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Belford Center for Advanced Computation University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Urbana, Illinois 61801 December 13, 1972 This work was supported in part by the Advanced Research Projects Agency of the Department of Defense and was monitored by the U. S. Army Research Office-Durham under Contract No. DAHCOlj-72-C-OOOl. *WeWFERfW6 UBfWl ABSTRACT Many physical experiments give rise to sets of curves related by the requirement that, although certain of the curve parameters may vary from curve to curve, others should be the same for all of the curves. To get the "best" values of the common parameters, one would like to fit all of the curves simultaneously by the appropriate theoretical expressions. This paper deals with this problem, present- ing an algorithm for its solution, in the case that the curves are straight lines with common slope and "best" fit is defined in the uniform (or minimax) sense. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1. INTRODUCTION 1 2. CHARACTERIZATION AND UNIQUENESS 3 3. THE ALGORITHM 6 k. DISCUSSION 10 REFERENCES 12 1. INTRODUCTION In numerous physical problems data is obtained which is essentially- linear, and parameters best describing the linear relationship are desired. In some situations related experiments give rise to sets of straight-line data which should all have the same slope although the intercepts may vary. For example, one might be observing an exponen- tial decay process (1) x(t) = ae" 3t in which the initial amount, a, varies from experiment to experiment, but 6 should be constant. Taking logarithms in (l), one is led to the straight-line analysis problem with (3 appearing as the slope. Formally, we state the problem as follows. Given a set of experi- mental curves g , g , ..., g , find parameters a , a , ..., a , 6 such that the deviations E. (x) = g.(x) - a. - Bx are small in some li l sense. One obvious approach is to minimize N I I [E.(x )] 2 where the x.'s are the points of observation. This is a standard least- J squares problem, solvable by the usual technique. It is perhaps interesting that if one simply computes least-squares lines a. + $.x to fit each g., then the 3 which minimizes (2) is just 3 = (V g.)/N. i ^ i 1 Any least-squares approach suffers, however, from the drawback that errors at individual points - or for certain curves - may be very large. To avoid this problem, we suggest using a uniform or minimax approxima- tion procedure; i.e., minimization of (3) M = max max |E. (x) | , i xeX x where X here represents either a closed, bounded interval or a finite number of points. A theorem characterizing solutions to this type of problem in a very general context has been given in [l]. In this paper we state hov the theorem applies to the problem at hand and discuss a numerical algorithm, based on the theorem, for the calcula- tion of these best uniform approximations. 2. CHARACTERIZATION AND UNIQUENESS Let A = ( a -, , • ••» a w j ^) be a parameter set defining a proposed approximation to g , ..., g„. Define an extremal (x, k) of the approxi- mation A to be a number pair such that M = |E (x)|. Let a = sgn K (x). The following theorem then follows immediately from Theorem 3 of [l]. Theorem 1. A necessary and sufficient condition that A define a best uniform approximation to g , •••> g^ is that there exists no para- meter set A' = (a' a', .... 0* , 3 ) such that 1 = (a^, o^, . .., a^ , 3') (1+) a 1 [a« + 3'x] > xk k for every extremal (x, k) of the approximation A. This result is, of course, completely analogous to the usual Chebyshev single-function result that an approximation can be improved if and only if some member of the approximating family takes on the same signs as the error curve does at its extremal points. In fact, a better approximation may be constructed by adding on to the original approximation some small multiple of any function satisfying the sign condition. Although this "inequality" approach can be used to construct best single-function approximations [2], it is very seldom done, presumably because Remez-type algorithms [3] are better studied and known to converge rapidly. For our problem, however, Remez-type algorithms appear to be diffi- cult to construct, and we shall here discuss an algorithm based on (U). There are two conclusions to be drawn from Theorem 1 which are useful in simplifying the procedure. Theorem 2. A necessary and sufficient condition that A define a best uniform approximation to g , . . . , g is that one of the following two conditions hold: (i) For some index i, a. + 3x is the best straight-line approxima- tion to g., and for all J ± i 1 max |g.(x) - a - 3x| < max |g (x) - a - 0x| . xeX J 3 xeX (ii.) For some pair of indices i, J, the parameter set (ou, a^ , 3) defines a best simultaneous approximation to the pair g ± , gy and for all k ^ if J max |g k (x) - a k - 3x| * max |g.(x) - a. - 0x| = max |g.(x) - a. - 3x This theorem may be verified by carefully checking the various possibilities for (h) and noting that no more than two indices k can enter into the characterization in a significant or non-redundant fashion. In the same manner, one may verify the following important fact. Theorem 3. Although there are in general many parameter sets A defining a best approximation, the parameter 3 is unique. This result is of extreme importance for applications; it is very often this best slope that one wants to find. Putting together Theorems 2 and 3, we see that the main problem is then one of finding this best 3 , and that this 3 must lie among those obtained by constructing single- function approximations ((i) of Theorem 2) or by constructing best approximations to all function pairs ((ii) of Theorem 2). For the latter, we use a procedure based on (U), which is not very complicated when only two functions are involved. In fact, we have the following simple "alternation" theorem. Theorem h_. Suppose that the best simultaneous approximation to the pair g n , g_ is not characterized by condition (i) of Theorem 2. Then there exist four points x , , x , x , x in X such that (a) x 1± < x 12 ; x 21 < x 22 ; (b) (x 11 , 1), (x^, 1), (x 21 , 2), (x 22 , 2) are extremals of the approximation, and (c) the error signs satisfy °J1 °j2 = - 1 ' (J = X ' 2) "ll °21 = - 1 (where a.. = sgn E.(x..)). J -L J J - 1 - 2 3 Example . Suppose g = x , g = x and X = [-1, l]. One can quickly verify that the best approximation is provided by a =0.65, a = 0, 8 = 0.325. Extremal x values are x = -1, x^ = 0.1625, x = -1, and x = +1. The error norm M is 0.675- The reader is invited to provide his own quick sketch to see that the sign condition (c) of Theorem k is satisfied. 3. THE ALGORITHM f v \ a (y) a (x) defined on X, one proceeds Given functions g-^x), S 2 { ' y ""' g N as follows: 1. For i = 1, ..-, N > use the Remez algorithm (available in most subroutine libraries) to compute the best straight-line approximation C + 3.x to g.(x) on X. Let p = max |g (x) - £. - S.x|. Ill x X£A 2. For each 3. (i = 1, . • • , N) found in Step 1, and for all j ¥ i, compute the best constant approximation Cj to gj - 3^, and let =max|g.(x)-3.x-c |. (This is a trivial computation. Simply find r^ max ( gj (x) - 6.x) and r g = min ( gj (x) - 3.(x)). Then c. = (r x + r 2 )/2 and p ±J = (^ - r g )/2. ) If for some i, p.. < P- for all J, then a best approximation is constructed by taking a. = c. (j * i), a = c and 6 = S.. (Note: This is the situation described in case (i) i i' i of Theorem 2, where the best overall slope 3 is just that obtained for the best individual approximation to g.. The nonuniqueness of the a.'s also shows up clearly here, since if p.. < p. for some J, a small change in a . can be made without affecting the max error.) If a best approxi- J mat ion has not yet been found, one proceeds to Step 3. 3. One now examines function pairs. Clearly, for any pair i, J such that either p.. < p. or p < p a best simultaneous approximation ij i J x *) will be characterized by slopes of p. or g. respectively. Since these 3 values have already been shown not to yield a best- overall approxima- tion, it is only for i, J pairs satisfying neither of the above inequalities that we now wish to compute a best simultaneous approximation {y . + nx, Y. + tix). The procedure is iterative. Begin with initial J guesses of the parameters. We have used n (0) = (3. + 3.)/2, i J y. 0) = c. + (3. - 3.) (a + b)A, and y/ 0) - C. + (3. - 3.) (a + b)A, but a better choice may be possible. (Here the parameters a. b define the interval of approximation; i.e. X = [ a , b]. If X is a finite Q point set {x } , , then we assume a = x., < x < ... < x- = b.) ^ q q=l 12 Q Letting F^ (x) = g k (x) - Y k - n x. compute, for l = 0, R = max {max |E. (x)|, max |E. (x) } , x x x J and then iterate. (For simplicity, superscripts indicating the iteration number will be generally omitted. ) A. Determine points and X il < X i2 < x.., < x < Jl J2 where E.(x) (or E.(x)) takes on the value ± R (to within some preassiened i J tolerance, of course), and let associated error signs be a n • The km inequalities (k) are now readily treated by ad hoc methods. For each k, the list {a } may contain no more than one sign change. (Otherwise we would have a best individual approximation - a possibility already elimina- ted in Step 2.) One therefore checks each of the two lists for whether 8 it (a) is empty (b) has no sign changes, or (c) has one sign change. If both lists have a sign ehange, and the changes are in opposite directions (i.e. one ♦! to -1 and the other -1 to + l). then W has no solution. In fact, this is just the situation described in Theorem k; we know, therefore, that the current values of Yj, Yj, n are the best and we go on to Step It. Otherwise, one readily constructs a convenient solution to the i„e 9 ualities depending upon the outcome of these tests plus the direc- tion of the sign change (♦ to -, or - to ♦) if one occurs. For example, suppose that list i has a sign change, say o. 2 0.3 = -1 with a ±2 = +1, «,„+ list i is empty. Then (M may be satisfied by choosing and suppose that list j is "*"■' 8 ' . -1 .I - (x.„ ♦ x. J/2, and a\ - 0. A simple scheme taking care of all possibilities is easily designed. -, *• v, ' i"™ 1 + «'* a' + 6 x} to the inequalities B. Suppose a solution ic^ + B x. «j * P w ( ^ - mfl y Ie (x) - e(o' + g'x)| for k = i, j, and has been found. Let m^U) - max ji^W ev k I let M (e) = max { m. , m.>- For some small positive value of b, M(e) < R. After finding such an e (see later discussion), set ( & +i) = U) + ' , k = i, j, Y k ^k k ^ - n (£) + .3 1 . andR ( * +l) =M(s). Then return to Step A. k. At this point we have obtained a best simultaneous slope n(i, j) and corresponding approximation error R(l. j) for the pair g,, Sy Precisely as in Step 2 one now checks whether the rest of the » curves can be fitted by straight lines of slope n(i, j) and with errors no larger than R(i, j). If they can, we have solved our problem with 6 = n(i, j) and criterion (ii) of Theorem 2 is satisfied. If they cannot, we go back to Step 3 and look at the next function pair. Theorem 2 guarantees that at least one pair will yield a 3 that works. 10 h. DISCUSSION The algorithm has been programmed (by Dr. Joseph Garber) and tests on sets of simple functions indicate that it works well. In view of Theorem h, one would expect that a minimum of three iteration steps (cycles through Steps 3A - B) would be required to obtain a best approximation to any pair. That is, in general there will be only one extremal point for the initial guess and each itera- tion step is not likely to add more than one additional extremal point. In tests on four function pairs, the actual number of steps varied from a near-minimal 5 to a reasonable 9« Small changes in algorithmic details may improve this further. A key factor affecting the number of iteration steps required is the choice of the adjustment parameter e (Step 3B). It therefore seems worthwhile to include here a brief discussion of how this para- meter is chosen. Initially, a guess for e based on theory (cf. proof of Theorem 2 in [l]) is computed: e Q = H/2U 2 , where H = max max [a + 3 x| , k=i,j x and U = min {R k +8x.|l , the minimum being over all extremals (x. .,k). If the test M(e ) < R is not satisfied, we then try e = 2~ J e for j = 1, 2, ... until for some j = J we find M(e ) < R. Examination of the tests shows an average J of about 5. Furthermore, an easy way to decrease this is immediately evident. The larger J values were often associated with an iteration step in which the solution to (h) was identical to that obtained on the preceding step. It is reasonable 11 that, for two successive corrections in the same direction, the second should be of smaller size; a test and adjustment of e for this situation may he readily incorporated into the program. After e. is obtained, this value is improved by computing M (e p/10) for p = 1, 2, ..., 10, and choosing as e that value of e p/10 which minimizes M. It is possible that the number of iteration steps (Steps 3A - B) may be decreased by sweeping a finer grid at this point, but this may not effect any overall saving in time. It seems likely, however, that some very different approach from that described here may lead to a really efficient way of computing a near-optimal e. 12 REFERENCES [l] G. G. Belford, 'Uniform approximation of vector-valued functions with a constraint', Math. Comp. 26, 1+87-^92 (1972). [2] E. Stiefel, 'Numerical methods of Tchebycheff approximation', in On Numerical Approximation , R. E. Langer, ed., University of Wisconsin Press, Madison. 1959- [3] G. Meinardus, Approximation of Functions , Springer-Verlag, New- York, 1967, pp. 105-116. UNCLASSIFIED Security Classification DOCUMENT CONTROL DATA -R&D (Security claf Ideation of tlllm, body of aba tract mnd Indamrnt annotation mil ba antarad whan tha ovarall report la claialtlad) I. ORIGINATING ACTIVITY (Corporal* author) Center for Advanced Computation University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Urbana, Illinois ia. REPORT SECURITY CLASSIFICATION UNCLASSIFIED 2b. CROUP 3 REPORT TITLE An Algorithm for Fitting Related Sets of Straight-Line Data 4. DESCRIPTIVE MOTE* (Trpa o I taper t mnd htelualra dmtaa) Research Report 8 authoR(S) (Fttat nmmta, mxlddta Initial, laat nama) Geneva G. Belford a REPORT DATE December 13, 1972 Ta. TOTAL NO. OF PACES JLS. 76. NO. OF REFS Sa. CONTRACT OR GRANT NO. DAHC04 72-C-OOOl b. PROJECT NO. ARPA Order No. 1899 •a. ORIGINATOR'S REPORT NUMBER(S) CAC Document No. 5h OTHER REPORT NO(S) (Any othat number* that may ba aaalanad thla tapatt) 10 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT Copies may be requested from the address given in (l) above. II. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 12. SPONSORING Ml LI TARY ACTIVITY U. S. Army Research Office-Durham Duke Station, Durham, North Carolina 13. ABSTRACT Many physical experiments give rise to sets of curves related by the requirement that, although certain of the curve parameters may vary from curve to curve, others should by the same for all of the curves. To get the ,f best" values of the common parameters, one would like to fit all ot the curves sim- ultaneously by the appropriate theoretical expressions. This paper deals with this problem, presenting an algorithm for its solution, in the case that the curves are straight lines with common slop and "best" fit is defined in the uniform (or minimax) sense. DD ,'°?..1473 UNCLASSIFIED Security Classification UNCLASSIFIED S»curity Cl>««iflc«tion K CV WORDS Interpolation; Functional Approximation Uniform Approximation Linear Approximation Simultaneous Approximation Construction of Best Approximations LINK A IOH *T KOLI WT LINK C ROLI "T IMHASaiEIEII Security Claamification