t^c^^xy c2cf 6^Waw r. l. langenheim, JR. JSS , &Z^ URBANA, ILLINOIS 61801 L'ress Bulletin Series Issued Twice Quarterly STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF REGISTRATION AND EDUCATION A. M. SHELTON. Director DIVISION OF THE STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY M. M. LEIGHTON. Chief. Urbana No. 5 ILLINOIS PETROLEUM October 16, 1926 CONTENTS PAGE Oil investigations in the Centralia area — preliminary report concluded 1 Oil field water investigations — Waterloo field 11 Oil possibilities of the Ayers anticline 15 Current oil field operations in Illinois 18 OIL INVESTIGATIONS IN THE CENTRALIA AREA- PRELIMINARY REPORT CONCLUDED By Alfred H. Bell Introduction The present paper on the Junction City dome and the Hoffman anti- cline is the conclusion of the preliminary report on the Centralia area which appeared in Illinois Petroleum No. 4. The aim is to present in brief form the more important data collected, so that operators may have the benefit of them at once without the delay necessary for the prepara- tion and publication of a full report. The area has been described in a former publication of the Illinois State Geological Survey, 1 but further in- formation about sub-surface conditions has necessitated some revision of the structure map which accompanied that report. Stratigraphy The general remarks with reference to the stratigraphy of the Cen- tralia area in the last preliminary report are applicable to the areas under present consideration. Briefly, they are as follows: The McLeansboro formation, between the base of the glacial drift and the top of Herrin (No. 6) coal, includes 500 to 550 feet of shales with some limestone, sandstone, and thin coals. The Carbondale formation, below the McLeansboro, with a thickness of about 300 feet, consists principally of shale. The oldest 1 St. Clair, Stuart, The Centralia area: Illinois State Geol. Survey Bull. 35, iu>. 70-71, 73, 1917. \ ILLINOIS I'KTHOLEUM of the Pennsylvanian strata in the area are sandstones, about 1^5 feet thick, of Pottsville age. They are unconformable on the Chester lime- stones, sandstones and shales of the Mississippian system. In connection with the correlation of sands in the Chester group, it should be mentioned that the Chester section is known to differ con- siderably within relatively short distances, owing to the lenticular charac- ter of many of the beds. Long distance correlation of the "Stein" and "Benoist" sands is therefore open to question. Structure The accompanying structure maps are contoured on the top of Herrin (No. 6) coal. The map of the Junction City area (fig. 1) is based partly on well records and partly on a stadia survey of Glenridge mine (Marion County Coal Company) in NW. cor. NE. ]/ 4 NE. V A , sec. 31, T. 2 N., R. 1 E., made by the writer's party. This survey covered an area of about 3 square miles. The map of the Hoffman area (fig. 2) is based on well records. Junction City Area The strata in this area have been deformed by both folding and fault- ing. Two well defined anticlinal features are shown on the map (fig. 1) : ( 1 ) the Glenridge anticline, apparently a nose, but possibly a dome whose apex is in S. }4 sec. 25, T. 2 N., R. 1 W.. and whose axis lies almost ex- actly along the "main west" entry of Glenridge mine; (2) the Junction City dome, dipping in all directions from an area in the NW. J4 sec - ^2, T. 2 N., R. 1 E. The axis of the nose produced passes through the dome ; the continuity between them is broken by the intervening fault zone. FAULTS The faults form a parallel series having a north-south trend. The easternmost fault of the series has the greatest vertical displacement, name- ly 35 feet at a point about half a mile north of the south line of sec. 30, where the fault plane is nearly vertical, and 60 feet at a point G50 feet east of the mine shaft, where the fault plane dips 75° to the west. The downthrow is on the west side. The fault has been traced more or less continuously for about 2J/2 miles north of the shaft of Glenridge mine; the displacement decreases northward to the end of the fault which is just south of the north line of S. ^ sec. 18, T. 2 N., R. 1 E. (in the Sandoval mine). This fault forms the eastern boundary of the abandoned woi Ic- ings south of the shaft ; it probably continues southward and connects with the fault on the east side of old No. 3 and No. 4 mines of the Cen- tralia Coal Company in sec. 7, T. 1 N., R. 1 E., which is said to have (III. INVESTIGATIONS IN THE CENTRAUA AREA S 9. 10. Marion County Coal Company No. 1 Marion County Coal Company No. 2 Sherman No. 1 Coal Marion County No. 1 Marion County No. 2 Dykstra No. 1 Dykstra No. 2 Dykstra No. :! Dykstra No. 4 Dykstra Xo. 5 Company test Coal Company test 11. Fvke No. 1 12. Fyke No. 2 13. Fyke No. 3 14. Fyke No. 4 15. Fyke No. 3 16. Diamond drill coal test 17. Alspach well 18. Howell Hill Dairy Farm well 19. Overback well 20. Wilkerson well 21. Matthews No. 1 22. Heberling and Watson well 2:?. Thierer No. 1 Fig. 1. Structure map of Junction City area, Marion and Clinton counties. (Drawn by A. H. Bell and J. H. Markley, Jr., Illinois State Geological Survey.) ILLINOIS PETROLKUM a displacement of 110 feet, with the downthrow on the west side-. All of the other faults shown on the map have comparatively small vertical displacements. A description of these faults and a discussion of the pos- sible influence of faults upon the accumulation or escape of oil and gas in the Centralia area are reserved for a later, more detailed report. DEVELOPMENT Prospecting for oil in the region was begun as a result of the obser- vation of oil seepages along some of the faults in Glenridge mine. 3 The Junction City oil field is situated on the south flank of the dome. Most ot the drilling was done in 1911. The principal production is from the Wil- son sand which is about 30 feet thick and has a stratigraphic position in the Carbondale formation about 110 feet below the Herrin (No. 6) coal, but some oil has been obtained from the Dykstra sand which is about 10 feet thick and 15 feet below No. 6 coal. (1) The Ohio Oil Company. This company has four producing wells on the Dykstra lease which have been pumped for 1 5 years ( Dykstra Nos. 1, 2, 4, and 5). For the past ten years the production has been nearly constant at the rate of about 18 barrels per week or an average of 0.64 barrel per well per day. Dykstra No. 3 was formerly pumped but is now abandoned. Thierer No. 1 in the NE. cor. sec. 3G, T. 2 N., R. 1 W., was drilled in 1910 to a depth of 1,685 feet. Sand believed to be the Benoist was found from 1,560 to 1,605 feet. The log records neither water nor a show- ing of oil in this sand. A note on the sample of cuttings from 1,640 to 1,645 feet is as follows: "black shale filled with petroleum, effervesces with acid" 4 . A second deep test was drilled in 1919 to a depth of 1,(536 feet on the Howell Hill dairy farm, 200 feet south and 600 feet east of the NW. cor. SW. 34 sec. 32, T. 2 N., R. 1 E. Only a partial record of this well is available; it shows sand from 663 to 768 and from 1,597 to 1,614 feet. The latter was considered to be the Benoist sand. The log does not show either water or oil in this sand. 2 Kay, Fred H., Coal resources of District VII: Illinois Min. Inv. Bull. 11, p. 136, 11)15. 3 Diagrams showing the probable reason for the oil seepages are given in the fol- lowing publications: Blatchley, R. S., Illinois oil resources: Illinois State Geol. Survey Bull. 16, p. 145, 1910. Kay, Fred H., Coal resources -of District VII: Illinois Min. Inv. Bull. 11, p. 137, 1915. 4 Udden, J. A., Some deep borings in Illinois: Illinois State Geol. Survey Bull. 24, pp. 73-77, 1914. OIL INVESTIGATIONS IN THE CENTBALIA AREA 5 (2) Clear Creek Oil Company (Gorman and Wilson). The five wells on the Fyke lease have been pumped for 15 years and are now making a total of -i barrels per day or an average of 0.80 barrel per well per day. Matthews No. 1 in the NE. cor. SE. y A sec. 19, T. 2 N., R. 1 E., was drilled in 1922 to a total depth of 853 feet. It finished in a salt water sand which was topped at 850 feet. The Dykstra sand was found (618- (>23 feet) immediately below Herrin (No. 6) coal; the Wilson sand is absent. No showings of oil were recorded. (3) Fox and Alspach and the Marion County Coal Company. Two wells were drilled in 192G a short distance east of the shaft of Glenridge mine with the double purpose of locating the coal east of the fault and of prospecting for oil. No. 1 is ^5 feet south and 100 feet west of the NE. cor. sec. 31, T. 2 N.. R. 1 E., and No. 2 is 450 feet north and 100 feet west of the SE. cor. sec. 30, T. 2 N., R. 1 E. These wells are now being pumped and make a total of about 2.5 barrels per day or an average of 1.25 barrels per well per day, from the Dykstra sand. (1) Marion County Coal Company diamond drill tests. Besides the first diamond drill test made prior to the sinking of the shaft, close to the present location of the shaft, two other such tests have been made by this company: No. 1, 500 feet south and 1,100 feet west of NE. cor. sec. 32; No. 2, 1,100 feet south and 1,000 feet west of NE. cor. sec. 29, both in T. 2 N., R. 1 E. ( •") ) Marion County Oil and Gas Company. Sherman No. 1, 100 feet north and 2,200 feet east of the SW. cor. sec. 29, T. 2 N., R. 1 E., was drilled about 1910 and the record is not now available. The elevation of No. 6 coal was calculated by using the depth given by Blatchley r ' and the surface elevation determined by stadia survey. According to St. Clair this well was drilled only to the Dykstra sand, and the Wilson and deeper sands were not tested here. 6 Table 1 summarizes the available data from the wells in the Junction City area. RECOMMENDATIONS Neither the Junction City dome nor the Glenridge anticline appears to have been thoroughly tested. The only deep test on the former struc- ture was located half a mile south of the apex and the coal was found 25 feet lower than in the Sherman well. The Ohio Oil Company's Thierer well is a quarter of a mile- east of the highest known part of the Glenridge anticline, at a point where No. G coal is at least 30 feet lower than at the 5 Blatchley, R. S., op. cit., p. 141. 6 St. Clair, Stuart, op. cit., p. 71. ILLINOIS PETROLEUM ssauipiqj, Pubs uosjim jo do; pilB IBOD 9 O^ JO ClO; U99AV}9q JBAJ9JUI o fc -a is c 3 - o -*J CM o o O a C T3 X cd :_ — * t. -a plT cd — o T3 C cd Q o Z 3 o ssauiioiqx PUBS BJ}SJIA"Q jo doj PUB iboo 9 -ok jo doj uaeMjeq iBAjajui U0IJBA9I3 mdaa o -t-s O CO •— ' ^-* X ^ © CM -l CM CN1 CN1 o r. cd -t-> o c LO CO t- CO OS O © rH ©> © iH © © rH c; ^_ cp cd > 03 3 ,C -t-j O P P cd 13 CO [h 43 cd O CIS lO O H H P 0) CO - © © t> CO t-H CN1 i-H rH W Ol CO W N co ^ TT HO t- I I I I I cq cm oo io oo co © CO ^ CO ^ i< ^ ^ in io io io io is io U0IJBA3I8 eoBjans ^* ^ , "^^ tJ* "^< ^h -^i j ss > O c 4s! o z C 4XJ CD CP CD CP ( t o o cd CD 01 CP CP -a P s- tr Ph B r- p o O U O o O 4S cd CO o CO CO o O o s-. (h S- (-. <-, ccj O fa X O J- t- — CS cd id cd cd a cd cd Cd X! O G 11 G CD G ai G G to 5 dBj\[ rH CM CO ■* LO CO rH CI CO -t- in t- rH rH rH rH rH iH OIL IWKSTIGATIOXS IH THE CEHTRALIA AKEA S j_> IM -< ™ o CM CO cm c us CM l-: u-: to LC? Ci « t- ,— 1 X OS Ci d ■*r •*• -"# CD 3 d tH - J3 '3 > CB in — cs a> >> . en t. +J ■* "3 - o a eo d « cm' 3 a a; — Q S. CD ■S EC* O 5 — q CO v. Z. O •s o - CD CB <1> 00 CB CO CO o X 5 S F-H CO Q d c CO c CB & X CS ~ ~ i£ c o CB o cd a - >. M * J U is. o c. O ^c; 0) o c ~ O CO c o ■- S CB O jD CB t- W) .a *- a; o a CB o o ,~ £Z a _a> '" o K rS O O < O O CD A oo o -H cc i- b ILLINOIS PETROLEUM apex. Both of these structures still have possibilities of production from the Benoist or other sands in the lower part of the Chester. In order to test these thoroughly, wells should be drilled to the top of the "Missis- sippi lime" ('St. Louis and Ste. Genevieve limestones). Since the deep- est well in the vicinity, the Thierer, did not reach this horizon, the depth at which it may be expected is somewhat doubtful but it will probably be found not much deeper than 1,700 feet. The possibility of finding productive sand bodies on the slopes of structures on No. 6 coal similar to those found in the Langewisch and Kuester pools east of Central City, should not be overlooked for the Junc- tion City dome. The Howell Hill Dairy Farm well appears to condemn the south flank but the east, northeast and north flanks of this dome still remain untested for the deeper sands. The possibilities of further Wilson sand production from the Junction City dome appear to be good. The fact that the Wilkerson well and the well 1.800 feet east and 1,700 feet south of the NW. cor. of sec. 32, of which the log is not available, were not producers does not necessarily mean that Wilson sand production cuts off to the north ; these wells may possibly have been in localities where the porosity of the sand is low. Moreover, as stated above, the Sherman well was not drilled below the Dykstra sand. The greater part of the area enclosed by the -70 foot con- tour may yet be found to yield small production from the Wilson sand. Further drilling east of the two Fox and Alspach wells, NE. cor. sec. 31 and SE. cor. sec. 30, T. 2 N., R. 1 E.. may extend the Dykstra sand pro- duction in this direction. Hoffman Area Several wells have been drilled in the vicinity of Hoffman where an anticlinal structure is known to exist. 7 One of these, Eichoff No. 1, lo- cated in the NW. cor. NE. y A sec. 12, T. 1 N., R. 2 W., is reported to have had a showing of oil. According to the log this well had sands as follows : Sand record From To Feet Feet 640 760 (Pottsville) 918 942 953 1022 1025 1040 1123 1130 1240 1298 1345 1373 (Oil 1345-1347; water 1347-1372.) St. Clair, Stuart, op. oit., p. OIL INVESTIGATIONS IN THK CENTEALIA AKKA Scale R 1 W 1 2 miles O Diamond drill coa! lest -Q- Dry hole X Proposed locatic Fig. 2. Structure map of the Hoffman area, Clinton County. Contours drawn on top of Herrin (No. 6) coal. (Drawn by A. H. Bell and J. H. Markley, Jr., Illinois State Geological Survey.) 10 ILLINOIS PETROLEUM The oil and water sand is 933 feet below the Herrin (No. 6) coal and is therefore about at the horizon of the Benoist sand at Sandoval. s The Sprehe well, SW. l / 4 sec. 1, T. 1 X., R. 2 W.. showed the fol- lowing : From To Feet Feet Sand 802 806 Small showing of oil Sand 1270 1272 Small showing of oil and gas Lime, sandy 1316 1318 Showing of oil Sand 1344 1349 Water The last named sand corresponds to the oil and water sand from 1,345-1,373 feet in the EichofT well. Benoist Brothers and others have made a location in the SW. cor. sec. (i, T. 1 N., R. 1 W., and expect to commence drilling in the near future. STRUCTURE Figure 2 shows the structure of Herrin (No. G) coal in the Hoffman area so far as it is known. From an area in sec. 12, T. 1 N., R. 2 W., the coal dips in all directions. On account of the scarcity of wells there is considerable uncertainty about the structure especially east and northeast of Hoffman. RECOM MENDATTONS It seems probable that an anticlinal axis connects the Hoffman dome with the Glenridge anticline and Junction City dome. If this is true, the intervening area along the axis has fair possibilities of oil production. It would be very desirable, however, to determine more definitely the struc- ture in this area before making the expenditure necessary for one or more deep tests. For this purpose, it is recommended that a number of test holes be drilled to Herrin ( No. 0) coal and then, if favorable structure is found, to drill to the Benoist sand, or preferably to the top of the "Mississippi lime"' (St. Louis and Ste. Genevieve limestones) in order to test all sands above the base of the Chester group. As has been pointed out in a former publication" such procedure is, in the long run, more con- clusive and less expensive than the haphazard drilling of deep tests. In view of the fact that only a few tests have been drilled in this area and that the most favorable parts of the structure may be undiscovered at the present time, this plan of prospecting promises a fair chance of success. 8 St. Clair, Stuart, op. fit., p. 72. 9 Moulton, G. F., Proper testing for oil structures in Illinois and some areas de- serving such testing: Illinois State Geol. Survey Report of Investigations No. 6, pp. G-!>, 1925. 11 OIL FIELD WATER INVESTIGATIONS-^WATERLOO FIELD By Gail F. Moulton In some of the wells of the Waterloo held, Monroe County, Illinois, trouble with water has become serious enough to threaten their productive life. An investigation of the field was undertaken in 1925 and samples of the water produced with the oil in representative wells distributed over the producing area were sent to the laboratory of the State Water Sur- vey for analysis. The results of the investigation are herewith presented in order that the operators in the field may benefit therefrom. The accompanying map (fig. 3) prepared by J. E. Lamar of the State Geological Survey shows the structure of the Waterloo field and the locations of some of the wells with special symbols for those which were sampled. The structure which has caused the oil accumulation is a pronounced anticline elongated in a north-south direction. The pro- ducing wells are located along the highest part of the fold. The best pro- duction has been found a short distance south of the north dip in the southern part of section 35. Apparently the "Trenton", which is the producing horizon, has a greater porosity in this part of the field than farther south. The character of the water samples taken in the field was very con- sistent except in the matter of concentration of the brines. Two typical analyses are graphically represented in figure 4, and the general charac- ter and concentrations of all of the samples are given in Table l. 1 A glance at this table will show the great consistency of the character of the brines. It is apparent from the analyses that the oil-field brines have a common source. Since it is known that some of the wells sampled were drilled through the oil-producing zone into the water-bearing horizon beneath, it is concluded that all of the salt water comes from the lower part of the oil sand. In a few wells the lower concentration of the brine indicates that there is dilution by fresh surface waters which are getting into the wells through defective casing. The handling of the wells in the north end of the pool is one of the biggest problems now confronting the operators in the Waterloo field. Here the wells which produce large quantities of water have a decided effect on each other. In case certain wells in section 35 are shut down some of those in the northern part of section 2 lose their oil production and pump nothing but salt water. These latter wells have a somewhat similar effect on the wells in section 35. Unfortunately these same wells 1 See Palmer, Chase, The geochemical interpretation of water analyses: 1\ S. Gool. Survey Bull. 479, 1911, for the method of expressing analyses. R9W I I V i v I \\ \ 36 34 = \ \ ) i 3 i u o o o oj in \ m \ i / ,\\V,|A / o o / •II ,° 7 s / 1 \ \ /*! / / 1 \ 460- 440 1 1 ! ) 10 1 TO I \ \\ ^' 1/ / / I i I / .* ' / / / \ \ loll \ 15 \ \ \ \ i R.9W. SCALE Fig. 3. Structure map of the Waterloo oil field with contours drawn on top of the Fern Glen limestone. (Drawn by J. E. Lamar, Illinois State Geological Survey.) Locations of wells are indicated by squares. Solid squares indicate wells from which water samples were taken. WATER INVESTIGATIONS IN W'ATKUI.OO FIKL1) 13 r O - - 6h o * O O = a> e O p - P 3 P > 3 E S r - o s 3 2 3 g - 3 CD 2 3 cd r g p co o 3 3 1 1 CO o — s tD ■-J I CO 2 5' OO -J O 00 CO CO CO co « *• 1 3 "1 > > o o CD CD 1-1 < CT to CD CD r r — — - X X X •I. X - CO Q X O I p CD CD CD o cr> o u o o . u o CO CD CD CD m a CD o T y ; : CD U o 3 — CI — - 1C -. P — — P 3^ no m m CO W CO ~ - o o o co CO o CO CO CO CO CD CD CD 3 CD 3 3 p 3 B -^ = 3 3 CD CD CD - 3 5" at 5" OK) 3 5' JO P o CD Si p CD -. ■=' 00. p O CD Si P 2 P o CD S) p rx o 31 cn in o to o en h-» 4*. -J co en o to O o -1 ~J -J -] *. >-i 4> — 33 CO © CO *. ED -J en -j CO en en X o to CO en © to o en © to co en CO o o © oo o CO en en -1 -j -a *■ *■ CO en co co C6 CO p GO CD O to to to to IO 1— L to ho y-i l>0 to to to ~ O to o .- c; © -J -J to CO to to l-» H» o 3 3 p -i CO o - *-* l- © ~] 4- 4^ -1 *> © 00 ^> X' 3 << "< '< to CO CO to © to © en W li *- rf> -1 CT 14 ILLINOIS PETROLEUM make the most oil when pumping continuously, so that it seems more worthwhile to repair than to abandon them. The conditions in this group of wells are probably due in large part to the fact that they were drilled too deep. It seems probable that there is a tighter layer between the oil-bearing porous zone and the water-bear- ing porous zone. Only one of the well logs indicates this condition, but the behavior of the wells appears to corroborate the idea. During the first part of the producing life of the wells the pressure of the oil was great enough to force oil into the wells even against the back pressure of a moderate amount of water. The removal of oil was fairly rapid at first without appreciable replacement of oil or gas from distant portions of the reservoir. Consequently, the pressure in the oil- bearing porous zone was considerably reduced. Per cent Fig. 4. Graphic analyses of typical water samples from the Waterloo oil field. (Drawn by G. F. Moulton. Illinois State Geological Survey.) In the water-bearing porous zone there was a removal of consider- able amounts of fluid also, but replacement from sources outside of the local area served to maintain the pressure in the field. At the present time there is a much greater pressure in the water-bearing porous zone than in the oil-producing porous zone. This condition is believed to explain the great interference among certain wells. It is believed that the water- hearing zone is highly porous between a few of the wells near the north line of section 2 and that the pumping capacity of these wells is only slightly in excess of the capacity for fluid transmission of the water-bearing porous zone around the wells under the existing pressure conditions. Con- sequently, when one or two of these wells stops pumping, the water comes into the area faster than it is being removed, builds up pressure in the WATER INVESTIGATIONS IN WATERLOO FIELD 15 wells in excess of the pressure on the oil and thus keeps oil out of the well. The remedy for these conditions is cementing oft the water-bearing porous zone in the wells which are making large amounts of water. In ce- menting off the water-bearing porous zone it might well be noted that any of the uncemented wells which pump large quantities of water at present will probably lose their oil production and start flooding the oil sand. Such flooding should do much to increase the production of the properly drilled and repaired wells for it would restore the pressure on the oil sand in adjacent portions of the pool. The probable result would be the greater and more rapid recovery of oil than present operating conditions make pos- sible. In case repair work by cementing is undertaken, the State Geologi- cal Survey will be glad to give its cooperation. Certain wells showed a low brine concentration in the water analysis which indicates that surface water is leaking in. When the held work was done, however, none of these wells was making enough water to justify repair work. In case the amount of water pumped from any well in- creases very much, a sample should be sent in to the State Geological Survey for tests to determine whether the water is from the oil sand or from the surface. Consultation with the State Geological Survey in re- gard to wells not mentioned in this report is invited. OIL POSSIBILITIES OF THE AYERS ANTICLINE By Alfred H. Bell General Statement Among Illinois structures which merit further testing for oil, the Avers anticline in Bond County deserves consideration. In an earlier publication 1 this structure is shown by contours with a 50-foot interval ; the accompanying map ( fig. 5 ) represents it in greater detail by means of contours with a 10-foot interval. The key-bed used is Herrin (No. 6) coal. The axis of the anticline trends east and west. The strong dips to the south in sees. 28, 2U, 30, 31, 32, and 33, T. 6 N., R. 3 W., and to the north, in sees. 21, 1(>, and 17, T. (> N., R. 3 Y\\, have been determined with considerable certainty. Owing to lack of data, the detailed struc- tural features in sec. 24, T. G N., R. 4 W., and sees, 1!) and 20, T. (i N., R. 3 W., which sections appear to lie on the highest part of the anticline, are not so well known. 1 Blatchley, R. S., Oil and gas in Bond, Macoupin, and Montgomery counties, Tlli- n..is: Illinois State Geol. Survey Bull. 2S, PI. rr. 1914. 16 ILLINOIS PETROLEUM Development (1) The Bond County Gas Company has drilled 6 wells in sec. 28, T. 6 N., R. 3 W., 5 of which produce gas intermittently. The sixth (near the NW. corner NE. %) had water in the gas sand. The produc- ing horizon is a sand at approximately 900 feet, in the Chester series. Although logs of these wells are not available, it seems probable that the producing sand is the same as that in the Lindley gas field 6 miles south. (2) The Ohio Oil Company. Two wells have been drilled by this company in the -area mapped: 1. The Sapp well in N. y 2 NE. J4 sec - 21, T. 6 N., R. 3 W., total depth 1,100 feet ; 2, the well in the center N. y 2 NW. Y A NE. y A sec. 28, T. 6 N., R. 3 W.. of which the log is not available. (3) Snozvdcn Brothers. A well was drilled to a depth of 898 feet on the M. C. Huber farm in sec. 15, T. 6 N., R. 4 W., in 1914. The "Mississippi lime" was topped at 834 feet. No. 6 coal is not recorded in the log but its position may be inferred by using other beds for corre- lation. Possible Producing Horizons The following table lists the possible producing horizons in the area with the probable depth at which the top of each may be found. Depth Feet Horizons Remarks 400 1. Pennsylvania!! sands below Her- rin (No. 6) coal Produce oil at Junction City and Wamac; oil and gas at Carlin- ville; and gas at Staunton. 800 2. Chester Oil at Frogtown, Carlyle, Sandoval and Centralia; gas in Bond Coun- ty, (1) sec. 28, T. 6 N., R. 3 W. (fig. 5), and (2) Lindley pool, sec. 22, T. 5 N., R. 3 W. 900 3. Ste. Genevieve (upper part of "Mississippi lime"); corre- lated with "McC'losky sand" Oil in Lawrence County. 2000 4. Devonian or Silurian Showings of oil in wells in Old Ripley Township (south of Ayers anticline). 5. Silurian: "Niagara lime" and Hoing sand Gas in Pike County (Pittsfleld- Hadley anticline) and oil at Col- mar. 2650 6. Ordovician: Kimmswick-Plattin limestone ("Trenton lime- stone") Oil at Waterloo. OIL POSSIBILITIES OF AYERS ANTICLINE 17 v* . r V \ XX 7^ V \ - ■ \ \ \ X -A •»r • X \ -X -7 K. 4 IV. SCAl E -k K.3 W. _ J MMIS o». - >, Fig. 5. Structure map of Ayers anticline, Bond County. (Drawn by A. H. Bell Illinois State Geological Survey.) 18 ILLINOIS PETROLEUM Recommendations Since only one deep test in the area was favorably located with respect to structure, the Avers anticline appears to merit further testing for oil. The most favorable acreage, so far as available data indicate, comprises sec. 24, T. G N., R. 4 W., and sees. 1!). 20. N. y 2 sec. 30, and N. ^ sec. 29, T. G N., R. 3 W. Before locating a deep test it would be advisable to determine struc- ture more fully by drilling three or four shallow tests to No. G coal, distributing them over sees. 24, T. 6 N., R. 4 W., 1!) and 20, T. 6 N., R. 3 W. It would be preferable to make these tests by core drill, although churn drill tests would answer the purpose if the logs were carefully kept. A consideration of the table of possible oil horizons leads to the con- clusion that the best chance for production is in the Chester sands, since they furnish the oil and gas in the pools nearest the area described in this report. A thorough test, however, should extend to the top of the "Tren- ton" limestone. In case test drilling is undertaken for the determination of structure, the Survey will be glad to render assistance by running elevations on the wells and in the interpretation of results by examining cores or cuttings and correlating the logs. CURRENT OIL FIELD OPERATIONS IN ILLINOIS By H. C. Spoor, Jr. Wabash and Clark counties continue to have a dominant share in new drilling. Wabash County led with a total of 29 completions of which 12 were dry and IT were wells with a total initial production of 1,737 barrels, or an average of 102 barrels per well. The important additions to producing territory were the east and west parts of sec. G, T. 1 N., R. 11 W. Activity was particularly great on the Mark Madden, Collison Heirs, and Catherine Keyser farms. New activity of equal importance is likely to be started soon as a result of the new wells near the Gher farm along Wabash River. In Clark County 13 completions gave a total initial production of 233 barrels from 8 producers which averaged 29 barrels each. Noteworthy features in this area are that the attempt of W. C. McBride, Inc., to ex- tend the producing area to the south failed and that the main productive area is largely drilled up. A considerable falling off of new work is to be expected as a result. The completion of a small well at shallow depth in Morgan County may result in some new work there. Otherwise, with the exception of Wabash County, there is no great activity at the present time. Table 1 gives a summary of operations for a period of three months ending September 30. CURRENT "II FIELD OPERATIONS IN ILLINOIS 19 Remarks d o u d •3 O a. Depth Feet ■j. 3 m 6 Z "3 is T3 a s Ed c a £ o O cd o d c o * Township >. +j d d o O u U) >> >> M o iO M bf) cd - oi -p oS Ed u u ire A 03* V. oi o o V. 03 ^ iH Z m fc 03 a d cd 03 T3 d cd — d cd 03 — o Ed m d OS 03 t3 d oS 73 d oi 03 CO CO CO d OS u Oi 3 o T3 G OS — d ed 03 d cd ■a d 03 pi u r< u n u t-, S- d t* U ,y S-c ri S-, fl cd — - - a a! a> a 03 a a - a 2 00 0) - Pi Ed OS t-. Cd cd CS nS u OS oS oS ■— cd !<5 03 OS oi o! oi ■-. _ •_ O U o (J o O t- O ^ ~ .d M i d tn a! a s 2" as d a o 2 U o __ 2s 5 2 O 13 o o cd O t; © .2 | ft -s •if > o 3 o 5 Q Q o C CO LO d o cd cd O o _ _ 5 d ^ — -a — as d o £ £ 1-1 o O 5 o d OS d OS 0) ~ 03 — ^ X a a c o a OS a 03 PQ o cd o a d ed a o d >> d cd a o o U o i 33 o o g o £1 (J as d o a o o ■*^ U 3 £ cu s-. Eh U 03 U jd O 5 g ire CO o o o r-l iH T-l CM CM CO CO CO CO CO CO 20 ILLINOIS PETROLEUM -t-> CQ GQ W a o3 to m oo w 10 ■* Oi OS o t- s-. Q Q M a '3 03 0) 5 bJD be C 3 6 ^ CD Q o o CD ■a S3 eS !>> S3 03 ft B o O a 2 fl o EH S3 ■z o O « H CO _ " 2 11 r- r. d + 1 C pq £ 03 ^ o .fl S3 ffi PQ hK JH CD CD PQ PQ O V s s c 03 ft a o O fl S3 03 ft a S « - o o 2 q 2 *£_SiS m PQ SO CO i-H t- CN lO S X < -J o s -2 PQ a a s fa H," 3 — GQ r-l CM CM in a> o M to S3 fl o3 j3 G CO £ .ft GO o a3 a -c ,fl 03 O 1-3 g ^ 03 CD ,d SJ - PQ o "3 CD o Z a 3 3 o > t> 3 S g if cp G r« 03 Q CD — CD CD CD 03 -3 -a B PQ S V fl CJ e CD CD CD 7. 5 T) s 03 S3 o3 "3 "oS o CD Ph T3 O C £3 fl I— I g CD CD £3 CD 03 o X S3 fl 3 S3 fl T s 03 CI) 3 o CO 3 O +J CO fl s (Ti £ o EB o PQ X ffi o t> iH i-H lO l- oo fl ,* CD C « o o o c S o u '3 £ o U P3 O a c -a !-H n o F CO (5 o rrt O o tn > l>> lo o >, cd c- o t, £; - - Q o >» o >> o o O O LO Pi LO 1. lO CO rH LO H u P Q '" Q -< i-H 00 6 d Z CO rH ■ ^ 03 £ £ £ CQ ca pp - o > eg eg g 6 a a a >> a n o o o ^_, o >> o CD eg >> U u O CO CD O a CO p u "cO p CO co 3 p o o o a ca >> ca >> p O a o O C CD c o «s o - cS P CO s CO 33 CO 33 rt CJ Ed D CO ^1 CD CO CD ^ ^ o ■cd ~ _ — CJ o a a c o ; CD o a o a „ - >> u .-J CO — o 5 o O U O CO S o a CD CD 33 - o |Vi - CO — O C O K U CO >. u CO O >> CO ►.§ o CD M a a o CO cO r^ ro 3 O 5 cd CD Pi O | M 3 _o 3 _o a 3 — a Cd a CO T3 Ed P co a J » o o 3 o CD ^2 a CO CO ^ P CO s Ed — a ptc U a -3 3 m m « o O CQ fc <3 < <* W w >H o >H <4 § < H5 S r- rH r- to CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO t^ t~ c- r>- rH rH CO i-h » C aS ft a o O s o .a w o O o o t- CO H O O OS LO H i-H T-l rH rH rH rH i-l O O LO lo O o >> >» LO LC o LO >1 >> >> lo ■* C- «c tH a CM CX CD c- i-l P Q r-l rH i-H Q P P o K K X « aS DO o w CD s aS M o aS Ha W rt aS ao o W ** o c CO CD CD >H OS tO CD >"S m pi - o i-s CO co O oS o o a o o o o Z ZZ CO CO CO CO CO CO CP CP CP www CP CP CP o o o 1-3 l-S l~S CD ?i SfcV CD ^ cci O O .2 aS !_ < V O K o O o O o _ _ rt _ ccS cH, c3 ccS S O a, S 3 m cp X m o 5 O 3 CD fl O CP H § CO H >> o S tO Q, — o O *g s to s! S aS a o CO CP CP CP ;_; sj "J fi l-s i-s l-S M M W) S fl — rj Uu s s 3 o o O w i* >H t* 7 H2 CO GO o 1-5 H-3 1-3 rt s o O ■a a - J CO 1-1 CP aS ^ %± as £> CD co * ■* io cn * o Eh o CURRENT OIL FIELD OPERATIONS IN ILLINOIS 23 9 60 v a 60 £ S c - fi 3 cd — o Z 33 - C O C z o -a m I, £ X Q o Z •o d co ~ cti -r 1 «o ■ t - > ~ CQ Q m ^ 33 t; a) O to O B o_p 03 CO -a fl jo cS CD -fl — £ o m >, a >? g O ,Q P. ^S s ■a cp o O CO ^ aS O * aT c F5 o oo a Oi — ^ CD Fl tt] o - t— ft CO £< rH O B CO 'o B CO CD "~; — i— i - (H (1) CO CD ► ■B" +J 3 o X a) CD s o CO o3 S ci H rH tf .. 02 £ •* CO Eh — o T3 B es tf bo E B cc Q U3 to hi B eg B ■a CD "O a bn B d bn o3 GO CO Pi 6 a 2 So bO £d P. ^ ■ < X . o ■ rH \a ft ; rH O 7, 6 2 3 t>> CO CD X! CO CD fl 3 £ d s ss a B o O Hj , o >. C5 o r»> E d o o d as ci J O cS ft Pi +J P. CD CD CD - 'X Ph a. Ph < - co Th o o oo LO CO CO CO CO rH CM ^1 pi cd - fl >. -m S3 2 r^ c o '8 CS rH ^ B 03 CJ Ph B CT3 O > B a Eh B u a o 00 o B o a ns bo xs DQ a s- fc. 1 o J3 02