STATE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF ILLINOIS DOCKET OF PETITIONS / FOR ADDITIONS AND CHANGES IN Illinois Commissioners’ Classification FOR CONSIDERATION AND ACTION OF MEETING TO BE HELD AT Room 714 Insurance Exchange Building, 175 West Jackson Boulevard Chicago, Illinois Wednesday, May 10, 1916 AT 10 O’CLOCK A. M. W. L. O CONNELL, Chairman OWEN P. THOMPSON, Commissioner FRANK H. FUNK, Commissioner RICHARD YATES, Commissioner WALTER A. SHAW, Commissioner R. V. PRATHER, Secretary SCHNEPP & BARNES, PRINTERS, SPRINGFIELD, ILL. Item. Article. Present Rating. L.C.L. C. L. 1 Automobiles. Supplement No. 29, Page 151, Items 2589, 2590, and 2591. Automobiles : K. D., boxed or crated (C. L., min. weight 10,000 lbs.) Automobiles, S. U., (min. weight 5,000 lbs.) each Automobiles, taken apart (wheels detached) U/ 2 1 3l/ 2 tl 1 3 2 Bran. Supplement No. 29, Page 52, Item 1566. Bran, N. O. S. : In barrels or sacks In sacks 2,000 lbs., or over, 30 per cent higher than wheat carload distance tariff rates. Carloads, grain distance tariff rates. In bulk, 15,000 lbs., or over. . . In bulk, less han 15,000 lbs., not taken. 5 5 3 Middlings. Supplement No. 29, Page 112, Item 2234. Middlings (Same as Bran, N. O. S.) 2 3$ 5.2MI ZfL (X -• Desired Rating. L.C.L. C. L. Disposition. Automobiles, S. U., boxed or crated, with stand- ing top D1 # . Automobiles, S. U., boxed or crated, without standing top 1/2 Petition Woods Mobilefte Company, Chicago, 111. r ' \ 1 V Bran, N. O. S. : In barrels or sacks 5 1 In sacks 2,000 lbs., or over, 30 per cent higher than grain carload distance tariff rates. Carloads, grain distance tariff rates. In bulk, 15,000 lbs., or over | In bulk, less than 15,000 lbs., not taken. 5 1 Petition J. W. Gift & Company, Peoria, 111. ' Middlings : In barrels or sacks 5 In sacks 2,000 lbs., or over, 30 per cent higher than grain carload distance tariff rates. Carloads, grain distance tariff rates. : In bulk, 15,000 lbs., or over In bulk, less than 15,000 lbs., not taken. 5 /Petition J. W. Gift & Company, Peoria, 111. * Item. Article. Carriers, empty, returned. Present Rating. l.c.l. c. L Iron Barrel Cart. Casket shells. Casket shells, parts of. Supplement No. 29, Page 55, Item 1600. Bottles, in cases, with or without covers; 2 doz. qts., 50 lbs. per case; 4 doz. qts., 90 lbs. per case; 2 doz. pts., 35 lbs. per case; 3 doz. pts., 50 lbs. per case; 4 doz. pts., 75 lbs. per case. Supplement No. 29, Page 30, Item 1297. Barrel Carts; K. D. flat No specific provision. No specific provision. l/o 4th class. Desired Rating. L.C.G. C. L. Disposition. Bottles, in cases, with or without covers; 2 doz. qts. type, 50 lbs. per case; 4 doz. qts. type, 90 llis. per case; 2 doz. pts. type, 35 lbs. per case; 3 doz. pts. type, 50 lbs. per case; 4 doz. pts., type, 75 lbs. per case Petition Anheuser Busch Brewing Association, The Independent Breweries Company, The Pabst Brewing Company, Win. Lemp Brew- ing Company, The Jos. Schlitz Brewing Com- pany, and The Peter Schoenhofen Brewing Company. j. M- D - n p* C/i in < Barrel Carts; K. D. flat Petition Illinois Oil Company, Rock Island, 111. • J i 3 6 Casket shells, iron or steel, coated with lead or other metals C. L. min. weight 10,000 lbs Petition St. Louis Coffin Company, St. Louis, Mo. 1 2 4 basket shells, parts of iron or steel, coated with lead or other metals, pressed into shape, C. L. min. weight 30,000 lbs Petition St. Louis Coffin Company, St. Louis, Mo. r 5 5 Item Article. Present Rating. L.C.L. C. I. ! s Carriers, second-hand, empty, re- turned : Steel varnish drums or barrels. Supplement No. 29, Page 57, Item 1631. Iron Drums, N. O. S.. 4 Fertilizer Distributor. No specific provision. 10 Poultry Feed. Supplement No. 29, Page 73, Item 1751. Feed or Food: Pigeon or Poultry (not medi- cated or condimental), con- sisting of a mixture of grain (whole or cracked), grain screenings or seeds, with or without charcoal, ground oyster shells or other grit : In bags or sacks weighing 50 lbs. or over per bag or sack (See notes 1 and 2) In bulk in burlap bags or in paper bags enclosed in burlap bags, 2,000 lbs. or over, L. C. L., apply Wheat C. L., Distance Tariff Rate plus 30%. Note 1: — This rating will not apply when the article is packed in car- tons or packages other than small bags or sacks (paper or other- wise) enclosed in bags or sacks of the size required hereby. Note 2: — The amount of charges on a shipment weighing Jess than 2,000 lbs. shall not exceed the charges on 2,000 lbs. 5 7 6 Desired Rating. That Steel varinsh drums or barrels, returned, be included in Item 1(502, Page 55, of Supplement No. 2!). ( / 4th Class). Petition International Harvester Company of New Jersey, Chicago, 111. Fertilizer I )istributors : ' S. U k. 1)., wheels on or off, handles detached, in boxes, bundles or crates S. U. or K. D., in packages or loose, C. L., min. weight 20,000 lbs Petition National Implement & Vehicle Associa- tion, and International Harvester Company of America, Chicago, 111. Carload rating same as Mixed Live Stock Feed (Grain Distance Tariff Rate), and privilege of mixing in carloads with articles named in Item ! 1752, Page 73, Supplement No. 29. Petition H. L. Halliday Milling Company, Cairo, that provision be made for the shipping of live stock and poultry feed in paper bags of a pre- scribed strength. Petition Merchants Exchange of St. Louis, St. Louis, Mo. L.C.L C. L. Disposition. i Desired Rating. Soda Fountains, See Note: In. boxes or crates In packages named, C. L., min. weight 15,000 lbs., subject to Rule 30. Note: — Rating applies on the complete stone soda fountain, S. U., without back bar, cabinet, cabinet base counter, refrigerator or workboard. Soda Fountain in Counters or Counter Cabi- nets, in barrels, boxes or crates, see Note. . . Note: — Rating applies on counters or counter cabinets fitted for or fitted with fruit or syrup containers, syrup pumps or workboards, with or without cooling box or refrigerator compart- ments. Soda Fountain Draft Arms or Draft Stands, with or without Lighting Fixtures atached, not including Globes or Shades, in barrels or boxes Soda Fountain Outfits, consisting of Draft Arms or Draft Stands, in barrels or boxes, and Soda Fountain Counters or Counter Cabinets, in barrels, boxes or crates, mixed C. L. ; or in mixed C. L. with Back Bar Bases or Tops ; Cooling Boxes, Counters, Counter Slabs, Lighting Fixtures for back bars or counters, Refrigerators or Work- boards, in barrels, boxes or crates, min. weight 15,000 lbs., subject to Rule 30 "’etjtion The Liquid Carbonic Company, Chicago, L.C.L, C. L. Disposition. ( 9 Item. Article. Present Rating. L.C.L. C. L. 12 Boiler Graphite Feeder. No specific provision. 1 13 Automobile horns. No specific provision. 14 Air Pump. No specific provision. 15 Dressed Meats. — Page 47, Item 50. Dressed Meats in Refrigerator Cars will not be taken at less than 20,000 lbs. minimum weight, at car load rate for one consignee and destina- tion ; less than car load ship- ments must be delivered at depot of carrying road to be loaded with miscellaneous freight if less than car load rate per 100 lbs. is desired by shipper. 10 L i. Desired Rating. L.C.L. C. L. Disposition. Machinery, Machines, and Mills: Feeders, boiler compound, boxed ’etition The Lunkenhcimer Company, Cincin- nati, Ohio. 2 /chicles, Parts of : Automobile horns and warning signals ’etition Stewart-Warner Speedometer Corpora- tion, Chicago, 111. i i 1 /"ehicles, Parts of: Automobile air pump ’etition Stewart-Warner Speedometer Corpora- tion, Chicago, 111. 2 Eliminate item. ’etition Swift & Company, Chicago, 111. 13 Item Article. Present Rating. L.C.L. C. L 16 Auto Towing Poles. No specific provision. 17 Mattresses. Supplement No. 29, Page 86 Item 1974. Mattresses, N. O. S 1 18 Rubber scrap. Supplement No. 29, Page 134, Item 2429. Rubber, Scrap : In bags 2 In bales, barrels, boxes or crates In packages or loose (C. L., min. weight 30,000 lbs.) .... o 7 12 ( ■ • Desired Rating. L.C.L. C. L. Disposition. /chicles, Parts of : Auto Towing Poles, iron or steel. (That the article be classified according to Commis- sion’s judgment.) i Petition Weaver Manufacturing Company, Springfield, 111. dattresses : Cotton, Cotton Felt, Excelsior, Fibre, Husk, Moss or Straw, separate or combined: In bales, wrapped in paper and burlap .... 1 In fibreboard, pulpboard or corrugated strawboard boxes meeting the require- ments of Rule 24 except that the out- side dimensions of the boxes specified in Section 2 (c) and (d) and Section 3 (c) and (d) of Rule 24 may be in- creased to but not exceeding 100 united inches 1 In boxes or crates 1 In packages named, C. L., min. weight 10,000 lbs. (subject to Rule 30) 2 petition Sefton Manufacturing Company, Chi- cago, 111. Rubber, Scrap : In bags 2 In bales, barrels, boxes or crates 3 In packages or loose (C. L., min. weight 30,000 lbs.) 7 Tires, in bundles 3 Petition Federal Rubber Manufacturing Com- pany, Cudahy, Wis. 1 J 4 13 Item Article. Present Rating. L.C.L. C. I 19 Troughs. Supplement No. 29, Page 148 Item 2555. Troughs : Feeding or Watering (galvan- ized or plain) ; Cast or wrought . . . ►Sheet : S. U., not nested. . . . 2 1%’ 2 5 5 5 S. U., nested, crated or boxed. 20 Hay. Supplement No. 29, Page 94 Item 2082. Hay pressed, in bales (C. L., min weight 20,000 lbs., for cars 36 feet 6 inches in length and un- der, inside measurement) (Sub- ject to Rule 30 for cars over 36 feet 6 inches in length) (Rule 7 not to apply) . . . 3 8 21 Signs, other than Figures or Images. Page 9, Item 51. Boards, Advertising, plain (not Signs), in bundles, loaded in box cars 3 5 Page 60, Item 16. Signs, Sheet Iron Zinc or Steel, mounted on frame, two or more cleated together. 1 2 4 Page 60, Item 25. Signs, Cloth, in bundles 3 14 r Desired Rating. i L.C.L. C . L. Disposition. f roughs : Feeding or Watering (galvanized or plain) : Cast or wrought 2 5 Sheet : S. U., not nested 1 5 S. U., nested, crated or boxed 4 5 Petition Northwestern Stamping Company, Bur- lington, Iowa. • Hay pressed, in bales (C. L., min. weight 20,000 lbs., for ears 36 feet 6 inches in length and under, inside measurement) (Subject to Rule 30 for cars over 36 feet 6 inches in length) (Rule 7 not to apply) 1 9 ! (Petition Cairo Board of Trade et al. | bigns, other than Figures or Images : Advertising Boards, wooden, in one piece : In bundles or crates, C. L., min. weight 30,000 lbs 3 5 Aluminum, brass, bronze, copper or zinc, in boxes 1 Cloth or Oil Cloth : Mounted on wooden frames, in boxes 1 Not mounted, in bales, boxes or crates Mounted on solid wooden backs : 1 In boxes, two or more cleated or crated together, C. L., min. weight 30,000 lbs. . . . 2 4 15 Item. Article. 21 cont’d. Present Rating. Signs, other than Figures or Images (Cont’d.) Supplement No. 29, Page 138, Item 2463. Electric : N. O. S., exclusive of bulbs or Lamps : Not flat nor K. D. flat, in boxes ’ Flat or K. D. flat in boxes. Iron or Steel, without glass, lamps or bulbs : In crates or boxes (C. L., min. weight 20,000 lbs.). Fibreboard, etc. not classified at present. Page 60, Item 18. Signs, Glass, boxed. Supplement No. 29, Page 138, Item 2464. Iron, Steel or Tin, enameled, gal- vanized or plain : Mounted, or framed : In crates or boxes Not mounted, nor framed: In crates or boxes (C. L., min. weight 30,000 lbs.) . . Flat, with solid wooden backs, in boxes, or two or more cleated or crated together (C. L., min. weight 30,000 lbs.) . L.C.L. c. L. Concrete signs not classified at present. Dl 1 16 ( • Desired Rating. L.C.L. C . L. Disposition. Signs other than Figures or Images — Contd. : Signs : Concrete, in boxes or crates, C. L., min. weight 36,000 lbs 3 5 Electric : N. O. S., exclusive of bulbs or lamps : Not flat nor K. D. flat, in boxes Flat of K. D. flat, in boxes Metal, with or without glass letters or prism inserts, but not including bulbs or lamps, in boxes or crates t ' j | D1 1 1 1 Fibreboard, paperboard or pulpboard, plain, . varnished or waxed, in boxes or crates 2 Glass, or glass and metal or wood combined, N. O. S.: Not flat nor K. D. flat, in boxes Flat or K. D. flat, in boxes I D1 1 Iron, steel or tin, enameled, galvanized, painted or plain : Framed, in boxes, cleated bundles or crates Not framed, in boxes or crates Flat, with solid wooden backs, in boxes, or two or more cleated or crated to- gether In packages named, C. L., min. weight 30,000 lbs i 1 2 2 4 17 Item. Article. Present Rating. L.C.L. C. L. 21 contd. Signs, other than Figures or Images (Contd.) Revolving signs not classified at present. Page 60, Item 21. Signs, tin, boxed 1 4 Triple signs not classified at pres- ent. 1 Page 60, Item 22. Signs, wire Dl Page 60, Items 23 and 24. Signs, wood, P. P Signs, wood, in bundles (not to exceed 12 feet in length) 1 3 5 18 Desired Rating. L.C.L. C. L. Disposition. Mgns, other than Figures or Images — Contd. Revolving, in boxes 1 ■ D1 Tin, covered with celluloid or gelatine, in boxes 1 Triple, in boxes I l l /2 Wire, in boxes or crates D1 Wooden : In bundles In boxes or crates, or with fronts boarded. . In packages named, C. L., min. weight 30,000 lbs Signs, other than figures or images, N. O. S. in boxes Petition Illinois Freight Committee. I 2 2 D1 5 19 Item. Article. 22 Paintings, Pictures, etc. Present Rating. Page 52, Items 9, 10, 11, and 13. Paintings and Pictures, boxed, net invoice value not to exceed $50 per package, to be so ex- pressed in shipping receipt by- shipper Paintings and Pictures, boxed, net invoice value exceeding $50 per package Paintings and Pictures, when net invoice value is not expressed in shipping receipt by shipper, not taken. And an additional charge of 21/ 2 per cent of the net invoice value which net invoice value must be expressed in shipping re- ceipt by shipper Supplement No. 29, Page 123, Items 2307 and 2308. Paintings and Pictures, not boxed, invoice value not exceeding One Dollar each, and so re- ceipted for; shippers to load and unload Portraits (not Paintings), boxed, net invoice value not to exceed $10.00 per package, and so ex- pressed in shipping receipt by shipper L.C.L. C. L. Dl 20 I Desired Rating. Paintings, Pictures, Photographs, Panorama Scenery, Steroscopic Views and Framed Ad- vertising Exhibits, prepaid : In boxes, actual value not exceeding $50.00 per box, subject to Rule 36 In boxes, actual value $50.00 but not ex- ceeding $200.00 per box, subject to Rule 36 In boxes, actual value exceeding $200.00 but not exceeding $500.00 per box, subject to Rule 36 In boxes, actual value exceeding $500.00 per box or value not stated. Not taken. Not in boxes. Not taken. Petition Illinois Freight Committee. L.C.L D1 3tl C. L. Disposition. 21 Item. Article. Present Rating. L.C.L. C. L. 23 Dip. Supplement No. 29, Page 68, Item 1729. Dip (Sheep or Cattle) : Liquid or Powder: In kegs, boxes, barrels or casks : Invoice value not exceed- ing 6 cents per pound and so receipted for (C. L., min. weight 36,000 lbs.) 4 7 Value exceeding 6 cents per pound, or value not stated (C. L., min. weight 24,000 lbs.) . . . 3 5 24 Statuary. Page 62, Items 7 and 8. Statuary, Bonze or Metal, packed in boxes, bbls. or casks, net in- voice value not to exceed $50 per package, to be so expressed in shipping receipt by shipper.. 1 Statuary, Bronze or Metal, packed in boxes, bbls. or casks, net in- voice value exceeding $50 per package, to be so expressed in shipping receipt by shipper. . . . Dl 25 Seed. Supplement No. 29, Page 137, Item 2446. — Seed, N. O. S.: Invoice value not exceeding 10 cents per pound, and so re- ceipted for: Ground or powdered : <; In bags, boxes, barrels or casks 1 4 1 ( Desired Rating. L.C.L. C. L. Disposition. Dip, Cattle, Poultry or Sheep, N. O. S.: Liquid : In metal cans completely jacketed. C.L., min. weight 30,000 lbs 3 7 In metal cans, in boxes or crates, C. L., min. weight 30,000 lbs 4 7 In bulk in barrels, C. L., min. weight 30,000 lbs ' 4 i Other than liquid : In barrels or boxes, C. L., min. weight 30,000 lbs 3 5 Petition Illinois Freight Committee. Statuary, bronze or metal, packed in boxes, bar- rels or casks, actual value not exceeding $50.00 per package and so receipted for 1 i Statuary, bronze or metal, packed in boxes, bar- I rels or casks, actual value exceeding $50.00 per package D1 Petition Illinois Freight Committee. Seed, N. O. S. : Actual value not exceeding 10 cents per pound, and so receipted for : Ground or powdered : In bags, boxes, barrels or casks 1 4 Petition Illinois Freight Committee. i 23 i Item. Article. Present Rating. L.C.L. C. L. 26 Copper. Supplement No. 29, Page 65, Items 1703 and 1704. Copper : Ingots, in barrels or casks Bars, Cakes, Pigs or Slabs Copper Ore, Copper Matte, Cakes, Ingots, Bars, Pigs or Slabs, value not to exceed $100 per net ton, to be limited by writ- ten agreement Supplement No. 29, Page 122, Item 2297. Ore, Antimony, Calamine, Cop- per, Gold, Lead, Silver or Tin, invoice value not exceeding One Hundred Dollars per net ton, and so receipted for 3 3 4 4 4 9 9 24 Desired Rating. l.c.i., „opper : Bar or Rod, drawn, extruded or rolled : In barrels, boxes, bundles, crates or tubs, C. L., min. weight 30,000 lbs Bar or Rod, with steel core: In barrels, boxes, bundles, crates or tubs, C. L., min. weight 30,000 lbs Bars, rough cast, Cakes, Ingots, Pigs or Slabs : In barrels, boxes or qrates ; or wired to- gether in bundles weighing 50 lbs. or over; or if weighing each 50 lbs. or over, in packages or loose In packages or loose, C. L., min. weight 40,000 lbs Ores, N. O. S. : Actual value not exceeding $100.00 per ton, in bags, barrels or boxes Actual value exceeding $100.00 per ton, in bags, barrels or boxes In carloads : See tariffs of individual carriers. Petition Illinois Freight Committee. C. L. Disposition. 26 Item. Article. Present Rating. L.C.L. C. L. 27 Nickel Matte and Mica. Page 50, Item 39. Nickel Matte value not to exceed $100 per net ton to be limited by written agreement Supplement 29, Page 122, Item 2298. Mica, invoice value not exceeding One Hundred Dollars per net ton, and so receipted for 6 9 28 Paper Wrappers. Supplement No. 29, Page 124, Item 2315. Paper : Wrappers (see note) : Other than Government Stamped, printed or litho- graphed edges gummed or not gummed or not printed or lithographed, edges gummed (C. L., min. weight 30,000 lbs.) Note: — Paper Wrappers consisting each of one piece of flat paper, not printed, lithographed or gum- med, will he rated same as wrap- ping paper from which cut, with same package requirements. 2 5 — 26 Desired Rating. L.C.L. C. L. Disposition. Eliminate items from Classification. Petition Illinois Freight Committee. 1 That provision be made requiring these articles to be shipped in boxes, bundles or crates. \ Petition Illinois Freight Committee. hi ■ i | 27 Item. 29 Article. Churns, hand. Present Rating. L.C.L. C. L Supplement No. 29, Page 166, Item 2834. Churns, wooden or metal, loose. . Churns, wooden or metal, frames, k. d., in bdls. and cylinders or boxes Churns, wooden or metal, com- pletely K. D., boxed Churns, wooden or metal, (mini- mum weight 12,000 lbs.) 1 % 2 3 28 Desired Rating. L.C.L. C. L. Disposition. Churns, Hand : Glass : Packed in barrels, boxes or crates 1 In packages named, C.L., min. weight 24,000 lbs., subject to Rule 30 4 Metal : In barrels, boxes or crates 1 In packages named, C. L., min. weight 20,000 lbs., subject to Rule 30 4 Glass and Metal Churns, in packages pro- vided for straight C. L. shipments, mixed C. L., min weight 24,000 lbs., subject to Rule 30 4 Earthware or Stoneware: With Frames: S. U., in boxes or crates 2 Bodies in barrels, boxes or crates, frames taken apart, in barrels, boxes, bundles or crates 2 Without frames, in barrels, boxes or crates 3 Wooden : With Frames: S. U., loose S. U., in barrels, boxes or crates 1 Bodies in packages or loose, frames taken apart, in barrels, boxes, bundles or crates 2 Without frames: Loose 2 In barrels, boxes or crates 2 With frames or without frames, in pack- ages or loose, C. L., min. weight 15,000 lbs., subject to Rule 30 4 Petition Illinois Freight Committee. [ 29 Item. Article. Present Rating. L.C.L. C. L. 30 Bicycle and motorcycle rims. No specific provision. 31 Toilet preparations. No specific provision. 32 Candles. Supplement No. 29, Page 54, Item 1583. Candles : N. O. S., in packages 4 5 Tumbler or Cup: In boxes, barrels or casks : Invoice value of the tumb- lers or cups not exceed- ing 25 cents per dozen and so receipted for (C. L., min. weight 36,000 lbs.) 3 5 Invoice value of the tumb- lers or cups exceeding 25 cents per dozen or value not stated (C. L., min. weight 24,000 lbs.) 2 4 30 Desired Rating. Rims, Bicycle or Motorcycle: Iron or Steel: Finished, in boxes or crates Unfinished : In boxes or crates In packages named, C. L., min. weight 16,000 lbs., subject to Rule 30 Wooden : I Finished, in boxes or crates Unfinished, in boxes or crates In packages named, C. L., min. weight 10,000 lbs., subject to Rule 30 Petition Illinois Freight Committee. ( Toilet Preparations, N. O. S., including Facial Cleaning Cream, in glass or earthenware or in metal cans, in boxes 1 f Petition Illinois Freight Committee. Candles : Tumbler or Cup: In boxes, barrels or casks, C. L., min. weight 36,000 lbs N. O. S., in packages, C. L., min. weight 36,000 lbs. Petition Illinois Freight Committee. Item. Article. Present Rating. L.C.L. C. L. 33 Targets. Page 54, Item 16. Pigeons, Clay, in boxes, casks or crates 3 5 Page 64, Items 28, 29, and 30. Target Balls, in bbls. or boxes.. 3 6 Targets, Shooting Gallery, iron, in packages 3 5 Targets, Sportsman’s Flying, in bbls. or boxes 3 5 Targets : Air Rifle, Iron or Steel : In barrels or boxes In packages named 4 6 Note: — The latter item approved at the January, 1916 Classification meeting. Not yet published. 34 Popped Corn Confectionery or Puffed Rice Confectionery. Supplement No. 29, Page 129, Item 2390. Popped Corn Confectionery or Puffed Rice Confectionery : In bulk in wooden stave bas- kets with tight metal or wooden covers 1 In balls in wooden stave bas- kets, with tight metal or wooden covers 1 In balls in barrels or boxes. . 1 Invoice value exceeding 10 cents per pound or value not stated : In bulk in barrels or boxes In pressed forms, other than balls, in barrels or boxes In cartons in barrels or boxes 3 3 3 Invoice value not exceeding 10 cents per pound, and so receipted for: In bulk in barrels or boxes 4 In pressed forms, other than balls, in barrels or boxes In cartons, in barrels or boxes 4 4 32 Desirkd Rating. Targets : Clay or Pitch : In barrels or boxes, C. L., min. weight 24,000 lbs. Subject to Rule 30 Cloth or Paper : In boxes Glass Ball: In barrels or boxes , Iron or Steel : In barrels, bundles or crates*. Mechanical Shooting Gallery, including oper- ating devices in boxes or crates Military or Military Target Frames: S. U., in bbls., bundles or crates K. D., in bbls., bundles or crates Targets, N. O. S., in boxes or crates i . . . . . Petition Illinois Freight Committee. L.C.L, 3 1 2 3 D1 1 3 C. L, Disposition. Popped Corn Confectionery or Puffed Rice Con- fectionery : In bulk in wooden stave baskets, with tight metal or wooden covers In balls in wooden stave baskets, with tight metal or wooden covers In balls in barrels or boxes. Actual value exceeding 10 cents per pound or value not stated : In bulk in barrels or boxes In pressed forms, other than balls, in barrels or boxes In cartons in barrels or boxes Actual value not exceeding 10 cents per pound, and so receipted for : In bulk in barrels or boxes In pressed forms, other than balls, in barrels or boxes In cartons in barrels or boxes Petition Illinois Freight Committee. ;3 Item. Article. Present Rating. L.C.L. C. L. 35 I lerbs. Supplement No. 29, Page 94, Item 2084. Herbs (dried), including Sage: N. O. S.: Loose, in bags, boxes or bar- rels In glass, boxed Pressed, in bales (C. L. min. weight 20,000 lbs.) 1 1 1 3 Invoice value not exceeding 10 cents per pound, and so re- ceipted for : Ground or powdered : In bags In boxes, bbls. or casks.. Pressed, in bales Machine compressed, boxed (C. L., min. weight 30,000 lbs.)... 2 3 2 3 4 4 4 4 V alue exceeding 10 cents per pound, or value not stated : Ground or powdered or ma- chine compressed : In packages 1 36 Foods and Poultry. Medicines, Animal and Supplement No. 29, Page 77, Item 1787. $Foods and Medicines: Animal and Poultry : Invoice value not exceeding 10 cents per pound and so receipted for : Animal Condiments (ground for use in making animal foods) : In boxes and barrels JAnimal and Poultry Foods, N. O. S., Tonics and Regulators (prepared), boxed, or in bulk in bags, pails, veneered drums, boxes or barrels : Invoice value not exceed- ing 10 cents per pound and so receipted for.... Invoice value exceeding - 10 cents per pound or value not stated 1 4 1 4 7 tNote: — On shipments of Animal and Poultry Foods and Medicines, all charges must he guaranteed, and on returned shipments must be prepaid. 34 Desired Rating. l.c.l. Herbs (dried), including Sage: N. O. S.: Loose, in bags, boxes or barrels In glass, boxed Pressed, in bales (C. L. min. weight 20,000 lbs) Actual value not exceeding 10 cents per pound, and so receipted for: Ground or powdered : In bags In boxes, bbls., or casks Pressed, in bales Machine compressed, boxed (C. L., min. weight 30,000 lbs) Actual value exceeding 10 cents per pound, or value not stated: Ground or powdered or machine compressed : In packages Petition Illinois Freight Committee. |Foods and Medicines : Animal and Poultry : Actual value not exceeding 10 cents per pound and so receipted for : Animal Condiments (ground for use in mak- ing animal foods) : In boxes and barrels JAnimal and Poultry Foods, N. O. S., Tonics and Regulators (prepared), boxed, or in bulk in bags, pails, veneered drums, boxes or barrels : Actual value not exceeding 10 cents per pound and so receipted for Actual value exceeding 10 cents per pound or value not stated $Note: — On shipments of Animal and Poultry Foods and Medicines, all charges must be guar- anteed, and on returned shipments must he pre- paid. Petition Illinois Freight Committee. C. L. Disposition. 35 Item. Article. Present Rating. L.C.L. C. L. .37 Household Goods and Emigrants’ Mov- ables. Supplement No. 29, Pages 95 and 96, Items 2093 and 2094. Household Goods and Emigrants’ Movables : Household Goods: (Consisting of second-hand articles of household furni- ture, and personal effects only), not for sale or specu- lation, prepaid or guaran- teed (see note). The value of each article of which is declared by ship- per not to exceed $10.00 per 100 lbs. (or the propor- tionate amount thereof if weight is less than 100 lbs.) and so stated on bill of lad- ing, C. L. min. weight 20,000 lbs. (Rule 7 not to apply) 1 7 When value is declared by shipper to exceed $10.00 per 100 lbs., or value not stated, C. L. min. weight 20,000 lbs. (Rule 7 not to apply) H/2 5 In lift vans, min. weight 24,000 lbs. (prepayment of freight charges not re- quired) 6 Note : — Will not apply on Bicycles, Liq- uors, Provisions, Vehicles (except Children’s Vehicles), or on to exceed two Pianos. Shipments of Household Goods, not Furniture, must be packed ; Chests nailed or strapped ; Bedding, boxed, crated, or in bales ; Sewing Machines, boxed or crated ; Clothing, Musical Instruments and Books, boxed or in barrels. Less carload shipments of trunks filled with Household Goods, must not be accepted, unless boxed or strapped. Trunks or other pack- ages containing Watches, Jewelry, Gold or Silver Coin, articles manu- factured from precious metals, Drafts, Bank Bills, Notes, Deeds or Valuable Papers of any kind, not taken. Emigrants’ Movables : Not for sale or speculation, prepaid or guaranteed (see note). The value of each article of which is declared by ship- per not to exceed $10.00 per 36 Desired Rating. weight ! Household Goods and Emigrants’ Movables: Household Goods: (Consisting of second-hand articles of household furniture, and personal effects only), not for sale or speculation, prepaid or guaranteed (see note). When actual value of each article does not exceed $10.00 per 100 pounds and the consignor so states, C. L., min. 20,000 lbs. (Rule 7 not to apply) When the actual value of any article ex- ceeds $10.00 per 100 pounds, C. L., min. weight 20,000 lbs. (Rule 7 not to apply). In lift vans, min. weight 24,000 lbs. (pre- payment of freight charges not required). Note :Will not apply on Bicycles, Liquors, Provisions, Vehicles (except Children’s Vehicles), or on to ex- ceed two Pianos. Shipments of Household Goods, not Furniture, must be packed ; Chests nailed or strapped ; Bedding, boxed, crated, or in bales ; Sewing Machines, boxed or crated ; Clothing, Musical Instruments and Books, boxed or in barrels. Less carload shipments of ( trunks filled with Household Goods, must not be accepted, unless boxed or strapped. Trunks or other packages containing Watches, Jewelry, Gold or Sil- ver Coin, articles manufactured from precious metals. Drafts, Bank Bills, Notes, Deeds or Valuable Papers I of any kind, not taken. [ Emigrants’ Movables : Not for sale or speculation, prepaid or guaran- teed (see note). When actual value of each article does not exceed $10.00 per 100 pounds and the con- signor so states, C. L., min. weight 20,000 lbs. (Rule 7 not to apply) When the actual value of any article exceeds $10.00 per 100 pounds, C. L., min. weight 20,000 lbs. (Rule 7 not to apply) Note : — The term “Emigrants’ Movables’’ will apply to property of an intending settler only, and will in- clude Tools and Implements of Calling (including Hand and Foot Power Machines, but not including machinery driven by Steam, Electricity, Gas, Gasoline, Compressed Air or Water, other than Agricultural Implements) ; Second-hand Store Fixtures of mer- chants ; Second-hand Vehicles (not including Self- Propelling Vehicles, Hearses and similar Vehicles) ; Live Stock, not to exceed ten (10) head (subject to declared valuations and premium charges shown under “Live Stock”) ; Trees and Shrubbery; Lumber and Shingles, Fence Posts ; one Portable House ; Seeds for planting purposes ; Feed for Live Stock , while in transit, and Household Goods ; but does not include General Merchandise, nor any articles, whether herein enumerated or not, which are intended for sale or speculation. Live Poultry, in coops or crates, forming part of and • accompanying shipments of Household Goods and Emigrants’ Movables, will be charged for at classi- fied rating of Household Goods and Emigrants’ Mov- ables. When a carload shipment contains Horses, Mules or Cattle, one man in charge will be carried free, and in such cases agents will use the Live Stock Contract. L.C.L. 1/2 I/2 C. L. Disposition. 37 Item. Article. Present Rating. L.C.L. C. L. 37 Contd. Household Goods and Emigrants’ Mov- ables: (Contd.) 100 lbs. (or the proportion- ate amount thereof, if weight is less than 100 lbs.), and so stated on bill of lading, C. L., min. weight 20,000 lbs. (Rule 7 not to apply) The value of which is de- clared by shipper to exceed $10.00 per 100 lbs., or value not stated, C. L., min. weight 20,000 lbs. (Rule 7 not to apply) Note : — The term “Emigrants’ Mov- ables” will apply to property of an intending settler only, and will in- clude Tools and Implements of Call- ing (including Hand and Foot Power Machines, but not including Machin- ery driven by Steam, Electricity, Gas, Gasoline, Compressed Air or Water, other than Agricultural Implements) ; Second-hand Store Fixtures of Mer- chants ; Second-hand Vehicles (not including Self-Propelling Vehicles, Hearses and similar Vehicles) ; Live Stock, not to exceed ten (10) head (subject to declared valuations and premium charges shown under “Live Stock”) ; Trees and Shrubbery; Lum- ber and Shingles, Fence Posts ; one Portable House ; Seeds for planting purposes ; Feed for Live Stock while in transit, and Household Goods ; but does not include General Merchan- dise, nor any articles, whether here- in enumerated or not, which are in- tended for sale or speculation. Live Poultry, in coops or crates, form- ing part of and accompanying ship- ments of Household Goods and Emi- grants’ Movables, will be charged for at classified rating of Household Goods and Emigrants’ Movables. When a carload shipment contains Horses, Mules or Cattle, one man in charge will be carried free, and in such cases agents will use the Live Stock Contract. No free return passes will be given. With other live animals man in charge to pay full fare. I iy 2 7 5 — 39 Item. Article. Present Rating. L.C.L. C. L. 38 Moving Picture Machines. No specific provision. 39 Seed, Cotton. Supplement No. 29, Page 137, Item 2448. Seed, Cotton, Flax or Linseed : L. C. L (C. L., min. weight 24,000 lbs.) Wheat Distance Tariff Rates (See Rule 28.) 3 40 Compounds. Page 55, Items Nos. 6 and 7. Polishing Compounds or Pow- ders, N. O. S., in packages, packed in cases 1 4 Polishing Compound in cakes or bulk, in boxes or bbls 3 5 Page 56, Item 1. Powders, Washing, dry, in pack- ages 5 6 Page 73, Items 17, 18 and 19. Washing Compound, dry, in pack- ages 5 6 | Washing Compound, Liquid, in bottles, packed 2 4 Washing Compound, Liquid, in bbls 5 G 40 Desired Rating. L.C.L. C. L. Disposition. Moving Picture Machines, other than coin- operated, in boxes D1 Petition Illinois Freight Committee. i that cotton seed be removed from the application of Rule 28. Petition Illinois Freight Committee. Compounds : Polishing and Buffing N. O. S., except liquid : In glass or earthenware, packed in barrels or or boxes, C. L., min weight 30,000 lbs. . . . 1 4 In other packages in barrels or boxes, C. L., min. weight 36,000 lbs 3 5 In bulk in barrels or boxes, C. L., min. weight 36,000 lbs 3 5 In cakes in barrels or boxes, C. L., min weight 36,000 lbs 3 5 Scouring and washing compounds and prepara- tions, N. O. S. : Dry: In barrels or boxes, C. L., min weight 36,000 lbs 4 5 Liquid : In carboys, C. L., min. weight 24,000 lbs., subject to Rule 20-B 1 4 • In glass or earthenware, packed in barrels or boxes, C. L., min. weight 30,000 lbs 2 5 In cans in boxes, or in barrels, kegs or kits, C. L., min. weight 30,000 lbs 4 5 Petition Illinois Freight Committee. 41 - Item. Article. Present Rating. L.C.L. 41 Stoves, Ranges, Furnaces, etc. Supplement No. 29, Page 131, Item 2416. 1 Ranges, Gas and Gasoline (not skeleton frame), crated or boxed 3 5 Supplement No. 29, Page 143, Items 2505, 2506, and 2507. Stoves, N. O. S., crated or boxed. Stoves and Ranges : 2 5 Gas, Gasoline, and Oil, /(not skeleton frame) crated or boxed, (C. L., min. weight 24,000 lbs.) 3 5 Alcohol, Gas, Gasoline, or Oil, skeleton frame, or with frame partially enclosed : S. U. in boxes or crates. . . 2 K. D. in boxes or crates. . 3 (C. L., min. weight 24,000 lbs.) 5 Stoves, Camp, sheet iron or steel : S. U., loose Dl S. U., ovens nested within stove : In bundles IV2 In boxes or crates 2 K. D. flat in boxes or crated. 3 (C. L., min. weight 24,000 lbs.) 5 Page 54, Items 37 and 371^. Pipe, Stove, loose or in bundles.. Dl 5 Pipe, Stove, crated iy 2 5 i Desired Rating. L.C.L. C. L. Disposition. Stoves, Ranges, Furnaces, etc. : Stoves or Ranges, Iron or Steel : Charcoal : In boxes or crates, C. L., min. weight 20,000 lbs. (Subject to Rule 30.) 2 5 Coal or Wood, with or without gas burning attachments : Malleable, or plate with malleable doors, frames and tops: Loose 2 In boxes or crates Loose or in packages, C. L., min. weight 20,000 lbs. (Subject to Rule 30.) ... . Cast or Plate or Sheet with cast bases or tops : Loose 3 5 2 In boxes or crates 3 Loose or in packages, C. L., min. weight 20,000 lbs. (Subject to Rule 30.) 5 [ Sheet, without cast bases or tops : S. U.: In boxes or crates, C. L., min. weight 12,000 lbs. (Subject to Rule 30.) . . . 1 2 K. D.: In boxes or crates, C. L., min weight 20,000 lbs. (Subject to Rule 30.) . . . 3 5 Gas : Skeleton Frame or with Frame partially enclosed : S. U. in boxes or crates 1 K. D. in boxes are crates 2 N. O. S. in boxes or crates 3 In packages named, C. L., min. weight 20,000 lbs. (Subject to Rule 30.) . . . 5 i Gasoline or Oil: Skeleton Frame or with Frame partially enclosed : S. U. in barrels, boxes or crates 1 K. D. in barrels, boxes or crates 2 N. O. S. in barrels, boxes or crates. . . . 3 In packages named, C. L., min. weight 16,000 lbs. (Subject to Rule 30.) . . 4 43 Item. Article. Present Rating. L.C.L. C. L. • - 41 Contd. Stoves, Ranges, Furnaces, etc. (Contd.) Page 62, Items 51, 52 , 53, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, and 63. Stoves, Ranges, Furnaces, Furnace Castings, Grate Bars and Cast- ings and Rocking Grates ; also Stove Plate and Stove Furniture, if shipped with Stoves 1/2 Same, Released 3 5 Same, in lots of 12,000 lbs. or over, released 4 Stoves, Laundry and Drier com- bined K. D., boxed or crated. . . . 3 Stove Boards, Coal Hods, Zinc, Sheet Iron, Stove Pipe and El- bows, may be loaded with Stoves, N. O. S., in carloads, at Fifth Class rates. Stove Boards 3 5 Stove Carriers and Lifters, in bbls. or boxes 3 • Stove, Gas, in wood 3 5 Stove Linings, loose 1 5 Stove Linings, in bundles 3 5 Stove Linings, in bbls. or boxes. . . Page 63, Items 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, and 14. 4 5 Stove Pipe Elbows, corrugated or other, loose Dl . 44 Desired Rating. L.C.L. C. L. Disposition. Stoves, Ranges, Furnaces, etc. (Contd.) N. O. S.: In boxes or crates : S. U 1 K. D 2 C. L., min. weight 20,000 lbs. (Subject to Rule 30) 5 Stove Boards, Stove Furniture, Stove Orna- ments, etc. (See note) : Stove Boards, C. L., min. weight 24,000 lbs. . 3 5 Stove Lid Lifters or Carriers, C. L., min. weight 24,000 lbs 3 5 Stove Linings, Iron or Steel : Loose 1 In bundles 3 In barrels or boxes 4 Loose or in packages, C. L., min. weight 24,000 lbs 5 Stove Shovels and Fire Pokers, Iron, N. O. S. : In packages, C. L., min. weight 24,000 lbs.. . 3 5 Pipe, Stove: Loose or in bundles Dl Crated IK Loose or in packages, C. L., min. weight 24,000 lbs 5 Stove Pipe Elbows, corrugated or other : Loose Dl Securely wired together in bundles IK In crates IK Loose or in packages, C. L., min. weight 24,000 lbs. (Rule 7 not to apply) 5 Stove Pipe Thimbles : In boxes or barrels, C. L., min. weight 24,000 lbs 3 4 Stove Ornaments or Trimmings, N. O. S. : Copper, Brass or Bronze, in barrels, boxes or crates 1 Iron or Steel : In barrels, boxes or crates, C. L., min. weight 24,000 lbs 3 5 45 Item. Article. Present Rating. L.C.L. C. L. 41 Contd. Stoves, Ranges, Furnaces, etc. (Contd.) Stove Pipe- Elbows, corrugated or other, securely wired together, in bundles 1/2 Stove Pipe Elbows, corrugated or other, crated Stove Pipe Elbows, corrugated or other, (Rule 7 not to apply) .... 5 Stove Pipe Thimbles, packed in boxes or bbls 3 4 Stove Shovels and Pokers, Fire, iron, N. O. S. in packages 3 5 Stove Trimmings or Ornaments, in boxes or bbls 3 Page 16, Items 27 and 28. Castings, Furnace, iron or steel, in boxes or barrels 4 5 Castings, Furnace, iron or steel loose 3 5 Page 26, Items 16, 18, 19, and 20. Furnaces, Heating, iron 3 5 Furnace Parts, iron (not Castings) 1 5 Furnace Pipe and Fittings, Heat- ing, galvanized iron or tin, not nested, crated or boxed I /2 5 Furnace Pipe and Fittings, Heat- ing, galvanized irop or tin, nested, crated or boxed 1 5 - ^ Desired Rating. L.C.L. Note: — Articles subject to this note may be ship- ped in mixed carloads with stoves and ranges at rating of fifth class minimum carload weight 20,000 lbs. (subject to rule 30) provided the combined weight of the articles subject to the note shall not exceed 33 1/3 per cent of the total weight of the mixed carload. Furnaces : Furnaces, heating, metal, N. O. S. : S. U., C. L. min. weight 24,000 lbs K. D., C. L., min. weight 30,000 lbs S. U., lined with fire brick C. L., min. weight 30,000 lbs Furnace Parts, iron or steel, N. O. S Furnace Pipe and Fittings, Heating, galvan- ized iron or tin : Not nested, crated or boxed Nested, crated or boxed Furnace Castings, iron or steel: Loose In boxes or barrels Minimum weight 30,000 lbs Petition Illinois Freight Committee. 1 C. L, Disposition 1 4 i' Item. Article. Present Rating. L.C.L. C. L. 42 Bottles, carboys, demijohns and jars, glass. Page 10, Item 38. Bottles, glass, N. O. S Page 14, Items 17, 18, and 19. Carboys, naked, packed, in bulk, minimum weight 20,000 lbs Carboys, empty Carboys, empty, returned Page 31, Item 13. Demijohns, naked, packed, in bulk, minimum weight 16,000 lbs Page 31, Item 10. Creamery Jars, glass, naked, packed, in bulk, min. weight 16,000 lbs 4 4 . 5 7 6 6 3 3 48 Desired Rating. L.C.L. C. L. Disposition. Glass Articles : Bottles, glass, N. O. S. (See Note) G Carboys, naked, packed, in bulk, minimum weight 20,000 lbs. (See Note) 5 Carboys, empty. (See Note) 4 5 Carboys, empty, returned. (See Note) 4 5 Demijohns, naked, packed, in bulk, minimum weight 16,000 lbs. (See Note) 3 Creamery Jars, glass, naked, packed, in bulk, min. weight 16,000 lbs 3 Note:— Bottles, carboys, demijohns or jars will only be accepted in bulk when in carloads and when complying with the following conditions: (a) Bottles, demijohns or jars, one-half gallon or less in capacity, must contain a minimum weight of glass as follows: Capacity Minimum not weight exceeding. of glass. 1 Half Pint 6 ounces 1 Pint 12 ounces 1% Pints 14 ounces 1 Quart 16 ounces iy 2 Quarts 22 ounces 2 Quarts 28 ounces (b) Bottles, demijohns or jars, one-half gallon or less in capacity, loaded in bulk in carloads. Consignors must provide two transverse partitions of %-inch or heavier wood, placed half-way be- tween the ends and doorways of the car and two transverse partitions of same material placed inside and just clear of doorways; these partitions must not be fastened to the car, but must fit tightly between the sides thereof and be held in place hy the load; the doorway transverse partitions must be braced by an additional par- tition of %-inch or heavier wood placed length- wise in the center of the car; inside door protec- tion of %-inch or heavier wood corresponding to grain doors to be securely fastened across the doorways; all partitions and inside door protec- tion to project above the level of the load. Bottles, demijohns or jars, one-half gallon or less in capacity, having tapering necks, must be loaded shoulder to shoulder and bottom to bot- tom, with a cushion of indented pulpboard or other suitable material between bottoms; other shapes must be loaded neck to bottom with a cushion of indented pulpboard or other suitable material between necks and bottoms. (c) Bottles, carboys, demijohns or jars, exceeding one-half gallon in capacity, loaded in bulk in carloads. Consignors must provide two transverse partitions of %-inch or heavier wood, placed inside and just clear of the doorways; partitions must not be fastened to the car, but must be braced by an additional partition of %-inch or heavier 49 Item. . Article. Present Rating. L.C.L. C. L. 42 Could. Bottles, carboys, demijohns and jars, glass. (Contd.) 1 ; I — Desired Rating. L.C.L. C. L. Disposition. dass Articles. (Contd.) wood placed lengthwise in the center of car; inside door protection of %-inch or heavier wood corresponding to grain doors to be securely fastened across the doorways; all partitions and inside door protection to project above the level of the load. Bottles, carboys, demijohns, or jars, exceeding one- half gallon in capacity, must be separately and securely packed with hay, indented pulpboard or other suitable material so that there is a cushion of material between each of the articles. Bottles or jars, one-half gallon or less in capacity, in individual double-faced corrugated strawboard cartons, will be accepted in bulk and only the door protection of %-inch or heavier wood cor- responding to grain doors, will be required. ’etition Illinois Freight Committee. 51 i Item. Article. Present Rating. L.C.L. C. L. 43 Tractor lugs. No specific provision. 44 Rule 28. Supplement No. 29, Page 18. Rule 28 : Carload shipments of Clover Seed, Red Top Seed, Timothy Seed, Cotton Seed, Flax Seed or Linseed, in bulk, may not be accepted for transporta- tion unless loaded in cars which have been properly lined, at shipper’s expense, to prevent loss by leakage. Shippers will be required to notify carrier’s agent that he desires to load Flax Seed, Timothy Seed or other seeds named, and the following no- tation over shipper’s signa- ture must be shown on ship- ping order and bill of lading. “Loaded in bulk, subject to, and in compliance with, Rule 28 of Illinois Railroad and Warehouse Commission Classification No. 10.” 45 Rule No No specific provision. 52 - Desired Rating. L.C.L. C. L. Disposition. vgricultural Implement Parts (Other than Hand) : Lugs, tractor, iron or steel C. L., min. weight 20,000 lbs ’et it ion International Harvester Company, of America, Chicago, 111. 4 6 Eliminate cotton seed from list of articles named in Rule 28. Vtition Illinois Freight Committee. ■ I 1 l Property of Extraordinary Value Not Accepted: Unless otherwise provided the following prop- erty will not be accepted : Bank bills, coin or currency. Deeds, drafts, notes or valuable papers of any kind. Jewelry. Postage or revenue stamps. Precious metals or articles manufactured therefrom. Precious stones. Petition Illinois Freight Committee. 53 Item. Article. Present Rating. L.C.L. C. L. 4G j i i Rule 26. 1 . Supplement No. 29, Page 17. RULE 26. (a) Each package, bundle or piece of less than car load freight, when tendered for transportation by ship- per, must be plainly, legibly and dur- ably marked, showing the name of consignee (if to order, full address of party to be notified must be shown), and the name of the station, town or city, and the name or abbreviation of the State to which destined, with the following exceptions: When articles are not boxed, bar- reled, crated or sacked and are ship- ped loose in pieces, or when pieces are wired or otherwise fastened to- gether in lots or bundles, and the shipment consists of not more than e transported at less than carload or any quantity ■alings, must be marked in accordance with the ollowing requirements and specifications, except as provided in section 2 (b) of this rule, or otherwise provided in specific items in this classification. If hese requirements and specifications are not com- plied with, freight will not be accepted for trans- jportation. Section 2. (a) Each package, bundle or lose piece if freight must be plainly, legibly and durably marked by brush, stencil, marking crayon (not chalk), rubber type, metal type, pasted label (see Note 1), tag (see Note 2), or other method which provides marks equally plain, legible and durable, showing the name of the consignee, and of town or city and state to which destined. When consigned to a place of which there are two or more of the same name in the same state, the name of the county must also be shown. f When consigned to a place not located on the line of a carrier, it must also be marked with the name of the station at which the consignee will accept delivery. j When consigned “To Order,” it must be so marked and further marked with an identifying symbol or number which must be shown in shipping order and bill of lading. i Note 1. Labels must be securely attached with glue or equally good adhesive. Note 2. Tags must be made of metal, leather, cloth or rope stock or sulphite fibre tag board, suf- ficiently strong and durable to withstand the wear and tear incident to transportation; and When such cloth or board tag is tied to any bag, bale, bundle or piece of freight, it must be securely attached through a reinforced eyelet. Tags used to mark wooden pieces or wooden con- tainers must be fastened at all corners and center with large-headed tacks or tag fasteners; or Tags may be tied to wooden pieces when the freight would be injured by the use of tacks or tag fasteners. Tags tied to bags, bales, bundles or pieces must be securely attached by strong cord or wire, except that when tied to bundles or pieces of metal, they must be securely attached by strong wire or strong tarred cord. (b) A shipment that fully occupies the visible capacity of a car, or that weighs 24,000 lbs. or more, when shipped from one station, in or on one car, in one day, by one shipper for delivery to one con- signee at one destination, need not be marked. (c) The marks on bundles, packages or pieces must be compared with the shipping order or bill of lading, and corrections, if necessary, made by the shipper or his representative before receipt is signed. (d) Old consignment marks must be removed or effaced. (e) Freight in excess of full cars, except where such excess is the result of carrier’s failure to fur- nish car ordered by shipper (see Rule 7), must be marked as required for less than carload freight. Petition Illinois Freight Committee. Item. Article. Present Rating. L.C.L. C. L. 47 Cane Seed. Pafje 59, Item 8. Seed, Cane or Rape 3 6 1 48 Woven or Strand mattress fabric. No specific provision. 56 ! - Desired Rating. E.C.E Seed, Cane (same rating as grains). Petition Plant Seed Company, St. Louis, Mo. (Carried over from January 2(1, 1916 Docket). Woven or Strand Mattress Fabric : In bundles or rolls, burlapped. . . In barrels or boxes In packages named, C. L., min. weight 30,000 lbs Petition Illinois Freight Committee. (Carried over from January 26, 1916 Docket). c. L Disposition. 57 Item. Article. j Present Rating. L.C.L. C. L. 49 | Invert Sugar. No specific provision. 50 Asphalt Shingles. Supplement No. 29, Page 42, Item 1505. Asphalt Shingles: Tn boxes or crates or in bundles wrapped in paper, edges and corners protected with card- hoard, and securely tied. (C. L., min. weight 30,000 lbs.) . . 4 — 9 51 Iron Drums, returned. (Silicate of Soda Carriers.) Supplement No. 29, Page 57, Item 1631. Iron Drums, N. O. S 4 52 Water Closet Tanks. Page 73, Item 35. Water Closet Tanks, iron, in pack- ages 3 1 4 58 1 • Desired Rating. m — _ L.C.L. C. L. Disposition. ame as Sugar. Petition American Sugar Refining Co., New York, N. Y. vsphalt Shingles : In boxes or crates or in bundles wrapped in paper, edges and corners protected with cardboard, and securely tied. (C. L., min. weight 30,000 lbs.) ’etition W. W. Martin & Company, Chicago, 111. j 4 10 That these carriers be included in Item 1602, Supplement No. 29. (J4 4th Class.) Petition J. C. Bulis Manufacturing Company, St. Louis, Mo. Water Closet Tanks, iron, in packages Petition L. Wolff Manufacturing Company, Chi- cago, 111. 3 5 59 1 3 0112 106075986 SPECIAL NOTICE I he Commission will meet at its office in the City of Chi- cago, on Wednesday after the second Tuesday in the months of January, May and September for the purpose of considering petitions for changes of classification or the classification of new articles. All petitions, applications and suggestions of any character to be acted upon at the regular classification meetings, shall be bled with the Secretary of this Commission thirty days prior to the hrst day of such meeting, and said classification docket shall be printed and mailed to each of the interested parties, as shown by said classification docket, at least ten days prior to the first day of such meeting. 60