'hU^' '^* b^^ / LETTERS FROM THE BISHOP OF NEW ZEALAND, ^oci'etg for ti^e propagation of i\)t €rOSpd, OTIIER TNPORMATION CONCERNING HIS DIOCESE. NEW ZEALAND CHURCH COMMITTEE: The Standing Committee of the Society for me Propagation of the GosPEt> The Earl of Devon. The Lord Ltttelton. The Lord Courtenay, M.P. The Lord Ashley, M.P. The Lord Sandon, M.P. The Hon. Francis Baring. Sir Stephen R. Glynne, Bt. M.P. Alderman Thompson, M.P. John Abel Smith, Esq. The Rev. Samuel Hinds, D.D. The Rev. Wm. Selwtn, Canon of Ely. Charles J. Selwyn, Ess. The Rev. Stephen Hawtrev. The Rev. George H. Bowers. The Rev. J. G. Brett. Robert Few, Esq. LONDON : RIVINGTONS, ST. PAUL'S CHURCHYARD & WATERLOO-PLACE; 1'ICCA.DILLY; BURNS, PORTMAN-STREET. 1843. HATCHARDS. LONDON : PRINTED BY R. CLAY, BREAD STREET HILL. Tm LETTERS THE BISHOP OF NEW ZEALAND. My dear Sir, Auckland, July 29, 1842. You will have already heard from other quarters of my arrival iii New Zealand ; but I have hitherto delayed writing any official letters, that I might have time to verify my first impressions by more extended observation. I have now been two months in New Zealand, and from the first day of my landing until now, have seen, day after day, more and more reason to be thankful, on the part of the Church, for the establishment of the Bishopric of this colony, and for myself, that I am allowed to share in so great and hopeful a work. I find myself placed in a position such as was never granted to any English Bishop before, with a power to mould the institutions of the Church from the beginning according to true principles; and I earnestly desire the prayers of the Church at home, that I may be enabled clearly to discern that truth, and consistently to follow it. I landed first at Auckland, on Monday, May 30, from the brig Bristolian, in which I had proceeded from Sydney, in consequence of an accident to the Tomatin at Sydney, which caused a delay of several weeks before that ship could be repaired. Auckland now contains a population of 1,900 persons, of whom more than 1,100 are registered as members of the Church of England. The Rev, J. F. Churton, late Chaplain at Wellington, has officiated here during the last year and a half. A brick church, in the early English style, which will contain about six hundred persons, is in progress ; but from the great cost of materials and labour, the funds are at present inadequate for its com- pletion. It is well placed on a commanding eminence in the centre of the town, and will form a striking object from the iiarbour. At present Divine Service is performed, by permission of the (iovernor, in 4 LETTERS PROM THE the court-house ; where a very respectable congregation is assembled every Sunday. Mr. Churton also performs Divine Service at the barracks, and at the prison. He receives 200/. per annum from the Government, to which I have added lOOZ. per annum from the annual grant voted to me by the Society for stipends of clergymen. He has built a house for himself on an allotment which he purchased for that purpose. The Governor, on my application, has vested in me as trustee two pieces of ground of eight acres each, " for the burial of the dead, " according to the usage of the Church of England," allotting, at the same time, two similar plots to be divided among the other denomi- nations of Christians. Our burial-grounds are about half a mile from the centre of the town, on the sides of two of the ridges which slope down gradually to the harbour, and conveniently situated at corre- sponding distances from the two churches. The first ground was consecrated on Sunday last, on which occasion I was assisted by the Rev. J. F. Churton, Rev. R. Cole, (whom I propose to place at Wellington,) and Rev. R. Maunsell (one of the Missionaries of the Church Missionary Society.) Divine Service was performed in the church-tent presented to me by Mr. Cotton, which is completely fitted with communion-table and desks, and will contain three hundred persons. This will be of great use to me at Nelson and Wellington, where there are at present no places appropriated to public worship. In the event of the population of Auckland rapidly increasing, this burial-ground will form a beautiful site for another church. In the meantime I intend to avail myself of the natural beauties of the spot to give it such a character as will accord with the reverential feelings with which it will be visited by the friends and relatives of the dead who are there interred. The church now in progress is called the church of St. Paul ; on the central one of the three ridges on which the town will stand. I have obtained another excellent site on the western ridge, on which I intend, as soon as possible, to build a wooden chapel, and to lay the foundations of a church on a grand scale, to be proceeded with gradually as funds can be obtained. On the third, i. e. the eastern ridge, nearest to the mouth of the harbour, and on a high ground com- manding a view of the whole frith of the Thames, I have given directions for the purchase of twenty or thirty acres of land for a site for the cathedral, and for a cathedral close. By this arrangement I may hope to secure a future provision for every possible increase of popu- latioUj as sites will be prepared for three churches in the main parts BISHOP OF NEW ZEALAND. 5 of the town ; and when the houses extend half a mile into the country, the two burial grounds will meet the wants of the people, by additions to the chapels which I intend to build upon them for the funeral services. I have obtained permission to select and purchase sites for parsonage- houses, contiguous to the churches and burial-grounds, which I shall endeavour to let upon building lease;=, reserving one central piece of ground sufficient for the residence of all the clergy of the town, who may find it more desirable for some years to come to live upon a collegiate plan, than to incur the expense of so many separate establishments. Any money that I may be able to spare from Auckland itself, will be required for the establishment, of the Church in some of the suburban settlements, where villages are be■ Church Fund, ,, Nelson j to receive private contributions, and collections made at the ofiertory by » LETTERS FROM THE the whole congregation, everj' time the Lord's Supper is administered, I have begun this praetiee at Auckland, Wellington, and Nelson, and have requested the Clergymen at those places to continue it. The fund thus formed, I propose to vest uniformly in five trustees : the Bisliop, the Archdeacon of the district, the senior Minister, and two laymen, one selected by the Bishop, and one by the Archdeacon : the proceeds of the fund to be applicable to the building and endowment of churches, schools, parsonage-houses ; and to the payment, in part, of salaries of Clergymen. I hope to bring all dues, such as surplice fees, Easter offerings, &c. into this fund, that they may be looked upon as the dues of the Church, and not as gratuities to particular Clergymen for services performed. I require every town Clergyman to learn the native language, and be ready to minister to the spiritual wants of the Aborigines; and 1 find it will be necessary also to establish the converse rule, that every Missionary to the natives shall also be ready to minister to the English settlers; for in this country English and natives will live side by side, unless some rupture (which God avert) should take place between the two races. The probable increase in the number of small secondary settlements in this country, will make the necessity apparent of my having the means of educating my own clergy, at least the greater number of tliem. This object I hope to accomplish with no other expense to the Society than an allowance for outfit and passage, similar to that already granted to the three young students who accompanied me from England. It has pleased God to deprive me of the assistance of one of them, Mr. Evans, who died at Wellington on the 3d of October. I have lost a most faithful and valued friend ; one who promised to be a zealous and able minister in the Church. My brother William has a candidate of the name of Hutton, who has been studying under him ; and will probably be recommended to the Committee to supply the place of my departed friend. These young men will, I hope, be able to maintain themselves during their preliminary course by private tuition in connexion with the collegiate school, which I have been encouraged to undertake to establish in the immediate neighbourhood of my own residence at the Waimate. Our institution there will probably consist of a small college for candidates for Holy Orders, under the care of the Rev. Thomas Whytehead ;* a collegiate school, * The Society has to add, with deep regret, that the Bishop has been deprived of the assistance of his excellent chaplain, of whom in all his letters he had spoken with so much affection and cstccni. He died at the Waimate, on the 19th of March, IStS. BISHOr OF NEW ZEALAND. 9 under the direction of a competent master, assisted by the young students of the college ; and a native boarding school for the education of native children, selected from the different mission stations. By putting our plan of life upon a collegiate system, and by aid of a good extent of land, formerly the farm of the Church Mission, I hope to be enabled to make the vhcle institution support itself without much assistance from home. I am now on my way from Taranaki to Kapiti, with the intention of going up the Manavvata River to the East Coast, and proceeding round the East Cape, and then through the centre of the country to Auckland. On my return I hope to be able to give you a correct Missionary map. The Chief Justice, Mr. Martin, is my companion. In every part of the country I find great occasion for thankfulness and hope. Of course little has been done as yet ; but the comfort is, that very few hinderances have grown up to prevent tlie establishment of a sound and efficient church system. May God give us grace to use with earnestness and understanding the peculiar advantages which are placed within our reach. We have not to combat with a host of full-grown ditffculties, such as usually stand in the way of the ministers of religion when they come late in the day into ground already pre- occupied. Thank God we are foremost in the field, and may prevent, I trust, much opposition, which otherwise would have been most inju- rious to the interests of religion hereafter, I beg to be most kindly remembered to all my friends in the Society : and beg to assure them and you that I remain. Ever your grateful and aflfectionate friend, G. A. New Zealand. Some further information ivith regard to the proceedings and prospects of the Bishop, may be obtained from the following extracts from his private letters to friends in England. " My friend Mr. Chief Justice Martin and myself, feel that in the line of our new duties, a door of great and eff"ectual usefulness is opened to us. We have been appointed joint Trustees, with the chief Protector of the Aborigines as our colleague, of the lands and funds reserved for the benefit of the native race : a trust of immense 10 LETTERS FROM THE importance, both as regards the magnitude of the property, and still more the high moral and spiritual interests which it involves. The native Reserves amount in land to between thirty and forty thousand acres ; and the money fund, to fifteen per cent, upon the produce of all land sales effected by the government. The moral and spiritual con- siderations involve the earnest endeavour to advance seventy or eighty thousand of the most intelligent people in the world in the knowledge of true religion, and in the scale of social existence. " I speak of the natives first, because they are the great bulk of the population ; and, I think, the hinge upon which the prosperity of the colony will turn. But add to the Native Trust the necessity of pro- viding every one of the English settlements with every one of its Ecclesiastical Institutions ; for there is not so much as a Church of England School in any one of them ; that the whole system has to be framed by the gradual addition of that "which every joint supplieth ;" that upon the soundness of the principles upon which this system is framed, depends, under God, much of the future character of the people of the country ; and I confess I should tremble at ray own insufficiency, if the work did not display so manifestly the finger of God in all its parts, that I can look upon myself only as one portion of the clay, over which he has power, and which he is moulding evidently according to his will. " But I have not yet concluded the sources of comfort which may be drawn from the effectual working of God's grace in this country ; the care of the Church Mission by itself is an employment to which I should have been thankful to be allowed to devote my whole life. Taken as a whole, the Missionary body more than equals my expec- tations. The great majority too of the Catechists whom I have seen, are men who, with few advantages of education, have been both faithful and successful in their exertions. As for the people, I love them from my heart, and my desire to serve them grows day by day ; there is something so cheering in the frank and cordial open- ness of their countenance and manner, and in the blameless and devout tenour of their lives." '* On the 29th of July I sailed from Auckland, in the government brig Victoria, for Nelson, which is one of the largest and most flourishing settlements in New Zealand, situated at the very bottom of Blind, or Tasman's Bay, in the northern shore of the middle island. I arrived there on Sunday, August 21, and immediately went on shore, and preached at the ai'ternoon service in the Emigration Barracks. BISHOP OP NEW ZEALAND. 11 " The next day I pitched the church tent, a most complete cathe- dral, with pulpit, reading desk, comnuinion-table, rails, kneeling- boards, &c. It was fitted up with boards resting on trunks of small trees, It t into the ground, which the natives cut for me. I thus pro- vided seats for 200, which were well filled on the following Sunday. " On Sunday, Sept. 4, I collected at the offertory 33/. for Church purposes, and administered the Lord's Supper to seventeen communi- cants. After service, a native came to me, and, after much hesitation, explained, that he had seen the Pakehas (English) giving their money, and wished to give something also; upon which he produced Is.Gd. as his contribution to the Church. '* A lovely site for a church and cemetery has been reserved here : a small mount, rising to the height of 100 feet, in the centre of the little plain on which the chief part of the town stands, and with a flat summit, sufficient for the base of a fine building. The site is already occupied by wooden buildings, convertible into a temporary church and school, at a small expense ; and the Company's agent, Captain Wakefield, has consented to let me have them at a valuation ; by which means I can at once provide for the reverential performance of Divine Service. In the meantime, I have left my tent, with all its appurtenances, for the use of the Rev. Mr. Keay, the clergyman, who is staying to take care of the arrangements made for the benefit of the natives at Nelson, and to act conjointly with Mr. Saxton (another clergyman whom I found there) in the charge of the English settlers. " A very strong feeling exists among all the respectable settlers at Nelson in favour of the natives, only requiring to be guided into a right direction. I gave instructious for tlie establishment of a small School for native children, and of a room for the reception of sick natives, to be placed under the care of Mr. Wilson, a very respectable surgeon at Nelson. Observing that the natives of the surrounding villages had no place to lodge in when they came to the town to bring their potatoes and pigs for sale, (for which articles the English are almost entirely dependent on the native supplies,) I ordered some little dwellings to be built for them in an acre of their own land, the name of each party being affixed to the dwelling allotted to them, in which they can lock up their goods." " On the 10th of October I left Wellington on foot, accompanied by several natives, who carried our tents, beds, food, clothes, and books, and set out on a land journey to New Plymouth, one of the principal settlements of the Company, which is situated to the north 12 LETTEKS FROM THE of Cape Egmoiit, the western extremity of New Zealand, and near the Sugar Loaf Islands. After a few daj's' journey I was detained by a slight inflammation in my heel, and was obliged to rest, while some of the natives went forward to procure me a horse. I was encamped, near the river Wanganui, on some low sand hills, with three of the natives as my companions. My little tent was pitched in the hollow of the sand hills, and my native attendants made them- selves comfortable round a large fire, under a little hut, which they soon constructed of drift wood and coarse grass. You would be surprised with the comparative comfort which I enjoy in my encamp- ments. My tent is strown with dry fern or grass ; my air bed is laid upon it ; my books, clothes, and other goods lie beside it ; and though the whole dimensions of my dwelling do not exceed eight feet by five, I have more room than I require ; and am as comfortable as it is possible for a man to be when he is absent from those whom he loves most. I thus spent October 17th, the anniversary of my consecration, in my tent on the sand hills ; and while in that situation I was led naturally to contrast my present position with the very different scenes in England last year. I can assure you that the comparison brought with it no feelings of discontent; on the contrary, I spent the greater part of the day, after the usual services and readings with my natives, in thinking with gratitude on the many mercies and blessings which have been granted to me in the past year. Indeed, in looking back upon the events of the year; upon my happy parting from all my friends ; my visit to the Bishop of Australia ; my voyages, (eight in number;) my favourable reception in every town in my diocese ; my growing friendship with natives, who hear of me in every part of the country, and receive me with characteristic cordiality ; all form an inexhaustible subject for thoughts of joy and thanksgiving, which sometimes fill the heart almost to overflowing." — " Here," he after- wards adds, " my favourite text came into my mind, 'The lot is fallen ' unto me in a fair ground ; yea, I have a goodly heritage.' " The Bishop is at present residing at the Waimate, a village about sixteen miles from Auckland, described as by far the most settled place in Neiv Zealand. He thtis describes his situation at this place : — " Next door to our own house, which is the college, is the collegiate school, which has not yet been opened, but will j)robably be set on BISHOP OF NEW ZEALAND. 13 foot after Easter. The premises have hitherto been used as the Missionary School, and are verj^ complete for the purpose. The Cathe- dral library is established at Kerikeri, ten miles from this place, in a fine stone building, partly used as a store. I have just completed the arrangements of the library, so that the goodly presents of my numerous friends are all accessible; and a beautiful sight they are. It is enough to cheer the heart to see such a body of sound divinity collected in this most distant of the dioceses of the Church of England. Add to this the private feeling of knowing that every one of the books is the gift of some friend, whose heart and whose prayers are with us. "One of the chief advantages of the Waimate is, that we have a spacious church close to the house. It is built entirely of wood, painted white, and gives a very English look to the village. In the interior we have a stone font, an altar cloth and cushions, a pulpit and beautiful large books, all the gifts of different friends in England. "Here I held my first confirmation, at which three hundred and twenty-five natives were confirmed. A more orderly, and I hope impressive, ceremony could not have been conducted in any church in England ; the natives coming up in parties to the communion table, and audibly repeating the answer — E wakaoetia ana e ahau, ' I do (confess).' It was a most striking sight to see a church filled with native Christians, ready, at my first invitation, to obey the ordinances of their religion. On the following Sunday three hundred native communicants assembled at the Lord's table, though the rain was un- ceasing. Some of them came two days' journey for this purpose. My Windsor communion plate was used for the second time on this occasion. The natives were much pleased when they were told that it was a present from my congregation in England, and seemed to enter fully into the spirit of the gift." 14 STATEMENT OF THE PRESEiNT WANTS OF THE DIOCESE OF NEW ZEALAND. On the Bishop of New Zealand's appointment to his Dio- cese, he was informed by the New Zealand Company that they would make very liberal grants towards the endowment of the Church in their different settlements, provided the Bishop would meet these grants by equal contributions on the part of the Church. To this arrangement the Bishop gladly acceded ; and by the assist- ance of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, and of his private friends, has been enabled to proceed to a certain extent in the fulfilment of his engagement. In consequence, however, of the present pressure on the funds of the Society, it is unable to continue to assist the Bishop so largely as it had hoped and desired. Only half the sum which was granted in 1841 and in 1842 has been voted for the present year ; and it seems uncertain whether even that sum can be expected in any future year. In the meantime, the planting of the Church in the settlements belonging to the Government and to the Company has been com- menced in a most encouraging manner. A large expenditure of money is necessary in the first instance ; but the readiness of the settlers to exert themselves for this purpose, combined with the zeal of the native inhabitants, affords a good ground for hoping that, if assistance be freely given at first, the Church in this new colony may, under the Divine blessing, (which hitherto has been so abundantly shed upon it,) be built up in all its integrity, and be enabled to support itself without further aid from the mother country. Under these circumstances it is earnestly hoped that the friends of the Bishop, and other persons interested in this mission, may be willing to give the required assistance, either by Donations, or by a promise of Annual Subscriptions. 15 SPECIAL CONTRIBUTIONS FOR THE DIOCESE OF NEW ZEALAND. Donations. Ann. Subs. £ s. d. £ s. d. His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury 100 — Mrs. Selwyn 100 _ A. B., by C. J. Selwyn, Esq 100 — W. Selwyn, Esq 50 — Rev. W. Selwyn 25 — Mrs. Hudson 20 — Mrs. Hudson (2d don.) . . (Consols) 200 — Rev, E. Coleridge 100 _ Rev. E. Coleridge (2d don.) .... 30 — Rev. E. Coleridge, Eton, collected by . 5 — Rev. C. J. Abraham 50 — Rev. E. Balston 50 — Rev. Dr. Hawtrey 50 — Rev. Dr. Hawtrey (2d don.) .... 500 — W. S. Richardson, Esq 21 — Miss Gaskell 500 — Hon. F. Baring 12 10 — Miss M. Gaskell 10 10 — MissWilks — 220 Rev. T. Chamberlain 2 2 — M. F. E 10 — Mr. Jones 100 — E. A. R 8 14 — Rev. C. B. Dalton 550 110 The Lord Sandon 10 10 — Robert Few, jun. Esq — 2 2 Sir C. Price, Bart. King William-street. 5 5 — Floreat Etona 50 — George Frere, Esq 50 — Lady Elizabeth Perceval 10 — Anonymous, per Brentwood Church Union 10 C, B,, per Rev. C. B. Dalton (for five years) — The Lord Courtenay 5 M. Yeatman, Esq., Richmond .... 500 Hemy Hussey, Esq 2 Anonymous 110 Rev. T. Bowdler 10 10 Rev. W.G.Cookesley, Eton, for Cathedral 10 Henry Cotton, Esq 5 5 1 1 3 16 SPECIAL CONTRIBUTIONS FOR NEW ZEALAND. Donations. Ann. Subs. £ s. d. £ s. d. Miss Fisher 600 — H. Fitzherbert, Esq — 110 Rev. W. H. Guillemard 3 — E. H. Hobhouse, Esq — 110 — Hutton, Esq 500 — Rev. Dr. Jenkyns, Durham 20 — Rev. Thomas Johnson 10 10 — Rev. John Pardoe 200 — Portman Chapel, Marylebone, Offering, Ascension Day, Exodus xxv. 8 . . . 1 10 — Alfred Shadwell, Esq — 110 . G. E. Towry, Esq. Sunning-hill, Berks .220 — Rev. J. D. Watson, Northampton . . 20 — Mrs. Paul, Finedon — 10 Rev. W. H. Hoare, for a Church ... 25 — Rev. Dr. Lowe, Dean of Exeter ... 500 — Lady A. Wallop 10 — Lady H. Churchill 5 — Miss Churchill 2 — Miss Home 10 — Hon. G. Fortescue ....... 100 — Lady L. Fortescue 10 — Rev. John Medley, Prebendary of Exeter 5 — Rev. J. Dornford 100 ~ John Carew, Esq 500 — Rev. G. Kempe 10 Rev. J. C. Kempe 100 — Rev. L. Acland 100 — Rev. N. F. Lightfoot 10 — Rev. J. Whyte 10 — " Miss Sparkes 50 — Contributions may he sent to the Treasurers of the Society, 79, Pall Mall; or may be paid to the District Treasurers and Secretaries ; to " the Bishop of New Zealand!s Church Account," at Messrs. Gosling & Sharpe's ; and at Messrs. Barclay & Co.'s, 54, Lombard Street. Messrs. Drummond & Co.'s, 49, Charing Cross. Messrs. Rivington's, St. Paul's Churchyard, and Waterloo Place, Pall Mall Mr. Deighton's, Cambridge. Mr. Parker's, Broad Street, Oxford. K. CLAY, PRINTER, BREAD STREET HILL" y^^ .\ff^-^ ^>l w W'^ '-^\