TELEPHONE DIRECTORY. February 1st, 1892. Destroy all Previous lists. Call by Number Only. TEL. NO. Jf?is Je\%p\)OT)e \$... ^tyi^o Selepfyope Co. GENERAL OFFIGE8, Telephone Building, No. 203 Washington Street, ILLINOIS LAWRENCE J. GUTTER Collection of Chicogoono THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT CHICAGO The University Library 0'ce President, rat Superintendent. Superintendent. } E, Secretary and Treas. Contract Agent. . Station Dirtctory, aLINOIS. tJ. B. DIGK, Manager, Telephone 99- - - Elgin, Illinois. ELGIN, ILLINOIS: NEWS-ADVOCATE PRINTING AND BINDING HOUSE. 1892. (^tyi^o &e\ep\)ot)e Co. GENERAL OFFIGES, Telephone Building, No. 203 Washington Street, GHIGAGO, ILLINOIS. H. B. STONE, President. NORMAN WILLI A MS,: Vice President. C. H. WILSON, General Superintendent. W. W. NICHOLS, Superintendent. R. G. WETMORE, Secretary and Treas. F.M. BUCK, Contract Agent. . t and Toll Station Directory, RLGIN, ILLINOIS. tJ. B. DICK. Manager, Telephone 99- - " Elgin, Illinois. ELGIN, ILLINOIS: NEWS-ADVOCATE PRINTING AND BINDING HOUSE. 1892. RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE. Information of Subscribers. 1. TO CALL, turn the crank once, quickly; then take down the hand telephone and place it to the ear. The Central Office vill answer by the inquiry, "Number?" CALL BY NUMBER ONLY. Do not ring back. Talk in an ordinary tone, from four to eight inches from the transmitter, and strictly avoid shouting. 2. TO DISCONNECT, hang up the hand telephone and ring. As other parties may be waiting to communicate with you, do not fail to ring for discon nection after each conversation. 3. CARE OP INSTRUMENT. The hand telephone must be left hanging upon the fork at all times when not in use. Otherwise the battery will deteriorate rapidly. Report all trouble with the instrument, or inefficiency of the service, direct to the manager. 4. TOLL LINE SERVICE. An extra charge will be made for com- munication with other towns or toll stations. Upon application, the Central Office will quote rates which cover but one conversation and retention of the line not to exceed five miuutes. Each subscriber will be held responsible for the payment of all charges on account of such connections made from his instrument. 5. NON-SUBSCRIBERS wishing to use a telephone for exchange or toll line service, will be accommodated at the Central Office. The use of an ex- change telephone is limited by contract to the subscriber, his family or employes. Any person may, howev< r, with consent of subscriber use the telephone in case of sickness, accident or fire. 6 RAILROAD TRAIN TIME will be given at Central Office. Kail road companies refuse to be annoyed by repeated requests for such information. 7. A reasonable charge will be made f^r moving instruments. UnipCorrespondence with the Superintendent, Telephone building, Chicago, is solicited when the wants of our patrons are not promptly and efficiently served by the local management. L-CIN + EXGHHNG ALPHABETICAL LIST. A 100 Adams Ex. Co Office 4 Chicago 24 Advocate and Daily News Office Newspaper Grove ave.and DuPage 152 Akin W. D Residence 252 Franklin 115 Aldrich Ira Residence, Hack and Express. . . 47 S. Jackson 28 Aldrich U. E Residence 282 Division 88 Althen Caspar Brewery 251 N. State 64 American Express Co Office 6 Chicago 141 Amick Leon A Residence 334 Raymond B 61 Barclay D. F Store 13-15 Chicago 27 Beckwith & Co Meat Market 49 Chicago 25 Bell Dr. J. F Residence 188 Villa 135 Bell Dr. J. F Office 85 National 58 Bennett Dr. R. F Residence 153 Spring 5 Black W. H ... Residence 313 Chicago 108 Bosworth F. S Lumber Office. . . S. State 45 Botsford & Wayne Office 7 and 8 Cook bl'k 78 Bowen Geo. S ... Residence 99 St Charles 163 Branford E Livery 51 Center 146 Bridge Dr. W. C Residence 145 S. Channing 6 Brown S. N Residence 194 S. State 54 Brown Dr. S. P Residence 248 Spring 4 Burlingame Dr. D. E Residence 20 Villa 41 Chamberlain D. J Residence 296 Douglas ave 93 Chapman S W Office 26 River 94 Chapman S. W Residence 245 Highland ave 23 Church A. B Residence 204 Division 33 Church & Grote Office 4 Borden bl'k 127 City of Elgin Fire Eng. House. 9-11 Spring 103 City of Elgin Electric Light sta N. State 66 Clark Dr. A. L Residence 56 Spring 91 Cloudman Wm. H Residence 124 Watch 83 Cook D. C. Pub. Co Pub. House .... Cook bl'k 17 Court House, East Side Fire Dep't 38 Grove ave 86 Creamery Package Mn'fg Co Office Douglas and Dexter 87 Crosby N. D Refrigerator Lawrence and State 52 C, M. & St. P. R'y Co Freight Office. . . Bridge st. and Tracks 59 C. & N. W. R'y Co Pass, and Freight Depot East S. . . 86 Douglas ave Al I'll \i;iTK'.\l, LIST. 164 Daniels J. C Residence 153 Douglas ave 99 Dick J. B Residence 218 Douglas ave 46 DuBois M. W Residence 164 McClure ave 102 Elgin American Gas Co Office, W'rks and Manager's Res. 9 Spring 68 Elgin Butter Co Office 71 Douglas ave 7 Elgin City R'y Co Car Barns 218 Grove ave 84 Elgin City R'y Co Station Dexter and River 137 Elgin Condensed Milk Co Office N. State and Highland 104 Elgin Lumber Co Office 88 Douglas ave 2 Elgin National Watch Co Factory National 75 Elgin Packing Co Office Bridge cor. Union 147 Elgin Watch Case Co Watch Cases Dundee ave 107 Elgin Water Works Pumping Station. 123 FedouF. C Coal 35 Walnut ave 15 First National Bank Bank Fountain sq. 102 Fitz Robert F Residence 71 Hinsdell 81 Foote George S Residence. 392 Villa 43 Foster & Day Drug Store 7 Chicago 79 Garrison C. L Livery Barn 95 North 140 Getzelman & Schmidt Groceries 8-10 N. State 155 Gooding E. F Residence 402 Chicago 82 Grote Wm Residence 246 Douglas 85 Hagelow B. • Bottled Beer 25-27 River 113 Hamlin L.B Residence 108 S. State 22 Hammond A. L Groceries 14 Douglas ave 11 Hart William Drug Store 30 Chicago 156 Heath & Johnson Groceries, Dry G. 214 Dundee ave 37 Hemmens H. D Daily Courier 12 DuPage 106 Hoagland S. C ». . Res. Livery and Express 44 Bridge 57 Holmes J. R Residence 462 Prospect 74 Home National Bank Bank 22 Chicago 12 Hubbard William Residence 78 North Gifford 1 Hunter George Residence 109 Watch 114 Hunter & Watkins Livery Barn 136-138 Railway ave 55 Illinois Condensing Co Office 62-66 Brook 39 Jackman K. P. & Son Foundry 30-32 River 96 Jencks D. R Residence 103 Dundee ave 10 Joslyn A. C Residence 464 Spring ALPHABETICAL LIST. 101 Kerber C. A 125 Kerber O. A 8 Kincaid & Co 122 Kohn& Abell 165 Kohn & Bisbee 2G Kramer J. E 24 Lowrie & Black 158 Ludlow Geo. W. & Co 31 Mann A. L., M. D 13 Mann A. L., M. D 19 Marckhoff A 154 Marion Geo. L., M. D 166 McBride Henry 60 McBride T. & Co 129 McClure & Struckman 150 McCornack E. A , M. D 53 McElroy James 136 McNeilJ 159 Meehan W. J 42 Miller D. M , 76 Miller C.N 130 Mink Jas. V 40 Mink Jas. W. & C. R 3 National Boarding House 69 Newman John 90 Northern Hospital for the Insane 49 O'Neil B 14 Outhouse Wm 132 Palmer B. B 126 Palmer S. A 167 PalmerS. A 162 Pease Chas. P 77 Peck & Eaton 95 PeltonDr. O. L 143 Pierce Dr. C. A Ill Pratt W. A 30 Preston Frank K Meat Market 32 Grove ave Fish Market 32 Grove ave Elgin Rose Co. . . 518 Chicago Market 13 Douglas ave Meat Market 79 Douglas ave Express Office. . . 11 Douglas ave U Elgin Daily News 31 Post Office bl'k Shoe Factory . . . Corner Dundee and Congdon ave Office 33 Chicago Residence 214 Chicago City Sexton 371 Villa Office 6 Chicago Coal and Wood . 7 S. State Coal Office 106 Douglas ave Lumber River r or. Ann Residence 66 Division Veterinary Sur. . 114 Jefferson Residence 156 State Hardware 9 Chicago Dray, Office and Wagon Shop. . . 96 River Livery Barn 87 Grove ave Livery and Real Estate 67 Chicago Livery Barn 5 Milwankee n Office National Store 7 Douglas ave Office S. State O Florist- Greenh'se 367 North Residence 46 Chapel P Livery Barn 66 Grove ave Undertaker 71 Chicago Residence 160 Chicago Residence 353 S. State Store 16-18 Grove ave Residence 202 S. State Residence 13 Center Residence Trout Park Residence 271 Division ALPHABETICAL LIST, 158 Kicker K. H. Co., The Office May and Liberty 03 Scheele August Grocer 32 Douglas ave 120 St ymour Horace J. & Co Grocers 42 Chicago 133 Se.vua r 8. C Drug Store 17 Bridge 128 Sharpies I). T Residence 54 S. State 142 Sharpies P. M Office 38 River 112 Shepherd W. A.. M. D Office 3 Town's bl'k 20 Shepherd W. A., M. I) Residence 178 Douglas ave 16 Sherman Hospital Office 87 Channing 86 Sherwin W. W Office Douglas and Dexter 67 Smith C. H Residence 148 Raymond 160 Springer A Druggist 77 National 101 Souster Geo Residence 490 S. State 135 Sprowls & Morrow Drug Store 85 National 89 Standard Oil Co Office 35 Stickling John H Flour and Feed. . 48 Milwaukee 149 Stickling J. H Flour and Feed. . Cor. Brook and Race 121 Stone C. A City Drug Store. 27 Grove ave 34 Stone C. A., M. D Residence 258 Villa 9 Swan Theodore F Residence 27 Raymond 70 Swan H. C Livery Barn 30 Grove ave 36 Sylla William F City Clerk, Res.. 86 Prairie 139 Triggs Bros Fish Market 49 Grove ave 156 Tuck M. F Druggist Dundee and Seneca 157 Tyler A., V. S Residence 54 Leonard V 62 Volstorff Bros E. Side Market. . 17 River 72 Volstorff Bros W. Side Market. 11 N. State W 97 Wagner G. W Jennings Hotel . . C2 Douglas ave 92 Wait & Burdick Furniture Store. . 40 Chicago 117 Washington Ice Co., The Office 54 Douglas ave 29 Webster Frank Livery 56 Grove ave 71 Weld&Hall Drugstore 17 Chicago 73 Western House J. L. Vanmeter, Proprietor 17-19 State V