^ 634,1109773 * U6i % xyl»Hvriiih Hi • T TT TTKTT/f^' t Grimes. 5.00 3.00 3. ? > > > Rome Beauty. 5.00 3.00 4. >) > > N. W. Greening. 4.00 2.00 5. ) y > > Delicious. 4.00 2.00 6. 5 > y y Winesap. 4.00 2.00 7. > > > > Banana... 4.00 2.00 8. J > > y Ben Davis. 5.00 3.00 9. ) > y y Black Ben Davis. 4.00 2.00 10. > > y y Gano. 5.00 3.00 11. y J y y Black Twig. 4.00 2.00 12. > > y y Arkansas Black. 4.00 2.00 13. } ) y y Akin. 4.00 2.00 14. ) J y y King David. 4.00 2.00 15. J > y y Salome. 4.00 2.00 16. > 7 y y Willow. 5.00 3.00 17. 7 7 y y Huntsman. 4.00 2.00 18. 7 > y y Minkler. 4.00 2.00 19. > > y y York Imperial. 5.00 3.00 20. J > y y Wealthy. 4.00 2.00 21. > ) y y Maiden Blush. 4.00 2.00 22 . ) } y y Famuese. 4.00 2.00 23. } > y y Stark. 4.00 2.00 24. 5 J y y Any other variety. 4.00 2.00 25. > > Five varieties for market, 20 plates.. 10.00 5.00 26. ) ) Ten varieties for family use, 40 plates 15.00 8.00 27. ) 7 Fifteen varieties any purpose, 60 plates . 20.00 10.00 40 The National Produce Bank OF CHICAGO CLARK AND RANDOLPH STREETS OFFICERS EDWIN L. WAGNER, President RALPH N. BALLOU, Cashier JOHN W. LOW, Vice-President H. B. AHRENSFELD, Ass’t Cashier W. F. GLEASON, Ass’t Cashier Located in the heart of the produce commission trade. Special facilities for handling this business. Resources $5,000,000.00 ESTABLISHED 1867 AUGUSTINE & CO. Nurserymen and Landscape Gardeners Normal, Illinois Fruit trees, small fruits, and vines. Ornamental shrubs, roses and ornamental trees. Most complete assortment in Illinois of good, dependable, nursery stock, at honest prices. Landscape gardening a specialty. The best designers and experienced planters. Catalog on request. 41 Food Administration License No. G-01994 Established 1885 The food producers of the United States have lost millions of dollars on account of wrong methods of disposing of their products. USE Smith, Cordes Co. EXPERIENCED MARKET AGENTS 77 West South Water Street CHICAGO, ILL. and get the full value for your apples. Write for particulars. FORD SERVICE AND TOP PRICES WHEN SHIPPING YOUR APPLES T O GEO. E. FORD, Chicago 42 F. H. SIMPSON FRUIT CO. FLORA, ILL. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF APPLES We buy outright or handle on Brokerage and Commission basis. For Reputation for Square Dealing refer to any of the the leading commercial growers of the Illinois State Horticultural Society. 43 Premium List—Continued Class II. Trays. One Tray constitutes an entry. 28. Best Tray Jonathan. 4.00 2.00 29. }) > > Rome Beauty. •/ 4.00 2.00 30. } > > > N. W. Greening. 4.00 2.00 31. }) Delicious. 4.00 2.00 32. 5 } ) ) Winesap. 4.00 2.00 33. J > > > Banana . 4.00 2.00 34. > > Ben Davis. 4.00 2.00 35. > ) > > Black Ben Davis. 4.00 2.00 36. ) > > ) Gano. 4.00 2.00 37. } ) > ) Black Twig. 4.00 2.00 38. f > ) ) Arkansas Black. 4.00 2.00 39. ? 5 y ; Akin. 4.00 2.00 40. > > > > King David. 4.00 2.00 41. ? j Salome. 4.00 2.00 42. > J y > Willow. 4.00 2.00 43. ) ) j > Huntsman. 4.00 2.00 44. > > y % Minkler. 4.00 2.00 45. > > y y York Imperial. 4.00 2.00 46. ) > y y Wealthy. 4.00 2.00 47. ) ) y y Maiden Blush. 4.00 2.00 48. J > y y Famuese. 4.00 2.00 49. 5 > y y Stark . 4.00 2.00 50. > ) y y Any other variety. 4.00 2.00 51. > > y y Five varieties for market, 5 trays . 10.00 5.00 52. > > y y Ten varieties for family use, 10 trays. 15.00 8.00 53. > > y y Fifteen varieties any purpose, 15 trays . 20.00 10.00 44 CALL ON OR CORRESPOND WITH HENRY M. DUNLAP Illinois Apple Grower 1800 ACRES IN APPLE ORCHARDS APPLES IN QUANTITY AND PACKED TO SUIT PURCHASER Inspection of Orchards Solicited. Varieties: Jonathan, Grimes, Gano, Ben Davis, Willow Twig, Rome Beauty. Address: SAVOY, ILLINOIS 45 W. T. SISTRUNK & CO. LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY ALWAYS IN THE MARKET FOR FANCY APPLES If you have any to sell or consign get in touch with us. We have our own cold storage and can handle for your account at satisfactory prices under excellent conditions or we will buy outright. L. D. Phones—Central 5271 and Central 7856 C. A. WATSON & SONS Wholesale Receivers and Shippers of Fruits and Produce SPECIALISTS IN APPLES 55 W. So. Water St., Chicago Shipping Dept. 232 N. Dearborn St. REFERENCES All Mercantile Agencies and The National Produce Bank, Chicago Apples Our Specialty We want large supplies of barreled and bulk fruit for im¬ mediate and later use. Get in touch with us if you have any¬ thing to offer. Exclusive Western Distributors ROSE BRAND BOX APPLES M. Lapidus &. Sons, Chicago, Illinois Wc can handle to your entire satisfaction Blf APPLES J. Ellis Seater Company Chicago, Ill. 46 We are prepared to give special attention to goods ship¬ ped on commission and assure prompt and satisfactory returns. THOMAS S. SMITH 29 W. South Water St., Chicago Growers and Dealers in Fancy Orchard Packed Apples. Send us a trial shipment. PHONES Main 1156, Main 1154 Auto 31004 A. G. Zulfer & Co. Specialists in Apples 121 West South Water Street CHICAGO FRUITS AND VEGETABLES 47 Premium List—Continued Class III. Boxes. 54. Best Single Box Jonathan. . ...$ 5.00 $ 3.00 55. > > > > y y Grimes. .. . . 5.00 3.00 56. > > > > y y Rome Beauty. . . . . 5.00 3.00 57. y y y y N. W. Greening . . . . . . . 5.00 3.00 58. } > > > y r. Delicious. .. . . 5.00 3.00 59. ) > > > y y Winesap. ... . 5.00 3.00 60. ? > > > y y Banana . .. .. 5.00 3.00 61. ? > > > y y Ben Davis. . . . . 5.00 3.00 62. ? ? > > yy Gano. .. . . 5.00 3.00 63. > 5 > > y y Black Twig. . . .. 5.00 3.00 64. > > > > y y Akin. ... . 5.00 3.00 65. > > > > y y King David. . . .. 5.00 3.00 66. > > > > y y Salome. .. . . 5.00 3.00 67. 5 > ? j y y Arkansas Black . . . ... . 5.00 3.00 68. > > > ? y y Willow. . . .. 5.00 3.00 69. > ? y y Huntsman. . . . . 5.00 3.00 70. > > >} y y Minkler. .. . . 5.00 3.00 71. 5 ) ? > y y York Imperial . . . . ... . 5.00 3.00 72. ) J Five Boxes Jonathan. . . . . 10.00 5.00 73. > ) ? ? y y Grimes. . . . . 10.00 5.00 74. ? ) ? > y y Rome Beauty. . . . . 10.00 5.00 75. ) > ? > y y Gano. .... 10.00 5.00 76. 5 J ? ? y y Willow. .... 10.00 5.00 77. } r > > y y N. W. Greening . . . .... 10.00 5.00 78. > ) 5 > y y Delicious. .... 10.00 5.00 79. J 5 J J y y Banana . .... 10.00 5.00 80. > > J ) y y Winesap. .... 10.00 5.00 81. ? > y y Ben Davis. .... 10.00 5.00 82. > > J J y y Black Twig. .... 10.00 5.00 83. J J > J y y Akin. . . . . 10.00 5.00 84. > J J J y y King David. .... 10.00 5.00 85. 5 > J > y y Salome. .... 10.00 5.00 86. J ? ? > y y Arkansas Black . . . .... 10.00 5.00 87. > > > ? y y Minkler. .... 10.00 5.00 88. y > y y York Imperial . . . . .... 10.00 5.00 89. J J Ten y y Jonathan. .... 15.00 7.00 90. > > > ? y y Grimes. .... 15.00 7.00 91. J > y y y y Rome Beauty. .... 15.00 7.00 92. > > y y y y Gano. .... 15.00 7.00 93. J > y y y y Akin. .... 15.00 7.00 94. J ) y y y y Willow. .... 15.00 7.00 95. > > y y y y Winesap. .... 15.00 7.00 48 LOGICAL DISTRIBUTION Given A city of a quarter of a million people, with twelve steam and elec¬ tric railway systems, leading to the heart of a vast Market of 2,000,000 Comprising more than two thirds of Indiana and part of Eastern Illinois. To Find —IN FOUR WORDS The one logical way for efficient distribution. The Answer — SIMPLE GEO. HITZ & CO. WHOLESALE FRUITS and PRODUCE APPLE SPECIALISTS Indianapolis and Anderson, Indiana Members of National League of Commission Merchants Western Fruit Jobbers Association International Apple Shippers Association LET US HANDLE YOUR APPLES 49 F. E. Nellis & Company APPLE SPECIALISTS 111 W. South Water St., Chicago, Illinois Denney & Company Dealers and Distributors Fruits and Produce Specializing in Apples 167 W. South Water St., Chicago CHAS. B. AYERS, Pres. HENRY M. LOVE, Vice-Pres. L. F. McCULLOUGH, Sec’y C. F. LOVE & CO. (Incorporated) WHOLESALE COMMISSION MERCHANTS 9 West South Water St., Chicago REFERENCES Continental & Commercial National Bank, Chicago Lake & State Savings Bank, Chicago Mercantile Agencies Telephone Randolph 1616 50 GET IN TOUCH WITH SHOFF BROS. CO. FOR Fancy Storage Apples Buy Our EX.FCY. JONATHAN A PACKED • AND SOLD /\ BY • SHOFF BROS. FEW EQUALS, NONE BETTER 216 South Washington Street PEORIA, ILL. 51 Greetings M. BAKER CO. 15 South Water Street CHICAGO, ILL. WE HANDLE APPLES WALKER BROS. BROKERS DISTRIBUTORS APPLES PRODUCE 222 North State St. CHICAGO, ILL. GALLAGHER BROS. Apples General Fruits and Vegetables Correspondence Solicited 165 W. South Water St. Chicago REFERENCES: First National Bank, Chicago United States Food Administration National Produce Bank, Chicago License No. G-04362 52 We Handle APPLES in large volume but we also wish to call your attention to the fact that we are very large dealers in POTATOES When in the market wire EARL BROTHERS CHICAGO FOX & GODDING Fancy Apples 17 West South Water Street CHICAGO S3 Premium List—Continued Class IV. Baskets. 96. Best Single Basket Jonathan . .. .$ 5.00 $ 3.00 97. y y y y y y Grimes. . .. 5.00 3.00 98. y y y y y y Rome Beauty . . . .. . 5.00 3.00 99. y y y y y y N. W. Greening .. . .. 5.00 3.00 100. y y y y y y Delicious. ... 5.00 3.00 101. y y y y ? y Winesap. . . . 5.00 3.00 102. y y y y y y Banana . .. . 5.00 3.00 103. y y y y y y Ben Davis. ... 5.00 3.00 104. y y y y y y Gano. ... 5.00 3.00 105. y y y y y y Black Twig. ... 5.00 3.00 106. y y y y y y Akin. . .. 5.00 3.00 107. y y y y y y King David. . .. 5.00 3.00 108. y y y y y y Salome. ... 5.00 3.00 109. y y y y y y Arkansas Black . . . . 5.00 3.00 110. y y y y y y Willow. .. . 5.00 3.00 ill. y y y y y y Huntsman. ... 5.00 3.00 112. y y y y y y Minkler. . . . 5.00 3.00 113. y y y y y y York Imperial . . . .. 5.00 3.00 114. y y Five Baskets Jonathan. . .. 10.00 5.00 115. y y y y y y Grimes. . .. 10.00 5.00 116. y y y y y y Rome Beauty . . . . .. 10.00 5.00 117. y y y y y y Gano. . .. 10.00 5.00 118. y y y y y y Willow. . .. 10.00 5.00 119. y y y y y y N. W. Greening . . . . 10.00 5.00 120. y y y y y y Delicious. . .. 10.00 5.00 121. y y y y y y Banana . . . . 10.00 5.00 122. y y y y ” Winesap. . .. 10.00 5.00 123. y y y y y y Ben Davis. . .. 10.00 5.00 124. y y y y y y Black Twig. ... 10.00 5.00 125. y y y y y y Akin. ... 10.00 5.00 126. y y y y y y King David .... ... 10.00 5.00 127. y y y y y y Salome. . .. 10.00 5.00 128. y y y y y y Arkansas Black . .. .. 10.00 5.00 129. y y y y y y Minkler.. . .. 10.00 5.00 130. y y y y y y York Imperial . . . .. 10.00 5.00 131. y y Ten y y Jonathan.. ... 15.00 7.00 132. y y y y y y Grimes.. ... 15.00 7.00 133. y y y y y y Rome Beauty . . . , ... 15.00 7.00 134. y y y y y y Gano.. ... 15.00 7.00 135. } y y y y y Akin.. ... 15.00 7.00 136. y'y y y y y Willow. ... 15.00 7.00 137. y > y y y y Winesap. ... 15.00 7.00 54 ESTABLISHED 1871—INCORPORATED 1914 WAYNE & LOW, Inc. 159 West South Water Street, Chicago, Ill. Years of experience selling Illinois apples on this market and throughout the country enable us to secure maximum prices. Apple growers are requested to corre¬ spond now regarding the handling of the coming crop and to visit us during the Show. REFERENCES-OUR SHIPPERS 55 1898 1918 J. G. SCHLOTTER &, CO. INDIANAPOLIS EXCLUSIVE DEALERS IN APPLES REMEMBER US AS MARKETERS OF APPLES AND OTHER FRUITS G. M. H. Wagner &, Sons Chicago Store and Warehouse General Office, Distributers Bldg. 123 W. South Water Street South Water and Clark Streets 56 Wholesale Dealers and Commission Merchants Crutchfield, Woolf oik & Clore Fresh Fruits and Vegetables APPLES OUR LEADER 11 West South Water St., CHICAGO Premium List—Continued Class V. Barrels. 138. Best Single Barrel Jonathan. , . .$ 5.00 $ 3.00 139. y} y y y y Grimes. , .. 5.00 3.00 140. )) y y y y Rome Beauty . . . , ... 5.00 3.00 141. > > y y y y N. W. Greening . . . . 5.00 3.00 142. > > y y y y Delicious. , . . 5.00 3.00 143. ) > y y y y Winesap. ... 5.00 3.00 144. ? > y y y y Banana . ... 5.00 3.00 145. } y y y y y Ben Davis. . . . 5.00 3.00 146. ? > y y y y Gano. ... 5.00 3.00 147. y ? y y y y Black Twig. ... 5.00 3.00 148. ? ? y y y y Akin. .. . 5.00 3.00 149. ) > y y y y King David .... ... 5.00 3.00 150. y) y y y y Salome.. . . . 5.00 3.00 151. }} y y y y Arkansas Black . . . . 5.00 3.00 152. > > y y y y Willow. . . . 5.00 3.00 153. y y y y y y Huntsman. . .. 5.00 3.00 154. y y y y y y Minkler. ... 5.00 3.00 155. y y y y York Imperial . . . .. 5.00 3.00 156. y y Five Barrels Jonathan. ... 15.00 7.00 157. y y y y y y Grimes. . .. 15.00 7.00 158. y y y y y y Rome Beauty . . . . . . 15.00 7.00 159. y y y y y y Gano. . .. 15.00 7.00 160. y y y y y y Willow. . .. 15.00 7.00 161. y y y y y y N. W. Greening . . . . 15.00 7.00 162. y y y y y y Delicious. ... 15.00 7.00 163. y y y y y y Banana . . .. 15.00 7.00 164. y y y y y y Winesap. ... 15.00 7.00 165. y y y y y y Ben Davis. ... 15.00 7.00 166. y y y y y y Black Twig. . .. 15.00 7.00 167. y y y y y y Akin. ... 15.00 7.00 168. y y y y y y King David. ... 15.00 7.00 169. y y y y y y Salome. . .. 15.00 7.00 170. y y y y y y Arkansas Black . . ... 15.00 7.00 171. y y y y y y Minkler. . .. 15.00 7.00 172. y y y y y y York Imperial . . . .. 15.00 7.00 173. y y Ten y y Jonathan. . .. .20.00 10.00 174. y y y y y y Grimes. ... 20.00 10.00 175. y y y y y y Rome Beauty . . . . .. 20.00 10.00 176. y y y y y y Gano. . .. 20.00 10.00 177. y y y y y y Akin. . .. 20.00 10.00 178. y y y y y y Willow. ... 20.00 10.00 179. y y y y y y Winesap. . .. 20.00 10.00 58 United States Food Administration License Number G-00587 GRIDLEY, MAXON & CO. PRODUCE Commission Merchants, 23=25 W. South Water Street References : All Commercial Agencies The Continental and Commercial Nt'l Bk. Chicago Farmers’ & Mer. Bank, Benton Harbor, Mich. State Bank of Farina. Farina, 111. First National Bank, Libertyville, Ill. The Chicago Packer 1 Majestic 74so L. D. Phones K Majestic 748i I Majestic 7482 REVISED ECONOMY CODE F ROM observation of orchards set out by the earliest in¬ habitants in this state, we are convinced that with prop¬ er cultivation and spraying, apples unsurpassed in quan¬ tity and unexcelled in quality can be produced on thousands of acres of Illinois soil that now are comparatively unproductive. Yours for better apples, Illinois, Apples with a flavor, Illinois, Apples red and yellow, Apples ripe and mellow, Apples that are luscious, Illinois. Apples that will please, Illinois, Apples we may ship across the seas, Illinois, Apples that will bring us treasure, In the very fullest measure, Apples for our health, Illinois. We believe that the grower of tempting, luscious apples is as necessary to the health of the people of this country as the physician. GRIDLEY, MAXON & CO., Per E. P. Gridley. 59 OUR STEADY GROWTH Apples One of Our Specialties You judge your bank by its annual statement. We submit our figures for your careful consideration. These figures show the steady growth and successful increase of our business. There can be only one reason—satisfactory and prompt service for our shippers at all times. Make us your Chicago connection. NOTE INCREASE IN YEARLY SALES 1904 . $1,085,687.27 1905 . 1,289,929.27 1906 . 1,611,685.38 1907.. 1,724,680.21 1908 . 1,943,419.11 1909 . 2,176,616.88 1910 . 2,030,508.36 1911 . 1,983,854.32 1912 .;. 2,001,778.45 1913 . 2,419,802.00 1914 . 2,562,692.43 1915 . 2,936,504.00 1916 . 3,289,426.99 1917 . 3,567,366.72 established COYNE BROTHERS 119 w c s Ac w a a g t o erst Fruits - Vegetables MEMBERS National League Commission Merchants International Apple Shippers Ass’n Western Fruit Jobbers Ass’n The Shafton Company Fruits and Vegetables Phones, Main 2633—2634 117 W. So. Water St. Chicago, Illinois 60 ESTABLISHED 1863 C. H. WEAVER & COMPANY 65-67 W. South Water St. Apple selling service— We have had over fifty-four years’ ex¬ perience in the handling of apples on this market. ARE NOT BUYERS; handle on com¬ mission basis only. Have none of our own to sell in competition with con¬ signments. Our salesmen are highly efficient and our store the largest on the Street. If you consign to the Chicago mar¬ ket communicate with us relative to handling your account. When in Chicago attending the “Illi¬ nois First Great Apple Show” we should be pleased to have you call on us. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 61 Premium List—Continued. Class V. Barrels—continued. 180. Best Twenty Barrels Ben Davis. 30.00 15.00 181. 5 > y y y y Gano. 30.00 15.00 182. J > y y y y Black Ben Davis .... 30.00 15.00 183. y y y y yy Willow. 30.00 15.00 184. y y y y y y Rome Beauty. 30.00 15.00 185. y y yy y y Jonathan. 30.00 15.00 186. y y yy yy Grimes. 30.00 15.00 Class VI . Booth Exhibits. 187. First Prize. . .Gold Medal. Second Prize. . .Silver Medal Sweep Stakes. Barrel. Silver Cup, offered by the International Apple Shippers Association, for Best Barrel of Apples entered, any Variety. 62 M. O. DAY Secretary and General Manager Manager Orchard Products Co., Inc. Day Brothers GROWERS AND SHIPPERS OF APPLES Acreage: 430 Acres—All in bearing varieties—Ben Davis, Rome Beauty, Wine Sap, Jonathan, Akin, York Imperial, Summer varieties. Central Packing Plant and Office: ROBINSON,ILLINOIS TO THE TRADE— We expect to exhibit a car of Illinois APPLES at the FIRST ILLINOIS APPLE SHOW and if so or not we will take pleasure in meeting all our friends in CHICAGO and forming many new acquaintances. We will ship in the neighborhood of 100 cars this fall beginning in September. COMMERCIAL ORCHARD CO., Inc GROWERS AND SHIPPERS OF APPLES OLNEY, ILLINOIS JONATHAN ROME BEAUTY MINKLER BEN DAVIS WINESAP GRIMES GOLDEN M. E. CARTER h CO. MEMPHIS, TENN. BUYERS OF Fancy Apples Correspondence invited from those having this grade of fruit. 63 Hall, Wedge &> Carter GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS 7 W. South Water Street Chicago WE SPECIALIZE IN APPLES We want to co-operate with the growers in distributing and marketing their apples. Correspondence invited which will have our prompt attention. Let us represent you in marketing your fruit. Our location on the market is the best. We guarantee prompt and efficient service from our unexcelled operating or¬ ganization. References: Commercial Agencies and National Produce Bank, Chicago LOUIS COHEN, Pres. ROBT. H. RADTKE, Sec. & Treas. Cohen, Bernstein & Radtke (INC.) COMMISSION MERCHANTS Potatoes, Apples, Cabbage and Onions In Car Lots a Specialty 105 West South Water Street CHICAGO PHONES: Main 4688, Main 4687, Auto. 33-453 REFERENCE: Continental and Commercial National Bank of Chicago 64 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA <2 . q $ 'A \