THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY O NOTICE: Return or renew all Library Materials! The Minimum Fee for each Lost Book is $50.00. The person charging this material is responsible for its return to the library from which it was withdrawn on or before the Latest Date stamped below. Theft, mutilation, and underlining of books are reasons for discipli- nary action and may result in dismissal from the University. To renew call Telephone Center, 333-8400 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates TO PHYSICIANS AND DHUGGISTS. A PROMINENT New York physician lately complained to Dundas Dick about his Sandalwood Oil Capsules, stating that sometimes they almost cured miraculously, but that a patient of his had taken them for some time without the least effect. On being informed that several imitations were made and sold, he promised to enquire, which he did, and found that his patient had been taking capsules sold in bottles, and the druggist stated that he could not get D. D. & Co.’s at the time, and had often sold the others instead, supposing that as they were said to contain the same amount of Oil of Sandalwood and Oil of Cassia as the genuine, they would have the same effect. What has happened to the physician referred to may have happened to many others, and D. D. & Co. take this method of protecting physicians, druggists and themselves, and also of preventing the Oil of Sandalwood from coming into disrepute. OWING to the great success of Dick’s Oil of Sandalwood Capsules, many other substitutes have been advertised, such as Pastes, Mixtures, Pills, etc,, all of which have been abandoned. PHYSICIANS who once prescribe the Capsules will continue to do so, for they con- tain the pure Oil in the best and cheapest form. » D. D. & Co. use more Oil of Sandalwood in the manufacture of their Capsules, than all the Wholesale and Retail Druggists and Perfumers in the United States com- bined, and this is the sole reason why the pure Oil is sold cheaper in their Capsules than in any other form. OIL OF SANDALWOOD is fast superseding every other remedy, sixty Capsules only being required to insure a safe and certain cure in six or eight days. From no other medicine can a like satisfactory result be obtained. Our own Copaiba require on an average about twenty days ; our Copaiba and Cubebs about seventeen ; and our Matico about fifteen ; while the best of the hard Capsules require about forty days, and the others a much longer time. Dick’s Soft Capsules solve the problem long and anxiously considered by many of our most eminent physicians, of how to avoid for the patient the nausea and disgust experienced in swallowing, which are well known to often detract from, if not destroy, the beneficial efiects of some of the most valuable remedies prescribed. The Soft Capsules are handsomely put up in tin-foil and neat boxes, containing 30 each, and are now the only Capsules prescribed by Physicians. t^” These were the only Capsules admitted to the last Paris Exposition. SEND FOR CIRCULAR TO 35 WOOSTER STREET, N. Y. SOLD AT ALL DRUG STORES. GENERAL AGENCY, 110 Beade St., New York. ■ REMEDIAL, Saratflia Spriaas. OPEN ALL THE YEAR. Its proprietors are graduates of the Medical Department of the University of New York City. In addition to tiie ordinary medical agencies used in general practice, they' employ Turkish, Russian, Sulphur air. Electro- Thermal and llydropatliic baths; Taradaic and Galvanic Electricity, Equalizer or Vacuum Treatment (which is universal dry cupping), the inhalation leto8 the series. The guide and thin walls admit the inttoduction of a size to embrace the entire cervix. The view is both natural and com- plete. The patient’s dread of | glass or pinching valves is obvi- ati d. The case Q, carries them in a compact form. Weight of the whole but 14 ounces. Pull case, $14.00. Single, $3.00. STEM XiEVEES . — This is suspended on double ^ gums ss. Fig. 1 . The same will be hereafter all the de- signs of Staufer’s Stem Uterine Supporters. This in- strument, of various sizes and curves, seems to meet the views of the Medical Piofession in general, more readily than any other. Pi ice, $4 50, on an clastic webbing belt. Prices and catalogues free. Instruments all mailed on recent quotation prictjs. STAUFER’S INK-PRESESVING INKSTAND. This Inkstand now appears also in metal, with a hard rubber funnel A, which is suspended on a elastic gum, lying within screw cup B. The pen is set within the funnel, and by a delicate pressure the strained ink, which is not liable to drop, rises to the point. Only as long as this pres- sure is maintained. All the ink de- structive elements are then auto- matically shut out. The convenience of a non-evapora- ting inkstand, which requires no cover, and yet freely surrenders the unchangeable ink at every dip of the pen, for many months, without cleaning, can be fully compreheuded only by actual use. Price, 75 Cents — Mailed. Liberal arrangements are maJe with the trade. Schools or Clubs of one dozen and over. S. S. STAUFER, M.D. 646 Xorth- Ifinth Street, BhUadcl^hia. ANNUAL 'ANNOUNCEMENT j^isriD C I H C U L A-R. The Annual Session will commence in MARCH, and continue sixteen weeks. The Reading Term will commence in OCTOBER, and continue five months. For Tickets to all the Lectures during the preliminary and regular terms. .$140 00 FEES FOS THE PSELIMINAEY TEEM. Recitations and Clinics $30 00 Matriculation (good for the year) 5 00 Dissecting Ticket (good for the year) 5 00 FEES FOE THE EEGULAE TEEM. Full Course of Lectures $100 00 Matriculation Fee 5 00 Demonstrator’s Fee 5 00 Graduation Fee 25 00 TIOKETS to HOSEIT^Xj a-E-A-TTJITOXJS. JARVIS S. WIGHT, M.D., Registrar. ANIMAL VACCINE VIEUS. THE UNDERSIGNED furnishes NON-HUMANIZED COW-POX VIRUS {vituline ci bovine virus) at the following prices : QUILL SLIPS (half quill, charged on convex surface, at square-cut end) 25 cts. CAPILLARY TUBES $2 00 The quill slips are the most reliable of all forms of stored vaccine, and the only form recommended^ and in cases of failure with them in primary vaccination, if used within one week of their issue, and strictly in accordance with the printed directions, being in the meantime kept cool and dry, a second supply will be furnished gratis. Remit by Check or Post-Office money order to FRANK P. FOSTER, M. F)., Late Director of Vaccine Department, New York Dispensary, 33 EAST 28TH STREET, NEW YORK CITY. This vims may also be obtained of Mr. T. L. CLACHER, 107 East Twenty-eighth Street, or of Messrs. CASWELL, HAZARD & CO., corner of Broadway and Twenty-fourth Street. ¥r¥r*TT^"S3r Mr ' ’G PURE CONCENTRATED MEDICINES. CONCENTRATED TINCTURES, Etc. The powders are put up in bottles of one ounce, avoirdupois, and securely sealed to protect them from the action of the atmosphere. Prepared by re-dissolving the active principles'^ in alcohol, in definite proportions. Put up iu bottles of 2 ozs., 8 ozs., and 1 lb. 10 Ivory Points, Cow-Pox Virus, Charged on both sides, - $1.50 1 Crust, - ^ 3.00 Sent by mail on receipt of price. HAND-BOOK OF PRACTICE, EMPLOYING CONCENTRATED MEDICINES. By B. KEITH, M. D. Price, - - - - Fifty Cents. . We will furnish gratis, on application, a copy of our “ Revised and Enlarged Manual of the Active Principles of Indigenous and Foreign Medicinal Plants,” containing short accounts of each preparation, with properties, uses, doses, etc., also price list. Address all communications to B. KEITH & CO.. 41 IdSberty Street, IV. Y. CINCINNATI COLLEGE OF MEOICINE AND SURGERY. This Institution holds two full courses of Lectures each year, and confers the degree of M. D. at the close of each term. The Winter Term commences the first of October, and continues until the latter part of the following February. The Spring Term commences the first of March, and continues until the latter part of June. For circulars, etc., address the Dean or Secretary. D. D. BRAMBLE, M. D., Dean, J. A. THACKER, M. D., Secretary, 169 Broadway. Cor. Longworth and Plum Streets. 6E0BGE TIEMANN & CO., SURGICAL INSTRUMENT MANUFACTURERS, No. 67 CHATHAM STREET, Branch Store, 107 East 28th St., F. A. STOHLMANN. IsTIB'W EDWARD PFARRE. “r* X wxr iM. ’ APPARATUS, VESSELS, SHEET, WIRE, ETC., FOB ALL LABORATORY AND MANUFACTURING PURPOSES. H. M. HAYWOH, No. 25 Bond Street, JSfew York. NATIVE PLATINUM AND SCRAP PURCHASED. TO THE EEOEESSIOlsr. A NEW AND IMPORTANT REMEDY, I.ACTOPEPTINE. oon^dii^osiTioi^r XiJLOTOI=»:E:i=TII5r:E]. PEPSIN, PTYALIN, or DIASTASE, PANC«EATINE, LACTIC ACID, HYDROCHLORIC ACID. One drachm of L A (’ T 0 P E P T I N E will digest from 12 to 15 drachms of Albumen, or any kind of cooked Animal or Vegetable Food. LACTOPEPTINE contains the five active agents of digestion, combined in the same proportion as they exist in the human system. Its digestive power is from three to four times that of Pepsin (described in the “ United States Dispensatory,” i)age 16851, and has the all important advantage of dissolving all aliment used as food by mankind, while Pepsin acts only upon food of a plastic nature. TO TEST THE DIGESTIVE POWER OF LACTOPEPTINE. To two fluid ounces of water add one drachm of Lactopeptine, half drachm of Hydrochloric or Lactic Acid, 15 drachms of cooked food (reduced to a pulpy consistency;, allowing it to remain from four to twelve hours, occasionally agitated and heated to a temperature of 105 degrees. IP 12 , I O IE S. Elixir Lactopeptine, dozen pints ..$15.00 “ “ in bulk, per pint 1.15 Syrup “ dozen pints 15.00 “ “ in bulk, per pint 1.15 Troches Lactopeptine f Large— 4.50 dozen boxes t Small... 2.25 LACTOPEPTINE POWDER, TROCHES, or SUGAR-COATED PILLS sent by mail to Physicians or Druggists, prepaid, upon the receipt of price. Lactopeptine Powder, oz $ 1.00 “ “ lb 13.00 “ Pills, S. C., per hundred 1.00 “ Wine, dozen pints 15.00 “ “ in bulk, per pint 1.15 EEED & CARNRICK, MANUFACTUEING PHAEMAOISTS, lf)S Fulton Street, Neiv York, Please sen! for Catalogue containing a complete priced list of Fluid Extracts, Sugar-coated Pills, Elixirs, Syrups, Wines, Troches, Glyceroles, etc. A CLINICAL iilAL IF IICFACFS OF TOF EAR, insrCIjXJJDIliTG- THE ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, PATHOLOGY, AND TREATMENT. BY LAUREi^CE TURNBULL, M.D., Physician to the Department of the Eye and Ear, Jloivard Hospital, Philadelphia. 8vo. 500 Pages. 106 Illustrations. Full Index, etc. Price $5.00. J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., PHILADELPHIA. “It might almost be called an aural encyclopedia.” — Ama-ican Journal of the Medical Sciences. “Sound, clear, and eminently practical in all its parts.” — Bnsion Medical and Surgical Journal. “ It is worthy of note that the two best works on Otology of the present day — viz., TuriibuU’s and Roosa’s — both emanate from the American press.” — The Dublin Journal of Medical Science. May 18, 1874. “ A book of great value to all, both specialist and general practitioner.” — Detroit Review o f Medicine. “ Dr. Turnbull’s book will be of great service to all who propose to keep pace with the progress in this department of our profession. Every physician should have it.” — Atlanta Medical and Surgical Journal, May, 1872. “ In connection with the tables of classification, a schedule of the method of investigation in various diseases of the ear is given, which is of decided practical value to the student There is, in addition, a bibliograi)hical table, including 440 works relating to Otology, and a full index.” — Transactions of the American Otological Society, Juty, 1872. “On the whole, the work is a valuable one, and such as we can recommend.”— Louis Medical and Surgical Journal May, 1872. “ Take it altogether, we think our readers cannot do better than to place a copy of ‘ Turnbull’s Manual of the Diseases of the Ear’ in their library for reference.” — Cincinnati Lancet and Observer, May, 1872. “The woi'k deserves well of the profession, and will, no doubt, sooner or later, find a place in every reading man’s library.'* —The Canada Lancet, May, 1872. “The book, as a whole, is the very best work on aural complaints for the use of the general practitioner with which wo aro acquainted.” — Philadelphia Medical and Surgical Reporter. “ It does not lie within the province of one not a idiysician to attempt an estimate of the medical value of this work ; leaving that task to the medical journals and reviews, we will only say of the book in this respect, that tlie subject is treated full>% clearly, and candidly, with abundant illustration, and that no extravagant claims are made, while the author’s long experience in diseases of the ear in his private practice and the aural department of Howard Hospital, where he has treated several thousand cases, gives a certain authority to his statements and opinions The work, as a whole, aside from its excellence as a medical guide, must possess value for all interested in the deaf and dumb, and is certainly worthy of a place in the libraries of our institutions ” — American Annals of the Deaf and Dumb, edited by Professor Edward A. Fay. Vol. XVIII., No. 1, p. 58. January, 1873. Washington, D. C. , “ After perusal, the purpose of the author is to impart to his countrymen, who have not paid much attention to Otology, the results of the studies of other specialLsts, and he has furnished them an ample exposition of the present state of this branch of medicine. From this point of view, Turnbull’s hand-book deserves our praise. Onr author gives ample quotations from the works of othei-s, bubdoes not, however, withhold his own judgment and experience, which is interesting. Dr. Turnbut.l proves himself thoroughly acquainted with the literature of the subject, and employs it very properly.” — Manalsschrift fur OhrenhcHe- kande, Berlin, May, 1873. WAS AWARDED TO DR. JEROME KIDDER AT THE FAIR OF THE A.l^EE,IO^]Sr IISrSTITXJTE IN THE FALL OF 1875, FOR THE BEST Slectro Magnetic Apparatus EITHER HERE OR ABROAD; AND IN THE FALL OF 187G THE Diploma of Maintained Superiority was Awarded. ALSO AT THE CENTENNIAL EXHIBITION THE GAVE HIS APPARATUS UNAPPROACHABLE EXCELLENCE. DR. KIDDER has Unequalled Galiaiiic, Electro lapelic, anil Gal?aiio Caustic Ajparatnses, TOGETHER WITH SUPERIOR ELECTRODES TO USE WITH THEM. Fac-simile of Dr. Kidder’s Trade Mark, which accompanies the Genuine Electro-Medical Apparatus. TRADE MARK. TO KNOW THE GENUINE APPARATUS FROM THE SPURIOUS, Address for Illustrated Catalogue, ImmMM North-East corner of 17th St. and 4th Avenue, NEW YORK. BXJE,E,II^Ta-T 02>T^S DR. WADSWORTH’S UTERINE ELEVATOR, OR STEM PESSARY IMPROVED. The most simple and practical of any ever invented ; made of India Rub- ber, WITHOUT LEAD, unirritating, of easy application, and unfailingly keeps the vromb in its natural position. The first-class Physicians in Providence, and eminent practi- tioners in almost every State, highly commend it. A pamphlet describing it, and testi- monials of distinguished Physicians, also price list, sent on receipt of stamp for postage. The following is inserted as sample: Lancaster, Pa,, January 15, 1871. Mr. H. H. Burrtngton. Dmr Sir : Please send by Express, C. 0. D., two “ Uterine Elevators.” The Instrument you furnished me some time since has proved entirely satisfactory ; my patient declares she would not exchange it for her dwelling house. Very truly yours, J AUG. EHLER, M.D. H. H. BURRINGTON, Sole Proprietor, Providence, R. I. Also for sale by GEO. TIEMANN & CO., New York; J. H. GEMRIG, Philadelphia; WM. G. SCHMIDT, Louisville; A. M. LESLIE & CO., St. Louis; MAX WOCHER & SON, Cincinnati; VAN SCHAACK, STE- VENSON & REID, Chicago. Or. 22 :EE,lSr, MANUFACTURER OF Snriical M Mi Mmeats, Siriies, Elastic Trasses, Asairators, els. ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES AND IMPROVEMENTS. Jfoi 21 NORTH SIXTH STREET, above MmliH, - - - - RllTLAD ELPHIA, PA. Illustrated Catalogues furnisbed on application. ~^S UR GICAL INSTRUMENT 3IAKE^ LOXJIS •V. No. 127 South Tenth Street, opposite Jefferson Medical College, Manufactures and keeps constantly on hand a general assortment of SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS of the finest quality and most approved patterns. Orders from Country Physicians will receive particular attention. INSURE YOUR EIFE IN THE ONLY PURELY MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY IN PENNSYLVANIA. INCORPORIITED, 1847 . HGCUMRlfiTEO FOND, $ 6 , 200 , 000 . GIIENDS DECLARED, $ 3 , 600 , 000 . LOSSES PAID, $ 3 , 400 , 000 . THE PENN MUTUAL having no stockholders to absorb the earnings of the Company, has, by economical management, been enabled to declare Twenty-eight Dividends, averaging, we believe, more than any other Company in the country. ^Its dividends are made in CASH, and are applied to reduce the premium the second year. It is PKOMPT in the payment of its LOSSES, Liberal to its members, and its small expensee guarantee to them a large dividend return. All POLICIES are non-forfeiting after their third annual payment. Policies issued on all the approved plans. Every Policy-holder is a member of the Company, entitled to all its advantages and privileges, has the right to vote at all elections for Trustees, and thus has a direct influence in its management. Premiums may be paid annually, semi-annually, or quarterly, or a loan will be made for part of the first year’s premium. All information will be furnished on application to the Officers or Agents of the Company. SAMUEL C. HUEY, President. SAMUEL E. STOKES, Ticc-President. H. S. STEPHENS, 2d Vice-President. J. WEIR MASON, Actuary. HENRY AUSTIE, Secretary, H. W. HUNTER, 1 ^ The Dynamograph indicates an improved condition of the motor nervous system after such exercise ; and, in a cruder way, this is corroborated by the practical experience of painters, instrumental per- formers, pen-men, and others to whom manual steadiness is important. On the whole chain of nutritional processes, the effect of Cumulative Exercise is beneficent to a degree seemingly disproportionate to the means employed. Dr.s. O. W. Holmes, F. ,T. Bumstead, Edmund Andrews, W. H. Byford, Edward Bayard, Wm. W. Morland, Edwin Powell, LI. A. .lohnson, N. S. Davis, R. D. Mussey, and numerous other eminent members of the Profession, after investigation, have either adopted the system of Cumulative Exercise for their own use, or prescribe it regularly for a large class of patients, suffering from disease arising from sedentary habits and want of exercise. THE HEALTH-LIFT OOMPAHT o E ■w ‘Z'oisic, Have opened Rooms for instruction and training in this system, in most of the large cities; and take pleasure in tendering the freest use of the same to the Profession. Correspondence on the subject is respectfully solicited, with the General Office of the Company, 46 East Fourteenth Street, New York. WlIaLiIAM AUTKMRIEITH^ MANUFACTURER OF SURGICAL AND DENTAL INSTRUMENTS, No. 71 West Sixth Street, {bet. Walnut and Vine,) - - CINCINNATI, O, 4®=" Special attention given to fitting Trusses and Apparatus for Deformities. TRUBNER & CO., AMERICAN, EOROPEAN, AND ORIENTAL PDBLISHERS AND BOOKSELLERS. English and Foreign Medical Works, Surgical Instruments, etc., procured and forwarded on the most moderate terms, and at the shortest notice. I^ondon: TK-ijBlVEIl & CO., Ludgate Hill, THE^WtoI JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY. This journal offers to advertisers one of the best mediums for reaching physicians, druggists, and chemists. It is believed to have a larger circulation among these classes than any scientific journal published in this country, and copies are usually preserved for reference. The cost of advertising in the Journal is from 4^ to cents a square inch thousand impressions, according to space required. These rates are very low. BILLINGS, CLAPP & CO., Publishers, BOSTOIsT, AMERICAN HOMCEOPATHIC PHARMACY O. T. Hi-arH-IjlBXTm?, No. 898 BROADWAY, between 19th and 20th streets, • . NEW YORK. MEDICINES, VIALS, FAMILY CASES, BOOKS, ETC. WOMAN’S MEDICAL COLLERE OF PENNSYLVANIA. North College Avenue and 21st Street, Philadelphia. .WINTER SESSION commences first Thursday in October, and continues twenty-two weeks. SPRING SESSION commences middle of March, and continues ten weeks. FEES. — For full course. $11.5.00. Alatriculation, S.5.00. Graduation, S'50.00. The Spring Course, comprising Lecttires, Recitations, Practical Work in the Chemical and Pharmaceutical Laboratories, etc., as well as the Winter Quizzes, _/rce (except for expense of material), to all matriculants of the year. For further particulars, address lE^ Xj. ZBOXDXjXU'Y", -A_. IMI., Dean. THE ANATOMT A1 HISTOOGA OF THE HEMAN ETE. Price, cloth, $2,00.’ This work has nearly 200 pages and 75 new engravings. It should be in the library of every Ophthalmologist. The medical press have spoken of it in the highest terms. Sent by mail on receipt of price. OFFICE MEDICAL AND SURGICAL REPORTER, No. 115 Soutli Seventh Street, Philadelphia, Pa, rHEDERICK BROWN, N. E. Cor. Fifth and Chestnut Streets, (ESTABZISHBD 1822.) ALL FINE FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC sj?lvok.y ^ mooitE, CHEMISTS TO THE QUEEN, H. B. H. THE PRINCE OF WALES, NAPOLEON III., HIS HIGHNESS THE KHEDIVE OF EGYPT, 143 NEW BOND STREET, LONDON. Agent for UNITED STATES, Wholesale and Retail, SIP D'OMGES EODGES EE MAITE,DE DEJAEDl-PM .A.Z.SO AGEirTT* FOR 30 NORTH WILLIAM STREET, NEW YORK CITY. aiR LA.OTEOUS Contains all the elements of a complete nutrition in the most assimilable state for infants from the FIRST WEEK OF THEIR LIFE. It is also an excellent Food for Debilitated Adults. CONSTITUENTS COMPARED WITH WOMAN’S M Tf.K-. 1,000 Parts of Woman’s Milk contain : 1,000 Parts of Lacteous Farina contain ; Water, Organic Substances, Ashes, 813.80 184.40 1.80 Water, Organic Substances, Ashes, 49.40 - 931.10 19.50 Azote, 1,000 4.83 Azote, 1,000 21.40 The ashes of the Milk Food are tlie same as woman’s milk, and consist of [Bases) Lime, Potash, Soda, Magnesia, Oxide of Iron, Alumina (Traces), [Acids), Phosphoric (2.15 in 1,000 parts), Sulphuric, Chlorohydric, Lactic (traces). Mixed with nearly four times its weight of water, it forms a fluid containing as much Azote as w jman’s milk ; and with two parts it forms a pap twice as nourishing. The most eminent physicians of all schools agree in recommending it as THE NEXT BEST THING TO A GOOD NURSE. Composed of perfectly soluble materials, this highly nourishing food is easily digested by Irifants, and lessens considerably the frightful mortality prevailing among them. A Doctor of hew York calls it No artificial composition extant is equal for excellence and simplicity of preparation, the addition of water and fire for boiling being only required to secure a uniform material to make sound flesh and bones. It can be prepared in three minutes. Properly used, will remove looseness by adding less water, and costiveness by adding more water to the Farina. The directions for use are on each box. KETAILED GO cts. PEE BOX. IIBERAI W8C0UIT TO TOE TRADE AND CDARITABLE INSTITUTIONS. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS AND FANCY GROCERS. - CAUTION. Phyi?icians and families are particularly warned to beware of counterfeits and imitations of so called Lacteous Farinas, and to refuse all boxes not hearing the name of HENRI NESTLE, as well as that of H. ASTIE, Sole Agent, 13 South William St., New York. iv ,PW^. I U. :m 1 THE MEDICAL REGISTER COMPEISINO NAMES, POST OPTICE ADDRESS, EDUCATIONAL AND PROFESSIONAL STATU&-OT MORE THAN FIFTY THOUSAND PHYSICIANS; WITH LISTS OF MEDICAL SOCIETIP:S, COLLEGES, HOSPITALS AND OTHER MEDICAL INSTITUTIONS, WITH ABSTRACTS OF MEDICAL LAWS OF EACH STATE, NOTICES OF MINERAL SPRINGS, ETC. BY SAMUEL W. BUTLER, M. D. SECOND EDITION, REVISED AND CORRECTED. PHILADELPHIA: OFFICE OF THE MEDICAL AND SURGICAL REPORTER, 115 SOUTH SEVENTH STREET. LONDON; BAILLIERE & CO., 20 KING WILLIAM STREET, STRAND. 1878. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1874, by A. II. BUTLER, la tbe OfHce of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C. CONTENTS. Preface, 6 ]^REFACE TO SpXOXD EDITION, . 8 American Medical Association, i. The Association of Medical Superintendents of American Institutions FOR the Insane, i. American Otological Society, ii, American Ophthalmologic al Society, ii. The American Public Health Association, ii. Medical Officers of the United States Army, ii. The Army Medical Museum at Washington, D. C., Viii. Medical Officers of the United States Navy, Viii. Marine Hospital Service of the United States, ^iii. Medical Kegister of Alabama, 9 Alaska Territory, 29 Arizona Territory, Arkansas, 31 ' ' California, .... 40 Colorado Territory, . 65 ^ Connecticut, 69 Dakota Territory, 86 Delaware, . 87 District of Columbia, Florida, 99 Georgia, . . . . , , , io3 Idaho Territory, 122 Illinois, 123' Indiana, I67 Indian Territory, 227 Iowa, 228 Kansas, 249 Kentucky, 258 Louisiana, 201 302 Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, 2 2o3059 3 4 CONTENTS, PAOS Medical Eegister of Mississippi, 397 Missouri, " . ,412 Montana Territory, 444 Nebraska, 446 Nevada, 449 New Hampshire, 451 New Jersey, 460 New Mexico Territory, 480 New York, 482 North Carolina, 588 Ohio, 601 Oregon, 660 Pennsylvania, 665 Khode Island, 744 South Carolina, 750 Tennessee, 761 Texas, 781 Utah Territory, '> . . . 798 Vermont, 800 Virginia, 811 Washington Territory, 842 West Virginia, 844 Wisconsin, 856 Wyoming Territory, 873 Medical Directory of Alabama, Arizona Territory, Arkansas, .... Baltimore City, Boston City, Brooklyn City, Buffalo City, . California, Chicago City, Cincinnati City, . Cleveland City, Colorado Territory, . Connecticut, Dakota Territory, Delaware, District of Columbia, . PLORIDA, .... Georgia, .... Georgetown City, D. C., . Idaho Territory, Illinois, .... Indiana, .... 14 30 33 317 336 528 536 56 129 609 615 67 72 86 88 91 100 107 91 122 138 191 CONTENTS, P\GK MedI‘ ,'j:. Directory of Indian Territory, 227 ' £owa, 230 Kansas, 250 Kentucky, ^ 267 Louisiana, 296 Louisville City, 261 Maine, 803 Maryland, 824 Massachusetts, 345 Michigan, 366 Minnesota, 391 Mississippi, 39S Missouri, 421 Montana Territory, 445 Nebraska, 44(3 Nevada, 450 Newark City, 462 New Hampshire, 453 New Jersey, 465 New Mexico Territory, 481 New Orleans City, 293 New York City, 505 New York, 639 North Carolina, 690 Ohio, 617 Oregon, 662 Pennsylvania, 701 Philadelphia City, GSl Pittsburgh City, C98 Rhode Island, * . . 7 15 San Prancisco City, 53 St. Louis City, 415 South Carolina, 752 Tennessee, 763 Texas, 782 Utah Territory, 799 Vermont, 803 Virginia, ^ ' 822 Washington City, 92 Washington Territory, 843 West Virginia, 848 Wisconsin, 857 Wyoming Territory, - 874 > P R B PA 0 E. t HE Medical Register and Directory of the United States, now presented to the public, owes its existence to the united efforts of Dr. J. M. Toner, of Washington City, and Dr. S. W. Butler, of Philadelphia. Some fifteen years ago. Dr. Butler commenced collecting names of physicians from the various cities and States for the purpose of compiling a Medical Directory. He sent circulars^to the secretaries of Medical Societies and to postmasters, desiring lists of all physicians in their ioealities, with their professional standing. From these sources he obtained some twenty thousand names ; but his laborious duties as Editor of the Medical and Surgical Reporter and other medical works inter- fered with accomplishing his plans as soon as he desired. In the meantime. Dr. Toner, having the same object in view, obtained from the office of the Internal Revenue Department, and arranged alphabetically, about forty-eight thousand names of physicians of all schools and classes. In the fall of 1871 Dr. Butler purchased this list from Dr. Toner, and used it for the foundation of his work; and, in order to correct errors unavoidable in a list from non-profes- sional sources, a circular was sent by him to each name, containing inquiries in reference to educational and professional standing, and the names, location, and officers of medical societies to which they might belong. The idea was new, and by many the value to the profession of a work of this kind was not at the first appre- ciated. Some physicians replied promptly and fully, others after long delay, and often indifferently, while very many have never noticed the circular at all. Through the means of those who replied, thousands of names have been added, and the pro- fessional standing of a large number correctly recorded. Every possible effort has been used to gain information. Transactions of Medical Societies, lists from secre- taries of Medical Societies, and Catalogues of the Alumni of Medical Colleges have been compared with the previously obtained lists, and the professional standing, as far as reliable, inserted. The original list of the Internal Revenue Department had designated the different schools by their initial letter. Homoeopaths by (h), Eclectics by (e), and those doubtful by (m). These have been retained, except when infor- mation to the contrary has been sent us ; and should errors in this respect still exist, those only who have neglected to reply to the circulars are responsible for them. At the time Dr. Butler commenced this work his health was much impaireil. Years of intense mental labor in the performance of professional and editorial duties 6 PREFACE. 7 liad brought on a disease from which he never recovered. With a marvellous energy of body, and a spirit never flagging, he worked on month after month, plan- ning and arranging for the completion of this new enterprise, vainly hoping that he might live to see its completion. As his strength decreased, the magnitude of the work grew upon him, and his anxiety to have it one that would commend itself to the profession was absorbing. Few persons fairly comprehend the greatness of the task that was still unfinished when, on January 6th, 1874, he passed from this life. We close this brief history of the Medical Register and Directory by quoting a notice in the London ^ledical Press and Circular of February 4th, 1874 : “ The Late Dr. Butler, of Philadelphia. — The last number of the Philadelphia MedicaY AND Surgical Reporter contains an elaborate obituary notice of this indefatigable physician, whose untimely death offers another sad illustration of overwork and premature decay. It is not our ciustom to chronicle the decease of physicians on the other side of the Atlantic, but we feel that the life of so laborious a contemporary ought not to pass without a word from us. The deceased was the editor and proprietor of the above journal and the American Half-Yearly Abstract of Medical Sciences,- and other publications ; and during the past three years he has been engaged with the laborious task of compiling and editing a Medical Register and Directory of the United States. It appears at first sight almost incredible that a country like America should not possess a record of its medical pro- fe.ssion. The magnitude of the work, however, is to our minds quite sufficient to deter an ordinary man from the attempt. When we consider that there are between 70,000 and 80,000 members of all shades and grades scattered throughout such vast tracts of country, where only semi-ciyilization ofttimes exists, and the postal arrangements, if there be any, are necessarily of a very primitive character — where also education has been in the past so sadly neglected, and diplomas easily obtained, even by those unable to read and write — the difficulties, we repeat, were sufficient to deter the most enterprising. Still Dr. Butler was not faint-hearted ; he worked away at his herculean task until death relieved him, at the age of 50, of labors which had cost him a small fortune and a useful life.” To Dr. F. A. Hassler, to whom Dr. Butler confided the compiling of the Register part of the book, great credit is due for the work that he has done. He desires to express his thanks to the many gentlemen who have furnished him with information in regard to Medical Schools, Hospitals, and Mineral Springs. To the Commi.s- sloner of Education, the Secretary of the Interior, the Assistant Surgeon General United States Army, the Chief Clerk of the Navy Department, and the Indiana State Geologist thanks are also due for reports, etc., furnished by them. Frequent reference has been made to the valuable work of Walton on the Min- eral Springs of the United States,’^ and that of Moorman on the ‘^Mineral Springs of North America.^^ In all cases the information may be considered as reliable, great care having been taken to obtain the latest and best authorites, and to consult the reports of United States officers when possible. In conclusion, we ask the reader’s indulgence for any errors that may be found in the work. All such, if noted and forwarded to the publishing office, will be cor- rected in future editions. June llthj 1874. PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. S HE second edition of the Medical Register and Directory of the United States is now laid before the Medical profession and the public. In its revision no pains have been spared to bring it up to the latest possible moment before going to press. The aim has been to make it a complete and relia- ble Register and Directory of the Medical Associations, Societies and Institutions, County and State, Colleges, Health Associations, Mineral Springs, Hospitals, Medical Legislation, Officers of the United States Army and Navy, and of the Marine Hospital Service, and of all the physicians in each of the United States. Some of the States have been entirely reprinted for this edition. In others the plates have been cor- rected in situ as far as practicable, and new names inserted wherever it could be properly done. In others still — and the greater part — the' revisions and corrections will be found in their proper order in a Supplement appended to the State. In one or the other of these ways all the inaccuracies and omissions of the first edition, so far as known, have been corrected. In making these revisions acknowledgments are due to the Secretaries of the sev- eral State Medical Societies, who have so kindly responded to requests for the names and residences of their members, and other valuable information. From Dr. Jackson T. Reeves, of Wisconsin, Dr. Samuel M. Remiss, of New Or- leans, Dr. T. D. Fitch, of Illinois, Dr. J. M. Toner, of AVashington, D. C., Dr. J. W. Hadlock, of Ohio, Dr. T. D. Crothers, of New York, and Dr. L. C. Butler, of Vermont, special assistance has been received in the revision of the work, they having taken large portions of the Directory under their supervision, and aided in preparing it for the press. To these gentlemen, and some others — notably the gen- tlemen through whose aid Pennsylvania and Virginia were revised — whose names Ave are not permitted to mention, we take this occasion to make public our special acknowledgments for the deep interest they have taken in its completion and suc- cess, kindly contributing gratuitously their labor and experience to perpetuate this monument of the industry, patience and untiring perseverance of its projector, who died ere the first edition of this, his last life-work, was issued. Encouraged by their assistance as an earnest of its value and completeness, it is sent forth on its mission, with the assurance that* kind friends will appreciate the arduous laj^or that has been bestowed upon it, and look leniently upon the possible errors or omissions it may yet contain. L. C. B. December J 1876. AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. This Association met first as a national medical convention, May 5, 1846, in the City of New York. Tlie organization was completed and the present name adopted in Philadelphia, May 5, 1847. The Association meets annually in May or June, in some one of the large cities, and is composed of permanent members and delegates from regularly organized medical societies of good standing in the United States. A delegate after serving one year, becomes a perma- nent member. “ The delegates shall receive their appointment from permanently organized State medi- cal societies, and such County and District medical societies as are recognized by represen- tation in their respective State societies, and from the Medical Department of the Army and Navy of the United States. Each State, County, and District medical society, entitled to representation, sliall have the privilege of sending to the x\ssociation, one delegate for every ten of its regular resident members, and one for every additional fraction of more than half that number. Provided, however, that the number of delegates from any particu- lar State, territory, county, city, or town, shall not exceed the ratio of one in ten of the resident physicians, who may have signed the code of ethics of this Association. The medi- cal staffs of the army and navy shall be entitled to four delegates each.” The American Medical Association has been fully recognized by the profession of the United States, as the great promoter of progress in medical science and court of last resort in controverted points in ethics. Two prizes of one hundred dollars each are given annually by the Association, for the two best original communications, on medical subjects, favorably reported upon by the com- mittee on prizes. The roll of membership is but little short of 6000. The Transactions are imblished annu- ally, and number twenty-six volumes. All members are assessed five dollars ($5) annually, and are entitled to the volume of Transactions. The names of members failing to pay their dues for three successive years, unless absent from the country, are dropped from the roll. The library of the Association is designed to be a library of reference, and a repository for copies of all American contributions to the literature of medicine. By the courtesy of Pro- fessor Joseph Henry, it is deposited in a room of the Smithsonian Institution building, and consists at the present time, including pamphlets, of about one thousand volumes. The following is the list of ex-presidents ; 1846, ’53, Jonathan Knight, M. D., Conn. ; 1847, Nathaniel Chapman, M. D., Pa. ; 1848, Alexander H. Stevens, M. D., N. Y. ; 1849, John C'. Warren, M. D., Mass. ; 1850, Reuben D. Mussey, M. D., Ohio ; 1851, James Moultrie, M. D., S. C. ; 1852, Beverly R. Welford, M. D., Va. ; 1854, Charles A. Pope, M. D., Mo. ; 1855, George B. Wood, M. D., Pa. ; 1856, Zina Pitcher, M. D., Mich. ; 1857, Paul F. Eve, M. D., Tenn. ; 1858, Harvey IJiidsey, M. D., D. C. ; 18-59, Henry Miller, M. D., Ky. ; 1860, Eli Ives, M. I)., Conn. ; 1863, Alden March, M. D., N. Y. ; 1864-65, Nathan S. Davis, M. D., 111. p 1866, D. Humphrey Storer, M. D., Mass. ; 1867, Henry E. Askew, M. D., Del. ; 1868, Samuel D. Gross, M. D., Pa. ; 1869, William O. Baldwin, M. D., Ala. ; 1870, George Mendenhall, M. D., Ohio ; 1871, Alfred Stille, M. D., Pa. ; 1872, David W. Yandell, M. D. ; 1873, Thomas M. Logan, M. D., Cal. ; 1S74, Jos. M. Toner, M. D., District of Columbia; 1875, W. K. Bowling, M. D., Temi. ; 1876, J. Marion Simmes, M. D., N. Y. THE ASSOCIATION OF MEDICAL SUPERINTENDENTS OF AMERICAN INSTITUTIONS FOR THE INSANE. President.— Cu ARLES IT. Nichols, M. D., AVashington, D. C. Vice-President.— C. A. AValkeii, M. D., Boston, Mass. Sect. A Treus.— John Cukwen, M. D., Harrisburg, Pa. The Association met at Nashville, Tenn., May 19, 1874. 11 MEDICAL SOCIETIES. — MEDICAL OFFICERS U. S. ARMY. AMERICAN OTOLOGICAL SOCIETY, President— C. J. Blake, M. D., Boston. Secretary.— 3. Okne Green, M. D., Boston. AMERICAN OPHTHALMOLOGICAL SOCIETY. President.— R. C. Agnew, M. D., New York City. Vice-president— J . Hay,M. D., Bos- ton. l{ec\l Secretary. — Henry D. Noyes, M. D., New York City. Corres. Secretary , — U. Althof, M. L>., New York City. The Society will meet at Newport, K. I., July 16, 1874. * THE AMERICAN PUBLIC HEALTH ASSOCIATION. “The objects of this Association are the advancement of sanitary science, and the .promo- tion of organizations and measures for the practical application of public hygiene.” This Association was organized in 1872, and has for its members, ])hysicians and others who are known to take an interest in such subjects as relate to sanitary science. The articles pre- sented by its members and read at its meetings, are published, for it is believed that they will incite to fresh inquiries, and enlightened public efforts, to promote sanitary improve- ments. Prmderiis.— Stephen Smith, M. D.,' J. M. Toner, M. D., Ed. M. Snow, M. D., New York city. Secretary. — Elisha Harris, M. D., New York city. imi OFFICES OF IBE BIED SIAl iBil Allowed by Law — One Surgeon-General, one Assistant Surgeon-General, one Chief Medi- cal Purveyor, two Assistant Medical Purveyors, fifty Surgeons, one hundred and fifty Assistant Surgeons, and four Medical Storekeepers. Barnes Joseph K. Surg.-geii’l, brig.-gen’l, Washington, D. C. Crane Chas. H. Ass’t surg.-gen’l, colonel, Washington, D. C. Baxter Jedediah H. Chief ined. })nrveyor, colonel, Washington, D. C. Murray Robert. Lieut, col., ass’t med. purveyor, San Francisco, Cal. Sutherland Charles. N. Y. city ; rank, lieut.-col. ; ;M. D., Jefferson med. coll., 1849; ass’t med. purveyor. SURGEONS, with the rank of Major. Alden Charles Henry. A. M., Brown univ., 1856; M. D., med. dep’t Pa. coll., 1858 ; com. June, 1859; post surg. at Fort Walla Walla, Wash. Ter., dep’t of the Columbia. Alexander Charles T. Attend, surg., St. Louis, Mo. Alexander R. H. Post surg. Fort Vancouver, Wash. Ter., dep’t of the Columbia. Bache Dallas. M. D., Jefferson med. coll., 1860; post. surg. Fort McHenry, Balftimore, Md., military divis. of the Atlantic. Baily Elisha J. M. D., Jefferson med. coll., 1844; med. div. dep’t of Columbia. Baily Joseph C. Post surgeon, Columbia, S. C. Bill Joseph H. Member army med. exam, board, 1193 Broadway, New York city. Brown Jos. B. Med. direc., head-quarters dep’t of the Platte, Omaha, Neb. Byrne Charles C. Post surg. Fort Snelling, Minn., dep’t of Dakota. Campbell John. Post surg. Fort Adams, Newport, R. I., military divis. of the Atlantic. MEDICAL OFFICERS U. S. ARMY. Ill Clements Benndtt A. i\L D., national med, coll., Washington, D. C., 1853 ; com. 1856 ; post surg. head-quarters gen’l mounted recruiting service, St. Louis barracks, St. Louis, Mo. Cooper George Edward. A. B., Mt. St. Mary’s coll., Md., 1843 ; A. M., 1847 ; M. D., med. dep’t univ. Pa., 1847 ; com. 1847 ; post surg., Point San Jose, Cal., dep’t Cal. Cuyler John M. Med. direc. head-quarters military divis. Atlantic, N. Y. city ; mem. Am. public health asso. Edwards Lewis A. On sick leave ; address Augusta, Ga. Frantz John H. Post surg. Fort Preble, Me., military div. Atlantic. Fryer Blencoe E. Member army med. board, 1193 Broadway, N. Y. city, military divis. of the Atlantic; mem. Am. public health asso. Goddard Charles E. M. D., coll. phys. and surgs. of N. Y., 1859; post surg. Fort Hamilton, N. Y. harbor, N. Y., mili- tary divis. of the Atlantic. Gray Charles C. A. B., Hobart coll. ; M. D., Geneva med. coll., 1861; Burlington, Vermont. Hammond John F. Attend, surg. head-quarters military divis. Atlan- tic, N. Y. city. Hasson Alexander B. Post surg. Fort Trumbull, New London, Conn., military divis. of the Atlantic. Head John P. A. B., Yalecoll., 1840; A. M.,1843; M. D., med. dep’t Harvard univ., 1843; mem. Mass. med. soc. ; com. 1846; mem. Am. public health asso. ; med. divis. head-quarters dep’t of the South, Louis- ville, Ky. Heger Anthony. Post surg. Willett’s Point, N. Y. harbor. Irwin Bernard J. D. M. D., N. Y. med. coll. ; intern. N. Y. State emi- grants’ hosp.. Ward’s Island, N. Y., 1853--55; house surg., 1864 ; com. 1855 ; author of miscella- neous articles in “ Hay’s Journal ;” post surg. U. S. military acad.. West Point, N. Y. Keeney Charles C. Head-quarters med. divis. dep’t California, San Francisco, Cal. P. O. box 2033. King William S. Attend, surg., Phila., Pa., cor. 12th and Girard sts. Laub Charles 11. Sec. and treas. Soldiers’ Home, near Washington, J). c. Magrnder David L. Med. direc. head-quarters dep’t Arizona, Prescott, Arizona Ter. McCormick Charles. P. O. box 2033, San Francisco, Cal. McKee James C. JL D., med. dep’t univ. Pa., Phila.; hon. member Blair co. med. soc.; com. 1858; attend, surg. head-quarters dep’t Cal., San Francisco, Cal. MeParlin Thomas A. Chief med. off. head-quarters district of New Mex- ico, Santa Fe, N. M. ; A. B., St. John’s coll., Annapolis, Md., 1843; A. M., 1847 ; M. D., univ. of Md., Baltimore, Md., 1847 ; com. act. ass’t surg., 1848; ass’t surg. U. S. army, 1849; surg., 1861 ; served in Mexican, Florida, and late wai-s ; med. purveyor, 1862; med. direc. army Va. in the field, 1862; med. direc. gen’l hospitals, Annapo- lis, Md., 1862-63, of army of Potomac, 1864-65, of dep’t of La., 1865-66, of fifth military on staff of Gen’l Sheridan, 1867-68 ; surg. U. S. mili- tary acad., West Point, 1868-72; mem. Am. pub- lic health asso. Milhan John J. On leave ; address, 41 Lafayette place, N. Y. city. Moore John. Medical director head-quarters dep’t Texas, San Antonio, Texas. Norris Basil. M . D., univ. of Md. ; member med. soc. D. C. ; com. Oct. 12th, 1852 ; attend, surg. Washington, D. C. Page Charles. Post surg. Omaha barracks. Neb., dep’t of the Platte. Peril! Glover. Med. direc. head-quarters dep’t of the Missouri, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. Kandolph John F. Post surg. Fort D. A. Russell, Wyoming Territory, dep’t of the Platte. Simons James. Attend, surgeon and examiner of recruits, 165 Dolphin st., Baltimore, Md. Sloan William J. Med. director head-quarters dep’t of Dakota, St. Paul, Minn. Smith Andrew Kingsbury. A. B., Williams coll., 1847; A. M., 1850; M. D., Jefferson med. coll., 1849, and N. Y. med. coll., 1852; mem. coll, phys., Phila., and acad. nat- ural science, Phila. ; post surgeon Fort Colum- bus, N. Y. harbor, N. Y. Smith Jos. R. A. B., univ. Mich., 1848 ; A. M., 1851 ; M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Buffalo, N. Y., 1853 ; mem. Erie CO. med. soc., and med. soc. of Little Rock, Ark.; med. direc. dep’t Ark., 1854 till late war ; act. surg.-gen’l at various times in 1862-63 ; post surg. Fort Monroe, Virginia, military divis. of the Atlantic. Spencer William C. Attend, surgeon head-quarters military divis. of the Missouri, Chicago, Illinois. Sternberg Geo. M. On sick leave; address, care B. F. Stevens, U. S. Despatch Agt., 4 Trafalgar Sq., London, Eng. Summers John E. Med. direc. head-quarters dep’t of the Platte, Omaha, Neb. Swift Ebenezer. Med. direc. head-quarters dep’t of the Gulf, New Orleans, La. Town Francis L. B. S., Dartmouth coll., N. H., 1856 ; M. D., med. dep’t Dart, coll., 1859; ad eund. deg. in N. Y., 1860; brevetted captain, major, and lieut.-colonel ; promoted surg., Oct., 1866; entered army. May, 1861 ; post surg. Fort Sill, lud. Ter., dep’t of the Missouri. IV MEDICAL OFFICERS U. S. ARMY. Vollum Edward P. M. I),, Jetierson uied. coll., 1850 ; com. 1853 ; nied. inspector June, 1862, to Oct., 1865; post surgeon Camp Douglas, Utah Ter., dep’t of the Platte. Webster Warren. Post surg. Plattsburg barracks, Plattsburg, N. Y., military divis. of the Atlantic ; (on leave ;) mem. Am. public health asso, AVhite Charles B. Post surg. Camp Independence, Cal., dep’t Cali- fornia. (Under orders to Columbia barracks, Ohio.) AVright Joseph J. B. AI. D., Jefferson med. coll., 1836; commanding post of Carlisle barracks, Pa. AVright Joseph P. A. 11. , Dickinson coll., Carlisle, Pa., 1858; A. AI., 1861; AI. D., Jefferson med. coll., Phila., I860,- com. Alay 28th, 1861 ; post surg. Fort Leaven- worth, Kansas, dep’t of the Alissouri. ASSISTANT -SURGEO.XS, tsWi the ranh of Captain. Adair Geo. AV. Post surg. Fort Richardson, Texas, (temporary duty,) dei)’t of Texas. Ainsworth Fred. C. Fort Vancouver, Wash. Ter,, dep’t of the Columbia. Azpell Thomas F. Fort Columbus, New York harbor; temporary duty. Barnett Richards. Post surg., Port Gibson, dep’t of the Gulf. Bartholf John II. AI. D,, coll. phys. and surgs., N. Y., 1854 ; post surg. Cam]) Harney, Oregon, dep’t of the Columbia. Bedal Sylvester S. Fort Concho, Texas, dep’t of Texas. Bentley Edwin. Al. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1847 ; on leave of absence. Billings John S. A. 11., Aliami univ. of Oxford, Ohio, 1857 ; A. AL, 1860; Al. 1)., med. coll, of Ohio, 1860 ; demon, of anat. in med. coll, of Ohio, 1860-1 ; )nem, acad. nat, science, Phila., philo. soc., Washington, D. C., and Am, public health asso. ; in surg.- general’s office; com. Sept., 1861 ; author “ Sur- gical Treatment of Epilepsy,” 1860; “Report on Ilarracks and Hospitals,” 1870. Brewer John AV. Post surg. Fort Warren, Boston harbor, Alass., military divis. of the Atlantic. Brooke John. Post surg,, Raleigh, N. C., dep’t of the South. Brown Harvey E. AI, D., med, dep’t univ. N. Y., 1858 ; mem. Am. public healtli asso. ; post surg., Key West, Fla., dep’t of the Gulf, Brown Justus M. Post surg. Fort Wadsworth, N. A', harbor, N. Y. Brown Paul R. Post surg. Fort Shaw, AI. T., dep’t of Dakota. Buchanan AVilliam F. Post surg. 1-^ort Concho, Texas, dep’t of Texas, Byrne Charles B. Post surg. Fort lirown, Texas. Caldwell Daniel G. Post surg. Fort Griffin, Texas, dep’t of Texas. Campbell Archibald B. AI. D., Jefferson med. coll., 1844; post surg. Ring, gold barracks, dep’t of Texas, Carvallo Carlos N. Al. D., Royal univ. of Berlin, Prussia, 1862 ; mem. med. soc, and asso, D. C. ; com. Alay 14th, 1867, as 1st. lieut., with rank of capt. since Alay 24th, 1870; post surg. F’ort Stanton, N. AI. Cleary Peter J. A. Post surg. Camp Supply, Indian Ter., dep’t of the Alissouri. Comegys Edward T. Fort Hamilton, New York harbor, N. Y., mili- tary divis. of the Atlantic. Corson Joseph K. Post surg, Alt. Vernon barracks, Alabama. Cowes Elliott. A. B., Columbian coll., AVashington, D, C., 1861; A. AL, 1863; Ph. D., 1869; AL D., med. de))’! of Columbian coll., 1863 ; mem. clinico-])athoI. soc,, Washington, D. C., acad, nat. sci., Phila., ly- ceum nat. hist,, N. Y., soc. nat. hist., Boston, Aid. acad. sci., Baltimore, AIo. acad. of sci., St. Louis, Peabody acad, sci., Salem, Alass., etc. ; ex- lecturer on comparative anat. and zool., Nor- wich univ., Vermont; med. cadet U. S. army, 1862-3 ; act. ass’t surg. 1863-4 ; ass’t surg. 1864 to date; service in gen’l hosps, and in the held; — author of numerous pa])ers on medicine, com])ar- ative anatomy, teratology, etc., in med. and scien. journals ; completing duties as med, officer and naturalist of the northern boundary .survey commission. Address, care Smithsonian Insti- tute, Washington, D. C. Cowdrey Stevens G. A. B., A. AL, Harvard, 1861; AL D., Berkshire med. coll., Pittsheld, Alass., 1867; com. Nov., 1868 ; Post surg, Jackson barracks. La. Crampton Louis AV. Post surg., Nachitoches, La., dep’t of the Gulf. Cronkhite Henry M. Post surg. Camp Verde, Arizona Ter,, dep’t of Arizona. DeGraw Charles S. A. B. and A. AI., Princeton coll.; AL D., med. dep’t N. Y. coll., 1861 ; post surg. Fort Davis, Texas, dep’ of Texas. DeHanne J. Victor. Post surg. Fort Alackinae, Alich. DeLoffra Aug. A. Post surg. Fort Reno, Ind. Ter., dep’t of the AIo. DeWitt Calvin. A. B., Princeton coll., N. J., 1860; A. AL, 1863; AL D., Jeflerson med, coll., Phila., 1865 ; entered as ass’t surg., 1867 ; post surg.. Charleston, S. C. Dickson John M. Post surg., Huntsville, Ala. Elbrey Frederick AV. Post surg., Frankfort, Ky., dep’t of the South. Ewen Clarence. AL D., Bellevue hosp. med. coll., 1872 ; post surg.. Baton Rouge, La., dep’t of the Gulf. Failey James Alexander. Post surg. Fort Elliott, Texas, dep’t of the Altw. Address via Camp Supply, Indian Territory. Fitzgerald J. A. AL D., Jeflerson med. coll., 1866; post surg., Sitka, Alaska. MEDICAL OFFICERS U. S. ARMY. V Forwood Wm. H. M. D., nied. dep’t iiniv. of Pa., 18fil ; member soc. alumni univ. of Pa.; com. ass’t surg., Aug. 5, 1861; sem. hosp., Georgetown ; 14th inf. ; med. direc. reg. divis. army Potomac, 6th cav. ; exec, off. Satterlee hosp.. West Phila., Pa. ; med. pur- veyor Fortress Monroe ; surg. in charge of White Hall, U. S. army gen’l hosp. ; Ind. cav.. Fort Riley, Kan. ; Forts Hays, Wallace, Lamed, Sill, and Brady, Mich. ; post surg. Fort Richardson, Texas, dep’t of Texas. Gardiner John B. W. Post surg. Camp Apache, Arizona Ter., dep’t of Arizona. Gardner William H. M. D., med. dep’t Georgetown coll., D. C., 1861 ; entered the army as med. cadet Aug., 1861 ; act. ass’t surg. from Aug. to Nov., 1862 ; com. after this date ass’t surg. ; post surg. Fort Union, N. M., dep’t of the Mo. ; — author of various papers on surgery. Gibson Joseph R. Post surg. Fort Fetterman, Wyoming Ter., dep’t of the Platte. Girard Alfred C. M. D., univ. of Wurzburg, Germany ; attend, lects. in Basle, Switzerland, Berlin, and Wurzburg; com. Jan., 1865 ; author of “ Thrombosis of Sinus of the Brain ; ” U. S. military acad.. West Point, N. Y. Girard Josepli B. Post surg. Camp„Lowell, Arizona Ter., dep’t of Arizona. Greenleaf Cliarles R. Post surg., Nashville, Tenn., dep’t of the South. Hall John Dean. A. B., Harvard coll., 1863; M. D., coll, of pbys. ajid surgs., N. Y. city, 1867 ; com. ass’t surg., 1868 ; })ost surg. Fort Independence, Boston harbor. Mass. Hall William R. Post surg. Fort Wrangle, Alaska, dep’t of the Columbia. Hamilton John B. Post surg. Fort Colville, Wash. Ter., dep’t of the Columbia. Happersett John C. G. M. D., Jefferson med. coll., 1859; post surg. Fort Lyon, Colorado Ter., dep’t of the Mo. Hartsuff Albert. Post surg. Fort Laramie, Wyoming Ter., dep’t of the Platte. Harvey Philip F. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Iowa, 1861; Bellevue hosp. med. coll., 1866; post surg. Fort Wayne, Detroit, ^lich. Havard V alery. Post surg. Fort Pembina, Dakota Ter., dep’t of Dakota. Heizman Charles L. Post surg. Fort Wood, N. Y. harbor. Hotf Alexander Henry. M. D., Jefferson coll., 1845 ; recorder of army med. bd., 11 93 Broadway, N. Y. city. Hoff John Van R. Post surg. Fort McPherson, Nebraska, dep’t of the Platte. Horton Samuel M. M. D., Jefferson med. coll., Phila., 1861 ; post surg. Plattsburg barracks, N. Y. ; com. Aug. 26, 1861 ; post surg. Fort McKavett, Texas, dep’t of Texas. Hubbard Van Biiren. A. B., Yale coll., 1855; A. M., 1857 ; M. D., Belle- vue hosp. med. coll., 1862 ; ass’t surg., on duty, West Point, 1871 ; on leave of absence. Address Tottenville, Staten Island, N. Y. Huntington D. L. Attend, surg. Soldiers’ Home, near Washington, Jackson Donald. Post surg. Fort Duncan, Texas, dep’t of Texas. Janeway John H. Post surg., St. Augustine, Fla., dep’t of the South. Jaqiiett George P. Post surg. Fort Sanders, Wyoming Ter., dep’t of the Platte. Jessop Samuel S. Post surg. Fort Selden, N. M., dep’t of the Mo. J^ilbourne Henry S. Post surg. Fort Hays, Kan., dep’t of the Mo. Kimball James P. Chief med. off. of troops in field under com. Lieut.- Col. Custer, dep’t of Dakota. King Jos. H. T. Post surg. Fort Brady, Mich., military divis. of the Atlantic. King William H. Post, surg., Greenville, S. C., dep’t of the South. Kinsman John H. Post surg. Fort Ripley, Minn., dep’t of Dakota. Knickerbocker B. Post surg. Fort Caiiby, Wash. Ter., dep’t of the Columbia. Koerper Egon A. Sick. 471 North Sixth st., Phila. Lauderdale John V. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1862; post surg. Fort Wingate, N. M. Lippincott Henry. Post surg. Fort Whipple, Arizona Ter., dep’t of Arizona. Lord George E. Post surg. Fort Buford, Dakota Ter., dep’t of Dakota. Loring Leonard Y. Post surg. Fort Y’uma, Cal., dep’t of Arizona. McClellan Ely. M. D., Jefferson med. coll., 1856; med. direc. off., head-quarters dep’t of the South, Louisville, Ky. ; member Am. public health asso. McElderry Henry. A. B., univ. Md., 1865; M. D., med. dep’t univ. of i\Id., 1865; com. surg. 1866; post surg. Fort Klamath, Oregon, dep’t of the Columbia. Matthews W ashi ngton . Post surg., Alcatraz Island, Cal. Mans Louis M. Post surg., Chattanooga, Tenn., dep’t of the South, Meacham Frank. M. 1)., Berkshire med. inst.. Mass., 1858; mem. Berkshire dis’t med. soc.; ass’t surg. 14th Ky. vol. inf. from A pr. 30, 1862, to Nov. 12, 1862 ; ass’t surg. and surg. U. S. vols. from Apr. 23, 1863, to \ug. 10, 1865; serveost surg. Madison barracks, Sack- ett’s harbor, N. Y. Rosson Roland L. Camp McDowell, Arizona Ter., dep’t of Arizona. Semig Bernard G. Fort Yuma, Cal., dep’t of Arizona. Shannon William C. Post surg. Fort Porter, Buffalo, N. Y., military divis. of the Atlantic ; temi)orary duty. Skinner John O. Post surg., A'orkville, S. C., dep’t of the South. Smart Charles. Post surg. Fort Brldger, Wyoming Ter., dep’t of ■"-v the Platte, Smith Robert E. Post surg. Fort Bayard, N. M., dist. N. M., dep’t of the Missouri. Spencer William G. Post Surg., Lebanon, Ky., dep’t of the South. Steinmetz William R. Post surg. Fort Wallace, Kansas. StoiTow Samuel Appleton. M. D., Jefferson med. coll., 1852; post surg. Pre- sidio, San Francisco, Cal., dep’t of Cal. Styer Charles. Post surg. Fort Macon, N. C. Taylor Blair D. ^ ^ Fort Rice, Dakota Ter., dep’t of Dakota. Taylor Marcus E. Post surg., McComb city. Miss., dep’t of the Gulf. Taylor Morse K. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Mich., 1852 ; member med. soc. of Madison co., Alai; perm, member Am. med. asso. ; prof, gen’l pathol. and public hygiene Lind univ. CJiicago, 1859-62; prof, gen’l pathol. and physiol., military hygiene, med. dep’t univ. of Iowa, 1862-67 ; surg. U. S. vols., 1861-65; reappointed in the regular army, ass’t surg., 1867 ; — author of paper on “ Diseases of the Heart,” trans. Am. med. asso., 1867 ; “ Treatment of Laryngitis with Ice ; ” — post surg., San Antonio, Texas, dep’t of Texas. Tesson Louis S. Military prison. Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, dep’t of the Missouri. Tilton Henry R. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Pa., 1859 ; com. Aug. 26, 1861 ; post surg. Fort Sully, Dakota Ter., dep’t of Dakota. Torney George H. Post surg. Post Canby, Pineville, La., dep’t of the Gulf. Address, via Alexandria, Rapides Parish, La. Tremaine XVilliam S. Post surg. Fort Dodge, Kan., dep’t of the Mo. Turrill Henry S. Post surg. Fort Bliss, Texas, dep’t of Texas. Vickery Richard S. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Mich., 1864; com. ass’t surg. May, 1867 ; ass’t surg. and surg. 2d Mich, vols., 1862-63; post surg.. Little Rock, Ark., dep’t of the Gulf. XVaters William E. Post surg. Fort Riley, Kansas, dep’t of the Mo. XYeisel Daniel. Post surg. McPherson barracks, Atlanta, Ga. Wliite Robert 11. M. D., med. de])’t univ. of N. Y., 1865; attend, surg. head-quarters dep’t of Texas, San Antonio, Texas. XVhiteheacl XVilliam E. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1853; on sick leave. Address, P. O. box 1791, N. Y. city. Wiggin Augustus W. A. B., Dartmouth coll., 1862; M. D., med. dep’t of Georgetown coll., D. C., 1865; in vol. and regular service, 1864; att. surg. head-quarters dep’t of Columbia, Portland, Oregon, (temporary duty.) XVilcox Timothy E. Fort Leavenworth, Kan., department of the Mo. MEDICAL OFFICERS U. S. ARMY. VU Williams John W. Post surg. Fort Rice, Dakota Ter., dep’t of Dakota. Wilson Alfred D. On sick leave. Wilson William J. Leave of absence. Address, care Gen. C. P. Stone, Cairo, Egypt. Winne Charles K. Post surg. Sidney barracks, Neb., dep’t of the I’latte. Wolverton William D. Post surg. Fort Abercrombie, Dakota Ter., dep’t of Dakota. Wood Marshal! W. Post surg. Camp Sheridan, Neb., dep’t of the Platte. Woodhull Alfred A. A. B., Princeton coll., N. J., 1856; A. M., 1859; M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Pa., 1859; compiled catalogue of surg. section U. S. army med. mu- seum ; post surg. Oglethorpe barracks, Savannah, Ga., dep’t of the South. Woodruff Ezra. Post surg. Fort Niagara, Youngstown, N. Y. Woodward Joseph J. Author of various articles on surgery in the circu- lars published by the surg. gen’l; on duty pre- paring “Med. Hist, of the War of the Rebel- lion,” Washington, D. C. Wortliington J. C. Fort McHenry, Md., military divis. of the Atlantic ; temporary duty. Yeomans Augustus A. Fort Richardson, Texas, dep’t of TexdS. MEDICAL STOKE-KEEPJERS, with the rank of Captain, Beall George T. Act. ass’t med. purveyor, St. Louis, Mo. Cherbonnier Andrew Victor. A. B., St. Mary’s coll., Baltimore, Md. ; M. D., Washington univ., Md. ; com. 1862; St. Louis, Missouri. Johnson Henry. San Francisco, Cal. O’Donnoghue F. N. Y. city, N. Y. RETIRED LIST. Bailey Joseph II. Ass’t surg., Kent Cliffs, Putnam co., N. Y. Culbertson Howard. Ass’t surg., cap’t, Zanesville, Ohio. Edgar William F. Surg. major, Los Angeles, Cal. ; M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Louisville, Ky., 1848; com. ass’t surg. March, 1849; surg.. May 21, 1861, with rank of major ; retired 1869 ; — author of paper on “ Gun* shot wound of the Heart,” and other papers. Finley Clement A. Surg. gen’l, Phila. Holden Levi H. Surg. major, Vineland, N. J. King Benjamin. Ass’t surg., cap’t, Weston, Anne Arundel co., Md, McDougall Charles. Ass’t med. purveyor, It. -col., Jefferson barracks, Missouri. Minor William C. Ass’t surg., cap’t, N. Y. city. * Randall Burton. Surg. major, Annapolis, Md. Satterlee Richard S. "Chief med. purveyor, It.-col., N. Y. city. Silliman Henry R. Ass’t surg., cap’t, Phila., Pa. \ / B. C The Army Medical Museum occupies a portion of the building (^^Tos. 509 and 511 Tenth street, N. W.) formerly known as Ford’s Tlieatre. The rest of the building is occupied by the Division of Surgical Records, the Record and Pension Division, the Laboratory, and the Library of the Surgeon General’s Office. The Museum was founded, and a large portion of the medical and surgical specimens collected, during the war of the rebellion. Since the close of the war, however, the officers in charge have continued to collect si)ecimens from the medical officers of the army at the several military posts, and a number of valuable specimens have been contributed by physi- cians engaged in private practice. Specimens of value from private physicians are always gladly received, and thus secure permanent preservation in connection with the names of the donors. According to the report of the surgeon general for the fiscal year, terminating July 1, 1875, the Museum contains 6539 surgical specimens, 1279 medical specimens, 1254 anatomical specimens, 7275 microscoi)ical specimens, 1522 si)ecimens of comparative anatomy, and 240 specimens of models, appliances, ethnological objects, etc. The collection is open to visitors daily from 10 a. m. to 3 p. M., and was visited last year by more than 26,000 persons. The officers in charge are Assistant Surgeon J. J. Woodward, for the medical and microscopical sections, and the section of comparative anatomy, and Assistant Surgeon G. A. Otis, curator for the surgical section, the section of human anatomy, and the miscellaneous section. This collection is richer in specimens, illustrative of the results of gunshot wounds, and of the surgical operations which they necessitate, than any other collection in the world. In other departments, though it does not equal some of the wealthy and long established museums of Europe, its collections are nevertheless by far the most important in America, and are annually increasing in extent and value. Tlie Library of the surgeon general’s office, which occupies a portion of the same building, is under the charge of Assistant Sui-geon J. S. Billings, United States army, and is by far the largest and most valuable medical library in America. According to the surgeon gen- eral’s report, above referred to, it contains about 25,000 bound volumes and 15,000 pamphlets, and is steadily increasing. Medical men from any i)art of the country desirous of consult- ing the woi ks in this library are courteously welcomed, and granted free access. Dr. J. J. Woodward, United States army, has kindly furnished us with the above account of the museum. NAME AND RANK. Medical Directors (15), with the relative rank of Captain. ACTIVE LIST (158). Present dutj', station or residence. State f in which app’ted. Beale Joseph Tliivn.ll IMnriiis , Surg.-gen’l, with relative rank of commodore; chief bur’u med. and surg., Washington, D. C Special duty, Baltimore, ^Id Pa. Aid. Grier Will in, in Pres, navnl med. exam, board Aid. Gunnell F. lU Naval hosp., AVashington, B. C D. C. llorwitz Pliinensi .T S])eeial duty, Philadelphia Pa. .Tne.lrsnn Snmiiel Naval liosp., Chelsea, JMass N.C. T^nnsflnle Philip Fleet surgeon, European fleet Aid. TMaeeoiin Pnhert. T . . . Special duty, Baltimore, Aid N. .1. Afar tin Ghnrles . Naval hosp., Norfolk, Va N. Y. McClelland James Special duty, Philadelphia; AI. D., Jefferson med. coll., 1837.... Pa. (viii) MEDICAL OFFICERS U. S. NAVY. IX NAME AND RANK. Medical Directors (15), with the relative rank of Captain. ACTIVE LIST (158). Present duty, station or residence. State fm wliich app’ted. Potter Thomas M.... Shippen Edward Suddards James Taylor J. Winthrop. Williams Lewis J.... Wilson Joseph, Jr.. Naval hosp., Brooklyn, N. Y Naval hosp., Phila Naval hosp., Mare Nland, Cal Naval rendezvous, Boston.. Direc. Naval laboratory, Brooklyn, N. Y Special duty — Centennial. M. D., univ. of Pa., 1837 ; entered navy, 1843 ; member acad. of nat. sciences, Phila. ; — author of “ Naval Hygiene,” published by navy dep’t R. I. Pa. Pa. N. J. Md. Pa. Medical Inspectors (15), with relative rank of Commander. Brown John M Cones Samuel F Dean Richard C Duncan Jacob S Gibbs Benjamin F Gibon Albert L Gorgas Albert C Hord William T King William M Leach Thomas W Peck George Taylor John Y Turner Thomas J Wales Philip S Waiting orders Waiting orders U. S. S. Congress; M. D., Jefferson med. coll., 1854 Fleet surg., N. P. Fleet Fleet surg., S. P. Squadron U. S. naval acad Naval hosp., Annapolis, Md, ; M, D., Jefferson med. coll., 1856.. Member med. exam, board Navy yard, Norfolk ; M. D., Jefferson med. coll., 1858 Member med. exant. board Member retiring board ; hon. A. M,, coll, of N. J. ; M. D., coll.i phys. and surgs., N. Y. city, 1847 ]\lember med. exam, board Fleet surg,, Asiatic Squadron Special duty, Washington ; M, D., med. dep’t univ. of Did., 1856 ; also univ. of Pa., 1861; member Am. med. asso. ; corresj). member gynsecolog. soc. of Boston ; member acad. of nat. sciences, Phila.; appointed surg. Aug. 7th, 1856; — author of “ Mechanical Therapeutics ; ” “ Instrumental Diagnosis ; ” paper on “ Cerebro-Spinal Meningitis ; ” also various papers — specialty dis. of throat and nose N. n. N. II. N. J, Pa. N. J, Pa. Pa. Ky. Pa. N. H. N. y, Del. Pa. Md. Surgeons (50), with relative rank of Lieutenant-Commander. Babin Hosea John Bates Newton L Beardsley Grove S Beaumont H. N Blood good Delavan Bogert Edward S Bradley Michael Bright George A Brush George B Burbank Charles H Clark John W Cleborne Christopher J. Coles John W Cooke George H Dearborne Frederick M Dubois Frank L Flint .Tames M inland Thomas lloebling Adolph A... Hudson Adrian Hugg .Joseph Jones William H Kennedy Stephen D.. Kershner Edward Kidder Benjamin H.. Kidder Jerome H Knidleberger David. Waiting orders ; A. B., Bishop’s coll., Canada, 1862 ; M. D., med. dep’t of Harvard coll,, 1865 U. S. S. Brooklyn Naval hosp., Pensacola; M. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1859. Constellation Navy yard, Brooklyn, N. Y, ; M. D,, Jefferson med. coll., 1854.1 Marine barracks, Brooklyn, N. Y. ; M. D., med. dep’t univ, of N. Y., 1860 U. S. S. Alaska Naval acad Dlass, N. Y. N. Y. Pa. N. Y. N. Y. Pa. Me. Ordered to U. S. S. Omaha; M. D., coll, of phvs. and surgs., N. Y., 18.58 '. U. S. S. Powhatan A. B., Dartmouth coll., 1857 ; M. D., med. dep’t Harvard univ,, 1862; appointed surg,, 1861 Navy yard, Portsmouth ; A. B., univ. of Edinburgh, 1855 ; M. D., univ. of Pa., 1860 ; member acad. of nat. sciences, and of con- cholog. soc. of Phila.; — author of “Small-pox treated with Iodide of Potassium;” “Asclepias Syriaca;” “Carbolic Acid,” etc ^ Naval hosp., Yokohama, Japan Vandalia; M. D., Jefferson med, coll,, 1851 U. S, S. Sabine, Portsmouth, N. H. ; M. D., med. dep’t of Har- vard univ., 1865; appointed Aug. 19th, 1862 Michigan; A. B., Lafayette coll., 1858; A. M., 1861; M. D.,| univ. of Pa., 1862 ; appointed surg. in 1862 : Naval hosp., Chelsea, Mass j Member med. exam, board Navy yard. League Island Navy yard, Washington .Juniata; M. D., .Jefferson med. coll., 1861 Potomac DIonongahela Swatara; M. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1861 Ossipee Special duty, Washington, D. C. ; A. B., Harvard coll., 1862; A. M., 1865; M. D,, med. dep’t univ. of Md., 1866; entered navy in April, 1866; — author of “ Prog. Locomotor Ataxio,” in “Hay’s Journal,” Jan., 1867 Member retiring board; M. D,, Jefferson med. coll., 1858 N. Y. jMe. |N. Y. Pa. Pa. N. J. Mass. Pa. N. II. N. II. Pa. N. Y. N. J. Pa. Md. Did. DIass. Did. Pa. X MEDICAL OFFICERS U. S. NAVY. NAME AND RANK. Surgeons (50), with the relative rank of Lieutenant-Commander. Knight James S Matthews Edward S McMurtrie Daniel Nelson Henry C Oberly Aaron S Penrose Thomas N Rhoades Archibald C Robinson Somerset Schofield Walter K Shaw Samuel F Simon William Ireton Spear John Crawford. Taylor William E Tinkham .James H Tryon ,T. Rufus Van Reyi^en William K Yer Meulen Edmond C Walton Thomas Cameron Wells Charles J. S .‘ Wells Henry M White Charles H W'inslow George F Woods George W Woolverton Theoron Passed Assistant-Surgeons, with the relative rank of Lieutenant. Ayers Joseph G Cassin Charle.s L Corwin 'William A Culbuth George S Dickinson Dwight Drenman IMiehael C Eckstein Henry C Hawke J. Albert Mackie Benjamin S Marmion Robert A Moore Andrew M Parker Joseph B Price Abel F Ruth Melancthon L Stewart Henry AVare Edward H Assistant-Surgeons, with the relative rank of Miister. Aulick Hampton Bertolette Daniel N Black Clarence E Boyd John C Bradley George P Bransford John F Brown S. Augustine Buell James W Davis William B Derr Ezra Z Dixon William S Farewell W^illiam G Ferabee Nelson McP Fitzsimmons Paul Gaines Janies H ACTIVE LIST (158). Present duty, station or residence. State Pm which app’ted. Ordered home, St. Louis, League Island Ass’t to bur’ll med. and surg. ; M. D., univ. of Md., 1861 ; appointed May 9th, 1861 Navy yard, Pensacola; M. D., med. dep’t Yale coll.; no com.,! 1861 U. S. S. Marion Waiting orders U. S. S. Plymouth j U. S. S. Wabash j Kearsarge i U. S. S. Kearsarge ; A. B., central high school of Phila., 1859; A. M., 1864; M. D., Jefferson med. coll, of Phila., 1864; com. March, 1864 U. S. S. Dictator; M. D., univ. of Pa., 1861; member acad. of nat. sciences, Phila.; appointed ass’t surg. May 9th, 1861; surg. June 24th, 1864 ; geologist and naturalist of U. S. Tehu- antepec surveying expedition, 1870-71 i Navy yard, Mare Island, Cal... Naval hosp., Philadelphia | Naval rendezvous, N. Y i Naval hosp., N. Y. ; M. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1862 1 Waiting orders j U. S. S. Worcester; M. D., univ. of N. Y., 1862; appointed ass’ti surg. Oct., 1861 i U. S. S. Minnesota j Colorado Naval laboratory ; M. D., med. dep’t Harvard univ., 1862; mem-j ber Mass. med. soc. ; appointed surg. Dec. 26, 1861 ; Newport, R. I j Lackawanna i Naval hosp., Norfolk, Va Del. D. C. Pa. Md. Conn. Pa. N. J. D. C. Conn. N. Y. Pa. Del. Va. N. Y. N. Y. N. J. N. J. N. Y. Vt. Mass. Mass. Mass. N. Y. Pa. Saco U. S. S. Frolic.... U. S. S. Congress. Naval hosp., Yokohama, Japan U. S. S. Ashuelot U. S. S. Shawmut Waiting orders U. S. S. Tennessee Alaska; A. M., Mt. St. Mary’s coll., Md., 1861; M. D., univ. of Pa., 1868 U. S. S. Mayflower Bur. med. and surg. ; A. B., Dickinson coll., 1860, A. M., 1863; M. I)., med. coll, of Va., 1862 ; Bellevue hosp. med. coll., 1865 ; member med. soc. of Baltimore Sick leave I U. S. S. Minnesota I U. S. S. Richmond Rendezvous, San Francisco N. H. Pa. |N. J. :Del. N. Y. Pa. Pa. Pa. Pa. W. Va. Tenn, Md. Pa. Pa. La. N. Y. U. S. S. Guard U. S. S. Constellation Navy yard, Brooklyn, N. Y U. S. S. Potomac Navy yard, Norfolk, Va Special duty Independence; Mare Island Naval hos]>., Brooklyn, N. Y.; M. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1872 Waiting orders Monocacy Leave ; M. D., Georgetown med. coll., 1868 U. S. S. Pensacola W^orcester Leave of absence Kearsar^m Va. Pa. Pa. S. C. Me. Va. N. C. N. Y, Va. Md. D. C. Mich. N. C. Ga. Md. MEDICAL OFFICERS U. S. NAVY. XI NAME AND RANK. Assistant-Surgeons, with the relative rank of .Master. ACTIVE LIST (158). Present duty, stiition or residence. St.ate Tm wliich app’ted. Gravatt Charles Urquhaxt. Harmon George E. H Harvey Henry F Heyl Theodore C Jones ^leredith D..... Law Homer L iMagriider Alexander F ^Martin Henry H ^Meyers Talleyrand D Neilson .loiin L Owen Alfred M Persons Remus C Rogers Benjamin F Ross John W Seigfried Charles A Simons Manly H Smith Howard Steidienson Frank B Streets Thomas H "Waggener James R Wells Howard Wise John C Yancey Charles K U. S. S. Saco ; M. D., raed. dep’t univ. of Washington, and univ. of Baltimore, M. D. (no dates) ; com. Sept. 27th, 1870 Franklin Naval hosp.. Phi la Navy yard, Washington, D. C Naval hosp., Washington, D. C Watertown, Conn Jamestown Alert Portsmouth League Island Brooklyn Sabine Waiting orders Franklin Naval hosp., Brooklyn, N. Y Navy yard, Charlestown, ^M'ss Naval hosp., Mare Island, Cal Ossipee.." Sjtecial dut\', Washington Naval hosp., Norfolk Hartford U. S. S. Despatch ; JI. D., mod. dep’t of Washington univ., Baltimore ; e.x-adjunct to chair of med. jurispru., Washington univ., Baltimore, Md. ; appointed ass’t surg. April 28th, 1870.. U. S. S. Adams j ! i Miss. Pa. D. C. Pa. Pa. Ohio. i I Pa. Ala, Pa. Tenn. Pa. Ohio. N. C. Pa. Pa. Kv. Pa. JI.d. Va. Assistant-Surgeons, with the relative rank of Ensign. Ambler J. H Ames H. E Anderson Frank Austin A. A Bagg J. S Ikildwin L. B Battle S. W Cabell A. G Deane C. W Dickson S. H Drake IT. N Dubose W. Pk, Green E. H Hall C. H. H Hall J. PI Heffinger A. C Ilenneberger L. G Herndon C. G Hibbtit C. T Lewis D. O Lippencott G. C Lovering P. A PlcCarty R. H ^IcClurg VV. A !Marstellar E. H ilartin E. M Norfleet Ernest Rixey P. M Steele J. M Swan Robert T'anner John A Terrill F. H Urquhart R. A Whiting Robert Wikoff Holmes Medical Directors, with the relative rank of Commodore. Bache Benjamin Franklin Charles Clymer George U. S. S. ^Minnesota U. S. S. Richmond U. S. S. Montauk j U. S. S. Dictator IJ. S. S. On^ha I U. S. S. Lehigh i Naval hosp., Chelsea, ^Mass ! Naval bos])., jMa..'e Island, Cal I Naval hos))., Norfolk, Va j U. S. S. Monongahela i Receiving shij) Colorado, X. Y. city ; Naval hosp., Wasliington, D. C Va. :\rd. N. Y. Pa, Mass. Pa. N. G. Va. Va. Pa. N. J. Ga, U. S. S. Swatara U S. S. Tennessee U. S. S. Lackawanna U. S. S. ( Inward U. S. S. Pensactda U. S. S. Pawnee ♦. IPT. S. S. Hartford III. S. S. PIvmouth III. S. S. Vandalia Waiting orders U. S. S. Mariotj U. S. S. Pensacola Naval hosp., ('helsea. Mass U. S. S. Intre))id U. S. S. Gettysburg U. S. S. (Angress U. S. S. Catskill U. S. S. Brooklyn Receiving ship Wabas^h IJ. S. S. Wyandotte U. S. S. Powhatan U. S. S. Passaic .. U. S. S. Palos Md. 111 . ]\Io. Va. Va. Va. Tenti. Pa. N. J. Mass. Mich. Pa, Va, Pa. N. O. Va. Jld. N. Y. Va. Va. Va. Va. N. J. RETIRED AND RESERVED LIST. Retired .after fort.y-five j'ears’ sendee, or on .attaining the age of sixty-two, in conformit.v witii sectioii 1st of the Act of December 21st, 1861, and Act of M.arcli ad, 1873. Brooklyn, N. Y Pa. Brooklyn, N. Y iMe. Washington, D. C ^ iPa. 3 kii MEDICAL Officers u. s. navt. NAME AND RANK. Medical Directors, with the relative rank of Commodore. Foltz Jonathan M Horner Gustav R. B Hunter licvvis B Pinckney Ninian Palmer James C Kuschenberger William S. W Smith Thomas L Wood William Maxwell Medical Directors, with the relative rank of Captain. Abernethy John J Harlan David M Maulsby George Maxvveil Charles D McClelland James Messersmith John S Miller J. Dickinson Medical Directors, with the relative rank of Commodore. Codwise George W Dodd Robert J Medical Directors, with the relative rank of Captain. Thornley John Wright John II Mayo Henry O Passed Assistant -Snrpjeons, with the relative rank of Lieutenant. Harris William A Horner Frederick, Jr Assistant-Surgeons, with the relative rank of Master. Van Wyck Edward H Medical Inspectors. lowber William Nickerson William M Surgeons, with the relative rank of Lieutenant-Commander. Payne E. D‘ Lyon Luther M &tein Edward M Weber Robert L Assistant-Surgeon, with the relative rank of Master. Leavitt Almond O RETIRED AND RESERVED LIST. Retired after forty-five years' service, or on attaining the ago of sixty-two, in conformity w ith section 1st of the Act of December 21st, 1801, and Act of March 8d, 187b. Phila., Pa. ; A. M., Yale coll., 1837 ; M. D., Jefferson med. coll., 1830; aj)pointed from Pa. ass’t surg. April 4th, 1831 ; com. as surg. Dec. 8ih, 1838 ; served in Mexican and late war; ex-surg.- gen’l U. S. navy; — author of “ Medical Statistic of a Voyage round the World on board the Lbiited States Frigate Potoniac,” Com. John Dowries, 1831-32-33-34; “Endemic Influence of Evil Government, Climate and Diseases of the Island of Minorca,” publislied 1838; “Scorbutus as it Occurred in the United States Squadron in the Gulf of Mexico, in 1840-47, during the Mexican War;” “Reports to the Department on Diseases and Wounded iu Battles on the Mississippi Squadron under Admiral Farragut, 18G2-()3” Phila., Pa Phila., Pa Easton, Md. ; M. D., Jefferson med. coll., 1833 Washington, D. C Pliila., Pa.; v.-pres. coll, of phys., Phila.; pres. acad. of nat. sciences, Phila Brooklyn, N. Y Owing’s Mills, Md Stite Cm which app’ted. iPa. !Va. ! N. J. Md. Md. N. J. NT. J. Md. N. Y. city; M. D., coll, of phys. and surgs., N. Y., 1828 Churchville, Md Phila., Pa Washington, D. C Phila., Pa Lancaster, Pa. ; M. D., Jefferson med. coll., 1833 Phila., Pa Conn, Md. Pa. Del. Pa. Pa. N. J. Retired for incapacity for further service at sea, in conformity with the 3d .section of the Act of February 2lst, 18G1. Grantville, Mass General Wayne P. O., Pa. j M. D., Jefferson med, coll., 1831 Y. Y. ”a. Charlottesville, Va, Boston, N. Y. city Va. Mass. N. Y. Baltimore, Md Salem, Ya Pa. Va. 2L Y. city; grad, of Rutgers coll., N. J., 1835; M. D., med. de])’t univ. of Pa., 1838 iX. Y, Retired for incapacity or disalality proceeding from oilier causes not incident to the service, in conformity witli tiie 2bd section of the Act of August 3d, 1801. Phila., Pa. ; A. B., univ. of Pa., 1842 ; M. D., med, dep’t univ. of Pa., 18d5; com. ass’t stirg, in 1847 Ass’t surg., Brooklyn, N. Y Pa. Del. Retired for incapacity resulting from long and faithful service, from wounds or injury received in the brie of duty, from sickness or exi>osure therein, or from otlier incident of service, in conformity with the 23d section of the Act of August 3(1, 1801. Towanda, Pa .. Baltimore, Md N. Y Pottsville, Pa . Pa. Pa. N. Y. Pa. Williamsburg, N. Y N. H. MEDICAL OFFICERS U. S. NAVY. MARINE HOSPITAL SERVICE. XI ll AwHi-tfaiit SiirgPons,Svith the relative rank of Master. Pielhy Porteus P. IMaj;!? Samuel D .. RETIHED AND RESERVED LIST. Retired under the 4th section of the Act of April 21st, 18C4, and not recom- mended for promotion. Little Falls, N. Y. Buffalo, N. Y State f-in wiiich app'ted. N. Y. N. Y, Acting Passed Assistant-Surgeons. VOLUNTEER NAVY. P.m-leii^h D. C Creene F. V... Sowerby J. J . St. Mary’s Special duty — Centennial, Naval acad N. H. Pa. N. J. Acting Assistant-Surgeons. Arnistrnnof Tj TT K e V West ( 'onnn.u .T. N .Juniata ( 'ivin VII W . .T Navv yard, Boston (fliiola Thomas Rpeeivintr ship Vermont Dewlino* Tsaiah Wai tin" orders Dilrnan .T Ca nonicus Houston William 1 Waiting orders Alartin William Naval hos})., Phila Owens Thomas Tallapoosa Pa.intpr .Toseph F Nagasaki, Japan Perry R. J Key West, Fla Percy H. T St. Louis Phillips James Smith .Tohn D AVaiting orders Waiting orders Taylor Joseph Naval hosp., Pensacola; M. D., nniv. of Pa.; act. ass’t siirg. U. S. army 7 years ; ass’t surg. Pa. vols. 7 months Asiatic station Wikoff PTolmps Thomas O Worcester White C. D Waiting orders Ohio. ^Id. N. Y. N. Y. Md. Mo. Md. La. Md. Pa. Fla. Va. D. C. Mas.s. N. J. Pa. Pa. Established by Act of Congress, July IG, 1798. Reorganized l)y Acts of Congress approved June 29, 1870, and March 3, 1875. jolin M. AVoodworth, Supervising Surgeon General, Washington, D. C. The Marine Hospital Service furnishes medical and surgical relief to the sick and disabled of the American merchant marine, and is chiefly su])])orted by a tax of forty cents per month, as “hospital dues,” upon the wages of seamen serving on documented vessels of the United States engaged in the commerce of the oceans, lakes" and rivers. Tlie service is under the charge of a Supervising Surgeon General, wlio is appointed by tlie Pi esident, liy and with tho advice and consent of tlie Senate, and is cliarged by law “ under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, with the supervision of all matters connected with the IMarine Hospital Service of the United States, and with the disbursement of the fund.” Hospital relief is furnished to seamen tln ough organized hosi)itals owned by the United States, and througli municipal or private hospitals under the supervision of medical officers of the service. Thdi’e are 94 relief ports in the United States : on the Atlantic coast, 37 ; on the Gulf coast, 8 ; on the Paciflc coast, 5 ; on the great lakes, IG ; and on the rivers, 29. A seaman to be entitled to relief from the Marine Hos])ital fund must have served on a registered, enrolled, or licensed vessel of the United States for at least two months imme- diately preceding his application for aid, and must have i)aid hospital dues for that period of time. A sick or disabled seaman to obtain hospital relief must apply to a surgeon of the Marine Hos])ital Service or to a United States Collector of Customs, and must furnish satisfactory evidence that he is entitled to such relief. During the fiscal year, ended June 30, 1875, the number of seamen relieved by the Marine Hospilral Service was 15,009. XIV MARINE HOSPITAL SERVICE. MEDICAL OFFICERS OF THE MARINE HOSPITAL SERVICE. October, 1876. - SUPERVISING SURGEON GENERAL. JOHN M. WOODWORTH, . . . Washington City, Surj^eons. Stations. Bailhache P. H., Washington, D. C. Bancroft A. B., Boston, Mass. Brown James A., Detroit, Mich. Ellin wood Charles N., San Francisco, Cal. Fessenden C. S. D., Portland, Me. Griffiths Thomas J., Louisville, Ky. Surgeons. Stations. Hutton W. H. H., Mobile, Ala. Isham Ralph N., Chicago, 111. Murray Robert D., Key West, Fla. Purviance George, Pittsburg, Pa. Smith Heber, New York City, N. Y. Vansant John, New Orleans, La. Assistant Surgeons. Stations. Austin H. W., Evansville, Ind. Doering Edmund J., San Francisco, Cal. Gassaway James M., Cincinnati, Ohio. Hamilton J. B., New York City, N. Y. Houston Samuel, Baltimore, Md. Long W. IL, Louisville, Ky. Miller T. W., Chicago, 111. Assistant Surgeons. Stations. Muhlenberg, Jr., Henry E., Philadelphia, Pa. Sawtelle H. W., Norfolk, Va. Smith Henry, Galveston, Texas. Stone Geo. H., Savannah, Ga. Stoner Geo. W., Boston, Mass. Thayer P., Cleveland, Ohio. Wyman Walter, St. Louis, Mo. Acting Surgeons. Stations Allen James M., Milwaukee, Wis. Bates H. G,, Newbern, N. C. Acting Surgeons. Stations. De Witt Byron, Oswego, N. Y. Hamlin A. C., Bangor, Me. HISTOKY AKD GEOGEAPHY OF ALABAMA. Originally included within the territorial limits of South Carolina, Georgia, and Spanish Florida. Erected, with the present State of Mississippi, into the Territory of Mississippi in 1798, with the exception of the portion lying south of the 81st parallel, which was a part of Spanish Florida until taken possession of by the United States forces in 1811. In 1817 the territory was divided, and the State of Mississippi formed from the western ])ortion, the eastern being formed into the Territory of Alal)ama, which was erected into ti State, December 14th, 1819. “ Alabama” is said to be derived ifroma word in an Indian language, signifying, ‘‘ Here we rest.” The State has 50,722 square miles of territory,* Qid contained a population, by the census of 1870, of 996,992. By the same census there were 1418 Physi- cians and surgeons, giving one to every 700 of the population, supi)osing they were all in active practice, which is not likely. The northeastern part of Alabama is mountainous. South of this region, the surface has a general declivity toward the Gulf of Mexico. The southern half of the State is almost a dead level, but little above the water surface of the Gulf, on which the State borders, and consists of extensive prairies and pine bari'ens, inter- spersed with alluvial river bottoms of great fertility. The beautiful Tennessee Eiver flows through the northern section of the State. MINEEAL SPRINGS OF ALABAMA. Bailey Springs, nine miles from Florence, and fourteen from Tuscumbia ; reached by the Memphis and Charleston Railroad, via Tuscumbia. The location is a ideasant one, about six miles from the Muscle Shoals on the Tennessee River. There are five s])rings, the Rock, Chalybeate, Soda, Alum, and Freestone. The waters are alkaline chalybeate. An analysis of the Chalybeate Siuhng shows it to contain carbonates of potassa, soda, and mag- nesia, chloride of sodium, oxide of iron, carbonic acid, and sulphuretted liydrogen gases. An imperfect analysis, by Prof. Tuomey, of the Rock Spring, gives carbonates of ])otassium, sodium, and iron, chloride of sodium and sulphur. The prominent ingredients, he says, are carbonic acid, iron, and soda. According to Dr. H. A. Moody, the winters of the Bailey Springs have proved especially beneficial in scrofula and dropsy, the latter more par- ticularly when associated with disease of the kidneys, liver, or spleen. They are also ser- viceable in leucorrhoea, dysmenorrhcea, amenorrhoea, and in irritability of the bladder. There is a good hotel at the Si)rings. Bladon Springs, near the Tombigbee River ; reached by steamboat from Mobile, 100 miles north ; or from Demopolis, on the Alabama Central Railroad, about 50 miles south on the; same river. It is expected soon to have daily railway communication with New Orleans. The Springs are four miles from Bladon Landing, situated in a rolling country, in a prime- val forest of pines. The waters are nearly purely alkaline, charged with considerable car- bonic acid gas. * England and Wales contain 58,320 square miles. 9 10 ALABAMA. The following is an analysis of the various Springs : — ONE PINT CONTAINS: Vichy Spring. U70 Fahr. Profs. J. li. and W. P. Kiddell. Branch Spring. C7° Fahr. Profs. Riddell. Old Spring. Prof. R. T. Brumby. Sulphur Spring. 67° Fahr. Profs. Riddell. SOLIDS. Carbonate of sodium GRAINS. 5.791 0.036 ■»0.062 0.109 GRAINS. 5.151 0.076 «0.029 0.267 GRAINS. 4.111 0.170 GRAINS. 4.367 0.081 «0.095 0.302 “ magnesium “ iron “ calcium 0.344 0.962 0.002 0.030 Chloride of sodium Sulphate of calcium 30.282 tO.349 0.370 “ iron “ manganese trace. trace. Rilica and a.liitnina. 0.263 0.091 0.075 ( Vpnin apip Ifypi)crenic anid Organic matter 0.282 0.237 0.156 Loss 0.040 GASES. Carbonic acid 6.562 cubic inch. 8.18 trace. JO. 23 6.112 cubic inch. 7.40 trace. tO.23 6.088 cubic inch. 4.07 undetermined. 5.371 cubic inch. 6.61 0.07 tO.23 Sulphuretted hydrogen Chlorine * Carbonate of iron ami oxide of aluminium. f Sulphate of calcium and silicic acid. J Probably combined with sodium, forming chloride of sodium. Among the diseases these waters are recommended for is syphilis. Dr. Matthew Tue- KER, the resident physician, writes: — “All forms of tliis disease are benefited by these waters. In the secondary and tertiary forms 1 seldom find any constitutional treatment necessary ; nm in the habit of relying en- tirely on the water and hot-vapor batlis. Syifiiilitic ulcers heal rapidly under the local application of the sediment from the Spring. I have never known constitutional symptoms to apiiear after a chancre, if the patient, during the treatment, made free use of the water and baths.”* There are accommodations for 500 guests in the hotel and in substantial frame cabins, well plastered, many of them with good brick chimneys, for winter. Blount Springs, in Blount county; reached by the Alabama and Chattanooga, and Montgomery and Decatur Eailroads. The situation is high, being 1580 feet above the sea level. Tlie water is a saline sulphur. The following is tlie analysis of two of the Springs, of which there are six : — ONE PINT CONTAINS: Red Sulphur. Prof. R. T. Brumby. Sweet Sulphur. Prof. R. T. Brumby. SOLIDS. Carbonate of magnesium “ iron “ calcium Chloride of sodium ninpTiosinni GRAINS. 0.55 0.24 0.85 4.04 0.75 0.20 GRAINS. 0:45 0.14 0.56 0.86 Sulphate of magnesium 0.30 Total 6.63 cubic inch. 0.75 1.87 5.31 cubic inch. 0.75 1.57 GASES. Carbonic acid Sulphuretted hydrogen rhelby Springs, in Shelby county ; reached by the Selma, Eome and Dalton Eailroad, which ])asses directly by the Springs. Eailroads from the northern and southern ])ortions of the State also cross the above within five miles. There are White Sulphui-, Chalybeate, Freestone, and Limestone Springs. No analysis has been made of the waters. Tlie loca- tion is an exceedingly pleasant one. The valley in which the Springs are located runs northeast and southwest, and a constant current of air passes through it. These Springs have considerable reputation, and are resorted to by many. Valhermoso Springs (formerly the Morgan Springs”), in Morgan county, eighteen miles south of Huntsville, and two and a half miles from the mail-boat landing at Decatur. The location is fine, and the surrounding scenery romantic and beautiful, and there is good hunting and fishing near by. The waters are particularly recommended for rheumatism, dyspepsia, chronic diarrhoea, and diseases of the skin, liver, and kidneys. The following testimonials, if true, ought to induce crowds to resort to the S])rings : — By the use of the iodine sulphur water at Valhermoso, my hair and whiskers, which were very gray a few months ago, have been restored to their original black color. Near Valhermoso, June 1, 1871. N. B. Tucker, M. D. It also restored the growth and color of my hair. C. C. Giers, Nashville, Term. ALABAMA. 11 The following is an analysis of the waters ANALYSIS OF THE IODINE SULPHUE WATER. Sulphate of magnesium 4.032 grains. “ sodium 9.021 “ Carbonate of magnesium 0.481 “ Chloride of magnesium 0.407 “ sodium 1.GG8 “ “ calcium 0.009 “ Sulphuret of sodium 1.030 “ Iodine 0.1G8 “ An azotized organic matter, with sulphur and earthy phosphates. VOLUME OF GASES IN 100 CUBIC INCHES, Sulphuretted hydrogen 2.45 to C3 Nitrogen 3.25 0::ygen 0.50 Carbonic acitl 2.75 Arrangements are made for bottling and shipping this water. THE MEDICAL INSTITUTIONS OF ALABAMA. MEDICAL COLLEGE OF ALABAMA— MOBILE. 1. The Medical College of Alabama, located at Mobile; organized in 1859, with a full corps of professors ; closed during the war, and reopened in 1867. It is conducted as a “free school,” the only fees being matriculation, $25; anatomy, $10; graduation, $30. The class, at the last session, numbered 103. There are ten professors, a demonstrator, and an assistant demonstrator of anatomy. 2. The Southern University, at Greensboro’, Hale county (organized in 1856), has a Medical Department which was opened in 1872, with a fair class for a first session. There are five professors in the medical department. HOSPITALS AND INFIRMABIES. 1. The Alabama State Hospital for the Insane, was opened for patients in July, 1861. It is situated about two miles east of Tuscaloosa, on a gentle elevation, and sur- rounded by beautiful groves and varied landscape scenery, and has an abundant supi)ly of good spring water. The plans for the building were furnished by the Association of Medi- cal Superintendents of American Hospitals for the Insane. The building is of brick throughout, and is composed of a large centre building, four stories high, surmounted by a liandsonie dome, and wings, three stories high, extending in a right line on either side. For the purpose of light and ventilation, these wings are each subdivided into three sec- tions, and the sections connected with each other by cross halls of the same height and dimensions. The whole is finished in stucco, and roofed with tin, and i)resents, when viewed directly from the front or rear, a right line measuring seven hundred and eighty- four feet. The wings have each three campaniles, corresponding with the sections, and connecting with the ventilating shaft or foul air duct, which extends along the entire attic. The centre building contains more than thirty large rooms, exclusive of a beautiful and commodious chapel, and is appropriated to business offices, public parlors, officers’ quarters, kitchens, store rooms, and servants’ rooms. The wings together contain eighteen halls or wards, and upward of three hundred dormi- tories for the use of the patients. Each ward has a distinct dining-room, ])arlor, bath- room, drying room, and water closet, and is intended to accommodate about twenty pa- tients. The building will be warmed by radiation from steam i)ipes arranged along the basement stories or cellars, and will l)e susceyhible of a temT)erature of seventy degrees Fahrenheit in the coldest winter weather. It will be ventilated by one of Meigs’ revolving 12 ALABAMA. fans, driven by machinery. AVater from an unfailing spring is forced by a AVortbington steam pump into tanks located in the attic of the centre building. Hot-water tanks are conveniently placed in the basement, and heat is supplied to them by coils of steam jiipe passing thi ough them. Tliey are supplied with water- by connection with the tanks in the attic. Cold and hot water is distributed throughout the house by means of iron pipes. The cooking, washing, and drying will be carried on by steam, so far as it is available, and the building will be lighted throughout with gas manufactured on the premises. Speaking tubes communicate from all quarters witli the offices in the centre building. The sinks, soil pans, and water closets are ventilated by downward currents iiassing into the large smoke stack connected witli the boilers, and so complete is this arrangement that no disagreeable odor can be detected in any part of the liouse. Tlie building and grounds cost $250,0(J0, the exact sum, I believe, estimated by the Association of Superintendents as necessary for the purpose, and less, perha])s, than any similar institution, of the same size and appointments, in the Southern country. Three hundred and fifty patients are at present under treatment — February 28, 1873. [Tlie above account was kindly furnished by Peter Bryce, M. D., Superintendent.] 2. The City Hospital, and 3. The Providence Infirmary (conducted by the Sisters of^ Charity for ])ay patients), at Mobile. 4. The Montgomery County Hospital, at Montgomery. We have no reports or details concerning tliese institutions. MEDICAL SOCIETIES OF ALABAAIA. There are few States in the Union where the medical profession is better organized than in Alabama. All the organizations that have been reported are of regular ])hysicians, there being, indeed, very few of any other class in the State. The present Medical Associ- ation of Alabama was organized in 1849. All the members of the County Societies are members of the State Association, which thus numbers about 500 members. The new Constitution of tlie Association, just adopted, creates a body of KiO members, termed iiounsellors, who reside in all parts of the State and look after the interests of medical organization. The Secretary of the State Association, from 1873 to 1878, is Dr. Benj. H. Riggs, of Selma. The following are the county and local medical organizations, with their principal officers, according to the latest reports : SOCIETIES. PRESIDENT. Autauga county A. S. McKeithen.. Barbour county J. C. McNeill Bibb county J. W. Crawford.... Bullock county J. M. Foster Butler county W. A. Walton Choctawhatcine Medical Society Jno. E. Price Clarke county W. S. Forwood Conecuh county J. B. McMillan Selina (which is the Dallas Co. Soc.) Jas. Kent Elmore county Edmunds Mason.. Greene county H. T. Webb Hale county T. C. Osborn Jefferson county J. W. Sears Lawrence county Lee county J. B. Barnett Limestone county J. T. Malone Lowndes county J. P. Mushot Letohatchie A. B. McWhorten. Macon county J. W. Hunter Madison county A. C. Green Marengo County Medical Society E. D. Conner Mobile county F. A. Ross Pathological Society Monroe county J. W. Lindsay Montgomery county Aled. & Surg. Society R. F. Afichel North Alabama J. P. Pride Perry county F. A. Bates Pickens county Sumter county Jas. M. Godfrey.... Talladega county R. W. Toole Tuscaloosa J. Guild AVilcox county E. D. McDaniel.... SECRETARY. .G. H. Thompson. .Z. T. Daniel. ..Ral])h Davis. .C. H. Franklin. .C. B. Lampley. .J. P. Crawford. .T. B. Savage. ..A. A. McKittrick. ■ H. N. Rosser. ,.L. S. Green. .W. T. Pierce. ..R. Inge. ..M. H. Jordan. ..J. W. Gilbert. ..L. AV. Shepherd. R. Coleman. .. J. A. Pritchett. ..D. S. Hopping. ..W. F. Hodnett. .S. H. Tvowry. .T. C. Dow. ,.T. S. Scales. ,T. J. Boyles. .T. A. Means. .J. M. Kumpe. . J. C. Dozer. .S. F. Hill. .R. D. Webb. .W. W. Harrison. .J. T. Searcy. J. Paul Jones. ALABAMA. 13 THE MEDICAL LAWS OF ALABAMA. We present a summary of the medical legislation of Alabama. The following Medical Boards and Societies are established by law in Alabama The Medical Boards of Huntsville, Tuscaloosa, Selma, Claiborne, and Mobile, established by act of Legislature of January 15, 1830. The Medical Boards of Montgomery and Demopolis (Marengo county), established by act of Legislature of January 10, 1835. The Medical Board of Eufaula (formerly Irwinton), established by act of Legislature of December 23, 1837. Tlie Medical Board of Florence, established by act of Legislature of Dec. 23, 1841. The Selma Medical Society, chartered bv the Legislature ; and chartered by the State Medical Association, as the “ Dallas County Medioal Society.” The Medical Board of Physicians for the Town of Jacksonville, incorporated by act of Legislature of December 27, 1841. — Clay^’s Digest of Alabama Statutes. The Mobile Medical Society, to which the appointment of the Medical Board of Mobile is given, established by act of Legislature of February 23, 1866. The medical boards' established in the State of Alabama must examine all ap])licants for practice, and also their diplomas or licenses, which must in all cases be from a. resi)ectable college or institution. But regular graduates of medical colleges in the United States may practice their profession without a license, and their diplomas shall be sufficient evidence of their authority to do so. The boards must grant to every applicant who is found upon examination duly qualified and of good moral character, and has paid five dollars ($5) for the use of the board, a license to practice physic, surgery, and dental surgery, or any of such branches. Every license must be signed by the president of the board granting it, and counter- signed by the secretary and judge of probate of the county in which such medical board is established ; and the name of the person and of the branch in which he is licensed to practice must be registei-ed on the books of the judge of probate, for which registration he is entitled to a fee of fifty cents. Every contract made with any physician, surgeon, or dentist for his services as a physi- cian, surgeon, or dentist, is void, unless he has been licensed to practice by one of the medi- cal boards, or is a graduate of some medical college in the United States" The production of a license, or tlie certificate of the judge of probate that the name of such person is regis- tered on his books as a licensed physician, etc., is proof of such fact ; but no proof tliat any person who has rendered services as a physician, surgeon, or dentist, in any suit to recover for sucli services, has been duly licensed sliall be required, except on two days’ notice by the opposite party that such proof will be required. Every person who practices dental surgery without a license from a medical board, for- feits fifty (50) dollars. One-half of this fine goes to the person who sues for it, the other to the county. All druggists in the State of Alabama must obtain a license to deal in drugs from a medi- cal board, or from tlie Medical College of Alabama. Any person who violates this section cannot recover for di-ugs or medicines sold by him, and is also guilty of a misdemeanor, and subject to a fine of not less than one liundred (100) dollars. Any person who employs any free negro to sell or assist in selling drugs or medicines by retail, is guilty of a misde- meanor, and subject to a fine of not less than one hundred (100) dollars. Doctors who practice the Botanic or Thomsonian systems are not subject to the fore- going provisions. The judge of probate of any county is entitled to a fee of fifty (50) cents for each certifi- cate given by him. — Chap, 2, see. 1223 etc., of Bevised Code of Alabama of 1867. Any person who wilfully administers any drug, etc., or uses any instrument to procure the miscarriage of a pregnant woman, unless it be necessary to preserve life, shall be punished by fine or imprisonment. In any county Avhere there is no ,^nedical board, the court of county commissioners may establish one, which shall be composed of not less than three or more than seven physicians of good standing and resident in the county, and shall perform the same duties and be subject to the same liabilities as medical boards established by the Legislature. — Bevised Code of Alabama of 1867, sec. 1224. All medical boards are required to keep seals, which shall be affixed to, and be sufficient proof of the authenticity of, all licenses and permits. The State Association is now making an effort to secure legislation giving it exclusive control over the licensing of physicians in this State. I Note. — N ames who have replied to circulars requesting information, designated by bolder type, (h.) homoeopath; (e) “eclectic;” (m) miscellaneous. ABB Abbernetliy J. C., Camden. Abboiiiatliy W. H., Camden. Counsellor Ala. iiietl. asso. Abercrombie C. F., Columbia. Abercrombie G. A., Pike Road. Abernathy, Robt. Townes, Tuscumbia. A. M. ; iM. D., med. dep’t uiiiv. N. Y., 1849; surg. confed. army 2h years ; mem, med. soc. of N. Ala. Abernethy J. C., fSpring Hill. Abrahams W. T., Dayton. Acker J. W., Alontevallo. Acker iVL 8., Spring Garden. Acton S. W., Highland. Member med. soc. of Jefferson co. ’ Acton S. W., Morrowville. Adams B. C., Liberty Hill. Adams B. F., Daviston. Adams David, Pine Apple. Adduhold L. J., Wedowee. Adkins C. W., Larkinsville. Agnew A. W., Providence. Member med. soc. of Pickens co. Akin J. C., Walnut Hill. Albright J. C., Montgomery. Alexander A. R., Russellville. Alfred J. P., Troy. Allen B. M., Demopolis. Allen E. H., Oxford. Allen AV. H., Hithian’s Store. Allison J. F., Intercourse. Allison John T., Cuba. Member med. soc. of Sumter co. Allman , Letohatcliie. Member med. soc. of Letohatchie (Lowndes co.; Allman J. E., Panola. Alston Lemuel Lovatt, Orrville. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of La., 1849 ; mem. med. soc. of Dallas co., and ex-p. med. soc. of Orrville. Anderson T. J., Acron. Anderson W. H., Mobile. Member med. soc. of Mobil#; prof, physiology and dean med. coll, of Ala. ; counsellor med. soc. of Ala. ; surg. and med. purveyor confed. army. Anderson W. L., Uniontown. Andrews Q. W., Fredonia. Andrews W. A., Fort Browder. Antony Edwin LeRoy, Huntsville. M. D., med. coll, of Ga. ; grad, school of botany and materia medica, Phila., 1834; was prof, mid- wifery and diseases of women and children, Ogle- thorp univ. Ga. ; surg. gen’l confed. army 3 years. 14 BAS Archer G. \V., Millville. Armstrong W. M., Calero. A rrington R. H., Livingston. Member med. soc. of Sumter co. Ashe Richard D., Uniontown. M. D., Jefferson med. coll., 1850; pres. Cane Brake med. asso. ; surg. confed. army 2 years ; member med. soc. of Uniontown (Perry co.} Ashford E. C., Courtland. Member med. soc. of N. Ala. Atkinson Joseph, Romulus. Avery J. D., Evergreen. Avery AVilliam C., Greensboro’. Member med. soc. of Greensboro’ (Hale co.) Backus Henry, Montevallo. Bailey E. H. C., Demopolis. Member med. soc. of Ala. Baker Neil H., Bradford. Baker Paul DeLaey, Eufaula. M. D., med. coll, of Ga., 1854 ; member med. soc. of Barbour co. ; med. exam, board for S. E. Ala. ; surg. confed. army 3 years ; — author of “ Sources and Quality of Honey,” 1858 ; “ Veratrum Viride in Nervous Diseases,” 1859 ; “ Endermic A])pli- cation of Animal Oil in Fever,” 1860; “ Why Gun-shot Wounds do not Heal by Quick Union, 1869; Reports, etc., 1870. Baldridge M. C., Huntsville. Baldwin William Owen, Montgomery. Member med. and surg. soc. of Montgomery; ex-pres. Am. med. asso. Banks C. P., Newburgh. Member med. soc. of N. Ala. Banks Wilson L., Dadeville. Bankson J. S., Stephenson. Member filed, soc. of Jackson co. Barclay J. W., Guntersville. Barclay R. G., Courtland. Member med. soc. of N. Ala. Barker P. D., Eufaula. Barnes B. S., Suggsville. Member med. soc. of Clarke co. Barnett John B., Opelika. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1854; memlier med. soc. of N. Ala. Barnett Julius V., Gainesville. Barnett W. F., Georgiana. Barrett A R., Huntsville. Barry B. F., Carthage. Member med. soc. of Tuscaloosa co. ; oounsellor med. soc. of Ala. Baskin , Gadsden. BAS ALABAMA. CAR 15 Bassett H. W., Huntsville. Member med. soc. of Madison co. Bates C. A., Morrisville. Bates F. A., Marion. Member med. soc. of Perry co. Battle J. F., Eufaula. Beasley J., Huntsville, lieatty W. H., Mobile. Bedell 11. B.. Opelika. Bedwell J. W., Midwa- Berhordt M., Eufaula. Berney James, Greenville. Member med. soc. of Greenville (Butler co.), and of Am. med. asso. Berney John, Greenville. Member med. soc. of Greenville (Butler co.) Bytiiewood J. G., Allenton. Bettis A. Y., Grove Hill. Member med. soc. of Clarke co. Bettis Thomas J., Choctaw Corner. M. 1)., med. dep’t univ. La., 1861. Bevans J., Gadsden. Bevans J. T., Gadsden. Bibb H. C., Mooresville. Bilbro C. I)., Loachapoka. Binford Henry Arthur, Huntsville. M. D., med. dep’t univ. Pa., 1834. Binford L. H., Courtland. Member med. soc. of N. Ala. Binford Peter, Decatur. M. D., New Orleans school of med., 1861 ; ass’t surg. confed. army 2 years; member med. soc. of Ala. Bizzell W. D., Mobile. M. D., med. coll, of Ala., 1873; first honors, Nott medal, worth $100 ; member med. soc. of Sumter CO. ; counsellor med. soc. of Ala. Black AV. B., Trinity. Blake J. C., Talladega. M. D., med. dep’t univ. N. Y., 1857 ; member med. soc. of Talladega. Blakely R. O., Jefferson. Blanton James C., New Market. Bledso N. M.. Union Springs. Blood worth W. W., Loachapoka. Member med. soc. of Lee co. Blow J. AV., Pollard. Blue John Howard, Montgomery. Member med. and surg. soc. of Montgomery, Blue P., Thomasville. Bonner Robert A., Orrville. Member med. soc. of Dallas co. Bonner S. L., Reform. Member med. soc. of Pickens co. Bonner T. H., Orrville. Borronghs Bryan, Grove Hill. Member med. soc. of Clarke co. Borroughs AVm. M., Pineville. Member med. soc. of (Jarke co. Bottoms James, Ozark. Bowen Eli C., (Jpelika. Member med. soc. of Lee co. Bowen James Horatio, Prattville. Member med. sue. of Autauga co. Bowie Andrew, Benton. Bowling, AA^. E. , Corn Groye. Boyd Charles, La Place. Member med. soc. of Macon co. Boyd Robert Alfred, Mobile. M. D., rued, dep’t Harvard univ., 1868; exam, surg. for pensions ; trustee State hosp. for insane. Boykin J. O., Portland. Boynton , Opelika. Member med. soc. of Monroe co. Bradfield John, Uniontown. Mem. and pres. med. soc. of Uniontown (Perry co.) Bradford AVilliam, Centre. Bradley A. Q., Marion. Bradley Eli, Belleville. Member med. soc. of Conecuh co. Bradley H. C., Bell’s Landing. Member med. soc. of Alonroe co. Bragg M., Jr., Greenville. Bragg Thomas M., Greenville. Alembe>* med. soc. of Butler co. Brandon R. C., Gordon. Brannon T. C., Oakville. Brassfield M. T., Forkland. Brietling Joseph, Butler Springs. Brooks E. Easta Boga. Bromlee R. M., Fort Deposit. Brooks B. C., (Jovington. ]3rothers P. H., Polkville. Browder James D., Macon Station. Brown AY. R., Havanna. Bruce H. S., AVaverly. Bruner P. M., Greenville. Bruner AY. P., Bragg’s Store. Bryce Peter, Tuscaloosa. Grad. S. C. military acad., 1855 ; AI. D., med. dep’t. univ. N. Y., 1859 ; member mod. soc. Tuscaloosa ; counsellor med. soc. of Ala ; med. sup. Ala. State hosp. for insane. Burgamy AY. T., Calhoun. Burger G. D. C., Faunsdale. Burke James P., Meridianville. V. pres. med. soc. of Aladison co. ; counsellor med, soc. of Ala. Burkes M. P., North Point. Burrett A. R., Huntsville. Burroughs Moses, Forkland. Bush P. M., AYarrenton. Caffey H. AY., Benton. Cain A. P., Somerville. Cain R. AY., Collinsville. Caldwell Henry M., Greenville. Alember med. soc. of Butler co. Caldwell John D., Camden. Alember med soc. of AVilcox co. Caldwell AY. J., Coatopa. Calloway J. D., Pikeville. Cannon J. P. , (xravelly Springs. Capshaw P., Athens. Carpenter P. S., Vienna. Carr G. AY. L. , Fort Deposit. Carriger J. H., Girard. Carroll G. AY., Gravelly Springs. Carter D. C., Gordon. Carter John D., Huntsville. Treas. rned. soc. of Aladison co. Carter J. T. Dudleyville. 16 CAR ALABAMA. DEB Carter Louis D., Huntsville. Sec. med. soc. of Madison co. Carter P. Parks, Leighton. Member med. soc. of N. Ala. Carter W. E., Eufaula. Member med. soc. of Barbour co. Castanard Jolin M., Mobile. Castleberry W. T., Talladega. Ceymest A. J., Fort Browder. Chandler E. P., Cropwell. Charbonet J. M., Mobile. Christian M. P. W., Lineren. Cilley P. N., Lownsboro. Clark C. J., Selma. Member med. soc. of Selma (Dallas co.) Clark J. K., Bussell ville. Member med. soc. of Ala. Clark John McWhorter, Mt. Hope. Member med. soc. of N. Ala., and Am. med. asso. Clarke Richard, Selma. Clements, A., Tuscaloosa. Clemons H. T., Loachapoka. Clopton Albert G., Pleasant Hill. M. D., Trans' lvania imiv., 1850; brigade surg. confed. army during the war. Cochran Jerome, Mobile. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Nashville, 1861 ; member med. soc. of Mobile ; med. soc. of Ala. ; Am. med. asso. ; prof, chem., hyg. and med. jurisp. med. coll, of Ala.; sec. State med. soc. for 5 years ; counsellor med. soc. of Ala. ; health officer of Mobile ; member Am. anthropological soc.; surg. confed. army 3 years ; — author of pa])er ‘Administration of Chloroform by Deglutition,” 1867 ; “ General Principles of Organization and Evolution of Organic Forms,” 1871; “New Constitution of State Med. Association,” and other papers. Cochran Robert M., Orrville. Member med. soc. of Dallas co. Cochrane W. A., Tuscaloosa. Member mod. soc. of Tuscaloosa. Coker G., Summit. Coleman J. W., Marion. Coleman Ruffin, Athens. Coleman J. P., Athens. Coleman Solon L., Uniontowm. Collins II. V. Columbia. Collins J. R., Athens. Cokpiit N. B., Bullock. Conner E. D., Shiloh. Cook N. H., Greenville. Cook W. E., Allenton. Cooke Charles, Gainesville. Coons Samuel W., Madison. Copeland William Preston, Eufaula. M. D., Bellevue med. coll., 1870; member med. soc. of Barbour co. Corbett .John G., Ozark. Cosper, D. P., Cropwell. Costley W., Lafayette. Cotman , Stephenson. Member med. soc. of N. Ala. Courtney J. C., Verbena. Cowden T. P., Cross Plain. Cowen G. C., Union Spring. Cox T., Florence. Crampton Orson Lucius, Mobile. M. D., Bellevue med. coll. 1865; surg. marina hosp.. Mobile, 1871 ; member med. soc. of Tusealoosa and Am. med. asso. ; surg. U. 8, marine hosp. Crawford James W., Centreville. Member med. soc. of Bibb co. Crawford William H., Birmingham. Member med. soc. of Macon co. Crews, A. J., Clayton. Crews J.’E., Spring Hill. Member med. soc. of* Barbour co. Crittenden J. T., Rodgersville Groom J. M., Bullock. Crosby N. A., Rutledge. Cross Benjamin F., Decatur. Member med. soc. of Ala. Cross S. M., Harpersville. Cross William C., Cherokee. Member med. soc. of N. Ala. Crow Calvin A., Moulton. Member med. soc. of N. Ala.; counsellor med. soc. of Ala. Crowder D. G., Rock Mills. Croxton B. M., Athens. Crum A. W., Allenton. Crum F. E., Clifton. Crump H., Broken Arrow. Cunningham William R., Tuskegee, Member med. soc. of Macon co. Cushin R. F., Greenville. Dailey Fielding S., Burnt Corn. Member med. soc. of Monroe co. Dale W. B., Camden. Danej", C. F. M., Decatur. Daniel Zadoc Thornton, Eufaula. M. D., Bellevue hosp. med. coll., N. Y., 1870; member O. Ai. soc. (Bellevue coll.), N. Y. ; sec. med. soc. of Barbour co. ; — author paper on “ Relation between Physician and Pharmaceu* tist,” 1871. Dansby D. M. A., Rehoboth. Danvis T. S., North Port. Darley F. S. , Claiborne. Dass H. W., Pickensville. Davidson J. M., Uniontowm. Davie Mercer Stillwell, Cowukee. M. D., Jeff. med. coll., 186'.). Davis B. F., Autaugaville. Member med. soc. of Autauga co. Davis D. P. , Gordon. Davis J. B., Broken Arrow^ Davis Jno. William, Autaugaville. Member med. soc. of Autauga co. Davis L. W., Montgomery. Davis Ralph, Centreville. Davis S. M., Allenton. Davis Thomas Asbury, Autaugaville. Member med. soc. of Autauga co. Davis W. S., Spring Hill. Member med. soc. of Barbour co. Davison B., Uniontown. Davison James Johnston, (e) Verbena Grad. Thomsonian coll. Barbourville, 1852, Debow Alva C., Gurley ville. Member med. soc. of Madison co. DEM ALABAMA. FRE 17 Dement John Jefferson, Huntsville. M. D., med, dep’t univ. Pa., 1853; counsellor med. soe. of Ala. ; member med. soc. of Madi- son CO. ; surg. con fed. army during the war. Dennis S. H., Mobile. Denster AV. H , Mulberry. Derrick L. , AA^oodville. Desprez Louis AV., Russellville. Alember med. soc. of N. Ala.; counsellor med. soc. of Ala. Desprez AVilliam, Tuscumbia. Member med. soc. of N. Ala. ; counsellor med. soc. of Ala. Dixon John, Fayetteville. Donald J. M., Forts. Donaldson John T., Easta Boga. AI. D., med. coll., Charleston, S. C., 1867. Doss Henry, Pickensville. Member med. soc. of Pickens co. Douglass John, Florence. Alember med. soc. of N. Ala. Douglass J. A. , Centre Star. Douglass James R., Montgomery. Alember med. and surg. soc. of Montgomery. Downey AV. T., Greensboro’. Dozier J. C., Alarioii. Alember med. soc. of Perry co. Dozier AV. E., Attala. Drake D. S., (h) Huntsville. Drake John Hodge, Auburn. Member med. soc. of Lee co. Drewry James AV., Eufaula. Aleuiber med. soc. of Barbour co. Driver E. J., Lafayette. Droughan Robt. J., Claiborne. Member med. soc. of Alonroe co. Drumen C., Hanby’s Mills. Drummond W. F., Dayton. Duggar R. H., Macon Station. M. Jj., me 1. dep’t univ. Pa., 1858. Dumas John, Clifton. M. D., med. dep’t univ. La., 1871. Dnncan Oscar, Mt. Hebron. Diming AA^ T., Greensboro’. Dunklin E. C., Hayneville. Dunklin AA7illiam AV., Burnsville. Al. D., Galveston med. coll., 1869; and Bellevue IIosp. med. coll., 1870. Dunson E. AV., New Site. Dyer E. F., Greenville. Easterling AV. E.. Clifton. Edwards Charles Alva, Prattville. Alember med. soc. of Autauga co. Edwards David, AVilsonville. Edwards J. N., Florence. Edwards P. G., Coatopa. Edwards T., Gadsden. Eley Michael Jefferson, Lafayette. Alember med. soc. of univ. Nashville. Elley P. Lafayette. Ellis E. C., Raleigh. Ellis R. A., Foster’s Store. Elred \V. A., Guntersville. Emory Aurelius Grigsby, Opelika. AI. D., med. dep’t univ. La., 1862; member med. soc. of Lee co. Erskine A. R., Huntsville. Erwin J. R., Prairie Bluff. Evans B. S., AVhite Plains. Evans E. P., Broken Arrow. Evans J. S., Bladon Springs. Ewing AV. T., Gadsden. Falls Chas. F., Selma. Alember med. soc. of Selma (Dallas co.) Fairfield James, Carrollton. Alember med. soc. of Pickens co. Farmer Henry, Georgiana. Farris T. C., Scottsboro.’ Faulk H. B., Laurenceville. Fielder, M. L., AVetumpka. Alember med. soc. of Elmore co. Files Geo. AV., Gosport. Alember med. soc. of Clarke co. Fisher R. C., Pollard. Fitzpatrick Clement T., Fitzpatrick’s Store. Alember med. soc. of Bullock co. Fitzpatrick Phil., Childersburg. Alember med. soc. of Elmore co. Fitzpatrick M. J., Florence. Fletcher John R., Athens. AI. D., med. dep’t univ. Pa., 1854; ass’t surg con fed. army 3 years. Floyd AV. D.. Selma. Foard James S, B., Pollard. AI. D., Jerterson med. coll., Phila., 1859; pres. co. med. board; ass’t surg. and surg. coiifed. army 4 years. Foote B. AV., Talladega. Alember med. soc. of Talladega co. Forbes Solomon Sage, Belleville. Alember med. soc. of Conecuh co. Foreman A. L., Crawford. Foster David L., Foster’s Store. Foster J. G., Mount Sterling. Foster James M., Union Springs. Foster Robert, Marion. Alember med. soc. of Perry co. Foster Norborne P., Union Springs. AI. D., Bellevue med. coll., 1871. Fournier Edmond H., Mobile. A. B., St. Joseph’s coll., Ky., 1853; AI. D., med. dep’t univ. of La., 1859; sec. Board Health, Alobile, 1871; member med. soc. of Alobile, and Am. med. asso. ; counsellor med. soc. oi Ala. ; adj. prof. mat. med. and ther. in med. coll, of Ala. Fowler B. F., Afontevallo. Fowler James S., Franklin. France C. M., Mobile. Alember med. soc. of Alobile. Francis J. C., Jacksonville. Francis M. AV., Jacksonville. Franklin Charles H., Union Springs, Alember med. soc. of Bullock co. Frederick J. IT., Cusesta. Freeman Lucius G., Jasper. M. D., Kentucky school of med., 1870. Freeman E. B. , Talladega. 18 FRE ALABAMA. HAL Freeman Jas. Anton, Montgomery. M. D., med. dep’t iiniv. of N. Y., 1859; Hon. M. D., med. coll, of Ga., 1860 ; member med. soc. of Ala., and med. and surg. soc. Montgomery; ass't surg. confed. army 2 years ; surg. 1 year ; — author paper on “ Scalp Wounds,” and other pax)ers before med. soc. of Ala. Freenay J. G., Mount Meigs. Fuller , Opelika. Funiiss John P., Selma. Member med. soc. of Selma (Dallas co.) Gaillard E., Canton. Gaines Edmund Pendleton, Mobile. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Pa., 1846; member med. soc. of Mobile, and Am. med. asso. ; coun- sellor med. soc. of Ala. ; prof, clinical medicine med. coll, of Ala. Garber James K. , Macon Station. Member med. soc. of Sumter co. Gardner D. G., Bridgeville. Member med. soc. of Pickens co., Gardner J. M., Opelika. Garrett Charles C., Dayton. M. D,, Push med. coll. Chicago, 111., 1849. Ganison J. W., Lineville. Gass , Pandolph. Member med. soc. of llibb co. Gaston John Brown, Montgomery. Member med. and surg. soc. of Montgomery. GiHutier W. J., Tuskegee. Member med. soc. of Macon co. Gee J. T., Burnsville. George G. H., Shiloh. German Peter, Mobile. Gilbert James Washington, Mt. Hope. M. D., Bellevue hosp. med. coll. New York, 1870 ; member med. soc. of N. Ala., and of Lawrence CO. ; ree. sec. of both societies. Gilbert V. B., Gilbertsboro’. Gilder J. H., Eldridge. Giles John Hiram, Cuba. M. D., med. d p’t univ. of La., 1867 ; member med. .'Joc. of Sumter co. Gill L., Somerville. Gill W. G., Somerville. Gillespie James, Abbeville. Gilmer Abram Bessent, Butler. M. D., med. coll, of Ala. (no date) ; mem. med. soc. of Choctaw CO. ; — author “ liep' rton Clima- tology and Diseases of Choctaw co.” Gilmore John Taylor, Mobile. Member med. soc. of Mobile; counsellor med. soc. of Ala.; ])rof. of surg. in med. coll, of Ala; surg. and med. direct, confed. army ; — author of various surgical reports. [Deceased.) Gilmore John N., Gaston. One full course in med. coll, of Ala., 1860-61. Gindrat A., Montgomery. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1846; member Am. med. asso. Gist Paul, Talladega. Member med. soc. of Talladega co. Glass Bobt. Sharf, Warsaw. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of La., 1871. Glisman C., Eorkland. Member med. soc. of Greene co. Glover A. L., Harpersville. Godfrey James M., Sumterville, Member med. soc. of Sumter co. Goggins J. P., Nixburgh. Golson W. W., Autaugaville. Goode Rhett, Mobile. M. D., med. coll, of Ala., 1870; ass’t demon, anat- omy and curator of med. museum coll, of Ala. ; member and counsellor med. soc. of Ala. Gorden J. W., South Station. Gorman J. H., Alpine. Member med. soc. of Talladega co. Grace B., Mumford. Member med. soc. of Talladega co. Graham J. H., Memphis. Member med. soc. of Pickens co. Graham M., Stevenson. Granger J. W., (e) Gordon. M. D., reform med. coll. Macon, Ga. (no date). Graves A. S., Troy. Gray T. M., Dadeville. Green A. B., Ft. Paine. Green Allen J., Huntsville. Member med. soc. of Madison co. Green Lorenzo Sidney, Wetumpka. Member med. soc. of Elmore co. Green M. J., Loachapoka. Green Robert S., Oregon. Member med. soc. of .Jefferson co. Greenleaf A. W., Montgomery. Green way G. C., Huntsville. Member med. soc. of Madison co. Gregg E. H., Elyton. Gregg T. B., Montgomery. Gresham J. B., Carrollton. M. D., med. coll, of S. C., 1845 ; member med. soc. Pickens co. ; surg. confed. army 3 years. Grigg J. B., Hollow Square. Grigg J. G., Tuskegee. Grooce B. W., Talladega. Groves A. G. Warsaw. Grove Jos. A., Liberty Hill. Member med. soc. of Dallas co. Guild James, Tuscaloosa. Member med. soc. of Tuscaloosa co. ; counsellor med. soc. of Ala. Guild James, Jr., Tuscaloosa. Member med. soc. of Tuscaloosa co. Gully William, Snow Hill. Gunn James Hamlin, Randolph. M. D., Bellevue hosj). med. coll., 1869; member med. soc. of Bibb co. Haden W. A., La Place. Member med. soc. of Macon co. Haddox W. T., Pine Hill. Member med. soc. of Wilcox co. Hagood Dan., Bragg’s Store. Haigler W. H., Hayiieville. Ilainey William, Fort Browder Member med. soc. of Barbour co. Hains E. D., Allenton. Hains E. W., Troy. Halby John R., Greenville. Hale Robert, Letohatchie. Member med. soc. of Letohatchie (Lowndes co.) Hall A. P., Mobile. Hall James J., Cambridge. Member med. soc. of Orrville (Dallas co.) HAL ALABAMA. HOW 19 Hall Patrick. New Market. Hall R. M., Montgomery. Halleman J. C., Greenville. Halloway J. C., Newburgh. Hamilton, J. C , Mobile. M. D., med. dep’tuniv. of Pa., 1846. Hamilton William, Greenville. Hammond J. F., Montgomery. Hancock J. S., Yorkville. Hanna A. E., Thacker’s Grove, Hanner S. N., Edwardsville. Hannum A. B., Florence. Hanson AV. W., Gurleysville. Herbert Curtis B., Greenville Hard way J. J., Opelika. Hardy W. R., Benton. Harris Daniel, Delta. Harris E. G., Fayetteville. Harris James Crawford, Wetumpka. Member med. soc. of Elmore eo. Harris James West, Tuscaloosa. M. D., med./lep’t univ. of Pa., 1844; member med. soc. o*f Tuscaloosa co. Harris R. M., Livingston. Member med. soc. of Sumter co. Harrison Joseph, Greenville. M. D., med. coll, of S. C., 1852 ; member med. soc. of Butler co. ; surg. confed. army 3 years. Harrison J. T., Easta Boga. Harrison Owen Paschal, Montgomery. Member med. and surg. soc. of Montgomery. Harrison W. AV., Talladega. Hart R. S., Rainer. Hartgreaves J. Theo])hilus, Florence. Harville S. AF., Plantersville. At. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1845. Harwood T. B., Camden. Hawkins Nathaniel, Ely ton. Med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1846; member med. soc. of Jefierson co. Hawkins Richard Nathaniel, Elyton. jMember med. soc. of Jelferson co. Hawley J. J., Greenville. Hayes J. M., Florence. Hayes W. J., TuscalOv)sa. Hays James A., Union Springs. Aled. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1855; member med. soc. of Bullock CO. Haywood R., Tuscaloosa. Haywood AYilliam, Eufaula. Heacock Jolin AV., Childersburg. Al. I)., univ. of La., 1867. Hearne J. T., Lowndsboro’. , Heflin W. L., Louina. Henderson A. H., Florence. Al. D., med. de])’t univ. of Nashville, Tenn., 1873. Henderson Frank B., Union Springs. Alember med. soc. of Bullock co. Henderson T. R., Montgomery. Hendon B. F., Sumterville. Hendricks A., Brundage. Henegan Darley, Jones’ Bluff. AJeiV'ber med. soc. of Sumter co. Henley Albert Thomas, Macon Station. M. 1)., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y. pio date;. Hehry J. H., (h) Selma. Herbert C. R., (Jreenville. Hereford Francis Mason, Montgomery. Alember med. and surg. soc. of Alontgomery, and Am. med. asso. Herron E. M , Eufaula. Hester William, Tuscaloosa. AI. D., med. de{)’t univ. of N. Y., 1867 ; 'treas. Tuscaloosa med. soc. Heustis James Fountain, Mobile. M. D., med. de])’t univ. of La., 1848; member med. soc. of Alobile ; med. asso. of Ala. ; Am. med. asso. ; late prof. anat. and surg. med. coll, of Ala. ; asst. surg. U. S. N., 1850 -57 ; surg. and med. direct, in confed. army, 1861-5. Hewitt J. AV"., New Harmony. Hicklin AVilliarn C., Mobile. Hicks L. O., Jackson. Alember med. soc. of Clarke co. Higiitower T. A., Town Creek. Hill George, Childersburg. Hill G. A., Fayetteville. Hill H. AY., Mooresville. Hill R. A., Pine Level. Hill S. F., Carrollton. Al. D., med. dep’t univ. of Louisville, Ky., 1870; member med. soc. of Pickens co. Hill S. M., Carrollton. AI. D., med. coll, of S. C., 1852 ; member med. soc. of Pickens co. ; pres. med. board of Pickens co. ; counsellor med. soc. of Ala. ; oldest physician, except one, in the county. Hill Thomas Robertson, Montgomery. Alember med. and surg. soc. of Alontgomery. Hilliard C. M., Greenville. Hindsman A.C. L., Bradford. Hinton AY. G., Bridgeville. Hobbs J. R., Somerville. Hodnett AY. F., Tuskegee. Alember med. soc. of Alacon co. Hoffman John Richardson, Athens. AL D., Jelferson med. coll, of Phila., 1858; mem- ber med. soc. of Limestone co. ; asst. surg. confed. army 3 years. Hogan S. M., Union Springs. Holcomb C. AY., New Limeton. Holly F. S., Knoxville. Holmes D. R., Scottsboro’. Holt Joseph VYilliam, Montgomery. Alember med. and surg. soc. of Alontgomery. Hook L. M., Ilatchachubee. Hopping Daniel Styles, Letohatchie. Alember med. soc. of Letohatcliie (Lowndes co.) Horn AYilliam Robert, Gaston. M. D., rned. dep’t univ. of La., 1855; member med. soc. of Sumter co. Houston Jesse C., Mobile. Member med. soc. of Sumter co. Houston James H., Uniontown. Member med. soc. of Uniontown (Perry co.) Houston James M., Dickson. Alember med. soc. of N. Ala. Howard 0. C., Lowndesboro’. Howard Charles Malone, Mulberry, Alember med. soc. of Autauga co. Howard T. D., Alulberry. 20 HOW ALABAMA. KEN Howard Thos. Greenwood, Mulberry. M. 1)., med, dep’t Washington, univ. of Baltimore, ild., 1872 ; member med. soc. of Autauga co. rioward W. J., Chenohatcliie. Howell W. II., Gadsden. Hudson Herbert S., Selma. Member med. soc. of Selma (Dallas co.) Iluj^eii llicliard Proctor, Tuscaloosa. Hug-g-ins Jacob, Greensboro’. Hughes A. B., (m) Autaugaville. Hughes B. M., Cherokee. Member med. soc. of N. Ala. Hullli. M.,Pike Koad. Hunter J. W., Tuskegee. Member med. soc. of Macon co. Hunter V. T., Boligee. Huso J. C., Notasulga. •Huston J. II., Uniontown. Hurst H. E., Eredona. Inglehart O. S., Mobile. Inge llicliard, Greensboro’. Brof. anatomy in Southern University. Irwin W. B., Dry Creek. Jackson J. M., Guntersville. ^lember med. soc. of Ala. Jackson Robert Dandridge, Selma. M. D., med. coll, of S. C. (no date) ; member med. soc. of Dallas co. ; counsellor med. soc. of Ala. ; surg. eonfed. army. Jackson Walter Chirk, Montgomery. Member med. and surg. soc. of Montgomery ; treas. and counsellor med. soc. of Ala., elected 1873 for 5 years. James B. R., Montgomery. James Edwin C., Courtland. Member med. soc. of N. Ala. James 1. 1., Bladon Springs. Jenkins James S., Monroe Co. Member med. soc. of Monroe co. Jenkins Lucky W., Allenton. Member med. soc. of Wilcox co. Jenkins T. G., Camden. Member med. soc. of Wilcox co. Jennings I. L., Franklin. Jernigan Charles H., Enon. Member med. soc. of Bullock co. Johitt R. J., Burleson. Johnson B. F., Notasulga. Member med. soc. of Macon co. Johnson E. H., Rutledge. Johnson G. W., Athens. Johnson Joseph Henry, Talladega. Mem. med. soc. of Sumter co., and Am. raed.asso. Johnson J. S., Mapleville. Jolmson T A., Fort Mitchell. Johnson T. 0., Eufaula. Johnson W. B., Decatur. Johnson W. S., Hamburg. Johnson W. T., Uniontown. Johnson W. W., Choctaw Corner. Johnston Egbert Beale, Tuskegee. Member Am. med. asso. Johnston John David, Sumterville. M. D., Atlanta med. coll, (no date; ; member med. soc. Sumter co. ; act. ass’t surg. eonfed. army. Johnston John Foote, Montgomery. Member med. and surg. soc. of Montgomery, and Am. med. asso. Johnston J. Y., Milton’s Mills. Johnston William Henry, Selma. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Mew York city, 1S67 ; member med, soc. of Selma; 18 months’ service in BeMevue hosp.. New York; med. inspect, dep’t public charities. New York, 1 year. Johnston William A., Uniontown. Secretary and treas. of med. soc. of Uniontown (Perry co.) Jolly M. A., Mt. Hebron. A. M. Franklin coll. Tenn,, 1856 ; att. 1 course Nashville, and M. D. at Jefferson med. coll., 1869 ; 4 years med, officer in eonfed. army. Jones A. C., Arbachoochee. Jones A. H., Florence. Jones Benj. Rush, Montgomery Member med, and surg. soc. of Montgomery, and Am. med. asso. Jones Cannon, Greenville. Member med, soc. of Butler co. Jones E. C., Snow Hill. Jones J. B., Suggsville. Member med. soc. of Clarke eo. Jones J. C. H., Fairfield. Jones James T., Leighton. Member med. soc. of N. Ala. Jones J. W., Columbona. M. D., med, dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1852. Jones John Paul, Camden. Member med. soc. of Wilcox co. Jones R. S., Greensboro’. Jones T. H., Mt. Roswell. Jones Uriel Richard, Montgomery. Member med. and surg. soc. of Montgomery. Jones AV. H., Bellview. Member med. soc. of Sumter co. Jones AV.K., Union Springs. Member med. soc. of Bullock co. Jones W. AY., Newtonville. Jordan Fleming, Maysville. Member med. soc. of Madison co. Jordan Mortimer H., Birmingham. Member med. soc. of Jefferson co. ; counsellor med. soc. of Ala. Jordan R. E., Hackneyville. Member med. soc. of Ala. Jordan AV^. F., Maysville. Kellar D. C., Sullacoga. Kelley J. AV., Greenville. Kelly J. A., Bradford. Member med. soc. of Elmore co. Kelly J. D., Bradford. Member med. soc. of Elmore co, Kendall J. N., Benton. Kennan W. P., Salem. Kennedy W. H., Vernon. KEN ALABAMA. McD 21 Kent James, Selma. Member med. soc. of Selma (Dallas co.) Ketchum Geo. A., Mobile. Member med. soc. of Mobile ; counsellor med. soc. of Ala. ; prof, science and art of medicine, med. coll, of Ala. Kiker H. A., Atlanta. King Benj. Rush, Leighton. Member med. soc. of N. Ala, Kiniiard Michael C., Livingston. Member med. soc. of Sumter co. Kirksey W. II.. Easta Boga. Knight C. J., Greenville. Kno"x J. C., Talladega. Member med. soc. of Talladega co. Koker AN’'. L., AVaterloo. Kumpe Geo. Ernest, Leighton. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Pa., 1847 ; ex-pres. med. soc. of N. Ala. : ex-pres. and counsellor med. soc. of Ala. Kyle James, Florence. Member med. soc. of N. Ala. Lamar James Isaac, Prattville. M. O., med. coll, of Ga., 1851 ; member med. soc. of A utauga co. Larapley Caleb B., Greenville. M. b., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1851 ; member med. soc. of Butler co. Lane Alex., Greenville. Langdon W. L., Uniontown. Langhorn John M., Uniontown. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Pa., 1845 ; member med. soc. of Perry co. ; ass’t surg. confed. army ; — au- thor of “ Report on the Surgery of Perry co.” Lanier J. L., Autaugaville. La Place C. L., Montgomery. Larkin J. R., Bennett’s Station. Lasilter John, Mount Sterling. Latimore John, Enterprise. Lawrence G. \V., Cedar Bluff. Lavender AVright II., Greensboro’. Member med. soc. of Greensboro’ (Hale co). Lawrence J. B., Florence. Lawrence AVilliam, (m) Sheffield. Lee Paul C., Montgomery. Member med. and surg. soc. of Montgomery. Lee R. II., Mt. AVilling. Lee AVilliam Joseph, Eufaula. A. B., med. dep’t univ. of Nashville, Tenn. ; M. D., univ. of La., 1860. T.eeland AVilliam A., Tuscaloosa. Member med. soc. of Tuscaloosa. Lenard J. M., Nixburgh. Lenoir George Harper, Selma. M. 1)., med. de[)’t univ. of Nashville (no date) ; member med. soc. of Nashville, and med soc. of Dallas co. ; surg. confed. army ; — author of paper “ Liq. ferri perchlor. fort.,” 1867 ; and otlmr papers. {Deceased.) Leonard .loseph M., Kixburgh. Member med. soc, of Elmore co. Le Roy J. S., Mt. Sterling. Lester J. H., Attala. Lester , Gadsden. Lewis AV. G., Gravelly Spring. JMdell Freeman II., Buena Vista. Member med. soc. of Monroe co. 4 Lidell John, Mount Sterling. Lightfoot Allen N., Opelika. Member med. soc. of Lee co. Ligon AV. M., Oakfuskee. Liles J. D., Louina. Linder P. P., Alexandria. Lindsey James M., Claiborne. Member med. soc. of Monroe co. Lingleton AV. H., Harpersville. Lipscomb De Kalb, New Market. Lipscomb Wm. Howell, Livingston. M. 1)., 1860 (no college named; ; member med. soc. of Sumter co ; surg. confed. army 4 years. Little John, Tuscaloosa. A. B., 1861 ; Al. I)., med. dep’t univ. of La., 1860; member med. soc. of Tuscaloosa co. ; counsel- lor med. soc. of Ala. ; ass’t phys. Ala. hosp. for insane ; surg. confed. army 3 years. Lloyd Daniel AV. , Salem. Alember med. soc. Cif Lee co. Lockett AV. O., Marion. Logan A. S. , AVhitesburg. Longmire AVilliam M., Bell’s Landing. Member med soc. of Alonroe co. Longuemire AV., Black Bluff. Longuemire B. B., Black Bluff. Lorance J. B., Florence. Member med. soc. of N. Ala. Love J. M., Berlin. Lynch Frank, Montgomery. Alember med. and surg. soc. of Montgomery. Lynn J. H., Summit. McAllister AV. T., Marion. Member med. soc. of Alarion co. McAlpin A. J., Talladega. Member med. soc. of Talladega co. Me Alpine S. M., Childersburg. McCall Daniel, Louisville. McCay AVilliam, Fayetteville. McCord A. D., Russellville. McCord C. R., New Lexingto*^ McCord D. B., Scottsboro’. McCoy Isaac C., Ilatcliechubbee. McCoy James AV., Opelika. Alember med. soc. of Lee co. McCreary John Absalom, Evergreen. AL D., med. dep’t univ. of La., 1860; member med. soc, of Conecuh co. jMcCurry G. M., Pleasant Gap. McDade G. AAC, JMt. Meigs. McDaniel Edward Davies, Camden. A. B., Erskine coll, of S. C., 1844; A. AL, univ. of Ala., 1854; AI. D., med. coll, of S. C., 1857, after two full courses in that college and in Alichel’s school of anatomy ; member and v.-pres. for last 8 years of med. soc. of Wilcox co. ; ])er. member med. soc. of Ala., and v.-pres. 1870 ; per. member Am. med. asso. ; counsellor mod. soc. of Ala.; lecturer on chemistry, nat. phil., and geology in AVilcox female inst., 1872-3 ; phys. to confed. small-pox hosp., Camden, during war, and contract surg. U. S. garrison after war; — author paper “ Irritation Urinary Organs Produced by Santonica and Santonine,” 1867 , “A New Alethod of Artificial llespiration,” 1869; and various other papers. 09 McD ALABAMA. MOB AIcDermitt , Sylacaga. McDonald E., Camden. iMcDonald H., Florence. McDonnell Henry, Huntsville. McDonnell J. L., Greenville. McGehee D. O , Eutaw. McGowan William M., Jackson. Member med. soc. of Clarke co. McGraw Edwin Allen, Harpersville. M. 1). univ. of La., 1861. McKeithen Archibald Smith, Prattvine. Member med. soc. of Autauga co. kIcKinnon John A.. Selma. M. I)., med. dep’t univ. of La., 186" McKinnon Kenneth, Pleasant Hill. M. I)., med. dep’t univ. of Louisville, Ky., 1852; — author “ Torsion and Transfixion of Arteries to sto]) llemorriiage,” 1869. McKittrick Adtim Alexander, Evergreen. Member med. soc. of Conecuh co. ; counsellor med. soc. of Ala. ^IcKorkle J. C., Henryville. McLane AV., Demopolis. M;cLane AV. C., Bhick Bluff. McLane AVherry Jenkins, Cientreville. M. 1)., med. dep’t univ. of La., 1871. McLtiughlin J. M., Springville. McLean Prank, Letohatchie. Memlier med. soc. of Letohatcliie (Lowndes co.) kIcMahoii P.. S., Courthind. Member med. soc. of N. Ala. AtcMahon, J. AT., Courtland. Alember med. soc. of N. Ala. McAIillan Jno. B., Evergreen. Itlember med. soc. of Conecuh co. McMillan ATilliam ATallace, Monroeville. Al. I)., med. deji’t univ. of La., 1856; member med. soc. of Alonroe co. McAIiller J. H., McKindley. McKeil John C., (Jiayton. AL 1)., med. dep’t univ. of Pa., 1837 ; member and ores. med. soc. of Barbour co. iMcNeil Duncan, Autaugaville. Ai ember med. soc. of Autauga co. >.rcNeil D. C., Prattville. iMcNeuly J. AT.. Grove Hill. McPherson ATillitim, Belmont. McQueen A. A., Snowdown. McQueen Samuel E., Letohatchie. MeSwain C., Eufaula. kIcAThortan A. M., Gaylesville. McAVMiartor J. D., Letohatchie. Mtiliens B., Claiborne. Mabry Albert Gallatin, Selma, AL 1)., med. dep’t univ. of Pa., 1837 ; member and counsellor med. soc. of Ala., and of Selma (Dal- las CO.) ; has been pres, of both societies ; — au- thor of various papers in med. journals.(L>ec’(Z.) Macon J., Kew Market. Maddox T. H., UniontowTi. Malian L., Pleasant Site. Malone H. H., Pollard. AL D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1860. Malone J. David, Athens. Marlowe Nicholas Perkins, Tuscaloosa. M. D., Jetferson med. coll., 1859 ; member med. soc. of Tuscaloosa ; surg. confed. army 4 years. Marshall , Tuscumbia. Marshall , Jonesboro’. Martin AT. B., Scottsboro’ Alembe-r med. soc. of Ala. Marton AT. U., Louisville. Mason AT. B., ISIcKinley. Mason Edmond, VTetumpka. Alember med. soc. of Elmore co., and per.'menv ber Am. med. asso. Mast G. AT., Cedar Grove. Masterson Brian O., Avoca. Alember med. soc. of N. Ala. Mastin Claude H., Mobile. Alember med. soc. of Alobile. Matheson A. C., Camde'n. Alember med. soc. of N. Ala. Mathews James, Leesburgh. Mathews J. T., TToungville. Mayes .Tames M., York Station. Alember med. soc. of Sumter co. Mayes AT. A., Louisville. Mays L. J., Talladega. Meadows M. B., Dudleyville. Means Robert Poindexter, Letoliatchie. Means Thos. Alexander, Montgomery. A. B., Emory coll., Oxford, Ga., 1851; A. Af., 1856 ; Al. D., Atlanta med. coll., 1856 ; att. med. schools in London, Paris and Edinburgh 2 years ; member med. and surg. soc. of Montgomery ; sec. board of health ; mcml>er and cor. sec. med. soo. of Ala. ; health officer of Alontgomery ; — author of pa]^rs “ Diphtheritis ; ” “ Gelseminum in Gonorrhoea;” “Paris Hospitals; ” “Sperma- torrhoea;” “The Ecraseur,” etc., etc. Mears J. AT. N., Hamburg. Alember med. soc. of Alarion co. Meddows B. E., Zaluca, Melton J. M ., Greenville. Menefee William M., Cotton Valley. Al. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1860; member med. soc. of Macon co. Merriweather Geo. M., Mathew’s Station. Alember Am. med. asso. Merri wether J. S., Eutaw. Member med. soc. of Greene co. Michael J. G., Belmont. Alember med. soc. of Sumter co. Michel Richard Frazer, Montgomery. Al. D., med. coll, of S. C., 1847 ; counsellor med. soc. of Ala.; ex-counsellor med. asso. of S. C. ; ex-v.-pres. Am. med. asso. ; ex-pres. med. asso. of Ala. ; ex-corres. sec. med. surg. soc. of Mont- gomery ; — author of papers in med. journals. Miller L. C., Holly Grove. Miller N., Danville. Miller Robinson, Mobile. Alember Am. med. asso. Milton James M., Greenville. Mino Alexander Dowling, Prattville. Alember med. soc. of Autauga co. Minor P. B., Eutaw. Alember med. soc. of x\la. Minor L., Trinity. Mitchell W. A. Glenville. Moberly J. B., Hurtville. Mobly , Choctaw Corner. Member med. soc. of Clarke co. MOB ALABAMA. PEA 23 Molley N. M., Choctaw. Monroe D. E., Small Wood. Monroe , Sheffield. Moody J. R., Greenville. Moody R. r., Greenville. Jvloody T. IT., Eufaula. Moon li. R., Claiborne. Moon W. B., Youngville. Moore C. B., Snmmerfield. Moore E. D., Huntsville. J^Ioore J. R., Greensboro’. !Moore Lawrence R., Claiborne. Member med. soc. of Monroe co. ]Moore M. Gaines, Wetnmpka. Member med. soc. of Elmore co. Moreheacl Henry C., Pickensville. Member med. soc. of Pickens co. Morgan Henry W., Macon Station. Morgan J. D. B., Eutaw. Member med. soc. of Greene co. Morris A. T., Roanoke. Morris J. H., Romulus. Morrissey S. B., Pine Level, ^lorrow Geo. M., Ely ton. Member med. soc. of Jefferson co. Morrow D. T., Havanna. !Morton W. L., Yernon. Morton W. U., Louisville. Member med. soc. of Barbour co. Moseley R. A., Talladega. iMoses J. C., Mobile. Mosley R. A., Talladega. Murdock D. A., Somerville. Murfee, John Howard, Acron. M. D., coll, of phys. and surg. of N. Y., 1867 ; mem- ber med. soc. of Tuscaloosa. Murphy E. D., Greenville. Murphy R. G., Springfield. Member med. soc. of Greene co. Murphy Zebulon Thomas, Salem. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1854 ; ass’t surg. and surg. confed. army 4 years. Murrell William J., (h) Mobile. A. B., college of N. .1., 1854 ; A. U., 1857; M. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1861 ; 1 course honueo. med. coll, of N. Y. ; med. exam, in life assurance. Mushot J. P., Hayneville. Myrick John W., "Auburn. Member med. soc. of Lee co. Keilson Robert, Tuscaloosa. Member med. soc. of Tu.scaloosa co. Nesbit J. G., Jacksonville. Kettles C. E., Whistler. Nettles, Thomas W., Black Bluff. A. B., med. dep’t univ. of La., 1867 ; M. D., med. dep’t univ. of La., 1867 ; member med. soc. of Mobile. Kicholls B. E., Alpine. Member med. soc. of Talladega co. Nichols A. B. C., Foster’s Store. Kixon F. M., Guntersville. Norris George Dashiels, New Market. A. B., St. Mary’s, Baltimore, Md. ; M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Md., 1830 ; member medico-chir- urg. soc. of Md., med. soc. of Baltimore, med. soc. of Ala., med. soc. of Madison co.. Am. med. asso. ; phys. and surg. to Madivson co. almshouse,; — author of paper on “ Geology, Topog. and Climatology of Madison co., with Diseases,” etc., 187J. Norwood John, Seal’s Station. Nunalee William Lawrence, Gordon. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1852; res’l student New York city hosp., 1851. Oates J. G., Bethel. Odom J. A., Hillsboro’. O’Hard W., Lodi. Oliver 0. C., Dadeville. Osborn James Dorr ah, Greensboro’. Grad, in cbem. Southern univ. ; M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Va., 1866 ; prof, surgery Southern univ, ; specialty, surgery ; member med. soc. of Greens- boro’ (Hale CO.). Osborn Thomas Childress, Greensboro’. M. D., Memphis med. coll., 1861 ; member med. soc. of Greensboro’, med. asso. of Ala., Am. med. asso. ; pres. State soc. ; prof, of inst. med. and medical jurisi»rudence in med. dep’t South- ern univ. ; corres. member Atlanta med. acad. ; hon. member Mobile path, soc.; — author of paper “ The Tongue in Malarial Diseases,”^ 1869, and other papers. Owen Goronwy, Mobile. Member med. soc. of Mobile ; prof. obst. and dis. of women and children, med. coll, of Ala. Owen Pascal Harrison, Montgomery. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1859; member Am. med. asso., med. soc. of Ala., med. and surg. soc. of Montgomery ; ass’t surg. gen. mil. hosp. of ^lontgomery, 1862: — author Mon. on Dii^htheria, and reports of Mott’s Surgical Clin* iques. Owen W. M., Bucksville. Ozement T. J., North Port. Palmer Clinton D., Greenville. Member med. soc. of Butler co. * Palmer Thomas J. , Greenville. Palmer W. S., Carrollton. Parke Clifford, Selma. Member med. soc. of Selma (Dallas co.). Park R. W., Mobile. Parker Daniel, Perryville. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of La., 1860. Parker AVilliam P., Chepnltepec. Parker W. T., Birmingham. Parkhill A. M., Florence. Parkhill J. F., Florence. Patterson Duncan S. , Brookville. Member med. soc. of Elmore co. Patterson Thomas, Louisville. Member med. soc. of Barbour co. Patton J. F., Mobile. Peake J. S., Farmerville. Pearsall Andrew Thurston, Montgomery. Member med. and surg. soc. of Montgomery, 24 PEA ALABAMA. KIC I Peck W. W., Somerville. Peddy A. G., Rockford. Peevey W. M., Paint Rock. Pe^rain William E., Dayton. Velliam A., Alexandria. Pentecost L. M., Greenville. Perrin R. O., Eutaw. Member iiied. soc. of Greene co. Perry J. W., Abbeville. Perry Samuel, Marion. Member ined soc. of Perry co. Peterson Francis M., Greensboro’. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1869; mem- ber med. soc. of Greensboro’, med. soc. of Ala. and counsellor of same ; prof, materia medica and obstet., Southern univ., Greensboro’. Peterson James J., Greensboro’. Pettis J. W. C., Crawford. Pottos, J. A., Ft. Hampton. P(;ttus T. C., Ft. Hampton. Phelps J. C., (m) Salem. Phillil)S J. C., Society Hill. Picket J. S., Danville. Pierce AYilliam, Florence. Pierce W. T., Eutaw. Member med. soc. of Greene qo. Pierson Isaac F., Eutaw. Member med. soc. of Greene co. Pinfoy P. H., Bullock Ch. Pinkston Camillus Llewellyn, Mt. Meigs. Member med. and surg. soc. of Montgomery. Pinson Hamet, Gainesville. M. D., New Orleans sch. med., 1861 ; ass’t surg. confed. army 4 years. Pinutt J. C., Medway. Pitts J. S., Strata. Pollard Geo. Fitz Edward, Montgomery. J^\ember med. and surg. soc. of Montgomery, and Am. med. asso. Pope C. J., Eufaula. At. D., med. dep’t univ. of Pa., 1836 ; member and v^-pres. med. soc. of Barbour co. ; pres. med. b’d, Barbour co. ; pres, board trus. Union Female coll., Eufaula author pa])er, “ Delirium Re- lieved by Chloroform,” 1853 ; “ Treatment of Pneumonia,” 1857; first physician to use large doses of opium in acute stages of pneumonia. Pope Claud Pegues, Uniontown. A. B. ; A. M. (coll, not stated) ; M. D., med. coll, of Ala., 1872. Pope AVillis, Prattville. Porliam John, Mt. Hebron. Porter Reese B., CourtUnid. Member med. soc. of N. Ala. . Pouncey, J. B., Cowikee. Member med. soc. of Barbour co. Powell B. F., Xorth Port. Powell J. S. , Lafayette. Powell T. J., Lebanon. Powers A., Florence. Powledge Frank G., Opelika. Member med. soc. of Lee co. Pratt A . M., Centre. Pratt Sam., Hoboken. Pressly Jos. IT., Camden. Member med. soc. of Wilcox co. Pl i.’e F., Jonesboro’. Price J. E., Abbeville. Price William Mason, Florence. A. B., Florence Wesleyan univ., 1857 ; A. M., 1860; M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Nashville- 1865. Pride Joseph Pebles, Pride’s Station. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1854 ; member med. asso. of Ala. ; treas. med. soc. of N. Ala. ; mem. Am. med. asso. ; surg. confed. hosp. 2 yeatn Prince J. G., Choctaw. Prince Frank, Jonesboro’. A. B., univ. of Ala., 1846; A. M., 1849; M. D Jefferson med. coll., 1849; pres. med. soc. of Jefferson co. ; member historical soc. of Ala. ; — author of various papers in med. journals. Prince Frank M., Ely ton. Member med. soc. of Jefierson co. Prior J. D., Leon. Pritchett E. H., Haynesville. Proctor J. AY., Athens. Prozer AY. D. , Greenville. Purefoy John, Mount Meigs. Pursley T. J., Lebanon. Pyles X. C., Clinton. Member med. soc. of Greene co. Pynchon L. C., Huntsville. Quinlan T. L., Ilennewall. Quinney J. M., Linden. Ragsdale , Jonesboro’. Raintree AY. G., Gordon. Ralls Jno. R., Gadsden. Ramsey David Wardlaw, Pine Apple. A. B., Ky. military inst. ; M. D., med. dep't unir, of La., 1870. Rand John AAL, Tuscumbia. Member med. soc. of N. Ala. Rawls D. P., Marion. Rawls J. P., Burkeville. Ray Hugh L., Kodgersville. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Nashville, 1871. Raysdall J. M., Mt.. Pinson. Rea B. F., Lafayette. Read Andrew H. , Auburn. Alember med. soc. ol Lee co. Read John B., Tuscaloosa. Member med. soc. of Tuscaloosa co. Redden R. D., Beaverton. Reeder Daniel Alexander, Florence. M. 1)., med. dep't univ. of Louisville, Ky., 1845. Reese Augustus Joren, Mobile. Member med. soc. of Selma (Dallas co.), and Am. med. asso. Reese C. E. , Lowndesboro’. Reese J. C., Eufaula. Reese Walter Peterson, Selma. Member med. soc. of Selma (Dallas co.). Renney F. M., Elba. Reynolds G. C., Clayton. Ai ember med. soc. of Barbour co. Reynolds I. C., Eufaula. Reynolds John A., Louisville. Member med. soc. of Barbour co. Reynolds S. R., Mobile. Reynolds AY. M. , AYoodlawn. Rhett , Mobile. Rice Franciscus, New Market. Richardson N. D., Athens. Member med. soc. of Limestone co. RIC ALABAMA, SIM 25 Kicket ts W. M., Guntersville. Riggs Benjamin Hogan, Selma. M. 1)., med. dep’t univ. of Pa., 1859 ; Student Mo- bile city hosp., 1856 to ’59 ; sec. med. asso. of Ala.; pres. med. soc. of Selma, 1872-3; member Am. med. asso. ; counsellor med. soc. of Ala. Roacli R. M., Facklers. Roberts J. M., Laudersville. Robertson J. O., Larkins’ Fork. Robertson R. L., Widowee. Robertson T. L., Springville. Robinson A. J., Brooklyn. Robinson Dudley, Montgomery. ^Member med. soc. of Autauga co. Robinson E. H., Coosada Station. M. D., Memphis med. coll., 1849. Robinson H. B., Birmingham. Member med. soc. of Greene co. Robinson J. P., Chestnut Creek. Rosamond , Jasper. Ross Frank Armstrong, Mobile. Member med. soc. of Mobile ; counsellor med. soc. of Ala. ; ])rof. mat. med. and therap. in med. coll, of Ala. Ross J. M., Mobile. Ross W. H., Mobile. Member med. soc. of Mobile ; prof. anat. med. coll, of Ala. Rosser H. 1^., Selma. Roundtree S. L., Somerville. Rouslaux J. A., Huntsville. Rowe A. T., Auburn. Member med. soc. of Lee co. Rnyston R. Y., Marion. Rumph J. S., Clayton. Member med. soc. of Barbour co Riiskin J. R., Tollona. Russell I., Monroeville, ilussell J. H., Calhoun. J.ussell Thomas R., Opelika. Member med. soc. of Lee co. S idler iMuis H., Leighton. Member med. soc. of N. Ala. iSims E. M., Somerville. S inders, Aaron, Tuscaloosa. Sanders C. P., Pleasant Ridge. Sanders W. H., Pleasant Ridge. Sanderson Edwin L., Letohatchie. M. D., Jefferson med. coll., 1851 ; member med. soc. of Letohatchie ; ass’t surg. confed. army. Sanford I. E., Eufaula. Siinky Jno. Thompson, Montgomery. Member med. and surg. soc. of Montgomery. Silttertield E. L., Pickensville. Member med. and surg. soc. of Montgomery. Saunders Henry, Clinton. Member med. soc. of Greene co. Saunders W. F. , Athens. Savage J. T.. Mobile. Member meci. soc. of Mobile. Savage Thomas B., Jackson. Member med. soc. of Clarke co. Sawyer John B., Athens. Sawyer W. T., Whistler. Scott John Godwin, Montgomery. Member med. and surg. soc. of Montgomery. Seale Robt. Lyon, Gaston. M. D., med. dep’t univ. La., 1855 ; ass’t surg, confed. army. Searcy J. T., Tuscaloosa. Member med. soc. of Tuscaloosa. Searcy Reuben, Tuscaloosa. ‘ Member med. soc. of Tuscaloosa. Searcy R. T., Huntsville. Seelye Samuel Dibble, Montgomery. Member med. and surg. soc. ot Montgomery, and of Am. med. asso. Selars A H., Athens. Semple Edward A., Montgomery. Counsellor med. soc. of Ala. Sessions F. M., Randolph. Member med. soc. of Bibb co. Sevier Daniel W., Frankfort. Member med. soc. of N. Ala. Sewall F. L., Jackson. Sewall J. H., Calero. Shamblin A., Boonstown. Shanks William, Fairfield. Shatswood J., Lower Peach Tree. Shaw J., Eufaula. Shaw John C., NevMon Academy. Member med. soc. of Monroe co. Shaw John L., Newton Academy. Member med. soc. of Monroe co. Shegog George, Leighton. Member med. soc. of N. Ala. Shelby D., Huntsville. Shelby D., Jr., Huntsville. Shelby J. Polk, Summerfield. Shelton H., Fayetteville. Shepard J. F., Dadeville Shepard P. M., Dadeville. Shepherd J., Flat Creek. Shepherd Levin W., Opelika. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1859 ; member med. soc. of Lee co. Shepherd O. W. , Arkadelphia. Sheppard A. B., Greenville. Sheppard E. W., Eufaula. Sheppard W. P., Eufaula. Sherrard Christopher C., Mobile. A. B., univ. N. C., 1852 ; M. D., med. dep’t univ. Pa., 1859 ; member med. soc. of Mobile ; ass’t suig. mil. hosp. years. Sherril L. A., Marion. Sherwood J. C., Butler. Shipp M., Stephenson. Shivers O. L., Marion. Shockley T. W., Pleasant Grove. Sholl Edward H., Gainesville. A. B. coll. N.J., 1853; M. A., 1856; M.D ,Pa.raed, coll., Phila., 1856 ; member and pre‘«. med. soc. of Sumter co. ; ass’t surg. confed. army 3 years author occasional papers in “ Med. and Suro, Reporter” since 18.-8. Shoma J. W., Mt. Pleasant. Member med. soe. of Monroe co. Siddons \V. M., Tuscaloosa. Silliman Calvin W., Gainesville. M. D., med. dep’t univ. La., 1859. Simmons S. M., Howell’s Cross Roads. Simpson H. J., Canton. Sims Albert, Alpine. 26 SIM ALABAMA. TIIO Sims Julius S., Mt. Hope. Singleton W. R., Harperville. Slattings R. D., Greenville. Slaughter G. B., Warrior’s Stand. Member raed. soc. of Macon co. Slaughter M. G., Pickneyville. Slaughter J. R., Huntsville. M. B., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1818. Sledge William H., Livingston. Member med. soc. of Sumter bo. Smith A. H., Gainesville. Smith Daniel E., Mobile. Member med. soc. of Mobile. Smith Frank, Claiborne. Smith J., Prattville. Smith Joseph A., Livingston. Member med. soc. of Sumter co. Smith J. B., Hillabee. Smith J. E., Eufaula. Smith Joseph R., Ely ton. M. 1)., Transylvania univ. of Ky., 1841 ; member med. soc. of Jelferson co. ; — author of articles on Typhoid Fever in med. journals, 1859, Smith N. Alexander, Newburgh. Member med, soc. of N. Ala. Smith S., Huntsville. Smith S., Green Grove. Smith Samuel Parrish, Prattville. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of La., 1838; member med. soc. of Autauga co., and Am. med. asso. ; counsellor med. soc. of Ala, ; — author paper on “ Med. Botany of Autauga Co.,” 1850, and “ Diseases of Autauga Co.,” 1870. Smith T. C., Black’s Bluff. Smith Virgil Josephus, Autaugaville. Member med. sec. of Autauga co. Smith W. G., Guntersville. Smith W. T , Notasulga. Snakely J. P., Montgomery. Snipes M. W., Cusseta. Snoddy S., Mantua. Snow , Jonesboro’. Southall R. G., Lower Peach Tree. Spear P. W., Rainer. Spencer J. W., Centreville. Spencer J. W., Clinton. Stark H. L., Mobile. Member med. soc. of Mobile. Starting , Bridge ville. Member med. soc. of Pickens co. Staton J. H., Chepultepec. Stearns J. D., Greenville. iStend Jno. D., Butler. Stephens B. M., Thacher’s Creek. Stephenson E. D., Danville. Stewart E., Florence. Stewart E. W., Oakland. Stewart James H., Florence. Member med. soc. of Ala. Stockdale, J. L., Talladega. Stone Henry Lewis, Montgomery. * Member med. and surg. soc. of Montgomery. Story G. W., Scottsborn’. Stowe J. A., Opelika. Stragill W. C., Mobile. Strain Horatio Philpott, Wise ville. M. D,, med. dep’t Washington univ. of Md., 1872, Strode W. R., Claiborne. Member med. soc. of Ala. Strong J. D., Fort Deposit. Strother T. C., Camden. Strudwick E., Dayton. Summers Thos. Osmond, Greensboro’. A. M., Southern univ., 1867 ; M, D., med. dep’t univ. of Nashville, 1871; member med. soc. of Greensboro’ ; rec. sec. and counsellor med. soc. of Ala. ; member med. soc. of Nashville, Tenn. ; prof, chemistry and physiology of Southern .univ. ; in hosp, confed. army ; — author of paper on Chemico-physiological Analysis, etc. Swanson W. S., Clayton. Member med. soc. of Barbour co. Sykes Andrew Jackson, Courtland. Member med. soc. of N. Ala. Sykes T. W. , Town Creek. Sykes T., Courtland. Tack A. M., Portersville. Taliaferro E. T., New Market. M. D., Transylvania univ. of Ky., 1844; surg, confed. army during the war. Taliaferro Charles T., Evergreen, Member med. soc. of Conecuh co. Taylor A., Hayiiesville. Taylor G. F'., Lafayette. Taylor Jacob H., Gainesville. M. D., Louisville med. coll, of Ky., 1851 ; asa’t surg. confed. army 4 years. Taylor J. C., Forkland. Taylor Morse K., Huntsville. Member Am, med. asso. Taylor S. W., Warsaw. M, D., Jefferson med. coll., 1871; member med. soc. of Sumter co., med. soc. of Livingston co. Taylor W. L., Hayiiesville. • Teague R., Cross Plains. Temple B., Montgomery. Temple W. B., Helicon. M. D., med. dej)’t univ. of N. Y., 1845. Tennell J. M., Princeton. Terrell J. W., Guntersville. Member med. soc. of Ala. Terry R. E., Carthage. Thatch , Athens. Thetford William Fletcher, Boligee. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of La., 1867. Thigpen Jacob, Pine Apple. Thock W. T., Mooresville. Thomas ,J. M., Seal’s Station, Thomas M. M., Providence. Thomas Rufus, Moore’s Bridge Thomason F. M., Arbor Vitae. Thompson Elias Benson, Marion. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of La., 1868; membex med. soc. of Perry co. ; phys. to board of health in Marion. Thompson Green Hill., Autaugaville. Two full courses; one at Jefferson med. coll., and one at med. coll, of Ala. (date and . place of graduation not given); member med.. soc. of Autauga co. Thompson S. Ei, Greenville. THO ALABAMA. WIL 27 Thornton William H., Eufaula. Member ined. soc. of Barbour co. Tinover S. S., Helicon. Toole B. W., Talladega. Townsend J. B. , Pine Level. Toxey E., Eufanla. Toxey Caleb, Mobile. Member med. soc. of Mobile ; counsellor med. soc. of Ala. ; demonstrator anatomy med. coll, of Ala. Tracy D., Wacoochie. Treadwell W. A., Pine Apple. Trimble J. A., Russellville. Tucker R. Milton, Mt. Jefferson. Member med. soc. of Lee co. Turner A., Clintonville. Turner J. B., Blountsville. Turner J. R., Clintonville. Turner Matthew, Bladon Springs. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Pa., 1855; ass’t surg. and surg. confed. army 4 years. Turney W. M., Somerville. Turnipseed B., Fairfield. Turnipseed J. B., Tuscaloosa. Tyler W. II., Jones’ Cross Roads. Tyson W. W., Hickory Flat. Vail R. P.,Cuba Station. Vance W., Trion. Van Derveer Albert Peter, Montgomery. M. D., Bellevue hosp. med. coll., 1870; inspector of fertilizers for Ala. ; member med. and surg. soc. of Montgomery. Vann A. J., Van Buren. Vann James B., Elyton. Member med. soc. of Jefferson co. Vasser Edward M., Cahoba. M. ])., med. dei)’t univ. of N. Y., 1851; member med. soc. of Orrville (Dallas co.) Vaughn S. W., Selma. Vernon J. B. , Ashville. Vineyard J. L. , Rock Mills. Wadkins J. W., Hackney ville. Waites O. R., Ashland. Wakefield T. A., Yorkville. Walkup, S. A., Eufaula. Member med. soc. of Barbour co. Wall Alfred A., Huntsville. Member med. soc. of Madison co. Wall Conrad, Jklonterey Wallace N. B., Athens. Waller J. W., Gainesville. Waller L., Almon. AValton O. B., Society Hill. Walton S., Gaston. Walton William A., Greenville. Member med. soc. of Butler co. Ward Thomas R., Greensboro’. Member med. soc. of Greensboro’ (Hale co.' Wamock James F., Union Springs. Warren A. L., Wetumpka. Member med. soc. of Elmore co. Warren J. M., Huntsville. Warren M., Clayton. Member med. soc. of Barbour co. Watkins John Marion, Oxford. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of La., 1871. Weatherly Job Sobieski, Montgomery. Member med. and surg. soc. of Montgomery ; Am. med. asso. ; coiinsellor med. soc. of Ala. Weatherly Thaddeus Joseph, Montgomery. Member med. and surg. soc. of Montgomery. AVebb Foster C., Greenville. AVebb Henry T., Eutaw. Member med. soc. of Greene co. AYebb James, Newbern. AYebb L. D., Greensboro’. AYebb Robert Dickens, Living.ston. Member med. soc. of Sumter co. ; counsellor med. soc. of Ala. Webb W. T., Mobile. Member med. soc. of Mobile. AA’'edgworth M., Akron Station. AYheedon H. M., Eufaula. Member med. soc. of Barbour co. AYeir F. S., Pickensville or Carrollton. AYelburn J. C., Greensboro’. AYelch W. A., Alpine. AYest J. T., Selma. Member med. soc. of Selma (Dallas co.) AYest J. AY., Clayton. AYest T. K., ISTauvoo. AA^etherford W. M., Frankford. AYharton Geo. R., Huntsville. AVheeler AVilliam Camp, Cherokee. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Nashville, 1862 ; mem- ber med. soc. of N. Ala., and med. soc. of Colbert CO. ; ass’t surg. confed. army 2 years. AYheelan Charles, Macon. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of La., 1866 ; member m'id. soc. of Greensboro’ (Hale co.) AYhitaker William, Salem. AYhite Alex., Whitesburg. AVhite Barnabas P., Spring Garden. M. D.. med. coll, of Ga. (no date) ; surg. confed. army. AYhite M. M., Oakland. White Thomas Noel, Spring Garden. M. D., med. coll, of Ga., 1859; ass’t surg. confed. army. AYhite AY. E., Roanoke. Whitfield Geo., Spring Hill. Member med. soc. of Ala. AYhitfield C. B., Demopolis. AYhitley J. M., Aston’s Store. Wier Thomas F., Carrollton. Member med. soc. of Pickens co. AYilbur J. H., Arkadelphia. Wilkerson William Washington, Marion. M. D. Jefferson med. coll., 1855 ; member med. soc. of Perry co. ; pres, board of trustees of Howard coll. 3 years ; med. hosp. service confed. army. AYilkins Alex. M., Pickensville. Member med. soc. of Pickens co. AYilkinson .John, Demopolis. AYilliamsC. L., Villula. Williams D. H., Gainesville. AYilliams AY., La Place. Mernberpned. soc. of Macon co. Williams G. R., Bridgeville. AYilliams ,T. B.. Danville. AYilliams .Jos. Milward, Monttromery. Member med. and surg. soc. of Montgomery. Williams J. H., Centreville. 28 WIL ALABAMA ZEI Williams J. W. R., Opelika. Williams Robert Sebastian, Montgomery. Member rnecl. and surg. soc. of Montgomery. Williams S. C., Oxford. Williams T. M., La Place. Williams W. L., Daviston. Willingham William Rufus, Sheffield. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Nashville, 1859 j hosp. druggist in Richmond, confed. army. Wilson A. A., Montgomery. AVilson Benj. Frank, Pickensville. ^(ember med. s>c. of Pickens co. Wilson F, G., Athens. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Nashville, 1861 ; mem- ber med. soc. of Limestone co. ; ass’t surg. con- fed. armv 2 years. Wilson J. B., Montevallo. Wilson Isham G., Liberty Hill. M. D., med dep’t univ. of La., 1868. Winn L J., Clayton. Menil)ev med. soc. of Barboiir co. Winnemore S. C., Benton. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1856. Winston J. N., Valley Head. Whipple n. L., Montgomery AVise J. F., Chestnut Creek. AVithers S. J., Mooresville. Wood James A., Pleasant HiU. M. D., med. coll, of S. C. (no date) ; member and v, ])res. med. soc. of Dallas co. AYood Jesse, Tuscaloosa. AYood John AYesley, Bladon Springs. M. D., Jefferson med. coll, (no date). AYoodson AYilliam Madison, Allenton. M. D., Bellevue hosp. med. coll., 1869. Wooley C. L., Pinetucky. AY right H. C., Pollard. AYright J. P., Georgiana. ! Wright Milton Roil, Gadsden, j M. D., med. coll, of Ala., 1873 ; member med. soc. I of Etowah co. I A^ieser Jacob D., Florence. Young Elisha, Greensboro’. ' Member med. soc. of Gi'eensboro’ (Hale co.) I Y'oung J. B., Little River. 1 A'oung J. R., Florence. Young AY. J., Decatur. Zeigler J. A., Bullock C. H. SUPPLEMENT TO ALABAMA. ADA FEA WIL Adams I., Uiiiontown. Airey J. D., Evergreen. Allien J. U., Richmond. Babbitt William, Uniontown. Barnes J. P., Mobile. Barron W. It., Marion. Bell B. B., Medway. Betljune W. C., Clapton. Billingslee J. C , Foster’s. Bland I. W., Randolph. Blunt .1. B., Montgomery Boewell J., TalUvIega. Boawell R., Talladega. Bowen Owen B., Lawrenceville. Brockney A. E., Gaston. Brown I. W., Jonesboro*. Campbell A. F. O., Gainestown. Clmpi>ell G. H., Jonesboro’. Christian R. B., Owen’s Cross Roads. »X>le J. B., Demopolis. Conway G. W., Mobile. Ci~Awford Jno. P., llilliardsville. Culver W. B., Columbus. Bagger R. H., Macon Station. Bausby .1. Q., Rehoboth. Barden O, Taylorsville, Bavidson J. M., Mann. Bky Siimuel H., Birmingham, Benny A., Jackson. Bllbridge Geo. W., Union Spring. Dow T. C , Linden. Brake G., Greensboro’. Bu Bose M. W., Mobile. Edmunds P. G., Bluff Port Bpes I. \V., Gainsviile. Feagin A. P., Brooklyn. Fitzgerald J. P., Dade’s Mills. Fontain B. A., Mobile. Fonviile J. B., Birmingham. Goodson J. N., Hillsboro*. Gregory I. C., Cushing. Hall T. B., Coosada Station. Harris K. 1), Greenville. Harris M., Meridian ville. Hodges F]. 0., Sparta. Hollingsworth Wyatt, Mobile. Holman J. C., Ozark. Holmes 0. S , Stockton. Jennings Lee A., Hilllardsville. Johnson W. S., Snmmerfield. Jones D. L., Camden. Jones A. W., Montgomery. Jones R. A., Huntsville. Jordon W. H., Greenville. Kelley W. D. F., Evergreen. K' ndrick Jos C., Greenville. Kirvin C. J., Linden, K roll '6 T., Suggsville, Lee .John C., Montgomery. Lee R. A., Burnt Corner. Lining G. D., Mobile. Logan T. M., Catawba. Liickie J. B., Birmingham. McCants J. C., Jefferson P. 0. McClerdon I. W., Itockford. McCrane T. U., Greenville. Milhouse William 0., Athens. Moore J. J., Elba. Moseley D. 0., Randolph Nicholson J. W. C., Montgomery. Oates W. S., Headland. Oliphant L. R., Mobile. Paine I. F. W., Mobile. Phillips N. W., Tallahassee. Picket C., Fort Browder. Pierce D., Benton. Pow Samuel H., Union Springs. Rambo S., Montgomery. Randolph R. C., Montgomery. Ruffin J S., Demopolis. Rushton Jno. K., Tallahassee. Scales T. Sidney, Mobile. Sec. Moiiile med. : mem. med. e( Ala. ; Am. med. asso. ; bealth oUicer, Mobile, IbTfi. Sears J. W., Birmingham. Sersey G., Meridianville. Sliade Henry, Shiloh. Smith S. D., Demopolis. Smith S. P., Birmingham. Snellings H., Echo. Starr L E , Tionus. Stoval John H., Clapton. Sullivan G. R., Madison. Thigpen John, Greenville. Thompson J. B., Marion. Toxey B., Mobile. Tyson A. P., Lowndeslairo*. Walker R. J., Scott’s Mills. . Williams C., Cherokee. HISTORY AND GEOGRAPHY OF ALASKA. For the early history of this region we must refer our readers to the works of Whymper, Dali and others. This Territory was purchased from Russia by the United States by the treaty of March 30th, 1867, for the sum of seven and a quarter millions of dollars. This country, known by the name of Russian America, Unalaska, or Alaska, is the most northwesterly portion of North America, and is a peninsula containing about 577,390 square miles, that is to say, about the area of France, Germany and Great Britain. Upon the east it is bounded by British America, on the north, south and Avest it borders on the Pacific and Arctic Oceans. Alaska is separated from Asia by Behring’s Strait, which is but forty miles wide, and over whicli the former inhabitants of tliis region evidently came, Mr. Markham having brought before the Royal Geographical Society, in 1865, almost i)ositive ])roof that the emigration took place at the time of Togrul Beg and Ghenghis Klian, about 1200 A. D. Alaska is separated from the United States by the country known as Britisli Columbia. It has been questioned whether the Government did a wise act in i)urchasing this Territory, but it must be remembered, that besides the immense value of the mineral, vegetable and animal products of this region, the Government has obtained control of several thousand miles of coast line possessing excellent harbors, and destined at no far-distant day to carry on a large trade with China and Japan. We will give a few facts from the “ U. S. Coast Pilot of Alaska,” and from the “Land Office Report.” The average temperature of Alaska is very similar to that of Sweden and Norway, which support a population of twenty persons to the square mile, and, being about double the size of these two countries, it is calculated that a population of about 12,000,000 could obtain subsistence here. But later authorities state that the isothermal lines are here so deflected northward as to give the country a similar climate to Scotland, which is more favorable still. The coast is warmed by the Japan Current or Black Stream, which is the counterpart in the Pacific of the Gulf Stream in the Atlantic. It is calculated that about 20,000 square miles can be cultivated with profit. The Rocky Mountains traverse the country from north to south, and Mt. St. Elias takes rank among the half dozen loftiest single peaks on the globe, being 17,900 feet high. The Yukon (the word Yukon meaning the “ Great River ”) is only equalled by the Mississippi, the Amazon, and perhaps one or two others. The Sitka spruce grows to the height of 180 feet ; hemlock, alders and willows abound ; but the most valuable wood is the strong, smooth, fragrant, yellow cedar. Gold is mined on the Stikine River. Silver, copper, coal and bismuth have been found. Fur-bearing animals abound in immense numbers ; the same may be said of fish, for we are told that in some of the small bays the salmon are at times “crowded so thickly that the luogress of a boat is impeded.” Tons of walrus ivory and of fossil ivory are exported every year. Castor is obtained in great quantities from the beavers of this region ; over 1000 sacks of it being exported annually. The name Alaska signifies “the continent, or great land,” and is pronounced in the Russian language Alyaska. No territorial Government has been formed, the General Government of the United States having complete control of the country. The population in 1870 was 70,461, which includes the aboriginal inhabitants of the Territory. MINERAL SPRINGS OF ALASKA. Sitka Sound Hot Springs are fifteen miles from the town of Sitka. They have been used in cases of syphilis, and in rheumatic and cutaneous affections. Two hospital buildings were erected here by the Russian Fur Company. These waters contain sulphur, chloride of sodium and magnesia, and have a temperature of 104°, or, as given by another authority, 1530 Fahrenheit. The other mineral springs of Alaska are, a chalybeate spring about half a mile from Sitka, numerous similar springs on the western bank of the Chilchat River, a hot spring near lliouliouk Harbor, and several others in different portions of the country. This Territory having been but recently acquired, there has been very little emigration to it from this country, and the white population — mostly Russian — is sparse. We have no names of medical men to record in Alaska 29 I , HISTOKY AND GEOGRAPHY OF ARIZONA TERRITORY. Arizona is interesting to the historinn on account of the remains of former cultivation and evidences of civilization to be found there. Ruins of ancient cities and cathedrals ex- isting in many places, while traces of irrigating canals occur in every direction, extending even into the densest part of the forests. The inhabitants of this region were somewhat civilized before the Spaniai'ds visited it. They built cities, they cultivated the plains, they worked the mines of silver and gold, and they were acquainted with many of the arts. This Territory was visited by Spanish exidorers half a century after the discovery of the continent by Columbus, and at the close of the sixteenth century the Jesuits had established missions and settlements in almost all the fertile valleys of this region. By the middle of the seventeenth century the whole of the region had been explored, and at the beginning of the eighteenth century, the valleys of Santa Cruz, San Pedro, Coloi'ado, Gila, Salinas, and Rio Verde, constituted a prosperous agricultfiral and mining region. The portion of Ari- zona north of the Gila River was a part of the territory ceded by Mexico in 1848, and with the portion south of that river purchased under the Gadsen Treaty in 1853 from the same power, formed a part of the Territory of New Mexico. Arizona was formed as a Territory in February, 1863^ with an area of 126,141 square miles. Congress, in 1866, passed an act taking 12,225 square miles from Arizona and adding it to the southern part of the State of Nevada, thus leaving the Territory with an area of 113,916 Sfiuare miles, very nearly the area of the Middle States. The Colorado River is the great stream of this Territory, having a length of 1100 miles and draining a basin of 3000 square miles. Like the Nile of Egypt, it is subject to an annual overflow ; caused by the melting of snow upon the mountain ranges ; its waters rising from 20 to 50 feet above the ordinary level. A part of its course is through deep ’canons and mountain clefts with no arable soil, but it has many fertile valleys and many that could be r('ndered productive by means of proper irrigation. The Gila, a branch of the Colorado, is a large stream flowing through the Territory from east to west, and with the Little C’olorado avid numerous other streams, make this a well-watered country. The Pinaleno and the Mogollon Mountains traverse the central portion of the Territory from the northwest to the southeast. There are many forests of excellent timber, the Douglas spruce, and several varieties of pine and cedar attaining a height of 200 feet, and having a diameter of four feet. Arizona is rich in mineral wealth. Gold and silver are mined ; iron, tin, nickel, platinum, cinnabar, and copper have been discovered. The population of this Territory, in 1870, was 9658 ; the number of physicians and surgeons was twenty-two. There are no known medicinal springs, and no medical institutions in the Territory. AIM YUI Aimes T. W., Camp Colorado. Anabee C., Arizona City. Coursey A. F., Arizona City. Durant II. R., Tucson. Farnsworth A., Date Creek. Gassock J. R., Wickenburg. Handy J. C., Tucson. Harrison J. S. , Sacaton. Kendall Geo. D., Prescott. Lauderuale John D., Tucson Ijord C. H., Tucson. 80 McCandless James Newton, Prescott. M. D., Jefferson med. coll., 1863. Middleton P., Fort Whipple. Montero A. S., Arizona City. Phelps Edward, Tucson. Phillips J. H. , Arizona City. Pindell J. T. , Camp Hualpiu. Pope B. F., Fort Whipple. Soule R. G., Wickenburg. Thibodo O. J., Wickenburg. Yuill R. B., Wickenburg. HISTORY AND GEOGRAPHY OF ARKANSAS. About the year 1541 De Soto wandered as far west as the Mississippi River, and a little beyond. This led the Spaniards to claim the conntry, tliough it was taken possession of and occupied by the French. By the treaty of 1763, Spain received from France the vast region then known as the “ Province of Louisiana,” and which is now covered by portions of the States of Alabama and Mississippi ; by the States of Louisiana, Arkansas, Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska, and Oregon; by portions of Minnesota and Kansas; by the Territories of Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Washington, and the Indian Territory, and by a portion of the Territories of Colorado and Wyoming. In the year 1800, Spain, under the iron hand of Napoleon, was compelled to resign all this immense wealth of territory to France, and two years later, by the treiity of April 30, 1803, it passed into the hands of the United States, upon the payment of $15,000,000. As we have said above, this “ Province ” has developed into several States and Territories, among which the State now under consideration will be found. Arkansas was given a territorial government in 1819, and received its name from the Arkansas River, which flows through the centre of the State ; this again receiving its name from the Indians, “Kansas,”— in their language meaning “ smoky-water,” — to which the French added the prefix, “arc,” bow, from its meandering character. Tlie State was admitted into the Union on the 15th of June, 1836. In such an extent of territory as 52,198 square miles, we would naturally expect to, and we do find, much diversity of surface, hill and dale, marsh and meadow, rich soil for the farmer in the valleys, and great wealth for the miner among the hills. The State is well supplied with navigable streams. The Mississippi washes its eastern border through a dis- tance of nearly 400 miles; the Arkansas flows through the State for 350 miles; tlie St. Francis and White Rivers are noble streams, flowing from the highlands of Missouri ; the White receives the Black River, a large and navigable stream ; the Washita and the Red Rivers, with their many tributaries, drain the southern part of the State. The eastern border, for the distance of about 100 miles, is a low, level tract, covered in a great measure by swiimp and marsh ; but as we go west the surface becomes broken and hilly, and further still tlie Ozark Mountains rise to the height of 2000 feet. By the census of 1870 we find the population to be 484,471, or 9.30 to the square mile. The number of physicians and surgeons, 1026. Phthisis is the cause of 5 per cent, of the annual number of deaths. There are no medical schools, or other public medical institutions in the State. MINERAL SPRINGS OF ARKANSAS. The Hot Springs are situated on a creek of the same name, which empties into the Washita, six miles distant, in a southern direction. The springs lie sixty miles southwest of Little Rock, in Hot Springs county. They can be reached from Little Rock by stage, or by steamboat, on the Washita River to Arkadelphia, and thence by stage thirty-five miles. These springs issue from a beautiful ridge of novaculite, and are remarkable for their num- ber, the higli temperature of tlieir waters and their mineral solutions. The waters are con- sidered to be of great value in the treatment of various diseases, and hence their popularity as a place of resort for invalids. The springs are fifty-seven in number, flowing at the rate of 350 gallons per minute. This large volume of water is utilized for all modes of bathing, and for internal use, by conduits which convey it to the various establishments. The waters are similar to those of Gastien in Austria, and Pfaffers in Switzerland. The temperature of the different springs ranges from 93^ to 148^, and the water contains, according to analysis by Prof. Larkin, the following constituents : 31 S2 ARKANSAS. One pint contains (93O-150^ Falir.) : SOLIDS. Carbonate of Magnesium Carbonate of Calcium Chloride of Sodium Sulphate of Potassium Sulpliate of Sodium Suli)hat#of Calcium Sesquioxide of Iron Iodine ANALYSIS. GRAINS. SOMDS. 0.016 0.496 0.001 0.029 0.047 0.014 0.01.3 trace. Bromine Silicate of Calcium Silica Alumina Organic Matter Water Total GRAINS. trace. . 0.0.58 . 0.233 . 0.056 . 0.088 ,. 0.018 1.069 The mineral constituents are found to weigh grains per gallon. & The water is said to be tasteless, clear, and transparent, and does not deposit sediment Ujion standing. It is used eTternally as ]dunge and vapor baths, and is also taken internally. It is said to be of service in uterine disease, functional sterility, specific cutaneous affections, rheumatic and gouty conditions, scrofula, sT])liilis, and many other diseases. AVithin a few miles of these springs there are several others, containing sulphur and iron, and forty there is one known as “ Bill Iron’s Salt Suljihur,” which is said to possess highly exhila* rating pixjierties; these sjirings are, however, not as yet used for medicinal purposes. At the Hot Sjirings there are numerous hotels, with accommodation for several hundred guests. I'liere are only four cold springs in the Hot Springs Valley ; two of these are chalybeate, and two free- stone. The valiey is about 2100 feet above the level of the sea, and enjoys a verv even temjierature. There are other mineral springs in the western part of the State and the adjoining Indian Territory, the waters of which are much used by the people in the vicinity', but little is known of their qualities. MEDICAL SOCIETIES OF APJCANSAS. SOCIETIES. ME1.TS AT PRESIDENT. SECRETARY. State /sliley county IVtitoii county - . Cliicot county Conway coiinty • . CrawlonJ county Drew county I'ort Smitli . . • rrankliu county Garland county IJeiiipstead county, and town of Wa‘pi county Monroe couiitj' Nevada count 3 ' Newport county Giiacliita couiitj’ IMiillips county I’nla-ki county coll, idiys. .and surgs Sebastian county and I’ort Smith M'asliiugtoii county' AVoodrutt' county Yell county .Little Rock .Hamburg.. .Lewisburg Abin Hnren.. • • Monticello.. .Ozark Washington. ,IIot Springs. Tine Bluff.'.'.’ .Osceola. Kosston Helena .Fort Smitli. Fayetteville. R. G. Jennings. . ..C. M. Owens I. J. Newton. B. F. Fortner. H. Stone. .. .AV. A. C. Sayle AV. A. C. Sayle. * . ..J. A. Dibrell AV. L. Cathey. . ..AV. H. Barry J. A. Allen.* E. R. Duval. . ..AV. A. Caxter E. M. Blackburn.* P. II. Ellsuonli. . , .M. C. Boyce R. L. Hinton. Almon Brooks J. A. Stinson. .AVm. A. Noel J. M. Holcombo. D. H. Stay ton. 1 J. G. S liojitoii. E. L. Hamilton. ■ C. V. Meadow Jas. II. Southall. J. AV. Taylor. .J. F. Davis S. H. Steele. R. JI. AVest. AV. II. Heard. G. AV. Hudson. D. A. Lintliicum E. N. Burke. ; J. H. I.eiiow. J. AV. Breedlove. S. B. Jernigan. T. C. Brunson. A. 11. McKenzie. THE MEDICAL LAWS OF ARKANSAS. Any regular practicing physician in the State of Arkansas may, upon request, receive from any member of the board of health of any city, village, or township in this State, the mayor or common council of any city, and the oflieer or board having control of any almshouse, jirison, house of correction, or jail, the bodies of such persotis as may be required to be buried at the ])ublic expense, for the juii'iiose of anatomical study and iuvestigaCion only, and lie shall see that the remains so received by him, after they have .served bis jiurpose, are decently buried. But the remains of any person who may request, during his last illness, to be buried, or Avhose friends or relatives may, within twenty-four hours after bis decease, ask to have his body buried, or of any jiersou who was a stranger or traveller, and died before making himself known, shall be buried, and not surrendered to any one. Any regular jinicticing pby.sician or surgeon, or any medical student, under the authority of a physician or surgeon, may have in liis jiossession human dead bodies, or jiarts thereof, lawfully obtained, i’or tlie purpose of anatomical inquiry or dissection. — Act of the Legislature, passed in the Session of 1873. No ])hysieian or surgeon .shall be comjielled to disclose any information Avliicli he may have acquired from his patient Avhile attending him iirofessionally, and which was necessary to enable him to practice as SI medical adviser. — Digest of Statutes, p. 1001, eh. 171, sec, 22. Physicians are exempt from jury service. — Digest of Statutes, eh, 94, sec. 21. • Ex-Secretary. Abbay S. F. II., Helena. Member med. soc. of Phillips co. Ablviy S. M., Helena. ^lember med. soc. of Phillips co. Abbott E. G., He Witt. Adams .1. W., Eenton. Adams Xinean, Moscow. Adamson G. M., Camden. Aikens James M., New Gascony. Aitkins W. G., Pulaski co. Member med. soc. of Pulaski co. Alexander F. E., Gainesville. Alexander J. D., I)es Arc, Alexander O., Pocky Comfort. Alexander W. W., Barton. Allen D. H., Fort Smitli. Allen H. C., Mountain Home. Allen J. A., Monticello. Sec. med. soc. of Drew co. Allen .Tolm F., Batesville. Allen Philo, Fairview. Allen R. S,, Hot Siwings. Allen Samuel, Mt. Adams. Allen W. D., Judson. M. D., Albany med. coll., 1847. Ambercrombie C. S., Huddelton’s Landing. Anderson E. C. G., Star City. Andrews G. H., Spring Hill. Andrews R. H., Portland. Andrews W. S., (m) Arkadelphia. Anthony H. L., Portland. Arnold J. H., Mount Olive. Arnold Robert Estabrook, Prescott M. 1)., med. dep’t uiiiv. of J.,a., 1871. Arnold William E., Prescott. M. D., med. de])’t univ. of Nashville, Tenn., 1860; and Atlanta, Ga., 1861; ass’t surg. confed. army 3i years. Arrington W. B., Pine Hill, Ashburu G. W., Pecan Point. Auerbach 1. 1., Little Rock. Austin B. I\, (m) Si)ring River. Austin H. N., Pendleton. M. I)., N. Y. coll, ol ])hys. and surg. ; mem. med. soc. of Ark. Baggett J. B., Hot Springs. Treas. med. soc. of Hot S])rings co. Bagley J., Pocahontas. Bailey W. AY., Fort Smith. Member med. of Ark. Bailey A\^. H., Foi-t Smith. Baird AV^ M., Swifton. M. D., univ. of Nashville; mem. med. soc. of Ark. Baker A. A., (m) Berry ville. Baker A. B., (m) Carrollton Baker C. F., Maysville. Baker G, G., Trenton. M. D., Memj>nis med. coll. ; mem. med. .soc. of Ai'k, Baker J. A., Cotton Plant. Baker Henry Clay, Rockport. One full eouise lect. med. dep’t univ. of N. Y"., 1866-7 : member med. soc. of Hot Springs co. Baker W. R., Trenton. M. J)., Ohio med. coll., 1846 {retired from pra iice). Balfour A., Powhatan. Banks J. R.. Mariana. Barnes A. F., (m) Ozark. Barnes James, Batesville. Bai nes R. ]M., Greenwood. Barnett J. R., AVarren. M. 1)., med. coll, of S. C., 1850; member med. soc, of AVarren co. Barry James M.. (m) Fort Smith. Barry W. H., Hot Springs. M. 1).. Memj)his med. coll., 1858; pres. med. soc. of Drew co. ; member med. asso. of Ark.; surg. confed. army. Bartlett E. IT., Mariana. Bateman S. I)., Jacksonport. Bates Thomas 11., Brinkley. Bathune R. A., Snyder. M. D., Phila. med. coll. ; member med. soc. of Ark, Battle F. G., Hodges Prairie. Baylis S. 11., Hope. Beaks G. D., Connersville. Beard Benjamin, Clayton. Beecher T. W., (m) ilarrisburg. Bell C. C., Austin. Bell J. K., (m) AValdron. Bell Moses, Sugar Loaf. Bell AY. J., (m) Batesville. Belt J. C., IJixon. Bennett J. E., Fort Smith. Bennett AY. S., Eudora. Benton A. A., Clarendon. Benton R. A., (m) Helena. Bessel ieu AY. F., Monticello. Mcmiber med. soc. of Drew co. Bethnne S. B., Hamburg. Bevans A., AYalnut Grove. Biggs John F., (e) Amit.y. Bird Robert A., Roanoke. Bird AV^. H., 14onoke. Bilge J. AA^.. Little Rock. Bizzill H. I)., (m) Paraclifte. Black J. R., (m) Fayetteville. Black T. A., Hampton. 33 34 BLA ARKANSAS. CAR Black W. T., Alma. IRackburn E. M., Ozark. Blacknall R. P., Arkadelphia. Blakely T. W., Camden. Blakemore W. T., Greenwood. Blanton J. P., Bright Star. ]}oatman B. H., (m) Jones’ Landing. Jk)oard I. D., (m) Judson. 15olles G. R., Jackson])ort. Bollinger H. H., St. Paul’s. Bond A. W., Warren. Bond J. B., Little Rock. ember med. asso. ot Ark. Booker T. J., Columbus. Member med. soc. of Washington co. Booth J. T., Fort Smith. M. D., Louisville med. eolL; member med. soc. of Ark. Bourland A. M., Van Buren. ^Member med. soe. of Crawford co. Bowie James, Flat Bayou. Bowles George Richard, Newport. . 111. I)., St. Louis med. coll., Box T. AV., (m) Yan Buren. Boyce Milton C., Hope. M. ])., med. coll, of New Orlean.^, 1859 ; member med. soc. of Hempstead co., and med. of Ark. Boyce R. L., Ken 5 ’on. Boyd Ed. IL, (m) Gainesville. Boyd J. B. IL, Fayetteville. Royal Richard L., (m) Bird’s Point, Bradley E. G., Cotton Plant. 1\1. 1)., med. dep’t univ. of La., 1853; Hon. Af. B., sell, of med.. New Orlean.s, 1859 ; specialty — diseases of eye and car and surgery. Brady L. II., Yan Buren. Bragg Junius Newport, Camden. Al. i)., med. dep't univ. of La., 1861. Brandon Thomas, Rosston. Brandon F. AV., Hampton. Brandon AV. B., Hampton. Bi'andon AV. J., Learey. Brashears A. AV., (m) Hampton. Brasliears Thomas J., (m) Hampton. Breedlove J. AV., Greenwood. Breysacher A. L., Little Rock. Member med. asso. of Ark., and Am. med. asso., 1872. Britton J. M., Lonoke. Brodie E. F., Billingsley. AI. I)., univ. of Nasliville ; mem. med. soc. of Ark. Brooks Almon, Hot Springs. M. L)!, med. dep’t univ. of A^a. fno date); pres, med. soc. of Hot Springs co., 1873 ; member med. asso. of Ark. ; elected to chair of Chemistry and Toxicology, Memphis med. coll., 1868. Browne C. A., AA^ashington. Member med. soc. of Washington co. Brown Charles Fox, Yan Buren. M. 1)., Ohio Med. coll., 1849 ; treas. of med. soc. of C'rawford co. ; surg. confed. army 4 years. Brown D., (m) Clover Bend. Brown Geo. T., Georgetown. Brown G. AV., Little Rock. Brown Joseph, Tliree Creeks. Brown John I., (m) Lead Hill, Brown L. M., (m) Huntsville. Brown S., Evening Shade. Brown William Alexander, Monticello. AI. 1)., med. dej)’! univ. of Nashville, 1869. Brown AV. E., Georgetown. Browning George AV., (m) Rhea’s Mills. Brunson R., Pine Bluff. Alernber med. soc. of Jefferson co. Brunson A., New Gascony. Brunton , Pine Bluff. Bi yan Jno. E., Richland. Bryant J. H., Little Rock. Ai ember med. soc. of Ark. Buford J. S., Mariana. Bunei)ars E. L., Duvall’s Bluff. Buren B., Huntsville. Burke F. N., Helena. Alember med. soc. of Phillips co. Burnett J. R., AViirren. Burney J. AV., Des Arc. Burnham T. B.. Berlin. Buiuis Robei't, Grand Lake. Bmt John S.. Charleston. Burt AAL J., Jack son jiort. Burton P. P., Little Rock. Alember metl. soe. of Pulaski co. Burton R. A., Helena. Alember med. asso. of Phillips co. BuiTon S. I.. Arkadelphia. Burton AV. M., Little Rock. Alember med. soc. of Ark. Bushong James Spratt, The Narrows. One full course at med. dep’t univ. of Louisville. Butler J. G., Butlerville. Byrd D. E., Manville. Member med. sue. of Phillips co. Caldcleugh A. B., St. Charles. AI. D., univ. of Pa. ; member med. soc. of Ark. Cameron , Evening Shade. Cam]) AV. P., (m) Harrison. Campbell Pleasant AVashington, Brinkley. Cam])bell R. L., Madison. Candler Patrick H., Lewisville. B. A., Alt. Lebanon, La., 1861 ; Al. D., New Orleans seliool of medicine, 1869. Canfield J. Y., S])ringfield. Cannon J. R., (m) Pocahontas. Cantrell A. D., Pineville. Cantrell AV. A., Little Rock. Treas. med. soe. of Pulaski co. ; member med. soc. of Ark. Cantrell AV. G., (m) Yellville. Carlton T. M., Centre Hill. Carrigan A. N., AVashington. AL 1)., med. coll, of S. C. (no date) ; member prac- titioners’ soc. of Union co. Carrigan L. M., Pecan Point. Cor. see. med. soc. of AIississij)pi co. Carrington A. N., Three Creeks. Carrington VV. C., AVashington. A^.-pres. med. soe. of Hempstead eo. Carroll Robert J., Fayetteville. AL I)., Jefi'erson med. coll, (no date); phys. to county jail ; lios}). steward U. S. A. 2 years ; ass’t surg. U. S. A. 2 years. Carroll Jnd., Springfield. Carroll John 11., Little Rock. Alember med. asso. of Ark. Carter E. B., Arkadelpliia. Carter John C., Carter’s Store. CAR ARKANSAS. DES 00 Carter John II., Carter’s Store. Carter S. W., Jr., Carter’s Store. Carter T. J., (m) Union. Carter W. A., Ozark. Pres, raecl.soe. of Franklin co. Cartwright M. W., (m) Indian Bay. Caruthers J. A., (m) Waldron. Casey II. A., Napoleon. Castieberg David, Plum Bayou. Castlebnry T. G., (m) Dallas. Cathey W. L., Alma. Member med. soc. of Crawford co. Catlin elames C., (m) Dover. Cato ]M. D., (m) Sugar Loaf. Cauldcleaiigh J. L., Portland. Canlder P. 'll., Lewisville. Canlder W. W., I.ewisville. Cayce W. II., Little Rock. Cecil S. W., Poi)lar Bluff. M. D., univ. of Va. ; member med. soc. of Ai*k. Chamberlain A. B., (m) Dardanelle. Chaney Thomas, (m) Pea Ridge. Chapman P. F., (m) Greenwood. Chawning J. B., Warren. Chearis John T., (h) Watson’s Station. M. D., homoeo. col. of Cleveland, O., 18G9; mem- ber homneo. med. asso. of Drew co. Cheek J. Yv"'., Pastoria. Cliildress W. J., Willamette. Chism S. IT., (m) Russell. Cliowing Thomas M., Toledo. Christian R. B., Fulton. IM. D., nniv. of Va. ; member med. soc. of Va. Clark James, Bentonville. Clark N. F., Randall. Clegg J. T., Red Bluff. M. 1)., iiniv. of Nashville ; member med. soc. of Ark. Clemens Judson, (m) Batesville. Clements G. D., Augusta. Cliugman 11. P., (m) Grand Glaize. Clumm T. D., Cotton Plant. Cochran M. H., (m) Bellefoute. Coffman A. F., Clover Bend. Coffman B. F., Powhatan. Coffman J. AV., Powliatan. Cole I. AV., Little Rock. Cole AA^iiliam, Point Peter. Coleman E. G., Arkadelphia. AI. D., bellevue hosp. med. coll. Com B. AAC, Austin. Compton F. M., Little Rock. Alember med. asso. of Ark. Connelly N. F., (m) Clarksville. Cooper L. D., Tulip. Cormack Andrew J., Hillsboro’, Coi nett , AValnut Grove. Covington A., Lacey. Covington AV. J., Texarkana. Cowden S. 11. , Lewisburg. A1 ember med. soc. of Conway co. Cox J. AV., Pine Bluff. Cox S. R., Lee’s Creek. Crain James B., Batesville. Cravens , Lewisburg. Alember med. soc. of Conway co. Crawford J. M., Beacli Creek. Creath James, (m) Madison. Crenshaw II. F., Mariana. Cribage W. R., (m) Mt. Ida. Crittenden J. L., (m) Augusta. Crocker A. G., (m) Gainesville. Crofc G. B., Gainesville. Groom G. W., Van Buren. Crosby Geo. AV., Pocahontas. Cross Edward, Little Rock. Al. D., med. dep’t univ. of La., 1862 ; sec. med. soc of Pulaski CO. ; member med. asso. of Ark. Cross J. 11. , (m) Dallas. Crowell , Lewisburg. Alember med. soc. of Conway co. Crute 11. P., Chicot. AI. D., Louisville, Ky. ; member med. soc. of Ark. Cummings J. B., Forest City. AI. D., Jeir. med. coll. ; member med. soc. of Ark. Cunningham G. L., (m) SpringlieU. Curd E: S., Ilarrison- Currie C. J., Augusta. Cnsey J. M., Yellville. Cutter F., Warren. Dailey James C., Farmington. Dale E. T., Texarkana. AI. D., L. I. hosp. med. coll.; mem. med. soc. of Ark. Dale Felix Dulany, Augusta. AI. D., med. dep’t univ. of La., 18G9. Dale John R., Arkadelphia. AI. D., Jeff. med. coll. Daniel J. M., Eagle Creek. Dauglierty J., (m) Madison. Davenport E. M., Waldron. AI. I)., Louisville med. col. ; member med. soc. of Ark. Davenport Thomas, Black Jack. AI. I)., Transyl. univ. ; member med. soc. of Ark. Davidson B. II., Evening Shade. Davidson J. M., Monticello. Alember med. soc. of Drew co. Davidson Mathew Oliphant, St. Charles. AI. D., med. dep’t univ. ot Nasliville, Tenn., 1858. Davidson R. A., Varner Station. Davie James M., Searcy. Davies J. T., Osceola. Pres. med. asso. of Ark. ; member med. soc. of Aliss. CO., 1873. Davis A., Lewisburg. A'h-])res. med. soc. of Conway co. Davis James P., Pecan Point. AI. I)., med. coll. AIemi)his, 1854 ; member med, soc. of Aliss. co. Davis .John, (m) Hickory Ridge, Davis J. AA^., Hope. Davis Peter, Champaignville. Davis Selaen M., AA/'arren. Davis AV. A., (m'' Cleburne. Dawson J. M., (m) Jones’ Mills. Dean C. AV., Fayetteville. Dechardt John Holder, Van Buren. AI. D., med. dep’t univ. of Pa. (no date); county ])hys. ; chairman and ])hys. board of health, B. ; ass’t surg. IJ. S. vols. Deffenbach Wallace, Van Buren. Alember mod. soc. of Crawford co. Delany J. H., Mineral Springs. Denell E. N., Little Rock. Denton J. W., Fountain Hill. Derryberry G. IL, (m) Double Springs. Deshong J. Y., Prospect Bluff. 36 DES ARKANSAS. FRO Desmond John, Lewisville. Deuell E. V., Little Rock. M,iinber med. asso. of Ark. Deutscli Jacob, Little Rock. Dibrell James Anthony, Little Rock. Member med. soc. of Ark. Dibrell James Anthony, Jr., Van Buren. M. 1)., med. dep’t iiniv. of Pa., 1870; cor. sec. med. soc. Little Rock and Pulaski co. ; sec. med. asso. of Ai k. ; pres, board of health of Little Ilock; Dickson L. A., (m) Batesville. Dillinger John, Polk Bayou. Dimoiid John, Texas. Dobson AY. P., Batesville. Dodge Samuel Delano, Little Rock. A. !>., Dartmouth coll., 1803; j\I. D., Jefferson mod. coll., 18GG; member Little Roek and Pu- laski co. med. asso. ; med. asso. of Ark. ; phys. to State inst. for blind. Dold Dryden, (m) Double Springs. Donelson Benjamin Risley, Pastoria. M. D., New Orleans med. schooi, 18G1 ; member med. asso. of Jefferson co. ; ass’t surg. coufed. army 4 years. DoitF. a., Jacksonport. Dover E. B., (m) Hickory Plains. Dowell G. A., Harrisburg. ' Dowling J., Stockton. Doyle, J. N., Farmington. Dungan D. H., Little Rock. Moml^er mod. asso. of Ark., and Am. med. asso., 1872. Dunlap Albert, Fort Smith. M. D., med. de])’t of Transylvania univ., 1851 ; member med. asso. of Fort Smith; surg. in con- fed. army 4 years. Dunn J. M., Richmond. Dunn L. B., Askew. Dunn W. H., Ozark. Member med. soc. of Franklin co. Duval E. R., Fort Smith. A. R., Ark. coll., 1854 ; M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Pa., 1858 ; member Fort Smith med. soc., med. asso. of Ark. ; surg. confed. army 4 years. Duval C., Pea Ridge. Dyer A. J. , Dardanelle. Earl , Lewisburg. Member med. soc. of Conway co. - Easley E. T.,IJttle Rock. Easter AY. E., Hamburg. Eaton John F., Clayton. Eberle J. Gilbert, Fort Smith. M. D., Kentucky school of medicine; member med. soc. of Ark. Eck Joseph, Rocky Comfort. I]ddins Samuel, Carrollton. Eddeliue Johnson E., Fort Smith. INI ember med. soc. of Sebastian co. Edmonds Geo. K., Lead Hill. Edmundson A. G., Barton. Al. D., Transylvania univ.; mem. med. soc. of Ark. Edwards J. J., Van Buren. Edwards T. J., fm) Gainesville. Eggleston M. H., (m) Martin’s Creek. Ellis O. R., (m) Austin. Elliot Asa, Pineville. Ellsworth P. H., Hot Springs. Al. I)., Rush med. coll, (no date) ; surg. U. S. vol. 3 years. EmV)ree M. T., Lewisville. Emons H. R., (m) Lonoke. Enders Robt. Mortimer, Garretson’s Land’g. Al. D., med. dej)’t univ. of La., 1869. English II. J., Little Rock. Al. D., Jeff. med. coll. Erwing Leander, (m) Cherokee Bay. Essleman , Pocahontas. Estis J. H., Hickory Y'alley. Euellman J. C., (m) Pocahontas. Evans Lewis G., (e) Brinkley. Never studied medicine e.vcept in a drug store; practiced 18 years. Ewing D. C., Batesville. ** Falden AY. IT., Holly Springs. Fannin W. IL, Fort Smith. Alember med. soc. of Sebastian co. Farrelly E. M., \Ahimpoe. Al. D., Kentucky school of medicine; member med. soc. of Ark. Farrish R. S., Drew co. Alember med. soc. of Drew co. Farrington F. M., Dooley’s Ferry. Felts J. E., Osceola. Treas. med. asso. of Ark. Few J. S., AAbilnut Hills. Field J. AY., Lonoke. Field Robert, Napoleon. Fischer James, Fort Smith. Fisher S., Smithville. Fitzhugh , Pine Bluff.l F’'letcher Jno. P., Lonoke. Fdinn C. J., Des Arc. Flournay P. C., Cut Off, Fonda P. AY., Oakland. Folsom Isaac, Searcy. Ford Peter R., Barton. Al. D., med. dep’t univ. of La., 1860; sec. med. asso. of Phillips co. ; cor. sec. med. asso. of Ark. ; ass’t surg confed. army. F'orernan E., Hot Springs. Alember med. soc. of Hot Springs co. Forrester Louis, Rondo. F'ort G. H., Lewisville. Alember med. asso. of Ark. Fortner B. F., Hico. Al. D., uziiv. of Nashville ; mem. med. soc, of Ark, Fort Hilliard, Liberty. Foster James T., Petit Jean. Al. D., med. de[)’t univ. of La., 1867. Foster \Ym. Bradford, Callioun. Al. D., med. dep’t univ. of La., 1850. Fox J. O., Hot Springs. Al. D., Cincinnati med. col. ; member med. soc. of Ark. Franklin Sidney Walter, Hot Springs. Al. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1861 ; sec. med. soc. of Hot Sju-ings co. j surg. confed. army 3 years. Frazier E. B., Fort Smith. Freeman C. IL, (m) Kenyon, Freeman John F., Dallas. Freeman P. K., Jonesboro’. F'rench .T. H., Oakville. Fricke Frederick, Pine Blulf. Al. D., med. dep’t univ. of La., 1850; member med. soc. of Jefferson co. Frisby Josiah, Lone Grove. Frost S. F., Rockport. AKKANSAS. HAU 37 FUL Fuller J. F., (m) :Mn";iziiie. Fulton II. T., Fine Fluff. Gabbert Lafayette, Monticello. ;Meni))er nied. asso. of Arlc. Gaines Jno. ITutcliens, Bowie. _ M. I)., ined. dep’t univ. of La., 1853. Gains J. J., Washington. Gallagher John, Conway co. Member med. soc. of Conway co. Garland J. C., Augusta. Garlock J. T., Felt’s Fluff. Gannaway C. C., Warren. M. D., New Orleans school of med.; mem. med. soc. of Ark. Garner Thomas J., .Tuinter. Garnett Algernon S., Hot Springs. JI. D., univ. of Vn. ; member med. soc. of Ark. Garrison 0. P., Prairie Grove. Garrison James Fuchanan, De Witt. M. D., Long Lsland coll. hosp. Gates A. S., Selina. Gault C. W., (m) Arkadelpliia. Gentry M. P., Rondo. George James W., Charleston. Gerard Frank, Fort Smith. M. D., univ. of Berlin, Ger. ; member med. soc. of Sebastian co. ; med. soc. of Ark. German G. T., (m) Clarksville. Gibbon AVilliam R., Clarendon. Gibbs C. W., Hamburg. CFbbs D. M., Napoleon. Gibson E. F., Greensboro’. Gibson II. ,T., Wiley Grove. Cribson J. Gill, Pine Fluff. Gibson J. II., La Grange. Member med. soc. of Phillips co. Gibson J. R., Bentonville. Gibson M. j\I., Marie Saline. Gilchrist T. W., Searcy. Cfillespie F. J., Stover. Gillespie T. G., Pine Fluff. V,-j)res. med. soc. of Jefferson co. Gillespie W. C., Little Rock. Girard F., Fort Smith. Treas. med. soc. of Sebastian co. Gist J. , Beebe. Given R. 11. , Red Bluff. Glover H. W., (e) Elm Spring. Goode John, Magnolia. Goodman D. ISL, Jonesboro’. Goodrich E. W., Augusta. Goodwin F. C., Marvell. M. D., Va. med. coll. ; member med. soc. of Va. Goodwin William, Poidar Bluff. Goodwin AVilliam II., J^isbon. AI. D., med. dei)’t univ. of La., 1870. Gosliorn R. B., Bearfield. Grace John C., Fayetteville. M. D., Washin.crton univ. of Baltimore, 1870; sec. med. soc. of Washington co. ; ass’t surg. confed. army. , Graham N. J., Little Rock. Grant II. M., (m) Ilelena. Gray C. S., Fayetteville. Gray Daniel A., Forest City. AI. D., univ. of Penn. ; member med. soc. of Ark. Gray E. AV., Newport. Gray George AV., La Grange. Membermied. soc. of Phillips co. 5 Gray James II., Rocky Comfort. Gray R. II., Spring Hill. Grayson W. K., (m) Flue Mountain. Green C. M., (m) Hickory Plains. Green J. K., Jacksonport. Green R. M., Seminary. Greenlee E. G., Sunny Side. Greenwood O. P., Hillsboro’. Alember med. asso. of Ark. Greer G., Bellefonte. Griffey T. J., Eagle Landing. Griilith Geo. T., Fort Smith. Grigsley E. O., De View. Guenant J. W., (m) Marion. Guinn J. IL, (m) Ozark. Gunn L. W., Little Rock. Hach R. AV., Plum Bayou. Hail T. P., (m) Jayne’s Store. Hale Elisha G., AVarren. Hale George Gordon, Hot Springs. M. D., Memj)his med. coll., 1871; member med. soc. of Hot Springs co. ; exam, life ins. Hall E. J., Texarkana. Hall H., Camden. Hall T. IT., (m) Pocahontas. Hall Samuel Harrison, Devall’s Bluff. Ai. i>. .\lcmi)his med. col., 18G1 ; surg. and surg.- iii-chief confed. armv. Halley James H., (mj De AVitt. Ham I. G., Jacksonport. Hamilton Edward L., Richmond. AI. D., med. dej/t univ. of La., 1858. Hammond J. AV., Ultima Thule. Handy D. S., Eagle. Haney A. S., Gravel Ridge. Hanna J. C., (m) Bellingsley. Hardcastle John, Little Rock. Hardman D. C., Sheridan. Harkey G. AV., (m) Russellville. Harley E. L., Roverville. Alember med. soc. of Franklin co. Harper AV. IL, Monticello. Meml)er med. soc. of Drew co. Harrell AV. C., Austin. Al.D., Baltimore med. coll. ; mem. med. soc. of Ark, Harrington M. A^., fm) Grand Glaize. Harris G. AV., (m) Pitmansville. Harris J. R., (m) Elm Store. Harris R. P., Saunders’ Mill. Harris R. AV., Dobyville. Harrison B. G., (ni) Fort Smith. Harrison J. F., Pecan Point. Alemher med. soc. of Aliss. co. Harrison R. T., Conway Stution. Harrison , (m) Cane Creek. Harrod G., Little Rock. Harston M. U., El Passo. Hart J. E., (m) Dardanelle. Hart AV. P., AVashington. Member med. asso. of Ark.; cor. sec. med. soc, of Ilem])stead co. Hartman N. R., Little Rock. Hartt G. C., Little Rock. Alemher med. soc. of Ark. Harvey J. F., Benton. Harwell R. S., Camden. Hasled S. M., Little Rock. Hathaway A. M., Hickory Grove. Haughton Julius W., (mj Osceola. S8 HAW ARKANSAS. JOH Hawkins Isaac, Red Hill. Hawkins William H., Rocky Comfort. M. D., ined. coll, ot Ga., ltSr>7 ; ineinl)er nietl. asso. of Ark. ; sairg. eonled. anny ; — autlior of “Aiii- ))iitation at tlie Knee-joint,” 1872, etc. Hayden C., Maysville. Hayes Luther, l.ocksbnrt. Lftnis; member med. soc. of Henpistead CO., and mcd. soc. of Ark.; surg. confed. army. Hill G. WL, (m) Augusta. Hill John AL, l>ewisburg. l\Ieml)er med. soc. of Conway co. Hill W. 1)., Lunenburg. Hine Elisha, (m) Clinton. Hines J. AL, Helena. Hinkle A., Ctidron. Hinson L., (m) Greensboro’. Hinton R. I..., Wiishington. Sec. mcd. soc. of Hempstead co. Hiliolite WL W., DevtilPs Bluff. Hobbs J. AL, (m) Bentonville. Hob.sou A. W., Iloite. .Memi)er med. asso. of Ark. Hobson O. A., Hot Springs. Member med. asso. of Ark. Hodge (L D., Holly Springs. Hodges James, .Sulphur Rock. Hodgt's Tlxunas, Sh:n-])s X Roads. HoggGrttnt A., Pine Bluff. Hogue J. S., Alagnoliti. Holcomb Geo. W., Ftiyetteville. M. 1)., Imnisville med. col., 1872; treas. of med. soe. of \Vashington co., 1873. Holcombe J. AI., Pine Bluff. Treas. med. soc. of Jcll'enson co., 1873; member med. asso. of Ark. Holderiyess N. 8., Ciiambersville. Holl W., (m) Pitman. Holland I. C.. Searcy. Hollis Hugh L. W., Arkadelpliia. M. D., univ. of La.. 1881 . Holloway J. R., Arkadelpbia, Holmes L., Pine Bluff. Holmes R. R., Aledford. Ai. D., univ. of Penn. ; member med. soc. of Ark. Holmes Thomas E., Berry ville. Homer A. A., (m) Helena. Hooker J. E., Atlanta. Hooker J., Champagnolle. Hooper P. O., Little Rock. Member med. asso. of Ark. Horner A. A., Helena. Member med. soc. of Phillips co. Horsley N. D., Bhun Bayou. Iloptou J. G. 8., Pendleton. Ilortoii J. J., (m) Clinton. - • Iloyton William T., (m) Ozark. Ilubbert T. J., Elm 8priugs. Iluddlesou J. L., (m) Yellville. Hudson 8amueL Alt. Vernon. Hudson G. W., Cttmden. Hudspeth J. AL, (m) Pea Ridge. Hughes A. J., Barton. M. D., nniv. of Nashville ; mem. med. soc. of Ark, Hughes B. P"'., Riggsville. Hughes E. R., Pine Bluff. Hughes N. 8., (m) Booneville. Iliighkill AI. AI., (m) Arkadelpbia. lliun])hrey E. T., Bright 8tar. ITinnphrey , Ash Flat. Ilnmidirey T. C., (m) Patterson’s Bluff. Hunt (L A., Hampton. Hunt O. T., (m) La Crosse. Hurley Tliomas W., Bentonville. Husky J. W., Osceola. Ilntchins John, Lake A^illage. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of La., 1SG8. Ingram A. TI., Pine Bluff. Ingram C. A., Pe;i Ridge. Ingnun R. W., (m) Boonsboro’. Irvin AI. J., ILimitton. Irwin W. H., (m) Big Bottom. Istnics J. L., Cherry Grove. Jack 8. W., Horcheat. Jacks N. C., Forest CitJ^ Meml)er med. asso. of Ark. Jacks T. AL, Helena. Jackson J. W., Austin. Jackson Thomas IL, Garretson’s Landing. Jacobs E. L., (m) Harrisburg. James R. R., De View. .lames W. TJ.. 8nuthville. Jameson Marcus Lafayette, Hillsboro’. M. D., med. dej)’t univ. of La., 1872. Jaquess G. I)., Helena. Jarman W. 11., Helena. Member med. soc. of Pliilli]>s co. James W. II., Clover Bend. Jayner R., (m) Harrisburg. Jaynes R. F., Argenta. Jeffreys R. E., (m) Alt. Olive. Jelks John Alexander, White Hall. M. D., Rutgers med. coll., New York, 1829. Jenkins J. IT., Pocahontas. Jenkins R. II. , Holly Grove. Jenkins J. R., (m) Kingston. Jenkins W. J., Rondo. Jennings E. AI., Hickory Valley. Jennings R. G., Little Rock. Member med. asso. of Ark. Jernigan 8. B., Fayetteville. M. 1)., St. Louis med. coll. ; lueui. med. s(^. of Ark. Johnson A. C., (m) AValdron. JOH ARKANSAS. LOP 39 Johnson D. B., Fort Smith. Johnson , (m) Mt. Ida. Johnson J. M., Drake’s Creek. Johnson P. A., Fayetteville. Johnson W. B., El Dorado. M, 1)., Georgia mecl. coll. Joiner D. C., (m) Frenchman’s Bayou. Joiner T. ]\I., llockiiort. Jones Alfred, (m) Centreville. Jones C. J., (m) Aui^nsta. Jones J. II. W., (m) Angusta. Jones J. J., Dardanelle. Jones J AV., Jacksnnport. Jones La Fayette Jackson, Poplar Bluff. M. 1)., .]efi'er.s.)ii nieil. coll., Phila., 18()1; nieml)er Hied. soc. of Ashley co., and med. asso. of Ark.; ass’t siirg. and surg. confed. army 4 years. Jones Paul S., Hot Si)rings. M. D., univ. of Nashville; mom. med. soc. of Ark. Jones Samuel J., Pine Bluff. M. D., med. dep’b univ. of Md., 1851 ; member med. soc. of Jefi'ersoii co. Jones Samuel AV., Pine Bluff. Sec. med. soc. of Jeliersoa co. ; member med.-asso. of Ark. Jones Thomas II., (m) Clinton. Jones AV. B., Hampton. Joyner F. L., Pecaii Point. M. D., Alemphis med. coll. Joyner Thomas M., Harrisburg. Keeney J. C., Ilindsville. }i[. 1)., nniv. of AJichigan ; mem. med. soc. of Ark. Kellsam AA’'. Ij., Charleston. Af. 1)., univ. of Louisville; mem. med. soe. of Ark. Kellum AV. II., Ahin Btireii. Kelly Jesse Kitehison, Ilindsville. Af. i)., Atlanta med. coll, of Ga., 18(J'J. Kelly AA". J., (m) Jonesboro’. Kelly James, Hampton. Kelly AV. C., Bockport. Kendall AV. AV., Sheridan. Kennedy C. B., (m) Gainesville. Kerley D. AAL, (m) Yellville. KerrE. AV., Galloway. Kersh G., Star City. Kersh A'^irgil Eugene, Star City. AI. D., med. dep’t univ. of La., 1870. Kersh AV. B., Star City. Ketchum N., Little Rock. AL J)., univ. of Louisville, 1852; member med. asso. of Ark., and coll, of ])hys. and surgs. of Little Rock; surg. confed. army 12 jnontlis. Kibber AV. R., (m) Cleburne. Kiblee M. II., (m) Roanoke. Kimball Isham, Champagnolle. ' Kimbro AV. C., Cutoff. King Addison AI., Fountain Hill. King Joshua, Hot Springs. AL D., Castleton med. coll., AR., 1848; med. coll. Augusta, Ga., 185.8; D. D. S., in Baltimore coll, of dent. surg. 1848; member med. soc. of Rome, Ga. ; vice-jjres. med. soc. of Hot Si)rings co. King .lohn S., Calamine. King Robert B., Little Rock. Af. I)., univ. of La., 18(18. Kirkpatrick J. N., Elm Store. Attended one full course of lectures in St. Louis med. col., 185()-57. Kirkwood John, Little Rock. • Hon. member med. soc. of Pulaski co. Knight M., (m) Delaware. Knight S., (m) Georgetown. Knowlton K., Knowlton’s Landing. Krider T. A., Cotton Plant. Lacy John'M., Cincinnati. Lafferty J. M., Liberty. Lamar Obadiali, El Dorado. Lamar T. G., Bright Star. Lambeth Robert, (m) AValnut Ridge. I.and Kenson, (m) James’ Store. Landers C. B., Warren. Landers David, Little Rock. Lanewee AV. AI., (m) Batesville. Langston AV. A., (m) Lead Hill. Langthorne Z. J., Tulip. Larkin R. K., Oakland. Lattamer G. W., (m) Boone-ville. Lanton W. P., St^arey. Lawhorn S. R., Hamburg. Lawrence Geo. Washington, Hot Springs. AJ. I)., med. de])’t uiiiv. of Pa., 184G; licentiate med. and sui'g. faculty of Aid.; member med. soc. of Tenn., med. soc. of Ark., Am. med. as^io., 1872, Am. scientific asso.; corres. mem. coll, of Phvs., Phila. ; 1st ass’t snrg.-gen’l, Cal., 1S50; act. ass’t surg. U. S. navy, 1843-45; insp. of hos])s. and med. director confed. army; — au- thor of numerous contributions to med. jour- unls. Specialty — chronic blood disease.^, nervous alFectioiis, and uterine discase.s. Lawr(*lice AV. AI., Batesville. Alember med. asso. of Ark. Layton A. S., (m) A'ellville. Lea G. G., Princeton. Sec. med. soc. of Dallas co. ; member med. asso. of Ark. Lealie Louis. Princeton. Letith J. J., Galley Rock. Leate Louis, Como. Educated in Europe ; AI. D., univ. of Pisa, 18dD; member med. soc. of Dallas co. ; surg. confed. army 2 years. Ledltetter J.. Cedarville. Lee B. W., Pendleton. Leming Elijah, (m) AValdron. Lenow James Horace, Little Rock. A. !>., Ky. military iust., 1870; AI. D., JefiTerson med. coll., 1872; mem. med. soc. of Little Rock and Pulaski co. ; rec. sec. of med. asso. of Ark. Leslie J. AV. S., (m) Alarshall. Letliecoine W. A., (m) Roseville. Levin K. AI., (m) Fayetteville. Lewis I)., Spring Hill. Lewis Perry E., Alt. Holly. AI. D., univ.' of La. Liers S. AI., (m) ^laysville. Lindley B., Poplar Bluff. AI. D., Cincinnati med. coll. Lintliicnm D. A., Helena. Alember meo. soc. of Phillips co. ; pres. med. soc. of Ark., 1873 ; and Am. med. asso. Lintliicnm E., Roverville. Littlejohn F. N., Evansville. AI. D., med. coll, of S. C., 1840; mem. med. soc, of Washington co, ; ass’t surg. confed. army 3 years. Livingston J. A., Camden. Locke AV. J., Alarie Saline. Lockhart A. S., Little Rock. Loftin I. C. Alember med. soc. of Phillips co. 40 I.OO ARKANSAS. MIT Looney T. D., (m) Palestine. Losson H. H., (m) Walnut Ridge. Lotsfeich R. F., Fayetteville. Love W. B., Quitman. Lovetime Inerson C., (m) Mariana. l..ovett A. C., (m) Richmond. Lo\yther Jno. Randolph, Clarksville. M. D., med. dep’t uuiv. of La., IStil. McAdams .T. F., Searcy. McAlister R. P., Arkadelphia. M. D., St. Louis med. coll. McAlmont J. J., Hot Springs. lion, member med. soc. of Pulaski co. McAlpine A. E., Three Creeks. McAlpiiie George, Helena. Member med. soc. of Phillips co. McAlpine W. J., Three Creeks. M. D., uni\^ of La. McAnalley C. C., Arkadelphia. McCalif D. R., (m) Boonesboro’. McCallum J. A., Holly Wood. M. D., Bellevue liosj). med. coll. McCammon Ezra Furman, Pine Bluff. M. D., Ky. school of med., 18(18; member med. asso. of Jefferson co. McCaney A. J., Saunders’ Mill. McClure J. W., Big Pond. McCollum A., (m) Pocahontas. McCoy W. T., (m) Brinkley. ^ McCready E. R. W., Mineral Springs. M. 1)., Phi!.'., med. coll., 1853; member med. soc. of Howard co. ; ass’t surg. confed. army 4 years. McCreary E. W. R., Wasliington. Member med. soc. of Hempstead co. McCullough William, (m) Chalk Bluff. McDaniel J. R., (m) Arkadelphia. McDermot C., Bartholomew. McDonald AV. L., Stover. McDowell Diake, Hot Springs. M. D., Missouri med. coll. ; mem. med. soc. of Ark. McElroy F. G., (m) Clinton. McFadden John, (m) Dover. McFarland H. R., (m) Chickeville. LIcFarlane D. B., (m) Swan Lake. McGaugliey S., Pine Bluff. McGaughey , Clarendon. McGavock F. G., Pecan Point. M. D., uuiv. of Nashville. McGavock F. M., Osceola. V.-pres. med. .«;oc. of Miss. co. McGill John, Oakolona. AI. D., uuiv. of Peiin. McGoilin Thomas, (m) Dallas. McGooch F. G., Pecan Point. McIIatton .T. C., Wlu^eler. McIIenery M. J., Jacksonville. Member med. soc. of Pulaski co. ; med. asso. of Ark. McHenry J., Lisbon. McHenry R. W., Hillsboro’. McKain AV. L., Hamburg. McKeithan AV. J., Murfreesboro’. ’ McKennon A. M., Clarksville. McKenzie A. IL, Kenzie. M. I)., uuiv. of Md. ; member med. soc. of Ark. McKinney J. N., La Crosse. McLauchlan J., (m) De Witt. McLeod M. A., (m) Forest City. McMair AV. J., Georgetown. McMeely J. M., CoiTKU'sville. McRae Kinney, Mt. Holly. McRae R. G., Mt. Holly. Macluin J. H., Calhoun. Mack S., (m) Batesville. Mackie AV. H., I.ake Village. Madden James, Caney. Madison J. AV., (m) Lewisburg. Madhir B., Devall’s Bluff. Malian AV. M., Roseville. Main J. H. T., Fort Smith. Malone G. B., Indian Bay. Al. D., Baltimore med. coll. ; mem. med. soc. of Ark. Manning AV. A., Falcon. Marbray A. J., Austin. Markham AV. AV., (m) Boonesboro’. Marr A. L., AVarren. AJ. D., Louisville, Ky. ; member med. soc. of Ark, Marshall B., San Mateo. Martin B. B., Bradley. Martin J. AV., AVarren. Martin L. L., Pine Bluff. Alember med. soc. of Jefferson co. Martin AV. J. H., (m) Mount Olive. Mask P. T., Little Rock. Alember med. asso. of Ark. Massie F. C., Fayetteville. AJ. D., St. Louis med. coll. Mathews J. P., Dorcheat. Mathews AV. J., Forest City. IMatter E. C., (m) Devall’s Bluff. Maxey J. IL, (m) Jacksonport. Maxwell John Livingston, Bentonville. Al. D., St. Louis med. eoll., 1855 ; treas. Beutoa CO. Pbilomathic asso. ; surg. confed. army. May Abram, (m) Jacksonport. Mayfield J., Eagle. Mayham AV. AV., (m) Ozark. Meador (L V., IJttle Rock. Pres. med. soc. of Pulaski co. Means B., (m) AValnut Grove. Means Henry, (m) Carrollton. Medloek James Randolph, Huntsville. Al. 1)., eclectic eoll. of C-iuciuuati, 1860; claims to be “ regular” notwithstanding. Medloek B. S., Collegeville. Alember med. asso. of Ark. Meek J. T., Johnsonville. Meagher J. G., Texarkana. Al. D., St. Louis med. coll. ; mem. med. soc. of Ark. Menefee AV. L., Howard. Meri weather M. L., (m) Oak Bluff. Middleton James A., Buck Horn. Middleton P. S., (h) Searcy. Milholen J. T., Sheridan. Miller B. F., Osceola. Alember med. soc. of Aliss. co. Miller J. C., (m) De AVitt. Miller J. D., Carlisle. Miller T. C., (m) Hodges’ Prairie. Mills David S., Pine Bluff. Al. D., Alemphis med. coll. 1852; first v.-pres. med. soc. of Jetterson co. Milou Marcel, (h) San Andreas. Minor John, Naiioleon. Mitchell A. F., Benton. Mitchell J. P., Clarksville. Alember med. asso. of Ark. Mitchell L. B., Austin. MIT ARKANSAS. PIP 41 Mitchell M. J., Holly Springs. >Iitchell Roland, Avoca. Mitchell W. W., Bright Star. Mixon W. H., Hope. Mobly J. K. P., (m) Oak Bluff. Moffitt R., Clarksville. Monroe B., Laconia. Montgomery William Chandler, Spadra. M. D., med. dep’t uuiv. of Nasliville, 1S57. Mooney Rush, (m) Miirfreesboro’. Moore B. F., Poplar Bluff. Moore I. I., (m) Augusta. Moore J. W., Austin. Moorehead W. T., Rockport. Morgan F. E., Caledonia. M. D., univ. of La. ^lorgan J. A., St. Charles. Morrell David, Clarksville. Morris A. H., (m) Oil Trough Bottom. ;MoiTis J. D., (m) Miller. ^Morton J. 8., Little Rock. Morton R. H., (m) Pilot Hill. Morton T., (m) Big Pond. ;Morton , (m) La Crosse. Moss Hugh N., Red Fork. Mottu F. M., Sugar Loaf. D., univ. of Md,; member med. soc. of Ark. Moxey J. C., Fayetteville. Muldrow W. S., Washington. Mulkey M. J., Mineral. Member med. soc. of Hempstead co. Murphy Samuel C., Little Rock. M. D., univ. of La., 1859 ; member med. asso. of Ark. Murrell T. E., Little Rock. M. D., univ. of Md. ; member med. soc. of Ark. Napier A. H., (m) Dover. Nash .T. D., (m) Forest City. Near David A., Red Fork. Neer N. C., (m) Pendleton. Nevills John, Little Rock. Newkirk J. H., Benton. Newton Isaac Jasper, Hamburg. M. D., med. dej)’! univ. of La., 1858 ; member med. soc. of Ashley co. Nichols T. D., Fairview. Nicholson E. P., Des Arc. Nickerson E. P., Brinkley. Niles S. D. G., Helena. Noel W. A., Pine Bluff. Pres. med. soc. of Jefferson 1 * 0 . Noel James W., Pine Bluff. Norman AV. J., Hamburg. M. I)., univ. of La. ; member med. soc. of Ark. Norris AV. C., Springfield. Norsworthy G., New London. Norvell AVilliam T., (m) Marion. Norville David, Clarksville. Norwood Henry M., Poplar Bluff. Noyes , Smithville. Oats John, Rondo. Odom Charles, Marie Saline. Orto Zaphney, Clover Bend. M. D., Miami med. coll., 1872. Owans J. M., Hamburg. Owen E. T., (m) I.,a Grange. Owen Harrington (m) Greensboro’. Owen R. D., (m) Centre Point, Owens C. M., Hamburg. Pres. med. soc. of Ashley co. Owens John Alexander, Monticello. M. 1)., med. dep’t univ. of La., 1853; pres. med. soc. of Drew co. ; member med. asso. of Ark.; Am. med. asso., 1873. Owens James Monroe, Monticello. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of La., 1859 ; member med, asso. of Ark. ; treas. med. soc. of Drew co. ; surg. confed. army. Oswald James AValker, Green Mount. M. D., univ. of La., 1858. Pace Jesse M., Camden. M. D., univ. of La., 1858. Packard P. S., (m) Cincinnati. Paddock Samuel P., Fayetteville. M. D., Rush med. coll., 1863; member med. sot of Wash. CO. Paine C. F., (m) A^an Bnren. Paine F. M., (m) Clarksville. Palmer Horace, W allaceburg. AI ember med. soc. of Hempstead co. Palmer Henry S., (^m) Osceola. Pangbnrn D., Jndson. Pan key T. H., (m) Lewdsburg. Panter J. C., Batesville. Paramore R. P., (m) Jonesboro’. Parham E. H. M., Princeton. Park F. M., (m) Okalono. Parker E. T., Hope. Al. D., univ. of Nashville ; mem. med. soc. of Ark Parker S. H., (m) Dardanelle. Parks AVilliam, Clarendon. M. D., univ. of Nashville ; mem. med. soc. of Ark, Parley J. C., Smithville. Patterson Robt. Collin, Mt. Holly. AL D., univ. of La., 1871. Patty E. D., Troy. ' Payton C., Little Rock. , Pearce L. S., (m) Sherman. ! Pearcy J. AV ., (m) Searcy. ! Pearson Richard L., Van Buren. Peckett AV. H., Batesville. ’ AL D., univ. of La. ; member med. soc. of Ark. Pedron J. Victor, Camden. Peirce C. W., (h) Fort Smith. j Peirce N. R., Little Rock. Pendleton J. S., (m) Lonoke. Peoples S. J., Red Fork. Perdue John, Champagnolle. Pernot Henry, Van Buren. ^ Grad. Royal coll, of Poictiers, France; Al. D., St., Jjouis med. coll., 1851 ; cor. sec. of med. soc. of Crawford co. ; chairman board of health, Van Buren; post surg. V. B., 1862-3; surg. Fort AVashita confed. army, 1864-5. Perriman B. M., Tuckerman. AL D., N. O. school of med. ; mem. med. soc. of Ark, Petit Julian C., (m) Hodges’ Prairie, ; Petty F. M., Osceola. Pewe Charles T., Alma. Alember med. soc. of Crawford co. Pharr E. AV., Liberty P. O. Physick Philip, Rockport. Pierson IL. Lisbon. Pinson John W., El Dorado. Al. D., med. coll, of S. C., 1855. Pipkin J. A., Camden. Al. D., )neerson R. F., (m) Centrepoint. Robert J. C., Trenton. Member med. soc. of Phillips co. Roberts J. P., Magnolia. Roberts B. F., Holly Grove. Roberts P. IL, Madison. Robertson James J., Hot Springs. Robertson J. C. N., Chambersville. Robertson S. G., Montieello. Member med. soc. of Drew co. Robins W. H., (m) Wittsburg. Robinson J., Lonoke. Robinson J. M., (m) Belief onte. Rodgers E. IL, Prairie Grove. Roemer C. H., Fort Smith. Rogers F. C., (m) Howard. Rogers S. E., (m) Fayetteville. Rogers W. C., Camden. Roland J. A., Oakland. Rosenburg C., (m) Clarksville. Rosa F. Ikl., Colony. Ross Robert Nicholas, Lonoke. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Nashville, 1861. Rothrock E., Big Pond. Routh H. L., (m) Carrollton. Routh W. J., (m) Perryville. Rowland Thomas, (m) Arkadelphia. Rucker J. K. P., (m) Hickory Ridge. Rudd William M. , Osage. Ruff R. R., Pitmanville. Rumple J. C., Camden. Runyan M. J. L., Clover Bend. Runyan T. A. J., Hazel Grove. Russell R. M., Whittington. Member med. soc, of Hot iSprings co. Rutfierford S. M., (m) Ozark. Rutland W. B., Ilopefield. Sadler J. Milton, Johnsonville. N. O. school of med. ; member med. soc. of Ark. Sandefer J. B., Hope. Sanders J. M., (m) Sulphur Springs. Sanford J. B., Centreville. Saunders J. IL, Pine Bluff. Savage T. B., Hamburg. M. D., univ. of Louisville; mem. med. soc. of Ark. Sayle William Albin Cranmer, Lewisburg. M. D., Ky. school of med,, 1889 ; pres. med. .soc. of Conway co. ; v.-]ires. med. soc. of Ark. ; ass’t surg. and surg. coufed. army. Saylor P. T., Springfield. Scales W., Brownsville. Scarborough J. C., Little Rock. Scarborough , (m) Augusta. Scaymore J. E., Pine Bluff. Schenck Noah, Bloomington. M. D., univ. of Mich. ; member med. soc. of Ark. Scott A. H., Little Rock. Member med. asso. of Ark. Scott T. J., Arkadelphia. Scurry J. A., Harris Hill. Seals R. D., Fort Smith. Searcy John H.,Man Hill. Self j. M., (m) Smithville. Sessum J. L., Lonoke. Seymour Joseph Eggleston, Pine Bluff. M. D., 1857 ; member med. soc. of Jefferson co. ; ass’t surg. coufed. army. Shackly S. F., Calhoun. Sharp Ephraim, (m) Hazel Grove. Sheffield J. A., Lunenberg. Shelby R. B., Helena. Shelton Henry A., Clover Bend. Sherman G. W., Mount Moriah. Sherrer Fred., Portland. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of La., 1860. Sherrill N. R., Pine Bluff. Shibbley J. S., Roseville. M. D., univ. of Nashville; mem. med. soc. of Ark. Shiner William, Dardanelle. Shipley B., Maysville. Shippey Elijah A., Hot Springs. Sigmond P. G., Eudora. Silverberg E., Trenton. Simmonds S. A., Texarkana. Simmons C. L., Plum Bayou. Simmons G. W., Gainesville. Simmons John F., Pine Bluff. M. D., Jefferson med. coll., 1865; memher med. soc. of Jefferson co. ; contract surg. confed. &rmf 2 years. SIN ARKANSAS. TRA 43 Singletery William, Marshall’s Prairie. Skaggs J. E., Lisbon. Skipwith E. H., Little Rock. Slaughter Henry A., (m) Pocahontas. Slaughter D. C., (m) Fayetteville. Slaughter Stanton, Sylarsville. ilember meJ. soc. of Phillips co. Smalley J. K., Van Buren. Smelser J. W., Fort Smith. Smith A. A., Johnson. Smith C. P., Arkansas City. Smith D. M., Jacksonport. Smith E. R., (h) Little Rock. Smith George Washington, Alma. M. 1)., nied. clep’t univ. of Lii., 1807 ; rec. sec. med. asso, of Crawford co. ; ass’t surg. confed. army 3 years. Smith Henry P., Hot Springs. Smith John G., Viney Grove. Smith J. H., Black Jack. Smith X. U., Osage Mills. M. D., univ, of Nashville ; mem. med. soc. of Ark. Smith T. N., El Dorado. M. D., univ. of La. Smith Thomas, Little Rock. ^Member med. asso. of Ark. Smith W. C., AVashington. Member med. asso, of Ark. Smith AV. F., Princeton. Pres. med. soc, of Dallas co. Smith AV'. J., (m) Norwoodville. Smith A\^. S., Beech Creek. Smithson D. C., Bloomington. Smartt John, Bentonville. Sneed AA''. A., Fairfield. Snipes J. A., Searcy. Softlev Enoch, Evening Shade. Sorrells J. AV., Black jack. Southall James Henry, Little Rock. M. D., med. dep’t univ, of La., 1861 ; member med. soc. of Little Rock (Pulaski co.) ; member med. asso. of Ark.; surg. confed. army 3 years. Spear J. S., (m) Searcy. Spencer L. J., Marie Saline. Springfield AV. G., Aubui'n. Stafford Robert C., (mi Danville. Stafford William Josiah, (h) Danville. Not a graduate. Stalloup B. B., fm) Pilot Hill. Stanfield Calvin Alpheus, Toledo. One course at Louisville med. coll., and M. D., AIetn})his med. colk, 1847 ; member med. soc. of Jefferson co. Stanfield IT. IL, Sheridan. Stanly E. C., Cutoff. Stanley A., Amity. M. D,, Ohio med. coll. Stanley J. P., Selma. Member med. soc, of Drew co. Starke AI. IL, Little Rock. Member med. asso. of Ark. Stanton Samuel, Augusta. Stayten D. H., Alariana. Member med. asso. of Phillips co. Stay ton R., Berlin. Steele AI. D., (m) Elm Springs. Stephenson J., (m) Marshall. Stevenson .Tames, Fayetteville. Stevenson R. L., Greenback. Stewart John M., Relf’s Bluff. M. D., Phila. coll, of medicine, 1857 ; surg. in New A'ork and European jnicket lines 3 years. Stewart AV. T., Ilot Springs. M. D., Missouri med. coll. ; mem. med. soc. of Ark. Stirman John T., Dardanelle. Stinson James A., Jacksonport. M. D., New Orleans school of medicine, 1858; Cincinnati coll, of medicine, 1872; county phys. ; surg. confed. army; — author of “ Hemorrhage, Malarial,” 1872. St. John J. AV., Fairview. Stockton H.O., Little Rock. Stone G. B., (m) Eglantine. Stone A., Luna. M. D., N. O. school of mod. Stroup AV. B., Roseville^. Member med. soc. of Franklin co. Strowde Thomas. Member med. soc. of Hot Springs co. Sullivan C. L., (m) Forest City. Sullivan Iv. A., Auburn. Swift AV. T., Pottsville. Talbott R. L., Portland. M. D., med. dep’t Transylvania univ., 1868; mem- ber med. soc. of Conway co. Taliaferro C. D., Bentonville. Taliaferro C. W., Chocoville. Tankersby O. D., Clarksville. Tapsott S. T., AVest Point. Tardy J. B., Cutoff. Tarvin AV. F., Hampton. Tate AI. AI., (m) Sugar Loaf. Taylor A. R., Hot Springs. M. D., univ. of Penn.; member med. soc. of Ark. Taylor C. AI., South Bend. Member med. asso. of Ark. Taylor G., Ijewisbnrg. Taylor J. R., (m) Fort Smith. Taylor AV. V., Osceola. M. D., Memphis med. coll. Terrell Thomas, Bearfield Point. M. D., Humboldt med. coll, of St. Louis, Mo. Terry AV. L., Little Rock. AI, D., Charleston, S. C. ; mem. med. soc. of Ark. Terzevant R., Piaton. Thetford L. C., (m) Arkansas Post. Thomas A. D., Lewisburg. Tliomason D. H., Monticello. Tliomborough S. P., Clinton. Thompson A. J., Bell’s Store. Thompson E. R., New London. Thompson G. A., (m) Union. Thompson D. B., Princeton. Alember med. asso. of Ark. Tliompson J. C., St. John’s. Thompson J. B., Cham])agnolle. Thompson J. E., Powhatan. Thompson J. AV., Forest City. Alernber med. asso. of Ark. Tliompson AI. G., Lonoke. Thompson O., New London. Thompson AVilliam, Little Rock. Member med. asso. of Ark. Thurman AV. .1., Lisbon. Tiller S. O., Red Fork. Townsend A. ,T., (m) Surrounded Hill. Tracy AV. L., Little Rock. 44 TRA ARKANSAS. WIL Trask G. H., Osceola. Treadwell J. C., Swan Lake. Trevezant R. B., Batesville. M. D., N. O. school of med. ; membefl* med. soc. of Ark. Trotman G., Searcy. Tucker J. L., (m) Big Creek. Tucker .Tames, Poplar Bluff. Tucker T. O., Gainesville. Turner Henry H., Ozark. Member med. soc. of Franklin co. Turner A., Camden. Twiner Alfred K., Searcy. Twitty S. G., Lacy. Member med. soc. of Drew co. Upshaw W. T., La Grange. Vail G. L., (m) Cypress. Vance John R., (m) Rolling Prairie. Vanderguff R., Pocahontas. Vandivere George, (m) Bentonville. Van Ilaigh Arthur, Wellborn. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Louisville, 1853. Van Patten Philip, Wittsburg. M. D., med. de})’t univ. of Iowa, 1853; member med. soc. of Ark., med. soc. of Pulaski co. ; sec. board of health of Little Rock. Vaughn H. W., Sulphur Rock. Vaughn J. L., Little Rock. Vaughn S. W., Hot Spri/lgs. VeiserP., Austin. Vichey P. S., (U. S. A.) Little Rock. M. D., univ. of Mich. ; member med. soc. of Ark. Vicks T. A., Denmark. Vineyard J. H., Vineyard. Member med. soc. of Phillips co. Visart Edward, De Witt. M. D., Long Island coll, hosp., 1867. Viser J. A., Crowley. Wadkins William Jasper, Walnut Ridge. M. D., Cincinnati coll, of med., 1872. Wadler D. S., Calamine. Waely W. W., Augusta. Waite D. C., (m) Britton’s Station. Waldron T. M., Van Buren. Walker E. T., (m) Black Jack. Walker John Calvin, Calhoun. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of La., 1869; member med. soc. of Ark. Walker W. R., Washington. Treas. med. soc. of Hempstead co. Wall U., (m) Gainesville. Wall E., Little Rock. Wall Richard, (m) Grand Glaize. Wallace J. H., Atlanta. Wallace S., Wallaceburg. Wallace S., Washington. Member med. soc. of Hempstead co. Wallis J. H. P., (m) Mountain Home. Wallis S. R., Arkadelphia. Wamack , Pine Bluff. Ward J. A., Trenton. Ward W. T., Des Arc. Warden T. M., (m) Van Buren. Warren D. J., Galley Rock. Waters J. W., Evansville. Waters Z. L., (m) Salem. Watkins Clairborne, Little Rock. Member med. asso. of Ark., and Am. med. asso. Watkins J. A., Gravel Ridge. Watkins L. M., (m) Jonesboro’. Watkins William H., Jacksonport. Watson B. P., Connersville. Watson Robert, Newport. Weathers L. V., Arkadelphia. M. D., Jeff. med. coll. Weaver Joshua W., Rosston. Webb Elisha A., Liberty. Webb , Little Rock. Webster H. L. D., (h) Little Rock. Welch William Blackwell, Boonesboro’. M. I)., med. dep’t univ. ot Nashville, 1859 ; v.-i)re.s. med. soc. of Washington co. ; member med. asso. of Ark.; Am. med. asso., 1872; surg. confed. army 3i years. Welch W. G., Fayetteville. Well J. J., (m) Paroquette Bluff. Welton W. S., Forest City. Wells J. R., Powhatan. AFelsh W. R., (m) Augusta. West Crawford, Newport. Not a graduate. West P. C., Little Rock. West R. M., Clarendon. M. D., univ. of Louisville ; member med. soc. of Ark. West T. H., Fort Smith. Westbrook James T., (m) Bearfield Point. Westerfield J. H., Plummers ville. Whaley John C*, Shiloh. Whayne A. B., Camden. Whitaker A., Helena. M. D., univ. of La. ; member med. soc. of Ark. Whitall F. C. S., (m) Mariana. White A. P., Little Rock. White Cliarles H., Polk Bayou. White J. M. S., Searcy. White L. C., Van Buren. White Robert Henry, ( e) Pine Bluff. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Louisville, Ky.; mem- ber med. asso. of Pine Bluff ; co. phys. Whitesides T. B., Atkins. Member med. asso. of Ark. Whitmore J. J., (m) Centre Point. Whittemore J., T.ake Village. Widdington William, Gainesville. Wight W. F., Monticello. Wilkinson H. M., Little Rock. Williams C., (m) Powhatan. Williams D. S., Arkadelphia. Williams E. L., Searcy. Williams Edward Montgomery, Bell’s Store. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of La., 1869; member med. soc. of Nevada co. Williams ll. W., Atlanta. Williams J. A., (m) Brownstown. Williams J. B., (m) Pocahontas. Williams J. IL, Bell’s Store. Williams John S., Des Arc. Williams R. N., New Gascony. Williams A., (m) Sulphur Rock. Wilson C. R., Dardanelle. Wilson J. G., Camden. Wilson J. TL, (m) Ben Lomond. Wilson William C., Yellville. One course St. Louis med. coll. WIL ARKANSAS. YAR 45 AVilson W. W., Bentonville. ■VVinn 11. M., (m) Clarksville. "Wise J. C., Lewisville. Wolfe J. M., E^^ypt. Wolff J. 11., Nashville. Wormack A. L. J., Pine Bliilf. AVood H. B., (m) Augusta. AVood II. L>., Fayetteville. M. I)., St. Louis med. coll.; member med. soc. of A i-k . AA^ood J. O., (m) Spavinaw. AVood AV. AC, Hillsboro’. AAToods Harvey Benton, Walnut Grove. Not ii grmluate. AVC)ods J. E., Augusta. AA^'oodward P. S., Jacksonport. AVortham E., Pine Bluff. AVren D. AV,, Bushville. Wren Alonzo Dorsey, Clayton. H courses in med. de{)’t univ. of La. AVriglit B. r., Camden. Wright John, Brownsville. AVright J. G., Van Buren. AACight AVilliam Green, Pine Bluff. M. 1)., med. dep’t univ. of La., 1850; v.-pres. med. soc. of Pulaski co., 1873. Wylie John Elder, (h) Princeton. M. D., univ. of Nashville, 1860. AVynne AV. L., Alma. AVyse Thomas II., (e) Gainesville. Not a graduate. Yancy J. M., (m) Dover. Yarbrough AV. II., Mariana. M. A. ; M. D., Ohio med. coll., 1839. I HISTORY AND GEOGRAPHY OF CALIFORNIA. “ The name California is first found in the worthless romance^‘ Las Sergas of Esplan- dian,’ the son of Amadis of Gaul, written by Garcia Ordonez de Montaloo, and first printed in 1510.” Here it is applied to an island “ on the right-hand of the Indies.” The name next occurs in “ the Memoir of Bernal Diaz del Castillo, who served with Cortes in tlie conquest of Mexico.” He writes : “ Cortes again set sail from Santa Cruz, and discovered the coast of California.” “ The California referred to above is the peninsula of that name, generally known as lanver California, and the date, 1535.” — U. S. Coast Pilot of California, p. 78. Sir Francis Drake visited the country in 1579, and called it “ New Albion ; ” a copy of an old map (1795) lies before us, in which it is called by that name. About the year 1603, Sebastian Viscaino took possession of San Diego and Monterey in the name of Philip HI., of Spain, but the Spaniards did not colonize there until about the year 1768. Wlien Mexico became a republic, California was made one of lier Territories, and by the treaty with that power, February 2, 1848, it was added to the United States as a Territory, becoming a State, September 9, 1850. California attracted very little attention before the discovery of gold in 1848, but greater effect was never produced by tlie magic lamp of Oriental tale, tlian that whicli followed wlien the cry of gold ! gold ! rang tlirougli the land. The total yield of gold, to the year 1873, is about $1,050,000,000, but the State does not depend upon gold for her immense wealth ; nature seems to have emptied her cornucopia upon it. Silver, mercury, lead, tin, zinc, and coal abound ; agate, cornelian, topaz, and diamond are occasionally found. Tlie grandest trees in the world are found here, some of these giants attaining the height of 450, and a diameter of 40 feet. All vegetables and fruits grow to a size unknown in most parts of the world ; the State, embracing as it does every kind of soil and climate, yields all the products of the temperate, and many of the semi-tropical and tropical i-egions. The Sierras and the Coast Mountains constitute the most prominent geographical and topo- graphical feature of the State. The Sierras attain a height of from 2000 to 15,000 feet above the level of the sea, towering high up into the regions of perpetual snow. It is among these grand mountains that the traveller seeks the wonders of the Yosemite, peaks of beauty, lakes like mirrors ; falls, the height of which make Niagara to appear as a pigmy ; the “ Bridal Veil hangs from Phonos’ brow,” 940 feet; the Yosemite itself appearing to fall from the clouds, falling as it does from the height of 2600 feet. The Sacramento and the San Joaquin rivers drain the great central valley between the Sierra Nevada and the Coast Range, while the Klamath and Salinas are the largest rivers emptying into the Pacific. There are also several lakes of considerable size. The State covers an area of 188,981 square miles, has 970 miles of sea-coast line, and has a population, according to the last census (1870), of 582,031 ; the number of pliysicians and surgpons being, according to the same census, 1257. Phthisis is the cause of fourteen pey cent, of the annual number of deaths. A comparison of three places of invalid resort, Mentone (France), Aiken (South Carolina), and Anaheim (in Southern California), for the months of December, January, and February, Ims been made by Francis S. Miles, of New York. He says that, at Anaheim, an invalid could have been out of doors all day during eighty-one days, and would have been confined in doors, by bad weather, nine days. At Mentone, there were sixty-seven fair days, and twenty-three bad days ; and at Aiken, fifty-three fair, and thirty-seven bad days. Thd average temperature at Anaheim, during the three winter months, was 6P ; at Mentone, 48 JO ; and at Aiken, 530. 46 CALIFORNIA. 47 MINERAL SPRINGS OF CALIFORNIA. ALKALINE WATERS. Congress Springs, Santa Clara county. These Springs can be reached by the Central Pacific Railroad, from San Francisco to San Jose, forty-seven miles, thence twelve miles by stage. If the following analysis be correct, the water of these Springs is an alkaline- chalybeate water. One pint contains (50*^ Fahr.) : SOLIDS. Carbonate of Sodium Carbonate of Iron Carbonate of Calcium Qiloride of Sodium ANALYSIS. GRAINS. 15.418 1.753 2.161 14.894 SOLIDS. GRAINS. Sulphate of Sodium 1.517 Silica, Alumina, and trace of Magnesia... 6.235 Tohd 41.978 The water is said to be very agreeable to the taste, and it is bottled and sold throughout the State. The hotel is of the same name as the Springs. California Seltzer Springs. — Persons desiring to reach these Springs will take the steamer from San Francisco to Petaluma, thence by Central and Northern Pacific Railroad to Cloverdale, thence by stage, twelve miles, to the Springs, which are in Mendocino county. The waters of these Springs are said to be of service in dyspepsia, and in some diseases of the liver and bladder. One pint contains (F. A. Bauer) : SOLIDS. Carbonate of Sodium Carbonate of Magnesium Carbonate of Calcium Carbonate of Iron ANALYSIS. GRAINS. . 4.61 . 5.<5 . 8.80 . trace. SOLIDS. Chloride of Sodium.. Silicic Acid Total GRAINS. . 2.15 trace. 21.21 Ca.s — carbonic acid, abundant (1871). Guests can be accommodated at the Fountain House. SULPHUR WATERS. Piedmont Springs are beautifully situated, three miles distant from Oakland. The waters possess the usual taste of sulphur waters, and are said to prove aperient. They have not been analyzed. There are abundant hotel accommodations. The White Sulphur Springs are in Napa county, twelve miles by rail from Calistoga Springs. The waters have not been analyzed. The hotel has the name of the ‘‘Springs.” Vallejo White Sulphur Springs.— These Springs are four miles from Vallejo, in Solano county. No analysis has, as yet, been made of the waters. Hotel — “ Springs.” CHALYBEATE WATERS. Pry’s Soda Spring is in Siskiyou county, and, when the Oregon Railroad is finished, will be very easy of access ; but, at present, about ninety miles of travel must be performed by stage. The water of this Spring, from the amount of iron and of carbonic-acid-gas it contains, might be called an iron-soda water. The temperature of the water is about G2^ Fahrenheit. The region in which this Spring is found is exceedingly attractive to the traveller, being situated at the bottom of the canon of the Upper Sacramento, over 2300 feet above the level of the sea. Mount Shasta, 14,440 feet high, is but a short distance off, and persons visiting the Spring, in July or August, can easily procure guides, and make the ascent. Accommodation — “ Fry’s Soda-Spring Hotel.” THERMAL WATERS. Calistoga Hot Springs are in Napa county, and are reached by the Napa Valley Rail- road, from Vallejo. For the analysis of one of these springs, see page 50. The number of these Springs is about sixty, and their temperature varies from lOOO 195^. The waters are used almost exclusively for bathing, tanks being constructed for the social bath, and for private use ; hot vapor and mineral-mud baths are also employed. The waters are said to be effective in gout, paralysis, rheumatism, lead-poisoning, and many other diseases. Here will be found the “ Calistoga Springs Hotel,” and the “ Mountain House.” 43 CALIFORNIA. Five miles southwest of this place are found the prostrate remains of a vast forest of gi|[^antic trees, which, in geologic times, and, it is supposed, by being covered by siliceous- alkaline waters, have been converted into stone. This wonder of nature is called the Petrified Forest. The Geysers are situated in Sonoma county, and are reached by stage, twenty-eight miles from Calistoga. Among all the wonders of this most wonderful State, the Geyser Canon is far from being the least. We must refer the reader to works descriptive of this great country; for we can do little more than give an outline of its marvels. The imagination of a Dante could scarcely picture a more infernal region enclosed within one of beauty. Tiie Canon is about half a mile long, and from fifteen to th.irty feet in width ; its grand s'des lift themselves, at an angle of 45°, to the height of HOO feet. The bottom of this vast chasm is covered with boiling,.bubbling, hissing springs; jets of hot water and of steam ; cones of extinct geysers, incrustations of iron, sulphur, and other minerals. There are about a hundred different springs; we will give the names of a few of them." The Alum and Iron Spring^ with a temperature of 97^, and almost saturated with iron. The Medicated Geyser Bath., not quite so warm as the last. The Boiling Ahem and. Sulphur Spring, having a’ temperature of over 150°. The Black Sulphur; the Epsom Salts; the iloilihg Black Sulphur ; the Witches’ Caldron, with a diameter of seven feet and an un- known dei)th ; the Intermittent Scalding Spring, whose jets of hot water sometimes rise fifteen feet in the air ; the Steamboat Geyser ; the Devil’s Inkstand, with water as black as, and may be used as a substitute for, ink ; the Alkali I.(ake ; the Boiling Eye-water Spring; the Indian S])ring ; and, near the “Geyser Hotel,” the Acid Spring, whose water is sweetened and used as lemonade. The water of a number of these springs is used for all varieties of baths, but we do n-" t know of their having been used internally for medicinal purposes. Paso Robles Hot Springs.— These Springs are situated in San Tmis Obispo county, aiid are twenty-seven miles north of the town of the same name, from which they may i'le reached by stage. From the analysis, by Professor Thomas Price, of the waters, it will be seen that they resemble the noted waters of Aix-la-Chapelle in Rhenish Prussia. Their properties are laxative, diuretic and alterative, and are considered to be of serviite in chronic rheumatism, gout, some diseases of the skin, and many other infirmities. The conveniences are, as yet, few ; the “ Paso Robles Hotel ’* accommodates guests, and there are two swimming baths. ANALYSIS. ONE PINT CONTAINS. Main Spring. 112° Fahr. Mnd Spring. 122° Fahr. Solids. Grains. Gniins. Carbonate of Sodium 3.664 0.543 Carbonate of Magnesium 0.057 0.323 Chloride of Sodium 2.830 10.047 Sulphate of Potassium 0.092 trace. Sulphate of Sodium 0.818 4.281 Sulphate of Calcium 0.334 1.864 Protoxide of Iron 0.037 Iodides and Bromides traces. Alumina 0.023 0.046 0.116 Organic matter 0.171 0.361 Total 8.072 17.535 GASES. cubic in. cubic in. Carbonic Acid 2.31 10.53 Sulph uretted Hydrogen saturated. saturated. Santa Barbara Hot Sulphur Springs.— These Springs, seven in number, are situated in Santa Barbara county, four miles from the town of that name. The traveller will find “ Sulphur Springs Hotel” at the Springs, or he may be accommo. dated in the town. The water of these Springs varies from 60° to 130° Fahrenheit ; the qualities of the different Springs also varies, but no analysis has been made. The diseases in which these waters are found to be of service are the same as those mentioned when speaking of the Paso Robles Springs. Santa Barbara has obtained some celebrity as a place of resort for invalids, the climate being such that there is no day in the year in which the invalid may not be out in the open air. ^ About half a mile from the shores near Santa Barbara, out in the ocean, there is an immense spring of petroleum, the product of which floats on the surface of the water, covering it for several miles in all directions. CALIFORNIA. id Agua Caliente ; or, Warner’s Ranch Springs.— These hot sulphur Springs are about fifty miles northeast of San Diego. They are not at present used by the wliites for medicinal purposes, but the Indians have made such use of them for a long period. San Bernardino Hot Springs. — These Springs are situated about five miles from the town of Sail Bernardino, where visitors must find accommodations, for there are none at the Springs. The temperature varies from 108° to 172° Fahrenheit, and the water is said to contain carbonate of calcium, silica, magnesia, alumina, oxide of iron and phosphoric acid. Skaggs’s Hot Springs may be reached from Petaluma by rail to Healdsburg, thence, twenty miles by stage, to Springs. The Springs vary in temperature and in mineral con- stituents ; the Spring nearest the “ Skaggs’s Spring Hotel ” contains sulphur, iron and borax ; while a second contains iron, manganese, sulphur, and soda ; the chief constituent in another is iron. Gilroy Hot Springs are in Santa Clara county, and are connected with Gilroy by a stage. line. Hotel — “ Gilroy Springs.” The water has not been analyzed. Lake Tahoe Hot Springs. — A stage runs from Truckee on the Central Pacific Railroad to Springs. The Springs are situated on the borders of the lake at the height of 6500 feet above the level of the sea. UNCLASSIFIED WATERS. The Alabaster Cave Spring is in El Dorado county, ten miles from Folsom, on the Sacramento Valley Railroad. This Spring is in a most beautiful cave, consisting of several immense halls, draped with alabaster stalactites of all colors. One is here reminded of some of the wonderful underground palaces of the vivid imagination displayed in the tales of the Arabian Nights.” We do not know of this spring having been used for medicinal purposes. Summit Soda Springs.— These Springs are near Summit Station, on the Central Pacific Railroad, in Alpine county. This is thought to be a chalybeate water highly charged with carbonic acid gas. These Springs are 7000 feet above the sea, and are chiefly visited on account of the pure mountain air. The Tuscan Springs may be reached from Sacramento by way of the Oregon Division of the Central Pacific Railroad to Tehama, thence by stage. Springs are in Shasta county. Their waters are said to be of service in rheumatic and syphilitic diseases. They contain chloride of sodium, carbonate of sodium, borax, salts of lime. Sulphuretted and carbon- uretted hydrogen are given off, collected and used as fuel for heating the water under the steam baths. Vichy Springs are in Santa Clara county twelve miles from San Jose. For the analysis of one of these springs, see page 50. Bartlet Springs are in Colusa county, and are not easy of access. Their waters have not been analyzed. Adams’ Spring is in Lake county. For the analysis of this spring, see page 50. Napa Soda Springs are in Napa county, and may be reached by stage from Napa City. The waters of these Springs are bottled and sold throughout the State. Harbines Springs, in Lake county, are connected by a stage line with Calistoga. Analysis — none. Ilolel — “■ Harbines Spring.” San Rafael Springs.— A line of steamboats connect these Springs with San Francisco. The waters have not been analyzed. Crystal Springs are about twenty miles from San Mateo in the county of the same name. THE MEDICAL INSTITUTIONS OF CALIFORNIA. 1. Medical College of the Pacific.— This school of medicine lately formed the Medical Department of the University of the Pacific (organized in 1858), and now forms the Medical Department of the University College, popularly known as the “ City College,” from its location in the heart of the City of San Francisco. A “ Preliminary Course ” of lectures is given, commencing in January, and the “ Regular Course ” commences on the first Monday in .Tune, of each year, continuing five months. This school has a full corps of profe.ssors (9), and po.sSesses ample means for clinical instruction. The alumni of this college number fifty-four. The fees are : matriculation $5 ; professors’ fees $130 ; graduation, $40 ; demon- strator’s ticket, $10. Students of Theology attending this college have free access to the medical lectures. 2. Toland Medical College.— This institution has lately transferred its property to tho University of California, and now forms the Medical Department of the University of California. 53 CALIFORNIA. HOSPITALS AND INFIRMARIES. HOSPITALS OF SAN FRANCISCO. City and County Hospital. — This hospital has been constructed on an entirely differ- ent plan from that usually in vogue. Several individual structures, built of wood with brick foundation, most of them at a considerable distance from each other, but connected by a long covered corridor, unite to form the hospital. During the year 1872, tliere were 2611 admissions; and the average number in the hospi- tal at any one time was 290. The hospital is situated in the midst of a ten-acre lot, on rising ground, in the southern portion of the city, and has been occupied since September, 1872. The San Francisco Alms-house has 500 beds, and several hundred disabled and super- annuated poor are here provided for. A Small-pox Hospital and a Chinese Hospital also belong to the city. The German Hospital is a fine brick structure, accommodating about 130 patients. There are but two wards in the hospital, each containing ten beds ; the remaining rooms being designed for one or two ])atients only. The charges, including medical attendance, are $2 i)er day. with from fifty cents to $1.50 extra for private rooms, it desired. The French Hospital is under the care of the Societe Frangaise de Bienfaisance !Mutuelle.” The hospital is a large brick building, accommodating 170 j)atients. The charges are $2 per day for ward patients, and $3 for those desiring private rooms. St. Mary’s Hospital is a very large brick structure, with most excellent interior arrange- ments. Tliere are 180 beds; some in the wards and othei’S in jirivate rooms. Charges; jiatients in wards, $10 per week, occupying private rooms, $20. This hospital is under the care of the Sisters of Mercy. Italian Hospital. Erected by the Italian Benevolent Society. It is a two-story brick building, accommodating forty patients. The charges are the same as those of the French Hospital. The United States Marine Hospital was so injured by the earthquake in 1862, that it had to be vacated. It was built to accommodate 800 patients. The buildings formerly occu- pied as a Deaf, Dumb, and Blind Asylum are now used as a Marine Hospital. The California Woman’s Hospital, receiving only those with diseases peculiar to women, has nineteen beds. The San Francisco Woman’s Hospital, is a general hospital for females, who are here treated gratuitously. The number of beds is twenty-five. The Foundling Hospital and Lying-in- Asylum, receives women during confinement, and takes care of foundlings. It provides a room for each pregnant female, of which it can accommodate twenty-one. Saint Luke’s Hospital, under the care of the Episcopal Churches, is designed for the poor of that denomination, and contains twenty beds. For the above information, in regard to the Hospitals of San Francisco, we are indebted to Dr. Henry Gibbons, Jr., of that city. We have been unable to collect information regard- ing the hospitals in other parts of the State. There is a State Hospital for the Insane at Stockton, and also one at Napa, and an Insti- tution for the Deaf, Dumb, and Blind, near Oakland, which is a first-class institution in every respect, and will accommodate 150 unfortunates. MEDICAL SOCIETIES OF CALIFORNIA. SOCIETIES. MEETS AT State Soc i e ty S ac i*a ni e n to .. A lined a county Oakland Butte county Chico IT uinbolt county Eureka !Monterey county IMonterey Santa Clara county San .lose Yolo county Woodland.... San Joaquin county Stockton Los Angeles county Los Angeles. Sacramento Soc. for Med. Inip’t No. Dist. Med. Soc. (cos. of Butte, j Colusa, Sutta, Tehama and > Marysville... Yuba) j racific Med. Soc. (cos. of Naj^a, Sol- 1 -Nr., „ ano, Sonoma and Contra Costa.) J b ^ ^ San Diego county San Diego.... San Francisco German Med. Society of San Francisco.., Sau Francisco Med. Benevolent Society r REST DENT. SECRETARY. A. B. Ni.xon G. G. Tyrell. C. S. Kittridste. W. Fitch nccv. O. B. Payne.' S. M. Archer. W. S. Thorne. T. W. Ros.s. T. W. Todd. T. S. Stanwav. T. W. Hatch, Jr. A. B. Caldwell. M. B. Pond. D. B. Hoffman H. Gibbons, Jr. D. Cohn. J. T. Crook. CALIFORNIA. 51 THE MEDICAL LAWS OF CALIFORNIA. The coroner or other person holding an inquest may summon a physician or surgeon to attend, and inspect the body, or make a chemical analysis of the contents of the stomacli, and give a professional opinion of the cause of deceased’s death. A physician who has professionally attended, as a witness, an inquest; trial of one charged with murder or manslaughter ; or an examination to test the insanity of a ])erson. shall receive for his services a reasonable compensation, on examination by the Hoard of Supervisoi-s, upon the written certificate of the court or ofiicer requiring his services as to the extent and value of them. This certificate, however, is not conclusive as to the amount of compensation.— Acf Ftb. 8tJu 1872, Statues of Cal., ]). 81. At every examination to test the insanity of any person, two or more persons best ac- quainted with the alleged lunatic, and also two physicians, must be summoned to attend. The idivsicians must hear the testimony of the witnesses and also make a personal exami- nation of the alleged insane person. If, after hearing testimony and making an examina- tion, they believe the person to be dangerously insane, they shall make out a certificate, showing,^ as near as possible, 1st. That the person is so far disordered in his mind as to en- danger health, person, or ])roperty ; 2d. The sym])toms, ap])a]-ent cause, or class of insanity, and the duration and condition of the disease ; 3d. The nativity, age, residence, occupation and ])revious habits of the person; 4th. The place from whence the person came, and the length of his residence in this State. This certificate must be made in the form prescribed i)y, and, if they can be had, upon blanks furnished by, the Medical Superintendent of the Asvlinn. The ])hysicians wdio attend each examination are allowed five dollars each, to be ])aid by the treasurer of the county wdiere the examination w^as held, on the order of the Board of Sunervisors. — Political Code, ch. 3d, §2210, etc. Tiie vaccine agent must kee]) on hand a supply of genuine vaccine matter, approved by the State Board of Health, and must furnish the same to any regular practicing physician in good standing in his lu’ofession in this State. The agent is entitled to receive five dollars for each parcel furnished by him. — Ibid. § 2003. etc. All ])hysicians must keep a registry of the births they attend professionally, stating the time of the birth ; the sex, race and color of the child, and the names and residences of the ]iarents. They must also keep a registry of the deaths of all i)ersons whom they have attended in their last illness, stating the name, age, residence and time of death. Physicians must file quarterly with the county recorder a certified co])y of their register of births and deaths, wdiich must specify, as accurately as may be ascertained, the name in full, age, occu])ation, term of residence' in the city or county, birth-place, condition (married or single), race, color, and last i)lace of residence and cause of death of all decedents. — Ibul. §3(375, etc. The person who reports births and deaths to the recorder must pay him twenty-live cents for recording each name, which fee must primarily be paid by the parents or next of kin of the iierson wiiose birth or death is reported. If no fee is paid to the person making the ]’eport, the recorder’s fees must be paid by the Board of Supervisors from the general fund of the county. — Ibid. §3081. Physicians must, on or before the fourth day of every month, make a report, upon blanks furnished by the Board of Health, to the health ofiicer, of all births, deaths and number of still-born children, which have occurred in their practice during the preceding month. — Ibid. § .3024. No human body can be interred in the city or county of San Francisco without a physi- cian’s or coroner’s certificate, setting forth the name, age, color, sex, place of birth, date, place and cause of death of deceased. Physicians are obliged to give such certificate wiien deaths occur in their practice. — Ibid. § 3025. Any person w^ho fails or neglects to ])erform any duty imposed by these sections is liable to a. penalty of fifty dollars. — Ibid. § 3082. The sheriff, coroner, keeper of a county poor-house, public hospital, county jail, or State prison, must surrender the dead bodies of such ])ersons as require to be buried at tlie ])ublic ex|)ense to any ])hysician or surgeon in this State, or medical students under the autliority of any physician or surgeon, to be used for the advancement of anatomical science, i)refer- ence being given always to medical schools by huv established in the State. But, if deceased, during his last illness, requested to be buried; or if, within twenty-four hours after his death, his friends or kindred recpiested to have the body buried ; or if deceased w^as a stranger or traveller wdio died suddenly before making himself known, the remains shall be buried without dissection. Every physician or surgeon, before he receives a dead body, must give to the board or officer surrendering the same to him a certificate from the medical society of the county where he resides, or, if there is none, from the Board of Supervisors, that he is a fit i)erson to receive it. He must also give bond, with two sureties, that the remains shall be used by liim for the promotion of anatomical science, and in this State only, and so as in no event to outrage public feeling— Po?. Code, ch. 4, § 3093, etc. Every physician wlio, in a state of intoxication, does any act, as a pliysician, by which the life of another person is endangered, is guiltv of a misdemeanor. — Penal Code, § 346. 4 CALIFORNIA. Every person who provides for, or administers to, any pregnant woman, or procures such woman to take any medicine, drug or substance, or uses any instrument or other means whatever, with intent thereby to procure the miscarriage of such woman — unless such treatment is necessary to preserve her life — is punishable by imprisonment in the State prison not less than two or more than five years.— i7>i(L ^ 274. Every person who mutilates, disinters, or removes from the place of sepulture any human body, without authority of huv, unless it is done for the purpose of reinterment, is guilty of felony. Any person who removes any part of a dead human body with intent to sell or dis- sect it, without authority of law, or from malice or wantonness, is punishable by imprison- ment in State prison not exceeding five years. — Ibid. 1 290, etc. Every apothecary, druggist, or person carrying on business as a dealer ir drugs or medi- cines, or person employed as clerk or salesman by such person, who, in putting up any drugs or medicines, or making up any prescriptions, or filling any order for drugs or medicines, wilfully, negligently or ignorantly, omits to label the same, or puts an untrue label, stamp, or other designation of contents upon any box, bottle, or other package containing any drugs, etc., or substitutes a different article for any article prescribed or ordered, or ])ut8 up a greater or less quantity of any article than tliat prescribed or ordered, or otherwise deviates from the terms of the prescription or order which he undertakes to follow, in con- sequence of wliich human life or health is endangered, is guilty of a misdemeanor, or, if death ensues, is guilty of a felony. — Ibid. 1 380. CALISTOGA HOT SPRINGS. One gallon contains : SOLIDS. Chloride of Sodium Chloride of Calcium Carbonate of Sodium Sulphate of Sodium Sulphate of Magnesium GASES. Sulphuretted Hydrogen Gas, -ANALYSIS. GRAINS. SOLIDS. 22.250 . 3.263 , 3.406 , 1.616 , 0.466 Silica Alumina.... Total GRAINS. . 6.500 . trace .37.501 CUB. IN. 3.271 ADAMS’ SPRINGS. One gallon contains : SOLIDS. Carbonate of Calcium Carbonate of Magnesium. Carbonate of Sodium Carbonate of Iron Chloride of Sodium Silica ANALYSIS. GRAINS. SOLIDS. ,28.714 Organic Matter. 99 022 Potash .57.036 Nitric Acid . .517 . 4.112 Total . 7.218 ORAixa . 2.811 ,. trace. .. trace .199.430 VICHY SPRING. One quart contains : SOLIDS. Carbonic Acid Bicarbonate of Sodium.. Bicarbonate of Calcium, Oxide of Iron Sulphate of Calcium ANALYSIS. GRAINS. ... 28.2 ... 50.3 ... 8.0 ... 1.2 ... 10.5 SOLIDS. Sulphate of Magnesium. Chloride of Sodium Silicate Total GRAINS. ... 3.0 ... 8 .rof. obstet. and clinical dis. of women med. dep’t univ. of Cal. ; local sec. anthrojiological soc. of London ; — editor “ N. VVestern Lancet.” Coon IT. P., 435 California st. A^.-])res. univ. coll., 1873. Coryell John R., 621 Clay st. 53 54 COX CAUFORNIA. JON Cox T. TT., 47 Minna st. Craii? William, 2*^9 Kearny st. Crook John T., 204 Montgomery st. Sec. San Francisco ined. l)enev. soc. Cummings K. W., Sacramento st. Cushing Clinton. Prof, obstet. and diseases of women and children in nied. coll, ot Pacific, 1(S73. Cushing J. J., (hi 319 Geary st. Davis O. (h, 30 Geary st. Davis 11. !>.. Stockton st. Dayton E., 1211 P^olsom st. Dean Eeniamin D., 33 Kearny st. Denicke D. F., 418 Kinirny st. Dinsmore J. Pitman, (h) 14 O’Farrell st. Dolirman William, 53o Pryant st. Dorr T.,. L.. 33 Kearny st. Douglass William A., 120 O’Farrell st. Deiuonstrator of anat., ined. col. of Pacific, 1873. Echeverris F., 1007 Stockton st. Egleston G. W., (e) 430 Bnsh st. Ehrenberg Theodore A., 210 Kearny st. Mend) ‘r soc. ofCJeriiian gbvs. * Ellen wood Ciiarles X., 71 o C’ay st. M. 1)., Hush tncd. c(dl., 1858; ])rof. physiology ined. coll, of Pacific, 1873. Elliott S. F., 724 AVashington st. Elliott T. AV., 1010 Mission st. Eiiglehai't L., 323 Kearny st. Favor Kimbel, 131 Third st. Eerrer 1 1., 112 Kearny st. Fish II. M. M. D., ined. coll, of Pacific, 1873. Fish M. AAk Prof. ])Iiysiology Tocmd nied. coll. Fiske Henry M., 052 Market st. A. b., univ. (»f St. ('harlei"., 1843 :*AI. D., med. dep’t univ. of St. Charles and med. coll, of Pacific; mend)er med. soc. of San Francisco co. ; v.-pres. med. soc. of Amador co. ; member med. soc. of Floto John TI., 402 Kearny st. Forlies C. F., (h) 010 California st. Forbes L., P. M. S. S. -o. Formes L. P., 220 O’ Farrell st. Frazer E. J., (h) 305 Kearny st. Garwood AA^'iHiam T., 520 Kearny st. AI. n., med. coll, of Paciiic, 1864. Gates Horatio S., 520 IMerchant st. (Tates V. B., 209 Geary st. Gautier L. P.. 102 Geary st. Geary J. F., (h) 032 Howard st. Gerlach George, 737 Howard st. Gerry S. R.. 102 Geary st. Gibbons Henry, Sri, 20 Montgomery st. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Pa., 1829; member med. soc. of San Francisco ; pres. med. soc. of Cal., 1873; pres. State board of health ; member Cal. aead. of science; prof, princ. and prac. of med., med. coll, of Pacific; — sen. ed. “ Pacific Med. and SnrIiys. city and county hosj). 14 years. Horner C. AV., cor. Hyde and Sutter sts. Howard Frank II. AI. D., med. coll, of Pacific, 1870. Howe A. J., 715 Clay st, Hubbard II. II., 5 Kearny st. M. D., med. dei)’t univ. of La., 1854; member board of health, San Francisco, 1870, Huie George W., cor. 4th and Mission sts. M. I)., med. dep’t univ. of Penn., 1848. Humphrey P. H., X. AV. corner Geary and Kearny sts. Hutchins C. B., 222 Post st. Hyams Leopold, 659 Clay st. Ingerson II. II., (h) 319 Geary st. JenksG. IE, (h) Pacific st. Jolinston AV. D. M. D., med. coll, of Pacific, 1871. Johnson AV. E., 136 Geary st. Johnson AV. II., 630 Sacramento st. Adjunct prof, of obstet. and diseases of women and children, and curator of museum of Toland med. coll. Jones A. E., Shat well near Nineteenth sts. KAF CALIFORNIA. STA 55 - Kafka John, 531 California st. Kane Francis P., Hayes’ Valley. Keane J. B., 619 Green st. Keeney C. O., (U. S. A.) 106 O’Farrell st. Keeney James W., 562 Folsom st. I)., nied. coll, of Pacific, 1872. Kelley E., 705 Howard st. Kendall C. B., Hayes st. Ken>v)n G. C., St. Mary’s Hospital. Knowles S. A. M. I)., nicd coll, of Pacific, 1871. Kunkler John E., 514 Kearny st. M. I)., ined. coll, of Pacific, 18G3. Lane Levi C., 664 Missouri st. Jleinber iiied. soc. of Cal. ; jirof. surj^crr, snrg. aiiat. and clinical .surg. in ined. coll, of Pacific. Lane Wm. Thomas, Kentucky n, Butler st. M. D., 8t. Louis ined. coll., 1845; member med. soc. of St. Louis, Mo. J.,atliroi) G. A., 328 Bush st. Lawler William M., C. & C. Hospital. Laycock E. IT., 15 Stockton st. J^edyard W. E., 554 Seventeeittli st. Lenikuhl H., 509 Kearny st. Lenglield A. L. M. D., med. coll, of Pacific, 1871. :McCallister W. F., P. M. S. S. co. [McClure A. T., 608 Market sC McCormick Charles, 106 O’Farrell st. McElroy J. G., Marine Hospital. klcKeelian J. L., 22 Leavenworth street. [McLay G. B., IMissouri st. McLean J. T., 1011 Bush st. McMillan Robert, 622 AYashington st. [McXulty J. M., 33 Kearny st. [^IcNutt AVilliam F., 135 Kearny st. McPherson M., X. corner Missouri and Twelfth sts. [Maccary G., 1020 Stockton st. Macintosh Robert, 504 Stockton st. [Mailed! Gustav, 25 Stockton st. [Manning George, 655 Howard st. Martinache X.' J., 34 Third st. Martineaut A. D., Kearny st. Maxwell Richard T., 135 Kearny st. [Mooklar James P., 98 Fourth st. Moore C. AV., 652 Market st. [Moore J. M., 410 Kearny st. Mouser B. T., Kearny st. ‘ Moiiser Silas Mercer, 235 Kearny st. M. D., Willoughby med. coll., 1847 ; Starling n>ed. coll., 1848; phy.s. in charge of San Francisco small-]!Ox and ejiidemic hosj)., 1862; phys. to ladies’ relief and jirotection soc. for care of chil- dren, 10 years. Murphy James, 659 Clay st. Murpliy Robert AV., Kearny st. AI. D., Bellevue hosp. med. coll., 1871 ; member med. .soc. of Cal. Murray Robert, 747 Market st. Newall AA^illiam A., 632 Missouri st. Xewmark Valentine, 1805 Powell st. Xuttall R. K., 310 Geary st. Oliver Richard, Australian S. S. O’Xeil Alexander A., 652 AVashingtou st. Prof. anat. Poland coll. Pardee E. H., 731 Clay st. Parry Isaac, 759 Market st. Parsons Ed., 55 Second st. Paugh AV. J., 1511 Stockton st. Peabody AV. F., Clay st. Pease G. M,, 10 Ellis st. Perraut Julien, (m) 413 Kearny st. Perrin R. J., 109 Montgomery st. AI. D., med. coll, of Pacific, 1862. Pigne-Dupeytren J. B., 424 Sutter st. Pinching R. L., 4 Montgomery st. Plummer Richard H., 664 Missouri st. AI. D., Poland med. coll., 1866; member med. .soo, of Cal. Poulson P. AV., (h) 523 Kearny st Powers G. IL, Clay st. Prevost J. R., Sutter st. Price Thomas. Prof, chein. and toxicology med. coll, of Pacific. Pritchard M., Fourth st. Randle P. AV. AI. D., med. deji’t Shurtleff univ. of 111., 1840; ceni'Or med. soc.^of Cal. Raymond Lee Chester, 525 Folsom st. Al. D., Bellevue hosp. med. coll., 1867 ; member Lake Shore med. soc., O.; ass’fc surg. Avomeu’s hosj).. Cal. Rpgensberger A. E., Geary st. Ri^e John R., 739 Howard st. Richter Max. Riley L. K., 134 Fourth st. Rinehart M., Folsom st. Robertson Elisha E., Folsom st. Al. I)., mod. dep’t univ. of I-acific, 1864; member med. soc. of t'al. ; late county phys. <:f hosp., Calaveras co. ; phys. for county j-rison and insane. Robertson J. B., Sixtli st. Rogers H. I)., 523 Kearny st. Rogers Jolin P., 204 Montgomery st. Rogers L. O., 128 F'onrtli st. Rosenstein J., Keai-ny st. Rotttinzi A., cor. Third and Folsom sts. Rottmjin AVilliain. Rowell Charles, 426 Kearny st. AL D., med. coll, of Pacific, 1861. Rowell Chester, 520 Kearny st. AI. D., med. coll, of Pacific, 1870. Ryer AA^ashington M., 408 Cttlifornin st. ' AL D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1845. Sage C. T., 212 California st. Sawtelle C. M., 756 Folsom st. Sawyer A. F., 23 Getny st. Sclilatter C. If., P. M. S. “Granada.” Schmidt Ed., 652 Market st. Scott Jolin G., 22 Kearny st. Seaton J. H. Sharkey James M.,634 Washington st. Sliorb j. Campbell, 316 Sutter st. Simpson James, Sutter st. AL D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1855; member med. soc. J Cal. Smith AV. F., 313 Bush st. Sobey A. L., 531 Valencia st. Soule Artemas G., 822 Howard st. AL D., Berkshire med. coll., 1846, and BelleTue hosp. mod. coll.. 1864 ; member med. soc. of CaL Soule Millau, P. M. S. S. co. Stallard J. 11., 110 Kearny st. 56 STE CALIFORNIA. ZEl Steele C. H., P. M. S. S. co. Stewart A. J., 110 Kearny st. Stillinan J. D., 823 Market st. • Stout Arthur B., 26 Ellis st. D., coll. phys. aiul surg., N. Y., 1837 ; member med. soc. of San Francisco ; med. soc. of Cal. Stowell C. C., 742 Howard st. Sturges F. D., P.M. S. S. co. Sullivan James S., 850 Market st. Swan Benjamin Ralph, 23 Geary st. M. I)., coll, of i)hys. and surg. of N. Y., 1868 : mem- ber med. soc. of Saa Francisco. Tallon J. E., U. S. A., Black Point. Taylor E. B. M. D., I'oland med. coll., 1865. Taylor W. O., 94 Merchant st. Tewkesbury Jacob M., 519 Third st. Ti.oinas F. II., 736 Geary st. Tibbitt Stephen M., 931 Howard st. Todd D. B., U. S. Marine Hospital. Toland Charles, 27 Naglee’s Building. Prosector to chair of snrg. Tolaml rued. coll. Toland H. H., S. W. cor. Montgomery and Market sts. Prof, of princii)les and practice of surg. Toland med. coll . ; member med. soc. of Cal. Trask Edward. Trenkle Emil, 762 Missouri st. Tvvitchell William L., 516 Sixteenth st. Valencia D., 1109 Stockton st. Van Loehr F., 614 Sacramento st. Vansant John, 933 Sutter st. Van Vlack G. J., 812 Howard st. Wagner J., 516 Sixteenth st. Wagner John, 224 Kearny st. Wayman Williard (i., 16 Geary st. Webb J. P., N. E. cor. Montgomery and Howard sts. Welges L., Market st. Whitney dames D., l 04 Sutter st. * J\i. i)., med. etdl. or pjieifie, 1863. Wilhelm August, 1121 Valencia st. i^rcs. soc. uf liermaii phys. Willey Jolin M., 1019 Folsom st. Wilson J. H., 2200 Pine st. AV''ilson M. F., (h) 926 Missouri st. Wilson M. T., (h) Turk st. Wiss (4., 636 Green st. Wooster David, 208 Kearny st. Worth S., 305 Kearny st. Wozen craft O. M., P. M. S. S. co. Wythe W. T., 759 Market st.. iNi. 1)., med. dep’t Willamette uuiv., 1867; mem- ber Am. med. asso., 1872. Young B, 8., 536 Sacramento st. Younger Alexander J., Australian S. S. ‘‘ Nebraska.” H. D., med. coll, of Pacific, 1870. Younger William J., 315 Montgomery st. M. L>., med. coH. of Pacific, 1862. Zeile Frederick, 526 Pacific st. STATE OF CALIEOENIA. ADA Adams John S., Oakland. M. J)., Albany med. coll., 1855; member and one of the censors of med. soc. of Cal. Aiken 0. I)., Downieville. Alban A. G., Ukiah. Albert Edward, San Luis. Albert B., (m) San Jose. Aldrich E. W., San Jos a A lford B. M., Portersville. Allen B. B., Sebastopol. Allen C. H., Centreville. Member med. asso. of Almeda co., Cal. State med. soc. Allen D. IT., Sonoma. Allen Jacob, San Diego. M. I)., ined. coll, of Pacific, 1872; member med. soc. of San Diego co. Allen O. S., Santa Bosa. Pres. med. soc. of Sonoma co., 1873. Allen Tandy Chin, Colnsa. M. D., Bellevue hosp. med. coll., 1871. Anderson Alexander, Vallejo. M. D., Harvard med. school, 1864; member med. • • soc. of Pictou, Nova Scotia, med. soc. of Mass. ; phys. and surg. for Good Templars’ orphan Lome, Vallejo, BAI Anderson N. C.. South San Diego. Anderson Walter Duncan, Vallejo. M. 1)., Harvard med. school, 1864; student 3 y’ra of Dr. Geo. M. .lohnston and Di*. I. W. Ander- son, Pivton, Nova Scotia. Anthony A. G., Oakland. Aichei’ S. M., Monterey. Arnold A. B., Pacheco. Assay Jacob Lambert, Visalia. A. IE, Ceiiti’al higli school, Phila., 1855; M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Penn., 1859 ; ass’t surg. U. S. vols., army of Potornae, 3 yeai's. Assonville A. L., Anaheim. Babcock Hermann P., Oakland. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Biilfalo, 1863; treas. med. soc. of Almeda co. ; member Am. med. asso., 1872; surg. U. S. navy 5 years;— firat editor “ Western Lancet.” Babcock M. B., Hollister. Backesto J. P., (e) San Jose. Bagle J. A., Visalia. Bailey William M., (h) Nevada. M. D., Cleveland homceo. hosp. coll., 1868; mem- ber of Hahnemann soc. of Cleveland, O. BAT CALIFORNIA. CLU 57 Bailey F. E., Santa Cruz. Baker Martin, Visalia. M. D., Rush med. coll., 1865 ; member med. soc. of Cal. ; county phys. 4 years ; surg. U. S. vols. 1 year. Baldwin D. M., Oakland. Baldwin II. W., Sacramento. Bamford William, Brooklyn. M. D., Ind. med. coll., 1848 ; member med. soc. of Alameda co., med. soc. of Cal. Barber Edward Thomas, Oakland. B. A., uuiv. of Pacific, 1866 ; M. D., 1st Toland med. coll., 1868; 2d med. dep’t Yale coll., 1871 ; 3d med. coll, of Pacific, 1872 ; member med. soc. of Cal., Am. rned. asso., 1872 ; phys. to Hum- boldt CO. hosp. ; exam. surg. for pensions : — au- thor “ Bromide of Potassium in Epile])sy,” 1868 ; “ Recurring Jleasles ; ” “ Fracture of Sur- gical Neck of Femur in Children,” 1871. Bard Cephas Lyttle, San Buenaventura. M. I)., Jeflerson med. coll., 1866; phys. Santa Barbara co. ; ass’t surg. U. S. vols. 3 years. Barnes G. W. , San Diego. Barnes T. L., Ukiah. Bascomb Lyman, Orleans. Bates Cjiarles B., Santa Barbara. M. I)., Toland med. coll., 1868 ; member med. soc. of Cal. Bellville , Woodbridge. Belton J. II., Colusa. M. D., New Orleans school of med., 1861 ; mem- ber med. soc. of Cal. Benevardas D. S., Los Angeles. Biber M., (h) vStockton. Biddle J. B., Somersville. Bidlack J. B., Oakland. Biggs M. II., Santa Barbara. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Pacific, 1870; v.*pres. med. soc. of Cal. Bird W. H., (m) Lonoke. Blackman M. E., (m) liohnerville. Blair J. D., Visalia. Boggie J. B., Santa Clara. Boggs J. O., Napa City. Bolton W., Oakland. • Bond James Lawrence, Uldah. H. D., med. dep’t univ. of Washington, 1869; phys. Mendocino co. hosp. Bond Joshua Lester, Petaluma. M. !>., Louisville med. coll., 184U. Bonnore A., San Jose. Bxnie J. T., Snow Lake. Boreman Charles, Jackson. M. i)., William and .Mary med. coll., (no date.) Boyce J. F., Santa Rosa. Brad way I. R , Oakland. Brad way W., Oakland. Member med. soc. of Alameda co. Bragg B. T., (m) San Bernardino. Bratton A. C., Vallicita. Briceland J. M., Shasta. Brierly IL, Truckee. Briggs IL IL, Sacramento. Brink , Siielling. Brink W. B., Los Angeles. BrinkerhofF S. B., Santa Barbara. M. I)., med dep’t univ. of Buffalo, 1850; member med. soc. of Cal. Brook S. AV., Los Angeles. Bross H., Colfax. Brower H. S., Compton. Brown G. C., Areata. Brown James A., Sutter Greek. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of La., 1844; member med. soc. of Cal. Brown J. M., U. S. N. Vallejo. ' Ex-president of Cal. State med. soc. Brown J. N., San Jose. M. D., Ohio med. coll., 1860. Brown William Ferris, Stockton. M. D., med. coll, of Va., 1843. Brussie L., lone Valley. Buck E. W., Oakland. Burr Edward, San Diego. Bush C. W., Los Angeles. Caban is T. T., Fort Jones. AI. D., med. dep’t univ. of Md., 1849. Cad well R. , Livermore. Caldwell Arthur Brooks, Marysville. M. 1)., med. dep’t of Harvard coll., 1870; ass’l sec. med. soc. of Cal., 1873 ; sec. and treas. of northern dist. med. soc. of Cal. Caldwell Aug. B., Santa Clara. M. D., 2 >’t Transylvania univ., 1841 ; mem- ber med. soc. of Cal., and Am. med. asso., 1872. Callioun J., Folsom. Cameron James String, Red Bluff. M. I)., at Toland (no date). Cannon J. G., Yuba City. Canterberry M., Knight’s Landing. Carothers j. II., Pacheco. Carr E. S., Sacramento. M. D., Castleton med. coll., 1842; member med. soc. of Alameda co., and med. soc. of Cal. ; prof, in state univ., state sujierintendent of schools. Carter A. S., Princeton. Cary L. H., San Jose. Case J. M., (w) San Jose. Cathrall H. W., Hollister. Cauney F. E. J., (h) San Jose. Cebrin Cyrus, Newville. Chamberlain II. M., Point Arena. Chamblin M. R., San Jose. AL I)., med. coll, of Pacific, 1861. Chancey II. M., AVeaverville. Chase Geo. C., Downieville. M. D., Dartmouth med. coll., 1848; coroner; mem- ber med. soc. of Cal. Cheney William Fitch, Chico. M. 1)., med. deji’t univ. of N. Y*., 1862; v.-pres. med. soc. of Cal. ; v.-pres. dist. m^l. soc. ; mem- ber med. soc. of Butte co., and Am. med. asso., 1872. Christy , Petaluma. Clark Asa, Stockton. Member rned. vne. of Cal. Clark J., Hollister. Clark J. H., Yuba City. M. D., Bellevue hosp. med. coll., 1872; member med. soc. of Cal. ; and northern dist. med. boc. Clark J. W., (h) Sacramento. Clayton M. F., (e) Sacramento. Clendoy N. 1)., Red Bluff. Cleveland A. J., Solano. Cluness William Robert, Sacramento. A. B., univ. of Queen’s coll., Kingston, Can., 1855 ; M. I)., med. dep’t of same coll., 1860; member R. C. soc. of Eng., 1870; member Am. med. aaso., 1872, and Sacramento soc. for med. improv. ; phys. in ehief for life ins.; — author of paper, “ Use and Abuse of Alcoholic la’quors in Treat- ment of Diseases,” 1868 ; and various others. 58 coc CALIFORNIA. FOX Cochrane William Anderson, Los Nietos. M. D., To land iiied, coll., 1869. Cochrane , Snellin^. Cohn A., (m) Santa Barbara. Cole Richard Beverly, Oakland. Member lued. soc. of Cal., and Am. med. asso., 1872. Coleman C. S., San Leandro. M. I)., Geneva med. coll., 1850 ; member med. soc. of Cal. i Cook J., Placerville. Coolido^e C. II., Fiddletown. Coombs Jacob Leslie, Grass Valley. M. D., med. de|)’t Washington univ., 1852; act. ass’t surg. at Ft. Hoskins and Ft. Yamkill, Ore., S year.s ; — author of paper, “An Unclassified Skin Disease,” 1865. Cory A. J., San Jose. M. D., Ohio med. coll., 1800. Cory Benjamin, San Jose. M. D., Ohio med. coll., 1845; member med. soc. of Cal. Cox J. Bradford, San Jose. A. H., Portland acad.. Ore., 1865; M. D., Long Is- ■ land coll, hosp., 1869 ; chairman board of cen- sors of med. soc. of Sonoma co. ; member med. soc. of Cal. Coxhead T. C., (h) Oakland. Crane J. H., Ilealdsbni-^. Crouch Cyrus, (e) ITealdsburg. Crumpton I. H., Lakeport. Cuester R. Della, Santa Inez. Cummings J., lone City. Cunningham C. P., San Bernardino. Cunningham J. N., (m) Chico Cunningham J. S., Vacaville. Cunningham J. \V., South San Diego. Curless William, Truckee. M. D., Rush med. coll., 1853. Cushing Clinton, Oakland. M. D., Rush med. coll., 1865 ; and censor of med. soc. of Alameda co. ; member med. soc. of Cal., Am. med. asso., 1872 ; prof, of obstet. and dis- eases of women and child.. Pacific med. coll. Dangerfield J. J., Ilealdsburg. Davidson II. G., Colusa. Davidson H. B., New Almaden. M. D., Jefiersou med. coll., 1859 ; member med. soc. of Alameda co., ami med. soc. of Cal. Davidson J.. A., Kingston.' Davidson R* Michigan Bar. Davis G. AV., Laugwell. Davis II., Grass A^tilley. D avis Nathaniel Reynolds. M. D., coll, of ph vs; and surg. of N. Y., 1848 ; mem- ber Am. med. asso., 1872. Davis , AVindsor. Davis AA’^. P., Cherokee. Delamater J., San Jose. Delmoiit F.. (m) Lower Lake. Den R. S., Los Angeles. Denton AV. C., Marysville. De Tavel J. C. II., Oakland. Dobbins Thomas, A'uba City. M. D., Missouri med. coll., 1859; member med. soc. of Cal. Dobson Abel, (h) Grass Valley. Dodson AV'. B. II., Kelsey’s Lake. Donaldson D. S., St. Helena. DoiT 'L. S., Los Angeles. Dowling J., Stockton. Downs L. S., Lakeport. Dozier F., Napa. Du Bois Amos Sumner, Oakland. M. D., Toiaiid med. coll., 1865 ; ad eund. med. coll, of Pacific, 1870; member med. soc. of Cal.; phys. of Placer co. Dubois II. A., San Rafael. M. D., med. dep’t Yale coll., 1861; member med. soc. of Cal. Duel A., Grass Valley. Dulia J. M., Knight’s Ferry. Du Py G., (e) Los Angeles. Durant F. 0., Folsom. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Vt., 1868 ; member med. soc. of Cal. Dutton George W., Tomales. M. I)., dej)’t univ. of Penn., 1869; member med. soc. of Cal. ; — author of papers, case of “ Pla- centa Prajvia,” 1868, etc. Eby John Lawrence, Eureka. Two courses med. lect. Ky. school of med. ; mem- ber med. soc. of numbolt co. ; act. ass’t surg. U. S. vols. 3 years. Edgar AY. F., Los Angeles. Edwards AV. AY., Los Nietos. Edwards , Oakland. Eichelroth AA’'. E., Sonora. Eichler Rudolf, Los Angeles. Elgin G. D., Lakeport. Ely Elisha, Geysersville. Ely J. J^., Rohnerville. Esmond AY. J., (e) Oakland. Evans George 11., Dixon. ]M. D., Nashville med. coll., 1869; member med. soc. of Cal. Fan Kong Long, Chinese, (m) San Jose. Farley , North San Juan. Farley C. R., Gilroy. Farrar M. E., A^agersville. Faure V., (o) Sonoma. Feckle AYilliam, Areata. Felt T. 1)., Ilydesville. Fenn Charles Merwin, San Diego. M. D., Toland med. coll., 1865; member med. soc. of Toland coll.; j)ost surg. at San Diego 9 months; — author of j^aper, “Permanganate of Potash in Acute Rheumatism.” Fish M. M., U. S. Arsemd. Fislier Charles, Sacramento. Member nied. soc. of Cal. Fisk II. AI., Drytown. Fitch Geo. Lewis, Little Lake. M. 1)., Rellevue iios]). med. coll., 1870; — author of ])a])er, “ Interdental Splints lor Fracture of In- ferior Maxilla,” ]87(', etc. Fitzhugh J. AY., Suelling. Flint Joseph, IJncoln. Alemher med. soc. of Cal. Flint Thomas, San Benito co. Folsom A. C., (m) Timber Ctive. Foote Erastus N., Lockeford. M. D., Vt. med. coll., 1840; member med. soc. of Cal. Fowler M. B. , (e) AA^oodland. Fox William Riley, San J^eandro. M. D., Chicago med. coll., 1863; censor of med. soc. of Alameda co., med. soc. of Cal., and Am. med. asso., 1872. FRA CALIFORNIA. HOL 59 France John Kingree, Gridley. M, i)., Jertersoii med. coll., I«tj8 ; member mecl. soc. of Butte CO. author of paper, “ Veratrum Viride. ” Freeman C. J., Santa Barbara. Freeman 11. K., Linden. Freeman , V^isalia. French C. L., San Frey J. jSI.. New Castle. Prisbie Levi C., Vallejo. M. L)., Albany med. coll., (no date;) member Pacific med. soc., med. soc. of Solano co., and med. soc. of Napa co. Frothingham Geo., Sacramento county. Frnsli C. V., Sacramento. Fulkerson T. G., Santa Rosa. Pulton J. E., Los Nietos. M. 1)., Nashville med. coll., 1860; surg. confed. army 4 years. Furber G., (e) Etna. Gardner Mathew, Davisville. M. D., med. dep’t McGill univ. 1871; member med. soc. of Gal. Gardner J., San ILienaventura. Member med. soc. of Gal. Ganverean E., Redwood. Garnett Richard, Calistoga. IM. 1)., med. dep’t uiiiv. of J.ouisville, 1847. Garnham Henry, Somersville. Gibbons Ed., Oakland. Gibbons William r.,x\lameda. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. y., 1846; member med. soc. of Alameda co., and med. soc. of Cal. Gibson A. C., Nevada. Gibson W. C., (h) San Jose. Giles J. llervey, (h) Stockton. Glissman C., Sacramento. Gordon E. A., Knight’s Landing. Gordon I. B., Sonora. Graves G. W., Petaluma. M. D., med. dep’t univ, of Va., 1868; member med. soc. of Cal. Graves W. L., Centreville. Gray R. E., Shasta. Greeg Robert James, San Diego, M. D., Jeller.son med. coll., 1866. Green G. W., Yreka. Green James, Oroville. Gritlin J. A., Nevada. Grilliit J. S., Los Angeles. Grindley T. R., San Bernardino. Griswold M., Mono. Grow S. L., Smith River. Guiberson S. B., Mi.ssion. Gussman Carl Gustav Adolph, Calistoga. Grad, high school of Hamburg, Germany ; grad, med. coll, of Wurzburg, 1861. Gutman 11., Horsetown. Hackett John James, Smith’s Ranch. M, D., Tolaiid med. coll. II aim T. AV., Placerville. Haight M. H., Point Arena. Hall J. H., Petaluma. Hall M. IL, Dover. Hale R. B., Centreville. Hamilton J. A., Mayfield. Hamilton N. S., Yuba City. Hamlin Norman Scott, Yuba City. M. i)., med. dep’t univ. of la., 186U; member med. soc. of northern dist. of Cal., med. soc. of Cal. ; surg. AIo. vols. 2 years; aj)pointed 1864 by I’res. Lincoln surg. board of enroll. 4th dist. la. Hammell W., Los Angeles. Hammond J., Lockport. Hann E., Sierraville. Hanson Thomas C., AVinnemucca. M. D., Toland med. e(dl., 18o7 ; member med. soc. of Alameda co., and med. soc. of Cal. Harding A. H., Millville. Harkness H. AV., Sacramento. Harrington C. C., Marysville. M. D., Berkshire med. coll,, 1848; member med. soe, of Cal. Harris E. B., Virginia City, State Nevada. M. i),, rued, dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1846; member med. soc. of Cal. Harris J. H., Gilroy. Harrison J. T., San Diego. M. D., med. coll, of Pacific, 1864. Harrison J. R., Nevada. Harvey Obed, Galt. M. D., Rock Island med. coll., 1844 ; member Am. med. asso., 1872. Haswell Charles Salem, Eureka. M. D., Toland med. coll., isbb; member med. soc. of Cal., med. soc. of Sacramento, and Agassia inst. of Sacramento. Hatch Frederick AV., Sacramento. M, D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1843; v.-pres. med. soc. of Cal., and Am. med. asso., 1872. Hatch F. AV., Jr., Sacramento. Hayes B. E., Japan. Member med, soc. of Cal. Hayes AVilliam W., San Luis Obispo. A. B., Kenyon eoll., 1858; A. AL, 1861; M, D., med. dep’t of Georgetown coll., 1861; v.-pres. State med. soc. of Cal. ; member Cal. acad. of nat. science; act, ass’t surg. 1 year; surg, re- turned Cal. vols. 3 years. Hays R. T., Los Angeles. Al. D., Castleton med. coll,, 1847 ; coll, of phys. and surg. of N. Y., 1869. Hayward A. B., Los Angeles. He Sont Hong, Chinese, (m) Oroville. Heirsy D., San Jose. Heneyham AAL S., Portersviile. Henderson S. G., (e) Chico. Henderson AV., (e) Chico. * Hepburn James, Mokelnmne. Hertel Chas. E. A., AValnut Creek. AI. D., med. coll, of Pacific, 1859. Heyerman A., Anaheim. Hoag L. B., (e) Bloomfield. Hoershner A. IL, Mokelnmne. Hoffman A. F., Petaluma. Hoffman A. J., North San Juan. Hoffman David Bancroft, San Diego. A. B., State univ. of Cal., 1864 ; Al. D., Tolnnd med. coli., 1864; Am. med. asso., 1872 ; j)res. med. soc. of San Diego eo, — author of “ Rt^ports of Numerous Cases, etc,, etc., during 15 years.” * Hoffman S. S., Angel’s Camp. Holbrook C. E., Martinez. AI. D., med. dep’t univ. of Pacific, 1863; member med. soc. of Cal. Holmes Stillman, Oakland. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Penn., 1853; member med. soc. of Alameda co. 60 HOP CALIFORNIA. MAR Hope J. H. P., Princeton. Howard J. R., Antioch. Howard J. E., Paradise. Howe A. J., Westminster. Howe P., (h) Dixon. Howell L. P., Los Angeles. Hudson A. T., Stockton. M. D., Albany niecl. coll., '847. Hughes Wilirain, Downieville. Humkley E. A., Placerville. Hunt R. M., Nevada City. M. D., Castleton nieil. coll., 1850; and Albany nied. coll., 1869; member med. soc. of Cal. Hunter D. D., Woodland. Hurst R. C., Pueblo. Ingersol T. J., San Jose. Ireland Lambert, Watsonville. Ives W., Volcano. Jackson G. IL, Woodland. M. D., med. coil, of Pacific, 1871 ; member med. soc. of Cal. Jackson Henry, (e) Woodland. Two full courses lu eclect. med. inst., Cincinnati, O. Jackson J. S., Modesto. James F. W., San Jose. James J., (m) Petaluma. Jeffers C. W.,Red Bluff. Jeffries G., Red Bluff. Jenkins S. J., Oroville. Jennings C. R. M., Volcano. Jennings E., Sonora. Johnson A. J., Colusa. Johnson F. B., San Jose. Johnson J. F., Gilroy. Jones William C., Grass Valley. M. D., Bellevue hosp. med. coll., 1870; member med. soc. of Cal. Jump Alemby, Downieville. M. D., Western Reserve med. coll., 1849; member med. soc. of Cal. Jung Pen, Chinese, (m) San Jose. Junge J., Los Angeles. Kavanaugh W. S., Mariposa. Keating William Forbes, Moore’s Flats. M. L)., coll, of pbys. and surg., Kansas City, Mo. (no date) ; grad, royal coll, of surg., Edinburgh, Scotland. Kelly William A., Angel’s Camp. Kibbee T. R., San Juan. King Edward W., Ukiah. Al. i)., med. dep’t univ. of Pacific, 1863. King W., San Jose. Kingsbury W. B., San Pablo. Kirkpatrick Charles Alex., Redwood City. Al. D., Ohio med. col., 1848 ; v.-{)res. med. soc. of Cal. ; surg. U. S. vols. 4 years. Kitteridge Charles Stewart, Oakland. B. Ph., 1858, Yale coll, scientific dep’t; D. Ph., 1860; M. D., coll. phys. and surg. of N. Y., 1863; sec. med. soc. of Alameda co. ; member med. soc. of Cal. ; ass’t phys. nursery hosp. Randall’s Island, 1862; phys. N. W. dispens., New York, 1864; elected member Conn. acad. ' of arte and sciences, 1858 ; ass’t phys. sanitary comrn. at Fortress Alonroe, 1S62. Knight Benjamin, Santa Cruz. Knox F., Crescent City. Kirchbaum J. G., (m) Windsor. Kurtz J., Los Angeles. Coroner of Los Angeles co. Labarace J. L., Limerick. Labedan J., (m) San Jose. Lambent Bernard, Alameda. Lampson R. M., Chinese Camp. AI. D., Vermont med, coll., 1848; member med. soc. of Cal. Lane W. L., Mendocino. Langdon S., Stockton. M, D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1843; member med. soc. of Cal. Langdon W. R., Stockton. M. D., univ. of Montpelier, France, 1847. Leach L., Millertown. Leavitt J. G., Howland Flat. Le Conte John, Oakland. Member med, soc. of Alameda co. ; prof. State univ. ; bon. member med. soc. of Cal. Le Conte Joseph, Oakland. Alember med. soc. of Alameda co. ; prof. State univ. ; bon. member med. soc. of Cal. Le Craig R., Scott River. Lee Andrew, Campo Seco. Lee M. W., San Jose. Lee Richard Henry, Slough House. M. D., med, dep’t univ. of Va., 1838 ; phys. at Kingston hosj)., island of Jamaica, 1844-47, and at hosp. at Panama, 1848-54. Lee W. L., Hollister. Lincoln Oscar, San Jose. Lindley L., Los Angeles. Lindsley David Upton, Eureka. M.D., Bellevue hosp. med. coll., 1869; co. phys., 1871. Lowe I. H., Knight’s Ferry. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Louisville, 1858; mem- ber med. soc, of Cal. Luce A. S., Saratoga. McCallum J. C., San Luis. McClure A. L., Redwood City. McClusky D. C., Snelling. McCormack AVilliam, Grass Valley. McCurdy Samuel, Hoopa Valley. M. D., med. coll, of Pacific, 1872. McDaniel R. A., Marysville. Pres. med. soc. of nortliern dist. of Cal.; member med. soc. of Cal. McGuire Lucius, Point Arena. M. 1)., Toland med. coll., 1868. McKinstry George, San Diego. McLean'D. G., Snelling. Mcl.ean Samuel, Modesto. McLean , Tuolumne. McMahon A., Marysville. McMahon M. S., Suison. McMahon , San Jose. McPhoo John, Somersville. Malcom A., Oakland. Maulove W. S., Sacramento county. Manly James C., Oakland. Al. 1)., med. coll, of Pacific, 1862. Manners .John, Bakersfield. Mansfield J. L., Forbeston. Manson J., Virginia, Nevada. Marks J., Snelling. Marks P. M., Pleasanton. Marshall B., San Mateo. MAR CALIFORNIA. PIP G1 Marsters Stephen G., ^It, Shasta. Graduate of pliysico-med. coll., 1S65. Martin E. J., Watsonville. M. D., Cincinnati coll, of med., 1843; member med. soc. of Cal. Martin N.. Dutch Flat. Mason B.. (m) Los Angeles. Mason C. O., (e) San Jose. Masters S. S.. (h) Little Shasta. Iklayes A. M., Los xA.ngeles. Mayes T. A., E\ Monte. Mayham A. W., Marysville. Iklayon C. II., Drytown. Mead E. S., San Jose. Ikleares J. L., San Mateo. Meglone E. W., San Jose. Merceraw Paul, (h) Sonora. Merhing A. B., Visalia. M. D., med. deji’t univ. of Md., 1864 : member med, soc. of Cal,, and Am. med. asso., 1873. Millard F. R., San Diego. Miller J. S., Point Arena. Miller N., (h) Stockton. Miller S. S., Cherokee. Miller M., Los Nietos. Millon Marcel, San Andreas. Montague J. C., Weaverville. Montgomery Joseph Fauntelroy, Sacra- mento. Grad. univ. of Va., 1833; M. D,, med. dep’t univ. of Va.. 1833, and univ. of Penn., 1834 ; member med. soc. of Cal., of Am. med. asso., 1872, Sac- ramento soc. for med, improvement ; member of board of health of Cal. and of Agassiz insti- tute, Cal. ;— author of various med. papers. Montgomery T. P., San Bernardino. Mordistte B. N., (m) Lakeport. Morey J. B., Gilroy. Morris J. D. Watsonville. Morse- J. G., Point Arena. Morse L. D.. San Mateo. ^ Mott H. V., Chiyton. M. D., med. coll, of Pacific, 1863. Neal Harrison, Hollister. M. D., Jefferson med. coll., 1859; member med. soc. of Montgomery co., med. soc. of Cal., and Am. med. asso., 1872 ; one of the board of phys. for Montgomery eo. Neilson Charles, Eureka. Nelson H. W., Sacramento. M D., Canada school of med. and surg., 1848 ; member med. soc. of Cal. Nelson William Wilson, Petaluma. M. D., med dep’t Iowa univ., 1859, and Jefferson med. coll., 1860 ; ass’t surg. U. S. vols. 3i years. Newton J., Fort Jones. Nichell Charles F. A., Napa City. M. D., med. dep’t uuiv. of Buffalo. 1867 ; member med. soc. of Erie co., N. Y.,med. soc. of Buffalo, med. soc. of Cal.; phys. of hosp. of Napaco. ; hosp. steward U. S. army 3 years. Nichols H. L., Sacramento. M. D., Bowdoin med. coll., 1845; member med. soc. of Cal., and sec. from 1867 to 1871. Nicholson J. E., (m) Oakland. Nixon Alexander B., Sacramento. M. D., Ohio med. coll., 1846 ; member med. soc. of Cat. ; sec. of Sacramento soc. for med. improve- ment- surg. in chief of C. P. R. R. hosp.; one of the commissioners of board of lunacy for 15 years;— author of paper “On Contused and La- cerated Wounds, and Treatment of Fractures of Femur.” Norman W. A., Sutter Creek. Oatman Ira E., Sacramento. M, 1)., Rush med. coll., 1845; member of Sacra- mento soc. for med. improvement; treas. med. soc. of Cal. ; member gyutecologieal soc. of Bos- ton, Am. med. asso., 1872 ; pres, board of health of Sacramento ; member of Agassiz institute of Sacramento: — author of jiajicrs on “ Excision of Knee-joint;” “ Autroversion of Uterus;” “ Inflammation and Ulceration of Os and Cer- vix Uteri ; ” report to State soc. on “ Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children,” etc., etc. O'Brien James, Oroville. O’Brien P. M., Santa Clara. Offo , Chinese, (m) Oakland. Olendorf W. C., Red Bluff. Oliver N. R., Sail Bernardino. Olmstead R. H., (w) Napa City. O’Neil O. II., Santa Barbara. M. D., med. coll, of Pacific, 1864. Old James L., Santa Barbara. M. D., Jefferson med. coll., 1846. Orme Henry Sayre, Los Angeles. A. B,, Oglethorpe univ., 1858; A. M., 1861 ; IM. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1861 ; phys. in charge of Los Angeles small-pox hosp. 1 year; phys. and surg. Los Angeles co. hosp. 2 years; ass’t surg. coufed. army. Pa Man, Chinese, (m) Chico. Page N. S., Rocklin. Pah Lee, Chinese, (m) Sacramento. Pardee E. H., Oakland. Member med. soc. of Cal. Parker S., Wilmington. Parker Russell, San Simeon. M. D., Jefferson med. coll., 1838. Parkinson M. C., Antioch. M. D., Starling med. coll., 1857 ; member med. soc. of CaA. Parramore Edward L., Woodland. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Md., 1867; member med. soc. of Cal., and Am. med. asso., 1872. Parry Isaac, Areata. Parson E., San Francisco. Peabody James H., Stockton. Peabody W. E., Santa Cruz. Peacock J. C., (e) San Bernardino. Peeked D. S,, Farmersville. Pelham J. E., San Quentin. M. D., med. dep’t Transylvania univ., 1839; mem- ber med. soc. of Cal. ; ])hysiciau to State prison. Peterson O. 11., low^a ^ill. Phelan G. J., France. Pierson H. B., Woodland. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Mo., 1846; member med. soc. of Cal. Pietrzyeki Marcel, Rio Vista. M. I)., Pacific med. coll., 1872; member med. soc. of San Francisco, and med. soc. of Cal. Piggatt A. K., Smith’s Ranch. Pike H. G., Sanel. M. D., Vermont med. coll., 1853; member med. soc. of Cal. Pinkerton Thomas H., Oakland. M. D., med. dep’t Harvard univ., 1859; member med. soc. of Cal., and Am. med. asso., 1872. Pipper J. J., Healdsbnrg. 62 PON CALIFORNIA. SNI Pond Milo Busbnell, Napa City. M. I>., Toland iiit*U. coll., Hido; ad eilnd. deg., Pacific nied. coll., 1870 ; member med. soc. of Cal., and rec. sec. of Pacific med. soc. ; coroner of CO. Porter L. B., Gibsonville. Porter Stephen, Oakland. Post , San Diego. Pow Sing Tong, Chinese^ (m) Chinese Camp. Powell D., Cherokee. M. D., metl. coll, of Pacific, 1871. Pratt A. IT., Dixon. M. D.. med. coll, of Pacific, 1872. Pratt C. II. , Alvarado. Pratt D., (e) San Leandro. Pratt Orrin, San Jose. Pratt W., Chico. Price C. E., (D. S. A.) Angel Island. Price J. B., Jurupa. Pring E. J.. Yountville. Putney C. M., (m) San Jose. Qne Ah, Chinese^ (m) Latrobe. Randol A. R., New Almedia. Rankin Robert, Hollister. Ray Dennis, AVoodland. JNI. 1)., coll, of jdiys. and snrgs., la., 1871. Read W. R., (h) Sacramento. Ream Daniel, (e) Yreka. M. 1)., eclec. med. coll, of Cincinnati, 1867 ; phys. and snrg. to co. hosp. Reid R. K., Stockton. Al. D., med. dep’t univ. of Pa., 1846 ; member med. soc. of Cal. Reilay John P., Oakland. Al. D., med. coll, of N. Y., 1846 ; member med. soc. of Cal. Remas C. C., (e) Los Angeles. Rene A., Havilah. Rene G. A., San Bernardino. • AL I)., mod. coll, of Pacific, 1872. Reynolds J. W. B., Vacaville. M. 1)., med. dep’t univ. of St. Louis, 1853. Rhoads John, (e) Red Bluff. \1. 1)., Syracuse med. coll., 1855. Rice A. T., A'andalia. Richardson N. P., Los Angeles. Riddle J. E., (m) Milpitas. Riddle J. R., Somersville. Riley J. P., Oakland. Roberts J. P., Eureka. Robinson Luke, Colusa. AI. D., Toland med. coll., 1867 ; member med. soc. of Cal., and Am. med. asso., 1872. Rocher Paul, Sonora. Rodolph S. F., (h) Oakland. Rijgers S. J., Marysville. AI. D., Berkshire med. coll., 1848; member med. soc. of Cal. Ross Thomas, Woodland. xM. D., AIcGill univ., 1863; member med. soc. of Cal. Ross William Wallace, Los Angeles. AI. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1858; Am. med. asso., 1872. Rosseau .T. A., San Bernardino. Royal W. W., San Diego. AI. D., at Bowdoin coll., 1863; ass’t surg., and 8urg. U. S. vols. 4 years. Ruggles C. R., Stockton. Rule D. K., Napa City. AI ember med. soc. of Cal. Rupe S. II., Ilealdsburg. AI. I)., Toland med. coll., 1866; member med. soc. of Cal. Russell William A., Visalia. AI. D., Jetterson med. coll., 1869; member meo. soc. of Cal. Sampson Royall Mills, Chinese Camp. AI. D., Vt. med. coll., 1852; member med. soc. of Cal. ; visiting phys. to State insane asylum. Sanders D. W. C., Modesto. Sawyer J. J., Cherokee Flat. • AI. D., univ. of Buffalo, 1865; member med. soc. of Cal. Saxe A. W., Santa Clara. AI. D., Castleton med. coll., Vt., 1842; member med. soc. of Cal. Scannell Cornelius. AI. D., med. dep’t Columbian coll., 1873. Schmidt E., Stockton. Scott George, San Diego. Sea well L., Ilealdsburg. AI. 1)., med. dep’t univ. of Cal., 1870. Selfridge James M., (h) Oakland. Al. ])., med. dep’t univ. of Buffalo, 1852, and Jefferson mod. coll., 1856; phys. to institute for deaf, dumb, and blind of Cal. Sessia J. N., Vallejo. Seymour Charles James, Santa Barbara. Al. Ji., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1861 ; member med. soc. of Broome co., and med. soc. of N. Y. ; resident surg. Brooklyn city bosp. 1 year; sec. Broome polytechnic asso. ; member of Am. asso. for advancement of science and arts; act. ass’t snrg. U. S. vols. 3 years. Sharp William, Jackson. AI. I)., Pbila. coll, of med., 1857. Sherman George E., Oakland. Al. 1)., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1867; pres. med. soc. of Alameda co., 1873. Shoneman C. IL, lone City. S'lnirtleff Benjamin, Napa. AI. I)., med. dep’t Harvard univ., 1843 ; member med. soc. of Cal. Shnrtleff G. A., Stockton. AI. D., Vt. med. coll., 1846; member med. soc. of Cal., and Am. med. asso., 1872. Siefert W., (e) Santa Clara. Simmons Gustav Lincoln, Sacramento. Al. D., med. dep’t Harvard univ., 1856; member Sacramento soc. for med. improvement; med. soc. of Cal., Am. med. asso., 1872; U. S. exam, snrg. for pensions. Simmons S. S., Watsonville. Smith A. M. C., (e) Oro Fino. Smith Charles H., Visalia. Smith D. T., Placerville. Smith H. J., Sebastopol. Smith J. B., (e) Salinas City. Smith J. B., Petaluma. Smith N. D., (m) San Bernardino. Smith Q. C., Cloverdale. Smith R. P., Santa Rosa. Sec. med, asso. of Sonoma co., 1873. Smith W. C., Los Nietos. Snider T. A., Sacramento. AI. D., med. dep’t univ. of La., 1848 ; member med. soc. of Cal. SPA CALIFORNIA. WEB 63 Spaulding F., Colusa. Spence C. G., Georgetown. Spencer A. J., San Jose. Spiers Charles, Visalia. Sprague A., Gilroy. Sproull J. E., Livermore. Stanway Thomas O., Los Angeles. Starkey J. C., Smartville. Stevenson , Oakland. Stewart Alexander J., Petaluma. A. B., Trinity coll., Dublin, Irel’cl; licentiate of fac. of phys. and surgs., Glasgow, Scot., 1853; attend lect. Richmond ined. and siirg. schools, Dublin ; reg. member of med. soc. of London ; member med. soc. of Australia ; phys. to Dunally hosp. 1 year; phys. to Ackil dispens., Galway, Scot., 1 year; ass’t surg. in 19th reg’ t infantry and royal artillery; surg. “Waikat’s militia,” New Zealand, etc. Stewart F. M., Cottonwood. Stewart T. M., Marysville. Still T. C., San Luis. Stillwagon W. W., Napa City. M. D., med. coll, of Pacific, 1871 ; member med. soc. of Cal. Stockton E. A., Stockton. M. D., Ohio med. coll., 1853 ; member med. soc. of Cal., and Am. med. asso. Stockton I. D., (e) Santa Rosa. Stockton Thomas Coates, San Diego. M. D., Bellevue hosp. med. coll., 1868; member and sec. med. soc. of San Diego co. ; cor. mem- ber of gynaecological soc. of fioston ; phys. for co. of San Diego. Stone C. E., Marysville. Stotlar J., North San Juan. Strong Anderson, Woodland. M. D., St. Louis med. coll., 1866; member med. soc. of Cal. Summers , Snelling. Taylor N. C., Fiddletown. Taylor W. E., Mare Island. Taylor W. H., Coloma. Te Dot Ilong, Chinese, (m) Oroville. Temple F., Sheldon. Thiboda O. J., San Bernardino. Thomas Francis Anderson, Vacaville. Hon. A. M., by Emory coll., Ga. ; M. D., med. coll, of Augusta, Ga., 1842. Thomas J. P., (w) Magalia. Thomas S. P., Sacramento. M. D., Harvard coll., 1846. Thompson L. E., Sacramento. Thorne Walter Scott, San Jose. M. D., Bellevue hosp. med. coll., 1871; member med. soc. of Cal., and Am. med. asso., 1872. Tiiornton J. S., Cahto. Tilden W. P., Chico. Titus Isaac Sutven, Stockton. Member Am. med. asso. Todd F. W., Stockton. M. D., Cincinnati med. coll., 1838 ; member med. soc. of Cal., and Am. med. asso., 1872; member State board of health. Todd T. M., Auburn. Member med. soc. of Cal. Todd William, Eureka. Toland C. A. G., Mendocino. Tompkins E. A., Grass Valley. M. D., Geneva coll. Trafton Augustus, Woodbridge. M. D., Louisville med. coll., 1847 ; member* med. • soe. of Sacramento; med. soe. of Cal.; resident phys. in Nev. State insane asylum. Trenor Eustace, Alameda. i\l. D., coll, of phys. and surgs., N. Y., 1856; member med. soc. of Alameda co., med. soc. of Cal., Am. med. asso., 1872. Trescott Edward Henry, Ilornitas. M. D., no coll, or date given ; coroner of co. Truholz E. M., Latrobe. Tung Yak San, (m) Vallejo. Tufford , San Diego. Turner Jared, San Jose. Turner J. Y., Marii)Osa. Turney Nathaniel Green, Wynema. Not a graduate. Appointed U. S. surg. at Ind. reservation at Tulc river, served 1 year. Tuttle II. P., Salinas City. M. D., Toland med. coll., 1869; member med. soc. of Cal. Tynan J. E., Empire City. Tyrell Gerrard G., Sacramento. L. , King and Queen’s coll, of i)hys,, 1859 ; L. R. C. S. I., 1856 ; L. M., 1854 ; perm. sec. Cal. State med. see. ; member Am. med. asso. ; corres. mem- ber gynajcological soc. of Boston ; member Sac- ramento soc. for med. improvement; — author of papers on use of “ Sulphites in Membranous Angina,” “Ovariotomy,” “ Epidemic Influenza,” and various other papers. Urich J. H., Geyserville. M. D., Ohio med. coll., 1849; member med. soc. of Cal. Vallejo Platon, Vallejo. Vance J. M., Oroville. Van Gelden , Sonoma. Vtin Patten Charles Hansen, San Jose. Member Am. med. asso., 1872. Van Vorst J., Burney ville. Van Wyck John C., Oakland. M. I)., med. dej)’! univ. of Md., 1848; member med. soc. of Alameda co., and med. soc. of Cal. Van Zandt J. W., Hayward. Member med. soc. of Alameda co. VariolackC. J., Columbia. Vasques Juan G., (m) Alameda. Verhane A., (m) Oakland. Vrooman Martin, San Buenaventura, Wall Chaw, Chinese, (m) Oroville. AValker John, Sonora. Walker J. A., San Luis. Walz George, Mortonville. ^ Warburton II. H., Santa Clara. Member med. soc. of Cal. Ward W. W., Visalia. Warren O. P., Oakland. Washington W. A., Vallejo. Watts W., Chico. Wuyland James F., Chico. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Louisville, 1855; mem- ber med. soc. of Cal., and Am. med. asso., 1872. Webb James Alonzo, Visalia. Grad. Waterville coll, and Columbia coll., D. C.j M. D., at reformed med. eoll. of Ga., 1851. Webber J. C., Loyal ton. Webster E., Grass Valley. Webster W., (U. S. A.) Alcatraz. 64 WEE CALIFORNIA. ZIM Weed G. A., Washington Territory. M. D., Rush med. coll., 1S70; member med. soc. of (Jal. Welch James, Nevada City. M. D., Bellevue hosp. med. coll. Wells John Thomas, (U. S. N.) Vallejo. Wells William Henry, Dixon. M. D., Rush med. coll., 1849; member med. soc. of Cal. Wells William Randall, Petaluma, lion. A. Al., Columbia coll., D. C. ; M. D., med. dep’t Harvard univ., 1854. Wemple E. L., Mortonville. Westfull A. P., San Benito. Wheely T. S., Compton. Whipple J. M., Saratoga. Whistler A. H., Dayton. * Whitcomb , Fort Jones. White George A., Sacramento. Al. 1)., .Jefferson med. coll., 1869; member med. soc. of Cal., and Am. med. asso., 1872. Widney J. P., Los Angeles. Al. H., Toland med. coll., 1864; member med. soc. of Cal. Wilkins E. T.; Napa. M. D., Memphis med. coll., 1861 ; member med. soc. of Cal. ; superintend. Napa insane asylum. Wilcox E. A., South San Diego. Williams A. A. C., Petaluma. Williams J. S., San Diego. Williams N., Sacramento co. Al. D., Geneva med. coll., 1841 ; member med. soc. of Cal. Williamson C. V., Woodbridge Willis E. L., (m) San Jose. Winchester , Oakland. Winder W. A., San Diego. Winsell J. F., Shasta. Whitfield , San Diego. Woolsey E. IT., Oakland. AVise R. D., Los Angeles. Witter D., (m) Upper Lake. Yin Kee. Chinese, (m) Yreka. Young B. S., St. Helena. Zimmermann George W., Cacheville. HISTORY AYD GEOGRAPHY OF COLORADO TERRITORY. Colorado Territory was organized by Act of Congress, March 2d, 1861, being carved out of the adjoining Territories ; that portion east of the Rocky Mountains and north of the Arkansas River being taken from the Territories of Kansas and Nebraska, and being a part of the Province of Louisiana, ceded by the French in 1803 (see Arkansas) ; tliat por- tion west of the mountains from the Territory of Utah, and that portion east of the mountains and south of the Arkansas River from the Territory of New Mexico. The two latter i)ortions of country being included in the Mexican cessions of 1848. • This Territory has an area of 104,500 square miles, and in 1870 possessed a population of 39,864. The surface divisions of Colorado are severally called the plains, the valleys, the parks, and the mountains. The plains embrace the elevated rolling prairies rising gradually to tlie foot-hills of the mountains. These plains are fertile, and are covered with rich grasses, supporting vast heads of bison and numerous other graminivorous animals. Portions of these plains abound in iron ore, and in the vicinity of the eastern foot-hills outcrop})ings of immense coal beds are found; several mines being extensively worked. Jvignite and albertite coal are found in strata of from five to thirty feet in thickness ; the bitter containing from fifty to sixty gallons of oil to the ton. The valley is the country at the base of the foot-hills of the Rocky Mountains. The soil is excellent, and with proper irrigation can be made to yield immense crops. The parks are elevated bowls in tlie mountain country, having the apiiearance of beds of inland seas upheaved and emptied of their waters by volcanic agency. They present to the eye scenery magnificent beyond description, made up of far-reaching forests, fertile mea- dows, and beautiful streams, surrounded by the lofty peaks of the great rocky range. The mountain country embraces tlie greater part of the mineral wealth, and much of the vast forests which cover about five-sevenths of the entire Territory. The country east of the mountains is drained by the Arkansas and the Platte Rivers, the South Park by the Rio Grande ; the water of both of these sections being carried into the Gulf of Mexico, while that falling on the west side of the mountains is carried by the Grand and the Bear into the Colorado, which empties into the Gulf of California. The number of physicians and surgeons in Colorado, according to the census of 1870, was 70. The per centage of deaths from phthisis is 8 per annum. We are unable to give any information in regard to the medical institutions. MINERAL SPRINGS OF COLORADO. Idaho Hot Springs.— These springs are in Clear Creek county, and maybe reached from Denver, partly by (Jolorado Central R. R., and partly by stage. ANALYSIS. One pint contains { 83 ^ to 115^ Fahr., J. G. Dohle) : SOLIDo. GRAINS. Carbonate of Sodium 3.85 Carbonate of Magnesium 0.36 Carbonate of Iron 0.52 Carbonate of Calcium 1.19 Chloride of Sodium 0.52 Chloride of Magnesium trace Chloride of Calcium trace SOLIDS. Sulphate of Sodium Sulphate of Magnesium. Sulphate of Calcium Silicate of Sodium Total Flow, one hundred gallons per minute (1870). GRAINS. . 3.67 . 2.34 . 0.43 .. 0.51 ,.13.39 65 66 COLORADO. These waters resemble, somewhat, the Carlsbad waters in Bohemia, and are found to be of service in rheumatism, cutaneous diseases, syphilis, and several other affections. These springs are 7800 feet above the level of the sea, and the scenery in the neighborhood is “ Swiss-like in every particular— snow always in sight, cascades, the rushing roar of spark- ling waters, rounded mountains, beetling crags, and grand, barren rock-ribbed cliffs.” Tiiere are two large bathing establishments, the Ocean Bath,” and the “ Mammoth Bath ; ” baths being taken either socially or privately. There are ample hotel accommo- dations. The Middle Park Hot Sulphur Springs are in Summit county, and are as yet very in- accessible. No analysis has been made, but the waters are known to contain sulphur, and to be of a temperature of from 111° to 116° Fahr. Even though almost inaccessible, over live hundred persons camped out here (for there is no hotel) during July, 1871. Rocky Mountain Springs.— These springs are in Boulder county, ten miles from Boul- der city. The waters contain carbonate of sodium, carbonate of magnesium, carbonate of iron, and carbonic acid gas. The elevation of these springs is 6500 feet above the sea. Accommodations may be found at the “Mountain House.”* Colorado Springs are situated at the base of Pike’s Peak, 6350 feet above the level of the sea. They are al)out five miles west of the town of the same name, in a beautiful glen, to which'has been given the name of Manitou. These are the celebrated “ Boiling Springs,” which, yeai's ago, were made known to the world by Fremont, Tluxton, and other writers. Formerly they were visited on account of their medicinal virtues by tlie native tribes of Indians, who regarded them as supernatural phenomena caused by the direct action of tlie Great Spirit. In latter times, notwithstanding the difficulty of access to them, their fame has attracted large numbers of invalids, anxious to avail themselves of the healing waters. During the last two years, a large amount has been expended in laying out and adorning the ground in tlie neighborhood ; handsome, commodious, and comfortable hotels have been built, bath-houses have been fitted up, and many other conveniences been provided. The s]>rings are seven in number, and are useful both for drinking and bathing purposes, being highly beneficial in rheumatism, skin diseases, general debility, and numerous other ailments. The analysis of one of these springs, known as the “ Galen,” or “Doctor,” as given by Thomas M. Drown, M. D., shows that chloride of sodium, bicarbonate of sodium, bicar- bonate of calcium, and chloride of potassium are the principal ingredients. The town is upon the Denver and Rio Grande Railway. MEDICAL SOCIETIES OF COLORADO. SOCIETIES. MEETS AT. PEESIDENT. SECEETARY. Colorado Territory Med. Assoc Denver W. F. McClelland A. Steadman. Denver Mea. Assoc.. Denver A. Steadman. ADA LIO Adams L. L., (m) Denver. Aduddell R. G., Central City. Allen Henby Wheaton, Valmont. A. I>., Laurence univ., Wis., 1860; A. M,, 1863; 1)., me 1. dep’t Iowa iiiiiv., (no date). Ambrook Charles, Boulder. M. J)., med. dep’t univ. of Mich., 1870. Anderson Mrs. 11., (m) Denver. Anderson Joseph, Golden. M. D., med. dej)’! Ky. school of med., 1853; memljer med. soe. of Colorado ; ass’t surg. con- fed. army. Bancroft Frederick Jones, Denver. M. 1)., med. dep’t univ. of Buffalo, 1861 ; member mod. sf)c. of Colorado; liealth officer, Denver City ; U. S. exam. surg. for pensions ; surg. Kan. Pacific, D. Pacific and Boulder val. r.-r’ds ; ass’t surg. and surg.-gen. h' sp. Harrisburg 4 years ; post surg. Fortress Monroe 3 years. Beshoar Michael, Trinidad. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Mich., 1853 ; surg. eon- , fe(l. army 4 years; — author of paper, “ Con- sumptioa a Curable Disease,” 1868. Bibb Geo. Richard, Denver. Member Am. med. association. Bond Isaac L., Boulder. M. D., Bellevue hosp. med. coll., 1866. Bowker S. D., Central City. Member med. soc. of Colorado. Boyd , Greeley. Buchanan G. W., Georgetown. Bnditel W. II., Castle Rock. ■il. 1)., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1866. Buckingham Richard Green, Denver. Meml)er med. soc. of Colorado, and Am. med. aIeriden City Medical Association Hartford County Medical Association (Mnnecticut Eclectic Medical Society Connecticut Homoeopathic Medical Soc PRESIDENT. SECRETARY. .Pliny A. Jewett .‘..IMose.s C. IVhite. .E. Bennett James C. Cregory. .A. W. Barrows M’. A. M. Wainwright. .Burritt B. North Theodore G. Wright. . C. A. Liudsley (Dean; • C. A. Liudsley George B. Farnham. • Steplien G. liubbanl... Luther 1\L Gilbert. .Elijah Baldwin — S. Hutchins. .Asiibel IVoodward William S. C. Perkins. .Stephen G. Risley Ci. H. Preston. .Elisha B. Nye....‘ F. D. Edgerton. ’. George L. Beers. George L. Beers. C. H. Davis. Wm. Wood E. W. Hill. N, I). Hodgkin. CONNECTICUT. 71 THE MEDICAL LAWS OF CONN'ECTICUT. Every physician who may have professionally attended at the birth of any child mi^st leave; with the registrar of the town where the birth occurred, during the first week of the calendar month next succeeding such birth, a certificate signed by the physician, stating, from the best information he can obtain, the date of the birth, name and sex of cliild, names, ages, color and residence of parents, and occupation of the father. — Eevised Laws of 1866, p. 100, sec. 79. Every physician, who may have attended any person during his last illness, must leave with the registrar of the town or place where the death occurred, during tlie first week the calendar month next succeeding such death, a certificate in the following form : “ I certify, from the best information I can obtain, that died at , on the day of , A. d. 18 , aged years, month and days. Condition {i. e. married or single, etc.) ; born in ; residence at time of death disease or cause of death ; occupation ; color . Dated at , this day of , a. d. 18 , . “ , Attending Physician — Ibid.., sec. 81. Physician shall receive twenty-five f2o) cents for each certificate. — Ibid.., sec. 82. Whenever the board of healtli shall request any physician, practising in its town, to make to the board a daily or weekly repoi't of any cases of i)estilential or malignant fever or disease that occur in his practice, such physician shall make said re])ort, specifying the nhme and residence of each patient, and for any neglect of, or failure to perforni, the duty, he shall incur a fine of fifty dollars ($50).— 76ff7., sec. 149. Professors or teachers of anatomy in tlie medical institutions in this State are anthorizod to receive from the State prison, and with the approbation of its directors, the bodies of deceased criminals who have died without known relatives, or have been capitally punished. I)ut these remains must be used for the advancement of medical science only, and in Con- necticut alone. — Ibid., sec. 208 . Teachers of anatomy in medical institutions in the State of Connecticut are to receive, under the authority of the mayor or first selectman of any town of more tlian twenty thousand (20,000) inhabitants, the body of any deceased person to be used for medical and surgical study, under the following restrictions: — that the remains s])all not liave been buried- nor claimed by friends or rehitives within twenty-four hours after the death: that friends or relatives shall not have refused to allow the' remains to be used in this way : that the remains shall not be those of a person who was detained for civil ]wocess, or for trial on the charge of any criminal offence ; that the remains of a stranger or traveller, or of any one who expressed a desire to be buried, shall not be surrendered for this purpose ; that the remains sha.ll be returned if claimed by friends or relatives. The teachers who liave cliarge of the remains shall bury them, after tliey have answered the purpose of medical study, in a ]mblic cemetery, and keep a record of tlie name, sex and last residence of deceased, and of place of burial.— of Legislature of 1871, My 27. Any ])erson, who shall use the remain's of a deceased person for any purpose than medical stufly, or in any other ])kice than Connecticut, shall be punished by a fine of not less than one hundred dollars ($100) or more than one thousand dollars ($1000), or by imprisonment for one year. — Ibid., sec. 7. Every ])erson, who shall give or adminivster to, or advise, direct, or procure any pregnant woman to take any drug, medicine, or thing, or shall use or direct tl.e use of any instrument, with intent to ])rocure miscarriage or abortion — unless the medicine or instrument is necessary to ])reserve the life of the w(iman or child — shall be guilty of felony, and ])nnislied by fine not exceeding one thousand dollars ($1000), or by imprisonment not exceeding five years, or by both. — Revision ef 1860, p. 248, sec. 22. The horse, buggy and harness (if the horse does not exceed in value $200) of any physician is exempt from seizure in execution.— Ac7 ef LegislaUire of 18G9, My 8. Connecticut Medical Society, incorporated circa 1855. ABB BAT A^bbott F. C., Norwich. M. D., Berkshire med. coll., 1865; member med. soc. of New London co. Abbott Lyman A., Bridgeport. Abernethy Augustus H., Bridgeport. M. D., med. dep’t Yale coll., 1864; member med. 80 C. of Bridgeport ; and fellow med. soc. of Conn. Adams D. L., Ridgefield. Adams W. S., Ilowardsville. Aimes John Martin, Orange. M. D., med. dep’t Yale coll., 1857; member med. soc. of New Ilaven co. Allen Francis T., North Granby. II. I)., med. dep’t Yale coll., 1825; member med. soc. of Hartford co. Allen Hull, Milford. License from med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1821 ; member med. soc. of New Haven co. Ailing Willis G., New Haren. M. D., med. dep’t Yale coll., 1870; member med. soc. of New Haven co. Alsop Joseph W., Jr., Middletown. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1864; member med. soc. of Middlesex co. Anderson Wm. Dexter, (h) New Ilaven. A. B., Yale coll., 1862; A. M., 1865; M. D., med. dep’t Yale coll., 1865 ; member homceo. med. soc. of Conn., and Am. inst. of homceo. Andrews E. D.,(e) Durliarn. Andrews Geo. W., (e) Hartford. Atherton H. P., Hartford. M. D., med. de])’t Harvard univ., 1871 ; member med. soc. of Hartford co., and med. soc. of Cal. Atwood Garwood Henry, W oodbury. A. B., Yale coll., 1840; M. 1)., med. dep’t Yale coll., 1844 ; exam. surg. U. S. pension. Austin J. H., (h) New Britain. Averill J. J., Falls Village. M. D., med. dep’t Yale coll., 1866. Avery G. W., Hartford. M. !)., med. clep’t Yale coll., 1860; member mod. soc. of Hartford co., and med. soc. of Conn. Ayres Chauncy, (h) Stamford. Babcock E. D., New Britain. M. D., Geneva med. coll., 1841. Bacon Francis, New Haven. Member med. soc. of New Haven co. Bacon James G., Meriden. B-acon J. Knight, New Milford. M. D., med. dej)’t Yale coll., 1864; member mod. soc. of Litchfield co. Bailey Leonard, Middletown. 72 Bailey Otis G., Norwich. Bailey S. B., (h) TTiffganum. Baker Rufus, Middletown. Member med. soc. of Middlesex co. Balcom H. E., AVindham. M. D., Berkshire med. coll., 1867. Baldwin Elijah, South Canterbury. M. D., med. den’t Harvard coll., 1845; president med. soc. of Windham co. Baldwin James, Danbury. Member med. soc. of Fairfield co., and fellow med. soc. of Conn. Baldwin Nathan C., South Britain. M. D., med. dep’t Yale coll., 1837 ; member med. soc. of New Haven co., and med. soc. of Conn Bancroft Erastus, AVolcottville. Member med. soc. of Litchfield co. Banks Nehemiah, AVallingford. M. D., med. dep’t Yale coll., 1844; member med. soc. of New Haven co. Barber O. M., (hi Mvstic Bridge. Barber A. D., Bethel. Barber A. E., Bethel. M. H., Berkshire med. coll., 1854 ; Barbour James Edgar, Norwalk. M. D., coll, of phys. and surg. of N. Y., 1865; member mod. soc. of Fairfield co., andined. soc. of Conn.; hosp. steward U. S. vols. 18 months; act. ass’t surg. U. S. navy, Atlantic squadron, I year. Barker Geo. F., New Haven. M. D., Albany med. coll., 1863 ; member med. soc. of New Haven co. Barker John W., Westville. M. D., med. dep’t Yale coll., 1860; member med. soc. of New Have.i co. Barnes Lewis, Oxford. Member med. soc. of New Haven co. Barrett Joseph, Middletown. Bartlett Stephen C., AVaterbury. M. D., med. dep’t Yale coll., 1866. Bartlett AY. R., New Haven. M. D., med. dep’t Akale coll., 1871 ; member med. soc. of New Haven co. Barrows Ashbell AY., Hartford. M. D., med. dep’tof Yalecoll., 1841 ; member med. soc. of Hartford co., and Am. med. asso., 1872. Bassett A., Hartford. Battleson Geo., Fairfield. BAY CONNECTICUT. BRA 73 Bay ley Norman Brigham, Seymour. il. D., mecl. def)’t of Yale coll., 1871 ; mem. raed. 80 C. of New Haven co., and med. soc. of Conn. ; •es. phys. of State hosp., 1871-72. Beach Willis J., Litchfield. M. D. coll. phys. and surg. of N. Y., 1867. Beardsley Ambrose, Birmingham. M. D., Pittsfield med. inst., 1831; member med. soc. of New Haven co. Beardsley E. M., Monroe. Beardsley George Lucius, Birmimrham. A. B., Yale coll., 1870; M. D., Bellevue hosp. med. coll., 1873 ; member O. A. E. soc. of Belle- vue ; surg. in charge of bureau of surgical re- lief ; — author of essay on “ Bronchocele.” Beardsley Lucius Nichols, Milford. M. D., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1838; pres. med. soc. of New -Haven co. ; member med. soc. of Conn., Am. med. asso., 1872;— author of paper on “ Hiphther.a,” 1859. Beardsley Slieldon, North Branford. M. D., med. dep’t Yale coll., 1831 ; member Am. med. asso., 1872. Beckwith J. G., Litchfield. Beers George L., Bridgeport. J[. D., coll. phys. and surg. of N. Y., 1865; sec. and treas. med. asso. of Bridgeport; sec. med. soc. of Fairfield co ; fellow med. soc. of Conn. Belden Charles D., Stamford. Bell William C.,(h) Middletown. Bellosa Frederick, New Haven. M. D., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1872; member med. soc. of Conn. ; town phys. of New Haven ; res. ])hys. of State hosp. 16 months. Benedict John H., Danbury. Bennett C. C., (h) Beacon Falls. Bennett Ezra P., Danbury. M. H., Berkshire med. coll., 1826. Bennett Fai num O., Westford. JI. D., Berkshire med. coll., 1859; member med. soc. of Windham co. ; fellow med. soc. of Conn. Bennett Frederick N., Newtown. Hon. member med. soc. of Conn. Bennett Maurice Boardman, Coventry. M. 1)., Berkshire med. coll., 1863; member med. soc. of Tolland co., and fellow of med. soc. of Conn. Bennett William Comstock, Danbury. A. M., Yale coll., 1858; M. D., coll, of phys. and surg. of N. Y., 1860; member med. soc. of Fairfield co. ; ass’t surg. and surg. U. S. vols. 4 years. Bidwell Edwin, Saybrook. M. 1)., med. dep’t Yale coll., 1847 ; member med. asso. Middlesex co. Bidwell John Welch, West Winstead. M. D., Berkshire med. coll, (no date); member and v.-pres. med soc. of Litchfield co , and med. soc. of Conn. Bill Curtis Harvey, Bridgeport. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1859 ; member Bridgeport med. asso., med. soc. of Fairfield co. ; del. to Am. med. asso., 1872; surg. U. S. vols. 4 years. Birch Geo. Washington, Stamford. M. D., med. dep’t Yale coll., 1858 ; member med. soc of Fairfield co. ; phys. to board of health of Stamford co. Bishop Herbert Martin, (h) Norwich. M.D., med. dep’t Yale coll., 1865, and N.Y. homoeo. coll., 1867 ; member houKco. med. soe. of Conn.^ and Am. inst. of homoeo. ; exam. Hahnemann life ins. CO. ; ass’t surg. 1st Conn. cav. 7 mos. Bishop Timothy H., New Haven. M. D., med. dei)’t Yale coll., 1860; member med. asso. of N. Ilaven, and Am. med. asso., 1872. ■ Bissell E. L., New Haven. M. D., med. dep’t Yale coll., 1860; member rued soc. of N. Haven co. Bissell William, Lakeville. Grad. Yale coll., 1853; M. D., med. dep’t Yal« coll., 1856 ; member med. soc. of Litchfield co. Blackman Geo., Westport. Member med. soc. of Fairfield co. ; licensed med. soc. of Conn., 1827 ; hon. M. D., Yale coll., 1845. Blake Eli Whitney, New Haven. M. D., med. dep’t Yale coll,, 1842; member med. asso. of N. JIaven. Blakeman Rufus, Fairfield. Member Am. med. asso. Blodgett F. P., Ansonia. Blodgett John H., Salisbury. Blodgett Joshua, West Stafford. M. 1)., Berkshire med. coll., 1825; member med, soc. of Tolland co. Boddyfield D,, New Britain. Boich E. Fowler, Norwalk. Bolles J. C., Montville. ' M. D., Castleton med. coll., 1840. Bouton G. B., Westport. M. D., med. dep’t Yale coll., 1856. Booth Franklin, Bethlehem. Ph. B., Yale coll., 1859; M. D., Bellevue hosp. med. coll., 1864 ; act. ass’t surg. U. S. A. 1 year. Brace Edward, West Hartford. M. D., Castleton, Vt., 1828 ; member med. .soc. of Hartford co. Bradford Milton, West Woodstock. M. D., med. dep’t Harvard coll., 1831 ; member med. soc. of Windham co. Bradley E. M., Monroe. Member med. soc. of Fairfield co. Bradley William Lockwood, New Ilaven. B. A., Yale coll., 1860 ; M.l)., med. dep’t Yale coll. 1864; attend, lect. Paris and London 11 mos.; member med. soc. of Conn. ; sec. med. soc. of N. Haven co. ; attending phys. at Conn. State hosp.; demonstrator of anat. med. dep’t Yale coll. ; — author of paper on “ Alcohol as a Dress- ing for Wounds,” 1866 ; “ On Treatment of Pu- erperal Convulsions,” 1872. Brainard Edwin Whittlesey, East Haven. A. B., Trinity coll., 1842 ; M. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1854. Brainard T. N., New London. Member med. soc. of New London co. Braman Francis Nelson, New London. M. D., Bellevue hosp. med. coll., 1868; memhei med. soc. of New London ; surg. U. 8. voltt., 1868 ; fellow med. soc. of Conn. Brandogee. E., Berlin. M. D., med. dep’t Yale coll., 1838; member med. soc. of Hartford co. 74 . BRE CONNECTICUT. CAT Brewer M. K., Sprague. *■' M. D., Berkshire med. coll., 1842. Brigham Norman, Mansfield. Licensed med. soc. Conn., 1812. Brinley Edward, Hartford. - Member med. soc. of Hartford co. Broad well H. J. , (m) Fair Haven. Brockway Marcus, (m) New Britain. Brockway Theodore, (m) New Haven. Bromley D. T., Hartford. M. [)., med. dep’t Yale coll., 1867; member med. soc. of Hartford co. Bronson Henry, New Haven. M. 1)., med. dep’t Yale coll., 1866; member med. ' soc. of New Haven. Bronson S. H., New Haven. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1850; member med. asso. of New Haven. Brown A. W., Mystic Bridge. Browne George S., (h) Hartford. Browne James D., Bridgeport. M. I)., univ. of Edinburgh, 1832. Browne John M., (h) Willington. Brown Orlando, Washington. ' Pres. med. soc. of Litchfield co., and fellow med. soc. of Conn. Brown W. L., Preston. Brownell E. it.. East Hartford. M. D., Berkshire med. coll., 1847 ; member med. soc. of Hartford co. Brownell William R., Hartford. . M. I)., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1852; member med. soc. of Hartford co. Brownson William Green, New Canaan. Hon. A. M. from Hamilton coll., 1864 ; M. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1865 ; member med. soc. of Fairfield co., and med. soc. of Conn.; act. ass’t surg. David’s isl. 7 months. Brundage J. D., Naugatuck. Brush James H., Greenwich. Bfyden Geo., (m) Hartford. Bucher J. H., New Haven. Buel Henry W., Litchfield. A. B. and A. M. of Yale coll, (no date) ; M. D., coll, of phys. and surg. of N. Y., 1847 ; member med. soc. of Litchfieid co. ; pres. med. soc. of Conn. ; res. surg. of N. Y. hosp., 1849 : res. phys. of Sanford Hall, private asylum, Flushing, N. Y. Special attentioji to nervous diseases. Bugbee La Fayette, AYillimantic. M. D., coll, of phys. and surg. of N. Y., 1866 ; member med. soc. of Windham co., and med. ROC. of Conn. Bulkley Edward, New Haven. '■ M,. D., med. dep’t of Yale eoll., 1856; sec. and treas. med. asso. of New Haven; member med. asso. of New Haven eo., and med. soc. of Conn.; act. ass’t surg. U. S. vols. 9 months. Ruckle> AVilliam, (h) Danbury. Bull C. W., Terryville. M. D., med. dep’t of Yale eoll., 1867. Bull, Pv. AY., Bridgeport. " Member med. soc. of Fairfield co. Bunce H. C., S. Glastenbury. . M. D., med. dep’t of A'ale coll., 1850; member ‘ med. soc. of Hartford co. Burchard AY. M., Montville.” Burgess F. T., Moosup. M. D., Albany med. coll., 1850. 'Burke Geo. A^., Middletown. Burnap Sidney Rogers, Windsor Locks. B. A., univ. coll, of N. Y., 1858; M. D., coll. phys. and surg. of N. Y., 1862 ; member med. soc. of Hartford, med. soc. of Hartford co., and med. soc. of Northern Hartford co. Burr Frank L., (e) Middletown. Burritt Anthony B., Southbury. M. D., med. dep’t of Yale coll, 1832; member med. soc. of New Haven eo. Burritt H. L. AY., Bridgeport. M. D., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1844; member med. soc. of Fairfield co. Bur well Jerry, New Hartford. Butler John S., Hartford. A. B., A"ale coll., 1825 ; M. D., Jefferson med. col!., 1828 ; member med. soc. of Conn. ; superintend, and phys. of retreat for insane; pres. asso. of superintendents of insane hosps. ; corres. mem- ber British psyehological asso., England. Byington N. H., Southington. M. D., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1834; member med. soc. of Hartford co., and Am. med. asso., 1872. Calkins Daniel, C., East Lyme. Calkins T. M., New London. Camp D. B. AY., Northfield. Member med. soc. of Litchfield co. Camp J. W., Bristol. M. D., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1835. Campbell Harvey, Yoluntown. Member med. soc. of Windham co. Campbell James, Hartford. Member med. soc. of Hartford co. Canfield Joel, Guilford. M. D,, med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1824; member med. soc. of New Haven co. Card David C.,(h) AA^illimantic. Carleton C. M., Norwich. M. D., med. dep’t of Harvard coll., 1861 ; member med. soc. of New London, and Am. med. asso., 1872. Carrington Charles, Farmington. M. D., eoll. phys. and surg. of N. Y., 1862; mem- ber med. soc. of Hartford co., and Am. med. asso., 1872. Carrington Henry A., New Haven. M. D., med. dep’t of Harvard coll., 1848; pres, med. soc. of New Haven co. ; fellow med. soo. of Conn. Carrington R. R., Colchester. Carson A. C., Hartford. M. D., eoll. phys. and surg. of N. Y., 1865; mem- ber med. soc. of Hartford co., and med. soc. of Conn. Case Charles Rush, AYinsted. M. D., coll. phys. and surg. of N. Y., 1852; house phys. of AVard’s Island 2 years; co. phys. charge of iiosp. in Detroit, Mich., 3 years. Case Jarius, Granby. M. D., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1824. Cassidy Patrick, M., Norwich. Member med. soc. of New London, co. Castle H. E., AYaterbury. M. D,, med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1869. Castle Samuel A., AYethersfield. Catlin Beiyamin Hopkins, West Meriden.. Received license to practice med. in 1*25 ; hon. degree of M. D. from Yale coll, in 1840; mem- ber med. soc. of Meriden, and med. soc. of Conn. ; pres. med. soc. of Conn., 1856-58; v.-pres. Am. med. asso. in 1873 ; hon. member med. soc. of N, Y., and med. soc. of Cal.; corres. member gyu- aecological soc. of Boston ;— author of variouj papers. CHA CONNECTICUT. DER 7 ") (.’huffpc K. T., (h) Windsor Locks. Chain berlain C. W., Hartford. Menii)er ined. soc. of Hartford co. Chamberlain Myron C., Cheshire. A. H., Yale coll., IS57 ; M. D., nieil. dc})’t of Yale coll., 186(5; member med. soc. of New Haven j rc^^istrar of births, deaths and marriages. Chapman Albert Taylor, Mystic. M. J>., coll. phys. and surg. of N. Y., 1864; sec. med. soc. of New London co., and fellow med. soc. of Conn. Chase Seth L., Colchester. M. I)., coll. phys. and. surg. of N. Y., 1860. Clieney B. II., New Haven. Cliilds Henry E., Entield. M. D., med. dep’t of Harvard coll., 1SG9. Cliilds Seth L., East Hartford. M. 1)., Woodstock, Vt., 1835; member med. soc. of Hartford co. Churchill Asa Hopkins, West Meriden. H. I)., med. d* p’t Yale coll., 1857 ; member and v.-pres. med. soc. of ^leriden city ; fellow of med. soc. of Conn. Clare Peter O. Clark C. C., Middletown. Clark William N., Stafford. Member med. soc. of Tolland co. Clary Geo., New Britain. M. 1)., med. dep’t Yale coll., 1857 ; member med. soc. of Hartford co. Clason Abram T., (e) Danbury. Cleveland Daniel A., Middletown. ^Member med. soc. of Middlesex co. Coates A. W., Groton. 1\I. 1)., med. dep’t Yale coll., 1843 ; member rned. soc. of New London co. Coates E. Frank, Mystic Bridge. M. 1)., med. dep’t Yale coll., 1843; member med. soc. of New London co., and med. soc. of Conn. ; — author of ]>aper on “Anaplasty of Palate,” 1867 ; “ Traumatic Lesion of Knee-joint,” 1868, etc. Cogswell W. H., Plainfield. M. I)., med. dep’t Yale coll., 1823; member and ex-pres. med. soc. of Windham co. Cole Harvey, (h) Hartford. Colgrave C. H., (h) Willimantic. Colh^y C. E., (h) Hartford. Collins W. D., Hartford. M. D., med. dep’t Harvard coll., 1806. lomings B. N., Britain. M. D., med. coll, of Castleton, Vt., 1845; member med. soc. of Hartford co. Cook E. F., Wethersfield. M. I)., med. dep’t Yale coll., 1820; member med. soc. of Hartford co. Cook H. E., (e) Moodus. Cooley Geo. P., (h) New Britain. Corbeil Louis, Sprague. Grad. Victoria univ., Coburg, Prov. Ontario, 1870 ; M. D. med. dep’t Victoria inst., Coburg, Canada; member med. inst. Montreal, Canada. Com well H. S., New London. M. 1)., med. dep’t Yale coll., 1864. Couch Charles F., Gaylord’s Bridge. Member med. soc. of Litchfield co. Crandall C. C., West Killingly. M. D., med. dep’t univ. N. Y., 1858; member metl. soc. of Windham co. Crary David, Hartford. M. 1)., med. coll. Castleton, Vt., 1.45; member med. soc. of Hartford co. Crary David, Jr., Hartford. M. D., med. dep’t Yale coll., 1869; member metl. soc. of Hartford co. Cressy Noah, Middletown. M. D., Berkshire med. coll., 1862; member med. soc. of Middlesex co. Cronin A. T., Norwich. Culver William, Norwich. Cumming James B., Bridgeport. M. I)., coll. phys. and surg. N. Y., 1862; member med. soc. of Fairfield co. ; fellow med. soc. of Conn. ; ass’t surg. U. S. vols. 3^ years. Curtis J. S., Hartford. Curtiss E. 1)., (e) New Hartford. Custer S. A., (m) Wethersfield. Cutler H. B., Bristol. Daggett David L., New Haven. M. 1)., med. dej»’t Yale coll., 1843; member me(L soc. of New Haven co. Davidson H. H., Bridgeport. Member med. soc. of Bridgeport. Davis Charles Henry Stanley, Meriden. M. 1)., med. dep’t uiiiv. N. Y., 1865; member med. asso. of Meriden city, med. soc. of New Haven co., med. soc. of Conn., societie d’anthro- pologiede Paris, Am. philological soc., and New Eng. hist, soc ; member of 8 hist. socs. ; — author of various med. and scient. papers both in this and other countries. Davis Gustavus Pierrepont, Hartford. B. A., Yale coll., 1866; M. H., coll. )>hys. and surg., N. Y. ; member med. soc. of Hartford city, med. soc. of Hartford co., Hartford meil. and journal asso. ; attend, phys. and surg. to Hartford dispens. ; pres, board of health. Davis Henry, Wallingford. M. D., med. dep’t Yale coll., 1855. Deacon John, Waterbury. M. D., med. dep’t Yale coil., 1847. Dean Henry S., South Coventry. M. D., Jetferson med. coll., 1852 ; member Tolland co. med. soc. De Forest John, Watertown. De Forest M., Middlebury. De Forest William B., New Haven. M. D., med. de])’t Yale coll., 1840; member med. soc. of New Haven co. Deming Ralidi, Sharon. Hon. M. D., Yale coll., 1857 ; member med. soc. of Litchfield co. Deming William, Litchfield. M. I)., Berkshire med. coll., 1856; member and one of the censors med. soc. of Litchfield co., and fellow med. soc. of Conn. Denison Jeremiah T., (h) Fairfield. A. B., Yale coll., 1824; M. D., med. de})’t of Yale coll., 1826; member of hoinoeo. med. soc. of Conn,, and Am. inst. of hornoeo. Denny .James II., Hartford. M.D., med. dep’t of Harvard coll., 1867 ; membcT med. soc. of Hartford co. Derrickson John B., Litchfield. M. D., .Jetferson med. coll., 1850; member med, soc. of Litchfield co ; fellow med. soc. of Couu. 76 DEW CONNECTICUT. GAY Dewey James H., Hartford. M. I)., iTied. dep’t of Harvard univ., 1867 ; mem- ber med soc. of Conn. Di])l)le Fred. L., New Haven. H. D., med. dej>’t of Yale coll., 1859 ; member med. soc. of New Haven co. 3)ickiiison Francis L., Kockville. H. D., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1840; member med. soc. of Tolland co. .Dimmick Daniel W., W. Snffield. M. It., med. dep’t of Dartmouth coll., 1866. Dod^e J. L., (e) Groton. Dorman C. A., (h) Thomnsonville. J)onglierty Tiiomas D., Waterbury. ?>Iember timd. soc. of New Haven co. Dow V. M., New Haven. Jktwns Myron, Koxbnry. Member med. soc. of Litclifield co. Drake H. II., West AVinsted. Dri^o-s A. J., Cheshire. M. D., med. de])’t of Yale coll., 1826; member me 1. soc. of New Haven co. Drown Thomas A., Cornwall Bridge. M. 1)., Berksliire med. coll., 1836 ; member med. soc. of Litchfield co. Dn Bois Henry A., New Haven. M. I)., coll. phys. and siirsr. of N. Y., 1830; mem- ber med. soc. of New Haven co. Du Bois II. II., Bridprewater. Dunbar Edward M., Hartford. M. D., med. dep’t of Harvard coll., 1866; member med. soc. of Hartford co. Dunham M. V. B., Fairfield. M. D., med. dep’t of Harvard coll., 1867. Dutton Thomas, Milford. Member med. soc. of New Haven co. Dyer Elijah, Norwich. M. D., Berkshire med. coll., 1828; member med. soc. of New London co. Dyer Geor^^e, Trumbull. M. D., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1828; member med. soc. of Fairfield CO. Easton Martin AV. , Hartford. Coll. phys. and surg. of N. Y., 1869 ; member med. soc. of Hartford co. Easton Jed u than C., Tolland. Edgerton Francis D., Middleton. M. D., med. dept. univ. of Vt., 1863; sec. of med. soc. of Middlesex co. Edg:erton Francis L., East Hampton. Edwards Geo. W., N. Granby. M. D., univ. of N. Y., 1862; member med. soc. of Hartford co. ; ass’t surg U. S. vols. 3 years. Ellsworth P. AA^., Hartford. M. D., coll. phys. and surg. of N. Y., 1867 ; mem- ber med. soc. of Hartford co. Ell wood, David M., AA^oodbridge. License from med. soc. of Conn, in 1868. Ely Josiah Griffin, Lyme. M. D., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1854; member med. soc. of Conk co., 111. Emery A. E., AV'ilton. M. 1)., med. dep’t univ. of Vt., 1865; member med. soc. of Fairfield co. Emery AVilliam H., Woodstock Yalley. Member med. soc. of Windham co. Enj^lish AAHlliam A., i^m) Hartford. Ensign B. E., Poquonneck Erwin Erastus, Newtown. Fais John, (e) Meriden. Fanyon Joseph, Bridp^eport. Farnham Geo. Bronson, New Haven. M. D., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1869; member New Haven med. asso., med. soc. of Conn., Roman med. soc. of New York city, Am. meii. asso., Conn. acad. of arts and sciences; phys. to State hosp. and New Haven dispensary. Farnsworth Ralph, Norwich. Farrar Isaac, Hartford. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Vt., 1862; reeeived a ticket to practise in N. Y. hosp. for 3 years; — author of papers on “ Criminal Abortion,” 1869-72. Farrell Thomas O., Middletown. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Pa., 1852 ; member med. soc. of Middlesex co., and med. soc. of Conn. Fay J. ;M.. Colebrook River. Fields Albert, E. Hampton. M. D., Long Island coll., 186r ; member med. soc. of Middlesex co., and med. soc. of Conn. Fisk Marcus Lyon, AA^arebonse Point. Hon. A. M., trinity coll., 1867 ; M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Pa., 1842; member med. soc. of Hart- ford co., and med. soe. of Conn. Fiske S. AV., (m) Norwich. Fitcli Frederick J., AV. Meriden. M. D., Bellevue hosp. med. coll., 1871 ; member med. soc. of New Haven co., and fellow med. soc. of Conn. Fletcher Henry Jackson, Southington. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1852. Foote S., Colchester. Fowler Remus M., Washington. M. D., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1815; member med. soc. of Litchfield co. Fox David A., Clinton. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1852. Fox Roswell, (e) Wethersfield. M. D,, med. dep’t of N. Y. univ., 1847 ; ex-member med. soc. of Conn. Francis Charles E., Riverside. Francis D. P.,New London. ’ M. D., Berkshire med. coll., 1845. Freeman O. B., Ih^ Collinsville. F'rench Horace, Putnam. Fredrick Gustaf, New Britain. Fuller J. B. F., Norwich. M. D., med, coll, of Castleton, Vt., 1831. Fuller Horace S., Hartford. M. D., coll, phys. and surg. of N. Y., 1865 ; mem- ber med. soc. of Hartford and fellow med. soc. of Conn. Gallagher Charles A., New Haven. M. D., coll. phys. and surg. of N. Y. (no date) ; member med. soc. of New Haven co. Gallagher Frank, New Haven. M. D., med, dep’t of Yale coll., 1864; member med. soc. of New Haven co. Gallup A. AV., Plainfield. Gannett AVilliam S., (m) AVest Meriden. Gates Howard E., Litchfield M. D., Long Island hosp. coll,, 1861 ; membei med. soc. of Litchfield co. Gay B. M., Griswold. Gay J. R., New London. Gaylord Charles H., West Meriden. M. D., med. dep’t Yale coll., 1871 ; member med soc. of New Haven co. GAY CONNECTICUT. HEA 77 Gaylord C. G., Branford. M. D., med. dep’t imiv. of Yale, 1872 ; member med. soc. of New Haven co., and med. soc. of Conn. Gilbert L. M., ISTew Haven. M. 1)., Long Island coll, hosp., 18C6; member med. soc. of New Haven co. Gilbert Samuel Dutton, Fair Haven. A. B., Yale coll., 1869 ; A. M., 1872; M. D., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1871 ; member med. soc. of New Haven. Gillett John A., Falls Village. Gilnack Frederick, Rockville. Glenny William M., Hew London. Goodrich A. R., Vernon Depot. M. I)., Berksliire med. coll., 1846; member med. soc. of Tolland co. Goodwin Ralph Schuyler, Thomaston. M. l).,coll. phys. and surg. of N. Y., 1866; mem- ber med. soc. of Litchfield co., and med. soc. of Conn. Goodyear Robert B., Horth Haven. M. i)., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1868. Grannis John H., Old Saybrook. M. D., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1866; member med. soc. of Middlesex co. Graves Edward, Sandy Hook. M. D., coll. phys. and surg. of N. Y., 1851. Graves Thomas T., Norwich. M. D., med. dep’t of Harvard coll., 1871 ; member med. soc. of New London co. Gray Alvah, North Stonington. M. D., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1863. Gray Henry, Bloomfield. M. D., med. dep’t of Dartmouth coll., 1847 ; mem- ber med. soc. of Hartford co., and fellow med. soc. of Conn. Gray John, Groton. M. D., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1863; member med. soc., of New London co. Gray Robert M., Stratford. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1856 ; member med. soc. of Fairfield co., and Am. med. asso., 1871'. Greene Ralph E., Lebanon. Member med. soc. of New London co. Gregory Elijah, Bridgeport. M. D., med. dep’t of Yale coll. 1856 ; member med. soc. of Bridgeport, Fairfield co., and med. soc. of Conn. ; surg. in U. S. vols. 3 years. Gregory James G., Norwalk. M. D., coll. phys. and'^urg. of N. Y., 1868 ; member med. soc. of Fairfield co. Green Geo. S., (h) Hartford. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1849. Grifiin E. D., Old Lyme. M. D., coll. phys. and surg., of N. Y., 1865. Griggs Edward L., Waterbury. M. D., coll. phys. and surg. (no date) ; member med. soc. of New Haven co. Griggs O. B., Mansfield Centre. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1847; member med. soc. of Tolland co. ; and fellow med. soc. of Conn. Griswold Rufus White, Rocky Hill. M. D., coll. phys. and surg. of N. Y., 1854; pres, med. soc. of Hartford co. ; fellow med. soc. of Conn. Gulliver D. F., Norwich. M. D., Jelferson med. coll., 1852. Haight N. D., Stamford. Hon. M. D., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1870; mem- ber med. soc. of Fairfield co. Haile Ashbel B., Norwich. M. D., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1841; member med. soc. of New London co., and fellow med soc. of Conn. Hall F., Stratford. Hall Newton B., Branford. M. D., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1863 ; member med. soc. of New Haven co., and Am. med. asso. Hall Nelson Gregory, Guilford. M. D., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1860. Halleck Winthrop B., Middletown. M. D., Long Island hosp. med. coll., 1864 ; mem- ber med. soc. of Middlesex co. Hamilton Erasmus E., Somers. . Hamilton Theodore E., Somers. Hamlin Chester E., Granby. Member med. soc. of Hartford co. Hamlin Ira G., (m) West Meriden. Hammond Cornelius E., Portland. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1848; member med. soc. of Middlesex co., and Am. med. asso., 1872. Hammond Justin, Killingly. Member med. soc. of Windham co. Hanchett Thacker S., Wolcottville. M. D., Bellevue hosp. med. coll., 1864 ; member med. soc. of Litchfield co., and fellow med. soc. of Conn.; member com. of exam, at Yale med. coll., 1871-74. Harris George W., Old Lyme. M. D., coll, of phys. and surg. of N. Y., 1857 ; member med. soc. of New London co., and med. soc. of Conn. Harris Nathan 0.,(h) Enst Haddam. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1854. Harris O. F., Norwich. Harrison Benj. Franklin, Wallingford. M. D., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1836; ex. pres med. soc. of New Haven co. ; member med. soc. of Conn., and Am. med. asso., 1872, Am. asso. for advancement of science, aoad. of arts and sciences ; surg. U. S. vols. 18 months. Hart C. R., Easton. Member med. soc. of Hartford co. Hart F. A., Southington. M. D., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1838; membei med. soc. of Hartford co. Hart S. W., New Britain. M. D., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1855; member med. soc. of Hartford co. Hastings P. M., Hartford. M. D., coll. phys. and surg. of N. Y., 1842 ; mem- ber med. soc. of Hartford co. Hawley Geo. B., Hartford. M. D., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1836; member med. soc. of Hartford co., and fellow med. soc. of Conn. Hawley George F., Hartford. M. D., coll. phys. and surg. of N. Y., 1867 ; mem- ber med. soc. of Hartford co. Hazen Miner C., Haddam. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1855 ; member med. soc. of Middlesex co., med. soc. of Conn., and Am. med. asso., 1872. Hazen Thomas G., New Hartford. Heady Elias B., Cornwall Bridge. Member med. soc. of Litchfield co. 78 HEN CONNECTICUT. jori Hendrick 8. O., ISTew Haven. Ilersey 8. M., (e) 8eyinour. llickok (k 8tarr, llid^?ei1ekl. Member med. .sue. ot kiiirlield co. Higgins Royal Lacey, South ISTorwalk. M. 1)., Believue hosp. med. coll., 1867 ; member med. sf»e. of Fairfield co. Hill C. H., Rridgeport. Membei- med. soc. of Bridgeport. Hill Edwin A., East Killingly. M.i)., med. dep’t of Harvard univ., 1850; member med. soc. of Windham co., med. soc. of Conn., and Am. med. asso., 1872. Hill John, South Norwalk. M. D., med. dep’t nniv. of N. Y., 1845; member med. soc. of Fairfield co. Hill Seth, stepney Depot. M. D., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1867. Hills Morton T., Willi mantic. M. D., med. dep’t of Yale co'l., 1863; member med. soc. of Windham co. ; fellow med. soc. State of Conn., and member Am. med. asso., 1873; ass’t surg. U. S. vols. 9 months. nine .\ames. New Milford. .\I. Hr, med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1847. Hiskok O., Ridgefield. Hobson All)ert, New London. Hodgkins Nathaniel Dwight, Rocky Hill. M. 1)., eclec. and botanic coll., Cincinnati, 0., 1853; sec. eclec. med. soc. of Conn. 8 years. Holbrook Lowell, Tliompson. M. H., med. dep’t univ. of N, Y., 1849; v.-pres. med. soc. of Conn., 1873 ; member med. soc. of "Windham co. ; surg. U. S. vols. 2 years. Holcomb H. V. C., Branford. Member med. soc. of New Haven co. Holcomb N. W., Simsbury. Holloway E. C., Voluutown. Holly P., Stamford. Holly Pierce R , Greenwich. Ilosford Charles, Thompson. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1863; member med. soc. of Windham co. Hough Alanson H., Essex. M. 1)., med. deji’t of Yale coll., 1832; member med. soc. of co. Hough II. W., Putnam. M. 1)., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1836; member med. soc. of Windham co. llovey Daniel A., South Killingly. Licensed by med. soc. of Conn., 1830; hon. M. H. of Yale coll., 1847; member med. soc. of Wind- ham co. Hoyt James H., Stamford. Member med. soc. of Fairfield co. Hubbard Charles H., Essex. M. D., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1860; member med. soc. of Middlesex co. ; fellow med. soc. of Conn., Am. med. asso,, 1872. Hubbard Denison H., Clinton. M. D., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1829; pres. med. soc. of '\ co. ; fellow med. soc. of Conn. Hubbard G. A., South Glastenbury. Member med. S(;c. of Hartford co. Hubbard Robert, Bridgeport. M. D., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1851; member med. soc. of Bridgeport; pres. med. soc. of Fair- field cp, ; fellow med. soc. of Conn.; member Am. med. asso., 1872. Hubbard Stephen G., New Haven. M. D., med. dep’t of Dartmouth coll., 1843; mem* her med. asso. of New Haven, med. soc. of New Haven CO. ; fellow med. soc. of Conn.; member Am, med. asso., 1872; prof, obstet. and dis. of women and chib, Yale coll. Hudson William M., Hartford. M. D., Jefferson med. coll., 1555; member med. soc. of New Haven co. Hughes Dyer, Hampton. Member med. soc. of Windham co. Hull James L., (m) Danbury. Hungerford Allyn Merriam, Watertown. M. H., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1839; member med. soc. of Conn. Hunt Ebenezer K., Hartford. M. D., Jefferson med. coll., 1838 ; member me 1. soc. of Hartford co., med. soc. of Conn., and Am. med, asso., 1873. Huntington Eliphalet, Windham. M. H., med. dep’t of Dartmouth coll., 1847 ; pres, med. soc. of Windham co. ; v.-i^res. med. soc. of Conn. Hurlburt L. R., Stamford. Hutchins Samuel, West Killingly. Sec. med. soc. of Windham co. Hutchinson Ira, Cromwell. M. D,, med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1825; member med. soc. of Middlesex co. ; pres. med. soc. of Conn., 1873. Hyde William, Stonington. M. D., med. dei>’t of Harvard coll., 1830; member med. soc. of New London co. Isham Oliver K., Tolland. M. J>., Castleton med. coll, of Vt., 1844. Ives Charles L., New Haven. M. D., Jefferson med. coll., 1854; member med. soc. of New Haven; ex-v.-pres. Am. med. asso.; prof, theory and prac. of med., Yale coll. Ives Levi, New Haven. M. D,, med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1838 ; member med. soc. of New Haven co. Ives Robert S., New Haven. M. D., coll, of phys. and surg. of N. Y., 1866; member med. soc. of New Haven co., med. soc. of Conn., and Am. med. asso., 1872. Jackson James C., Hartford. A. B., Dartmouth eoll., 1844 ; ]\I. D., Jefferson med. coll., 1847 ; meml)er med. soc. of Hartford co. ; treas. med. soc. of Conn., and member Am. med. asso., 1872; surg. Hartford hosp. ; consult, surg. Charter Oak life ins. co. Jacques J. .J., Waterbury. Jager Porter M., (e) Huntsville. Jaques A. J., (e) Bridgeport. Jarvis George C., Hartford. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1860 ; member med. soc. of Hartford co., med. soc. of Conn,, and Am. med. asso., 1871. Jarvis Geo. O., Portland. Member med. soc. of Middlesex co, Jewell Oliver H., (e)New London. M, I)., med. inst. of Worcester, 1848; member eclec. med. soc. of Conn., and national eclec. med. asso. Jewett P. A., New Haven. Member med. soc. of New Haven co. Johnson James Dwight, Hartford. M. D., Bellevue hosp. med. coll., 1869. JOH CONNECTICUT. MAN 79 Johnson John W., (m) Hartford. Jolinson Samuel, IBozrah. M. D., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1829; member med. soc. of New London co. Johnson S. C., Seymour. License of med. soc. of Conn., 1825 ; member med. soc. of New Haven co. Judkins William O., (m) Bridgeport. Judson Monroe, Newtown. Judson Walter, New Haven. A. IL, Yale coll., 18(54; A. M., 1867; M. D., coll, pliys. and sur». of N. Y., 1870; member med. of New Haven, med. soc. of New Haven co., med. soc. of Conn.; surg. 2d Keg. Conii. National Guards. Kasson B., Collinsville. Keith Bethuel, (m) Stamford. . Kellogg E. W., (h) Southington. Kellogg Oliver Walcott, Suffield. . M. D., Jetferson med. coll., 1842 ; member med. . soc. of Hartford co. Kendall Charles H., Bidgefield. Kendall Joshua, Seymour. Member med. soc. of New Haven co. Kent John Bryden, Putnam. A. B., Harvard univ., 1869; M. D., med. dep’t of Harvard univ. (no date) ; member med. soc. of Windham co., and raed. soc. of Conn. Kimball L., (m) New Haven. King James W., (e) Bridgeport. Kingsbury Daniel, (e) Glastenbury. Kinney Elijah C., Norwich. Member med. soc. of New London co., and fellow of med. soc. of Conn. Kinney Lot W., North Stonington. M. D., Castleton, Vt., 1829. Knight Henry M., Lakeville. M. D., Berkshire med. coll., 1849; member med. sne. of Litchfield co., and Am. med. asso., 1872. Knight William W., Sharon. M. D., Berkshire med. coll., 1856 ; member med. soc. of Litchfield co. Koplitz John, Bockville. Koplitz T., (m) Waterbury. Lacey William F., Danbury. liafreniere A. B., Sprague. Lane Owen, Putnam. M. D., Victoria med. coll., Montreal, 1872; fellow med. soc. of Conn. Langdon G. N., (e) New Haven. Laniard E. H., Broad Brook. Lauder Robert, Bridgeport. M. D., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1871 ; member med. soc. of Fairfield co. Lauder E., Bridgeport. Member med. soc. of Bridgeport. La RueOnaer,Putnam. M. D., Victoria univ. of Canada, 1872; member med. soc. of Windham co. Leavenworth Daniel C., New Haven. M. D., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1865; member med. asso. of New Haven, med. soc. of New Haven co., and med. soc. of Conn. Leonard A. S., West Woodstock. M. D., coll. phys. and surg. of N. Y., 1866; mem- ber med. soc. of Windham co. Leonard Elbridge Knowlton, Broad Brook M. D., eclectic coll, of Phila., 1856 ; M. D., med. dep’t of Yule coll., 1866 ; member med. soc. of Hartford co., and med. soc. of Conn. Lewis Geo. Frederick, Bridgeport. A. M., Yale coll., 1864 ; M. D., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1866 ; member med. soc. of Bridgeport, and med. soc. of Fairfield co. ; fellow of med. soc. of Conn. Lewis George Francis, Collinsville. M. D., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1865. Lewis J. B., Hartford. Member med. soc. of Hartford co. ; M. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1853. Lewis William A., Plainfield, Moosup. M. D., med. dep’t of Harvard, 1851 ; member med. soc. of Windham co. ; fellow med. soc. of Conn. Lindsley Charles Augustus, New Haven. A. B., Trinity coll., 1849; M. D., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1852; v.-pres. med, asso. of New Haven; member med. soc. of New Haven co.,' and raed. soc. of Conn. ; hon. member med. soc. of N. J.; prof, materia medica and tberajientics med. dep’t of Yale coll. ; v.-pre.5. New Haven dispens, ; member board of health, and Conn, acad. of arts and sciences. Lines J. F., New Haven. M. D., med. dep’t of Yale coll,, 1862; member med. asso. of New Haven, and med. soc. of New Haven co. ; fellow med. soc. of Conn. Linquist Maurice Ferdinand, (e) New Haven. M. D., eclec. med. coll, of N. Y., 1869 ; member eclec. med. soc. of Conn. ; sujg. of N. A. ri val mail steamers 1 year. Lockwood W. A., Norwalk. M. D., coll, phys, and surg. of N. Y., 1864; n ( m- ber med. soc. of Fairfield co. Lord Austin, North Haven. Lyman Edward P., New Preston. Member med. soc. of Litchfield co. Lyman Orville Barston, (m) Hartford. Member botanical med. soc., etc. Lyman Sidney H., New Preston. Member med. soc. of Litchfield co. Lynes Samuel, Norwalk. A. B., Yale coll., 1842; M. D., coll. phys. and surg. of N. Y., 1846 ; member med. soc. of Fair- field CO. Lyon Edward B., New Britain. M. D., Berkshire med, coll., 1862. Lyon Irving W., Hartford. M. D., coll. phys. and surg. of N. Y., 1863. McGaughey James David, Wallingford. M. D., Jetferson med. coll.^I 870 ; — author of paper on “Epidemic Huodenrcis,” Aug., 1872; cases of “Cerebral Meningitis,” Dec,^1872. McGuin Thomas, (m) New Haven. McIntosh L. W., East Hartfoi d. Member med. soc. of Hartford co. McLean John W., Norwalk. Three full courses med. lect. (no coll, given) ; sec. of Norwalk med. soc. ; member med. soc. of Fairfield co., and med. soc. of Conn. ; act. asa’s surg. U. S. vols. 1 year. McLean Lorenzo D., Staff ordville. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1866. McManus James, Hartford. McNeil Rollin, New Haven. M. D., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1862. Manning E. L., (m) Norwich, ^ ’80 MAN CONNECTICUT. PAI Manning Mason, Mystic. M, D., ined. dep’t of Yale coll., 1829; member med. soc. of New London. Mansfield C. J., (h) West Meriden. Manwaring Robert A., New London. M. 1)., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1818; member med. soc. of New London co. Marcy Lorenzo, Woodstock. Licensed 1810; hon. M. D., Yale, 1839; member med. soc. of Windham co. Martin J. M., Norwich. Mason Jarvis King, Suflield. A. lb, Yale coll., 18.55; A. M., 1859; M. D., med. dep’t of Harvard coll., 1861 ; member med. soc. of Hartford co., and med. soc. of Conn. Mason L. T., (h) Rockville. Mather William H., Suffield. A. Ib, Yale coll., 1859; A. M., 1865; M. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1862; member med. soc. of Hartford co,, and med. soc. of Conn. ; ass’t snrg. U. S. vols. 3 years. Mather W. 11., Bethel. M. 1)., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1862. Mathews H. W. E., New Haven. M. 1)., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1850; member med. soc. of New Haven co. Mathewson Rufus Wellington, Durham. M. 1)., coll. phys. and snrg. of N. Y., 1835; mem- ber central med. asso. of Middletown and med. soc. of Middlesex co. ; — author of paper, “ Hy- dropathic Treatment of Scarlet Fever.” Matteson John, (e) Canterbury. May Calvin S., Middletown. Mayer Nathan, Hartford. M. D , O. med. coll., 1857 ; member med. soc. of Hartford co. Maynard N. G., (m) Hartford. MtiynardL. E., Norwich. M. D., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1833. Mead Sylvester, Greenwich. Hears j. D., Naugatuck. M. D., me 1. dep’t of Yale coll., 1814 ; member med. soc. of New Haven co. Meigs Joseph J., Madison. Mettler S., (m) Hartford. Miller Geo. S., (h) Thompsonville. Mills C. A., Bridgeport. Mills Rufus K., (m* Hartford. Miner Garrey H., Morris. M. D., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1824 ; member med. soc. of Litchfield co. Miner Orrin Eugene, Noank. M. 1)., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1859; member med. soc. of New London co. Miner Thomas, Hartford. Member med. soc. of Hartford co. Miner William W., New London. Moody Geo. Anson, Plainville. M. D., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1844 ; pres. med. soc. of Hartford co. Morgan Frederick, Colchester. M. D., med. dep’t Yale coll., 1819; member med. soc. of New London co. Morgan John, Middletown. M. D., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1863 ; member med. soc. of Middlesex co. Morrison Albert, Windsor. M. D., coll. phys. and surg. of N. Y., 1847 ; member med. soc. of Hartford co. Mosman N. A., (h) Norwalk. Hunger Walter S., Watertown. M. D., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1855; member med. soc. of Litchfield co. Mimn S. B., (e) Waterbury. Munson B. W., Amity. M. D., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1869. Nash David H., Bridgeport. fe. M. D., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1834 ; member med. soc. of Fairfield co. Nelson A. W., New London. M. D., med. deji’t of Harvard coW., 1861 ; member med. soc. of New London co., and fellow med. soc. of Conn. Nettleton Geo., (h) New Haven. Newport Edward C., (h) West Meriden. Newton Cyrus B., Stafford Springs. M. D., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1856 ; member med. soc. of Tolland co. Newton M. T., Suffield. Newton S. C., YVestbrook. Nicoll John, New Haven. Member med. soc. of New Haven co. Nickerson N., YVest Meriden. North Alfred, Waterbury. Member med. soc. of New Haven co., and fellow med. soc. of Conn. ; member Am. med. asso., 1S72. North Burritt B., Cornwall. Member med. soc. of Litchfield co. Norton Lucian Hervey, (h) Bridgeport. M. D., Berkshire med. coll. 1847; member Am. inst. of homoeo., and Conn, homoeo. soc. Notting YYilliam East Hampton. Noyes Richard, Old Lyme. Member med. soc. of New London co. Noyes Samuel S., New Canaan. Licensed fellow of Conn. med. soc., 1810 ; hon. degree of M. D., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1845; member med. soc. of Fairfield co., and med. soc. of Conn. ; twice a del. to Am. med. asso. ; prac- tised in New Canaan 62 years; ceased active duty when 84 j'ears old — now 86 years old. Noyes Selden W., Middletown. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Pa., 1865; member med. soc. of Middlesex co. Nye Elisha B., Middletown. M. D., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1838 ; member med. soc. of Middlesex co., and fellow med. soc. of Conn. O’Flaherty John, Hartford. M. D., med. coll, of Albany, 1864; member med. soc. of Hartford co. Ohnesorg Gustave, Bridgeport. M. D., univ. of Berlin, 1862; member med. soc. of Bridgeport, and med. soc. of Fairfield co. Orton J ohn J., Lakeville. M. D., Bellevue med. coll., 1866. Osborn Ebenezer Bethlehem. Otis W. K., (e) YVillimantic. Paddock Lewis S., Norwich. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1857, member med. soc. of New London co. Painter H. YV., (h) Orange. PAL CONNECTICUT. ROD 81 Palma de Vigo de Cortez, C. A., Hartford. M. D., univ. of San Salvador, 1868. Pardee Moses Banton, South Norfolk. M. D., Albany ined. coll., 1855; member med.soc. of Norwalk, and med. soc. of Fairfield co., med. soc. of Conn., and Am. med. asso., 1872. Park E. A., New Haven. M. D., med dep’t of Ahile coll., 1846 ; member med. soc. of New Haven co. Parker J. N., Soutli ISIanchester. M. 1)., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1851 ; member med. soc. of Hartford co. Parsons Edward E., Thompsonville. M. D., c dl. phys. and surg. of N. Y., 1858 ; mem- ber med. soc. of Hartford co. Parsons Ezekiel W., Thomaston. Pease Byron W., Thomaston. Pease Levi S., Thompsonville. • M. D., med, dep’t univ. of Pa., 1846. Peck Ozias W., New Haven. M. D., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1857 ; member med. soc. of New Haven co., and med. soc. of Conn. ; act. ass’t surg. U. S. general liosp., har- bor of New York, 3 years. Pendleton Cyrus H., Hebron. A. B., Amherst coll., 1856; M. D., Cleveland med. coll., 1861. Perkins A. F., East Lyme. Pei kins George E., Waterbury. H. D., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1843; member med. soc. of New Haven co. Perkins Moses H., Columbia. Perkins William S. C., Norwich. M. 11. , coll. phys. and'surg. of N. Y., 1860; mem- ber med. soc. of New London co. Perrv Neheniiah. Ptidgefield. Phelps J. W., New Haven. M miber med. soc. of New Haven co. Plielps Lucius E., (m) West Meriden. Phillips Albert W., (h) Birmingham. M. D , Hahnemann med. coll, of Chicago, 1861 ; member hommo. state soc.. Am. inst. ofhomceo. ; post. surg. G. A. K., dep’t of Conn. ; act. ass’t surg. U. S. vols. Phinney Elisha, Norwich. M. D., med. de])’t of Yale coll., 1835; member med. soc. of New London co. ; 1st ass’t surg. U. S. vols. 1 year. Phinney E., Norwich. Pierporit Henry, New Haven. M. D., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1854; member med. soc. of New Haven co. Pinney Charles H., Derby. M. D., coll. phys. a id surg. of N. Y., 1853 ; member mvd soc. of New Haven co. Piper William N., (e) Hartford. Platt Gideon L., Waterbury. M. D., med. deji’t of Yale coll., 1858; member med. soc. of New Haven co., med. soc. of Conn., and Am. med. asso., 1872. Platt L. Tudor, Terryville. Member med. soc. of Litchfield co. Plimpton Daniel B., Putnam. Licensed med. soc. of Mass., 1846; hon. M. D., 1^59 ; member med. soc. of Windham co. Poll Daniel, Hartford. M. D., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1869; member med. soc. of Hartford co. Porter George L., Bridgeport. M. D., Jetferson med. coll., 1862; member med. soc. of Bridgeport, med. soc. of Fairfield co., and Am. med. asso., 1872. Porter Isaac G., New London. A. M., Yale coll., 1826: M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Pa., 1833 ; pres. med. soc. of New Loudon co. ; fellow med. soc. of Conn. ; member Am. med. asso., 1872; act. ass’t surg. U. S. A. 6 years; — author of various papers in med. journals. Porter William, Litchfield. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Buffalo, 1851. Porter J. G., New London. Potter Henry, New London. M. D., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1867; member med. soc. of New London co. Powers Frederick, Sharon. Pratt Ambrose, Chester. A. B. and A. M., Yale coll.; M. D., Colurnbiau med. coll., 1843 ; surg. U. S. vols. 10 months. Preston Gilbert H., Tolland. M. 1)., Castleton, Vt., 1844; sec. med. soc. of Tol» land co., 1873. Preston S. C., Hartford. M. D., Berkshire med. coll., 1840; member med, soc. of Hartford co. Prior Israel, North Stamford. Eeinfret A. A., West Killingly. Member med. soc. of Windham co. Beynolds Gideon Perry, Guilford. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1852; member med. soc. of New Haven co. Kichards Lewis, New Canaan. M. J)., coll. phys. and surg. of N. Y. (no date) ; member med. soc. of Fairfield co. Bichardson L., (h) Hartford. Richardson William H., Mansfield. M. D., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1834; member med. soc. of Tolland co. Rising Aretas, Suffield. M. 1)., Berkshire med. coll., 1826 ; member med. soc. of Hartford co. Rising Henry Martin, South Glastonbury, M, !>., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1868; member med. soc. of Hartford co. Risley Stephen G., Rockville. M. 1)., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1846; pres. med. soc. of Tolland co., 1873, and fellow med. soc. of Conn. Roath Benjamin F., Norwich. M. D., Castleton, Yt., 1834. Robbins E. K., (m) Eastford. Roberts C. S., Westport. M. D., coll. phys. and surg. of N. Y., 1864. Roberts J. R., Waterbury. Roberts Theodore, (h) New Canaan. Robinson Fred. C., East Haddam. Robinson J. H., (e) New Haven. Robinson Myron W., Colchester. Robinson Rienzi, W. Killingly. Member med. soc. of Windham co. ; fellow med. soc. of Conn. Rockwell Sidney AY., East AYindsor Hill. Member med. soc. of Hartford co., and Am. med, asso., 1872. Rodman C. S., AYaterbury. Rodman William Woodbury, (h) New Haven. A. B., Yale coll., 1838; A. M., 1841 ; AI. D., Jeffer- son med. coll., 1844 ; member soc. of Conn. ; hon. member of N. Y. hornoeo. med. soc. ; — author of “ An Examination of the. Efficacy of Infinitesimal Doses;” “ Alateria Medica ia its Scientific Kelations,” etc., etc. ROG CONNECTICUT. SUM c:o Eogers Charles Henry, Central Village. A. Ji., Yale cr.lL, 1844; M. D., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1847 ; member med. soc. of Windham co. ; ass’t surg. U. S. vols. 2 years. Rogers Frederick, Willimantic. M. D., med. de])’t uiiiv. of N. Y., 1863; member med. soc. of Windham co. Rogers J. H., Derby. Ruekoldt Arthur, Kew Haven. M. D. After five years’ study at Vienna, Austria, and .Tena, Germany, in 1865; member med. soc. of New Ilaven co. Russell G. W., Hartford. M. 1)., med. de])’t of Yale coll., 1866; member med. soc. of Hartford co. Sage William H., (h) Unionville. Salisbury Samuel'T., Plymouth. Member med. soc. of Litchfield co. Sands Samuel, Darien. License med. soc. of Westchester co., 1848. Sanford Charles E., (h) Bridgeport. M. D., med. de])’t of Yale coll., 1853; member homoeo. soc. of Conn., and Am. inst. of homceo, Sanford Edward, A Vest Cornwall. Member med, soc. of Litchfield co. Sanford Geo. W., Simsbury. M. D. Berkshire med. coll., 1836; member med. soc. of Hartford co. Sanford Leonard J., Hew Haven. Hon. A. M., Yale coll., 1853; M. D., Jefferson med. coll., 1854; member med. asso. of New Haven ; pres. med. soc. of New Haven co. ; fel- low med. soc. of Conn., Am. med. asso., 1872; prof, of anat. and surg. med. dep’t of Yale coll. Scott Charles E., S. Meriden. Scott William, Horth Manchester. M. D., Berkshire med. coll., 1831; member med. soc. of Hartford Co. Sears C. Allen., Portland. M. D., med. deji’t univ. of N. Y., 1862; member med. soc. of Aliddlesex co. Shelton Gould A., Huntington. i\I. I)., med, dep’t of Yale coll., 1869; member med. soc. of Fairfield co. Shepard Durell, West Haven. M. 1)., med, dep’t of Yale coll., 1864; ass’t surg. U. S. vols. 1 year. Shepard George Reribens, Collinsville. M. D., med. deji’t of Yale coll., 1866; member med. soc. of Hartford co., and med. soc. of Conn, ; res. phys. at State hosp, in 1863. Sherwood Justus, Southport. A. B., Yale coll., 1824; M. D., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1827 ; member med. soc. of Fairfield co. Shew Abraham M., Middletown. M. D., defferson med. coll., 1869; member med. soc. of Middlese.x; co. Sheffrey Chas. W., Bridgeport. M. 1)., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1862 ; member med. soc. of Fairfield co. Shove Harmon W., Woodbury. M. D., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1853; member med. soc. of Litchfield co., and Am. med. asso., 1872. Sillimaii Benjamin, Hew Haven. Prof, of gen’l chem., Yale coll. Simmons John H., Ashford. M. D., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1833; member med. soc. ol' Windham co. 6 Smith Andrew J., Bridgeport. IM. D., coll, of phys. and surg., 1863; member -med. soc. of Fairfield co., and fellow med. soc. of Conn. ; act. ass’t surg. U. S. vols. 3 years. Smith Arthur Wells, Hew Haven. M. D., Bellevue hosp. med. coll., 1866. Smith David P., Hew Haven. Smith Ira S., Hew Haven. M. D., med. dep’t of Harvard coll., 1867 ; member med. soc. of New Haven co. Smith Ithamar H., Canaan. Smith Justin Watson, Horth Guilfield. M. D., Berkshire med. coll., 1842; member med. soc. of New Haven co., and med. soc. of Conn. Smith Leroy H., (e) Hartford. Smith L. M., Hew Britain. Smith Seth, Hew London. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1845; surg. U. S. marine hosp., port of New London. Snow E. G., Waterbury. Soule William, Jewett City. M, D., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1851. Sprague Charles S., Stafford Springs. Stanton Geo. D., Stonington. M. I)., Bellevue hosp. med. c.oll., 1871 ; pres, board of health, warden of borough of Stonington. Stearns Henry P., Hartford. A. B., Yale coll.. 1853; A. M., 1856; M. D.-, med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1855; member med. soc. of Hartford, med. soc. of Hartford co., med. soc. of Conn., Am. med. asso., 1872; member of gyiuecological soc. of Boston ; phys. to Hart- ford hosp. ;— author of various papers in med. journals. Steele Harvey B., (e) West Winsted. Stillman R. E., Horth Haven. Member med. soc. of New Haven co. St. John Bela, (h) Wolcottville. St. John G. H., Gaylord’s Bridge. Licensed med. soc., 1827 ; Hon. ]\1. D., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1845 ; member med. soc. of Litch- field CO. Stockman C. O., Hew Ilaven. M. D., Germany; member med. soc. of New Ha ven CO. Stoddard Thomas, Seymour. M. 1)., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1836; merabei med, soc. of New Haven co. Stone Henry E., (h) Fair Haven. Stone J. S., Hew Britain. M. D., coll. phys. and surg. of N. Y., 1865 ; mem- ber med. soc. of Hartford co. StoiTS Melancthon, Hartford. M. D., med. de])’t of Yale coll., 1S54; member med. soc. of Hartford co. Strickland Rial L., Enfield. M. D., med. coll, of Albany, 1839; member med. soc. of Hartford co., and Fellow of med. soc. of Conn. ; member .Am. med. asso., 1872. Sumner Charles E., Bolton. M. 1)., coll, of phys. and surg., of N. Y., 1840; member med. soc. of Tolland co,, med. soc. of Conn.; — author of “ The Early Physicians of Tolland Co.” Sumner George Oliver, Hew Haven. Received license from the med. soc. of Conn, 1824; Hon. M. D., med. dep’t of Yale co’‘ 1846; member med. asso. of New Haven, r soc. of New Haven co., med, soc. of Conn, treas. of med. soc. of Conn. 12 years. SWA CONNECTICUT. WHI 83 Swasey Erast us P., N’ew Britain. Member med. soc. of Hartford co. Sweet Gideon E., (m) Middletown. Sweet Jaines, (m) Milford. Swift Edwin D., Hamden. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1849; member med. soc. of New Haven co. Swift Solomon E., (h) Colchester. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1845; member bomceo. med. soc. of Conn., and Am. inst. of homoeo. Taft C. A., (h) Hartford. Tate .Tohu. ^.lerideu. Talcott Alvan, Guilford. A. B., Yale coll., 1824; A. M., 1827; M. D., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1831 ; member med. soc. of Hartford co. ; fellow med. soc. of Conn. Tanner Silas A., (m) New Haven. Tavlor Charles, (h) New Milford. Taylor Geo., (hi New Milford. Taylor O. B.. (hi Mantdiester. Tehny John A., (m) Naugatuck. Terry J. Wadsworth, New Haven. Terry William, Ansonia. M. I)., Pa. med. coll., 1846. Thompson Bradford S., Salisbury. Hon. A. M., Yale coll., 1872; M. D.j^ Bellevue hosp. med. coll., 1867 ; member N. Y. acad. of med., med. soc. co. of N. Y. ; librarian med. library and journal soc. of N. Y. ; Am. med. asso. ; cor. sec. alumni asso. Bellevue bo.sp. med. asso. 1 years ; ass’t editor “ Medical Herald ; ” — author of various papers in that journal. Thompson Charles S., Fair Haven. M. D., med. dep’t of Y^ale coll., 1822; member med. soc. of New Haven co. Thompson W. H., Fair Haven. M. D., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1862; member med. soc. of New Haven co. Tiiiany B. H., Collinsville. M. D.,med. coll, of Castleton, Vt., 1837 ; member med. soc. of Hartford co. Todd William Sheridan, llidgefield. A. B., Wesleyan univ.; M. D., coll, of phys. and sur-r. of N. Y., 1869; member med. soc. of Fairfield co. Totten Thomas H., New Haven. M. I)., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1837; member med. soc. of New Haven co. Towne E. A., (h) Farmington. Townsend T. Beers, New Haven. M. D., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1858; member med. soc. of New Haven co.. Am. med. asso. Tracy Lewis A., Norwich. M. j)., coll. phys. and surg. of N. Y., 1863. Treadwell O. F., Hamden. M. D., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1865; member med. soc. of New Haven co. Tremaine W. H. Hartford. M. D., Berkshire med. coll., 1838; member med. soc. of Hartford co. Trowbridge William Henry, Stamford. M. I)., coll. phys. and surg. of N. Y., 1855; mem- ber med. soc. of Fairfield co., and med. soc. of Conn. ; surg. U. S. vols. 2 years and 6 months. Tucker S. Giles, (h) Norwich. Turner Sylvester Wooster, Chester. A. B., Yale coll., 1842 ; M. D., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1S46 ; member mod. .soc. of Middlesex co. ; fellow med. soc. of Conn., Am. med. asso., 1872. Tuttle Frank B., Naugatuck. M. D., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1844. Tyler David A., New Haven. Member med. soc. of New Haven co. Tyler E. C., (m) Deep Kiver. Vail A. E., (h) Seymour. Vail E. J., Burnside. , Vining Geo., (h) Uniionville. Vishno Charles, (h) New Britain. M. D., homoeo. med. coll., of N. Y., 1866 ; member homoeo. med. soc. of Conn. Wainwright W. A. M., Hartford. M. D., coll. phys. and surg. of N. Y., 1867 ; sec. med. soc. of Hartford co. ; fellow med. soc. of Conn. ; member Am. med. asso., 1872. Waite H. S., (m) Hartford. Wallace J. K., Bantam Falls. Ward George A., New Haven. Warner Abner Spicer, Wethersfield. A. B., Dartmouth coll., 1842 ; M. D., med. school of Me. (no date); member med. soc. of Hart- ford CO. Warren Eli, Hartford. Member med. soc. ot Hartford co. Warren Joel A., Ellington. Member med. soc. of Tolland co. Warren Levi, Norwich. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1854; member med. soc. of New London. Warren T. H., Thompsonville. Washburn Edward L., New Haven, M. D., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1855. Way Henry E., Bristol. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1849. Webb Charles H., Woodbury. Member med. soc. of Litchfield co. Webb Daniel M., Madison. B. A., Yaie coll., 1846; M. A., 1848; M. D., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1849; member med. soc. of New Haven. Welch Benjamin, Lakeville. Licensed phys. and surg. by med. soc. of Conn., 1820; M. D., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1823; member med. soc. of Litchfield co., and Am. med. asso., 1872 ; hon. member med. soc. of Phi I a. Welch Edwin, West Winsted. Member med. soc. of Litchfield co. Welch James, West Winsted. Member med. soc. of Litchfield co. Welch William W., Norfolk. M. D., med. dep’t of Yiile coll., 1839; memoer med. soc. of Litchfield co. Wells John F., Hartford. Wheeler Frank, Farmington. M. D., coll. phys. and surg. of N. Y., 1852; mem- ber med. soc. of Hartford co. Whitcomb James B., Brooklyn. M. D., Bowdoin med. coll., 18_6; member med. soc. of Windham co. White John 0., Greenwich. White Moses C., New Haven. M. D., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1854; member med. soc. of New Haven co., and sec’y med. soc. of Conn ; prof. path, and micros., Yale coll. White E. A., Simsbury. M. D., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1832; member med. soc. of Hartford co. ; sec. med. soc. of Conn. 84 WHl CONNECTICUT. YOU White William M., Fair Haven. Member med. soc. of New Haven co. Wliithi" John, (m) Winsted. Whitteinore F. J., New Haven. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1851; member med. soc. of New Haven co. Wilcox Lucian Sumner, Hartford. M. D., coll. phys. and surg. of N. Y., 1855 ; mem- ber med. soc. bf Hartford co. ; fellow med. soc. of Conn., and member of Am. med. asso., 1872. Wilcoxson D. L., New Haven. Member med. asso. of New Haven. Williams Amos L., Brookfield. Member med. soc. of Fairfield co. Williams Lewis, Pomfret. Attended lect. at med. dep’t of Dartmouth coll., and mod. dep’t of Harvard univ. ; member med. soc of Windham co., med. soc. of Conn., and Am. med. asso., 1872 ; visitor to insane retreat, Hartford. Williams W. C., (h) Cheshire. Wilson G. H., (h) Meriden. Wilson S. A., Windsor. M. D., med. dep’t Yale coll., 1852; member med. soc. of Hartford co. Winchell Alverd E., New Haven. A. B., Wesleyan univ., 1857 ; A. M., 1860; M. D., coll. phys. and surg. of N. Y., 1865 ; member med. asso. of New Haven, med. soc. of New Haven co., and med. soc. of Conn. Winslow Edward H., Fairfield. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1855. Witter John, Putnam. M. D., med. deT)’t of Yale coll., 1857 ; member med. soc. of Windham co. Witter Orrin, Chaplin. Hon. M. D., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1845; mem- ber med. soc, of Windham co. Witter William, Willimantic. M. D., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1865; member med. soc. of New London co. Wixon H. L., New Haven. M. D., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1869; member med. soc. of New Haven co. Wood E. A., North Bnidford. Wood Luther H., Wolcottville. M. D., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1869; member med. soc. of Litchfield co. ; fellow med. soc. of Conn. Wood Orson, Somers, Hon. M. D., Yale coll., 1840; member med. soc. of Tolland co. Wood William, East Windsor Hill. M. D., Berkshire med. coll., 184.3; med. dep’t upiv. of N. Y., 1847 ; ex-pres. med. soc. of Hart- ford co. ; member North Hartford med. soc., med. soc. of Conn., and Am. med. asso., 1872 ; v.-pres. med. soc. of Conn.; hon. member soc. natural history of Williams coll. ; — author of various scientific and medical articles, addresses before med. soc’s, etc. ; a regular contributor to “ American Naturalist.” Woodbridge William, Brooklyn. M. I)., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1244; member med. soc. of Windham co. Woodruff J. N., Sherman. Woodruff William, Thomaston. M. D., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1826; member med. soc. of* Litchfield co. Woods William B., Somers. Woodward Ashbel, Franklin. M. D., med. sehool of Me., 1829 ; Hon. M. D., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1855; member med. soc. of New London co., med. soc. of Conn, since 1830, and pres. 3 years ; fellow med. soc. of Conn. ; member Am. med. asso., 1872, and board of med. exam, during rebellion ; hon. member med. soc. of Me., N. H., Vt., E. I., N. Y. and N. J. ; v.-pres. New London hist, soc., and Conn, hist. soc. ; corres. member New England hist, and genealog. soc., N. Y. hist, soc., and anti- quarian and numismatic soc. of Phila., hist. soc. of Wis., and Harleian soc. of London ; member Am. antiquarian soc.; — author of “History of Connecticut Medical Society,” 1859; “A His- tory of Physicians of Norwich, Connecticut;” address on “ Medical Ethics,” 1860; “ Vindica- tion of Army Surgeons,” 1863, etc., etc. ; surg. and med. director dep’t of Gulf 2 years. W(V3clward A. C., Bethany. Woodward Charles, Middletown. Woodward E. P., (h) Bristol. Woodward F. B., Watertown. Worthington A. B., Middle Haddam. M. D., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1842 ; member med. soc. of Middlesex co. Wright Albert A., North (Janaan. Wright Arthur, Bloomfield. Wright Theodore Goodell, Plymouth. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1865; member med. soc. of Litchfield co. ; fellow med. soc. of Conn. Young Francis J., Bridgeport. M. D., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1866; member med. soc. of Bridgeport, and med. soc. of Fair- field co. Young J. B., Eiverside. Young Ransom C., Voluntown. Young T. J., Riverton. SUPPLEMENT TO CONNECTICUT. ABB BEN Abbott George E., Hartford. Acker F]li, Ansoiiia. Adams C. B,, Tariffville. Adams L. S., Hazai-dville. Andrews W. II., Miltord. Member ineii. .soe. ol' New Haven co. Archambault J. R., Haiiielsonville. Ashley R. 11., Norwich. Ayres W. C., Hartford. Member Hartford co. med. soc. Bailey N. B., Seymour. Member med. soc. of New Haven co. Barnett Jolin F., Orange. Member med. soc. of New Haven co. Barolett F. X., Sprague. Ba rrett A. B., South bury. Beach C. A., (h) Unioiiville. Bell Homer S., East Hartford. Member med. soc. of Hartford co, Benedict George, Bethel. BIS CONNECTICUT SUPPLEMENT. WYL 85 Bishop E. 11., New Haven. Member rued. soe. of JSew liaven co. Bouton S. B., Westport. Bowman W. S., Ne.v Canaan. Braman J. II., New Lebanon. Brayton Charles N., Stonington. Member med. soe. of New Loudou eo. Brown E. A., (e) Danbury. Bucliard W. M., Uncasville. Buckley ^V. E., (h) Danbury. Buel Virgil, Ilarwinton. Member med. soe. of Litchfield co. Bnshnell Charles E., Colebrook llivcr. Butler F. R., Rocky Hill. Canfield S., (h) Danbury. Casson B., Collinsville. Caulkins D. C., E. Lyme. Chapman S. II., New Haven. Member med. soe. of New Haven co. Churchill J. H., Middletown. Member med. soe. of Middlesex co. Clason Abram T., Danbury. ^1. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y. Comstock A., New Berlin. Cundall C. C., Danielsonville. Cutler G., Bristol. Darling Asahel E., Killingly. Member med. soc. of Windham co. Darling J. H., Thompsonville. Davis E. H., Idainfield. Member med. soc. of Fairfield co. De Forest AVilliam A., New Haven. Du Bois C. J., New Haven. Dutton T. A., Orange. Dwyer John, Hartford. Member med. soc. of Hartford. Dyer S., (h) Trumbull. Eaton C., (h) Tolland. Elton William, Burlington. Esterly Frank P., Woodbury. Member med. soc. of Litchfield co. Field A., Ansonia. Foster J. P. C., New Haven. Froelich C. E., Hartford. Member med. soc. of Hartford. Gallup J. B., (e) Scotland. Gay A., Griswold. Gay A. E., Preston. Gilbert G. C. H., Westbrook. Member med. soc. of Middlesex co. Granger S. F., N. Canaan. Gray G. Harrison, Clinton. Membc'r med. soc. of Middlesex co. Greene E. A., New Britain. Greene R. E., Lebanon. (iregory E. P., (h) Milford, tlrifiin J., (h) Stamford. Griswold R. G., (h) Stamford. Hart IT. A., New Hartford. Holcomb N. H., Simsbury. Holloway E., Sterling. Holly T. M., Greenwich. Ilotchkin MV. IT., New Haven. .Member med. soc. of New Haven co. Ilowe .lohn I., Birmingham. Ilubbell S. C., Woodbridge. Hull G., (h) Bristol. Hurlburt G. A., Buckingham. Member med. soc. of Hartford co. 8 I .Tames F., Willington. I Junes L. P., Tlazardville. Kittridge O. S., Mansfield. Lee .T. Hamilton, Killingworth. LIcmber med. soc. of l^iiddlese.x co. Lessey T). S., Birmingham, l.ewis Bennett S., New Haven. .Lifiingwill E. M., Bozrah. Linneil J. E., (h) Norwich. Lute J. P., Branford. ^McDonald E. W., Waterbnry. I'dcGuire B. D., Middletown. Idem her med. soc. of Middlese.x co ]^.Iaiu C. O., Voluntown. i^.Iain F. D., Windsor Locks. Mallbie Charles B., Falls Village. M. 1)., Castletou med. coll.; member med. BOC. of Litchfield co., and med. soc. of Conn. Mather E., Essex. Mears Edward S., New Haven. Munn H. E., (e) Naugatuck. Newcomb J. J., Litchfield. I\lember med. soc. of Litchfield co. Newport E. C., (h) Meriden. North J. IT., Goshen. I^lember med. soc. of Idtchfield co. Notliiig W., Middletown. Noyes S., Higganum. Olmstead James, Jr., New Haven. Gsboin A. S., Middletown. Osborn J. S., (h) Southington. Page R. C. M., Westport. Parker William Thornton, New London. Pease S., (h) Rockville. Putter L. IL, Putnam. Rend W. R., (h) Stamford. Robinson E., (e) Pomfret. Ruby S. AV., (e) Westport. Russell Thomas TL, New Haven. Salford J. P., AVindsor. Sanford Isaac R.. New Haven. Shattuck L. A., Bridgeport. Spalding B. B., Brooklyn. Sprague S. L., Norwich. JSlember med. soc. of New London co. Springer AViliiam, New Haven. Stevens J. H. P., Norfolk. M. 1)., coli. of jdiys. and surg., N. Y., 1852. Stiles O., New London. Styles E. L., (h) Putnam. Sweet S. E., Middletown. Sweet Stephen, (m) Franklin. Thompson E. S., Fair Haven. Alember med. soc. of New Haven co. Tiffany A. H., (h) CollinsvillG. Tillinghast F. A.. Norwich. Trudden T. M., New Haven. Member med. soe. of New Haven. AALakeman M. TT., Redding. AYarren D., AVi listed. AVeaver J. L., Groton. AYhite F. O., New Haven. Alember med. asso. of New Haven. AVilson E. T., Rockville. AVordin N. E., Bridgeport. Member med. soc. of Fairfield co. AVyle AYilliarn G., Sandy Hook. Member med. soc. of Fairfield co. HISTOKY AKD GEOGKAPHY OF DAKOTA. Dakota was ^iven a territorial form of government in 1861, being carved out of Nebraska and ISIinnesota Territories, and being originally a portion of the Province of Louisiana (see Arkansas). Dakota, according to the Act by whicli it was created, included not only its present area, but also that of Montana and Wyoming. These have since been detached, leaving the present Territory with 148,932 square miles of surface. The population, accord- ing to the census of 1870, was 14,181 ; the number of physicians and surgeons 20 ; but these numbers do not represent the population of what is now Dakota Territory, for they include the citizens of what was then a detached portion, 2000 miles square, of the Territory, but now forms the soutliwesterii portion of Montana. The annual percentage of deaths from phthisis is twelve. The surface of Dakota is elevated, but not mountainous. Plateaus, having an elevation of from 1000 to 1500 feet above the sea, cover vast areas of surface. The principal rivers are the lied River of the Korth, and the Missouri, the latter travers- ing the central portion of the Territory, and having many large branches, the largest of which are the Little Missouri, the Good, the White, Dakota, Vermillion, and the Big Sioux. The surface of the country is agreeably diversilled by a large number of lakes, the largest of which is Lake Minni waken. The Black Hills, situated in the southwestern part of the Territory, contain gold, silver, iron, copper and coal. Coal is also found in the neighborhood of the Big Sioux River. Rich deposits of salt exist in the region around Lake Minni waken. The margins of the streams are fringed with groves of cottonwood, oak, ash, elm and maple, and an abundance of timbei is found in the Black Hill country, but the surface of the Territory generally is without forests. A vast extent of rich surface awaits the plow of the cultivator ; and though tha annual fall of rain has been very small, it constantly increases with the increased cultivation of the laud, the laws of nature thus helping the progress of the farmers’ art. We have no knowledge of any mineral springs, or medical institutions in the territory. BOY WHE Boyer R . M., Vermillion. Brecht Frederick Adolph, Yankton. Grud. Lei|)zig Saxonia, Ger. ; eleven courses in lued. uiiiv. of Leipsic. Conly W. J., Elk Point. Corliss E., Yankton. Cougar O. H., Yankton. Henry D. H., Sioux Falls. Jamison J. W., Yankton. J.rewis J. G., Vermillion, liivingston Henry F , Fort Thompson. Lvon Samuel, Vermillion. 86 McCarty A. L., Yankton. Moon G. E., Yankton. Morgan J. C., Sioux Falls. Niedelet S. X., Yankton. Philips J. L., Sioux Falls. Robinson M. T., Elk Point. Shelly B. Y., Xiobrara City. Smitii D. W. E., Elk Point. Stevens O. F., Adelescat. Thomas R. T., Greenwood. Tremaiu John, Sioux Valley. Van Velsor J. B., Yankton. Wheelock J. W., Yankton. I HISTORY AKD GEOGRAPHY OF DELAWARE. About the year 1631, the Dutch planted a feeble colony near the present site of Lewisto'vvn, or Lewes, on Delaware Bay. It was the intention of Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden, to found a colony in America, but not living to accomplish his purpose, his plans were c;ir- ried out by the prime minister of his young daughter, Christiana, in 1638. This settlement was made and named after the young Queen. The Swedes held possession of the country until 1654:, when it was seized by the Dutch Governor of New York. In 1664 it became an English province. In 1681, when King Charles II. granted to Penn his colony of Pennsylvania, Delaware was claimed by the Duke of York; from him it was purchased by William Penn and united to Pennsylvania. It became a separate province in 1703, and received its name from the Delaware River, which had been so named in honor of Lord De La Ware, the wise governor of Virginia. Delaware was governed by the cliarter granted to Penn, until the formation of a constitu- tion, September 20th 1776 ; a new constitution was formed on the 12th of June, 1792. The Constitution of the United States was ratified by this State, December 7th, 1787. The surface is an almost perfect level, which in the southern part is marshy, and in the north is slightly undulating. There are no important rivers in the State, but its whole eastern border, Avith the exception of about twenty-five miles of Atlantic coast, is washed by the Delaware River and Bay. “This State covers an area of 2120 square miles, and has a population of 125,015. Tlie number of physicians and surgeons is 170. Twenty-six per cent, of the annual number of deaths is caused by phthisis. MEDICAL SOCIETIES OF DELAWARE. NAME. PRESIDENT state Medical Society D. Hall New Castle county Kent county Wilmington Medical Society II. Fitsken. MEDICAL LAWS OF DELAWARE. Tlie physicians associated as “ The President and Fellows of the Medical Society of Dela- ware,” are a corporation, possessing all the franchises, powers and incidents of a corpont- tion aggregate. They may choose, at an annual stated meeting, from among the Fellows, a President of the Society, a medieval board of examiners for the State, and such, other officers as may be necessary, who must be elected by ballot and a majority of votes, and shall serve for one year, or until others are chosen. They may also choose and admit other Fellows, proposed for admission, according to the by-laws. The medical board of examiners, which consists of as many Fellows as the Society deems proper, can appoint its own president and secretary, and has power to grant licenses, under the signatures of the members of fhe board, for the practice of medicine and surgery in this State. A license to practise medicine or surgery must be granted to any person who applies for the same and produces a diploma from a respectable medical college, or, upon full and im- partial examination, is found qualified to practise. For each license ten dollars must be paid to the secretary of the board, who shall hand the same to the treasurer of the society. Three members of the board of examiners may grant a certificate to practise medicine and surgery in tliis State, which shall be good only until the next regular meeting of the board. The i)erson who applies for a certificate, must show by diploma, or u])on examination, that he is qualified to practise. A second certificate shall not be granted to the same i)ersoii. No person, without a license or certificate from the board of examiners, can practise medi- cine and surgery and charge and demand any compensation therefor in this State, unlcvSS he &7 SECRETARY. G. T. Maxwell. R. P. Johnson. 88 DELAWARE. was a practitionei in the State before February 4th, 1822, or resides in and is regularly ad- mitted to practise medicine and surgery in some other State. Any one, who violates this provision, is guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to a fine of not less than fifty or more than one thousand dollars. But those who practise exclusively the Thomsonian, Botanic or Homoeopathic Systems of Medicine and charge compensation for their services, or, without a license, practise medicine, gratuitously, and accept any gratuity or reward voluntarily given for their services, are not liable to this penalty, nor guilty of a misdemeanor. Tlie Medical Society has power to make rules for the government of the medical board and appoint its time and ifiace of meeting, provided all acts of the society are done by a majority of Fellows present at a meeting regularly held. — Bev.Code, p. 127, etc. Physicians are exempt from jury service. — Ibid.^ p. 384. AND JOH Anderson E. S., (h) Dover. Barr W. II., Middletown. Black J. J., New Castle. Booth M. A., Wilmington. Bullock , (h) Wilmington. Burr Horace, New Castle. Burton F. G., Millsboro’. Burton H R., Frankford. Bush Lewis P., Wilmington, Member Am. med. asso., 1871. Cahill Thomas, Frederica. Cardeza J. T. M., Claymoiit. C.irey D., Milton. Carey John F., Milford. Chamberlain G. G., Middletown. Chandler Joseph P., Centreville. M. D., med. dep’t uriiv. of Pa. (no date.) Chandler Joseph H., Centreville. M. D., Jetfer.son med. coll., 1860 ; member med. soc. of Del. ; siirg. U. S. vols. during the late war. Chandler Swithian, Newport. Clark N., Newark. Clawson James Emory, Smyrna. B. A., Dickinson coll., 1806; A. M,, 1856; M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Md., 1855; member med. Koc. of Del. (pres. 1872) ; deleg. Am. med. asso., 1872. Clayton George W., AVilmington. Collins Robert P., Milford. Collins AV. T., Smyrna. Conaway J. P., Georgetown. Conner David, Felton. Cooper E. AV., Camden. Cooper W. 1 1., Kenton. Cornelius AVilliam S., Glasgow. Crawford Geo. AV., Glasgow. Cummins William, Smyrna. Curtis J. M., Wilmington. Daniel AVilliam, Smyrna. Davidson William C., Milford. Davison E. AV., Camden. Day Asbury Mitchell, Farmington. M. D., Albany med. coll., 1860; member med. soc. of Del. Dodd Robert J., Bridgeville. Draper James A., Wilmington. Dunlap F. S., Delaware City. I Ellegood R. B., Concord. I Ellison Erank L., Summit Ridge. I Ferris Charles E.^ New Castle. I Fields AVilliam, AVilmington. ! Eislier Geo. D., Seaford. Fowler Alex., Newai'k. Fowler Edward, Laurel. Frame Thomas C., Magnolia. Goodwin J. A., Kenton. Greenleaf Robert Patterson, Henry Clay. M. D., Pa. med. coll., 1855 ; member med. soc. of New Castle co., and med. soc. of Del. Groves Benjamin B., New Castle. Hall David H., Lewes. Member Am. med. asso., 1871. Hamilton AV. AV., Adelphi. Hamilton AVilliam, Odessa. Member Am. med. asso., 1871. Harlan Caleb, Wilmington. Harlan Charles, AVilmington. Harman G. S., Camden. Hearn Joseph, Milton. Henry C., Newark. Higgin Samuel J., Camden. Hirons R. S. AV., Smyrna. Member Am. med. asso., 1872. Hitch AV. S., Laurel. Hopkins James M., Milford. Houston David H., Lewes. Hudders George W,, Christiana. M. D., Jefferson med. coll., 1856; member med« soc. of Del. Irons Alexander, Newport. Jeffries C. R., AVilmington. Johns Joseph A., Bridgeville. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Pa., 1870; membef med. soc. of Del. JOII DELAWARE. WIL 89 Johnson 11. C., Greenwood. Johnson Robert P., Wilmington. Member Am. med. asso., 1S72. Johnson W. J., Wilmington. Jones Charles W., Wilmington. Jones Joseph J., Bridgeville. Jump Isaac, Dover. Member Am. med. asso., 1872. Kane J. K., Wilmington. Kemp J. McK., Delaware City. Kennedy Stiles, Newark. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Pa., 1858; surg. confed. army 4 years ; phys. to St. Louis mag- netic springs ; — author of “ Iodoform ; its Thera- peutic Effects,” 1870; “Magnetic and Mineral Si)rings of Michigan,” 1873. Kittenger L., (h) Wilmington. Knowles .Tacob, Seaford. Knowles J. H. D., Seaford. Kriclmer C. W., Wilmington. Lafferty W. L., Canterbury. Lawton Charles Henry, (h) Wilmington. M. D., Hahnemann med. coll., 1871 ; member Am. inst. of honioeo., and Hahnemann med. inst., Phila. T^slie W. W., New Castle. Jx)fland M. G., Milford. Lowber Alex., Newark. Lukens Isaiah, (h) Newyjort. M. H., med. dep’t univ. of Pa. (no date). McCabe Arthur, Selbyville. McColley F. P. , Milford. McFadden James P., Gumboro’. McKay Read J., Wilmington. McKee Robert Middletown. Marlin Hugh, Seaford. Marsh .Tosei)h W., Lewes. Marsh E. W. W., Milton. Marshall S. D., Dover. Marshall W., Milford. Member Am. med asso., 1872. Maull D. W., Wilmington. Maull Geo. W., Georgetown. Miller S., Wilmington. Morris C. H., Wilmington. Mustard David L., Lewes. Negendank A., Wilmington. Osborne Richard Humfrey Greaves, Wilmington. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Pa., 186G; member alumni soc. of univ. of Pa.; v.-pres. med. soc. of Mercer co., N. Y., 1867. Owens Frederick James, Vernon. M. D., Phila. coll, of med., 1853; member med. HOC. of Del. ; ass’t surg. U. S. vols. 2 years. Palmer David Daily, Concord. III. D., med. dep’t univ. of Pa., 1867; membe* med. soc. of Del. Parvis John H., Black Bird. Pliillips H. S., Wilmington. Porter .John T., Wilmington. Porter Rob. R., Wilmington. Member Am. med asso., Ici73. Powell C. C., Harrington. Pratt Nathan, Milford. Purnell W. G. W., Milford. Quimby Watson Pell, (h) Wilmington. M. D., Jefferson med. coll., 1847. Richards Charles Henry, Georgetown. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Pa., 1851 ; membei med. soc. of Del., and Am. med. asso., 1S72_ had charge of Sussex co. almshouse 15 years ; — author of paper, “ Influence of Medical Socie- ties,” 1870. Rogers Thomas C., Dover. M. D., med. clep’t univ. of Pa., 1855; member med. soc. of Kent co., med. soc. of Del., and Am. med. asso., 1872; — author of paper, “An Extraoi dinary Case of Hernia,” etc. Saulsbury G., Dover. Sharp J. W., Camden. Shaw Alex. R., (h) Newark. M. 1)., homu^u. coll, of Phila., 1857. Shipley Jos. P. IL, Seaford. Shortlidge E. G., Wilmington. Simms .J. H., Wilmington. Skinner William I., Glasgow. iM. 1)., med. dep’t univ. of Jild., 1870. Srnitcher H. C., Wilmington. Smith John M., Kent co. Stewart David, Port Penn. Stewart R. B., Bridgeville. Sudler Joseph B., Frankford. Sudler W. T., Bridgeville. Sutherland Rod wick, Red Lion. Swain U. J., Smyrna. Tantum Joseph R., (h) Wilmington. M. D., homoeo. med. coll, of Phila. (no dat^ member Am. inst. of homoeo. Tatum William, St. George. Thomas AV. W., AVilmington. Thompson C. B., Magnolia. Thompson Jas. T., Gumboro’. - A'alandingham J. S., St. George. Veasey James L., Summit Ridge, AA^ales J. P., AV'ilmington. AVaples Joseph B., Georgetown. Warren M. A., Milford. Watson R. AY., Milford. AYelden Chas., Newport. AYest James D., Roxana. West Simeon Leslie, AYilmington. M. D., Jetterson med. coll., 1868; member med soc. of Del. AYhiteley A., Milford. AYilliard E. R., Wilmington. Member Am. med. asso., 1872. AYolfe AYilliam E., Laurel. iWCil mmi OF THE MSftllC? OF HISTOKY AND GEOGEAPHY OF THE DISTEICT OF COLUMBIA. In December, 1788, the State of Maryland ceded to Con. ; })hys. St. John’s chil. hosp. ; member ]\lass. med. soc., etc., etc., med. asso. of 1). C., and Am. med. asso., 1872; tbrmerly in charg. of colored orph. home ; member acad. literature, science and art of D. C. ; act. ass’t surg. Freedman’s hosp. Johnston Gabriel F., 420 Sixth st. Jolmston AYilliam P., 1307 F st., N. AY. ^lember med. asso. of I). ('., and Am. med. asso. Johnston AYilliam Waring, 1307 F st., N. AY. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Pa., 1865; member med. soc. and med. asso. of D. C. : i)rof. of theory and prac. of med. in med. dep’t of Columbia coll. ; attending phys. chil. hosp. Jones B. C., 926 B st., S. AY. Joseph Richard, 1102 Thirteenth st., N. AY. Jouy Joseph, 2218 Pa. ave. Joyce J. AY., 912 1st. Kearny Richard F., 1308 B st., S. AY. Keech Thomas A. R., D st., and 614 Pa. »ve., N. E. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Md. ; member mod. soc. of D. C. Keene P. Thomas, 327 E. Cap. st. Ketcham 0. C., 37 C st., N. W. Kindleburger David, 2030 G st. Surg. U. S. navy. KIN DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. NEW 95 King Albert Freeman Africanus, 726 Thirteenth st. M. D., nietl. dep’t of Columbia coll., 1861 ; med. dep’t univ. of Pa., 1865; member and one of board of exam, for 1873 of med. soc. of D. C., and one of the councillors^ for 1873 of med. asso. D. C. ; member Am. med.* asso., 1872, and clin- icopatholog. soc. of Washington, D. ; C. prof, obstet. and dis. of worn, and chil. med. dep’t of Columbia coll., and med. dep’t univ. of Vt. ; at- tend. ])hys. to Providence hosp., Washington ; act. ass’t surg. U. S. A., Lincoln hosp., 1864; — author of papers, “On the Use of Ai’teriotomy and other Remedies in the treatment of Puer- pei-al Convulsions,” 1865 essay on “Ligation and Managemeirt of Umbilical Cor’d at Child- birth,” 1867; “Septenary Periodicity,” 1869; “Oir Faulty Nutrition consider’ed as the Result of Torpid Circulation,” 1870, and many other valuable articles. King George S., 2107 Pa. ave. Lamb Daniel S., 1324 V st., N. W. Member med. asso. of D. C. Latimer Edwin W., 624 I st., N. W. Member med. asso. of D. C. Lanb Charles H., Soldiers’ Home. Lawyer W. P., 1731 Pa. ave. Leach Hamilton E., 416 Eleventh st., S. W. Leaclr Thomas W.. Surg. U. S. navy. Lee Alfred H., 1125 Fifth st., N. W. Lee William, 2111 Pa. ave., N. W. M. D., coll, of phys. and surg. of N. Y., 1863 ; mem- ber med. soc. and med. asso. of D. C., clinico- pathological soc. of D. C. ; sec. and treas. of med. club of D. C., for 1873, Am. med. asso., 1872; councillor alumni asso. coll, of phys. and sur’gs. of N! Y. ; librariarr Arn. med. asso., 1872; hon. member coll. soc. of National med. coll, of D. C., pr*of. physiol, national med. coll.; att. phys. Columbia hosp. dispens. of Washington; act. med. cadet U. S. army, 1861. Liebermann Chas. H., 722 Twelfth st., H. W. Member med. asso. of D. C., and Am. med. asso., 1872. Lincoln Nathan S., 1329 F st., N. W. Member and one of cotrncilloi-s of med. asso. of D. C., for 1873, and Am. med. asso., 1872. Lindsly Harvey P., 824 Conn. ave. Member med. asso. of D. C., and Am. med. asso. (pres. 1850.) r.ootnis Silas L., 639 Pa. ave., S. E. Lovejoy Jas. W. H., 902 Twelfth st., N. W. A. M., Columbian coll, of D. C.. 1847 ; M. D., Jef- ferson med. coll., 1851 ; member med. soc. of D. C., and one of board of exam, for 1873; pres, med. asso. of D. C. ; sec. Am. med. asso.; and chairman board ex. med. soc. of D. C. McBlair J. H., Jr., 921 D st. Member med. asso. of D. C. McCalla John M., Jr., 305 C. st., N. W. Member med. asso. of D. C. McCarty Rufus H., U. S. naval hosp. McCaulev .Jos. A., 478 S st. McCoy George, 368 Second st. M. D., med. dep’t of Georgetown coll., 1857 ; mem- ber med. soc. and med. asso. of D. C., med. soc. alumni of Georgetown coll.; act. ass’t surg. in charge of hosp. 3i years. McKim Samuel A. H., 416 A st., E. Member med. asso. of D. C., and Am. med. asso., 1872. McLain John Speed, 332 C st., N. W. M. D., med. dep’t of Columbian coll., 1871 ; mem- ber med. soc. of D. C., med. asso. of D. C. ; house surg. Providence liosp. McNalley Valentine, 1203 Thirteenth st., N. W. A. M., univ. of Georgetown, 1868; M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Georgetown, 1867 ; member med. soc. and med. asso. of D. C., and soc. of alumni of Georgetown coll., and Am. med. asso., 1872. McWilliams Alexander, 629 Four-and-a-half st., S. W. Member med. asso. of D. C. Machenheimer Chas. P., 211 Twelfth st., S.W. Mackey Albert G., 1440 M st., N. W. Macgruder George Lloyd, 310 E st., N. W. A. li., Gonzaga coll., 1868; A. M., univ. of George- town, 1871; M. D., med. dep’t of Georgetown, 1870 ; member med. soc. and med. asso. of D. C., soc. alumni med. dep’t coll, of Georgetown; treas. central disp. ; phys. to home for aged, in charge of “ Little Sisters of the Poor ; ” phys. to the poor; member of exec. com. med. soc. alumni univ. of Georgetown. Marbury William A., 719 Twent 5 '’-second st. Marks Elias, 1026 Seventeenth st. Marmion AYilliain V.. 1106 F st. Mason John Edwin, 902 H st. Maurer Morgan, 1256 Eighth st. Mauss R. G., 1701 Sixth st. Maxwell Chas. D., 1716 I st. May J. Fred., 505 Seventh st. Mead Francis W., 723 Sixth st., S. W. Mead Theodore, 902 Twenty-second st., N. W. M. D., med. dep’t of Georgetown coll., 1869 ; mem- ber nied. soc. alumni of Georgetown coll.; — author of ])aper, “Successful Treatment of Strvchnine Poisoning with Hydrate of Chloral,” 1871. Melvin M. B., 721 Four-and-a-half st., S. W. Merriam Ephraim C., 633 N. J. ave., N. W. Member rued. asso. of D. C. Mew William M., 422 Fifth st. Miller Aaron W., 820 K st., S. E. Member med. asso. of D. C., and Am. med. asso., 1872. Miller Christian, 719 Sixth st., N. W. Moore Joseph B., 1924 Pa. ave., N. W Morgan James E., 905 E st., N. W. Pres. med. soc. of D. C. ; v.-pres. med. asso. of D. C., 1873 ; member Am. med. asso., 1873. Morrell William M., Gov. Hosp. for Insane. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Buffalo, 1860; member med. soc. of Knox co., O. ; ass’t phys. gov. hosp. for insane; specialty, mental disease. Morris M. D., 1743 Eleventh st. Muncaster Otho M., 1017 Tenth st. Mem. med. asso. of D. C., and Am. med. asso., 1872. Mundell elohn H., 1002 Conn. ave. Murphy Patrick J., Columbia Hospital. Myers Worthington B., 1619 K st. Naylor William L., 456 M st., M. W. Neale Richard A., 1546 Columbia st. Nelson H. C., U. S. N., 608 Thirteenth st. Newman W. G. H., 2403 Pa. ave., N. W. Member med. asso. of D. C., and Am. med. asso., 1872. Newton Lewis E., 413 L st. Member med. asso. of D. C. 90 NIC DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. SLO Nichols Chailes H., Gov. IIosp. for Insane. Hon. M. A., Union coll, of Schenectady, N. Y. ; M. D., nied. deji’t univ. of Pa., 1843; member asso. Riipt. of Am. institutions for insane, med. asso. of D. C., and Am. med. asso., 1872 ; sujier- intendent of Bloomington hosp. for insane, 1849 to 1854, of gov. hosp. for in.sane since 1855; trustee of Columbian univ. ; director of Colum- bia hosp. for women ; act. ass’t surg. in gen’l hosp. for U. S. vols. during war; — author of lle])orts of Bloomingdale Asylum for Insane, 1849-51, and of Gov. IIosp. for Insane from 1855: specialty, mental diseases. Norris Basil, 1829 G st., N. W. Member me l. asso. of D. C. Norton Hervey J., 517 L st., S. E. O’Connell John C., 40 M st. Osmun Chas. J.,917 12th st. Otis George A., U. S. A., 1919 G st. Page B.. A., 227 Four-and-a-half st. Page William, cor. Nineteenth and C sts., S. E. Page William M., 113 C st., N. E. Palmer James C., U. S. N., 912 Nineteenth st. Palmer Willitim Gray, 929 II st., N. W. Mem. med. asso. of D. C., Am. me., med. coll, of S. C., 1857. Moore M. L., Lake City. Morse , Quincy. Mountain M., Vernon. Murray Robert D., Key West. M. D., Cleveland med. coll., and Jefferson med. coll., 1873 ; member Cleveland acad. of med., med. soc. of Key West, Am. med. asso., 1872, Kintland nat. hist. soc. of Cleveland ; surg. to coast survey, and U. S. marine hosp. Kash M. H., Tallahassee. Newsom Louis L., Campbellton. M. D., med. coll, of Ga., 1860 ; ass’t surg. confed. army 4 years. Kewsom S., Lake City. Olliver F. K. B., Lake City. Otto Joseph, Key West. Treas. med. soc. of Key West. Overstreet S. T., Live Oak. Palmer F. M., Monticello. Palmer J. D., Fernandina. Parker L., Jacksonville. Passley E. C., Flemington. Paterson John, Madison. M. D., med. coll, of Savannah (no date) ; ass't surg. confed. army 2 years. Peck J. E., (h) St. Augustine. M. D. med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1844. Pelote .1. C., Manatee. Pennsy G. A., Gainesville. Penny Geo., Bronson. Perry Joseph, Starke. Perry Robert J., Key West. Member and sec. med. soc. of Key West. Peters F. M., Milton. 302 PHI FLORIDA. WEI Philips E., Marianna. Pierco Charles M., Pensacola. M. D., Albany med. coll, (no date) ; surg. of vols. from 1862 to 1866; quarantine surg. during 1867. Plummer J. W. O. K., Key West. Pope J. H., Madison. Pope W. II., Madison. Powled^e Gibson, Clear Water. Porter Joseph Y., Key West. Member rued. soc. of Key V/est. Pristow Francis, Wellborn. Ramos Jose E., Key AV'est. V.-pres. med. soc. of Key West. Randolph A. L., Tallahassee. Randolph J. H., Tallahassee. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Pa., 1831; pres. med. soc. of Leon co. : surg. of vol. in Fla., Indian war, 183.5 and ’36 ; med. direct, confed. army, during late war. Reeves J. W., Concord. Roberts, C. O. O., Lake City. Rowland W. A., Belleville. Sabal Emile Talvande, Jacksonville. M. ])., me 1. coil, of Va. ; 1863, and Long I.slan 1 coll, hosp., 1860; has been city phy.s. ; corres. sec. med. soc. of Duval co. ; surg. confed. army during late war. Saes Dionisio T., Key West. Meml)er med. soc. of Key West. Sayre G. AY., Cerro Gordo. Scott Robert, Alonticello. Scott AV. J., Chattahoochee. Sessions A. M. R., Aladison. Al. D., med. coil, of Georgetown, 1844. Shelton Y. U., AAhildo. Shine AA^. E., St. Augnstine. Simmons G. AV. E., Leesbnrjy. Simmons J. II., St. Augustine. Smith J. P. , Mickosuki. Smoke Samuel Dunwoody, Alachana. M. D., med. coll, of S. C., 1850. Smoke G. L)., Lake Butler. Smyth J. M., Cerro Gordo. Stanford Daniel, (e) Barton. Strise 1. 1., St. Augustine. Saber J. J., Quincy. Taylor B. AV., Monticello. Tennelle A. J. C., Greenwood. Tlioinas R. Y. R., Gainesville. Todd Patrick, Ocala. Turner Thomas, May Port. Veal AY. R. O., Cotton Plant. A. B., S. inst., 11 67 ; M. D., med. coll, of S. C., Ic6;); member med. soc. of Manon Co. Yoga Felipe De La, Key AVest. Alcinber raed. soc. of Key West. Yickcy R. S., Key AVest. Aleinlfer med. soc. of Key West. AYakcfield Adoniram Judson, Jackson- vjile. M. f)., Alass. med. coll., 1855; member med. soc. of Duval co. ; cx. surg. for U. S. pension office; surg. U. S. marine hosp. ; act. ass’t surg. U, S. army 7 years and 5 months. AAhill John, Teanpa. AVclls R. M., Aldfia. AYest Theophilus, Alarianna. AL D., Oglethorpe med. col!., 1859; ass’t surg. oonl'cd. army 3 years; (no med. soc. in the co). AVhitehead D.* AAL, Key AVest. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1843. AVhitney E. K., Madison. Wiginton J. P., Columbus. AVilcox Samuel, Perry. Williams J ames Alexander, Kewnaiisville. M. D., med. coll, of Savannah, (no date) ; ass’t surg. confed. army, 1859. AVilliams L. R., Tampa. Wright C. C., Marianna. SUPPLEMENT TO FLOEIDA. CHA WRI Chapman P., Picolata. Knight A. L. Jacksonville. Leute F. D., Pilatka, in winter ; Saratoga Springs, K. Y., in summer. M. 1).., univ. of N. Y., 1849 ; ex-prof. dis. of women and child, univ. of N. Y. city; ex-surg. N. Y. State women’s hosp. ; member Am. public health asso. ; hon. member N. C. State soc., etc., etc. ' Lindley , Fort Gates. Niles I. N., Jacksonville. M. D., Harvard med. school, 1853; practised 10 years iu Boston ; on med. staff U. S. army 0 yrs. Peters , Georgetown. Snipes AV. T., Centreville. Witing J. E., Pensacola. Wright E. H., King’s Ferry. t HISTOKY AND GEOGRAPHY OF GEORGIA. Georgia was the last settled of the Atlantic States. The charter granted by George II., June 9th, 1732, named the country between the Savannah and the Altamalui Rivers, Georgia, and gave it to Mr. Oglethoi-pe and other gentlemen, “ in trust for the poor.” In 1733 General Oglethorpe conducted the first settlers to the Savannah River, where they were soon joined by other colonists. The land was held under a military tenure, and was repeatedly invaded by the Spaniards from Florida. In 1752 tiie i)r()i)rietary government was abolished and Georgia became a royal colony. The western part was detached from the present State in 1802, and now forms the States of Alabama and ]\lississi])])i. At the time of this cession to the United States, Georgia received a strip of land about twelve miles wide across the northern end of the State, this strip being a part of the cession of South Carolina to the General Government in 1787. A constitution was formed in 1777, a second in 1785, and the present one May 30, 179^. Georgia was one of the original thirteen States, and ratified the Constitution of the United States, January 2, 1788, The State has an area of 58,000 square miles, a sea-coast line of 100 miles, and in 1870 had a population of 1,184,109. The number of physicinns and surgeons was (census of 1870) 1537. Phthisis is the cause of five ])er cent, of the annual number of deaths. The Blue Ridge and t'le Alleghany Mountains pass througii the northwestern portion of the State, varying in height'froin 1200 to 4000 feet ; from these mountains tliere is a gradual slope toward the extreme southeast, wliere the great Okefinoke swamp is found. Tliere are over fifty rivers in this State ; the hirgest of those emptying into tlie Atlantic are, the Sa- vannah, between Georgia and South Carolina, the Altamaha and the Ogeechee, while the Flint and the Chattahoochee unite to form the Apalachicola, which flows through Florida and em])ties into the Gulf of Mexico. There are several good harbors upon the coast. Gold is found in quartz veins among tiie mountains ; there is an abundance of iron-ore, and copper has been found. In some ])ortions of tlie mountain region, and along the rivers, tlte soil is very rich, while some otiier parts of the State are covered by pine barrens and swamps. MINERAL SPRINGS OF GEORGIA. Red Sulphur Springs.— These Springs are in Walker county, not far from Lookout Mountain. TJiey can be easily reached from Chattanooga. There are twenty Springs, but all we can say of their waters is that they contain sulphur. Indian Springs.— These Siprings are in Butts county, and are sulphurous waters which have been much used in chronic r!i(unn;itism, and various diseases of the stomach and liver. A stage line runs from Atlanta to the Springs. Catoosa Springs, in the county of the same name, are four and a half miles from Ring- gold, and twenty-live from Chattanoogn,. The water of some of these Springs contains iron, and that of otliers sulphur. Guests may be accommodated at the “ Catoosa Springs’ Hotel.” Madison Springs, in Madison county, have long been regarded as pure and excellent chalybeate waters. A line of stages connects Athens with these Springs. The Warm Springs are in the county of Merri wether, thirty-six miles by stage, from Columbus. ANALYSIS. One pint contains (90° Fahr,, Prof. A. Means) : SOLIDS. GRAINS. Carbonate of Jla^nesiuTn 1 1 .68 Carbonate of Calcium 4.64 Carbonate of Iron 2.14 CASKS. Carbonic Acid Sulphuretted Hydrogen. UB. IN. 1.11 trace Total 18.4G 1C3 104 GEORGIA. These Springs are beautifully situated at the height of 1800 feet above the level of the sea. The flow of water is about 1400 gallons per minute, and every facility for bathing is offered. There are abundant accommodations for visitors. Tliese Springs have acquired considerable re])utation for tlie cure of gout, riieumatism and similar diseases. AVithin a short distance of these Springs there is to be found a sulphur, a cold, and an acidulated chalybeate Spring. Bethesda Springs are in Lumpkin county, and may be reached by stage from Gainesville, twenty-nine miles. The waters liave not been analyzed. The “ Bethesda Hotel ” is open for the accommodation of guests. Gordon’s Springs, in Murray county, and Rowland’s Springs, in Cass county, are Chalybeate waters. There are several other Springs in Georgia of which we are unable to give any information. These are : Sulphur Springs, in Hall county; Cohhutta Springs, in Murray county ; AVhite Sulphur Springs, in Merriwether county ; Bluff Springs, in Talbot county ; Cave Spring, in Floyd county, and several others. MEDICAL COLLEGE OF GEORGIA. Medical College of Georgia, otherwise called the Medical Department of the Univer- sity of Georgia, was founded at Augusta, in 1832, and is, therefore, the oldest medical institution in the State. There are eleven professors, a demonstrator and several assistants. Instruction is given by lectures and daily examinations ; by daily clinics at the College ; by clinics at the City Hospital, which is upon the grounds of the College and under the control of the faculty; by clinics at the rreedman’s Hospital, and by instruction in practical anatomy. Advanced students are given cases to attend at the i)atients’ homes. A medical library and a museum are free to the students. Young men who are not able to incur the expense of a medical education are received upon application to the dean. The usual re- quisites for graduation are required, excej^t that the writing of a thesis is optional with the candidate. The fees arc ; professors’ tickets, $105 ; matriculation fee, $5 ; practical anatomy, $10; diploma, $30. The sessions commence on the lirst Monday in November. Savannah Medical College.— The charter for this school was granted in 1836, but it was not organized until 1853. The building was occupied as a hospital during the war, and the lectures discontinued for several sessions. Instruction is given by means of lectures, dissections, and clinics at the Savannah Hos- pital. There are twelve ])rofessors, demonstrator, and a lecturer on pharmacy. “’Such beneficiary students as may merit the position are received.” The fees are : lectures, $105 : matriculation, $5 ; anatomy, $10 ; diploma, $30 ; and $10 for a certificate of ])roficiency in pharmacy. One student is admitted to this college from each congressional district of the State without charge. Atlanta Medical College. — This college was organized in 1855. During the war the college building was occnjiied first by the Confederate, and afterward by the Federal troops, jis a hospital. Orders were given by the commanding officer of the Federal forces, that it iihould be burned, and it was only saved from the ilames by the ingenuity of the curator of GEORGIA. 105 tlie institution. In 1865 the faculty reorganized, the sessions began again, and have con- tinued with increasing prosperity. There are nine professors, and five adjunct professors. The course begins on the first Monday in November and closes the first of March. Students are instructed by means of lectures, dissections, clinics, and the practical use of the microscope. The same rules in regard to receiving students from the congressional districts, that applied to the Savannah Medical College, apply liere ; but here the faculty extend this i)rivilege, upon the payment of $20, for necessary expenses, to one student from each congressional district of the United States, and to the sons of regular physicians and ministers of the Gospel. Students who dp not come under the general heading above mentioned, are expected to pay, for course tickets, $50 ; matriculation, $5 ; anatomy, $10 ; and graduation, $25. The Oglethorpe Medical College was organized at Savannah in 1855, and continued its sessions until the commencement of the war. The class of 1860-61, numbered ninety- three. This college has not been revived. There is said to be an Eclectic Medical College at Macon, but we have no information in regard to it. HOSPITALS AND INFIRMARIES. The City Hospital at Augusta is under the control of the faculty of the Medical College of Georgia. The Sisters of Mercy administer to the inmates ; by their superior system the hospital has become popular both for pauper and pay patients.” There is also a Freedman’s Hospital at Augusta. The Georgia Infirmary at Savannah, is an institution for the care of indigent sick and infirm colored persons. There are two buildings at the southern i)art of the city, and it is proposed to erect a large building upon the fourteen-acre lot belonging to the institution. The Savannah Hospital is under the care of the professors of the Savannah Medical College. The State Institution for the Deaf and Dumb is at Cave Spring. Fifty deaf mutes were taken care of and taught here during the year 1872. There is an Academy for the Blind at Macon. It is under the control of the State. At Milledgeville there is an Insane Hospital, but we have no information in regard to it'. MEDICAL SOCIETIES OF GEORGIA. SOCIETIES. MEETS AT. PKESIDENT. SECKETARY. Medical Association of Geor^jfia W.F. Westmoreland... J. T. Johnson. Georgia State Medical Society R. P. Myers. Atlanta Academy of Medicine Fulton county Floyd county Rome Greene county S. E. V/alkcr J. M. Johnson. Columbus City Medical Society Ogeechee county E. L. Cramp. Macon Medical Society Macon W. R. Burgess. Randolph county Middle Georgia Medical Society Barnesvillc McDowell. Swainesboro’ Medical Society Statesboro’ Medical Society..’ THE MEDICAL LAWS OF GEORGIA. The board of physicians of the allopathic school, which is established in this State, has authority, — 1st. To meet annually or oftener, at the call of any three of their number, at the city of Milledgeville. Thirty days’ notice of the annual meeting must be given. 2d. To elect all ofiicers and fill all vacancies. 3d. To be body corporate, with the right to exercise all the powers usual in such associations necessary to their organization which are in conformity to the constitution and laws. 4th. To grant licenses to all a])plicunts who under the law are entitled thereto, and fix the fee therefor when not fixed by law. 5th. To prescribe a course of reading to those who study medicine under ]>rivate instruction, which shall be obligatory upon all who may apply to the board for examination. It is the duty of the board to grant licenses to practise to all physicians of their school, who present diplomas from the incorporated medical colleges of Georgia, without examina- tion. To grant licenses to all other persons who i)ass a satisfactory examination ; and to revoke such license whenever satisfactory evidence is produced to said board of irregular and unprofessional practices, calculated to discredit the medical profession, or result in injury to the people. To grant licenses to practise in any particular branch of medicine, or to treat any particular form of disease, if the applicant upon examination shows liimself. competent. To grant licenses to apothecaries upon their standing a satisfactory examina- lOG GEORGIA. lion as to their knowledge of drugs and pharmacy. To keep a book in which shall be entered the names of all persons licensed to practise or vend drugs, and the extent of the license. This book is a book of record, and a transcript from it, certihed to by the officer who has it in keeping, under the common seal, shall be evidence in any court of this State. One member of the board may grant a license to practice until the. next regular meeting 'only ; but such license shall not be granted by a member after the board has refused one. Four members of the board constitute a quorum for the transaction of business ; but, in the absence of a quorum, those present may adjourn from day to day. The board of physicians of the reformed practice of medicine, which is established in this State, has the same authority and must perform the same duties as the board of the allo- pathic school. Neither board can license persons to practise in a school of medicine different from their 'Own. But physicians who belong to a school of medicine not represented by a board of physicians may practise under their diplomas alone, and if they have none, they are liable as though tliey had no license. • The fee for a license obtained by diploma shall not exceed five dollars, and upon examina- tion shall not exceed twenty-five dollars. The persons and number of persons constituting both of these boards at the adoption of this code are continued, and all the provisions of their respective charters are also preserved, if not lawfully altered herein. . Any white person who has received a diploma from any medical college of this State is authorized to practise to the extent of the powers given in said diploma, subject to the provisions of this chapter. Any person who shall practise surgery, or in any manner prescribe for the cure of diseases for fee or reward, in violation of the provisions of this chapter, is liable to indictment,' and, on conviction, to a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars for the first offence, and for the second, to imprisonment not exceeding two months. On the trial under the indictment, the defendant must show that he has authority to practise physic and surgery, to exempt himself from the penalty. No person in this State shall keep a drug or apothecary store without first obtaining a license from the medical board of his own school. Tliis license must be recorded in the office of the clerk of the Superior Court, and he must keep a^list of the names of those licensed in a conspicuous place in his office. He is entitled to receive one dollar for recording each name. Any person who violates this provision is liable to indictment, and, on con- viction, to be fined not less than five hundred or more than one thousand dollars ; and for a continuation of the offence after conviction, to the like fine and imprisonment not exceeding six months. At the trial defendant must show his authority. Physicians who were in practice ])rior to December 24, 1847, or were in practice under a legal diploma or license on January 1, 1868, are exempt from all the provisions of this chapter. And druggists who were engaged in said business prior to December 24, 1847, and who continue so at the adoption of this code ; and merchants or shopkeepers who deal in medicines already prepared, if patented, or, if not patented, legally w^arranted by a licensed druggist, are not required to obtain a license. MEDICAL INSTITUTIONS IN GEORGIA. Medical College of Georgia incorporated 1833. Medical College of Georgia charter of, amended 1845. Savannah Medical College incorporated 1838. Southern Botanico-Medical College incorporated 1839. Southern Botanico-Medical College charter of, amended 1845. Abercrombie , Columbus. Adams Kobert, McDonough. Adams S. 8., Thomasville. Adderhold H. D., Carnesville. Adderhold W. V., Lexington. M. D., Atlanta med. coll., 1858. Addy John J., Senoia. Adkins L., Thom])son. Albert W. T., McDonough. Alexander J. S., Atlanta. Alexander M. P., Harmony Grove. Alfriend E. W., Sparta. Alfriend II. L., Sparta. Alfriend W. L., Sparta. Allen W. J., Tan Vert. Allen W. J., Port Gaines. Alley xV. 11., Augusta. Allison Benj. A., DvOcatur. Allston J. F., Cusseta. Alston A. C., Richland. Alston T. M., Dalton. Alvigny N. D., Atlanta. Anderson P. S., Dalton. Anderson R. B., Rossvvell. M. D., Atlanta med. coll., 1866; member med. soc. of Ga. Anderson T. L., AYashington. Anderson AY. A. J., Sheffield. Anderson AYilliam, Spring Place. Andrews Henry Francis, AYashington. M. D., med. de])’t iiriiv. ofS. G. ; med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1857 ; house phy.s. Bellevue hosp. 18 months; ass’t surg. confed. army 1 year; surg. 3 years ; — author of various papers in medical journals. Ansley , Buena Vista. Anthony T. B., AYinterville. Archer , Savannah. Member med. asso. of Ga. Arnold T. AY., Athens. Armstrong James AI., Fairburn. Armstrong William S., xVtlanta. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Ah, 1859; attended lectures in Paris and London, 1867-68 ; member Atlanta acad. of med. ; prof. anat. in Atlanta med. coll, until L70; surg. confed. army 3 years ;— author of papers, “ Cerebro-Spinal Alen- ingitis,” etc. Arnall John Gibs, Axilla Rica. M. D., Atlanta )ned. coll., 1S66. Arnold Thomas Wesley, Athens. M. D., Atlanta med. coll., 1870. Arnold R. D., Savannah. Member med. asso. of Ga. Asher AY. C., Atlanta. Ashford T. R., Ellerslie. Austin D. S., Fort ALilley. Austin S. J., Cusseta. ’ Avery J. C., Atlanta. Avery Alex., (h) Louisville. Bachelle T. B., (h) Somerville. Bacon E. M., Cumming. AI. D., xAtlanta med. coll., 1857. Bacon Jno. E., Columbus. Alember med. asso. of Ga. Bageley Davis, (e^ Americus. Bailey B. B , Apiiling. Bailey J. AY., Cumming. AI. i)., Atlanta med. coll., 1866. Bailey AY. C., Green Bush. Baird B. , Atlanta. Alember med. asso. of Ga. Baker J. T., (m) Mayfield. Baker , Brunswick. Baker , Buena Vista. Baldwin M. Augustus, Cuthbert. AI. D., med. dep’t univ. of La., 1866. Ballinger M. R. , Floyd Springs. Banks T. J., Griffin. Banks AY., Savannah. Banner M. R., Dalton. Bantley S. AY., Thomaston. Barber J. M., Atlanta. Barber J. H., Douglass. Bardwell E. T., Talbotton. Bargnil I., Lauren’s Hill. Barkwell John Wesley, Lauren’s Hill. Al. D., med. coll, of Ga., 1871; act. ass’t surg* confed. army 3 V years. Barnett J. M., Sharon. AI. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1860. Barnill S. P. , Fort Lamar. Barrow James IL, im) Clinton. Barrow AY. L., Drayton. Barton R. T., (m^ Gibson. Barton AY., Thompson. Basker T. H. , Cartersville. Baskin R., Rushville. Baston R. AA^., Ochlochnee. Bathea , Greensboro’. Battey Robert, Rome. Grad. Phila. coll, of phar., 1856; AI. D., Jefferson med. coll., 1857 ; member med. soc. of Floyd co., med. asso. of Ga. ; surg. confed. army 2 years, , 107 108 BAT GEORGIA. CAM Battey W. W., Louisville. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Ga., 1873. Battle H. L., Bethany. M. D,, med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1850. Baxley J. B., McBean. Baxter J. S., Macon. Bayemore W. J., (m) Graysville. Beale L. B., McBean. Beasley J. A., West Point. Bt^azley J. S.., Cartersville. Bell A. A., (m) Madison. Jkll Enoch, (m) Elberton. Bell .Tames E., Baker’s Ferry. Bentley B. F., (m) Leathersville. Berry A. W., Sparta. Bigwon II. A., Augusta. Billing S. A., Columbus. Pres, med. soc. of Columbus. Billips H. C., Athens. Bird S. M. II., Cedar Town. Bivings J. C., (h) Dalton. Black , Americus. Blackburn .1. C. C., Barnesville. Member med. soc. of Middle Ga, Blackshear J. Emmett, Macon. M. D., Atlanta med, coll., 1859. Blain J. S., Brunswick. Blair S. D., Toombsboro’. Blalock W. A. C., Fayetteville. Blalock W. H., Fayetteville. M. D., Atlanta med. coll., 1856. Bland , Toombsboro’. Blecker ,J. E., Fort Gaines. Bledso B. W., Newton. Bledso Francis M., Georgeto\\Ti. M. D., Jelferson med. coll., 1859; served in con- fed. army and lost right arm. Bornar B. II. C., Adairsville. M. D., Atlanta med. coll,, 1860. Bomar William P., (e) Greenbush. Bonner B. F. C,, Macon. Boon J. 11., Macon. Borden , Spring Place. Borders R., fh) Calhoun. Brugh Jno. J., La Grange. Bowe W. C., Halcyondale. Bower P. S., (m) Thomasville. Bowers B., Eagle Grove. Boyd Samuel, Waverly Hall. Boyd W. H., (e) Rome. Boylin L., Atlanta. Bradfield I., Mountsville. Bradfield T. S., La Grange. Bradford William McKae, Cave Spring. M. 1)., med. coll, of Ala,, 1872; member alumni asso. med. coll, of Ala. Bradley G. D., (m) Atlanta. Bradley II. S. , (m) Gainesville. Bradley M. G., (e) Dawson. Branch J. L., Cedar Town. Branden W. C., Rome. Brandon David Smith, Thomasville. M. D., coll. phys. and surg, of N. Y., 1847. Branham , Macon. Brantley S. C , Washington. M. D., med, dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1845. Braswell P. II.. Fayetteville. Brawner A. W., Carnesville. Brawner II. M., Elberton. Briggs Henry, Quitman. Brewster B. D., Thomaston. Brewster B. D., Pleasant Hill Brewster T. F., Columbus. Member med. asso. of Ga. Briggs S. T., (e) Atlanta. Brightwell J. H., Maxeys. Brittain O. C., (h) La Grange. Brock W. E., (h^ Trenton. Brooks F. L., Columbus. Member med. asso, of Ga. Brown A., Atlanta. Brown A. S., Sparta. Brown B. B., Dalton. Brown C. P., Rutledge. Brown J. C., Carrollton. Brown J. D., Newman. Brown J. W. G., (h) Carrollton’ Brown William, Covington. Bruce R. J., Thomasville. Bryan H. L., Carnesville. Bryan James IL, Indian Springs. Bull W. H., (m) Madison. Bullock W. G., Savannah. Prof, jirinc. and prac, of med. in Savannah med. coll. ; member med. asso. of Ga. Burgess W. R., Macon. Member med. asso, of Ga, Burke A. T., Hawkinsville. Burke C. C., Cuthbert. Burroughs William Berrien, Wayneville. M. D., Savannah med. coll., 1867. Burt H. L., Sparta. Burton E. L., Sparta. Burton J. K., Valdosta. Bussey W. H., Double Branches, Butts J. J., Bainbridge. Butts Judsom Bainbridge. Bydu J. M., Belleview. Byrnes Jno. C., Washington. Byrd H., Athens. Byrd , Americus. Byron E. L., Macon. Caldwell J. J., Zebulon. Member med. soc, of Middle Ga. Calhoun A. B., Newnan. Member med. asso. of Ga. Calhoun A. W., Newnan. Calhoun E. A., Atlanta. Calhoun Franklin Ramsey, Euharlee. M. 1)., .S. C. med. coll, (no date); att. lect. 6cole de niGdf'., Paris; ass’t and act. surg. in confed. aiMuy 3 years. Callioun J. C., Summerville. Calhoun , Decatur. Call B. I. A.. Bainbridge. Calloway Hendley V., Albany. M, I)., med. coll, of Augusta, 1854. Cameron D., Calhoun. Cameron J. W., Mulberry Grove. Camp G. T., (h) Campbellton. Campbell A. C., (h) Greenville. CAM GEORGIA. CRO 109 Campbell A. Sibley, Augusta. Prosector of operative surg. aud surgical anat. wniv. of Ga. Campbell II. F., Augusta. Prof, operative surg. aud surgical anat. med. dep’t univ. of Ga. Campbell Joseph, (m) Rutledge. Campbell Robert, Augusta. Can Jesse, Rome. Care G. D., (m) Milledgeville. Carew Edmond S. M. D., coll. j)hys. and surg. of N. Y., 1861 ; mem- ber med. asso. of Ga. ; surg. confed. army. Cargyles B. C., Brunswick. Carithers K. W., Jefferson. Carlton B. F., (m) Union Point. Carlton G. E., Irvington. Carlton Henry H., (e) Athens. Carlton James B., Athens. Pres, board of health. Carlton William A., Athens. A. B., univ. of Ga., 1868 ; M, A. in 1871 ; 1 course coll. phar. of Phila. ; M. D., Jefferson med. coll., 1873 ; sec. hoard of health, Athens. Carmichael W. I., Thomaston. Carr W. W., (m) Sandersville. Carroll I., Dublin. Carroll J. B., (m) Gordon. Carroll R. C., Twiggsville. Carswell B. S., (m) Jeffersonville. Carter F., Augusta. Carter J. A., Henderson. Carter J. G., Bartow. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Ga, Casey H. R., Appling. Cash Noah B., Athens. M. D., Atlanta med. coll., 1868. Caslin F. G., Macon. Cato J. F., Bottsford. Chafin Thomas P., Columbus. M. D., Jelfei*sou med. coil, (no date); member med, soc. of Columbus and med. asso. of Ga. Chambers J. P. R., (h) Carrollton. Chambliss B. F., Russellville. Member med. soc. of Middle Ga. Chaney D. W., Morgan. Chapman Benj. Franklin, Tilton. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1852, and At- lanta med, coll., 1868 ; phys. confed. army 3 years. Chappell Thomas A., Powers, M. D., Savannah med. coll., 1869. Charlton T. .1., Savannah. Prof, clinical surg. Savannah med. coll. ; member med. asso. of Ga. Charters W. M., Savannah. Prof, chemistry Savannah med. coll.; v.-pres. med. asso. of'Ga. Cheatham A. T., (m) Sandersville. Chenault A. I)., Homer. Cheney Isaac Newton, Carrollton. M. D., med, coll, of Ga., 1857 ; surg. confed. army 3 years. Cheney Jasper N., Newborn. Cheney William Owen, Bairdstown. M. D., med. coll, of Ga., 1857 ; surg. confed. army 1 year. Cherry F. M., Covington. Childers W. A., Marietta. Chisholm Geo. W., Cedar Town, Clark I. M., Milledgeville. Cleaveland M. L., (h) Atlanta. Cleckley M. A., (h) Augusta. Clements G. M., Covington. Clements John S., Morgan. Clements J. W., Subliqua. Cliiikscades A. L,, Macon. Clopton I., Greenville. Clower J. F., Milltown. Cobb G. W., Cuthbert. Cochrane J. W., Euharlee. Cochran R. J.. Irwinton. Coe W. H., Atlanta. M. D., Atlanta med. coll,, 1871 ; member med. soc, of Ga. Coleman H. H., (e^ Woolten Station. Coleman Jno. S., Augusta. Coleman , Perry. Collier T. J., Colaparchee, Jilember med. asso. of Ga. Collins A. P., Macon. M. D,, med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1859; phys. to city hosp. and alms-house. Collins W. E., Thompson. Collins L., Clay Hill. Colzey E. F., Columbus. Member med. asso. of Ga. Connally E. L., Atlanta. Member med. .‘^oc. of Ga. Connally J. L., Albany. Connell , Sparta. Connell George T., Carrollton. M. B., med. dep’t univ. of Nashville, 1856; ass’t surg. confed. army in hosp. 2 years. Cook B. C., (h) Long Cane. Cook J. E., Culloden. Member med. asso. of middle Ga. Cooke , Columbus. Cooke , Marshallville. Cooper G. F., Americus. Cooper , West Point. Cooper J. D., Powelton. Cooper J. J., (m) Sparta. Cooper W. D., Reynolds. Cooper W. ,T., Americus. Copeland Robt., (m) Duncanville. Cothran G. W. , Cedar Grove. Gotten J. Y., Powder Spring. Couch James M., Newton. M. D., med. coll of Ga. Cousins J. M., (e) Marietta. Co wen J. J., (h) Decatur. Coxwell S. W. , Cuthbert. Craig H. L. W., Copeland. Crawford , Bainbridge. Crawford Geo. G., Atlanta. Crawford W. B., (nD Madison. Cridelle William H., Greensboro’. M. D., .Jefferson med, coll., 1857 ; ass’t surg. con* fed, army 4 years. Cromwell Benj. M., Albany. M. D., med. dep’t univ, of N. Y., 1857; surg. con- fed. anny 4 years. no CRU GEORGIA. ELL Crump E. G., Blairs ville. Crump E. L., Herndon. Member med. asso. of Ga. Culbertson W. A., Cave Spring. A. B.,uuiv. ofGa., l6o2; M. D., Atlanta med. coll., 1855 ; member med. asso. of Ga. Culler P. D. B. H., Perry. M. O.jined. coll, of 85. C., (no date); member med. asso. of Ga. ; surg. confed. army. Cumming Alexander Hamilton, Irwinton. M. D., med. dep’t uuiv. of Nashville, 1856 ; dijdoma from med. soc. of Nashville; surg. con- fed army, 8 mouths. Cummings D. K., (m) Gordon. Curry David, Gum Log Ridge. Curtis C., Elat Shoal. Dalvying N., Atlanta. Damp J! G., Fairborn. Daniel , Thomas. Daniel J. M. , Griffin. M. D., Atlanta med. coll., 1870. Dantzeler A. M., Rome. Darden , Sharon. Darnell T. M., Griffin. M. D., Atlanta med. coll., 1855. Daster J. J., (h) Jefferson. Dauson S. W., Thomaston. Davant James M., Bairdstown. M. D., med. dei)’t iiniv. of N. Y., 1846; small-pox phys. of the co. Davenport J. T., Palmetto. M. D., med. coll, of Ga., (no date). David James M., Thomaston. Davis J., Albany. Davis J. F., Edwards Bridge. Davis L. B., Brunswick. Coroner of city. Davis M. L., Albany. Davis AY., Albany. Dedwyler V. H., (h) Madison. Dean W. II., Canton. Deane AY. , Prattsburg. Dearing J. J., (m) Covington. Dearing AA’^. E., Augusta. De Cortez C. A. P., "Savannah. Member med. asso. of Ga. Dedwyler M. P., Elbert. Member med. asso. of Ga. De Jarnette I. T., Eaton ton. De Laitierre J. C., Flat Rock. Del worth J., Stone Mountain. Dent , Albany. Dewitt AY. F., Albany. Dickinson , Albany. Dickson R. B., La Fayette. Divine K. C., N'ewnan. Dixon Jno. T., (h) AYoodbury. M. D., Atlanta med. coll., 1866. Doak AY., Yarnells Station. Dodd J. T., (h) Jonesboro’. Doughty William Henry, Augusta. M. 11., med. coll, of Ga., 1855; member med. asso. of Ga. ; Am. med. asso., 1872; prof, materia rnedica and therapeutics med. coll, of Ga. ; surg. in charge of geu’l hosp. confed army 3 years ; — author of pai)er, “ Adaptation of Climate to Consum])tives,” etc. Douglass P. AY., Dublin. Doyle B. R., Swainsboro’. Dozier A. J., (m) AYrightsboro’. Dozier G. R., Monticello. M. D., Atlanta med. coll., 1861. Dozier AY. P., Georgetown. Drake F. D., Atlanta. Drake John Clavin, Thomaston. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Pa., 1837 ; member med. soc. of Middle Ga. Driskell AY. M., Villa Rica. M. D., Atlanta med. coll. 1868. Dugas George C., Augusta. M. D., med. de])’t univ. of Ga., 1872. Dugas Louis A., Augusta. LL. D., univ. of Ga. ; M. 1)., med. dep’t univ. of Md., 1827 ; member Am. med. asso., 1872, and med. asso. of Ga. ; prof. surg. and dean of med. coll, of Ga. ; pres. acad. of Richmond co. ; surg. to city hosp. and city dispens. ; member an- thropological soc. of N. Y. ; vol. surg. in confed. army during the war ;— editor and contributor to “Southei'u Med. and Surg. Journal,” 20 years. Duggan James Barnes, Toombsboro’. M. 1)., med. dep’t univ. of Nashville, 1858. Duncan D. P., Augusta. Duncan William, Savannah. M. D., Savannah med. coll., 1861, and Rotunda lying-in hosp., Dublin, 1865 ; licentiate King and Queen’s coll, of ])hys., Ireland, 1865; member med. soc. of Savannah, and med. asso. of Ga. ; superintendent Savannah hosp. ; jirof. of patho- log. anat., and dean of faculty, Favannah med. coll. ; sec. board of trustees Ga. iniirmarv ; ass’t surg. confed. army 4\ years; — author of various articles, and a statistical record of health of Savannah. Dunn , Crawfordsville. Dunwoody AY. E. , (h) Marietta. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1845. Dupon S. F., Savannah. Dupson , Dixie. Durham , Decatur. Durham A. F., (m) Sparta. Durham G. A\^., Thompson. AI. D., Atlanta med. coll., 1867. Durham S. D., Scull Shoals. Durham AY. H., Atlanta. Dykes AY., Montezuma. Eberhart Geo. , Hartwell. Eberhart J. G., Paoli. Edge H. M., Indian Springs. Edwards G., (m) klilledgeville. Elliott William H., Savannah. A. B., Harvard coll., 1857 ; Al. D., med. dep’t univ. of Va., 1858 ; and coll, of phys. and surg., 1859; member med. asso. of Ga. ; prof. anat. in med. coll, of Savannah ; surg. of 1st reg. Ga. militia; ass’t surg. confed. army 3i years. Elliott , Orange. Ellis A.jSheltonville. GEORGIA. GOL 111 ELL Ellis J. F., Jackson. Ellison F. E., Quito. Emerson C. J., Tunnell Hill. Estes M., (e) Bushrell. Ethridg-e J. A., (m) Eatonton. Evans W. C., Oxford. Member med. asso. of Ga. Evans William W. Member med. soc. of Ga, Eve Edward A., Augusta. Eve Joseph A., Augusta. Prof, obstet. and dis. of worn, and chil. univ. of Ga. Eve J. E., Augusta. Eve Robert C., Augusta. Demonstator anat. and prosector to prof, of anat, univ. of Ga. Clinical ass’t disps. univ. of Ga. Eve W. R., Augusta. Fain T. T., Morgantown. M. D., Atlanta med. coll., 1868. Fair , Columbus. Falligant L. A., (h) Savannah. Fanan G. W., Dawson. Farmer J. W., Hinesville. Farmer S. J., (m) Crawfordsville. Farmer W. H., Liberty Hill. M. D., Atlanta med. coll., 1869. ; member med. asso. of Ga. Farris D. C., La Fayette. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1852. Faver L. D., Washington. Faver Paul, Fayetteville. M. D., med coll, of Va., 1868, and Bellevue hosp. med. coll., 1872. Fawns Charles, (m) Augusta. Feannside H. M., Quitman. Ferguson E., Brunswick. Ferguson S. G. N., (m) Lincolnton. Ferguson E. J., Boston. Ferrill William, Ronce. Ficklin J. B., (m) Washington. Field , Salubriety. Fields S. W., Dalton. Fish John G., Savannah. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1845; member med. asso. of Ga. ; prof, of obstetrics Savannah med. coll. Fisher H., Dublin. Fitts W. II., Carrollton. Fitzgerrald P. G., Macon. Fitzsimmons P., Augusta. Flanders J. W., Wrightsville. Fleetwood IT. M.. Temperance. Fleming W. W., Double Branche. FleAvellen E. A., Thornton. Flewellen William W., Columbus. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1848# Flowers G. W., Atlanta. Fogle James A., Newton. M, D., med. coll, of Va. Folger , Pickensville. Folke W. B., Valdosta. Foote W. A., Nashville. Foote Jeremiah, Reedsville. Forbes .Joseph, Vienna. Ford De Sassure, Augusta. Prof, of anat., and see. fac. univ. of Ga. Ford J. M., Columbus. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Pa. ; ad eund. Atlanta med. coll., 1871 ; member med. asso. of Ga. Ford L. D., Augusta. Prof, inst. and practice of med. univ. of Ga. Fort , Hawkinsville. Foster A. R., Drayton. Foster Eugene, Augusta. M. D., med. coll, of Ga., 1872; member mod. soc. of Ga. ; clinical ass’t med. de])’t univ. of Ga. ; surg. in charge small-pox hosp,, and ass’t surg. city hosp. Foster W. PI., Lexington. Fowler A. S., Ringgold. Fowler M. W., Jasper. M. D., Atlanta med. coll., 1866. Fraiss , La Fayette. Free Dennis, Buchanan, Freeman S. II., (m) Lawrenceville. French , Richland. Fricks A. T., La Fayette. P^'ryer B. E., Brothei’sville. Fuggle T. S., Columbus. Gable, N. W., Whitewater. M. D., Atlanta med. coll., 1859. Gale , Albany. Gallaway N. L., Monroe. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1855. Gannawav C. C., Warren. Garbutt W. B. V., Atlanta. Gardner B. F., West Point. Garvin I. P. Emeritus ])rof. materia med. and therapeutics med. dep’t univ. of Ga. Gaulding AYilliam, (h) Ilarrisonville. Gaunt Jno. D., Eatonton. Gay D. E., Scarboro’. Gebhart W. , (h) Augusta. Geddings Edward, Augusta. Prof, physiol, a' d pathol. univ. of Ga. Geiger , Columbia. George F., (m) Shady Dale. Gercke R. O., Augusta. Gibbs David A., Social Circle. M. D., med. de]Vt univ. of N. Y., 1847. Gibson J. L., Montgomery. Gibson Thomas, Gordon. Member med. asso. of Ga. Gibson W. U., Gordon. Gibson W. W., (m) Tliomaston. Gideon Benj. W., Calhoun. Gilbert J., Atlanta. Gilbert J. C., Perry. Gillis Neill, Columbus. M. D., Atlanta med. coll., 1856. Gillespie, W. A., White Sulphur. • M. I)., Atlanta med. coll., 1857. Gilmore W. R., Linton. Gilson I., Eatonton. Glen J. S., Harmony Grove. Glenn , Woodsville. Godkin John R., Greensboro’. Golding C. H,, Hawkinsville. Goldsmith W. T., Atlanta. M. D., med. coll, of Ga. ; member and pres. med. soc. of Fulton CO. ; editor of “ Ga. Med. Com- panion ; ” — author of papers, ‘‘ Glycosuria,” 1867; “ Gynajcological Medicine,” 1871; “Dys- entery,” 1871, etc. 112 GOO GEORGIA. HAV Goodman Jno., Campbellton. Goodrich E. C., Augusta. M. D., med, dep’t univ. of Ga., 1873. Goodwin W. H., Atlanta. Member med. asso. of Ga. Gordon Charles P., Dalton. Gordon G. G., La Fayette. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1849. Goss I., Antioch. Goudelock John M., ISTewton. M. D., med. coll, of S. C. Gowan 11. A., (ml Madison. Gray Michael Walker, Cave Spring. Phila. coll, of med., 18.54; ass’t surg. in field, and surg. in hosp. confed. army 4 years. Gray S. II., Forsyth. Member med. soc. of middle Ga. Gray Y. T., (m) Griffin. Green C. II., Lynchburg. Green L. F., Zebulon. Green 11. E., Gainesville. Green Tliomas F., (m) Milledgeville. Green T. G., Marietta. Green James Mercer, Macon. M. D., Jelfcrson med. coll., 1837; member med. soc. of Macon ; surg. hosp. and post confed. army 3 years ; — author of papers, “ Inflammation and Ulceration of Cervix Uteri,” 1853; “Caro- tid Aneurism,” 1848 ; “ Enlargement of Bron- chial Glands simulating Aortic Disease,” 1855. Green W. A., Americus. Green AV. II., (m) Sparta. Green W. J., Fort Valley. Greene AYilliam M., (m) Washington. Greer T. G., Roswell. Member med. soc. of Ga. Gregory A. R. , Georgetown. Gregory J. M., Rome. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1845. Grigg B. AY., (h5 Jonesboro’. Griggs A. W., AYest Point. Member med. asso. of Ga. Grimes Geo. J., Columbus. M. D., Bellevue hosp. med. coll., 1868; member med. soc. of Ga. Grimes Thomas AY., Columbus. Grisham , Lexington. Groover James I., Boston. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1860. Grover I. T., Groverville. Groves Jno. F., AYhitfield. Groves AY. F., Red Clay. Guild Lewis A., Morgan. M. D., med. dep’t of Harvard coll., 1846. Gunn Daniel F., Fort Gaines. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1857. Habersham J. C., Savannah. Member med. asso. of Ga. Habersham R., Savannah. Habersham S. E., Eatonton. Hafer AY., Marshallville. Haig H. M., Charleston. Haines A. J., Buck Eye. Haines R. T., Americus. Hainie B. F., (h) Gainesville. Hale , Americus. Haley J. F., Spring Place. Hall C. H., Macon. Member med. asso. of Ga. Hall Daniel M., Pineville. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1855. Hall Hansel, Milledgeville. Hall James, Pineville. Hall Lyman, Hazlehurst. Hall M. R., AYarrenton. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1857. Hall T. H., Laurens Hill. Hall AY. IL, Bairdstown. Hambrick Joseph M., Stockbridge. Hamilton J. L., Stone Mountain. Hamilton J. AY. H., Cut-off Dist. Hammett Charles J., Baldwin Township. Hammond A. L., Cliarleston. Hammond C. C., Dalton. Hammond D. AY., Macon. Member med. asso. of Ga. Hannah G. AY. T., Thomaston. Hannler D., Cartersville. Hardee Charles, St. Mary’s. Hardee B, S., (m) Savannah. Hardee T. C., (m) Savannah. Harden AY. P., Atlanta. Harden Robert H., Buckhead. Harden Wm. Benj. Johnson, Harmony Grove. AI. D., Jeft'erson med. coll., 1850. Hardeman AY. S. R., (e) Monroe. Hardwick AY. M., Americus. Hardy AY., Cassville. Harlin , Fair Play. Harp A. J., Barnesville. Member med. soc. ol Ga. Harper A. G., Griffin. Harper G. A., (e) Americus. Harper Henry, AVashington. Harper R. G., Milledgeville. Harrell Francis Marion, Palmetto. Harris , Penfield. Harris B. F., Gainesville. Harris , Smith ville. Harris C. H., Cedar Town. Harris H. N., (h) Watkinsville. M. D., Atlanta med. coll., 1866. Harris Hugh, Athens. Harris Isaiah, Savannah. Member med. soc. of Ga. Harris J. J., Brunswick. Harris M. AY., Perry. Harris R. B., AYalthourville. Harris AY. H., (m) Sparta. Harris AY. L. M., Greensboro’. Harrison E. S., Thompson. Harrison I. H., Forsyth. AI. D., Atlanta med. coll., 1856 ; member med. soc. of middle Ga. Harriss Juriah, Savannah. Prof, theory and prac. of med. Savannah med. coll. Hart Christopher C., Cross Keys. AI. D., Atlanta med. coll., 1866 ; phys. to Alms House. Hart E. H., Jeffersonton. Hart , Hartsville. Harwood B. A., Knoxville. Hatchett J. M., West Point. Hatton Joseph B., Augusta. Havis M. AY., Perry. Alember med. asso. of Ga. Havis AY. L., Dougherty. Alember med. asso. of Ga. HAW GEORGIA. JEN 113 Hawes Ellington C., Wrightsboro’. M. D., mecl. clep’t univ. of Ta., lt»4d. Hawes G. E., Pilatka. Hawkins S. B., Americus. Hawkins T. H., Stockton. Hazlehurst Robert, Brunswick. M. D., lued. coil, of 8. C., 184-i; two full courses mecl. dep’t univ. of Pa. after graduation. Heal E.,.(m) Atlanta. Heard Geo. B., Columbu.s. Member med. asso. of Ga. Heard H. F., La Grange. Henckel J. B., Americus. Henderson 11. G., West Point. Hendricks John B., Covington. .M. D., med. dep’t uaiv. of Y., 18d2. Henly A. W., Buckliead. Henry , Jackson. Henry Geo. C., West Point. Member med. asso. of Ga. Herbert C. L., Griffin. Herndon Brodie S., Savannah. M. D., med. dep't univ. of Md., 1829; member med. asso. of Ga. ; surg. confed. army 3 years; — author of report, “ Case of Csesarean Sec- tion,” 1845. Herndon James C., Savannah. M. D., Jeflerson med. coll., 1851; member med. asso. of Ga. ; ass’t surg. U. S. army 5 years. Herty Janies W., Milledgeville. .M. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1859 ; member mecl. asso. of Ga. Heuton B. L., Lawrenceville. Hickman C. W., Augusta. M. D., med. de))’t univ. of Ga., 1873. Hicks Henry, Wright ville. Higden J. P. G., Statenville. Higgins , Chappell Bridge. Hightower B. 11., Stockbridge. Hill A. C., Albany. Hill G. V., im) Starkville. Hill I. S., Long Cave. Hill L. A., Yorkville. Hillman , Albany. Hillyer E., Atlanta. Hinkle James Berney, Americus. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1800; member med. asso. of Ga. ; jcres. board of health of Americus; surg. confed. army 4 years. Hitch , Quitman. Hitch R. M., Morven. M. L)., no coll, or date given ; surg. confed. army. Hitchcock W. L., Hockenhull Jolin, Cumming. M. D., med. coll, of Ga., lo55; ass’t surg. confed. army. Hodnett W. Harrison, Dawson. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of La., 1853. Hoff O., Millstone. Holiday A. L., Dawson. Holland B. L., (m) Clinton. Holland W. T., (m) Monticello. Holliiield H. N., Sandersville. Hollingshead W. IT., Fort Valley. Hollingsworth W. T., Madison. Holloway J. O., The Rock. Member med. soc. of middle Ga. Holmes Geo. N., Macon. Member med. asso. of Ga. Holmes J. B. S., Rome. Holmes G. W., Rome. Pres. med. asso. of Ga., 1873. Holmes James, Darien. Hoisonbrake A., Augusta. Holt Leonidas, Colaparchee. A. li., uiiiv. ot Ga. ; M. L)., Jclferson med. coll., 1850: member med. soc. of Ga., and med. soc. of Middle Ga. ; div. surg. confed. army 4 years. Holt W. F., Macon. Member med. asso. of Ga., and Am. med. asso., lo72. Hooter W. A.,(m) Atlanta. Hoover 11. L., Stone Mountain. Hopkins T. S., Thomasville. Hopping D. S., Rome. Iloriiady , Marshallville. Horsley J. S., (h) La Grange. Honston J. R. S., Savannah. Member med. asso. of Ga. Howard B. A., Knoxville. Ilotvard , Rome. Howard K. T., Dalilonega. Howell F. M., (h) Palmetto. Howell J. M., Alpharetta. Hoyt W. D., Rome. Member med. asso. of Ga. Hubert R. W., (m) Warrenton. Hudson A. J., America. Hudson G. L. ihj Ilarrisonville. Hughes J. L., Cumming. Hull II., Athens. Ilnmplnies J. R., Acworth. Hunday J. E., (h) Campbellton. Hunt 1). G., Calhoun. Hunt J. O., Tiiomaston. Member med. soe. of middle Ga., and med. asso of Ga. Hunt J. V., Maymanville. Hunt R. R., (m) Ellijay. Hunt S. B., Augusta. Hunter E. H. W., Louisville. M. D., med. de})’t univ. of N. Y., 1844; member med. asso. of Ga. Hunter Forte, Colaparchee. Member med. soc. of middle Ga. Iliison E. O., (h) McDonough. M. I)., Atlanta med. coll., 1858. Hutchinson, Thomas D., (m) Wintersville. Hutchinson R. B., Campbellton. Ingraham E. P. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Pa. ; ad eund. Atlanta med. coll., 1871. Ingraham I. S., Albany. Irdell M. T., Cedar Town. Irwin Samuel, (h) Jonesboro’. Jackson , Yorkville. Jackson J. A., Cartersville. Jackson Sam’l, Lawrenceville. James A. S., (e) Cave Spring. Jameson J. C.. Mucon. Jarrott R., Colquitt. Jelks A. E., Quitman. Jelks Nathaniel P., Hawkinsville. M. I)., Pel]('vue Iiost). rued, coll., 1868. Jennings William P., Albany. 114 JER GEORGIA. LEH Jerinj?an A. A., Greensboro’. Jerreil W. II., Point Peter. Johns J. H., Bachelor’s Retreat. Johnson A., Copeland. Johnson B. W., Wallahalla. Johnson C. W., Macon. Johnson J. M., (e) Drayton. Johnson I. P., Newberg. Johnson J. R., Ellijay. Jolinson J. T., Atlanta. Member rned. asso. of Ga. Johnson Jno. W., Scarboro’. Johnson J. W., Brown’s Station. Johnson L. L., Macon. Johnson , Resaca. Johnson M. B., Millwood. Jolinson R. C., Warrenton. Johnson W. D., Warrenton. eTohnson W. J., Fort Gaines. Johnston II. B., Thornasville. Johnston J. M., Savannah. Member med. asso. of Ga, Joiner AY. R., Groverville. Jones Charles, Atlanta. Jones Henry, Brownsville. Jones LL, Sparta. Jones Josepli, Atlanta. Jones James S., Thomson. Grad, of high school, 1830; M. D., med. dep’t iiniv. of Pa., 1834. Jones M. J., Angnsta. Jones T. I., Sparta. Jones T., Albany, tlones W. L., Knoxville. Jones AY. S. , Augusta. Jordan R. BA, Siiringvale. Jordan M. G. AY., Culloden. Member med. soc. of middle Ga. Jordan Russell, Cutlibert. Jordon AY. M., AYashington. Judson AY. K., Forsyth. M. D., Atlanta med. coll., ISG7 ; member med. soc. of middle Ga. Julian D. B., Carrollton. M. D,, Atlanta mod. coll., 1855. Juness S. B., Atlanta. KafFenberger Bernhard, (h) Augusta. M, D., med. dep’t univ. of Pulfalo, loGO. Keefe D. C. , Atlanta. Keester E. II. L., Spring Place. Kell S., Fort Mill. Keonan Thos. S., Darien. Kendall T. R., Tnoinaston. M. D., Atlanta med. coil., 18G9; member med. soc. of middle Ga. Kendrick C. S., (m) Crawford ville. Kendrick , Sharon. Kendrick AY. C., Preston. Kennedy D. L., (m) Club House. Kent J. J., (m) Crawfordville. Kininibrew II., Millstone. Kincaid , Cave S]iring. Kincaid John, (h) Mellville. Kinchley , Augusta. Kinchley T. J., (m) AYashington. King H. IT,, Greensboro’. King I. M. B., Alpine. King Joshua, Rome. King Thomas R., (m) MonticeUo. King AA^illiam, Jr., Athens. King AY. II., (h) Savannah. Kingman A., (m) Clinton. Kinnabrew J. W., Cassville. Kinton , S])ring Place. Kirkland B. F., Mt. Vernon. Kirkland G. AY., Ko. 9^ C. R. R. * Kirkpatrick AY., Cartersville. Kirkscey E. J., Columbus. ^ M. I)., Jefferson med. coll., 1858; sec. med. soc. of Columbus; v.-pres. rned. asso. of Ga. ; mem- ber scientific asso. of Columbus; surg. confed. army 4 years ; — author of papers, “ Prolapsus Uteri,” 1858; “Tying Femoral Artery,” 1860, etc. Kittener Philip, Ilolmansville. Knight G. B., Madison. Knorr Louis, (h) Savannah. Coroner of Chatham co., including Savannah. Knott E. F., Griffin. Knott J. J., Griffin. M. D., Atlanta med. coll., 1859. Knox J. R., Gumming. Kollock Geo. J., Savannah. Demonstrator of anatomy Savannah med. coll.; member med. soc. of Ga, Kurtz AVilliam James, Laurens Hill. M. D., Jefferson med. coll,, 1847. Laister S. F., (e) Dawson. Lamb A. J., (h) Laurens Hill. Landrum T. J., AYashington. Lane Edward AVood, Scarboro’. M. D., Oglethorjic med. coll., 1857 ; med. dep’t univ. of Loui.sville, 1859 ; member med. soc. of Ogeechee, med. soc, of Swainsboro’, gnd med. soc. of Statesboro’ ; ex- v.-pres. med. soc. of Ogeechee. Lane G. AY., Lathersville. Lane J. H., AYashington. Lane John J., Scarboro’. Lanier A. B., Halcyondale. Lanier , AA^est Point. Lasher James Henry, Eastman. M. D., Albany med. coll., 1871; member med. soc. of Albany co., N. Y. Latimer C. T., Brunswick. Latimer J. H., Hazlehurst. Latimer J. T., Houston. AI. 1)., Atlantic med. dep’t, 1860 Latlerstedt T. L., Thompson. Landrum AY. T., Penfield. AI. D., Atlanta med. coll., 1857. Lapseley , Rome. Law S. B., Columbus. Lawson Henry Morton, Cedar Spring. AI. 1)., Jefferson med. coll., 1853. (Diploma de- stroyed by fire 2 years ago.) Leacli Thomas, Spring Place. Lee J. T., (m) Dover. Lee AY. H., Conyers. AI. D., Atlanta med. coll., 1857. Leggett C. A., Montezuma. Le Hardy Julius Csesar, Savannah. Grad. Athenoe Royal de Druxellcs, 1846; 6cole de commerce, arts et manufactures Bruxelles, 1847; AI. D., Jefferson med. coll., 1856; pres, med. asso. of Ga., 1873 ; i)rof. chemistry Ogle- thorpe med. coll., 1857 ; member hist, soc., 1857-73 ; volunteered gratuitous med. and surg. services around Savannah during the war; — author of many scientific and medical papers in Europe and America. LES GEORGIA., MIL 115 Lesnear C. W., The Rock. Lester John, (m) Fairburn. Lessuer B., Knoxville. Lesner Carey S., Culloden. Pres. mecl. soc. of mitidle Ga. Lewis C. R., Davisboro’. JI. D., Atlanta med. coll., 1869. Liddell M. T., Cedar Town. Li^^ett E., Oglethorpe. Lightner , Geneva. Lineday W. E., Dawson. Linder J. T., Dublin. Lipsey 11. B., Wooten Station. Little S. D., La Grange. Little William, (m) Clinton. Little Z. B., Ilomesville. Litton Joseph, (h) Tallapoosa. Lockhart William Tennille, Milledge- ville. M. T)., Ga. med. coll.; 1861; member med. asso. of Ga. ; ass’t sui-g. confed. army 3 years. Logan J. P., Atlanta. Member med. asso. of Ga. Loll , Milford. Long C. W., Athens. Long Crawford, Marietta. Long H. J., (h) Jefferson. Long H. R. J., (h) Athens. Long James, La Grange. Long J. D., (m) Jackson. Long Robert L. Y., Kewnan. Longin T. L., Palmetto. Longstreth E. E. B., Madison. Love , West Point. Love W. A., Albany. ilember meil. asso. of Ga. Lovelace M. T. C., (h) West Point. J^ovett Robert W., Motley’s Pond. Low 8. B., Colnmbns. Member med. asso. of Ga. J^owe C. M., Hartwell. Lucas Geo. M., (m) Midway. Lumpkin John, Athens. Lunrpkin Geo., Stephens. Lumpkin T. J., (h) Rising Fawn. Lupdorf G. E., Mason. Lytle A. Thomas William, Gainesville. Gra 1. 8r,ra d)urg acad. of Pa. ; M. D., Savannah med. coll., 1855. McAfie J. R., Dalton. Me Bean D. S., Logansville. McBride William, (m) Sandersville. McCall , Quitman. McConnell W. F., (m) Jenkin’s Bridge. McCraery F. G., Americus. !McCrarey J. P., Starkesville. McCremmon D. F., Horse Creek. McCullers J. C., Dublin. McDaniel N. H., Cartersville. McDowell George Montgomery, Barnes- ville. M. D., Jefferson med. coll., 1855; member med. asso. of Ga. ; v.-pres. med. soc. of mkldle Ga., 1873 ; Atlanta acad. of med. ; pres. med. asso. of Ga., 1871-72; chief surg. of division confed. army 4 years. McEachin H. G., Cave Spring. McFarland J. T., Savannah. Jlember med. soc. of middle Ga. McFaul J. W., Atlanta. McFrier , Bainbridge. Alcintosh , West Point. Alclver D. S., (h) Cogansville. AlcJarnette I. T., Eaton ton. AIcKosgill , Oglethorpe. AlcKown J. A., Jonesboro.’ M. D., Atlanta med. coll., 1859. McLarty Geo. W., Brownsville. AIcLeod, M. D. , (e) Americus. McLester L., Cutlibert. AIcAIichael , Buena Vista. McMillan J. E., (h) West Point. McAIillen J. C., Albany. AIcMullen J., (m) Culverton. AlcRea W. C., Stephens. McReynolds I. C., Macon. Aladdin , Brunswick. Aladdox AY. D., Alonticello. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of N, Y., 1842. Mfrgruder A. L. C., Macon. Alalone Stephen, Fairburn. Alanly AY. I., Dalton. Alann C. R., Perry. Alapp J. L., Ocean Pond. Alarbut R. L., Hog Alountain. Alarsh A., Albany. Marsh J. J., Catoosa. M. D., med. dei)’-t iiniv. of N. Y., 1852. Alartin F. J.. Chickasawhatchie. Martin, Hicks, (h) Carrollton. Hon. M. D., conferred by Macon coll. Martin Jno. D., Savannah. Treas. med. asso. of Ga. Alartin AA^., ApiJing. Alason T. AI., (h) Alacon. Alason J. J., Columbus. IMember med. asso. of Ga. Massey E. J., im) Gordon. Mathews Algernon Judson, Hartwell. M. d)., med. coll, of Ga., 1853 ; member med. of Ga., 1872; siirg. confed. army 3 years. Alathews J. L., (m' Cummiing. Alathews AY. A., Fort Y^alley. Alathews A. C., Elberton. Alathews C. C. H., Columbus. Alathews D. A., Elberton. Alathews AY. S. , Ogeechee. Alathews AY., Prattsburg. Alathias H. H., Sweet AYater. Alathis A., Sandersville. Mattox L. C., Holmesville. Alattox R. O., Borgelia. Alawley AY. J., Dalton. Alay E. L., Fort Valley. May Jno. H., Hawkinsville. Alayer J. A., Savannah. Alember med. soc. of Ga. Means A., Atlanta. Aleans Alexander, Oxford. Member med. asso. of Ga. Alell J. P., Taylor’s Creek. Alettaner 11. A., Alacon. Aliddlebrook A. C., The Rock. Aliller , Rome. Miller B. B., Waynesboro’. Aliller , Imuisville. Miller If. Y. AI., Atlanta. Miller James A., Albany. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1855, MiUigan I., Augusta. 116 MIL GEORGIA. PAL Mills Geo. L., Hirschman’s Lake. Mills J. W., Laurenceville. Miller W., Griffin. Minis B. R., Mobley’s Pond. Minclier II B., Knoxville. Mitchell , Home. Mitchell T. J., Griffin. M. 1)., Atlanta med. coll., 1859. Mitchell T R., Lawrenceville. Mitchell T. S., Hamilton. M. D., Atlanta med. colL, 1866. Mobley J. E., (m) Mt. Yernon. Mobley L. W., Hawkinsville. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Ga., 1873. Moffet E. J., Columbus. Member med. asso. of Ga. Monroe John J., Morp^an. Montgomery C. H., Whitesville. Montgomery James Jefferson, Rutledge. M. D., Atlanta med. coll., 1856 ; member med. soc. of Macon co., med. soc. of Ga. ; surg. confed. army, 4 years. Moore A. M., Blackshear. Moore Kingman P., Knoxville. M. D., Atlanta med. coll., 1868; perm. mem. med. asso. of Ga. ; corres. member Atlanta acad. of med. ; “ active mem.” med. soc. of Middle Ga. ; —author paper on “Bromide of Potassium,” 1872; “Muriate of Ammonia,” 1873. Moore R. D., Athens. ilember Am. med. asso. Moore W. A., Union. Moore W. S., Spring Place. Viorel Jas. S., Savannah. Morgan F. A., (h) Rowenville. Morgan W. R.. Cochran. Morgan Y. II., Cochran. Member med. asso. of Ga. Moses , Millcdgeville. Alotley , Savannah. Motley, Jr., Savannah. Mullikin G. W., (m) AFashington. Murchison K. B., Hickory Grove. Member med. soc. of Middle Ga., med. asso. of Ga. Afurdock T. M., (m ) Midville. Musgrove W. C., (m) Midville. Myers Robert Pooler, Savannah. M. I)., Savannah med. coll., 1860; member med. asso. of Ga. ; rec. sec. med. soc. of Ga., and superintendent Ga. infirmary since 1865; has been cor. and permanent sec. of med. asso. of Ga. ; demonstrator of anat. in Savannah med. coll. ; ass’t surg. confed. army 4 years ; — author of i)aper, “ On Use of Carbolic Acid in com- pound Fractures,” 1871. Nelson , Albany. Nelson H., AVashington. Nelson T. C., (h) Macon. Newman J. R., Perry. Newman John Patrick, Byron. AI. D., med. coll, of S. C., 1869. Nicholas AA^^. D., (m) AVoodstock. Nichols Prank Hiram, (h) Cumming. M. D., med. coll, of Buffalo, 1848. Nichols T. II., Lawton. Nichols Z., Van AVert. Nicholson Malcolm, Attapulgas. Al. D., med. coll, of «. C., 1857. Nicholson H. AV., Bainbridge. Nisbet R. B., Eatonton. Niven AV. C., Pinson’s Store. Nolan AV. S., (m) Newton Factory. North A. C., Newnan. AI. U., med. dep’c univ. of N. Y., 1860. North R. AA’’., Newnan. Norton A. R., im) Savannah. Norton J. AV., AA^arwick. Alernber med. asso. of Ga. Norton R. G., (h) Egypt. Norwood E. II., (m) Whitesville. Nottingham Custis B., Macon. Al. 1)., .jeifcrson med. coil., 1840; member med. asso. of Alacon ; pres. med. asso. of Ga., 1870-71 ; Am. med. asso., 1872 ; surg. confed. army 4 y’rs. Nunn R. J., Savannah. Prof, materia medica, thera. and pharmacy of Savannah med. coll ; member med. asso. of Ga. Nowlin James Henry, Rome. M. 1)., meil. dei)’t nniv. of Va., 1842; elected fel- low med. soc. of A^a., 1853. Oakley R. A^., Hawkinsville. Oakman , AA'ayiiesboro’. O’Bannon , Thomas. O’ Byrne AA^., Sa vannah. O’Conner John, Fort Gaines. O'Daniel AYilliam, Bullard’s Station. Hon. A. AI., Emory coll., Ga.; AI. D., Atlanta med. coll., 1866, and med. coll, of Ga., 1871 ; member med. soc. of Alacon; treas. med. asso. of Ga.;— author of many papers in medical periodicals. O’Dorn M. N., Ohoopee Creek. Ogilby Hugh J., Madison. Ogletree L. AA^., Knoxville. O’Keefe I). C., Atlanta. O’Kelley T. C., Chester. Oliver James H., Alexander. Oliver T. P., Oglethorpe. Orme Francis Hodgson, (h) Atlanta. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1854; member Am. inst. of homcco. since 1859 ; — author of “ Homoeopathy ; an Explanation of what it is,” etc., 1868. Orme Louis H., Atlanta. Alernber med. asso. of Ga. Osborn D. O., Carnesville. Osborn J. K., Tilton. Osborn N. C., Madison. Osborne Henry J., Augusta. Oslin John Winbish, AVest Point. AI. D., med. coll, of Ga., 1854 ; surg. confed. army 31 years. Oslin S. S., Pleasant Hill. Owen B. M., Rocky Mount. Page Henry, Hartwell. Page W. H., Ilai twell. Al. 1)., med. dep’t univ. of Aid., 1871. Pair Benj., AAYst Point. Palmer , AVaynesboro’. Palmer D. B., (h) Villa Rica. Palmer James, Perry. Palmer Joseph, Perry. M. 1)., med. coil, of Charleston, 1858. PAL GEORGIA. RIC 117 Palmer S. W., Ea’tenton. Panamore IT. J., Valadosta. Park Cephas, Tunnell Hill. Park T. Y., La Fayette. Parker C. G. B. N., Blacksliear. Parkev IT., Hartwell. Parker Jeremiah, AVrip^htsville. Parker J. A., Americus. Parker J. H., Park’s Store, Parker M. , Atlanta. Parker AV. T., IMacon. Parmer E. J,, liin^^old. Parsons , AVaynesboro’. Patterson AA^., (h'l Greenville. Pattishall 1). E , Perry. Pattillo I. M., AVest Point. Pattillo T. C.. AVest Point. Panll O. IL, Morgan. Payne 1). H., (h^ Canton. Peacock , Knoxville. Peacock L. TI., Attapiiljras. Peacock 8. A , B irnesville. Pearce J. AV., Kewnan. Pearce S. B., Van AA^'ert. Peck , Crawfordsville. Peddy Geo. AV., Franklin. Peebles AV. IT., llear Creek. Peek AV. AV., Hartwell. Pegs: AV. IT., Atlanta. Pendleton E. M., (m) Sparta. Pendleton P. T., Sparta. M. D., med. coll, of S. C., 18G9. Pendleton AV. F., Savannah. AI ember med. asso. of Ga. Perdue Hiram, The Eock. A. B., Alercer univ., 1S55; A. M., 1858 ; M. D., Atlanta med. coll., 1870; member med. soc. of Middle Ga. Perkins S. IT., (m) Tremont. Philpot AV. H., Talbotton. Member med. asso. of Ga. Phillips AV. TI., Maxey. Pickett J. H., (e) Dnwson. Pilcher AV. H., m) Barnett. Pinckney C., Atlanta. Pinkerton ()., th) Cartersville. Pinkston G. AV., (h) Jones Mills. M. D., At’anti med. coll., 1856. Pittman E. I)., La Grange. Pitts G. AV., Colnmbns. Alernber med. soc. of Ga. Pitts James AA^., Colnmbns. Member med. asso. of Ga. Pitts AA^. 'SI., ''m') Thompson. Poer B. G., AVest Point. M. T)., Atlanta med. coll., 1869. Pollkill , jMonteznma. Pomeroy E. S., Atlanta. Pool AL L., Camming. M. D., Atlanta med. coll., 1858. Pool AV. IT., Dark Corner. Pope J. E., Athens. Pope C. AI., Albany. Porter E., Eome. Powell C., (m) Atlanta. 10 Powell G. B., Greens. Powell I. E., Louisville. Powell T. O., (m) Milledgeville. Powell Thomas S., Atlanta. Member Am. med. asso., 1872. Price J. AV., Dawson. Priddy E. T., O’KeaPs Mills. Pringle E. IL, (m) Covington. Prior W. H. C., Cedartown. M. D., medical coll, of Ga., 1848 ; typhoid fever hosp., 1861 ; ass’t surg. confed. army. Pritchard C. C., Augusta. Protho , Einggold. Pugesby AV. H. , Barton. Pugh AV. A., Thomasville. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Ga., 1873. Purcien E. T., Fort Valley. Purse Benj. L., Savannah. Member med. asso. of Ga. Parsley G. T., Clinton. Pursley S. C., Clinton. Putnam , Long Cave. Quillian J. AV., Dawson ville. Quinn A. S., Danbury. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Ga., 1873. Quinn AI., Dalton. Quinna J. AV., Quitman. Eains Geo. AV., Augusta. Prof, of med. chemistry and practical pharmacy, med. dep’t univ. of Ga. Eains T. A., Jamestown. Member med. asso. of Ga. Eandall A. H., (m) Union Point. Eanshenberg F. A.. Varnell’s Station. Eay Edwin S., Atlanta. M. 1)., med. dep’t univ. of La., 1861; raembec med. asso. of Ga. Eayland AV. P., Atlanta. Eead J. B., Savannah. Alember med. asso. of Ga. Eead Thadeus, Thompson. Eeagan J., (m) Conyers. Eedwine C. L., Atlanta. Eeed E. J., (m) Crawfordsville. Rees Elias B., AVrightsboro’. M. D., med. coll, of Ga., 1873 ; member few soc. of emory coll. . Eeese J. T.. Kewnan. Eeeves B. D., Atlanta. M. I)., Atlanta med. coll., 1866. Eeeves AV. .1., Calhonn. Eeid, Jas. B., Savannah. Eeid V. E., Zebulon. ‘ Member med. soc. of Middle Ga. Eeid J., Savannah. Eeid J. E., Thomasville. Eendleman J. M., Atlanta. M. D., Atlanta med. coll., 1860. Reynolds A., Powder Spring. Rhoades B. S., Montezuma. Rice T. M. C., Macon. Alember med. asso. of Ga. Rich AVilliam AV., Blairsville. Richardson C. IL, Byron. Richardson D. E., (e) AVatkinsville. Richardson E. H., Cedartown. 118 ETC GEORGIA. SMI rjchardson M., Lawrenceville. llichardson S. L., Bullards. Member med. asso. ofGa. Hiding II. P., Cumming. llidby H. B., La Grange. Member med. asso. of Ga., Am. med. asso., 1872. Hlesler A. II. L., Spring Place. Ililey T. A., Perry, llivers W. B., Covington. Eoach E. .1., Atlanta, lloach T. T., Briar Hill. Bobbins J. B., Greensboro’. Bobert L. J., Long Cane. Bobert G., Palmetto. M. D., Atlanta med. coll., 18G6. Boberts D., Perry. Bo bel ts M. B., Y^arborough. M. D., Atmnta ined. oil., 1868. Boberts S. M., Montezuma. Boberts T. II., Villa Bica. Bobertson .1. J., Washington. Bobertson W. F., Duncanville. Bobiihson .J. B., Savannah. Boddy R. S., Forsyth. Member med. soc. of Middle Ga. , Boddenberrv , Cairo. Bodes L. C.', Hartwell. Bodgers G., Eatonton. Bodgers 1 j . T)., Eatonton. Bodgers B. Y., (m) Waynesboro’. Bodgers T. W., Alt. Yernon. Bogers C. C., Tnomaston. Member meil. soc. of Middle Ga. Bogers E. P., Savannah. Member med. asso. of Ga. Bogers E. S., Clayton. Bogers J. T., Polkville. Bogers AI. II., A^aldosta. Bogers W., Cutldiert. Boosvelt J. C., th) Alacon. Bowe , Powelton. Bowi B. L., (h) Axilla Bica. Budisell B. T., Forsyth. Ex-v.-})res. med. soc. of middle Ga. Bush AY. I., Clarksville. Sale L. C., (e) Brookville. SalTold D. A., Bed Clay. Salter C. AY., Davisbord’. Salter S. Freeman, (e) Atlanta. M. 1)., eeiee. med. coll, of Pa., 1G60. Samyde C. L., Carnoscliie. Sanders A. J., Saw Dust. Sanders , Indian Spring. Member med. soc. of middle Ga. Say)]) , llawkinsville. Sapy)lington , Long Cane. Sappington J. S., AYest Point. Saunders AI. D., Smithville. Saunders T., Griffin. Sawyer S., (m) Knoxville. Schafner J. T., Brothersville. Schalter C. D., Brunswick. Schley C. B., (h) Columbus. Schley C. C., (h) Savannah. Schley J. AI., (h) Savannah. Scliley F. P., (h) Atlanta. Scott A. C., St. Alary’s. Scruggs E. G., (m) Gibson. Seamans J. II., Conyers. Searcy 1). B., Cola])archee. Pres. med. soc. of Aliddle Ga. Sease Geo. AY., Alilroy. Seay AY. AY., Talbotton. Sego J. T., Allen Station. Selmar AY. L., Borne. Selridge G. W., Dalton. Seitz E. J., Alarietta. Semmes Alexander Jenkins, Savannah. AI. A., Georgetown coll., 185:1; studied with pri- vate preceptor 3 years ; AI. I)., at national med. coll., 1351 ; attended clinical lect. in London and Paris, 1S51-52; member med. soc. of Ga., and Am. med. asso., P 72; corres. sec. of Am. med. asso. in Paris, 1852; one of secs. Am. med. asso._ in 1858-59; resident jdiys. New Orleans charity liosp., 1860-61, and visiting phys. 1866- 67 ; prof, of physiology Savannah med. coll. 1870-73; surg. and brig. surg. confed. army 2 years; surg. in charge of liosp., 1864; inspector of hosji., etc., 1863; -author of jiapers, “Medi- cal Sketches in Paris,” 1852; “Poisoning by Strychnia,” 1855; “The Medico-Legal Duties of Coroners,” 1857 ; “Gun-shot AVounds,” etc., 1864; “Surgical Notes of Late AVar,” 1866; “ Re-vaccination : its Importance,” 1866; and others, numerous and imjDortant. Sewell I. P., Atlanta. Sewell J. K., Eagle Grove. AI. D., Atlanta med. coll., 1861. Sliaffcu' A. J., Lawrenceville. AI. 1)., Atlanta med. coll., 1856; member med. asso. of Ga. Shannon John, Forsyth. Shaw Theodore Munson, Coosa. AI. 1)., med. coll, of S. C., 1859 ; member med. soc. of I'Toyd CO. ; ass’t surg. confed. army 2 years. Sheftate B. E., (ml Savannah. Shehaii M. J., (m) Bayton. Slierrod J. 11. , (m) Swainsboro’. Shi A. II., Ct'laparcliee. AI. D., Atlanta med. coll., 1856 ; member med soc. of middle Ga., and med. asso. of Ga. Shields S. S., AYarrenton. AI. 1)., med. deji’t univ. of Ga., 1873. Shinhoster James Neal, Toombsboro’. AI. I)., med. coll, of Ga., 1872; member med. asso. of Alacon. Shiver M. M., Fort Gaines. Simmons A. J., Colai)archee. Alembcr med. soc. of middle Ga. Simmons D., Gainesville. Simmons J. M., Perry. Simmons J. S., Gainesville. Simmons T. A., (m) Irwiiiton. Simmons AY. B., Cedartown. Sims J. C., Stileborough. Sims J. S., Ijexington. Sims J. J., Albany. Sim^ T. AY., Covington. Sision , Besaca. Skinner L. I.., (e) Smitliville. Slaughter, J. T., (m) Villa Bica. Smitli A., im) Aeworth. Smith Allen D., Quitman. AI. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1861. SMI GEORGIA, THO 119 Smith B. C., Cold Water. Attended lectures 2 years in eclectic med. inst. of Cincinnati, 1855-6'; licensed after examination by a board apj). by legislature of Ga. ; act. ass’t surg. confed. army. Smith B. T., West Point. iSmith C. A., La Grantee. Smith Columbus Darwin, Kewnan. M. D., me-vl. de])’t un v. of Pa. (no date) ; lion. M. D., Atlanta med. cdl., 1860; member med asso. of Ga. ; surg. confed. army. Smith C. M. , Box Spring?. Smith Edward, Xewnan. Smith E. M., Newnan. Smith 11.. Irviipgton. Smith Hiram, Ansnsta. Smith 11. II., Screven. ^Member med. asso. of Ga. Smith Henry J., Blackshear. Licentiate of Macon botanical coll. ; grad. med. dep’t of univ. of La., 1872; member med. soc. of Ga. ; ass’t surg. and surg. confed. army ; 10 wounds. Smith Jubilee, (e) Bichland. Grad. 8. 11. M. coll, of Macon, Ga. ; member S. reform med. convention ; pres, of S. States re- form med. convention, etc. Smith J. B., Macon. M. D., med. -dep’t univ. of Pa. (no date); pres, med. .soc. of Randolph co. Smith J. B., Perry. Smith .1. 1)., Home. Smith J. E. C., Newnan. M. D., Atlanta med. coll., I860. Smith J. AL. Smithville. Smith J. 11., (m) Sandersville. Smith L., AVest Point. Smith O., (m) Gainesville. Smith Robert Alark, Athens. Member Am. med. asso., 1872. Smith R. A., Cave Sin-in^i:. M. D,, med. de])’t univ. of N. Y., 1852. Smith Thomas, Savannah. Prof, clinical obstet. and dis. of worn, and child, in Savajinah med. coll. ; corres. sec. med. soc. of Ga. Snead Charles William, Milled"eville. M, D., Oglethorpe med. coll., 1861 ; surg. confed. army .3 yenrs. Speir J. II*., Canton. M. D., Atlanta med. coll., 1857. Sp ence William Alexander, Savannah. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Pa., 1839; member pathological soc. of Baltimore, acad. med. of dlichmond, med. soc. of Ga. ; chief surg. div. confed. army during war. Stafford E. O.*, Sprinjr Place. Stanford F. A., Columbus. Member med. asso. of Ga. Stanford AV. R., AA^averly Hall. Stanford H. S. (e) Alpharetta. Stanford AI. N., Lincolnton. Starbuck Theo., Savannah. Adj. ))rof. materia med. and lect. on pharmacy. Savannah med. coll. ; member med. soc. of Ga. Starr J. W., (e) Ea. 2 (Ie Grove. M. D., med. coll, of Ga., 1872. Starrs AA^. L., Ac worth. Steavenson Joseph, Dawson. Steiner H. H., Augusta. Stephens J. G., (e) Hiwassee. Stephens J. P., Newton. Stephens AV. B., Forsyth. Sterling W. L., Atlaiita. Stewart A. A., (m) Conyers. Stewart A. T., Atlanta. Stewart J. A., Atlanta. Stewart AV. H. IL, Stellaville. M. D., med. dep’t univ, of Ga., 1873, Stiles C. A., Greenville. Stillman , Rome. Stotesbury P., Stockton. Stout S. II., Atlanta. Member med. asso. of Ga. Stoval L. B., Vienna. Stoval O., Atlanta. Strother C. S., Barnesville. Cor. sec. med.soe. of middle Ga, Strother AV. S., Baconton. Stroup AV. B., Sju’ing Place. Striibling C. (j., Griffin. Suggs I. AV., Thomaston. Sullivan J. S., Auburn. Alember med. asso. ol Ga. Sussdorff G. E., Alacon. M. I)., Long Island coll, hosp., ISGG; member Macon iiied. asso., and med. asso. of Ga. Sutton C. E., (e) Cartersville. Sweeny , Augusta. Tackett AA^illiam Burnham, Cuthbert. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Louisville (no date)j member med. soc. of Randolph co. Talliferro J. H., Columbus. Talliafero V. H., Columbus. Member med. asso. of Ga. Tate II. G., (h) AVest Point. Tatern Solomon Zellars, Palmetto. Taylor A. R., Hawkinsvilie. M. D., med. de})’t univ. of N. Y., 1857. Taylor C. H., Savannah. Taylor J. P., Haralson. Taylor J. AV., Lnthersville. Taylor William, Toomhsboro’. Temples Jno.. (m) Atlanta. Tennant G. F., Alarietta. Tennant L. C., AVarsaw. Terrill J. E. G., Lawrenceville. AI. D., Atlanta tried, coll., 1855. Terry Carlisle, Columbus. Alemher med. asso. of Ga. Thaxton John T., Jackson. Thomas J. G., Athens. Member rued. soc. of Ga. ; prof, of clinical medL Savannah med. coll. Thomas James J., Summersville. Tliomas G., Ameriens. Thomas R., Valdosta. Thompson B. M., re) Danielsville. Thompson H. C., Dewsonville. M. I)., Atlanta rned. coll.. 1860. Thompson J. 1)., Atlanta. Thompson S. AV., (hirtersville. Thompson AV. R. 1)., Atlanta. 120 ’ THO GEORGIA. WIL Thornburg Amos, (h) Casandra. M. D., Atlanta med. coll., 1861. Ticen M. W., (e) Warwick. Tidwell P. M., Fairburn. M. D., Atlanta med. coll., 1855. Tilley R. A., Cave Spring. Tinsley W. C., (e) Fort Gaines. Todd James Scott, West Point. M. D., Jefferson med. coll., 1869, and Atlanta med. coll., 1873; member med. asso. of Ga. ; Am. med. asso., 1872. Tolland Hugh, Cold Spring. Toombs , Cuthbert. Toomer Frederick Armand, Perry. A. li., iiniv.of N. C., 1851 ; A. M., 1854; M. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1857 ; ass’t surg. con- fed. army 3 years. > Touchstone Jacob P., Newton. M. 1)., med. coll, of middle Ga., and Atlanta med. coll, (no date) ; member med. asso. of Ga. ; ass’t Kurg. eon fed. army. Toutchstone W. H., Griffin. M. D., Atlanta m^d. coll., 1861. Travis A. C. W., (m) Conyers. Tucker G. A. R., Atlanta. Tucker J. R., Carversville. Tucker L. W., Buck Eye. Tucker W. P., Cuthbert. Tuggle T. L., Columbus. Member med. asso. of Ga. Tulley II. M., Nashville. Turk J. M., Canton. Turner C. II., (m) Conyers. Turner C. L., S]M-ing Place. Turner F. A., Perry. Turner G., (m) Fort Gaines. Turner J., Atlanta. Turner J. B., Forsyth. Member med. soe. of niiddle Ga. Turner J. L., Hartwell. Turner T. M., Savannah. Tjurnipseed J. C., Bear Creek. M. D., Atlanta med. coll., 1859. Turpin , Atlanta. Turver E. L., Spring Place. Tusker J. C., Atlanta. Tye S. M., McDonough. . Underw'ood A. F., Cleveland. Underwood Joseph, Rome. Underwood J. B. , Rome. Underwood J. W., Summerville. Urquhart H. A.^ Newnan. Usry C., (m) Gibson. Usry Joshua F., (m) Gibson. Vanmeter J. N., Eiibalee. Vauglin J. C., (m) Louisville. Venable Jno., Jonesboro’. Verdell D. B., (m) Elberton. Vinson John W., Montezuma. ]\I. D., Jefferson med. coll., 1870. Wade I., Marshallsville. Wahe W., Hogansville. Walker J. E., Greensboro’. Walker L. F., (Jocliran. Walker N., Eatonton. Walker S, II., (e) Carnesville. Walker T. F., Cochran. Member med. asso. of Ga. Wallace A. B., Lawtonville. M. I)., Atlanta med. coll., 1855. Wallis F., Fort Valley. Member med. asso. of Ga. Walls W., Gainesville. Walsh Jolin, Savannah. Walsh W. M., Savanaah. Member Am. med. asso., 1872. Walton Jno. H., Danbury. Walton W., Washington. Walton H., Danbury. Ware A. C., La Grange. Ware J. E. H., Covington. Warring James J., Savannah, Waring W. R., Savannah. Warren Richards, Dalton. AVarwick R. H., Dawson. Waters Z. L.. Calhoun. AVatkins A. C., (e) Clayton. AYatkins B. C., Greenfield. AVatkins E. AV., Ellijay. AYatkins H. F., Tallokus. AA^atkins J., Lexington. AYatkins J. IL, Palmetto. AYatkins W. II., Franklin. AYatt Geo. T., Cave Spring. AYeaver D. A., Eatonton. AATebb Charles A., Hartwell. M. D., med. coll, of Ga., 1870. AYebb J. F., Rocky Plains. M. L)., Atlanta med. coll., U69. AYeldon E. B., Fayetteville. AVellborn Abner Render, Newnan. A. i>., Mercer univ., ]'40; A. M., 1843; M. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. A"., 1845. AA^elly II. H., Ttilbotton. AYells ILimilton N.. Talbotton. Member ined. asso. of Ga. AA'ells AY. B., Red Clay. AYells AY. M., Rome. ' AYest James, Cleveland. AYestbrook John AY., Americus. Member med. asso. of Ga. AYestmoreland J. G., Atlanta. Member med. asso. of Ga. AYestmoreland AY. F., Atlanta. Member med. asso. of Ga., and Am. med. asso., 1872. Whitaker A. Sidney, Palmetto. M. D., Atlanta med. coll., 1857. AYhite George E., (m) Atlanta. AYhite G. M., (h) Mt. A^ernon. AYhite Peter A., La Grand. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1848. AYhite Samuel G., (m) Milledgeville. AYhite AY. B., Forsyth. AYhite AY. F., AYatkinsville. AYhitehead A. G., (m) AYaynesboro’, AYhiteley John, (m) Gibson. AYilborn A. R., Coweta. AYiley I. AY., Newnan. AYilkes Jno. L., Lincolnton. AYilkiuson M. E., Quitman. AYilliams B. F., Tebeauville. AYillitims IT. AL, Bowden. AYillitin s W. L., Fayetteville. AA^illiams \Y. S., rm) Cumraing. AYilliugham B. A^., Lexington. AA'illingham AYillis, Lexington. WIL GEORGIA. ZEL 121 Willis R. W./Milford. Willson P. A., Rutledge. Wilson John, Stone Mountain. Wilson John Stainback, Atlanta. M. D., mecl. coll, of Ga., 1S4G; ad eund., 1869; member Atlanta acad, of med., and board of health, 1872; treas. asso. of army and navy surgeons; surg. confed army during the war; — author of various articles in med. journals for 20 years. Wilson Samuel Woodward, Darien. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Pa., 1845; member acad. of nat. science, Pliila. Wilson William, Rome. Wilson W. II., Springfield. Winberly J. R., Jeliersonville. x Winn A. W., Geneva. M. D., Atlanta med. coll., 1867. Winn David, (m) Columbus. Wirsen Gustavus Predrik, Rutledge. Grad, of Upsaia coll., Sweden, 1845; M. D., At- lanta med. coll., 1867 ; member med. asso. of Ga. Wise Joseph, (m) Lexington. Withers E. D., Atlanta. Woodbridge Grafton Dudley, Brunswick. A. B., Franklin coll., Athens, Ga., 1835; M. T)., med. dep’t Washington univ., 1839 ; ass’t surg. confed. army 4.years; ass’t surg. U. S. army in Fla. 3 months; — author of paper, “Cure of Movable Cartilage of Knee-joint,” 1859. Woodruff D. R., (m) Buena Vista. Woodruli , Columbus. Word T. J., Columbus. Member med. asso. of Ga. Word Robert C., Decatur. 'M. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1846; member med. asso. of Ga. ; surg. confed. army 3 years; on exam, board of Macon and Eufala hosps. ; — author of paper, “ Topogra])hy and Diseases of Ui)per Georgia,” 1853; “Scarlatina,” 18514 . . . . “ Cephalis Occidentalis, or jButton Wood,” 1871; “Placenta Previa,” 1867; asso. editor of “ Southern Med. Record.” Worsham J. II. D., Macon. Worsham William Johnson, Spring Place. M. 1)., med. dep’t univ. of Washington, 1870; steward field hosp. 4 years. Wragg J. L., Savannah. Wright P. II., Macon. Wright R. F., Forsyth. , Rec. sec. med. soc. of Middle Ga. Wright W. P., Knoxville. Wright W. A., Barnesville. . Yancy E. II., Covington. York W. L., hy«. central dispens. and Chicago relief and aid soc. ; ass’t snrg. U. S. navy 3 years. *Danforth Isaac Newton, 74 8. Morgan st. M. i)., med. (lep’t Dartmouth coll., 18(51 ; member med. soc. or'(Jook co., med. soc. of Chicago, and “West Chicago med. club;” pathologist St. Luke’s hosp. ; lecturer Rush med. coll., and ])res. summer faculty; member microscopical soc. of 111.; — author of papers, “Death Legal and Actual;” “Cell Theories.” Danfortli W., (h) 1224 Wabash ave. Daniel AI. M., 50 Douglass idace. Daniels Waldo C,, 177 Clark st. M. D., univ. of Hiilfalo, 1853. / *Davis Frank Howard, 65 E. Randolph st. M. D., Chicago med. coll., and med. dep’t of N. W. univ., 1871 ; member med. soc. of Chicago, Chicago acad. of iiat. science.s, microscopical soc. of 111. *Davis Nathan Smith, 65 E. Randolph st. Hon. A. xM., iV. W. univ., 1871 ; M. D., coll, pliys. and surg., 1837 ; member med. soc. of Chicago, med. soc. of 111., Am. med. asso., Chicago acad. of nat. sciences, and microscopical soc. of HI. ; deah facul. of Chicago med. coll.; phys. to ^lercy hosp. D;ivis W. II.. (e) 52 W. Madison st. Davidson 8., 166 8. Clark st. *D 0 Bey W., cor. Blue Isl. ave. and 18th st. ■^Deering Thomas W., 163 Clark st. Grad. univ. med. coll., Canada. *Deggler John, .325 Blue Island ave. Grad., Hiinchen, 18(54. Delamater N. B., (h) 65 Twenty-second st. Deiike W., (h) 182 W. Twelftli st. ^Deruhardt J. B., 188 W. Chicago ave. *De W^olie Clarence E., 627 W. Lake st. M. 1)., coll. ])hys. and surg., N. Y., 18G5. -De Wolfe ]Mrs., 627 W. Lake st. De Wolfe Csc;ir C., 441 W. Washington st. ^I. I)., Cniv. of N. Y., 1858. *Dexter Ransom, 1415 Ind. ave. and 8tate st. M. 1)., Univ. of Hieh., 18(52. *Dodge Cass M., 44th and Emerald sts. M. D., Rush med. coll., 1873. *Dodge David, 182 W. Twelfth st. M. 1)., Rush med. coll., ISTl. Dodge Lewis, (h) 142 8. 8angamon st. Dodge AY. C., 1402 8tate st. ♦Doering E. J., 35th and State sts. Duncan Joseph R., (e) 436 State st. M. D., eclectic med. inst., Cincinnati, 1859; mem- ber national eclec. med. soc., Chicago , eclec. med. soc., and Iowa eclec. med. soc. Duncan Thomas Cation, (h) 287 AV. Ran- dolph st. M. 1)., Hahnemann med. coll., 186(5; member Chicago hornceo. acad. of meil. ; homoeo, med. .soc. of Cook CO.; hornceo. med. soc. of 111.; Am. inst. of homoeo.; pajdologieal soc. ; homoeo. materia medica soc. ; Am. asso. for advancement of science ; hon. member homoeo. med. soc. of N. Y. Duncanson A., (h) 77 AV. Madison st. Duncanson C., (h) 77 AV. Madison st. Duncanson E. E., (h) 77 AV. Madison st. ♦Dunne AVilliam P., 134 Desplaiiies st. M. 1)., Rush med. coll., 18(57. Durham Benj., 1276 8. Dearborn st. A. !>., Beloit coll., 1>54; A. M., 1857 ; AI. D., Rush med. coll., 1858 ; member med. soc. of Chicago, and Chicago acad. of science. ♦Dyas George K., 669 Archer st. Al. 1)., (’liicago med. coll., 18(59. ♦Dyas AV. Godfrey, cor. Clark and AA^ashing- ton sts. Grad. Royal coll, surg., Dublin, 1830. ♦Dyson Mrs. E., 669 AV. AVashington st. ♦Earle Charles W., 87 Park ave. Al. D., Chicago med. coll., 1870; mem. Chicago med. soc. and State med. soc.; jirof. disease, s women and child, in AVomau’s hosp. coll. ; phys. “ Washingtonian home.” ♦Edwards E. AV., 161 Clark st. Al. D., Washington coll.. Aid. ♦Edwards Frank AV., 161 Clark st. Al. D., Rush med. coll., 1876. ♦Edwards J. B., cor. 47th and State sts. ♦Egan C. B., Blue Island ave. Eld ridge C. 8., (h) 927 Wabash ave. Eldridge J. AV., 16 Eldridge court. Ellis Thomas T,, 508 State st. ♦Emmons F. A., AVabash and 22d st. AL D., Rush med. coll., 18(53. ♦Engert Rosa H., 15 8. May st. Al. D., W. hosp. med. col!., 1873; grad. univ. AVurzburg, 1863 ; pupil prof. Scanzoui, 8t. Julius llOSJ). Ernst O. L., 249 AV. Randolph st. Erwin M. E., 389 AV. Randolph st. Estel J. J., 116 Blue Island ave. ♦Etheridge James Henry, 603 Mich. ave. Al. D., Rush med. coll., 1869; member Chicago soc. of ])hys. and surg. ; emeritus jirof. gcu. thera. and forensic med.. Rush med. coll.; at- tend. ])hys. St. Josejih ho.sp., and ass’t surg. worn. hos[). Fairbanks C. D., (h) 564 AV. Lake st. Farlmey P., 431 AV. Lake st. ♦F.irwell Edwin James, 134 Clark st. Fellbrick John, 501 8tate st. Fellows 11. B., (h) 1240 Prairie ave. ♦Fenn Curtis T., 1128 Mich. ave. Al. 1)., Rush ukhI. coll., 1867. Ferguson G. C., 517 Halstead st. ♦Fessell Christian, 146 Chicago ave Gnul. univ. of Berlin, 1826. Fischer G., 289 AV. Twelfth st. Grad., Prague, 1871. 132 FIS CHICAGO. HAR * Fisher Alexander, 117 S. Clark st. C:oll. pliys. and .surg. Western N. Y. Fisher John Bryant, 87 S. Clark st. iM. D,, ined. dep’tof Harvard, 1S()7 ; mem. Chicago of phys. and surg. ; and State med. soc. Fisher R. N., 382 W. Madison st. Fisk C. P., 14 R1 Hides jive. *Fitch Calvin May, 520 W. Madison st. M. 1)., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 18()2. *Fitch Thomas Davis, 296 W. Monroe st. M. !>., Kush med. coll., 18.>4; pres. med. soc. of Cliicago; ex-pres. State med. soc. ; mem. Am. med. asso. ; jirof. gymecology woman’s hosp. incd. coll. ; gynsecologist Cook hosp.; consult, jiliys. Washingtonian home. ^Fleming- J. McLean, cor. Madison and Hal- stead sts. *Flood J. Ramsey, Hyde Park ave. AI. 1)., Jelferson med. coll., 18G6. *Fonda D. B., Jefferson st. *Ford Alvin, 660 State st. M. 1)., St. Louis med. coll., 1863. Forman Jolin, (e) 114 Madison st. Foss Lauritz, (e) 56 E. Chicago ave. Cirad. in pharmacy univ. Christiana, 1861; M. D., Kennctt coll., 1871. ^Foster Addison H., 132 La Salle st. M. D., coll. phys. and surg., N. Y., 1866. Foster J. II., Bryan Block. Foster R. N., (h) 418 W. Madison st. *Fraser Donald, 531 W. Twelfth st. M. 1)., McGill coll., 1868. ^Fredigke J. George, 664 State st. M. D., Chicago med. coll., 1867. ^Freeman Jnlins A., 257 Harrison st. M. J>., Am. med. coll., Ohio, 1853. *Freer Joseph W., 224 Ontario st. French Jonathan J., 638 W. Madison st. Freyer J. F., 348 Milwaukee ave. ^Fricke G. H. C., Ill W. Randolph st. M. D., Kush med. coll., 1870. Fritche Henry, 41 Clark st. ^I. I)., Kush med. coll., 1875. Fry Isaac II., 199 Twenty -second st. il. 1)., Chicago med. coll., lo76. ^Gaetjens Otto, 330 Sedgwick st. Gardiner J E., 787 Wabash ave. Garrison H. D., (e) 461 Clark st. M. D., eclec. inst. of Cincinnati, 1857 ; member Chicago eclec. med. soc., nat. eclec. med. soc., and Am. pharma, asso.; jirof. chem. and phar- ma. of Kennett eclec. coll. Garrott Erasmus, cor. Fulton and Shelden sts. ■^Olarvin 11. D., 507 Warren ave. x\l. L)., buffalo med. coll., 1847. Gaylor Mrs. R., 767 W. Lake st. *Geiger Henry, 173 N. Clark st. Grad. univ. lleidelhcrg, 1861. Geiger J. J., 281 Cottage Grove ave. Gillette Omer T., 824 Cottage Grove ave. Gilman J. E., (h) cor. Morgan and Tyler sts. ■Gleason M. K., 109 Park ave. Goll Gustave G., 505 S. Canal st. M. D., Kush me(l. coll., 1871. Goodenow G. W., 804 S. Halstead st. Goodlier George W., 371 Twenty-second st. M. B., Chicago med. coll., 1869. *Gore Joel R., 1206 Prairie ave. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1850; member med. soc. of Cook co. ; consult. j>hys. Cook co. hos[). Goulet A., 26 Blue Island ave. ■''Gradle H., 322 ISedgwick st. M. D., Chicago med. coll., 1874. Graham D. W., 639 W. Sedgwick st. M. D., Bellevue hosp. med. coll., 1872. *Gray Allen W., 722 W. Lake st. M. L>., Chicago med. coll., 1868; member Chicago med. asso. Green W. B., (h) *Griffin Byron W., 258 W. Madison st. M. i)., Kush med. col!., 187 >. Griffin Louis P., 209} 'ijlue Island ave. Griffin T., 582 State st. Griswold Wm. Roland, 22 Park ave. M. D., Albany med. coll., 1853. Groesbeck Abraham, 413 W. Washington st. M. D., Albany med. coll., 1849. Groff C., 508 State st. Gross James E., (h) 756 Micliigan ave. Gross Mrs. M. M.. (h) 756 Michigan ave. Grosvenor L. C., (h) 185 Lincoln st. *Guerin John, 1402 State st. M. D., Kusli med. coll., 1866. *Gunn Moses, 49 Calumet ave. M. D., Geneva med. coll., 1846 ; jirof. of surg. Rush med. coll. ; surg. to St. Joseph’s hosp. ; consult, surg. St. Luke’s hosp. *Hagey W. W. H., 475 Warren ave. Hagist Louis, 383 S. Halstead st. *Hahn H. S., 50 S. Carpenter st. M. D., Indiana med. coll., 1847. *Haines Waltet* S., 137 Madison st. M. D., Chicago med. coll., 1873. *Hale Amie M., 735 W. Lake st. M. D., Woman’s hosp. med. coll. 1876. Hale E. M., (h) 65 Twenty-second st. M. JJ., Cleveland homoeo. coll., 1859; member Am. homoeo. institute, homoeo. med. soc. of 111., homoeo. med. soc. of Cook co. ; jirof. of botany, pharmacology, and therapeutics in Hahnemann med. coll. Hale Parker H., (h) 564 AV. Lake st. AL 1)., Cleveland honneo. meil. coll., 1863; mem- ber homoeo. med. soc. of 111. and of Mich. Hall A. H., Douglass House. Hall G. A., (h) 972 Wabash ave. *Hall J. M., McVicker’s Building. M. 1)., coll. phys. and snrg. N. Y., 1*74. *Hall Robert Samuel, cor. Harrison st. and Ogden ave. M. H., Kush med. coll., 1872; phys. central dis- pensary. Ilallock E., 33 Twenty-sixth st. ^Ilamill Robert C., 629 AVabash ave. M. 1)., Kusii med. coll. ^Tlanna T. B., 45 Clark st. ^Hanson Zenas P., 306 W. AYashington st. Al. I)., Kush med. eoll., 1860. Hlarcourt Luke A., 253 AV". Madison st. Al. I)., Bulfalo med. eoll., 1868. Ilarcourt Robert H., 144 N. Morgan st. *IIarman J. AY., Blue Island ave. Harper James II., 351 Clark st. Harris A. J., 400 AYabash ave. HAR CHICAGO. JAC 133 *Harroun William S., 164 Western ave. M. D., Georgetown med. coll., 1865. *Hart Charles F., 193 Van Buren st. M. D., Ky. school of raed., 1857. Hart Cornelius, Twelfth and State sts. *Hattield M. P., 129 Twenty-second st. M. D., Chicago med. coll., 1872. Hathaway B. W., 80 S. Green st. *Hay Walter, 375 Michigan ave. M. D., med. dep’t of Columbia coll., 1853 ; ass’t prof, theory and pract. of medicine, and lect. on dis. of brain and nervous system, Rush med. coll. Hayes C. W., 260 S. Halsteftd st. ^ Hayes Justin, 676 Wabash ave. M. i)., Cleveland med. coll., 1850. *Hays P. Sanford, 676 Wabash ave. M. D., Rush med. coll., 1872; lect. on chem. physics Rush med. coll. ; member soc. phys. and surg. Hedges S. P., (h) 917 N. Clark st. Heil Charles P., Chicago ave. and Larabee street. *Helmuth Chas. Albert, Euwing Block. Studied med. and surg., royal univ. of Berlin, Ger. from 1837 to 1843 ; was chief phys. and surg. Chicago marine hosp. during pres. Pierce’s ad. ♦Hempstead C. W., 109 S. Ashland st. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Penn., 1853. Henderson G. L., 110 W. Madison st. M. D., Chicago med. coll., 1868. ♦Henrotin Joseph F., 191 N. La Salle st. Henry P. C., 302 Twenty-first st. ♦Hess Frederick A., 176 Wesson st. M. D., Rush med. coll., 1873. ♦Hess William H., 45 Clark st. M. D., Rush med. coll., 1865. ♦Hessert Gustav, 199 Madison st. Grad. univ. W urzburg, 1858 ; phys. German Am. dispens. ♦Hews Charles D., Calumet st. ♦Heydock M. O., 150 Dearborn st. M. D., Dartmouth med. coll., 1851. ♦Heyman Herman, 368 Larabee st. Grad. Bonn, Ger., 1860. Hibbard Mrs. Jane, 5( 9 State st. ♦Higgins Charles C., 143 Monroe st. M. D., univ. of Iowa, 1863. ♦Higgins U. L., 12 Centre ave. H inching F. W., 550 Milwaukee ave. Hinsch P., 240 Cottage Grove ave. ♦Hitclicock Horatio, 529 State st. ♦Hitchcock H. H., 888 Prairie ave. Hoadley A. E., 151 Paulina st. M. D., Chicago med. coll., 1872. ♦Hobbs John O., 357 Blue Isl. ave. M. D., Chicago med. coll., 1872. ♦Hoffman Julius T. C., 268 North ave. M. D., Rush med. coll., 1869 ; Vienna, 1871. Holbrook L. H., (h) 123 Park ave. ♦Holden Newton P., 18 County Building. M. D., Rush med. coll., 1846. ♦Hollister John IT., 147 Randolph st. M. D., Berkshire med. coll., 1847. ♦Holmes Byron, 410 Milwaukee ave. ♦Holmes Edward L., 207 M. D., Harvard med. school, 1854. 11 ♦Hooper Henry, 238 N. Clark st. A. B., Harvard univ., 1865 ; A. M., 1868 ; M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Harvard, 1869 ; was house surg. Mass, gen’l hosp. and U. S. marine hosp., Chelsea; member med. soc. of Mass., and med. soc. of Chicago ; consult, surg. Jewish hosp. Horsey Edward H., 283 S. Halstead st. M. D., royal coll. phys. and surg., 1866. Hotz Ferdinard Chas., 181 Clark st. Grad. univ. of Heidelberg, Ger., 1865 ; member med. soc. of Chicago ; ophthalmic surg. Cook CO. hosp., prof, ophthalmology and otology woman’s hosp. med. coll. ♦Houghton Joel, 163 Clark st. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1847 ; mem. med. soc. of Chicago. Hoyne Temple Stoughton, (h) 817 Wa- bash ave. M. D., Hahnemann med. coll., 1865 ; member Am. inst. of homceo., Chicago acad. of homceo. med., and homceo. med. soc. of Cook co. ; prof, materia med. Hahnemann med. coll. ; phys. in charge ven. dep’t of Hahnemann hosp. ♦Hunt J. Spafford, 198 W. Lake st. M. D., Jefferson med. coll., 1850. ♦Hunt W. C., 271 Chicago ave. M. D., Rush med. coll., 1852. Hunter E. A., 21 W. Randolph st. ♦Hurlburt Horatio N., 1080 Prairie ave. ♦Hurlburt Vincent L., cor. Monroe and State sts. M. D., Rush raed. coll., 1852. Hurtley R. H., (h) 81 S. Robey st. ♦Huse Fred. J., 65 Randolph st. M. D., Chicago med. coll., 1873. Husser D., 196 Orchard st. ♦Hutchins John W., 386 W. Adams st. M. D., Harvard med. school, 1858. ♦Hutchinson James Marion, 238 Farquar street. M. D., Chicago med. coll., 1867 ; member Chicago med. asso. ♦Hyde James Nevins, 117 S. Clark st. M. D., raed. dep’t univ. of Penn, (no date) ; sec. and treas. Chicago soc. of phys. and surg. ; prof, of dermatology and syphilis Rush med. coll. ; attend, surg. Christ church free dispens.; ass’t surg. woman’s hosp. ♦Ingals Ephraim, 188 Chirk st. M. D., Rush med. coll., 1847. ♦Ingals E. Fletcher, 188 Clark st. M. D., Rush med. coll., 1871 ; phys. central dispens. Irwin M. F., 389 Randolph st. ♦Isham Ralph N., 321 N. Dearborn st. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1854; member med. soc. of Cook co., med. soc. of 111., and Am. med. soc. ; hon. member med. soc. of N. Y., and gymecological soc. of Boston; jirof. surg. auat. and opera, surg. in Chicago med. coll. ; surg. N. Western R. R. Co. ♦Jackson Abraham Reeves, 785 Mich. ave. Grad, central high scliool, Phila., 1846; A. M. (no date) ; M. D., Penn. med. coll., 1848 ; hon. degree from Rush med. coll., 1873 ; member Chicago soc. of })hys. and surg., and med. soc. of Chi- cago ; corres. member gynaecological soc. of Boston ; member microscopical soc. of 111. ; surg. in chief woman’s hosp. of 111. ; surg. to woman's dispens. ; lecturer on dis. of worn.. Rush med. coll. ; ass’t mod. director army of the Potomac; — author of various med. pa])ers, 1858 to 1876. 134 JAC CHICAGO. McD ‘Jacobson Sigismund Daniel, 135 Mil- waukee ave. M. D., uni V. of Copenhagen, Denmark, 1 862 ; mem- ber med. soc. of Chicago ; surg. Danish army, 1864. ^ames B. D., 550 W. Madison st. James N. O., 550 W. Madison st. Jay Milton, 461 Clark st. M. D,, eclee. med, coil., Cincinnati, 1859; member eclec, med. soc. of Chicago, eclee. med. soc. of Ind., and 111. State and national soc. ; prof, of surg. in Bennett eclec. med. coll. ; spe- cialty, surgery. •^Jenks Oliver S., 493 Clark st. M. D., Hush med, coll., 1856. *Jewe]l James S., 57 Washington st. M, D., Cliicago med. coll., 1860. ^Johnson Ilosmer A,, 4 Sixteenth st. ^Johnson Hosney A., 4 Sixteenth st. M. D., Bush med. coll., 1852 ; member med. soc. of 111., and Am. med. asso. ; prof. Chicago med. coll. ; pres. Chicago board of health ; active member med. board of Cook co. hosp. ; member acad. of sciences. *Johnson Thomas, 145 Clark st. ^Johnson William J., 762 Cottage Grove ave. *Jones Elijah, cor. X. Clark and Mich. ave. Jones Henry Webster, 49 South Ada st. M. D., med. dep’t of Yale coll., 1858 ; member med, soc. of Cook CO., and Am. med. asso. ; corres. member gynjecological soc. of Boston ; formerly gynaecologist and din. lect. on dis. of worn, and chil. in Cook co. hosp. *Jones Mathew O., 1133 Prairie ave. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Chicago, 1850. *Jones Samuel J., 758 Wabash ave. M. 1)., med. dei)’t univ. of Penn,, 1860; phys. Eye and Ear Infirmary. Jones William J., 279 S. Clark st. Jordan J. II., (h) 167 W. Madison st. ^Kauffman J. L., Cook Co. Hosp. M. D., Hush med. coll., 1875. Kean John, 360 Clark st. Keck John, 303 W. Jackson st. Keeler L. J., 977 State st. *Kellogg George, 585 W. Lake st. Kellogg J. L., 832 Michigan ave. *Kelley Francis Way, Hoorn 33 Central Block. ^Kenler C. Louis, 325 Blue Isl. ave. *Kerler Carl L., 416 Maxw^ell st. Grad. Vienna. King .1. S., 636 W. Lake st. *Kirchstein Herman, 101 E. Harrison st. Grad, Breslau, 1862. Kleist Henry, 686 S. Jefferson st. Kniepcke E., (h) 569 Wabash ave. *Knox J. Suydam, 16 Loomis st. M. D., coll, of phys, and surgs., N. Y., 1866. ♦Knox W. Augustus, 97 S. Robey st. M. D., Jefferson med. coll., 1854 ; member Chicago med. soc., and Am. med. asso. Kohl E., 515 State st. ♦Kollock Harriet M., 229 Thirtieth st. *Koren Hans Jacob G., 205 W. Indiana ave. Grad. univ. of Christiana, 1869. Kosch F., 180 W. Twelfth st. Krunan H. M., 149 Twenty-second st. Krussmarck W., 347 S. Clark st. Lackey A., (h) 205 Milwaukee ave. Lambert C. A., 328 W. Madison st. ^Landis Edmund M., 167 Howe st. M.^D., Hush med. coll., 1875. Lane James S., 351 Clark st. Langridge John, 344 W. Harrison st. *Law David H., 643 W. Madison st. M. D., coll. phys. and surgs,, Iowa, 1860. *Lee Edward William, 260 S. Halstead st. M. D., royal coll. phys. and surgs., 1862. Lee Stephen W., 124 N. Clark st. M. D., Kush med. coll., 1872 ; member State med. soc, ^Lenneker H. A., 212 K. Dearborn st. Grad. Bonn, 1865. ♦Leonard. Raymond Lockwood, cor. Michigan ave. and Market st. M, D,, Hush med. coll., 1869. Leslie S., 411 S. State st. ♦Letourneiix G., 242 W. Congress st. Levanwuy Mrs. R. , (h) 763 Wabash ave. ♦Lewis Charles J., 66 W. Randolph st. M. D. Hush med. coll., 1865. ♦Lewis Wallace F., 365 W. Jackson st. M, D,, Hush med. coll., 1875. Leyman L., 418 Larrabee st. ♦Lichtenberger C. T., 73 Twenty-sixth st. M, D., Chicago med. coll., 1873. Liebig E., 445 S. Halstead st. ♦Lilly Isaac M., 422 N. Twelfth st. M. D., univ. of Louisville, 1863. ♦Lilly Thomas A., 422 W. Tw'elfth st. M. D., Ky. school of medicine, 1863. ♦Loomis E. Bache, 757 W. Monroe st. M. D., univ. of Yt., 1870; phys. central disp., Chicago. ♦Lord Daniel, 1112 Prairie ave. M. D., Chicago med. coll., 1873. Lowry L. R., 783 State st. Lubarsch J., Ill W. Randolph st. Ludlam M. P. E., (h) 318 W. Washington st. Lndlam R., (h) 526 Wabash ave. ♦Lyman Henry M., 533 W. Adams st. M. D., coll. })hys. and surgs., 1861; member med soc. of Chicago, and asso. phys. and ; prof, chemistry in Hush med. coll. ; phys. to Cook co. hosp. ♦Lyman Wm. C., 163 Clark st. ♦McArthur Robert D., 117 Clark st. M, D., McGill coll., Canada, 1866. ♦McCarthy John, Halstead andW. Randolpli streets . M. D,, Chicago med. coll., 1866. ♦McCarthy James, Thirty-fifth and Halstead streets. ♦McCarthy William, 171 Blue Island ave. M. D., McGill coll., 1867. McClure Finlay, 259 Warren ave. M. D., Rush med. coll., 1876. ♦McClure V. C., 229 Warren ave. M. D., Geneva med, coll., N. Y., 1845. ♦McDonald Charles A., 168 S. Halstead st. M. D., Rush med. coll., 1875. ♦McDonald Peter S., 349 S. Clark st. M. D., Rush med. coll., 1864; member med. soc. of Chicago; demonstrator of anat. in woman’s hosp. med, coll. ; attending phys. to Home of Good Shepherd. McE CHICAGO. PAG 135 *McElioy P. H., 544 Hubbard st. M. D., Rush rued, coll., 1871. *McKinnan H., 51 Clark st. Member asso. phys. and surgs. *McKiiinis T., 502 W. Indiana ave. ♦McPherson George E., 1388 State st. M. D., Jefferson med. coll., 1855; member soc. phys. and surgs. of Chicago. ]\[cRae D., 135 Archer ave. ]\IcVickar Brockolst, cor. Clark and Adams streets. }ir. D., coll. phys. and surgs., N. Y., 1831. ♦McWilliams S. A., 66 W. Randolph st. M. 1)., Chicago med. coll., 1866 ; member med. soc. of Chicago, med. soc. of 111.; prof, descrip, anat. in woman’s hosp. med. coll. ; sec. of the faculty, klack J. A., 120 S. Halstead st. Idiick S. H., 353 Clark st. :Ma,. med. coll., 1865 fnot on the list of alumni) ; member Am. inst. of homoeo., and Chicago homceo. acad. of med. ; phys. in charge med. dep’t Hahnemann hosp. Mohr John G. S., 85 AY. Kinzie st. Monroe R. S., 349 S. Clark st. ♦Montgomery L. H., 161 Twenty-second st. AI. D., Chicago med. coll., 1871. ♦Montgomery AYilliam T., 207 Clark st. AI. D., Rush med. coll., 1871; phys. central disp. and Cook co. hosp. ♦Moore E. Crosby, 135 Archer ave. AI. D., Rush med. coll., 1874. ♦Morey Andrew C., 182 W. Twelfth st. AI. D., Jefferson med. coll., 1857. Morgan IST. G.. 246 Fulton st. ♦Morgan AY. H., 382 AY. A^an Buren st. AI. D., Rush med. coll., 1874. Mullan E. A. ♦Muller Fritz, 620 Milwaukee ave. Myers Max, Ashland block. ♦iSTeally George F., 293 AY. Indiana ave. AI. D., Chicago med. coll., 1870; visiting phys. North Stardispen. ♦Helson Daniel T., 1108 Indiana ave. A. AI., 1864; AI. D., med. dep’t Harvard univ., 1865: vis. phys. Alercy hosj). ; prof, physiology and hi.«tology in Chicago med. coll. lYeve S., 254 Milwaukee ave. ♦Newkirk A. B., Hyde Park. ♦Norcom Frederic B., 185 Clark st. AI. I)., univ. of N. Y., 1854; vis. phys. St. Joseph’s orplion asylum. Norton A. K. ♦Nuce James H., 115 AY. Madison st. Nute J. R., (h) 49 Thirty-second st. . ^ ♦O’Connell Patrick, 687 AY. Monroe st. Grad. Queen’s, univ., Dublin, 1872. O’Brien John E., S. Halstead st. Ogden M., (h) 966 AYabash ave. Olin A. G., 365 State st. Olin H., (e) 244 AY. Madison .st. AI. D., eclectic med. coll, of Phila. (no date) ; mem,, ber national eclec. med. asso. and eclec. med. soc. of 111. ♦Oliver Oliver C., 508 Congress st. AI. D., Rush m.ed. coll., 1873. ♦Otto Joseph, 156 AY. Randolph st. AI. D., Rush med. coll., 1865. ♦Otto Julius, 114 Henry st. AI. D., Chicago med. coll., 1876. Owen-Jones Percy, 662 AY. Van Buren st. Phys. Guy’s hosp., London, 1873 ; Grad, royal coll, of surg., 1875. I ♦Owens John E., 240 AYabash ave. I Al. D., Jefferson med. coll., 1862 ; j)hys. St. Luke’s hosp. ♦Paddock Robert II., 60 N. Clark st. AI. D., Vt. med. coll., 1843. Page AYilliam R., 229 W, Madison st. ♦Pague Charles, 204 State st. M. D., McGill coll., 1867. 136 PAI CHICAGO. SEC Paine Richard Kendall, (h) Hahnemann Hospital. M. D., Hahnemann raed. coll., 1873; member Chicago aead. of homoeo. medicine ; resident phys. at Hahnemann hosp. ♦Paoli Gerhard C., cor. Kinzie and H. Water M. D., Rush med coll., 1864. ♦Park Roswell, Cook Co. Hospital. M. D., Chicago med. coll., 1876. ♦Parkes Charles T., 65 Randolph st. M. D., Rush med. coll., 1876; phys. St. Joseph’s hosp. Parkhurst , (h) Washington and Shel- den sts. ♦Parsons William, 1628 S. Halstead st. M. D., Rush med. coll., 1874. ♦Patterson Richard J., 57 Washington st. M. D., Berkshire med. coll., 1842. Payne C., 1045 Wabash ave. Pearl George M., 312 Cottage Grove ave. Pearson N. P., cor. Milwaukee ave. and Kenzie street. Peck Barnard S., 328 W. Madison st. M. D., Jefferson raed. coll., 1872. Peck Orrin, Oak Park. Phillips H. A., 52 W. Madison st. M. D., Chicago raed. coll., 1870. ♦Pillsbury John Milton, 978 Wabash ave. M. D., Jefferson med. coll., I 860 . ♦Pitcher Stewart C., 10 Twenty-sixth st. M. D., Jefferson med. coll., 1865 ; Bellevue hosp. med. coll., 1866. Pischack J., 564 S. Halstead st. ♦Pool 1., Evanston. ♦Pope Francis J., 246 Halstead st. M. D., Rush med. coll., 1875. ♦Porter James B., 654 W. Yan Buren st. il. D., Miami med. coll., 1866. ♦Powell Edwin, 41 Clark st. M. D., Rush med. coll., 1859; member med. soc. of Chicago, med. soc. of 111., and Am. med. asso. ; prof, of anatomy and military surgery. Rush med. coll. ; surg. of Cook co. hosp., St. Joseph’s hosp., etc. Pratt S. C., 269 W. Madison st. ♦Price M. F., 839 Cottage Grove ave. ♦Price Oscar J., 41 W. Yan Buren st. M. D., univ. of ^lich. Pi,irdy Charles W., cor. State and Madison streets. Grad, royal coll. phys. and surgs., 1869. ♦Quales N. Theodore, 119 Milwaukee ave. M. D., Rush med. coll., 1867. ♦Quine Wm. Edward, 112 Milwaukee ave. M. ])., Chicago med. coll., 1869 ; member and sec. med. soc. of Chicago, and ass’t sec. med. soc. of 111. ; prof, materia medica and thera. Chicago med. coll. ; att. gynaicologist Cook co. hosp, uillan C. H., Lake Forest st. uirk J. F., 419 S. Clark st. ♦Rauch Francis, 567 W. Indiana ave. M. D., univ. Augusteo, Leipzig, Germany; at- tended 3 annual courses lectures at Prague and Leipzig. ♦Rauch J. H., Grand Pacific Hotel. ♦Ravenot O. P. F., 118 Blue Island ave. liawson Ed., (h) Ray James Edwin, 193 W. Yan Buren st. M. D., univ. of Pa., 1860. ♦Rea Robert L., 65 Randolph st. M. D., Ohio med. coll., 1855. ♦Reading Edgar, cor. State and Washington streets. M. D., Ind. med. coll., 1849, and med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1857. ♦Reid John, 8 Washington place. M. D., Jefferson med. coll., 1848; licentiate of British province ; member med. soc. of Chicago; health officer of city. ♦Rennolds William E., 381 W. Twelfth st. M. D., Bristol med. school, 1851. Reynolds B. P., 554 Wabash ave. Reynolds E. M., (e) M. D., eclectic med. institute, 1871 ; member Iowa eclec. med. soc., and board of censors State eclec. soc. Richey S. O., 758 Wabash ave. M. D., Chicago med. coll., 1876. Richardson , 190 W. Madison st. Ritzner X., 239 Cottage Grove ave. Rodgers S. G., 318 S. Clark st. ♦Rogers Edmund C., 209 State st. M. D., Albany med. coll., 1853. ♦Roler Edward O. F., 129 Twenty-second st. M. D., Rush med. colL, 1859 ; vis. phys. Mercy hos}). ♦Root D. S., 287 W. Twelfth st. Rosch E., 180 AV. Twelftli st. Roseiibeig Adolph, 197 W. Madison st. Rosen Vierg Niles, 388 State st. ■ Ross Jos. Presley, 428 W. Washington st, M. I).. Ohio med. coll., 1852; member med. soc. of Cook CO., med. soc. of 111., and Am. med. asso. ; prof, clinical medicine and dis. of the chest, Rush raed. coll. ; attend, phys. and clini- cal lecturer Cook co. hosp. ♦Rowan Peter J., 160 W. Harrison st. M. D., Trinity coll. med. school, 1870. ♦Rutter Charles L., 240 AVabash ave. M. D., Chicago med. coll., 1868. ♦Saur Christopher T., 290 AV. Twelfth st. Grad. Heidelberg, 1836. ♦Saur Louis, 513 Milwaukee ave. M. D., Georgetown med. coll., 1854. ♦Savage A. C., 61 Chicago ave. ♦Sawyer Edward AV., 116 Yincennes ave. M. D., Harvard med. school, 1873. ♦Schtefer Frederick, 428 AV. AV'ashington st. M. D., Rush med. coll., 1873; phys. cent. disp. ♦Schaller Jolin, 193 AV. Randolph st. Grad. Heidelberg, 1854. ♦Scheppers Desire Q., 292 Larrabee st. M. D., Rush med. coll., 1866. ♦Schloetzer George, 168 Blue Island ave. ♦Schmidt Ernest, 387 State st. Grad. Wurzburg, 1852. ♦Schreiner Yalentine, 307 Clybourne ave. Grad. Munchen, 1871. ♦Scliroeder Max. J., 330 Sedgwick st. Grad. Munchen, 1862. ♦Schubert Frederick, 344 AV'. Twelfth st. Grad. Munich, 1852. ♦Sclumway C. AV., 72 Park ave. Scovel AV. G., Grand Crossing. ♦Secord Y. C., 126 State st. SEE CHICAGO. VEN 137 ’Seeley T. P., 289 W. Monroe st. M. D., niecl. dcp’t univ. of Mich., 1856; member med. soc. of Chicago, West Side med. club, Am. med. asso. ^Seibert John, 1413 Indiana ave. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Pa., 1845. ^Seiffert Rudolph, 193 Washington st. Grad. Heidelbers:. ^Semple Manly E., 391 Fulton st. Grail, royal coll., Ireland, 1832. Senard O. E., 652 W. Washington st. Seymour F., 248 Blue Island ave. Shaw H., 1293 Prairie ave. Shaw S., (h) 1283 Prairie ave. ^Sharpe James T., 282 W. North ave. Grad, royal coll, of surg., Ireland, 1865; K. and Q. coll, of phys., Ireland, 1866. ^Sherman Julien S., cor. Wabash ave. and Jackson st. M. D., Chicago med. coll., 1864. Sherwin John, 606 W. Lake st. Sherwood W. T., 982 W. Van Buren st. Shields 0. J., 136 N. Clark st. Shipman George E., (h) 17 N. Peoria st. Shumway Charles W., 72 Park ave. M. D., coll. phvs. and surgs., N. Y., 1848. * Silva C. C. Pereira de, 733 W. Adams st. M. D., school of Lisbon and Funchal, 1861 ; mem- ber med. soc. of Chicago, and West Side med. club; attend, phys. at central disp. ^Simoii C. Paul, 60 N. Clark st. Grad. Paris, 1864, 1870. *Simons Charles J., 1458 State st. M. D., Albany med. coll. ^Simpson John, 182 Sedgwick st. M. D., Rush med. coll. *Skeer John D., 681 Washington st. ♦Sloan Henry H., 477 W. North st. M. D., Chicago med. coll., 1869. Small A. E., (h) 583 Wabash ave. Small H. N., (h) 275 W. Monroe st. ’ Smith Charles Gilman. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Pa., 1851 ; member med. soc. of Cook co., med. soc. of 111., Am. med. asso. ; consult, surg. Cook co. hosp. ; prof, diseases of child, in woman’s hosp. med. coll. Smith D. S., (h) 402 Michigan ave. Snell I., 82 Ashland ave. Somers G. C., 460 Washington st. Spaiinagle L., 400 S. May st. Spencer Horace, 199 W. Madison st. ♦Sperry Charles C., 173 N. Clark st. M. D., Chicago med. coll., 1874. ^ Spray John C., 257 W. Madison st. M. L)., Chicago med. coll., 1873. Springer M. O., 88 W. Elizabeth st. Stanley C. W., 746 State st. ’ Starkweather Ralph Ed., 202 State st. M. D., coll, of phys. and surg. (no date) ; (studied 3 years with Dr. G. Buch) ; member med. soc. of Chicago; served on staff St. Luke’s hosp., N. Y., and King’s co. hosp., N. Y. Stebalts Frank W., 778 S. Halstead st Grad. Vienna, 1868. Steele Daniel A. K., 883 State st. M. D., Chicago med. coll., 1873 ; phys. woman’s hosp., and South Side dispens. ♦Sterle Alexander, 361 Blue Island ave. M. D., univ. of N. Y., 1866. ♦Stevenson Sarah Hackett, Randolph and Halstead sts. M. D., woman’s hosp. med. coll., 1874. ♦Stillians David Clark, 112 Milwaukee ave. M. D., Chicago med. coll., 1869; member Chicago , med. soc. Stitt J. S., 173 E. Van Buren st. M. 1)., Chicago med. coll., 1868. Stone J. L., 112 W. Madison st. Storck Charles, 251 Erie st. M. D., Albany, 1855. St. John I. A., 119 Twenty-fifth st. St. John Leonard, Wtsteni ave. and Madisoft street. Member royal coll, surg., 1873. Stratford H. K., cor. Twentietli and State sts. Strausser S., 254 S. Halstead st. Streeter J. W., (h) 716 Cottage Grove ave. ^Strong Albert B., 312 W. Indiana ave. M. D., Rush med. coll., 1872. Strummel W., 79 W. Madison st. •^Sullivan James F., 257 W. Harrison st. Sundberg John, 520 Milwaukee ave. Svanoe Milla C., 250 Thirty-first st. M. D., woman’s l)osp. med. coll., Chicago, 1874. Swan G., 119 Eighteenth st.* Swanson Alfred, 314 Division st. Sweet H. L., Clinton and Randolph sts. Sykes C. R., 109 W. Randolph st. ♦Tagert Adelbert H., 966 W. Lake st. M. D., Vt. univ., 1866. Talcott Joseph B., (h) 970 Wabash ave. M. D., med. coll, of Cleveland, 1845; member 111. homoeo. med. soc. ♦Taliaferro E., 671 Blue Island ave. Taylor George O., 913 Cottage Grove ave. ♦Taylor Theodore Tyler, 1164 State st. M. D., Ky. school of medicine, 1869. ♦Thompson D. D., 240 Wabash ave. M. D., Geneva med. coll., N. Y., 1844. ♦Thompson Mary H., 338 W. Washington st. Grad. N. Y. infirmary, 1863 ; Chicago med. colK, 1870. ♦Thompson R. C., 37 Myrick ave. Tilley Robert, 978 Wabash ave. ♦Todd Edward A., (e) 129 S. Clark st. ; M. D., Jefferson med. coll., 1868; prof, of physi- ology, eclec. med. coll. ♦Tomboekin Henry, 171 Madison st. M. D., Rush med. coll., 1866. Tope John W., Jefferson Post-Office. ♦Treat Robert B., 247 W. Madison st. M. D., Berkshire med. coll., 1865. Trowbridge Frank L., 277 Thirty-first st. M. D., Jefferson med. coll., 1871. Tucker Dexter M., 50 Harmon court. M. D., Harvard med. school, 1852. Tucker James Joannes, 648 Cottage Grove avenue. M. D., Harvard med. school, 1867. Twining S. Douglass, 226 W. Indiana ave. M. D., Yale med. school, 1864. Ulrich J., (h) 212 Milwaukee ave. ♦Ulrich Raimond, 383 Larrabee st. Grad. Wurzburg, 1871. Underwood H. E., (h) 48 S. Ann st. ♦Underwood R. Abbie, 277 W. Monroe st. M. D., univ. of Mich., 1874. Valiquet Thomas L., 267 Chicago ave. Valpey John, 170i W. Lake st. ♦Van Buren Henry, 15 N. May st. M. D., Rush med. coll., 1865. ♦Van Doozer B. Rel., 1266 State st. M. D., Chicago med. coll., 1868. ♦Varges Louis, 227 Division st. Grad. Gottengen, Ger., 1833. ♦Venne Henry, 114 Blue Island ave. Grad, in med., Victoria univ., 1861. 138 VIC ILLINOIS. YOU Vick V., 308 W. Lake st. Vincent VV., 114 W. Madison st. ■""Vincent Mary L., 108 Cottage Grove ave. M. D., univ. of Mich., 1875. Vonsclileiben G. M., 371 Wabash ave. •♦^Wadsworth F. L., 229 Ontario st. M. 1)., Kush nicd. coll., 1869. Wadsworth T. D., (h) Madison st. and West- ern avenue. Walker xi. E., 6 Sixteenth st. ■"Walker J. B., 194 Clark st. ■"Walker Godfrey, 194 Clark st. M. D., Kush laed. coll., 1873. ■^Walton Jane E., 48 S. Peoria st. M. D., woman’s hosp. nied. coll., 1874. Wanzer Hiram, 188 W. Twelfth st. M. D., Chicago med. coll., 1861. ■" Ware Lyman, 209 State st. M. D., Chicago med. coll., 1866; med. dep’t univ. of Pa., 1868; member med. soc. of Chicago, and med. soc. of 111. ; attend, phys. Mercy hosp. ■"Warn William A., 785 Wabash ave. M. !>., coll. phys. and surgs., N. Y., 1871. Waters C. O., 188 W. Madison st. Wayner W., 50 W. Madison st. Webb Josiah Watson, (e) 523 Wabash ave. M. B., Kennett med. coll., 1872 ; member Chicago eclec. med. soc., and national eclec. asso. * Webster John C., 829 W. Jackson st. M. 1)., med. dep’t Harvard univ., 1867 ; member med. club of west Chicago. ■"Weed George F., 955 W. Lake st. M. D., univ. of Pa., 1869. Weeks Jerome F., 185 Clark st. M. D., Kush med. coll., 1849. Weiboldt W. R., 243 Blue Island ave. Welch R., (h) 672 Wabash ave. ■"Weller Fayette M., 139 Madison st. M. D., univ. of Mich., 1854. Wellner G. H., 229 Division st. Wescott Austin B., (e) 78 S. Green st. Eclec. med. soc. of N. Y, ; national eclec. med. asso. ; cor. sec. national eclec. med. asso. West Peter, 285 W. Madison st. *Westerberg Richard, 777 S. Halstead st. Grad. Marburg univ., 1866. -Whidden PhilomO., 978 W. Madison st. M. I)., med. dep’t of Harvard univ., 1866; member med. soc. of Chicago, and med. club of west Chicago; act. ass’t surg. U. S. vols. 2 years. ■"White Charles, 210 N. Clark st. "Wickersham Swayne, State and Jackson sts. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Pa., 1855 Wilbur Chas. A., (h) 380 W. Madison st. M. L)., Castleton med. coll., 1852; member Am. inst. of homoeo., and Chicago acad. of eclec. med. Wijbur J., 460 W. Randolph st. "Wild Theodore, 327 Milwaukee ave. M. D., Kush med. coll., 1865; phys. German-Am. dispens. Wilder E*. P. B., 163 Twenty-second st. "Wilder F. M., 199 Twenty-second st. M. D., univ. of Mich., 1868. Willard L. A., (h) 865 Michigan ave. Willard Samuel, 327 Fulton st. M. D., med. dep’t of HI. coll., 1848; retired from active jiractiee. "Williams George W., 36 Archer ave. ]\I. D., Chicago med. coll., 1873. "Williams John F., 185 K. Clark st. M. D., Chicago med. coll., 1865 ; member med. soc. of HI.; sanitary insp. Chicago board of health. "Williams Lucas^R., 461 Clark st. M. D., Kush med. coll., 1875. Williams T. D., (h) 83 Sangamon st. Williams Theo., 260 W. Madison st. Wilson R. M., 379 Park ave. Wilson W. W., 99 Harrison st. Winslow F. C., Van Buren and Wood sts. Winter jST. W., 6 Vincennes place. Winter Wm. Wallace, 151 S. Clark st. M. D., Cincinnati, Ohio, 1859; member Kock river union soc. Witt H. C., 178 W. Washington st. Woodward A. W., (h) 140 Warren ave. "Wood J. H., Evanston. Woodbury William Henry, (h) 201 Wash- ington st. M. D., Hahnemann med. coll., 1866 ; member Am. inst. of homoeo., and acad. of homoeo. med. AVright J. T., 636 AV. Lake st. Young F., 364 Wabash ave. Young H. N., 50 W. Madison st. STATE OF ILLINOIS. ABE AIT Abell J. R., Taylorville. Abbott E., AVilmington Abbott Isaac, Newton. Abbott Samuel M., Wilmington. Member med. soc. of Wilmingtoa co, Abbott S. S., Jefferson. Adams G. F., (h\ Flora; Adams J. C., Gridley. Adams J. Q., El Paso. Adams M. A., (m) Greenwood. Adams O. G. AV., (m) Roseville, Adams AVilliam W., Clinton. Ada way L. S., (h) Freeport. Aden John, Peoria. Agne'w Archibald Burns, New Columbia. M. 1)., Ohio med. coll., 1862; member med. soc. of AYashington co., and med. asso. in Nashville, HI. ; ass’t surg. U. S. vols. 3 years. Agne"w Frank M., Makanda. M. D., med. coll, of Ohio, 1862; ad eund. degree from Miami med. coll., 1865. Aiken J. W., Tennessee. M. D., Rush med. coll., 1864. Aikman J. A., (h) Decatur. Aiton Thomas, Pittsfield. Attended 2 courses of lectures in 1846-7-8, at med. dep’t 111. coll. ; med. officer on ship Constitution, 1851-2. AKI ILLINOIS. ATT 139 Akin J. H., Glassford. Member lued. soc. of 111. Albin G. W., Neoga. Member .Esculapiaii med. soc. of Wabash valley, Am. ined. asso. Albright Jacobus Bounaparte E., Fo- restoii. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Pa., 1846 ; member med. soc. of Fulton co. ; del. to first annual meetin" med. soc. of 111. Aldrich D. W., Gilson. Aldrich Davis, (e) Bladensville. ' Aldridge F. M., New Haven. Aldridge Hugli H., e) Windsor. Alexander , Palestine. Alexander H. K., Pekin. Alexander II. AV., Bine Island. M. D., Chicago med. coll., 1873. Alexander Samuel, Marissa. M. D., Chicago med. coll., 1869. Alford Frank Augustine, Kankakee. M. D., Bellevue med. coll., 1869. Allais P. A., Aurora. Allbright II. V., Long Prairie. Allen A. B., Kane. Member med. soc. of Greene co. Allen C. C., Chillicothe. ^ MemV>er med. soc. of Peoria. Allen Charles, Mnrrayville. Allen E. T., AABiite Bock. Allen F. T., Greenville. M. D., Chicago med. coll., 1873. Allen H. D., New Butland. Allen II. J., Harlem. Allen J. N., Mt. Sterling. Allen Joel, Minonk. Attended lectures in New Orleans, Avhich were de- livered by Profs. Stone and Smith, for benefit of hospital stewards ; served as hosp. steward 3 years ; act. assh surg. 2 years ; commissioned 2d ass’t surg. latter part of time. Allen .John S., (m) Atlanta. Allen Jonathan, (m) Geneseo. . Allen J. T., Quincy. Allen M. S., (h) Maniion. Allen Robert G., AVashington. M. I)., Jefferson med. coll., 1839; ass’t surg. State army board. Allen William A., Greenville. AI. I)., St. Louis med. coll., 1856; U. S. pension surg. for Bo!id co. ; surg. U. S. vols. 2 years. Allen AV. H., Pekin. Allen Zachariah, Eberle. One full course ; phvs. in charge of ward in hosp. Ailing S. F., Neoga. Allison B. A., Decatur. Member med. soc. of Macon co. Allibram J. C., Polo. Allmond R. J., Palmyra. M. I)., Jefferson med. coll., 1839; member Am. med. asso., 1872. Alphonso Alfred, Ottawa. Grad. i;i med. in Berlin, Germany ; member med. soc. of Ottawa; princ. of and prof, in Ottawa infirmary ; med. exam, life ins. co. ; — author of “ Health and Sickness in the Human Body.” Alten J. A. C., AV'estern Saratoga. Alvis David H., Galva. AI. 1)., Chicago med. coll., 1871. Alvord J. E., Prairie City. Amory S. A., Quincy. Alember and censor of medico-patholog. soc. of Quincy, and Am. med. asso., 1872. xAmoist J. E., Bourbonnaise. Anderson James, Hoard. Anderson J. H., Franklin. Anderson J. B., Camnrgo. Anderson Lemuel W., Hoopeston. Attended one full course of lectures univ. of N.Y., 1861-2; member med. soc. of Huntingdon co. ; hon. member med. soc. of AVabash co. Anderson Samuel H., Evansville. Anderson , Lockport. Andre Maurice, Prairie du Boclier. Andrew L. M., Princeville. Alember med. soc. of Peoria co., and Am. med. asso., 1873. Andrews D. C., (e) Kinderhook. Andrews M., ^m) Mulberry Grove. Andrews B. G., (e) News. Angell Abner, (h) Belvidere. Angle Pliilip, Yorktown. Anthony J. O., Sterling. Anthony W. C., (h) Princeton. Antis Henry T. , Geneseo. Antis John, (h) Morris. Antle F. P., (e) Petersburg. Cor. sec. “ Eclec ” med. soc. of 111. Apperson J. H. J., Tuscola. Apperson J. AV., Bourbon. Member J3scula])ian soc. of AVabash Valley, Apperson John, Mattoon. Archer M. C., Macomb. Arcourt D. E., (m^ Thebes. Ardrey Thomas S., (h) Oakdale. . AI. D., homceo. med. coll., AIo., 1866. Armos William, th) South Pass. Armstrong A. W., Young America. Armstrong Clinton, Carrollton. Alember med. asso. of Greene co. Armstrong C. J., AA^aukegan. Armstrong John Maclay, Edwardsville. M. D., Jelferson med. coll., 1865; member med. soc. of Christian co. ; pliys. of Madison co. Armstrong Thomas, Sandwich. Armstrong AV., (h) Bantoul. Armstrong AV. P., (h) Paris. Arnold J. I., (e) Galva. Arnold S. H., (e) Palestine. Arrington S. C., Farina. Arteburn Geo. A., (m) Hallsville. Artsman E., (m) Springfield. Artz AV. F., Byron. Ashbangh L. S., (h) New Boston. Ashby James, Ilutton. Ashby J. B., Lake Creek. Ashley A. F., La Prairie. Ashman E. H., Hyde Park. Asire Leonard, Bloomington. AI. D., med. dep’t univ. of AVooster; member med. asso. of AIcLean co. Askew J. B. , Jacksonville. Alember med. soc. of Alorgan co. Assman F. W., (h) Chester. Atterbury C., Greenview. 140 ATW ILLINOIS. BAR Atwood E. R., L’Ostant. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Mich., and Rush med. coll, (no date). Augustine George, Ullin. Aunmann Fred. W., Chester. Auner G. H., Dement. A usley J. M., Swedona. Avery S. F., Lamoille. Avett G., Jonesboro’. Axton John, (m) Big Muddy. Ayera E. H., Nashville. Aylesworth Homer E., Roseville. A. B., Union coll., 1SG3; M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Mich., 1867 ; member military tract med. asso. Ayres M., (h) Springfield. Ayres W. J., (ej Sacramento. Babb D. B., Dakota. Babbitt S. L., Elkville. Babcock A. C., Galva. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1860; member military traet med. asso. Babcock A., (h) Galesburg. Babcock A. M., Galesburg. Member military tract med. asso. Babcock E. R., (m) Springfield. Babcock W. A., Onargo. Member med. .‘ioc. of Iroquois co. Bacen A. J., (h) Table Grove. Bachelder J. W., Caledonia. Baemeister Theodore, (h) Toulon. M. D., homoeo. med. coll, of Pa., 1856; member homoeo. soc. of 111., and Am. inst. of homoeo. Backus J. C., Braidwood. Bacon Charles H. , Lockport. M. D., Chicago med. coll., 1862 ; member med. soc. of Will co. Bacon D. W. C., Oneida. Member military tract med. asso. Bacon J. W., Ipava. Bader Cleo. S., (m) Belleville. Bader John, (m) Belleville. Bagby J. C., Plymouth. Bailey D. A., Beaver Creek. Bailey R., Knoxville. Bailhache P. H., Springfield. Member med. soc. of 111. Bainter A. C., (e) Taylorville. Baker A., Enfield. Baker A. C., Quincy. Member med. soc. of Quincy. Baker David Bryan, Quincy. M. D., Rush med. coll., 1870 ; member med. soc. of Adams co. ; city phys. of Quincy. Baker C., Bankston. Baker Elvin Francis, Alexander. M. D., Chicago med. coll., 1867 ; member med. soc. of Morgan co. Baker F. E., (h) Bloomington. Baker H. M., Highland Park. Baker James, Adair. M. D.. Rush mel. coll.. 1869. Baker John, Henry City. Baker L. H., Payson. Censor of med. soc. of Quincy ; member med. soc. of Adams co.. Am. med. asso., 1873. Baker O. P., Morrison. Baker W. F., Carthage. Balch H. J. E., Georgetown. Baldwin A., St. Augustine. Ball Charles E., Shoal Creek. Ballard H., Marceline. Ballard AYilliam J., Bloomington. Member med. soc. of McLean co. Ballou N. E., Sandwich. Ballou H. , (h) Crystal Lake. Balsbaugh George S., Foreston. M. D., Jefferson med. coll., 1867. Bancroft A., Walsh ville. Bancroft Walter, La Salle. Bane Garner Horace, Macomb. M. D., Starling med. coll,, 1855, and Bellevue hosp, med. coll., 1867 ; member med. soc. of 111. Bane M. M., Quincy. Member med. soc. of Adams co. Bangs E. A., Chatsworth. Banister T. O., Odell. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1856; contract surg. U. S. vols. 3 years. Banta William E., Chenoa. M. D., Bellevue hosp. med. coll., 1870; member , med, soc. of W oodford co. Barber J. M. , Donaldsonville. Bard , Claremont. Bard well G. A., Dixon. Bard well S. S., Dixon. Member med, soc. of Lee co. Barger Robert N., Hopedale. Barkhausen H. C., Clear Creek. Barker William C., (h) Waukegan. Barlow James M., Eaton. M. D., Chicago med, coll., 1861 ; member Alscula- pian soc. of Wabash co. Barlow John W., Westfield. M. D,, Chicago med. coll,, 1867 ; member med. soc. of Marshall co. Barnard Henry Clay, Charleston. M. D., coll. phys. and. surg. of Iowa, 1866; mem- ber Alscul apian med. soc. of Wabash valley. Barnes A. T., Central ia. Barnes B. F., Taylorville. Barnes E. B., Areola. Barnes Ira. Norton, Decatur. A. B,, Dartmouth coll., 1855; A. M., 1858 ; M. D., Jefferson med. coll., 1862; v.-pres. med. soc. of Macon co., and member med. soc. of 111. ; surg. U. S. vols. 3 years. Barnes J. C., Areola. Barnes J. K., Decatur. Barnett Charles F., West Jersey. Barnett Allen A., Jersey ville. A. B., Miami univ., 1851; A. M., 1853; M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Louisville, 1853; med. soc. of Jersey co. Barnett Charles P., Bunker Hill. M. D., Rush med. coll., 1863; member Military Tract med. soc. ; del. to med. soc. of 111. ; ass’t surg. U. S. vols. years. Barnett J. R. , Lafayette. Member Military Tract med. soc. Barnett J. R., Rochester. Member med, soc, of Peoria co. Barney John, Sheffield. Barr J., (m) Paris. Barrel! Henry Condit, Springfield. M. D., Chicago med. coll., 1864, and Bellevue med. coll., 1867 ; member med. soc. of 111. ; ass’t surg. and surg. U. S. vols. 2 years. BAR ILLINOIS. BET 141 Barrett E., Assumption. Barrett D. .1., Oconee. Barrett Parker, (e) Joliet. Barrett 8. D., Assumption. Barrows Geo. S., (h) llockford. M. D., Hush med. coll., 1845, mid Rock Island ined. school, 1849; member homceo. med. soc. of 111., and Am. inst. of homoeo. Barrows J. M. , Tolona. Barms, 8. M., Forest. Barry Edward L. H., JerseyAille. Grad. St. Stephen’s hosp., Cork, Ireland, 1851 ; M. D., Rush med. coll., iSGl ; sec. med. soc. of Jersey co. ; member lioard health of Jersey ville ; ass’t *surg. U. S. vols. 3 years. Barry 8. A., Sheldon. Barry Peter C., Hardin. M. D., univ. of Glasgow, 1SG2 ; county phys. of Calhoun co. Bartholomew G., (h) Genoa. Bartholon E. C., Mahomet. Bartholon J. M., Philo. Bartlett Aurelius T., Yirden. M. D., Rush med. coll., 1862 ; ass’t surg. and surg. U. S. vols. 3 years. Bartlett A. R., (h) Aurora. Bartlett F. Lewellyn, (h) Aurora. B. L., univ. of Mich., 1SG5 ; M. D., homoeo. med. coll, of St. Louis, 1868 ; city phys. of Aurora, 1869. Bartlett H. E., (h) Aurora. Bartlett John W., Quincy. Member med. soc. of Adams co. Bartley D., Willow Hill. Barton Ira, Woedburn. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Mich., 1869; member med. soc. of Montgomery co. ; med. exam, for life ins. co. Barton P. H., Danville. Basart J. M., Sumner. Bascomb James H., McLean. Bascomb H. M. , (h) Ottawa. Baskett , Pleasjint Hill. Bassett Moses Fitch, Quincy. M. D., Worcester med. inst., Worcester, Mass, (no date) ; v.-pres. med. soc. of Adams co. ; member Am. med. asso., 1872; surg. provost marshall bureau during the war. Bassett 0. R., Yandalia. Bassett G. W., Yandalia. Bateman Stephen, (e) Big Rock. Bates D., (e) Fairview. M. D., eclectic med. coll., Cincinnati. Bates O. C., O’Fallon. Battles J. D., (e) Griggsville. Battson O. Alexander, Claremont. M. D. by the med. soc. of Richland co. ; member med. soc. of Richland co. Baxter M. L., Aurora. Baxter W. H., Herseman’s. Bayne W. F., (e) Macomb. Baysinger D. H., Grand Tower. Beach Rollin E., Patoka. M. B., Mo. med. coll., 1872; first course Rush med. coll. Beadles William T., Bushnell. M. B., Mo. med. coll., 186U; member med. soc. of McBonough co. ; U. S. pens. surg. ; ass’t surg., and surg. U. S. vols. Beard E., Raritan. Beasley R. B., (e) Glasgow. Beatie Andrew B., Red Bud. Beaumont J. H., (h) Free])ort. Becker Charles, Carlinsville. Becker T. T., Upper Alton. Beckman L. M., (e) Shirley. Beckwith A. A., Knoxville. Beckwith N., (e) Fairbury. Bedford Franklin, (h) Dement. Beebe N. D., (h) Freeport. Beecher 8. R., Cedarville. Beers E. A., McHenry. Beirt W. H., (h' Lincoln. Belding L. E., (h) Morrison. Bell J. A., (h) Naperville. Bell J. B., Berwick. Bell John, Berwick. Bell L. D., (m) Bloomington. Bellamy Peter Fociam, Knight’s Prairie. One and a half courses lectures, Nashville. Benedict A.C., Whiverly. Benedict E. 8., New Boston. Bennepe Seth Martin, Assumption. M. D., Pjellevue hosp. med. coll., 1866. Bennet L. S., Tullula. Bennett Edward, Y^oodstock. Bennett II., (e) Ilutler. Bennett Joseph D., Assumption. M. D., St. Louis univ., 1867 ; member med. soc. of Christian eo. Bennett J. H. H., (m) Springfield. Bennett R. F., (e ' Litchfield. Bennett R. H., Richmond. Bennett S. B., Fairview. Attend. I full eourse in Rush med. coll., 1859-60; 12 years’ practice; member med. soc. of Ful- ton CO. Bennington G. W., (h) Wataga. Benson M. L., Streator. Benson Y. S., McLean sboro’. Bently B. B., Algonquin. Bently W. H., Hudgersville. Benton E. A., Davis. Berchelmann Adolphus, Belleville. M. D., St. Louis med. eoll., 1873. Berger Adolphus, Lebanon. Berger E. F., (e) Grantfork. Bernays Geo. J., Lebanon. Bernreuther C., (h) Fosterburgh. Bernhardi Carl, Rock Island. Member central 111. med. soc. Berry David, (e) McLeansboro’. Berry H. S., (m) Champaign. Berry Lucian, Winchester. Berry Peter C., Hardin. Berry R. G., Havana. Berthold , Belleville. Berus Lapier, Millstadt. Best C. J., Freeport. Best J. E., Darwin. Bettersworth Alex. Pitts, Carlinsville. Grad, of Green acad., Huntsville, Ala., and Shurt* leff coll., Alton, 111. ; M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Louisville, 1855 ; vol. surg. Mound City hosp. 142 BEY ILLINOIS. BOW Bibb George Richard, Jacksonville. M. 1)., lliLsii med. coil., 18(i4 ; member med. soc. of 111., med. soc. of Denver, Col., med. soc. of Morgan co., med. soc. of Alraeda co.. Cal., and Am. med. asso., 187i!; member board of trustees 111. lios}). for insane, 1869-70. Bickmore Lawyer M., Shirley. M. D., Ohio meu. coll, (no date) ; member med. soc. of McLean co. Biddle J. , Y oinig America. Billharz Allbnz, E. St. Louis. Billing Janies Vv"., Decatur. Billings James M., Mount Erie. Attendetl 1 course Miami med. coil. Billings Edgar T., (e) Cherry Valley. Bingham A. C., (h) Harvard. Bishop S., (h) Moline. Birch J. C. Y., Marshall. Birdsell E. S., Sonora. Birney John Parkin, Staunton. Served an apjn-enticesbi]) of 5 years, and was 5 months pupil and dresser in infirmary, Sheffield, Englaml ; attended lectures occasionally ; been in practice 30 years. Birney Samuel H., Urbana. M. D., Kush med. coil., 1869; member med. soc. of Champaign co. ; v.-pres. med. soc. of 111. ; chairman board of censors central 111. med. soc. ; member Am. med. asso., 1872; phys. to jail and county hosp. ; surg. U. S. vols. S. \V. army. Bishop T. N., Milford. Black J. A., Mulberry Grove. Black J. M., (e) Lebanon. Black Alilo, Clav City. Black T. E., Pellonia. Black Tomas G., Clatdon. M. 1)., med. dei)’t univ. of Louisville. Blackburn C. II., Pana. Blackford E., (e) Mount Erie. Blackman O. B., (h) Dixon. Blackman F. 11. , Geneva. M. 1)., Chicago med. coll., 1870; member State med. soc. and med. soc. of Fox Kiver Valley. Blackmeister T., (h) Toulon. Blackwelder J. M., Litchfield. Blagerty M. C., Askum. Blair Moses, Auburn. Blair G. T., rh) Ford. Blaisdell O. W., (h) Macon. Blalock Nelson G., Mt. Zion. Member med. soc. of Macon co. Blanchard Enoch, Minonk. Member med. soc. of Woodford co, Blanchard John, Lusk. Blanchard T., Hinsdale. Bland Seth F., Palermo. Blankership J. E., Browning. Blankenship L. A., New Liberty. Blawis J. J. P., Beading. Bley George, Staunton. M. D., Phila. coll, of Med., 1851. Blood H. A., Milan. Bloorher Samuel, Galena. Blount Joseph, Byron. Blue Alexander, (e) Carlins ville. Bloxam H., (e) Mt. Auburn. Bluebottom W. H., Oakland. Boal A. J., (h) Piper City. Boal'J. E., Buda. Boal Bobert, Peoria. Boardman Edwin Rowland, Elmira. Attended two full courses Indiana med. coll., 1848- 49; member military tract med. soc. Boardman I. G., Paw Paw Grove. Bocarth I. W. Member med. soc. of Wabash co. Bock Frederick, Waterloo. Attended six courses at med. school of Bamburg, Bavaria, from 1826 to 1829. Immigrated, 1838. Bock G. C., Smithton. Bock J. A., Golconda. Bodman Elam, Sidney. Boerner E., Johannesburg. Boff B. F., (e) Oblong City. Boggs James, Havana. Boice James S., Aledo. Boils M., Newman. Boker E. E., Alexander. Bollechoefer A. C., (h) Freeport. Bolles Edgar, Pennington Point. M. D., Long Island coll, hosp., and Detroit med. coll., (no date). Bolles H. O., (e) Springfield. Bollinger H. C., Willow Hill. Bolon W. B., (h) Canton. Bond Benjamin Nicodemus, Grand Tower. M. D., Mo. med. coll., 1865; surg. U. S. vols. Sher- man’s army 3 years. Bond Clinton W., Hainesville. Bond E. J., Fairview. Bond John, Versailles. Bond J. K., Carthage. Bonnell W. W., Griggsville. Bonney James, Quincy. Bonney .1. W., Columbus. Bonney S. F. Member med. soc. of Adams co. Booe T. Newton. Loda. M. D., Kush med. coll., 1866 ; sec. of Iroquois med. soc. ; member med. soc. of 111. ; Am. med. asso., 1873. Boggs , Marquay. Boone A. H., Chandlerville. Booth David S., Sparta. M. D., St. Louis med. coll., 1859 ; member med. soc. of Mo. Booth E. S., Forest. Booth E. W., Darien. Booth H. M., Albany. Booth well C. C., Johnsonville. Booz William, (m) Middle Creek. Bossart J. M., Sumner. Bostic I. L., Scottsville. Bottomly W. N., Tamaroa. Member med. soc. of Will co. Bowde John K., Carthage. A. B., Miami univ., 1852; A. M., 1855; M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Pa., 1857 ; member med. soc. of Hancock co. ; pension exam. surg. ; ass’t surg. U. S. vols. 3 years. Bower William W., Rushville. M. D., eclectic med. inst., 1846. Bower R. W., Sheridan. M. D., Chicago med. coll., 1870. BOW ILLINOIS. BRO 143 Bowermaii Solomon, (e) Wales. Bowes George Asbury, Lena. M. D., Jeffer.son med. coll., (no date); charge of hosp. U. S. vols. years. Bowman A., White Hall. Member med. soc. of Greene eo. Bowman E. II., Andalusia. Member med. soc. of Rock Island. Bowman II., Ilipley. Bowman J., Flora. Bowyer Eli, Olney. Boyd II. B., Ottawa. Bo>al Joseph F., Millersburgh. Member (\Iilitary Tract med. soc. Boyd William A. Member med. soc. of Adams co. Boyer E. X., Sadowa. Boyes M. E., Jamestown. Boyle Julius Jerome, Ottawa. M. D., med. deji’t nniv. of Bulfalo, 18G9 ; member med. sac. of Onondaga co., med. soc. of Syra- cuse, and med. soc. of Ottawa; health officer of Ottawa city for 1870. Boyles Elijah Warren, Clay City. M. D., Hash med. coll., 18G2 ; exam. surg. U. S. pension dep’t. Boyles J. M., Louisville. Bozarth David, Eddyville. Bradbury IM., (m) Rockford. Braden ,Josei)Ii, Grayville. Bradford William E., (e) Dix. M. !_)., eclec. med. coll,, 18G3. Bradles W. S., Bushville. Bradles Luciens, (m) Rockford. Bradley R. D., Bloomington. Member med. soc. of McLean co., central med. soc., and med. soc. of 111. Bradley R. II., Marshall. M. I)., Cliicago med. coll., 1873. Bradley T., Roseville. BradnoG., (h) Crete. Bradshaw B. II., Orangeville. Brady J. S. II., fe) Little Rock. Bradwell G. Allen, Dixon. Bragdon Meritt C., (h) Evanston. M. A., northwestern univ., 1870; M. D., Hahne- mann med. coll., 1873. Braley L. E., (h) Kankakee. Bramm S. P., Palantine. Brands E. W., News. Bras F. II., New Boston. Breckenridge John D., New Memphis. Breed G. 11. , (h) Du Quoin. Breed S. P., Princeton. Memlier med. soc. of 111., medico-patholog. soc. of L I Salle co., and Am. med. asso. Breed S. R., fh) Monmouth. Breeden J. II., Summum. Breesse S. D., fm) Castleton. Brelsford J.. Onanga. Brendel Emil, Peoria. Brendel Fred., Peoria. Member med. soc. of Peoria City. Brendemuchl F., Collinsville. Brent William, Laclede. Breuneman John A., Davis. M. D., Kush med. coll., 1853 ; member med. soc. of Stephenson co. Breuning M., Lacon. Bren ton W., Tuscola. Member Alsculapian med. soc. BrtrwerE., (h) Fairbury. Brewer J. W., Monmouth. Member military tract, med. soc. Brewer G. W., Milton. Brewington G. W., (h) Wataga, Brewster Jas., Ora. M. I)., Chicago med. coll., 18G6. Brewster L. A., Whitehall. Brewster W., Nakomis. Brian O. M., Sycamore. Bricker J., Carbondale. Brickwell Richard, Roseville. Bridges Elon, (m) Union. Bridges Y. R., Mattoon. Brien 11., Mt. Pulaski. Briggs Robert, Clayton. Brigham Leonard Rufus, (e) Aurora. M. D., eclec. med. coll, of Cincinnati, 1852; mem ber State eclec. soc., and U. S. eclec. med. soc. Brigham Reeder S., (h) Cairo. A. B.. Dickenson coll. ; M. D., Ohio homoeo. med. coll, (no date) ; ass’t surg. U. S. N. 1 year. Brill D., (e) Geneseo. Bringle D. D., Winchester. Briscoe J. AY., Darwin. Member med. soc. of Marshall co. Briscoe W. T., AYestfield. Member med. soc. of Marshall co. Bristol James, Lawrenceville. Bristow G. AY., Grand Chain. Bristow N., Rochester Mills. Brock A. J., (e) Green Pond. Broffett J. II., Malugin Grove. Bronson J. E., (h) Metropolis. M. D., Ilahnemann med. coll, of St. Louis (no date). Brook J. A^., Jonesboro’. Brookhart II. P., Hutton. Brookhart S., Majority Point. Brooks Forman Christman, Gilman. M. D., eclec. med. coll, of Pa., 18G5 ; demon, of anat. in eclec. med. coll.; ass’t surg. U. S. vols. 1 year. Brooks J. B., (h) Geneseo. M. D., N. Y. med. coll., 18G4 ; ass’t surg. U. S. vols. 1 year. Brooks C. AY., Reyfield. Brothers Fred., Bunker Hill. Brower B.'E., Mt. Carmel. Brown A. A., Erie. Brown Albert Curtis, Waverly. M. D., Bellevue hosp. med. coll., 1873 ; member med. soc. of Morgan co. Brown A. M., Monmouth. Member Military Tract med. soc. Brown Aristus, Waukegan. Brown Abram, Tower Hill. Brown Benj., Ewing. Brown Benjamin Franklin, Oneida. M. D., Albany med. coll., 1866; member Military Tract med. soc.; hosp. steward U. S. vols. 2 years ; ass’t surg. 1 year. 144 BRO ILLINOIS. BUR Brown C. C., Mendon. Brown C. F., (h) llasting’s Landing. Brown 0. F., Hastings. Brown G. W., (e) Kockford. M. D., eciec. iiierl. coll, of Pa., 1868 ; member eclec. med. soc. of 111., and northern eclec. med. soc. Brown 11., Basco. Brown II. C., Geneseo. Member Military Tract med. soc. Brown II. S., Mt. Henry. Brown Ira, Milford. Brown J. IL, Jacksonville. Member med. soc. of Morgan co. Brown J., Ashton. Brown James, (m) Wheaton. Brown J. F., (h) Quincy. Brown I. 11., Casey. Brown Joseph, Metropolis. Brown .Josiah, Mechanicsburg. Brown J. W., Hoopestown. Brown J., Decatur. Brown J. F., Witts’ Frairie. Brown L. B., Sheldon. Brown L. D., Cliillicothe. Brown M. E., Quincy. Brown M. E., Sullivan. Brown M. L., Sr., (e) Carmi. Brown M. Jj., Jr., (e) Carmi. Brown M. S., Urbana. Member med. soc. of central 111. Brown N. W., Unity. Brown W. A., Danville. Brown W. H., Mound City. Brown William G. Member med. soc. of Adams co. Brown W. J., Mendon. Brown W. F., Greenville. Browning J. K., Havana. Brubaker II. K., Lena. Bruce W. W., Casey. Brumbaugh A., J.iong Frairie. Brumagin II. J., Morrison. Brundage Charles, Buena Yista. Brunk Charles H., Windsor. M. D., med. dep’t iiniv. of Louisville; member med soc. of Shelby co., and Aisculapian med. soc. Bruner A. J., Hardin. Bry Francis, La Salle. Bryan John L., Cambridge. Member med. soc. of 111. Bryan T. A., Xenia. Bryant James, Cypress Creek. Bryant W. W., (e) Sycamore. Bucher G. W., Belmont. Bucher C. A., Batavia. Member med. soc. of Fox River Valley. Buck H. B., Springfield. Member med. soc. of 111. Buck S. S., Maquon. Buck Wilbur P., Moweaqua. M. D., Chicago med. coll., 1871. Buck William H., (h) Woodstock. M. B., Hahnemann med. coll., Chicago, and N.Y. homceo. coll., 1870 ; councillor Hahnemann hosp., Chicago. Buckley Benj . T., Freeport. M. D., Rush med. coil., lbo2 ; pres. med. soc. of Stephenson co. Buckman C. F., Warren. Buckworth A. 1)., Areola. Buckworth William, Sardorus. Buecking J. H., (e) Quincy. Buffington C., Jerseyville. Member med, soc, of Jersey co. Bull T. J., Ipava. Bullard H. 1)., Gillespie. Bullock J. Boss, Waukegan. Bullock J. S., Yermillionsville. Bumstead Lemuel J., (h) Fekin. M. H,, honKPo. med. school of Pa., 1862; member Am. inst. of homceo. ; ass’t surg. U. S. vols. 3 years; spent 1 year in Vienna with special at- tention to diseases of eye and ear. Bunce Charles, Woodhull. Member Military Tract med. soc. Bunch Joseph, Marion. Bundy S. H., Carbondale. Bunker G. A., Oregon. Bunson August, Freeport. Bunson C. F., Lena. Burbank W. M., Barrington. Member med. soc. of 111. Burch B. F., Fairburg. Burch James, Kaskaskia. Burch J. M., Illiopolis. Burdick L. D., Grayville. Burgett David, (e) Sumner. Burgess Lloyd Dorsey, Sparta. M. D., med. dep’t univ. ol Md,, 1862. Burgess Thomas, Nashville. Burgess W. J., Du Quoin. Burk W. E., Cairo. Burkett T., .lefferson. Burks J. M., (e) Harrisburg. Burleigh J. F., (e) Mossville. BurlinghameDwight Edwin, Elgin. M. D., Chicago mea. coll., 1869; member Fox Paver Valley med. soc. Burlingham H. D., Galesburg. Member Military Tract med. soc. Burlingham T. J., (m) Geneseo. Burner S. A., Eobinson. Burnham E. G., Cook co. Burns A. P., Palatine. Burns G. W., (e) Breese. Burns Judson, Eockford. M. D., eclectic med. inst., Cincannati, 1870; mem- ber eclectic med. soc. of 111. Burns William H., Polo. M. D., univ. of Louisville, 1842. Burnsdale A. W., (h) Belvidere. Burnstead S. J., (h) Pekin. Burr W. H., Gridley. Burris T. E., Yienna. Burrett Josiah, Half Day. Burritt F., (h) Chicago. Burroughs J^. M., (e) "Batavia. Burudge J. S., Erie. BUS ILLINOIS, CAT 145 j jiissili,? James, Coulterville. Butler J., (e) Majority Point. Butler :Mil(), Buckley. Butler N. Ik, La Ilarpe. Butler Thomas, (m) Virginia. jLitler W. S., (li) Whitley’s Point. JJuxton I. N., Samsville. Buzette Frank, Viola. Byard A. L., AValnut. Byers 1). B., (h) Brookville. Byers Fred. Weills, Lena. M. ])., iiush ine l. coil., ls().‘3; member raed. soc. ofStephensjn co. ; ass’t surg. U. S. vols. 3 years. Byles F. W., Lena. Byrd William A., Ursa. Al. 1)., -Mo. med. coil.. 18(37 ; member med. soc. of Adams co. (the first v.-pres.) ; censor of medico- path. soc. of Quincy, and Am. med. asso. Byrns William, Windsor. Member Military Tract med. soc. Byrns G. A., Cooperstown. Cadwallader II., Xewton. Cain Joseph C., Farmer City. Caldwell G. W., Zanesville. Caldwell James P., Auburn. Caldwell J. B.. Galva. Caldwell P. A., (e) Glasgow. Caldwell Samuel, Detroit. M. D., iSt. Louis med. coll., 1849. Caldwell William Spencer, Warren. M. I)., JetfersoM med. coll., lb()4; Chicago med. coll., 1866, and Bellevue hosp. med. coll., 1871. Callahnn James H., Carthage. M. D., Bellevue h >s]). med. cod., 1870. Calloway. L. II.. Barry. Calvin Jafnes W., Newman. M. D., Hush me 1. c uh, 1806. Calvin •, Louisville. Cambell AVilliam B., Wilmington. Camerer Daniel W., Logan. Cameron E. B., Tuscola. Cameron John, (m) Wilmington. Camp S. AY., (h) Bentley. Campbell A., (m) Duiileith. M. 1)., Albany med. coll., 1843; formerly ass’t phys. Bellevue hosp.; surg. army Potomac 2 years and 7 months. Campbell C. G., Enheld. Campbell J. Paxton. M. I)., Chicago med. coll., 1865. Campbell AI.. (m) Piper City. Campbell Merritt B., AYilmington. M. ])., med. dei)'t Harvard univ., 1866; member med. soc. of Vt., mod. soc. of AVill co., and med. soc. of 111. ; med. cadet rear, army 1 year. Campbell William, Equality. Campbell AVilliam F., Shiloh Hill. Cam])held , Ottawa. Can Robert F., Newburg. Cannon E. B., Tuscola. -Member vE.sculajiian med. soc. of Wabash Valley, and Am. med. asso., 1872. Cansor A., Cresccmt City. Canter G. F., Gluey. Capreron E. W., Pontiac. Member medico-pathological soc. Carbus J. C., Mendota. Carey I). R., Bell Plain. Carey John, Peoria. Member metl. soc. of Peoria City. Carey Jolm B., Donnelson. Cai ey Thomas Lloyd, Lena. M. D., Chicago med. coli., 1868 ; member med. soc. of 111. Carlisle C. II., (hi Cherry A^alley. Carlisle Edward, Kaskaskia. Carnahan Hiram, Malugin’s Grove. M. D., Rush med. coll., 186(». Carpenter Edwin Alphonso, Barleyville. Cue course at Rush med. coll., 1868-69. Carpenter M., (h) Kankakee. Carr C. H., Taylorville. Carr C. P., Rockford. Carr C. R., Bloomington. Carr G. 11. , (h) Viola. Carr G. AY. L. , Ereeburg. Carr James, Raleigli. Carr Mathew Sparks, Ereeburg. Grad. Willamette univ. of Ore. ; M. D., Mo. med. coll., (no date) ; mem. med. soc. of St. Clair co. Carr Robert G., Decatur. Carrier A. E., Batavia. Member med. asso. of Fox River. Carroll C. L., Edinburgh. Carter C. M., Lawrenceville. Carter J. A., Bay City. Carter James A., Evansville. Carter L. AY., (h) Pekin. Carter M. AA^., Minden. Carter S. M., Pinckneyville. Carter AV. A., Elbridge. Carter AY. D.. Nashville. Ad. ennd. Chicago med. coll., 1866. Carter AYilliam Ph, Parish. Carter AYillis, (e) Farina. Cartle E. G., Quincy. Cartwright , Palestine. Cariithers Geo. AY., Olney. Carver M. C., Naples. Cary II. P., (h) Freeport. Cary J. K., Apple River. Casal Francis Marion, Pittsfield. M. 1)., Bellevue hosj^. med. coll,, and R^ish med. coll., 1864. Case I'rank D., Ramsey. Case J. II., (e) Adair. Casey E. A., (h) JerseyAille. Casey J. R., Joliet. Member rned. soc. of Will co. Casey N. AY., Mound City. Cass B. F., Decatur. Cassell M. II., Jacksonville. Member rned. soc. of Morgan co. Castle Alfred, AA^yoming. Castle E. G., Quincy. Mcmhcrmcd. soc. of Adames co. Castle W. II., (e) Salem. Castiiline AY. R., (e) Dixon. Caswell S. J., Rockford. M. D., Chicaoro mod. coll, ,1868. Catherwood Thomas II., Moweaqua. Member med. soc. of Macon and Shelby cos., and Am. med. asso. 14 G CAT ILLINOIS. CLA Catlin A. M., Rockford. Pres. Rockford raed, asso. Catlin E. P., Manteno. Caucli Robert, (h) Fairburg. Caner II. N., Freeport. Gavins William, Young America. M. D., Rush mod. coll, (no date;; member Mili- tary Tract med. .soc. Cewgill G. J., (o') Bushnell. Center George Fleming, Olney. R. y., Marshall coll., 18GJ : M. D., Louisville med. coll., 1872; perm, member Am. med. asso. Cerrell A., (e) Mount Auburn. CcAven Robert S., Girard. Cbaffie H., Tolona. Chalfant C. D., Dwight. Chamberlin W. Y., Elgin. Chamberlin W., Toulon. Chambers Jacob George, Sadoriis. M. D., Geneva med. coll, (no date) ; member med. soc. of Champaign co. ; ass’t surg. U. S. vols. 1 year. Chambers Jno., Lena. Chambers William Mortimer, Charleston. Member TEseulapian med. soc. of Wabash valley, med. soc. of 111., and Am. med. asso. Chamiiess J., (h) Bainbridge. Chandler Charles, Chandlerville. .Member med. soc. of 111. Chandler J. II., (h) Rochelle. Chandler W^. E., Rockford. Chaney L. S., TTarrisburg. Chapel A. Judson, Quincy. M. 1)., Deiievue hosyt. med. coll., 1871. Chapin II. S., De'Witt. A. M., (e) Po.lestine. Chapman D. F., (e) iMajority Point. Chapman G. L., fh' Polo. Chapman II. C., (el Randallsville. Chapman Y. W., Tuscola. Chapman Willi :un, Potoka. Charles G. E., Princeville. Member med. soc. of Peoria eo. Charlesworth D. M., IMerrimack Pointr Charlton John, Freeport. lion. M. I)., Chicago med. coll., 186G. Charlton Richard, Pekin. Chase A. P., Gil Amboy. Chase David Howard, Louisville. M. D., med. dep’t nniv. of Mich, (no date) ; mem- ber med. soc. of Clay co. ; liosp. steward U. S. vols. 3 years. Chase M. J., Galesburg. Chase Warren, Newport. Chase W. J., (h) Galesburg. Chaseman F. B. , Charleston. Chearcy S. L., IIarrisl)iirg. Cheek Alexander Martin, (h) Metropolis. M. D., Hahnemann med. coll., Chicago, 1872. Cheeny B. II., Joliet. Member med. soc. of 111. Cheever D. A., (h) Champaign. Cheever N., Lovington. Chenoweth Cassidy, Decatur. M. D., Rush raed. coll., 1869; member med. soc. of Macon co. Chenoweth William J., Decatur. Grad, of Augusta coll., 1841 ; M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Louisville, 1853 ; member med. soc. of Macon co., and Am. med. asso., 1872; surg. U. S. vols. 1 year; specialty, surgery. Chew John II., Naperville. Che wiling J., Neav Athens. Childs Charles J., (e; Sparta, Chiles W, T., Metropolis. Choisser C., (e) Eldorado. Christ II. C., Bioomington. Christey W. II., Tiskilwa. Christian JT. II., Camargo. Christoffe Chas. II., French YiUage. Christy C. B., Earlville. Ciiittenden , Plainfield. Church D., Normal. Church Rita B., Canton. Churchill J. F\, (e) Sciota. Churchill S. R., Maples 'Mills. Cinkling Thadmis, (m) Farmington. Clapp E. II., (h) Rome. Clark Anson L., (e) Elgin. A. B., Lombard univ., 1857; A. M., 1867; M. D., eclec. med. inst., 18G1 ; member and cor. sec. eclec. med. soc. of 111. ; pres, board trustees of Bennett eclec. coll. ; prof, obstet. and diseases of women and child., Bennett coll. ; ass’t surg. U. S. vols. 3 years. Clark Cavil, Greenup. Clark C. D., (h) De Kalb. Clark C. M., Galva. Member Military Tract med. soc. Clark Dexter Selwyn, Rockford. A. B., Beloit coil., UG9; M. 1)., coll. phys. and surg., 1865; member med. asso. of Rockford; ass’t surg. and surg. U. S. vols. It years. Clark E., Grayville. Member med. soc. of Wabash co. Clark Horace Norton, Niantic. M. D., Rush med. coll., 1865; member raed. soc. of Macon co., and med. soc. of 111. ;— author of “ Report on Obstetrics,” 1868. Clark Huriburt H., Albion. M. p., med. coll, of Ohio, 1871 ; member med. soc. of S. E. 111. ; exam. surg. U. S. pension office ; coroner of co. Clark John, (e) Mt. Pulaski. Clark J. II., (e) Taylorville. Clark Lucius, Rockford. M. D., Geneva med. coll., 1835 ; member med. asso. of Rockford, med. soc. of 111., and Am. med. asso., 1872. Clark L. E., Newcomb. Clark M. M., (e) Vermont. Clark N. D., Bardolph. Clark L. W., Riishville. Clark Samuel, (e) LawTence. M. D., eclec. med. coll., 1869; member eclec. med. soc. of 111., and national eclec. med. asso. Clark Sumner, Ramsey. M. D., St. Louis med. coll., 1871. Clark T. D., Fransonia. Clark Wesley, Dix. M. D., Rush med. coll., 1867. Clark William, (m) Biggsville. Clarke Almazon, Galesburg. Clary H. F., Bridgeport. Clayberg Sylvester S., Avon. M. D., Rush med. coll., 1872; member med. soc, of Fulton co. CLE ILLINOIS. COR 147 Cleachy M. C., (m) Elliottstown. Clearwater J. C., (e) Litchfield. Cleaveland E. E., Liiiidee. Clendenen Moses W., Rockwood. M. D., Jetfersoii ineil. coll., IbGG; ass’t of Cumberland 3 years. Cline W. A., Cuba. Clinton A. R., Jamestown. Clinton A. S., Preston. Cloud J. B., Pleasant Plains. Cloug-h A. B., (h) Sado\ya. Clouser John, Parmer City. Me;nber central 111. ined. soc. Clowes J. W., Windsor. Member Military Tract med. soc. -Cloyd John P., Georgetown. Clugston D. A., Utica. Clummous C. P., Carrollton. Clutter J. A., A'oble. One cour.^e of lectures. Clymer Keever, Seneca. M. 1)., eclec. med. coll, of Cincinnati. 1858. Cobb Jacob, (e) Wring. Cochran C. J., (e) Annapolis. Cochran William G., Parmer City. V.-pres. and censor med. soc. of Be AVitt co. ; rec. sec. central 111. med. soc. ; member med. soc. of 111., and Am. med. asso. Coe II. P., Brooklyn. Coffin Nelson G., Monticello. Grad. univ. of lud. ; M. D., med. coll, of 0., 1847 ; member and sec. med. soc. of Piatt co., and med. soc. of 111. ; ass’t surg. U. S. vols. 3 years. Cohen L. H., Quincy. M. D:, New Orleans school of med., 1862; member medico-jiatholog. soc. of Quincy, med. soc. of Adams co., and Am. med. asso., l'^72; late ass’t prof, chemistry New Orleans school of med. ; visiting phys. to charity hosp. ; fellow med. asSo. of New Orleans ; ass’t surg. confed. army ; — author of “ Palatable Medicines,” 1867 ; “ Ile- inarks on Oxaluria,” 1869 ; “ Ozone in the Econ- omy of Nature,” 1871, etc.; specialty, dis. of throat. Coker John T., Enfield. Colburn E. IM., (h) Peoria. Cole A. D., La Salle. Cole I)., Lamville. Cole Frederick, El Paso. M. D., Ivush med. coll., 1865, and PePevne hosp. med. coll., 1870; sec. med. asso. of AVoodford co. ; member med. soc. of 111. ; ass’t surg. U. S. vols. 1 year. Cole G. AV., Bath. Cole J. B., La Salle. Cole X. B., Bloomington. Member med. soc. of AIcLean co., med. soc. of cen- tral 111., and med. soc. of 111. Cole AV. C., Lynnville. Member med. soc. of Morgan co., and Am. med. asso. Coleman J. AV'., Monticello. M. D., Miami med. coll., 1856. Coles Alvin, Ottawa. Licensed by M:iss. iState med. soc., 1829; member med. soc. of Ottawa co. Collett P. A., Livingston. Collier II., Oakland. Collins E. B., Momence. Collins James, (m) Clintonville. Collins AV". A., Yenice. Collison VA^illiam, Gridley. Colt John 1)., Litchfield. Colvard E. C., Shawneetown. Colvin J. AV., (m) Mt. Erie. Combear AV. C., Morton. Combs John E., Bloomington. Member med. soc. of McLean co., and med. soc. of 111. Combs J. E., Le IMont. Comes George, Ridgway. Comstock Jesse, A.artiiisville. Member med. soc. of Marshall co. Comstock Xorman, AVestfield. Condee Ammi, St. Ainie. M. I)., Sharhng med. coll., 1863; ass’t surg. U. S. vols. 3 years. Condell AVilliam R., Springfield. Condon S. S., Anna. Connell G. AV., Mason. Connett P. P., (e) Xew Hebron. Conner A. G. II., Mason City. Conrad , Quincy. Conson Augustus, Crescent City. M. I)., med. de])’t univ. of Mich’.; med. coll, of Detroit (no dale). Converse A. L., Springfield. Converse M., Ijcwistown. Cook C., (e) Carmi. Cook Edgar P., Mendota. M. 1)., Cleveland med. coll., 1854; member med. soc. of 111., and Am. med. asso., 1872. Cook John A., Aurora. Member Fox Kiver A’alley asso. Cook P. B., Xakomis. Cook Robert Ilugli, Graysville. M. 1)., Starling med. coll., 1858, and Bellevue med. ct)ll., 1864; act. ass’t surg. U.S. xV. 1 year. Cook W. H., Hillsboro’. M. D., iSt. Imuis med. coll., 1867 ; member med. soc. of Alontgomery co. Cooke J. AV., Johnston. Coombs J. M., Xewwille. Cooper E. H., Henderson. Member Military Tract med. asso., and Am. med. asso. Cooper James S., Greenfield. . Cooper Samuel, Oakley. Cope J. D., (m) Pairfield. Copeland James A., Oeonee. Co])eland Philander, Winnebago. Copestake J. C., Wyoming. Copp AVilliam, AA^aterloo. Corbus J. C., Mendota. Alember medico-pathological soc., and med. soc, of III. Corbiis J. R., Amboy. Alember med. soc. of 111. Corcoran G. L., Brimfield. Member med. soc. of Peoria co., and med soc. of 111. ; Am. med. asso., 1873. Corcoran J., T.a Salle. Core James, Urbana. Corey A^. B., West Point. Corkings O. G., Liberty. Corlew W. AV., Sparks Hill. Cornell D. R., (h) Centralia. Cornell Thomas J., Braidwood. Retired from practice at 70 years of age. 348 COR ILLINOIS. CUR Corneilus Patrick, (m) Marseilles Corr A. 0., Carliiiville. Corr Albert C., Chesterfield. M. D., Chicago med. coll., 1868. Corr Mrs. L. H., Carlinville. Correll L. S., Salisbury. Couch Harriman, Peoria. M. D., eclectic med. coll., 1863. Coulter Arthur P. , Marissa. Coursey A. E., (m) Du Quion. Courtney , Grand Chain. Couson Augustus, Crescent City. Coutant G."F., La Salle. M. D., llahneinanii med. coll., 1872; member homoeo. med. soc. of 111., 111. valley liomoeo. soc. Cove S. E., (e) Saline Mines. Coveil J. D., Eoreston. Covington J. E., Ash Eidge. Covins W., Ellison. Covey, Benjamin S., Waukegan. Cowan J. M., Hennepin. Cowan Robert S., Girard. M. D., St. L )uis med. coll., 1865; member Am. med. asso., 1372; ass’t surg. confed. army 3 years. Cowdiii .Tohn P., Tlliopolis. Cowell C. G., (h) Lockport. Cowell Geo. E., (li) Minooka. Cowles J. P., (h) Ottawti. Cowles F. W., (h) Eock Island. Cowpertbwaite A. C., (h) Galva. Cox G.AV., Clayton. Meml)er med. soc. of Adams co., and Am. med. asso., 1872. Cox John, nn) Vandalia. Cox J. G., Jacksonville. Member med. soc. of Jilorgan co. Cox P., (e) Petersburg. Cozard James, Andalusia. M. 1)., liush med. coll., 18GG; member Iowa and 111. central (list. med., and med soc. of 111. Crabtree L. A., Dundee. Member Fox River Valley med. asso. Craft C. D., rm) Tuscola. Craig George G., Eock Island. M. 1)., Jefferson med. coll., 18611; sec. Iowa and 111. central med. soc., 1873; city phys. Eock Island ; exam. surg. U. S. pension office. Craig J., Farmington. Craig John W., Quincy. Clrad. N. Y. o})hthalmic hosp. coll., 1865; attended lectures llellevue hosp. med. coll., 1864-5; spe- cialty, eye and ear. Craig J. W., Jacksonville. Member med. soc. of Morgan co. Craig J. W., Arcadia. Member med. soc. of 111. Craig Y\r. D., Aledo. M. J)., Eush med. coll., 1852 ; member Military Tract med. soc. ; exam, surg. pension office ; ass’t surg. U. S. vols. 3 years. Craig W. II., Canton. Crain J. B., Tamara. Crain .1. II., Villa Eidge. Cram O. P., Mason City. Crandall A. II., AVoodstock. Crandall J. B., (e) Springfield. Crane William II., AYasliington. Cravens J. K., (e) Louisville. Cravens S., Eochester. Member med. soc. of Peoria co. Crawford C. C., (m) Dundee. Crawford II. M., ht. Charles. Crawford Jas. B., Gillespie. Crawford J. S., Galena. Crawford B., Eureka. M. 1)., Eellevue hosp. med. coll., 1864; member med soc. of Woodford co. Crawford S. K., Monmouth. Member Military Tract med. soc., and med. soc. of 111. ; Am. med. asso., 1873. Crawford AV. S., Galena. Crecelius G. AV., (e) Makanda. Creel D. M., Industry. Creemeans W. E., Macedonia. Creenan M., Eountain Green. Creighton D., Dunleith. Creighton John, (h) Dunleith. Cremer John, Venice. Crim M. D., Mitchell. Crispall E. M., (e) Manito. Crispell E. P., Pekin. Crissy AVilliam S., (e) Decatur. Crist David L., Bloomington. Member mod. soc. of McLean co., med. soc. of 111., and Am, med. asso. Crist Daniel Overly, Bloomington. M. D., Starling med. coll., 1853 ; member med. soc. of McLeaTi co., and med. soc. of 111.; specialty, eye and ear diseases. Crist Howard C., Bloomington. Member med. sot*, of McLean co. Cromwell M., Kinderhook. Croom J.. (h) Minooka. Crosker AVilliam, Sandyhook. Crossley G. AV., Princeton. Member Military Tract med. soc., and med. soc. of 111. Crothers E. E., Bloomington. Member med. soc. of McLean co. Crothers E. AV., Delevan. Crouch P., West Hallock. Crouse D, E., (h) Plum Eiver. Crow James T., Carrollton. Member med. soc. of Greene co. Crow W. H. H., Quincy. Member med. soc. of Quincy. Crozier A. D., Iroquois. Crume Joel, Fulton Point. Crummer Benjamin Franklin, Elizabeth, M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Mich., 1869. Culbertson, S. D., Piper City. M. D., Jefferson med. coll., 1866. Ciillehan Aug., (h) Petersburgh. Culver B. G., Greenfield. Culver Jacob, Mahomet. Culver S. IL, AVhitehall. Cummins Theo., New Entland. Cunningham James, Bloomfield. Cunningham James J., Sparta. Cunningham J. L., Mt. Vernon. Cunningham E. E., Lebanon. Cunningham T. N., Topeka. Cunningham AV. AV. J., Danville. Curl Jeremiah, Paris. Member Alsculapian med. soc. of AVabash Valley. Curry Isaac, Shelby ville. Curtis C. E., Quincy. Curtis E., Otter Creek. Member med. soc. of Jersey co. CUR ILLINOIS. DE\Y 119 Curtis John, (h) Harlem. Curtis J. P., (e) Fairview. Curtis John Thomas, Otter Creek. M. D., Chicago lued. coll., 1867; member med. soc. of Jersey co. ; hosp. steward 2 years; 1st ass’t snrg. U. S. vo’s. 2 vears. Curtiss Romaine J., Joliet. M. D., O. med. eoll., (no date) ; member med. soc. of Erie co. ; was corresp. member gynaicological soc., Boston ; med. cadet 1 year; act. ass’t surg. IT. S. N. 16 months. Cushenberry J. T., Polona. Cushing M. A., Aurora. Member Fox River Valley med. asso. Cushman W. B., Thompson. Cuthbert William L., Little York. M. D., Rush med. coll., (no date) ; member med. soc. of Warren co., Dlilitary Tract med. asso., Am. med. asso., 1873; ass’t surg. U. S. vols. 2i vears. Cutler Oeo. F., (e) RiJgefarm. Cutts E. G., Quincy. Daggett John F., Lockport. ^lember med. soc. of Will co. Dalby Thomas, (m) Olney. Daley William, (m) Odell. Dameron J. M. C., Vienna. Dane , Centralia. Danforth L., Charleston. Danforth W. A., Ancona. Daniel J. F.. Pine Oak. Daniels J. B., (e'l Buckley. Darby Benj. F., Baldwinville. Darrah Alexander Taylor, Tolono. M. D., Rush med. coll., 1865; member med. soc. of Chamjiaign co. Dart L. E., (h' Rock Island. Davenport James A., Salem. Davenport M. S., (e) Walsh ville. David C. A., Yorthville. David John C., (h) Sandwich. Davids II. C., ISTa per ville. Davidson David Lowry, Todds Point. M. D., Rush med. coll., 1868; member med. soc. of jNIacon co. Davidson J., Marion. Davidson S. A., Bradford. Davis Andrew P., Annapolis. M. 1)., Rush med. coll., 1867. Davis Clinton, Steel’s Mills. Davis Charles, (h) Henry. Davis Charles. Godfrey. Davis C. C., New Hebron. Davis George, fh) Lacon. Davis G., Ellisville. Davis G. II., IJma. Davis J., Charleston. Davis James M., Carrollton. Member med. soc. of Greene co. Davis John W., Carey ville. Davis J. II. IT., .Joliet. Davis L. AV., AVoodstock. Davis ^lordecai, Aurora. Davis Thomas T., (el Pana. Davis Thomas AA^., AA^apella. Davis Wm. Hope, (e) Springfield. M. D., eclectic meA inst. of Cincinnati, 1865; member eclec. med. soc. of 111. ; rec. sec. of state soc. 4 years. 12 Davison J. B., Moline. M. 1)., Jefferson med. coll., (no date) ; member Rock Island and Iowa central med. soc. ; III. central dist. med. asso., and Am. med. asso,. 1872. Davison Thomas Allen, Mound Station. One course med. dep’t univ. of Iowa. Dawn Thomas R., Black Centre. Dawiiey G. AV^.. Richview. Day C. L., (h) AA^enona. Day Ebenezer, Grand Tower. Day William Charles, Palmyra. M. D., Mo. med. coll., 1861 ; ad. eun. degree St. Louis med. coll., 1871 ; member med. soc. of Macoupin co. ; per. mem. Am. med. asso. ; surg. Mo. vols. 3 years. Day AA^illiam F. , Manchester. Day AV'illiam H., Kewanee. Member Military Tract med. soc. Dayton F. E., Jacksonville. Dayton S. N., Rockford. Deed AATlliam H., Moroa. Deane 8. W'. (e) Belvidere. Dearborn H. (j., Augusta. Dearborn Jonathan, Elkhart. De Poe Augustus, McLeansboro’. M, D., Evansville med. coll., 1852, and med. dep*t univ. of Louisville, 1869; member med. soc. of Hamilton co., and med. soc. of S. E. 111. ; first pres, of both soc’s. De Foe P. V. R., Elmwood. Treas. med. soc. of Peoria co, De Gordon J. B., Metropolis. De Grand A., Alton. Deichman O. H., Mt. Vernon. Delano F. A., Eleroy. Demming H. H., Pana. Member Alsculapian med. soc. of AA’'abash valley, and Am. med, asso. De Morris H. C., Herman. Demott John J., Marseilles. Dempsey Arthur. Ayres Hoint. Demsey John N., Warrensville. Not a graduate. Demsey John, Nantic. Denbor J. AV., Knight’s Prairie. Denan Geo., (m) Bourbonnaise. Dengal J., (h) Sterling. Denman J. B., (e) Charleston. Denning John P., Renault. Dennison Charles N., Newburg. Member med. soc. of Macon co. Dennison E. L., Marion. Denny J. A., (e) Moweatpia. Denny T. L., Pocahontas. De Normandie A., Braid wood. Denstroff II,, Metropolis. De Puy E. C., Freeport, lion. M. D,, Chicago med. coll., 1865. Derr N. H., Aledo. De Santo H. IT., (m) Andalusia. Detrick Ambrose, Metropolis. Detrick J. H., Jacksonville. Detrick F. A., Freeport. Deuboch A. W., Staunton. Devitt W. E., Rosamond. Devoe C. P., (e) AGindalia. Dewatney Joseph, Blue Mound. 150 DEW* ILLINOIS. EAR Dewey Geo. Henry, Marine. 3 full courses at State univ. of Mo. ; member med. soc. of Madison co. Dewey John S., Troy. Dewitt Ralph R., Coal Valley. M. D., Rush med. coll., 1871 ; member 111. and la. central med. soc. De Wolf A. B., St. Charles. Dexter C. I., (e) Springfield. Dickerson Jacob T., Brighton. Dickey S., Pana. DiefFenb acker Philip L., Havana. •M. L)., Jefferson meil. coll., 1855; exam. surg. U. S. pension office ; surg. U. S. vols. 3 years. Dietzel William, Red Bud. Dillen William, Payson. Dixon H. L., Albion. Doane C. C., Perry. Dobbs I. L., (m) Rockwood. Dodd J. M., Concord. Dodds Ford S., Anna. _ Dodds J. M., Virginia. Dodge Darius, (h) Rockford. Dodge H. O., Lyons. M. D., Chicago metl. coll., 1868. Dodge J. H., Pana. Dodge W. F., (h) Earlville. Dodson Eli, (e) Butler. Dodson E. II., Ava. Dodson Ichabod, (e) Slielbyville. Dodson J. IT., Dongola. Doepp W., Bloom. Dolittle L. S., Lewistown. Dollins A. D., Benton. Donaldson H. C., Morrison. M. D., Rusli me 1. coll. ; member med. soc. of 111. ; U. S. med. exam, for pensions. Donnelly J. W., Doddsville. Dora F. B., (e' Mattoon. Dora James W., Maitoon. M. D., Ohio. med. c/dl. and Rush med. coll, (no date) ; member med. soc. of Cook co., and Am. med. asso., 1872. Dorman M. L., Taylorville. Dor])ley L. TI., Metropolis. Doss Charles Henry, (e) Manchester. M. D., eclcc. med. inst. (no date); member eclec. med. soc. of 111., apd national eclec. med. soc. Doty Daniel, Waynesville. Doty J. T., tmi Hampshire. Dougall William, Joliet. M. I)., Chicago med. coll., 1868. Douglass A. C., (e) Sandovall. Douglass James Robinson, Monterey. M. D., med. dop’t univ. of Mo., 1856. Douglass D. T., Selma. Doulben W. H., Windsor. Dow Samuel Alvus, Peoria. A. B., Lombard univ., 1862 ; A. M., 1866 ; M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Pa., 1867 ; member military med. asso., and med. soe. of Peoria co. ; ass’t surg. 111. vols. 3 years; act. ass’t surg. U. S. A. . 1 year. Dowey M., Quincy. Dowler J. R., Beardstown. Dowler M. M., (h) Rushville. Downey William, Wenona Station. Downey Waiter, (m) Princeton. Doyle Anthony, (e) St. Joseph. Doyle C. W., Sullivan. Doyle Geo. W., (e) Barry. Doyle N., (e) Kinderhook. Doyle P., (e) New Salem. Draege A., Danville. Drake John S., (e) Rockford. Drake T., Chillicothe. Dreane Jefferson, Centralia. Drenn E., Cerro-Gordo. Dresser T. W., (e) Springfield. Driver H. W., (h) Havana. Drolin John L., Hopkinsville. Drude Francis, Quincy. Duane W. J., Benton. Diibler W. H., Windsor. Member med. soc. of Shelby co. Dubois A. M., Makanda. Duckett H. D., Forest. M. D., Chicago med. eoll., 1865. Du Iladway Caleb, Jerseyville. Pres. med. soc. of Jersey City. Duncan A. B., Industry. Duncan James Melvin, Marcelline. M. D., coll, of ])hys. and surg. of Keokuk, 1870; ad eund. degree Mo. med. coll., 1872. Dimcan Jason, Knoxville. Dimcan J. R., Millersburg. Member Military Tract med. soc. Duncan J/'M., Springtown. Dimcan AFilliam AY., (e) Veva. Dimcanson A., (h) Kankakee. Dunham H. C., Dudley ville. Dnnkle William B., Cambridge. M. D., Rush med. coll., 1863. Dunlap G. AY., Maquon. I Dunn B. I., Macomb. Dunn Harvey, Perry. AI. D., St. Louis med. coll., 1867 ; — author of paper, “ Beneficial Effects of Belladonna in Alammary Inflammation,” “ AIed. and Surg. Reporter.” Dunn Jeff., (hi Greenfield. Dunn L. D., Tiskilwa. Al. D., Rush med. coll., 1857 ; member Military- Tract med. soc. Dunn McC., (h) Bloomington. Dunn AYilliam A., (hi Bloomington. Dunning Charles W., Cairo. Al. I)., med. dep’t univ. of AIo. ; member med. soc. of Alexander co. ; elected to chair of obstetrics and dis. of Avom. and chil. in AIo. med. coll. Dim well E. B., Cherry Valley. Durant Samuel, AY., Adams. Durham James A., (m) Benton. Diitcher Harris (m) Streator. Dye A. M., Elk Hart. Dyer L., Du Quoin. Dyer L. B., (h) Omega. Dyer R. F., Ottawa. Eagleson Thomas, Parkersburg. Al. D., med. coll, of Ohio, 1866 ; member dist. med. soc. of southeastern 111. ; ass’t surg. 9th corps 1 year. Earl John B., De Kalb. EAR ILLINOIS. FAI 151 Earl Silas, Clifton. Member and censor med. soc. of Iroquois co. Earle F. M., Cairo. Easley Robert B., (e) Clyde. Easley J., (e) Plaiiivievv. Eastman D. J., Sheldon. Easton Cyrus Myron, Pilot Center. M. D., Rush med. eolL, 1872. Easton James, Lima. Eaton Morton M., (h) Peoria. M. D., Rush med. coll., 18G1 ; member homceo. med. asso. ; was resident phys. of Chicago; — au- thor of various med. papers. Eaton R. J., Harris Grove. Eaton William, Iliitsonville. Eberle .Jacob R., (h) Rockford. Ecke .Joseph, Riima. Eckley Daniel, (e) Parkersburg. Eckles Thomas, Sterling. Eddino's J. W., Winchester. Eddy G. W., Biickhorn. Eddy S. Iv., St. Elmo. Edgar Charles A., Jacksonville. M. D., Rush med. coll., 1867. Edgar Robert, Coulterville. Edgerton R. C., Altona. Edgerton W. W., Mattoon. Edmiston J. II., Clinton. Member med. soc. of Will co., and med. soc. of 111. Edmiston T. R., Clinton. Member central 111. intd. soc. Edson Alonzo .J,, (e) IMonroe. Edson G. AV., Qniiicy. Edson AV. H., AVillow Hill. , Edwards Davis, R^ctorville. Edwards F. H., Sandoval. AI. 1)., med. dep’t uuiv. of Mo., 1S46. Edwards J. B., Rock Island. Edwards James Lafayette, Pittsfield. AJ. I)., Jelferson med. coll., 1862; 1st ass’t surg. V. S. vols. 3 years. Edwards J. AV., Mendota. Alember medico-path. soc. of La Salle co. Edwards T. Y., Bellair. Ehehardt Fred., Beardstown. Elder C. S., Bloomington. Alember med. soc. of AVoodfoi'd co. Elder Daniel, (e) Scottsville. Elder Samuel Sansom, Farm Ridge. Al. D., Rush med. coil., 1S()5. Elder AA'illiam A., Bloomington. Alember med. soc. of AIcLean co., and med. soc. of 111. Elgin E., Quincy. Elkins G. AV., Vienna. Elkins Stephen, St. Marie. Ellet E. C , Bunker Hill. Elliott C. E., Petersburg. Elliott F. M., Aurora. Elliott R. M., Mackinaw. Elliott S. A., Aurora. Alember Alilitary Tract med. soc. Elliott AV. AV., AVoburn. Attended 1 course of lect. at med. coll, of Evans- ville, 18.5.3-54; act. ass’t surg. 1 year; 1st ass’t surg 2 years. Ellis D. E., Belvidere. Sec. med. soc. of Boone co. Ellis Henry I. S., Chicago. AI. D., eclec. med. coll., Cincinnati, 1855. Ellsbury I. A., Mason City. Elrich Herman, (h) Peoria. Emery George H., Paxton. AI. D., Berkshire med. coll., 1865; med. exam, for life ins. comp. ; member med. soc. of Peoria co. Emmerson E. B., Carmi. Emory J. H., (e) Blandinsville. England F., Flora. England H. S., Athens. England W. L., (e) Grayson. Engle E,, St. Elmo. Engle T. C., (h) Lewistown. English R. B., Jerseyville. Al. D., St. Louis med. coll., 1873, Ensign AVilliam O., New Rutland. Al. D., Charity hosp. med. coll., 1869, and med. dep’t univ. of Wooster, 1873 ; member med. soc. of Woodford co. ; delegate to and member of med. soc. of 111., 1873. Eplenmach J. H., tm) Plainfield. Epperson Lewis. Newton. Eppler Peter, Cayuga. Al. D., Chicago med. coll., 1867 ; member medico- pathological med. soc., and med. soc. of 111. Erdman Gustav, Danville. Erwen J. B., (h) Macomb. Estes Judsnn J., AVaukegan. Etter D. J., Mt. Carroll. Etter Jacob Knox, Hainsville. AI. D., med. de])’t univ. of l^a., 1867 ; formerly member med. soc. of Cumberland co.. Pa. Evans B. F., Charleston. Evans C. A., (h) Sycamore. Evans Charles Hildreth, Cairo. Al. D., Jefferson med. coll., 1857 ; pres. med. soc. of Alexander co. ; member Am. med. asso., 1873 ; U. S. pension surg. ; contract ass’t surg. 6 mos. Evans Edwin, Streator. Evans J. AV., Peoria. Evans J. AV., Pleasant Yale. Evans J., New Rutland. Evans P. M., New Rutland. Everett Alfred, Etna. Everett B. B., Sullivan. Everett John T., Sterling. Al. D., Chicago med. coll., 1871. Everett Oliver, Dixon. Pres. med. soc. of Lee co., and med. soc. of ID, Eversinan F. F., Feiitopolis. Eversman H., Effingham. Alember Alseulapian med. soc. of AVabash Valley, Eversole J. IL, (el Minonk. Everston D. M., (m) Flora Ewan Charles, Beaverville. Ewing G. A^., Chenoa. Alember med. soc. of Woodford co. Ewing John, Monmouth. Alember Alilitary Tract med. soc., and Am. med. asso., 1873. Ewing R. B., Ipava. Fahnery B., (h) Polo. Fahrner Valentine, (e) Mokena. Fain AV. J., Murphysboro’. 152 FAI ILLINOIS. FOL Fairbanks Charles D., (h) Ottawa. M. D., Hahnemann med. coll., 1867 ; member Am. inst. of homoeo., and 111. homoeo. med. soc. ; sec. of 111. Valley homoeo. med. soc.; — co-ed. of Dr. Gilchrist’s “ Complete Kepertory,” etc. Faloon M., (e) Bloominpjton. Farley B. F., Eldridgeville. Member med. soc. of Iroquois co. Farley B. F., (h) Athens. Farley E., (e) Bloomington. Farley R. D., (h) Jersey ville. Farinan James, Sparta. M. D., St. Louis med. coll., 1853. Farmer H. E., (h) Marengo. Farrar L. B., Paxton. Farrel Charles, (h) Cohden. Farrell .John, Rock Island. Farrell J. IL, Atkinson. Farrell T. W., Woodhull. Farris ^Y. W., Vermillion. Farwell E. J., (h) Elgin. Fash Geo., (h) Farmington. Fay John, (m) Ijacon. Fee John, (h) Beardstown. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., ISGS". Fekete Alexander, East St. Louis. M. D., St. Louis med. coll., 1854; attended lects. in Vienna, Apstria; was pres, board of health E. St. Louis ; surg. U. S. vols. 3 years. Felder D. C., Highland. * Felker John Boggs, Amboy. M. D., Kush med. coll., 1860; member med. soc. of Lee CO., med. soc. of Kock Kiver, and med. soc. of 111. ; member board of health. Fellers J. S., (e) Nokomis. Fellows A. M., Lincoln. Fellows G. W., Ivewoinee. Fenity Peter, Kane. A. K., Knox coll., 1852 ; M. D., St. Louis med. coll., 1859 ; member med. soc. of Greene co. Ferguson R. 11., (e) Buslinell. Ferguson S. T., Minoaka. Ferrell H. Y., Marion. Fern William J., Grantsburg. M. D., Rush med. coll., 1868. Ferris Edmond, Vermillion. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Nashville, 1869. Ferris Leonard T., Fountain Green. M. D., med. dej>’t univ. of St. Louis, 1848. Feyate .1. F., Urbana. Ficht Otto, (h) Collinsville. Field J. W., (m) Galesburg. Field S., (h) Hillsboro’. Field T. W., (m) Elliotstown. Fields S. H., (m) Atlanta. Filkins Frank, Cayuga. Member med. soc. of Iroquois co. Filkins H. A., Odell. Filkins J. IL, Pontiac. M. D., Chicago med. coll., 1866. Filkins J. W., Pontiac. Member med. soc. of Iroquois co. Finch A. P., Larkinsburg. Finch , Plainfield. Finch T., Greenfield. Findley W., Blandinsville. Findley M., Salem. Fink I. W., Hillsboro’. M. D., St. Ijouis med. coll., 1853 ; member med. soc. of Montgomery co., and med. soc. of 111.; (founder of Montgomery co. med. soc.) Finley Thomas, (e) Paiia Finley W. M., (e) Salem, Finley S. C., Oliiey. Finn W. J., Grantsburgh. Finnell G. W., Areola. Finey John Jacob, Springfield. M. D., Bellevue hosp. med. coll., 1869 ; member med. soc. of Christian co., and Am. med. asso., 1873. Fischer IT. F., Mud Creek. Fischer Herman, Havana. Grad, at Jena, Germany, 1854. Fish S., Metro] )olis. Fish Stephen N., East Paw^ Paw. Fishburn Isaac P., Lombard. Fisher Alexaraler, (h) Prairie City. Fisher C., Jacksonville. Pres. med. soc. of Morgan co. ; member Am. med. asso. Fisher C. W., Freeport. Fisher ,D. S., m) NewTon. Fisher J. J., (m) Iroquois. Fisher Peter, Marine. Fisher T, D., Le Roy. Member med, soc. of McLean co. ; censor of central 111. mcil. s('C. Fisher W., (e) Georgetown. M.I)., (‘clec. med. inst. of Cincinnati, 1853. Fisher YY. J. IV., Effingham. Fisk R YY., (m' Olney. Fitch Geo. YY., (mt Kaperville. Fitch Joseph, Chanahow. Fitch William IT., Rockford. M. D., Chicago med. coll., 1868 ; member med. asso. of Rockford. Fithian William, Danville. Fitzgerald James, Plymouth. Flanders J. L., Olive. Flemer Martin, Martinsville. Fleming Wilson, Port Byron. M. 1)., Cleveland, O., 1854. Flemming T. H., Canton. Flemming William L., Mode. M. D., Missouri med. coll., 1868 ; member med. soc. of Shelby co. Flesher W. H.,“(e) Noble. Fletcher Jose])h, Mendon. Flick O. C., Ke\vanee. Flinge G. W., Tower Hill. Flood James Ramsey, Hyde Park. A. B., (no coll, given) ; M. D., Jefferson med. coll., 1866; meml)er Chicago soc. of phys. and surg. ; attending phys. to woman’s hosp. of 111. ; — spe- cialty, obstetrics, etc. Floren Charles W., (m) Rockford. Flowers H. G., Fulton. Floyd T. W., Gillespie. Fly J. J., Makanda. Folke Henry, Peatone. Folke J. W.\ Joliet. ]\L D., Chicago med. coll., 1871. Follett Orville, Normal. Follin J, G., Plymouth. Folonie Joseph N., Beardstown. Grad. Wurzburg, Bavaria; M. D., Tuliur univ., 1859; member casino Wurzburg; co. phys. Cass CO. FON ILLINOIS. GAR 153 Foote Daniel E., Belvidere. Member nied. soc. of Boone co., and med. soc. of 111. ; coroner. Foote J. A., (h) Wellsboro’. Foote G. AV., (h) Galesburgh. Foreman A. A\’'., (e) AVliite Hall. Foreman J., Virdin. Forsee B. AV., Lima. Member med. soc. of Limaco. Forshee E. G., Kinmundy. Forshee P. W., Kinmundy. M. D., Cincinnati coll, of med. and fiurg., 1854; 1st ass’t surg. U. S. vols. 2 years. Fosgate Oscar, (e) Plattsville. Foster A. P., (h) Tonica. Foster E.. Boland. Foster F. H., (h) Joliet. Foster J. P., Nashville. Foster J. T., Dubois. Foster Bobert, ( e) Palmyra. Foster B. D., Okalla. Foster AV. AV., 8. Chicago. Fouage B. H., Sumner. Fowler B. F., (h) Galena. Fowler H. M., Seal’s Mound. Fowler AVilliam, AA^atseka. Member med. soc. of Iroquois co. Fox A., (m) AVyoming. Fox Charles James, Peoria. M. D., Long Island coll, hosp., 1868. Fox C. G., La Salle. Fox D. J., Kinmundy. Fox Harvey, AA'yoming. Fox James B., Springfield. Fox AV. B., Taylorsville. Fox AA^illiam B., AA^ilmington. Member med. soc. of III. Fraley J. D., Fairbury. Francisco E., (h)' Greenville. Frank F., Kankakee. Frank John, (m) AVaterloo. Frank John G., Fullersburg. Franke John, Newton. Frankenberger S., Hoopestown. Franklin J. II., Jacksonville. Franklin J. M., Dion a. Fraser AV. P., Coleta. Frazer J. T., Howard’s Point. AI. D., Chicago med. coll., 1865. Frazer M. D., Bridgeport. Frazier J. A^., Yiola. Frazier AV. L., Hardinville. Freas II. M., Milledgeville. Freeman A. S. Campbell. Freeman C. A., Newark. Freeman II. J., Crab Orchard. Freeman Julius A., (e) Newark. M. D., Am. med. coll, of Cincinnati, 1855; ass’t surg. U. S. vols. during war. Freese B. H., (e) Sumner. French Charles P., Virden. M. D., Castleton med. coll, of Vt., 1848; exam, surg. to life ins. co. French E. J., Olney. French II., Dix. French H. C., Turner’s Junction. French Thomas, Greenfield. French AV. H., Newark. French Z. D., Sumner. AI. D., med. dep’t la. univ. (no date) ; member med. soc. of Richland co. ; hosp. steward 3 y’rs; act. ass’t surg. and ass’t surg. U. S. cavalry 1 year. Frescott John, Bochester Mills. Aleraber med. soc. of AVabasli co. Frick J. B., Gen^eo. Friend E., Sardova. Friend F., Fayetteville. Friend AVilliam, AVabash. Alember med. soc. of Wabash co. Frieze T., Taylorville. Frigate D. J., Plymouth. Fringen Geo. AV., Tower Hill. M. D., AIo. med. coll., 1868; member med. soc. of Shelby co. Fritz Thomas J., Cold Spring. Member med. soc. of Shelby co. Froning Philip, Freeport. Frost J. M., Mattoon. Fry J. II., Atlanta. Frye Joseph, Peoria. Member med. soc. of Peoria city, and Am. metV. asso., 1872. Fryrear A. B., Ashland. Fugate .John F., Quincy. Fulkerson B., Eddyville. Fuller E. E., (m) Oneida. Fuller G. A., Buda. Fulton L, AV,, New Berlin. AI. D., Rush med. coll., 1869. Fulton AVilliam J,, (e) Bloomington. Fulton AV., (h) AVhite Heath. Fuqua O. AV., Logan. Furgurson T. D., (h) Marion. Fusch Charles, (m) Atlanta. Fuson John Lee, AVakefield, Never attended lectures. Fyffe J, B., Pontiac. Fykes J., Odin. Fyon C. M., McLeansboro’, Gadsby G., Emma. Gaddy Geo. H., Concord. AI. D., Rush med, coll., 1871; ex-phys. life Gaily AV. AV., Prentice. Gaiter AV. AV., AVyanet. Gale E. H., Aurora. Member med. soc. of Fox River Valley. Galer Joseph B., AV^'arren. Galland Samuel, Clinton. Gallaway J., (h) Paris. Galloway Samuel, (h) Liberty Hill. Galt Thomas, Bock Island. Alember Rock Island and central la. med. soc» Galt AV. J., Sterling. Ganter Ferdinand, AVaterloo. Gardner B. F., (e) Atlanta. Gardner F. B., (h) Sublette. Gardner G. AV., (m) Golconda. Gardner J. M., Lincoln. Gardner S. B., Etna. Alember A^sculapian soc. of Wabash Valley. Gardner J. D., (e) Mahomet. Garlington, J. M., Arena. Garner J. L., Hutton. Garnsey Chas. A., (h) Batavia. Garrals John, (m) Belvidere. 154 GAR ILLINOIS. GOR Garrard William, Lawrence ville. Garretson P. H., Macomb. Garrison B., (e) Hutton. Garrison G., Bell City. Garrison Jos. L., Whitehall. Garth Thomas, (e) Grandview. Gartner Melkert H., Dover. B. S., Thorn town acad. ; M. D., Rush med. coll., 1871. Garvin E. S., Sycamore. Garvin J. Paul, (h) Alton. Garvin J. W. Sycamore. Garwood Geo., (m) Clinton. Gaskins S., (e) Neponset. Gassaway N. H., Milford. Gasser J. J., (h) Blue Island, Gaston E, A., Point Pleasant. Gaston E., Hoopestown. Gaston M. H., Dover. Gaston S. H., Versailles. Gates Isaac, Plum Biver. Gathwassen Carl, (m) Mendota. Gauthier H. P., Clifton. ' Member med. soc. of Iroquois co. Gaylord E., Pontiac. Member medico-pathological soc. of La Salle co. Gaylord E., Magnolia. Gaylord F., Magnolia. Gayman J. J., Belleville. Gearhart Wesley B., Winnebago. Gearl E. D., Hazel Dell. Gebhart J. L., Metropolis. Gee J. G., (m) Tamarara. Geister C., th) Oswego. Gentry J. W., Cave-in-Bock. George J. F.. Arlington. George B. W., Piper City. Gethens J. S., Burnside. Gibbon John, (e) Areola. Gibbony S. K., Bock Grove. Gibbs J. A. M., Thebes. Member med. soc. of Alexander co. Gibson J. H., Hew Salem. Gibson Bichard, (m) Pontiac. Gibson B. C., Young America. Giddeon D. C., te) Mt. Pulaski. Gifford B. E., Union Point. Gifford Daniel, Lindenwood. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Iowa, 1868. Gilbert A. Y. T., Monmouth. Member Military Tract med. soc. Gilbert J. C., (e) Belvidere. Gilbert W. G., Ipava. Gill Henry Z., Jersey ville. M. D., .lefferson med. coll., 1857; member med. soc. of St. Louis, and med. asso. of Mo. ; rec. sec. of St. Louis microscopical soc. until moving to .Terseyville ; cor. sec. med. soc. of Mo.; ass’t surg. and surg. Ohio vols. 2 years; ass’t surg. and surg. U. S. vols. 2 years ; one of the editors of “ St. Louis Med. and Sur". Journal ; ” — author of papers, “Amputation of Thigh,” 1866 ; “ Lin- ear Extraction of Cataract,” 1873, etc. Gillam Daniel A., Eairmount. Gillaspie A., Claremont. Gilles George, Monmouth. Member Military Tract med. soc. Gillet Leslie, Buffalo. M. D., Mo. med. coll., 1857. Gillet S. C., Aurora. Member med. soc. of Fox Paver Valley. Gillette John, Trivoli. Member med. soc. of Peoria co. Gillette W. J., Ipava. Gillham S. J., (e) Vandalia. .Gilliland W. E., Coatsburg. M. D., St. Louis med. coll., 1869; member alumni asso. of St. Louis coll. ; phys. and surg. Adama CO. almshouse. Gilman H. A., Jacksonville. Member med. soc. of Morgan co. Gilpin A. B., Hew Haven. Githens William H., Hamilton. M. D., med. de])’t univ. of Iowa, 1853; ass’t surg. U. S. vols. 3 years. Given H. A., Cameron. Glass J. B. , Mt. Sterling. Glover Geo. W., (m) Middleport. Glover Geo., (e) Bamsey. Goddard J ames Hathom, Oakdale. M. D., coll, of med. and surgery, Cincinnati (ao date) ; hosp. steward U. S. vols. H years ; con- tract surg. II years; ass’t surg. 1 year. Godfrey H. M., Ottawa. Golden J. A., Lovella. Golden 8. C., Independence. Goldsmith D. B., (m) Bowling Green. Goldsmith , Bamsey. Goltra Isaac V., Blue Mound. Gooch J. E., Hew Liberty. Goodbrake Christopher, Clinton. M. D., Rush med. coll., 1855; pres. med. soc. of De Witt CO. ; member Central 111. med. soc., med. soc. of 111., and Am. med. asso., 1872 ; surg. U. S. vols. 31 years ; — author of “ Report on Practical Medicine,” 1860; “Case of Extra Uterine Feetation, with Operation of Gas- trotomy.” Goodell I., (m) St. Charles. Goodell William L., Effingham. M. D., Rush med. coil., 1866; health officer of Effingham. Goodell W. T., Freemanstown. Goodheart F. B., (m) Welang. Goodman M. M., Jonesboro’. Goodman IVilliam, Sumner. Goodlier S. S., Hashville. Goodrich W. A., (h) Lodi. Goodspeed G. W., Virginia. Member med. soc. of Morgan co. Goodwin A. E., Bockford. Member and sec. med. asso. of Rockford. Goodwin Helson, Palestine. Goodwin B. T., Dundee. Member med. soc. of Fox River Valley. Goof I. D. H., Dundee. Goostree A. J., Salem. Gordon Eli A., Chester. Gordon Franklin Willard, (h) Sterling. M. D., Hahnemann med. coll., 1866; act. ass’t surg. U. S. vols. 2 years. Gordon G. S., Ottawa. Gordon G. W., Equality. M. D., Cincinnati coll, of med., 1858 ; surg. U. S. vols. 3 years. Gordon James, Greenville. Gordon J. H. C., Pocahontas. < GOR ILLINOIS. HAL 155 Gordon J. J., Cairo. Member ined. soc. of Alexandria co. Gordon J. S., Burnside. Gordon J. T., Carlyle. Gordon Stewart, Steelsmills. Gordon William A., Chester. Gordon W. P., Greenville. Gorham Charles, York. Member med. soc. of ^larshall co. Gorlim John, (e) Walshville. Gosser J. J., Blue Island. Goucher W. W., Wales. Gould I). C., Yorktown. Gould W. :M., (h) Rochelle. Gore J. M. , Caledonia. Go wen F., Odell. Gowen J. E., Metropolis. Gowner John M., (h) Atlanta. Goyer J. J., (e) Jonesboro’. Graif W. P., (e) News. Graham H. C., Monmouth. Member Military Tract med. soc. Graham T. H.., '(m) Watseka. Graham F. H., (m) Marengo. Graham W. D., (e) Carlin ville. Grant C. H., Andover. Grattan E. O., Hebron. Grattan D., (e) Gallatin. Graves J. H., Crystal Lake. Gray C., Cuba. Gray E. W., Bloomington. Gray James L., Macon. Gray Samuel R., Paris. Gray W. G., Mt. Sterling. Gray W. M., Petersburg. Grayson I. J., (e) Russellville# Green , Louisville. Green A. W., Potosi. Green C. C., Roland. Green D. R., Salem. Green Duff. W., (ei Mt. Yernon. Green Edward D., (m) Yandalia. Green George, Bristol Station. M. D., Rush med. coll., 1870; member med. soc. of Fox Riv’er Valiev. Green John, Bristol. M. D., Rush med. coll., 1870. Green J., fh) New Milford. Green J. G., Wyoming. Green John W., Marengo. Member med. soc. of Fox River Valley. Green W. A., Johnsonville. Green S. L., Summit. Green Thomas, (m) Jeffersonville. Greenlee David, (e) Sheldon. M, D., med. dep’t of “ Hudson Ohio coll.,” 1847 ; partially retired from practice. Greenly J. W., Jjima. Greenwood B., (e) Blueville. Greenwood C. H., Metroiiolis, Greer I. B., Evanston. Greer Albert P., Moscow. M. D., med. dep’t iiniv. of Louisville, 1872, Greer, R. C., Attica. Gregg M. , (h) Magnolia. Gregg Patrick, Rock Island. Attended lectures coll, of surg., and Trinity coll. Dublin; M. D., Jefferson med. coll., 18.3.5; member med. soc. of Rock Island, and Iowa central med. soc. of Scott co., Iowa, med. soc. of 111. ; act. ass’t surg. at R,ock Island arsenal since 1863 ; surg. U. S. vols. 2 years. Gregory John, Farmington. M. D., Rush med. coll., 1850 ; member med. soc. of Peoria co., and med. soc. of 111. ; surg. U. S. vols. 1 year. Greggory L. B., Mt. Vernon. Greeley D. M., Mt. Carroll. Grier D. C., Plum River. Grierer J. R., (e) Effingliam Griffin J., Ridge Farm. Griffin O. K., (e) IIuntle5\ Griffin R. J., Carthage. Griffing J. Newton, Blue Grass. Griffith A. S., (e) Olney. : ' Grifhth Benjamin M., Springfield. M. D., St. Louis med. coll., 1859; member med. soc. of Sangamon co., and med. soc. of 111. ; med. exam, life ins. co. for southern 111. Griffith J. Holmes, (e) Alton. Griffith W. T. , Washington. Grigson R. J., Aug^usta. Grimes James T., Quincy. Member med, soc. of Quincy. Grimes L. A., Concordia. Member Am. med. asso., 1872. Grinstead John, Litchfield. Grippenberg W., Alton. ; ! Grissom T. L., (e) Shinn’s Point. Griswold C. A., Fulton. Griswold S. A., Franklin Grove. Grosvenor S., Galesburgh. Grove W. A., Victoria. Grover A. J., (e) Rock Island. Grumudee F., Nauvoo. ; ■ Gudich Emil, Alton. Guild G. R., (h) Bushnell. Gully J. B., (h) Geneva. Gumper S., Darwin. Gunnett Geo., (h) Fairview. Gnnsull H. B., (m) Pontiac. Gunther Julius, Quincy. Member med. soc. of Adams co. Gunthier H. P., Clifton. Gusmer E., (m) Peoria. Gush Israel J. , Peoria. Treas. med. soc. of Peoria city ; member med soc. of 111.; perm, member Am. med. asso. Guthrie Hugh R., Syiarta. Gwynne John, ML Morris. Haas Jacob, (m) Danville. Hacker H. C., Jonesboro’. Hadway C. D., Jersey ville. Haeman J. W., Blue Island. Haerning T. T., Bloomington. Hagerdorn J. D., (h) Avon. Ilagar Abner, Marengo. Member med. asso. of Fox River Valley. Hagert J. R., Downer’s Grove. Hagey W. H. IT., Coluta. Haines W. E., Ellisville. Ha ire John, Arena. Hake Jacob, Cordova. Halber I., Lanark. Halbrook Geo., Campbell. Hale E. P., Southampton. Hale James I., Anna. One lectures Chicngo med, coll., 1868-69; — author of “ Private Country Practice,” 1861 ; “ Use and Abuse of Hydr. Chlorate,” 1862, etc. 156 HAL ILLINOIS. HAR Hale J. L., Cairo. Hale li. S., Morris. Hale S., (h) Oak Park. Haley H. A., (h) Urbana. Hall A. A., Clement. Hall E. F., Fairfield. Hall Frank, (h) Taylorville. Hall G. A., (h) Riverside. Hall G. W., Quincy. Member med, soc. of 111. Hall Joseph, Edgewood. Hall James, Higginsville. Hall J. A., (e) Danville. Hall .J. D., (m) Fairfield. Hall J. H., Petaluma. Hall R. C., Rushville. Hall Sylvester, Bernadette. Hall Thomas, Toulon. Coroner of co. Hall Walter, Bradford. Hall William, Danville. Hallam J. G. , Belleville. M. D,, St. Louis med. coll., 1873. Halleday T. F., Pittsfield. Haller F. B., Vandalia. Member med. soc. of 111., and Am. med. asso. Haller Joseph, Lanark. M. D., med. dep’t of N. western univ., 1862 ; ad eund., 1868 ; member med. soc. of Carroll co . ; perm. sec. of the soc. Ilalliday F. A., Metropolis. Halliday Charles H., Yirdee. Halstead M. A., (h) Jacksonville. Halter Robert, Highland. Hamer Ellis P., Watseka. M. D., Jelierson med. coll., 1851. Harnes H., fe) Dongola. Hamilton Brooks Rund, Nauvoo. M. D., coll, of ph's. and surg., Keokuk, 1870; pension surg. U. S. vols. Hamilton Benj. Franklin, Terre Haute. M. D., O. im d. coll., 1867. Hamilton S., Frankfort. Hamilton Samuel M., Monmouth. M. D., Jefferson med. coll., 1853 ; member Military Tract med. soc.; surg. U. S. vols. 3 years. Hamilton John A., Odin. Three full courses at Louisville med. coll., 1840 ; Lexington, 1843; N. Y., 1848; hon. degree med. dep’t univ. of N. Y. ; surg. U. S. vols 8 months ; — author of article, “ Amenorrhoea,” 1868. Hamilton John B., Kane. M. D., Rush med. coll., 1869; member med. soc. of Jersey co., med. soc. of 111., and Am. med. asso. ; various reports in transactions of State soc. Hamilton John L., Peoria. Pres. med. soc. of Peoria City. Hamilton J. M., Carbondale. Hamilton Joseph Ormond, Jerseyville. Member med. soc. of Jersey co., and Am. med. asso. Hamilton W., Galesburg. * Member Military Tract asso., and Am. med. asso. Hamilton W. R., Shohokon. Hamilton W. AV., th) Crystal Lake. Ifamlin D. D. T., Turner Junction. Member med. soc. of Fox River Valley. Hammer J. N. (h) Quincy. Hammond R. D., Macomb. Hamos D. E., Lacon. Ilamp Henry, Elizabethtown. Hance Francis W., Freeport. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Pa., 1849 ; member med. soc. of Stephenson co. Hance Joseph, (e) Marengo. Hance S. F., Aurora. Member med. soc. of Fox River Valley. Hanback J. E., (e) Springfield. Hand A. F., Morris. Hanker , Evanstown. Hankins J. G., South Pass. Hanks D. B., Bement. Hanks M. II., (h) Harvard. Hanly AVilliam, Lockport. V.-pres. med. soc. of Will co. Hanna William M., Lisbon. Hannan W. F., Carthage. Hans M. P., Harrisburg. Ilansborough E. E., Metropolis. Hanson Florian E., AVinchester. Harcoll G. D., Moore’s Prairie. Hard Abner, Aurora. Member med. asso. of Fox River Valley, and med. soc. of 111, Hard Chester, Ottawa. Ilardtner John, (e) Carrollton. Hardy Hiram Tanney, Elgin. M. I)., med. dep’t of Dartmouth coll., 1866; act. ass’t surg. U. S. vols. 2 years. Harkell A. S., Alton. Harney Samuel, Todd’s Point. Harnett J. M., Springfield. V.-pres. med. soc. of Shelby co. ; member med. soc. of 111. Harper G. C., Morris. Harper J. D., Springfield. M. D., Mo. med. coll., 1857 ; ad. eund. Rush med. coll., 1859 ; exam. surg. U. S. vols., 1862 ; spe^ cialty, oculist and aurist. Harper J. F., Elvaston. Harper I. T., La Prairie. Ilarram W. S., Blue Island. Harrington M. T., Mapleton. Harris Blixton, Y'orkville. Member med, soc. of Fox River Valley. Harris C., (e) Newton. Harris David., Lima. Harris D. AV., Groveland. Harris H. A., Petersburg. Harris John, Tower Hill. Harris J. O., Ottawa. Harris J. V., Canton. Harris Richard Flury, Perr.y. M. I)., med. dep’t univ. of Mich., 1868 ; Bellevuf hosp. med. coll., 1869 ; member med. soc. of Quincy co. Harris R. T., (h) Pittsfield. Harris S. P., Tower Hill. Harris AV. II., Metropolis. Harris W. J., Medora. Harrod Penuel, Avon. M. D., O. med. coll., 1866. Hart D. M., Flora. Hart John Franklin, AVest Point. M. D., med. dep’t Iowa state univ., 1865. Hart William B,, Greenwood. Hartman Geo. AY., Sidney. HAR ILLINOIS. HER 157 Harvey A. F., Hopedale. Harvey Estes, Jr., Walkerville. Harvey G. E., Camden. Harvey Janies, Mt. Carmel. Not a graii. ; has practised more than 20 years; member med. soc. of Wabash co. ; sec. of soc. since its organization. Harvey James A., Camden. Harvey J. E., (m) Sidney. Harvey Jno. G., More City. Harvey T. J., Fieldon. Membei* med. soc. of Jersey co. Harvey V., Mt. Carmel. Member med. soc. of Wabash co. Harvey W. P., St. Francisville. Member med. soc. of Wabash co. Harwood J. M., Mt. Auburn. Harwood M. B., Anna. Haskell W. A., Edwardsville. Hasler Jacob, (m) Hollo way ville. Hass E., (m) Mendota. Hatch H. Lee, Jacksonville. .\I. D., Missouri med. coll., 1873. Hatch H., Griggsville. Hatcher M. G., Edwardsville. Hatchett L., Cameron. Hathorne E. A., Illinois City. Hatheway J. C., Ottawa. Hauley WiHiam, Lockport. Havey J. S., Maynardsville. Hawes C. C., Mahomet. Hawes , Georgetown. Hawk J. AV., Dimton. Hawkes AV. J., (h) Evanston. Hawkins J. G., South Pass. Hawkins Jno. AV., (e) Carlinville. Hawkins Eobert A., (e) Carlinville. Hawkins AVashington, Sangamon. Hawley H. xi., (h) Como. Hawley S. B., Aurora. Member med. soc. of Fox River Valley ; med. soc. of 111. Hawthorne Robt. A., Illinois City. One course lects. Keokulc, Iowa. Haxel F., (h) Coatsburg. Hay C. D. , Centralia. Hayden AVilliam, Coulterville. Hayden AY., Atkinson. Hayes John, Sumner. Haynes Baxter, Ester. Haynes J. B., (m) Aurora. Haynes AY. P., Ilarrrisburg. Hays John L., Paris. Member .Esculapian med. soc. Hay ton James, Carbondale. Hayward J. M., Hopedale. Hayward T. E., (h) Morris. Haywood A. Homer, (h) Kinmundy. Head Martin H., Carlinsville. Headou T. S., Lynnville. Hearing T., Bloomington. Heath Samuel, Elizabethtown. Heath S. F., Streator. Heecker AA^. J., Oblong City. Hedge AYilliam L., (h) Girard. Heeber Jacob, Pana. Heeley D. C., Germantown. Heiderman George Frederick, Elmhurst. M. D., Rush med. coll., 1883 ; ass’t surg. U. S. vols. 2 years. Heimilig F. S., Springfield. Heise A* W., Joliet. M. D., Cxottingen, Germany, 1846 ; attended lects. in Heidelberg, Berlin, and AVienne, Germany; pres. med. soc. of W^ill co. ; member med. soc. of 111., and Am. med. asso., 1872; surg. U. S. vols. 3 years : specialty, surgery. Heitman Fred. AY., Chester. M. D., St. Louis med. coll., 1873. Heller AY. H., Abingdon. Member Military Tract med. see. Helm E. D., Quincy. Member med. asso. of Quincy. Helm Thomas M., Williamsville. Helm William McKendree, Mt. Auburn. M. D., St. Louis med. coll., 1869; member med. soc. of Christian co. ; alumni soc. of St. Louis med. coll. Hemming T. S., Springfield. Hempstead AY. C., (h) Virden. Hempstead W. C. F., (h) Edwardsville. Henching T., Freeport. Henderson A. II., Monee. Henderson Eliel Freeman, Chester. M. D., St. Louis med. coll., 1862; member board of health ; ass't surg. U. S. vols. 4 years. Henderson J. E., (ei Union Point. Henderson E. jST., (e) Sciota. Hendrick A. AY., (h) Monee. Hendrick D. , Metroi)olis. Hennessey Thomas AY., (m) La Salle. Henrichs A. AY., (h) Frankfort. Henry E. H., Irvington. Henry James Maleom, Eockport. M. I)., coll, phys and surg. of Keokuk, 18G0. Henry Robert F., Princeville. M. D., Rush med. coll., 1853; member med. soc. of Peoria co. Henry Samuel, Camp Point. Henshaw AY., (e) Geneseo. Hensley J. AY., Yates City. M. D., Rush med. coll., 1867 ; pres. Military Tract med. soc. ; member med. soc. of Peoria co., Am. med. asso. Henton C. D. , Meyersville. Henton James, Padua. Herbert J. B., (h) Monmouth. Herdman, I. II., Dudley ville. Herman Prior J efiFerson, Lulu. M. D., Rush med. coll., 1863; member med. soc. of Montgomery co. Herrick O. Q., Kansas. Member yEsc ulapian med. soc., and med. soc. of 111. Herrick William Slade, Heaton. A. B., Dartmouth coll., 1860 ; M. D., Rush med, coll., 1866. Herring T., Bloomington. Member med. soc. of McLean co. Herrington I)., (e) Farmington. Herriott E. L., Grafton. A. B., Franklin coll., Ohio; M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Nashville, 1859; v.-pres. med soc. of Jersey co. ; member med. soc. of 111., and Am. med. asso., 1872 ; pres, board health of Grafton; coroner of Jersey co. ; contract surg. U. S. vols. 2 years ;— author of paper, “ On Cholera,” 1867 ; “ Tetanus,” 1872. 158 HES ILLINOIS. HOM Hess J. M., Streator. Hess Seth Hamilton, Quincy. M. D., Rush ined. coll., 18G5; and Bellevue hosp. med. coll., ISGG ; lecturer on anat., phys., and hygiene, Quincy coll., during 18G8 ; member med. SQC. of Adams co., Am. med. asso. Hess T. M., Homer. Hester J. H., Butler. Hetman F. W., Chester, lletzell O., Macon. Hewes G. R. T., (m) Rock Island. Hewitt James Herbert, Summerfield. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Buffalo, 1865 ; member med. soc. of St. Clair co. ; ass’t surg. army Poto- mac 3 months. Hewitt G. W., Franklin Grove. V.-pres. med. soc. of Lee co., and member Am. med. asso. Hewitt Samuel, (e) Lafayette. Hewitt S. C., (e) Chatham. Heywood Cyrus, Fairmount. Hiatt A. H., Wheaton. Hibbs Irvin, Forsythe. Hickman Thomas Gideon, Yandalia. Member Am. med. asso. Hickman Z., Benton. Hicks William T., Tula. Hiett F. M., Saybrook. Member med. soc. of McLean co. Higbee E. 11., Whitehall. Member med. soc. of Greene co. Higbee W. W., Kew Salem. Higbee James, Utica. Higgins C. C., Vermont. Higgins 1). C., Pana. Higgins George, Aurora. Higgins James M., Griggsville. M. 1)., med. dej)’t of Columbia coll., 1829 ; med. superintendent 111. hosp. for insane from 1848 to 1854; v.-i)res. Griggsville scientific soc.; surg. 111. vols. 1 year ; ahthor of various papers on Insanity. Higgins L. C. , Naples. Higgins R. T., Vandalia. Member yEsculapian med. soc., and med. soc. of 111 . Higgins S. II., (m) Peoria. Hihler A., Mascontah. M. D., lilUnchen, Bavaria, 1851 ; member med. soc. of St. Clair co. Hildreth H. H., Old Riley. Hill A. G., Goodhope. Hill A. M.. (e) DeKalb. Hill J. II., Arcadia. Member med. soc. of Morgan co. Hill R. S., (h) Albany. Hill Walter B., Greenfield. Member med. soc. of Greene co. Hill, William, Bloomington. Member med. soc. of central 111., and med. soc. of 111. Hillebrand 0. H., Freeport. Hillis Jno. S., Hillsboro’. Hilsabeck William. Member med. soc. of Shelby co. Hinchman C. W., Carlinsville. Hinckman T. G., Vandalia. Member med. soc. of 111. Hinkle John M., Mattoon. Member ACsculapian med. soc. of Wabash valley. Hinckley D. , Leland. Hinsley J. W., Yates City. Hirch T., (h) Galena. Hitchcock C. II., Cortland. Hoag William, Danvers. Hobbs W. T., Mound Station. Hoblett G. B., Benton. M. U., Chicago med. coll., 1869. Hobson E. B. M. D., Rush med. coll., 1867 ; sec. med. soc. of Greene co. Hobson AFilliam H., (e) Wring. Hockensmith II. C., (h) Clinton. Hodge John Demetrius, O’Fallon Station. A. B., Shurtleft' coll., 1862; A. M., 186G; M. D., St. Louis med. coll., 1867 ; lecturer on anat., phys., and hygiene in Shurtleff coll., 1868-9-70. Hodge J. P., Golconda. Hodgens S. G., Sunbeam. Member Military Tract med. soc. Hodgkins C., Nashville. Hoffman , (h) Viola. Hoffman Emil, Warsaw. Member med. soc. of Quincy. Hoffman J. A., (h) Mendota. Hogan A., Marengo. Hogan R. H., Salem. Hogan W. H., Hermon. Hogard A. B., Pinckney ville. Hogeboom C. E., Blackberry. Hogue S. C., Oakland. Holt J. D. C., Yates City. Member med. soc. of Peoria co. Holaday Alex., Yankee Point. Holderness Edward Towanda. M. D., med. coll, of Mo., 1860; ad. eun., St. Louis med. coll., 1873; member med. soc. of McLean co., and med. soc. of 111. Holgate James R., Castleton. M. 1)., Rush med. coll., 1869. Holliday R. C., Quincy. M. D., St. Louis med. coll., 1873. Hollingsworth C. S., (h) Keithsburg. Hollingsworth H. C., Altona. Member Military Tract med. soc. Hollingsworth J. H., Sullivan. Hollister J. H., Myersville. Member med. soc. of 111., and Am. med. asso. Holloway F., Myersville. Holloway J. B., Myersville. Hollo wbush John William, Warsaw. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Mo. (no date) ; perm member Am. med. asso. Holman Edward, (e) Equality. Holman T. A., Elkhorn. Holmes G. C., (h) Wyanet. Holmes Nathan, (h) Knoxville. Holt A. P., (h) Lyndon. Holton Noble, Buda. Homann Rudolph, Evansville. Homer W., (e) Lincoln. HON ILLINOIS. HYS 159 Honnard J., Cairo. Hood H. H., Litchfield. Member med. soc. of Montgomery co., and Am. med. asso. Hood J. W., Greenup. Hoon Francis S., (e) Rockford. Hoover A. L., Vermont. Hoover J. F., Washint^ton. Hoover J. L., Lawn Ridge. Hoover Z. C., Bloomington. Member med. soc. ofMcLean co. Hope Thomas M., Alton. Hopkins E. X., (e) Bible Grove. Hopkins Horace Washington, Ottawa. ^1. J)., med. dep’t “ Western Reserve coll/' 1S45. Hopkins Myron, Yorkville. M. D., Rush med. coll., 1863; and Bellevue hosp. med. coll., 1870; member Fox River Valley med. asso. Hopkins Robert, Bristol. Hopkins Rufus, He Kalb. Hopkins W., (m) Buda. Horn F. S., Rockford. Horner William F., (m) Ashgrove. Hornsby R. J., Bunker Hill. Horr M. V.. Phillipstown. Hosmer G. H., Joliet. Hossard J. F., Cooks Mills. Hostetter A., (h) Mt. Carroll. Hostetter Joseph A. W., Decatur. Member med. soc. of Macon co. Hostetter William B. Member med. soc. of Macon co. Hostetter J. L., Mt. Carroll. Hotten Koble, Biidd. Member ^lilitarv Tract med. asso. Houghton C. W., Hoyley. Houser William W., Lincoln. Treas. “eclectic" med. soc. of 111. Houston Charles, (e) Blueville. Houston .T. B., Rich view. Houtrie W. T., Troy Grove. Howard 11. C. Champaign. Treas. central 111. med. soc. Howard L., Young America. Howard O, J., McHenry. Howe William, (m) Flora. Howell Ebenezer, Bunker Hill. Howell O. D., Aurora. Member Fox River Valley med. asso. Hoxie A. P., Moweaqua. Hoyt W. S., (h) Jacksonville. Hoyt W. S., (h) Lawn Ridge. Hubacher Rudolph, Peoria. Hubbard A., (h) Quincy. Hubbard Jackson A., Wauconda. M. D., Albany med. coll., 1863. Hubbard J. B., (h) Rushville. Hubbard Levi, (h) De Kalb. Hubbard Silas, Hudson. Huddleston John, Crab Orchard. Not a grad.; hosp. steward and act. ass't surg. U. S. vols. 4 years. Huddleston Reuben H., Farmer City. Member med. soc. of central 111. Hudge Charles, Wyanet. Hudson Bradley, Fidelity. Member med. soc. of Jersey co. Hudson G. W., Marrowbone. Hudson J. H., Polo. M. D., Chicago med. coll., 1870. Hudson J. B., W^enona. Huffman T. A., Beardstown. Hufty K. L., Delevan. Hugett Joseph, Milan. Huggins J. K. H., Elvira. Hughes Daniel, Annapolis. Hughes John, (e) Manito. Hughes John, Norwood Park. M. D., Rush med. coll., 1867. Hughes I. S., O’Fallon. M. D., St. Louis med. coll., 1873. Hughes Robert, Okaw. Hughey C. H., Tamaroa. Hughey I. N., (e) Tamaroa. Hugo Charles, Wyanett. Hull A., Lewiston. Hull F. M., Delevan. Hull Wallace A., (e) Marengo. Hullhorst F. G. H., Foreston. Humbert Fred., Upper Alton. Hume S. T., Geneseo. Member Military Tract med. asso. Hummel William H., (h) Clinton. Humphreys D. W., Union City. Hundley R. M., Marion. Hunt Charles C., Dixon. M. D., Bellevue hosp. med. coll., 1865; pres, medico-pathological soc. of La Salle co. ; mem- ber med. soc. of 111. ; surg. Ohio vols. 1 year. Hunt Delos W., Chatsworth. M. D., Albany med. coll., 1856; surg. U. S. vol. hosp. during war. Hunt J. B., (e) Colchester. Hunt William E., Belvidere. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Vt., 1864; act. ass’t surg. U. S. vols. 16 months. Hunter C. F., Springertown. Hunter Joseph, Fidelity. Huntington D., Beardstown^ Huntington R. M., (h) Boone. Huntley O. II., Buda. M. D., Jefferson med. coll., 1857. Hurd II. M., Galesburg. Member Military Tract med. asso. Hurd Henry Sterling, Galesburg. M. D., Geneva med. coll., 1844 ; member Military Tract med. asso., and Am. med. asso., 1872. Hurd W. R., Odin. Hurst N. N., Streator. Hurt James B., Tower Hill. Huse Edward C., Rockford. Member med. soc. of Rockford. Hussey D. J., Cherry Valley. M. D., Chicago med. coll., 1867. Hustin Paul, (m) Paris. Hutch S., Barry. Hutchings A. V., (h) Henry. Hutchinson W. B., Mulberry Grove. Hutchinson W. P., Shelby ville. Huyett Joseph, Camden Mills. Member Rock Island and la. central med. soc. Hyde Josiah, Richmond. Hyde John, (h) Mattoon. Hyslop S. B., De Kalb. 160 ILI ILLINOIS. JON Iliff J. M., (m) Lacon. lug, O. C., Burnside. Ingals E., Palestine. Ingersoll C. E., (h) Salem. Ingersoll E. A., Canton. Ingerson H. H., (m) Peoria. Inghram W. E., Carmi. Ingles John A., Morea. One course lectures at Sterling coll. Ingrahm E. H., (h) Pontiac. Ingraham Z. W., (m) Lockport. Ingram J. A¥., Enterprise. Irish J. T., Yen ice. Irisimer M., Peoria. Irons J. AV., (h) Havana. Irvin George, Aledo. M. i)., Jefferson med. coll., 1855; member med. soc. of Mercer co. Irvin J. A., Inka. Irvin P. L., Inka. Irwin C. M., Mt. Sterling. Iverson A. M., (h) Leland. Ives S. P., (e) South Pass. Jackson A. T., Yandalia. Jackson A. F., Seneca. Jackson H., Indianola. Jackson I. N., (m) Carbondale. Jackson Joseph, Kushville. Jackson John, im) Henderson. Jacobs Samuel, Adaline. Jacobs T., Coal Valley. Aleinber Rock Island and la. central med. soc. Jaeger C. A., (h) Elgin. James E. C., Ui>per Alton. James Jj. L., Mitchie. James N. G., Johnston. James P. S., Litchfield. Jamison Alexander W., Moline. Member Rock Island and central la. med. soc. Jaques J. C.^ (ei South Pass. Jassay John, Aurora. Member raed. asso. of Fox River A’’alley. Jayne Henry, Taylorville. Jayne AVilliam, Springfield. Jeffries G. N., Belleville. Jenks D. S., Plano. M. D., Chicago med. coll., 1866; member Fox River Valley asso. Jenkins John M., Danville. M. D.^ Rush med. coll., 1869; U. S. Pension surg. Jenkins J. M., Shabbona. Jenks O. S., Korth Evanston. Jenks, K. B., (h) Rock Island. Jennings David, St. Josephs. Jennings George Nelson, Tonica. M. D., Rush med. coll., 1864. Jennings F. H., Jr., Marshall. Member med. soc. of Marshall co. Jennings H. F., Marshall. Member and censor med. soc. of Marshall co. Jennings I. N., Hopedale. Jennings J. D. F., Marion. Jennings R. P., Delevan. Jennings Thomas C., E. St. Louis. Member med. soc. of Piatt co., and Am. med. asso. Jewell D. B., Oswego. Jewell James Stewart, Evanston. M. D., Chicago med. coll., 1860; member med. soc. of 111. ; })rof. nervous and mental diseases in Chicago med. coll. ; member AVisconsin acad. of sciences ; contract surg. U. S. vols. 4 months. Jewett D. L., AA^atseka. Member med. soc. of Iroquois co. John A. C., (e) Sterling.. M. D., eclec. coll. ol‘ Phila. ; druggist and hosp. steward U. S. vols. John James M., (e) Metamora. ' Johnson A. B., Monument. I Johnson Anthony Jones, Cambridge. M. D., Berkshire med. coll., 1845; member Rock Island and la. central med. soc., and med. soc. of 111. Johnson A. L., (e) Genoa. Johnson C.B., Tolona. M. D., med. coll, of O., 1872; member ^sculapian soc. of Wabash Valley. Johnson C. A\^., Pawnee. Johnson D., Pontiac. Johnson E. P., (h) Alton. Johnson F. F., (e) Harrisburg. Johnson G. AV'., Savanna. Johnson H. AV., Harvard. Johnson I. H., Olney. Johnson Irving AY., (h) Peoria. Johnson J., (m) Galesburg. Johnson John, Carbondale. Johnson J., Canton. Johnson J. B., Alma. Johnson J. C., Carrollton. Johnson J. P., Jacksonville. Johnson J. Perrin, Peoria. Member med. soc. of Peoria city. Johnson M. W., (h) Maples Hill. Johnson P. E., (h) Alton. Johnson R. B., (h) Morrison. Johnson S. L., Joliet. Johnson AYilliam, Santa Fe. Johnson AA^. J., Thornton. Johnson AA^. L., Carbondale. Johnson AVilliam M., Johnsonville. Johnson AA^illiam, (h) Hyde Park. Johnston E. B., McLean. Johnston James, Hudson. Johnston J. G., (m) Bloomington. Johnston J. P., Lynnville. Member raed. soc. of Morgan co. Joner Cuthbert F., Chester. Jones Alex., Centralia. Jones A. G., Lexington. M. D., Chicago raed. coll., 1862. Jones B. B., Monticello. Member med. soc. of Piatt co., and Am. med. assa Jones C. J., Jacksonville. Member med. soc. of Morgan co. Jones D. M., (e) Moscow. Jones Fountain, Girard. Jones J. B., Fulton. Jones Geo. AYheeler, Danville. M. D., Chicago med. coll., 1862; member toed, soc. of 111., and Am. med. asso. Jones Henry K., Jacksonville. Member med. soc. of Morgan co. JON ILLINOIS. KIL 161 Jones Ilinim K., Jacksonville. Member med. soe. of Morgan co. Jones Jesse, Cedarville. Jones Justus B., (li) Rockford. Jones J. C., (e- Ramsey. Jones Jolin H. P., (e) Cherry Valley. Jones J. R., Lamville. Jones J. R., Pinckneyville. Jones IM. S., Sliawneetown. Jones V., Dix. Jones William, New IMilford. Jordan Frank A., Pecatonica. Jordan M. W., (h) Cortland. Joslin Eliab Milton, Upper Alton. M. I)., Geneva med. coil., 1838; surg. U. S. vols. 3 years. Joy IIollis.Mokena. Jo 5 'efe Charles G., Waterloo. Judd II., Galesburg. See. Military Tract med. asso. Judd II. L., Marine. Judsoii J. II., (h) Polo. Jump David W., Plainfield. M. £)., med. dep’t nniv. of Mich., 1872. Jumper Simeon, Darwin. Member med. soc. of Marshall co. Kaiser Geo., Waterloo. Kalb Joseph C., Henry City. M. D., Starling med. coll., 1S.3G. Kalbfleisch A. II., (h) Pinckneyville." Kamlah Werner, Columbia. K imriska Otto, Chester. Kane C. J., (e) B^ardstown. Kane J. L., Beardstowu. Kane W. M., (m) Limerick. Karoly S., (m) Aurora. Karrs J., Clentreville. Karston W. F.. St. George. Kaull William M., Limerick. Member Military' Tract med. soc., and med. soc. of 111. Kay James Royer, Bushnell. A. B., Shurtlelf coll., is,54; M. D., med. dep’t univ. of IMich., 1857 ; member board of health of Bushnell ; surg. U. S. vols. 3 years. Kay R. B., Fairmount. Keator 33. D., Tolona. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Mich., (no date) ; mem- ber med. soc. of Champaign co. Keck J., (h) Barrington. Keefer F. R., Arrowsrnith. Keeler II., (h) Ilimsdale. Keeley L. E., Dwight. Keeler L. B., (h) Shelbyville. Keener Henry Newton, (h) Springfield, llommo. med. coll. ofMe., 18G8; county phys. ; visiting phys. to “ Home of Befuge for Fallen Women,” 1 year and four months; hosp. stew- ard U. S. vols. 3 years. Keen William ]M., Fairfield. Keith Elias II., Peoria. Keith Price, Bloomington. Keith S. F.. Bloomington. Kellar A. M., Shell)yville. Member med. soc. of Shelby co. Kellar J. C., Chester. Kellar William, Princeton. Member medico-pathological soc. of La Salle co. Keller William, Chester. Kelley James, (m) Lombard. Kelley Josiah Raymond, Bowenburg. M. 1)., med. dep’t univ. of Mich., 1872; member med. lyceum univ. of Mich. Kelley Lynn Archibald, (e) Elgin. M. 1)., Bennett coll, of Chicago, 18G9 ; city phys. and pres, board of health; — author of paper, “ Enteric Fever.” Kelley M. F., Carrollton. Kelley O., Allendale. Kellogg A. II., Jacksonville. Member med. soc. of Morgan co. Kellogg J. L., (h) AFashington Heights. Kelly David. Member med. soc. of Wil. co, Kelly F. AF., Oakwood. Kelly Samuel, Keithsbiirg. Kelso II. A., Paxton. Kemp II. AF., Hecker. Kemper John, Industry. M. L)., Long Island coll, hosp., 1867; surg. U. S. vols. 4 years and 9 months. Kemper P. A., Mattoon. Member yEseulapian med. asso. Kendall E. E., Ethel. Kendall Gitman, Lisbon. Kendall Henry AVilmer, Quincy. M. I)., Ohio med. coll., 1^53, and Jelferson med. coll., 1870; member med. soc. of Adams co. ; medico-pathological soc. of Quincy ; med. soc. of 111. ; perm, member Am. med. asso. ; surg. of reg. and div. surg. U. S. vols. 31 years. Keness J. G., (h) Rockton. Kennecke Henry, (hi Belleville. Kennedy Charles Alexander, Morris. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Fa., 1867. Kennedy E. H., (h) Argo. Keon John T., (e) Walsliville. Kerlin AF. AF., Nora. Kerr Charles, Pawnee. Member med. soc. of 111. Kerr Samuel R., El Paso. Student of Dr. L. Adams, Ohio, and a regular practitioner for 24 years. Kerr AFilliam M., Fairfield. Kerrell J. R., Golconda. Ketcham Cx. 13., (h) Pontiac. Ketchem J. L., AFyanett. Kenchler C. F., (ti) Springfield- Keys C. AF., Hustonville. Keys D. C., (h) Peoria. Keys Thomas W., Le Roy. AI. D., Bush med. coll, (no date.) Keyser Hiram M., Mornence. Al. D., Bush med. coll., 1863; member med. soc. of Kankakee ; U. S. exam. surg. for pensions. Kibbie G. AF., Streator. Kidder James F., Fieldon. Kilbourn E. A., Elgin. Alember med. soc. of Fox Biv'er valley. Kilgore J. C., Little York. Alember Alilitary Tract med. soc., and Am. med, asso. Killebren D. L., (e) Lawndale. 162 KIL ILLINOIS. LAN Killough Thomas, Hanover. M. D., Chicago med. coll., 1873. Kilner Geo. G., Sullivan. M. D., Chicago lued. coll., 18G4 ; member med. soc. of ill. Kiniher A. C., Waverly. Member med. soc. of Morgan co., and med. soc. of 111. Kimbrough A. H. Georgetown. Kimmell N. W., (e) Sumner. King A. W., Plymouth. King Franklin T., Wilmington. King William Henry Harrison, Jackson- ville. M. D., Rush med. coll.. 1SG5 ; pres. Morgan co. med. soc. ; med. dep’t and surg. U. S. vols. 5 years. King J. Stebl)ins, Decatur. Kingston Thomas A., Fidelity. Kinkliead A. G., Scottsville. Kinnear Anthony Hedges, Metamora. M. 1)., Rusli med. coll., 18G4; member med. soc. of Woodford co., and med. soc. of 111. ; 1st ass’t surg. U. S. vols. 2 years; — author of paper, “ Chloral Hydrate in Tetanus,” Dec. 1870. Kinney R. II., Big Keck. Kinsie J. S., Cambridge. Kinsler J. T., Quincy. Member med. soc. of Quincy. Kippax John R., (h) Wheaton. LL. li., uiiiv. of (Jliicago, 1872; M. D., Hahne- mann med. coll., 18G9 ; member Am. inst. of horiKOo., 111. State homoeo. soc. ; associate phys. of Hahnemaim hosp. ; adj. prof, theory and practice of meil. in Ilahneinann coll. Kirk William F., iVtlanta. Kirki)atrick G. W., (e) La Ilarpe. Kirkpatrick J. E., (e) Camp Point. Kirkpatrick S. M., Bryant. Kirkpatrick W., Tiskilwa. Kissler I., Urbana. Kitchen Joseph L., Wyanet. A. R., 111. Wcsieyan univ., 18G5; M. D., Chicago med. coll., ISG b Kittell Geo. W., Shabonier. M. D., Rush med. coll., 185G. Kittoe Edward D., Galena. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Pa., 1841 ; was v.-pres. med. soc. of Pa., 1850 ; reg. surg. U. S. vols. 1 year; staff surg. of GenT ISherman and GenT Grant 2 years. Kittoe E. R., Elizabeth. M. 1)., Chicago m d. coll., 18G9. Kittoe Kirby, Galena. Kittredge L., (h) Korthampton. Kleinberg Andrew, Galesburg. iMember Military Tract med. soc. Klingbeil William, Champaign. Klinkhardt Edward, Aviston. Knablaugh J. K., (h) Geneseo. Knapp C. D., San Jose. Knapp G. H., Mason City. Knapp J. T., Carlisle. Knap]) W. j!, Patoka. Knight C. H., Jacksonville. M. 1)., Louisville med. coll., 1845 ; member med. soc. of Morgan co. ; phys. to deaf and dumb asylum. Knight E. A., fh) Galesburg. Knight James H., (m) Fayetteville. Knight W. S., (e) Danville. Knoebel John B., Highland. Knoth S. H., Champaign. Knott A. B. , Centerville. Knott C. W., Kankakee. Knowles J., Orion or Berlin. Member Military Tract med. soc. Knox J. W., Dunda.s. Knox M. D., Saline Mines. Koeberlin Fred., Freeburg. Koch D., (e) Effingham. Kocli John, (h) Quincy. Koch W., (h) Quincy. Koehler G. C., Henry. Kock J. A., Golconda. Kohl F., Belleville. Kohl Julius, Belleville. M. I)., iSt. Louis ined. coll., 1859; member med. soc. of St. Clair co., and Am. med. asso. Koller G., (m) Princeton. Kopf M. S., Bloomington. Kratz E. A., Champaign. Member central 111. med. soc. Krause B., O’Fallori. Kreider II. 1^., Prairie City. Kreider II. AY., Prairie City. Kridler S. R., (hj Eikhorn Grove. Krone Henry, .''ml Aledo. Kroth II. T., Francisville. Kruse Hero, Peoria. Member med. soc. of Peoria city. Kuchlin John C., Preston. Kuchn Otto, Burksville. Kuen B. F. A., fh' Metamora. Kunz John, Highland. Kyle J. B., Macomb. Kyner David T., Macon. Labaugh J. J., (h) Peoria. M. 1)., Am. med. coll., Cincinnati, 1857. Lacey A. G., ^ei Casey. Lacey J., (hj Monmouth. Lacey R. R., New Liberty. Lacrone J., Effingham. Laflin Harvey Bird, (e) Du Bois. M. H., Bennett med. coll., 1873. Lafontaine A. F., (m) Ottawa. Laine Joseph, Trivoli. Member med. soc. of Peoria co. Lake L. L. , Belvidere. Member med. soc. of Boone co. Lamb J. P., Lovington. Lambert C. A., Galesburg. IMember Military Tract med. soc. Lambert J. P., (hi Shannon. Lambert Lucien S., Galesburg. M. D., Miami med. coll., 18G9; member Military Tract med. soc., and med. soc. of Peoria co. ; act. hosp. steward HI. vols. 2 years. Lame Isaac R., Chesterfield. Lamme D. W., El Paso. M. D., Ohio med. coll., 1867 ; pres. med. soc. of Woodford cb., 1873; member med. soc. of 111.; hosp. steward U. S. vols. 3 years. Landon William M., Burton. Member med. soc. of Adams co., med. soc. of 111., and Am. med. asso. LAN ILLINOIS. LEW 163 Lands N. L., Adeline. Lane C. J., (mi Sprinjxfield. Lane J. A., Chesterfield. Lane Kobert P., llockford. Member med. asso. of Hockford. Laneboro’ L., Clear Creek. Laney II. M., Canton. Langdon II. S., Noble. Langdon W. O., Delhi. Member med. soc. of Jersey co. Langen John, Peoria. Lanning* K. T., (m) Kenanlt. Lanphear Albert H., Springfield. ;M. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1859. Larabee , Coatsbnrg. Larchett Geo. B., (h.) Pana. Lark T. P., New Pittsburg. Larkins L. B., (h) La Snlle. Latham Allen, Springfield. Latham G. II., Dongola. Latham John, Eldorado. Latham Samuel C., Eldorado. M. B., coll, of pliys. and surg., Keokuk, 1870. Lathrop E., (h) Bock Island. Lathrop David, Hazel Dell. Latimore C., (h) Neponset. Latimore Joseph, (m' Carthage. Latson Jasper, (mi Newton. Lattimer Charles C., Princeton. Member Military Tract soc., and medico-patho- logical soc. of La Salle co. Lauchner 11. S., Louisville. Laudecker E. W., Dallas City. Laughead Geo. G., IMorea. A. Ik, “Ohio Oentral” coll., 1871 ; attended 1 full coiirse at Cleveland med. coll. ; 1 term city liosp. Laughlin B. S., Bloomington. Cor. sec. central 111. med. soc.; v.-pres. med. soc. of ilcLean co. Lawson W., Sidney. Law C. G., Sumner. Law David II., Dixon. Member med. soc. of Lee co. Lawlor M. M., (h) Beardstown. Lawrence G. W., (h) Bock Island. Lawrence J. II., Mt. Auburn. Lawrence .1. K., Neoga. Lawrence T., Goose Island. Lawton A. G., La Salle. Lazell Enos Taylor, Granville. M. D., Bellevue hosp. med. coll., 18G6. Leach Geo. IT., ^h) Litchfield. Leach William II., Galesburg. Member med. soc. of Adams co. Leach William H., Bowensburg. M. D., Cincinnati coll, of med. and surg., 1861; member med. soc. of Adams co. Leaman M. W., Shii)man. Leary James B., Joliet. Le Barron William, Geneva. Member med. soc. of Fox River Valley. Le Caron Henry, Wilmington. M. D., Detroit med. coll., 1872; member med. soc. of Will co. Le Due E. H., Ganby. M. D., Chicago med. coll., 1863. Lackie B. M., Maynard. Leckron L. W., Greenup. Lecrone John C., Effingham. Member iEsculapian med. soc. of Wabash valley. Ledbrook Leonard. Carliiiville. Ledlie J. H., Pittsfield. Lee A. M., Makaiuhi. Lee A. IL, South Pass. Lee Ethan Allen, Du Quoin. M. 1)., Chicago meU. coll., 1866; surg. U. S. vols. 3 years. Lee B. F., Marshall. Lee B. J., Castle Finn. Member med. soc. of Marshall co. Lee J., Boseville. Lee S. L., (m) Louisville. Ijeeds James, Friendsville. Jieeds L. L., Lincoln. Leeper A. K., Coulterville. Leffiugwell J. S., (hi Sterling. Lefiingwell Josijih IL, Bockford. M. 1)., eclectic med. inst., (hneinnati, 1873; mem- ber med. soc. of Rockford. Leggett IL B., Butlersville. Lehman F., Bloomington. Lehman Julius, Waterloo. Member med. soc. of McLean co. Leighton James, Manchester. Hon. member med. soc. of Morgan co. Leman Theo., Danville. Lemen Edward Clark, Upper Alton, lion, degree Ph. B., iShurtlelf coll., 1872; M. D., St. Louis med. coll., 1868; member med. soc. of Alton and vicinity. Lemen Harrison Augustus, Olney. M. I)., St. Louis med. coll., 1864; member med. soc. of 111. ; post. surg. and ass’t exam. surg. for vols. Lemon W., Lacon. Lemon W. D., (h) Jacksonville. Lemon W. E. H., (h) Pekin. Leonard A. L., (h) Champaign. I.ieroy F. Jv., (h) Boscoe. Leseher John Jacob, Mt. Carmel. M. D., med. dep’t Washington univ., 1845; mem- ber med. soc. of 111. ; exam. surg. for pensions. Leslie A. G., Elvaston. Leslie Joseph, Eiwin. Lessing Samuel, Ijawrenceville. Lester A. P., (hi Sullivan. Lester Gilbert Benjamin, Oswego. M. D., Rush med. coll., 1864; member mod. soc. of Fox River Valley; act. ass’t surg. and surg. U. S. vols. years. Levanway W. A., (h) Dixon. Lewes J. S., (m) Galena. Lewis Aaron, Waukegan. Lewis Benj. F., De Witt. Lewis Daniel, El Lewis David, Ashland. Lewis F. Z., Sullivan. Lewis (t. W., Cortland. Lewis 11. N., Quincy. Lewis Isaac H., (h) Woodstock. 164 LEW ILLTXOIS. LUS Lewis John B., (e) Camp Point. M. D., eclectic iiicd. iiist., Cincinnati, 1861, and Bennett coll, of eclectic med. and surg., 1870; member of eclec. med. soc. of Pa., 1869 ; pres, of eclec. med. soc. of 111., 1872; del. to national eclec. med. soc., 1870. Lewis J. I)., Elizabeth. Lewis J. ir., (h) Decatur. Lewis J. Pt., (m) St. Charles. Lewis J. S., Farm Ilidge. Lewis S. D., Ptossville. Libley C. W., Fairfield. Lichty Daniel, Ilochelle. M. 1)., Cliicago med. coll., 1871; member med. soc. of 111, ; perm, member Am. med. asso. Liefield J. F., (h) Bock Island. LightfootP. F., Murray ville. Member me 1, soc. of Morgan co. Linch T.. Greenfield. Lindlay M., Urbana. Lindley William, Bloomington. Lindreen J. G., Galva. Lindsay V. Thomas, Cotton Hill. M, D., Miami med. coll., i860. Lindsey A., (h) Marengo. Linek Christian I., (h) Litchfield. Grad. Tubingen, Wurtemburg, Ger, ; a grad, in medicine, (no coll, given). Linn D. C., (e) Fredericksville. Linn S. K., Mackinaw. Linn W. J., Oconee. Liscomb L. J., (h) Winchester. Liscomb S. J., (h) Jacksonville. Little Jehu, J.e Roy. M. I)., Long Island med. coll., I860; member med. soc. of JJcLean co., and med. soc. of 111. ; ass’t surg. 10 months, and surg. 1 year ; — author of paper, “ Treating Patients vs. Treating Dis- ease,” 1867. Little John, (h) Le Roy. Little W. A., Elizabeth. Little W. R., ^e) Littleton. Littlefield Hans H., Beardstown. M. D., med. school of Me. (Bowdoin), 1845; mem- ber med. soc. of 111. ; act. ass’t surg. U. S. vols. 1 year. Liveley James H., Nashville. Livermore H. B., Macomb. ' Livesay Thomas N., Patoka. il. D., Rush med. coll., 1868. Livingood M. F., Rossville. Livingston W., Princeton. Lizinski Albert, Rosaclear. Lloyd C. S., (m) Watson. Lobaugh J. J., (h) Elmwood. Lober J. AV., Bellair. Lochman W. II. , Manlius. Lockwood Gerardus, Rushville. Lockwood John Slay, New Canton. Grad. Fairfield classical and scientific sem., 1861 ; M. D., coll, of phys. and surg., 1865, Lodge A. N., Marion. Loelks Geo., (h) Belleville. Logan David, Ilayley. Logan John, Carlinville. Logan II. H., Orion. Member med. soc. of Rock Island and central 111. Logan Augustus Rodney, Moline. M. D., Ru.sii med. coll., 1868 ; member la. and 111. central (list, med. asso. Logan J. A., Canton. Logan J. T., Tolona. Long C. P., (e) Murrayville, Long George II. Member med. soc, of Quincy. Long II. II., Orion. Long J. A., (h) Versailles. Long S. O., Big Rock. Member med. soc. of Fox River Valley. Long Thomas, (e ) Enfield. Looney W. A., Vienna. Loop F. J., (m) Freeport. Lord R. S., Springfield. Loscher James, Mt. Carmel. Loughridge Samuel Orr, Peoria. M, D., Jefferson med. coll., 1866, and coll. phys. and surg. of N. Y., 1870; member alumni asso. of Jefferson med. coll., and med. soc. of Peoria co. Love Jos. G., Hanover. Love J. L., Perry. Love R. P., Rockford. Lovejoy Orrin A., St. Francisville. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Buffalo, 1856; ass’t surg. U. S. vols, 6 months. Lowe B. S., Nashville. M. D., Chicago med. coll., 1873. Low E. ]\r., ivalbridge. Low L. 11., Albion. Lowe E. II., Sandwich. Lowe J. 11. , Plano. M. D., Chicago med. coll., 1873. Lowell E. T., Granville. Lowell L. D., Crystal Lake. Lowenthall Lewis, (m) Princeton. Lowes John Shields, (e) Galena. Attended two courses med. dep’t univ. of Mich. Lowrey N. II., (h) Woodhull. Lowrey John, Flora. Lowrey Lewis Sandford, (e) Claremont. M. D., eclec. med. inst., 1871 ; health officer town of Claremont, Loy J. AV., Mill Shoals. Lucas C. J., Jacksonville. Member med. soc. of Morgan co., and med. soc. of 111. Lucas George L., Peoria. M. D., .Jefferson med. coll., 1853; member med. soc. of 111. ; ])res. med. asso, of Peoria; member Am. med, asso. ; surg. U. S. vols. 3 years. Lucas II. B., Rich view. Lucas J. R., Mound City. Lucas S. AV., Sullivan. Luce A. H., Bloomington. Member med. soc. of McLean co. Luce II. C., Bloomington. Sec. med. soc. of McLean co. ; member med. soc. of central 111. Lucy J. A., (h) Gerlaw. Lukens M. B., (h) Rock Island. Lundy D. AV., Albany. Lundy AVilliam N., Roscoe. Lunn R., Mendon. Member med. soc. of Adams co. Lusk J. R., (e) Pleasantville. LITS ILLINOIS. McD 165 J^uster G. E., Lenox Station. Luster T. M., Monmouth. Member Military Tract med. soc. LuttrellJames il., (e) Lockwood. Lux A., Aurora. Lyford William H., Port Byron. M. 1)., Hush med. coll., Ih59; member la. and 111. central med. soc., and med. soc. of 111. Lyman Jabez Baldwin, Ilockford. A. lb, Amherst coll., b^dl ; M. D., Jefferson med. coll., bS57; attended lectures 2 years in Paris and Vienna ; pres. Rockford med. asso. ; exam, surg. U. S. pension dep’t. I.yman M. J., Edgington. Jjynk Tunis, New Lenox. Lynn Samuel L., (m) Brighton. Lyon Samuel B., (e) Brighton. Lyon William, Hazel Dell. Lyons C. M., McLeansboro’. Lytle F. W., Lebanon, l/ytle J. P., Lebanon. M. D., ;St. Louis med. coll., 1873. McAdams Charles E., Fieldoii. Member med. soc. of Jersey co. McAnnally B., Cave. McAfee E. M., (h) Rockford. McAfee William D., (h) Rockford. McAllister C., Dixon. McAllister J. C., Kingston. McAllister L. S., Griggsville. M. 1)., St. Louis med. coll., 1873. McArthur Alonzo L., Rockford. Member Rockford med. asso., med soc. of Will co.,nied. soc. of 111., and Am. mod. asso,, 1872. McArthur R. M., Ottawa. McBride A., Decatur. Member med. soc. of JMacon co. McBride James R., (m) Renault. McBride Samuel, Decatur. V.-pres. med. soc. of Macon co. McBride T. II., Belleville. M. D., St. Louis med. coll., 1873. ^McCaffrey D., Pittsfield. M. D,, St. Louis med. coll., 1873. McCain James, El Paso. McCall um H. C., Pocahontas. McCann J. D., (h) Springfield. McCann J. II. Member med. soc. of Will co. McCance J. B., (e) Homer. :McCarty J. M., Marion. ^IcCarty Wilbur, (e) Mason. McCartney J. B., Young America. .Member Military Tract med. asso. McCasland Lewis, (m) Benton. McCaughey H., Sugar Creek. MeCaughey T. C., Hope. M, [)., Kush med. coll., 1868. McCerele P. N., (h) Naples. IMcChehan C. W., Avon. McChesney A. B., Alton. McClain J. S., Fairview. McClanahan John P., Norwood. .Member Jlilitary Tract med. soc. 13 McCaren Thomas, Towanda. McCleary Ralph B., (h) Monmouth. M. 1)., (no coll, or date given) ; member homoeo. med. soc. of 111. ; Military Tract hommo. med. soc. ; surg. U. S. vols. McClelland M., (m) Peoria. McClelland Milo Adams, Knoxville. M. I)., Rellevue hosp. med. coil., 1867 ; i)res. Mili- tary Tract med. soc., 1873, and Am. med. asso. ; phys. and surg. to almshouse of Knox co. ; — au- thor of “ Civil Malpractice.” McCleve H. C., (e) Lawrenceville. McCloud W. 11. , Livingston. Sec. med. soc. of Marshall co. McClure D. P., Rantoul. McClure Sami., Gluey. McCluskin J. C., Albion. McColl Neil, Gridley. McComb J. J., Milton. McConaught J. B., Belleville. McConnehey D., (e) Watseka. M. D., Phila. inst. of med., 1868. McConnell L. C., Gridley. McCord D. H., Centralia. M, D., St. Louis med. coll., 1855. McCord D. O., York. Member Jiscutapian med. soc. of Wabash Valley ; pres. med. soc. of Marshall co. McCord J. S., Greenville. M. D., Chicago med. coll., 1873. McCorkle T. N., (h) Clayton. McCormick A. Y., Fowler. M. D., Jefferson med. coll., 1866: McCormack C., (h) Albany. McCormack F. II., Quincy. McCormick L. R., Giand View. McCosh John, Mt. Morris. McCory Francis, Brimfield. Treas. med. soc. of Peoria co. McCoy Alex., Fremont. McCoy H. W., Golconda. McCoy John G., Effingham. McCoy Joseph, Bromfield. V.-pres. med. soc. of Peoria co. McCoy P. Y., Golconda. McCutchen C. F., Norwood. Member Military Tract med. soc. McCutchen James I., Norwood. A. B., Washington univ. ; M. D., coll. phys. and surg., Keokuk, 1868; member med. soc. of Mer- cer co. ; Military Tract med. soc. McDannel L., Unity. McDavitt Virgil, Macomb. M. 1)., univ. of l^ouisville (no date); member med. soc. of McDonough co. McDill David, Biggsville. M. 1)., !St. Louis rnecl. coll., 1855; Military Tract med. soc.; ass’t surg. and surg. U. S. vols. 3 years. McDill Henry C., Preston. McDonald C., Shelbyville. McDonald M. M., Crab Orchard. 166 McD ILLINOIS. MAL McDonough I., Belleville. McDowell A. E., Galesburg. McDowell J. B., Lewistowii. McDowell W. M., Canton. McDowell R. R., Lewistown. McElray James, Elgin. McElroy J. J., Rossville. McEwen Thomas, Wliite Hall. McFall D. II., Mattoon. McFarland A., Jacksonville. Hon. mem. med. see. of Morgan co., and med. soc. of 111. McFarland D. K., ITey worth. McFarland 1. S., (li) Ocluawka. McFarland Parker M., Centralia. A. B., Alleglviny coil., Idol; A. M., 1856; M. D., O. med. coll., 1362; ass’t surg. and surg. U. S. voLs. 3 years. McFarland T. Fletcher, Jacksonville. M. 1)., Rush med. coll., 1870; member med. soc. of Morgan co. ; ass't ])hys. Mo. lunatic asylum, 1 year (resigned from ill health) ;— author of “Moral Insanity and Transient Mania — their (Medic )-le,i^al Relations,” 1873. Specialty, men- tal diseases. McFatrick James, (e) Lena. McGahan V., Casey. McGeath Henry, St. Marie. McG-ee Henry, South Pass. (McGinnis John, Dawson. McGinnis S. AY., Osage. McGlumphy S. B., Lincoln. Member med. soc. of 111. McGrew John, Plymouth. M(;Guffey Henry, Calmar. McIIaffie J. B., Indianola. M(*JIarney AY. H., Martinsville. Mcllroy II. C., Y^ictoria. Mcllwain James, Okawville. Al. D., med. deji’t univ. of N. Y., 1868; member med. asso. of Washington co. McIntosh Andrew Jackson, Allendale. Al. D., coll. med. and surg. of Cincinnati, 1869. McIntyre G. D., Quincy. MeJilton Edward, Mt. Carmel. McKee S. P., Summerfield. McKenzie D. AY., St. Elmo. McKenzie AYillimn R._, Sparta. McKibbon A. D., Milo. McKim AY ill i am J., Freeport. McKinney Abner R., Alton. McKinney D. R., Ogden. McKinney G. L., (nu Kew Douglas.. McKinney M. C., K 3w Douglas. McKinney J. G., Barry. Member Alilitary I ract med. soc. of AYabash valley. McKinney T. C., Ih ' Carbondale. McKinney P. S., Moline. McKinnie P. L., Viola. Alember Alilitary Tract med. asso. McKown John M., Areola. Member Alsculapian med. soc. of AYabash valley. McLain A. M., Enfield. McLain John, Genoa. M. D., Chicago med. coll., 1873. McLain AYilliam L., Dongola. McLanahan John, Xorwood. Member Am. med. asso., 1872. McLaren AY. B., (h) Oak Park. McLaughlin P. S., (m) Kewton. McLean C. A., Maroa. McLean L. J., Du Quoin. McLean John, Genoa. AI. I)., Rush med. coll., 1863. McLean J. M., Dallas City. McLooney J. F., South Pass. McMahan R. AY., Quincy. Treas. medico-jiath. soc. of Quincy. McMaiin YY. AY., Gardner. YIcYIasters AY. AY., (e) Macomb. YIcYIasters AY., Herman. YIcYIennamy B. F., YIt. Zion. At. 1)., Chicago med. coll., 1872, YrcAIillan D., Joliet. MoMiilan Daniel Irwin, Biggsville. M. I)., Chicago med. coll., 1869 ; member med. soc, of Henderson co., Alilitary Tract med. soc. YIcYIillin Geo. AA^., Decatur. YIcYIorris Thomas L., (e Diona. YIcYIurtry D. S., Sagetown. YIcYIurtry J. E., Henderson. YIcYIurtry AY. P., Emma. YIcdSTair Robert, I^odi. YIcKair Samuel, Blackberry. YIcKary AY. H., Ylartinsville. Censor of med. soc. of Alarshall co. YIcKeal R. J., (e) Rochester. YIcKeale A. E., Bowen. Member med. soc. of 111. YfcKeil A., (hi Plainfield. YIcKeil C. T., AA^atseka. Alember med. .«oc. of Iroquois co. YIcKeil F. A., Bowen. YIcNeil N. H., Columbus. Alember med. soc. of Adams co. YIcNeil AYilliam, (ei YIechanicsburg. YIcNutt J. V., Cold Spring. YlcPherson R., (h) Eagle Point. YfePherson YI. Ci., (h) Eagle Point. YIc(,iuinston Alex. AA^illiam, (e) Greenup. YlcSwayne J. B., (h) Burnt Prairie. YIcTauiey James F., South Pass. YIcYay J. G., Ylilton. YIcY'ey Richard E., AYaverly. Alember med. soc. of Alorgan co., and Am. med. asso., 1873. Mace Aaron AYesley, (e) Claremont. Machesney D. L., Annawan. Ylack John, le' Somonauk. Ylacklin Geo. YI., AYaterman. Ylaclay C. B., Delavan. Madbie D. K., (h) Pecatonica. Madden Z. H., Clinton. Alember med. soc. of De AYitt co., and of central 111 . Yladison Theo., (h) Oneida. Ylahoney O. L., Ylurphysborok Mallory AY. A., (e) Ilowlett. Alember eclec. med. soc. of 111. Ylalone A., (e) Palestine. Ylaloney Nelson, (e) AA^ashburn. xMAL ILLINOIS. MEE 167 Maloney R. S. Member med. soc. of Boone co. Mandeville J. D., Philo. Manifold Jose]ih X., (m) Rockford. Mann Albert, Knoxville. Mann J. D., Manteno. Member med. soc. of Iroquois co. Mann O. H., (h) Evanston. Mannheimer M., E. Chicago. IManning E., (h) Freeport. Manns S. G., Pekin. > ^Mapes J. W., Paris. Mapell C. B., Pana. ^Marble B., Saline Mines. iMarenburg Jiio., (h) Petersburg. Maris J. E., Pekin. ^.larkham Hiram, ^ e) Buslinell. Markliam L. M., (e) Bushnell. IMarki S., Mrs., (h) Chillicothe. IMarkott A., (li) Highland. Marks D. K., Sandoval. Marks Peter A., Quincy. M. 1)., Miami med. coll., 18f37 ; member med. soc. of Qoincy ; steward and surg. army and navy. Marley J., (m) Washburn. Marlin R. S., Dakota. Marlow Andrew, Coulterville. Grad. Teachers’ inst. of Mansfield, O. ; attended med. lect. ; never graduated in medicine, ^[arlowe Austin, (m) Xenia. Jklarlow H. D., Le Roy. Marr J. .T., Dixon. Marrion Geo., St. Josephs. Marsh B. P., i^h) Bloomington. Marsh Hiram W., Elmwood. j^I. 1)., med. de[)’t univ. of Mich. ; member med. soc. of Peoria co. ; act. ass’t surg. U. S. vols. 3 years and 9 months. ’ Marsh J. F., Rochelle. Member med. soc. of Lee co. Marshall A. S., (m) Sullivan. Marshall D. McM., Hopper’s Mills. Member Military Tract med. soc. Marshall E. B., Centralia. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Mo., 1850, and St. Louis med. coll., 1855 ; also attended lect. at Rush med. coll. Marshall E. L., Keithsburg. Member Military Tract med. soc. Marshall G. W., Lima. M. D., coll. phys. and surg. of Keokuk, 1873. Marshall Hugh, Marshall. Member Military Tract med. soc. Marshall M. E.* Centralia, Marshall Nathan S., Olney. M. D., Jefi'erson med. coll., 1858 ; member med. soc. of Chester co.. Pa., and Am. med. asso., 1872. Marshall Samuel W., Sparta. M. 1)., St. Ivouis med. coll., 1864 ; 1st ass’t surg. U. S. vols. 6 months. Marshall W. P., (e) Hillsboro’. Marshall W. 8., Centralia. Martalana W. H., Lacon. Marthin H., (h) Bremen. Martin David, Champaign. Martin D. D., Oneida. Martin E. B., (m) Sandova. Martin Hugh, Canton. Member, med. soc. of 111. Martin James, Clinton. Martin James Cooper, Bethalto. M. D., Long Island med. coll., 1866. Martin J. W., (m) Peoria. Martin L. B., (e) Mossville. Martin N. B., Columbus. Martin N. H., Green view. Martin Samuel, (m) Patoka. Martin T., Elgin. Martin William, Omph Ghent, lion. M. 1)., Cincinnati coll., 1851; member med. soc. of Madison co. Martin William Henry, Godfrey. M. D., med. dep’t of Dartmouth coll., 1850. Martin W. S., Tuscola. Member Aisculapian med. soc. of Wabash Valley. Marvin G. W., Spriiyjfield. Mason Geo. B., Carrollton. Mason J. C., Annapolis. Attended xVsbury univ. 3 years; one full course lect. at med. coll, of O., 1872-73. Mason L. E., Athensville. Mason S. R., (h) Sheffield. Mason W. C., (m) JValnut. Massie William, Paris. Pres. Alsculapion med. soc. of Wabash Valley ; member med. soc. of 111., and Am. med. asso., 1872. Mastin J., Shannon. Masters Paul, Ashley. Math as G. W., AVatson. Mathews John P., Carlin ville. M. D., Long Island coll, hosp., 1865 ; member med, soc. of ]\Iacoupin co., and med. soc. of 111.; dele- gate to Am. med. asso. ; exam, sui-g. U. S. pen- sion dep’t; ass’t surg. U. S. vols. 1 year. Mathews J. C., Raleigh. Mathews M. K., Wiliiamsville. Mattenly J., (h) Mulberry Grove. Matteson James, (e) De Kalb. Mattox W. C. P., Darien. Maull William Charles, Middletown. A. B., univ. of Louisville, 1864; A. M., 1868; M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Louisville, 1869. Maxey William M. A., (m) Mt. Vernon. Maxfield K., Tolona. Maxon Orrin T., Waukegan. Maxwell A. M., Mt. Carmel. Maxwell J. A., Newton. Maxwell T. J., Olena. Member lililitary Tract med. soc. May E. S., Malta. May G. W., Louisville. Mayer D. J., Hliopolis. Mayer E., Du Quoin. Mayer M.. (h) Galena. Mayfield C. G., Greenview. Maynard D. A., Davis. Mayo Joseph, Morrison. Meacham E. O., (h) Mt. Carroll. Meach H. W., Waverly. Mead A. B., fe) Joliet. Mead J. M., Lee Centre. Means James H., Nashville. Mease Jj. A., Freeport. Meecham S., Camp Point. MeegS J. B., Manito. 168 MEE ILLINOIS. MIT Meeker D. A., Tuscola. Meig C. E., (h) O^'le. Meicher Orrin, Belleville. M. D., 1 course St. Louis med. coll. Melville A., Peotone. Mendenhall A. B., Latham. Mendenhall M. C., Catlin. Mendenhall Pleasant Winston, Crescent City. M. D., Rush med. coll., 1873; has special diploma on eye and ear. Mendenhall Winfield Scott, Chester. M. D., Miami med. coil., 1839; member med. soc. of Logan co. Mendenhall W. O., Buckley. Member med. soc. of Iroquois co. Mercer F. W., Joliet. Mercer Joseph, Princeton. Mercer W., (e) Princeton. Mergler Francis Roman, Wheeling. Grad, in science and art gymnasium of Wlirzberg, Bavaria, 1835 ; grad, doctor of med. after 3 years’ study univ. of Wlirzberg, 1840. Merkley Lorgin, fm) Yorkville. Merlick AF. H., S. Chicago. Merrick G. C., Wauteno. Merrill II. K., (h) Augusta. Merrill S. G., (h) Cairo. Merriman D. J., Wilmington. Merriman J. W., Wilmington. Member med. soc. of Will co. Merritt John W., Mattoon. Merryman Thomas J., (h) Aledo. M. D., Hahnemann med. coll., 1869, and homoeo. med. coll., N. Y., 1869; member 111. homoeo. med. soc., and homceo. med. soc. of Galesburg; pres. Military Tract homoeo. med. soc. Messerve S. D., Bobinson. ^I. D., Miami med. coll., 1857. Messenger D. Bacon, Centralia. M. D., Bellevue hosp. med coll., 1870. Messner L. C., Marysville. Metcalf E. T., Fiillula. Metcalf W. F., Palatine. Metz William, (h) Quincy. Meuse L. A., Freeport. Meuirman T. J., Aledo. Meyer John, Carlyle. Meyer Theodore, Belleville. Ph. D., Berliti, Prussia, 1835; doctor med. and surg., Berlin, 1838; member med. soc. of St. CLir CO., and Am. med. asso. ; cor. sec. St. Clair med. soc. 7 years ; phys. battalion Prus. army 6 yeat-s. Michel R. J., Peoria. Middleton B. F., luka. Milan W. R., Clear Creek. Mileham Samuel, Camp Point. Member med. soc. of 111. Miles M. M., (m) Aurora. Millard Z. R., (e) McLeansboro’. Miller Adam, Rockbridge. Miller Abraham, Carlinville. Miller A. J., Stone’s Prairie. Member med. soc. of Quincy. Miller A. J. , Paris. Member yEsculapian med. soc. of Wabash Valley ; perm, member Am. med. asso. Miller B. G., (e) Farm Ridge. Miller B. P., Mt. Carroll. Miller Cyrus, (e) Kingsbury. Miller C. C., (hi Chenoa. Miller C. AV., (h) Onargo. Miller David, Peoria. Miller G. W., AVoodson. Miller J. B., Gulena. Miller J. Hartshorn e, Abington. M. D., homu3(). coll, of Mo., 1868; member and sec. Militai y Tract homoeo. med. soc., and 111. State homoeo. soc. Miller J. N., Fayette. Miller John R., Elvaston. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Iowa, 1861. Miller John S., Farmer City. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Pa. (no date) ; member med. soc. of De Witt co., and med. soc. of cen- tral 111. Miller J. T., Urbana. Miller Loyd T., Caseyville. M. D., St. Louis med. coll., 1862, and Jefferson med. coll., 1863. Miller R. J., Paris. Miller Robert Sawyer, Lincoln. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Louisville, 1854. Miller AV. L., AVoodville. Milligan Harvey William, Jacksonville. A. B., Williams coll., 1853: A. M., 1855; M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Pa., 1863 ; member med. soc. of Morgan co., and med. soc. of 111. Milliken C. AV., Oquawka. Member Military Tract med. soc. Million J. 8., Springfield. Milliron Joseidi, Grayville. M. D., Chicago med. coll., 1869. Mills C. H., Champaign. Member med. soc. of 111. Mills E. AV., Sullivan. Member med. soc. of 111. Mills F. S., (m) Coral. Mills H., (h) Magnolia. Mills John, Kansas. Mills I. L., Nakomis. Millspaugh John, Sacramento. Milton Edward S., (ei Bunker Hill Milton I. E., Blairsville. Minard Geo. AV., Crete. Minard Joseph L., (h) Shirland. Minear Solomon, Paris. Miner James, AVaverly. Member med. soc. of 111. Miner James AVinchester. Member med. soc. of Morgan co. Minner E. G., Steel’s Mills. Minten Lewis, Sigel. Minis F. A., AVhite Hall. Missick C. L., (h) Byron. Missick AVilliam II., (h) Marengo. Mitchell D. C., Joliet. Mitchell G. R., Pekin. Mitchell James II., Nashville. Mitchell John Doak, Darwin. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Louisville, 1853; mem- ber med. soc. of AVabash A’^alley ; censor med. soc. of Alarshall co. MIT ILLINOIS. MUN 169 Mitchell J. H. S., Oakland. Mitchell J. M., Attica. Mitchell J. W., (h) Rushville. Mitchell J. W., Harrisburg. Mitchell M. W., Concord. Mitchell T. S., Marion. Hon. M. 1)., Chicago med. coll., 1863. Mitchell W. II., (m) Moline. Mix II. A., Oregon, lilocker William, Monticello. :Moffatt W. II., Tuscola. MoflS-tt James, Monticello. M. H., ('hicago mecl. coll., 1868; member med. so*c. of Piatt CO. Moll C. r., Carthage. Molliter N., Somonauk. Molone A., Palestine. Monast S. P., Bourbonnaise. Monroe George Joseph, Leland. M. 1)., Rush raed. coll., RS62, and Bellevue hosp. raed. coll., 1869; pres, surgi co-medico-path. soc. of La Salle co., med. soc. of 111., and Am. med. asso., 1872. Monroe James Albert, Chenoa. Montgomery A., Rose Hill. Montgomery James, Marseilles. Montgomery James, (e) Delta. Montgomery John, Windsor. Member med. soc. of Shelby co. Montgomery J. W., (m) New Hartford. Moore Oiin W., Braceville. M. D., Chicago med. coll., 1871. Moore A. B., New Columbia. Moore A. J., (e) Odell. Moore Dickey, Metropolis. Moore D. B., Roadhouse. Moore D. N., Carlyle. Moore D. O. , Bloomington. Member med. soc. of McLean co. Moore Edmund, Jacksonville. Member med. soc. of Morgan co. Moore E. W., Decatur. Member med. soc. of Jilacon co. Moore E. B., Belleville. Moore II. II., Westfield. Moore J., (h) Qri acy. Moore J. T., (m) Halltown. Moore R. E., Marshall. Moore Richard M., Clyde. Moore Richard S., Oswego. Member med. soc. of Marshall co. Moore S. G., Camp Point. Moore W. H. C., Canton. M. D., Rush med. coll., 1867. Moore W. J., Danville. Moore W. J., Carthage. Moorman Charles Pendleton, Cairo. A. M., univ. of Mich., 1^^54; M. H., med. dep’t univ. of Nashville, 1858. Moorehead T. W. , El Dara. Moorehouse Herbert Walters, Danville. M. D., Rush med. coll., 1870; member med. soc. of Vermillion co. Morey E. S., Marseilles. Morey J. W., Moline. M. i).. Rush med. coll., 1867; member Rock. Isl. and Iowa Central med. soc. Morgan A. C., (e) Mulberry Grove. Morgan 1). H., (e) Cairo. Morgan D. T., Abingdon. Morgan E. D., (h) Freeport. Morgan Geo. W., (h) Springfield. Morgan John, Areola. M. D., Starling med. coll, (no date) ; member med. soc. of Shelby co. Morgan J. L., Shelfield. Morgan J. W., Cordova. Morgan L. R., Odell. Morgan T. 1.., Prairie City. Morrell H. K., (h) Augusta. Morrill J. L., Rock Falls. Morris George, Fall Creek. Member med. soc. of Adams co., and med. soc. of Quincy. Morris I., Clinton. Morris M. A., im.) Aurora. Morris N. R., Hecker. Morris W. E., Mattoon. Morris James, Jacksonville. Hon. meml)er med. soc. of Morgan co. Morrison J. E., (h) Paxton. Morrison W. S., (m) Millersburg. Morse D, A., Danville. Morse J. C., Lyndon. Morse Jno. N., Plano. Morse L. E., (h) Mattoon. Morse P., Cambridge. Morse Sherman, Ridgefield. Morton C. H., Quincy. Morton S., Vernon. Mosely Allen H., Grand View. Mosher B. R., I^odi. Mosher J. H., Prophetstown. Member med. soc. of 111. Mosher M., (m) Buda. Moss H. C., Warsaw. Moss S. C., La Prairie. Member med. soe. of Adams co. Moss W. H. T., Tuscola. Member iEsculapian med. soc. of Wabash Valley. Mott John W., Villa Ridge. Attended 1 course lects. at Jefferson coll., 1863-4; ass’t surg. U. S. vols. 1 year. Mounts A. J., Assumption. Mowbray R. C., (h) Warsaw. Mozee Geo., Cave-in-rock. Muchfield Conrad., (m) East St. Louis. Mueller Emile, New Athens. Mulloy B., Frankford. Munday S., (e) Mount Erie. Munroe Thomas, Rushville. M. I)., med. dep’t univ. of Md., 1829; member med. and chirurg. soc. of Md. ; member boar. L., Ripley. Russell E. P. Member metl. soc. of Macon co. Russell William, Cairo. Rust Jason, Cuba. Rutherford Hiram, Oakland. M. D., Jefterson med. coll., 1838. Rutledge W. D., Naples. Member med. soc. of Morgan co. Rutledge J. H., Quincy. Rutz Glallus, Highland. Rynerson I. N., Tuscola. Member yEsculapian med. soc. of Wabash Valley. Ryan T. N., Belleville. Rjmn Jno., (h) Sandwich. Sabin F. A., Troy. Sabin Henry Millen, Edwardsville. A. B., Williams coll., 1853; A. M., 1856; M. D., Bellevue liosp. med. coll., 1863; ass’ t surg. Mass, vols., 1863. Sabines J. H., Desplaines. Saguin H., (m) Amboy. St." Clair W. H., Effingham. Member Aisculapian med. soc. of Wabash Valley. Salanden D. F., Taylorville. Salisbury S. S., Tolona. Saltenberger John, Fayetteville. Salter Solomon Carr, Kent. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Mich., 1863. Saltonstall S. R., Fremont. Sams T. M., Tamaroa. vSamuel J. B., Carrollton. Hon. member med. soc. of Morgan co. Sanburn A. H., fm) Elgin. Sanborn R. S., (h) Rockford. Sanders S. F., Good Hope. M. D., med. coll, of Keokuk, and also med. coll, of Mo. (no date). Sanderson H. M., (m) Noble. Sanford George H., Tabula. M. 1)., med. dep’t univ. of Mich., 1868 ; member med. soc. of Morgan co. Sapp Newell, Plymouth. Member Military Tract med. soc. Sargent Samuel, Lincoln. Saucerinan J. WC, AVinslow. M. H., Bush med. coll., 1863. Saukey J. W^., (m) MiucjKd. Saunders M. L., Morrison. Saunders R. A., Avon. Scanland D., Chambersburg. Scarsdale F. F., Arena. Schaub Leopold, Grand Tower. Schenck E. J., (h) Princeton. Schenck W. E., Pekin. Scliirk E. .1., (m) Princeton. Scherzer Williain, (h) Peru. Schifferstein L. J., Olney. M. D., St. Louis med. coll., 1873. Schiver W^iliiam A., (e) Virden. Schmalenhouser 11., Bridgeport. Schmedes H., (e) Forester. Schrnetzer Henry H., Jersey ville. Schmidt H. I)., Nashville. Schmidt John, (h) Quincy. Schmidt Louis, (m) Belltuville. Schmidt Henry D., (h) Peru. Schneck Jacob, Mt. Carmel. M. D., Chicago med. coll., 1871. Sclmider D., Flora. Schnend Joseph, (m) Belleville. Schott Charles, (h) Collinsville. Schrader Clemens. Pekin. Schroader D., (dlney. Schroeder Renke, (m) Wkaterloo. Schuchard G. W., Jonesboro’. Schuchard J. W., Golconda. M. I)., Ptush med. coll., 1863. Schule Edward, (e) Malta. Schule F. W., Elk Grove. Schule J. AV., Greenup. Schultz Moritz, (m) Peru. Schultz R. C., Foreston. Scoby W. E., Kankakee. Member med. soc. of Iroquois co. Scofield Jas., (h) Viola. Scott Amos, Pecatonica. Scott E. P., Galesburg. Scott Evan, Time. Scott Geo. H., Kewanee. Member Military Tract med. soc. Scott J., (h) Aroma. Scott J., Mound City. Scott I. W., Mulberry Grove. Scott J. F., Pittsfield. Scott J. IL, Metropolis. Scott J. R., (m) Mason. Scott T. R., Fiatt. Scott W. H. H., Danville. Scott W. P., (h) Lexington. Scott W. S., Evanston. Scovell W^illiam C., Bloomington. Scroggs J. W., Champaign. Scroggs R. G., Rushville. A. B-., Washington coll., 1850; A. M., 1853; med. dep’t of Ohio univ., 1852, and Long Island coll, hosp., 1872; member med. asso. of McDonough CO. ; corres. sec. of McDonough dist. med. soc. ; contract surg., ass’t surg. and surg. 111. vols. Seal Clark, (e) Farmer City. Seaman Marinus W., Shipman. M. D., Albany med. coll., 1852; member med. soc, of Macou])in co. ; surg. 16th army corps 3 years. Search James W., (li) Lastant. Sears Paul, Mt. Carmel. Sebauer A. G., Mt. (Jarmel. Secord James K., Elmwood. M. D., Bush med. eoll., 1867 ; member mod. soc. of Peoria co., mod. soc. of 111., and Military Tract med. soc. Secrist C., Watseka. Mcndier med. soc. of Iroquois co., and med. soc. of 111. Sedgwick S. P., Wheaton. Seebold J. P., Yellow Creek. Seegraver J. IL, Aviston. Seeley E. M., Pittsfield. 178 SEE ILLINOIS. SxMI Seeley S. E., Fulton. Seely Townsend, Kendiill. Seely Christian J., Ked Bud. Seger D. B., Erie. Segg C., (e) Sumrief. Seifert Ellis, Marshall. Seifert G. C. C., (e) Athens. Seinon W., Orangeville. Seldon Minor, Castleton. Semple Leonidas Clark, New Salem. M. U., St. Louis nied. coll., 1870. Seymour C. II., Alton. Seymour Geo. A., Dwight. Shadrick L., Moscow. Shafer L., (m) Princeton. Shaffer II., West Salem. Shafferd S., Litchfield. Shair S. M., Delavan. Shambert Geo., Newton. Shamhart K. II., Newton. Shannon A. F., Anna. Shannon J. N., Kankakee. Sharks T. B., (h) Griggsville. Sharp J. N., Plum BiVer. Sharp William W., New Douglass. M. i>., St. Louis iiied. coll., 1S65; member med. asso. of Madison co. . Shastid Thomas W., Pittsfield. j\l. 1)., med. dep’t univ. of Mo., 1856. Shaver Thomas, Farmington. Shaw Gilman, Mokeiia. Shaw Ii. P., Bankston. Shaw B. W., Bath. M. 1)., med. dei>’t univ. of Louisville, 1852; surg. Ind. war, 1856. Sheffield D. A., Apjde Elver. M. I)., Chicago med. coll., 1867 ; member med. soc. of 111. Shelton N. J., Illinois City. Shelton Ira W., Staunton. vShelton Y. I., Greenville. Shelton AVilliam I., Staunton. Shepardson Noah, (e) Kankakee. Shepherd Maximilian, Payson. M. P., Louisville, Ky., 1845; member med. soc. of Adams co., and Am. med. asso., 1872 Sheppard A. II. , Cazenovia. Sherman II. C., Caledonia. Sheriff John A., Edgewood. Sherrod E. W., Whitesville. Sherry A., (m) Farmington. Shields Alex., Colton Hill. Shields W. P., Mt. Sterling. Shinier Henry, Mt. Carroll. M. D., Chicago med. coll., 1866. Shinall A., (h) Nashville. Shinn M. II., (h) Oxford. Shipman J. A., (h) De Kalb. Shirley E. S., Xenia. Shirley II. B., (h) White Hall. Shoemaker Hammond, Columbia. Short H. S., (e) Fillmore. Short Isham, (e) Wring. Short S. P., (m) Metropolis. Sh reeves T. J., Greenbush. Member Military Tract asso. Shriver W. A., (e) Virden. Shultz Casper E., Forestville. Shurtleff F., Groveland. Sibert W. H., Wilmington. M. D., Chicago med. coll., 1873. Sibley Benj. F., (h) Decatur. Sibley Warren, (h) Moline. Sigsbee AFilliam, Mendon. Member med. soc. of Quincy. Sikes Horace B., Table Grove. M. P., Petroit med. coll., 1872. Silverthorn L. L., Charleston. Member TEsculapian med. soc. of Wabash Valley, and Am. med. asso. Simmons Adam, (e) Girard. Simpson John, Woodson. M. P., Paish med. coll., 1867. Simpson J. F., Carrollton. Treas. med. soc. of Greene co. Sims WLiyne, (e) Tamaroa. Sims JV. B., St. Josephs. Member med. asso. of central 111. Sinclair I. P., Calumet. M. I)., Chicago med. coll., 1869. Siton Thomas, Pittsfield. Skaggs L. IL, Ellsworth. Member med. soc. of McLean co. Skeels A. P., (h) Cairo. Skelling David, ^Winchester. Member med. soc. of Morgan co. Skilling J. H., Manchester. Skilling L. 1)., (e) Kimmerly. Skinner B. IL, Merritt. Member med. soc. of Morgan co. Skinner Joseph T., Peoria. Member med. asso. of Peoria City, and med. soc. of 111. Skinner J. L., Murphysboro’. Slack Josifih, Cuba. Slack N. G., Eushville. Slade J. ML, New Hartford. Slater Albert Sidney, Wataga. A. P., Lombard univ. of Galesburg ; M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Iowa, 1867 ; coroner of Knox co. 2 years ; hosp. steward U. S. vols. 4 years. Slaughter J. A., Greenville. Sleeper T. P., Amboy. Sloan S., Bloom. Slocy James, Eenault. Slusser Jno. P., Fieldon. Slusser Henry, (e) Hickory Creek. Small A. E., Decatur. Small H. N., (h) Blue Island. Small AV. W., Hardinsville. Smead E. B., Lafayette. Smiley J. C., Kewanee. Member Military Tract med. soc., and med. soc. of 111. Smith A. B., Monmouth. Smith Alanson D., Morris. M. P., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1870. Smith Charles, Galatia. Smith C. C., Sunbeam. Smith Charles E., Nilwood. Smith C. M., Alton. Smith D. G., (h) Eantoul. Smith Elijah, Segone. Smith E. E., De Kalb. Smith F. N., Peoria. Smith F. S., (h) Augusta. Smith G. E., Eddyville. ILLINOIS. STE 179 SMI Smith Henry, Albcany. Smith Jacob, Galatia. Smith James A., (m) Le Roy. Smith James E., fSt. Fraiicisville. Smith J. 1)., Mendon. Smith J. D., Sacramento. Smith J. D., (h) Abingdon. Smith J. F., (m) Morton. Smith John II., (e) Sidney. Smith J. R., Golconda. Smith Lee, Bloomington. Member med. soc. of JMcLean co., and med. soc. oi central 111. Smith L. J., Yandalia. Smith Nelson G., (e) Lisbon. Smith Royal, Asli Grove. Smith Thomas IM., Grandview. , „ Member Asculapiaii med. soc. ot Wabash valley. Smitli T. B., Marietta. Smith AVilbur, Masion. Smith AA^, M., Atkinson. Smith AV. A., Newman. Smith AA'illiam E., Benton. Smith AA'illiam H., AA^innebago. Member med. soc. of Rockford co. Smith W. K., Terre Haute. One full coarse med. coll, of Chicago, 1867-8. Smith AA"". Randall. Sigel. Smizer Henry, Mahomet. Sinytli Patrick A., Bloomington. Snelling J. R., Peoila. Member med. asso. of Peoria City. Snidt Gustavos, (m) AA^interroud. Snyder G. B., AA^oosung. Snyder G. AA"., Rock Run. Snyder J. F., Virginia. Member med. soc. of Morgan co. Snyder John, AYaynesville. Sollis Thomas, Loland. M. 1)., ( 'levelaiid med. coll., 1869 j formerly be- longed to med. soc. of Peoria co. Solmberger D., Havana. Somers Winston, ITrbana. Sommers AA^. H., Middleport. Songer J. H., Salem. Soule J. K., (h) Belvidere. South J. H., Pleasant Hill. Soutliwortli S., (e) Hamburg. Spaitlaiid AV. M., Lacon. Spalding S. K. Elvastoii. Spalding T. B., Troy. Spangler Geo.,Ve) Rockport. Spangler S. A., Danville. Sparks R. B., (h) Griggsville. Sparks.!. AA^., Bardolph. Spaulding D. S., YTrden. Spaulding J. AA^., Galesburg. Aleinber Alilitary Tract med. soc. Spaulding L., Virden. Spear .1. G., Niantic. Spear James Milton, Mason City. M. 1)., Aliami med. coll., 1869; house phys. and surg. of St. Luke’s hosp. Spears A. H., Charleston. Speed Joshua Nichols, Rushville. A. B., centre coll, of Ivy., 1852; A. Al., 1860; M. I)., med. dei)’t of Iowa univ., 1860. Specs F. T., Tuscola. Alember Asculapiun med.-soc. of AVabash Valley. Spencer A. F., (h) Pittsfield. Spencer J. L., Marshall. Alember med. soc. of Alarshall co. Spencer N., Marshull. Spencer O. B., (h) Kankakee. Spencer W. ()., Marino. Speikler D. H., Franklin Grove. Spicer O. AV., College Springs. AI. 1)., Chicago med. coll., 1876. Spier S. F., Maxville. Spillman C,, Payson. Spitler Adam, Carthage. Al. 1)., med. dep’t univ. of La., 1850; was member med. soc. of Louisville, Ky., 1846, and med. soc. of Va., and delegate to Am. med. asso., 1854; member med. soc. of Hancock co. Sprague J. B.. Randallville. Sprague R., Knoxville. Sprague R. C., (e) Greenville. Spriggs A. R., Johnson ville. Spriggs John Shepard, Monmouth. AL D., med. dep’t Jelferson coll., 1844. Springer G. C., Kinderhook. Springer James, (e) S])ringerton. Sprogle S. II., (e) Shannon. S(piire Cyrus, Harrisonville. Stachr E., Gerinantcwn. Stagner Thomas M., (m) Blue Mound. Staley Israel, (m) Joliet. Stain way T. S., New Boston. Alember Alilitary Tract med. soc. Stanton T., (e) Henneiiin. Stapp Samuel G., E. St. Louis. Stapp AVilliain, E. St. Louis. Starr J. IL, (h) Minonk. Starrett AA'ash., AA^inchester. Staughton I. A., Greenville. Stearns O. E., (h) Freeport. Steela Harrison, Peoria. Al. D., Rush med. coll., 1868, and pres. med. soc. of Peoria co. ; member Alilitary Tract med. soc. Steele J. M., Grandview. Alember Alscula])ian med. soc. of AVabash valley, and med. soc. of 111. Steele James A., (h) Dixon. Steele James O., Gluey. Steele N., Palestine. Steelesmith J. M., Martinsville. Steenburgh J. Y., Quincy. Stemkopli C. A., Renault. Stennett AV. H. , (h) Bloomington. Stephens J., (h) Freeport. Stephens AV. AA^., Cerro Gordo. Steplienson N., Thompson. Stephenson R. A., New Douglass. Sterling AV. 1)., Ionia. Alember Alilitary Tract med. soc., and med. soc. of 111. Stevens A., Blue Grass. Stevens B. F., Huntley. Stevens B. F., St. Jacob. Stevens B. G., Mt. Morris. Stevens Harwood, Homer. Stevens J. D., (e) Russellville. 180 STE ILLINOIS. TAY Stevens Stephen, Yale. Stevens W. J., Newton. Stevenson William, (e) Carlinsville. Stewart C. M., Exeter. Stewart A. E., liandolph Grove. Member med. soc. of McLean co. Stewart C. W., Young America. Stewart E., Atlanta. Stewart E. L., (h) Carmi. Stewart F. A., Tonica. Stewart Henry C., Jacksonville. Stewart H. L., Milton. Stewart J., (li) Moline. Stewart John H., Bethel. Stewart J. T., Peoria. Member med. soc. of Peoria city. Stewart Samuel, Pontiac. Member medico-path. soc. of LaSalle co. Stewart T. Newton, Biggston. M. D., Kush med, coll., 1867 ; member med. soc. of Morgaii co. Stickle O., Henry. Stiles J. A., (h) Rock Island. Stiles J. J., Pontiac. Stillman W. I)., (h) Lewistown. Stinson C. E., (h) Wilmington. St. John B. F., Stone Fort. Stock well A., El Paso. Member med, soc. of Woodford co. Stockwell Hanson, El Paso. Stoddard L. F., (e) Hillsboro’. Stokes H. A., Chebanse. ^lember med. soc. of Iroquois co. Stokes H., Carmi. Stokes J. G., Grayville. Stone E. R., Griggsville. Stonemitz Casper, Detroit. Stonier Andrew J., Decatur. Member med. soc. of Macou co. Stoner E. R., Griggsville. Stoner John, Minonk. Storkey L., Belleville. Stoskopi Louis, Freeport. A. B., Yilecoll., 1865: A. M„ 1869; M. D., coll, phys. and surg. of N. Y., 1869; member med. soc. of Stephenson co. Stout Joseph, Ottawa. Stow I). J., (m) Belvidere. Strafford Henry, Litchfield. Strahan James, Wabash. Strain Hugh, Nokomis. Stratton F. M., (e) Litchfield. Straw Homer C., Homer. Strawn E. H., Wilmington. Strawsser S., (e) Ottawa. Streeter C. A., Quincy. Strieker J. H., New Liberty. Strong E. H., Wilmington. Member med, soc. of Will co. Strong Henry, New Milford. Strong Henry, Rockford. Strong O. G., (h) Canton. M. D., homceo. med. coll., Mo., 1859 ; member Am. homceo. inst. Studer Joseph, Peoria. Member med. soc. of Peoria City. Stull Theodore W., Marengo. M. D., Kush med. eoli., 1861 ; member Fox River Valley med. asso. ; ass’t surg. TJ. S. vols. 4yrs. Sturdevant M. C., (h) Morris. Sturdevant Warren, Wakena. Sturgeon William P., Edgington. Member Kock Island, and la. central med. soc. Sturgis William, Macofi. Suggelt J. M., Le Roy. Member med. soc. of McLean co. Suitor William F., New Boston. Member Kock Island, and la. central med. soc. Sulcer A. A., Ridge Farm. Sullivan J. C., Cairo. Member med. soc. of Alexander co., and Am. med. asso. ; phys. to St. Mary’s infirmary. Summerland D., (e) Onargo. Summerman John A., (e) Clinton. Sumn John, Alalta. Surpless James, (e) Danville. Sutherland W. P., St. Albans. Sutton J. E., Canton. Sutton Joshua, Monterey. Sutton R., (e) La Har])e. Swam David, Dorchester. Swanny G. G., (m) Streator. Swanson Alfred, De Kalb. M. D., Chicago med. coll., 1871. Swart A. S., (h) Plymouth. Swank A. P., Indiaiiola. Swayne J. W., Jonesboro’. Sweeny John, Normal. Member med. soc. of McLean co. Sweeny J. S., Kinmundy. Sweet Samuel, (m) Harvard. Sweetland Nelson Laning, Newark. M. D., Kush med. coll., Is67. Sweetland Warren Montgomery, New- ark. M. D., Kush med. coll., 1846. Swift A., (m) Aurora. Swisher W. M., Canton. Sykes H. B., Table Grove. Sykes James, Beverly. Tabor B. C., Cairo. Taggart Charles J., Rockford. Member med. soc. of Kockford. Talbott D. D., Lewistown. Talbott J. M., Jeffersonville. Taleott Edwin J., (e) Spring Hill. M. D., eclec. med. coll, of Cincinnati, 1852; ass’fc surg. U. S. vols. 2 years. Taleott J. B., (h) Quincy. Taliaferro D. M., Roseville. Tanner A. M., (h) Green River.' Tarr Myron, (m) Farmington. Tarrell C. T., (h) South Pass. Tate H., Virginia. Taxis J. B., Gardiner. Tayler James M., (h) Mason City. Taylor A., Little York. Member Military Tract med. soc. Taylor Benjamin Bush, (h) Nokomis. M. D., Long Island coll, hosp., 1861 ; surg. U. S. vol. cavalry 2 years. TAY ILLINOIS. TRO 181 Taylor D. B., Millburn. M. D., Chicago ined. coll., 1868. Taylor David P., Woodliull. M. D., St. Louis med. coll., 1864; member Mili- tary Tract med soc. ; ass’t surg. U. S. N. li y’rs. Taylor G. W., Uozetta. Taylor G. W., (h) Princeton. Taylor J. TL, Canaan.. Tavlor J. P., (h) Kankakee. Taylor M. B., AVhiteley’s Point. T’aylor S., Morrison. Taylor T., (e) Paxton. Tebo George Haynes, Mt. Sterling. M. D., liusli med. coll. Tefft Joseph, Elgin. Member Fox Iliver Valley asso. Temhloocl Geo. B., Hurricane. Temple L. C., Perry. Tenbrook John, Paris. M. 1)., Jetf'erson med. coll., 18.38; hon. deg. Rush med. coll., 1868; member vEsculapian med. soc. of Waha>h Valley ; med. soc. of Edgar co., and Am. med. asso., 1872. Tenny A. P., Bloomington. .Member med. soc. of central 111. Tenny J. B., Atlanta. Tesmer H., (e) Sparland. Tetrick A., Du Quoin. Therm W. W., (e) Glasgow. Therman W. J., Sigel. Thole ir. G., (h) Dwight. Thomas D. Erastns, Lacon. M. 1)., Evansville med. coll., 1851 ; member med. asso. of Marshall co. Thomas Edward, Somonauk. Thomas E., Whitehall. Thomas G. W., Kew Hebron. Thomas J. F., Chillicothe. Member med. soc. of Peoria City, and med. soc. of 111. Thomas J. H., Chenoa. Thomas J. L., Grantsburg. Thomas W. S., (m) Springfield. Thomlinson J. O., fh) Chillicothe. Thompson A. H., Princeton. Member Military Tract med. soc., and medico- path. soc. of La Salle co. Thompson Evans. Member med. soc. of Greene co. Thompson F. B., Albion. Thompson Geo. T., Elkhorn. Thompson J. B., Kew Liberty. , Thom])son J. C.. Chebanse. Thompson John S., Palestine. M. D., Rush med. coll., 1873. Thompson L. G., J.,acon. Thom])son M. 8., Carthage. Thompson R. .J., th) Henderson. Thompson Samuel, Albion. Thompson Y. S., Payson. Thom])son Wesley, Efhngham. Thompson W. A., I^awrenceville. Thompson Lncius Gillette, Lacon. M. f).. Starling med. coll., (no date) ; v.-pres. med. soc. of Marshall co. Thornburg P. F., Martinville. Thorp J. C., Le Mont. Thrall H. G., Fairfield. 14 Throgmorten J. P., Carbondale. Tibbitts L. , Dallas City. Member med. soc. of Quincy, and med. soc. of 111. Tidwell J. F., Crab Orchard. Tilden J. G., Lula. Tilden J. IL, (e) Kokomis. Tipton A. W., (e) New Boston. Tipton T. J., Jacksonville. iTitsworth A., Herrin’s Prairie. Titsworth William, Lake Creek. Toby Robert, Macon. M. D., Cincinnati coll, of med. and surg., 1862; pres. med. soc. of Macon co. ; member med. soc. of central dist. Todd James Forest, Galva. M. D., Bellevue hosp. med. coll., 1863; member Military Tract med soc. Todd L. L., Paris. M. J)., med. dep’t univ. of Louisville, 1856; mem- ber Pisculapian med. soc. of Wabash Valley ; med. soc. of Edgar co. ; perm, member Am. med. asso. Toland R. B., (ml Virginia. Tolbott D. D., Lewistown. Toler Benjamin Carter, Astoria. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Iowa, 1858. Toler AV. T., Astoria. Tomlinson B. B., (h) Argo. Tomlinson J. O., (h) Chillicothe. Torrence J. IL, (e) Quincy. Torrence AM. P., (e) Quincy. Tonrtellotte J. E., Ogden. Town B. C. S., Bath. Townsend A. II. F., Camargo. Townsend Justus, Springfield. Member med. soc. of 111. Townsend S., Maquon. Townsend William, Preemption. Member Rock Island and Iowa central med. soo. Tozer L.. (h) Maroa. Trabue J. AV., Shipman. Trapp A. IL, Springfield. Member med. soc. of 111. Trask E. IT., Terre Haute. Travers Edmund Roche, Amboy. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Mich., 1861 ; member med. soc. of Lee co., med. soc. of 111., medico- path. soc. of La Salle co. ; del. to Am. med. asso. for 1874. Travers J. IT., (m) New Hartford. Treblehorn B., Germantown. Tremble J. J., Soxa. M. D., Miami med. coll., 1866. Tresler M. L., Carthage. Trevor Richard, (m) Coal Valley. Trexler AV., Freeport. Tribley P. L., Secor. Triel Philip IT., (m) Mascoutah. Trimble E. J. A., Sagetown. Member Military Tract med. soc. Triplett T. M., (h) Rantoul. I Trott Stinson E., (h) AVilmington. Troughton AVilliam F., Sparta. Trowbridge S. T., Decatur. Member mod. soc. of Macon co. Trower T. B., Charleston. Troyer J. M., (h) Farmington. TrojTr Moses, (h) Peoria. 182 TRU ILLINOIS. WAG Truesdale Calvin, Hock Island. M. J)., uieJ. dep’t \Vesteni Reserve coll., 1840 ; member Rock Island and Iowa central med. soc., and med soc. of 111. Truesdale A. A., Springertown. Truscott Jolin, Rochester Mills. Tucker G. P., Phillipstowii. Tucker L., Belleville. Tullev I. W., (ID Gridley. Tundy N. N., Barry. Tunnell J. W., Sliawneetown. Turner A., (e) Elgin. Turner G. W., Rochester Mills. Turner Oresmus, (m) Woodstock. Turner W. 1)., Huntley. j\ieinber uied. soc. of Greene co. Tustison x\. F., Cherry Point. Tuttle J. E., Marysville. T vveedal e J . , W ashb u r ne. Member med. soc. of Woodford co. Twigg William M., Illinois City. Atten led one med. dep’t univ. of Iowa; as.s’t ])hys. a d steward U. S. vol. hosp. 3 mo. Tyler John H.,De Witt. M. D., Rush med. coll., 1857 ; pres. med. soc. of De Witt co., 1873. Tyler L. S., Elgin. Tyler T. jSL, Andalusia. Tvrer Jas. D., (h) Astoria. T}u-ee W. A., Wapella. Tyrell Daniel, (e) Toulon. Tyrell Pierce, (e) Elgin. Umland William D., fh) Columbia. TImstead , ^h) Pittsfield. Unangst W. B., Centreville. Underhill 11. W., Seneca. Unseld William, (m) Murphysboro’. Upton J., Osceola. Upton Henry B., Osceola. M. 1>., Rush me 1. coil., 18G7 ; member Military Tract med. asso. Usher Brandon B., Aurora. Utley Henry, Sterling. Vaile De Witt Clinton, (h) Ptoclielle. M. I)., eclec. med. inst. of Cincinnati, ISoo. Vallette J. C., (h) Thomson. Van Brunt J. AV., Pinckneyville. Van Buren E. M., (h) Cherry A^alley. Van Camp ADilliam, Higginsville. Vance George, Freedom. Vance George H., Oneida. Vance Isaac N., Palmyra. A'ance AVilliam, (e) Rockwood. Van Congdon M., Calhoun. Van Deventer Abraham Eversal, Oswego. M. D., Chicago med. coll., Van Derventer S., Versailles. Van Devroot J. A., Tonica. Vandolah B. F., Gridley. Van Dyke Eben, Shelby ville. Van Dyke James, Ashmore. Member Alsculapian med. soc. of Wabasli Valley. Van Eaton T. II., Carrollton. Vaness J. H., (h) Rockton. Van Guissen A. A., Neponset. Van Hook U. R., Buffalo. Van Horn A. K., Jersey ville. Member med. soc. of Jersey co., med. soc. of 111., and Am. med. asso., 1872. Van Lew F. II., (hi Aurora. Van Meter, Henry, AVilliamsville. Van Meter Samuel, Charleston. Van Pelt AVilliam, Belleview. Van Patten Myndert, Peoria. M. B., Albany med. coll., 1864. Van Pii)er M. II., Kankakee. Van Val ken burgh, F. B., Gilman. Van A^alzah S. B., Durand. Van Vorkis J. P., Monroe Centre. Varce C. II., Alctoria. Member Military Tract med. soc. Varmier C. C., St. Ann’s. Vaugim J. E., AVool. ATiunce J. T., BislKn)’s Hill. A^eatch W. H., Roodhouse. M. I)., Rush med. coll., 1867 ; member med. soc. of 111. Veitcli Jumes B., Grafton. A^ennard John, (m) Marengo. A'entress Charles, Sardova. A^ermeyle A^alentine, Stindwich. Vernon Henry, I^ong Grove. AVa trees John, Burnt Prairie. Vetrus S. AY.. Faiilield. A^ictor F. B., Ullin. Vincent John Alexander, (h) Springfield. M. !>., eclec. med. inst., 1858; member homoeo. med. asso. of 111. ; jires. central 111. homoeo. med. soc. ; pliys. and surg.-in-chief of 111. homoeo. med. and surg. inst.; — editor of “Medical In- dei)endent.” Vincent Geo., Hampton. A1 ember Rock Island and la. central med. soc. Vingard John, S])arks Hill. A^irgil W., (m) Naperville. Vitzsthriin Casjier, Moline. Vivion J. B. , (h) Galesburg. A" oak J. E., (h) Bloomington. Vogler Edward, Addison. AG)hees Charles, Alorrisonville. AT)igbt Ludwig G., Silver Creek. Al. I)., mecl. dep’t iiniv. of N. T'., 1866. A^olkers Lewis, (e) Logan. Vosburg D. AI., Earlville. Al ember med. soc. of III. A^redenburg S. II., Danville. A^uzier J. A^. F., A^iola. Alember Alilitary Tract med. soc. AVade B. A., Harvard. Wada William David, (e) PljTuouth. AI. 1)., eclec. med. coll., Cincinnati. Wadgzman A.. Cairo. Wadsworth J. L. R., Collinsville. AI. D., Chicago med. coll., 1863; member med. soc. of Aladison co., and Am. med. asso. AVafford AYilliam N., Sparks Hill. AVagonseller Samuel, Pekin. AVaggoner E. E., Sbelbyville. Alember med. soc. of Shelby co. WAG ILLINOIS. WEI 183 Waggoner Feildon Rice, Carbondale. Attend. 2 full courses ined. dep’t of Mich. ; exam, surg. U. S. pension office; ass’t surg. U. S. vol. hosp. 4 years. Waggoner J. M., Newman. Wagley S. G., Jacksonville. Waite D. V., Rockton. Waite W. S., (h) Greenville. Wakefield H., Monroe. Wttkelield J. J., Greenbush. AVbikefield L. L., Sumner. Wakeman J. A., (h) Centralia. AValden C. IT., Polo. Walden D. A., Odell. M. I)., Hush ined. coll, (no date.) Walden S. TI., New Bedford. Wales 11. W., (h) Lanark. Wales W., Litchfield. Wales B. P., (h) Lanark. Walker Geo. M., (e) Rosemond. Walker E. L)., (h) Makanda. Walker Henry, Dallas City. Walker II. F., Ilinesdale. Walker James, Allen Springs. Walker John, Ashland. Member med. soc. State of 111. Walker J. H., Newton. Walker J. P., Mason City. Walker James M., (h) Winchester. AValker J. R., Tamaroa. M. D., Chicago med. coll., 1873. ^^''alker James S., (e) Forest City. Walker William, IMonmouth. M. D., Phila. coll, of rued., 1853. '\^hllker William B., (m) Alton. Mhill G. T., Du Quoin. Availing II. R., Perry. Avails 1. IL,- Xenia. AAhillston R. L., Ptiris. Af ember ^Esculapian med. soc. of Wabash Valley. AValsh Benj., fh) Bloomington. AValston Robert L., Decatur. . AValston Robert N., Paris. AV^alters J., Amboy. AAhilters T. II., (h) Milledgeville. AValters AVilliam II. Alember med. soc. of Alacon co. AValters Eli, Bellair. AA^alton F. C., Martinsville. AValton M. AV., Ridott. M. D., Chicago med. coll., 1868; member Am. med. asso., 1872. Wambacher Peter, (m) Mascoutah. Wanderlich Z., Bloomington. Member med. soc. of AIcLean co. AVantting Noah A., Ludlow. AVard Daniel, ^Marseilles. AVard Josiah, (m) Ottawa. Ward J. A., Sullivan. AA^ard J. L., Jersey ville. Alernber med. soc. of Jersey co. AA^ard M. F., Bement. AVard Z., (m) Hamilton. Wardner Horace, Ctiiro. M. D., Rush med. coll., 1856 ; member med. soc. of Alexander co., Am. med. asso., and Chicago acad. of science ; cor. member hist. soc. of AVis. ; demohst. of anat. Chicago med. eoll. 2 years ; surg. St. Mary’s infirmary ; surg. U. S. vol. hosp. 2 years; post surg. 3 years; specialty, surgery. AVardner P. I., Springfield. AVarner C. A., Kankakee. AVarren IL, Sterling. AVarren J. A., Beaver Creek. AVarren J. AV., Clifton. AA'oburn S. H., Elmwood. Alember med. soc. of Peoria co. AVashburn G. W., AVatseka. Washburn J., Tuscola. Member ^Esculai)ian med. soc. of AVabash Valley, AVashburn L. C., (e) Delhi. AVashburn J. T., Lacon. Washburn Thomas D., Hillsboro’. Grad. “ Teachers’ itc'ademy,” 1836 ; M. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1845 ; member med. soc. of Ivlontgoraery co., med. soc. of 111. ; ass’t surg. U. S. vols. 16 months; post. surg. 18 months:' Waterman Alfi-ed. AA^heaton. AVaters J. E., Athens. AVaters J. M., (e) Normal. AVaters P. AV., Lexington. AVaters Z., (e) Bloomington. AVatkins .Tames M.. Green A^alley. AVatkins J. A., Berlin. AVtitkins Servitus, (ml Rockford. AVatson A. D., Fredonia. AVatson B. AA^., Anconia. AVatson .1. A., AVaukegan. AVatson L., Quincy. Member med. soc. of Adams co. Watson Robert Hammond, AValdron. A. B., Dickinson coll., 1838 ; M. D., Pa. coll., (no date). Watterman J. W., Lexington. Watts Barnett Parker, Camden. M. D., Keokuk med. coll., 1871. Watts Richard .1., Marine. AVatts AVilliam, Robinson. AVatts AV. It., Clement. AVauglass J. AV., Blue Island. AVay.I. IT., Kankakee. AVeagley S. G. Alember med. soc. of Morgan co. AVebber Peter, tm) Bloomington. AA^eber Caspar A., East St. Louis. AVebster E. G., Lyndon. Webster Ivory, (m) Belvidere. Webster John Randolph, Monmouth. M. D., Hush med. coll., 1864; member Military Tract med. soc., med soc. of 111., and Am. med. asso. Weed J. B., Marshall. Alember med. soc. of Marshall co. AVeed Nathaniel, Biggsville. Member Military Trak med. soc. AVeem A., (h) Xenia. AVehr L. F., (e) Okaw. AVeidmann Peter S., Marine. AVeinberg C., Bisho])’s Hill. AVeinberg E., Galva. 184 WEI ILLINOIS. WIL Weir E. IT., Edwardsville. Weir II. H., Colchester. Weire D. K., Winslow. Weiricli A., Galena. Weirich Christian, Bristol. Weirich 11., Galena. Weistling: .T. W., (e) Vandalia. Weiss J. W., (h) Harvard. Welch E., Gilead. Welch James W., (h) CarlinviUe. Welch Jolin, (m) Sharon. Welch J. K., Cuba. Welch T. y., Concord. Welch W. W., Wataga. Weld iSTelson Augustus, (e) Elgin. M. 1)., Bennett coll., 1869. Weld J. T., Nauvoo. Weller George Riley, Willow Hill. I)., Bellevue ho.sp. med. coll., 1871 ; member meJ. soc. of Jasper oo. Wells II. K. AV., Erie. Wells Ira R. , Geneseo. M. D., nied. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1846; member Hock Island and Iowa central med. soc., med. soc. of 111., and Am. med. asso. Wells E., Fuller’s Point. Welsh W., Mascoutah. Welsh William E., Ashton. M. D., Hush med. coll., 1864. AYemple Mindert, Mt. Pulaski. Wenger Elias, Gilman. Member med. soc. of Iroquois co. Werley R. T., (h) Sigel. Wernham S. C., Marengo. Werrick A., Galena. Wescott J. B., (e) Salisbury. Wessel John, (h) Maceystown. Wessel Peter Henry, (h) Moline. M. J)., St. Louis coll, homoeo. phys. and surg., 1870. AVest J. M., Springfield. AVest AA’’ashington, Belleville. AYestbrook Charles, Eldorado. AYestern Nathan, (m) Dundee. Westfall A. AI., th) Prairie City. VYestfall E. K., fh) Bushnell. Westfall F. S., (h) Prairie City. VYestfall R. B., (h) Alacomb. Wetmore Alphonso, AYaterloo. AYhedon A. L., Geddes. AYheeler Calvin, Bristol. Wheeler, Edward, (e) Brooklyn. Wheeler J. D., (e) Zanesville. V.-pres. eclectic med. soc. of 111. Wheeler Mathew Simpson, Auburn. M. D., Hush med. coll., 1868. AYheeler O. AI., Ilollowaysville. Whial J. ()., Paradise. VYhitaker Wilson, Carbon Cliff. VYhitcomb J. G., Freeport. AYhite C. A., Danville. AYhite J. L., Bloomington. Pres. med. soc. of AIcLean co. ; member central 111. med. soc., and Am. med. asso. White James T., Pellonia. White AI. II., Stpiaw Grove. White N. S., Sulphur Springs. AYhite S. 8.^ (h) Joliet. AYhitecraft J. 8., Taylorsville. Whitford 11. K., ^e) Elgin. AVniiting C. AI., Plainfield. Whiting G. P., (m) Paxton. Whiting J. C., fe) Eldorado. Whiteley James D., Oakford. One full course at Hush med. coll. ; hosp. steward, and act. ass’t surg. U. S. vols. 3 years. AYhiteley AVJlliam F., Greenup. AV’^hitman F. 8., (h' Bclvidere. Whitmire James Smith, Aletamora. M. D., med. dcji't univ. of ill., 1847, Hush med. coll., 1850, and Jefferson med. coll., 1856; mem- ber med. soc. of Woodford co., rned. soc. of 111. ; twice pres. med. soc. of Woodford co. ; ass’t surg. • and surg. U. S. vols. 18 months; — author of paper, “Antidote to A’euom of Hattie Snake,” 1849 ; “ Nature, Cause, Course, etc., of Hheuma- tism,” 1873, etc. Whitmire Zaehariah Hay, Aletamora. M. 1)., Kush med. coll., 185(1; member med. soc. of Woodford co., and med. soc, of 111. AA^hitnell Charles, Grayville. AYhitnell J., Reynoldsburg. AYbitnell R. AI.. Lincoln Green. Whitman Prank Spencer, (h) Belvidere. M. i)., liahnemann med. coll., 1>72; — author of paper, “ Characteristics of New Remedies,” and “ Cerebro-Spinal Meniiuritis,” 1873. Whitten Thomas Jefferson, Irving. M. D., Jefferson med. coll., 1867; member med. soc. of .Montgomery co. ; hosp. steward U. S. vols. 3 years : — author of jiaper, “ Report of Suc- cessful Case of Tracheotomy for Foreign Body,” “Aim. AND Surg, Reporter.” AYichman II., Rock Island. AAJck Alois, (m) Highland. AYidge D. O., Bryant. Wilbur C. T., Jacksonville. Alember med. soc. of Aiorgan co.. Am. med. asso.; phys. State inst. for feeble-minded children. AA^ilcox Charles A., (h) Utica. AYilcox , Ottawa. Pres. med. soc. of Woodford co., and med. soc. of 111 . AYilcox E. A., Alinonk. AYilcox C. II., (h) Quincy. AYilcox L. R., AYarsaw. AYilcox AI. A., Alattoon. AYilcox 8. 8., (e) Hutton. AYileman Thomas H., Green A^alley. ' AV^iles C. K., (h) CTiatswortk. AYiley M., Trenton. AYiley Samuel, Earlvillc. Wilhelmy Carl, Alaystown. Grad, uiiiv. of Munich, Bavaria, 1839; grad, in med., Heidelberg, Gottingen, and Alunich, AYilkey J. IT., Alacedonia. AYilkiii C., Parkersburg. AYilkins David, Greenville. AA'ilkins J. J., Tiskilwa. Wilkins John Meintire, Fairmount. AL 1)., med. coll, of La Porte, Ind., 1850, (now dead). AYilkins Thomas, Greenville. AYilkinson J. H., Kickapoo. WIL ILLINOIS. WOO 185 Will Otho Boyd, Kickapoo. M. D., Kush med. coll., 1809; member med. soc. of Peoria co. Willard E. R., Wilmington. M. D., Kush med. coll., 1852; sec. and v.-pres. med. soc. of Will co. ; member med. soc. of 111. ; perm, member Am. med. asso. ; surg. 111. cav., and post surg. Miss. 3 years author of papers, ‘‘ Puerperal Fevers,” 1857 ; “ Inversion of Uterus,” 1872 ; “ Surgical Cases,” 1872 ; “ Pla- centa Praivia,” 1871 ; “ Cauliflower,” 1870. Willard J. P., (h) Jacksonville. Willebanm C. M., Freeport. Willen L., Terre Haute. Willetts Thomas, New Boston. ^Member Military Tract med. asso. Willey Constant, Le Roy. Williams A. S., Cottage Grove. Williams A. W., Batavia. Williams C. A., (h) Joliet. Williams E. J., Durand. Williams George A., Vedder. M. I)., St. Louis med. coll., 1865 ; hon. member med. soe. of Greene co. Williams Ilez., Alton. Williams Joel G., Fowler. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Mo., 1856 ; ass’t surg. U. S. vols. 1 year. Williams J. A., Metropolis, Williams J. A., Mattoon. Williams J. B., Otter Creek. Williams J., Jersey ville. Member med. soc. of Jersey co. Williams J. L., Calhoun. Williams John Scott, Otterville. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Iowa, 1868, and St. Louis med. coll., 1867 ; v.-pres. med. soc. of Jer- sey CO. ; member Am. med. asso. ; med. exam, for life ins. co. Williams Joseph, Hidalgo. Williams J. W., Race Hill. Williams Leon J., Effingham. Williams N. W., Keen ville. Williams R., Walpole. Williams Richard, Marcellus. Williams R. F., Casey. M. D., Kush med. coll., 1859 ; member mea. soc. of Marshall co. Williams Thomas, Salem. Williams William W., Mattoon. M. D., Kush med. coll., 1871, and Bellevue hosp. med. coll., 1872. William William Thomas, Pearl. One course Keokuk, Iowa. Williamson G., Belvidere. Williamson Geo., Geneva. M. D., Kush med. coll., 1868; regular practitioner 28 years. Williford G. W., (e) Marion. Williford H. F., (e) Marion. Willing A. J., (e) Burlington. Willis A. H., (h) Jacksonville. Willis. T. W., Woodhull. Wills John, Greenland. Wilrnot A., Chillicothe. Member med. soc. of Peoria co. Wilrnot William H., Lawn Ridge. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of la., 1858. Wilson Benjamin, Chambersburg. M. D., Rush med. coll., 1857. Wilson Edwin Gerrish, Griggsville. ]M. D., Bellevue hosp. med. coll., 1873. Wilson E. H., (h) Altona. Wilson Isaac Thornton, Quincy. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1851 ; N. Y. med. inst., 1851 ; member med. soc. of Adams co., and v.-pres. medico-patholog. soc. of Quincy ; prof, med. jurisprudence Quincy med. coll. ; act. ass’t surg. of Quincy during war. Wilson M. S.,. Griggsville. Wilson Robert B. M., Washington. Wilson Robert M., Palmyra. M. D., Long Island med. coll., 1873. Wilson Thomas, (e) Xenia. Wilson W. B., Flora. Wilson William E., Decatur. Member med. soc. of Macon co. Wilson William G., Shelbyville. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Md., 1852; member med. soc. of Shelby co. Wilson W. T., (h) Mt. Sterling. Winchester William, Elgin. Member Fox River Valley med. soc. Wing C. E., (h) E. Paw Paw. Winger A., (e) Orangeville. Winn J. M., (e) Mason City. Winner W. P., Adrian. Winney Charles, Sandwich. Member med. soc. of 111. — ^ Winstein S. J., Bremen. Winston L. A., Aurora. Mem. Fox River Valley med. soc., med. soc. of 111. Winston Thomas, Foreston. M. D., Rush med. coll., 1858 ; member med. soc. of lil. ; ass’t surg. U. S. vols. 2 years. Winterbotham H. S., Perry. Winters G., New Liberty. Winters T. L., (e) Shelbyville. Wohlgemuth H., (e) Springfield. M. D., eclec. med. inst. of Cincinnati (no date) ; 1st pres, eclec. med. soc.; member nat. eclec. med. asso. ; in practice 27 years. Wolfe C. L., Caledonia. Wonrew H., Sterling. Wood A. F., Aledo. Wood D. L., Streator. Wood Edward F., Washington. Wood Geo., Plymouth. Wood H. R., (h) Marseilles. Wood J. P., Washington. Wood John S., Evanston. Grad. Wesleyan univ. of Middletown, Conn., 1870; M. D., Chicago med. coll., 1872 ; visit, phys. 111. soldiers’ home. ^ Wood Peter, (e) Meriden. Wood Peter J., Shabonier. Wood Reuben, Pay son. Wood William, Cairo. Wood William R., Marseilles. Woodbury W. W. R., Danville. Woodruff H. T., Joliet. M. D., Chicago med. coll., 1861 ; member med. soc. of Will CO. Woods J. F., Aledo. Member Military Tract med. soc. Woodward Benj., Galesburg. Member Military Tract med. soc. Woodward Geo. N., Belvidere. Member med. soc. of Boone co. ' 18.6 WOO ILLINOIS. ZIM Woodward J., Stamford. Woodworth J. A., Marengo. Woolhridge S. H., (e) Venice. Wooley Gilbert, (h) Normal. Woolley E. C., Paris. Member ^scalapian med. soc. of Wabash Valley. Woolley E. M., Belvidere. Woolsey G. R., (h) Normal. Wooly J. A., Washington. Woiiitz Gustav, Lincoln. Worlitz R., Lincoln. Worrell T. F., Bloomington. Member rneil. soc. of McLean co., med. soc. of 111., and central 111. med. soc. Worth D., (m) Bloomington. Worthington R. M., Rushville. Wright F. P., Be Kalb. Wright G. W., Canton. Wright H. B., (h) Bloomington. W right James, Friendsville. Wright John, Clinton. M. D., (). med. coll., 18.54; member med. soc. of De Witt CO., med. soc. of 111., Am. med. asso. ; surg. U. S. vols. ; — author of “ Report on Ampu- tation at the Hip .Joint,” 1868. Wright J. B., Hardinsville. Wright J. E., Marseilles. Wright J. J., (h) Fairburg. Wright J. M., (e) Freemantown. Wright John S., (h) Beardstown. Member central 111. homoeo. soc. Wright J. W., Tuscola. Member i:Esenla|)ian med. soc. of Wabash Valley. Wriglit L. B., (e) Philo. Wright Merwin K., Pontiac. Att. one full com se Starling med. coll. ; mem. med. soc. of Belmont co., medico-path. soc. of La Salle CO. Wright Nehemiah, Chatham. Member med. soc. of 111. Wright O., (m) Mason. Wright T. Arthur, Sparland. Wright W. O., Bardolph. Wright W. T., Good Hope. M. D., coll, of phys. and surg., Iowa, 1869, and Mo. med. coll., 1872; member Am. med. asso. ; lect. on dis. of worn, and child, coll, of phys. and surg., Keokuk. Wunderlick R., Bloomington. Wyckhoff H. G., Chebona. Wylie Jonathan Dixon, Paxton. M. i).. O. med. coll, (no date) ; member med. soc. of Iroquois co. ; ass't surg. U. S. voLs. Wynn W. W., Dixon. Member med. soc. of Lee co. Yandalle Simon, Morris. Yannavvay J. H., Majority Point. Yeargan P., Eldridge. Yerkes Titus P., Upper Alton. Yoho A. B., Ellison. York A. II., Byron. York Eli, Windsor. Young D. W., Aurora. Ad eund. Chicago med. coll., 1870; member med. soc. of Fox River Valley. Young E. S., Miner. Young Henry, Oregon. M. D., Chicago med. coll., 1872.' Young John, Barrington. Young J. A., Monmouth. Member Military Tract med. asso. Young J. M., Crab Orchard. Young Peter, Mendon. Youngman S. R., Olney. Younkin E., Abingdon. Yozan L., (e) Decatur. Zahn John, Niles. Zanders M., Troy. Zearing James Roberts, Dover. M. D., Rush med. coll., 1850 ; mem. medico-path, soc., med. soc. of Hi. ; surg. U. S. vols. 4 yrs. Zeising H., Peru. Zeising J. R., Peru. Zeller J. G., Spring Bay. Member med. soc. of Woodward co. Zender M., (h) Ottawa. Zerse F. W., Lively Grove. Zimmerman C. A. W., Sr., Quincy. Pres. med. soc. of Quiucy. Zimmerman C. A. W., Jr., Quincy. Censor med. soc. of Quincy ; librarian of medico- path. soc. of Quincy : member Am. med. asso. Zimmerman J., (m) Bloomington. Zimmerman William, Quincy. Treas. med. soc. of Quincy ; member and censor medico-path. soc. of Quincy. SUPPLEMENT TO ILLINOIS. Arrington R. H., Teutopolis. Botkin J. W., Lynnville. Burton J. AV., Saybrook. jAI. D., Chicago med. coll., 1869; mem. med. soc. - ‘ of central 111. Burns William W., Polo. M. D., Louisville, Ky., 1842 ; pres, first med. soc. of Ogle CO. ; mem. med. soc. of 111. Chapin E. B., Chester. Cunningham Geo. P., Jefferson. Gill C. J., Oak Grove. Goetfrey F. H., Belle Flower. Goodwin AV. M., Urbana. Gordon N. R., Bradley. 11 a i rison H. M., Leland. Harrison AV. H., Apple River. Hoover AV., Malden. James J. A., Bentley. James J. M., Marshall. Kertzelle F., Buena Vista. Knapp J. B., Bardolph. Mayer , Marquay. Miller Thomas D., Riverton. M. D., univ. of Mich. Murray D. T., Bushnell. Orner C. F., Saybrook. Pollock R. R., Nebo. Shepherd P. H., Eureka. Slater L. B., Taylorville. Spitler D., Iroquois. Sykes H. B., Table Grove. Tanner AV., Hamilton. Tilford J. H., Irvington. Tope Z. AV., McClain. Townsend AV. A., Abingdon, True Charles, Ohatsworth. Tyke J. J., Odin. HISTOKY AND GEOGRAPHY OF INDIANA. The “Territory Northwest of the River Ohio ” was formed in 1787, out of cessions from Virginia, and from other territory acquired from Great Britain, by the Treaty of 1783. All that portion of the country lying between the Ohio and Mississippi rivers, the great Lakes and British Possessions, now forming the States of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin, with that portion of Minnesota east of the Mississippi river, was included in this Territory. The Territory of Indiana, as formed in 1800, embraced all the country mentioned, with the exception of that which is now Ohio, and the eastern i)art of Michigan. When the State of Ohio was formed, in 1802, the remainder of the lower Michigan peninsula, and a narrow strip across the northern end of Ohio, were added to Indiana Territory. This strip has since been reincluded in Ohio. In 1805, this Territory was reduced by the formation of the Territory of Michigan, and in 1809 by that of Illinois. In 1816, Indiana was admitted into the Union as a State, with its present area of 83,809 square miles. According to the census of 1870, the population was 1,680,037, and the num- ber of physicians and surgeons, 3613. Phthisis is the cause of 14 per cent, of the annual number of deaths. The surface of the country is mostly level and gently undulating, forming continuous slopes of great extent, which gradually sink toward the Mississippi. A few miles from the Ohio, there is a range of hills running nearly parallel wdth the river ; but a large portion of the surface of the State consists of prairie land. The State is washed upon the south by the Ohio River. Its largest branch, the Wabash, with its tributaries, drains more than three-fourths of the entire area. Tlie northwestern portion borders upon tlie waters of Lake Michigan. The coal district of Indiana covers an area of about seven thousand square miles. Iron abounds in large quantities. MINERAL SPRINGS OF INDIANA. French Lick Springs are in Orange county, eighteen miles, by stage, from Orleans, on the Cliicago & New Albany Railroad. These Springs are situated in a beautiful- region, on the margin of French Lick Creek. Enlargements of some of the abdominal organs are bene- lited by the internal and external use of these waters. Hotel accommodation can be found at the Springs. ANALYSIS. ONE PINT CONTAINS. Pluto’s Well. Proserpine. Solids. Grains. Grains. Carbonate of Sodium 1.316 Carbonate of Magnesium 0.198 0.562 Carbonate of Iron and Alumina trace. 0.312 Carbonate of Calcium 0.868 2.536 Chloride of Potas.sium 0.626 Chloride of Sodium 17.567 11.365 Chloride of Caleinm 0.668 Chloride of Magnesium 1.006 Sulphate of Sodium 2.796 4.590 Sulphate of Magnesium 2.264 3.666 Sulphate of Calcium 7.573 17.625 Silica 0.212 Total 31.934 43.816 OASES. cijliic in. cubic in. Carbonic Acid 1.87 1.277 Sulphuretted Hydrogen 3.18 2.125 Total 5.05 * 3.402 This analysis was made by Dr. J. G. Rogers in 1870. 187 188 INDIANA. West Baden Springs. — These Springs are but one mile distant from those last mentioned, and their medical properties are similar. The waters have been analyzed by the State geologist. ANALYSIS. One pint contains : SOLIDS. GRAINS. Carbonate of Potassium 0.078 Carbonate of Sodium 0.139 Carbonate of Magnesium 4.895 Carbonate of Calcium 5.172 Chloride of Sodium 9.748 Chloride of Calcium 0.910 Chloride of Magnesium 1.425 Sulphate of Po,tassium 0.171 Sulphate of Sodium...., 0.388 GASES. CUB. IN. I Carbonic Acid 0.64 Sulphuretted Hydrogen 0.61 SOLIDS. GRAINS. Sulphate of Magnesium 4.519 Sulphate of Calcium 1.398 Sulphate of Aluminum 0.569 Oxide of Iron 0.011 Iodides and Bromides traces. Silicic Acid 0.055 Total 29.478 GASES. CUB. IN. Oxygen 0.21 Nitrogen 0.68 Indian Springs.— These Springs are in Martin county, nine miles by stage from Shoals, on the Ohio & Mississippi Railroad. The medicinal use of these waters is similar to that of the two Springs last mentioned. The flow is about four hundred gallons per minute. ANALYSIS. One pint contains (53^ Fahr., E. T. Cox) : SOLIDS. GRAINS. SOLIDS. GRAINS. Carbonate of Potassium Carbonate of Sodium Carbonate of Magnesium Carbonate of Calcium Chloride of Sodium Chloride of Magnesium Snlphnip nf Pntflssiiim 0.315 0.452 2.368 4.138 4.921 0.007 0 300 Sulphate of Magnesium Sulphate of Calcium Sulphate of Aluminum Oxide of Iron Iodides and Bromides Silicic Acid 2.529 0.104 ‘' 056 Sulphate of Sodium 1.478 Total 20.467 GASES. CUB. IN. 1 OASES. CUB. IN. Carbonic Acid Sulphuretted Hydrogen 1.19 0.42 Oxygen 1 Nitrogen Ijodi Artesian Well. — Lodi is upon the Indianapolis & St. Louis R. R., in Waba.sii county. This is, also, a saline-sulphur water, and will prove useful in all those diseases in which such waters are used. ANALYSIS. . One pint contains (Dr. Pohle) : SOLIDS. CRAINS. SOLIDS. GRAINS, Carbonate of Magnesium 0.082 Phosphate of Calcium 0.150 Carbonate of Calcium Iodide of Magnesium Chloride of Sodium 62.808 Bromide of Magnesium Chloride of Magnesium 6.692 Silicic Acid 0.065 Chloride of Calcium 5.991 Sulphur (mechanically suspended) 0.625 Sulphate of Potassium Sulphni’D nf Sndinm 0.100 0 *^67 Nitrogenous Organic Matter.... 0.100 ^Sulphate of Magnesium Sulphate of Calcium 0.407 6.944 Total 84.593 GASES. CUB. IN. 1 GASES. CUB. IN. Carbonic Acid Sulphuretted Hydrogen 0.99 Oxygen and Nitrogen Lafayette Well, in Tippecanoe county, is an artesian well, two hundred and thirty feet deep, having a flow of four gallons per minute. This is also a saline-sulphur water. INDIANA. 189 ANALYSIS. One pint contains (55° Fahr., C. M. Wetlierell, M. D.) : SOLIDS. GRAINS. Carbonate of Magnesium 3.590 Carbonate of Calcium 1.044 Chloride of Sodium 40.590 Chloride of Magnesium 3.707 Chloride of Calcium 0.465 Sulphate of Calcium 7.042 GASES. CUB. IN. Carbonic Acid 1.52 Sulphretted Hydrogen 0.24 SOLIDS. GRAINS. Iodide of Magnesium trace. Alumina and Oxide of Iron 0.062 Silica 0.058 Total 56.558 GASES. CUB. IN. Nitrogen 0.61 Trinity Springs.— These Springs are in Martin county, eight miles, by stage, from Shoals. (See Indian Springs.) The water of these Springs contains, according to the State Geologist, sulphuric acid, carbonic acid, sulphydric acid, hydrochloric acid, soda, magnesia, potash, and lime. Greencastle Springs are situated at the town of the same name, in Putnam county. ANALYSIS. ONE PINT CONTAINS. Daggy Spring. 56° Fahr. Dewdrop Spring. 52° Fahr. Solids. Grains. Grains. Carbonate of Potassium.... 0.011 0.009 Carbonate of Sodium 0.012 0.008 Carbonate of Magnesium 0.588 0.667 Carbonate of Iron 0.051 0.298 Carbonate of Calcium 1.819 1.485 Chloride of Sodium 0.099 0.087 Sulphate of Sodium 0.017 0.012 Sulphate of Magnesium 0.131 0.129 Alumina 0.020 0.009 Silicic Acid 0.011 0.001 Loss and undetermined 0.012 0.028 Total 2.771 2.733 This Analysis is from Walton’s work on Springs. Knightstown Springs are at Knightstown, on the Pittsburgh, Cincinnati & St. Louis li. R., in Henry county, thirty-four miles east of Indianapolis. The water is “almost a pure chalybeate.” MEDICAL INSTITUTIONS OF INDIANA. Medical College of Evansville. — The faculty of this College consists of fourteen pro- fessors and one demonstrator of anatomy. . ^ The regular term begins upon the first Monday in October, and continues until March. Students are instructed by lectures, recitations, clinics at the United States Marine Hospi- tal, and a dispensary at the college. There is also a Medical Library and a Museum. The fees are : course tickets, $50 ; matriculation, $5 ; graduation, $25 ; anatomy, $5. Indiana Medical College. — This College is temporarily the Medical Depaidment of the State University. It was organized at Indianapolis in 1869, and is maintained as a free-school, having only a matriculation tee (d’ $10, and a graduation fee of $30. There are eleven professors in this College. Nearly one hundred students attended the last session. The College of Physicians and Surgeons is also located at Indianapolis. The faculty Is composed of nine yn-ofessors, and the sctiool is in a very nourishing condition. The Bobbs’ Free Dispensary at Indianapolis is supported, in part, by the bequest of the late Dr. Bobbs, who left money to the city for that purpose. It is under the control of the faculty of the Indiana Medical College. Several thousand persons receive the benefits of this institution annually. Dr. Bobbs also left money for the foundation of a Medical Library, to which admittance is obtained upon the payment of a small fee. INDIANA. 190 ' HOSPITALS AND INFIKMAKIES. The Stats Hospital for the Insane, at Indianapolis, is an institution of wliich the citizens may well be proud. Tiie building is large, handsome, and perfectly fitted for the purpose tor which it was intended. It was opened November 1, 1848, from which date to November 1, 1872, 5081 patients were admitted. Of this number forty-nine per cent, re- covered. During the year ending October 31, 1872, 788 persons received the benefits of this institution. Three hundred and twenty patients were admitted, one hundred and fifty- eight recovered, forty-two improved, sixty four died, and fifty were discharged, not im- j>roved. Dr. Orpheus Everts, the able Superintendent, has kindly furnished us with the above information. There are Hospitals at Evansville and Terre Haute. We have no information in regard to the Small-pox Hospital at Evansville. There is a City Hospital at Indianapolis, containing from sixty to seventy beds, and having a staff of four physicians, four surgeons, and an oculist. MEDICAL SOCIETIES OF INDIANA. NAME. Indiana State Medical Society Allen county Columbus Medical Society Dearborn county Delawuire county District Medical Society Drake Academy of Medicine Elkhart county Evansville Medical Society Fountain and Warren counties Medical Society Grant county Green county Hendricks county Howard county Huntington county Jackson county Marion county Miami county ^tonroe county Mott Medical Society (Henry county) Newton county No. E. Indiana Medical Society, (counties of Steuben, La Grange, De Kalb, Noble) New Castle Medical Society Prairie District Medical Society Porter county Kush Medical Society Switzerland county Tippecanoe county Tuscarawas Medical Society Vermillion county Wayne county Washington county * PRESIDENT. ,J. H. Helm .J. A. Gregg .M. E. Harding, ,D. Armitage.... • Dr. Barns ■ N. ^lendenhall, .Dr. j. A. Eastman. .R. Wilson . D. S. Layman .W. C. Bain .S. H. Maizes , J. H. Helm John Duncan .Dr. J. A. IMedaris. E. S. Elder L. J. Woolen. Wm. J. Hall SECRETARY. ,G. V. Woolen. .T. B. McCullough. . J. K. Green. ,J. H. Helm. Ed. Murphy. G. B. Walker. S. G. Weldon. ..B. A. Rose. ,W. G. Hoadly. .W. R. Marity. .F. S. C. Grayston. .J. H. Stilwell. .S. F. Hamilton ..J. O. Ward. ..A. F. Cummings. ..A. C. Speck. ..J. L. Gilbert. ..John Rea. ..Dr. Barns. ..J. H. Letherman. ..J. W. Moflatt. L. T. Shother. W. C. Eichelberger. J. R. Weist. Rush Medical Society, or Union District Medical Association, comprises the conn, ties of Butler and Preble in Ohio, and Fayette, Franklin, Rush, and Wayne in Indiana. MEDICAL LAWS OF THE STATE OF INDIANA. STATUTES OF INDIANA (GAVIN & HORD : PUBLISHED 1862). It is hereby specially made the duty of such Board to contract with one or niore skilful ])hysicians, having knowledge of surgery, to attend upon all prisoners confined in the jails, or paupers in the county asylums, and the poor generally in the county over wliich said Board exercises control ; and no claim of physicians or surgeons for such services shall be allowed except* in pursuance of the terirws of the contract made with such physicians. Pro- vided tliat the foregoing section shall not be so construed as to prevent the overseers of the poor, in a township not otherwise provided for, from em])loying such medical or surgical aid as the paupers within their jurisdiction may require. — Vol. 1, p. 64, sec. 8 — Act oj May 27, 1S52 (Coioily Boards). . n , . . Before any one can be admitted to the Insane Hospital as a patient, the fact of his insanity must be proved by at least two witnesses who know the patient, one of them a respectable physician. The physician shall make out a certificate containing the following points: 1st. The patient is free from any infectious disease ; 2d. The age of the patient and history of the case ; 3d. Duration of the disease ; 4th. The supposed exciting cause ; 5th. Whether disease is hereditary ; 6th. Has patient been subject to epilepsy ; 7th. Whether patient has INDIANA. 191 attempted to commit violence on himself ; 8th. Whether married or sinj^le ; 9th. Of what religious denomination, if any, he is a member ; 10th. Ilis occupation ; 11th. Tlie course of treatment in the case. If the physician is not satisfied of the symptoms, he shall make out a certificate to that effect. — Vol. 1, p. 380. County Commissioners to appoint a physician to attend the County Asylum. — Vol. 1, p. 499.-^ The physician of the Deaf and Dumb Asylum is to be nominated by the Superintendent and confirmed by the Trustees ; if they refuse to confirm, the Governor is to nominate ; and in case they refuse to confirm his nomination, the Secretary, Auditor, and Treasurer of the State, with the Trustees, shall fill the vacancy. — Vol. 1, p. 286. The physician of the Penitentiary shall visit the convicts daily and receive an annual compensation of $500. — Vol. 1, p. 465. Colleges, High Schools, etc., incorporated under this Act shall have power to establish, among other departments, a medical department, and to confer degrees therein. — Vol. 1, p. 368 — Act [Feb. 28, 1855) to incorporate High Schools, Colleges, etc., sec. 7. When physician or surgeon is required to attend coroner’s inquest and make post mortem ex- amination, the coroner shall certify such services to the Board of County Commissioners, and the Treasurer of said Board shall pay physician’s fee. Physician is not entitled to a greater compensation than any other witness for attending inquest, but only for additional services in the post mortem examination. — Vol. 2, p. 17 — Act [May 27, 1852) to prescribe Duties of Coroners, etc., sec. 8. Gaston vs. Board, 3 Ind. 497. Physicians are not competent witnesses as to confidential communications made to them in the course of the duties of their profession, unless by the consent of the party who made the communications. — Vol. 2, p. 168 and 171, sec. 241 ; and also sec. 3 of Act repealing sec. 238 of Former Act. Any druggist, physician, etc., selling medicines, whether as a merchant or pedlar, in the form of pill, powder, fluid, or any form, which from its character, by advertisement or otherwise, is known to be capable of procuring abortion, with intent to procure abortion, notwithstanding any caution given in the advertisement or direction accompanying the same, shall for every offence be imprisoned not exceeding twelve months, and fined not ex- ceeding $500. — Vol. 2, p. 469, sec. 36. The deposition of a ))hysician can be taken when the trial, upon which it is to be read, takes place in any other county than the one in which said physician resides. — Vol. 2, p, 176, sec. 250, par. 4. A physician is liable for damages arising from want of due application of skill as well as from want of skill. An action can be maintained for malpractice causing the death of the patient. A physician can sue for his fees. ABB ADY Abbett C. II., (e) Indianapolis. Abbett Lawson, (e) Indianapolis. V.-pres. eclec. med asso. of Ind. Abbott D. B., (e) Milan. Abbott J., (e) Oak Forest. Abbott Lyman, Fremont. Abell L. F., Kendallville. Treas. med. soc. of northeastern Ind. Abom O., Marshfield. Abernathy A. A., (m) Dunlapsville. Able D. C., (e) North Hogan. Adair Samuel L., New Wa.shington. Adair Thomas, Bloomfield. Adams Benj. F., Petersburg. Adams David, (e) Mt. Auburn. M. D., eclectic med. coll., Cincinnati, 1866; ass’t surg. Ind. vols., 18 months. Adams Jas. H., Amity. Adams J. M. Frankfort. ^ Member med. soc. of Ind. Adams J. R., Petersburg. Adams Marcellus Martin, Greenfield. One course Kush med. coll., Chicago ; member Mott med. soc., and med. soc. of Ind. ; act. ass’t surg. 11 years ; coroner of town. Adams T. J., North Salem. Member med. soc. of Ind. Ader Henry, Somerset. Adkins B. F., New Ross. Adkins J., Steam Corner. Adkins J. C., Shannondale. Adrian James Arthur, Logansport. M. D., Western Reserve coll., 1854; ad. eund. Bellevue hosp. med. coll., 1867 ; member Am. med. asso., 1872. Adye Geo. Francis, Newtonville. B. S., univ. of Ind., 1860; M. D., Cincinnati coll, of med. and surg., 1864, and eclec. med. inst. of Cincinnati, 1870; member Athenian soC. of Bloomington, Ind, 192 AGE INDIANA. AYE Ager W. A., Perrysburg. Aichele Ernst Emil, Jonesville. Att. lect. univ. of Tubingen ; M. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1856 ; gi'ad. minor surg., Stuttgart, Ger. ; ass’t surg. Wurtemburg, years; exam, phys. German life ins. co. ; member med. soc. of Columbus ; ass’t surg. U. S. vols. 1 year. Aitken Fred. Alixer, Bristol. M. D., coll. phys. and surg., N. Y., 1868; membor med. soc. of Elkhart co. Aitkin A. T., Monroeville. Member med. soc. of Ind. Albertson E., Canton. Member med. soc. of Ind. Alcorn S. M., Folsomville. Alcott W. A., Patriot. Aldrich Perrin H., Green Centre. M. D., western reserve med. coll., 1871 ; member med. soc. of northeastern Ind. Alexander John H., Clifty. One course lect. Ohio med. coll., 1862 ; pres. med. soc. of Decatur, 1872 ; ass’t surg. and surg. U. S. vols. 2i years. Alexander Sami. J., New Albany. Alfred Henry, Walton. Allen E. E., Fayetteville. Allen Geo. F., Stinesville. Att. lect. Miami med. coll. Allen Hiram, Keelsville. Allen H. R., Indianapolis. Allen J. A., Elkhart. Allen J. H., St. Windell. Allen J. R., Grand View. Allen W., West Newton. Member med. soc. of Ind. Allen W. S., Auburn. Allhands D. S., New Washington. Allislet E. A. M., Goshen. Allison F. M., Terre Haute. Alter Moses B., Rensselaer. Alverson Theodore Faxton, Bristol. M. D., coll. phys. and surg. of N. Y., 1867 ; mem- ber med. soc. of Elkhart co. Ambrose H. L., Rockport. Amick E. S., Elizabeth. Amick William R., Scipio. M. I)., Cincinnati coll, of med. and surg., 1873. - Anderlott, M. D., Bridgeton. Anderlott Thomas Lyon, Green. Anderson Alexander, Oakland City. Anderson F. A., AYashington. Anderson H. P., Monticello.- Member med. soc. of Ind. Anderson Jas., Versailles. Anderson J. H., Colburn. Anderson Samuel, Burlington. Anderson AVilliam, Versailles. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1852. Andrew Geo. L., La Porte. A. B., Miami univ., 1840; A. M., 1846; M. D., med. coll, of O., 1845; member med# soc. of La Porte CO. ; med. exam, life ins. co. ; insp, U. S. san. com. 3 years. Andrews Isaac, Northfield. Andrews Joseph O., Westland. Andrews W. J., Muncie. Member med. soc. of Ind. Angell Charles, Pittsburg. Member med. soc. of Ind. Anhess AYilliam R., (e) Orleans. Anson William, Derby. Anthony R., Versailles. Appleby Matthias, (h) Terre Haute. Applegate Andrew, Hamburg. Ardery T. C. Member med. soc. of Ind. Applegate Moses, Crothersville. Armer David Steward, New AVashington. M. D., O. med. coll., 1865. Arlington D. R., AYalkertown. Armfield J. D., (m) Greensboro’. Armitage D. R., Muncie. M. D., O. med. coll., 1865; member med. soc. of Delaware co. Armstead R. A., Evansville. Armstrong Archibald, Miami. Armstrong D. P., Harveysburg. Armstrong E. A., Kokomo. Armstrong F. G., Camden. Armstrong Jas. B., Terre Haute. Member med. soc. of Ind. Armstrong W. G., Lafontaine. Member med. soc. of ind. Armstrong AYesley, AYallace. Armstrong W. P., Terre Haute. Arnaud Alfred, Terre Haute. Arnold James, Pleasantville. Arnold John, Rushville. Member med. soc. of Ind. Arnold Joseph, Lyon Green. Arnold M. B., Merrillville. Arnold W. AY., Rushville. Member med. soc. of Ind. Arthur C. S., Portland. Member med. soc. of Ind. Arwine E. S., Beau Blossom. Ashley E., AYinslow. Ashley Fielding W., Eureka. M. D., Ky. school of med., 1854. Athon S., Indianapolis. Atkins Lyman, (e) Kouts Station. M. D., Phila. univ. (no date). Aust Joseph P., (m) Winslow. Austin C. B., Land. Austin C. P., Noblesville. Austin T. K., Terre Haute. Member med. soc. of Ind. Auvine John S., Columbus. Averdick H. G., Oldenburg. Avery I. J., (e) Richmond. Avery John Plutarch, Indianapolis. B. S., N. W. univ. ; M. D., Bellevue hosp. med. coll., 1866; member med. soc. of Ind.; phys. to Marion co., 1870 ; ass’t surg. U. S. vols., 1865. Axtell Andrew, Solsberry. Aydelotte Thomas, Newburg. Ayers Henry P., Fort Wayne. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of New York city, 1846 ; ex-pres. med. soc. of Ind. AYE INDIANA. BEG 193 Ayers J. S., Warsaw. Ayers S. C., Elkhart. Ayers S. D., Marion. Bachelder S. G., (e) Osceola. Bacon Epenetus 11. , Lowell. M. i)., Chicago med. coll., 1S73. Bacon F. C., Perry. Bacon Jesse, Troy. Bacon Lemuel Wood, (e) Mt. Yernon. M. D., Am. med. coil. ofO., iS55. Baclf^er Charles, Mishawaka. Badger J. W., Fremont. .Member Ind. State med. soc. Bailey A. L., (h) Akron. Bailey E. T., Bridgeville. M. D., Miami med. c6ll., 1854. Bailey William B., Southport. Bailey Wm. H., Plymouth. Baine W. C. C., Brownstown. Baird Ferdinand, Harrodsburg. Ikiird J..W., (e) Reelsville. Baker Braxton, Alexandra. Member med. soc. of Ind. Baker Jacob, Land. BaKer James, Stamper’s Creek. Ihiker John A., Middletown. Baker John II., (e) Indianapolis. Baker Joseph, Logansport. Baker Moses, Stockwell. Baldwin J. A., Amboy. Baldwin Thornburg, Galveston. Balenger J. II., Ogden. Ball J., Waveland. Ball J. P., (e) Lebanon. Ball W. II., Brookston. Ballard John, Wlieatonville. Ballard John, Haubstadt. Ballou A. B., Burnettsville. Bancroft W., (h) Indianapolis. Bane J. D., Mt. Yernon. Banker A. J., Clifford. Banta J. Q. A., Plainfield. Banta S. J., Eminence. Banta M. U., (e) Mansfield. Banthorn L. H., (e) Wabash. Barber J. M., Arcadia. Barber Leonard, Walcotville. Bard Thomas, Crothersville. M. D., med. coll, of Cleveland, 0., 1867. Bare Addison, Bryantsville. Bare John R., Salem. Barker A. J., Tipton. Barker J. T., Jamestown. M. D., Bellevue hosp. med. coll., 1870. Barker W. L., Bonneville. Bark well M. C., Evansville. Barnes C. A., Bradford. Barnes G. O., Courtland. Barnes John, Gilead. Barnes John, MichigantovTi. Barnett G. G., Crawfordsville. Barnett J. S., Butler. Barnett K. E., Greenfield. Barns A., (h) La Fayette. Ihiriis A. Z., (h^ La Fayette. Barns R. A., (m) Indianapolis. Barr Joseph W., Fulton. Barr L., Argos. Barrett J. J., Greenville. Member med. soc. of Ind. Barret J. S., (e) Brazil. Barrow M., (e) Yincennes. Barten F. A., Plymouth. Bartholomew B., Danville. M. I)., Miami med. coll., 1857 ; member med. soc. of Ind. Bartholomew C. G., (e) La Porte. Bartholomew S. M., (e) Terre Haute. Bartine Samuel, Bourbon. Bartlett W. M., Lewisville. Barton G. G., Washington. Member med. soc. of Ind. Bashaw Wm., La Fayette. Bass M. II., (e) Waynetown. Bates Janies II., Jonesboro’. Member med. soc. of Ind. Batman F. M., Queensville. Battenbery Wm., Bluffton. Baty J. R., Terre Haute. Baumgardner C. C., Linn Grove. Bawls T. J., Knightstown. Baxter I. K., Sharpsville. Baxter Louis S., Perrysville. Bayler J. M., (h) Goshen.’ Beachy A. J., Bridgeport. Beal John, New Harmony. Beal J. S., Galveston. Bear O. P., (h) Richmond. Beard Ferdinand W., Yincennes. M. D., Bellevue hos]). med. coll., 1867 ; Am. med. asso. ; ex. -pres. med. soc. of Monroe co ; member med. soc. of Ijawrence co., member med. soc. of Ind.; staff-surg. Ind. State troops. Beard J. H., Harrodsburg. Member med. soc. of Ind. Beasley George F., La Fayette. Member Am. med. asso., 1872. Beatty Alexander, (e) Evansville. Beck Elias W. H., Delphi. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1848 ; member med. soc. of Ind. Beck G. G., Delphi. Member med. soc. of Ind. Beck James, Fairmount. Beck J 03 . B., Fort Wayne. M. D., rned. dep’t univ. of Pa., 1866 ; member med. soc. of Allen co. ; perm, member Am. med. asso. ; exam. surg. for pensions; — author of papers, Case of remarkably modified Variola,” 1871 ; “ Singular Bony Tumor of Great Toe,” 1872 ; “ Practical Notes on use of Strychnia ;” “ Cam- phor as a Poison,” 1872; ‘‘Hydrate of Chloral m Traumatic Tetanus;” “Case of Ovariotomy, and Death from Pyaemia,” 1873. Beck William Herod, Hartsville. M. D., Cincinnati coll. med. and surg., 1860; ad. eun. med. dep’t univ. of Mich., 186i ; surg. Ind, vols. 1 year. Becker F. W., fh) Aurora. Beckford Lewis Clark, Mt. Etna. M. 1)., Rush med. coll. ; member med. soc. of G^rant co. Beckner J. F., Kentland. Member med. soc. of Ind. Beckwith E., th) Muncie. Beckwith L. W., JeffersoiivLlle. 194 BEE INDIANA. BOW Beeber James, AV'hiteland. Beeks G. C., (e) Battle Ground. Beeler Isaac, (m) Huntingburg. Beer H. M., Valparaiso. Belan John, Chili. Bell Douglass, (e) Portland Mills. Bell Guido, Indianapolis. Member med. soc. of Ind. Bell J. M., Dublin. Member med. soc. of Ind. Bell W. H., Logansport. M. D., univ. coll., Toronto, Canada, 1864; member med. soc. of Ind. ; Brainard med. soc. ; v.-pres. med. soc. of Cass co. ; ex.-ass’t phys. insane asyl., Dayton, O. ; — author of “ Spurious Menin- gitis ; ” “ Cardiac Neuralgia ; ” “ Insanity.” Bellast F. W., Lynnville. Belles T. J., Spencer. Member med. soc. of Ind. Bemis S. S., Cannelton. Bence II. F., Indianapolis. Member med. soc. of Ind. Bender John, (e) Mariah HiU. Bender P., Laketon. Benedict II., Cadiz. Benham II. R., Flatrock. Bennett A. T., Newtonville. Bennett B. B., Wabash. Bennett J. B., Troy. Bennett J. 11., Mauckport. Bennett J. W., Plymouth. Member med. soc. of Ind. Bennett R. W., Greensfork. Bennett S. M., New Goshen. Bennett Theodore E.,Boonville. M. D., Cincinnati coll. med. and surg., 1860; phys. for Warrick co. ; exam. surg. life ins. co. ; surg. U. S. vols. 2 years. Bennett W., Ascension. Bennis Joseph, Brazil. Benson J. L., Jerome. Member med. soc. of Ind. Bently George J. , Michigan City. Benton Wm. A., Mitchell. Berry Alfred Franklin, River Yale. Attend, lects. O. med. coll., Cincinnati. Berry E. M., (e) Fayetteville. Berry George, Brookville. Berry W. II., Brookville. Berry Wm. C., Ellettsville. Berryman J. A., Potato Creek. Bertenshaw T. F., (e) Drewersburg. Bestwick Robert, New Lebanon. Bety L. B., Plainfield. Bever J. C., Vincennes. Bevior Wm., Waterloo. Bevlin Matthew, Plymouth. Bey rath E. II., Sparksville. Biddinger S. W ., (e) Hartville. Biddle Geo. A., New Maysville. M. D., Bellevue hosp. med. coll., 1870. Bidwell La Fayette, (e) Owensbnrg. Bigelow J. K., Indianapolis. Member med. soc. of Ind. Biggs , Crawfordsville. Biglow Asa, Attica. Bingham A. W., Alfordsville. Binson A. J., New Goshen. Bippus Fred., Huntington. Mi D., Chicago med. coll., 1868. Birch Johnson J. C., Terre Haute. Bishop I. N., Millford. M. D., Chicago med. coll., 1866. Bitters M., Galveston. Blachley C. , Deep River. • Black E. C., Wheatfield. Black N. W., Selma. Black R. C., (m) Bowling Green, Blackstone R. D., Martinsville. Blackstone J. K., Hebron. Blair W. W., Princeton. Blanchard J. G., Stateline. Blanchard J. R., Delphi. Bland A. V., Brownsburg. Bland John N., Scipio. Bland M. E., Azalia. Blasdel J. AV., (e) Mixerville. Blew P. M., (e) Pulaski. Blocher Jessie B., AVoostertown, Bloomfield E. M., Peru. Blount C. N., Hagerstown. Member med. soc. of Ind. Blount R. F., AYabash. M. D., Chicago med. coll., 1865. Blount Silas, Kinderhook. Blue J. B., Flint. Blunt M. S., Mt. Vernon. Member med. soc. of Ind. Bogarh John II., Clinton. Bogart II. J., Charlottsville. Boggs Milton, Lincoln. Bohrer G., (e) Alexandra. Boice B. R., (e) Goshen. Bolken J. AY., (e) Cerro Gordo. Bonar M., Columbia City. Bond C. AY., Cadiz. Bond E. P., Lav/renceburg. Bond Richard C., Aurora. M. D., Miami med. coll., 1857; ad eund. Ohio med. coll. ; member med. soc. of Dearborn co., and med. soc. of Ind. ; surg. Ind. vols. 2 years. Bonnell M. H., Lebanon. Member med. soc. of Ind. Boor W. F., Newcastle. Member med. soc. of Ind. Booth J. L., Rochester. Boothe S. P. , Arcadia. Member med. soc. of Ind. Boots Samuel S., (e) Greenfield. M. D., eclectic med. coll. Cincinnati, O. Borger David, Prince AYilliam. Bosley Edward, (e) Troy. Boss Jacob, (e) AYarsaw. Bosworth Richard, AYinchester. BoulsonChas., Boonville. Bource D. P., Ligonier. Bowdell J. A., Silver Lake. Bowell B. C., (e) Rolling Prairie. Bowen A. F., Elkhart. BOW INDIANA. BUL 195 Bowen G. W., (h) Fort Wayne. Bowers A. J., Moore’s Hill. M. D., Miami med. coll., 1854. Bowers Homer, New Boss. One full course med. dep’t univ. of Mich. Bov/ers Valentine, Whitestown. Bowles Win. A., French Lick. Bowls T. J., Blountsville. Bowlus John AY., Millersville. Bowman Chas., New Albany. Member med. soc. of Ind. Bowman J. D., Bourbon. Boyd John M., Thorn town. Boyd J. T., (h) Indianapolis. Boyd S. S., Dublin. Member med. soc. of Ind. Boyden AYilbur J. M. D., Long Island coll, hosp., 1873. Boydstoii-B. S., Bristol. Boyer Eli, Vincennes. Boynton C. L., Indianapolis. Member med. soc. of Ind. Bracken James, Greensburg. Bracken Wm., Greensburg. Member med. soc. of Ind. Bracket Jas. AY., Bochester. Bracket John E. , Bochester. Bradbury A. B., Milton. Bradwell L. B., Pleasantville. Brady Allies, Alartinsville. Brady T. B., AYabash. Branch C. AY., Perkinsville. Brand Bichard, Lebanon. Member med. soc. of Ind. Brandon B. F., AYhitestown. Brandon B. G., AYhitewater. Member med. soc. of Ind. Brasselton .las., Alilroy. Bratcher AI. AY., Centerville. Bray AI. J., Evansville. Ex-j)re.s. med. soc. of Ind. Brenton J. F., Edinburg. Member med. soc. of Ind. Brenton AA^illiam Henry, Peru. M. D., Ind. cent. med. coll., 1852; Bellevue hosp. med. coll., 1866; member med. soc. of Ind. Bricker AYilliam, Fairfield. Brickley AY. P., (e) Pendleton. Bridwald AY. A., Ferdinand. Briggs B. B., Crawfordsville. Bright Wm. H., Alartinsville. Briley Absalom, Lewis. Brill James Henry, Pittsborough. M. D., Miajiii med. coll., 1872; member med. soc. of Hendricks co. Bringle J. S., Hanover. Briscoe A., La Grange. Brittain Ste])hen H., Logansport. Brittenham B. AY., (h) La Fayette. Broadbent Oliver, Anderson. Broadhurst J., (e) North Salem. Brook E. E., (h) Plymouth. Brooker J. T., Trader’s Point. Member med. soc. of Ind. Brooks L. D., (e) New Harmony. Brooks Alordecai, Brooksburg. Brooks AY. 11., Fort AYayne. Member med. soc. of Ind. Brown Argus, (h) Bochester. Brown Charles N., New Alarion. Brown C. P., (e) Lebanon. Brown 1). C., Shoals. Brown 1). N. E., Hamilton. Brown D. T., (h Alichigan City. Brown E. N.. Boanoke. Brown Gabriel A. D., Gosport. Att. mcvl. lect. at Cleveland, O., and Jefferson med. coll. Brown G. AY., Frankfort. Brown J., La Grange. Brown J. A., (h) Indianapolis. Brown J. II., Alamo. Brown J. AI., Bichland. Brown John T., Logansport. Browm Josiah, Lyniiville. Brown J. B., South Bend. Member med. soc. of Ind. Brown J. S., (m) Kendallville. Brown N. S., (ej Catlin. Brown O. S. Member med. soc. of Ind. Brown B. T., Indianapolis. Member mod. soe. of Ind. Brown S. M., New Bethel. Member med. soc. of Ind. Brown AY., Sumnersville. Brown AY. B., (e) Alartz. Brown AY. AY. C., Transitville. Brownback Orlando AV., Pendleton. AI. D., med. dep’t univ. of Pa., 1867 ; member med. soc. of Ind. Brownlee H., Stewartsville. Bruback G. F., Fort AYayne. Alember med. soc. of Ind. Bruce G. AY., AYinchester. Bruce L. M., (m) Alt. Auburn. AI. D., eclee. med. coll., 1836; ed. “Bruce’s Joun nal of Progressive Aledicine,” 1852 to 1872. Brucker AI., Tell City. Bruner E. AY., Sellersville. Bruner Jacob, Utica. Bryan A. II., Evansville. Bryan T. N., Indianapolis. Bryan Geo. AY., Bloomington. Bryars G. AA"., Bloomfield. Bryant James, (e) Crawfordsville. Bryant J. H., Gentry ville. Bryant L., Ijogansport. Bryant G. AY., (m) Bob Boy. Bubenger G., Borne. Buchanan A. B., Logansport. Buchanan Milton, I.ogansport. Buckley Lewel, Parisville. Buest Bernard, New Albany. Bullington AYm. H., (m) Bulridge John 11.^ Bosedale. Burah B. H., Indianapolis. Alember med. soc. of Ind. Burch tell B., (h) Middlebury. 196 BUN INDIANA. CHA Bundy M. M., Eagleton. Bunker L. C., Greensburgh. Bunnell R. AV., Greenfork. Burden Levi, AVolcottville. Burge Nicholas C., Salem. Attended leetures at Cinciunati coll, of med. and surg. (no date). Burge W. P., (h) Connersville. Burgost N., Napoleon. Burk G. L., Jamestown. Burke G. W., New Castle. Barker Andrew J., Tipton. Burkett P. J. M., Maxinkuckee. Burkett S. W., Warsaw. Burleigh W. E., (m) Richmond. Burney W. L., (e) Akron. Burns E. A., Bristol. Burns Patrick, Indianapolis. Burns AV., (e) Chauncy. Burr Chancy S., Anderson. Member med. soc. of Ind. Bnrt James C., Vermont, l^urtnitt W. II., (e) Toronto. Burton G. W., Mitchell. Burton Isom, Mitchell. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Mich., 1868. Burton John, Georgia. Burton .1. T., Edinburg. Burton William A., Mitchell. Buschell J., New Palestine. Bushnell S. B., Alonticello. Buskirk Jose])h, Sheldon. Butcher Lewis II., (m) Bloomington. Butler C. H., Clifford. Butler D. AA’'., IJunreith. Member med. soc. of Ind. Butterfield S. A., Indianapolis. Butterfield Wm. AVebster, Indianapolis. M. I)., Bellevue hosp. mod. coll., 186S; member order of dSsculapius, and alumni asso. of Belle- vue liosp. med. coll. Butterworth Wilborn W., Mishawaka. M. I)., Ind. med. coll., 1848; pres. med. soc. of St. Joseph’s CO., 1873; surg. Ind. vols. 3 years; — author of “ Uterine Polypus,” 1. 58. Butz J. P., (e) Yevay. Byers Alex. R., Petersburgh. One course lect. at Evansville med. coll., 1853-54; member med. soc. of Drake co. ; ass’t surg. and surg. Ind. vols. 2^ years. Byers J. J., Centre. Byfield Fred. F., UnionviUe. Cameron John J., Indianapolis. Cammack Thomas, Milford. Camp E. F., Butfaloville. Camp G. II., Lynnville. Camp S. AY., (e) America. Camp AY. C., Lynnville. Campbell A. S., North Judson. Campbell C. B., Marshfield. Campbell J. B., (m) Pike’s Peak. Campbell J. C. L., Loogootee. Att. lectures med. dep’t univ. of Ky., 1852-3; ass’t surg. Ind. vols. 8 months. Canaday N. H., Knightstown. Canaday O. AY., Frankton. Carley Rush, New Salem. Member med. soc. of Ind. Carlstadt A., Evansville. Member med. soc. of Ind. Carmack 11. B., (e) Elkhart. Carman Isaac, Ladoga. Carnahan J. L., Dayton. Carnahan AY. E., (hi Cambridge. Carpenter A., Pleasant Lake. Carpenter D. I.i., East Germantown. Carpenter G. AY., (h) South Bend. Carr B. R., (h) La Porte. Carr Geo. AY., Ligonier. Carrier AY. F., (e) Thorntown. Carter David, Epsom. Carter J. J., Eden. M. D., Miami med. coll., 1856. Carter Theophilus P., Orangeville. Carver Henry, AYinchester. Carver J. M., (e) Cerro Gordo. Carvin James M., Indianapolis. Cary D. B., Leesburg. Case A. G., (e) Nebraska. Case Isaac L., Evansville. Case Marvin Truman, Attica. Grad, of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, 1869, and M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Mich., 1870; member med. soc. of Fountain and Warren cos. ; delegate to State med. soc. ; specialty, eye and ear. Cashbeer J. B., Auburn. M. D., Bellevue hosp. med. coll., 1866; act. ass’t surg. and ass’t surg. U. S. vols. 2 years. Casgrove F. K., Maysville. Cass Cheater H., (e) Holton. Cassiday John, South Bend. M. S., univ. of Notre D^me, 1865; M. D., Bush med. coll, of Chicago, 1868 ; phys. to St. Mary’s acad. Byrn E. D., Montgomery. Byrn Jolin B., Barren. Byrn Spencer, Milltown. M. D., Hush med. coll., 1864. Cady W. E. , La Eayette. Alember med. soc. of Ind., and Am. med. asso. Cain Cornelius, Clarksburgh. Calder N. M., Cedar Grove. Caldwell Sami. L., (h) Pilot Grove. Calliot A^ictor, (e) Plymouth. Callis C. B., Catlin. Gallon M. D. L., (m) Lawrence. Calvert AYm., Stone Bluff. Castle H. A., Hobart. Cavalh A. A., Jerome. Cavins R. AY., Sullivan. Cawkius C. C., Clinton. Chafee William C., Roanoke. M. D., Chicago med. coll. ; member med. soc. of Huntington co. ; hon. member med. soc. of Wabash co. Chamberlain J. M. , AYaterloo. Chambers Job, Indianapolis. Chambers S. B. E., Leavenworth. Champire G. AY., Monroeville. Chandler J. A., AYarsaw. Chandler R. AY., Owensville. CHA INDIANA. COX 197 Chapman Amos, Alquina. Member med. soc. of Ind. Chapman J. J., (e) Harmony. Charles Henry, Fainnouiit. M, D., Ind. med. coll., 1873; ex-sec. med. soc. of Grant eo. ; member med. soc. of Ind. ; — author of articles on “Zymotic Disease, “Alcohol,” etc. Charles J. N"., Tampico. Charles R. E., West Point. Charlton S. II., Seymour. Member med. soc. of Ind. Chase Freeman, Orland. Chase H., Salem. Chase J. II., (h) Plymouth. Chate Geo. H., (e) Freetown. Cheevar E. M., Orchard Grove. Chenoweth Nelson Tillman, (e) Windsor. M. D., eclec. med. inst., Cincinnati, O., 1867. Chenoworth J. T., AVinchester. Chestnut Thomas, La Fayette. Member med. soc. of Ind. Childs R. B., Claysville. Chitwood G. R., Cambridge City. Member med. soc. of Ind. Chitwood G. R., Jr., Liberty. Chitwood Joshua, Connelsville. M. D., O. med. coll., 185!) ; sec. med. socs. of Fay- ette and Union cos. ; surg. Ind. vol. cav. Christie J. TI., Moorefiekl. Christlor AVrn. C., Leavenworth. Christy J. B., Rainsville. Church J. AV., Middlebury. Church J. C., (e) Patoka. Church N. II., Patoka. Church O. II., Patoka. Clapp A., New Albany. Ex-pres. med. soc. of Ind. Clapp AA^m. A., New Albany. Member med. soc. of Ind. Clark C. C., New Providence. Clark Dougan, Richmond. A. B., llaverford coll.. Pa., 1852 ; hon. M. A., Trinity coll., N. C. ; AI. D., med. deyj’t univ. of Pa., 1861 ; prof, materia medica and ther. med. dep’t univ. of Ind. ; member med. soc. of Wayne co., med. soc. of Ind., Am. med. asso. ; — author of “Anaesthetics in Alidwifery,” 1871, etc. Clark Freeman, Rei. AI. D., Rush med. coll., 1858. Clark n. M., (e) Jefferson. Clark James, Williamsport. Clark J. B., Economy. Clark Jacob C., Corydon. Clark J. E., Martinsville. Clark J. M., .Jefferson. Clark ,J. S., AA^alisboro’. Clark .Jacob AV., Glen Dale. Clark R. J., Monticello. Clark 8. T., (h) Mishawaka. Clark Thomas J., Bryant’s Creek. Clark AVU B., (^e) Gentryville. Clark AV. II., Albion. Clauser N. D., Hartford City. Member med. soc. of Ind. Cleis George, Goshen. Cleland AV. T., Ke wanna. Member med. soc. of lud. 15 Clements M. J., Loogootee. Clements AV. D., New Corner. Clevenger B. S., Fulton. Cloud C. F. C., Pittsboro’. Clough A. D., Vincennes. Clymer John, Middletown. Clymerll., Etna Green. Clymer H. J., (e) Bloomsburgh. Coats H. C., Valparaiso. Coble Jacob, Howesville. Cochran Jas., Spiceland. Alember med. soc. of Ind. Coe A. L., Manico. Coe Russell G., (h) Vincennes. Coffin B. F., (m) Westfield. Coffin S. D., Bloomington. Cogan J. R., Indianapolis. Coggshall J. S., (e) Arba. Cogley T. J., Madison. M. D., med. dep’t Transylvania univ., 1842 ; ex, pres. med. soc. of Ind. ; ex-member Am. med. asso. Cole A. G., Owensville. Cole H. C., Kokomo. A. B., univ. of N. Y., 1858 ; AI. D., med. dep't univ. of Alich.; member med. soc. of Howard co., med. soc. of Grant co.. Am. med. asso., 1872 ; city health officer ; ass’t surg., and surg. U. S. A. Cole J. J., Franklin. Cole P. L., Brighton. Cole AA"". C., Newton. Cole AVm. C., Rob Roy. Coleman Asa, Logansport. Coleman J. AV., Spurgeon. Collett S. P., Perry. Collier A. G., Columbus. Collings George F., Paine Creek. Collings Posey, Bell more. Collings Win. O., Princeton. Collins G. AV., Noah. Collins J. R., Leavenworth, ' Collins S. B., La Porte. Collins AVm. A., Madison. Collins AV. F., Cumberland. Alember med. snc. of Ind. Combs David H., Charlestown. Combs S. T., Owensville. Comingor J. A’., Indianapolis. Alember med. soc. of Ind., and Am. med. asso., 1872. Commons AVilliams, Union City. AI. D., med. coll, of Ohio, 1863; member med. soc. of Aliami co. ; ass’t surg. navy 4 years ; — author, “ Contagion of Phthisis,” 1870. Compton J. AV., Evansville. AI. D., Evansville med. coll., 1873 ; prof. mat. medica med. coll., Evansville; member Drake acad. of med. ; ass’t surg. Ky. vols. Comstock A. J., Marietta. Comstock H., Marietta. Conard George R., Peru. A. AI. Aliami univ., 1863; AI. D., med. coll, of O. ; member med. soc. of Aliami co. ; mod. cadet, and act. ass’t surg. U. S. vols. 16 months. Condee A. M., Groveland. Confer James M., Plymouth. Congdon J. L., Bristol. Congdon J. R., Bristol. Conley S. N., Bloomfield. Conley J. AV., Bloomfield. Conn J. T., Evansville. 198 CON INDIANA. CUM Connell Samnel, Scotland. Conner J. W., (m) Dublin. Conner Martin, (e) Parker. Conner Thomas II., Metamora. Conner W. H. II., Carthage. Connoly W. A., Monroeville. Connor J., Ilooverville. Conrody Alex., Kendall ville. Conway J. W., Madison. Cook Daniel, Fishersburgh. Cook IT. II., Muck. Cook Joseph M.. South Bethany. M. D., iiied. inst. of Cincinnati, O., 1870. Cook Silas, ( h) Greensburgh. Cook S. L., Albion. Cook T. F. , Perkinsville. Cook Ward., Pendleton. M. D., Cincinnati nied. coll., 1839; member med. soc. of Ind. Cooke James C., Newport. Coombs J. M., Newville. Cooper E. AV., (h) Plymouth. Cooper John, Young America. Iember med. soc. of Ind. Fuller J. H., Indianapolis. Fuller Win., Dunreith. . Fulton J. C., Murray. ^ Funkhouser, D., ( ) Indianapolis. Member med. soc. of Ind. Furgerson Robert, English. Furgeson D., Fort Wayne. Furgeson Henry IV., Henryville. Furgeson W. P., Cola City. Furguson David, Union City. Furnas Isaac, (ej Bridgeport. Gaar L. C., Union Village. Gabhert C. W., Rockport. Gaddy N. D., Vernon. Gaddy N. D., Lovett. Member med. soc. of Ind. Galbraith Thomas, Seymour. Gale E. S., Indianapolis. Gale T. C., Mt. Vernon. Gallagher S., (m) Muncie. Galliker D. K., Independence. Gaud B., (e) Fort Wayne. Gandy Owen, Merriam. Gantz Thomas, Middleton. Gard Oliver, Middle Fork. Gard T. A., North Grove. Gardner J., Bedford. Gardner Perry, Mixersville. Gardner Henry, Knox. Garrett Anthony, Delphi. Garre ttson J. W., Perkin sville. Garrison J. L. F., Lebanon. GAR INDIANA. GRE 203 - r Garver II. S., Connersville. Garver II. F., Billingsville Gasaway Richard, New Albany. Gassaway S. L., Washington. Gassinan Fred., Celestine. Gasset J. M., Kirk’s Cross Roads. Gaston James H., Stanford. M. D., Miumi me 1. coll., 1S72. Gaston J. M., Indianapolis. Gatch J. D., Lawrenceburgh. M. 1)., Ohio med. coll., 1852; Miami med. coll., 185.3 ; member med. soc. of Dearborn co. ; ass’t surg. Ind. vols. 2 years, and U. S. A. 3 years. Gates J. O., Brookville. Gebhardt Louis L., (m) New Albany. Genish J. W. F., Seymour. Gennug W. R., Fort Branch. Gentry W. A., Michigantown. Gentry Z. B., Frankfort. Gernon J. H., La Fayette. Gerrish, Alfred A., Lowell. M. D., N. Y. med. coll., 1853. Gerrish J. W. F., Seymour. Member med. soc. of Ind. Gerstmayer Charles, Terre Haute. Gettings C. C., Mt. Yernon. Gibbs George L., (e) New Albany. Gibson George, (m) Houston. Gibson Thomas, Terre Haute. Gifford J. C., Brazil. Gifford Thomas, Laurel. Gifford T. Y., New Ijondon. Gifford W. II., Brazil. Gilbert Joseph Lorain, Kendallville. M. D., Be.lev'ue hos]). med. coll., 1866; member med. .soc. of Ind. ; sec. med. soc. of N. E. Ind. Gilespie Wm., Rising Sun. Gilespie R. J., Adyville. Gill M., Wabasli. Gillan 11. H., Wabash. Gillespie W. B., Portland Mills. Attended lect. med. dep’t univ. of Wooster (no datej. Gillfillan John, Centre Points. Gilman W. A., Fairland. Ginley J. H., Lafayette. Ginther David, (e) N. Manchester. One course lect. at eclec. med. coll., Cincinnati, O. Gimmel Henry, Logansport. Girdner J. G., Greenville. Member med. soc. of Ind. Gittleford J., Auburn. Glass Wm. M., Sheilville. Member rued. soc. of Ind. Glazebrook T. D., San Pierre. Gleason E. A., Ireland. Glick E. B., La Fayette. Gobble Theodore, Young’s Creek. Godfrey W. R., Michigan City. Goeng 'G. A., (e) Ft. Wayne. Goldsberry John A., Annapolis. M. D., Hush med. coll., 1864; ass’t surg. U. S. vols. li years. Goldsberry S. S., Annapolis. Good Joseph J., Warren. M. I)., Chicago med. coll., 1868. Goodall C. W., Metz. Goode A. H., Blenningsport. GoodelJ.H., Walton. Gooding Goldsmith, Waterman. Goodwin A. 1 j., Mitchell. Goodwin John M., (m) Crossings. Goodwin R. R., Hazleton. Goodwin W., (e) Jelfersonville. Gorbin Wm., Stockton. Gordon J. W., Indianapolis. Member med. soc. of Ind. Gordon Pliny P., Hobart. M. D., Buffalo med. coil., 1865. Gordon William B., Shelby ville. Attended one course lect. at Ohio med. coll. Goss James M., Spencer. Gossett J. M., Kirk’s Cross Roads. Gouch J. F., Mt. Yernon. Gould Samuel W., Argos. M. D., flush med. coll., 1870. Gower J. C., Rome City. Graham Thomas Andrew, Jeffersonville. M. 1)., O. med. coll., Ib71, and med. dep’t univ. of Louisville, 1872. Graham W. B., Noblesville. Gramin Wm., Evansville. Grass Daniel, Charlottesville. Graves B. F., Florence. Graves W. L.. Yersailles. Gray Arthur A., Orleans. Gray D. B., Celestine. Gray J. D., Plymouth. Gray John M., Noblesville. Member med. soc. of Ind. Gray John W., Bloomfield. M. D., Jefferson med. coll., 1864; Bellevue hosp. med. coll., 1867 ; treas. med. soc. of Greene co. ; member med. soc. of Ind. Gray Samuel C., Warsaw. Attended lects. Starling med. coll., Coliunbus, O. Gray Wm., South Martin. Graydon R. G., Southport. Member med. soc. of Ind. Grayston Fred. S. Cooper, Huntington. M. D., med. dep’t Lind, univ., 1860; Rush med. coll., Chicago, 1862 ; member med. soc. of Ind., med. soc. of Wabash co., med. soc. of Grant co. ; sec. med. soc. of Huntington co. ; exam, surg. for pensions. Greater G. H. C. Ernst, Mt. Yernon. Greeley J. P., \Yest Lebanon. Green A. J., Royerton. Green Alex. S., New Albany. Green C. H., (e) Mt. Yernon. Green J. G., Delphi. Green J. N., Stilesville. Member med. soc. of Ind. Green John P., Lawrenceburgh. M. D., Miami med. coll., 1870; sec. med. soc. of Dearborn co. ; health officer for Lawrenceburgh; res. phys. Cincinnati hosp. 2 years. Green S. J., Waynetown. Greene W. F., Shelby ville. Greene W. S., Worthington. Gregg Henry, Bloomington. 204 GRE INDIANA. HAR Gregg James Sansom, Fort Wayne. M. 1)., .Tefferson med. coll., (no date) ; member med. soc. of Fort Wayne; med. soc., of Allen CO. ; med. soc. of Ind. ; Am. med. asso. Gregg V. H., Connersville. Gregory James, Farmersville. Griffin Edward, Newport. Griffin T. J., Darlington. Griffis R., Middletown. Griffith Evan, Austin. Griffith Francis Plummer, La Grange. M. D., Willoughby univ., 1845; ex-member house of re})s., Ind. Griffith J., Austin. Griffith Martha E. H., Darlington. M. D., woman’s med. coll., Phila., 1870. Griffith R. C., Morgantown. Griffith S. J., Knightstown. Member med. soc. of Ind. Griffith Thomas Jefferson, Yevay. M. D., Miami med. coll., 1867 ; member med. soc. of Montgomery co. Griffith , (e) Nashville. Grigsby Wm., West Baden. Grimes James F., Mishawaka. Grimes AVilson, St. Bernice. Grimes Wm., Cataract. Groham Wm. B., Tyner City. Gronendyke Thomas Wiiey, Mt. Summit. One course lects. O. med. coll., 1866-67. Grooman Chas., (m) Brunswick. Gross J. W., Ilooverville. Grove John B., C>olumbus. Grove J. M., Tipton. Grover G. W., Connersville. Grubbs W. B., Rockland. Grumell J. L., Morgantown. Guisinger J. S., Florida. Gums j. F., Misliawaka. Gunn John H., Springville. Gunther J. W., Springfield. GunthermanP., Alton. Gustin Levi, I'm) Indianapolis. -Guthrie W., Idaville. Guthrie W., Monticello. Gwaltney J. J., Midway. Gwin S. E., Alert. Hackelman F. M., Centerville. Hackett M., (e) Salem. Hadly Edwin, Richmond. Member med. soc. of Ind. Hadley Evan, Indianapolis. Member med. soc. of Ind. Hagerty James L., Crooked Creek. M. D., Hush med. coll., 1871 ; pres. med. soc. of Steuben co., 1873; v.-pres. med. soc. of N. E. Ind. ; member med. soc. of Ind. ; ass’t surg. U. S. hosp. during war. Ilaggert D., (h) Indianapolis. Haggerty R. C., Elkhart. Hahn John, (m) Spade’s Depot. Hains A. B., Aurora. Member med. soc. of Ind. Hains Isaac, (m^ Noblesville. Hale D. B., (m) Dublin. Hale Judson, Indianapolis. Hale Levi A., Martz. Hale T. F., (e) Dublin. Hall Jacob, (e) Raleigh. Hall J. A., (e) Greenfield. Hall J. F., (h) Mace. Hall John W., Bainbridge. Hall M. L., Newport. Hall R. R., (e) Logansport. Ex. -pres. eel. med. asso. of Ind. Hall W. C., Franklin. Hall William Isaiah, Gessie. M. D., med. coll, of Ohio, 1870 ; pres. med. soc. of Vermillion co. Hallo way Jason, (e) Wabash. Halton C. A. R., Jerome. Ham L. J., South Bend. Hamilton Frank C., Walkerton. Att. lectures Mich. uoiv. Hamilton J. J., Connersville. Hamilton R. W., Lynn. Hamilton S. H., Indianapolis. Hamilton W. A., Lvnu. Hammond H. C., Valeene. Hammond J. W., Roanoke. Hammond M. S., Grand View. Hamrick C. C., Michigan City. Hancock G. S., Campbellsburgh. Handsack Isaac, Waynetown. Handsell David, (m) Manhattan. Hanford W. H., (h) South Bend. Hani John, (e) New Paris. Hani W. F., Middleburgh. Hankinson Thomas, Valparaiso. M. D., Chicago med. coll., 1864. Hanna J., Swit’s City. Hanna Levi M., Portland Mills. Hanna William M. Member med. soc. of Drake co.. Am. med. asso, Hannaford Joseph N., Elkhart. M. D., Hush med. coll., 1»71; member med. soc. of Elkhart co. Hannah T. C., (e) Elwood. Hannan J. W., Scotland. Harbin James W., Mitchell. Harding Eldridge T., Rensselaer. Harding Myron Hawley, Lawrenceburgh. M. D., Ohio med. coll., 1., ButFalo med. coll., 18G5 ; member med. soc. of De Kalb co. Hounens F. 11. C., Bennettsville. Housman Z. T., (e) Kendall ville. Howard A., Jamestown. Howard E., (m) Indianapolis. Howard Elijah-J., Hazleton. A. B., Burritt coll., 1855; one course med. dep’t univ. of Nashville. Howard Francis Marion, St. Paul. M. D., Cincinnati coll, of med. and surg. (no date). Howard John F., Patoka. Howard J. S., i m) Indianapolis. Howard N. P., CTreenfield. Member med. soc. of Ind. Howell Joseph, (h) Richmond. Howell John (^., (e) Blue Grass. Howells James, (h) Richmond. Hoyt P. B., (h) Indianaipolis. Hubbell G. A., Yorktown. Huber Godfrey, (mi St. Peters. Hudson J. B., (e) Paris. Hudson M. S., \ G) Little York. Hughes William Clark, St. Leon. M. D., Ohio med. coll. ; township physician. II uU Jacob, fe) Spencerville. Hulse David, New Albany. Humfraville D. W., Union City. Humphrey, S. D., (h) La Fayette. Humphreys Louis, South Bend. M. D., Ind. med. coll., 1844; member med. soc. of Ind., and Am. med. asso., 1872 ; surg. U. S. vols. 4 years, 6 months ; occasional contributor to med. journals. Humphrys J. M., Linton. Humston Milton Lawrence, Monroe. M. D., Ky. school of med., 18GG ; member of dist. med. soc. ; ex-pres. med. soc. of Newton co. ; exam. surg. life ins. co. Humston Samuel R., Smithville. Two courses lect. med. dep’t univ. of Mich., 1870-2. Hunnicutt C., (m) Warren. Hunt Cyrus E., Harveysburg. M. D., Detroit med. coll. ; member med. soc. of Fountain and Warren co. ; exam. surg. life ins. co. Hunt 11. C., (e) Losantsville. Hunt John, Prosperity. Hunt J. B., (h) Indianapolis. Hunt P. G. C., Indianapolis. Member med. soc. of Ind. Hunt Pleasant, Farmland. Hunt S. B., (e) Orange. Hunt T., Coatsville. Hunter James, Quercus Grove. Hunter P. S., Leesburg. Huntsinger A., (e) Mishawaka. Hushiser A. B., (e) Kendallville. Hutchings M. E., Madison. Hutchings Wm. D., Lexington. M. 1)., Ind. cent. med. coll., 1851 ; hon. M. D., Ohio med. coll., 1873. Hutchinson J. A., Salnmonia. Hutchinson J. B., ,(h) Madison. Hutchisson Benne Dick, Columbia. M. 1)., Ohio med. coll. ; member med. soc. of Con- nersville. Ills J. P., Ft- Wayne. Ihrig P. M., ^e) Coesse. One course eclec. med. coll., Cincinnati, O. Ingersol B. S., La Fayette. Inlow J. E., Prosiierity. Inlow J. J., Manilla. , Insley W. Q., Terre Haute. Member med. soc. of Ind. Ireland J. M., Francisco. Member med. soc. of Ind. Ireland Martin, Columbia City. Ireland William, AYillonia. Irons John W., (h) Logansport. Irvin O. C., Biinkerville. Irwin J. C., Jalapa. Irwin J. S. , Fort Wayne. Member med. soc. of Ind. Irwin O., Remington. Irwin Samuel Galbraith, Crawfordsville. M. D., Hush med. coll., 18G3; Cincinnati coll, of med. and surg. ; Miami med. coll. ; member med. soc. of Ind., and med. soc. of Montgom- ery CO. Irwin , Evansville. Isler J., La Fayette. Member med. soc. of Ind. Isley Dan’l., Americus. Jackson A. C., Goshen. Jackson James, Angola. Jackson J. F., Plymouth. Jackson L. M., (m) Upland. Jackson Warren, Westport. Jacoby W., Plymouth. James A. T., (e) Octagon. James B. W., Jeffersonville. James M., Muncie. James Oliver, Staunton. Jameson P. Henry, Jr., Indianapolis. B. S., 1869 ; M. D., Bellevue hosp. med. coll., 1871 ; ass’t phys. infants’ hosp., N. Y., 1871 ; member med. soc. of Ind. Jamison R. A., Patriot. Janes J. M., Union City. Jardilla .Jerome B., Vincennes. Jarret James, Webster. Jay M., (e) Marion. Jeileff F. A., Decatur. Jenkins A. V., Ontario. Jenkins E. W., Mt. Carmel. Jennings C. B., (h) South Bend. Jennings F., Sanford. Jennings J. W., Millersburgh. Jerman L. W. D., (e) Ballstown, 208 JES INDIANA. KER Jessup R. B., Vincennes. Member med. soc. of Ind. Jewett M. E., (h) Union City. Jobes G. O., Farmland. John Benjamin B., (e) Buifaloville. One course eclec. med. inst., Cincinnati, O. Johns John Winfield, Dyer. M. D., Chicago med. coll., 1808. Johnson J. C., Kokomo. Member med. soc. of Ind. Johnson J. M., Smith ville. Johnson Luther, Bourbon. Three courses lect. Kush med. coll. Johnson L. R., Cambridge City. Member med. soc. of lud. Johnson Nelson, (m) Washington. Johnson Thomas, Clarksburgh. Johnson Thomas, Boon ville. Johnson Wm., Terre Haute. Johnson W. L., Crawfordsville. Johnson W. M., New Albany. Johnson W. P., Indianapolis. Johnson Wm. R., Fayetteville. Johnston C. C., Kokomo. Johnston Chas. T., Harveysburgh. Johnston Henry, Enochsburgh. Johnston L. G., Evansville. Johnston William, Bluff ton. Jones A. B., Burnettsville. Jones Asa F., (e) La Fayette. Two courses lect. med. dep’t univ. of Mich. Jones Andrew M., Corydon. Jones C. T., Covington. Jones Elias, AVolf Lake.. Jones E. P., (e' Jonesboro’. Jones F. B., Lyimville. M. I)., Ohio med. coll., 1870. Jones G. E., Connersville. .Tones George 8., Covington. .Tones George W., Wabash. Jones H. E., Anderson. Jones Hiram G., Evansville. Jones J., Indianapolis. Member med. soc. of Ind. Jones Joseph, Attica. Jones ,T. G., Mt. Vernon. Member med. soc. of Ind. Jones .L F., Franklin. Member med. soc. of Ind. Jones ,T. H., Laconia. Jones .T. M., Cataract. Jones S. D., (h) Indianapolis. Jones Thomas B., Pleasantville. Jones T. W., Anderson. Jones W. H., (h) Petersburgh. Jones W. M., Polk Patch. Jordan Lewis, (m) Delphi. Jossie ,T. M., Ft. Wayne. Member med. soc. of Ind. Judkins E. J., Greenfield. Member med. soc. of Ind. Julian Stephen, Logansport. Jump S. V., New Burlington. Member med. soc. of Ind. Junkins S. R., Millersburg. Justice Jas. M., Logansport. Kane W. C., Lebanon. Kants John, Dora. Kay Robert, Salem. Kealing W. W., Winterroud. Kean L. S., Ligonier. Kean R. W., (e) Cerro Gordo. Keegan C. J., Canal. P. O. Keegan Enoch W., Crawfordsville. M. I)., Kush med. coll., 1861; phys. of marine hosp., Evansville., Ind.; exam. surg. for pen- sions in Montgomery co. Keen D. C., (e) Attica. Keen J. J., Transitville. Keen J. S., (e) La Fayette. Keen L. S., La Porte. Keeney Henry, Linden. Kegan J. H., Millersburgh. Kehn Levi, (e) Milford. Keifer George F., Alaska. M. D., Kush med. coll., 1865 ; treas. and ex-pres. med. soc. of Morgan co. Keifer W., Petersburg. Keith B. F., Edwardsport. Keller F., Columbia City. Keller Victor, Leopold. Kelley Francis H., Valeene. Kellog N. P., (e) Lebanon. Kelly D. C., Syracuse. Kelly J. J., Cherubusco. M. D., Rush med. coll., 1864. Kelly W. M., New Ross. Kelsey P. G., Fort Wayne. M. D., Chicago med. coll., 1864. Kelsey W., Monterey. Kelso J. S. B., Leavenworth. Kemp E. F., (e) Santa Claus. Kemp Matthew, Ferdinand. Kemper, General W. H., Muncie. M. IJ., Long Island med. coll. ; member med. soc. of Delaware co., and med. soc. of Ind. ; coroner for Delaware co. ; exam. surg. for U. S. pensions ; ass’t surg. Ind. vols. 15 months; — author of “ Exophthalmie Goitre,” 1871. Kendrick W. H., Indianapolis. Member eclec. med. soc. of Ind. Kennedy D. H., Evansville. Kennedy John, (e) Paragon. One course lect. at eclec. med. inst., Cincinnati, O. ; member eclec. med. asso. of Ind. Kennedy Daniel P., fe) Paragon. M. D., eclec. med. inst., Cincinnati, O., 1870; member eclec. med. soc. of Ind. Kennedy J. L., Tipton. Kennedy L. H., Danville. Member med. soc. of Ind. Kennedy P. H., (e) Paragon. Kennedy S. A., Shelb 5 wille. Member med. soc. of Ind. Kennedy W. S., (e) Centre Point. Kepler J. B., Jerome. Kepler S. W., (m) New Lisbon. Kepley Wm., (e) Petersburgh. Kern Lewis, Alto. Member med. soc. of Ind. Kerr W. M., Rogersville. Kerresy J. C., Salem. KER INDIANA. LEA 209 Kersey S. H., Richmond. Member med. soc. of Ind. Kesler George, Orland. Kessler C. F. AV., Plymouth. Ke.ster Benjamin J., Staunton. Kidd AA^m. G., Princeton. Kightley A. J., Green Castle. Kilsy J.'T., (m) Indianapolis. Kilgour T., Chesterfield. Killen James, La Fayette. Killian J. L., French Island. Kimball D. N., Dalton. Kimball Emanuel, Waupecong. Kimball T. C., Xenia. Member med. soc. of Ind. Kimberlin, H. L., Tunnelton. Kindleberger T. J., (h) Indianapolis. Kine John, Union. Kines Daniel, (e) Leavenworth. King Enoch W,, Galena. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Louisville, Ky., 1869; med. cadet U. S. vols. King J. B., Linn Grove. King J. A^., Castle. King AA^. F!, Centreville. King AA^m. 11. , Terre Ilante. Kinkade J.. (el South Bethany. Kinney E. AV., (m) Indianapolis. I\ innick II. P., Greenwood. Ki])er C. B., La Fayette. Kirk C. \V., Darlington. Kirk Patrick D., Laneville. Kirkpatrick G. AA^., Culver’s Station. Kirkpatrick John, Indianapolis. Kiser Jacob S., Staunton. Kisser Geo. F., Alaska. Kitchen John Miiton, Indianapolis. M. D., med. dcp’t univ. of New York City, 1846; member ms 1. soc. of Ind., Am. med. asso., 1872 ; consult, phys. State irist. for deaf and dumb; phys. State inst. f )r blind; surg. in charge U. S. A. geu’l hos}). of Indianapolis, 1861-65. Kittenger IL, AVinaniac. Klein j. AA"., (h) Evansville. Knapp Charles, Ferdinand. M. 1).. Bedevue hosp. med. coll., 1871. Knapp (hiarles Jr., Ilnntingburgh. Knapp \Ak T., h) D^lpln. Knepper Edwin Washington, Ligonier. One course le ;t. Ohio med. coll. ; member med. soc. of Ligonier, med. soc. of N. E. Ind., med. soc. of Ind. ; member board of health ; — author of paper on “0‘iice Pharmacy,” 1871. Knight Geo. AA^., Catlin. Knight J. II., Paragon. Knoefel August, (m) New Albany. Knoor Charles, (e-) Cedarville. Koogler Adam, Conuersville. Kramer B., Thornton. Kress Oscar, Evansville. Kruger F. AF., (h - Kendallville. KuechenG. A., AATst Point. M. D., Chicago med. coll., 1865. Knester Edward, Terre Ilante. Kueppel AF. H., Wakarusa. Kunkler G. A., Madison. Kyle H. L., Mt. A^ernon. Kyle J. AY., Mt. Vernon. Kyle T. M., Manchester. Kyler L. B. , Benton. Labarre AY., Clark’s Mills. Lacke George, Newburg. Lafallet T. J., AYarren. Lafeba J., Paris. La Force Howard C., Heltonville. A. B., Ind. univ., 1862; A. M., 1865; M. D., Jef- ferson med. coll., 1865 ; member med. soc. of Lawrence co. ; ass’t surg. U. S. vols. 1 year; phys. to poor, Lawrence co. Laftin A., Augusta. Laird Y., Logansport. Lamb B. F., Cambridge. Lamb James, Aurora. Lambert AA^. C., Stockwell. Lampton George W., Jeffersonville. Landen AA". D., Madison. Landes Daniel, Bartlettsville. Landon Hannibal, Ligonier. M. D., Jefferson med. coll., 1866 ; v.-pres. N. E. Ind. med. soc.; member med. soc. of Ligonier; ass’t surg. IT. S. vols. 1 year ; — author of “ The Delivery of the Head in Breech Presentations,” 1873. Lane A. K., Raglesville. Lane D. E., North Salem. Lane J. AA^., (e) Terre Haute. Lane T. II., Northfield. Member med. soc. of Ind. Laney Richard, AA’'()ostertown. Laning Sylvester, North Liberty. M. I)., med. dej)’t iiiiiv. of Mich., 1853; member med. soc. of St. Joseph’s co. ; ass’t surg. U. S. vols. 2 years. Larden D., (e) Ligonier.% Larimore .1., AA^hitestown. Larimore J. D., Conuersville. Larkin J. B., Mitchell. Larrimer B., klillershurgh. Larrimer J. II , Lawrence. Lathrop David L., (e) South Bend. Latta Milton Miller, Goshen. M. D., Rush med. coll., 1866 ; member med. soc. of Ind., med. soc. of Elkhart co., N. E, Ind. med. soc. ; exam. surg. for pensions ; member board of health of Goshen ; — author of paper on “Ovariotomy,” 1871 ; specialty, surgery. Laughlin Edmund Dulin, Orleans. M. D., Miami med. coll., 1867 ; ad eun. Bellevue hosp. med. coll., 1872; member med. soc. of Lawrence co., med. soc. of Ind. ; pres. Orleans academical asso., 1864-72. Laurance C. T.. Clayton. Lawder AY. G., Mauville. Lawrence J. E., Union. Lawrence M. II., S])artanburg. Layman Albert, Putman ville. Layne S. N., (e) Crawfordsville. Layne Milton, Cloverdale. Layton J. F., (e) Clark’s Hill. Layton J. R. , Lawrenceburgh. Leach , Attica. Leach M. E., AYahiut. Leachnian Caloua, Prairieton. Leachmun D., Pittsboro’. 210 LEA INDIANA. LUT Leachman James, (m) Centre Point. Learning Furman, Komney. Leary F. D., La Fayette. Leas E. R., Waterloo. Leatherman J. II., Valparaiso. Leavitt Clark, Newport. M. D., med. dep’t nniv. of Mich., 1869; member med. soc. of Vermillion co. Leavitt H. T., (e) Winamac. Leavitt P. C., Acton. Leavitt P. H., Newport. Lee Finley, Campbellsburg. Lee Henry D., Riley. I.eech E. W., Clifty. Leidy John K., Warsaw, ivl. D., Starling med. coll., 1849; member Am. med. asso., 1872; siirg. Ind. vols. 2 years; exam, sarg. for pensions. Lefavor W. F., (h) New Albany. I.ofever .Tames M., Paris. Legler II. T., Evansville. T.ebman IT., Waterloo. Leister David, Oakland City. Lemon W. S. , Albion. I^e May W., Crawfordsville. Lent C. V. N., Liberty Mills. Member med. soc. of Ind. Leomon J. H., New Albany. Leonard P. W., (h) Ft. Wayne. Leonard S. II., fm) Asliboro’. Leonard Wellington Y., Albion. ;M, I)., Cincinnati coll, of mod. and sarg., 1864; ad eand. Rash med. coll., 1866; member med. soc. of Noble eo., N. E. Ind. med. soc., and Am. med. asso., 1872 ; county ydiys. Leopold P. O., St. Meinrad. M. I)., aniv. of Strasburg, 1.-40. Lesher Samiud B., Oakland City. Leslie Alexander, Petersbiirgh. Member med. soc. of Ind. Leslie E. P.,Plymonth. Lewis Abner, I. a Grange. Lewis E., (h) Ft. Wtiyne. I^ewis Geo. B., Dupont. Lewis G. W., Indianapolis. Lewis H. W., Batesville. Lewis James C., Caloma. Lewis James E., vSaii Jacinto. Lewis d. R., Canaan. Lewis L., (m) Valparaiso. Jjewis Oscar A., Iltintington. M. D., Chicago med. coll., 1861 ; Bellevue hosp. med. coll., 1864. Lewis Robert, Plainfield. M. D., med. dep’t aniv. of Nashville, 1862; mem- ber med. soc. of Hendricks co. ; ass’t surg. U. S. vols. 1 vear. Lewis S. B., Canaan. Lewis W., Pendleton. Lewis W. F., (m) Delphi. Lewis W. II. A., Evansville. Lewis Walter H., Huntsville. M. D., med. dep’t nniv. of Pa. ; sec. Pendleton med. soc. Leyman D. S., Huntington. Leyman W. L., Attica. Light A. B., Columbus. Linder D., Brazil. Lindley C. M., Brooklyn. Liridley Labe, Paoli. Lindsay James P., Sharpsville. Line B. A., Antioch. Line Wm. A., Ludlow. Linegar D. B., (e) Whitcomb. Lingle Henry, Orleans. Lingle Richard W., Orleans. Link John E., Terre Haute. Member med. soc. of Ind. Link H., New Albany. Linn H. G.. (h) Rushville. Linn Timothy Thompson, Bourbon. M. D., Rush med. coll., 1864; member med. soc. of Huntington co. Linton Samuel M., Columbus. One hill course Ohio med. coll., 1838-9; ex-pres. med. soc. of Ind. ; ex-mernber Am. med, asso. Linville A. J., Freeport. Linville D. P., Columbia City, luster W. L., McCutchanville. Liston H. C., Lincoln. Little Andrew J., Palmyra. Littlefield J. J., Auburn. Littlepage S. B., Decker’s Station. Litton j., Wheatland. Lland J. S., fe) Argos. Lloyd John E., Slielburn. Lockhart Wilson, Danville. jMember med. soc. of Ind. Loehr E. C., Noblesville. Member med. soc. of Ind. Loeper F. W., Indianapolis. Loftin John, Reese’s Mills. Logan Robert, Troy. Lomax Constantine, Marion. M. D., Ind. med. coll., 1848 ; Ohio med. coll., 1851 ; member med. soc. of Ind.; treas. med. soc. of Grant co., 1873 ; .specialty, obstetrics. Lomax William, Marion. M.D., Ind. med. coil., 1848; med. dep’t nniv. of New York city, 1850 ; sec. med. soc. of Grant co. ; ex- pres. med. soc. of Ind. ; member Am. med. asso., 1872 ; surg. Ind. vols., 4 years. Long Henry, (e) Shelbyville. Member Ind. eclec. med. asso. Long Jeremiah H., Terre Haute. Long J. S. P., Pierceton. Long Robert William, New Maysville. M. D., Jefferson med. coll., 1865; Bellevue hosp. med. coll., 1869. Lord Thomas J., (e) Dillsboro’. Loring W. S., (mi State Line. Losey W. P., Kokomo. Louridge James H., Rensselaer. Lovett J. A., Goodland. Lowder L. T., Harrodsburgh. Member med. soc. of Greene co. Lowe J. A., La Fayette. Lowery John T., (mi Alquina. Lucas J. N., (h) Shelbyville. Lucas T. A., Jonesboro’. Luce A. W., (e) South Bend. Luman William, Frankton. Luse A. B., Billingsville. Lutherman J. H., Valparaiso. LUT INDIANA. McN 211 Lutz Geo. W., Indianapolis. M. D., Ohio med. coll., 1870; member med. soc. of Ind. Lybarger E., (m) Muncie. Lyman D. S., Huntington. Member med. soc. of Ind. Lyon K., (m) Ashland. Lyons George F., Huntington. Lyons J. B., (e) Logansport. Lyons J. E., Huntington. Member med. soc. of Ind. Lyons L. I)., Attica. Lyons W. B., Huntington. Member med. soc. of Ind. Lytle J. B., Conn’s Creek. IMcAllister A., Alaska. McAllister E. W., Goshen. McAllister L., Windfall. McAllister R. B., Ashbon. McBarney E., Williamsport. Mclh’ide Charles, Jeffersonville. ^IcCafferty Henderson, Montgomery. Mcbandess M., Medaryville. McCarthy John P., Valparaiso. M. D., Hush med. coll., 1855 ; member med. soc. of Ind., and Am. med. asso., 1872 ; surg. Ind. vo-ls. McCarthy W. W., Canaan. [McCarty A. J., (m) Jefferson. McCarty Isaac, (m) Shelbyville. McCawilrey .Tames, La Fayette. McChery J. R., Bluffton. McCain J., (h) Liberty. McClelland A. J. , Crawfordsville. McClure C. B., .Jeffersonville. M. D., Ky. school of med., 1871. McClure David, .Jeffersonville. McClure Dexter, Austin. M. D., Ohio med. coll., 1848. McClure H. C., fm) Clark’s Hill. McCollougli F. B., Cloverland. McConnell M., fm) Evansville. McCormack F. H., Woodburn. [McCoy Frank, Columbia City. [McCoy William, Gilead. McCoy William Newton, .Jeffersonville. M. IX, univ. of Louisville, 18G0; Bellevue hosp. med. coll., 1871 ; ex-pres. Jeft'cr.sonville acad. of med. ; meml^cr med. soc. of bid., Louisville obstetrical soc. ; surg. U. S. vols. 3 years. McCrea Thomas, Logansport. McCullough T. P., Ft. Wajme. .M. I)., .iefferson med. coll., 1847; sec. med. soc. of Alle.i CO. [McCune George P., Montezuma. McDaniel C. W., Washington. One. full course Ohio med. coll., 1847-48; member med. soc. of Greene co. McDonald David H., Quincy. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Louisville, 1855 ; A. B., Bloomington med. coll., 1852; A. M., 1855; member med. soc. of Ind. McDonald .John, Kecksville. McDonald J. F., Greenwood. McDowell H. C., Ft. Wayne. McDowell James P., Pleasantville. McElwee S., Newtown. M. 1)., Gleveland med. coll., 1852; member med. soc. of Fountain co., med. soc. of Warren co. ; specialty, oculist. McFadden W. G., Boggstown. Member med. soc. of Ind. McFarland W., New Pittsburgh. McGarran W. B., Kniglitstown. McGaughey D. S., Morristown. McGaiighey G. F., Morristown. McGaughey J. E., Acton. Member med. soc. of Ind. McGaughey S., Acton. McGee R., Indianapolis, McGown W. G. , Oakland City. McGregor J. C., Poland. McGrew W., Madison. McGuire H. H., New Albany. McGuire N. II., Bedford. McGuire Samuel, (h) Greensburgh. McGuire W. W., Metamora. McHenry C. E., Salem. McHenry L., Leo. McII tiers J. D., Maples. MeIntire, E. 8., Mitcliell. McIntosh Jacob, Newai k. McIntyre C. M., Cannelton. McIntyre J. H., Richmond. Member med. soc. of Ind. McKasson J. W., Buffaloville. McKee James, Mexico. M. D., Ind. med. coll., 1872. McKey R. H. IL, Russell’s Mills. McKibhen C. T., Florence. * McKinney A. W., Livonia. McKissiek Oliver P., Linton. Member med. soc. of Greene co. McKitrick O. H., Plainville. McLahan C, I)., Ilarrodshiirg. McLain Joseph, Morocco. McLain J. F., (h>) Franklin. McLeod A. J., Burnsville. M. D., Cincinnati coil, of med. and surg., 1861; member med. soc. of Ind. McMiahon William R., Iluntingbnrgh. M. I)., Hush med. coll., 1868; v.-])res. Drake acad. of raed., Evansville ; exam. surg. for pensions. McMechan J. G., Darlington. Member med. soc. of Ind. McMeen James W., Eugene. McMentry T. J.. Boxley. McMillen Thomas Jefferson, Idaville. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Louisville, 1864 ; hosp. steward U. S. vols. 2 years ; act. ass’t surg. U. S. vols. officers’ hosp. 6 months. McMillen Wm., (m) Sugar Branch. McMurry John, Lincoln. McNab Philip, Mooresville. M. D., Long Island coll, hosp., 1863; Indianapolis acad. of med. ; member med. soc. of Ind. McNahh Tbeo., Fremont. McNary Charles Bingley, Fillmore. One course lects. Hush med. coll., 1864-6. McNeill A., (h) Jefferson. McNutt James, Jefferson. 212 McP INDIANA. MEN McPheeters Joseph G., Bloomington. 1 A. B., univ. of Ind., 1834; A. M., 1838; M. D., med. dep’t Transylvania univ., 1840 ; member med. soc. of Monroe co. ; med. director 3 years. McPheeters J. D., Fredricksburgh. McPheeters John S., Livonia. McPheeters S. A., Livonia. McPherson J. W., (e) Bichmoiid. Me Rea James, Lincoln. McReynolds A. A., N'ewburgh. MeShane J. T., Zionsville. MeSheeny S. S., Lewis. McTurner J. W., Rigdon. MeVay W. H., Crowville. Mack C. M., (e) Indianapolis. Mack Erastus, (e) Clinton. Mack J. W., Waverly. Mackensoii E. H., Boydston’s Mills. Madden W. II., Butler. Maddox J. F., (e) Shelbyville. Mageniss John, Evansville. Mahan William, Terre Haute. Main Joim, (h) Goshen. Maitland R., (m) Albany. Major S., Columbia City. Majors F. M., Grand Centre. Mallingus William, Yandalia. Malone John A^ Princeton. Malone D. R., Edinburgh. Maloney J. C., Avilla. Maloney J. N., (e) Adams. Malott 'G. F., Trinity Springs. Malott Hiram, Heltonville. Malott II. C., Bono. Manker Lewis, Indianapolis. Manlove I). R., (e) Edinburgh. Manlove John, (m) Kniglitstowii. Mann Henry D., Terre Haute. Mann Josiah, New Harmony. Manning Jeremiah, (m) Chesterton. Manson J. D., (e) South Bend. Mantle John R., Vincennes. Man waring John, Warsaw^ Man well Samuel C., Remington. Manwell W. T., Remington. Mapes John AV., (m) Steele’s. Mapes Smith H., Lawrence. Marrow AVm., Charlestown. Marsh H., (m) Indianapolis. Marsh S. S., Peru. Member med. soc. of Ind. Marshall D. M., Pierceton. M. D., Rush med. coll., 1856. Marshall J. A., Nineveh. Marshall AVm., (m) Bedford. Marshall AV. C., Cannelton. Martin F., Indianapolis. Martin Isaac, Morgan County. Martin James, Mount Etna. Martin Jacob Y., Yaleene. Martin J. AV'.,Red Oak Junction. Member med. soc. of Ind. Martin James AV. , Lebanon. Martin M., Greenfield. Martin M. L., Middlefork. Member med. soc. of Ind. ^lartin O. H., Kokomo. Mortin S. M., Greenfield. Member med. soc. of Ind. Martin Y. T., Lovely Dale. Martin AVm. II., Rensselaer Martin Z. G., Bruceville'. Mason C. R., Hartford. Mason Daniel, Lawrence. Mason D. E., Lawrence. Mason L., Bluffton. Mason Wm. M., Nashville. Massie T. F., Carlisle. Matchette Alique C., Bourbon. Matchett W. C., ( ) Pierceton. Mathews D. M., Indianapolis. Mathews J. M., Carlisle. Mathewson R., Boonville. Matlock J. F., (e) Spear sville • Matson J. T., Rising Sun. Mattingly R., Francisville. ' Matton 6. P., Columbia City. Matzdorf A., Mt. Yernon. Mauk J. B., Jacksonburgh. Maulsby James, Lawrence. Manners George, New Richmond. Mauren Christo])her, (m) New Carlisle. Mauren John, South Bend. Mauzy R. D., Rushville. Member med. soc. of Ind., and Am. med. asso. Mavity William K., Kokomo. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Nashville, 1863; Jeffer- son med. coll., 1865; member med. soc. of Ind., Kokomo acad. of med. ; sec. med. soc. of How- ard co. ; act.’t surg. U. S. vols. 2 years and 3 months. Maxwell James Darwin, Bloomington. A. M., univ. of Ind.; AI. D., Jefferson med. coll., 1844; member med. soc. of Alonroe co., and med. soc. of Ind. May James S., Clarksburgh. May W. L., Crawfordsville. Mayer C., Ft. AVayne. Member med. soc. of Ind. Mayer C. H., (h) Ft. AVayne. Mayfield Isaac, Deputy. Meacham C. A., S wit’s City. Mears George AV., Indianapolis. Ex-pres. med. soc. of Ind. ; member Am. med. asso., 1872. Medaris John, Brookston. Two full courses at Starling med. coll., 1857-58 ; O. med. coll., 1848-49; member med. soc. of White co., and med. soc. of Ind. Medaris Stephen, Jordanville. Medris C. L., (e) La Fayette. Meek J. A., Jonesboro’. Member med. soc. of Ind. Meek M. E., (ml La Fayette. Meeker Daniel, La Porte. Meeker L., La Porte. Meinerth Louis, Haysville. Melehing AVilliam, Markle. Mellette Uriah Newton, (e) Nineveh, M. D,, eclec. med. coll, of Cincinnati, 1858. Melligan James, Butler.' Melton Eli M., Elizabeth. Menci Theodore, (h) New Albany. Mendenhall A. 13., Granville. Mendenhall A. L., Granville. MEN INDIANA. MOR Mendenhall B., Thorntown. Mendenhall Edward, Coruna. Mendenhall Elijah, Zionsville. M. D., Cincinntiti coll, of nied. and surg., 1865; member med. soc. of Boone co., med. soc. of Ind. ; ex-surg, U. S. pension ; ex-phys. Preble CO., O., infirmary; ex-military surg. of Preble CO., O.;— author of “Typhoid Fever,” 1865; “ Krgot in Labor.” Mendenhall Isaac, New Castle. .Member med. soc. of Ind., and Am. med. asso., 1872. Mendenhall, Nathan, Thorntown. 1)., <). med. coll., 1858; ]ires. Drake med. soc. of Boone co. ; member med. soc. of Ind. ]\Ienden]iall Uriali. Waterman. Mendenliall Win. T., North Manchester. Menifee E. U., Alexandria. Menich A. J., Worthington. Mercer Thomas Clifton, Utica. M. D., Louisville med. inst., 1841; act. as.s’t surg. U. S. A. 6 years. Mercer William, Coruna. Merchant Victor. Ilauhstndt. Z^Ierideth J. W., (m) Frankfort. ^lerine J. A., New Madison. ISIerion Geo. P., (h) Perryville. Merrick Watson, Newbern. Merriman E., Springfield. J^Ierritt J., Oaktown. iMessick James, Bellmore. iMessie Adam, (e) Noblesvillo. Metts J. J., Ossian. Member med. soc. of Ind. Meyers T>. II., (e) Eden. Jkleyner William, Pine Village. Mickey F. J., PbOyalton. Milburn .1. E., Colfax. [Miles John. Sullivan. Miller A., Whiteland. Miller Chas. B., Lfiwrenceburgh. i\L !).. Oiiio med. coll., 1862; member med. soc. of Ind., and me 1. soc. of Dearborn co. Miller C. F., Indianapolis. Miller G. IV., Ladoga. Miller Jefferson, Ladoga. Aliller James, La Grange. Miller J. W., ^Jillersbnrg. [Miller L. C., Alto. Member med. s-'c. of Ind. Miller L. V., West])ort. Miller S. R., Tjcbanon. Viller W. F.. Boston. Mills John, Logans])ort. [Milner J. L., Roekport. Milten , Columbia City. Member med. soc. of Ind. Minicb A. C., Freedom. [Minesinger II. [M,, Sulphur Springs. [Minton J. E., Valley City. Mirick J. AI., Springfield. Mitchell Chai’k's C., Valley City, Mitchell G. B., [Martinsville. Memb.'^r med. soc. of lad. Mitchell II., 'Muncie. 16 Mitchell J. D., Terre Haute.. Mitchell J. F., Vernon. Member med. soc. of Ind. Mitchell James R., ILeiit. Mitchell John S., II untin gburgh. M. D., Ivy. school of med., 1860. Mitchell L. G., Pendleton. Mitchell M. G., Abington. Mitchell Robt., Mitchell. Mitchell R. S., Richmond. Mitchell S. E., Harrison. Mobley AT. B., (e) Rossbiirgh. Mock J. F., Alexander. Alodissitt A., Mansheld. Modsicker AI., Columbia City. Moflit John, Rushviilc. Alonday Alartin, (e) Terre Haute. Monnett C. S., Arney. Monroe J. R., Seymour. Alontgomery C. j.. Ontario. Montgomery David B., Cynthiana. M. D., Hush med. coll., 1858; member Drake acad. of med., Evansville. Montgomery Geo. Brownlow, Winslow. MemOer Draicc acad. of med., Evansville; exam, surg. for }»ensioiis; ass’t surg. U. S. vols. 2 yra. Montgomery T. J., Owensville. Moody I. W., Locke. Aloon IV. S., Centre Valley. Moore A. V., Poolsville. Moore G. G., (e) Lexington. Moore H. IL, Indianapolis. Member med. soc. of Ind. Moore John, Lakeville. Aloore J., Scott. [Moore J. L., Otwell. Moore AI. J., Plaiiiville. Aloore F. B., (mi Hooveysburgh. Moore P. G., Rich Valley. M. 1)., Cincinnati coll, of mc., Cincinnati coii. of med. and surg., 18CJ. Pierce S. II., Alt. Vernon. Pierce Airs., (h) La Porte. Pierson E. W., Indianapolis. Pinkerton A. U., Liberty. Pinson James A., St. Birnice. Pirnat John, Evansville. JM. 1).. ;\Iiaini med. coll., 18G7; member med. soc. of Evansville. Pitchlynn II. B., Green Castle. Pitzer A. B., S!iarpsville. Pixby C. S., Elkhart. Plummer Isaac N., Shoals. Poffenbergsr Isaiah, Walkerton. M. 1)., O. med. coil, (no date) ; member med. soc. of rtt. Joseph CO., and med. soc. of Iroquois co. : ass’t surg. Ind. vols. 1 year. Pointdexter Thrilia, (in') Keck’s Church. Pollard AV. S., Evansville. Pollett T. AI., Alilroy. Poison Thomas, Celestine. Ponghorst J. TI,, La. Fayette. Popjie Otto, (h'l Crown lAtint. Porter A. AL, State Thiie. Member med. soc. of Ind. Porter Brewster, Staunton. Potter E. B., (h) Terre Haute. Potter G. AY.. Alniicie. Potts John, Harmony. Potts .John AY., Elizabeth. Powell D. G., Princeton. Powell J. A., (e) Burrows. Powell J. AY., Bocklield. Member me 1. soc. of ind. Powers E. I)., I.a Fayette. Powers .1. II., Albany. Prater Lanford, Sweetser’s. M. 1)., Ind. med. coil., lS7d ; member mcd. soc. of Grant co. Prather C. AA^., Covington. Pratt Alonzo, Crown Point. Pratt Joel, Avilla. Pi’att AI. H., Anderson. Pratt Samuel B., Hebron. Pray Eims G., (m'^ Indianapolis. Prentis AY. T., Folsomvilie. Pressley N. AY., (e) Ihittle Ground. Preston Albert, Greeiicastle. Mciiibcr mcd. sac. of Ind. Preston Ed., (h) Ligonier. Pretty man J. T., Pleasant Hill. Price 11. B., J.a Grange. Price J. D., JamesLown. Price J. AL, Brazil. Prichard Richard, (e) Cloverdale. Prince A. B., Boone Grove. Pi'indlc K., (m) Laconia. Piitcliett J., (lent re vi lie. Proviir- AY. AL, Bsiigersvillo. Prunk Daniel II., (e) Indianapolis. M. 1)., eclec. insi. oi Vincinnati ; member national eclec. med. asso., and ind. eclec. mcd. asso.; ass’t snrg. V. S. vols. Puckett B., AA'luco('ster. Pugh John W., Oak town. M. 1)., (). med. c)il., i dh' ; member Drake acad. of mod., and med. soc. oi' Grant co. Pugh AI., (m) Upland. PngliAY. AI., Rnshvillo. Alembcr med. soc. of ind. Pune J. E., Alilford. Purcell John, Deeilield. Purcell W. AI., Reels ville. Purdy Ephraim, (el Augusta Station. Purdy E. IL, Ft. AAhiyne. Purser Danii 1, Indiana! ol's. Purvianco Samuel Woods, Crawfordsville. M. D.,tS ariing mc i.eoil., Ic4s; iucmV)er mod. soc. of Ind. ; treas. )ned. soc. cf Montgomery co. ; member board of heahh. Pnrviaiice , Attica. Putt Frank, Aliddleburgh. Quick .John JI., Brookville. Quick S. T., (e) Indianapolis. Member eclec. asso. of ind. Rabies A. J., (ei Alarion. Raby AYjliiam, AA'oleott ville. Radcliffe John V., (e; Terre Haute. Raffle J. S., Aurora. Rafferty T. N., Springville. Railing J. R.. Sclmellville. Ralston G. AY., Evansville. Ramages G. AY., Elkhart. Ramsey 1^., Reynolds. Ramsey N. A., (e Portland. Randal N. B. , Silverlake. Randall AAL I)., Ligonier. Rankin Gibson, South Bethany. Rap]) Casper, Indianapolis. Rariden S. A., Bedfoial. Rathburn Chaides, Salem. Raavles J. A., AIonGrocjiiinong. Rawlins F. J. C., Knightstown. Member med. soc. of ind. Rawlins J. AY., New Harmony. Rayh.onser G. A. C., (e) AYolcott. Raymond AIcIL, Rising Sun. Rea Daniel, Royal Center, lhai John, Newcastle. JMemher med. soc. of Ind., Am. med. asso,, 1872. Reader AAMlliam, Corydon. M. i)., med. dejVt uni v. of Louisville, 1850; mem- ber med. soc. of Ind. EEA. INDIANA. ROG 217 Kea^aii A. W., Mooresville. Member mecl. soc. of Ind. Reagan E. P., Crawfordsville. Reagan Jessie, jSIonrovia. Member med. soc. of Ind. Reagan James, Monrovia. Reagan L., Bridgeport. Ream J. B., Nineveh. Reasoner H. D., New Cumberland. Member med. soc. of Ind. Reasoner W. M., Siilpluir Springs. ilember med. soc. of Ind. Record Isaac, Lawrence. Record Samuel, Lawrence. Member med. soc. of Ind. Rectamus Fred., Aurora. Redding A. J., (e' La Porte. Redenonr David, Chili. Redlon U. M., (e) Pierceville. Reed Ezra., Terre Haute. Reed E. P., Peek’s Grove. Reed G. W., Don. Reed John, (in') Kasson. Reed S. M., Independence. Reed T. C., Vincennes. Reed Wilson, jSIarco. Reel Emanuel, Bicknell’s Station. Reeves A. B., Cgden. Reeves 11. G., Clifty. Reeves J. L., (e) Union City. Reiijle M. W., fm) Brook. Reiley J. H. S., Sardinia. M. D., U. med. coll., 1867. Reiley Wm. F., Sardinia. M. l>., O. med. coll. 1858 ; member med. soc. of Ind. Renner J. IT., La Gro. Reny A. S., Nebraska. Rewiin Harvey, New Lancaster. Reynolds Geo. R., Plymouth. Reynolds J. P., Vincennes. Reynolds J. R., Wirt. Rhamy John A., (hi La Gro. Rice A. L., .lonesville. Rice Cornelius Dalford, (e) Angola. M. I)., eclec. med. coll. ; member eclec. med. soc. of O. Rice H. .J., Rockville. Rice John Scott, Laurel. M. D., Bellevue hosp. med. coll., 1866. Rice John T., Attica. Rice Revel, (e) Logansport. Rich T. C., Indiana])olis. Richards Francis, Richmond. Richards F. B., f e) Taylorsville. Richards John, Land. Richards S. D., Patrickburg. Richards T. J., Ft. Branch. Richardson A. G., fe) Chambersburg. Richardson .L T., (h) Deli)hi. Richardson N., re) Vernon. Richmond C., Kokomo. Member med. soc. of Ind. Richmond Charles Morris, Walkerton. M. D., Rush med. coll, of Chicago, 1862. Riddle G. W., (h) Indianapolis. Riddle H. 1)., Battle Green. Ridenour William, (e) In wood. Ridgeway J. T., (h) Indianapolis. Ridlane D., Pierceville. Ried S., New Albany. Member med. soc. of ind. Rife John A., Paoli. Rife John Jackson, Boston. B. 8., Miami univ., 1.''63 ; M. D., Cincinnati coll, of med. and surg., 1869. Rifllo John S., Newtown. Rigdin Byron, Rigdon. Rigdon W. W., Fouutaintown. Riggs C. E., Alexandria. Riggs Joseph, (m) Indianapolis. Riner James A., (e) Dover. Ripples Fred., Huntington. Risegue R. R., Mt. Vernon. : Ritcliey E. P., Petersbnrgh. Ritter John A., (drangeville. Ritter L., Indianapolis. Member med. soc. of Ind. Ritter Tlieoi)liilus C., West Baden. Robb B., (m) Princeton. Robbins A. H., Rochester. Member med. soc. of Ind. Robbins C., Brooklyn. Member med. soc. of Ind. Robbins G. H., Abington. Robbins G. W., Economy. Robbins J. Q. A., Abingdon. Robbins 8. B.. Lawrenceburgh. Robbins W. M., (e) Norway. Roberts E. P.^ Bloomfield. Roberts Jeremiah, Holton. Robertson W. 8., Fairland. Robins Milton, 8helbyville. Robinson H., Martinsville. Robinson 8. A., (h) La Porte. Robinson F. B., (e) Monticello. Robinson Josiah, Fillmore. Robinson Jas. B., Fillmore. Robinson L. D., Coatsville. ilember med. soc. of Ind. Robinson R., (e) Monon. Robinson Sarnl. L., New Washington, Robson John R., New Harmony. Rockafellow N. D., Fairfield. Rockwell C. N., Taylorsville. Rodabaugh A., Indian Village. Rodgers Dudley, Greencastle. Rodgers Henry, Ladoga. Rodgers L.. 8pringfield. Rodgers 8. M., Austin. Rodman Jas., Mt. Meridan. Rodman 8. IT., Middleburgh. . Rodman 8. W.. Zionsville. Rodman Wm. M., Houston. Roe J. 8., N. Madison. Member med. soc. of Ind. Roesgen .1. P., Columbus. Rogers E. A., La Porte. Rogers E. P., (h) Pendleton. 218 ROG INDIANA. SCO liogers John G., Madison. Perm, member Am, med. asso. Rogers J. H. D., Madison. Rogers J. J., (na) Pendleton. Rogers Jas. W., (m) Mexico. Roller A. B., Millersburgli. .Hooker James I., Castleton. B. S., Asbury uiiiv., 1854; M. D., O. med. coll., 1857 ; member med. soc. of Ind., and med, soc. of Hamilton co. ; ass’t surg. Ind. vols. ; — author of numerous medical papers. Roop R. H., (e) Hope. Rose B. Asburry, Lyons. One course med. dep’t univ. of Louisville; sec. med. soc. of Greene co. Rose L. C., La Porte. Member Am. med. asso., 1872. Rose M. II., Thorntown. Rose V., Jamestown. Rose W. D., (e) La Fayette. Roseiifield J. M., Ft. Wayne. ' Member med. soc. of Ind., and Am. med. asso., 1872. Rosenthall J. N., Indianapolis. Ross Daniel, (h) Shelbyville. Ross Jacob Turner, Whitestown. One course at Cincinnati coll, of med. and surg., 1859-60. Ross Jonathan, Blountsville. Ross Justin, Williamsport. Ross L. G., Raleigh. Rossetter W. E., (e) Terre Haute. Rother D. B., Autumn. Rowe Charles, St. Peters. Rowley A. II., Andersonville, Rowyer B. W., Fortville. Ruark Shadrach, Evansville. Ruby Jas., Union City. Rucher Jas., Beech Grove. Rucker Tiios. II., Evansville. Rucker T. H., New Albany. Member med. soc. of Ind. Rude J. B., Miami. Rude R. H., (m) La Porte. Runcie E. T., Evansville. Member med. soc. of Ind. Runcie J. W., Ft. Branch. M. D., Jelferson med. coll., 1871. Runk D. H., (h) Indianapolis. Runnells O. S., (h) Indianapolis. Runyan Jas. Madison, Stockdale. M. D., Bellevue hosp. med. coll., 1868 ; member med. soc. of Wabash co., med. soc. of Miami co., and med. soc. of Ind. Runyan J. F., Daleville. Rupp P. E., South Bend. Rush W. P., Edinburgh. Rusk J. M., Freelandville. Russ D. J., (m) Trafalgar. Russell A. H., (m) Rochester. Russell Benj. P., Paris. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of St. Louis, 1845; mem- ber med. soc. of Ind. ; hon. member med. soc. of Louisville. Russell Chas., Princeton. Russell Henry, Richmond. Russell J. R., Lexington. Russell R. V., (m) New Cumberland. Rust F., Iluntingburgh. Ruter R. R., Patriot. Rutherford C. E., (h) Peru. Rutherford E. M., (h) Peru. Rutledge J. C., Posey ville. Ryan Samuel, French Lick. Ryker Chas., Manville. M. D., Cincinnati coll, of med. and surg., 1869, Sack John C., South Bend. Sackett L. M., Jonesville. Sadler J., Edinburgh. Sags P. S., East Enterprise. Sale F. Hi, Dillsboro’. Sale J. II., Dillsboro’. Salter J. T., New Carlisle. Sames Joseph, A^incennes. Sam])son George W. , ( m) Hebron, Sandefer J. S., < m) Indianapolis. Sanders Isaac, Georgetown, Sanders John F., (h) Sullivan. Sanders James F., Milltown. Sanders T. K., Windfall. Sanderson Geo. R., Sugar Branch. Sanderson Samuel, Kent. Sapp S. C., Warsaw. Sargent S. S., (h'( Carthage. Sarom John A., Woostertown. Satter J. T., Rochester. Saulsbury S. II., AYinterroud. Saunders C. B., Nottingham. Saunders E. A., AYilliamsport, Saunders William, Hazleton. Sawyer E. W., (hi Kokomo. Sawyer F. AY., Evansville. Sayler Andrew, (e) Rossville. Sayles M. T., (h) Hebron. Schaub Daniel, (m) Muncie. Scheller F., Evansville. Schenck H. F., Union. Schissler Charles, Madison. Schlosser Fred., Siimnan. Schmitz Charles, (m) Ft. Wayne. Sclimoker Anthony, (m i South Bend. Schoffield B. I. P., (e) Locke. Schoffield Samuel, Hamilton. Member med. soc. of Ind. Schofield S. H., Martinsville. Schonover W. S., Hardinsburgh. Member med. soc. of Ind. Schrok William H., Decatur. M. D., Rush med. coll., 1869. Schultz Henry, Michigan City. Schultz John B., (e' Logansport. Schultz Theodore, (h) Evansville. Schultz Thomas, (h Evansville. Schultze George, (m) Evansville. Schunterman Wm., (m) Santa Claus. Schuyler Charles, Madison. Schw^eihart C. H., Tyner City. Schweitner Jacob, Jeffersonville. Scott B., (m) Alt. Redidan. Scott Caleb, (e) Monticello. Scott Gideon, Centre. Scott G. B., Greentowm. Scott Joseph, Alarkle. SCO INDIANA. SMI 219 Scott Joseph G., (e) Cleveland. Scott J. F., Greentown. Scott N. W., Mt. Etna. Scott William, Warsaw. Scott William, Kokomo. M. D., hush liicd. coll., 1863 ; Bellevue hosp. med. coll., 1870; member med. soc. of Howard co., med. soc. of lud. ; ass’t surg. aud surg. U. S. vols., 2 years. Scudder Charles, Edwardsport. Scudder J. A., Washington. M. D., Miami med. coll., 1857. Scudder J. J., Edinburgh. Scull B. F., Saluda. Scull D. C., Brookville. Searles Joseph E., (m) Mt. Etna. Scares Barton, (e) Clarksbm’gh. Seaton Charles, Hall. Seaton Grafton, Hall. Seawright J. P., Colfax. Seawright E. S., La Fayette. Sebring David, Columbia City. Segler Henry T., Evansville. M. D., Leipsic, Ger., 1844; member med. soc. of Vanderburg co. ; ass’t surg. U. S. vols. 5 years. Seiler C., (e) Bremen. Selman A. G., Indianapolis. Serest Alfred, (e) Worthington. Severance L., (e) Huntington. Sevey Samuel, Albany. Seward A. B., Petersburgh. Sexton M., Eushville. Member med. soc. of Ind. Seymour I). P., Leesburgh. Seymour Francis Asbury, Jeffersonville. A. B., uiiiv. of Louisvil e; M. 1)., Ky. school of med., 1864; ad. eund. med. dep’t univ. of Louis- ville, 1867 ; member Louisville coll, of phys. and surg., Jeftersoriville acad. of med. ; ass’t phys. western insane asylum, Ky. ; act. ass’t surg. U. S. A., !•} years. Shaffer A. H., Huntington. Shaffer P., Bracken. Shane T. A., (h) Columbus. Shannon J. D., Sliannondale. Sharp W. W., (ml Frankton. Sharpies Henry, Truman. Shearman N., Plymouth. Sheets W. H., Jeffersonville. Shell F. A., Spencer. Shenom H. H., Meridan. Shepard Hiram, Newport. Shepard Lewis, Newport. Sheppard T. S., Bluffton. Sherman M. G., Michigan City. Member Ind. State med. soc. Sherrod James C., Paoli. Sherrod K. W., Millport. Member Ind. State med. soc. Shiaeler, J. K., Royerton. Shields j. T., Seymour. Shields John W., Terre Haute, Shielly George, Columbia City. Shimpson S. F., (h) Brazil. Shipman M. N., St. Paul. Shirley J. W., Brownstown. Bhirly J. T., Martinsville. Shively D. J., N. London. Member Ind. State med. soc. Shively James S., Marion. Memoerlnd. State med. soc. - Shock Henry, Syracuse. Shockley W. C., (m) Newcastle. Shoemaker W. J., Ridgeville. Shoptaugh J., Francisville. Short H., (e) Hartsville. Short John S., La Grange. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Mich., 1873. Short William H., La Grange. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Mich., 1869; member N. E. Ind. med. soc. Short Wesley, (e) Springville. Shriller W. W., (e) Brownsville. Shrock W. H., Decatur. Sh routs J. F., Momence. Shumate T., Zionsville. Shumate W. T., Jonesville. Shultz F. A., (e) Delphi. Member S. E. Ind. med. asso. Shuliey D. S., New London. Shurly J., Marion. Shuster Chas., Madison. Sidaall James P., le) Indianapolis. M. D., eclec. med. inst. of Cincinnati, 1858 ; mem- ber eclec. med. asso. of Indianapolis, eclec. asso. of Ind. ; ass’t surg. Ind. vols. 4i years. Siddens Oliver, Harmony. Sigler Daniel, m) El wood. Siilsbury J., Kendall ville. Simmason John, Romney. Simon A., Warsaw. Simonson J. C., New Philadelphia. Simpson Alex., Silverville. Simpson John Duval, Bedford. M. D., med. de])’t univ. of Louisville, 1865, Belle- vue hosp. med. coll., 1870 ; member med. soc. of Ind.; phys. to county, 1871. Simpson Solomon, West IJberty. Sims John Ferguson, Elizaville. One full course at Bush med. coll., 1866-7 ; mem- ber Drake med. soc. of Lebanon, med. soc. of Ind. Sinclair Isaac P., Tassinong Grove. Sinnan J. C., (h) La Fayette. Sinnard J. P., Crawfordsville. Sinz Martin, Fredericksville. Sipe R. W., Orange. Skiff Clark, Selina. Slack G. W., Yorktown. Member med. soc. of Ind. Slack J. C., South Bend. Slanton D. S., Deerfield. Slaughter R. C., Newburgh. Slaughter W. W., Newburgh. Slavens John, Greencastle. Slavinson C., tm) Princeton. Slick Charles W., South Bend. Sloan John W., New Albany. Ex-pres. med. soc. of Ind. Sloan John, Crawfordsville. Slocum C. E., Shelby ville. Slocum John C., Shelbyville. Sloss J. B., Orland. Smalley Henry B., Miami. Siniler John H., Peru. 220 SMI INDIANA. STA Smith A. E. L., Corydon. Smith Andrew, Wabash. Chicago lueJ. coll., 1871. Bmitli A. J., Newtonville. Smith C. H., Kirk’s Cross Koads. iM. D., Hush med. coll., 1873; member med. soc. of Ind. Smith C. S., Ft. Wayne. Smith Daniel 8., Clarksburgh. Smith E. G., Kentland. Smith G. C., Greencastle. Smith G. W., AVinchester. Smith Henry, Srnithland. Smith II. L., Orland. Smith II. M., Vincennes. Member med. soc. of lud. Smitli I., Petersburg]!. Smith Israel, Rochester. Smith .J. A., Brownsville. Smith J. H., Kewanna. Smitli J. J., Middlebury. Smith John M., (h) La Fayette. Smith John T., Petersburgli. Smith John W., Gosport. M. D., Ky. med. coll., 18 33. Smith M. C., AVorthington. Smitli M. AV., Ilarristown. Smith R. A., Knightstown. Smith Reuben Collins, (e) Greenville. Smith R. AV., Greentown. Member med. soc. of Ind. Smith S. M., Delidii. Smith Samuel AV., Vincennes. Smith Samuel L. S., New Albany. M. D., med. dei>’t univ. of Mich., 1873. Smith W. F., AAhilkerton. Smith AV. G., AA^inchester. Smith AV. II., Falmouth. Smith William H., Leesville. Two courses lect. univ. of Louisville, 1851-52, and med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1852-53; member med. soc. of Lawrence co. Smith William Z., Shoals. M. i)., Ohio med. co*!., 1871 ; ass’t surg. Ind. vols. 3 years. Smith Jolm M., Gosnort. Smydth William C., AVortliington. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Louisville; member mod. soc. of Ind., and med. soc. of Greene co. ; surg. Ind. vols. 1 year. Smyth Richard, Princeton. Snell 8. R., (e) Muncie. Snoddy John Miner, Indianapolis. A. lb, N. \V. univ., ISOO; A. M., 18G3; M. D., eoll. of i)hys. and surg., Keokuk, 1871 ; member med. soc. of Ind. Snodgrass D. B., Xenia. Snodgrass E. D.. Yorktown. Snooks AV. R., York. Snow B. B., Limber Lost. Snyder Leander, Camden. Snyder L. A., La Gro. Somers Phillip, Angola. Somes J., Vincennes. Member med. soc. of Ind. Somner Joshua, Corydon. 8org Andrew, Decatur. 8ouder Alex. C., Derby. Souther J. AV., New Trenton. Soutliworth A., ih) Franklin. Southworth 8., (h) Dublin. Soverign Fred. F., Michigan City. M. D., Hush med. coil., Chicago. Soverign Lewis II., Michigan City. Certif. of grad., med. school, Toronto, Canada. Spain Archibald W., Poseyville. JM. D., Cincinnati coll, of med. and surg., 1SG3; member Drake acad. of med.; ass’t surg. U. S. vols. 1 year; phys. co. poor asylum. Spain J. AV., Oakland. Spangler Chas., LRica. Spann B. F., Anderson. Sparklin Charles C., Goshen. One course Jiellevue Jms]). med. coll, and one Chicago med. eoll. ; surg. lad. vols. Sparks A. J., Hebron. Sparks J. B., Knightstown. Sparks N. B., Lovely Dale. Sparks T. J., Morgantown. Sparks AVm., Sparksville. Spaulding A. M., (e) Springfield. Spauldiug S. C.. La Fayette. Spears AV. AA^. Pekin. Speck A. C., Kentland. Spees George, Glenn’s Valley. M. D., med. coll, of lad., 1871 ; member med. soc, of Ind. SpeidalH., fe) Elizaville. Spencer Ethan, Boonville. Spencer E. V., Mt. Vernon. Spencer Jos., Tippecanoe. Spencer J. F., Butlerville. Spencer S. M., Albion. Spencer W., Monticello. M. i)., Jelfeison med. coll., 1856, and med. dep’t univ. of Nashville, 1864; member med. soc. of Ind., med. soc. of AVhite co. ; member Cincin- nati scientific and literary soc. ; surg. in charge Grove st. hosp., Vicksburg, Miss. 4 years. Spiatt AV. A., Clierubnsco. Spilman Frank Joseph, Andersonville. id. D., Ohio med. coll., I Terre Ilaute. AYatkiiis Frank, (el Pern. Watson Charles Douglas, Covington. Al. i)., Rash med. coil., i v) i ; member med. soc. of Ind., and mod. soc. of Fountain and AYarren cos. ; act. ass’t surg. U. S. vols. Watson John AI., A^ienna. AYatts .las. 11. , Paoli. AYayburn Oliver, (e) La Fayette. AA^ayman .1. V., Cambridge city. AYeaver C. II., AYest Point. AYeaver C. AY., La Favette. AYeaver David, (ml AYest Lebanon. AYeaver S. AI., (e) Dillsboro’. AYeaver AY. R., Kniglitstown. AYebb B. F., AYarren. AYebb James, (m) Perrysville. AYebb AY. A., Franklin. AYebb AY. II., Adams. AYebber J. P., AYarsaw. AYebber Robert, DebVni. AYeber Jacob, (m) Aladison. AYebster E. C., (e) Alarion. AYebster J. C., Romney. VYeed John B., Greensbnrgh. AYeeks J., Alechanicsbnrgh. Weever John Blanchard, Mt. Vernon. M. D., .Tcffersou med. coll., 1858. AYeicht AY. C., (h) Angola. AYeimer AY., (e) Union City. AYeir A. A., Graysville. AYeir Robert IM., AYhite Hall. AWist J. R., Richmond. Wclbourn Edward L., (m) Union City. M. L)., eclec. med. coll, of Fa., 18G6, and Am. univ. of Firila.. 1871; member national eclec. asso., and Fa. eclec. asso. ; sec. board of health. AYellborn AY. P., Princeton. M. ])., .Icifers on meJ. coll., l.'^SO. AYellborn AY. AY., Evansville. AYelch J. A., Fillmore. AYeldon Jolin, (c; Greensbnrgh. AYeldon S. J., Covington. Wellman S. P., Aluncie. AYells A. A., Clark’s Mills. AYells Charles T., AA^ashington. AYells Hayden, Greenwood. AYells J. C., Alooncy. AI. D., Aliomi me;!, coll., 185G. Welman Richmond M., Jasper. Al. i»., rincMiiiuui coli. of med. and surg., 1861; memb(ir med. soc. of Ind. 18 years; surg. Ind. vols. AYelsh J. II., Aliddleton. AYelsheimer C. T., Bluffton. AYertz W. T., Boouville. AYest A^. T., Princeton. AYeybnrn AY., Idi Fayette. AYlialey S. O., York. Whitaker J. R., Ellsworth. AYiiitcomb J. y.. Concord. White Arthur, Rockport. AYhite A. B., Folsom ville. AYhite Cornelius, Shoals. AYhite C. A. Danville. AYhite C. L., Rocliester. AYhite E. G., La Grange. AYhite G. AY., Union City. AYhite James B., Normandy. AYliite J. F., Brownsbnrgh. Alember med. soc. of Ind. AA^hite J. II., Michigan City. AYhite Jacob S., Michigan City. AYhite AYesley, Martinsville. AYhitehall A. L., Attica. AYiiitehall Samuel, Chambersburgh, AYhitesell J. M., Kniglitstown. AYhitesell P. P., Clarksville. AYhiting S. C.. (h) A^inceiines. AYhitmaii II. T., Indianapolis. AYhitmer B. F., (e) Milton. AYhittaker Idaville. Whitted William L., Ellittsville. One course lect. at O. med. coll. ; member med. soc. of Alonroe co. AYiber AYilliam, (e) Columbia City. AYickersham N. F., Anderson. AI. D., Aliami med. coll., 1857 ; member med. soc. of Ind. AYickham AY. A., Goshen. AYidimer J. F. B., Bretzville. AYiest J. R., Richmond. Alember med. soc. of Ind. AYilcox John, Greencastle. Wilcox James R., Utica. AI. D., St. Louis med. coll., 1854. AYilcox Riley M., New Albany. AYilcox Seymour C.,Ne\y Albany. AYilcox AA^illet M., (e) New Albany. WIL INDIANA. WOO 225 'Wilde Charles, (m) Indianapolis. Wildrip:e John, (m) AVashington. AVilds J. T., Kirk’s Cross lioads. AAHles AI. A^., Spencer. AAJley D., Indianapolis. AA^'ilev AI. AV., Indianapolis. b.. Bellevue Iiosp. iiied. coll., 1SG8 ; member med. soc. of Ind. AA^iliieibe AI., (e) Crawfordsville. AVilkinson .T., Fremont. AVillan E. B., Trafalgar. AATillan K. Day, Trafalgar. D, .\iiami sued, coll., ISGS ; ex-v.-pres. med. s )C. of .Johnson co. AAkBilinm Floyd, (e) South Bend. AVilliams A. L., Lebanon. AYiiliams B. C., Ilaneysbnrgh. AVilliams G. P., Ilnntingburgh. AA^'iHiams IT., Kendallville. AVilliams II. T., Bisiiig Sun. AA^illiams John, Bowling Green. AVilliams J. A., Patricksburgh. AATlliams J. C., Huntington. Williams Jolm AV., Beecli Grove. AVilliams Louis, Alarion. M. D., .Miami med. coll., ISo? ; member med. soc. of bid., and Am. raed. asso., 187J. AA’'iHiams Noah, Owensburgh. AVilliams O. B., Huntington. AVilliams O. N., (h) Liberty. AViUiams 11., (e) Union City. AVilliams S. T., Ixendallville. AVilliams T. B., Crooked Creek. AVilliams AVilliam, Patricksburgh. AVilliams AV. C., Albion. Member med. soc. of Ind. AA^illiams AA^'iHiam H., Huntington. AA’^illiams AA^. H., Richmond. AVilliamson J. \V., Indianapolis. AVilliamsoii J. H., Union City. AVilliamson AT. F., New I Liven. AVilliamson Tl. A., Lebanon. Alemher med. soc. of Ind. Willien Leon J., Terre Haute. Studied med. 1 years atStrasburg, Franco; AI. D., St. Louis med. c:>il., 1 'GG ; v.-prcs. yEsculapiau soc. of Wabash A'allcy; ])hys. Providence liosp. AA'illis Patrick, (ml Alt. Pleasant. AALllis S. .D., (m) AVallace. A\’'ilson D.iniel, Linden. AVilson Elisha G., A^ienna. At. D., med. ueidt u.dv. of Louisville, 1870. AVilson George, Indianapolis. AVilson IT., Owensville. Wilson Jam3.s Bruce, Salem. Grad, on ecrtifieatc of 4 years’ practice and 1 course leets. Louisvl'le raed. inst., 1852; cx- pres. med. soc. of Washington co. ; member med. soc. of Ind. AA^ilson J. AV., Ro.ssville. Alcmber ined. soc. of Ind. AA'ilson James AA^., La Fayette. AViboii Jj. F., Lyon. AA'ilson L., Attica. AVilson L., .D‘invMlf\ AVilson M. L., (h) Terre Haute. Wilscn AI. Y., Aledora. AVilson N.H., Loogootee. AVilson R. .1., Lockport. Wilson R. Q., Kokomo. Al. I)., Uusii med. coil., (no date) ; member med. soc. of Howard co., med. soc. of Ind. AVilson S. C., New Bellville. AVilson T. O., Browiistown. Alember med. soc. of Ind. AVilson AV. B., Rolling Prairie. AAGlson AV. T., Bmiker Hill. AATndell J., (e) Pendleton. AVindle L., (e) South Bend. AVinegardner J. C., Francesville. AI. 1)., Chicago med. coil., 18G8. AVinning AI. J., Evansville, AVinston I/eonidas A"., Knightstown. AI. D., Ilellevue hosp. med. coll., ISCC ; member med. soe. of AVinter J., (m^ Aledaryville. Av'inton C. IL, Noith Aianchester. AVinton Horace, Aianchester. AI. D., Jelierson med. coll., 1SC5. AVinton H., AInneie. Alember med. soe. of Ind. AVinton R., Aluncie. AI. D., Push med. coll., 185G; member med. soc. of Ind. AA^inton AV. R., AVabash. Alember med. s:)C. of ind. AA'isliai’d J. AL, Greenwood. Aiemher med. soc. of Ind. AATsliard AA’’. II., Southport. Alember med. soc. of Ind. AVisner Austiti, AVindfall. Wiener YTiiliam E., Henry ville. AI. D., Cineimiati eoii. oi med. and surg., 1870. AVitlierspoon, AI., Brncevillc. AVitt Samuel H., Cairo. Av'ittham B., AVoodbury. AA^ormouth George, AA'oostertown. AYoIf Harvey Scribner, Corydoii. AI. D., Ky. school of med., 18G0; med. dep’t univ of Loui.sville, 18G7 ; .surg. Ind. vols. 1 year. AA^olf J. G., Shelby ville. Alember med. soc. of Ind. AVolf Samuel C., Elizabeth. Wolfe Leonidas Oliver, Alauckport. AI. D.,Push med. col!., ISGG. AVolfe Alarcus A., Alauckport. AVollker Carl, Ilaysville. AA^ ood Hiram, Lake Alills. AVood Hugh D., Angola. API)., Ilellevue liosj). med, coll,, 18G7 ; member med. soc. of Ind. AA^'ood James A., Lowell. AAL)od John A., Terre Haute. AVood J. A., Alonticello. AVood J. AL, Alorristown. AVood L., (c) Indianapolis. AVood T. F., Alctz. AIc.mber med. soc. of Ind. AVoodburn Jas. II., Indianapolis. Alember mod. soc. of Ind., and Am. med. asso. 226 WOO INDIANA. ZIN Wooden Jeremiah, Gosport. Wooden J. Ij., Greensburgh. Member med. soc. of Ind. Wooding Albert, Petersburgh. Woodruff F. M., Martz. AVoodruff G. S., Ligonier. Woodruff Jos. , Evansville. Woodward B. S., Ft. Wayne. AVoodward John P., A^ernon. AVoodward John S., Ilarrowsville. AVoodward AVilliam B,, Springville. AVoodworth Benj. Studley, Ft. Wayne. Ex-pres. med. soc. of Ind.; member Am. med. asso. AAToolen Green ATinton, Indianapolis. M. D., Bellevue hosp. med. coll., 1865 ; member Indianapolis acad. of med., Am. med. asso. ; sec. med. soc. of Ind. ; 5 years sup’t city hosp. ; ass’t snrg. Ind. vols. years. AVoolen L. J., Vevay. Member med. soc. of Ind. AVooley Amos, AFarren. AVooley C. A., Kokomo. AFooley D. C., Milford. AFolverton A., AFakamoa. A/Fork James Anderson, Elkhart. M. I)., med. dep’t univ. of Mich., 1870; member Elkhart acad. of med. and science, and med. soc. of Elkhart co. AA^ork Samuel M., Charleston. AForkman J. M., Lebanon. ^lember med. soc. of Ind. AForkman W. G., Little York. AFormer J. D., (m) Lafayette. VForrell J. P., Terre Haute. Worsley George, Grand FHew. M. I)., Bush med. coll., 1SG5. AFort L., Brownstowii. ^Member med. soc. of Ind. AFray Hardy, (e) Hartsville. AYright Charles Edward, Indianapolis. M. D., Ohio med. coll, of Cincinnati, 1868; mem- ber Indianapolis acad. of med., med. soc. of Ind. ; lecturer on eye and ear Ind. med. coll. ; oculist and aurist to Bobbs’ free disp. ; phys. to St. John’s home for invalids ;— ed. “ Indiana Medical Journal.’' Wright C. H., Medora. Member med. soc. of Ind. AFright C. AF., Columbus. Wright J. F., Columbus. Member med. soc-. of Ind. AFright J. J., Indianapolis. Wright J. K., (e) AFashington. AFright M. H., Indianapolis. Member med. soc. of Ind. AFright M. R., Silver Lake. AFright P. H., Fairmoiint. AFright Ruben, A villa. AFright Samuel, Terre Haute. AFright S. E., Indianapolis. AFright AAL G., (m) Idaville. AFulkop A., Evansville. AFycholf P. AAC, Baineville. Wyman Charles, Lyons. AFyman II. C. AF., Muncie. Yandall AA^illiam, Ludlow. A'aney S. F., Fortville. Yates G. AF., Evansville. Yates AF. AF., Deer Creek. Yeakle David T., Lafayette. Alember med. soc. of Ind. Yeglemon G. G., Eden Mills. Yoder Moses, Millersburgh. Yost G. A., Mitchell. Youant J. M., (e) Indianapolis. Young J. N., Carlisle. Young M. A^., Gittingsville. Young Steven J., Terre Haute. Young T. D. G., Pierceton. Younkman A. B., Bremen. A^'ornit James, AFashington. A^outsler Elmer, New Amsterdam. Yugin H. N., Union City. Zeke F. S., AFindfall. Zimmerman G. M., New Castle. Member med. soc. of Ind. ZingleyD., Huntington. SUPPLEMENT TO INDIANA. AchiPes F. W., Indianapolis. Adamson V. V., Anderson. Agee C. J., Stendall. Aoedick J. A., Haywood. Axline J., Raleigh. Bacon E. H., (e) Indianapolis. Balirenhurg W. N., (h) Indianapolis. Bailey G. 1)., Spiceland. B ubour 0. F., Indianapolis. Barkley J. M., Farmers’ Retreat. Beaty M., Owensburg. Beaty W., Scotland. Becknell , Jlilford. Bolan , Milford. Brubaker II. W., Indianapolis. Chnssler Cliarles, Madison. Clark C. Y., Nettle Creek. Collings 0. P., Indianapolis. Compton J. A. (h) Indianapolis. Conclin E. L., Bridgeton. Crowder R. 11., Sullivan. Davis N. L., Fairland. Duff 0., Indianapolis. Dunlap John M., Indianapolis. Estabrook L. M., Springfield. Fitzhugh T., Indianapolis. Grayston B. H. B., Huntington X. D., Chicago med. coll., 1875. Hedley Edwin, Richmond. Hendreu L. C., Linton. James H. G., Evansville. Jameson P. II., Sr., Indianapolis Langhead , Scotland. Laserly J. A., New Fenton. Leister C. A., Monroeville. Lewis Geo. C., Canaan. Lilly J. E., Evansville. Prof. chem. pharm. and toxicology med. coll, of Evansville. Linthecum E., Evansville. Prof, clinical surgery med. coll, of Evansville. Lower M. 0., Liberty Mills. McFayden W. S., Shelbyville. Marble J. E., Winchester. May G. W., Mooney. Melshimer C. F., Bluffton. Mount Spencer C., Danville. M. D., med. coll, of Ind., 1876; member med. soc. of Hendricks co. Munsell L. S., Geneva. Murdock T. S., (h) Indianapolis. Neff D., Indianapolis. Paramore W. C., (e) Valparaiso. M. D., eclec. med. inst. Cin. O., 1861. Patterson A. W., Indianapolis. Price A. B., Boon Grove. Pritchau , (h) Indianapolis. Rearse S. H., Mt. Vernon, Rees II., Indianapolis. Runcie John W., Evansville. Prof. surg. med. coll, of Evansville. Scheets W. II., Jefferson. Scudder L., Washington. Seller T. P., Indianapolis. Shirley W. II., Shoals. Shoptaugli S. H., Princeton. Sniv(!ly A. W., Indianapolis. Spalding J. A., Barber’s xMilla. Spalding J., Lafayette. Stage S. B., Ligonier. Sumner H. C., Arno. Sutcliffe J..A., Indianapolis. Talbott R. C., Pittsboro’. 'J’odd Lntlier, Indianapolis. Trexler L., Fort Wayne. Van Nuis William, Louisville. Vanness W. W., Decatur. Vanning J. D., Waveland, Walker Edwin, Evansville. Prof, anatomy med. coll, of EvaiuWUe. Wallace E., Evansville. Walls S. W., Shoals. 772ii!j Silas, Kokomo. HISTOKY AND GEOGRAPHY OF THE INDIAN TERRITORY. The Indian Territory is not an organized i)o]iticaI division, but is under the control of the General Government of the United States. The eastern portion of this Territo;:’y was originally a part of the Province of Louisiana (see Arkansas', the western portion, known as ‘‘ Public Land,” was a part of the Mexican cessions of 1848. The Red River forms the southern boundary, the Arkansas flows througii the northeastern part, and the Canadian through the centre of the Territory. The area is 68.991 square miles. We have no informa- tion in regard to the population, etc., of this Territory. BAI FOL Bailey, S. W., Good Land. Cummings H. W., Oak Lodge. Fanning II. W., Oak Lodge. Folsom I. Wellington, Atoka. M. D., med. dep’t Washington nniv., 1872. 227 The name of this State is derived from that of the Indians who formerly inhabited its sontheastern ])art — the “ loways ” or “drowsy ones.” This re^iion was a portion of the l)rovince of Louisiana (see Arkansas). On tlie 12tli of June, K-38, the Territory of Iowa, which included the present State, a portion of Minnesota and of Dakota, was formed. The State was admitted into the Union March 3, 1845, and its i)resent limits fixed in December, 1846. The area of the State is 55,045 square miles ; its population in 1870 was 1.191,020, and the number of physicians and surgeons 1865. Twelve per cent, of the annual number of deaths are causkl by phtliisis. The surface presents a great variety of graceful undulations, but nowhere rises into mountains. Back from the great rivers and their valleys the traveller meets with immense i)rairies, covering, perhaps, three-fourths of the surface. The State lies between the Missouri and the Sioux livers on the west, and the Mississipjh on tlie east. The Des Moines, the Red Cedar, the Iowa, and other large streams, with a great number of smaller ones, make this a well-watered region. The mineral resources of Iowa are very extensive and important, principally consisting of coal, iron, lead, co])per and zinc. The climate presents some variations, but being free from unhealthy extremes, its general character is a salubrious dryness. MEDICAL IKSTITUTIOISLS OF IOWA. The Medical Department of Iowa Stato University was organized at Iowa City in 1870. The faculty consists of ten professors and a demonstrator of anatomy. The regular course of lectures commences in October and continues thirteen weeks. This is preceded by a })reliminary course of jibout three vreeks’ duration. Students of both sexes are admitted to this college. Five lectures are delivered each day, and the students are examined upon the lectures of the nrevious day. A new hospital building has been erected witliin the grounds of the university, at which clinical instruction will be given. The clinical laboi-atory is open six hours daily for the study of ])ractical chemistry. Students of the medical depart- ment are permitted to avail themselves of the teachings of the other de])artments of the university without addi-tional expense. The fees are : matriculation, $5 ; lecture ticket, $20 ; demonstrator’s fee, $5 ; graduation, $25. Tlie College of Physicians and Surgeons, at Keokuk, was organized in 1819. Tho regular winter term is of sixteen weeks’ dui'ation. There are nine professors in the faculty. The fees are: matriculation, $5 ; lectures, $30 ; graduation, $30. There is a Hospital at Davenport, and an Insane Asylum at Mount Pleasant, but wo have no information in regard to them. There are no mineral springs in Iowa. MEDICAL SOCIETIES OF IOWA. NAME. PRESIDENT. SECRETARY. Iowa State Medical Society II. T. Cleaver S. W. Tlirall. Iowa and Illinoi-i Central District Medical Society C- O- Craig. Cedar Valley Medical Society *. S. N. Pierce. Clinton county * W. Pntterfield. Des Moines Valley I^Iedical Society II. C. Huntsman J- Williamson. Dubuque Medical Society.. i M. E. Conirdly. Keokuk Medical Society’. A. M. Carpcnteiy ^Mahaska county J. P. Griswcll AV. L. (diamberiin l^Iitchell county AV. TI. Fellows. Northern Iowa Aledical Society d. S. Green. Scott county E. H. Ilazen. Wapello county T. J. Dougherty S. B. Thrall. 228 IOWA. 229 MEDICAL LAAVS OF THE STATE OF IOWA. At the inquest of any deceased person, when the coroner or the jury deem it advisable, a physician or surgeon may be summoned to make a scientific examination, and a reasonable compensation, instead of witness’ fees, shall be allowed him . — Code (1873), p. 62, .sec. 68. No practicing physician or surgeon is allowed to disclose any confidential communication properly intrusted to him in his professional capacity, and necessary to enable him to dis- charge the functions of his profession properly, except by permission of the party who made the communications. — Ibid.^ p. 565, sec. 3643. If any person, with the intent to produce the miscarriage of any ywegnant woman, wilfully administers to her any drug or substance whatever, or uses any instrument or means— unless such treatment is necessary to preserve her life — he shall be imprisoned in the State prison for a term not exceeding one year, and iined not exceeding ^IVjOO.—lbid., p. 601, sec. 3864. Any coroner or undertaker in any county or city, which contains more than one thousand inhabitants, may deliver to any medical college or school, or any physician in this State, for the purpose of medical or surgical study, the body or remains of any deceased person, except where such body has been interred or dressed for interment, ilut no body shall be so delivered without the consent of the relatives or friends of the deceased, if any such are known, no.r if the deceased, during his last illness, expressed a desire to have his body in- terred. If the body of any person, Avho has been a resident of the county where death took place six months, is so delivered and is subsequently claimed by any relatives or friends of the deceased, it shall be given up to them. Any ])erson who delivers or receives any remains and has knowledge that any of the foregoing provisions have been violated, shall be pun- ished by imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding one year, or by fine not exceeding $1000, or by both. — Ibid.., p. 625, .sec. 4018. Any person who fraudulently adulterates, for the purpose of sale, any drugs or medicines in such manner as to lessen the efficacy or change the oi)eration of such drugs or medicines, and make them injurious to the health, or sells them knowing that they are thus adulterated, shall be punished by imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding one year, or by fine not exceeding $500 ; and such drugs and medicines sliall be forfeited and destroj^ed. — Ibid.., p, 629, sec. 4037. If any apothecary, druggist, or other person sell and deliver any arsenic, corrosive subli- mate, prussic acid, or any poisonous liquid or substance, without having the word poison ” and the true name thereof written o^ printed n])on a label attached to the vial, box, or parcel containing the same, he shall be punished by imi)risonment in the county jail not more than thirty days, or by fine not exceeding $100. Any ])erson who may disi)ose of at retail any poisonous substance or liquid to any one for any i)urpose, is required to enter in a book, to be kept by such dealer, the name of the poison, when bought, by whom, and for what purpose ; and if the person who calls for such poison is not personally known to the vendor, he must be identified by some one who is known, and the name of this person shall also be entered in such book. Any one who fails to comply with this requirement shall be liable to imprisonment in the county jail not more than thirty days, or a fine not exceeding $100. — Ibid.., p. 629, .sec. 4038. If any person inoculates himself or any other person, or suffers himself to be inoculated with the small pox, within this State, or comes within this State with intent to cause the prevalence or spread of this infectious disease, he shall be punished by imprisonment in tho penitentiary not more than three years, or by fine not exceeding $1000 and imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding one year.— p, 630, sec, 4039^ 17 ACE BAL Acers George, Mancliester. Acers Jolm, Manchester. Achenback J. G., Peterson. Ackerman G., Homestead. Adair A. AV., Jasper City. Adair T>yman J., Anamosa. Adair AV. R., AA^ashington. Adams A., Cedar PaHs. Adams J. A., Marslialltown. Adams J. AV.. Prairie City. Adams N.. (h) Towa City. Addin AA^. P., ACashington. Adler T.., Clinton. Ady Albert, AVest Liberty. M. I)., Starling raed. coll., lbG7 ; member med. soc. oi Iowa. Aiken D. F., Glenwood. Aiken S. A., (e) Pella. Akills M. E., Fredrickton. Akin E. E., Menburn. Alden J. L., (m) Andrews. Aldrick J. A., Fayette. Alexander D., Fayette. Alleman Levi Jonah, Boone. Al. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1853; member and pres. med. soc. of Boone co. ; ass’t surg. U. S. vols. 2 years. Allen B. F., Ames. Allen J. B., Hillsboro’. Allen AVC C., (m) Knoxville. Allison Thomas IL, Council Bluffs. Allistin James, Hamburg. Alverson L., Marengo. Alverson John Elvin, Eldon. One full course coll, of ]>hys. and surg., Keokuk, 1870. Ambler Rnfus C., Dorchester. One course at Rush med. coll., and one at St. Louis; member med. soc. of Fox River Valley. Ames C., Van Buren. Amos C., Spragueville. Anderson J. C., (h) Burr Oak. Anderson J. M., Montrose. Anderson J. M., AVebster. Anderson J. S., (h) De AVitt. Anderson N., Springwater. Anderson T. L., (hj Sweedshurg. Anderson AV., 8t. Charles. Anderson AV. H., Hillsboro’ Andres A. B., Dunlap. Andrews C. F., Lewis. Andrews L. B., (m) AVaubeck. Andrews AV. H., Ctilmus. Andros F., McGregor. Member Am. med. asso., 1872. 230 Angear John J. M., Fort Madison. B. S., Kaciiie coll., 1857 ; A. M., 1872 ; M. D., Rush med. coll., 1860; member med. soc. of Iowa; Am. med. asso. ; pres, committee of insanity for Lee co. ; prof. ])hys. patli. and gen. therapeutics, coll. phys. and surg., Keokuk; surg. U. S. A., 2 years. Annerson W. S., High Point. Ann is A. AV., Osage. Antrobus B., Kossuth. Applegate Andrew Jackson, Indianola. iM. i)., med. dep’t uiiiv. of Iowa; act. ass’t surg. U. S. vols. 7 months. Appleton E. AV., (e) Helena. Ardery AV. A., Knoxville. Armstrong A. B., Polk City. Armstrong James M., Lisbon. Member med. soc. of Linn co. Armstrong L., AVest Union. Armstrong N. B., (h) Mtirengo. Al ter F. G., AA^est Liberty. Asher J., Troy. Astenkirk O., Eossville. Atchison C. S., Albia. Atherton E. 8., Millersbnrgh. Atkins A., (e) Eocliester. Atkinson B., Davenport. Atkinson E., Dover. Audois F., McGregor. Austin P. A., (h) Muscatine. Averill N. J., (h) Eutland. Averitt T. E., (e) Colesburgh. Axline AV. H., Chariton. Babcock Amos, Jr., Kew Hampton. M. P., Rusli med. coll., 1867. Bailey John, (h) Sioux City. Baird AV. F., Gosport. Baker John Frederick, Davenport. M. D., Bellevue hosp. med. coll., 1868. Baker J. AV. H., Daven]) 0 ) t. Member med. soc. of Scott co., and am. med. asso. Baker E. F.. (h) Davenport. Baker S. W., Council Bluffs. M. D., coll. phys. and surg. of Western N.Y., 18.33 ; treas. med. soc. of Council Bluffs; cor. of city and co. Baldock M., (e) AV^interset. Baldorf J. C., Mechanicsville. Baldridge AV. D., Batavia. Baldwin C. S., Farley. AL D,, i)hysio. med, coll, of Cincinnati, 1869. Baldwin S. H., Clarksville. Baldy H. T., Toledo. BAL IOWA. BOS 231 Ball Daniel R., Albion. M. D., med. dei)’t of Iowa univ., 1857. Ball J. M., Jaynesville. Ball N. G., Indianola. Ballard C. 11., Estherville. I5allard S. M., Oakfield. Ballon n. K., (m) Washington. Bancroft AV., (h) Keokuk. Banton Benson, llaymond. One course at liush med. coll. Barber P. J., AVaterloo. Barclay John, Dodge vi lie. Barclay W. D., Muscatine. One course Jeiiersoii med. coll, (no date); ass’t surg. U. S. vols. 1 year. Bardwell Thos. S., Marion. Barker AV. AV., (h) Hastings. Barnard J. H., Atlantic. Barnard J. P. E., Haven. Barnes T. H., AVaukou. Barnett W. H., White Cloud. Barnwell , (h) Atlantic. Barr James, Algonia. M. D., Kush med. coll., 1868 ; sec. med. soc. of Kos- suth Co. ; exam. surg. for pensions ; ass’t surg. U. S. vols. 4 years. Barrett H. C., Clarinda. Barrows Egbert S., Davenport. Member Am. med. asso., 1872. Bartholomew T. K., Villisca. Bartlett E. H., (m) Mt. Pleasant. Barton Edward, Brooklyn. Bassett H. M., Mt. Pleasant, Batchelder Alex., (m) Cedar Falls. Bates Homer, AA^'est Branch. Bates IT. O., (h) Millersburgh. Bates Ira, Yiroqua. At. I)., med. de])’t univ. of Pa., 1846. Bates AI. D., Millersburgh. Baugh Thomas W., Carlisle. Al. D., med. clep’t of Iowa univ. (no date); act. as.s’t surg. U. S. vols. 18 months. Bawden IT. L.. Davenport. Baxter E. ()., Estherville. Baxter William H., AVilton Junction. Al. I)., coll. i)hys. and surg. of Keokuk, 1865 ; mem- ber med. soc. of Iowa, and Iowa and 111. dist. med. soc.. Am. med. asso., 1872 ; chairman boai'd of censors med. soc. of Aluscatine co. BaA'er F. A., Vinton. Beach David, Des Aloines. Beadle D. E., Des Aloines. Beam Henry, Abingdon. Beam William O., AValtbam. One full course at co^. ]>hys. and surg. of Keokuk. Bean J. V., Burlington. AI. D., Bellevue hosp. med. coll., 1868; act. ass’t surg. U. S. vols. 1 year. Beck AA’’illiam, Brighton. Becker F., (h) Clement. Becker John, Sigourney. AJ. I)., Rush med. coll., 1865; ass’t surg. U. S. vols. 2 years. Beehee J. T., Alton. Beers X. S., Okohoji. Beggs George W., Sionx City. Ai. ])., Kush med. coll., 1861 ; ass’t surg. 111. vols. during la,te war. Behrns H., Davenport. Beiderman Joseph, AVaverly. Belden C. AV., Dubuque. Belden M. J., Canton. Bell I. S., (h) Cedar Falls. Bell John, Davenport. Bell S. T., Wapello. Bellington J., Decorah. Bern is E. P., (e) Douglass. Bemis S. S., (e) Manchester. Benbow T. A., (h) New Providence. Beiiham Lnciiis, Cascade. Benn B., (e) Irving. Bennett C. U., (h) Wilton. Bent L., Bedford. Bergen A. C., Vinton. Best T. E., Agency. Bewers C. E., McGregor. Bice D. C., De Soto. Bickley G. G., (e) AVaterloo. Bid well J., Prairie City. □ Biggs G. AV., Sioux City, uc^ko Biglow C. E., Rockdale. // Biglow J. S.. Rockdale. Billings C. M., Nashua. Bills E. B., Durant. Bird AV., Alt. Pleasant. Birney C. C., Nora Springs. Birney 1.., (m) Floyd. Bisho]) L, G., Jefferson. Bissell G. C., Lovilia. Black C. D., Bloomfield. Black James, (h) Iowa City. Blackburn IL, Fort Aladison. Alemher Am. med. assn. Blackburn Jacob C., Fort Aladison. AI. D., Cincinnati coll, of med. and surg., 1856; member med. soc. of Iowa, Am. med. asso.; healtli oflicer of city, Blackburn T., Pilnceton. Blackley E. V., Lake City. Blackman AA^illiam AI., Ridgeway. Alcmber med. soc. of Alitehell eo., and Am. med. asso. Elackmore E. L., Butler Centre. Blackstoue J., Columbus. Blair G. H., (h) Fairfield. B air William Wylie, Princeton. Al. IX, Ohio med. coll., 1850; member med. soo. of Gibson co. ; med. director army of Cumber- land during war. Blakeslie Edwin, Anamosa. Perm, member Am. med. asso. Blakesly AVilliam, (h) Alaquoketa. Blanchard J. D., Percival. Blancliard J. A., Des Aloines. Blanchard L., Yankee Settlement. Blanding A. O., Lyons. Bliss E., Cedar Raj fids. Blunt Harrison, (m) Fayette. Blythe. S. G., Rock Grove. Boal G. AI., (ei Blakesburgh. Bogart George J., Ltiixnte City. Boggess J. AV., Nevada. Bond C., Fremont. Boimey G. TL, Indianola. Boomer Abbot, Delhi. AI. D., Kuvsh med. coll., 1854; member med. soo. of Delaware co. ; ass’t surg. U. S. vols. 2 years. Boon AVilliam, (h) Homer. Borders C. A., Marshall. Bosbyshell Charles B., Glenwood. AI. D., .Jclferson med. coll., 1854; exam. surg. fov pensions; ass’t surg. U. S. vols. 18 months. 232 BOS IOWA. CAN Bosley J. H., Brooklyn. Botoni E., Lebanon. Bott A. E., Havvleysville. Bottsford T. E., Grand Junction. Bowen A. B., Maquoketa. M. D., Albany nied. coll., 18G8; member med. boc. of Iowa. Bowen Benj., Centre Point. Bowen J. I)., Anamosa. Bower John, Guthrie Centre. Bowers C. E., McGregor. Bowers I). O., (h) Lower Moor. Bovvers J. IL, (h) Cresco. Bovvers O. B., (h) Anainosa. Bowes M. E., Davenport. Member Rock Island and Iowa central med. soc. Bowman D. J., Jeffer.son. Boyd J. IL, (m) De Witt. Boyd J. R., Toronto. Boyd W. S., Vinton. Boyle I., (hi Newton. Boynton Henry Warren, Toledo. M. D., Albany med. coll., 186G; member city board of health ; hosp. steward 3 years U. S. vols. Boys William, Waverly. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Pa., 1864; member med. soc. of Cedar Valley. Bradford D. L., (h) Jaynesville. Bradford J. S., Jaynesville. Bradley C. C., Manchester. ^I. D., Bellevue hosp. med. coll., 1867. Bradley F. L., Douglass. Bradley James, Ames. A. B., Beloit coll., 1862; bon. A. 1865 ; IM. P., Chicago med. coll., 1866; hosp. steward U. S. vols. 3 years. Bradshaw A. C. D., Salina. Bradway J., (m) Newton. Bragg 1\ H., Hamburgh. Brande C. D., (e) Hamburgh. Brandt H. C., Clarinda. Breinijig F. G., Lansing. Breunner H., McGregor. Breuton J. B., Adel. Brewer Edward, (h) Independence. Bride G. H., Waterloo. Bro.khausen B. E., Postville. M. D., Humboldt med. coll., 1869; member N. E. Iowa med. soc. Brockway J., Paris. Bronson A. A., Keokuk. Brosius J., Montezuma. Brotiiers S. T., Malvern. Brown C., Des Moines. Brown E., Denmark. Brown J. C., Clifton. Brown J., Guthrie Centre. Brown J. M., Eldenville. Brown Luther, Postville. M. D., Rush med. coll,, 1866; member and pres, med. soc. of N. Iowa ; hosp. steward U. S. vols. 3 years. Brown N. G., (m) Beacon. Brown S. L., (e) Hillsdale. Brown S))encer, Macedonia. Brown W., Deej) River. Brownfield H., Newbern. Brumund Peter, Burlington. M. I)., Cliicago med. coll., 1868; Vienna, Austria, obstetrical soc., 1870 ; member med. soc. of Des Moines ; house surg. Mei'cy hosp., Chicago; ass’t surg. Vienna hosp. under Prof. Politzer 1 year; in Prussian serv., hosp. Berlin, 2 years. Brimk M., (m) Savannah. Bryant A., (h) Bradford. Bryant A. Z., Waverly. Biyant F. A., Cedar Falls. Bryant H., Independence. Bryant Z. Z., (h) Sumner. Biickham R. N., (e) Hamburgh. Bulls H. C,, Decorah. Biilsford H., Malcom. Bullock T. W., Greenfield. Bunce William, Davenport. Bundy A. D., St. Ansgar. Billiton B., Raymond. Burbank Jerome, Waverly. M. D., coll, of phys. and surg., Keokuk, 1851; member med. soc, of Cedar Valley ; ass’t surg. and surg. of brigade 3 years. Burbank Oscar, Waverly. M. I)., med. clep’t of Harvard univ., 1848. Burd E., Lisbon. Bnrgett F. G., (e) Knoxville. Burhaus Orvis M., Essex. ]\I. 1)., Bellevue hos]). med. coll., 1868 ; member med. soc. of Page co. Burns L. R., Wapello. Burns W. IL, Tipton. Burroughs J. R., Washington. Burroughs E., Albion. Burt A'., Wakefield. Bnrt A. H., (h) Belle Plain. Burt J. A., (h) Waterloo. Butler H. C., (h) Marengo. Butler M. S., Cherokee. Butler William, Oskaloosa. M. D., coll, of phys. and surg., Western N. Y., 1843 ; member and treasurer med. soc. of Ma- le a ska CO. Butterfield Willis, Independence. A. B., N. W. univ., 1869; A. M., 1872; M. D., Chicago med. coll., 1872; member med. soc. of Clinton CO. ; ass’t phys. Iowa hosp. for insane. Button H. B., (h) Iowa City. Butts J., Onawa City. Byam A., Paris. Byam P., Ilopkinton. Byrne J. J., Robinson. Byrnes Thomas, Wolcott. Member med. soc. of Scott co., and Am. med. asso. Cable S. M., Muscatine. Caldwell T. J., Adel. Caldwell J. J., Bonneville. Calkins M. H., Wyoming. Call 8. M., (h) Muscatine. Callen John, (h) Glenwood. Camburn J. IL, Cedar Ra])ids. Cameron James N., English. Campbell A. A., Steamboat Roolc. Campbell S. R., (h) Otisville. Canaday James T., Montezuma. A. M., I airfield coll., Iowa; M. D., coll, of phys. and surg., Keokuk, 1860; exam. surg. for U.S. pensions, 1873; ass’t surg. hosp. U. S. vols. Cantwell A. W., Davenport. M. I)., med, dei>’t univ. of Mich, (no date) ; menu her med. soc. of Scott co., med. soc. of Iowa, and Am. med. asso., 1872; v.-pres. Mercy hosp. CAP IOWA. COO 233 Capel\ L., Davenport. Carey Zenas, (e) Bangor. M. i>., physio-ineclical inst. of Ohio, 1867 ; mem- ber j)hysio-iiieclical asso. of Iml. Carhart Garretson Lyons, Mt. Vernon. M. 1)., Albany med. coll., 184^ ; member med. soc. of Linn co., and med. soc. of Iowa; surg. U. S. vols. 2 years. Carlisle C. II., Monticello. Carlisle E. 8., Johnson. Carman J. II., Avoca. Carmichael B. F., Davenport. Carmute W. D., Denmark. Carpenter Ab. Miller, Keokuk. M. 1)., metl. dep’t univ. of Louisville, 1854; mem- ber med. soc. of Iowa, and Am. med. asso. ; sec, med. soc. of Keokuk ; prof, institutes and prac. of med., and clinical med. coll, of phys. and surg., Keokuk;— author of various articles in med. journals. Carpenter C. ()., Vinton. Carpenter G. P., Cedar Bapids. Carpenter J. R., AVebster City. Carr L., Ames. Carrahan A. L., Andrew. Carson James, Mt. Vernon. M. D., med. dep t Iowa univ., 1864 ; member med. soc. of Linn co. Carter E. H., Des Moines. Carter G. William, Marshalltown. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Mich., 1853; member Iowa central med. asso. ; city phys. and member board of health ; ass’t surg. and surg. U. S. vols. 3 years. Cartwright E., (h) Decorah. Cary Lewis H., Garden Grove. II. D., Willoughby coll., 1846. Cattron William W., Earlville. Caueh John, (h) Quasquetoii. M. I)., Bennett med. coll., 1873. Caulkins AV. H., Attica. Center II. H., Maquoketa. Chafee C. M., (h) Mitchell. Chamberlin AV. E., (e) Glenroy. Chamberlin AV'. E., Beacon. Chamberlin AV. L., Oskaloosa. Chambers C. L., Tipton. Champeney AVilliam, (m) Richardsville. Cliancey II., fe) Summerset. Chapman Edward J., Missouri Valley. M. 1)., Rush med. coll., 187 >; member med. soc. of Harrison co. Cha])man E. C., Daytonville. Cha])man 8. B., Monticello. Chapman AV. A., Marshalltown. Chappell AV. H., (h) Hampton. Charlton J. B., Clear Lake. Demonstrator of anat. med. dep’t univ. of Iowa. Chase D. AV., Elkader. Chase F. AA^., Shenandoah. Chase Sumner B., Osage. \1. I)., Bowdoin med. coll., 1849; member med. soc. of Mitchell co., med. soc. of Upper Cedar Falls, med. soc. of Iowa, and Am. med. asso. Chase AV. A., AVest Union. Chase AV. C., (h) Yankee. Cheeny Levi, Vincennes. Chefer C. M., (h) Mitchell. Cherry 8. B., AV interset. Sec. med. soc. of Madi.son co. Chittenden R. II., Stanwood. Christian J. B., (m) Onawa City. Circulius J. C., Galesburgh. Clapp Elmer Frederick, Iowa City. M. 1)., Bellevue hosp. med. coll., 187u ; surg.AVhite Star line, 1871 ; prof. anat. med. dep’t univ. of Iowa, 1871. Clark A. F., Iowa City. Clark B. B., Tabor. Clark C. J., Beck Grove. Clark C. 8., Fairfield. Clark E. AVC, Grinnell. Clark H. H., McGregor. M. I)., Chicago med. coll., 1870; member north Iowa med. asso. ; late phys. and surg. in Mercy hosp., Chicago ; U. S. vols. 3 years. Clark J. AV., Mt. Sterling. Clark Orson, Boone county. Clark P. B., Indiana. Clark Samuel H., Magnolia. Clark AA^. B., Magnolia. Cleaver John, (hj Tabor. Cleaver H. T., Keokuk, ii. D., coll. phys. and surg. of Keokuk, 1862 ; hon. M. D., Chicago med. coll., 1872; member Am. med. asso., med. soc. of Iowa; prof, obstetric med. in coll, of i)hys. and surg. of Keokuk.; surg. in charge U. 8. gen’l hosp., Keokuk, 2 yrs. CleavisR. 8., (m) Cherokee. Clement II., Stei ling. Clemmer J. J., Cresco. Clingan II. B., Vinton. Clutter J. J., Mt. Pleasant. Coates Thomas, Clarence. Al. D., Rush med. coll., 1870. Cobb E. A., AVashington. Cobb 8. M., Muscatine. Cochrane M., (m) Madison. Cockran Homer, (m) Border Plain. Coggeshall G. C., Le Clair. Cogshell D. P., Le Clair. Cogswell Charles H., (h) Clinton. Al. D., Hahnemann med. coll., 1866; member homoeo. med. soc. of Iowa. C’ogswell G. E., Cedar Rapids. Cogswell Mrs. C. IL, (h) Clinton. Coit Geo. AVilliam, Missouri Valley. AL D., Bellevue hosj). med. coll., 1866 ; act. ass’k surg. U. S. vols., 1865. Cole D. V., Des Moines. Cole J. 8., AVoodbine. Coleman AV. F., Decorah. Collins M. F., Keokuk. Collins 8. C., (h) Martin. Comings L. B., Clinton. Compton J. R., AVebster City. Conant AV. L., Sjtring Creek. Condon A. 8., AVashington. Condon A. 8., Onawa City. Cone AVilliam Davidson, West Liberty. Al. D., med. dep’t univ. of Iowa, 1867 ; Bellevue hosp. med. coll., 1868 ; member med. soc. of co. Conine J. H., Clarinda. Conley J. C., Monticello. Connelly P. Y., (h) Des Moines. Connolly Michael E., Dubuque. Al. D., med. dep’t Harvard univ., 1870; member med. soc. of Dubuque. Conway E. D., Brooklyn. Conway J., Brooklyn. Cook J. R., Sioux City. Cook P., (m) Nevada. .234 COO IOWA Die Cook L. D., Wheatland. Cook 8. M., Belle Plaiiie. Cooley N. C., Cornin^f. Coolidf?e F. W., Oskaloosa. Coon I). AV., Oxford Mills. Cooper H. F., (e) Villisca. Cooper J., Winterset. Cooper John, (e) Winterset. Cooper S. A., (e) Schonberg. M, i)., eclec. med. inst., 1857 ; member eclec. med. soc. of Iowa. Corbin B. M., Hazleton. Cornell Corwin W., Knoxville. M. D., Rtibh med. coll., 1871; member med. soc. of Alai'ion co., med. sne. of Iowa. Cornell F. C., Eddyville. Cornell N. R., Knoxville. Corr J. B., Monroe. Served ass’t surg. U. S. vols. during the late war. Cossack' J. M., Eldora. Cost S. W., Missouri Valley. Cotton N. B., Inland. M. D., Western Reserve med. coll., 1863. Covington AV., (e) Pleasantville. Cowden Jas., Andrew. Cowden J. AV., Belleview. Member Rock Island and Iowa central med. soc., and Am. med. asso., 1872. Cowger E. F., Abingdon. Cowles Chester W., Bentonsport. A. B., Amherst coll., 1831 ; M. D., Berkshire med. coll., 1835. Cox A. B., Hamburgh. Cox Henri% Des Moines. Cox J. B., Belle Plaine. Cox L. M.,. (h) Bedford. Cox Mrs. T. J., Ottumwa. M. D., Woman’s med. coll., Phila. Cox Seth, (m) Oskaloosa. Craig Norman S., Lansing. M. D., Rush med. coll., 1871; member soc. of alumni Rush med. coll. Craig William, Keosauqiia. M. D., Cleveland med. coll., 1850; member med. soc. of Iowa ; exam. surg. for U. S. pension dep’t; med. exam, board of commis. of insanity. Crammer O. L., (h) Newell. Crandall J. B., (h) Girard. Crapper H. N., AVebster City. Craton H. M., Je.ssnp. Cravatli S. A., Mitchell. Crawford G. A\^., Burlington. Crawford James, Douds. Crawford R. O., (m) Correctionville. Crepin E. A., (h) AVest Union. Crigg R. C., Murray. Criley B. H., I)all;is Centre. Crippen J. H., (h) AA^aterloo. Cromwell F., (e) Norwalk. Cronnett M. C., (e) Bedford. Cross N. N., Chiirleston. Crosswait P. R., AVoodbine. One course at Rush med. coll., 1864-65; member med. soc. of Harrison co. Croumar O. L., (m) Ft. Dodge. Crouse D. AV., AA^aterloo. Crowden’A., (m) Marion. Crowder AV^. L., Springfield. Cruzan Jonathan, (m) Bush Creek. Culler H. P., (h) New Providence, Culver J. B., Coon Rapids. Cummiugham J. M., (h) Glenwood. Cummings M., Marshalltown. Cummings S., Sand Spring. Curtis H. B., (m) Waterloo. Curtis H. N., Webster City. Curtis AVilber J., Decorali. Cusack J. H., Eldora. Cushman H., Brighton. Daily S. D., (e) Oskaloosa. Daken J. P.. Mason City. Dan F. A., Richland, Dand G. A., W'orthington. Daniel AV'. A., Buckingham. Darling E., (m) Detroit. Darnail G. 1)., Iowa City. Darron AV^. H., Cairo. Darwin T. T., Decatur. Dash i el M. A., Hartford. Davidson P. P., Winterset. Davis , (h) Centre Point. Davis A. A., (e) Lancaster. Davis Charles W., Indianola. A. B., AVabash coll., 1847 ; M. D., Rush med. coll., 1854; member med. soc. of Iowa, and Am. med. asso. ; lecturer on physiology and laws of life ia Simpson coll. ; surg. U. S. vols. during war. Davis Edra, Glasgow. Davis J. AV'., (h) Lansing. Davis L. S., Urbana. Davis M. J., Lewis. M. D., rued, dep’t univ. of N. Y. ; pres. med. soc. of Cass co. ; ass’t surg. U. S. vols. 2 years. Davis Paschal, Keokuk. M. D., coll. phys. and surg. of Keokuk, 1863; member med. soc. of Keokuk; member board of health. Davis R., Anita. Davis AV'., Lisbon. Davis William Howell, (e) Burlington. Al. D.. eclec. med. inst. of Ciiicinnati, 1847. Davis AV. AV., Floris. Davison J. AV., Guthrie Centre. Day J. N., Pilot Grove. Doan Henry M., Muscatine. AI. D., med. dep’t of Columbia coll., N. Y., 1861 ; 1 )res. board of exam, for U. S. pensions ; member )oard commis. of insanity for co.; ass’t surg. and surg. U. S. army, and U. S. vols. 3^ years. De Bey N. J., Iowa Falls. Deeds Oscar Edwin, Lyons. AI. D., Bellevue bosj). med. coll., 1867. Dcering A. A., Moingona. AI. D., Ale. med. school, 1SG8; member, sec. and treas. med. soc. of Boone co. Deering D., Boone. Delong Jno. IL, (m) Storm Lake. Dennison John, De AVitt. AI. I)., Albany med. coll., ISIG ; member med. asso. of Clinton co. De Pny IT., (h) Independence. De Pay N. J.. (h) Iowa Falls. Deremo O., (m) El on. Derlotli I., St. Sebold. De Tarr Tlteo., Boonsboro’. Dewey B. M., (h) Nasluia. Dewey S. C., Fairbanks. Dexter Livingston L., Ottumwa. AI. D., Bellevue bos]>. med. coll,, 18G3 Dickerson AV., (h) Des Moines. Dickinson A. J., Shellsbiirgh. Dickinson G. AV., Laporte C»lty. IOWA. FIS 235 DIG Dickinson W. II., (h) Des Moines. Dilley C. F., Lynnville. Dill S., Fredonia. Dingle J. J., (e) Franklin. Dinsinore D. C., Kirkville. Dodd O. B., Waucoina. Dods M. C., (y'edar Bluffs. Dodson Bigsby E., Eldora. M. 1)., coll. phys. and surg. of Keokuk; member med. asso. of Hardin co. ; surg. in charge U. S. hosps, 3 years ; act. ass’t surg. U. S. vols. 2 yrs. Doig J. R., Des Moines. Doll A. F., Millersbiirgh. Donekni J. A., Glen wood. Doran .J., ISIt. Vernon. Dorothy Win. II., (m) Cedar Rapids. Dorr S. B., (m) Webster City. Dosh Jacob R., Stuart. M. D., Rush med, coll., 1S70 ; member med. soc. of Iowa ; corres. member historical soc. of Iowa. Douglas G., Victor. Douglass T. J., Ottumwa. Drake G. M., (h) Oskaloosa. Drake J. H., Centre Point. Drake N. A., 0.ssian. M. D., Rush iiied. coll., 1868 ; member med. soc. of Fayette co. ; hosp. steward U. S. vols. 3 years. Drake Simeon H., Rossville. A. B. and A>. M., upper Iowa univ., 1863 ; M. D., Chicago med. coll., 1869 ; member med. soc. of Allamakee co. Dresser G. D., (h) Chariton. Duff J. B., Winterset. Dufideld Hamilton Rice, Shenandoah. M. 1)., Rush med. coll., 1870. Dula George, Woodbury^ Duncan S. V., Sandyville. Duidap A., AVindham. Dunlap J. M., Mt. Pleasant. Dunlay Jtimes, Bloomfield. Dyer E. J., (m) Independence. Eahart A., (e) Earlville. Earle J. AV., Le Mars. Earle AV. C., AVaukon. Ecker John, (e) AA^est Union. Ecles Thomas, (h) Atlanta. Eddy AV. M., fh) Marengo. Edes Jason AV., Cedar Rapids. M. I)., Yale coll, tno date); Hampden Sidney, 1844 ; member med. soc. of Linn co. Edwards A. AA^., Clinton. Edwards E. S., Milton. Edwards AI., Spirit Lake. Effner AV. J., Columbia. Eggers AALlliam, Dubuque. Eggert James, (h) Algonia. Ehinger G. E., Keokuk. Elder J. II., Albia. Elkin G., Hopewell. Elliott J., Rome. Ellison .1. J., Chillicothe. Ellsworth A. L., (m) Oskaloosa. Ellsworth F. N. C., Guthrie Centre. Ellsworth L. I\, Ilopawell. Ellwood A. S., Monroe. Ell wood Thomas, Carrollton. Ely John F., Cedar Ra])ids. Ely S. AI., (m) AA^aterloo. Emeis A. J., (e) Davenport. Emmert J. M., Atlantic. Enfield Charles, Jefferson. English F. E., Altoona. English G. R., Des Moines. Engle J. II., Ithaca. Engle Perry, Newton. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Mich., and Long Island coll., 1871. Ennis E. H., Deep River. Ennis J. E., Lyons. Eno N. A., Keosauqua. Ensign S. B., (h) New Hartford. Erwin J. B., Clinton. Evans E. AV., Mineral Ridge. Evans J. AV., AVest Point. Evarts A. L., Laporte City. Everingham J.. (e) AVest Point. Eves AVilliam, AVilliamsport. Tailor Benjamin T., Newton. M. D., Jefferson med. coll., 1855; member med. soc. of Iowa ; exa?u. surg. for pensions ; corres. member Boston gynsecological soc. ; ass’t surg. and surg. U. S. vols,, army of Cumberland. Fairbanks II., Harper’s Ferry. Fairbanks James Franklin, Sabula. M. D., Amer. univ. of Bhila., 1870; sec. med. soc. of Jackson co.; health officer of Sabula ; — author of “ Med. Record for General Practitioners." Fairchild David S., Ames. M. I)., Albany med. coll., 1868; member med. soc. of Iowa ; pres, med. .soc. of Story co. Fajans Julian, Carrollton. Farney D. S., Burlington. Farnsworth Henry S. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Vt., 1860 ; member and pres. med. soc. of Clinton co. Farnsworth L.. (e) Augusta. Farnsworth Philo J., Clinton. ' . A. B., univ. of Vt., 1855 ; A. AL, 1858 ; AI. D., coll, phys. and surg. of N. Y., 1860: member med. soc. of Clinton co., and meJ. soc. of Iowa; prof, materia rnedica in med. dep’t of Iowa univ..; member Am. scientific asso. Farquharson Robert James, Davenport. A. B., univ. of Nashville, 1841 ; AI. D., med. dep’t univ. of Nashville, 1844; sec. med. soc. of Scott co. ; surg. Alercy hosp., Davenport ; surg. U. S. navy 7 years. Farr IL AI., Salem. Farrington C., (h) A^inton. Faulkner G. AV., Ainsworth. Favour M. J., Hamilton. Fawcett H. B., Dixon. Fehr H. R., Homestead. Fellows Harris, Riceville. Ai, D., med. dep’t univ. of Vt, (no date) ; sec. med. soc. of Alitchell co. ; member med. soc. of iqipef Cedar Valley. Fenton T. M. Bloomfield. Ferrell J. B., Lewis. Ferris T. E. V., Mt. Pleasant, Fetz David, (m) Iron Hill. Field A. G., Des Aloines. Fierce AV. AV., Bloomfield. Fifield G. A., (m) Dubuque. Findley D., Lewis. Finley J. AV., Dubuque. Finley IL AV., Ilopkinton. Fin tell P. C., (h) Blue Grass. Firkins J. AV., Fairport. Fisher A., Indianapolis. Fisher A. G., Smithlund. 236 FIS IOWA. GRI Ksk Geo. Alonzo, .Jessup. M. D., Dexter nied. eoll., 1869. Fisk J. B., Peoria City. Pitch Luther P., Charles City. A. B., Beloit coll., I860; A. M., 1863 ; M. D., coll, pliys. and surg. of N. Y., 1864; sec. med. asso. of upper Cedar Valley; ass’t surg. U. S. vols. 3 years. Flanders II. B., Orford. Fleming A., (h) Lyon’s Mills. Fletcher E. T., (h) Des Moines, Fletcher I. H., (h) Toledo. Flewer J)., Quasqneton. Flowers F. AV., (h) Cory don. Focht Geo. S., Tipton. W. 1)., Rush lued. coll., 1870 ; exam. surg. for pen- sions. Folprecht J. AV., Ackley. Forney D. S., Burlington. Foster J. H., Iowa Falls. Foster S., Columbia. Fowler S. C., Union. Fowler S. M., (h) La Motte. Francis AV. H., Cascade. Frazer AV. E., Washington. Fredt F., ILirper’s Ferry. Freeman G. C., (e) Irving. Freiich A. T., Knoxville. French Lucius, Davenport. Member Rock Island and Iowa central med. soc. French M., (h) French M. M., Anamosa. Fromm Lorenzo, Dyersville. Frost A. M., (m) AVlieatland. Frost L. 1)., (m) Harlan. Fry J. II., Union Mills. Fullenwiler 8., Kossuth. Puller Geo. H., Delhi. M. D., Chicago med. coll., 1869 ; member med. soc. of Delaware co. ; hosp. steward U. S. vols. 2 yrs. Fullerton G. E., Marion. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Mich., 1873; member med. soc. of Linn co, Fulliam G. AV., (e) Muscatine. Fulton Carlton, (m) Davenport. F^ulton J. B., Atlantic. Furnas John M., Luzerne. M. D., Rush med. coll., 1871. Furner A. F., Otranto. Gadd B. F., Blue Grass. Gad J., (e) Blue Grass. Galle Jacob, Franklin. Gaiter J. M., Hampton. Gamble G. AV. C., Millersburgh. Gamble James, Le Clair. A. B., univ. of Mo.; M. D., med. dep’t unIv. of Mo., 1846 ; member med. soc. of Scott co., med. soc. of Iowa, and med. soc. of central. Iowa ; ass’t surg. U. S. vols. 1 year. Gamble Thomas D., AVlieatland. Gardiner J., Lawler. (bvrfield L. R., Greenwood. Garlock A. AV., (m) AVest Dayton. Garrett A. S., Nevada. Garthe A. T., Burlington. Gassmau Joseph, State Centre. (iaston A., Gosport. Gates Horace IL, Glidden. Gauchell Jacob, (e) Elkader. Gayton B. A., Sioux City. Gee R. S., (h) Dubuque. Ghrist J. AV., Ackley. M. D., Chicago med. coll., 1871. Gibbs C. A., (m) Davenport. Gibbs H. L., Parkersburgh. Giger Henry, (h) Monroe. Gilbert R. D., Swede Point. Gilfillan G. AV., Milton. Gill H. C., (e) Springdale. Gillespie J. L., Pleasant Grove. Gillett J. S., (h) Iowa Centre. Gillmore R., Burlington. Gilmore J. F., Fremont. Gitchell M. E., Des Moines. Glasgow J. M., (m) Amish. Glen Thomas, Daven])ort. Goff H. B., Council Blulfs. Goldbeck L., Belle Plaine. Golliday Alfred M., Bedford. M. D., Rush med. coll., 1861 ; member med. asso. of southwestern Iowa ; exam. surg. for pensions. Goodell L. E., Pilot Grove. Goodwin S., (h) AVaukan. Gordon O. AV., Fairfield. Gorrell J. R., Newton. Gotschall A., (e) Elkader. Gourhame Henri, Vandalia. Gouston M. M., (h) Toledo. Graham A., Middle River. Graham A., AVinterset. Graham F. L., Muscatine. Graham James H., Grand View. M. D., Ohio med. coll., 1847 ; member med. soc. of Louisa CO., and med. soc. of Iowa; phys. and surg. to Louisa co. bosp. Graham Malcom, (h) Independence. M. D.. Louir Island coll, hosp., 1865. Graham S. S., Salina. Gram H., Muscatine. Gi annis M. M., Charles City. M. D., Chicago med. coll., 1872. Grant J. H.. Marengo. Grant AVilliam W., Davenport. M. D., Long Island med. coll., 1868 ; member med. soc. of Scott co.. Rock Island and Iowa central med. soc. of Iowa, and Am. n)ed. asso. Grass Joseph F., Cedar Rapids. Graves AV. A., (e) Creston. Gray D. AV., Muscatine. Gray John Rufus, Charle.ston. M. D., eoll. of phys. and surg. of Keokuk, 1871. Gray Richard P., (m^ Page City. Gray Robert A. IL, Pluni Hollow. Gray T. , Oxfoi d . Gray AVilliam, Bradford, Graysoji^^F. F., Fort Dodge. Greenleaf D. C., Bloomfield. Green John, Peru. M. D., Charity hosp. coll., 1873 ; member and cen- sor med. soc. of Madison co. Green J., Newton. Green J. M., Decorah. Green J. S., Marshalltown. Green 8. AV., (h) Manchester. Greer F. J., Fredeiick. Gregg L. 8., 8impson. Grenim IL F., (e) Shellsburgh. Griffin Clark C., Vinton. M. 1)., me. .steward U. S. army 4 years; sju'cialty, eye and ear. Heard J. M., (m) Nasht,*.). Hedges Thomas M., (trinnell. M. D,, coll, of ])hys, and snrgs , Keokuk, 1866; member med. soe. of Central low'a; bo.sp. stew- ard U. S. army 3 years. Heiser N. C., Franklin. Hendershott J. F.. Otle}^ Hendrick H. E., (m) Wei ster City. Henry G. R., Burlington. Henry John D., Mtirtinsburgh. M. D., Bellevue hosp. med. coll., 1870. Henry William, State Centre. Henton N., New Sharon. Herbert A., Albia. Hesbtimer 8., (h) Ackley. Ilewett C., Rockford. Hewett S. R., Nora Springs. M. D., Kush med. coll, (no date). Heyden Geo. E. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1867 ; prof, lotva med. coll. Hickcox Mrs. C., (h) Cedar Rapids. Hicks J., Monona. Higliam A., (m) Keokuk. Hilbert M., Des Moines. Hill B., Marysville. Hill G. 8., (h) Ma.son City. Hill Herbert Staples, Dubuque. M. 1)., Jiush med. coli., J863; member med. soc. of Dubuque. Hill R. L., (h) Dubuque. Hill 8. J., (h) Le Mars. Hill W. P., London. Hill W. .8., Beacon. Hillis D. B., Keokuk. Mend)er med. soc. of Iowa, and Am. med. asso. Hillis Sben Lyle, (h) Winterset. M. 1)., hoiiKKo. med. coll, of Mo. ; member homcco. med. soc. of Iowa. Hincbman B., Grinnell. Hindman D. R., (h) Marion. Ilinkley H. B., Clermont. 238 IIIN IOWA. JEF Hinriclis Gustav, Iowa City. Prof, physical science uuiv. of Iowa. Ilinvole A., (m) New Providence. Ilinsey J. 0., Ottumwa. Hippee Warren, Des Moines. A. li., Wittenberg coll., ISOl ; A. M., 1864; M. D., coll. phys. and snrgs., 18b9. Iliserote A. J., (h) Union. Ilitcl>c()ck L. 13., Camanche. llixoii O. F., (m) Marietta. Hobart A. J., Clinton. Member J.lock Island and central Iowa med. soc. Hobby C. M., Wilton Junction. Hobien Henry, Lyons. Hobson W. Z., Uichland. Hoepfner G., Haven ])ort. Hoffbowen William, Guttenberg. Holfman 1). A., Oskaloosa. Hoffman IL, Moravia. Hoffmeister A. AV., Fort Madison. Hogan E. II., Davenport. Hogan James, Fort Scott. Holiday Joshua W., Morning Sun. M. D., coil. phys. and snrgs. of Keokuk, 1869 ; Member med. soc. of Louisa co. Holland A., Denmark. M. liush med. coll., (no date). Holland J. M., (m) Council Bluffs. Hollingsworth E., National. M. D., liush med. coll., 1SG8. Hollister B. A., West Liberty. Hollopeter T. J., West Grove. Holm J. C. M., Sioux City. Holmes G. W., Cedar Rapids. Holmes J. C., Red Oak Junction. Holmes Jesse, West Liberty. Holroyd E. E., Monticello. Holt L. E. B., Marshalltown. Holyoke Tliomas, Grinnell. Homan N. 13., (h) Tipton. Hook N. R., Fremont. Hopkins Guy S., Goldfield. Hopkins J. Y., (e) Guthrie Centre. Hornaday Nathan Smith, Union ville. One course at Cincinnati coll, of med. and surg. (no date). Horr Asa, Dubuque. M. D., Cleveland med. coll., 1841 ; member med. soc. jf Iowa, med. soc. of Dubuque, Am. med. asso., 1872; pres. Iowa inst. of science and arts; mem. Am. asso. for the advancement of science. Horton C. T., (e) Shellsburgh. Hosford W. A.,. Davenport. Member med. soc. of liock Island and central Iowa. House J. G., Independence. Houser J. R., Downey. Howe A. M., Marshalltown. Howe E. x\., Taylorsville, Howell J. E., Greenfield. Howell Matson V. B., Moulton. M. D., Hellevue hos['. med. coll., 1867; member med. soc. of Des Moines Valley, med. soc. of Iowa. Howts j., Burlington. Howes J. C., (m) Fayette. Hubbard G. F., Polk City. Hubbard L.. Mrtn mouth. Hubbell N. S., Mecbanicsville. Huff S. W., Sigourney. Huffmaster A. W., Fort Madison. Hulfard R. H., Fairfield. Huglies J. C., Keokuk. Member Am. med. asso., Keokuk coll. phys. and surgs. Hughes J. C., Jr., Keokuk. Hughes W., Baden. Hull H. C., Crawfordsville. Hull J. C., Trenton. Hull W. S., Carlisle.. Humphrey J. AV., Fort Dodge. Hunt A. M., Sioux City. Hunt FI. H., (e) Independence. Hunt J., (h) McGregor. Flunt L. J., North wood. Hunt Oliver G., Marshalltown. M. D., med. dep’t uuiv. of N. Y., 1860; member med. soc. of Iowa, med. soc. of Marshall co. ; ass’t surg. and surg. U. S. vols. during the war. Hunter A. O., (h) Des Moines, Hunter H. E., Newton. Hunter S. AV., Centre Point. Hunting J. P., (m) Welton. Huntington H. L., Boone. Huntsman C. R., Buchanan. Huntsman H. C., Osktiloosa. M. D., med. dep’t Washington univ., 1851 ; mem- ber med. soc. of Iowa, Am. med. asso. ; surg. U. S. vols. 43 years. Hurd J. S., Hampton. Hurley .Tohn, Foolsboro’. Hurst D. A., Oskaloosa. M. D., Stalling med. coll., 1854; member med. asso. of Maiiaska co., Am. med. asso.; ass’t surg. U. S. vols. ; pres. Des Moines med. asso., 1876. Flurst R. C., Anamosa. Hussey D. J., Victor. Huston J. N., Victor. Huston R. AV., Elden. Huston AV. L., Marengo. Hutchinson David, AVinterset. Hutchinson C. R., Chickasaw. Hutson H. C., (e) Orford. Hyatt B. F., Chillicothe. Hies Thomas J., Davenport. Member med. soc. of central 111. and Iowa. Ingham Cyrus. Oakfield. Ingraham Edward H., (h) Tipton. M. D., Hahnemann med. eoll., 1867. Ingraham E.*H., M’t. Vernon. Ireland A. B., Camanche. Irish Delila Susan, Davenport. Grad. Milwaukee female coll., 1863, and woman’s med. coll, of Phila., 1868 ; member med. soc. of New York city, and med. soc. of Scott co. Irwin John, Mt. Pleasant. Irwin J. F., (h) Adel. Iseninger AVilliam, Dennison. Ivins David, Indianola. Jackson Ephraim, (h^ Ep worth. Jackson E. R., (h) Dubuque. Jagger T. H., Sioux City. James R. M., (h) Knoxville. Jansenius S., Independence. Jay Robert, (m) Davenport. Jeffreys T., (h) Council Bluffs. Jeffries J. A., Corning. JEN IOWA. LAU 239 Jenkins George Franklin, Keokuk. M. i>., Mo. laed, coll., lMi7 ; member med. soc. of Iowa, and Am. med. asso. Joliauiiiiig Meyer E., (h) Davenport. Johnson Abijah, Earlliam. One eourse at med. dej)’! univ. of Midi., and part of one at Long Island coll. hosp. ; member med. soe. of Dallas co. Johnson Bartlett, (m) Mondamin. Johnson Clarkson Cook, Bangor. One full eourse of physieo-med. mst. ; member pbvsico-ined. asso. of Ind. Johnson D. P., Muscatine. Jolinson G. (_)., Wyoming. Johnson J. T., Clinton. Johnson M. E., Ilesper. Jolinson P. M., Bed Rock. Johnson R. II., Cromwell. Johnson T. W., (m) Fairfield. Johnson Thomas, Cromwell. lion. M. D., Jelierson med. coll, (no date) ; mem- ber Rush med. soc. of Cleveland, Ohio. Johnson W. S., Corning. Jolley T., (e) Sandy ville. Jones James B., (m) Storm Lake. Jones J. E., Stelapolis. Jones J. K., De Witt. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Mich., 1868; member med. soc. of Clinton co. Jones .J. K., Tndianola, Jones L. F., Cresco. Jones William,’ (m) Peterson. Jones W. A., Wincliester. Jones W. H., Forest City. Joslin C., Anamosa. Justison F., Ainsworth. Member Rock Island and Iowa central med. soc. Keahles B. F., Pella. Keables E. A., Pella. Keehn R. E., Tiffin. Keith Samuel, Mechanics ville. Keller .Tames, North wood. Kelley C. C., Brush Creek. Kellogg A., (m) Garnavillo. Kellogg G. M., Keokuk. Kelso J. S., Ackley. Kendall S. B., jh) Bear Grove. Kennedy Josiah Forrest, Des Moines. A. B., Dickinson coll., 1855; A. M., 1858; M. D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1858; member med. soc. of Iowa, and Iowa and 111. dist. med. asso. ; elected delegate to Am. med. asso. for 1873 ; was prof, obstet. med. dep’t univ. of Iowa ; ass’t surg. U. S. army; — author papers, “Herpes Zoster Occurring a Second Time,” 1859 ; “ Tur- pentine in Treatment of Tape Worm,” 1869; “ Cliorea — Its Treatment,” and “Calomel in Large Doses in Treatment of Diarrhoea and Dysentery,” published in “ Med. and Surg. PwEPORTER ; ” also, “ Gunshot Wound of the Abdomen,” 1872; “Fracture of Skull, with Loss of Brain Substance— Recovery,” 1872. Kenny J. C., (m) Manchester. Kerr John, Cedar Falls. Kersey F. H., Redfield. Keuchler C. F., Leavenworth. Keys L.. Greeley. « Kierulf B. F., (m) Marshalltown. M. D., Rush med. coll., 1868. Killaugh J. H., (h) Agricola. Kimmel B. B., Winfield. Kinddlebaugh S. H., Clarinda. King Alexander, (e) Panora. King E. H., (h) Clinton. M. V., Ilahnemuiin med. coll., 1868. ; member Am, inst. of homoeo. ; homceo. med. soc. of Iowa. King H. H., (m) Dubuque. King I., Plattville. King J. E., (h) Eldora. King J., Bedford. King S. M., (h) Albia. Kingsland S., (e) Council Bluffs. Kirkwood J., (e) Pletisantville. Kludge A., (h) Elki)ort. Knight M. C., (e) Bloomfield. Knott J. M., Sioux City. Knowland Jas., Sigourney. Knowles F., Keokuk. Knowles Harvey H., Castalia. M. D., coll. phys. and surgs. of Keokuk, 1868; member med. soc. of N. Iowa. Knowles Hollis S., (h) Avoca. Knox J., (h) Greencastle. Knox O. S., Wtiterloo. Knox Samuel. Princeton. Knuckley J. J., Morrisburgh. Korne William, Mt. Ayer. Krammeinger M.. Burlington. Kreamer W. F., Red Oak Junction. Kneel ler G. A., Keokuk. Kuithan Fredrick, Burlington. A. B., gymnasium at Dortmund, Prussia, 1849; M. D., royal univ. of Berlin, Prussia, 1853 ; U. S. exam. surg. for j)ensions. Kunze August, (h) Davenport. M. D., at Lei])zic and Halle, Germany, 1858 ; mem- ber homoeo. med. soc. of Iowa. Kynett L. J., Little Sioux. . One course at Jelierson med. coll. ; member med. soc. of Harrison co. Ladd J. A., Buckingham. La Forse D. A., Agency. Laforce J. W., Floris. La Grange R., Vinton. Lake E. W., Marion. Lake O. B., Indianola. Lake Preston L., Maquoketa. Lambert J. Truman, Farley. M. D., Bellevue hosp. med. coll., 1871 ; surg. U. S. vols. 5 months. Lambert W. S., Albia. Sec. Des Moines Valley med. soc. Lang James, Marshalltown.^ M. D., coll, of j)hys. and surgs. o'f N. Y. (no date) ; member med. asso. of central Iowa, med. soc, of Marshall co. ; U. S. pens. surg. Langan Daniel, De Witt. Member Am. med. asso., 1872. Langly Charles, Sioux City. Banning J. Meek, Manchester. M. D., Itush med. coll., 1862; member med. asso. of Delaware co. ; surg. U. S. vols. 1 year. Latham Alden C., Lowden. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Vt., 1858; late prof, phys. path. anat. and microscopy in coll. phys. and surg. of Keokuk ; U. S. con’t surg. 4 years, Lathrop E. L., Ottumwa. Lathrop W. P., Vinton. Laurance C., Wolcott. Laurance Edward, Davenport. 240 LAU IOWA. McG Laumnce E. Y., Badger Hill. M. D., Chicago nied. coll., 1867. * Laurestoii A. Merrimaii, Cresco. M. D., med. dep’t univ, of Mich., 1873. Lavone Clarence, Anamosa. Lawrance E., Marshalltown. Lay James Cochran, Dubuque, iieinher Atn. med, asso., 1872. Leavitt J. J., Algona. Lee A., Iowa City. Lee John H., Gi-ant City. J..egge L. A., (m) Van Buren. lA^iinian A., Monticello. Ijeonai'd W., (e) Beetrace. Leonard William L., Winterset. ^I. 1)., Olho med. coll., 1852; })res. med. asso. of . Madison co. ; surg. U. S. vols. 3 years. I. .ei)er J., Fort Madison. Lewelhm P. W., Clarinda. Lewis C. G., Ottumwa. Lewis Enoch, Albion. M. 1)., Cleveland med. coll., 1867; Chicago med. coll., 187.']; sec. med. asso. central Iowa. Lewis James, Afton. I^ewis John J.. IMineral Ridge. Lewis John, Grinnell. A. li., Jelierson mod. coll., 1842; member med. soc*. of Ind.; — author paper on “Diphtheria,” 1861. Lewis J. M., Abingdon. Lewis J. jST., Florence. Lewis W. C., Clermont. Liansley E. B., Hartford. Liclity E., Waterloo. Lillis'W. B., (h) Marion. Lilly Wm, AL, (h) Grand View. Lincoln J. C., Belle Plaine. Lindler Herman, Marshalltown. IJndley A. H., New Providence. Lindsey .T., Grand View. Linton John, Garnavillo. Littleton C. W., Kingston. J. .ogan A. R., Calmus. JjOgan D., De Witt. Logier William, Garnavillo. I. ong J. M., (m) Cedar Bluffs. Loomis AI. V., (h) Genoa. Lord AI. AI., Si)ringvale. Lothrop Charles H., Lyons. M. 1)., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 1858 ; pres. med. .soc. of Clinton co. ; member 111. and Iowa dist. med. asso., med. soc. of Iowa; del. to Am. med. asso. 1874; exam. surg. for U. S. pensions; ass’t surg. and surg. U. S. vols, 4 years ; — author of papers, “ Fragilitas Ossium,” 1871 ; “Apparatus for Bunion,” 1873. Love John Smith, Springvale. A. B., Jefferson coll., 1850;''A. M., 1853; AI. D., Jefferson med. coll., 1856 ; member and first sec. med. soc. of Linn co. J. ovejoy J. C., (m) Rippey. Loyd Frederick, Iowa City. Al. D., med. dep’t Transylvania univ., 1851 ; mem- ber med. soc, of Iowa, med. soc. of Johnson co. ; ass’t surg. and surg. U. S. vols. 4 years. Luck J. T., Dubuque. Sec. med, soc. of Dubuque. Lucy I. A., (h) Oskaloosa. Lumm D., Percival. Lyford AVilliam H. Alember Iowa and 111. central med. asso., and Am. med. asso. Lymen R. H., College Springs. Lynch M. J., Sioux City. Lyon J. T., Council Bluffs. Lyons S., Alt. Pleasant. McAllister Henry C., Aluscatine. AI. 1)., Aliami med. coll., 1856 ; surg. U. S. army 2 years. AfcAllister AV. L., New Sharon. AIcAlvin J., Fai-mersburgh. AIcBrifle J. B., Council Bluffs. AIcBritle N. S., Alai slialltowii. AIcCabe E. R., Leighton. AIcCall A. R., Smithland. McCandless A. B., Columbus City. Al. D., Cliicago med. coll., 1869 ; member med. soc. of Louisa CO. ; chairman board censors. AIcCallock A. P., Brooklyn. McCaughan D., Alorning Sun. AI. D., Miami med. coll., 1856; uiember med. soc. of Louisa CO. AIcCleary T. AI., Inclianola. AIcCTellan W., VVasliington. AIcClelland T., Cedar Rapids. AIcClennon W., I^aconia. AIcCline C. S., Fairfield. McClner Benjamin, Dubuque. AL D., med. dep’t Harvard univ., 1852; mem- ber med. soc. of Iowa., med, soc. of Dubuque CO. ; surg, U. S. vols. 4 years ; — author papers, “ Strangury,” “ Early Signs of Pregnancy,” 1858, etc. McClure Andrew W., Alt. Pleasant. AL D,, Ohio med. coll., 1853 ; med. dep’t univ. of Pa., 1860; member med. soc. of Des Aloines Valley, Am. med. asso. ; chairman board of health for city; surg. U. S. vols. 2 years. AIcClure G. B., (e) Caledonia. AIcClure S. P., Greenhill. AI. D., Rush med. coll., 1868. AIcConnaughy D. S., Alarshall. AIcCormack j. A., (e) I'ort Aladison. AIcCormick H., Clinton. AIcCourtney James, Davenport. McCoy Henry C., Algona. Al. D., (Jiicago med, coll., 1864 ; member med. soc. of Kossuth CO. ; ass’t surg. U. S. vols. 3 years. AIcCulloch G., Alalcom. AIcC 111 lorn James, New Oregon. AIcCullough 8. C., Ottumwa. AIcCulley J., Urbana. AIcDermott Peter, Fontanelle. AIcDonald G., Albia. AIcDonald J. G., AValnut City. AIcDonald O. P., Keokuk. AIcDonald R. AI., Alillrock. McDowell J. W., Des Aloines. AL D., Jefferson med. coll., 1866 ; v.-pres. med. soc. of central Iowa. McEwen N. T., Rockford. AIcFall AV. H., Marengo. AIcFarland Daniel, Keota. McGarreiiG. IL, (e) Alissoiiri Valley. AIcGanghen Dan., Alorning Sun. AIcGerven C. C., Council Bluffs. McGlasson J. S., Kirkville. McGorris E. J., Des Moines. McG IOWA. MOE 241 McGrew A. G., Wyoming. McHugh 11. A., Charleston. Mclntosli 1). J., Clinton. McKean Alex., Anamosa. One course Ku.sli ined. coll. McKee Wesley, Dubuque. M. L)., Clevelaiul iiied. coil., 1857 ; member metl. soc. of Dubuque. McKelvy W., Missouri Valley. McKenzie 11. E., Cottage Hill. McKenny H., Muscatine. McKinley 11. C., Waterloo. l^IcKinley L. D., Missouii Valley. McKune A. B., Council Bluffs. M. i)., Uush lued. coil., 1807 ; v.-pres. med. soc. of Council Blulfs. McLaiiren P. M., Portland, Oregon. McLaughlin T. C., (h) Dubuque. McLean J. W., Volga City. McMahon P. J., Council Bluffs. McMillen B. F., Oskaloosa. MciMorris J. T., Belle Plaine. jMcNaughton M. N., Villisca. McNulty John, Ft. Dodge. 2il. D., iiied. dcj)’t uiiiv. of M . Y., 1852; certificate of honor; fellow ncad. med. of N. Y. ; member jiatholog. soc. of N. Y., med. soc. of N. Y., and Am. med. asso., 1872; surg. U. S. vols. during late war. McQuizz W., Lyons. McKill R., Albion. McWiliiams 1)., (m) Dennison. Mace J. T., (h) Agency. Macrae Donnald, Council Bluffs. M. D., Edinburgh, 8>cot!and, 1801; member and ex-pres. med. soc. of Council Blufts. Mahan T. S.. Iowa City. Maiken William, Iconium. One full course med. dep’t univ. of Iowa. Malcom A. B., Council Bluffs. Mallett A., Vei’uon. Malone W. D., Martinsburgli. Mamfield E. L., (’edar Rapids. IVIanchester A. W., Wcilker. IManning C. D., Cainanche. Manning E. S., Cainanche. Marbourg M., Washington. Member Bock Island and Iowa central med. soc. Marity J. L., Burr Oak. Marman Joshua W., (e) Mitchellville. M. 1)., eclec. med. inst. of Cincinnati, 1870; mem- ber eclcc. med. soc. of Iowa. Marrin S. S., Leroy, Marsh J. P., (e) Douglass. Marsh Tv., Irving. Marsh W. S., Mt. Pleasant. Marshall A. J., (h) Iowa Centre. Marshall J., (h) Washington. Marshall J. L., Ft. Dodge. Marshall R. F.. Liscomh. Marten Wm. Harrison, Eastport. A. B., 18()2 ; M. D., Bellevue hosp, med. coll., 1865. Martin D. S., Anamosa. Martin Jeffrey, Davenport. M. I)., Iowa med. dej)’t Iowa univ., 1876. Martin J. S., Salem. Maryatt D. P., Waterloo. Mason Thomas A., (e) Johnson. Massrnan J., Burlington. M. D., Bush med. coil., 1868. Mather D. C., Boone. Mathews Nicholas B., Dubuque. Master of surgery and med. doctor Glasgow royal univ., Scotland, 1888 and 1842; cx-jjrcs. royal med. soc. of Glasgow, Scotland ; v.-i)res. med. soc. of Dubuque; member Iowa inst. of science and art; con’t surg. during war of rebellion. Mailer H., Polk City. Maioon J. B., Wakuron. Matson A. G., Anamosa. Matter R., (h) Des Moines. Maulsby ]M. B., Rcdlkld. Maxwell A. S., Daveiqjort. Mcml^er Iowa and 111, central med, asso., and Am. med. asso. May J. C., Cedar Rapids. Maynard Henry H., Tipton. M. 1)., Bush med. coll., 1861 ; member mod, soc. of Des Moines, and med. soc. of Iowa; surg. U. S. vols. 3 years. Medbiiry J. N., Webster City. Meek A., (m) Daveni)ort. Mellet E. T., Monticello. Mellick J. B., (m) Lyons. Meredith G. A., Ontario. Meredith Marion, Vinton. M. D., med. coll, of O., 1866; v.-pres. med. soc. of Benton co. ; surg. U. S. vols. 3 years. Merrell J. T., Mt. Ayr. Merrian W.. Grant City. Merriman Franklin, Monticello. M. D., med. dep’t of Iowa univ., 1860 member med. soc. of Jones co. Merriman L. A., Cresco. Mersbon T. O., (e) Fairview. Meyer C. W., Clinton. JMeyer F., Dubuque. Michner H., Adel. Middled it(di A., AV^aterloo. Middleton W. D., Davenport. M. D., Bellevue bos)). med. coil., 1868; member med. soc. of Scott co., med. soc. of Iowa, Iowa and 111. central med, asso.; j)rof. physio, and microsco])ic anat. med. dep’t univ. of Iowa; visiting j)hys. Mercy hosp. Middleton William S., Pierceville. M. D., coll, of pbys. and surg. Keokuk, 1870. Mier P. R., Council Bluffs. Miles J. C., Union. Miller A., Burlington. Miller A. N., AVasliington. Miller Geo., (h) Lancaster. Miller J., Lacon. Miller J. P., (m) Northwood. Miller N. E., 8ontb English. Miller 8. F., Piuirie City. Miller W., Bii mingham. Miller K., Liberty ville. Mills J. D., Crawfordsville. Milner Asa, Knoxville. Minton AV. L., (e) Ion. Miser 11. W., Lorilla. Misling C., Dubuque. Mitchell B. F., (e) Davenport. Mitcliell J. F., Central City. Mitchell J. AV'., Knoxville. Mi to II ell 8. R., Ottumwa. Mix 8. L., (h) Clarence. Mixer 11. M., New Hampton. Moetzel N., Davenport. 242 MOH IOWA. PAG Mohr Richard J., Fairfield. M. D., coll, of phys. and surg., Keokuk, 1861; siirg. U. S. vols. 4 years ; specialty, surgery. Moley Thomas, Pleasant Plain. Molesworth W., (e) Des Moines. Monck E. II., Colo. Monett W. D., Jasper City. Monson II., Decorah. Montgomery G. S., Atlantic. Montgomery P. J., (h) Osage. Moody W. J., Horton. Moon C. II., (m) Shellsburgh. Moon M. 13., Iowa City. Moore A., (h) Albia. Moore A. H., St. Ansgar. M(K)re F. M., Fontanelle. Moore II. II., Osage. Moore P., Cedar Rapids. Moore W., (m) Riclimond. Mordon L. A., Coon Rapids. Moreland R., Centreville. Morey Henry. Iowa City. Morgan A. W., Waterloo. H. 1)., coll, of pliys. and surg., Keokuk (no date) ; lueniber med. soc. of Clinton co., ined. soc. of Iowa ; v.-pres. med. soc. of Clinton co. ; ass’t surg. and surg. U. S. vols. 1 year. Morgan J. C., Frankville. Morgan J., Webster. Morgan d. J., Glen wood. Morgan J. Ivl. C., (m) Earlville. Morgan J. N., Dayton. Morgridge G. O., Montrose. Morley O. H., Davenport. Moi-rell C. W., Pella. Morris D. C., New Sharon. Morris D. T., (e) Cincinnati. Morris J. C., Belinond. Morris J. D., (h) Bedford. iM. 1)., Chicago med. soc., 1863. Morris William, (e) Hibbsville. Morse S. P., (m) Marshalltown. Morton R. B., (e) Bartlett. Moser Phillip S., Booiisboro’. 1^1. I)., riK'd. deph univ. of Penn., 1852 ; pres. med. soc. of lloone co. ; member city board of liealtii. iMosier M. E., Idscomb. Mosier S., Eiscomb. Mossman W. IL, Bhiirstown. Mott M. B.,Toka. Mountain N. W., Litts. Moustfui IL, Cresco. Mower Milton Posey, Perry. M. 1)., med. dei)’t univ. of Pena., 1869; member med. soe. of Boone co. Moweter J., Elvira. Muchmore B. P., Brandon. Midler A., Allison. Muncey J., Jessup. Munceil G., (e) Ilamilton. Murch A. J., (h) Belle Plaine. Murray IL, Iowa. City. Myers J. L., Fairfield. Nachtwey T., Lansing. Nassau W. W., Burlington. Neal B. G., Columbus Junction. Neal George Philip, Columbus Junction. Two courses at med. dep’t univ. of Iowa. Neff G. R., Farmington. Nelson W. W., Birmingham. Nesmint M. W., Lansing. Newcomb E. S., Manchester. Newman M. M., Birmingham. Newsome Wilfred Wilkinson, (h) South English. M. D., coll. i)bys. and surg. of Keokuk (no date) ; member liomcco. med. soc. of Keokuk co. ; in liosp. at Keokuk 7 years. Nichols Horace R., Plainfield. H. I)., mevl. coll., 1868. Nichols J. Elmer, Osage. M. D., llusli mod. coil., 1863; ass’t surg. U. S. vols. 2 years ; — author of ])a])cr, “ Couch for Patients with Fractured Femur;” “Nux Vomica and Small Doses in Dyspepsia.” Nichols W. IL, Wtdtham. Nichols W. S., Fort Dodge. Nildey E., Albia. Nixon S. E., (h) Burlington. Norris A., Ytindalia. Norris John Nelson, Birmingham. M. D., med. dei)’t univ. of Iowa, 1854; member med. soc. of Iowa. Norris S. C., Birmingham. N'orth John, Cedar Rtipids. Norton James A., Htimpton. Nosier J., Eddyville. Noyes A. A., Mtison City. Noyes J. S., Ogden. Nye L. B., (h) Blairstown. Obender T., Lansing. Ochiltree H. M., Mediapolis. Ogilvie J., Palestine. Olivet J. AV., Ftiirfield. Olmstetid E. 11., Fredericksburgh. Olney Asa C., Cliillicothe. A. B., Rimx coil., 1846; A. M., 1855; M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Iowa, 1853; member med. soc. of Wapello CO., med. soc. of Des Moines Valley, and med. soc. of Iowa. Olney S. B., Fort Dodge. Olshassen J. J., Dtivenport. Ordway W., Castana. Orr W. L., Ottumwa. Oriniston J. S., Chelsea. Orris W. AV., Victor. O’Sander C. F., Burlington. Osborn H., Council Bluffs. Ostninder M. L., Cahnar. Otis M., Tabor. Overman A. M., Des Moines. A1 ember eclec. med. soc. of Iowa. Owen C. G., Oskaloosa. Owen U. AV., Marion. Owens Henry, (e) Stiylorsville. Owens J. AV., (e) Des Moines. Overholt D. AV., Ooluinhns June. Overholt J., Columbus City. Overpeek R., Dubuque. Page IT. A., Purkersburgh. Page Homer Rez, New Sharon. A. B., Western coll., 1869; A. M., 1872; M. D. med. dep’t univ. of Iowa, 1871 ; member med. soc. of Mahaska co., med. soc. of Iowa. Page J. N., Essex. Paguin C. O., Tripoli. PAL IOWA. RAN 243 Palmer G. A., Boonsboro’. Palmer II., Charles City. Palmer O. P., (h) Oskaloosa. Pangburn Samuel, Perry. M. D., lued. coll, of Ohio, 1866, and Bellevue hosp. med. coll., 1869; member raed. soc. of Dallas CO. ; med. exam, of life ins. co. Park C. B., Grand Junction. Park E. M., Caloma. Park AV., Mitcliellville. Parker C. C., Fayette. Parker W. B., Conover. Parker AV. . Blaclersburgh. Parliman AV., Decorah. Parr M. A., Boonsboro’. Parr Th. 8., Indianola. Parrish AV. ()., Galesbiirgh. Parson AA^. C., Clinton. Parsons 8. B., (h) Fort Madison. Parsons AA^. AV. D., Anamosa. Patchen George H., (h) Burlington. A. B., Aionmoiitn coll., 1S66 ; M. D., homceo. med. coll, of N. Y., 1868; member Am. inst. of homoeo., and sec. of homceo. phys. of Iowa. Patten J. T.., Farley. Patterson Amos, Centreville. Patterson Samuel Joseph, Dunlap. M. D., liellevue hosp. med. coll., 1867. Patton A., Nevada. Patton AV. L., (h) Council Bluffs. Paul George, llook’s Point. Paxon AV. C., Clinton. Payne R. 11., Richland, t^eabody O.. AAbiterloo. Pearson A. 11., (e) Burr Oak. Peai-son C., (li) Mt. Pleasant. Peck II. T. F.. (h) 8i)ringville. Peek W. F., Davenport. M. D., Bcheviie hosp. med. coll., 1863; member med. soc. of Iowa, Iowa and 111. central dist. med. asso. ; ])res. med. soc. of Scott co. ; member Am. med. asso.; house siirg. Bellevue hosp., 1862-3; prot. surg. and dean of faculty univ. of Iowa; surg. U. S. vols. ; surg. Lincoln hosp.; vis. surg. Alercy hosp., 1869; att. surg. Iowa soldiers’ orphans’ home, 1867; — specialty, sur- gery. Pence AV. L., (e) Rising Sun. Penlield AV., Grundy Centre. Penn II. II., Maqnoketa. Penn J. N., Sidney. Penney AV. 8., AVest Liberty. Perry J. 1^., (e) AVyoming. Peters AA^., Foi-est City. Philips J. II., Johnson. Phillips xVllen, Dubuque. Phillips James, Dayton. Phillii)s J. E., AA^aubeck. Pliiililts J. G., (h) Iconium. Philpott J. II., New liOndon. Pierce II. II.. Delaware. Pierce. J. 8., Des IMoines. Pierce Samuel N., Cedar Falls. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Vt., 1856 ; member med. soc. of Cedar Valley ; med. exam, for pensions ; ass’t surg. U. S. vols. 18 months. Pierson A. II., (h) Union. Pinkerton M., (h) Sioux City. Piper C., AVaterloo. Pischaezak J., Des Moines. Pitcher A. O., (h) Mt. Pleasant. Pittman D., (h) Quincy. Pitts William Savage, Fredericksburgh. ^1. D., Bush med. coH., 1868 ; member med. soc. of Iowa; treas. Upper Cedar Valley med. soc., and censor med. soc. of Fayette co. Platt B. G. , Sac City. Platt R. 8., Sac City. Pomeroy J. C., AVaverly. Pool L., Chandler. Port A. J., Wilton Junction. Porter J. R., Blue Grass. Porter M. AV'., Davenport. Porter AV., New Sharon. Porter William II., AA^est Liberty. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Mich., 1873. Potter Charles, AVin field. Potter H. C., (e) Prairie City. Potter Isaac Louis, Ackley. M. D.,med. de})’t Iowa univ., 1870; member med. soc. of Iowa; ass’t surg. U, S. vols. 6 months. Potter J. D., Ackley. Potter L. E., (h) Gilman. Potter AV. F., AValnnt Fork. Poulson P. AA’'., (h) Council Bluffs. Powell C. B., (e) Iconium. Po we rs J . I. . , I r V i n g . Powers Milton J.,' Parkersburgh. IM. I)., Berksliire mod. coll., and med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., (no date) ; member med. soc. of Cedar Valley. Presby AVilliam, Lacona. Pressley N. II., (m) Duck Creek. Pressley AV. II., (m) Paris. Preston Charles H., Davenport. Price Henry G., (e) Cresco. M. U., eclectic med. eoll., 1862; commissioner of insanity for Howard co. Price J. M., (h) Buffalo Grove. Pritchai-d Newton, Atlantic. Pi izer O. II., Brighton. Pryce Richard W., Iowa City. A. B., Oberlin, 1865; M. D., Jellerson med. coll., 1868; member med. soc. of Iowa; ])res. med. soc. of Johnson co.; prosector of surgery in med. dep’t of Iowa univ., etc. Puggsley II. M., (m) Redding. Puletzky A., Dyersville. Putnam L., (h) Osceola. Putnam Robt., Prairie City, Quinn Charles Edward, Lynnville. M. D., Busli med. coll., 1870. Qoode Q. AV., Farmington. Raab F. F., (h) Davenport. Ralya D. II., Garuavillo. Ramsey A. A., Albia. Randall G. AV., Grundy Centre. Randall J. 8., Farley. Randall J. AV., Utica. Randall AV. IT., Augu.sta. Randolph Walter F,., Bedford. M. I)., Bush med. coll., 1870; member med. asso. ofS. AV. Iowa. Ranney Mark, Mt. Pleasant. Lecturer on insanity med. dep’t univ. of Iowa; superint. Iowa hosp. for insane. Ranney W. W., Lansing. Ransom II. B., Burlington. Ransom J. J., Burlington. 244 RAN IOWA. SAF Ransom S. S., Burlington. Rawsoii A. A., Corning. Rawson Chai’les H., JOes Moines. M. D., coll, of phys. and snrg. N. Y., 1851 ; mem- ber med. soc. of Iowa, ined. soe. of Polk co., and Am. med. asso. ; surg. and brigade surg. U. S. vols. 2 years. Ray II. W., Bellevue. Read S. G., Algona. Reazzly J. A., Lyons. Redman P., Waverly. Reed J. J., Maquoketa. Reed J. W., Glenro)^ Reeder P., Moravia. Reigart E. II., (h) Tipton. Reiscliatscli Ilila, Dubuque. Reyburn C. E., Brooklyn. Reynold A., Independent. Reynolds A. E., Indianola. Reynolds B. II., Mason ville. Reynolds E. M., (e) Iconium. Reynolds O., Morning Sun. Rice L., (h) Washington. Rice R. C., Smitbland. Richards C, C., Mitchellville. M. D., Chicago med. coll., 1870. Richards G. R., Richmond. Richards G. W., Monroe. Richards James, Qnasqueton. Richards W. O., Waterloo. Richardson J. F., Ilaysville. Richardson L. D., Long Grove. Richmond A., (h) Wasliington. Rickley J. P., (m) Albion. Riddiil Samuel, Nora Springs. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Mo., 1850; member med. soc. of Upper Cedar Valley. Riddle W. W., Atalissa. Ridgeway J., Ihpton. Riley 1^. K., Casey. Rinehart S. E., Oskaloosa. Rishell J. G., (h) Waterloo. Risley J., Le Grand. Ristine Henry, Cedar Rapids. Ristine Harley G., Fort Dodge. A. lb, Wabash coll., 18(31 ; A. M., 1868; M. D., Hush med. coll, (no date); member med. soc. of Linn co. Ritter E. J., (m) Davenport. Robbins Cornelius W., Buchanan. M. 1)., med. dej)’! univ. of Pa., 1805 ; member med. asso. of S. W. Iowa., and Am. med. asso., 1872. Robbins Joseph W., Manchester. M. D., Geneva med. coll., N. Y., 1843. Robbins William, Manti. Roberts Abel C., Fort Madison. M. D., med. dej)’! univ. of Mich., 1853; member med. soc. of Iowa ; prem. member Am. med. asso. ; surg. U. S. vols. Roberts H. W., Ottumwa. M. D., Hahnemann med. coll., 1874. Roberts Jas., Rockford. Roberts W., Mt. Pleasant. Robertson James C., Dutch Creek. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Iowa, 1873; member med. soc. of Washington co. Robertson J. M., Muscatine. Robertson William S., Muscatine. M. I)., Jeti’erson med. coll., 1856; member Am. med. asso.; pres. med. soc. of Iowa; member Iowa and 111. central dist. med. asso., med. soc. of Louisa co., med. soc. of Muscatine co. ; fellow Adelphi soe. of Knox co. ; prof, theory and prac. med. and clinical med. in med. dep’t univ. of Iowa; — author of papers, “Medical Inhala- tions,” 1871 ; “Thermometry in Disease,” 1872. Robinson C. S., Lyons. Robinson D. W., Mt. Pleasant. Robinson R. B., Boonsboro’. Robinson Stephen Eddy, West Union. M. D., Rush med. coll., 1867 ; member med. soc. of Iowa, med. soc. of N. Iowa; v.-pres. med. soc. of Fayette co. ; ass’t surg. U. S. vols. 18 months. Robinson W., Cedar Falls. Robyn E., Luzei ne. Rockwell William, Little Sioux. Rodgers D. R., Pilot Rock. Rodgers W., Davenport. Rodman II. A., Washington. Rogers F. A., Knoxville. Rogers H. S., Numa. Rogers J. AV., Panora. Rogers L. J., Salem. Rogers O., Osage. Rogers S., loka. Rollofez D., Pella. Rood Vernon D., Anita. M. D., med. dep’t univ. of Vt., 1867 ; in U. S. hosp., Hampton, Va., 2 years. Ross J., Boone. II. AV., Murray. Ross AV. J., Montana. Rosseau John James, AA’^ashington. M. 1)., Chicago med. col!., 1871 ; mend)er med. soe. of Washington co., and AVashington pathol. soc. Rosseau William Henry Harrison, AVash- ington. M. D., coll, of phys. and surgs., Keokuk, 1854; pres. med. soc. of Washington co. ; member med. soc. of Iowa, and Iowa and 111. central dis. asso. Rosser N. H., Troy. Rossbrough Thomas, Monterey. M. D., coll, of phys. and surgs., Keokuk (no date) ; member med. soc. of Davis co. Rowe D. S., Atalissa. Rowe Geo. Dodge, Boone. M. D., med. dep’t Harvard univ., 1868, and med. dep’t Bowdoin coll, (no date). Rowland D. 0., Northwood. Ruby M., (m) loka. Rush Jacob, Elgin. Russ C. D., Stacey ville. Russell E. L., Van Meter. Russell E. P., Council Bluffs. Russell Isaac, Monticello. A. M., Edinburgh univ. of Scotland ; M. D., Edin- burgh univ., 1844; a licentiate coll, of surg., Edinburgh ; was house surg. to the Royal Edin- burgh Infirmary 3 years; — author of various rned. papers. Russell J. H., Blakesburgh. Rust J. D., (h) Fayette. Rust R. H., Redfield. Rutledge G. M., AVinterset. Ryan J. R., Colfax. Saddler J. G., Villisca. Safford J. P.,(e) Keokuk. SAF IOWA. SMI 245 Safford F., Keokuk. Salter H. S., Montezuma. Sampson J. W., Monterey. Sanborn N. M., (m) Keokuk. Sanders J. J., Atlanta. Satterlee D., Dunlap. Satterlee D. S,, (m) Davenport. Sauks J. O., Jenks. Saville J. J., Sioux City. Sawyer E. W., Atalissa. Sawyer Sylvester H., Unionville. M. I)., Keokuk med. coll., 1«54 ; pres. med. soc. of Des ^loines valley, med. soc. of Iowa, and Am. med. asso. ; surg. U. S. vols. 3 years. Sclicefer S. M., (h) Anamosa. Sclianvans W., Sioux City. SciiarffJ., Burlington. Scliermerliorn W., Jefferson. Sclilegel E., Davenport. Scblemm C., Cedar Bapids. Schofield Darius, Washington. M. D., Albany med. coll., lS5b; v.-pres. med. soc. of Washington co. ; member Washington patho- logical soc.; surg. U. S. vols. during late war. Scholes H. J., Knoxville. M. D., coll, of jdiys. and surgs., Keokuk, 1853; pres. med. soc. of Marion co. ; member med. soc. of Iowa; ass’t surg. U. S. vols. 18 months. Schooley J. W., Monroe. Schouse H. C., (h) Davenport. Schultz Wm. Chambers, Marengo. A. B.. Lafayette coll., 1862; A. M., 1865; M. D., Bellevue hosp. med. coll., 1867. Sch wager Alwin, Wheatland. Sch wager A. L., London. Schwartz Peter. Centreville. Scott D., (e) Belle Fountain. Scott George W., Dubuque. M. D., physio-medical coll., 1842; member physio- med. soc. of Cincinnati. Scott J. F. II., Monona. Scott J. W., Council Bluffs. Scott J. Z., Bertnim. Scott Samuel, Wilton. Scott W. M., Centreville. Scruggs — , Grandview. Seagjirber E., Sigourney. Searle Benjamin W., Dahlonega. M. I)., coll. phys. and surg. Keokuk, 1873. Sears R.. Marshalltown. Seaton Joseph Henry, Keokuk. M. D., Ky. school of med., 1867 ; surg. Mo. vols. 2 years. Seidletz G. N., (h) Keokuk. Selby II. W.. Sigourney. Sellers M. Y., (e) Moulton. One course at Iowa med. coll. Sent! J., Dubttque. Shaffer E. II., Iowa City. Shaffer J. M., Fairfield. A. B., Washington coll., 1848; A. M., 1851 ; hon. M. D.. med. dep’t univ. of Iowa, 1862. Shaver Thomas, (h) Burlington. A. M., ^Monmouth coll. ; M. D., homceo. med. coll, of Mo. Shaw J. A., Guthrie Centre. Shaw W. II., Monroe. Shay A. L., Ossian. M. I).. Chicago med. coll., 1870. Shearer John Wesley, Bladensburg. One full course coll. phys. and surg., Keokuk. Shedd Geo., Denmark. Sheeley B. Y., Council Bluffs. Sheeley J. F., Burlington. Sheets L. A., Algona. Sheldon A. C., (h) Nevada. Sheldon M. D., Iowa Centre. Shelton Elijah J., Bloomfield. M. lx, coll, of pliys. and surgs. Keokuk, Iowa (ntf date) ; member med. soc. of Davis co. ; ass't surg. II. S. vols. 9 months. Shelton W. A., Stiles. Shelton W. II., Pulaski. Sherer J. W., Agency. Sherman J. M., Burlington. Sherman W. B., Manchester. : Sherwood A. C., Marshalltown. Shields J. D., Albia. Shinnick C. C., Belle Fountain. Shouse Hiram C., (h) Davenport. (jirad. of 111. soldiers’ coll., 1871; M. D., Hahne- mann med. coll., 1873. Shoutz II. D., Centreville. Shrader John Clinton, Iowa City. M. D., coll, of phys. and surgs., Keokuk, Iowa, 1865; Long Island coll, hosp., 1870; member med. soc. of Iowa, med. soc. of N. Iowa, and med. soc. of Johnson co. ; prof, of obstet. and dis- eases of women and child, in med. dep’t univ. of Iowa; surg. U. S. vols. 3 years. Sigafooz J., Columbus City. Sigworth Harrison W., Wanbeck. M. D., Rush med. coil, (no date) ; v.-pres. med. soc. of Linn CO. Sigworth M. P., Paris. Sill N. H., Strawberry Point. Sillard D. F., Mt. Ayr. Simmons G. D., (e) Boonsboro’. Simmons T. J., Promise City. Simmonton A. C., Mitcliellville. Simons L. A., (h) West Pleasant. Skinkle E. L., Iowa City. Skinner C. R., Cedar Rapids. ^ Skinner J. O., Des Moines. Slater E. J. B., Marshalltown. Slitzell Geo., Nevada. Sloan James, Winterset. Treas. med. soc. Madison co. Sloan Milton G., Del mar. M. I)., Rush med. coll., 1873; member med. soo. of ('] inton CO. Sloan W. K., Eddyville. Smith A. B., St. Charles. Smith Alvan Holmes, Clinton. M. D., Chicago med. coll., 1872; member med. soc. of Clinton co. Smith Elias M., Marion. M. I)., Rush med. coll., 1866 ; member med. soc. of Linn co. ; surg. Iowa div. Mich. & St. Paul R. R. ; hon. member soc. of nat. hist., Iowa; — author of paper on Trichina Spiralis.” Smith Eugene J., Dexter. M. D., Rusli med. coll., 1872. Smith Fred., Dubuque. Smitli Jas., Shellsburgh. Smith J. F., Granville. Smitli J. G., Waverly. Smith J. II., Cedar Rapids. Smith J. P., Moulton. Smith J. J., Hampton. Smith Joel W., Charles City. M. 1)., med. dep’t Yale coll., 1850; pres. Upper Cedar Valley med. asso.; v.-pres. med. soc. of Iowa, .^m. med. asso. ; member Am. asso. for the advancement of science; exam. surg. for pensions; exam, committee med. dep’t univ. of Iowa; — author of paper on ” Position in Labor.” 18 246 SMI IOWA. TOB Rmith N. M., Moiiticello. Smith P., IiidepeiKleiice. Smith ll. M., Iliiilaii. Smith W. H., Gleiiwood. M. 1)., Cliicago med. coll., 1873. Smitli W. R., Sioux City. Smytli T., (h) Iowa City. Siiodgiass (t. W., Melton. Snook C., Moulton. Snyder A. S., Monona. Snyder G. W., Burlinj^ton. Snyder J., Cedar Rapids. Snyder J., Davenport. Soiitliam B. L., Iowa City. Spain G. W., Lynnville. iM. I).. Hied, dep’t univ. of Iowa, 1865. Spauldino' s. K., Dutch Creek. Specs J. B.. Birmin.o’liam. Sperry R. D., Red Oak Junction. Spinner S., (m) Cromwell. Spin’ny A. B., Davenport. Spooner Irving Buggies, New Hartford. j\I. i)., Kush nied. coll., 1867 ; member med. soc. of Cedar Valley. Sprague J., Duhuque. Springer J. N., (e) Toledo. Squire II. D., McGregor. Squire L., Mitchell. Stafford E., Oskaloosa. Stafford O. B,, Daveiqiort. Stafford T. J , (e) Vandalia. Stallcut S. A., (e) Davenport. Stanfield L. S., Bangor. Stanley Geo., (h) La Mars. Stanley iM., (e) Florence. Stanley W. II., Clear Lake. Stansberry J. E., AVesterii College. Stanton J. O., Denison. Staples George McClelland, Dubuque. A. ik, Whitervine coll., 1840; A. AI., 1852; j\I. D., med. dep’t Harvard univ., 1855; member med. soc. of Dubuque, med. soc. of Iowa; was on Am. med. asso. committee for Iowa, on clima- tology and epidemics, ill 1872; surg. and med. director U. S. vols. ,3 years; — author of ]mpers, “ Hysteria,” in “ Med. and Surg. Reporter,” 1861; “Physiological and Therapeutical Proj)- erties of Vcrat. Viridi ;” “ Amputations at Knee Joint,” 1872. Star C., (h) I(nva City. Starr A. II., Burr Oak. Starr Samuel J., Ames. One full course at med. deji’t nniv. of Mich., 1865 ; hosp. steward in army 8 months. Stayman A. M., Fort Madis.on. Steadman R., Colesburgh. Steel N., Fairfield. Steel B. L., Des Moines. Steiger E., I/ansiiig. Steiner J.. Davenport. Stephens T. G., Sidney. Steiiheusou Robert, Sr., Ceutreville. Stephenson Robert, Jr., Ceutreville. M. I)., med. dep’t univ. of Iowa, 1867 ; member meil. asso. of Des Moines Valley. Stetson J. B., Malvern. Stevens J. H., Orford. Steward R. II., fm) Anamosa. Stewart A. II., Hook’s Point. Stewart David, Nortli Liberty. Stewart D. AV., Ottumwa. M. D., Chicago med. coll., 1861. Stewart G. AV., Muscatine. Stewart O., Cottage Hill. Stillians J. I., CTarinda. Stillman AF. D., (h) Council Bluffs. Stilson E. H., (h) Keokuk. Stine H., Council Bluffs. St. Johns L. L., Norwalk. Stockton E. A., Chelsea. Stone J. C., Burlington. Stone L. S., Quincy. Stone R. M., (h) Des Moines. Stout J. M., (e) Elkader. Stricklett J. G. , Palo. Strong R. S., (h) Hesper. Stroud Harry, Clermont. Stnrdevant j. M., Cincinnati. Stutsman S. II., Bonaparte. Sugg John G., Sabnla. Sutton James E., Bonaparte. Sutton J. H., Coon Rapids. Sutton Levi, Pleasantville. Swayze H. A.,Ricldand. Sweet H. L., Mt. Etna. Swiggart D. AV., Hamburgh. Talbot Joseph, Birmingham. Tate F. M., Keokuk. Taylor A. H., Cedar Rapids. Taylor B. E., (h) Jessup. Taylor F., Keosauqna. Taylor J. A., Hamburgh. Taylor J. J., Lansing. Taylor R. IL, Marshalltown. Taylor S.. Glasgow. Taylor Thomas G., AVapello. Pres. med. soc. of Louisa co. ; practised 27 years. Terrell C. C., New Sharon. Terry M. C., Port Allen. Teter J. E., Mt. Pleasant. Tliieme Otto, Burlington. Thomas B. E., (m) Oskaloosa. Tlmmas F. S., Yernon. Thomas J. S., Benton's Port. Thomas L. AA^., Edenville. AI. D., Rush med. coll., 1871. Tlmmas M. AV., Des Moines. Thomas AV., Gaston. Thomell M., Corning. Thompson A. J., Imtts. Tlmmi'ison B. AV.. Muscatine. Thompson Benjamin, (e) Tama City. AI. D., eclectic med. coll, of Cincinnati, 1870. Thompson C. H., Cedar Rapids. Tlmmpson D. AV., Quincy Tliompson J. H., Letts. Thompson Orville B., Des Moines. Al. D., med. dej)’t uui v. of Iowa, 1861, and Bellevue hos]>. med. coll., 1866. Thompson Samuel, Toledo. AI. D., Rush med. coll., 1868. Thorpe E. L., Shell Rock. Thrall S. B., Ottumwa. A. B., 1851 ; A. AI., Kenyon coll., O., 1”=;,", ; D., med. dep’t univ. of N. Y., 185;); sec. and ex- pires. Iowa med. soc. Tichenor A. F., Boylan’s Grove. Tichenor N., Buffalo Grove. Tidd C. H., Geneva. Tidrick L. M., AVinterset. Tobie C. A., Colesburgh. TOD IOWA. WHI 247 Todd Andrew, Eising Sun. Todd A. M., Rising Sun. Todd William A., Garden Grove. One course in Mich. univ. Tomson J. J., Davenport, lileinber Rock Island and Iowa central med. soc. Tompson Robert E., Muscatine. M. O., coll, piiys. and surg., N. Y., 1870; mem- ber med. soc. of Muscatine co., Iowa and III. central med. asso., and Am. med. asso. Torshy R. T., Simpson. Touiier D. A., (h) Lyons. Town E. B., London. Townsend J., (h) Jamesville. Traer W. E., Vinton. Tremain S. A., Dyersville. Trestison F., Ainsworth. Tribbet John C., Montezuma. M. D., Miami med. coll., 1S73. Triein P. E., (h) La Porte. Trout Alexander W., Quasqueton. M. D., Rush med. coll., 18ti7. Trowbridge L. M., (h) La Grange. Troy S. S., Nashua. Tucker S., Homer. Turner H. W., Osage. Turner J. C., Tipton. Turner P., (e) Alton. Turner W. II., Keokuk. Tustison Frank, Wajiello. Tuttle A. M., (h) Clear Lake. Twining E. T., Marshall. M. D., Chicago med. coll., 1867. Udell Columbus N., Iconiiim. Two full courses at coll, of jdiys.and surg., Keokuk. Udell Nathan, Centreville. Hon. AI. D., med. de])’t univ. of Iowa, 1855; surg. U. S. vols. Ulricli C. M., Des Moines. Underwalken J. W.. Peoria City. Underwood J. II., AVest Lena Underwood M., Eldora. Vance A. AV., Dexter. Vancese E. G., Mt. Pleasant. Van Dayne V. S., AVaterloo. V^mdxiiJiiLLe-Geor^, Swux City. Vandernart S., Cedar Falls. Van Horn A. K., Stan wood. Van Nns J. S., Pella. Van Velson E. P., Springvale. Van Voorhis Alonzo E., (e) Pomeroy. M. I)., eclec. med. inst. of Cincinnati, 1862. Vazant G. AA^., Charlotte. Vary AV. E.. I)e AVitt. Vest John William Henry, Montezuma. M. D., Jefferson med. coll., 1865; surg. U. S. vols. 3 years. Virgin AA^. T., (h) Burlington. Vogt A., (e) Fort Madison. Vorst AV., Iowa City. AVaddell R. AV., (e) vSpringfield. AVaggoner G. J.,. (m) Maquoketa. Waggoner M. R.. De AVitt. AVagner.T. K., Blairstown. Wagoner W. B.. AVestern College. Walford II. L., (h) Moravia. Walker E. H., Keosauqua. Walker J. IT., Corning. Walker L., (h) Toronto. AValker M., (h) Newton. AValker R. C., Burlington. AVall H. J., (e) Fort Atkinson. AVall T. M., Melrose. Wallace G. E., AVashington. AVallace R., Mondamin. AValter Peter, Davenport. Waples Marshall H., Dubuque. M. D., Jefferson med. coll., 1865; v.-pres. me. med. coll., 1866 ; member med. soc. of Dubuque and med. soc. of Iowa ; surg. U. S. vols. 4 years. AVay F., Knoxville. AVay Samuel, (e) Colesburgh. Webster B. M., Shenandoah. AI. 1)., Rush med. coll, (no date); member med. soc. of southwestern Iowa. Weeks E. C., Nashua. AVeidner AV. F., Monroe. Weir Andrew R., Agency City. M. D., med. . med. coll., 1866; city phya, 1867 ; exam. surg. for pensions, 1870. Baldwin James A., Spring Hill. M. D., med. dep't univ. of Louisville, 1869; seo. med. soc. of Johnson co. ; formerly member med. soc. of Minneapolis. Baldwin M. O., Wamego. Ball J. P., (e) Lawrence. Balliam J., (mj Montana. Bangs John E., I^awrence. Barber T. A., Lawrence. Barcer I). A., (h) Xenia. Barnes Geo., Washington. Barnes II. C., Sherman. Barnes W. II., Parsons. Barney Jas. Knox, Marmiton. M. D., St. Louis med. coll., 1872. Barrett J. J., (m) Eredonia, Batsell J. C., Monrovia. Beach A. D., Olathe. Beach Abijah Ives, Jr., Council Grove. M. 1)., Western Peserve med. coll., 1856; ass't surg. Kan. vols. 3^ years. Beadford J. II., Council Grove. Bebee A. C., (hi Osawatomie. Beeman P., (m) lola. Bell D., Olathe. Member med. soc. of Johnson co. Bell J., Olathe. IMember med. soc. of Johnson co. Bell Jos. W., Towanda. M. D., med. dej^’t univ. of St. Louis (no date). Belts J. M.. Grasshopper Falls, Bender O. C., Fort Scott. Bindnot L., Abilene. Binking S. L., Stanlon. Birdsell J., Pondee. Bishop C. W., Buffalo. Blakeslee T., (m) Altonia. BLA KANSAS. DAY 251 ' Blank John, Doniphan. Bliss E. W., Hiawatha. Bonebraker J. II., (e) Lecompton. Bostwick II. C., (m) lola. Bowen (J. F., White Cloud. Boyd II. C., Qiienemo. Boyer S, B., Urban a. Boys J. M., (m) Wamego. Bracklin O., Leavenworth. Bradbury J. M., Boxter Springs. Bradford J. W., Vfaterville. Bragan , Osage Mission. Bransman J. G., Osage Mission. Breedlove Jolin W., (h) Atchison. Brine S. M., Mound City. Britton J. B., (na) Mapleton. Brock J. W., Leavenworth. Brogan R., Osage Mission. Brown D. M., White Cloud. Brown George Tisdale, Burlingame. M. D., coll. ))hys. and surg. of Keokuk ; pres, med. soc. of Osage co. ; ass’t surg. U. S. vols. 15 months. Brown 11. C., Abilene. Brown Lenexa. Bryning J. V., Atchison. Buckmaster IL, Oskaloosa. Buckinaster W. II., Leavenworth. Buell W. D., Monticello. Bull W. I)., Olathe. Member metk soc. of Johnson co. Burge W. J.., Atchison. M. 1)., coil. phys. and surg. of N. Y., 1853 ; mem- ber med. soc. of Atchison co., med, soc. of Kan. ; phys. to central dispens. of N. Y., 1853 ; med. exam, for pensions ; act. ass’t surg. navy 5 years ; — author of “ Fracture of Femur, with Reports of Cases,” 1858. Burns Patrick, Newman. ^I. 1)., med. de]>’t univ. ot Nashville, 1807. Butcher J. D., Tonganoxie. Butt W. C., Foiitsville. Caldwell Charles, Chetopa. Callahan IT. B., Leavenworth. Callerson W. S., Monticello. Member rned. soc. of .Johnson co. Callins F*., (m) Hiawatha. Calvert W. B., Centralia. ’ Campbell A. WC, Clyde. Campbell A. W., Leavenworth. Campbell C., tmi Liberty. Cami)bell T. B., North Cedar. Cantwell A. R., AVinchester. Carey F. F., Mapleton. Carpenter .T. M., New Lancaster. Carpenter AVm. B., I.,eavenworth. Carrol P. IL. AVaterville. Cash B. L.. Troy. Catterson M. L., Monticello. Cavert G. AY., (m) Carlyle. Chambers A. G., Independence. Chase Levi, Irving. Y.^ Shawneetown. Member med. soc. of Johnson co. Chausne A. G., America. Childs A. J^., Columbus. Clark II. R., (m) Mapleton. Clark J. D., Baxter Springs. Clark N. C., AYathena. M. i)., Ohio med. coll., 1857 ; member med. asso. Kan. ; surg. 8th Kan. vols. 14 months. Clay M. J., Stranger. Clements H., Holton. Cline. J., La Cygne. Clutter AAT'illiam H., Dallas. M. D., coll, of med. and surg., Cincinnati, 1869; member med. asso. of Richland co. ; ass’t surg. U. S. vols. 3 years. Cochrane W. W., Atchison. M. i)., med. dep’t univ. of Louisville, 1849; treas. med. asso. of Kan. ; mem. med. soc. of Atchison. Coe Ira E., Mound City. M. D., Jetierson med. coll., 1867; member med. asso. of Lime co. ; ])ension surg. of Lime co. Coffin A. AY., (m) Leroy. Cogswell Rupert D,, Osage Mission. Al. I)., Chicago med. coll., 1860. Cole .John, AYyandotte. Collins A. B., St. Marys. Comstock D. D. , Leavenworth. Coon D., Paola Coons Israel, Spring Hill. M. I)., Starling med. c