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L162 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/viptranaprogramm603weav UIUCDCS-R-73-603 VIPTRAN - A PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE AND ITS COMPILER FOR BOOLEAN SYSTEMS OR PROCESS CONTROL EQUATIONS "by Alfred Charles Weaver November 1973 DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN URBANA, ILLINOIS THE LIBRARY OF THF UIUCDCS-R -73-603 VIPTRAN - A PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE AND ITS COMPILER FOR BOOLEAN SYSTEMS OR PROCESS CONTROL EQUATIONS fey Alfred Charles Weaver November, 1973 Department of Computer Science University of Illinois at Urb ana -Champaign Urbana, Illinois ■mis work was supported in part by the Department of Computer Science and submitted m partial fulfillment for the Master of Science degree in Computer Science, 1973. Ill ACKNOWLEDGMENT The author wishes to express his gratitude to Professor T. A. Murrell, thesis advisor and hardware designer for the VIP, for his continuous consultation and support of the project, and for his contribution of the SORT and PLOTTER modules. A special thanks is also due Professor T. R. Wilcox, for his technical consultation on the art and science of compiler writing. Thanks are also given to Mrs. June Wingler, whose patience and skill produced the typewritten manuscript. Additional thanks go to the Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, who financially supported this research and to S t ruth ers -Dunn Company, Systems Control Division, Bettendorf, Iowa, whose consultation and use of the VIPTRAN compiler helped me formulate the VIPTRAN syntax and debug the compiler. IV TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1. THE NEED FOR VIPTRAN PROGRAMMING 1.1 Introduction 1.2 The VIP Controller 1.3 VIP Programming Example 1 r l.k VIP Programming Example 2 q 1.5 VIP Programming Example 3 10 1.6 The VIPTRAN Compiler li+ 2. VIPTRAN LANGUAGE DEFINITION l6 2.1 Definitions -.r 2.2 VIPTRAN Compiler Options 20 2.3 VIPTRAN Syntax 22 2.3.1 Variable Type Declaration and Address Assignment 22 Automatic Address Assignment Algorithm 2k Source Card Requirements 26 2.3.2 Control Program Segment 27 2.3.3 Advanced VIPTRAN' - Control of X and Y registers 28 The X Register 29 The Y Register 51 X and Y Registers in Combination 32 2.3.3.^ The ON-OFF Variables 53 V Page 3. PROGRAM LOGIC MANUAL ,. 3.1 Overview of the Compiler's Responsibilities 34 3.2 Module Technical Descriptions *g 3.2.1 BATCH ,g 3.2.2 COMPILER 38 3.2.3 LEXI ^ 3.2-Ij- LOOKUP ^ 2 3.2.5 MAPPING i^ 2 3.2.6 ERROR ^ 3. 2. 7 SYNA g ^ 3.2.8 ADCHECK ^ 3.2.9 EXPRESSION. kk 3.2.10 OUT ^ 3.2.11 DUMP ^ 3.2.12 SEMA ^ 3.2.13 SORT ^ 3.2.14 CODEGEN ^3 3.2.15 TEMPGEN 51 3.2.16 GEN 52 3.2.17 OBJECT 5 3 3.2.18 PRINT ^ 4. SUMMARY ^ LIST OF REFERENCES KK 55 APPENDIX A. VIP'IRAN Programming Examples 56 B. VIPTRAN Language Syntax, Modified Backus-Naur Form 117 C. VIPTRAN Error Messages 120 VI LIST OF FIGURES Figure _. & Page 1. Relay Diagram for Burglar Alarm Example 8 2 . VIPTRAN Compiler Module Containment Map 3-7 1. THE NEED FOR VIPTRAN PROGRAMMING 1.1 Introduction VIPTRAN is a high-level, FORTRAN-like programming language specifically designed for use with the Struthers-Dunn VIP (Variable Industrial Programmer), a multi-purpose industrial process control minicomputer. The language allows the programmer to express a Boolean system of control parameters as a sequence of semi -Boolean equations whose cyclic evaluation in real time determines the on-off state of real world devices. Previous attempts to solve the process control problem have followed the general scheme of expressing process control logic by some series of pseudo-assembler language commands which are then translated into a system simulation language, analyzed and processed at this higher level, then retranslated into machine understandable commands. Attempts to perform this operation in real time generally result in either slow response times or extra expense for faster-than-necessary computing circuitry. VIPTRAN and the VIP in combination allow the programmer the ease and flexibility of expressing algorithms in a higher-level language while dispensing with all the system simulation by merely solving the Boolean equations themselves. 1.2 The VIP Controller To understand adequately the features and capabilities of VIPTRAN, it is necessary first to investigate the nature of the VIP itself. The VIP is actually an electronically programmable logic system, designed to perform the same control functions as a conventional relay or solid state logic system. Information is accepted at the inputs of the VIP, analyzed, and the appropriate output commands provided. The input information may he in the form of voltage or current levels from such devices as limit switches, pushbuttons, photo-electric controls, etc. Output commands are provided from the controller in the form of voltage or current signals capable of driving conventional solenoids, relays, lights, motor starters, and similar devices. Inputs are generally classified as 6, 12, 2k, k8, or 120 volt AC or DC inputs. The existence of a zero voltage is considered a logic "0" (Boolean "false") while the non-zero voltage is considered a logic "1" (Boolean "true"). External inputs are connected to the VIP through input register circuits. Information fed to the VIP in the form of voltage levels represents the logical condition of the external switches. If a given switch is closed, the input register stores a logic "l"; if open, the input register stores a logic "0". The output register is the means by which all command signals are fed from the VIP to the real world. The output registers actually serve two purposes : (1) they provide a contact closure for each load (motor, solenoid, light, etc.) in the form of a solid state switch; (2) information stored within the output register corresponding to a particular device is representative of that device's physical condition, i.e., energized or de-energized. Output registers may be either AC or DC. Timer registers may be used in place of an output register to introduce a delay between the storing of a logic "1" and the energizing of the external load. This delay is physically adjustable and covers a range of approximately 100 milliseconds to 30 seconds. • Magnetic latch memories are also interchangeable with output registers. In the event of a power failure to the VIP these retentive memories retain their most recent value, thus duplicating the memory inherent in the mechanical or magnetic two-coil latching relay. A scratchpad memory is also available which provides a storage area for temporary or virtual results. One scratchpad contains 512 addressable locations. The input, output, timer, and latch registers are available in groups of sixteen like devices on one plug-in "card". The physical location of these plug-in cards thus forms the address space used by the machine. If, for instance, one were to place one each of input, output, timer, and latch cards in the successive low-order card positions, the address space would be: card -position card type 1 2^-volt DC input 2 DC output 3 timer k latch address space decimal octal through 15 16 through 31 32 through k7 kQ through 63 through 17 20 through 37 kO through 57 60 through 77 Each plug-in card thus occupies l6 1Q contiguous addresses beginning at an address which is a multiple of 16 . Each card is positionally interchangeable with all others, except for the low-order card (addresses k through 17o) which must be of type input . Location is reserved; line power to the VIP is connected here, thus forming the basis for a guaranteed logic "1" at address 0. Scratchpad memory is slightly different in that it is one card which may be inserted or deleted as a matter of convenience. If included, it provides 512, n additional "scratch" memory locations (or "virtual control relays") at addresses 1000g through lT77g« The VIP is equipped with a ^096-word by 8-bit read-only memory in which the control program is stored. Depending upon the total number of inputs, outputs, timers, and latches used by the control program, the VIP is available in three models: mini -VIP 128 in addressable locations midi-VIP 2 5^io addressable locations maxi-VIP ^-^in ad-^essab 16 locations Each model will accommodate a single optional scratchpad. When the control program is executed, the following sequence of events is performed cyclically: (1) At the beginning of each scan of the read-only memory, and synchronized with the peak voltage of the power line, all of the inputs to the machine are simultaneously examined and their logic state stored in the input holding registers. Thus all inputs which change state do so simultaneously at the beginning of each memory scan. (2) The entire logical sequence of instructions (< ^-096 instructions) is executed sequentially at a rate of one instruction per ten microseconds, or ^-0.96 milliseconds to scan all of memory once. (3) At the end of the memory scan, and synchronized with a zero voltage on the power line, all of the outputs in the output holding registers are simultaneously gated to the output terminals. Thus all outputs which change state do so simultaneously at the end of each memory scan. The above sequence of operations is repeated indefinitely. The instruction set of the VIP consists of the following mneumonic operation codes and operands: LDA
load accumulator with data at
load accumulator with the complement of the data at
Boolean AND the accumulator with the data at
, leaving the result in the accumulator Boolean AND the accumulator with the complement of the data at
, leaving the result in the accumulator Boolean OR the accumulator with the data at
, leaving the result in the accumulator Boolean OR the accumulator with the complement of the data at
, leaving the result in the accumulator store the content of the accumulator into
(accumulator is unchanged) LDAC
Aux 777 AUX 776 AUX 775 AUX 774 no operation (erasure) load the X register from the accumulator load the Y register from the accumulator the 8-bit address of the next sequential instruction refers to scratchpad AUX 773 all forthcoming 8-bit addresses refer to scratchpad -until an AUX 772 instruction is processed AUX 772 terminate scratchpad addressing mode AUX 771 end of program The CPU of the VIP contains one 1-bit accumulator for evaluating logical expressions, one 1-bit X register whose content is always AKDed with the accumulator and the resulting quantity stored for each STO instruction (the accumulator itself remains unchanged), and one 1-bit Y register which, if zero, inhibits the action of STOre instructions, thus simulating a logical "jump" around a block of code. At this point three examples will help to clarify the coding procedure. 1.3 VIP Programming Example 1 A bank has installed a VIP to sound a burglar alarm and turn off electrical power to the vault door timer in any of the following events: (1) The bank office door is opened while the burglar alarm power switch is activated; (2) The vault door is opened while the burglar alarm power switch is activated; (3) A manual pushbutton is depressed. It is natural to invent Boolean variables to represent the logical states as described above. Let us use the following: variable name type description DOOR input true when bank door is open, false when bank door is closed SWITCH input true when power is applied to burglar alarm, false when power is not applied variable name VAULT PUSHBUTTON ALARM TIMER type description input true when vault door is open, false when vault door is closed input true when pushbutton is depressed (closed), false when pushbutton is released (open) output true when alarm is to sound, false when alarm is to be silent output true when power is applied to vault door timer, false when power is interrupted The two Boolean control equations, without simplification, are ALARM = (DOOR A SWITCH) V (VAULT A SWITCH) V PUSHBUTTON TIMER = (DOOR A SWITCH) V (VAULT A SWITCH) v PUSHBUTTON where A represents a Boolean AND, V represents a Boolean OR, and represents a Boolean complement (NOT). The system, expressed as a relay tree, might be graphically depicted as in Figure 1. Let DOOR, SWITCH, VAULT, and PUSHBUTTON be inputs to a VIP, connected to input register locations l g , 2 Q , 3g, and h Q respectively. Let ALARM and TIMER be outputs from the VIP, connected to an AC output register at locations 20 g and 21 g respectively. The machine code for the VIP would be: instruction address variable name LDA 1 DOOR AND 2 SWITCH comments load status of door AND with alarm switch status O LINE POWER DOOR SWITCH VAULT SWITCH PUSHBUTTON DOOR SWITCH VAULT SWITCH PUSHBUTTON ALARM TIMER Figure 1. Relay Diagram for Burglar Alarm Example instruction address 22 variable name STO TEMPI LDA 3 VAULT AND 2 SWITCH .OR 22 TEMPI OR k PUSHBUTTON STO 20 ALARM LDA 1 DOOR AND 2 SWITCH STO 22 TEMPI LDA 3 VAULT AND 2 SWITCH OR 22 TEMPI OR k PUSHBUTTON STO 23 TEMP2 LDAC 23 TEMP2 STO 21 TIMER VIP Programming Example 2 comments save result in temporary location load vault status AND with alarm switch status OR with temporary result OR with button status output status of alarm load status of door AND with alarm switch status save temporary result load vault status AND with alarm switch status OR with temporary result OR with button status save temporary result load complement of TEMP output status of timer Of course the preceding example made no attempt to optimize either the Boolean equations or the VIP code for the system. The application of simple Boolean identities reduces the control equations to ALARM = ( (DOOR v VAULT) A SWITCH) V PUSHBUTTON TIMER = ALARM which codes as follows : 10 comments load status of door OR with vault status AND with alarm status OR with button status output status of alarm load complement of alarm output timer status Although both sets of equations are logically correct, their VIP implementation is much more efficient in the latter case. 1.5 VIP Programming Example $ An automatic welder is to produce an L-shaped weld such as: instruction address " ^anaDxe name LDA 1 DOOR OR 3 VAULT AND 2 SWITCH OR k PUSHBUTTON STO 20 ALARM LDAC 20 ALARM STO 21 TIMER under the control of a VIP. One welding cycle, which is signaled by a momentary START switch, should: (1) start a motor for horizontal movement to the right and turn on power to the welder for 10 seconds; (2) then stop the horizontal motion and begin upward motion for 15 seconds; (3) then turn off power to the welder and return the welder to its physical origin. The origin is identified by two limit switches in the lower left corner being ON simultaneously; 00 the welder should wait at the origin until the start button is again depressed. 11 This problem introduces the concept of a timer and a timer function. Any timer has two "sides" - input and output. A "1" stored into a timer address starts the timing process; storing a "0" has no effect. A load (LEA) from a timer address fetches the current output of the timer. Thus it is impossible to tell by only fetching whether a timer is "timed out" or whether it is off because it was never set. A second (scratch) variable is often used with timers to indicate the current input to the timer. The six available timer functions, using the notation of relay circuits, are: timer function explanation T-00X output of timer T T-0X0 input to timer T ANDed with complement of timer output T-OXX input to timer T T-X00 complement of input to timer T T-XOX complement of input to timer T ORed with output of timer T T-XXO complement of output of timer T The "code" for the timer function is: -abc where a is the condition of the contact before timing, b is the condition of the contact during timing, c is the condition of the contact after the timer has "timed out, " and a, b, and c represent the contact status: X = closed, = open. 12 Using the following variable names and address assignments: variable name LEFT EIGHT address 20 21 type output output UP 22 output DOWN 23 output WELD 2k output LSI 1 input LS2 2 input START 3 input T10 1+0 timer T15 kl timer identification motor control, horizontal movement to the left motor control, horizontal to the right motor control, upward movement motor control, downward movement power to welder limit switch 1, horizontal limit switch 2, vertical momentary pushbutton switch externally set for 10 seconds externally set for 15 seconds The strategy should be: (1) activate LEFT when both T10 and T15 have timed out and LSI is off; (2) activate DOM when both T10 and T15 have timed out and LS2 is off; (3) activate T10 (set timer) when START is on; (k) activate RIGHT while T10 is timing; (5) activate Tl-5 (set timer) when T10 has has timed out; (6) activate UP while T15 is timing and RIGHT is off; (7) activate WELD when either RIGHT or UP is activated. 13 One (non-unique) set of Boolean control equations for this system is LEFT = T10-00X AT15-00X A LSI DOWN = T10-00X AT15-00X ALS2 T10 = START RIGHT = T10-XX0 T15 = T10-00X UP = T15-XX0 ARIGHT WELD = LEFT V RIGHT The VIP machine code for this set of equations is: comments instruction address ko variable name LDA T10 AMD kl T15 ANDC 1 LSI STO 20 LEFT LDA ko T10 AND kl T15 ANDC 2 LS2 STO 23 DOWN LDA 3 START STO k T10 LDAC ko T10 STO 21 RIGHT LDA ko T10 STO kl T15 LDAC kl T15 ANDC 21 RIGHT load T10 output AND with T15 output AND with complement of LSI controls left movement load T10 output AND with T15 output AND with complement of LS2 control down movement load status of start button possibly set T10 load T10 output complemented control right movement load T10 output possibly set TI5 load complement of T15 output AND with complement of RIGHT Ik instruction address variable name comments g T0 22 UP control up movement LDA 20 0R_ STO LEFT load left movement status 2i RIGHT OR with right movement status 2 \ WELD WELD is on if LEFT or RIGHT is on 1.6 The VIPTRAN Compiler The foregoing examples begin to illustrate the desirability of a higher-level language rather than the currently used sequences of operation codes and addresses (this is equivalent to an elementary assembler language). VIPTRAN provides this flexibility by allowing the user to express his system of control equations in a high-level FORTRAN-like language designed especially for Boolean systems and the VIP. VIPTRAH allows the programmer to write arbitrarily complex assignment statements using the Boolean operators AND, OR, and HOT, the six timer functions T-00X, T-0X0, T-OXX, T-XOO, T-XOX, and T-XXO, and two special operators which allow the programmer to optimize his own code by efficient use of the X and Y register; In addition, the VIPTRAH compiler will optionally perform all of the bookkeeping operations such as variable address assignment, VI? plug-in card assignment, and automatic addressing in scratchpad (when a scratchpad is included) or in unused outputs (when a scratchpad is not included) for compi generated temporary variables (such as TEMPI and TEMP2 in example l). The compiler will also produce a memory map of the plug-in cards, showing their type and octal address, as well as a memory map of all individual variable 15 names, showing their type and address, sorted into ascending order by octal address. Another option causes the compiler to sort all of the equations and thus find dependencies which are sensitive to physical location. If A, B, and C are variables used in a program, then the (trivial) sequence of assignment statements A = B B = C should be reordered as B = C A = B so that A will have a correct value on the first scan of memory. The sorting algorithm identifies all such interdependencies and reorders the equations to eliminate as many as possible. In the event that two or more equations are unresolvably interlocked, as in A = B AC B = A vC the compiler identifies all such equations for further study by the programmer. All "normal" program errors are trapped by the compiler and an explicit, informative error message is produced, physically located near the site of the error itself on the source listing. The object code produced by the compiler is printed showing the read-only memory word number, instruction mneumonic, octal address, and variable name. If desired, a companion program (PLOTTER) can use a disk copy of the compiler's output to produce a relay tree depicting the controlled system in conventional relay logic graphics. Other features of the compiler allow the programmer maximum flexibility in his effort to turn Boolean equations into VIP machine code. 16 2. VIPTRAN LANGUAGE DEFINITION 2.1 Definitions The VIPTEAN language syntax, technically described in modified Backus-Naur Form in Appendix B, is best understood after some basic definitions of commonly used terms. VARIABLE - a logical quantity which can assume the Boolean values of "1" and "0" (or, equivalent ly, "true" and "false"). A variable always assumes one of its two possible values. VARIABLE NAME - a character string which is the symbolic reference to a variable. In a previous example, VAULT was the variable name which referred to the logical condition of a bank vault door being either open or closed. Every variable name has an associated octal address corresponding to the physical layout of the VIP. Again using the bank vault example, VAULT was the variable name which was used to denote the logic variable stored at input address 5 Q . All variable names contain 1 to 12 contiguous characters. (Note: Only the first 8 characters of the name will be reproduced by PLOTTER.) The legal characters for a variable name are: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" . -0123^5678 The first character must not be a digit (0 through 9)- Legal variable names include: A ABC IT VAULT "VAULT" ZZ123 1 !- 567890 T-l-2 The following are illegal variable names: 6 first character is a digit 2B first character is a digit A B characters are not contiguous NAMEISTOOLONG contains more than 12 characters OFF? illegal character ? ADDEESS - the physical location of a variable. If the associated variable is an input or output variable, the address also specifies the physical location of the external device connection. All addresses are specified in octal. All addresses are in the range < address < 1777 . Addresses "" — o and lOOOg are reserved and cannot be used by the programmer. FUNCTION - a specific combination of a timer's input and output. The six timer functions may be applied to any legal variable name which has been declared to be of type timer by appending one of the following functional suffixes to the timer name: function suffix function value -00X output of timer -° xo input to timer ANDed with complement of timer output -OXX input to timer ~ xo ° complement of input to timer 18 function suffix function value _ xox complement of input to timer ORed with output of timer _ xxo complement of output of timer Examples': T6-0YX INTERVALTIM-XOO -00X -XXX rj^.XOX legal if T6 is a timer TIMER-6-00X legal if TIMER-6 is a timer illegal if T6 is a timer illegal; more than 12 characters legal variable name (not a timer function) legal variable name (not a timer function) The first three examples could be legal variable names themselves (not functions) if T6 and TIMER-6 are not variable names of type timer. OPERATOR - one of three Boolean operations. o-perator symbol operator type AND * binary 0R + binary NOT / mar y As in algebra, the operators have an inherent priority so that any string of variables and operators will have one and only one logical interpretation (i.e., the meaning is unambiguous). The order of evaluation of terms in a VIPTRAN expression is 1. terms inside the innermost parentheses 2. unary NOT 3. binary AND k. binary OR 5. left to right 19 TERM - a complemented or uncomplemented variable name or timer function. EXPRESSION - the result of ANDing and ORing Boolean terms, using parentheses to control grouping and to distribute the unary NOT over several terms. • Boolean expressions equivalent VIPTRAN expression A V B A + B A A B A * B A A (B V C) A*(B+C) parentheses necessary A V (B A c) A + B * C parentheses unnecessary because AND has priority over OR A V B /A + B NOT has priority over OR A V B /(A + B) parentheses necessary to distribute NOT A V (( B a c) A D ) A + /(B * C) * D parentheses necessary to distribute NOT (A A B) v (A a B) A * B + /A * /B parentheses unnecessary A V B V C V D /(A + /(B + /(C + D))) parentheses necessary Extra parentheses in the VIPTRAN expression cause no logic problem; thus (A)*(B*(C*D)) = A*B*C*D. Furthermore, when the nature of the expression requires a temporary result to be generated, as in (A+B) * (C+D), the compiler automatically allocates an unused variable to store the result of A+B while C+D is being evaluated. ASSIGNMENT STATEMENT - the specification of where the result of an evaluated expression should be stored. It is of the form = No blanks are required around the equal sign or throughout the expression. Note that only variable names and timer names (not timer functions) may appear to the left of the equal sign. 20 DECLARATION - the association of a specific variable type (input, output, timer, latch, scratch) with a specific variable name. 2.2 vTPTRAN Compiler Options The first card of a VIPTRAN program is the $VTP card, so called because it contains the characters $VIP in card columns 1 through k, inclusive. Any cards preceding the $VIP card will be completely ignored, and thus may be freely used for comments or any other purpose whatsoever. The $VIP card is used to specify which compiler options the user wishes to invoke. For each of 9 groups of options, one of the choices is already the default option. Explicitly stating the default option has no effect, while stating another option within the group resets the compiler's logic to perform (or not perform) the specified task. The 9 options, with their default values underlined, are: SOURCE or N0S0URCE The SOURCE option causes the input deck to be listed in its entirety with card numbers and program statement numbers added for easy reference. Most error messages refer to a particular card number or program statement number, so un-debugged programs should use the SOURCE option until they are error-free. After this point, and particularly if the source deck is long, N0S0URCE prevents needless repetition and saves some execution time. SORT or N0S0RT The SORT option causes the compiler to examine and possibly reorder the given sequence of source equations. The sorting algorithm will determin whether the equations are interlocked, and if so will attempt to move one or more equations to new positions which will make them independent. If one or more groups of equations are interlocked and cannot be satisfactorily rearranged, the sort fails and a message describing the situation is printec 21 PRINTSORT or NOFRINTSORT The PRINTSORT option will cause the source equations to be listed in their (new) sorted order - the order from which the compiler will generate code; NOFRINTSORT suppresses this listing. WOSORT implies NOFRINTSORT. CODE or HOC ODE The CODE option causes the compiler to generate object code for the VIP if there are no serious errors in the program. WOCODE inhibits the code generation phase and allows fast syntax checking with a significant decrease in execution time. SORTFAIL or NOSORTFAIL If the SORT option has been specified, the SORTFAIL option will cause the compiler to stop before code generation if the sorter has found inseparable dependencies among the equations; NOSORTFAIL allows the code generator to proceed without regard to any error messages produced by the sorter. MAP or NOMAP The MAP option lists all the variable names, their types, and their octal addresses in order of ascending octal address; NOMAP inhibits the listing. TTY or NOTTY If the compiler's output is to be printed by a teletype, option TTY should be in use. If the output is to be printed by a line printer, NOTTY should be specified. SCRATCHPAD or NOSCRATCHPAD SCRATCHPAD specifies that a VIP scratchpad card will be inserted in the machine and is available to the compiler for compiler-generated temporary 22 variables. NOSCRATCHPAD indicates that no scratchpad will he included in this machine. SKIPd - d represents 0, 1, 2, 3, *, 5, &, 7, 8, or 9. Default: d = 0. After every STO instruction, d VIP read-only memory words are skipped (left blank), thus leaving small "holes" in the memory for subsequent error correction or code modification. 2.3 VIPTRAN Syntax The VIPTRAN language syntax can be divided into two distinct segments: variable type declaration and optional address assignment, and the Boolean equations forming the control program itself. Let us discuss the two segments separately. 2.3.1 Variable Type Declaration and Address Assignment Any VIPTRAN variable is one of ten possible types. The types and their corresponding VIPTEAN keyword abbreviations are: •physical type VIPTRAN dec laration keyword 6 volt input 12 volt input 2k volt input kQ volt input 120 volt input AC output DC output magnetic latch retentive memory timer scratchpad INPUT6 . INPUT12. INPUTS. INPUTS . INPUT120. OUTPUTAC . OUTPUTDC . LATCH. TIMER. SCRATCH. 23 To declare any list of variables to be one of the above types, the declaration keyword is listed, followed by the list of variables to be so typed, with each variable and declaration keyword separated from its neighbor by one or more blanks. When all of the variables of a given type have been listed, a new declaration keyword is listed followed by its own list of variables navies. The process is repeated, using as many declarations and as many lines as necessary, until all variables which need to be typed have been declared. Example : INPUT6. Al B2 C3 OUTPUTAC. 0UT1 0UT2 LATCH. CR1 SCRATCH. SI S2 S3 The above example declares variables Al, B2, and C3 to be 6-volt inputs, 0UT1 and 0UT2 to be AC outputs, CR1 to be a magnetic latch, and SI, S2, and S3 to be in scratchpad. There is no required ordering of the declaration keywords. Each keyword may appear any number of times and may be followed by a null list. The following declaration segment is also correct. Example : INPUT120. OUTPUTDC. A B INPUT120. IN6 INPUT120. IN7 INPUT6. D E F SCRATCH. SI ^n exception to the above syntax is the "TIMER." declaration. Because four |f the six timer functions require knowledge of the name of the variable Ln which the programmer is storing the timer's latest input, the syntax for *mer declarations is: TIMER, keyword, followed by a left parenthesis, Allowed by the timer name, followed by a right parenthesis. Any number «P timers may be declared in the list for a single declaration keyword. Only a single blank after the keyword is required by the syntax. 2k Example : TIMER. Tl (T1INRJT) T2 (EELAY6) T3 ( CR^6 ) Til- ( T^INPUT ) For each of the above examples, the octal address of the variable will be determined and mapped by the compiler. This option may be overridden if the user desires to specify the address of one or more variables by applying the following rule: Wherever a variable name appears in a declaration, it may be optionally followed by an octal address, separated from the variable name by one or more blanks. Those variable names followed by legal octal addresses will be assigned to those physical locations; all other variables will be optimally assigned by the compiler to fit "around" those (if any) specified by the user. Automatic Address Assignment Algorithm The following strategy is used by the compiler to allocate the octal address of unspecified variables: (l) If the programmer supplies an address, (a) the address is error-checked for being an octal number, for being in the proper range, and for not being multiply defined; (b) if the variable is type "scratch" its address must be in the range lOOOg < address < 1777g5 (c) if the variable is not of type "scratch" its address must be in the range < address < 777g5 (d) the addresses and lOOOg are reserved and may be assigned by the compiler but not by the programmer. 25 (2) If the programmer does not specify an address (a) and if the variable is declared to he a specific type, the next available location on a plug-in card of that type will be assigned. (b) and if the variable is not declared, (i) and if the SCRATCHPAD option on the $VIP card is in use, the next available scratchpad location is assigned, (ii) and if the SCRATCHPAD option is not in use, the next unused position on any OUTPUTAC or OUTPUTDC card is assigned. (3) If the compiler must assign temporary variables for use during the code generation phase of compilation, as in the case of generating code to evalute (A+B)*(C+D), then (a) if the SCRATCHPAD option is in use, the compiler assigns the next available scratchpad location. (b) if the SCRATCHPAD option is not in use, the compiler assigns the next unused location on any OUTPUTAC or OUTPUTDC card. If all OUTPUTAC and OUTPUTDC cards are already full, the compiler generates an error message for lack of sufficient space and suggests re-running the program with the SCRATCHPAD option enabled. When the compiler assigns a temporary variable, that variable (and hence its location) are reserved for the duration of the equation and will not be reused, even if it is "safe" to do so. This feature aids debugging of machines running in the field and allows examination of temporary results. Compiler generated temporaries are given the mneumonic name TEMPdddd where dddd is the new variable's octal address. 26 After all of the code for an equation has been generated, all temporaries used by that equation are "released" and will be reused in the next equation requiring temporary storage. In all of the cases listed above except 3(h), the allocation of a variable, of some type will use a position on an unfilled card of that type before allocating an additional card (l6^ variables) of that same type. Situation 3(h) is handled optimally since the allocation of an additional OUTPUTAC or OUTPUTDC card, with its l6 1Q variable capacity, is gust as expensive as adding a scratchpad with a capacity of 5L2 10 variables. Re-running the program with the SCRATCHPAD option enabled might well eliminate one or more (expensive) OUTPUTAC or OUTPUTDC cards. The user may specify some addresses and allow the compiler to assign all of the others. A variable may be declared more than once as long as no type or address conflicts occur. Example : INPUT6. A 2 B C D 3 E OUTPUTDC. X Y 100 Z 110 TIMER. Tl (A) T2 k0 ( B ) T3 ( C k ) T^t- kl(T> 3) Source Card Requirements Finally, each line of coding in the declaration segment represents one IBM card in terms of input to the compiler. Only columns 1 through 72 may be used, and column 1 is reserved for special purposes. Thus the declaration segment text is contained within columns 2 through 72, inclusive. and may occupy any number of sequential cards. The source program listing will show each of the source cards sequentially numbered for ease of reference and fast identification of errors. 27 2.3*2 Control Program Segment The control program segment is identified by the declaration keyword "PROGRAM.". All of the assignment statements which make up the program logic follow the PROGRAM, keyword. All of the assignment statements must he contained within columns 2-72 of any one card. If an expression is too long to fit on one card, it may be continued to another card by placing the continuation character ">" in column 1 of the card which is the continuation. This makes columns 2 - 72 of the continuation card a logical extension of the previous card, subject to the constraint that variable names may not be "broken" across a card boundary. Continuation cards may themselves be continued by placing the continuation character in column 1 of the next continuation card. There is no limit to the number of continuation cards used to express a single assignment statement. There is no limit on the number of cards used to express the control program segment. There is a compiler-defined limit of 512^ statements in any one program. The physical end of the control program segment is marked by a ^TRANSLATE card, containing those 10 characters in columns 1 to 10 of the card, and followed by a $END card, containing those k characters in columns 1 to k of that card. Documentation is an important part of any program. Placing the character "C" in column 1 of any card makes the entire card a comment. Any text on the comment card is printed on the source listing, but is in no way examined by the compiler. Comment cards may be used anywhere within a program except between continuation cards. VIP'IRAN is a batch compiler and can process any number of separate programs sequentially. Each program, from $VIP card through $END card mclusive, is stacked in the input stream and the compiler runs each program 28 independently and sequentially. Errors in any one program have no effect on the performance of any other program. This degree of explanation of the VIPTRAN language is sufficient to allow the programmer to write a simple VIPTRAN program. There are some advanced. features yet to be discussed which allow the user to optimize his programming, but first consider the programming examples in Appendix A. 2.3.3 Advanced VIPTRAN - Control of X and Y Registers A common reality in process control is the recurrence of a specific variable or expression which expresses some "master" condition. A simple example is that a group of control equations might contain the terms " * LINE POWER " where LINEPOWER is an input variable name describing the master on-off state of the controlled machine. In this instance, the control equations might be of the form LIGHT = RUN * /START * LINEPOWER GATE = (RIM + MAMJAL) * LINEPOWER BELL = (/SAFETY + /GATE) * LINEPOWER This example produces the following code: instruction variable name LDA RIM ANDC START AND LINE POWER STO LIGHT LDA RUN OR MAMJAL AND LINEPOWER STO GATE 29 instruction variable name LDAC SAFETY ORC GATE AND LINEPOWER STO BELL The X Register While the program and code given are both exactly correct, an obvious optimization, considering the hardware capabilities of the VIP, would be to use the X register to hold the repeated variable LINEPOWER. Since the X register is automatically ANDed with the accumulator before a STOre instruction is executed, loading the X register with LINEPOWER would have the same logical effect as repeating "AND LINEPOWER" in the instruction stream for each assignment statement. There would be a net saving of one instruction per equation less the two instructions necessary to load LINEPOWER into the accumulator and then load the X register from the accumulator. For this purpose, VIPTRAN uses a fourth binary operator, the ampersand (&). The definition of the "&" operator is that it loads the : register with the contents of the variable name immediately to its left, if and only if that variable is not already stored in the X register. By replacing "* LINEPOWER" with "LINEPOWER &" in the previous example, the following equations are generated: LIGHT = LINEPOWER & RUN * /START GATE = LINEPOWER & (RUN + MANUAL) BELL = LINEPOWER & (/SAFETY + /GATE) 30 The priority of "&" is greater than the other operands, so the loading of the X register is the first code generated for an assignment statement I'o " using & Naturally, the "master control" of a set of equations may depend upon the logical combination of many variables, so an expression is generated to express that combination of conditions. The simplest way to utilize the X register optimization technique in this event is to assign the controlling expression to a "scratch" variable (for which the compiler will automatically assign an address if not specified by the programmer), then use the new variable as the object of the & operator. Example : MASTER = LIMEPOWER * (LIMIT. SW1 * /LIMIT. SW2 + /LIMIT. SW1 * LIMIT. SW2) LIGHT = RASTER & MASTERSTOP ■ PANEL = MASTOR & (RIM + START) POWER = MASTER & /SAFETYVALVE WHISTLE = MASTER & (SAFETY + STOP + /POWER) In the above example, 19 instructions are saved by use of the X register. In the event that some, but not all, of the controlling equations are controlled by some master condition, the X register must be loaded vhile the master equations are being evaluated, and must be "unloaded" or cleared when statements are encountered which do not utilize the X register feature. Clearing the X register actually means setting it to "l", and this is accomplished by loading the accumulator from address (a guaranteed j logic "1") and loading the X register from the accumulator. This operation is performed with the two instructions LDA AUX 776 31 2.3-3.2 The Y Register A second optimization technique involves the use of the pseudo-jump feature generated hy use of the Y register. Eecall that setting the Y register to a logic "0" inhibits all STOre instructions. Using this feature' one may simulate the results of a FORTRAN IF statement, and in a limited sense, the GO TO statement. The use of the Y register is invoked by VIPTRAN's fifth binary operator, colon (:). Its use is analagous to that of the ampersand in that the colon operator loads the Y register with the content of the variable name immediately to its left if and only if that variable is not already stored in the Y register. Like "&", the priority of ":" is greater than the other binary operators (the priority of "&" and ":" is equal), so the loading of the Y register is the first code generated for an assignment statement using ":". As an example, suppose the variable A should be set equal to X+/Y*Z if B is true, and to X*/Y+Z if B is false. The following three statements perform this operation: (1) NOTB = /B (2) A = B : X + /Y * Z (3) A = NOTB : X * /Y + Z In the above case, only one of equations (2) and (3) can execute its STO instruction in any one memory scan. Note that equation (l) should precede :he other two; if (l) and ( 2 ) were to be interchanged, the Y register would >e loaded with B during execution of the first equation, unloaded (or beared) during execution of NOTB = /B, and loaded with NOTB during execution )f equation (3). Although this sequence remains logically correct, and :odes correctly, it is needlessly inefficient. 32 2.30.3 X and Y Registers in Combination The full power of the Y register is not apparent until we see that entire clocks of code may be optionally, or conditionally, executed. As before, if the conditional assignment is dependent upon an expression, rather than a variable, a simple assignment statement eliminates the problem. Example : START-UP = START-SWITCH * LINEPOWER * /RESET RUN = /START-UP A = START-UP : LIMIT. SWl * LIMIT. SW2 B - START-UP : PANEL + MANUAL C = START-UP : REMOTE + LOCAL A = RUN : LIMIT. SWl + LIMIT. SW2 B = RUN : PANEL * MANUAL C = RUN : REMOTE + TEST It is not unusual to find all the operators in use in a simple assignment statement. MASTER1 = LINEPOWER * /STOP + MANUAL MASTER2 = SAFETY + ABORT + OFF A = MASTER1 & START-UP : LIMIT. SWl * LIMIT. SW2 B = MASTER1 & START-UP : PANEL + MANUAL C = MASTER2 & START-UP : REMOTE + LOCAL A = MASTER1 & RUN : LIMIT. SWl + LIMIT. SW2 B = MASTER1 & RUN : PANEL * MANUAL C = MASTER2 & RUN : REMOTE + TEST 33 2.3-3.4 The ON-OFF Variables Occasionally the user simply wants to specifically set a variable (probably an output control) to a logic "1" (on) or to a logic "0" (off). For this reason two variable names are reserved which may be used as the Boolean constants. The variable names are: "1" Boolean "true" "0" Boolean "false" Although these variables may be used in any expression, they find special use in conjunction with the Y register. For example, assume that MOTOR and LIGHT should be "on" if SWITCH is "on", but should retain their former state (whichever it is) if SWITCH is "off". This situation is expressed in VIPTRAN as : MOTOR = SWITCH : "1" LIGHT = SWITCH : "l" The variable "0" is used analagously. 3h 3. PROGRAM LOGIC MAMJAL 3.1 Overview of the Compiler's Responsibilities The VIPTRAN compiler operates in a logical and predictable fashion. The purpose of this section is to explain exactly what internal logic decisions are made and what factors influence those choices. The compiler is comprised of l8 major sections, some dependent on and some independent of other sections. Most major sections have a number of subsections to perform repeated or specialized tasks. The major sections and their functions are: function section name BATCH COMPILER LEXI LOOKUP the program batch driver; initializes the global variables for any "batch" of programs; sets parameters for compiler's table sizes and work space. controls compilation phases for each individual program; performs symbol table and global variable initialization for each individual program; selects $VIP card compiler options; controls optional invocation of all working procedures, lexical analysis; collects tokens from the source cards and classifies them semantically as identifiers, numbers, or operators, symbol table manager; finds and inserts identifiers and keywords in the symbol table. 35 section name MAPPING ERROR SYNA AIjCHECK EXPRESSION OUT DUMP SEMA CODEGEN TEMPGEN GEN function outputs a variable name and address map, sorted by ascending address. error message writer; prints six classes of error messages and sets severity code of error, syntactic analysis; examines the input stream and verifies each VIPTRAN statement for syntactic correctness, correcting errors whenever possible, checks programmer-defined variable addresses for proper upper and lower bounds, duplication, and type. syntactic analysis and postfixing; examines each VIPTRAN assignment statement for syntactic correctness, correcting errors whenever possible; reduces the infix expression to Polish postfix; recognizes and translates timer functions. manages postfix stack. prints compiler's internal variables, stacks, and tables for inspection by systems programmer. performs semantic typing of variables; determines type and address of undeclared variables. the code generator; translates Polish postfix from SYNA into VIP machine code. allocates variable and address for compiler-defined temporary variables. manages the code generator stack; inserts AUX instructions into output coding stream for section name 36 function optimal (least number of instructions) scratchpad addressing. 0BJECT formats, edits, and prints the final output page (object code) of VIP machine code. pRINT formats and prints the sorted list of source equations, and retrieves same from an indexed sequential direct access data set. S0RT determines what interdependences exist among the source equations and reorders them as necessary to prevent use of uninitialized variables. These sections are logically connected as shown in Figure 2. 3.2 Module Technical Descriptions The following section describes each of the 18 major modules in detail, with emphasis upon the logical sequence of operation of each. 3.2.1 BATCH A "job" consists of any number of sequential programs. BATCH separates the input stream into programs and monitors their compilation, and for each program initializes the global parameters affecting the compiler's internal size. These internal limits include: (1) the number of VIPTRAN assignment statements in the PROGRAM segment, currently 512; (2) the number of hash buckets for the symbol table, currently 257; (3) the length of the array containing the postfixed representation of the source program, currently 3000 words; 37 COMPILER LEXI LOOKUP MAPPING ERROR SYNA ADCHECK EXPRESSION OUT DUMP SEMA CODEGEN TEMPGEN GEN OBJECT PRINT SORT Figure 2. VIPTRAN Compiler Module Containment Map 38 (10 size of the symbol table, representing the maximum number of user-defined and compiler -de fined variables in any one program, currently 600; (5) number of reserved keywords recognized by the compiler and stored in the symbol table, currently 23. Execution of the compiler begins with a scan of the input stream for a source card containing the four characters "$VIP" in card columns 1-it-. When such a card is located control passes to COMPILER. If no such card is found the compiler takes a "normal exit" by simply returning control to the operating system with no condition codes set. When a $VIP card has been recognized and the program following it has been processed hy COMPILER, control returns to BATCH and a search for another $VIP card begins. Thus, BATCH terminates (l) if no $VIP card occurs in the input stream, or (2) when control returns from COMPILER and no more $VIP cards occur In the input stream. 3.2.2 COMPILER This is the Initialization and sequence of control module. initializes: (1) an address map of 102^ bits; (2) flag bits for each of the compiler options on the $VIP card; (3) the symbol table, each entry containing fields for the variable's character string name (12 or fewer characters), its octal address, its type, a map and count of all its uses in the program, and a hash collision resolution chain; COMPILES 39 (h) an order table which stores the position of the equation in its final (sorted) order, pointers to the head and tail of the postfix array section containing the translated equation, and the physical card number on which the source equation started (supplied by the compiler and used as a key for the disk copy of the input ) ; (5) the hash table of prime length. The time and date are then fetched from the system clock, the external file for source card images is created, the $VTP card is examined for the nine compiler options which may be specified and appropriate flags set, the symbol table is initialized with 23 reserved keywords, the compiler heading lines (version number, time, date and options in use) are printed, and then begins a series of calls directed by the compiler's flag bits and the current error status of the program. The sequence is: SY1JA DUMP SEMA DUMP if MAP option enabled, then MAPPING if terminal error has occurred, return to BATCH if SORT option enabled, then SORT DUMP if a terminal error has occurred, return to BATCH if PRINTSORT option enabled, then PRINT DUMP if CODE option enabled, then CODEGEN hum r return to BATCH ko The multiple calls to DUMP provide the systems programmer with an opportunity to examine the dynamic status of the compiler's stacks, tables, and internal variables, more thoroughly described in section DUMP. 5.2.3 LEXI Lexi identifies the next token of the input stream, defined to be the longest contiguous string of a letter followed by zero or more letters and/or digits (an identifier or keyword), a digit followed by zero or more digits (an address), an operator (/, *, +, &, :, =), or delimiter (left parenthesis, right parenthesis, comma, space, end-of-line marker, end-of -statement marker). 1 The space is the most common delimiter and is used to separate tokens. The character string X123 unambiguously represents the variable name X123, while X 123 is the declaration of the variable X and its assignment to address 123g» Each source card is examined between columns 1-72 (only). The remaining columns may be used for any purpose, possibly sequence identification While the text of the declaration and program segments must be contained in columns 2-72, column 1 is always examined and the card processed according to its content: character in column 1 action C This card is a comment; columns 1-72 of the card are printed in the source listing. > Used only in the program segment, it identifies the current card as a logical extension of the previous card (continuation card). Its use in the declaration segment has no effect. kl character in column 1 action blank $ signifies a special control operation. If columns 1-10 contain ^TRANSLATE, the syntax parse will end; if columns 1-5 contain $ST0P, the compiler halts; otherwise, columns 2 and 3 are taken as a two digit code for dumping the compiler's stacks and tables. The codes are explained in section DUMP. In the program segment, a blank in column 1 logically ends the previous assignment statement and restarts the assignment statement parser. If the compiler is examining the program segment, a copy of the source cards is filed on disk to facilitate later printing of the sorted equations. If, during the assignment statement parse, the input stream is exhausted and no $TRANSIATE card has been found, a $TRANSIATE card is Inserted by the compiler, a non-terminal error message printed, and the assignment statement parse terminates normally. Identification of a token containing more than 12 characters results Ln an error message; the first 12 characters of the token are used in place 3f the offending identifier. If a token is an identifier, it is located or inserted in the symbol table and semantically classified as a variable or compiler keyword. k2 3.2.k LOOKUP The symbol table manager uses the method of hash buckets with direct chaining. The hash key is defined by a simple function L J.-i KEY = ( E C. 2 ' ) mod 257 i=l X where KEY is the hash key (hash bucket pointer), C i is the 8-bit EBCDIC code for the i— character in the token, and L is the number of characters in the token. The function assures that every character in the token participates in the resultant key. The function is implemented by addition and shifting to achieve maximum speed. In the event of collisions, the chain field of the symbol table is a linked list which is sequentially searched. This lookup method is one of the fastest known but does require a moderate amount of storage for the hash buckets and chain field. Furthermore, the method allows unlimited growth of the symbol table and the number of hash buckets by merely changing the appropriate global variables in BATCH. 3.2.5 MAPPING This module produces a listing of the program variables, sorted by ascending octal address, without actually sorting (moving) any data. The output lists the variable name, its address, and its type. If the variable name is a timer, its input is identified; if a timer function, the timer base variable and its input are identified. All of this information is recorded in the symbol table and the cross-references are obtained by following linked lists of maximum length two. 43 3.2.6 ERROR The error message writer produces an English language error message and a compiler-generated card number or statement number for easy reference. The message is printed on the line below the offending statement if the error Is syntactic, and on the line(s) below the $TRANSLATE statement if semantic. Other error messages, such as SORT failure or code generator failure, also appear below the ^TRANSLATE statement. If appropriate, a portion of the source text is included in the error message to identify the left- or right-context of the error. A complete list of error messages, their causes, and some examples, are contained in Appendix C. 3.2.7 SYHA The syntactic analysis of the source program is performed by SYNA. The declaration and program segments are examined separately. The declaration parse searches for the first occurrence of a keyword ( INPUTS., INPUT12., INPUT24., INPUTS., INPUT120., OUTPUTAC, OUTPUTDC, TIMER., LATCH., or SCRATCH.) and then types all variables between the current and next keyword to be of the current type. Identification of the PROGRAM, keyword terminates the declaration parse and initiates the assignment statement parse. SYHA recognizes the target (left-hand side variable) of an assignment statement and the assignment operator (=) and calls EXPRESSION to translate the right-hand side expression into postfix. This operation is repeated for each assignment statement. Recognition of the $TRANSIATE card terminates the assignment statement parse. 3.2.8 ADCHECK The address checking module ascertains that no variable is multiply or ambiguously defined. Variable addresses are error checked for proper kk bounds depending upon the type of variable, and assigned addresses are recorded in the symbol table. 3.2.9 EXPRESSION VIPTRAN expressions are translated into postfix using operator precedence functions. EXPRESSION also translates the six timer functions directly into postfix, using the input variable cross-reference for timers available in the symbol table. An identifier will be interpreted as a timer function only if all of the following conditions are satisfied: (1) the token contains the character "-"; (2) the "-" is between character positions 2 and 9, inclusive, of the token; (3) all characters to the right of "-" are either the letter or the letter X; (k) the first three characters to the right of the "-" are one of the legal function codes: 00X, 0X0, OXX, X00, XOX, or XXO; (5) the character string to the left of "-" is a valid variable name which has been declared to be of type TIMER. 3.2.10 OUT This simple module checks the postfix stack for overflow and either issues the appropriate stack overflow error message or adds the current token to the postfix stack. 3.2.11 DUMP The successful development of a compiler is hastened by being able to examine the internal tables, stacks, pointers, and major variables h5 dynamically. Rather than insert and remove this code as needed, it has been permanently included as a separate module and is optionally invoked at any of seven distinct times in the compilation process. A simple coding scheme allows the systems programmer to cause the compiler to print its tables for examination. This option is invoked by including a source card of the form $ digit 1 digit 2 using columns 1-3. Such a command card may appear anywhere in the source deck and does not disturb the normal operations of the compiler. The first digit specifies the time that the printout is to occur and the second digit specifies exactly what is to be printed. The possibilities are: digit k when DUMP is invoked immediately 1 after syntactic analysis 2 after semantic analysis 3 after sorting ^ after printing of sorted equations 5 after code has been generated t. what is printed variable address allocation map; VIP card type allocation map 1 hash table 2 symbol table 3 postfix stack ^ sorted order table k6 Thus, the systems programmer could include cards such as $11 $52 ! to examine the hash table after syntactic analysis and the symbol table after code generation. 3.2.12 SEMA Semantic analysis determines the type and address of undeclared variables and the optimal distribution of VIP plug -in cards. The symbol table entries are scanned in three passes to accomplish optimal address assignment. Pass 1 . Although the lowest order plug-in card (addresses 0-17g) must be of type INPUT, it may equally well be of the 6, 12, 2k, kQ, or 120 volt variety. The first pass through the symbol table determines which input type (voltage) has been used, and in the rare event of no inputs assigns type INPUT120 to card position 1. The first pass is usually quite fast since inputs are traditionally declared first. Pass2. All user-variable addresses must be allocated before compiler- assigned addresses can be allocated. A second pass through the symbol table determines what card types are required by the programmer -supplied addresses and assigns VIP cards as required. At the same time all variables whose address map to the same card are error checked to assure that those variables are of identical type. p ass 3 . All variables which have not been assigned addresses, whether declared or not, are given physical locations by pass 3- If a variable is declared to be of type x, the current VIP cards are examined to find one of type x which is not full. If such a card is found, the first (lowest number) address is allocated. If all cards of type x are full, a new card V7 of type x is added to the card map and its first position is allocated. If a variable has not been declared, it may now be reasonably assumed to be a virtual control relay (i.e., a programmer defined variable with no connection to the outside world). If the SCRATCHPAD option is in use, the variable is assigned to an unfilled scratchpad location; if no scratchpad is allowed (the NOSCRATCHPAD option), the variable is allocated to the first unused position on the first partially filled OUTPUTAC or OUTPUIDC card, using the algorithm previously described. Having assigned addresses to all variables, the VIP card requirements are now known, so the VIP card map is printed. 3.2.13 SORT The SORT module determines which assignment statements use a variable on the right-hand (expression) side of the assignment operator when that same variable is also in use on the left-hand (target) side of some other equation(s). For all such situations the sorter attempts to place the definition (target side use) of the variable prior to all of the expression-side uses of that variable. The sorter uses a 512 by 512 bit matrix supplied by SYNA, and the count field for each variable in the symbol table, to speedily determine which variables, and hence which equations, must be considered. Sorting time is kept to a minimum by changing statement number indices in arrays, and by not moving characters strings themselves. In the event that two or more equations are interlocked, the sorter drops the last equation of the set (the one with the largest VIPTRAN statement number), issues a warning message indicating which equation has been dropped, and proceeds to resort the remaining equations. The algorithm kQ necessarily terminates, since in the worst case of every equation being interlocked with every other equation, all but the first equation will eventually be dropped and the sort is "successful." The logic of the sorter was designed and first implemented by Professor T. A. Murrell. 3.2.1)+ CODEGEN CODEGEN is the master module for code generation. It always prints the page headings and the machine initialization sequence LDA load logic "1" AUX 776 enable X register AUX 775 enable Y register AUX 77^ enable scratchpad mode STO store "1" at lOOOg Since each scan of the VIP's read-only memory executes these five instructions.; the X and Y registers, if altered by the execution of the previous scan, are now restored for proper execution of the current scan. Each equation in sorted order is now examined sequentially (if the NOSORT option was in effect, sorted order is identically the original order). For each equation, the following operations are performed: (1) All compiler-generated temporary variables allocated by the previous equation are released by "unmarking" the address map: (2) Hie X and/ or Y register might need to be reset if the previous equation used that feature and the current equation does not use that feature, or does not use it with the same variable. The compiler considers 5 cases to produce optimal code. lj-9 Case 1 The previous equation used both the X and Y registers; the current equation uses neither. Both registers must be cleared. The emitted code is : LDA load logic "l" AUX 776 enable X register AUX 775 enable Y register Case 2 The previous equation used the X register; the current equation does not. The X register is cleared by emitting: LDA load logic "1" AUX 776 enable X register Case 3 The previous equation did not use the X register and the current equation does, or the previous equation used the X register and the current equation uses it with a different variable. The X register is loaded with the new variable by emitting: LDA AUX 776 load X register Case h The previous equation used the Y register; the current equation does not. The Y register is cleared by emitting: LDA load logic "1" AUX 775 enable Y register 50 Case 5 Hie previous equation did not use the Y register and the current equation does, or the previous equation used the Y register and the current equation uses it, "but with a •different variable. The Y register is clearedby emitting: LDA AUX 775 enable Y register (3) Now begins the actual code generation for a given equation. The compiler initializes a compile -time stack for use in code generation, utilizing the postfixed form of the source equation. The standard techniques for translating postfixed expressions are not directly applicable because of (l) the availability of AND -complement, OR -complement, and LDA-complement instructions, and (2) the emphasis on optimized code. The coding loop will cause generation of a temporary storage location whenever necessary. The equation X = (A + B) * (C + D) whose postfixed representation is (left to right) XAB + CD + * = is evaluated in the following steps. commie -time stack code genera tor action X X A x A B emit "LDA A" X A B + emit "OR B" xt i xt c 51 compile -time stack code generator action X t^ C D generate temporary location TEMP. to hold t = A + B X TEMP C emit "STO TEMP" X TEMP C D emit "LDA C" X TEMP C D + emit "OR D" X TEMP t X TEMP t * emit "AND TEMP" X t.. 3 X t = emit "STO X" The lack of a store-complement instruction requires a complemented expression such as X = /(A+B) to be evaluated in the following steps: LDA A load A OR B OR with B STO TEMP generate temporary storage space LDAC TEMP load it back complemented STO X final result The compile-time stack is arbitrarily set to a maximum height of 20 (experience shows its average height is about 5). If a deeply nested equation attempts to overflow the stack, a terminal error is announced and code generation stops. When all equations have been coded the code generator emits "AUX 771" which signifies the end of the program. 3.2.15 TEMPGEN The compiler's temporary generator is called whenever the content of the accumulator must be retained for future use and yet the next instruction will be LDA or LDAC. The temporary location generated is chosen in accordance with this rule: 52 If the SCRATCHPAD option is in use, the first non-used scratchpad position is allocated; otherwise, the first non-used position on an already allocated (by SYKA) VIP plug -in card of type OUTPUTAC or OUTPUTDC is used. If, in the latter case, all VIP cards are full, a terminal error message is issued •which explains the situation (lack of space) and suggests rerunning the program "with the SCRATCHPAD option. When a location is available for use, an entry is made in the symbol table using the variable name TEMPdddd, where dddd is the octal address of the temporary variable. The address Is pushed onto a stack of code- generator defined temporaries and marked "not reusable" for the duration of the equation's translation. The latter decision, while not strictly optimal since a given temporary location might be safely reused many times within the same equation, was made so that a field engineer could physically monitor all temporary results. The stack of temporary variable addresses is arbitrarily set to a maximum height of 20. If an equation attempts to overflow the stack, a terminal error is issued and the code generator stops. 3.2.16 GEN References to scratchpad addresses require adding instructions to the normal instruction stream to assure optimized code. A single reference to scratchpad (recognized by the address beginning > 1000 Q ) should be preceded by the AUX 77l+ instruction. Sequential references to scratchpad of length 2 or more are better coded by considering the stream of scratchpad 53 referencing instructions to be a block, preceded by the AUX 773 instruction and followed by the AUX 772 instruction. By utilizing a two -level stack, GEN automatically inserts these AUX instructions into the output code emitted by CODEGEN. 3.2.17 OBJECT This module is merely an editor for the final form of the object code. The VIP read-only memory word number is incremented by 1 for each successive instruction generated, except for the instruction following a STOre which is handled in accordance with the SKIPd option. The SKIPd option allows the programmer to automatically skip d memory locations after every STOre instruction. This feature can be used to introduce small "holes" in the read-only memory (treated as "no-operations" during VIP execution) for later adjustment or correction of code. 3.2.18 PRINT The source equations are stored on disk as an indexed sequential data set and keyed by a four character code which represents the compiler- assigned card number assigned to that source image (and printed on the source listing). For speed, each source record contains a one character field which delimits the last card of a multi-card (continued) assignment statement. Thus, a request to print a particular assignment statement will actually print all the original source cards which were used to define that equation (no upper limit). This method of filing and retrieving the source data was tested and found to be significantly faster, more cost-effective, and less demanding of core storage than recreating the source text from the postfix. * k. SUMMARY The goal of VIPTRAN, like FORTRAN, is to save a programmer's time and reduce the frequency of coding errors by introducing the proper vehicle, in this case a new programming language, for the expression of algorithms. The initial experience at Struthers-Dunn, using engineers with little or no programming experience, has been a definite decrease in both programming time and actual expense. Those persons using the language regard it favorably because VIPTRAN does allow one to think and design at a higher level than does an assembler language. While the syntax of VIPTRAN was somewhat predicated on the knowledge of the VIP hardware, the techniques employed by the compiler are actually sufficiently general to allow conversion to a similar machine by changing only the structure of the code generator. This might well be an area for profitable future research. It is anticipated that VIPTRAN, both language and compiler, will continue to change and improve in the future as they have in the past. Newer versions of the compiler will be released as necessary to keep the programming system viable. I sincerely expect that future experiences with VIPTRAN will validate its primary goal: to make the human being more productive. 55 LIST OF REFERENCES Gear, C. W., Computer Organization and Pr ogr amming , McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York, I969. Gries, D., Compiler Construction for Digital Computers, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1971. Henry, Donald, ed., "Operating and Programming Manual," Struthers-Dunn, Bettendorf, Iowa, 1972. , "VIP Seminar Notes, " Struthers-Dunn, Bettendorf, Iowa, 1972. Hopcroft, J. E. and J. D. Ullman, Formal Languages and their Relation to Automata, Addis on -Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, 1969. Kain, R. Y., Automata Theory: Machines and Languages, McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York, 1972 . Knuth, D. E., The Art of Computer Programming, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, 1968. Wilcox, T. R., "Class notes for Computer Science i+01 - Compiler Construction," unpublished, University of Illinois at Urb ana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois, 1975. 56 APPENDIX A VIPTRAN Programming Examples VIPTPAN COMPILER, VERSION 3.00 DATE: 09/03/73 TIME : SOURCE NOSORT NOPPINTSOPT CODE NOSORTFAIL MAP NOTTY NUSCRATCHPAD SKI^O SOURCE STATEMENT C C PROGRAMMING EXAMPLE 1 C «ANK VAULT BURLAP- ALARM, WITHOUT OPTIMIZATION C C PROGRAMMER: ALFRFD C. WEAVER C C DECLARE INPUT VARIABLES AND THEIR AOTRESSES INPUT6. DOOR I SWITCH 2 VAULT 3 PUSHBUTTON 4 C DECLARE OUTPUT VARIABLES AND THEIR ADDRESSES C OUTPUTDC. ALARM 20 TIMER 21 C C BEGIN CONTROL PROGRAM SEGMENT C PRGGRAM. „„. ALARM = OOOR*SWITCH ♦ VAULT*SWITCH + PUSHBUTTON TIMER = /(DJOR*SWITCH ♦ VAULT*SWITCH ♦■ PUSHBUTTON) ^TRANSLATE tapd* STMT* 1 2 3 <* 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 I 19 2 20 3 57 VIP CARD MAP TYPE ADDRESSES INPUT6 -> 17 GUTPUTDC 20 -> 37 58 NAME VARIABLE MAP AODRESS TYPE DOOR 1 INPUT6 SWITCH 2 INPUT6 VAULT 3 INPUT6 PUSHBUTTON 4 INPUT6 ALARM 20 OUTPUTDC TIMER 21 OUTPUTOC 59 VIP MACHINE COOE WORD* INSTR ADOR VARIABLE NAME 0000 LDA 000 0001 AUX 776 0002 AUX 775 0003 AUX 774 0004 STO 000 0005 LCA 001 DOOR 0006 AND 002 SWITCH 0007 STO 022 TEMP0022 0010 LDA 003 VAULT 0011 AND 002 SWITCH 0012 OR 022 TEMP0022 0013 OP 004 PUSHBUTTON 0014 STO 020 ALARM 0015 LDA 001 DOOR 0016 AND 002 SWITCH 0017 STO 022 TEMP0022 0020 LDA 003 VAULT 0021 AND 002 SWITCH 0022 OR 022 TEMP0022 0023 OR 004 PUSHBUTTON 0024 STO 023 TEMP002J 0025 LDAC 023 TEMP0023 0026 STO 021 TIMER 0027 AUX 771 6o VIPTPAN COMPILER^ VERSION 3.00 DATE: 09/03/73 TIME: SOURCE NOSOPT NOPRINTSORT CODE NOSORTFAIL MAP NOTTV NOSCRATCHPAD SKIPO SOURCE STATEMENT C C PROGRAMMING EXAMPLE 2 C BANK VAULT BURGLAR ALARM, WITH OPTIMIZATION C C PROGRAMMER: ALFRED C. HEAVER C DECLARE INPUT VARIABLES AND THEIR ADDRESSES C INPUT6. DOOR 1 SWITCH 2 VAULT 3 PUSHBUTTON * C DECLARE OUTPUT VARIABLES AND THEIR ADDRESSES C OUTPUTDC. ALARM 20 TIMER 21 C C BEGIN CONTROL PROGRAM SEGMENT C PROGRAM. ^ ALARM - (DOOR ♦ VAULT » * SWITCH * PUSHBUTTON TIMER ■ /ALARM STRANSLATE CARD! STMT* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 19 2 20 3 61 VIP CARD MAP TYPE ADDRESSES INPUT6 -> 17 OUTPUTDC 20 -> 37 62 VARIABLE MAP NAME ADDRESS TYPE door 1 INPUT6 SWITCH 2 INPUT6 VAULT 3 INPUT6 PUSHBUTTON 4 INPUT6 ALARM 20 OUTPUTDC TIMER 21 OUTPUTDC 63 VIP MACHINE CODE WORD# INSTR ADDR VARIABLE NAME 0000 LDA 000 0001 AUX 776 0002 AUX 775 0003 AUX 774 0004 STO 000 0005 LDA 001 DOOR 0006 OR 003 VAULT 0007 AND 002 SWITCH 0010 ANO 004 PUSHBUTTON 0011 STO 020 ALARM 0012 LDAC 020 ALARM 0013 STO 021 TIMER 0014 AUX 771 6k VIPTRAN COMPILER. VERSION 3.00 DATE: 09/03/73 TIME: <0PTIONS> SOURCE NOSORT NOPRINTSORT CODE NOSORTFAIL MAP NOTTY NOSCRATCHPAD SKIPO CARD* STMT* SOURCE STATEMENT IOC 2 C PROGRAMMING EXAMPLE 3 3 C AUTOMATIC WELDER CONTROLLER 4 C 5 C PROGRAMMER: ALFRED C. WEAVER 6 C 7 C DECLARE OUTPUT VARIABLES AND THEIR ADDRESSES 8 C 9 OUTPUTAC. LEFT 20 RIGHT 21 UP 22 DOWN 23 WELD 24 10 C HOC DECLARE INPUT VARIABLES 12 C LET COMPILER ASSIGN ADDRESSES TO INPUTS 13 C 14 INPUT120. LSI LS2 START 15 C 16 C DECLARE TIMER VARIABLES } 8 C ONLY THE PROGRAMMER KNOWS THAT ONLY THE TWO TIMER FUNCTIONS 19 C -OOX AND -XXO, WHICH DO NOT REQUIRE KNOWLEDGE OF THE TIMER'S 20 C INPUT STATE, WILL BE USED IN THIS PROGRAM. 22 C TO GUARD AGAINST OMISSIONS, THE VIPTRAN LANGUAGE SYNTAX 23 C REOUIRES THE DECLARATION OF THE TIMER'S INPUT VARIABLE IN 24 C ALL CASES. 26 C THE LANGUAGE SYNTAX IS SATISFIED IN THIS EXAMPLE BY SUPPLYING 27 OCA DUMMY VARIABLE, APPROPRIATELY NAMED 'DUMMY', AS THE TIMER'S 28 C INPUT VARIABLE. THIS DUMMY VARIABLE WILL NOT APPEAR IN THE 29 C OUTPUT CODE. 30 C 31 C LET THE COMPILER ASSIGN ADDRESSES FOR THE TIMERS 32 C 33 TIMER. TIO (DUMMY) T15 (DUMMY) 34 C 35 C BEGIN CONTROL PROGRAM SEGMENT 36 C 37 PROGRAM. 38 1 LEFT « T10-00X * T15-00X * /LSI 39 2 DOWN * T10-00X * T15-00X * /LS2 40 3 TIO ■ START 41 4 RIGHT » T10-00X 42 5 T15 » TIO-OOX 43 6 UP « T10-XX0 * /RIGHT 44 7 WELD - LEFT ♦ RIGHT 45 8 STRANSLATE 65 VIP CARD MAP TYPE ADDRESSES INPUT120 -> 17 OUTPUTAC 20 -> 37 TIMER 40 -> 57 66 NAME VARIABLE MAP ADDRESS TYPE LSI 1 LS2 2 START 3 LEFT 20 RIGHT 21 UP 22 DOWN 23 WELD 24 DUMMY 25 TIO 40 T15 41 T15-OOX TIO-XXO INPUT 120 INPUT120 INPUT120 OUTPUTAC OUTPUT AC OUTPUTAC OUTPUTAC OUTPUTAC OUTPUTAC TIMER: INPUT= DUMMY TIMER: INPUT* DUMMY FUNCTION: TIMER= T15 FUNCTION: TIMER- TIO INPUT= DUMMY INPUT- DUMMY 67 VIP MACHINE CODE WORO# INSTR ADDR VARIABLE NAME 0000 LDA 000 0001 AUX 776 0002 AUX 775 0003 AUX 774 0004 STO 000 0005 LDA 040 T10 0006 AND 041 T15 0007 ANOC 001 LSI 0010 STO 020 LEFT 0011 LDA 040 TiO 0012 AND 041 T15 0013 ANDC 002 LS2 0014 STO 023 DOWN 0015 LDA 003 START 0016 STO 040 TIO 0017 LDA 040 TIO 0020 STO 021 RIGHT 0021 LDA 040 TIO 0022 STO 041 T15 0023 LCAC 040 TIO 0024 ANDC 021 RIGHT 0025 STO 022 UP 0026 LDA 020 LEFT 0027 OR 021 RIGHT 0030 STO 024 WELD 0031 AUX 771 68 VIPTRAN COMPILER, VERSION 3.00 DATE* 09/03/73 TIMEJ <0PT10NS> SOURCE NOSORT NOPRINTSORT CODE NOSORTFAIL MAP NOTTY NOSCRATCHPAO SKIPO CARD# STMT# SOURCE STATEMENT IOC 2 C PROGRAMMING EXAMPLE 4 3 C CONTROL EOUATIONS WITH COMMON MASTER CONTROL EXPRESSIONS 4 C NO X REGISTER OPTIMIZATION 5 C 6 C PROGRAMMER: ALFRED C. WEAVER 7 C 8 C DECLARE THE INPUT VARIABLES 9 C LET THE COMPILER ASSIGN THEIR ADDRESSES 10 C 11 INPUT120. RUN START MANUAL SAFETY 12 C 13 C DECLARATION KEYWORDS CAN APPEAR REPEATEDLY, AND IN ANY ORDER 14 C 15 INPUT120. LINEPOWER 16 C 17 C DECLARE THE OUTPUT VARIABLES 18 C LET THE COMPILER ASSIGN THEIR ADDRESSES 19 C 20 OUTPUTAC. LIGHT GATE BELL 21 C 22 C CONTROL PROGRAM SEGMENT 23 C 24 PROGRAM. 25 1 LIGHT ■ RUN * /START * LINEPOWER 26 2 GATE « (RUN ♦ MANUAL) * LINEPOWER 27 3 BELL - (/SAFETY «■ /GATE) * LINEPOWER 28 4 STRANSLATE 69 VIP CARD MAP TYPE ACCRESSES INPUT120 -> L7 OUTPUTAC 20 -> 37 VARIABLE MAP NAME ADDRESS TYPE RUN 1 INPUT120 START 2 INPUT120 MANUAL 3 INPUT120 SAFETY 4 INPUT120 LINEPOWER 5 INPUT120 LIGHT 20 OUTPUTAC GATE 21 OUTPUTAC BELL 22 OUTPUTAC 71 VIP MACHINE CODE WORD* INSTR ADDR VARIABLE NAME 0000 LCA 000 0001 AUX 776 0002 AUX 775 0003 AUX 774 0004 STO 000 0005 LOA 001 RUN 0006 ANDC 002 START 0007 AND 005 LINEPOWER 0010 STO 020 LIGHT 0011 LCA 001 RUN 0012 OP 003 MANUAL 0013 AND 005 LINEPOWER 0014 STO 021 GATE 0015 LDAC 004 SAFETY 0016 ORC 021 GATE 0017 ANO 005 LINEPOWER 0020 STO 022 BELL 0021 AUX 771 72 VIPTRAN COMPILER. VERSION 3.00 DATE: 09/03/73 TIME* SOURCE NOSORT NOPRINTSORT CODE NOSORTFAIL MAP NOTTY NOSCRATCHPAD SKIPO CARD* STMT* SOURCE STATEMENT I ■ S I E5S?!S!!"S»tK!S l 5i™ c»«n «»st E » cont. ol w*^,<™, t, C UTILIZING X REGISTER OPTIMIZATION 5 C 6 C PROGRAMMER: ALFRED C. WEAVER 7 C 8 C DECLARE THE INPUT VARIABLES 9 C LET THE COMPILER ASSIGN THEIR ADDRESSES 1J INPUT120. RUN START MANUAL SAFETY 13 I C DECLARATIONS OF A BLOCK MAY EXTEND OVER AS MANY SOURCE CARDS 14 C AS NECESSARY. 15 C 16 LINEPOWER \l C DECLARE THE OUTPUT VARIABLES [I C LET THE COMPILER ASSIGN THEIR ADDRESSES 2? OUTPUTAC. LIGHT GATE BELL 22 C 23 C CONTROL PROGRAM SEGMENT 24 C 25 PROGRAM. 26 1 LIGHT » LINEPOWER 6 PUN * /START 27 2 GATE « LINEPOWER £ 17 OUTPUTAC 20 -> 37 7^ NAME VARIABLE MAP ADORESS TYPE RUN 1 INPUT120 START 2 INPUT120 MANUAL 3 INPUT120 SAFETY 4 INPUT120 LINEPOWER 5 INPUT120 LIGHT 20 OUTPUTAC GATE 21 OUTPUTAC BELL 22 OUTPUTAC 75 VIP MACHINE CODE WORD* INST* ADDR VARIABLE NAME 0000 LCA 000 0001 AUX 776 0002 AUX 775 0003 AUX 7 74 0004 STO 000 0005 LDA 005 LINEPOWER 0006 AUX 776 0007 LDA 001 RUN 0010 ANDC 002 START 0011 STO 020 LIGHT 0012 LCA 001 RUN 0013 OP 003 MANUAL 0014 STO 021 GATE 0015 LCAC 004 SAFETY 0016 ORC 021 GATE 0017 STO 022 BELL 0020 AUX 771 76 VIPTRAN COMPILER, VERSION 3.00 DATE: 09/03/73 TIME*. SOURCE NOSORT NOPRINTSORT CODE NOSORTFAIL MAP NOTTY NOSCRATCHPAD SKIPO CAPD# STMT* 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1* 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2* 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 2 2 3 3 5 5 6 6 SOURCE STATEMENT !; R S"«?E!! G opt"!:SSt?on of A MASTER control equation c c c c c c c c c c c c DECLARE 48-VOLT INPUTS PROGRAMMER: ALFRED C. WEAVER THE COMPILER WILL ASSIGN ALL VARIABLE ADDRESSES INPUT48. LIMIT. SW1 LIMIT. SW2 DECLARE 6-VOLT INPUTS INPUT6. MASTERSTOP SAFETYVALVE RUN START POWER OECLARE DC OUTPUTS OUTPUTDC. LIGHT CONTROL PROGRAM SEGMENT PROGRAM. PANEL POWER WHISTLE C C C C C C C C C > c c c c THE FIRST TARGET VARIABLE, -MASTER', IS AN VIRTUAL CONTROL P. 1 V IT DOES NOT CONTROL AN EXTERNAL LOAD. BECAUSE IT ts NOT DECLARED THE COMPILER WILL ASSIGN IT TO AN UNUSED POSITION ON THE OUTPUTDC CARD. THE FIRST ASSIGNMENT STATEMENT DOES NOT FIT ON A SINGLE CARD, SO A CONTINUATION CARD IS EMPLOYED. MASTER - LINEPOWER * (LIMIT. SW I * /LIMIT. SW2 ♦• /LIMIT. SWi * LIMIT. SW2) LIGHT - MASTER £ MASTERSTOP PANEL » MASTER & (RUN ♦ START) POWER « MASTER I /SAFETYVALVE WHISTLE » MASTER & (SAFETY ♦ STOP ♦ /POWER) $TRANSLATE 77 VIP CARD MAP TYPE ADDRESSES INPUT48 -> 17 INPUT6 20 -> 37 OUTPUTDC 40 -> 57 OUTPUT AC 60 -> 77 7^ NAME VARIABLE MAP ADDRESS TYPE LIMIT. SWl LIMIT. SW2 MASTERSTOP RUN START SAFETYVALVE POWER LIGHT PANEL WHISTLE MASTER LINEPOWER SAFETY STOP 1 2 20 21 22 Zi 40 41 42 43 60 61 62 63 INPUT48 INPUT48 INPUT6 INPUT6 INPUT6 INPUT6 OUTPUTDC OUTPUTDC OUTPUTDC OUTPUTDC OUTPUTAC OUTPUTAC OUTPUTAC OUTPUTAC 79 VIP MACHINE CODE WORD* INSTR ADDR VARIABLE NAME 0000 LDA 000 0001 AUX 776 0002 AUX 775 0003 AUX 7 74 0004 STO 000 0005 LDA 001 LIMIT. SWl 0006 ANDC 002 LIMIT. SW2 0007 STO 044 TEMP0044 0010 LOAC 001 LIMIT. SWl 0011 AND 002 LIMIT. SW2 0012 OR 044 TEMP0044 0013 AND 061 LINEPOWER 0014 STO 060 MASTER 0015 LDA 060 MASTER 0016 AUX 7 76 0017 LDA 020 MASTERSTOP 0020 STO 041 LIGHT 0021 LCA 021 RUN 0022 OR 022 START 0023 STO 042 PANEL 0024 LCAC 023 SAFETYVALVE 0025 STO 040 POWER 0026 LDA 062 SAFETY 0027 OR 063 STOP 0030 ORC 040 POWER 0031 STO 043 WHISTLE 0032 AUX 771 8o VIPTRAN COMPILER, VERSION 3.00 DATE: 09/03/73 TIME: <0PTIONS> SOURCE NOSORT NOPRINTSORT CODE NOSORTFAIL MAP NOTTY NOSCRATCHPAD SKIPO CARP* STMT* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 SOURCE STATEMENT C PROGRAMMING EXAMPLE 7 Y REGISTER OPTIMIZATION C C C C c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c PROGRAMMER: ALFRED C. WEAVER THE COMPILER WILL ASSIGN ALL VARIABLE ADDRESSES OECLARE THE 24-VOLT INPUTS . INPUT24. X Y Z DECLARE THE OUTPUT VARIABLE OUTPUTAC. A CONTROL PROGRAM SEGMENT PROGRAM. THE VARIABLE »NOTB« HAS NOT BEEN DECLARED. IT WILL BE ASSIGNED TO AN UNUSED POSITION ON THE OUTPUTAC CARD. IN THE EOUATIONS BELOW, ONLY ONE OF EQUATIONS (21 AND (3) CAN EXECUTE ITS STO INSTRUCTION IN ANY ONE ^ORY SCAN. HENCE, 'A' CONDITIONALLY ASSUMES ONE OF TWO POSSIBLE DEFINITIONS DEPENDING UPON THE CURRENT VALUE OF THE INPUT 'B'. NOTB » / B A*9:X+/Y*Z A » NOTB : X * /Y ♦ Z STRANSLATE 81 VIP CARD MAP TYPE ADDRESSES INPUT24 -> 17 OUTPUTAC 20 -> 37 82 VARIABLE MAP NAME X Y I A NOTB B VARIABLE MAP ADORESS TYPE 1 2 3 20 21 22 INPUT24 INPUT24 INPUT24 OUTPUTAC OUTPUTAC OUTPUTAC 83 VIP MACHINE CODE WORD* INSTR AOOR VARIABLE NAME 0000 LDA 000 0001 ALX 776 0002 AUX 775 0003 AUX 774 0004 STO 000 0005 LDAC 022 B 0006 STO 021 NOTB 0007 LCA 022 B OOiO AUX 775 0011 LDAC 002 Y 0012 AND 003 Z 0013 OR 001 X 0014 STO 020 A 0015 LDA 021 NOTB 0016 AUX 775 0017 LDA 001 X 0020 ANDC 002 Y 0021 OR 003 I 0022 STO 020 A 0023 AUX 771 814- VIPTRAN COMPILER, VERSION 3.00 DATEt 09/03/73. TIMEl SOURCE NOSORT NOPRINTSORT CODE NOSORTFAIL MAP NOTTY NOSCRATCHPAO SMPO CARD* STMT* SOURCE STATEMENT \ I l rS^iroRlSftUlON - CONDITIONU WKUTIOH <► o c 5 C PROGRAMMER* ALFRED C WEAVER C THE COMPILER WILL ASSIGN ALL VARIABLE ADDRESSES 6 C 7 8 C 9 C DECLARE THE INPUTS U C INPUT12. START-SWITCH LIMIT.SW1 LIMIT. SW2 12 INPUT120. LINEPOWER PANEL {3 INPUT24. RESET MANUAL REMOTE LOCAL TEST 14 C 15 C DECLARE THE OUTPUTS J7 OUTPUTDC. START-UP RUN A B 18 C 19 C CONTROL PROGRAM SEGMENT 20 C 21 PROGRAM. 22 1 C 23 1 28 29 30 C 'START-UP' AND 'RUN' ARE THE Y REGISTER CONTROL VARIABLES 25 i C START-UP » START-SWITCH * LINEPOWER * /RESET 26 2 RUN * /START-UP 27 3 A - START-UP : LIMIT. SW1 * LIMIT. SW2 4 B • START-UP : PANEL ♦ MANUAL 5 C « START-UP : REMOTE ♦ LOCAL 6 A » RUN * LIMIT. SW1 ♦ LIMIT. SW2 31 7 8 ■ RUN : PANEL * MANUAL 32 8 C « RUN '. REMOTE ♦ TEST 33 9 STRANSLATE 85 VIP CARD MAP TYPE ACCRESSES INPUT12 -> 17 INPUT120 20 -> 37 INPUT24 40 -> 57 OUTPUTDC 60 -> 77 86 VARIABLE MAP I NAME ADDRESS TYPE START-SWITCH 1 INPUT12 LIMIT. SW1 2 INPUT12 LIMIT. SW2 3 INPUT12 LINhPCWER 20 INPUT120 PANEL 21 INPUT120 RESET 40 INPUT24 MANUAL 41 INPUT24 REMOTE 42 INPUT24 LOCAL 43 INPUT24 TEST 44 INPUT24 START-UP 60 OUTPUTDC RUN 61 OUTPUTDC A 62 OUTPUTDC 8 63 OUTPUTDC C 64 OUTPUTDC 87 VIP MACHINE CODE WORD* INSTR ADDR VARIABLE NAME 0000 LCA 000 0001 AUX 776 0002 AtiX 775 0003 AUX 774 0004 STO 000 0005 LDA 001 START-SWITCH 0006 AND 020 LINEPOWER 0007 ANDC 040 RESET 0010 STO 060 START-UP 0011 LOAC 060 START-UP 0012 STO 061 RUN 0013 LCA 060 START-UP 0014 AUX 775 0015 LDA 002 LIMIT. SW1 0016 AND 003 LIMIT. SW2 0017 STO 062 A 0020 LDA 021 PANEL 0021 OR 041 MANUAL 0022 STO 063 B 0023 LDA 042 REMOTE 0024 OP 043 LOCAL 0025 STO 064 C 0026 LCA 061 RUN 0027 AUX 775 0030 LDA 002 LIMIT. SW1 0031 OR 003 LIMIT. SW2 0032 STO 062 A 0033 LDA 021 PANEL 0034 AND 041 MANUAL 0035 STO 063 B 0036 LCA 042 REMOTE 0037 OR 044 TEST 0040 STO 064 C 0041 AUX 771 88 VIPTRAN COMPILERt VERSION 3.00 DATE: 09/03/73 TIME: SOURCE NOSORT NOPRINTSORT CODE NOSORTFAIL MAP NOTTY NOSCRATCHPAD SKIPO CARD* STMT* SOURCE STATEMENT 1 0, C 2 C PROGRAMMING EXAMPLE 9 .,.,,«. 3 C X AND Y REGISTER OPTIMIZATION IN COMBINATION 4 C 5 C PROGRAMMER: ALFRED C. WEAVER ? n r THIS EXAMPLE ILLUSTRATES THE COMPLICATED LOADING AND UNLOADING 8 C OF ThI 5 AND Y REGISTERS WHICH IS AUTOMATICALLY HANDLED BY THE 9 C COMPILER. [JoC THE COMPILER WILL ASSIGN ALL VARIABLE ADDRESSES 12 C 13 C DECLARE THE OUTPUTS 14 C 15 OUTPUTAC. ABC 16 C 17 C DECLARE THE INPUTS IS I C INPUT120. LINEPOWER STOP MANUAL SAFETY ABORT Jo OFF START-UP LIMIT. SWl LIMIT. SW2 2i o PANEL REMOTE LOCAL RUN TEST 22 C 23 C CONTROL PROGRAM SEGMENT 24 C 25 PROGRAM. 2* } MASTERl « LINEPOWER * /STOP + MANUAL 28 2 C 29 2 MASTER2 = SAFETY ♦ ABORT * OFF 3 A - MASTER1 & START-UP I LIMIT. SWl * LIMIT. SW2 30 3 C 31 33 X B - MASTERl & START-UP : PANEL + MANUAL 35 5 C - MASTER2 £ START-UP : REMOTE + LOCAL 37 t A * MASTERl £ RUN i LIMIT. SWl ♦ LIMIT. SW2 39 7 B - MASTERl t RUN : PANEL * MANUAL 41 8 C « MASTER2 6 PUN : REMOTE ♦ TEST 42 9 C 43 9 STRANSLATE 89 VIP CARD MAP TYPE ACDRESSES INPUT120 -> 17 OUTPUTAC 20 -> 37 VARIABLE MAP NAME ADDRESS TYPE LINEPOWER 1 INPUT1ZO STOP 2 INPUT120 MANUAL 3 INPUT120 SAFETY 4 INPUT120 ABORT 5 INPUT120 OFF 6 INPUT120 START-UP 7 INPUT120 LIMIT. SWi 10 INPUT120 LIMIT. SW2 11 INPUT120 PANEL 12 INPUT120 REMOTE 13 INPUT120 LOCAL I* INPUT120 RUN 15 INPUT120 TE ST 16 INPUT120 A 20 OUTPUTAC B 21 OUTPUTAC C 22 OUTPUTAC MASTER! 23 OUTPUTAC MASTER2 24 OUTPUTAC 91 VIP MACHINE CODE WOPD# INSTR ADOR VARIABLE NAME 0000 LOA 000 0001 AUX 776 0002 AUX 775 0003 AUX 7 74 0004 STO 000 0005 LOA 001 LINEPOWER 0006 ANDC 002 STOP 0007 OR 003 MANUAL 0010 STO 023 MASTER1 0011 LOA 004 SAFETY 0012 OR 005 ABORT 0013 OR 006 OFF 0014 STO 024 MASTER2 0015 LDA 023 MASTER1 0016 AUX 776 0017 LOA 007 START-UP 0020 AUX 775 0021 LOA 010 LIMIT. SW1 0022 AND Oil LIMIT. SW2 0023 STO 020 A 0024 LDA 012 PANEL 0025 OR 003 MANUAL 0026 STO 021 B 0027 LCA 024 MASTER2 0030 AUX 776 0031 LDA 013 REMOTE 0032 OR 014 LOCAL 0033 STO 022 C 0034 LDA 023 HASTER1 0035 AUX 776 0036 LDA 015 RUN 0037 AUX 775 0040 LDA 010 LIMIT. SW1 0041 OR on LIMIT. SW2 0042 STO 020 A 0043 LDA 012 PANEL 0044 AND 003 MANUAL 0045 STO 021 B 0046 LDA 024 MASTER2 0047 AUX 776 0050 LDA 013 REMOTE 0051 OR 016 TEST 0052 STO 022 C 0053 AUX 771 92 VIPTPAN COMPILER, VERSION 3.00 DATE: 09/03/73 TIME: SOURCE SORT PRINTSORT CODE NOSORTFAIL MAP NOTTY NOSCRATCHPAD SKIPO CARD# STMT* SOURCE STATEMENT \ I I rP^R M AM N ?0 E ^LU L S E TRA?E A SUCCESS ^ ^P INTERDEPENDENT I C ASSIGNMENT STATEMENTS. THE 'SORT- AND 'PRINTSORT- 5 C OPTIONS APE ON. 7 C PROGRAMMER: ALFRED C. WEAVER 8 C 9 C DECLARE THE INPUTS U INPUT24. SWITCHl SWITCH2 U C DECLARE THE OUTPUTS l^ c 15 OUTPUTDC A B C D E F 16 H0RN BELL 17 C X8 PROGRAM. JJ [ C THE FOLLOWING SIX EQUATIONS ARE NOT IN OPTIMAL ORDER 21 1 C 22 1 A * 17 OUTPUTDC 20 -> 37 9k VARIABLE MAP NAME ADDRESS TYPE SWITCH1 1 INPUT24 SWITCH2 2 INPUT24 A 20 OUTPUTDC 8 2i OUTPUTDC r 22 OUTPUTDC D 23 OUTPUTDC P 24 OUTPUTDC F 25 OUTPUTDC HORN 26 OUTPUTDC BELL 27 OUTPUTDC 95 SOURCE EQUATIONS IN SORTED ORDER STMT* SOURCE STATEMENT 1 E * /E 2 F = SWITCH1 ♦ SWITCH2 3 C * B*C 4 D * /(E*F) 5 A * (B+C) * (D+EI 6 B * E*F 96 VIP MACHINE CODE WORO# INSTR ADDR VARIABLE NAME 0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 LDA 000 AUX 776 AUX 775 AUX 7 74 STO 000 LDAC 024 STO 024 LOA 001 OP 002 STO 025 LDA 021 AND 022 STO 022 LDA 024 OR 025 STO 030 LDAC 030 STO 023 LDA 021 OR 022 STO 030 LDA 023 OR 024 AND 030 STO 020 LDA 024 OR 025 STO 021 AUX 771 E E SWITCH1 SWITCH2 F B C C E F TEMP0030 TEMP0030 D B C TEMP0030 D E TEMP0030 A E F B 97 VIPTPAN COMPILER, VERSION 3.00 DATE: 09/03/73 TIME: SOURCE SORT PRINTSORT NOCODE NOSORTFAIL MAP NOTTY NOSCPATCHPAO SKIPO CAPO* STMT* SOURCE STATEMENT 1 C 2 C PROGRAMMING EXAMPLE 11 3 C A PROGRAM TO ILLUSTRATE AN UNSUCCESFUL SORT * c 5 c THE 'SORT* AND 'PRINTSORT' OPTIONS ARE ON. 6 c 7 c PROGRAMMER: ALFRED C. WEAVER 8 c 9 c DECLARE THE INPUTS 10 c 11 INPUT48. SWITCH1 SWITCH2 12 C 13 C DECLARE THE OUTPUTS I* C 15 OUTPUTAC. A 9 C D E F 16 C 17 PROGRAM. 18 1 C 19 1 C THIS BLOCK CF EQUATIONS CAN NOT BE SATISFACTORILY REORDERED 20 1 C DUE TO INTERLOCKING 21 1 C 22 1 A * (B * C * DJ ♦ E 23 2 B » (A ♦ C ♦ D) ♦ E 24 3 C * (A * B ♦ D) ♦ E 25 4 ■ (A ♦ B * CI ♦ E 26 5 E ■ /6 ♦ F 27 6 F - SWITCH! * SWITCH2 28 7 C 29 7 iTRANSLATE VIP CARD MAP TYPE ADCRESSES INPUT48 -> 11 OUTPUTAC 20 -> 37 98 99 VAPIABLE MAP NAME ADDRESS TYPE SWITCH1 1 INPUT48 SWITCH2 2 INPUT48 A 20 OUTPUTAC B 21 OUTPUTAC C 22 OUTPUTAC D 23 OUTPUTAC E 24 OUTPUTAC F 25 OUTPUTAC 1! SOURCE EQUATIONS IN SORTED ORDER STMT* SOURCE STATEMENT 1 B = (A ♦ C «• D) ♦ E 2 C = (A ♦ B * C) «• E 3 C = (A * B ♦ D) * E 4 A = 17 OUTPUTAC 20 -> 37 SCRATCHPAD 1000 -> 1777 103 VARIABLE MAP NAME ADDRESS TYPE SWITCH1 1 INPUT120 SWITCH2 2 INPUT120 LIGHT1 3 INPUT120 LIGHT2 4 INPUT120 BUTT0N1 5 INPUT120 BUTT0N2 6 INPUT120 BUTT0N3 7 INPUT120 SAFETY1 10 INPUT120 SAFETY2 11 INPUT120 SAFETY3 12 INPUT120 CR3 20 OUTPUTAC CR6 21 OUTPUTAC CR1 1001 SCRATCH CR2 1002 SCRATCH CR4 1003 SCRATCH CR5 1004 SCRATCH VIP MACHINE CODE WORD* INSTR AOOR VARIABLE NAME 0000 LCA 000 0001 AUX 776 0002 AUX 775 0003 AUX 7 74 0004 STO 000 0005 LDA 001 SWITCH1 0006 OP 002 SWITCH2 0007 AUX 7 74 0010 STO 001 CRl 0011 LDA 003 LIGHT I 0012 OR 004 LIGHT2 0013 AUX 773 0014 STO 002 CR2 0015 LDA 001 CRl 0016 ANDC 002 CR2 0017 STO 005 TEMP1005 0020 LDAC 001 CRl 0021 AND 002 CR2 0022 OR 005 TEMP1005 0023 AUX 772 0024 STO 020 CR3 0025 LDA 005 BUTT0N1 0026 AND 006 BUTT0N2 0027 AND 007 BUTT0N3 0030 AUX 774 0031 STO 003 CR4 0032 LDA 010 SAFETY1 0033 OR Oil SAFETY2 0034 OR 012 SAFETY3 0035 AUX 773 0036 STO 004 CR5 0037 LDA 003 CR4 0040 ANCC 004 CR5 0041 STO 005 TEMP1005 0042 LDAC 003 CR4 0043 AND 004 CR5 0044 OR 005 TEMP1005 0045 AUX 772 0046 STO 021 CP6 0047 AUX 771 105 VIPTPAN COMPILER, VERSION 3.00 OATE: 09/03/73 TIME* <0PTI0NS> SOURCE NOSORT NOPRINTSORT COOE NOSORTFAIL MAP NOTTY NOSCRATCHPAD SKIP3 CARD* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 STMT* 1 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 SOURCE C C C c C c c c c c c c STATEMENT PROGRAMMING EXAMPLE 13 A FULL SCALE EXAMPLE FOR A REAL SITUATION CONTROL PROGRAMMING FOR BAKER PLASTICS CORPORATION THE 'SKIPS* PROGRAMMER: OPTION IS IN USE ALFRED C. WEAVER DECLARE THE INPUTS INPUT24. SSI SS8A LS10 PL LS6 PB13 PB18 SS6 LS4 PB1 LS7 LS3 LS8 LSU LS9 INPUT12. LS5 DECLARE THE OUTPUTS AND THEIR ADDRESSES OUTPUTDC. Pli 761 R7 766 R2 774 R22 755 P12 R18 762 P14 767 R16 775 756 RIO R5 Rl R15 76 3 770 776 757 R9 764 R4 771 R21 777 R13 760 H8 765 R3 772 R20 773 DECLARE LATCHING RELAYS LATCH. TUN T2IN 63 TR4INPUT TR7INPUT TRIOIKPUT DECLARE TIMERS TIMER. Tl T2 TR8 TR2 TR3 TR9 TR7 TRIO TR6 44 (TUN 50 (T2IN) (DUMMY) (DUMMY) (DUMMY) (DUMMY) (DUMMY) (DUMMY) (DUMMY) 62) PROGRAM. TUN-R21 T2IN « R21 K21 ■ ( Ti<8-00X + R2l)*SSl*PL Rl«( (/R16«7R21)*R1»/SSI*PB13)*PL MS"(/SS6*P"U4*MS)*Rl*PL R2»SS6*P1*PL T*2»(R6*R7)*R20*/R4*SSl*&l*Pl CC»(R3*TR2-U0X)*T2-XX0»'SS1*RI*PL R3"/R?1*CC 53 10 54 11 55 12 56 13 57 14 58 15 59 16 60 17 61 18 62 19 63 20 64 21 65 22 66 23 67 24 68 25 69 26 70 27 71 28 72 29 73 30 74 31 75 32 76 33 77 34 78 35 TR8=/R20*CC R4=LS3*R1*PL P5=(R3*R4*R5)*/R14*SS1*R1*PL R6=LS11*R1*PL R7=/LS11*R1*PL R8=(R8+/R6)*/R9**/R8*(R5*SSH-SS8A*/SSn*Rl*PL R10=(R10*R18)*(R6*R8+R7*R9)*SS1*R1*PL P11=(R5*R13*(R6»R8*R7*R9H-Ril*/R15)*SS1*R1*PL R 12=TR3-00X*/R14*Ril R13*LS6*R1*PL TR4INPUT = (R11*R12+/R20*T1-0XX)*SS1*R1*PL TR4 = TR4INPUT TR10INP - TR9-00X * TR4INPUT TRIO = TR10INP R14 * Tl-XOX * TR4INPUT TR7INPUT = T2-X0X * R14 TR7 = TR7INPUT P15 = /R18*TR7-00X*TR7INPUT R22 = (P818*/SS1+TR10-XX0*TR10INP)*R1*PL R16=LS4*R1*PL R17=(R15*R16*/R3*R17J*SS1*R1*PL R18=lS7*LS8*tS9*L$10*Ri*PL R19=/R20*R17*TR6-aOX*R18 R20=LS5*fU*PL ^TRANSLATE 107 VIP CARD MAP TYPE ADDRESSES INPUT24 -> 17 INPUT12 20 -> 37 TIMER 40 -> 57 LATCH 60 -> 77 OUTPUTAC 100 -> 117 OUTPUTDC 740 -> 757 OUTPUTDC 760 -> 777 108 VARIABLE MAP > NAME ADDRESS TYPE SSI 1 INPUT24 PL 2 INPUT24 PB13 3 INPUT24 SS6 4 INPUT24 PBl 5 INPUT24 LS3 6 INPUT24 LSU 7 INPUT24 SS8A 10 JNPUT24 LS6 11 INPUT24 PB18 12 INPUT24 LS4 13 INPUT24 LS7 14 INPUT24 LS8 15 INPUT24 LS9 16 INPUT24 LS10 17 INPUT24 LS5 20 INPUT12 TP8 40 TIMER: INPUT* DUMMY TR2 41 TIMER: INPUT* DUMMY TR3 42 TIMER: INPUT* DUMMY TR9 43 TIMER: INPUT* DUMMY Tl 44 TIMER: INPUT" TUN TR7 45 TIMER: INPUT* DUMMY TRIO 46 TIMER: INPUT* DUMMY TR6 47 TIMER: INPUT* DUMMY T2 50 TIMER: INPUT* T2IN TR4 INPUT 60 LATCH TR7INPUT 61 LATCH TUN 62 LATCH T2IN 63 LATCH TR10INPUT 64 LATCH DUMMY 100 OUTPUTAC MS 101 OUTPUTAC PB14 102 OUTPUTAC R6 103 OUTPUTAC CC 104 OUTPUTAC TP4 105 OUTPUTAC TR10INP 106 OUTPUTAC R17 107 OUTPUTAC R19 110 OUTPUTAC R22 755 OUTPUTDC R12 756 OUTPUTDC R15 757 OUTPUTDC R13 760 OUTPUTDC Rll 761 OUTPUTDC R18 762 OUTPUTDC RIO 763 OUTPUTDC R9 764 OUTPUTDC R8 765 OUTPUTDC R7 766 OUTPUTDC R14 76 7 OUTPUTDC R5 770 OUTPUTDC R4 771 OUTPUTDC R3 772 OUTPUTDC R20 773 OUTPUTDC R2 774 OUTPUTDC R16 775 OUTPUTDC 109 Rl 776 OUTPUTDC R21 777 OUTPUTOC TR6-00X FUNCTION: TIMER* TR6 INPUT* DUMMY TR10-XX0 FUNCTION: TIMER* TRIO INPUT' DUMMY TR3-00X FUNCTION: TIMERS TR3 INPUT* DUMMY TR2-00X FUNCTION: TIMER* TR2 INPUT* DUMMY TR8-00X FUNCTION: TIMER* TR8 INPUT* DUMMY T2-XCX FUNCTION: TIMER= T2 INPUT* T2IN Tl-XCX FUNCTION: TIMER* Tl INPUT* TUN VIP MACHINE CODE WORD* INSTR ADDR VARIABLE NAME 0000 LDA 000 0001 AUX 776 0002 ALX 775 0003 AUX 7 74 0004 STO 000 ooio LDA 777 R21 0011 STO 062 TUN 0015 LDA 777 R21 0016 STO 063 T2IN 0022 LCA 040 TR8 0023 OP 777 R21 0024 AND 001 SSI 0025 AND 002 PL 0026 STO 777 R21 0032 LCAC 775 R16 0033 ORC 777 R21 0034 AND 7 76 Ri 0035 ORC 001 SSI 0036 OP 003 P813 0037 AND 002 PL 0040 STO 776 Ri 0044 LCAC 004 SS6 0045 AND 102 PB14 0046 OP 101 MS 0047 AND 7 76 Ri 0050 AND 002 PL 0051 STO 101 MS 0055 LDA 004 SS6 0056 AND 776 Ri 0057 AND 002 PL 0060 STO 7 74 R2 0064 LDA 103 R6 0065 OR 766 R7 0066 AND 773 R20 0067 ANDC 771 R4 0070 AND 001 SSi 0071 AND 776 Pi 0072 AND 002 PL 0073 STO 041 TR2 0077 LCA 772 P3 0100 OR 041 TR2 0101 ANDC 050 T2 0102 AND 001 SSI 0103 AND 776 Pi 0104 AND 002 PL 0105 STO 104 CC 0111 LDAC 777 R21 0112 AND 104 CC 0113 STO 772 R3 0117 LDAC 773 R20 0120 AND 104 CC 0121 STO 040 TR8 0125 LDA 006 LS3 0126 AND 776 Ri 0127 AND 002 PL Ill 0130 STO 771 P4 0134 LDA 772 R3 0135 AND 771 R4 0136 OP 770 R5 0137 ANOC 767 R14 0140 AND 001 SSI 0141 ANO 776 Rl 0142 AND 002 PL 0143 STO 770 R5 0147 LDA 007 LS11 0150 AND 776 Rl 0151 AND 002 PL 0152 STO 103 R6 0156 LCAC 007 LS11 0157 AND 7 76 Rl 0160 AND 002 PL 0161 STO 766 R7 0165 LDA 765 R8 0166 ORC 103 R6 0167 ANDC 764 R9 0170 STO 111 TEMPOlli 0174 LDA 770 R5 0175 AND 001 SSI 0176 STO 112 TEMP0U2 0202 LCA 010 SS8A 0203 ANDC 001 SSI 0204 OR 112 TEMP0U2 0205 AND 111 TEMPOlli 0206 AND 776 Rl 0207 AND 002 PL 0210 STO 765 P8 0214 LCA 764 R9 0215 ORC 766 R7 0216 ANDC 765 R8 0217 STO HI TEMPOlli 0223 LCA 7 70 R5 0224 AND 001 SSI 0225 STO 1L2 TEMP0112 0231 LDA 010 SS8A 02 32 ANDC 001 SSI 0233 OR 112 TEMP0U2 0234 AND 111 TEMPOlli 0235 ANO 7 76 Rl 0236 AND 002 PL 0237 STO 764 R9 0243 LCA 763 RIO 0244 OP 762 R18 0245 STO HI TEMPOlli 0251 LCA 103 R6 0252 AND 765 P8 0253 STO 112 TEMP0112 0257 LCA 766 P7 0260 AND 764 R9 0261 OR 112 TEMP0112 0262 AND HI TEMPOlli 0263 AND 001 SSI 0264 AND 776 PI 0265 AND 002 PL 0266 STO 763 RIO 0272 LCA 770 R5 112 0273 AND 760 R13 0274 STO 111 TEMPOlil 0300 IDA 103 R6 0301 AND 765 R8 0302 AND 766 R7 0303 AND 764 R9 0304 AND 111 TEMPOlil 0305 STO 112 TEMP0112 0311 LDA 761 Ril 0312 ANDC 757 R15 0313 OR 112 TEMP0112 0314 AND 001 SSI 0315 AND 776 Rl 0316 AND 002 PL 0317 STO 761 Rll 0323 LOA 042 TR3 0324 ANDC 767 R14 0325 AND 761 Rll 0326 STO 756 RU 0332 LDA Oil LS6 0333 AND 7 76 Rl 0334 AND 002 PL 0335 STO 760 R13 0341 LDA 761 Rll 0342 AND 756 R12 0343 STO 111 TEMPOlil 034 7 LCAC in R20 0350 AND 062 TUN 0351 OR 111 TEMPOlil 0352 AND 001 SSI 0353 AND 776 Rl 0354 AND 002 PL 0355 STO 060 TR4INPUT 0361 LDA 060 TR4INPUT 0362 STO 105 TR4 0366 LCA 043 TR9 0367 AND 060 TR4INPUT 0370 STO 106 TR10INP 03 74 LDA 106 TP10INP 0375 STO 046 TRIO 0401 LCAC 062 tun 0402 OR 044 Tl 0403 AND 060 TP4INPUT 0404 STO 767 R14 0410 LCAC 063 T21N 0411 OR 050 T2 0412 AND 767 R14 0413 STO 061 TR7INPUT 0417 LDA Obi TR7INPUT 0420 STO 045 TR7 0424 LDAC 762 R18 0425 AND 045 TR7 0426 AND 061 TR7INPUT 0427 STO 757 R15 0433 LDA 012 PB18 0434 ANDC 001 SSI 0435 STO 111 TEMPOlil 0441 LDAC 046 TRIO 0442 AND 106 TPIOINP 0443 OR 111 TEMPOlil 113 0444 AND 776 Rl 0445 AND 002 PL 0446 STO 755 R22 0452 LDA 013 LS4 0453 AND 776 Ri 0454 AND 002 PL 0455 STO 775 R16 0461 LDA 757 R15 0462 AND 775 R16 0463 ANDC 772 R3 0464 AND 107 R17 0465 AND 001 SSI 0466 AND 776 Rl 046 7 AND 002 PL 0470 STO 107 R17 04 74 LDA 014 LS7 0475 AND 015 LS8 0476 AND 016 LS9 0477 AND 017 LS10 0500 AND 7 76 Ri 0501 AND 002 PL 0502 STO 762 R18 0506 LCAC 773 R20 0507 ANO 107 R17 0510 AND 047 TR6 0511 AND 762 R18 0512 STO 110 R19 0516 LDA 020 LS5 0517 AND 776 Rl 0520 AND 002 PL 0521 STO 773 R20 0525 AUK 771 VIPTRAN COMPILER, VERSION 3.00 DATE: 09/03/73 TIME* SOURCE NOSORT NOPRINTSORT CODE NOSORTFAIL MAP NOTTY NOSCRATCHPAD SKIPO CA«0« STMT* SOURCE STATEMENT 1 C 2 C PROGRAMMING EXAMPLE 14 3 OCA PROGRAM TO ILLUSTRATE ERROR RECOVERY 4 C 5 C 'VIPTRAN' RECOVERS RATHER NICELY FROM A NUMBER OF SYNTACTIC 6 C AND SEMANTIC PROGRAMMING ERRORS. THIS EXAMPLE WILL ILLUSTRATE 7 C THE RANGE OF ERRORS DETECTED AND REPAIRED BY THE COMPILER. 8 C 9 C PROGRAMMER: ALFRED C. WEAVER 10 C HOC 12 C MISSING DECLARATION KEYWORO BEFORE VARIABLES 13 C 14 VAPIABLE1 VARIABLE2 ♦ ON CARD 4 14* UNRECOGNIZABLE VIPTRAN SECTION NAME: VARIABLEL *0N CARD 4 14* UNRECOGNIZABLE VIPTRAN SECTION NAME: VARIABLE2 15 C 16 C TIMER DEFINITION 17 C 18 TIMER. Tl 40 : T5 (T5INPUT) *0N CARC * 18* MISSING " ( " IN TIMER DEFINITION OF: Tl ♦ON CARD 4 18* ILLEGAL VIPTRAN VARIABLE NAME: : 19 C 20 TIMER. T8 42 IT8INPUT 61 T7 (T7INPUT) ♦ ON CARD 4 20* MISSING " ) •• IN TIMER DEFINITION 21 C 22 C ACDPESSING 23 C 24 OUTPUTAC. Rl 600 R2 600 R3 1006 R4 R5 250 *0N CARO 4 24* THIS ADORESS USED MOPE THAN ONCE: 600 *GN CARD 4 24* OCTAL ADDRESS > 777 FOR VARIABLE: R3 ♦ON CARD 4 24* OCTAL ADDRESS = FOR VARIABLE: R4 25 C 26 SCRATCH. SI 1020 S2 666 S3 2010 S4 1000 S5 1021 *0N CARD 4 26* OCTAL ADDRFSS < 1001 FOR SCRATCHPAD VARIABLE: S2 "ON CARD 4 26* OCTAL ADDRESS > 1777 FOR SCRATCHPAD VARIABLE: S3 *0N CARD 4 26* OCTAL ADDRESS < 1001 FOR SCRATCHPAD VARIABLE S4 27 C 28 LATCH. LI 107 L2 108 ♦ON CARD 4 28* THIS ADDRESS IS NOT OCTAL: 108 29 C 30 C MISMATCHED VARIABLE TYPES ON A SINGLE VIP CARD il C ARE FLAGGED LATER, WHEN VIP CARDS AKE ALLOCATED 32 C 33 INPUT12. INP12 100 INPUT24. INP24 101 34 C 35 C VIPTRAN ACCEPTS REPEATED, BUT UNAMBIGUOUS, ADDRESSES 36 C 37 TIMER. T2 & (0*E) I ♦IN STMT • 10* ILLEGAL USE OF "I" OR "l" OPERATOR •IN STMT » 10* ILLEGAL USE OF ■£■ OR "I" OPERATOR 85 11 C 86 11 C MISSING ^TRANSLATE' CARD 41 42 43 I 44 I 45 1 46 I 47 1 4B 1 "IN STMT « 4V 2 5C 2 51 2 52 2 •IN STMT « 5J 3 54 1 55 3 56 3 •IN STMT # 57 4 5B 4 59 4 60 4 *IN STMT « 61 4 62 4 63 4 64 4 ♦ IN STMT * 65 5 66 5 *IN STMT « 67 6 68 6 69 6 70 6 ♦IN STMT • 71 7 72 7 73 7 74 7 ♦IN STMT * ♦IN STMT » 75 a 76 8 ♦IN STMT « 77 9 78 9 79 9 80 9 ♦IN STMT 1 ♦IN STMT « 81 10 82 10 83 10 84 10 116 87 11 C *IN STMT « il* END OF SOURCE PROGRAM - "$TRANSLATE" INSERTED 88 11 (TRANSLATE ♦AFTER STMT # 11* INCOMPATIBLE VARIABLE TYPE AND VIP CARD TYPE FOR: INP12 ♦AFTER STMT # 11* INCOMPATIBLE VARIABLE TYPE AND VIP CARD TYPE FOR: INP24 117 APPENDIX B VIPTRAN Language Syntax, Modified Backus -Naur Form To avoid ambiguity between parentheses as operators and as BNF metasymbols, parentheses used as operators will be underlined. Character strings are enclosed in single quotes. 118 <$VIP card> * <$VIP card> '$VIP' (|)"* 'SOURCE 1 | 'NOSORT' | ' NOPRINTSORT ' | 'CODE' | 'NOSORTFAIL' | 'MAP' | 'TTY' | 'HOSCRATCHPAD' | 'SKIPO' 'NOSOURCE' | 'SORT* | 'PRINTSORT' | 'NOCODE' | 'SORTFAIL' | 'NOMAP' | 'NOTTY' | 'SCRATCHPAD' | 'SKIP' ({ []} * ' IHPUT6 . ' | ' INPUT12 . ' | ' INPUTS . ' | ' INPUTl+8 . ' | 'INPUT120. ' | 'OUTPUTAC. ' | 'OUTPUTDC. ' | 'LATCH.' | 'SCRATCH.' 'TIMER. '{[ ] ^variable name>[]j.} 'PROGRAM.' Assignment statements <$TRANSLATE card> <$END card> = {+ } [* } | £]_ [/] (|) ( ' -OOX' | ' -OXO' | ' -OXX' | ' -XXO' «-XOX'|'-XXO' ) 119 <$TRMSIA1E card> <$END card> {< alphanumeric^ •A'l'B'I'C'I'D'^E'l'F'I'G'I'H'I'I'l'J' 'K' | 'L' | 'M' | 'N 1 | T 0' | f P* | f Q' | 'R' | f S' | , T I ' U' I , V I 'W I 'X* I 'Y' I ' Z' I ' " ' I * . ' I ' -' | | * 8 T | T 9 * , , J , l , | , 2 , | , 3 , | t ^ , | , 5 , | , 6 l | f 7 l {}^ ^TRANSLATE' in card columns 1-10 '^EHD* in card columns 1-4 120 APPENDIX C VIPTRAN Error Messages This appendix lists all of the VIPTRAN error messages produced by the compiler. Each entry shows (1) the English text of the message; (2) the physical location of the error message on the source listing ("-where"); (3) an explanation of the circumstances surrounding, causing, or affecting the error ("why"); (10 one or more examples of an instance of this particular error with an explanation of what is wrong ("example"); (5) the possible steps the user should take to fix the error ("solution"). Errors not found in this appendix do not arise from the compiler; consult a systems programmer. 121 UNRECOGNIZABLE VIPTRAN SECTION NAME: <^iame> where: Declaration segment, after $VIP card and before a recognizable declaration keyword such as INPUT6., INPUT12., INPUT2^., INPUT48., INPUT120., OUTPUTAC, OUTPUTDC., LATCH., TIMER,, SCRATCH., or PROGRAM. is the unrecognized name. why: A character string which qualifies as a variable name appears before the first declaration keyword. example : $VIP ABC INPUT6. D E F Variables A, B, and C are in error because they are not preceded by a type declaration keyword. example : $VIP INPUT100. A INPUT120. B Variables INPUT100. and A are not preceded by a type declaration keyword. INPUT100. is a legal variable name but is not a type declaration keyword. solution: Prefix all variables in a block with a legal type declaration keyword. 122 MISSING "(" IN TIMER DEFINITION OF: <3iame> where: Declaration segment, in a TIMER, declaration block. is the name of the timer. why: In the declaration, all timer names are followed by an optional address, a left parenthesis, the timer's input variable name, an optional address, and a right parenthesis. example: TIMER. Tl Tl-INPUT Tl is not followed by "(' example: TIMER. T2 kO T2.IN kO is not followed by "(" solution: For the above cases, use TIMER. Tl (Tl-INFUT) T2 kO (T2.IN) 123 ILLEGAL VIPTFAN VARIABLE NAME : where: Declaration segment. ■why: The compiler did not find a legal variable name -where one was expected. is the illegal quantity. example: OUTPUTAC. A 20 21 C 23 A variable is missing between 20 and 21. solution: Check sequence of variables and addresses. 12^ MISSING ")" IN TIMER DEFINITION •where: Declaration segment, in a TIMER, declaration "block. •why: In the declaration, all timer names are followed by an optional address, a left parenthesis, the timer's input variable name, an optional address, and a right parenthesis . example: TIMER. Tl (Tl-INPUT T2 (T2.IN) missing ")" after Tl-INPUT example: TIMER. T2 ^0 (T2.IN 60 T5 (T3.IN) missing ")" after 60 solution: Add missing right parenthesis. 125 THIS ADDEESS USED MOEE THAN ONCE:
where: Declaration segment. why: A single address has been assigned to two different variable names. example: INPUT12. A 1 B 2 C 3 OUTRJTAC. X 2 Y 21 Z 22 Address 2 is used for both B and X. solution: (l) If the associated variable is of type OUTRJTAC, OUTPUTDC, or SCRATCH, and does not control a physical device, omit the declaration and let the compiler assign an unused address. (2) Reassign one of the variables to an unused address. OCTAL ADDRESS < 1001 FOR SCRATCHPAD VARIABLE: 126 ■where : Declaration segment, in a SCRATCH, declaration block. why: Scratchpad variables must have addresses in the range 100 l a <
< 1777 g- example SCRATCH. X 600 Y 601 Addresses 600 and 601 are out of range for scratchpad variables X and Y. example: SCRATCH. Ql 1000 02 1001 Address 1000 o is reserved and can not be assigned by the user, o example: SCRATCH. X 1010 0UTPUTCA. Y 3 Keyword "0UTFUTAC." is mis-spelled, making "0UTPUTCA." a legal scratchpad variable with no address assigned; now Y, an output variable, is within the SCRATCH declaration block and 3 is an illegal address. solution: (l) Keep scratchpad addresses in range. (2) Check spelling of declaration keywords, 127 OCTAL ADDRESS > 1777 F0R SCRATCHPAD VARIABLE: where: Declaration segment, in a SCRATCH, declaration block. ■why:
is out of range of machine. example: SCRATCH. S 2000 2000q > 1777o, the largest machine address. solution: (l) Omit address and allow compiler to assign an unused scratchpad address; (2) Use addresses in the range 1001 Q <
< 1777 D , o — — o 128 OCTAL ADDEESS = FOR VARIABLE: <3iame> where: Declaration segment. why: has been assigned an address of 0; is reserved and can not he assigned by the user. example: INPUT6. A B 1 C 2 solution: Change to an unused address. 12.9 OCTAL ADDRESS > 777 FOR VARIABLE: where: Declaration segment. why: The address assigned to is out of range of the machine for a non-scratchpad variable. example: OUTPUTDC. X 776 Y 1777 Y is not type SCRATCH, so 1777 is out of range. example: OUTPUTDC. Z 777 SCRATHC. A 1001 B 1002 Keyword "SCRATCH." is mis-spelled, making "SCRATHC." a legal OUTPUTDC variable with no address assigned. Variables A and B, which are in scratchpad, have joined the OUTPUTDC. declaration, making addresses 1001 and 1002 out of range. solution: (l) Keep addresses in range. (2) Check spelling of SCRATCH, keyword. MISSING "=" INSERTED BEFOEE: where: Program segment. why: Assignment statements are of the form = The "=" was not found. example: A B*C+D Missing = between A and B. solution: insert - between and STATEMENT DOES NOT BEING WITH VARIABLE NAME where: Program segment. 131 why: Column 1 was blank, indicating the "beginning of an assignment statement, but the first item on the card was not a variable name. example: 6A = B + C "6A" is an illegal variable name. example: A = B*C*D+E*F Second card is a continuation but column 1 is blank. solution: (l) Assure that variable names are legal. (2) Check column 1 for continuation character ">" if this is a continuation card. 132 THIS ADDRESS IS NOT OCTAL:
where: Declaration segment. why: Programmer -supplied address is not an octal number. example: LATCH. X 76 Y 77 Z 78
= 78 is not octal. solution: Use octal addresses only. 133 END OF SOURCE PROGRAM - "^TRANSLATE" INSERTED ■where: Program segment. why: The card after the last assignment statement was not a $TRANSLATE card, with those 10 characters in columns 1-10. The program segment format is : PROGRAM. {all assignment statements} ^TRANSLATE $END example : PROGRAM. {all assignment statements} A = B*C+D last card solution: Place $TRANSLATE and $END cards after the last assignment statement. 13k ILLEGAL USE OF COLUMN 1 - CARD SKIPPED where : Anywhere •why: A non-recognized code was used in column 1. The only legal codes are: c comment > continuation $ $TRANSLATE, $END cards in PROGRAM segment blank "begins new assignment statement example: PROGRAM. A = B* < (C+D) Column 1 should have been the continuation character ">". solution: Verify that column 1 contains one of the k legal codes. Note that the entire source card is skipped (just like a comment) when this error occurs. THIS ILLEGAL CHARACTER SKIPPED: where : Anywhere 135 why: An individual character has been found which is not a VIPTRAH variable name, operator, or delimiter. example: OUTPUTDC. A B C$D The "$" is illegal as an alphabetic character. The compiler will give the error and use OUTPUTDC variables A, B, C, and D. example: POWER = GATE*POWER-SUPPLY + MAMJAL? The "?" is an illegal alphabetic character. solution: (l) Verify correct spelling of variable names, (2) Remove offending character. 1J6 NAME TOO LONG - FIRST 12 CHARACTERS USED FOR: <3iame> where : Anywhere •why: Variable names contain 12 or fewer characters. A character string longer than 12 characters has "been used as a variable name or timer function. example: OUTPUTDC. MASTERPOWEROUT 100 The name "MASTERPOWEROUT" is too long. example: TIMER. INTERVAL . TIM kO (TIM 20 ) PROGRAM. MASTER = POWER * INTERVAL. TIM-OXO Although "INTERVAL. TIM" is a legal timer name (12 characters), its use in a function makes a name l6 characters long. Timer functions have a 12 character limit just like variable names. example: LATCH. INPUT210UTPUT22LIGHT23 No delimiters (spaces) are found between variables and addresses. The entire string becomes one variable "INPUT210UTPU". solution: (l) Rename offending variable. (2) Check length of timer function names. (3) Use spaces freely between variables and addresses. 137 SERIOUS ERROR(S) PREVENT FURTHER PROCESSING where: After ^TRANSLATE card. why: An error or errors of such severity that continued compilation is meaningless have occurred. The compiler halts. example: Syntax errors in the PROGRAM segment make code generation meaningless. solution: Correction of all other errors will clear this one also. 138 SORT ROUTINE HAS FAILED where : After $TRANSLATE card. why: The sort routine, as invoked by the SORT compiler option, has failed to reorder the equations in a way which makes them independent. example : PROGRAM. 1 A = B*C 2 B = A*C 3 ^TRANSLATE ***AFTER STMT #3 *** SORT ROUTINE HAS REMOVED STMT #2 ***AFTER STMT #3 *** SORT ROUTINE HAS FAILED Equations 1 and 2 are interlocked because the evaluation of A requires knowledge of B, yet evaluation of B requires knowledge of A. The programmer must decide if this situation is dangerous. solution: (l) Correct equations to remove interdependences, if possible. (2) If situation is not dangerous, run again using NOSORT option. 139 TERMINAL ERROR ENCOUNTERED DURING CODE GENERATION where: After ^TRANSLATE card. why: A serious error during code generation makes further processing impossible. example: A program has only one unused position on an OUTPUT card, and the NOSCRATCHPAD option is in effect. The compiler attempts to translate A = B*C + D*E + F*G which requires two temporary variables. When the second one is needed and no machine address is available, the error occurs. solution: This error occurs in conjunction with another more specific error preceding this one. Clearing the specific error (s) clears this one also. COMPILER ERROR - SYMBOL TABLE OVERFLOW where : Anywhere why: For any one program, the compiler can only recognize a fixed total number of prog rammer -de fined and compiler -de fined variables. The current limit is 600. example: The sum of unique variable names, timer functions, and reserved words (currently 23) in one program exceeds 600. solution: (l) Assure that the PROGRAM segments of two or more programs have not been intermixed. (2) Call a systems programmer. COMPILER ERROR - POSTFIX STACK OVERFLOW liH where : Program segment. ■why: For any one program, the compiler can only store a fixed number of symbols which constitute an internal version of the source. The current limit is 3000. example: For programs with a large number of statements and/ or with many lengthy assignment statements, the internal representation may exceed 3000 symbols. solution: (l) Assure that the PROGRAM segments of two or more programs have not been intermixed. (2) Call a systems programmer. llj-2 EXTRA ")" DELETED where: Program segment. why: An assignment statement contains an unbalanced number of left and right parentheses (the number of each must be equal). Either too few left parentheses or too many- right parentheses were included. example: A - B + (C*((D+E)*F))) There are 3 left parentheses and k right parentheses. solution: (l) Count number of left and right parentheses; assure proper balance. (2) Be sure the source statement is entirely within columns 2-72 (columns 73-80 are not examined). ih3 COMPILER ERROR - PARSER STACK OVERFLOW" where: Program segment. why: An assignment statement is so deeply nested that the parser stack overflows. example: A = (B+(C+(D+(E+(F+(G+(H+(l)))))))) Although the statement is syntactically correct, the equation is nested 8 levels deep and the parser stack overflows during evaluation. solution: (l) Determine whether the equation can be re-written to use fewer levels of nesting. (2) Call a systems programmer. Ihk MISSING OPERAND - "DUMMY" INSERTED BEFORE: where: Program segment. ■why: In an expression, two operators were detected with no variable between them. example: A = B*+D Missing operand between * and +. example: A = /B*/+C Missing operand between / and +. solution: (l) Supply missing operand. (2) Insure that only columns 2-72 were used for the source text. A variable in columns 73-80 would be lost. (3) If the equation is continued, assure that the following card contains the continuation character ">" in column 1. Comments may no_t separate a source card and its continuation card. MISSING ")" SUPPLIED AT END OF STATEMENT where: Program segment. llj-5 why: An assignment statement contains an unbalanced number of left and right parentheses (the number of each must be equal). Either too many left parentheses or too few right parentheses were included. example: A= ((B-K2)*(l)+E) There are 3 left parentheses and 2 right parentheses. solution: (l) Count number of left and right parentheses; assure proper balance. (2) Be sure the source statement is entirely within columns 2-72 (columns 73-80 are not examined). 3A6 MISSING OPERATOR - "*" SUPPLIED •where: Program segment, ■why: In an expression, two operands were detected with no operator "between them. example: A = B+C D Missing operator "between C and D. solution: (l) Supply missing operator. (2) Insure that only columns 2-72 were used for the source text. An operator in columns 73-80 would be lost. (3) If the equation is continued, assure that the following card contains the continuation character ">" in column 1. Comments may not separate a source card and its continuation card. lij-7 INVALID TIMER FUNCTION - THIS VARIABLE IS NOT A TIMER: where: Program segment. why: The variable name was not declared to be of type TIMER. example: INHJT12. INI LN2 OUTFUTDC. 0UT1 0UT2 PROGRAM. 0UT1 = INI * IN2 * T1-0X0 0UT2 = INI * IN2 + T1-X00 Variable Tl has not been declared to be a TIMER variable. solution: Declare to be a timer using the format TIMER. ( ) INVALID TIMER FUNCTION - THIS IS NOT A PROPER FUNCTION: 3A8 ■where : Program segment. •why: The suffix of a timer variable is not one of the six legal functions. example : TIMER. TIMER1 (T1-IN) PROGRAM. A - TIMER1-00X * TIMER1-XXX Suffix -XXX is not legal. solution: (l) Insure that the functional suffix is one of the six legal functions: -00X, -0X0, -OXX, -X00, -XOX, -XXO. (2) Insure that the functional suffix uses the letter and not the digit zero. (3) Insure that the functional name does not extend beyond column 72. 149 INCOMPATIBLE VARIABLE TYPE AND VIP CARD TYPE FOR: where: After ^TRANSLATE card. why: Variables of different type have programmer -supplied addresses on the same VIP card. example: INPUTo. INI 1 IN2 2 INPUT12. IN3 3 Variable IN5 at location 3 is a 12 -volt input. Addresses 0-17o are 6-volt inputs from the INPUT6. declaration. solution: (l) Omit addresses and allow compiler to assign VIP cards and variable addresses. (2) Change address of to an unused location on a card of proper type. NO AVAILABLE ADDRESS FOR: 150 where : After ^TRANSLATE card. why: There are no unused locations of the proper type for variable . example: A program uses many types of variables and allows the compiler to assign addresses, and VIP card assignment used every card location in the VIP. The address assignment of attempts to allocate a new VIP card and generates the error. solution: Use manual address assignment and the VIP combination cards. This will require adjustment of variable types and requires a systems programmer. 151 COMPILER ERROR - TEMPORARY STACK OVERFLOW where: After ^TRANSLATE card. why: An equation requires more than 20 temporary variables to evaluate it, thus causing an overflow of the temporary stack. example: A = (B4€)*(d+E)*(F4G)*(h+I)*(J+K) > ^(l+m)*(n+o)^(p-h^)^(r+s)*(t+u) > *(vhw)*(x+y)*(z+ai)*(bi-kii)*(di+ei) > *(Fl-KJl)*(Hl+Il)*(Jl+Kl)*(lil+Na)*(Nl+Ol) > *(P14$1) Each OR pair is stored in a temporary variable so that a field engineer can examine its content. The compiler can use a maximum of 20 temporary variables to evaluate one expression. solution: (l) Rewrite the equation to use fewer temporaries. (2) Break one long equation into two shorter ones, introducing one virtual control relay as in: original: Z = * new: VCR = Z = VCR * 152 MEMORY OVERFLOW - TOO MANY TEMPORARIES ■where: After ^TRANSLATE card. •why: The number of temporary locations needed by an equation exceeds the total number of unused locations on all OUTPUTAC. and OUTPUTDC. cards. example: OUTPUTAC. Al A2 AJ Ah A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 All A12 A13 A11+ A15 Al6 PROGRAM. A = "(B+C)*(D+E) The generation of a temporary location to save (B+C) fails because there are no unused locations on the (one) card of type output. solution: Rerun the program using the SCRATCHPAD option. 153 ILLEGAL USE OF "&" OR ":" OPERATOR where: Program segment. why: The & and : operators may have as their left-hand side argument only a single variable name (not an expression). example: A = B*C&D solution: Introduce a new variable to hold the controlling expression and use the new variable as the argument of "&" or ":". For the above example, use MASTER = B*C A = MASTER & D COMPILER ERROR - TOO MANY STATEMENTS where: Program segment. ■why: The compiler -will accept only a fixed number of equations in any one program. That limit is currently 512. example: An exceptionally long program uses more than 512 assignment statements and generates the error. solution: (l) Assure that the program segments of two or more programs have not been intermixed. (2) Call a systems programmer. 155 (MUSED OUTPUTS PROVIDE INSUFFICIENT TEMPORARIES where: After ^TRANSLATE card. why: There are not enough total unused locations on OUTPUTAC and OUTFUTDC cards to supply all the temporaries needed to evaluate an expression. example: OUTPUTAC. Al A2 A3 Ah A 5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 All A12 A13 Ali+ A15 Al6 PROGRAM. A = (B-fC)*(D+E) The temporary needed to hold (B+C) can not be assigned to the (only) OUTPUTAC card because the card is full. solution: Rerun the program using the SCRATCHPAD option. 156 RERUN PROGRAM USING "SCRATCHPAD" OPTION where : After ^TRANSLATE card. why: The NOSCRATCHPAD option was in effect when the compiler could not find an unused location of the proper type for a necessary compiler-generated temporary location. example: At a time when all addresses on OUTPUTAC and OUTPUTDC cards are in use, the compiler needs another temporary. Module TEMPGEN fails and produces this message. solution: This message is not really an error, but a helpful hint. Utilizing the SCRATCHPAD option will allow 512 new variable locations and possibly free some OUTPUT locations - all temporary variables are allocated in scratchpad. 157 SORT ROUTINE HAS REMOVED STMT # where: After $TRANSLATE card. why: The SORT option was invoked. The sorter found one or more interlocked equations (they could not be reordered to make them independent). The sorter dropped statement number (the largest statement number in the interlocked group) and attempts a resort. example : 1 A = B*C*D 2 B = A*B*C 3 C = A+D+B k $TRANSLATE ***AFTER STMT #+ *** SORT ROUTINE HAS DROPPED STMT #3 ***AFTER siMT #\ *** SORT ROUTINE HAS DROPPED STMT #2 Equations 1, 2, and 3 are interlocked because A is a function of B and C, B is a function of A and C, and C is a function of A and B. The first sorter pass drops equation 3- The remaining equations are still interlocked so statement 2 is dropped. The third pass succeeds trivially in sorting one equation. solution: Determine whether the interlocked equations represent a dangerous situation. If so, rewrite or reorder them. If not, rerun the program using the NOSORT option. BLIOGRAPHIC DATA IEET Title and Subtitle 1. Report No. UIUCDCS-R-73-603 VIPTRAN - A PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE AND ITS COMPILER FOR BOOLEAN SYSTEMS OF PROCESS CONTROL EQUATIONS Author(s) Alfred Charles Weaver Performing Organization Name and Address Department of Computer Science University of Illinois Urbana, ' Illinois 618OI Sponsoring Organization Name and Address Department of Computer Science University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois 6l801 Supplementary Notes 3. Recipient's Accession No. 5. Report Date November 1973 _ 8- Performing Organization Rept. No. 10. Project/Task/Work Unit No. 11. Contract/Grant No. 13. Type of Report & Period Covered 14. Abstracts The solution of some industrial process control problems can be expressed as a system of Boolean algebra equations using variables representing inputs from and outputs to the real world. If this system is solved sequentially, cyclically, and in real time, the outputs may be used directly to control the state of real world devices. VIPTRAN is a high-level FORTRAN-like language which allows the programmer to express his Boolean system symbolically in logical (Boolean) equations. The VIPTRAN compiler reduces the input to machine code for the VIP process controller, and can plot the resulting system as a relay tree. The concept is extensible to other industrial controllers. Key Words and Document Analysis. 17a. Descriptc Identifiers/Open-Ended Ter COSATI Field/Group vailability Statement NTI3-3B (10-70) 19. Security Class (This Report) UNCLASSIFIED 20. Security Class (This Page UNCLASSIFIED 21. No. of Pages 162 22. Price USCOMM-DC 40329-P71 * -v ^ «b UNIVEB9ITY OF ILLINOI8-URBANA 3 0112 0474 7826