c X\\V?\e>\*.V)*\\ vovVrW . GVn6*\^ls tat U. o$ X. sVfesVu&o,^ l6n* VT\Vf\ ?m\C c ~P f M ' Board Meeting LOLA. ''I ■ June 22, 1944 LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF ILLL 'S CHANGES IH UNIVERSITY CEP ILLINOIS STATUTES DEFINING ACADEMIC STAFF The Director of the University (This recommendation Library has requested that librarians "be , (does not apply to included in the academic staff which would (all members of the result in removing their positions from the (Library staff, but classified University Civil Service* The (only to those in University Civil Service Committee has (the professional approved the proposal in principle* This (category of will require certain revisions in the (librarian.) University of Illinois Statutes* I concur and recommend further that the Statutes be amended as follows: (Note;. The language to be deleted is in brackets £"«/ an< ^ new language is underscored. These changes are in the University of Illinois Statutes approved March 10, 1936, and as subsequently amended.) Library 19 o (d) Members of the Library staff shall be appointed by the Board of Trustees on the recommendation of the Director of the Library as approved by the President, and may be given appropri- ate /academic^ rank* Appointments, Ranks, and Promotions 24* (a) All appointments, reappointments, and promotions of members of the staff shall be made by the Board of Trustees, on recommendation presented by the President* (b) Appointments shall be made on the merit basis, solely with respect to the special fitness of the individual for the work demanded in the position* (c) The academic staff which conducts the educa- tional program shall consist of the teaching staff, the research staff, the extension staff, deans, directors of educational de- partments, high school visitors, librarians and such other members of the staff as are designated by the President * The following ranks in the /academic/, teaching, research, and extension staffs shall be recognized: professor, associate professor, assistant professor, associate, instructor, lecturer, and assistant* Other members of the academic staff and the principal officers of the administrative staff may be accorded /anj appropriate /academic/ ranks, with the rights and privileges pertaining thereto* -3- (d) Recommendation to positions in the academic staff shall ordinarily originate with the department, or, in cases of groups not organized as departments, with the officers in charge of the work concerned, and shall he presented to the dean of the college for transmission with his recommendation to the President. In case the appointment or promotion of members of the rank of professor or associate professor is involved, the dean shall consult the chairman and the executive committee, or the head of the department concerned, or, if the college has no departments} the executive committee of the college, "before making his recommendation* If the appointment involves a person who may he expected to offer courses open to graduate students, the dean of the college concerned shall consult also the dean of the Graduate School. (e) In determining appointments to, and salaries and promotions in the academic staff, special consideration shall "be given to those of the following criteria which are applicahle ; (a) /Jo the/ teaching ahility £of the appointee or prospective agpointee_/7 Ob) [^£f research ahility and achievement, and (c) j/hijsT' general usefulness or promise thereof to the University* Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/changesinuniversOOuniv PROPOSED RULES GOVERNING TENURE FOR LIBRARY STAFF Tenure, promotion, demotion, etc. — after the expiration of a probationary period, staff members should have permanent and continuous tenure and their services should he terminated or demotions made only for adea_uate cause j promotions should be made on the basis of meritorious service. The same principles of tenure should apply to the library staff and the instructional staff. In order to keep the Library staff alert, interested, pro- fessional minded and devoted to the best interests of the institution, a feeling of mutual confidence must be maintained through. some guar- antee of financial security. This can best be attained by permanent, continuous tenure in positions. Therefore, after the expiration of a probationary period not to exceed three years, librarians should be sure of permanent and con- tinuous tenure and their services terminated only for adequate cause. 1. All initial appointments should be for one year, sub- ject to renewal if conditions are mutually satisfactory between em- ployer and employee. 2. After the initial appointment period, yearly renewals for the next two years may be expected; at the end of this time the work of assistants will be carefully reviewed. If the desired efficiency and development has been shown, a recommendation for promotion will be made. In case a re-appointment is not to be made, adeouate warning should be given and every assistance should be offered the assistant in finding another position. 3. After such promotion, an assistant will have the right to expect that his services will be terminated only for cause, even though under the rules of the University, appointments are continued from year to year under a contract legally binding for one year only. 4. After the probationary period the University Statutes, Sections 25, a,b,c, Tenure, will apply to the professional library staff: (a) An appointment as professor or as associate pro- fessor shall be for an indefinite term; provided, however, that when a person' s first appointment in this University is to a professorship, or an associate professorship, such appointment may be for any limited term, but a reappointment follow- ing shall be for an indefinite term. Appoint- ments below the rank of associate professor shall be made for a definite term. Tenure may be ter- minated by: (l) honorable retirement; (2) ac- ceptance of resignation; or (3) discharge for cause, "(b) Cause for discharge shall consist of conduct seriously prejudicial to the University through -2- deliherate infraction of law or commonly ac- cepted standards of morality, neglect of duty, or inefficiency or incompetency. The enumer- ation of causes for discharge shall not he deemed exclusive and the Board of Trustees re- serves the power to discharge a memher of the staff or to refuse to renew a contract of em- ployment for other causes, "but it is to "be distinctly understood that this power will he exercised only under exceptional circumstances and then only for conduct which is clearly prejudicial to the "best interests of the University. "(c) No appointee shall he removed "before the ex- piration of his term of service without first having "been presented with a written state- ment detailing the charges against him, to- gether with a summary of the evidence in support of the same. After the presentation of charges he shall have the opportunity of a hearing "before the Board of Trustees. 5. In all cases v/here a re-appointment will not he made, ade- ouate warning will he given and sufficient time allowed to secure another position. Notice that an appointment will not he renewed should he given "by Decemher 1st, as the American Lihrary Association has its mid-winter meeting the end of Decemher and opportunities for re-employ- ment occur at this time. 6. Termination of permanent or long term appointments "because of financial exigencies should he sought only as a last resort after every effort has "been made to meet the need in other ways and to find for the individual other employment in the institution. Situations which make drastic retrenchment of this sort necessary should exclude ex- pansions of the staff at other points at the same time, except in extra- ordinary circumstances. 7. Members of the Lihrary staff shall not regard the promise of permanent tenure as a guarantee of promotion in rank or salary which will he dependent on meritorious service. Initial appointments to he "based on 1. High educational Qualifications and professional training and experience. 2. Aptitude and special training in particular field of lihrary profession, 3. Promise of future development. 4. Personality. Promotions and salary Salary schedules, already estahlished on the hasis of careful study of the duties and responsihilities of each position shall he main- -3- tained and shall agree with the schedules for similar ranks of the teaching and research staffs. Promotion in salary dependent on: 1. Satisfactory performance in particular position. 2. Professional interest and growth evidenced. 3. Cooperation and general interest shown in the ^fJ^h^^^^XH development of the, library «<^ &U ^J^^OZ^^^f 1 ^^ 1 ^^/ Promotion in rank dependent on: 1. Excellent performance. 2. Amount of professional growth and interest shown. 3. Cooperation and general interest shown in the . . development of the library^-^^^^^-^^L™^ /Q^*^~~~^'*«~^ 4. Promise of future development. 5. Recommendations for such promotions in either salary or rank or both shall be made on merit only after a careful review of the perform- ance of the assistant in the position held, and his (or her) preparation and fitness for the proposed change. Servi ce shall be for a full year of twelve months with an allowance of one month for vacation, and salaries are to be paid in twelve eoual monthly installments. Vacations , in addition to all legal holidays, shall be one month (31 days) and if a legal holiday falls within the period, it shall be extra. Sick Leave ) shall be the same as for Disability Leave ) the teaching staff. Retirement Benefits ) Sabbatical leave shall be granted those librarians with the proper rank but shorter term* (2-3 months) leaves for advanced study or European travel shall be allowed with pay for the rank below that of Assistant Professor. This last is in accord with previous practice, a number of such leaves having been granted. Suitable time allowance shall be made for attendance at pro- fessional meetings as has been the custom in the past.