JAfl • ' ^Yl APPENDIX TO A LIST THE GENERA OF BIRDS. BY GEORGE ROBERT GRAY. LONDON: PRINTED AND SOLD BY RICHARD AND JOHN E. TAYLOR, RED LION COURT, FLEET STREET. 1842 . Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 https://archive.org/details/appendixtolistofOOgray PREFACE. 5<\%.a Grl'll 184-1 0 /^. The object oi* this Appendix is to complete, as far as jmssible, my List of the Genera of Birds, the purpose of wliich was to bring to- gether at one view all the genera established by different authors in this branch of study, and thus to obviate, in one division of the animal kingdom, a want that had long been felt. A more striking illustration of the necessity of such a list can hardly be given than is afforded by the complete neglect which has attended the principal work referred to in the following pages (Kaup’s Skizzirte Entwicke- lungs- Geschichte und Nat 'drlicltes System der Eiiropdischen Thier- welt)\ which, although published in 1829, has hitherto escaped the ^ notice of all systematic writers, and would not have been known to myself, but that my attention was accidentally drawn to it by the references in a list of generic names used in natural history, which M. Agassiz is about to publish. M. Kaup’s work has, it is true, some very fanciful peculiarities as regards arrangement, and he has undoubtedly carried his subdivision of genera beyond what is likely to be adopted, at least by the present generation of naturalists. But I still adhere to the rule laid down by the late Mr. Vigors, that in a work like the present all the genera of authors should be quoted ; and I have therefore given in this Appendix the whole of those pro- posed by M, Kaup, together with their types, leaving it to ornitho- logists to adopt them or not according to their individual opinions of their validity, and thus doing what in me lies to prevent the appli- cation of a new series of names to the groups referred to, in case future writers should be disposed to regard them as possessing generic importance. In a few cases M. Kaup’s names, by right of ' priority, will displace those of more recent authors, who were, I am >^\sure, as little aware as myself of his having preceded them, and who A will readily, I doubt not, admit his claims as soon as they become j acquainted with his work. IV PREFACE. Another source of additions to the original list has been furnished by Mr. Hodgson, who being apprehensive that the unclassical names which he formerly used to designate his genera should be superseded by some of those innovators who are always ready to seize on a pretext for appropriating the credit due to others, has given to the same genera a series of more classical names, with the view of guarding himself from plunder. In accordance with esta- blished practice, however, I regard the names first given, notwith- standing the anathema which has been pronounced against them by some of our lawgivers, as sacred, and have quoted the subsequent series only as their synonyma. To the Linn^ean genera I have added, in this Appendix, the date of their establishment, as far as I could ascertain it with precision. Some objections have been made to my having recurred to the generic names .used by Linnseus previously to 1760, because seven or eight names are thereby transposed from the position which they have for many years occupied. The Prince of Canino has set the example of considering the period when specific names were uni- versally applied by Linnaeus as the epoch from whence the binomi- nal nomenclature takes its date ; and I venture to regard the year 1735, when the same great man published his first list of genera, as the epoch of the real establishment of genera in their modern sense. Acting upon this principle, I cannot but go back to the names em- ployed in his earlier works, and also to the work of Moehring, not certainly drawn from the “ dusty shelves,” where it had remained forgotten for a century,” but to which repeated references have been made by others as well as m^yself. With this limitation as to date, I regard the laio of 'priority as admitting of no exceptions'^ and it has been my earnest endeavour throughout my work to adopt it to the full extent, without suffering any consideration to interfere with its application. It is only by strictly and unde- viatingly adhering to this rule that uniformity of nomenclature can be attained. APPENDIX. Page 1. Vultur^ after L. add (1756). 2. Racama, place before it Gypohierax, Rupp. (1835), and the type altered to G. angolensis (Gm.), Rupp.., &c. 3. Archibuteo., add Triorchis, Kaup (1829). Falco, Gm. Aquila, after (Antiq.) add Mcehr. (1752). 4. Ichthyia'etus was previously employed by Kaup (1829), and therefore must be changed. Falco, after L. add (1735). 5. Hijpoiriorchis, Kaup has adopted this name, but he also sepa- rates Falco msalon under the generic name of tKsalon, Kaup (1829). Tinnunculus, add ^Kgypius, Kaup (1829). Erythropus, add Pannychistes, Kaup (1829). Baza, Mr. Hodgson has changed this name to Hyptiopus(1841 ). Pernis and Milvus, add to each Aquila, Mcehr. 6. Circus, add Pygargus, Koch (1816). 7. Strigiceps, for (1838) read (1831). Athene, for (1836) read (1829). Scops, place before it Ephialtes, Keys, et Bl. (1840), as the former word was previously used. Bubo, after Asio erase Swains, and place (Antiq.) Briss. (1760), and erase the date after Cuv. 8. Huhua, Mr. Hodgson has changed this name to Etoglaux (1841). Syrnium, add ‘ Aluco, Cuv^ Kaup (1829). Otus, after (Ray) add Cuv. (1799-1800), also ^golius. Keys, et Bl. (1840). Urrua, Mr. Hodgson has changed this word to Mesomorpha (1841). Nyctale, add Aigoiius, Kaup (1829). Strioc, after L. add (1735). this word is altered to Meseidus by Mr. Hodgson (1841). 10. Caprimulgus, after L. add (1756) ; for Hirundo, L. read Hi- rundo, p. L. (1735). Scotornis, alter climacteris to climacuris. Cypselus, after Brachypus, Meyer, add (1815). 11. Macropteryx, M. Boie informs me that he had given to this 6 genus the name of Dendrochelidon, in the year (1828), the latter name therefore should be employed. 1 1 . Pallene, said to be coequal with Hemiprocne, Nitzsch ; if so, it should be used. Hirundo, after L. add (1735). Coracias^ after L. add (1735). 12. Todus, after L, add (1766) ; it was previously used by Bris~ son (1760). Erolla, place before it Peltops, Wayl. (1829) ; the type must be P. Blainvillii (Less.), Wagl., &c. Psarisomus; for Raya Mr. Hodgson has proposed Simus (1841 ). 13. Trogon, after L. add (1766). Chaunornis should have before it Bucco, L. (1766); the type is B. collaris, Lath.^ PI. enl. 395. B. capensis, L. 14. Alcedo, after L. add (1756). 15. Merops^ after L. add (1756); read for Ispida, Z., Ispida, p. Z. (1735). Nyctiornis, Bucia has been changed by Mr. Hodgson to Na- pophila (1841). Upupa, after Z. add (1735). 18. Trochilus, after Z. add (1748). 23. Diglossa, for Agrilorhynchus read Agrilorhinus, and add Cam- py lops, Licht. (18 ). 24. Certhia, after Z. add (1735). Between Sittella and Sitta add Acanthisitta, Lafr. (1841). Acanthiza, Lafr. A. longipes (Gm.), G.R. Gray. Forst. Dr. 165. A. tenui- rostris, Lafr. ? A.citrina (Gm.), G.R. Gray. M. citrinella, Forst. Dr. 164. A. punctata (Quoy et Gaim.), G.R. Gray. Voy. de I’Astr. pi. 18. f. 1. Sitta^ after Z. add (1735). 25. Dendrodromus was previously used, ending in as, by Kaup (1829); therefore should be changed to Dromodendron, G. R. Gray (1842), the type D. leucosternum, G. R. Gray. Microura, add Tesia, Hodgs. (l837) ; that gentleman has lately changed it to Anura (1841). 26. Campy lorhynchus, erase the date after Wagl. Melizophilus, add Thamnodus, Kaup. 27. Cysticola, in the place of Less. (1831), put Kaup (1829). Praticola, being used by Koch, Mr. Gould’s name must be employed in its place. Cettia, add Potamodus, Kaup. 28. Locustella, in the place of Goidd (1836), put Kaup (1829); add Muscipeta, Koch, and Acrocephalus, Naum. The spe- cies are further divided into Potamodus, Kaup (1829). Acrocephalus, Naum. P. fluviatilis (Meyer), Kaup. Lusciniola, add after Calamodyta, Kaup (1829), also Musci- peta, Koch. The species are further divided into Page 7 Calamodus, (1829). Acrocephalus, iVawm. Mus- cipeta, Koch. C. phragmitis (Bechst.), Kaup. 28. Acrocephalus^ add Hydrocopsychus, Kaup (1829), and Musci- peta, Koch (1816); for 1822 read 1815; 1826 read 1822. Kaup considers the Sylvia arundinacea as the type of Cala- moherpe. Phyllopneuste, for 1822 read 1815; add Muscipeta, Koch. Phylloscopus^ add Ficedula, Koch. The species are further divided into SiBiLATRix, Kaup (1829). Ficedula, Koch. S. S. sibilatrix, Bechst. Erythroleuca, Ka 2 ip (1829). E. passerina (Gm.), Kaup. Alsoecus, Kaup (1829). A. leucopogon (Mey.), Kaup. Sylvia, add Thamnodus, Kaup (1829). Kaup considers the S. curruca as the type of Curruca, and S. cinerea as the type of Sylvia. 29. Adornis should have before it Epilais, Kaup (1829), and he also proposes the following : — Monachus, Kaup (1829). M. atricapillus (Z.), Kaup. Nisoria must give place to Adophoneus, Kaup (1829); and the type is A. nisoria (Bechst.), Kaup. Luscinia, add Lusciola, Keys, et Bl. (1840). Copsychus, add Dahila, Hodgs. (1836) ; he has altered this to Polypeira (1841). Niltava, Mr. Hodgson has changed it to Chaitaris (1841). Siphia, Mr. Hodgson has changed it to Dimorpha (1841). Cyanecula, add Saxicola, Koch (1816). Calliope, add Lusciola, div. Melodes, Keys, et Bl. (1840) ; and add after this genus Iduna, Keys, et Bl. (1840). Motacilla, Pall. Sylvia, Licht. I. salicaria (Pall.). S. caligata, Licht. I. caligata. Keys, et Bl. Erythacus, alter date (1822) to (1815); and Lath, add Koch (3816). 30. Hylodes (1841), read Drymodes (1840); in the next line H. for D. Saxicola, for Motacilla, L. read Motacilla, p. L. (1735). Fruticicola must give place to Pratincola, Koch (1816), and alter the type to P. rubetra (L.), Koch. 31. Accentor, Kaup has further divided the species, viz. Spermolegus, Kaup (1829). Accentor, Temm. S. montanellus (Temm.), Kaup. Tharrhaleus, Kaup (1829). Motacilla, Gm. T. modularis (Gm.), Kaup. 8 Page 31. Pyrrhol(Emus and Xerophila, for (184-1) read (1840). Psilopus being used, Mr. Gould has altered it to Gerygone (1841). .Plgithalus must have before it Paroides, Koch (1816), and the type altered to P. pendulinus (L.), Koch. Purus, after /..add ( 1735). Kaup proposes further divisions, viz. Lophophanes, Kaup (1829). Parus, L. L. cristatus (L.), Kaup. Cyanistes, Kaup (1829). Parus, L. C. caerulea (L.), Kaup. PoEciLE, Kaup (IS‘29). Parus, L. P. j)alustris (L.), Kaup. 32. Calamophilus should have before it Panurus, Koch (1816) ; Leach add Steph. (1825), and after Mystacinus add Boie (1822). The type altered to P. biarmicus (L.), Koch, &c. Orites, for Parus, L. read Parus, p. L. (1735), and add Acre- dula, Koch (1816). Sylvicola, erase the date, and alter the generic name to Dendroica, G. R. Gray (1842); the type would be D. coronata (L.), G. R. Gray, &c. Parula must give place to Sylvicola, Swains. (1827); and the type altered to S. americana (L.), Swains. 33. Motacilla, after L. add (1735). Dahila, &c. to be erased ; and put in its place ? Calobates% Kaup (1829). Motacilla, Gm. — ? boarula (Gm.), . C. sulphurea (Bechst.), Kaup. Anthus, place next to this genus the two new ones proposed by Kaup, viz. PiPASTES, Kaup (1829). Anthus, Bechst. P. arborea (Bechst.), Kaup. Leimoniptera, Kaup (1829). L. pratensis (Lath.), Kaup. and Mr.Swainson’s genus should be more properly placed here. Agrodroma, Swams. (1837). Anthus, Meyer. A. campestris (Mey.), Strickl. A. rufescens, Temm. 34. Brachypteryx, after this genus add Napothera, Boie (1835). Myiothera, Temm. N. epilepidota (Temm.), Boie. PI. col. 448. f. 2. 36. Myiophaga, add Andromedon, Temm. (1838). Turdus, after L. add (1735). Kaup considers T. musicus the proper type. He proposes the following subdivisions for other species, viz. IxocossYPHus, Kaup (1829). I. viscivorus (L.), Kaup. Arceuthornis, Kaup (1829). A. pilaris (L.), Kaup. Previously employed. 9 Page CiCHLOiDES, Kaup (1829). C. Beclisteinii (Naum.), Kaup. 36. Merula^ for Turdus, L. read Turdus, p. L. (1735) ; and near this genus place ? Copsychus% Kaup (1829). — ? torquatus (L.). 37. Garrulax, erase from the type G. Belangeri, Less. Suya, for this word Mr. Hodgson gives Decurus (1841). Sibia, for this M^ord Mr. Hodgson gives Alcopus (1841). Tesia, &c. to be erased. Malacocercus, the type should be M. griseus (Gin.), Strickl. M. striatus, Swains. Zool. 111. n. s. pi. 5. 38. Oriolus, after L. add (1766). 39. Yuhina, Mr. Hodgson has altered this word to Polyodon ( 1 841 ). Pycnonotus, near this genus add ? Oreias% Temm. (1838). Ixos et Turdus, Jhmm. — ? azureus, Temm. PI. col. 40. Alectrurus, near this genus add CoPUKUS, Strickl. (1841). Platyrhynchus, Spix. Musci- peta, Cuv. Muscicapa, Hahn. C.lilicauda (Spix), Strickl. Spix’s Av. 1 1. pi. 14. M. leu- cocilla, Hahn. 41. Pitangus^ for 212 read 295. Scaphorhynchus, for 295 read 212. 43. Rhipidura, add Rhipidicala, Hoie ; and alter the type as R. albiscapa, Gould. Lath. Hist, of B. iv. pi. 99. R. flabel- lifera, Vig. and Horsf. Muscicapa^ after L. add (1766). 44. Piezorhynchus, after Gould add (1840). Ffreo, add Tyrannus (Vieill.), Temm. (1838). Leiothrix, the type should be L. sinensis (Gm.), Strickl. P. furcatus, Temm. PI. col. 287. f. 1 . L. furcatus, Swains. Minla is changed by Mr. Hodgson to Proparus (1841). 45. Mesia is changed by Mr. Hodgson to Philacalyx (1841). Bahila is changed by Mr. Hodgson to Calipyga (1841). Siva is changed by Mr. Hodgson to Hemiparus (1841). Pipra, after L. add (1766). 47. Graucalus^ this word is previously used, therefore should be changed. Chibia, this word is changed by Mr. Hodgson to Cometes (1841), and add Criniger, Tick.., Corvus, Z ; and the type is C. hottentottus (L.), Strickl. C. barbatus, J. E. Gray. C. crishna, Gould. C. casia, Hodgs. C. splendens, Tick. 48. Bhringa, Mr. Hodgson has altered to Melisseus (1841). Lanius, after X. add (1756) ; and near this genus add * Previously employed. Page 10 Phoneus, Kawp (1829). P. riifus (Briss.), Kaup, 48. Enneoctorius^ after Briss, add Kaup ( 1 829). Tentheca is altered by Mr. Hodgson to Creurgus (1841). 49. Napothera^ &c. to be erased. Laniarius, near this genus add Lanioturdus, Waterh, (1838). L. torquatus, Waterh. 51. Pica should be in capitals. Corvus, after L. add (1735) ; and near this genus place CoRONE, Kaup (1829). C. C. corone, L. Monedula^ add on the authority of M. Boie his generic name of Lycos ; and at the same time add Coloeus, Kaup (1829). 52. Fregilus, for (182?) read (1816). Paradisea, after L. add (1735). 53. Calornis, near this genus add Enodes, Temm. (1838). Lamprotornis, Temm. E. erythrophrys, Temm. PI. col. 267. Cochoa is altered to Prosorinia (1841) by Mr. Hodgson. Gracula, after L. add (1756), and after Hodgs. add (1836). Buphaga, after L. add (1766). 54. Cutia, Mr. Hodgson has altered it to Heterornis (1841). Sturnus, after L. add (1735). AmblyrhamphuSy add after Leach (1814). 55. Cacicus, near this genus place that of OcYALUS, Waterh. (1840). O. popayanus, Waterh, 56. Dolichonyx, erase from the type O. caudacutus, G^n. Calamospiza^ add Corydalina, Aud. (1839). 57. Coccothraustes, for Loxia, L. read Loxia, p. L. (1735). Munia is changed by Mr. Hodgson to Dermophrys (1841). EmberizdideSy Temminck has changed this to Chlorion (1838 ?). 58. Tanagra^ after L. add (1766); for Thauspis read Thraupis. 59. Erythrura^ erase the date after Sykes, and add OxYCERCA, G. R. Gray (1842). Lonchura% Sykes (1832). O. nisoria (Tern.), G. R. Gray. PI. col. 500. f. 2. also near Eryihrura add PoEPHILA, (1842). P. acuticauda, Gould. Carduelis, for Fringilla, L. read Fringilla, p.Z. (1735) ; and add Fring. div. Acanthis, Mey. (1815) ; and near this genus add Emblema, frow/of (1842). E. pi eta, Goidd. Chrysomitris, add Acanthis, Mey. Citrinella was previously proposed to be used by Kaup (1829), ® Used in Ichthyology. Page 11 therefore Dryospiza, Keys, et Bl. (1840), must be em- ployed, and the type altered to D. citrinella (L.), K. et B. PI. enl. 658. f. 2. The date after Koch read (1816). 59. Cannahina, add Acanthis, Mey. 60. Ligurinus, for (182?) read (1816). Petronia^ in the place of Bonap. (1838) put Kaup (1829); and alter the type as P. stulta (Gm.), Strickl. PI. enl. 225. F. petronia, L. P. rupestris, Bonap. Fringilla, after L. add (1735). Montifringilla, for (1836) read (1829), and add Fring. div. e. Orites, Keys, et Bl. (1840). 61. Emheriza, after L. add (1748); after Boie add (1826) ; and near this genus place the following subdivisions : — CiA, Kaup (1829). C. E. cia, L. Citrinella, Kaup (1829). C. E. citrinella, L. Orospina, Kaup (1829). O. provincialis (L.), K. CiRLus, Kaup (1829). C, E. cirlus, L. ? Spina % (1829). — ? lesbia (Gm.), ? Cynchramus^, Kaup> (1829). — ? schoeniculus, (L.) Spinus, after L. add Kaup (1829). Plectrophanes, near this genus add Centrophanes, Kaup (1829). C. calcaratus (Pall.), F. lapponica, Gm. C. lappo- nica, Kaup. 62. Alauda^ after L. add (1735). Galerida, after Boie add (1828), and Lullula, Kaup (1829). Mirafra, add after Horsf. (1820). Near this genus add Calandrella, Kaup (1829). C. brachydactyla (Temm.), Kaup. Agrodroma, &c. to be erased. Macronyx^ after Swains, add (1827). Certhilauda, add Alaemon, Keys.et Bl. (1840). 63. Erythrina is employed in botany, therefore must give place to Carpodacus, Kaup (1829); and the type should be C. rosea (Pall.), Kaup. Pyrrliula, for Loxia, L. read Loxia, p. L. (1735). Uragus, add Carpodacus, Kaup. Loxia., after L. add (1735). 64. Paradoxor7iis, Suthora is changed into Temnoris (1841) by Mr. Hodgson. Chizcerhis, for this word read Schizorhis, Wagl. (1829). ® Employed ending in us. ^ Previously used. ]2 Page 65. Buceros, after L. add (1748). Ramphastos, after L. add (1744). 66. Euphema^ after Less, for (1830) read (1831). Trichoglossus, near this genus add Brotogeris, (1826). Psittacus, (jm. Trichoglossus, Wagl. B. pyrrhopterus (Lath.), Vig. Zool. Journ. Suppl. t. 4. 67. Brotogeris, &Q-. to Steph. to be erased, and Coriphilus to be considered a genus, with the following species for its type : C. saphirinus (Forst.), B. taitensis, Levaill. Perr. pi. 65. 68. Psittacus, after L. add (1735). 69. Bucco should be changed, as it is employed in another place, to Megalaima (1842). Trachyphonus, add Lipornix, Wagi.^ and Cucupicus, Less. (1831). 70. Sasia is changed by Mr. Ilodgson to Comeris (1841). Vivia is changed by Mr. Hodgson to Piculus (1841). Picus, after L. add (1735) ; and near this genus add Dendrodromas, Kaup (1829). Picus, Bechst. D. leuconotus (Bechst.), Kaup. Bryocopu^ add Carbonarius, Kaup (1829). 71. Yunxy after L. add (1748). 72. Crotophaga, after L. add (1756). 73. Idiococcyx, in place of Temm. put Boie (1838) ; and add it to the next genus, Rhinortha. Cuculus, after L. add (1735). 74. Treron^ Toria is changed by Mr. Hodgson to Romeris (1841). Carpophaga, Ducula to Rinopus (1841). Before Lophorhynchus place LoPHOLAiMUS,f?.i?.G^my (1841); the type as L. antarcticus (Shaw), G. R. Gray^ &c. Columba, after L. add (1735). Kaup gives C. livia as the type, and C. palumbus as the type of his Palumbus (1829). 75. Geopeliay near this genus add OcYPHAPS, Gould (1842). O. lophotes (Temm.), Gould. Phaps, near this genus add Geophaps, Gould (1842). G. scripta (Temm.), Gould. 76. Crax^ after L. add (1744). 77. Pavo, after L. add (1735). Pliasianus^ after L. add (1748). 78. E. Hamiltoni, ko,. read E. leucomelanos (Lath.), G. R. Gray. P. Hamiltonii, J. E. Gray, 111. Ind. Zool. pi. P. Latham i, J. E. Gray. P. albocristatus. Vigors. A. leucomelanos, ka. read A. Cuvieri (Temm.), G. R. Gray. PI. col. 1. M. melanion, Vieill. Gallus, after L. add (1744). Meleagris, after Z. add (1735). Numida, after L. add (1766). J3 78. Teirnogallus, add Tetrao, Pall. Megaloperdix of a Russiafi naturalist (i83?). Cliourtka, Victor (1840). 79. Chacura should have before it Caccabis, Kauj) (1829); and add near the genus Alectoris, Kaup (1829). Tetrao, G7n. A. petrosa (Gm.), Kaup. 80. Perdix, for Tetrao, L. read Tetrao, p. L. (1735). Coturnix, for Tetrao, L. read Tetrao, p. L. (1735). Tetrao^ after L. add (1735). Kaup considers the P. medius as the type; and he adopts Scopoli’s genus Urogallus for the T. urogallus, L. Bonasa, for Tetrao, L. read Tetrao, p. L. (1735). Lagopus, for Tetrao, L, read Tetrao, p. L. (1735) ; and add the following genera, established by Kaup : — Oreias, Kaup (1829). O. scoticus (Lath.), Kaup. ? Attagen% Kaup (1829). — ? montanus ( ). 81. Pterocles, for (1815) read (1809). Ocypetes, this genus is synonymous with Thinocorus, and the type the same species as T. rumicivorus. 82. Struthio, after L. add (1735). Didus, after L. add (1766). 83. 0/25, after L. add (1735). Esacus, Carvanaca is changed to Pseudops (1841) by Mr. Hodgson ; and subjoin to the type C. grisea, Hodgs. and Old. recurvirostris, Swains. 84. Chetusia, add to the type, T. keptuschka, Lepech. Gould’s B. of Eur. and T. fasciatus, Gm. C. Wagleri, J. E. Gray. Charadrius, after L. add (1735). 85. Hiaticula., for Charadrius, L. read Charadrius, p. L. (1735). Hcematopus, after L. add (1735). Psophia, after L. add (1756). 86. Ardea., after L. add (1735). Herodias, add Garzetta, Kaup (1829). Ardeola, add ‘ Cancrophagus, Boie^ Kaup (1829). Before Ardeola (Briss.) place Ardetta, G. R. Gray (1842) ; and the type as A. minuta (L.), G. R. Gray. Pi. enl. 323. Cancroma, after L. add (1766). Platalea^ after L. add (1735). 87. Mycteria., after L. add (1756). Tantalus.^ after L. add (1756). 7525, I. aethiopica. Lath, should form the type of a distinct divi- sion, to which I give the name of Threskiornis (1842). T. asthiopica (Lath.), G. R. Gray, Falcinellus, add Plegadis, Kaup (1829). ^ Previously employed. u Page 88. Terekia should have before it Xenus, Kaup \ therefore the type will be, X. ciiiereus (Gould), Kaup, &c. Ihidorhyncha, for (183?) read (1835). Totanus, add Ilyornis, Kaup (18'259); and near this genus place the following proposed divisions : — Gameetta, Kaup (1829). Tringa, L. G. calidris (L.), Kaup. Erythroscelus, Kaup (1829). Tringa, Gm. E. fuscus (Gm.), Kaup. Rhyacophilus, Kaup (1829); also Actitis of Kaup. Tringa, L. R. glareola (L.), Kaup. Helodromas, Kaup (1829). Tringa, L. H. ochropus (L.), Kaup. 89. Actiturus, read Actidurus, Catoptrophorus^ add Hodites, Kaup (1829). Recurvirostra, after L. add (1744). Cladorhynchus, after Dubus add (1836). Tringa^ after (1817) add Kaup (1829). Philomachus, for Tringa, L. read Tringa, p. L. (1735). Before Cocorli place Ancylocheilus, Kaup (1829) ; and alter the type to A. subarquatus (Gm.), Kaup, &e. Near this division place the following : — Leimonites, Kaup (1829). Tringa, Leisl. L. Temminckii (Leisl.), Kaup. • Actodromas, Kaup (1829). Tringa, Leisl. A. minuta (Leisl.), Kaup. Limicola, Koch (1816). Falcinellus, Kaup (1829). L. platyrhyncha (Temm.), Koch. 90. Scolopax, after L. add (1756). Kaup considers the S. media as the type of the Linn man Scolopax. Philohela, add Microptera, Nutt. Xylocota must give place to Enalius, Kaup (1829). The type is E. Sabini (Vigors), Kaup, &c. Numenius, for this division Kaup employs Telmatias, B. The type should be altered to N. gallinago, L. PI. enl. 883. G. scolopacinus, Bonap. Philolimnos should have before it Limnocryptes, Kaup (1829), and the type altered to L. gallinula (L.), Kaup, &c. Near these genera add Pelorychus, Kaup (1829). Scolopax, Kaup. P. Brehmii, Kaup. Nemoricola, Hodgs. (1837). Scolopax, Hodgs. N. nipalensis, Hodgs. S. nemoricola, Hodgs. 91. Parra, after L. add (1766). Palamedea, after L. add (1766). Porzana, near this genus add Phalaridion, Kaup (1829). Rallns, Pall. P. pusillum (Pall.), Kaup. 15 91. Ballus, after L. add (1756) ; and near this genus plaee Gallirallus, Lafr. (184-1). G. brachypterus, Lafr. 92. Fulica, after L. add (1735). Phcenicopterus, after L. add (174-8). 94. Aix^ add Cosmonessa, Kaup (1829). Mareca^ add Penelope, Kaup (1829). Dajila, add Trachelonetta, Kaup (1829). Anas, after L. add (1735). Querquedula, Kaup gives for its type An. querquedida ; and the An. crecca to his new genus Nettion (1829). 95. Oidemia and Melanitta should be considered the same division ; and near this genus add Pelionetta, Kaup (1829). P. perspicillata (L.), Kaup. Branta, add Netta, Kaup (1829). 96. Clangula, in the place of Keys, et Bl. (184-0), put Kaup ( 1 829). Harelda, add Pagonetta, Kaup (1829). Mergus, after L. add (1735) ,* and near this genus put Merganetta, Gould M. armata, Gould. Colymhus, after L. add (1735). Podiceps, add Lophaithyia, Kaup (1829) ; and near this genus place the following proposed divisions : — Dytes, Kaup (1829). D. cornutus (Gm.), Kaup. Proctopus, Kaup (1829). P. auritus (Lath.), Kaup. Pedeaithyia, Kaup (1829). P. subcristatus (Jacq.), Kaup. P. rubricollis. Lath. Kaup considers the P. minor as the type of Podiceps. 97. Alca, after L. add (1744). Ombria, add Cyclorrhynchus, Kaup (1829). 98. Uria, add ‘Cephus, Cuv^ Kaup. Daption, add (1825). 99. Procellaria, after L. add (1748), add Rhantistes, Kaup (1829). He considers the P. pelagica as the type of Procellaria. Diomedea, after L. add (1756)- Larus, after L. add (1735), and Leucus, Kaup (1829). He considers the L. leucopterus as the type of Larus, which is a species of the genus Laro’ides, Brehm. Near this genus place IcHTHYiAETUS, Kaup (18294. I. L. ichthyiaetus, Pall. Chroicocephalus, add Gavia, Kaup (1829). Rissa, add Cheimonea, Kaup (1829). Refore Gavia, Boie, place Pagophila, Kaup (1829); and read the type as P. eburnea (Gm.), Kaup. Add the genus Hydrocoloeus, Kaup (1829). Larus, Pall. 4L minutus (Pall.), Kaup. 16 rage 99. Ehynchops, after L. add (1756). 100. Thalasseus, add Actochelidon, Kaup (1829). Sylochelidon, add Hydroprogne, Kaup (1829). Ster7ia, after L. add (1748); and for Larus, L. read Lams, p. L. (1735). Near this genus place ? Thalassea% Aaz/jt? (1829). — ? Douglasii (Mont.). Hydrochelidon^ near this genus place Pelodes, Kaup (1829). P. leucopareia (Natt.), Kaup. Onychoprio7i serratus may prove to be only the Anous stoli- dus, on comparison. Plotus, after L. add (1766). 101. Phaet07i, after L. add (1756) ; and near this genus place Clymenius, Kaup (1829). No name is given to the typical species. Pelecanus^ after L. add (1735). * Previously used. PRINTED BY RICHARD AND JOHN E- TAYLOR, RED LION COURT, FLEET STREET. Pttl