c. Quinquennial Register OF Cornell College 1897. Quinquennial Register OF Cornell College 1897. INTRODUCTION Iowa Conference Seminary was opened November 14, 1853, an d in 1857, under a new charter, the rank and name of the institution was changed to that of Cornell College. The founders were liberal, farseeing men, who, having been attracted hither by the richness of the soil and the enrapturing beauty of the scenery, began thus early to lay the foundations of a college that should help to mould the literary, social and religious elements of the new commonwealth of Iowa. The leader in the good cause was the late Rev. Geo. B. Bowman, D. D., who had a keen appreciation of the benefits of higher education and un- tiring faith and energy in securing them. He drew around him a loyal band of kindred spirits who formed the first Board of Trustees of the col- lege in 1857, only one of whom, Hon. Hiram Price, of Washington, D. C, remains to rejoice in the growth and fruitage of this goodly tree of their planting. Since the publication of the last Quinquennial, two members of this first Board of Trustees have gone to their reward, Mr. Henry D. Al- bright and Hon. E. D. Wain. The most important means for achieving the high ends of a true college is a capable, loyal and inspiring Faculty. Cornell has been peculiarly for- tunate in its teachers. They have loved their work and have carried it on with scholarly enthusiasm. They have learned how to sacrifice and to wait for their reward in the renewed and radiant lives of their students. The present Faculty consists of thirty professors and teachers, who in the prep- aration for their specialties, represent many of the leading colleges and uni- versities of this country, while a number of them have had the advantage of study in Europe. The relations between the Faculty and Trustees have been reciprocally pleasant, as shown by the fact that the average length of service of all the regular professors now in the literary department is seven- teen and three-fourths years. And we record with heartfelt thankfulness the kind Providence that has preserved the Faculty so free from death all these years. Death has invaded the ranks of its active members but once in thirty-four years. Miss Jennie L. Fitch who had just entered upon her work as Art Teacher, was called away Dec. 26, 1895. The college approaches its fortieth anniversary with large resources and an honorable record betokening still greater usefulness. It is befitting at this time to publish a brief quinquennial register of her officers and her Alumni. Though the record in all cases is necessarily brief, and in some meagre for lack of information, yet it will present an interesting ami valu- able collection of information for which we are in debt to our painstaking compiler, Prof. Alonzo Collin. There are 657 regular Alumni of the college of whom 4.58, or 70 per cent., arc men, and 199, or 30 per cent., arc women. Of the whole body 51. CORNELL COLLEGE. in or j.j per cent., are deceased, 27 of whom were men and 24 were women. Of the men 5.9 per. cent are deceased and of the women 12. 1 per cent. Of the 47 graduates of the 1st decade six died during that decade (12.76 per cent). Of the 126 graduates of the 2d decade three died during that decade (2.4 per cent). Of the 172 graduates of the 3d decade two died during that decade (1.15 per cent). Of the 312 graduates of the 4th decade seven died during that de- cade (2.24 per cent). We are thankful for the large number of our Alumni who have become famous, but we must not confine our estimate of the college to their con- spicuous record, for equally worthy and honorable are those who have done well their part in any of the less conspicuous fields of usefulness. Many of the achievements in the higher ministries of home, church and society can not be presented in these statistics. And let it further be remembered that no record of the usefulness of the college can be complete which does not contain the work achieved by the large body of under graduates who have been compelled to leave the college without diplomas, but who have ren- dered service alike honorable to themselves and to the college. It is a great source of gratification that the college should be able in the first forty years of its existence to send out 657 graduates and about 10,000 undergraduates with their lives so touched by the nobler influences of christian culture as to enrich every department of life. With such fruitage in the past, there is no doubt as to the future. CORPORATION OFFICERS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. PRESIDENTS. Rev. G. B. Bowman 1857-58 1859-65 Rev. R. W. Keeler 1858-59 Rev. J. G. Dimmitt 1865-69 Rev. H. W. Reed 1869-71 Hon. D. N. Cooley 1871-76 Rev. A.J. Kynett 187677 Bishop E. G. Andrews 1877-81 Bishop J. F. Hurst 1881-84 Hon. W. F. Johnston 1884 — SECRETARIES. Hon. E. D. Wain 1857-67 Rev. S. N. Fellows 1867-68 Col. H. H. Rood 1868 — TREASURERS. Henry D. Albright, Esq 1857-60 Henry A. Collin, Esq 1860-92 Col. H. H. Rood 1892 — iv CORNELL COLLEGE. TRUSTEES. Rev. George B. Bowman, D. D 1857-66 Born in Burke County, (now Caldwell), N. C, May i, 1812, died at San Jose, Cal., Oct. 10, 1888. Henry D. Albright, Esq 1857-64 1865-67 Born near Hanover, Pa., March 19, 1820, died at Mt. Vernon, Iowa, June 14, 1894. Hon. Elijah D. Wain 1857-67 Born near Winchester, Va., Dec. 29, 1814, died at Mt. Vernon, Iowa, July 14, 1896. Jesse Bowen, M. D 1857-61 Born near Harper's Ferry, W. Va., Nov. 6, 1805, died near Iowa City, Iowa, March 14, 1882. Rev. Andrew Coleman 1857-65 Born in , W. Va., April 5, 1799, died at Oskaloosa, Iowa, May 4, 1881 Rev. Henry W. Reed, D. D 1857-74 Born at Hillsdale, N. Y., May 7, 1813, died at Baldwin City, Kan., Aug. 26, 1889. William Hamilton, Esq. 1857-65 Born in Ireland, Jan. io, 1813, died at San Francisco, Cal., Dec. 21, 1870. Hon. Hiram Price 1857-59 1868-83 William Hayzlett, Esq 1857-65 Born in , W. Va., Jan. 5, 1813, died at Mt. Vernon, Iowa, Nov. 5, 1S87. Hon. Jesse P. Farley 1857-62 Born near Nashville, Tenn., April 2, 1812, died at Dubuque, Iowa, May 8, 1894. Rev. R. W. Keeler, D. D. 1857-60 Jesse H. Holman, Esq 1857-60 Born at Richmond, Ind., Feb. 22, 1808, died at Mt. Vernon, Iowa, April 13, 1864. Rev. Rufus Ricker 1857-63 1879 92 Born in Jefferson Co., 111., April 28, 1821, died at St. Ansgar, Iowa, Nov. 22, 1892. Rev. J. G. Dimmitt *. 185769 Born at Harper's Ferry, W. Va., March 1, 1806, died at Des Moines, Iowa, Nov. 20, 1872. N. W. McKean, Esq 1857-66 Born at W. Burlington, Pa., Aug. 27, 1814, died at Mt. Vernon, Iowa, Dec. 14, 1889. W. H. Lunt, Esq 1859-65 Rev. S. M. Fellows, M. A 1860-63 Born at Sandwich, N. H., Nov. 23, 1818, died at Mt. Vernon, Iowa, June 26, 1863. G. L. Carhart, M. D 1860-63 1865-80 Hon. J. B. Young, M. A 1861-79 Born in Uniontown, Pa., Feb. 18, 1832, died at Wellstown, New, Jan. 24, 1887. Rev. George Clifford- 1862 65 Rev. S. N. Fellows, D. D 1863-68 Rev. R. Norton, M. A 1863-72 1874-80 Born at Southington, O., March 20, 1819, died at Windom, O., Sept. 30, 1883. Robert Young, Esq 1863-66 Hon. H. C. Henderson 1864-70 Rev. A. B. Kendig, 1). I) 1864-76 Rev. A. J. Kynett, I). D., LL. D 1865-80 1881 — G. P. Deitz. Esq 1865-69 CORNELL COLLEGE. v Rev. C. G. Truesdell 1866-69 Hon. James Wright 1866-96 Henry A. Collin, Esq 1866-92 Born at Hillsdale, N. Y., Jan. 6, 1817, died at Mt. Vernon, Iowa, Nov. 17, 1892. A. R. Knott, Esq 1867-71 Col. H. H Rood ....1867 — David Platner, Esq 1868-69 Born at Cherry Valley, N. Y., March 21, 1819, died at Mt. Vernon, Iowa, Nov. 12, 1883. Hon. D. N. Cooley, M. A 1868-92 Born at Lisbon, N. H., Nov. 7, 1825, died at New York City, N. Y., Nov. 13, 1892 Rev. S. A. Lee ■ 1868-81 Born in Delaware Co., O., Dec. 4, 1829, died at Toledo, Iowa, Jan. 6, 1&95. Rev. J. M. Rankin 1868-72 Rev. J. W. Clinton, D. D 1868-94 Born at Dundas, Ontario, Can., Feb. 10, 1831, died at Vinton, Iowa, Jan. 26, 1894. Hon. Thomas H. Benton 1868-70 Born in Williamson Co., Tenn., Sept. 5, 1816, died at St. Louis, Mo., April 10. 1879. C. L. Mozier, Esq 1868-78 Rev. E. W.Jeffries, B. D 1868-70 Hon. Robert Smyth 1868 — Rev. S. H. Henderson 1868-77 Rev. W. F. Paxton, D. D 1868-74 1877-84 Born near Gettysburg, Pa., March 12, 1835, died at San Francisco, Cal., Oct. 21, 1894. A. P. Hosford, Esq .... 1868-77 Born at North Thetford, Vt., Dec. 8, 1811, died at Clinton, Iowa, Sept. 12, 1886. C. H. Kurtz, Esq 1868-71 Rev. Emory Miller, D. D., LL. D 1868-74 1876-83 Rev. E. K. Young, U. D. (No. 20) 1868-84 Born in Oneida County, N. Y., Jan. 4, 1840, died at Saranac Lake, N. Y., Nov. 27, 1896. Rev. E. Skinner 1869-79 Edmund Miller, Esq 1869-74 Born in Huntington Co., Pa., Dec. 20, 1822, died at Waterloo, Iowa, March 4, 1874. Thomas R. Ercanbrack, M. A 1869-72 Ira Stimson. Esq 1869-72 Born at Springfield, Mass., Nov. 23, 1815, died at Maquoketa, Iowa, Nov. 23, 1893. Rev. S. A. Knapp, LL. D 1869-81 M. M. Moulton, Esq 1870-73 R. B. Tomlinson, Esq 1870-73 W. J. Young, Esq 1870-96 Born at Belfast, Ireland, Feb. 27, 1827, died at Clinton, Iowa, June, 8, 1896. Hon. W. F.Johnston 1871 — S. H. Watson, Esq 1871-86 Born near Triadelphia, W. Va., July 3, 1828, died at Vinton, Iowa, Aug. 7, 1895. Bishop E. G. Andrews, D. D., LL. D 1872-80 Rev. J. H. Rhea, D. D 1872-81 1882-91 Born in Lincoln Co., Tenn., July 13, 1827, died at Clinton, Iowa, May 27, 1896. Rev. Chas. Cline 1872-75 J. W. Simpson, Esq 1872-75 vi CORNELL COLLEGE. C. W. Rollins, M.S. (No. 76) 1873-76 J. K. Pixley, Esq 1873-82 Rev. J. S. Anderson, M. D 1874-76 Rev. J. B. Albrook, D. D. Ph., D. (No. 84) 1874-80 1881-90 1893 — William W. Smith, Esq 1874-77 Hon. John W. Akers, M.S. (No. 82) 1875-78 Rev. Lewis E. Curts, D. D. (No. 62) 1876-88 William Fields, Esq — 1877-92 J. W. Bull, Esq 1877-83 Rev. G. W. Brindell 1876-80 Born at Philadelphia, Pa., Feb. 22, 1831, died at Lyons, Iowa, April 13, 1897. Rev. L. Hartsough 1878-79 Capt. E. B. Soper, M. A. (No. 59) 1878 — Rev. J. H. Rigby, D. D. (No. 46) 1878-81 Born in Cedar Co., Iowa, Jan. 6, 1844 died at Manchester, Iowa, June 18, 1892. Rev. William Fawcett, D. D 1879-82 Captain W. T. Rigby, M. A. (No. 75) 1879 — Bishop J. F. Hurst, D. D., LL. D 1880-84 Isaac Garmoe, Esq 1880-86 Rev. Bennett Mitchell, U. D 1880-89 Rev. J. H. Lozier, M. A 1880-91 Rev. I. N. Pardee, M. A 1880-83 Rev. R. D. Parsons, D. D. (No. 45) 1880-89 Rev. J. A. Potter, 1882-84 Wm. Tackaberry, Esq 1882-84 Rev. R. C. Glass, D. D 1882-91 E. B. Hayward, Esq 1883-89 C. J. Ives, Esq 1883-86 Rev. J. C. R. Layton 1883-86 Captain D. L. Riley 1883-92 Ex-Lieut. Gov. O. H. Manning 1884-85 Rev. E. L. Miller, D. D 1884 — Rev. Wilmot Whitfield, D. D 1884-90 Col. E. S. Ormsby 1884 — H. S. Payne, Esq 1884-87 Rev. J. H. Carlton, M. A 1885-94 O. P. Miller, Esq 1886 — Rev. J. W. Walker 1886-89 J. R. Morin, Esq 1886-92 J. H. Brush, Esq ic86 92 Hon. Eugene Secor 1887 — Supt. W. F. Cramer, M. A. (No. 183) - 1888 — Bishop John P. Newman, D. D., LL. D 1889 — Rev. Jesse Cole, M. A 1889 — Hon. Ben McCoy, M. S. (No. 52) r 1889 — Noah Williams, Esq 1889 — Leslie M. Shaw, M. S. (No. 141) tSqo — Rev. G. W. L. Brown 1890-94 John W. Reeder, Esq 1891 — CORNELL COLLEGE. vn H. L. Eramert, Esq 1891-94 Rev. VV. A. Black 1891 — John Gibson, Esq 1892 — Dr. W. O.Clark 1892-96 Born near Big Rock, Iowa, Sept. 22, 1858, died at Burlington, Iowa, June 22, 1896. Warren Harman, M. A (No. 68) 1892 — A. M. Johnson, Esq 1892 — Gardner Cowles, M. A 1893 — Judge J. J. Tollerton, M. A 1893 — W. C. Stuckslager, Esq 1893 — Col. Henry Egbert, .. 1894 — Chas. H. Eighmey, Esq 1894 — Rev. G. W. Pratt" 1894 — P. M. Joice, Esq 1896 — Rev. Julius A. Ward, D. D. (No. 77) 1896 — Rev. W.W.Carlton, M. Ph. (No. 285) 1896 — Major Chas. W. Kepler 1896 — EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. J. G. Dimmitt 1866-68 H. D. Albright 1866-67 W. F. King 1866-73 1874-83 H.A.Collin 1866-92 G. L. Carhart 1866-77 H. H. Rood 1867-77 1893 — A. R. Knott 1867-69 Robert Smyth 1868 — H. Boyd 1873-75 W. F. Johnston .. 1877 — S. A. Knapp 1877-80 W. T. Rigby 1880 — J. E. Harlan 1883 — R. C. Glass 1886-88 E. B. Soper 1886 — Eugene Secor 1888 — COLLEGE SECRETARIES. Wm. D. Phifer 1893-94 James E. Harlan 1894 — LIBRARIANS. Stephen N. Fellows 1857-60 Alonzo Collin.- 1860-70 Hamline H. Freer 1870-73 S. N. Williams 1873-91 Wm. C. Webster 1891-93 May L. Fairbanks 1893 — viii CORNELL COLLEGE. FACULTY. PRESIDENTS. R. W. KEELER. M. A., Ohio Wesleyan University, 1858; D. D., Upper Iowa University, 1871; joined New York Conference of the M. E. Church, 1845; transferred to Upper Iowa Cenference, 1856; President of Cornell College, 1857-59; Principal of Ep worth Seminary, 1859-64; Delegate to General Conference, i860, also in 1864 and 1872; Secretary of Upper Iowa Conference eleven years; Dean of School of Theology in Central Tennessee College, Nash- ville, 1884-90; Lecturer on English Bible in Upper Iowa University, 1891. Des Moines, Iowa. SAMUEL M. FELLOWS. M. A., Indiana Asbury (now DePauw) University; Teacher in Rock River Seminary, Mt. Morris, 111., 1843-53; Principal of Iowa Conference Seminary, 1853-57; Professor of Latin Language and Literature in Cornell College, 1857-59; Acting President of Cornell College, 1859-60; President of Cornell College and Professor of Mental and Moral Science, 1860-63. Born at Sandwich, New Hampshire, Nov. 23, 1818. Died at Mount Vernon, June 26, 1863. WILLIAM FLETCHER KING. B. A., 1857, and M. A., i860, Ohio Wesleyan University; D. D., Illi- nois Wesleyan University, 1870; LL. D., State University of Iowa, and Ohio Wesleyan University, 1887; Principal Unionville Academy, Tennes- see, 1853-54: Tutor in Ohio Wesleyan University, 1857-62; joined the Up- per Iowa Conference of the M. E. Church, 1862; Professor of Latin and Greek Languages in Cornell College, 1862-63; Acting President of Cornell College, 1863-65; President same 1865 — ; Delegate to General Conference, 1876, 1888 and 1896; member of the National Council of Education, 1886; National Commissioner of the World's Columbian Commission, 1890; mem- ber of the Board of Education of the M. E. Church, 1895. VICE-PRESIDENT. JAMES E. HARLAN (No. 67.) B. A., 1869, and M. A., 1872, Cornell College: Superintendent Cedar Rapids Public School, 1869-72; Principal Third Ward School, Sterling, Illi- nois, 1872-73; Alumni Professor of Mathematics in Cornell College, 1873-80; Alumni Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy in same, 1880; Vice- President of Cornell College, 1881 — . CORNELL COLLEGE. PROFESSORS. STEPHEN N. FELLOWS. B. A., 1854, and M. A., 1857, Indiana Asbury (now DePauw) Univer- sity; D. D., 1871, Cornell College; joined Upper Iowa Conference, 1856; Professor of Mathematics and Natural Science in Cornell College, 1857-60; Professor in State University of Iowa, 1867-87; member of the Second Ecu- menical Methodist Conference at Washington, D. C. Pastor of M. E. Church, Fayette, Iowa. DAVID H. WHEELER. M. A., Cornell College, 1858; D. D., Cornell College, 1867; LL. D. Northwestern University, 1881; Professor of Greek Language and Litera- ture in Cornell College, 1857-59; Professor of Ancient Languages in same, 1859-60; Professor of Greek Language in same, 1860-61; United States Con- sul, Genoa, Italy, 1861-66; Professor of English Literature, Northwestern, University, 1867-75; Editor of ''The Methodist," New York City, 1875-82; President of Allegheny College, Meadville, Pa., 1883-92; author of '-Brig- andage in South Italy;" "By-ways of Literature;" "Our Industrial Utopia;" and "British and American Literature." Meadville, Pa. ALONZO COLLIN. B. A., 1858, and M. A., 1862, Wesleyan University, Middletown, Conn.; Sc. D., Upper Iowa University, 1888; Professor of Mathematics and Nat- ural Science in Cornell College, 1860-68; Professor of Natural Sciences in same, 1868-81; Professor of Chemistry and Experimental Physics in State University, Lincoln, Neb., 1881-82; Professor of Physics and Chemistry in Cornell College, 1882 — ; Fellow of the American Association for the Ad- vancement of Science, 1891. DENISON GAGE. M. A., 1858, Wesleyan University; Principal of Stansead Academy, Canada East, 1855-58; Principal of Amenia Seminary, New York, 1858-60; Professor of Latin Language and Literature in Cornell College, 1861-62. Born at Maiden, Mass., Oct. 6, 1828. Died at Mount Vernon, Iowa, July 25, 1862. SAMUEL H. MANLEY. B. A., i860, and A. M., 1863., Ohio Wesleyan University; Professor of Greek and Latin, Cornell College, 1863-71; Professor of Greek and Latin, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, 1871-76. Normal, Illinois. CORNELL COLLEGE. EDWARD MERRICK. B. A., 1864, and M. A., 1867, Ohio Wesleyan University; Professor of Mathematics in Cornell College, 1868-70. Wilmington, Ohio. HARRIETTE J. COOKE. M. A., 1859, Cornell College; Instructor in Cornell College, 1857—71 ; Preceptress in same, 1866-Q0; Professor of History and German in same, 1871-86; Professor of History and Science of Government in same, 1886-90; studying Methods of Deaconess Work at Mildmay Park, London, 1891-92; Assistant in the Deaconess' Training School, Mildmay, London, England; Superintendent of Medical Mission University Settlement. Boston, Mass. HUGH BOYD. B. A., 1859, and M. A., 1862, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio; D. D., Ohio University, 1885; Professor of Greek and Latin. Cornell College, 1871-81; Acting President of same, 1873-74; Professor of Latin in same, 1881 — . HAMLINE H. FREER (No. 64.) B. S., 1869, and M. S., 1878; B. A., 1880, and M. A., 1883, Cornell Col- lege; Principal of Schools, Chariton, Iowa, 1869; Teacher in Preparatory Department of Cornell College, 1870-72; Principal of Preparatory and Nor- mal Department in same, 1872-87; Senior Fellow in Political Economy, L T niversity of Chicago, 1892-93; Professor of Science and Art of Teaching and Political Economy, Cornell College, 1887 — • ISAAC T. WEBSTER. M. S., 1876, Cornell College; Graduated from Military Academy, West Point, New York; Professor of Civil Engineering and Military Science in Cornell College, 1872-73; Professor of Military Science and Tactics in same, 1873-76; Professor of same in University of Nebraska, 1879-82. Born at New York, September 7. 1842. Died at San Francisco, California, July 7, 1886. SYLVESTER N. WILLIAMS. B. C. E., 1872, and C. E., 1890, Cornell University; Adjunct Professor of Mathematics, Cornell College, 1872-73; Professor of Civil Engineering in same, 1873-83; Librarian, 1873-91; Professor of Civil and Sanitary En- gineering in same, 1883 — . CORNELL COLLEGE. xi ISAAC H. BUNN. M. A., .1873, Cornell College; Professor of Vocal Music in Cornell Col- lege, 1872-83. Born at Clinton, New Jersey, September 26, 1844- Died at Shellrock, Iowa, June 9, 1891. FELIX FLEISCHER. Professor of Instrumental Music in Cornell College, 1872-73. HENRY FRANK. Professor of Rhetoric and Elocution in Cornell College, 1875-76. JOHN E. MYERS. Graduated from Military Academy, West Point, New York, 1873; Pro- fessor of Military Science and Tactics in Cornell College, 1876-80. Born at Dannemora, New York, August 18, 1849. Died at San Antonio, Texas, May 28, 1894. JOSIAH H. KELLOGG. Graduated from Military Academy, West Point, New York, i860; made Colonel of Pennsylvania Cavalry, 1862; Brevetted Major for gallant and meritorious services in battle of Gettysburg, 1863; retired on account of in- juries in line of duty, 1865; Professor of Military Science and Tactics in Cor- nell College, 1880-83. Pontiac Building, Chicago, III. WILLIAM H. NORTON (No. 153). B. A., 1875, and M. A., 1878, Cornell College; Tutor in Latin and Greek Languages in Cornell College, 1875-77; Adjunct Professor of Latin and Greek Languages in same, 1877-81; Professor of Greek Language and Lit- erature and Geology in same, 1881-90; Curator of Museum, 1882; Professor of Geology in same, 1890 — ; Special Assistant Iowa Geological Survey, 1892; Author of "The Artesian Wells of Iowa, Vol. 6, Iowa Geological Survey," 1897; Fellow of the Geological Society of America, 1895. W. C. KIDDER. Professor of Instrumental Music and Vocal Culture in Cornell College, : 878-80. xii CORNELL COLLEGE. SAMUEL R. JONES. Graduated from Military Academy, West Point, New York, 1867; Profes- sor of Military Science and Tactics in Cornell College, 1883-86; Captain Quartermaster Department. U. S. A., 1892. Jefferson Barracks, Mo. WILLIAM B. GODFREY. Instructor in Yoice Culture in Cornell College, 1884-85; Professor of Voice Culture in same, 188^-89. Narberth, Pa. OVID P. BARBOUR. Instructor on Piano and Violin and in Harmony in Cornell College, 1884-85 ; Professor of Instrumental Music and Harmony in same, 1885-92. Kpworthy la. GEORGE O. CURME. B. A., 1882, University of Michigan; M. A., 1885, De Pauw University; Professor of Modern Languages in Lniversity of Washington, Seattle. Washington, 1882-84; Instructor in German and French in Cornell College, 1881-86; Professor of German and French, 1886-91; Professor of German Language and Literature in same, 1891-97. Ez'anston, III. EDWIN S. CURTIS. Private in Co. D, 48th New York, 1861-63; Graduated from Military Academy, West Point, New York, 1867; Professor of Military Science and Tactics in Cornell College, 1886-89. Fort Adams, R. I. WALTER HOWE. Graduated from Military Academy, West Point, New York, 1867; grad- uated at Artillery School, Fort Monroe, Virginia, 1873; served among Osage Indians in Kansas, 1869; served in Lava Beds, California, at the close of the Modoc War, 1873; served in Powder River Expedition, 1876; Military Professor at Pennsylvania State College, 187780; Professor of Military Sci- ence and Tactics in Cornell College, 1889-92; Promoted Captain, 1891. Washington Barracks, \\ T ashi)igton. D. C. \\. B. VAN VALKENBURG. Graduated from the New England Conservatory of Music, Boston, Mass., 1884; Professor of Yoice and Piano, Allegheny College, 1886; Direc- CORNELL COLLEGE. xm tor of Music Normal School, Fremont, Nebraska, 1887; Professor of Voice and Acting Director of the Conservatory of Music of Cornell College, 1889- 90; Professor of Voice Culture and Director of Conservatory of Music in same, 1890 — . CHARLES J. GOODWIN. A. B., 1887, and M. A., 1890, Bowdoin College; Ph. D., Johns Hopkins University, 1890; Scholar of the Johns Hopkins University, 1888-89; Fellow of Johns Hopkins University, 1889-90; Professor of the Greek Language and Literature in Cornell College, 1890-92; Member of the American Oriental Society and the American Philological Association. WILLIAM C. WEBSTER. B. A., 1887, Albion College, Michigan; Instructor in Grand Prairie Sem- inary, Onarga, 111., 1887-89; Graduate Student in History and Politics at Johns Hopkins University, 1889-90; Professor of History and Science of Government in Cornell College, 1890-93. ERMINA M. FALLASS MURLIN. Ph. B., 1882, Albion College, Michigan; M. A., 1886, and Ph. D., 1888, De Pauw University; Instructor in English and Mathematics in De Pauw L T niversity, 1888-90; engaged in study at Paris and Berlin, 1890-91; Precep- tress and Professor of French and English Literature in Cornell College, 1891-93. Baldwin, Kan. JENNIE M. HOYT RICHMOND. Finished Course in Piano at the New England Conservatory, Boston, Mass., 1886; Instructor of Piano in Cornell College, 1887-90; Adjunct Pro- fessor of Piano in same, 1889-91; Professor of Piano in same, 1891-92. Lac on. III. CHARLES L. PHILLIPS. Graduated from Military Academy, West Point, New York, 1881; A. B., 1887, Colby University; C. E., 1888, Maine State College of Agriculture and Mechanical Arts; Professor of Military Science and Tactics in Cornell Col- lege, 1892-96. Fort Monroe, Va. GEORGE W. NEWTON. Graduated from the Iowa State Normal School, 1882; S. B. 1887, and A. M., 1890, State University of Iowa; Student in Harvard University, 1890-91; Instructor in Biology and Botany in Cornell College, 1891-92; Professor of Biology and Botany in same, 1892-94. Cedar Falls, la. xiv CORNELL COLLEGE. WILLIAM STAHL EBERSOLE. A. M., 1888, Lebanon Valley College; Graduate Student in Yale Uni- versity, 1890-92; Professor of Greek Language and Literature in Cornell College, 1892—; engaged in study at Athens, Greece, 1896-97. JAMES A. JAMES. Graduated from Wisconsin State Normal School, 1884; B. L., 1888, State University of Wisconsin; University Scholar in History, 1891; Fellow in History, 1892, and Ph. D., 1895, Johns Hopkins University; Professor of History and Science of Government in Cornell College, 1893 — . CLARENCE WILBER BOWERS. Graduated from the New England Conservatory of Music, 1892; Pro- fessor of Instrumental Music and Harmony in Cornell College, 1893-95. Colorado Springs, Col. CLARA CONKLIN. M. L. A., 1864, Ohio Wesleyan Female College; A. M., 1884, Ohio Wes- leyan University; Instructor in English in Ohio Wesleyan University, 1880- 84; Adjunct Professor of English Language in the same, 1884-92; Precep- tress and Professor of English Literature in Cornell College, 1893-95. HARRY M. KELLY. A. B , 1888, and A. M., 1891, Bucknell University; A. B., 1891, and A. M., 1893, Harvard University; Professorof Biology in Cornell College, 1894 — . THOMAS NICHOLSON. Graduated from Provincial Normal School, Toronto, Canada, 1881; Ph. B., 1890, Illinois Wesleyan University; S. T. B., 1892, Garrett Biblical In- stitute; A. B., 1893, and A. M., 1895, Northwestern University; Professor and Principal of the Academy of Cornell College, 1894-95; Professor of Logic and Biblical Literature in Cornell College and Principal of the Academy, 1 895-. FLORENCE LOUISE MITCHELL. Graduated from the Maine Wesleyan College, 1874; Graduate Student in University of Chicago, 1893-95; Preceptress and Professor of English Literature in Cornell College, 1895 — . JOHN D. C. HOSKINS. Graduated from Military Academy, West Point, New York, 1868; Pro- fessor of Military Science and Tactics in Cornell College, 1896-96. CORNELL COLLEGE. xv JOHN C. WATERMAN. Graduated from Military Academy, West Point, New York, 1881; Dis- tinguished Graduate U. S. Infantry and Cavalry School, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, 1895; Professor of Military Science and Tactics in Cornell College, 1 897-. ADJUNCT PROFESSORS. FRANCES M. MARTIN DOB SON, Teacher of English Literature and Rhetoric in Cornell College, 1875-83; elected Professor of English Literature and Rhetoric in same, 1883. Sioux Falls, South Dakota. MARY BURR NORTON (No. 168.) B. S., 1877, and M. S..-M. A., 1880, Cornell College; Teacher of French and Mathematics in Cornell College, 1877-83; Adjunct Professor of French and Mathematics in same, 1883-86; Adjunct Professor of Mathematics in same, 1886-92; Associate Professor of Mathematics in same 1892 — . HENRIETTA ASH BANCROFT (No. 308.) Ph. B., 1886, Cornell College; Ph. M., 1888, University of Michigan; Instructor in English Literature and Rhetoric in Cornell College 1883-86; Adjunct Professor ot English Literature and Rhetoric in same, 1886-90; Dean of Woman's College University of Southern California, 1890-91; Prin- cipal of Riverside High School, California, 1891-92; Preceptress and Pro- fessor of English, Albion College, Michigan, 1893 — • Albion, Michigati. CHARLES A. CUMMING. Student Academy of Design, Chicago, 1879; pupil of Gustave Bou- langer and Jules Defebure, 1885-86, and of Doucet and Constant in the Academie Julian, Paris, France, 1890-92; Instructor in Painting in Cornell College, 1879-81; Instructor in Drawing and Painting in same, 1881-90; Director of Art School in same, 1890-95. Des Moines, Iowa. FRANCES C. SHOECRAFT. Ph. B., Syracuse University; Instructor in English and Latin, 1887-90; Adjunct Professor in Latin in Cornell College, 1890-91; Teacher in Girls' Classical School. Indianapolis, Ind. xvi CORNELL COLLEGE. INSTRUCTORS AND TUTORS. Susan E. Hale, M. A., 1859, Cornell College; Preceptress and Teacher of French. Born at Conway, New Hampshire, Sept. 23, 1824, died at Hamilton, Minnesota, Feb. 25, 1881 1857-65 Alice M. Foulke 1857-58 Madge E. Oliver Kinsey, (No. 11.) 1858-60 Ellen E. Leebrick Mann 1860 62; 1868-69 Emma J. Newland Werntz 1862-63 Amanda F. Plaskett Smead '(No. 14.) 1863-64; 1871-75 Libbie J. Ayres Bauman 1863-64 Mary M. Ayres Snow 1863-64 Libbie Prior Stephens 1864-68 Louisa C. Albright Manley (No. 22.) 1864-65 Thomas L. Stephens (No. 31.) 1865-68 Mary E. Ely Rollins, B. A., born at Pittsfield, Mass., Dec. 17, 1839, died at Ida Grove, Iowa, May 17, 1879 1865-70; 1872-74 Etta A. Prior-- 1865-67 James S. Hayes 1866-70; 1871-72 Emma Weigley. 1867-69 Erastus B. Soper (No. 59) 1868-69 Cornelia W. Shinn 1869-71 Alice A. Fellows Rigby (No. 41.) 1869-70 Emily L. Wyman 1870-71 Mary A. Neff Ford {No. 44.) 1870-75 Samuel H. Goodyear (No. 137.) 1870-71; 1872-74 Genia M. Wilde Olney (No. 80.) 1871-73 Mary K. Butler Miller, born at Brentwood, England, Dec. 4, 1830, died at South Bend, Indiana, June 29, 1887 1871-73 Ella S. Rigby Davis {No. 101.) 1873-75 Martha A. Locke, B. S., 1873-74 Ella Earl 1873-74 Henrietta L. Albright P ear ce {No. 25.) 1873-74 Mary Ellen Moody Boyd, M. A., 1873-77 Mary Frye Stribling 1874-78 Rev. J. W. Hanna, M. A., born at Fredericksburg, Ohio, Jan. 4, 1827, died at Emporia, Kansas, March 16, 1892 1874-76 Mary Lovelace 1874-76 Martha H.Jones . . 1874-75 Eleanor A. Snyder. . .. 1874-75 Charles M. Brown (No. 146) 1874-75 Eva A. Hutchins 1875-78 Charles A. Pollock (No. 178) 1875-78 Fred M. Abbott (No. 164) 1875-77 Julian B. Hubbell __. 1875-76 L. A. W. Stimpson, M. A., 1876-77 William F. Cramer (No. 183) 1876-79 CORNELL COLLEGE. xvn William H. Albright (No. 166) 1876-77 M. Beaumont Gray 1877-78 Tyndale Palmer 1877-78 Jennie M. Kidder 1878 81; 1885-87 Benjamin C. Cory 1878-79 David W.Ford (No. 147) 187980 Clara A. Haubrick Davis 1879-80 Robert Cousins (No. 211) 1879-81 Simeon H. Cranmer (No. 212) 1879-81 Henry C. White (No. 236) 1879-82 Belle Hanna (No. 185) 1880-82; 1883-89; 1892-93 Angie P. Bragg.... 1880-80 E. Kate Fox Power 1880-82 Mary E. Lewis 1880-81 Hattie J. Leonard Colburn 1881-85 Clara A. Brackett Smith 1881-85 J. R. Anthony 1881-82 Rollo F. Hurlburt (No. 229) . 1881-82 M. Lizzie Walker Layton 1882-84 Frank Hoare 1882-84 Mary A.Barrett Whitmire 188283 Hattie E. Sessions Merritt (No. 196.) 1882-83; 1885-87 Isaac W. Cranmer (No. 240) 1882-83 Fred P. Fisher (No. 314) 1882-83 W. V. Chambers 1883-89 A. A. Ladd 1883-84 Elizabeth S. Chadbourne 1884-85 Louis O. Jurgensen 1885-86 Fannie B. McClung Lewis, born near Tipton, Iowa, June 29, i860, died at Epworth, Iowa, April 24, 1895 1885-86 Violetta M. Crandall Harris (No. 239) 1885-86 Grant Wyrick 1885-86 E. B. Warman, M. A., 1886-87 Luella Boyd (No. 257) 188687 Ella Albright Olmsted 1886-88 George E. Whitehill, B. L., 188789 Flora M. Goudy 1887-8/ Henry M. Rathbun 1887-88 Ella F.Godfrey 1888-89 A. Maeder 1888-89 Mahala Dutton 1888-89 Blanche Swingley (No. 450) 1888-91 Jennie L. Fitch, born at Canton, Pa., July 2, i860, died at Mount Vernon, Iowa, Dec. 26, 1895 1889-92; 1895-95 Benjamin L. Remick (No. 386) 1889-92 Eliza J. Hyndman (No. 215) 1889-94 W. I. Staley _.. 1889-91 Henrietta Rigley 1889-91 Corinth Crook, B. S.,. 1889-91 xviii CORNELL COLLEGE. Sarah G. Bagnell, A. M, 1890-91 E. F. Reamer --. 1890-91 Edward R. Ristine (No. 643) 1891— Lucy Dean 1891-93 Isabel E. Graves, Ph. B., 1891-93 Nina V. Benedict 1891-93; 1896— Helen M.Young dimming 1891-95 Katherine E. Oliver, B. S., 1891-94 Laura F. Ristine 1891 — William Taylor Jackson 1892-93 M. Jennette Louden 1892-93 Mary Elizabeth Smith (No. 197) 1892-92 1895 — John George Mitchell 1893-93 Sarah Andrews Hackett Thornton 1893-96 Florence Augusta Martin 1893-94 Elsie Esther West (No. 543) J893-95 Carrie Guilford Gardner 1893-94 Jessie Carlotta Mack Hamilton 1893-96 Margaret Richie Wiseman 1894 — Maud Wilson 1894-96 Frances C. Hoadley 1894 — Mary E. Marshall 1895-96 Mablyn Roosevelt Fuller 1895-95 Judson W. Mather 1895 — Mary Edith Love (No. 440) 1895 — Ernestine Cotton . 1895-95 Gertrude M. Potwin 1895-96 Julia E. King (No. 410) 1896-96 Frederick G. G. Schmidt 1896 — Albert M. Harris 1896— Gertrude F. Mather 1896— Lucile Pollard 1896 — Henry A. Mills 1897— [The numbers in the above list correspond to those in the Alumni Record.] CORNELL COLLEGE. HONORARY DEGREES CONFERRED BY CORNELL COLLEGE. XIX DOCTOR OF LAWS. Hon. John F. Dillon, 1862. Hon. Wm. B. Allison, 1887. Dr. Thaddeus A. Reamy, 1! >0. Bishop. Cyrus D. Foss, 1879. *Rev. James D. Mendenhall, 1! Hon. Henry Sabin, 1894. DOCTOR *Rev. Thomas M. Eddy, i860. Rev. David H. Wheeler, 1867. *Rev. Henry W. Reed, 1873. Rev. David H. Ela, 1876. Rev. George Young, 1878. *Rev. George B. Bowman, 1882. Rev. David Kay, 1883. Rev. A. B. Kendig, 1885. *Rev. J. H. Rigby, 1887. Rev. L. Curts, 1889. Rev. Bennett Mitchell, 1890. Rev. J. A. Ward, 1891. Rev. George Elliott, 1892. Rev. Richard Swearington, 1893. Rev. Sylvanus B. Warner, 1895. Rev. Geo. Washington White, 1896 OF DIVINITY. Rev. Luke Hitchcock, 1863. Rev. Stephen N. Fellows, 1871. Rev. Isaac Crook, 1875. Rev. W. O. Pierce, 1878. Rev. Earl Cranston, 188 1. Rev. John Williamson, 1882. Rev. J. E. Gilbert, 1884. Rev. W. G. Williams, 1886. Rev. F. B. Cherrington, 1888. Rev. R. D. Parsons, 1890. Rev. J. B. Albrook, 1891. Rev. John Bowman, 1891. Rev. C. C. McLean, 1893. Rev. F. H. Sanderson, 1894. Rev. W. H. Jordan, 1896. , Rev. H. O. Pratt, 1896. DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY. Rev. J. C. W. Coxe, 1876. Rev. Edward Thompson, 1881 . MASTER OF SCIENCE. *Lieut. Isaac T. Webster, 1876. MASTER Rev. David H. Wheeler, 1858. Harriette J. Cooke, 1859. *Charles A. Page, 1866. Rev. George M. Irwin, 1873. Rev. Adam Holm, 1878. Ophelia Forward, 1879. Rev. Alfred K. Johnson, 1879. Rev. James A. Van Anda, 1883. A. C. Ross, 1890. Rev. F. W. Coleman, 189 1. R. C. Barrett, 1895. C. H. Churchill, 1895. OF ARTS. *Susan E. Hale, 1859. Rev. Wilbur McKaig, i860. *Prof. Isaac H. Bunn, 1873. Prof. Samuel Calvin, 1875. Prof. Phoebe W. Sudlow, 1878. Prof. Thomas Tobin, 1879. Rev. John O. Foster, 1881. Dr. Joseph Price, 1889. Prof. George W. Tanneyhill, 1891. F. J. Sessions, 1895. W. W. Cressy, 1896. Wm. Frederick Ross, 1896. CORNELL COLLEGE. Alumni Record of Cornell College, 857-1897. 1858. 1 — Matthew Cavanaugh, M. S., Attorney at Law, Iowa City, Iowa. 2 — Mary L. Fellows Cavanaugh, M. E. L., M. S., Iowa City, Iowa. 1859- 3 — Sarah Emilie Beede, M. E. L. Born at Dixon, 111., July 20, 1837. Died at Dixon, 111., June 2, 1869. 4— Mary A. Chubbuck PeetM- E. L. Born at Orwell, Pa., March 15, 1838. Died at Viola, Iowa, August 18. 1865. 5— Lydia A. Miller Winslow, M. E. L., M. S. 6 — John A. B. Putnam, M. A.; 1862-65, Lieutenant in 23rd Texas Cavalry; 1871-72, Member of the Texas State Legislature; 1867-68, County Judge; 1885-89, District Judge. Born at Jacksonville, 111., Dec. 29, 1839. Died at Sulphur Springs, Texas, Jan. 4, 1895. 7— John G. Safely, M. A., Sergt. Maj. nth Iowa. Born at Cohoes, New York, Nov. 1, 1837. Died at Traer, Iowa, July 12, 1879. i860. 8 — Amelia Matthews Cowles, M. S. Born at Dundas, Canada, Jan. 2, 1839. Died at Buffalo, New York, April 24, 1897. 9— Oliver James Cowles, M. A.; 1862, B. D., Garrett Biblical Institute; 1866, M. A., Lawrence University; 1880, D. D., Garrett Biblical Institute; 1863-97, Minister in M. E. Church; Pastor M. E. Church, Derby, Connecticut. 10 — Thomas Hogg Dickson, B. A. Born in Edmeston, Scotland, June 5, 1838. Died at Mount Vernon, Iowa, April 3, 1862. 11 — Margaret E. Oliver Kinsey, M. S. Born near Dixon, 111., March 18, 1838. Died at Sutler Creek, California, March 20, 1885. 1 861. 12 — Addie Collin Gilruth, M. A., Davenport, Iowa. 13— Stephen D. Mather, M. A.; Captain in U. S. Army, Deputy Collector of U. S. Revenue. Born at Columbus, Pa., Feb. 29, 1836. Killed near Flintville, Tenn., Oct 7, 1892. 14— Amanda F. Plaskett Smead, M. A., 1499 Washington Boulevard, Chi- cago, 111. 15— Milo Pettibone Smith, M. A.; 1866, LL. B., LTniversity of Michigan; Captain in 31st Iowa Infantry; 1875-83, District Attorney for Eighth Judicial District; 1887-91, County Attorney Linn County; 1866-97, Lawyer, Attorney at Law, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. CORNELL COLLEGE. 1862. 16 — Wilhur C. Dimmitt, B. A.; Captain Co. F 24th Iowa Infantry. Born in Ohio, March 24, 1840. Died at Mansfield, La., May 4, 1864, of wounds received in battle of Sabine Cross Roads. 17— George H. Foster, B. A.; Private in 38th Iowa Infantry. Born at Port Byron, 111., May 18, 1840. Died on hospital boat between Memphis and Cairo, Aug. 23, 1863. 18 — Fannie J. Scott Tool, M. S. Born at Crawfordsville, Ind., Jan. 23, 1836. Died at Greenfield, Iowa, March 9, 1887. 19 — Simon Shoecraft, M. A.; 1866-97, Merchant, Clinton, Iowa. 20— Emerson K. Young. M. A.; 1883, D. D., Allegheny College; Author of "Bright Days Abroad" and "Biographers of Christ;" 1863-96, Minister in M. E. Church. Born in Oneida County, New York, Jan. 4, 1840. Died at Saranac Lake, New York, Nov. 27, 1896. 1863. 21— Jeremiah S. Eberhart, M. S.; 1866-86, Minister in M. E. Church; 1886- 97, City Mission Work, Real Estate and Publisher of Sunday School Roll of Honor, 936 W. 54th Place, Chicago, 111. 1864. 22 — Louisa Catherine Albright Manley, M. A., Normal, 111. 23 — Edwin Collin, M., A. 1865-66, Consular Clerk, Genoa, Italy; 1866-67; Consular Agent, St. Gall, Switzerland; 1867-68, Yice-Consul, Zurich* Switzerland; 1869, LL. B., Iowa State University; 1896, Delegate to the National Republican Convention at St. Louis; Attorney at Law, Northwood, Iowa. 24 — Mary A. Hayzlett Bradshaw, M. A., born near Mount Vernon, Iowa, June 21, 1846; died in Toledo, Iowa, June 25th, 1892. 25 — Henrietta L. Albright Pearce, M. A., Cripple Creek, Col. 26 — George Melville Bowman, M. S.; Private in Co. D 44th Iowa Infantry; President First National Bank of San Jose; General Manager of Golden Gate Packing Co.; Vice-President Garden City Bank and Trust Co., San Jose, Cal. 27— William A. Griffith. M. S., Greene, Iowa. 28 — Chloe Matson Collin, M. S., Mount Vernon, Iowa. 29— Eliza J. Spangler, B. A.; Born in Carroll Co., Ohio, April 12, 1845; Died at Mount Vernon, Iowa, Sept. 9, 1866. 30 — Mary E. Spencer, M. S.; 1875-82, Principal Tremont School, Cleveland, Ohio; 1882-90, Principal of School No. 6, Yonkers, N. Y.; Principal of Hathaway-Brown School for Girls, 770 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. 31 — Thomas L. Stephens, M. A.; Second Lieut. Co. D 44th Iowa Infantry; 1869-71, Principal Western Iowa Collegiate Institute; 1871-75, Su- perintendent Soldiers' Orphan Home, Glenwood, Iowa; 1897, Mayor of Glenwood, Iowa. xxii CORNELL COLLEGE. 1866. 32— John R. Hays, M. S.; 1885-97, Attorney at Law, Norfolk, Neb. 33 — Mary E. Morgan Maxlow, M. A., Lincoln, Nebraska. 34 — Thaddeus L. Smith, B. A.; Lieut. Co. F 24th Iowa Volunteers; Born at Dalton, Ohio, March 22, 1839; Died at Mount Vernon, Iowa, Dec. 29, 1868. 35— Anna C. Walker, TVL S., Santa Anna, California. 36 — Mary A. B. Witter, M. A.; 1887, Chautauqua Diploma; 1888, Iowa State Diploma; Teacher of Latin and Literature, North Side High School, 439 Burt St., Denver, Colo. 1867. 37 — Genia M. Birdsall Thrall, M. S.; Born in Schenectady, N. Y., June 24 1848; Died at Galesville, Wis., Feb. 14, 1886. 38— Anna E. Brackett NeJF, M. S. ; Mount Vernon, Iowa. 39— Flora J. Burr Parsons, M. A., Born at Woodstock, 111., April 18, 1845; Died at Los Animas, Col., Jan. 22, 1875. 40— William Alton Burr, M. A.; 1869, M. D. Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago; Corporal in Co. D 44th Iowa Infantry; 1872, Lay Delegate to General Conference of the M. E. Church from Nebraska Confer- ence; President of the Denver Homoeopathic Medical Club; Vice- President of the Homoeopathic Medical Society of the State of Col- orado; 1869-97, Medicine; Professor in Denver Homoeopathic Med- ical College; since 1894 Editor of Denver Journal of Homoeopathy, Homoeopathic Physician, 2010 Welton St., Denver, Col. 41 — Alice A. Fellows Rigby, M. A., Mount Vernon Iowa. 42 — Julia C. Haskin Sawin, M. S., Union, Iowa. 43 — Hattie A. Lamb Martin, M. S. ; Born at Elk Grove, 111., Dec. 5, 1843; Died at Belmond, Iowa, Feb. 6, 1897. 44 — Mary A. Neff Ford, M. A., Mount Vernon, Iowa. 45— Rufus D. Parsons, M. A., D. D.; Sergeant Co. D 44th Iowa Infantry; 1867-97, Minister, Pastor M. E. Church, Manchester, Iowa. 46— Joshua H. Rigby, M. A., D. D.; 1869 B. D. Garrett Biblical Institute; Born in Cedar Co., Iowa, Jan. 6, 1844; Died June 18, 1892, at Man- chester, Iowa, while Presiding Elder of Dubuque District. Upper Iowa Conference. 47— William Wilcox, M. S.; 1867-68, Teacher in Grammar School, Tipton; Iowa State Diploma; 1868-70, Principal of Tipton Schools; 1870-71, Principal of Belle Plaine Schools; 1871-73, Principal of Tipton Schools; i873-78,Principal of Manchester Schools; 1878-86, Mercan- tile Business; 1886-87, Principal of Bellevue Schools; 1886, Superin- tendent of Public Schools, Mason City; 1896, President Iowa State Teacher's Association; Superintendent of Schools, Atlantic, Iowa. 48— Josias J. Andrews, M. S.; 1st Sergeant Co. A 140th Illinois Volunteers; Horticulturist, San Antonia, California. 49 — Elizabeth Cory Soper, M. A., Emmetsburg, Iowa. 50— James A. Kerr. M. S. M. A.; Born at Kingston, Canada, June 29, 1845; Died at Mobile, Alabama, March 30, 1885. CORNELL COLLEGE. xxm 51 — Margaret C. McClaskey Rose, M. S., Mount Vernon, Iowa. 52 — Ben McCoy, M. S.; Private in 47th Iowa Infantry; 1884-92, State Sena- tor;- Judge 6th Judicial District; 1872-97, Lawyer; Attorney at Law, Oskaloosa, Iowa. 53 — Nettie McKinney Harlan, M. S., Mount Vernon, Iowa. 54 — J. Wesley Moore, M. S.; Corporal I42d Ohio Volunteer Infantry; 1888- 92, County Treasurer; Member of the 15th Iowa General Assembly; Marion, Kansas. 55— Myron K. Neff, M. S., Furniture Dealer, Mount Vernon, Iowa. 56 — Susan C. Randall Lamb, M. S., 721 20th Street, Denver, Colorado. 57— Maggie L. Reading Brower, M. S., Sterling, Nebraska. 58 — Carrie E. Reed Cherrington, M. S.; 1872-76, Missionary to India; Born at Epworth, Iowa, Nov. 25, 1847; Died at San Fernando, Calfornia, Dec. 29, 1887. 59 — Erastus B. Soper, M. A., Private Co. K 1st Iowa Infantry; Capt. Co. D 12th Iowa Infantry; 1871-97, Lawyer; Attorney at Law, Emmets- burg, Iowa. 1869. 60 — Eva Cattron Rigby, M. S., Mount Vernon, Iowa. 61 — James Plummer Coffman, M. A., Farmer, Lacon, Illinois. 62 — Lewis E. Curts, M. S., D. D., Private in Co. F 24th Iowa Infantry; Presiding Elder North Chicago Disirict; 1892, Agent of the West- ern Methodist Book Concern; 1870-97, Minister; 220 W. Fourth St., Cincinnati, Ohio. 63 — Emma E. Fellows Nowlin, M. A., 113 nth Street, San Francisco, Cal. 64 — Hamline Hurlburt Freer, M. S., M. A., Professor of the Science and Art of Teaching and Political Economy in Cornell College; (See Faculty.) 65 — Isaac F. Giger, M. A., Merchant, Toledo, Iowa. 66 — James H. Gilruth, M. A., Farmer, Davenport, Iowa. 67— James E. Harlan, M. A., Vice-President Cornell College (See Faculty.) 68 — Warren Harman, M. A., 1874-97 Lawyer; Attorney at Law, Cedar Rap- ids, Iowa. 69— Franklin W. Hart, M. A ; Private in 46th Iowa Infantry; 1882-84 mem- ber of Iowa Legislature; 1886-90, member of Governor Larrabee's Staff, with rank of Lieutenant Colonel; 1876-97 Lawyer; Attorney at Law and Real Estate Broker, North Ontario, Cal. 70— Ella M. Lee McMillen, M. S., Osborne, Kansas. 71— George A. Metzgar, M. S., M. A., General Manager of the Horizontal Freezer Co., of Chicago, and the Port Byron Lime Association, of Port Byron, Illinois; Oak Park, Illinois. 72— Anna E. Myers Clingman, M. A., David City, Nebraska. 73— Mina O. Norton Galloway, M. S., Born at Wilmington, Pa., Oct. 8, 1849; rjied at Janesville, Iowa, April 22, 1875. 74— Mary E. Platner Akers, M. A., Des Moines, Iowa. 75— -William Titus Rigby, M. A. ; Captain Co. B 24th Iowa Infantry; Far- mer, Mount Vernon, Iowa. xxiv CORNELL COLLEGE. 76— Charles W. Rollins, M. S.; Private in Co. G3ist Iowa Infantry; 1870-97 Lawyer; 1871-76, County Superintendent of Cedar County; Attor- ney at Law, Ida Grove, Iowa. 77— Julius Augustus Ward, M. S., D. D.; Private in Co. G 46th Wisconsin Infantry; Pastor of Fowler M. E. Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota. 78 — Amelia Wheeler Dimmitt, M. S., Salem, Oregon. 79— John F. Wilcox. M. A.; Private Co. D 44th Iowa Infantry; 1890-91, Teacher of Mechanics, Central Tennessee College, Nashville, Tennessee; Born at Elizabeth, 111., Jan. 29. 1845; D > ecl at Miles, Iowa, Nov. 10, 1893. 80 — Eugenia Wilde Olney, M.S., Denver, Colorado. 81 — George Wesley Young, M. S. ; Private in Co. F 44th Iowa Infantry; Merchant, Mount Vernon, Iowa. 1870. 82— John Wesley Akers, M. S. ; Private in Co. G 7th Iowa Infantry; 1882- 88, Superintendent of Public Instruction of Iowa; 1881-97 Teacher; 61 16 Madison Ave., Chicago, 111. 83 — Imogene Albright Stephens, M. S., Born at Hanover, Pa., April 29, 185 1 ; Died Aug. 5, 1877, at Centerville, Iowa. 84— J. Burleigh Albrook, M. A., D. D.; 1885, Ph. D., M. E. College of Ne- braska; Private in Co. I 2d Iowa Cavalry; 1864, First Lieutenant Milo Guards; 1870, entered the Upper Iowa Conference of M. E. Church; 1878-83, Principal Epworth Seminary; 1884-90, Journal Secretary, Upper Iowa Conference; 1890-96, Presiding Elder of Cedar Rapids District, Upper Iowa Conference; Author of "S. S. Assembly of the Northwest," and "Methodism and Her Sisters;" 1896, Delegate to General Conference; Pastor M. E. Church, Mar- shalltown, Iowa. 85 — Stephen Clingman, M. S., Attorney at Law, David City, Nebraska. 86— William Galloway, M. A., Attorney at Law; Born at Wilmington, Pa., March 16, 1843; Died at Bellevue, Iowa, March 5, 1878. 87— Ella A. Golder Van Sant, M. S., Sterling, Illinois. 88 — Lou Hoover Knapp, M. S., Iowa Falls, Iowa. 89 — Stephen A. Marine, M. A.; Private Co. G 13th Iowa Infantry; 1870-74, Treasurer of Benton County; 1890-94, U. S. Pension Agent for Iowa and Nebraska; Editor Daily and Weekly Globe-Gazette, Mason City, Iowa. 90 — Ransom H. Randall, M. S., Author and Publisher of Singing Books, 324 Dearborn St., Chicago, Illinois. 91 — Milton Starr, M. S., Grand Secretary I. O. G. T. for four years; Editor and Publisher of Algona Republican, Algona, Iowa. 92 — Frank E. Stephens, M. S.; 1863-65, Drum Major 20th Iowa Infantry; 1870-74, Superintendent of DeWitt Schools; 1876-78, County Super- intendent of Mills County; 1879-82, Superintendent of Schools, Cen- terville, Iowa; 1874-75, Editor of Glenwood Opinion; Superinten- dent of Centerville Schools, Centerville, Iowa. CORNELL COLLEGE. xxv 93 — Nicholas George Van Sant, M. S.; Private in 9th Illinois Cavalry; 1892, Lay Delegate to General Conference M. E. Church; 1894, Delegate to World's Y. M. C. A., London, England; Dealer in Lumber, Sterling, Illinois. 94 — Luther Clinton Woodford, M. A.; 1871-97, Minister; Fort Collins, Col- orado. 1871. 95— Henry S. Bargelt. M. S.; 1871-97, Minister; Pastor of M. E. Church, Postville, Iowa. 96 — N. Howard Coleman, B. A.; Born at Burlington, Iowa, Feb. 22, 1847; Died at Oskaloosa, Iowa, June 4, 1871. 97— John William Cory, M. A.; 1877-88, District Attorney for the 14th Ju- dicial District; 1873-97, Lawyer; 1881-84, Mayor of Spirit Lake, Iowa; Attorney at Law, Spencer, Iowa. 98 — Sarah D. Esget Holtsclaw, M. S., Larchwood, Iowa. 99— Merritt A. Goodell, M. A.; 1874-97, Minister; Pastor M. E. Church, Lisbon, Iowa. 100— William O. Mitchell, M. S.; Private Co. C 13th Iowa Infantry; 1891, elected Representative from 13th District; 1892, elected Speaker of the House; 1891-92, President Blue Grass League of Southwest- ern Iowa; Attorney at Law, Corning, Iowa. 101 — Ella S. Rigby Davis, M. A.; 1871-73, Teacher in Epworth Seminary; 1873-75, Teacher in Preparatory Department of Cornell College; 1877-78, Teacher in Dansville Seminary, Dansville, N. Y.; Jewett City, Conn. 102 — Jesse W. Rigby, M. A.; 1871-97, Minister; Hood River, Oregon. 1872. 103 — Augustus T. Ash, M. S.; Born at Mount Vernon, Iowa, April 18, 1851; Died at Hastings, Nebraska, Feb. 25, 1880. 104— Edgar Truman Brackett, M. A.; 1875-97, Lawyer; Senator 28th Dis- trict, New York; Councillor at Law, Saratoga Springs, N. Y. 105— Lester B. Carhart, M. A.; 1880-92, Cashier of Sheffield Bank; 1888-90, Mayor of Sheffield, Iowa; Banker, Sheffield, Iowa. 106 — George Elliott, M. S. ; Pastor Spring Garden M. E. Church, Philadel- phia, Pa. 107 — M. Louisa Freer Marine, M. S., Mason City, Iowa. 108— Emma A. Haskin Webster, M. S.; Born near Mount Vernon, Iowa, April 10, 1852; Died Nov. 29, 1880, at Lincoln, Nebraska. 109 — Elsie Hayzlett Wallace, M. A., Marion, Iowa. no— Sarah Martin, M. S.; Lost Nation, Iowa. 111 — A. Gertrude Mason Aiken, M. S.; Born at Mount Vernon, Iowa, July 23, 1854; Died at Louisburg, Kansas, Jan. 23, 1880. 112 — Lizzie McKell Smith, M. S., 21 12 Davenport St., Omaha, Neb. 113 — Willard Nowlin, M. A., Attorney at Law, 230 Montgomery St., San Francisco, California. 114 — Samuel G. Smith, M. A., Ph. D., Syracuse University; D. D., Upper Iowa University; Pastor People's Church, St. Paul, Minnesota. xxvi CORNELL COLLEGE. 115— Samuel J. Smyth, M. A.; 1887, LL. B., Iowa State University; 1881-93, Member of Legislature, State of Washington; 1892, elected City Clerk for two years; Attorney at Law, Tacoma, Washington. 116— Thomas Blaine Taylor, M. A.; 1872-73, Principal Albion Seminary; 1875-79, Clerk of the Franklin County Courts; 1896, Lay Delegate to General Conference; Attorney at Law, Hampton, Iowa. 1873- 117 — Emma F. Aldrich Stevens, M. S., Lafayette, Iowa. 118— Albert E. Carhart, M. A.; 1873-74, Principal Tama City Schools; 1874- 76, Principal Maquoketa Schools; 1889-97, Minister; Pastor M. E. Church, Elk Point, South Dakota. 119 — Jennie F. Emmert Decker, M. S., Mount Vernon, la. 120— J. Frederick Escher, M. A.; 1878, M. D. ; 1877-97, Physician; 1418 E St., San Diego, California. 121— Hannah C. Golden, M. S.; 1882, M. D., Iowa State University; 1882-97, Physician, Vinton, Iowa. 122 — Rodintha C. McDole Hayes, M. S., Denver, Colorado. 123 — Samuel L. Savidge, M. S.; 1883, District Judge, Kearney, Nebraska; Born in Clinton Co., Ohio, 1847; Died November 29, 1883, at Kear- ney. Nebraska. 124 — Anna Smyth Holden, M. S.; 1877-79, Preceptress of Napa College, Napa, California. 125— Will Smyth, M. S. ; 1876-97, Lawyer; Attorney at Law, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. 126 — -Mathias Verdin Sweesy, M. A.; Examiner of Titles, Rialto, San Ber- nardino County, California. 127 — Martin L. Ward, M. S.; 1876-97, Lawyer; Attorney at Law, San Diego, California. 1874. 128— Charles E. Albrook, M. S.; 1878-79 and 1893-94, Mayor of Eldora; 1878-97, Lawyer; Attorney at Law, Eldora, Iowa. 129 — John W. Baird, M. S.; Born at Morgantown, Va., Sept. 1, 1852; Died at San Antonio, Texas, Feb. 7, 1893. 130— William F. Barclay, M. A.; 1875-77, President of Algona College; 1896, Delegate to General Conference; 1877-97, Minister; Pastor M. E. Church, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. 131 — William Boggs, M. S., Farmer, Lafayette, Indiana. 132— Albert N. Bushnell, M. S.; Lumber Dealer, Algona, Iowa. 133— Richard W. Coates, M. A.; 1874-97, Minister, Epworth, Iowa. 134 — Walter A. Doron, M. S.; Superintendent of Public Schools, Monti- cello, Iowa. 135 — Dennis D. Ford, M. A.; Superintendent of Schools, Harvey, Chicago, 111. 136— Joseph E. Gandy, M. S. ; 1873, M. D., University of Michigan; Co. D 44th Iowa Volunteers; Member of State Legislature and Speaker of House; 729 West Fifth St., Spokane, Washington. CORNELL COLLEGE. xxvn 137 — Samuel H. Goodyear, M. A.; Author and Publisher, 256 Wisconsin Ave., Oak Park, 111. 138— Theodore F. Mentzer, M. S.; 1878, Mayor of Marion, Iowa; 1885-86, City Attorney, Mitchell, South Dakota; 1887-88, Mayor of Mitchell, South Dakota; 1887-88, Territorial Representative, South Dakota; 1886-97, Lawyer; Lumber Manufacturer and Attorney at Law, Tenino, Washington. 139 — John Loring Pollock, M. A.; Cashier for John S. Hancock & Sons, 220 W. nth St., Dubuque, Iowa. 140 — Richard L. Rowe, M. S.; Publisher, 576 Drummond Ave., Chicago, Illinois. 141— Leslie M. Shaw, M. S.; 1876, LL. B. Iowa College of Law; 1888, 1892 and 1896, Lay Delegate, General Conference of M. E. Church; President Bank of Denison; 1876-97, Lawyer; Attorney at Law, Denison, Iowa. 142 — Henry A. Sutherland. M. A.; Civil Engineer and Railway Claim Agent, Marion. Iowa. 143— Sylvanus Bucklin Warner, M. A.; 1895, D - D.Cornell College; 1884-88, Presiding Elder of St. Paul District; 1875-97, Minister; Pastor M. E. Church, Kansas City, Mo. 144— Clinton L. White, M. A.; 1881-83, Deputy Attorney General of Cali- fornia; 1886-90. Major 4th Brigade, N. G. C; Attorney at Law, 1314 7th Street, Sacramento, California. 145 — Annie J. Wiley Escher, M.S.; Born in Tyrone Co., Ireland, March 4, 185 1 ; Died at San Diego, Cal.. Nov. 4, 1892. 146 — Charles Michael Brown, M.S.; 1877, LL. B. Iowa State University; 1878-97, Lawyer; Attorney at Law, Anamosa, Iowa. 147 — David Wilmott Ford. M. A., Farmer, Mount Vernon, Iowa. 148— Mary M. Jones Bohner, M. S., Bradshaw, Nebraska. 149 — W r illiam Branson Lardner, M. S.; 1877, LL. B. Iowa State University; 1878-80, Court Commissioner for Placer County; 1880-83, District Attorney of Placer County; President of Board of Trustees of Sierra Normal College; President of Board of Directors of State Agricul- tural Society; 1877-97, Lawyer; Attorney at Law, Auburn, Califor- nia. 150— Victor Marshall Law, M. S.; 1878, M. D. Hahneman Medical College, Chicago; Professor of Physical and Natural Sciences St. Paul's College, Tokyo, Japan, for three years; Author of "Christian Evi- dences in Japan;" Rector Episcopal Church, Oakland, California. 151 — Kate Louisa Matson Goodyear, M. S., Oak Park. Illinois. 152— Thomas H. Milner, M. S., Attorney at Law, Belle Plaine, Iowa. 153 — William Harmon Norton, M. A., Professor of Geology, Cornell College (see Faculty). 154 — James Albert Rogers, M. A., Attorney at Law, Clarion, Iowa. 155 — Edward Clapp Shankland, C. E.; 1878, C. E. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, N. Y.; Chief Engineer World's Columbian Exposi tion; also Engineer to D. H. Burnham, Architect; Civil Engineer The Rookery. Chicago, Illinois. xxviii CORNELL COLLEGE. 156 — Nathaniel K. Beechley, M. A., Abstracter of Titles, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. 157 — Isaac E. Congdon, M. A., M. S., C. E., Attorney at Law, Omaha, Ne- braska. 158 — Winfield Scott Doron, M. S., Farmer, Mount Vernon, la. 159 — Hortensius Lowry Isherwood, M. S., Physician, Carl Junction, Mis- souri. •160 — Maria Lydia Ricker, M. S.; Born at Davenport, Iowa, April 27, 1850; Died at Jacksonville, 111., March 7. 1884. 161 — John Smith Sniffin, M. A., Attorney at Law, Florence, Arizona. 162 — Horace Emory Warner, M. A., B. D., Drew Theological Seminary; Pastor Christ M. E. Church, Denver, Colorado. 163 — James Carleton Young, M. S.; 1878, Commissioner to Paris Interna- tional Exposition; 1600 Second Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. 1877- 164 — Fred Marius Abbott, M. A., Attorney at Law, Independence, Iowa. 165 — Louis Bowman Albright, M. A., Wholesale Grocer, Pierre, South Da- kota. 166 — William Henry Albright, M. A., Mount Vernon, Iowa. 167 — Lewis Cass Brown, M. S.; 1878, LL. B. Iowa State University; Mc- Pherson, Kansas. 168 — Mary Florence Burr Norton, M. S., M. A., Adjunct Professor of Mathematics, Cornell College (see Faculty) 169— Frank Benjamin Gault, M. S. ; 1890-92, Member of State Board of Ed- ucation, Washington; 1892 — , President University of Idaho; 1893, President of the Idaho State Teachers' Association; Moscow, Idaho. 170 — Delos N. Gooddl, M. A.; Born at Morristown, Vermont, March 7, 1853; Died at Mount Vernon, Iowa, Feb. 7, 1882. 171— Harriett Loruhama Hewitt, M. A.; 1886-89, Principal of Mechanics- ville Public Schools; Horticulturist, Waterloo, Iowa. 172 — Arthur Graves Neff, C. E., Farmer, Mount Vernon, Iowa. 173 — Ernest Homer Smith, C. E.; Born at Naperville, 111., May 14, 1854; Died at Marengo, 111., Aug. 3, 1882. .174— Asa Wilkins Berryman, M. S.; 1885, M. D. Iowa State University; Phy- sician and Surgeon, Los Angeles, California. 175 — James Gerry Eberhart, M. A.; B. D., Drew Theological Seminary; 1886, Chaplain of the Council of the 14th Legislative Assembly of Arizona; Pastor M. E. Church, Stacyville, Iowa. 176— Charles Wesley Lyon. M. S., President of Ellsworth College, Iowa Falls, Iowa. 177— Charles Edward Moore, M. A., St. Louis, Missouri. 178— Charles Andrew Pollock, M. A.; 1881, LL. B., Iowa State University; 1885-89, District Attorney, Cass County, Dakota Territory; Author of Prohibition Law, North Dakota; 1896, Judge of the 3rd Judicial District of North Dakota; 1881-97, Lawyer; Attorney at Law, Fargo, North Dakota. CORNELL COLLEGE. xxix 1879- 17Q— John Alexander Brown, M. S.; Born at Lancashire, England, Feb. 8,. 1855; Died at Waverly, Iowa, April 4, 1884. 180— Martha Clinton Pollock. M. A., Fargo, North Dakota. 181 — Miller Eugene Conrad, M. S., Shoe Dealer, Atlantic, Iowa. 182— Clara Cooley Becker, M. A., 4169 Berkley Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. 183— William Ferris Cramer, M. S., M. A.; 1880-89, Superintendent of Schools, Waverly, Iowa; 1889-92, Principal High School, Sioux City,. Iowa; 1881-97, Teacher; Superintendent City Schools Iowa City, Iowa. 184 — Eugene Sylvester Daly, M. S.; Pastor M. E. Church, Burlington Cir- cuit, Burlington, Iowa. 185— Belle Hanna, M. S.; 1880-89, Instructor in Cornell College; 1889-90, State Secretary Young Woman's Christian Association of Illinois; Teacher in Occidental College, Los Angeles, California. 186— Reinhart Hild, M. A.; Pastor of M. E. Church, Anthon, Iowa. 187— Amelia Abi Ingols Kinsey, Martinez, California. 188— William Disbro Lee, M. A.; Editor and Publisher of the Chronicle, To- ledo, Iowa. 189 — George Monroe Lyon, M. S.; 1881-97, Lawyer; Attorney at Law, Atlan- tic, Iowa. 190 — Charles Beemer Marine, M. A.; 1886-90, Superintendent of Schools,. Benton County, Iowa; 1880-82, Principal Latin School, Nebraska State University; Assistant Chief Clerk U. S. Pension Agency for Iowa and Nebraska, Des Moines, Iowa. 191 — Leroy Martin, M. A.; Attorney at Law, Sidney, Nebraska. 192 — Eben Wever Martin, M. A.; 1885-87, Representative in Dakota Legis- lature; 1895-97, President of Board of Trustees of State Normal School; 1880-97, Lawer; Attorney at Law, Deadwood, South Dakota. 193— Frank McKay, C. E.; 1883-97, Lawyer; Attorney at Law, Phillipsburg, Kansas. 194 — Patrick Othenian Rooney, M. A. 195— Joseph Frank Sartori, M. S. ; 1881, LL. B., University of Michigan; President Security Savings Bank, Los Angeles, California. 196 — Henriette Edith Sessions Merrill, M. A.; Born in Blackhawk County Iowa, March 17, i860; Died at Chicago, 111., April 4, 1895. 197 — Mary Elizabeth Smith, M. A.; 1881-82, Teacher in Albion Seminary; 1886-88, Teacher in Public School, Mount Vernon, Iowa; 1888, Teacher of Greek, Epworth Seminary, Epworth, Iowa; 1895, Teacher in Cornell College, Mount Vernon, Iowa. 198— Gazelle Stevens Sharp, M. A., Humboldt, Iowa. 199 — Adele Gertrude Stevens Welch, M. A., Hawarden, Iowa. 200— Elizabeth Tallman, M. S., Teacher in Public School, Denver, Colo- rado. 201 — Arthur James Van Anda, C. E., Manager Pawnee Lumber Co., Pawnee City, Nebraska. 202 — Estella Montressa Virden Pierson, M. S., Wilmette, Illinois. 203— George W. Welch, M. A., Postal Clerk, Des Moines and Hawarden R. P. O., Hawarden, Iowa. xxx CORNELL COLLEGE. 204 — Charles Andrew Brindell, C. E., Bank Cashier, Towner, North Da- kota. 205— Gertrude Frances Bunnell Abdell, M. S., Teacher, Waterloo, Iowa. 206— Arthur Palmer Gates, C. E., Hotel Proprietor, Nashua, Iowa. 207 — Louis J. Pierson, M. S.; 1881-97, Lawyer; Attorney at Law, 1101-1102 Chamber of Commerce, Chicago, Illinois; residence, Wilmette, Illi- nois. 208— James Marion Poland, M. A.; 1892, D. D. S. State University of Iowa; 1880-91, Minister M. E. Church; Dental Surgeon, Woodbine, Iowa. 209— William Edmund Ross, M. A.; 1881-97, Minister; Pastor M.E. Church, New Hartford, Iowa. 1881. 210 — James Edward Bromwell, M. A.; 1886-92, County Auditor of Linn County; Attorney at Law, Marion, Iowa. 211 — Robert G. Cousins, C. E.; 1886-87, Member of the 21st General Assem- bly; 1888, Presidential Elector; 1888-90, Prosecuting Attorney, Ce- dar County; Member of the 53rd and 54th Congress; Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Tipton, Iowa. 212— Simon Harris Cranmer, M. S.; 1879 81, Teacher in Cornell College; 1881-84, Principal Shelby Public Schools; 1884-85, Cashier Bank of Ipswich, South Dakota; 1885-87, Member South Dakota Constitu- tional Convention; 1890, President Union Banking Co.; 1890, State's Attorney, Aberdeen, South Dakota; Attorney at Law, Ipswich, South Dakota. 213 — John Lawrence Curts, M. S. ; 1881-88, Principal of Schools, DeKalb, 111.; 1888-92, Principal of Schools, Harvard, Illinois; Gloversville, New York. 214— Charles Lester Gould, M. A.; 1890, Ph. D. Boston University; 1884-97, Minister; Pastor M. E. Church, Charles City, Iowa. 215— Eliza Jane Hyndman, M. A.; 1878, Ph. B., and 1881, M. Ph., Hedding College; 1878-79, Tutor in Latin and Greek, Chaddock College; 1884-88, Teacher of Literature and Greek in Ep worth Seminary; 1889-94, Instructor in Mathematics and Science Cornell College; Graduate Student Woman's Medical College, Chicago; Address, Evanston, Illinois. 216— Thomas Green Isherwood, M. S.; 1883, M. D. Rush Medical College, Chicago; 1883-92, Surgeon for Galena Division C. & N. W. R. R.; 1890-91, Mayor of Turner; Physician and Surgeon, West Chicago, Illinois. 217 — John S. Mclntyre, M. Ph.; Born in Ireland, Sept. 15, 1847; Died Janu- ary 30, 1892, at Davenport, Iowa. 218— Edgar Hunter Scott, M. S.; 1883, University of Michigan; Attorney at Law, Omaha, Nebraska. 219— Calvin Othello Sones, C. E.; 1886, M. D. Iowa State University; 1886- 97, Medicine; Physician and Surgeon, Panora, Iowa. 220— Otho Whit Smith, M. A., Wholesale Grocer, Burlington, Iowa. 221 — Armstrong Spear, C. E., Wholesale Boot and Shoe Dealer, 1418 Chris- tian St., Philadelphia, Pa. 222— Elijah A. West, M. S., Traveling Salesman, Mount Vernon, Iowa. CORNELL COLLEGE. xxxi 1882. 223 — Joanna Baker, M. A.; 1888, A. M.De Pauw University; 1889, Teacher of Greek Simpson College, Indianola, Iowa. 224— Thomas Linus Blank, C. E.; 1883-85, Register of Deeds of Jerauld County, South Dakota; during 1882, 1886, 1887 and 1889, engaged in Railroad Engineering in Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa and South Dakota; 1892-93, Assistant Engineer on M. K. & T. R. R. in Mis- souri; Plainview, Nebraska. 225 — Earl Louis Boies. M. Ph., Attorney at Law, Waterloo, Iowa. 226 — David Crawford Brockman, M. A.; 1878, M. D. Iowa State University; Physician and Surgeon, Ottumwa. Iowa. 227 — Katherine Cole Smith, M. Ph., West Sommerville, Mass. 228 — James Newton Fawcett, M. Ph.; 1885, M. A. Upper Iowa University; Pastor M. E. Church, Cuba, Illinois. 229— Rollo Franklin Hurlburt, M. A.; 1896, Ph. D. Boston University; 1887, Principal Epworth Seminary; Pastor First M. E. Church, Burling- ton, Iowa. 230— Albert Westlake Johnston, M. Ph.; Born near Bellevue, Iowa, May 27, 1856; Died near Pierre, South Dakota, Oct. 3, 1892. 231— George Washington Keister, C. E., Architect, 140 West 34th St., New York City. 232 — John Freeman Lohr, C. E.; 1883, County Surveyor; Abstractor and Loan Broker, Orange City, Iowa. 233— Kate Anna Mason Hogle, M. A.; 1885, M - D - Woman's Medical Col- lege of Chicago; 1893-94, Graduate Student in Cornell College; Phy- sician, Mount Vernon, Iowa. 234— Jessie Arvilla Miner Martin, M. Ph., Deadwood, South Dakota. 235 — Thomas Francis Tobin, M. A.; 1883, Principal of Tilford Collegiate Academy, Vinton, Iowa. 236— Henry Clay White, M. Ph.; 1884, LL. B. Iowa State L^niversity. 1883. 237 — Charles Grandison Ammon, M. Ph.; 1884-97, Farmer, Hammond, Ne- braska. 238— Ruluf Augustus Chase, M. A., Pastor M. E. Church, Canon City, Colo- rado. 239— -Letta Crandell Harris, M. S., 717 Fourth St., Des Moines, Iowa. 240— Isaac Washington Cranmer, M. A., with Work Bros., 5th Ave. and Jackson St., Chicago, Illinois. 241— John Anthony Davies, M. S.; 1885, LL. B. Iowa State University; At torney at Law, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. 242— Joseph O. Dobson, M. Ph.; 1893, £)• D - Baker University; 1895, Pre- siding Elder Sioux Falls District, Dakota Conference, Sioux Falls, South Dakota. 243 — Margaret Frances Felton Kegley, M. Ph.; Born at Indianapolis, Ind., June 16, 1855; Died at Monmouth, Iowa, Feb. 2, 1890. 244- -Fannie Mary Gates Caldwell, M. S., Allerton, Iowa. 245 — William Francis Gates, M. S., Missionary, Guatemala City, Guate- mala. xxxii CORNELL COLLEGE. 246— Nettie M. Hewitt, M. A.; 1883-85, Preceptress Epworth Seminary, 1888-89, Principal High School, Hiawatha, Kansas; Farmer, Water- loo, Iowa. 247 — Celia Vilette Hutchins White, M. Ph., University, Los Angeles, Cali- fornia. 248— William Kilburn Jacques, M. Ph.; 1887, M. D. Chicago Medical Col- lege; 1883-84, Teacher of Sciences Epworth Seminary; 1887-88, Clerk South Side Free Dispensary, Chicago, Illinois; Physician and Surgeon, 4334 Ellis Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. 249 — George Washington Jones, M. Ph.; 1883-86, Principal of Epworth Seminary; 1884-90, Editor of "Iowa Normal Monthly;" 1890, Man- ager of "Intelligence and the Week's Current;" 544 North Grove Avenue, Oak Park, Illinois. 250— William Carman Layton, M. A., Dealer in Grain, Kansas City, Mis- souri. 251 — William Reeder Lee, C. E.; 1885-97, Lawyer; Attorney at Law, Carroll, Iowa. 252 — Norman Thickstun Mason, M. A.; 1886, LL. B. University of Michigan; 1886-97, Lawyer; Attorney at Law, Deadwood, South Dakota. 253 — William Foster Muse, M. Ph.; 1883. B. A. Illinois Wesleyan Univer- sity; Manager of Ottumwa Male Quartette, Ottumwa, Iowa. 254— Leroy Titus Weeks, M. A.; 1887-88, Principal of Columbia River Academy, Grangeville, Idaho; 1895-97, Graduate Student at University of Chicago; Elected to Chair of English Literature in Southwest Kansas College, Winfield, Kansas. 255— George Washington W T hite, M. A.; 1896, D. D. Cornell College; 1892; Presiding Elder Los Angeles District; 1895 — , President University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California. 256 — William Samuel Baird, M. S., 1887-97, Lawyer; Attorney at Law, Council Bluffs, Iowa. 257— Luella Boyd, M. A.; 1884-85, Principal West Building, West Liberty, Iowa; 1886-87, Teacher of Latin and Mathematics, Cornell College; 1888-89, Assistant Principal High School, Mount Vernon, Iowa; Athens, Ohio. 258— Dillon Bronson, M. A.; 1888, S. T. B., Boston University; 1888-90, Pastor Broomfield Street M. E. Church, Boston; 1892-97, Pastor M. E. Church, Newton, Mass.; Pastor M. E. Church, Salem, Mass. 259 — John Nicholas Dahm, M. A.; Teacher of Languages, High School, McGregor, Iowa. 260 — Levi Day, M. A.; Farmer, Meadow Grove, Nebraska. 261— Charles Henry Dudley, C. E.; 1886, LL. B., University of Michigan; Attorney at Law, Colorado Springs, Colorado. 262— Elwyn Dudley, M. A.; 1886, M. D., Rush Medical College; Physician, Paullina, Iowa. 263— Edwin James Esgate, M. A.; 1884-85, Principal High School, Marion, Iowa; 1885-90, Superintendent Marion Public Schools; 1890-92, Bank Cashier, Marion, Iowa. CORNELL COLLEGE. xxxm 264— Eva May Fancher Wishard, M. S.; 1887-92, studying missionary work among women in Europe and the Orient; Member of Inter- national Committee of the Y. W. C. A., and Chairman of N. Y. State Association of the Y. W. C. A.; Tarrytown, N. Y. 265 — Anna Fulton Graham Peabody, M. S.; 1886-89, Principal of High School, Austin, Minn.; 1889-90, Principal of High School, Owa- tonna, Minn.; St. Vincent, Minn. 266— Jacob DeWitt Graham, C. E.; 1891, M. D., Rush Medical College, Chicago; 1885-86, Principal of Center Point Schools; 1886-89, Principal of Springville Schools; Physician, Springville, Iowa. 267 — James R. Hanna. M. Ph.; 1889-91, Member of 21st Nebraska Legisla- ture; Attorney at Law, Greeley, Nebraska. 268— Xenetta Hess, M. S.; Born at Mount Vernon, Iowa, Feb. 24, 1859; Died at Mount Vernon, Iowa, Aug. 28, 1887. 269 — Frederick Henry Jacobs, M. Ph.; General Secretary Y. M. C. A., five years; State Secretary Y. M. C. A., two years; Evangelistic work, Washington St., Chicago, Illinois. 270 — Fannie Ella Johnston, M. S.; 1894-96, Principal of Red Bluff High School; 1896, Instructor in University of the Pacific; College Park, California. 271— Edward Lee, M. Ph.; 1884-97, Minister; Pastor M. E. Church, Le Claire, Iowa. 272 — David Charles Main, M. A.; Bank Cashier, Wayne, Nebraska. 273— Eddy Calvin McClelland, M. A.; Lake City, Minnesota. 274 — John Ernest Mellett. M. A.; Attorney at Law, Ravena, Nebraska. 275— John T. Moffit, M. A., 1886; LL. B., University of Michigan; Major 2d Regiment, Iowa National Guard; 1892, delegate to Republican National Convention; Attorney at Law, Tipton, Iowa. 276 — Samuel Neeley Parsons, C. E.; 1892, Secretary of the Iowa State Sen- ate, 24th General Assembly; Deputy Clerk of the District Court of Linn County for six years; Abstracter of Titles, Marion, Iowa. 277— Lura Phillips, M. S.; 1889-90, Principal of Lincoln School, Ottumwa, Iowa; 1890-91, Assistant Principal High School, Cedar Falls, Iowa; Special Teacher of Physical Culture, Cedar Falls, Iowa. 278 — Charles Purvis Sheffer, M. S., Editor and Publisher of "The Express," Red Oak, Iowa. 279 — Zula M. Triggs Dudley, M. A., Paullina, Iowa. 1885. 280- Cora Ann Beds, M. S., M. Ph.; 1885-89, Teacher of Music Grant Uni- versity, Athens, Tennessee; Music Teacher, Norfolk, Neb. 281 — J. Fred Black, M. A., Supernumerary Member of N. W. Iowa Con- ference, Sioux City, Iowa. 282— Henry Jacob Bowder, M. A., Pastor M. E. Church, Lime Springs, Iowa. 283— Fletcher Emory Brown. C. E.; 1891, M. D., Rush Medical College, Chicago; 1885-87, Principal of Dyersville Schools; 1887-89, Princi- pal of Wyoming Schools; Physician, Primghar, Iowa. xxxiv CORNELL COLLEGE. 284 — William Henry Brown, C. E.; 1885-87, Principal of Shell Rock Schools; 1887-90, Principal of Dysart Schools; Principal of Schools, Wes- ley, Iowa. 285— William W. Carlton, M. Ph.; 1887, M. A., Lenox College; 1887, B. D.. Garrett Biblical Institute; 1894, Ph. D., Upper Iowa Univer- sity; Author of "A Beautiful Life;" 1896, Presiding Elder, Cedar Rapids District, Mount Vernon, Iowa. 286 — Nancy Jenette Carpenter, M. A.; Teacher in Tipton High School for two years after graduation; four years in Missouri Valley Schools, partly in Principalship of Ward School and partly in High School; Graduate student in University of Chicago; Teacher of Latin in High School, Le Mars, Iowa. 287 — Augustus Lincoln Chase, M. A.; M. E. Minister, Denver, Col. 288 — Joseph Boyer Cherry, M. Ph.; Presbyterian Minister, Louisiana, Mis- souri. 289— Hugh Clemans, M. Ph. ; 1887, LL. B., Iowa State University; Attor- ney at Law, Manchester, Iowa. 290— DeWitt Clinton, M. A.; 1886, B. D., Garrett Biblical Institute; Pastor M. E. Church, Waverly, Iowa. 291 — Mary Jane Cobb, M. Ph.,; Principal High School, Vinton, Iowa. 292 — Thomas Newton Cook, M. Ph.; Pastor M. E. Church, New Hampton, Iowa; Born at Cottage Hill, Iowa, Nov. 5, 1857; Died at New Hampton, Iowa, Aug. 19, 1895. 293— Edwin Deacon, M. A. ; Pastor M. E. Church on Brainard Circuit, Brainard, Minnesota. 294— Clarence Elmer DeButts, M. Ph.; Teacher, Pontiac, Illinois. 295 — Charles Kerr Dukes, M. Ph.; Teacher, Newell, Iowa. 296 — Charles Hamlin Eshbaugh, M.Ph.; Cashier of Merchants' and Miners' Bank, Phillipsburg, Montana. 297 — Alfred Nichols Felton, M. S., Lumber Dealer, La Porte City, Iowa. 298— Amy Frances French Sones, M. Ph., Panora, Iowa. 299— Walter Smedley Manly, M. A., Martelle, Iowa. 300 — William Wallace McCredie, M. Ph., Attorney at Law, Vancouver, Washington. 301— Jacob A. Pritchard, M. A.; 1889, LL. B., Iowa State University; At- torney at Law, Smithland, Iowa. 302 — Charles Warren Shumway, M. Ph., Superintendent of Schools, Van- couver, Washington. 303— Marcus Horton Taft, M. Ph.; 1887, LL. B., St. Louis Law School; 1893, B. D., Garrett Biblical Institute; Attorney at Law, 345 E. 62d St., Chicago, 111. 304— Lillian Watts Hettler, M. Ph.,Millersburg, Iowa. 305— Charles Fremont Woodward, M. A., Superintendent of Schools, El- dora, Iowa. 306 -Francis H. Wyrick, M. Ph.; 1887, M. A., Lenox College, Hopkinton, Iowa; Pastor M. E. Church, Fairbank, Iowa. CORNELL COLLEGE. xxxv 1886. 307 — John William Arbuckle, M. Ph.; 1890, LL. B., Boston University; 1892-94. Mayor of Parkersburg; 1893-97, County Attorney; Attor- ney at Law, Parkersburg, Iowa. 308— Henrietta Ash Bancroft, B. Ph.; 1888, M. Ph., University of Michigan. Albion, Michigan. (See Faculty.) 309 — John Halsey Blair, M. Ph., Attorney at Law, Des Moines, Iowa. 310— Jacob Leonard Buechele, B. Ph.; 1886-96, County Superintendent of Schools, Black Hawk County, Iowa; 1891, Awarded Teacher's Life Diploma by State Board of Examiners; 1896, Superintendent of Schools, Independence, Iowa. 311 — Anna J. Dean Woleben, B. Ph., Tipton, Iowa. 312 — Clayton Edgar DeLamatter, M. A.; 1894, S. T. B., Boston University; 1887-91, Missionary to India; Pastor of M. E. Church. Lemar, Col- orado. 313 — Olavus Olonzo Donhowe. M. A.; 1886-87, Principal Holstein Public Schools; 1887-89, Principal St. Ansgar Academy, St. Ansgar, Iowa. 314 — Fred Philip Fisher, M. A., Pastor of M. E. Church, Alburnett, Iowa. 315 — Howard Street Gemmill, B. Ph.; 1893, LL. B., Northwestern Law School; Attorney at Law, 1101 Chamber of Commerce, Chicago, Illinois. 316— William Nelson Gemmill, B. Ph.: 1892, LL. B., Northwestern Law School; 1886-90, Superintendent of Rockford Schools; 1890-91, Su- perintendent of Marion Schools; Attorney at Law, 506 Atwood Building, Chicago, Illinois. 317— Howard Elliott Henderson. B. C. E.; 1887, M. D., Rush Medical Col- lege, Chicago; Physician, New Whatcom, Washington. 118 — Arthur Lincoln Kemper, B. C. E., Broker, 108 La Salle Street, Chi- cago, Illinois. 319 — James Johnson Kidder, B. A., Pastor M. E. Church, Center Grove, Iowa. 320— Frank Budd Lawrence, M. S., Principal Public Schools, Anita, Iowa. 321 — Hugh Mclndoe, B. S.; 1891, LL. B., Northwestern Law School; Attor- ney at Law, 70 La Salle Street, Chicago, Illinois. 322 — John Amos Morrison, M. A.- S. T. B., Boston University; Born near Ottumwa, Iowa, Aug. 1858; Died at Escondido, California, Aug. 13, 1890. 323— Elizabeth Pease, B. A., Teacher, 1029 S. 15th Street, Denver, Colorado. 324 — Mary Eliza Pixley Smith, B. Ph., Osage, Iowa. 325 — James Lemuel Tarbox, B. Ph , Dealer in Lumber, Hanover, Kansas. 326— Hattie E. Thomas, M. Ph.; 1887, Teacher in Indian Mission, Albu- querque. N. M.; 1890, Teacher in Mount Vernon Schools; 1891, Teacher in Public Schools, Amboy, Illinois; 1896, Teacher of Eng- lish, Kalamazoo, Michigan. 327 — Elmer A. Wiswall, B. A.; 1890, LL. B., Iowa State University; Attor- ney at Law, Vancouver, Washington; 1893, Judge of Superior Court, State of Washington; Born at Middle Falls, N. Y., March 23, 1861; Drowned in the Pacific Ocean at Sea Side, Oregon, Aug, 12, 1894. xxxvi CORNELL COLLEGE. 328— Margaretta Wright, M. Ph., Principal of Ward School, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. 329 — George Ames Bateman, B. A.; 1887-89, Teacher in Harlan High Schools; 1889-91, Principal New Sharon Schools; 1891-92, Superin- tendent of Schools, Waterloo, Iowa. 330 — Samuel D. Bishop, B. Ph., Prosecuting Attorney, Lawrence, Kansas. 331— Amy Boggs, B. Ph., Principal of High School, Manchester, Iowa. 2^2 — Paul Clendening, B. A., Reporter, Chicago Inter Ocean, Evanston, Illinois. 333— Edward Thomas Devine, M. A.; 1893, Ph. D., University of Pennsylva- nia; 1891-95, Staff Lecturer American Societv for the Extension of University Teaching, and Fellow of the University of Pennsylvania; 1896, General Secretary Charity Organization Society of New York; 204 N. 82d Street, New York City. 334— Edwin Dukes, B. Ph., J887-90, Principal Albion Seminary; 1890-95, Principal of Public Schools, Parker, South Dakota; 1895, Superin- tendent Public Schools, Huron, South Dakota; 1897, President- of the South Dakota Educational Association, Huron, South Dakota. 335— May Lavinia Fairbanks, B. Ph., Librarian Cornell Cellege, Mount Ver- non, Iowa. 336— Joseph Richard Alexander Hanner, M. A., Pastor M. E. Church, D.el- mar, Iowa. 337 — Ada J. Miller, B. Ph., Teacher, Marion, Iowa; 1408 B. Avenue, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. 338- Ella Franc Morrill, B. A.; 1896, M. D., Woman's Medical College, of Northwestern University; Rock Falls, Illinois. 339— William Lincoln Rockwell, C. E., Civil Engineer, Stockton, California. 340 — Hattie Evelyn Scovel Devine, B. Ph., New York City. 341— Abraham Lincoln Shute, M. A.; 1890, B. D., Drew Theological Semi- nary; Pastor M. E. Church, La Salle, Illinois. 342— Willis Eddy Smedley, M. A ; 1892, S. T. B., Boston University; Clergy- man, 15 Academy Avenue, Providence, R. I. 343— Bourland Davis Smith, B. Ph. ; 1887-88, Principal of Epworth Seminary; Pastor M. E. Church, Osage, Iowa. 344— William Robert Triggs, B. Ph.; LL. B., State University of Minnesota; Attorney at Law, Lumber Exchange, Minneapolis, Minnesota. 345 — Lizzie Wright, M. Ph., Teacher, Des Moines, Iowa. 346— George Sexton Addoms, B. S., with Brink's Express, 2583 N. Win- chester Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. 347 — Hiram Orlando Bateman, B. A., Principal of Public School, Dysart, Iowa. 348 — Carl Lane Clemans, B. Ph., Snohonnish, Washington. 349— Theodore Elias DeButts. B. Ph.; 1889-91, Principal of Public Schools, Mt. Morris, Illinois; 1891, Student of Chemistry and Physics, Johns Hopkins University; Farmer, Hartland, Iowa. CORNELL COLLEGE. xxxvn 350 — William George Dixon, B. C. E. ; 1889-92, Principal Inyo Academy, Big Pine, California. 351 — Florence Fulton, M. Ph.; 1889-91, Preceptress Epworth Seminary; 134 North 17th Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 352 — Robert Harper, B. C. E., Farmer, Marietta, Iowa. 353— William Edward Hauger, M. A.; 1896, Member of Iowa Legislature; Author of "'Signal Thoughts;" Superintendent of Waterloo Acad- emy; La Porte, Iowa. 354— Lorin Everett Imlay, B. C. E.; Construction Engineer, Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Co., 707 Swissville Avenue, Station D., Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. 355 — George Henry Kennedy, M. A.; 1891, B. D., Drew Theological Semi- nary; Pastor M. E. Church, Spencer, Iowa. 356— Charles Finley Kirk, B. C. E., Pastor M. E. Church, Salix, Iowa. 357 — John Wilbert Maynard. B. A.; Reporter Spokane "Daily Review;" Born at Waverly, Iowa, February 16, 1866; Died April 20, 1892, at Spokane, Washington. 358— Sherman Tecumseh Mears, B. S.; 1892, LL. B., University of Michi- gan; 1889-91, Principal of Vail Public Schools; Attorney at Law, La Porte City, Iowa. 359— Samuel Bruce Montgomery, B. Ph.; 1888-91, Superintendent of Colfax Schools; Superintendent of Schools, Belle Plaine, Iowa. 360— Joseph Meredith Moore, M. A.; Superintendent Bradstreet Mercantile Agency, Spokane, Washington. 361— Arcana Celestial Pascal, B. Ph., Grand Mound, Iowa. 362 — Laura Talitha Pascal, B. S.; Teacher, Des Moines, Iowa. 363 — Lucy Anne Pascal, B. Ph., Grand Mound, Iowa. 364 — James Stearns Pingrey, B. C. E. ; 1889, County Surveyor; Cherokee Iowa. 365 — Emma Reeder, B. S.; Pacific Coast Secretary V. M. C. A.; 637 Market Street, San Francisco. California. 366 — Park Edmund Simmons, B. Ph.; Attorney at Law, 1st National Bank Building, Chicago, Illinois. 367 — Daniel Baker Swartwood, B. C. E., Farmer, Nora Springs, Iowa. 368 — Michael James Tobin, B. Ph., Attorney at Law, Vinton, Iowa. 369— William Miles Wright, B. C E., Chief Engineer D. W. & M. R. R., Rapid City, South Dakota. 370 — R. G. Young, B. Ph., Superintendent of City School, Rock Island, 111- 371 — Ethelda Burge, B. Ph.; 1889-91, Assistant Principal Mount Vernon Public Schools; Mount Vernon, iowa. 372 — William Eugene Cadmus, B. A.; 1892, S. T. B., Boston University; Pastor 1 st Congregational Church, Elyria, Ohio. 373 — Wilbur Cliff Cobb, B. A., Principal of High School, Onawa, Iowa. 374 — Thomas Sparks Cole, B. A., Pastor M. E. Chnrch, Correctionville, Iowa. 375 — Grace Cousins Young, B. S., Akron, Ohio. xxxvm CORNELL COLLEGE. 376 — Victor Brown Dolliver, B. A., Attorney at Law, Guaranty Loan Build- ing, Minneapolis, Minnesota. 377 — William Luther Etter, B. C. E.; 1890-96, County Superintendent of Cedar County; Superintendent of City Schools, Tipton, Iowa. 378— Edgar James Helms, B. Ph.; 1893, S. T. B. Boston University; Super- intendent of Boston City Missions; Pastor Morgan Chapel, Boston, Mass. 379— George Washington Hogle, B. C. E.; 1891, M. D., Miami Medical Col- lege, Cincinnati, Ohio; Physician and Druggist, Mount Vernon, Iowa. 380— Wilmer Russell Joslyn, B. S., Principal of Schools, Capron, Illinois. 381 — General Scott Kirkpatrick, B. C. E.; 1890-92, Superintendent of City Schools; Principal of Griswold Academy, Griswold, Iowa. 382— Wilson S. Lewis, B. A., M. A.; 1882-85, Superintendent of Belle Plaine Schools; 1889-97, Principal of Epworth Seminary, Epworth, Iowa; President-Elect Morning Side College, Sioux City, Iowa. 383— Jennie May Manly, B. Ph.; 1883-90, Assistant Principal Eldora High School; Teacher, Mechanicsville, Iowa. 384— William A. Pottle, B. Ph., Pastor of Congregational Church, Onawa, Iowa. 385 — Carl Rasch, B. Ph., Attorney at Law, Helena, Montana. 386 — Benjamin Luce Remick, M. Ph.; 1889-92, Instructor in Mathematics Cornell College; 1893-94, Instructor in Northwestern University, 1895-96, Professor in University of Pacific; Waverly, Iowa. 387 — Henry Alfred Rising, B. C. E., Editor Daily Chronicle, Spokane, Washington. 388 — Ida Lenora Schell, B. Ph., Student in Medicine, Montgomery, Iowa. 389— William B. Slaughter, B. S., Pastor M. E. Church, Blue Island, Illi- nois. 390 — Charles Solon Stephenson, B. S., Attorney at Law; Born at Knox, Maine, Aug. 23, 1861; Died at Verginia, Minn., Aug. 18, 1894. 391 — William Alfred Wirtz, M. A., Professor of Modern Languages Parsons College, Fairfield, Iowa. 392 — Alfred Emerson Young, B. Ph., Paymaster Aultman Miller & Co., Akron, Ohio. 393 — John Allural Young, B. S., 1602 Second Ave , South Minneapolis, Min- nesota. 1890. 394 — Eugene Hiram Ash, B. A., Assistant Cashier Bank of Geneva, Geneva, Indiana. 395 — Harry Clark Ash, B. C. E.; 1897, Graduate Student in Cornell College; Civil Engineer, Duluth, Minnesota. 396 — George Christopher Bauman, B. C. E., with Lake St. Elevated R. R. Chicago, Illinois. 397— May Bowles Reed, B. Ph.; 1890-91, Teacher of Music and English Lit- erature Albion Seminary; 1891-92, Teacher of Rhetoric and English Literature Epworth Seminary; Crete, Nebraska. CORNELL COLLEGE. xxxix 398 — Florence May Brown Manly, B. A.; 1891, State Secretary Y. W. C. A. of Nebraska; Instructor in English and Sciences Epworth Semi- nary, Epworth, Iowa; Missionary, Chunsking, China. 399— Franklin M. Chaffee, B. A.; 1890-91, Principal of Schools, Strawberry Point, Iowa; 1891-94, Principal Northern Iowa Normal School, Al- gona, Iowa; Principal Le Mars Normal School, Le Mars, Iowa. 400 — Mary Emily Chandler, M. Ph.; 1890-91, Assistant Principal Belle Plaine High School; 1893-94, Graduate Student in Cornell College; White Cloud, Kansas. 401— Robert Thomas Chipperfield, M. A.; 1892-94, Pastor M. E. Church, Newton, N. Y.; 1894-96, Pastor M. E. Church, Filley, Nebraska; 1896, Pastor M. E. Church, Lincoln. Nebraska; 1541 A Street, Lin- coln, Neb. 402 — Edward Kirk Coe, B. C. E., Civil Engineer, in charge of steel bridge designing and construction for St. Louis Co., Uuluth, Minnesota. 403 — Wilbur Samuel Corn, B. C. E., Engineer, Keystone, Missouri. 404— Harry Sherman Crouse, B. A., Pastor Presbyterian Church, Oswego, Illinois. 405 — Kate Irvin Dougherty Pollins, B. Ph., Teacher, Waterloo, Iowa. 406 — David Henry Fouse, B. A., Minister in the Reformed Church, Colum- bus Junction, Iowa. 407 — Mary Cook Fuller As/i, B. Ph., Geneva, Indiana. 408 — Margaret Wilmina Goudy, B. Ph.. Teacher, Mount Vernon, Iowa. 409— Joseph Weller Hays, B. A., Real Estate, 108 LaSalle St., Chicago, Illi- nois. 410— Julia Ella King, B. Ph.; 1897, Graduate Student in the Art League, New York City; 775 East Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio. 411 — Fred W. Lounsbury, B. Ph., Mining Engineer, Clayton, Idaho. 4i2--Wilson Edward Manly, B. C. E., Missionary, Chunsking, China. 413 — Albert Abram Mason, B. Ph.; 1890-92, Principal of Albion Seminary; Pastor M. E. Church, Gilman, Iowa. 414 — Orville Knowles Maynard, B. A.; 1891-92, Professor of Latin and Greek Black Hills College, Hot Springs, South Dakota; Britt, Iowa. 415— Earl Thomas McArthur, B. S., Teacher in the Indian School, Ponts- ford, Minnesota. 416 — Frank Edgar McMaster. B. Ph.; 1891, LL. B. L'niversity of Michigan; Born at Chico, California, July 10, 1867; Died at Sioux City, Jan. 28, 1895. 417 — Martin Mee, Jr., B. Ph., Banker, Gladbrook. Iowa. 418 — Charles K. Mohler, B. C. E., Montclair, New Jersey. 419— Adelaide Evelyn Mott Gunn, B. S., Eagle Center, Iowa. 420— Rosella Reeder, B. S., Teacher, Clinton, Iowa. 421 — Stephen Albert Roberts, B. A., Minister in Des Moines Conference. 422— Lillian Millie Smedley, B. Ph., Teacher, Marinette, Wis. 423 — Eugene Homer Smith, M. Ph., Blanket. Texas. 424— Charles William Edward Snyder, B. A., Attorney at Law, Belle Plaine, Iowa. 425 — John Dow Spofford, B. C. E., Train Service Northwestern R. R., Clin- ton, Iowa. XL CORNELL COLLEGE. 426 — John Lawson Stackhouse, B. C. E.; for six months in 1890 Assistant Engineer with Northern Pacific R. R. ( Lakeview, Washington; since November, 1890, Assistant Engineer in charge of Construc- tion with N. P., Y. & K. Irrigation Co., North Yakima, Washing- ton. 427— Clarence Almon Torrey, B. Ph.; 1890-92, Principal Public School, Mount Vernon, Iowa; 1893-97, Assistant in Library of University of Chicago. 428 — Charles Zollinger, B. Ph., Port Jervis, New York. 429 — Annie Grace Adams, B. Ph.; 1 891 92, Instructor in Northern Iowa Normal School, Algona, Iowa; 1892-97, Teacher in Chicago Train- ing School; 1897, Superintendent of the New York City Deaconess Home. 430 — Herbert Waterman Alden, B. A.; Born in Waukon, Iowa, March 15, 1866; Drowned in Cedar River near Mount Vernon, July 22, 1891. 431 — David Rudder Alexander, B. S.; 1894, LL. B. State University of Iowa; Attorney at Law, Emmettsburg, Iowa. 432— Harry Albert Bassett, B. A., Minister in M. E. Church, Madison, New Jersey. 433 — Ruth Hannah Collins, B. A., Missionary, Lah Bagh, Lucknow, China. 434 — Emory Arnett Cromer, B. Ph., Teacher, Butte City, Montana. 435— William Calvert Elliott, B. Ph. 436— Herbert Herman Gray, B. A.; 1895, M. D. Rush Medical College; 1431 E. Main Street, Galesburg, Illinois. 437— Emmett Gorham Hunt, B. A.; 1893, M. A. Upper Iowa University; Pastor M. E. Church, Park City, Utah. 438 — Nettie Adelle Kepler, B. S., Teacher, Waterloo, Iowa. 439 — Samuel Haight Larrabee, B. Ph., Real Estate, Chicago, Illinois. 440 — Mary Edith Love, M. Ph., Teacher of Mathematics in High School, Marion, Iowa; 1895-97, Instructor in English and Mathematics in Cornell College; Marion, Iowa. 441 — Robert C. Lusk, B. A.; 1886-87, Teacher in Epworth Seminary; 1887- 88, Principal of Ida Grove High School; 1891-92, Principal of High School, Macon, Missouri; Minister, Elma, Iowa. 442 — Darwin Thomas Mason, B. A., Attorney at Law, Deadwood, South Dakota. 443 — Catherine Mclntyre Nash, B. Ph.; Born at Centre Junction, Iowa, July 9, 1867; Died at Oakland, California, Oct. 25, 1896. 444 — William Henry Montgomery, B. A., Pastor M. E. Church, Lake City, Iowa. 445— Frank E. Peebles, B. Ph. 446 — Hattie Scoville B. S., Vinton, Iowa. 447 — Frank Homer Slagle, M. Ph., Awarded Teacher's Life Diploma; Prin- cipal of Schools, Strawberry Point, Iowa. 448— Emma Sutherland Kennedy, B. S., Spencer, Iowa. 449— Samuel Frederick Swantees, B. Ph.; 1896, M. D. Hahneman Medical College of Chicago; Physician and Surgeon, Madison, Wisconsin. CORNELL COLLEGE. xli 450— Blanche Swingley, M. A.; 1891-92, Assistant Principal Iowa City Academy; 1892-93, Principal of Hampton High School; 1893-95, Teacher of Greek and Latin Loring Preparatory School, Chicago; 1895-97, Graduate Student in University of Chicago; 4737 Kim- bark Ave,, Chicago, Illinois. 451— Carrie Tubbs Marr, B. Ph., Belle Plaine, Iowa. 452— Charles Ernest Walters, B. Ph.; 1893, LL. B. University of Michigan; Attorney at Law, Toledo, Iowa. 453— Mary Webb Wilson, B. Ph., Missionary, Casilla, 35 La Serena, Chili. 454— Morris A. Zollinger, B. Ph.; 1894, LL. B. Iowa State University; Attor- ney at Law, Vinton, Iowa. 1892. 455— William Edward Arbingast, B. C. E., Merchant and Landlord, Lis- bon, Iowa. 456— Lucy Esther Bissell, B. S., Teacher of German and Vocal Music, Cor- rectionville, Iowa. 457- Leonard Anderson Blue, M. Ph., Court Reporter 6th Judicial District, Oskaloosa, Iowa. 458— Cherles Henry Earnest Boardman, B. S., Attorney at Law, Marshall- town, Iowa. 459— Coella Orland Boling, B. S.; 1894, LL. B., Northwestern University Law School; 1896, County Attorney of Cedar County; Attorney at Law, Tipton, Iowa. 460 — Lee C. Bolton, B. Ph., Attorney at Law, Oskaloosa, Iowa. 461 — Harold Elsworth Bowman, B. A., Teacher, San Louis Rey, California. 462— Cora Belle Brooks Keister, B. S., Missionary, Lota, Chili, South Amer- ica. 463 — Charles Thompson Brown, B.C. E.; 1896, M. D., Chicago Homoeo- pathic Medical College; Physician, Waverly, Iowa. 464 — Jason Daniel Brownson, M. Ph.; 1896, M. D., Northwestern Univer- sity Medical School; Physician, Elkader, Iowa. 465— Emma C. Buffington Carr, B. S., Sloan, Iowa. 466 — William James Carr, B. S., Pastor M. E. Church, Sloan, Iowa. 467 — Irene Chaffee Brown, B. A., Waverly, Iowa. 468 — Nell Margaret Daniel, M. A., Traer, Iowa. 469 — William Field Durno, B. Ph., Newspaper Work, Chicago Record, Chicago, Illinois. 470 — Walter Abijah Eckles, B. C. E ; 1894, LL. B., University of Michigan; Attorney at Law, Marshalltown, Iowa. 471 — Millard Fairlamb, B. Ph., Attorney at Law, Delta, Colorado. 472 — Lenore Fancher. B. S., 938 Park Ave., West Side, Chicago, Illinois. 473 — Charles Wesley Gorham, B. A., Editor, Snohonnish, Washington. 474 — Lulu Greattrax Eckles, B. Ph.; Born in Clinton Co., Iowa, April 18, 1869; Died at Denver, Colorado, Jan. 29, 1897. 475 — Florence Hayes, B. S., Morrison, Illinois. 476 -Tuley Francis Myron Huntington, B. A.; 1896, M. A., Harvard Uni- versity; 1892-93, Graduate Student at John Hopkins University; 1893-94, Graduate Student at Harvard University; 1894-95, Instruc- xlii CORNELL COLLEGE. tor in English Philology, Lake Forest University; 1895-96, Acting Professor of English Lake Forest University; 1896, Instructor in English in South Side High School, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 477 — Martin Joshua Iorns, E. C. E., Graduate Student in Cornell College, Mount Vernon, Iowa. 478 — John Edward Johnson, B. A.; 1895, S. T. B. Boston University; 1893-97, Pastor M. E. Church, Brockton, Mass.; Pastor M. E. Church, Ni- antic, Conn. 479 — John Howard Jones, B. C. E.; 1894, LL. B., Denver University; Gen- eral Merchandise and Mail Order Business, 328-334 Dearborn Street, Chicago, Illinois. 480 — Benjamin Bowman Keister, B. Ph., Minister and Teacher, Lota, Chili, South America. 481— Lillian May Kidder Smith, B. Ph., Blanket, Texas. 482 — Fred William Kirkpatrick, B. Ph., Attorney at Law, Spencer, Iowa. 483 — Clarence Elmer Locke, B. C. E., Dealer in Lumber and Coal, Kensett, Iowa. 484— George Ivy Lytle, B. A., With Russell-Miller Milling Company, West Superior, Wisconsin. 485— Gertrude Cartland Macy, B. A.; 1894-95, Graduate Student Cornell College; Teacher, Panora, Iowa. 486— David Alfred McBurney, B. C. E., Pastor M. E. Church, Dows, Iowa. 487 — Elmer James McCaustland, C. E.; 1891-92, City Engineer Salem, Ore- gon; 1892-94, Engineer Salem Improvement Company; 1894-96, Professor of Mathematics State Normal School, Monmouth, Ore- gon; 1896, Graduate Student Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. 488 — Mae Lorraine McLeod, B. Ph., Director Physical Training, Williams- burg, Iowa. 489— Harriett Belle Mott, B. Ph., Postville, Iowa. 490 — Irvin La Verne Pease, B. Ph., Grocery and Restaurant, Dunlap, Iowa. 491 — Enola Pearl Pierce, M. Ph., Teacher of Physical Culture and Elocu- tion, Manchester, Iowa. 492 — Elsie Miles Rigby, B. S.; 1893-95, Graduate Student in Cornell Col- lege, Mount Vernon, Iowa. 493— William Cattron Rigby, B. A., B. Ph.; 1893, LL. B. Northwestern Uni- versity; Attorney at Law, Unity Building, 79 Dearborn Street, Chi- cago, Illinois. 494 — Thomas Francis Rtfche, B. A., Insurance Agent, Clarence, Iowa. 495— Fred Earl Safley, B. S., Farmer, Traer, Iowa. 496 — Margaret Ruby Soper Alexander, B. A., Emmetsburg, Iowa. 497 — Jennie Sumner Bassett, B. A., Madison, New Jersey. 498 — Gorham Andrew Taylor, B. C. E., Civil Engineer, Waverly, Iowa, 499 — Harriet Warner Peterson, B. Ph., Roscoe, Illinois. 500 — Will Campbell Wasser, M.A. ; Graduate Student in Boston Universiiy School of Theology, Boston, Massachusetts. 501 — Antrim Lester White, B. Ph., Farmer, Springville, Iowa. 502 — Edward Errett Wilson, B. Ph., Missionary La Serena, Chili Casilla 35 South America. 503 — Herbert Ranson Wright, M. Ph., Principal of Schools, Earlville, Iowa. 404— Edith Mae Young, B. Ph., Teacher, High School, Detroit, Minnesota. CORNELL COLLEGE. xliii 1893. 505 — William Clinton Alden, B. A.; 1893-94, Assistant Principal High Schools, Parker, South Dakota; 1894-95, Principal of High School, Centerville. South Dakota; 1897, Fellow in Geology. University of Chicago; Mount Vernon, Iowa. 506 — James Balls, B. A., Pastor M. E. Church, Lake View, Iowa. 507 — Isaac Ashbol Bartholomew, B. A., Pastor M. E. Church, Vail, Iowa. 508 — Thaddeus Stevens Bassett, B. A., Pastor M. E. Church, Graettinger, Iowa. 509 — Edna Estelle Billings Gemmill, B. A., Chicago, Illinois. 51a— Thomas Washington Bittle, B. A., Principal Public Schools, Manly, Iowa. 511 — Preston Pisheon Bruce, B. A., Graduate Student, University of Chica- go, Chicago, Illinois. 512 — Lucius Charles Clark, B. A.; 1897, S. T. B. Boston University School of Theology; Pastor M. E. Church, Tama, Iowa. 513— Gail Clemmer, B. Ph.; Born at Hampton, Iowa, July 31, 1870; Died at Hampton, Iowa, June 16, 1866. 514— Marlin Wilbur Courtney, B. S., Marion, Iowa. 515— Chester Thomas Dike, B. C. E.; 1894, City Engineer, Mason City, Iowa. 516 — -S. Estella Ellison Carrier, B. Ph., Wabasha, Minnesota. 517 — Thomas George Ferreby, B. C. E.; 1896,0. D. S. State University of Iowa; Dentist, Humbolt, Iowa. 518— Olive Fulton, B. S., Ottumwa, Iowa. 519 — William Sherman Gallagher, B. C. E., Lawyer, Tama, Iowa. 520 — Emma Gilchrist Luckey, B. Ph., 746 W. Adams Street, Chicago, 111. 521 — George Blakeslee Grant, B. A., Journalist, Canton, Illinois. 522— Julius Cone Harvey, B. Ph., Pastor M. E. Church, Garner, Iowa. 523— Ernest Adolph Hoelscher, B. Ph., Pastor M. E. Church, Oxford Junc- tion, Iowa. 524 — George Grant Hunter, B. S., Editor, Des Moines, Iowa. 525 — George Washington Johnson, B. S.; 1895, M. D. Chicago College of Physicians and Surgeons; Chief Physician to the Hospital for the Insane, Dunning, Iowa. 526 — Melvin John Locke, M. A., Mount Vernon, Iowa. 527 — Eugene Warren Martin, B. Ph., Graduate Student Rush Medical Col- lege, Chicago, Illinois. 528 — Eva Louisa McCoy Blue, B. A., Oskaloosa, Iowa. 529— Fred Alden McMaster, B. S.; 1864, LL. B. State University of Iowa; 1896, Police Judge of Sioux City; Attorney at Law, Sioux City, Iowa. 530 — Fannie Elizabeth Miller McBurney, B. A., Dows, Iowa. 531 — Charles Henry Muckler, B. C. E., Grain Merchant Dell Rapids, South Dakota. 532 — Minnie Penman Brownson, B. S., Elkader, Iowa. 533— Frank Garfield Reeder, B. C. E., Farmer, Tipton, Iowa. 534— Frank Wesley Reisinger, B. A.; 1895, LL. B. Northwestern University Law School; Attorney at Law, Grundy Centre, Iowa. xliv CORNELL COLLEGE. 535 — Curtis Baughman Rhea, B. A.; 1893-94, Graduate Student in Cornell College; 1895; Graduate Student in Emerson School of Oratory, Boston, Mass. 536 — Geneva Algetha Shante Hoelscher, B. S., Assistant Principal of Schools, Oxford Junction, Iowa. 537 — Seward Smith Shirer, B. A.; 1896, LL. B., Lake Forest University; 1893-94, Principal of Blairstown School; Attorney at Law, 309 U. S. Express Building, Chicago, Illinois. 338 — Genie Evelyn Steuben, B. Ph., Teacher, Huron, South Dakota. 539 — Burton Erwin Sweet, B. Ph.: 1895, LL. B., State University of Iowa; Attorney at Law, Waverly, Iowa. 540 — Charles William Thompson, B. Ph., Corwith, Iowa. 541 — Arthur Benjamin Wakefield, B. C. E., Civil Engineer, Webster, Mass. 542 — Arthur Birdseyer Warner, C. E., Civil and Sanitary Engineer, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. 543— Elsie Esther West, B. S.; 1893-95, Teacher .in Academy of Cornell Col- lege; General Secretary Young Woman's Christian Association, De- troit, Michigan. 544 — Herbert Swan Wilkinson, B. A., Pastor Grandview Avenue M. E. Church, Dubuque, Iowa. 545 — Arthur Wilson, B. Ph.. Springville, Iowa. 546— Charles Taylor Wilson, B. C. E.; 1894-95, Assistant Engineer, Cedar Rapids; 1895, Assistant Engineer with B., C. R. & N. R'y. Co.; Ce- dar Rapids, Iowa. 1894. 547 — Ellen Billings Longley, B. A., Waterloo, Iowa. 548 — Erma Mae Breneman, B. A.; 1895-97, Kindergarter, Chicago, Illinois; Mount Vernon, Iowa. 549— Thomas Beatty Charlton, B. S.; 1897, M. D., Chicago Homoeopathic Medical College, Chicago, Illinois. 550 — Aaron Bird Page Chubbuck, B. S. ; 1894-96, Graduate Student in Cor- nell College; Law Student, Mount Vernon, Iowa. 551 — Albert Nelson Damon, B. A., Law Student, 904 Pioneer Press Build- ing, St. Paul, Minnesota. 552 — John Benjamin Eaton, B. A., Graduate Student at Yale University New Haven, Connecticut. 553 — Helen Elliott, B. Ph,; 1894-96, Teacher in Osage High School; 1896-97; Teacher of Mathematics in Ottumwa High School. 554 — Agnes Beveridge Ferguson M. S.; 1894-95, Graduate Student in Cor- nell College; Teacher of Modern Languages Ft. Worth Univer- sity, Texas; Rolfe, Iowa. 555— Charles Michael Foell, B. Ph.; 1896, LL. B., Northwestern Univer- sity Law School; Attorney at Law, 506 Atwood Building, Chicago, Illinois. 556 — Grave Rockwell Foster Day, B. S., Wolbach, Nebraska. 557— Nellie Birdenia Gearhait Durno, B. Ph.; 1894-95. Assistant Principal Clarence High School; 1895-96, Assistant Principal Clinton High School; 249. "66th Place, Chicago, Illinois. CORNELL COLLEGE. xlv 558— George Darwin Goodenough, B. S.; 1897, Graduate Student Medi- cal Department State L T niversity of Iowa. 559— May Goodenough Nelson, B. A., Fort Dodge, Iowa. 560 — Edwin Blair Hanna, B. Ph., Graduate Student in Homoeopathic Med- ical College; 4625 Greenwood Ave., Chicago, Illinois. 561 — James Hughes, B. A., B. Ph.; 1894-95, Graduate Student in Cornell College; Graduate Student in Garrett Biblical Institute, 2133 Sheri- dan Road, Evanston, Illinois. 562 — C. Scott Hunter, B. S., Graduate Student in Drew Theological Semi- nary, Madison, New Jersey. 563 — Charles Reuben Keyes, B. Ph., Principal of Schools, Blairstown, Iowa. 564 — Jenette Lewis, B. A., Teacher, Rockwell City, Iowa. 565 — Fred Wolfe Manly, B. S., Graduate Student in Medical Department of Syracuse University; Fairview, Iowa. 566— Le Claire Martin, B. Ph.; 1396, LL. B., University of Michigan; At- torney at Law, Cedar Falls, Iowa. 567— Ernest Lewis McEwen, B. Ph.; 1897, M. D., Rush Medical College, Chicago, Illinois; 1897, Fellowship in Chemistry Rush Medical Col- lege. 568 — Maude McMaster, B. Ph., Teacher, 512 15th Street, Soux City, Iowa. 569 — William Archibald Montgomery, B. C. E.; 1896, County Surveyor West Union, Iowa. 570 — Alfred Gerrard Rigby, B. Ph., Insurance Agent, Independence, Iowa. 571— Charles Longley Rigby, B. Ph.; 1894-95, Graduate Student in Cornell College; Farmer, Stanwood, Iowa. 472 — Lydia Jane Rolston, B. Ph., Teacher, Albion, Iowa. 473 — Milton Sherk Runkle, B. A., Graduate Student in Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut. 574 — Miranda Scoville, B. Ph., Teacher, Grundy Center, Iowa. 575— Charles Milton Sherman. B. Ph.; 1895, M. A., Ph. D., Puget Sound University; Law Student, Tacoma, Washington. 576— Almyr Kempton Shurtleff, C. E. ; 1886-89, Division Engineer on Con- struction; 1889-90, Chief Engineer Sioux City & Northern Line; 1891-93, Division Engineer on Construction; 1894, Assistant to Chief Engineer of Brainard & Northern Minnesota Railway; 1894-97, Division Engineer Black Hills Division F. E. & M. V. R, R ; Deadwood, South Dakota. 577 — Dilman Smith, B. A., Pastor M. E. Church, Central City, Iowa. 578 — Harris William Smith, B. A.; 1895-97, Teacher in High School, Charles City, Iowa. 579 — Merle Negley Smith, B. A.,- Graduate Student in Drew Theological Seminary. Madison, New Jersey. 580— Minnie V. Smith, B. A., Teacher, 527 Ninth Ave., Clinton, Iowa. 581 — William James Sullivan, B. Ph., B. S. in C. E., Teacher, Marengo, Illinois. 582— Lotta L. Tipple Hazzard, M. Ph.; 1894-95, Graduate Student of Cor- nell College; 3029 Park Avenue, Minneapolis, Minn. 583— Harlan Updegraft. B. Ph., Principal of High School, Knoxville, Iowa. xlvi CORNELL COLLEGE. 584— John Christopher Wade, B. S.; 1895-96, Teacher of Chemistry Sioux City College of Medicine; 1896-97, Instructor in Latin and Physics in Same; 1897, M. D., Sioux City College of Medicine; Mount Ver- non, Iowa. 585— Ernest Cattron Wheeler, M. A.; 1897, M. D., Chicago Homoeopathic Medical College; Physician, Dubuque, Iowa. 586 — Hugh Aaron Whittemore, B. A.; 1896, LL. B., State University of Iowa; Attorney at Law; 626 St. Peter Street, St. Paul, Minnesota. 587— Mae Wolfe, B. Ph., Teacher Belle Plaine, Iowa. 588 — Melvin Jacob Yoran, B. A., Manchester, Iowa. 1895. 589— Luella Matson Albrook, B. A.; 1895-96, Graduate Student in Cornell College; Assistant Principal of Schools, Springville, Iowa. 590 — Frederick Stanton Alden, B. S. in C. E.,; 1897, Graduate Student of Civil Engineering in University of Illinois; Mount Vernon, Iowa. 591 — Milton Reeder Barker, B. S. ; 1891, M. D., Chicago Homoeopathic Medical College; Physician and Surgeon in charge of World's Co- lumbian Homoeopathic Hospital; 1893-96, Adjunct Professor Chi- cago Homoeopathic College; 4925 Greenwood Ave., Chicago, 111. 592 — Bertram James Barr, B. Ph., Teacher, Knoxville, Iowa. 593 — Charles Colton, B. S. in C. E., Real Estate, Mount Vernon, Iowa. 594 — Elma L. Dickinson, B. S., Assistant Principal High School, Forest City, Iowa. 595— Lucius Arthur Dodge, B. A.; 1896, Graduate Student at Garrett Bib- lical Institute; Pastor M. E. Church, Lanesboro, Minn. 596 — Ethel Fairlamb, B. Ph., Teacher, Eldora, Iowa. 597 — William Tecumseh Sherman Fleming, B. A., Pastor M. E. Church, Viola, Iowa. 598 — Josiah Gibson, B. S. in C. E., Draughtsman, 276 Erie Street, Chicago, Illinois. 599 — Harvey Grant Hays, B. S. in C. E., Manager H. Parmalee Library Co., San Francisco, California. 600 — Lenna May Huffman, B. Ph., Teacher, Nashua, Iowa. 601 — Fred Meyer Kettering, B. S. in C. E., DeWitt, Iowa. 602 — William Henry Klingebiehl, B. Ph., Teacher of Biblical Literature and German in the German English College, Wilton Junction, Iowa. 603— Jessie L. McLaughlin, B. Ph.; 1895-96, Pastor M. E. Church Ryan, Iowa; 1896-97, Graduate Student Boston University; 1897, Pastor M. E. Church, Gladbrook, Iowa. 604 — Carrie Moffit, B. Ph., Teacher, Tipton, Iowa. 605 — Ida Leota Myers Roche, B. S., Teacher, Clarence, Iowa. 606 — Lester Burr Parsons, B. A., Teacher, Waterloo, Iowa. 607 — Morton Eaton Peck, B. A., Teacher Greek and Latin, Marionville Col- legiate Institute, Marionville, Missouri. 608— William D. Phifer, M. Ph., Pasior Asbury M. E. Church, Denver, Col- orado. 609— Louanna Reeder, B. S., Tipton, Iowa. CORNELL COLLEGE. xlvii 610— Estelle Ann Robinson, B. Ph., Hampton, Iowa. 611 — William Lee Robinson, B. S., Real Estate, Hampton, Iowa. 612— Charles Gamble Simpson, B. Ph., 1896; Graduate Student in Cornell College, Mount Vernon, Iowa. 613 — Carey Wilmot Smith, B. S., Real Estate and Banking, Volga, South Dakota. 614 — John Henry Stover, B. A., Insurance Agent, Stronghurst, Illinois. 615 — Albert Joel Wheeler, B. C. E., Traveling Salesman, Traer, Iowa; Rolfe, Iowa. 616 — James Evans White, B. A., Grocery Clerk, Rockford, Iowa. 617 — Samuel Edward Yaggy, B. A., Pastor M. E. Church, Allison, Iowa. 1896. 618 — Martha Luella Boardman, B. Ph., Marshalltown, Iowa. 619 — George Herbert Bretnall, B. A., Graduate Student at Garrett Biblical Institute, Evanston, Illinois. 620 — Will Johnson Seeley Brown, B. S., Farmer, Malta, Illinois. 621 — Herbert Grant Campbell, B. Ph., Instructor in History and Science, Epworth Seminary, Epworth, Iowa. 622 — Bessie Juliet Crary, B. A., Boone, Iowa. 623 — Lulu Curme, B. Ph.; 1894, B. A., Wesleyan College; 1896, Teacher of German and History in Jennings Seminary, Aurora, Illinois; Rich- mond, Indiana. 624 — Lida Davisson, B. A., Kensett, Iowa. 625 — Amy Lamoille Dougherty, B. Ph., Assistant Principal of Schools, Wav- erly, Iowa. 626 — John Corliss Dunning, B. Ph., Law Student, Vinton, Iowa. 627 — Louis Edward Eickelberg, B. S., Teacher, Waterloo, Iowa. 628— Harry Jay Ferguson, B. S., Principal High School, Tama, Iowa. 629 — Samuel Geissinger Fouse, B. A., Merchant, Lisbon, Iowa. 630 — Archimides Edward Fuller, B. S. in C. E., Galesburg, Illinois. 631 — Ira John Gongwer, B. Ph., Marion. Iowa. 632 — Elmer Thomas Grinwell, B. Ph., Pastor M. E. Church, Coggon, Iowa. 633 — Fred Cole Hicks, B. Ph., Principal of Schools, Fairfax, Iowa. 634 — Henry Frederick Kanthlener, B. A., Instructor in Greek and Latin, Epworth Seminary, Epworth. Iowa. 635— Ellen Mary Knoll, B. Ph.. Teacher, Sheffield, Iowa. 636 — Emma Amanda Little Mam, B. S., Missionary, Foochow, China. 637 — Carrie Macy, B. Ph., Teacher, Sanborn, Iowa. 638— Burton Schuyler Miller, B. S., Fargo, North Dakota. 639 — Miles Ernest Mitchell, B. A., Graduate Student in Drew Theological Seminary, Madson, New Jersey. 640 — Elizabeth Anna Moler, B. Ph., Teacher, Odebolt, Iowa. 641 — Pearl Evyleen Reeder, B. Ph., Assistant in High School, Tipton, Iowa. 642 — Ralph Maltbie Reeder, B. A., Graduate Student in Garrett Biblical In- stitute, Evanston, Illinois. 643 — Edward Ramson Ristine, B. S. ; 1891 — , Principal of Commercial School of Cornell College, Mount Vernon, Iowa. xlviii CORNELL COLLEGE. 644— George John Ross, B. Ph., General Secretary Young Men's Christian Association, Painsville, Ohio. 645 — Jessie Lois Safely, B. Ph., Traer, Iowa. 646 — George W. Durrell Sailor, B. S. in C. E„ Teacher, Lisbon, Iowa. 647 — Howard Edward Simpson, B. Ph., Mount Vernon, Iowa. 648 — Perkins Swift Slocum, B. A., Pastor M. E. Church, Clinton, Iowa. 649 — Emmet Harland Soper, B. Ph., Graduate Student Columbia Law School, New York City, New York. 650 — Erastus Burrows Soper, Jr., B. A., Graduate Student Columbia Law School, New York City, New York. 651 — Orren Elmore Stanley, B. S. in C. E., Assistant City Engineer, Mason City, Iowa. 652 — Frances Adelaide Staves, B. Ph., Professor in Montana Wesleyan Uni- versity, Helena, Montana. 653 — John Bissell Trowbridge, B. Ph., General Secretary Young Men's Christian Association, Manchester, Iowa. 654 — Guerdon Marcel Vermilya, B. S., Mason, City, Iowa. 655 — Joseph D. Wardle, B. S. in C. E., Civil Engineer, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. 656 — Addie Grace Wardle, B. A., Teacher in Schools, Alta, Iowa; Mount Vernon, Iowa. 657 — Bertha Claire Wenger, B. Ph., Lisbon, Iowa. NDEX. Page. Academy 33, 34 Admission, Requirements for 9, 34 Advanced Standing 9 Alumni, Association Officers of 4 Apologetics .__ 25 Bequests to College 64 Biology 27 Boarding Hall 60,62 Botany 28,38 Buildings 59 Calendar 2, 33 Campus 58 Civil Engineering 29 Courses of Study, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15, 40, 42. Conservatory of Music 45 Commercial School .— 42 Degrees — 55 English Bible 24 English Language and Lit- erature 20 English 20,36 Examinations for Admission 11 Examining and Visiting Committees 4 Executive Committee 4 Expenses 59, 60 Faculty- 5 French 19, yj Geology 26,39 German 18,37 Government- 53» 54 Graduation, Requirements for 34 Page. Greek . 17,38 History 21, 36 Instrumental Drawing 39 Laboratories and Apparatus 56 Latin 16, 36 Library and Reading Room 57 Literary Societies 35, 55 Location 58 M athematics and Astronomy 28, 36 Merit and Demerit 54, 55 Military Science and Tactics 31 Museum _.. _ 56, 57 Non-resident Lecturers 7 Normal 41 Philosophy 24 Physiology 38 Physics and Chemistry 25,39 Physical Culture 58, 59 Political Economy 22,39 Recitations and Examina- tions 55 Religious Culture 53 Rooms and Boarding 60,62 Scholarshipsand Beneficiary Funds. 62,63 School of Art 49 School of Oratory and Phys- ical Culture 5i»5 2 Shorthand and Typewriting 43 Students 66, 79 Summary of Students 44, 80 Summer School 65 Text Books 43 Introduction to Quinquennial ii Trustees and Terms of Service v Faculty, Time of Service viii Honorary Degrees xix Alumni Record xx Index to Alumni Record xxx INDEX OF THE ALUMNI. Abbott, F M 164 Adams, A G 429 [ Addoms, G S 346 Akers, J W 82 Albright, H._ 25 Albright, L C 22 *Albright, I. 83 Albright, L B 165 Albright, W H 166 Albrook, C E 128 Albrook, J B 84 Albrook, L M 5J9 *Alden, H W. 430 Alden, W C 505 Alden, S F 90 Aldrich, E F... 117 Alexander, D R 431 Amnion, C G -237 Andrews, J J 48 Arbingast, WE .455 Arbuckle, J W 307 *Ash, A T 103 Ash, E H. 394 Ash, H C 395 *Baird, J W 129 Baird, W S ....256 Baker, J 223 Ballz, J ...506 Bancroft, H A.. 308 Barclay, WF 130 Bargelt, H S 95 Barker, M R 591 Barr, B J 592 Bartholomew, I A 507 Bassett, HA 432 Bassett, T S 508 Bateman, G A --329 Bateman, H O 347 Bauman, GC 396 Beals, C A 280 Beechley, N K 156 *Beede, S E.... 3 Berryman, A W_ 174 Billings, E S 509 Billings, E. 547 *BirdsalI, G M.- 37 Bishop, S D 330 Bissell, L E 456 Bittle, T W 510 Black, J F 281 Blair, J H 309 Blank, T L 224 Blue, LA -457 Boardma, CH E 458 Boardman, M L 618 Boggs.A ----331 Boggs. W 131 Boies, E L 225 Boling, C O 459 Bolton, L C ...460 Bowder, H J 282 Bowles, M 397 Bowman, G M 26 Bowman, H E 461 Boyd, L-. 257 Brackett, A 38 Brackett, E T 104 Breneman, E M 548 Bretnall, G H 619 Brindell, C A 204 Brockman, D C 226 Bromwell, J E 210 Bronson, D .258 Brooks, C B 462 Brown, C M 146 *Brown, J A 179 Brown, L C 167 Brown, F E 283 Brown, W H 284 Brown, F M 398 Brown, C T 463 Brown, W J S 620 Brownson, J D 464 Bruce, P P 511 Buechele, J L 310 Bufnngton, E C 465 Bunnell, G F 205 Burge, E 371 Burr, W A 40 Burr, M F ....168 *Burr, F J 39 Bushnell, A N 132 Cadmus W E... 372 Campbell, H G 621 Carhart, AE.. 118 Carhart, L B 105 Carlton, WW 285 Carpenter, N J 286 Carr, W J 466 Cattron, E 60 Cavanaugh, M 1 Chaffee, FM 399 Chaffee, I J 467 Chandler, ME 400 Charlton, TB 549 Chase, A L 287 Chase, A R 238 Cherry, J B 288 Chipperfield, R T . .. ..401 Chubbuck, A -B P 550 *Chubbuck, M A 4 Clark, LC 512 Clemans, C L 348 Clemans, H 289 *Clemmer, G 513 Clendening, P 332 Clinginan, S 85 Clinton, D 290 Clinton, M 180 Coates, R W 133 Cobb, M J 291 Cobb, W C 373 Coe, E K 402 Coftman, JP 61 Cole, K... 227 Cole, T S 374 ♦Coleman, N H 96 Collin, A 12 Collin, E_. 23 Collins, R H_. 433 Colton, C 593 Congdon, I E .157 Conrad, M E 181 *Cook, T N 292 Cooley, C 182 Corn, W S .403 Cory, J W 97 Cory, E 49 Courtney, M W — 514 Cousins, R.. 211 Cousins, G. 375 Cowles, O J 9 Cramer, W F 183 Crandell, L 239 Cranmer, I W 240 Cranmer, S H 212 Crary, B J. 622 Cromer, E A 434 Crouse, H S 404 Curme, L. 623 Curts, } L 213 Curts, LE 62 Dahn, j N... 259 Daly, E S — 184 Damon, A N 551 Daniel, N M .468 Davies, J A 241 Davisson, L 624 Day, L 260 Deacon, E. 293 Dean, A J 311 De Butts, C E 294 De Butts, TE 349 De Lamatter, C E 312 Devine, E T 333 Dickinson, E.... 594 *Dickson, T H 10 Dike, C T 515 *Dimmitt, W C 16 Dixon, W G 350 Dobson, J 242 Dodge, L A. .__ 595 Dolliver, V B 376 Donhowe, O O .313 Doron, W A 134 Doron, W S 158 Dougherty, KT 405 Dougherty, A L 625 Dudley, CH 261 Dudley, E 262 Dukes, C K 295 Dukes, E 334 Dunning, J E ..626 Durno, W F ..469 Eaton, J B 552 Eberhart, J G ---175 Eberhart, J S 21 Eckles, W A 470 Eickelberg, L E 627 Elliott, G 106 Elliott, W C 435 Elliott, H .553 Ellison, E E 516 Eminert, J F .119 Esgate, E J 263 Esget, S D 98 Eshbaugh, C H 296 Escher, J F 120 Etter, W L 377 Fairbanks, M L 335 Fairlamb, M 471 Fairlamb, E — 596 Fancher, E M 264 Fancher, L. 472 'Deceased. INDEX — Continued, Fawcett, J N 228 Fellows, E E 63 Fellows, A A 41 Fellows, ML 2 *Felton, M F 243 Felton, A N 297 Ferguson, A B 554 Ferguson, H J 628 Ferreby, T G 517 Fisher, F P .314 Fleming, VV T S 597 Foell, C M _ .555 Ford, D W 147 Ford, D D 135 *Foster,G H 17 Foster, G R 556 Fouse, SG 629 Fouse, D H 406 Freer, M L ic Freer. H H... 64 French, A F 298 Fuller, M C 407 Fuller, A E 630 Fulton, F 351 Fulton, O 518 Gallagher, W S 519 *Galloway, W 86 Gaudy. J E ...136 Gates, A P 206 Gates, W F 245 Gates, F M .244 Gault. F B 169 Gearhart. N B 557 Gemmill, H S 315 Gemmill WN 316 Gilson, J 598 Giger, J F 65 Gilchirst, E 520 Gilruth, I H.. 66 Golden, HC 121 Golder, E A 87 Gongwer, I J. 631 Goodenough, G D 558 Goodenough, M 559 •^Goodell. D N --170 Goodell, M A 99 Goodyear, S H .137 Gorham, C W 473 Goudv, MW 408 Gould, C L 214 Graham, A F. 265 Graham, J D 266 Grant, G B 521 Gray, HH 436 *Greattrax, L M... 474 Griffith. W A 72 Gruwell, E T 632 Hanna, B 185 Hanna, J R 267 Hanna, E B 560 Hanner, J R A 336 Harlan, J E 67 Harman, W 68 Harlan, R 352 Hart, FW ._ 69 Harvey, J C ...522 Haskin, J C 42 *Haskin, E A 108 Hauger, W E 353 Hays, HG 599 Hays, J W 409 Hays, J R 32 Haves, F 475 *Hayzlett, M A 24 Havzlett, E 109 Helms, E J 378 Henderson, H E 317 *Hess,X... 268 Hewitt, N M .246 Hewitt, H L 171 Hicks, F C ---633 Hild, R 186 Hoelscher, E A 523 Hogle, G W 379 Hoover, L 88 Huffman, L M 600 Hughes, J 561 Hunt, E G 437 Hunter, G G 5 2 4 Hunter, C S 562 Huntington, T F M 476 Hurburt, R F 229 Hui'chins, C V --247 Hyndman, E J 215 Imlay, LE 354 Ingols, A A 187 Iorns, M J.__ --477 Isherwood, H L 159 Isherwood, T G 216 Jacobs, F H 269 Jacques, W K 248 Johnson, J E 478 Johnson, G W .525 *Johnston, A W 230 Johnston, FE 270 Jones, M M 148 Jones, G W 249 [ones, J H 4 79 Joshn, W R -380 Kanthlener, H F 634 Keister, G 231 Keister, B B 480 Kemper, A L 318 Kennedy, G H. 355 Kepler, N A . .. 438 *Kerr, J A 50 Kettering, F M 601 Keyes.CR 563 Kidder, J J 319 Kidder, LM .481 King, J E 410 Kirk, C F 356 Kirkpatrick, G E 3S1 Kirkpatrick, F W 482 Klingebiehl, \V H 602 Knoll. E M 635 *Lamb, H A 43 Lardner, W B 149 Larrabee, S H 439 Lawrence, F B 320 Law, V M 150 Lay ton W C 250 Lee, Edward 271 Lee, W D ifc8 Lee, W R 251 Lee, Ella M ..- 70 Lewis, W S 382 Lewis, J 564 Little, E A .636 Locke, C E 483 Locke, M J 526 Lohr, ! F 232 Lounsbury, F W 411 Love, M E... 441 Lusk, R C 442 Lyon, G M 189 Lyon, C W 176 Lytle, C 1 484 Macy, G C 485 Macy, C 637 Main, D C 272 Manlv, J M -.383 Manly. W E 412 Manly, WS 299 Manly, F W ^65 Marine, C B 190 Marine, S A 89 Martin, S no Martin, E W 192 Martin, L 191 Martin, E W 527 Martin, L 566 Mason, D T 442 Mason, A A 413 Mason, X T 252 Mason, KA. 233 *Mason, AG .111 *Mather, S D 13 Matson, K L 151 Matson, C 28 ♦Matthews, A 8 *Maynard, J W 357 Mavnard, O K 414 McArthur, E T 415 McBurney, D A 486 McCaustland, E J 487 McClaskey, ME 51 McClelland, C E 273 McCoy, B.__ 52 McCoy. E L 528 McCredie, VV W 300 McDole,R C 122 McEwen, E L 567 Mclndoe, H ... 321 "Mclntyre, C 443 ♦Mclntyre, J S .217 McKay, F 193 McKell, L 112 McKinney, N 53 McLaughlin, J L 603 McLeod, M E 488 *McMaster, F E 416 McMaster, F A... .529 McMaster, M 568 Mears, ST 358 Mee, M 417 Mellett, J E 274 Mentzer, T F. 138 Metzgar, G A. 71 Miller, A J 337 Miller, L A .-..- 5 Miller, F E 530 Miller, B S ...638 Milner, T H... 152 Miner, J A 234 Mitchell, VV O 100 Mitchell, M E 639 Moffitt, f T 275 Moffitt, C 604 Mohler, C K 418 Moler, E A 640 Montgomery, W H 444 Montgomery, S B 359 Montgomery, W A 569 Moore. J M 360 Moore. C E 177 Moore, J W___ 54 Morgan, M E 33 Morrill, E F .'. 338 *Morrison, J A 322 Mott, A E 419 Mott, H B 489 Muckler, C H 531 Muse, W F 253 Myers, A E 72 Mvers, J L 605 Neff, A G 172 Neff, M A 44 Neff, M K 55 ♦Norton, M O 73 Norton, W H 153 Nowlin, W 113 *01iver, N E 11 Parsons, S N 276 Parsons, R D 45 Parsons. L B 606 Pascal, L A 363 Pascal, L T 362 Pascal, A C 361 Pease, B 323 Pease, I L 490 Peck, M E _ 607 Peebles. F E .. 445 INDEX— Continue^ 3 0112 105622150 Penman, M 532 Phifer, W D 608 Phillips. L 277 Pierce, E P 491 Pierson. L J 207 Pingrey, J S 364 Pixley, M E 324 Plaskett, A F 14 Platner, ME 74 Poland, J M 208 Pollock, C A 178 Pollock, J L 139 Pottle, W A 384 Prichard, J 301 *Putnara, JAB. 6 Randall, R H.. 90 Randall, S C 56 Rasch, C... ----385 Reading, M L 57 ♦Reed, C E 58 Reeder, E . 365 Reeder, R 420 Reeder, F G 533 Reeder, L. -.609 Reeder, RM 642 Reeder, P E 641 Reisinger, F W 534 Remick, BL 386 Rhea, C B 535 *Ricker, M L .160 *Rigby, J H 46 Rigby, J W 102 Rigby, E S 101 Rigby, WT 75 Rigby, E M 492 Rigby, WC 493 Rigby, AG 570 Rigby, CL 571 Rising, H A —.387 Ristine, ER 643 Roberts, S A d2i Robinson, E A 610 Robinson, VV L 611 Roche, T F 494 Rockwell, W L 339 Rogers, J A 154 Rollins, C W ... 76 Rolston, L J 572 Rooney, P O 194 Ross, W E 209 Ross, G J 644 Rowe, R L 140 Runkle, M S 573 *Safely, JG 7 Safely, F E 495 Safely, J L 645 Sailor, G W D 646 Sartori, J F 195 ♦Savidge, S L 123 Schell, I L 388 *Scott, F J 18 Scott. E H 218 Scoville, H 446 Scoville, M S74 Scovel, H E 340 ♦Sessions, H E ...196 Shankland, E C 155 Shantz, G A 536 Shaw, LM 141 Sheffer, C P 2-8 Sherman, CM 575 Shirer, S S 537 Shoecraft, S 19 Shumway, C W 302 Shurtleff. A K 576 Shute, A L 341 Simmons, P E 366 Simpson, C G 612 Simpson, H E 647 Slagle, F H 447 Slaughter, W B 389 Slocum, P S 648 Smedley, WE 342 Smedley, L M .422 Smith, B D 343 Smith, E H 423 Smith, O W 220 Smith, M E 197 ♦Smith, E H -173 Smith, S G 114 ♦Smith, T L 34 Smith, M P 15 Smith, D _ 577 Smith, H W 578 Smith, M N 579 Smith, M 580 Smith, C W 613 Smyth, W 125 Smyth, S J 115 Smyth, A 124 Sniffen, J S 161 Snyder, C W E 424 Sones, C 219 Soper, M R 496 Soper, E B 59 Soper, E H 649 Soper, E B 650 ♦Spangler, E J 29 Spear, A.. 221 Spencer, M E 30 Spofford, J D 425 Stackhouse, J L 426 Stanley, O E 65T Starr, M — 91 Staves, F A 652 Stephens, T L 31 Stephens, F E 92 Stevens, G R 198 Stevens, A G .199 ♦Stephenson, C S 390 Steuben, G E 538 Stover, J H 614 Sullivan, W J 581 Sumner, J- 497 Sutherland, E 448 Sutherland, H A 142 Swantees, S F .449 Swartwood, D B 367 Sweesy, MV 126 Sweet, B E 539 Swingley. B 450 Taft, M H .303 Tallman, E 200 Tarbox, J L 325 Tavlor, T B 116 Taylor, G A 498 Thomas, H E 326 Thompson, C W 540 Tipple, Lotta .382 Tobin, M J 368 Tobin, T F 235 Torrey, C A 427 Trigg, Z M 279 Triggs, WR 344 Trowbridge, J B 653 Tubbs, C. ..451 Updegraff, H 583 Van Anda, A J 201 Van Sant, N G 93 Vermilya, G M 654 Virden, EM 202 Wade, J C 584 Wakefield, A B 541 Walters, C E 452 Walker, A C 35 Ward, J A 77 Ward, M L ....127 Wardle, A C 655 Wardle, J D 656 Warner, H E. 162 Warner, SB 143 Warner, H } 499 Warner, A B . . _~ 542 Wasser, W C 500 Watts, LA 304 Webb, M B ----453 Weeks, LT 254 Welch, G W ---203 Wenger, B C 657 West, E 222 West, E E 543 Wheeler, A 78 Wheeler, E C. 585 Wheeler, A J... 615 White, H C .236 White, C L.... 144 White, G W 255 White, A L 501 White, J E ...616 Whittemore, H A 586 ♦Wilcox, J F 79 Wilcox. W 47 Wilde, E M 80 ♦Wiley, A J.. 145 Wilkinson, H S 544 Wilson, E E 502 Wilson, A 545 Wilson, C T 546 Wirtz, W A 391 ♦Wiswell, E A 327 Witter, M A B 36 Wolfe, M 587 Woodford, L C — 94 Woodward, CF .305 Wright, W M 369 Wright, L 345 Wright, M.. 328 Wright, H R 5"3 Wyrick, F H "-06 Yaggy, S E 617 Yoran, MJ 588 Young, A E — 392 ♦Young, E K 20 Young, G W 81 Young, JA._ 393 Young, J C 163 Young, R G. 370 Young, EM 504 Zollinger, C 428 Zollinger, M A — 454