iiii|i|iiisiiiiM^ L I B R.ARY OF THE U N IVER5ITY or ILLl NOIS 0\6.7M4 C73e no. 1-20 CITY PLANNING A;,P LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ^.^Jg^ ■a, /- ^ UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY Name Identification Number y _ / o J- Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2010 witii funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://www.archive.org/details/propertyvaluatio07jone Conmdttee of Planning Librarians EXCHiU^GE ECBLICGRkPHy University of California list no. 3 September 1958 PROPERTY VALUATION: ITS RELATION TO ZONING AND CITY PLANI\fING Holway R. Jones, Librarian, City and Regional Planning Library, University of California Handbooks and General References ioaerican Institute of Real Estate Appraisers The Appraisal of Real Estate. 2nd. edition. Chicago, 111, The. Institute, 1952. 512 p. American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers Selected Readings in Real Estate lippraisal. Chicago 3, 111^, 22 W. Monroe St. 1953. 1,317 p. Especially valuable sections to the city planner are: "The Nature and Function of .appraisals," "The Nature of Property and Value," "Basic Principles of Real Property Value," "The Appraisal Process," "General and i-jrea Trends," "Neighborhood Trends," and "Site Valuation," Chase, Prentice T. "Land", i.ppraisal Journal, vol. 8 (Jiiy, 19U0), pp. 2U5-252: Also reprinted in .imerican Institute of Real Estate Appraisers, Selected Readings in Real Estate Appraisal (1953), pp. 106-113. May, Arthur A. The valuation of residential real estate. 2nd. ed. Englewood Cliffs, N.J. , Prentice-Hall, 1953. 286 p. See especially chapters on "Analyzing the City, the Neighborhood, and Property" Wendt, Paul F. Real Estate .ippraisal; a Critical Analysis of Theory and Practice. New York, Henry Holt and Co., 1956. 320 pp. Contents: What is value; the development of appraisal theory; the appraisal process; economic base analysis in appraisal theory; analyzing the internal structure of cities; the capitalization of income method; gross- rent multipliers; the replacement-cost method; the market comparison methodj summaiy and conclusions. ,VJJPi ^yi^'l) o .i^v CPL Exchange Bibliography 7 Relationship to Planning Generally Barnes, Ralph M and George M, Raymond "ihe fiscal approach to land use planning j an analysis of current surveys of the relationship between various land use types and the local tax base," Journal of the American Institute of Planners , vol. 21 ( Spring-Summer, 1955), pp. 71-75. Gillies, J, W. "Land Values and Land Planning: How Are They Related?" in New Mexico University, Extension Division, Planning for the Gomnunity , Report of Lectures , October 17j 1956 TIovemEer 2a, 1956, pp. 32-3B". Hoyt, Homer One Hundred Years of Land Values in Chicago: the Rela- tionship of the Growth to the Rise in its Land Values, 1830-1933. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1933. 519 pp. This volume has become a classic and is the first comprehensive attempt to study land values in a large city over a long period of time. McCormack, James E. "Reuse and value appraisal in urban renewal," In Urban Land, vol. 17 (July-August, 1958), pp. 1,3-7. rtilliams, Frank Backus The law of city planning and zoning. N.Y., Macmillan, 1922. 738 pp. See especially Part V, "City Planning and Finance," pp. 357-379, and also pp. 207-209. Relationship to Zoning^ and Planning -'jnerican Society of Civil Engineers. Committee of the City Planning Division "Equitable Zoning and ^.ssessracnts for city planning projects^ progi'ess report of the Committee" in Pro- ceedings of thu American S ocie ty of Civil t^ngineers, vol. 62 (fabruar/, 1936), pp. 207-212. lilso discussion in vol. 62 (^.ugust, 1936), pp. 973-980, which includes excellent bibliography on benefit assessments, pp. 975-980; see also, vol. 63 (February, 1937), p. Ii05. Appel, James R. "Zoning pitfalls for the appraiser," i.ppraisal Journal , vol. 25 (October, 1957), pp. 585-588. CPL Exchange Bibliography 7 Black, Russell Van Nest. "Should the planner study property valuations and trends as a factor in recommending for or against change of use classifications from residential to non-residential and classifications from residential to non-residential aund vice-versa?" Pennsylvania Planning and Zoning , vol, 7 (March, 19la), pp. 1-2. Cheney, C. H. "How Zoning Standardizes Values," National Real Estate Journal , vol, 20 (November, 15*19), pp, 21-21^ Coffin, George H., Jr. Zoning and Property Values. California Real Estate Association, 1936. 16 p, Cowley, Leonard, M. "Zoning — a Source of Property Value," Appraisal Journal , vol. 8 (July, 19liO), pp. 253-25U. Downs, Ityron Day "The coordination of tax assessments and zoning," Planner 's Journal , vol. 1 (July-August, 1935), pp. 23-2);. Also Discussion in vol, 1 (Sept, -Oct,, 1935), pp. 63-61;, Eliot, C. ?/,, 2nd. "Promotion vs. Prohibition in City Planning: Taxation and Zoning Policies," City Planning , vol. h (April, 1928), pp, 83-87. Also discussion in July issue. Hanson, P, "Relation of Zoning to Appraisals," National Real Estate Journal , vol, 32 (.i.pril 13, 1931), pp. l;9-50. Harrison, Ballard and Allen Plan for rezoning the city of New York. New York 21, 123 East 77th. St,, October, 1950, 289 pp. Contents: Problem of rezoning New York City; governing factors in the future development of the city; structure of the proposed resulution; proposed zoning devicesj proposed zoning districts; administrative provisions, dravdng the new zoning maps; appendices. Lewis, Harold M, h new zoning plan for the District of Columbia; final report of the Rezoning Study. New York 38, 15 Park Row, November 9, 1956. 20? p. See especially section VI, "Relation of Zoning to Assessed Valuation," pp. 78-86. .I'D '^'.n.!1'^ j■^l^ CPL Exchai^e Bibliography 7 Lewis, Harold M. Relation of assessed values to zoning. Preliminaiy report no, 5 of the Rezoning Study of the District of Columbia. Washington, D.C., Zoning Revision Office, January, 1956. U? p. Contents: Principles affecting values and taxation; zoning as an influence on property values; case studies; problems and policies. Metropolitan Association of Real Estate Boards. Critical analysis of the plan for rezoning New York City. New York, 1951? ^h pp. tables A study of the effect of zoning upon real estate. Pollard, W, L. , editor "Zoning in the United States." The Annals of the .-ynerican Acadeny of Political and Social Science, vol. 155 (pt, II), May, 1931, 25U pp. See especially, "Zoning, Taxation, and Assessments," ty Donald M. Baker, pp. 137-lIih. "Relation of Zoning Ordinances and Tax Laws to Real Estate Assessment," American City , vol. I42 (January, 1930), pp. llU-116. Roe, C. T. "The effect of zoning on real property values," in New York State Dept, of Tax ana Finance, Proceedings of th_e Seventh Conference of Local As sessors and the Fourteenth State Tax Conference, Albany, N.Y., MarchTI,57~and 6, 1930. pp. I7B-IBB. Shatts, W. Phillip. "The relation of zoning to land values," in Walker, Mabel L., Urban Blight and Slums ; Economic and legal Factors in Their Origin , Reclamation , and Prevention . Cambridge, Harvara Univ. Press, 193b, pp. 162-171. Shay, Harbert K. "Effect of zoning on vacant lot values," in National Association of -issessing Officers, Papers Presented at the Northeastern Region al C onference on ii.s sessnent .administra - tion . New York City, July 17-lb, 19l!l, pp. 52-55^ Squire, Latham C. "Zoning Problems Facing the Real Estate .'ippraiser, " iippraisal Journal , vol. 17 (January, 19h9), pp. 100-106 Author discusses New York's distressing zoning problems and describes the ill effects of the Zoning Resolution and Multiple Dwelling Law on prospective and present property law. -HnY CPL Exchange Bibliography 7 Ulmer, W, L. "Zoning froni the Vievi/point of the Lender on Real Estate Mortgage" in National Conference on City Planning, Pro- ceedings of the 12th. National Conference on City Planning , "Cincinnati, .ipril 19-22, 1920, pp. 133-138. 'ffilliams, Norman, Jr. "Land Use and Zoning," in Breese, Gerald and D. E. Whiteman, An i.pproach to Urlan Planning . Princeton, N.J. , Princeton Univ. Press, 1953. pp. 30-53. "Zoning in New England," special issue of the Boston Univer- sity Law Revievi, vol. 36 (Suaiier, 1956), pp.331-ii96. See especially "A City Planner Looks at Zoning Laws," by ftoland B. Greeley, pp. 3hl-3l42. Sources for Further Reading "Land Policies and Land Economics," in American Council to Improve Our Neighborhoods, Urban Renewal Bibliography , New York, 195k, pp. 72-77. "Real Estate Values and Valuation," in Government lif fairs Foundation, - Inc., Metropolitan ^oiamunities} A. . Bibliography with Special Emphasis Upon Government and Politics, Chicago, Public administration Service, 1957, pp. 317-318. Reproduced by the Department of City and Regional Planning, University of California, Berkeley h, California. September 1958. Permission to reproduce this bibliography must be obtained from the originating library