s Got. tfSf-C cz z w < O C c <1) TS (A O A3 CD U < 2 L CD O i-H < O C Oi (1) *-» -H 03 O a c < C U> CO -P •H C X! ft) .c a, o. e >* < 7! 4h CO O (XI O TJ en c < co 4-. W O 0) x: < li. t*-t CO o u Xi CD 0) < f-i £ Quaternary Tertiary Cretaceous Pleistocene Pliocene Miocene Oligocene Eocene Paleocene Recent post-glacial stage Wisconsin drifts Not present in Kankakee area, Not present in Kankakee area. Jurassic Triassic Permian T Not present in Illinois Not present in Illinois Not present in Illinois McLeansboro Probably not present in Kankakee area. Pennsylvanian Carbondale Probably not present in Kankakee area. Tradewater and Caseyville Shale, coal, underclay, sand- stone, siltstone - in sinks Mississippian Chester (Upper Mississippian) Not present in Kankakee area. Iowa ( Lower Mississippian) Not present in Kankakee area. Proterozoic Archeozoic "Early Life" Devonian Silurian Ordovician Cambrian Not present in Kankakee area. Dolomite. Shale, limestone, and sand- stone Shale, limestone, and sand- stone Referred to as "Pre-Cambrian" Time. Metamorphic and crystalline rocks Plate COMMON TYPES of ILLINOIS FOSSILS Cup coral GRAPTOLITE CRINOID PENTREMITE Lithostrotion CORALS Honeycomb coral HK,"."'"//' tiiJ/i ''ijlim '.At 1 '*' / Archimedes Fenestella Branching BRYOZOA Lingula Orbiculoidea S pi r iter oid Productoid Pentameroid BRACHIOPODS Plate 2 Common Types of Illinois fossils "Clam" "Scallop" PELECYPODS Coiled cone (Nautilus) Straight cone CEPHALOPODS Low - spired High- spired Flat - spired GASTROPODS Bumastus Calymene (coiled ) OSTRACODS (greatly enlarged) Calymene (flat) TRILOBITES <=£*•■<