Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates / https://archive.org/details/reportofprogressprim , X IT, ' »• M / V ' ¥ . .'V-'tv'' ' / *w_. . ■ » ll. I,- T/1 Pi pq CD CD CD c 6 a CD w o pq Chh O zo. QD &D Pi aS -P 5 pq p^ o CD Pi hD • 1 — I pq cz> C-H o Pi o o pq o 5 Q SECOND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF PENNSYLVANIA: 18T4. EEPORT OF PROGRESS ON THE BROWN HEMATITE ORE RANGES OF LEHIGH COUNTY WITH A DESCRIPTION OP THE MINES LYING BETWEEN BMAUS, ALBUETIS AND FOGELSYILLE. Bt FREDERICK PRIME, Jb., ASSISTANT GSOLOOIST. HARRISBURG : Published by the Board of Commissu' FOU THE SECOND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 1815. Entered, for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in the year 1875, according to acts of Congress, By JOHN B. PEARS E, Secretary of the Board of Commissioners of Geological Survey, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at WASHINGTON, D. C. LANE S. HART. State Printer and Binder, BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS. His Excellency, JOIHST F. IIARTRANFT, Governor, and ex-officxo President of the Board, Harrisburg. Ario Pardee, - - - - - Hazleton. William .A. Ingha^i, - Philadelphia. Henry S. Eckert, - - - Reading. Henry McCormick, - - Harrisburg. James Macfarlane,- - - Towanda. JoHN B. Pearse, - Philadelphia. Robert Y. Wilson, M. D., - - Clearfield. Hon. Daniel J. Morrell, - Johnstown. Henry W. Oliver, - - - Pittsburg. Samuel Q. Brown, - - - Pleasantville. SECRETARY OF THE BOARD. John B. Pearse, ----- Philadelpliia STATE GEOLOGIST Peter Lesley, ------ Philadelphia. Lafayette College, Easton, Pa., ) 31, 1874. ) Prof. J. P. Lesley, State Geologist: Sir : — Ilerewith I present to you the report of the work done in the Lehigh District during 1874. Owing to the lateness of the season when fieldwork was com- menced, the small size of the party, and the absence of suita- ble instruments until almost the close of the work, it was im- possible to cover as much ground as had been anticipated. Almost the whole of the time has been spent in an examination of the Brown Hematite ores of Lehigh county ; merely those portions of the primary rocks and the slates having been ex- amined which immediately adjoined the limestone. The whole of the topographical work has been done by my aid, Mr. Ellis Clark, Jr., and the accompanying map shows the care and skill with which he has accomplished his task. Mr. Joseph R. Shimer, niy Assistant in the College, rendered me much valuable assistance during the summer, being con- stantly employed in the field ; and since then has been engaged in analytical work. Mr. Richard J. Fogel acted as rodman towards the close of the season, and was of great use to me in my visits to the dif- ferent mines. I desire to acknowledge the obligations I am under to Robert H. Sayre, Esq., General Superintendent and Engineer of the Le- high Valley railroad ; William Lorenz, Esq., Chief Engineer of the Philadelphia and Reading railroad ; Mr. Robert H. Fogel, of Fogelsville ; Mr. J. W. Mickley, of Hokendauqua ; the Fa- culty of Lafayette College, and loany others, for assistance ren- dered on various occasions. Yours respectfully, FREDERICK PRIME, Jr. LIST OF ILLUSTEATIONS, Plate I. Plate II. Plate III. Plate IV. Plate Y. Plate YI. Plate YII. Plate YIIL Poll in Limestone two miles south-west of Fogelsville, Lehigh county, Pa, - Junction of Lower Silurian Limestones and Hudson River Slates, two miles south-west of Foglesville, - Stratification and cleavage of Hudson Riv- er Slates, two and a half miles south south-west from Foglesville, Overturned anticlinal in Hudson River Slates near Fogelsville, - - - - The Thomas Ore Washer, - . _ The Mickley Gudgeon. - . . - Bradford’s Iron Ore and Flint Separator, end elevation, The same, side elevation, . . - PAGE. 9 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE. CHAPTEE- I. — Short sketch of the Topography and Ge- ology of the District under examination, - - 1 CHAPTER II.— The Potsdam Sandstone No. I, in Lehigh county, 5 CHAPTER III. — The Magnesian Limestone No. II, in Le- high county, - - _ _ - * . 7 CHAPTER IV. — The Brown Hematite (Limonite) ores in Lehigh county, - 15 CHAPTER V. — First range of Mines. Wagenhorst’s mine. No, 44 on the map, - - 17 Wescoe’s mine, No. 43, . - - . - 17 Aaron Hertzog’s mine, No. 42, 17 Harry Kaiser’s mine. No. 41, - - - - - 18 Meitzler’s mine. No. 84, . - . . - 18 Meckley’s mine. No. 56, - - - - - 18 Ludwig Hertzog and Liess’s mine. No. 32, - - - 18 Jonas Kreischmann’s mine, No. 33, - - - - 18 Jonas Kreischmann’s mino. No. 34 and 35,- - - 19 Gaumer’s mine, No. 77, 19 Kerschner’s mine. No. 75,- - - - -19 Kerschner’s mine, No. 76, - - - - - 19 Henry Schwankweiler’s mine. No. 9L - - - 20 Crane Iron Co’s mine, No. 72, - • - - - 20 Allentown Iron Co’s mine. No. 73, - - - - 20 Wiand’s mine, No. 74, - .... 20 Reuben Laros’ mine. No. 92, - - - - 21 Marck’s mine, No. 93, 21 Hensingerville pits, - - . - - - 21 J. Barber & Co’s mine. No. 49, • • - - - 22 Hensinger mines. No. 50, 51, - - • - - 23 Thomas Iron Co’s mine. No. 52, - - ' -23 Hensinger and Saul’s mine. No. 54, - • 23 viii D. CONTENTS. Mickley’s mine, IlTo. 55, - . , Hensinger Heirs’ trial pits, Kiefer mine, Ko. 58, - Desk’s mine, Ko. 57, CHAPTER VI. — Second Range of Mines. Ludwig’s mine, Ko. 40, Ludwig’s mine, Ko. 39, Butz’s mine, Ko. 38, - Jager’s mine, Ko. 37, - - • . Henry Kaiser’s mine, Ko. 30, Blank’s mine, Ko. 30, Smoyer’s mine, Ko. 28, • Smoyer’s mine, Ko. 31, - - - Smoyer’s mine, Ko. 80, Smoyer’s mine, Ko. 79, - Benjamin Smoyer’s mine, Ko. 78, J. Smoyer’s mines, Ko. 27, 83, • Benj. P. Smoyer’s mine, Ko. 81, - Judith Smoj^er’s mine, Ko. 82, - T. Smoyer’s mine, Ko. 90, - A. Smoyer’s mine, Ko. 85, - Reuben Romig’s mine, Ko. 70, • P. Romig’s mine, Ko. 68 and 69, Reuben Romig’s mine, Ko. 64, - Werner and Reinhardt’s mine, Ko. 66, Milton Lauer’s mine, ISTo. 65, Schmidt and Ritter’s mine, Ko. 67, • CHAPTER VTI. — Third Range of Mines. Weilersville abandoned mine, James Weiler’s mine, Ko. 29, - Crane and Thomas Iron Co.’s mine, Ko. 23, Frank S. Lichtenwallner’s mine, Ko. 25, Smoyer’s mine, Ko. 26, - - • Gernart’s mine, Ko. 24, - James Scholl’s mine, Ko. 94, Jonas Bastian’s mine, Ko. 62, Elw^m Bastian’s mine, Ko.63,- Francis Guth’smine, Ko. 61, PAGE. - 24 - 24 - 24 . 24 - 25 - 26 26 - 26 - 26 - 26 - 27 - 28 - 28 • 28 . 28 28 - 28 - 28 . 28 . 28 28 28 • 28 - 29 - 29 . 29 . 30 - 30 - 30 • 30 - 30 - 31 - 31 - 31 • 31 . 31 CONTENTS. D. ix PAOE. CII AFTER VTII.- — Fourth Range of Mines. Francis Breiiiig’s mine, ISTo. 17, - - • > -32 Oliver Moser’s mine, No. 20, - • • - • 33 Thomas Breinig’s mine. No. 19, : - - • - 33 Nathan Whitely’s mine, No. 21, - • - - 35 Wm. B. Fogel’s mine. No. 18, - - - - - 35 Henry Schwartz and W. B. Fogel’s mine. No. 22, - 36 Alwyn Bortz’s mine. No. 95, 36 Alwyn Bortz’s mine. No. 14, - - - 36 A. Bortz and Wm. Koch’s mine. No. 13, - - - 36 Jonas Grammis’ mine, No. 12, - - . . 37 Jonas Grammis’ mine. No. 96, - - • - - 37 Gackenbach’s mine. No. 60, 37 Francis Fischer’s mine. No. 59, .... .38 J. and D. Smith’s (Schlousc’s) mine. No. 16, - - 39 Haines’ mine. No. 15, 39 Charles Miller’s mine. No. 97, - - - - 39 Charles Miller’s mine. No. 9, - - - 39 J. D. Scholl & Co’s mine. No. 11, * - - - 40 Jacob Steininger’s mine. No. 8, 40 Jacob Steininger’s mine. No. 10. - - • - 40 Moyer’s mine. No. 6, 40 Henry Stein’s mine. No. 5, ----- 40 Henry Stein’s mine. No. 98, - - - - - 41 Jesse Laros’ mine. No. 4, 41 Jesse Laros’ mine. No. 3, 41 Levi Lichtenwallner’s mine. No. 2, - • 42 Kreemlich and Lichtenwallner’s mine. No. 7, - 42 Henry Litzenherger’s trial pits. No. 1, - - - 42 CHAPTER IX. — The Relation of the ores to the rocks, - 44 CHAPTER X. — The Hudson River Slates in Lehigh Co., - 46 CHAPTER XI. — Mining and Washing of Brown Hema- tite ores in Lehigh county, - - - - - 50 Thomas Iron Company’s mine, No. 71, - - * - 56 John Sharp’s mine, No. 53, 56 T. Smoyer’s mine. No. 89, - - - - - - 56 The Map. Note by the State Geologist, - - - - 57 Index of names and places, 33 IIKPORT OF PRO(iIlFSS IN THE LEHIGH IK0:N^ ore DISTRICT, 1 874 . J5Y FKEPEUICK PHIME, Ju., A. O. CHAPTER I. Topography and Geology of the Distrid. If wo look at any good map of Pennsylvania onr eyes will at once be struck with a long mountain range, called the Kittatinny, or B1 10 ^Foiintain, which, commencing at the Delaware Water Gap pursues its course entirely across the State into Maryland. From the Delaware to tlie Susquehanna, a distance of 104 miles, the course of the range is a pretty uniform one of S. 25° W, Then for thirty miles the direction changes to S. 81° W., after which the mountain curves and takes again almost its old direc- tion, until it passes out of the State. At intervals along its course the mountain is five times broken througli by rivers, viz: at the Delaware, Lehigh, Schuylkill, Swatara and Susquehanna Water Gaps. Peculiar curves in the mountain at several points show where anticlinals in the rocks occur, which pass diagonally through it, from East to West, into the valleys behind. OC these there is one at the Delaware Water Gap, one at the Wind Gap and ten at the Schuylkill Gap. The rocky crest of the range, which is 1,G00 feet above tide at the Delaware, continues as an even horizontal ridge along its entire course, being liere and there interrupted by small gaps. Although the actual elevation of the crest above tide-water re- mains the same, yet its apparent height diminishes towards the West owing to the elevation of the rolling surface of the valley in front of it, to the South. This valley, called the Groat or Kittatinny or Lebanon or Cum* b(‘.rland Valley, enclosed between the Kittatinny or Blue Moun* 1— D 2 D. F. PRIME, JR., REPORT OF PROGRESS 1874. tain, and the liSouth or Lehigh Mountain, and consisting topographi- cally of an undulating country, with hills (in the district to be described) only 100 to 200 feet high, extends lengthwise for a thou- sand miles, from Canada to Alabama, in an unbroken line. With a single exception it is everywhere shut off from the At- lantic Seaboard by ranges of mountains which bear the respec- tive names of Highlands, South Mountain, Blue Ridge, Smoky and Unaka Mountains. The exception just mentioned is in Pennsylvania. To the west of Reading the South Mountain disappears for a distance of GO miles, allowing the limestones of the valley to spread out south- v ward over Lancaster county. Yet the rocks composing the South Mountain only disappear from the surface. After taking a plunge Tinder the great area of limestone, and re-appearing at Millbaugh Hill, they again sink down, not to show themselves until they have crossed the Susquehanna. The geological formations of the Great Valley are all of Lower Silurian age. The oldest ones, those which lie against the north flank of the South Mountain, belong to the Potsdam Epoch. They are composed of slates and a massive sandstone, which is changed to quartzite by the metamorphic action it has undergone, but whose geological position may be recognized by a characteristic fossil, the Scolithus linearis.^ Above the Potsdam sandstone or quartzite (No. I) occur the Lower Silurian magnesian limestones of the Canadian Period, (as Dana calls it,) corresponding to the Calciferous sand-rock and Chazy limestone of the New York geologists ; and to the Mag- nesian Limestone and Saccharoidal Sandstone Formation of Mis- souri. In the limestone valleys of Central Pennsylvania this for- mation (No. II) is very thick and can be subdivided into distinct members ; but in the Great Valley no such subdivision has yet been made. No fossils have, as yet, been found to guide us, and the contortions and faul tings of the strata offer great obstacles to such an investigation. These rocks (with those of the Trenton period next in order) form a belt of country along the southern side of the Great Val- ley, in Lehigh county, but spread more widely in Lebanon, Cum- berland and Franklin, so as to occupy half of its breadth. ♦Supposed to be the cast of a worm-burrow in sand. GEOLOGY OF THE DISTRICT. D. 3 They are, for the most part, massive semi-crystalline and com- pact dolomites, (magnesian limestones,) separated by one or more beds ot damourite slate intercalated between them. In many places this slate has become altered to a white or yellow clay, closely resembling kaolin ; and with these slates and clays the brown hematite ores, which characterize this district, are inti- mately associated. * The dolomite rock, or magnesian limestone itself, is almost universally colored blue or gray, a fact due to the carbon it con- tains chert and minute crystals of iron pyrites are common in it. Crystals of quartz also occur in it. Receding from the South Mountain still further towards the middle line of the valley, the next formation met with and over- lying the dolomite is the Trenton or fossiliferous limestone, which however, seems to occur only at a few points in the valley ; in fact, it has been certainly recognized thus far only in Northamp- ton county by means of certain well known fossils ; but no sub- division of the formation under its New York names of Birdseye, Black River and Trenton limestones, has hitherto been possible. The Utica Black Slate comes next in order upwards, overlying the Trenton along the middle line of the valley. But it is very thin in this district, and has been recognized by its color (due to graphite) only at a few places. In the limestone valleys of mid- dle Pennsylvania it is a thick formation, and makes a continuous belt. The Hudson River Slate Formation (No. Ill) occupies all the rest of the valley to the foot of the North, Blue or Kittatinny Mountain, and more than half way up its flank. These slates, in the absence of the Utica and Trenton, lie directly upon the dolo- mite rocks in this district ; but so great has been the dis- turbance in the stratification in some parts of the valley, that the limestone sometimes seems to lie upon the slate. The Hudson Eiver slates are of great economic importance. They stretch in a broad, unbroken belt from the edge of the limestone to the base of the Kittatinny Mountains and accompany this range from the Delaware to Maryland. The lower portion of this formation is in places composed of hydraulic limestone from which valuable cement is made. *If the dolomite is dissolved in hydrochloric acid, it will leave a residue of black carbonaceous matter. 4 D. F. PRIME, JR., REPORT OF PROGRESS, 1874. The Sandstone of the North Mountain is Formation No. lY. The nature of the rocks composing the South Mountain has not yet been fully ascertained ; for although there is a large body of gneiss, belonging to the Archaean Period, on the flanks of the mountain, yet the central ridge or backbone is composed of rocks whose character is still somewhat doubtful. Magnetic iron ore occurs to a certain extent in this range, but how much tliere is of it must remain an open question until a thorough survey of the mountain has been made. It would seem as if there must be much more ore than has yet been discovered, as this mountain forms a portion of the great range which extends from Labrador to Alabama and is elsewhere so rich in iron ore. The district to the South of these mountains consists of an un- dulating plain composed in its northern section of red sandstone, or the clay resulting from its decomposition, belonging to the Triassic Period, and sometimei! called the Neiu Red Sandstone. This covers Bucks, Montgomery, Lebanon and parts of Pauphin and Lancaster counties and extends through York and Adams, into Maryland and Virginia. The red sandstone has been frequently broken through by eruptions of trap, which have in many cases formed hills — gener- ally conical in shape — the most prominent being Haycock Hill in Bucks county. In some places these eruptions have apparently brought the underlying Magnesian limestone very near to the surface. It is well known that sandstones and conglomerates are indica tions of shallow water, limestones of water of such a depth that marine animals can live in it undisturbed, and slates or shales of a retreating sea. What then was the case in this district oi Pennsylvania ? In the Great Valley on top of the metamorphic rocks of the South Mountains, belonging to tlie Archman Period, first occurs Potsdam sandstone, indicating shoal water and thence the con- stant attrition of the rocks composing it, subjected as the}^ were to the rolling, Avearing action of the waves. Gradually the bed of the great interior Appalachian Sea subsided, and as it did so the bottom, no longer being subject to the action of the waves, per- mitted organisms to live there, Avhich, by their subsequent decay, gave rise to the limestone ; their shells forming the carbonates GEOLOGY OF THE DISTRICT. D. 5 of lime and magnesia, the organic body yielding the carbon by which the limestones are colored. The subsidence must have been a steady, yet slow one, much like that of coral reefs, as the animals must, for a long period, have continued to exist in order to form such a thick bed of limestone. Then the conditions changed ; for the limestone, instead of continuing an offshore de- posit^ as it had been, became changed to an open-sea deposit giving rise to the Trenton limestone, full of marine organisms. In this respect it offers a great contrast to the Magnesian lime- stone in which scarcely any fossils have been found in the Great Valley. But the Trenton Epoch did not last long, for the sea commenced its retreat, giving rise to slates, shales and impure limestones, thus forming the Utica and Hudson River slates . — With these rocks the geological record of the Great Valley ends and we find ourselves in the Kittatinny Mountain. If we return to the metamorphic rocks of the South Mountain, we are unable to say under what conditions they were formed, as they have been so altered or metamorphosed by heat and the pres- sure of superincumbent rocks since their deposition, that it be- comes impossible to recognize their original character. CHAPTER II. Potsdam Sandstone ( No. I) in Lehigh County. The South or Leliigh Mountain, and all the hills lying to the north of it, were formed long subsequent to tlie deposition of the Potsdam and Calciferous rocks, possibly even during the Per- mian Period. Asa proof of tliis, Potsdam and Calcilerous rocks (the latter containing small quantities of brown hematite ore) are found forming small basins in the interior depressions of the mountain-range. One such basin occurs near St. PetePs church. As the contraction of the globe proceeded, by which the South Mountain range was elevated, other parallel elevations took place further north in Middle Pennsylvania, crimping the strata into anticlinal and synclinal waves, some of them miles in height, others minute and local. Since the Coal Era these have been washed away, leaving the present mountains and valleys to represent the upturned edges of the harder and softer formations. * See Newberry in Proc. Am. Assoc. 1873. P. 190. 6 D. F. PRIME, JR., REPORT OP PROGRESS, 1874 The lesser complications remain as rolls in the rocks at the pre- sent surface. The Arclunan rocks of the South Mountain do not form a straight line, nor is the present condition of this range the same as when first elevated. The sides of the mountain were then covered with Potsdam and Calciferous rocks, which have, in many places, disappeared under the levelling influence of air and water; which acting for ages on the rocks have, in a great measure, lowered the high ridges which were probably thousands of feet higher than they now are, and carrying the detritus into the val- leys, have partially filled them up. The backbone or central mass of the mountain, where it has been examined in Lehigh county, consists of a pyroxenic rock composed of sahlite and orthoclase, with probably small quanti- ties of albite or some other triclinic feldspar. In appearance it resembles hyposyenite, but differs from it in containing sahlite in the place of hornblende. A sample of the sahlite and orthoclase from the footwall of the Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Company’s Mine near Siesholtzville, Berks county, was analyzed with the following result : I. Pyroxene ; analyzed by Mr. Sydney Castle. II. Orthoclase ; analyzed by Dr. W. P. Headden. I. II. Silica, - - - - 49.30 66.86 Ferric oxide, - - - 0.53 Alumina, - - - 14.98 18.97 Ferrous oxide. - - - 6.02 0.62 Magnesia, - - - 8.27 trace. Lime, - - - 21.45 1.41 Soda, - - - — 3.61 Potash, 100.55 10.04 101.51 The northern edge of the mountain-range is an irregular one • forming at times long arms which stretch out into the valleys, or else insulated islands ; at times coves, up which the Silurian rocks extend, like bays filled by an arm of the sea. Where examined in Lehigh county, the northern flank of the GEOLOGY OF THE DISTRICT. D. 7 main range consists of the ordinary typical gneiss — composed of dark colored mica, feldspar and quartz — overlying the pyroxenic rock. Nowhere on the northeim Hank of the main range, witliin the district surveyed were either sandstone or limestone to be seen in place, gneiss cropped out everywhere to the surface. This statement is made, however, liable to later modification, as this position of the district was examined very hastily and super- ficially. Nor is it true of every part of the mountain range, for Potsdam Sandstone is seen flanking the mountain along the Le- high River almost the entire distance between Emaus and Beth- lehem, and in the same geological position in Berks county. The sand of which the Potsdam sandstone originally consisted has, everywhere in the Kittatinnv Valley, been altered to a hard compact quartzite, sometimes white, sometimes blue, sometimes of a brownish hue ; tlie latter due to a little ferric oxide. The quart- zite does not consist of pure silica, but contains nodules of feld- spar. which are unaltered where fresh pieces are obtained, but have been changed to kaolin where weathered. In many cases the kaolin has entirely disappeared, leaving very small cavities, which im- part a pock-marked appearance to the rock. On Lock Ridge the sandstone covers the whole northern flank, being in turn overlaid by limestone. On tlie same ridge specimens of Scolithus linearis occur in the quartzite in great abundance. CHAPTER III. Magnesian Limestone Formatioyi (No. II, ) and Brown Hematite (Limonite) Ores in Lehigh County. Overlying the Potsdam sandstone there occurs a limestone, or more properly speaking a dolomite, to which the Western and New Jersey geologists have given the name of Magnesian Lime- stone. Under this name are included the Calciferous sandstone, the Chazy, Birdseye and Black River limestones of the New York geologists.* [*There is no little difficulty in recognizing the.se subdivisions of the New York Lower Silurian Limestones outside of the limits of that State. The Calciferous Sandstone often contains little or no lime. It does not appear above water level on the Cincinnati uplift. Western geologists prefer to suo- 8 D. . F. PRIME, JR., REPORT OF PROGRESS, 1874. ' The great mass of this formation is dolomite, but tliere occur one and possibly more beds of hydro-mica (called damoui-ite be- low) slate intercalated in it. This formation is, economically, ol the very greatest impor lance, as in it occur the brown hematite deposits which form the staple supply of the furnaces along the Lehigh river and Enst Pennsylvania railroad. The limestone, in addition to containing the ore, is intrinsically of great value to the farmers of this region as a manure. Many of the farmers, whose farms are situated on the slates north of the limestone, come down in the winter and carry the limestone to their homes, where it is burnt in kilns and then applied to the soil. Where the hills are very steep, as is generally the case, the manure thus applied is soon carried down, in great part, to the bottom lands by natural causes. At the base of the South Mountain, at Hensingerville, the damourite slate has a south-east dip, which changes on crossing Lock Ridge to a north-west one, and this continues together with limestone, as can be seen on the map, as far as the district has been examined in a prolongation of the ridge. This proves to be one side of a synclinal, as on the road just north of Lehigh Church the predominating south-east dip again appears and con- tinues until Thoma< Breinig’s mine is reached. At his quarry just north of the mine the limestone is seen to roll, forming an arch in the face of the quarry. Crossing the Hudson River slate ridge to the extreme south- west corner of the Fogelsville cove, the limestone shows itself finely in repeated rolls in Henry Stein\s quarry, close to the cross-roads. (See Plate 1 on the opposite page.) divide all below the Hudson River slates into two formations, Trenton and Potsdam, corresponding very nearly to No. II and No. I of the First Survey of Pennsylvania. The New York subdivisions are all perfectly well marked in Pennsylvania. The rocks at Bellefonte, and along Nittany Mountain in Centre county, are full of Birdseye fossils; and Prof. Prime reports (June 2f>) outlines of three fossils found by Mr. Clark near Fogelsville, Lehigh counW, which Mr. Hall supposes to be Chazy forms. — J. P. L.] IIOLL IN LIMESTONE TWO MILES S. W. OF FOGELSVILLE. 10 D. F. PRIME, JR., REPORT OF PROGRESS, 1874. At the east end of the ridge the limestone has a westerly dip^ as can be seen in Smith’s and Fogel’s quarries. This does not last for any distance, however, as on continuing in this direction the dip soon changes to a south and south-west direction in the Fogelsville cove, while east of Smith’s and Fogel’s quarries it becomes south-east in direction, and so continues wherever ob- served, with few exceptions probably due to rolls of the lime- stone, until reaching Schantz’s Mill north of Wescoeville. The dolomite. When fresh, the general appearance of the dolomite is cr3^stal- line and of a deep gray to grayish-blue color — the color being due to the animal carbon in it. It generally occurs massive and in thick beds, but these alternate with thin slaty beds ; the thick beds are often thinly parted by cleavage, this latter usually south-east in its direction. Occasionalty, however, the color is different, and all possible changes between a blackish blue and delicate dove color caa be found. The rock can easily be scratched with a knife, and effervesces if touched with acid. Some beds of the rock contain flints thickly strewn through them. It generally contains a high percentage of silica, and weathers very rapidly. When weathered the rock becomes dull, of a dirty gray color, disintegrated to a depth of J to J inch, and converted to a soft sand retaining little or no coherence. It became a matter of interest to ascertain what change, if any, the rock underwent in this process of disintegration. For this purpose two samples were taken from the base of the quarry of the Lehigh Iron Com- pany at East Penn Junction near Allentown. No. I is the disin- tegrated rock ; No. II the fresh rock, about one and a half inches underneath No I. Both samples were submitted to Dr. Genth for analysis, with the following result : Chemical change hy weathering. Carbonic acid. I. 44.52 II. 46.26 Silica, - - - - - 3.08 1.12 Ferric oxide. - - - - - 1.34 0.25 Alumina, - - - - 1.02 0.45 Ferrous oxide, - - - - - - 0.67 1.21 GEOLOGY OF THE DISTRICT. 1). 11 I. II. Manganous oxide, ^lagnesia, • - 0.35 21.03 0.44 20.86 Lime, 28.06 29.40 100.07 99.99 These results indicate that many samples will have to be care- fully selected and analyzed, in order to come to any safe conclu- sion ; for analyses show that the dolomite varies in composition within very short distances. The above samples were taken from below the hydromica or damoui ite slate occurring at the quarry. It is probable that the limestone analyzed contains less silica than the greater portion of that occurring in this valley. As evidence of this, two other analyses of limestones from the same range are subjoined. No. I is from Ruth’s Quarry, leased by the Thomas Iron Company, about one mile north of Alburtis; analyzed by Mr. H. Pemberton, Jr. This limestone is used in the Lock Ridge furnaces. No. II is from tlie quarry be- longing to the Carbon Iron Company, near Stemton, on the Lehigh River ; analyzed by Booth and Garrett. This is used in the Parryville furnaces. I. 11 . Silica, - 12.13 Silica, 7.20 Carbonic acid. - 41.29. Ferric oxide and alumina. 0.25 Alumina, . 1.18 Calcium carbonate, - 79.50 Ferrous oxide. - 0.38 Magnesium carbonate. 13.05 Magnesia, - 17.97 Lime, - 27.04 100.00 99.99 In both these cases the much larger quantity of silica than in that analyzed from the Lehigh Iron Company’s quarry will be noticed. The siliceous character of the great bulk of the lime- stone is confirmed by the following analyses of Mr. M’Creath’s: III. From another part of same quarry as I. IV. From another part of same quarry as I and II. V. Mrs. Kuhn’s quarry IJ miles north-east of Trexlertown. VI. Frantz’s quarry miles north-east of Trexlertown. 12 D. F. PRIME, JR., REPORT OF PROGRESS, 1874. III. IV. V. VI. Insoluble residue, (silica,) 5.650 11.260 13.490 9.240 Carbonate Calciuni, . - - - 51.920 47.890 51.603 48.630 Carbonate Magnesium, - 41.071 39.585 32.917 40.410 Sulphur, . - - - - trace. trace. 0.147 0.005 Phosphorus, . . . 0.011 0.021 0.012 0.012 The damourite. Near the base of the Magnesian limestone occurs the hydro, mica or damourite slate. As this bed is of great importance, being intercalated in the limestone and always accompanied by the brown hematite ores, numerous analyses of this slate from various localities are subjoined. I. From Krmmlich & Lichtenwallner’s mine, Fogelsville, Le- high county : analyzed by Dr. Genth. II. From the Thomas Iron Company’s mine at Hensingerville, near Alburtis, Lehigh county : analyzed by Mr. Sydney Castle. III. From the Lehigh Iron Company’s quarry at East Penn. Junction, near Allentown: analyzed by Mr. Pedro G. Salom. IV. From another part of the same quarry: also analyzed by Mr. Salom. V. From Hensinger Heirs’ mine at Hensingerville, leased by Allentown Iron Company : analyzed by Mr. M’Creath. Silica, I. 49.92 II. 45.40 III. 59.30 IV. 39.80 V. 63.31 Carbonic acid. - — — — 14.40 — Ferric oxide. - 0.91 5.06 ) 30.30 2.40 3.79 Alumina, - 34.06 24.69 i 23.95 16.16 Ferrous oxide. - — — — trace. — Magnesia, - 1.77 13.56 trace. 1.94 4.44 Lime, - 0.11 trace. trace. 9.85 0.15 Soda, - 0.74 0.27 1.51 0.52 1.54 Potash, - 6.94 5.85 6.24 3.34 7.56 Water, - 6.52 4.80 4.70 6.00 2.65 Phosphoric acid. - — — — — 0.102 Sulphuric acid. - — — — — 0.110 100.97 99.63 102.05 102.20 99.812 As typical damourite contains 11.77 p. c. of potash the above first four slates contain respectively 55.40; 49.70; 53.02; and 28.30 p. c. of damourite, in addition to free silica, carbonate of lime and magnesia, and ferruginous clay. The phosphoric and sulphuric acids in V are probably due to the ore intermingled in the slate. The damourite slate has an GEOLOGY OF THE DISTRICT. D. 13 unctuous, soapy feel, is usually of a pale straw-yellow to yellow- ish white, or sometimes pink color, and has a pearly lustre. It rarely occurs in a perfectly fresh condition ; except in some of the mines which are actively worked. On exposure to the weather the slate soon begins to decompose and is then converted to a soft, unctuous clay. The Clay. This clay is generally brown or yellow at first, but in time becomes white, by a process of leaching. The decomposition of the slate is undoubtedly due to the alkalies it contains, and this decomposition probably occurs even more rapidly when the slate in lilace is subjected to the action of acid waters than when sub- jected to weathering. For the purpose of comparison, analyses of two clays are here subjoined from Kraeralich Lichtenwall- ner’s Mine at Fogelsville, Lehigh county. They are both from the same pit where sample I of the damourite slate was obtained. No. I is a white clay. No. II a yellow clay ; both analyzed by Mr, Joseph R. Shimer, assistant in Metallurgy in Lafayette College. Silica, 1 . 72.164 If. 64.568 Ferric oxide. 0.990 5.637 Alumina, 21.764 22.770 Magnesia, - 0.698 1.281 Lime, 0.224 0.400 Soda, 2.120 2.800 Potash, 3.019 3.250 Water, 4.758 4.669 Allowing for slight variation 105.737 both in composition 105.375 and on ac- count of different degrees of weathering, the first notable differ- ence between the analyses of the fresh damourite slate and the clay is the great increase in the silica, due to the free quartz so very common in brown hematite mines. In II a great increase in the ferric oxide is also noticeable, due to intermingled ore. When, however, we come to the alkalies we notice the great loss in the percentage of potash. This proves that the decomposi- tion of the slate to clay is due to the alkalies, which being solu- 14 D. F. PRIME, JR., REPORT OF PROGRESS, 1874. able in water, particiilaily when acid, are removed, leaving the insoluble silica and alumina behind to form the clay. The clay has the peculiar property of decrepitating when ex- posed to a red heat, which renders it unfit to be used around the iron furnaces. The damourite-slate and the clay resulting from its decomposi- tion occur widely distributed, extending from Vermont to Ala- bama. Until very recently it was supposed that damourite was a rare mineral confined to a few localities, and it is to Prof. James D. Dana’s investigations^ that we owe our knowledge of tfie wide distribution of the hydro-mica slates, and that many of the rocks hitherto called talcose slates are really composed of damourite. Econcmically they are of the greatest importance as they are almost universally accompanied by brown hematite iron ores in the Kittatinny Valley. It is highly probable that the damourite slates were essential to the formation of the large body of ore usually accompanying them ; since they always underlie this and only contain it in their upper portion. So well known is this fact, that in the mines bordering the base of the South Mountain between Easton and Bethlehem the miners cease looking for ore when they strike the white clay, which they call “hill-clay,” and are very careful not to penetrate it, as otherwise they would be drowned out of the mines by the water from the mountain. From this circumstance, constant!}" noticed during the past season, it was supposed that the slate may have acted as an impervious bed to the waters containing iron in solution, causing these last to deposit the iron in and upon the slates. More extended exami- nations during the next season of field-work are needed to test this hypothesis. From the examinations thus far made, it is highly probable that the damourite slate is Rogers’ Upper Primal Slate, to whicli he assigns a place between tlie Potsdam sandstone and the Mag- nesian limestone. At present the geological position of the slate along the base of the mountain is somewhat a matter of doubt ; as at one point it has been found intercalated between limestones. Examinations at other points will have to be made to determine * See American Journal of Science and Arts III, 4, p. 366. Dana states that the slate formerly known under the names of talcose slate, magnesia slate, nacreous shale and talcoid schist are damourite slate, and calls atten- tion to the discovery of a similar deposit at Salm-Chateau. GEOLOGY OF THE DISTRICT. D. 15 whotlier more than one bed of this damonrite slate occurs, and whether the slate in the Fogelsville is positively of a different age from that at the base of the South Mountain. CHAPTER ly. The Iron Ores. The groat bulk of the iron ore found in the dolomite or lime- stone is known under the names of Limonite or Brown Hema- tite. It is the hydrated ferric oxide, having the formula 2 Fe 203 , 3 11, 0, — containing when pure, 59.89 per cent of iron. The ore occurs massive, earthy, botryoidal, mammillary, con- cretionary and occasionally stalactitic. It has a silky, often sub- metallic lustre ; sometimes dull and earthy. Color of surface of fracture various shades of brown, commonly dark, and none bright; when earthy, brownish-yellow, ochre-yellow. The streak is yellowish-brown. When stalactitic it forms tlie pipe-ore, is rather scarce. When concretionary it forms hollow spherical masses, commonly known under the name of pot or bomb-shell ore. These hollow masses commonly contain water or masses of unc- tuous clay ; their interior surface often presents a glazed ap- pearance, due to a very thin coating or incrustation of oxide of manganese, which imparts a nearly black varnish-like surface. Sometimes the bomb-shell ore is solid ; its interior then presents a honey-combed appearance, as if from the percolation of chaly- beate waters into the mass after the exterior shell had been formed. In addition to the limonite, anotlier ore of iron is some- times associated with it, knowing to mineralogists under the name of lepidocrocite. It occurs in scaly* fibrous or feathery columnar masses, somewhat like plumose mica. Its color is yel- lowish, reddish and blackish-brown. Streak brownish-yellow to ochre-yellow. Its composition is Fe 2 03 ,H 2 0, containing 62.93 per cent, of iron. It does not occur in sufficient quantity to bo of any practical importance. The great mass of the brown hematite ore occurs in small pieces which have to be separated from the inclosing gangue by washers. IG D. F. PRIME, JR., REPORT OP PROGRESS, 1874. In tlio western portion of Lehigh county the ore apparently occurs in four lines of outcrops, and it remains to be proved by fartlier explorations whether there are one or two more lines or wliether the mines which lie to the North and South and are out- side of these lines actually belong to the exterior lines and have only been thrown out of position by contortions of the strata. For convenience sake the mines belonging to this uncertain class will be grouped with tlie others. Along the base of the South Mountain the sandstone and dolo- mite have a north-west dip, away from the range, except where tlie dip has been reversed by outlying peninsulars of the moun- tiiin. The dip is generally 18° to 35° where the rocks are exposed any distance up the mountain-side. This dip soon changes to the south-east and almost universally remains so until close to the Iludson River slates when it frequently again changes to a north- west one and plunges under the slates. The most southern range of brown hematite mines shirts along the North hank of Lock Ridge, and trends (like all the rest) north- east in a direction parallel to the South Mountain. The mines all have a north-west dip, like the rocks underlying them. Those included in this range are WagenhorsFs ; Wescoe’s ; Aaron Hert- zog’s; Harry Kaiser’s ; Meitzler’s; Ludwig, Ilertzog and Liess’s Jonas Kreischmann’s (two;) Gaumer’s ; Kerschner’s (two;) Henry Shankweiler’s ; Crane Iron Co.’s; Allentown Iron Co.’s; Wiand’s ; Reuben Laros’s ; Marck’s ; and those at Ilensingerville. The second range of mines includes Ludwig’s (two;) Butz’s ; Yager’s; Harry Kaiser’s; Blank’s; Smoyer’s (four;) Benjamin Smoyer’s ; J. Schmoyer’s ; Benjamin P. Schmoyer’s ; Judith Schmoyer’s ; T. Schmoyer’s,; A. Schmoyer’s ; Reuben Romig’s (two;) P. Romig’s; Werner and Reinhart’s; and Lauer’s. The third range of mines comprises an abandoned mine , J. Weiler’s ; Crane and Thomas Iron Co.’s; F. S. Lichtenwallner’s ; Schmoyer’s; Gernart’s; J. Scholl’s; J. Bastian’s; E. Bastian’s; and F. Guth’s. In the fourth range are situated the mines belonging to F. Breinig; 0. Moser; T. Breinig; N. Whitely ; W. B. Fogel ; 11. Schwartz ; A. Bortz ; W. Koch ; J. Grammis ; Gackenbach ; F. Fischer; J.and D. Smith; Haines ; C. Miller; J. D. Scholl and Co.; J. Steininger; Moyer; Henry Stein; J. Laros ; Levi Lichten- GEOLOGY OF THE DISTRICT. D. 17 wallner ; Kra3mlich and Liclitenwalliier ; and trial pits at Cliap- man’s Station. In this fourth range will be described F. Breinig’s and those in the Fogelsville Cove, although it is still uncertain whether they properly belong here or form separate outcrops. On account of the depressed condition of the iron trade during 1874 many of the mines were stopped owing to the low price offered for ore. In many cases it was, therefore, impossible to obtain any data or to get any description of the mines ; lor as soon as work in the open cuts is stopped, the sides begin to wash down, and in a very short time little or nothing can be seen, while at the same time the pit fills with water, generally to some depth, rendering access difficult or impossible. CHAPTER y. First Range of 31ines, Wagenhorst''s Mine^ No. 44.'^* This mine was not being worked when visited ; it consists of a single excavation about 30 feet deep. Nothing could be seen there. Wescoe^s Mwe, No. 43, abandoned. This consists of several pits, none of them very deej) ; work has long since been aban- doned, due to exhaustion of the ore. A large body of white clay was observed in tlie bottom 'of tlie mine. Aaron Ilcrlzog^s Mlne^ No. 42, abandoned. This mine has been abandoned, although the machinery is still standing. It consists of a single excavation, in which nothing could be seen. ["^The numbers attached to these names are taken from the current notes of the Surveying party, wliicli moved irregularly over the area described in this Report of the fieldwork of 1874. They were transferred, together with the drawings of mines, roads, houses, dips, itrc., directly ui)on the 400' sheets, and again upon the reduction slieets of 1,000': 1", now published to accom- pany this report. It was inexpedient to attem]itanygeograpliical re-arrange- ment of the numbers, for two reasons: First, whatever arrangement might be adopted, must be spoiled by one or two oversights; and secondly, no pos- sible means could be devised for the symmetrical interpolation of mines to be hereafter opened. Every one of the numbers may be easily found in the map, which is kept open and legible by the omission of all other names than those of villages and streams. A textual statement of the position of each mine is hardly desirable with Mr. Clark’s carefully constructed map in hand. — J. P. L.] 2— D. 18 D, F. PRIME, JR., REPORT OF PROGRESS, 1874. Harry Kaiser^ s Mine^ !N'o. 41, leased by Mull and Hagenbuch. This mine was not being worked when visited, and nothing could be seen. A specimen of the ore was analyzed by Mr. M’Creath, and showed: — Iron, 37.00 Sulphur, 0.035 Phosphorus, 0.186 Manganese, ------ 3.033 Insoluble residue, The fine ore contains a great deal of silica. 28.99 Meitzler's Mine^ 84, leased by the Crane Iron Company. This mine had not been worked for some time, owing to the depression in the iron business. The excavation is about ten feet deep, and a little wash ore could be observed on the sides. Bleckley's Mine^ Ho. 56, leased by Ilagenbusch, Lehr & Co. Standing still all summer. The pit about five or six feet deep. Evidently only surface wash ore has yet been struck. Ludwig^ Hertzog and Liess's Mine^ Ho. 32. On the road from Alburtis to Millcrstown, and about three-quarters of a mile from the former station. This ore occurs in seams or bands in the white clay, which has a dip of 27° H 23° W. A great deal of the ore is in lumps, especially at the present bottom of the mine, which is 20 feet. The seams of ore are not regular, but suddenly stop to make a bend, and then continue or stop al- together; and another seam will be found a foot or two lower down, and so on. There is a great deal of lump ore, and the mine is a rich one. The ore commences about 5 feet froiii the surface. But little flint or boulders of Potsdam sandstone could be observed in. this mine. The present daily capacity of the mine is 20 tons ; 20 men are employed. Jonas Kreischmann's Bline, Ho. 33, leased by Allentown Pol- ling Mill Company. This mine is only separated by a fence from the preceding one, and must be identical in its charac- teristics. The mine was not worked during the past season. This ore, when analyzed by Mr. M'Creath, gave the follow- ing results : — Iron, 32.70 Manganese, 0.374 GEOLOGY OF THE DISTRICT. D. 19 Sulpliiir, 0.030 Phospliorus, 0.179 Insoluble residue, 39.05 This ore is very siliceous. Jonas Kreischmann^ s Mine^ l^o. 34, leased by Coleraine Iron Company. This mine is about 6 to 8 feet deep. The ore is ap- parently disintegrated in place or surface ore. It occurs in thin streaks in a yellow clay soil with considerable flint. When visi- ted the mine did not look very favorably. A shaft had been sunk about 18 feet, and no ore was apparent on the dump. The foreman told me that limestone was struck at a depth of 15 to 20 feet. In another part of the mine a shaft was down 30 feet and there was but little ore in the clay on the dump. In the northern portion of the mine limestone crops out, having appar- rently a south-east dip. The present capacity of the mine is 15 tons daily ; 18 men and 3 boys are employed. Mr. M’Crcath analj^zed a specimen of the ore from this mine, and found — Iron, 46.60 Manganese, 0.454 Sulphur, 0.027 Phosphorus, 0.597 Insoluble residue, 16.23 Gaumer^s Mine^ Ko. 77, leased by Temple Iron Company. Kot worked when visited ; could not see anything, or obtain any in- formation about it. The mine is 10 to 15 feet deep. Kerschners 3Tinc^ No. 75, leased by Coleraine Iron Company. The mine is about 30 feet deep. The ore forms strings and scams in clay, and Alls up irregular cavities in it. The clay seems to have a dip of 10° S. 25° E. The mine presents a good appearance ; there being but little flint or quartzite boulders mingled with the clay or ore. The present daily yield of the mine is 10 tons; 10 men and boys are employed. Kerschner’s 31tne^ No. 76, leased by Temple Iron Company. The ore occurs in thin streaks in the clay, and the mine seems to be a good one. There is a good deal of yellow clay on the top, containing no ore, from which bricks are made. The yield of the mine is from 10 to 15 tons daily; 18 men and boys are employed. 20 D. F. PRIME, JR., REPORT OF PROGRESS, 1874. Henry Shankieeiler s Mine^ !N’o. 91, leased by John Sliaefer. There are two openings at this mine; neither of which has been worked since the panic. The sides were so washed that it was impossible to see anything. The ore apparently occurs associated with the ordinary yellow clay resulting from the de- composition of limestone. Crane Iron Company's Mine^ Ho. 72, at the junction of the road from ISTew Texas to Emaus, and Millerstown to Allentown. The most western of the three openings belonging to this com- pany was not worked, and nothing could be observed. The middle mine at the north corner of the junction of the two roads was being worked. It has been excavated to a depth of 40 feet, and the regular bed of ore is still at the bottom; there being more an appearance of disintegrated or drift ore near the surface. The ore occurs, as usual on this range, with clay. But little pot or bomb-shell ore was observed. About 20 tons of washed ore are obtained here daily ; 14 men and boys are employed. The third mine belonging to the Crane Company lies at the eastern corner of the cross-roads, and was abandoned; nothing* could be seen there. AUento 2 on Iron Company's Mine., Ho. 73, at the western junc- tion of the cross-roads. This mine had been formerly worked to an inconsiderable depth on the surface for ore, and abandoned as being exhausted. The Allentown Iron Company then took hold of it and sunk shafts on to the ore in place. The ore, like that in the Crane just mentioned, presents a fine appearance, forming a regular bed on the clay. The ore at these cross-roads lies deep. The trial-shafts were sunk 25 feet at this mine be- fore striking ore in place. The daily ^ueld of the mine is 15 to 18 tons ; 14 men and boys are employed. Wiand's Mine., Ho. 74, leased by the Temple Iron Company. This lies a little to the East of the last mine. It also makes a fine show, and has been worked very extensively, being now nearly exhausted unless fresh ore should be struck at a greater depth, which there is no reason to expect. The mine is about 30 to 40 feet deep. In some places limestone is struck at a depth of 25 feet, while in other parts of the mine shafts have been sunk to a depth of 50 feet before meeting it. The ore is GEOLOGY OF THE DISTRICT. D. 21 partly wash ore near the surface ; deeper, it forms seams in the clay ; occasionally pot ore occurs. In some places the mine is being worked in 7 to 9 feet of solid ore. The daily average yield of the mine is 20 tons ; 12 men are employed. A plane is used for hoisting the ore. Mr. M’Creath analyzed a specimen of the ore and found : — Iron, 45.30 Manganese, 0.749 Sulphur, 0.032 Phosphorus, ------ 0.137 Insoluble residue, 21.06 Beuhen Laros' Mine^ ISTo. 92, leased by Hartzell and Keck. When visited it was only 8 feet deep, having been but recently opened. On the dump all the ore seems light, and looks very slaty. In the bottom of the present openings about 6 inches of a yellow (damourite ?) clay can be seen, in which most of the ore apparently occurs. The mine is not yet sufficiently opened to determine its character. P. Marches Mine^ Ko. 93, leased by Lehigh Iron Company. This mine has not been worked during the past season. It con- sists only of stripping, the mine not being worked to a greater depth than 5 feet. It is very probable the preceding mine is of the same character. Mr. M’Creath analyzed a specimen of the ore and found : — Iron, - - - - ' - - - 46.500 Manganese, 0.590 Sulphur, 0.022 Phosphorus, 0.128 Insoluble residue, 16.300 The mines at Ilensingcrville are all grouped together, and can indeed be regarded as one. great pit, only separated by walls at different points. Trial pits have been sunk on the Maple Grove Mill property, and good ore found. An analysis by Mr. M’Creath gave — Iron, 33.30 Manganese, - Sulphur, Phosphorus, - Insoluble residue. 0.612 0.007 .170 34.25 22 D. F. PRIME, JR., REPORT OF PROGRESS, 1874. The first mine met with, an abandoned one, belonging to Peter Kline, Ko. 45 ; is on the South side of and close to the road leading West from Hensingerville. At this place damourite slate is noticed, dipping 35° S. The mine is close to the gneiss, and was worked to a depth of about 25 feet. A little ore can be seen upon the walls of the pit, hut it is impossible, in its present condition, to say whether it is exhausted or not. J. Barber and Company's Mine^^o. 49. This has been 'worked for some time. The ore occurs underneath a blue sandy lime* stone and over white clay. When seen, the appearance of the pit, where worked, looked badlj^ there being little or no ore in sight. It was proposed to work the more southern portion oi the excavation, where the indications are more promising. Work had been stopped on the mine between two visits paid to it. Ten men were employed when the mine was being worked ; there is an inclined plane for hoisting the ore. A curious fact was observed here by Mr. Barber. A short time before stopping the work a number of white rounded balls, of considerable weight and various sizes, were found underneath the brown hematite ore, and above the clay. On analysis these have proved to be siderite or carbonate of iron of a very good quality and the brown hematite has in all probability been formed by the oxidation of the siderite. Unfortunately but a small quantity of the latter has been found, as it would be a capital ore for the furnaces of the Valley. Mr. M’Creath analyzed the brown hematite and found it to contain Iron, Manganese, - Sulphur, Phosphorus, Insoluble residue. 47.000 0.518 0.030 0.111 16.050 He also analyzed the siderite and obtained: 45.064 1.553 0.457 1.150 1.643 0.644 1.495 Oxide of manganese. Alumina, Lime, Magnesia, GEOLOGY OF THE DISTRICT. D. 23 Carbonic acid, 29.330 riiosphoric acid, 0.142 Sulphuric acid, ----- 0.061 Water, ------- 0.420 Insoluble residue, 17.575 99.534 Ilensingtr Mines^ ISTo. 50 and 51, leased by Allentown Iron Company and Bethlehem Iron Company. These two mines are really one, being merely separated by a thin wall of clay. The Bethlehem Company were not working their pit. The ore, as in all the Ilensingerville mines, occurs near the top in ^-ellow clay ; but this soon changes either to damourite slate, or to the plastic clay resulting from its decomposition. The ore occurs in seams and streaks distributed through the clay or slate. Fre- quently these streaks, together with the clay, change their course abruptly as if from a sliding of the clay on itself. The clay and ore dip at this mine 28° S. S. E. The ore commences about 10 feet from the surface. The mine is about 25 feet deep. At the pit leased by the Allentown Rolling Mill Company there is but a single shaft used for washing the ore. Thomas Iron Company's Mine^ Ro. 52. This lies alongside of the pit just mentioned as leased by the Bethlehem Iron Com- pany. The same remark applies to this as to the previous ones that they make a very fine show of ore, the seams appearing to be regular and in great numbers. Tlie quantity of ore is very large and a shaft sunk 75 feet from the surface in the bottom of this excavation still showed ore. This mine has a plane for the extraction of the ore. Trial pits have been sunk in Shankweiller’s lot, and a single specimen was found by Mr. M’Creath to contain — Iron, Manganese, Sulphur, Phosphorous, Insoluble residue. 47.90 0.266 0.003 0.165 11.89 Hensinger and Saul's Mine^ Ho. 54, leased by Allentown Iron Company. This mine has two openings, but they have not been so extensively developed as those just mentioned. The position 24 D. F. PRIME, JR., REPORT OF PROGRESS, 1874. of the ore is the same as that already described, and it appears to be of as good quality. An analyses by Mr. M’Creath gave — Iron, ^ - - - - - - 25.00 Sulphur, ...... 0.008 Phosphorus, 0.189 Manganese, 0.396 Insoluble residue, .... 48.99 Hot satisfied with this new samples were taken and found to contain — Iron, - Sulphur, - 44.600 trace. Phosphorus, - - 0.151 Manganese, - - 0.576 Insoluble residue, - - . 20.340 Mickley^s Mine^ Ho. 55, leased by the Thomas Iron Company. This mine is similar to those just described. Hensinger Heirs Farm, Trial shafts were sunk on this farm during the past season, and an abundance of pot ore was found. Some of the ore was sent to Mr. M’Creath for analyses, and he found — Iron, 44.500 Manganese, 9.280 Sulphur, - - ... 0.019 Phosphorus, - - . . . 0.316 Insoluble residue, 6.280 Ho mines visited during the past season made a better ap- pearance than these around Ilensingerville. The ore occurs both as pot and wash ore, and forms very regular streaks in and on top of the slates, besides occurring for a very great depth. All these facts show the great richness of the mines. Kiefer 3Iine,, Ho. 58, abandoned. ' This mine was formerly worked by Mr. James Lanigan, but when visited it was impos- sible to see anything, as the pit had been abandoned for some time. DesKs Mine,, Ho. 57, abandoned. This opening has been abandoned for some time, as all the ore has been extracted. There are two excavations at this point. This range of mines continues all along the northern base ol GEOLOGY OF TUE DISTRICT. D. 25 tLe ‘>outli Mountain to the Delaware Diver. In Northampton county a number of mines arc worked in Williams township by the Glcndon Iron Company, and private parties. As a sam- ple of the ore, the following analyses of samples from Sampson and Sitgrcaves’ ^line near South Easton, are subjoined ; they were made by Kenneth Dobertson, Esq., Superintendent of the Keystone Iron Company. I is from the Upper Shaft. II is bomb-shell ore. I. Water, - - 12.37 Silica, - - 7.58 Alumina, - - 5.82 Phosphoric Acid, 0.58=0.25 p. Ferric oxide, - 73.14=51.2 p. Oxide of manganese 0.44 Lime, - - 0.21 Magnesia, - - 0.14 100.28 II. - 13.71 - 3.57 - 4.50 j.Phos., 0.56= 0.24p.c.Phos. :. Iron, 71.47=50.03 p. c.Iron. - 6.41 - 0.00 - 0.00 100.22 CHAPTER VI. Second Ilange of Mines. Ludwig^s New Mine., No. 40. This mine presents a favorable appearance, and pipe ore was found here. In one place a vein of black oxide of manganese was observed 6 to 8 inches thick. Limestone occurs above the ore, but none was seen below it. By the kindness of S. M. Felton, Esq., President of the Pennsyl- vania Steel Works, the following analysis is published, made by Mr. M’Creath in 1874 ; the sample is an average of six cars : — Water of hydration, - 6.95 Combined water, - 10.75 Silica, - - - 9.93 Ferric oxide, - - 68.59=48.013 p. c. Iron. Alumina, - - - 2.01 Manganic oxide, a trace. 26 D. F. PRIME, JR., REPORT OF PROGRESS, 1874. Lime, - - - Magnesia, - Phosphoric acid, - Sulphuric acid, - 0.270 1.48 0.34=0.149 p. c. phosphorus. 0.06=0.025 p. c. sulphur. 100.38 JBuiz’s 311716,1^0. 39. At this mine the ore occurs in yellow clay, resulting from the decomposition of limestone. When examined the mine did not present a very favorable appearance, there being but little ore apparently distributed through the clay. Ludwig's Old 3Iine., i7o. 38. In this the limestone crops out to the surface, and a vein of ore occurs above the limestone in drift clay. The ore occurs irregularly distributed in the lime- stone, having the appearance of pockets rather than of regular beds. The limestone is horizontal, and presents the curious ap- pearance of having thin layers which have decomposed to an unctuous gray clay. Mr. M’Creath analyzed the ore, and ob- tained — 51.25 0.381 0.016 0.100 11.01 Iron, - Manganese, - Sulphur, Phosphorus, Insoluble residue, Jayger's 3Iine, Ho. 37. Hot worked. This mine is only strip- ping, and at a depth ot 10 feet limestone is struck, which is horizontal. The limestone is blue, saccharoidal and water- worn. Harry Kaiser's 3Iine., Ho. 36, leased by the Bethlehem Iron Co. Of the two openings worked, no ore was in sight in the western one, except a very little drift ore in the top. In the east opening one vein, about 8 inches thick, was visible in gravel forming the surface wash. The mine when visited did not present a promising appearance, but it may improve as it deepens. Blank's 3Iine, Ho. 30, leased by Ludwig, Ilertzog & Co. Drift ore occurs immediately under the sod, then a bank of clay containing no ore, and underneath this ore and yellow clay the former in thin seams. The seams of ore occur in yellow clay, having a general southerly pitch ; this is, however, very irregular, and is sometimes, locally, to the west. The mine, at its deepest part, is down 32 feet. It has a daily capacity of 20 GEOLOGY yjF THE DISTRICT. D. 27 tons of ore ; 1 9 men and boys are employed. An analysis ot this ore by Mr. M’Creath, gave the following result : Sulphur, 0.049 Phosphorus, 0.109 Manganese, 4.575 Iron, 43.00 Insoluble residue, .... 19.06 ’ About half a mile north-east of this is a mine on Ruth’s or Meitzler’s Farm, whieh has been so long abandoned that noth- ing whatever can be seen. Smoyer's Mine^ ITo. 28, is close to the Little Lehigh Creek, near the point where it is crossed by the Catasauqua and Fogelsville Railroad. The ore occurs in yellow clay, as if the rock were disintegrated in place ; no seams or streaks of ore could be per- ceived. The mine is about 18 feet deep. There being no one there, no special information could be obtained respecting it. Benjamin Smoyer^s Mine^ Ho. 31, leased by Shinier and Hart- zell, is 10 feet deep ; the ore occurs in seams in yellow clay, and has a general dip of 10° H. 24° E. Limestone was struck in the well at a depth of 60 feet. The daily yield of the mine is 15 to 18 tons of ore, 15 men and boys being employed. Just across the Millerstown-Trexlertown road from the preceding is another mine, which was not worked when visited. Smoyer^s Mine^ Ho. 80, leased by Millerstown Iron Company, was being opened for the first day’s work when visited, so that nothing could be seen. Several trial-pits had been sunk, and it was stated that the indications were favorable. Smoyer's Mine, Ho. 79, abandoned. This has been worked out. It contains two peaks of white clay ; one of which comes al- most to the surface of the ground. Alongside of these peaks or needles are great cavities, about thirty feet deep, which ex- tend and contained the ore. The bottom of the mine seems to consist of the same white clay. Smoyer’s Mine, Ho. 78, leased by Bushong & Co., which is close to the last, is about eight feet deep. In some parts of the mine limestone is struck at a depth of five to six feet, while in other parts it was twenty to twenty- five feet below the sur- face. The mine is scarcely at a sufficient depth to determine whether the white clay occurs under the ore. To show the 28 D. F. PRIME, JR., REPORT OF PROGRESS, 1874. cavernous nature of the limestone it is only necessary to state that while it is struck, as just stated, in parts of the mine at a depth of five feet, the well, just alongside, was sunk forty feet before touching it. J. Smoyer's Mine^ I7o. 27 and 83, leased by James Weiler, was not being worked when visited. Benjamin P. Smoyer's Mine^ 'No. 81, is only stripping, be- ing but ten feet deep. Where left standing white clay is visible. It was not being worked when visited. Judith Smoyer’s Mine., Ho. 82, leased by B. P. Smoyer, had not been worked for some time when visited, and was full of water in the bottom so as to be inaccessible. T. Smoyer^ s Mine^ Ho. 89. There are here two small openings not worked during the past season. They are close to the Little Lehigh. K. Smoyer^s Mine^ Ho. 90, abandoned. Hothing could be seen here ; hut from what could he learned it did not pay to ex- tract the ore. A. Smoyer’s Mine, Ho. 85, leased by Allentown Iron Co. The ore occurs in seams in clay with a little flint. As almost the whole excavation was filled with water it was impossible to see much. The dip of the clay taken at one point was 4° S. 25° E. When working, the daily production is ten tons of ore ; twelve men and boys are employed. P. Romig's Mine, Ho. 70, leased by the Crane Iron Co. At the junction of the road from Hew Texas to Emaus and Philadel- phia to Mauch Chunk. When visited was only being worked by two boys. From what could be seen the ore was apparently in yellow clay. The appearance of the mine indicates disinte- gration in place ; no seams or streaks of ore could be seen, it being irregularly distributed in small fragments throughout the mass. P. Romig's Mine, Ho. 69, leased by Israel Kolb. In the field east of the previous mine arc three small openings, which were not worked when visited, and where nothing could be seen. In the field north of these and the road to Emaus are six small and one large opening, also leased by I. Kolb, which were standing idle and nothing could he seen. Reuben Romig’s Mine, Ho. 64, leased by Allentown Iron Co. GEOLOGY OF THE DISTRICT. D. 29 This lies on the Mauch Chunk road iTorth of the iast men- tioned openings, and to the West of the road. The ore occurs in small pieces of wash ore, and as pot ore in yellow and drab clay, probably due to the decomposition of limestone in place. The mine at its deepest point is 36 feet deep, and no rock has been struck anywhere. The clay dips 26° S. 12° E., coinciding with the limestone dip South of it. The daily capacity of the mine is about 18 tons ; 16 men and boys employed. Mr. M’- Ci'cath’s analysis shows: — • Iron, - - - - - 51.950 Manganese, - - - - 0.360 Sulphur, - - - trace. Phosphorus, - - - 0.106 Insoluble residue, - - - - 11.430 Werner and Reinhart's Mine^ Ko. 66, leased by Allentown Iron Co. This mine is 75 feet deep, and the ore occurs in seams and streaks in yellow clay. The clay dips 21° E”. 85° E., proba- bly due to a local roll of the beds. About 15 to 18 tons of ore arc obtained daily ; 15 men and boys are employed. Mr. M"- Creath analyzed the ore and found : — - Iron, Manganese, Sulphur, - Phosphorus, - Insoluble residue. 48.000—48.500 0.173— 0.194 0.032 — trace. 0.120— 0.123 15.950—16.560 Milton Lauer's Mine,, No. 65, leased by Carbon Iron Co. This IS really but a continuation of the previous mine, being sepa- rated by a thin wall of clay. It was not worked when visited. In both of these mines about 35 feet of stripping have to be removed before reaching ore. An analysis of this ore by Mr. M’Creath gave the following result : — Iron, 38.00 Sulphur, 0.02 Phosphorus, 0.108 Manganese, ..... 1.484 Insoluble residue, .... 30.97 Schmidt and Ritter's 3Iine, No. 67. Not being worked when visited, and there was very little to be seen. The character of the mine is the same as those above. 30 1 ) F. PRIME, JR., REPORT OF PROGRESS, 1874. CHAPTER YIL Third Range of Mines, Abandoned Mine^ near Weilersville. This mine was formerly leased by the Bethlehem Iron Co. It has been abandoned for several years, and when visited nothing could be seen. James Weller's Mine^ Ho. 29, abandoned, lies south of the former on the Alburtis-Trexlertown road. It has also been abandoned for some time. Crane and Thomas Iron Co.’s Mine., Ho. 28. This is close to the Trexlertown Church and is bisected by the Catasauqua and Fogelsville Railroad. Hot worked at present, and nothing could be seen there to determine the character of the deposit. Frank S. Lichtemcallner’ s Mine., Ho. 25. Ore very gravelly and mixed with much flint. The appearance of the mine is entirely that of a surface wash of ore and gravel which has been caught in a depression of the limestone. The limestone is struck at a depth of 15 to 30 feet, the latter depth probably in a sink-hole. The limestone crops out to the surface very rapidly to the north of the mine, but never above the soil so as to obtain the dip. Naturally it is impossible to obtain any dip of the ore or gravel. The daily capacity of the mine is 12 tons ; 14 men and boys are employed. Mr. M’Creath analyzed the ore with the following result : — Iron, - - - - 48.250 Manganese, - - 0.432 Sulphur, - - 0.045 Phosphorus, - • 0.025 Insoluble residue. - - - 18.450 Smoyer’s Mine., Ho. 26, leased by Thomas Iron Co. Is a little farther from the road than the last and about 300 yards from that mine. The appearance of the mine as to its formation is identical with that of Lichtenwalluer’s. It is said that lime- stone is struck at a depth of about 13 feet, but no exposure was GEOLOGY OF THE DISTRICT. D. 31 seen. The daily capacity of the mine is 10 tons ; 13 men and boys arc employed. Gemart's Mine^ N^o. 24, leased by Crane Iron Co. This mine is but 12 feet deep, and no ore has been found below this although shafts have been sunk for that purpose. Below the ore sand is found. The appearance here is as if the ore was a mere surface wash caught in a depression of the surface. The well was sunk to a depth of 64 feet without striking rock ; it passed the whole way through sand and gravel. The number of men and boys employed is 16. At one part of the mine a streak of black oxide of manganese was observed in the top clay. James Scholl’s Mine^ ISTo. 94. This mine, but a hundred feet from the preceding one, is identical with it in character. The mine is 14 feet deep. The daily yield of the mine is 12 to 15 tons of ore ; 12 men and boys are employed. Jonas Bastmn’s Mine^ Ho. 62, abandoned. Shafts have been sunk quite a depth in the bottom of the mine ; but the stuff at the mouth of the shafts has been nearly all washed away. The mine is from 10 to 15 feet deep ; near the surface it is apparently ore disintegrated with the rock in place ; near the bottom of the mine the ore appears in one or two places to form beds in the clay. Elwyn Bastian’s Mine^ Ho. 63, leased by the Lehigh Iron Co. The bottom of the mine was full of water, and work had been recently stopped on the mine when it was visited. The mine is 22 feet deep to water. It was impossible to make a careful erx- amination on account of the water. Ore occurs in clay, the latter varies from level to a dip of 5° S. 18° W. An analysis of this ore by Mr. M’Creath gave the following result : — Iron, 42.30 Manganese, 0.648 Sulphur, 0.026 Phosphorus, 0.100 Insoluble residue, .... 24.12 This ore is very silicious. Francis Guth’s 3Iine, Ho. 61 , leased by Carbon Iron Co. There are three excavations at this mine. It had not been worked 32 D. F. PRIME, JR., REPORT OF PROGRESS, 1874. for some little time when visited and nothing could he seen. Mr. M’Creath analyzed the ore and found Iron, 48.200 Manganese, 0.418 Sulphur, 0.005 Phosphorus, 0.158 Insoluble residue, .... 14.810 CHAPTER VIII. Fourth Range of Mbics, Francis Breinig^s Mine^ ISTo. H. The large pit is full of water; it has not been worked since 1860, and is said to be exhausted. To the right is a smaller opening, which is being worked at present. The ore occurs in seams and streaks in damourite slate, and the white and yellow clays formed by its decomposi- tion. The clay and ore pitch 18° to 25° S. 80° E. The por- tion of the mine worked is 50 feet deep, and does not exhibit any sign of the ore being exhausted. There is a plane for hoisting the ore. The daily capacity of the mine is 20 tons of ore ; 20 men and boys are employed, the ore, and found — Mr. M’Creath analy'^.ed Iron, - 48.100 Manganese, - - . - 0.360 Sulphur, .... 0.045 Phosphorus, ... - 0.164 Insoluble residue, - - 13.440 In the northern portion of the field in which the mine is situated a blue ochre is obtained, which is used as a paint. It is probable that this ochre is decomposed Utica analysis by Dr. Genth gave the following result : — Loss by ignition in closed crucible, (water) - Do. do. open crucible, (graphite,) Quartz, . . . . - Combined silica, . - - - Alumina with traces of ferric oxide, Magnesia, ..... Alkalies, ct. cet., (not determined,) Shale, \u 4.S4 4.26 44.50 26.25 17.95 0.94 1.26 100 00 GEOLOGY OF THE DISTRICT. I). 33 To the south of the large ahandoned opening tliorc arc two emaller ones, also full of water. This mine lies miles north- west of Breinigsvillc. The clay from the mud-dam is dried and sold as yellow ochre for the preparation of paint. Mr. M’- Creath’s analysis shows it to contain — Silica, - - - - 60.53 Alumina, - - 17.40 Ferric oxide. - - - 9.29 Lime, - - - - 0.08 Magnesia, - - - - 1.92 Water, - - - 5.51 Alkalies (by loss,) - - - 5.27 100.00 Oliver Moser^s Mine^ Ko. 20, leased by the IN’orthampton Iron Co. This mine has only recently been opened to a depth of 5 or 6 feet. The ore thus far obtained is all pipe ore. Mr. M’- Creath’s analysis shows — Iron, 57.500 Manganese, 0.749 Sulphur, - trace. Phosphorus, 0.165 Insoluble residue, .... 3.470 Thomas Breinig's Mine^l^o. 19, leased by the hTorthampton Iron Co. This is one of the oldest mines in the county, having been worked more than sixty years. This is the mine described in Rogers’ Final Report of Pennsylvania, Vol. I, p. 265, under the name of the “ Copperas mine.” The old portion of the mine is full of water, and is said to be 60 feet deep. The ore occurs above damourite slate, and associated with iron pyrites. It is improbable that the sulphurctof iron owes its origin to a small shallow bed of Utica shale^ which has undergone disintegration. It was impossible to ascertain whether the blue ochre occurred here or not. The most probable explanation of the formation of the iron pyrites, which occurs as pipe-shaped stalactites is, that sulphate of iron in solution, coming in contact with or- ganic matter, or possibly the graphite of the blue ochre, was re- duced to sulphide of iron. That the sulphide of iron is not a 3— P. 34 D. F. PRIME, JR., REPORT OF PROGRESS, 1874. deposit coteioporaneoiis with the rock, is evident from its sta- lactitic character. Black oxide of manganese occurs here, hut it was impossible to see any of it owing to the condition of the mine. Rogers, in his Final Report states, that it occurs in the upper portion of the ore on the West side of the mine. Mr. IM’Creath analj^zcd the ore from this mine, and obtained the following result : — Iron, 58.500 Manganese, 0.223 Sulphur, 0.084 Phosphorus,- ..... 0.043 Insoluble residue, .... 2.800 A thin bed of white saccharoidal sandstone occurs in this mine, as in Schwartz’s ; pieces of it were observed thrown up on the bank. Mr. Breinig states that the brown hematite oc- curs above and below this, but not in it. Pieces of sandstone colored red b}^ iron were also observed on the dump. These were examined by Mr. F. A. Genth, Jr., and found to contain quartz with small quantities of a hydrous silicate of alumina and potash, evidently damourite. When visited, it was the in- tention to pump the mine dry, and recommence work in it ; owing to the heavy pumping duty, it seems a question of grave doubt whether such an undertaking can be made remunerative. To the west of the old mine a new excavation has been recently commenced ; it is not yet of a sufficient depth to determine the dip of the slate, as this has not been struck. In order to show the character of the ground, the result of borings at this mine, by Kathan Whitely, are subjoined, copied from Rogers’ Final Report: No. 1 .— West of pres- ent WORKINGS. No. 2 .— Further West. No. 3 .— Eastern boring. 30 feet Clay and gravel. 15 feet Gravel and clay. 14 feet Clay. 4'i “ lirown hematite. 1 “ Iron ore. 8 “ Iron ore and clay. 7i “ Clay. 15 “ Clay. 0 “ Iron ore. 2 “ Blaek clay. 5 “ Slate. 3 “ Clay. 12 “ Sulphuret of iron 6 “ In clay. 2 “ Copperas earth. 5 “ Iron ore. 9 “ Pipe ore and cla}". 4^ “ Clay. 2 “ Do. (fe black clay. 2 “ Do. white cla}'. 8 “ Brown clay & iron 2 “ Rock-iron ore. [ore 8 “ Clay. Bottom of boring. Bottom. Bottom. CJKOl.OOY OF THE DISTRICT. D. 35 At the new opening the daily average of ore is 10 to 15 tons; 16 men and hoys are employed. Nathan Whitely's Mine^ No. 21. At this mine, (ahout 15 feet deep,) the ore occurs in clay containing a great deal of flint. A good deal of the ore is pot or homh-shell. Limestone crops up in the bottom at very varying depths, owing to its having been 60 much water-worn. From one of the limestone caverns, water bubbles up very rapidly. One of these caves when sounded with a pole was 24 feet below the present surface of the mine. In other parts of the excavation, limestone occurs at the depth of 15 feet from the surface. The ore dips 15° S. 60° E. The mud from the mud-dam, which is ochre-yellow in color, is carefully dried and then sent as ochre to the Blue Mountain Paint Com- pany at Bethlehem. Mr. M’Creath analyzed it and found Insoluble residue, - - - 55.88 Alumina, 19.40 Ferric oxide, ... . 10.57 Lime, .... . . 0.08 Magnesia, 1.71 Water, 8.17 Alkalies, 3.76 99.57 An analyses of the ore by ^Tr. M’Creath gives the following: Insoluble residue, .... 20.21 Iron, 45.70 Manganese, - - - • - 0.6 18 Phosphorus, - - - - - 0.157 Sulphur, 0.034 William B. FogeVs Aline., L^o. 18, leased by Carbon Iron Co. This was not beino; worked when visited. The ore occurs in (lamourite-slate with an abundance of yellow clay. The yellow clay containing the ore occurs in seams and streaks in the white decomposed damourite slate and clay. The dip of the slate is 14° S. 65° E. The mine is 24 feet deep at its greatest depth. A shaft has been sunk to a depth of 40 feet farther, and it was said that the best ore occurred at the bottom of the shaft. Mr. M’Creath analyzed the ore and found — 36 D. F. PRIME, JR., REPORT OF PROGRESS, 1874 . Iron, - - - 48.500 Manganese, - - - 0.360 Sulphur, - - 0.002 Phosphorus, - - - 0.328 Insoluble residue, - - - 15.580 Henry Scliiuartz' s and W. B, FocjeVs Mine, No. 22, leased by the Crane Iron Co. This mine is 38 feet deep, and dips 13® S. 36® E. The bottom of the mine, where worked, shows white saccharoidal sand, and a short distance above it there oc- curs a bed of white saccharoidal sandstone intercalated in the clay, about one inch thick. The white sand contains a little ore above this occurs yellow clay and damourite-slate, the former forming seams in the latter, which contain ore ; above this occurs gravel. The upper part of the clay in and above the slate con- sists only of stripping, and is not washed. The ore is hoisted by a plane from the mine. Mr. M’Creath’s analysis shows — Iron, ....... 51.750 Manganese, ...... 0.309 Sulphur, ...... trace. Phosphorus, 0.270 Insoluble residue, 10.350 Alwyn Bortz's Mine, No. 95, abandoned. Nothing could be seen here, the banks being thoroughly covered with surface wash. Alwyn Bortz^s Mine, No. 14, leased by Allentown Rolling Mill Co. This mine is 36 feet deep. Only yellow clay can be seen, in which the ore occurs in small pieces and as bomb-shell. The men say it is only stripping. The daily average is about 12 tons of ore ; 16 men and boys are employed. Mr. M’Crcath^s analj^sis shows — Iron, 49.300 Manganese, . . . . . . 0.216 Sulphur, ...... trace. Phosphorus, ...... 0.235 Insoluble residue, . . . . .15.120 Alwyn Bortz's and William Koch's Mine, No. 13, leased by Carbon Iron Co. This forms but a single excavation. White clay occurs hero at the west side underlying the ore and having a south-east dip. The mine is 48 foot deep, and limestone is struck \ 8 feet below, in fact water-worn limestone occurs at west end. GEOLOGY OF THE DISTRICT. D. 37 The ore is said to have dipped south-east at west end; it dip? north-west at south side, but being inaccessible on account ol water, it was impossible to say how much. The daily yield is 30 to 35 tons ; 50 men and bo 3 ^s are employed. There are two planes to this mine. An analysis of this ore by Mr. M’Creath shows — Iron, 40. 600 Manganese, 0.144 Sulphur, ...... trace. Phosphorus, ...... 0.270 Insoluble residue, ..... 19.880 Jonas Grammis' MinCj No. 12, leased by Allentown Rolling Mill Co. This mine, which is separated from the preceding one by a thin wall of clay, is identical with it in character. The ore occurs in ^^ellow clay above white clay. The dip of the clay is east and south-east, but irregular. The average yield of the mine is 25 tons ; 25 men are emplo^’ed. There is a plane in the mine. Jonas Grammis'' Mine^ No. 90, not worked. This mine is 25 feet to water, but it was inaccessible, and therefore could not be examined. Mr. M’Creath analyzed the ore and found — Iron, ....... 49.000 Manganese, . . . . . . 0.187 Sulphur, ...... trace. Phosphorus, 0.172 Insoluble residue, . ' . . . . 15.490 In all this group ol* mines the scams of ore appear to be very irregular in their character, and deserve a closer examination than it was possible to give them, owing to the water in the bot- tom of the excavations. Gaclcenhacli's 3Iine, No. GO, leased by the Crane Iron Co. The ore occurs in this mine in ^-ellow clay, and no damourite-slate or white clay occurs with it, so far as could bo seen. The foreman states that there are two beds of ore in tlie mine, the upper one about 10 feet thick, which are separated b^^ clay. Water- worn limestone was struck, in some places, at a depth of GO feet ; no ore was found under this, but in cla\^ in depressions in it. The ore occurs in and above the clay, and not in the limestone. The mine is 72 feet deep to water, and there were about 20 feet ol water in it when visited. It is impossible to keep the mine dry, even with four pumps working night and da}", owing to a spring 38 D. F. PRIME, JR., REPORT OF PROGRESS, 1874. in the bottom of the excavation. It was stated that eleven mil- lion gallons of water were pumped out every 24 hours. In order to work out the ore the experiment is being tried of cribbing the mine in the middle to a height of 38 feet; then the slime from the washer is to be dumped into the sump thus formed. It is hoped that the flow of water will be stopped in this manner, so as to permit the extraction of the ore, whicli, in the meantime, is to be removed from the side of the mine on the opposite side of the crib to the spring. Owing to the water in the mine it was impossible to take the dip, which was said to be 30° to 40° S. and S. E. A portion of the ore is called red rock ore ” and appears red besides having a red streak. It is probably limonite rendered an- hydrous by some local cause. AVhen visited no ore was being extracted the whole attention of the men being turned to cribbing the bottom. The ore in the bottom is said to be very flne and almost solid. As much as 1300 tons a month have been extracted; 30 men and boys arc employed. There are two planes for hoist- ing the ore. Mr. ^rCrcath’s analysis of tlie ore gives — Water, - 10.830 V Iron, - 51.700 Manganese, - trace. Sulphur, - 0.214 Phosphorus, - 0.0G6 Insoluble residue. . 10.550 Francis Fischer's Aline, No. 59, leased by the Coleraine Iron Co. This mine which lies in the same range as the mines previ- ously described, is a long distance from Gachenbach’s, being separated from it by Chapperal Ridge. In this mine no rock is apparent, nor has any been struck. The ore occurs as wash and pot ore in yellow clay probably resulting from the decomposition of the limestone. At the east end the clay basins slightly, and dips 30° S. G7° E. Tlie mine is 3G feet deep. The daily average of ore is 9 to 10 tons ; 10 men and boys are employed. Mr. M’Creath analyzed the ore and found — Iron, ...... 45.000 Manganese, Sulphur, Phosphorus, Insoluble residue, 0.G2G trace. 0.190 21.900 GEOLOGY OF THE HISTIUCT. I). 39 Returning now to the Fogelsville cove of* limestone the first mines are at the extremity of the slate nose forming the south- ern boundary of the cove. J. and D. SmitNs Mine, No. IG, leased by Millerstown Iron Co. Only the most Southern excavation is worked, it is about 30 feet deep and is only the surface stripping. The most northern open- ing is worked out and full of water. This is the pit described in Rogers’ Final Report as Schloug^s Mine; and from the descrip- tion, there given, it is evident that the ore occurs in damourite slate and clay. 12 men and boys are employed at the new pit. Mr. JM'Creath’s analysis shows — Iren, - - - - - - 28.100 ^Manganese, - - - 5.029 Sulphur, - - - 0.002 Phosphorus, - - - 0.551 Insoluble residue, - - - 3G.430 Haines's Mine, No. 15, abandoned. The excavation is 20 feet deep, but has been abandoned for a long time, as there was not sufficient ore to pay for its extraction. It was impossible to see anything. Charles Miller's Mine, No. 97, stripping. This is nothing but stripping the surface clay and ore to a depth of 2 to 4 feet. Mr. M’Creath analyzed the ore and found — Iron, 51.40 Manganese, 0.295 Sulphur, - • - - - 0.021 Phosphorus, - 0.233 Insoluble residue, ... - 11.29 Charles Miller's Mine, No. 9, abandoned. This mine has long been abandoned and is full of water, hence it is impossible to see anything. According to Rogers, in his Final Report, the ore oc- curred irregularly stratified, (with damourite slate?) and was covered by slaty debris to a depth of 5 to 25 feet. The bedding of the ore dipped at a moderate angle to the S. E., but at 100 yards the ore rose to the surface again and was worked at its outcrop. As the bed sank from the surface along the dip the ore became more solid ; but in places the ore was replaced by bodies of clay (frem the decomposition of damourite slate?) 40 D. F. PRIME, JR,, REPORT OF PROGRESS, 1874. J. D. Scholl and Co's Mine^ No. 11, leased by Lehigh Valley Iron Co. The ore occurs very irregularly bedded in white clay, resulting from the decomposition of damourite slate. There are quite large rolls in the bedding ; so that while the general average dip is 10° S. 5° E., there are local dips to the S. W. of which one is 55° S. 25° W. The mine can produce 25 tons per day ; 10 men are employed at the present time. There is a plane for hoisting the ore, Mr. M’Creath analyzed the ore and found — Iron, Manganese, - Sulphur, Phosphorus, - Insoluble residue, 47.000 7.4G4 0.003 0.630 4.940 Jacob Steininger's Mine, No. 8, leased by James Lanigan. This mine is 25 feet deep. The brown hematite occurs in da- mourite slate and overlying the white clay resulting from the decomposition of the slate. The ore and slate dip 22° to 40° S. 40° E. At the bottom of the mine at the north end there occur 12 feet of solid white clay with a thin streak of ore underneath. In the bottom of the excavation a shaft has been sunk to the depth of 18 feet, but no ore was found at a greater depth than 6 feet. The shaft then passed into clay. No ore was being ex tracted at the time the mine was being visited ; 10 to 15 men are employed. There is a plane for hoisting the ore. An analysis of this ore by Mr. M’Creath showed the following constituents:- — Iron, Manganese, - Sulphur, Phosphorus, - Insoluble residue, 36.500 2.932 0.031 3.135 18.900 Jacob Steininger's Mine, No. 10, abandoned. This mine which has not been worked for a long time, is now exhausted, but has yielded a great deal of ore. It is about 600 feet long and 15 to 20 feet deep to the water in it. The banks have been so much washed that it is impossible to see anything on them. Moyer's Mine, No. 6, leased by the Thomas Iron Co. This mine has been very recently opened, being but 6 feet deep, and as yet the ore is nothing but stripping in gravel. Henry Stein's Mine, No. 5, leased by Thomas Iron Co. In GEOLOGY OF THE DISTRICT. D. 41 this mine no damourite slate was apparent, but the ore occurs in and over white and pink clay, resulting from the decomposition of the slate. The mine is 47 feet deep. At a depth of 40 feet limestone was struck in one portion of the mine which dips 12° S. 41° E. The top limestone is slaty and drab colored. It is 4 feet thick and overlies the ordinary blue waterworn limestone. The clay overlying the limestone and containing the ore, dips 42° in the same direction. In the limestone at the botlom of the mine there is an aperture about 10 inches square into which all the water of the mine pours and disappearing avoids the neces- sity of any pump to keep the mine dry. Mr. M^Creath’s analysis gives — Iron, - - 49.600 Manganese, 0.583 Sulphur, 0.007 Phosphorus, - - 1.288 Insoluble residue, ... - - 9.440 Henry Stein’s 3Iinej No. 98, abandoned. The mine is 10 to 12 feet deep to water-level. It has not been worked for a long time, and nothing can be seen. From the large quantity of clay that has been removed, it is evident that a great deal of ore has been taken out. Jesse Laros’s Mine^ No. 4, leased by the Crane Iron Co. The mine was not worked when visited, and the bottom was full of water. The depth of the mine to water is 38 feet. On the west side of the mine there is a mixture of clay, quartz and damou- rite-slate,all in very small pieces, for a depth of 17 feet from the surface. Larger pieces of the slate occur on the dump, showing that it occurs at a greater depth. The ore Avhere visible, at a few points, occurs in clay. Mr. M’Creath analyzed it and found Iron, 43.700 Manganese, - - - - - - 0.7G3 Sulphur, 0.005 Phosphorus, 0.869 Insoluble residue, - - - - - 18.580 Jesse Laros’s Mine^ No. 3, abandoned. This excavation has not been worked for a long time. The ore, from the fragments on the side of the mine, must have been associated with damou- rite slate. 42 D. F. PRIME, JR., REPORT OP PROGRESS, 1874. Levi Lichtemuallner^s Mine, No. 2, leased by the Crane Iron Co. At this mine there are several excavations. The most south- erly one is full of water at the bottom, and is 26 feet deep to the water. There is a plane in this pit. The small one to the north of this is only 10 feet deep ; only stripping having been taken from it. The largest excavation of all lies still more to the north ; this is 40 feet deep, and is no longer worked. To the west of this is a small pit 15 feet deep. The mine has not been worked bince the Fall of 1873. The ore occurs in white clay, and over- lying damourite-slate. In some places the clay apparently over- lies the ore, but clay or slate underlies it. It is said that the well, which has been sunk to a considerable distance, struck blue slaty limestone at a depth of 130 feet. As the mine is not being worked, it was impossible to ascertain the dip. Mr. M’Creath analyzed the ore and found — Iron, - 42.800 Manganese, - 0.252 Sulphur, 0.036 Phosphorus, - 0.222 Insoluble residue, - - 25.040 Krcendich and Licliteniuallner^s MinCj No. 7, leased by the Crane Iron Co. This mine, which is 50 feet deep, has not been worked since the Fall of 1873. A blue water worn limestone oc- curs in the bottom of the excavation, whose stratification is ap- parently horizontal. There is evidenth^a large quantity of dam- ourite-slate and white clay underlying the ore, and in some places in it. As the walls of the mine are all covered with debris, it was impossible to take the dip of the slate. Pieces of sharp, angular quartz are common in the clay on the slope of the mine. A plane is used to hoist the ore. Mr. M’Creath’s analysis shows — Iron, - 50.400 Manganese, - 1.203 Sulphur, 0.002 Phosphorus, 0.993 Insoluble residue. - 10.050 The Thomas Iron Company have sunk a number of shafts on the Litzenberger farm (No. 1) near Chapman’s Station. Ore was found distributed through the clay in all of them. In three of them PLATE II. — Junction of Lowkr Silurian Limestones and Hudson River Slates 2 Miles S. \V. of U D. F. PRIME, JR., REPORT OF PROGRESS, 1874, about 20 leet of ore was found. It seems somewhat doubtful whether the ore in sight will justify the erection of machinery. Probably no very large quantity of ore will be found. CHAPTER IX. Belations of the ore to the rocks. Before leaving this subject it seems appropriate to give a short summary of the manner in which the ore occurs. The ore occurs in two ways as Pot and Wash ore or as Pipe ore. The latter gen- erally associated with limestone ; often underneath its and pre- senting the appearance of having been formed by infiltration through it. The Pot and Wash ores occur in place most richly when asso- ciated directly with the damourite slate or clay resulting from its decomposition. They also occur associated with the yellow clay resulting from the decomposition of the Magnesian limestone. But when associated with this the ore does not have the same regularity as when associated with the slate, and almost always large quantities of angular flint occur with it. It presents the appearance of having been washed into depressions of the lime- stone. It is probable that much of the ore thus found owes its jDresent position to the destruction of the beds where it was first deposited ; but not all of it, as there are instances where, after going through deposits of this kind, richer ore has been struck as- sociated with damourite clay. The experience during the past season was that where the association of ore and clay was not met with, the mines did not continue for any great depth and were soon exhausted, as must necessarily be the case where the deposits are merely the debris of disintegrated rocks washed into cavities of the limestone. The ore does not occur in regular beds in the damourite slate or clay, but generally forms small masses of irregular shape, which soon run out ; but the separate masses are only parted by very narrow w^alls of slate or clay. Frequently the ore, after continuing parallel to the stratification of the slate or clay, will suddenly bend at right angles to it and after remaining thus bent for a short distance, taking another bend, will again con- H H O H C > O n ir' K > o te c o OJ c 'X ts >73 5 ; c o o H r r K 46 D. F. PRIME, JR., REPORT OF PROGRESS, 1874. timie parallel to the stratification. Sometimes the entire body of clay and ore will bend so as to form corrugated masses. ‘‘As erosion went on the oxidized iron slipped with the heavy clays slowly downwards, the whole mass pressing upon itself and crimpling as it slid.”* Sometimes the body of ore is solid, but this does not generally continue for any great distance. Many persons have supposed, that the limonito was formed by the oxidation of iron pyrites. It is to be noted as a fact ratlier opposed to this view, that with one exception it has been impos- sible, thus far, to find iron pyrites in any of the mines ex- amined. That exception is at Thomas Breinig’s mine and there the pyrite is evidently of later age than the limonite and has a stalactitic appearance. Some persons, on the other hand, have supposed that the ore was formed by the alteration of carbonate of iron, which has been found in some cases present in the limestone. Still others have supposed tlie ores to be the result of reactions between the limestone and ferrous sulphate. As yet all of tliese theories are mere hypotheses; and before the correctness of any or all or none of them can bo proved it will require a long series of chemical investigations. CHAPTER X. Hudson River Slates in Lehigh County, The Trenton or Fossili/erous limestone is absent in that portion of Lclu'gh county which was examined. It is, however, probable that the Utica shale is present. The evidence in its favor being the presence of so-called “blue ochre” at Francis and Thomas Breinig’s mines. It was not seen at any other point, although carefully looked for. The Hudson River slates constitute a very thick formation, as their outcrops occupy tlie whole interval between the northern edge of the ^lagnesian limestone and tlie Kittatinny mountain. The slate varies from bhii sh- gray to almost black, and is at times sandy. In some localities it is extensively quarried for roofing and *See Prof. Lesley in Proc. Ain. Phil. Soc., 1873, on The Iron Ores of the South Mountain. PLATE IV.-OVKRTURNED ANTICLINAL IN HUDSON ItlVER SLATES NEAR FOOELSVILLE. 48 D. F. PRIME, JR., REPORT OF PROGRESS, 1874. other purposes. During the past season it was only examined incidentally where its base came in contact with the Magnesian limestone. The approximate line of contact between the slate and lime- stone is very marked, being defined by the transition from the rolling country of the limestone to the smooth, rounded, dome- shaped hills of the slate in which are narrow, deep valleys worn by the streams coursing through them. The first point where the slate was met during the past season was in the nose which forms the Fogelsville cove of limestone. This nose, which rises about 200 feet above the surrounding limestone country, forms a distinct synclinal, which could not be traced eastward through the limestone with satisfiictory distinct- ness. At one point on a road across the ridge, north of Breinigs- ville, there is a slate outcrop on Francis Breinig’s farm, in wliich the dip and cleavage vary ; the former being 45° to 57° N. W., while the latter is 39° to 47° S. E. A sketch of this is given on Plate 2. On the north side of the ridge a slate quarry has been opened on Jacob SteiningeFs farm. Tlie slate on* the dump does not ap- pear to be of first quality. The quarry is no longer worked, and is full of water, so that it is impossible to ascertain the true dip, which is apparently south-east. At the south-west corner of the Fogelsville cove, the contact of the slate and limestone may be observed in an abandoned limestone quarry belonging to Henry Stein. (See Plate 3.) The dip of the two rocks here do not coincide ; that of the lime- stone is 11° to 14° S. 22° W., while tliat of the slate is from 10° to 58° S. 32° E. The latter is rotten and much broken up. The slate bounds the west side of the Fogelsville cove, and then turning forms also the northern boundary. At one point near the road running along the base of the slate on Tiichtcnwallner’s farm the slate is apparently overturned, and shows a beautiful rounded contortion of the strata. It is in the woods about 450 feet N. of the road. In tlie face exposed, the cleavage is also seen to differ from the stratification and form an angle with the beds. (See Plate 4.) Near Jordan Church there is a slate quarry belonging to the estate of Joseph A. Good. The quarry has not been worked since his death, about two years ago, and is now full of water. eSecl'tcrz • 4— D Th& The// 1 as Or/!' Dasher. 50 D. F. PRIME, JR., REPORT OP PROGRESS, 1874. The slate obtained was used for roofing, and from the specimens seen appears to be of a fair quality. The quarry is said to be 65 feet deep, and was worked for 30 years, supplying a large part of the neighborhood with slate. There are several other places in the district visited, where small quantities of roofing slate have been obtained, but none of them appear to have been very suc- cessfulh^ operated. Just south of Walbert’s Station, on the Catasauqua and Fogels- ville railroad, there is a cut in drab colored slate ; the direction of the bedding and cleavage are identical, being S. 61° W., but the amount ol dip varies ; that of the bedding being 32°, and the cleavage 53°. As will be seen from the map the general direc- tion of the slate dip is south-east, but this may in a great mea- sure be due to cleavage, and it will require a much closer exami- nation than there was time for, during the past season, to ascer- tain if the slate ridge running north of Fogelsville forms another synclinal or not. CHAPTER XL Mining and Washing of Brown Hematite Ores in Lehign County, The method of mining the brown hematite ores in Lehigh county is universally by means of open pits, in this respect dif- fering from the method employed along the Lehigh river in North- ampton county, where underground workings are more common. In Berkshire county, Massachusetts, the plan of open work- ings, formerly so common, has been abandoned, with few excep- tions, for underground workings ; thus saving the very expensive stripping ibrmerly necessary. It is a question to be considered separately for each mine, whether it is cheaper to work under- ground or in open quarries. As a rule, when a pit is opened horses and carts are employed to carry the ore to the washer. For this purpose, as the pit is worked deeper, a road has to be left by which the horses can ascend. As a general rule, everything is removed. The top earth or stripping is washed or not, according as it does or does not contain sufficient ore to pay for this operation. The amouni of stripping to be removed before reaching pay ore varies ver^ PLATE VI.— THE MICKLEY GUDGEON. 52 D. F. PPJME, JR., REPORT OF PROGRESS, 1874. much in different localities. In some places but a foot or two ol top earth has to be taken away, while in other localities 40 to 50 feet of stripping have to be carted off. After the ore proper has been reached there wull be found places in the pit so lean in ore that it does not pay to wash them, these are as a general rule left standing unless paying ore is found underneath them (as is generally the case) when the overlying barren earth is then of course taken away to get at the ore. It is questionable whether the method adopted by the Thomas Iron Company (under the general superintendence of the Messrs. Mickley) is not the best. They take everything out of the pit whether ore or barren clay ; in this manner equalizing the cost of extraction and rendering it unnecessary to expend a large sum of money at one time to re- move the earth containing no ore. Pickaxes and shovels are alone employed to extract the ore, gunpowder never being needed to remove either the clay or soft slate with wliich the ore is asso- ciated. The ore after being loaded on to wagons is carried to the washer, there to be separated from the clay, slate and boulders of sandstone associated with it. The washers in use are of three kinds, being constructed either with a single horizontal shaft, or on Thomas’s patent with two shafts, or on Bradford’s patent. The only difference between the two former consists in having two shafts instead of one, by which tlie quantity of ore washed is much increased. To avoid repetition only the Thomas washer will be described, more especially as the washer, with a single shaft, has been almost entirely supplanted by the other. The Thomas washer consists of two shafts 20 to 24 feet long armed with teeth which are set at an angle as in Plate 5. The shafts have an inclination of about 12 to 14 inches in their entire length. They are driven by steam power which is con- nected with the lower end of one of the shafts by an endless chain. The other shaft is made to revolve by geared wheels at- tached to the upper end of the shafts. The ore is carried to the upper end of the washer by the teeth and passing over a sieve it falls into a wheelbarrow. These washers have all been con- structed until recently with wing-gudgeons inserted into the end of the shafts, the result being that the strength of the shaft was impaired. In addition to this the wood of ’’he shaft soon rots Second Geological Survey ofPenn a Bradford’s Iron Ore and Flint Separator END ELEVATION PLATE VII. 54 D. F. PRIME, JR., REPORT OF PROGRESS, 1874. where the gudgeons are inserted, from being exposed to the con- tinual action of air and water. It is not long therefore before the gudgeons work loose and have to be reset. To do this so that the reset gudgeon shall be true is a very difficult matter and It is probably no exaggeration to say that seventy per cent, of them are not true, the result of which is that in a very short time the boxes and the shafts are cut and also that it requires an increase of power to work the shafts. In order to obviate these difficulties Mr. J. W. Mickley, of Hokendauqua, has invented a gudgeon, a wood cut of which is subjoined. (See plate 6.) This has a sleeve fitting over the end of the shaft and thus does away with the necessity of cutting a slot in the end, and in this manner greatly increases the strength of the shaft. It can be placed so as to be true much more readily than the ordinary gudgeon and it can be replaced by any man who can draw a bolt. In case, too, of fracture it is evident that the shaft will have to break as the flange and socket cannot. The washer is erected on a frame-work ten to twenty feet above the ground in order to have an abundance of distance to dump the ore, gravel and clay. The method of washing the ore is as follows: — The ore is dumped from a cart or car between the two shafts at the lowest end ; care being taken to have an abundance of water to wash away the clay as it becomes disintegrated by the teeth of the shafts. For this purpose a wooden gutter, perforated with holes, is car- ried the entire length of the washer, the amount of water being diminished at will by stopping up the holes. The ore, being heavy, sinks to the bottom of the trough underneath the shafts, and is carried up to the top of the trough by the teeth which are set at such an angle as to accomplish this purpose. The clay, being light, is floated off by the water at the lo\7er end of the trough, and is carried in gutters on a trestlework to the mud-dam. Where the clay is very refractory it is apt to cake, and forms balls a little larger than a man’s fist. When it is so tough as not to separate readily from the ore, some of the teeth on the shafts are reversed, so as to retard the passage of the ore through the washer, and to give the knife-edges of the teeth a longer opp'^r- tunity to cut through the clay. The amount of ore w^ashed in a day varies very much, being between 15 and 35 tons ; the aver- age being 20 to 25 tons. Second Geological Survey of Penn'a Bradford’s Iron Ore and Flint Separator SIDC ELEVATION ^ ^ T PLATE Vlll. 56 D. F. PRIME, JR., REPORT OF PROGRESS, 1874 Bradford’s washer is used by the Thomas Iron Co. at two of their mines, and the Crane Iron Co. at one mine. In this washer the ore and rock, after being divided into two or more sizes by being passed through the rotary sieve, then falls into a jig where the ore, flint and slate are separated according to their various specific gravities, the ore being the heaviest going to the bottom. In order to make the jig continuous in its action, self-acting rakes are arranged by which the slate and flint aie raked off the sur- face. These are then hoisted by a Pater-noster chain to be dumped on an inclined platform. This washer apparently works very well for the separation of flint and ore ; it does not how- ever separate the ore so well from the damourite-slate. This failure was apparently due in part to a lack of sufficient sieves for sizing. Partly to the very light character of a portion of the ore mixed with the slate, so that the difference in the specific gravities of the two is not very great. Another defect of this washer is the comparatively small quantity of ore washed per day. (See plates 7 and 8.) The following mines have, by an oversight, been omitted in their proper places : Thomas Iron Company's 31inc, No. 71. Not being worked when visited, its character is apparently identical with that of Frank S. Lichtenwallner’s, No. 25. John Sharp's Mine, No. 53. This mine has not been worked for a long time, and it was impossible to see anything in it. T. Smoyer's Mine, No. 89. This consists of one small opening which has not been worked for some time, and the sides are too much washed to see anything. All mention of the following mines of magnetic iron ore has been omitted, although they are on the map, it having been thought best to describe them in connection with the geology of the South Mountain. No. 45. Peter Kline's Mine, No. 46. Thomas Iron Company's Mine* No. 47. John Wetzel's Mine. No. 48. George Grice's Mine. No. 86. Daniel Desch's Mine. No. 87. Jacob Newmoyer's Mine. No. 88. Unknown owner's Mine. NOTE BY THE STATE GEOLOGIST. D. 57 Note hy the Stale Geologist The map, wliicli accompanies this report, was originally con- structed by Mr. Ellis Clark, Jr., with great care, on a scale of 400': 1", occupying the whole or parts of 42 sheets of plotting paper ; and reduced by him to a scale of 1,600' : 1" on 6 sheets of plotting paper; the sheets, after being inked, were photo- graphed and transferred to zinc by Mr. Wenderoth, of Phila- delphia. The saving of time and labor by this process is a capi- tal consideration in the economy of the survey. But its chief value consists in the direct passage of the work, in its integrity, from the pencil of the field-worker to the eye of the reader, without the intervention of lithographers, who are better skilled indeed in drawing, but are ignorant of topography and geology. What the map loses in beauty, then, it gains in accuracy, being a fac simile of the office work of the assistant. The exhibition of the cross bars of the plotting paper is not to be accounted a defect, but an additional advantage to the reader, since it- places a universal scale at his disposal for measuring distances in all parts of the district represented, and shows the size of each ore bank without reference to the text. Each cross bar measures 1,600 feet, cross bars 5,200 feet, or nearly a mile. The field- work of all the assistants on the survey is done on an original scale of 400 feet to the inch, and afterwards reduced. The numbers on the map are those of the principal ore banks in the order in which they were visited ; and the same numbers are given in the pages of the text, together with the names of the owners or lessees of the banks. The smaller and less im- portant are not numbered, but are located accurately on the map. To have re-arranged the numbers in their geographical order would have involved the re-drawing of the map, and a delay in the publication ; and any new openings to be hereafter inserted and reported, would disarrange the order of numbers, unless fractional numbers were employed, which would break the sys- tem in another sense. For the eye of a geologist the map needs no coloring, because the strong shading, produced by the close proximity of the ten 58 D. NOTE BY THE STATE GEOLOGIST. foot contour-lines on the hill -slopes and mountain-sides, is a sufficient guide to the areas occupied by the Hudson River Slates (Ho. Ill) in the north, and by the Potsdam Sandstone (Ho. I) and the underlying gneiss rocks of the South Moun- tain and Lock Ridge. All the rest of the map is visibly a rolling plain of Limestone (Ho. II,) where the contour-lines lie wide apart. The contour-lines represent the curves which the edge of an ocean would make if the district were depressed to depths oi 300', 310', 320', 330', 340', &c., &c., up to 1,000' below its pre- sent elevation above tide. In this case the Atlantic ocean would submerge southern Hew Jersey, and send a bay up the Lehigh Valley, having its south shore at the foot, or on the slope, oi the South Mountain, and its north shore against the slate hills. Eacli hundred foot contour-line is so marked in several places on the map ; and in some parts of it the heights of a series ot contours are so marked, for the convenience of the reader. Arrows will be noticed in many places. They show the dip of the Limestone, Slate or Sandstone beds, as nearly as it could be determined by compass. The strength of the dip is marked in degrees alongside of the arrows, 0° being horizontal and 90° vertical. A clinometer was used to measure the dip ; but owing to the thousand minor disturbances to which the region has been subjected, the pressed and faulted condition of the surface rocks, and the predominance of cleavage-planes both in the lime- stone and in the slate layers, it is not always possible to deter- mine absolutely what the dip is, how much, or in what direc- tion. The dips marked on the map are those selected as the most reliable out many hundreds of observations more or less untrustworthy. There are very few good rock exposures in the district, much of the drainage being by caverns underground, and the streams flowing through wide shallow vales of lime- stone land. Even in the slate hills, where the ravines are sharp, good exposures are not as numerous as in countries of sandstone and shale less cross-cleft by pressure. The rocks of this dis- trict are nearly the oldest in the world known to geologists ; and they have been so repeatedly fractured, in difterent direc- tions, and distorted by pressure (from the south-east,) that they weather on hill slopes into small rhomboidal blocks, fall and NOTE BY THE STATE GEOLOGIST. D. 59 slide down, and cover up such outcrops as vegetation might otherwise leave exposed. Enough indications of dip are given, however, to show to the intelligent reader how the outcrops of the formations, con- stituting the great limestone mass of iN’o. II, run from south- west to north-east across the map. It is not desirable to fur- nish any information of a speculative character in these re- ports. Nothing but reliable facts can he of any real use in a survey of this sort. Therefore no attempt is made to show on this map sujyposed belts of single rocks, or groups of strata. Indeed this would be dangerous. Professor Prime is occupied this year (1875) in mapping the country between this map and the Lehigh Liver. The map to be published next winter will be a continuation eastward of the one published now, The parry is trained to the work, and has better instruments and more experience. The knowledge obtained by the work of 1874 will increase the ability of the observers to understand the outcrops as they approach the river, and a very careful and accurate section alono; the bluffs on both sides of the Lehig-h will probably throw a flood of light upon the obscurities of the country between Fogelsville, Emaus and Albertis. The map will also be continued westward towards Leading, where a sec- tion along the Schuylkill Liver will read us a new lesson. When it is considered that this extremely important belt of iron-ore-bearing country has never before been carefully studied on an instrumental system, we may hope to obtain a good understanding of it by continuing the investigation from end to end, in spite of the acknowledged difficulties. These are in fact very great, and increase in moment as the study of the district advances. It seems a very easy matter to obtain the knowledge which we want in so open, well formed, almost level valley, bounded on one side by a mountain faced by a well- known rock underlying the limestones, (Potsdam S. S., No. I,) and on the other by hill slopes of unmistakable overlying slates, (Hudson Liver, No. III.) But what seems a facility turns out to be the principal difficulty. What seems so smooth and regular a surface conceals one of the most contorted, twisted, fractured cleft, plicated, complicated and even overturned set of subsoil rocks in the world. Besides the three or four large and pretty 60 D. NOTE BY THE STATE GEOLOGIST. regular anticlinal waves which issue from the South Moun- tains and the hills of Easton and strike diagonally westward up the valley toward Port Clinton on the Schuylkill, there are hundreds of sharp little rolls which seem to defy classification, and most of these are almost entirely concealed by a top cover- ing of mouldered limestone clay, soil and vegetation. Sink- holes arc numerous; and the whole underground is a labyrinth of caverns, dissolved out of the limestone formation by rain water charged with carbonic acid, the great agent in the erosion of the United States. It is not traveling outside the record to allude here to the greatest of all geological phenomena — the lowering of the old surface of the earth to its present height above tide. The people of Lehigh and Northampton counties ought to be made aware that where their fertile fields now are was once, in far back geological ages, a country 'as high in the air as the plateau of Thibet is now. On the top of their limestones No. II, and their slates No. Ill, were piled, in successive stories ascending, the sand-rocks of the North Mountain (No. lY), the red shales hydraulic limestones, sand-stones and olive shales (Nos. Y, YI, YII and YIII) of the Stroudsburg and Lehighton Yalley, the red and white sandstones (Nos. IN and X) of the Mauch Chunk Mountain, the red shale (No. XI), and the coal measures, — to a height of at least 30,000 feet. The proof of this is perfectly plain and easy. All that pile of old country has been in lapse of almost infinite ages frittered away by snow, ice and rain ; the softer rocks giving away first and letting the massive sandstones down ; these being then broken and rolled to gravel and sand, and carried into the ocean. The whole tide-water country of the United States has been made out of that old mountain highland, the remnants of which, our Pennsylvania mountains, stand witnesses of the operation ; one which is still going on. All the watercourses tributary to the Delaware and Lehigh Rivers are still busily engaged lowering the surface of Lehigh and Northampton counties (and all other counties in the State) to a level still nearer that of the surface of the ocean. But the principal agent in this great work has been rain water charged, as it always is, with carbonic acid, dissolving the limestone formations underground. NOTE BY THE STATE GEOLOGIST. D. 01 The cutting down of the surface by brooks and rivers is slow work. This work has in all ages been hastened by the simul- taneous hollowing out of a labyrinth of caverns, the roofs of which fall in finally and successively, letting down the sand and shale formations, and intensifying the action of rivers. The operation of this agency can be best studied throughout the blue grass country of Kentucky and Tennessee, where it is easy to see how the edges of the coal fields have gradually in this manner been set miles asunder ; and in the interior limestone valleys of Pennsylvania and Virginia, such as Sinking Valley; but it can be studied anywhere in the Easton, Reading, Leba- non and Cumberland Valley just as well. Three dates are possible : First, the date of the beginning : the end of the Coal Era. For no one doubts that every coal bed was made of growing plants on nearly a dead level, and close to tide level. Therefore the great elevation of the United States Highland must have happened after the last coal bed was made. Secondly the date of the Kew Red : before which a great part of the work must have been accomplished ; for the Xew Red rocks were evidently deposited in an estuary, south of the South Mountains and north of the Philadelphia hills; and they rest on the worn away edges of the limestones Ko. II. Kow the Kew Red rocks are no where seen north of the South Mountain range, even in the open place opposite Lebanon, where the top surface of Kew Red is at present several hundred feet higher than the present surface of the limestone ; there- fore, it is evident that the surface of the limestone valley had not yet been worn away deep enough to allow the waters of the Kew Red to flow over it. It is plain that the surface of the Allentown-Reading-Lebanon Valley has been worn down at least 1,000 feet since the date of the Kew Red. And there has been abundant time for a much greater waste ; for since the Kew Red rocks were carried up out of their water bed, all the Cretaceous and Tertiary formations of southern Xew Jersey, Delaware, and the Southern States, have been deposited. The third date is the glacial epoch ; which was not known in this part of the State until recently. The marks of the great ice-cake were noticed nearly forty years ago on the Sum- 62 D. NOTE BY THE STATE GEOLOGIST. mit of Penobscot Knob overlooking Wilkesbarre ; on the crest of Locust Mountain west of Ashland ; and in the notch at the top of Peter’s Mountain north of Harrisburg ; but these marks were ascribed to water. Agassiz showed, and everybody has become convinced now, that they were made by ice, which flowed, in a sheet several thousand feet thick, southward, over our moun- tains, just as ice now flows over Greenland. Eecently a glacial moraine has been found at Franklin, Kew Jersey, opposite the celebrated zinc mines. And this spring (1875) Mr. Chance has mapped what seems to bo a similar moraine behind the Lehigh Water Gap ; near where Mr. C. E. Hall has just found (July 10, 1875,) the evident work of glacial pushing over all the edges of the {Clinton) slates towards the gap; and upon the broken edges lies a genuine top-dressing of glacial clay and boulders {till.) Mr. Prime has wisely said nothing in his report about his ob- servations of supposed glacial drift in his district, because so difficult a subject should not be more than alluded to during its investigation, and his work of 1875 between the Fogelsville and Emaus countiy (represented on our map) and the river at Allentown and Ilockandaqua, and so on to Easton, will proba- bly give him facts enough to base some judicious conclusions upon in his next report. We are therefore not yet in a situation to say how far the surface iron ores are connected with the glacial drift, or whether any real connection at all exists between them. Mr. H. M. Chance has prepared elaborately surveyed and plotted contour-line maps of the three principal gaps through the Korth Mountain, by which the waters of the Delaware, Le- high and Schuylkill Rivers issue. Although these are in Pro- fessor Prime's district and might be expected in this book, yet it seems more desirable to keep all that concerns the Brown Hematite Iron Ore-beds of the limestone together. The rocks of the Korth Mountain belong to a later and difterent geologi- cal system. The preparation of Mr. Chance’s maps for the press would delay the publication of this report ; and it is moreover hoped that the Wind Gap and the Swatara Gap may be added to the series to make our sections of the Upper Silurian Rocks more complete, and shed light on the origin and growth of our mountain gaps. NOTE BY THE STATE GEOLOGIST. D. (>:] While the above pages were going through the press, the dis- covery was made of what seem to be Chazy fossils along the northern border of the limestone land. It looks as if the Tren- ton limestones proper (with the Bird’s eye and Black river sub- divisions of the group) were really wanting to this district; in other words, all Prof. Rogers’ Matinal limestones ; leaving noth- ing but the Auroral limestone group (which underlie in other parts of the United States the Matinal) to occupy the ground. The breccia or angular pudding-stone limestones seen along the edge of the slate country, show that there was a coast of dry land close by. Constant changes of sea level, we know, took place in those early ages. In Canada and northern ISTew York - the sea-level rose after the Calciferous and Chazy rocks were deposited, and overflowed great regions of land made up ot older rocks. On these older rocks the horizontal beds of the Trenton age (first and lowest Bird’s eye, then Black river, and lastly Trenton proper) now lie, either in broad sheets, or in frag- mentary patches, the rest having been in lapse of time eroded away ; and therefore in all parts of the United States one may look for a break in the series at the top of the Chazy. In Le- high county, Pa., the Chazy seems to have been left dry land for a long while (during the Trenton age) and then to have been again overflowed, allowing the Utica, or the still higher Hudson River slates to be deposited directly upon it. A dif- ferent set of animals lived in the muddy limestone waters oi the Trenton age, from what had lived in the magnesian lime waters of the Calciferous age. So that both the chemical char- acter of the limestone and the forms of animal life found in it, taken together, enable us to determine the age of it, and to pre- dict from what is known of it elsewhere, what its minerals will be like. To assist the general reader the following table of rock for- mations is appended : Table of Rock Formations arranged in the order of the ages from above downwards^ as they are recognized in America^ and according to the present state of our knowledge. The Recent river muds and ocean sands and gravels. The Glacial drift, wherever it exists C4 D. NOTE BY THE STATE GEOLOGIST. The Tertiary sands, days and marls of Southern New Jersey and other Tide Water States, the Missouri River Region, the Rocky Mountain Parks, the Pacific Coast ranges, and the Cen- tral British Possessions. The Cretaceous shales, sands, green marls, and pottery claya of Middle New Jersey and the Southern States, the Mississippi and Missouri regions. Rocky Mountains, &c. The chalk of Europe and of Western America belong to this age. The Neio Red rocks of the Connecticut River Valley, of Mid- dle New Jersey, and of Bucks, Berks, Lancaster, York and Adams counties, Pennsylvania, continued through Maryland and Virginia, by patches, to the James River and Richmond Coal basins, and the Dan River and Deep River basins in N. C The supposed bottom rocks of this age are found in Kansas and the far west, and perhaps in Greene county, Pennsylvania. The Coal measures, anthracite and bituminous. The Great Conglomerate, No. XII, of Mount Pisgah, called by Professor Rogers Serai. Red Shale, No. XI, {Uinhral) around Mauch Chunk. White Catskill., No. X, {Vespertine) of the Second Mountain. Red Catskill, No. IX, (Old Red of England) Pocono Mountain. Chemung shales, (VIII, Cadent^) holding the oil-rocks. Portage sands and shales, (VIII, Vergent.) Hamilton black slates, (VIII, Sccdent ) ; streaks of coal. Upper Helderherg limestones, &c. (VIII, Post Meridial.) sandstones (VII, Meridial) Stone-Ridge, Lehigh Gap. Lower Helderherg cement layers, &c., (VI, Premcridial.) Niagara limestone (VI) at Walpack Bend of Delaware river. Clinton Red Shales (V, Surgent)', with fossil ore. Medina red sandstones (IV) ; with rock ore. Oneida Conglomerate (IV, Levant^) making the ribs of the North or Kiltatinny Mountain. Hudson River Slate Group (III, MatinaQ constituting the northern half of the great valley. Treyiton Limestone Group (II,* Matinal.) Calciferous or Magnesian Limestone Group (II, Auroral.) Potsdam Sandstone and Slate (I, Primal^) resting on the gneiss and slates of the South Mountain in Pennsylvania, but consist- *II being the original, and Matinal being a subsequent arrangement. NOTE BY THE STATE GEOLOGIST. D. 65 ing of many tliousand feet of conglomerates, sand rocks and slates along tlie western base of the Blue Itidge and Black Mountains of iTortli Carolina, and there called Chilowhee and Ocooee.'^ All the above XII formations, with the coal measures at the top, together form the Palaeozoic System ; or Older Secondary. They measure forty thousand (40,000) feet in thickness in Penn- sylvania; and in the bottom layers was once thought to be the beginning of life on the planet. But of late years multitudes of older forms of life have been discovered in the following three formations lying underneath the Potsdam, viz : The Menevian. \ The Harlech >• Lower Cambrian System of "Wales. The Llanherris, ) Menevian fossils have been discovered in a thick formation of the same age at Braintree (near the Quincy granite quarries of Massachusetts,) at St. John in Xew Brunswick, and at St. Johns in Xewfoundland. Underneath the Potsdam in Canada, at Hastings and other places north of Lake Ontario, lie three great systems of rocks, of immense thickness, and almost wholly destitute of the re- mains of life forms. And to these belong the rocks of the three great mountain ranges of the north, viz: The Green mountains of Vermont, The White mountains of Xew Hampshire, and The Laurentian mountains of Canada ; but the exact order in which their innumerable beds of various minerals must be placed (mica slates, talc slates, serpentines, chlorite slates, quartz rocks, conglomerates, limestones, graphites, iron ores, traps, prophyries, gneisses, granites) has not yet been made out. The original names (given by Dr. Hunt) Laurentian and IIii- ronian have been accepted by all geologists, the Laurentian being the lowest and oldest system of rocks known. But whether the Green Mountain system {lliironian) be above or be- low the White Mountain system {Monlalhan)\ is not yet settled. * Dana’s Manual, p. 163 (1874), makes the Chiloxohce only to represent the Potsdam ; and the Ococc to represent the next lower (Cambrian) S 3 'stom. ^ Dr. T. Sterry Hunt’s name for this system, not yet accepted. 5— D. 66 D. NOTE BY THE STATE GEOLOGIST. Tlie section along the Scliuylkill, above Philadelphia, shows about 20,000 feet of these rocks; and the serpentines and talc slates of the lliironian or Green Mountain series seem to be on top ; the gneisses of the White Mountain series (in the Park at Philadelphia) at the bottom. The Laurentian s^^stem is represented by the Highlands of Hew York and Hew Jersey ; the Easton and Allentown and Heading hills ; the South mountains of Carlisle and Chamhers- burg and the Blue Ridge of Virginia. Only the top layers of this great system are visible in the district of this report ; and the Potsdam lies unconformably and directly upon them, no ocean having been here during Menevian, Huronian, Montalban and Horian (Upper Laurentian) ages. Any discussion of these points would he out of place in this report, which does not touch upon the foundation rocks underneath the dolomites and sandstone of the valley. What is known on the subject will he told in the reports of other districts occupied principally by those rocks. The use in these pages of the terms Upper and Lower Silurian is merely for convenience. Their proper use, and that of the terms Upper and Lower Cambrian^ will be discussed elsewhere. The above table of formations is here given only for conve- nient reference by the reader, and to show how exceedingly small a proportion of the whole 100,000 feet of known strata in the earth’s crust occupies the rolling surface of Lehigh county. * In 1872. the writer made a section of 12,000 feet of slates and quartzites, holding iron ore, in the heart of the South Mountain mass, a map of which will be published in the Reports of Progress of the Survey for 1875. Dr. T. Sterry Hunt has recently (Aug. 1875) made a reconnoissance from Gettys- burg to Chambersburg, during which he thought he recognised the old ortho- clase-porphyries of the Huronian of Missouri, and of eastern Massachusetts and Maine. Two belts of these red stratitied porphyries, with argillites, dio- rites, epidosites and chlorites, intercalated as usual; and two beltsof Primal sandstone, unconformable upon the former. The conglomerate beds ol tb^ overlying Primal hold pebbles of Huronian. T N D E X TO PROF. F. PRIME, Jr’s. REPORT OP PROGRESS, IN 18 U PAGE. Adams county,' New Red Sandstone 4 Action of rivers in lowering the surface 60 Agassiz 62 Alabama, 4; damourite slate in 14 Alburtis 18,59 Allentown 20 Allentown Iron Company, 23, 28, 29 ; mine 10,20,73 Allentown Rolling Mill Company 18,36,37 Anticlinal s in Kittatinny Mountain 1 Anticlinal waves of the Great Valley rocks 60 Appalachian Sea 4 Archaean Period, ores, 4 ; rocks in South Mountain 6 Ashland 62 Barber (J.) & Co.’s mine, 22 ; siderito 22 Bastian’s (Jonas) mine 16,31 Bellefonte, Birdseye fossils at 8 Berks county, Potsdam sandstone in 7 Berkshire, Massachusetts, mining brown hematite 50 Bethlehem, Potsdam sandstone near 7 Bethlehem Iron Company 23 Birdseve limestone, 3,7; fossils in Centre county 8 Black River limestone 3,7 Blank’s mine 16,26 Blue Mountain, 1; Hudson River slates 3 Blue Mountain Paint Company 35 Blue Grass country of Kentucky 61 Blue Ridge 2 Bastian’s (Elwyn) mine 16,31 Belts of iron ore-boaring rocks 59 Bombshell ore .* 15 Booth and Garrett’s analysis 11 Bortz’s (Alwyn) mines 13, 14, 16,36 Bradford’s washer 52, 56 Breinig’s (Francis) mine, 16,32; blue ochre, 46; slate outcrop 48 Breinig’s (Thomas) mine, 8,16,33; blue ochre, 46; pyrite 46 Bucks county. New red sandstone 4 Bushong and Company 27 Butz’s mine. 16, 26 Calciferous Formation 2, 5, 6, 7 Canadian Period 2 Carbon Iron Company 29,31,35,36 Carbonate of iron, analysis, from Barber’s mine 22 [67 D.] 68 1 ). INDEX. PAGE. Carborjic acid, the prime agent of erosion 6C Cavernous structure of tiie underground 58, 60 Castle (Sydney,) Jr., analyses by 6,12 Centre county, Birdseye fossils 8 Central Pennsylvania, limestone valleys 2 Chance (H. M.) contour maps 62 Chapman’s Station, trial pits 17, 42 Chapperal Ridge 38 Cha/y limestone, 2, 7 ; fossils in Lehigh county 8 Clark (Ellis) Jr 8,57 Cleavage planes numerous and embarassing 58 Clinton formation slates 62 Coal era date 61 Coleraine Iron Company 19, 38 Concealment of the rocks by subsoil and soil 59 Contact of slate and limestone in Stein’s quarry 48 Contour maps of Delaware, Schuylkill and Lehigh Gaps 58,62 Copperas Mine 33 Crane Iron Company 16,18,20,28,31,36,37,41,42,56 Crane & Thomas company’s mine 16, 30 Cretaceous of New Jersey 61 Cross bars on plotting paper shown on the map 57 Cumberland county limestones 2 Cumberland Valley 1,61 Damourite slate, 3; analyses, 12; at Salm-Chateau, 14; Upper Primal Slate of Rogers, 14; in Alabama, 14; Vermont, 14; Kittatinny Val- ley, 14; at base of vSouth Mountain, 15; at Fogelsville 15 Damourite clay, 13 ; analyses 13 Dana (J. D.) 2; on hydro-mica slates 14 Dates fixed in the progress of erosion 61 Dauphin county New red sandstone 4 Delaware River 1,3 Delaware Water Gap, 1 ; Contour map 62 Desh’s Mine, 24 ; (magnetic mine,) 56 Dq> obscured by cleavage planes 58 Direction from which the pressure came 58 Disturbance of the whole district 58 Dolomite, 3 ; of Lehigh county, 10 ; analyses 10, 11 Drift (glao'al) in the district 62 Easton hills, 60; Valley 61 Elevation of United States Higliland 61 Emaus, 20, 28, 59 ; Potsdam sandstone, near 7 Erosion above and below the surface 58 Felton (S.M.) . 25 First range of brown hematite mines 17 Fischer’s (Francis) mine 16,38 Fogel’-s (W. B.) mines, 16, 35, 36; quarry 10 Fogelsville, 59; cove of limestone, 10,48; damourite slate 15 lormation No. I., Potsdam sandstone in Lehigli county 5 Formation No. IT., Magnesian limestone in Lehigh county 7 Formation No. III., Hudson River slates 3 Formation No. IV., Sandstone of North Mountain 4 INDEX. D. 69 Fossils in Chazy limestone Fossiliferous, (Trenton,) limestone absent in Lehigh county Fourtli range of brown hematite mines Franklin county limestones Franklin (N. J.) moraine Frantz’s quarry , Gacken bach’s mine Gaps in the mountains Gaumer’s mine Genth (F. A.) analyses 10, Genth (F. A., Jr.) analysis Geology and topography of Lehigh District Gernart’s mine Glacial Age, 61 ; glacial moraines Gneiss Good’s (Joseph A.) slate quarry Grammis’ (Jones) mines Great Valley Greenland, flow of ice over Grice’s (George) mine, (magnetic,) Gudgeon (Mickley’s,) patent Guth’s (Francis) mine Hagenbusch, Lehr and Company Haines’ mine Hall (C. E.) on Chazy fossils, 8; discovery of glacial action Harrisburg Hartzell and Keck Haycock Hill Headden (W. P.) analysis by Hematite (brown) ores, ranges, &c 7,15,16,17,25, Hensinger Heir’s farm trial pits, 24; analysis of damourite, 12; mines, Hensinger and Saul’s mine Hensingerville Hertzog’s (Aaron) mine Highlands Hill clay, at Easton Hudson River slates, (III,) J, 5,44,58; ridge 8; in Lehigh county Jordan Church, slate quarry, near Kaiser’s (Harry) mines 16, Kentucky ; blue grass country Kerschner’s mines 16, Kiefer’s mine Kittatinny Mountain, 1 ; Hudson River slates Kittatinny Valley, 1; damourite slates Kline’s (Peter) mine Koch’s (William) mine Kolb’s (Israel) mine Krsemlich and Lichtenwallner’s mine, 17,42; analysis of damourite slate, 12 ; of damourite clay Kreischman’s (Jonas) mines Kuhn’s quarry Labrador PAGE. 8 46 32 2 62 11 16,37 62 16.19 12, 32 34 1 16, 31 62 4 48 16,37 1,2 62 56 54 16.31 18 16,39 62 62 21 4 6 30. 32 23 23 8 16.17 2 14 46 48 18,26 61 18.19 24 3 14 22 16, 36 28 13 16. 18 11 4 70 D. INDEX. PAGE. "Lancaster county, 2 ; New red sandstone 4 Lanigan’s (James) mine 24,40 Laros’ (Jesse) mines, 16,41; (Reuben) 16,21 Laurer’s (Milton) mine 16,29 Lebanon; open country, 61 ; Valley 1,61 Lebanon county, New red sandstone, 4; limestones 2 Lehigh church, 8; couniy, 60; limestones, 2; Potsdam sandstone 5 Lehigh Iron Company, 21, 31 ; damourite in quarry 12 Lehigh Mountain, 2 ; formation, 5; Water Gap 1; contour map 62 Lehigh Valley Iron Company 40 Lehighton Valley 60 Lepidocrocite 15 Lesley’s theory of erosion indicated 58,59,60,61 Lichtenwallner’s (Frank S.) mine, 16, 30, 56 ; (Levi) 16,42 Limestone ; Birdseye, 3, 7, 8 ; Black River, 3, 7 ; No. II, 58 ; contact with slate in Stein’s quarry, 48 ; in Cumberland, Franklin, Lebanon and Lehigh counties, 2; valleys in Pennsjdvania and Virginia, 61; an- alysis of, from Stemton, 11 ; from Frantz’s quarry, 11 ; from Kuhn’s quarry 11 Limonihs 15 ; in Lehigh county 79 Lines of lines of brown hematite ores 16 Litzenberger farm, trial pits 42 Lock Ridge, 8, 58; Potsdam sandstone 7 Locust Mountain, glacial marks 62 Lower Silurian limestones 2 Lowering of the surface 60 Ludwig, Herteog and Company 26 Ludwig, Hertzogand Liess’ mine 16,18 Ludwig’s (new) mine, 16, 25 ; (old) 16,26 M’Creath, (A. S.,) analyses 11, 12, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42. Magnesian limestone (dolomite,) 2, 3, 5; formation in Lehigh county, 7 Magnetic iron ore, in Archaean Period, 4; mines 56 Manganese, black oxide of 25,31,34 Maple Grove Mill, trial pits 21 Map accompanying the Report described 57 March’s (P.) mine 16,21 Maryland, 1,3; New red sandstone 4 Mauch Chunk, 28,29 ; mountain 60 Meckley’s Mine 16, 18 Meitzler’s Mine 16, 18 Metamorphic rocks of South Mountain 5 Mickley, 52; Mickley’s gudgeon, 54 ; mine 24 Mill baugh Hill 2 Miller’s (Charles) mines 16,39 Millerstown, 18,20,27 ; Iron company 27,39 Mining of brown hematite ores in Lehigh county, 50 ; Berkshire, Massa- chusetts, 50; Northampton county 50 Missouri, Saccharoidal sandstone formation 2 Montgomery county; New red sandstone 4 Moser’s (Oliver) mine 16,33 Mover’s mine 16,40 TNDLX. D. 1 1 PAOS. Mull and Ilagenbuch 18 New Jersey; Cretaceous and Tertiary formations of 61 Newmoyer’s (Jacob) mine, (magnetic,) 66 New red sandstone, 61; in Adams, Bucks, Dauphin, Lancaster, Leba- non, Montgomery and York counties, 4 ; of Triassic Period 4 New Texas 20, 28 Nittany Mountain ; Birdseye fossils at 8 Northampton county, 60; mines, 25; mining of brown hematite ores, 50 ; Trenton limestone 3 Northampton Iron company 33 North Mountain, gaps in, 62 ; Hudson River slates, 3; rocks 62 Note by the State Geologist 57 Numbers on the map, representing mines, dips and levels 57 Ochre, (blue,) 33,46; analysis, 32; (yellow,) 32,35 Ores of iron 15 Origin of our mountain gaps 62 Orthoclase, analysis 6 Overturned slate 48 Pemberton (H., Jr.) analysis by 11 Pennsylvania limestone valleys 61 Penobscot Knob 62 Permian Period. 5 Peter’s Mountain 62 Philadelphia, 28; hills 61 Philadelphia and Reading company’s mine at Siessholtzville 6 Pile of formations once covering the district 60 Pipe ore 15, 44 Plateau of Thibet 60 Port Clinton 60 Pot ore 15,44 Potsdam sandstone, 2,4,58; in Lehigh county 5 Potsdam epoch, 2 ; rocks * 6 Prime (Frederick, Jr.) 59,62 Pressure productive of small anticlinals, &c 58 Pyrite in Thomas Broinig’s mine 46 Pyroxene, analysis 6 Reading, 2, 59; Valley 61 Relations of brown hemati te ores to the rocks 44 Report of 1875 59 Robertson (Kenneth) analysis 25 Rocks of North Mountain 62 Rogers (H. D.) 34,39 Romig’s (P.) mines; (R.) 16,28 Ruth’s quarry ; analysis of limestone 11 Saccharoidal sandstone of Missouri 2 Sahlite, analysis 6 Saint Pjeter’s Church 5 Salm-Chateau ; damourite-slate 14 Salom (Pedro G.) analyses.. 12 Sampson and Sitgr.eaves’ mine 25 Sandstone, saccharoidal, 34,36; of North Mountain 4 Scale adopted for the map 57 72 D. INDEX. PAGE. Schantz’s Mill 10 Schloug’s mine 39 Schmidt and Bitter’s mine 29 Scholl’s (James) mine 16,31 Scholl (J. D.) and company’s mine 16,40 Schuylkill Water Gap, 1; contour map, 62; river 59 Schwartz’s (Henry) mine 16, 36 Scolithus linearis, 2 ; on Lock Ridge 7 Second range of brown hematite mines 25 Shsefer (John) 20 Shankweiler’s (Henry) mine 16,20 Sharp’s (John) mine 56 Shimer (Joseph R.) analyses 13 Shimer and Hartzell 27 Siderite, analysis 22 Siessholtzville 6 Sinking Valley 61 Slate, at Walbert’s Station, 50 ; contact with limestone in Stein’s (Quarry, 48; outcrop on F. Breinig’s farm, 48; quarry near Jordan Church, 48; quarry on Steininger’s farm 48 Smith’s quarry 10 Smith’s (J. and D.) mine 16,39 Smoky Mountains 2 Smoyer’s (A.) Mine, 16, 28 ; (B.) 16,27; (B. P.) 16,28; (J.) 16,28; (Ju- dith,) 16,28; (K.) 16,23, (T.) 16,28 Smoyer’s Mine, (No. 26,) 16,30; (No. 28,) 16,27; (No. 78,) 16,27; (No. 79,) 16,27 ; (No. 80,) 16,27 South Mountain, 2,58,61; Archaean rocks of, 6; damourite slate at base of, 15 ; formation 6 Stein’s (Henry) mines, 16,40,41; quarry, 8; contact of slate and lime- stone 48 Steininger’s (Jacob) mines, 16,40; slate quarry 48 Stroudsburg Valley 60 Surface of the earth always lowering 60 Susquehanna River 1, 2 Swatara Gap 1, 62 Temple Iron company 19, 20 Tennessee ; blue grass country 61 Tertiary of New Jersey 61 Theory of erosion as determined by solution 58, 59, 60, 61 Thibet, plateau 60 Third range of brown Jiematite mines 30 Thomas Iron company, 24,40,42,52,56; Mine, (magnetic. No. 46,) 56; (No. 52,) 23; (No. 71,) 56 Thomas washer 52 Three known dates in the progress of erosion 61 Tide levels on the map 58 Till (glacial clay, &c.,) at the Lehigh Gap 62 Topography and geology of Lehigh District 1 Trenton, Epoch, 2,5; limestone, 5; in Northampton county, 3; ab- sence ill Lehigh county 46 Trexlertown 27 INDEX, D. 78 PAGE. Triassic Period, New red sandstone 4 Unaka Mountains. 2 Underground erosion of the United States 58,60 United States Highland ; elevation of the 61 Upper Primal Slate of Rogers, probably damourite 14 Upper Silurian rocks 62 Utica black slate, 3, 5, 33 ; in Lehigh county, 46 ; analysis 32 Vermont, damourite slate 14 Virginia, New red sandstone, 4; limestone valleys 61 Wagenhorst’s mine. 16, 17 Walbert’s Station, slate 50 Washer, Bradford’s, 66; Thomas’ 52 Washing and mining of brown hematite ores 50 Wash ore 44 Weiler; (James,) 28 ; mine 16,30 Wenderoth. Photolithography 57 Weilersville mine 16,30 Werner and Reinhart’s mine 16, 29 W escoe’s mine. 16, 17 Wescoeville 10 Wetzel’s (John) mine, (magnetic,) 56 Whitely (Nathan) borings, 34; mine 16,35 Wiand’smine 16,20 Wilkesbarre 62 Wind Gap 1,62 Yager’s mine 16,26 York county, New red sandstone 4 ERRATUM By an oversight in this report the analysis of brown hematite iron ore from the Thomas Iron Co.’s Mine, No. 52, was erroneously credited to Hensinger & Saul’s Mine, No. 64.