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DAWSON UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN 451 CONTENTS PLAN OF THE STUDY 276 FACTORS STUDIED IN RELATION TO CAPABILITY.. 279 General Influence of 4-H Club Work 279 Boys 279 Girls 285 Adaptability to Farm Life 290 Boys 290 Girls 292 Special Training in School 294 Boys 294 Girls 304 Prize Winning in 4-H Club Work 313 Boys 313 Girls 315 Appreciation or Depreciation of Farm Life 316 Boys 316 Girls 318 Interest in the Possibilities of Farming and Farm Life 322 Boys 322 Girls 329 FACTORS STUDIED IN RELATION TO PERSONAL QUALITY 331 Attitudes Toward Farming and Farm Life 332 Ascendance or Submission 333 Boys 334 Girls 334 Social Behavior 335 Boys 335 Girls 336 Participation in Other Organizations 336 Boys 336 Girls 337 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 339 Capability 339 Personal Quality 340 LIST OF TABLES AND CHARTS.. . 342 Urbana, Illinois January, 1939 Publications in the Bulletin series report the results of investigations made by or sponsored by the Experiment Station 4-H Club Work: Effect on Capability and Personal Quality By D. E. LINDSTROM and W. M. DAWSON' URING the past fifteen or twenty years 4-H club work has become more and more widespread, so that thousands of boys and girls between the ages of ten and twenty are now enrolled in the clubs in Illinois twenty-three thousand of them in 1932, when the data for this study were gathered. Naturally the leaders of the movement have desired to discover, if possible, just how effective their work has been, and whether it is directed into the right channels. The present publication, an outgrowth of investigations made by a committee 2 appointed in 1930 to study 4-H club work in Illinois, analyzes (1) the extent to which 4-H club work increases the capa- bility of the members, if at all; and (2) the extent to which the work develops desirable personal qualities in the members. An earlier an- alysis, also based on the work of this committee, and dealing with the 'D. E. LINDSTROM, Assistant Chief in Rural Sociology; and W. M. DAWSON, formerly Assistant in Animal Husbandry, who was responsible for the more complicated statistical analyses, and has rendered other assistance in the prepa- ration of the manuscript. In addition to those whose connections with this study are shown in text or footnotes in the following pages, acknowledgment is due especially to Herbert Woodrow, Professor of Psychology, and C. W. Odell, Associate Pro- fessor of Education, for valuable suggestions and criticisms on certain phases of the study, particularly in relation to the multiple- factor analysis and the reliability of the tests; to G. S. Randall and Cleo Fitzsimmons, Specialists in Rural Youth Extension (formerly in Junior Club Work), for their aid in work- ing out methods to test the reliability of the achievement tests; and to L. A. Wilson, formerly accountant in the Business Office of the University, for his assistance in developing the methods of statistical analysis used, especially the factorial analysis method. Gerald Hudson, graduate student in Rural Sociology, L. H. Scott and Marshall Harris, formerly Assistants in the Departments of Psychology and Agricultural Economics respectively, and Donald Wroughton, student in Chemistry, also aided in the study. 'This committee, appointed by Dean Herbert W. Mum ford, consisted of the following persons: F. E. Longmirc, Assistant State Leader of Farm Advisers, Chairman; Mary A. McKee, Extension Specialist in Junior Club Work; E. I. Pilchard, Extension Specialist in Junior Club Work; Mary Louise Chase, Assistant State Leader in Home Economics Extension ; and D. E. Lindstrom. The committee secured valuable aid in its work from Coleman R. Griffith, Professor of Education; E. T. Hiller, Professor of Sociology; and from other members of these staffs. 275 276 BULLETIN No. 451 [January, factors which determine whether or not a boy or girl will become a member of a 4-H club, was published in 1936 under the title, "Selec- tivity of 4-H Club Work: An Analysis of Factors Influencing Mem- bership" (Bulletin 426 of this Station). PLAN OF THE STUDY In the study of the selectivity of 4-H club work reported in Bulle- tin 426, the general plan for the entire study was described. For the convenience of those readers of the present publication who might not have the first report at hand, the descriptions of the tests and of the boys and girls to whom the tests were administered are repeated here. Tests used. The objectives of 4-H club work may be broadly stated as being: first, to increase the capability of the boys and girls with reference partly to farm and home w r ork and partly to citizen- ship in the community ; and, second, to improve the personal quality of the boys and girls by developing or fostering desirable traits of character, social mindedness, honesty and integrity. In the present study it was found impossible to measure the ef- fectiveness of 4-H club work with regard to all of the points involved in these objectives. Measures were found or devised, however, which could be used with some degree of accuracy to indicate the effective- ness with which 4-H clubs are attaining some of the more important of these objectives. These measures were the following: 1 1. Achievement tests measuring the degree to which boys or girls have acquired a knowledge of better farm and home practices. 2. Attitude test measuring the attitude toward farm life. 2 3. Social-behavior test measuring tendencies to attend or take part in desirable or undesirable social functions. 4. Ascendance-submission tests 3 measuring reactions to various social situations and indicating probable abilities for leadership and self-confidence. 5. Organization index (number of organizations belonged to and offices held) showing something of the social inclination, leadership, cooperation, etc., of the individual. 'A more complete description of these is given later at points where they are specifically considered. 'The original attitude scale measured appreciation and depreciation of farm life (Attitude I). A new scale worked out from the same data measured interest in the possibilities of farm life (Attitude II). 'The Allport Ascendance-Submission Tests were used. 1939] EFFECT OF 4-H CLUB WORK 277 6. Prize index indicating the extent to which the individual has won prizes and awards. 1 In addition to these tests, each individual boy or girl in the study was given the Otis intelligence test ; and data were collected, by ques- tionnaires, on his status in the 4-H club, his age, occupational prefer- ences, self-rating attitude, agricultural training (both as to projects taken in 4-H club work and subjects taken in school), reasons for not belonging to a 4-H club or, in the case of past members, for dropping out, and the size of the family of which he was a member, number of brothers and sisters, nativity and occupation of parents, and socio- economic status of the family. Thus means \vere obtained for measur- ing nineteen factors which might influence the scores made on the measures of objectives. Subjects. Tests and measurements were administered to 2,301 boys and girls between the ages of 10 and 20 years 2 living in sixty communities in six counties 3 in a diversified- farming section of Illinois, a section in which 4-H club work had been carried on as long as in any part of the state. Usable sets of data were obtained on 2,263 subjects: Boy members 525 Boy past members 69 Boy nonmembers 446 Girl members 599 Girl past members 208 Girl nonmembers 416 Every effort was made to test comparable groups of members and nonmembers, for it was realized that any variation as, for example, in the age of persons taking the achievement test could be expected to influence the scores. The boys and girls were brought to a central place thru the agency of the farm and home advisers and the local club leaders. Each club member and each past member invited to the meeting was asked to bring an acquaintance who was not a member but who was of about equal age and advancement in school. In this way a fairly satisfactory 'The prize index was secured on members only, and hence could only be used to help measure differences between groups of members, e.g., those having high achievement scores compared with those having low achievement scores. *A few past members and nonmembers were older than twenty years, and a few others were a few months younger than ten years. "The authors acknowledge the cooperation and helpfulness of the farm and home advisers, county superintendents of public instruction, local public school superintendents, principals, and teachers, and the 4-H club leaders in these counties and communities in providing facilities and bringing the children together for the tests. 278 BULLETIN No. 451 [January, control group of nonmembers was obtained. By comparing the scores made by these comparable groups of members or past members and nonmembers it was believed that it would be possible to show the influence which 4-H club teaching had had on the members of the 4-H clubs. Furthermore, by comparing the scores of nonmember boys living in areas where no 4-H club work was available with the scores of members living in other comparable areas, one might arrive at a TABLE 1. SCORES OF FARM BOYS AND TOWN BOYS: AVERAGES MADE ON NINE VARIABLES BY MEMBERS AND NONMEMBERS Variable Scores of nonmembers Scores of members 135 town boys 309 farm boys Difference in favor of farm boys 57 town boys 527 farm boys Difference in favor of farm boys Age (months) . 173.9 100.1 23.7 36.3 9.7 4.9 31.4 45.0 10.3 173.8 99.2 28.8 34.9 7.8 4.2 31.4 47.5 10.8 - .1 - .9 +5.1 -1.4 -1.9 + .7* +2.5 + .5 180.2 98.8 29.5 35.1 10.7 4.2 53!7 10.6 183.1 98.3 39.1 35.8 10.6 3.8 37.8 59.4 10.7 +2.9 - .5 +9.6 + .7 - .1 + .4" +5:7 + .1 Intelligence quotient Achievement Organization index . ... Attitude I Attitude II Socio-economic status Social behavior A low score is a favorable score for Attitude I; the difference is therefore in favor of the farm truer measure of the influence of club work on members ; but in the present study the absence of a 4-H club was for so few nonmembers (only about 2 percent) the reason for not belonging to such a club, that it was not possible to make this comparison. Inasmuch as the sample of members included all 4-H members living in the community at the time the test was made, irrespective of their age or length of time in 4-H club work, it was felt that the sample was as nearly random as it was possible to get. Differences in the environment and the interests of boys and of girls made it necessary to give them different tests on achievement and on ascendance-submission, and consequently most of the data are reported separately for boys and for girls. Differences between the environmental conditions of rural boys and girls living in towns and villages and those living on farms might also be expected to affect their interests and consequently their scores in some of the tests. Some indication of the effect of such differences is shown in Table 1. In the present study, however, this point was measured only with respect to the achievements and attitudes of the boys. 1939] EFFECT OF 4-H CI.UB WORK 279 FACTORS STUDIED IN RELATION TO CAPABILITY From the standpoint of the objectives of 4-H club work the at- tempt to measure the capability of these boys and girls was probably the most important aspect of this study. The term "capability," as used thruout this study, means the knowledge or mastery of the farming and home-making practices taught in 4-H club work. Capability was measured by means of achievement tests and "prize indexes." An attempt was then made by means of analysis to measure the influence of several factors in determining achievement. These factors were: 4-H club training, general adaptability to farm life, agricultural or home-economics training in high school, and attitudes toward farm life and its possibilities. In general, capability as measured by both the achievement test and prize indexes was found to be increased by 4-H club work, especially among the boys who had not taken agricultural training in high school and the girls who had not taken home economics in high school. But the indirect effect of 4-H club training on capability (achievement), brought about by improving the adaptability of members to farm life or improving their attitudes toward farm life and its possibilities, was not so strong as was expected. General Influence of 4-H Club Work Boys. The boys' achievement test 1 consisted of one hundred true or false statements of farm practices concerning livestock (gen- eral), poultry, sheep, dairy, beef, swine, crops (general), legumes, long- row garden, corn, and potatoes. The total score given each paper was the number of statements marked correctly minus the number marked incorrectly. The reliability of this test was quite satisfactory (coeffi- cient of reliability was -f- .843 when corrected by Brown's formula 2 ), considering the reliability usually obtained for tests of a similar nature. Scores made by the boys on the achievement test were distributed in approximately a normal curve, tho there was a slight skewness toward the lower scores. Distribution of scores made by members, however, differed significantly from the distribution of scores made by nonmembers (Fig. 1). The average score for members was 38.45, while that for nonmembers was 27.34. The average difference was thus 'Prepared by Marshall Harris, formerly Assistant in Agricultural Eco- nomics, in consultation with specialists in junior club work and with staff members in the subject-matter departments. 2 The reliability coefficient was worked out by G. S. Randall, Specialist in Rural Youth Extension (formerly in Junior Club Work). 280 BULLETIN No. 451 [January, 11.11 .768, which is 14.5 times its probable error and therefore statistically significant. 1 This marked difference in scores is evident thruout practically the whole range of the two distributions shown in Fig. 1. Distribution of scores of past members, not shown in Fig. 1, was usually intermediate between those of members and nonmembers. That the achievement scores of member boys were, on the average, definitely higher than those of the nonmember boys might at first be 30 313 BOYS ACHIEVEMENT SCORES MEMBERS NONMEMBERS O-IO 11-20 21-30 31-4O 41-5O 5f-6O 61-70 71-8O SCORE FIG. 1. DISTRIBUTION OF SCORES MADE BY BOYS ON ACHIEVEMENT TESTS taken to indicate a marked effect of 4-H club training. But before a conclusion of this sort can be safely drawn, other possible differences in the two groups which might affect the achievement score should be ascertained and weighed. That the member and the nonmember groups did differ significantly in age, organization index, Attitude I (appre- ciation or depreciation of farm life), socio-economic status, Attitude II 'A difference three times its probable error is usually considered significant in statistical procedure (see Bulletin 423, p. 253). 1939] EFFECT OF 4-H CLUB WORK 281 TABLE 2. BOY MEMBERS AND NONMEMBERS: AVERAGE SCORES ON TWELVE VARIABLES Variable Members (total number = 525) Nonmembers (total number = 446) Difference* D/P.E. A Years in 4-H club 2.65 .043 B Size of family 6.11 .063 5 93 069 + 18 093 1 9 c Age (months) 182.60 .758 174.09 769 4- 8 51 1 080 7 9 D 98 47 + 384 99 56 + 437 1 09 574 1 9 E Achievement 38.46 .552 27.34 515 + 11 12 768 14 5 F Ascendance-submission 35.99 + .391 35.26 .456 + .73 607 1 2 G Organization index .... 10.66 .226 8 37 212 + 2 29 310 7 4 I K Parental organization index Attitude I 4.33 .221 3 77 + 048 3.41 .134 4 45 059 + .92 .258 + 68 b 071 3.6 9 6 L Socio-economic status . . . 59.38 .562 47.17 .609 + 12 21 + 829 14 7 M 10 72 043 10 57 + 053 + 15 068 2 2 N Attitude II 37.53 033 32 66 043 + 4 87 275 17 7 A positive sign indicates a difference in favor of members; a negative sign, in favor of nonmembers. b A low score on Attitude I indicates a more favorable attitude than a high score; consequently the difference here is in favor of members. (interest in the possibilities of farming), 1 and possibly in parental organization index is clearly shown in Table 2. Also the simple corre- lation coefficients and the standard regression coefficients (Tables 3, 4, and 5) show that some of these factors, notably age and intelligence, were quite highly correlated with achievement. Some differences in scores were found between town and farm boys (Table 1), but these were not sufficiently significant to warrant separate analyses. It is interesting to note, however, that farm boys both members and nonmembers had higher achievement, socio-eco- nomic, Attitude I, and social-behavior scores; that town boys had higher organization indexes and intelligence quotients; and that farm- 'The attitude test originally administered to measure appreciation or depre- ciation of farm life revealed practically no association between attitude and achievement. Upon further analysis, however, it was found that the attitude test measured more than one attitude and that one of these tentatively named "interest in the possibilities of farming and farm life," and referred to as Attitude II, was associated with achievement. This second attitude is the one used in this part of the analysis rather than the attitude expressing appreciation or depreciation of farm life. In calculating Attitude II two different sets of weightings for the statements were used. One system was based on factor loadings obtained by a factor analysis which included 22 statements from the original list of 24 (see footnote to Table 27, page 330), and other variables as listed in Table 23, page 321. Since the number of years in a 4-H club is one of the variables included, it is likely that the use of this rating scale for non- members is faulty. For this reason another system of scoring Attitude II, whereby the score was obtained by a factor analysis using only the 22 statements themselves, was worked out. Comparable factors were used in these two scoring systems on the basis of the criterion used in identifying Attitude II; namely, the relative sizes of loadings on statements, as indicated on page 321. Differences in means of Attitude II in the various tables are explained by this use of different methods in obtaining scores. See page 317, footnote 2, for a list of statements used. 2S2 BULLETIN No. 451 [January, x X u Q o: C- O 2; c CN ^ rsi rN (s ^c f*^ *J* O OOO OOOOO ft- S822ooooo : t- 4-4-4-4-4- 1 4-4-4- 1 : "2 1 1 4-4- 1 4-4- 1 4- : ~2 fSxiO^'- i r s ) ( O **^ ** ooo S2o f>o 1/5 < ts tst^ts o oo 4- 1 4- 1 4- ' ' ' "> i 4-4-4- :::::: 4-lf) **"> >Oi/> . ... x \r> 55 ::::::: fO 4- 14-4- ::::::: *% i 4-4- ::::::: t^ MI-. SgS :::::::: ^ 2S :::::::: MI :::::::: 2 z ii :::::::: 2; Soo G oo (N c 4- ::::::::: * o M i :::::::::: r " N "> ao O <> oo M r~ 00 00 O> ++++++++ i + : ">s; * \O >O 01 ~* t~ X ~* f^> IO fN lflO +++++ :::::: -2 SS!|2 ::::::: ++!+::::::: 2$ ESS :::::::: +++:::::::: S5 8S ::::::::: +i ::::::::: 2 S :::::::::: + :::::::::: SS U1O (M ti ;x and trainir 3 c j 2 : : p o 1 1 .1 3 o .) * u - : : s lll|pli| l S =g-p.23si-S.-3 .2 |5s||gS|J|2 | T> Petrachoric correla (4 o c 284 BULLETIN No. 451 [January, boy members had higher ascendance-submission scores than town-boy members, but that the ascendance-submission scores made by the farm-boy nonmembers were lower than those made by the town-boy nonmembers. When comparing scores made by town-boy members and town-boy nonmembers, differences in achievement, organization index, socio-economic status, Attitude I, and age were in favor of the members. The sample was so small, however, that caution should be exercised in drawing conclusions from these findings until they are tested by use of larger samples and more refined methods of analysis. TABLE 5. BOY MEMBERS AND NONMEMBERS: ASSOCIATION OF VARIABLES WITH ACHIEVEMENT 8 AS INDICATED BY THE RATIO OF EACH STANDARD REGRESSION COEFFICIENT TO THE SuM b OF THE STANDARD REGRESSION COEFFICIENTS Variable Members (525) Nonmembers (446) Standard regression coefficient Percentage Standard regression coefficient Percentage Years in 4-H club + .14426" + .00790 + .49867' + .42265" + .01982 + .05890 -.01687 + .10225d -.03036 + .05201 1.35369'' 10.7 .6 36.8 31.2 1.5 4.4 1.2 7.6 2.2 3.8 100.0 'i!i 37.3 35.2 3.1 5.7 .1 7.1 2.8 6.3 100.0 -.03081 + .47829 + .45245* -.04064 -.07296 -.00080 + .09109 + 1.143K + .671A/ 121.090 E = 38.445 Nonmembers = .309C + .537/J + 1.51 IK + .700M 93.933 E = 27.343 Members K = .010JE +.172A + 2.933 K = 3.773 Xonmembers K = .015 .068G + 4.629 K 4.525 1939} EFFECT OF 4-H CLUB WORK 285 It is interesting to note, however, that a multiple correlation of -}- .826 was obtained between achievement as the dependent variable, and age, I.Q., number of years in 4-H club work, organization index (not including 4-H club), high-school training in agriculture, social behavior, ascendance-submission, socio-economic status, prize index, and Attitude II (interest in the possibilities of farming). This high correlation indicates that a considerable part of the variability in achievement scores can be accounted for by the relation existing between these variables and achievement. Simple correlations be- tween achievement and these various factors, obtained by using the scores of the 527 farm-boy members and past members, were: training, -f- .618; age, -(- .597; organization index, -(- .436; I.Q., -\- .393; years in 4-H club work, -f .355; and Attitude II, + .353 (Table 4). These variables apparently were responsible for the high multiple correlation (-f- .826), and consequently for most of the variability in achievement scores. Thus, even tho the members' achievement scores were significantly higher than the nonmembers' achievement scores, the conclusion cannot be drawn that 4-H club work was entirely responsible for the difference. Girls. The girls' achievement test 1 consisted of 90 exercises of three choices each 36 exercises on clothing, 36 on foods, and 18 on room improvement. 2 When corrected by Brown's formula, the coeffi- cient of reliability for the girls' achievement test was -f- .883. 3 Girl members made slightly higher achievement scores than girl nonmembers (Fig. 2). The average scores were for members 46.22 .415, and for nonmembers 44.26 .628 (Table 6). The difference of 1.96 .628 is probably significant, being 3.1 times its probable error. But inasmuch as the two groups differed significantly in age, ascend- ance-submission, parental organization index, Attitude I (appreciation or depreciation of farm life), and socio-economic status (Table 6), it was necessary to determine the relationship between these other variables and the achievement score before drawing conclusions upon the amount of differences in achievement or the extent to which these differences were due to 4-H club membership. 'Prepared by Cleo Fitzsimmons, formerly Extension Specialist in Junior Club Work, in consultation with staff members in the subject-matter departments. Achievement, as originally scored, equaled the number of statements marked correctly minus the number marked incorrectly. Where the term "total achievement" is used, the score equals the number of statements marked correctly minus half the number marked incorrectly. The correlation between these two methods of scoring is very high (+ .928). 'Calculated by Cleo Fitzsimmons, using total achievement scores. 286 BULLETIN No. 451 [January, TABLE 6. GIRL MEMBERS AND NONMEMBERS: AVERAGE SCORES ON TWELVE VARIABLES Variable Members (n = 599) Nonmembers (n = 416) Difference* D/P.E. A Years in 4-H club . . . 2.29 + .038 B 5 83 + .059 6.14 + .075 .31 .095 3 3 c 167.61 + .665 172.50 + .803 -4.89 + 1.043 4.7 D Intelligence quotient 103.84 + .370 101.89 + .440 +1.95 .575 3.4 E 46.22 + .415 44.26 + .471 +1.96 + .628 3 1 F Ascendance-submission 48.49 + .377 45.60 + .472 +2.89 .604 4.8 G Organization index. .... 9.35 + .185 8.56 + .209 + .79 .279 2.8 I K Parental organization index Attitude I 6.07 + .181 4.13 + .049 4.08 + .170 4.53 + .062 +1.99+ .248 + .40 + .078 8.0 5.1 L 54.54 + .579 48.50 + .679 +6.04 + .892 6.8 M 10.80 + .041 10.71 + .051 + .09 + .654 .1 N Attitude II 38.61 + .016 d 38.57 + .032 + .04 .219 .2 A positive sign indicates a difference in favor of the members; a negative sign, in favor of the nonmembers. ''Achievement as originally scored (see footnote 2, page 285). C A low score on Attitude I indicates a more favorable attitude than a high score; consequently the difference here is in favor of the members. d No distinction is made in this score between members and past members. There were 768 girls in this group. The girls' achievement scores were positively related to Attitude II (interest in the possibilities of farm life), as was true also of the boys' achievement scores. For girl members and past members the correlations of total achievement with each of 16 other variables were as follows: Coefficients of correlation with total achievement Years in 4-H club +.310 Age +.566 Intelligence quotient ' +.408 Achievement (as originally scored) +.928 Ascendance-submission +.169 Organization index +.438 Attitude I +.224 Socio-economic status .062 Social behavior +.063 Attitude II +.458 Prize index +.278 School training +.219 4-H training in clothing +.344 4-H training in foods +.094 Clothing achievement +.845 Foods achievement +.865 According to the foregoing simple correlation coefficients and those in Table 7, the achievement scores of both members and nonmembers were positively related to age, I.Q., and organization index, and the scores of the members were positively related also to number of years of membership in a 4-H club. Attitude II was also correlated positively with achievement in a combined sample of girl members and past members (Table 8). Both age and I.Q., of the girl members were significantly correlated 1939] EFFECT OF 4-H CLUB WORK 287 with achievement, according to the standard regression coefficients obtained by using achievement as the dependent variable (Table 9). Age, I.Q., and organization index of the nonmembers also appeared to be significantly correlated with achievement when the other variables 20 LJ i 5 GIRLS ACHIEVEMENT SCORES O-K> 11-20 21-3O 31-40 4I-5O 51-60 61-70 71-BO SCORE FIG. 2. DISTRIBUTION OF SCORES MADE BY GIRLS ON ACHIEVEMENT TESTS were controlled. It must be remembered, however, that the statistical control used in obtaining these coefficients was based on the assumption that the so-called independent variables were not intercorrelated which in this case was not entirely true (Table 7). But since most of these intercorrelation coefficients are quite low, the standard regression coefficients may be considered to indicate the relationship which actually existed. When age, I.Q., organization index, and Attitude II were con- trolled, there were no significant differences between the achievement scores of girl members and of girl nonmembers. Such differences as occurred were largely in favor of the members, and the cases in which the differences approached significance were consistently in favor of the members (Table 10). 288 BULLETIN No. 451 [January, $ Si C U H O -H Tf (- i ++++++++ i : -2 +++ I + i + I I : -2 IO O 00 ^O *-< O 00 l* I"*- !!5251g : : * + I +++++++ : : SS i +++++++ : : ooo I/} O VO (N fS /> **) O OOOOO 00 f^ O O O T> cs ir> ' OOOO OO OM/5 +++ i++ I I : : : -"* I ++ I ++ I : : : ""* O 00 re \O ^ f*) CS BS2is i : : +++++++ : : : ** i i ++++ : : : ""* f> 't f} * O~5too Oro 5 VO I S ::::::::: t<5lO i ::::::::: O oo W- i :::::::::: ""> N1 **] ^ ts Years in 4-H club Size of family Age Intelligence quotient Achievement* Ascendance-submission Organization index Parental organization index Attitude I Socio-economic status Social-behavior index rd deviation Size of family Age Intelligence quotient Achievement* Ascendance-submission Organization index Parental organization index Attitude I Socio-economic status . Social-behavior index rd deviation o c .OQHM-M.i o c c a 1939} EFFECT OF 4-H CLUB WORK 289 & Ii$^iisil31 +++++++ i ++++++++ Ov co t^ oo ^> fs t^> PO /) r^ "3OOOOOOOOO OO i +++++++ i I ++++ : z Id & t o* <> 00 f) Ov -H O w> O Id +++++++ I ++++ : : 'RODUCT-MOMENT CORRELATIONS BETWEEN S (768 girls) % O ++++++++ i ++:::::: *t co r^ ^ i/) ir> o t^ -^ oooooooo i +++ i ++ i ::::::::: ooooooo i i + i i + i :::::::::: Ug^NtOt^- TABLE 8. GIRL MEMBERS AND PAST MEMBERS: F to w Q U 3 .g 1 Years in 4-H club ... . +.301 +.009 +.301 +. 1 Age -.169 +.541 +.1 Intelligence quotient + . 362 + .0 Achievement* + . 1 Ascendance-submission Organization index Attitude I Socio-economic status Social behavior Attitude II Prize indext School trainingt 4-H training in clothingt 4-H training in foodst Clothing achievement Foods achievement Total achievement 'As originally scored. tTetrachoric correlations for variables O, P, Q, and R. ow*.ox^zo*.v^z> 290 BULLETIN No. 451 [January, Inasmuch as most of the girl members were somewhat younger than the nonmembers and yet had a higher average score, it would be expected, considering the above correlations, that differences in the achievements of girl members and nonmembers would be somewhat increased in favor of the members if the two groups were of compar- TABLE 9. GIRL MEMBERS AND NONMEMBERS: ASSOCIATION OF VARIABLES WITH ACHIEVEMENT" AS INDICATED BY THE RATIO OF EACH STANDARD REGRESSION COEFFICIENT TO THE SuM b OF THE STANDARD REGRESSION COEFFICIENTS Variable Members Nonmembers Standard regression coefficient Percentage Standard regression coefficient Percentage Years in 4-H club + .04849 + .01063 + . 55651* + .43529" + .05219 + .01303 + .04078 -.01290 -.03664 + .02375 1.23021b 3.9 .9 45.2 35.4 4.2 1.1 3.3 1.0 3.0 1.9 99.9 3!9 43.9 31.0 5.6 8.9 2.3 1.3 .9 2.1 99.9 + .04849 + .54156" + .382 34" + .06961 + .10976 d + .02860 + .01586 + .00981 -.02626 1.23229 b Intelligence quotient Ascendance-submission Organization index Parental organization index Attitude I Socio-economic status Social behavior Total Achievement score equals the number of correct answers minus the number of incorrect answers. b Arithmetical sum of the numbers without their signs. "Highly significant. d Significant. able ages. This increase would be partly offset if the groups were comparable in intelligence, but even so a slight increase in favor of members would probably remain. Adaptability to Farm Life Boys. By using the method of analysis developed by L. L. Thurstone 1 and modified by Herbert Woodrow and Lawrence A. Wilson, 2 achievement and the variables mentioned as having the higher simple correlation coefficients with achievement, except I.Q., were all found to be associated to a considerable degree thru a common factor which may be called "adaptability to farm life" (Factor I, Table 11). Only a slight association was found between this general factor of adaptability to farm life and I.Q. ; and in the factor analysis the latter was largely associated with a second factor which may be called an intelligence factor (Factor II, Table 11). Achievement, Attitude 'L. L. Thurstone, The Theory of Multiple Factors, Edwards Brothers, Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1933. 'Herbert Woodrow and Lawrence A. Wilson, "A Simple Procedure for Approximate Factor Analysis," in Psyclwinetrika, 1, 245-258, 1936. 79J9] EFFECT OF 4-H CI.UB WORK 291 TABLE 10. GIRL MEMBERS AND NONMEMBERS: DIFFERENCES IN AVERAGE ACHIEVEMENT SCORES* WHEN AGE, I.Q., ORGANIZATION INDEX, AND ATTITUDE II ARE CONTROLLED Group Number in group Age (months) I.Q. Organi- zation index Atti- tude II Achieve- ment scores P.E. Differ- ence D P.E. Nonmembers... 44 89 153.23 149 35 89.18 91 61 2.80 3 34 34.80 34 50 15.86 19 62 + 1.0192 7359 +3 76 2 99 Nonmembers. . . 4 12 155.00 145 50 100.00 92.08 3.00 4.25 45.00 43.33 26.75 19 67 3.6165 + 2 3454 -7.08 1.64 Nonmembers . . . Members Nonmembers. .. 6 31 4 6 155.33 147.87 162.50 157 33 93.67 93.65 93.50 97 67 10.33 11.74 11.00 13 00 35.33 34.23 45.00 43 33 22.67 21.45 29.00 25 83 3.1129 1.6335 2.6410 2 2200 -1.22 -3.17 .35 .92 Nonmembers. . . Members 46 104 145.57 147 00 113.89 112.94 3.85 4.37 34.96 35 35 27.63 28 16 1.1693 6726 + .53 .39 Nonmembers. . . Members 15 30 149.87 154 13 115.00 117.00 6.00 5.00 43.73 44. 10 34.27 39 60 2.1043 1 . 3468 +5.33 2.13 Nonmembers. . . Members 22 56 147.82 148.68 119.41 114.21 11.77 12.57 36.63 35.84 30.68 30.34 1.7199 + 1 .0192 - .34 .17 Nonmembers. . . Members 6 25 159.00 154 16 119.00 117 28 11.33 12 44 42.50 43 56 41.67 36 92 2 . 1400 + 1 5674 -4.75 1.79 Nonmembers. . . Members 62 60 184.35 183 70 91.22 90 47 4.66 5 18 35.40 35 35 28.42 31 53 .7592 + 1 0975 +3.11 2.33 Nonmembers. . . Members Nonmembers. . . Members . 14 38 34 74 184.00 188.95 190.82 190 38 95.21 93.58 92.53 93 53 5.00 5.24 14.82 13 68 44.14 43.71 36.41 36 32 30.93 36.63 33.82 35 41 1.9479 1.3262 1.0950 7275 +5.70 + 1.59 2.42 1.21 Nonmembers. . . Members . 28 53 190.71 194 60 95.00 94 26 14.04 16 47 44.54 43 55 40.00 41 04 + 1.4674 + 1 .0024 + 1.04 .59 Nonmembers. . . 13 38 187.38 184 16 107.38 108 76 5.38 5 21 36.23 36 58 34.69 39 32 1.3072 1 4674 +4.63 2.36 Nonmembers. . . Members . 14 23 185.00 186 70 108.07 111 65 5.00 5 91 44.36 45 13 38.50 45 09 1 . 7035 + 1 . 682 1 +6.59 2.75 Nonmembers. . . Members Nonmembers. . . Members 18 42 39 87 192.33 186.19 192.00 190.18 110.39 110.76 114.31 113.26 16.22 14.90 17.59 18.01 36.44 37.05 44.87 44.60 44.33 45.88 48.28 50.57 1 . 7470 .7829 1 . 1026 . 7835 +1.55 +2.29 .81 1.69 Achievement score equals the number of right answers minus half the number wrong. II (interest in the possibilities of farming and farm life), and social behavior were all associated to some extent with the intelligence factor; while the number of years in 4-H club work was quite definitely not associated with this factor, but rather was opposed to it. Tho in making the above analysis only the data pertaining to the farm-boy members and past members were used, it was considered probable that the results could be applied also to the data for the farm- boy nonmembers, at least to the extent of selecting the variables to be controlled. A similar analysis of the data for the farm-boy nonmem- 292 BULLETIN. No. 451 [January, bers confirmed the belief that the results would be comparable, as is shown by the following lists of factor loadings: 1 Factor I Variable Nonmembers Members Years in 4-H club work +.565 Age +.522 +.659 Intelligence quotient +.381 +.296 Achievement +.761 +.793 Ascendance-submission +.102 +.265 Organization index +.117* +.623" Socio-economic status .011 +.236 Social behavior +.151 +.120 Prize index +.329 Training +.433 +.605 Attitude II +.429 +.400 (The very marked difference between the size of loadings on organization index for the nonmembers and for the members is to be expected when the low score of the nonmembers is considered.) Only farm-boy members and past members of 4-H clubs (527) were used in the above factorial analysis, since the scores of the town boys differed in several respects from those of the farm boys. The 527 scores were those of 468 members plus 69 past members minus 10 incomplete on attitude (Table 16, page 301). Girls. Among both girl members and past members, achieve- ment (both total score and scores for parts of the test), age, number of years in 4-H club work, organization index, 4-H club training in clothing, and Attitude II were all associated to a considerable extent thru a common factor of a multiple-factor analysis 2 (Factor I, Table 12). This factor may be interpreted as a general-adaptability factor along the lines covered by the achievement test, and the above-men- tioned variables may be considered to be in a greater or less degree measures of it. On the other hand, social behavior, socio-economic status, and 4-H club training in foods appeared to have practically no association with this factor. None of the variables measured were highly opposed to it. Number of years in a 4-H club and amount of 4-H club training, particularly in clothing, formed in combination the second major factor (Factor II, Table 12) measured by the data. Achievement and I.Q. were opposites to Factor II, according to the signs of the loadings. 3 Number of years in 4-H club work apparently measures two things, since it carries high loadings of similar sign on both Factor I and Factor II. It is difficult to say just what each part does measure, J Not to be interpreted as correlation coefficients (see Bulletin 426, page 275). 'Similar to the multiple-factor analysis for boys (see page 290). 3 See footnote 1, page 281, and Tables 27 and 28, pages 330 and 331. 1939] EFFECT OF 4-H CLUB WORK 293 however, beyond the fact that one is associated with achievement and to a less extent with I.Q., while the other is not. No high degree of association between the total or original scores for number of years in 4-H club work and achievement would be expected, therefore, since one part of the score for number of years in 4-H club work tends to offset the correlation with achievement shown by the other part. TABLE 11. FARM-BOY MEMBERS AND NONMEMBERS: FACTOR LOADINGS DETERMINED BY FACTORIAL ANALYSIS OF ELEVEN VARIABLES (527 farm boys) Variable Loadings on Factor ! (+) Factor II*> (-) Years in 4-H club + .565 + .659 + .296 + .793 + .265 + .623 + .236 + .120 + .329 + .605 + .400 -.345 -.195 + .528 + .226 -.217 -.099 -.108 + .341 -.254 -.198 + .261 Age Intelligence quotient Achievement Ascendance-submission Organization index Socio-economic status Social behavior index Prize index Training Attitude II Factor I is interpreted to be a general factor for adaptability to farm life. b Factor II is interpreted to be an intelligence factor. TABLE 12. GIRL MEMBERS AND PAST MEMBERS: FACTOR LOADINGS DETERMINED BY FACTORIAL ANALYSIS OF SEVENTEEN VARIABLES (768 girls) Factor loadings on Factor I (+) Factor II b (+) Factor III" (-) Age + .584 + .080 + .537 Years in 4-H club + .509 + .674 + .004 Intelligence quotient + .340 -.359 -.524 Social behavior + .054 .026 + .002 Ascendance-submission + .256 + .101 + .110 Attitude I + .318 + .120 .283 Prize index + .388 + .197 .190 School training + .247 .025 + .185 Organization index + .539 -.017 .063 Clothing achievement + .786 -.210 + .068 Foods achievement + .803 .249 + .161 Socio-economic status -.077 .040 + .052 4-H training (clothing) + .500 + .554 + .112 Total achievement + .914 -.325 + .127 Attitude II + .526 .080 .095 + .183 + .231 061 Achievement (as originally scored) + .856 -.308 + .168 Factor I is interpreted to be a factor for achievement or general adaptability to farm life. "Factor II is interpreted to be largely a factor for length of membership in the 4-H club. Factor III relates age negatively with intelligence and attitude. 294 BULLETIN No. 451 [January, According to the loadings for Factor III, Table 12, age had as opposites I.Q. and Attitude I (appreciation or depreciation of farm life). Since there is no correlation between age and I.Q., this opposite relation between I.Q. and Attitude I is further evidence of the lack of association between Attitude I and achievement ; indeed it indicates that among the older girls the negative correlation between these two variables is higher than among the younger girls, which in turn im- plies that the farther a girl advances in 4-H club work the less attractive farm life, as she has known it, becomes to her. Special Training in School Boys. The greatest differences in achievement scores were between members 1 and nonmembers who had not studied agriculture in high school. In general, members of 4-H clubs had higher average achievement scores than comparable nonmembers. This fact is clearly shown in the comparison of groups of members and nonmembers formed by controlling the other variables associated with achievement. The groups selected were as nearly comparable as was feasible with regard to age, I.Q., Attitude II, organization index, agricultural train- ing in high school, and occupation of the fathers (Tables 13 and 14). Differences in Total Scores. In eleven of sixteen comparisons between members and nonmembers who had not studied agriculture in high school the members had the higher achievement scores. Furthermore in five of the eleven comparisons in favor of the mem- bers the differences were statistically significant, while in none of the five comparisons in favor of the nonmembers did the differences even approach significance. The groups having the most significant differ- ences were distributed apparently at random so far as age, I.Q., Attitude II, and organization index were concerned. Thus for those who had not studied agriculture in high school there was a real differ- ence in achievement in favor of the members, a difference which is not associated with age, I.Q., Attitude II, or organization index. In nine of fifteen comparisons between 4-H club members and nonmembers who had studied agriculture in high school the members had the higher achievement scores. Tho the numbers in these groups were too few to determine the statistical significance of these differ- ences, there was some indication that members tended to have higher achievement scores than nonmembers even when both groups had studied agriculture in high school. The difference was much less 'No distinction is made between members and past members in the rest of the discussion on boys' achievement. The combined group is referred to as members. 1939} EFFECT OF 4-H CLUB WORK 295 TABLE 13. FARM BOYS WHO HAD NOT HAD AGRICULTURE IN HIGH SCHOOL: DIFFERENCES IN AVERAGE ACHIEVEMENT SCORES WHEN VARIABLES ASSOCIATED WITH ACHIEVEMENT ARE CONTROLLED" Group Num- ber in group Age (months) I.Q. Atti- tude II Organi- zation index Achievement score Difference D P.E. Members 58 158 86 27.4 3.1 19.1 1.22 + 3.6 1.52 2 4 Nonmembers . . . 54 24 160 163 86 87 24.2 26.6 3.2 11.3 15.5 .90 18.2 1 .98 2 6 2 60 1 Nonmembers. . . 20 28 162 166 90 90 29.7 36.6 11.8 4.9 20.8 1.68 24.7 1.83 1 2.99 3 Nonmembers. . . Members 24 14 164 171 93 92 37.1 36.6 3.5 12.3 25.7 2.36 34.3 2.02 +11.5 3.58 3.2 Nonmembers. . . Members 12 32 169 147 92 111 37.3 28.6 11.9 4.1 22.8 2.95 26.1 1.24 - 1.1 2.02 .5 Nonmembers. . . 36 20 158 164 108 108 23.2 27.7 3.9 14.0 27.2 1.60 34.5 1.96 3 1 2 92 1.1 Nonmembers. . . 17 29 167 159 112 112 30.1 37.7 11.9 3.5 37.6 2.17 39.4 + 1.73 +10.1 2.56 4.0 Nonmembers. . . Members 22 18 157 172 114 111 37.3 38.7 4.3 13.9 29.3 1.89 41.9 1.36 + 8.1 2.48 3.3 Nonmembers. . . Members 16 18 169 197 113 86 38.1 28.4 13.7 4.9 33.8 2.07 32.7 1.75 + 7.6 3.98 1.9 Nonmembers . . . Members 7 15 194 198 89 89 28.3 27.9 4.9 15.7 25.1 3.58 35.5 3.39 + 17.2 3.80 4.5 Nonmembers . . . 7 17 206 200 86 89 27.1 38 1 15.0 4.4 18.3 1.72 35.2 + 2.81 - .7 3.86 .2 Nonmembers . . . Members 14 19 200 203 91 90 38.9 38.8 4.8 16.0 35.9 2.65 39.0 + 2.28 + 9.1 3.76 2.4 Nonmembers. . . Members .... 13 5 203 191 91 108 38.5 28.6 16.5 2.8 29.9 2.99 44.8 2.37 + 3.6 3.13 1.2 Nonmembers. . . Members 4 16 190 205 102 108 29.8 31.1 6.0 16.7 41.2 2.05 48.9 2.26 +12.7 3.31 3.8 Nonmembers . . . Members 9 17 204 204 113 110 28.7 39 2 17.1 5.1 36.2 2.42 46 . 5 + 1 . 80 + 11.8 4.22 2.8 Nonmembers. . . Members 7 39 198 205 110 111 35.1 37.6 3.0 18.6 34.7 3.82 51.2 1.54 + 5.4 2.88 1.9 Nonmembers. . . 12 202 113 40.5 16.2 45.8 2.43 The control consisted of dividing the scores made on each variable into two groups. The division was made at approximately the average score for the member boys. marked, however, among those who had agricultural training in school than among those who had no such training. When members and nonmembers were compared by using the sum of the differences in achievement scores for all the groups, both with and without agricul- tural training in school, the average difference was 5.4 points in favor of the members. This higher average score by the members held true both when the differences for the groups were given equal weightings and when they were weighted according to the proportion of number of boys in the group to the total number in the sample. The odds that this difference is real are approximately 390 to 1. 296 BULLETIN No. 451 [January, TABLE 14. FARM BOYS WHO HAD HAD AGRICULTURE IN HIGH SCHOOL: DIFFER- ENCES IN AVERAGE ACHIEVEMENT SCORES WHEN VARIABLES ASSOCI- ATED WITH ACHIEVEMENT ARE CONTROLLED* Group Number in group Age (months) I-Q. Attitude II Organiza- tion index Achieve- ment score Differ- ence 3 168 89 28 3 5.3 28 7 3 7 Nonmembers .... Members ... . 5 5 168 174 93 94 29.6 28.0 3.4 16.8 32.4 39.8 +10 8 Nonmembers .... Members Nonmembers. . . . 3 5 2 5 173 166 181 178 92 94 98 92 31.5 39.8 37.5 38 8 11.3 7.2 4.5 14 8 19.0 32.2 47.5 48 6 -15.3 + 96 Nonmembers .... 1 2 182 168 84 104 39.0 19 5 19.0 5 39.0 44 4 5 Nonmembers. . . . Members 2 4 165 169 119 104 30.5 27.2 3.0 13.2 48.5 43.2 Nonmembers. . . . 3 169 106 37 7 5 40 4 Nonmembers. . . . 2 7 179 177 104 111 39.0 42 6 3.5 17 1 44.0 59 7 +25 7 Nonmembers .... 1 8 178 195 110 90 37.0 26 1 23.0 4 6 34.0 42 6 7.2 Nonmembers .... Members . . 4 17 208 206 92 91 30.2 30 8 7.0 17 4 49.8 52.5 +12.5 Nonmembers .... Members 1 12 194 206 88 90 30.0 39.5 14.0 4.3 40.0 49.4 +23.4 Nonmembers. . . . 1 38 192 208 92 91 37.0 38 9 1.0 17 4 26.0 51 3 + 10 3 Nonmembers .... 3 2 201 188 93 106 40.0 27 5 17.7 4 5 41.0 59 5 + 9.5 Nonmembers .... Members 4 14 194 205 112 109 29.0 30 7 6.0 19.9 50.0 59 9 +11.4 Nonmembers. . . . Members 2 4 204 201 124 107 27.5 40 8 12.5 8 5 48.5 59.2 8.8 Nonmembers. . . . 1 28 186 202 119 108 51.0 39 4 5.0 17 8 68.0 62 3 + 16.6 Nonmembers. . . . 3 205 107 42.0 14.0 45.7 The control consisted of dividing into two groups the scores made on each variable. The division was made at approximately the average score for the member boys. Differences in Subject-Matter Scores. A still further study was made of the differences in the achievement scores of members and nonmembers on the eleven different sections of the achievement test. 1 J The divisions of the test were scored by subtracting half the number of wrong answers from the number of right answers and adding a constant to eliminate negative scores. Since in omitting a few ambiguous statements men- tioned, some of the divisions were left with more statements than others, the constant added was not the same for all divisions, but was arbitrarily taken as the number of statements left in the division (general livestock, swine, and corn, 10 ; poultry, sheep, beef, general crops, long-row garden, and potatoes, 9; dairy and legumes, 8). 1939] EFFECT OF 4-H CLUB WORK 297 Comparisons were also made between members who had carried on a 4-H club project in the particular subject covered by the division and those who had not. For example, the average score made on the beef- cattle section of the achievement test by members who had carried on a 4-H club beef project was compared with the average score on the same section by members who had not carried such a project (Tables 15 and 16). The largest and most significant differences in favor of 4-H club training were in the beef, sheep, and corn divisions of the test. This was especially true where the scores of members who had had a 4-H club project in the subject matter of the division were compared with the scores of members who had not. Among the boys who had not studied agriculture in high school the 4-H club members who had not carried on a 4-H project in the subject matter of the division studied (Table 15) made higher scores in all eleven divisions of the achievement test than the nonmembers. In five of the eleven divisions (general livestock, poultry, general crops, legumes, and corn) the differences were definitely significant. In four of the remaining six divisions (sheep, beef, long-row garden, and potatoes) the differences were at least 2.3 times their probable errors, and therefore on the border line of statistical significance. Thus only in the dairy and swine divisions were the differences in favor of the members definitely too small to be significant. In all these comparisons the numbers in the groups were large, ranging from 226 to 407 boys per group. The average ages, intelligence quotients, organization indexes, Attitude II scores, and number of years in 4-H club work given in the tables for each group indicate that the groups were quite comparable in respect to these variables. Also among those who had not studied agriculture in high school, the 4-H club members who had carried on a 4-H club project in the subject matter covered by the division of the achievement test being scored made higher scores than the nonmembers in the eight divisions on which comparisons could be made. In the sheep, beef-cattle, swine, and corn divisions the scores of the members were significantly higher. The average difference for the eight divisions was 1.05 points. But when nonmembers were compared with members who had not had a 4-H club project in the subject matter covered by the division the average difference was only .47 points. Tho these averages were unweighted by the number of boys in the different divisions, they indicate that having a 4-H club project in a particular subject helped a boy make a better score on that subject. 298 BULLETIN No. 451 [January, u cu 1 5 X X O CM 1/5 <* * vO O tS CM AVERAGE Difference -H >o ~ t * H -H -H 00 *"O ^* + + 1 -H -H -H 233 -H -H -H X X O t^ \S in H 'c o go i/> o 1/5 91 O\CM (N Os oo> xo- xo O CMO CM Z en W w .DO:: X U-5 H-H s% -H-H -H-H -H-H -H-H -H-H -H-H O>O> X XOv X^ CMTj< CMX H-H -H-H -H-H U. H (J t^CM *fj -*"5 <")< ^^ w> PO 00 00 OO fe * QH .. w 3 | X 0") 0 0>0 t-0 -0 \o >o o - u ^l 1 fO CM ss sa ss IT) t*- t*- t*~ t^ /) S SR 5^ 2J5 1/5 * X X-* * X X^C ^ . ^ ^^ 5 CM CM CM CM CM CM CM - CMCM fS PO **5 (N ICULTURE 3 DIVISION Attitude II ral livestock ss 1 ;; S^ SS a V ov o>o a 0> OOv OCN Is <1 XTf 00 **3 ' O *"5 O CO X<5 OO OX x S o^ ox E$ I OYS WHO lEVEMENT Number in group ox El *8 ^S XX X X fJCM CM "> <*5 OC NO 00 O ^O W K j 3J| o o ; S '. So o ; D : So o ; s : So 3 H c. I O Members* Nonmembers 26 26 22 1| l| "II DO DO D D :2 :2 : : 26 el 22 g C g C g g 2 S 2S 22 g ^S ^^ 1 se DO DO D D Sz Sz SS 1939] EFFECT OF 4-H CLUB WORK 299 U oi Q O "^ O H -H o- O,O 10O IOO om O sfeg ijl IS y^ -H-H -H-H -H-H OOTf CST* fSOO -H-H -H-H -H-H Tf -H Mrt P^Tj" Ht^ \Ot^ -O -H-H "r) iW VOOO 10 <*JN f) CS 0^ 10 t^ fOtS *ow 5tS ^^ CS H ~* CM O-" ** * 1 >. c fS egumes "}* <>> :luded on nei B ffi < q S3 O*O 00 t"* 00 t^ 00 "5 00 * t^t^ 1 Number in group \O<^ t- \O O\ W O 00 O O> (S(N -(N - (S *cm 10 1*5 m'O CS 00 t^ 00 t^ 10 VO WJCN 5g **!-> ^g" *T| 1=3 o 8 $ o z : > : >z o 8 : So z . > . >z 1 1 c. 1 o :2 :i2 : : :J| :J{ : : 2 E iS 2 2 JiS ^S ^^ BZ B| H5 V S * O " " S2 SZ SS S2E el 2 jg ^^ si si ss 4> O O o * V sz sz ss Members Nonmembers Members Nonmembers 300 BULLETIN No. 451 [January, W CU I if, * o. a f, ts Difference 2 o -H +1 Ov ^ O tS l5 O + + 00 tS p> l -H -H -H n if t* t 00 + + + i- O C 0, +1 -H +1 /ex f*5 1O -H + + + B -. O"- CN o^. cs a o> log 1> =* > u.2 5 6> -H-H -H-H -H-H STf ro*t "5<> t OOt 0000 -H+l -H-H -H-H "C 1 * 00* 00>O >f> oo >ooo c\n -H+l -H-H -H+l ^ - r^ ^H (- ^ <* -* "Ot o f5<> f5f5 f)f> ^> CS * cs Tj-r^ oc oo oo *M ^ < > c O *~* OC f* 00 1^- >Of^ ^fo o> f*3 1/5 t~ 10 t^- f*5 (221 H o e (9 t~00 I/I 00 1/500 f>pg t^ cs 1*3 c-) i/l O- <*> O^ **3 1/> WtN t tS Tj- JO t~o> * a ^i^ rocs * JN **) BBS* rt . ifl lot f^ . ^ . _t5 * t^ t^Tj. 1 >.S cs ts csfs (S tO <*> (N fN CS Attitude II -row garden PO-H O"-! O>^ B C O U f)-< Tlr 1 1 E.S| 1 *^ ^^ *s rots : >-Z o 8 So fc : > : >z o 8 80 z : > : >z a I o !l il.ii eg ee s xi e .0 a J3J3 S H S H BS V o V O V V SZ SZ SS II 11 11 el el ES V o *> O v v Sz Sz SS :2 :c : : . u .V . . .a -^ EE 2E 22 is is ii ii i ES - ~ - ; V V SZ SZ SS 1939] EFFECT OF 4-H CLUB WORK 301 w Ou Q es O P* O rs * (S <>< Difference H -H s + - <* -H -H -H W) 00 1O 00 O s + + + 1O 10 C Tji o oo -H HH -H 10 * 1 + + <5 1O O 10 10 10 -H -H -H 10 w> M <>->< T ' i Se c 2K csf^ O*f*> O>"5 00 fOOO W) 00 *fO 10") 10 TC t OOTf 00- f*) ^^ (^ -4 t^ f) fT* W5Tl< WJW) Sg >2i : 2 l> fe > ' y^ H-H 5S -H+l -H-H -H-H OO * 'loo >OOO O> 00 O* -H-H -H-H -H-H >o o 05 O5 >OrO lOO -H-H -H-H -H-H HO OO '^'H TC fO->>< t)rt < af? o 00 O>T ^ Ov 00 f*5 30 f*5 ^ 00 OOO O (S'-Sl moo *oo "loo m *t (^ t~ T)< ro O O>5 m 5 5 ?- (N o> o to M csfo o o>o ^^ >. m ff> ro w> . fO . (S SfO f*) . f> ") <*5 a a. Attitude II ral livestock o >"0 >. f? 33 S3 5S a f 1 en SvO OOvO OOQ W5 fOW5 ro^ 1 dry cattle 5S 5^ S3 inued on ne. q ij J Ov*t o>o> Ov-* Q-* Q'* O>O OO OO ^ Ti> TfO\ O>O O.O CJvOv P 00 O OOO 010 oo oa Table is con "2 Dtj MC 1 S2 M OOO OOO OO ts ts CSM OOt^ Ot- OOO 0100 oo o> inbt-rs also. < Number in group (NTf * >O'1 I 'O'l 1 W5 TffO ^1-00 M M O O<*5 O : >E o $ So z : > : >z o 8 So z : > : >-z nembers incl 0. 3 C - V 2 3 O Members* Non members . :2 :2 : : :J{ :J{ : : se zs -'!? JS| ^S ^^ ei e| p| l> O V O *> *> SZ SZ SS :| :| : : z e ze zs |g ^S ^^ 11 0| 55 v o v o f ^z ^z ?^ :e :e : : :Jj :J{ : : ea EE 22 ^s %% %z si sg ss V n V n V V SZ SZ SS | J3 302 BULLETIN No. 451 [January, w eu s * t~ 00 CN (N O- ^ S Difference oo o> w; TJ- M -H -H -H 4* et M 0k t* M + + 1 9 IA o >o m +1 -H -H !> * t^ fN * + + + IO +i O + IO * +1 S 1 r~^i ">*J> fOr~ f3 fN<> M tsO vOO >OO fS>O t^(N 1000 ^> 23 ill g.s i> g > 15 u'-3 -H-H -H-H -H-H >O (N ^fS **>O IOO rO "5>O -H-H -H-H -H-H r~ ts ^rs >ot^ w>^ oO'O oom +m C^CN -H-H S8 <" ff>t^> f^fs <5f) lO^f lO'* 1 >OIO && (N 3 u e TCOO O W O>* O>00 00 >a oo *i H o c ca 10 * ^lo iou> ioo ioi _ ir> lO'J' io>o >o>n i>o fOOO * t^ oo IO ^t s^- o w ooo O u~, 10 O P4 CM ^ ^ >.s * o r*5 . p*5 . r*; f*5 <) ro Qe a c. 6 Contir Attitude II :ef cattle re c c - r "><> *> ^"W5 8 I 1^ \o l^ ^O t^ l^ ps general VO'* ro<^ ^egurnes O-* fi o^o> >o ao o> O* Ov OO> OvO OvO O.O> g U *2 ?C V 3 fi * I OOO OOC OO tN tS- pgfS t^ tst^ CNO 00 OOO OO CN IN (N tN gg r fMCS OCN cs Number in group O : >z o S So z, : > '. >z 1 o z c. | :E :2 : : :i :J{ : : E 2E E ~ ;_ - _ - - ~ ^ -^ B| Si EE - r 01 o - - sz sz ss :E :E : : :J{ :J| : : EE - = - _. - -, V V - - Eg E| EE w S - - - S2 SZ SS Members Nonmembers . Members Nonmembers . 1939] EFFECT OF 4-H CLUB WORK 303 w Ou o r^ * Difference 3 -H c J WJ + + + *f ~* W *) -H -H -H S 3 S + 4- 1 -H + Sn c 2 2 O(N ** X U^ -H-H +1 -H S s 2 * r*5 O fO O 00 -H-H -H-H -H-H t>-^ \o *f * !/)!/) l/> IO IO >O f O^ O5 r^TC Tt T(< ^t (M ** '5 I t- 1 o B "5O (NOv fNf> 1O^ l/)*f l/)l/5 * CSOv fSTj" "T* ir>*f >n\n WJO "T* 2*^ N O Ocs * * > 1 >.5 U PO (NWJ fO W5 . 8 8 5 1 2 oo-O tio iom >ot^ . !??? I 1 1 E o u a j 03 $ Q j 901O t^lO 1^00 ao oo oo> r "- oom /: r- OvO O O>O> ss 4? I S N0 o> oo a. coo tN *"0 -*O t^. 10 - o<^ 4-H project in division o 8 So Z : > : >Z o $ So z ' > : >z 1 * a I O :iS :2 : : :& :& : : g 2 S Jig J$| ^^ g| 11 88 - ~ - r V V SZ SZ SS :2 :t : : ll l| 1! s= si ss u S u o '- "- ^x 2z SS Members Nonmembers 304 BULLETIN No. 451 [January, This same conclusion may be reached by comparing the scores of members who had had a 4-H club project in the subject-matter covered by the division, with the scores of members who had not, when neither group had studied agriculture in high school. In six of the eight divisions where comparisons could be made, the differences were in favor of the members who had had a 4-H club project, and there was no difference in one division (long-row garden). Signifi- cant differences occurred in the sheep, beef, and corn divisions. The average unweighted difference for the eight divisions was .58 point in favor of the members who had had a 4-H club project in the subject matter covered by the division being scored. This is probably a real difference, altho it is just under the border line that is usually con- sidered statistically significant, the odds being approximately 17 to 1 that the difference did not occur by chance. The results were not 'nearly so strong in favor of 4-H club train- ing when similar comparisons were made with the scores of the boys who had studied agriculture in high school (Table 16). While most of the comparisons favored the boys who had the most 4-H club training, none of the differences in the scores made on the separate divisions of the test proved to be significant. Taken together these differences probably do indicate a slight but real difference in favor of the boys who had taken 4-H club training. So few boys were included in some of the groups that even fair-sized differences could not be shown to be statistically significant. It appears from these results that in general the 4-H clubs had improved the boys' capability, as measured by the achievement test, especially the boys who had not taken agriculture in high school. In some divisions of the work, however, practically no improvement was indicated, possibly because in 4-H club teaching the emphasis has often not been placed upon those phases of the work which would enable the members to answer the achievement questionnaire correctly. Thus a boy might learn to fit a pig for the show ring and not be able to mark correctly a statement such as "Milk as a protein supplement to corn has no equal for growing pigs." Girls. According to a multiple correlation between the girls' achievement scores and the variables listed in Table 7, page 288, about half the variation in girls' achievement may be accounted for by differences in number of years of work in 4-H clubs, age, I.Q., ascendance-submission, and so forth. The multiple-correlation coeffici- ents obtained were .695 for the girl members and .669 for the girl nonmembers. In the correlation of boy's achievement scores with other variables, the amount of variation which could be accounted for was 1939] EFFECT OF 4-H CLUB WORK 305 materially increased by taking into account the question of agricultural training in high school, and consequently the data for the girls were subjected to a similar analysis involving the question of training in home economics in high school. Difference in Total Scores. Girl members (including past mem- bers) had in general somewhat higher total achievement scores 1 than nonmember girls. The average total achievement scores and other relevant data for the two groups were as follows: Total Organi- achieve- Num- Age zation merit Differ - ber (months) I.Q. index score ence D/P.E. Members 721 170 104 9.5 34.67 .35 Nonmembers. .. 379 173 102 8.7 32.02 + .48 +2.65.60 4.4 The difference of 2.65 .60 in the total achievement scores of the two groups is statistically significant. Accordingly the 4-H club work apparently did increase the capability of the girls, tho not so markedly as that of the boys (page 294). Tho not all the girls included in the present study were involved in the above comparison (cf. page 277), the omissions occurred entirely by chance so far as achievement is concerned, and consequently the sample is no doubt representative of the entire group. Differences in Subject-Matter Scores. The three main subject- matter divisions of the girls' achievement test were clothing, foods, and room improvement. The 36 exercises on clothing were divided into groups of 9 each: the first 9 designed ^for girls who had had only one year of 4-H club clothing work; the second 9 for those who had had two years of such work ; the third 9, three years ; and the fourth 9, four years. Exercises on foods and room improvement were simi- larly arranged, except that the test for room improvement covered only two years of training and consisted of but 18 exercises. The average achievement scores 2 made by the members 3 and the nonmembers on the three main divisions of the test were studied separately. Considering the total clothing scores (scores on the first 36 exer- cises) of girls who had not studied sewing or home economics in school, the members made higher scores on the average than the non- members (Table 17). The difference is statistically significant in all cases where the members had taken two or more years of 4-H club 'Total achievement equals the number of right answers on the achievement test minus half the number of wrong answers. 'These scores equal the number of exercises marked correctly minus half the number marked incorrectly. 'Members and past members are grouped together for this part of the study. 306 BULLETIN No. 451 [/onuary, w cu Q H Ed Oj s c 1 1 H 5 y < O H S| Sfe o w | S .Si C/5 H Z^< W 1 " 1 | o S w H < c U b Bsej a S "^ *y E II > 1 -C H 1 o ^^ rt ^ "^ c a o ot'3_C z 2 6 * og u ft q 2 41 S| S ll S M'e < o K 5 H S < \\ fe a W Q 5 t* ocX 1 2K| > t Id 2 a 1 O 00 OO ooo ooo* ooo> Ti S0>0 OO OOO*O 1000 ss oao X OOC X OOC X OOO 10 o t^OOO 000 x^ox OOiO 00000 i oot^o -t-0 Ot^ Ot-0 oot^t^ I s oo ooo 10 in xx OO 00 PO ** N CNCS fS c*i r^ (N ^^ cs ~ o - : : (M - :: <:: O NOO ,00 ,00 ' "O a> m : s?"s "O : 2 E Members . . Nonmembe Nonmembe Members. . Nonmembe Nonmembe Members . . Nonmembe Members. . Nonmembe Nonmembe Members. . Nonmembe Nonmembe Members. . Members. . Members. . Members . . Members*. Members. . Members. . Members 8 . Members. . Members. . Members'. 1939} EFFECT OF 4-H CLUB WORK 307 1 oo'-* ui uo chievement 3t members ige to mem- one year of Difference OOO* ~ "-. ION **5 PO 1/5 IO IO O -H-H -H-H -H-H S- 00 t-10 00 t^. ^ ^ CS page 285). bTotal z members includes pa were comparable in \ who had more than 60 cs cs r) ^ cs ro ^** ts **> SliS 1 |f 'S +I+I-H -H-H-H +I-H-H gS'S E p|s j *0 b 222 S2 S-2 JJji =1 Si B oo oo .* csa $ c 73 B Number a. B 3 H o s: HI *** ** ment test c one-half the : to member nembers wit E ;I Members i >f the achiev* nswers minus s comparabl 'Sample of r S-lg III a i E'EE ESC E'E'E SEE EEE EEE V V V V V V V V V S22 SSS SSS The first 36 equals the number also. d Sample of n bers who had such such training. 308 BULLETIN No. 451 [January, work with clothing. Also, the difference between the scores of mem- bers and nonmembers increased very consistently as the amount of 4-H club training increased beyond the first year of training. Furthermore members with the greater amount of training made higher scores on the clothing test than those with less training, tho the differences between the scores of members who had taken one year of 4-H club training in clothing and of members who had received no such train- ing are not statistically significant. Not too much importance should be attached to this lack of statistical significance, however, for the number of members who had taken no 4-H club work in clothing were perhaps too few to be entirely representative. Probably, also, some of the girls who had done no work of this sort in 4-H clubs had received training from some other source. Among the girls who had taken work in sewing or in general home economics in school, much less difference occurred between the total clothing scores of the members and of the nonmembers (Table 18). Nonmembers made higher scores, on the average, than members who had taken less than three years of training in 4-H club work in clothing, and about the same as those who had had three years or more. These higher scores of the nonmembers were probably due in large part to the fact that the nonmembers were the older. Training in foods or cooking in 4-H clubs apparently affected the achievement scores more directly than the training in clothing work. Among the girls who had not studied cooking or general home eco- nomics in school, the members made higher scores on the foods test than the nonmembers in each of the comparisons, and the differences increased roughly in proportion to the amount of 4-H club training in foods that the members had received (Table 19). In these compari- sons the groups, except those in the fourth comparison, were quite comparable with respect to age and I.Q., so that these are probably real differences. Moreover, the members who had had one year of 4-H club work in foods made better scores than members without such training; and while the groups were not quite comparable with respect to age, I.Q., and number of years in 4-H club work (Table 20), this difference is also probably a significant one. Among girls who had studied cooking or general home economics in school, on the other hand, the scores made by the members and the nonmembers on the foods test were about the same, tho so few of these girls had had more than one year of 4-H club training in foods that the results can be considered only suggestive. With regard to room improvement, the members in each compari- son made higher scores than the nonmembers (Table 21). Mem- 1939] EFFECT OF 4-H CLUB WORK 309 ed cu Q n to -oo 10 M (N 00 06 >O CN to to t t r- oo d ~ hievement embers in- Difference Tf t~ O t t . IO IO 1 -H -H -H -H -H N O> <*> O O> Ov CN fS O 00 -). III + 10 >O O Ov O O t -H -H -H -H to O M ~* c c r / is * m + + + + IQ t *4 -H -H -H SOv W * < CN IO IO IO 00 -HOO OW O . 55T 8S E vo ^ a -c N-H OO O>O ->O (SO ** O>1> Ov fSO> a) *> _OJ c u -2-a O < ~a O.O t^O OOO OOO OOO 2 f- O W O* WO WO s ** W^ wr- Wt^ II o \nrr> oo^o on c*m ioi> WIO OlO r*4lO IOIO O o w ts w iow f?s H '? 3 .2 v _c ? oo to to ** 2 1 tOW tOW tW 'tOO c V d **g B V | e 8 "sa 'n o i a g I mem in oo ^x x woo p > be IO "IO WIO cd D ^ 1 ^? g O^O Ovto CSrO 5 toto g OO fSO ->O fOO 'a NO -a toov h 6 2 BO 2 .c = ' ^ i I 1 i 1 1 1 1 to to 10 to to to to to *o to E '3 u IO c 15 ?5 tOlO tOlO >OIO SO ^e 4 j V 3 2 3 K IS * CO a IOIO > Sto tsto loto OOO OO 3s si js i o | ^ 1 T*^ 0)^ MOi OvO\ tO> t 00 0000 0000 00 00 00 00 bers w (NTJ< tsr)< a-* ** ooi oot~ oo^ oor 1 CSM OO fS TfCN 00 (N O (N 00 OOO too tow ^W -r vo o 'O MS x) >o \O * tO mbers with oot >o t w t to ! s : : - : >O O O4 O4 IO O4 -H -H +1 O IO "> O i> r^ c ^ o! "j 06 00 O4 10 04 -H -H o oo 10 04 t^ "5 H 00 1O 00 >O >0 04 IO 01 04O4 01 -H-H -H-H -H-H -H *OO O OlO th one year 3$ O\ *H ^H *O 1 o - o 10 o p 8 .H l/5 M r^ t^ 10 2 fj- t)_ 10- xi 1 "50 lOfl o\ o ^* >/> *o *o *o /i I TCO 100 1^0 10-* 10-* oct^ ^Ht^ oor^ t^ E 5 oo oooo ooo rainint oo c > oo-c ooo rainin 00^ * 00 o 8 OOO WOO | sc 4 ^^ l-*-H r*>-i 04*^ OO OO OO OO 4 oo So So I 8 o So So C C - C OO OOO Members \ S? 11 SI i more thai WO *> O 0400 ^"W 0400 O400 *04 04 ^S ^04 0404 04O1 *oo x oo embers wit 25 "5 O 04 "5 O 04O f^ O 2 2 2 E E - " - ;T O^oj 0> a. 28 -28 -28 -28 EC EC EC EC 11 11 11 .O.O _5 .5 = = EE II a! al al aa aa ss aa SS J9J9] EFFECT OF 4-H CLUB WORK 311 ri Qu i Members vs. nonmembers Difference lievement Second 36 exercises y 1 H G gSBjj lg| | 1 1 2 l| i. E | 1 * "o , a 1 O : - ; : ; o * * o ts *o 1 T V 4- + o -H (N 00 " OO 2 ^ '- X x 3C -H-H -H -H -H ^ 2 '-^- 2^2 22 at I_ S2 22! 22! oa (NO> oov ^a oo< 'S 'S vo o E fO(N .* ro^. 00^- 0^ S a ga w- K W 03 S H O BULLETIN No. 451 s'~ Z a [January, (S oc\o W5O I/5M * t^ 1C t^oo *(-< 85). bTotal [eludes past ige to mem- o -H vo + lOt^ 1O>O -H-H -* M TH5 + + <"5i o- o\ -H-H ss: ^ t^- ^<(N + + * >o>n -H-H o^ o *"5 ++ fS'* 0(> -H-H ss es Tt< . + + e footnote 2, page 2 lie term members ir were comparable in CSO f)\O < 10 N \c^ W (N f*; (NOD ir> ooo~* -H-H-H OOO\C 00 OOO be c H-H-H SCMO *vO -H-H-H 00 *N 1 c ill Sci Oifl OO^ O>DOO 1 Ovcr^ osoao 9mH> > He .4 "5") 1 <> . O^*5 j: ^W5 . 0^ ! g 5 0010 l5f3 t^lO *3 00 ?al ^^ 10 . . I sj sl >. _0 o Si o. fe 5! a t^fN lOtS 00 tStNTt BO a 'a i/) r^i/5 tst->o ^> ^ e 2 u o ^ V a> < a ,ss g ! 2 ss ss ss roveme sss ss H SH 3-~ o. E tist; UJ3J2 SS-^ ^.^c r*b r^O"} Or~O 8S e K 5^tt> o-i^- a TCO t^C 3 3 " K 2 M| 4 J3 pi o . _ ss 10 CN 000 *- oo -^ v>W}W)toOQOO OOioQOOtfiOOOfJtOtsiC 319 + ++ 1++ + \ + + 1+++++ /> oop 1^ ^ 'O ^ f^ 1 "5 1/5 * O 1O ! O ** O <*> 3 1 >O O *- + + + + + 1 ++ 1 ++ 1 +++ + + + ++ / m O> "O o * >o f> t^ O^ * P O <^ O n ^ o> -* O f*> <*5 ~ * O ^ O fO -< O N <"5 <*> O *> <*5 ' -! e "5 - "> ^-r^ -p (S pppp "Op pp -pp - + r+ 1'+ \ O>nO'O>O 10 t O (N t- OOOO OOO QT) O O> -<5 OO +++ + ' " ' ' + ' + l ' ' + ' ' ++ ' ' ' OOmO O if O if) Q OOiOiOiOOOOUTOf^iOOOiO O XO>TTN i?.''~5^t^'^m>o>ooo>ot^>oirNfNO2>iO'O'^Oio W5(NroO -r5 < O - O (N O O fs O "5 cs O O O O r O ++++ :++++++ I I + l-f t' I I + I I ++ I I I I I ++ :+++ + i + 1++++++ tf) --OOOOO ^"OiioO'OOiOi-U1OQ '"Om O 'Ou-, Oxspv O'^'OOO>Ot~-Ot^>pO>r>iO'*r-l Oo6'^tNiO'^ o 'O O ">O r~ O>'^>O''^ O -" >O p * >O "T"O OOO r :+ 1 +++++ 1 + 1 r+ 1 + r+ 1 + 1 ++ r 1 1 1 1 1 oo -10 ooiooio OMO>O O >o x> o wi o o o o>o(Noopi-"5>f^'O'i < >O'*f~f-"'. ">'Oooo< p^'*r)Spppppl-^oOO'O- O* O i*l O 00 O^ *O i i + I I I I I I + I i + i + i'+ i -f i + i i i -f ++ : i r i'++ r i'+ r r+ r++ r+ r+ r+ r+ r i'+++ + \ O^iOOOlOlOflOlOfSOOl/)O*O3QlOOOl/^OlOOOl/} \f) \f) if) + 1'++ r i'+ 1'++ r++++ f+++ r+++++ +++ ^cOf'i-^i/ii/^t^-ioOO^'t^'^O'Or-i^i/iO'OiOf'-loCO^ -Xr^^o^ + i ++ i i + i i + i ++ i + i + i -M I + I -f :+++ i i + 1 f r f+++ ++ 1 r i '+ r+ 1 + 1 : r r++ r r+ oO^-^OOiO^toOoOO^Ow^OOOO^O*^ ioioO*OO l OOO r^i/jTHO p O (y 5O?NO^ - r-iO p *5C s )c^O' p- O f< i*- < -O*" "OOcNCNr^cs r r f r r r+ r r+ r r+ r+++ r+ r ! i r+ r++++ i'+ r i +++++ 1 + r 1 1 1 + 1 + f : r+++ r r r r+ i i i i i i i i i + i ++ i + i + i i + i i i ++ +++ O SooSoS O Of^O SS O^O">OO CMCSC-J + r i '+ r r r r++ r++ r+ 1 r+ r+ r r +++++ r O m i/} 1/3 10 O O r-i O O O 00 Q to O ") O O o O O i/) <+) o X cs 00 O + r++++ r f r r r+ :oj I:::::::::::::::::::::: e a ; ll'flj i ::::.: :jjjjjjjjjjj { S BW JJ ^* k C ** Sc38S > rt .f'""3 V S 1939] EFFECT OF 4-H CLUB WORK 321 this case (see note to Table 2, page 281) the more favorable attitude toward farm life. Distribution of scores made on Attitude I by mem- bers, past members, and nonmembers is shown in Fig. 5. As was true also of the boys, Attitude I among the girls was asso- ciated to only a very slight extent with any of the other variables measured, according to the simple correlation coefficients and standard regression coefficients (Tables 5, 6, 7, pages 284, 286, 288). TABLE 23. FARM-BOY MEMBERS AND PAST MEMBERS: FACTOR LOADINGS DETERMINED BY MULTIPLE-FACTOR ANALYSIS OF THE PRINCIPAL VARIABLES STUDIED AND OF THE STATEMENTS USED IN THE ATTITUDE TEST (527 farm boys) Variable Factor I (+) Factor II (-) Achu Expr Age. vetnent + .202 + .800 + .071 -.073 + .367 + .411 + .029 + .492 + .195 -.407 + .524 -.478 -.752 + .371 -.694 + .383 -.628 + .224 -.768 + .600 -.395 + .105 + .458 -.046 -.434 -.342 -.648 -.637 + .053 + .747 -.036 + .546 + .354 + .422 + .496 + .093 -.235 + .185 + .272 -.029 + .423 + .071 + .413 + .160 + .194 + .217 -.147 + .093 -.275 -.164 -.224 + .344 + .352 + .294 + .253 + .294 -.165 -.122 essed attitude Intel Year Trair Socio State - in 4-H club ling ment 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16... 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Factor I is largely an expression of Attitude I and Factor II is the ex- pression of Attitude II Only a slight association between Attitude I and achievement was indicated likewise by the factor analysis (Table 12, page 293) of the data for girl members and past members. Attitude I had only a slight loading on Factor I, which seems to be chiefly a measure of achieve- ment. This loading was, however, of the same sign as achievement, which indicates that there is a slight positive association between Attitude I and achievement. It is probable, therefore, that a small part of the differences between the achievement scores made by girl mem- bers and past members was to be explained by differences in the scores 322 BULLETIN No. 451 [January, on Attitude I, but it does not seem probable that much of the difference can be accounted for in this manner. Interest in the Possibilities of Farming and Farm Life Boys. By means of a factor analysis of the data on attitudes, another attitude quite different from "appreciation or depreciation of farming and farm life" was measured. This second attitude, "interest in the possibilities of farming and farm life," is referred to as Attitude II (see footnote, page 281). Statements 6, 8, 18, and 19 of the attitude test were the ones which had the greatest positive association with the 30 20 GIRLS ATTITUDE I SCORES [:. /;'] NONMEMBCRS 0-1.9 2.0-23 3O-3.9 4O-4.9 5.0-5.9 6O-6.9 7.O-79 B.O-B.9 90-99 SCORE FIG. 5. DISTRIBUTION OF SCORES MADE BY GIRLS ON TEST FOR ATTITUDE I factor which in this analysis measured Attitude II (Table 23), while statements 1, 15, 17, and 23 were those which had the greatest negative association with that factor. In general, agreement by the boys with statements 6, 8, 18, and 19 indicated that they thought a farm to be a good place for training, for development, and for clean wholesome living; and disagreement with statements 1, 15, 17, and 23 indicated that they objected to social isolation, and believed that in most com- munities farm life could be much improved. The facts that there is always work to be done and that much of it consists of outdoor activities were not the reasons why these boys liked farming, nor 1939} EFFECT OF 4-H CLUB WORK 323 was the fact that farm work involves many hardships a reason for their not liking farm life. Differences between the attitudes of members and nonmembers towards the possibilities of farming and farm life were chiefly due to differences in age and intelligence and not particularly to 4-H club work. A statistically significant difference was found between the average scores on Attitude II made by farm-boy members (33.66) and farm-boy nonmembers (32.59, Table 24). The difference of 1.07 is 3.4 times its probable error. This difference may have been due to the association of Attitude II with the other variables, however, because, on the one hand, there was a fair degree of correlation between Attitude II and such variables as achievement, agricultural training in high school, age, and intelligence, and on the other hand, because members and nonmembers differed significantly in regard to some of these variables, particularly achievement, age, and training. It may be, in other words, that 4-H club members, on the average, made somewhat higher ratings on Attitude II than the nonmembers, not because of 4-H club activities as such, but because they were older and a larger percentage of them had had high school training in agriculture, 1 and consequently possessed more information about good farm practices. The fact that the simple correlation between Attitude II and number of years in 4-H club ( -\- .089, Table 4, page 283) was so low as to be negligible indicates that 4-H club training, as such, has little effect upon this attitude, but rather that 4-H clubs tend to attract those who believe in the possibilities of farming and farm life. Attitude II and Achievement. Attitude II appears to be more closely correlated with achievement than does Attitude I (appreciation or depreciation of farm life). 2 The simple correlation between Attitude II and achievement, found by using the scores of the 527 farm-boy members and past members, 3 was + .353 (Table 4, page 283) ; whereas the simple correlation between Attitude I and achieve- ment, found by using the scores of 525 boy members, including 57 town boys, was + .175 (Table 3, page 282). The simple correlations 'Fifty percent of the farm-boy members reported having had high-school courses in agriculture, compared with only 10.7 percent of the farm-boy nonmembers. 2 The statement of results is not made more definite because the coefficients have not been calculated on strictly comparable groups. Attitude scores of 57 town boys were included in the correlation of Attitude I with achievement and other factors (see footnote, page 294). 'Simple correlation coefficients have not been worked out for town boys or nonmembers, but see page 292 for comparable factor analysis of members and nonmembers. The 527 equals 468 members and 69 past members minus 10 incomplete on the attitude section. 324 BULLETIN No. 451 [January, TABLE 24. FARM-BOY MEMBERS* AND NONMEMBERS: DIFFERENCES IN ATTITUDE II SCORES WHEN VARIABLES ASSOCIATED WITH ATTITUDE II ARE CONTROLLED Group Number in group Age (months) I.Q. Achieve- ment Average Atti- tude II score Difference D P.E. Boys without agricultural training in high school Members 109 98 16 8 60 62 39 25 45 30 24 11 19 15 58 17 162 161 168 174 154 158 166 170 198 201 203 202 196 198 206 202 87 89 88 94 110 110 112 113 87 88 91 94 110 109 110 112 18.1 17.3 46.2 46.6 25.8 23.8 48.0 48.5 27.1 22.4 51.8 47.6 32.6 28.6 54.7 50.3 29.83 + .37 30.35 .41 33.44 .92 37.00 .72 31.52 + .50 31.50 .51 35.05 .71 34.00 .85 32.62 + .72 33.77 .78 35.25 + .86 38.09 + .87 37.16 + .90 31.27 .84 35.62 + .40 37.65 .92 - .52 .54 -3.56 1.17 + .02 .71 +1.05 1.11 -1.15 1.07 -2.84 1.22 +5.89 1.23 -2.03 1.01 1.0 3.0 .03 1.0 1.1 2.3 4.8 2.0 Nonmembers Members Nonmembers Members Nonmembers Members Nonmembers Nonmembers Boys with agricultural training in high school 9 7 9 2 3 2 13 2 17 4 58 5 2 3 46 7 189 173 176 173 169 177 173 171 200 195 207 208 191 207 203 194 102 92 94 98 102 108 109 117 87 93 92 91 106 110 108 114 27.6 31.7 52.0 51.5 37.3 25.0 52.8 58.5 32.8 28.5 55.5 54.8 37.0 38.0 62.3 55.4 33.78 1.41 32.57 1.43 34.89 + 1.60 33.50 33.67 1.99 39.50 35.23 1.95 34.50 31.88 .93 36.00 36.95 + .49 32.80 1.50 36.50 33.00 36.50 .58 35.57 2.92 +1.21 2.00 +1.39 -5.83 + .73 -4.12 +4.15 1.58 +3.50 + .93 2.98 .6 2.6 .3 Nonmembers Members Nonmembers Members Nonmembers Members Nonmembers Members Nonmembers Members Nonmembers Members Nonmembers AH members and nonmembers 527 298 182 173 99 99 39.2 24.3 33.66 .19 32.59 .25 +1.07 .31 3.4 Nonmembers In this table the term members includes past members also. between Attitude II and high-school training in agriculture, age, and I.Q. were + .269, + .258, and + .230 respectively (Table 4). The multiple- factor analysis in which Attitude II was discovered 1939] EFFECT OF 4-H CLUB WORK 325 TABLE 25. FARM-BOY MEMBERS AND PAST MEMBERS: AVERAGE ACHIEVEMENT SCORES WHEN AGE, I.Q., TRAINING, AND ATTITUDE II ARE CONTROLLED (527 boys) Attitude II Age under 183 months Age 183 months and over I.Q. under 100 I.Q. 100 and over I.Q. under 100 I.Q. 100 and over No agri- culture in H.S. Agricul- ture in H.S. No agri- culture in H.S. Agricul- ture in H.S. No agri- culture in H.S. Agricul- ture in H.S. No agri- culture in H.S. Agricul- ture in H.S. Under 33 33 to 41 17.3 23.9 31.0 39.3 33.0 47.4 29.1 33.7 42.7 48.7 44.9 56.5 34.1 34.9 40.4 44.1 49.7 54.3 48.5 47.7 51.1 52.0 61.0 64.3 42 and up. ... showed the different variables achievement, age, training, years in 4-H club, and I.Q. to be associated to at least a fair degree with Attitude II (Factor II, Table 23). Together with organization index, all these variables, except I.Q., were found to be quite highly asso- ciated thru a common factor which was called "adaptability to farm life" (page 290, and Table 11, page 293). The associations, or loadings, 1 of this common factor with achievement and Attitude II were -f- .793 and -(- .400 respectively, which is further indication of the associa- tion of attitude and achievement, and at the same time shows the nature of the association. By letting the achievement scores vary while controlling age, I.Q., training, and Attitude II, relationship between the score a boy makes on Attitude II and the score he makes on achievement may be shown (Table 25). Unfortunately in this sample the number of boys was not large enough to control adequately more variables than those men- tioned above, nor to control as exactly as might be desired those that were used. 2 The experiment was tried of controlling age very rigidly and getting the relation of Attitude II and achievement, without controlling the other variables. A very marked increase was shown in achievement with an increase in Attitude II (Table 26). As the attitude score 'See footnote 1, page 292. 'The boys were divided into two groups according to age (those under 183 months, and those 183 months or over). Each of these two groups was then divided into two subgroups according to I. Q. (those under 100, and those 100 or over) ; each of these subgroups into three other subgroups according to Attitude II (under 3.4, 3.4 to 4.1, and 4.2 or over) ; and lastly each of these latter subgroups into two more subgroups according to training (those who had had agriculture in high school and those who had not). These groupings are shown in Figs. 6, 7, 8, and 9. 326 BULLETIN No. 451 [Jamtary, TABLE 26. FARM-BOY MEMBERS AND PAST MEMBERS: AVERAGE ACHIEVEMENT SCORES WHEN ATTITUDE II AND AGE ARE CONTROLLED RIGIDLY (527 boys) Age (months) Achievement scores when Attitude II scores were Under 3.4 3.4 to 4.1 4.2 and up Number in group Score Number in group Score Number in group Score Under 130 3 8 15 15 10 27 15 13 7 5 4 2 16.0 18.0 16.1 18.9 17.7 32.1 32.0 33.1 53.6 39.6 35.8 59.0 4 10 14 16 28 44 35 53 28 28 9 5 6.0 18.6 25.9 29.4 32.8 3f.2 37.3 47.7 50.2 54.2 56.4 58.0 2 2 2 7 5 20 16 26 18 13 8 10 5.0 26.0 32.5 31.9 45.4 38.0 40.1 48.1 51.4 57.4 60.6 51.4 130-139 140-149 . . 150-159 160-169 170-179 . . . . 180-189 190-199 200-209 . 210-219 220-229 improved, the achievement score also improved in most cases, and in some instances it improved very considerably (Table 25, and Figs. 6 and 7). In all cases the average achievement score made by the boys having the most favorable attitude toward the possibilities of farming and farm life was higher than that made by the boys having a less favorable attitude. (- Z 40 < 20 tr YOUNGER BOY MEMBERS HAD NO AGRICULTURE IN H. S. HAD AGRICULTURE IN H. S. BOTH GROUPS I. Q. 100 & OVER 32 OR LESS 4.2 & 3.2 OR OVER LESS ATTITUDE H SCORES FIG. 6. ASSOCIATION OF ATTITUDE II WITH ACHIEVEMENT AMONG FARM-BOY MEMBERS AND PAST MEMBERS ALL YOUNGER THAN AVERAGE 1939] EFFECT OF 4-H CLUB WORK 327 The relationship between Attitude II and achievement was greatly influenced by age, I.Q. and training, as is shown in Figs. 6, 7, 8, and 9. Attitude II was much more highly correlated with the achievement scores of the younger boys than with those of the older boys. For the younger boys the correlation was greatest among those who had not had agriculture in high school, while for the older boys the correlation was greatest among those who had had agriculture in high school. Also, a greater correlation was found between Attitude II and U40 20 OLDER BOY MEMBERS HAD NO AGRICUL TURE IN H.S. HAD AGRICULTURE IN H.S. l ' Q ' 10 BOTH GROUPS ~ I. Q. BELOW 100 3.2 OR LESS 43 & 3.2 OR OVER LESS ATTITUDE H SCORES 12 OVER FIG. 7. ASSOCIATION OF ATTITUDE II WITH ACHIEVEMENT AMONG FARM-BOY MEMBERS AND PAST MEMBERS ALL OLDER THAN AVERAGE achievement among the boys with lower I. Q. than among those with higher I. Q. In general, high achievement scores were associated with high Attitude II scores of both members and nonmembers (shown also in the analysis with achievement as the dependent variable). This association was highest among the younger boys, and especially those young boys who had not had agriculture in high school. It would appear, therefore, that the boys who already look favorably upon the possibilities offered by farming are most easily drawn into 4-H club work, and that the more capable they become the more appreciative they are of these possibilities. More emphasis might well be given to this aspect of club work by 4-H club leaders. 328 BULLETIN No. 451 [January, Attitude II and Agricultural Training in High School. A similar analysis was made letting Attitude II scores vary while controlling, to some extent at least, age, intelligence, achievement, and high-school training in agriculture. This was done with the data of both farm-boy members and farm-boy nonmembers (Table 24). A striking relationship between high-school training in agriculture and Attitude II was brought out by comparing Attitude II scores of those who had had training with the scores of those who had not, 20 YOUNGER BOY NONMEMBERS HAD NO AGRICULTURE IN H.S. I. Q. 100 8, OVER HAD AGRICULTURE IN H. S., BOTH GROUPS I. Q BELOW 100 23 OR LESS 3.8 & 2.9 OR OVER LESS ATTITUDE H SCORES 3.8 OVER FIG. 8. ASSOCIATION OF ATTITUDE II WITH ACHIEVEMENT AMONG BOY NONMEMBERS ALL YOUNGER THAN AVERAGE when achievement, intelligence, and age were controlled. Attitude II scores of the member boys who had such high-school training were better, in every case except the older boys having high I.Q., than the scores of those who had not had such training. Of the older boys having high I.Q. who had low achievement scores, those who had taken no special training had higher average Attitude II scores than those who had taken such training. Probably this difference indicates that those who had found difficulty in mastering the work cared less for it. On the other hand the Attitude II scores of the younger boy members in both intelligence groups who had low achievement scores and who had taken training were high. These younger boys still saw possibilities in farming even tho they were unable to make good scores on the subject matter or science of agriculture. In general the same relationship between training and Attitude II 1939} EFFECT OF 4-H CLUB WORK 329 was evident among the farm-boy nonmembers. Many of the group, however, had taken no training, and consequently the results were quite irregular and some of the differences not reliable. Attitude II and Age and Intelligence. Both age and intelligence of members were positively associated with Attitude II. Other things being equal, the older the boy members were the greater was their interest in possibilities of farming and farm life ; and likewise, the more intelligent they were the greater was their interest. 60 20 OLDER BOY NONMEMBERS HAD NO AGRICUL TURE IN H. S. ~ HAD AGRICULTURE IN H. S. BOTH GROUPS 1. Q. BELOW 100 I. Q. 100 & OVER ZJ90R LESS 3.8 t Z9QR OVER LESS ATTITUDE H SCORES 3B t OVEfl FIG. 9. ASSOCIATION OF ATTITUDE II WITH ACHIEVEMENT AMONG BOY NONMEMBERS ALL OLDER THAN AVERAGE Girls. A second attitude on the part of the girls very similar to Attitude II of the boys was discovered in a similar factorial analysis. This attitude of the girls is thus also called Attitude II, "interest in the possibilities of farming and farm life," tho it is not exactly the same as Attitude II of the boys. Both boys and girls gave statements 8, 18, and 19 a relatively high rating, and the girls also gave statements 20 and 21 a high rating. The girls seemed to put a little more stress on having the farm equipped with modern conveniences, being connected with town and neighbors, and being so financed that farm life is not drudgery. Both girls and boys indicated their belief that farm life could be improved in most communities. The girls were scored on Attitude II in the same way as the boys by weighting the statements marked by them by the loadings obtained 330 BULLETIN No. 451 TABLE 27. GIRL MEMBERS AND PAST MEMBERS: FACTOR LOAD- INGS DETERMINED BY MULTIPLE-FACTOR ANALYSIS OF THE PRINCIPAL VARIABLES STUDIED AND OF THE STATE- MENTS" USED IN THE ATTITUDE TEST (768 girls) Variable Factor I (+) Factor II (-) -.048 + .678 Intelligence quotient + .047 + .243 .032 + .262 Ascendance-submission score + .042 + .307 + 020 + .103 - 019 + .546 Schooling (foods) -.026 + .555 + 007 + .770 + .073 + .565 Socio-economic status -.002 + .204 Attitude I 983 .024 Statement 1 . . .636 -.066 2 -.375 .122 4 + .447 + .118 5 .766 -.241 6 + .636 + .154 7 + .829 .162 8 .408 + .355 9 + .588 + .082 10 668 + .209 11 + .673 -.125 12 .388 + .059 14 + .770 .025 15 -.511 .084 16 + 286 + .143 17 -.417 .150 18 .553 + .392 19 .... + 195 + .507 20 + .528 + .327 21 + .349 + .390 22 ... + .448 .236 23 + .571 .189 24 -.090 + .013 'Statements 3 and 13 of the attitude test were omitted here because so few of the boys marked them. from Factor II of the factor analysis (Table 27). l The scores thus obtained correlated higher with achievement ( -f- .458) than did the score (+ .224) obtained on Attitude I (Table 8, page 289). Also in the factor analysis (Table 12, page 293), Attitude II had a loading of -f- .526 with the general achievement factor (Factor I) compared to a loading of -(- .318 for Attitude I with the achievement factor. Altho the girls' interest in the possibilities of farming and farm life does seem to have been associated to some extent with achievement, there appears to have been very little difference in mean scores of member and nonmember girls on Attitude II (Table 6, page 286). That Attitude II and achievement are related, however, is shown by the data in Table 28, where age is controlled. Among the girls whose Attitude II scores were low, achievement scores ranged from 19.9 at 130 months to 29.5 at 210 months or older. Among those whose 'Scores were adjusted for the number of statements marked. 1939] EFFECT OF 4-H CLUB WORK 331 TABLE 28. GIRL MEMBERS AND PAST MEMBERS: AVERAGE ACHIEVEMENT SCORES" WHEN ATTITUDE II AND AGE ARE CONTROLLED RIGIDLY (768 girls) Age (months) Achievement scores when Attitude II scores were Under 3.4 3.4 to 4.0 4.1 and up Number in group Score Number in group Score Number in group Score Under 130 7 15 23 21 22 21 15 5 4 2 19.9 16.2 19.2 25.0 25.8 30.0 29.5 29.4 40.0 29.5 16 30 52 43 51 56 46 31 18 16 18.0 21.4 24.8 29.5 32.0 35.9 38.6 41.4 41.3 42.4 3 8 14 21 27 50 47 46 36 22 23.3 19.4 28.4 36.8 41.0 39.1 43.5 44.7 51.2 50.4 130-139 140-149 . 150-159 160-169 170-179 180-189 190-199 . 200-209 210 and up Achievement score equals the number of right answers minus half the number wrong. Attitude II scores were medium, achievement scores ranged from 18.0 at 130 months to 42.4 at 210 months or older; and among those whose scores on Attitude II were high, the achievement scores ranged from 23.3 at 130 months to 50.4 at 210 months or older. Thus a favorable attitude on the part of the girls towards the possibilities in farm life seems to go along with good achievement ; likewise, as among the boys, girls who are already convinced of the possibilities in farm life seem to have their convictions bolstered by 4-H club work. FACTORS STUDIED IN RELATION TO PERSONAL QUALITY The second main objective of 4-H club work is to improve the personal quality of the boys and girls, to cultivate those characteristics which will enable them to meet social conditions successfully. Of the measures used in this investigation, four may be con- sidered measures of personal quality. These were (1) the attitude scale, (2) the ascendance-submission test, 1 (3) the social-behavior index, and (4) the organization index. All of these except the social- behavior index have been discussed in other connections. In the present section these four measures are considered indexes of certain 'The Allport ascendance-submission test is designed to measure the tendency of the individual toward ascendance (dominance) or submission in his reaction to various types of social situations. The more ascendant an indi- vidual tends to be in his social relations, the higher the score he will make on this test, presumably at least. 332 BULLETIN No. 451 [January, desirable personal qualities or attributes, and in dealing with each of these measures an attempt is made to determine the effect, if any, of 4-H club membership and training upon these desirable attributes in boys and girls. Attitudes Toward Farming and Farm Life The two distinct attitudes actually measured by the attitude scale 1 have already been described (pages 290 and 322). The first attitude is called "appreciation or depreciation of farm life" (Attitude I). An appreciative attitude toward farm life is undoubtedly important and perhaps even necessary for adequate and happy adjustment to life on a farm. The significant differences between members and nonmembers of 4-H clubs with regard to this attitude, however, were found to be due largely to selection rather than to 4-H club training. 2 Appreciation of farm life is thus apparently not materially increased by 4-H club activities. Rather, 4-H club work tends to appeal particularly to boys and girls who possess this appreciative attitude to a high degree. The second attitude, "interest in the possibilities of farming and farm life" (Attitude II), is undoubtedly a very desirable personal attribute of those who expect to live in a farming community, even apart from the fact that it is correlated with certain other measures of capability. As was pointed out on pages 290 and 325, this attitude was associated in the factor analysis with the general factor "adaptability to farm life." Both the boys and the girls who were rated high on Attitude II were apparently able to see in a farm environment possi- bilities for training and development and for invigorating wholesome living. They were interested in farm life, not because they were passively and uncritically satisfied with the life as it was, but because they saw possibilities of improvement. Tho farm-boy members had a significantly better rating on Attitude II than farm-boy nonmembers (Page 323 and Fig. 10), no consistent differences remained when differences in age, I.Q., agricultural train- ing, and achievement were controlled (Table 24, page 324). As for the girls, the mean scores on Attitude II of the members were not significantly different from those of the nonmembers (Table 6, page 286) . Other variables were not controlled, however, in this analysis of the data for the girls, and it is therefore possible that a significant difference might have been found had such a control been made. 3 'See footnote 1, page 281. 'See Bulletin 426, page 276. 'Girl members were on the average younger than girl nonmembers but had higher I.Q.'s. 1939] EFFECT OF 4-H CLUB WORK 333 Evidently, then, 4-H club work as it is now organized does very little in the way of improving the attitudes of boys and girls engaged in it towards farm life, even tho superior achievement in a 4-H club apparently tends to bolster appreciation of the possibilities offered by farm life (page 323). Specific attention evidently has not been given BOYS 30 -ATTITUDE H SCORES MEMBERS AND PAST MEMBERS NONMEMBERS 10-19 20-29 3O-39 40-49 50-59 SCORE 2O-29 3O-39 40-49 5O-59 FIG. 10. DISTRIBUTION OF SCORES MADE BY BOYS AND BY GIRLS ON TEST FOR ATTITUDE II by 4-H club leaders to the improvement of this quality so much as to the improvement of skills. A positive interest in the possibilities of farming and farm life, however, is a very important personal quality in rural boys and girls, and greater emphasis might well be given in 4-H club work to fostering this attitude. Ascendance or Submission The tendency toward ascendance or submissiveness in the ordinary affairs of everyday life is of course a very important quality, and the strength of the quality and the direction it takes (that is, whether 334 BULLETIN No. 451 [January, toward ascendancy or submission) has much to do with the way in which one adjusts himself to the circumstances of his life. This tendency in this study was measured by means of the Allport A-S Reaction Study. The score obtained on this test is an indication of social aggressiveness or leadership or of the lack of these qualities. Boys. Among the boys in this study the 4-H club members were not found, according to this test, to be significantly more ascendant or aggressive in social situations than the nonmembers. The A-S scores made by the boy members averaged 35.99 .391, and those of the boy nonmembers 35.26 .456. The small difference of .73 .607 is not significant. Moreover there was little difference in the distribution of the A-S scores of the members and nonmembers, altho more of the scores of the nonmember boys than of the member boys fell in the lower ranges. On the other hand, more of the scores of the member boys than of the nonmember boys were in the intermediate ranges. The scores falling in the higher ranges were distributed very nearly the same in both groups. Simple correlations of the A-S scores with size of family, age, I.Q., number of years in 4-H club work, Attitude I, socio-economic status, social behavior, and achievement were all quite low, the highest for both members and nonmembers being that with organization index, not including 4-H club, -|- .22 and + .18, respectively. Ascendance-submission was found to have a slightly positive asso- ciation with "adaptability to farm life," of the factor analysis, and a slightly negative association wdth the "intelligence factor" (Table 11, page 293). Practically no association could be found between ascend- ance-submission and the other primary factors. 1 According to this analysis, 4-H club work has very little influence on the tendency of boy members to dominate or to be dominated in the various social situations 2 which they encounter. Girls. Scores on the A-S test made by girl members of 4-H clubs (48.49 .377) were significantly higher, on the average, than those made by the girl nonmembers (45.60 .472, Table 6, page 286). On the other hand, the correlation between ascendance-submission and the length of time spent in 4-H club work was very slight (-J- .135, Table 7, page 288). It is probable, therefore, that while 4-H club training of the girls may have done something to improve the traits measured by the ascendance-submission test, the chief reason for the difference between the members and nonmembers in this respect w'as probably that the 'As determined by multiple-factor analysis using data on farm-boy members. 2 See footnote 1, page 331. 1939] EFFECT OF 4-H CLUB WORK 335 4-H club work appealed more strongly to the more aggressive girls, who thus tended more readily to become members. 1 Social Behavior The significance of the social-behavior index 2 in the study of the personal quality of boys and girls in 4-H club work lies in the fact that it revealed the choice of activities that were made and thus indi- cated the quality of group life that was sought. In the test from which the social-behavior index was derived, only those activities which are readily available in most communities were included. These activities were visiting, attending church services, parties, fairs, movies ; frequenting soda fountains, street carnivals, and dances ; street loafing ; and visiting roadhouses. The boys and girls were asked to indicate on the questionnaire which of these various activities their parents approved; and the "desirability" of the activity was then determined on the basis of the percentage of parents of all the boys and girls (members, past members, and nonmembers) who, according to the report, approved of the activity. The extent of parental approval 3 of the various activities is discussed in the earlier report of this study. 4 The index score on a given activity was derived by weighting the indicated frequency with which it was attended in accordance with its desirability. Boys. According to the index scores the boy members and the boy nonmembers differed very little as to type of social behavior. The scores of the members averaged -f- 10.72 .043, and those of the nonmembers -\- 10.57 .053 (Table 2, page 281). The difference (-f- .15 .068) is only 2.2 times the probable error, and consequently is not significant. Moreover the scores within the two groups were distributed similarly. Scores of the past members were not distributed in quite the same way as those of the members and nonmembers, probably because there were fewer of the past members in the group. According to the measurements used in this study, social behavior was not closely associated with the other variables studied. Among the members, correlation of social behavior with achievement, for example, was only + .125, and with Attitude I, -\- .018 (Table 3, page 282). Likewise among the nonmembers there was only a slight 'See Bulletin 426, page 273. ^Devised by D. E. Lindstrom and E. L. Welker. 'Parents of members, of past members, and of nonmembers differed some- what in regard to the approval of the various activities. These differences were indications of the selectivity of 4-H club work rather than of its results. 'See Bulletin 426, page 261. 336 BULLETIN No. 451 [January, positive correlation between social behavior and achievement (-f- .146, Table 3, page 282). Data for the nonmembers were not studied by mul- tiple-factor analysis. Evidently, according to these correlations, farm boys see little relationship between such informal social activities as were measured by the social-behavior test, and the work and quality of farm life. Further studies involving more exact measurements, however, might reveal relationships not shown by this study. Girls. Social-behavior index scores of the girl members and of the girl nonmembers averaged practically the same, being -(- 10.80 db .041 and -f- 10.71 .051 respectively. And, as was true also with respect to the boys, very little association was found between social behavior and the other variables measured in the study among either the girl members or the girl nonmembers (Table 7, page 288). Evi- dently the girls also see no particular relationship between social activities and the "work" aspects of farm life. Participation in Other Organizations The fourth measure of the personal quality of the boys and girls in the study was an organization index weighted in accordance with participation and leadership in organizations other than 4-H clubs, and designed to measure social mindedness and leadership ability. Participation in 4-H club work was not considered in calculating the index, inasmuch as the index was designed to measure an effect of 4-H club work. The organizations were: (1) Future Farmers, (2) debate club, (3) music club, (4) dramatic club, (5) community club, (6) Sunday school class, (7) church, (8) church society, (9) Y.M.C.A. or Y.W.C.A., (10) boy scouts or girl scouts, (11) high- school class club, (12) football team, (13) basketball team, (14) base- ball team, (15) track team, (16) social club, and (17) lodge. The index score was the sum of the scores for the individual organizations. The scores for the individual organizations were derived by weighting the organization in accordance with the percentage of boys or girls belonging to it, the number of years of membership in the organization, and whether the boy or girl held an office in it. Boys. According to the organization indexes, the boy members of the 4-H clubs took a more active part in other organizations than the nonmember boys. The average score for the members was 10.66 .266 and for the nonmembers 8.37 .212 (Table 2, page 281). The difference, 2.29 .310, is 7.4 times its probable error and thus is statistically significant. Inasmuch, however, as the member and non- 1939] EFFECT OF 4-H CLUB WORK 337 member groups were not quite comparable in regard to age, achieve- ment, socio-economic status, and attitude (Table 6, page 286), this difference in organization index may have been the result of factors other than membership in 4-H clubs. Probably a selectivity factor is involved. 1 Among the boy members organization index was positively cor- related with several of the other variables (Table 3, page 282). These variables and the correlations with participation in the other organi- zations were: age, + .48; achievement, -f- .43 ; number of years in 4-H club work, -\- .29 ; parental organization index, -f- .23 ; ascendance- submission, -J- .22 ; socio-economic status, + .21 ; and I.Q., + .20. For the nonmember boys, however, participation in other organizations was correlated to a considerably less extent with these other variables, except parental organization index (-(-.35), and Attitude I, with which the correlation was negative ( .24) . According to the multiple-factor analysis also, participation and leadership in other organizations were highly associated among the boy members thru Factor I (adaptation to farm life) with achieve- ment, age, training, number of years of membership in 4-H clubs, and Attitude II (Table 11, page 293). The loadings ranged from -f- .40 for Attitude II to -f- .79 for achievement. On the other hand, in a multiple-correlation analysis of the several variables with achievement, very little if any association between or- ganization index and achievement could be found (Table 5, page 284). That this analysis, however, may not be so nearly correct as the multiple-factor analysis is indicated by the data in Tables 13 and 14, pages 295 and 296, where organization index is controlled and achieve- ment scores vary. From the data available it was not possible to determine to what extent the differences in social mindedness and leadership ability be- tween the members and the nonmembers was a result of the training received by the members in 4-H club work. At least part of the differ- ence was probably due to selective factors in determining membership in the clubs rather than to the training received in the clubs. 2 Girls. Girl members of 4-H clubs participated somewhat more in the work of other organizations than the girl nonmembers. The average of the organization indexes of the members was 9.35 .185 and of the nonmembers, 8.56 .209 (Table 6, page 286). The differ- ence of .79 is, however, only 2.8 times its probable error, and is thus 'See Bulletin 426, page 272. 'See Bulletin 426, pages 270-272. 338 BULLETIN No. 451 [January, merely on the border line of statistical significance. Probably the difference, tho a slight one, is real. According to the simple correlation between organization index and number of years in 4-H club work ( -f- .303), girls who have been members of a 4-H club for a number of years are likely also to belong to and hold office in other organizations (Table 7, page 288). It is impossible to tell from the present data whether this tendency was due to 4-H club training or to selectivity ; but, as can be seen from the discussion given in Part I, several of the factors bearing on the point favor selectivity. 1939] EFFECT OF 4-H CLUB WORK 339 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Scores made on tests administered to 2,263 boys and girls living in sixty communities in six counties in Illinois furnished the statistical material for the present analysis of the effectiveness of 4-H club work in developing the capability and personal quality of the boys and girls. Of the 2,263 boys and girls, 1,124 were members of 4-H clubs, 277 were past members, and 862 were nonmembers. The data derived from the tests were analyzed by the use of simple frequency, simple and multiple correlation, and multiple- factor analyses. In an earlier report of this study of 4-H clubs made in Bulletin 426 of this Station, the circumstances which appear to influence boys and girls to become and to remain members of 4-H clubs were discussed. Simple and multiple correlation analysis and multiple-factor analy- sis of the data pertaining to comparable groups of members, past members, and nonmembers led to the following conclusions regarding the effects of 4-H club training on the capability and personal quality of the members. Capability. Capability of the boys and girls was measured by achievement tests (answers to questions on the subject matter covered by 4-H club work) and by prize indexes (number or size of prizes or awards made in 4-H club competition) ; and the possible influence of such factors as 4-H club training, general adaptability to farm life, agricultural or home-economics training in high school, and attitudes toward farm life and its possibilities in developing capability was measured by correlations and factorial analysis. In general, 4-H club training was found to have a direct effect upon capability as measured by the achievement test, but the indirect effect of this training thru such avenues as adaptability and attitudes toward farm life was not so strong as had been expected. The increase in capability resulting from 4-H club work was especially noticeable among the boys who had taken no agriculture in high school but who had carried on beef, sheep, or corn 4-H club projects, and among the girls who had not had home economics in high school. Likewise when capability was measured by prize indexes, 4-H club work appeared to increase the capability of both the boys and the girls. Members of 4-H clubs had won larger prizes or had won prizes more often than past members. Inasmuch, however, as prize winning was not closely associated with either achievement or adaptability to farm life, it is evident that the emphasis had been upon prize winning as an end in itself rather than as a means to other ends. The analysis raises the question whether more emphasis upon some other motivating 340 BULLETIN No. 451 [January, force, such as opportunity to prepare for farm life, would not be desirable in 4-H club work. Appreciation or depreciation of farm life, contrary to expectations at the start of the study, could not be used as an indirect measure of capability even tho the members and nonmembers differed significantly with respect to this attitude. For one reason, this attitude was not associated to any marked extent with achievement; and for another, the differences between the members and nonmembers with respect to it were probably due in considerable extent to selectivity rather than to 4-H club training. A second attitude, "interest in the possibilities of farming and farm life," was associated with achievement, and farm-boy members made higher scores on this attitude than farm-boy nonmembers. The difference, however, appeared to be associated with differences in other variables as much as with membership in 4-H clubs, and consequently 4-H club training could not be credited with all the improvement in the attitude of its members with respect to interest in the possibilities of farming and farm life. Personal quality. The effectiveness of 4-H club training in im- proving the personal quality of the boys and girls enrolled was studied in connection with four traits or qualities attitudes, ascendency or submission, social behavior, and participation or leadership in organi- zations other than 4-H clubs. Members of 4-H clubs, both boys and girls, had in general a more appreciative attitude toward farm life than nonmembers. This differ- ence may have been partly due to 4-H club training, but it resulted also in part from the fact that young people with the more appreciative attitude tended to join 4-H clubs whereas those who were less appre- ciative tended not to join. Boy members had in general a greater interest in the possibilities offered by farming than nonmembers. Membership in 4-H clubs was responsible to some extent for this difference, tho when age, I.Q., achievement, and training in school were controlled the difference itself was not so pronounced. Girl members did not differ significantly from nonmembers in attitude toward the possibilities offered by farm life. Work in a 4-H club apparently had very little influence on the tendency of boy members to dominate or to be dominated in the various social situations encountered by them. The boy members did not differ significantly from the nonmembers in scores on the A-S test. Among the girls, on the other hand, there was a significant difference between 1939] EFFECT OF 4-H CLUB WORK 341 members and nonmembers in this respect, tho it is probable that the difference was the result of selectivity more than of 4-H club training. Social behavior of both boy members and girl members, as measured by the social-behavior index, was only slightly associated with 4-H club training. Members of 4-H clubs, both boys and girls, gave indications, accord- ing to the organization indexes, of having greater social-mindedness and more leadership ability than nonmembers. It was not possible to determine, however, whether the difference was due to 4-H club train- ing or to selectivity. Probably 4-H club training did have some in- fluence toward improving the tendency of the members to participate in and take positions of responsibility in organizations other than 4-H clubs. The general conclusion derived from this study of the effectiveness of 4-H club work is that these clubs have brought about improvement in the capability of their members in the fields represented by their 4-H club work, especially of those members who have not had special training in school in agriculture or home economics. They have also apparently been instrumental in improving to some extent the personal quality of members, particularly in connection with participation in organized activities. Nevertheless it is clear that 4-H club work has been less effective in improving either capability or personal quality (as these were measured in this study) than was expected at the outset. Club work is apparently less effective in these respects than many leaders believe it to be. Probably, therefore, certain adjustments in the scope and content of the work are needed in order to make the clubs as effective as they should be. Such adjustments, in addition to pointing more specifically toward the improvement of capability and personal quality, might be designed to make the club work more attractive to the many boys and girls who are good membership timber but who are not now reached by the work. However, before more than general recommendations can be made for the guidance of 4-H club work, further study is needed. Several exploratory methods have been used in the present study, and the findings need to be tested in the light of further studies involving, per- haps, some refinement of methods and, what may be even more impor- tant, the accumulation of a larger body of factual data on the effect of 4-H club work on the capability and the personal quality of the boys and girls who participate in it. 342 BUT.LETIN No. 451 [January, LIST OF TABLES AND CHARTS TABLES PAGE 1. Average scores on nine variables by farm boys and town boys, members and nonmembers 278 2. Average scores on twelve variables by boy members and nonmembers. . . 281 3. Product-moment correlations between variables, boy members and nonmembers 282 4. Same, farm-boy members and past members 283 5. Association of variables with achievement, as indicated by the ratio of each standard regression coefficient to the sum of the standard regression coefficients, boy members and nonmembers 284 6. Average scores on twelve variables by girl members and nonmembers. . . 286 7. Product-moment correlations between variables, girl members and non- members 288 8. Same, seventeen variables, girl members and past members 289 9. Association of variables with achievement as indicated by the ratio of each standard regression coefficient to the sum of the standard regression coefficients, girl members and nonmembers 290 10. Differences in average achievement scores when age, I.Q., organization index, and Attitude II are controlled, girl members and nonmembers 291 11. Factor loadings determined by factorial analysis of eleven variables, farm-boy members and nonmembers 293 12. Same, seventeen variables, girl members and past members 293 13. Differences in achievement scores of farm boys who had not had agri- culture in high school 295 14. Same, farm boys who had had agriculture in high school 2% 15. Differences in average achievement scores on various divisions of the achievement test by farm boys who had not had agriculture in high school 298 16. Same, farm boys who had had agriculture in high school. 301 17. Total achievement scores and scores on clothing section by girls who had not had sewing or general home economics in school 306 18. Same, by girls who had had sewing or general home economics in school 309 19. Total achievement scores and scores on foods section by girls who had not had cooking or general home economics in school 310 20. Same, by girls who had had cooking or general home economics in school 311 21. Total achievement scores and scores on room-improvement section by girl members and nonmembers 312 22. Tetrachoric correlation coefficients between individual attitude statements and other variables for 527 farm-boy members and past members... 319 23. Factor loadings determined by multiple-factor analysis of the principal variables studied and of the statements used in the attitude test, farm-hoy members and past members 321 1939} EFFECT OF 4-H CLUB WORK 343 TABLES (continued) PAGE 24. Differences in Attitude II scores when variables associated with Attitude II are controlled, farm-boy members and nonmembers 324 25. Average achievement scores when age, I.Q., training, and Attitude II are controlled, farm-boy members and past members 325 26. Average achievement scores when Attitude II and age are controlled rigidly, farm-boy members and past members 326 27. Factor loadings determined by multiple-factor analysis of the principal variables studied and of the statements used in the attitude test, girl members and past members 330 28. Average achievement scores when Attitude II and age arc controlled rigidly, girl members and past members 331 FIGS. PACK 1. Distribution of scores made by boys on achievement tests 280 2. Same, by girls 287 3. Distribution of indexes of prizes won and awards received by boys and girls 314 4. Distribution of scores made by boys on test for Attitude 1 317 5. Same, by girls 322 6. Association of Attitude II with achievement among farm-boy members and past members all younger than average 326 7. Same, among farm-boy members and past members all older than average 327 8. Same, among boy nonmembers all younger than average 328 9. Same, among boy nonmembers all older than average 329 10. Distribution of scores made by boys and by girls on test for Attitude II 333 35501-39154! UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA