/ ir(L NOTES OF MEETINGS OF Cljt Clergj 0f tlje ^rtljbeacflnrg of Wortester, MARCH, 1857. TO THE ^ Reverend the Clergy of the Archdeaconry of Worcester. ^^ Reveeend and dear Brethren, "; The Meetings of the Clergy of this Archdeaconry, held at .;J Stratford, Pershore, Worcester, and Kidderminster, on the 16th, - 17th, 18th, and 19th ult., occupied altogether some fourteen ^ hours, and were attended by about one hundred and fifty of the ,o Clergy, of whom sixty-seven spoke. "^ You are aware that our subject was, The best means of ;^ " sustaining and extending the Missionary efforts of the Chm-ch, ^ at Home and Abroad ; " but chiefly, "The Spiritual Necessities of ^X^the People of this Land." '- You also know that I had a reason for seeking your counsel at - this time, arising out of my having been appointed a Member :: of a Committee of Convocation, to which this subject hud been "^ entrusted for deliberation. Independently, however, of that reason for holding these Meetin