Return this book on or before the Latest Date stamped below. A charge is made on all overdue books. University of Illinois Library Vi* , ' I95C m - } 1950. L161 — H41 3-i \a FOUR FETTERS RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED TO THE WORKING MEN IF AMERDOA. “ Error of opinion may safely be tolerated , where reason is left free to combat it- * In times like the present, when the working men of the country hold its destinies in their hands, to wield them for good or ill, and when all men, even bankers, brokers, speculators and non-producers of every description, claim to be the exclusive friends of the laborer, it behoves them to look about with enquiring eyes, and after proving all things, to decide for themselves, who are their real and who their pretended friends. To aid them in this work we publish the following letters from prominent and distinguished men; and, that there may be no misapprehension of the first, we give also that to which it is a reply. Philadelphia, Aug. 20, 1840. To the Hon. M. Van Buren, President of the United States : Dear Sir — The undersigned, a portion of your fellow-citizens, request your answers to the following queries — Are you in favor of a Protective Tariff? Did you vote for, or support a property qualification for voters in the q Convention of New York? o Are you in favor of reducing the standard of Wages ? Whether you are in favor of the Secretary of War’s plan for organizing I the Militia ? These questions are not made for the purpose of unfriendly criticism,