Johnson, Thomas, Jr., fl. 1775 95 Johnson, Thomas, 1772-1839 174 Johnson, W. , fl. 1852 . . . 228 430 JOHNSON - JONES Johnson, Rev. W. L., 1800-70 247 Johnson, Walter, fl. 1798 299 Johnson, Wilburs, fl. 1918 285 Johnson, Sir William, 1st bart., 1715-74 ... 4, 14, 61 62, 95, 194, 251, 263 Johnson, William, 1771-1834 109, 194 Johnson, William Samuel, 1727-1819 2, 299 Johnston, A., fl. 1810 . . . 299 Johnston, Albert Sidney, 1803-62 64 Johnston, Andrew, fl. 1778-86 109 Johnston, Clarence Thomas, b. 1872 285 Johnston, Francis, d. 1815 62, 109, 118 Johnston, James, fl. 1768 . 251 Johnston, James, fl. 1780 . 118 Johnston, John, fl. 1811 . . 10 Johnston, John, fl. 1835 . . 118 Johnston, John, 1775-1861 281 Johnston, John C. , fl. 1820 299 Johnston, John C, fl. 1837 166 Johnston, Joseph Eggleston, 1807-91 52, 64, 122 Johnston, Joshua 194 Johnston, Josiah Stoddard, 1784-1833 64 Johnston, Lewis, fl. 1776 . . 62 Johnston, Richard, fl. 1772 275 Johnston, Ens. Robert, fl. 1768 95 Johnston, Robert, d. 1808 . 109 Johnston, Robert N 87 Johnston, Samuel, fl. 1781 62 Johnston, Samuel, fl. 1836 67 Johnston, Thomas, fl. 1833 20 Johnston, W. , fl. 1850-55 . . 67 Johnston, William 194 Johnston, William, fl. 1780 62 Johnston, William, fl. 1833 118 Johnston, William, fl. 1845 166, 298 Johnston, Wm. Preston, 1831-99 64 Johnstone, Alexander, fl. 1760 95 Johnstone, Andrew James Cochrane, fl. 1793-1814 . . 67 Johnstone, George, 1730-87 62, 95, 149, Johnstone, William, fl. 1755-81 62, Joinville, prince de, fl. 1860 , Jolidon, Mons., fl. 1780 . . Jollie, Martin, fl. 1776 . . Jolliffe, William, d. 1802 Joly, L., fl. 1779 Jone, M. Jose Ignacib Garcia fl. 1788 Jones, Allen, 251 301 52 127 62 158 127 188 1739- 1807 109 Jones, Anson, fl. 1839 . . . 228 Jones, Archibald, fl. 182 . 39 Jones, Benjamin, fl. 1780 . . 62 Jones, Benjamin, fl. 1799 . . 20 Jones, C. Bassett, fl. 17c . 97 Jones, Cadr. , fl. 1816 . . . 20 Jones, Dr. Calvin, 1775- 1846 142 Jones, Carl . 31 Jones, Cyrus, fl. 1865 . . . 122 Jones, D. G., fl. 1833 . . . 166 Jones, Daniel, fl. 1780. 62, 287 Jones, David, fl. 1817 . . . 299 Jones, David, fl. 1833 . . . 166 Jones, David R. , d. 186< 122 Jones, David S. , fl. 1844 . 166 Jones, Edward, fl. 1779-83 109 Jones, Edward, fl. 1824 . . 228 Jones, Edward Alfred, 1872- 1943 285 Jones, Edward F. , fl. 1861 . 64 Jones , Elisha, fl. 1779 . . . 62 Jones, Emma 165 Jones, Ephraim, fl. 1785 . . 20 Jones, G. C, fl. 1843 . . . 166 Jones, George Wallace, 1804- 96 52, 118, 166 Jones , Dr. Henry Bunce, 1814- 73 151 Jones, Hugh B., fl. 1842 . . 228 Jones, Ira, fl. 1834 . . . . 166 Jones , J. Seawall, fl. 1835 . 87 Jones , John, fl. 1765 . . . . 95 Jones, John, fl. 1781 . . . 109 Jones, John, fl. 1835 . . . . 30 Jones, John J. , fl. 1805 . . 299 Jones, John P. , fl. 1829 . . 299 Jones, John Paul, 1747-92 . 146 Jones, John Rice, 1759- 1824 118 Jones, John Winter, 1805- 81 31, 67, 151 Jones, Joseph, 1727- 1805 6?, Jones, Rev. Laban, fl. 1835 . 30 JONES - KEARSLEY 431 Jones, Levi, fl. 1798 . . . 299 Jones, M. , fl. 1829 .... 299 Jones , Matt B. , 1871-1941 31 Jones, Nathan, fl. 1774 . . 95 Jones, Noble, fl. 1766 . . 251 Jones, Owen, fl. 1768 . . . 118 Jones, R 87 Jones, Richard H. , fl. 1810 52 Jones, Samuel, fl. 1779 . . 251 Jones, Samuel, fl. 1776-81. 109 Jones, Samuel, fl. 1802 . . 299 Jones, Samuel, fl. 1863 . . 64 Jones, T. D. , fl. 1857 ... 52 Jones, Thomas, fl. 1779-82 62, 109 Jones, Thomas, fl. 1810 . . 299 Jones, Thomas Catesby, 1790-1858 194 Jones, Thomas W. , fl. 1837 166 Jones, Valentine, fl. 1765-77 62, 95 Jones, Warren G. , fl. 1844 30 Jones, Willard, fl. 1814 . . 20 Jones, Sir William, 1746-94 97, 151 Jones, William, fl. 1809 . 191 Jones, William R. , fl. 1803 299 Jones & Son & Clinch, fl. 1802 299 Joralemon, John P., fl. 1842 294 Joralemon, N. H. , fl. 1865 36 Jordan, Jacob, d. 1802 ... 95 Jordan, James, fl. 1775 . . 95 Jordan, John, fl. 1746 ... 61 Jordan, John, Jr., fl. 1867. 36 Jordan, John W. , fl. 1894 289 Jordan, Michael, fl. 1781 62 Jordan, Thomas, 1819-95 64, 122 Jordan, W. , fl. 1829 . . . 299 Joseph, Israel 109 Josephson, Manuel, fl. 1757 61 Joslyn, Chauncey, fl. 1844 166 Josselyn, Freeman M. , fl. 1865 36 Jouet, Chevalier, fl. 1780 62 Jouett, William R. , d. 1852 166 Jouy, comte de, see Rouille", Antoine Louis Joy, H. H 228 Joy, James Frederick, 1810-96 7, 30 Joy, N. H., fl. 1850 .... 166 Joy & Porter, fl. 1846 . 30, 166 Joyce, Thomas, fl. 1781 62 Joyner, John 109 Juarez, Benito, 1806-72 74 Juchereau, Mme . Thdrese Migeon, fl. 1702 43 Juchereau de St. Denis, Noel, d. 1704 43 Judd, John, fl. 1780 .... 251 Judson, Andrew T. , fl. 1838 166 Jukel, John, fl. 1812 ... 299 Julien, Roch-Joseph, fl. 1775 143 Julliott, S. P 62 Juneau, Solomon, fl. 1837 166 Jungkenn, Friedrich Christian Arnold, freiherr von, 1732-1806 147 Justo Corro, Josd, fl. 1837. 184 "Justus" 62 Juthero, John, fl. 1780 ... 62 K Kaltchas, Nicholas Stavrow, 1895-1937 285 Kane, Achibald, fl. 1802 . . 299 Kane, George P. , fl. 1857 64 Kane, John, fl. 1785 .... 62 Kane, Richard, 1666-1736? 251, 268 Kane, Thomas Leiper, 1822-83 52 Kapicka v. Pafring, Josef, fl. 1865 74 Kar, Manmatha Nath, fl. 1927 285 Kaskaskias, French inhabitants of, fl. 1768 . . 95 Katenkamp, Herman, fl. 1778 62 Kaunitz-Reitberg, Venceslaus Anton Dominik, prinz von, 1711-94 97, 251 Kay-Shuttleworth, Sir James Phillips, 1st bart., 1804-77 151 Kean, John, 1756-95 .... 280 Kean, John, fl. 1781-1808 .... 109, 118 Keane, Michael, fl. 1782-93 251, 268 Kearney, Dyre, d. c. 1791 . 280 Kearns, James 62 Kearny, Philip, 1815-62 . . 122 Kearsal, Robert, fl. 1781 . . 62 Kearsley, Jonathan, fl. 1844 166 432 KEATE - KENT AND STRATHERN Keate, Dr. Thomas, 1745-1321 Keble, John, 1792-1866 . . . Keckely, George Keeler, Eleazer, fl. 1836 . Keeler, Simon 0. , fl. 1844 . Keen, Gregory B. , fl. 1901 . Keen, Lot, fl. 1775 .... Keene, Sir Benjamin, 1697-1757 61, 174, 223, 251, Keene, G. W. , fl. 1891 . . . Keener, David, fl. 1843 . . Keeney, Benjamin, fl. 1844 . Keeney, Salmon, fl. 1835 . . Keep, Rev. John, 1781-1870 30, Keese, John M. , fl. 1865 . . Keilt, L. M. , fl. 1853 . . . Keiser, Luis, fl. 1794 . . . Keith, Sir Basil, fl. 1773 . Keith, George Keith Elphinstone, 1st viscount, 1746-1823 62, 97, Keith, James Keith, James, d. 1829 . . . Keith, John, & Co. , fl. 1852 Keith, Robert, d. 1774 . . . Keith, Robert, fl. 1779 . . , Keith, Sir Robert Murray, 1730-95 151, 251, Keith, Sir William, bart. , 1680-1749 , Keith, William, fl. 1833 Kelland, Thomas, fl. 1670 Kellett, Arthur, fl. 1819 Kellog, Joseph, fl. 1724 Kellog, Samuel, fl. 1855 Kellogg, Dwight, fl. 1848 Kellogg, F. W. , fl. 1854 Kellogg, Hiram Huntington fl. 1832-43 Kellogg, John R. , fl. 1850 Kellogg, Louise Phelps . Kellogg, Samuel, fl. 1826 . Kellogg, William, fl. 1766 . Kelly, Abby, 1811-87 . . Kelly, Dennis , Kelly, Francis, fl. 1835 Kelly, Harry Francis, 1895- Kelly, James, fl. 1780 . Kelly, James, fl. 1829 . Kelly, John, fl. 1844 . , Kelly, Patrick, fl. 1781 Kelly, Shaun, fl. 1913 . Kelly, William, fl. 1780 Kelsey, Francis W. , 1858-1927 237 Kemble, Gouverneur, 1786-1875 Kemble, John Philip, 1757-1823 Kemble, Samuel 97 151 109 166 166 285 95 268 194 30 166 166 294 36 64 118 263 174 122 69 39 251 62 268 251 166 194 67 251 39 166 . 7 30 166 31 299 251 294 109 244 194 62 299 52 62 285 287 285 52 31 62 Kemble, Stephen, 1740-1829 62, 95 Kemp, E. D. , fl. 1855 . . . 228 Kemp, John, 1753-1812 . . . 193 Kempe, John Tabor, fl. 1758-91 . 62, 95, 251, 263 Kempe, William 95 Kemper, Rev. Jackson, 1789-1870 39, 79 Kemper, John, fl. 1796 . . . 299 Kempster, Thomas, fl. 1727 . 268 Kendall, Amos, fl. 1840 166, 299 Kendall, David G. , fl. 1849 166 Kendall, J., fl. 1781 .... 62 Kendall, Jacob, fl. 1829 . . 166 Kendall, Smith, fl. 1845 . . 39 Kendel, William 62 Kendrick, Rev. John Mills . . 79 Kenly, Charles J. , fl. 1835 118 Kenly, William, fl. 1774-86 118 Kennedy, Andrew E 228 Kennedy, Anthony, fl. 1850 . 228 Kennedy, Archibald, d. 1763 61, 251 Kennedy, Archibald, 11th earl of Cassilis, d. 1794 62, 95 Kennedy, D. S. , fl. 1835 . . 20 Kennedy, David, fl. 1786 . . 118 Kennedy, Fanny H., fl. 1885 228 Kennedy, H. C. , fl. 1854 . . 228 Kennedy, James 87 Kennedy, John, fl. 1813 ... 23 Kennedy, John Stewart, 1830-1907 194 Kennedy, Joseph C. G. , fl. 1823 118 Kennedy, Patrick, fl. 1770 . 95 Kennedy, Philip C. , fl. 1850 228 Kennedy, Primrose, fl. 1760 95 Kennedy, Robert Lenox, fl. 1865 36 Kennedy, Samuel, fl. 1768 . . 95 Kennedy, William, fl. 1753 . 148 Kennerley, Mitchell, b. 1878 31 Kennon, Anthony, fl. 1745 . . 61 Kenny, Samuel 62 Kenny, W. W. , fl. 1912 ... 165 Kensington, William Edwardes, 1st baron, 1711-1801 ... 268 Kent, James, fl. 1780 .... 87 Kent, Nathaniel, 1727-1810 97 Kent, William A., fl. 1844 . 166 Kent and Strathern, Prince Edward Augustus, duke of, 1767-1820 .... 97, 174, 253 KENT COUNTY - KING 433 Kent County (England), Members of Parliament . . . 151 Kent County ( Md . ) , Inhabitants of 194 Kenyon, Lloyd Kenyon, 1st baron, 1732-1802 97, 151, 251 Keough, Matthew, fl. 1767 . . 95 Keppel, Augustus Keppel, 1st viscount, 1725-86 151, 158, 251, 268 Keppel, George, see Albemarle, 3rd earl of Keppel, George Thomas, see Albemarle Keppel, William, 1727-82. 62, 95 Keppel, Sir William, c. 1750-1834 62 Keppel, William Anne, see Albemarle, 2nd earl of Ker, George, fl. 1782 . . . 109 Ker, John, see Roxburgh, 3rd duke of Ker, Dr. John, d. 1850 ... 30 Ker, Joseph, fl. 1794-98 118 Kerber, John 109 Kerby, Thomas, fl. 1735 ... 16 Kercheval, Benjamin B. , fl. 1833 166 Kerfoot, Rev. John Barrett, 1816-81 79 Kergarion, Loemaria, comte de, b. 1739 194 Kerley, Michael L. , fl. 1835 166 Kermar, Mr., fl. 1727 . . . 268 Kernot, Henry, fl. 1865 ... 39 Kerr, Anthony, fl. 1830 . . 299 Kerr, Job, fl. 1781 62 Kerr, John, fl. 1767 .... 251 Kerr, Justice James .... 174 Kerr, Lowell S., fl. 1928 . 285 Kerr, Phillip H. , fl. 1928 . 285 Kerr, William Henry, see Lothian, 4th marquess of Kerr, William John, see Lothian, 5th marquess of Kerry, 4th earl of, see Lansdowne, 3rd marquess of Kersaint, Armand-Guy-Simon de Coetnempren, comte de, 1742-93 251 Kersey, William, fl. 1789-98 118 Kershaw, Ely, d. 1780 . . . 109 Kershaw, Joseph, fl. 1776-82 109 Kerslake, Thomas, 1812-91 . . 67 Kesselburgh, Jacob, fl. 1798 299 Ketcham, John H. , b. 1831 122 Ketchum, Rev. Isaac S. , fl. 1844 166 Ketchum, Joseph, fl. 1790 . 299 Kethen, D. J., fl. 1781 . . 109 Keugh, William, fl. 1779 . . 62 Key, Francis Scott, 1779-1843 52, 194 Keyes, Ebenezer, fl. 1798 . . 20 Keyser, A., fl. 1826 .... 299 Khan, Sir Shafa'at Ahmad, 1893-1947 285 Kidd, J. H., fl. 1899 .... 7 Kidd, James, fl. 1781 .... 62 Kiener, Christian, fl. 1781 62 Kiersted, C. C. , fl. 1817 . 299 Kiersted, John, fl. 1813 . . 299 Kiersted, Luke, fl. 1813 . . 299 Kilbourn, Byron, fl. 1844 . 166 Kilbourne, James, 1770-1850 161 Kilby, Christopher, fl. 1758 95 Kilgore, James 194 Killaloe, William 151 Kilmorey, 1st earl of, see Needham, Francis Jack Kilpatrick, Hugh Judson, 1836-81 64 Kilty, John, fl. 1776-82 . . 109 Kimball, Elijah H. , fl. 1841 166 Kimball, Frederick, fl. 1780 109 Kimball, Henry H. , fl. 1865 36 Kimball, Nathan, 1823?-98 64 Kimball, William Wirt, 1848-1930 289 Kimberly, Charles S. , fl. 1856 30 Kimberly, Ebenezer C. , fl. 1856 30 Kimbrough, John, fl. 1775-80 109 Kinan, James, fl. 1780 . . . 109 Kindle, James, fl. 1834 . . 166 King, Adam E. , fl. 1892 ... 7 King, Benjamin, fl. 1749 . . 16 King, Dr. Benjamin, fl. 1818-63 166 King, E. W., fl. 1827 . . . 299 King, Elisha, fl. 1777-82 109 King, George W. , fl. 1840 299 King, Gilbert, fl. 1763 ... 95 King, Grace Elizabeth, 1852-1932 289 King, H. S., fl. 1812 .... 67 King, Horatio, 1811-97 64, 87 King, Horatio C f , fl. 1902 . . 7 King, J., fl. 1865 169 King, J. B. , Transportation Co., fl. 1898 125 434 KING - KNICKERBOCKER King, Dr. J. W. , fl. 1845 30 King, John, fl. 1781 . 109, 301 King, John, fl. 1848 . . . 166 King, John A. , fl. 1827 299 King, John H. , b. c. 1818 . 122 King, Joseph L. , fl. 1831 299 King, Richard 109 King, Rufus, 1755-1827 . . . 194, 293, 299 King, Rufus, 1814-76 .... 64 King, Thomas Butler, 1804-64 247 King, Vincent, & Co. . . . 299 King, William 95 King, William O. , fl. 1835 299 King, William R. , fl. 1844 228 King & Wilson, fl. 1840 . . 166 Kinglake, Alexander William, 1809-91 151 Kingsbury, Eleazer, fl. 1775 159 Kingsbury, Harmon, fl. 1842 30 Kingsbury, Jacob, d. 1837 118 Kingsland, A., fl. 1803 . '. 299 Kingsley, James, fl. 1830-52 166 Kingsley, Moses, fl. 1834 . 166 Kingsley, William, 1698?-1769 251 Kingston, Robert, fl. 1781. 251 Kingston, Thomas B. , fl. 1825 299 Kinloch, Francis, 1755-1826 109 Kinnaird, George Kinnaird, 7th baron, d. 1805 .... 268 Kinne, Asa, fl. 1847 .... 30 Kinney, Thomas J., fl. 1817 299 Kinney, William, fl. 1840 . . . 87 Kinney, William Burnett,. fl. 1819 299 Kinnoull, Thomas Hay, 8th earl of, 1710-87 ... 61 , 251 Kinsey, James, 1731-1803 280 Kinsey, John, 1693-1750 . . 194 Kinsley, Z. J. D. , fl. 1844 30 Kinzie, John H. , d. 1865 166 Kip, Leonard, fl. 1825 . . 299 Kip, Ralph, fl. 1831 . . . 299 Kip, Rev. Wm. Ingraham, 1811-93 79 Kipp, John, fl. 1813 . . . 299 Kirby, Frank E. , fl. 1898 125 Kirby, Michael G. , fl. 1834 166 Kirby & Yeats, fl. 1826 . . 299 Kirch, John, fl. 1827 . . . 299 Kirkby, John, fl. 1782 . . 268 Kirke, Edward Norris, 1802-74 52 Kirke, Robert, fl. 1767 . . 251 Kirkland, Caroline Stansbury, Mrs. William, 1801-64 . . 294 Kirkland, John Thornton, 1770-1840 20 Kirkland, Moses, fl. 1778 62 Kirkman, T. and J., fl. 1832 30 Kirkpatrick, A. , fl. 1788 118 Kirtland, F. W. , fl. 1844 166 Kite, Thomas, fl. 1847 . . 194 Kite, William A. , fl. 1781 62 Kitt, Frederick, fl. 1797 . 194 Kittle, A. N. , fl. 1813 . . 299 Kittle, John, fl. 1815 . . 299 Kittredge, George Lyman, 1860-1941 285 Klaw, Frances, fl. 1778 . . 194 Kleild, Anne, fl. 1785 . . 299 Klein, Henry, fl. 1785 ... 62 Kline, Nicholas, fl. 1798 299 Klum, Philip, fl. 1800 . . 299 Knapp, D. B. , fl. 1847 . . 166 Knapp, Israel 62 Knapp, John, fl. 1783 20, 109 Knapp, Shepherd, fl. 1826 299 Knapp, Thomas S. , fl. 1833 166 Knatchbull, Sir Edward, 9th bart., 1781-1849 ... 67 Knecht, Anthony, fl. 1779 . 62 Kneeland, Benjamin, fl. 1801 142 Kneeland, William, fl. 1786 20 Knickerbacker, Rev. David Buell 79 Knickerbacker, Evert, fl. 1766 95 Knickerbacker, Evert, fl. 1840 299 Knickerbocker, Edwin, fl. 1840 299 Knickerbocker, John L. , fl. 1806 299 Knickerbocker, Lawrence, fl. 1768 299 Knickerbocker, Peter, fl. 1835 299 KNICKERBOCKER - LACEY 435 Knickerbocker, Philip H. , fl. 1844 299 Knickerbocker & Brodhead , fl. 1847 299 Knickerbocker & More, fl. 1844 299 Knight, Anne, fl. 1838 . . 294 Knight, Charles, 1791-1873 67 Knight, Rev. Cyrus Frederic, 1831-91 79 Knight, Elias D. , fl. 1835 244 Knight, Henry, fl. 1775 95 Knight, Henry Gaily, 1786-1847 151 Knight, John, fl. 1662 ... 20 Knight, Joshua, fl. 1771 118 Knight, Richard Payne, 1750-1824 151 Knighton, Sir William, 1st bart., 1776-1836 . . . 174 Knoblauch, Baron de, fl. 1783 251 Knoblauch, Hans von, fl. 1780 147 Knoedler, M. , & Co. , fl. 1872 39 Knower, B. , fl. 1823 . . . 299 Knowles , Sir Charles, 1st bart., d. 1777 . . 61, 292 Knowles, Charlotte, fl. 1776 62 Knowles, Henry, fl. 1747 . 268 Knowles, James Sheridan, 1784-1862 194 Knowles, John, fl. 1761 . . 95 Knowles, John, fl. 1780 . . 62 Knox, George, fl. 1777-81 62, 109 Knox, Henry, 1750-1806 . 11, 52 62, 109, 118, 122, 194, 253 Knox, Henry M. , fl. 1902 . 299 Knox, John, fl. 1760 .... 95 Knox, William, 1732-1810 . . 62 97, 98, 149, 167, 194, 251, 268 Knox, William, fl. 1789 . . 118 Knyphausen, Wilhelm, freiherr von 1716-1800 . . 62, 98, 147 Koch, Theodore Wesley, 1871-1941 31, 285 Koecker, Leonard R. , fl. 1860 36 Kohl, Johann Georg, 1808-78 87, 262 Kohl, Theodore G. , fl. 1858 52 KOhler, Johann Christoph von, fl. 1777 147 Kollock, Simon 62 Koon, Hendrick, fl. 1801 . 299 Koon, Henry, fl. 1850 ... 299 Koon, John A., fl. 1798 . . 299 Kornmann, F. Grimo, fl. 1797 194 Kortright, Lawrence 62 Kortz, John, fl. 1798 . . . 299 Kosciuszko, Tadeusz, 1746-1817 194 Kospoth, Heinrich Julius von, fl. 1778 147 Kossuth, Louis, 1802-94 . . 194 Kountz, John S., fl. 1898 . . 7 Kraker, Rd. , fl. 1864 . . . 194 Kraus, Horatio, fl. 1927 . . 228 Kress, Azaniah, fl. 1848 . . 30 Kress, E. W. , fl. 1780 . . . 109 Krey, August Charles, 1887- 285 Kroll, Adam, fl. 1782 ... 251 Krookshanks, B. , fl. 1785 299 Kuhn, Arthur K. , fl. 1925 228 Kuha, H. , fl. 1864 247 Kuhn, Henrich, fl. 1798 . . 299 Kunkel, C. N. , fl. 1852 . . 194 Kuny, B. M. , fl. 1831 . . . 299 Kuthen, A. F. , fl. 1867 . . 294 Kutzleben, Baron von, d. 1798 62, 251, 268 Kutzleben, Carl August von, fl. 1780 62 Kyes, Catherine, fl. 1813 . 299 Kyle, Rev. Samuel, fl. 1834 67 Kynaston, fl. 1764 251 L. , D. K 194 L. , L 62 L., W., fl. 1782 251 LaBall, W. , fl. 1833 .... 166 Labaree, Rev. B. , fl. 1833 . 30 LaBarre, Joseph-Antoine Lefebvre de, fl. 1683 ... 43 Labb£e, Eugene, b. 1843 . . 289 La Bove, Mons. de, fl. 1793 288 Labrador, ship adventurers at, fl. 1767 251 Labutte, Pierre Ch6ne, called, fl. 1771 95 Lacaita, Sir James Philip, 1813-95 151 Lacam, Benjamin, fl. 1782 . 251 La Canada, William Tirry, marque's de , fl. 1732 . . . 251 Lacassagne, Michael, fl. 1789 118 Lacaze & Mallet 109 Lacey, John F. , 1841-1913 7 Lacey, Obediah P., fl. 1836. 166 436 LA CHANSE LAND I La Chanse, Mons., fl. 1771 95 La Chenaye, Charles Aubert de, 1630-1702 43 Lachervallerie, G? de, fl. 1760 268 La Chordinier, Mons. de, fl. 1778 98 Lackey, Albert, fl. 1854 . . 30 La Corne, St. Luc de, 1711-84 95, 251 Lacorne de Chapt de St. Luc, Joseph Marie (Abbe"), 1714-79 95 Lacroix, Mrs. Archange, fl. 1834 166 La Croix, Charles Eugene Gabriel de, marquis de Castries, 1727-1801 .... 89 Lacy, Edward 62 Lacy, George 62 La Durantaye, Oliver Morel de, d. 1727 43 Lafayette, Edmond de, d. 1890 289 Lafayette, Marie- Joseph-Paul- Yves-Roch Gilbert du Motier, marquis de, 1757-1834 62, 90 109, 194, 228, 268 Lafayette, Oscar-Thomas- Gilbert Dumotier de, d. 1881 289 La Ferronays, Vicomte de, fl. 1772 95 Laffan, William M. , 1848-1909 7 Lafone y Queredo, Samuel Alexander, fl. 1900 . . . 289 LaFontaine, L. H. , fl. 1863 289 La Foralt, Mons. de, fl. 1785 109 La Forest, Guillaume, d. 1714 43 La Foret, Mons. de, fl. 1833 194 Laforey, John, 1729?-96 . . 287 La Gallisonniere, Roland- Michel Barrin, marquis de, 1693-1756 251 Lagautrais, Harpain de, fl. 1765 95 LaGoterie, Pierre, fl. 1765 95 La Grave, A., fl. 1835 . . 166 Lahobe, J. H. B. , fl. 1848 228 Lahontan, Louis Armand de Lorn d'Arce, baron de, 1666-1715? 152 Laiamo, Mariano, fl. 1867 . 74 Laidlaw, Gilbert W. , fl. 1917 52 Laidlie, William, fl. 1799 . 299 Laing, Allan Stewart .... 194 Laing, David, 1774-1856 211 Laing, Lt. J. , fl. 1782 . Laing, Peter, fl. 1840 . . Laird, David, fl. 1778 . . Laird, Robert, fl. 1782 . Lajoie, Hyacinthe Bernard, called, fl. 1800 .... La Jonquiere, Jacques- Pierre de Taffanel, marquis de, d. 1752 . . . Lalor, Henry 109 La Luzerne, Anne-Ce'sar, chevalier de, 1741-91 62, 90, 109, 127, Lamar, Thomas, fl. 1781 . . Lamb, George C. , fl. 1826 Lamb, Gideon, fl. 1780 . . . Lamb, James, fl. 1835 . . . Lamb, John, 1789-1850 . . . Lamb, Martha J. , 1829-93 Lamb, Roger, 1756-1830 . Lamb, William, see Melbourne 2nd viscount Lambert, C. S. , fl. 1914 . Lambert, Hamilton, fl. 1762 Lambert, James, fl. 1807 . Lambert, Samuel F., fl. 1826 Lambert, William, fl. 1770 Lamberville, Pere Jean de, 1633-1714 Lambton, John George, see Durham, 1st earl of Lame, John, fl. 1785 . . . Lamers, George, fl. 1773 . Lameth, Alexandre de, 1760-1829 194 Lamington, 1st baron, see Chochran-Baillie, Alexander D. R. W. Lamond, Dr. Robert D. , fl. 1845 166 Lamont, Daniel S., 1851-1905 7 Lamont & Erwin, fl. 1813 . . 118 La Morliere, Francois-Louis Magallon, comte de . . . . 174 La Motte-Grout, Ensign de . 194 Lancaster, Columbia, 1803-93 166 301 166 62 109 191 61 251 127 299 266 244 151 194 62 285 251 299 299 95 43 194 143 Lancoreux, S. W Land, Robert, fl. 1780 . . Lander, B. , fl. 1888 . . . Lander, Frederick West, 1821-62 Lander, George, fl. 1772 . Landi, John Thomas, fl. 1782 232 62 71 64 95 251 LANDON - LA ROZIERE 437 Landon, R. W. , fl. 1845 166 Lane, Derick, d. 1831 . . . 118 Lane, George 62 Lane, John, fl. 1793 . . . 299 Lane, John 62 Lane, Jonathan, fl. 1800 299 Lane, L. M. , fl. 1829 . . . 228 Lane, Marcus, fl. 1834 166 Lane, R. & A 299 Lane, William Coolidge, 1859-1931 194 Lang, A 151 Lang, Charles Porcher, fl. 1830 194 Lang, John, & Co. , fl. 1802 299 Lang, Turner & Co. , fl. 1818 277, 299 Langdon, Mrs. H. C, fl. 1846 166 Langdon, J. Jay, fl. 1835 166 Langdon, John, 1741-1819 . 194 Langdon, Robert, fl. 1840 . 30 Langdon, William Chauncey, fl. 1847 166 Langdon, Woodbury, 1739-1805 280 Langeron, C. C. Andrault, comte de, 1763-1831 . . . 194 Langevin, Hector L. ... 289 Langford, Holderby, fl. 1778 109 Langford, William, fl. 1783 268 Langham, E. T. , fl. 1833 . 166 Langham, Elias, d. 1830 . . 109 L 1 Anglais, Jean, fl. 1781 . 62 Langley, J. L. F. , fl. 1848 166 Langley, John, fl. 1781 . . 62 Langley, Thomas M. , fl. 1834 166 Langlois, Benjamin, fl. 1766 .....'.... 251 Langlois, Charles, fl. 1828 299 Langstaff, John, fl. 1800 . 299 Langworthy, Isaac P., fl. 1869 39 Laning, J. F 194 Lanman, Benjamin, fl. 1827 118 Lanman, Charles, 1819-95 87 Lanman, Charles James, fl. 1835 166 Lanman, James, 1769-1841 . 118 Lanman, James Henry, 1812-87 118 Lanman, Mary Anne, fl. 1795 118 Lanman, Sarah Coit, see Harmar, Mrs. Josiah Lanoue, Chevalier de, fl. 1763 95 Lanoullier, Mons., fl. 1715 43 Lansdowne, 1st marquess of, see Shelburne, 2nd earl of Lansdowne, Henry Petty- Fitzmaurice, 4th earl of Kerry, 3rd marquess of, 1780-1863 151, 153, 174, 228, 239 Lansdowne, Henry Petty- Fitzmaurice, 5th earl of Kerry, 4th marquess of, 1816-66 151 Lansdowne, Sir Henry Charles Keith Petty-Fitzmaurice, 6th earl of Kerry, 5th marquess of Lansdowne, 1845-1927. . 151 Lansdowne, Henry William Edmond Petty-Fitzmaurice, 7th earl of Kerry, 6th marquess of, 1872-1936 . . 194 Lansdowne, John Henry Petty- Fitzmaurice, viscount Fitzmaurice, earl Wycombe, 2nd marquess of, 1765-1809 251 Lansdowne, Lady Louisa Emma Fox-Strangways Petty- Fitzmaurice, marchioness of, d. 1851 153 Lansing, Abraham G. , fl. 1798 299 Lansing, Dirk Cornelius, 1785-1857 294 Lansing, R. N. , fl. 1828 . . 299 Lapham, Thomas, Jr., fl. 1775 226 La Porte, Louis de, see Lovigny, sieur de La Potherye, Sieur Roy de, fl. 1700 43 Laprade, William Thomas, 1883- 285 Lapsley, Samuel, fl. 1777-81 109 Lara, Joseph de, fl. 1661 183 Larcher, G. , fl. 1782 . . . 251 Larking, John, fl. 1817 . . 250 Larned, James, fl. 1843 . . 166 La Roche, Estion 61 Laroche, Sir James, fl. 1779 98 Laronde, L. Denis de , fl. 1859 133 La Rouerie, Charles-Armand Tufin, marquis de, 1756-93 109 La Roziere, Louis-Francois Carlet, marquis de . . . . 174 438 LARRABEE - LAWRENCE Larrabee, Benjamin .... 194 La Saune, fl. 1774 89 Lascelles, Edward, fl. 1736-44 251, 268 Lascelles, John F. , fl. 1819 67 Lascelles, Rawley, fl. 1778 167 La Selle 95 Lasher, B. C. , fl. 1831 . . 299 Lasher, B. M. , fl. 1798 . . 299 Lasher, Coenrad , fl. 1800 . 299 Lasher, Elias, fl. 1831 . . 299 Lasher, Garned B. , fl. 1790 299 Lasher, Garret, fl. 1835 . 299 Lasher, George B. , fl. 1800 299 Lasher, Jacob, fl. 1819 . . 299 Lasher, John G. , fl. 1819 . 299 Lasher, M. E. , fl. 1845 . . 165 Lasher, P. N. , fl. 1835 . . 299 Lasher, R. , fl. 1844 . . . 299 Lasher, Samuel B. , fl. 1805 299 Lasher, Zachariah, fl. 1844 299 Lasher & Staats, fl. 1850 . 299 Lasley, Samuel C. , fl. 1836 166 Last, John, fl. 1839 ... 166 Latane, John Holladay, 1869-1932 285 Latham, Allen, fl. 1812 . . 118 Latham, Dr. James, fl. 1774 95 Latham, James, fl. 1829 . . 299 Latham, John L. , fl. 1798 . 299 Lathrop, Rev. John, 1740-1816 95 Lathrop, Lorin Andrews, 1858-1929 289 Lathrop, S. H. , fl. 1863 . 194 Lathrop, Dr. S. K. , fl. 1871 294 Latimer, George, fl. 1782 . 127 Latimer, Thomas, fl. 1862 . 71 La Touche, Mons. de, fl. 1697 43 La Touche, David, & Sons, fl. 1782 251 La Touche, William George Digges, 1747-1803 .... 251 Lattre\ J., fl. 1773 ... 143 Lauderdale, James Mai t land, 7th earl of, 1718-89 . . . 151 Lauderdale, James Mai t land, 8th earl of, 1759-1839 . . 268 Laurance, John, 1750-]810 . 280 Laurence, Abbott, fl. 1846 228 Laurence, George, fl. 1822 299 Laurence, John 122 Laurence, W. B. , fl. 1848 . 52 Laurence, William, fl. 1825 299 Laurance & Willard, fl. 1820 299 Laurens, Henry, 1724-92 62, 109, 151, 251, 286 Laurens, John, 1753-82 . . 109 Laurent, Mr., fl. 1763 . . 251 Laurie, James, fl. 1781 . . 251 Laurie, Walter S. , fl. 1775 95 Laussat, Jean And, fl. 1783 127 Lauvs, Chevalier de, fl. 1779 62 Lavabre" Doerner & Cie. , fl. 1778 127 Laval, Pere, fl. 1697 ... 43 La Valiniere, Huet de, fl. 1784 194 La Verandrye, Pierre Gaul tier de Varennes, sieur de, 1685-1749 .... 43 La Verr£e, Mons. de, fl. 1780 62 Lavington, baron, see Payne, Sir Ralph Laviolette, Etienne, fl. 1802 191 Lavy, Thomas, fl. 1782 . . 109 Law, Henry, 1797-1884 . . . 268 Law, Richard, 1733-1806 . . 280 Law, Thomas, 1759-1834 . . 251 Law, William, fl. 1865 . . 169 Lawlor, Jonathan 109 Lawlor, William Digby, fl. 1781 62 Lawrence, Abbott, 1792-1855 20 Lawrence, Dewitt C, fl. 1842 166 Lawrence, Elisha, 1740-1811 62 Lawrence, Eugene, fl. 1868 . 71 Lawrence, John L. , fl. 1826 299 Lawrence, Joseph 194 Lawrence, Joseph, fl. 1850. 299 Lawrence, Luther, fl. 1806-36 20 Lawrence, Margaret Woods, fl. 1869 294 Lawrence, Nathaniel, fl. 1777-83 109 Lawrence, Peter C. , fl. 1845 166 Lawrence, Richard, fl. 1829 299 Lawrence, Samuel, fl. 1807 . 20 Lawrence, Stephen, fl. 1782 109 Lawrence, Thomas, fl. 1747 . 61 Lawrence, William Beach, 1800-81 52 LAWRENCE - LEE OF FAREHAM 439 Lawrence, Wolcott, fl. 1833 166 Lawrence & Morris, fl. 1786 118 Lawrie, Andrew, fl. 1771 . . 95 Lawson, Robert, d. 1805 . . 109 Lawson, Robert, d. 1816 . . 62 Lawson, Dr. Thomas, c. 1781-1861 52, 166 Lawton, John 109 Lay, Rev. Henry Champlin, 1823-85 79 Layssard, Valentin, fl. 1796 164 Lea, William, fl. 1736 . . 251 Leacock, W. T. , fl. 1862 . 247 Leaf, Munro, 1905- .... 194 Leake, John Martin, fl. 1786 62 Leake, Robert, fl. 1758-73 14, 95 Leal, Jose Maria, fl. 1787. 188 Learning, Jeremiah, 1717-1804 62 Lean, Alexander, fl. 1802 . 194 Lear, Tobias, 1762-1816 . . . 118, 156, 194 Leavenworth, John, fl. 1783 2 Leavitt", George A., & Co., fl. 1881 39 Leavitt, Joshua, 1794-1873 30, 294 Leavitt, Masey, fl. 1797 . 194 Le Baron, William, fl. 1825 20 Le Barron, Charles, fl. 1822 20 L'Eblane, Mons., fl. 1780 . 62 Le Breton, Edward A. , fl. 1818 299 Le Breton de Blessin et Dessaudrais Sebire, fl. 1857-69 194 Le Brun de Bellecour, Mons., fl. 1782 109 Le Camus 194 Leclerc, S^bastien, 1637-1714 157 Lecocq, Mile Maria, fl. 1896 289 Lecoin, Pere, fl. 1792 ... 97 Lecomte, Abbe", fl. 1863 . . 289 LeConte, P., fl. 1776 ... 62 Ledesma, Joan, fl. 1679 . . 183 Le Despencer, Sir Francis Dashwood, 15th baron, 1708-81 62, 146 Ledlie, James W. , fl. 1861 . 64 Ledoulx, Jacques de, fl. 1764 251 Ledwycke, E. G. , fl. 1809 . 250 Ledyard, Henry, fl. 1846 52, 166 Ledyard, Mary, fl. 1785 . . 299 Lee, A. L. , fl. 1862 .... 64 Lee, Rev. Alfred, 1807-87 79 Lee, Amos, fl. 1810 .... 52 Lee, Arthur, 1740-92 62, 118, 194, 251, 280 Lee, Charity, fl. 1779 ... 62 Lee, Charles, 1731-82 62, 95, 109 Lee, Edmund J., fl. 1836 . . 87 Lee, Elizabeth, fl. 1813 . 194 Lee, Fitzhugh, 1835-1905 7, 122 Lee, Francis, fl. 1782 . . 109 Lee, Francis Lightfoot, 1734-97 280 Lee, Sir George, 1700-58 61, 292 Lee, Henry, 1756-1818 62, 95, 109, 194 Lee, I. G. C. , fl. 1867 . . 122 Lee, Dr. J. C. , fl. 1846 . 166 Lee, James, fl. 1816 . . . 299 Lee, James, fl. 18 54 . . . . 39 Lee, Mrs. James, fl. 1831 . 299 Lee, James, Jr., fl. 1840 . 299 Lee, Jeremiah, fl. 1813 . . 194 Lee, John, 1733-93 .... 158 Lee, John, fl. 1809 .... 69 Lee, John, fl. 1819 .... 299 Lee, Mary, fl. 1801 .... 299 Lee, Mary Hutchinson, Mrs. John, d. 1812 .... 158 Lee, Mary Tabitha, fl. 1800 158 Lee, Mildred, fl. 1867 . . 122 Lee, R. H. , fl. 1838 . . . 299 Lee, Richard, fl. 1774 ... 95 Lee, Richard Bland, 1761-1827 280 Lee, Richard Henry, 1732-94 .... 109, 194, 251 Lee, Riverius 62 Lee, Robert Edward, 1807-70 64, 122, 247 Lee, Roland, fl. 1825 . . . 299 Lee, Samuel Phillips, 1812-97 64 Lee, Sarah, fl. 1850 . . . 299 Lee, Thomas, 1702-50 . . . 251 Lee, Thomas, fl. 1781 ... 62 Lee, Thomas Ludlow, fl. 1800 194 Lee, Thomas Sim, 1745-1819 109, 280 Lee, William, 1739-95 194, 280 Lee, Wm. Henry Fitzhugh, 1837-91 64 Lee of Fareham, Arthur Hamilton, viscount, 1868-1947 285 Lee of Fareham, Ruth, viscountess, fl. 1927 . . 285 440 LEECH - LESLIE Leech, Joseph, fl. 1773 . . 194 Leeds, 5th duke of, see Carmarthen, marquess of Lees, John, fl. 1790 .... 205 Lefevere, Rev. Peter Paul, 1804-69 166 Leffingwell, E. H. , fl. 1854 30 Leffon, Countess, fl. 1844 . 228 Lefleur, Henry, fl. 1772 . . 95 LeFur, Louis, 187 0- .... 228 LeGare, Benjamin, fl. 1775-82 109 Legare", Hugh Swinton, fl. 1797-1843 . . 52, 166, 228 Legate, Thomas C. , fl. 1812-36 166 Legg, George, fl. 1845 ... 67 Legge, Rev. Edward, fl. 1810 97 Legge, Gov. Francis, 1719-83 95, 251, 263 Legge, George, see Dartmouth, 3rd earl of Legge, Henry Bilson, 1708-64 268 Legge, William, see Dartmouth, 1st and 2nd earls of Leggett, Mortimer D. , 1831-96 122 Leggett, William, 1802-39 30 Legouis, Emile Hyacinthe, 1861-1937 285 Legras, J. M. P., fl. 1787 . 118 Legras, Jules, 1866- .... 285 Legros, Mons. , fl. 1768 . . 251 LeHunte, George, fl. 1760-64 95 Leib, John L. , fl. 1835 . . 166 Leicester, 1st earl of, see Coke, Thomas William Leicester, George Townshend, 1st earl of, 1755-1811 . . 268 Leigh, Benjamin Watkins, 1781-1849 20, 228 Leigh, Egerton, d. 1798 98, 158, 251 Leitch, David, fl. 1790 . . 118 Leitrim, Nathaniel Clements, 2nd earl of, 1768-1854 . . 268 Leiva, Francisco, fl. 1867 . 74 Leiva, Ponciano, fl. 1869 . 259 Lejarazii, Antonio, fl. 1867 . 74 Lejeal, Leon, fl. 1903 . . . 289 Leland, John, d. 1808 62, 97, 268 Leland, Lorenzo, fl. 1857 . 165 Leland, Louis A., fl. 1844 . 166 Leland, Waldo Gifford, 1879- 285, 289 Le Maistre, Francis, fl. 1778 62 Lemesurier, John, fl. 1767 . 251 Lemon, Henry, fl. 1796 . . . 299 Lemon, Johannes, fl. 1799 299 Le Moyne, Charles, see Longueuil, 1st baron de Le Moyne, Dr. Francis Julius, 1798-1879 30 Lempriere, Charles, fl. 1767 251 Lenake, Henry A., fl. 1837 . 166 Lengercke, Georg Emmanuel von, fl. 1781 147 Lennox, Charles, see Richmond and Lennox, 3rd duke of Lennox, George Henry, 1737-1805 .... 98, 151, 251 Lenox, J., fl. 1863 39 Lenox, James, 1800-80 31, 36, 262, 289 Lenox, Robert, fl. 1813 ... 31 Lenox, Robert, fl. 1830 . . 299 Lent, Nathaniel, fl. 1827 . 299 Lenthe, baron 174 Leon, Doroteo, fl. 1867 ... 74 Leon, Jose* Mariano de, fl. 1830 181 Leon, Joseph de, fl. 1698 . 183 Leon, Patricio L., fl. 1867 . 74 Leon Valdes, Jose* de, fl. 1819 184 Leonard, Rev. Abiel, 1848-1903 79 Leonard, Mrs. C. F. , fl. 1838 39 Leonard, David, fl. 1822 . . 299 Leonard, George, 1737-1805 62, 95, 149, 251, 301 Leonard, George, d. 1826 . . 250 Leonard, H. A., fl. 1845 . . 166 Leonard, Rev. Wm. Andrew, 1848-1930 79 Leonard & Co., fl. 1872 ... 39 Lepineau, Lt., fl. 1726 . . 194 Leprohon, Jean Lucien, fl. 1885 289 Lerchenberg, fl. 1782 .... 90 Lerdo, Ignacio Maria, fl. 1825 181 Lerdo de Tejada, Sebastian, 1820-89 74 Lernoult, Richard Berringer, fl. 1756-86 95 Leroy, Levi, fl. 1844 . . . 299 Lescallier, Daniel, 1743-1822 194 Lescueve, H. , fl. 1801 . . . 299 Lesher, William, fl. 1827 . 118 Lesley, J. Peter, 1819-1903 294 Leslie, Alexander, c. 1740-94 11, 62, 95, 109, 251, 293 Leslie, Arthur A., fl. 1898 7 LESLIE LIGHT 441 Leslie, Charles Robert, 1794-1859 52 Leslie, George 174 Leslie, Samuel, fl. 1775 62, 95 Lestarjette, Lewis, fl. 1780 62 Lester, Benjamin, fl. 1783 251 Lester, Charles Edwards, 1815-90 194 Lester, Ebenezer A., fl. 1833 20 Lestevenon van Berkenroode, Matthijs, 1719-97 .... 251 Letander, Joseph, fl. 1835 166 Letcher, John, fl. 1856 . . 64 Le Tonnelier, Louis August, see Breteuil, baron de "Letter to the Worthy Electors of the Borough of Aylesbury," 1764 296 Lettre- Journal de Paris . . 52 Lettsom, John Coakley, 1744-1815 ........ 251 Levasseur, Emile, 1828-1911 289 Le Verrier, Drbain Jean Joseph, b. 1811 194 Leveson-Gower, Baptist, d. 1782 61 Leveson-Gower, Lord Granville, see Granville, 1st earl Leveson-Gower, Granville, see Stafford, 1st marquess of Leveson-Gower, John, see Gower, 1st earl of Levett, Charles, fl. 1780 . 62 Levis, Charles-Pierre- Gaston-Francois de, see Mirepoix, due de Levis, Samuel & Son .... 194 Levy, Hiam, fl. 1776 .... 62 Levy, Moses, fl. 1776 ... 62 Levy, Simeon, fl. 1776 ... 62 Levy & Franks, fl. 1771 . . 95 Lewes, John 62 Lewes, Sir Watkin, fl. 1782 151 Lewing, R. , fl. 1782 ... 251 Lewis, A. H. , fl. 1851 . . 118 Lewis, Amy, fl. 1929 . . . 299 Lewis, Andrew, fl. 1765 . . 95 Lewis, Benjamin H. , fl. 1837 166 Lewis, Dr. Dioclesian, 1823-86 294 Lewis, Eleanor Parke Custis, 1779-1852 122 Lewis, Emma H. C. , fl. 1867 299 Lewis, Francis, 1713-1803 280 Lewis Lewis Lewis Gabriel George, fl. 1829 . . Sir George Cornewall, 2nd bart. , 1806-63 .... Lewis, Isaac B. , fl. 1843 . Lewis, John, fl. 1773 . . . Lewis, John L. , 1880- . . . Lewis, Lyman, fl. 1801 . . . Lewis, M., fl. 1779 .... Lewis, Mathew, fl. 1780 . . Lewis, Meriwether, 1774-1809 Lewis, Morgan, fl. 1806 . . Lewis, Morgan, 1754-1844 Lewis, S Lewis, Samuel, fl. 17 64 . . Lewis, Samuel, fl. 1800 . . Lewis, Samuel, 1799-1854 . . Lewis, Stephen, fl. 1778-82. Lewis, T. J., fl. 1860 . . . Lewis, Sir Thomas Frankland, 1780-1855 Lewis, Thomas L. , fl. 1820 . Lewis, William Lewis, William, fl. 1843 . . Lewis, William B. , fl. 1836. Lewis, William Berkeley, 1784-1866 Lewis, William Draper, fl. 1902 Lewis, Winslow, 1770-1850 . Lexington, Robert Sutton, 2nd baron, 1661-1723 . . . Lexington and Concord, battle of, 1775 Ley, John, c. 1733-1814 . . Leyborne, William L. , d. 1775 95, Leyman, Jacob, fl. 1800 . . Leyva, Francisco, fl. 1867 . L' Hommedieu, Ezra, 1734-1811 62, Liberty Party Committee, 1844 Of Allegheny County, Pa. . Of eastern Pennsylvania . . Library Company of Philadelphia, 1769 .... Libri, William, fl. 1855 . . Liceaga, Jose Maria, d. 1818 Liddell, Sir Henry, see Ravensworth, 1st baron Lidderdale, John, fl. 1775 . Lieber, Francis, 1800-72 52, Liebert, Phillip, fl. 1786 Lievan, Graf von, fl. 1813-28 Lifford, James Hewitt, 1st viscount, 1709-89 . . . Light, Rev. George C, 1785-1859 122 299 151 166 263 194 194 98 287 191 299 109 109 118 194 30 109 52 239 299 109 166 166 52 6 166 251 159 268 263 299 74 280 30 294 294 118 67 182 251 262 118 67 151 30 442 LIGNERY LITTLE Lignery, Sieur Marchand de, £1. 1710-59 43 Ligonier, Edward Ligonier, earl, d. 1782 62 Ligonier, John Ligonier, viscount and 1st earl, 1680-1770 98, 251 Ligth, Jacob, fl. 1787 . . 191 Lillay, James, fl. 1801 . . 299 Lillie, William, fl. 1847 . 30 Lillington, John Alexander, d. 1786 109 Lilly & Robarts, fl. 1782 251 Lima, Joaquin Antonio, fl. 1752 183 Limes, Peter, fl. 1758 ... 14 Linan y Cisneros, Melchor de, d. 1708 219 Linares, Fernando de Alencastre" Norona y Silva, marquds de Valdef uentes, duque de 185 Linck, George, fl. 1828 . . 118 Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-65 7, 122, 160, 165, 269, 282 Lincoln, Benjamin, 1733-1810 .... 62, 109, 194 Lincoln, Edmund, fl. 1784 251, 268 Lincoln, Edward W. , fl. 1847 39 Lincoln, Henry Clinton, 7th earl of, 1684-1728 . . 61 Lincoln, Henry Fiennes Pelham-Clinton, earl of, d. 1778 62 Lincoln, Rev. J. Sumner, fl. 1837-79 294 Lincoln, John W. , fl. 1844 . 39 Lincoln, Levi, 1749-1820 . 280 Lincoln, Levi, 1782-1868 .... 20, 39, 194 Lincoln, Robert Todd, 1843-1926 7, 194 Lincoln, 9th earl of, see Newcastle, 2nd duke of Lincoln's Inn. Council, 1794 158 Lind, Dr. James, 1736-1812 97 Lind, John, fl. 1764-81. 62, 95 Linder, Friedrich Carl Ludwig von, fl. 1782 ... 147 Lindesay, John, d. 1751 . . 61 Lindet, Robert-Thomas, 1743-1823 22 Lindley, James, fl. 1760 . 280 Lindsay, Alexander, see Balcarres, 6th earl of Lindsay, Sir John, 1737-88 95, 251 Lindsay, John, fl. 1837 . . 118 Lindsay, M. E. B. , fl. 1838. 30 Lindsay, Robert, fl. 1775 . 95 Lindsey, James, fl. 1922 . 285 Lindsey, Richard, fl. 1738. 251 Lindsey, Theophilus, 1723-1808 158 Lindsley, Abraham B. , fl. 1844 166 Lindsley, Philip, 1786-1855. 30 Linero, Juana Taresa .... 62 Linn, Lewis Fields, 1795-1843 52 Linnaean Society of New England, 1814 20 Lino, Mons. de, fl. 1703 . . 43 Linsley, Charles, fl. 1836 166 Linton, John, d. 1824 . . . 109 Linzee, Robert, fl. 1778 . . 62 Lippincott, Benjamin, fl. 1804 194 Lippincott, Charles E., fl. 1855 194 Lippincott, Isaac, fl. 1804 194 Lippincott, Richard, 1745-1826 62 Lippincott, Sara Jane Clarke, Mrs. Leander K. , 1823-1904 294 Lippit, Charles, fl. 1831 . 244 Lippitt, M. A 247 Lipscomb, fl. 1785 .... 299 Lira y Ortega, Manuel, fl. 1867 74 Lisburne, Wilmot Vaughan, 1st earl of, d. 1800 . 98, 287 Lissem, John, fl. 1804 . . 299 Lister, Murray, fl. 1770 . 299 Lister, Rebecca Feilding, baroness Ribblesdale, fl. 1789 158 Lister, Thomas, 1st baron Ribblesdale, 1752-1826 . . 158 Litchfield, E. C, fl. 1845 166 Lithgow, Robert, fl. 1718 . 109 Littell, D. F., fl. 1844 . 299 Littell, E., & Co., fl. 1831 . 299 Littell, Eliakim, 1797-1870 52 Littell, Son & Co. , fl. 1850 299 Little, Charles C. , & Brown, James, fl. 1844 . . 39 Little, Charles D. , fl. 1846 30 Little, Clarence Cook, 1888- 285 Little, Rev. Dard, fl. 1790 20 Little, David H. , fl. 1832-46 30 Little, Frank H. , fl. 1860 36, 39 LITTLE - LIVINGSTON 443 Little, Nathaniel, d. 1835. 161 Little, Nicholas, fl. 1782. 109 Little, Norman, fl. 1839 . 166 Little, Samuel 62 Little, W. McCarty, fl. 1908 289 Little, William L. P. , fl. 1845 166 Littlebury, J 194 Littlefield, William, fl. 1784 109 Littehales, Sir Edward Baker, d. 1825 .... 67 , 253 Littlejohn, Rev. Abram Newkirk, 1824-1901 .... 79 Littlejohn, Flavius J., 1804-80 166 Littlejohn, James 174 Little River (Ga.) Settlers 95 Litton, Benjamin 95 Litton, Edward, fl. 1779 . . 62 Live Oak Club, fl. 1856 . . 228 Livermore, Arthur, 1766-1853 20 Livermore, Daniel 194 Livermore, Edward, 1762-1832 234 Livermore, Edward, fl. 1845 39 Livermore, George, 1809-65 39, 262 Livermore, John S. , fl. 1834 166 Livermore, Mary Ashton Rice, Mrs. Daniel P., 1820-1905 294 Liverpool, Charles Cecil Cope Jenkinson, 3rd earl of, 1784-1851 .... 67, 174 Liverpool, Charles Jenkinson, 1st baron Hawkesbury, 1st earl of, 1727-1808 . . 14, 62 97, 111, 151, 174, 268, 287 Liverpool, Louisa Theodosia Hervey Jenkinson, countess of, d. 1821 67 Liverpool, Robert Banks Jenkinson, 2nd earl of, 1770-1828 . 62, 97 , 103, 151 174 Livingston, Abraham, fl. 1778 62 Livingston, B. W. , fl. 1818 299 Livingston, Betsey, fl. 1840 299 Livingston, Brockholst, 1757-1823 127, 299 Livingston, Carrell, fl. 1829 299 Livingston, Mrs. Catherine, fl. 1777 62 Livingston, Clermont, fl. 1844 299 Livingston, Cornelia, fl. 1802 299 Livingston, Crawford, fl. 1831 299 Livingston, E 174 Livingston, Edward, 1764-1836 52, 87, 194, 228 Livingston, Edward P. , 1770-1843 299 Livingston, Eliza, fl. 1809 299 Livingston, F. A. , fl. 1816 299 Livingston, Gilbert, fl. 1801 299 Livingston, H. W. , fl. 1844 299 Livingston, Harriet, fl. 1822 299 Livingston, Henry, fl. 1745 61 Livingston, Henry, fl. 1780 62 Livingston, Henry, fl. 1798 299 Livingston, James, fl. 1746 61 Livingston, James, 1747-1832 109 Livingston, James, fl. 1764 95 Livingston, James S. , fl. 1798 299 Livingston, Joanna, fl. 1793 299 Livingston, John, fl. 1800 299 Livingston, John R. , Jr., fl. 1844 299 Livingston, John S. , fl. 1844 299 Livingston, M. & C 299 Livingston, Margaret, fl. 1793 299 Livingston, Mary, fl. 1800. 299 Livingston, Mary C. , fl. 1844 299 Livingston, Moncrieff, fl. 1799 299 Livingston, N. , fl. 1793 . 299 Livingston, P. W. , fl. 1802 299 Livingston, Peter R. , fl. 1790 299 Livingston, Peter Van Brugh, 1710-92 95, 299 Livingston, Philip, 1686-1749 61, 299 Livingston, Philip, 1716-78 4 Livingston, Philip, Jr., fl. 1772 95 Livingston, R. J. , fl. 1831 299 Livingston, Robert, 1654-1728 299 444 LIVINGSTON - LONDONDERRY Livingston, Robert, 1708-90 61 Livingston, Robert E. , fl. 1640 299 Livingston, Robert L. , fl. 1803 299 Livingston, Robert R. , 1746-1813 . 90, 109, 194, 280 299 Livingston, Robert T .... 62 Livingston, Schuyler, fl. 1798 299 Livingston, Susan, fl. 1828 299 Livingston, Thomas F. , fl. 1804 299 Livingston, W. A., fl. 1835 299 Livingston, Walter, 1740-97 .... 127, 194, 280 Livingston, Walter J. , fl. 1812 299 Livingston, Walter T. , fl. 1799 299 Livingston, William, 1723-90 11, 62, 194 Livingston, William, fl. 1831 299 Livingston, William Smith, 1755-94 109 Livingstone, Caroline, fl. 1848 52 Livingstone, E. , fl. 1798 . 97 Livingstone, William, 1844-1925 7 Livius, Peter, 1727?-95 98, 251 Llano, Ciriaco del, fl. 1811 182 Llorente, Carlos Maria, fl. 1812 182 Lloyd, Alfred Henry, 1864-1927 285 Lloyd, Anna, fl. 1827 ... 39 Lloyd, Bartholomew, 1772-1837 67 Lloyd, Edward, fl. 1778-84 109 Lloyd, George Ambrose, 1879-1941 285 Lloyd, Rev. H. , fl. 1798 . . 97 Lloyd, Henry, fl. 1775 ... 95 Lloyd, J. T., fl. 1863 ... 39 Lloyd, James, 1745-1820 . . 109 Lloyd, James, 1769-1831 . . 194 Lloyd, Mrs. M. , fl. 1787 . . 97 Lloyd, M. G., fl. 1783 . . 251 Lloyd, Sir Nathaniel, 1669-1741 251 Lloyd, Sir Richard, fl. 1754 251 Lloyd, William, fl. 1765 . . 95 Loader, John, fl. 1780 . . 171 Lobato, Jose', fl. 18 67 . . . 7 4 Lobdell, Jeremiah, & Co. . . 299 Lochead, Thomas, fl. 1770 . . 95 Lock, Francis, d. 1823 109, 266 Lock, Matthew, 1730-1801 . . 109 Lock, Thomas, fl. 1749 ... 61 Locke, John, 1792-1856 . . . 166 Locke, Joshua, fl. 1780 ... 98 Locke, Samuel, fl. 1781 ... 62 Lockell, N. , fl. 1780 .... 62 Locker, Edward Hawke, 1777-1849 67 Lockhart, John Gibson, 1794-1854 67, 151 Lockhart, Samuel, fl. 1776-82 109 Lockhart, William 174 Lockwood, Belva Ann Bennett, 1830-1917 52 Lockwood, George, fl. 1781 . 62 Lodge, Benjamin, fl. 1774-84 118 Lodge, Henry Cabot, 1850-1924 ... 7, 52, 289, 294 Lodi Manufacturing Co. , fl. 1844 299 Loeb, William, Jr., 1866-1937 125, 237 Loera, Manuel, fl. 1867 ... 74 Loewenstein, Wilhelm von, fl. 1781 147 Loffman, John, fl. 1800 . . 299 Lofland, Charles, fl. 1822 118 Loflor, Henry, fl. 1772 ... 95 Loftus, Arthur, fl. 1765 . . 95 Loftus, William, fl. 1812 . . 67 Logan, James, 1674-1751 . . 194 Logan, John Alexander, 1826-86 7, 64 Logan, Richard, fl. 1780 . . 62 Lognon, Louis, 1765-1823 . 191 Lomagne, Jean-Baptiste, vicomte de, fl. 1778-81 . 109 Lomax, Robert, fl. 1790 . . 205 Lombard, John, fl. 1801 . . 299 London, C. T 151 London Merchants of, 1814 .... 103 Merchants of, trading to South Carolina, 1780 ... 62 Sugar refiners of, fl. 1779 98, 251 London Provident Institution, 1837 20 Londonderry, 2nd marquess of, see Castlereagh, 2nd viscount Londonderry, Charles William, Stewart, 3rd marquess of, 1778-1854 .... 67, 174, 228 Londonderry, Frances Anne Emily Tempest Stewart, marchioness of, d. 1865 67, 228 LONDONDERRY LOUD 445 Londonderry, Lady Frances Pratt Stewart, marchioness of 174 Londonderry, Frederick William Robert Stewart, 4th marquess of, 1805-72 67 Long, Charles, see Farnborough, 1st baron Long, John, fl. 1775 .... 95 Long, John D. , 1838-1915 7, 52, 125 Long, Nicholas, d. 1819 . . 109 Long, Pierse 194 Long, Silas, fl. 1833 . . . 166 Long North, Dudley, 1748-1829 158 Longe, Francis 275 Longman, Thomas, 1804-1879 151 Longstreet, James, 1821-1904 64, 122 Longueiiil, Charles Le Moyne, 1st baron de, 1656-1729 43, 61 Lonsberg, E. , fl. 1783 . . 251 Lonsdale, John, fl. 1775 . 301 Lonsdale, Sir William Lowther, 1st earl of, 1757-1844 .... 67, 97, 174 Lonsdale, William Lowther, 2nd earl of, 1787-1872 . . 67 Loobey, John, fl. 1775 . . 301 Loocherman, Mary, fl. 1792 118 Loocock, Aaron, fl. 1780 . . 62 Loomis, Edmund, fl. 1840 . 299 Loomis, H. G. , fl. 1850 . . 166 Loomis, Libbius, fl. 1824 . 299 Loop, Jacob, fl. 1817 . . . 299 Loop, Josiah, fl. 1790 . . 299 Loop, Maria, fl. 1798 . . . 299 Loos, Johann August von, fl. 1776-82 147 Loosey, Isaac 62 Lopez, Benedicto, fl. 1816. 182 Lopez, Jose" Ignacio, fl. 1812 .... 182 Lopez, Joseph, fl. 1784 . . 109 Lopez, Juan, fl. 1812 . '. . 182 Lopez Aguado, Maria Rafaela, fl. 1812 182 Lopez de la Flor, Francisco, fl. 1729 251 Lopez Gansindo, Nicolas, fl. 1867 74 Lopez Rayon, Ignacio, 1773-1832 182 Lopez y Vargas Machuca, Tomas, 1731.1802 162 Lorange, Joseph, fl. 1810 . 52 Loranger, Joseph, fl. 1834. 166 Lorano, A., fl. 1867 .... 74 Lord, Daniel J., fl. 1844 . 166 Lord, Elizabeth, fl. 1891 . 299 Lord, Hugh, d. 1829 95 Lord, James, fl. 1898 . . . 125 Lord, Theodoras, fl. 1758 . 194 Lorentz, Johann Georg, c. 1713-81 62, 147 Loreto, Francisco Xaime de, fl. 1738 251 Lorimer, Dr. John, fl. 1770 . 95 Lorimer, O. C. , fl. 1857 . . 165 Lorimer, P. A., fl. 1838 . . 166 Loring, Ellis Gray, 1803-58 30 Loring, George Bailey, 1817-91 294 Loring, Joshua, 1716-81 14, 95, 251 Loring, Joshua, 1744-89 62, 95 Loring, Seth, fl. 1777 ... 69 Loring & Co., fl. 1777 ... 62 Lome, Lord, fl. 1768 . . . 275 Lorrain, Mons. , fl. 1768 . . 95 Lory & Plombard, fl. 1778 . 127 Losack, James, fl. 1770-1807 109 Losada, fl. 1787 188 Losee, Cyrus, fl. 1838 . . . 299 Loson, Archange, fl. 1802 . 191 Lossberg, Friedrich Wilhelm, freiher von, 1726-1800 . . 147 Lossing, Benson John, 1813-91 .... 15, 36, 87, 194 Lostell, James, fl. 1780 . . 62 Lotbiniere, Michel-Gaspard Chartier, marquis de, 1723-99 268 Lotbiniere, Rene"-Louis Chartier Escuyer, seigneur de, 1641-1709 43 Lotneissen, J. J. , fl. 1781 147 Lothian, William Henry Kerr, 7th earl of Ancram, 4th marquess of, 1710-75 . . . 251 Lothian, William John Kerr, 8th earl of Ancram, 5th marquess of, 1737-1815 ... 97 Lothian, William Kerr, 9th earl of Ancram, 6th marquess of, 1763-1824 . . 268 Lothrop, Edwin Howard, 1806-74 166 Lothrop, George Van Ness, 1817-97 7 Lothrop, Thomas, d. 1813 . . 194 Lott, Abraham, c. 1726-94 109, 251 Lott, Alexander, fl. 1773 . 263 Lottridge, John, fl. 1760 . . 95 Loubat, Joseph Florimond, due de, 1831-1927 289 Loud, Edward F., fl. 1922 . 285 Loud, George B. , fl. 1912 . 237 446 LOUD - LUDLOW Loud, Jacob H. , fl. 1854 . 39 Loudoun, John Campbell, 4th earl of, 1705-82 ... 95 Loughborough, 1st baron, see Wedderburn, Alexander Louis, Joseph, fl. 1764 . . 95 Louis, Sir Thomas, 1st bart., 1759-1807 174 Louisburg. Seige, 1745 . . 163 Louisiana 164 Love, Alfred Henry, 1830-1913 . 289 Love, Edward K. , fl. 1918 . 237 Love joy, Betsy P. , fl. 1837 165 Lovejoy, Caroline 165 Lovejoy, . Charles E. , fl. 1930 165 Lovejoy, Daniel, fl. 1833 . 165 Lovejoy, Ebenezer, fl. 1819 299 Lovejoy, Elijah Parish, Sr. 165 Lovejoy, Elijah Parish, Jr. , fl. 1950 165 Lovejoy, Frederick B. , fl. 1929 165 Lovejoy, John W. E. , fl. 1838 165 Lovejoy, Joseph C. , fl. 1838 165 Lovejoy, Owen, 1811-64 . . 165 Lovejoy, P. S. , fl. 1921 . 165 Lovejoy, Sarah Moody, fl. 1836 165 Lovejoy, Sibyl P. , fl. 1838 165 Lovejoy, Sophia Maffa . . . 165 Lovel, Mr., fl. 1783 . . . 251 Lovelace, John, fl. 1788 . 164 Lovell, Cyrus, c. 1805-post 1888 .... 166 Lovell, James, 1737-1814 62, 109, 194, 280 Lovell, Lt. James, fl. 1768 95 Lovell, John, Jr., fl. 1772. 95 Lovell, John, fl. 1780 ... 62 Lovell, John M. , fl. 1782 . 118 Lovering, Joseph S., & Co. 299 Lovet, Phineas, fl. 1775 . . 95 Lovigny, Louis de la Porte, sieur de, 1652-1730 .... 43 Low, Abraham, fl. 1765 . . 194 Low, Andrew, fl. 1828 . . . 244 Low, C, fl. 1845 228 Low, Isaac, 1735-1791 . 62, 280 Low, Isaac, fl. 1828 . . . 299 Low, Joseph, fl. 1835 ... 20 Low, Nicholas, 1739-1826 . 194 Low, Richard, 194 Lowden, George L. , fl. 1839 194 Lowden, Thomas, fl. 1775 . . 95 Lowdermilfc, W. H. , fl. 1892 87 Lowe, Abraham J., fl. 1840 . 39 Lowe, Jacob H. , fl. 1854 . . 39 Lowe, James, fl. 1861 . . . 194 Lowe, Robert, fl. 1873 . . 194 Lowe, Robert, 1st viscount Sherbrook, 1811-92 .... 151 Lowell, Francis C, fl. 1836 20 Lowell, Francis Cabot, 1775-1817 194 Lowell, John, 1769-1840 . . 194 Lowenskald, A. de, fl. 1846 228 Lowndes, Arthur, fl. 1900 . 299 Lowndes, Charles, fl. 1766 . 95 Lowndes, Rawlins, 1721-1800 62, 109 Lowndes, Mrs. S. , fl. 1780 . 62 Lowrey, Thomas, fl. 1780 . 109 Lowrie, Walter, 1784-1868 87 Lowry, George, fl. 1834 . . 166 Lowry-Corry, Armar, see Belmore, 1st earl of Lowry-Corry, Somerset, see Belmore, 2nd earl of Lowther , J. H. , fl. 1839 228 Lowther, Sir William, see Lonsdale, 1st and 2nd earls of "Loyalist, A," fl. 1779 . . 62 Loyalists Associated, fl. 1780 ... 62 Board of Directors, fl. 1780 62, 251 South Carolina 62 Uncompensated American . . 174 Loyd, Isaac, fl. 1847 . . . 294 Loyd, John, fl. 1842 . . . 166 Luade, D. , fl. 1803 .... 250 Lubian, Joseph Antonio, fl. 1765 183 Luc, Mons. de, fl. 1799 . . 97 Lucas, Edward B. , fl. 1856 228 Lucas, George, fl. 1735 . . 16 Lucas, Henry S. , fl. 1934 194, 285 Lucas, John 109 Lucas, Philip Monoux, fl. 1830 194 Lucas, Simon, fl. 1782 . . 268 Lucas, William, fl. 1773 . 263 Luce, Capt., fl. 1781 ... 62 Luckett, David, fl. 1779-85 109, 118 Ludington, M. I., fl. 1898 125 Ludlam, Charles, fl. 1752 194 Ludlow, Edward H. , fl. 1844 299 Ludlow, Gabriel, fl. 1748 61 LUDLOW LYTLE 447 Ludlow, Gabriel G. , fl. 1779 62 Ludlow, George 194 Ludlow, Gulian, fl. 1817 299 Ludlow, Henry C. , fl. 1837. 294 Ludlow, Israel, fl. 1787 . 118 Ludlow, James C. , fl. 1840 30 Ludlow, John, fl. 1829 . . 299 Ludlow, W. B., fl. 1818 299 Ludlow, William 194 Ludlow, William, 1843-1901 7 Ludlow, William H. , fl. 1799 299 Ludlow & Shaw 109 Ludlum, Anna S. , fl. 1869 299 Luff, N. W. , fl. 1828 ... 299 Lugard, Sir Edward, fl. 1865 169 Luke, John, fl. 1764 .... 95 Luke, Philip, fl. 1780 ... 62 Lukens, John, fl. 1773-87 . 118 Lumm, Charles, fl. 1779 . . 62 Lunardi, Vincenzo, 1759-1806 97 Lundy, Benjamin, 1789-1839 30 Lunsford, William, fl. 1778-82 109 Lush, Stephen, fl. 1778 . . 194 Lushington, Henry, 1812-55 151 Lushington, Richard, fl. 1782 109 Lusi, Spiridion, graf von, 1741-1815 251 Lusser, Mons. de, fl. 1773 194 Lutterlough, Henry E. , fl. 1777-84 109 Luttrell-Olmius, John, see Carhampton, 3rd earl of Lutwidge, Charles, fl. 1782 251 Lutwidge, Skeffington, fl. 1777 62 Lutwyche, Edward Golds tone, fl. 1782 251 Lux, Agnes, fl. 1775 .... 95 Lux, George, fl. 1778 . . . 109 Lux, William, fl. 1775 95, 194 Lyck, John J., fl. 1801 . . 299 Lyday, Christian 62 Lydius, John Henry, fl. 1744-52 61 L y ell, Charles, fl. 1775 . . 95 Lyell, Thomas, fl. 1780 . . 62 Lygon, William, see Beauchamp, 1st earl Lyke, C. , fl. 1793 299 Lyle, Henry, fl. 1790 . . . 299 Lyles, J. P., fl. 1856 . . . 228 Lyman, Daniel, d. 1809 ... 62 Lyman, Huntingdon, 1793-1900 30, 294 Lyman, Phineas, 1716-74 251 Lyman, Mrs. Statira, fl. 1779 62 Lyman, Theodore, 1792-1849 20, 191 Lyman, Rev. Theodore Benedict, b. 1815 79 Lymeburner, Mr 174 Lymington, Lord, fl. 1726 . 268 Lynch, Charles, 1736-96 . . 109 Lynch, Henry, fl. 1827 ... 299 Lynch, James, fl. 1813 . . . 299 Lyndhurst, G 151 Lyndhurst, John Singleton Copley, 1st baron, 1772-1863 .... 67, 151, 194 Lynedoch, baron, see Graham, Thomas Lyney, Dudley A., fl. 1822 . 39 Lynk, Jacob, fl. 1831 . . . 299 Lynk, John, fl. 1798 .... 299 Lynk, Philip, fl. 1813 . . . 299 Lynk, William L. , fl. 1831 299 Lynn, Rev. Samuel, fl. 1834 30 Lyon, Mrs. Abby, fl. 1804 . . 20 Lyon, Addison J. , fl. 1849 166 Lyon, Mrs. Anna, fl. 1847 166 Lyon, Daniel, fl. 1839 . . . 166 Lyon, E 87 Lyon, Edward, fl. 1839 . . . 166 Lyon, Georges Henri Joseph, 1853-1929 285 Lyon, Ira, fl. 1835 .... 166 Lyon, Lucius, 1800-51 166, 298 Lyon, Lucretia, fl. 1839 . . 166 Lyon, Orson, fl. 1836 . . . 166 Lyon, Sarah Atwater, Mrs. Asa L. , fl. 1847 166 Lyon, Truman H. , fl. 1840 . 166 Lyon, Worthington S. , fl. 1844 166 Lyons, Archibald, fl. 1809 52 Lyons, Edmund Lyons, 1st baron, 1790-1858 151 Lyons, Ralph, fl. 1781 ... 62 Lyons, Richard Bickerton Pemell, 2nd baron and 1st earl, 1817-87 52 Lysaught, Henry, fl. 1778 . . 62 Lytle, Archibald, fl. 1776-83 109 448 LYTLE Mccormick Lytle, Robert Todd, 1804-39 298 Lyttelton, George Lyttelton, 1st baron, 1709-73 . . . . Lyttelton, William Henry, 1st baron Westcote, 1st baron Lyttelton, 1724-1808 95, 149, 206, 61 251 M Mabane , Dr. Adam, 1734-92 95, 251 Mabb, Richard, fl. 1779 . . 62 Mabie, Hamilton Wright, 1845-1916 52 Macabee, James, fl. 1782 251, 268 MacAlester, Hector, fl. 1776 62 McAlexander, Ulysses Grant. 194 MacAlister, Archibald, fl. 1775 95 MacAlister, Sir Donald, 1854-1934 285 McAllister, A. C. , fl. 1865 122 McAllis-ter, John A., fl. 1859 36 McAllister, M. P., fl. 1835 165 McAlpine, James, fl. 1779 . 62 McAlpine, John, fl. 1779 . . 62 McAlpine, Walter, fl. 1764 299 McAndrew, William, 1863-1937 285 McArthur, Archibald .... 62 McArthur, Charles, fl. 1847 299 MacArthur, Douglas, 1880- 194 McArthur, Duncan, 1772-1839 191 McArthur, H. , fl. 1845 . . 166 Macartney, George Macartney, 1st earl, 1737-1806 98, 167, 174, 194, 251, 287 Macartney, Henrietta, fl. 1768 275 Macartney, John, d. 1781 . . 95 Macaulay, George 109 Macaulay, Thomas Babington, 1st baron Macaulay, 1800-59 194 McBean, Alexander, fl. 1761 95 Macbean, Forbes, fl. 1771 . 301 Macben, Dr. John, fl. 1769 95 McBride, Barard, fl. 1758 . 14 MacBride, John, d. 1800 . . 251 MacCabe, Julius P. B. , fl. 1845. 166 McCall, George Archibald, 1802-68 87 McCall, Harry, fl. 1844 . . 228 McCall, Hugh, fl. 1810 . . . 194 McCall, James, d. 1781 . . . 109 McCall, John, fl. 1780-84 . 109 McCamly, Sands, fl. 1830-70 166 McCann, J. R. , fl. 1862 . . 122 McCarshore, Andrew, fl. 1798 299 McCarthy, Daniel ...... 62 McCarty, David 194 McCarty, John, fl. 1818 . . 299 McCarty, William M. , fl. 1837 166 McCauley, Charles Stewart, 1793-1869 64 McClean, Henry, fl. 1790 . . 299 McCleland, Mr. , fl. 1781 62 McClellan 62 McClellan, George Brinton, 1826-85 64, 122 McClellan, John, fl. 1822 . 299 McClellan, Robert, fl. 1844 299 McClelland, J. G. , Mrs. James A. , fl. 1856 52 McClelland, Robert, 1807-80 30, 52, 166 McClelland, William, fl. 1810 299 McClene, James, 1730-1806 . 280 McClernand, John Alexander, 1812-1900 122 Macclesfield, George Parker, 4th earl of, 1755-1842 ... 97 McClintock, Marion H. , fl. 1861 194 McCloskey, James, fl. 1811 52 McCluer, John, fl. 1782 . . 109 McCluney, W. J., fl. 1824 87 McColme, John, fl. 1775 ... 98 McConkey, William, fl. 1845. 228 McConnell, Dennis, fl. 1774 118 McConnell, Willard M. , c. 1813-85 166 McConnie, John 95 McCook, Alexander McDowell, 1831-1903 64 McCorkle, Robert, fl. 1781 109 M'Cormick 62 McCormick, George, fl. 1844 166 McCormick, James, fl. 1767-81 95, 109 McCormick, James J. , fl. 1848 30 McCormick, Robert Rutherford, 1880- 194 McCOSH - McFATTER 449 McCosh, James, 1811-94 ... 52 McCoskry, Rev. Samuel Allen, 1804-86 .... 52, 79 McCoy, Frank Ross, 1874- . 194 McCoy, James Camly, 1862-1934 31 McCoy, John, d. 1831 . . . 109 McCoy, John F. , £1. 1873 39 McCoy, Knox 62 MacCra, Alexander, fl. 1780 . 62 McCraw, William, fl. 1781 . 109 McCrea, Robert, fl. 1774 . 118 McCrea, Shaw 109 McCrindell, Thomas, fl. 1818 299 McCulloch, Alexander, fl. 1774 95 McCulloch, Hugh, 1808-95 . . 64 McCulloch, Kenneth, fl. 1766 95 McCulloch, Nathaniel, fl. 1765 95 McCulloh, Henry, d. c. 1779 104, 194 McCulloh, Henry Eustace, fl. 1778 62, 104 McCulloh, James W. , fl. 1844 166 McCulloh, Robert, fl. 1780 . 62 McCul lough, James F. , fl. 1922 285 McCully, George, fl. 1789 . 118 McCurdy, William, d. 1822 . 118 McCutchen, John, fl. 1834 . 166 McDanall, Mr 268 McDermott, Anthony J., fl. 1819 67 McDermott, Lawrence, fl. 1798 299 MacDonald, A., fl. 1790 . . 97 McDonald, Alexander, fl. 1775-80 ... 62, 95, 301 MacDonald, Allan, fl. 1765-72 95 Macdonald, Allan, fl. 1775 . 62 McDonald, Allan, fl. 1780 . 62 Macdonald, Charles, fl. 1779 62 MacDonald, Donald, fl. 1771 95 McDonald, George, fl. 1817. 299 MacDonald, James, fl. 1759-68 168 MacDonald, John, fl. 1782 42, 251 McDonald, John, fl. 1865 . 122 McDonald, Lachlan, d. 1780 62 McDonald, Patrick, fl. 1761 95 Macdonald, R. , fl. 1786 . . 62 Macdonald, Thomas, fl. 1800 293 McDonald, William 109 McDonald, William, fl. 1821. 228 McDonald, William, 1863-1938 285 Macdonell, Alexander .... 174 McDonell, Alexander, fl. 1824 194 Macdonell, Sir James, d. 1857 67 McDonell, John, fl. 1833 166, 191 McDonnell, John, fl. 1809 . 191 Macdonnell, Randal William, see Antrim, 1st marquess of McDonough, Henry, fl. 1780 62 McDouall, Robert, 1729-1816 251 McDouall, Robert, d. 1848 . 191 McDougall, Alexander, 1731-86 109, 194 McDougall, George, d. 1780 95 McDougall, George, fl. 1803-38 166 McDougall, Peter, fl. 1807 299 McDoval 62 Macdowall, Alexander, d. 1758 98 McDowall, J. R. , fl. 1834 . 294 McDowell, Alexander, fl. 1812 118 McDowell, Irvin, 1818-85 . . 122 McDowell, John, 1751-1825 109, 118 McDowell, Nathan, fl. 1790 118 McDowell, Samuel, d. 1817 109 McDowell, William, fl. 1818-22 30 McDowell, Rev. William A., fl. 1828 294 McDowell, William F. , fl. 1900 52 McElroy, Robert McNutt, 1872- 285 McElroy, Thomas, fl. 1864 . 122 Macembon, Deborah B. , fl. 1846 194 Macembon, Otis, fl. 1846 . . 194 McEvers, Charles, fl. 1769 95 McFaddin, William, fl. 1766 95 McFadon, James, fl. 1777-82 109 MacFadyen, D. , fl. 1927 . . 285 McFarlan, Andrew, fl. 1805 299 Macfarlan, Robert, fl. 1780 62 McFatter, Donald, fl. 1782 109 450 McFELL - MCKINLEY McFell, Patrick, fl. 1781 62 McGaffey, Neal, fl. 1834 166 McGan, William, fl. 1796 . 299 McGannon, Michel, fl. 1783 118 McGaraghan, Edward, fl. 1828 299 McGarty, James fl. 1839 30 McGarvey, John W. , 1829-1911 7 McGehee, Edward M. , 1786-1880 30 McGill, John, 1752-1834 . . 253 McGill, William, fl. 1850 . 299 McGillivray, John, fl. 1766 95, 251 McGillivray, William, fl. 1779 98 McGinnis, Roger 62 McGinniss, John, fl. 1781 62 McGloughlan, William, fl. 1780 62 McGowan, John, fl. 183 6 . . 166 McGown, Henry P., fl. 1869 39 McGrath, J. W. , fl. 1912 . 237 McGregor, Alexander, fl. 1781 109 McGuin, William, fl. 1781 . 62 McGuire, Matthew 109 McGunnegh & Way, fl. 1838 . 166 Machault, Jean-Baptiste de, 1701-94 194 McHenry, Dr. James, 1753-1816 52, 62, 109, 118, 194, 280 McHenry, Joseph, 1797-1878 194 McHenry, Margaret Caldwell, Mrs. James 194 Mcllvaine, Caroline M. , fl. 1921 165 Mcllvaine, Rev. Chas. Pettit, 1799-1873 79 Mcllwain, Charles Howard, 1871- 285 Mclntire, John, fl. 1770 . . 95 Mclntire, Peter, fl. 1768 . 95 Mcintosh, Donald, fl. 1760 . 95 Mcintosh, J. S 87 Mcintosh, James, fl. 1838 . 194 Mcintosh, John, fl. 1772 . . 95 Mcintosh, Lachlan, 1725-1806 . . . 109, 122, 194 Mcintosh, Roderick, d. 1783 62, 95 Mclntyre, Archibald, fl. 1807 299 Mack, Andrew, fl. 1836 . . 166 Mack, Charles A. , fl. 1843 166 Mackall, Leonard L. , 1879-1937 31 Mackay, Aeneas, d. 1850 . . 166 Mackay, Hon. Alexander, d. 1789 95, 251 Mackay, Aneas, fl. 1771 . . 95 Mackay, Francis, fl. 1763-67 95, 251 McKay, James . 109 Mackay, James, fl. 1781 . . 62 McKay, John, fl. 1781 ... 62 Mackay, John and H. , fl. 1785 62 Mackay, Samuel, fl. 1765 . . 95 MacKay, William, fl. 1794 . 253 McKean, Henry S. , fl. 1836 . 20 McKean, Thomas, 1734-1817 109, 194, 280 McKearn, Levi, fl. 1815 . . 299 McKee, Alexander, d. 1799 52, 62, 95 McKee, John, 1771-1832 . . 194 McKee, William, fl. 1845 . 165 McKeen, S. D. , fl. 1840 . . 166 McKenna, Joseph L. , 1843-1926 7 McKennan, William, d. 1803. 109 McKennon, Robert, fl. 1775 . 95 McKenny, John 62 Mackenzie, Alexander, fl. 1770 95 Mackenzie, Sir Alexander, 17557-1829 174 Mackenzie, Frederick, d. 1824 62, 95, 253 Mackenzie, Henry, 1745-1831 62 McKenzie, Rev. James, fl. 1773 263 Mackenzie, Kenneth, fl. 1782 146, 251 McKenzie, Murdoch, fl. 1782 251 Mackenzie, Robert ..... 95 Mackenzie, Robert, fl. 1758. 14 Mackenzie, Robert, fl. 1778. 62 Mackenzie, Roderick, fl. 1760 95 McKenzie, Roderick, fl. 1780 62 McKeon, John, fl. 1843 . . 166 McKew, James, fl. 1781 ... 62 McKey, Anthony, fl. 1834 . 166 McKibbin, Charles, fl. 1822 299 Mackie, Richard, fl. 1780 . 62 McKim, John W. , fl. 1850 . 166 Mackinen, Robert, d. 1765 . 95 McKinistry, Justus, fl. 1834 166 McKinley, George, fl. 1790. 299 McKinley, Ida Saxton, Mrs. William, d. 1907 ... 7 McKinley, John, fl. 1824 . . 30 Mckinley -, mcmahon 451 McKinley, William, 1843-1901 7, 125 McKinne, William, fl. 1780 62 McKinner, John, fl. 1783 . 109 McKinney, John, fl. 1813 . 194 McKinney, John, fl. 1845 . 166 McKinney, Robert R. , fl. 1832 30 McKinney, William 62 McKinnie, P. L. , fl. 1892 . . 7 MacKinnon, James, fl. 1794 174 Mackinnon, John, fl. 1776-83 98 McKinnon, John, fl. 1780 . . 62 MacKinnon, John, Jr., fl. 1790 174 McKinstry, Andrew, fl. 1848 166 McKinstry, David C. , fl. 1834 166 McKinstry, Elisha Williams, 1825-1901 166 McKinstry, George, fl. 1810 299 McKinstry, James P., fl. 1834 166 McKinstry, John, fl. 1807 . 299 McKinstry, Justus, fl. 1813 299 McKinstry & Tallmadge, fl. 1823 299 McKinstry & White, fl. 1835 299 McKintock, Jacob 109 Mackintosh, Sir James, 1765-1832 67 Mackintosh, John 122 Mackinzie, John, fl. 1781 . 109 McKittrick, James, fl. 1780 287 Macklin, John, fl. 1781 . . 109 McKnerr, Mason E., fl. 1863 122 McKnight, Dr. Charles, d. 1791 109 McKnight, Roger, fl. 1759 . 234 McKnight, Sarah M. , Mrs. Sheldon, fl. 1844 . . 166 McKnight, Sheldon, fl. 1845 166 Macknight, Thomas, fl. 1776 62 MacKnight, W. P. , fl. 1833 30 McKonochie, Alexander, fl. 1790 174 McKowen, James, fl. 1829 . 299 McLachlan, John, fl. 1779 . 62 McLachlan, Michael, fl. 1764 95 Maclaine, Rev. Archibald, 1722-1804 97 McLane, Allen, fl. 1836 . . 52 McLane, Daniel, fl. 1785 . . 109 McLane, Edward, fl. 1796 ... 20 McLane, L. , fl 1833 228 McLane, Louis, 1786-1857 ... 52 McLane, Robert, 1815-98 ... 52 McLaren, Rev. Wm. Edward, 1831-1905 79 McLaughlin, Andrew C. , 1861-1947 191, 285 McLaughlin, Bernard, fl. 1780. 62 McLaughlin, Daniel, fl. 1824. 228 McLaughlin, John, fl. 1781 . . 62 McLaughlin, Joseph, fl. 1773 263 McLaughlin, William, fl. 1780 62 McLaurens, Mr 62 McLaws, Lafayette, 1821-97 . . 64 McLean, A. D. , fl. 1845 . . . 166 MacLean, Alexander, fl. 1780 . 62 Maclean, Allan, 1725-84 14, 174, 251 McLean, Andrew 95 McLean, Archibald, fl. 1779 62, 122 McLean, Catherine, fl. 1786 109 McLean, Charles 247 Maclean, Daniel, fl. 1765 . . 95 McLean, Francis, d. 1781 62, 98, 171 McLean, John, fl. 1778 .... 62 McLean, John, fl. 1823 . . . 299 McLean, John, 1785-1861 . 52, 166 McLean, Neil, fl. 1762 .... 95 Macleane, Allan, fl. 1759 . . 95 MacLeane, Lauchlin, d. 1773? 251 MaClellan, A., fl. 1825 . . . 244 Maclellan, Alexander, fl. 1767 95 McLellan, George W. , fl. 1863 194 MacLeod, Alexander, fl. 1776 . 62 McLeod, Angus, fl. 1780 . . . 301 Macleod, John, fl. 1771-80 301 MacLeod, John, fl. 1778 ... 62 Macleod, Sir John, d. 1833 . . 97 MacLeod, Norman, fl. 17 64 . . 95 MacLeod, Norman, fl. 1780 . . 98 MacLeod, William, fl. 1780 . . 62 McLeroth, Robert, fl. 1772-79 62, 95 McLoughlin, Nicholas, fl. 1769 95 McMahon, E. Britt, fl. 1773 268 McMahon, John, fl. 1780 ... 62 McMahon, John, f 1 . 1811-26 67, n .74 McMahon, M. T. , fl. 1899 ... 7 McMahon, T. , fl. 1802 .... 268 McMahon, Sir William, 1st bart., 1776-1837 .... 67 452 McMANNUS - MAHAM McMannus, John, fl. 1828 . . 299 McMannus, Miss P. W. , fl. 1821 299 McMaster, John Bach, 1852-1932 285 McMasters, Patrick, fl. 1775 95 McMechan, Richard, fl. 1764 95 McMichael, Edward, fl. 1780 62 McMillan, Alexander, fl. 1769 95 McMillan, James, fl. 1898 . 125 McMillan, James, 1838-1902 . . 7 McMillan, John, fl. 1782 . . 109 McMillan, William, fl. 1843 30 McMullen, James 232 McMullin, William, fl. 1782. 194 McNabb, Charles, fl. 1783 . 109 McNaier, David, fl. 1767 . . 62 McNair, John, fl. 1782 . . . 109 McNamara, James, fl. 1781 . . 62 McNamara, Patrick, fl. 1781 . 62 McNeil, Benjamin, fl. 1845 . 166 McNeil, Charles 62 McNeil, Mrs. E. A. , fl. 1850 166 McNeil, John, fl. 1839 . . . 166 McNeil, John, Jr., fl. c.1813 194 McNeill, Hector, fl. 1782 . 109 McNeill, John, fl. 1764 ... 95 McNicol, Alex, fl. 1829 . . 299 McNicol, Duncan, fl. 1775 . . 62 Macnicol, Nicol , 1870- . . . 285 McNiell, Niell, fl. 1781 . . 62 Macomb, Alexander, 1782-1841 52, 87, 166 Macomb, John, fl. 1804 . . . 299 McOmber, Philip H. , fl. 1834 166 McPhall, Daniel, fl. 1780 . . 62 McPheeters, Harold, fl. 1923 237 McPherson, Charles, fl. 1782 109 Macpherson, Duncan, fl. 1779 62 MacPherson, James, fl. 17 65 . 95 MacPherson, Sir John, 1st bart., 1745-1821 . 97, 251 Mcpherson, Joseph, fl. 1754 61 McPherson, William, Jr., fl. 1902 7 McQueen, John, fl. 1775-82 109 McRae, C. , fl. 1829 .... 299 McRae, Duncan, fl. 1780 . . 109 McRay, Archibald, fl. 1782 109 McRee, Griffith John, d. 1801 109 McReynolds, Andrew T. , fl. 1844 166 McTavish, John 228 Macullagh, Alexander, fl. 1774 95 McVay, Hugh, Sr. , fl. 1810 . 191 MacVeagh, I. Wayne, 1833-1917 7 McVean, John, fl. 1848 . . . 166 Macvicar, Duncan, fl. 1764 95 McVickar, Bard, fl. 1836 . . 166 McWhann, William, fl. 1796 . 109 Macy, E. H. , fl. 1842 . . . 166 Macy, George F. , fl. 1843 . 166 Macy, Richard W. , fl. 1831 299 Macy, Seymour, fl. 1838 . . 299 Macy fa Driggs Western Land Agency 191 Macy fa Hors, fl. 1840 . . . 299 Madan, Charles, fl. 1788-1805 97 Madden, Edward, fl. 1766 . . 95 Madden, Dr. Richard Robert, 1798-1886 30 Madden, William, fl. 1767 . . 95 Madden, Wyndham, fl. 1782 . 251 Maddern, Richard, fl. 1764 . 95 Maddison, John, fl. 1807 . . 151 Maddison, Robertus 268 Maddox, Charles T. , fl. 1856 228 Mader, John, fl. 1781 .... 62 Madison, Dolly Payne Todd, Mrs. James, 1768-1849. 194, 228 Madison, James, 1751-1836 62, 103, 232, 282 Madison, L. K. , fl. 1834 . . 166 Madison, Nelly C. , fl. 1804 194 Maffett, John, fl. 1782 . . 251 Magallon, Francois-Louis, see La Morliere, comte de Magaw, Robert, d. 1790 . . . 109 Magee, Christopher L. , 1848-1901 7 Magenis, Hugh, fl. 1774 ... 95 Magens, Magens Dorrien, d. 1849 268 Magill, Arthur W. , fl. 1833 166 Magin, Teady, fl. 1745 ... 61 Maginn, William, 1793-1842 . 67 Maginness, James, fl. 1826 . 20 Magnan, Pierre Crose, fl. 1780 127 Magne, J., fl. 1850 .... 289 Magos, Eduardo, fl. 1812 . . 182 Magos, Maria, fl. 1866 ... 74 Magra, Perkins, d. 1826 ... 95 Magruder, John Bankhead, 1810-71 64 Maham, Hezekiah, 1739-89 . . 109 MAHAN - MANNING 453 Mahan, Rev. Asa, 1800-89 . . 30 Maher, William H. , fl. 1868 36 Mahon, viscount, see Stanhope, 3rd earl of Mahon, Andrew, fl. 1781 ... 62 Mahon, M. N. , fl. 1808 ... 67 Maiet, John 95 Maille, Comte de, fl. 1781 . 194 Mair, Arthur, fl. 1770 ... 62 Maisonier, Mons 174 Maisonville, Alexis Loranger, called, fl. 1769 .95 Maisonville, Francois, Loranger, called, d. c. 1778 95 Maister, Henry, fl. 1782 . . 251 Maitland, Frederick, 1763-1848 97 Maitland, James, see Lauderdale, 7th and 8th earls of Maitland, John, fl. 1776 . . 62 Maitland, Hon. Richard, d. 1772 95, 251 Maitland, Sir Thomas, 1759?-1824 174 Major, James, fl. 1846 ... 67 Major, Richard Henry, 1818-91 262 Malcolm, Donald, fl. 1803 . 299 Malcolm, Henry, fl. 1807 . . 299 Malcolm, Sir Pulteney, 1768-1838 174 Malcom, Daniel, fl. 1766 . . 251 Malcom, John, fl. 1766 ... 95 Maldonado, German, fl. 1867 74 Maldonado, Juan N. , fl. 1866 74 Maldorado, Luis, fl. 1787 . 188 Malet, John Adam, fl. 1779 98 Mallet, John, fl. 1778 ... 62 Mallet, John Lewis 151 Mallet, Dr. Jonathan, 1729-1806 62, 95 Mallet, Marianne, . fl. 1801 191 Mallet, Peter, fl. 1776-80 . 109 Mallet, R. , fl. 1914 .... 285 Mallet, Tulloch & Estes . . 109 Mallet du Pan, Jacques . . . 174 Mallory, M. H. , & Co., fl. 1872 39 Mallory, Stephen Russell, c. 1813-73 64 Malmedy, Francois Lellorquis, marquis de, fl. 1776-81 . . 109 Malmesbury, Sir James Harris, viscount Fitzharris, 1st earl of, 1746-1820 88, 97, 151, 251, 268, 287 Malmesbury, James Howard, 3rd earl of, 1807-89 .... 52 Malo, Louis, fl. 1867 .... 74 Malone, Mathew, fl. 1766 . . 95 Malony, John, fl. 1798 ... 299 Malortie, Gen., fl. 1786 . . 97 Malta. Ambassador to France, 1754 251 Maltzan, Comte de, fl. 1767 251 Man, H. V., fl. 1845 .... 166 Man, Isaac, fl. 1763 .... 62 Man, Spencer, fl. 1771 ... 95 Man, Thomas C. , fl. 1759-74 95, 301 Manchester, Elizabeth Dashwood Montagu, duchess of, d. 1832 88 Manchester, George Montagu, 4th duke of, 1737-88 88, 151, 251, 268 Mancius, George W. , fl. 1798 299 Manderson, Andrew, fl. 1837. 118 Mandeville, Nathan, fl. 1778 62 Mandolph, J., fl. 1860 ... 39 Mangan, Matthew, fl. 1785 . . 62 Manigault, Edward, fl. 1861 122 Manly, Clement, fl. 1886 . . 228 Manly, J. H. , fl. 1894 .... 7 Manly, Mary Lord 228 Manly, Matthew M. , fl. 1885 228 Mann, Ambrose Dudley, 1801-89 194 Mann, Bruning, fl. 1855 ... 39 Mann, Edward, fl. 1782. 251, 268 Mann, Galfridus, fl. 1745 . . 61 Mann, Hallock, fl. 1863 . . 294 Mann, Sir Horace, 1st bart. , 1701-86 151, 193, 251 Mann, Horace, fl. 1852 ... 30 Mann, John 87 Mann, John M. , fl. 1807 . . 299 Mann, T. H. , 1806-post 1883 294 Manners, Charles, see Rutland, 4th duke of Manners, John, see Granby, marquess of Manners, John Henry, see Rutland, 5th duke of Manners, John James Robert, see Rutland, 7th duke of Manners-Sutton, Rev. Charles, 1755-1828 97, 268 Manners-Sutton, Charles, 1st viscount Canterbury, 1780-1845 67 Manning, E. , fl. 1751 . . . 268 Manning, Edward, fl. 1736 . 251 Manning, Fred L. , fl. 1862 . 64 Manning, J. A., fl. 1871 . . 294 Manning, James, 1738-91 . . 280 Manning, James Hilton, 1854-1925 31, 237 454 MANRIQUE DE ZUNIGA - MARSHALL Manrique de Zuniga, Alvaro, fl. 1590 183 Mansch, William, fl. 1780 . 62 Mansfield, David Murray, 2nd earl of, 1727-96 97, 98, 251 Mansfield, Emily, fl. 1833. 228 Mansfield, J. L. , fl. 1845. 228 Mansfield, James L. , fl. 1840 299 Mansfield, Joseph King Fenno, 1803-62 64 Mansfield, Louisa Cathcart Murray, countess of, d. 1843 97 Mansfield, Morgan, fl. 1847 228 Mansfield, William Murray, 1st earl of, 1705-93 97, 98, 251, 293 Mansfield & Shirts, fl. 1838 299 Manson, Alexander, fl. 1800 299 Manson, Daniel, fl. 1782 . 301 Manuel, Anthony, fl. 1780 . 62 Mapes, James Jay, 1806-66 166 Marable, Mathew, fl. 1781 109 Marblehead, inhabitants of, fl. 1775 95 Marbury, Joseph, fl. 1776-83 109 Marbury, Leonard, fl. 1779. 109 Marbury, William, fl. 1796. 194 March, 3rd earl of, see Queensberry, 4th duke of March, Charles, fl. 1812 . . 62 March, F. , fl. 1844 .... 166 March, Francis Andrew, 1825-1911 31 March, George R. , fl. 1787. 268 March, John, fl. 1803 . . . 194 Marchant, Elizabeth, fl. 1767 95 Marchant, Henry, 1741-96 . 280 Marchant, Joseph, fl. 1778. 109 Marcou, Jules, 1824-98 . . 289 Marcy, Randolph Barnes, 1812-87 64 Marcy, William Learned, 1786-1857 .... 52, 166, 194 Mardaunt, Thomas Osbert, fl. 1794 62 Marest, Pere Gabriel, d. 1714 43 Margry, A., fl. 1896 ... 289 Margry, Pierre, 1818-94 52, 289 Marguez, Estevan, fl. 1858 74 Marguez, M. , fl. 1867 ... 74 Marguez de Leon, fl. 1807 . 74 Marigny, Capt. de, fl. 1711 43 Marigny, Bernard de, fl. 1777 194 Marin, Campo, fl. 1788 . . 188 Marion, Francis, 1732-95 109 Mar joribanks, Edward, 1776-1868 67 Marjoribanks, Sir John, fl. 1824 174 Mark, Thomas, fl. 1782 . . 251 Markham, Sir Clements R. , 1830-1916 169 Markham, Enoch, fl. 1767 . . 62 Markham, Rev. William, 1719-1807 97 Markoe, Francis, fl. 1820 . 194 Markoe, Peter, c. 1752-92 . 194 Marks, John, fl. 1781 ... 62 Marks, Nehemiah, 1747 ?-99 . 62 Marlborough, Charles Spencer, 5th earl of Sunderland, 3rd duke of, 1706-5 8 61, 98, 151, 251 Marlborough, George Spencer, 4th duke of, 1739-1817 97, 151 Marmie", Mr., fl. 1787. 118, 127 Marquard, Capt., fl. 1780 . 62 Marquina, Felix Berenguer de, fl. 1802 187 Marr, John, fl. 1758-72. 14, 95 Marriott, Edward, fl. 1769 . 95 Marriott, Sir James, 1730?-1803 251 Marsac, Francois, 1706-77 . 95 Marsac, Joseph F. , c. 1790-1880 166 Marschalk, Andrew . t . . . 194 Marsden, William, 1754-1836 67, 194 Marsdin, George, fl. 1777 . 69 Marsh, Mr., fl. 1792 .... 97 Marsh, Edward Clark, 1875-1922 285 Marsh, Francis, fl. 1775 . . 95 Marsh, George, fl. 1781 . . 194 Marsh, Gould 109 Marsh, James, fl. 1778 ... 62 Marsh, Jeremiah, fl. 1819 . 299 Marsh, John, fl. 1773-91 248, 251 Marsh, Lowrin, fl. 1834 . . 166 Marsh, Luther R. , fl. 1859. 294 Marsh, Oren, fl. 1844 . . . 166 Marsh, Thomas, fl. 1781 . . 62 Marshall, Mr., fl. 1779 . . 62 Marshall, Ann R. Birney, Mrs. John J., fl. 1836-50 . 30 Marshall, Charles E., fl. 1846 30 Marshall, Rev. Edmund, fl. 1773 268 MARSHALL - MASON 455 Marshall, Edward, fl. 1899 . . . 7 Marshall, H. , fl. 1850 . . . 64 Marshall, Hubert, fl. 1746-53 . . 61 Marshall, John, fl. 1739 . . 69 Marshall, John, fl. 1749 . . 61 Marshall, John, 1755-1835 170, 294 Marshall, Col. John, fl. 1781 . . 109 Marshall, John Jay, 1785-1846 . . 30 Marshall, Rev. John R. , fl. 1787 . . . 2 Marshall, Milo C. , fl. 1847 . . 299 Marshall, Nathaniel, fl. 1820 . . 299 Marshall, Robert, fl. 1861 . . 122 Marshall, Thomas, 1730-1802 . 142 Marshfield. Town meeting t 1775 . . 95 Marshfield and Scituate, inhabitants of, 1775 . . . 95 Marshller, P. , fl. 17.88 . . 122 Martan, James, fl. 1781 . . 127 Martin, Absalom, fl. 1787 . . 118 Martin, Alexander, c. 1740-1807 . . 109 Martin, Anthony George, fl. 1779 . . 62 Martin, D. C. , fl. 1819 . . 299 Martin, Daniel, fl. 1780 . . 62 Martin, Edward, fl. 1840 . . 299 Martin, Fred, fl. 1862 . . 247 Martin, Sir George, 1764-1847 Martin, George, fl. 1840 . . 166 Martin, George William, fl. 1862 . . 122 Martin, H. W. , fl. 1862 . . 194 Martin, Henry, fl. 1780 . . 287 Martin, J., fl. 1778 . . . 194 Martin, James, d. 1834 . . 109 Martin, John . . . . 109 Martin, John, fl. 1783 . . 268 Martin, John, fl. 1850 . . 299 Martin, Jonathan, fl. 1789 . . 20 Martin, Josiah, fl. 1749 . . 16 Martin, Josiah, 1737-86 62, ?5, 268 Martin, Morgan L. , fl. 1836 . . 166 Martin, Patrick, fl. 178- 1 . 109 Martin, Philip, fl. 1770 95 Martin, Robert, fl. 1785 . 299 Martin, Samuel, fl. 1758-61 .... 14, 95, 98 Martin, Sir Thomas Byam, 1773-1854 67 Martin, William 62 Martin, William, fl. 1766-80 95, 253 Martin, Ephriam, & Co. , fl. 1818 299 Martindale, John Henry, 1815-81 64, 122 Martine, S. F. , fl. 1835 299 Martinez, Joaquin, fl. 1867 74 Martinez, Juan, fl. 1616 . 184 Martinez, Ramon, fl. 1824 . 194 Martinez de la Concha, Jose* M. , fl. 1867 74 Martinez Llorente, fl. 1558 183 Martini, Melchior, fl. 1777 147 Martyn, Benjamin, 1699-1763 268 Martyr, Jh. , fl. 1801 ... 97 Marvin, Anthony, fl. 1841 166 Maryland Assembly 62, 251 Assembly, House of Delegates 61 Convention, 1774 251 Militia 1st Regiment 194 15th Regiment 194 28th Regiment 194 29th Regiment 194 Queen Anne County Referee in chancery, 1788 118 Mascarene, Paul, 1684-1760 61 Maseres, Francis, 1731-1824 251, 268 Mason, General, fl. 1845 228 Mason, Mrs. A. M 238 Mason, A. P., fl. 1865 . . 122 Mason, Charles, fl. 1844 . 166 Mason, Christopher, 1741-1809 171 Mason, David, fl. 1779 . . 109 Mason, Edward 95 Mason, Frank H. , fl. 1892 289 Mason, George, fl. 1820 . . 299 Mason, George C. , fl. 1854 39 Mason, J., fl. 1813 .... 191 Mason, J. W. , fl. 1844 . . 299 456 MASON MAULE Mason, James Murray, 1798-1871 52, 64 Mason, Jasper, fl. 1837 166 Mason, John, d. 1781 .... 62 Mason, John, fl. 1838 ... 39 Mason, John T. , fl. 1845 166 Mason, John Young, 1799-1859 52, 194 Mason, L. , fl. 1811 .... 281 Mason, L. L. , fl. 1856 39 Mason, Nathaniel, fl. 1776 194 Mason, S. E. , fl. 1833 . . 166 Mason, Stephen T 194 Mason, Stevens T. , 1811-43 52, 166 Mason, Thomas, fl. 1776-83 109 Mason, Thompson, fl. 1835 30 Mason, V. L. , fl. 1898 ... 7 Mason, W. S. , fl. 1897 ... 7 Mason, William Monck, 1775-1859 67 Mason, Z. P., fl. 1839 166 Massachusetts 194 Barristers and attorneys of, 1774 95 Berkshire County. District of Egremont. Selectmen and Overseers of the Poor . . 251 Committee of Citizens ... 52 Council . . 95, 109, 251, 293 Court of Common Pleas. Justices, 1774 95 General Court 61, 98, 109, 172, 194, 251 Plymouth County. Justices of the peace 95 Provincial Congress .... 95 House of Representatives . 95 Suffolk County Delegates 95 Justices of the peace . . 95 Treasurer .... 52, 69, 172 Worchester County. Justices 95 Masserano, Prince, d. 1777 251 Massey, Eyre, 1st baron Clarina, 1719-1804. 14, 62, 95 Massey, Hugh, fl. 1772 . . 275 Massie, J. W. , fl. 1840 . . 30 Massie, Robert B. , fl. 1832 52 Massy, Hugh, fl. 1775 ... 95 Masterman, W. , fl. 1783 251 Mata, Jose* Maria, d. 1895 74 Matamaro, Jose de Ayala, fl. 1787 188 Mather, fl. 1798 299 Mather, Cotton, 1663-1728 173 Mather, James, fl. 1783 . . 251 Mather, R. , fl. 1844 .... 39 Mather, Samuel, 1706-1785 194 Mather, William Gwinn, 1857- 194 Mathew, Edward, 17277-1805 ... 62, 251, 268 Mathew, William, fl. 1746 251 Mathews, D. G. , fl. 1863 . 194 Mathews, David, fl. 1780 62 Mathews, George, 1739-1812 109 Mathews, George, fl. 1837 151 Mathews, Henry, fl. 1780? . 62 Mathews, John, 1744-1802 109 Mathews, Joseph, fl. 1781 . 62 Mathews, Mrs. M. , fl. 1782 109 Mathews, Robert, d. 1814 62, 251 Mathews, Stanley, fl. 1881 64 Mathews, Vincent, fl. 1752 61 Mathews, William Smythe Babcock, 1837-1912 .... 52 Mathiez, Albert, 1874-1932 285 Mathis, Samuel, fl. 1782 . 109 Matier, Richard, fl. 1768 95 Matlack, Timothy, 1736-1829 194, 280 Mat son, Nathaniel, fl. 1778 194 Mattear, Daniel 95 Matthews, James 299 Matthews, James, fl. 1782 . 251 Matthews, Phebe, Mrs. Edward Weed, 1807-43 . . . 294 Matthews, William, b. 1753 194 Matthews, William, 1822-96 36 Matthias, Benjamin, fl. 1835 166 Mattison, S. H. , fl. 1852 . 194 Maturin, Gabriel, d. 1774 14, 95 Mauduit, William, fl. 1782 251 Mauger, Joshua, fl. 1762 . 208 Maule, George, fl. 1785 268 MAUNOIR - MEJIA DE LEON 4.57 Maunoir, Seiur de, fl. 1715. 43 Maunsell, John, fl. 1764 . . 95 Maupeou, Rene"-Charles de, 1688-1775 251 Mauran, N. L. , fl. 1839 . . 244 Maurepas, Jean-Fre'de'ric Phelippeaux, comte de, 1701-81 192, 251 Maury, Alfred, fl. 1888 . . 289 Maury, Dabney Herndon, 1822-1900 122 Maury, John W 87 Maxant, M. , fl. 1764 .... 95 Maxey, E. E. , fl. 1861 . . 122 Maxey, Samuel Bell, 1825-95 64 Maximilian, Emperor of Mexico, 1832-67 74 Maxwell, A 109 Maxwell, Adam, fl. 1781 109, 194 Maxwell, E. H. , fl. 1850 . 299 Maxwell, J. P., fl. 1780 . 251 Maxwell, James, fl. 17 65 . . 95 Maxwell, John, fl. 1766-80 62, 95 Maxwell, Robert, fl. 1754 . 98 Maxwell, Sir Robert, fl. 1778 146 Maxwell, William, fl. 1776 . 62 Maxwell, William D. , fl. 1866 36 Maxwell Brown, Edward, 1719?-1803 95, 251 May, Humphrey, fl. 1780 . . 287 May, James 232 May, John, fl. 1781 .... 251 May, Samuel Joseph, 1797-1871 30, 294 Maybie, Abraham, fl. 1781 . 62 Maybury, William C. , fl. 1898 7 Mayer, Brantz, 1809-79 36, 87 Mayer, Philip F. , fl. 1829. 299 Mayhew, Ira, fl. 1850 ... 166 Maylor, Paul, fl. 1780 . . 287 Maynard, Lord 151 Maynard, Horace, 1814-82 "... 64 Maynard, William S. , fl. 1844 166 Mayne, Edward, fl. 1773 . . 149 Mayne, Sir William, see Newhaven, 1st baron Mayo, J., fl. 1829 .... 299 Mayo, R. , fl. 1857 87 Mayow, Philip H. W. , fl. 1871 129 Mayson, James, d. 1800 . . 109 Mazaret, John, fl. 1781 . . 109 Mazarini, Cardinal Guilio, 1602-61 194 Mazzei, Philip, 1752-1816 62, 142 Mead, Amos, fl. 1834 .... 166 Mead, John, fl. 1778 .... 109 Mead, Jonathan, fl. 1781 . . 62 Mead, Lewis Carlisle, fl. 1864 194 Mead, Seth, fl. 1781 .... 62 Meade, George C. , b. 1843 . 122 Meade, Richard Kidder, 1746-1805 109 Meallares, John, fl. 1781 . 109 Meals, John, fl. 1782 . . . 109 Meara, Jeremiah, fl. 1767 . . 95 Mearns, Alexander, fl. 1835 299 Mearns, David Chambers, 1899- 194 Measam, George, fl. 1781 . . 87 Mease, James, 1771-1846 . . 194 Mease, Robert, fl. 1774 . . 118 Mecan, Thomas, d. 1780 . 62, 95 The Mechanic's & Farmer's Bank, fl. 1810 299 Mechlin, A. H. , fl. 1833 . . 30 Mecklejohn, L. D. , fl. 1900 7 Mecklen, H. A., fl. 1829 . . 52 Mecklenberg, Prince Ernst of, fl. 17 95 97 Mediana, Maria Pepa 62 Medill, Joseph, 1823-99 ... 7 Medill, William, fl. 1845 . 166 Medina, Jose" Maria, fl. 1872 259 Medina, Jose" Toribio, 1852-1930 289 Medlicott, William G. , fl. 1867 36 Medows, Charles, fl. 1778 . . 62 Medows, Sir William, c. 1738-1813 97, 98 Mee, John, fl. 1765 95 Meeker, George W. , fl. 1839 166 Meer, Frans van der, 1680-1743 251 Mees, Jules 289 Megee, Phebe 109 Megley, Jacob, fl. 1798 . . 299 Megley, John, fl. 1798 . . . 299 Meibon, Ma j . von, fl. 1781 11 Meier, John H. , fl. 1797 . . 299 Meigs, Montgomery Cunningham, 1816-92 52, 64 Meigs, Return J., fl. 1816 299 Meikle John, George D. , fl. 1898 125 Meinell, James, fl. 1826 . . 299 Mejia, Francisco, fl. 1867 74 Mejia, Ignacio, 1813-1906 74 Mejia de Leon, Jose" Demetrio, fl. 1867 74 458 MELBOURNE - METZGER Melbourne, William Lamb, 2nd viscount, 1779-1848 151,239 Melcher, Jacob, fl. 1790 . 118 Melchers, Gari, 1860-1932 . . 7 Melcombe, 1st baron, see Dodington, George Bubb Meldrum & Park, fl. 1795 . 191 Melford, James, fl. 1850 . 299 Melfort, James Lewis Drummond, 12th earl of Perth, 4th due de, fl. 1800 288 Melfort, L. Maurice Drummond, comte de . . . . 17 4 Mell, Will 109 Mellish, Charles, fl. 1771-80 62 Melvill, Robert, 1723-1809 .... 95, 251, 268 Melville, Henry Dundas, 1st viscount, 1742-1811 62, 97, 174, 251, 268, 288 Melville, Lady Jane Hope Dundas, vicountess, d. 1829 97, 174 Melville, Robert Saunders Dundas, 2nd viscount, 1771-1851 44, 174 Melzheimer, John Mar. , fl. 1781 62 Memminger, Christopher Gustavus, 1803-88 64 Menand, Francois, fl. 1802 191 Mendenhall, J. D. , fl. 1861 52 Mendez, Gregorio, fl. 1867 74 Mendez, Juan N. , 1820-94 . . 74 Mendip, 1st baron, see Ellis, Welbore Mendisaval y Ascue, Joseph Antonio 251 Mendonsa & Co., fl. 1780 . 287 Mendoza, Don Antonio de, 14857-1552 187 Mendoza, R. G. , fl. 1898 . . 7 Meng, Christopher, d. 1833 109 Mennomy, Robert W. , fl. 1827 299 Menocal, M. G. , fl. 1898 . 125 Menonville, Mons., fl. 1790 97 Mentges, Francis, fl. 1776-83 109 Menzies, Alexander, fl. 1763 95 Menzies, William, fl. 1860 36 Mercado, Novensino, fl. 1867 74 Mercantile Library Association 36, 294 Mercer, Alexander, fl. 1780 62, 253 Mercer, Charles Fenton, 1778-1858 20, 194 Mercer, Hugh, c. 1725-77 194 Mercer, Hugh, 1776-1853 . . 194 Mercer, John, fl. 1786 . . . 118 Mercer, S. , fl. 1848 .... 228 "Merchant, A," fl. 1779 . . 268 Merchants' Canal Line, fl. 1844 299 Merchants Transportation Line, fl. 1835 299 Mercier, John D. , fl. 1785-86 109 Meredith, David, fl. 1787 . . 62 Meredith, Howard Graves, fl. 1925 285 Meredith, Reese, fl. 1757 . 118 Merewether, John, fl. 1736 . 251 Mergadier, Philip, fl. 1781 . 62 Merifield, Peter, fl. 1825 . 299 Merifield, Walter, fl. 1825. 299 Merit, Lovering 194 Merle, Louis, fl. 1768 . . . 251 Mermaid Loo 62 Merrick, Justin, fl. 1785 . 299 Merrick, Pliny, fl. 1846 . . 39 Merrick, Thomas, fl. 1780 . . 62 Merrill, Benjamin, fl. 1834 . 20 Merriman, Marcus, fl. 1846 . 30 Merriman, Roger Bigelow, 1876-1945 285 Merritt, Benjamin, fl. 1845 166 Merritt, Wesley, 1834-1910 . . 7 Merritt, William Franklin, fl. 1845 166 Merry, Anthony 151 Merryweather, Algernon, fl. 1846 166 Mershom, Mary S., fl. 1826 194 Mershom, Samuel D. , fl. 1826 194 Mertrand, E. , fl. 1867 ... 74 Merusee, John R. , fl. 1846 . 228 Merwin, John B. , fl. 1930 . 194 Meserve, George, fl. 1766 . 251 Meserve, Nathaniel, fl. 1757. 95 Mesler & Ballad, fl. 1829 . 299 Messinger, John, fl. 1835 . 166 Mestin, Thomas, fl. 1846 . . 228 Metcalf, Samuel, fl. 18L0 . . 69 Metcalf, Theron, fl. 1855 . . 39 Metcalfe, Ma j . , fl. 1786 . . 268 Metcalfe, John, fl. 1768 . . 95 Methuen, Lord 151 Methuen, James, fl. 1830 . . 299 Methuen, Paul, d. 1795 ... 97 Metral, Lewis de, fl. 1767 . 95 Metzger, Charles Henry, 1890- 285 MKTZNER MILLER 459 Metzner, F. , fl. 1780 ... 62 Metzner, P 62 Meulan, Mons. (father), fl. 1777 127 Meulan, Mons. (son), fl. 1779 127 Meulan freres, fl. 1780 . . 127 Mexia, Alonso de, fl. 1614. 184 Mexia, Pedro, 1499-1552 . . 27 Mexia Maldonado, Miguel, fl. 1747 183 Mexico, Alonso, arzobispo de, fl. 1779 98 Mexico 175, 176, 177, 178, 179 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185 Caraara de Diputados. Comision de Industria . . 181 Contaduria mayor de cuentas 185 Cordoba. Jueces Hacedores. 181 Viceroyalty 187 Laws, Statutes, etc. . . 186 Mexico City . . . 188, 189, 190 Meyer, John, fl. 1793 . . . 299 Meyern, Phillippe de .... 62 Meyrick, fl. 1769 95 Miamis 52 Chief. Little Turtle . . . 194 Michelson, B. , fl. 1840 . . 228 Michener, Earl Cory, 1876-. 191 Michie, William, fl. 1769 . 95 Michigan 191 Michigan (Territory) Inhabitants 52 Michigan, University of Phi Phi Alpha Society, 1845 30 Mickle, R. , fl. 1846 . . . 228 Mico, John 194 Middleton, Sir Charles, see Barham, 1st baron Middleton, Henry, 1717-1784 280 Middleton, John, fl. 1782 . 109 Middleton, Mrs. Mary, fl. 1782 109 Middleton, Thomas, fl. 1779 62 Middleton county (Mass.) Court of Common Pleas . . 194 Medler, Christopher, fl. 1785 299 Midleton, Albinia Townshend, viscountess, d. 1808 . . . 268 Mier, Frederick, fl. 1785 . 299 Mier, Servando Feresa de, fl. 1820 181 Mier y Teran, Luis, d. 1894. 74 Mier y Trespalacios, Cosme de, fl. 1787 .... 188 Mifflin, John, fl. 1748 . . 292 Mifflin, Thomas, 1744-1800 . . . 109, 118, 194 Milbanke, J., fl. 1803 . . 250 Milbanke, Sir Ralph, fl. 1812 158 Milburn, Ann, fl. 1839 . . 294 Mildmay, H. A. S 268 Mildmay, Sir William, 1st bart., d. 1771 . 192, 251 268 Miles, Dixon S. , fl. 1838 . 64 Miles, Francis, fl. 1780 . . 62 Miles, John, fl. 1780 ... 62 Miles, Nelson Appleton, 1839-1925 .... 7, 125, 194 Miles, William Augustus, 17537-1817 251 Miles, Wm. Porcher, 1822-99 64 Miley, J. D. , fl. 1898 ... 7 Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. Michigan Commandery .... 7 Milk, Benjamin, fl. 1803 . 299 Mill, David, fl. 1787 . . . 167 Mill, Hugh, fl. 1772 . . . 275 Mill Creek Village, inhabitants of, 1790 . . . 118 Millard, Abijah * 62 Miller, Dr., fl. 1832 . . . 294 Miller, A. G. , fl. 1844 . . 166 Miller, Albert, fl. 1849 . . 30 Miller, Alex, fl. 1812 ... 67 Miller, Andrew R. , fl. 1824 299 Miller, Bethiah, fl. 1828 . 165 Miller, Charles, fl. 1819 . 277 Miller, Charles L. , fl. 1845 166 Miller, Chris. B. , fl. 1830 299 Miller, Christopher, fl. 1765 95 Miller, Cornelius 299 Miller, Daniel B. , fl. 1836 166 Miller, Edward, fl. 1829 . 299 Miller, Mrs. Elizabeth S. , fl. 1846 30 Miller, Fite, fl. 1796 . . 299 Miller, Hannah, fl. 1821 . 118 Miller, Henry, fl. 1792 . . 118 Miller, Hiram L. , fl. 1837-44 30 Miller, J., fl. 1840 .... 87 Miller, J. H. , & Co. , fl. 1840 299 Miller, Jacob, fl. 1772 . . 299 Miller, James 109 Miller, James, fl. 1786 . . 109 Miller, James, fl. 1816 . . 299 Miller, James B. , fl. 1850 299 Miller, Jane, fl. 1831 . . 299 Miller, Jane Riggs, fl. 1816 158 460 MILLER 'MINUTIUS FELIX' Miller, Joachim, fl. 1799 Miller, John, fl. 1764 . Miller, John, fl. 1780 . Miller, John, fl. 1825 . Miller, John, fl. 1845 . Miller, John H. , d. 1850 Miller, Joseph, Jr., fl. 1845 Miller, Killian, fl. 1816 Miller, L. R. , fl. 1840 . Miller, Maria, fl. 1799 . Miller, Matthias, fl. 1799 Miller, Nathan, 1743-90 . Miller, Nathan, fl. 1779 . Miller, Peter, fl. 1778 . Miller, Peter A., fl. 1844 Miller, Phineas, fl. 1790 Miller, Robert, fl. 1782 . Miller, Rosamond B. , fl. 1829 Miller, S. Millington . . Miller, Samuel, fl. 1774 . Miller, Samuel, fl. 1821 . Miller, Solomon^ fl. 1821 Miller, Thomas Miller, Tobias, fl. 1850 . Miller, William, fl. 1780 Miller & Feller, fl. 1850 Miller & Gaul, fl. 1807 . Miller & Punderson, fl. 182 7 Millett, J Millidge, Thomas, fl. 1776-81 Milligan, Jacob Milligan, James, fl. 1784 Milligan, Robert, fl. 1807 ' . Milligen, George, fl. 1764 Milliken, James, fl. 1764 Millin, John, fl. 1782 . . Millington, Dr. Abel, fl. 1837 Millington, Langford, fl. 1800 Millot, Abraham, fl. 1801 Mills, Arthur, fl. 1801 . Mills, Elisha Lyman, fl. 1843 Mills, Ezra, fl. 1781 . . Mills, George, fl. 1769 . Mills, George M. , fl. 1848 Mills, John, fl. 1780 . . Mills, John, fl. 1788 . . Mills, John, fl. 1830 . . Mills, John, Jr., fl. 1823 Mills, John W. , fl. 1865 . Mills, Joseph, fl. 1850 . Mills, Peter, d. 1830 . . . 109 299 Mills, Philip, , 95 fl. 1798 299 109 Mills, Samuel, d. 1814 . . . 109 244 Mills, Sir Thomas, 228 fl. 1766 95, 251 166 Mills, Rev. Thornton A,, 1810-67 30 166 Mills, Park & Co., 299 f L 1803 299 299 Milman, Henry Hart, 299 fl. 1840-54 151 Milroy, Robert Huston, 299 1816-90 64 280 Milward, Robert, , 62 fl. 1766-75 95 62 Milxan, John, fl. 1782 . . . 109 299 Minchin, Paul, 109 fL 1770 95 62 Miner, Alonzo Ames, 1814-95 294 299 Miner, Elisha, fl. 1801 . . 299 31 Miner, Erastus, 118 fl. 1810 299 299 Miner, Mrs. Euncie, 299 fl. 1801 299 62 Miner, Peter A., fl. 1835 . 166 299 Mines, John Flavel, 62 b. 1835 122 299 Minghetti, fl. 1876 .... 151 299 Minglesdorf, George, fl. 1780 161 299 Mink, Henry, fl. 1800 . . . 299 194 Mink, Philip H. , fl. 1822 299 62 Minno, Henry, fl. 1796 . . . 299 109 Minor, D. E. , 109 fL 1840 299 Minor, D. K. , fl. 1828 . . . 299 250 Minor, Nathaniel, fl. 1777 2 95 Minor, R. B. , fl. 1845 ... 87 95 Minorca 109 Britannick and Minorqueen gentlemen, 1777 98 166 Clergy 251 Rector and judges of 97 Mahon, 1778 98 Minot, W. W. , fl. 1822 ... 39 299 Minster, Isabella, 299 fl. 1819 299 Minto, Sir Gilbert Elliot, 166 3rd baronet of, 62 1722-77 Ill 62 Minto, Sir Gilbert Elliot, 1st earl of, 1751-1814 166 97, 151, 268 62 Minto, Gilbert Elliot, 118 2nd earl of, 1782-1859 . . 151 244 Minto, Walter, 1753-96 193 299 Minturn, R. B. , fl. 1843 . . 166 36 "Minutius Felix," 30 fl. 1782 251 MIRABEL - MONGAN 461 Mirabel, Comte de, fl. 1782 251 Miradenyra, Y. , fl. 1867 74 Miranda, Francisco de, 17507-1816 174 Mirau, Mons., fl. 1765 . . 288 Mirepoix, Charles-Pierre- Gaston-Francois de Levis, due de, 1699-1758 .... 251 Mird, Esteban Rodriguez, 1744-95 164 Missett, Ernest, fl. 1800-18 97 Missoraur, John, fl. 1786 . 191 Mitchel, David, fl. 1780 . 109 Mitchel, James, fl. 1781 . . 62 Mitchel, Ormsby MacKnight, 1809-62 64, 122 Mitchell, Maj . , fl. 1786 268 Mitchell, Sir Andrew, 1708-71 251 Mitchell, Andrew C. , fl. 1815 142 Mitchell, Archibald, fl. 1781 98 Mitchell, C, fl. 1779 ... 98 Mitchell, Charles, fl. 1844 299 Mitchell, Elijah B. , fl. 1845 166 Mitchell Ephraim, fl. 1775-83 109 Mitchell, G 87 Mitchell, H 20 Mitchell, Isaac, fl. 1806 . 299 Mitchell, J. F., fl. 1856 39 Mitchell, John, fl. 1826 . 299 Mitchell, Josiah S. , fl. 1886 71 Mitchell, Robert, fl. 1830 166 Mitchell, Thomas, fl. 1782 251 Mitchell, William B. , fl. 1844 166 Mitchelson, James, fl. 1764 95 Mitchill, Samuel Latham, 1764-1831 194 Mitford, John, fl. 1800 . . 97 Mitford, John Freeman-, 1st baron Redesdale, 1748-1830 293 Mitford, William, fl. 1782-88 251, 268 Mizner, Lansing B. , fl. 1850 166 Moale, John C. , fl. 1825 228 Mobile, French inhabitants of, 1763 95 Mocenigo, C<5nte Demetrius de, fl. 1779 193 Moffat, R. C, fl. 1850 . . . 166 Moffatt, Thomas, fl. 1766 251 Moffett, J. N 228 Mogaguen, Juan de, fl. 1733 251 Mogridge, Thomas, fl. 1730 . 194 Mohawk. Hendrick, 1680?-1755 61 Mohicon, John 95 Mohicon, Joseph 95 Moira, 2nd earl of, see Rawdon, baron Molesworth, Pons, fl. 1771 95 Molesworth, Richard, d. 1799 62, 107 Molesworth, Robert Molesworth, 5th viscount, C. 1730-1813 268 1863 259 226 268 95 62 74 251 109 62 62 244 268 251 Molina, Luis, fl Moline, John Molineux, Mr Molineux, W. , fl. 1769 . Mollay, Edward, fl. 1780 Moller, Federico, fl. 1867 Molleson, William, fl. 1780-86 62, 95, 149, 174 Molloy, D. , fl. 1782 .... Molohon, William, fl. 1781 Molton, George, fl. 1780 Molyneaux, E. , fl. 1828 . . Molyneux, Mrs Monaghan, Mr Monckton, Robert, 1726-82 95 Moncrief, James, 1744-93 62, 95 Moncrieffe, Thomas, fl. 1763-77 14, 62, 95 Monday, John 174 Monedo, Bal tasar de, fl. 1604 184 Monell, James D. , fl. 1822 299 Monell & Bushnell, fl. 1819 299 Monell & Van Buren, fl. 1817 299 Monette, Dr. George W. , fl. 1901 195 Monette, Dr. John W. , 1803-51 Money, Rev., fl. 1781 Moneypenny, Alexander, fl. 1759 Mongan, Charles, fl. 1780 195 62 95 62 462 MONIER MOOKLAR & STORRS Monier, John, fl. 1766 ... 95 Monk, George Henry, fl. 1779 62 Monk, Sir James, 1745-1826 98 Monmouth County, inhabitants of, 1782 11 Monro, Alexander, 1733-1817 62 Monroe, Harriet, 1860-1936 194 Monroe, James, 1758-1831 52, 103, 191, 228, 232, 282 Monsalve, Pedro, fl. 1812 182 Monsanto, Isaac 95 Monseignat, Mons. de .... 43 Monsell, William, fl. 1767 95 Monson, H. N. , fl. 1839 . . 166 Monson, Sir John Monson, 1st baron, 1693-1748 ... 61 Montagu, Lord Charles Greville, 1741-84 . . 95, 251 Montagu, Edward, see Sandwich, 1st earl of Montagu, Edward, fl. 1739 194 Montagu, George Brudenell Montagu, 4th earl of Cardigan, 1st duke of, 1712-90 ... 62, 97, 151, 251 Montagu, George, see Manchester, 4th duke of Montagu, Sir James, 1666-1723 251 Montagu, John, see Sandwich, 4th and 5th earls of Montagu, Adm. John, 1719-95 ... 95, 98, 251, 293 Montagu, William, 17207-57 292 Montague, Edward, fl. 1767 251 Montaigut, David, fl. 1786 109 Montanie, Benjamin, fl. 1781 62 Montant de Montbereaut, Chevalier de, fl. 1765 . . 95 Montbarey, Prince de, 1732-92 194 Montcalm-Gozon, Louis- Joseph de, marquis de Saint-V^ran, 1712-59 . . . 149 Monteagle, Thomas Spring- Rice, 1st baron, 1790-1866 67, 151 Montebello, Due de .... 228 Monteil, Chevalier de, fl. 1782 196 Montellano, Due de .... 174 Montes, Jose* Maria, fl. 1810 182 Montesquieu, Charles Louis de Secondat, baron de la Brede et de, 1689-1755 . . 251 Montezuma, Sarmiento Valladeres, conde de, fl. 1697 183 Montezuma family 197 Montgomery, Mrs., fl. 1806 299 Montgomery, James, fl. 1783 62, 251 Montgomery, James, fl. 1835 39 Montgomery, Sir James, fl. 1805 97 Montgomery, Sir James William, 1st bart. , 1721-1803 251 Montgomery, Janet, fl. 1805 299 Montgomery, John, 1764-1828 280 Montgomery, John H. , c. 1809-87 166 Montgomery, Robert, 1807-55 67 Montgomery, Thomas C. , fl. 1854 30 Montgomery, Sir William . . 62 Montgomery, William, 1736-1816 280 Montgomery, William, fl. 1785 62 Montgomery, William S. , fl. 1861 122 Montmorin, Armand Marc, comte de, d. 1792 90 Montour, Andrew, fl. 1744-68 61 Montreal Citizens of, 1764 95 English merchants of, 1766 95 French merchants of, 1766 95 Grand Jury 95 Justices of the Peace, 1765 95 Montresor, John, 1736-99 95 Montross, Samuel 62 Moodie, Dr. Alexander, fl. 1770 95 Moody, Lt., fl. 1781 .... 62 Moody, Edward, fl. 1776-81 109 Moody, James, 17447-1809 . . 62 Moody, Vernie Alton, 1888- 285 Moody, William J. , fl. 1844 166 Mooklar & Storrs, fl. 1798 299 MOOLEY Mooley , Isaac W. , fl. 1823 . 299 Moor, A. R., fl. 1835 . . . 299 Moor, George, fl. 1785 . . . 62 Moore, Capt., fl. 1779 . . . 98 Moore , A. D. , fl. 1824 . . . 299 Moore , Abraham J. , fl. 1 831 299 Moore, Andrew, fl. 1839 . . 228 Moore , Andrew Y. , 1802- 88 166 Moore, Benjamin, fl. 1802 . 299 Moore, R v. Benj. , 1848- 1916 79 Moore, C. B. , fl. 1828 . . . 299 Moore, Charles, fl. 1766 . . 95 Moore, Charles, 1855-1942 31, 191, 285 Moore, Charles A. , fl. 1898 . 7 Moore, Cleon 122 Moore, Conrad, fl. 1819 . . 299 Moore, D. M. , fl. 1826 . . . 299 Moore, E., fl. 1825 .... 228 Moore, George H. , fl. 1855 . 118 Moore, George Henry, 1823- 92 .... 31, 36, 87, 194 Moore, Sir Graham, 1764- 67 Moore, Sir Henry, 1st bart. , 1713- 6.9 95, 251 Moore, Hiram, fl. 1848 . . . 166 Moore, Jacob B. , fl. 1879 . . 39 Moore, Jacob J. , fl. 1804 . 299 Moore, 299 Moore , James, fl. 1781 . . . 109 Moore, James, fl. 1795 . . . 164 Moore, James, d. 1813 . . . 109 Moore, Jane, fl. 1821 . . . 228 Moore, Jane Simson, Lady John, d. 1820 .... . 97 Moore, Sir John, 1761-1809 . 97 Moore, Rev. John, 1730- • 1805 97, 268 Moore, John, fl. 1772 . . . 275 Moore, John, fl. 1780 . 62, 109 Moore , John, fl. 1785 . . . 299 Moore, John, fl. 1828 . . . 228 Moore, John, Jr., fl. 1827 . 299 Moore, John, fl. 1837 . . . 166 Moore, John B. , fl. 1862 . . 122 Moore, John M. , fl. 1846-51. 298 Moore Joshua, fl. 1770 . . . 95 Moore Judaea, fl. 1779 . . . 62 Moore Lindley D. , fl. 1844 . 30 Moore Lovell, 1797-1882 . . 166 Moore , M. , fl. 1864 .... . 36 Moore Margaret, fl. 1825 . 228 Moore , Martha, fl. 1781 . . . 87 Moore , Nathaniel Fish, 1782- -1872 194 Moore , Nicholas, fl. 1825 . 299 Moore 299 Moore , Philip J. , fl. 1785 . 299 Moore , Robert, fl. 1765 . . . 95 Moore , Col. S. , fl. 1843 . . 228 MORGAN 463 Moore, Col. Samuel, fl. 1745 163 Moore, Samuel, fl. 1773 . . 263 Moore, Samuel, fl. 1801 . . 299 Moore, Samuel Preston, fl. 1760 29 Moore, Stephen, fl. 1825 . . 299 Moore, Thomas, 1779-1852 . . 174 Moore, Thomas, fl. 1827 . . 228 Moore, Thomas D. , fl. 1781 . 118 Moore, Thomas O 247 Moore, Thomas R. , fl. 1823 . 299 Moore, William, fl. 1780 . . 287 Moore, William, fl. 1781 . . 109 Moore, William, fl. 1782 . . 251 Moore, William, fl. 1813 . . 299 Moore, William, fl. 1835 . . 228 Moore, William H. , fl. 1867 . 39 Moore, Zedakiah, d. 1783 . . 109 Moore & Foote, fl. 1848 ... 30 Moore & Joseph, fl. 1872 . . 299 Moore & Robertson, fl. 1822. 299 Moore Bradf ield & Co. , fl. 1848 30 Moorhouse, Willis, & Co. . . 62 Moors, Jeremiah, fl. 1829 . 166 Morand, Pierre, fl. 1874 . . 122 Morange, B. , & Son, fl. 1829 299 Morao, Figaniere e, fl. 1848 122 Moravian Indians, fl. 1788 . 118 Morce, George, fl. 1828 . . 244 Mordaunt, G. , fl. 1725 . . . 268 Mordecai, Alfred, 1804-87 20, 87, 228 Morden, James, fl. 1770-79 62, 95 More, Paul Elmer, 1864-1937 285 More, Thomas, fl. 1759 . . . 194 Moreau, Charles C. , fl. 1860. 36 Moreau, John B. , 1812-86. 36, 39 Morel, Emile Epiphanius, c. 1842 289 Morel-Fatio, Alfred-Paul- Victor, 1850-1924 289 Morell, George, fl. 1798 . . 299 Morell, George, fl. 1834 . . 166 Morellet, Andre, 1727-1819 . 251 Moreno, Joaquin, fl. 1867 . . 74 Moreno, Joseph, fl. 1713 . . 183 Moreno, Mariano, 1778-1811 . 198 Morey, Robert, fl. 1826 . . 299 Morgan, Cloe, fl. 1789 ... 118 Morgan, Daniel, 1736-1802 .... 62, 109, 194 Morgan, Edwin Denison, 1811-83 64 Morgan, Elijah W. , fl. 1839. 166 Morgan, Emily, fl. 1852 ... 39 Morgan, Eugenia, fl. 1884 . 294 Morgan, George, 1743-1810, 95, 118, 191, 194 464 MORGAN MORSE Morgan, H. , fl. 1829 .... 299 Morgan, Harriett, fl. 1818 . 194 Morgan, Sir Henry, 16357-88 98 Morgan, J. Pierpont, 1837-1913 7 Morgan, Jacquil, fl. 1764 . . 95 Morgan, James H. , fl. 1835 . 299 Morgan, John, fl. 1847 . . . 299 Morgan, John, 1803-84 . . . 294 Morgan, Jonathan, fl. 1796 . 20 Morgan, Peter, fl. 1789 . . 118 Morgan, Peter, fl. 1860 . . 244 Morgan, Philip Howel, fl. 1865 194 Morgan, Richard Price, fl. 1902 7 Morgan, T. , fl. 1780 .... 301 Morgan, William F. , fl. 1854 39 Morgan & Hubbel, fl. 1801 . 299 Morgandye, R. G. , fl. 1863 . 122 Morgann, Maurice, 1726-1802 151, 251 Morier, John Philip, 1776-1853 103 Morigny, Pierre Isaac de, fl. 1777 194 Morillot, Paul, b. 1858 . . 285 Morin, Isidore, fl. 1807 . . 191 Morin, Peter Michael, d. 1768 251 Morison, Jean 194 Morison, John, fl. 1779 ... 62 Morison, Samuel Eliot, 1887- 285 Morison & Jones, fl. 1846 . 166 Morley, Christopher Darlington, 1890- 194 Morley, John Parker, 2nd baron Boringdon, 1st earl of, 1772-1840 97 Mornington, 2nd earl of, see Wellesley, 1st marquess of Morocco. Sovereigns Mohamet XVI, fl. 1766 . . . 251 Morod, Jean, fl. 1768 .... 95 Morphy, Diego, fl. 1838 ... 52 Morrall, Thomas, fl. 1758 . . 14 Morrell, Robert, fl. 1780 . . 62 Morrell, Thomas H. , fl. 1865 36, 39 Morrill, Stephen, fl. 1823 . 299 Morris, Mrs. Ann, fl. 1780 . 98 Morris, Apollos, fl. 1761-75 95, 98 Morris, Benj. Wistar, bp. , 1819-1906 79 Morris, Cadwalader, 1741-95 280 Morris, Charles, d. 1781 62, 251 Morris, Charles, 1784-1856 . 20 Morris, Corbyn, d. 1778 . . 268 Morris, David, fl. 1781 ... 62 Morris, Dwight, fl. 1878 . . 259 Morris, George, fl. 1782 . . 11 Morris, Gouverneur, 1752-1816 109 Morris, James, fl. 1800 . . 299 Morris, John, fl. 1772 . . . 194 Morris, John C. , fl. 1813 . 299 Morris, Lawrence Johnson, 1870- 285 Morris, Lewis, 1671-1746 . . 268 Morris, Lewis, 1698-1762 . . 61 Morris, Lewis, Jr., fl. 1776-83 109 Morris, Lewis L. , fl. 1807 . 299 Morris, Michael, fl. 1779 62, 95 Morris, Richard, 1730-1810 62, 194 Morris, Richard R. , fl. 1822 299 Morris, Robert, 1734-1806 109, 122, 127, 194, 251, 286 Morris, Robert, fl. 1817 . . 299 Morris, Robert H. , fl. 1842 . 52 Morris, Robert Hunter, 17007-64 61 Morris, Roger, 1727-94 ... 62 Morris, Samuel, fl. 1760 . . 194 Morris, Staats Long, 1728-1800 174 Morris, Thomas, 1732-post 1806 95 Morris, Thomas, fl. 1786 . . 109 Morris, Thomas Armstrong, 1811-1904 64 Morris, Bishop Thomas Asbury, 1794-1874 298 Morris, Valentine, fl. 1778-87 98, 251, 263 Morris, Vail, fl. 1728 . . . 194 Morris, William, fl. 1735-90 268 Morris, William Alfred, 1875-1946 285 Morris, William W. , fl. 1786 118 Morris European Express, fl. 1873 39 Morrison, A., fl. 1825 . . . 244 Morrison, James, fl. 1779 . 191 Morrison, John, fl. 1766-83 62, 98 Morrison, John, fl. 1798 . . 299 Morrison, Samuel, fl. 1845 . 298 Moriss, James 62 Morrow, Thomas, fl. 1800 . . 118 Morse, Charles H. , il. 1850 . 30 Morse, Rev. Jedidiah, 1761-1826 20 Morse, L. L. , fl. 1837 . . . 166 Morse, Leonard, fl. 1780 . . 62 Morse, Robert M. , fl. 1840 . 39 Morse, Samuel F. B. , 1791-1872 52, 71 MORSMAN - MUMFORD 465 Morsman, Edgar Martin, 1840-1925 Mortemart, Victurnien- Jean- Baptiste-Marie de Rochechouart , due de, 1752-1812 Mortier, Abraham, fl. 1759 14 Mortier, Cornells, fl. 1770 Montlock, John, fl. 1842 . . Morton, Abner, fl. 1835 . . Morton, Alfred, fl. 1844 Morton, Charles, 1716-99 Morton, J. Wingate, fl. 1874 Morton, Joseph, fl. 1837 Morton, Levi P. , 1824-1920 Morton, Perez Morton, Thomas, 1575-1646 Morton, William Thomas Green, 1819-68 Mosby, John Singleton, 1833-1916 Moseley, William F. , fl. 1833 Moseman, Charles M. , fl. 1844 Mosengeil, Anthony, fl. 1780 Mosher, T. B. , fl. 1901 . . Mosher, William, fl. 1844 Mosier, Eli, fl. 1821 . . . Mosier & Bennet, fl. 1819 Mosill, Eli, fl. 1825 . . . Mospeth, Lord, fl. 1841 . . Mosquito Coast, British settlers on Moss, Rev. Charles, 1711-1802 Moss, Maria J., fl..l848 . . Mosse, Joseph Robert, fl. 1800 , Mossman, James, fl. 1780 . . Mothersill, Phillip, fl. 1898 Mott, Jacob, fl. 1779 . Motta, P Motte, Isaac, d. 1795 . Motteux, John, fl. 1782 Mottram, Dr. William, fl. 1844 Motz, H. R. , fl. 1782 . Moulton, Jeremiah, 1688-1765 Moulton, Jonathan .... Moulton, 0. G. , fl. 1843 . Moultrie, John, 194 1729-98 95 Moultrie, William, 1731-1805 109, 194 Mount, John, fl. 1817 . . . 299 97 Mountain, George, fl. 1775 95 , 95 Mountf lorence, James, fl. 1782 109, 266 143 Mountnorris, Arthur Annesley, 228 viscount Valentia, 1st 166 earl of, c. 1744-1816 . . 151 Mounts, G. W 87 228 Mourier, Chevalier de, fl. 1768 251 151 Mouton, Jean Jacques Alexander Alfred, 1829-64. 122 . 39 Mowat, Henry, c. 1735-98 42, 62, 98, 171, 251 . 39 Mowat, James Ryder 62 Mowat, O. , fl. 1884 .... 289 . 7 Mowles, Mr 62 194 Moylan, Jasper, fl. 1783 . 127 Moylan, John, fl. 1782 . . 109 199 Muckenfuss, Joseph, fl. 1767 95 , 52 Mudge, Thomas, 1760-1843 67 64 Muhlenberg, John Peter Gabriel, 1746-1807 .... 109 166 Muir, G. , fl. 1853 .... 194 Muir, Ramsay, 1872-1941 . . 285 166 Muirhead, James Fullerton, 1853-1934 285 , 62 Muirson, George, , 31 fl. 1768 273 Muirson, Sylvester, 299 fl. 1780 62 299 Mukins, Francis, fl. 1764 . 95 Mulcaster, Frederick G. W. , 299 fl. 1768-76 62, 95 299 Muldon & Montgomery, 228 fl. 1817 299 Mulgrave, Constantine John 251 Phipps, 2nd baron, 1744-92 107 268 Mulgrave, Henry Phipps, 228 3rd baron and 1st earl of, 1755-1831 .... 67, 97, 151 97 Mulgrave, 2nd earl of, see 62 Normanby, 1st marquess of Mullen, W. G. , fl. 1862 . . 122 7 Muller, P., fl. 1802 . . . 299 109 Mullett, John, 194 1786-1862 166, 298 109 Mulliken, John, fl. 1797 . . 20 251 Mullin, William E. , fl. 1847 194 166 Mulock, Thomas, fl. 1818 . . 67 147 Mumford, Edward, fl. 1779 62 194 Mumford, Gideon, fl. 1784 . 109 194 Mumford, John J., 194 fl. 1843 166 466 MUMFORD - MUZZEY Mumford, Peter, fl. 1775 . . 95 Munchhausen, Gerlach Adolph, freiherr von, 1688-1770 . . 251 Munchhausen, Jerome Karl Friedrich, freiherr von, 1720-97 98 Muncies. Chiefs, fl. 1810 . 281 Munday, Nathaniel, fl. 1780 253 Munday, William, fl. 1764 . . 95 Mundy, Edward, fl. 1836 . . 166 Munford, Robert, fl. 1781 109 Munger, Calvin, fl. 1838 . . 166 Munger, Daniel, fl. 1835 . . 166 Munir, Sheikh Muhammad, fl. 1923 285 Munoz, Bernado, fl. 1699 . . 183 Munoz, Francisco, fl. 1867 74 Munoz, Juan Bautista, 1745-99 200, 201 Munoz del Bravo, Luis, fl. 1594 183 Munro, Dana Carleton, 1866-1933 285 Munro, Daniel, fl. 1786 . . 109 Munro, Harry, fl. 1764 ... 95 Munro, Sir Hector, 1726-1805 251 Munro, John, fl. 1772 .... 95 Munro, William Bennett, 1875- 285 Munsell, Joel, 1808-80 36, 39, 87 Munson, Ebenezer, fl. 1804 299 Munson, William, fl. 1783 . 194 MUnster, Ernst Friedrich, graf von, 1766-1839 .... 97 Munture, Henry 95 Murat, Napoldon Achille, prince, 1801-47 . . . .194, 228 Murdock, F. B. , fl. 1849 166 Murdock, Thomas, fl. 1710 . . 62 Mure, Atkinson & Mure, fl. 1781 62 Murf in, James O. , fl. 1923 285 Murfree, Hardy, d. 1809 . . 109 Murillo Velarde, Pedro, 1696-1753 202 Murison, James 95 Murphey, Andrew, fl. 1781 109 Murphy, Lt 62 Murphy, D. I. , fl. 1904 125 Murphy, Edward 109 Murphy, Henry Cruse, 1810-82 . 36, 71, 87, 194, 262 Murphy, James, fl. 1798 . . 299 Murphy, Juan, fl. 1808 . . . 194 Murphy, Michael, fl. 1815 . 299 Murphy, Morgan, fl. 1758 . . 14 Murphy, William 95 Murray, fl. 1863 122 Murray, Alexander, fl. 1769 95 Murray, Bronson, fl. 1839 . 166 Murray, Charles B. , fl. 1893 294 Murray, Daniel, d. 1832 . . 62 Murray, David, see Mansfield, 2nd earl of Murray, F. M. , fl. 1780 . . 287 Murray, George, fl. 1750 . . 61 Murray, Sir George, 1772-1846 174 Murray, James, 1719?-94 95, 98, 251, 268, 287 Murray, James B. , fl. 1844. 166 Murray, Lord John, 1711-87 98 Murray, Rev. John, 1741-1815 109 Murray, John, fl. 1767-82 95, 109 Murray, John, fl. 1789 ... 97 Murray, John, 1778-1843 67 Murray, John, 1808-92 ... 67 Murray, Sir John Archibald, lord Murray, 1779-1859 . . 151 Murray, John B. , fl. 1838 . 166 Murray, Joseph, c. 1694-1757 4, 61 Murray, Lindley, 1745-1826 194 Murray, Patrick, see Elibank, 5th baron Murray, R. L. , fl. 1850 . . 30 Murray, Robert, fl. 1813 . . 67 Murray, Robert H. , fl. 1847 166 Murray, Thomas, fl. 1777 . . 62 Murray, William, see Mansfield, 1st earl of Murray, Capt. William, fl. 1767 95 Murray, William, fl. 1770 . 95 Murray, William, fl. 1782 . 127 Murray & Bryce, fl. 1816 . 299 Murray & Williamson .... 95 Murray-Pulteney, Sir James, 1751?-1811 174 Murtaugh, Barny, fl. 1812 . 299 Muse, Battaile, fl. 1788 . 122 Musgrave, Thomas, fl. 1770 95 Musgrave, Sir William, fl. 1735-86 ... 62, 251, 268 Mussey, J., fl. 1843 .... 39 "Mustapha," fl. 1782 . . . 251 Musten, Thomas, fl. 1846 . 228 Muzzey, David Saville, 1870- 285 MYDDELTON - NETZER 467 Myddelton, Charles, fl. 1776 109 Myer, Capt., fl. 1781 . . . 62 Myer, Christian, fl. 1781 . 62 Myer, H. C. , fl. 1844 . . . 299 Myer, Henry F. , fl. 1821 . 299 Myer, James, fl. 1800 . . . 299 Myer, P. L. , fl. 1815 . . . 299 Myer, Peter B. , fl. 1793 . 299 Myers, Albert Cook, 1874- . 285 Myers, Andrew P. , fl. 1816. 299 Myers, Frederick A. , fl. 1851 52 Myers, H. , fl. 1807 . . . 299 Myers, H. C. , fl. 1847 . . 299 Myers, Isaac . 62 Myers, Jacob H. , fl. 1835 . 299 Myers, John L, , fl. 1825 . 299 Myers, William, fl. 1775 . . 95 Myre, David, fl. 1797 . . . 299 Myres, Solomon, fl. 1847 . 299 N N. , J. , fl. 1782 251 N. , K., fl. 1792 97 N. , M. , fl. 1778 62 Nadal,.Mons. , fl. 1780 . . 194 Nafie, Cornelius 62 Nagel, Johannis 194 Nagle, H. M. , fl. 1868 ... 64 Naique, S. K. , fl. 1922 . . 285 Nanguis, fl. 1793 191 Nantucket, Loyalists of, fl. 1779 62 Napier, Sir Charles, 1786-1860 151 Napier, James, fl. 1780 . . 287 Napier, Mark, 1798-1879 . . 151 Napier, Nina, fl. 1859 ... 52 Napier, William, fl. 1770 . 95 Napier, Sir William Francis Patrick, 1785-1860 . . 52, 67 Napoleon I, emperor of the French, 1769-1821 .... 228 Napoles Arevalo, Joseph de, fl. 1738 251 Nash, Abner, c. 1740-86 . . 109 Nash, Melatiah, fl. 1811 . 142 Nash, Treadway Russell, 1725-1811 151 Nasmyth, Thomas, fl. 1736 . 251 Naude", Mons. , fl. 1773 . . 143 Navarre, Robert, 1709-91 95, 203 Navarro, Ignacio, fl. 1812. 182 Navarro, Jose", fl. 1799 . . 202 Navarro Garc£a de Valladares, Diego Jose, 1708-84 .... 62 Naylor, William, fl. 1779 . 62 Neal, John, 1793-1876 . . . 194 Neal, Thomas, fl. 1758 ... 14 Neal, Toaaa J., fl. 1867 . . 74 Neale, Sir Harry Burrard, 2nd bart., 1765-1840 ... 97 Neale, L. C, fl. 1898 . . 125 Neale, Seeley, fl. 1834 . . 166 Near, H. & L. , fl. 1830 . . 299 Neave, Richard, fl. 1782 98, 251 Neaves, Charles Neaves, lord, 1800-76 151 Necker, Jacques, 1732-1804 109, 251 Needham, Francis Jack, 12th viscount and 1st earl of Kilmorey, 1748-1832 . . 62 Neely, Rev. Henry Adams, 1830-1899 79 Negley, James Scott, 1826-1901 64 Negrete, Miguel 74 Negrete, Pedro Celestino, fl. 1821 182 Neil, Arthur, fl. 1772 ... 95 Neill, Mrs., fl. 1780 ... 62 Neilson, A. S. , fl. 1781 98, 251 Neilson, Charles, fl. 1767. 251 Neilson, Esther La Coste, Mrs. William S. , 1806-68 . 118 Neilson, Noble C. , fl. 1826-32 118 Neilson, William Smith, 1796-1854 118 Nelson, Artimus, fl. 1846 . 30 Nelson, F. B. , fl. 1846 . . 30 Nelson, Horatio Nelson, 1st viscount, 1758-1805 . . 97 Nelson, Hugh, 1768-1836 . . 194 Nelson, Jonathan, fl. 1805. 191 Nelson, Otto, fl. 1912 . . 194 Nelson, Thomas, 1738-89 . . 109 Nelson, Thomas, fl. 1767 . 251 Nelson, Thomas, & Son, fl. 1807 299 Nelson, William, 1711-72 . . 95 Nelson, William, fl. 1781 . 62 Nelson, William Rockhill, 1841-1915 237 Nemesio Salcedo, fl. 1810 . 182 Nepean, Sir Evan, 1st bart., 1751-1822 97, 149, 151, 171, 251, 268 Nesbitt, Arnold, fl. 1761 . 95 Nesbitt, Colebrook, fl. 1780 62 Nesbitt, J.M. , & Co. , fl. 1781 118 Nesbitt, Jonathan, fl. 1778 146 Nesbitt, William, fl. 1760-75 14, 95 Nesbitt, Drummond & Franks, fl. 1764-79 62, 95 Ness, John, fl. 1771 .... 95 Netzer, Henry, fl. 1780 . . 62 468 NEUFVILLE - NEW YORK Neufville, Mons. de, fl. 1782 251 Neuville, D 289 Nevill, Presley, d. 1818 . 118 Neville, Richard Neville Aldworth, 1717-93 .... 275 Nevin, J. W. , fl. 1835 . . 294 Nevin, U. J., fl. 1857 . . 118 Nevins, Allan, 1890- . . . 285 Nevins, James L. , fl. 1822. 299 Nevins, Thomas J., fl. 1828 299 Nevis, Island of. House of Assembly, 1785 194 New, George W. , fl. 1872 . . 64 New, Thomas, fl. 1779 . . . 194 Newberry, Oliver, fl. 1837. 166 Newberry, Truman Handy, 1864-1945 7 Newbigging, James, fl. 1793 194 Newbold, William Romaine, 1865-1926 285 Newbould, Alexander H. , fl. 1841 166 Newburgh, James Bartholomew Radcliffe, 4th earl of, 1725-86 268 Newburgh, Rev. Robert, fl. 1775 95 Newcastle, Henry Fiennes Pelham-Clinton, 9th earl of Lincoln, 2nd duke of, 1720-94 ... 61, 62, 107, 151 Newcastle, Henry Pelham Clinton, 4th duke of, 1785-1851 97, 250 Newcastle, Thomas Pelham- Holles, 1st duke of, 1693- 1768 . . 61, 98, 151, 194, 251 268 Newcomb, F. D 87 Newcomb, William, fl. 1810. 299 Newel, Stanford, 1839-1907 7 New England Anti-Slavery Convention, 1839 294 New England. Citizens ... 52 New England Historic & Genealogical Society ... 52 Newfoundland 205 Newfoundland, merchants of, 1813 103 Newhall, Daniel H 194 Newhall, Dr. Horatio, fl. 1834 166 New Hampshire 194 Committee of Safety . . . 194 General Assembly, 1764.95, 194 General Assembly 194 House of Representatives. 194 Grants. Convention, 1781 . 62 Militia 7th Regiment ....... 194 New Haven (Conn. ) Subscribers 194 Newhaven, Sir William Mayne, 1st baron, d. 1794 62, 151 New Jersey Council 95 Council and Assembly . . . 118 General Assembly 95 Loyalist of, 1778 62 Supreme Court 95 Newkirk, C. , fl. 1804 . . . 299 Newland, Trevor, fl. 1775 . 95 Newman, Michael, fl. 1777 . 62 Newman, R. W. , fl. 1835 . . 239 Newman, Wingate, fl. 1778 . 62 Newmarch, Timothy, fl. 1780. 62 Newnan, R 87 Newnan, William, fl. 1944 . 194 New Orleans. Recorder's Office 52 Newport, Loyalist of, fl. 1771 62 New Spain 204 Newton, E. S. , fl. 1835 . . 39 Newton, Edward A. , fl. 1851 39 Newton, Sir Henry, 1651-1715 251 Newton, Hibbert, fl. 1725 . 268 Newton, J. B?, fl. 1785 . . 268 Newton, James, fl. 1851 . . 39 Newton, William, fl. 1760 . 95 Newton, William, fl. 1780-1810 62, 97 New York Chamber of Commerce . . . 174 Commissioners of Indian Affairs 61, 251 Council ... 61, 62, 95, 251 Council and lieutenant governor 251 General Assembly . 62, 95, 251 General Assembly, 1776 . . 61 House of Representatives. 194 Harbor Masters and Wardens 263 Loyalists of, 1781 .... 62 Loyal refugees of, 1782 . . 11 Militia 2nd Regiment, Light Dragoons 62 Provincial Congress, 1775 . 95 Supreme Court 299 Treasury, 1799 62 New York City Chamber of Commerce .... 62 Committee of Association . 95 Corporation of 62 Inhabitants of, 1782 ... 11 Mayor, Aldermen, and Commonalty, 1765 95 Mayor, Vestry, and Over- seers of the Poor, 1778 . 62 Merchants, 1766 251 NEW YORK - NORTH 469 New York Female Wesleyan Anti-Slavery Society, 1842 294 New York Journal 7 New York Ladies' Anti- Slavery Society 30 New York Society Library, fl. 1794 194 New York University Regents 52 New York World 7 New York Young Men's Anti- Slavery Society, 1836 . . 294 Nexs.en, Elias T. , fl. 1827. 299 Ney, G. , fl. 1827 299 Nichol, Jonas, fl. 1755 ... 4 Nicholas, Andrew, fl. 1770. 194 Nicholas, Mary Jenkins, Mrs. Samuel, fl. 1798- 1809 118 Nicholas, Mary Spear . . . 228 Nicholas, Samuel, d. 1790 . 118 Nicholas, Thomas, fl. 1752. 148 Nicholls, Richard, fl. 1745. 61 Nichols, Dr. Cyril, fl. 1834 166 Nichols, David, fl. 1800 . 299 Nichols, John, fl. 1780 . . 62 Nichols, Walter, fl. 1784 . 109 Nichols, William, fl. 1789 118 Nichols, Rev. Wm. Ford, 1849-1924 79 Nichols & Wilcox, fl. 1831 299 Nicholson, Anthony, fl. 1747 268 Nicholson, Henry F., fl. 1869 129 Nicholson, Rev. Isaac Lea . 79 Nicholson, James, c. 1736-1804 109 Nicholson, James B. , 1820-1901 36 Nicholson, John, d. 1800 109, 118, 194 Nicholson, John P. , fl. 1898 7 Nicholson, Meredith .... 285 Nicholson, Wargen, fl. 1730-34 251 Nickerson, Hoffman, 1888- . 285 Nicolas, Lewis, 1717-1807 118 Nicoll, Francis, fl. 1764 . 95 Nicoll, Mary Townsend, Mrs. Edward H. , 1789-1849 273 Nicolls, John Luke, fl. 1767 95 Nicolson, L., fl. 1837 ... 39 Nicolson, Samuel, fl. 1839 39 Niernsee, John R. , fl. 1864 122 Nights, Richard, fl. 1780 . 62 Niles, N. , fl. 1847 ... 166 Niles, W. H., fl. 1913 ... 6 Niles, Walter L. , fl. 1927 237 Niles, William Ogden, fl. 1845 166 Niles, Rev. Wm. Woodruff, 1832-1914 79 Nisbet, S. R. M 247 Nisbett, William, fl. 1780 . 62 Niven, George W. , fl. 1828. 299 Niven, Michael, fl. 1799 . 299 Nivernois, Mancini, due de, 1716-98 62 Nixon, Andrew, fl. 1776-82. 109 Nixon, George, fl. 1786 . . 109 Nixon, James, fl. 1780 ... 62 Nixon, John 194 Nixon, Thomas, fl. 1780-1800 97 Noailles, Anne-Jules, due de, fl. 1697 Noble, Alonzo, 1809-84 . Noble, Charles, fl. 1833 Noble, James, fl. 1834 . Noble, John, fl. 1775 . . Noble, John S. , fl. 1814 Noble, L. P. , fl. 1841 . Noel, Thomas Nolet, Mons. , fl. 1863 . Nollard, Armand, fl. 1890 Nonsuch, David, fl. 1779 Noonan, Josiah A. , fl. 1840 166 Nooth, Dr. John Mervin, d. 1828 62 Nordberg, John, fl. 1764-70. 95 Norfolk, Bernard Edward Howard, 12th duke of, 1765-1842 Norfolk, Henry Charles Howard, 13th duke of, 1791-1856 Noriega, Manuel, d. 1872 . Norman, Mr., fl. 1804 . . Norman, Charles, fl. 1780 62 Norman, W. E. , fl. 1815 . Normanby, Constant ine Henry Phipps, 2nd earl of Mulgrave, 1st marquess of, 1797-1863 67, 239 Normanton, earl of, see Agar, Charles Norris, Isaac, 1701-66 ... 4 Norris, John 109 Norris, Sir John, 16607-1749 268 Norriss, Dr. Henry 62 North, Francis, see Guilford, 1st earl of North, Frederick North, 2nd earl of Guilford, baron, 1732-92. 62, 98, 149, 151, 158 206, 207, 251, 275 98 89 166 166 166 95 194 294 87 289 289 62 250 250 74 268 107 299 470 NORTH OAKLEY North, George Augustus, 3rd earl of Guilford, 1757-1802 149 North, John, fl. 1776-82. 11, 62 North, William, 1755-1836 109, 118 North Carolina 104 Anson and Cumberland counties, Loyalists of . . 62 Council 109, 251 Dobbs County, sundry inhabitants of 95 General Assembly 109 Guildford, sundry inhabitants of 95 Militia 62 Provincial Congress, 1775 . 98 Northey, Sir Edward, 1652-1723 251, 293 Northington, Sir Robert Henley, baron of Grange, viscount Henley, 1st earl of, 1708?-72 251 Horthington, Robert Henley, 2nd earl of, 1747-86 . . . 268 Northrop, Elijah, fl. 1828 299 Northrup, Cornelius, fl. 1834 166 Northrup, John 194 Northumberland, Hugh Percy, 1st duke of, 1715-86 95, 149, 151 Northumberland, Hugh Percy, 2nd duke of, 1742-1817 62, 95, 97, 98, 149, 287 Northwestern Liberty Party Convention, 1846 30 Norton, A. W. , fl. 1822 ... 20 Norton, Beriah, fl. 1780 62 Norton, Chappie, 1746-1818 62, 268 Norton, Charles B. , fl. 1854 31, 39, 87 Norton, Eliakim, fl. 1762 194 Norton, Sir Fletcher, 1st baron Grantley, 1716-89 251, 268 Norton, Howell B. , fl. 1834 166 Norton, John, fl. 1845 . . . 166 Norton, John L. , fl. 1825 299 Norton, John Pease, 1877- . 285 Norton, Rev. John T. , fl. 1840 30 Norton, Peter, fl. 1762 . . 194 Norton, R. Wilmot 151 Norton, S. E. , fl. 1865 . . 122 Norton, Sam 249 Norton, Sarah, fl. 1828 . . 299 Norton, Seth, fl. 1780 . . . 109 Norton, W. T. , fl. 1921 . . 165 Norton, William, 2nd baron Grantley, 1741-1822 . . . 251 Norton, William, fl. 1779 . 62 Norvell, Mrs. Isabella H. , fl. 1845 166 Norvell, John, 1789-1850 . 166 Norwich, E. , fl. 1840 ... 30 Notestein, Wallace, 1879- . 285 Nott, E., fl. 1807 .... 299 Nott, Eliphalet, 1773-1866 194 Nott, G. W., fl. 1895 . . . 289 Nourse, Gabriel, fl. 1806 142 Nourse, J. E. , fl. 1859 . . 52 Nourse, Joseph, fl. 1800 . 194 Nourse, Michael, fl. 1834 . 87 Nova Scotia Council 95, 251 General Assembly . 62, 98, 251 Laws, statutes, etc. . . 208 Nova Scotia, Charles, bishop of, fl. 1790 .... 97 Nowell, John, fl. 1843 ... 52 Nowlan, Maurice, fl. 1782 . 109 Noyes, Daniel 249 Noyes, Isaac R. , fl. 1826 . 299 Noyes, J. H 87 Noyes, P. P. and W. , Jr., fl. 1848 30 Nuapa, Marques de, fl. 1787 188 Nugent, Sir Charles Edmund, 1759?-1844 .... 98 Nugent, Sir George, 1st bart., 1757-1849 97 Nugent, George Thomas John, see Westmeath, 1st marquess of Nugent, Robert Nugent Craggs, 1st viscount Clare, 1st earl, 1702-88 .... 149 Nugent, T. , fl. 1770 ... 251 Nugen t -Temple -Grenvi lie, George, see Temple, 3rd earl Nunez, Conde Fernan, fl. 1813-26 67 Nutt, A. C, fl. 1868 ... 87 Nutt, John, fl. 1778 62, 149, 174 Nutting, John, fl. 1782 . . 251 Nye, D. W. , fl. 1910 . . . 285 O O. , H. , fl. 1764 62 Oakes, Charles H. , fl. 1840 166 Oakes, Richard, fl. 1782 251 Oakley, Mr., fl. 1811 . . . 268 Oakley, George P. , fl. 1815 299 OAKLEY - OLMSTEAD 471 Oakley, Samuel, fl. 1818 299 Oakman, Tobias, fl. 1775 . . 95 Oberholtzer, Ellis Paxson, 1868-1936 285 O'Brien, Arthur, fl. 1780 . . 62 O'Brien, Edward, fl. 1766 95 O'Brien, Rt. Rev. Mgr. Frank A 285 O'Brien, Sir Lucius Henry, 3rd bart., d. 1795 .... 149 O'Brien, Michael Morgan, fl. 1787 118 O'Brien, Murrough, see Thomand, 1st marquess of O'Brien, Thomas J., fl. 1901 7 O' Bryan, Michael 62 O'Callaghan, Dr., fl. 1865 . 39 O'Callaghan, Dr. Edmund B. , 1797-1880 36 Ochoa de Arfn, Joseph, fl. 1729 251 Ocknig, Christian Gottlob, fl. 1786 159 O'Connell, Daniel, fl. 1830 194 O'Connor, Mons. , fl. 1779 . . 80 O'Connor, John, fl. 1782 . . 251 0' Conor, Charles, 1804-84 52 Odell, D. D. , fl. 1857 ... 52 Odell, Isaac, fl. 1800 ... 299 Odell, Jonathan, 1737-1818 62 Odenheimer, Annie D. R. , fl. 1854 39 Odenheimer, Rev. Wm. Henry, 1817-79 79 Oelrichs, Henry 228 "Officer, An" 98 O 1 Flaherty, Daniel, fl. 1772 2 *>8 Ogarrio, F. , fl. 1867 .... 74 Ogden, Benjamin, fl. 1845 166 Ogden, David, 1707-1800 62, 95 Ogden, Isaac, 1739-1824 62, 251 Ogden, John, fl. 1775 ... 280 Ogden, Moses, fl. 1781 ... 62 Ogden, O. W. , fl. 1820 ... 299 Ogden, Rollo, 1856-1937 2 »5 Ogden, Samuel 62, 109 Ogden, Thomas Ludlow, 1773-1844 194 Ogden, William Butler, 1805-77 166 Ogilvie, Charles, fl. 1783 109 Ogilvie, Francis, fl. 1765 95 Ogilvie, John, 1733-1813? 62 Ogilvy, James, see Seafield, 4th earl of Ogilvy, William, fl. 1774 95 Ogle, Sir Chaloner, 1681?-1750 268 Ogle, Samuel, 1694-1752 61, 251 O'Hara, Brabazon, fl. 1769 95 O'Hara, Charles, 17407-1802 62, 174, 251 O'Hara, James, fl. 1781 . . 62 O'Hara, James, d. 1819 . . 118 Ohio General Assembly 52 Volunteer Regiments .... 52 Warren County. Franklin Twp 194 Washington, Athens and Gallia counties, landholders of, 1817 . . 118 Ohio Company, 1789 .... 118 Ohio Confederary of Indians 62 Ohio River Inhabitants of the western side of the, 1785 .... 118 Settlers west of the, 1785 118 Ohr, C. H. , fl. 1856 . . . 228 Okely, J., fl. 1748-52 ... 29 Okerson, Thomas 62 Oladowski, H. , fl. 1865 . . 122 Olaso, Juan de, fl. 1713 . 183 Old, Nicholas, E., fl. 1781 62 "Old Officer, An" 62 Olding, Nicholas Purdie, fl. 1780 62 Olding, William 62 Olds, James, fl. 1834 . . . 166 Olguin, Genaro, fl. 1867 74 Oliver, Mr., fl. 1783 . . . 251 Oliver, Andrew, 1706-74 95, 251 Oliver, Andrew, Jr., fl. 1803 142 Oliver, James, fl. 1790 . . 299 Oliver, James, fl. 1781 . . 62 Oliver, Peter, 1713-91 95, 98 Oliver, S. H. , fl. 1864 . . 247 Oliver, Thomas, 1734-1815 95, 268 Oliver, Dr. William, 1695-1764 98 Oliver, William, fl. 1780 . 62 Oliver, William, fl. 1833 166 Olms tead, Samuel, fl. 1850 299 472 OLMSTED - OSWALD Olmsted, Enoch, fl. 1842 . . 30 Olney, George, fl. 1779 . . 109 Olney, Jeremiah 253 Olney, Joseph, fl. 1804 . . 299 Olney, Richard 109 Olyphant, Dr. David, fl. 1783 109 Omand, John, b. c. 1736 . . . 4 Ommanney, Cornthwaite, d. 1801 62 O' Moore, Garrett, fl. 1813 67 Ompteda, C. von, fl. 1795 . . 97 Onderdonk, Rev. Ben j . Tredwell, 1791-1861 .... 79 Onderdonk, Henry, Jr. , fl. 1867 39 Onderdonk, Rev. Henry Ustick, 1789-1858 79 O'Neill, John F. , fl. 1834 . 166 O'Neill, Thomas 109 Onslow, Arthur, 1691-1768 . 268 Onslow, George Onslow, 1st baron and 1st earl of, 1731-1814 62 Opdycke, E., fl. 1884 .... 64 Opie, Mrs. Amelia, fl. 1840 . 30 Oporto Merchants, Committee of, 1766 251 Opterre, Mons. d' , fl. 1781 . 62 Ora, Bernado de, fl. 1810 . 182 Oram, Peter, fl. 1781 ... 109 Orange, Princess Wilhelmina of, fl. 1788 97 Orange, Prince William of, 1748-1806 97 Orange Society of Edinburgh, 1786 193 Orcutt, C. B. , fl. 1898 . . 125 Ord, Edward Otho Cresap, 1818-83 64 Ord, James, fl. 1733-51 251, 268 Ord, Thomas, fl. 1771 .... 95 Orde, Sir John, 1st bart., 1751-1824 . 107, 151, 194, 268 Orde-Powlett, Thomas, see Bolton, 1st baron O'Reilly, Capt. , fl. 1780 . . 62 O'Reilly, Ma j . , fl. 1779 . . 147 O'Reilly, A. E. , fl. 1839 . 228 O'Reilly, Conde Alexandro, 1735-94 95 O'Reilly, Andrew, fl. 1858 . 194 O'Reilly, Matt, fl. 1945 . . 194 Orendorff, Christian, fl. 1776-83 109 Orford, George Walpole, 3rd earl of, d. 1791 ... 151 Orford, Horace Walpole, 2nd earl of, 1752-1822 . . 151 Orford, Horace Walpole, 4th earl of, 1717-97 . . . Ill Orleans, Louis Philippe d' , comte de Paris, 1838-94 64, 67, 194 Orlebar, Richard, fl. 1764-88 268 Orme, Edward, fl. 1837 ... 20 Orme, Robert, 1728-1801 191, 268 Ormond, John J., fl. 1832 . . 30 Ormsby, Dr. Caleb N. , d. 1856 166 Ormsby, Eubule, fl. 1764 . . 95 Ormsby, Henry, fl. 1768 ... 62 Ormsby, James, fl. 1758-65 14, 95 Ormsby, John, fl. 1764 ... 95 Ormsby, William, fl. 1781 . . 62 Ornsen, James B. , fl. 1901 . 52 Orr, Adam, fl. 1810 69 Orr, James Lawrence, 1822-73 52, 64 Orr, William, 1766-97 . . . 174 Orth, Samuel, fl. 1913 ... 31 Ortoman, Sieur d' , fl. 1764 . 95 Ortroy, Fernand Gratien van, 1856-post 1919 .... 289 Osborn, Chase Salmon, 1860-1949 194 Osborn, Sir George, 4th bart., 1741-1818 .... 98 Osborn, H. R. , fl. 1845 . . 166 Osborn, John, fl. 1786 . . . 268 Osborn, Nathan, fl. 1843 . . 166 Osborn, Samuel, fl. 1779 . . 62 Osborn, Stellanova Brunt, Mrs. Chase, 1894- 194 Osborn, William H. , fl. 1871 39 Osborne, C. C. , fl. 1844 . . 166 Osborne, Charles, fl. 1758-65 14, 95 Osborne, Charles, fl. 1783 . 251 Osborne, Francis, see Carmarthen, marquess of Osborne, H. , fl. 1785 ... 109 Osborne, Wadham, fl. 1754 . 251 Osburn, J. L. , fl. 1863 ... 7 Osgood, Herbert Levi, 1855-1918 285 Osgood, Samuel, 1747-1813 194, 280 Osgood, Samuel, 1812-80 . . 247 Osgood, Timothy, fl. 1788 . . 20 Ossaye, F., fl. 1867 .... 74 Ossington, 1st viscount, see Denison, John Evelyn Ostler, John, fl. 1789 . . . 268 Ostrander, Moses, fl. 1799 . 299 0' Sullivan, Thomas Herbert, d. 1824 62 Oswald, Alexander, fl. 1807 174 Oswald, James, 1715-69 61, 151 Oswald, Sir John 1771-1840 174 Oswald, Richard, 1705-84 98, 209, 251 OTEY - PAINE 47 3 Otey, Rev. James Hervey, 1800-63 79 Otis, Isaac, fl. 1844 . . . 166 Otis, James, 1725-83 .... 109 Otis, John, fl. 1839 .... 39 Otis, Samuel Alleyne, 1740-1814 109, 280 Otis, William F. , fl. 1846 . 39 Otley, Matthias, fl. 1783 . 251 Ottawa ( Indians) 14 Chiefs, 1785 118 Chiefs, 1810 281 Chief Brochet, fl. 1713 . . 43 Chiefs Ishiwabami and Shawaneese*, fl. 1772 ... 95 Chief Kitanokey, fl. 1786 . 118 Chief Pontiac, d. 1769 14, 95, 124, 191 Ottendorff, Nicolaus, fl. 1780 62 Ottley, Drewry, fl. 1796 . . 194 Otway, Joseph, fl. 1766 . . 251 Oudermeulen, C. V. V. , 1735-1794? 98 Ouiatanon, French traders of, fl. 1774 95 Ould, Robert, fl. 1857 ... 64 Ourry, Lewis, fl. 1766 ... 95 Oursel, Mr., fl. 1783 . . . 251 Ousterhout, Cornelius, fl. 1834 166 Outerbridge, Walter, fl. 1754-67 95 Outram, Sir Benjamin Fonseca, 1774-1856 67 Outwater, James, fl. 1835 . 299 Outwater, Peter, fl. 1822 . 299 Outwater & Elsworth, fl. 1840 299 Overall, John, fl. 1780 ... 62 Overton, Samuel, fl. 1804 . 142 Overturf, Jacob, fl. 1781 . . 62 Oviedo, Juan de, fl. 1815 . 182 Owen, Abijah C, fl. 1851 . 194 Owen, Arthur, fl. 1781 . . . 251 Owen, Chas., fl. 1803 ... 299 Owen, D. , fl. 1788 174 Owen, E. H. , fl. 1842 .... 39 Owen, Hannah, fl. 1803 ... . 299 Owen, Jesse C. , fl. 1804 . . 299 Owen, John 109 Owen, R 239 Owen, R 2 68 Owen, Robert Dale, 1801-77 166 Owen, Robert Latham, 1856-1947 285 Owen, Thomas, fl. 1781 . . . 109 Owen, Thomas J. V. , fl. 1833 166 Owen, W. , fl. 1844 294 Owens, David, fl. 1769-90 95, 118 Oxford, Edward Harley, 4th earl of, 1726-90 ... 151 Oxford, Robert Harley, 1st earl of, 1661-1724 Oxford University . . . 151 97 P., L. L., fl. 1902 .... 285 P., O. , fl. 1727 98 Pablo, Ignacio de Toleriaz, fl. 1787 188 Pace, James, fl. 1843 . . . 118 Pacha, Reschid, fl. 1842 . . 52 Pache, Paine", fl. 1782 . . 251 Pacheco, Carlos, fl. 1867 . . 74 Pacheco de Ribera, Francisco, fl. 1867 .... 74 Packard, Dr. Benjamin H. , fl. 1834 166 Paddock, Rev. Benj. Henry, 1828-91 79 Paddock, Rev. John Adams, 1825-94 79 Paddock, Judah, fl. 1816 . . 299 Paddock, Maria, fl. 1822 . . 299 Page, Alfred B. , 1866-1912 . 194 Page, Barbara E., fl. 1918 . 165 Page, David, fl. 1848 . . . 166 Page, George Currie, fl. 1840-50 67 Page, Howard W. , fl. 1902 . . 6 Page, J., fl. 1728 268 Page, John 87 Page, John, fl. 1805 .... 20 Page, Mann, Jr., 1749-81 . . 280 Page, Dr. R. C. M. , fl. 1885 87 Page, S. Davis, fl. 1898 . . 118 Page, Mrs. Sherman, fl. 1845 166 Page, Thomas J., fl. 1862 . . 64 Page, Thomas Nelson, 1853-1922 285 Page, Walter Hines, 1855-1918 285 Page, William, fl. 1795 ... 20 Page, William P., fl. 1828 . 299 Pageot, A., fl. 1848 .... 228 Paget, Sir Arthur, 1771-1840 151 Paget, Sir Edward, 1775-1849 151 Paget, Sir Henry William, see Anglesey, 1st marquess of Pagett, William, fl. 1780 . 287 Pago, fl. 1824 194 Paige, Harriet, fl. 1850 . . 299 Paige, Timothy, fl. 1843 . . 166 Paine, Catherine, fl. 1810 . 299 Paine, E. T. , fl. 1810 . . . 299 Paine, Geo. T. , fl. 1865 . . 39 Paine, James H. , fl. 1844 . . 30 Paine, Mrs. John, fl. 1864 . 39 474 PAINE PARKER Paine, Robert Treat, 1731-1814 194, 280 Paine, Samuel, d. 1807 . 62, 95 Paine, Thomas, 1737-1809 . . 210 Paine, Timothy, c. 1730-93 . 95 Painted Tobacco 52 Pairo & Nourse, fl. 1852 . . 194 Pait, William J. , fl. 1849 30 Pakenham, R. , fl. 1845 . . . 228 Palafox y Mendoza, Juan de, 1600-59 187 Palairet, I., fl. 1764 . . . 194 Palding, Justice, fl. 1781 . 62 Paley, William, 1743-1805 . 158 Palfrey, John Gorham, 1796-1881 . . 52, 151, 194, 262 Palgrave, Robert, d. c. 1804 211 211 211 Palgrave, W. B. , fl. 1826 . Palgrave, Wm. , fl. 1804-34 . Palk, Sir Robert, 1st bart., 1717-98 151 Palliser, Sir Hugh, 1st bart., 1723-96 95, 151 Palmer, Andrew, fl. 1843 . Palmer, Anthony, 16757-1749 61 Palmer, Benjamin, fl. 1774 Palmer, Benjamin, fl. 1830 Palmer, Chester, fl. 1844 Palmer, D. K. , fl. 1927 . Palmer, Freeman, fl. 1835 Palmer, G. H. , fl. 1924 . Palmer, George N. , fl. 1834. Palmer, J. C. , fl. 1842 , Palmer, J. C. , fl. 1852 , Palmer, John, 1742-1818 . Palmer, John W. , fl. 1822 Palmer, Joseph, 1716-88 . Palmer, Joseph, fl. 1854 Palmer, N. , fl. 1834 . . Palmer, Robert, fl. 17 67 Palmer, Robert, fl. 1781 Palmer, Sir Roundell, see Selborne, 1st earl of Palmer, Samuel, fl. 1860 Palmer, Thomas W. , 1830-1913 7 Palmer, William, fl. 1800 . 299 Palmer, Wm. Jackson, 1836-1909 64 Palmerston, Amelia Peniston Temple, viscountess, c. 1787-1869 239 Palmerston, G 212 Palmerston, Henry Temple, 2nd viscount, 1739-1802 . . 206 Palmerston, Henry John Temple, 3rd viscount, 1784-1865 151, 212, 228 Palmerton, E 151 Palou, Francisco, 1723-89 . 184 251 166 95 228 166 285 299 285 166 22 8 39 251 299 194 262 166 251 109 244 Pampellonne, James, fl. 1764-68 95 Pana, Juan de la, fl. 1602 . 184 Panfold, John, fl. 1818 . . 299 Panizzi, Sir Anthony, 1797-1879 67, 151 Pantoja, Pablo, fl. 1867 . . 74 Panton, Dr. George, fl. 1779 62, 174 Panton, Henry, fl. 1840 . . 228 Paoli, Pasquale de, 1725-1807 .... 97, 151, 251 Papineau, Louis-Joseph, fl. 1853 289 Parant, Pierre, d. 1766 ... 95 Pardy, Joseph, fl. 1825 . . 299 Pardy, Robert, fl. 1834 . . 166 Paresa, fl. 1787 188 Paret, Rev. Wm. , 1826-1911 . 79 Parias, Sebastian, fl. 1867 . 74 Paris, Peter 95 Parish, Daniel, Jr., fl. 1865 36 Parish, F . D. , fl. 1844 ... 30 Parish, John, Jr 174 Parish, Sir Woodbine, 1796-1882 151 Park, Jacob, fl. 1812 .... 299 Park, James, fl. 1823 ... 299 Park, Rev. Russell, 1807-69 20 Park, Stuart, J. fl. 1821 Parke, Abiah Parke, Andrew, fl. 1775 . , Parke, Daniel, 1669-1710 . Parke, Sir James, see Wensleydale, 1st baron Parke, John, 1754-89 . . . 20 62 95 2 68 122 Parke, John Grubb, 1827-1900. 64 Parke, Thomas, fl. 1792 . . 118 Parker, Alexander, fl. 1790. 118 Parker, Anna, fl. 1842 ... 39 Parker, D. , fl. 1845 .... 166 Parker, Ely Samuel, 1828-95 64 Parker, Francis Jewett, 1825-1909 194 Parker, George, see Macclesfield, 4th earl of Parker, George F. , fl. 1904 125 Parker, Sir Hyde, 3rd bart., 1714-82 287 Parker, Sir Hyde, 1739-1807 62, 97 Parker, Ichabod, fl. 1789 . . 20 Parker, Isaac, fl. 1839 ... 39 Parker, James, fl. 1747 . . . 61 Parker, James, fl. 1766 ... 95 Parker, James, fl. 1778 ... 62 Parker, James, fl. 1790 . . 118 Parker, James, 1776-1868 . . 166 Parker, James, fl. 1865 ... 39 Parker, Rev. Joel, 1799-1873 294 PARKER - PATCH 47 5 Parker, John, see Morley, 1st earl of Parker, John, fl. 1760 ... 95 Parker, John, fl. 1797 ... 299 Parker, John, fl. 1840 ... 39 Parker, John Henry, 1866-1942 237 Parker, Joseph, fl. 1767 62 Parker, Jos i ah, 1751-1810 11, 109 Parker, Rev. 0. , fl. 1844 30 Parker, Sir Peter, 1st bart. , 1721-1811 ... 11, 62, 98, 251 Parker, Philip L. , fl. 1803 299 Parker, Ransom, fl. 1818 . . 299 Parker, Richard, d. 1780 109 Parker, Rev. Samuel, 1744-1804 79 Parker, William 109 Parker, William, fl. 1850 . . 39 Parker & Co., fl. 1837 . . . 299 Parkes, Joseph, 1796-1865 239 Parkhurst, Charles Henry, 1842-1-933 52 Parkhurst, Frederic A., fl. 1912 118 Parkhurst, S. W. , fl. 1844 299 Parkin, Thomas, fl. 1776 62 Parkins, John, fl. 1835 39 Parkman, Daniel, fl. 1840 . . 39 Parkman, Francis, 1823-93 52, 262 Parkman, H. D. , fl. 1817 299 Parkman, L. B. , fl. 1831 244 Parkman, Samuel, fl. 1810 69 Parkman, Thomas, fl. 1803 . 299 Parks, James, fl. 1822 . . . 299 Parks, Marshall, fl. 1834 20 Parks, Rufus, fl. 1799 . . . 299 Parks, W. H. , fl. 1845 . . . 166 Parma, Ferdinando, due di, d. 1802 251 Parmele, T. , fl. 1831 ... 294 Parminter, William, d. 1737 251 Parnell, B. A., fl. 1846 30, 166 Parnell, Sir John, 2nd bart., 1744-1801 149 Parnie (Parny), Evariste- De'sire' de Forges, vicounte de. 1753-1814 194 Parr, Ida Lewis 52 Parr, John, fl. 1759-91 97, 251 Parr, Samuel, 1747-1825 . . . 211, 239, 250 Parr, William 194 Parrado, Julian Gonzalez, fl. 1898 125 Parrilla, Luis, fl. 1787 . 188 Parris, Albion K. , 1788-1857 166 Parris, Samuel, 1653-1720 194 Parrish, Eliza, fl. 1797 . 299 Parrish, John, fl. 1765 . . 118 Parry, David, d. 1793 . . . 268 Parry, J., fl. 1804 .... 67 Parsell, Pierre P., fl. 1828 299 Parson, Swaine, fl. 1781 . . 62 Parsons, Benjamin, fl. 1807 20 Parsons, Jabez, fl. 1831 . 299 Parsons, Rev. Jonathan, 1705-76 213 Parsons, Sir Lawrence, see Rosse, 2nd earl of Parsons, R. , fl. 1741 . . . 268 Parsons, Samuel Holden, 1737-89 62 Parsons, Theophilus, 1797-1882 20 Parsons, William, fl. 1744-55 29, 118 Parsons, William Barklay, fl. 1904 125 Partington, Thomas Walley, fl. 1780 98 Par ton, George, fl. 1850 299 Partridge, Alden, fl. 1806-45 166 Partridge, George, 1740-1828 280 Partridge, George, fl. 1779-90 20 Partridge, Oliver, fl. 1731 194 Partridge, Oliver V., fl. 1734 4, 61 Patridge, Richard, fl. 1735 61 Partridge, Samuel, fl. 1784 109 Pasey, Madison B. , fl. 1828 30 Pasos, H., fl. 1867 .... 74 Pasquet, D. , fl. 1925 . . . 285 Passenger, W. , fl. 1705 . . 194 Past, Richard B. , fl. 1865 39 Pasteur, Thomas, d. 1806 109 Patch, Henry, fl. 1832 . . 294 476 PATCH - PAZ Patch, Ira J. , fl. 1857 214 Paterson, J., fl. 1782 . . 251 Paterson, James, fl. 1775-79 62, 95 Paterson, James M. , fl. 1875 294 Paterson, John, 1744-1808 62 Paterson, Mathew, fl. 1780 62 Patino, Joseph, 1666-1736 . 251 Patric, Jacob J. , fl. 1819 299 Patrick, Gordon, fl. 1730 251 Patrick, Henry, fl. 1810 . 299 Patrick, Pierce, fl. 1834 166 Patrick, William P. , fl. 1843 166 Patrickson, J., fl. 1781 . . 98 Patrie, N. , fl. 1850 . . . 299 Patten, Charles, fl. 1779 98 Patten, John 194, 251 Patten, Simon Nelson, 1852-1922 285 Patterson, D. William, fl. 1885 36, 39 Patterson, George, 1824-1897 289 Patterson, James Willis, 1823-93 194 Patterson, John, fl. 1745 61 Patterson, John, fl. 1760-80 ... 62, 98, 263 Patterson, John, fl. 1782 251 Patterson, M. , fl. 1781 . . 109 Patterson, Dr. Michael A. , fl. 1834 166 Patterson, R. , fl. 1843 . . 194 Patterson, R. L. , fl. 1799 299 Patterson, R. M. , fl. 1830 30 Patterson, Rev. R. W. , fl. 1855 194 Patterson, Raymond, fl. 1898 7 Patterson, Robert, fl. 1814 299 Patterson, Robert, 1792-1881 .... 64, 194, 247 Patterson, Roger, fl. 1802 299 Patterson, Samuel 251 Patterson, Stephen, fl. 1780 287 Patterson, W. , fl. 1823 . . 299 Patterson, Gov. Walter, d. 1798 ... 95, 98, 251, 263 Patterson, William, 1798-1879 194 Pattison, Thomas, 1782 62 Pattison, James, 17247-1805 62, 194 Patton, Benjamin, Jr. , fl. 1835 52 Patton, John, fl. 1784 29, 194 Patton, John, Jr., fl. 1895 191 Patton, William, d. 1738 251 Paul, H. J 194 Paul, Julian 285 Paulding, Hiram, 1797-1887 64 Paulding, James K. , 1778-1860 52, 166 Paulet, Harry, 6th duke of Bolton, 11th marquis of Winchester, 1719-94 .... 151 Pauli, Christopher, fl. 1763-66 95 Paumier, Mr., fl. 1779 ... 62 Paumier, Peter, fl. 1777 62 Pauncefote, Sir Julian Pauncefote, 1st baron, 1828-1902 7 Pavy, Lewis, fl. 1753-59. 61, 95 Pawlett, William, fl. 1775 95 Pawson & Nicholson, fl. 1864 36 Paxson, Frederick Logan, 1877-1948 285 Paxton, Charles, 17047-88 62 Paxton, George, 1762-1837 174 Payant, John R. , fl. 1945 194 Payn, A. W. , fl. 1791 .... 97 Payn, Philip, fl. 1765 . . . 194 Payne, Mr 268 Payne, Benjamin Charnock, fl. 1764-78 62, 95 Payne, John, fl. 1840 . . . 299 Payne, Rev. John, 1815-74 79 Payne, John Howard, 1791-1852 194 Payne, Sir Ralph, baron Lavington, 17387-1807 . 62, 263 Payne, William, fl. 1781 . . 62 Payson, Phillips, fl. 1796 20 Paz, Juan Bautista de Orendayn, marque's de la, d. 1734 251 Paz, Juan Joseph, fl. 1749 183 PAZ-SOLDAN - PEMBERTON 477 Paz-Soldan y Unaime, Pedro, fl. 1880 169 Peabody, Augustus, fl. 1827 20 Peabody, George, 1795-1869 52 Peace, Isaac 109 Peacock, Jonathan, fl. 1802 299 Peacocke, George, fl. 1780 62 Peake, Thomas, fl. 1773 . . 2 68 Peake, William J. , fl. 1847 299 Peale, Rembrandt, 1778-1860 194 Peale, Rubens, fl. 1815 . . 194 Pearce, Abel 62 Pearce, Dutee Jerauld, 1789-1849 52 Pearce, James Alfred, 1804-62 52 Pearce, Lawrence 109 Pearce, William, fl. 1792 142 Pearce, Rev. Zachary, 1690-1774 268 Pearis, Richard, fl. 1780 . . 62 Pearse, Nicholas, fl. 1768 . 62 Pearson, Adam, fl. 1847 ... 30 Pearson, George, fl. 1902 . . 6 Pearson, Hiram, fl. 1836 . . 166 Pearson, John, fl. 1878 . . 262 Pearson, Jonathan, fl. 1873 299 Pearson, Sir Richard, 1731-1806 268 Pearts, James, fl. 1838 . . 239 Pease, Elizabeth, 1807-post 1836 294 Pease, Theodore C. , fl. 1887 194 Pease & Wiswall, fl. 1814 . 299 Peaslee, Charles H. , fl. 1835 20 Peasley, John, fl. 1780 . . 266 Peccatte, Charles, fl. 1911 289 Pechell, Sir George Richard Brooke, 4th bart. , 1789-1860 174 Pechell, H 174 Pechell, Sir Samuel John Brooke, 3rd bart., 1785-1849 174 Peck, Benjamin, fl. 1813 . . 299 Peck, George Washington, 1818-1905 166 Peck, John, fl. 1804 .... 20 Peck, Dr. John, fl. 1835 . . 166 Peck, John James, 1821-78 64 Peck, Richard, fl. 1790 . . 299 Peck, Thomas Handasyd, fl. 1775 95 Peck, William 194 Peckham, Howard H. , 1910- . 194 Peckham & Colt, fl. 1844 . . 166 Peckitt, Joseph, fl. 1835 . 244 Pedrosa, Manuel, fl. 1828 . 184 Peebles, John, fl. 1780 ... 62 Peel, Sir Robert, 1st bart., 1750-1830 215 Peel, Sir Robert, 2nd bart., 1788-1850 . . 67, 151, 215, 228 Peel, Sir Robert, 3rd bart., 1822-95 215 Peete, George, fl. 1731 . . 251 Pegge, Samuel 62 Pegler, James .62 Peirce, Cyrus, 1790-1860 . . 294 Peirce, John W. , 1814-74 . . 166 Peirce, Thomas, fl. 1696 . . 20 Peirson, R. , fl. 1780 .... 62 Pekham, Reuben, fl. 1803 . . 299 Pelham, Amelia, d. 1847 . . 250 Pelham, Charles, fl. 1782 . 151 Pelham, Charles, d. 1829 . . 62 Pelham, Frances, 1728-1804 97 Pelham, Rev. George, 1766-1827 97, 250 Pelham, Henry, 16957-1754 61, 268 Pelham, Thomas, see Chichester, 1st and 2nd earls of Pelham-Clinton, Henry Fiennes, see Newcastle, 2nd duke of Pelham-Holles, Thomas, see Newcastle, 1st duke of Pell, A. S., fl. 1825 ... 299 Pell, John, fl. 1781 .... 62 Pell, Peggy, fl. 1794 .... 20 Pell, Philip, fl. 1780 ... 62 Pellew, Sir Edward, 1st viscount Exmouth, 1757-1833 67, 174 Pellew, Rev. George, 1793-1866 67 Pells, John J., fl. 1847 . . 299 Peltier, Antoine, fl. 1771 . 95 Peltier, Charles, fl. 1845 . 166 Peltier, F. & Morel L. , fl. 1820 299 Pelton, S. M., fl. 1849 . . 166 Pemberton, Israel, 1715-79 118 Pemberton, J., fl. 1789 . . 268 Pemberton, John, fl. 1775 . 226 Pemberton, John Clifford, 1814-81 64 , 194 Pemberton, Phineas, d. c. 1701 118 Pemberton, Robert, fl. 1786 118 Pemberton, Samuel, 1723-79 34, 251, 280 Pemberton, Thomas, fl. 1783-1805 69, 109 47 8 PEMBERTON - PERKINS Pemberton, Dr. William, fl. 1769 95 Pembroke, Elizabeth Beauclerk Herbert, countess of, d. 1793 97 Pembroke, George Augustus Herbert, 11th earl of, 1759-1827 97 Pembroke, Henry Herbert, 10th earl of, 1734-94 . 62, 151 Pena, Antonio Luis de, fl, 1647-48 , , 183 Pena, Francisco Xavier de la, fl. 1834 181 Pena y Brizuela, Jub. Juan Josef Matias de la, fl. 1788 188 Pendergast, William, fl. 1781 109 Pendleton, Charlotte R. , fl. 1852 228 Pendleton, Daniel, fl. 1782 109 Pendleton, E. P 52 Pendleton, Edmund, 1721-1803 .... 109, 194, 280 Pendleton, Edmund, fl. 1824. 194 Pendleton, Edmund, fl. 1856. 228 Pendleton, Edmund H. , 1788-1862 52 Pendleton, Henry, 1750-89 109 Pendleton, J. M. , fl. 1829 . 299 Pendleton, John, fl. 1784 . 109 Pendleton, Nathaniel, 1756-1821 109, 194 Pendleton, Philip, fl. 1799 194 Pendleton, Philip C. , fl. 1856 228 Penfield, G. H. , fl. 1844 . 299 Penf ield, Henry L. , fl. 1850 166 Penfold, Charles, fl. 1758 . 14 Penick, Rev. Chas. Clifton, 1843-1914 79 Penington, Edward, fl. 1762 280 Penman, Edward, fl. 1785 . . 109 Penman, James 109 Penman, James, fl. 1779 ... 62 Penn, John, 1729-95 4, 95, 118, 251, 263 Penn, John, Jr., fl. 1776 . 118 Penn, Richard, 1735-1811 14, 95, 118 Penn, Thomas, C.1688-post 1758 194 Penn, Thomas, 1702-75 194, 251 Penn, William, 1644-1718 118, 194 Pennell, William, fl. 1806 67 Pennington, Lowther, fl. 1780 62 Pennock, Abraham S. , fl. 1830-44 30 Pennock, George, fl. 1841 . . 30 Pennock, H. L. , fl. 1826 . . 23 Pennsylvania Assembly ... 61, 95, 194, 251 Cumberland County, magistrates of 95 Militia. Philadelphia brigade. Officers .... 118 Proprietors 118 Supreme Executive Council . 118 Westmoreland County Court of Common Pleas . . 118 York and Cumberland Counties Sundry inhabitants .... 95 Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Delaware, Loyalists of ... 11 Pennypacker, Samuel Whi taker, 1843-1916 262 Penrose, Charles B. , 1798-1857 166 Penrose, Mary Biddle, fl. 1835 166 Pensacola Inhabitants of, 1766 .... 95 Officers of Ordnance, 1772 . 95 Penton, Henry, fl. 1782 . . 268 Pepper, George Wharton, fl. 1902 6 Pepperell, Sir William, 1st bart., 1696-1759 . 61, 292 Pepperell, Sir William, 1746-1816 62 Pepys, Sir Charles C. , see Cottenham, 1st earl of Pepys, William Weller, fl. 1812 f 67 Peralta, Manuel Maria de, 1844-1930 289 Perceval, John, see Egmont, 2nd earl of Perceval, Spencer, 1762-1812 44, 67, 97, 151, 174, 250 Percy, Hugh, see Northumberland, 1st and 2nd dukes of Perez, Francisco, fl. 1834 . 181 Perez, Marcos, fl. 1859 ... 74 Perez-Madrid, Jose, fl. 1829 181 Perez y Gredilla, Claudio, fl. 1896 289 Perham, B. F. , fl. 1827 ... 20 Perkins, Dexter, 1889- . . . 285 Perkins, Elisha B. , fl. 1822 39 Perkins, Erastus, fl. 1796 . 133 Perkins, Francis, 1882- . . 194 Perkins, Frederic Beecher, 1828-99 294 Perkins, George Walbridge, 1862-1920 194 PERKINS - PHELPS 47 9 Perkins, Henry, fl. 1848 . . 194 Perkins, James T. , fl. 1838 299 Perkins, Joseph, fl. 1781 62 Perkins, Mrs. Mary Martindale, fl. 1910 . . . 285 Perkins, Thomas, fl. 1715 . 194 Perkins, Thomas Handasyd, 1764-1854 20 Perkins, William, fl. 1768 95 Perkins, William Titcomb, b. 1852 285 Perricule, Louis, fl. 1768 95 Perrier, Anthony, fl. 1845 67 Perrier et Verrier, fl. 1773 143 Perrin, John, fl. 1835 . . . 166 Perron, Francois Balthazar, comte de, fl. 1782 .... 251 Perrot, John, fl. 1781 ... 62 Perry, Bliss, 1860- .... 285 Perry, Henry W. , fl. 1776 62 Perry, Jacob, fl. 1781 ... 62 Perry, John, fl. 1807 .... 20 Perry, Leslie J. , fl. 1892 7 Perry, Nathaniel, fl. 1832 194 Perry, Stuart Hoffman, 1874- 285 Perry, Sturgis, fl. 1779 . . 62 Perry, Rev. Wm. Stevens, 1832-98 79 Person, A., fl. 1838 .... 299 Person, Thomas, 1733-1800 109 Perth Amboy Church and inhabitants of, 1768 95 Mayor and Aldermen, 1767 . . 95 Peru .... 216, 217, 218, 219 Audiencia de Lima 219 Junta general de comercio, 1737 251 Pery, Edmund Sexton Pery, 1st viscount, 1719-1806 .... 149, 151, 251 Pesa y Casas, Ignaclo Jose de la, fl. 1787 . . . 188 Pest, John J. , fl. 1799 299 Pestell, Ellis P. , fl. 1793 268 Peter, M. B. , & Co. , fl. 1806 299 Peterborough, Lord, fl. 1795 174 Peterkin, Rev. Geo. Wm. , 1841-1916 79 Peters, George, fl. 1782 . 251 Peters, Harry, fl. 1781 . . 62 Peters, James, fl. 1781 . . 62 Peters, Richard, 1744-1828 . . . 109, 194, 280 Peters, Samuel Andrew, 1735-1826 194, 251 Peters, William, fl. 1782-88 109, 118 Peterson, James, fl. 1764 95 Petherick, Edward Augustus, b. 1847 289 Petit-Dutaillis, Charles Edmond, 1868-1947 .... 285 Pet re, Edward Robert Petre, 9th baron, 1742-1801 ... 97 Petre, John J. , fl. 1821 299 Petrie, Edmund, fl. 1782 . 109 Petrie, George, fl. 1769 . . 95 Petrie, Gilbert, fl. 1767 251 Petrit, J., fl. 1867 .... 74 Pettet, J., fl. 1804 . . . 299 Pettibone, K. L. , fl. 1849 166 Pettibone, Samuel, fl. 1845 166 Pettijohn, J. J. , fl. 1918 . 285 Pettit, Charles, 1737-1806 109, 280 Pettit, John 191 Pettit, John Samuel, fl. 1775 95 Petty, Sir William, see Shelburne, 2nd earl of Petty, Hon. William Granville, 1767-78 .... 251 Petty-Fitzmaurice, Henry, see Lansdowne, 3rd marquess of, Lansdowne, 4th marquess of Petty-Fitzmaurice, Sir Henry Charles Keith, see Lansdowne, 5th marquess of Pew, Redah, fl. 1782 .... 11 Pexton, John, fl. 1772 ... 95 Peyton, Henry, fl. 1779 . . 62 Peyton, Yelverton, fl. 1766 95 Peza, Juan de Dios, d. 1884 74 Pfister, Francis, fl. 1770 95 Pforzheimer, Carl H. , fl. 1925 237 Phe'lippeaux, Jean-Fre'dre'ic, see Maurepas, comte de Phelps, Rev. Amos A., 1805-47 30 Phelps, B. B., fl. 1828 . . 299 Phelps, Ebenezer S. , fl. 1841 165 480 PHELPS - PICKENS 1869 Eliza, Nathan S. , Phelps, F. E., fl. 1846 .... Phelps, J. W. , fl. Phelps, Philip, fl. 1831 Phelps, William Lyon, 1865-1943 Phelps, William Walter, 1839-94 Phepoe, Thomas, fl. 1780 . Phi Beta Kappa Society Philadelphia Committee of Citizens Democratic Citizens . Philadelphia & N. Y. Steam Transportation Company, fl. 1850 Philadelphia Church Union Anti-Slavery Society, 1838 Philadelphia County. Court of Common Pleas. Judge . . "Philanthropist," fl. 1782 Philbrick, Edward S. , fl. 1873 Philbrick, fl. 1838 Philbrick, fl. 1834 Philes, George P., fl. 1865 Philip, David, fl. 1850 Philip, John G. , fl. 1822 Philip & Wicker Philippine Islands 220, 221, Philips, Nathaniel, fl. 1780 Philips, Philip, fl. 1780 . Philips, William, fl. 1782 62, Philipse, Adolphus D. , 1665-1750 Philleo, Dr. Addison, fl. 1833 Phillimore, Sir Robert Joseph, 1st bart., 1810-85 - . Phillip, Arthur, 1738-1814 Phillipps, Samuel March, 1780-1862 Phillips, Alexander, fl. 1780 Phillips, Alexander Joseph, fl. 1780 Phillips, Charles, 17877-1859 Phillips, Daniel, fl. 1775 Phillips, Fulton, fl. 1899 . 166 64 299 285 7 62 30 52 52 299 294 127 251 294 294 166 36 299 299 228 222 62 301 251 61 166 151 2 68 239 62 62 67 95 . 7 Phillips, Henry, Jr., 1838-95 194 Phillips, Isaac N. , fl. 1895 165 Phillips, James, fl. 1781 109 Phillips, John R. , fl. 1813 299 Phillips, Joseph, fl. 1775 301 Phillips, M., fl. 1823 . . 299 Phillips, M. D. , fl. 1851 39 Phillips, N. , fl. 1822 . . 299 Phillips, Nathaniel, fl. 1775 95 Phillips, Ralph, fl. 1763-80 62, 95 Phillips, Samuel A., fl. 1845 166, 247 Phillips, Susan, fl. 1838 52 Phillips, Ulrich Bonnell, 1877-1934 194, 285 Phillips, Wendell, 1811-84 294 Phillips, William, 1731?-81 62, 98 Phillips, Sampson, & Co., fl. 1849 39 Phillpotts, Henry, 1778-1869 -. . 67 "Philosophoff ," fl. 1768 . 251 Phinney, Elias, fl. 1834 20 Phinney, J. B. , fl. 1840 . 20 Phipp, Stephen, fl. 1786 118 Phipps, Constantine Henry, see Normanby, 1st marquess of Phipps, Henry, see Mulgrave, 1st earl of Phips, Sir Charles Beaumont, 1801-66 .... 239 Phips, David, c. 1724-1811 171 Phips, Spencer, 1685-1757 61, 194 Phoenix, Daniel 194 Phyn, George, fl. 17 68 . . 95 Phyn, James, see Phyn & Ellice Phyn & Ellice, fl. 1771 . . 95 Physick, Edmund, fl. 1775 118 Picardiere, sieur de la, see Be*gon, Claude-Michel Picaret, Francois, fl. 1917 289 Pickard, Samuel Thomas, 1828-1915 294 Pickens, Andrew, 1739-1817 87, 109 PICKENS - PITT 481 Pickens, Francis Wilkinson, 1805-69 64 Pickering, Augustus A., fl. 1842 166 Pickering, John, 1777-1846 20, 39 Pickering, John, Jr. , fl. 1845 39 Pickering, Timothy, 1745-1829 62, 109, 122, 194, 299 Picket, George Edward, 1825-75 122 Picket, William, fl. 1813 194 Pickett, LaSalle Corball, fl. 1902 7 Picottie, Francois-Marie, see Belestre, sieur de Pictet, Jacques, 1705-86 251 Picton, William, fl. 1766 62 Piel, Jacob 194 Pier, George W. , fl. 1861 122 Pierce, D. , fl. 1753 .... 194 Pierce, Edwards, fl. 1782 251 Pierce, Franklin, 1804-69 52, 282 Pierce, Rev. Henry Niles, 1820-99 79 Pierce, J. , & Co. , fl. 1847 299 Pierce, J. E. , fl. c. 1860 . 247 Pierce, John 194 Pierce, John, fl. 1844 . . . 299 Pierce, John, fl. 1849 ... 39 Pierce, Rev. John Davis, 1797-1882 166 Pierce, John T. , fl. 1834 294 Pierce, Josiah, Jr., fl. 1798 20 Pierce, Loammi, fl. 1818 . . 277 Pierce, Moses, 1816-86 30 Pierce, Mrs. Ruth, fl. 1799 20 Pierce, William Leigh, c. 1740-89 109 Piereville, Chevalier de . . 151 Pierie, William, fl. 1767 95, 251 Pieman, Pedro, fl. 1770 95 Piers, Howard, fl. 1845 . . 228 Pierson, James, fl. 1786 251 Pigot, Hugh, 17217-92 251 Pigot, Sir Robert, 2nd bart., 1720-96 . . 62, 95, 251 Pike, Albert, 1809-91 ... 64 Pike, John, fl. 1762 . . . 251 Pike, Thomas, fl. 1780 62 Pilcher, Rev. Elijah Holmes, 1810-post 1880 . . 166 Pillgast, Henry, fl. 1781 62 Pillow, Gideon Johnson, 1806-78 64, 122 Pilot, Henry, fl. 1766 95 Pinchot, Gifford, 1865-1946 194 Pinckney, Mrs. Frances S. , fl. 1782 109 Pinckney, Roger, fl. 1766 251 Pinkney, William, fl. 1818 228 Pinckney, Rev. Wm. , 1810-83 79 Pindell, Dr. Richard, fl. 1777-83 109 Pineda, N. , fl. 1867 .... 74 Pingree, Hazen S. , 1840-1901 7 Pinkerton, John, fl. 1780 62 Pinson, Andrew, fl. 1785 251 Pintado, Vicente, fl. 1798 164 Pinto Bandeira, Francisco, fl. 1765 251 Pinzon, Col. F. , fl. 1904 . 289 Piper, Elizabeth 228 Piper, James, fl. 1829 ... 23 Piper, James H. , fl. 1846 . 298 Piper, John, fl. 1780 ... 62 Piper, W. H., & Co. , fl. 1867 39 Pitcairn, John, d. 1775 . . 95 Pitcher, James, fl. 1780 . . 62 Pitcher, Robert, fl. 1787 . 268 Pitcher, Dr. Zina, 1797-1872 166 Pitkin, F. W. , fl. 1827 . . 20 Pitkin, Timothy, 1766-1847 194 Pitkin, William, 1694-1769 4, 95, 251 Pitkin, William, 1725-89 . 194 Pitt, Gov. John 174 Pitt, Sir John, see Chatham, 2nd earl of Pitt, John, fl. 1745 .... 61 Pitt, Moses, 1654-95 . . . 194 Pitt, William, see Chatham, 1st earl of Pitt, William 44 Pitt, William, 1759-1806 62, 97, 98, 158, 174, 223, 268 Pitt, Sir William Augustus, 1728-1809 97 482 PITT - POMBAL Pitt, William Morton, fl. 1790-1810 67 , 97 Pittman, Philip, fl. 1758-67 14, 95 Pitts, Matthew, fl. 1780 . 287 Pittsburgh (Pa.) , inhabitants of, 1767, 1772. 95 Pittsfield (Mass. ) , justices of, 1774 95 Place, James, fl. 1782 . . 109 Place, John B. , fl. 1841 . 166 Placid, Henry, fl. 1847 . . 228 Plaistow (N. H. ) Petitioners from 194 Plank, E. M 247 Planta, Joseph, 1744-1827 250 Planta, Joseph, 1787-1847 . 67 Plass, J. H., fl. 1822 . . 299 Platen, B. , fl. 1825 ... 228 Plater, George, 1735-92 . . 280 Platner, Mark, fl. 1798 . . 299 Platner, Mathias, fl. 1790 299 Platner, Philip, fl. 1798 . 299 Platner, Samuel L. B. , fl. 1820 299 Piatt, Dr. Alonzo, 1806-82 166 Piatt, Charles, fl. 1813 . 299 Piatt, Israel, fl. 1831 . . 299 Piatt, Jonas, fl. 1828 . . 299 Piatt, Joseph, fl. 1834 . . 30 Piatt, L. C, fl. 1886 ... 71 Piatt, Thomas Collier, 1833-1910 7, 194 Piatt, Rev. William, fl. 1848 30 Piatt, Zephaniah, 1735-1807 280 Platte, Friedrich von, fl. 1777-83 147 Playfair, William, 1759-1823 174 Playter, George, fl. 1780 . 62 Plaza, Francisco de la, fl. 1754 183 Pleasanton, S. , fl. 1841 . 228 Pleasants, James, 1769-1836 194 Pleasants, Robert, fl. 1796 142, 226 Pleydell, John Cleve, fl. 1760-86 62, 98 Plitt, George, fl. 1838 166, 299 Plombard, J., fl. 1780 ... 62 Plow, Pedro 62 Plowden, Richard Chichele . 98 Plum, Isaac, fl. 1825 . . . 299 Plum, W. , fl. 1830 .... 299 Plumer, Richard, fl. 1745 61 Plumer, William, 1759-1850 . 194 Plumsted, William, fl. 1762 118 Plumsted & Franks, fl. 1764. 95 Plunket, William Conyngham Plunket, 1st baron, 1764-1854 151, 228 Plymouth (Mass.) Town meeting, 1773 .... 293 Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-49 52 Poe, Orlando Metcalfe, 1832-95 7, 64 Poerio, Carlo 151 Poindexter, George, 1779-1855 194 Poinsett, Joel 1779-1851 52, 166 Pointer, Elizabeth, fl. 1764 95 Pointer, William, fl. 1780 62 Poirier, Samuel, fl. 1768 . 251 Poland. Sovereigns Stanislaus II (1764-95) 97, 251 Pole, Edward, fl. 1814 . . 118 Polhill, Charles, 1725-1805 268 Polignac, August Jules Armand Marie, due de, 1780-1847 44 Politis, N., fl. 1927 . . . 228 Polk, C. Huron, fl. 1898 . . 7 Polk, J. F., fl. 1856 . . . 228 Polk, James K. , 1795-1849 52, 166 Polk, Jehosaphat, fl. 1788-92 109, 118 Polk, John J., fl. 1804 . . 299 Polk. Josiah F. , fl. 1829 . 166 Polk, Leonidas .... 64, 122 Polk, Southey A., fl. 1846 . 52 Polk, Thomas, c^ 1732-94 . 109 Polk, William, 1758-1834 . 109 Pollard, Mrs. Hannah, fl. 1780 62 Pollard, Solomon, fl. 1784 20 Poller, Alonzo, fl. 1840 . . 39 Pollette, Anthony, fl. 1750 268 Pollock, Oliver, c. 1737-1823 95 Pollock, Thomas 194 Pollock, William, fl. 1790. 268 Polock, M. , fl. 1874 .... 39 Polo de Ondegardo, Juan, d. 1575 224 Polwarth, Henry Francis Hepburne-Scott, 7th baron, 1800-67 . . . ; 67 Pombal, Sebastiao Jose* de Carvalho e Mello, conde d 1 Oeyras, marquez de, 1699-1782 251 POMEROY - POST 483 Pomeroy, Isaac, fl. 1855 . . 30 Pomeroy, John, fl. 1769 . . 95 Pomroy, Ebenezer, fl. 1724. 251 Poncet de la Riviere, Marquis de, fl. 1767 . . . 251 Pond, Edgar LeRoy, 1883- 285 Pond, Francis Anthony, fl. 1781 62 Ponsonby, Rev. Richard, 1772-1853 67 Pool, Abijah 249 Pool, Benjamin 249 Pool, John J., fl. 1820 . . 299 Pool, Joseph 249 Pool, Joshua 249 Pool, Thomas, fl. 1779 ... 62 Poole, Benjamin, d. 1839 . 166 Poole Inhabitants of, fl. 1782 . 251 Merchants trading to New- foundland, 1784 251 Poore, Benjamin Perley, 1820-87 31, 87 Pope, Elisha, fl. 1774 . . 194 Pope, John, 1822-92 . . 64, 122 Pope, Lottie C. , fl. 1855 . 30 Pope, Thomas, fl. 1780 ... 62 Popham, Sir Home Riggs, 1762-1820 174 Poplett, Thomas, fl. 1782 98, 251 Popple, William, d. 1708 . 251 Popple, William, d. 1722 . 251 Popple, William, 1701-64 . 251 Porbeck, Friedrich von, fl. 1782 147 Porlier, Claude Cyprian, 1681-1744 232 Porlier, Jacques, fl. 1807. 191 Porritt, Edward, 1860-1921. 28 5 Portal, C. J., fl. 1782 . . 268 Portalis, Joseph Marie, comte de, 1778-1858 . . . 194 Porten, Sir Stanier, d. 1789 251 Porteous, James, fl. 1765 . 95 Porteous, John, d. 1782 . . 62 Porter, Aaron, fl. 1803 . . 20 Porter, Dr. Arthur Livermore, 1798-1845 ... 30 Porter, Augustus S. , 1798-1872 52, 166 Porter, David, 1780-1843 . . 52 Porter, David Dixon, 1813-91 52, 122 Porter, Elisha, d. 1796 . . 194 Porter, Fitz John, 1822-1901 64 Porter, G. B. , fl. 1829 . . 228 Porter, George F. , 1803-62 30, 166 Porter, George French, 1881-1927 194 Porter, H. H. , fl. 1885 . . 39 Porter, Henry, fl. 1779 . . 194 Porter, Horace, 1837-1921 7, 289 Porter, Ira, fl. 1843 . . . 166 Porter, J. A., fl. 1898 ... 7 Porter, James, fl. 1825 . . 299 Porter, James, fl. 1836 . . 166 Porter, Jane, 1776-1850 . . 67 Porter, John 62 Porter, Joshua, d. 1825 ... 2 Porter, Peter Buell, 1773-1844 52 Porter, Richard, fl. 1780 . 62 Porter, Robert, fl. 1760 . . 95 Porter, Robert Kerr, fl. 1823 228 Porter, Samuel A. , fl. 1830 299 Porter, Samuel D. , d. 1881 30 Porter, Rev. Samuel Fuller, fl. 1836-75 294 Porter, Samuel Humes, fl. 1835 166 Porter, William, fl. 1780 . 62 Porter, William A. , fl. 1850 299 Porter & Guignard 109 Porterfield, Boyd, fl. 1778 62 Porterfield, Charles, d. 1780 109 Porterfield, George A., fl. 1856 228 Porteus, John, fl. 1773 . . 263 Porteus, John, fl. 1790 . . 299 Portevent, J., fl. 1862 . . 122 Portland, William Henry Cavendish Bentinck, 3rd duke of, 1738-1809 97, 151, 158, 174, 268 Portman, Edward Berkeley, 1771-1823 67 Portsmouth, John Wallop, 1st earl of, 1690-1762 . . 268 Portsor, Abner 249 Portugal British merchants in, 1755.251 Sovereigns Pedro II (1683-1706) . . 251 John V (1706-50) .... 251 Joseph I (1750-77) . . . 251 Maria (1777-1816) .... 251 Treaties with Great Britain, 1642, 1654, 1661 251 Great Britain and Holland, 1703 251 Spain, 1701, 1715, 1750, 1761 251 Posey, Thomas, 1750-1818 . 109 Post, G. W. & S. O. , fl. 1847 ?99 484 POST - PRATT Post, Henry, fl. 1834 ... 166 Post, Henry D. , fl. 1845 . . 30 Post, Israel, fl. 1840 . . 299 Post, James, fl. 1840 . . . 166 Post, P. Sidney, fl. 1862 . 64 Postell, Francis, fl. 1780 . 62 Postell, James, d. 1824 . . 62 Potawatomies ( Indians) ... 52 Chief Donanguisse, fl. 1704.43 Chief Five Medals, fl. 1812 281 Chief Machioquisse, fl. 1768 95 Chief Makisabe*, fl. 1712 . 43 Chief Ouilamek, fl. 1705 . 43 Chiefs, fl. 1810 281 Potenger, Richard, fl. 1759 98 Potter, Rev. Alonzo, 1800-65 52, 79, 194 Potter, Frank W. , fl. 1875 289 Potter, Henry C. , 1835-1908 7, 79 Potter, Horatio, 1802-87 . . 79 Potter, Ichabod 109 Potter, James 62 Potter, John 61 Potter, John, fl. 1788 . . 194 Potter, Nathan, fl. 1784 . .109 Potter, Nathaniel, d. 1767 95, 251 Potter, P., fl. 1817 ... 299 Potter, Pitman B. , fl. 1926 228 Potter, Robert Brown, 1829-87 64 Potter, Stephen, fl. 1770 109 Potter, Thomas, 1718-59 Ill, 268 Potter, Thomas, fl. 1767 . 251 Potter, William, fl. 1781 . 62 Potter, William, fl. 1838 . 299 Pottle, Mr., fl. 1759 . . . 268 Potts, Cpl., fl. 1781 ... 62 Potts, Abram, fl. 1835 . . 299 Potts, Henry, fl. 1820 . . 299 Potts, John, fl. 1778 ... 62 Potts, John J., fl. 1798 . 299 Potts, John L., fl. 1824 . 299 Potts, Joshua, fl. 1782 . . 109 Potts, Morgan, fl. 1850 . . 299 Potts, Peter W. , fl. 1835 . 299 Potts, R. , fl. 1850 .... 299 Potts, Richard, fl. 1781 . . 62 Potts, Thompson, fl. 1779 . 62 Potts, William, fl. 1764 . . 95 Potts, William G. , fl. 1835 299 Potts & Moore, fl. 1850 . . 299 Pouchkin, Alex Moussin, fl. 1767 251 Pouget, Joseph, fl. 1795 . 191 Poulett, Poulett, viscount Hinton, 3rd earl, d. 1788 268 Poulson, Zachariah, Jr. , 1761-1844 118 Poulsum, Is., fl. 1746 . . 268 Pound, Arthur, 1884- . . . 285 Poussett, Francis, fl. 1767 251 Poussin, E., fl. 1841 ... 52 Povall, William, fl. 1770-89 268 Powell, A., fl. 1846 .... 30 Powell, Hugh, fl. 1780 . . 287 Powell, James, fl. 1783 . . 251 Powell, John, fl. 1772-84 95, 268 Powell, John Penell, fl. 1814 67 Powell, Robert William, fl. 1780 62 Powell, Thomas, fl. 1766 . . 95 Power, Isaac, fl. 1825 . . 299 Power, J., fl. 1831 .... 299 Power, Luke, fl. 1810 . . . 299 Power, Marguerite A. . . . 228 Power, N. , fl. 1820 .... 299 Power, Nicholas, fl. 1768 . 95 Power, Nicholas, fl. 1793 . 299 Power, Thomas, fl. 1807 . . 299 Power, William, fl. 1794 . 118 Power & Livingston, fl. 1814 299 Powers, Eliza, fl. 1846 . . 39 Powis, Edward Clive, 2nd baron Clive, 1st earl of, 1754-1839 97 Pownalborough, inhabitants of, 1774 95 Pownall, Edward, fl. 1768 . 95 Pownall, John, 1720-95 62, 95, 149, 251, 293 Pownall, Thomas, 1722-1805 4, 107, 174, 194 Pownoll, Philemon, d. 1780 62 Poyer, John, fl. 1681-86 . 118 Poynton, Brereton, fl. 1768 95 Poyntz, Stephen, 1665-1750 268 Poyntz, William, d. 1809 . 268 Poyntz, William Deane, fl. 1783 251 Pozo y Sucre, Jose* del, fl. 1785 109 Prabo, Nicolas, fl. 1824 . 194 Praslin, Ce'sar-Gabriel de Choiseul, comte de Choiseul, due de, 1712-85 251 Pratt, Abner, 1804-66 . . . 166 Pratt, Sir Charles, see Camden, 1st earl of Pratt, D. D., fl. 1847 . . 166 PRATT PRIOR 485 Pratt, Erastus, fl. 1819 299 Pratt, Fletcher, 1897- . . . 285 Pratt, George, fl. 1874 ... 39 Pratt, George Charles, see Camden, 2nd marquess of Pratt, J., fl. 1831 .... 244 Pratt, J. M., fl. 1850 166 Pratt, John, fl. 1788-1807 118 Pratt, John Jeffreys, see Camden, 1st marquess of Pratt, Ralph C. , fl. 1819 299 Pratt, Thomas Willis, 1812-75 20 Pratt, Virgil, fl. 1829 . . 299 Pratt, William, fl. 1854 39 Pratt, William A. , fl. 1845 166 Pratter, Edward, fl. 1731 . 251 Pray, G. B. , fl. 1889 .... 7 Preble, Abraham, fl. 1774 95 Prentice, John 194 Prentiss, Rev. Mr., fl. 1776 194 Prentiss, Benjamin Mayberry, 1819-1901 64 Prentiss, James, fl. 1814 20 Presbyterians. Congregation of Princeton 193 Prescott, Edward G. , fl. 1830 20 Prescott, James, fl. 1801 . . 20 Prescott, Dr. Joseph, fl. 1779-88 109 Prescott, Dr. Oliver, 1731-1804 20 Prescott, Richard, d. 1788 62 Prescott, Robert, 1725-1816 62, 287 Prescott, William H. , fl. 1847 228 Preston, Achilles, fl. 1780 62 Preston, Jacob, fl. 1777 . . 194 Preston, L. , fl. 1826 . . . 299 Preston, Marvin, fl. 1834 . 166 Preston, Stephen H. , fl. 1844 166 Preston, Thomas, fl. 1770 95 Preston, Thomas Jex, Jr., fl. 1915 285 Preston, Mrs. W. (or M?) . . 250 Preston, William, d. 1783 109 Preston, Selectmen of . . . 194 Pretzman, Mr., fl. 1783 . . 151 Prevost, Augustine, 1725?-86 14, 62, 95 Prevost, Augustine, Jr., fl. 1770-1812 .... 95, 118 Prevost, Sir George, 1st bart., 1767-1816 ... 97, 194 Prevost, John Mark, fl. 1736-80 95, 251 Prevost, Theodore L. , fl. 1827 299 Price, Bourne, fl. 1782 . . 109 Price, E. W. , fl. 1871 ... 64 Price, George, fl. 1764 . . 95 Price, James, fl. 1785 . . 109 Price, John, fl. 1782 . . . 251 Price, Joseph, fl. 1754-84 251 Price, Maj. M. , fl. 1834 . 166 Price, Richard, 1723-91 251, 286 Price, Samuel, fl. 1781 . . 62 Price, Sterling, 1809-67 64, 122 Price, William 1Q9 Price, William, fl. 1780 . . 62 Price, William, fl. 1796 . . 97 Price, William M. , fl. 1827 299 Prichard, Frank P. , fl. 1909 6 Pricke, D. , & Co 127 Pricket, Jacob, fl. 1764 95 Pride, James, fl. 1764 . . 251 Prideaux, Edmund, fl. 1775 95 Priestley, John, fl. 1860 36 Priestley, Joseph, 1733-1804 286 Prince, Benjamin, fl. 1815 299 Prince, Henry, fl. 1835-91. 194 Prince, J. Hardy, fl. 1850 166 Prince Edward Island Assembly 149 Assembly. Committee of Correspondence 149 Council 149 Prindle, Charles B. , fl. 1835 166 Pringle, James, fl. 1766 . . 95 Pringle, John, fl. 1774 . . 273 Pringle, Robert, fl. 1772 95, 251 Pringle, Thomas, d. 1803 98 Prior, Abner, d. 1800 . . . 118 Prior, Sir James, 17907-1869 67, 151 Prior, Matthew, 1664-1721 251 Prior, William 109 486 PRITCHETTE - QUAKINBOUSS Pritchette, Kintzing, fl. 1836 166 Probart, John, Jr., fl. 1849 166 Prober, David, fl. 1801 . . 299 Prober, George, fl. 1793 299 Proctor, Redfield, 1831-1908 7 Proge, Christian, fl. 1799 299 Proper, Peter, fl. 1790 . . 299 Prothero, George Walter, 1848-1922 285 Proud, Robert, 1728-1813 . . 194 Proudfoot, Mr., fl. 1773 . . 263 Proudfoot, Lawrence, fl. 1779 62 Prouty, Amariah T. , 1802-87 166 Provence, John William ... 95 Providence (R. I.). Subscribers 194 Prowse, George Robert Farrar, 1860- 289 Prueschenck, Ernst Carl von, fl. 1782 147 Prussia 251 Army 62 Sovereigns Friedrich II (1740-86) . . 251 Friedrich Wilhelm II (1786-97) 97 Pruyn, John V. L. , 1811-77 36, 71 Pruyn, Joseph, fl. 1860 ... 36 Pryce, David, fl. 1764 ... 95 Pryme, Francis, fl. 1750 268 Prynam, Matthew, fl. 1781 . . 62 Pryor, John, fl. 1777-83 . . 109 Pryor, Roger Atkinson, 1828-1919 64 Pudney & Russell, fl. 1850 299 Puebla (Mexico) 225 Puente, Pedro de la, fl. 1812 182 "Puerile Essays Addressed to the Philomathian Society" 128 Pugh, Evan, fl. 1782 .... 268 Puisaye, Joseph-Genevieve, comte de, 1755-1827 .... 174 Pulman, J., fl. 1821 .... 67 Pulteney, Mr., fl. 1782 . . 268 Pulteney, Sir James Murray, 7th bart., 1751?-1811 . 97, 250 Pulteney, Sir William Johnstone, 1729-1805 97, 98, 146, 174, 287, 293 Pultsley, Francis 151 Pulver, Peter, fl. 1793 . . 299 Punderson, Eben. , fl. 1800 299 Punderson, J., fl. 1823 . . 299 Punderson & Allyn, fl. 1806 299 Purcell, Henry, f 1 . 1782 . 109 Purcell, John, fl. 1773 . . 263 Pruden, Lewis 62 Purdie 62 Purdom, Richard B. , fl. 1844 30 Purdon, Peter, fl. 1780 . . 62 Purdy, Robert, fl. 1844 . . 166 Purinton, N. B. , fl. 1836 . 30 Purple, Dr. Samuel S., 1822-1900 36 Pur rows, James H. , fl. 1842 39 Purviance, John H. , fl. 1788 118 Purviance, Samuel 194 Purvis, C. B. , fl. 1889 . . 294 Puthuff, William Henry, fl. 1818 10 Putnam, A. W. , fl. 1852 . . 39 Putnam, Dr. Aaron, fl. 1789 20 Putnam, Benjamin P. , fl. 1823 118, 194 Putnam, Carolina F. , fl. 1874 294 Putnam, D. , fl. 1822 .... 39 Putnam, Daniel, fl. 1777 62 Putnam, David, 1769-1856 . 118 Putnam, Douglas, 1806-94 118 Putnam, George Haven, 1844-1930 237, 285 Putnam, George Palmer, 1814-72 30 Putnam, Henry, fl. 1782 . . 109 Putnam, Herbert, 1861- . 6, 285 Putnam, Irving 237 Putnam, Israel, 1718-90 62 Putnam, Israel, d. 1812 . . 109 Putnam, J. P., fl. 1865 . . 36 Putnam, James, 1726-89 95, 293 Putnam, John Bishop, 1848-1915 237 Putnam, Perley, fl. 1844 . . 39 Putnam, Rufus, 1738-1824 118, 194 Pye, Sir Thomas, 1713?-85 62, 251 Quakinbouss, Anthony, fl. 1760 , 95 QUARITCH - RANDALL 487 Quaritch, Bernard, 1819-99 39, 67, 262 Quay, Matthew S. , 1833-1904 7 Quebec Citizens of 95 Council 95, 251 Council and Governor . . . 251 English merchants of, 1766 95 Intendant, 1758 251 Justices of the Peace ... 95 Recollects of the Order of St. Francis, 1765 ... 95 Seminary, Superior and Directors of 43, 95 Queen, John, fl. 1805 . . . 299 Queen, Samuel, fl. 1806 . . 299 Queensberry, duchess of, see Buccleuch, Lady Elizabeth Montagu Scott, duchess of Queensberry, William Douglas, 3rd earl of March, 4th duke of, 1725-1810 . . 97, 174 Quiglee, J. W. , fl. 1860 . 244 Quin, Patrick Neal, fl. 1777 62 Quinby, Isaac Ferdinand, 1821-91 64, 122 Quinby, William E. , fl. 1901 7 Quincy, Edmund, fl. 1775 . . 95 Quincy, Edmund, 1808-77 . . 30 Quincy, Edmund, d. 1894 . . 294 Quincy, Josiah, 1772-1864 31, 194 Quincy, Josiah, Jr., fl. 1845 39 Quincy, Josiah Phillips, 1829-1910 294 Quinnen, Peter, fl. 1781 . . 62 Quifiones, Nemesio, fl. 1867 74 Quintard, Rev. Charles Todd, 1824-98 79 Quintello, J. C. , fl. 1810 194 R R. , J. , fl. 1776-84 .... 126 Rabenau, Christian Friedrich 147 Rabeneau, Henry C. , fl. 1845 228 Radcliff, Jacob, fl. 1785 . 299 Radcliff, John, fl. 1813 . 299 Radcliff, P. W. , fl. 1826 . 299 Radcliff, William, fl. 1799 299 Radcliff & Mason, fl. 1828 299 Radcliffe, Jacob, 1764-1844 194 Radcliffe, James Bartholomew, see Newburgh, 4th earl of Rader, John 62 Radstock, 1st baron, see Waldegrave, William Rae, Thomas, fl. 1802 . . . 299 Raemdonck, J. van, fl. 1886 289 Rafferty, Peter F. , fl. 1897 7 Raglan, Lord Fitzroy Somerset, 1st baron, 1788-1855 .... 67, 174, 239 Ragsdale, Drury, fl. 1777-83 109 Raiford, Robert, fl. 1776-83 109 Railton, William, d. 1877 . 67 Rains, George Washington, 1817-98 122 Rains, John, fl. 1782 . . . 109 Rainsford, Charles, 1728-1809 62, 158 Rait, Sir Robert Sangster, 1874-1936 285 Ralegh, Sir Walter, 15527-1618 227 Ram, George, fl. 1781 . . . 251 Rambuleau, fl. 1842 .... 52 Ramezay, Claude de, d. 1724 43 Ramirez, Diego 183 Ramirez, Felipe, fl. 1692 . 183 Ramirez, Juan, fl. 1867 . . 74 Ramirez, Mariano, fl. 1810. 182 Ramirez y Senna, fl. 1835 . 184 Rammelkamp, Charles Henry, 1874-1932 285 Ramos, SeBor, fl. 1780 ... 62 Ramsay, David, fl. 1772 . . 95 Ramsay, Dr. David, 1749-1815 109, 194 Ramsay, George, see Dalhousie, 8th earl of Ramsay, James, 1733-89. 98, 287 Ramsay, John, fl. 1835 ... 30 Ramsay, Peter, fl. 1758 . . 14 Ramsay, William, fl. 1763 . 95 Ramsay, William, fl. 1836 . 52 Ramsden, Frecheville, fl. 1790 97 Ramsen, John, fl. 1801 . . 299 Ramsey, John, fl. 1781 . . 109 Ramsey, Matthew, fl. 1776-81 109 Ramsey, Nathaniel, 1741-1817 109, 194 Rand, Benjamin, 1856-1934 . 285 Randall, Rev. Geo. Maxwell, 1810-73 79 Randall, Henry, fl. 1745 . 166 Randall, Henry Stephens, 1811-76 87 Randall, James M. , fl. 1854. 20 488 RANDALL - READ Randall, James Ryder, 1839-1908 64 Randall, Son & Stuuarts, fl. 1786 109 Randolph, Rev. Alfred Magill, 1836-1918 79 Randolph, Beverly, fl. 1795 194 Randolph, Daniel, fl. 1782 11 Randolph, David Meade, d. 1830 62 Randolph, Edmund Jennings, 1753-1813 62, 122 Randolph, John, c. 1727-84 95 Randolph, John, 1773-1833 . 194 Randolph, Peyton, 1721-75 251 Randolph, Richard, Jr., fl. 1790 194 Randolph, Richard K. , fl. 1835 20, 39 Randolph, Thomas, J., Jr., fl. 1862 122 Randolph, Thomas Mann, 1768-1828 194 Rangel, Joaquin, fl. 1867 . 74 Rankin, E. R. , fl. 1851 . . 30 Rankin, "Henry, fl. 1827 . . 299 Rankin, John, fl. 1825 . . 299 Rankin, John, fl. 1836 . . 244 Rankin, S. M. , fl. 1856 . . 228 Rankin, William, fl. 1780 . 62 Rankin, William, fl. 1822 . 20 Rann, Jonathan, d. 1788 . . 194 Ransom, Alexis, 1805-88 . . 166 Ransom, Epaphroditus, 1799-1859 166 Raoux, Adrien-Philippe, 1758-1839 251 Rapalje, Stephen, fl. 1785 109 Rapalye, G. B. , fl. 1815 . 299 Rapley, R. , fl. 1780 . . . 109 Rassette, Francois, fl. 1795 191 Rathbone, A. D. , fl. 1840 166 Rathbone, J., fl. 1822 . . 299 Rathbone & Miller, fl. 1848 166 Rathbun, Charles, fl. 1850. 166 Rathbun, George O. , 1803-70 166 Rattray, Henry, fl. 1835 . 244 Ratzer, Bernard, fl. 1764 . 95 Rau, Joseph, fl. 1871 ... 39 Raudot, Antoine Denis, 1679-1737 43 Raudot, Jacques, 1647-1728 43 Rause, Nicholas, fl. 1805 . 299 Ravelo, Ignacio, fl. 1867 . 74 Raven, Richard Ravenel, A. F., fl. 1861 . Ravenscroft, Edward, fl. 1817 Ravenscroft, Rev. John Stark, 1772-1830 .... Ravensworth, Sir Henry Liddell, 1st baron . . . Rawdon, Francis Rawdon- Hastings, 1st marquess of Hastings, 2nd earl of Moi baron, 1754-1826 .... 97, 109, 149, 174, 253 Rawle, William, d. 1789 . Rawle, Wm., 1759-1836 . . Rawle, William Brooke, fl. 1907 Rawles, Henry, & Co. . . . Rawlins, George C. , fl. 1868 Rawlins, John Aaron, 1831-69 64, 122 Rawson, George, fl. 1772 . Rawson, Ruel, fl. 1841 . . Ray, Alexander, fl. 1844 . Ray, Charles B. , 1807-86 Ray, Cornelius, fl. 1785 . Ray, Cornelius, fl. 1825 . Ray, Donald, fl. 1782 . . Ray, Duncan, fl. Ray, Robert, fl. Raye, fl. 1812 . Raymond, A. , f 1. Raymond, James . Raymond, Marsden Raymond, Robert Raymond, 1st baron, 1673-1733 . . Raymond, William, fl. 1767 Raymond, Wesley & Co. , fl. 1850 Raynal, Guillaume-Thomas- Francois, 1713-96 . . . Raynale, Ebenezer, fl. 1847 Raynard, William .... Rayner, John, fl. 17 68 . Raynor, Henry, fl. 1842 . Raynor, John, fl. 1815 . Raynor, John T. , fl. 1847 Rayou, Ignacio, fl. 1812 Rea, Daniel, fl. 17 67 . . Rea. Richard, fl. 17 64 . Reab, George, fl. 17 88 . Reach, Elijah, fl. 1822 . Read, George, Jr., fl. 1816 Read, Jacob, 1752-1816 109, 194 James, d. 1803 d. 1765 fl. 1769 John Meredith, 194 122 250 79 151 ra, . 62 , 268 . 62 . 194 1781 1825 1814 fl. 1844, Read, Read, John Read, John Read 109 . 6 299 191 194 268 166 166 , 30 109 299 109 109 299 52 299 62 294 251 95 299 194 166 62 62 166 299 166 182 95 95 2 39 299 280 194 251 95 1797-1874 36 READ - REYNOLDS 489 Read, Mathew Read, Theodore, fl. 1864 . . Read, W. M Read, William, fl. 1782 . . . Read, Dr. William, 1754-1845 Reading, Alice Cohen Isaacs, marchioness of , d. 1930 . Reading, Rufus Daniel Isaacs, 1st marquis of, 1860-1935 Reading, William, fl. 1776 . Reagan, John Henninger, 1818-1905 Real, Samuel J., fl. 1840 Re"aume, Pierre, fl. 1771 . . Rede, Thomas William, fl. 1803 Redern, Sigismund Ehrenreich, count, 1755-1835 Redesdale, 1st baron, see Mi t ford, John Freeman Redfield, Alexander H. , fl. 1834 Redfield, Bernard, fl. 1850 Redfield, George, fl. 1844 . Redgrave, John Redick, David, fl. 1786 . . Redman, Mary, fl. 1813 . . . Redman, Vincent, fl. 1791 . Redwood, Abraham, 1709-88 Reed, Caleb, fl. 1837 . . . . Charlotte, fl. 1809 . Daniel George, fl. 18 40 . . . Reed, Grosvenor, fl. 1845 . Reed, J. Z. , fl. 1849 . Reed, James, fl. 1782 . Reed, James, fl. 1809 . John, fl. 1766-80 . 62, Joseph, 1722-1846 Joseph, 1741-85 62, 109, 122, Morris, fl. 1822 . . . Reed, Oliver, fl. 1784 . . . Reed, Philip, 1760-1829 . . Reed, Rufus, fl. 1810 . . . Reed, T. Buchanan, fl. 1871 Reed, Thomas B. , fl. 1821 . . Reed, Thomas B. , 1839-1902 Reed, William B. , fl. 1838 . Reeder, Alfred S. , fl. 1833. Reedman, Charles, fl. 1862 . Rees, David, fl. 1782 . . . Rees, James, fl. 1794 . . . Reeve, Darlene A., fl. 1921 Reeve, Henry, 1813-95 . . . . Reeve, Richard, d. 1789 . 62, Reed Reed Reed Reed Reed Reed Reed 194 64 87 62 109 285 285 62 64 39 95 97 97 166 299 166 194 118 118 122 194 20 194 249 299 166 166 251 194 95 194 194 299 109 194 299 64 30 . 7 87 298 47 109 118 165 40 95 Reeves, Jesse Siddall, 1872-1942 285, 228 Refugees, loyal, see Loyalists Regis, Sister, fl. 1857 . . 247 Re"gnier, Claude-Francois- Louis, see Guerchy, comte de Regules, N. de, fl. 1867 . . 74 Reid, Mrs. Elizabeth J., fl. 1840 30 Reid, George, fl. 1783 . . 109 Reid, J., fl. 1813 .... 299 Reid, John, 1721-1807 ... 95 Reid, John A., fl. 1831 . . 244 Reid, S. V., fl. 1865 ... 122 Reid, Thomas 174 Reid, Whitelaw, 1837-1912 . . 7 Reiley, John, fl. 1788 . . 122 Reilly, Dr. Boyd, fl. 1847 166 Reilly, James M. , fl. 1922. 237 Reily, John H. , fl. 1836 . . 87 Reily, Peter, fl. 1896 ... 7 Reinhard, fl. 1845 .... 228 Reinhardt, J. D. , fl. 1862. 122 Reiter, George, fl. 1786 . 118 Rekausen, John, fl. 1837 . 228 Remsen, Hendrick, fl. 1768. 280 Remsen, Henry, fl. 1807 . . 299 Remsen, Peter, fl. 1768 . . 280 Rendall, J. N. , fl. 1870 . 294 Rennell, C. F 67 Rennick, P. G. , fl. 1834 . 165 Rennie, George, 1791-1866 . 67 Rennie, John, 1761-1821 . . 67 Rennie, Sir John, 1794-1874 67 Reno, Jesse Lee, 1823-62 . . 64 Renshaw, Charles Stuart, d. 1880 294 Rensselaer, John, fl. 1747 . 4 Rensselaer, Killyaen, fl. 1745 . 61, 299 Renwick, James, 1792-1863 . 52 Rerusen & Clarkson, fl. 1827 299 Rese, Rev. Frederick, 1791-1871 166, 191 Reskorha, Jose", fl. 1867 . . 74 Retcher, Andries, fl. 1799 299 Retzman, G 62 Revere, Rachel, Mrs. Paul . 95 Reves del Castillo, Antonio, fl. 1741 183 Revilla Gigedo, Juan Vincente, conde de, 1740-99 187, 229, 230 Reycend freres, fl. 1773 . 143 Reyher, Paul, 1876- .... 285 Reyna, Pedro, fl. 1856 . . 169 Reynolds, Allen, fl. 1814 . 299 Reynolds, Cuyler, fl. 1904. 299 Reynolds, Gamaliel, fl. 1790 299 490 REYNOLDS - RICHMOND Reynolds, Dr. Henry Revell, 1745-1811 97 Reynolds, Ja. , fl. 1728 . . 194 Reynolds, John, fl. 1779 . 109 Reynolds, John, fl. 1831 . 299 Reynolds, John, 1788-1865 . 165 Reynolds, John, fl. 1819-35 118 Reynolds, John Fulton, 1820-63 64 Reynolds, Levi, fl. 1842 . . 52 Reynolds, Thomas, fl. 177 5 . 95 Reynolds-Moreton, Francis, 3rd baron Ducie, 1739-1808 287 Rhea, J., fl. 1800 .... 194 Rhea, Matthew, fl. 1781 . . 109 Rhees, Rush, 1860-1939 . . 285 Rhett, Robert Barnwell, 1800-76 64 Rhoades, B. H. , fl. 1868 39 Rhoades, Julius, fl. 1824 . 299 Rhode Island Assembly, 1774,1776 . 95, 194 General Assembly 62 Quakers of, fl. 1777 ... 62 State Anti-Slavery Society, fl. 1836 294 Rhode Island Historical Society 52 Rhodes, James Ford, 1848-1927 .... 7, 194, 285 Rhodes, Joseph Thomas, fl. 1777-83 109 Rhodes, Samuel, 1711-84 . . 280 Ribadeneyra, see Rivadeneira y Barrientos Ribblesdale, 1st baron, see Lister, Thomas Ribblesdale, baroness, see Lister, Rebecca Feilding Ribera, marques de la, fl. 1867 74 Ribera Maldonado, Juan, fl. 1754 183 Ricasoli, baron, fl. 1862 . 151 Rice, H. G., fl. 1844 . . . 166 Rice, Henry, fl. 1845 ... 39 Rice, Henry Mower, 1816-94 166 Rice, J. B. , fl. 1857 . . . 165 Rice, J. C, fl. 1862 ... 64 Rice, John, fl. 1779 .... 62 Rice, John, fl. 1794 ... 118 Rice, L., fl. 1837 .... 166 Rice, Nathan, fl. 1835 . . 166 Rice, Dr. Randall S. , fl. 1834 166 Rice, Samuel A., fl. 1845 . 166 Rice, Wallace, fl. 1911 . . 52 Rice & Whiting, fl. 1870 . . 39 Rich, Henry Pye, fl. 1783 . 251 Rich, Hiram, fl. 1848 . . . 166 Rich, John T. , fl. 1895 . . 191 Rich, Obadiah, 1783-1850 .... 31, 231, 262 Rich, Thomas B. , fl. 1864 . 36 Richard, John, fl. 1735 . . 299 Richards, Charles B. , 1833-1919 118 Richards, Mrs. H. L. , fl. 1850 166 Richards, Henry S., fl. 1830 299 Richards, James, fl. 1828 . 244 Richards, Owen, fl. 1775 . . 95 Richards, Paul, fl. 1748 61, 292 Richards, R. K. , fl. 1844 166 Richards, W. P., fl. 1848 . 67 Richardson, C. B. , fl. 1864 36 Richardson, C. Benjamin . . 87 Richardson, Charles B. , & Co. , fl. 1866 39 Richardson, George W. , fl. 1845 39 Richardson, Jacob 109 Richardson, Jacob, fl. 1776 62 Richardson, James, 1806-1851 151 Richardson, John, fl. 1766 . 95 Richardson, John P. , fl. 1834 166 Richardson, Joseph, fl. 1746 69 Richardson, Joseph, fl. 1792 118 Richardson, Origen D. , fl. 1845 166 Richardson, T. G. , fl. 1865 122 Richardson, Thomas, fl. 1782 109 Richardson, William .... 194 Richardson, William, fl. 1779 62 Richardson, William, d. 1786 109 Richardson, Dr. William H. , fl. 1834 30 Richardson, William H. , fl. 1841 166 Richardson, Wyman, fl. 1827 20 Richardson & Martin, fl. 1860 244 Richelieu, Armand Vignerot- Duplessis, see Aiguillon, due d' Richie, James, fl. 1783 . . 251 Richman, Charles L. , fl. 1842 30 Richmond, C, fl. 1815 ... 67 Richmond, John, fl. 1818 . 299 Richmond, L. , fl. 1813 . . 299 Richmond, Thomas, fl. 1830 299 RICHMOND ROBERTS 491 Richmond, William A., fl. 1845 166 Richmond and Lennox, Charles Lennox, 3rd duke of, 1735-1806 62, 75, 95, 97, 151, 251, 268 Richmond and Lennox, Charles Lennox, 4th duke of, 1764-1819 250 Rickman, John, 1771-1840 . . 67 Ridcost, R. , fl. 1807 . . . 250 Rider, George T. , fl. 1850 299 Rider, Jonas, fl. 1781 ... 62 Rider, Dr. M. , fl. 1845 . . 166 Rider, Sidney S. , and Brother, fl. 1865 39 Ridgely, Daniel B. , 1813-68 87 Ridgely, G. W. , fl. 1822 . 118 Ridgely, Richard, 1755-1824 280 Ridghill, William, fl. 1781 62 Ridlington, Will, fl. 1766 251 Riedesel, Friedrich Adolph, freiherr von, 1738-L800 62, 98 Riely, Stephen, fl. 1781 . . 62 Rigby, James, fl. 1726-33 . 251 Rigby, Richard, 1722-88 62, 95, 97, 158 Riggs, Caleb S. , fl. 1815 . 299 Riggs, George Washington, 1813-81 87 Riggs, H. C, fl. 1831 . . 299 Riggs, Jeremiah, fl. 1836 . 166 Riker, R. , fl. 1826 .... 299 Riley, H. H. , fl. 1843 . . 166 Rily, John, fl. 1781 .... 62 Rincon, Jose", fl. 1829 . . 184 Ring, Paul B. , fl. 1844 . . 166 Ringgold, Cadwalader, fl. 1859 228 Rio, Alexander, fl. 1779 . . 62 Riopelle, Colette Gouin . . 232 Riopelle, Dominique .... 232 Riopelle, Embroise .... 232 Ripley, Rev. Ezra, 1751-1841 20 Ripley, H. L. , fl. 1885 . . 194 Ripley, James Wolfe, 1794-1870 194 Ripley, Roswell S. , 1823-87 122 Ripley, Samuel, fl. 1827 . . 20 Risdon, Orange, 1786-1876 166, 298 Ritchie, James 174 Ritchie, Thomas, 1778-1854 52 Ritchy, John, fl. 1767 ... 95 Rittenhouse, David, 1732-96 118 Ritzema, Rudolphus, fl. 1778 62 Rivadeneira y Barrientos, Antonio Joaquin de, 1710-post 1772 233 Riva Palacios, Vicente, 1822-96 74 Rivard, Simon, fl. 1810 . . 52 Rivardi, John Joseph Ulrich, d. 1808 191 Rivera, Aureliano, d. 1904 . 74 Rivera, Jacob Rod., & Co. . 109 Rivera y Moncada, Fernando, d. 1781 184 Riverin, Mons. , fl. 1703 . . 43 Rivers, Adam, fl. 1817 . . 299 Rivers, George Pitt, 1st baron, 1722?-1803 97 Rivers, James, fl. 1758-67. 251 Rivers, Richard Savage, 4th earl of, 16607-1712 . 194 Rives, John Cook, 1795-1864 87, 166 Rives, William Cabell, 1793-1868 .... 52, 87, 194 Riveza Butron, Joseph, fl. 1751 183 Riviere de Riffardeau, Charles-Francois, marquis et due de, 1765-1828 ... 97 Rivington, James, 1724-1802 .... 62, 98, 109 Roach, Isaac, fl. 1797 . . 194 Roads, Thomas, fl. 1776 . . 118 Robbins, Asher, 1757-1845 166, 194 Robbins, Chandler, 1810-82. 194 Robbins, E. H. , fl. 1840 . . 39 Robbins, E. W. , fl. 18 38 . . 39 Robbins, Elliott, fl. 1866 . 39 Robbins, Frank Egleston, 1884- 285 Roberdeau, Daniel, 1727-95 194, 280 Robert, John, fl. 17 57 . . . 69 Robert, Mary, fl. 1825 . . 228 Robert de Vaugondy, Didier, 1726-86 143 Roberts, Lt., fl. 1779 ... 98 Roberts, A., & Son, fl. 1843 166 Roberts, Benjamin, fl. 1760-75 ... 95, 98, 251 Roberts, Benjamin, fl. 1785 194 Roberts, Charles West, fl. 1769 95 Roberts, Craige V., fl. 1795 194 Roberts, E. , fl. 1806 . . . 299 Roberts, George R. , fl. 1846 166 Roberts, J., fl. 1786 ... 62 Roberts, James, d. 1780 . . 62 492 ROBERTS - ROCKEFELLER Roberts, John, fl. 1747 . . 61 Roberts, John, fl. 1763 . . 118 Roberts, John, fl. 1778 . . 98 Roberts, John, fl. 1795 . . 194 Roberts, Peter, fl. 1848 . 166 Roberts, Stephen, fl. 1781. 301 Roberts, Sylvester, fl. 1806 299 Roberts, Thomas, fl. 1790 . 205 Roberts & Shippey, fl. 1766 62 Robertson, Alexander, fl. 1775 95 Robertson, Archibald, fl. 1767-82 ... 62, 95, 107 Robertson, Charles, fl. 1760-79 62, 95 Robertson, Rev. Chas. Franklin, 1835-86 79 Robertson, Sir Charles Grant, 1869-1948 285 Robertson, G. J. , fl. 1800 299 Robertson, J. Stark, fl. 1800 299 Robertson, James, 17207-88 11, 14, 62, 95, 98, 149, 251 Robertson, Prof. James, fl. 1776 193 Robertson, James, 1751-1818 62 Robertson, James, fl. 1790 62 Robertson, James, fl. 1820 299 Robertson, John, fl. 1779 . 62 Robertson, John, fl. 1815 . 299 Robertson, T. W. , fl. 1861. 122 Robertson, Walter, fl. 1786 167 Robertson, Walter, d. 1786 194 Robertson, William, fl. 1861 122 Robidaux, Elisabethe, fl. 1792 191 Robins, Lewis, fl. 1781 . . 62 Robins, Obadiah, fl. 1786 . 118 Robins, Richard 194 Robins, Powell & Co., fl. 1869 39 Robinson, Capt., fl. 1781 62 Robinson, Beverly, 1723-92 62, 194 Robinson, Edgar Eugene . . 285 Robinson, Edward, 1794-1863 247 Robinson, George A. , fl. 1833 166 Robinson, George Washington, 1872- 194 Robinson, J. F. , fl. 1835 . 294 Robinson, James, fl. 1781 . 62 Robinson, James H. , fl. 1837 166 Robinson, Rev. John, 1650-1723 251, 293 Robinson, John, 1727-1802 62, 95, 97, 98, 149, 287 Robinson, John, fl. 1781 . 109 Robinson, John Cleveland, 1817-97 64 Robinson, Lyles R. , fl. 1813 194 Robinson, Marius R. , fl. 1835 294 Robinson, Mark, fl. 1772 . . 95 Robinson, Peter, fl. 1831 . 299 Robinson, Rix, 1792-1875 . 166 Robinson, Robert, c. 1750-1814 ..... 62, 109 Robinson, Thomas, see Grantham, 1st and 2nd barons Robinson, Sir Thomas, 1st bart., 17007-77 . 194, 268 Robinson, Thomas, fl. 1780 . 62 Robinson, Townsend 62 Robinson, Walter, fl. 1786 194 Robinson, William, fl. 1767 95 Robison, Thomas, fl. 1770 . 95 Robledo, Jose" Maria, fl. 1867 74 Robledo, Pedro de, fl. 1711 183 Robles, S., fl. 1867 .... 74 Rocha, Jose" Ygnacio, fl. 1810 182 Rocha Lizardi, Natalia, fl. 1867 74 Rochambeau, Vicomte de, fl. 1897 289 Rochambeau, Jenn-Baptiste- Donatien de Vimeur, comte de, 1725-1807 . 62, 109 251 Roche, Sir Boyle, 1743-1807 95, 251 Roche, Elizabeth Browne Rogers, Mrs. John, see Rogers, Elizabeth Roche, James, fl. 1780 . . 62 Roche, John, Jr. , fl. 1798-1801 234 Roche, Richard W. , fl. 1865 36 Rocheblave, Noel, fl. 1807. 191 Rocheblave, Philippe- Francois Rastel, sieur de, d. 1802 . 62, 95 Rochford, William Henry Zuylestein, 4th earl of, 1717-81 ... 151, 174, 251, 275 Rochford, William Henry Zuylestein, 5th earl of, 1734-1830 268 Rochfort, George, fl. 1780 62, 98 Rockefeller, Jacob W. , fl. 1820 299 ROCKEFELLER - ROMEYN 493 Rockefeller, John A. , fl. 1844 299 Rockefeller, John P. , fl. 1829 299 Rockefeller, Peter D. , fl. 1798 . 299 Rockefeller, Philip W. , fl. 1813 299 Rockefeller, Robert, fl. 1831 299 Rockefeller, Simeon W. , fl. 1815 299 Rockefeller & Sharp, fl. 1818 299 Rockingham, Charles Watson- Wentworth, 2nd marquess of, 1730-82 151, 158, 194 Rockingham, Mary Bright Watson-Wentworth, marchioness of, 1736-1804 158 Rockwell, Daniel 194 Roddam, Robert, 1719-1808 62 Roden, 3rd earl of, see Jocelyn, Robert Rodgers, Christopher Raymond Perry, 1819-92 ... 64 Rodgers, John, 1773-1838 20 Rodgers, John R. B 299 Rodgers, W. M. , fl. 1873 . . 299 Rodman, Daniel 62 Rodman, Wm. M. , fl. 1848 . . 194 Rodney, Caesar, 1728-84 194, 280 Rodney, Sir George Brydges Rodney, 1st baron, 1719-92 62, 98, 111 149, 151, 251, 268, 287 Rodney, Thomas, 1744-1811 280 Rodriquer, Juocencio .... 289 Rodriquez, Marcos 187 Rodriquez, Marcos, fl. 1590 183 Rodriguez de Prado, fl. 1699 183 Roe, Coleman, fl. 1794 ... 191 Roe, Matthew, fl. 1817 . . . 299 Roe, Walter, fl. 1819 ... 299 Roenne, Adelaide de, fl. 1850 228 Roffen, Thomas, fl. 1808 . . 250 Roger, fl. 1779 62 Rogers, fl. 1790 275 Rogers, Amos, fl. 1775 ... 95 Rogers, Arthur, d. 1841 234 Rogers, Benjamin W. , fl. 1820 299 Rogers, D. , fl. 1821 .... 299 Rogers, Daniel & Joseph . . 109 Rogers, Elizabeth Browne, Mrs. Robert, 1741-1812. 95, 234 Rogers, H 62 Rogers, Henry Darwin, 1808-66 166 Rogers, 1 87 Rogers, J., fl. 1881 .... 228 Rogers, James, fl. 1778 62 Rogers, James, fl. 1838 . . 118 Rogers, John, fl. 1776 ... 64 Rogers, Jonathan, fl. 1760 95 Rogers, Joseph 109 Rogers, Octavius T. , fl. 1824 234 Rogers, Robert 109 Rogers, Robert, 1731-95 . 14, 62 95, 191, 194, 234 Rogers, Samuel, 1763-1855 228 Rogers, Sarah, fl. 1774 . . 194 Rogers, Thomas, fl. 1779 . . 62 Rogers, Thomas, fl. 1844 . . 30 Rogers, W. , fl. 1736 .... 251 Rogers, W. S. , fl. 1835 ... 30 Rogers, Will, 1879-1935 . . 194 Rogers, William, fl. 1758 14 Rogers, William S., fl. 1833 20 Rogers & Bromfield, fl. 1784 20, 109 Rogers, Peet & Company, fl. 1910 299 Roguera, Angel Marfa .... 74 Rohausen, Baron, fl. 1845 228 Rohausen, Baroness, fl. 1845 228 Rojas, Antonio, fl. 1867 . . 74 Roland, Edouard, fl. 1918 . 285 Rolette, Joseph, fl. 1834 166 Rolfe, John, 1585-1622 235 Rolfe, John Carew, 1859-1943 285 Rollins, Ichabod 194 Rollinson, William, 1762-1842 236 Romagne, Dr. Nicholas ... 174 Romayne, J., fl. 1798 . . . 299 Romayne, Nicholas, fl. 1803 299 Rome, George, fl. 1770-88 62, 95, 98 Romero, Felix, fl. 1867 ... 74 Romero, Hazario, fl. 1867 . . 74 Romero, Jose, fl. 1824 . . . 184 Romero, Matias, 1837-1899 74 Romero de Zanega, Carlos, fl. 1708 183 Romeyn, Theodore, fl. 1842-47 30, 166 494 ROMEYN ROSSLYN Romeyn & Lee, fl. 1841 166 Romilly, John Romilly, 1st baron, 1802-74 .... 151 Romilly, Sir Samuel, 1757-1818 151 Romm, Charles 237 Romrod , Carl Christoph von, fl. 1781 147 Ronald, Andrew 174 Ronaldshay, Henry Charles Clement Dundas, 7th viscount of, 1873-1935 285 Roof, Adam L. , fl. 1842 . . 166 Roohr, Henry, fl. 1779 ... 62 Roome, Jacob, fl. 1802 . . . 299 Roome, John Le Chevalier, fl. 1780 62 Roorbach, Arthur H. , fl. 1785 299 Roorbach, Barent, fl. 1779 62 Roorbach, Uriah, fl. 1815 299 Roosevelt, Cornelius, fl. 1851 166 Roosevelt, Edith Kermit Carew, Mrs. Theodore, 1861- 237 Roosevelt, Eleanor Roosevelt, Mrs. Franklin Delano, 1884- 194 Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 1882-1945 31 Roosevelt, George Emlen, 1887- 237 Roosevelt, Isaac 194 Roosevelt, Nicholas. Executors of estate of 194 Roosevelt, Oliver Wolcott, 1890- 237 Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919. 7, 52, 125, 194, 237 Roosevelt, Theodore, Jr., 1887-1944 237 Roosevelt Memorial Association 237 Root, Elihu, 1845-1937 . 7, 237 Root, Jesse, 1736-1822 . . . 280 Root, William, fl. 1802 . . 299 Root, Winifred Trexler, 1879-1947 285 Rosains, Juan Nepomuceno, d. 1830 182 Roscoe, W. , fl. 1826 .... 228 Rose, Mr., fl. 1784 97 Rose, Alexander, fl. 1776-82 109 Rose, Daniel, fl. 1813 . . . 194 Rose, Edwin, fl. 1836 . . . 166 Rose, George, 1744-1818 62, 67, 149, 250, 268 Rose, Sir George Henry, 1771-1855 67 Rose, H. K., fl. 1847 . . . 166 Rose, Hugh, fl. 1759 .... 95 Rose, James, fl. 1780 .... 62 Rose, John, fl. 1745 .... 268 Rose, John Holland, 1855-1942 285 Rose, John S 31 Rose, Robert Hutchinson, 1776-1842 30 Rose, Samuel, fl. 1781 ... 62 Rose, William M. , fl. 1838 . 299 Rose, William Stewart, 1775-1843 151 Rose & Hurley, fl. 1829 . . 299 Roseboom, Bart., fl. 1759 95 Roseboom, Myndert, fl. 1759 95 Rosecrans, William S. , 1819-98 7, 122 Roselly de Lorgues, Antoine- Francois-Felix, comte, 1805-98 289 Rosenbach, Abraham Simon Wolf, 1876-1952 31 Rosenberry, Mrs. Lois Kimball Mathews, 1873- 285 Rosengarten, Joseph George, 1835-1921 289 Rosenthal, Lewis, fl. 1882 . 289 Ross, Capt., fl. 1781 .... 62 Ross, A., fl. 1780 287 Ross, Alex, fl. 1840 .... 299 Ross, Alexander, 1742-1827 62, 95 Ross, Andrew, fl. 1837 ... 30 Ross, Charles Griffith, 1885-1950 282 Ross, David, fl. 1767 . . . 251 Ross, G. , fl. 1781 62 Ross, George, 1730-79 . 95, 118 Ross, George W. , d. 1814 . . 194 Ross, Hercules, fl. 1780 . . 98 Ross, James 95 Ross, James, fl. 1796 . . . 118 Ross, James, fl. 1835 . . . 244 Ross, John, fl. 1764-89 ... 95 Ross, John, fl. 1783 .... 127 Ross, John, 1777-1856 . . . 228 Ross, John E., fl. 1828 . . 299 Ross, Maria, fl. 1814 . . . 194 Ross, Patrick, 17407-1804 98 Ross, Robert, fl. 1781 ... 62 Ross, Stewart, fl. 1780 ... 62 Ross, Thomas, fl. 17 64 . . . 95 Ross & Gray, fl. 1773-79. 95, 98 Ross & Ogilvie, fl. 1793 62 Rosse, Sir Lawrence Parsons, 2nd earl of, 1758-1841 ... 67 Rosskopf, H. A., fl. 1923 . 237 Rosslyn, 1st earl of, see Wedderburn, Alexander ROSSMAN - RUSSELL 495 Rossman, Elias 299 Rossman, Peter J. , £1. 1819 299 Rossman &; McKinstry, fl. 1844 299 Rothenstein, John Knewstub Maurice, 1901- 285 Rothfield, Otto, 1876-1932 285 Rothschild, Ferdinand, fl. 1883 89 Rothschild, Lionel Nathan, baron de, 1808-79 52 Rothschild, N. M. , & Sons, fl. 1843 228 Roubalet, Charles, fl. 1780 62 Rouille", Antoine-Louis, comte de Jouy, 1689-1761 251 Rountree, Hiram, fl. 1834 . 166 Rountree, John H. , fl. 1835 166 Roupell, George, 1727?-94 95 Rous, Samuel, fl. 176 6 . . . 251 Rouse, Nicholas, fl. 1781 62 Row, Thomas, fl. 1813 . . . 299 Row & Reed, fl. 1838 .... 299 Rowan, Archibald Hamilton, fl. 1799 194 Rowan, Robert, fl. 1775-81 . 109 Rowe, Henry, fl. 1800 . . . 299 Rowe, James, fl. 1840 . . . 299 Rowe, L. S., fl. 1923 . . . 228 Rowland, Ezra, fl. 1819 . . 299 Rowland, Hugh B. , fl. 1900 7 Rowland, Richard, fl. 1759 98 Rowland, Thomas, fl. 1781 . 109 Rowland, Uriah, fl. 1781 . . 62 Rowland & Barstow, fl. 1843 244 Rowles, Samuel, fl. 17 67 . . 251 Rowley, J. D. , fl. 1835 . . 299 Rowley, Sir Joshua, 1730?-90 287 Rowley, Sir Josias, bart , 1765-1842 194, 211 Roxburgh, Alexander, fl. 1776-83 109 Roxburgh, John Ker, 3rd duke of, 1740-1804 97 Roy, Joseph Edmond, 1858-1913 289 Royal, Mrs. Anne, fl. 1834 166 Royall, Henry, fl. 1688 . . 194 Royau, Philippe, fl. 1898 . 289 Royce, Solomon, fl. 1844 . . 299 Ruby, T 109 Ruddock, John, fl. 1778 . . 194 98 Ruding, Dr. John, fl. 1773 . Rudolph, Jacob, fl. 1821 . . Rudolph, John, d. 1782. 109, Rudulph, Tobias, fl. 1793 . Rufane, William, fl. 1763 . Ruffin, Edmond, 1794-1865 Ruffin, John, fl. 1770 . . . Ruffin, Thomas, fl. 1770 . . Rugeley, Henry, fl. 1780 . . Ruggles, Charles H. , fl. 1814 Ruggles, Daniel, b. 1810 . . Ruggles, Rev. Isaac W. , fl. 1834 Ruggles, Timothy, 1711-95 62 Ruiz, Joaquin, fl. 1867 . . Ruiz de Aguirre, fl. 1810 . Ruland, Israel, 1758-1817 Rulison, Nelson Somerville, Bp., 1842-97 Rumbold, Sir Thomas, 1st bart., 1736-91 Rumbold, W Rumford, Sir Benjamin Thompson, count von, 1753-1814 . 11, 20, 95, Rumford, Sarah Thompson, countess von, 1774-1852 Rumigny, General, fl. 1832 Rumpff, fl. 1842 .... Rumsey, B. , fl. 1775 . . Rumsey, James, fl. 1768-71 95, Rumsey, James G. , fl. 1843 Runk, Emma ten Broeck, fl. 1924 Rush, Dr. Benjamin, 1745-1813 193, Rush, Catherine E., Mrs. Richard, fl. 1814 . . Rush, Richard, 1780-1859 52, Rusk, Thomas Jefferson, 1803-1857 Russel, David, fl. 1782 . . Russel, Giles, fl. 1775 . . Russel, John, fl. 1788 . . . Russel, William C. , fl. 1880 Russell, Alexander, 1814-76 Russell, Bill, fl. 1789 . . Russell, Charles, fl. 1781 Russell, F. , fl. 1783 . Russell, Francis, see Bedford, 7th duke of Russell, H. , fl. 1782 . Russell, Isaac, fl. 1819 263 118 118 . 87 251 64 194 194 109 299 122 166 , 95 . 74 182 191 . 79 98 251 211 194 20 228 52 95 191 166 299 280 238 228 194 62 95 122 294 151 20 109 251 109 299 496 RUSSELL - SACROBOSCO Russell, J., fl. 1794 ... 97 Russell, James, fl. 1786 . . 20 Russell, James E. , fl. 1750 . 4 Russell, John, see Bedford, 4th duke of Russell, John, see Bedford, 6th duke of Russell, John, fl. 1782 . . 11 Russell, Lord John Russell, 1st earl, 1792-1878 . 67, 239 Russell, John B. F. , fl. 1818-37 166 Russell, Jonathan, 1771-1832 194, 228 Russell, Joseph, fl. 1781 62 Russell, Joseph and William, fl. 1783 109 Russell, Lewis 62 Russell, Nathaniel, fl. 1781 109 Russell, Peter, 1755-1825 62, 287 Russell, Richard 62 Russell, Thomas, fl. 1871 . 294 Russell, Thomas R., fl. 1780 62 Russell, Timothy, fl. 1780 . 62 Russell, W. E., fl. 1821 . 299 Russell, W. M., fl. 1812 . . 67 Russell, William Russell, lord, 1639-83 98 Russell, William, d. 1793 . 109 Russell, William, fl. 1834 166 Russia 251 Sovereigns Catherine II (1762-96) 62, 251 Paul I (1796-1801) .... 97 Rustat, William, fl. 1773 . 263 Ruston, Thomas, fl. 1766 . 194 Rutherford, Griffith, d. 1799 109 Rutherford, James, fl. 1928 285 Rutherford, John, fl. 1767 251 Rutherford, Thomas, fl. 1764 95 Rutherford, Walter, fl. 1764 299 Rutherfurd, John, fl. 1745 61 Rutherfurd, John, fl. 1804 299 Ruthven, Alexander Grant, 1882- 194, 285 Rutland, Charles Manners, 4th duke of, 1754-87 . . 151 Rutland, John Henry Manners, 5th duke of, 1778-1857 67 Rutland, John James Robert Manners, 7th duke of, 1818- 1906 67 Rutledge, Edward, 1749-1800 280 Rutledge, Rev. Francis Huger, 1800-66 79 Rutledge, Henry M. , fl. 1822 109 Rutledge, Hugh, 1741-1811 . 109 Rutledge, J 194 Rutledge, John, 1739-1800 109, 251 Ryan, D. F. , fl. 1849 ... 67 Ryan, Peter S. , fl. 1781 109, 301 Ryan, Richardson 62 Ryan, Samuel 151 Ryan, Samuel, fl. 1837 . . 166 Ryan, Samuel, fl. 1845 . . 151 Ryan, Mrs. Wallace P., fl. 1898 7 Rycaut, Capt. Ed., fl. 1754 98 Rycaut, Paul, d. 1767 ... 62 Ryder, Dudley, see Harrowby, 1st earl of Ryder, Sir Dudley, 1691-1756 194, 251, 268, 293 Ryder, Richard, 1766-1832 67, 97 Ryfenbergh, Alexander, fl. 1844 299 Ryfenbergh, Peter P., fl. 1844 299 Ryfenbergh, William G. , fl. 1847 299 Ryker, John, fl. 1810 . . . 299 Ryves, Thomas, fl. 1772 . . 95 S., A. C, fl. 1762 .... 251 S., J., fl. 1775 95 S., J., fl. 1840 194 S., M 109 Sa e Mello, Don Ayres de . 251 Sabagh, John J., fl. 1829 . 299 Sabatier fils et Despre's, fl. 1779 127 Sabin, J., & Sons, fl. 1872. 39 Sabin, Joseph, 1821-81 31, 36, 39 Sabin, Joseph F. , fl. 1922 31, 194 Sacken, Count von, fl. 1768 251 Sackville, 1st viscount, see Germain, Lord George Sackville Sackville, Charles, see Dorset, 2nd duke of Sackville, John Frederick, see Dorset, 3rd duke of Sacrobosco, Johannes de, d. 1256 240 SADLER - SAMPSON 497 Sadler, E. B. , fl. 1835 . . 166 Sadlier, Anthony, fl. 1781. 251 Safferd, Charles H. , fl. 1864 7 Sagendorph, George A., fl. 1790 299 Saginaw City (Mich.) Convention, 1842 30 St. Albans, William Aubrey de Vere, 9th duke of, 1801-49 174 St. Andrews Society of New York, 1792 193 St. Ange, Louis, d. 1774 . . 95 St. Bernard, Antoine, fl. 1811 52 St. Cartier, Germain, fl. 1766 95 St. Christopher's and Nevis, planters and merchants of, 1782 251 St. Clair, Arthur, 1734-1818 . 52, 109, 118, 232 St. Clair, David, fl. 1770 . 95 St. Clair, Sir John, bart., d. 1767 95 St. Clair, John, fl. 1820 23 St. Clair, W. H. , fl. 1834 166 St. Elmo, Walter M. , fl. 1929 194 St. George, Richard, fl. 1778 62 St. Helens, Alleyne Fitz- herbert, 1st baron, 1753-1839 . . 88, 97, 98, 151 251, 268 St. John, Mr., fl. 1781 . . 62 St. John, Ezra, fl. 1833 . 166 St. John, Henry, see Bolingbroke, 1st viscount St. John, Hon. Henry, d. 1780 95 St. John & Ogle, fl. 1826 . 299 St. Johns, O. R. , fl. 1831. 299 St. Johns (Newfoundland) Merchants and traders, 1766 251 St. Johns River Indians Chiefs, sachems and young men, 1778 98 St. Joseph (Mich.) Farmers & Merchants Bank . 52 St. Leger, Anthony, d. 1786 62, 268, 287 St. Leger, Barry, c. 1737-89 .... 62, 95, 268 St. Leger, William, fl. 1780 62 St. Leonards, Edward Burtenshaw Sugden, 1st baron, 1781-1875. 67, 151, 194 250 St. Marie, Joseph, fl. 1788 118 St. Martin, Alexis, c. 1803-80 241 Ste. Ovide de Brouillant, fl. 1689-1738 268 St. Paul's Church 193 St. Pe", Mons., fl. 1772 . . 95 St. Pierre, J. L. Dumiesnie de, fl. 1768 95 St. Vdran, marquis de, see Montcalm-Gozon, Louis- Joseph de St. Vincent, Sir John Jervis, 1st earl of, 1735-1823 62, 97, 151, 158, 174, 251 St. Vincent (Island) .... 251 Council and Assembly ... 95 Prior and canons of, 1809 . 194 Salazar, Lopez Garcia de, fl. 1828 181 Salbaugh, John, fl. 1806 . . 299 Salcedo, Jose" Maria, fl. 1800 187 Saldern, Kaspar von, 1711-86 251 Sale, John B. , fl. 1865 . . 122 Salem (Mass.) Commissioners of Customs, 1774 95 Merchants and freeholders of, 1774 95 Wardens and Vestry of St. Peters Church, 1774 .... 95 Female Anti-Slavery Society, 1837 294 Salembier, Louis, fl. 1892 . 289 Saigas, C. de, fl. 1796 ... 97 Salinas, Cristobal, fl. 1860. 74 Salis, Jerome Fane de Salis, count de, d. 1836 67 Salis, Peter de Salis, count de, d. 1749 268 Salisbury, Lady Georgiana, fl. 1870 151 Salisbury, Guy H. , fl. 1862 52 Salisbury, James Ceci] , 7th earl and 1st marquess of, 1748-1823 97 Salisbury, Rev. Simeon, fl. 1835 30 Salisbury, Stephen, fl. 1880 39 Salles, Laurent 299 Salmon, George, fl. 1792 . . 87 Salmon, Lucy M. , 1853-1927 . 194 Salsach, Jacob, fl. 1800 . . 299 Saltonstall, Leverett, 1783-1845 20, 52 Salvadet, fl. 1867 89 Salvadora, Jph. , fl. 1766 . 194 Sambin, Joseph, fl. 1781 . . 62 Sampson, Henry, fl. 1768 . . 95 498 SAMPSON SAUNDERS Sampson, James, fl. 17 66 . 251 Sanborn, Ebenezer, fl. 1745 163 Sanborn, Franklin Benjamin, 1831-1917 294 Sanborn, Jonathan, fl. 1711 194 Sance, Mons. de, fl. 1786 . 97 Sancedo, Francisco, Manuel, fl. 1812 182 Sanchez Bernal, Pedro, fl. 1732 251 Sanchez Santos, Trinidad, fl. 1867 74 Sand, R. M 87 Sandby, Dr. G. , fl. 1768 . 268 Sandby, William, fl. 1768 . 268 Sanders, Barent, fl. 1827 . 299 Sanders, James B. , fl. 1873 299 Sanders, Jane, fl. 1840 . . 299 Sanders, John, fl. 1830 . . 299 Sanders, R 109 Sanders, Robert 299 Sanders, Robert, fl. 1752-62 4, 61 Sanders, Walter L. , fl. 1868 299 Sanders, William N. S. , fl. 1903 299 Sanderson, C, fl. 1830 . . 228 Sandford, George, fl. 1808. 268 Sandon, Thomas, fl. 1778 . . 62 Sands, Comfort, 1748-1834 . 194 Sands, James, fl. 17 68 . . . 95 Sandwich, Edward Montagu, 1st earl of, 1625-72 . . . 251 Sandwich, John Montagu, 4th earl of, 1718-92 62, 98, 149, 151, 174, 223 Sandwich, John Montagu, 5th earl of, d. 1814 ... 97 Sandwich Islands. Sovereigns Tamaahmaah 97 Sandwith, Humphry, 1822-81. 194 Sandys, E. F. , fl. 1922 . . 285 Sanford, Charles R. , 1838-1911 194 Sanford, Edward, fl. 1788 . 122 Sanford, Ephraim H. , fl. 1848 30 Sanford, Ephram, fl. 1779 . 62 Sanford, Peleg P. , fl. 1841 166 San Francisco, Patricio Joseph, fl. 1761 183 Sanger, H. K. , fl. 1837 . . 166 Sanger, Joseph P. , fl. 1898 7 Sanglar, Jean Baptiste, fl. 1768 251 Sangston, George E. , fl. 1856 228 Sanguily y Garret, Manuel, 1849-1925 289 San Juan, Jose" Miguel de, fl. 1753 61 San Luis, Fr. Ignacio de, fl. 1829 181 San Pedro Company, fl. 1844 228 Sans Crainte, Marie Amable, fl. 1800 191 Sansom, Samuel, fl. 1871 . 194 Sansum, Philip, fl. 1776-83 109 Santa Anna, Antonio Lopez de, 17957-1876 . 185, 184, 247 Santa Domingo. Committee of Correspondence 62 Santa Maria, Vicente, fl. 1811 182 Santandella, Juan, fl. 1867. 74 Santillan, Hernando de . . 218 Santin, Chic Fortesque, fl. 1781 .287 Sanz, Ph. Gant, fl. 1824 . 194 Sarabia, Dr. Brabo de . . . 218 Sardinia. Sovereign Victor Ammadeus III (1773-96) 251 Sardoxantes de Carranca, Balta, fl. 1594 183 Sargeant, E., fl. 1798 . . 118 Sargeant, Nathaniel Peaslee, fl. 1789 20 Sargeant, Samuel, fl. 1807 . 20 Sargeant, William, fl. 1798 242 Sargent, Henrietta, fl. 1837 294 Sargent, John, fl. 1775-80 . 62 Sargent, John, fl. 1803 . . 97 Sargent, Winthrop, 1753-1820 52, 109, 118, 232 Sargent, Winthrop, 1825-70 87, 194 Sarmiento, Gambo Pedro de, c. 1530-c. 1590 194 Sartiges, comte de, fl. 1857 52 Sartine, Antoine Raymond Jean Gaulbert Gabriel de, comte d'Alby, 1729-1801 194, 196 Sartorio, Jose Manuel, fl. 1808 181, 243 Sastry, K. A. Nilakanta, fl. 1922 285 Satterlee, B. B. , fl. 1872 39 Saunders, Sir Charles, 1713?-75 251 Saunders, D. , fl. 1830 . . 299 Saunders, Henry D. , fl. 1858 109 Saunders, John, 1754-1834 62, 253 Saunders, Martha, fl. 1783. 109 SAUNDERS - SCHOEPF 499 Saunders, Roger Parker, fl. 1775-85 109 Saunders, William, fl. 1812 191 Saundey, Joseph, fl. 1786 . 118 Sauthier, Claude Joseph, fl. 1774 157 1742 194 Savage, Savage, Savage, Savage, Rivers, 268 194 287 62 194 Savage, Arthur, fl Savage, Arthur, 1731-1801 251, Savage, Habijah, fl. 1732 . Henry, fl. 1780 62, Jer, fl. 1781 . . . Mary Richard, see 4th earl of Savage, Richard Henry, fl. 1899 7 Savannah ( Georgia) Merchants, 1766 251 Savannah (Georgia) Shipping records 244 Savery, Asabel, fl. 1834 . 166 Savile, Sir George, 8th bart., 1726-84 . . . 158, 251 Savill, James, fl. 1730 . . 251 Savoy, Prince Eugene de, fl. 1719 228 Sawyer, E. H. , fl. 1897 ... 7 Sawyer, G. B. , fl. 1848 . . 166 Sawyer, Walter Hulrae, d. 19 31 Saxby, George, 1714?-86 . . Saxe-Coburg, Ernest, herzog von, fl. 1840 Saxe-Coburg, Francis, herzog von, d. 1806 . . . Saxe-Weimar, Prinz Karl August, grossherzog von, 1757-1828 Saxony. Elector Friedrich August II (1733-63) 251 Saye and Sele, Thomas Twisleton, 13th baron, d. 1788 Sayer, Exton, fl. 1730 . Sayer, Joseph, 1706-74 . Sayn Wittgenstein, Prinz von, fl. 1887 Sayre, C. L. , fl. 1865 . Sayre, John, fl. 1780 . . Sayre, William, 1791-1861 Scadding, John, fl. 1824 Scales, William, fl. 1804 Scammell, Alexander . . . Scarborough, Rev. John . Scarbrough & Cook .... Scarsdale, Nathaniel Curzon, 1st baron, d. 1804 . . . Scatterday, John, fl. 1837 Sceleback, Ternisien de, fl. 1779 62 285 251 228 97 97 268 251 194 289 122 62 30 253 142 279 79 109 97 165 Schaeffer, F. C 299 Schalck de la Faverie, Alfred, fl. 1903 289 Schallern, Ludwig von, fl. 1782 147 Schank, Th 194 Scharff, Robert Francis, 1858-1934 289 Schauers, John, fl. 1804 . 299 Schaumbourg Lippe, Comte de, fl. 1762 251 Schaw, Alexander, fl. 1775-82 95, 301 Schaw, Gideon, fl. 1757 . . 98 Schaw, John, fl. 1766 ... 95 Scheffer, Franz, fl. 1778-83 147 Scheide, John H. , fl. 1938 39, 194 Schell, Christ., fl. 1824 299 Schelling, Felix Emmanuel, 1858-1945 285 Schenck, C. , fl. 1826 . . . 299 Schenck, G. , fl. 1828 . . . 299 Schenck, Robert Cumming, 1809-90 64 Schenck, Sarah, fl. 1829 . 299 Schereschewsky , Samuel Isaac Joseph, 1831-1906 . . 79 Schermerhorn, Rev. J. F., fl. 1834 166 Schermerhorn, Johannes, fl. 1797 299 Schetterly, Dr. H. R. , fl. 1844 166 Schieffelin, Jacob, fl. 1780 62 Schirmer, Philip, fl. 1782. 147 Schism, John, fl. 1804 . . 299 Schlater, C. M. , fl. 1844 . 166 Schlemmer, Arnold, c. 1726-78 147 Schlesinger, Arthur Meier, 1888- 285 Schley, Frederick, fl. 1856 228 Schlieffen, Freiherr von, fl. 1780 62 Schlosser, Francis, fl. 1765 95 Schlosser, John Joseph, fl. 1759-64 95 Schmidt, James, fl. 1793 . 299 Schmidt, Johann Philip, fl. 1782 147 Schmidt, Martin Conrad, fl. 1779 147 Schmitt, Bernadotte Everly, 1886- 285 Schmitt, G. N. , fl. 1867 . . 74 Schoedde, Theodore Alexander, fl. 1780 62 Schoepf, A., fl. 1864 ... 64 500 SCHOFELD - SCRIBA Schofeld, Polly, fl. 1793 299 Schofeld, Sarah, fl. 1793 299 Schofield, John M. , 1831-1906 7 Scholes, France, fl. 1929 . 285 Schomberg, Solomon, fl. 1766 251 Schoolcraft, Henry R. , 1793-1864 . . 52, 87, 191, 194 Schoolcraft, James L. , fl. 1834 52 Schreiber, Wilhelm, fl. 1780 62 Schroeppel, G. L. , fl. 1785 299 Schulenburg-Wolfsburg, Gebhard Gernard, freiherr von, 1722-88 98 Schuler, Friedrich Heinrich von, fl. 1782 147 Schultz, Jacob, fl. 1819 . 299 Schultz, William, fl. 1806 142 Schupar, Nicola, fl. 1766 . 95 Schurz, Carl, 1829-1906 64, 122 Schutt, Hendrick M. , fl. 1802 299 Schutts, J. W. , fl. 1828 . 299 Schutz, William, fl. 1780 62 Schuyler, Cortland, fl. 1770 95 Schuyler, Dirck, fl. 1788 . 118 Schuyler, Dirk, fl. 1724 . 251 Schuyler, Harmanus, fl. 1766 95 Schuyler, Myndert, fl. 1748 4, 61 Schuyler, Nicholas, fl. 1737 4 Schuyler, Peter, 1657-1724 251 Schuyler, Peter, 1710-62 61 Schuyler, Philip John, 1733-1804 4, 95, 109, 194, 280 Schwan, Theo. , fl. 1898 . . 125 Schwarz, John E. , fl. 1835 166 Scobie, William, fl. 1745 61 Scobie, John, fl. 1837-67 30, 294 Scofield, John C. , fl. 1900 7, 125 Scollay, Edmond, fl. 1775 301 Scollay, John, fl. 1775 95 Scollay, William, fl. 1802 . 194 Scott, A. H. , fl. 1841 . . . 166 Scott, Alexander, fl. 1781 62 Scott, Alexander John, 1805-66 194 Scott, Andrew, fl. 1830 ... 20 Scott, C. F., fl. 1772 ... 95 Scott, Charles, c. 1739-1813 62, 109 Scott, D. Sibbald 228 Scott, David, fl. 1780 ... 62 Scott, David, fl. 1829 ... 228 Scott, Edward, fl. 1782 109, 301 Scott, Sir Ernest, 1868-1939 285 Scott, Gustavus, 1753-1800 194 Scott, J. M., fl. 1837 ... 30 Scott, James, fl. 1758 ... 14 Scott, James, fl. 1769 ... 69 Scott, John, see Eldon, 1st earl of Scott, John, baron Earlsfort, earl of Clonmell, 1739-98 149, 287 Scott, Col. John, fl. 1768 95 Scott, John M., c. 1730-84 . 121 Scott, John M. , fl. 1793 118 Scott, Jonathan, fl. 1822 299 Scott, Joseph, fl. 1758-64 14, 95 Scott, Thomas, 1745-1842 62 Scott, Thomas Barton, fl. 1781 287 Scott, Rev. Thomas Fielding, 1807-67 79 Scott, William, fl. 1780 . . 62 Scott, William, baron Stowell, 1745-1836 . . 158, 293 Scott, William McDowell . . 232 Scott, Winfield, 1786-1866 52, 64, 122, 194, 228 Scott-Waring, John, 1747-1819 251 Scovel, H. Sylvester, 1869-1905 7 Scovill, Philo, fl. 1846 . . 166 Scovill, William, fl. 1845 166 Scranton, Leonidas S. , fl. 1850 166 Scriba, Eugene, fl. 1839 . . 228 Scriba, Frederick, fl. 1785 299 Scriba, George, fl. 1802 . . 299 Scriba, Schroeppel & Starman, fl. 1785 299 SCRIBNER - SERVEN 501 Scribner, Welford & Armstrong, fl. 1872 39 Scripps, James E. , 1835-1906 7 Scriven, George Percival, fl. 1897 7 Scroggs, William, fl. 1775 . 95 Scudamore, John, 1727-96 268, 287 Seabrook, Whitemarsh B. , fl. 1827 294 Seabury, Rev. Samuel, 1729-96 79, 194 Seafield, James Ogilvy, 7th earl of Findlater, 4th earl of, d. 1811 . . . 174 Seaford, Charles Rose, baron, 1771-1845 228 Seagrove, Js., fl. 1786 . . 109 Seaman, B. 0., fl. 1842 . . 166 Seaman, Zebulun, fl. 1764 . 95 Searle, Addison, fl. 1845 . 39 Searle, Charles, fl. 1781 . 62 Searle, James, 1733-97 109, 280 Searle, Nathaniel, fl. 1822 39 Sears 62 Sears, Charles E. , fl. 1899 7 Sears, Isaac, 1730-86 . . . 194 Seaver, Norman, fl. 1835 . . 20 Seaving, Simon, fl. 1793 . 299 Seavy, Mary P., fl. 1848 . . 30 Seawell, Benjamin, fl. 1780 266 Sebard, H. S. , fl. 1835 . . 299 Sebright, Sir John, 6th bart. , 1725-94 .... 95 Seckel, David, fl. 1793 . . 118 Seeker, Rev. Thomas, 1693-1768 194 Secor & Priest, fl. 1815 . 299 Sedam, Cornelius Ryer, d. 1823 118 Seddon, James Alexander, 1815-80 64 Seddon, Joseph 174 Sedgwick, Edward, fl. 1764. 251 Sedgwick, Ellery, 1872- . . 285 Sedgwick, Hunter, fl. 1767 95 Sedgwick, John, 1813-64 . . 64 Sedgwick, Theodore, 1746-1813 280 Sedgwick, Theodore, 1811-59 52 Sedgwick, William E., fl. 1866 36 Sedley, Davenport, fl. 1810 67 Sedley, Henry, fl. 1809 . . 97 See, John, fl. 1799 .... 299 Seeburn 62 Seedman, Jonathan, fl. 1736 194 Segner, Phillip A. , fl. 1816 299 Segur, Philippe Henri, marquis de, 1724-1801 . . 251 Seilern, Count, fl. 1767 . 251 Seitz, Franz Karl von, fl. 1774-80 62, 147 Seixas, Moses, fl. 1776 . . 62 Sekhornager ( India) Inhabitants of 285 Selbourne, Sir Roundell Palmer, 1st earl of, 1812-95 194, 239 Selby, H., fl. 1844 .... 299 Selden, Annie, fl. 1886 . . 228 Selden, Dudley, fl. 1828 . .299 Selden, Dudley, d. 1855 . . 52 Selden, William, fl. 1839-61 166 Self ridge, Robert 0., fl. 1862 7 Selfridge, Thomas Oliver, 1836-1924 64 Selkirk, Dunbar Douglas- Hamilton, 4th earl of, 1722-1799 . . . 146, 151, 268 Selluk, Levi, fl. 1801 . . 299 Selwyn, A. F. , Mrs. Congreve, fl. 1829 268 Selwyn, C. J., fl. 1820 . . 268 Selwyn, George Augustus, 1719-91 151 Selwyn, John, fl. 1751 . . 268 S^minaire des Missions Etrangeres de Quebec, see Quebec, Seminary Semmes, Alexander Jenkins, 1828-98 247 Sen, J. K., fl. 1922 . . . 285 Seneca Chiefs 194 Kayasshuta, fl. 1771 ... 95 Silver Heels, fl. 1769 . . 95 Senf, Charles, fl. 1782 . . 109 Senigham, William W. , fl. 1825 299 Senior, Nassau William, 1790-1864 151 Sennectere, Henri de, marquis de la Ferte", 1600-72 89 Sensere, Taime, fl. 1787 . 188 Sepel, G. , fl. 1826 .... 228 Sercey, Adm 174 Sergeant, W. , fl. 1800 . . 118 Sergison, Warden, fl. 1807. 250 Seriter, Elizabeth Lovejoy, fl. 1836 165 Serjeant, E 234 Serra, Felipe, fl. 1867 . . 74 Serrete, Miguel, fl. 1866 . 74 Serven, Abram R. , fl. 1925 237 502 SESSE - SHAW-LEFEVRE Sesse, Martin de, fl. 1787. 188 Sessums, Rev. Davis .... 79 Setechipia, Pedro, fl. 1867 74 Seton, James, fl. 1790 107, 268 Seton, James, fl. 1813 . . 299 Seton, William, 1746-98 . . 62 Setsugyokusai, Harunobu . . 245 Seume, Johann Gottfried, 1763-1810 147 Severn, James Varrick, fl. 1839 166 S^very, Wilhelm de, fl. 1803 250 Sevier, Ambrose Hundley, 1801-48 194 Sevier, John, 1745-1815 . . 109 Sevright, C. , fl. 1814 . . 103 Sewall, H. T. , fl. 1864 . . 36 Sewall, Jonathan, 1728-96 95 Sewall, Mrs. N. W. , fl. 1885 294 Seward, Anna, 1747-1809 194, 245A Seward, Frederick W. , 1830-1915 71 Seward, William Henry, 1801-72 . . 52, 194, 246, 259 Sewer, Thomas, fl. 1785 . . 62 Sexton, Charles, fl. 1815 67 Sexton, Pliny, fl. 1890 . . 294 Sexton, R. , fl. 1863 .... 64 Seymer, George, fl. 1778 . . 62 Seymour, Lady Anne Horatia Waldegrave, d. 1801 .... 97 Seymour, Charles, fl. 1927 285 Seymour, Edward, see Somerset, 9th duke of Seymour, Edward Adolphus, see Somerset, 1.1th duke of Seymour, Edward L. , fl. 1829 228 Seymour, Francis Ingram, see Hertford, 2nd marquess of Seymour, Sir George Francis, 1787-1870 67 Seymour, Rev. Geo. Franklin, 1829-1906 79 Seymour, George S 31 Seymour, Horatio, 1810-86 64 Seymour, Isaac Gurdon, b. 1862 247 Seymour, John G 247 Seymour, Joshua H. , fl. 1793 20 Seymour, Thomas, fl. 1773 2 Seymour, Thomas Hart, 1807-78 166 Seymour, Truman, 1824-91 . . 64 Seymour, William J. , fl. 1862 247 Seymour-Conway , Francis Charles, see Hertford, 3rd marquess of Shacklette, Hansford T. , fl. 1945 194 Shads, Henry, fl. 1781 ... 62 Shadwell, Thomas G. , d. 1780 248 Shafer, John, fl. 1838 . . 299 Shafter, William R. , 1835-1906 7, 125 Shaftesbury, Cropley Ashley Cooper, 6th earl of, 1768-1851 67 Shairp, John, fl. 1780 ... 62 Shairp, Walter, fl. 1782 . 251 Shaler, Nathaniel, fl. 1785 109 Shand, C. Farquhar, fl. 1845 228 Shannon, Joseph P. , fl. 1843 228 Shannon, Richard Boyle, 2nd earl of, 1727-1807 . . 98 Sharks, J. A., fl. 1838 . . 299 Sharp, A., Co., fl. 1823 . 299 Sharp, C 62 Sharp, George M. , fl. 1903 6 Sharp, George P. , fl. 1826 299 Sharp, James, fl. 1782 . . 109 Sharp, Peter G. , fl. 1798 299 Sharp, Thomas, fl. 1774 . . 95 Sharp & Dubois, fl. 1812 . 299 Sharp, Elton & Co. , fl. 1831 299 Sharpe, Henry, fl. 1774 . . 263 Sharpe, Hercules, fl. 1828 194 Sharpe, Horatio, 1718-90 4, 14, 95, 251 Sharpe, Joshua, fl. 1757 . 104 Sharpe, Philip, fl. 1771 . 275 Sharpe, William, 1742-1818 62, 109 Shauck, John A 6 Shaver, Hendrick J. , fl. 1800 299 Shaw, Charles, fl. 1780 . . 98 Shaw, J. B 87 Shaw, John, fl. 1806-12 . . 191 Shaw, Mrs. Louisa C. , fl. 1815 194 Shaw, Lydia 249 Shaw, Richard 109 Shaw, Samuel S. , fl. 1850 166 Shaw, William C 122 Shaw-Lefevre, Sir John George, 1797-1879 151 SHAWE SHERWOOD 503 Shawe, M. , fl. 1822 .... 67 Shawnees ( Indians) 52 Chief Black Hoof, fl. 1809 281 Chiefs, fl. 1769 95 Chiefs, fl. 1809 281 Chiefs Yealabahcah and the Prophet, fl. 1816 52 Shea, George, 1826-95 . . . 289 Shea, John D. G. , 1824-92 36, 87, 262 Shea, John G 39 Shea, Martin Arthur, fl. 1832 228 Sheaff, H., fl. 1781 .... 62 Sheaff, William, fl. 1786-92 118 Sheaffe, fl. 1812 52 Shear, Henry, fl. 1838 . . 299 Shearer, Daniel, fl. 1848 166 Shearman, Elisha, fl. 1775 95 Shedden, William, fl. 1782 11 Sheehan, William, fl. 1759 95 Sheenburgh, Maria, fl. 1798 299 Sheffield, George, fl. 1785 109 Sheffield, George A. F. C. Holroyd, 2nd earl of, 1802-76 250 Sheffield, John Baker Holroyd, 1st earl of, 1735-1821 149, 250 Sheil, Richard Lalor, 1791-1851 151 Shelburne, William Petty, 1st marquess of Lansdowne, 2nd earl of, 1737-1805 11, 90, 95, 151, 158, 174 251, 268, 275, 286 Shelby, Evan, d. 1793 ... 118 Shelby, Isaac, 1750-1826 52, 109 Sheldon, B. , fl. 1822 . . . 299 Sheldon, C. A., fl. 1845 . 166 Sheldon, Elisha, fl. 1780 62 Sheldon, John P. , fl. 1833. 166 Sheldon, Samuel, fl. 1783 . . 2 Sheldon, Theodore P. , fl. 1835 166 Sheldon, Thomas C. , fl. 1812-50 166 Sheldon, Timothy F. , fl. 1834 166 Sheldon, William, fl. 1803 . 97 Shepard, Addie, fl. 1857 . 294 Shepard, C. , & Co. , fl. 1850 299 Shepard, Charles, fl. 1844 . 39 Shepard, Dr. Charles, fl. 1846 166 Shepard, Elliot F. , fl. 1888 i Shepherd, Forrest, fl. 1845 166 Shepherd, R. I., fl. 1844 299 Shepherd, S. P., fl. 1844 . 166 Shepherd, William Robert, 1871-1934 285 Sherard, Robert, see Harborough, 4th earl of Sherbrooke, Robert Lowe, 1st viscount, 1811-92.151, 194 Sherburn, Joseph, fl. 1746 292 Sherburne, Henry, fl. 1775-81 109 Sherburne, Henry, Jr., fl. 1736 4 Sherburne, John Henry, 1794-c. 1850 . . 87, 166, 194 Sheridan, C. B. , fl. 1823 67 Sheridan, Charles Robert . 174 Sheridan, Henry Fortick, fl. 1780 62, 287 Sheridan, Irene Rucker, Mrs. Philip, fl. 1891 ... 7 Sheridan, Philip Henry, 1831-88 ... 7, 64, 122, 194 Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 1751-1816 62, 194 Sherman, Benjamin, fl. 1844 166 Sherman, Elias B. , fl. 1835 166 Sherman, Ellen Ewing, Mrs. William T. , d. 1888 7, 122 Sherman, Isaac, d. 1819 . . 20 Sherman, John, 1823-1900 294 Sherman, John M. , fl. 1897 7 Sherman, P. T. , fl. 1891 . . 7 Sherman, Rachel, fl. 1888 . . 7 Sherman, Thomas West, 1813-79 64 Sherman, Watts, fl. 1844 . 166 Sherman, William Tecumseh, 1820-91 7, 64, 122 Sherril, Abraham Parson, fl. 1815-50 252 Sherwood, Elisha B. , fl. 1891 294 Sherwood, Joseph, fl. 1768 95 Sherwood, Justus, 17527-1836 62 Sherwood, Robert, fl. 1764 . 95 Sherwood, Winfield Scott, fl. 1843 166 504 SHEYS - SILLIMAN Sheys, James B. , fl. 1830 299 Shields, Capt. , fl. 1781 . . 62 Shields, A., fl. 1813 . . . 194 Shields, James, 1806-79 64, 166, 298 Shields, William, fl. 1842 30 Shiffner, George 250 Shiffuer, John, fl. 1773 . 263 Shimmins, W. , Jr., fl. 1840 39 Shipley, Ann, fl. 1834 . . 228 Shipley, Thomas & Sons . . 194 Shippen, Edward, 1729-1806 95 Shippen, Edward, fl. 1855 . 118 Shippen, John, fl. 1795 . . 118 Shippen, William, 1736-1808 194 Shirley, Henry, fl. 1767-83 88, 251 Shirley, Robert, see Ferrers, 6th earl of Shirley, Sir Thomas, 1728?-1800 . 95, 251, 263, 268 Shirley, William, 1694-1771 4, 61, 95, 192, 251, 292 Shirreff, William, fl. 1775 62, 95 Shirrell, Charles, fl. 1764 95 Shoemaker, D. , fl. 1810 . . 299 Shoemaker, George, fl. 1770 118 Shoemaker, Joseph, fl. 1781. 62 Shoemaker, Samuel, fl. 1778. 62 Shome, Jadub Prossono, fl. 1922 285 Shook, George, fl. 1818 . . 299 Shook, Jacob, fl. 1818 . . 299 Shook, Robert, fl. 1835 . . 299 Shoolbred, Henry, fl. 1789 158 Shop, Henry, fl. 1793 . . . 299 Shorne, Oliver, fl. 1764 . . 95 Short, Huldy, fl. 1804 . . 299 Short, Peyton, fl. 1801 . . 142 Short, William, 1759-1849 . 194 Shotwell, Eden, fl. 1781 . . 62 Shotwell, James, fl. 1781 . 62 Shotwell, James Thomson, 1874- 285 Shotwell, L 247 Shove, Jonathan, fl. 1835 . 20 Showerman, Peter A., fl. 1798 299 Showers, John, fl. 1801 . . 299 Shrewsbury, Charles Talbot, 12th earl and 1st duke of, 1660-1718 251 Shrewsbury, John Talbot, 16th earl of, 1791-1852 . . 67 Shubrick, Thomas, fl. 1777-83 109 Shuckburgh, Dr. Richard, d. 1773 61, 95 Shuckburgh-Evelyn, Sir George Augustus William, 6th bart., 1751-1804 ... 97 Shufeldt, Alexander, fl. 1840 299 Shufeldt, Catherine, fl. 1818 299 Shufeldt, George A., fl. 1817 299 Shufeldt, Henry, fl. 1797 . 299 Shufeldt, Peter G. , fl. 1823 299 Shufeldt, R. W. , fl. 1838 . 299 Shufeldt, W. B. E 299 Shufeldt, W. T., fl. 1847 . 299 Shufflebottom, William, fl. 1828 118 Shuldham, Molyneux, baron Shuldham, 1717?-98 .... 95 Shultz, Casperus 299 Shurtz, Frederick, fl. 1844 166 Shute, Samuel, 1662-1742 . 268 Shuttleworth, Dr. John, fl. 1775 98 Sibbald, Capt., fl. 1781 . . 62 Sibley, Ebenezer S. , fl. 1827-64 166 Sibley, Henry Hastings, 1811-91 166 Sibley, John Langdon, 1804-85 31, 39 Sibley, Solomon, 1769-1846. 166 Sibley, Sylvester, fl. 1834 166, 298 Sibly, William, fl. 1834 . . 52 Sibrell, John, fl. 1781 . . 62 Sickles, Daniel Edgar, 1825-1914 7, 64, 122 Siddons, Sarah Kemble, Mrs. William, 1755-1831 . 174 Siddons, Thomas 174 Sidmouth, Henry Addington, 1st viscount, 1757-1844 67, 97, 151, 174, 194 Siebert, Henry, fl. 1780 . . 62 Sievers, Rev. Ferdinand, fl. 1848 30 Sigel, Franz, 1824-1902.64, 122 Sigel, John N. , fl. 1864 . 259 Sigourney, Lydia Howard Huntley, 1791-1865.39, 52, 247 Sihler, Christian, fl. 1891 285 Silhouette, Etienne de, 1709-67 251 Silliman, Benjamin, 1779-1864 166, 228 Silliman, Benjamin, 1816-85 20 Silliman, G. Selleck, fl. 1777 62 SILLIMAN - SLAWSON 505 Silliman, W. , fl. 1827 . . 299 Silva, Antonio, fl. 1824 194 Silver, Abiel, fl. 1847 . . 166 Silver, Jacob, fl. 1849 . . 166 Silvester, Edward, fl. 1781 109 Simcoe, Elizabeth Gwillam, Mrs. John Graves, 1766-1850 253 Simcoe, John Graves, 1752-1806 .... 62, 253, 268 Simmons, Johannes, fl. 1799 299 Simmons, Jonathan 109 Simmons, William 62 Simmons, William, fl. 1799. 194 Simms, Jeptha R. , 1807-post 1871 71 Simms, William Gilmore, 1806-70 36 Simolin, John Matthew, d. 1799 251 Simon, David, fl. 1790 . . 299 Simond & Hankey, fl. 1782 251 Simons, J. N. , fl. 1782 . . 194 Simons, Joseph 62 Simons, M. , fl. 1782 ... 109 Simons, Titus, fl. 1817 . . 299 Simonson, H. B. , fl. 1867 . 74 Simpson, Alexander, Jr., fl. 1902 6 Simpson, Andrew, fl. 1760 . 95 Simpson, E. , fl. 1850 . . . 299 Simpson, James, 1738-1815 .... 62, 98, 251 Simpson, James, fl. 1787 . 118 Simpson, Jonathan, fl. 1774 95 Simpson, Richard Franklin, 1798-1882 166 Simpson, Thomas, fl. 1834 . 166 Simpson, Thomas, fl. 1844 . 30 Simpson, William, fl. 1861 122 Sinclair, Daniel Scott, fl. 1844 166 Sinclair, G. , fl. 1780 ... 62 Sinclair, G. , fl. 1829 . . 299 Sinclair, Sir George, 1790-1868 67 Sinclair, Henry, fl. 1779 . 62 Sinclair, John, see Caithness, 11th earl of Sinclair, Sir John, 1st bart., 1754-1835. 97, 151, 174 Sinclair, John, fl. 1814 228 Sinclair, Sir John, fl. 1825 44 Sinclair, Patrick, 1736-1820 95, 194 Sinclair, Robert, fl. 1830. 299 Sinclear, S. , fl. 1840 . . . 299 Sines, Philip, fl. 1836 . . 166 Singer, Rev. Joseph Henderson, 1786-1866 .... 67 Singer, S. W. , fl. 1841 . . 228 Singleton, Anthony, d. 1795 109 Singleton, Henry, fl. 1834 20 Sinkler, John 109 Sinnot, Pierce Acton, d. 1794 95 Sioussat, St. George Leakin, 1878- 285 Sipperly, William, fl. 1835 299 Siscoe, Isaac, fl. 1781 ... 62 Sissholt, Michael, fl. 1758 14 Six Nations ( Indians) . . . 251 Chiefs, fl. 1809 281 Skal, Robert G 64 Skeat, Richard, fl. 1786 268 Skelly, Francis, fl. 1780 62, 109 Skelmersdale, 1st baron, see Bootle-Wilbraham, Edward Skelton, Philip, 1707-87 149 Skene, G. , fl. 1788 .... 268 Skene, Philip, 1725-1810 ... 62, 95, 98, 251 Skerrett, D. C. , fl. 1844 . 166 Skillman, Abraham T. , fl. 1834 30 Skinner, Alexander 109 Skinner, Charles, fl. 1766 251 Skinner, Cortland, 1728-99 62, 95 Skinner, Elias M. , fl. 1834 166 Skinner, F. G. , fl. 1856 . . 228 Skinner, Fanny, fl. 1838 . . 294 Skinner, Gertrude S. , fl. 1840 165 Skinner, H. P., fl. 1835 . . 299 Skinner, J. P. G. , fl. 1835 166 Skinner, Jonathan, fl. 1807 299 Skinner, P., fl. 1833 . . . 294 Skinner, Thomas, fl. 1790 . 205 Skipwith, Peyton, fl. 1784 109 Skynner, Henry, fl. 1766 . . 95 Slacke, Benjamin, fl. 1781 98 Slater, Gill, fl. 1779 ... 98 Slater, Rev. Leonard, fl. 1835 166 Slawson, William, fl. 1848 166 506 SLEECH SMITH Sleech, Stephen, Smith fl. 1746 268 Smith Sleeper, Albert E 285 Smith Sleeper, John R. , Smith fl. 1835 166 Smith Sleeper, Samuel, Smith fl. 1770 95 fl. Slemmer, A. J., fl. 1861 . . 64 Smith Slidell, Alexander 87 1873 Slidell, John, Smith 1793-1871 122, 166 fl. Sligo, John Denis Browne, Smith 1st marquess of, Smith 1756-1809 67 Smith Sligo, Lady Louisa Catherine Smith Howe Browne, marchioness of, Smith d. 1817 67, 97 1810 Sloan, Rachel, fl. 1840 . . 299 Smith Sloan, W. H., fl. 1897 .... 7 Smith Sloane, Charles, see Smith Cadogan, 1st earl Smith Sloane, Hans, fl. 1785 . . . 268 Mrs. Sloane, John, fl. 1884 .... 7 Smith Sloane, William, Smith fl. 1847 39 Smith Sloane, William Milligan, 1827 1850-1928 289 Smith Slocomb, Christopher C. , 1842 fl. 1848 39 Smith Slocomb, J., fl. 1824 . . . 299 fl. Slocum, Henry Warner, Smith fl. 1863 122, 194 Smith Sloper, Sir Robert, Smith d. 1802 268 1764 Slosson, Edwin Emery, Smith 1865-1929 285 Smith Slosson, John, fl. 1826 . . 299 Smith Slosson, Nathaniel, Smith fl. 1818 299 Smith Slosson, William, Smith fl. 1814 299 Smith Slub, Martin, fl. 1781 ... 62 Smith Sluby, Nicholas, fl. 1780 . . 62 Smith Small, Abraham, Smith fl. 1814 142 Smith Small, Antonia 109 fl. Small, John, 1726-96 Smith 62, 95, 301 fl. Small, William, Smith fl. 1790 205 fl. Smallman, Thomas, Smith fl. 1767 95 1806 Smallwood, William, Smith 1732-92 109 Smith Smart, Corneleus, Smith fl. 1800 299 Smith Smart, David, fl. 1767 . . . 251 1797 Smelt, Cornelius, fl. 1780 . 287 Smith Smelt, Leonard, Smith 1719?-1800 97 1822 Smelt, Thomas, fl. 1775 ... 95 Smith Smirke, Sir Robert, Smith 1781-1867 67 Smith Smith, A. C., fl. 1827 . . . 299 Smith A. R. , fl. 1873 . . Abraham, fl. 1846 . Adam, 1723-90 . 151 Albert, fl. 1801 . . Alby, fl. 1839 . . . Alfred D. , 1829 Alfred Emanuel, -1944 Alfred Russell, 1871 Austin, fl. 1780 . B., fl. 1782 . . . Ballard, d. 1794 . Benjamin, fl. 1782 Buckingham, 71 36 Burton, fl. 1764 . . C. C, fl. 1848 . . Calvin, fl. 1833 . . Catherine Amelia Pyb Sydney, d. 1852 . . . Cephas Charles, fl. 1787 . Charles Card, 1918 Charles Emory, 1908 Culling Charles, 812 Daniel, fl. 1779 . . Daniel B. , fl. 1841 Sir David William, 1837 Davis, fl. 1839 . . Devereux, fl. 17 64 . Gov. E., fl. 1781 . Miss E., fl. 1841 . E. Kirby, d. 1847 . Ebenezer, fl. 1831 . Edward Egerton, fl. 1835 . Eleazer, fl. 1821 . Elijah, fl. 1845 . . Francis, 1770-83 .... 62, 95 Francis Gurney, 1818-22 20 Francis H. , 844 Francis Osmond Jon, 76 Francis W. , fl. 1791 George, fl. 1780 . . George B. , fl. 1820 Gerrit, 1874 30, 64 Giles, fl. 1837 . . Gustavus Woodson, 96 , . . . Henry Henry, fl. 1803 . . Henry, fl. 1837 . . Henry, d. 1847 . . . 39 165 293 299 165 118 194 39 62 109 118 251 262 95 166 166 239 247 118 289 67 62 30 253 166 95 98 39 166 20 61 299 299 165 109 142 166 87 122 62 299 194 166 64 87 299 20 166 SMITH 507 Smith, Horace W. , fl. 1865 87 Smith, Horatio, 1779-1849 67 Smith, I. C, fl. 1839 . . 166 Smith, Isaac, fl. 1824 . . 299 Smith, J. H 268 Smith, J. Mortimer, d. 1879 166 Smith, Jabez, fl. 1777-82 . 109 Smith, James 109 Smith, James, 1713-1806 . . 280 Smith, James, 1775-1839 . . 67 Smith, James, fl. 1790 . . 205 Smith, James, Jr., fl. 1834 166 Smith, James Ellwood, 1851-1936 237 Smith, James L. , fl. 1818 52 Smith, James M. , fl. 1805 . 299 Smith, Dr. James McCune, 1813-65 30 Smith, James Scott, fl. 1798 299 Smith, Jere, fl. 1839 ... 30 Smith, John, fl. 1767 . . . 194 Smith, John, fl. 1777 ... 62 Smith, John, fl. 1776-83 . 109 Smith, 'John, fl. 1789 ... 118 Smith, John Cotton, 1765-1845 2, 194 Smith, John G. , fl. 1844 . 166 Smith, John Jay, fl. 1846 228 Smith, John K. , fl. 1835 . 166 Smith, John P., fl. 1831 . 299 Smith, John Russell, fl. 1869 39 Smith, John Spear, fl. 1848 228 Smith, John Y. , fl. 1836 . 166 Smith, Johnston, fl. 1775 95 Smith, Jonathan B. , 1742-1812 280 Smith, Jos., fl. 1778 . . . 118 Smith, Joseph, fl. 1876 . . 262 Smith, Joseph A. , fl. 1833 166 Smith, Justin Harvey, 1857-1930 285 Smith, L., fl. 1837 .... 39 Smith, Leonard, fl. 1811 . . 67 Smith, Lorentz, fl. 1822 . 299 Smith, M. , fl. 1807 .... 250 Smith, Marc, fl. 1837 ... 39 Smith, Martin Luther, 1819-66 64, 122 Smith, Melancton, 1744-98 280 Smith, Meriwether, 1730-94 62 Smith, Michael 62 Smith, Michael, fl. 1798 . . 299 Smith, Nathan, fl. 1777-81 109 Smith, Nathan, fl. 1799 . . 299 Smith, Nathan, fl. 1822 . . . 39 Smith, Nathaniel, 1762- 1822 194 Smith, Nathaniel, fl. 1819 . 299 Smith, Nicholas, fl. 1815 . 299 Smith, Niles F., fl. 1833 . 166 Smith, Noah, fl. 1787 . . . . 2 Smith, O'Brien, fl. 1806 . . 194 Smith, Dr. Oliver, fl. 17c . 20 Smith, Persifor Frazer, 1798- 1858 71 Smith, Peter, fl. 1929 . . . 285 Smith, Phineas, fl. 1781 . . 62 Smith, Polly Ann, fl. 1810 . 194 Smith, R., fl. 1781 .... 109 Smith, R. A. C, fl. 1 898 125 Smith, R. L., fl. 1867 . . . 39 Smith, Reuben, fl. 1768 . . . 2 Smith, Richard, 1735-1803 . 194 Smith, Richard, fl. 1782 . . 109 Smith, Richard, fl. 1820 . . 30 Smith, Richard, fl. 1846 . . 166 Smith, Rev. Robert, 1732- 1801 79 Smith, Robert, fl. 1781 . . . 62 Smith, Robert, fl. 1785 . . 109 Smith, S 122 Smith, S., fl. 1831 .... 228 Smith, Samuel, 1752-1839 62, 109, 149, 194, 253 Smith, Samuel, fl. 1781 . . . 62 Smith, Samuel, fl. 1831 . . 228 Smith, Seymour, fl. 1819 . . 299 Smith, Shirley Wheeler, 1875- 194, 285 Smith, Sidney, fl. 1840 . . 166 Smith, Stephen, fl. 1775 . . 95 Smith, Sylvia C. , fl. 1845 . 165 Smith, T. S., fl. 1833 . . , 166 Smith, T. Tredwell, fl. 179 299 Smith, Thomas 174 Smith, Thomas, 1745-1809 . . 280 Smith, Dr. Thomas, fl. 177 . 95 Smith, Thomas, fl. 1772 . . . 95 Smith, Thomas, fl. 1781 . 109 Smith, Thomas, fl. 1783 . . 20 Smith, Thomas, fl. 17 98 . 299 Smith, Thomas Jefferson, fl. 1 827 299 Smith, Walter George, fl. 190 6 Smith, Watson, fl. 1864 . . . 64 Smith, Wavell, fl. 1735. 16, 194 Smith, William, 1697-1769 . . 61 Smith, William, 1728-93 4, 62, 98, 251, 253 508 SMITH - SOMERSET Smith, William, fl. 1749 . . 16 Smith, William, fl. 1765 . . 95 Smith, Lt. William, fl. 1769 95 Smith, William, fl. 1778-80 109 Smith, William, fl. 1785 . 251 Smith, William, fl. 1834 . 166 Smith, William, fl. 1842 . 294 Smith, William Alden, 1859-1932 7 Smith, William B. , fl. 1868 39 Smith, William H. , fl. 1831 244 Smith, William H. , fl. 1840 299 Smith, William Hayden, fl. 1865 194 Smith, Wm. L. , fl. 1862 . . 64 Smith, Sir William Sidney, 1764-1840 107, 174 Smith, William Sidney, fl. 1847 299 Smith, Wm. Sooy, 1830-1916 64 Smith, William Stephens, 1755-1816 118, 174 Smith, Worthington, fl. 1845 166 Smith & Miller, fl. 1835 . 299 Smith & Nutt, fl. 1764 ... 95 Smith, Litchfield & West, fl. 1844 299 Smithe, N. , fl. 1846 .... 30 Smock, John, fl. 1781 ... 62 Smoker, Samuel, fl. 1833 . 166 Smollett, A 174 Smylie, James 109 Smyth, Anthony, fl. 1788 . 118 Smyth, David, fl. 1779 ... 98 Smyth, Francis, fl. 1781 . . 62 Smyth, Frederick, 1732?-1815 .... 62, 95, 251 Smyth, George, fl. 1781 . . 62 Smyth, Sir Hervey, d. 1811 251 Smyth, James, fl. 17 64 . . . 95 Smyth, John, fl. 1763-80 . . 98 Smyth, John, fl. 1779 ... 62 Smyth, John Ferdinand D. , 1745-1814 62 Smyth, Lindley, fl. 1835 . 299 Smyth, R., fl. 1780 .... 62 Smyth, Sidney, 1771-1845 . 239 Smythe, J. Henry, fl. 1900 7 Smythe, Percy Clinton Sydney, see Strangford, 6th viscount Smythe, Philip, see Strangford, 4th viscount Snead, Smith, fl. 1776-83 . 109 Sneed, John Louis Taylor, b. 1820 122 Snell, Jacob, fl. 1759 ... 95 Snelling, Henry H. , 1817-97 166 Sneyd, J 250 Snickers, Edward 194 Snow, Jabes, fl. 1835 . . . 244 Snow, John, fl. 1779 ... 62 Snow, Josiah, fl. 1844 . . 166 Snow, Lewis E. , fl. 1866 39 Snow, T. W., fl. 1844 ... 39 Snowden, F., fl. 1799 . . . 194 Snowden, Hester, fl. 1831 . 294 Snowden & Co., fl. 1828 . . 299 Snyder, Elizabeth, fl. 1798 299 Snyder, George T. , fl. 1819 299 Snyder, Peter, fl. 1799 . . 299 Snyder, Samuel, fl. 1799 . 299 Snyder, Tunis G. , fl. 1819 299 Soame, Charlotte, fl. 1778 62 Sobato, Jose Maria, fl. 1815 182 Socera, Manuel, fl. 1867 . . 74 Society for the Encourage- ment of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce, 17 66 . . . . 2 51 Society of the Cincinnati . 118 Society of the Cincinati Pennsylvania 118 Society of West India Merchants, 1782 251 Sohier, William D. , fl. 1836 39 Solar de Breille, Mons. le Bailli 251 Solar i fu Giuseppe, Giovanni, fl. 1905 .... 289 Solinus, Caius Julius, fl. 3rd century 254 Solomons, Alexander, fl. 1765 95 Solorzano Pereira, Juan de, 1575-1655 255 Somars, Henry, fl. 1681 . . 20 Somerby, G. A., fl. 1865 36 Somers, Sir John, Baron Somers of Evesham, 1651-1716 251 Somers, Thomas, fl. 1736 . 251 Somerset, Charles Henry, lord, 1767-1831 97 Somerset, Edward Adolphus Seymour, 11th duke of, 1775-1855 97 Somerset, Edward Seymour, 9th duke of, 1718-92 . . . 268 Somerset, Lord Fitzroy, see Raglan, 1st baron Somerset, Henry, see Beaufort, 5th duke of SOMERTON - SPENCER 509 Somerton, viscount , see Agar, Charles, baron and viscount Somerville, John Southey, 15th baron, 1765-1819 ... 97 Sonia, fl. 1788 188 Sonora, Jose" de Galvez, marque's de, 1729-86 .... 185 Sonora, Jose" Bernardo Galvez Gallardo, marque's de, 1720-87 62 Sorba, Agostino Paolo Domenico, fl. 1754 .... 251 Sotomayor, Duque de, fl. 1845 228 Soul, Joseph, fl. 1840 ... 30 Soule*, Pierre, 1801-70 ... 64 South, Thomas, fl. 1781 . . 268 South Carolina 194 Charleston. Committee of Intelligence, 1775 .... 95 General Assembly . 95, 98, 251 House of Representatives, 1783, 1776 - 109, 194 Senate, 1783 109 Governor and Lords Propri- etors, 1715 194 Licensed traders of, 1767 95 Loyalists and Rebels .... 62 Merchants, 1780 62 Orangeburg District .... 62 Police, 1782 251 South Sea Co 251 Committee of Correspon- dence 251 Committee of Treasury . . . 251 Court of Directors .... 251 Factories 251 General Court 2 51 Southall, Stephen, fl. 1778-83 109 Southampton, Charles Fitzroy, 1st baron, 1737-97. 62, 97, 268 Southard, Samuel, fl. 1827 299 Southard, Samuel Lewis, 1787-1842 .... 52, 166, 194 Southart, Jacob, fl. 1829 299 Southgate, Rev. Horatio, 1812-94 79 Southouse, Edward, fl. 1779 98 Southwell, Thomas, fl. 1765 95 Southwick, F., fl. 1865 ... 36 Southwick, S., fl. 1820 . . 299 Southwick, Sarah H. , fl. 1871 294 Southwick, Solomon, fl. 1779 109 Souvre", Jacques, fl. 1651 194 Sower, Christopher, 1754-99 62 Sower, John, fl. 1790 . . . 205 Sowerby, Geo. Brettingham, Jr., 1812-84 194 Sowers, Thomas, fl. 17 69 . . 95 Spafford, Horatio Gates, fl. 1824 299 Spain 251 Consejo estraordinario . . 251 Sovereigns Ferdinand V and Isabella (1474-1504) 256 Philip IV (1621-65) ... 257 Philip V ( 1700-46) .... 251 Charles III (1759-88) ... 98 Treaties with Great Britain, 1529, 1604, 1630, 1670, 1713, 1783 . 251 Portugal, 1701, 1715, 1750, 1761 251 Spalding, B. B. , fl. 1840 . . 39 Spalding, Rev. Franklin Spencer, 1865-1914 79 Sparham, C. , fl. 1815 . . . 273 Sparhawk, N. , fl. 1775 ... 95 Sparhawk, Nathaniel, fl. 1746 292 Sparke, Henry, fl. 17 63 ... 95 Sparkes, John, fl. 1781 ... 62 Sparkman, James D. , fl. 1835 299 Sparks, Jared, 1789-1866 52, 122, 194, 228, 258 Sparks, Mary, Mrs. Jared . .2 58 Sparrow, Thomas, fl. 1846 166 Sparrowe, John E. , fl. 1832 67 Spear, Edward, d. 1791 . . . 118 Spears, William, fl. 1847 228 "Speculator, A," fl. 1789 268 Speer, Joseph Smith, fl. 1755-73 98, 251 Speirs, Alex 239 Spence, John Russell, fl. 1767 95 Spencer, Ambrose, fl. 1799 . 299 Spencer, Sir Brent, 1760-1828 97 Spencer, Lord Charles, 1740-1820 97, 151 Spencer, Charles, see Marlborough, 3rd duke of Spencer, George, see Marlborough, 4th duke of Spencer, George John Spencer, 2nd earl of, 1758-1834 ... 97 Spencer, H. O. , fl. 1828 . . 299 Spencer, Henry, fl. 1735 . . 251 Spencer, John Canfield, 1788-1855 52, 166 510 SPENCER - STANARD Spencer, Joseph, 1714-89 . Spencer, M. , fl. 1838 . . Spencer, Philip, fl. 1779 Spencer, Lord Robert . . . Spencer, Rufus Spencer, Samuel S. , fl. 1808 Spencer, Dr. Thomas, fl. 1843 Spencer, Walter T. , fl. 1929 Spencer, William, fl. 1846 Spendelove, Roger, fl. 1775 Spenenburgh, Jacob, fl. 1799 Sperry, Jacob, fl. 1800 . Speyer, John Spice, William, fl. 1779 Spickeman, John, f 1 . 17 90 Spiegelberg, Frederick, d. 1937 Spier, John, fl. 1770 . . Spiers, Thomas, fl. 1845 Spiesmacher, Frederick Christian, fl. 1765 . . Spillard, Maurice, fl. 1781 Spilsbury, John, fl. 1767 . Splain, William, fl. 1768 Spofford, Ainsworth Rand, 1825-1908 31, 3 Spooner, A. , f 1. 1818 . . . Spooner, Ephraim Spooner, John Coit, 1843-1919 Spooner, Walter SpOrcke, Baron von, fl. 1795 Spotswood, Alexander, 1676-1740 .... 61, 122 Spotswood, Alexander, d. 1818 Spottiswoode, John, fl. 1779 Spottswood, John, fl. 1751 Sprague, John T. , fl. 1835 Sprague, Jonathan, fl. 1810 Sprague, Nathan, fl. 1773 . Sprague, Phineas, fl. 1847 Sprague, William, fl. 1866 Sprague, William Buell, 1795-1876 Sprague & Gray, fl. 1836 Spring, Robert, fl. 1862 . Spring-Rice, Thomas, 1st baron Monteagle of Brandon, 1790-1866 . . . . Springer, Jacob, fl. 1786 . 52 Sproat, Ebenezer, 299 1752-1802 118 194 Sproat, P. W. , fl. 1822 . . 142 151 Sproule, fl. 1781 62 109 Spry, Sir Richard, d. 1775 251 52 Spry, William, fl. 1762-79 62, 95 166 Spurrier, Caleb, fl. 1721 194 31 Squarey, J. Robert, 166 fl. 1785 251 Squib, fl. 1781 62 95 Squibb, Arnold 151 Squier, Ephraim George, 299 1821-88 . 39, 87, 194, 259, 262 299 Squier, Ethan, fl. 1847 . . 259 174 Squier, Joel, fl. 1818-47 . 259 98 Squiers, John W. & Co., 299 fl. 1844 166 Squire, Joseph, fl. 1785 . . 251 31 Squire, Samuel 194 62 Squires, Grant, fl. 1898 ... 7 228 Staake, William H. , fl. 1910 6 95 Staats, John, fl. 1815 . . . 299 Stabler, Edward, 109 fl. 1775 226 . 62 Stacey, George, fl. 1793 . . 20 Stackweather, Samuel, . 95 fl. 1834 166 Stafford, Granville Leveson- 6, 39 Gower, 1st marquess of, 299 1721-1803 97 . 249 Stafford, J. R. , fl. 1844 . . 30 Stafford, John, fl. 1803 . . 97 . . 7 Stafford, Lady Susannah 194 Stewart Leveson-Gower, marchioness of, . 97 d. 1805 97, 174 Stafford, 2nd marquess of, , 251 see Sutherland, 1st duke of Stagg, Benjamin F. , . 109 fl. 1831 299 Stagg, John, fl. 1786-90 . . 118 . 98 Stahel, Julius, . 194 1825-1912 64 Stainforth, George, 166 fl. 1770 95 Stair, John Dalrymple, . 52 6th earl of, 1749-1821 ... 62 . 20 Stalcop, Elizabeth, . 39 fl. 1743 194 Stalcop, John, fl. 1743 . . 194 . 64 Stall, Hendrick, fl. 1802 . 299 Stall, William 109 . 31 Stamfeld, J., fl. 1860 ... 169 Stamford, Friedrich von, . 39 fl. 1780 62 31 Stamp, Sir Josiah, 1st baron Stamp, 1880-1941 31 Stamper, George, fl. 1759 . . 95 239 Stanard, Robert C. , 118 fl. 1856 228 STANDNITSKI - STEINBERG 511 Standnitski, Pierre, fl. 1788 194 Stanhope, Charles Stanhope, 3rd viscount Mahon, 3rd earl of, 1753-1816 151, 174, 268 Stanhope, Charles, see Harrington, 3rd earl of Stanhope, Henry Fitzroy, 1754-1828 287 Stanhope, Lady Hester Lucy, d. 1839 223 Stanhope, John, 1744-1800 62, 98 Stanhope, Philip, see Chesterfield, 5th earl of Stanhope, Spencer 228 Stanhope, William, see Harrington, 1st earl of Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn, 1815-81 151 Stanley, David Sloane, 1828-1902 64 Stanley, Edward, see Derby, 12th and 14th earls of Stanley, Hans, 1720?-80 251 Stanley, Isabella Louisa, d. 1839 250 Stanley, Maria Holroyd, baroness, 1771-1863 .... 250 Stanly, J. W. , fl. 1783 . . 109 Stansbury, Joseph, 1750-1809 62 Stanton, Edwin McMasters, 1814-69 : 160, 194 Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, Mrs. Henry Brewster, 1815-1902 294 Stanton, Henry, c. 1796-1847 194 Stanton, Henry Brewster, 1805-87 30, 294 Stanton, John, fl. 1775 ... 95 Stanton, Theodore, 1851-1925 285 Stanton, Wm. C. , fl. 1842 . 194 Stanwix, John, 1690?-1766 ....... 14, 95 Staples, J. & I., fl. 1834 . 20 Staples, John Baptist .... 62 Staples, William, fl. 1784 109 Staples & Johnson, fl. 1827 299 Stapleton, John, fl. 1777-82 62, 301 Stapp, James T. B. , fl. 1834 165 Stapylton, Francis Samuel, fl. 1766 95 Stark, Herbert A. , fl. 1922 285 Stark, John, 1728-1822 ... 62 Stark, Dr. R. B. , fl. 1835 . 20 Stark, Robert, fl. 1775-81 109 Starkey, Lewis F., fl. 1844 166 Starkey, Rev. Thos. Alfred, 1819-1903 79 Starks, Charles, fl. 1798 . 299 Starling, L. , Jr., fl. 1838 228 Starling, William, fl. 1838 30 Starr, Ezra, fl. 1780 . . . 109 Starr, James, fl. 1785 . . . 118 Starr, James, & Sons, fl. 1792 118 Statts, Peter, fl. 1810 299 Stays, Jacob, fl. 1781 ... 62 Stead, William, fl. 1844 . . 30 Steamboat Congress, fl. 1838 299 Stearns, Eben Sperry, fl. 1868 93 Stearns, George Luther, 1809-67 122 Stearns, John, fl. 1810 . . 299 Stebbins, Giles B. , 1817-post 1893 294 Stebbins, H. G. , fl. 1851 . 259 Stebbins, William B. , fl. 1822 299 Stedingk, Curt Bogislaus Ludvig Kristoffer von, Grefve, 1746-1837 228 Stedman, Charles, 1753-1812 62 Stedman, John, fl. 1769 ... 95 Steel, Flora Annie Webster, Mrs., 1847-1929 285 Steel, John B. , fl. 1831 . . 299 Steel, Samuel, fl. 1767 ... 95 Steele, Archibald, d. 1822 . 109 Steele, Dick, fl. 1912 ... 165 Steele, George, fl. 1770 95 Steele, Hiram, fl. 1834 . . 166 Steele, Rev. Jason, fl. 1852 30 Steele, John, fl. 1782 ... 109 Steele, John C. , 1755-C. 1805 194 Steele, John W. , 1764-1815 118 Steele, Joshua, 1718-96 251 Steele. Thomas, fl. 1784 . . 62 Steenburg, Jacob, fl. 1812 299 Steere, Thomas, fl. 1775 . . 226 Stefan, C 151 Stegman, Jacob, fl. 1766 . . 95 Stegman, Mary, fl. 1766 ... 95 Steinberg, E. , f 1. 1759 ... 98 512 STEINBERG STEVENSON Steinberg, G. , baron de, fl. 1795 97 Steinberg, H. , madame de, fl. 1801 97 Steiner, Lewis, fl. 1760 . . 95 Stephen, Adam, d. 1791 ... 14 Stephen, James, 1758-1832 67 Stephen, Sir James, 1789-1859 151 Stephen, John, fl. 1778 ... 62 Stephens, Alexander Hamilton, 1812-83 ... 64, 194 Stephens, Francis, fl. 1774-80 .... 62, 95, 301 Stephens, Henry, fl. 1781 62 Stephens, James, fl. 1767 95 Stephens, John, fl. 1767 . . 251 Stephens, John L. , fl. 1848 228 Stephens, Sir Philip, 1st bart., 1725-1809 14, 62, 95, 98, 171 Stephens, Thomas, fl. 1816 20 Stephenson, Gilbert Thomas, 1884- 285 Stephenson, J., fl. 1783 . . 268 Stephenson, James W. , fl. 1834 166 Stephenson, John, fl. 1772 . 95 Stephenson, Nathaniel Wright, 1867-1935 285 Stephenson, Orlando Worth, 1884- 285 Stephenson, Robert, fl. 1762 251 Stephenson, Robert W. , fl. 1861 194 Stephenson, Dr. William M. , 1808-61 30 Stepney, Sir John, fl. 1782 88, 251 Sterling, James, fl. 1759-77 .... 95, 98, 260 Sterling, John, fl. 1778 62 Sterling, John, 1806-44 151 Sternberg, Dr. George M. , 1838-1915 7 Sternberg, Speck von, fl. 1898 7 Sternbergh, Abram 109 Sterrett, J., fl. 1796 . . . 194 Sterritt, Benjamin, fl. 1791 118 Stetson, Edward G. , fl. 1868 294 Stettinius, Edward R. , Jr., 1900-49 194 Steuart, George H. , fl. 1850. 64 Steuart, Sir Henry Seton, 1st bart., 1759-1836 . . . 194 Steuart, William N 87 Steuart Denham, Sir James, bart., 1712-80 72 Steuart-Denham, Sir James, 8th bart., 1744-1839 . . . 268 Steuben, Frederick William Augustus Henry Ferdinand, baron von, 1730-94 109, 118, 194 Stevens, Abraham 62 Stevens, Arent, fl. 1752 . . 61 Stevens, Benjamin Franklin, 1833-1902 39, 194, 261, 262, 289 Stevens, Campbell, fl. 1747 61 Stevens, Charles E. , fl. 1867 39 Stevens, Daniel, fl. 1783 109 Stevens, Ebenezer, fl. 1733 194 Stevens, Edmund, d. 1826 . . 97 Stevens, Fitz H. , fl. 1843 166 Stevens, Frederick, fl. 1835 20 Stevens, H. , fl. 1830 . . . 299 Stevens, Henry, 1819-86 39, 194, 259, 262 Stevens, Henry Morse, 1857-1919 285 Stevens, Henry Newton, 1855-1930 194 Stevens, Isaac Ingalls, 1818-62 64 Stevens, John, fl. 1781 ... 62 Stevens, John, fl. 1799 . . 299 Stevens, Nathaniel, fl. 1780 109 Stevens, Ozias, fl. 1800 . . 299 Stevens, Samuel, fl. 1758 . . 14 Stevens, Simon, fl. 1850 . . 87 Stevens, Thomas Holdup, 1795-1841 20 Stevens, Thomas Wood, fl. 1931 194 Stevens, Willard, fl. 1759 95 Stevens, William, fl. 1776-83 62 Stevens, William Bacon, 1815-87 79, 87 Stevens & Stevenson .... 109 Stevensen, Stephen, fl. 1776-83 109 Stevenson, Andrew, 1784-1857 52 Stevenson, Charles, fl. 1792 62 Stevenson, Edward Luther, 1858-1944 285 STEVENSON - STOCKING 513 Stevenson, Hay, fl. 1834 . 166 Stevenson, Henry, fl. 1780 62, 98 Stevenson, James, fl. 1772 95, 191 Stevenson, John, fl. 1767 95 Stevenson, Joseph Vance, fl. 1844 30 Stevenson, Richard, fl. 1771 206 Stevenson, Robert, fl. 1829 244 Steward, Charles Augustus, fl. 1769 95 Steward, John, d. 1782 . . 109 Stewart, A. P., fl. 1857 . . 52 Stewart, Alex 299 Stewart, Alexander, fl. 1755-95 ... 62, 109, 268 Stewart, Allan, fl. 1779 . . 62 Stewart, Alvan, 1790-1849 . 30 Stewart, Andrew, fl. 1825 . 87 Stewart, Anthony, fl. 1784 . 62 Stewart, Charles, 1729-1800 280 Stewart, Charles, fl. 1781 62 Stewart, Charles, 1778-1869 194 Stewart, Charles H. , fl. 1842 166 Stewart, Charles W. , fl. 1908 289 Stewart, Charles William, see Londonderry, 3rd marquess of Stewart, Duncan 62 Stewart, G. N. , fl. 1821 . 228 Stewart, G. R. , fl. 1801 . . 97 Stewart, George, see Galloway, 8th earl of Stewart, Dr. George, fl. 1717 194 Stewart, Hart L. , fl. 1836 166 Stewart, James, fl. 1771-81 62, 95 Stewart, James, fl. 1796 . 299 Stewart, James B. , fl. 1834 166 Stewart, John 95 Stewart, John 174 Stewart, John, see Galloway, 7th earl of Stewart, John, fl. 1768 . . 251 Stewart, Dr. John, fl. 1780 287 Stewart, John, fl. 1834 . . 166 Stewart, Mary, fl. 1838 . . 52 Stewart, Robert, see Castlereagh, 2nd viscount Stewart, Robert, fl. 1762 . 251 Stewart, Walter, d. 1796 . . 95 109 Stewart, William, fl. 1780 . 62 Stickney, B. F. , fl. 1815 . 281 Stickney, Hannah L. , fl. 1838 294 Stickney, James, fl. 1768 . 20 Stickney, John, fl. 1804 . . 20 Stickney, John B. , fl. 1864 122 Stickney, M. A., fl. 1855 39 Stiell, William, fl. 1779 . 62 Stier, H. C. G. , fl. 1880 . 289 Stigston, John, fl. 1876 . . 71 Stikeman, Thomas J., fl. 1806 149 Stiles, Copeland, fl. 1785 98 Stiles, Ezra, 1727-95 . . . 194 Stiles, Dr. Henry Reed, 1832-1909 36, 39 Stiles, John, fl. 1798 . . 299 Stiles, William H. , fl. 1844 166, 247 Stille, James, fl. 1799 . . 194 Stillingf leet, Benjamin, 1702-71 268 Stillson, Eli LeGrand, fl. 1835-50 166 Stillwell, John, fl. 1781 . 62 Stillwell, Margaret, fl. 1937 39 Stimpson, Frederic, fl. 1851 39 Stimpson, W. C. , Co., fl. 1837 39 Stimpson, William C. , fl. 1835 39 Stimson, George, fl. 1790 . 299 Stimson, Jeremy, fl. 1806 . 20 Stinson, Abner P., fl. 1844 166 Stirke, Henry, fl. 1775 . . 95 Stirling, Charles, 1760-1833 62 Stirling, Sir Thomas, 1st bart., 1733-1808 . 62, 95, 253 Stirling, Thomas, fl. 1779 . 62 Stirling, William Alexander, lord, 1726-83 194 Stirling-Maxwell, Sir William, 1818-78 151 Stirn, Johann Daniel von, fl. 1777 147 Stites, Richard M 109 Stockbridge, Charles, fl. 1775 95 Stockbridge, Francis B. , 1826-94 7 Stockhausen, baron de, fl. 1842 52 Stockholm & Browney, fl. 1817 299 Stocking, A., fl. 1831 . . 299 Stocking, Stephen, fl. 1810 299 514 STOCKING - STRACHEY Stocking, Walter V., fl. 1840 299 Stockton, John, fl. 1834 . 166 Stockton, Richard, 1730-81 . . . 280 Stockton, Richard, fl. 1819 299 Stockton, Richard W. , fl. 1770-82 98 Stockton, Samuel Witham, fl. 1780 62 Stockton, Thomas B. W. , fl. 1827-61 166 Stockwell, Herbert G. , fl. 1902 6 Stoddard, Amos, 1762-1813 . 20 194 Stoddard, Ashbel, fl. 1798. 299 Stoddard, D. , fl. 1847 . . 273 Stoddard, John, fl. 1724 . 251 Stoddard, William, fl. 1739 194 Stoddert, Benjamin, d. 1755 61 Stoddert, Benjamin, 1751-1813 109, 194 Stoiber, A. H. , fl. 1914 . 285 Stokes, C, fl. 1842 . . . 228 Stokes, Charles, fl. 1846 . 166 Stokes, H. & A., fl. 1820 . 299 Stokes, John, fl. 1789 ... 4 Stokes, Robert, fl. 1838 . 299 Stollenwerk & Brothers, fl. 1816 299 Stolley, John, fl. 1846 . . 118 Stone, A. H. , & Co. , fl. 1853 39 Stone, Andrew, 1703-73 61, 251 Stone, Asa A., fl. 1828-33. 294 Stone, Banister 194 Stone, C. R. , fl. 1864 . . 247 Stone, Charles Pomeroy, 1824-87 64 Stone, Edward 194 Stone, Edward L. , 1864-1940 31 Stone, Fred W. , fl. 1825 . 299 Stone, Frederick Dawson, 1841-97 194 Stone, Rev. George, 1708?-64 268 Stone, J. H 194 Stone, John L. , fl. 1837 . . 39 Stone, Jonas, fl. 1775 . . 159 Stone, Lyman, fl. 1835 . . 166 Stone, Melville E. , 1848-1929 194 Stone, Silas, fl. 1830 . . 299 Stone, Thomas, 1743-87 . . 280 Stone, Thomas, fl. 1766-80 62, 95 Stone, W. I., fl. 1837 . . 166 Stone, Wilbur Macey .... 194 Stone, William Leete, 1835-1908 194 Stone, Rev. Wra. Murray, 1779-1838 79 Stone & Cross, fl. 1817 . . 299 Stone Blackwell, Lucy, 1818-93 294 Stone, Dean & Co., fl. 1849 166 Stopford, James, see Courtown, 2nd earl of Stopford, Joseph, d. 1786 . 287 Stopford, S. , marchioness of, fl. 1788 268 Stopford, Thomas, fl. 1780 268 Stopford, William, fl. 1775. 95 Storer, Bellamy, 1847-1922 52, 87 Storer, Charles, fl. 1798 . 20 Storer, Isaac, fl. 1794 . . 20 Storer, John, 1694-1768 . . 194 Storer, Woodbury, Jr., fl. 1804 20 Storey, Moorfield, 1845-1929 194 Storey, W. F. , fl. 1844 . . 166 Storm, Garrit, fl. 1820 . . 299 Storm, Stephen, fl. 1847 . 299 Storm, Thomas, fl. 1785 . . 299 Stormont, viscount, see Mansfield, 2nd earl of Storrow, Thomas Wentworth, fl. 1795-1837 20 Storrs, Richard S. , 1821-1900 71 Storrs, W. & G. , fl. 1847 . 299 Storrs & Gunn, fl. 1800 . . 299 Story, Enoch, fl. 1755-87 62, 98 Story, Isaac, 1749-1816 . . 142 Story, John, fl. 1783 ... 109 Story, Joseph, 1779-1845 . 294 Stott, John, fl. 1781 ... 62 Stoughton, William, 1631-1701 194 Stout, F. Y., fl. 1830 . . 299 Stoutenburgh, Isaac, fl. 1798 299 Stowell, baron, see Scott, William Stowell, Ellery C. , fl. 1926 228 Stoy, John, fl. 1778 ... 118 Strachan, J., Mackenzie, J., & Co 109 Strachan, Patrick, fl. 1766 95 Strachan, Sir Richard John, 4th bart., 1760-1828 ... 67 Strachey, Sir Henry, 1st bart., 1736-1810 97, 194, 251, 263, 268 Strachey, Samuel, fl. 1760 . 95 STRAFFORD STUART 515 Strafford, Thomas Wentworth, 3rd earl of, 1672-1739 151, 194, 251 Strahan, William, 1715-85 194 Strang, James Jesse, 1813-56 52 Strange, Sir John, 1696-1754 251 Strange, Sir Robert, 1729-92 90 Strange, Robert, fl. 1839 . 87 Strangford, Lady Ellen Strangford, viscountess . 228 Strangford, Percy Clinton Sydney Smythe, 6th viscount, 1780-1855 67, 228 Strangford, Philip Smythe, 4th viscount, 1715-87 . . 268 Strangways, James, fl. 1767 251 Straten, J. D 228 Stratford, Edward, see Aldborough, 2nd earl of Stratford de Redcliffe, Stratford Canning, 1st viscount, 1786-1880 . 44, 151 Straton, James, fl. 1777 . . 62 Stratton, George Frederick, fl. 1803 250 Stratton, Jonathan F., fl. 1834 166 Stratton, Samuel Wesley, 1861-1934 285 Straus, Oscar Solomon, 1850-1926 289 Strauss, S. J., fl. 1902 . . 6 Street, H. G. , fl. 1806 . . 67 Street, Joseph, fl. 1780 . . 62 Street, Joseph Montfort, 1782-1840 166 Street, Samuel, fl. 1784 . 118 Street, Thomas P., fl. 1834 166 Streeter, F., fl. 1863 ... 36 Streeter, Mary, Mrs. Sereno Wright, fl. 1838 294 Streeter, Ruth Cheney . . . 194 Streeter, S. F., fl. 1849 . 87 Streeter, Sereno Wright, d. 1880 294 Strettell, John, fl. 1768 . 95 Strettell & Crafton, fl. 1766 251 Strever, J. H. , fl. 1829 . 299 Stribling, Sigismund . . . 109 Strieker, J. M. , fl. 1918 . 237 Strickland, James, fl. 1790 158 Strickland, Randolph, 1823-80 191 Strickland, W. P. , fl. 1853 298 Strickland, William, fl. 1796 142 Striker, Joseph 62 Stringham, James, fl. 1781 62 Strobel, Christopher, fl. 1764 95 Strong, Adonijah, fl. 1787 2 Strong, Caleb, 1745-1819 . 194 Strong, David, d. 1801 118, 191 Strong, Ezra, fl. 1835 . . 166 Strong, H. M., fl. 1838 . . 299 Strong, H. S. , fl. 1897 ... 7 Strong, Jedediah, 1738-1802 280 Strong, Jedediah, fl. 1782-94 2 Strong, Jeremiah, fl. 1800. 299 Strong, John, fl. 1845 . . 166 Strong, John W. , fl. 1835 . 166 Strong, Moses M. , fl. 1835 166 Strong, William Emerson, b. 1840 122 Strong & Bartle, fl. 1790 . 118 Stronge, Jedediah, fl. 1782 194 Stronge, John, fl. 1768 . . 95 Stryker, J., fl. 1844 . . . 166 Stryker, William S. , 1838-1900 71 Stuart, Charles, see Traquair, 7th earl of Stuart, Sir Charles, 1753-1801 62, 174 Stuart, Charles, fl. 1766-80 ... 62, 95, 251 Stuart, Charles, 1783-1865 30, 294 Stuart, Charles E. , 1810-87 166 Stuart, David, 1816-68 . . 166 Stuart, Flora Cooke, Mrs. James E. B. , fl. 1855-1901 7 Stuart, Ford Smyth .... 174 Stuart, George, fl. 1834 . 211 Stuart, J. 0., fl. 1797 . . 97 Stuart, James, d. 1793 ... 97 Stuart, James, fl. 1780 . . 62 Stuart, James, 1741-1815 . 264 Stuart, James, fl. 1816 . . 265 Stuart, James E. B. , Jr., fl. 1907 7 Stuart, John, see Bute, 3rd earl of Stuart, John, see Bute, 1st marquess of Stuart, John, 1718-79 14, 62, 95, 149, 251 Stuart, Robert, 1785-1848 . 166 Stuart, Robert, fl. 1843 . . 30 Stuart, Robert L. , 1806-82 36 516 STUART - SWAIN Stuart, Mrs. Sophie M. , fl. 1800 97 Stuart, Rev. William, 1755-1822 97 Stuart, Lt. Gov. William, fl. 1773 263 Stubbs, Edward 87 Studey, David, fl. 1824 . . 299 Stumvoll, Joseph, fl. 1950. 194 Sturge, Joseph, 1793-1859 30, 294 Sturge, Sophia, fl. 1840 . . 30 Sturgeon, Daniel, 1789-1878 194 Sturges-Bourne, William . . 174 Sturgess, Mrs., fl. 1835 . 294 Sturgis, Jesse, fl. 1781 . . 62 Sturgis, Samuel Davis, 1822-89 64 Sturm, John, Jr., fl. 1781. 194 Stymets, Peter, fl. 1827 . 299 Suarez, Manuel, fl. 1606 . 18 4 Suarez de Vargas, Antonio, fl. 1647-1648 183 "Subaltern, A", fl. 1781 . . 62 Suckling, George, fl. 1766 95, 251 Suebteten, Count, fl. 1832. 228 Suffolk, Henry Howard, 5th earl of Berkshire, 12th earl of, 1739-79 62, 95, 98, 275 Suffolk, John Howard, 8th earl of Berkshire, 15th earl of, 1739-1820 . . 97 Suffolk County (Mass.), delegates from, 1774 ... 95 Sugden, Edward Burtenshaw, see St. Leonards, 1st baron Suke 194 Sulivan, Laurence, fl. 1767 251 Sullivan, B. , fl. 1780 ... 62 Sullivan, Catherine, fl. 1766 69 Sullivan, Daniel, fl. 1781 62 Sullivan, James, 1744-1808 20, 194 Sullivan, James, 1873-1931. 285 Sullivan, John, 1740-95 62, 280 Sullivan, John, fl. 1787 . 118 Sullivan, John L. , fl. 1797 127 Sullivan, P. H. , fl. 1855 228 Sullivan, William, 1774-1839 20 Sullivan, William, fl. 1823 39 Sullivant, Joseph, 1809-82 30 Suite, Benjamin, 1841-1923. 194 Sumien, Norbert, fl. 1908 . 289 Summerhays, John W. , fl. 1898 125 Summers, Jacob, fl. 1846 . 166 Summers, William M. , fl. 1829 299 Sumner, Charles, 1811-74 64, 194 Sumner, Edwin Vose, 1797-1863 64 Sumner, Increase, fl. 1797. 194 Sumner, Jethro, c. 1733-85 109, 266 Sumner, John Bird, 1780-1862 239 Sumner, Joshua, fl. 1790 . 118 Sumter, Thomas, 1734-1832 109, 194 Sunderland, 5th earl of, see Marlborough, 3rd duke of Sunderland, Mehitabel, Mrs. LaRoy, fl. 1876 . . . 294 Superunda, Jose" Antonio Manso de Velasco, conde de 2 67 Surman, Lewis, fl. 1766 . . 95 Surrey, Earl of 151 Sussex, Prince Augustus Frederick, duke of, 1773-1843 .... 97, 174, 228 Suter, John, fl. 1831 . . . 299 Sutherland, Alexander, fl. 1780 62 Sutherland, Andrew, fl. 1780 62 Sutherland, Countess Elizabeth Sutherland, marchioness of Stafford, duchess of, d. 1839 73, 174 Sutherland, George Granville Leveson-Gower, earl Gower, 2nd marquess of Stafford, 1st duke of, 1758-1833 . . 97 Sutherland, J. G. , fl. 1854. 30 Sutherland, Joshua, fl. 1838 299 Sutherland, Nicholas . . . 194 Sutherland, Nicholas, fl. 1772 95 Sutherland, Talmadge, fl. 1823 .' 299 Sutherland, Thomas W. , fl. 1839 166 Sutherland, William, fl. 1775-80 ... 62, 95, 287 Sutherland & McClellan, fl. 1850 299 Sutton, Dr. R 97 Sutton, Sir Richard, 1734?-1802 251 Sutton, Robert, see Lexington, 2nd baron Suydam, John, fl. 1833 . . 166 Swain, Leonard, 1821-69 . . 194 SWAN TALBOT 517 Swan, Benjamin L. , fl. 1860 39 Swan, Caleb, d. 1809 .... 194 Swan, James, 1754-1830 . . . 194 Swan, John, fl. 1777-83 . . 109 Swan ( Indian Chief) , fl. 1822 194 Swann, Albert, W. , fl. 1914 285 Swann, Ann Jane, fl. 1825 228 Swann, Arthur 15 Swanton, George, fl. 1781 . . 62 Swanwick, Richard, fl. 1778 62 Swarthout, John, fl. 1785 . 299 Swasey, J., fl. 1781 .... 62 Swatheridge, Joseph, fl. 1780 62 Swayne, Noah Haynes, 1804-84 52 Sweden Sovereigns Gustav III (1771-92) ... 97 Oscar I (1799-1859) ... 228 Queen Consort Sophia Magdalena, fl. 1786 ... 97 Treaty with Great Britain, 1766 251 Sweeny, Bryan, fl. 1781 ... 62 Sweet, J. N. , fl. 1851 ... 30 Sweet, John, fl. 1712 . . . 194 Sweet, William Warren, 1881- 285 Sweetser, S. S. , fl. 1856 . . 39 Swett, Miss E. L. , fl. 1845 39 Swett, S., fl. 1841 39 Swettenham, George, fl. 1766 95 Swettenham, Joshua, fl. 1767 62 Swift, E. S., fl. 1826 ... 118 Swift, Henry A. , fl. 1852 30 Swift, Jonathan, fl. 1813 . . 20 Swift, Joseph Gardner, 1783-1865 30, 142 Swift, Mary, fl. 1820 ... 118 Swift, Samuel G. , fl. 1807 299 Swift & Co 7 Swiney, John 151 Swiney, William, fl. 1782 . 109 Swinton, Alexander, d. 1781 109 Swits, Isaac, fl. 1758 . 14, 61 Swords, James, fl. 1818 . . 299 Swords, 0. M., fl. 1827 . . 299 Swords, T. & J. , fl. 1800 299 Swords, Thomas, fl. 17 64 . . 95 Sydney, John Thomas Townshend, 2nd viscount, 1764-1831 268 Sydney, Thomas Townshend, 1st viscount, 1732-1800 11, 42, 62, 75 97, 98, 251, 268, 287 Sykes, George, 1822-80 ... 64 Sykes, Sir Mark Masterman, 3rd bart., 1771-1823 ... 67 Sylvester & Croswell, fl. 1840 299 Sylvestor, Nathaniel, fl. 1775 95 Symes, Richard, fl. 1772-94 ... 62, 97, 268 Symmer, Andrew, fl. 1767-80 62, 251 Symmes, John Cleves, 1742-1814 118, 194 Symonds, Thomas, d. 1793 62 Symons, John, fl. 1777 ... 62 Symons, Joseph, fl. 1838 . . 39 Symson, Alexander, fl. 1773 263 T T., B 62 Tabera, Ramon, fl. 1867 . . 74 Tabor, James W. , fl. 1836 166 Tabor, Nathaniel, fl. 1781 62 Taffanel, Jacques-Pierre de, see La Jonquiere, marquis de Taffery, S. W. , fl. 1794 171 Taft, William Howard, 1857-1930 7, 282 Taggart, James, fl. 1783 . 251 Tahourdin, William, fl. 1782 251 Taintor, Charles M. , fl. 1858 39 Tait, Arthur F. , 1819-1905 71 Tait, David, fl. 1774 . 62, 95 Taitro, Jean-Baptiste, fl. 1788 118 Talamanco, Fray Jean, fl. 1749 180 Talbot, fl. 1810 211 Talbot, Charles, 1st baron Talbot of Hensol, 1685-1737 251 Talbot, Rev. Ethelbert, 1848-1928 79 Talbot, John L. , fl. 1840 . 166 Talbot, Rev. Joseph Cruikshank, 1816-83 .... 79 Talbot, Paul, fl. 1930 . . 285 Talbot, Richard Talbot, 1st baron, d. 1788 . . 97, 151 Talbot, Silas, 1751-1813 234 518 TALBOT TAYLOR Talbot, William 174 Talcott, Andrew, fl. 1818-36 166 Talcott, Joseph, 1669-1741 251 Talcott, N. , fl. 1827 . . . 299 Talcott, William H. , fl. 1870 39 Taliaferro, Wm. Booth, 1822-98 64 Talleyrand, Due de, fl. 1892 289 Talleyrand-Perigord , Charles Maurice de, 1754-1838 . . 97, 151, 194, 251 Tallmadge, Benjamin, 1754-1835 62 Tallmadge, Frederick S. , c. 1818-1904 194 Tallmadge, H. F. , fl. 1851 . 259 Tallmadge, Nathaniel P., fl. 1819 299 Tallman, John C. , fl. 1837 165 Talon, Mile., fl. 1799 . . . 194 Talon, Antoine-Omer, 1760-1811 194 Tamariz, Francisco de Paula, fl. 1867 74 Tamisier, Pierre, fl. 1768 95 Tandy, Moses, fl. 1788 . . . 122 Taney, Roger B. , 1777-1864 . . 52, 87, 166, 228 Tankerville, Charles Bennet, 3rd earl of ... . 151 Tanner, Henry Schenck, 1786-1858 298 Tanner, James, 1844-1927 269 Tanner, John, fl. 1831 ... 52 Tanner, Stephen, fl. 1799 299 Tappan, Arthur, 1786-1865 294 Tappan, Henry Philip, 1805-81 191 Tappan, Julia, fl. 1831-86 294 Tappan, Lewis, 1788-1873 30, 294 Tarbell, Ida Minerva, 1857-1944 285 Tardiveau, Bartholomew, d. 1801 118 Tardiveau, P., fl. 1784 . . 127 Tarleton, Sir Banastre, 1754-1833 62 Tarman, Nathaniel, fl. 1782 251 Tarver, B. C. , fl. 1897 ... 7 Tasker, Benjamin, fl. 1767 4 Tassell, Hubert, fl. 1730-34 251 Tate, Francis, fl. 1782 . . Tate, Paul, fl. 1804 . . . Tatham, William, 1752-1819 Tatlock, John Strong Perry, 1876-1948 Tattnall, John Mullryne, fl. 1782 Tattnall, Josiah, 1795-1871 Tatum, Absalom, fl. 1775-82 Tatum, Howell, fl. 1775-82 Tay, William, fl. 1806 . . Tayer Tayler, James, fl. 1828 . . Tayler, Thomas, fl. 1780 . Tayler, William, d. 1793 95 Tayloe, B. A., fl. 1824 . . Taylor, Capt., fl. 1782 . . Taylor, Alexander S., fl. 1854 Taylor, Belden, fl. 1846 . Taylor, C. W. , fl. 1844 Taylor, Cathcart, fl. 1772-92 Taylor, Charles W. , fl. 1815 Taylor, E. , fl. 1854 . . . Taylor, Edwin M. , fl. 1841 Taylor, Franck, fl. 1844 . Taylor, George N. , fl. 1854 Taylor, H Taylor, Sir Henry, 1800-1886 Taylor, Henry W. , fl. 1843 Taylor, Sir Herbert, 1755-1839 67, 97 Taylor, Hudson, fl. 1844 Taylor, Hugh, fl. 1783 . . Taylor, Hugh P. , fl. 1823 Taylor, James, fl. 1698 Taylor, James, fl. 1781 . Taylor, James, fl. 1812 . Taylor, James, fl. 1829 . Taylor, John, 1750-1824 . Taylor, John L. , fl. 1897 Taylor, John M Taylor, John N. , fl. 1799 Taylor, Levi, fl. 1845 . Taylor, Oliver, fl. 1846 Taylor, P. N. , fl. 1825 . Taylor, Peter, fl. 1782 . Taylor, Philip M. , fl. 1780 Taylor, Richard, 1826-79 Taylor, Robert, fl. 1807 109 97 142 285 109 64 109, 109 20 . 62 244 98 251 . 87 268 . 87 30 166 97 299 39 87 166 . 30 151 151 166 174 166 251 142 172 . 62 191 244 122 . 7 174 299 166 166 299 251 266 122 299 TAYLOR - TERRY 519 Taylor, Robert E. , fl. 1890 299 Taylor, Robert L. , fl. 1829 244 Taylor, Thomas 194 Taylor, Thomas, fl. 1782 . . 251 Taylor, Thomas, fl. 1844 . . 228 Taylor, Tom 151 Taylor, W. , fl. 1782 .... 301 Taylor, W. , fl. 1840 .... 30 Taylor, William, fl. 1794 194 Taylor, Zachary, 1784-1850 52, 282 Teackle, Littleton Dennis, fl. 1834 166 Teal, William, H. , fl. 1840 299 Teale, Peter, fl. 1791 ... 20 Tebbets, Ebenezer 194 Tedder, Henry Richard, 1850-1924 285 Tefft, Israel Keech, 1794-1862 15 Telfair, Edward, 1735-1807 280 Telfair, William, fl. 1780 62 Teller, Abraham, fl. 1781 . . 62 Teller, " James, fl. 1817 . . 299 Temple, 3rd earl, see Buckingham, 1st marquess of Temple, Ann, Mrs. William Johnstone, d. 1793 .... 287 Temple, Elizabeth Bowdoin, Lady John, fl. 1775 .... 95 Temple, Henry John, see Palmerston, 3rd viscount Temple, Sir John, 8th bart., 1730-98 97 Temple, Dr. John T. , fl. 1833 166 Temple, Richard Temple Grenville, 2nd earl, 1711-79 98, 111 149, 151, 174, 223, 268 Temple, W 151 Temple, William Johnstone, 1739-96 287 Templeman, George, fl. 1840 166 Templer, Dudley, fl. 1770-75 95 Ten Broeck, Catharina, fl. 1768 299 Ten Broeck, Dirck, fl. 1766 95 Ten Broeck, Dirk, fl. 1797 . 299 Ten Broeck, Emmeline P. , fl. 1831 299 Ten Broeck, G. Hendrick, fl. 1799 299 Ten Broeck, Jacob, fl. 1806 299 Ten Broeck, Jeremiah, fl. 1760 95 Ten Broeck, Johannes, fl. 1731 299 Ten Broeck, John & R. , & Co. , fl. 1817 299 Ten Broeck, John V. R. , fl. 1821 299 Ten Broeck, L. W. , fl. 1831 299 Ten Broeck, Leonard, fl. 1797 299 Ten Broeck, Nicholas, fl. 1822 299 Ten Broeck, Peter B. , fl. 1800 • 299 Ten Broeck, Samuel, fl. 1736 299 Ten Broeck & Benjamin, fl. 1821 299 Ten Broeck & Wilson, fl. 1827 299 Ten Eyck, Anthony, fl. 1843 166 Ten Eyck, Conrad, fl. 1809-1834 52, 166 Ten Eyck, Henry, fl. 1781 52 Ten Eyck, Jacob Conrad t, fl. 1746 4 Ten Eyck, John, fl. 1766 95 Ten Eyck, Joseph, fl. 1820 299 Ten Eyck, Margaret, fl. 1821 299 Tenney, Harriet A. , fl. 1876 262 Tenney, Moses, Jr., fl. 1856 39 Tersln, Jesus, d. 1866 .... 74 Teresa y Miranda, Jose* de, fl. 1867 74 Ternant, Jean-Baptiste, d. 1816 62, 109, 118 Ternay, Charles-Louis d'Arsac, chevalier de, 1722-80 ... 62 Terray, Joseph-Marie, 1715-78 251 Terrell, Harry, fl. 1782 . . 109 Terrick, Rev. Richard, 1710-77 251 Terrill, John, fl. 1779 ... 62 Terroux, Sieur Jacques, fl. 1789 268 Terry, Alfred Howe, 1827-90 64 Terry, Dr. J. H. , fl. 1833 166 Terry, Thomas Alexander, 1885- 194 Terry, Urbana, fl. 1794 . . 299 Terry, William, fl. 1780 . . 62 520 TERRY - THOME Terry, William, £1. 1875 64 Testu, Claude-Guillaume, marquis de Balincourt, 1680-1770 89 Teunise, Capt. (Delaware Indian) , fl. 1786 118 Tew, William 109 Texas 27 Thacher, George, 1754-1824 280 Thacher, John Boyd, 1847-1909 289 Thackeray, William Makepeace, 1811-63 .... 247 Thackston, James, fl. 1776-81 109, 266 Thaler, Charles, fl. 1839 20 Thatcher, B. B. , fl. 1838 . . 39 Thatcher, Henry Knox, 1806-80 64 Thatcher, Dr. James, d. 1844 194 Thaxter, John 109 Thaxter, S 249 Thayendanegea, see Brant, Joseph Thayer, Charles, fl. 1835 166 Thayer, E. R. , fl. 1913 . 6 Thayer, George W. , fl. 1844 166 Thayer, J. C. , fl. 1851 ... 39 Thayer, J. C. , & brothers, fl. 1852 39 Thayer, Lewis, fl. 1856 ... 39 Thayer, Lucius A. , fl. 1845 166 Thayer, Minott, fl. 1835 . . 20 Thayer, Pamelia, Mrs. George W. , c. 1811-87 ... 166 Thayer, Sylvanus, 1785-1872 52 Thayer, Wm. Roscoe, 1859-1923 194, 285 Thayer & Bartlett, fl. 1786 109 Thew, Gilbert 62 Thibault d'Arauxelle, fl. 1780 251 Thielsen, H. , fl. 1846 . . . 166 Thier, Arnold P. de, fl. 1867 74 Thorn, Dr. Isaac, fl. 1792 . . 20 Thomand, Murrough O'Brien, 5th earl of Inchiquin, 1st marquess of, d. 1808 .... 97 Thomas, Abishai, fl. 1777-80 109 Thomas, Alfred, 1811-75 166 Thomas, Benjamin A., fl. 1848 39 Thomas, Charles Spaulding, 1849-1922 52 Thomas, David, fl. 1779 . . 62 Thomas, David, fl. 1807 . . 299 Thomas, Ed. L. , fl. 1856 . 228 Thomas, Rev. Elisha Smith, b. 1834 79 Thomas, Eliza Harmar, Mrs. Evan W., 1787-1869 .... 118 Thomas, Evan W. , d. 1838 118 Thomas, Frederick, fl. 1780 62 Thomas, George, fl. 1751 61, 292 Thomas, George, fl. 1831 . 244 Thomas, George, fl. 1837 . . 87 Thomas, George Henry, 1816-70 64, 122 Thomas, H. H. , fl. 1892 ... 7 Thomas, Henry, fl. 1836 . . 165 Thomas, Isaac, fl. 1774 . . 95 Thomas, Isabella G. , fl. 1867 39 Thomas, Isaiah, 1749-1831 194 Thomas, Isaiah, Jr., 1773-1819 194 Thomas, J. Hanson, fl. 1856 228 Thomas, James, fl. 17 48 . . 292 Thomas, James, fl. 1784 . . 109 Thomas, James A., fl. 1778 62 Thomas, Lt. John, fl. 1772 . 95 Thomas, Adm. John, fl. 1780 287 Thomas, John, fl. 1815 . . 194 Thomas, John, Jr., fl. 1776-82 109 Thomas, John L. , fl. 1856 228 Thomas, Joseph, fl. 1845 . 166 Thomas, Lorenzo, 1804-75 64, 87 Thomas, M. S. , fl. 1918 . . 285 Thomas, Mary, fl. 1836 . . 165 Thomas, Dr. Nathan M. , 1803-87 30, 166 Thomas, Nathaniel Ray, d. 1791 95 Thomas, Philip I., fl. 1829 87 Thomas, Rebecca, fl. 1820 . 299 Thomas, Samuel 62 Thomas, Samuel, fl. 1774 . . 95 Thomas, Thomas E. , fl. 1844 30 Thomas, Tristam, fl. 1781 . 109 Thomas & Baldwin, fl. 1831 118 Thomassin, M. , fl. 1773 . . 194 Thome, James Armstrong, 1809-73 294 Thome, John, fl. 1822 ... 20 THOME - THORNTON 521 Thome, Michael, fl. 1847 166 Thompson, A., fl. 1781 ... 62 Thompson, Abijah, fl. 1799 20 Thompson, Dr. Abner R. , fl. 1844 20 Thompson, Alexander R. , d. 1837 166 Thompson, Alexander W. , fl. 1798 299 Thompson, Benjamin, see Rumford, count von Thompson, Sir Charles, fl. 1776 62 Thompson, David, fl. 1798 191 Thompson, E . 194 Thompson, Edward, 1738?-86 62, 251, 268 Thompson, Egbert, fl. 1819 299 Thompson, G. L. , fl. 1829 299 Thompson, Capt. George, fl. 1775 95 Thompson, George, fl. 1788 118 Thompson, George, 1804-78 20, 294 Thompson, George C, fl. 1821-34 30 Thompson, Hezekiah, fl. 1765 2 Thompson, Hiram, fl. 1833 . 166 Thompson, Rev. Hugh Miller, 1830-1902 79 Thompson, Isaac S. , fl. 1784 20 Thompson, J., fl. 1852 . . . 194 Thompson, J. Walter, b. 1847 237 Thompson, Jacob, 1810-85 64 Thompson, James L. , fl. 1828-46 166 Thompson, John Reuben, 1823-73 31 Thompson, Jonah, Kc Co,, fl. 1822 20 Thompson, Josiah 249 Thompson, Leander, fl. 1836 294 Thompson, M. Jefferson, fl. 1867 64 Thompson, Mrs. Mary M. , fl. 1841 166 Thompson, Milo, fl. 1834 . . 30 Thompson, Octavus, fl. 1847 . 30 Thompson, R. , fl. 1850 ... 87 Thompson, Richard 62 Thompson, Samuel, fl. 1776 . 20 Thompson, Samuel, fl. 1817 . 299 Thompson, Smith, 1768-1843 52, 299 Thompson, Thomas, fl. 1783 251 Thompson, Sir Thomas Boulden, 1st bart. , 17667-1828 67 Thompson, W. , fl. 1825 ... 87 Thompson, W. , Jr., fl. 1830 30 Thompson, Sir William, fl. 1717 251 Thompson, William, 1736-81 118 Thompson, William, fl. 1781 62 Thompson, William A. , fl. 1828 299 Thompson, William R. , fl. 1834 166 Thompson, Zachary, fl. 1764 95 Thompson & Gridley, fl. 1765 69 Thompson & Slater, fl. 1898 7 Thorns, William John, 1803-85 67 Thomson, Alexander .... 174 Thomson, Alexander fl. 1773 263 Thomson, Alexander, fl. 1780 171 Thomson, Charles, 1729-1824 62, 109, 118, 121, 194 Thomson, Edward H. , 1810-86 166 Thomson, James, fl. 1817 . 299 Thomson, John, fl. 1808 . . 194 Thomson, Prime rose, fl. 1766 95 Thomson, Thomas, fl. 1785 . 299 Thomson, William 194 Thomson, William, 1727-96 109 Thomson, William, fl. 1807. 142 Thomson, William A., fl. 1828 299 Thomson, William H. , fl. 1850 299 Thoppison, Peter, fl. 1783 251 Thorkeson, W. , fl. 1840 . . 299 Thorn, Colonel, fl. 1845 . 228 Thorn, John, fl. 1834 . . . 166 Thornbrough, Edward, d. 1784 62 Thorne, Daniel, fl. 1790 . 299 Thorne, George, fl. 17 64 . . 95 Thorne, Perigrine Francis, fl. 1771-90 251 Thornhill, John, fl. 1764 . 118 Thomson, E. H. , fl. 1845 . 166 Thornton, Mr., fl. 1782 . . 251 Thornton, Sir Edward, 1766-1852 151 522 THORNTON - TOBEY Thornton, J., fl. 1777 . . 268 Thornton, John Wingate, 1818-78 87 Thornton, Matthew, 1714-1803 280 Thornton, Samuel, 1755-1838 174 Thornton, Thomas, fl. 1760 95 Thornton, William, 1759-1828 194 Thorp, Edwaod, fl. 1813 . . 299 Thorpe, J., fl. 1742 .... 268 Thorpe, William 194 "Thoughts on the War between Great Britain & America" . . 13 Throckmorton, William, fl. 1820 299 Throop, Enos Thompson, 1784-1874 52 Thruston, Mynna, fl. 1935 . 194 Thurber, Jefferson G. , fl. 1845 166 Thurlow, Edward Thurlow, 1st baron, 1731-1806 . . 95, 97 98, 149, 151, 158, 263, 268 Thurman, Allen Granberry, 1813-95 294 Thurston, Ada 31 Thurston, C. M 228 Thurston, Edward C. , fl. 1821 299 Thurston, J., fl. 1828 . . . 228 Thurston, Jonathan V. , fl. 1848 39 Thurston, Theodore Payne, fl. 1917 52 Thwaites, Rueben Gold, 1853-1913 285 Thynne, Thomas, see Bath, 1st marquess of Tibbuls, Joseph, fl. 1781 . . 62 Tice, Gilbert, fl. 1777 ... 62 Tickell, Richard, 1751-93 251 Ticknor, George, 1791-1871 194 Tielcke, Capt. F. G. , fl. 1773 143 Tierney, George, 1761-1830 174, 228 Tiffany, Alexander R. , fl. 1834 166 Tiffin, Edward, 1766-1829 166 Tigar, Thomas, fl. 1849 . . 166 Tiger, John, fl. 1820 . . . 299 Tighe, Robert, fl. 1772 . . 275 Tilden, E. , fl. 1824 .... 299 Tilebein, Chris. Andrew, fl. 1786 194 Tilghman, James, 1716-93 251 Tilgman, Matthew, 1718-90 280 Till, William, fl. 1767 . . 62 Tillary, James, fl. 1817 . 299 Tillenberk, Henry 6?. Tillinghast, Daniel, fl. 1779 109 Tillinghast, Joseph Leonard, 1791-1844 52 Tillinghast, Nicholas, fl. 1780 109 Tillinghast, Nicholas, fl. 1840 20 Tillman, J. W. , fl. 1846 16~6 Tillon, F. R. , fl. I860 . . 36 Tillotson, Ira, 1783-1858 . 166 Tillotson, John C. , fl. 1818 299 Tillotson, Thomas, fl. 1806 299 Tilton, Clayton, fl. 1782 11, 62 Tilton, James, 1745-1822 . 280 Tilton, John, fl. 1782 ... 11 Timberlake, Henry, fl. 1764 95 Timmins, Edward 194 Timmins, Henry, fl. 1836 . . 39 Timpson, Robert, fl. 1764 . 95 Tindall, Jonathan, fl. 1775 95 Tinker, Daniel, fl. 1790-94 136 Tinker, John, fl. 1733 . . 251 Tinker, L. W. , & Co. , fl. 1846 166 Tinkham, George H. , fl. 1926 228 Tinseau, Col. de 174 Tinsley, Peter, fl. 1808 . 122 Tipple, Catherine, fl. 1796 299 Tipple, M. , fl. 1798 . . . 299 Tirado, Jose Antonio, fl. 1811 182 Tirrell, Joseph, fl. 1798 . 299 Tirrill, John 249 Tirry, William, see La Canada, marque's de Tisdale, F. A., fl. 1844 . 166 Tisserant, Eugene, cardinal, 1884- 194 Titchfield, Lord 174 Titus, J. H. , fl. 1845 . . 166 Tobago Assembly 251, 287 Committee to Appraise Losses Sustained during the Capture of the Island, 1781 251 Lieutenant Governor, 1773. 263 Proprietors, 1779-83 . 98, 251 Tobey, J. G. , fl. 1869 ... 39 Tobey, Silas W. , fl. 1835 299 TOBEY - TOWNSEND 523 Tobey, William H. , fl. 1828 299 Tobey, Joshua, fl. 1800 . . 299 Tocqueville, Vicomte Alexis de, fl. 1898 289 Tod, David, 1805-68 .... 166 Tod, W. , fl. 1776 167 Todd, Anthony, c. 1716-90 95 Todd, Charles Stewart, 1791-1871 52 Todd, James, fl. 1782 . . . 251 Todd, James, fl. 1833 ... 23 Todd, Levi, fl. 1790 ... 118 Todridge, Thomas, fl. 1790 205 Toedteberg, Augustus, fl. 1865 36 Togghot, John S. H. , fl. 1865 36 Toledo, Roderico, fl. 1878 259 Toll, Isaac D. , fl. 1844 166 Toll, Philip R. , fl. 1835 166 Tollemache, Lady Bridget Henley Fox-Lane, d. 1796 268 Tolozan*, fl. 1790 194 Tolver, Anthony, fl. 1764 95 Tomkins, Charles, fl. 1780 109 Tomlinson, G. , fl. 1835 . . 166 Tomlinson, Gideon, 1780-1834 52 Tomlinson, John, fl. 1749 16 Tommasini, Jacopo And., fl. 1778 193 Tompkins, Daniel D. , fl. 1807 299 Tomson, Mr., fl. 1762 . . . 251 Toncray, Daniel, fl. 1797 . 299 Tonge, Winckworth, c. 1728-1792 95, 98 Tonhouse, W. , fl. 1780 . . 287 Tonken, Thomas, fl. 1779 . . 62 Tonty, Henri de, 1650-1704 43 Tonyn, Patrick, c. 1725-1804 62, 95, 109, 194, 251 Tooke, Randall, fl. 1836 . 251 Tooker, Samuel, fl. 1819 . 299 Toombs, Robert Augustus, 1810-85 52, 64, 247 Toombs family, 1778-1827 . 271 Toors, Johannes, fl. 1781 . 62 Topham, Boss & Newman . . . 109 Torey, Mons. de, fl. 1714 251 Torkington, John, fl. 1782 268 Tornier, Charles 62 Toro, Manuel, fl. 1867 ... 74 Torre, Francisco de la, fl. 1818 183 Torrence, Ann, fl. 1806 . . 299 Torrence, Joseph, fl. 1794-98 118 Torrens, Sir Henry, 1779-1828 67, 174 Torres, Juan, fl. 1866 ... 74 Torres, Manuel, fl. 1830 . 181 Torrey, Josiah 249 Torrinton, George Byng, 4th viscount, d. 1812. 97, 268 Tort, Mons., fl. 1782 . . . 251 Tortola, inhabitants of, 1780 287 Totten, Joseph Gilbert, 1788-1864 .... 20, 64, 166 Totten, Robert, fl. 1783 62, 109 Totten, S., fl. 1846 .... 39 Tottenham, Loftus Anthony, c. 1715-1811 .... 268, 287 Toucey, Isaac, 1796-1869 . . 52 Tourge'e , Albion Winegar, 1838-1905 7, 289 Tournelle, C^sar-Auguste de, fl. 1778 62 Tournier, C, fl. 1895 . . 289 Tousard, A. M. de 228 Toussouff, Bogher, fl. 1840 239 Tovey, Abraham, fl. 17 68 . . 95 Tower, Charlemagne, 1848-1923 289 Tower, D. F. , fl. 1849 . . 166 Tower, Lewis, fl. 1846 . . 166 Towle, Nathaniel 109 Towles, Joseph, fl. 1781 . 109 Towles, Oliver, fl. 1776-83 109 Towne, Asa, fl. 1802 .... 20 Towne, E. , fl. 1852 .... 30 Townes, John, fl. 1776-83 . 109 Townesend, William .... 268 Townsend, fl. 1800 .... 299 Townsend, Anne Townsend, Mrs. Solomon, fl. 1780-1808 273 Townsend, C. D. , fl. 1841 . 52 Townsend, Chauncy, fl. 17 60. 95 Townsend, David 27 3 Townsend, Dwight, fl. 1824. 299 Townsend, Elizabeth .... 273 Townsend, Gregory, fl. 1769-80 62, 95 Townsend, Howard, fl. 1864 36 Townsend, Isaac, d. 1765 . . 61 Townsend, Isiah, fl. 1848 273 Townsend, Jacob, fl. 1764 . 273 Townsend, John 109 524 TOWNSEND - TRIMMING Townsend, Mary, fl. 1809 . 273 Townsend , Maurice E. , fl. 1874 273 Townsend, Micah, 1749-1832 62 Townsend, Phebe, fl. 1784 . 273 Townsend, S. , fl. 1813 . . 273 Townsend, Samuel, d. 1795 62, 97, 98 Townsend, Sarah, 1761-post 1794 273 Townsend, Solomon, 1805-80 272, 273 Townsend, Thomas, Jr., fl. 1818 277 Townshend, Anne Montgomery Townshend, marchioness of, d. 1819 97 Townshend, Augustus, d. 1746 268 Townshend, Hon. Charles, 1725-67 61, 75, 95, 98, 149, 251, 274 Townshend, Charles, d. 1799 268 Townshend, Charles, 1st baron Bayning, 1728-1810 . 174 Townshend, George, see Leicester, 1st earl of Townshend, George Townshend, 4th viscount and 1st marquess, 1724-1807.62, 95, 98 149, 151, 251, 268, 275, 287 Townshend, Sir Horatio Townshend, 1st viscount, 1630?-87 268 Townshend, Jacob, fl. 1761 194 Townshend, Thomas, see Sydney, 1st viscount Townshend, Hon. Thomas, 1701-80 .... 174, 223, 268 Tows, F. H., fl. 1870 ... 39 Towson, Nathan, 1784-1854 191, 194 Track, W. B. , fl. 1860 ... 36 Tracy, Elisha, fl. 1808 . . 142 Tracy, J. L. , fl. 1831 . . 294 Tracy, John, fl. 1789 ... 118 Tracy, Lyman, fl. 1819 . . 299 Tracy, Nathaniel, 1751-96 109 Tracy, Nicholas 194 Tracy, Philander, fl. 1845 166 Tracy, Uriah, 1755-1807 . . 191 "Tradesman, A," fl. 1775 . . 95 Trafford, Henry, fl. 1782 98, 251 Traggia, Joaquin, fl. 1799 201 Traill, Robert, fl. 1782 . 251 Traille, Peter, fl. 1755-93 62, 301 Trapier, Paul, 1749-78 . . 280 Traquair, Charles Stuart, 7th earl of, 1746-1827 . 98 Traquair, James, & Co., fl. 1814 118 Traster, William H. , fl. 1866 36 Traver, J. J., fl. 1831 . . 299 Traversier, Joseph, fl. 1799 127 Travesi, N. , fl. 1867 . , 74 Traviss, Hezekiah, fl. 1781 62 Tray, Timothy, fl. 1781 . 62 Treadwell, George Curtis, 1872- 237 Trebank, Thomas . . 226 Treby, Sir George, 1644?-1700 . . . 251 Treby, John, fl. 17 64 . . . 95 Tredgold, John Harfield, 1798-1842 . 30 Tree, Lambert, fl. 1896 . 289 Trelawney, Edward, 1699-1754 251 Tremain, A., fl. 1807 . . . 299 Trembley, Pierre, fl. 1766. 251 Tremper, William, fl. 1793. 299 Trench, F. W 62 Trench, Rev. Richard Chenevix, 1807-86 . . 67, 151 Trench, Richard Le Poer, see Clancarty, 2nd earl of Trent, William, 1715-87? 61, 95, 268 Trescot, William Henry, 1822-98 . 52 Trevelyan, Caroline, fl. 1900 285 Trevelyan, George Macaulay, 1876- 285 Trevelyan, Sir George Otto, bart., 1838-1928 285 Trevino, Geronimo, fl. 1866 74 Trevor, John, fl. 1788 . . . 97 Trevor, John Hampden, 3rd viscount Hampden, 1749-1824 251 Trevor, Sir Thomas, baron Trevor of Bromham, 1658-1730 251, 293 Trickett, Thomas, fl. 1764 95 Trier, Samuel L. , fl. 1802 299 Trigge, Thomas, fl. 17 67 . 62 Trimble, Isaac Ridgeway, 1802-88 64 Trimble, James, fl. 1793 . 118 Trimlestown, Robert Barnewall, 12th baron, d. 1779 95 Trimming, Thomas, fl. 1767 95 TRINDER TURNBULL 525 Trinder, Thomas, fl. 1767 . 251 Trip, Travers, fl. 1817 . . 67 Triplen, Guillermo, fl. 1866 74 Trist, Nicholas, fl. 1774 . 95 Tronjoly, fl. 1767 .... 251 Trotier, Francis Xavier, called Bellecour, b. 1743 232 Trotter, John, c. 1728-1808 95, 268 Trotter, Thomas, fl. 1770-82 301 Trouant, Rodah, fl. 1775 . . 95 Troup, Robert, 1757-1832 174 Trowbridge, C. F. , fl. 1838 52 Trowbridge, Charles C. , 1800-83 166 Trowbridge, Edmund W. , 1709-93 20 Trowbridge, R. E 191 Troy (N. Y. ) , committee of, 1836 294 Triibner, Nicholas, 1812-84 262 Truby, Christopher, fl. 1791 118 Trudeau, Carlos, fl. 1790-1802 164 "True Briton, A," fl. 1782 251 Truedell, John, fl. 1781 62 "True Friend, A," fl. 1781 98 Trueheart, John, fl. 1781 62 Trueman, Alexander, d. 1792 109 Trueman, John, d. 1809 . . 109 Truesdail, W. , fl. 1831 . . 299 Truesdail, Wesley, fl. 1842 166 Truman, Harry S. , 1884- . . 282 Trumbull, Benjamin, 1735-1820 194 Trumbull, George A., fl. 1839 39 Trumbull, James Hammond, 1821-97 31, 36, 39 Trumbull, John, 1756-1843 52, 122, 194, 277 Trumbull, Jonathan, 1710-85. 62, 95, 194, 263, 277 Trumbull, Jonathan, 1740-1809 121, 280 Trumbul 1 , Joseph , 1737-1778 194, 280 Truro, Thomas Wilde, 1st baron, 1782-1855 . . . 151 Trusdell, Nathan, fl. 1790. 299 "Truth," fl. 1774 95 Truxton, Thomas 194 Tryon, Charles, fl. 1835 . . 166 Tryon, Jeremiah, fl. 1822 . 299 Tryon, William, 1729-88 . 4, 62 95, 98, 151, 194, 251, 263 Tucker, Ben, fl. 1852 . . . 228 Tucker, Dan, fl. 1774 .... 95 Tucker, Ens. Daniel, fl. 1766 95 Tucker, Enoch, fl. 1842 . . 166 Tucker, J. N. T. , fl. 1844 30 Tucker, J. R. , fl. 1852 . . 228 Tucker, James, fl. 1774 ... 95 Tucker, Joel, fl. 1834 . . . 166 Tucker, Rev. Josiah, 1712-99 149, 194 Tucker, N. Amory, fl. 1841 . 69 Tucker, Robert, fl. 1778 . . 62 Tucker, Dr. Thomas Tudor, d. 1828 109, 280 Tucker, Thomas William, fl. 1839 166 Tucker, William, fl. 1776 . 280 Tucker, William Jewett, 1839-1926 52 Tuckerman, Henry T. , 1813-71 36, 87 Tudor, Frederic, 1783-1864 20 Tudor, George, fl. 1786 . . 118 Tudor, William, 1750-1819 . 194 Tufin, Charles-Armand, see La Rouerie, jnarquis de Tukey, Francis, fl. 1852 . . 39 Tulliken, John, fl. 1760-75 .... 14, 62, 95 Tull james, Thomas, fl. 1828 268 Tulloch, Rosamond, fl. 1786 97 Tully, Grace G 282 Tumulty, Joseph Patrick, 1879- 285 Tunnicliff, Nelson, fl. 1854 30 Tupper, Benjamin, 1738-92 95, 118 Tupper, John, fl. 1775 ... 95 Tupper, M. F 151 Turbelock, Thomas, fl. 1781 62 Turgot, Mons., fl. 1778 . . 194 Turin. Royal Academy .... 52 Turman, Moore 109 Turnbull, Dr. Andrew, d. 1792 98, 251 Turnbull, David, fl. 1840 . . 30 Turnbull, George, fl. 1770-79 62, 95 Turnbull, William, fl. 1786-89 118 Turnbull, William, & Co. , 11. 1780 62, 127 526 TURNBULL - UNITED STATES Turnbull, Marmie" & Co., fl. 1786 118 Turner, Asa, Jr. , 1799-1885 165 Turner, Edward Raymond, 1881-1929 285 Turner, Frederick Jackson, 1861-1932 285 Turner, George, fl. 177 5 . . 95 Turner, George, fl. 1775-83 109 Turner, Isaac, fl. 1848 . . 166 Turner, J. C. , fl. 1835 . . 244 Turner, John, fl. 17 64 . . . 4 Turner, Dr. John, fl. 1850 166 Turner, Dr. Peter, d. 1822 109 Turner, Simeon, fl. 1775 . . 95 Turner, Th. P., fl. 1864 . . 64 Turner, Theodore, fl. 1848 228 Turner, William, fl. 1774-79 62, 95 Turner, William, 1792-1867 67 Turney, John, fl. 1834 . . 166 Turrill, Dr. Minor Y. , fl. 1834 166 Turton, Dr. Wm. , 1762-1835 194 Tuscany, 1766 251 Tuthill, William H. , fl. 1867 36 Tutt, Benjamin, fl. 1775-81 109 Tuttle, Rev. Daniel Sylvester, 1837-1923 79 Tuttle, Joseph Farrand, fl. 1836-80 294 Tuttle, Sarah, fl. 1846 . . 30 Tuttridge, Thomas, fl. 1767 62 Tutwiler, Henry, 1807-84 . . 30 Tweedale, John, fl. 1900 . . 7 Tweeddale, George Hay, 7th marquess of 174 Twiggs, David Emanuel, 1790-1862 64, 247 Twisleton, Thomas, see Saye and Sele, 13th baron Twiss, Horace, 1787-1849 . . 67 Twiss, William, 1745-1827 . 251 Twopenny, William 151 Tybout, Andrew, fl. 1774 . 118 Tyler, James Endell, 1789-1851 194 Tyler, John, 1790-1862 52, 71, 122, 228 Tyler, John S. , fl. 1840 . . 39 Tyler, Moses Coit, 1835-1900 278 Tyler, Robert Ogden, 1831-74 64 Tyler, Royall, 1757-1826 . 194 Tyler, Ufason, fl. 1912 . , 285 Tyler, Dr. William, fl. 1774 95 Tyms, Samuel, fl. 17 59 . . . 95 Tyndale, Sarah, fl. 1854 . . 30 Tyner, James N. , fl. 1844 . 166 Tyng, Dudley A., fl. 1794 . 20 Tyng, William, 1737-1807 . . 95 Tyrell, John, fl. 1833 . . 166 Tyrell, T. , fl. 1805 .... 97 Tytler, Patrick Fraser, 1791-1849 151 U U., M 194 Udney, Robert, fl. 1783 . . 251 Ulloa, Antonio de, 1716-95 95, 251 Unamunsaga, Domingo de, fl. 1736 190 Uncle, Mr 95 Underwood, Joseph Rogers, 1791-1876 30 Union College Committee of Students, 1836 294 Union Safety Committee, 1850 30 Union Transportation Line, fl. 1840 299 United Company of merchants of England trading to the East Indies, 1763 .... 251 United Provinces of the Low Country. States General 192 United States 232 Army 194, 237 1st Regiment. Officers . 118 15th Regiment. 1st Battalion. Company C. . 194 General Hospital .... 194 Ordnance Department Clerks 52 World War II. European Theater of Operations . 194 Christian Commission . . . 102 Citizens in Paris 52 Commissioners Adams, Bayard, Clay, Russell, and Gallatin . . 103 Jay, Franklin, and Adams . 90, 2 68 Commissioners of Indian Affairs Clark, Butler, and Lee . 118 Congress .... 52, 118, 280 Senate 52 Committee of Claims ... 52 Continental Army. 95, 279, 284 Adjutant General .... 279 Army under Gates 62 UNITED STATES - VALLEE 527 United States-continued Continental Army-continued Army under Lafayette . . . 109 Board of Admiralty .... 109 2nd Canadian Regiment Officers 194 Council of War 109 Georgia Battalion Officers 109 Northern Department . . . 109 Officers 62 26th Regiment 20 Southern Department . . . 109 1st Artillery 109 3rd Cavalry. Officers . 109 Commissary General . . . 109 1st Continental Dragoons. 109 Corps of Artillery . . . 109 Marion's Brigade .... 109 Maryland & Delaware Lines 109 Maryland Brigade .... 109 Maryland Line. Officers. 109 North Carolina Line Officers 109 North Carolina Militia . 109 Officers 109 Pennsylvania Line Officers 109 Picket's Brigade .... 109 Purveyor' s Department . . 109 South Carolina Artillery 62 Militia 62, 109 1st Virginia Brigade ... 62 2nd Virginia Brigade . . 109 Virginia Line 109 Continental Congress . . 62, 98 109, 118, 121 149, 194, 251, 280 Board of Navy 62 Board of War 109 Committee on Appeals . . . 127 President 95 Office for Indian Affairs Fort Wayne Agency .... 281 Presidents 282 Treasury Board Osgood. Livingston, and Lee 118 Treasury Department . 109, 194 Treaties with France, 1778 251 Great Britain, 1782, 1794, 1814 . . 103, 174, 251 Holland, 1782 251 United States Naval Lyceum . 52 U. S. S. Warren. Court Martial 194 University of Aberdeen, 1786 193 "Unknown," fl. 1782 .... 251 Unzaga, Luis de, fl. 1770-84 95, 109 Upfold, Rev. Geo., 1796-1872 79 Upham, Charles Wentworth, 1802-75 194 Upham, Joshua, c. 1741-1808 62, 109, 251 Upper Ossory, Anne Liddell Fitzroy Fitzpatrick, countess of, d. 1804 . . . 268 Upton, C. , fl. 1770 .... 275 Upton, John, fl. 1843 . . . 228 Upton, William, fl. 1783 . 251 Urff, Christian Friedrich von, fl. 1776 147 Urguialos, J., fl. 1867 . . 74 Uribe, Juan G. , fl. 1867 . . 74 Urings, John, fl. 1767 ... 95 Urquhart, James, fl. 1775 95, 194 Usson, marquis d' , see Bonrepaus, sieur de Uzes, Chastillon, duchesse d' , fl. 1826 268 Vail, Rev. F. Y. , fl. 1831 294 Vail, Robt. Wm. Glenroie, 1890- 194 Vail, Rev. Thomas Hubbard, 1812-89 79 Valdefuentes, marques de, see Linares, duque de Valde"s, Alexandro, fl. 1824 181 Vald^s, Antonio, fl. 1784 . 194 Valdes, Francisco, fl. 1700 183 Valdivia, Nicolas de, fl. 1645-6 183 Valencia, Gabriel, fl. 1841 184 Valentia, viscount, see Mountnorris, 1st earl of Valentine, Catherine, fl. 1824 194 Valentine, J., fl. 1878 . . 259 Valentine, Thomas, fl. 1778 62 Valenzuela, Francisco, fl. 1708 183 Valiniere, Huet de la, fl. 1789-91 194 Valk, Jacob R. , fl. 1836 . . 39 Valkenburgh, Christian, fl. 1798 299 Valiancy, Charles, fl. 1780 62 Vallarta, Ignacio Luis, 1830-93 74 Valle, Miguel de, fl. 1867 74 Vallee, J. B. , fl. 1833 . . 166 528 VALLEJO - VAN DREISSEN Vallejo, Antonio R. , fl. 1886 259 Vallenilla, A. J., fl. 1845 228 Vallette Laudun, Capt. , fl. 1720 283 Valley Forge orderly book, 1778 284 Valltravers, Rodolph, fl. 1767 251 Valnois, fl. 1780 62 Valory, M. , fl. 1756 . . . 251 Valverde , Jose" F 74 Van Aernem, Abraham .... 95 Van Aken, D. , & Co. , fl. 1898 125 Van Alen, James J. , fl. 1815 299 Van Allen, Lawrence & Co. , fl. 1844 166 Van Alstone, Peter, fl. 1781 62 Van Alstyne, Adam, fl. 1815 299 Van Alstyne, Margaret, fl. 1798 299 Van Alstyne, Peter, fl. 1798 299 Van Antwerp, Daniel G. . . 194 Van Antwerp, R. , fl. 1850 . 299 Vanarsdall, Peter, fl. 1835 . 30 Van Belle, Peter, d. 1717 194 Van Benthuyssen, John, fl. 1799 299 Van Beuren, E. , fl. 1828 . 299 Van Beuren, Henry, fl. 1806 299 Van Beuren, Hoffman, fl. 1820 299 Van Beuren, Joseph J. , fl. 1824 299 Van Beuren, M. , fl. 1806 . 299 Van Beuren, P. B. , fl. 1822 299 Van Boskerke, John, fl. 1782 62 Van Boukel, P. J. , fl. 1783 109 Van Brant, fl. 1785 .... 299 Van Bure, Henderik, fl. 1759 95 Van Buren, A. A. , fl. 1829 299 Van Buren, John, fl. 1790 . 299 Van Buren, Martin, 1782-1862 .... 52, 191, 228 Van Buren, Peter, fl. 1831 299 Van Buren & Clow, fl. 1835 299 Vance, William, fl. 1781 . . 62 Van Cortland, Philip, 1739-1814 62 Van Dam, Rip, c. 1662-c. 1736 61 Vandebogart, Cornelius, fl. 1798 299 Vandebogart, Peter, fl. 1798 299 Vandebogart, R. , fl. 1850 . 299 Vandenberg, Arthur Hendrick, 1884-1951 .... 194 Vandenburgh, Jeremiah, fl. 1818 299 Vandeput, George, d. 1800 62, 268 Vanderbilt, John, fl. 1829 . 299 Vanderbilt, William H. , 1821-85 7 Vander Horst, Arnoldus, fl. 1781-96 109, 194 Vanderhoven, John, fl. 1781 62 Van der Neyden, Jacob .... 95 Vander Poel, A. B. , fl. 1817 299 Vanderpoel, Aaron, 1799-1870 52 Vander Poel, B. , fl. 1810 . 299 Vander Poel, J., fl. 1810 . 299 Vanderpool, James, fl. 1836 52 Vandersrott, S. O. , fl. 1867 36 Vander Velde, Lewis George . 285 Van der Werken, Johannis, fl. 1758 14 Van Deusen, H. & B 299 Van Deusen, J., & Co., fl. 1838 299 Van Deusen, James, fl. 1797 299 Van Deusen, John T. , fl. 1798 299 Van Deusen, Matthew, fl. 1799 299 Van Deusen, Nicholas, fl. 1789 299 Van Deusen, P. , & Co. , fl. 1838 299 Van Deusen, Peter, fl. 1831 299 Van Deusen, R. D. & J. , fl. 1840 299 Van Deusen, Robert, fl. 1822 299 Van Deusen, Robert A. , fl. 1766 95 Van Deusen & Gual, fl. 1847 299 Van Deusen & Reed, fl. 1835 299 Van Dewalker, S. , fl. 1845. 166 Van Dike, John, fl. 1780 . . 62 Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950 194 Van Dorn, Earl, 1820-63 ... 64 Van Dreissen, John, fl. 1740 . 4 VAN DUSEN - VAN VLECK 529 Van Dusen, Ann, fl. 1831 . 299 Van Dusen, D. , fl. 1818 . . 299 Van Dusen, P. D. , fl. 1817 299 Van Dyck, Henry, fl. 1769-73 2 Vandyck, Henry, fl. 1780 . 62 Van Dyke, Miss, fl. 1819 . 299 Van Dyke, A., fl. 1820 . . 299 Van Dyke, Paul, 1859-1933 285 Van Dyke, T. Nixon, 1803-post 1832 30 Vandyke, Thomas, fl. 1775 . 301 Van Dyke, William 191 Vane, Henry, see Darlington, 1st and 2nd earls of Vane, Sir Henry Ralph, 4th bart., b. 1830 .... 228 Vane-Tempest, Sir Henry, 1771-1831 67 Vanetten, fl. 1898 .... 125 Van Etten, M. , fl. 1797 . . 299 Van Garden, Mrs. Mary, fl. 1781 62 Van Hogen, William, fl. 1819 299 Vane Home, Cors., fl. 1734 194 Van Home, Gerrit, fl. 1734 194 Van Home, James, fl. 1801 299 Van Home, William C. , 1843-1915 7 Van Houghton, John, fl. 1781 62 Van Ingen, Dirck, fl. 1800 299 Van Loan, M. D. & B. . . . 299 Van Mater, Chrineyonce ... 62 Van Neck, Ger. and Jos., & Co., fl. 1808 250 Van Ness, C. P., fl. 1805 . 299 Van Ness, David, fl. 1793 . 299 Van Ness, G. B. , fl. 1798 . 299 Van Ness, Jacob, fl. 1798 . 299 Van Ness, John P., fl. 1799 299 Van Ness, John P., fl. 1829 87 Van Ness, William, fl. 1796 299 Van Nest, S. , fl. 1834 . . 166 Van Nortwich, Ira, fl. 1833 166 Van Nortwick & Miller, fl. 1817 299 Van Patten, C. C. , fl. 1873 299 Van Peth, John, fl. 1828 . 299 Van Rank, Cornelius, fl. 1798 299 Van Ranst, A. M. , fl. 1819. 299 Van Rensselaer, A. R. , fl. 1804 299 Van Rensselaer, J. R. , fl. 1799 299 Van Rensselaer, Jeremiah, fl. 1843 166 Van Rensselaer, K. K. , fl. 1807 299 Van Rensselaer, Maunsell, fl. 1840 299 Van Rensselaer, Peter, fl. 1802 299 Van Rensselaer, Robert . . 299 Van Rensselaer, Rusten, fl. 1804 299 Van Rensselaer, Sol. , fl. 1826 299 Van Ryn, Pierre, fl. 1845 228 Van Sassen, Abraham, fl. 1844 228 Van Schaack, David, fl. 1780 62 Van Schaack, Henry, d. 1823 62 Van Schaack, Peter, d. 1835 299 Van Schaick, Jacob, fl. 1764 4 Van Schaick, Sybrant G. , fl. 1757-70 4 Van Schajck, Jacob, fl. 1760 95 Van Siclen, H. K. , fl. 1865 36 Vansittart, Henry, 1732-1770 251 Vansittart, Nicholas, 1st baron Bexley, 1766-1851 67, 174 Van Slyck, Albert, fl, 1745 , 61 Van Steenburgh, Jacob B. , fl. 1815 299 Van Tassall, Frederick, c. 1750-c. 1823 299 Van Tyne, Claude H. , 1869-1930 191, 285 Van Valkenburgh, B. , fl. 1822 299 Van Valkenburg & Rossman, fl. 1838 299 Van Vechte, Ephriam, fl. 1733 299 Van Vechten, S. J. , fl. 1835 299 Van Vleck, A., Jr., fl. 1801 299 Van Vleck, Abraham J. , fl. 1800 299 Van Vleck, Henry, fl. 1816 . 299 Van Vleck & Can tine, fl. 1806 299 530 VAN VLIET - VERNON Van Vliet, Stewart, b. 1815 122 Van Voorhees, G. , fl. 1774 194 Van Wagener, Jacob, Jr. . . 62 Van Wickle, Evert, fl. 1798 299 Van Zandt, Margaret, fl. 1823 299 Van Zandt, W. T. , fl. 1848 52 Van Zandt, Wynant, fl. 1822 299 Vardill, Thomas, fl. 1779 301 Vardy, Aaron, fl. 1778 ... 62 Varennes, Pierre Gaultier de, see La Verandrye, sieur de Varganes, Ricardo, fl. 1898 125 Vargas, Hernando de, fl. 1606 184 Vargas, N. Anselmo. fl. 1867 ......... 74 Varick, Nicholas, fl. 1800. 299 Varick, Richard, fl. 1800 . 299 Varlo, Charles, 17257-96? 251 Varlo, Thomas, fl. 1767 . . 95 Varnum, C. , fl. 1829 . . . 244 Varnum, James Mitchell, 1748-89 109 Varnum, John, fl. 1835 . . 166 Varnum, Joseph Bradley, 1751-1821 20 Varravan, Juan G. , fl. 1867 74 Vasquez, Juan N. , fl. 1867 74 Vassal, John, 1738-97 ... 95 Vattas, John, fl. 1774 ... 95 Vaudreuil, Marquise de, fl. 1710 43 Vaudreuil, Pierre de Regaud, marquis de, 1698-1793. 95, 232 Vaudreuil, Philippe de Rigaud, marquis de,