BOOKS ENDORSED BY THE American Library Association (“A. L. A. Catalog 1904” and “A. L. A. Catalog 1904-1911”) Published by DOUBLEDAY, PAGE & COMPANY GARDEN CITY NEW YORK DOUBLEDAY, PAGE & COMPANY 1912 T HE American Library Association Catalogs of 1904 and 1904-1911 form a rigidly select list of best books for the general reader. This selection is based not upon the dictum of any one man, but on a consensus of the opinion of scores of experts. The matter included in the following pages has been literally transcribed from the A. L. A. Catalogs. All the books herein listed are published by this house and are now in print. The number of our books included in the later Catalog is proportionately more than twice as large as the number, included in the Catalog of 1904. We are proud to call attention to this expression of opinion by the American Library Association. DOUBLEDAY, PAGE & COMPANY. A. L. A. CATALOGS 1904 AND 1904-11 3 OOO GENERAL WORKS 300 SOCIOLOGY 028 Reading and aids Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan. Through the magic door. 1908. 276p. Doubleday $1.25 n Pleasant, informal comments on the author’s favorite books, old and new. Books and reading 8-16226/3 Dickinson, Goldsworthy Lowes. A modem symposium. 1905. 159p. Doubleday $1 n Members of a fictitious group present their individual E hilosophies, representing the liberal, socialist, anarchist, usiness man, Quaker, etc. A book of unusual interest [to a few. N. Y. Sociology || Government 6-32897/4 Macy, John Albert. Guide to reading, for young and old (Guide ser.) 1909. 273p. illus. Doubleday $1.25 n Readable chapters on various forms of literature, with annotated book lists for each. Admirably adapted to young people’s use. Books and reading || Books and reading — Bibl. 11-5418/4 100 PHILOSOPHY 131 Mental physiology Gulick, Luther Halsey. Mind and work. 1908. 201p. Doubleday $1.20 n Stimulating, practical talks on the relation between mental condition and physical efficiency. Mental hygiene 8-26028/3 173 Family ethics Gilman, Mrs Charlotte (Perkins) Stetson. The home; its work and influence. 1903. 19|cm Doubleday $1.50 n Full of thought and of new and striking suggestions. Tells what the average woman has and ought not to keep, what she is and ought not to be. Lit. world , 35:7. 174 Business ethics Strong, Josiah. The times and young men. 1901. 18£cm Doubleday 75c n Attempts to point out the unchangeable laws of life un- derlying the revolution in social, commercial, industrial and religious ideas. N. Y. 190 Modern philosophers Macpherson, H. C. Spencer and Spencerism. 1900. 20cm Doubleday $1.25 n R Decidedly best single book yet written in exposi- tion of Herbert Spencer’s philosophy. Too sympathetic to be fairly critical. Educ. R. 21:316. 300 RELIGION 330 Bible Foster, Charles. Story of the Bible, from Gen- esis to Revelation. 1901? 21|cm Doubleday $1 Y Simple continuous narrative of the Scriptures. 291 Comparative and general mythology Clarke, Helen Archibald. Guide to mythology (Guide ser.) 1908. 399p. illus. Doubleday $1.25 n Animal, tree and plant, sun, moon and stars, sky and air, mother and child myths, drawn from all sources and simply told. Good elementary work for young people. Mythology 8-33422/2 320 Political science Roosevelt, Theodore. The new nationalism. 1910. 268p. Doubleday $1.50 Selections from speeches delivered in 1910. Nationalism, New || U. S. — Government || Political ethics _ 11-19/4 326 Negroes Baker, Ray Stannard. Following the color line; an account of negro citizenship in the American democracy. 1908. 314p. illus. Doubleday $2 n Clear, impartial statement of present conditions and relationships of the negro in American life. Harvard guide. Negroes — Political and social conditions Washington, Booker Taliaferro. The story of the negro. 1909. 2v. Doubleday $3 n Story of the American negro, - his African origin and history, the conditions of his life in slavery and an ac- count of his accomplishments as a freeman. Negroes — History 9-29958/3 328 Legislative bodies and annals Robert, J. T: Robert’s primer of parliamentary law for schools, colleges, clubs, fraternities, etc. 1900. 16|cm Doubleday 75c Excellent manual for schools, clubs, fraternities, # etc. Simple, clear; in form of lessons, with question reviews. Pittsburg. 330 Economics Carnegie, Andrew. Empire of business. 1902. 25cm Doubleday subs. $3 P 17 essays and addresses on essentials to business success, trusts, the tariff, railroads, iron and steel trade, comparative cost of living in Great Britain and United States, etc. N. Y. George, Henry. Our land and land policy; speeches, lectures, and miscellaneous writings. 1902. 21cm Doubleday $2.50 Initial essay discusses chiefly grants of public lands in California to railway corporations. Single tax essays follow. Critic, 38:472. Science of political economy. 1898. 21cm Doubleday $2.50 Maintains that land is not wealth; that Malthusianism is infatuated pessimism; that wages are paid out of cur- rent product; that rent tends to absorb all profit and should be confiscated as an unearned increment. Dial. 331 Capital. Labor and wages American academy of political and social science. Social legislation and social activity; addresses at the 6th annual meeting. 1902. 25cm Doubleday $1.50 n 1 Addresses on social effects of transportation; industrial conciliation and arbitration; the housing problem; child labor; factory legislation and inspection; juvenile courts. N. Y. 4 DOUBLEDAY, PAGE & COMPANY BOOKS Lloyd, H: D. A country without strikes; a visit to the compulsory arbitration court of New Zealand. 1900. 19cm Doubleday pap. 50c n Describes briefly origin, details and results of the sys- tem. N. Y. Mero, Everett Bird, ed. American playgrounds. 1908. 370p. illus. Doubleday $2 n Useful compilation published to promote the estab- lishment of playgrounds; includes organization, equip- ment and management, with brief bibliography. Playgrounds 8-35734/2 333 Land Practical real estate methods. 1910. 397p. Doubleday $2 n Lectures delivered before the New York Y. M. C. A. by 30 men of experience and acknowledged authority. References restricted to New York laws. Real estate business (1909 ed.) 9-26072/2 335 Socialism and Communism George, Henry. Progress and poverty. New ed. 1899. 19|cm Doubleday $1 Endeavors to show that principal cause of poverty and wretchedness in midst of wealth and abundance is private ownership of land. Style engaging and often eloquent. Nation, 31:65 (B) Basis of “single tax” theory. 336.2 Taxation Fillebrown, Charles Bowdoin. The A B C of taxation. 1909. 229p. illus. Doubleday $1.20 Fair and clear exposition of single-tax doctrine. Ar- guments and illustrations are chosen wholly from Boston conditions. Single tax || Taxation || Rent 9-5557/5 337 Tariff George, Henry. Protection or free trade: an examination of the tariff question with especial regard to the interests of labor. 1897. 19cm Doubleday $1 Leads up to doctrine that ultimate "free trade” means free access to land through operation of single tax. B.&I. Laughlin, J. L., & Willis, H. P. Reciprocity. 1903. 21^cm Doubleday $2 n Bibliography, p. 439-71. Contents: Origin and nature of the reciprocity idea; Reciprocity with Canada; Reciprocity with Hawaii, 1876- 1900; Reciprocity and the tariff controversy in the U. S. 1880-90; Reciprocity and the sugar situation; Reciprocity and the McKinley act; Operation of the McKinley act; Abandonment of reciprocity; Dingley act; Kasson trea- ties; Struggle for reciprocity with Cuba; Present and future of reciprocity. 338 Production. Pri'ces Bridge, J. H. ed. The trust: its book; a presen- tation of the several aspects of the latest form of industrial evolution. 1902. 19cm Doubleday $1.25 n A list of books relating to trusts, p. 227-55. Eight essays by C. R. Flint, J. J. Hill, J. H. Bridge, S. C. T. Dodd and F. B. Thurber, emphasizing impor- tance of the trust as an essential part of our industrial system, and showing its advantage as a productive agent. Dial, 34:150. Jenks, J. W. Trust problem. Rev. ed. 1903. 18cm Doubleday $1 n P S Bibliographic note, p. 317-18. Brief compendium of industrial conditions as affecting combinations. By expert agent of U. S. industrial com- mission. N. Y. 350 Administration 351 Central government Lindsey, Benjamin Barr, & O’Higgins, H. J. The beast. 1910. 340p. illus. Doubleday $1.50 n Striking autobiographical record of Judge Lindsey’s unflinching struggle against the evils of the political machine in Denver. N. Y. Political corruption || Juvenile courts 10-10595/4 352 Local government Anderson, Wilbert Lee. The country town; a study of rural evolution, with an introd. by Josiah Strong. 1906. 307p. Doubleday $1 n An optimistic social and economic study of rural de- generation in the United States, its causes and its reme- dies. N. Y. City and country || Towns 6-6767/4 368 Insurance Hendrick, Burton Jesse. Story of life insur- ance. 1907. 296p. illus. Doubleday $1.20 n Clear, concise history of life insurance in America, including a discussion of principles and a description of _the corrupt practices leading to scandals of 1905-6. N. Y. Insurance, Life 7-17891/3 370 Education 371.9 Education of special classes Ayre3, Leonard Porter. Open air schools. 1910. 171p. illus. Doubleday $1.20 n Follows development in Germany, England and United States, presenting facts of administration, cost, equip- ment and results. Based on practical experience. N. Y. Open-air schools || Children — Care and hygiene || Tu- berculosis. Analytic: Bibl. 10-21028/5 395 Etiquette Kingsland, Mrs Florence. Etiquette for all occasions, by Mrs Burton Kingsland. 1901. 20cm Doubleday $1.50 n 398 Legends and fairy tales Wiggin, Mrs Kate Douglas (Smith), & Smith, N. A., eds. Fairy ring. New ed. 1910. 445p. illus. Doubleday $1.25 n A good collection containing 62 of the less known and hackneyed fairy tales, but in this edition unattractively bound and inartistically illustrated (1906 edition out of print) Fairy tales (1906 ed.) 6-42427/3 Magic casements: a second fairy book (Mc- Clure’s lib. of child, class.) 1907. 477p. Doubleday $1.50 The stories are a little more poetic, more romantic in tone than those in The fairy ring, but like them admirably selected, and gathered from many sources and countries. Uniform with The posy ring and Golden numbers. Fairy tales 7-39995/3 A. L. A. CATALOGS 1904 AND 1904-11 5 Tales of laughter: a third fairy book (Mc- Clure's lib. of child, class.) 1908. 467p. Doubleday $1.50 Brief fairy tales, numbering 141, gathered from many lands and all having the humorous quality that the title of the collection suggests. Uniform with Magic casements. Fairy tales , 8-31473/3 The talking beasts; a book of fable wisdom (Child, crimson classics) 1911. 391p. illus. Doubleday $1.25 n Selections from Aesop, Bidpai, La Fontaine, Yriarte, Gay, Cowper and others, and from various countries. An interesting collection which covers the field fairly well. Fables 11-29994/3 500 SCIENCE 504 Essays Miller, Mrs M. F. (Rogers) Brook book. 1902. 22cm Doubleday $1.35 n Y Follows brook’s course, describing animal and vege- table life near it throughout year. Specially beautiful photographs and excellent drawings. Author lecturer on nature study at Cornell. N. Y. 507 Study and teaching of science Bailey, L. H. Nature-study idea. 1903. 22cm Doubleday $1 n Has to do with purpose, spirit and methods; does not outline courses or give specific directions. N. Y. 523 Descriptive astronomy Newcomb, Simon. Astronomy for everybody. 1902. 20£cm (Sci. for everybody) P S Doubleday $2 n 537 Electricity ] Ues, George. Flame, electricity and the cam- era; man's progress from the first kindling of fire to the wireless telegraph and the photogra- phy of color. 1900. 23cm PR * Doubleday $2 n 55 O Geology and physical geography Rogers, Julia Ellen. Earth and sky every child should know. 1910. 244p. illus. Doubleday $1.20 n Clear and simply written explanation of the world’s geological periods, the principles of physiography, and a few brief chapters on the stars. Geology. Analytic: Astronomy 10-25697/4 580 Plant life Rogers, Julia Ellen. Trees that every child should know. 1909. 263p. illus. Doubleday $1.20 n Simple, attractive descriptions of the most familiar trees at the different seasons, and methods of identifica- tion. Useful guide for children of 12 and over. Insuffi- ciently illustrated. Trees Stack, Frederic William. Wild flowers every child should know. 1909. 41 lp. illus. Doubleday $1.20 n Full, popular descriptions, giving interesting facts about the uses of the flower and the myths and legends concerning it. The classification is by color. Fairly good illustrations. Flowers 9-14837/3 581 Physiologic and structural botany Arthur, J. G:, & Macdougal, D. T. Living plants and their properties. 1898. 20cm R S Doubleday $1.25 582 Phanerogamia Doubleday, Mrs N. B. (De Graff) Nature’s garden; an aid to knowledge of our wild flowers and their insect visitors; by Neltje Blanchan. 1900. 26|xl9^cm Doubleday $3 special n P Excellent reference book. Groups by color, and as fragrant, unpleasantly scented, conspicuous in fruit. Points out relations with insects. Good photographio illustrations, many in color. N. Y. Going, Maud. Field, forest and wayside flow- ers. 1899. 20|cm Doubleday $1.50 P Studies of flowers, ferns, grasses and sedges con- sidered in succession from spring to winter. N. Y. 588 Bryophyta Marshall, Nina Loring. Mosses and lichens. 1907. 327p. illus. 26cm Doubleday $4 n A popular guide, fully and attractively illustrated, but not wholly accurate. For students’ use the new edition (1905) of Grout’s Mosses with a hand lens (in A. L. A. Catalog ) is preferable. Mosses If Lichens 7-30457/3 590 Animal life Job, Herbert Keightley. The blue goose chase. 1911. 33 lp. illus. Doubleday $1.25 n Story of two boys* winter in Louisiana, where they rediscover the winter habitat of the blue goose. En- courages hunting with the camera, not the gun, and records many adventures along the coast and delta of [the Mississippi. Birds || Photography — Birds 11-8475/4 Rogers, Julia Ellen. Wild animals every child should know. 1911. 385p. illus. Doubleday $1.20 n Interesting descriptions of the life-habits of such, animals as a child may see in a “zoo,” with anecdotes concerning them, and animals sometimes seen in the country and the woods. Good photographic illustration.:. Zoology || Animals 11-30366/4 594 Mollusks Rogers, Julia Ellen. The shell book. 1908. 485p. illus. Doubleday $4 n Comprehensive view of living mollusks, including classification by families and subdivisions, description for identification and account of habits, and uses to which shell and inhabitant are put. 104 illustrations from photographs by A. It. Dugmore. N. Y. Shells || Mollusks 8-12800/4 595 Articulates Holland, W: J. Butterfly book. 1898. 26|cm Doubleday $3 n P S Limited to North American butterflies. Describes 550 species, showing over 500 in natural colors. Bibliog- raphy, p. 69-74. N. Y. 9-28057/2 6 DOUBLEDAY, PAGE & COMPANY BOOKS Moth book. 1903. 26£cm Doubleday $4 n Bibliography, p. 27-38. Chapters on life history and anatomy, capture, prepa- ration and preservation of specimens, classification, and books about the moths of North America are followed by descriptions of over 50 families. Much sound information accompanies accounts of many injurious species. Forty- eight colored plates illustrate over 1,500 species. L. O. Howard in Science, 42:188. Howard, L. O. Insect book. 1901. 26cm Doubleday $3 n P Bibliography, p. 405-16. Brief account by entomologist of United States depart- ment of agriculture, of bees, wasps, ants, grasshoppers, flies and other North American insects, exclusive of butterflies, moths and beetles, with life histories, tables and bibliographies. Illustrated in black and white and colors. N. Y. Mosquitoes; how they live; how they carry disease; how they are classified; how they may be destroyed. 1901. 21cm P Doubleday $1.50 n Weed, C. M. Nature biographies. 1901. 22cm Doubleday $1.50 n P S Life stories of everyday butterflies, moths, grass- hoppers, flies, with chapters on use of camera in study. 150 photographic illustrations. N. Y. 597 Fishes. Pisces Jordan, D: S., & Evermann, B. W. American food and game fishes. 1902. 26£cm Doubleday $4 n P R Species found north of equator, with keys for identification, life histories and methods of capture. Colored illustrations. N. Y. 597.8 Batrachia Dickerson, Mary Cynthia. The frog book (Nature lib.) 1906. 253. illus. 26cm Doubleday $4 n Popular guide to North American toads and frogs, giving entertaining records of observations. Illustrated with 112 photographic plates and 31 line drawings. Frogs (1 Toads 6-24937/3 598 Reptiles. Birds 598.1 Reptiles Ditmars, Raymond Lee. The reptile book. 1907. 472p. illus. 26icm Doubleday $4 n Popular, comprehensive work on the structure and habits of turtles, tortoises, crocodilians, lizards and snakes. Remarkable series of illustrations from over 400 photographs from life. His Reptiles of the world (Sturgis, 1910, 373p., $5 n, 10-15824) is also excellent, giving the information most in demand. Reptiles 7-10051/2 598.2 Birds Chapman, F. M. Color key to North American birds. 1903. 23cm Doubleday $2.50 n Systematic list of birds, with sketches showing charac- teristics and colors. Intended for identification in the field. Pittsburg. Doubleday, Mrs N. B. (De Graff) Bird neigh- bors. 1903. 26£cm Doubleday $2 Excellent description of appearance and habits of 150 common birds, arranged in color groups. Latin and Eng- lish names; 51 colored photographs of stuffed birds, taken from periodical Birds. N. Y. Birds that hunt and are hunted. 1899. 26§cm Doubleday $2 Similar to Bird neighbors. Describes 170 birds of prey, game birds and waterfowls. Forty-eight colored photo- graphs. N. Y. How to attract the birds, and other talks about bird neighbours. 1902. 22cm Doubleday $1.35 n Y On habits, nest building, coloration, economic value, with suggestions for attracting by calls, providing food plants, water, nesting places, etc. Beautifully illustrated. Suggestive and interesting to bird lovers who are not yet bird students. N. Y. Dugmore, A. R. Bird homes. 1900. 26cm Doubleday $2 Nests, eggs and breeding habits of land birds breeding in eastern United States, with hints on rearing and pho- tographing young birds. Title. Excellent photographs, sometimes colored. N. Y. Job, H. K. Among the water-fowl; observation, adventure, photography. 1902. 22cm Doubleday $1.35 n P Narrative account of the water-fowl found in north- ern and middle states and lower Canada, east of the Rocky Mountains, illustrated by photographs from nature. Title. 599 Mammals Dugmore, Arthur Radclyffe. Camera adven- tures in the African wilds. 1910. 233p. illus. map. 28cm Doubleday $6 n Account of a four months’ trip to British East Africa recording the author’s adventures in taking remarkable photographs, of which 140 are excellently reproduced for this work. Argues for game protection. Photography — Animals || Africa, East || Animals — Habits and behavior 10-5676/5 Stone, Witmer, & Cram, W : E. American ani- mals; a popular guide to the mammals of North America north of Mexico, with intimate biogra- phies of the more familiar species. 1902. 26cm Doubleday $3 n P Profuse illustration. Key to genera, bibliography and index. N. Y. OOO USEFUL ARTS 608 Patents. Inventions Baker, R. S. Boy’s book of inventions. 1899. 21cm Doubleday $2 Y Graphic, concise, untechnical descriptions of sub- marine boats, liquid air, wireless telegraphy, automobiles, X-ray photography, tailless kites, the phonograph, the modem sky scraper, flying machines. Excellent illus- trations. Boys’ second book of inventions. 1903. 21cm Doubleday $2 Y Contents: The earthquake measurer; Electrical fur- naces; Harnessing the sun; The inventor and the food roblem; Marconi and his great achievements; Light- ouse builders; The newest electric light. With his Boy's hook of invention, a record of great mate- rial achievements of our age. Pub. wkly . A. L. A. CATALOGS 1904 AND 1904-11 7 613 Personal hygiene Gulick, Luther Halsey. The efficient life. 1907. 195p. Doubleday $1.20 n Simple, practical suggestions for busy people, about sleep, exercise, food, stimulants, etc., aiming to increase the brain worker’s general efficiency. N. Y. Hygiene 7-11182/3 630 Agriculture Card, Fred Wallace. Farm management (Farm lib.) 1907. 270p. illus. Doubleday $2 n Includes practical suggestions on business accounts, for watching markets, time to market various products, and adaptation to local conditions. Aims to awaken interest and suggest methods of studying these problems rather than to present solutions. Farm management. Analytic: Marketing of farm produce 7-12691/3 631 Soil. Fertilizers. Drainage Fletcher, Stevenson Whitcomb. Soils; how to handle and improve them (Farm lib.) 1907. 438p. illus. Doubleday $2 n Popular exposition of important facts, clearly illus- trated with photographic reproductions. The most com- prehensive and scientific treatise is Hilgard’s Soils (Mac- millan, 1906, 593p., $4 n, 6-26528), which is too technical for the ordinary reader. Soils 7—6647/2 634 Fruits. Orchards. Vineyards Fletcher, Stevenson Whitcomb. How to make a fruit garden (Country life in Amer.) 1906. 283p. illus. 27cm Doubleday $2 n Definite and practical information for amateurs, fruit growers and gardeners. Fully illustrated. Fruit culture 6-26067/3 Powell, Edward Payson. The orchard and fruit garden (Country home lib.) New ed. 1909. 322p. illus. Doubleday $1.10 n Written for people escaping from city life to suburban homes. Gives specific cultural directions. Fine illus- trations from photographs. Fruit culture (1905 ed.) 5-10536/2 635 Kitchen garden Fullerton, Edith Loring. How to make a vege- table garden. 1905. 347p. illus. Doubleday $2 n Manual for beginners, giving general and specific direc- tions and discussing each vegetable separately, with full cultural directions. Planting time-table given for 74 Gardening || Vegetables 5-12257/4 638 Bees Comstock, Mrs Anna (Botsford) How to keep bees; a handbook for the use of beginners. 1905. 228p. illus. Doubleday $1 n Clear, practical, detailed directions, not for profes- sional apiarists, but for those "who would keep bees for happiness and honey and incidentally for money.” There is no better scientific work than the new edition (1910) of Root (in A. L. A. Catalog). Bees 5-12256/3 640 Domestic economy Holt, Emily. Encyclopaedia of household econ- omy. 1903. 21cm Doubleday $1.60 n Treats kitchen, closets, repairs and restorations, house cleaning, laundry, plumbing, sanitation, ‘keeping things,’ lighting, heating, water, sick room, lawns and gardens, bleaches, disinfectants, healing simples, family sewing, etc. N. Y. 641 Cookery. Gastronomy Mitchell, Margaret Johnes. The fireless cook book. 1909. 315p. illus. Doubleday $1.25 n Advantages of and directions for making and using the fireless cooker, and 250 recipes adapted from stand- ard cookbooks, includes time-table for cooking dif- ferent classes of food. Fireless cookers || Cookery 9-13933/3 645 Furniture Wheeler, Mrs Candace (Thurber) Principles of home decoration. 1903. 22£ cm Doubleday $1.80 n Deals with theory and specific applications, art being understood to imply both appropriateness and beauty. Color, fitness, kitchen, bedrooms, walls, floors, draperies, furniture, among subjects discussed. N. Y. 649 Nursery. Children. Sickroom Hutchinson, Woods. We and our children. 1911. 371p. Doubleday $1.20 n Interesting chapters pertaining to the health of parents and children. The advice is not that of a nursery guide, nor is it perhaps to be followed implicitly, but it is sane and stimulating reading for any parent seriously inter- ested in his child’s welfare. Children — Care and hygiene || Parents 11-31755/4 650 Communication. Commerce Goodwin, J. H. Goodwin’s improved book- keeping and business manual. 10th ed. 1889. 26cm Doubleday $3 670 Manufactures Wheeler, Mrs Candace (Thurber) How to make rugs. 1902. 19cm Doubleday $1 n Plea for revival of domestic rugmaking, specially in rural communities. Gives details as to coloring and weaving. N. Y. 680 Mechanic trades White, Mary. How to make baskets. 1901. 19£cm Doubleday $1 n Practical illustrated manual, describing clearly and ex- plicitly materials, processes and special designs. Chapter by Neltje Blanchan, "What the basket means to the Indian.” N. Y. More baskets and how to make them. 1903. 19£cm Doubleday $1 n 700 FINE ARTS Caflin, Charles Henry. Guide to pictures for beginners and students (Guide ser.) 1908. 253p. illus. Doubleday $1.25 n Clear, simple explanation of the principles and quali- ties which underlie true art. Discusses composition, action, movement, brush-work and drawing. Not a book many children will read, but useful for reference. Art || Pictures 8-22108/3 710 Landscape gardening Miller, Wilhelm. What England can teach us about gardening. 1911. 359p. illus. 26£ cm Doubleday $4 n Enthusiastic discussion of gardening in this country as compared with English methods, showing what English plants will and will not do well in the United States, and presenting many gardening successes which can be adopted. 120 charming photographic illustrations. Gardening |[ Landscape gardening 11-29639/4 8 DOUBLEDAY, PAGE & COMPANY BOOKS 712 Private grounds* Lawns Barron, Leonard. Lawns and how to make them, together with the proper keeping of putting greens (Garden lib.) 1906. 174p. illus. Doubleday $1.10 n Practical book treating all the processes that go to the making and maintenance of the ornamental lawn. Con- tains chapters on lawns of sub-tropical regions, and the peculiar requirements of putting greens. Lawns 6-3902 1/2 Parsons, Samuel, jr. How to plan the home grounds. 1899. 19cm Doubleday $1 n Authoritative, practical, interesting. Ed. sel. 716 Plants. Flowers Barnes, Parker Thayer. House plants and how to grow them (Garden lib.) 1909. 236p. illus. Doubleday $1.10 n Practical guide, making choice of plants that “are sure to succeed” and giving full instructions for care, ar- rangement, forcing, etc. Floriculture || Window gardening 9-17662/4 McCollom, William C. Vines and how to grow them (Garden lib.) 1911. 31 5p. illus. Doubleday $1.10 n Manual of useful and ornamental climbing plants. Good chapters on forcing grapes, melons and cucumbers and on diseases affecting vines. Climbing plants 11-18258/2 Woolson, Grace A. Ferns and how to grow them (Garden Mb.) 1905. 156p. illus. Doubleday $1.10 n Excellent, practical book for amateur fern culturists. Describes native varieties, their habits and needs, with- out technical terms or scientific descriptions. N. Y. Ferns 6-692/2 720 Architecture Cram, Ralph Adams. Impressions of Japanese architecture and the allied arts. 1905. 227p. illus. Doubleday $2 n Ten interesting papers giving an expert architect’s impressions of the various forms of Japanese architecture, and the genius and future of Japanese art. Suggestive for students of house decoration. Architecture, Japanese 5-33507/3 Hooper, Charles Edward. The country house. 1905. 330p. illus. 27cm Doubleday $3 n Discusses site, plans, building, details of finish and equipment, outbuildings and the ornamentation of grounds. Over 300 plates, plans and text illustrations. Mainly for those who need not consider economy. N. Y. Country houses || Architecture, Domestic 6-1907/3 Sturgis, Russell. History of architecture. 1906-9. 2v. illus. 27cm Doubleday $5 n ea Cyclopedic, authoritative and brilliant work covering the history of architecture in Asia, Africa and Europe to the twelfth century. Architecture — History 6-45368/2 How to judge architecture. 1903. 25cm Doubleday $1.50 n P Guide to appreciation of buildings, in chapters dealing with recognized styles in order of development. Well illustrated. N. Y. 728 Residences. Outbuildings Home building and furnishing. 1903. 19cm Doubleday $1 n P A combined new ed. of Model houses for little money, by W: L. Price, and Inside of 100 homes, by W. M. John- son. Title. Moore, F. C. How to build a home: the house practical. 1897. 19?cm Doubleday $1 P Authorities consulted, p. 153. Suggestions as to safety from fire, safety to health, comfort, convenience, durability and economy. Title. 730 Sculpture Sturgis, Russell. The appreciation of sculp- ture (Pop. art ser.) 1904. 235p. illus. Doubleday $1.50 n Attempts to help general readers to discern the quali- ties which command admiration in the best ancient and modern sculpture. 64 halftones. N. Y. Sculpture 4-27687/3 750 Painting La Farge, John. Higher life in art. 1908. 187p. illus. Doubleday $2.50 n Popular lectures on the Barbizon school and the work of Delacroix, Millet, Decamps, Diaz, Rousseau, Dupr6, Daubigny and Corot. Barbizon school || Painting, French. Analytics recom- mended for painters (8 cards) 8-37207/4 Sturgis, Russell. Appreciation of pictures (Pop. art ser.) 1905. 308p. illus. Doubleday $1.50 n Studies selected pictures to illustrate what must be considered in judging them. Stimulating information and criticism; more valuable than Caffin (above) to those who have some acquaintance with art. Paintings || Art — Appreciation 5-34500/4 770 Photography Adams, W. I. L. Amateur photography; a practical guide for the beginner. 6th ed. 1903. 20£cm Doubleday $1.25 Beck, Otto Walter. Art principles in portrait photography. 1907. 244p. illus. Doubleday $3 n Discussion of composition, backgrounds and manipu- lation of the plate, showing possibilities of photography as a fine art. Fine halftones and a few line drawings demonstrate the argument of the text. Photography 7-19429/3 Caffin, C: H: Photography as a fine art; the achievements and possibilities of photographic art in America. 1901. 26cm Doubleday $3 n P R Republished from Everybody's magazine and Camera notes. 778 Special applications Dugmore, A. R. Nature and the camera. 1902. 21£cm Doubleday $1.35 n Advice on choice of apparatus, dark room, printing, etc., with detailed directions for photographing live birds, animals, flowers, trees, fungi. Many photographs. A. L. A. CATALOGS 1904 AND 1904-11 9 780 Music Hughes, Rupert, ed. Musical guide. 2 v. 1903. 23cm Doubleday $6 n Rf Pronouncing and defining dictionary of terms, in- struments, etc., pronouncing biographic dictionary, stories of operas, biographic and critical essays by authorities in England and America, charts, etc. Pub. wkly. Mason, Daniel Gregory. Guide to music (Guide ser.) 1909. 243p. illus. Doubleday $1.25 n Explains rhythm, phrase and phrase balance, key, eto., with the minimum of technical language and with happy illustrations. Reviews briefly field of piano, symphonic and vocal music. N. Y. Music || Music — Instruction and study 11-5638/3 Surette, Thomas Whitney, & Mason, D. G. Appreciation of music (Appreciation ser.) 1908. 222p. Doubleday $1.50 n Aims to provide a simple and practical guide to musical appreciation written from the listener’s rather than from the musician’s standpoint. Use of the piano is necessary for understanding of the examples given. Music — Appreciation 7-38040/3 784 Vocal music Forsythe, Clarence. Old songs for young America. 1901. 26x30£cm Doubleday $2 n Y Thirty songs, including such familiar ones as Baby Bunting, Bobby Shafto, Yankee Doodle, London bridge, Scotland’s burning, Three blind mice, etc. 787 Stringed instruments Mason, Daniel Gregory. Orchestral instru- ments and what they do. 1909. 104p. illus. Doubleday $1.25 n Simple, accurate text, for the untrained concert-goer, describing instruments and giving the quality, range and manner of playing each. Does not take up orchestration, conducting or history. Musical instruments 1 1 Instrumentation and orchestra- tion 9-14964/3 790 Amusements Boy Scouts of America. Official handbook for boys. 1911. 404p. illus. Doubleday 50c n Embodies the Baden-Powell plan of organization adapted to the United States, and deals authoritatively with the whole movement under scoutcraft, woodcraft, campcraft, tracks and signaling, health and endurance, chivalry, first-aid and life-saving, games and athletic standards, and patriotism and citizenship. Boy Scouts. Analytics: Nature study || Camping || Tracking || Signals |[ Accidents || Games || Patriotism || Bibl. 11-21191/10 Kingsland, Mrs Florence. Book of indoor and outdoor games. 1904. 610p. Doubleday $1.50 n Excellent collection for all ages and occasions, with suggestions for special days, dinners, dances, tableaux and wedding anniversaries. Games mainly with ap- paratus. Games || Entertainments 4-22685/4 792 Theater. Pantomime. Opera Caffin, Charles Henry. Appreciation of the drama (Appreciation ser.) 1908. 280p. illus. Doubleday $1.50 n Discusses the audience, stage, actor and drama from the playgoer’s viewpoint, presenting principles on which to base appreciation. Drama |] Theater 8-31602/4 Fyles, Franklin. The theatre and its people. 1900. 19cm Doubleday $1.25 P Explanation of business, mechanical and artistio methods, relations of actors and playwrights to manage- ment, etc. By N. Y. Sun dramatic critic. N. Y. 793 Indoor amusements Mott, Mrs Hamilton, ed. Home games and parties. 1898. 15icm (Ladies’ home journal girls’ lib.) Doubleday $1 Describes games for children’s home parties, Hallowe’en romps and frolics, and miscellaneous amusements. Also gives suggestions for lawn parties, arranging tableaux, and simple menus for evening companies. Pittsburg. 796 Outdoor sports Abraham, George D. Mountain adventures. 1910. 308p. illus. Doubleday $3.80 n Enthusiastic accounts of mountain climbing in Europe and Asia. Illustrations from photographs of difficult problems in climbing, and brief glossary of mountaineer- ing terms. Mountaineering || Alps. Analytic: Himalaya Moun- tains W 10-333/4 White, Steward Edward. Camp and trail. 1907. 236p. illus. Doubleday $1.25 n . Summary of results of author’s out-of-door experiences in the form of explicit advice to woodsmen and amateur campers. Gives addresses of outfitting firms and manu- facturers of supplies. N. Y. Camping 7-31474/3 The mountains. 1904. 282p. illus. Doubleday $1.50 n Describes a journey across Californian coast ranges. Chapters on equipment, choosing horses, the trail, seeing deer, camp cookery, tenderfeet, the night wind, etc. N. Y. Sierra Nevada Mountains || Camping || Outdoor life. 4-29782/4 800 LITERATURE 808 Rhetoric. Treatises. Collections Bryant, W: C., ed. New library of poetry and song; with his review of poets and poetry from the time of Chaucer. Rev. ed. 1903. 24cm Doubleday $5 Popular poems and poetic extracts, classified as poems of infancy and youth, friendship, love, home, religion, nature, peace and war, the sea, adventure, humor, eto. Indexes of titles, first lines and poetical quotations. Many facsimiles. N. Y. Douglas, Sir George Brisbane Scott, 5th hart., comp. The book of Scottish poetry. 1911. 929p. Doubleday $2.50 n Anthology representing more than 100 poets, from thirteenth century to present. Full glossarial footnotes. Scottish poetry — Collections All-1765/3 Hamilton, Clayton Meeker. Materials and methods of fiction; with an introd. by Brander Matthews. 1908. 228p. Doubleday $1.50 n Popular presentation of the general principles under- lying fictional writing; particularly well adapted for general reading. Fiction 8-17693/2 10 DOUBLEDAY, PAGE & COMPANY BOOKS Stevenson, Burton Egbert, & E. B., comps. Days and deeds; prose for children’s reading and speaking. 1907. 409p. Doubleday $1 n Supplements their Days and deeds' verse (in 821) with selections from a wide range of writers, on American holidays, special days, great Americans and the seasons. N. Y. Literature — Collections || Holidays || Readers and speakers. Analytics recommended 7-36391 / 5 Wiggin, Mrs K. D. (Smith), & Smith, N. A., ed. Golden numbers; a book of verse for youth. 1902. 20cm Doubleday $2.50 n Y Comprehensive, classified selection from standard poets, with attractive introduction. Author and title indexes. N. Y. Pinafore palace; a book of rhymes for the nursery (McClure’s lib. of child, class.) 1907. 249p. Doubleday $1.50 Nursery rhymes and poems for very little children, many of them familiar, others gathered from unusual sources. In same series as Posy ring and Golden numbers (in A. L. A. Catalog) Poetry — Collections || Nursery rhymes 7-30444/4 The posy ring; a book of verse for children. 1903. 20cm Doubleday $1.25 n Y Companion volume to Golden numbers, for younger children. 817 American satire and humor Whiting, Robert Rudd, comp. Four hundred good stories. 1910. 262p. Doubleday $1 Humorous anecdotes from “Under the spreading chest- nut tree” in Everybody' s magazine. Subject index makes the volume useful to public speakers. Anecdotes || Humor 10-20795/4 821 Poetry in English Burroughs, John, ed. Songs of nature. 1901. 20cm Doubleday $1.50 English and American selections representing com- piler’s preferences. Accurate observation as well as poetic expression is his test of fitness. N. Y. Eliot, George, pseud. Complete poems; biog. introd. by Esther Wood. Personal ed. 1901. 20cm Doubleday $1.50. Kipling, Rudyard. Collected verse. 1907. 367p. Doubleday $1.80 n Departmental ditties and Ballads and Barrack-room ballads. 1899. 20£cm Doubleday $1.50 The five nations; [poems] 1903. 21cm Doubleday $1.40 n Markham, Edwin. The man with the hoe, and other poems. 1899. 19$cm Doubleday $1 Title poem, inspired by Millet’s famous painting, a plea for oppressed humanity. N. Y. 832 German drama Hauptmann, Gerhart. Hannele, a dream poem; tr. by C. H. Meltzer. 1908. 103p. Doubleday $1 n A little orphan reveals her mind and soul and the visions of the past and future in the delirium preceding her death. Hauptmann’s most characteristic work Mod - The sunken bell: a fairy play in five acts; tr. by C. H. Meltzer. 1900. 125p. illus. Doubleday $1 n A perfect fairy drama. The same art that in Hannele blended the real with the ideal, the natural with the supernatural, the physical with the spiritual, is here even more highly idealized. Modem drama. 6-29121/2 842 French drama Rostand, Edmond. Cyrano de Bergerac : a play in five acts; tr. from the French by Gladys Thomas and M. F. Guillemard. 1900. 294p. Doubleday, paper 50c A romantic play of high literary and histrionic value. Of the translations this in blank verse is perhaps the best. N. Y. Jan. 19, 99-55/2 FICTION Barr, Robert. A prince of good fellows; illus. by E. J. Sullivan. 1902. 20cm Doubleday $1.50 Short stories, Haroun al Raschid-like adventures of James V of Scotland. Ed. sel. Benson, Edward Frederic. The Osbornes. 1910. 339p. Doubleday $1.20 n Warmly human character study of a newly rich and rather vulgar English family, to whose real dignity and nobility of character their aristocratic daughter-in-law is blind. N. Y. 10-21160/2 Conrad, Joseph. Lord Jim. 1900. 20$cm Doubleday $1.50 A psychologic study of unusual power, with descrip- tions of tropical seas and civilization of Eastern islands. N. Y. The point of honor. 1908. 182p. illus. Doubleday $1.25 Stirring story of a feud between two French officers continued through the Napoleonic wars. 8-27098/2 Youth. 1902. 19£cm Doubleday $1.50 Three grim tales of sea and land entitled Youth, Heart of darkness, The end of the tether. N. Y. Cooke, Mrs Grace (MacGowan) The power and the glory. 1910. 373p. illus. Doubleday $1.20 n Romance of the Tennessee mountains and cotton mills. The horrors of child labor are vividly pictured. Cutting, Mrs Mary Stewart (Doubleday) Lit- tle stories of courtship. 1905. 233p. illus. Doubleday $1.25 Simple stories of simple people, whose everyday prob- lems are brought to cheerful solutions. N. Y. 5- 10922/2 Little stories of married life. 1902. 19cm Doubleday $1.25 Contents: Their second marriage; A good dinner; The strength of ten; In the reign of Quintiha; The happiest time; In the married quarters; Mrs. Atwood's outer rai- ment; Fairy gold; A matrimonial episode; Not a sad story; Wings. More stories of married life. 1906. 260p. Doubleday $1.25 Short stories in each of which love finds a way to meet the trials and emergencies of everyday domestic life. N. Y. 6- 12557/2 A. L. A. CATALOGS 1904 AND 1904-11 11 t 4 The suburban whirl, and other stories of married life. 1907. 202p. illus. k . Doubleday $1.25 Four stories recording domestic and social happenings, raised above the commonplace. 7-33206/2 Daskam, J. D. The madness of Philip, and other tales of childhood. 1902. 20cm Doubleday $1.50 Contents: The madness of Philip; A study in piracy; Bobbert’s merry Christmas; The heart of a child; Ardelia in Arcady; Edgar the choir boy uncelestial; The little god and Dicky. Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan. The last galley; im- pressions and tales. 1911. 321p. illus. Doubleday $1.20 n Imaginative sketches and stories with good historical background. Most of them contain a deft touch of the gruesome. 11-15192/2 — Return of Sherlock Holmes. 1905. 381p. illus. Doubleday $1.50 Grosset 75c Sherlock Holmes opportunely reappears to unravel 13 new mysteries awaiting his unerring instinct and in- genuity. N. Y. 5-6781/2 Duncan, Norman. The way of the sea. 1903. 20cm Doubleday $ 1 . 50 Contents: The chase of the tide; The strength of men; The raging of the sea; The breath of the North; Con- cerning Billy Luff and Master Goodchild; The love of the maid; The healer from Far-Away Cove; In the fear of the Lord; A beat t’ harbour; The fruits of toil. Fresh, realistic stories of the comedies and tragedies of fishermen along the Newfoundland coast. Pittsburg. Eliot, George, pseud. Adam Bede. Personal ed. 1901. 20cm Doubleday $1.50 This and the following, with biographic introd. by Esther Wood. English country life a century ago. The narrative goe3 deep into the mysteries of human nature, and is an em- bodiment of her earnest philosophy of conduct and ret- ribution. The famous humorist and maker of sayings, Mrs. Poyser, and the visionary and fervent preacher, Dinah Morris, are studies of actual people. Baker. Romola. Personal ed. 2 v. 1901. 20cm Doubleday $1.50 Romola: a stern drama of temptation, crime and inex- orable retribution, in the Florence of Lorenzo de Medici, Savonarola and the early apostles of the renaissance [1492-1509] Baker. V. 2 contains Silas Marner, an idyl of country life a century ago. Sin and its tragedy, innocence with its powers for good, are the themes. Baker. Scenes of clerical life. Personal ed. 1901. 20cm Doubleday $1.50 Contents: The sad fortunes of the Reverend Amos Barton; Mr. Gilfil’s love story; Janet’s repentance; Life of George Eliot. Glasgow, Ellen Anderson Gholson. The an- cient law. 1908. 485p. Doubleday $1.50 Well told story of rural Virginia, in which a defaulter, released from prison, rehabilitates himself by social service. N. Y. 8-2945/2 The battle-ground. 1902. 20cm Doubleday $1.50 Virginia love story of civil war period, from southern standpoint but without bitterness. N. Y. The deliverance. 1904. 20cm Doubleday $1.50 Romance of a large Virginia tobaoco plantation in last quarter of 19th century. N. Y. The voice of the people. 1900. 20cm Doubleday $1.50 Virginia social and political conditions during period following reconstruction. Fortunes of a man of sturdy honesty who rises to high political position. N. Y. Glass, Montague. Potash and Perlmutter. 1911. 419p. illus. Doubleday $1.20 n Grosset 75c Good character study of the Americanized Jew. 10-13215/2 Grayson, David. Adventures in contentment. 1907. 249p. illus. Doubleday $1.35 n Cheerful philosophizings of a young man who turns to nature and farm life to regain his health. 7-40003/2 Daniel Deronda. Personal ed. 2 v. 1901. 20cm Doubleday $1.50 Chief actors a gay and accomplished girl and her hus- band, a selfish despot, whose character exemplifies the blighting influences of modern purely materialistic civili- zation. Baker. — — Adventures in friendship. 1910. 232p. illus. Doubleday $1.35 An idealization of country life and country neighbors. In the same vein and as pleasant in its philosophy as Adventures in Contentment. 10-25579/2 Felix Holt, the radical. Personal ed. 1901. 20cm Doubleday $1.50 A striking picture of the working of new political ideas among the English masses. N. Y. Middlemarch, a story of provincial life. Personal ed. 2 v. 1901. 20cm Doubleday $1.50 The diversified characters, social groups and complex life of a provincial town, delineated with intense realism without plot, yet unified by the conception of moral causation, into a tragic drama of deserted ideals and failure. Baker. The mill on the Floss. Personal ed. 1901. 20cm Doubleday $1.50 Deeply significant tragedy of the inner life, laid amidst the quaint folk and old-fashioned surroundings of a vil- lage and a provincial town. Baker. Harland, Henry. My friend Prospero. 1904. 20cm Doubledav $1.50 Romance of an Austrian princess and an English noble- man and a naive child. Scene an old Italian viUa. N. Y. Henry, Arthur. A princess of Arcady. 1900. 20£cm Doubleday $1.50 Dreamy and idyllic story portraying a number of un- worldly and beautiful characters who are very much out of their element in the midst of modern civilisation. Baker. Henry, O., pseud. The four million. 1906. 26 lp. Doubleday $1 This and the following two titles represent the author’s most original work — original sketches of New York City life, showing an acquaintance with its seamy as well as with its Bohemian side, and written in a spontaneous, racy style. 6-12856/2 12 DOUBLEDAY, PAGE & COMPANY BOOKS The trimmed lamp, and other stories of the four million. 1907. 260p. Doubleday $1 7- 16486/2 The voice of the city. 1909. 243p. Doubleday $1 8- 17555/2 Hawkins, Anthony Hope. Second string, by Anthony Hope. 1910. 497p. Doubleday $1.50 Story of English politics and country life, in which a young man’s devotion to a brilliant but untrustworthy friend is the chief feature. 10-24710/2 Tristram of Blent. An episode in the story of an ancient house. 1901. 20cm Doubleday $1.50 English society novel. Plot turns on validity of hero’s claim to title and estate. Many humorous situations. Hewlett, Maurice Henry. The Spanish jade. 1908. 243p. Doubleday 90c Picturesque, highly colored story of romance and ad- venture attending and following a young Eng lishm an’s gallant rescue of a friendless and persecuted Spanish girl. 8- 15299/2 Johnson, Owen. The prodigious Hickey. 1910. 335p. illus. Doubleday $1.50 Burt 50c Interesting stories of the Lawrenceville preparatory Bchool. Followed by The varmint (Doubleday, 1910, 396p., $1.50, 10-15236) First published as The eternal hoy. 11-9943/2 Kelly, Myra. Little citizens: the humours of school life. 1904. 352p. illus. Doubleday $1.50 Grosset 75c A New York schoolteacher’s stories of her East side Jewish charges. Human nature and American Yiddish dialect are alike faithfully rendered. N. Y. 4-29195/2 Kipling, Rudyard. Actions and reactions. 1909. 324p. illus. Doubleday $1.50 Collection of eight short stories and as many poems, which though not representing Kipling’s genius ade- quately contains stories which will interest many, such as “With the night mail” (an airship fantasy) and “Garm” (a good dog story) 9- 26138/2 The day’s work 1898. 20§cm Doubleday $1.50 Contents: The bridge-builders; A walking delegate; The ship that found herself; The tomb of his ancestors; The devil and the deep sea; William the Conqueror; .007 ; The Maltese cat; Bread upon the waters; An error in the fourth dimension; My Sunday at home; The Brushwood boy. Just so stories for little children, illus. by the author. 1902. 24£cm Doubleday $1.20 n Y Surprising tales of the origins of things familiar told with repetitions dear to childhood. Kim. 1901. 20cm Doubleday $1.50 Kim is a street arab from Lahore; an alert, precocious little vagabond, whose relations to the British secret service and journeys through India as the disciple of an old Lama bring before the reader a rich panorama of the multifarious life of the country. Baker. Life’s handicap; being stories of mine own people. 1899. 191cm Doubleday $1.50 Stories of the famous ‘soldiers three’ and tales of the English in Hindustan. Baker. The light that failed. 1899. 19cm Doubleday $1.50 Narrative of Bohemian life; intensely realistic. Like the short stories, full of the lust of life and joy of action. Shady people, travel pictures, battle scenes in the Sudan, etc., abound. Baker. Plain tales from the hills. Rev. ed. 1899. 19$cm Doubleday $1.50 Forty stories and sketches of An g lo-Indian life and manners, and of the natives, of Tommy Atkins and others in India. Baker. Puck of Pook’s Hill. 1906. 277p. illus. Doubleday $1.50 Ten stories in a new vein — a cross between fairy tales and historical romances of old England, with ballads and songs interspersed. They are told in a “fairy ring” to two children, by the worthies whom Puck summons from the past. N. Y. 6-35734/2 Soldier stories. 1899. 19|cm Doubleday $1.50 Contents: With the main guard; The drums of the Fore and aft; The man who was; The courting of Dinah Shadd; The incarnation of Krishna Mulvaney; The taking of Lungtungpen; The madness of Private Ortheris. Traffics and discoveries. 1904. 363p. Doubleday $1.50 Characteristic short stories dealing with South African War, navy, army reform, and the supernatural. 4-27127/2 Lagerlof, Selma Ottiliana Lovisa. Further ad- ventures of Nils. 1911. 339p. illus. Doubleday $1.20 n Delightful stories, freshly and vividly imagined. A knowledge of the earlier book (below) is necessary to the full enjoyment of this. 11-24098/2 Wonderful adventures of Nils; tr. by V. S. Howard. 1907. 430p. illus. Doubleday $1.50 An idle, cruel boy, reduced to elfin size for malicious mischief, migrates north with the wild geese and learns lessons of love and helpfulness. Combines Swedish natural history and travel with a charming fairy story. N. Y. 7-33213/2 Martin, Mrs George (Madden) Emmy Lou: her book and heart. 1902. 19icm Doubleday $1.50 Appeared in McClure's magazine, v. 17-19, 1901-2. School days of a bewildered and very real little girl. Incidentally satirizes some school methods and manners. N. Y. Merwin, Samuel. The whip hand; a tale of the pine country. 1903. 20£cm Doubleday $1.50 Stirring story of the hero’s fight in Michigan pine lands against a lumber trust. N. Y. A. L. A. CATALOGS 1904 AND 1904-11 13 Nicholson, Meredith. The lords of high de- cision. 1909. 503p. illus. Doubleday $1.50 Story of the regeneration of the dissipated son of a Pittsburgh magnate through the influence of a young country woman. 9-28248/2 Norris, Frank. The octopus; a story of Cali- fornia. 1901. 19$cm Doubleday $1.50 Deals with the war between the wheat grower and the railroad trust. Author. The pit; a story of Chicago. 1903. 20$cm Doubleday $1.50 The fictitious narrative of a “deal” in the Chicago wheat pit. Author. Ollivant, Alfred. Bob, son of Battle. 1898. 19cm Doubleday $1.25 Scotch story in which interest centers around a breed of famous shepherd dogs, of which Bob is the last and greatest. Pittsburg. Published in England under title Owd Bob. Porter, Mrs Gene Stratton-. Freckles. 1904. 433p. Doubleday $1.50 Grosset 75o Story of a nameless waif who forms close friendships with the nature life of a great Indiana swamp and finds the way to the heart of a noble woman who helps him to success. Young girls enjoy it. 4-29191/2 A girl of the Limberlost. 1909. 485p. illus. Doubleday $1.50 An ambitious girl earns her way through high school and prepares for college by collecting specimens for naturalists. A highly improbable, but wholesome story for older girls. 9-35787/2 Pratt, Lucy. Ezekiel. 1909. 254p. illus. Doubleday $1 Humorous and pathetic episodes in the daily life of a highly imaginative, superstitious little colored boy who attends day school at Hampton Institute and is endowed with the gift of story telling. 9-14825/2 Seton, Ernest Thompson. Rolf in the woods. 1911. 437p. illus. Doubleday $1.50 n Details the adventures of 15-year-old Rolf, who ran away from a cruel uncle and lived for several years with an Indian in Connecticut and New York woods. A good boys’ story, though very long, and contains much forest- lore for Boy Scouts. 11-18473/2 Two little savages. 1903. 21cm Doubleday $1.75 n Y Adventures of two boys who lived as Indians. Teaches practical lessons about camping, trapping, uses of plants, etc. Author’s illustrations. N. Y. Silberrad, Una Lucy. The good comrade. 1907. 365p. Doubleday $1.50 Story of a girl who breaks away from the traditions of her poor but genteel family and makes a success of blue daffodil raising in Holland. 7-30840/2 Smith, Frank Berkeley. A village of vaga- bonds. 1910. 364p. Doubleday $1.50 Connected short stories and sketches, giving the at- mosphere of busy idleness and eventful uneventful ness of an artist’s life in a deserted chateau in a little Norman fishing village. N. Y. 10-12097/2 Spearman, F. H. Held for orders, being stories of railroad life. 1902. 19$cm Doubleday $1.50 Vigorous, full of adventure and heroism in emergency. Taggart, Marion Ames. Little grey house. 1904. 267p. Doubleday $1.25 Three true-hearted girls make light of family mis- fortunes and tide over evil days. 4-25104/2 Tarkington, Booth. The gentleman from In- diana. 1899. 20$ cm Doubleday $1.50 Main interest, the contest between White Caps and a young newspaper man who tries to purify politics. N. Y. Richmond, Mrs Grace Louise (Smith) Red Pepper Burns. 1910. 339p. illus. Doubleday $1.20 n Character sketch of a skilful, hot-tempered young surgeon who is surprised to find, on the advent of a helpful young widow, that there is something besides his profession worth loving. 10-23742/2 The second violin. 1906. 313p. Doubleday $1.50 Everyday life of a musical family of young people that is taken care of by the second daughter, the “second violin.” Wholesome and natural. 6-32352/2 * Robertson, Morgan. Masters of men; a ro- mance of the new navy. 1901. 19$ cm Doubleday $1.50 4 Rowland, H: C. Sea scamps; three adventurers of the East. 1903. 20cm Doubleday $1.50 Contents: Back tracks; In the China Sea; Jordan Knapp, trader; Off Luzon; The treasure box; At the break of the monsoon; In the whale-boat; At the last of the ebb. An adventurous voyage in the China Sea. Pub. wkly. Monsieur Beaucaire. 1900. 20cm Doubleday $1.25 A little drama of intrigue, laid in Bath during the Beau Nash regime in middle of the 18th century. Baker. Tompkins, Juliet Wilbor. Mothers and fathers. 1910. 373p. Doubleday $1.50 Eighteen excellent short character stories based on the relations of parents and children and the lack of under- standing between them. 10- 23205/2 Ward, Mrs Mary Augusta (Arnold) The case of Richard Meynell. 1911. 630p. illus. Doubleday $1.35 n Story based on the conflict between modernism and orthodoxy in the English church. Because of its subject and the reappearance of Elsmere’s widow and daugh- ter challenges comparison with Robert Elsmere, to which it is inferior. 11- 27651/2 Waterloo, Stanley. Story of Ab; a tale of the time of the cave man. 3d ed. 1897. 19$ cm Doubleday $1.50 u DOUBLEDAY, PAGE & COMPANY BOOKS White, S. E: The blazed trail. 1902. 20cm Doubleday SI .50 Pt. 2 appeared in McClure's magazine, Dec. 1901, Jan.- Feb. 1902, under title The forest runner. A young lumberman’s struggle with a powerful and unscrupulous firm. Realistic descriptions of life in Mich- igan logging camp. N. Y. • Blazed trail stories, and stories of wild life. 1904. 260p. illus. Doubleday $1.50 Vivid, rapid tales of the rough and lawless life of ranch and lumber camp in the great Northwest. N. Y. 4-25386/2 The riverman. 1908. 368p. illus. Doubleday $1.50 Grosset 75o A stirring narrative of the lumbering industry in Mich- igan in the early 70’s, full of the danger and fascination of log-driving. 8-23537/2 Rules of the game. 1910. 644p. Doubleday $1.40 n A forest conservation story, the hero resigning his connection with a big lumber company to become a forest ranger. A vigorous, out-of-doors atmosphere and a pleasant love story add interest. 10-10512/2 Whitechurch, Victor L. The canon in resi- dence. 1911. 247p. Doubleday $1.20 n Entertaining story of the change wrought in an Eng- lish clergyman’s viewpoint by his enforced wearing of the extremely worldly garments of an embezzler, and the complications the episode causes in the cathedral town of which he becomes canon. Williamson, Charles Norris, & Mrs A. M. (L.) The chaperon. 1908. 408p. illus. Doubleday $1.50 Burt 50c The record of a motor-boat trip through Holland, con- taining some useful information and written in the au- thor’s characteristic manner. 8-16473/2 The golden silence. 1910. 524p. Doubleday $1.35 n An American girl’s search for her sister, married to an Arab, forms the basis of a story centering in Algeria. Descriptions of the desert and of Algerian life are ex- cellent. 10-16148/2 900 HISTORY Brady, C. T. American fights and fighters. 1900. 21cm Doubleday $1.50 Y Spirited descriptions of incidents during revolution, Indian, French and Tripolitan wars and war of 1812. N. Y. Border fights and fighters; stories of the pioneers between the Alleghenies and the Mis- sissippi and in the Texan republic. 1902. 21cm Doubleday $1.30 n Y Events in'which John Sevier, Daniel Boone, Henry Bouquet, George Rogers Clark, Sam Houston, David Crockett, Andrew Jackson, William Henry Harrison and others participated. N. Y. Colonial fights and fighters. 1901. 21cm Doubleday $1.20 n Y Contests and adventures of De Soto, Morgan and his buccaneers, Frontenac, Oglethorpe, Pepperrell, Brad- dock, Montcalm and Wolfe, etc. N. Y. Butterworth, Hezekiah. South America; a popular illustrated history of the South Ameri- can republics, Cuba, and Panama. Rev. ed. 1904. 22cm Doubleday $1 n R Narrative of events based on the most reliable available books, compiled with conscientious skill. L. A. H. Doyle, Sir A. C. The great Boer war. Rev. ed. 1902. 23£cm Doubleday $2.50 n R Account of events and their bearings on one another, vivid pictures of battles, and discussion of causes and probable outcome. Judicial. Nation. Eastman, C: A. Indian boyhood; illus. by E. L. Blumenschein. 1902. 21|cm Doubleday $1.60 n Y Author a Sioux. Describes his own boyish training, playmates, games, hunting, forest adventures, the bear aance, feasts, story-telling, etc. N. Y. Old Indian days. 1907. 279p. illus. Doubleday $1.50 Legends and stories illustrating Indian customs, val- uable not only for their descriptions of Indian life, but also for their remarkable human interest. Author is a full-blooded Sioux. Indians 7-33219/3 Elson, Henry William. Guide to English his- tory for young readers (Guide ser.) 1911. 298p. illus. maps. Doubleday $1.25 n Readable, anecdotal history, presenting traditional popular views and avoiding controversial matters. Use- ful for young people or adult readers seeking an elemen- tary work. England — History 11-1814/2 Guide to United States history for young readers (Guide ser.) 1909. 364p. illus. map. Doubleday $1.25 n Stories, biographical sketches, incidents and anecdotes of American history, chronologically arranged, rather than a connected recital. They are simply and entertain- ingly told for older children. U. S.— History 10-15402/2 Jenks, Tudor. The book of famous sieges. 1909. 305p. illus. Doubleday $1.50 n Concise accounts of 20 famous sieges from the siege of Babylon 1300 B. C. to the siege of Port Arthur 1904. Sieges 9-23997/3 910 Geography and travel Cook, F: A. Through the first Antarctic night, 1898-1899. New ed. 1900. 23*cm Doubleday $2 n Narrative of voyage of the “Belgica” among newly discovered lands and over an unknown sea about the South pole. Title. Gordon, Lucie (Austin) lady Duff- Letters from Egypt; rev. ed. 1902. 21cm Doubleday $2.50 n Describes Egypt of the sixties. Biographic memoir by her daughter, Mrs. Janet Ross, and introduction by George Meredith. Nation, 75:351. Jenks, Tudor. Boy’s book of explorations. 1900. 21cm Doubleday $2 Y True stories of heroes of travel and exploration in Africa, Asia and Australia. Mainly modern. Maps and illustrations. A. L. A. CATALOGS 1904 AND 1904-11 15 Kipling, Rudyard. From sea to sea; letters of travel. 2 v. 1899. 19£cm Doubleday $2 Special correspondence and occasional articles written for the Civil and military gazette and the Pioneer, 1887-89. 914 Travels in Europe De Forest, Katharine. Paris as it is; an inti- mate account of its people, its home life, and its places of interest. 1900. 19cm Doubleday $1.25 n Author has lived long in Paris and her interpretation is interesting and her account of many phases of Parisian life unusually accurate. Nation (B) Hume, Martin Andrew Sharp. Through Portu- gal. 1907. 316p. illus. Doubleday $2 n Vivid descriptions of the scenery and the people, and observations on art, history and archeology make up a book of more than usual interest and charm. Portugal — Description and travel 7-25498/3 Meriwether, Lee. Seeing Europe by automo- bile. 1911. 415p. illus. Doubleday $2 n Schierbrand, Wolf von. Germany; the weld- ing of a world power. 1902. 23£cm Doubleday $2.40 n P Chapters on social, political and commercial affairs, German colonies, the kaiser’s personality, etc. N. Y. Singleton, Esther. Guide to great cities for young travelers and others; northwestern Eu- rope (Guide ser.) 1910. 330p. illus. Doubleday $1.25 n Gives the historical setting and main points of interest of London, Antwerp, The Hague, Amsterdam, Hamburg, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Christiania, Edinburgh, Dub- lin. A companion volume in the same series, Guide to great cities for young travelers and others; western Europe (1910, 295p., 11-8823) covers Paris, Marseilles, Madrid, Lisbon, Cordova and 11 other cities in France, Spain and Portugal. Europe — Description and travel || Analytics (10 cards) 10-15604/12 Wright, G: F: Asiatic Russia. 2 v. 1902. 23^ cm Doubleday $7.50 n Bibliography, p. 633-37. A detailed account of the physical geography, a con- cise but very interesting narrative of the Russian con- quest, a suggestive description of various types of colonists and a thoughtful discussion of social, economic and po- litical conditions. Spec. 90:705. 915 Asia Brownell, C. L. The heart of Japan; glimpses of life and nature far from the travellers’ track in the land of the rising sun. 1903. 19§cm Doubleday $1.50 n The author, who, during his five years’ sojourn, always lived like the natives, has endeavored, with success, to represent to his readers the inner spirit of native life. Geog. j. Hulbert, Homer Bezaleel. Passing of Korea. 1906. 473p. illus. Doubleday $3.80 n Exhaustive, authoritative and readable account of the country and people. Korea || Japan — Foreign relations 6-32372/4 Landon, Perceval. Opening of Tibet; introd. by Colonel Younghusband. 1905. 484p. illus. 26$cm Doubleday $3.80 n The special correspondent of the London Times has ["told the story of the English expedition to Tibet, 1903-4, with enthusiasm, and described customs, religion and scenery with fulness and accuracy in unusually attractive r style. N. Y. Tibet 5-6760/3 Parsons, W : B. An American engineer in China. 1900. 20cm Doubleday $1.50 Based on a journey across Hunan for railway survey in 1898-99. Offers a clear insight into the factors of the Chinese problem. Geog. j. (B) 917 America Miinsterberg, Hugo. The Americans; tr. by E. B. Holt. 1904. 619p. Doubleday $2.50 n Popular philosophic study of American political, eco- nomic, intellectual and social life. Written for Germans, it complements his American traits (in A. L. A. Catalog) addressed to Americans. N. Y. U. S. — Social conditions || National characteristics, American 4-35738/4 North, Arthur Walbridge. Camp and camino in Lower California. 1910. 346p. illus. maps. Doubleday $3 n Spirited but mediocre account of hunting and explor- ing adventures, containing much of the history of the peninsula and many keen observations on its game, its people and its possibilities. California, Lower 10-13169/3 Page, W. H. The rebuilding of old common- wealths. 1902. 18cm Doubleday $1 n Contents: The forgotten man; The school that built a town; The rebuilding of old commonwealths; republished from Atlantic monthly, May, 1902. Three papers dealing with social and educational aspects in the South. N. Y. Strong, Josiah. Our country: its possible future and its present crisis; revision based on census of 1890. 1891. 19cm Doubleday 60c White, Stewart Edward. The cabin. 1911. 282p. illus. Doubleday $1.50 n Observations on the entertaining incidents of summers spent in the Sierras, the building of the cabin, pioneering, the trees, birds, neighbors and guests. Sierra Nevada Mountains || Outdoor life 11-9923/4 The pass. 1906. 198p. illus. map. Doubleday $1.50 n Vivid and amusing description of the experiences of a party of three in crossing a pass in the Sierra Nevadas, 12,700 feet high. Sierra Nevada Mountains || Mountaineering 6-32827/4 920 Biography Collective CafRn, C: H: American masters of painting; being brief appreciations of some American painters, illustrated with examples of then- work. 1902. 23xl7£cm Doubleday $3 n Reprinted from the New York Sun. Contents: Inness; La Farge; Whistler; Sargent; Wins- low Homer; Abbey; George Fuller; Homer Martin; Brush; Wyant; Try on; Horatio Walker; Gilbert Stuart. La Farge, John. Great masters. 1903. 26$cm Doubleday $5 n Contents: Michelangelo; Raphael; Rembrandt; Rubens; Velasquez; Durer; Hokhsai. 3 0112 072629725 DOUBLEDAY, PAGE & COMPANY BOOKS 16 Stevenson, Burton Egbert. Guide to biogra- phy for young readers. American — men of action (Guide ser.) 1909. 388p. illus. Doubleday $1.25 n Brief sketches of makers of our nation. They are in- teresting and alive, and include men still prominent and concerning whom there is little to be found in juvenile biography. Useful chiefly for reference. U. S.— Biography 11-5701/3 American — men of mind (Guide ser.) 1910. 382p. illus. Doubleday $1.25 n Brief accounts or slight mention of about 400 “men of mind.” Clear and comprehensive outlines, both of the general subjects (literature, art, drama, science, etc.) and of individuals, and biographical summaries at ends of chapters, which will be useful for reference. U. S. — Biography. Analytics recommended 10-15403/3 Wise, John Sergeant. Recollections of thirteen presidents. 1906. 284p. illus. Doubleday $2.50 Entertaining and unprejudiced personal estimates and reminiscences of the presidents from Tyler to Roosevelt, by an ex-confederate officer. Includes Jefferson Davis and omits Lincoln. Presidents — U. S. || U. S. — Politics 6-16603/3 Individual Blowitz, H. G. S. A. O. de. Memoirs. 1903. 23£cm Doubleday $3 n Naive recital of experiences of a great journalist, closely related with prominent continental persons and events since Franco-Prussian war. Practical suggestions to in- terviewers of special interest. N. Y. Boutwell, G: S. Reminiscences of sixty years in public affairs. 2 v. 1902. 23£cm Doubleday $5 n Interesting recollections of a long political career. Valuable for terse characterizations of public men. Wells. Dickens, Charles. Forster, John. Forster's life of Dickens, abr. and rev. by George Gissing. 1903. 22Jcm Doubleday $2 n Drummond. Smith, G: A. Life of Henry Drum- mond. 6th ed. 1902. 20£cm Doubleday $3 T ~, Authoritative life. Based on letters, journals and un- published addresses. N. Y. George. George, Henry, jr. Life of Henry George, by his son. 1900. 20£cm Doubleday $1.50 n Jackson, Andrew. Bassett, John Spencer. The life of Andrew Jackson. 1911. 2 v. illus. maps. Doubleday $5 n Authoritative, exhaustive work, making use of recently disclosed material which has made possible a better general history of Jackson’s time and a clearer account of his influence on later times than in earlier works. Jackson, Andrew 11-26978/2 Keller, Helen. Story of my life; with her letters (1887-1901) and a supplementary account of her education, including passages from the re- ports and letters of her teacher, A. M. Sullivan. 1903. 21cm Doubleday $1.50 n Letters and experiences of this well known girl, blind and deaf from infancy. The most sincere testimony to the inherent value of her narrative is that the reader is often more engrossed by the sentiment and vigor of what is said than by the peculiar condition of the writer. Dial, 34:273. Lee, Robert Edward. Recollections and letters. 1904. 461p. illus. Doubleday $2.50 n Gives some important new information on Lee’s mili- tary service, but more on his post-bellum life and work as teacher. Page’s Robert E. Lee, man and soldier (Scrib- ner, 1911, 734p., $2.50 n, 11-31778) is a picturesque but uncritical biography, dealing more with Lee’s military career and with a glowing picture of Virginia life than does Bradford’s Lee, the American (Houghton, 1912, 324p., $2.50 n, 12-7039), which is less a biography than a well documented study of Lee’s personality. Admirable in- cidental character study of Davis. Lee, Robert Edward 4-27138/2 Lincoln. Tarbell, I. M. Life of Abraham Lin- coln; drawn from original sources, and contain- ing many speeches, letters and telegrams hith- erto unpublished. 2 v. 1900. 23$cm Doubleday $5 P One of the best of the anecdotal lives; based on orig- inal search for new material pertaining to early life and presidential career. L. A. H. Pater. Greenslet, Ferris. Walter Pater. 1903. 18£cm (Contemp. men of letters ser.) Doubleday 75c n Chronology, p. 153-63. Phillips. Sears, Lorenzo. Wendell Phillips. 1909. 379p. Doubleday $1.50 ji Founded largely on the biography of Martyn (in A. L.^A. Catalog) with additional letters and reminiscences furnished by friends. More conservative and less full of biographical detail than the early lives and defining more clearly the value and significance of Phillips’ public services. Phillips, Wendell 9-23991/2 Rousseau. Lemaitre, Jules. Jean Jacques Rousseau; tr. by Jeanne Mairet. 1907. 365p. Doubleday $2.50 n Enthusiastic study by a man who greatly admires Rousseau, but has faithfully presented all facts which are necessary for a complete picture of the man’s char- acter and mind. Rousseau, Jean Jacques 7-39534/2 Schurz, Carl. Reminiscences. 1907-8. 3 v. illus. map. Doubleday $9 n Schurz as German student and revolutionist (1848), American diplomat, Union general and statesman. Closes in 1869 with the beginning of his career in the Senate. Later life summarized by Frederick Bartlett and W. A. Dunning. Mirrors a character distinguished for keen judgment, zest in affairs and persistent idealism. Schurz, Carl 7-36232/2 Stephens, Alexander Hamilton. Recollections; ed. with biographical study by M. L. Avary. 1910. 572p. Doubleday $2.50 n Biographical sketch followed by the journal he kept while a prisoner at Fort Warren from May to October, 1865. A genuine contribution to the psychology of prison life and of historical value, giving his estimates of public men, his views on the constitutionality of the Confederacy, Davis’ statesmanship, etc. Stephens, Alexander Hamilton 10-25800/2 Terry, Ellen. Story of my life: recollections and reflections. 1908. 407p. illus. Doubleday $3.50 n Reminiscences practically covering theatrical art in the last half-century, and having to do with many of England’s most famous figures in art, literature and olitics. Not wholly satisfactory as a life of Miss Terry, ut a breezy recital of experiences and frank, discriminat- ing judgments of fellow actors. Terry, Ellen || Irving, Sir Henry 8-36391/3 Washington, B. T. Up from slavery; an auto- biography. 1901. 20£cm Doubleday $1.50