LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 211 .ZIZ H629 cop. 2 I • H • S , THE HISTORY OK Coles County. ILLINOIS, CONTAINING A History of the County — its Cities, Towns, &c. ; a Directory of its Tax-Payers; Portraits of Early Settlers and Prominent Men; General and Local Statistics; Map of Coles County; History of Illinois, Illustrated; History of the North >A/-est, Illustrated; Constitution of the United States, Miscellaneous Matters, &c., <&c. IIjXjTJSTK.A.TEID CHICAGO: WM. LE BARON, Jr., & CO., 186 DEARBORN STREET. 1879. PREFACE TN presenting our History of Coles County, we deem a few prefatory words necessary. We have spared neither pains nor expense to fulfill our engagement with our patrons and make the work as complete as possible. We have acted upon the principle that justice to those who have subscribed, be they few or many, requires that the work should be as well done as if it was patronized by every citizen in the county. We do not claim that our work is entirely free from errors ; such a result could not. be attained by the utmost care and foresight of ordinary mortals. The County History was compiled by our historians, W. H. Perrin, A. A. Graham and D. M. Blair, and received much material and assistance from Judge William E. Adams. Some of the Town- ship Histories are indeed longer than others, as the townships are older, containing larger cities and towns, and have been the scenes of more important and interesting events. While fully recognizing this important difference, the historians have sought to write up each township with equal fidelity to the facts and information within their reach. We take this occasion to present our thanks to all our numerous subscribers for their patronage and encouragement in the publication of the work. In this confident belief, we submit it to the enlightened judgment of those for whose benefit it has been prepared, believing that it will be received as a most valuable and complete work. THE PUBLISHERS. CHICASO: Oni.VKK, PAGE, HOYHK A CO., PRTITTSBS, lit ud lao MoQto* BmrL ^'7 4/ / i? CONTENTS. HISTORIC A JL. Page. History North west Territory 19 Geographical 19 Early Exploration 20 Discovery of the Ohio 33 English Explorations and Settle- ments 35 American Settlements 60 Division of the Northwest Terri- tory 66 Tecumseh and the war of 1812 70 Black Hawk and the Black Hawk War 74 Page. Other Indian Troubles 79 Present Condition of the Northwest 87 Illinois 99 Indiana 101 Iowa 102 Michigan 103 Wisconsin 104 Minnesota 106 Nebraska 107 History of Illinois 109 Goal 125 Compact of 1787 117 Paok^ History of Chicago 132 Early Discoveries 109 Early Settlements 115 Education 129 First French Occupation 112 Genius of La Salle 113 Material Resources 124 Massacre of Fort Dearborn 141 Physical Features 121 Progress of Development 123 Religion and Morals 128 War Record of Illinois 130 II^IilTiSTRATIOXS. Page. Source of the Mississippi 21 Mouth of the Mississippi 21 Wild Prairie 23 La Salle Landing on the Shore of Green Bay 25 Buffalo Hunt 27 Trapping 29 Hunting 32 Iroquois Chief. 34 Pontiac, the Ottawa Chieftain 43 Indians Attacking Frontiersmen... 56 A Prairie Storm 59 A Pioneer Dwelling 61 Breakiug Prairie 63 Page. Tecumseh, the Shawnee Chieftain... 69 Indians Attacking a Stockade 72 Black Hawk, the Sac Chieftain 75 Big Eagle 80 Captain Jack, the Modoc Chieftain.. 83 Kinzie House 85 Village Residence 86 A Representative Pioneer 87 Lincoln Monument, Springfield, 111. 88 A Pioneer School House 89 Farm View in the Winter 90 High Bridge and Lake Bluff 94 Great Iron Bridge of Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad, Cross- Page. ing the River at Davenport, Iowa 96 • A Western Dwelling 109 Hunting Prairie Wolves at an Early Day lOS Starved Rock, on the Illinois River, La Salle County, 111 110 An Early Settlement , 116 Chicago in 1833 133 Old Fort Dearbron in 1830 136 Present site of Lake Street Bridge, Chicago, in 1833 136 Pioneers' First Winter 142 View of the City of Chicago 144 Shabbona 149 COL.KS COIJKTY HISTORY. Page. General History of Coles County. ...223 Ashmore Township 391 Charleston " 289 East Oakland Township 443 Hutton Township 430 Page. Humbolt Township 469 La Fayette " 478 Maftoon " 324 Morgan " 456 Page. North Okaw Township .489 Pleasant Grove " 407 Paradise " 496 Seven Hickory " 463 I^ITHOORAPHIC PORTRAITS. >i Page. -^^Adams, W. E 239 -<^ Adams, J. J.. 221 -^Cunningham, J. T 257 I Page. Cash, L. S 293 Gordon, John 275 Page. Pemberton, J. J :U1 Kutherford, H a29 BIOORAPHICAL. SKKTCHKS. Page. ''> Ashmore Township 592 511 558 607 ^Charleston ^^ast Oakland " iwHutton " Page. Humbolt Township 633 La Fayette Mattoon Morgan .689 .539 .620 Page. North Okaw Township 646 Pleasant Grove " 682 Paradise " 649 Seven Hickory " 639 t DIRECTORY OF TAX-PAYERS. ^ Page. "^ivAsbmore Township 669 i^ Charleston " 657 ^East Oakland " 777 --Hutton " 675 Page. Humbolt Township 684 La Fayette " 689 Mattoon " 663 Morgan " 680 Page , North Okaw Township 687 Pleasant Grove " 673 Paradise " 691 Seven Hickory " r 682 IV CONTENTS. ABSTRACT <>F iril.INOTS STATE LiA^VS. Page. Adoption of Children ICO Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes 151 County Courts 155 Conveyances 164 Church Organizations 189 Descent 151 Deeds and Mortgages 157 Drainage 163 Damages from Trespass 169 Definition of Commercial Terms 173 Exemptions from Forced Sale 156 Estrays 157 Fences 168 Forms: Articles of Agreement 175 Bills of Purchase 174 Bills of Sale 176 Bonds 176 Paoe. Forms : Chattel Mortgages 177 Codicil 189 Lease of Farm and Build- ings 179 Lease of House 180 Landlord's Agreement 180 Notes 174 Notice Tenant to Quit 181 Orders 174 Quit Claim Deed 185 Receipt 174 Real Estate Mortgaged to Secure Payment of Money 181 Release 186 Tenant's Agreement 180 Tenant's Notice to Quit 181 Warranty Deed 182 Will 187 Paob. Game 158 Interest 155 Jurisdiction of Courts 151 Limitation of Action 151 Landlord and Tenant 165 Liens 179 Married Women 152 Millers 159 Marks and Brands 159 Paupers 104 Roads and Bridges 161 Surveyors and Surveys ICO Suggestions to Persons Purchasing Books by Subscription 190 Taxes 154 Wills and Estates 152 Weights and Measures 158 Wolf Scalps 164 BIISCELiIiANEOIJS. Page. Map of Coles County Front Constitution of the U. S 192 Electors of President and Vice Pres- ident 206 Practical Rules for Every Day Use.207 U. S. Government Land Measure. ..210 Agricultural Productions of Illi- nois by Counties, 1870 210 Surveyors" Measure 211 How to Keep Accounts 211 Page. Interest Table 212 Miscollaneoua Tables ^12 Names of the States of the Union and their Signification 213 Population of the United States 214 Population of Fifty Principal Cities of the United States 214 Population and Area of the United States 215 Population of the Principal Coun- tries in the World 215 Pack. Population of Illinois 216-217 State Laws Relating to Interest 218 State Laws Relating to Limitations of Actions 219 Productions of Agriculture of Illi- nois 220 Population of Coles Co 699 Business Directory 693 Errata.... 656 mKl QT (Di ® IL ® i ILLINOIS R. 7 C T./4N1 TON T.I2 rt II E R /♦ W. COUNTr T The Northwest Territory. GEOGRAPHICAL POSITION. When the Northwestern Territory was ceded to the United States by Virginia in 1784, it embraced only the territory lying between the Ohio and the Mississippi Rivers, and north to the northern limits of the United States, It coincided with the area now embraced in the States of Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, and that portion of Minnesota lying on the east side of the Mississippi River. The United States itself at that period extended no farther west than the Mississippi River ; but by the purchase of Louisiana in 1803, the western boundary of the United States was extended to the Rocky Mountains and the Northern Pacific Ocean. The new territory thus added to the National domain, and subsequently opened to settlement, has been called the " New Northwest," in contradistinction from the old " Northwestern Territory. " In comparison with the old Northwest this is a territory of vast magnitude. It includes an area of 1,887,850 square miles ; being greater in extent than the united areas of all the Middle and Southern States, including Texas. Out of this magnificent territory have been erected eleven sovereign States and eight Territories, with an aggregate popula- tion, at the present time, of 13,000,000 inhabitants, or nearly one third of the entire population of the United States. Its lakes are fresh-water seas, and the larger rivers of the continent flow for a thousand miles through its rich alluvial valleys and far- stretching prairies, more acres of which are arable and productive of the highest percentage of the cereals than of any other area of like extent on the globe. For the last twenty years the increase of population in the North- west has been about as three to one in any other portion of the United States. (19) 20 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. EARLY EXPLORATIONS. In the year 1541, DeSoto first saw the Great West in the New World. He, however, penetrated no farther north than the 35th parallel of latitude. The expedition resulted in his death and that of more than half his army, the remainder of whom found their way to Cuba, thence to Spain, in a famished and demoralized condition. DeSoto founded no settlements, produced no results, and left no traces, unless it were that he awakened the hostility of the red man against the white man, and disheartened such as might desire to follow up the career of discovery for better purposes. The French nation were eager and ready to seize upon any news from this extensive domain, and were the first to profit by DeSoto's defeat. Yet it was more than a century before any adventurer took advantage of these discoveries. In 1616, four years before the pilgrims " moored their bark on the wild New England shore," Le Caron, a French Franciscan, had pene- trated through the Iroquois and Wyandots (Hurons) to the streams which run intq Lake Huron ; and in 1634, two Jesuit missionaries founded the first mission among the lake tribes. It was just one hundred years from the discovery of the Mississippi by DeSoto (1541) until the Canadian envoys met the savage nations of the Northwest at the Falls of St. Mary, below the outlet of Lake Superior. This visit led to no permanent result; yet it was not until 1659 that any of the adventurous fur traders attempted to spend a Winter in the frozen wilds about the great lakes, nor was it until 1660 that a station was established upon their borders by Mesnard, who perished in the woods a few months after. In 1665, Claude Allouez built the earliest lasting habitation of the white man among the Indians of the Nortliwest. In 1668, Claude Dablon and James Marquette founded the mission of Sault Ste. Marie at the Falls of St. Mary, and two years afterward, Nicholas Perrot, as agent for M. Talon, Governor Gen- eral of Canada, explored Lake Illinois (Michigan) as far south as the present City of Chicago, and invited the Indian nations to meet him at a grand council at Sault Ste. Marie the following Spring, where they were taken under the protection of the king, and formal possession was taken of the Northwest. This same year Marquette established a mission at Point St. Ignatius, where was founded the old town of Michillimackinac. During M. Talon's explorations and Marquette's residence at St. Ignatius, they learned of a great river away to the west, and fancied — as all others did then — that upon its fertile banks whole tribes of God's children resided, to whom the sound of the Gospel had never come. Filled with a wish to go and preach to them, and in compliance with a THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 21 09 m za m l-H B H O w H O Pi M 02 W H O M O 22 THE NORTHWEST TERRITOitY. request of M. Talon, who earnestly desired to extend the domain of his king, and to ascertain whether the river flowed into the Gulf of Mexico or the Pacific Ocean, Marquette with Joliet, as commander of the expe- dition, prepared foV the undertaking. On the 13th of May, 1673, the explorers, accompanied by five assist- ant French Canadians, set out from Mackinaw on their daring voyage of discovery. The Indians, who gathered to witness their departure, were astonished at the boldness of the undertaking, and endeavored to dissuade them from their purpose by representing the tribes on the Mississippi as exceedingly savage and cruel, and the river itself as full of all sorts of frightful monsters ready to swallow them and their canoes together. But, nothing daunted by these terrific descriptions, Marquette told them he was willing not only to encounter all the perils of the unknown region they were about to explore, but to lay down his life in a cause in which the salvation of souls was involved ; and having prayed together they separated. Coasting along the northern shore of Lake Michigan, the adventurers entered Green Bay, and passed thence up the Fox River and Lake Winnebago to a village of the Miamis and Kickapoos. Here Mar- quette was delighted to find a beautiful cross planted in the middle of the town ornamented with white skins, red girdles and bows and arrows, which these good people had offered to the Great Manitou, or God, to thank him for the pity he had bestowed on them during the Winter in giving them an abundant " chase." This was the farthest outpost to which Dablon and Allouez had extended their missionary labors the year previous. Here Marquette drank mineral waters and was instructed in the secret of a root which cures the bite of the venomous rattlesnake. He assembled the chiefs and old men of the village, and, pointing to Joliet, said : " My friend is an envoy of France, to discover new coun- tries, and I am an ambassador from God to enlighten them with the truths of the Gospel." Two Miami guides were here furnished to conduct them to the Wisconsin River, and they set out from the Lidian village on the 10th of June, amidst a great crowd of natives who had assembled to witness their departure into a region where no white man had ever yet ventured. The guides, having conducted them across the portage, returned. The explorers launched their canoes upon the Wisconsin, which they descended to the Mississippi and proceeded down its unknown waters. What emotions must have swelled their breasts as they struck out into the broadening current and became conscious that the}^ were now upon the bosom of th3 Father of Waters. The mystery was about to be lifted from the long-sought river. The scenery in that locality is beautiful, and on that deliiihtful seventeenth of June must have been clad in all its primeval loveliness as it had been adorned by the hand of THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 23 Nature. Drifting rapidly, it is said that the bold bluffs on either hand '^ reminded them of the castled shores of their own beautiful rivers of France." By-and-by, as they drifted along, great herds of buffalo appeared on the banks. On going to the heads of the valley they could see a country of the greatest beauty and fertility, apparently destitute of inhab- itants yet presenting the appearance of extensive manors, under the fas- tidious cultivation of lordly proprietors. -~ •««=—;, THE WILD PRAIEIE. On June 25, they went ashore and found some fresh traces of men upon the sand, and a path which led to the prairie. The men remained in the boat, and Marquette and Joliet followed the path till they discovered a village on the banks of a river, and two other villages on a hill, within a half league of the first, inhabited by Indians. They were received most hospitably by these natives, who had never before seen a white person. After remaining a few days they re-embarked and descended the river to about latitude 33°, where they found a village of the Arkansas, and being satisfied that the river flowed into the Gulf of Mexico, turned their course 24 THE NORTHWPIST TERtlTTORY. up the river, and ascending the stream to the mouth of the Illinois, rowed up that stream to its source, and procured guides from that point to the lakes. " Nowhere on this journey," says Marquette, •' did we see such grounds, meadows, woods, stags, buffaloes, deer, wildcats, bustards, swans, ducks, parroquets, and even beavers, as on the Illinois River." The party, without loss or injury, reached Green Bay in September, and reported their discovery — one of the most important of the age, but of which no record was preserved save Marquette's, Joliet losing his by the upsetting of his canoe on his way to Quebec. Afterward Marquette returned to the Illinois Indians by their request, and ministered to them until 1675. On the 18th of May, in that year, as he was passing the mouth of a stream — going with his boatmen up Lake Michigan — he asked to land at its mouth and celebrate Mass. Leaving his men with the canoe, he retired a short distance and began his devotions. As much time passed and he did not return, his men went in search of him, and found him upon his knees, dead. He had peacefull}'- passed away while at prayer. He was buried at this spot. Charlevoix, who visited the place fifty years after, found the waters had retreated from the grave, leaving the beloved missionary to repose in peace. The river has since been called Marquette. While Marquette and his companions were pursuing their labors in the West, two men, differing widely from him and each other, were pre- paring to follow in his footsteps and perfect the discoveries so well begun by hira. These were Robert de La Salle and Louis Hennepin. After La Salle's return from the discovery of the Ohio River (see the narrative elsewhere), he established himself again among the French trading posts in Canada. Here he mused long upon the pet project of those ages — a short way to China and the East, and was busilj^ planning an expedition up the great lakes, and so across the continent to the Pacific, when Marquette returned from the Mississippi. At once the vigorous mind of LaSalle received from his and his companions' stories the idea that by fol- lowing the Great River northward, or by turning up some of the numerous western tributaries, the object could easily be gained. He applied to Frontenac, Governor General of Canada, and laid before him the plan, dim but gigantic. Frontenac entered warmly into his plans, and saw that LaSalle's idea to connect the great lakes by a chain of forts with the Gulf of Mexico would bind the country so wonderfully together, give un- measured power to France, and glory to himself, under whose adminis- tration he earnestly hoped all would be realized. LaSalle now repaired to France, laid his plans before the King, who warmly approved of them, and made him a Chevalier. He also received from all the noblemen the warmest wishes for his success. The Chev- THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 25 alier returned to Canada, and busily entered upon his work. He at once rebuilt Fort Frontenac and constructed the first ship to sail on these fresh-water seas. On the 7th of August, 1679, having been joined by Hennepin, he began his voyage in the Griffin up Lake Erie. He passed over this lake, through the straits beyond, up Lake St. Clair and into Huron. In this lake they encountered heavy storms. They were some time at Michillimackinac, where LaSalle founded a fort, and passed on to Green Bay, the " Baie des Puans" of the French, where he found a large quantity of furs collected for him. He loaded the Griffin with these, and placing her under the care of a pilot and fourteen sailors, hK SALLE LANDING ON THE SHORE OP GREEN BAY. started her on her return voyage. The vessel was never afterward heard of. He remained about these parts until early in the Winter, when, hear- ing nothing from the Griffin, he collected all the men — thirty working men and three monks — and started again upon his great undertaking. By a short portage they passed to the Illinois or Kankakee, called by the Indians, "Theakeke," wolf, because of the tribes of Indians called by that name, commonly known as the Mahingans, dwelling there. The French pronounced it KiakiTci, which became corrupted to Kankakee. "Falling down the said river by easy journeys, the better to observe the country," about the last of December tliey reached a village of the Illi- nois Indians, containing some five hundred cabins, but at that moment 26 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. no inhabitants. The Seur de LaSalle being in want of some breadstuffs, took advantage of the absence of the Indians to help himself to a suffi- ciency of maize, large quantities of which he found concealed in holes under the wigwams. This village was situated near the present village of Utica in LaSalle County, Illinois. The corn being securely stored, the voyagers again betook themselves to the stream, and toward evening, on the 4th day of January, 1680, they came into a lake which must have been the lake of Peoria. This was called by the Indians Fim-i-te-wi, that is, a place ivhere there are tnanr/ fat beasts. Here the natives were met with in large numbers, but they were gentle and kind, and having spent some time with them, LaSalle determined to erect another fort in that place, for he had heard rumors that some of the adjoining tribes were trying to disturb the good feeling which existed, and some of his men were disposed to complain, owing to the hardships and perils of the travel. He called this fort "' Crevecoeur^' (broken-heart), a name expressive of the very natural sorrow and anxiet}'- which the pretty certain loss of his ship, Griffin, and his consequent impoverishment, the danger of hostility on the part of the Indians, and of mutiny among his own men, might well cause him. His fears were not entirely groundless. At one time poison was placed in his food, but fortunately was discovered. While building this fort, the Winter wore away, the prairies began to look green, and LaSalle, despairing of any reinforcements, concluded to return to Canada, raise new means and new men, and embark anew in the enterprise. For this purpose he made Hennepin the leader of a party to explore the head waters of the Mississippi, and he set out on his jour- ney. This journey was accomplished with the aid of a few persons, and was successfully made, though over an almost u iknown route, and in a bad season of the year. He safely reached Cana ia, and set out again for the object of his search. Hennepin and his party left Fort Crevecoeur on the last of February, 1680. When LaSalle reached this place on his return expedition, he found the fort entirely deserted, and he was obliged to return again to Canada. He embarked the third time, and succeeded. Seven days after leaving the fort, Hennepin reached the Mississippi, and paddling up the icy stream as best he could, reached no higher than the Wisconsin River by the 11th of April. Here he and his followers were taken prisoners by a band of Northern Indians, who treated them with great kindness. Hen- nepin's comrades were Anthony Auguel and Michael Ako. On this voy- age they found several beautiful lakes, and " saw some charming prairies." Their captors were the Isaute or Sauteurs, Chippewas, a tribe of the Sioux nation, who took them up the river until about the first of May, when they reached some falls, which Hennepin christened Falls of St. Anthony THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 27 in honor of his patron saint. Here they took the land, and traveling nearly two hundred miles to the northwest, brought them to their villages. Here they were kept about three months, were treated kindly by their captors, and at the end of that time, were met by a band of Frenchmen, BUFFALO HUNT. headed by one Seur de Luth, who, in pursuit of trade and game, had pene- crated thus far by the route of Lake Superior ; and with these fellow- countrymen Hennepin and his companions were allowed to return to the borders of civilized life in November, 1680, just after LaSalle had returned to the wilderness on his second trip. Hennepin soon after went to France, where he published an account of his adventures. 28 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. The Mississippi was first discovered by De Soto in April, 1541, in his vain endeavor to find gold and precioas gems. In the following Spring, De Soto, weary with hope long deferred, and worn out with his wander- ings, he fell a victim to disease, and on the 21st of May died. His followers, reduced by fatigue and disease to less than three hundred men, wandered about the country nearly a year, in the vain endeavor to rescue them- selves by land, and finally constructed seven small vessels, called brigan- tines, in which they embarked, and descending the river, supposing it would lead them to the sea, in July they came to the sea (Gulf of Mexico), and by September reached the Island of Cuba. They were the first to see the great outlet of the Mississippi ; but, being so weary and discouraged, made no attempt to claim the country, and hardly had an intelligent idea of what they had passed through. To La Salle, the intrepid explorer, belongs the honor of giving the first account of the mouths of the river. His great desire was to possess this entire country for his king, and in January, 1682, he and his band of explorers left the shores of Lake Michigan on their third attempt, crossed the portage, passed down the Illinois River, and on the 6th of February, reached the banks of the Mississippi. On the 13th they commenced their downward course, which they pursued with but one interruption, until upon the 6th of March they dis- covered the three great passages by which the river discharges its waters into the gulf. La Salle thus narrates the event : " We landed on the bank of the most western channel, about three leagues (nine miles) from its mouth. On the seventh, M. de LaSalle went to reconnoiter the shores of the neighboring sea, and M. de Tonti meanwhile examined the great middle channel. They found the main outlets beautiful, large and deep. On the 8th we reascended the river, a little above its confluence with the sea, to find a dry place beyond the leMih. of inundations. The elevation of the North Pole was here about twenty-seven degrees. Here we prepared a column and a cross, and to the column were affixed the arms of France with this inscription : Louis Le Grand, Roi De France et de Navarre, regne ; Le neuvieme Avril, 1682. The Avhole party, under arms, chanted the Te Beum, and then, after a salute and cries of " Vive le Roi," the column was erected by M. de LaSalle, wlio, standing near it, proclaimed in a loud voice the authority of the King of France. LaSalle returned and laid the foundations of the Mis- sissippi settlements in Illinois, thence he proceeded to France, where another expedition was fitted out, of which he was commander, and in two succeeding voyages failed to find the outlet of the river by sailing along the shore of the gulf. On his third voyage he was killed, through the THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 29 treachery of his followers, and the object of his expeditions was not accomplished until 1699, when D'Iberville, under the authority of the crown, discovered, on the second of March, by way of the sea, the mouth of the " Hidden River." This majestic stream was called by the natives *'' Malhoucliia,'" and by the Spaniards, ''la Palissade,'' from the great -St Cl-^-" " ai^LJj ^%.^^ TRAPPING. number of trees about its mouth. After traversing the several outlets, and satisfying himself as to its certainty, he erected a fort near its western outlet, and returned to France. An avenue of trade was now opened out which was fully improved. In 1718, New Orleans was laid out and settled by some European colo- nists. In 1762, the colony was made over to Spain, to be regained by France under the consulate of Napoleon. In 1803, it was purchased by 30 THE NOliTHWEST TERRITORY. the United States for the sum of fifteen million dollars, and the territory of Louisiana and commerce of the Mississippi River came under the charge of the United States. Although LaSalle's labors ended in defeat and death, he had not worked and suffered in vain. He had thrown open to France and the world an immense and most valuable country ; had established several ports, and laid the foundations of more than one settlement there. " Peoria, Kaskaskia and Cahokia, are to this day monu- ments of LaSalle's labors ; for, though he had founded neither of them (unless Peoria, which was built nearly upon the site of Fort Crevecoeur,) it was by those whom he led into the West that these places were peopled and civilized. He was, if not the discoverer, the first settler of the Mississippi Valley, and as such deserves to be known and honored." The French early improved the opening made for them. Before the year 1698, the Rev. Father Gravier began a mission among the Illinois, and founded Kaskaskia. For some time this was merely a missionary station, where none but natives resided, it being one of three such vil- lages, the other two being Cahokia and Peoria. What is known of these missions is learned from a letter written by Father Gabriel Marest, dated " Aux Cascaskias, autrement dit de I'lmmaculate Conception de la Sainte Vierge, le 9 Novembre, 1712." Soon after the founding of Kaskaskia, the missionary, Pinet, gathered a flock at Cahokia, while Peoria arose near the ruins of Fort Crevecoeur. This must have been about the year 1700. The post at Vincennes on the Oubache river, (pronounced Wa-ba, meaning summer cloud moving siviftly^ was estab- lished in 1702, according to the best authorities.* It is altogether prob- able that on LaSalle's last trip he established the stations at Kaskaskia and Cahokia. In July, 1701, the foundations of Fort Ponchartrain were laid by De la Motte Cadillac on the Detroit River. These sta- tions, with those established further north, were the earliest attempts to occupy the Northwest Territory. At the same time efforts were being made to occupy the Southwest, which finally culminated in the settle- ment and founding of the City of New Orleans by a colony from England in 1718. This was mainly accomplished through the efforts of the famous Mississippi Company, established by the notorious John Law, who so quickly arose into prominence in France, and who with his scheme so quickly and so ignominiously passed away. From the time of the founding of these stations for fifty years the French nation were engrossed with the settlement of the lower Missis- sippi, and the war with the Chicasaws, who had, in revenge for repeated • There is considerable dispute about tliis date, some asserting it was founded as late as 1742. Wlien the new court liouse at Vincennes was erected, all authorities on the subject were carefully examined, and AV03 fixed upou as the correct date. It was accordingly engraved on the corner-stone of the court house. i THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 31 injuries, cut off the entire colony at Natchez, Although the company- did little for Louisiana, as the entire West was then called, yet it opened the trade through the Mississippi River, and started the raising of grains indigenous to that climate. Until the year 1750, but little is known of the settlements in the Northwest, as it was not until this time that the attention of the English was called to the occupation of this portion of the New World, which they then supposed they owned. Vivier, a missionary among the Illinois, writing from " Aux Illinois," six leagues from Fort Chartres, June 8, 1750, says: "We have here whites, negroes and Indians, to say nothing of cross-breeds. There are five French villages, and three villages of the natives, within a space of twenty-one leagues situated between the Mississippi and another river called the Karkadaid (Kaskaskias). In the five French villages are, perhaps, eleven hundred whites, three hundred blacks and some sixty red slaves or savages. The three Illinois towns do not contain more than eight hundred souls all told. Most of the French till the soil; they raise wheat, cattle, pigs and horses, and live like princes. Three times as much is produced as can be consumed; and great quantities of grain and flour are sent to New Orleans." This city was now the seaport town of the Northwest, and save in the extreme northern part, where only furs and copper ore were found, almost all the products of the country found their way to France by the mouth of the Father of Waters. In another letter, dated Novem- ber 7, 1750, this same priest says : " For fifteen leagues above the mouth of the Mississippi one sees no dwellings, the ground being too low to be habitable. Thence to New Orleans, the lands are only partially occupied. New Orleans , contains black, white and red, not more, I think, than twelve hundred persons. To this point come all lumber, bricks, salt-beef, tallow, tar, skins and bear's grease ; and above all, pork and flour from the Illinois. These things create some commerce, as forty vessels and more have come hither this year. Above New Orleans, plantations are again met with ; the most considerable is a colony of Germans, some ten leagues up the river. At Point Coupee, thirty -five leagues above the German settlement, is a fort. Along here, within five or six leagues, are not less than sixty habitations. Fifty leagues farther up is the Natchez post, where we have a garrison, who are kept prisoners through fear of the Chickasaws. Here and at Point Coupee, they raise excellent tobacco. Another hundred leagues brings us to the Arkansas, where we have also a fort and a garrison for the benefit of the river traders. * * * From the Arkansas to the Illinois, nearly five hundred leagues, there is not a settlement. There should be, however, a fort at the Oubache (Ohio), the only path by which the English can reach the Mississippi. In the Illinois country are numberless mines, but no one to 32 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. work them as they deserve." Father Marest, writing from the post at Vinceniies in 1812, makes the same observation. Vivier also says : " Some individuals dig lead near the surface and supply the Indians and Canada. Two Spaniards now here, who claim to be adepts, say that our mines are like those of Mexico, and that if we would dig deeper, we should find silver under the lead ; and at any rate the lead is excellent. There is also in this country, beyond doubt, copper ore, as from time to time large pieces are found in the streams." '^^'^m^^v^j^^^^'' -' A'/CKCK' HUNTING. At the close of the year 1750, the French occupied, in addition to the lower Mississippi posts and those in Illinois, one at Du Quesne, one at the Maumee in the country of the Miamis, and one at Sandusky in what may be termed the Ohio Valley. In the northern part of the Northwest they had stations at St. Joseph's on the St. Joseph's of Lake Michigan, at Fort Ponchartrain (Detroit), at Michillimackanac or Massillimacanac, Fox River of Green Bay, and at Sault Ste. Marie. The fondest dreams of LaSalle were now fully realized. The French alone were possessors of this vast realm, basing their claim on discovery and settlement. Another nation, however, was now turning its attention to this extensive country, THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 33 and hearing of its wealth, began to lay plans for occupying it and for securing the great profits arising therefrom. The French, however, had another claim to this country, namely, the DISCOVERY OF THE OHIO. This " Beautiful" river was discovered by Robert Cavalier de La- Salle in 1669, four years before the discovery of the Mississippi by Joliet and Marquette. While LaSalle was at his trading post on the St. Lawrence, he found leisure to study nine Indian dialects, the chief of which was the Iroquois. He not only desired to facilitate his intercourse in trade, but he longed to travel and explore the unknown regions of the West. An incident soon occurred which decided hira to fit out an exploring expedition. While conversing with some Senecas, he learned of a river called the Ohio, which rose in their country and flowed to the sea, but at such a distance that it required eight months to reach its mouth. In this state- ment the Mississippi and its tributaries were considered as one stream. LaSalle believing, as most of the French at that period did, that the great rivers flowing west emptied into the Sea of California, was anxious to embark in the enterprise of discovering a route across the continent to the commerce of China and Japan. He repaired at once to Quebec to obtain the approval of the Gov- ernor. His eloquent appeal prevailed. The Governor and the Intendant, Talon, issued letters patent authorizing the enterprise, but made no pro- vision to defray the expenses. At this juncture the seminary of St. Sul- pice decided to send out missionaries in connection with the expedition, and LaSalle offering to sell his improvements at LaChine to raise money, the offer was accepted by the Superior, and two thousand eight hundred dollars were raised, with which LaSalle purchased four canoes and the necessary supplies for the outfit. On the 6th of Jul}^ 1669, the party, numbering twenty-four persons, embarked in seven canoes on the St. Lawrence ; two additional canoes carried the Indian guides. In three days they were gliding over the bosom of Lake Ontario. Their guides conducted them directly to the Seneca village on the bank of the Genesee, in the vicinity of the present City of Rochester, New York. Here they expected to procure guides to conduct tliem to the Ohio, but in this they were disappointed. The Indians seemed unfriendly to the enterprise. LaSalle suspected that the Jesuits had prejudiced their minds against his plans. After waiting a month in the hope of gaining their object, they met an Indian 34 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. from the Iroquois colony at the head of Lake Ontario, who assured them that they could there find guides, and offered to conduct them thence. On their way they passed the mouth of the Niagara River, when they heard for the first time the distant thunder of the cataract. AiTiving XBOyUOlS CUIKF. among the Iroquois, they met with a friendly reception, and learned from a Shawanee prisoner that they could reach the Ohio in six weeks. Delighted with the unexpected good fortune, they made ready to resume their journey ; but just as they were about to start they heard of the arrival of two Frenchmen in a neighboring village. One of them proved to be Louis Joliet, afterwards famous as an explorer in the West. He THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 35 had been sent by the Canadian Government to explore the copper mines on Lake Superior, but had failed, and was on his way back to Quebec. He gave the missionaries a map of the country he had explored in the lake region, together with an account of the condition of the Indians in that quarter. This induced the priests to determine on leaving the expedition and going to Lake Superior. LaSalle warned them that the Jesuits were probably occupying that field, and that they would meet with a cold reception. Nevertheless they persisted in their purpose, and after worship on the lake shore, parted from LaSalle. On arriving at Lake Superior, they found, as LaSalle had predicted, the Jesuit Fathers, Marquette and Dablon, occupying the field. These zealous disciples of Loyola informed them that they wanted no assistance from St. Sulpice, nor from those who made him their patron saint ; and thus repulsed, they returned to Montreal the following June without having made a single discovery or converted a single Indian. After parting with the priests, LaSalle went to the chief Iroquois village at Onondaga, where he obtained guides, and passing thence to a tributary of the Ohio south of Lake Erie, he descended the latter as far as the falls at Louisville. Thus was the Ohio discovered by LaSalle, the persevering and successful French explorer of the West, in 1669. The account of the latter part of his journey is found in an anony- mous paper, which purports to have been taken from the lips of LaSalle himself during a subsequent visit to Paris. In a letter written to Count Frontenac in 1667, shortly after the discovery, he himself says that he discovered the Ohio and descended it to the falls. This was regarded as an indisputable fact by the French authorities, who claimed the Ohio Valley upon another ground. When Washington was sent by the colony of Virginia in 1753, to demand of Gordeur de St. Pierre why the French had built a fort on the Monongahela, the haughty commandant at Quebec replied : " We claim the country on the Ohio by virtue of the discoveries of LaSalle, and will not give it up to the English. Our orders are to make prisoners of every Englishman found trading in the Ohio Valley." ENGLISH EXPLORATIONS AND SETTLEMENTS. When the new year of 1750 broke in upon the Father of Waters and the Great Northwest, all was still wild save at the French posts already described. In 1749, when the English first began to think seri- ously about sending men into the West, the greater portion of the States of Indiana, Ohio, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota were yet under the dominion of the red men. The English knew, however, pretty 86 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. conclusively of the nature of the wealth of these wilds. As early as 1710, Governor Spotswood, of Virginia, had commenced movements to secure the country west of the Alleghenies to the English crown. In Pennsylvania, Governor Keith and James Logan, secretary of the prov- ince, from 1719 to 1731, represented to the powers of England the neces- sity of seciu'ing the Western lands. Nothing was done, however, by that power save to take some diplomatic steps to secure the claims of Britain to this unexplored wilderness. England had from the outset claimed from the Atlantic to the Pacific, on the ground that the discovery of the seacoast and its possession was a discovery and possession of the country, and, as is well known, her grants to the colonies extended " from sea to sea." This was not all her claim. She had purchased from the Indian tribes large tracts of land. This lat- ter was also a strong argument. As early as 1684, Lord Howard, Gov- ernor of Virginia, held a treaty with the six nations. These were the great Northern Confederacy, and comprised at first the Mohawks, Onei- das, Onondagas, Cayugas, and Senecas. Afterward the Tuscaroras were taken into the confederacy, and it became known as the Six Nations. They came under the protection of the mother country, and again in 1701, they repeated the agreement, and in September, 1726, a formal deed was drawn up and signed by the chiefs. The validity of this claim has often been disputed, but never successfully. In 1744, a purchase was made at Lancaster, Pennsylvania, of certain lands within the " Colony of Virginia," for which the Indians received <£200 in gold and a like sum in goods, with a promise that, as settlements increased, more should be paid. The Commissioners from Virginia were Colonel Thomas Lee and Colonel William Beverly. As settlements extended, the promise of more pay was called to mind, and Mr. Conrad Weiser was sent across the mountains with presents to appease the savages. Col. Lee, and some Virginians accompa- nied him with the intention of sounding the Indians upon their feelings regarding the English. They were not satisfied with their treatment, and plainly told the Commissioners why. The English did not desire the cultivation of the country, but the monopoly of the Indian trade. In 1748, the Ohio Company was formed, and petitioned the king for a grant of land beyond the Alleghenies. This was granted, and the government of Virginia was ordered to grant to them a half million acres, two hun- dred thousand of which were to be located at once. Upon the 12th of June, 1749, 800,000 acres from the line of Canada north and west was made to the Loyal Company, and on the 29th of October, 1751, 100,000 acres were given to the Greenbriar Company. All this time the French were not idle. They saw that, should the British gain a foothold in the West, especially upon the Ohio, they might not only prevent the French THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 37 settling upon it, but in time would come to the lower posts and so gain possession of the whole country. Upon the 10th of May, ITT-i, Vaud- reuil, Governor of Canada and the French possessions, well knowing the •consequences that must arise from allowing the English to build trading posts in the Northwest, seized some of their frontier posts, and to further secure the claim of the French to the West, he, in 1749, sent Louis Cel- eron with a party of soldiers to plant along the Ohio River, in the mounds and at the mouths of its principal tributaries, plates of lead, on which were inscribed the claims of France. These were heard of in 1752, and within the memory of residents now living along the "• Oyo," as the beautiful river was called by the French. One of these plates was found with the inscription partly defaced. It bears date August 16, 1749, and a copy of the inscription with particular account of the discovery of the plate, was sent by DeWitt Clinton to the American Antiquarian Society, among whose journals it may now be found.* These measures did not, however, deter the English from going on with their explorations, and though neither party resorted to arms, yet the conflict was gathering, and it was only a question of time when the storm would burst upon the frontier settlements. In 1750, Christopher Gist was sent by the Ohio ■Company to examine its lands. He went to a village of the Twigtwees, on the Miami, about one hundred and fifty miles above its mouth. He- afterward spoke of it as very populous. From there he went down the Ohio River nearly to the falls at the present City of Louisville, and in November he commenced a survey of the Company's lands. Dur- ing the Winter, General Andrew Lewis performed a similar work for the Greenbriar Company. Meanwhile the French were busy in preparing their forts for defense, and in opening roads, and also sent a small party of soldiers to keep the Ohio clear. This party, having heard of the Eng- lish post on the Miami River, early in 1652, assisted by the Ottawas and Chippewas, attacked it, and, after a severe battle, in which fourteen of the natives were killed and others wounded, captured the garrison. (They were probably garrisoned in a block house). The traders were carried away to Canada, and one account says several were burned. This fort or post was called by the English Pickawillany. A memorial of the king's ministers refers to it as " Pickawillanes, in the center of the terri- tory between the Ohio and the Wabash. The name is probably some variation of Pickaway or Picqua in 1773, written by Rev. David Jones Pickaweke." * Tlie following is a translation of the inscription on tlie plate: "In the year 1749. reign of Louis XV., King of France, we, Celeron, commandant of a detachment l)y Monsieur the Marquis of Gallisoniere, cum- mander-in-chief of New France, to establish tranquility in certain Indian villages of these cantons, have buried this plate at the confluence of the Toradalioin, this twenty-ninth of July, near the river Oliio, otherwise Beautiful River, as a monument of renewal of possession whicli we have taken of the said river, and all its tributaries; inasmuch as the preceding Kings of France have enjoyed it, and maintained it by their arms and 'treaties; especially by those of Ryswick, Utrecht, ami Aix La Chapelle." 58 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. This was the first blood shed between the French and English, and occurred near the present City of Piqua, Ohio, or at least at a point about forty-seven miles north of Dayton. Each nation became now more inter- ested in the progress of events in the Northwest. The English deter- mined to purchase from the Indians a title to the lands they Avished to occupy, and Messrs. Fry (afterward Commander-in-chief over Washing- ton at the commencement of the French War of 1775-1763), Lomax and Patton were sent in the Spring of 1752 to hold a conference with the natives at Logstown to learn what they objected to in the treaty of Lan- caster already noticed, and to settle all difficulties. On the 9th of June^ these Commissioners met the red men at Logstown, a little village on the north bank of the Ohio, about seventeen miles below the site of Pitts- burgh. Here had been a trading point for many years, but it was aban- doned by the Indians in 1750. At first the Indians declined to recognize the treaty of Lancaster, but, the Commissioners taking aside Montour,^ the interpreter, who was a son of the famous Catharine Montour, and a chief among the six nations, induced him to use his influence in their favor. This he did, and upon the loth of June they all united in signing- a deed, confirming the Lancaster treaty in its full extent, consenting to a settlement of the southeast of the Ohio, and guaranteeing that it should not be disturbed by them. These were the means used to obtain the first treaty Avith the Indians in the Ohio Valle3^ Meanwhile the powers beyond the sea were trying to out-manoeuvre each other, and were professing to be at peace. The English generally outwitted the Indians, and failed in many instances to fulfill their con- tracts. They thereby gained the ill-will of the red men, and further increased the feeling by failing to provide them with arms and ammuni- tion. Said an old chief, at Easton, in 1758: " The Indians on the Ohio left you because of your own fault. When we heard the French were coming, we asked you for help and arms, but we did not get them. The French came, they treated us kindly, and gained our affections. The Governor of Virginia settled on our lands for his own benefit, and, when we wanted help, forsook us." At the beginning of 1653, the English thought they had secured by title the lands in the West, but the French had quietly gathered cannoa and military stores to be in readiness for the expected blow. The Eng- lish made other attempts to ratify these existing treaties, but not until the Summer could the Indians be gathered together to discuss the plans of the French. They had sent messages to the French, warning them away ; but they replied that they intended to complete the chain of forts- alread}' begun, and would not abandon the field. Soon after this, no satisfaction being obtained from the Ohio regard- THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 39 ang the positions and purposes of the French, Governor Dinwiddie of Virginia determined to send to them another messenger and learn from them, if possible, their intentions. For this purpose he selected a young man, a surveyor, who, at the early age of nineteen, had received the rank of major, and who was thoroughly posted regarding frontier life. This personage was no other than the illustrious George Washington, who then held considerable interest in Western lands. He was at this time just twenty-two years of age. Taking Gist as his guide, the two, accompanied by four servitors, set out on their perilous march. They left Will's Creek on the 10th of November, 1753, and on the 22d reached the Monon- gahela, about ten miles above the fork. From there they went to Logstown, where Washington had a long conference with the chiefs of the Six Nations. From them he learned the condition of the French, and also heard of their determination not to come down the river till the fol- lowing Spring. The Indians were non-committal, as they were afraid to turn either way, and, as far as they could, desired to remain neutral. Washington, finding nothing could be done with them, went on to Venango, an old Indian town at the mouth of French Creek. Here the French had a fort, called Fort Machault. Through the rum and flattery of the French, he nearly lost all his Indian followers. Finding nothing •of importance here, he pursued his way amid great privations, and on the 11th of December reached the fort at the head of French Creek. Here he delivered Governor Dinwiddle's letter, received his answer, took his observations, and on the 16th set out upon his return journey with no one but Gist, his guide, and a few Indians who still remained true to him, notwithstanding the endeavors of the French to retain them. Their homeward journe}^ was one of great peril and suffering from the cold, yet they reached home in safety on the 6th of January, 1754. From the letter of* St. Pierre, commander of the French fort, sent by Washington to Governor Dinwiddie, it was learned that the French would not give up without a struggle. Active preparations were at once made in all the English colonies for the coming conflict, while the French finished the fort at Venango and strengthened their lines of fortifications, and gathered their forces to be in readiness. The Old Dominion was all alive. Virginia was the center of great activities ; volunteers were called for, and from all the neighboring colonies men rallied to the conflict, and everywhere along the Potomac men were enlisting under the Governor's proclamation — which promised two hundred thousand acres on the Ohio. Along this river they were gathering as far as Will's Creek, and far beyond this point, whither Trent had come for assistance for his little band of forty-one men, who were 40 Tin-: NORTHWEST TERRITORY. working away in hiint^er and want, to fortify tliat point at the fork of the Ohio, to which both parties were looking with deep interest. " The first birds of Spring filled the air with their song ; the swiffc river rolled l)y tlie Allegheny hillsides, swollen by the melting snows of Spring and the April showers. The leaves were appearing ; a few Indian scouts were seen, but no enemy seemed near at hand ; and all was so quiet,, that Frazier, an old Indian scout and trader, Avho had been left by Trent in command, ventured to his home at the mouth of Turtle Creek, ten miles up the Mouongahela. But, though all was so quiet in that wilder- ness, keen eyes had seen the low intrenchment rising at the fork, and. swift feet had borne the news of it up the river ; and upon the morning- of the 17th of April, Ensign Ward, -who then had charge of it, saw upon the Allegheny a sight that made his heart sink — sixty batteaux and three hundred canoes filled with men, and laden deep with cannon and stores, * * * That evening he supped with his captor, Contrecoeur^ and the next day he was bowed off by the Frenchman, and with his men and tools, marched up the Monongahela." The French and Indian war had begun. The treaty of Aix la Chapelle, in 1748, had left the boundaries between the French and English possessions imsettled, and the events already narrated show the French were determined to hold the country watered by the Mississippi and its tributaries ; while the English laid claims to the country by virtue of the discoveries of the Cabots, and claimed all the country from New- foundland to Florida, extending from the Atlantic to the Pacific. The first decisive blow had now been struck, and the first attempt of the English, through the Ohio Company, to occupy these lands, had resulted disastrously to them. The French and Indians immediately completed the fortifications begun at the Fork, which they ha^ so easily captured,, and when completed gave to the fort the name of DuQuesne. Washing- ton was at Will's Creek when the news of the capture of the fort arrived. He at once departed to recapture it. On his way he entrenched him- self at a place called the " Meadows," where he erected a fort called by him Fort Necessity. From there he surprised and captured a force of French and Indians marching against him, but was soon after attacked in liis fort by a much superior force, and was obliged to yield on the morning of July 4th. He was allowed to return to Virginia. The English Government immediately planned four campaigns; one against Fort DuQuesne ; one against Nova Scotia ; one against Fort Niagara, and one against Crown Point. These occurred during 1755-6» and were not successful in driving the French from their possessions. The expedition against Fort DuQuesne was led by the famous General Braddock, who, refusing to listen to the advice of Washington and those THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 41 acquainted with Indian warfare, suffered such an inglorious defeat. This occurred on the morning of July 9th, and is generally known as the battle of Monongahela, or " Braddock's Defeat." The war continued with various vicissitudes through the years 1756-7 ; when, at the commence- ment of 1758, in accordance with the plans of William Pitt, then Secre- tary of State, afterwards Lord Chatham, active preparations were made to carry on the war. Three expeditious were planned for this year : one, under General Amherst, against Louisburg ; another, under Abercrombie, against Fort Ticonderoga ; and a third, under General Forbes, against Fort DuQuesne. On the 26th of July, Louisburg surrendered after a desperate resistance of more than forty days, and the eastern part of the Canadian possessions fell into the hands of the British. Abercrombie captured Fort Frontenac, and when the expedition against Fort DuQuesne, of which Washington had the active command, arrived there, it was found in flames and deserted. The English at once took possession, rebuilt the fort, and in honor of their illustrious statesman, changed the name to Fort Pitt. The great object of the campaign of 1759, was the reduction of Canada. General Wolfe was to lay siege to Quebec ; Amherst was to reduce Ticonderoga and Crown Point, and General Prideaux was to capture Niagara. This latter place was taken in July, but the gallant Prideaux lost his life in the attempt. Amherst captured Ticonderoga and Crown Point without a blow ; and Wolfe, after making the memor- able ascent to the Plains of Abraham, on September 13th, defeated Montcalm, and on the 18th, the city capitulated. In this engagement Montcolm and Wolfe both lost their lives. De Levi, Montcalm's successor, marched to Sillery, three miles above the city, with the purpose of defeating the English, and there, on the 28th of the following April, was fousht one of the bloodiest battles of the French and Indian War. It resulted in the defeat of the French, and the fall of the City of Montreal. The Governor signed a capitulation by which the whole of Canada was surrendered to the English. This practically concluded the war, but it was not until 1763 that the treaties of peace between France and England were signed. This was done on the 10th of February of that year, and under its provisions all the country east of the Mississippi and north of the Iberville River, in Louisiana, were ceded to England. At the same time Spain ceded Florida to Great Britain. On the 13th of September, 1760, Major Robert Rogers v/as sent from Montreal to take charge of Detroit, the only remaining French post in the territory. He arrived there on the 19th of November, and sum- moned the place to surrender. At first the commander of the post, Beletre, refused, but on the 29tli, hearing of the continued defeat of the 42 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. French arms, surrendered. Rogers remained there until December 23d under the personal protection of the celebrated chief, Pontiac, to whom, no doubt, he owed his safety. Pontiac had come here to inquire the purposes of the EngUsh in taking possession of the country. He was assured that they came simply to trade with the natives, and did not desire their country. This answer conciliated the savages, and did much to insure the safety of Rogers and his party during their stay, and while on their journey home. Rogers set out for Fort Pitt on December 23, and was just one month on the way. His route was from Detroit to Maumee, thence across the present State of Ohio directly to the fort. This was the com- mon trail of the Indians in their journeys from Sandusky to the fork of the Ohio. It went from Fort Sandusky, where Sandusky City now is, crossed the Huron river, then called Bald Eagle Creek, to " Mohickon John's Town" on Mohickon Creek, the northern branch of White Woman's River, and thence crossed to Beaver's Town, a Delaware town on what is now Sandy Creek. At Beaver's Town were probably one hundred and fifty warriors, and not less than three thousand acres of cleared land. From there the track went up Sandy Creek to and across Big Beaver, and up the Ohio to Logstown, thence on to the fork. The Northwest Territory was now entirely under the English rule. New settlements began to be rapidly made, and the promise of a large trade was speedily manifested. Had the British carried out their promises with the natives none of those savage butcheries would have been perpe- trated, and the country would have been spared their recital. The renowned chief, Pontiac, was one of the leading spirits in these atrocities. We will now pause in our narrative, and notice the leading events in his life. The earliest authentic information regarding this noted Indian chief is learned from an account of an Indian trader named Alexander Henry, who, in the Spring of 1761, penetrated his domains as far as Missillimacnac. Pontiac was then a great friend of the French, but a bitter foe of the English, whom he considered as encroaching on his hunting grounds. Henry was obliged to disguise himself as a Canadian to insure safety, but was discovered by Pontiac, who bitterly reproached him and the English for their attempted subjugation of the West. He declared that no treaty had been made with them ; no presents sent them, and that he would resent any possession of the West by that nation. He was at the time about fifty years of age, tall and dignified, and was civil and military ruler of the Ottawas, Ojibwas and Pottawatamies. The Indians, from Lake Michigan to the borders of North Carolina, were united in this feeling, and at the time of the treaty of Paris, ratified February 10, 1763, a general conspiracy was formed to fall suddenly THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 48 PONTIAC, THE OTTAWA CHIEFTAIN. 44 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. upon the frontier British posts, and with one blow strike every man dead. Pontiac was the marked leader in all this, and was the commander of the Chippewas, Ottawas, Wyandots, Miamis, Shawanese, Delawares- and Minn-oes, who had, for the time, laid aside their local quarrels to unit© in this enterprise. The blow came, as near as can now be ascertained, on May 7, 1768. Nine British posts fell, and the Indians drank, " scooped up in the hollow of joined hands," the blood of many a Briton. Pontiac's immediate field of action was the garrison at Detroit. Here, however, the plans were frustrated by an Indian woman disclosing the plot the evening previous to his arrival. Everything was carried out, however, according to Pontiac's plans until the moment of action, when Major Gladwyn, the commander of the post, stepping to one of the Indian chiefs, suddenly drew aside his blanket and disclosed the concealed musket. Pontiac, though a brave man, turned pale and trembled. He saw his plan was known, and that the garrison were prepared. He endeavored to exculpate himself from any such intentions ; but the guilt was evident, and he and his followers were dismissed with a sever© reprimand, and warned never to again enter the walls of the post. Pontiac at once laid siege to the fort, and until the treaty of peace between the British and the Western Indians, concluded in August, 1764» continued to harass and besiege the fortress. He organized a regular commissariat department, issued bills of credit written out on bark» which, to his credit, it may be stated, were punctually redeemed. At the conclusion of the treaty, in which it seems he took no part, he went further south, living many years among the Illinois. He had given up all hope of saving his country and race. After a time he endeavored to unite the Illinois tribe and those about St. Louis in a war with the whites. His efforts were fruitless, and only ended in a quarrel between himself and some Kaskaskia Indians, one of whom soon afterwards killed him. His death was, however, avenged by the northern Indians, who nearly exterminated the Illinois in the wars which followed. Had it not been for the treachery of a few of his followers, his plan for the extermination of the whites, a masterly one, would undoubtedly have been carried out. It was in the Spring of the year following Rogers' visit that Alex- ander Henry went to Missillimacnac, and everywhere found the strongest feelings against the English, who had not carried out their promises, and were doing nothing to conciliate the natives. Here he met the chief, Pontiac, who, after conveying to him in a speecli the idea that their French father would awake soon and utterly destroy his enemies, said : " Englishman, although you have conquered the French, you have not THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 4^ yet conquered us ! We are not your slaves! These lakes, these woodsy these mountains, were left us by our ancestors. They are our inheritance, and we will part with them to none. Your nation supposes that we, lik& the white people, can not live without bread and pork and beef. But you ought to know that He, the Great Spirit and Master of Life, has provided food for us upon these broad lakes and in these mountains." He then spoke of the fact that no treaty had been made with them, no presents sent them, and that he and his people were yet for war. Such were the feelings of the Northwestern Indians immediately after the English took possession of their country. These feelings were no doubt encouraged by the Canadians and French, who hoped that yet the French arms might prevail. The treaty of Paris, however, gave to the English the right to this vast domain, and active preparations were going on to occupy it and enjoy its trade and emoluments. In 1762, France, by a secret treaty, ceded Louisiana to Spain, to pre- vent it falling into the hands of the English, who were becoming masters of the entire West. The next year the treaty of Paris, signed at Fon- tainbleau, gave to the English the domain of the country in question. Twenty years after, by the treaty of peace between the United States and England, that part of Canada lying south and west of the Great Lakes, comprehending a large territory which is the subject of these sketches, was acknowledged to be a portion of the United States ; and twenty years still later, in 1803, Louisiana was ceded by Spain back to- France, and by France sold to the United States. In the half century, from the building of the Fort of Crevecceur by LaSalle, in 1680, up to the erection of Fort Chartres, many French set* tlements had been made in that quarter. These have already been noticed, being those at St. Vincent (Vincennes), Kohokia or Cahokia, Kaskaskia and Prairie du Rocher, on the American Bottom, a large tract of rich alluvial soil in Illinois, on the Mississippi, opposite the site of St^ Louis. By the treaty of Paris, the regions east of the Mississippi, including all these and other towns of the Northwest, were given over to England^ but they do not appear to have been taken possession of until 1765, when Captain Stirling, in the name of the Majesty of England, established him- self at Fort Chartres bearing with him the proclamation of General Gage, dated December 30, 1764, which promised religious freedom to all Cath- olics who worshiped here, and a right to leave the country with their effects if they wished, or to remain with the privileges of Englishmen. It was shortly after the occupancy of the West by the British that the war with Pontiac opened. It is already noticed in the sketch of that chieftain- By it many a; Briton lost his life, and many a frontier settle- 46 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. ment in its infancy ceased to exist. This was not ended until the year 17G4, when, failing to capture Detroit, Niagara and Fort Pitt, his confed- ■eracy became disheartened, and, receiving no aid from the French, Pon- tiac abandoned the enterprise and departed to the Illinois, among whom he afterward lost his life. As soon as these difficulties were definitely settled, settlers began rapidly to survey the country and prepare for occupation. During the 3'ear 1770, a number of persons from Virginia and other British provinces explored and marked out nearly all the valuable lands on the Mononga- hela and along the banks of the Ohio as far as the Little Kanawha. This was followed by another exploring expedition, in which George Washing- ton was a party. The latter, accompanied by Dr. Craik, Capt. Crawford and others, on the 20th of October, 1770, descended the Ohio from Pitts- bursfh to the mouth of the Kanawha ; ascended that stream about fourteen miles, marked out several large tracts of land, shot several buffalo, which were then abundant in the Ohio Valley, and returned to the fort. Pittsburgh was at this time a trading post, about which was clus- tered a village of some twenty houses, inhabited by Indian traders. This same year, Capt. Pittman visited Kaskaskia and its neighboring villages. He found there about sixty-five resident families, and at Cahokia only forty-five dwellings. At Fort Chartres was another small settlement, and at Detroit the garrison were quite prosperous and strong. For a year or two settlers continued to locate near some of these posts, generally Fort Pitt or Detroit, owing to the fears of the Indians, who still main- tained some feelings of hatred to the English. The trade from the posts was quite good, and from those in Illinois large quantities of pork and ilour found their way to the New Orleans market. At this time the policy of the British Government was strongly opposed to the extension of the colonies west. In 1763, the King of England forbade, by royal proclamation, his colonial subjects from making a settlement beyond the sources of the rivers which fall into the Atlantic Ocean. At the instance of the Board of Trade, measures were taken to prevent the settlement without the limits prescribed, and to retain the commerce within easy reach of Great Britain. The commander-in-chief of the king's forces wrote in 1769 : " In the course of a few years necessity will compel the colonists, should they extend their settlements west, to provide manufactures of some kind for themselves, and when all connection upheld by commerce with the mother country ceases, an independency in their government will soon follow." In accordance with this policy. Gov. Gage issued a proclamation in 1772, commanding the inhabitants of Vincennes to abandon their set- tiements and join some of the Eastern Eugiifl' colonies. To this they THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 47 strenuously objected, giving good reasons therefor, and were allowed to remain. The strong opposition to this policy of Great Britain led to its change, and to such a course as to gain the attachment of the French population. In December, 1773, influential citizens of Quebec petitioned the king for an extension of the boundary lines of that province, which was granted, and Parliament passed an act on June 2, 1774, extend- ing the boundary so as to include the territory lying within the present States of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and Michigan. In conseciuence of the liberal policy pursued by the British Govern- ment toward the French settlers in the West, they were disposed to favor that nation in the war which soon followed with the colonies ; but the early alliance between France and America soon brought them to the side of the war for independence. In 1774, Gov. Dunmore, of Virginia, began to encourage emigration to the Western lands. He appointed magistrates at Fort Pitt under the pretense that the fort was under the government of that commonwealth. One of these justices, John Connelly, who possessed a tract of land in the Ohio Valley, gathered a force of men and garrisoned the fort, calling it Fort Dunmore. This and other parties were formed to select sites for settlements, and often came in conflict with the Indians, who yet claimed portions of the valley, and several battles followed. These ended in the famous battle of Kanawha in July, where the Indians were defeated and driven across the Ohio. During the years 1775 and 1776, by the operations of land companies and the perseveranceof individuals, several settlements were firmly estab- lished between the Alleghanies and the Ohio River, and western land speculators were busy in Illinois and on the Wabash. At a council held in Kaskaskia on July 5, 1773, an association of English traders, calling- themselves the " lUinois Land Company," obtained from ten chiefs of the Kaskaskia, Cahokia and Peoria tribes two large tracts of land lying on the east side of the Mississippi River south of the Illinois. In 1775, a mer- chant from the Illinois Country, named Viviat, came to Post Vincenne& as the agent of the association called the " Wabash Land Company." On the 8th of October he obtained from eleven Piankeshaw chiefs, a deed for 37,497,600 acres of land. This deed was signed by the grantors, attested by a number of the inhabitants of Vincennes, and afterward recorded in the office of a notary public at Kaskaskia. This and other land com- panies had extensive schemes for the colonization of the West ; but all were frustrated by the breaking out of the Revolution. On the 20th of April, 1780, the two companies named consohdated under the name of the " United Illinois and Wabash Land Company." They afterward made 48 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. strenuous efforts to have these grants sanctioned by Congress, but all signally failed. When the War of the Revolution commenced, Kentucky w^as an unor- ganized country, though there were several settlements within her borders. In Hutchins' Topography of Virginia, it is stated thac at that time " Kaskaskia contained 80 houses, and nearly 1,000 white and black in- habitants — the whites being a little the more numerous. Cahokia con- tains 50 houses and 300 white inhabitants, and 80 negroes. There were -east of the Mississippi River, about the year 1771 " — when these observa- tions were made — " 300 white men capable of bearing arms, and 230 negroes." From 1775 until the expedition of Clark, nothing is recorded and nothing known of these settlements, save what is contained in a report made by a committee to Congress in June, 1778. From it the following extract is made : " Near the mouth of the River Kaskaskia, there is a village which appears to have contained nearly eighty families from the beginning of the late revolution. There are twelve families in a small village at la Prairie du Rochers, and near fifty families at the Kahokia Village. There are also four or five families at Fort Chartres and St. Philips, which is five miles further up the river." St. Louis had been settled in February, 1764, and at this time con- tained, including its neighboring towns, over six hundred whites and one hundred and fifty negroes. It must be remembered that all the country west of the Mississippi was now under French rule, and remained so until ■ceded again to Sjjain, its original owner, who afterwards sold it and the country including New Orleans to the United States. At Detroit there were, according to Capt. Carver, who was in the Northwest from 1766 to 1768, more than one hundred houses, and the river was settled for more than twenty miles, although poorly cultivated — the people being engaged in the Indian trade. This old town has a history, which we will here relate. It is the oldest town in the Northwest, having been founded by Antoine de Lamotte Cadillac, in 1701. It was laid out in the form of an oblong square, of two acres in length, and an acre and a half in width. As described by A. D. Frazer, who first visited it and became a permanent resident of the place, in 1778, it comprised within its limits that space between Mr. Palmer's store (Conant Block) and Capt. Perkins' house {near the Arsenal building), and extended back as far as the public barn, and was bordered in front by the Detroit River. It was surrounded by oak and cedar pickets, about fifteen feet long, set in the ground, and had four gates — east, west, north and south. Over the first tlu-ee of these THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 49 gates were block houses provided with four guns apiece, each a six- pounder. Two six-gun batteries were planted fronting the river and in a parallel direction with the block houses. There were four streets running €ast and west, the main street being twenty feet wide and the rest fifteen feet, while the four streets crossing these at right angles were from ten to fifteen feet in width. At the date spoken of by Mr. Frazer, there was no fort within the enclosure, but a citadel on the ground corresponding to the present northwest corner of Jefferson Avenue and Wayne Street. The citadel was inclosed by pickets, and within it were erected barracks of wood, two stories high, sufficient to contain ten officers, and also barracks sufficient to contain four hundred men, and a provision store built of brick. The citadel also contained a hospital and guard-house. The old town of Detroit, in 1778, contained about sixty houses, most of them one story, with a few a story and a half in height. They were all of logs, some hewn and some round. There was one building of splendid appearance, called the " King's Palace," two stories high, which stood near the east gate. It was built for Governor Hamilton, the first governor commissioned by the British. There were two guard-houses, one near the west gate and the other near the Government House. Each of the guards consisted of twenty-four men and a subaltern, who mounted regularly every morning between nine and ten o'clock, Each furnished four sentinels, who were relieved every two hours. There was also an officer of the day, who pjr- formed strict dut3% Each of the gates was shut regularly at sunset ; even wicket gates were shut at nine o'clock, and all the keys were delivered into the hands of the commanding officer. They were opened in the morning at sunrise. No Indian or squaw was permitted to enter town with any weapon, such as a tomahawk or a knife. It was a stand- ing order that the Indians should deliver their arms and instruments of every kind before they were permitted to pass the sentinel, and they were restored to them on their return. No more than twenty-five Indians were allowed to enter the town at any one time, and they were admitted only at the east and west gates. At sundown the drums beat, and all the Indians were required to leave town instantly. There was a council house near the water side for the purpose of holding council with the Indians. The population of the town was about sixty families, in all about two hundred males and one hundred females. This town was destroyed by fire, all except one dwelling, in 1805. After which the present " new " town was laid out. On the breaking out of the Revolution, the British held every post of importance in the West. Kentucky was formed as a com]3onent part of Virginia, and the sturdy pioneers of the West, alive to their interests, 50 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. and recogrnizinsf the areat benefits of obtaininsr the control of the trade in this part of the New World, held steadily to their purposes, and those within the commonwealth of Kentucky proceeded to exercise their civil privileges, by electing John Todd and Richard Gallaway, burgesses to represent them in the Assembly of the parent state. Early in September of that year (1777) the first court was held in Harrodsburg, and Col. Bowman, afterwards major, who had arrived in August, was made the commander of a militia organization which had been commenced the March previous. Thus the tree of loyalty was growing. The chief spirit in this far-out colony, who had represented her the year previous east of the mountains, was now meditating a move unequaled in its boldness. He had been watching the movements of the British throughout the Northwest, and understood their whole plan. Ht saw it was through their possession of the posts at Detroit, Vincennes, Kaskaskia, and other places, which would give them constant and easy access to the various Indian tribes in the Northwest, that the British intended to penetrate the country from the north and soutn, ana annihi- late the frontier fortresses. This moving, energetic man was Colonel, afterwards General, George Rogers Clark. He knew the Indians were not unanimously in accord with the English, and he was convinced that, could the British be defeated and expelled from the Northwest, the natives might be easily awed into neutrality ; and by spies sent for the purpose, he satisfied himself that the enterprise against the Illinois settlements might easily succeed. Having convinced himself of the certainty of the project, he repaired to the Capital of Virginia, which place he reached on November 5th. While he was on his way, fortunately, on October 17th, Burgoyne had been defeated, and the spirits of the colonists greatly encouraged thereby. Patrick Henry was Governor of Virginia, and at once entered heartily into Clark's plans. The same plan had before been agitated in the Colonial Assemblies, but there was no one until Clark came who was sufficiently acquainted with the condition of affairs at the scene of action to be able to guide them. Clark, having satisfied the Virginia leaders of the feasibility of his plan, received, on the 2d of January, two sets of instructions — one secret, the other open — the latter authorized him to proceed to enlist seven companies to go to Kentucky, subject to his orders, and to serve three months from their arrival in the West. The secret order authorized him to arm these troops, to procure his powder and lead of General Hand at Pittsburgh, and to proceed at once to subjugate the country. With these instructions Clark repaired to Pittsburgh, choosing rather to raise his men west of the mountains, as he well knew all were needed in the colonies in the conflict there. He sent Col. W. B. Smith to Hoi- THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 51 ston for the same purpose, but neither succeeded in raising the required number of men. The settlers in these parts were afraid to le'ave their own firesides exposed to a vigilant foe, and but few could be induced to join the proposed expedition. With three companies and several private volunteers, Clark at length commenced his descent of the Ohio, which he navigated as far as the Falls, where he took possession of and fortified Corn Island, a small island between the present Cities of Louisville, Kentucky, and New Albany, Indiana. Remains of this fortification may yet be found. At this place he appointed Col. Bowman to meet him with such recruits as had reached Kentucky by the southern route, and as many as could be spared from the station. Here he announced to the men their real destination. Having completed his arrangements, and chosen his party, he left a small garrison upon the island, and on the 24th of June, during a total eclipse of the sun, which to them augured no good, and which fixes beyond dispute the date of starting, he with his chosen band, fell down the river. His plan was to go by water as far as Fort Massac or Massacre, and thence march direct to Kaskaskia. Here he intended to surprise the garrison, and after its capture go to Cahokia, then to Vincennes, and lastly to Detroit. Should he fail, he intended to march directly to the Mississippi River and cross it into the Spanish country. Before his start he received two good items of infor- mation : one that the alliance had been formed between France and the United States ; and the other that the Indians throughout the Illinois country and the inhabitants, at the various frontier posts, had been led to believe by the British that the " Long Knives" or Virginians, were the most fierce, bloodthirsty and cruel savages that ever scalped a foe. With this impression on their minds, Clark saw that proper management would cause them to submit at once from fear, if surprised, and then from grati- tude would become friendly if treated with unexpected leniency. The march to Kaskaskia was accomplished through a hot July sun, and the town reached on the evening of July 4. He captured the fort near the village, and soon after the village itself by surprise, and without the loss of a single man or by killing any of the enemy. After sufficiently working upon the fears of the natives, Clark told them they were at per- fect liberty to worship as they pleased, and to take whichever side of the great conflict they would, also he would protect them from any barbarity from British or Indian foe. This had the desired effect, and the inhab- itants, so unexpectedly and so gratefully surprised by the unlooked for turn of affairs, at once swore allegiance to the American arms, and when Clark desired to go to Cahokia on the 6tli of July, they accom- panied him, and through their influence the inhabitants of the place surrendered, and gladly placed themselves under his protection. Thus Ubrary 52 THE NORTHWEST TERKITORY. the two important posts in Illinois passed from the hands of the English into the possession of Virginia. In the person of the priest at Kaskaskia, M. Gibault, Clark found a powerful ally and generous friend. Clark saw that, to retain possession of the Northwest and treat successfully with the Indians within its boun- daries, he must establish a government for the colonies he had taken. St. Vincent, the next important post to Detroit, remained yet to be taken before the Mississippi Valley was conquered. M. Gibault told him that he would alone, by persuasion, lead Vincennes to throw off its connection with England. Clark gladly accepted his offer, and on the 14th of July, in company with a fellow-townsman, M. Gibault started on his mission of peace, and on the 1st of August returned with the cheerful intelligence that the post on the " Oubache " had taken the oath of allegiance to the Old Dominion. During this interval, Clark established his courts, placed garrisons at Kaskaskia and Cahokia, successfully re-enlisted his men, sent word to have a fort, which proved the germ of Louisville, erected at the Falls of the Ohio, and dispatched Mr. Rocheblave, who had been commander at Kaskaskia, as a prisoner of war to Richmond. In October the County of Illinois was established by the Legislature of Virginia, John Todd appointed Lieutenant Colonel and Civil Governor, and in November General Clark and his men received the thanks of the Old Dominion through their Legislature. In a speech a few days afterward, Clark made known fully to the natives his plans, and at its close all came forward and swore alle- giance to the Long Knives. While he was doing this Governor Hamilton, having made his various arrangements, had left Detroit and moved down the Wabash to Vincennes intending to operate from that point in reducing the Illinois posts, and then proceed on down to Kentucky and drive the rebels from the West. Gen. Clark had, on the return of M. Gibault, dispatched Captain Helm, of Fauquier County, Virginia, with an attend- ant named Henry, across the Illinois prairies to command the fort. Hamilton knew nothing of the capitulation of the post, and was greatly surprised on his arrival to be confronted by Capt. Helm, who, standing at the entrance of the fort by a loaded cannon ready to fire upon his assail- ants, demanded upon what terms Hamilton demanded possession of the fort. Being granted the rights of a prisoner of war, he surrendered to the British General, who could scarcely believe his eyes when he saw the force in the garrison. Hamilton, not realizing the character of the men with whom he was contending, gave up his intended campaign for the Winter, sent his four hundred Indian warriors to prevent troops from coming down the Ohio, THE NOETHWEST TERRITORY. 53 and to annoy the Americans in all ways, and sat quietly down to pass the Winter. Information of all these proceedings having reached Clark, he saw that immediate and decisive action was necessary, and that unless he captured Hamilton, Hamilton would capture him. Clark received the news on the 29th of January, 1779, and on February 4th, having suffi- ciently garrisoned Kaskaskia and Cahokia, he sent down the Mississippi a " battoe," as Major Bowman writes it, in order to ascend the Ohio and Wabash, and operate with the land forces gathering for the fray. On the next day, Clark, with his little force of one hundred and twenty men, set out for the post, and after incredible hard marching through much mud, the ground being thawed by the incessant spring rains, on the 22d reached the fort, and being joined by his " battoe," at once commenced the attack on the post. The aim of the American back- woodsman was unerring, and on the 24th the garrison surrendered to the intrepid boldness of Clark. The French were treated with great kind- ness, and gladly renewed their allegiance to Virginia. Hamilton was sent as a prisoner to Virginia, where he was kept in close confinement. During his command of the British frontier posts, he had offered prizes to the Indians for all the scalps of Americans they would bring to him, and had earned in consequence thereof the title " Hair-buyer General," by which he was ever afterward known. Detroit was now without doubt within easy reach of the enterprising Virginian, could he but raise the necessary force. Governor Henry being apprised of this, promised him the needed reinforcement, and Clark con- cluded to wait until he could capture and sufficiently garrison the posts. Had Clark failed in this bold undertaking, and Hamilton succeeded in uniting the western Indians for the next Spring's campaign, the West would indeed have been swept from the Mississippi to the Allegheny Mountains, and the great blow struck, which had been contemplated from the commencement, by the British. " But for this small army of dripping, but fearless Virginians, the union of all the tribes from Georgia to Maine against the colonies might have been effected, and the whole current of our history changed." At this time some fears were entertained by the Colonial Govern- ments that the Indians in the North and Northwest were inclining to the British, and under the instructions of Washington, now Commander-in- Chief of the Colonial army, and so bravely fighting for American inde- pendence, armed forces were sent against the Six Nations, and upon the Ohio frontier, Col. Bowman, acting under the same general's orders, marched against Indians within the present limits of that State. These expeditions were in the main successful, and the Indians were compelled to sue for peace. 54 THE NORTHWEST TEKKITOKY. During this same year (1779) the famous " Land Laws" of Virginia were passed. The passage of these laws was of more consequence to the pioneers of Kentucky and the Northwest than the gaining of a few Indian conflicts. These hiws confirmed in main all grants made, and guaranteed to all actual settlers their rights and privileges. After providing for the settlers, the laws provided for selling the balance of the public lands at forty cents per acre. To carry the Land Laws into effect, the Legislature sent four Virginians westward to attend to the various claims, over many of which great confusion prevailed concerning their validity. These gentlemen opened their court on October 13, 1779, at St. Asaphs, and continued until April 26, 1780, when they adjourned, having decided three thousand claims. They were succeeded by the surveyor, who came in the person of Mr. George May, and assumed his duties on the 10th day of the month whose name he bore. With the opening of the next year (1780) the troubles concerning the navigation of the Missis- sippi commenced. The Spanish Government exacted such measures in relation to its trade as to cause the overtures made to the United States to be rejected. "The American Government considered they had a right to navigate its channel. To enforce their claims, a fort was erected below the mouth of the Ohio on the Kentucky side of the river. The settle- ments in Kentucky were being rapidly filled by emigrants. It was dur- ing this year that the first seminary of learning was established in the West in this young and enterprising Commonwealth. The settlers here did not look upon the building of this fort in a friendly manner, as it aroused the hostility of the Indians. Spain had been friendly to the Colonies during their struggle for independence, and though for a while this friendship appeared in danger from the refusal of the free navigation of the river, yet it was finally settled to the satisfaction of both nations. The Winter of 1779-80 was one of the most unusually severe ones ever experienced in the West. The Indians always referred to it as the "Great Cold." Numbers of wild animals perished, and not a few pioneers lost their lives. The following Summer a party of Canadians and Indians attacked St. Louis, and attempted to take possession of it in consequence of the friendly disposition of Spain to the revolting colonies. They met with such a determined resistance on the part of the inhabitants, even the women taking part in the battle, that they were compelled to abandon the contest. They also made an attack on the settlements in Kentucky, but, becoming alarmed in some unaccountable manner, they fled the country in great haste- About this time arose the question in the Colonial Congress con- cerning the western lands claimed by Virginia, New York, Massachusetts THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 55 and Connecticut. The agitation concerning this subject finally led New- York, on the 19th of February, 1780, to pass a law giving to the dele- gates of that State in Congress the power to cede her western lands for the benefit of the United States. This law was laid before Consrress during the next month, but no steps were taken concerning it until Sep- tember 6th, when a resolution passed that body calling upon the States claiming western lands to release their claims in favor of the whole body. This basis formed the union, and was the first after all of those lecrislative measures which resulted in the creation of the States of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota. In December of the same .year, the plan of conquering Detroit again arose. The conquest might have easily been effected by Clark had the necessary aid been furnished him. Nothing decisive was done, yet the heads of the Government knew that the safety of the Northwest from British invasion lay in the capture and retention of that important jiost, the only unconquered one in the territory.' Before the close of the year, Kentucky was divided into the Coun- ties of Lincoln, Fayette and Jefferson, and the act establishing the Town of Louisville was passed. This same year is also noted in the annals of American history as the year in which occurred Arnold's treason to the United States. Virginia, in accordance with the resolution of Congress, on the 2d day of January, 1781, agreed to yield her western lands to the United States upon certain conditions, which Congress would not accede to, and ■the Act of Cession, on the part of the Old Dominion, failed, nor was anything farther done until 1783. During all that time the Colonies were busily engaged in the struggle with the mother country, and in consequence thereof but little heed was given to the western settlements. Upon the 16th of April, 1781, the first birth north of the Ohio River of American parentage occurred, being that of Mary Heckewelder, daughter of the widely known Moravian missionary, whose band of Christian Indians suffered in after years a horrible massacre by the hands of the frontier settlers, who had been exasperated by the murder of several of their neighbors, and in their rage committed, without regard to humanity, a deed which forever afterwards cast a shade of shame upon their lives. For this and kindred outrages on the part of the whites, the Indians committed many deeds of cruelty which darken the years of 1771 and 1772 in the history of the Northwest. During the year 1782 a number of battles among the Indians and frontiersmen occurred, and between the Moravian Indians and the Wyan- dots. In these, horrible acts of cruelty were practised on the captives, many of such dark deeds transpiring under the leadership of the notorious 56 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. frontier outlaw, Simon Girty, whose name, as well as those of his brothers, was a terror to women and children. These occurred chiefly in the Ohio valleys. Cotemporary with them were several engagements in Kentucky, in which the famous Daniel Boone engaged, and who, often by his skill and knowledge of Indian warfare, saved the outposts from cruel destruc- -4?? -: INDIANS ATTACKING FIlONTIEltSMKN. tion. By the close of the year victory had perched upon the American banner, and on the 30th of November, provisional articles of peace had been arranged between the Commissioners of England and her uncon- querable colonies. Cornwallis had been defeated on the 19th of October preceding, and the liberty of America was assured. On the 19th of April following, the anniversary of the battle of Lexington, peace was THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 57 proclaimed to the army of the United States, and on the 3d of the next September, the definite treaty which ended our revolutionary struggle was concluded. By the terms of that treaty, the boundaries of the West were as follows : On the north the line was to extend along the center of the Great Lakes ; from the western point of Lake Superior to Long Lake ; thence to the Lake of the Woods ; thence to the head of the Mississippi River; down its center to the 31st parallel of latitude, then on that line east to the head of the Appalachicola River ; down its center to its junc- tion with the Flint ; thence straight to the head of St. Mary's River, and thence down along its center to the Atlantic Ocean. Following the cessation of hostilities with England, several posts were still occupied by the British in the North and West. Among these was Detroit, still in the hands of the enemy. Numerous engagements with the Lidians throughout Ohio and Indiana occurred, upon whose lands adventurous whites would settle ere the title had been acquired by the proper treaty. To remedy this latter evil. Congress appointed commissioners to treat with the natives and purchase their lands, and prohibited the set- tlement of the territory until this could be done. Before the close of the year another attempt was made to capture Detroit, which was, however, not pushed, and Virginia, no longer feeling the interest in the Northwest she had formerly done, withdrew her troops, having on the 20th of December preceding authorized the whole of her possessions to be deeded to the United States. This was done on the 1st of March following, and the Northwest Territory passed from the control of the Old Dominion. To Gen. Clark and his soldiers, however, she gave a tract of one hundred and fifty thousand acres of land, to be situated any where north of the Ohio wherever they chose to locate them. They selected the region opposite the falls of the Ohio, where is now the dilapidated village of Clarksville, about midway between the Cities of New Albany and Jeffer- sonville, Indiana. While the frontier remained thus, and Gen. Haldimand at Detroit refused to evacuate alleging that he had no orders from his King to do so, settlers were rapidly gathering about the inland forts. In the Spring of 1784, Pittsburgh was regularly laid out, and from the journal of Arthur Lee, who passed through the town soon after on his way to the Indian council at Fort Mcintosh, we suppose it was not very prepossessing in appearance. He says : " Pittsburgh is inhabited almost entirely by Scots and Irish, who live in paltry log houses, and are as dirty as if in the north of Ireland or even Scotland. There is a great deal of trade carried on, the goods being bought at the vast expense of forty-five shillings per pound from Phila- 58 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. delphia and Baltimore. They take in the shops flour, wheat, skins and money. There are in the town four attorneys, two doctors, and not a priest of any persuasion, nor. church nor chapel." Kentucky at this time contained thirty thousand inhabitants, and was beu'inning to discuss measures for a separation from Virginia. A kind office was opened at Louisville, and measures were adopted to take defensive precaution against the Indians who were yet, in some instances, incited to deeds of violence by the British. Before the close of this year, 1784, the military claimants of land began to occupy them, although no entries wei'e recorded until 1787. The Indian title to the Northwest was not yet extinguished. They held lai-ge tracts of lands, and in order to prevent bloodshed Congress adopted means for treaties with the original owners and provided for the surveys of the lands gained thereby, as well as for those north of the Ohio, now in its possession. On January 31, 1786, a treaty was made with the Wabash Indians. The treaty of Fort Stanwix had been made in 1784. That at Fort Mcintosh in 1785, and through these much land was gained. The Wabash Indians, however, afterward refused to comply with the provisions of the treaty made with them, and in order to compel their adherence to its provisions, force was used. Daring the year 1786, the free navigation of the Mississippi came up in Congress, and caused various discussions, which resulted in no definite action, only serving to excite speculation in regard to the western lands. Congress had promised bounties of land to the soldiers of the Revolution, but owing to the unsettled condition of affairs along the Mississippi respecting its naviga- tion, and the trade of the Northwest, that body had, in 1783, declared its inability to fulfill these promises until a treaty could be concluded between the two Governments. Before the close of the year 1786, how- ever, it was able, through the treaties with the Indians, to allow some grants and the settlement thereon, and on the 14th of September Con- necticut ceded to the General Government the tract of land known as the " Connecticut Reserve," and before the close of the following year a large tract of land north of the Ohio was sold to a company, who at once took measures to settle it. By the provisions of this grant, the company were to pay the United States one dollar per acre, subject to a deduction of one-third for bad lands and other contingencies. They received 750,000 acres, bounded on the south by the Ohio, on the east by the seventli range of townships, on the west by the sixteenth range, and on the north by a line so drawn as to make the grant complete without the reservations. In addition to this. Congress afterward granted 100,000 acres to actual settlers, and 214,285 acres as army bounties under the resolutions of 1789 and 1790. THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 69 While Dr. Cutler, one of the agents of the company, was pressing its claims before Congress, that body was bringing into form an ordinance for the political and social organization of this Territory. When the cession was made by Virginia, in 1784, a plan was offered, but rejected. A motion had been made to strike from the proposed plan the prohibition of slavery, which prevailed. The plan was then discussed and altered, and finally passed unanimously, with the exception of South Carolina. By this proposition, the Territory was to have been divided into states A PRAIRIE STOKJI. by parallels and meridian lines. This, it was thought, would make ten states, which were to have been named as follows — beginning at the northwest corner and going southwardly : Sylvania, Michigania, Cher- sonesus, Assenisipia, Metropotamia, Illenoia, Saratoga, Washington, Poly- potamia and Pelisipia. There was a more serious objection to this plan than its category of names, — the boundaries. The root of the difficulty was in the resolu- tion of Congress passed in October, 1780, which fixed the boundaries of the ceded lands to be from one hundred to one hundred and fifty miles 60 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. square. These resolutions being presented to the Legislatures of Vir- ginia and Massachusetts, they desired a change, and in July, 1786, the subject was taken up in Congress, and changed to favor a division into not more than five states, and not less than three. This was approved by the State Legislature of Virginia. The subject of the Government was again taken up by Congress in 1786, and discussed throughout that year and until July, 1787, when the famous "Compact of 1787" was passed, and the foundation of the government of the Northwest laid. This com- pact is fully discu-sed and explained in the history of Illinois in this book, and to it the reader is referred. The passage of this act and the grant to the New England Company was soon followed by an application to the Government by John Cleves Symmes, of New Jersey, for a grant of the land between the Miamis. This gentleman had visited these lands soon after the treaty of 1786, and, being greatly pleased with them, offered similar terms to those given to the New England Company. The petition was referred to the Treasury Board with power to act, and a contract was concluded the following year. During the Autumn the directors of the New England Company were preparing to occupy their grant the following Spring, and upon the 23d of November made arrangements for a party of forty-seven men, under the superintendency of Gen. Rufus Putnam, to set forward. Six boat-builders were to leave at once, and on the first of January the sur- veyors and their assistants, twenty-six in number, were to meet at Hart- ford and proceed on their journey westward ; the remainder to follow as soon as possible. Congress, in the meantime, upon the od of October, had ordered seven hundred troops for defense of the western settlers, and to prevent unauthorized intrusions ; and two days later appointed Arthur St. Clair Governor of the Territory of the Northwest. AMERICAN SETTLEMENTS. The civil organization of the Northwest Territory was now com- plete, and notwithstanding the uncertainty of Indian affairs, settlers from the East began to come into the country rapidly. The New England Company sent their men during the Winter of 1787-8 pressing on over the Alleghenies by the old Indian path which had been opened into Braddock's road, and which has since been made a national turnpike from Cumberland westward. Through the weary winter days they toiled on, and by April were all gathered on the Yohiogany, where boats had been built, and at once started for the Muskingum. Here they arrived on the 7th of that month, and unless the Moravian missionaries be regarded as the pioneers of Ohio, this little band can justly claim that honor. THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 61 Gen. St. Clair, the appointed Governor of the Northwest, not having yet arrived, a set of laws were passed, written out, and published by being nailed to a tree in the embryo town, and Jonathan Meigs appointed to administer them. Washington in writing of this, the first American settlement in the Northwest, said : " No colony in America was ever settled under such favorable auspices as that which has just commenced at Muskingum. Information, property and strength will be its characteristics. I know many of its settlers personally, and there never were men better calcu- lated to promote the welfare of such a community.'" r^^ A PIONEER DAVELT.INO. On the 2d of July a meeting of the directors and agents was held on the banks of the Muskingum, " for the purpose of naming the new- born city and its squares." As yet the settlement was known as the "Muskingum," but that was now changed to the name Marietta, in honor of Marie Antoinette. The square upon which the block -houses stood was called '■'• Campus Martins ;'' square number 19, '■'Capitolium ;'' square number 61, ^'■Cecilia;''' and the great road through the covert way, " Sacra Via." Two days after, an oration was delivered by James M. Varnum, who with S. H. Parsons and John Armstrong had been appointed to the judicial bench of the territory on the 16th of October, 1787. On July 9, Gov. St. Clair arrived, and the colony began to assume form. The act of 1787 provided two district grades of government for the Northwest, 62 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. under the first of which the whole power was invested in the hands of a governor and three district judges. This was immediately formed upon the Governor's arrival, and the first laws of the colony passed on the 25th of July. These provided for the organization of the militia, and on the next day appeared the Governor's proclamation, erecting all that country that had been ceded by the Indians east of the Scioto River into the County of Washington. From that time forward, notwithstanding the doubts yet existing as to the Indians, all Marietta prospered, and on the 2d of September the first court of the territory was held with imposing ceremonies. The emigration westward at this time was very great. The com- mander at Fort Harmer, at the mouth of the Muskingum, reported four thousand five hundred persons as having passed that post between Feb- ruary and June, 1788 — many of whom would have purchased of the "Associates," as the New England Company was called, had they been ready to receive them. On the 26th of November, 1787, Symmes issued a pamphlet stating the terms of his contract and the plan of sale he intended to adopt. In January, 1788, Matthias Denman, of New Jersey, took an active interest in Symmes' purchase, and located among other tracts the sections upon which Cincinnati has been built. Retaining one-third of this locality, he sold the other two-thirds to Robert Patterson and John Filson, and the three, about August, commenced to lay out a town on the spot, which was designated as being opposite Licking River, to the mouth of which they proposed to have a road cut from Lexington. The naming of the town is thus narrated in the "Western Annals " : — " Mr. Filson, who had been a schoolmaster, was appointed to name the town, and, in respect to its situation, and as if with a prophetic perception of the mixed race that were to inhabit it in after days, he named it Losantiville, which, being interpreted, means : ville, the town ; anti^ against oi' opposite to ; os, the mouth ; L. of Licking." Meanwhile, in July, Symmes got thirty persons and eight four-horse teams under way for the West. These reached Limestone (now Mays- ville) in September, where were several persons from Redstone. Here Mr. Symmes tried to found a settlement, but the great freshet of 1789 caused the " Point," as it was and is yet called, to be fifteen feet under water, and the settlement to be abandoned. The little band of settlers removed to the mouth of the Miami. Before Symmes and his colony left the " Point," two settlements had been made on his purchase. The first was by Mr. Stiltes, the original projector of the whole plan, who, with a colony of Redstone people, had located at the mouth of the Miami, whither Symmes went with his Maysville colony. Here a clearing had THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 63 been made by the Indians owing to the great fertility of the soiL Mr. Stiltes with his colony came to this place on the 18th of November, 1788, with twenty-six persons, and, building a block-house, prepared to remain through the Winter. They named the settlement Columbia. Here they were kindly treated by the Indians, but suffered greatly from the flood of 1789. On the 4th of March, 1789, the Constitution of the United States went into operation, and on April 30, George Washington was inaug- urated President of the American people, and during the next Summer, an Indian war was commenced by the tribes north of the Ohio. The President at first used pacific means ; but these failing, he sent General Harmer against the hostile tribes. He destroyed several villages, but '^k'&^tuK'^^' BREAKING PKAIRIE. was defeated in two battles, near the present City of Fort Wayne, Indiana. From this time till the close of 1795, the principal events were the wars with the various Indian tribes. In 1796, General St. Clair was appointed in command, and marched against the Indians ; but while he was encamped on a stream, the St. Mary, a branch of the Maumee, he was attacked and defeated with the loss of six hundred men. General Wayne was now sent against the savages. In August, 1794, he met them near the rapids of the Maumee, and gained a complete victory. This success, followed by vigorous measures, compelled the Indians to sue for peace, and on the 30th of July, the following year, the treaty of Greenville was signed by the principal chiefs, by which a large tract of country was ceded to the United States. Before proceeding in our narrative, we will pause to notice Fort Washington, erected in the early part of this war on the site of Cincinnati. Nearly all of the great cities of the Northwest, and indeed of the 64 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. whole country, have had their nuclei in those rude pioneer structures, known as forts or stockades. Thus Forts Dearborn, Washington, Pon- chartrain, mark the original sites of the now proud Cities of Chicago, Cincinnati and Detroit. So of most of the flourishing cities east and west of the Mississippi. Fort Washington, erected by Doughty in 1790, was a rude but highly interesting structure. It was composed of a number of strongly-built hewed log cabins. Those designed for soldiers' barracks were a story and a half high, while those composing the officers quarters were more imposing and more conveniently arranged and furnished. The whole were so placed as to form a hollow square, enclosing about an acre of ground, with a block house at each of the four angles. The logs for the construction of this fort were cut from the ground upon which it was erected. It stood between Third and Fourth Streets of the present city (Cincinnati) extending east of Eastern Row, now Broadway, which was then a narrow alley, and the eastern boundary of of the town as it was originally laid out. On the bank of the river, immediately in front of the fort, was an appendage of the fort, called the Artificer's Yard. It contained about two acres of ground, enclosed by small contiguous buildings, occupied by workshops and quarters of laborers. Within this enclosure there was a large two-story frame house, familiarly called the " Yellow House," built for the accommodation of the Quartermaster General. For many years this was the best finished and most commodious edifice in the Queen City. Fort Washington was for some time the headquarters of both the civil and military governments of the Northwestern Territory. Following the consummation of the treaty various gigantic land spec- ulations were entered into by different persons, who hoped to obtain from the Indians in Michigan and northern Indiana, large tracts of lands. These were generally discovered in time to prevent the outrageous schemes from being carried out, and from involving the settlers in war. On October 27, 1795, the treaty between the United States and Spain was signed, whereby the free navigation of the Mississippi was secured. No sooner had the treaty of 1795 been ratified than settlements began to pour rapidly into the West. The great event of the year 1796 was the occupation of that part of the Northwest including Michigan, which was this year, under the provisions of the treaty, evacuated by the British forces. The United States, owing to certain conditions, did not feel justified in addressing the authorities in Canada in relation to Detroit and other frontier posts. When at last the British authorities were called to give them up, they at once complied, and General Wayne, who had done so much to preserve the frontier settlements, and who, before the year's close, sickened and died near Erie, transferred his head- THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 65 quarters to the neighborhood of the hikes, where a county named after him was formed, which included the northwest of Ohio, all of Michigan, and the northeast of Indiana. During this same year settlements were formed at the present City of Chillicothe, along the Miami from Middle- town to Piqua, while in the more distant West, settlers and speculators began to appear in great numbers. In September, the City of Cleveland was laid out, and during the Summer and Autumn, Samuel Jackson and Jonathan Sharpless erected the first manufactory of paper — the " Red- stone Paper Mill" — in the West. St. Louis contained some seventy houses, and Detroit over three hundred, and along the river, contiguous to it, were more than three thousand inhabitants, mostly French Canadians, Indians and half-breeds, scarcely any Americans venturing yet into that part of the Northwest. The election of representatives for the territory had taken place, and on the 4th of February, 1799, they convened at Losantiville — now known as Cincinnati, having been named so by Gov. St. Clair, and considered the capital of the Territory — to nominate persons from whom the members of the Legislature were to be chosen in accordance with a previous ordinance. This nomination being made, the Assembly adjourned until the 16th of the following September. From those named the President selected as members of the council, Henry Vandenburg, of Vincennes, Robert Oliver, of Marietta, James Findlay and Jacob Burnett, of Cincinnati, and David Vance, of Vanceville. On the 16th of September the Territorial Legislature met, and on the 24th the two houses were duly organized, Henry Vandenburg being elected President of the Council. The message of Gov. St. Clair was addressed to the Legislature September 20th, and on October 13th that body elected as a delegate to Congress Gen. Wm. Henry Harrison, who received eleven of the votes cast, being a majority of one over his opponent, Arthur St. Clair, son of Gen. St. Clair. The whole number of acts passed at this session, and approved by the Governor, were thirty-seven — eleven others were passed, but received his veto. The most important of those passed related to the militia, to the administration, and to taxation. On the 19th of December this pro- tracted session of the first Legislature in the West was closed, and on the 30th of December the President nominated Charles Willing Brvd to the office of Secretary of the Territory vice Wm. Henry Harrison, elected to Congress. The Senate confirmed his nomination the next day. 66 THE NOKTHWEST TERRITORY. DIVISION OF THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. The increased emigration to the Northwest, the extent of the domain, and the inconvenient modes of travel, made it very difficult to conduct the ordinary operations of government, and rendered the efficient action of courts almost impossible. To remedy this, it was deemed advisable to divide the territory for civil purposes. Congress, in 1800, appointed a committee to examine the question and report some means for its solution. This committee, on the 3d of March, reported that : " In the three western countries there has been but one court having cognizance of crimes, in five years, and the immunity which offenders experience attracts, as to an asylum, the most vile and abandoned crim- inals, and at the same time deters useful citizens from making settlements in such society. The extreme necessity of judiciary attention and assist- ance is experienced in civil as well as in criminal cases. * * * * To minister a remedy to these and other evils, it occurs to this committee that it is expedient that a division of said territory into two distinct and separate governments should be made ; and that such division be made by a line beginning at the mouth of the Great Miami River, running directly north until it intersects the boundary between the United States and Canada." The report was accepted by Congress, and, in accordance with its suggestions, that body passed an Act extinguishing the Northwest Terri- tory, which Act was approved May 7. Among its provisions were these : " That from and after July 4 next, all that part of the Territory of the United States northwest of the Ohio River, which lies to the westward of a line beginning at a point on the Ohio, opposite to the mouth of the Kentucky River, and running thence to Fort Recovery, and thence north until it shall intersect the territorial line between the United States and Canada, shall, for the purpose of temporary government, constitute a separate territory, and be called the Indiana Territory." After providing for the exercise of the civil and criminal powers of the territories, and other provisions, the Act further provides : " That until it shall otherwise be ordered by the Legislatures of the said Territories, respectively, Chillicothe on the Scioto River shall be the seat of government of the Territory of the United States northwest of the Ohio River ; and that St. Vincennes on the Wabash River shall be the seat of government for the Indiana Territory." Gen. Wm. Heni'y Harrison was appointed Governor of the Indiana Territory, and entered upon his duties about a year later. Connecticut also about this time released her claims to the reserve, and in March a law THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 67 was passed accepting this cession. Settlements had been made upon thirty-five of the townships in the reserve, mills had been built, and seven hundred miles of road cut in various directions. On the 3d of November the General Assembly met at Chillicothe. Near the close of the year, the first missionary of the Connecticut Reserve came, who found no township containing more than eleven families. It was upon the first of October that the secret treaty had been made between Napoleon and the King of Spain, whereby the latter agreed to cede to France the province of Louisiana. •• In January, 1802, the Assembly of the Northwestern Territory char- tered the college at Athens. From the earliest dawn of the western colonies, education was promptly provided for, and as early as 1787, newspapers were issued from Pittsburgh and Kentucky, and largely read throughout the frontier settlements. Before the close of this year, the Congress of the United States granted to the citizens of the Northwestern territory the formation of a State government. One of the provisions of the "compact of 1787" provided that whenever the number of inhabit- ants within prescribed limits exceeded 45,000, they should be entitled to a separate government. The prescribed limits of Ohio contained, from a census taken to ascertain the legality of the act, more than that number, and on the 30th of April, 1802, Congress passed the act defining its limits, and on the 29th of November the Constitution of the new State of Ohio, so named from the beautiful river forming its southern boundary, came into existence. The exact limits of Lake Michigan were not then known, but the territory now included within the State of Michigan was wholly within the territory of Indiana. Gen. Harrison, while residing at Vincennes, made several treaties with the Indians, thereby gaining large tracts of lands. The next year is memorable in the history of the West for the purchase of Louisiana from France by the United States for $15,000,000. Thus by a peaceful mode, the domain of the United States was extended over a large tract of country west of the Mississippi, and was for a time under the jurisdiction of the Northwest government, and, as has been mentioned in the early part of this narrative, was called the "New Northwest." The limits of this history will not allow a description of its territory. The same year large grants of land were obtained from the Indians, and the House of Representatives of the new State of Ohio signed a bill respecting the College Township in the district of Cincinnati. Before the close of the year, Gen. Harrison obtained additional grants of lands from the various Indian nations in Indiana and the present limits of Illinois, and on the 18th of August, 1804, completed a treaty at St. Louis, whereby over 51,000,000 acres of lands were obtained from the 68 THE NORTHWEST TERRITOBY. aborigines. Measures were also taken to learn the condition of affairs in and about Detroit. C. Jouett, the Indian agent in Michigan, still a part of Indiana Terri- tory, reported as follows upon the condition of matters at that ipost : " The Town of Detroit. — The charter, which is for fifteen miles square, was granted in the time of Louis XIV. of France, and is now, from the best information I have been able to get, at Quebec. Of those two hundred and twenty-five acres, only four are occupied by the town and Fort Lenault. The remainder is a common, except twenty-four acres, which were added twenty years ago to a farm belonging to Wm. Macomb. * * * A stockade incloses the town, fort and citadel. The pickets, as well as the public houses, are in a state of gradual decay. The streets are narrow, straight and regular, and intersect each other at right angles. The houses are, for the most part, low and inelegant." During this year, Congress granted a township of land for the sup- port of a college, and began to offer inducements for settlers in these wilds, and the country now comprising the State of Michigan began to fill rapidly with settlers along its southern borders. This same year, also, a law was passed organizing the Southwest Territory, dividing it into two portions, the Territory of New Orleans, which city was made the seat of government, and the District of Louisiana, which was annexed to the domain of Gen. Harrison. On the 11th of January, 1805, the Territory of Michigan was formed, Wm. Hull was appointed governor, with headquarters at Detroit, the change to take effect on June 30. On the 11th of that month, a fire occurred at Detroit, which destroj'^ed almost every building in the place. When the officers of the new territory reached the post, they found it in ruins, and the inhabitants scattered throughout the country. Rebuild- ing, however, soon commenced, and ere long the town contained more houses than before the fire, and many of them much better built. While this was being done, Indiana had passed to the second grade of government, and through her General Assembly had obtained large tracts of land from the Indian tribes. To all this the celebrated Indian, Tecumthe or Tecumseh, vigorously protested, and it was the main cause of his attempts to unite the various Indian tribes in a conflict with the settlers. To obtain a full account of these attempts, the workings of the British, and the signal failure, culminating in the death of Tecumseh at the battle of the Tliames, and the close of the war of 1812 in the Northwest, we will step aside in our story, and relate the principal events of his life, and his connection with this conflict. THE NOKTHWEST TERRITORY. 6y TECUMSEH, THE SHAWANOE CHIEFTAIN. 70 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORT. TECUMSEH, AND THE WAR OF 1812. This famous Indian chief was born about the year 1768, not far from the site of the present City of Piqua, Ohio. His father, Puckeshinwa^ was a member of the Kisopok tribe of the Swanoese nation, and his. mother, Methontaske, was a member of the Turtle tribe of the same people. They removed from Florida about the middle of the last century to the birthplace of Tecumseh. In 1774, his father, who had risen to be chief, was slain at the battle of Point Pleasant, and not long after Tecum- seh, by his bravery, became the leader of his tribe. In 1795 he was- declared chief, and then lived at Deer Creek, near the site of the present City of Urbana. He remained here about one year, when he returned to Piqua, and in 1798, he went to White River, Indiana. In 1805, he and his brother, Laulewasikan (Open Door), who had announced himself as a prophet, went to a tract of land on the Wabash River, given them by the Pottawatomies and Kickapoos, From this date the chief comes into prominence. He was now about thirty-seven years of age, was five feet and ten inches in height, was stoutly built, and possessed of enormous powers of endurance. His countenance was naturally pleas- ing, and he was, in general, devoid of those savage attributes possessed by most Indians. It is stated he could read and write, and had a confi- dential secretary and adviser, named Billy Caldwell, a half-breed, who afterward became chief of the Pottawatomies. He occupied the first house built on the site of Chicago. At this time, Tecumseh entered upon the great work of his life. He had long objected to the grants of land made by the Indians to the whites, and determined to unite all the Indian tribes into a league, in order that no treaties or grants of land could be made save by the consent of this confederation. He traveled constantly, going from north to south ; from the south to the north, everywhere urging the Indians to this step. He was a matchless orator, and his burning words had their effect. Gen. Harrison, then Governor of Indiana, by watching the move- ments of the Indians, became convinced £hat a grand conspiracy was forming, and made preparations to defend the settlements. Tecumseh's plan was similar to Pontiac's, elsewhere described, and to the cunning artifice of that chieftain was added his own sagacity. During the yeav 1809, Tecumseh and the prophet were actively pre- paring for the work. In that year. Gen. Harrison entered into a treaty with the Delawares, Kickapoos, Pottawatomies, Miamis, Eel River Indians and Weas, in which these tribes ceded to the whites certain lands upon the Wabash, to all of which Tecumseh entered a bitter protest, averring THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 71 as one principal reason that he did not want the Indians to give up any lands north and west of the Ohio River. Tecumseh, in August, 1810, visited the General at Vincennes and held a council relating to the grievances of the Indians. Becoming unduly a,ngry at this conference he was dismissed from the village, and soon after departed to incite the southern Indian tribes to the conflict. Gen. Harrison determined to move upon the chief's headquarters at Tippecanoe, and for this purpose went about sixty-five miles up the Wabash, where he built Port Harrison. From this place he went to the prophet's town, where he informed the Indians he had no hostile inten- tions, provided they were true to the existing treaties. He encamped near the village early in October, and on the morning of November 7, he was attacked by a large force of the Indians, and the famous battle of Tippecanoe occurred. The Indians were routed and their town broken Tip. Tecumseh returning not long after, was greatly exasperated at his brother, the prophet, even threatening to kill him for rashly precipitating the war, and foiling his (Tecumseh's) plans. Tecumseh sent word to Gen. Harrison that he was now returned from the South, and was ready to visit the President as had at one time previously been proposed. Gen. Harrison informed him he could not go as a chief, which method Tecumseh desired, and the visit was never made. In June of the following year, he visited the Indian agent at Fort Wayne. Here he disavowed any intention to make a war against the United States, and reproached Gen. Harrison for marching against his people. The agent replied to this ; Tecumseh listened with a cold indif- ference, and after making a few general remarks, with a haughty air drew his blanket about him, left the council house, and dejDarted for Fort Mal- •den, in Upper Canada, where he joined the British standard. He remained under this Government, doing eflFective work for the Crown while engaged in the war of 1812 which now opened. He was, however, always humane in his treatment of the prisoners, never allow- ing his warriors to ruthlessly mutilate the bodies of those slain, or wan- tonly murder the captive. In the Summer of 1813, Perry's victory on Lake Erie occurred, and :sliortly after active preparations were made to capture Maiden. On the .27th of September, the American army, under Gen. Harrison, set sail for the shores of Canada, and in a few hours stood around the ruins of Mal- 'den, from which the British army, under Proctor, had retreated to Sand- wich, intending to make its way to the heart of Canada by the Valley of the Thames. On the 29th Gen. Harrison was at Sandwich, and Gen. McArthur took possession of Detroit and the territory of Michigan. 72 THE NORTHWKST TERRITORY. On the 2d of October, the Americans began their pursuit of Proctor^ whom they overtook on the 5th, and the battle of the Thames followed. Early in the engagement, Tecumseh who was at the head of the column of Indians was slain, and they, no longer hearing the voice of their chief- tain, fled. The victory was decisive, and practically closed the war in the Northwest. ^u^i'itu.i INDIANS ATTACKING A STOCKADE. Just who killed the great chief has been a matter of much dispute ; but the weight of opinion awards the act to Col. Richard M. Johnson^ who fired at him with a pistol, the shot proving fatal. In 1805 occurred Burr's Insurrection. He took possession of a beautiful island in the Ohio, after the killing of Hamilton, and is charged by many with attempting to set up an independent government. His plans were frustrated by the general government, his property confiscated and he was compelled to flee the country for safety. THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 73 In January, 1807, Governor Hull, of Michigan Territory, made a treaty with the Indians, whereby all that peninsula was ceded to the United States. Before the close of the year, a stockade was built about Detroit. It was also during this year that Indiana and Illinois endeavored to obtain the repeal of that section of the compact of 1787, whereby slavery was excluded from the Northwest Territory. These attempts, however, all signally failed. In 1809 it was deemed advisable to divide the Indiana Territory. This was done, and the Territory of Illinois was formed from the western part, the seat of government being fixed at Kaskaskia. The next year, the intentions of Tecumseh manifested themselves in open hostilities, and then began the events already narrated. While this war was in progress, emigration to the West went on with surprising rapidity. In 1811, under Mr. Roosevelt of New York, the first steamboat trip was made on the Ohio, much to the astonishment of the natives, many of whom fled in terror at the appearance of the " monster." It arrived at Louisville on the 10th day of October. At the close of the first week of January, 1812, it arrived at Natchez, after being nearly overwhelmed in the great earthquake which occurred while on its downward trip. The battle of the Thames was fought on October 6, 1813. It effectually closed hostilities in the Northwest, although peace was not fully restored until July 22, 1814, when a treaty was formed at Green- ville, under the direction of General Harrison, between the United States and the Indian tribes, in which it was stipulated that the Indians should cease hostilities against the Americans if the war were continued. Such, happily, was not the case, and on the 24th of December the treaty of Ghent was signed by the representatives of England and the United States. This treaty was followed the next year by treaties with various Indian tribes throughout the West and Northwest, and quiet was again restored in this part of the new world. On the 18th of March, 1816, Pittsburgh was incorporated as a city. It then had a population of 8,000 people, and was already noted for its manufacturing interests. On April 19, Indiana Territory was allowed to form a state government. At that time there were thirteen counties organized, containing about sixty-three thousand inhabitants. The first election of state officers was held in August, when Jonathan Jennings was chosen Governor. The officers were sworn in on November 7, a.nd on December 11, the State was formally admitted into the Union. For some time the seat of government was at Corydon, but a more central location being desirable, the present capital, Indianapolis (City of Indiana), was laid out January 1, 1825. 74 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. On the 28tli of December the Bank of Illinois, at Shawneetown, was chartered, with a capital of $300,000. At this period all banks were under the control of the States, and were allowed to establish branches at different convenient points. Until this time Chillicothe and Cincinnati had in turn enjoyed the privileges of being the capital of Ohio. But the rapid settlement of the northern and eastern portions of the State demanded, as in Indiana, a more central location, and before the close of the year, the site of Col- umbus was selected and surveyed as the future capital of the State. Banking had begun in Ohio as early as 1808, when the first bank was chartered at Marietta, but here as elsewhere it did not bring to the state the hoped-for assistance. It and other banks were subsequently unable to redeem their currency, and were obliged to suspend. In 1818, Illinois was made a state, and all the territory north of her northern limits was erected into a separate territory and joined to Mich- igan for judicial purposes. By the following year, navigation of the lakes was increasing with great rapidity and affording an immense source of revenue to the dwellers in the Northwest, but it was not until 1826 that the trade was extended to Lake Michigan, or that steamships began to navigate the bosom of that inland sea. Until the year 1832, the commencement of the Black Hawk War, but few hostilities were experienced with the Indians. Roads were opened, canals were dug, cities were built, common schools were estab- lished, universities were founded, many of which, especially the Michigan University, have achieved a world wide-reputation. The people were becoming wealthy. The domains of the United States had been extended, and had the sons of the forest been treated with honesty and justice, the record of many years would have been that of peace and continuous pros- perity. BLACK HAWK AND THE BLACK HAWK WAR. This conflict, though confined to Illinois, is an important epoch in the Northwestern history, being the last war with the Indians in this part of the United States. Ma-ka-tai-me-she-kia-kiah, or Black Hawk, was born in the principal Sac village, about three miles from the junction of Rock River with the Mississippi, in the year 1767. His father's name was Py-e-sa or Pahaes ; his grandfather's, Na-na-ma-kee, or the Thunderer. Black Hawk early distinguished himself as a warrior, and at the age of fifteen was permitted to paint and was ranked among the braves. About the year 1783, he went on an expedition against the enemies of his nation, the Osages, one THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 76 BLACK HAWK, THE SAC CHIEFTAIN. 76 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. of whom he killed and scalped, and for this deed of Indian bravery he was permitted to join in the scalp dance. Three or four years after he, at the head of two hundred braves, went on another expedition against the Osages, to avenge the murder of some women and children belonging to his own tribe. Meeting an equal number of Osage warriors, a fierce battle ensued, in which the latter tribe lost one-half their number. The Sacs lost only about nineteen warriors. He next attacked the Cherokees for a similar cause. In a severe battle with them, near the present City of St. Louis, his father was slain, and Black Hawk, taking possession of the " Medicine Bag,"' at once announced himself chief of the Sac nation. He had now conquered tlie Cherokees, and about the year 1800, at the head of five hundred Sacs and Foxes, and a hundred lowas, he waged war ao-ainst the Osage nation and subdued it. For two years he battled ■ successfully with other Indian tribes, all of whom he conquered. Black Hawk does not at any time seem to have been friendly tO' the Americans. When on a visit to St. Louis to see his " Spanish Father," he declined to see any of the Americans, alleging, as a reason^ he did not want two fathers. The treaty at St. Louis was consummated in 1804. The next year the United States Government erected a fort near the head of the Des Moines- Rapids, called Fort Edwards. This seemed to enrage Black Hawk, who at once determined to capture Fort Madison, standing on the west side of the Mississippi above the mouth of the Des Moines River. The fort wa& garrisoned by about fifty men. Here he was defeated. The difficulties with the British Government arose about this time, and the War of 1812 followed. That government, extending aid to the Western Indians, by giving them arms and anununition, induced them to remain hostile to the Americans. In August, 1812, Black Hawk, at the head of about five hundred braves, started to join the British forces at Detroit, passing on his way the site of Chicago, where the famous Fort Dearborn Massacre hr.:^. a few days before occurred. Of his connection with the British i:jrc^rernment but Httle is known. In 1813 he with his little band descended the Mississippi, and attacking some United States troops at Fort Howard was defeated. In the early part of 1815, the Indian tribes west of the Mississippi were notified that peace had been declared between the United States and Eno-land, and nearlv all hostilities had ceased. Black Hawk did not sign any treaty, however, until May of the following year. He then recog- nized the validity of the treaty at St. Louis in 1804. From the time of signing this treaty in 1816, until the breaking out of the war in 1832, he and his band passed their time in the common pursuits of Indian life. Ten years before the commencement of this war, the Sac and Fox THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 7T Indians were urged to join the lowas on the west bank of the Father of Waters. All were agreed, save the band known as the British Band, of which Black Hawk was leader. He strenuously objected to the removal, and was induced to comply only after being threatened with the power of the Government. This and various actions on the part of the white set- tlers provoked Black Hawk and his band to attempt the capture of his native village now occupied by the whites. The war followed. He and his actions were undoubtedly misunderstood, and had his wishes been acquiesced in at the beginning of the struggle, much bloodshed would have been prevented. , Black Hawk was chief now of the Sac and Fox nations, and a noted warrior. He and his tribe inhabited a village on Rock River, nearly three miles above its confluence with the Mississippi, where the tribe had lived many generations. When that portion of Illinois was reserved to them^ they remained in peaceable possession of their reservation, spending their time in the enjoyment of Indian life. The fine situation of their village and the quality of their lands incited the more lawless white settlers, who from time to time began to encroach upon the red men's domain. From one pretext to another, and from one step to another, the crafty white men gained a foothold, until through whisky and artifice they obtained deeds from many of the Indians for their possessions. The Indians were finally induced to cross over the Father of Waters and locate among the lowas. Black Hawk was strenuously opposed to all this, but as the authorities of Illinois and the United States thought this the best move, he was forced to comply. Moreover other tribes joined the whites and urged the removal. Black Hawk would not agree to the terms of the treaty made with his nation for their lands, and as soon as the militaiy, called to enforce his removal, had retired, he returned to the Illinois side of the river. A large force was at once raised and marched against him. On the evening of May 14, 1832, the first engagement occurred between a band from this army and Black Hawk's band, in which the former were defeated. This attack and its result aroused the whites. A large force of men was raised, and Gen. Scott hastened from the seaboard, by way of the lakes, with United States troops and artillery to aid in the subjugation of the Indians. On the 24th of June, Black Hawk, with 200 warriors, was repulsed by Major Demont between Rock River and Galena. The Ameri- can army continued to move up Rock River toward the main body of the Indians, and on the 21st of July came upon Black Hawk and his band^ and defeated them near the Blue Mounds. Before this action, Gen. Henry, in command, sent word to the main army by whom he was immediately rejoined, and the whole crossed the- 78 THE NORTHWEST TEIIRTTORY. Wisconsin in pursuit of Black Hawk and his band who were fleeing to the Mississippi. They were overtaken on the 2d of August, and in the battle which followed the power of the Indian chief was completel}^ broken. He fled, but was seized by the Winnebagoes and delivered to the whites. On the 21st of September, 1832, Gen. Scott and Gov. Reynolds con- ■oluded a treaty with the Winnebagoes, Sacs and Foxes by which they ■ceded to the United States a vast tract of country, and agreed to remain peaceable with the whites. For the faithful performance of the provi- sions of this treaty on the part of the Indians, it was stipulated that Black Hawk, his two sons, the prophet Wabokieshiek, and six other chiefs of the hostile bands should be retained as hostages during the pleasure of the President. They were confined at Fort Barracks and put in irons. The next Spring, by order of the Secretary of War, they were taken to Washington. From there they were removed to Fortress Monroe, •"there to remain until the conduct of their nation was such as to justify their being set at liberty." They were retained here until the 4th of June, when the authorities directed them to be taken to the principal cities so that they might see the folly of contending against the white people. Everywhere they were observed by thousands, the name of the old chief being extensively known. By the middle of August they reached Fort Armstrong on Rock Island, where Black Hawk was soon after released to go to his countrymen. As he passed the site of his birth- place, now the home of the white man, he was deeply moved. His village where he was born, where he had so happily lived, and where he had hoped to die, was now another's dwelling place, and he was a wanderer. On the next day after his release, he went at once to his tribe and his lodge. His wife was yet living, and with her he passed the remainder of his days. To his credit it may be said that Black Hawk always re- mained true to his wife, and served her with a devotion uncommon among the Indians, living with her upward of forty years. Black Hawk now passed his time hunting and fishing. A deep mel- ancholy had settled over him from which he could not be freed. At all times when he visited the whites he was received with marked atten- tion. He was an honored guest at the old settlers' reunion in Lee County, Illinois, at some of their meetings, and received many tokens of esteem. In September, 1838, while on his way to Rock Island to receive his annuity from the Government, he contracted a severe cold which resulted in a fatal attack of bilious fever which terminated his life on October 3. His faithful wife, who was devotedly attached to him, mourned deeply during his sickness. After his death he was dressed in the uniform pre- sented to him by the President while in Washington. He was buried in a grave six feet in depth, situated upon a beautiful eminence. " The THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 79 body was placed in the middle of the grave, in a sitting posture, upon a seat constructed for the purpose. On his left side, the cane, given hint by Henry Clay, was placed upright, with his right hand resting upon it. Many of the old warrior's trophies were placed in the grave, and some Indian garments, together with his favorite weapons." No sooner was the Clack Hawk war concluded than settlers began rapidly to pour into the northern parts of Illinois, and into Wisconsin, now free from Indian depredations. Chicago, from a trading post, had grown to a commercial center, and was rapidly coming into prominence. In 1835, the formation of a State Government in Michigan was discussed, but did not take active form until two years later, when the State became a part of the Federal Union. The main attraction to that portion of the Northwest lying west of Lake Michigan, now included in the State of Wisconsin, was its alluvial wealth. Copper ore was found about Lake Superior. For some time this region was attached to Michigan for judiciary purposes, but in 183(> was made a territory, then including Minnesota and Iowa. The latter State was detached two years later. In 1848, Wisconsin was admitted as a State, Madison being made the capital. We have now traced the various- divisions of the Northwest Territory (save a little in Minnesota) from the time it was a unit comprising this vast territory, until circumstances, compelled its present division. OTHER INDIAN TROUBLES. Before leaving this part of the narrative, we will narrate briefly the Indian troubles in Minnesota and elsewhere by the Sioux Indians. In August, 1862, the Sioux Indians living on the western borders of Minnesota fell upon the unsuspecting settlers, and in a few hours mas- sacred ten or twelve hundred persons. A distressful panic was the immediate result, fully thirty thousand persons fleeing from their homes to districts supposed to be better protected. The military authorities at once took active measures to punish the savages, and a large number were killed and captured. About a year after, Little Crow, the chief, was killed by a Mr. Lampson near Scattered Lake. Of those captured, thirty were hung at Mankato, and the remainder, through fears of mob violence, were removed to Camp McClellan, on the outskirts of the City of Davenport. It was here that Big Eagle came into prominence and secured his release by the following order :. so THE NOllTHWEST TERRITORY. BIG EAGLE. THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 81 *' Special Order, No. 430. " War Department, " Adjutant General's Office, Washington, Dec. 3, 1864. " Big Eagle, an Indian now in confinement at Davenport, Iowa, will, upon the receipt of this order, be immediately released from confine- ment and set at liberty. " By order of the President of the United States. *' Official : " E. D. Townsend, Ass't Adft aen. " Capt. James Vanderventer, Cont^ Sub. Vols. " Through Com'g Gen'l, Washington, D. C." Another Indian who figures more prominently than Big Eagle, and who was more cowardly in his nature, with his band of Modoc Indians, is noted in the annals of the New Northwest : we refer to Captain Jack. This distinguished Indian, noted for his cowardly murder of Gen. Canby, was a chief of a Modoc tribe of Indians inhabiting the border lands between California and Oregon. This region of country comprises what is known as the " Lava Beds," a tract of land described as utterly impene- trable, save by those savages who had made it their home. The Modocs are known as an exceedingly fierce and treacherous race. They had, according to their own traditions, resided here for many generations, and at one time were exceedingly numerous and powerful. A famine carried off nearly half their numbers, and disease, indolence and the vices of the white man have reduced them to a poor, weak and insignificant tribe. Soon after the settlement of California and Oregon, complaints began to be heard of massacres of emigrant trains passing through the Modoc country. In 1847, an emigrant train, comprising eighteen souls, was en- tirely destroyed at a place since known as " Bloody Point." These occur- rences caused the United States Government to appoint a peace commission, who, after repeated attempts, in 1864, made a treaty with the Modocs, Snakes and Klamaths, in which it was agreed on their part to remove to a reservation set apart for them in the southern part of Oregon. With the exception of Captain Jack and a band of his followers, who remained at Clear Lake, about six miles from Klamath, all the Indians complied. The Modocs who went to the reservation were under chief Schonchin. Captain Jack remained at the lake without disturbance until 1869, when he was also induced to remove to the reservation. The Modocs and the Klamaths soon became involved in a quarrel, and Captain Jack and his band returned to the Lava Beds. Several attempts were made by the Indian Commissioners to induce them to return to the reservation, and finally becoming involved in a 82 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. difficulty with the commissioner and his military escort, a fight ensued, in which the chief and his Land were routed. They were greatly enraged, and on their retreat, before the day closed, killed eleven inoffensive whites. The nation was aroused and immediate action demanded. A com- mission was at once appointed by the Government to see what could be done. It comprised the following persons : Gen. E. R. S. Canby, Rev. Dr. E. Thomas, a leading Methodist divine of California ; Mr. A. B. Meacham, Judge Rosborough, of California, and a Mr. Dyer, of Oregon. After several interviews, in which the savages were always aggressive, often appearing wath scalps in their belts. Bogus Charley came to the commission on the evening of April 10, 1873, and informed them that Capt. Jack and his band would have a " talk " to-morrow at a place near Clear Lake, about three miles distant. Here the Commissioners, accom- panied by Charley, Riddle, the interpreter, and Boston Charley repaired. After the usual greeting the council proceedings commenced. On behalf of the Indians there were present : Capt. Jack, Black Jim, Schnac Nasty Jim, Ellen's Man, and Hooker Jim. They had no guns, but carried pis- tols. After short speeches by Mr. Meacham, Gen. Canby and Dr. Thomas, Chief Schonchin arose to speak. He had scarcely proceeded when, as if by a preconcerted arrangement, Capt. Jack drew his pistol and shot Gen. Canby dead. In less than a minute a dozen shots were fired by the savages, and the massacre completed. Mr. Meacham was shot by Schon- chin, and Dr. Thomas by Boston Charley. Mr. Dyer barely escaped, being fired at twice. Riddle, the interpreter, and his squaw escaped. The troops rushed to the spot where they found Gen. Canby and Dr. Thomas dead, and Mr. Meacham badly wounded. The savages had escaped to their impenetrable fastnesses and could not be pursued. The whole country was aroused by this brutal massacre ; but it was not until the following May that the murderers were brought to justice. At that time Boston Charley gave himself up, and offered to guide the troops to Capt. Jack's stronghold. This led to the capture of his entire gang, a number of whom were murdered by Oregon volunteers while on their way to trial. The remaining Indians were held as prisoners until July when their trial occurred, which led to the conviction of Capt. Jack, Schonchin, Boston Charley, Hooker Jim, Broncho, alias One-Eyed Jim, and Slotuck, who were sentenced to be hanged. These senteuces were approved by the President, save in the case of Slotuck and Broncho whose sentences were commuted to imprisonment for life. The others were executed at Fort Klamath, October 3, 1873. These closed the Indian troubles for a time in the Northwest, and for several years the borders of civilization remained in peace. They were again involved in a conflict with the savages about the country of the THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 83 ;^fflii»'^ CAPTAIN JACK, THE MODOC CHIEFTAIN. 1^4 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. Black Hills, in which war the gallant Gen. Custer lost his life. Just now the borders of Oregon and California are again in fear of hostilities ; but as the Government has learned how to deal with the Indians, they will be of short duration. The red man is fast passing away before the march of the white man, and a few more generations will read of the Indians as one of the nations of the past. The Northwest abounds in memorable places. We have generally noticed them in the narrative, but our space forbids their description in detail, save of the most important places. Detroit, Cincinnati, Vincennes, Kaskaskia and their kindred towns have all been described. But ere we leave the narrative we will present our readers with an account of the Kinzie house, the old landmark of Chicago, and the discovery of the source of the Mississippi River, each of which may well find a place in the annals of the Northwest. Mr. John Kinzie, of the Kinzie house, represented in the illustra- tion, established a trading house at Fort Dearborn in 1804. The stockade had been erected the year previous, and named Fort Dearborn in honor of the Secretary of War. It had a block house at each of the two angles, on the southern side a sallyport, a covered way on the north side, that led down to the river, for the double purpose of providing means of escape, and of procuring water in the event of a siege. Fort Dearborn stood on the south bank of the Chicago River, about half a mile from its mouth. When Major Whistler built it, his soldiers hauled all the timber, for he had no oxen, and so economically did he work that the fort cost the Government only fifty dollars. For a while the garrison could get no grain, and Whistler and his men subsisted on acorns. Now Chicago is the greatest grain center in the world. Mr. Kinzie bought the hut of the first settler, Jean Baptiste Point au Sable, on the site of which he erected his mansion. Within an inclosure in front he planted some Lombardy poplars, seen in the engraving, and in the rear he soon had a fine garden and growing orchard. In 1812 the Kinzie house and its surroundings became the theater of stirring events. The garrison of Fort Dearborn consisted of fifty-four men, under the charge of Capt. Nathan Heald, assisted by Lieutenant I-enai T. Helm (son-in-law to Mrs. Kinzie), and Ensign Ronan. The surgeon was Dr. Voorhees. The only residents at the post at that time were the wives of Capt. Heald and Lieutenant Helm and a few of the soldiers, Mr. Kinzie and his family, and a few Canadian voyagers with their wives and children. The soldiers and Mr. Kinzie were on the most friendly terms with the Pottawatomies and the Winnebagoes, the j)rin- cipal tribes around them, but they could not win them from their attach- ment to the British. THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 85 After the battle of Tippecanoe it was observed that some of the lead- ing chiefs became sullen, for some of their people had perished in that •conflict with American troops. One evening in April, 1812, Mr. Kinzie sat playing his violin and his children were dancing to the music, when Mrs. Kinzie came rushing into the house pale with terror, and exclaiming, " The Indians ! the Indians ! " " What ? Where ? " eagerly inquired Mr. Kinzie. " Up at Lee's, kiUing and scalping," answered the frightened mother, who, when the alarm was given, was attending Mrs. Burns, a newly-made mother, living not far off. KINZIE HOUSE. Mr. Kinzie and his family crossed the river in boats, and took refuge in the fort, to which place Mrs. Burns and her infant, not a day old, were conveyed in safety to the shelter of the guns of Fort Dearborn, and the rest of the white inhabitants fled. The Indians were a scalping party of Winnebagoes, who hovered around the fort some days, when they dis- appeared, and for several weeks the inhabitants were not disturbed by alarms. Chicago was then so deep in the wilderness, that the news of the declaration of war against Great Britain, made on the 19th of June, 1812, did not reach the commander of the garrison at Fort Dearborn till the 7th •of August. Now the fast mail train will carry a man from New York to Chicago in twenty-seven hours, and such a declaration might be sent, €very word, by the telegraph in less than the same number of minutes. THE irOETHWEST TERRITORY. 87 PRESENT CONDITION OF THE NORTHWEST, Preceding chapters have brought us to the close of the Black Hawk war, and we now turn to the contemplation of the growth and prosperity of the Northwest under the smile of peace and the blessings of our civili- zation. The pioneers of this region date events back to the deep snow A REPRESKNTATIVK PIONEER. ^,» //a^ of 1831, no one arriving here since that date taking first honors. The inciting cause of the immigration which overflowed the prairies early in -the '30s was the reports of the marvelous beauty and fertility of the legion distributed through the East by those who had participated in the Black Hawk campaign with Gen. Scott. Chicago and Milwaukee then, liad a few hundred inhabitants, and Gurdon S. Hubbard's trail from the former citv to Kaskaskia led almost through a wilderness. Vegetables and clothing were largely distributed through the regions adjoining the 88 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. lakes by steamers from the Ohio towns. There are men now living in Illinois who came to the state when barely an acre was in cultivation^ and a man now prominent in the business circles of Chicago looked over the swampy, cheerless site of that metropolis in 1818 and went south- ward into civilization. Emigrants from Pennsylvania in 1830 left behind Ki^.:^^^.^ LINCOLN MONUMENT, SPRINGFIELD, ILLINOIS. 1 them but one small railway in the coal regions, thirty miles in length, and made their way to the Northwest mostly with ox teams, finding in Northern Illinois petty settlements scores of miles apart, although the southern portion of the state was fairly dotted with farms. The water courses of the lakes and rivers furnished transportation to the second great army of immigrants, and about 1850 railroads were pushed to that extent that the crisis of 1837 was precipitated upon ua. THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 89 from tlie effects of which the Western country had not fully recovered at the outbreak of the war. Hostilities found the colonists of the prairies fully alive to the demands of the occasion, and the honor of recruiting 3 o o o s: o the vast armies of the Union fell largely to Gov. Yates, of Illinois, and Gov. Morton, of Indiana. To recount the share of the glories of the campaign -svon If cuv Western troops is a needless task, except to mention the fact that Illinois ^ave to liie nation the President who saved 90 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. it, and sent out at the head of one of its regiments tne general who led ^ts armies to the final victory at Appomattox. The struggle, on the FA£M VIEW IN WINTER. whole, had a marked effect for the better on the new Northwest, gi fing it an impetus which twenty years of peace would not have produced. In a large degree this prosperity was an inflated one, and with the rest of the Union Ave have since been compelled to atone therefor by four THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 93 years of depression of values, of scarcity of employment, and loss of fortune. To a less degree, however, than the manufacturing or mining regions has the West suffered during the prolonged panic now so near its end. Agriculture, still the leading feature in our industries, has been quite prosperous through all these dark years, and the farmers have cleared away many incumbrances resting over them from the period of fictitious values. The population has steadily increased, the arts and sciences are gaining a stronger foothold, the trade area of the region is becoming daily more extended, and we have been largely exemjDt from the financial calamities which have nearly wrecked communities on the seaboard dependent wholly on foreign commerce or domestic manufacture. At the present period there are no great schemes broached for the Northwest, no propositions for government subsidies or national works of improvement, but the capital of the world is attracted hither for the purchase of our products or the expansion of our capacity for serving the nation at large. A new era is dawning as to transportation, and we bid fair to deal almost exclusively with the increasing and expanding lines •of steel rail running through every few miles of territory on the prairies. The lake marine will no doubt continue to be useful in the warmer season, and to serve as a regulator of freight rates ; but experienced navigators forecast the decay of the system in moving to the seaboard the enormous crops of the West. Within the past five years it has become quite common to see direct shipments to Europe and the West Indies going through from the second-class towns along the Mississippi •and Missouri, As to popular education, the standard has of late risen very greatly, and our schools would be creditable to any section of the Union. More and more as the events of the war pass into obscurity will the fate of the Northwest be linked with that of the Southwest, and the next Congressional apportionment will give the valley of the Mississippi absolute control of the legislation of the nation, and do much toward securing the removal of the Federal capitol to some more central location. Our public men continue to wield the full share of influence pertain- ing to their rank in the national autonomy, and seem not to forget that for the past sixteen years they and their constituents have dictated the principles which should govern the country. In a work like this, destined to lie on the shelves of the library for generations, and not doomed to daily destruction like a newspaper, one can not indulge in the same glowing predictions, the sanguine statements of actualities that fill the columns of ephemeral publications. Time may bring grief to the pet projects of a writer, and explode castles erected on a pedestal of facts. Yet there are unmistakable indications before us of 94 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. LAKE BLITF. The frontage of Lake Bluff Grounds on Lake Michigan, with one hundred and seventy feet of gradual ascenU HIGH BRIDGE, LAKE BLUFF, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS. THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 95 the same radical change in our great Northwest which characterizes its history for the past thirty years. Our domain has a sort of natural geographical border, save where it melts away to the southward in the cattle raising districts of the southwest. Our prime interest will for some years doubtless be the growth of the food of the world, in which branch it has already outstripped all competitors, and our great rival in this duty will naturally be the fertile- plains of Kansas, Nebraska and Colorado, to say nothing of the new empire so rapidly growing up in Texas. Over these regions there is a continued progress in agriculture and in railway building, and we must look to our laurels. Intelligent observers of events are fully aware of the strides made in the way of shipments of fresh meats to Europe,, many of these ocean cargoes being actually slaughtered in the West and transported on ice to the wharves of the seaboard cities. That this new enterprise will continue there is no reason to doubt. There are in Chicago several factories for the canning of prepared meats for European consumption, and the orders for this class of goods are already immense^ English capital is becoming daily more and more dissatisfied with railway loans and investments, and is gradually seeking mammoth outlays in lands and live stock. The stock yards in Chicago, Indianapolis and East St. Louis are yearly increasing their facilities, and their plant steadily grows more valuable. Importations of blooded animals from the pro- gressive countries of Europe are destined to greatly improve the quality of our beef and mutton. Nowhere is there to be seen a more enticing display in this line than at our state and county fairs, and the interest in the matter is on the increase. To attempt to give statistics of our grain production for 1877 would be useless, so far have we surpassed ourselves in the quantity and quality of our product. We are too liable to forget that we are giving the world its first article of necessity — its food supply. An opportunity to learn this fact so it never can be forgotten was afforded at Chicago at the outbreak of the great panic of 1873, when Canadian purchasers, fearing the prostration of business mightbring about an anarchical condition of affairs, went to that city with coin in bulk and foreign drafts to secure their supplies in their own currency at first hands. It may be justly claimed by the agricultural community that their combined efforts gave the nation its first impetus toward a restoration of its crippled industries, and their labor brought the gold premium to a lower depth than the government was able to reach hy its most intense efforts of legislation and compulsion. The hundreds of millions about to be disbursed for farm products have already, by the anticipation common to all commercial. 96 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. nations, set the wheels in motion, and will relieve us from the perils so long shadowing our efforts to return to a healthy tone. ^ Manufacturing has attained in the chief cities a foothold which bids fair to render the Northwest independent of the outside world. Nearly > < a, X 35 ■Ji o 25 ^ < O our whole region has a distribution of coal measures which will in time support the manufactures necessary to our comfort and prosperity. As to transportation, the chief factor in the production of all articles except food, no section is so magnificently endowed, and our facilities are yearly increasing beyond those of any other region. THE NORTHWEST TERRTTOET. 97 The period from a central point of the war to the outbreak of the panic was marked by a tremendous growth in our railway lines, but the depression of the times caused almost a total suspension of operations. Now that prosperity is returning to our stricken country we witness its- anticipation by the railroad interest in a series of projects, extensions, and leases which bid fair to largely increase our transportation facilities.. The process of foreclosure and sale of incumbered lines is another matter to be considered. In the case of the Illinois Central road, which formerly transferred to other lines at Cairo the vast burden of freight destined for the Gulf region, we now see the incorporation of the tracks connecting through to New Orleans, every mile co-operating in turning toward the northwestern metropolis the weight of the inter-state commerce of a thousand miles or more of fertile plantations. Three competing routes to Texas have established in Chicago their general freight and passenger agencies. Four or five lines compete for all Pacific freights to a point as as far as the interior of Nebraska. Half a dozen or more splendid bridge structures have been thrown across the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers by the railways. The Chicago and Northwestern line has become an aggre- gation of over two thousand miles of rail, and the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul is its close rival in extent and importance. The three lines running to Cairo via Vincennes form a through route for all traffic with- the states to the southward. The chief projects now under discussion are the Chicago and Atlantic, which is to unite with lines now built to Charleston, and the Chicago and Canada Southern, which line will con- nect with all the various branches of that Canadian enterprise. Our latest new road is the Chicago and Lake Huron, formed of three lines, and entering the city from Valparaiso on the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago track. The trunk lines being mainly in operation, the progress made in the way of shortening tracks, making air-line branches, and running extensions does not show to the advantage it deserves, as this process is constantly adding new facilities to the established order of things. The panic reduced the price of steel to a point where the railways could hardly afford to use iron rails, and all our northwestern lines report large relays of Bessemer track. The immense crops now being moved have given a great rise to the value of railway stocks, and their transportation must result in heavy pecuniary advantages. Few are aware of the importance of the wholesale and jobbing trade of Chicago. One leading firm has since the panic sold $24,000,000 of dry goods in one year, and they now expect most confidently to add seventy per cent, to the figures of their last year's business. In boots and shoes and in clothing, twenty or more great firms from the east have placed here their distributing agents or th^eir factories ; and in groceries ^8 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. Chicago supplies the entire Northwest at rates presenting advantages over New York. Chicago has stepped in between New York and the rural banks as a financial center, and scarcely a banking institution in the grain or cattle regions but keeps its reserve funds in the vaults of our commercial insti- tutions. Accumulating here throughout the spring and summer months, they are summoned home at pleasure to move the products of the prairies. This process greatly strengthens the northwest in its financial operations, leaving home capital to supplement local operations on behalf of home interests. It is impossible to forecast the destiny of this grand and growing section of the Union. Figures and predictions made at this date might ^eem ten years hence so ludicrously small as to excite only derision. 1 ILLINOIS. Length, 380 miles, mean width about 156 miles. Area, 55,410 square miles, or 35,462,400 acres. Illinois, as regards its surface, constitutes a table-land at a varying elevation ranging between 350 and 800 feet above the sea level ; composed of extensive and highly fertile prairies and plains. Much of the south (^'vision of the State, especially the river-bottoms, are thickly wooded. The prairies, too, have oasis-like clumps of trees scattered here and there at intervals. The chief rivers irrigating the State are the Mississippi — dividing it from Iowa and Missouri — the Ohio (forming its south barrier), the Illinois, Wabash, Kaskaskia, and San- gamon, with their numerous affluents. The total extent of navigable streams is calculated at 4,000 miles. Small lakes are scattered over vari- ous parts of the State. Illinois is extremely prolific in minerals, chiefly coal, iron, copper, and zinc ores, sulphur and limestone. The coal-field alone is estimated to absorb a full third of the entire coal-deposit of North America. Climate tolerably equable and healthy ; the mean temperature standing at about 51° Fahrenheit As an agricultural region, Illinois takes a competitive rank with neighboring States, the cereals, fruits, and root- crops yielding plentiful returns ; in fact, as a grain-growing State, Illinois may be deemed, in proportion to her size, to possess a greater area of lands suitable for its production than any other State in the Union. Stock- raising is also largely carried on, while her manufacturing interests in regard of woolen fabrics, etc., are on a very extensive and yearly expand- ing scale. The lines of railroad in the State are among the most exten- sive of the Union. Inland water-carriage is facilitated by a canal connecting the Illinois River with Lake Michigan, and thence with the St. Lawrence and Atlantic. Illinois is divided into 102 counties ; the chief towns being Chicago, Springfield (capital), Alton, Quincy, Peoria, Galena, Bloomington, Rock Island, Vandalia, etc. By the new Consti- tution, established in 1870, the State Legislature consists of 51 Senators, elected for four y^ars, and 153 Representatives, for two years ; which numbers were to be decennially increased thereafter to the number of six per every additional half-million of inhabitants. Religious and educational institutions are largely diffused throughout, and are in a very flourishing condition. Illinois has a State Lunatic and a Deaf and Dumb Asylum at Jacksonville ; a State Penitentiary at Joliet ; and a Home for (99) 100 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. Soldiers' Orphans at Normal. On November 30, 1870, the public debt of the State was returned at $4,870,937, with a balance of $1,808,833 unprovided for. At the same period the value of assessed and equalized property presented the following totals : assessed, $840,031,703 ; equal- ized $480,664,058. The name of Illinois, through nearly the whole of the eighteenth century, embraced most of the known regions north and west of Ohio. French colonists established themselves in 1673, at Cahokia and Kaskaskia, and the territory of which these settlements formed the nucleus was, in 1763, ceded to Great Britain in conjunction with Canada, and ultimately resigned to the United States in 1787. Illinois entered the Union as a State, December 3, 1818; and now sends 19 Representatives to Congress. Population, 2,539,891, in 1870. 4 WESTERN DWELLING. THE NORTHWEST TERRITOEY. lOl INDIANA Tlic profile of Indiana forms a nearly exact parallelogram, occupy- ing one of the most fertile portions of the great Mississippi Valley. The greater extent of the surface embraced within its limits consists of gentle undulations rising into hilly tracts toward the Ohio bottom. The chief rivers of the State are the Ohio and Wabash, with their numerous affluents. The soil is highly productive of the cereals and grasses — most particularly so in the valleys of the Ohio, Wabash, Whitewater, and White Rivers. The northeast and central portions are well timbered with virgin forests, and the west section is notably rich in coal, constitut- ing an offshoot of the great Illinois carboniferous field. Iron, copper, marble, slate, gypsum, and various clays are also abundant. From an agricultural point of view, the staple products are maize and wheat, with the other cereals in lesser yields : and besides these, flax, hemp, sorghum, hops, etc., are extensively raised. Indiana is divided into 92 counties, and counts among her principal cities and towns, those of Indianapolis (the capital), Fort Wayne, Evansville, Terre Haute, Madison, Jefferson- ville, Columbus, Vincennes, South Bend, etc. The public institutions of the State are many and various, and on a scale of magnitude and efficiency commensurate with her important political and industrial status. Upward of two thousand miles of railroads permeate the State in all directions, and greatly conduce to the development of lier expanding manufacturing interests. Statistics for the fiscal year terminating October 31, 1870, exhibited a total of receipts, $3,896,541 as against dis- bursements, $3,532,406, leaving a balance, $364,135 in favor of the State Treasury. The entire public debt, January 5, 1871, $3,971,000. This State was first settled by Canadian voyageurs in 1702, who erected a fort at Vincennes ; in 1763 it passed into the hands of the English, and was by the latter ceded to the United States in 1783. From 1788 till 1791, an Indian ware fare prevailed. In 1800, all tlie region west and north of Ohio (then formed into a distinct territory) became merged in Indiana. In 1809, the present limits of the State were defined, Michigan and Illinois having previously been withdrawn. In 1811, Indiana was the theater of the Indian War of Tecumseh, ending with the decisive battle of Tippecanoe. In 1816 (December 11), Indiana became enrolled among the States of the American Union. In 1834, the State passed through a monetary crisis owing to its having become mixed up witli railroad, f;anal, and other speculations on a gigantic scale, which ended, for the tune, oei'ng, in a general collapse of public credit, and consequent bank- ruptcy. Since that time, however, the greater number of the public 102 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. works which had brought about that imbroglio — especially the great Wabash and Erie Canal — have been completed, to the great benefit of the State, whose subsequent progress has year by year been marked by rapid strides in the paths of wealtli, commerce, and general social and political prosperity. The constitution now in force was adopted in 1851. Population, 1,680,637. IOWA. In shape, Iowa presents an almost perfect parallelogram ; has a length, north to south, of about 300 miles, by a pretty even width of 208 miles, and embraces an area of 55,045 square miles, or 35,228,800 acres. The surface of the State is generally undulating, rising toward the middle into an elevated plateau which forms the " divide " of the Missouri and Mississippi basins. Rolling prairies, especially in the south section, constitute a regnant feature, and the river bottoms, belted with woodlands, present a soil of the richest alluvion. Iowa is well watered ; the principal rivers being the Mississippi and Missouri, which form respectively its east and west limits, and the Cedar, Iowa, and Des Moines, affluents of the first named. Mineralogically, Iowa is important as occupying a section of the great Northwest coal field, to the extent of an area estimated at 25,000 square miles. Lead, copper, zinc, and iron, are also mined in considerable quantities. The soil is well adapted to the production of wheat, maize, and the other cereals : fruits, vegetables, and esculent roots ; maize, wheat, and oats forming the chief staples. Wine, tobacco, hops, and wax, are other noticeable items of the agricul- tural yield. Cattle-raising, too, is a branch of rural industry largely engaged in. The climate is healthy, although liable to extremes of heat and cold. The annual gross product of the various manufactures carried on in this State approximate, in round numbers, a sum of $20,000,000. Iowa has an immense railroad system, besides over 500 miles of water- communication by means of its navigable rivers. The State is politically ilivided into 99 counties, with the following centers of population : Des Moines (capital), Iowa City (former capital), Dubuque, Davenport, Bur- lington, Council Bluffs, Keokuk, Muscatine, and Cedar Rapids. The State institutions of Iowa— religious, scholastic, and philanthropic — are on a par, as regards number and perfection of organization and operation, with those of her Northwest sister States, and education is especially well cared for, and largely diffused. Iowa formed a portion of the American territorial acquisitions from France, by the so-called Louisiana purchase in 1803, and was politically identified with Louisiana till 1812, THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 103 when it merged into the Missouri Territory; in 1834 it came under the Michigan organization, and, in 1836, under that of Wisconsin. Finally, after being constituted an independent Territory, it became a State of the Union, December 28, 1846. Population in 1860, 674,913 ; in 1870, 1,191,792, and in 1875, 1,353,118. MICHIGAN. United area, 56,243 square miles, or 35,995,520 acres. Extent of the Upper and smaller Peninsula' — length, 316 miles; breadth, fluctuating between 36 and 120 miles. The south division is 416 miles long, by from 50 to 300 miles wide. Aggregate lake-shore line, 1,400 miles. The Upper, or North, Peninsula consists chiefly of an elevated plateau, expanding into the Porcupine mountain-system, attaining a maximum height of some 2,000 feet. Its shores along Lake Superior are eminently bold and picturesque, and its area is rich in minerals, its product of copper constituting an important source of industry. Both divisions are heavily wooded, and the South one, in addition, boasts of a deep, rich, loamy soil, throwing up excellent crops of cereals and other agricultural produce. The climate is generally mild and humid, though the Winter colds are severe. The chief staples of farm husbandry include the cereals, grasses, maple sugar, sorghum, tobacco, fruits, and dairy-stuffs. In 1870, the acres of land in farms were : improved, 5,096,939 ; unimproved woodland, 4,080,146 ; other unimproved land, 842,057. The cash value of land was $398,240,578 ; of farming implements and machinery, $13,711,979. In 1869, there were shipped from the Lake Superior ports, 874,582 tons of iron ore, and 45,762 of smelted pig, along with 14,188 tons of copper (ore and ingot). Coal is another article largely mined. Inland communication is provided for by an admirably organized railroad system, and by the St. Mary's Ship Canal, connecting Lakes Huron and Superior. Michigan is politically divided into 78 counties ; its chief urban centers are Detroit, Lansing (capital), Ann Arbor, Marquette, Bay City, Niles, Ypsilanti, Grand Haven, etc. The Governor of the State is elected biennially. On November 30, 1870, the aggregate bonded debt of Michigan amounted to $2,385,028, and the assessed valuation of land to $266,929,278, representing an estimated cash value of $800,000,000. Education is largely diffused and most excellently conducted and pro- vided for. The State University at Ann Arbor, the colleges of Detroit and Kalamazoo, the Albion Female College, the State Normal School at Ypsilanti, and the State Agricultural College at Lansing, are chief among the academic institutions. Michigan (a term of Chippeway origin, and 104 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. signifying " Great Lake), was discovered and first settled by Frencli Canadians, Avho, in 1670, founded Detroit, the pioneer of a series of trad- ing-posts on the Indian frontier. During the " Conspiracy of Pontiac," following the French loss of Canada, Michigan became the scene of a sanguinary struggle between the whites and aborigines. In 1796, it became annexed to the United States, which incorporated this region with the Northwest Territory, and then with Indiana Territory, till 1808, when it became territorially independent. Michigan was the theater of warlike operations during the war of 1812 with Great Britain, and in 1819 was authorized, to be represented by one delegate in Congress ; in 1837 she was admitted into the Union as a State, and in 1869 ratified the 15th Amendment to the Federal Constitution. Population, 1,184,059. WISCONSIN. It has a mean length of 26Q miles, and a maximum breadth of 215. Land area, 53,924 square miles, or 34,511,360 acres. Wisconsin lies at a considerable altitude above sea-level, and consists for the most part of an upland plateau, the surface of which is undulating and very general!}^ diversified. Numerous local eminences called mounds are interspersed over the State, and the Lake Michigan coast-line is in many parts char- acterized by lofty escarped cliffs, even as on the west side the banks of the Mississippi form a series of high and picturesque bluffs. A group of islands known as The Apostles lie off the extreme north point of the State in Lake Superior, and the great estuary of Green Bay, running far inland, gives formation to a long, narrow peninsula between its waters and those of Lake Michigan. The river-system of Wisconsin has three outlets — those of Lake Superior, Green Bay, and the Mississi2:)pi, which latter stream forms the entire southwest frontier, widening at one point into the large watery expanse called Lake Pepin. Lake Superior receives the St. Louis, Burnt Wood, and Montreal Rivers ; Green Bay, the Menomonee, Peshtigo, Oconto, and Fox; while into the Mississippi empty the St. Croix, Chippewa, Black, Wisconsin, and Rock Rivers. The chief interior lakes are those of Winnebago, Horicon, and Court Oreilles, and smaller sheets of water stud a great part of the surface. The climate is healthful, with cold Winters and brief but very warm Summers. Mean annual rainfall 31 inches. The geological system represented bj^ the State, embraces those rocks included between the primary and the Devonian series, the former containing extensive deposits of copper and iron ore. Besides these minerals, lead and zinc are found in great quantities, together with kaolin, plumbago, gypsum, THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 105 and various clays. Mining, consequently, forms a prominent industry, and one of yearly increasing dimensions. The soil of Wisconsin is of varying quality, but fertile on the whole, and in the north parts of the State heavily timbered. The agricultural yield comprises tiie cereals, together with flax, hemp, tobacco, pulse, sorgum, and all kinds of vege- tables, and of the hardier fruits. In 1870, the State had a total number of 102,904 farms, occupying 11,715,321 acres, of which 5,899,343 con- sisted of improved land, and 3,437,442 were timbered. Cash value of farms, $300,414,064 ; of farm implements and machinery, $14,239,364. Total estimated value of all farm products, including betterments an,d additions to stock, $78,027,032 ; of orchard and dairy stuffs, $1,045,933 ; of lumber, Jfl, 327,618 ; of home manufactures, $338,423 ; of all live-stock, $45,310,882. Numl)er of manufacturing establishments, 7,136, employ- ing 39,055 hands, and turning out productions valued at $85,624,966. The political divisions of the State form 61 counties, and the chief places of wealth, trade, and population, are Madison (the capital), Milwaukee, Fond du Lac, Oshkosh, Prairie du Chien, Janesville, Portage Citv, Racine, Kenosha, and La Crosse. In 1870, the total assessed valuation reached $333,209,838, as against a true valuation of both real and personal estate aggregating $602,207,329. Treasury receipts during 1870, $886,- 696 ; disbursements, $906,329. Value of church property, $4,749,983. Education is amply provided for. Independently of the State University at Madison, and those of Galesville and of Lawrence at Ajjpleton, and the colleges of Beloit, Racine, and Milton, there are Normal Schools at Platteville and Whitewater. The State is divided into 4,802 common school districts, maintained at a cost, in 1870, of $2,094,160. The chari- table institutions of Wisconsin include a Deaf and Dumb Asylum, an Institute for the Education of the Blind, and a Soldiers' Orphans' School. In January, 1870, the railroad system ramified throughout the State totalized 2,779 miles of track, including several lines far advanced toward completion. Immigration is successfully encouraged by the State author- ities, the larger number of j^early new-comers being of Scandinavian and German origin. The territory now occupied within the limits of the State of Wisconsin was explored by French missionaries and traders in 1639, and it remained under French jurisdiction until 1703, when it became annexed to the British North American possessions. In 1796, it reverted to the United States, the government of which latter admitted it within the limits of the Northwest Territory, and in 1809, attached it to that of Illinois, and to Michigan in 1818. Wisconsin became independ- ently territorially organized in 1836, and became a State of the Union, March 3, 1847. Population in 1870, l,0f;4,985, of which 2,113 were of the colored race, and 11,521 Indians, 1,206 of the latter beinff out of tribal relations. 106 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. MINNESOTA. Its length, north to south, embraces an extent of 380 miles; its breadth one of 250 miles at a maximum. Area, 84,000 square miles, or 54,760,000 acres. The surface of Minnesota, generally speaking, con- sists of a succession of gently undulating plains and prairies, drained by an admirable water-system, and with here and there heavily- timbered bottoms and belts of virgin forest. The soil, corresponding with such a superfices, is exceptionally rich, consisting for the most part of a dark, calcareous sandy drift intermixed with loam. A distinguishing physical feature of this State is its riverine ramifications, expanding in nearly every part of it into almost innumerable lakes — the whole presenting an aooreoate of water-power havino- hardly a rival in the Union. Besides the Mississippi — which here has its rise, and drains a basin of 800 miles of country — the principal streams are the Minnesota (-334 miles long), the Red River of the North, the St. Croix, St. Louis, and many others of lesser importance ; the chief lakes are those called Red, Cass, Leech, Mille Lacs, Vermillion, and Winibigosh. Quite a concatenation of sheets of water fringe the frontier line where Minnesota joins British America, culminatimr in the Lake of the Woods. It has been estimated, that of an area of 1,200,000 acres of surface between the St. Croix and Mis- sissippi Rivers, not less than 73,000 acres are of lacustrine formation. In point of minerals, the resources of Minnesota have as yet been very imperfectly developed ; iron, copper, coal, lead — all these are known to exist in considerable deposits ; together with salt, hmestone, and potter's clay. The agricultural outlook of the State is in a high degree satis- factory ; wheat constitutes the leading cereal in cultivation, with Indian corn and oats in next order. Fruits and vegetables are grown in great plenty and of excellent quality. The lumber resources of Minnesota are important ; the pine forests in the north region alone occupying an area of some 21,000 square miles, which in 1870 produced a return of scaled logs amounting to 313,116,416 feet. The natural industrial advantages possessed by Minnesota are largely improved upon by a railroad system. The political divisions of this State number 78 counties ; of which the chief cities and towns are : St. Paul (the capital), Stillwater, Red Wing, St. Anthony, Fort Snelling, Minneapolis, and Mankato. Minnesota has already assumed an attitude of high importance as a manufacturing State ; this is mainly due to the wonderful command of water-power she pos- sesses, as before spoken of. Besides her timber-trade, the milling of flour, the distillation of whisky, and the tanning of leather, are prominent interests, which, in 1869, gave returns to the amount of ij^l 4,831, 043. THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 107 Education is notably provided for on a broad and catholic scale, the entire amount expended scholastically during the year 1870 being $857,- 816 ; while on November 30 of the preceding year the permanent school fund stood at $2, 476, 222. Besides a University and Agricultural College, Normal and Reform Schools flourish, and with these may be mentioned such various philanthropic and religious institutions as befit the needs of an intelligent and prosperous community. The finances of the State for the fiscal year terminating December 1, 1870, exhibited a balance on the right side to the amount of $136,164, being a gain of $44,000 over the previous year's figures. The earliest exploration of Minnesota by the whites was made in 1680 by a French Franciscan, Father Hennepin, who gave the name of St. Antony to the Great Falls on the Upper Missisippi. In 1763, the Treaty of Versailles ceded this region to England. Twenty yeai-s later, Minnesota formed part of the Northwest Territor}^ transferred to the United States, and became herself territorialized inde- pendently in 1849. Indian cessions in 1851 enlarged her boundaries, and. May 11, 1857, Minnesota became a unit of the great American federation of States. Population, 439,706. NEBRASKA. Maximum length, 412 miles ; extreme breadth, 208 miles. Area, 75,905 square miles', or 48,636,800 acres. The surface of this State is almost entirely undulating prairie, and forms part of the west slope of the great central basin of the North American Continent. In its west division, near the base of the Rocky Mountains, is a sandy belt of country, irregularly defined. In this part, too, are the " dunes," resem- bling a wavy sea of sandy billows, as well as the Mauvaises Terres, a tract of singular formation, produced by eccentric disintegrations and denuda- tions of the land. The chief rivers are the Missouri, constituting its en- tire east line of demarcation ; the Nebraska or Platte, the Niobrara, the Republican Fork of the Kansas, the Elkhorn, and the Loup Fork of the Platte. The soil is very various, but consisting chiefly of rich, bottomy loam, admirably adapted to the raising of heavy crops of cereals. All the vegetables and fruits of the temperate zone are produced in great size and plenty. For grazing purposes Nebraska is a State exceptionally well fitted, a region of not less than 23,000,000 acres being adaptable to this branch of husbandry. It is believed that the, as yet, comparatively infertile tracts of land found in various parts of the State are susceptible of productivity by means of a properly conducted system of irrigation. Few minerals of moment have so far been found within the limits of 108 THE NOliTHWEST TEKKITOliY. Nebraska, if we may except important saline deposits at the head of Salt Creek in ics southeast section. The State is divided into 57 counties, independent of the Pawnee and Winnebago Indians, and of unorganized territory in the northwest part. The principal towns are Omaha, Lincoln (State capital), Nebraska City, Columbus, Grand Island, etc. In 1870, the total assessed value of property amounted to 153,000,000, being an increase of $11,000,000 over the previous year's returns. The total amount received from the school-fund during the year 1869-70 was $77,999. Education is making great onward strides, the State University and an Agricultural College being far advanced toward completion. In the matter of railroad communication, Nebraska bids fair to soon place herself on a par with her neighbors to the east. Besides being inter- sected by the Union Pacific line, with its off-shoot, the Fremont and Blair, other tracks are in course of rapid construction. Organized by Con- gressional Act into a Territory, May 30, 1851, Nebraska entered the Union as a full State, March 1, 1867. Population, 122,993. TTTT XTIV<; IMIMRIK WOI.VBS IN" AX KAUIA' DAY. Early History op^ Illinois. The name of this beautiful Prairie State is derived from Illim, a Delaware word signifying Superior Men. It has a French termination, and is a symbol of how the two races — the French and the Indians — were intermixed during the early history of the country. The appellation was no doubt well applied to the primitive inhabit- ants of the soil whose prowess in savage warfare long withstood the combined attacks of the fierce Iroquois on the one side, and the no less savage and relentless Sacs and Foxes on the other. The Illinois were once a powerful confederacy, occupying the most beautiful and fertile region in the great Valley of the Mississippi, which their enemies coveted and struggled long and hard to wrest from them. By the fortunes of war they were diminished in numbers, and finally destroyed. " Starved Rock," on the Illinois River, according to tradition, commemorates their last tragedy, where, it is said, the entire tribe starved rather than sur- render. EARLY DISCOVERIES. The first European discoveries in Illinois date back over two hun- dred years. They are a part of that movement which, from the begin- ning to the middle of the seventeenth century, brought the French Canadian missionaries and fur traders into the Valley of the Mississippi, and which, at a later period, established the civil and ecclesiastical authority of France from the Gulf of St. Lawrence to the Gulf of Mexico, and from the foot-hills of the Alleghanies to the Rocky Mountains. The great river of the West had been discovered by DeSoto, the Spanish conqueror of Florida, three quarters of a century before the French founded Quebec in 1608, but the Spanish left the country a wil- derness, without further exploration or settlement within its borders, in which condition it remained until the Mississippi was discovered by the agents of the French Canadian government, Jolietand Marquette, in 1673. These renowned explorers were not the first white visitors to Illinois. In 1671 — two years in advance of them — came Nicholas Perrot to Chicago. He had been sent by Talon as an agent of the Canadian government to log no HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. HISTORY OF THE STATE OP ILLINOIS. Ill call a great peace convention of Western Indians at Green Bay, prepara- tory to the movement for the discovery of the Mississippi. It was deemed a good stroke of policy to secure, as far as possible, the friend- ship and co-operation of the Indians, far and near, before venturing upon an enterprise which their hostility might render disastrous, and which their friendship and assistance would do so much to make successful ; and to this end Perrot was sent to call together in council the tribes throughout the Northwest, and to promise them the commerce and pro- tection of the French government. He accordingly arrived at Green Bay in 1671, and procuring an escort of Pottawattamies, proceeded in a bark canoe upon a visit to the Miamis, at Chicago. Perrot was there- fore the first European to set foot upon the soil of Illinois. Still there were others before Marquette. In 1672, the Jesuit mis- sionaries, Fathers Claude Allouez and Claude Dablon, bore the standard of the Cross from their mission at Green Bay through western Wisconsin and northern Illinois, visiting the Foxes on Fox River, and the Masquo- tines and Kickapoos at the mouth of the Milwaukee. These missionaries penetrated on the route afterwards followed by Marquette as far as the Kickapoo village at the head of Lake Winnebago, where Marquette, in his journey, secured guides across the portage to the Wisconsin. The oft-repeated story of Marquette and Joliet is well known. They were the agents employed by the Canadian government to discover the Mississippi. Marquette was a native of France, born in 1637, a Jesuit priest by education, and a man of simple faith and of great zeal and devotion in extending the Roman Catholic religion among the Indians. Arriving in Canada in 1666, he was sent as a missionary to the far Northwest, and, in 1668, founded a mission at Sault Ste. Marie. The following year he moved to La Pointe, in Lake Superior, where he instructed a branch of the Hurons till 1670, when he removed south, and founded the mission at St. Tgnace, on the Straits of Mackinaw. Here he remained, devoting a portion of his time to the study of the Illinois language under a native teacher who had accompanied him to the mission from La Pointe, till he was joined by Joliet in the Spring of 1673. By the way of Green Bay and the Fox and Wisconsin Rivers, they entered the Mississippi, which they explored to the mouth of the Arkansas, and returned by the way of the Illinois and Chicago Rivers to Lake Michigan. On his way up the Illinois, Marquette visited the great village of the Kaskaskias, near what is now Utica, in the county of LaSalle. The following year he returned and established among them the mission of the Immaculate Virgin Mary, which was the first Jesuit mission founded in Illinois and in the Mississippi Valley. The intervening winter he had spent in a hut which his companions erected on the Chicago River, a few leagues from its mouth. The founding of this mission was the last 112 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. act of Marquette's life. He died in Michigan, on his way back to Green Bay, May 18, 1675. FIRST FRENCH OCCUPATION. The fii'st French occupation of the territory now embraced in Illi- nois was effected by LaSalle in 1680, seven years after the time of Mar- q^uette and Joliet. LaSalle, having constructed a vessel, the " Griffin," above the falls of Niagara, which he sailed to Green Bay, and having passed thence in canoes to the mouth of the St. Joseph River, by which and the Kankakee he reached the Illinois, in January, 1680, erected Fort Crevecceur, at the lower end of Peoria Lake, where the city of Peoria is now situated. The place where this ancient fort stood may still be seen just below the outlet of Peoria Lake. It was destined, however, to a temporary existence. From this point, LaSalle determined to descend the Mississippi to its mouth, but did not accomplish this purpose till two years later — in 1682. Returning to Fort Frontenac for the purpose of getting materials with whicli to rig his vessel, he left the fort in charge of Touti, his lieutenant, who during his absence was driven off by the Iro- quois Indians. These savages had made a raid upon the settlement of the Illinois, and had left nothing in their track but ruin and desolation. Mr. Davidson, in his History of IlUnois, gives the following graphic account of the picture that met the eyes of LaSalle and his companions on their return : " At the great town of the Illinois they were appalled at the scene which opened to their view. No hunter appeared to break its death-like silence with a salutatory whoop ot welcome. The plain on which the town had stood was now strewn with charred fragments of lodges, which had so recently swarmed with savage life and hilarity. To render more hideous the picture of desolation, large numbers of skulls had been placed on the upper extremities of lodge-poles which had escaped the devourino- flames. In the midst of these horrors was the rude fort of the spoilers, rendered frightful by the same ghastly relics. A near approach showed that the graves had been robbed of their bodies, and swarms of buzzards were discovered glutting;' their loathsome stomachs on tlie reeking corruption. To complete the work of destruction, the irrowingf corn of the village had been cut down and burned, while the pits containing the products of previous years, had been rifled and their contents scattered with wanton waste. It was evident the suspected blow of the Iroquois had fallen with relentless fury." Tonti had escaped LaSalle knew not whither. Passing down the lake in searcli of him and his men, LaSalle discovered that the fort had been destroyed, but the vessel wliicli he had partly constructed was still HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. IVo on the stocks, and but slightly injured. After further fruitless search, failing to find Tonti, he fastened to a tree a painting representing himself and party sitting in a canoe and bearing a pipe of peace, and to the paint- ing attached a letter addressed to Tonti. Tonti had escaped, and, after untold privations, taken shelter among tlie Pottawattaraies near Green Bay. These were friendly to the French. One of their old chiefs used to say, " There were but three great cap- tains in the world, himself, Tonti and LaSalle." GENIUS OF LaSALLE. We must now return to LaSalle, whose exploits stand out in such bold relief. He was born in Rouen, France, in 1643. His father was wealthy, but he renounced his patrimony on entering a college of the Jesuits, from which he separated and came to Canada a poor man in 1666. The priests of St. Sulpice, among whom he had a brother, were then the proprietors of Montreal, the nucleus of which was a seminary or con- vent founded by that order. The Superior granted to LaSalle a large tract of land at LaChine, where he established himself in the fur trade. He was a man of daring genius, and outstripped all his competitors in exploits of travel and commerce with the Indians. In 1669, he visited the headquarters of the great Iroquois Confederacy, at Onondaga, in the heart of New York, and, obtaining guides, explored the Ohio River to the falls at Louisville. In order to understand the genius of LaSalle, it must be remembered that for many years prior to his time the missionaries and traders were obliged to make their way to the Northwest by the Ottawa River (of Canada) on account of the fierce hostility of the Iroquois along the lower lakes and Niagara River, which entirely closed this latter route to the Upper Lakes. They carried on their commerce chiefly by canoes, pad- dling them through the Ottawa to Lake Nipissing, carrying them across the portage to French River, and descending that to Lake Huron. This being the route by which they reached the Northwest, accounts for the fact that all the earliest Jesuit missions were established in the neia-hbor- hood of the Upper Lakes. LaSalle conceived the grand idea of opening the route by Niagara River and the Lower Lakes to Canadian commerce by sail vessels, connecting it with the navigation of the Mississippi, and thus opening a magnificent water communication from the Gulf of St. Lawrence to the Gulf of Mexico. This truly grand and comprehensive purpose seems to have animated him in all his wonderful achievements and the matchless difficulties and hardships he surmounted. As the first step in the accomplishment of this object he established himself on Lake Ontario, and built and garrisoned Fort Frontenac, the site of the present 114 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. city of Kingston, Canada. Here he obtained a grant of land from the French crown and a body of troops by which he beat back the invading Iroquois and cleared the passage to Niagara Falls. Having by this mas- terly stroke made it safe to attempt a hitherto untried expedition, his next step, as we have seen, was to advance to the Falls with all his outfit for building a ship with which to sail the lakes. He was success- ful in this undertaking, though his ultimate purpose was defeated by a strange combination of untoward circumstances. The Jesuits evidently hated LaSalle and plotted against him, because he had abandoned them and co-operated with a rival order. The fur traders were also jealous of his superior success in opening new channels of commerce. At LaChine he had taken the trade of Lake Ontario, which but for his presence there would have gone to Quebec. While they were plodding with their barK canoes through the Ottawa he was constructing sailing vessels to com- mand the trade of the lakes and the Mississippi. These great plans excited the jealousy and envy of the small traders, introduced treason and revolt into the ranks of his own companions, and finally led to the foul assassination by which his great achievements were prematurely ended. In 1682, LaSalle, having completed his vessel at Peoria, descended the Mississippi to its confluence with the Gulf of Mexico. Erecting a standard on which he inscribed the arms of France, he took formal pos- session of the whole valley of the mighty river, in the name of Louis XIV., then reigning, in honor of whom he named the country Louisiana. LaSalle then went to France, was appointed Governor, and returned with a fleet and immigrants, for the purpose of planting a colony in Illi- nois. They arrived in due time in the Gulf of Mexico, but failing to find the mouth of the Mississippi, up which LaSalle intended to sail, his supply ship, with the immigrants, was driven ashore and wrecked on Matagorda Bay. With the fragments of the vessel he constructed a stockade and rude huts on the shore for the protection of the immigrants, calling the post Fort St. Louis. He then made a trip into New Mexico, in search of silver mines, but, meeting with disappointment, returned to find his little colony reduced to forty souls. He then resolved to travel on foot to Illinois, and, starting with his companions, had reached the valley of the Colorado, near the mouth of Trinity river, when he was shot by one of his men. This occurred on the 19th of March, 1687. Dr. J. W. Foster remarks of him : " Thus fell, not far from the banks of the Trinity, Robert Cavalier de la Salle, one of the grandest charac- ters that ever figured in American history — a man capable of originating the vastest schemes, and endowed with a will and a judgment capable of carrying them to successful results. Had ample facilities been placed by the King of France at his disposal, the result of the colonization of this continent might have been far different from what we now behold." HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. 115 EARLY SETTLEMENTS. A teraporarv settlement was made at Fort St. Louis, or the old Kas- kaskia village, o'l the Illinois River, in what is now La'Salle County, in 1682. In 1690, this wa.s removed, with the mission connected with it, to Kaskaskia, on the river of that name, emptying into the lower Mississippi in St. Clair County. Cahokia was settled about the same time, or at least, both of these settlements began in the year 1690, though it is now pretty well settled that Cahokia is the older place, and ranks as the oldest permanent settlement in Illinois, as Avell as in the Mississippi Valley. Tlie reason for the removal of the Did Kaskaskia settlement and mission, was probably because the dangerous and diificult route by Lake Michigan and the Chicago portage had been almost abandoned, and travelers and traders passed down and up the Mississippi by the Fox and Wisconsin River route. They removed to the vicinity of the Mississippi in order to be in the line of travel from Canada to Louisiana, that is, the lower part of it, for it was all Louisiana then south of the lakes. During the period of French rule in Louisiana, the population prob- ably never exceeded ten thousand, including whites and blacks. Within that portion of it now included in Indiana, trading posts were established at the principal Miami villages which stood on the head waters of the Maumee, the Wea villages situated at Ouiatenon, on the Wabash, and the Piankeshaw villages at Post Vincennes ; all of which were probably visited by French traders and missionaries before the close of the seven- teenth century. In the vast territory claimed by the French, many settlements of considerable importance had sprung up. Biloxi, on Mobile Bay, had been founded by DTberville, in 1699 ; Antoine de Lamotte Cadillac had founded Detroit in 1701 ; and New Orleans had been founded by Bien- ville, under the auspices of the Mississippi Company, in 1718. In Illi- nois also, considerable settlements had been made, so that in 1730 they embraced one hundred and forty French families, about six hundred " con- verted Indians," and many traders and voyageurs. In that portion of the country, on the east side of the Mississippi, there were five distinct set- tlements, with their respective villages, viz.: Cahokia, near the mouth of Cahokia Creek and about five miles below the present city of St. Louis ; St. Philip, about forty-five miles below Cahokia, and four miles above Fort Chartres ; Fort Chartres, twelve miles above Kaskaskia ; Kaskaskia, situated on the Kaskaskia River, five miles above its conflu- ence with the Mississippi ; and Prairie du Rocher, near Fort Chartres. To these must be added St. Genevieve and St. Louis, on the west side of the Mississippi. These, with the exception of St. Louis, are among 116 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILJ.LNOIS. H <1 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. 117 the oldest French towns in the Mississippi Valley. Kaskaskia, in its best days, was a town of some two or three thousand inhabitants. After it passed from the crown of France its population for many years did not exceed fifteen hundred. Under British rule, in 1773, the population had decreased to four hundred and fifty. As early as 1721, the Jesuits had established a college and a monastery in Kaskaskia. Fort Chartres was first built under the direction of the Mississippi Company, in 1718, by M. de Boisbraint, a military officer, under command of Bienville. It stood on the east bank of the Mississippi, about eighteen miles below Kaskaskia, and was for some time the headquarters of the military commandants of the district of Illinois. In the Centennial Oration of Dr. Fowler, delivered at Philadelphia, by appointment of Gov. Beveridge, we find some interesting facts with regard to the State of Illinois, which we appropriate in this history : In 1682 Illinois became a possession of the French crown, a depend- ency of Canada, and a part of Louisiana. In 1765 the English flag was run up on old Fort Chartres, and Illinois was counted among the treas- ures of Great Britain. In 1779 it was taken from the English by Col. George Rogers Clark. This man was resolute in nature, wise in council, prudent in policy, bold in action, and heroic in danger. Few men who have figured in the his- tory of America are more deserving than this colonel. Nothing short of first-class ability could have rescued Vincens and all Illinois from the English. And it is not possible to over-estimate the influence of this achievement upon the republic. In 1779 Illinois became a part of Vir- ginia. It was soon known as Illinois County. In 1784 Virginia ceded all this territory to the general government, to be cut into States, to be republican in form, with " the same right of sovereignty, freedom, and independence as the other States." In 1787 it was the object of the wisest and ablest legislation found in any merely human records. No man can study the secret history of THE "COMPACT OF 1787," and not feel that Providence was guiding with sleepless eye these unborn States. The ordinance that on July 13, 1787, finally became the incor- porating act, has a most marvelous history. Jefferson had vainly tried to secure a system of g'overnment for the northwestern territory. He was an emancipationist of that day, and favored the exclusion of slavery from the territory Virginia had ceded to the general government; but the South voted him down as often as it came up. In 1787, as late as July 10, an organizing act without the anti-slavery clause was pending. This concession to the South was expected to carry it. Congress was in 118 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. • session in New York Cit3^ On July 5, Rev. Dr. Manasseh Cutler, of Massachusetts, came into New York to lobby on the northwestern terri- tory. Everything seemed to fall into his hands. Events were ripe. The state of the public credit, the growing of Southern prejudice, the basis of his mission, his personal character, all combined to complete one of those sudden and marvelous revolutions of public sentiment that once in five or ten centuries are seen to sweep over a country like the breath of the Almighty. Cutler was a graduate of Yale — received his A.M. from Harvard, and his D.D. from Yale. He had studied and taken degrees in the three learned professions, medicine, law, and divinity. He had thus America's best indorsement. He had published a scientific examination of the plants of New England. His name stood second only to that of Franklin as a scientist in America. He was a courtly gentle- man of the old st3de, a man of commanding presence, and of inviting face. The Southern members said they had never seen such a gentleman in the North. He came representing a company that desired to purchase a tract of land now included in Ohio, for the purpose of planting a colony. It was a speculation. Government money was worth eighteen cents on the dollar. This Massachusetts company had collected enough to pur- chase 1,500,000^ acres of land. Other speculators in New York made Dr. Cutler their agent (lobbj'ist). On the 12th he represented a demand for 5,500,000 acres. This would reduce the national debt. Jefferson and Virginia were regarded as authority concerning the land Virginia had just ceded. Jefferson's policy wanted to provide for the public credit, and this was a good opportunity to do something. Massachusetts then owned the territory of Maine, which she was crowding on the market. She was opposed to opening the northwestern region. This fired the zeal of Virginia. The South caught the inspira- tion, and all exalted Dr. Cutler. The English minister invited him to dine with some of the Southern gentlemen. He was the center of interest. The entire South rallied round him. Massachusetts could not vote against him, because many of the constituents of her members were interested personally in the western speculation. Thus Cutler, making friends with the South, and, doubtless, using all the arts of the lobby, was enabled to command the situation. True to deeper convictions, he dictated one of the most compact and finished documents of wise states- manship that has ever adorned any human law book. He borrowed from Jefferson the term "Articles of Compact," which, preceding the federal constitution, rose into the most sacred character. He then followed very closely the constitution of Massachusetts, adopted three years before. Its most marked points were : 1. The exclusion of slavery from the territory forever. 2. Provision for public schools, giving one township for a seminary, t) HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. 119 and every section numbered 16 in each township ; that is, one-thirty-sixth of all the land, for public schools. 3. A provision prohibiting the adoption of any consti'tution or the enactment of any law that should nullify pre-existing contracts. Be it forever remembered that this compact declared that " Religion, morality, and knowledge being necessary to good government and the happiness of mankind, schools and the means of education shall always be encouraged." Dr. Cutler planted himself on this platform and would not yield. Griving his unqualified declaration that it was that or nothing — that unless they could make the land desirable they did not want it — he took his horse and buggy, and started for the constitutional convention in Phila- delphia. On July 13, 1787, the bill was put upon its passage, and was unanimously adopted, every Southern member voting for it, and only one man, Mr. Yates, of New York, voting against it. But as the States voted as States, Yates lost his vote, and tJie compact was put beyond repeal. Thus the great States of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan and Wis- consin — a vast empire, the heart of the great valley — were consecrated to freedom, intelligence, and honesty. Thus the great heart of the nation was prepared for a year and a day and an hour. In the light of these eighty- nine years I afl&rm that this act was the salvation of the republic and the destruction of slavery. Soon the South saw their great blunder, and tried to repeal the compact. In 1803 Congress referred it to a committee of which John Randolph was chairman. He reported that this ordinance was a compact, and opposed repeal. Thus it stood a rock, in the way of the on-rushing sea of slavery. With all this timely aid it was, after all, a most desperate and pro- tracted struggle to keep the soil of Illinois sacred to freedom. It was the natural battle-field for the irrepressible conflict. In the southern end of the State slavery preceded the compact. It existed among the old French settlers, and was hard to eradicate. The southern part of the State was settled from the slave States, and this population brought their laws, customs, and institutions with them. A stream of population from the North poured into the northern part of the State. These sections misunderstood and hated each other perfectly. The Southerners regarded the Yankees as a skinning, tricky, penurious race of peddlers, filling the country with tinware, brass clocks, and wooden nutmegs. The North- erner thought of the Southerner as a lean, lank, lazy creature, burrowing in a hut, and rioting in whisky, dirt and ignorance. These causes aided in making the struggle long and bitter. So strong was the sympathy with slavery that, in spite of the ordinance of 1787, and in spite of the deed of cession, it was determined to allow the old French settlers to retain their slaves. Planters from the slave States mioht bring their 120 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. slaves, if they would give them a chance to choose freedom or years of service and bondage for their children till they should become thirty years of age. If they chose freedom they must leave the State in sixtv days or be sold as fugitives. Servants were whipped for offenses for which white men are fined. Each lash paid forty cents of the fine. A neo-ro ten miles from home without a pass was whipped. These famous laws were imported from the slave States just as they imported laws foi the inspection of flax and wool when there was neither in the State. These Black Laws are now wiped out. A vigorous effort was made to protect slavery in the State Constitution of 1817. It barely failed. It was renewed in 1825, when ^ convention was asked to make a new constitution. After a hard fight the convention was defeated. Bat slaves did not disappear from the census of the State until 1850. There were mobs and murders in the interest of slavery. Lovejoy was added to the list of martyrs— a sort of first-fruits of that long life of immortal heroes who saw freedom as the one supreme desire of their souls, and were so enamored of her that they preferred to die rather than survive her. The population of 12,282 that occupied the territory in A.D. 1800, increased to 45,000 in A.D. 1818, when the State Constitution was adopted, and Illinois took her place in the Union, with a star on the flag and two votes in the Senate. Shadrach Bond was the first Governor, and in his first message he recommended the construction of the Illinois and Michigan Canal. The simple economy in those days is seen in the fact that the entire bill for stationery for the first Legislature was only il3.50. Yet this simple body actually enacted a very superior code. There was no money in the territory before the war of 1812. Deer skins and coon skins were the circulating medium. In 1821, the Legis- lature ordained a State Bank on the credit of the State. It issued notes in the likeness of bank bills. These notes were made a legal tender for every thing, and the bank was ordered to loan to the people flOO on per- sonal security, and more on mortgages. They actually passed a resolu- tion requesting the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States to receive these notes for land. The old French Lieutenant Governor, Col. Menard, put the resolution as follows: " Gentlemen of the Senate : It is moved and seconded dat de notes of dis hank be made land-office money. All in favor of dat motion say aye ; all against it say no. It is decided in de affirmative. Now, gentlemen, I bet you one hundred dollar he never be land-office money ! " Hard sense, like hard money, is always above par. This old Frenchman presents a fine figure up against the dark back- ground of most of his nation. They made no progress. They clung to their earliest and simplest implements. They never wore hats or cap? HISTORY OP THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. 121 They pulled their blankets over their heads in the winter like the Indians, with whom they freely intermingled. Demagogism had an early development. One John Grammar (only in name), elected to the Territorial and State Legislatures of 1816 and 1836, invented the policy of opposing every new thing, saying, " If it succeeds, no one will ask who voted against it. If it proves a failure, he could quote its record." In sharp contrast with Grammar was the char- acter of D. P. Cook, after whom the county containing Chicago was named. Such was his transparent integrity and remarkable ability that his will was almost the law of the State. In Congress, a young man, and from a poor State, he was made Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee. He was pre-eminent for standing by his committee, regard- less of consequences. It was his integrity that elected John Quincy Adams to the Presidency. There were four candidates in 1821, Jackson, Clay, Crawford, and John Quincy Adams. There being no choice by the people, the election was thrown into the House. It was so balanced that it turned on his vote, and that he cast for Adams, electing him ; then went home to face the wrath of the Jackson party in Illinois. It cost him all but character and greatness. It is a suggestive comment on the times, that there was no legal interest till 1830. It often reached 150 per cent., usually 50 per cent. Then it was reduced to 12, and now to 10 per cent. PHYSICAL FEATURES OF THE PRAIRIE STATE. In area the State has 55,410 square miles of territory. It is about 150 miles wide and 400 miles long, stretching in latitude from Maine to North Carolina. It embraces wide variety of climate. It is tempered on the north by the great inland, saltless, tideless sea, which keeps the thermometer from either extreme. Being a table land, from 600 to 1,600 feet above the level of the sea, one is prepared to find on the health maps, prepared by the general government, an almost clean and perfect record. In freedom from fever and malarial diseases and consumptions, the three deadly enemies of the American' Saxon, Illinois, as a State, stands without a superior. She furnishes one of the essential conditions of a great people — sound bodies. I suspect that this fact lies back of that old Delaware word, Illini, superior men. The great battles of history that have been determinative of dynas- ties and destinies have been strategical battles, chiefly the question of position. Thermopylae has been the war-cry of freemen for twenty-four centuries. It only tells how much there may be in position. All this advantage belongs to Illinois. It is in the heart of the greatest valley in the world, the vast region between the mountains — a valley that could 122 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. feed mankind for one thousand years. It is well on toward the center of the continent. It is in the great temperate belt, in which have been found nearly all the aggressive civilizations of history. It has sixty-five miles of frontage on the head of the lake. With the Mississippi forming the western and southern boundarv, with the Ohio running along the southeastern line, with the Illinois River and Canal dividing the State diagonally from the lake to the Lower Mississippi, and with the Rock and Wabash Rivers furnishing altogether 2,000 miles of water-front, con- necting with, and running through, in all about 12,000 miles of navi- gable water. But tliis is not all. These waters are made most available by the fact that the lake and the State lie on the ridge running into the great valley from the east. Within cannon-shot of the lake the water runs- away from the lake to the Gulf. The lake now empties at both ends, one into the Atlantic and one into the Gulf of Mexico. The lake thus- seems to hang over the land. This makes the dockage most serviceable ;. there are no steep banks to damage it. Both lake and river are made- for use. The climate varies from Portland to Richmond ; it favors every pro- duct of the continent, including the tropics, with less than half a dozen exceptions. It produces every great nutriment of the world except ban- anas and rice. It is hardly too much to say that it is the most productive spot known to civilization. With the soil full of bread and the earth full of minerals ; with an upper surface of food and an under layer of fuel j with perfect natural drainage, and abundant springs and streams ancE navigable rivers ; half way between the forests of the North and the fruits of the South ; within a day's ride of the great deposits of iron, coal, cop- per, lead, and zinc ; containing and controlling the great grain, cattle^ pork, and lumber markets of the world, it is not strange that Illinois has the advantage of position. This advantage has been supplemented by the character of the popu- lation. Jn the early days when Illinois was first admitted to the Union^ her population were cliiefly from Kentucky and Virginia. But, in th& conflict of ideas concerning slavery, a strong tide of emigration came in. from the East, and soon changed this composition. In 1870 her non- native population were from colder soils. New York furnished 133,290 ;, Ohio gave 162,623; Pennsylvania sent on 98,352; the entire South gave- us only 206,734. In all her cities, and in all her German and Scandina- vian and other foreign colonies, Illinois has only about one-fifth of her people of foreign birth. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. 123 PROGRESS OF DEVELOPMENT. One of the greatest elements in the early development of Illinois is the Illinois and Michigan Canal, connecting the Illinois and Mississippi Rivers with the lakes. It was of the utmost importance to the State. It was recommended by Gov. Bond, the first governor, in his first message. In 1821, the Legislature appropriated $10,000 for surveying the route. Two bright young engineers surveyed it, and estimated the cost at 1600,000 or $700,000. It finally cost 18,000,000. In 1825, a law was passed to incorporate the Canal Company, but no stock was sold. In 1826, upon the solicitation of Cook, Congress gave 800,000 acres of land on the line of the work. In 1828, another law — commissioners appointed, and work commenced with new survey and new estimates. In 1834-35, George Farquhar made an able report on the whole matter. This was, doubtless, the ablest report ever made to a western legislature, and it became the model for subsequent reports and action. From this the work went on till it was finished in 1848. It cost the State a laro^e amount of money ; but it gave to the industries of the State an impetus that pushed it up into the first rank of greatness. It was not built as a speculation any more than a doctor is employed on a speculation. But it has paid into the Treasary of the State an average annual net sum of over $111,000. Pending the construction of the canal, the land and town-lot fever broke out in the State, in 1834-35. It took on the malignant type in Chicago, lifting the town up into a city. The disease spread over the entire State and adjoining States. It was epidemic. It cut up men's farms without regard to locality, aiid Jut up the purses of the purchasers without regard to consequences. It is estimated that building lots enough were sold in Indiana alone to accommodate every citizen then in the United States. Towns and cities were exported to uhe Eastern market by the ship- load. There was no lack of buyers. Ever/ up-ship came freighted with speculators and their money. This distemper seized upon the Legislature in 1836-37, and left not one to tell the tale. They enacted a system of internal improvement without a parallel in the grandeur of its conception. They ordered the construction of 1,300 miles of railroad, crossing the State in all direc- tions. This was surpassed by the river and canal improvements. There were a few counties not touched by either railroad or river or canal, and those were to be comforted and compensated by the free dis- tribution of $200,000 among them. To inflate this balloon beyond cre- dence it was ordered that work should be commenced on both ejids of 124 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. each of these raih-oads and rivers, and at each river-crossing, all at the same time. The appropriations for these vast improvements were over 112,000,000, and commissioners were appointed to borrow the money on the credit of the State. Remember that all this was in the early days of railroading, when railroads were luxuries ; that the State had whole counties with scarcely a cabin ; and that the population of the State was less than 400,000, and you can form some idea of the vigor with which these brave men undertook the work of making a great State. In the light of history I am compelled to say that this was only a premature throb of the power that actually slumbered in the soil of the State. It was Hercules in the cradle. At this juncture the State Bank loaned its funds largely to Godfrey Oilman & Co., and to other leading houses, for the purpose of drawing trade from St. Louis to Alton. Soon they failed, and took down the bank with them. In 1840, all hope seemed gone. A population of 480,000 were loaded with a debt of $14,000,000. It had only six small cities, really only towns, namely : Chicago, Alton, Springfield, Quincy, Galena, Nauvoo. This debt was to be cared for when there was not a dollar in the treas- ury, and when the State had borrowed itself out of all credit, and when there was not good money enough in the hands of all the people to pay the interest of the debt for a single year. Yet, in the presence of all these difficulties, the young State steadily refused to repudiate. Gov. Ford took hold of the problem and solved it, bringing the State through in triumph. Having touched lightly upon some of the more distinctive points in the history of the development of Illinois, let us next briefly consider the MATERIAL RESOURCES OF THE STATE. It is a garden four hundred miles long and one hundred and fifty miles wide. Its soil is chiefly a black sandy loam, from six inches to sixty feet thick. On the American bottoms it has been cultivated for one hundred and fifty years without renewal. About the old French towns it has yielded corn for a century and a half without rest or help. It produces nearly everything green in the temperate and tropical zones. She leads all other States in the number of acres actually under plow. Her products from 25,000,000 of acres are incalculable. Her mineral wealth is scarcely second to her agricultural power. She has coal, iron, lead, copper, zinc, many varieties of building stone, fire clay, cunia clay, common brick clay, sand of all kinds, gravel, mineral paint — every thing needed for a hi^h civilization. Left to herself, she has the elements of all greatness. The single item of coal is too vast for an appreciative o HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. 125 handling in figures. We can handle it in general terms like algebraical signs, but long before we get up into the millions and billions the human mind drops down from comprehension to mere symbolic apprehension. When I tell you that nearly four-fifths of the entire State is under- laid with a deposit of coal more than forty feet thick on the average (now estimated, by recent surveys, at seventy feet thick), you can get some idea of its amount, as you do of the amount of the national debt. There it is ! 41,000 square miles — one vast mine into which you could put any of the States ; in which you could bury scores of European and ancient empires, and have room enough all round to work without know- ing that they had been sepulchered there. Put this vast coal-bed down by the other great coal deposits of the world, and its importance becomes manifest. Great Britain has 12,000 square miles of coal; Spain, 3,000; France, 1,719; Belgium, 578; Illinois about twice as many square miles as all combined. Virginia has 20,000 square miles ; Pennsylvania, 16,000 ; Ohio, 12,000. Illinois has 41,000 square miles. One-seventh of all the known coal on this continent is in Illinois. Could we sell the coal in this single State for one-seventh of one cent a ton it would pay the national debt. Converted into power, even with the wastage in our common engines, it would do more work than could be done by the entire race, beginning at Adam's wedding and working ten hours a day through all the centuries till the present time, and right on into the future at the same rate for the next 600,000 years. Great Britain uses enough mechanical power to-day to give to each man, woman, and child in the kingdom the help and service of nineteen untiring servants. No wonder she has leisure and luxuries. No wonder the home of the common artisan has in it more luxuries than could be found in the palace of good old King Arthur. Think, if you can conceive of it, of the vast army of servants that slumber in the soil of Illinois, impatiently awaiting the call of Genius to come forth to minister to our comfort. At the present rate of consumption England's coal supply will be exhausted in 250 years. When this is gone she must transfer her dominion either to the Indies, or to British America, which I would not resist ; or to some other people, which I would regret as a loss to civilization. COAL IS KING. At the same rate of consumption (which far exceeds our own) the deposit of coal in Illinois will last 120,000 years. And her kingdom shall be an everlasting kingdom. Let us turn now from this reserve power to the annual products of 126 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. the State. We shall not be humiliated in this field. Here we strike the secret of our national credit. Nature provides a market in the constant appetite of the race. Men must eat, and if we can furnish the provisions we can command the treasure. All that a man hath will he give for his life. According to the last census Illinois produced 30,000,000 of bushels of wheat. That is more wheat than was raised by any other State in the Union. She raised In 1875, 130,000,000 of bushels of corn — twice as much as any other State, and one-sixth of all the corn raised in the United States. She harvested 2,747,000 tons of hay, nearl}^ one-tenth of all the hay in the Republic. It is not generally ajjpreciated, but it is true, that the hay crop of the country is worth more than the cotton crop. The hay of Illinois equals the cotton of Louisiana. Go to Charleston, S. C, and see them peddling handfuls of hay or grass, almost as a curiosity, as we regard Chinese gods or the cryolite of Greenland ; drink your coffee and condensed milk ; and walk back from the coast for many a league through the sand and burs till you get up into the better atmos- phere of the mountains, without seeing a waving meadow or a grazing herd ; then you will begin to appreciate the meadows of the Prairie State, where the grass often grows sixteen feet high. The value of her farm implements is $211,000,000, and the value of her live stock is only second to the great State of New York. in 1875 she had 25,000,000 hogs, and packed 2,113,845, about one-half of ail that were packed in the United States. This is no insignificant item. Pork is a growing demand of the old world. Since the laborers of Europe have gotten a taste of our bacon, and we have learned how to pack it dry in boxes, like diy goods, the world has become the market. The hosr is on the march into the future. His nose is ordained to uncover the secrets of dominion, and his feet shall be guided by the star of empire. Illinois marketed $57,000,000 worth of slaughtered animals — more than any other State, and a seventh of all the States. Be patient with me, and pardon my pride, and I will give you a list of some of the things in which Illinois excels all other States. Depth and richness of soil ; per cent, of good ground ; acres of improved land ; large farms — some farms contain from 40,000 to 60,000 acres of cultivated land, 40,000 acres of corn on a single farm ; number of farmers ; amount of wheat, corn, oats and honey produced ; value of ani- mals for slaughter; number of hogs; amount of pork; number of horses — three times as many as Kentucky, the horse State. Illinois excels all other States in miles of railroads and in miles of postal service, and in money orders sold per annum, and in the amount of lumber sold in her markets. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. 12T Illinois is only second in many important matters. This sample list comprises a few of the more important : Permanent school fund (good for a 3'oung" state) ; total income for educational purposes ; number of pub- lishers of books, maps, papers, etc.; value of farm products and imple- ments, and of live stock ; in tons of coal mined. The shipping of Illinois is only second to New York. Out of one port during the business hours of the season of navigation she sends forth a vessel every ten minutes. This does not include canal boats, which go one every five minutes. No wonder she is only second in number of bankers and brokers or in physicians and surgeons. She is third in colleges, teachers and schools ; cattle, lead, hay^ flax, sorghum and beeswax. She is fourth in population, >n children enrolled in public schools, in law schools, in butter, potatoes and carriages. She is fifth in value of real and personal property, in theological seminaries and colleges exclusively for women, in milk sold, and in boots, and shoes manufactured, and in book-binding. She is only seventh in the production of wood, while she is the twelfth in area. Surely that is well done for the Prairie State. She now has much more wood and growing timber than she had thirty years ago. A few leading industries will justify emphasis. She manufactures- $205,000,000 worth of goods, which places her well up toward New York and Pennsylvania. The number of her manufacturing establishments increased from 1860 to 1870, 300 per cent.; capital employed increased 350^ per cent., and the amount of product increased 400 per cent. She issued 5,500,000 copies of commercial and financial newspapers — only second to New York. She has 6,759 miles of railroad, thus leading all other States, worth $636,458,000, using 3,245 engines, and 67,712 cars, making a train long enough to cover one-tenth of the entire roads of the State. Her stations are only five miles apart. She carried last year 15,795,000 passen- gers, an average of 36^ miles, or equal to taking her entire population twice- across the State. More than two-thirds of her land is within five miles of a railroad, and less than two per cent, is more than fifteen miles away. The State has a large financial interest in the Illinois Central railroad.. The road was incorporated in 1850, and the State gave each alternate sec- tion for six miles on each side, and doubled the price of the remaining- land, so keeping herself good. The road received 2,595,000 acres of land, and pays to the State one-seventh of the gross receipts. The State receives this year $350,000, and has received in all about $7,000,000. It is practically the people's road, and it has a most able and gentlemanly management. Add to this the annual receipts from the canal, $111, 000* and a large per cent, of the State tax is provided for. 128 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. THE RELIGION AND MORALS of the State keep step with her productions and growth. She was born of the missionary spirit. It was a minister who secured for her the ordi- nance of 1787, by which she has been saved from slavery, ignorance, and dishonesty. Rev. Mr. Wiley, pastor of a Scotch congregation in Randolph County, petitioned the Constitutional Convention of 1818 to recognize Jesus Christ as king, and the Scriptures as the only necessary guide and book of law. The convention did not act in the case, and the old Cove- nanters refused to accept citizenship. They never voted until 1824, when the slavery question was submitted to the people; then they all voted against it and cast the determining votes. Conscience has predominated whenever a great moral question has been submitted to the people. But little mob violence has ever been felt in the State. In 1817 regulators disposed of a band of horse-thieves that infested the territory. The Mormon indignities finallj^ awoke the same spirit. Alton was also the scene of a pro-slavery mob, in which Lovejoy was added to the list of martyrs. The moral sense of the people makes the law supreme, and gives to the State unrufiSed peace. With $22,300,000 in church property, and 4,298 church organizations, the State has that divine police, the sleepless patrol of moral ideas, that alone is able to secure perfect safety. Conscience takes the knife from the assassin's hand and the bludgeon from the grasp of the highwa3^man. We sleep in safety, not because we are behind bolts and bars — these only fence against the innocent ; not because a lone officer drowses on a distant corner of a street; not because a sheriff may call his posse from a remote part of the county ; but because conscience guards the very portals of the iiir and stirs in the deepest recesses of the public mind. This spirit issues within the State 9,500,000 copies of religious papers annually, and receives still more from without. Thus the crime of the State is only one-fourth that of New York and one-half that of Pennsylvania. Illinois never had but one duel between her own citizens. In Belle- ville, in 1820, Alphonso Stewart and William Bennett arranged to vindi- cate injured honor. The seconds agreed to make it a sham, and make them shoot blanks. Stewart was in the secret. Bennett mistrusted some- thing, and, unobserved, slipped a bullet into his gun and killed Stewart. He then fled the State. After two years he was caught, tried, convicted, and, in spite of friends and political aid, was hiing. This fixed the code of honor on a Christian basis, and terminated its use in Illinois. The early preachers were ignorant men, who were accounted eloquent according to the strength of their voices. But they set the style for all public speakers. Lawyers and political speakers followed this rule. Gov. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. 129 Ford says: "Nevertheless, these first preachers were of incalculable benefit to the country. They inculcated justice and morality. To them are we indebted for the first Christian character of the Protestant portion of the people." In education Illinois surpasses her material resources. The ordinance of 1787 consecrated one thirty-sixth of her soil to common schools, and the law of 1818, the first law that went upon her statutes, gave three per cent, of all the rest to EDUCATION. The old compact secures this interest forever, and by its yoking morality and intelligence it precludes the legal interference with the Bible in the public schools. With such a start it is natural that we should have 11,050 schools, and that our illiteracy should be less than New York or Pennsylvania, and only about one-half of Massachusetts. We are not to blame for not having more than one-half as many idiots as the great States. These public schools soon made colleges inevitable. The first college, still flourishing, was started in Lebanon in 1 828, by the M. E.. church, and named after Bishop McKendree. Illinois College, at Jackson- ville, supported by the Presbyterians, followed in 1830. In 1832 the Bap- tists built Shurtleff College, at Alton. Then the Presbyterians built Knox College, at Galesburg, in 1838, and the Episcopalians built Jubilee College, at Peoria, in 1847. After these early years colleges have rained down. A settler could hardly encamp on the prairie but a college would spring up by his wagon. The State now has one very well endowed and equipped university, namely, the Northwestern University, at Evanston, with six colleges, ninety instructors, over 1,000 students, and #1,500,000 endow- ment. Rev. J. M. Peck was the first educated Protestant minister m tne State. He settled at Rock Spring, in St. Clair County, 1820, and left his impress on the State. Before 1837 only party papers were published, but Mr. Peck published a Gazetteer of Illinois. Soon after John Russell, of Bluffdale, published essays and tales showing genius. Judge James Hall published The Illinois Monthly Magazine with great ability, and an annual called The Western Souvenir^ which gave him an enviable fame all over the United States. From these beginnings Illinois has gone on till she has more volumes in public libaaries even than Massachusetts, and of the 44,500,000 volumes in all the public libraries of the United States, she has one-thirteenth. In newspapers she stands fourth. Her increase is marvelous. In 1850 she issued 5,000,000 copies ; in 1860, 27,590,000 ; in 1870, 113,140,000. In 1860 she had eighteen colleges and seminaries ; in 1870 she had eighty. That is a grand advance for the war decade. This brings us to a record unsurpassed in the history of any age, 130 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. THE WAR RECORD OF ILLINOIS. I hardly know where to begin, or how to advance, or what to say. I can at best give you only a broken synopsis of her deeds, and you must put them in the order of glory for yourself. Her sons have always been foremost on fields of danger. In 1832-33, at the call of Gov. Reynolds, her sons drove Blackhawk over the Mississippi. When the Mexican war came, in May, 1846, 8,370 men offered them- selves when only 3,720 could be accepted. The fields of Buena Vista and Vera Cruz, and the storming of Cerro Gordo, will carry the glory of Illinois soldiers along after the infamy of the cause they served has been forgotten. But it was reserved till our day for her sons to find a field and cause and foemen that could fitly illustrate their spirit and heroism. Illinois put into her own regiments for the United States government 256,000 men, and into the army through other States enough to swell the number to 290,000. This far exceeds all the soldiers of the federal government in all the war of the revolution. Her total years of service were over 600,000. She enrolled men from eighteen to forty-five 3^ears of age when the law of Congress in 1864 — the test time — only asked for those from twenty to forty-five. Her enrollment was otherwise excessive. Her people wanted to go, and did not take the pains to correct the enrollment. Thus the basis of fixing the quota was too great, and then the quota itself, at least in the trying time, was far above any other State. Thus the demand on some counties, as Monroe, for example, took every able-bodied man in the county, and then did not have enough to fill the quota. Moreover, Illinois sent 20,814 men for ninety or one hundred days, for whom no credit was asked. When Mr. Lincoln's attention was called to the inequality of the quota compared with other States, he replied, " The country needs the sacrifice. We must put the whip on the free horse." In spite of all these disadvantages Illinois gave to the country 73,000 years of service above all calls. With one-thirteenth of the popu- lation of the loyal States, she sent regularly one-tenth of all the soldiers, and in the peril of the closing calls, when patriots were few and weary, she then sent one-eighth of all that were called for by her loved and hon- ored son in the white house. Her mothers and daughters went into the fields to raise the grain and keep the children together, w^hile the fathers and older sons went to the harvest fields of the world. I knew a father and four sons who agreed that one of them must stay at home ; and they pulled straws from a stack to see who might go. The father was left. The next day he came into the camp, saying : " Mother says she can get the crops in, and I am going, too." I know large Methodist churches from which every male member went to the army. Do you want to know HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. 131 what these heroes from Illinois did in the field ? Ask any soldier with a good record of his own, who is thus able to judge, and he will tell you that the Illinois men went in to win. It is common history that the greater victories were won in the West. When everything else looked dark Illi- nois was gaining victories all down the river, and dividing the confederacy. Sherman took with him on his great march forty-five regiments of Illinois infantry, three companies of artillery, and one company of cavalry. He could not avoid GOING TO THE SEA. If he had been killed, I doubt not the men would have gone right on. Lincoln answered all rumors of Sherman's defeat with, " It is impossible ; there is a mighty sight of fight in 100,000 Western men." Illinois soldiers brought home 300 battle-flags. The first United States flag that floated over Richmond was an Illinois flag. She sent messengers and nurses to every field and hospital, to care for her sick and wounded sons. She said, *' These suffering ones are my sons, and I will care for them." When individuals had given all, then cities and towns came forward with their credit to the extent of many millions, to aid these men and their families. Illinois gave the country the great general of the war — Ulysses S. Grant — since honored with two terms of the Presidency of the United States. One other name from Illinois comes up in all minds, embalmed in all hearts, that must have the supreme place in this story of our glory and of our nation's honor ; that name is Abraham Lincoln, of Illinois. The analysis of Mr. Lincoln's character is difflcult on account of its symmetry. In this age we look with admiration at his uncompromising honesty. And well we may, for this saved us. Thousands throughout the length and breadth of our country who knew him only as " Honest Old Abe," vote'd for him on that account ; and wisely did they choose, for no other man could have carried us through the fearful night of the war. When his plans were too vast for our comprehension, and his faith in the cause too sublime for our participation ; when it was all night about us, and all dread before us, and all sad and desolate behind us ; when not one ray shone upon our cause ; when traitors were haughty and exultant at the South, and fierce and blasphemous at the North ; when the loyal men here seemed almost in the minority ; when the stoutest heart quailed, the bravest cheek paled ; when generals were defeating each other for place, and contractors were leeching out the very heart's blood of the prostrate republic : when every thing else had failed us, we looked at this calm, patient man standing like a rock in the storm, and said : " Mr. Lincoln 132 HISTORY OP THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. is honest, and we can trust him still." Holding to this single point with the energy of faith and despair we held together, and, under God, he brought us through to victory. His practical wisdom made him the wonder of all lands. With such certainty did Mr. Lincoln follow causes to their ultimate effects, that his foresight of contingencies seemed almost prophetic. He is radiant with all the great virtues, and his memory shall shed a glory upon this age that shall fill the eyes of men as they look into his- tory. Other men have excelled him in some point, but, taken at all points, all in all, he stands head and shoulders above every other man of 6,000 years. An administrator, he saved the nation in the perils of unparalleled civil war. A statesman, he justified his measures by their success. A philanthropist, he gave liberty to one race and salvation to another. A moralist, he bowed from the summit of human power to the foot of the Cross, and became a Christian. A mediator, he exercised mercy under the most absolute abeyance to law. A leader, he was no partisan. A commander, he was untainted with blood. A ruler in desperate times, he was unsullied with crime. A man, he has left no word of passion, no thought of malice, no trick of craft, no act of jealousy, no purpose of selfish ambition. Thus perfected, without a model, and without a peer, he was dropped into these troubled years to adorn and embellish all that is good and all that is great in our humanity, and to present to all coming time the representative of the divine idea of free government. It is not too much to say that away down in the future, when the republic has fallen from its niche in the wall of time ; when the great war itself shall have faded out in the distance like a mist on the horizon ; when the Anglo-Saxon language shall be spoken only by the tongue of the stranger ; then the generations looking this way shall see the great president as the supreme figure in this vortex of historv CHICAGO. It is impossible in our brief space to give more than a meager sketch of such a city as Chicago, which is in itself the greatest marvel of the Prairie State. This mysterious, majestic, miglity city, born first of water, and next of fire; sown in weakness, and raised in power ; planted among the willows of the marsh, and crowned with the glory of the mountains ; sleeping on the bosom of the prairie, and rocked on the bosom of the sea , the youngest city of the world, and still the eye of the prairie, as Damas- cus, the oldest city of the world, is the eye of the desert. AVith a com- merce far exceeding that of Corinth on her isthmus, in the highway to the East ; with the defenses of a continent piled around her by the tliou- sand miles, making her far safer than Rome on the banks of the Tiber ; HISTORY OP THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. 133 CO CO CO o o a >84 HISTOllY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. with schools eclipsing Alexandria and Athens ; with liberties more con- spicuous than those of the old republics ; with a heroism equal to the first Carthage, and with a sanctity scarcely second to that of Jerusalem — set your thoughts on all this, lifted into the eyes of all men by the miracle of its growth, illuminated by the flame of its fall, and transfigured by the divinity of its resurrection, and you will feel, as I do, the utter impossi- bility of compassing this subject as it deserves. Some impression of her importance is received from the shock her burning gave to the civilized world. When the doubt of her calamity was removed, and the horrid fact was accepted, there went a shudder over all cities, and a quiver over all lands. There was scarcely a town in the civilized world that did not shake on the brink of this opening chasm. The flames of our homes red- dened all skies. The city was set upon a hill, and could not be hid. All eyes were turned upon it. To have struggled and suffered amid the scenes of its fall is as distinguishing as to have fought at Thermopylse, or Salamis, or Hastings, or Waterloo, or Bunker Hill. Its calamity amazed the world, because it was felt to be the common property of mankind. The early history of the city is full of interest, just as the early his- tory of such a man as Washington or Lincoln becomes public property, and is cherished by every patriot. Starting with 560 acres in 1833, it embraced and occupied 23,000 acres in 1869, and, having now a population of more than 500,000, it com- mands general attention. The first settler — Jean Baptiste Pointe au Sable, a mulatto from the West Indies — came and began trade with the Indians in 1796. John Kinzie became his successor in 1804, in which year Fort Dearborn was erected. A mere trading-post was kept here from that time till about the time of the Blackhawk war, in 1832. It was not the city. It was merely a cock crowing at midnight. The morning was not yet. In 1833 the set- tlement about the fort was incorporated as a town. The voters were divided on the propriety of such corporation, twelve voting for it and one against it. Four years later it was incorporated as a city, and embraced 660 acres. The produce handled in this city is an indication of its power. Grain and flour were imported from the East till as late as 1837. The first exportation by way of experiment was in 1839. Exports exceeded imports first in 1842. The Board of Trade was organized in 1848, but it was so weak that it needed nursing till 1855. Grain was purchased by the * wagon-load in the street. I remember sitting with my father on a load of wheat, in the long HISTOKY OF THE STATE OE ILLINOIS. 135 line of wagons along Lake street, while the buyers came and untied the bags, and examined the grain, and made their bids. That manner of business had to cease with the day of small things. Now our elevators will hold 15,000,000 bushels of grain. The cash value of the produce handled in a year is $215,000,000, and the produce weighs 7,000,000 tons or 700,000 car loads. This handles thirteen and a half ton each minute, all the year round. One tenth of all the wheat in the United States is handled in Chicago. Even as long ago as 1853 the receipts of grain in Chicago exceeded those of the goodly city of St. Louis, and in 1854 the exports of grain from Chicago exceeded those of New York and doubled those of St. Petersburg, Archangel, or Odessa, the largest grain markets in Europe. The manufacturing interests of the city are not contemptible. In 1873 manufactories employed 45,000 operatives ; in 1876, 60,000. The manufactured product in 1875 was worth $177,000,000. No estimate of the size and power of Chicago would be adequate that did not put large emphasis on the railroads. Before they came thundering along our streets canals were the hope of our country. But who ever thinks now of traveling by canal packets ? In June, 1852, there were only forty miles of railroad connected with the city. The old Galena division of the Northwestern ran out to Elgin. But now, who can count the trains and measure the roads that seek a terminus or connection in this city ? The lake stretches away to the north, gathering in to this center all the harvests that might otherwise pass to the north of us. If you will take a map and look at the adjustment of railroads, you will see, first, that Chicago is the great railroad center of the world, as New York is the commercial city of this continent ; and, second, that the railroad lines form the iron spokes of a great wheel whose hub is this city. The lake furnishes the only break in the spokes, and this seems simply to have pushed a few spokes together on each shore. See the eighteen trunk lines, exclusive of eastern connections. Pass round the circle, and view their numbers and extent. There is the great Northwestern, with all its branches, one branch creeping along the lake shore, and so reaching to the north, into the Lake Superior regions, away to the right, and on to the Northern Pacific on the left, swinging around Green Bay for iron and copper and silver, twelve months in the year, and reaching out for the wealth of the great agricultural belt and isothermal line traversed by the Northern Pacific. Another branch, not so far north, feeling for the heart of the Badger State. Another pushing lower down tlie Mississippi — all these make many con- nections, and tapping all the vast wheat regions of Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, and all the regions this side of sunset. There is that elegant road, the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy, running out a goodly number of 136 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. OLD FOET DEARBORN, 1830. PEESENT SITE OF J.AKK .STUKET llUllXiE, CUICAGO, IX 1833. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. 13T branches, and reaping the great fields this side of the Missouri River. I can only mention the Chicago, Alton & St. Louis, our Illinois Central, described elsewhere, and the Chicago & Rock Island. Further around we come to the lines connecting us with all the eastern cities. The Chicago, Indianapolis &, St. Louis, the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago, the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern, and the Michigan Cen- tral and Great Western, give us many highways to the seaboard. Thus we reach the Mississippi at five points, from St. Paul to Cairo and the Gulf itself by two routes. We also reach Cincinnati and Baltimore, and Pitts- burgh and Philadelphia, and New York. North and south run the water courses of the lakes and the rivers, broken just enough at this point to make a pass. Through this, from east to west, run the long lines that stretch from ocean to ocean. This is the neck of the glass, and the golden sands of commerce must pass into our hands. Altogether we have more than 10,000 miles of railroad, directly tributary to this city, seeking to unload their wealth in our coffers. All these roads have come themselves by the infallible instinct of capital. Not a dollar was ever given by the city to secure one of them, and only a small per cent, of stock taken originally by her citizens, and that taken simply as an investment. Coming in the natural order of events, they will not be easily diverted. There is still another showing to all this. The connection between New York and San Francisco is by the middle route. This passes inevit- ably through Chicago. St. Louis wants the Southern Pacific or Kansas Pacific, and pushes it out through Denver, and so on up to Cheyenne. But before the road is fairly under way, the Chicago roads shove out to Kansas City, making even the Kansas Pacific a feeder, and actually leav- ing St. Louis out in the cold. It is not too much to expect that Dakota, Montana, and Washington Territory will find their great market in Chi- cago. But these are not all. Perhaps I had better notice here the ten or fifteen new roads that have just entered, or are just entering, our city. Their names are all that is necessary to give. Chicago & St. Paul, look- ing up the Red River country to the British possessions ; the Chicago, Atlantic & Pacific ; the Chicago, Decatur & State Line ; the Baltimore & Ohio; the Chicago, Danville & Vincennes; the Chicago & LaSalle Rail- road ; the Chicago, Pittsburgh & Cincinnati ; the Chicago and Canada Southern ; the Chicago and Illinois River Railroad. These, with their connections, and with the new connections of the old roads, already in process of erection, give to Chicago not less than 10,000 miles of new tributaries from the richest land on the continent. Thus there will be added to the reserve power, to the capital within reach of this city, not less than $1,000,000,000. 138 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. Add to all this transporting power the ships that sail one every nine minutes of the business hours of the season of navigation ; add, also, the canal boats that leave one every five minutes during the same time — and you will see something of the business of the city. THE COMMERCE OF THIS CITY has been leaping along to keep pace with the growth of the country around us. In 1852, our commerce reached the hopeful sum of 820,000,000. In 1870 it reached 1400,000,000. In 1871 it was pushed up above $450,000,000. And in 1875 it touched nearly double that. One-half of our imported goods come directly to Chicago. Grain enough is exported directly from our docks to the old world to employ a semi-weekly line of steamers of 3,000 tons capacity. This branch is not likely to be greatly developed. Even after the great Welland Canal is completed we shall have only fourteen feet of water. The great ocean vessels will continue to control the trade. The banking capital of Chicago is 824,431,000. Total exchange in 1875, $659,000,000. Her wholesale business in 1875 was $294,000,000. The rate of taxes is less than in any other great city. The schools of Chicago are unsurpassed in. America. Out of a popu- lation of 300,000 there were only 186 persons between the ages of six and twenty-one unable to read. This is the best known record. In 1831 the mail system was condensed into a half-breed, who went on foot to Niles, Mich., once in two weeks, and brought back what papers and news he could find. As late as 1840 there was often only one mail^ a week. A post-office was established in Chicago in 1833, and the post- master nailed up old boot-legs on one side of his shop to serve as boxes j for the nabobs and literary men. It is an interesting fact in the growth of the young city that in the active life of the business men of that day the mail matter has grown to a daily average of over 6,500 pounds. It speaks equally well for the intelligence of the people and the commercial importance of the place, ; that the mail matter distributed to the territory immediately tributary toi Chicago is seven times greater than that distributed to the territory immediately tributary to St. Louis. The improvements that have characterized the cit}^ are as startling, as the city itself. In 1831, Mark Beaubien established a ferry over the river, and put himself under bonds to carry all the citizens free for the privilege of charging strangers. Now there are twenty-four large bridges j and two tunnels. In 1833 the government expended $30,000 on the harbor. Then commenced that series of manoeuvers with the river that has made it one HISTORY OF THE STATE OP H^LINOIS. 1'6'i) of the world's curiosities. It used to wind around in the lower end of the town, and make its way rippling over the sand into the lake at the foot of Madison street. They took it up and put it down where it now is. It was a narrow stream, so narrow that even moderately small crafts had to go up through the willows and cat's tails to the point near Lake street bridge, and back up one of the branches to get room enough in which to turn around. In 1844 the quagmires in the streets were first pontooned by plank roads, which acted in wet weather as public squirt-guns. Keeping you out of the mud, they compromised by squirting the mud over you. The wooden-block pavements came to Chicago in 1857. In 1840 water was delivered by peddlers in carts or by hand. Then a twenty -five horse- power engine pushed it through hollow or bored logs along the streets till 1854, when it was introduced into the houses by new works. The first fire-engine was used in 1835, and the first steam fire-engine in 1859. Gas was utilized for lighting the city in 1850. The Young Men's Chris- tian Association was organized in 1858, and horse railroads carried them to their work in 1859. The museum was opened in 1863. The alarm telegraph adopted in 1864. The opera-house built in 1865. The city grew from 560 acres in 1833 to 23,000 in 1869. In 1834, the taxes amounted to $48.90, and the trustees of the town borrowed $60 more for opening and improving streets. In 1835, the legislature authorized a loan of $2,000, and the treasurer and street commissioners resigned rather than plunge the town into such a gulf. Now the city embraces 36 square miles of territory, and has 30 miles of water front, besides the outside harbor of refuge, of 400 acres, inclosed by a crib sea-wall. One-third of the city lias been raised up an average of eight feet, giving good pitch to the 263 miles of sewerage. The water of the city is above all competition. It is received through two tunnels extending to a crib in the lake two miles from shore. The closest analy- sis fails to detect any impurities, and, received 35 feet below the surface, it is always clear and cold. The first tunnel is five feet two inches in diameter and two miles long, and can deliver 50,000,000 of gallons per day. The second tunnel is seven feet in diameter and six miles long, running four miles under the city, and can deliver 100,000,000 of gal- lons per day. This water is distributed through 410 miles of water- mains. The three grand engineering exploits of the city are : First, lifting the city up on jack-screws, whole squares at a time, without interrupting the business, thus giving us good drainage ; second, running the tunnels under the lake, giving us the best water in the world ; and third, the turning the current of the river in its own channel, delivering us from the old abominations, and making decency possible. They redound about 140 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. equally to the credit of the engineering, to the energy of the people, and to the health of the city. That which really constitutes the city, its indescribable spirit, its soul, the way it lights up in every feature in the hour of action, has not been touched. In meeting strangers, one is often surprised how some homely women marry so well. Their forms are bad, their gait uneven and awk- ward, their complexion is dull, their features are misshapen and mismatch- ed, and when we see them there is no beauty that we should desire them. But when once they are aroused on some subject, they put on new pro- portions. They light up into great power. The real person comes out from its unseemly ambush, and captures us at will. They have power. They have ability to cause things to come to pass. We no longer wonder why they are in such high demand. So it is with our city. There is no grand scenery except the two seas, one of water, the other of prairie. Nevertheless, there is a spirit about it, a push, a breadth, a power, that soon makes it a place never to be forsaken. One soon ceases to believe in impossibilities. Balaams are the only prophets that are disappointed. The bottom that has been on the point of falling out has been there so long that it has grown fast. It can not fall out. It has all the capital of the world itching to get inside the corporation. The two great laws that govern the growth and size of cities are, first, the amount of territory for which they are the distributing and receiving points ; second, the number of medium or moderate dealers that do this distributing. Monopolists build up themselves, not the cities. They neither eat, wear, nor live in proportion to their business. Both these laws help Chicago. The tide of trade is eastward — not up or down the map, but across the map. The lake runs up a wingdam for 500 miles to gather in the business. Commerce can not ferry up there for seven months in the year, and the facilities for seven months can do the work for twelve. Then the great region west of us is nearly all good, productive land. Dropping south into the trail of St. Louis, you fall into vast deserts and rocky dis- tricts, useful in holding the world together. St. Louis and Cincinnati, instead of rivaling and hurling Chicago, are her greatest sureties of dominion. They are far enough away to give sea-room, — farther off than Paris is from London, — and yet they are near enough to prevent the springing up of any other great city between them. St. Louis will be helped by the opening of the Mississippi, but also hurt. That will put New Orleans on her feet, and with a railroad running over into Texas and so West, she will tap the streams that now crawl up the Texas and Missouri road. The current is East, not North, and a sea- port at New Orleans can not permanently help St. Louis. Chicago is in the field almost alone, to handle the wealth of one- HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. 141 fourth of the territory of this great republic. This strip of seacoast divides its margins between Portland, Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Savannah, or some other great port to be created for the South in the next decade. But Chicago has a dozen empires casting their treasures into her lap. On a bed of coal that can run all the machinery of the world for 500 centuries ; in a garden that can feed the race by the thousand years ; at the head of the lakes that give her a temperature as a summer resort equaled by no great city in the land ; with a climate that insures the health of her citizens ; surrounded by all the great deposits of natural wealth in mines aud forests and herds, Chicago is the wonder of to-day, and will be the city of the future. MASSACRE AT FORT DEARBORN. During the war of 1812, Fort Dearborn became the theater of stirring events. The garrison consisted of fifty-four men under command of Captain Nathan Heald, assisted by Lieutenant Helm (son-in-law of Mrs. Kinzie) and Ensign Ronan. Dr. Voorhees was surgeon. The only resi- dents at the post at that time were the wives of Captain Heald and Lieu- tenant Helm, and a few of the soldiers, Mr. Kinzie and his family, and a few Canadian voyageurs^ with their wives and children. The soldiers .and Mr. Kinzie were on most friendly terms with the Pottawattamies and Winnebagos, the principal tribes around them, but they could not win them from their attachment to the British. One evening in April, 1812, Mr. Kinzie sat playing on his violin and his children were dancing to the music, when Mrs. Kinzie came rushing into the house, pale with terror, and exclaiming: "The Indians! the Indians!" "What? Where?" eagerly inquired Mr. Kinzie. "Up at Lee's, killing and scalping," answered the frightened mother, who, when the alarm was given, was attending Mrs. Barnes (just confined) living not far off. Mr. Kinzie and his family crossed the river and took refuge in the fort, to which place Mrs. Barnes and her infant not a day old were safely conveyed. The rest of the inhabitants took shelter in the fort. This alarm was caused by a scalping party of Winnebagos, who hovered about the fort several days, when they disappeared, and for several weeks the inhabitants were undisturbed. On the 7th of August, 1812, General Hull, at Detroit, sent orders to Captain Heald to evacuate Fort Dearborn, and to distribute all the United States property to the Indians in the neighborhood — a most insane order. The Pottawattamie chief, who brought the dispatch, had more wisdom than the commanding general. He advised Captain Heald not to make the distribution. Said he : " Leave the fort and stores as they are, and let the Indians make distribution for themselves ; and while they are engaged in the business, the white people may escape to Fort Wayne." HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. 143 Captain Heald held a council with the Indians on the afternoon of the 12th, in which his officers refused to join, for they had been informed that treachery was designed — that the Indians intended to murder the white people in the council, and then destroy those in the fort. Captain Heald, however, took the precaution to open a port-hole displaying a cannon pointing directly upon the council, and by that means saved his life. Mr. Kinzie, who knew the Indians well, begged Captain Heald not to confide in their promises, nor distribute the arms and munitions among them, for it would only put power into their hands to destroy the whites. Acting upon this advice, Heald resolved to withhold the munitions of wai- ; and on the night of the 13th, after the distribution of the other property had been made, the powder, ball and liquors were thrown into thfe river, the muskets broken up and destroyed. Black Partridge, a friendly chief, came to Captain Heald, and said : " Linden birds have been singing in my ears to-day : be careful on the march you are going to take." On that dark night vigilant Indians had crept near the fort and discovered the destruction of their promised booty going on within. The next morning the powder was seen floating on the surface of the river. The savages were exasperated and made loud com- plaints and threats. On the following day when preparations were making to leave the fort, and all the inmates were deeply impressed with a sense of impend- ing danger, Capt. Wells, an uncle of Mrs. Heald, was discovered upon the Indian trail among the sand-hills on the borders of the lake, not far distant, with a band of mounted Miamis, of whose tribe he was chief, having been adopted by the famous Miami warrior. Little Turtle. When news of Hull's surrender reached Fort Wayne, he had started with this force to assist Heald in defending Fort Dearborn. He was too late. Every means for its defense had been destroyed the night before, and arrangements were made for leaving the fort on the morning of the 15th. It was a warm bright morning in the middle of August. Indications were positive that the savages intended to murder the white people ; and when they moved out of the southern gate of the fort, the march was like a funeral procession. The band, feeling the solemnity of the occa- sion, struck up the Dead March in Saul. Capt. Wells, who had blackened his face with gun-powder in token of his fate, took the lead with his band of Miamis, followed by Capt. Heald, with his wife by his side on horseback. Mr. Kinzie hoped by his personal influence to avert the impending blow, and therefore accompanied them, leaving his family in a boat in charge of a friendly Indian, to be taken to his trading station at the site of Niles, Michigan, in the event ot his death. 144 HISTOKY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. 145 The procession moved slowly along the lake shore till they reached the sand-hills between the prairie and the beach, when the Pottawattamie escort, under the leadership of Blackbird, filed to the right, placing those hills between them and the white people. Wells, with his Miamis, had kept in the advance. They suddenly came rushing back. Wells exclaim- ing, " They are about to attack us ; form instantly." These words were quickly followed by a storm of bullets, which came whistling over the little hills which the treacherous savages had made the covert for their murderous attack. The white troops charged upon the Indians, drove them back to the prairie, and then the battle was waged between fifty- four soldiers, twelve civilians and three or four women (the cowardly Miamis having fled at the outset) against five hundred Indian warriors. The white people, hopeless, resolved to sell their lives as dearly as possible. Ensign Ronan wielded his weapon vigorously, even after falling upon his knees weak from the loss of blood. Capt. Wells, who was by the side of his niece, Mrs. Heald, when the conflict began, behaved with the srreatest coolness and courage. He said to her, " We have not the slightest chance for life. We must part to meet no more in this world. God bless you." And then he dashed forward. Seeing a young warrior, painted like a demon, climb into a wagon in which were twelve children, and tomahawk them all, he cried out, unmindful of his personal danger, " If that is your game, butchering women and children, I will kill too." He spurred his horse towards the Indian camp, where they had left their squaws and papooses, hotly pursued by swift-footed young warriors, who sent bullets whistling after him. One of these killed his horse and wounded him severely in the leg. With a yell the young braves rushed to make him their prisoner and reserve him for torture. He resolved not to be made a captive, and by the use of the most provoking epithets tried to induce them to kill him instantly. He called a fiery young chief a squaw, when the enraged warrior killed Wells instantly with his tomahawk, jumped upon his body, cut out his heart, and ate a portion of the warm morsel with savage delight ! In this fearful combat women bore a conspicuous part. Mrs. Heald was an excellent equestrian and an expert in the use of the rifle. She fought the savages bravely, receiving several severe wounds. Though faint from the loss of blood, she managed to keep her saddle. A savage raised his tomahawk to kill her, when she looked him full in the face, and with a sweet smile and in a gentle voice said, in his own language, " Surely you will not kill a squaw ! " The arm of the savage fell, and the life of the heroic woman was saved. Mrs. Helm, the step-daughter of Mr. Kinzie, had an encounter with a stout Indian, who attempted to tomahawk her. Springing to one side, she received the glancing blow on her shoulder, and at the same instant 146 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. seized the savage round the neck with her arms and endeavored to get hold of his scalping knife, which hung in a sheath at his breast. While she was thus struggling she was dragged from her antagonist by anothei powerful Indian, who bore her, in spite of her struggles, to the margin of the lake and plunged her in. To her astonishment she was held by him so that she would not drown, and she soon perceived that she was in the hands of the friendly Black Partridge, who had saved her life. The wife of Sergeant Holt, a large and powerful woman, behaved as bravely as an Amazon. She rode a fine, high-spirited horse, which the Indians coveted, and several of them attacked her with the butts of their guns, for the purpose of dismounting her ; but she used the sword which she had snatched from her disabled husband so skillfully that she foiled them ; and, suddenly wheeling her horse, she dashed over the prairie, followed by the savages shouting, " The brave woman ! the brave woman ! Don't hurt her ! " They finally overtook her, and while she was fighting them in front, a powerful savage came up behind her, seized her by the neck and dragged her to the ground. Horse and woman were made captives. Mrs. Holt was a long time a captive among the Indians, but was afterwards ransomed. In this sharp conflict two-thirds of the white people were slain and wounded, and all their horses, baggage and provision were lost. Only twenty-eight straggling men now remained to fight five hundred Indians rendered furious b}^ the sight of blood. They succeeded in breaking through the ranks of the murderers and gaining a slight eminence on the prairie near the Oak Woods. The Indians did not pursue, but gathered on their Hanks, while the chiefs lield a consultation on the sand-hills, and showed signs of willingness to parley. It would have been madness on the part of the whites to renew the fight ; and so Capt. Heald weiit for- ward and met Blackbird on the open prairie, where terms of surrender were soon agreed upon. It was arranged that the white people should give up their arms to Blackbird, and that the survivors should become prisoners of war, to be exchanged for ransoms as soon as practicable. With this understanding captives and captors started for the Indian camp near the fort, to which Mrs. Helm had been taken bleeding and suffering by Black Partridge, and had met her step-father and learned that her husband was safe. A new scene of horror was now opened at the Indian camp. The wounded, not being included in tlie terms of surrender, as it was inter- preted by the Indians, and the British general. Proctor, having offered a liberal bounty for American scalps, delivered at Maiden, nearly all the wounded men were killed and scalped, and the price of the trophies was afterwards paid by the British government. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. 149 SHABBONA. [This was engraved from a daguerreotype, taken when Shabbona was 83 years old.] This celebrated Indian chief, whose portrait appears in this work, deserves more than a passing notice. Although Shabbona was not so conspicuous as Tecumseh or Black Hawk, yet in point of merit he was superior to either oi them. Shabbona was born at an Indian village on the Kankakee River, now in Will County, about the year 1775. While young he was made chief of the band, and went to Shabbona Grove, now DeKalb County, where they were found in the early settlement of the county. In the war of 1812, Shabbona, with his warriors, joined Tecumseh, was 150 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF H^LTNOIS. aid to that great chief, and stood by his side when he fell at the battle of the Thames. At the time of the Winnebago war, in 1827, he visited almost every village among the Pottawatomies, and by his persuasive arguments prevented them from taking part in the war. By request of the citizens of Chicago, Shabbona, accompanied l)y Billy Caldwell (Sauganash), visited Big Foot's village at Geneva Lake, in order to pacify the warriors, as fears were entertained that they were about to raise the tomahawk against the whites. He]'e Shabbona was taken prisoner by Big Foot, and his life threatened, but on the following day was set at libert}'. From that time the Indians (thi'ough reproach) styled him " the white man's friend," and man}' times his life was endangered. Before the Black Hawk war, Shabbona met in council at two differ- ent times, and by his influence prevented his people from taking j^art with the Sacs and Foxes. After the death of Black Partridge and Senachwine, no chief among the Pottawatomies exerted so much influence as Shabbona. Black Hawk, aware of this influence, visited him at two different times, in order to enlist him in his cause, but was unsuccessful. While Black Hawk was a prisoner at Jefferson Barracks, he said, had it not been for Shabbona the wliole Pottawatomie nation would have joined his standard, and he could have continued the war for years. To Shabbona many of the early settlers of Illinois owe the pres- ervation of their lives, for it is a well-known fact, had he not notified the people of their danger, a large portion of them would have fallen victims to the tomahawk of savages. By saving the lives of whites he endangered ■ his own, for the Sacs and Foxes threatened to kill him, and made two attempts to execute their threats. They killed Pypeogee, his son, and Pyps, his nephew, and hunted him down as though he was a wild beast. Shabbona had a reservation of two sections of land at his Grove, but by leaving it and going west for a short time, the Government declared the reservation focfeited, and sold it the same as other vacant land. On Shabbona's return, and finding his possessions gone, he was very sad and broken down inspirit, and left the Grove for ever. The citizens of Ottawa raised money and bought him a tract of land on the Illinois River, above Seneca, in Grundy County, on wliich they built a house, and supplied him Avith means to live on. He lived here until his death, which occurred on the 17th of July, 1859, in the eighty-fourth year of his age, and was buried with great pomp in the cemetery at Morris. His squaw, Pokanoka, was drowned in Mazen Creek, Grundy County, on the 30th of November, 1864, and was buried by his side. In 1861 subscriptions were taken up in many of the river towns, to erect a monument over the remains of Shabbona, but the war breaking out, the enterprise was abandoned. Only a plain marble slab marks the resting-place of this friend of the white man. Abstract of Illinois State Laws. BILLS OF EXCHANGE AND PROMISSORY NOTES. No promissory note^ checTc, drafts hill of exchange, order, or note, negO" tiable instrument payable at sight, or on demand, or on presentment, shall be entitled to days of grace. All other hills of exchange, drafts or notes are entitled to three days of grace. All the above mentioned paper falling due on Sunday, New Years'' Day, the Fourth of July, Christmas, or any day appointed or recommended by the President of the United States or the Gfovernor of the State as a day of fast or thanksgiving, shall be deemed as due on the day previous, and should two or more of these days come together, then such instrument shall be treated as due on the day previous to the first of said days. JVo defense can be made against a negotiahle instrument (^assigned before due') in the hands of the assignee without notice, except fraud was used in obtaining the same. To hold an indorser, due diligence must be iised hy suit, in collecting of the maker, unless suit would have been unavailing. Notes payable to person named or to order, in order to absolutely transfer title, must be indorsed by the payee. Notes payable to bearer may be transferred hy delivery, and when so payable every indorser thereon is held as a guarantor of payment unless otherwise expressed. In computing interest or discount on negotiable instruments, a month shall be considered a calendar month or twelfth of a year, and for less than a month, a day shall be figured a thirtieth part of a month. Notes only bear interest when so expressed, but after due they draw the legal interest, even if not stated. INTEREST. The legal rate of interest is six per cent. Parties may agree in writ- ing on a rate not exceeding ten per cent. If a rate of interest greater than ten per cent, is contracted for, it works a forfeiture of the whole of said interest, and only the principal can be recovered. DESCENT. When no will is made, the property of a deceased person is distrib- uted as follows : 152 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. First. To his or her children and their descendants in equal parts ; the descendants of the deceased child or grandchild taking the share of their deceased parents in equal parts among them. Second. Where there is no child, nor descendant of such child, and no widow or surviving husband, then to the parents, brothers and sisters of the deceased, and their descendants, in equal parts, the surviving parent, if either be dead, taking a double portion ; and if there is no parent living, then to the brothers and sisters of the intestate and their descendants. Third. When there is a widow or surviving husband^ and no child or children^ or descendants of the same, then one-half of the real estate and the whole of the personal estate shall descend to such widow or surviving husband, absolutely, and the other half of the real estate shall descend as in other cases where there is no child or children or descendants of the same. Fourth. When there is a widow or surviving husband and also a child or children., or descendants of the latter, then one third of all the personal estate to the ividow or surviving husbarid absolutely. Fifth. If there is no child, parent, brother or sister, or descendants of either of them, and no widow or surviving husband, then in equal parts to the next of kin to the intestate in equal degree. Collaterals shall not be represented except with the descendants of brothers and sisters of the intestate, and there shall be no distinction between kindred of the whole and the half blood. Sixth. If any intestate leaves a ividoiv or surviving husband and no kindred, then to such widoio or surviving husband ; and if there is no such widow or surviving husband, it shall escheat to and vest in the county where the same, or the greater portion thereof, is situated. WILLS AND ESTATES OF DECEASED PERSONS. No exact form of words are necessary in order to make a will good at law. Every male person of the age of tiventy-one years, and qyqvj female of the age of eighteen years, of sound mind and memory, can make a valid will ; it must be in ivriting, signed by the testator or by some one in his or her presence and by his or her direction, and attested by two or more credible witnesses. Oare should be taken that the tvitnesses are not inter- ested in the will. Persons knoiving themselves to have been named in the will or appointed executor, must within thirty days of the death of deceased cause the will to be proved and recorded in the proper county, or present it, and refuse to accept; on failure to do so are liable to forfeit the sura of twenty dollars per month. Inventory to be made by executor or administrator within three months from date of letters testamentary or ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 153 of administration. Executors' and administrators' compensation not to exceed six per cent, on amount of personal estate, and three per cent, on money realized from real estate, with such additional allowance a? shall be reasonable for extra services. Appraisers' compensation $2 pei" day. Notice requiring all claims to be presented against the estate shall b^ given by the executor or administrator within six months of being quali- fied. Any person having a claim a7id 7iot presenting it at the time fixed by said notice is required to have summons issued notifying the executor or administrator of his having filed his claim in court ; in such cases the costs have to be paid by the claimant. Claims should be filed within two years from the time administration is granted on an estate, as after that time they are forever barred^ unless other estate is found that was not in- ventoried. Married women^ infants^ persons insane, imprisoned or without the United States, in the employment of the United States, or of this State, have two years after their disabilities are removed to file claims. Claims are classified and ^a«t? out of the estate in the following manner: First. Funeral expenses. Second. The widow's aivard, if there is a widow ; or children if there are children, and no widow. Third. Expenses attending the last illness, not including physician's bill. Fourth. Debts due the common school or township fund . Fifth. All expenses of proving the will and taking out letters testa- mentary or administration, and settlement of the estate, and the physi- cian s bill in the last illness of deceased. Sixth. Where the deceased has received money in trust for any pur- pose, his executor or administrator shall pay out of his estate the amount received and not accounted for. Seventh. All other debts and demands of whatsoever kind, without regard to quality or dignity, which shall be exhibited to the court within two years from the granting of letters. Aivard to Widow and Children, exclusive of debts and legacies or be- quests, except funeral expenses : First. The family pictures and wearing apparel, jewels and ornaments of herself and minor children. Second. School books and the family library of the value of $100. Third. One sewing machine. Fourth. Necessary beds, bedsteads and bedding for herself and family. Fifth. The stoves and pipe used in the family, with the necessary cooking utensils, or in case they have none, $50 in money. Sixth. Household and kitchen furniture to the value of $100. Seventh. One milch cow and calf for every four members of her family. 154 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. Eighth. Two sheep for each member of her family, and the fleeces taken from the same, and one horse, saddle and bridle. Ninth. Provisions for herself and family for one year. Tenth. Food for the stock above specified fo-r six months. Eleventh. Fuel for herself and family for three months. Twelfth. One hundred dollars worth of other property suited to her condition in life, to be selected by the widoiv. The tvidoiv if she elects may have in lieu of the said award, the same personal property or money in place thereof as is or may be exempt from, execution or attachment against the head of a family. TAXES. The owners of real and personal property, on the first day of May in each year, are liable for the taxes thereon. Assessments should be completed before the fourth Monday in June., at which time the town board of review meets to examine assessments, hear objections., and make such changes as ought to be made. The county board have also power to correct or change assessmerits. The tax books are placed in the hands of the town collector on or before the tenth day of December, who retains them until the tenth day of March following, when he is required to return them to the county treasurer, who then collects all delinquent taxes. No costs accrue on real estate taxes till advertised, which takes place the first day of April, when three weeks' notice is required before judg- ment. Cost of advertising, twenty cents each tract of land, and ten cents each lot. Judgment is usually obtained at May term of County Court. Costs six cents each tract of land, and five cents each lot. Sale takes place in June. Costs in addition to those before mentioned, twenty-eight cents each tract of land, and twenty-seven cents each town lot. Meal estate sold for taxes may be redeemed any time before the expi- ration of two years from the date of sale, by payment to the County Clerk of the amount for which it was sold and twenty-five per cent, thereon if redeemed within six months, fifty per cent, if between six and twelve months, if between twelve and eighteen months seventy-five per cent., and if between eighteen months and two years one hundred per cent.,, and in addition, all subsequent taxes paid by the purchaser, with ten per cent, interest thereon, also one dollar each tract if notice is given by the purchaser of the sale, and a fee of twenty-five cents to the clerk for his certificate. JURISDICTION OF COURTS. Justices have jurisdiction in all civil cases on contracts for the recovery of moneys for damages for injury to real property, or taking, detaining, or ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 155 injuring personal property ; for rent; for all cases to recover damages done real or personal property* by railroad companies, in actions of replevin, and in actions for damages for fraud in the sale, pturchase, or exchange of per- gonal property, when the amount claimed as due is not over 8200. They have also jurisdiction in all cases for violation of the ordinances of cities, toivns or villages. A justice of the peace may orally order an officer or a private person to arrest any one committing or attempting to commit a criminal offense. He also upon complaint can issue his warrant for the ■arrest of any person accused of having committed a crime, and have him brought before him for examination. COUNTY COURTS Have jurisdiction in all matters of probate (except in counties having a population of one hundred thousand or over), settlement of estates of deceased persons, appointment of guardians and conservators, and settle- ment of their accounts ; all matters relating to apprentices ; proceedings for the collection of taxes and assessments, and in proceedings of executors^ ■administrators, guardians and conservators for the sale of real estate. In law cases they have concurrent jurisdiction with Circuit Courts in all cases where justices of the peace now have, or hereafter may have, jurisdiction when the amount claimed shall not exceed 81,000, and in all criminal offenses where the punishment is not imprisonynent in the peni- tentiary, or death, and in all cases of appeals from justices of the peace and police magistrates; excepting when the county judge is sitting as a justice of the peace. Circuit Courts have unlimited jurisdiction. LIMITATION OF ACTION. Accounts jive years. Notes and written contracts ten years. Judg- ments twenty years. Partial payments or new promise in writing, within or after said period, wiMrevive the debt. Absence from the State deducted, and when the cause of action is barred by the law of another State, it has the same effect here. Slander and libel, one year. Personal injm-ies, two years. To recover land or make entry thereon, tiventy years. Action to foreclose mortgage or trust deed, or make a sale, within ten years. All persons in possession of land, and paying taxes for seven consecu- tive years, with color of title, and all persons paying taxes for seven con- secutive years, with color of title, on vacant land, shall be held to be the legal owners to the extent of their paper title. MARRIED WOMEN JMfay sue and be sued. Husband and wife not liable for each other^s debts^ either before or after marriage, but both are liable for expenses and edu- cation of the family. 4 156 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. She may contract the same as if unmarried^ except that in a partner- ship business she can not, without consent of her husband, unless he has abandoned or deserted her, or is idiotic or insane, or confined in peniten- tiary ; she is entitled and can recover her own earnings, but neither hus- band nor wife is entitled to compensation for any services rendertjd for the other. At the death of the husband, in addition to widow's award, a married woman has a dower interest (one-third) in all real estate owned by her husband after their marriage, and which has not been released by her, and the husband has the same interest in the real estate of the wife at her death. EXEMPTIONS FROM FORCED SALE. Home tvorth $1,000, and the following Personal Property : Lot of ground! and buildings thereon, occupied as a residence by the debtor, being a house- holder and having a family, to the value of $1,000. Exemption continues after the death of the householder for the benefit of widow and family, some one of them occupying the homestead until youngest child shall become twenty-one years of age, and until death of widow. There is no exemption from sale for taxes, assessments, debt or liability incurred for the purchase- or improvement of said homestead. No release or waiver of exemption is- valid, unless in writing, and subscribed by such householder and v/ife (if he have one), and acknowledged as conveyances of real estate are required to be acknowledged. The following articles of personal property owned by the debtor, are exempt from execution, writ of attachment, and distress for rent : The necessary ivearing apjyarel. Bibles, school books and family pictures of every person ; and, 2d, one hundred dollars worth of other property to be selected by the debtor, and, in addition, when the debtor is the head of a family and resides with the same, three hundred dollars- worth of other property to be selected by the debtor ; provided that such selection and exemption shall not be made by the debtor or allowed to- him or her from any money, salary or wages due him or her from any person or persons or corporations whatever. When the head of a family shall die, desert or not reside with the same, the family shall be entitled to and receive all the benefit and priv- ileges which are by this act conferred upon the head of a family residing with the same. No personal property is exempt from execution when judgment is obtained for the wages of laborers or servants. Wages of a laborer who is the head of a family can not be garnisheed, except the sum. due him be in excess of $25. ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 157 DEEDS AND MORTGAGES. To he valid there must he a valid consideration. Special care should be taken to have them signed, sealed, delivered, and properly acknowl- edged, with the proper seal attached. Wit^iesses are not required. The acknowledgement must be made in this state, before Master in Chancery^ Notary Puhlic, United States Commissioner .^ Circuit or County Clerk, Justice of Peace, or any Court of Record haviiig a seal, or any Judge, Justice, or Clerk of any such Court. When taken before a Notary Public, or United States Commissio7ier, the same shall be attested by his official seal, when taken before a Court or the Clerk thereof, the same shall be attested by the seal of such Court, and when taken before a Justice of the Peace resid- ing out of the county where the real estate to be conveyed lies, there shall be added a certificate of the County Clerk under his seal of office, that he was a Justice of the Peace in the county at the time of taking the same. A deed is good without such certificace attached, but can not be used in evidence unless such a certificate is produced or other competent evidence introduced. Acknowledgements made out of the state must either be executed according to the laws of this state, or there should be attached a certificate that it is in conformity with the laws of the state or country where executed. Where this is not done the same may be proved by any other legal way. Acknowledgments where the Homestead rights are to be waived must state as follows : " Including the release and waiver of the right of homestead." Notaries Puhlio can take acknowledgements any where in the state. Sheriffs, if authorized by the mortgagor of real or personal property in his mortgage, may sell the property mortgaged. In the case of the death of grantor or holder of the equity of redemp- tion of real estate mortgaged, or conveyed by deed of trust where equity of redemption is waived, and it contains power of sale, must be foreclosed in the same manner as a common mortgage in court. ESTRAYS. Horses, mules, asses, neat cattle, swine, sheep, or goats found straying at any time during the year, in counties where such animals are not allowed to run at large, or between the last day of October and the 15th day of April in other counties, the oivner thereof being unknown, may he taken up as estrays. No person not a householder in the county where estray is found can lawfully take up an estray, and then only upon or about his farm or place of residence. Estrays should not he used before advertised, except animals giving milk, which may be milked for their benefit. 158 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. Notices must be posted up within five (5) days in tliree (3) of the most public places in the town or precinct in which estray was found, giv- ing the residence of the taker up, and a particular description of the estray, its age, color, and marks natural and artificial, and stating before what justice of the peace in such town or precinct, and at what time, not less than ten (10) nor more than fifteen (15) days from the time of post- ing such notices, he will apply to have the estray appraised. A copy of such notice should be filed by the taker up with the totvn clerk, whose duty it is to enter the same at large, in a hook kept by him for that purpose. If the owner of estray shall not have appeared and proved ownership, and taken the same away, first paying the taker up his reasonable charges for taking up, keeping, and advertising the same, the taker up shall appear before the justice of the peace mentioned in above mentioned notice, and make an affidavit as required by law. As the affidavit has to he made hefore the justice, and all other steps as to appraisement, etc., are before him, who is familiar therewith, they are therefore omitted here. Any person taking up an estray at any other place than about or upon his farm or residence, or without complying with the law, shall forfeit and pay a fine of ten dollars with costs. Ordinary diligeiice is required in taking care of estrays, but in case they die or get away the taker is not liable for the same. GAME. It is unlawful for any person to kill, or attempt to kill or destroy, in any manner, any prairie hen or chicken or woodcock between the 15th day of January and the 1st day of September ; or any deer, fawn, wild-turkey, partridge or pheasant between the 1st day of February and the 1st day of October ; or any quail between the 1st day of February and 1st da}^ of November ; or any wild goose, duck, snijDe, brant or other water fowl between the 1st day of May and 15tli day of August in each year. Penalty : Fine not less than $5 nor more than $25, for each bird or animal, and costs of suit, and stand committed to county jail until fine is paid, but not exceeding ten days. It is unlawful to hunt with gun, dog or net within the inclosed grounds or lands of another tvithout permission. Penalty: Fine not less than $3 nor more than $100, to be paid into school fund. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. Whenever any of the following articles shall be contracted for, or sold or delivered, and no special contract or agreement shall be made to the contrary, the weight per bushel shall be as follows, to-wit : ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 159 Founds. Pounds. Stone Coal, - 80 Buckwheat, - - 52 Unslackecl Lime, - 80 Coarse Salt, - 50 Corn in the ear, - 70 Barley, - - - - 48 Wheat, - 60 Corn Meal, - 48 Irish Potatoes, - 60 Castor Beans, - 46 White Beans, - 60 Timothy Seed, - - 45 Clover Seed, - - 60 Hemp Seed, - - 44 Onions, _ = - - 5T Malt, - - - - - 38 Shelled Corn, - 56 Dried Peaches, - 33 Rye, - - - - - 56 Oats, - - - - - 32 Flax Seed, - 56 Dried Apples, - 24 Sweet Potatoes, - - 55 Bran, - - - - - 20 Turnips, - 55 Blue Grass Seed, - - 14 Fine Salt, - - - - 55 Hair (plastering). 8 Penalty for giving less than the above standard is double the amount of property wrongfully not given, and ten dollars addition thereto. . MILLERS. The owner or occuiDant of every public grist mill in this state shall grind all grain brought to his mill in its turn. The toll for both steam and ivater mills, is, for grinding and bolting wheats rye^ or other grain, one eighth part; for grinding Indian corn, oats, barley and huckivheat not required to be bolted, one seventh part; for grinding malt, and chojyping all kinds of grain, one eighth part. It is the duty of every miller when his mill is in repair, to aid and assist in loading and unloading all grain brought to him to be ground, and he is also required to keep an accurate half bushel measure, and an accurate set of toll dishes or scales for weighing the grain. The penalty for neglect or refusal to comply with the law is 85, to the use of any person to sue for the same, to be recovered before any justice of the peace of the county where penalty is incurred. Millers are accountable for the safe keeping of all grain left in his mill for the purpose of being ground, with bags or casks containing same (except it results from unavoidable accidents), provided that such bags or casks are distinctly marked with the initial letters of the owner's name. MARKS AND BRANDS. Owners of cattle, horses, hogs, sheep or goats may have one earmark and one brand, but which shall be different from his neighbor's, and may be recorded by the county clerk of the county in which such property is kept. The fee for such record is fifteen cents. The record of such shall be open to examination free of charge. In cases of disputes as to marks or brands-, such record is vrima facie evidence. Owners of cattle, horses, hogs, sheep or goats that may have been branded by the former oivner, 160 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. may be re-branded in presence of one or more of his neighbors, who shall certify to the facts of the marking or branding being done, when done, and in what brand or mark they were re-branded or re-marked, which certificate may also be recorded as before stated. ADOPTION OF CHILDREN. Children may be adopted by any resident of this state, by filing a petition in the Circuit or County Court of the county in which he resides, asking leave to do so, and if desired may ask that the name of the child be changed. Such petition, if made by a person having a husband or wife, will not be granted, unless the husband or wife joins therein, as the adoption must be Iw them jointly. The jyetition shall state name, sex, and age of the child, and the new name, if it is desired to change the name.' Also the name and residence of the parents of the child, if known, and of the guardian, if any, and whether the parents or guardians consent to the adoption. The court must find, before granting decree, that the parents of the child, or the survivors of them, have deserted his or her family or such child for one year next preceding the application, or if neither are living, the guardian ; if no guardian, the next of kin in this state capable of giving consent, has had notice of the presentation of the petition and consents to such adoption. If the (f!iild is of the age oi fourteen years or upwards, the adoption can not be made without its consent. SURVEYORS AND SURVEYS. There is in every county elected a surveyor known as county sur- veyor, who has power to appoint deputies, for whose official acts he is responsible. It is the duty of the county surveyor, either by himself or his deputy, to make all surveys that he may be called upon to make within his county as soon as may be after application is made. The necessary chainmen and other assistance must be employed bythe person requiring the same to be done, and to be by him paid, unless otherwise agreed ; but the chainmen must be disinterested persons and approved by the surveyor and sworn by him to measure justly and impartially. The County Board in each county is required by law to provide a copy of the United States field notes and plats of their surveys of the lands in the county to be kept in the recorder's office subject to examination by the public, and the county surveyor is required to make his surveys in conformity to said notes, plats and the laws of the United States gov- erning such matters. The surveyor is also required to keep a record of all surveys made by him, which shall be subject to inspection by any one interested, and shall be delivered up to his successor in office. A. ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 101 certified copy of the said surveyor's record shall be prima facie evidence of its contents. The fees of county surveyors are six dollars per day. The county surveyor is also ex officio inspector of mines, and as such, assisted by some practical miner selected by him, shall once each year inspect all the mines in the county, for which they shall each receive such compensa- tion as may be fixed by the County Board, not exceeding $5 a day, to be paid out of the county treasury. ROADS AND BRIDGES. Where practicable from the nature of the ground, persons traveling in any kind of vehicle, must turn to the right of the center of the road, so as to permit each carriage to pass without interfering with each other. The penalty for a violation of this provision is $5 for every offense, to> be recovered by the party injured ; but to recover, there must have occurred some injury to person or property resulting from the violation.. The owners of any carriage traveling upon any road in this State for the conveyance of passengers who shall employ or continue in his employment as driver any person who is addicted to drunkenness, or the excessive use of spiritous liquors, after he has had notice of the same, shall forfeit, at the- rate of $5 per day, and if any driver while actually engaged in driving any such carriage, shall be guilty of intoxicqtioyi to such a degree as to endanger the safety of passengers, it shall be the duty of the owner, on receiving 'written notice of the fact, signed by one of the passengers, and certified by him on oath, forthwith to discharge such driver. If such owner shall have such driv6r in his employ ivithin three months after such notice, he is liable for $5 per day for the time he shall keep said driver in his employment after receiving such notice. Persons driving any carriage on any public highway are prohibited from running their horses upon any occasion under a penalty of a fine not exceeding $10, or imprisonment not exceeding sixty days, at the discre- tion of the court. Horses attached to any carriage used to convey passen- gers for hire must be properly hitched or the lines placed in the hands of some other person before the driver leaves them for any purpose. For violation of this provision each driver shall forfeit twenty dollars, to be recovered by action, to be commenced within six months. It is under- stood by the ter')n carriage herein to mean any carriage or vehicle used for the transportation of passengers or goods or either of them. The commissioners of highways in the different tov/ns have the care- and superintendence of highways and bridges therein. They have all the powers necessary to lay out, vacate, regulate and repair all roads*' build and repair bridges. In addition to the above, it is their duty to tjrect and keep in rei:)air at the forks or crossing-place of the most 162 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. important roads post and guide boards with plain inscriptions, giving •directions and distances to the most noted places to which such road may lead ; also to make provisions to prevent thistles, burdock, and cockle burrs, mustard, yellow dock, Indian mallow and jimson weed from seeding, and to extirpate the same as far as practicable, and to prevent all rank growth of vegetation on the public highways so far as the same may obstruct public travel, and it is in their discretion to erect watering places for public use for watering teams at such points as may be deemed advisable. The Commissioners, on or before the 1st day of May of each year, shall make out and deliver to their treasurer a list of all able-bodied men in their town, exceptirig paupers, idiots, lunatics, and such others as are exempt by law, and assess against each the sum of two dollars as a poll tax for highway purposes. Within thirty days after such list is delivered they shall cause a written or printed notice to be given to each person so assessed, notifying him of the time when and place where such tax must be paid, or its equivalent in labor performed ; they may contract with persons owing such poll tax to perform a certain amount of labor on any road or bridge in payment of the same, and if such tax is not paid nor labor performed by the first Monday of July of such year, or within ten days after notice is given after that time, they shall bring suit therefor against such person before a justice of the peace, who shall hear and determine the case according to law for the offense complained of, and shall forthwith issue an execution, directed to any constable of the county where the delinquent shall reside, who shall forthwith collect the moneys therein mentioned. The Commissioners of Highways of each town shall annually ascer- tain, as near as practicable, how much money must be raised by tax on real and personal property for the making and repairing of roads, only, to any amount they may deem necessary, not exceeding forty cents on each one hundred dollars' worth, as valued on the assessment roll of the previous year. The tax so levied on property lying witliin an incorporated village, town or city, shall be paid over to the corporate authorities of such town, village or city. Commissioners shall receive $1.50 for each day neces- sarily employed in the discharge of their duty. Overseers. At the first meeting the Commissioners shall choose one of their number to act General Overseer of Highways in their township, whose duty it shall be to take charge of and safely keep all tools, imple- ments and machinery belonging to said town, and shall, by the direction of the Board, have general supervision of all roads and bridges in their town. ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 16i^ As all township and county officers are familiar with their duties, it is only intended to give the points of the law that the public should be familiar with. The manner of laying out, altering or vacating roads, etc., will not be here stated, as it would require more space than is contem- plated in a work of this kind. It is sufficient to state that, the first step is by petition, addressed to the Commissioners, setting out what is prayed for, giving the names of the owners of lands if known, if not known so state, over which the road is to pass, giving the general course, its place of beginning, and where it terminates. It requires not less than twelve freeholders residing within three miles of the road who shall sign the petition. Public roads must not be less than fifty feet wide, nor more than sixty feet wide. Roads not exceeding two miles in length, if peti- tioned for, may be laid out, not less than forty feet. Private roads for private and public use, may be laid out af the width of three rods, on petition of the person directly interested ; the damage occasioned thereby shall be paid by the premises benefited thereby, and before the road is opened. If not opened in two years, the order shall be considered rescinded. Commissioners in their discretion may permit persons who- live on or have private roads, to work out their road tax thereon. Public roads must be opened in five days from date of filing order of location^ or be deemed vacated. DRAINAGE. Whenever one or more owners or occupants of land desire to construct I drain or ditch across the land of others for agricultural, sanitary or mining purposes, the proceedings are as follows : File a petition in the Circuit or County Court of the county in which the proposed ditch or drain is to be constructed, setting forth the neces- sity for the same, with a description of its proposed starting point, route and terminus, and if it shall be necessary for the drainage of the land or coal mines or for sanitary purposes, that a drain, ditch, levee or similar work be constructed, a description of the same. It shall also set forth the names of all persons owning the land over which such drain or ditch shall be constructed, or if unknown stating that fact. No private property shall be taken or damaged for the purpose of constructing a ditch, drain or levee, without compensation, if claimed by the owner, the same to be ascertained by a jury; but if the construction of such ditch, drain or levee shall be a benefit to. the owner, the same shall be a set off against such compensation. If the proceedings seek to affect the property of a minor, lunatic or married woman, the guardian, conservator or husband of the same shall be made party defendant. The petition may be amended and parties made defendants at any time when it is necessary to a fair trial. \Q^ ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. When the petition is presented to the judge, he shall note therein when he will hear the same, and order the issuance of summonses and the publication of notice to each non-resident or unknown defendant. The petition may be heard by such judge in vacation as well as in term time. Upon the trial, the jury shall ascertain the just compensation to each owner of the property sought to be damaged by the construction of such ditch, drain or levee, and truly report the same. As it is only contemplated in a work of this kind to give an abstract of the laws, and as the parties who have in charge the execution of the further proceedings are likely to be familiar with the requirements of the statute, the necessary details are not here inserted. WOLF SCALPS. The County Board of any county in this State may hereafter alluw such bounty on tvolf scalps as the board may deem reasonable. Any person claiming a bounty shall produce the scalp or scalps with the ears thereon, within sixty days after the wolf or wolves shall have been caught, to the Clerk of the County Board, who shall administer to s'did person the following oath or affirmation, to-wit: "You do solemnly swear (or affirm, as the case may be), that the scalp or scalps here pro- duced by you was taken from a wolf or wolves killed and first captured by yourself within the limits of this county, and within the sixty days last past." CONVEYANCES. When the reversion expectant on a lease of any tenements or here- ditaments of any tenure shall be surrendered or merged, the estate which shall for the time being confer as against the tenant under the same lease the next vested right to the same tenements or hereditaments, shall, to the extent and for the purpose of preserving such incidents to and obli- gations on the same reversion, as but for the surrender or merger thereof, would have subsisted, be deemed the reversion expectant on the same lease. PAUPERS. Every poor person who shall be unable to earn a livelihood in conse- quence of any bodily infirmity^ idiocy, lunacy or unavoidable cause, shall be supported by the father, grand-father, mother, grand-mother, children, grand-children, brothers or sisters of such poor person, if they or either of them be of sufficient ability ; but if any of such dependent class shall have become so from intemperance or other bad conduct, they shall not be entitled to support from any relation except parent or child. ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 167 The ciiildren shall first be called on to support their parents, if they are able ; but if not, the parents of such poor person shall then be called on, if of sufficient ability ; and if there be no parents or children able, then the brothers and sisters of such dependent person shall be called upon ; and if there be no brothers or sisters of sufficient ability, the grand-children of such person shall next be called on ; and if they are not able, then the grand-parents. Married females, while their husbands live, shall not be liable to contribute for the support of their poor relations except out of their separate property. It is the duty of the state's (county) attorney, to make complaint to the County Court of his county against all the relatives of such paupers in this state liable to his support and prosecute the same. In case the state's attorney neglects, or refuses, to complain in such cases, then it is the duty of the overseer of the poor to do so. The person called upon to contribute shall have at least ten days' notice of such application by summons. The court has the power to determine the kind of support, depending upon the circumstances of the parties, and may also order two or more of the different degrees to main- tain such poor person, and prescribe the proportion of each, according to their ability. The court may specify the time for which the relative shall contribute — in fact has control over the entire subject matter, with power to enforce its orders. Every county (except those in which the poor are supported by the towns, and in such cases the towns are liable) is required to relieve and support all poor and indigent persons laivfuUy resident therein. Residence means the actual residence of the party, or the place where he was employed ; or in case he was in no employment, then it shall be the place where he made his home. When any person becomes chargeable as a pauper in any county or town who did not reside at the commencement of six months immediately preceding his becoming so, but did at that time reside in some other county or town in this state, then the county or town, as the case may be, becomes liable for the expense of taking care of such person until removed, and it is the duty of the overseer to notify the proper authorities of the fact. If any person shall bring and leave any pauper in any county in this state where such pauper had no legal residence, knowing him to be such, he is liable to a fine of $100. In counties under township organization, the supervisors in each town are ex-officio overseers of the poor. The overseers of the poor act under the directions of the County Board in taking care of the poor and granting of temporary relief; also, providing for non-resident persons not paupers who may be taken sick and not able to pay their way, and in case of death cause such person to be decently buried. The residence of the inmates of poorhouses and other charitable institutions for voting purposes is their former place of abode. 168 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. FENCES. In counties under township organization, the town assessor and com- missioner of highways are the fence-viewers in their respective towns. In other counties the County Board appoints three in each precinct annu- ally. A laiofid fence is four and one -half feet high, in good repair, con- sisting of rails, timber, boards, stone, hedges, or whatever the fence- viewers of the town or precinct where the same shall lie, shall consider equivalent thereto, but in counties under township organization the annual town meeting may establish any other kind of fence as such, or the County Board in other counties may do the same. Division fences shall be made and maintained in just proportion by the adjoining owners, except when the owner shall choose to let his land lie open, but after a division fence is built by agreement or otherwise, neither party can remove his part of such fence so long as he may crop or use such land for farm purposes, or without giving the other party one year's notice in writing of his intention to remove his portion. When any person shall enclose his land upon the enclosure of another, he shall refund the owner of the adjoining lands a just pro- portion of the value at tljat time of such fence. The value of fence and the just proportion to be paid or built and maintained by each is to be ascertained by two fence-viewers in the town or precinct. Such fence- viewers have power to settle all disputes between different owners as to fences built or to be built, as well as to repairs to be made. Each party chooses one of the viewers, but if the other party neglects, after eight days' notice in writing, to make his choice, then the other party may select both. It is sufficient to notify the tenant or party in possession, when the owner is not a resident of the town or precinct. The two fence-viewers chosen, after viewing the premises, shall hear the state- ments of the parties , in case they can't agree, they shall select another fence-viewer to act with them, and the decision of any two of them is final. The decision must be reduced to writing, and should plainly set out description of fence and all matters settled by them, and must be filed in the office of the town clerk in counties under township organiza- tion, and in other counties with the county clerk. Where any person is liable to contribute to the erection or the repairing of a division fence, neglects or refuses so to do, the party injured, after giving sixty days notice in writing when a fence is to be erected, or ten days when it is only repairs, may proceed to have the work done at the expense of the party whose duty it is to do it, to be recovered from him with costs of suit, and the party so neglecting shall also be liable to the party injured for all damages accruing from such neglect or refusal, to be determined by any two fence-viewers selected as before provided, the appraisement to be reduced to writing and signed. ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 169 Where a person shall conclude to remove his part of a division fence, and let his land lie open, and having given the year's notice required, the adjoining owner may cause the value of said fence to be ascertained by fence-viewers as before provided, and on payment or tender of the amount of such valuation to the owner, it shall prevent the removal. A party removing a division fence without notice is liable for the damages accruing thereby. "Where a fence has been built on the land of another through mis- take, the owner may enter upon such premises and remove his fence and material within oix months after the division line has been ascertained. Where the material to build such a fence has been taken from the land on which it was built, then before it can be removed, the person claiming must first pay for such material to the owner of the land from which it was taken, nor shall fc;uch a fence be removed at a time when the removal will throw open or expose the crops of the other party ; a reasonable time must be given beyond the .six months to remove crops. The compensation of fence-viewers is one dollar and fifty cents a day each, to be paid in the first instance by the party calling them, but in the end all expenses, including amount charged by the fence-viewers, must be paid equally b}'- the parties, except in cases where a party neglects or refuses to make or maiiktain a just; proportion of a division fence, when the party in default shall pay them. DAMAGES FROM TRESPASS. Where stock of any kind breaks into any person's enclosure, the fence being good and sufficient, the owner is liable for the damage done ; but where the damage is done by stock running at large, contrary to law, the owner is liable where tht^re is not such a fence. Where stock is found trespassing on the enclosure of another as aforesaid, the owner oi occupier of the premises may take possession of such stock and keep the same until damages, with reasonable charges for keeping and feeding and all costs of suit, are paid. Any person taking or rescuing such stock so held without his consent, shall be liable to a fine of not less than three nor more than five dollars for each animal rescued, to be recovered by suit before a justice of the peace for the use of the school fund. Within twenty-four hours after taking such animal into his possession, the per- son taking it up must give notice of the fact to the owner, if known, or if unknown, notices must be posted in some public place near the premises. LANDLORD AND TENANT. The owner of lands, or his legal representatives, can sue for and recover rent therefor, in any of the following cases : First. When rent is due and in arrears on a lease for life or lives. 170 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. Second. When lands are held and occupied by any person without any special agreement for rent. Third. When j)ossession is obtained under an agreement, written or verbal, for the purchase of the premises and before deed given, the right to possession is terminated by forfeiture on con-compliance with the agreement, and possession is wrongfully refused or neglected to be giver, upon demand made in writing by the party entitled thereto. Provided that all payments made by the vendee or his representatives or assigns, may be set off against the rent. Fourth. When land has been sold upon a judgment or a decree of court, when the party to such judgment or decree, or person liolding under him, wrongfully refuses, or neglects, to surrender possession of the same, after demand in writing by the person entitled to the possession. Fifth., When the lands have been sold upon a mortgage or trust deed, and the mortgagor or grantor or person holding under him, wrong- fully refuses or neglects to surrender possession of the same, after demand in writing by the person entitled to the possession. If any tenant, or any person who shall come into possession from or undeV or by collusion with such tenant, shall willfully hold over any lands, etc., after the expiration the term of their lease, and after demand made in writing for the possession thereof, is liable to pay double rent. A tenancy from 3'ear to year requires sixty days notice in writing, to termi- nate the same at the end of the year ; such notice can be given at any time within four months preceding the last sixty days of the year. A tenancy by the month, or less than a year, where the tenant holds over without any special agreement, the landlord may terminate the tenancy, by thirty days notice in writing. When rent is due, the landlord may serve a notice upon the tenant, stating that unless the rent is paid within not less than five days, his lease will be terminated ; if the rent is not paid, the landlord may consider the lease ended. When default is made in any of the terms of a lease, it shall not be necessary to give more than ten days notice to quit or of the termination of such tenancy ; and the same may be terminated on giving such notice to quit, at any time after such default in any of the terms of such lease ; which notice may be substantially in the following form, viz: To , You are hereby notified that, in consequence of your default in (here insert the character of the default), of the premises now occupied by you, being etc. (here describe the premises), I have elected to deter- mine your lease, and you are hereby notified to quit and deliver up pos- session of the same to me within ten days of this date (dated, etc.) The above to be signed by the lessor or his agent, and no other notice or demand of possession or termination of such tenancy is necessar}^ Demand may be made, or notice served, by delivering a written or ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 171 pn/ited, or partly either, copy thereof to the tenant, or leaving the same with some person above the age of twelve years residing on or in posses- sion of the premises ; and in case no one is in the actual possession of the said premises, then by posting the same on the premises. When the tenancy is for a certain time, and the term expires by the terms of the lease, the tenant is then bound to surrender possession, and no notice to quit or demand of possession is necessar3\ Distress for rent. — In all cases of distress for rent, the landlord, by himself, his agent or attorney, may seize for rent any personal property of his tenant that may be found in the county where the tenant resides ; the property of any other person, even if found on the premises, is not liable. An inventory of the property levied upon, with a statement of the amount of rent claimed, should be at once filed with some justice of the peace, if not over $200 ; and if above that sum, with the clerk of a court of record of competent jurisdiction. Property may be released, by the party executing a satisfactory bond for double the amount. The landlord may distrain for rent, any time within six months after the expiration of the term of the lease, or when terminated. In all cases where the premises rented shall be sub-let, or the lease assigned, the landlord shall have the same right to enforce lien against such lessee or assignee, that he has against the tenant to whom the pre- mises were rented. When a tenant abandons or removes from the premises or any part thereof, the landlord, or his agent or attorney, may seize upon any grain or other crops grown or growing upon the premises, or part thereof so abandoned, whether the rent is due or not. If such grain, or other crops, or any part thereof, is not fully grown or matured, the landlord, or his agent or attorney, shall cause the same to be properly cultivated, harvested or gathered, and may sell the same, and from the proceeds pay all his labor, expenses and rent. The tenant may, before the sale of such pro- perty, redeem the same by tendering the rent and reasonable compensation for work done, or he may replevy the same. Exemption. — The same articles of personal property which are bylaw exempt from execution, except the crops as above stated, is also exempt from distress for rent. If any tenant is about to or shall permit or attempt to sell and remove from the premises, without the consent of his landlord, such portion of the crops raised thereon as will endanger the lien of the land- lord upon such crops, for the rent, it shall be lawful for the landlord to distress before rent is due. 172 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. LIENS. Any person who shall by contract^ express or implied, or partly both, with the owner of any lot or tract of land, furnisli labor or material, or services as an architect or superintendent, in building, altering, repairing or ornamenting any house or other building or appurtenance thereto on such lot, or upon an}^ street or alley, and connected with such improve' ments, shall have a lien upon the whole of such lot or tract of land, and upon such house or building and appurtenances, for the amount due to him for such labor, material or services. If the contract is expressed, and the time for the completion of the work is beyond three i/ears from the com- mencement thereof; or, if the time of payment is beyond one year from the time stipulated for the completion of the work, then no lien exists. If the contract is implied, then no lien exists, unless the work be done or material is furnished within one year from the commencement of the work or delivery of the materials. As between different creditors having liens, no preference is given to the one whose contract was first made ; but each shares pro-rata. Incumbrances existing on the lot or tract of the land at the time the contract is made, do not operate on the improvements, and are only preferred to the extent of the value of the land at the time of making the contract. The above lien can not be enforced unless suit is commenced within six months after the last payment for labor or materials shall have become due and payable. Sub-contractors, mechanics, workmen and other persons furnishing any material, or performing any labor for a contractor as before specified, have a lien to the extent of the amount due the contractor at the time the following notice is served upon the owner of the land who made the contract : To , You are hereby notified, that I have been employed by- (here state whether to labor or furnish material, and substantially the nature of the demand) upon your (here state in general terms description and situation of building), and that I shall hold the (building, or as the case may be), and your interest in the ground, liable for the amount that may (is or may become) due me on account thereof. Signature, Date, If there is a contract in writing between contractor and sub-contractor, a copy of it should be served with above notice, and said notice must be served within forty days from the completion of such sub-contract, if there is one ; if not, then from the time payment should have been made to the person performing the labor or furnishing the material. If the owner is not a resident of the county, or can not be found therein, then the above notice must be filed with the clerk of the Circuit Court, with his fee, fifty cents, and a copy of said notice must be published in a newspaper pub- lished in the county, for four successive weeks. ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 173 When the owner or agent is notified as above, he can retain any money due the contractor sufficient to pay such claim ; if more than one claim, and not enough to pay all, they are to be paid pro rata. The owner has the right to demand in writing, a statement of the contractor, of what he owes for labor, etc., from time to time as the work progresses, and on his failure to comply, forfeits to the owner $50 for every offense. The liens referred to cover any and all estates, whether in fee for life, for years, or any other interest which the owner may have. To enforce the lien of sub-contractors^ suit must be commenced within three 7nonths from the time of the performance of the sub-contract, or during the work or furnishing materials. Hotel, inn and hoarding-house keepers, have a lien upon the baggage and other valuables of their guests or boarders, brought into such hotel, inn or boarding-house, by their guests or boarders, for the proper charges due from such guests or boarders for their accommodation, board and lodgings, and such extras as are furnished at their request. Stable-keepers and other persons have a lien upon the horses, car- riages and harness kept by them, for the proper charges due for the keep- ing thereof and expenses bestowed thereon at the request of the owner or the person having the possession of the same. Agisters (persons who take care of cattle belonging to others), and persons keeping, yarding, feeding or pasturing domestic animals, shall have a lien upon the animals agistered, kept, yarded or fed, for the proper charges due for such service. All persons who may furnish any railroad corporation in this state with fuel, ties, material, supplies or any other article or thing necessary for the construction, maintenance, operation or repair of its road by con- tract, or may perform work or labor on the same, is entitled to be paid as part of the current expenses of the road, and have a lien upon all its pro- perty. Sub-contractors or laborers have also a lien. The conditions and limitations both as to contractors and sub-contractors, are about the same as herein stated as to general liens. DEFINITION OF COMMERCIAL TERMS. means dollars, being a contraction of U. S., which was formerly placed before any denomination of money, and meant, as it means now, United States Currency. <£ means pounds, English money. @ stands for at or to. Hb iov pound, and bbl. for barrel; "^ iov per or hy the. Thus, Butter sells at 20@30c ^ tb, and Flour at $8@12 f bbl. fo for per cent and # for number. May 1.— Wheat sells at |1.20@1.25, "seller June." Seller June 174 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS, means that the person who sells the wheat has the privilege of delivering it at an}^ time during the month of June. Selling short, is contracting to deliver a certain amount of grain or stock, at a fixed price, within a certain length of time, when the seller has not the stock on hand. It is for the interest of the person selling "short," to depress the market as much as possible, in order that he may buy and fill his contract at a profit. Hence the " shorts "' are termed " bears." Buying long, is to contract to purchase a certain amount of grain or shares of stock at a fixed price, deliverable within a stipulated time, expecting to make a profit by the rise of prices. The " longs " are- termed "bulls," as it is for their interest to "operate" so as to "toss" the prices upward as much as possible. NOTES. Form of note is legal, worded in the simplest way, so that the amount and time of payment are mentioned. $100. Chicago, 111., Sept. 15, 1876. Sixty da3^s from date I promise to pay to E. F. Brown,. or order. One Hundred dollars, for value received. L. D. LowRY. A note to be payable in any thing else than money needs only the facts substituted for money in the above form. ORDERS. Orders should be worded simply, thus : Mr. F. H. Coats: Chicago, Sept. 15, 1876; Please pay to H. Birdsall, Twenty-five dollars, and charge to F. D. SiLVA. RECEIPTS. Receipts should always state when received and what for, thus: $100. Chicago, Sept. 15, 1876. Received of J. W. Davis, One Hundred dollars, for services rendered in grading his lot in Fort Madison, on account. Thomas Brady. If receipt is in full it should be so stated. BILLS OF PURCHASE. "VV. N. Mason. Salem, Illinois, Sept. 15, 1876. Bought of A. A. Graham. 4 Bushels of Seed Wheat^ at $1.50 - - - - $6.00 2 Seamless Sacks " .30 - - .60 Received payment, $6.60 A. A. Graham. ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 176 ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT. An agreement is where one party promises to another to do a certain thing in a certain time for a stipulated sum. Good business men always reduce an agreement to writing, which nearly always saves misunder- standings and trouble. No particular form is necessary, but the facts must be clearly and explicitly stated, and there must, to make it valid, be a reasonable consideration. GENERAL FORM OF AGREEMENT. This Agreement, made the Second day of October, 1876, between John Jones, of Aurora, County of Kane, State of Illinois, of the first part, and Thomas Whiteside, of the same place, of the second part — WITNESSETH, that the said John Jones, in consideration of the agree- ment of the party of the second part, hereinafter contained, contracts and agrees to and with the said Thomas Whiteside, that he will deliver, in good and marketable condition, at the Village of Batavia, 111., during the month of November, of this year. One Hundred Tons of Prairie Hay, in the following lots, and at the following specified times ; namely, twenty- five tons by the seventh of November, twenty-five tons additional by the fourteenth of the month, twenty-five tons more by the twenty -first, and the entire one hundred tons to be all delivered by the thirtieth of November. And the said Thomas Whiteside, in consideration of the prompt fulfillment of this contract, on the part of the party of the first part, contracts to and agrees with the said John Jones, to pay for said hay five dollars per ton, for each ton as soon as delivered. In case of failure of agreement by either of the parties hereto, it is hereby stipulated and agreed that the party so failing shall pay to the other. One Hundred Dollars, as fixed and settled damages. In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hands the day and year first above written. John Jones, Thomas Whiteside, AGREEMENT WITH CLERK FOR SERVICES. This Agreement, made the first day of May, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-six, between Reuben Stone, of Chicago, County of Cook, State of Illinois, party of the first part, and George Barclay, of Englewood, County of Cook, State of Illinois, party of the second part — WITNESSETH, that Said George Barclay agrees faithfully and dili- gentl}^ to work as clerk and salesman for the said Reuben Stone, for and during the space of one year from the date hereof, should both live such length of time, without absenting himself from his occupation; JL76 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. during which time he, the said Barclay, in the store of said Stone, of Chicago, will carefully and honestly attend, doing and performing all duties as clerk and salesman aforesaid, in accordance and in all respects as directed and desired by the said Stone. In consideration of which services, so to be rendered by the said Barclay, the said Stone agrees to pay to said Barclay the annual sum of one thousand dollars, payable in twelve equal monthly payments, each upon the last day of each month ; provided that all dues for days of absence from business bv said Barclav, shall be deducted from the sum otherwise by the agreement due and payable by the said Stone to the said Barclay. Witness our hands. Reuben Stone. George Barclay. BILLS OF SALE. A bill of sale is a written agreement to another party, for a consider- ation to convey his right and interest in the personal property. The purchaser must take actual possession of the property. Juries have power to determine upon the fairness or unfairness of a bill of sale. COMMON FORM OF BILL OF SALE. Know all Men by this instrument, that I, Louis Clay, of Princeton, Illinois, of the first part, for and in consideration of Five Hundred and Ten dollars, to me paid by John Floyd, of the same place, of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have sold, and by this instrument do convey unto the said Floyd, party of the second part, his executors, administrators, and assigns, my undivided half of ten acres of corn, now growing on the farm of Thomas Tyrrell, in the town above mentioned ; one pair of horses, sixteen sheep, and five cows, belonging to me, and in my possession at the farm aforesaid ; to have and to hold the same unto the party of the second part, his executors and assigns, forever. And I do, for myself and legal representatives, agree with the said party of the second part, and his legal representatives, to warrant and defend the sale of the afore-mentioned property and chattels unto the said party of the second part, and his legal representatives, against all and every person whatsoever. In witness whereof, I have hereunto affixed my hand, this tenth day of October, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-six. Louis Clay. BONDS. « A bond is a written admission on the part of the maker in which he pledges a certain sum to another, at a certain time. ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 177 COMMON FORM OF BOND. Know all Men by this instrument, that I, George Edgerton, of Watseka, Iroquois County, State of Illinois, am firmly bound unto Peter Kirchoff, of the place aforesaid, in the sum of five hundred dollars, to be paid to the said Peter Kirchoff, or his legal representatives ; to which payment, to be made, I bind myself, or my legal representatives, by this instrument. Sealed with my seal, and dated this second day of November, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four. The condition of this bond is such that if I, George Edgerton, my heirs, administrators, or executors, shall promptly pay the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars in three equal annual payments from the date hereof, with annual interest, then the above obligation to be of no effect ; otherwise to be in full force and valid. Sealed and delivered in presence of George Edgerton. [l.s.] William Turner. CHATTEL MORTGAGES. A chattel mortgage is a mortgage on personal property for payment of a certain sum of money, to hold the property against debts of other creditors. The mortgage must describe the property, and must be acknowledged before a justice of the peace in the township or precinct where the mortgagee resides, and entered upon his docket, and must be recorded in the recorder's office of the county. GENERAL FORM OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE. This Indenture, made and entered into this first day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-five, between Theodore Lottinville, of the town of Geneseo in the County of Henry, and State of Illinois, party of the first part, and Paul Henshaw, of the same town, county, and State, party of the second part. Witnesseth, that the said party of the first part, for and in consider- ation of the sum of one thousand dollars, in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant, sell, convey, and confirm unto the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns forever, all and singular the following described goods and chattels, to wit : Two three-year old roan-colored horses, one Burdett organ. No. 987, one Brussels carpet, 15x20 feet in size, one marble-top center table, one Home Comfort cooking stove. No. 8, one black walnut bureau with mirror attached, one set of parlor chairs (six in number), upholstered in green rep, with lounge corresponding with same in style and color of upholstery, now in possession of said Lottinville, at No. 4 Prairie Ave., Geneseo, 111. ; 178 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. Together with all and singular, the appurtenances thereunto \)elong- ing, or in any wise appertaining ; to have and to hold the above described goods and chattels, unto the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns, forever. Provided, always, and these presents are upon this express condition, that if the said Theodore Lottinville, his heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns, shall, on or before the first day of January, A.D., one thousand eight hundred and seventy-six, pay, or cause to be paid, to the said Paul Ranslow, or his lawful attorney or attorneys, heirs, executors, adminis- trators, or assigns, the sum of One Thousand dollars, together with the interest that may accrue thereon, at the rate of ten per cent, per annum, from the first day of January, A.D. one thousand eight hundred and seventy-five, until paid, according to the tenor of one promissory note bearing even date herewith for the payment of said sura of money, that then and from thenceforth, these presents, and everything herein con- tained, shall cease, and be null and void, anything herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding. Provided, also, that the said Theodore Lottinville may retain the possession of and have the use of said goods and chattels until the day of payment aforesaid ; and also, at his own expense, shall keep said goods and chattels; and also at the expiration of said time of payment, if said sura of money, tog'jther with the interest as aforesaid, shall not be paid, shall deliver up said goods and chattels, in good condition, to said Paul Ranslow, or his heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns. And provided, also, that if default in payraent as aforesaid, by said party of the first part, shall be made, or if said party of the second part shall at any time before said promissory note becomes due, feel himself unsafe or insecure, that then the said party of the second part, or his attorney, agent, assigns, or heirs, executors, or administrators, shall have the right to take possession of said goods and chattels, wherever they may or can be found, and sell the same at public or private sale, to the highest bidder for cash in hand, after giving ten days' notice of the time and place of said sale, together with a description of the goods and chat- tels to be sold, by at least four advertisements, posted up in public places in the vicinity where said sale is to take place, and proceed to make the sura of money and interest promised as aforesaid, together with all reason- able costs, charges, and expenses in so doing ; and if there shall be any overplus, shall pay the same without delay to the said party of the first part, or his legal representatives. In testimony whereof, the said party of the first part lias hereunto set his hand and affixed his seal, the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of Theodoki-: Lottinville. [l.s.] Samuel J. Tilden. ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 179' LEASE OF FARM AND BUILDINGS THEREON. This Indenture, made this second day of June, 1875, between David Patton of the Town of Bisbee, State of Ilhnois, of the first part, and John Doyle of the same place, of the second part, Witnesseth, that the said David Patton, for and in consideration of the covenants hereinafter mentioned and reserved, on the part of the said John Doyle, his executors, administrators, and assigns, to be paid, kept, and performed, hath let, and by these presents doth grant, demise, and let, unto the said John Doyle, his executors, administrators, and assigns, all that parcel of land situate in Bisbee aforesaid, bounded and described, as follows, to wit : \^IIere. describe the land.~\ Together with all the appurtenances appertaining thereto. To have and to hold the said premises, with appurtenances thereto belonging, unto the said Doyle, his executors, administrators, and assigns, for the term of five years, from the first day of October next following, at a yearly rent of Six Hundred dollars, to be paid in equal payments, semi-annually, as lonof as said buildinofs are in o'ood tenantable condition. And the said Doyle, by these presents, covenants and agrees to pay all taxes and assessments, and keep in repair all hedges, ditches, rail, and other fences ; (the said David Patton, his heirs, assigns and administra- tors, to furnish all timber, brick, tile, and other materials necessary for such repairs.) Said Doyle further covenants and agrees to apply to said land, in a farmer-like manner, all manure and compost accumulating upon said farm, and cultivate all the arable land in a husbandlike manner, accord- ing to the usual custom among farmers in the neighborhood ; he also- agrees to trim the hedges at a seasonable time, preventing injury from cattle to such hedges, and to all fruit and other trees on the said premises. That he will seed down with clover and timothy seed twenty acres yearly of arable land, ploughing the same number of acres each Spring of land, now in grass, and hitherto unbroken. It is further agreed, that if the said Doyle shall fail to perform the whole or any one of the above mentioned covenants, then and in that case the said David Patton may declare this lease terminated, by giving- three months' notice of the same, prior to the first of October of any year, and may distrain any part of the stock, goods, or chattels, or other property in possession of said Doyle, for sufficient to compensate for the non-performance of the above written covenants, the same to be deter- mined, and amounts so to be paid to be determined, by three arbitrators, chosen as follows: Each of the parties to this instrument to choose one,. 180 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. and the two so chosen to select a third ; the decision of said arbitrators to be final. In witness whereof, we have hereto set our hands and seals. Signed, sealed, and delivered in presence of David Patton. [l.s.] James Waldron. John Doyle. [l.s.] FORM OF LEASE OF A HOUSE. This Instrument, made the first day of October, 1875, witnesseth that Amos Griest of Yorkville, County of Kendall, State of Illinois, hath rented from Aaron Young of Logansport aforesaid, the dwelling and lot No. 13 Ohio Street, situated in said City of Yorkville, for five years from the above date, at the yearly rental of Three Hundred dollars, pay- able monthly, on the first day of each month, in advance, at the residence of said Aaron Young. At the expiration of said above mentioned term, the said Griest agrees to give the said Young peaceable possession of the said dwelling, in as good condition as when taken, ordinary wear and casualties excepted. In witness whereof, we place our hands and seals the day and year aforesaid. Signed, sealed and delivered Amos Griest. [l.s.] in presence of NiCKOLAS SCHUTZ, AARON YoUNG. [l.S.] Notary Public. LANDLORD'S AGREEMENT. This certifies that I have let and rented, this first day of January, 1876, unto Jacob Schmidt, my house and lot. No. 15 Erie Street, in the City of Chicago, State of Illinois, and its appurtenances ; he to have the free and uninterrupted occupation thereof for one year from this date, at the yearly rental of Two Hundred dollars, to be paid monthly in advance ; Tent to cease if destroyed by fire, or otherwise made untenantable. Peter Funk. TENANT'S AGREEMENT. This certifies that I have hired and taken from Peter Funk, his house and lot. No. 15 Erie Street, in the City of Chicago, State of Illi- nois, with appurtenances thereto belonging, for one year, to commence this day, at a yearly rental of Two Hundred dollars, to be paid monthly in advance ; unless said house becomes untenantable from fire or other causes, in which case rent ceases ; and I further agree to give and yield said premises one year from this first day of January 1876, in as good -condition as now, ordinary wear and damage by the elements excepted. Given under my hand this day. Jacob Schivudt. ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 18X NOTICE TO QUIT. To F. W. Aelen, Sir : Please observe that the term of one year, for which the house and land, situated at No. 6 Indiana Street, and now occupied by you^ were rented to you, expired on the first day of October, 1875, and as I desire to repossess said premises, you are hereby requested and required to vacate the same. Respectfully Yours, P. T. Barnum. Lincoln, Neb., October 4, 1875. TENANT'S NOTICE OF LEAVING. Dear Sir : The premises I now occupy as your tenant, at No. 6 Indiana Street^ I shall vacate on the first day of November, 1875. You will please take notice accordingly. Dated this tenth day of October, 1875. F. W. Arlen. To P. T. Barnum, Esq. REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE TO SECURE PAYMENT OF MONEY. This Indenture, made this sixteenth day of May, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two, between William Stocker, of Peoria, County of Peoria, and State of Illinois, and 011a, his wife, party of the first part, and Edward Singer, party of the second part. Whereas, the said party of the first part is justly indebted to the said party of the second part, in the sum of Two Thousand dollars, secured to be paid by two certain promissory notes (bearing even date herewith} the one due and payable at the Second Natioilal Bank in Peoria, Illinois, with interest, on the sixteenth day of May, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-three ; the other due and payable at the Second National Bank at Peoria, 111., with interest, on the sixteenth day of May, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seven t3^-four. Now, therefore, this indenture witnesseth, that the said party of the first part, for the better securing the payment of the money aforesaid, with interest thereon, according to the tenor and effect of the said two promissory notes above mentioned ; and, also in consideration of the fur- ther sum of one dollar to them in hand paid by the said party of the sec- ond part, at the delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have granted, bargained, sold, and conveyed, and by these presents do grant, bargain, sell, and convey, unto the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns, forever, all that certain parcel of land, situate, etc. \^I}e scribing the premises.^ To have and to hold the same, together with all and singular the Tenements, Hereditaments, Privileges and Appui'tenances thereunto 182 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. "belono-ing or in any wise appertaining. And also, all the estate, interest, and claim whatsoever, in law as well as in equit}^ which the party of the first part have in and to the premises hereby conveyed unto the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns, and to their only proper use, benefit and behoof. And the said William Stocker, and 011a, his wife, party of the first part, hereby expressly waive, relinquish, release, ^nd convey unto the said party of the second part, his heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, all right, title, claim, interest, and benefit whatever, in and to the above described premises, and each and every part thereof, which is given by or results from all laws of this state per- taining to the exemption of homesteads. Provided always, and these presents are upon this express condition, that if the said party of the first part, their heirs, executors, or adminis- trators, shall well and truly pay, or cause to be paid, to the said party of the second part, his heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns, the afore- said sums of money, with such interest thereon, at the time and in the manner specified in the above mentioned promissory notes, according to the true intent and meaning thereof, then in that case, these presents and «very thing herein expressed, shall be absolutely null and void. In witness whereof, the said party of the first part hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of James Whitehead, William Stocker. [l.s.] Fred. Samuels. Olla Stocker. [l.s.] WARRANTY DEED WITH COVENANTS. This Indenture, made this sixth day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two, between Henry Best of Lawrence, County of Lawrence, State of Illinois, and Belle, his wife, of the first part, and Charles Pearson of the same place, of the second part, Witnesseth, that the said party of the first part, for and in consideration ■of the sum of Six Thousand dollars in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have granted, bargained, and sold, and by these presents do grant, bargain, and sell, unto the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns, ail the fol- lowing described lot, piece, or parcel of land, situated in the City of Law- rence, in the County of Lawrence, and State of Illinois, to wit : \_Ee)'e describe the property.'] Together with all and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues, and profits thereof; and all the estate, rignt, title, interest, claim, and demand whatsoever, of the said party of the nrst part, either in law or equity, of, in, and to tht; ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 185 above bargained premises, with the hereditaments and appurtenances. To have and to hold the said premises above bargained and described, with the appurtenances, unto the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns, forever. And the said Henry Best, and Belle, his wife, par- ties of the first part, hereby expressly waive, release, and relinquish unto the said party of the second part, his heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, all right, title, claim, interest, and benefit whatever, in and to the above described premises, and each and every part thereof, which is given by or results from all laws of this state pertaining to the exemption of homesteads. And the said Henry Best, and Belle, his wife, party of the first part, for themselves and their heirs, executors, and administrators, do covenant, grant, bargain, and agree, to and with the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns, that at the time of the ensealing and delivery of these presents they were well seized of the premises above conveyed, as of a good, sure, perfect, absolute, and indefeasible estate of inheritance in law, and in fee simple, and have good right, full power, and lawful authority to grant, bargain, sell, and convey the same, in manner and form aforesaid, and that the same are free and clear from all former and other grants, bargains, sales, liens, taxes, assessments, and encumbrances of what kind or nature soever ; and the above bargained premises in the quiet and peaceable possession of the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns, against all and every person or persons lawfully claiming or to claim the whole or any part thereof, the said party of the first part shall and will warrant and forever defend. In testimony whereof, the said parties of the first part have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of Henry Best, [l.s.] Jerry Linklater. Belle Best. [l.s.] QUIT-CLAIM DEED. This Indenture, made the eightli day of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-four, between David Tour, of Piano, County of Kendall, State of Illinois, party of the first part, and Larry O'Brien, of the same place, party of the second part, Witnesseth, that the said party of the first part, for and in considera- tion of Nine Hundred dollars in hand paid by the said party of the sec- ond part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, and the said party of the second part forever released and discharged therefrom, has remised, released, sold, conveyed, and quit-claimed, and by these presents does remise, release, sell, convey, and quit-claim, unto the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns, forever, all the right, title, interest, 18(5 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. claim, and demand, which the said party of the first part has in and to the following described lot, piece, or parcel of land, to wit : \^Here describe the landJ] To have and to hold the same, together with all and singular the appurtenances and privileges thereunto belonging, or in any wise there- unto appertaining, and all the estate, right, title, interest, and claim whatever, of the said party of the first part, either in law or equity, to the only proper use, benefit, and behoof of the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns forever. In witness whereof the said party of the first part hereunto set his hand and seal the day and year above written. »Siigned, sealed and delivered David Tour, [l.s.] in presence of Thomas Ashley. The above forms of Deeds and Mortgage are such as have heretofore been generally used, but the following are much shorter, and are made equally valid by the laws of this state. WARRANTY DEED. The grantor (here insert name or names and place of residence), for and in consideration of (here insert consideration) in hand paid, conveys and warrants to (here insert the grantee's name or names) the following described real estate (here insert description), situated in the County of in the State of Illinois. Dated this day of A. D. 18 . QUIT CLAIM DEED. The grantor (here insert grantor's name or names and place of resi- dence), for the consideration of (here insert consideration) convey and quit-claim to (here insert grantee's name or names) all interest in the following described real estate (here insert description), situated in the County of in the State of Illinois. Dated this day of A. D. 18 . MORTGAGE. The mortgagor (here insert name or names) mortgages and warrants to (here insert name or names of mortgagee or mortgagees), to secure the payment of (here recite the nature and amount of indebtedness, showing when due and the rate of interest, and whether secured by note or other- wise), the following described real estate (here insert description thereof), situated in the County of in the State of Illinois. Dated this day of A. D. 18 . RELEASE. Know all Men by these presents, that I, Peter Ahlund, of Chicago, of the County of Cook, and State of Illinois, for and in consideration of One dollar, to me in hand paid, and for other good and valuable considers- ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 187 tions, the receipt whereof is hereby confessed, do hereby grant, bargain, remise, convey, release, and quit-chaim unto Joseph Carlin of Chicago, of the County of Cook, and State of Illinois, all the right, title, interest, claim, or demand whatsoever, I may have acquired in, through, or by a certain Indenture or Mortgage Deed, bearing date the second day of Jan- uary, A. D. 1871, and recorded in the Recorder's office of said county, in book A of Deeds, page 46, to the premises therein described, and which said Deed was made to secure one certain promissory note, bearing even date with said deed, for the sum of Three Hundred dollars. Witness my hand and seal, this second day of November, A. D. 1874. Peter Ahlund. [l.s.] State of Illinois, ) Cook County. j I, George Saxton, a Notary Public in and for said county, in the state aforesaid, do hereby certify that Peter Ahlund, personally known to me as the same person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing Release, appeared before me this day in [ "^Je AL."^^ ] person, and acknowledged that he signed, sealed, and delivered the said instrument of writing as his free and voluntary act, for the uses and purposes therein set forth. Giv^n under my hand and seal, this second day of November, A. D. 1874. George Saxton, N. P. GENERAL FOJtiVI OF WILL FOR REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY. I, Charles Mansfield, of the Town of Salem, County of Jackson, Scate of Illinois, being aware of the Lincertainty of life, and in failing health, but of sound mind and memory, do make and declare this to be my last will and testament, in manner following, to wit: First. I give, devise and bequeath unto my oldest son, Sidney H. Mansfield, the sum of Two Thousand Dollars, cf bank stock, now in the Third National Bank of Cincinnati, Ohio, and the farm owned by myself in the Town of Buskirk, consisting of one hundred jind sixty acres, with all the houses, tenements, and improvements thereunto belonging ; to have and to hold unto my said son, his heirs and assiguv, forever. Second. I give, devise and bequeath to each of my daughters, Anna Louise Mansfield and Ida Clara Mansfield, each Two Thousand dollars in bank stock, in the Third National Bank of Cincinnati, Ohio, and also each one quarter section of land, owned by myself, situated in tht. Town of Lake, Illinois, and recorded in my name in the Recorder's officvj in the county where such land is located. The north one hundred and sixty acres of said half section is devised to ray eldest daughter, Anna Louise. 6 188 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. Third. I give, devise and bequeath to my son, Frank Alfred Mans- field, Five shares of Railroad stock in the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, and my one hundred and sixty acres of land and saw mill thereon, situ- ated in Manistee, Michigan, with all the improvements and appurtenances thereunto belonging, which said real estate is recorded in my name in the county where situated. Fourth. I give to my wife, Victoria Elizabeth Mansfield, all my household furniture, goods, chattels, and personal property, about my home, not hitherto disposed of, including Eight Thousand dollars of bank stock in the Third National Bank of Cincinnati, Ohio, Fifteen shares in the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, and the free and unrestricted use, pos- session, and benefit of the home farm, so long as she may live, in lieu of dower, to which she is entitled by law ; said farm being my present place of residence. Fifth. I bequeath to my invalid father, Elijah H. Mansfield, the income from rents of my store building at 145 Jackson Street, Chicago, Illinois, during the term of his natural life. Said building and land there- with to revert to my said sons and daughters in equal proportion, upon the demise of my said father. Sixth. It is also my will and desire that, at the death of my wife, Victoria Elizabeth Mansfield, or at any time when she may arrange to relinquish her life interest in the above mentioned homestead, the same may revert to my above named children, or to the lawful heirs of each. And lastly. I nominate and appoint as executors of this my last will and testament, my wife, Victoria Elizabeth Mansfield, and my eldest son, Sidney H. Mansfield. I further direct that my debts and necessary funeral expenses shad be paid from moneys now on deposit in the Savings Bank of Salem, the residue of such moneys to revert to my wife, Victoria Elizabeth Mansfield, for her use forever. In witness whereof, I, Charles Mansfield, to this my last will and testament, have hereunto set my hand and seal, this fourth day of April, eighteen hundred and seventy-two. Signed, sealed, and declared by Charles Mansfield, as and for his last will and testament, in the presence of us, who, at his request, and in his presence, and in the presence of each other, have sub- )>■ scribed our names hereunto as witnesses thereof. Peter A. Schenck, Sycamore, Ills. Frank E. Dent, Salem, Ills. Charles Mansfield, [l.s.] Charles Mansfield, [l.s.] ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. l8l) CODICIL. Whereas I, Charles Mansfield, did, on the fourth da}^ of April, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two, make my last will and testa- ment, I do now, by this writing, add this codicil to my said will, to be taken as a part thereof. Whereas, by the dispensation of Providence, my daughter, Anna Louise, has deceased November fifth, eighteen hundred and seventy-three, and whereas, a son has been born to me, which son is now christened Richard Albert Mansfield, I give and bequeath unto him my gold watch, and all right, interest, and title in lands and bank stock and chattels bequeathed to my deceased daughter, Anna Louise, in the body of this will. In witness whereof, I hereunto place my hand and seal, this tenth day of March, eighteen hundred and seventy -five. Signed, sealed, published, and declared to^ us by the testator, Charles Mansfield, as and for a codicil to be annexed to his last will and testament. And we, at his request, and in his presence, and in the presence of each other, have sub- scribed our names as witnesses thereto, at the date hereof. Frank E. Dent, Salem, Ills. John C. Shay, Salem, Ills. CHURCH ORGANIZATIONS May be legally made by electing or appointing^ according to the usages or customs of the body of which it is a part, at any meeting held for that purpose, two or more of its members as trustees, wardens or vestrymen, and may adopt a corporate name. The chairman or secretary of such meeting shall, as soon as possible, make and file in the office of the recorder of deeds of the county, an affidavit substantially in the following form : State of Illinois, > County. ( I, , do solemnly swear (or affirm, as the case may be), that at a meeting of the members of the (here insert the name of the church, society or congregation as known before organization), held at (here insert place of meeting), in the County of , and State of Illinois, on the day of — ^ , A.D. 18—, for that purpose, the fol- lowing persons were elected (or appointed) [here insert their natnes] trustees, wardens, vestrymen, (or officers by whatever name the}^ may choose to adopt, with powers similar to trustees) according to the rules and usages of such (church, society or congregation), and said 190 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. adopted as its corporate name (here insert name), and at said meeting- this affiant acted as (chairman or secretary, as the case may be). Subscribed and sworn to before me, this day of , A.D. 18—. Name of Affiant which affidavit must be recorded by the recorder, and shall be, or a certi- fied copy made by the recorder, received as evidence of such an incorpo- ration. No certificate of election after the first need he filed for record. The term of office of the trustees and the general government of the society can be determined by the rules or by-laws adopted. Failure to- elect trustees at the time provided does not work a dissolution, but the old trustees hold over. A trustee or trustees may be removed, in the same manner by the society as elections are held by a meeting called for that purpose. The property of the society Vests in the corporation. The corporation may hold, or acquire by purchase or otherwise, land not exceeding ten acres, for the purpose of the society. The trustees have the care, custody and control of the praperty of the corporation, and can, when directed by the society, erect houses or improvements, and repair and alter the same, and may also when so directed by the society, mortgage, encumber, sell and convey any real or personal estate belonging to the corporation, and make all proper contracts in the name of such corporation. But they are prohibited by law from encumbering or inter- fering with any property so as to destroy the effect of any gift, grant,, devise or bequest to the corporation ; but such gifts, grants, devises of bequests, must in all cases be used so as to carry out the object intended by the persons making the same. Existing societies may organize in the manner herein set forth, and have all the advantages thereof. SUGGESTIONS TO THOSE PURCHASING BOOKS BY SUBSCRIPTION, The business of publishing books by subscription having so often been brought into disrepute by agents making representations and declarations not authorized by the publisher ; in order to prevent that as much as possi- ble, and that there may be more general knowledge of the relation such agents bear to their principal, and the law governing such cases, the fol- lowing statement is made : A subscription is in the nature of a contract of mutual promises, by which the subscriber agrees to pay a certain sum for the work described ; the consideration is concurrent that the publisher shall publish the book named, and deliver the same, for which the subscriber is to pay the price named. The nature and character of the tvork is described in the prospectus and by the sample shown. These should be carefully examined before sub- scribing, as they are the basis and consideration of the promise to pay. ABSTRACT OF lL,LINOIS STATE LAWS. and not the too often exaggerated statements of the agent^ who is merely employed to solicit subscriptions, for which he is usually paid a commission for each subscriber, and has yio authority to change or alter the conditions upon which the subscriptions are authorized to be made by the publisher. Should the agent assume to agree to make the subscription conditional or modify or change the agreement of the publisher, as set out by prospectus and sample, in order to hind the principal, the subscriber should see that such conditions or changes are stated over or in connection with his signa- ture, so that the publisher may have notice of the same. All persons making contracts in reference to matters of this kind, or any other business, should remember that the law as to written contracts zs, that they can not be varied, altered or rescinded verbally, but if done at all, must be done in writing. It is therefore important that all persons contem- plating subscribing should distinctly understand that all talk before or after the subscription is made, is not admissible as evidence, and is no part of the contract. Persons employed to solicit subscriptions are known to the trade as canvassers. They are agents appointed to do a particular business in a prescribed mode, and have no authority to do it in any other way to the prejudice of their principal, nor can they bind their principal in any other matter. They cannot collect money, or agree that payment may be made in anything else hut money. They can not extend the time of payment heyond the time of delivery, nor hind their principal for the payment of expenses incurred in their buisness. It would save a great deal of trouble, and often serious loss, if persons, before signing their names to any subscription book, or any written instru- ment, would examine carefully what it is ; if they can not read themselves, should call on some one disinterested who can. 192 CONSTITUTION OP THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND ITS AMENDMENTS. We, the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect uniouy. establish justice, insure domestic trariquillity, provide for the common defense, promote the general ivelfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. Article I. Section 1. All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives. Sec. 2. The House of Representatives shall be composed of mem- bers chosen every second year by the people of the several states, and the- electors in each state shall have the qualifications requisite for electors of the most numerous branch of the State Legislature. No person shall be a representative who shall not have attained to the age of twenty-live years, and been seven years a citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an inhabitant of that state in which he shall be chosen. Representatives and direct taxes shall be apportioned among the sev- eral states Avhicli may be included within this Union, according to their respective numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole number of free persons, including those bound to service for a term of years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three-fifths of all other persons. The actual enumeration shall be made within three years after the first meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subse- quent term of ten j^ears, in such manner as they shall by law direct. The number of Representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty thousand^ but each state shall have at least one Representative ; and until such enumeration shall be made the State of New Hampshire shall be entitled to choose three, Massachusetts eight, Rhode Island and Providence Plan- tations one, Connecticut five, New York six, New Jersey four, Pennsylva- nia eight, Delaware one, Maryland six, Virginia ten, North Carolina five,, and Georgia three. When vacancies happen in the representation from any state, the Executive authority thereof shall issue writs of election to fill such vacancies. The House of Representatives shall choose their Speaker and other officers, and shall have the sole power of impeachment. Sec. 3. The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each state, chosen by the Legislature thereof for six years ; and each Senator shall have one vote. Immediately after they shall be assembled in consequence of the first election, they shall be divided as equally as may be into three classes. The seats of the Senators of the first class shall be vacated at the expira- AND ITS AMENDMENTS. 19d tion of the second year, of the second class at the expiration of the fourth year, and of the third class at the expiration of the sixth year, so that one-third may be chosen every second year; and if vacancies happen by resignation or otherwise, during the recess of the Legislature of any state, the Executive thereof may make temporary appointments until the next meeting of the Legislature, which shall then fill such vacajcies. No person shall be a Senator who shall not have attained to the age of thirty years and been nine years a citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an "inhabitant of that state for which he shall be chosen. The Vice-President of the United States shall be President of the Senate, but shall have no vote unless they be equally divided. The Senate shall choose their other officers, and also a President pro tempore, in the absence of the Vice-President, or when he shall exercise the office of President of the United States. The Senate shall have the sole power to try all impeachments. When sitting for that purpose they shall be on oath or affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried the Chief Justice shall preside. And no person shall be convicted without the concurrence of two-thirds of the members present. Judgment, in cases of impeachment, shall not extend further than to removal from office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust, or profit under the United States ; but the party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to indictment, trial, judgment, and punishment according to law. Sec. 4. The times, places and manner of holding elections for Sen- ators and Representatives shall be prescribed in each state by the Legis- lature thereof ; but the Congress ma}^ at any time by law make or alter such regulations, except as to the places of choosing Senators. The Congress shall assemble at least once in every year, and such meeting shall be on the first Monday in December, unless they shall by law appoint a different day. Sec. 5. Each house shall be the judge of the election, returns, and qualifications of its own members, and a majority of each shall constitute a quorum to do business; but a smaller number may adjourn from day to day, and may be authorized to compel the attendance of absent members in such manner and under such penalties as each house may provide. Each house may determine the rules of its proceedings, punish its members for disorderly behavior, and, with the concurrence of two-thirds, expel a member. Each house shall keep a journal of its proceedings, and from time to time publish the same, excepting such parts as may, in their judgment, require secrecy ; and the yeas and nays of the members of either house on any question shall, at the desire of one-fifth of those present, be entered on the journal. Neither house, during the session of Congress, shall, without the consent of the other, adjourn for more than three days, nor to any other place than that in which the two houses shall be sitting. Sec. 6. The Senators and Kepresentatives shall receive a compen- sation for their services, to be ascertained by law, and paid out of the treasury of the United States. They shall in all cases, except treason. 194 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES felony, and breach of the peace, be privileged from arrest during their attendance at the session of their respective houses, and in going to and returning from the same ; and for any speech or debate in either house they shall not be questioned in any other place. No Senator or Representative shall, during the time for which he was elected, be appointed to any civil office under the authority of the United States, which shall have been created, or the emoluments whereof shall have been increased during such time ; and no person holding any office under the United States, shall be a member of either house during his continuance in office. Sec. 7. All bills for raising revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives ; but the Senate may propose or concur with amendments as on other bills. Every bill which shall have passed the House of Representatives and the Senate, shall, before it becomes a law, be presented to the President 1' the United States ; if he approve he shall sign it ; but if not he shall return it, with his objections, to that house in which it shall have origi- nated, who shall enter the objections at large on their journal, and proceed to reconsider it. If, after such reconsideration two-thirds of that house shall agree to pass the bill, it shall be sent, together with the objec- tions, to the other house, by which it shall likewise be reconsidered, and if approved by two-thirds of that house, it shall become a law. But in all such cases the votes of both houses shall be determined by yeas and nays, and the names of the persons voting for and against the bill shall be entered on the journal of each house respectively. If any bill shall not be returned by the President within ten days (Sundays excepted), after it shall have been presented to him, the same shall be a law, in like manner as if he had signed it, unless the Congress, by their adjournment, prevent its return, in which case it shall not be a law. Every order, resolution, or vote to which the concurrence of the Senate and House of Representatives may be necessary (except on a question of adjournment), shall be presented to the President of the United States, and before the same shall take effect shall be approved by him, or, being disapproved by him, shall be re-passed by two-thirds of the Senate and House of Representatives, according to the rules and lim- itations prescribed in the case of a bill. Sec. 8. The Congress shall have power — To lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts, and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States ; but all duties, imposts, and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States ; To borrow money on the credit of the United States ; To regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several Str.tes, and with the Indian tribes ; To establish a uniform rule of naturalization, and uniform laws on the subject of bankruptcies throughout the United States ; To coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, and fix the standard of weights and measures ; To provide for the punishment of counterfeiting the securities and current coin of the United States; To establish post offices and post roads ; AND ITS AMENDMENTS. 195 To promote the progress of sciences and useful arts, by securing, for I'mited times, to authors and inventors, the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries ; To constitute tribunals inferior to the Supreme Court ; To define and punish piracies and felonies committed on the high seas, and offenses against the law of nations ; To declare war, grant letters of marque and reprisal, and make rules concerning captures on land and water ; To raise and support armies, but no appropriation of money to that use shall be for n longer term than two years ; To provide and maintain a navy ; To make rules for the government and regulation of the land and naval forces ; To provide for calling forth the militia to execute the laws of the Union, suppress insurrections, and repel invasions ; To provide for organizing, arming and disciplining the militia, and for governing such part of them as may be employed in the service of the United States, reserving to the states respectively the appointment of the officers, and the authority of training the militia according to the disci- pline prescribed by Congress ; To exercise legislation in all cases whatsoever over such district (not exceeding ten miles square) as may, by cession of particular states, and the acceptance of Congress, become the seat of the government of the United States, and to exercise Uke authority over all places purchased by the consent of the Legislature of the state in which the same shall be, for the erection of forts, magazines, arsenals, dock yards, and other needful buildings ; and To make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers, and all other powers vested by this Constitution in the government of the United States, or in any depart- ment or officer thereof. Sec. 9. The migration or importation of such persons as any of the states now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight, but a tax or duty may be imposed on such importation, not exceeding ten dollars for each person. The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in cases of rebellion or invasion the public safety may require it. No bill of attainder or ex post facto law shall be passed. No capitation or other direct tax shall be laid, unless in proportion to the census or enumeration hereinbefore directed to be taken. No tax or duty shall be laid on articles exported from any state. No preference shall be given by any regulation of commerce or rev- enue to the ports of one state over those of another ; nor shall vessels bound to or from one state be obliged to enter, clear, or pay duties in another. No money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in consequence of appropriations made by law ; and a regular statement and account of the receipts and expeditures of all public money shall be published from time to time. 196 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES N No title of nobility shall be granted by the United States : and no person holding any office of profit or trust under them, shall, without the consent of the Congress, accept of any present, emolument, office, or title of any kind whatever, irom any king, prince, or foreign state. Sec. 10. No state shall enter into any treaty, alliance, or confeder- ation ; grant letters of marque and reprisal ; coin money ; emit bills of credit ; make anything but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts ; pass any bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law impairing the obligation of contracts, or grant any title of nobility. No state shall, without the consent of the Congress, lay any imposts or duties on imports or exports, except what may be absolutely necessary for executing its inspection laws, and the net produce of all duties and imposts laid by any state on imports or exports, shall be for the use of the Treasury of the United States °, and all such laws shall be subject to tha revision and control of the Congress. No state shall, without the consent of Congress, lay any duty on tonnage, keep troops or ships of war in time of peace, enter into any agreement or compact with another state, or with a foreign power, or engage in war, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent danger as will not admit of delay. Article II. Section 1. The Executive power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America. He shall hold his office during the term of four years, and, together with the Vice-President chosen for the same term, be elected as follows : Each state shall appoint, in such manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a number of Electors, equal to the whole number of Senators and Representatives to which the state may be entitled in the Congress ; but no Senator or Representative, or person holding an office of trust or profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector. [*The Electors shall meet in their respective states, and vote by ballot for two persons, of whom one at least shall not be an inhabitant of the same state with themselves. And they shall make a list of all the persons voted for, and of the number of votes for each ; which list they shall sign and certify, and transmit, sealed, to the seat of the government of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate. The Pres- ident of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives, open all the certificates, and the votes shall then be counted. The person having the greatest number of votes shall be the President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of Electors appointed ; and if there be more than one who have such majority, and have an equal number of votes, then the House of Representatives shall immediately choose by ballot one of them for President ; and if no person have a ma- jority, then from the five highest on the list the said House shall in like manner choose the President. But in choosing the President, the vote shall be taken b}^ states, the representation from each state having one vote ; a quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member or members from two-thirds of the states, and a majority of all the states shall be necessary to a choice. In every case, after the choice of the President, • This clause between.brackets has been superseded and annulled by the Twelfth amendment. AND ITS AMENDMENTS. 19T the person having the greatest number of votes of the Electors shall be- the Vice-President. But if there should remain two or more who have equal votes, the Senate shall choose from them by ballot the Vice-Presi- dent.] The Congress may determine the time of choosing the Electors, and the day on which they shall give their votes ; which day shall be the same throughout the United States. No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President ; neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained the age of thirty-five years, and been fourteen years a resident within the United States. In case of the removal of the President from office, or of his death, resignation, or inability to discharge the powers and duties of the said office, the same shall devolve on the Vice-Puesident, and the Congress- may by law provide for the case of removal, death, resignation, or inabil- ity, both of the President and Vice-President, declaring what officer shall then act as President, and such officer shall act accordingly, until the dis- ability be removed, or a President shall be elected. The President shall, at stated times, receive for his services a com- pensation which shall neither be increased nor diminished during the period for which he shall have been elected, and he shall not receive within that period any other emolument from the United States or any of them. Before he enters on the execution of his office, he shall take the fol- lowing oath or affirmation : " I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States." Sec. 2. The President shall be commander in chief of the army and navy of the United States, and of the militia of the several states, when called into the actual service of the United States; he may require the opinion, in writing, of the principal officer in each of the executive departments, upon any subject relating to the duties of their respective- offices, and he shall have power to grant reprieves and pardon for offenses against the United States, ex-cept in cases of impeachment. He shall have power, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to make treaties, provided two-thirds of the Senators present con- cur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the advice of the Senate, shall appoint ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls, judges of the Supreme Court, and all other officers of the United States whose appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by law ; but the Congress may by law vest the appointment of such inferior officers as they think proper in the President alone, in the courts of law, or in the heads of departments. The President shall have power to fill up all vacancies that may happen during the recess of the Senate, by granting commissions which, shall expire at the end of their next session. Sec. 3. He shall from time to time give to the Congress information- of the state of the Union, and recommend to their consideration such mea- sures as he shall judge necessary and expedient ; he may on extraordinary 198 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES ■occasions convene both houses, or either of them, and in case of disagree- ment between them, Avith respect to the time of adjournment, he may .adjourn them to such time as he shall think proper ; he shall receive ambassadors and other public ministers ; he shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed, and shall commission all the of^cers of the United ■States. Sec. 4. The President, Vice-President, and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and con- viction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors. Article III. Section I. The judicial power of the United States shall be vested in one Supreme Court, and such inferior courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. The Judges, both of the Supreme and inferior courts, shall hold their offices during good behavior, and shall, at stated times, receive for their services a compensation, which shall not be diminished during their continuance in office. Sec. 2. The judicial power shall extend to all cases, in law and equity, arising under this Constitution, the laws of the United States, and treaties made, or which shall be made, under their authority ; to all cases affecting ambassadors, other public ministers, and consuls ; to all cases of admiralty and maritime jurisdiction ; to controversies to which the United States shall be a party ; to controversies between two or more states ; between a state and citizens of another state ; between citizens of differ- ent states ; between citizens of the same state claiming lands under grants of different states, and between a state or the citizens thereof, and foreign states, citizens, or subjects. In all cases affecting ambassadors, other public ministers, and consuls, and those in which a state shall be a party, the Supreme Court shall have original jurisdiction. In all the other cases before mentioned, the Supreme Court shall have appellate jurisdiction, both as to law and fact, with such exceptions and under such regulations as the Congress shall make. The trial of all crimes, except in cases of impeachment, shall be by jury ; and such trial shall be held in the state where the said crimes shali have been committed ; but when not committed within any state, the trial shall be at such place or places as the Congress may by law have directed. Sec. 3. Treason against the United States shall consist only in levy- ing war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the tes- timony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court. The Congress shall have power to declare the punishment of treason, but no attainder of treason shall work corruption of blood, or forfeiture, except during the life of the person attainted. Article IV. Section 1. Full faith and credit shall be given in each state to the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other state. And AND ITS AMENDMENTS. 19^ tlie Congress may, by general laws, prescribe the manner in which such acts, records, and proceedings shall be proved, and the effect thereof. Sec. 2. The citizens of each state shall be entitled to all privileges- and immunities of citizens in the several states. A person charged in any state with treason, felony, or other crime^ who shall flee from justice and be found in another state, shall, on demand of the executive authority of the state from which he fled, be delivered up, to be removed to the state having jurisdicl'on of the crime. No person held to service or labor in one state, under the laws thereof escaping into another, shall, in consequence of any law or regulation therein, be discharged from such service or labor, but shall be delivered up on the claim of the party to whom such service or labor may be due. Sec. 3. New states may be admitted by the Congress into this Union ^ but no new state shall be formed or erected within the jurisdiction of any other state ; nor any state be formed by the junction of two or more states,, or parts of states, without the consent of the Legislatures of the states, concerned, as well as of. the Congress. The Congress shall have power to dispose of and make all needful rules and regulations respecting the territor}' or other property belonging- to the United States ; and nothing in this Constitution shall be so construed as to prejudice any claims of the United States or of any particular state. Sec. 4. The United States shall guarantee to every state in this. Union a republican form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasion, and on application of the Legislature, or of the Execu- tive (when the Legislature can not be convened), against domestic vio- lence. Article V. The Congress, whenever two-thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this Constitution, or, on the ap- plication of the Legislatures of two-thirds of the several states, shall call a convention for proposing amendments, which, in either case, shall be valid to all intents and purposes as part of this Constitution, when rati- fied by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several states, or by con- ventions in three-fourths thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratifi- cation may be proposed by the Congress. Provided that no amendment which may be made prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eiq-ht shall in anv manner affect the first and fourth clauses in the ninth section of the first article ; and that no state, without its consent, shall be deprived of its equal suffrage in the Senate. Article VI. All debts contracted and engagements entered into before the adop- tion of this Constitution shall be as valid against the United States under this Constitution as under the Confederation. This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof, and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land ; and the Judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any state to the contrary notwithstanding. The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the mem- 7 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATliU ^ers of the several state Legislatures, and all executive and judicial offi- <;ers, both of the United States and of the several states, shall be bound b}^ oath or affirmation to support this Constitution ; but no_ religious test .«hall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States. Article VII. The ratification of the Conventions of nine states shall be sufficient for the establishment of this Constitution between the states so ratifying the same. Done in convention by the unanimous consent of the states present, the seventeenth day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-seven, and of the independence of the United States of America the twelfth. In witness whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names. GEO. WASHINGTON, President a7id Deputy from Virginia. Neiv Hampshire. John Langdon, Nicholas Gilman. Massachusetts. Nathaniel Gorham, RuFus King. Connecticut. Wm. Sam'l Johnson, EoGER Sherman. New York. Alexander Hamilton. New Jersey. WiL. Livingston, Wm. Paterson, David Brearley, JoNA. Dayton. Pennsylvania. B. Franklin, RoBT. Morris, Thos. Fitzsimons, James Wilson, Thos. Mifflin, Geo. Clymer, Jared Ingersoll, Gouv. Morris. Delaware. Geo. Read, John Dickinson, Jaco. Broom, Gunning Bedford, Jr., Richard Bassett. Maryland. James M' Henry, Danl. Carroll, Dan. of St. Thos. Jenifer. Virginia. John Blair, James Madison, Jr. North Carolina. Wm. Blount, Hu. Williamson, Rich'd Dobbs Spaight. South Carolina. J. Rutledge, Charles Pinckney, Chas. Cotesworth Pinckney, Pierce Butler. Georgia. William Few, Abr. Baldwin. WILLIAM JACKSON, Secretary. AND ITS AJVIENDMENTS. 203 Articles in Addition to and Amendatory of the Constitution OF THE United States of America. Proposed hy Congress and ratified hy the Legislatures of the several states, pursuant to the fifth article of the original Constitution. Article I. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Article II. A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. Article III. No soldier shall, in time of peace, be quartered in any house without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war but in a manner to be pre- scribed by law. Article IV. The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be vio- lated ; and no warrants shall issue but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched and the persons or things to be seized. Article V. No person shall be held to answer for a capital or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia when in actual service in time of war or public danger ; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb ; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law ; nor shall private .property be taken for public use, without just compensation. Article VI. In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation ; to be confronted with the witnesses against him ; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor; and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense. Article VII. In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact 204 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES tried by a jury shall be otherwise re-examined in any court of the United States than according to the rules of the common law. Article VIII. Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted. Article IX. The enumeration, in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. Article X. The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people. Article XI. The judicial power of the United States shall not be construed to extend to any suit in law or equity commenced or prosecuted against one of the United States by citizens of another state, or by citizens or sub- jects of any foreign state. Article XII. The Electors shall meet in their respective states and vote by ballot for President and Vice-President, one of whom, at least, shall not be an inhabitant of the same state with themselves ; they shall name in their ballots the person to be voted for as president, and in distinct ballots the person voted for as Vice-President, and they shall make distinct lists of all persons voted for as President, and of all persons voted for as Vice- President, and of the number of votes for each, which list they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the seat of the government of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate. The President of the Senate shall, in presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates, and the votes shall then be counted. The person having the greatest number of votes for President shall be the President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of Electors appointed ; and if no person have such majority, then from the persons having the highest number not exceeding three on the list of those voted for as President, the House of Representatives shall choose immediately, by ballot, the President. But in choosing the President, the votes shall be taken by States, the representation from each state having one vote; a quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member or members from two- thirds of the states, and a majority of all the states shall be necessary to a choice. And if the House of Representatives shall not choose a Presi- dent whenever the right of choice shall devolve upon them, before the fourth day of March next following, then the Vice-President shall act as President, as in the case of the death or other constitutional disability of the President. The person having tlie greatest number of votes as Vice- President, shall be the Vice-President, if such number be the majority of the whole number of electors appointed, and if no person have a major- AND ITS AMENDMENTS. 205 ity^ then from the two highest numbers on the list, the Senate shall choose the Vice-President ; a quorum for the purpose shall consist of two-thirds of the whole number of Senators, and a majority of the whole number shall be necessary to a choice. But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States. Article XIII. Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime, whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their juris- diction. Sec. 2. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appro- priate legislation. Article XIV. Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States, and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law, nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. Sec. 2. Representatives shall be appointed among the several states according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of per- sons in each state, excluding Indians not taxed ; but when the right to vote at any election for the choice of Electors for President and Vice- President of the United States, Representatives in Congress, the execu- tive and judicial officers of a state, or the members of the Legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such state, being twenty-one years of age and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged except for participation in rebellion or other crimes, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the num- ber of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such state. Sec. 3. No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or Elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previ- ously taken an oath as a Member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any state Legislature, or as an execu- tive or judicial officer of any state to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebelhon against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress mav by a vote of two-thirds of each house, remove such disability. Sec. 4. The validity of the public debt of the United States author- ized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and boun- ties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be ques- tioned. But neither the United States nor any state shall pay any debt or obligation incurred in the aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any loss or emancipation of any slave, but such debts, obligations, and claims shall be held illegal and void. 20G CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. Sec. 5. The Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this act. Article XV. Section 1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States, or by any state, on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. Sec. 2. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appro- priate legislation. ELECTORS OF PRESIDENT AND VICE-PRESIDENT. November 7, 1876. COUNTIES. Adams , Alexander.., Bond Boone Brown Bureau Calhoun Carroll Champaign.. Christian Clarlc Clay Clinton Coles Cook Crawford Cumberland. DeKalb DeWitt Douglas DuPage Edgar Edwards Effingham... Fayrrte Foru Frpiklin Fulton Gallatin Greene Grundy Hamilton Hancock Hardin Henderson... Henry Iroquois Jackson Jasper Jetferson Jersey Jo Daviess... Johnson ... . Kane Kankakee ... Kendall Knox Lake La .Salle Lawrence 1-i 5 a; 0^ " C^ -H C CS u-S^ CD c;-2 c"2 .3 ■Jlo *>— s G.) " ^ < o &^& 2iiS — "c ■S* X tf H"*" C,-' y:S- < COUNTIES. C """*-> Sid c §53g «-gs S« o Tilden Hendrl Dcnioc si® eg ~ o a 4953 1219 1520 1965 944 3719 441 2231 1209 4530 2501 1814 1416 1329 2957 36548 1355 1145 3679 1928 1631 2129 2715 970 1145 1881 1601 966 4187 703 1695 1996 627 3496 330 1315 4177 3768 2040 1346 1345 2907 1367 5398 2627 1869 .5235 2619 6277 1198 3087 6308 1280 1142 363 1495 2218 900 918 1618 3103 3287 2197 1541 1989 2822 39240 1643 1407 1413 1174 1357 1276 2883 466 2265 2421 742 1.302 4669 1140 3160 1142 1433 4307 611 1015 1928 2578 2071 41 17i.... 17 43 183 145 1667 2166 2276 893 2850 1363 524 2632 1647 6001 1329 2080 111 74 604 207 236 112 132 102 277 38 129 65 746 94 25 161 61 43 57 204 391 89 282 1 108 770 134 1 340 249 106 647 140 61 172 26 .309 141 55 514 27 100 2 1 2 11 10 Livingston i 3550 Logan I 2788 Macon 3120 Macoupin 3567 Madison. Marion Marshall Mason Massac McDonough.. McHenry McLean Menard Mercer Monroe Montgomery . Morgan Moultrie Ogle Peoria Pope Perry Piatt Pike Pulaski Putnam Randolph Richland Rock Island... Saline Sangamon .... Schuyler Scott Shelby Stark St. Clair Stephenson... Tazewell Union Vermilion Wabash Warren Washington.. Wayne White Whiteside Will Williamson... Winnebago... Woodford 4554 2009 1553 1566 1231 2952 3465 6363 1115 2209 845 2486 3069 1245 3833 4665 1319 1541 1807 8055 1043 646 2357 1410 3912 980 4851 1522 910 2069 1140 4708 3198 2850 978 4372 650 2795 1911 1570 1297 3851 4770 1672 4505 1733 Total 1275958 257099 16951 130 157 2134 2595 2782 4076 4730 2444 14.30 1939 793 2811 1874 4410 1657 1428 1651 3013 3174 1672 1921 5443 800 1383 1316 4040 772 459 2589 1552 2838 1081 584 1804 1269 3553 786 5891 2758 3171 2155 3031 936 1984 1671 1751 2066 2131 3999 1644 1568 2105 1170 i 37 268 16 114 39 1 209 135 1 86 3 20 347 . . . . 34 3 51H 8 7 10 90 3 201 109 .... 3 28 .... 104 « 95 5 .... 48 .... 117 . 35 1 4 14 2 .... .... 55 ■ • • . • • * * 27 .... 641 > > > > 29 .... 115 182 .... .... 341 .... 96 99 .... 1 26 » 44 2 a 3 288 9 207 .... 138 . .. . 1 39 482 .... . . • 469 4 133 s 1 677 • * . . 41 , _ 70 13 2 237 1 4 Practical Rules for Every Day Use. Hoiv to find the gain -or loss per cent, when the cost and selling price tare given. Rule. — Find the difference between the cost and selling price, which will be the gain or loss. Annex two ciphers to the gain or loss, and divide it by the cost price ; the result will be the gain or loss per cent. How to change gold into currency. Rule. — Multiply the given sum of gold by the price of gold. How to change currency into gold. Divide the amount in currency by the price of gold. How to find each partner's share of the gain or loss in a copartnership husiness. Rule. — Divide the whole gain or loss by the entire stock, the quo- tient will be the gain or loss per cent. Multipl}^ each partner's stock by this per cent., the result will be each one's share of the gain or loss. How to find gross and net weight and price of hogs. A short and simple method for finding the net weight., or price of hogs^ when the gross weight or price is given, and vice versa. Note.— It is generally assumed that the gross weight of Hogs diininislied by 1-5 or 20 per cent, of itself gives the net weight, and the net weight increased by K or 25 per cent, of itself equals the «;ross weight. To find the net weight or gross price. Multiply the given number by .8 (tenths.) To find the gross tveight or net price. Divide the given number by .8 (tenths.) How to find the capacity of a granary, bin, or wagon-bed. Rule. — Multiply (by short method) the nnmber of cubic feet by 6308, and point off one decimal place — the result will be the correct answer in bushels and tenths of a bushel. For only an approximate ansiver, multiply the cubic feet by 8, and point off one decimal place. How to find the contents of a corn-crib. Rule. — Multiply the number of cubic feet by 54, short method, or (207) 208 MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION. by 4^ ordinary method, and point off one decimal place — the result wil> be the answer in bushels. Note.— Ill estliiiatiiiK corn in tlie car, the quaUty and the time it lias been cribbed must he taken Into consideration, since corn will shrink considerahly during the Winter and Spring. This rule generally holds good for corn measured at the time it is cribbed, provided it is sound andcleau. Hoiv to find the contents of a cistern or tank. Rule. — Multiply the square of the mean diameter by the depth (ali m feet) and this product by 5681 (short method), and point off ONE decimal place — the result will be the contents in barrels of 31-i gallons. How to find the contents of a barrel or cask. Rule. — Under the square of the mean diameter, write the length, (all in inches) in reversed order, so that its units will fall under the- tens ; multiply by short method, and this product again by 430 ; point, off one decimal place, and the result will be the answer in wine gallons. How to measure > boards. Rule. — Multiply the length (in feet) by the width (in inches) and divide the product by 12 — the result will be the contents in square feet. How to measure scantlings, joists, planks, sills, etc. Rule. — Multiply the width, the thickness, and the length together (the width and thickness in inches, and the length in feet), and divide- the product by 12 — the result will be square feet. How to find the number of acres in a body of land. Rule. — Multiply the length by the width (in rods), and divide the- product by 160 (carrying the division to 2 decimal places if there is ar remainder) ; the result will be the answer in acres and hundredths. When the opposite sides of a piece of land are of unequal length, add them together and take one-half for the mean length or width. How to find the number of square yards in a floor or ivall. Rule. — Multiply the length by the width or height (in feet), and divide the product by 9, the result will be square yards. How to find the number of bricks required in a building. Rule. — Multiply the number of cubic feet by 22.^. The number of cubic feet is found by multiplying the length, height and thickness (in feet) together. Bricks are usually made 8 inches long, 4 inches wide, and two inches thick ; hence, it requires 27 bricks to make a cubic foot without mortar, but it is generally assumed that the mortar fills 1-6 of the space. How to find the number of shingles required in a roof. Rule. — Multiply the number of square feet in the roof by 8, if the shingles are exposed 4i inches, or by 7 1-5 if exposed 5 inches. To find the number of square feet, multiply the length of the roof by twice the length of the rafters. MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION. 209 To find the length of the rafters, at one-fourth pitch, multiply the width of the building by .56 (hundredths) ; at one-third pitch, by .6 (tenths) ; at two-fifths pitch, by .64 (hundredths) ; at one-half pitch, by .71 (hundredths). This gives the length of the rafters from the apex to the end of the wall, and whatever they are to project must be taken into consideration. Note.— By Jf or J4 pitch is meant tliat the apex or comb of the roof is to be K or M the widtli of the •building higher than the walls or base of the rafters. How to reckon the cost of hay. Rule. — Multiply the number of pounds by half the price per ton, and remove the decimal point three places to the left. How to measure grain. Rule. — Level the grain ; ascertain the space it occupies in cubic feet ; multiply the number of cubic feet by 8, and point off one place to the left. Note.— Exactness requires the addition to every three hundred bushels of one extra bushel. The foregoing rule may be used for finding the number of gallons, by multiplying the number of bushels by 8. If the corn in the box is in the ear, divide the answer by 2, to find the number of bushels of shelled corn, because it requires 2 bushels of eai (Corn to make 1 of shelled corn. Rapid rules for measuring land without instruments. In measuring land, the first thing to ascertain is the contents of any ■given plot in square j^ards ; then, given the number of yards, find out the number of rods and acres. The most ancient and simplest measure of distance is a step. Now, «,n ordinary-sized man can train himself to cover one yard at a stride, on the average, with sufficient accuracy for ordinary purposes. To make use of this means of measuring distances, it is essential to walk in a straight line ; to do this, fix the eye on two objects in a line •straight ahead, one comparatively near, the other remote ; and, in walk- ing, keep these objects constantly in line. Farmers and others by adopting the following simple and ingenious con- trivance., may always carry with them the scale to construct a correct yard ■measure. Take a foot rule, and commencing at the base of the little finger of the left hand, mark the quarters of the foot on the outer borders of the left arm, pricking in the marks with indelible ink. To find hoiv many rods in length will make an acre., the width being given. Rule. — Divide 160 by the width, and the quotient will be the answer. 210 MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION. How to find the number of acres in any plot of land^ the number of rod» being given. Rule. — Divide the number of rods by 8, multiply the quotient by 5^ and remove the decimal point two places to the left. The diameter being given, to find the circumference. Rule. — Multiply the diameter by 3 1-7. Sow to find the diameter, ivhen the circumference is given. Rule. — Divide the circumference by 3 1-7. To find hotv many solid feet a round stick of timber of the same thick- ness throughout tvill contain when squared. Rule. — Square half the diameter in inches, multiply by 2, multiply by the length in feet, and divide the product by 144. General rule for measuring timber, to find the solid contents in feet. Rule. — Multiply the depth in inches by the breadth in inches, and then multiply by the length in feet, and divide by 144. To find the number of feet of timber in trees with the bark on. Rule. — Multiply the square of one-fifth of the circumference Id inches, by twice the length, in feet, and divide by 144. Deduct 1-10 to 1-15 according to the thickness of the bark. Hotvard s neiv rule for computing interest. Rule. — The reciprocal of the rate is the time for which the interest on any sum of money will be shown by simply removing the decimal point two places to the left ; for ten times that time, remove the point one place to the left ; for 1-10 of the same time, remove the point three places to the left. Increase or diminish the results to suit the time given. Note.— The reciprocal of the rate isfouiul by inverting t lie rate ; thus 3 per cent, per month, in- verted, becomes >i of a month, or 10 days. When the rate is expressed by one figure, always ^yrite it thus : 3-1,. three ones. Rule for converting English into American currency. Multiply the pounds, with the shillings and pence stated in decimals,, by 400 plus the premium in fourths, and divide the product by 90. U. S. GOVERNMENT LAND MEASURE. A township — 36 sections each a mile square. A section — 640 acres. A quarter section, half a mile square — 160 acres. An eighth section, half a mile long, north and south, and a quarter of a mile wide — 80 acres. A sixteenth section, a quarter of a mile square — 40 acres. MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION. 211 The sections are all numbered 1 to 36, commencing at the north-east corner. The sections are divided into quarters, which are named by the cardinal points. The quarters are divided in the same way. The de- scription of a forty acre lot would read : The south half of the west half of the south-west quarter of section 1 in township 24, north of range 7 west, or as the case might be; and sometimes will fall short and sometimes overrun the number of acres it is supposed to contain. The nautical mile is 795 4-5 feet longer than the common mile. SURVEYORS' MEASURE. 7 92-100 inches make 1 link. 25 links " 1 rod. 4 rods " 1 chain. 80 chains " 1 mile. Note. — A chain is 100 links, equal to 4 rods or 66 feet. Shoemakers formerly used a subdivision of the inch called a barley- corn ; three of which made an inch. Horses are measured directly over the fore feet, and the standard of measure is four inches — called a hand. In Biblical and other old measurements, the term span is sometimes used, which is a ler.gth of nine inches. The sacred cubit of the Jews was 24.024 inches in length. The common cubit of the Jews was 21.704 inches in length. A pace is equal to a j^ard or 36 inches. A fathom is equal to 6 feet. A league is three miles, but its length is variable, for it is strictly speaking a nautical term, and should be three geographical miles, equal to 3.45 statute miles, but when used on land, three statute miles are said to be a league. In cloth measure an aune is equal to li yards, or 45 inches. An Amsterdam ell is equal to 26.796 inches. A Trieste ell is equal to 25.284 inches. A Brabant ell is equal to 27.116 inches. HOW TO KEEP ACCOUNTS. Every farmer and mechanic, whether he does much or little business, should keep a record of his transactions in a clear and systematic man- ner. For the benefit of those who have not had the opportunity of ac- quiring a primary knowledge of the principles of book-keeping, we here present a simple form of keeping accounts which is easil}' comprehended, unci well adapted to record the business transactions of farmers, mechanics and laborers. 212 MISCELLA]SlEOUS INFORMATION. 1875. A. H. JACKSON, Di. Cv. Jan. 10 To 7 bushels Wheat at $1.25 (( 17 Feb. 4 (( 4 March 8 a 8 a 13 (C 27 April a 9 9 May a 6 24 July 4 By shoeing span of Horses To 14 bushels Oats at Too lbs. Butter at By new Harrow By sharpening 2 Plows By new Double-Tree To Cow and Calf. To half ton of Hay By Cash - - - - - By repairing Corn-Planter. To one Sow with Pigs Bv Cash, to balance account $ .45 .25 18 6 1 48 6 17 75 30 00 25 50 $88 05 12 18 25 4 35 $88 50 00 40 25 00 75 15 05 1875. CASSA MASON, I>i- Ci March 21]% " 21 i( 23 May 1 t< 1 June 19 (( 26 July 10 ^l 29 Aug. 12 (( 12 Sept. 1 3 davs' labor - at $1.25 To 2 Shoats at 3.00 To 18 bushels Corn at .45 By 1 month's Labor To Cash By 8 days' Mowing at $1.50 To 50 lbs. Flour - To 27 lbs. Meat$ .10 By 9 days' Harvesting at 2.00 By 6 days' Labor .- at 1.50 To Cash.... - -- To Cash to balance account $3 75 $6 00 8 10 25 00 10 00 12 00 2 75 2 70 18 00 9 00 20 00 18 20 $67 $67 75 75 INTEREST TxVBLE. A SIMPLE RULE FOr. ACCURATELY COMPUTINfJ INTEREST AT ANV GIVEN I'Eli CENT. FOR ANY Length op iimk. MultiDlvtlie prirtcipdl (amount of money at uitcrest) by the time reduced to days; then divide this proditct bythequoflarolKedhydividinK360(the of days in the interest year) by the p.r cent, ot .nterest. a,nd the quotient thus obtained will lie the required interest. ILLUSTRATION. Solution. $462.50 .48 370000 ) 6)360 \ 185000 60 /$223. 0000(83.70 180 420 420 ~00 cent., by 45; and in like manner for any other per cent MISCELLANEOUS TABLE. 12 units, or things, 1 Dozen. 12 dozen, 1 Gross. 20 things, 1 Score. 196 pounds, 1 Barrel of Flour. 200 pounds, 1 Barrel of Pork. 56 pounds, 1 Firkin of Butter. 24 sheets of i)aper. 1 Quire. 20 quires paper 1 Keani. 4 ft. wide, 4 ft. high, and 8 ft. long. 1 Cord Wood. MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION. 213 NAMES OF THE STATES OF THE UNION, AND THEIR SIGNIFICATIONS, Virginia. — The oldest of the States, was so called in honor of Queen Elizabeth, the "Virgin Queen," in whose reign Sir Walter Raleigh made his first attempt to colonize that region. Florida. — Ponce de Leon landed on the coast of Florida on Easter Sunday, and called the country in commemoration of the day, which was the Pasqua Florida of the Spaniards, or " Feast of Flowers." Louisiana Avas called after Louis the Fourteenth, who at one time owned that section of the country, Alabama was so named by the Indians, and signifies " Here we Rest." Mississippi is likewise an Indian name, meaning " Long River." Arkansas, from Kansas, the Indian word for " smoky water." Its prefix was really arc, the French word for " bow." The Carolinas were originally one tract, and were called "Carolana," after Charles the Ninth of France. G-eorgia owes its name to George the Second of England, who first established a colony there in 1732. Tennessee is the Indian name for the " River of the Bend," i. e., the Mississippi which forms its western boundary. Kentucky is the Indian name for " at the head of the river." Ohio means " beautiful ; " Iowa, " drowsy ones ; " Minnesota, " cloudy water," and Wisco7isi7i, " wild-rushing channel." Illifwis is derived from the Indian word illini, men, and the French suffix ois, together signifying "tribe of men." Michigan was called by the name given the lake, fish-weir, which was so styled from its fancied resemblance to a fish trap. Missouri is from the Indian word " muddy," which more properly applies to the river that flows through it. Oregon owes its Indian name also to its principal river. Cortes named California. Massachusetts is the Indian for " The country around the great hills." Connecticut, from the Indian Quon-ch-ta-Cut, signifying "Long River." Maryland, after Henrietta Maria, Queen of Charles the First, of England. New York was named by the Duke of York. Pennsylvania means " Penn's woods," and was so called after William Penn, its orignal owner. 214 MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION. Dclaivare after Lord De La Ware. Netv Jersei/, so called in honor of Sir George Carteret, who was Governor of the Island of Jersey, in the British Channel. Maine was called after the province of Maine in France, in compli- ment of Queen Henrietta of England, who owned that province. Vermont, from the French word Vert Mont, signifying Green Mountain. New Hampshire, from Hampshire county in England. It was. formerly called Laconia. The little State of Rhode Island owes its name to the Island of Rhodes in the Mediterranean, which domain it is said to greatly resemble. Texas is the American word for the Mexican name by which all that section of the country was called before it was ceded to the United States. POPULATION OF THE UNITED STATES. States and Territories. Alabama Arkansas California Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia jllinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire.. New.lPrsey New York North Carolina ... Ohio OrcBDU I'ciiiisylvaMia Kliode Island Soutli Carolina — Tennessee Texas Vermont VirRinia West Vir(,'inia Wisconsin Arizona Colorada I)akol;i District of Columbia. Idaho Montana New Mexico Ulali W»^hi ngton Wyoming Total Population. Total States 38,113,253 996. 484. 560, 537, 125, 187. 1.184, 2,539, 1,680, 1,191, 364. 1,321, 726, 626, 780, 1,457, 1,184. 439. 827, 1,721, 122, 42 318. 906. 4,382. 1,071, 2,66,5. 90, 3,521, 217. 705 1,258 818 330 1,225, 442 1,054 992 471 247 454 015 748 109 891 637 792 399 Oil 915 915 894 351 059 06 922 295 993 491 300 096 759 361 260 923 791 353 606 520 ,579 551 ,163 014 670 9,658 39,864 14,181 131.700 14,999 . 20,595 91.874 86,786 23,955 9,118 Total Territories. 442 ,730 Total United States 38.555.983 POPULATION OF FIFTY PRINCIPAL CITIES. Cities. New York, N. Y Philadelphia, Pa Brooklyn, N. Y St. Louis, Mo Chicago. Ill Baltimore, Md Boston, Mass Cincinnati. Ohio New Orleans, La. ... San Francisco, Cal... Buffalo, N. Y Washington. D. C... Newark. N. ,1 Louisville, Ky Cleveland. Oliio Pittsburg. Pa ■Jersey City, N. J — Detroit, Mich Milwaukee, Wis Albany. N. Y Providence, R. I Rochester, N. Y Allegheny, Pa Richmond, Va New Haven, C'onn... Charleston. S. C Indianapolis, Ind — Troy, N. Y Syracuse, N. Y Worcester, Mass Lowell. Mass Memphis, Tenn Cambridge, Mass Hartford. Conn ■Scranton. Pa Reading, Pa Paterson. N. J Kansas City, Mo Moiulo, Ala Toledo. Ohio Portland. Me Columbus, Ohio Wilmington, Del Dayton, Ohio Lawrence, Mass Utica, N. Y Charlestown, Mass. Savannali, Ga Lynn. Mass F'all River, Mass.... Aggregate Population. 942.292 674,022 396,099 310,864 298. 97T 267,354 2,50,526 216,239 191,418 149.473 117,714 109,199 10,5,059 100,753 92.829 86,076 82,546 79,577 71,440 69,422 68.904 62.386 53.180 51.038 50, 840 48,956 48,244 46,465 43.051 41,105 40,928 40.226 39,634 37,180 35.092 33,930 33,579 32,260 32.034 31,584 31,418 31,274 30.841 ,30.47S 28,921 28,804 28,323 28,235 28,233 26,766 MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION. 21c POPULATION OF THE UNITED STATES. States A^■D Territories. States. Alabama Arkansas (.'alifDiiiia 1 Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massacliusetts.. Michigan* Minnesota Jlississijipi Missouri Nebraslia Nevada 1 New Hampshire. New Jersey New York North Carolina. . Ohio Oregon * Last Census Area in s 7.701 :3,235 3.401 20,003 568 23,073 20.841 930 23.686 30.534 1.008 135.362 59.027 1.737 52,476 72.212 2,576 8,665 418 31.658 8.030 6.228 137,985 20.426 1,452,905 244,220 1,064,0.52 466,985 337.769 3.030.404 234,041 1,:367 965 1,146,980 3.924.720 1,88:5,336 614,582 1,019,994 813.257 2,13:3.111 570,427 581.964 40:J,075 1.023.849 1.311.635 1,680,225 331,981 2,107,615 352,371 620.247 962,525 565,671 65:j.209 1,508,763 509,491 1,051.313 295,971 735, 25J 1,510,401 172.651 1,712,901 2,541,68:1 799,811- 611,951 461,345 887,981 519,120 1,286,326 34:3,29b 674,33:1 637.39! 681.26'r 2,708,3U 517,35::; 3,077.02b 656. 3ti: 1,656.97b 1.182.691 4,221, 64( 2.214.46b 1.051.544 2.127,.549 1.034.057 1.182,90:^ 2,648.721 13:3,12b 1.362.491 1,145.00S 3.723.375 1,973 88' 2,054.96',: 543,71b 1., 527, 898 ;3, 198, 835 1,753.141 1,787,066 969,224 384.44b 1,029.725 1,399.18b 31.5.95b 195,73.': 334,259 510.081- 482.594 1,459.653 .531.51b 4,388.763 440,975 752.771 2.082.578 1,149 878 1,42:3.121 1.615,679 2,062,053 679,753 2,818.027 421,361 2,982,853 836.115 1,179,291 870,521 2,162,943 1,131.458 655,710 1,237.406 2.154 185 759,074 21,627 461,097 579,127 ■ 70,852 987,426 26.231 775.10c 168.784 721.375 383.821 212. 62& 269.945 446.324 31.5-954 1,584.225 136,^:55 171,880 1,087,074 216,756 225,074 860.809 290,679 129,152 386,07:} 497,395 154,58* 222,426 261,390 27,164 64.029 269.332 203.464 579,599 26.991 229.286 668.367 430,746 149,931 149,214 285,949 71,770 874,016 74,525 785,608 772,408 468,890 787,952 699,069 1,509,642 131,386 903,197 659.:30(> 490,226 454.648. 459,417 475,252 389.446 362,604 272,660 22,097 280,717 910.397 911.127 235.091 452.8891 152,251 668,424 198,724 263,992 141,540 334,892 338,760 1:3(1,610 161.419 67,886 16,511 86,519 414.487 204.634 276.575 69.793 397.718 119.359 13.462 637.812 316.726 476,851 960,620 50.5.841 124.4 73 436.051 110,793 601.054 533.398 ■ 404,482 119.653 880 838 1,868 682 180.986 868,903 744,581 PLEASANT GROVE IP. HISTORY OE COLES COUNTY. HISTORY is the camera througli which we view the events of countries and people. It records the noble deeds of the soldier and the states- man, and stands the proud monument of a country's greatness. It is history, sacred though it be, that tells us of the glory of Eden, and the purity and happiness of the first pair in its Elysian fields, and likewise of their trans- gression and fall. And through the sixty centuries that have passed since the world's dawn, it is history that presents to us, whether in types, in hieroglyph- ics or in tradition, all that we know of men and things past. The events which constitute the annals of a country are matters of at least some local interest, and be that country ever so "beautiless, barren and bleak," it con- tains something of sufficient importance to be engraved upon the pages of history. How much more important, then, that the fertile region of which we propose to treat in these pages should become a matter of record, and form a part of the history of a great State and a great country. A history of Coles County is a part of the history of America. Every portion of a thing goes to make up and becomes a part of the whole. The population of this county constitutes a part of the forty millions of American citizens who people this country, and their absolute wealth and prosperity make a part of our national wealth and material greatness. The intelligence of its people form a part of our intelligence as a nation. The patriotism and self- sacrificing devotion of its sons, the gallantry and prowess of its soldiers on a hundred battlefields, are no mean part of the pride and glory of this great American nation. The age of Coles County (as such) is two years less than half a century, but the date of its settlement extends back nearly a decade beyond. its organi- zation as a county. Within that time, the events that have transpired and the scenes that have been enacted upon its soil, will be the subject-matter of these pages. Taking it from the time of its occupancy by the Indians, we will endeavor to trace its progress from that wilderness state to the present period of its wealth and prosperity. Its growth has been rapid and wonderful beyond the wildest dreams of the pioneers who first set foot within its borders. The present territory of the county was formerly a part of the State of A^irginia, and ceded by her to the United States in 1784, and was called the Northwest Territory. Virginia Avas the home of the " Father of his Country," 224 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. and prides herself still on being the mother of the nation's best Presidents ; so Coles County comes of no ignoble ancestry. In 1778, Virginia organized what is now Illinois into one county, which, some years later, received the name of St. Clair, from the then Governor of the Northwest Territory. In 1809, Illinois was organized into a separate Territory, and was composed at the time of two counties — St. Clair and Randolph. After this, Madison was set off from St. Clair, and Crawford was afterward set off from Madison. When Illinois was received into the sisterhood of States, in 1818, there were but fifteen counties, of which Crawford was one. This county was named for Hon. William H. Crawford, who was reputed an honest man, and a safe custodian of public money ; for under the administration of Madison and Monroe he was Secretary of the Treasury, and also a candidate for the Presidency in the Adams and Jackson campaign of 1824. During the year 1819, Clark County was set off from Crawford. It then embraced a large extent of territory run- ning up the valley of the Wabash, and far beyond, even to the Canada line, or British possessions. Clark County was named in honor of Gen. George Rogers Clarke, a native of Virginia, and a pioneer warrior of considerable celebrity. In 1779, more than a quarter of a century before the organization of Illinois into a separate Territory, he organized an army in Virginia, and marched it across the Alleghany Mountains to the Ohio River. A few years later, the world rung with the mighty achievement of Napoleon crossing the Alps with a great army, but to our mind, the deed no more than equaled that of Clarke in crossing the Alleghanies and traversing a wilderness with his little band of soldiers, beset and harassed by hostile savages. He had never seen a steamboat nor heard of a railway-train, but he understood war and the trans- portation of an army. He built rafts, and on them shipped his soldiers down the Ohio to the spot where Shawneetown now stands, and then by forced marches through swamps and marshes filled with water, often knee-deep to his men, he moved them across the country to Kaskaskia and captured that important post from the British. But all this belongs to State history. HISTORICAL AND DESCRIPTIVE. Coles County was set off from Clark in 1830. It then embraced in its territory what is now Cumberland and Douglas Counties. Upon its organiza- tion, it was christened Coles, in honor of Edward Coles, the second Governor of the State, and elected to that position in 1822. As a general rule, it is not safe to name a child or country for any man while he is yet living, though he be a very Solomon, for we know not how soon he may fall. There is no secu- rity for a good reputation but in the tomb. This side of that "bourn" the proudest name, the most exalted reputation may totter and fall to pieces. In this respect, however. Coles County's namesake died with a name untarnished. Edward Coles was a man eminently fit to give a name to any country. He was a native of Virginia, rich, and a large slave-owner, and when he emigrated HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 225 to Illinois he brought his slaves with him. A man who loved liberty, its fires lighted up his soul, and its benign influence dictated his action and inspired him with pure purposes and prompted him to noble deeds. Of all other men, he demanded respect for his rights, and to the rights and personal liberty of all other men he accorded the same profound respect. On reaching Illinois and becoming a citizen of the State, he set his slaves all free, and, in addition, gave each head of a family among them 160 acres of land. Such was the laAv at that time, that a man setting a slave free in Illinois, must give a bond that it should never become a public charge. To this very unsavory requirement of the law. Coles failed to yield obedience, for which little delinquency his case was adju- dicated by the courts, and he was fined |2,000. This fine he was never required to pay, and the cause which gave rise to it will never give rise to another of a similar character in Illinois, in the civilized ages to come. Coles County, at the time of its organization, was some twenty-eight miles east and west, and about fifty miles north and south, but at that time, as already noted, it included Douglas and Cumberland Counties. At present, it is bounded on the north by Douglas County, on the west by Shelby and Moultrie Coun- ties, on the south by Cumberland, and on the east by Clark and Edgar Coun- ties. It embraces twenty-four sections of Township eleven north, and all of Townships 12 and 13, and eighteen sections of Township 14 north, in Ranges 7, 8, 0, 10 and 11 east, and a part of Range 14 west. Range 11 east in this county is fractional, being only three-fourths of a mile wide. In the southeast part of the county there is a "jog " in the east line of three sec- tions wide east and west, in Range 14 west, and seven sections long north and and south, in Townships 11 and 12 north. When Coles County was set off from Clark, the latter was unwilling to give up that portion of its territory and inhabitants to a new county. The reason of this is found in the fact that it embraced the best portion of that county, and a settlement of energetic and intelligent people. In the north line of the county, there is also a "jog" of two miles north, in Ranges 11 east and 14 west. This was made to retain the village of Oakland in this county, when Douglas County was created. That village was then regarded as having great room for outgrowth and development. This county was unwilling to give up that portion of its territory, and the peo- ple of that village were unwilling to be given over to a new county organiza- tion. Coles County is situated in latitude 40 north and in longitude 11 west from Washington, and embraces about five hundred square miles. Its general surface is undulating ; not so level as to be regarded flat, nor so broken as to be considered mountainous or even hilly. It forms a beautiful plateau or table-land, and is about eight hundred feet above the level of the Gulf of Mex- ico. It is largely prairie, and constitutes a part of what is known as the Grand Prairie. This prairie is perhaps as large in extent, as rich in soil and as magnificent, originally, in nature's waving fields as anv in the Mississippi Valley. 226 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. In the topography of the county, the prairies form rather a notable feature. The oriofin of these great plains has been a source of much speculation. One theory is that the soil resulted from the decomposition of vegetable matter un- der water, and that the attending conditions were incompatible with the growth of timber. According to this view, prairies are at present in process of forming along the shores of lakes and rivers. During river freshets, the heaviest parti- cles settle nearest the channel, and here, by repeated deposits, the banks first became elevated above the floods. These natural levees becoming sufiiciently high, are overgrown with timber, and inclose large areas of bottom lands back from the river, by which they are frequently inundated. The waters on these flats, when the flood subsides, are cut ofl" from the river and form sloughs, fre- quently of great extent. Their shallow and stagnant Avaters are first invaded bv mosses and other aquatic plants which grow under the surface and contain in their tissues lime, alumina and silica, the constituents of clay. They also subsist immense numbers of small moll usks and other diminutive creatures, and the constant decomposition of both vegetables and animals forms a stratum of clay corresponding Avith that which underlies the finished prairies. As the marshy bottoms are, by this means, built up to the surface of the water, the mosses are then intermixed with coarse grasses, which become more and more abundant as the depth diminishes. These reedy plants, now rising above the surfiice, absorb and decompose the carbonic-acid gas of the atmosphere, and con- vert it into woody matter, Avhich at first forms a clayey mold, and afterward the black mold of the prairie."* As we have said, the prairies form a notable feature in the topography oi the county, the soil in them being invariably deep, rich and productive. The original prairie grass grew very rank, often higher than a man's head. As a rule, the prairies occupy the high land and the timber the low land, though there are some exceptions to this. Timber abounds in the county, but is mostly confined to the valleys of the water-courses. The varieties consist of all the kinds of oak, hickory, Avalnut, elm, maple or sugar tree, cottonwood, hackberry and perhaps some others. There are still some very fine sugar orchards in the valley of the Embarrass River. Speaking of these sugar orchards and the excellent timber of the county calls to mind a stanza from the compositions of a local poet of Northern Illinois on a similar subject : " The timber here is very good — The forest dense of sturdy wood ; The maple-tree its sweets affords, And walnut, it is sawn in boards ; The giant oak the asman hails — Its massive trunk is torn to rails ; And game is plenty in the State, Which makes the hunter's chances great. The prairie wolf infests the land. And the wildcats all bristling stand." *Davidson'8 History oJ Illinois. HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 227 As fine poetical thought, the above effusion is of rather limited merit, but as descriptive of this country fifty yeai's ago, the picture it presents is a very true one. jNIany years ago, in the settling-up of this part of the country, tim- ber was regarded as quite an object. Every land-owner Avas^f the opinion he must have a piece of timber-land. It was believed that the settlement and im- provement of the country would render it eventually scarce. At one time, tim- ber-land sold more readily, and for a higher price than prairie. Such, how- ever, is not now the case, and a hulf-century of experience finds still an abun- dance of timber for all practical purposes.. Beautiful lakes, high mountains and large rivers, are not characteristic of Coles County. But two streams entitled to the name of river, enter its borders, viz., tlie Embarrass and the Kaskaskia. The latter is better known in this section of the country as Okaw, but nearer its mouth it is called Kaskaskia altogether. The Embarrass, or Ambraw, as it is almost universally pi'onounced, is a beautiful stream. It rises in Champaign County, flows through Douglas and this county from north to south, and makes a tributary of the Wabash. It is the dividing line between Morgan and Oakland Townships, Charleston and Ashraore, and Pleasant Grove and Hutton Townships. Before the days of rail- ways and lightning news-carriers, this river was navigable, for an early statute of Illinois so declared it to be. During the time the law was in force, numer- ous vessels were built on this river, at a point near what is noAv known as Blakeman's Mill, and Avhich went by the high-sounding name of the " boat- yard." Some of these vessels Avent doAvn and out of the Embarrass, and down the Wabash, Ohio and Mississippi to New Orleans, and others foundered in the " Dark Bend," a spot Avhere the sun never shines, except at high noon. These vessels were called flatboats, and were usually loaded with the surplus products of the country, consisting of such articles as would be of small loss if they never reached a market. This stream abounds in fine varieties of fish, viz., bass, cat, buffalo, pike and many others. The Okaw meanders through the township of Okaw, in the northwest part of the county. It is a dull, sluggish, running stream. The water is muddy, has not sufficient action to clear and purify itself of " wiggle-tails," and other such " vermin." Under the law, it, too, was a navigable river for shallow water-craft, and is a tributary of the " Father of Waters." There are two other streams Avhicli have their source in this county, both of which are too small to be called rivers, and rather large to be styled creeks. Tlieyare the little Wabash and the Kickapoo, and each takes its name from powerful tribes of Indians once dwelling in this region of country. They begin or "head" in the immediate neighborhood of each other, but the Wabash runs to the southwest and the Kickapoo to the cast. There is also a small stream in Morgan Township, rejoicing in the oily appellation of Greasy Creek, which possesses some notoriety, by reason of the peculiar manner it acquired its name. In the pioneer days, hogs were "mast" fatted altogether, and in that neighborhood many hogs were stolen and butchered. It was the custom 228 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. of the people, before turning their hogs on the "mast," to give them certain ear-marks, by which each man was enabled to identify his own hogs. To destroy the evidence of ownership, the thieves would cut off the heads of the hogs stolen, and throWpthem into this creek. The decomposition made the water greasy, hence the name Greasy Water or Greasy Creek. On one occasion, these pioneer pork-packers were overtaken in a deep ravine in the woods killing hogs. When discovered, they were in the act of " scalding" a lot, but their heads hud been cut off as usual. When asked why they took the heads off at so early a stage of the proceedings, they answered that they " never could get a good scald on a hog while his head Avas on." In Ashmore Township is a creek that bearing the perfumed name of Pole Cat, so called from the great numbers of popular feline pet, to be found in an early day, in its immediate vicinity. This classic stream, like Greasy Creek, also has its legend. The following story is told in connection with the origin of its name : A new-comer to the neighbor- hood, encountered one of these little monsters on the banks of this stream. In the combat that ensued, he learned through practical demonstration the start- ling power of " this kind of a cat " to defend itself when assailed by an enemy. The new-comer was so overwhelmed with the success of the animal's defense, that he buried his clothes on the battle-ground, and returned home in the cos- tume of the Georgia Major, minus the spurs and the paper collar, and there- upon christened the stream by the name of Pole Cat. In the township of Hut- ton there are two small streams called respectively Whetstone and Hurricane ; in Pleasant Grove are also two little streams, Indian and Clear Creeks, and in East Oakland, Brush Creek. In the county are numerous groves, or small bodies of timber, isolated from the main timber. What circumstances gave rise to their growth, or how long they have been growing, is not within the knowledge of those now living. Dodge Grove is in Mattoon Township, about two miles northwest of the city, and takes its name from this circumstance : In the early days, there lived a family near it, of the name of Whitley, and they owned a race-mare, known as the " Dodge Filly." On a notable occasion they took her to Springfield to the races. These races took place twice a year, called the spring and fall meetings. They staked the filly on a race, and lost. Being loath to give her up, they run her off and concealed her in this grove for three weeks. The party winning the mare came in search of her, and had the officers of the law to scour the country, but they failed to find her. Thus the filly dodged capture, and the grove captured the name of Dodge. Dead Man's Grove is in La Fayette Town- ship, on the north branch of Kickapoo Creek, and was formly called Island Grove. It took its present name from the fact that a man Avas found dead in the grove in March, 1826, supposed to have frozen to death. There was snow on the ground at the time, and, when found, the corpse was *' sitting at the root of a tree with a bridle thrown over the shoulders." The man's name was Coffman, and he lived in the Sand Creek settlement. He was carried by HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 229 Samuel Kellogg on horse-back, without coffin or escort, to the Parker settle- ment, on the Embarrass, for inquest and burial. Seven miles north and west of Charleston, in Hickory Township, standing out in the open prairie, are what is called the Seven Hickories. They acquired that name because formerly there were just seven hickory trees constituting all there was of the grove, and what seems somewhat singular is, that hickory is a species of timber that never grows in the prairies. The original trees have paid the debt of nature, but a numerous progeny still survive. In Humbolt Township near the village of the same name, on a little stream called Flat Branch, is the Blue-Grass Grove. It was formerly a camping-place of the Indians, and their ponies ate out the wild grass, when the blue-grass, as it invariably does in this country, sprang up spon- taneously in its place. It thus became the first blue-grass " patch " in the county, and hence the name of Blue-Grass Grove. The Dry Grove and Buck Grove are near neighbors, and are about four miles south of Mattoon. The great number of deer, of the antlered sex, killed by the pioneer sportsmen gave rise to the name of the Buck Grove. Dry Grove has borne that name from time immemorial. It is supposed to have been named by the "first man," and that, too, in a dry time, otherwise its name would have been diff'erent, and more appropriate. In the south part of the county, in the town of Pleasant Grove, is a prairie called Goose-Nest Prairie. The inhabitants have always been proud of the title, but the rest of the world seem amused at the novelty of the name, and the people's peculiar pride of it. About the year 1827, a pioneer, named Josiah Marshall, was looking at the country, and coming into this prairie from the summit of a knoll in its midst, observing on one hand trees literally dripping with wild honey, and on the other, nature's waving meadows, and beneath him a soil, deep, rich and productive, and probably having in his mind's eye the peculiar richness of a goose egg, in an ecstacy of delight exclaimed in an uplifted voice, " this is the very goose-nest." It has since borne the name. Just west of this prairie, in the the same township, is a point of timber known as "Muddy Point," but has no significance in history, save the peculiar appropriateness of the name. In the east part of the county is a portion of a prairie called Parker's Prairie, so-called from George Parker, its original settler. ^ EARLY SETTLEMENTS. Prior to 1824, what is now Coles County was a wilderness waste, unin- habited by civilized man. If any pale-face before that time had ever come within its borders as an actual settler, it is not known whence he came, who he was or whither he went. The red man of the forest held high carnival over the land, his camp-fires were seen in the distance, and it was his war-whoop and his death-song that broke the stillness, while his wigwam was the only specimen of a habitation made with human hands. Old Bruin reigned king of the wild beasts ; the panther screamed, the wolf howled, and the gray-eyed owl hooted without the presence of civilized man to " molest or make them afraid." 230 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. The forest was undisturbed except by the bhizc of the tomahawk, and the soil untrodden, save by the wild beast and the savage and his pony. A half-century or more, Avhite people have witnessed the grand march of civilization over this land, and to-day scarce a trace is left of the former presence of the aborigines of the country. In 1824, the first settlement was made in Coles County, by men whom God made white, and blessed with the light of civilization. Of the first emigrants, but few remain. Most of them have paid nature's last great debt, and the memories of those remaining are so impaired by age that but few facts can be obtained. The first settlers came from Crawford County on the Wabash River, where they had lived many years, building and dwelling in forts, and skirmishing with the Indians. As pioneers, they possessed an exten- sive experience. They were John Parker and his sons, among whom were Daniel, Benjamin, Silas, George and James Parker and families, and Samuel Kellogg and his Avife Mary, in all fourteen souls, the latter of whom alone is livino-. The Parker's were formerly from Tennessee, and were good old-fash- ioned people. They dressed plain, lived rough and seemed to love the hard- ships and to delight in the adventures incident to the settlement of a new country. The soldier who leaves his home, sunders the ties of affection and bids adieu to loved ones, to do battle (or his country, deserves well of its people. So, too, the pioneer, who goes out from the home of his childhood, leaving behind him the hallowed associations of youthful days, and the cherished objects of love and aifection, hewing his way into the wilderness, and there settles down to build up a new country, and open a highway for civilization, is also worthy of credit among his fellow-countrymen. Benjamin Parker built the first log cabin, and thus became the first actual settler in Coles County, fifty-five years ago. That cabin was built on the east bank of the Embarrass River, just opposite the place where Blakeman's mill was afterward erected, and was in what is now Hutton Township. It was a rude affair, and a fair sample of pioneer strength and awkwardness, but nevertheless turned the rain, broke the force of the sun's burning rays, resisted the chilling blasts of winter, and kept out the cold, damp air of night. It also answered the purpose of a dwelling-house, and consisted of parlor, dining-room, kitchen and bed-rooms enough to sleep fourteen persons. The walls were of unhewn logs, and floor of puncheons, neither hewn nor " planed." It was covered with clapboards, weighed down with poles in lieu of being nailed ; the chimney was made of sticks and clay, and the " back walls " and "jambs " of the same mate- rial, except the quantity of clay was increased. The liolp to "raise" this cabin came from Crawford County, a distance of sixty miles. In those days, a house-raising was regarded as a " big thing " and were usually accompanied with a quilting, wool-picking or sewing " bee," to furnish an excuse for the women to come together for a little quiet gossip, though not perhaps, as at the present day, to talk of Mrs. Jones' new bonnet, or Mrs. Smith's old dress made over, or the way Mrs. Brown had her back-kiiir " fixed last Sunday." HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 231 Those little gatherings were occasions for much good eating and drinking, the latter, however, being indulged in by the men only. And the best wrestler, the furthest jumper, and the swiftest runner Avere the heroes, and the best fighter wore oft' the belt, for at that early period fighting was always included in the popular amusements of the day. John Parker, familiarly known as " High Johnny " Parker, and the pro- genitor of all the Parkers (of this early settlement) was a soldier of the Revo- tionary War — one of the heroes of that long and doubtful struggle that finally resulted in the independence of the " greatest country the sun shines on." Samuel Kellogg, mentioned as one of this little colony, was a soldier in the Black Hawk campaign of 1832, and has since died, but, as already stated, his widow is still living, and at present a resident of Charleston. But of the pio- neers of this early settlement further particulars will be given in the township histories. In the fall of 1824, Seth Bates and his sons, David and^John Bates, and his stepsons, Levi and Samuel Doty, came to the county, and in the summer of 1825 made a settlement on Kickapoo Creek, in the present town of La Fayette, These were the first inhabitants in that region, and the settlement was made on what is now the Doctor Monroe farm. John Bobbins and William Wagner came in a year or two later. The former put up a mill in the neighborhood, and the latter started a tan-yard. Samuel Frost came the next year after Rob- bins and Wagner, and was one of the first merchants in this settlement, as noted elsewhere, and also carried the first mail through from Paris to Vandalia. In 1826, Van Eastin settled in this neighborhood; in 1828, his brother John M. Eastin came, and their father, Charles Eastin, in 1830. The following story is told of the Eastins, as illustrative of the proverb that " fine feathers make fine birds," or at least are supposed to do so. John Eastin, just prior to coming to this county, had married Miss Jennie Reed. The first Sunday they spent in the wilderness of Coles County, they attended church rigged out in their " wedding toggery," and their " new store clothes " created quite a sensation in this then backwoods settlement, and elicited remarks from everybody. The next morning before breakfast, six men came to see him to borrow money for the purpose of buying land, supposing from his extravagant style of dress, that he must be rich and have money to loan, when he really had but $6 to his name- In 1828, James Phipps settled in this neighborhood. As early as 1828 or 1829, James Ashmore, William Ewing and William Williams came in and settled on the south side of Kickapoo. A settlement was made in the present township of Ashmore as early as 1825. The first white people in this section were the Dudleys and La- ban Burr, all bachelors, thus forming a kind of second Eden, as Eden was be- fore its quiet was disturbed by Mother Eve. To trace the genealogy of the Dudleys, it would be necessary to go back to Dudley Castle, Staffordshire, En- gland, and begin with Earl Dudley, in the fourteenth century, following it doAvn 232 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. through a long line of nobles, of whom one of the most powerful was Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, and figured conspicuously during the reign of Eliz- abeth, the Virgin Queen of England. Their published genealogy is authentic, giving the descent of the Dudleys here mentioned from this noble family. The first one in the United States was Thomas Dudley, Governor of " Massachu- setts Bay Colony." Many of his descendants held important positions in colo- nial times, and are to be found in almost every State of the Union at the present day. Many of them figured prominently in our struggle for independence, and their survivors and descendants are leading citizens of the country. The original settlers in this section were James and Guilford Dudley, and there are still sons of these pioneers living in the township of Ashmorc, and are more par- ticularly mentioned in that chapter. James Wells, Christopher Sousely, Jo- seph Henry, John Mitchell, William Austin, H. J. Ashmore and John Carter were also early settlers in this section. From them have descended some of the solid and substantial men of the county. The first settlement was made on " Goose-Nest" Prairie in 1829. Rev. Daniel Barham and sons John and Nathan, and Thomas Barker, put up the first cabin in this little paradise, in the spring of the year mentioned above. This settlement Avas in what is now Pleasant Grove Township, and embraced as fine a body of land as may be found in Coles County. Michael Taylor and his son Elijah, John and Patrick Gordon, and Dow Goodman, came in the same year, and found shelter in the same nest. Zeno Campbell, the Balahes and others, also came during this year and entered claims on "Goose-Nest" Prairie, or adjacent thereto. In the fall of 1830, John J. Adams, Mark Baker and William Wayne settled in the neighborhood. The Muddy Point settlement was likewise in Pleasant Grove Township. The first squatters here were Isaac Francher and Buck Houchin, who pitched their tents in this local- ity in 1827. Jack Price came in 1828 ; Joseph Glenn, Daniel Edson (not the inventor of the phonograph), Daniel Beals and his sons, in 1829, and William Dryden and Alfred Balch in the same year. In the fall of 1830, William Gammill and sons, his sons-in-law, A. Balch and Isaac Odell and Abner John- ston, came in and settled in this neighborhood. A settlement was made on the west side of the Embarrass River, south of Greasy Creek, in the territory now embraced in Morgan Township, in 1829-30. Daniel McAllister, Benjamin Clark and William Shattun were the pioneers of this settlement. They were men of strong arms and brave hearts, well calculated to brave the dangers of a wilderness. They went to Big Creek (Edgar County) to mill, and sent their children four miles to school, and were thankful for even such conveniences as those." The widow of Benjamin Clark was the last survivor of these pioneers and three years ago (we do not know whether she is still living) was a hearty and hale old lady for her time of life. She spent eight weeks among the wolves and panthers during the winter of 1830, with six small children, while her husband had gone back to the settlements HISTORY OF COLES COUHTY. 233 for provisions. There are few ladies of the present day but would shrink from such an undertaking, and it is with no disparagement to the sex that we make the observation. Our women are as true and noble, and capable of as great sacrifices when necessity demands them, as at any other age of the world, even that heroic period when they severed from their heads their "golden tresses" and wove them into bow-strings for their fathers, brothers and husbands to defend their hearths and homes. But think of living in a wilderness for two long, weary months alone with half a dozen helpless children, beyond the reach of help. The bravest woman might well shrink from it. The territory now embraced in Oakland Township contained settlements as early as 1829. In this year Samuel Ashmore settled in this region. Soon after his settlement, his sons H. J. and W. C. Ashmore came to the neighbor- hood. Samuel Hogue and James Black, sons-in-law of Samuel Ashmore, set- tled here also about the same time as those above mentioned. Where Oakland village now stands, settlements were made by Enoch Sears, Eli Sargent, Asa Redden and others. David Winkler and the Hoskinses settled on Brushy Fork. At the time of these settlements, the aborigines of the country were in possession of it, and had a village or trading-post in this vicinity. They were friendly, however, and lived with their pale-face neighbors in peace and har- mony. In 1831, Stanton Pemberton and his sons came to the Ashmore settle- ment. A mill was built here at an early day by a man named Stevens, and a few years later another was built by Redden. The first settlement made in what is now Charleston Township was in 1826. In that year, Enoch Glassco and sons, and J. Y. Brown, came to the county and settled about a mile north of the present city of Charleston. In 1827, the Parkers came from the Embarrass River Settlement and located on what is now Anderson's Addition to Charleston. About the same time, Hiram Steepleton and Isaac Lewis were added to the settlement. In 1829, Michael Cossell, Jr., came to the place, and the next year his father, and brothers Isaac and Solomon Cossell came in and made settlements. In the same year, Charles Morton and family settled in the little community. He was an energetic and enterprising man. He settled on what is now the Decker farm, and built a horse-mill, upon which many a pioneer ground the meal for his " corn- dodgers." Mr. Morton is mentioned in another chapter of this work as the first merchant, and one of the prominent business men of the county. Jesse Veach also settled in the present town of Charleston. He came first to Illinois in 1824, and to Coles County in 1825. After this, he returned to Crawford County, where he " took unto himself a wife," and, in 1831,. came back to Coles County, where he still lives, enjoying the fruits of a well-spent life. John Hutton came to Illinois in 1816, and, in 1824-25, settled in what is now Hutton Township. Says Capt. Adams, in his Centennial Address, he "made a hand building the first cabin, heard the first prayer made and the first sermon preached, and mourned at the first funeral in the present territory of 234 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. the county." In 1826, a settlement was made by the Parkers on what was known as Parker's Prairie, and which lies partly in liutton Township. George Parker and his sons Joseph, Daniel and Jephthah were the first in this immedi- ate neighborhood, and from them this beautiful prairie received its name. Joseph Parker killed a large bear, in 1828, near Buyess Berkley's, and many other members of the Bruin ftimily were slaughtered in an early day by the pioneers. Tn the fall of 1826, there was a settlement made at a place called '* Dog Town," which was also in the present town of Hutton. James Nees was the first settler in this section, but was very soon joined by Charles Miller and William Cook. Joshua Painter, Hugh Doyle, James Ashby and John C. Davis soon after made settlements in the same neighborhood. Anthony Cox, William Waldruff and Joel Connelly settled, also, in what is now Hutton, in 1828, and Daniel Evinger soon after. The latter put up a carding-machine on what was known as the John Flenner farm. About 1826, a settlement was made at Wabash Point, in the present town- ship of Paradise. The first white settler was Daniel Drake. In 1827, Thomas Hart and his sons settled in this neighborhood, and in July, 1828, Silas and Adam Hart and others of the same name came to the settlement, so that if there was any part of the country that had a heart, it was this Wabash Point settlement. These people were a law unto themselves, and tolerated no lawlessness in their midst. When one committed a misdemeanor, Judge Lynch came to the front and gave to the culprit but a short shrift. In illustration of his peremptory manner in disposing of the cases upon his docket, the following instance is given : On a certain occasion, a man living in the settlement was caught in the act of appropriating to himself another's cowhide and potatoes. A court was at once organized, with Thomas Hart, Jr., as Judge. Silas Hart was appointed attorney for the defendant, and William Higgins and others, jurors. The trial resulted in a verdict of guilty, and the punishment fixed at twenty -nine lashes and banish- ment from the settlement. After the lashes had been administered, the defendant was shown a star, in the direction of his " Old Kentucky Home," and bade to follow it, as did the Avise men of the East. He waited not for the advice to be repeated, nor stood upon the order of his going ; he went. In 1826, Charles Sawyer made a settlement in the southern part of what is now Mattoon Township. His family came on the next spring ; but a short time previous to their arrival, a man named Nash came to the settlement and occupied Sawyer's house. He injured himself one day, "carrying a log, to make a bee-gum," from the efiects of which he died. This was the first death in the Wabash Settlement, which Avas principally in what is now Paradise ToAvnship, as already stated, but extended into Mattoon Township. John Sawyer was another of the pioneers of this settlement. These are said to have been without bread in their families as much as three weeks at a time. They HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 235 went five miles beyond Springfield to mill, and blazed the trees on the route, in order to find their way back home, and swam the Okaw River into the bar- gain. About 1833, a settlement was made in the present town of Okaw. John Whitney and four sons, William Bridgman and Jesse Fuller were the first squat- ters in this section. Henry and Hawkins Fuller and Nathaniel Dixon came in 1835. The year previous, however, the settlement was increased by the arrival of P. M. Ellis, the Elders and Fred. Price, these people used to splice teams and go a day's journey to a horse-mill. In wet weather, they would go to San- gamon River, near Decatur, or to Parker's Mill, on the Embarrass River. EARLY FACTS AND FEATURES. Thus we have taken a brief glance at a few of the first permanent settle- ments made in Coles County. We have passed over the settling of the county in thi« brief manner, in order to avoid, as much as possible, repetition. In the township histories, which follow, the settlement of each will be taken up and considered separately, and everything of interest will be fully and faith- fully given, while in this chapter, matters pertaining more particularly to the county at large will be noticed. The pioneers of a country are always subjected to many inconveniences, and live a hard and rough life. When immigrating to a new country, one leaves behind all the comforts and luxuries of civilization, to endure hunger and cold, and most of all, to brave the dangers of a wilderness. At the time of settling this country, it was inhabited by wild beasts, and wild men but little less savage than the wild beasts themselves. They came here poor, and for years the struggle with poverty was a hard one. Think of a family without bread for three weeks, and living on wild meat, potatoes and parched corn ! As we look around us to-day, at the waving fields of "golden grain, ripening for the harvest," the droves of cattle grazing on the rich pastures, and the almost innumerable car-loads of grain and stock shi})ped to distant points, it is hard to realize what it was fifty years ago, and what the pioneers of that day under- went to produce this grand transformation. In the Centennial Address of Capt. Adams, already referred to, he says : " The early settlers were generally poor, and livsd on Congress land. Considerable improvements were often made on land before it was entered. The custom not to enter each other out was the local law of the neighborhood. It sometimes occurred that entries were made of lands by others than the actual occupants. This invariably stirred up the righteous indignation of the settlement, and a meeting would be called, resolu- tions adopted and a plan of operation laid out. They at once went to work, tore down the house on the land and hauled it ofi", filled up the well, gathered the crop, pulled up the fruit-trees and garden stuff", and removed the fences and other improvements. And then, if the party entering another out made a fuss about it h'? had lo climb a jack-oak or ride a rail." 236 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. Not only were the people hard run to live, to " keep soul and body together," but when we consider the tools and implements they had to work with, we won- der in our minds how they managed to live at all. The old "bar share" and "Gary" plows would be objects of great curiosity to the present generation, in this age of magnificent plows — plows that will almost turn the soil, if put in the field, without team or driver. An old farmer told us the other day, that for years after he settled in the neighborhood, there was but one wagon in the settlement, and one grindstone "and upon the latter," said he, "we used to grind our Gary plows when they become too dull to plow well." And yet we complain of hard times I Why, we don't know the meaning of the word, as compared to these early settlers, who broke down the barriers between the wilderness and civilization. Again, quoting from Capt. Adams, " They hauled hay eight miles in winter on hand-sleds, sold their horse-collars to buy bread for their children ; rocked their babies in sugar-troughs, and stood guard over them to keep the wolves off, and fed them on venison and wild honey." Nor is the credit all due to the "lords of creation," in the privations endured in these early days. Noble women lent their presence to " gild the gloom" of wilderness life, and cheerfully shared the toils and cares met with in their new homes. Figuratively they put their hands to the plow, and, in cases of emergency, did not hesitate to do so literally. They drove oxen, assisted in planting, cultivating and harvesting the crops, besides attending to their household duties ; and these last were much more onerous than at the present day. Then they included the spinning and weaving into cloth, flax, cotton, and wool. The wool was carded into rolls at the carding mill or machine, spun into yarn on the "big wheel " by the wives and daughters, woven into cloth and manufactured into garments by the same busy hands, for the family wear. If a lady was so fortunate as to possess a calico dress, she was the envy of her "set," just as the "lady of the period," who robes in satin and a "love of a bonnet," is the envy of her less fortunate sisters at the present day. But the half-century that has passed has made many changes, and brought us many improvements. We have grown much older in many respects, if not wiser, and become more extravagant in our desires and more luxurious in our tastes. We cannot think of living on what our fathers lived on fifty years ago. Our very appetites have changed. The "corn-dodgers" and fried bacon our parents were glad to get, if set before us at the present day, would cause us to elevate our "Grecian noses" to an angle of ninety degress. But this is as it should be. We live in an age of improvement, and it is but just that all should move ou together. It is not in a spirit of grumbling or dissatisfaction that we have fallen into a moralizing mood, but by way of contrasting the past and present, and of showing the grand march of improvement for the past fifty years. When we look back over the years that are gone, at the changes and improvements wrought in the land, we are almost ready to attribute it to the power of Aladdin's won- HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 237 derful lamp. As a cap-sheaf to the reflections we have been indulging in, we give the following gem from the "poet laureate" of Coles County : "The old log cabin with its puncheon floor — - The old log cabin with its clapboard door ! Shall we ever forget its moss-grown roof, The old rattling loom with its warp and woof? The old stick chimney of ' cat and clay,' The old hearthstone where we used to pray ? No! we'll not forget the old wool-wheel. Nor the hank on the old count-reel ; We'll not forget how we used to eat The sweet honey-comb with the fat deer-meat ; We'll not forget how we used to bake, That best of bread, the old Johnny-cake! " INDIAN HISTORY. When the first white people came to Coles County, there were plenty of Indians in this portion of Illinois. They were the Pottawatomies, Kickapoos and Winnebagoes. From Davidson and Stuve's History of Illinois, which con- tains the most complete history of the aborigines inhabiting this country, that we have ever read, we make a few extracts with reference to the tribes that once occupied this section of the State : " The early traditions of the Winne- bagoes fixes their ancient seat on the west shore of Lake Michigan, north of Green Bay. They believed that their ancestors Avere created by the Great Spirit, on the lands constituting their ancient territory, and that their title of it was a gift from their Creator. The Algonquins named them after the bay on which they lived, Ween-ni-ba-gogs, which subsequently became anglicized in the form of Winnebagoes. They were persons of good stature, manly bearing, had the characteristic black circular hair of their race, and were generally more uncouth in their habits than the surrounding tribes. Their language was a deep guttural, difficult to learn, and shows that they belonged to the great Dacotah stock of the West. Anciently, they were divided into clans distinguished by the bird, bear, fish and other family totems. How long they resided at Green Bay is not known. * * * * Coming down to the era of authentic history. Carver, in 1766, found them on the Fox River, evidently wandering from their ancient place of habitation, and approaching Southern Wisconsin and the northern part of Illinois and Iowa, where portions of the tribe subsequently settled, while others wandered further south. * * * * * In the war of 1812, they remained the allies of England, and assisted in the defeat of Col. Croghan, at Mackinaw, Col. Dudley at the rapids of the Maumee, and Gen. Winchester, at the River Raisin. In the Winnebago war of 1827, they defiantly placed themselves in antagonism to the authority of the General Government, by assaulting a steamboat on the Mississippi, engaged in furnishing supplies to the military post on the St. Peters. " The Kickapoos, in 1763, occupied the country southwest of the southern extremity of Lake Michigan. They subsequently moved southward, and at a 238 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. more recent date, dwelt in portions of the tcnitory on the ^Mackinaw and Sanga- mon Rivers, and had a village on Kickapoo Creek, and at Elkhart Grove. They Avere more civilized, industrious, energetic and cleanly than the neighboring tribes, and, it may also be added, more implacable in their hatred of the Ameri- cans. They were among the first to commence battle, and the last to submit and enter into treaties. Unappeasable enmity led them into the field against Gens. Harmer, St. Clair and Wayne, and they were first in all the bloody charges at Tippecanoe. They were prominent among the Northern nations, wdiich, for more than a century, waged an exterminating war against the Illinois Confederacy. * * * * When removed from Illinois, they still retained their old animosities against the Americans, and went to Texas, then a province of Mexico, to get beyond the jurisdiction of the United States. They claimed relationship with the Pottawatomies, and perhaps with the Sacs and Foxes, and Shawn ees. '• The Pottawatomies are represented on early French maps as inhabiting the country east of tlie southern extremity of Lake Michigan. At the mouth of the St. Joseph, falling into this part of the lake, the Jesuits had a mission- ary station, which, according to Marest, was in a flourishing condition as early as 1712. Here, an unmeasured distance from civilization, for more than half a century, the devoted missionaries labored for their spiritual weltare. These years of toil and self-denial were, however, little appreciated ; for, in Pontiac's war, th^y proved themselves to be among the most vindictive of his adherents. Disguising their object under the mask of friendship, they approached the small military post located on the same river, and, having obtained ingress, in a few minutes butchered the whole of the garrison except three men. From this locality, a portion of the tribe passed around the southern extremity of the lake into Northeastern Illinois. Time and a change of residence seem not to have modified their ferocious character. Partly as the result of British intrigue, and partly to gratify their thirst for blood, they perpetrated, in 1812, at Chi- cao"0, the most atrocious massacre in the annals of the Northwest. After their removal from Illinois, they found their way to the Indian Territory, and, in 1850, numbered 1,500 souls." The foregoing extracts give a pretty authentic history of the tribes that claimed this county fifty years ago as a part of their hunting-grounds. There is much in the nature of the Indian to loathe and abhor, and there is, too, much to pity and deplore. They claimed this great country, originally, by right of possession, if not of discovery, and it was no more than human nature that they should maintain their right to it to the last extremity. From a lack of civilization, they committed acts of barbarity shocking in the extreme, but, to a certain extent, excusable througli ignorance of the "higher law" of humanity ; and even their deeds of cruelty, barbarians though they were, were often equaled by their more civilized but little less barbarous white neighbors. In an early day, we are told, they had a trading-post near where the village of CHARLESTON HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 211 Camargo now stands. In was established by two French Canadians, we believe, named Vesor and Bullbery. They also had a cemetery, or burying-ground in this vicinity, and, once a year, a grand powwow was held within its precincts. They were friendly toward the whites then sparsely scattered through the country, and, in their limited and ignorant Avay, religious. Says Capt. Adams in the address several times referred to in these pages : " Their ideas of heaven and hell they represented on dressed deerskins. On one side was painted a huge fire, and toward it some Indians going with bottles in their hands. This was a representation of hell, or the bad hunting-ground. On the other side were painted beautiful woods, abounding with deer, looking pleasant, and Indians going that way, dressed finely and seemingly happy. This was heaven, or good hunting-ground." The following legend belonged to the Pottawato- mies, and formed the basis of their theology and origin : "They believe in two Great Spirits — Kitchemenedo, the good or benevolent spirit, and Matche- monedo, the evil spirit. Some have doubts which is the most powerful ; but the great part believe that the first is — that he made the world and called all things into being, and that the other ought to be despised. When Kitche- monedo first made the world, he peopled it with a class of beings who only looked like men; but they were perverse, ungrateful, wicked dogs, who never raised their eyes from the ground to thank him for anything. Seeing this, the Great Spirit plunged them, with the world itself, into a great lake and drowned them. He then withdrew it from the water and made a single man, a very handsome young man, who, as he was lonesome, appeared sad. Kitche- menedo took pity on him and sent a sister to cheer him in his loneliness. After many years, the young man had a dream which he told to his sister. ' Five young men,' said he, ' will come to your lodge-door to-night to visit you. The Great Spirit f )rbids you to answer or even to look up and smile at the first four ; but when the fifth comes, you may speak and laugh and show that you are pleased.' She acted accordingly. The first of the five strangers that called was Usama, or tobacco, and, having been repulsed, he fell down and died; the second, Wapako, or a pumpkin, shared the same fate; the third, Esh- kossimin, or melon, and the fourth, Kokees, or the bean, met the same fate; but when Tamin, or Montamin, which is maize, presented himself, she opened the skin tapestry door of her lodge, laughed very heartily, and gave him a friendly reception. They were immediately married, and from this union the Indians sprang. Tamin forthwith buried the four unsuccessful suitors, and from their graves there grew tobacco, melons of all sorts, and beans ; and in this manner the Great Spirit provided that the race which he had made should have something to offer him as a gift in their feasts and ceremonies, and also something to put in their akeeks, or kettles, along with their meat." * Davidson, in his history of Illinois, speaking of the psychology of the Indians, says : " Prominent among these was the idea that every natural » Schoolcraft. 242 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. phenomenon was the special manifestation of the Great Spirit. In the rautter- ings of the thunder-cloud, in the angry roar of the cataract, or the sound of the billows which beat upon the shores of his lake-girt forests, he heard the voice of the Great Spirit. The lightning's flash, the mystic radiance of the stars, were to him familiar displays of a spirit-essence which upheld and governed all things, even the minute destinies of men ; while the Indian attributed these to the Great Spirit, an antagonistical deity Avas created in his theology, whom he regarded as the potent power of malignancy. By this dualty of deities, he was careful to guard his good and merciful God from all imputations of evil by attributing all the bad intentions and acts which afflict the human family to the Great Bad Spirit." ' The Indians, it is said, never killed a wolf. Old pioneers say that they held that the wolf, like the Indian, made its living by hunting, and, therefore, it would be wrong and cowardly to kill it. Even their dogs would not molest a wolf, and the ravenous little savages would follow a band of Indians for hours to pick up any dead or wounded game left by them along their route. Mr. Brown, of Ashmore, relates a circumstance that occurred near his father's, of an Indian who, in a frenzy of religious excitement, shot and killed a warrior. He was, by the tribe, considered crazy, and taken to a grove near by and tied to a tree (rather a novel insane asylum, and as it proved an ineffectual one), from which the Indian succeeded in making his escape. The incident is more particularly referred to in the history of Ashmore Township. Coles County claims its Indian battle-grounds. Though she can make no pretensions to any such memorable battles as Tippecanoe or the River Raisin, there is a tradition (but somewhat dim and misty) of two battles with the Indians fought on the " sacred soil" of Coles County, at or very near the same place. As the story goes, the first occurred in 1815, between a corps of Government surveyors, protected by a sufficient guard of armed men, and a large band of Indians. The whites were encamped on the Embarrass Hills, a little distance west of Blakeman's Mill, and, in addition to being well armed, were protected with artillery. The Indians, in their usual style of battle-array, attacked them upon the flank, and with blood-curdling war-whoops threw the engineers and their guard (for a time) into confusion. They soon rallied, how- ever, and ascertaining the enemy's position, formed their line of battle and opened upon them with their artillery. A general engagement followed, which continued some time with great severity, finally resulting in the defeat of the Indians, with considerable slaughter. This is the prevailing tradition, but how much of it is true, we are unable to say. The other battle referred to occurred in 1818, between the "Illinois Rangers," under command of Gen. Whiteside, a pioneer Indian fighter, who figured conspicuously in his day in the Indian wars of Illinois, and a large band of Kickapoos, Pottawatomies, and Winnebagoes. The Indians had col- lected in force in the Upper Embarrass country, and proceeding to the Kas- HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 243 kaskia settlement, committed many depredations among the scattered settlers. Among other things, they stole and drove off a large number of horses and cattle. Gen. Whiteside, then in command of the Illinois Kangers, as they were called, followed their trail to the site of the Blakeman Mill, where it crossed the Embarrass River. Near this point, the Rangers came up with the Indians, and at once prepared to give them battle. Skirmishers were thrown out, and a line of battle formed. A charge was ordered, and a shout from the Rangers was answered by one from the savages, and the neio-h- boring hills soon echoed with the roar of battle. For some time the fight raged fiercely, but the Indians were defeated and the captured property re- taken. How many were engaged on both sides, and the losses sustained by each, are not known. Like the account given of the battle with the Gov- ernment surveyors, it is traditional. The trees in the neighborhood, however, show signs of war, we have been told, and the scars made upon them with fire-arms have been seen by many living witnesses. But these little " scrim- mages " between the white and red races on the soil of Illmois are long past, and in a few years more there will be none left who remember the red man's wigwam within the borders of the State. ORGANIZATION OF THE COUNTY. It has been said by a late writer that " the native American mind tends as naturally to self-government as the duck takes to the water." The organiza- tion of new counties into corporate bodies with legal existence, while yet there are but a few hundred voters within their limits, is proof positive of the trite remark. In 1830, the population of this part of the country had increased to such an extent (for a wilderness) that the people began to think of forming a new county. What is now Coles County was then a part of Clark, as we have already stated, and Darwin, the county seat, was remote from the settle- ments of this region. In the year above mentioned (1830), a petition to the Legislature to have Coles set off from Clark County, was circulated by Joseph Henry, George Hanson and Andrew Caldwell. During the session of 1830-31 the act was passed by the Legislature creating the new county, which em- braced in its limits, as mentioned in the beginning of this history, the pres- ent counties of Coles, Cumberland and Douglas. The following is the act of organization : Section 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General As- sembly, That all that tract of country within the following bounds, to wit : Beginnino' at the northeast corner of Section Four, in Township Sixteen north, in Range Fourteen west of the second principal meridian; thence west on the line dividing Townships Sixteen and Seventeen, to the eastern boundary of Range Six, east of the third principal meridian ; thence south on said line the line dividing Ranges Six and Seven, the eastern boundaries of Macon and Shelby Counties, to the southwest corner of Clark County, Township Nine north, Rano-e Six ; thence east on the line dividing Townships Eight and Nine, to the southeast corner of Section Thirty- one, the east boundary of fractional Range Eleven east; thence north on said line, which is the division between fractional Range Eleven and Range Fourteen, to the northeast corner of Section 244 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. Nineteen, in said Range Eleven, in Township Twelve north ; thence to the northeast corner of Section Twenty-one, in said Township Twelve, and Range F'ourteen ; thence north on sectional lines, the center of said range, to the place of beginning, shall form a new county, to be called Coles. Sec. 2. For the purpose of fixing the permanent seat of justice of said county, the follow" ing persons are appointed Commissioners, viz.: William Bowen, of Vermilion County, Jesse Essarey, of Clark County, and Joshua Barber, of Crawford County; which Commissioners, or fl majority of them, shall meet at the house of Charles Eastin, in said county, on the fourth Mon- drty in January next, or within five days thereafter, and being duly sworn before some Justice of the Peace of the State, faithfully and impartially to take into view the convenience of the people, the situation of the present settlement, with a strict view to the population and settle- ments which will hereafter be made and the eligibility of the place; shall proceed to explore and carefully examine the country, determine on and designate the place for the permanent seat of justice of the same : provided, the proprietor or proprietors of the land shall give and con- vey by deed of general warranty, for the purpose of erecting public buildings, a quantity of land, in a square form, or not more than twice as long as wide, not less than twenty acres. But should the proprietor or proprietors of the land refuse or neglect to make the donation afore- said, then and in that case the said Commissioners shall fix said county seat (having in view the interest of the county) upon the land of some person who will make the donation aforesaid. If the Commissioners shall be of the opinion and decide that the proper place for said seat of jus- tice is or ought to be on land belonging to Government, they shall so report, and the County Commissioners shall purchase one-half quarter-section, the tract set forth, in their name, for the use of the county. The Commissioners appointed to locate the seat of justice shall, so soon as they decide on the place, make a clear report to the Commissioners' Court of the county, and the same shall be recorded at length in their record-book. The land donated or purchased shall be laid out into lots, and sold by the Commissioners of the county to the best advantage, and the proceeds applied to the erection of public buildings, and such other purposes as the Commission- ers shall direct; and good and sufficient deeds shall be made for the lots sold. Sec. 3. An election shall be held at the several places of holding elections as now laid off by Clark County, in said Coles County, on the Saturday preceding the first Monday in February next, for one Sheriff, one Coroner, and three County Commissioners, for said county, who shall hold their offices until the next general election in 1832, and until their successors be qualified. And it shall be the duty of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of said coiinty, and if there be none, then the Recorder or Judge of Probate, to give at least fifteen days' notice previous to said elec- tion, and who shall appoint the judges and clerks of said election, who shall be legal voters ; and the returns of said election shall be made to the Clerk of the Circuit Court, Recorder or Judge of I'mbate, as the case may be, and by him, in the presence of one or more Justices of the Peace, opened, and they jointly shall give to the persons elected Commissioilers, certificates; and that of the Sheriff and Coroner to forward to the Governor ; which election in all other respects be conformable to law. Sec. 4. All courts shall be held at the house of Charles Eastin in said county, and con- tinue to be held there until public buildings shall be erected for the purpose, unless changed to another place by order of the County Commissioners' Court, who shall make the same a matter of record. SKr. 5. The Commissioners appointed to locate the county seat, shall be allowed $2 per day each, for every day necessarily employed in locating the same, to be paid by said county. Approved, December 25, 1830. This act gave to Coles County a legal being, and steps were at once taken to put the machinery of existence into operation. According to the provision of the act creating it a county, an election was held in February, 18-31, at Ashmore's, the only voting place in the county, and about sixty votes were cast. At this election, George Hanson, Andrew Caldwell and Isaac Lewis were HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 245 elected County Commissioners, and constituted a County Court for the transac- tion of county business ; a system which continued in force until the adoption of a new State Constitution in 1848. The Commissioners mentioned in the foregoing act to locate the seat of justice, viz., Bowen, Essarey and Barber, met, and after a thorough investigation of all eligible points suggested, decided on the present site of Charleston. Charles Morton and and Benjamin Parker owned the land, and each donated twenty acres for town purposes, as provided in the act of organization. In February, 1831, the survey was made by Thomas Sconce, first County Surveyor, and in April of the same year, the first sale of lots was made. The Commissioners gave the name of Charleston to the county seat, in honor of Charles Morton, one of the men who donated twenty acres of land to the county. Feeling under some obligations to Mr. Morton for the assistance he rendered them while engaged in locating the town, they told his wife that they had determined to call the place Mortonville, when she offered an amendment to their proposition, sa;ying that if they desired to compliment her husband in that way, to add the last syllable of Morton to Charles, and call their town Charleston. They accepted her suggestion, and thus the capital of the county received its name. During the year 1831, the first Court House of Coles County was erected^ down on the " town branch," as the murky little stream is called. It was built of hewed logs, covered with "clapboards," floored with sawdust and provided with wood benches for seats. This served as a temple of justice until 1835, when the brick building, still in use, was erected. Originally, it was an old- style edifice, of the pattern still to be seen in many of the counties of Illinois^ but has been modernized, remodeled and transformed into quite an imposing structure, with an altogether attractive appearance. It stands in the center of a handsome square, thickly planted with maple-trees, and surrounded by a sub- stantial iron fence. In a few years more, when the trees get their growth, the public square of Charleston will be a beautiful spot, and an ornament to the city. The first Jail was a little log cabin, in the south part of the town, which, in an early day, perhaps, served the purpose of a prison ; but in this enlightened age-, when crime has become a science, and criminals a band of professional ex- perts, would prove but a frail barrier between them and liberty. The present Jail is in the Court House buildino;. The first Circuit Court was held at the house of Col. Flenner, three miles west of Charleston. Hon. William Wilson was the presiding Judge. This session of Court is thus described : " The Judge sat on a log, the lawyers on rotten chunks, and the parties engaged in litigation swung to the bushes." James P. Jones was Circuit Clerk, and was appointed by Judge Wilson at this session. Jones was a resident of Clark County, and his appointment to the office of Circuit Clerk excited the just indignation of the Coles County people. They felt themselves competent to fill any office in their county, and well qualified 246 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. to receive the salary pertaining to it ; and to have an outsider step in and relieve them of the responsibility of trying the experiment was a blow to their pride not to be forgiven. The first records of the Circuit Court are non sunt inventa, and hence, few particulars of the sessions for two or three of the first years can be obtained now. The first record-book in the Circuit Clerk's office begins with the April term, 1835, Hon. Justin Harlan presiding. As we have said, George Hanson, Andrew Caldwell and Isaac Lewis were elected the ' first County Commissioners. They held the first session of their Court in 1831, at the house of Charles Eastin, in the Kickapoo settlement, and appointed Nathan Ellington Clerk, who thus became the first County Clerk of Coles County. In 1832, Isaac Lewis, Andrew Clarke and James S. Martin were elected Commissioners, and, in 1831, were succeeded by Stephen Stone, Nathaniel Parker and Eben Alexander, who, in turn, were succeeded in 1836, by A. N. Fuller, Alex. Miller and James S. Martin, and they by F. L. Moore, H. J. Ashmore and James M. Ward in 1838. The records here show a change in electing the Commissioners ; electing one each year, instead of three every two years, and that in 1840, John Wright succeeded Ashmore ; James Gill in 1841, succeeded Moore, and William Collom succeeded Moore in 1842. In 1843, Isaac Gruell and H. J. Ashomre succeeded Wright and Gill. In 1844, John Cutler succeeded Ashmore, F. L. Moore succeeded Collom in 1845, John M. Logan succeeded Gruell in 1846, and F. G. Frue succeeded Cutler in 1847. The Constitution of 1848 provided that the County Court should consist of a County Judge and two Associate Justices. Under this new regime, W. W. Bishop was the first County Judge, and John M. Logan and H. J. Ashmore were chosen the first Associate Justices. This branch of the Court continued, with frequent changes of officers, until the adoption of township organization, which went into effect in the spring of 1860, as will be noticed under another head. As a matter of history, and for the benefit of the reader, we append a list of the different officers from the organization of the county, the date of their election and the terms of their official service, as compiled by Capt. Adams, and published in his Centennial Address. The list was prepared with great care, is said, by those well posted, to be substantially correct, and presents a valuable record to all who are interested in such matters, or have occasion to refer to it. The list is as follows : Sheriff. — At the February election of 1831, Ambrose Yocum was elected the first Sheriff of the county, and re-elected in 1832, but died before his term expired. William Jeffries was elected in 1834, and held two terms, when he was succeeded by Albert Compton in 1838, who continued in office until 1846. L. R. Ilutchason was then elected, and served two terms, and was succeeded in 1850 by" Richard Stoddert ; he was succeeded by Thomas Lytle in 1852 ; Lytle, by John R. Jeffries in 1854, and he by H. B. Worley in 1856. Worley was succeeded by M. Jones, in 1858 ; he by I. H. Johnston in 1860 ; John H. HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 247 O'Hair succeeded Johnston in 1862, and James B. Hickox succeeded him in 1864, and, in turn, was succeeded by G. M. Mitchell in 1866, when C. C. Starkweather was elected in 1868, followed in 1870 by A. M. Brown, who was succeeded in 1872 by Owen Wiley, and Wiley by George Moore in 1874 ; James M. Ashraore succeeded Moore in 1876, and he was succeeded by John E. Brooks in 1878, the present incumbent. Probate Judge. — James P. Jones was the first Probate Judge. At the time of the organization of Coles County, this office was filled by appointment of the Governor. In 1834, Jones was succeeded by John F. Smyth, and in the same year, Smyth was succeeded by S. M. Dunbar ; he by William Collom in 1835 ; Collom by Reuben Canterbury in 1837 ; he by John W. Trower. Robert S. Mills succeeded Trower in 1843 ; W. W. Bishop succeeded him in 1847, and filled the office until 1857, when he was succeeded by Gideon Edwards, who died in office in 1864. J. P. Cooper was appointed to fill the vacancy, and, in 1865, McHenry Brooks was elected, and was succeeded in 1869 by A. M. Peterson, who was followed by W. E. Adams in 1873; and, in 1877, J. R. Cunningham, the present Judge, was elected. County Clerk. — As before stated, Nathan Ellington was the first County Clerk, and filled the office until 1839, when he was succeeded by Loran D. Ellis, who soon after fled the country, and Ellington was appointed to fill the vacancy. Ellington was followed, in 1840, by Enos Stutsman, who resigned his office, and Samuel Huffman was appointed to fill the vacancy. Tn 1853, James McCrory succeeded Huffman, and held the office until 1861, when he was succeeded by Jacob I. Brown. Brown was succeeded by W. E. Adams in 1865; Adams by Richard Stoddert in 1873, and he, in 1877, by the present Clerk, W. R. Highland. Coroner. — Robert A. Miller was the first Coroner, and, in 1836, was succeeded by Ichabod Radly, who canvassed the entire county on foot for the office. (He deserved it.) Preston R. Mount followed Radly in 1838 ; A. G. Mitchell followed Mount in 1842, and William Harr followed Mitchell in 1844. Stephen Stone was elected in 1846, and was succeeded by James W. Morgan in 1858, and he by S. F. Crawford in 1860 ; he, in 1861, by Dr. Samuel Van Meter, who was succeeded by D. P. Lee in 1862, and he by A. G. Mitchell in 1864 ; Mitchell by 0. D. Hawkins in 1868 ; he by Joel W. Hall in 1870 ; Hall by D. H. Barnett in 1872, and he by Lewis True in 1874. Circuit Clerk. — James P. Jones, as stated, was the first Circuit Clerk, and was succeeded by Nathan Ellington, who held the office until his death in 1855, when his son, James D. Ellington, was appointed to fill the vacancy. In 1856, George W. Teel was elected, holding the office two terms, and, in 1864, was succeeded by H. C. Wortham, and he by W. N. McDonald in 1872. He died in December following his election, and A. H. Chapman was appointed Clerk p-o tempore, and was succeeded in June, 1873, by E. E. Clark, who was suc- ceeded, in 1877, by the present incumbent, W. E. Robinson. 248 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. Recorder. — James P. Jones was the first Recorder of Coles County. He was succeeded in the office, in 1834, by John F. Smyth, and he Ly S. M. Dun- bar in December of the same year. Nathan Ellington received the office in 1835 ; John W. Trower in 1843 ; Ellington again in 1846, and Enos Stuts- man in 1847, who held the office until the adoption of the new Constitution of 1848, when the office of Recorder was consolidated with that of Circuit Clerk. Treasurer. — A. G. Mitchell was the first County Treasurer, and was suc- ceeded by Richard Sto.ldert in 1843, who held the office until 1849, when he was succeeded by Thomas Ly tie, and he by Jacob I. Brown in 1 851 ; Brown by D. C. Ambler in 1855 ; he by A. Y. Ballard in 1857 ; he by Abram Highland in 1859 ; he by D. H. Tremble in 1863 ; he by H. M. Ashmore in 1869 ; he by George Moore in 1871 ; he by W. B. Galbreath in 1873, and he by J. F. Goar in 1877, the present Treasurer of the county. Surveyor. — The first Surveyor of the county was Thomas Sconce, who was succeeded by Joseph Fowler in 1835 ; he by Sconce again in 1839. Lewis R. Hutchason was elected in 1843, and was succeeded by Thomas Lytle in 1847 ; he by John Meadows in 1852 ; he by William A. Brun in 1855 ; he by Lewis B. Richardson in 1859 ; he by Thomas Lytle again in 1861 ; he by James S. Yeargin in 1864 ; he by George A. Brown in 1867 ; he by John H. Clark in 1869, and he by the present incumbent, John L. Aubert, in 1875. School Commissioner. — Charles Morton was the first School Commissioner of the county, and held the office until 1841, when he was succeeded by James Alexander, and, in 1845, he was succeeded by James B. Harris ; he by H. Mann in 1849 ; he by Gideon Edwards in 1851 ; he by James A. Mitchell, and he by W. H. K. Pile in 1861 ; he by Elzy Blake in 1865 ; he by Rev. S. J. Boveli in 1869 ; he by Rev. Allen Hill in 1873, and he by Prof. T. J. Lee in 1877, who is now in office. State's Attorney. — In 1860, J. R. Cunningham was chosen State's At- torney for the judicial circuit of which Coles County was a part. This position he held for four years. The new Constitution, adopted in 1870, gave to each county an attorney. The first appointment under this new order of things, was Col. A. P. Dunbar, who was succeeded by J. W. Craig. Robert M. Gray is the present State's Attorney. Legislators. — The first Representative of Coles County in the General Assembly of the State was Dr. John Carrico, in the session of 1832. In 1834, James T. Cunningham was a member of the Legislature from this county. He also served in the sessions of 1837 and 1840 ; was a candidate for the Consti- tutional Convention in 1848, and was the choice of his party for Congress in the campaign of 1860. He came from Kentucky to Coles County in 1830, and was a man of good judgment, liberal views, and skilled in the details of finance. In the sessions of the Legislature of 1836-37, and in 1844, and in 1855, Col. A. P. Dunbar represented the county, and served with Lincoln and Douglas. He gave to Douglas the name of Little Giant ; introduced the bill HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 249 for moving the capital from Vandalia to Springfield ; also a bill allowing fees to jurors, which position had before been honorary; also a resolution asking Congress to reduce the postage on mail matter,* and Illinois thus became the first State to move in that direction. In the General Assemblies of 1838 and 1842, Hon. 0. B. Ficklin represented the county. He is a native of Kentucky, but in an early day settled in Wabash County, and afterward in Coles. He was appointed, by the Legislature, Prosecuting Attorney for this Circuit, and, in his ofiicial capacity, once prosecuted a colored woman here for murder. She was poor, and the other attorneys in attendance volunteered to defend her. Mr. Ficklin closed the case in a vigorous speech, and after he sat down, the woman observed, that she " believed in her soul dat Massa Ficklin had done her as much harm as good in his speech." Mr. Ficklin has served several terms in Congress, and for a long term of years as a delegate to the Democratic National Conventions, and is at present, together with Hon. H. A. Neal, a man of fine ability, member of the State Legislature. In 1838, Dr. B. Monroe was elected State Senator. He was from Ken- tucky, and came to this county in 1833, and possessed fine business qualifica- tions. In the sessions of the Legislatures of 1836t and 1846, U. F. Snider represented Coles County. He was born in Elizabethtown, Ky., and came to Charleston in 1838, where he lived until 1860, when he went to Chicago. Under the administration of Gov. Duncan, he was Attorney General of the State. As a lawyer, he was eminent in his profession, and as a public speaker had few if any peers in the Western country. Joseph Fowler in 1842, W. D. Watson in 1852, W. W. Craddock in 1858,*^ Dr. John Monroe in 1862, Col. J. M. True in 1866, and Hon. G. W. Parker in 1868, have all, honorably to themselves, represented Coles County in the Legislature of the State. In 1870, Hon. James A. Cunningham and Hon. A. Jeffries were the representatives; were wise law-makers and watchful guardians of the rights of the people. In 1874, Hon. C. B. Steele and Hon. James A. Connolly represented the county, and were able legislators. In the Congress of the United States of 1864 and 1866, Hon. H. P. Bromwell, now of Denver, Colo., but for many years a resident of Coles County, represented this Congressional District. He was a man of brilliant talents and a lawyer of fine ability. Dr. Thomas P. Trower and Thomas A. Marshall were delegates from this county to the Constitutional Convention of 1848. Col. Marshall was also State Senator in 1858, and during his term, by right of seniority, was Lieutenant Governor. Thus, we have noted the formation of the county, together with the differ- ent branches of county ofiices and government, and the names of the incum- bents of these offices down to the present time, with a brief glance at the county's law-makers and counselors. Before passing from this part of our work, it may be of some interest to say a few words of township organization. When the * Postage on letters wag twenty-five cents, jiayable at the office of delivery, fin 1836, he was living in Greenup (now Cumberland County). 250 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. county was formed, it was divided or laid off into a number of civil townships or election precincts. The names and boundaries of these precincts we are un- able to give, as the first record of the County Commissioner's Court cannot be found. When the county adopted township organization in 1859, the fall of which year the vote was taken, there were three Commissioners, viz., John Hutton, John Monroe and James T. Cunningham, appointed to lay off the county into townships. They accordingly divided it into twelve civil town- ships, as follows : Hutton, Ashmore, East Oakland, Morgan, Seven Hickory, Milton (now Humbolt), North Okaw, Mattoon, Paradise, Pleasant Grove, Charleston and La Fayette, their boundaries and names still remaining the same to the present time, as may be seen by reference to the map in the front part of this work, except Milton, the name of which has been changed to Humbolt. The first Board of Supervisors were John Hutton, Hutton Township; John Hoots, North Okaw ; Joseph Edman, Pleasant Grove ; Milton W. Barnes, Ashmore ; William R. Jones, La Fayette ; Richard Stoddert, Charleston ; James Monroe, Mattoon ; A. R. Sutherland, Milton ; Samuel Rosebrough, Seven Hickory : Nathan Thomas, Morgan ; George W. McConkey, East Oakland, and Adam W. Hart, Paradise. The Board held its first meeting May 7, 1860, and or- ganized by making George W. McConkey temporary Chairman, but, afterward, James Monroe was elected permanent President of the Board. The county is still under township organization. MILLS, STORES, POST OFFICES, ETC. In opening up a new country, one of the first enterprises inaugurated for the public good is a mill, for with all the inventions of the age there has been no discovery as yet made to enable the human family to get along without eat- ing. We have it upon good authority that in the early times people were sometimes without bread for three weeks in succession, but there is no evidence that they were destitute of all other kinds of provisions at the same time. Mill facilities, fifty years ago, were very limited in this section of the country. The first mill of any note in the county was what is now known as the Blakeman Mill, on the Embarrass River, and was built in 1829 by the Parkers, just fifty years ago.* To this mill, we are informed, men came forty and fifty miles on horseback, with a bushel and a half of corn, and it frequently was frost-bitten. "This mill," said an old gentleman. " run all the year, except when cows came along and drank the river dry." It may have been this thoughtless act on the part of the cattle that suggested the introduction into the country of horse- mills. They were a dry-weather mill, and during the dry season were kept pretty busy. Charles Morton built one of these dry-weather mills in the neighborhood of Charleston, in an early day, which was of benefit to a large scope of country. One of the early mills was built on Kickapoo Creek, by a man named Robbins, but it was a frail structure, and could only grind one grist *It wag subsequently moved to the opposite side of tlie river and became the Blakeman Mill. HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 251 of a bushel and a half of corn from Monday morning to Saturday night. A man named Stevens built a mill in what is now Oakland Township, very early, and soon after, Redden built one in the same neighborhood. Redden's mill is said to have been a curiosity in its way, in this, that it had a buckwheat bolt attached. Chadd built one a few years later, on a new plan, but without a buckwheat bolt. If the stories told of it be true, it was a very remarkable mill, and far superior to the mills of the present day. The proprietor boasted that on a certain occa- sion he ground a bushel of wheat on his mill and bolted it on Redden's bolt, and the one bushel turned out one hundred pounds of superfine flour, and two and a half bushels of bran. (It may have been that the mill was no better than those of the present day, but a better quality of wheat was grown then.) -But these mills were a "big thing" in their day, as well as a useful institution of the country. The first store opened in the county was by Charles Morton. When he came to the county in 1830, he brought a stock of goods with him, and opened them out in a small pole cabin, near the present city of Charleston, and, upon the laying-out of the town, moved within its corporate limits. He established his store upon one of the eligible corner lots, and thus the mercantile business was begun, not only in the county, but in its metropolis. Other stores were opened a few years later at Kickapoo, Hitesville and other points in the county. Morton was not long allowed a monopoly of the mercantile trade of Charleston, but on the principle that "competition is the life of trade," soon had plenty of company. Mr. Morton was also the first Postmaster in the county. This fact is disputed by some, however, who claim that George Han- son established a post office at Wabash Point some time before there was one at Charleston. Samuel Frost carried the first mail through the county. The route was from Paris to Yandalia, then the capital of the State. Tan-yards were among the enterprises of the pioneer days. People then were not ashamed to wear, but were glad to get, sfioes of home manufacture. Many of the pioneers were sufficiently versed in the lore of St. Crispin to make shoes, and their genius Avas called into question at the approach of winter. To satisfy the demand for " shoe-leather," tanneries w^ere established where the peoples' "cowhides " and deerskins were made into leather. One of these early tanneries was established by William Wagner in the Kickapoo settlement. Another was established at Charleston by David Eastin, which afterward became the property of the Stodderts, and was operated by them for years, in fact, until tan-yards went out of fashion. Carding machines were also included among the early industries of the county. As we have stated in an- other page, the pioneer ladies manufactured the family clothing. Nearly every family raised a few sheep. The w^ool produced by these useful animals was carded into rolls by these machines, when they were taken in hand by the women, spun into yarn on the " big wheel," and then woven into cloth on the old " rattling loom." One of the first carding-machines in the county was 252 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. established or built by John Kennedy in Charleston soon after it was laid out as a town. Daniel Evinger built a carding machine on Parker's Prairie, about 1828, which is supposed to have been the very first institution of the kind in the county. But these machines, tan-yards and horse-mills have long ago be- come obsolete, the latter have been superseded by fine steam-mills, the tan-yards by " brought-on " boots and shoes and the jeans and "linsey-woolsey" by store goods. Among the first blacksmiths in the county were two men of the name of Owens and Harman, who had the first shop in Charleston. John Carter, of Ashmore, was another of the early blacksmiths, and also P. K. Honn, who for many years kept a shop at Hitesville. (For a beautiful tribute to this class of mechanics, the reader is referred to Longfellow's poem entitled "The Village Black- smith.") Other mechanics and trades-people came in, the settlements flourished and grew prosperous upon the products of their own enterprise. In this small and humble way, the foundation was laid for the power and greatness enjoyed at the present day. BIRTHS, DEATHS AND MARRIAGES. As to who was the first white child born in the present territory of Coles County, it is not possible to state definitely. As is usually the case, we hear of a great many first ones — so many, indeed, that it is hard to decide to whom the honor belongs. The child of Daniel Drake, whose wife has been mentioned as, at the age of 54 years, giving birth to a child about 1826-27, was probably the first birth in the county. Drake was one of the pioneers of the settlement at Wa- bash Point. Another of the first births was a son of James Nees, born in March, 1827, in the settlement now known by the poetical name of Dog Town. Probably there are other first ones, but we have no time to look them up. Suf- fice it, many have been born to take up the trials and troubles of earth. " Angels weep when a babe is born, And sing when an old man dies." In 1824, the vear that the first settlement was made in Coles County, a Mrs. Whitten died in the settlement on Parker's Prairie, and was the first death of a white person in the county. James Nash, who settled at Wabash Point in 1827, and soon after fatally injured himself carrying a heavy log of wood, as noticed on another page, was the first death in that neighborhood. Daniel Drake and Charles Sawyer cut down trees, split out puncheons and of them made the coffin in which Nash was buried. Among the early marriages may be noted that of James Jeems and a Miss Bates, which occurred in 1827, and is said to have been the first wedding sol- emnized in the present territory of the county. Jeems went to Darwin, on the Wabash River, then the county seat of Clark County, for the marriage license, as did also Levi Doty, who married soon after to a Miss Phipps. Apropos of weddings, the following anecdote is not inappropriate to the subject. We wish HISTORY OF COLES COUNTF. 253 to state, however, Ly way of preface to the story, that should the participants in it take offense at having their old jokes resurrected and recorded upon the pages of hi.story, we warn them to vent their rage upon Capt. Adams. He furnished us the facts, and we take shelter behind his elephantine proportions. In early times, there lived in Charleston a Justice of the Peace nained H. C. Dunbar, and a well-known business man — Richard Stoddert. These two worthy individuals were in the habit of playing practical jokes on each other, and rather serious ones sometimes, as the sequel Avill show. One bleak, dreary day, ill the month of Marcii — as disagreeable as March days can sometimes be — Mr. Stoddert told 'Squire Dunbar that a friend of his in the north part of the county, some eighteen or twenty miles from town, was to be married on that day, and had requested him (Stoddert) to send Dunbar up to perform the ceremony. Dunbar, nothing doubting, mounted his horse and rode up to the designated place to tie the knot, but upon arriving, discovered that it was one of Stoddert's jokes. lie said nothing, but, indulged internally, perhaps, in a few pages of profane history, returned home through the March blasts, taking it all good-naturedly, and l)idod liis time to pay off Stoddert in his own coin. An opportunity was soon prcsenfed. It was a custom at that day, at parties and gatherings of young people, by way of giving zest to the evening's enter- tainment, to get up a sham wedding of some couple who had been " keeping company," or were particularly sweet on each other, and have a sham ceremony performed with all due solemnity by some sham official or sham clergyman. Soon after Dunbar's "fruitless trip " above mentioned, one of these social par- ties came off in Charleston, and, with the design of retaliating upon Stoddert, Dunbar went to the County Clerk's office and procured a marriage license for Stoddert and a certain young lady, with whom he had been keeping company for some time. Armed with this document, he repaired to the party, and so engineered matters as to get up the usual sham wedding between Stoddert and his sweetheart. As a Justice of the Peace, he was, of course, called on to per- form the (supposed) sham ceremony. Confronting the pair with all the solem- nity he would have used had it been a pre-arranged wedding "for keeps," he asked the usual questions required by law, and was answered satisfactorily, winding up by informing them that, as they were aware, he was an officer, authorized by law to perform the marriage ceremony, and asked if it was their " desire to be united in holy wedlock." They answered in the affirmative, and, holding the license in his hand (which they supposed was but a piece of blank paper, used for the sake of appearance), he went through the marriage ceremony in full, received the responses, and solemnly pronounced them " man and wife," turned away and made out the certificate with the usual witnesses, went over to the Clerk's office, made a return of the license and had the certificate recorded that night, without a hint to the pair of the genuineness of the proceedings. The next day, however, the matter leaked out, and so many of Stoddert's friends joked him about being maiiied in the novel manner described, that he 254 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. went to the Clerk's office to investigate, and found it true — the papers in the case returned and recorded in due form. He then went to the girl and told her what had occurred, when quite a little excitement arose. She cried and Stoddert — swore (perhaps), not that they objected to each other, but to the way they had been inveigled into it. At last, Stoddert told her that they had better make the best of a "horrid joke" and call it genuine. She responded that perhaps she would never be able to do any better in the selection of a husband, and so the sham wedding was turned into a genuine affair. Before leaving the subject we will add that, if all reports be true, Charleston never knew a hap- pier couple than the one united in this romantic manner. Long years of wedded life were passed in the greatest harmony, and when, a few years ago, the good woman passed from earth, she was most sincerely mourned by the partner of her sorrows and joys. He is still living, an honored citizen of Charleston. 'Squire Dunbar is living in Texas, or was at the last known of him, enjoying the reflection, doubtless, that he paid Stoddert for his joke, with interest. The first practicing physician in Coles County was Dr. John Apperson, His practice extended over a large scope of country, and his office was usually on horse-back. Often when he slept, his saddle was his pillow, the soft side of a puncheon or the green earth his bed, and the blue sky his covering. Dr. Carrico was another of the early practitioners in the healing art, and was fol- lowed soon after by Dr. Ferguson, who doctored the people of Coles County for more than forty years. Col. Dunbar was the first licensed lawyer of the county, and for some time had an open field for the exercise of his legal talent. A more minute history of the professions is given in the township histories. J OLD settlers' association. In 1878, the idea was conceived of forming an association of the old settlers of Coles County still surviving, for the purpose of keeping up the old associa- tions of the pioneer days, and preserving the reminiscences of the wilderness, in which they long ago planted their homes. With this object in view, a meet- ing assembled in the city of Charleston, on the 19th of October last, and was called to order by Hon. 0. B. Ficklin. Col. A. P. Dunbar was chosen Chair- man of the meeting, and Capt. W. E. Adams was appointed Secretary. Col. Dunbar briefly stated the object of the meeting to be " the renewal of old acquaintances, and giving brief sketches of the early history and settlement of Coles County, and the organization of a society to be known as the Coles County Old Settlers' Society." I. J. Montfort, Isaac N. Craig and Thomas G. Chambers were appointed a committee to report a plan for the organization of such a society. The following is their report : " This association shall be known as the Coles County Old Settlers' Society. The object of this Society shall be to keep in lively remembrance the hardships and privations incident to the early settlers of new countries, and especially of this county, and thereby promote the same economy among the rising generation as was practiced by HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 255 them. The officers shall be a President, and a Vice President for each town- ship, a Secretary and five Directors. The duties of the officers provided for as above shall be the same as performed by such officers in all deliberative bodies and societies. It shall be the duty of the Board of Directors to call annual meetings of this society on the last Thursday in August of each year, and make necessary arrangements for such meetings. The officers shall hold their positions for one year." A committee, consisting of 0. B. Ficklin, Bichard Stoddert and Dr. S. Van Meter, was appointed, to define what an old settler is, and who shall be members of this society. Following is their definition : " Whosoever shall have lived in the State of Illinois thirty years is considered an old settler by this association, and shall be eligible to become a member of this Society." At this meeting, Thomas G. Chambers was chosen President of the association for the ensuing year, and W. E. Adams, Secretary. The fol- lowing gentlemen were chosen Vice Presidents : Albert Compton, Charleston ; Thomas E. Woods, Mattoon ; Adam W. Hart, Paradise ; J. K. Ellis, Okaw ; James Shoemaker, Humbolt ; James McCrory, La Fayette; I. J. Montfort^ Pleasant Grove; Ely B. Adams, Ilutton ; Peter K. Honn, Ashmore ; J.J. Pemberton, Oakland ; Yancey E. Winkler, Morgan ; and Isaac Perisho, Hickory. J. W. Frazier, Abram Highland, Dr. S. Van Meter, Col. A. P. Dunbar and George Birch were chosen Executive Committee. The Charleston Plaindealer closes its account of the proceedings of this meeting of the old settlers as follows: "Brief speeches were made by Col. J. J. Adams,* who has lived in the county for forty-eight years, and has heard the scream of the panther and the war-whoop of the Indian, and by Isaac Perisho, who had been a resident of Illinois since 1825 ; and by William Rigsby, who had seen the Court House built and sowed the blue-grass seed in the Court House yard ; and by Uncle John Bates, who came here in 1824, and has seen the wilderness blossom as the rose ; and by Dr. Van Meter, who has been in the country for fifty years, and carried his corn to mill on his back and hired the miller to take his oxen and grind his grist for him ; and by Aunt Polly Kellogg, who came here in 1824, saw the first mill built, and heard the first sermon preached, and attended the first funeral in the county. Job W. Brown, P. K. Honn, George Birch, Y. E. Winkler, Jeptha Parker, Michael Hall, Isaac Craig, and many other old settlers were in attendance. The Vice Presi- dents are requested to enroll all old. settlers in their respective townships. The last Thursday in August, 1879, was fixed as the time for the next annual meeting." We would add that it is the intention to keep up the meetings, and to maintain the association permanently. EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES. Some modern sage, imbued with a poetical view in his composition, has very wisely declared: ,,„.,., .i, -a •' " Tis education forms the common mind, Just as the twig is bent the tree's inclined." ■ A soldier of the Mexican war, and recently deceased. 256 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. And when our forefathers declared in their ordinance of 1787, that kn v.vl;;l :c, in connection with religion and morality, was "necessary to the g'> > 1 .; i\\,m-ii- raent and happiness of mankind,'.' and enjoined that "schools, and ilu iiuaris of education, should forever be encouraged," they suggested in that ordinance the verv bulwark of American liberty and freedom. The first free-school system of the State was adopted thirty years before the present one. Schools flourished in almost every neighborhood, says Gov. Ford in his history of Illinois, and " the law Avorked reasonably well." Gov. Coles, in his Message to the Legis- lature of 1824-25, directed attention to the liberal donation of Congress in lands for educational purposes, asking that they be husbanded as a rich treasure for future generations, and, in the mean time, to make provision for the support of local schools. During this session, Hon. Joseph Duncan, subsequently Governor (then Senator), introduced a bill, afterward passed, to which the following is the preamble : " To enjoy our rights and liberties, we must understand them ; their security and protection ought to be the first object of a free people ; and it is a well-established fact that no nation has ever continued long in the enjoyment of civil and political freedom which was not both virtuous and enlightened. And believing that the advancement of literature always has been, and ever will be, the means of more fully developing the rights of men — that the mind of every citizen in a republic is the common property of society, and constitutes the basis of its strength and happiness — it is, therefore, con- sidered the peculiar duty of a free government, like ours, to encourage and extend the improvement and cultivation of the intellectual energies of the whole." Stuve, in his history of Illinois, speaking of this act, says: " It was provided that common schools should be established, free and open to every class of white citizens between the ages of five and twenty-one ; and persons over twenty-one might be admitted on such terms as the Trustees should prescribe. Districts, of not less than fifteen families, were to be formed by the County Courts, upon petition of a majority of the voters thereof; officers were to be elected, sworn in, and their duties were prescribed in detail. The system was full and complete in all particulars. The legal voters were empowered at the annual meeting to levy a tax, in money or merchantable produce at its cash value, not exceeding one-half of one per cent, subject to a maximum limitation of $10 to any one person. But, aside from this tax, the best and most efiective feature of the law, in principle, the great stimulant of our present system, was an annual appropriation by the State of $2 out of every $100 received into the Treasury, and the distribution of five-sixths of the interest arising from the school funds, apportioned among the several counties, according to the number of white children under the age of twenty-one years, which sums were then re- distributed by the counties among their respective districts, none participating therein where not at least three months' school had been taught during the twelve months preceding. In this law were foreshadowed some of the most valuable features of our present free-school system. But it is asserted that the t L ! 1 ^? t : J^ M/iTTOON I HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 259 law of 1825 was in advance of the times ; that the people preferred to pay their tuition fees, or do without education for the children, rather than submit to the bare idea of taxation, however it might fall in the main upon the wealthier property-holders, for the benefit of all ; and the law was so amended, in 1827, as to virtually nullify it, by providing that no person should be taxed for the maintenance of any school, unless the consent was first obtained in writing, and the continuance of the State appropriation of |2 out of every $100 received into the Treasury, being its very life, was denied." In the foregoing extract is portrayed something of the first school laws of Illinois, and their virtual abolish- ment developed the rude system of schools of the pioneer days in Coles County. The school fund was not sufficient to support the schools, and the people obviated the difficulty' by some one, specially interested, taking a paper, going to the parents and having them sign as many scholars, at $1.50 apiece (that was the standard price), as they could send to school. If a sufficient number were sub- scribed they had a school, if not, the children ran wild and unrestrained as the prairie winds, at least, so far as pertained to schools. Nor were schoolhouses built then by general taxation, as they are now, but by gratuitous contribution. This contribution usually consisted in a man taking his ax and cuttino- locrs, or taking his team and hauling them from the timber to the building-site, or carrying the hod while the chimney was in process of erection, or of " rivino- " boards to cover it, etc., etc. These schoolhouses were built of logs, often with- out hewing, raised one story high, and, as an old settler informed us, " white- washed inside and outside with original Illinois mud, floored with rude puncheons, and cracks between them through which the small children some- times fell." With a fire place extending across one end of the room, benches made of trees split, open, and wooden pins put in for legs, the half of two logs cut out, and white domestic tacked over it (the pioneer glass window), completes the picture of the original schoolhouse. In these rude temples of learning the pioneer's child acquired his education. There were no grades then, and but few classes, for in a school of twenty or thirty pupils, there would be found as many arithmetics, geographies and readers as there were extant in the English language. But the adoption of the free-school system, entered upon in 1855, marks the turning-point in the history of common-school education of the State, and abolished forever the rude and imperfect system hitherto in force. The donation by Congress of the Sixteenth Section of every Congressional Township, or, if sold, lands equivalent thereto, as contiguous as might be, for the use of the inhabitants of such township for school purposes, amounted to over 998,000 acres, and which, had it been properly managed and husbanded, would have given the people such an ample school fund as would have saved them from any local taxation. At the session of the Legislature of 1854. that august body took the first step in the right direction, .by the enactment of a law separating the office of Superintendent of Public Instruction from that of Secretary of State, and creating it a distinct department of the State govern- 260 ' HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. ment, the incumbent to receive a salary of $1,500, and Gov. Matteson appointed the Hon. N. W. Edwards State Superintendent of Common Schools. This most important office, at that juncture, was bestowed upon Mr. Edwards on account of his long experience in public life, and from the conviction that he would carry into effect the hopes of the people and the designs of the Legis- lature in creating it. In January following, he submitted to the General Assembly a full report upon the condition of the public schools throughout the State, ably urged the education of the children of the State at the public expense, and presented a well-drawn bill for a complete system of free schools, which, with some alterations, became a law. The act bore date February 15, 1855, and embraced all the essential principles now in force."* But, however interesting our school history may be to the friends of education, we cannot follow it through all of its mutations, but have already trespassed upon time and space, and will only add, that there is not a State west of the Alleghanies whose educational interest and common-school system is so well developed, so well protected and so well adapted to the wants of the people and the spirit of the age, as the State of Illinois. With a few statistical facts from the last report of Prof. T. J. Lee, County Superintendent of Schools, to the Superin- tendent of Public Instruction, which are of special interest to the people of the county, we will pass on to other branches of our work : Number of schools taught in the county 121 " " pupils enrolled 7,937 Male teachers employed (1st grade) 66 " " " ('2d grade) 41 Female " " (1st grade) 59 " " " (2d grade) 67 Total number of teachers employed 233 Average merit of their certificates 8.3 Months taught by males 526 " " " females 582 Average number of months taught previous 88 Average age of these teachers (years) 27 Average monthly wages (males) $48.88 " (females) $30.60 Amount paid teachers , 14-4,607.99 Number of persons between 6 and 21 years 9,099 " between 12 and 21 unable to write 20 V Referring to the qualifications of teachers. Prof. Lee says: "Shortly after coming into office, I deemed it best to reduce, gradually, the number of certifi- cates by raising the grade of qualifications, and adopted the following rules con- cerning certificates : " 1. Scale : 5, very poor ; 6, poor ; 7, tolerable ; 8, good ; 9, very good ; 10, perfect. 2. For First Grade — Average of 8, with no branch below 7. 3. For Second grade — Average of 7, with no branch below 5. After twelve months teaching, same mark as for First Grade. 4. Only bona-fide ap- plicants to teach in this county will be examined. 5. Reference of good moral ♦Stuve's History of Illinois. HISTORY' OF COLES COUNTY. 261 character required of applicants unknown to Superintendent. 6. In addition to above, aptitude for the business of teaching will be required. 7. No re-ex- amination under three months after rejection. 8. No certificate now held will be renewed or another issued instead, except on personal application for re- examination. 9, All examinations must be begun and completed on the same day ; therefore applicants should come to the office early in the day. 10. No certificates will be issued except at published time and place." Prof. Lee closes his report as follows : " Our common school system is yet an experiment. Give it time to grow, and it may yet unfold into that perennial blessing, and those benef- icent propositions dreamed by its founders. Its growth cannot be hastened — but retarded rather — by certain Utopian ideas that now, unhappily for it, seem to be gaining ground. Let us call a ' halt ' and wait. Let all who are ' called ' to help administer the system strive in every good way to bring it up equal to the provisions already made for it, before attempting new excesses." EARLY RELIGIOUS HISTORY. The sound of the Gospel in Coles County is coeval with the first settle- ment made in its limits. John Parker, the old patriarch of the Parker family was a Baptist preacher of the " hard-shell " or " ironside" persuasion, and used to proclaim the word of God to the pioneers on the Sabbath — when it was not a good day to hunt bees. Daniel Parker was also a preacher of the same denom- ination, and, as the Parkers were the first settlers in the county, so were they the first preachers. "• High " Johnny Parker, as the old man was familiarly called, preached the first sermon in Coles County in 182-4, the year the first settlement was made. He was a plain, old-fashioned man, hewn out of rou^h timber, and "preached salvation by election, without money and without price." This sermon (the first in the county) was preached in a small log cabin in the Parker settlement, and it is said that every inhabitant of the county was there, and had abundant room, for eleven souls constituted the entire adult population. Father Parker closed this original religious service of the county in these words : " Brethren, we have wandered far into the wilder- ness, but even here death will find us." The Rev. Mr. Newport was another of the "hard-shell" divines who figured prominently in the early relio-ious history of the county. The early settlers were a conscientiously religious people. Even prior to the era of schoolhouses and churches, they had meetings under the shade-trees on the river-banks, and in private houses, dedicated by common usage to religious services. Says Capt. Adams in his Centennial Address : " We have seen one of these private houses, not exceeding twenty feet square, containing three or four beds and all the house- hold and kitchen furniture of a large family, hold a big congregation of zealous worshipers. In the early days, the old, young and even small children went to church. During the services it sometimes occurred that a half-dozen of these little ones, all with one accord, would raise their plaintive cries ; nevertheless, 262 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. the services proceeded without any apparent disturbance. The occasional man- ifestations of some of these people were strikingly singular. Some would shout and some would pray and others scream at the top of the voice. Some would clap their hands until blistered, and others faint away, but all seemed happy, recog- nizing it as the Lord's doings." An early minister of the Presbyterian Church was Rev. Isaac Bennett. " He dropped down among us," says one, " as softly as the morning light, and could not brook any religious excitement, or even the music of a child during his discourse." Rev. Mr. Martin was another of the early preachers of Coles County. But we have not space to particularize each of these pioneer soldiers of the cross. Without the hope of earthly reward, they preached the glad tidings to perishing sinners, and sought to gather them into the fold of Christ. Reverently asking the blessing of God upon all they did, their lives were simple ; their wants few and easily satisfied ; their teachings plain and unvarnished, touched with no eloquence save that of their daily living, which was seen and known of all men. In what year the first church-building was erected in the county is not known, but subsequently to 1830, as at that date, we are informed, there was not an edifice which had been erected purposely for a temple of worship. Before the building of schoolhouses, the cabin of the settler was used in winter, and in summer, "the groves, God's first temples," served their humble wishes. But now, some sixty-five church-buildings may be enumerated in the county. Not only in the towns and cities, but in every village and hamlet, their lofty spires "pierce the clouds." Even in many neighborhoods in the country are neat and commodious church-houses. In connection with the church history, it may not be out of place to say a few words of the benevolent institutions existing in the county. Freemasonry and Odd Fellowship follow close in the wake of the Christian church, and, in their way, exert almost as great an influence for good as the church itself. They teach a belief in God, the immortality of the soul and the resurrec- tion of the body. Gathered around their altars, their votaries can sub- scribe to their simple articles of faith, and join in one united prayer and praise to the great Architect of the universe. These institutions have organ- ized bodies in Charleston, Mattoon, Etna, Ashmore, Muddy Point, Oakland, Paradise, Hutton and Milton. In the city of Charleston are Charleston Lodge, No. 35, A., F. & A. M.; Keystone Chapter, No. 54, Royal. Arch Masons ; Charleston Lodge, No. 609, I. 0. 0. F.; Kickapoo Lodge, No. 00, I. 0. 0. F.; and Coles Encampment, No. 94, I. 0. 0. F. ; in Mattoon — Mattoon Lodge, No. 260, A., F. & A. M.; Circle Lodge, No. 707, A., F. & A. M.; Mattoon Chapter, No. 85, Royal Arch Masons ; Godfrey de Bouillon Commandery, No. 44, Knights Templar; Harmony Lodge, No. 551, I. 0. 0. F.; Coles County Lodge, No. 260, I. 0. O: F. ; Mattoon Encampment, No. , I. 0. 0. F. ; also, Mattoon German Lodge, No. 414, I. 0. 0. F., and Eureka Lodge, No. HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 263 13, Colored Masons ; in the village of Etna, Wabash Lodge, No. 179, A., F. & A. M., and Etna Lodge, No. 519, I. 0. 0. F.; in Oakland— Oak- land Lodge, No. 219, A., F & A. M., and Oakland Lodge, No. 545, I. 0. 0. F.; in Milton — Milton Lodge, No. 275, A., F. & A. M., and Humboldt Lodge, No. 636, L 0. 0. F.; in Ashmore— Ashraore Lodge, No. 390, A., F. & A. M.; in Muddy Point— Etna Lodge, No. 396, A., F. & A. M.; in Milton Station — Elwood Lodge, No. 589, A., F. & A. M.; in Paradise — Miles Hart Lodge, No. 595, A., F. & A. M., and in Hutton — Hutton Lodge, No. 698, A., F. & A. M. ' AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION. An association entitled the Coles County Agricultural Society was formed at Charleston on the 24th day of May, 1841, and held three successive fairs, the first, October 1, 1841, the second, October 1, 1842, and the third, Sep- tember 27, 1843. The permanent officers of the Society for 1841 were as follows : James Hite, President ; B. F. Jones, H. J. Ashmore and M. Ruflf- ner, Vice Presidents ; T. A. Marshall, Treasurer, and J. F. Whitney, Secre- tary. The officers for 1842 were : Thomas Monson, President ; Michael Ruffner, Isaac Gruwell, Vice Presidents ; L. R. Hutchason, Treasurer ; D. J. Van Deren, Secretary; and for 1843, James T. Cunningham, President; George H. Nabb and Fountain Turner, Vice Presidents ; L. R. Hutchason, Treasurer; D. J. Van Deren, Secretary; Laban Burr, John A. Olmstead, John Hite, Joel Connelly, John Apperson, B. F. Jones, Thomas Monson, Thomas Farris, R. A. Miller and William Frost, a Board of Directors.* The following extract is from the records: "From 1843 to 1855, the Society appears to have been entranced in a sort of Rip Van Winkle sleep, a "rpasterly inactivity " of eleven years' duration, until the passage of the two acts of the Legislature of Illinois, February 14, 1855, and February 15, 1855, the first to encourage the formation of county agricultural societies, and the last, a general act of incorporation of agricultural and horticultural societies and associations for improving. the breeds of domestic animals, whereupon the Society appears to have awakened from its lengthy slumber, and recommenced its labors with more of vigor, comeliness of proportion and hope to its friends than prior to that wise legislative aid by the State, and accordingly, in the spring of 1855, a re-organization was effected, and a constitution and by-laws adopted, as was then supposed, in conformity with the acts above referred to. The records under the new organization are said to be lost, so that the present Secretary is unable to give a history of its proceedings for 1855. Certain it is, however, the Society held a fair in the fall of that year, but what was contained in its list of premiums, who were judges, who competitors, to whom and for what premiums were awarded, is enshrouded in darkness. Nor is the present Secretary able to give a full list of the officers elected for that year, but as far as informed, the following is believed to be correct: James T.Cunningham, *These fairs were held on the commons, we are told, the Society having no grounds of its own. 264 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. President; D. J. Van Deren, Secretary; B. F. Jones, J. K. Decker, M. F. Hackett, a portion of the Board of Directors ; Thomas G. Chambers, Treas- urer. The present Secretary is informed that the Society, having complied with the act of February 14, 1855, received from the Treasurer of State the sum of $50, as authorized by that act. Before the election of the present Secretary, but at what time he is not informed, the Society had purchased seven and three-fifths acres of land for the use of the same for its fair grounds, and had paid the sum of $100 in part payment for the same, the title to which remains yet unperfected." The act of February 14, 1855, referred to in the foregoing records, is as follows : An Act to encourage the formation nf County Agricultural Societifs. Section 1. Be it enacted by the people of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly, That whenever the President and Treasurer of any County Agricultural Society shall certify that the sum of (at least) fifty dollars has been collected, and is in the hands of the Treasurer for the use of said society, the Tre.isurerof this State shall, when called upon for that purpose, pay to the said Treasurer or fiscal agent or officer of said society, the sum of fifty dol- lars ; and the receipt of said Treasurer of such society therefor shall entitle the said Treasurer of this State to a credit for that amount in the settlements of his account as such State Treasurer. Sec. 2. The said sum of fifty dollars, thus appropriated, shall be expended in the purpose of premiums, to be procured and distributed under the direction of said societies respectively in the manner prescribed in the constitution, by-laws, or other regulations of said societies. Sec. 3. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. The act of February 15, 1855, also alluded to in the extract from the minutes of the Society, provides for the incorporation of such societies, the mode of forming them, who shall be members, etc., and gives the usual privi- leges of all corporate bodies. But its great length and lack of interest to the general reader, are sufficient excuses for omitting it here. Under these acts the Society revived, as already stated, took new lease of life, and commenced business in earnest. The minutes, however, of the first meeting, under the new dispensation, being lost, the proceedings of that fair are " as a sealed book." The proceedings of 1856 are given in full, together with the premium-lists, officers and all matters of interest occurring during the year. At a meeting of Society held in the Court House, June 2, 1856, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: John Cofer, President; William Miller, Vice President ; H. J. Keeler, Secretary ; Thomas G. Chambers, Treasurer ; B. F. Jones, J. T. Cunningham, J. K. Decker, M. F. Hackett and James Hammett, Executive Committee. At a meeting of the officers, held soon after their election, they met and made out a list of pi'emiums, also a list of Avhat should be exhibited. It is as follows : FIRST DAY.— DOMESTIC ANIMALS. Horses. — Best stallion, 4 years old and over, Class 1, No. 1 '?6 00 Second best '^ *^0 Best stallion, 3 years old. Class 1, No. '1 3 00 Second best : 2 00 Best stallion, 2 years old, Class I, No. o 3 00 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 265 Horses. — Second best 2 00 Best stallion, 1 year old, Class 1, No. 4 3 00 Second best 2 00 Best sucking horse-colt, Class 1, No. 5. 3 00 Second best 2 00 Best brood-mare, 4 years old and over, Class 2, No. 1 6 00 Second best 3 00 Best filly, 8 years old, Class 2, No. 2 3 00 Second best 2 00 Best filly, 2 years old. Class 2, No. 3 3 00 Second best 2 00 Best filly, 1 year old. Class 2, No. 4 3 00 Second best 2 00 Best sucking mare-colt, Class 2, No. 5 3 00 Second best 2 00 Best pair horses or mares. Class 3, No. 1 5 00 Best saddle horse or mare. Class 3, No. 2 3 00 '' Best buggy horse or mare, Class 3, No. 3 3 00 Jacks. — Best jack, 3 years old and over, Class 4, No. 1 3 00 Second best 2 00 Best jack, 2 years old, Class 4, No. 2 3 00 Second best 2 00 Best jack 1 year old. Class 4, No. 3 3 00 Second best 2 00 Best sucking jack-colt, Class 4, No. 4 3 00 Second best 2 00 Jennies. — Best jenny, 3 years old and over, Class 5, No. 1 3 00 Second best 2 00 Best jenny, 2 years old. Class 5, No. 2 3 00 Second best 2 00 Best jenny, 1 year old, Class 5, No. 3 3 00 Second best 2 00 Best sucking jenny colt. Class 5, No. 4 3 00 Second best 2 00 Mules. — Best pair of mules. Class 6, No. 1 5 00 Best sucking mule-colt. Class 6, No. 2 3 00 Catile. — Best bull, 4 years old and over, Class 7, No. 1 5 00 Second best 3 00 Best bull, 3 years old. Class 7, No. 2 3 00 Second best 2 00 Best bull, 2 years old, Class 7, No. 3 3 00 Second best 2 00 Best bull, 1 year old. Class 7, No. 4 3 00 Second best 2 00 Best sucking bull-calf. Class 7, No. 5 3 00 Second best ^. 2 00 Best cow, 4 years old and over, Class 8, No. 1 8 00 Second best 3 00 Best heifer, 3 years old, Class 8, No. 2 3 00 Second best 2 00 Best heifer, 2 years old. Class 8, No. 3 3 00 Second best 2 00 Best heifer, 1 year old, Class 8, No. 4 3 00 266 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. Caillc. — Second best 2 00 Best sucking lieifer-calf, Class 8, No. 5 3 00 Second best 2 00 Best pair work cattle, Class 9, No. 1 .5 00 Sheep. — Best buck, Class 10, No. 1 §2 00 Second best buck 1 00 Best ewe, Class 10, No. 1 2 00 Second best ewe 1 00 Swine. — Best boar, 1 year old and over, Class 11, No. 1 3 00 Best boar 6 months old and under 12 months old. Class 11, No. 2... 3 00 Best pig under 6 months old, Class 11, No. 3 2 00 Best breed-sow, 1 year old and over, Class 11, No. 4 3 00 Best breed-sow, 6 months and under 12 months old, Class 11, No. -5, 3 00 Poultry. — Best pair of chickens, Class 12, No. 1 2 00 Second best pair of chickens 1 00 Farming Utensils. — Best sod plow. Class 13 3 00 Best Subsoil plow, Class 13 3 00 Best harrow. Class 13 2 00 Best land-roller, Class 13 2 00 Best mower and reaper combined, Class 13 .5 00 Best thresher and separator. Class 13. 5 00 Best seed-sower. Class 13 3 00 Best hay-rake, Class 13 2 00 Mechanical Department. — Best harness for all purposes, Class 14, No. 1 3 00 Second best harness for all purposes 2 00 Best riding-saddle, Class 14, No. 2 3 00 Second best riding-saddle 2 00 Agricultural Products. — Best acre of wheat (dimension and quality indorsed by responsible, disinterested party), to be reported to the Secretary prior to November 10, with instruction as to soil, time and manner of sowing, tillage of ground, species of wheat, etc.. Class 15, No. 1 5 00 Best acre of corn (with same conditions as to the wheat, etc.), Class 15, No. 2 5 00 Fruit Department. — Greatest and best variety of apples, with siatement as to soil, slope of ground, etc., and any concurrent facts or con- ditions by which it is believed its superiority had been induced. Class 16, No. 1 3 00 Second best and greatest variety (same statement) 2 00 Greatest and best variety of fruits, with statement as above relative to each, species, etc.. Class 16, No. 2 3 00 Second greatest and best variety (same statement) 2 00 SECOND DAY. LADIES' DEPARTMENT. Dairy. — Best 5 lbs. butter, with process of manufacture, Class 17, No. 1 2 00 Best 10 lbs. cheese, with process of manufacture, Clasi^ 17, No. 2... 2 00 Domestic Manufactures. — Best fancy quilt, Class 18, No. 1 2 00 Best coverlet, Class 18, No. 2 2 00 Best cai-pet, 10 yards and upward. Class 18, No. 3 2 00 Best rag carpel, 10 yards and upward, Class 18, No. 4 2 00 Best woolen cloth, 10 yards and over, Class 18, No. 5 3 00 Best jeans, 10 yards and over, Class 18, No. 6 2 00 Best flannel, 10 yards and over (white, striped or plaid), Class 18 No. 7 2 00 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 267 Domestic. Manufactures. — Best pair of blankets, Class 18, No. 8 2 00 Best yarn socks. Class 18, No. 9 50 Best cotton hose. Class 18, No. 10 50 Fancy or Needle Work. — Best specimen fancy needle work. Class 19, No. 1... 3 00 Best quality, embracing the greatest variety, of articles useful and ornamental, Class 19, No. 2 , 5 00 At a meeting held August 2, 1856, the Board passed a resolution to adopt the list of premiums as above given, and appointed a committee to prepare the fair grounds for the forthcoming exhibition. At a subsequent meeting, an agreement was made with D. J. Van Deren and H. J- Keeler to inclose the grounds. At a meeting September 13, it was ordered that a well be dug and curbed upon the Society's grounds ; badges were ordered for life members, and for the officers. Robert Leith was appointed Marshal ; E. W. True, J. R. Jeffries, James Shoemaker, William Jones and Richard Champion, Deputy Marshals, together with some other unimportant matters pertaining to the fair soon to take place, were arranged. The fair came off on the 24th and 25th of September, and, from the entries made in the different classes, seems to have been a very interesting and success- ful meeting. Particularly were the stock classes well represented, and a num- ber of entries made in each class. The Secretary published a report which is copied in the records, showing the list of Judges for the articles and stock adjudged, and the names of those to whom premiums were awarded, but its extreme length forbids its insertion in this work, however interesting it might prove to our readers, especially those who are engaged in stock-raising. But it is impossible to follow the Society through all the years since its re-organization in 1855. Suffice it, that at the present time it is in a flourish- ing state, and the people of the county are justly proud of their association. The last meeting took place in September, 1878, occupying five days, the 17th, 18th, 19th, 20 th and 21st ; the premium -list embraces ten pages of closely printed matter in a pamphlet printed for gratuitous distribution. The grounds of the Society comprise twenty-four acres well improved, substantially inclosed, with stock-stalls and all necessary buildings, and of a total value of about $6,000. The present officers are as follows, viz., S. D. Dole, of Mattoon, President ; James Shoemaker, of Loxa, I. J. Montfort, of Charleston, T. G. Chambers, of Charleston, M. B. Valodin, of Oakland, Vice Presidents ; E. R. Connely, Samuel Van Meter, C. E. Wilson, Adam Millar and Isaac Flenner, Board of Directors; R. S. Hodgen, Secretary, and J. K. Decker, Treasurer. The farmers of Coles County have for years past devoted considerable attention to the improvement of their stock, and many of them are at present engaged largely in breeding blooded horses, cattle and hogs. Of horses, the Norman stock is being introduced in the county, and as draft horses are popu- lar, while other blooded horses are receiving some attention. W. A. Whitte- more, H. M. Ashmore, J. W. Wright and I. N. Gibbs are specially engaged in breeding fine horses. Blooded cattle are being more extensively raised, as this 268 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. section of the country is more favorably adapted to cattle than horses. S. C. Ashmore, William Millar, Ambrose Edwards and Isaac Flenner make a specialty of Short Horns. R. L. Reat, of Herefords and Jerseys, and R. S. Hodgen, of Jerseys. Shepard &, Alexander are known, not. only over the State of Illinois, but throughout the entire country, for their fine breed of Poland-China hogs. Their fine specimens of this famous stock of hogs have been exhibited at Chi- cago, St. Louis, Indiana State Fair, Illinois State Fair, Kansas State Fair, and all the surrounding county fairs, where they have been invariably awarded the highest prizes. But we shall refer more particularly to this snbject in the history of Charleston Township. In conclusion of the history of the Agricultural Society and the fine stock of the county, we deem it of some general interest to the reader, to append the following abstract from the Assessor's returns for 1878, as showing the amount of stock, its value, together with other property, and the grain produced for the past year : Assessed valuation. Horses, number of head 10,402 $ 208 628 Cattle, " " 15,973 143,875 Mules and asses, number of he:id ],393 80,975 Sheep, number of head 6,971 5,948 Hogs, " " 35,176 39,746 Steam engines 20 6,010 Fire-proof safes 50 1,353 Carriages and wagons 3,664 48,067 Watches and clocks 3,552 7,754 Sewing machines 1,575 14,854 Piano-fortes 179 8,366 Melodeons and organs 167 4 579 Improved lands 268,863 3,333,290 Unimproved lands 49,491 249,074 Improved town and city lots 2,46 5 769,909 Unimproved town and city lots 3,384 76,325 Total value of assessed property in the county* §5,642,818 No. of acres of wheat in 1878 19,500 No. of acres of corn in 1878 100, P16 No. of acres of oats in 1878 10,075 No. of acres of meadow in 1878 24,549 No. of acres of other field products 6,300 No. of acres of inclosed pasture 97,408 No. of acres of orchard 6,708 No. of acres of wood-land 53,200 THE COUNTY FARM. "The poor ye have with you alway." Originally, the mode of taking care of the poor of the county, was through an officer in each township or elec- tion precinct, styled " Overseer of the Poor," who looked after the welfare of the ♦Several items of taxable property not given in the above table. HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 269 poor and needy, supplied their wants and, at a regular meeting, brought his bill before the County Board. But this system was found to be rather expen- sive, the county, it is said, having paid out as much as |12,000in a single year for the benefit of its poor. So this mode was changed to a county farm. Some time during the war the county purchased a small tract of land in Pleasant Grove Township, but becoming dissatisfied with this, from some cause or other, probably its location at the very edge of the county, it was sold in 1865, and forty acres bought in La Fayette Township. After using this a few years in the capacity of a county farm, it was sold and 258 acres purchased in 1870, in Ashmore Township. Upon this farm substantial buildings have been erected, and all necessaries and conveniences prepared for taking care of the poor com- fortably. The main building is a substantial two-story brick, and will accom- modate about sixty persons. This farm, at the time of its purchase by the county, was well improved, having a comfortable frame residence, barns and all necessary outbuildings, so that the only additional expense to the purchase of the land was the erection of the brick building above referred to. Upon a written request to the Superintendent of the farm, Joshua Ricketts, Esq., we received the following, which we give in full, as it contains much of general interest, as well as some valuable hints : " The number at present in our County Poorhouse is thirty-three. This is about the average for the year. There are twenty-one females and twelve males. Four of the inmates are over eighty years of age ; two of them are white and two black. One of these blacks is supposed to be at least 100 years old. The blacks are both females, and were slaves until freed by the emancipation proclamation of President Lincoln. Old John Golliday, well known to many of the citizens of the county, having been a resident for over forty years, was once the lawful owner of 400 acres of good land in Morgan Township, but by not doing right, he lost it all, and now has to betaken care of at the expense of the public. I am convinced that fully nine- tenths of all pauperism in this county may be traced either directly or indi- rectly to the use of intoxicating drinks. Not that there were that number who were drunkards, but the sin of others has, in many cases, visited the children to the third and fourth generations. It is but a few days since a poor, degraded creatare left the house to return to his old haunts, where he can again wallow in the ditch, steeped in the fire of the still. This same man said that he felt as if could drink fully three inches of whisky, so anxious was he to get back to his old rum-holes. I am thoroughly satisfied that there would be no real neces- sity for poorhouses if intoxicating liquors were banished from the land. " As to the mode of conducting the house, we have a set of rules for the gov- ernment of inmates, which are hung up in the house so that all can know what is required of them. The Supervisors of the various townships are ex-officio Overseers of the Poor of their respective townships, and by their order the Su- perintendent receives and takes under his care those who are dependent and help- less. The county owns some two hundred and fifty-eight acres of land, about 270 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. two hundred acres of which is plow and grass land : the remainder is principally timber-land. On the farm is a brick building 38x58 feet, two stories high, apd a kitchen attached to the main building, extending some 28 feet in length and 16 in width, with a large porch facing the east. There is also a very comfortable dwelling for the Superintendent and his family and a large barn, with some smaller buildings. There is an orchard of about one hundred and fifty bear- ing trees, consisting of apples, peaches and cherries. In the summer time, the paupers are employed some portion of the time in cultivating tobacco, of which weed they are, as a rule, very fond." The Superintendent has to enter into a contract with the Board of Super- visors, and give a heavy bond, obligating himself to take care and treat kindly and humanely all who may be placed under his care, stipulating the kind and variety of food that shall be furnished. It is now nine years since the county bought the farm where the Poorhouse is now located, eight miles east of Charles- ton, immediately on the Indianapolis & St. Louis Railroad. There were twen- ty-seven paupers moved from the old house, four miles west of Charleston, to this place, October 25, 1870, of which number there are remaining on hand at the present time seven — two men and five women. There have been thirty-two deaths at the house, out of some two hundred and fifty persons who have been received and cared for. The attending physician (A. T, Robertson), says it is remarkable what cures have been effected. Most of those who have died were far gone when received. The oldest person who died was Mrs. Anna Higgenbotham, a cousin to Gen. Winfield Scott. RAILROADS OF THE COUNTY. To obtain an accurate idea of the railroads of Coles County, one must go back before the day of railroads and note briefly their causes. The first railways in the world began in the collieries in England, and were simple tramways — wooden rails — on which the cars were hauled by mules. As in many places the way from the collieries to the coal-yards was up an inclined plane, the cars were hauled by the mules up the plane, and allowed to return by their own gravity. " By little and by little," as Charles Dickens would say, the tracks were extended to the shipping points, and, finally, to the chief markets. Then the laborers began to ride to and from their daily tasks ; then others rode ; then a car made to carry only laborers and those desiring to ride was placed on the track ; steam began now^ and then to be recognized as an important factor among the immense motive powers of the world, and, about 1825, George Stephenson invented and placed in successful operation an engine that drew a train of cars over a wooden railway, protected by an iron covering, at the rate of twelve miles an hour. This road ran from one town to another, over vale and hill, up-hill and down, astonishing the incredulous English, who prophesied only dire disaster and distress would attend the operating of such a monster. Soon the railways, operated by steam, and carrying a train of cars HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 271 that "annihilated both time and space," were coming rapidly into use in the mother country. The American nation, not to be outdone, had caught the con- tagion, and, in 1830, the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad commenced active opera- tions to open a similar line, extending westward from that city. In 1826, a tramway was built from Quincy, Mass., the home of the Adams family, to the granite quarries, a few miles away — the pioneer railroad in America. On this primitive affair only mules or horses were used, and it was never put to any other purpose than the hauling of granite from the quarries. From 1830 to 1835, railroads in the East received a considerable impulse. Improvements of all kinds were being made, a speed of twenty and thirty miles an hour was attained, and the benefits of their construction and use were becoming more apparent. About this time, it began to occur to the denizens of the Prairie State that their domain was the best place in all the world for such enterprises. " For," argued they, " have we not a rich, productive soil, an even country, requiring but little preparation, and needing no expensive grading, filling or costly bridges. Does not our land bring forth plenty, and, if we had proper means for transporting our products away and bringing money and settlers back to us. what a country we would be ! " A desire always finds a favorable argument and some way to accomplish its ends. True, there was no money to build such works, and Pennsylvania and other Eastern States which had entered on such schemes had invariably been the losers; for " rings " would form and steal what they could not get honestly. Yet Illinois soon found a way, and the attempt was made. In his message to the General As- sembly, at the session of 1885, Gov. Joseph Duncan urged the Legislature, now ripe for action, to the furtherance of schemes that were so brilliant in their pros- pects. That body responded by such subsidies and grants to internal improvements as to astonish even the sanguine Governor himself. Before they stopped, so infatuated were they with the glorious future so enchantingly spread out before them, they had entailed a debt of more than $14,000,000, all confidently expected to be paid by the improvements themselves and by the consequent increase in property. The Utopian scheme dazzled the eyes of the Governor, the Legislature and the people. They saw nothing but the most prosperous times ahead, and began at once a system of financiering that in the end well nigh impoverished the State. Gold and silver, the money of the world from its infancy, could, of course, not be had for the fulfillment of the plans, and a system of bonds was instituted, based on the faith of the State, redeemable in a series of years, and payable in coin in the banks in New York. It was confidently predicted that the bonds would not only sell at par, but would command a premium. Thoy were to be paid from the proceeds of the canal and railroads, and were adver- tised as the best securities to be had. The first installment went off easily ; but human greed began to exhibit itself, and " rings " were formed, and, before any 272 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. one was aware, the bonds of Illinois, Indiana and Ohio — for tliese States were in the meshes of the same visionary scheme — began to decline. When work began on the Illinois and iNIichigan Canal, on the Illinois Central Railroad and a few other such enterprises, laborers flocked to the State, prices of everything advanced, and the day of prosperity so confidently predicted in the early stages of the " plan," seemed now at hand. The men of the day, blinded by the ap- parent success of the scheme, like men of this day, seemed to overlook the fact that every article of trade, whether food, labor or merchandise, ad- vanced with the influx of currency issued by the State banks, brought into life by the scheme, and that in this respect things were no cheaper than before. Now, at first $1 would buy but little less than before. Soon it took $2 to buy what $1 would before, and so on, till, when the system collapsed, $100 of State money would buy only as much as $16 in gold. The projected works were simply marvelous in extent. Almost every county in Illinois was to have a railroad, and in those where none were projected, $200,000 was to be distributed. Work was to begin at both ends of the rail- roads and the canal, and in any other places where heavy grades were encountered. Among the projected routes was one from Cairo to the northern limit of the State, especially to meet the southern end of the canal, this was to run through or near Coles County. Another was projected from Terre Haute, Ind., west- ward to Alton, 111. It was stipulated by the " Alton interest," as that faction was known in the Senate, that no road should terminate at St. Louis. That city was a rival to Alton, which confidently expected to overtake and pass her opulent neighbor, and, in time, completely overshadow her. Hence, no favors were to be shown the foreign rival. She must be put down some way, and that way could be aided by refusing all means of ingress and egress, save through Alton. For this reason, the road from Terre Haute westward, must stop at Alton, and all business coming from the East must center there. That the railroad was to be built no one for a moment doubted. It was to be known as the Terre Haute & Alton Railroad, and contracts for its construction were let early in the life of the Internal Improvement system. Work began at both ends and progressed centerward. Grading and filling was done at each ex- tremity, the route determined on, and for a short time progressed favorably. As the bonds of the State declined in value, and its currency fell in a like ratio, the demands of the laborer, unskilled in finance, and caring only for their pay, became more and more exorbitant, and when the failure of the system came, they abruptly abandoned the State, with all manner of maledictions cast upon it. The work on the railroad did not reach Coles County. That on the Illinois Central suff"ered a similar fate, and no signs of railroads appeared here, save in the surveyor's lines and stakes, and in the losses some of its people suffered from the collapse, and return to a specie basis. The hard times that followed have almost an unequaled history. The decline in fictitious values, the distress of many people who had caught the HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY, 273 contagion of suddenly growing rich without giving an equivalent for the pros- perity, the fall of real estate, the high price of produce, and, more than all, the dread of emigrants, who feared to link their lives with a commonwealth whose taxes for the future seemed unbearable, gave the State a reputation any- thing but agreeable. It was young, however, full of resources, and confident in its powers. Able men took the helm ; a series of redeemable, long-time bonds was issued, the canal, through additional loans, w^as completed ; and by the time the Mexican war began to agitate the minds of the American people the bonds of Illinois had risen, first to forty, then fifty, then seventy, and now to ninety cents on the dollar. To its everlasting credit it must be recorded, all were paid ; and to-day the debt of the State is only a nominal sum, which could be paid at any time. Whatever may be said of the system of Internal Improvements, it must be recorded that the people learned a lesson, dearly, too, that it does not pay municipalities to assume the construction of such works, and that it is always disastrous to entail a debt in expectation of future greatness and ability to dis- charge it. Where such a course succeeds once, it will fail a hundred times ; and even if succeeding, it is only by unnatural methods. The reverse of the system was so great that no attempts were made to com- plete any of the unfinished roads for over twelve years. Of all the grand system of internal railroads in Illinois, but one, the Northern Cross Railroad, was the only one that reached practical results. Of that, in the spring of 1837, some eight miles were built, and, on November 8, the first locomotive that ever turned a wheel in the Mississippi Valley was placed and made a trial- trip, running out and back on the eight miles of the old flat bar track. The road was finished on to Jacksonville, and, in the spring of 1842, to Springfield, where it terminated. The little locomotive, minus a spark-arrester and cow-catcher, was a terror to cattle and buildings, throwing the one ruthlessly from the track, and burning the other with its sparks. It was, after running a year or so, run oif the track by a drunken engineer, and sold to Gen. Semples, of Alton, who nearly bankrupted himself in a fruitless endeavor to make a steam road-wagon of it. Mule-power superseded the engine on this road until about 1847, when the track was sold (being worn out, and the strap rails stolen for sled shoes by the surrounding populace) to a company of capitalists, for |100,000, one-tenth of its cost, and by them remodeled, equipped, completed and the beginning of the present Wabash Railway was the result. TERRE HAUTE & ALTON RAILROAD. In 1850, the next railroad was made in Illinois. By February of that year, the Chicago & Galena (now Chicago & North-Western)*was finished as far as Elgin, and an excursion-train ran between the two cities. A great revival in railroad interests sprang up. Among those sharing in the awakening was the old Terre Haute & Alton Road, which a second time comes into the narrative. 274 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. Work began under a new corporation in 1851. The old route was deter- mined on, as much of it at either end could yet be used. As has been stated, no grading had been done in Coles County. The Illinois Central, whose early history is analagous to that of the Terre Haute & Alton, was surveyed while work was being done on the latter road, and an agreement made between the two roads stipulated that whichever got to the place of contact last should bear the expense of crossing. Work went vigorously on through 1853, 1854 and 1855, and, in order to accomplish the feat, the Terre Haute & Alton Road hastily graded their route and reached Mattoon first. This was accomplished in the winter of 1855. As fast as either end of the roads was completed, cars were put on, the intervening links being traversed by stages which carried pas- sengers who desired to travel in the then incomplete condition of the roads. This road completed its bed and ran a train of cars through from Terre Haute to Alton a little before the holidays in the winter of 1855-56. The gradino- was very incomplete, many places the engine being unable to pull but few cars at a time. When "stuck," as the natives called it, fence-rails were used as an assistant motive power, or neighboring horses or oxen borrowed to help haul the engine over the incline. About the time of the building of this and the Central road, a policy arose on the part of the residents of Central Illinois known as the " State's Policy." It more particularly affected those on the line of the Terre Haute & Alton Road, whose terminus was Alton, which by the people of that city, always a rival of its great foreign neighbor, was considered as one of the public cor- porations that would in time enable her to become what she sought to be — the emporium of the Mississippi Valley. This policy party sprung suddenly into existence when the Ohio & Mississippi, and the Vandalia — then known as the Brough Road — attempted to get charters. They must not center at a point opposite St. Louis ; they must come to Alton or not be built. No track was allowed to be laid from Alton to the river on this side of St. Louis, and for two years this "policy" threatened the serious failure of these two corporations. It was extremely narrow, selfish and bigoted, and was handled without gloves by the foreign press and by the people on the line of these two roads striving to get a crossing in Illinois. Xot until 1852-53, did the party lose its power in the State Legislature, and not till a new body was elected from the people, who, by this time began to see its narrowing effects, were the desired charters allowed. Senators Douglas and Young wrote letters to prominent men in Illinois urging them to abandon the idea, and pointing out to them the fact that the grant to the Central Railroad could not have been obtained, had such a "pol- icy" been known to exist. Owing to this feeling, mainlj^, the Terre Haute & Alton Road was built from the city on the Wabash to her aspiring neighbor on the Father of Waters; and, owing to this same polic}'' lurking then in the minds of the citizens of that ■sSfe., M& ■w %'''f'f''M -i-^-f^-^'- ^r.a)^i:_ ci-T/— >"Z>/^ (DECEASED) PLEASANT GROVE HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 277 place, was the road for a number of years compelled to transfer its freight and passengers to boats, and float them to the mighty emporium on the western bank of the same mighty stream. It was finally overcome, however. A track was built to the east side of the river, opposite St. Louis, where, until the erec- tion of the present grand bridge, the ferry-boat transferred them over the river. With the change of terminus, a change of name occurred, and when the connection was eftected with the road leading eastward to the capital of Indiana, the name assumed its present form. Now it connects with the " Bee Line," eastward, and forms a continuous route from the cities of the Mississippi Valley to those on the Atlantic seaboard. Mr. E. B. McClure, the General Superintendent, is a citizen of Coles County, residing at Mattoon. Here is what what may be termed the " Half- way House," and here are some of the principal offices. The car-shops of this Company were removed from Litchfield, in 1870, and erected on a lot of ground donated by the residents of the northeast part of town, where they are placed. They were secured through a donation of |60,000 on the part of Mattoon, in whose history a full account of them may be found. THE ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD. Like the Indianapolis & St. Louis, the Illinois Central had its rise in the Internal Improvement system of 1835, and, like that road, went down in the collapse of the system in 1840. Some work was done on the road during this period, chiefly at the northern end — its connection with the canal. It was intended to connect the canal and the junction of the rivers at Cairo by means of this road ; and from published statements of the late Judge Sidney Breese and letters of Stephen A. Douglas, we learn the idea originated as early as 1835, the commencement of the system referred to. The revival of railroads and the consequent improvement in property received a great impulse in Congress by the grant of 3,000,000 acres of land to the State of Illinois for the construction of the Central road. A more munificent grant of land could hardly be imagined at that date, and to the Senators and Representatives in Congress of that session is the grant due. The provisions of the grant were that the road was to be completed in ten years. In case of failure, the unsold lands were to revert to the General Gov- ernment, and for those sold the State was to pay the Government price. The. belt of land was to include each alternate section for a width of twelve sections, the odd-numbered sections to be the property of the railroad, the even-num- bered ones to be the property of the Government, and to be sold at not less than double the ordinary price (|1.25 per acre), i. e., $2.50 per acre. The lands in this belt not already sold were to be withdrawn from market and to remain so until the location of the road was permanently decided upon. The State found itself in possession of the grant of land at the session of 1850, and 1851, and as the act of Congress had passed the September previous, the 278 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. intervening time had been assiduously taken up by the press and stump of the State in advocating and discussing plans for carrying out the project. It may be remarked here that every plan brought forward was secretly fed by private interests as much or more than by public good. Each town on any line from Cairo to La Salle knew it was destined to be the one the road should pass through. The session of the State Legislature was harassed by various monop- olists, who saw in the brilliant prospects an easy way to secure wealth, and who, for a time, seriously crippled the enterprise. Many persons were strongly in favor of the State engaging in the work as it had done twelve years before, and advocated the payment of the State indebtedness by means of the sale of the lands and profits from the lands. The maxim that " A burnt child dreads the fire" was exemplified here. The State did not care to repeat the experiment it had so disastrously attempted a few years before; especially so when an unexpected solution of the problem of how to best build the road presented itself. Robert Schuyler, Geoi'ge Griswold, Gouverneur Morris, Jonathan Sturgis, George W. Ludlow and John F. A. Sanford, of New York City, and David A. Neal, Franklin Haven and Robert Rantoul, Jr., of Boston, came before the Legislature, represented by one of their number, and offered, if the State would give them the grant of land, they would build and equip the road, and have it in running order by the year 1854 ; that by the 4th day of July, in that year, the road would be completed. There was a speedy, unlocked for solution of the whole question. A company of capitalists step forward, propose to complete and equip the road in a given length of time, much shorter than the State could hope to — to, in fact, relieve them of all care in the matter, and, when done, to pay annually into the treasury 7 per cent of all its gross earning in lieu of all taxes. State and municipal. It is said, in their eagerness to obtain the road, the capitalists would have bound themselves to pay 10 per cent as readily as 7 ; but that that was engineered through the Assembly by a prominent citizen of Illinois, who was secured for this purpose by the company. After a little delay in getting the Commissioner of the Land Office, at Washington, to convey the land to the company, work was begun. At the outset, much strife was engen dered over the route the road should take, several towns vying with each other in their efforts to obtain not only the road through their midst, but the com- mencement of the branch to Chicago. The question was finally decided by the State selecting a route as direct as possible, through a region containing as much unsold land as possible, thereby gaining all the land she could. The main line ran from Cairo north to Central City, where the Chicago branch diverged in the direction of that city, taking in its route Coles County. The main stem continued north through Decatur, Bloomington, La Salle, Avhere it encountered the soutliern end of the canal, and on northward, ending at Galena. Thus, by rare sagacity, a company of capitalists found themselves in possession of a magnificent railway, built from the proceeds of bonds issued by them HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 279 secured by the lands, without the outlay of a dollar of their own money. They set aside a certain part of the lands, the proceeds of which were to be applied to the interest on the bonds. The prices realized for all these lands ranged from |5 to |55 per acre, and as the road opened, an immense region of hitherto unproductive lands, the sales on the part of both the road and the Government were simply enormous. The Government was the real gainer, for much of the lands had been in the market over thirty years and had not found a purchaser. Now, the railway promised a speedy outlet for farm produce ; towns and villages sprung into existence with Western-like prodigality, and before a decade of years had passed, the enterprise had yielded a hundred-fold. It was the first subsidy granted any railroad by the Government — a practice which, we are prone to say, has, in a measure, been somewhat abused. The Illinois Central Road was completed and in full running order by the winter of 1856, a year and a half from the time the memorialists agreed to make it, they having been delayed in getting the grant of land properly deeded to them by the Commissioner of the Land Office at Washington. Construction- trains were running that winter, and on January 1, 1856, says Mr. Frank Alli- son, of Mattoon, a passenger-train made the first run from Chicago to Cairo. This railway is one of the longest in the West, and from the 7 per cent of its earnings a revenue accrues to the State amounting now to over a half-million dollars annually. This, the Company has at various times endeavored to reduce or change ; but the people have set their faces against it, and, not long since, have placed it beyond the reach of the Legislature, by a constitutional amend- ment to the organic law of the State. OTHER RAILROADS. In addition to the two extensive lines of railway crossing the county, three others have been added since the war ; none, however, so great or having such history as their predecessors. The close of the late rebellion threw upon the country a large force of unemployed men, and a vast amount of capital. This latter was used in open- ing new enterprises, and, as the States had learned to let such affairs alone, men with tact and energy stood ready to enter upon them. A railroad from Mattoon to Danville ; from Mattoon to Gray ville, thence to Evansville ; from Charleston to several other towns in the State, was proposed, while roads in various direc- tions across the county were projected. Of these enterprises we will mention none save the successful ones : the Grayville & Mattoon, the Decatur, Mattoon & Southern, and the Illinois Midland. The Grayville & Mattoon Railroad began to be talked about as early as 1866. One effort brought on another, and in the columns of the Mattoon papers, from that time down to 1872 and 1873, large-headed articles appear every week or so, all prophesying great results. Townships along the line of the proposed road gave liberally in bonds and private subscriptions, as those 280 FilSTORY OF COLES COUNTY. along the line of the Indianapolis & St. Louis had done, and a speedy comple- tion was expected. Only twenty-eight or thirty miles of grading were com- pleted, however, and that in Richland County, and for four or five years the road lay dormant. In 1874, a new company was formed, and by two years had the grading completed to the south line of Coles County. Work was con- tinued on up through the county, at first running the line to intersect the Illinois Central about a mile south of Mattoon. The grade was made here ; but afterward changed, and brought directly into the town. It was all com- pleted and the track laid by July 4, 1878, and on that day a grand excursion, under the care of J. H. Herkimer, the Receiver, was inaugurated, and a hila- rious day made along the route. The road has been operating since then, and has had a good local trade, the freight business especially being quite heavy. A. short time ago, Mr. Herkimer and his associate officers resigned, from various causes, and were succeeded by E. B. Phillips, Receiver; M. H. Riddell, Gen- eral Traveling Agent ; S. C. Anthony, General Clerk, and S. M. Henderson, Roadmaster. This road received $75,000 in bonds from Mattoon Township and the city ; from the former, two-thirds, and from the latter, one-third. The vote on this question was held in Mattoon, Tuesday, February 9, 1869 ; 444 votes were cast in favor of the tax, and 7 against it. Whether the town and township are justified in such a heavy debt, in addition to several others of a similar character, i. e., the $60,000 for the shops, is a serious question, and one which conservative citizens are inclined to doubt. The Decatur, Mattoon & Southern Railroad was begun in 1871, and com- pleted to Hervey City, seven miles from Decatur, by 1873. Here, this Com- pany was allowed a joint use of the Illinois Midland Company's ti-ack to Decatur, which the courts afterward decided they were entitled to, and which they yet use. January 16, 1874, the road passed into a Receiver's hands, and the name changed to the present one, it being formerly known as the Decatur, Sullivan & Mattoon Railroad. Since that date, the Receiver has been managing it. It is run in connection with the Indianapolis & St. Louis Road, and is under the care of Mr. E. B. McClure as Manager. Mr. W. H. Lewis is the General Agent. Both these gentlemen reside at Mattoon, and are connected with the Indianapolis & St. Louis Road. The remaining road, the Illinois Midland Railway, runs through but a small part of Coles County. It crosses the township of Oakland from east to west, passing through the village. The road runs from Terre Ha.ute to Peoria, and is in three divisions, which originally were separate roads ; Avhen consolidated, the present name was adopted. The part running through Coles County was built from Decatur to Paris, under the name of the Paris & Decatur Railroad. It was completed in 1871, and, for a time, used the track of the Indianapolis & St. Louis Road from Paris to Terre Haute. When the Paris & Terre Haute Road was completed, in 1875, it formed a junction with that road, and, soon HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 281 after, consolidated with it. Only about six miles of this railroad passes through Coles County, and that in the extreme northeast part, in Oakland Township, in whose history it is more fully noticed. While on the history of railroads, it might not be amiss to say something about telegraphs. They were, in their infancy, regarded as somewhat super- natural, as all things are apt to be when we cannot understand them ; and, when a line was brought through Coles County in advance of the railway, it is related that it was not uncommon for some of the worthy citizens to hourly gaze upon it to see the news flash along. Their desires were, however, not gratified. They couldn't see the news ; but they thought they could hear it, especially when they stood near a post and heard the ring caused by the vibration of the wires, with the air passing over them. The supposition lasted very satisfactorily until they found out better, and was as harmless as deceptive. The first operator in town was Fred Tubbs, and was succeeded by W. W. Craddock. They were here in 1850, at the time the railways of the State began their second era of construction, and have since been prominently known in the county. Other lines were added to the one running east and west across tiie county, as the railways were bujlt and the utility of such inventions became apparent. Now, they run in all directions, and one can talk with another, even though a continent be between them. Should the telephone supersede the tel- egraph, as it bids fair to do, those of the future will see a result almost beyond our conception. political and Wak record. In the days of Whigs and Democrats, Coles was a Whig county by several hundred majority, in contests where party lines were closely drawn. Upon the organization of the Republican party, a change came over the color of its poli- tics, and for a number of years it was Democratic; but, eventually, the Repub- licans gained the ascendency, and for several years carried the day in all impor- tant elections. At the present time, the political question is toned down to a point, that both of the great parties claim to be the dark horse. At the last Presidential election, the county Avas carried by the Hayes Electors by a small majority. In the local elections of the last few years, the spoils have been pretty equally divided between Democrats and Republicans. The present county oificers and their political faith are thus represented : Hon. J. R. Cun- . ningham, County Judge, Democrat ; J. F. Goar, County Treasurer, Repub- lican ; William R. Highland, County Clerk, Democrat ; W. E. Robinson, Circuit Clerk, Republican. The latter was elected by a small majority, and his election contested by Mr. Clarke, his Democratic competitor for the office. The case was tried in the County Court, and occupied the spare moments of Judge Adams, of that august tribunal, from December until the June follow- ing, when it was decided in Robinson's favor. Clarke, still unsatisfied, appealed to the Supreme Court, which body confirmed the decision of the County Court, and thus Mr. Robinson's title to the office was settled. The other county offi- 282 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. cers — J. E. Brooks, Sheriff; T. J. Lee, Superintendent of Schools ; and John L. Aubert, County Surveyor — are Democrats. Such is the political record of the county. It is probable, however, that, in a State or national contest, with a full vote on both sides, the Republicans would carry the day. Coles County's war history is written in characters of blood upon a hun- dred battle-fields. Citizens of Coles have figured in every war, from the Revo- lution down to the great rebellion that shook the republic to its very founda- tion. In many of the Indian wars of the times, they have borne an honorable part. Upon the records of the County Commissioner's Court of 1835, we find the certificates of Elisha Hadden, John Parker, Joseph Painter, John Hart and Griffin Tipsoward, made under oath to the Commissioners' Court for the purpose of obtaining a pension under an act of the United States Congress passed in 1832. These parties made oath to their services in the armies of the United States during the Revolutionary war and the Avars with the Indians of those times. Hadden stated on his oath that he was in the battle of King's Mountain, in North Carolina, "against the British and Tories;" and that, in a battle soon after with the Cherokee Indians, he was wounded, and for three months lay in the fort helpless, and was then carried home to North Carolina on a litter. Painter testified that he was in the Revolutionary battle of Eutaw Springs, and several skirmishes in North Carolina. Hart, that he entered the service of the United States in 1776, and served under Gen. Clarke, and was in several battles with the Indians. Griffin Tipsoward, that he entered the service in Virginia, in 1775, and at the close of the war was discharged by Gen. Washington, In the war of 1812, many of the pioneers of this county had participated, as elsewhere noticed, and some are still living who took part in that struggle with Johnny Bull. In the Black Hawk war of 1832, an entire company from Coles County (then in her infancy) responded to the call of the Governor for troops. Many of them are still surviving. The officers of this company were : James P. Jones, Captain ; Thomas Sconce, Isaac Lewis and James Law, Lieutenants. In the Mexican war, notwithstanding it was considered a Demo- . cratic issue and Coles was a Whig county, a full company was raised and par- ticipated in many of the battles, among which were those of Vera Cruz and Cerro Gordo. The officers of the company were : W. W. Bishop, Captain ; J. J. Adams, First Lieutenant ; H. C. Dunbar, Second Lieutenant, and Charles Jones, Orderly Sergeant. Bishop and Adams are dead, Dunbar lives in Texas, and several of the rank and file are still living in the county. In the war of the rebellion. Coles County furnished quite a little army. The Seventh and Eighth Regiments of three-months men, each drew a com- pany from the county ; the Seventh a company from Mattoon, and the Eighth a company from Charleston. The Twenty-first (Grant's old regiment) con- tained many men from Coles, as well as the Twenty-fifth, Thirty-eighth, Fifty- fourth, Sixty-second and One Hundred and Twenty-third Volunteers and the HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 288 Fifth Cavalry. The One Hundred and Twenty-third Regiment contained seven companies that were called Coles County companies. In a history like this, however, it is impossible to give a complete and correct record of a county's participation in the late war. Space will not permit. Besides, from the records that have been kept, it is not an easy matter to obtain the names of all who deserve mention. Therefore, we shall make no attempt to particular- ize any one, but will add that the record of Coles County soldiers is above reproach. Their deeds are engraved upon the hearts of their countrymen, and their reward is found in the happy reflection that the old flag still floats over all the States. And for those who laid down their lives to maintain the Union, and whose lone graves are fanned by Southern winds, we know of no better meed to their bravery, no sweeter tribute to their memory, than the beautiful lines from the pen of Col. Theodore O'Hara, of Kentucky, and dedicated to the heroes of that State who fell in the Mexican war, when their bones were collected and interred in the State Cemetery at Frankfort : "The muffled drum's sad roll has beat The soldier's last tattoo ! No more on life's parade shall meet That brave and fallen few ; On Fame's eternal camping-ground Their silent tents are spread, And glorj guards with solemn round The bivouac of the dead ! " These beautiful lines, written for the Kentucky dead of the Mexican war, have been adopted by Massachusetts and inscribed upon a splendid monument erected to her dead heroes of the late war. They are a touching tribute to the soldier who lays down his life for his country and sleeps the eternal sleep, never more to heed the call to arms until the last reveille shall sound from the battlements of heaven. Peace to their ashes. MISCELLANEOUS HISTORY. There are few individuals, and perhaps few countries, but have some dark pages in their histories. To err is human nature, and to say that the people of Coles County, or certain classes of them, have sometimes erred is but to pro- claim them human — not divine. The murder of Nathan Ellington by Adolph Monroe, in October, 1855, was a horrible affair, and, considering all the circum- stances, pe(?uliarly distressing. Ellington is said to have been a man of most excellent character, and highly respected by all who knew him. Mon- roe was his son-in-law. He was a young man of commanding appearance, fine address, and had once stood high in the community, but had fallen a prey to intoxicating drink. A family feud was engendered, and one day, in an altercation with his father-in-law, he drew « revolver and shot him dead. For this crime he was tried by a jury of his peers, found guilty of murder in the first degree, and sentenced to be hanged. The day 284 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. of execution came, and though in midwinter (the 14th of February, 1856;, and the ground white with snow, a great multitude gathered at the county's capital to witness the fulfillment of the law. The heavens were dark, as if draped in the " gloom of earthquake and eclipse," and the elements seemed poisoned with the spirit of vengeance, as manifested by the immense crowd which had assembled, not only from this, but from adjoining counties. In the mean time, a respite of thirty days was granted by the Governor to the doomed man. This produced a terrible commotion in the multitude, now changed into a howl- ing mob, and threw it into the most insane excitement. It swayed back and forth from the Court House to the prisoner's cell, and resolved and re-resolved. The death of the fated man, in violation of law, was determined upon. His prison was assaulted by the mob, the officers of the law intimidated and over- come, and Monroe taken out of jail by ruthless hands. He was dragged to the valley west of town by the infuriated people, where a gallows was speedily erected, the doomed wretch lifted into a wagon, the rope adjusted, his limbs pinioned, the wagon moved from under him, and, without shrift, hurled into eternity. Monroe said to one man at the gallows : " I die, and if I go to hell, you will go to the same place, for you it was that sold me the whisky that has brought me to this terrible fate." What a haunting memory to cling to one through life ! It is scarce necessary to add that all the best people were universal in their condemnation of the dissrraceful affair. Another dark page in the history of Coles 'County was the riot which took place in Charleston during the stormy scenes occasioned by the late war, and the diversity of opinion with which the people regarded it. It is a fact much to be regretted that, with a record for patriotism second to no county in the State (as reckoned by the number of soldiers furnished), that such an event should have occurred to tarnish that glorious record. Doubtless both parties, the citizens and soldiers, were more or less to blame for the collision which took place between them, and in like manner responsible for the melancholy result. Of all the wars that have scourged the earth, a civil war is the most deplorable. In England's war of the roses, we have an illustration of the direful results of such a strife, and in our own internecine war we equaled, if we did not excel, the rival houses of York and Lancaster. It may be that the high-wrought ex- citement of the times presented an eligible excuse for the scene enacted in Charleston on the 29th of March, 1864, between the same people (brothers as it were) who saw the cause and object of the war through different 'glasses. The death of several persons in the streets of Charleston was the sad consequence of that difference of opinion. The feelings engendered by the war, which cul- minated in bloodshed, have long since toned down, and the participators in the deplorable affair (to call it by its mildest name) doubtless regret the part they acted in it. So, in no spirit of censure beyond a condemnation of mob violence on general principles, we will pass from the subject, flinging over the sad occur- rence the spacious robe of charity. HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 285 In his Centennial Address, Capt. Adams narrates a melancholy occurrence in the township of Hickory, at or near Hickory Grove. In the winter of 1830-31, which is characterized in the history of Illinois as one of unusual severity, three men froze to death near this grove. They had under- taken to cross the prairie on horse-back ; the ground was covered with snow to a considerable depth, and the air piercingly cold. In their last extremity, they killed their horses, and, taking out their entrails, crawled into the warm carcasses, but before relief reached them they succumbed to the " Icy King of Terrors." The following is from the same source of information : " In 1831, three men of the name of Ellis were killed by lightning, in the southwest part of the county. The accident occurred on Wednesday, and they were not found until the Saturday following. When discovered, their bodies were as limber as that of a living person, and never stiffened like a body that meets death from natural causes. It was supposed that the lightning had broken the bones without rupturing the skin." Passing from the grave to the gay, from the sad to the ludicrous, it becomes our duty, as a faithful historian, to chronicle an event that took place in Coles County in 1834, which, while it had a somewhat ludicrous termination, was begun in earnest, by one of the parties engaged in it, at least. The circum- stance referred to, was a duel fought in Charleston, by Peter Glassco and John Gately. A difficulty had arisen between them, which blood alone could satisfy or settle, and, accordingly, they resorted to the code of honor to avenge their wounded dignity. A challenge was sent and accepted, seconds were selected and the weapons (big " boss " pistols) were chosen. The hostile parties met, with ten paces between them, and proceeded to wipe out their wrongs in the most approved style. The seconds loaded the pistols with blank cartridges, without Glassco's knowledge, however, who, it seems, was the most belligerent of the two, and the most deeply grieved. Finally, when all was ready, the principals were placed by the seconds, one, two, three, were called, and both parties fired. Gately fell, and his second, who had provided a bottle of pokeberry-juice for the purpose, ran to him and dexterously saturated his clothes with the contents of the bottle, thus giving him a most ghastly appearance. Glassco, petrified with terror, gazed at his bleeding victim, and, horrified at the " ruin he had wrought," exclaimed, " My God, I have killed him,", threw away his pistol and fled. About a year afterward, he was apprised of the fact that the duel was a "put-up job," and that Gately still lived, when, with the horror of murder removed from his soul, he returned to the county. He never fought another duel. That scourge of the human race, the Asiatic cholera, one of the gifts of the Old World to the new, made a visit, in 1851, to Coles County. For a time "it made itself exceedingly odious and repulsive," says one, "and old and young alike were the victims of the fell disease." As is usually the case, it visited certain localities only, Charleston and Pleasant Grove Township being the suf- 286 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. ferers. In these sections, many cases occurred ; some of them proved fatal, "while others recovered. The greatest consternation and excitement prevailed. Those not sick became panic-stricken, and fled in confusion and dismay. How many died of the disease cannot now be ascertained. Distressing as was the ordeal and melancholy in its result, yet it had its humorous side. A very amusing anecdote is told of Hon. 0. B. Ficklin's grim fight with the awful disease. He was attacked in the harvest-field, rushed home and went to bed, sent for all the doctors in town, called his wife and children to his bedside, bade them good-by, and kissed them one by one, concluding with his old colored cook, and prepared to die with the cholera. He dropped off to sleep, from which he awoke, a few hours later, completely restored. Having slept off the natural exhaustio7i (!) of the harvest-field, "Richard was himself again." AVe spoke of a murder and a lynching, a little space ago. Charleston can boast of several other murders within her time. But we shall not go into details concerning them. Such incidents are better forgotten than perpetuated upon the pages of history. We will, therefore, pass them without further remark in this connection. THE GRAVE OF LINCOLN'S FATHER. Thomas Lincoln, the father of the martyred President, was among the early settlers of Coles County. He removed from Kentucky (where the future President was born) to Spencer County, Ind., in 1816, when Abraham was but seven years old. Here he remained until 1830, when he removed to Macon County, 111., and located on the North Fork of the Sangamon River, ten miles southwest of Decatur. He came to Coles County about 1832-33, and settled in what is now Pleasant Grove Township : but Abraham, having in the mean time attained his majority, and commenced the battle of life on his own responsibility, did not come with the family to this county. In after years however, when he became a praccicing lawyer, he often attended the courts of Coles County, in which cases he never failed to visit his father in Pleasant Grove, and, it is said, always purchased as many presents (generally of a sub- stantial character) as he could stow in his buggy, and conveyed them to the family, who were in indigent circumstances. Stuve's History of Illinois gives the following of President Lincoln's family : " Abraham Lincoln was born in La Rue (now Hardin) County, Ky., about two miles south of the village of Hodgensville, February 12, 1809. Here his father had taken up a land- claim of 300 acres, rough, broken and poor, containing a fine spring, known to this day as the ' Linkum Spring.' Unable to pay for the unproductive land, the claim Avas abandoned, and the family moved from place to place in the neighborhood, being very destitute. These removals occurring while Abraham was scarcely more than an infant, has given rise to different statements as to the exact place of his birth. It is said that in that part of Kentucky four places now claim the honor." Thomas Lincoln, the father of Abraham Lincoln. HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 287 finally removed to Indiana, and then to Illinois, as above stated, and died years ago in Pleasant Grove Township. There, in a quiet little cemetery, known as *' Gordon's Grave-yard," without stone or "lettered monument" to mark the spot, sleeps the old pioneer. We give below a poem, entitled the " Grave of the Father of Abraham Lincoln," written by G. B. Balch, Esq., of Pleasant Grove, and published in many journals throughout the country, from Lippin- €otfs Magazine to the county papers : " In a low, sweet vale, by a murmuring rill, The pioneer's ashes are sleeping; Where the white marble slabs so lonely and still, In silence their vigils are keeping. " On their sad, lonely faces are words of fame. But none of them speak of his glory ; When the pioneer died, his age and his name. No monument whispers the story. "No myrtle, nor ivy, nor hyacinth blows O'er the lonely grave where they laid him ; No cedar, nor holly, nor almond tree grows Near the plebeian's grave to shade him. " Bright evergreens wave over many a grave, O'er some bow the sad weeping-willow ; But no willow-trees bow, nor evergreens wave, Where the pioneer sleeps on his pillow. " Some are inhumed with the honors of State, And laid beneath temples to molder ; The grave of the father of Lincoln, the great. Is known by a hillock and bowlder. " Let him take his lone sleep, and gently rest, With naught to disturb or awake him, When the angels shall come to gather the blest To Abraham's bosom, they'll take him.'' GEOLOGICAL FORMATION. The geological deposits and formations of Coles County possess but little interest or importance, as compared to many other sections of Illinois. The soil of the prairies is of considerable thickness, of a deep black, or dark brown color, and very rich and productive. Beneath this soil, according to the geo- logical survey of the State, is a loamy clay, which also produces well with proper cultivation. The most important feature of the geology of the county, however, is the coal-deposit, which is supposed to underlie the county. A man of the name of Owens, years ago, discovered coal, and a very good quality, too, near where John Mickleblack now lives. Recent investigations, we are informed, have developed the fact that not exceeding five hundred feet below the surface, coal abounds in great abundance. Doubtless the time is not far distant when these coal-fields will become a source of industry, as well as of great value to the country. According to geological survey, three-fourths of 288 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. the surface of Illinois are underlaid by beds of coal, and consequently have a greater area of this valuable fuel than any other State of the Union. A scientific writer speaks thus upon the formation and discovery of coal : '• The vast accumulation of vegetable matter from carboniferous plants, either im- bedded in the miry soil in which it grew, or swept from adjacent elevations into shallow lakes, became covered with sediment, and thus were transformed into coal. It has been estimated that eight perpendicular feet of wood were required to make one foot of bituminous coal, and twelve to make one foot of anthracite. Some beds of the latter are thirty feet in thickness, and hence 360 feet of timber must have beqn consumed in their production. The process of its formation was exactly the same as practiced in the manufacture of char- coal, by burning wood under a covering of earth. Vegetable tissue consists mostly of carbon and oxygen, and decomposition must take place, either under water or some other impervious covering, to prevent the elements from forming carbonic-acid gas, and thus escaping to the atmosphere. Conforming to these requirements the immense vegetable growths forming the coal-fields subsided with the surface on which they grew, and were buried beneath the succeeding deposits. Nova Scotia has seventy-six different beds, and Illinois twelve ; and consequently, in these localities, there were as many different fields of verdure overwhelmed in the dirt-beds of the sea. Thus, long before the starry cycles had measured half the history of the unfolding continent, and when first the expanding stream of life but dimly reflected the coming age of mind, this vast supply of fuel was stored away in the rocky frame-work of the globe. Here it slumbered until man made his appearance and dragged it from its rocky lairs. At his bidding, it renders the factory animate with humming spindles, driving shuttles, whirling lathes and clanking forges. Under his guidance the iron- horse, feeding upon its pitchy fragments, bounds and tireless treads over its far- reaching track, dragging after him the products of distant marts and climes. By the skill of the one and the power of the other, the ocean steamer plows the deep in opposition to winds and waves, making its watery home a highway for the commerce of the world. Beyond the coal-beds underlying the surface, the county, as we have said, is not very rich in geology. There are, we believe, some stone-beds along the Embarrass River, but the quality of the stone is poor and of but little value for building purposes. With this brief glance at the geological features, we will leave the subject, referring the reader to the Geological Survey of the State for further information on this interesting point of history. THE COUNTY PRESS. The first newspaper was established in Coles County -in 1840, and was called the Charleston Courier. But as the township history will contain a more complete account of the press, we shall have little to say on the subject in this chapter. We wish, however, to leave on record our impression of the HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 289 value of the files of county papers as sources of history. Their pages give a picture from week to week of both national and local events, which can be found nowhere else. Even the advertisements give much history, and we think there ought to be a provision made for keeping such files in the county and city offices. There are at present in Coles County six newspapers, viz. : the Courier and Plaindealer, of Charleston ; the Oommercial, Journal and G-azette, of Mattoon ; and the Herald, of Oakland. These are live, energetic newspapers, well filled with the news of the day (this is not an advertisement), and deserve the liberal support of the people of the county. CHARLESTON TOWNSHIP. "The proud bird, The condor of the Andes, that can soar Through heaven's unfathomable depths, or brave, The fury of the northern hurricane And bathe his plumage in the thunder's home. Furls his broad wings at nightfall, and sinks down To rest upon his mountain-crag ; but Time Knows not the weight of sleep or weariness, And night's deep darkness has no chain to bind His rilshing pinions." — Prentice. *' Time, fierce spirit of the glass and scythe," sets his signet upon the fading race of men, and they pass away "as a tale that is told." The "enduring marble" points us to the spot where sleep the pioneers whose magic touch changed this country from a " howling waste" to the paradise we find it to-day. More than fifty years have " flung their sunshines and shadows o'er the world " since the first white people came to Charleston Township and proceeded to set- tle themselves to " grow up with the country." Fifty years ! How much has transpired in that half-century that has come and gone since the " star of empire " crossed the " raging" Embarrass and paused for a moment over this fair region. We have neither time nor space to particularize the changes that have taken place in all these rolling years. Go ask the few old gray-heads still left how they have seen the palace take the place of the " pole cabin," the railway-train that of the patient, plodding ox, and the " wilderness rejoice and blossom as the rose." They can tell you of these changes far better than we, for they are things ' all of which they saw and part of which they were.' Ours is the duty to give the dry, historical details, and faithfully we shall endeavor to perform the task. ^. „„^.xm ^ THE EARLY SETTLEMENT. The first permanent settlement was made in Charleston Township in 1825. In that year, Seth H. Bates settled here, having removed from Crawford County. Jesse Veach, then a young man of eighteen, "moved" him to this 290 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. neighborhood, and informs us that there was not a family then on this side of the Embarrass River. Bates was originally from Ohio, but had been living some ten years in Crawford County before emigrating to this. He remained here but a short time, however, when he sold out and removed to the Kickapoo settlement, in what is now La Fayette Township, where he is noticed further. In the fall of 1826, Enoch Glassco and his sons, Kimball, Madison and Enoch Glassco, Jr., came from Kentucky and settled just north of the present city of Charleston. They are said to have been almost as tall as the giant oaks of their native State — not one of them but stood more than six feet in his stock- ings. Enoch Glassco, Jr., is still living and resides in Charleston ; Kimball lives in Tuscola, and Madison died some three years ago. A daughter of the elder Glassco married James Y. Brown, who came to the settlement soon after. Mrs. Permelia Gobin was also a daughter of Glassco. In 1827, the Parkers came to this neighborhood and settled on what is now Anderson's Addition to the city of Charleston. They were of the family of Parkers mentioned in the general county history as settling, originally, Parker's Prairie. Benjamin Parker was one of the most noted, perhaps, of those who settled in this town- ship. He was a son of old " High" Johnny Parker, as he was called, the old "hard-shell" Baptist preacher. It is told of him (old " High" Johnny) that, one Sunday, after he had closed his sermon, he gave out an appointment " to preach at that place, that day four weeks, if it was not a good day for bee- hunting." He was a soldier in the Revolutionary war, and, as a reward for his services, received a pension under the act of Congress of 1832. The following certificate appears on the early records of the County Commissioners' Court : Stat« OK Illinois, ) Coles County, j ' On the 15th day of October, personally appeared in open Court before Isaac Lewis and James S. Martin, County Commissioners for the county of Coles, now sitting and constituting said Court for said county and State aforesaid, John Parker, a resident of the United States of America, in the county of Coles and State of Illinois, aged seventy-four years, who, being first duly sworn according to law, doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the act of Congress passed June 7, 1832 : That he entered the service of the United States, under the following-named officers, and served as herein stated ; that he enlisted under Capt. Fields, Col. Slaughter commander of the regiment. Gen. Greene's Brigade; entered the service of the United States in October, 1777, and left the service in twelve months thereafter ; that again he entered the United States service under Capt. Callier, of Col. Alexan- der's regiment. That he was drafted in the latter end of 177D, and mai'ched through Winchester, Va., into Pennsylvania, and was stationed on a creek called Ten-Mile Creek, in Pennsylvania ; was in no engagements, and that he has no documentary evidence. That he remained twelve months each term of service, making two whole years. That he received a discharge from Capt. Callier, and that it is now lost. That he was boi-n September 5, 1758, in the ^State of Mary- land, Baltimore County; that the only record of his age is taken from his father's Bible, now in his possession; that he lived in Culpeper County, Va., when called into service; that he lived in the State of Georgia seventeen years ; thence to Tennessee, Hickman County ; thence to the Territory of Illinois, in the year 1815, in which State he now resides, and in the county of Coles. He hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension, except the present, and he declares that his name is not on the pension-roll of the agency of any State. Sworn to and subscribed the day and year aforesaid. John Parker. HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 291 This certificate is attested by Griffin Tipsoward, who was also a Revolution- ary soldier, and the Commissioners add their certificate, that after fully investigating the case, and " putting the interrogations prescribed by the War Department, " believe he was a Revolutionary soldier, and served as stated in the foregoing declaration. There were James, Silas, Nathaniel and Daniel Parker, who were all brothers of Benjamin Parker. Daniel Pai'ker was also a Baptist preacher of the hard- shell or ironside faith, and mentioned in the history of Edgar County as one of the first preachers in that county. He together, with Benjamin and Silas Par- ker, finally removed to Texas, where the latter two were killed by the Comanche Indians. They had bought a lot of cattle, and were herding them when the Comanches are supposed to have come upon them, drove them to their herder's shanty and murdered them, as when found their bodies were sticking full of arrows. A daughter of one of the Parkers was captured by the Indians, after their removal to Texas, and kept for some time in captivity. When released, she wrote a narrative, descriptive of her trials and sufferings while among the savages, which many of the people siill living in this neighborhood have read. Old " High " Johnny Parker went to Texas with his son Benjamin. The old gentleman was a soldier in the Revolutionary war, and as such. Col. Dunbar succeeded in getting a pension for him, as a reward for his services in fightini: for the independence of his country. There are still many descendants of the Parkers living, who are among the substantial men of Coles County. Charles S. Morton was another of the very early pioneers of Charleston Township, and one of the energetic and enterprising men of that early day. He was from Fayette County, Ky., within three miles of the city of Lexington, the home of Henry Clay. Though he came to a rich county, it does not equal that which he left. Fayette County is in the very heart of the blue-grass region, than which no finer land is to be found below the sun, and Lexington possesses more wealth (to the amount of population), perhaps, than any city in the United States. Mr. Morton came to this settlement in tho spring of 1829, and brought his wife Avith him to look at the country, thus con- sulting her taste and happiness in the selection of a home, as all good men ought to do. Three months later, he brought his children to his new home. We have said that he was an enterprising man. He kept the first store in Charleston Township — brought the goods with him when he came to the country and opened them out in a small pole cabin, where he continued business until Charleston was laid out, when he moved into the village, and was the first merchant here also. He also had the first horse-mill in the township, and his residence was the first in the neighborhood, perhaps in the county, that could boast of the luxury of a glass window, and we are creditably informed that people came for miles to see how a house looked with the modern improvement of a glass window. He built a row of pole cabins near where the Charleston post office now stands, which were known as the Penitentiary, and these he would let to families mov- 292 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. ing to the settlement three months free of rent, which time sufficed, if they were industrious, to provide a cabin of their own. A daughter of Mr. Morton married Dr. Ferguson, and another J. K. Decker, Esq., and a son, Charles II. Morton, lives in Chicago. Capt. Adams thus speaks of him in an address delivered by hira some time ago: "Mr. Morton traveled down through the journey of life among us, bearing an irreproachable reputation for truth and integrity, and has left behind him children, grandchildren and great-grandchil- dren, all intelligent and prosperous, and scattered^^from here to Chicago." He died in January, 1848. Mrs. Ferguson and Mrs. Decker still can describe very vividly how, in their young days, they used to dance on puncheon floors and dirt floors and any other kind of floors, and that, too, as often as a fiddler could be obtained. As musicians were scarce, whenever one chanced to present him- self it was invariably the signal for a dance, which was usually prolonged ." All night, till broad daylight," when the boys would " Go home with the girls in the morning." Col. A. P. Dunbar is another of the pioneers of Charleston, who came here from the " Dark and Bloody Ground." He is a native of Fleming County, and came to Illinois in 1828, but returned to Kentucky, where he read law and was admitted to the bar, and, in 1831, came back to Coles County and located in Charleston, and was the first lawyer to hang out a "shingle" in this city. He was elected to the State Legislature in 1836, when Coles County embraced Cumberland and Douglas Counties, and was re-elected in 1844-45, and, at this session, had Abraham Lincoln for his deskmate. His father, Alexander Dun- bar, was a soldier of 1812 and was with Commodore Perry in the battle on Lake Erie. Col. Dunbar's law library was destroyed by fire in 1877, since which time he has retired from the practice of laAV. Among the early settlers of this township are Levi, Samuel and James Doty, and John Bates, who settled in the southeast part of the town about 1830-31. They came from Crawfoi'd County, but were originally from Kentucky. Levi and James Doty still live in the township, and Samuel moved away years ago. Bates, also, is living yet in the town. Charleston Township, as well as the entire county, was originally settled mostly by Southern people, Kentucky, perhaps, contributing the largest delega- tion to the population. In addition to the names already mentioned, we have from the old Blue-Grass State, Thomas G. and Dr. W. M. Chambers, Isaac N. Craig, Edmund Curd, Alexander Perkins, John Monroe, Levi Hackett, James M. Miller, Richard and Thomas Stoddert, Col. Thomas A. Marshall, Hon. U. F. Linder, Dr. Samuel Van Meter and Hon. 0. B. Ficklin, and probably others whose names we have failed to obtain. The Chamberses were from Harrison County. Thomas came to Illinois in 1838, and settled in Charleston, where he still lives. He commenced his business life as clerk in'a dry goods store, and, in 1840, embarked in the business for himself, and continued it until 1866, HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 295 when he established the banking house of T. G. Chambers & Co. In 1866, he became President of the First National Bank, which position he now holds. He is a public-spirited and enterprising citizen, and has always manifested a lively interest in the Coles County Agricultural Society, together with many other enterprises calculated to promote the interests of the city and county. He is also President of the Old Settlers' Association. Dr. Chambers gradu- ated as a physician in Transylvania University, at Lexington, Ky., in 1833, and practiced his profession in that State until his removal to Coles County, in 1855. In 1861, he was appointed Brigade Surgeon in the Union army, by President Lincoln, and served in the Army of the Cumberland until 1865. He has been President of the State Medical Society, both of Kentucky and Illi- nois. Isaac Craig is a native of Montgomery County, and came to Illinois with his father's family in 1828, settling in Clark County. Here he remained until 1835, when he came to Coles County, where he has since resided. He was one of the prominent farmers of this township, until his retirement from active business. He is a stockholder and Director in the Second National Bank of Charleston. In the Black Hawk war of 1832, he served in the Sec- ond Brigade of Illinois Volunteers, under Gen. M. K. Alexander, of Paris. Edmund Curd was born in Jessamine County, and from there removed to Hardin County, Ohio, where he remained a few years, and then came to this township, arriving here in 1836, and entered into partnership in the saddlery business with John R. Jeffries, who had come to the place a short time previ- ous. For more than thirty years, he continued in this business. His grand- father removed to Kentucky from Virginia at an early day, and settled on the Kentucky River where the Southern Railroad now crosses it. His grandfather's little family consisted of fifteen children, and from them almost that entire neighborhood was peopled. Alexander Perkins went from Kentucky when quite young, with his parents, to Marion County, Ind., where he grew to man- liood, and removed to Charleston in 1836. He was one of the early brick manufacturers in the county. Hon. John Monroe was from Barren County, and came to this township in 1833. He read medicine with Dr. George Rogers, of Glasgow, Ky., but never practiced the profession. He was an active busi- ness man, and accumulated a handsome property. He served a term in the State Legislature, and died in Charleston, in 1877. Levi Hacket was from Scott County, and settled here in 1835, where he remained until 1861, when he removed to Douglas County. James M.iMiller came from Spencer County . to Charleston in 1838, where he still lives, a prominent merchant. Richard and Thomas Stoddert came from Grayson County, and may be numbered among the pioneers of Coles. The family consisted of the mother and nine children (the father having died before leaving Kentucky), who came at dif- ferent times from 1836 to 1838. They are descendants of the old Massachu- setts Stodderts. The grandfather, Benjamin Stoddert, was a Major in the Continental army in the war of the Revolution, and afterward the second Sec- 296 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. retary of the United States Navy. Thomas Stoddert settled here in 1836, and Richard in 1838. The brothers formed a partnership in a tannery, which, in that line, and in other departments of business, was continued for thirty years. Richard is a man of considerable wealth, and is a large land-owner. He has held several offices, of which County Treasurer and Sheriff are the most im- portant. Thomas, in 1849, drove an ox-team across the plains to the land of gold. He still lives in Charleston, and is engaged in farming and merchandis- ing. Col. Thomas A. Marshall was born in Frankfort, and is a son of Hon. Thomas A. Marshall, for more than twenty years a Judge of the Court of Appeals of Kentucky. The Marshalls comprise one of the grandest old families of Kentucky, which has, perhaps, produced more great men than any other family in that proud old commonwealth, so prolific of great men. Col. Marshall, after settling in Charleston, resumed the practice of his profession (law, in which he had graduated in Kentucky), and turned his attention to politics. In 1856, he was associated with Abraham Lincoln, Lyman Trumbull, David Davis, John M. Palmer, and others, in the organization of the Repub- lican party. He served two terms in the State Senate, and was a member of the Constitutional Convention of 1847. In 1861, he became Colonel of the First Illinois Cavalry, and served until the muster-out of his regiment, in the fall of 1862. He was an able financier, and one of the first bankers in Coles County. Dr. Samuel Van Meter came from Grayson County, with his mother's family, and settled here about 1827. • He read medicine under Dr. Trower, and practiced the profession until 1849, when he went overland to California, the trip occupying five months. He remained in the Golden State a year and a half; then returned to Charleston, and resumed the practice of the liealing art. In 1857, he founded, in Charleston, the Illinois Infirmary, the fame of which has extended to all parts of the country. Patients came to it from the Pacific coast, and even from beyond the Atlantic. His partner, for a time, in this famed institution was Dr. H. R. Allen, now of the National Surgical Institute at Indianapolis. As an illustration of the popularity of the Illinois Infirmary, its receipts for 1868 were ^186,000. It continued in successful operation until 1877, when Dr. Van Meter, worn out with constant care, closed it and retired from active business. Hon. U. F. Linder was from Hardin County, and removed to Illinois in 1835, and to Charleston in 1838, where he resided until 1860, when he removed to Chicago. He was Attorney Generalof the State under the administration of Gov. Duncan, a man of intelligence and fine orator- ical powers. He died June 5, 1876. Hon. 0. B. Ficklin located in Charles- ton in 1837. He went to Missouri from Kentucky, with his parents, when quite young, and commenced the study of the law with Henry Shurlds, Esq . and, in the winter of 1829-30. entered the office of Robert Farris, of St. Louis, In 1830, he Avas admitted to the bar at Belleville, 111., having been examined by Hon. Edward Coles By the advice of Hon. William Wilson, he located at Mount Carmel, 111., where he resided until 1837, Avhen he removed to Charles- HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 297 ton, as noted above. In the Black Hawk war, he enlisted in Capt. Elias Jurdin's company, and, upon the organization of the army, was appointed < Quartermaster, and attached to the brigade of Gen. Alexander, of Paris. In 1834, he was elected to the Lower House of the State Legislature, and by that body chosen State's Attorney for the Wabash Circuit. At the election in 1838, having removed to Coles, he was elected Representative from this county, and re-elected in 1842. In 1843, was elected to Congress from the Wabash District. His colleagues were Robert Smith, John A. McClernand, John Wentworth, Joseph P. Ilogue, John J. Harding and Stephen A. Douglas. He was re-elected to Congress in 1844, in 1846, and again in 1850. In 1856, was a member of the Democratic Convention that nominated James Buchanan for President, and one of the electors that cast the vote of Illinois for " Old Buck." He Avas a member of the National Democratic Convention at Charles- ton, S. C, in 1860 ; was present at the disruption of that body, and attended the adjourned meeting at Baltimore, when Stephen A. Douglas was nominated. In 1864, he was a delegate to the National Democratic Convention at Chicago, that nominated for President Gen. George B. McClellan, He was a member of the Constitutional Convention in 1869-70, and is at present a member of the Legislature from this county. Among the substantial citizens given to Charleston Township by the " Old Dominion " — the venerable mother of States — may be numbered Albert Compton, Isaiah H. Johnston, R. M. Coon, Dr. Thomas B. Trower, Nathan Ellington, Jonathan Linder, the Cossells, William Frost, Leander Gillingwater, and perhaps others. Albert Compton came from Fairfax County, and, in 1833, settled in Charleston Township. He was a shoemaker, and worked at that trade for a number of years after coming to this neighborhood. He has retired from active business life, and, living in the city of Charleston, he enjoys in his old age a well-earned competence. Isaiah H. Johnston is almost a native of Coles County, having been here since he was three years old. His father came from Russell County, Ya., in 1830, and settled in what is now Pleasant Grove Township, in the history of which he is noticed among the early settlers. After the death of his father, he continued on the farm until he was twenty-seven years of age, when he opened a store in the neighborhood. In 1857, he removed to Mattoon, and in that city, continued the mercantile business until 1860, when he was elected Sheriif of the county. When his term of office expired, he resumed merchandising, and finally, in company with T. A. Marshall and John W. True, established the banking house of T. A. Marshall & Co., which, in 1871, became the Second National Bank of Charles- ton. In 1873, he became its President, an office he still holds. In 1869, he built an extensive porkhouse, and, in 1871, together with John B. Hill and Thomas Stoddert, erected the Charleston Pork-Packing House, which receives further notice in another chapter. R. M. Coon cannot be termed an old set- tler of this township or of the county, but his extraordinary experience of the 298 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. early times will be of some interest in these pages. At the age of twenty-one years, he entered the employ of a stock-drover. There were no railroads then, and stock-trains, but the usual custom, or, rather, the invariable custom, was to drive all stock to market. In this line of business he drove stock from Ohio and Kentucky to Virginia, and to North and South Carolina, making thirteen trips in this capacity across the Alleghany Mountains. He came to Charleston in 1840, and about twenty years ago, engaged in gardening. He has set out eight different orchards, and has eaten fruit from the last one planted. Dr. Thomas B. Trower came to Illinois in 1830, and located in Shel- byville. He came from Albemarle County, and after practicing his profes- sion in Shelbyville for six years, removed to Charleston, where he still lives. He has held many high positions in the medical fraternity, in all of which he has discharged his duty with satisfaction to those interested. Not only is he a fine physician, but an excellent business man, an able financier and a statesman. He was at one time President of the Moultrie County Bank, at Sullivan, and Vice President of the First National Bank of Charleston. While a resident of Shelbyville, he served three terms in the State Legislature, and was a member of the Constitutional Convention of 1847. Jonathan Lin- der came to Coles County with his father's family previous to 1830, making the journey in wagons, and settled in this township. Some years later, he I'evisited his native State (West Virginia), making the trip both ways on horse- back, a distance (the round trip) of over one thousand miles. He died in 1877, leaving one son, Jacob Linder, who lives on the old homestead. In 1829, Michael Cossell, Jr., came to the township, and the next year his father, Michael Cossell, Sr., and two other sons, Isaac and Solomon, moved in. Isaac and Solomon are both living, the latter in Charleston Township and the former in Ashmore. The elder Cossell and his son Michael are dead. Nathan Elling- ton was one of the early settlers here. He was an early Justice of the Peace, an earlv school-teacher of Charleston and a man of most excellent character. His tragic death was deplored by all good men. He was the first County Clerk of Coles County, and filled the ofiice to the satisfaction of the people. William Frost and Leander Gillingwater settled in Charleston Township about the same time, and were both Virginians. They came to the settlement about 1830—31, and both died here. Frost but a few years ago, and Gillingwater a few years after he came to the country. From the Hoosier State, Charleston Township has received some good mate- rial. Jacob K. Decker, James Skidmore and William Linder came from Indiana. Mr. Decker is a native of Knox County, and settled in Charleston Township in 1836. His parents were natives of Virginia, and came to Knox County in 1810, and were living in Fort Knox, on the Wabash, at the time the battle of Tippecanoe was fought. Mr. Decker married a daughter of the pio- neer Charles Morton, mentioned in the beginning of this chapter, and as a farmer and merchant has laid up a competence for old age. Mr. Skidmore HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 299 came from Owen County (Ind.) with his parents in 1833. They first settled in Morgan Township, but remained only a few years, when they returned to Indiana. After the death of his father, Mr. Skidmore came back to Illinois, then went to Missouri, and finally returned to Illinois and settled in Charles- ton, where he still lives. William Linder came here in 1835, and died in 1843. He has a son, G. W. Linder, still living in the township. From Tennessee, the land of cotton, the township has drawn some excellent citizens. John Jeffries, William Collom, James Y. Brown, Isaac Lewis and Hiram Steepleton, came from Tennessee. Jeffries came to Crawford County with his parents when but a small boy. In 1835, he removed to Coles County and settled in Charleston, where he engaged in the saddlery and harness busi- ness, which he continued until November 5, 1860, the date of his death. He served one term as Sheriff of Coles County, was an enterprising citizen, a good business man, and accumulated a handsome property. James A. Mitchell and William Collom were from Washington County. The latter came to Illinois in 1829, and stopped first in Edgar County, and, in 1831, removed to Charles- ton. He built and kept the first tavern, a log cabin of one room, in the city of Charleston. He was a soldier of the war of 1812, and fought under Gren. Jackson against the Creek Indians ; also participated in the battle of the Horse- Shoe. He died August 8, 1851. Mitchell settled in Charleston in 1830, and was quite a prominent man in the neighborhood. He died many years ago, but has a son still living in Charleston. James Y. Brown settled in Charleston Township in 1827, and remained a resident of it until his death. Lewis and Steepleton settled in the town in 1827, and Steepleton died here ; Lewis moved to the north part of the State, where he was living the last known of him. Dr. Aaron Ferguson was a native of North Carolina, and in early childhood came with his parents to Bloomington, Ind. After attaining his majority, he read medicine with Dr. Maxwell, and graduated in the profession at Transyl- vania University, Lexington, Ky,, and, in 1830, located in Charleston. His wife was a daughter of Charles Morton, mentioned as one of the early settlers of this township. Dr. Ferguson was a close student, somewhat retiring in his nature, never seeking public office. He died in 1876. Charles R. Briggs came from Washington County, N. Y., to this township in 1839, and, after farming one year, located in the city of Charleston. He has made painting of fine stock a specialty, a profession in which he excels, as hundreds of speci- mens of his genius to be found in the city and county testify. He opened the first livery-stable in Charleston with one horse in it to begin with, and so increased his trade that at one time he had in his stable forty-two horses. T. J. Marsh came from Baltimore and settled first in what is now Morgan Town- ship in 1836. His first residence in the wild West was a cabin built of rails, ten feet square, in which he lived with his entire family for three months, when they removed to Charleston. He was a carpenter and builder, and erected the first iron-front store in Charleston. Many other monuments of his enterprise 300 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. are to be found in the citj. George Birch, whose father is noticed among the pioneers of Ashmore ToAvnship, is a native of England, and came to America witli liis parents in 1833. After spending a few years in Pennsylvania, they removed to Illinois and settled in Ashmore Township, as above. He has hauled ■vfheat to Chicago in the early times for G2| cents a bushel, and driven hogs to Clinton, Ind., for $1.25 per hundred pounds net. He has for a year or two. been a resident of Charleston Township, and by close economy has amassed eonsiderable property. Eli Wiley, a lawyer of Charleston, came to Illinois with his parents in 1826, and, after spending several years in Edgar and Clark Counties, removed to Charleston in 1835, where he still lives. The Eastins, mentioned in the county history as first settling in Kickapoo, as it was then called, were Charles Eastin and three sons, Van, John M. and Harman. The elder Eastin, after a few years, moved into Charleston Town- ship, and, after sevei'al other removals to different sections and neighborhoods, finally died in Charleston. John M. Eastin located in this township in an early day (about 1830) and lived for awhile with Charles Morton. He resides at present in Charleston. Harman Eastin went to the Mexican war and was killed. He married Miss Lavina Cox, when this county was included in Clark, and went to Darwin for his marriage license. The Eastins were originally from Kentucky, but had lived for a number of years in Indiana, before coming to Illinois. They left Lexington, Ind., in February of 1830, in wagons, and were nineteen days on the road. To add to the severity and discom- forts of the trip, there was quite a snow, which continued on the ground during their journey. Dr. John Carrico was a native of Meade County, Ky., and came here about 1830-31, and was the first physician in Charleston Township. He was also the first Representative from this county in the Legislature of the State, and died soon after his term of service expired. Hon. James T. Cun- 'ningham, another Kentuckian, came to Coles County in 1830, and was one of the active and energetic men of the times. He served in the Legislature dur- ing the sessions of 1836-37, and was the choice of his party for Congress in the campaign of 1860. Dr. Byrd Monroe, also a Kentuckian, came here in 1833, and was a man of prominence. In 1838, he was elected to the State Senate, an office he filled very acceptably to the people he represe;ited. Isaac Odell Avas among the early settlers in this township, but had first settled in Pleasant Grove, where he is mentioned among the pioneers of that neighbor- hood. A son of his is said to have been the first birth in Charleston Township. Col. H. R. Norfolk came to Charleston Township in 1833. He was born in Maryland, but mostly raised by an uncle in Cincinnati, Ohio, and mar- ried his wife in Natchez, Miss. She was a native of New York, and is still living. Col. Norfolk died in December, 1865. He was the second merchant in Charles- ton. Reuben Canterberry came from near Lexington, Ky., and settled in Charleston, in the fall of 1832. He died here many years ago, and his widow married again and moved out of the county. William Martin, I. Lyman and HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 301 Gideon S. Bailey were early settlers, but of them not much could be obtained. Bailey married the widow of James P. Jones, and moved away from the town- ship. Robert Lightfoot came from Kentucky, and settled in the town in 1836, and was an honest, upright man in the community. He died some three or four years ago. John Yeach, the father of Jesse Veach, a well-known citizen of this town- ship, and a soldier of the war of 1812, settled here in 1828. He bought a claim of James Riley, who had settled here a year or two before. Riley was from Crawford County, and removed to Texas about 1833-34. Mr. Veaeh came from Crawford County, but was born in Maryland, had been a resident of Ken- tucky in the early days, and removed to Crawford County in 1814, when the people, for the sake of protection, were compelled to live in forts. He was some- time a resident of old Fort La Motte. After two years' residence in this town- ship, he removed into La Fayette, where he is noticed in the early settlement of that town. Jesse Veach, one of the honored citizens of Charleston Township, settled here in 1831, but his acquaintance with this section extends back to 1825. Li that year, he " moved " a family from Crawford County to this township — Mr. Bates, who is mentioned as the first settler in this neighborhood. At the time of his first visit here, in 1825, there was not a family living on this side of the Embarrass River, the whole country around the present beautiful little city of Charleston was a wilderness untrodden by the white men. He is still living, a hale old gentleman for one of his years, and with an excellent memory of the early days and hardships of this country. H. Gregg settled here in 1827, but remained in the neighborhood but a short time, when he removed to Edgar County. This concludes the early settlement of the township, and a history of the old settlers, so far as we have been able to learn their names. Possibly, many names have been omitted that deserve special mention, but with more than half a cent- ury between "then and now," and many of the early settlers "gone home, " and the memories of those still remaining clouded by age, renders it impossible to get a history of every one. This must be our excuse for any omissions that have been made. MILLS, STORES AND OTHER IMPROVEMENTS. The first mill in Charleston Township was a small horye-mill erected by Charles Morton, soon after his settlement in the neighborhood. After its erec- tion, it was patronized extensively by the people in the vicinity in preference to going to the mills on the Embarrass River. At this little corn-cracking estab- lishment the pioneers used to congregate, and while waiting their " turn," would amuse themselves playing marbles, running foot-races, jumping, pitching quoits and other innocent amusements ; in cold weather they would parch corn in the ashes. But with the building of other mills of greater capacity, and of water and steam power, horse-mills became obsolete, and, at the present date, it is prob- 302 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. able that at least one-half of the population of Coles County never saw a horse- mill. After the laying-out of Charleston, Morton moved his mill in the village, Avhere it figured as the first in the village as it had in the township. The first store in the town was opened by Charles Morton the same year of his settlement. He brought a stock of goods with him when he moved here from Kentucky, and as soon as he could erect a pole cabin to shelter his family, he opened out his goods in one room of it; And when Charleston sprang into existence, he moved his store to town, where, like his horse-mill, it became the first store in the village. This mercantile effort of Morton's was perhaps the only one in the township outside of Charleston, from the first settlement to the present time. As the village was laid out so soon after settlements were made in the township, there was little necessity for stores outside of the village. And hence the mercantile trade centered in it in an early day. The first road through Charleston Township other than Ihe pioneer's wagon trails, was the State road from Shelbyville to Paris. It was surveyed and located by John Flemming, Thomas Sconce and Thomas Rhodes, according to the following act of the Legislature, approved January 28, 1831 : " Section 1. Be it enacted by the people of the State of Illinois, represented in the Gen- eral Assembly, That John Flemming, of Shelby County, Thomas Sconce of Coles County and Thomas Rhodes, of Edgar County, be, and they are hereby, appointed Commissioners to view, survey, mark and locate a road from Shelby- ville, in Shelby County, to the seat of justice in Coles County, and from thence to Paris, in Edgar County, to be located on the nearest and best route, doing as little damage to private property as the public good will permit. " Sec. 2. The said Commissioners, or a majority of them, shall meet at Shel- byville on or before the 15th day of October next, and after being duly sworn by some Justice of the Peace of said county of Shelby, faithfully to view and locate said road, without partiality, favor or affection, shall immediately there- after proceed to discharge the duties required of them by this act, placing in the prairie, through which the same shall pass, stakes of a reasonable size of durable timber. " Sec. 3. As soon as practicable after said road is located, said Commission- ers, or a majority of them, shall make out a report, accompanied by a map or plat of said road, denoting the courses and distances from point to point, with such other remarks as they, or a majority of them, may deem necessary and proper, and transmit the same to the Secretary of State. And they, or a ma- jority of them, shall make a map or plat of so much of said road as lies within the respective counties and transmit it to the Clerk of the County Commission- ers of the respective counties through which the same may pass, which shall be filed and preserved in the office of said court. " Sec. 4. When said road shall be located, it shall be to all intents and pur- poses, a State road, four poles wide, and shall be opened and kept in repair as other roads are in this State. HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 303 " Sec. 5. The County Commissioners' Courts of each county through which the said road may pass, are hereby authorized and required to allow said Commis- sioners one dollar and fifty cents per day for the time necessarily employed in locating the said road in each of their respective counties ; Provided, that noth- ing herein contained shall be so construed as to create any liability on the part of this State to pay said Commissioners for their services, rendered under this act. This act to be in force from and after its passage." Before the laying-out of this road, the people meandered over the prairies and through the openings in the timber, wherever they could get through best and easiest. Often, when they went to mill, they would do as the Rev. Peter Cartwright did in the Astor House when they put him in the fifth story. He went to the ofiice and asked for a hatchet. When asked what he wanted with a hatchet, replied, to blaze his way so that he could go to and from his room without getting lost. So, would the people take their hatchets with them to mill, and blaze the trees so they could find their way back home. The same session of the Legislature at which the foregoing act was passed, another was passed requiring every able-bodied male citizen, under fifty years of age and over twenty-one, to perform three days' labor on the public highways, under the superintendence of the Supervisor of the district. An interesting feature of this act was, that when the labor provided in the act (three days of each able- bodied, etc.) was insuflScient, the Supervisor might call on " every taxable male inhabitant " in the district to perform labor on the road at the rate of one day for " every $100 worth of real and personal property he may possess in the county." The township, at the present day, is well supplied with roads and bridges; of the latter, however, there are a few eligibh sites still left, where they might be located with advantage to the people. One of the early industries of the township was a tan-yard, upon which, or in which, or at which, was manufactured the material for the understanding of the pioneer inhabitants. This primitive institution, now long obsolete, was opened by David Eastin, and the spot whereon it was located is now inside of the corporation of the city of Charleston. It finally became the property of Richard and Thomas Stoddert, who operated it until the people became too proud or too enlightened to wear home-made shoes, when they, like Othello, found their occupation (in that line) gone, and the establishment was closed. Another useful industry of those days were carding machines. John Kennedy built one in this township about 1880-31, which carded the wool of the settlers (or that of their sheep, rather) into rolls, when they were spun and woven into cloth, and manufactured into clothing by the industrious ladies. But these, then useful establishments, like the tanyards, have "gone where the woodbine twineth." Owen and Harman were the first blacksmiths, and sharpened the old Cary and barshare plows for the early farmers. These smiths were " mighty men," with " large and sinewy hands " and " muscles like iron bands," and left their imprint upon many of these rude old implements of the early husbandmen. 304 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. The first orchard in the township was set out by Benjamin Parker about 1830. Before the bearing of this and other orchards, set out soon after, the people had to content themselves with wild crab-apples and such other fruits as grew in the country. Strawberries, we are informed, grew wild in great abun- ■dance, and of an excellent quality. EDUCATIONAL AND RELIGIOUS. The first schoolhouse in the township was built near what is called the Decker Springs, about a mile north of the city of Charleston. It was the type of the pioneer schoolhouse, which has already been described in these pages, and was built in 1828. John McCombs taught the first school in this humble temple of learning. A Mr. Collora, brother of William Collom, who built the first house and kept the first tavern in Charleston, was another of the early school teachers of this township. It would be an interesting history to trace the schools of the town from this puny commencement to their present state of perfection, but we have not the space to do so, and as we shall allude to the sub- ject again in the chapter devoted to the city of Charleston, we will pass on now with the remark, that Charleston Township is laid off in convenient districts, all of them having comfortable school-buildings, wherein schools are maintained from six to nine months during the year. None but competent teachers are employed, and hence the schools flourish accordingly. The first preaching in the neighborhood was by the Parkers, as noticed in the general history, several of the family being preachers of the '' Hardshell " persuasion. Rev. Mr. Newport was another of the early divines of that faith. The Methodists and Presbyterians also were early in the field, and established classes and societies, which have continued down to the present day. But as the first church in the township was erected in Charleston, the church history will be given under that head. The first white child born in Charleston Township is supposed to have been George W. Odell, a son of Isaac Odell, in 1830. A son of David Eastin was born in 1832, which was the next birth recorded in the neighborhood. The first wedding remembered was Dr. Ferguson and a daughter of Charles Mor- ton. We are unable to give a descriptix)n of the ceremonies attending this early marriage in the wilderness, the wedding presents, appearance of the bride, etc., but as she is still living, our young lady readers, who always take an interest in such matters, can probably learn all the particulars of her. The first death is not remembered, but the " well-peopled " grave-yards tell that death has been here. Charleston Township lies a little southeast of the center of the county, and is bounded on the north by Hickory Township, on the west by La Fayette, on the south by Pleasant Grove and on the east by the Embarrass River. It is described as Township 12 north, Range 9 east of the third principal meridian, and contains a few sections more than a regular Congressional township. The HISTORY OF COLES COUIJTY. 805 surface is generally level, with slight undulations, except along the Embarrass, where it is rather broken and hilly. The town is pretty well watered and drained by the small streams flowing to the Embarrass River, among which we may note Kickapoo, Riley and Cossell Creeks, and with the Embarrass on its eastern boundary, it lacks neither drainage nor irrigation. The Indian- apolis & St. Louis Railroad crosses from east to west through the north part of the town, thus affording excellent means of shipping the great amount of grain and stock annually produced. The history of the above railroad has been so fully given in the general county history that we shall not repeat it here, but refer the reader to that part of this work. POLITICS AND PATRIOTISM. The township and city of Charleston, taken together, are Democratic in politics by a small majority. Being pretty evenly divided in point of numbers, usually calls forth from both sides considerable wire-AVorking and "log-rolling" whenever an important election is pending, and neither party leaves a stone unturned to accomplish success ; hence, exciting episodes sometimes take place between them and humorous stories are told on each side. The following is narrated at the expense of the Republicans, and is supposed to have occurred about the time of the organization of that party in the State. We do not vouch for its truth, but give it, subject to any criticism or correction it may deserve. A little party was formed, consisting of seventeen individuals, to go into one of the rural towns to organize the sturdy yeomanry, and they contributed $1 apiece for the purpose of providing a lunch for the occa- sion, as they contemplated being out all day. One of the number was ap- pointed to procure the lunch, and well knowing, perhaps, the appetites of the party, he invested $16, of the $17 appropriated, in whisky and $1 in crackers. They proceeded on their mission, and, as they performed their very "arduous labors," had frequent recourse to the bottles of the "all-healing bal- sam of life and comfort." Toward evening, one of the party came to the " butler," with a hungry, thirsty look upon his alabaster countenance, and wanted " some more that 'ere liquor." He was informed that it was nearly out, and he would have to cut down his potations, to some extent, and take crackers instead. After deliberating over the matter a moment, he looked up and remarked, " Wh-what in the did ye (hie) git so many crackers for ? " The following illustrates the other side pretty well : " Uncle Billy Hughs," as everybody called him, was a blood-red Democrat. He lived in Pleasant Grove Township, and, every time he came to Charleston, was sure to get drunk, •on the principle that that was one of the first duties of a Democrat. One day, he came to town in his wagon, with two large, fine horses harnessed to it, and, as usual, got " tight as a tick ; " and, as he started for home, his horses ran away, threw him out of the wagon, in the outskirts of the town, and knocked the old fellow senseless. Several persons, both male and female, saw the acci- 306 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. dent, and ran to his assistance and found him apparently dead. The ladies set up a lamentation, and all expressed the strongest pity ; for the old man was much beloved, and, aside from his love of drink, had few faults. In the mean time, a physician arrived, felt his pulse, and observed that he was not dead, but would be all right soon. Finally, his shoulders moved, his lips quivered, and, with a gasp, he opened his eyes and looked around. Feebly he inquired where he was, when some one volunteered the information that his team had run off and thrown him out of his wagon. " Uncle Billy" raised up on his elbow and looked around for a moment, and then observed: "Well, by , I am (hie) the best Democrat (hie) in Coles County, anyhow I " But those times are past, and we will observe, right here, that there is not a licensed saloon in Charleston Township nor city, a fact that is highly creditable to their citizens. In the late war, Charleston bore no inconsiderable part. Many of her citi- zens left their homes, kindred and all that was dear to the heart, and went forth to battle for the Union that they loved better than all things else. Several from this township laid down their lives in its defense, and their bones lie mingled with the dust of the far-off Southern fields where they met the foe. It is no reproach to their valor that they fell before a foe as brave as themselves. We give the names, herewith, of all now living in the township who served in the late war, so far as we have been able to get them : W. E. Robinson entered the army, in 1861, as Captain of Company E, Fifty-second Illinois Volun- teers. James M. Ashmore entered the army as Captain of Company C, Eighth Illinois Volunteers; wounded at Shiloh. G. M. Mitchell, in June, 1861, as Captain of Company C, First Illinois Cavalry — the first three years regiment to leave the State; promoted to Lieutenant Colonel of Fifty-fourth Infantry in Feb- ruary, 1862, and in October, 1863, promoted to Colonel; re-enlisted as a veteran in 1864, and in the fall of that year was brevetted Brigadier General. H. A. Neal, in fall of 1864, enlisted in Company K, First United States Heavy Artillery, and served until the close of the war. W. E. Adams, in 1862, as Captain of Company I, One Hundred and Twenty-third Illinois Volunteers, and served to the close of the war. A. M. Peterson enlisted in Company K, Twenty-first (Grant's old regiment) Illinois Volunteers, July, 1861 ; rose to the rank of Captain, and resigned, in 1862, on account of ill-health. Isaac Vail enlisted August, 1862, in Company E, One Hundred and Twenty-ninth Illinois Volunteer Infantry ; was Orderly Sergeant, and was with Sherman in the march to the sea. Charles Cleary enlisted in Company C, Twelfth Kentucky Cavalry ( Union) ; promoted to Orderly Sergeant, and then to First Lieutenant, and was detailed as Acting Assistant Adjutant General ; was on Col. Crittenden's stafl", and served until close of the war. J. A. Connely enlisted, in 1862, as Major of the One Hundred and Twenty-third Illinois Volunteers ; served until close of the war, two years of the time as Inspector General of the Fourteenth Army Corps, and was on the " march to the sea." Joseph F. Goar enlisted, in 1862,, HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 307 in Company D, One Hundred and Twenty-third Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and served until close of the war. Eli Huron enlisted in Company A, Fifty- third Indiana Volunteers ; promoted to Orderly Sergeant, and lost right arm in the second battle of Corinth. E. E. Clark enlisted in Company E, Seventy- third Ohio Volunteers, and served about two years ; and also in Adjutant Gen- erals office. Thomas A. Marshall entered the army as Colonel of First Illinois Cavalry, and served until the muster-out of the regiment. T. E. Tillotson enlisted in Company H, Fourth Ohio Volunteers, in April, 1861 ; assisted in raising a company, and was appointed Orderly Sergeant ; commissioned Sec- ond Lieutenant before leaving the State ; was promoted to First Lieutenant in 1862, and to Captain in 1864 ; after the battle of Peach-Tree Creek, was brevetted Lieutenant Colonel by President Lincoln for meritorious service, and, after the close of the war, was brevetted Major by President Johnson. John H. Clark enlisted in Company E, Fourteenth Illinois Volunteers, and promoted to Orderly Sergeant. C. Swarts enlisted in Company D, One Hundred and Six- teenth Indiana Volunteers, in the summer of 1863. Adam Metzler enlisted, in the fall of 1862, in the One Hundred and Eighty-seventh Ohio Volunteers, served nine months, and then enlisted in the regular army (Fourth United States Cavalry), and served three years on the frontier. R. P. Hackett enlisted in Company K, One Hundred and Twenty- third Illinois Volunteers, and served three years ; severely wounded at Milton, Tenn., and still carries the ball. Christian Schytt enlisted in Company E, Thirty-second Illinois Volunteers. J. W. Evans, enlisted in Company K, First Tennessee (Union) Volunteers. Robert L. Reat, Company A, Seventy-eighth Indiana Volunteers. William A. Jeffries, Company C, Eighth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, three-months men ; re-enlisted in Sixty-third Infantry, and was chosen Second Lieutenant of Company K. Dr. W. M. Chambers, appointed Brigade Surgeon by Presi- dent Lincoln in 1861, and served until 1865. Brevetted Lieutenant Colonel, and then Colonel, for meritorious services. As will be seen from the above list, many of the men there mentioned enlisted in other States, but are now resi- dents of Charleston (town and city) ; while many of those living here at the time of enlistment, having removed to other sections, we have been unable to learn their names. BLOODED STOCK. In the general county history we noted the fact that considerable attention was being paid to the breeding of blooded stock in the county, and mentioned the names of several parties who are engaged in improving different breeds of animals, viz. : W. A. Whittemore, J. W. Wright, H. M. Ashmore and I. U. Gibbs engaged in breeding fine horses ; William Miller, S. C, Ashmore, Ambrose Edwards, Isaac Flenner, R. L. Reat and R. S. Hodgen, fine cattle ; and Shepard & Alexander, Poland-China hogs. The fine herds of this excel- lent stock of hogs, owned by Messrs. Shepard & Alexander, deserve more than a mere passing notice. In a pamphlet which they have published, descriptive 308 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. of the Poland- China stock, for gratuitous distribution among their patrons, we make some extracts, which will be found of interest to hog-raisers generally. In this pamphlet, they take up the history of the hog, almost from the time Noah let him out of the Ark, and follow it in a concise manner to its "culmi- nation of perfection " in the Poland-China stock. Speaking of this fine breed of hogs, they say : " The Poland-China is a breed established in the Miami Val- ley, as early as the year 1835. The direct and careful history of some of the original breeds from which this splendid animal was derived, cannot be given as fully and as particularly as its present importance and fast-growing popularity demand. As early as 1820, the farmers of Ohio obtained some hogs of an improved breed known as the Poland, and crossed upon the common stock of the country, and upon this question of the Poland hog several bitter controversies have arisen; but that such a breed of hogs existed at that day, and long since, we have not the slightest doubt. * * * * ^j^g Poland hog used by these fiirmers and stock-raisers is described as a large lop-eared, dark colored hog, attaining great weight, but slow in maturing. This cross produced by the Poland was again crossed by the Byfield, a breed originating in New England; but being of mixed breed itself, produced but little change; and not satisfying their standard of a practical hog, they in a few years introduced the big spotted China, imported from England. This last was an English breed, the result of crosses with the original Chinese. The infu?ion of the blood of this spotted China produced very marked and important changes in this famous hog, decreasing the size and increasing the fattening qualities, refining the bone and perfecting the symmetry of form, etc." By other crosses, as given in this history, with the Wobum, Irish Graziers and Berkshires, has resulted the formation of a breed of hogs of the most desirable qualities, and since 1834-35, no new blood has been infused into this breed of Poland-China. Messrs. Shepard & Alexander conclude their history of this famous breed as follows : " They have been fully tested m all the various climates of the United States, and, under all circumstances, have proved themselves hardy, prolific, free from disease, with great action and constitutional vigor, and always bring the highest price as porkers in the markets. They can be made to weigh, at ten months, 350 to 400 pounds ; at eighteen months, from 500 to 940 pounds. The best average fat hogs made in the United States have been of this breed. One lot of forty head, raised by one man, averaged at twenty-two months, 613 pounds. In color, they are spotted black and white, with occasionally a sandy tinge, varymg, however, according to the peculiar fancy of the breeder, from almost white to nearly black." Shepard & Alexander, well-known citizens of this township have made a specialty for some years of the Poland-China hog, and their famous herds are extensively and favorably known all over the country. They claim that the Poland China is the hog for the farmer, combining more excellence than any other breed of swine, having great size, good style, docility, fertility, early HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 309 maturity, aptitude foi' taking on flesh, and great constitutional vigor. As show- ing that they will fatten at any age, they give the following weights of two lots of pigs fattened at eleven months old. Thirty head averaged 389 pounds, thirty head 384 pounds, and an extra lot of ten, at ten months old, averaged 410 pounds. In conclusion of their pamphlet, they offer the following sensi- ble advice to farmers : ''Pork-raising at the West stands pre-eminent as a branch of stock-raising, and there is no better, more profitable or easier wav for a farmer to make his grain than by feeding it into a good breed of hogs, and it is time that the farmers of the West and South gave this branch of stock-raising the attention that its fast-growing importance demands." As stated in the general county history, the county Avas first divided into districts called election precincts, and so remained until township organization in 1859-60. This district was known as Charleston Precinct, and under town- ship organization became Charleston Township, and was originally named for the county-seat, which had been given in honor of Charles Morton, who, as before stated, donated twenty acres of land to the county for the purpose of defraying the expenses of putting up the necessary public buildings. The first Super- visor of Charleston Township, under the new order of things, was Richard Stoddert. At the present time, it is represented in the Board of Supervisors by E. B. Buck and G. M. Adkins. The Justices of the Peace of the towr- ship are Charles Van Derford, J. I. Brown, George Tucker and J. W. Doty. Having traced the history of Charleston Township from the period of i:s first settlement down to the present time, showing its growth and development, we come to notice THE CITY OF CHARLESTON. Charleston is pleasantly situated on the Indianapolis & St. Louis Railroad, very nearly the center of the county, and 117 miles from Indianapolis, 14-) miles from St. Louis and about the same distance south of Chicago. It is a handsome little city of some four thousand inhabitants, and noted for its ener- getic business men, its mills and manufactories, and its excellent schooh, churches, and the genei'al intelligence of its inhabitants. While it claims i:o very extensive manufacturing establishments, yet there are several located within its limits, which will receive appropriate mention in the proper place. It is well supplied with water works, and the pure, clear water of the Embar- rass River is thus utilized in providing its people with a bountiful supply of the health-giving element. Charleston was originally surveyed by Thomas Sconce, the first Surveyor of Coles County, and laid out by Commissioners (William Bowen, of Vermilioii County ; Jesse Essarey, of Clark, and Joshua Barber, of Crawford) appointed by the Legislature for the purpose of establishing the seat of justice of the county. The original town embraced, as shown by the plat on file in the Re- corder's office, the west half of the southwest quarter of Section No. 11, in Township No. 12 north, of Range 9 east. It was resurveyed in June, 1839, 310 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. bj Joseph Fowler, County Surveyor, and in this resurvey is noted the addition of Nathaniel Parker, of the east half of the southwest quarter of Section 10, etc. Since the first laying-out of Charleston, the records show some fifty additions and subdivisions to the original town by different individuals, giving it sufficient area, one would suppose, for a much larger city. It was named by the Commissioners who located the county seat, in honor of Charles Morton, one of the proprietors of the land on which it is situated, and who donated twenty acres of land for county purposes. In naming the place, they added the last syllable of Morton's last name to his first name, thus forming the word Charleston. The first house was built in Charleston by William Collom, who i's termed the first actual settler in its corporate limits. It was a small log house of one room, and in this spacious building he kept the first tavern in the future city of Charleston, then an incipient village. Such a diminutive hotel would scarcely supply the demand of the wayfaring men of Charleston now. The city is well furnished with excellent hotels. The Charleston House, with its genial land- lord, Dan Van Sickle, is a model in its way, and is a cheerful home to the weary, wayworn traveler. Dan is an old commercial traveler, and, as such, has been the guest of half the hotels in Illinois and Indiana, and the experience thus obtained is used in the Charleston House to the advantage of his guests. The Maples Hotel, situated near the railroad, is less pretentious, but, withal, an excellent house. The first brick residence was built by Col. Norfolk, about 1835-36. James Wiley was the contractor, and superintended its erection. It is still standing, and being used as a residence by the widow of Col. Norfolk. Charles Morton was the first merchant in the village. As mentioned in the history of the township, he brought a stock of goods with him when he moved to the country, and opened them out in a cabin where he first settled. After the laying out of Charleston, he had reserved a choice "corner lot," in his donation to the county, and upon this he erected a storehouse. It was near the present post office. He also erected a number of " pole cabins " near his storehouse, in the rude style of architecture of that day. They stood all in a line, like the "nine little Injuns," and these he was in the habit of " letting "" to new-comers, three months free of rent, which time was sufficient to build a cabin of their own, if they were at all energetic. The second store in Charles- ton was kept by Baker & Norfolk, and was opened as soon after the town was laid out as the population of the place would justify. The first post office was kept by Charles Morton, and was established about 1830-31. It was called " Coles Court House," and, after the town was laid out and christened, the name of the post office was changed to that of Charleston. The mail came from Terre Haute, via Paris, and passed on west through Shel- byville, Taylorville and Springfield to Quincy. It was carried by a man named Moke, Avho was over six feet high, and rode a very small pony, his feet almost touching the ground. His weekly trips were hailed as an event of vast importance, and everybody gathered at the post office then, just as they do now y/yiyfjuxrlvK KLAND HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 313 (except the " small boy," who was not invented then, and who is the grandest nuisance to be found about the country post office at mailtime in this fast age), eagerly looking for the longed-for letter from absent friends, although they cost a quarter then, payable at the office of delivery. Col. G. M. Mitchell is the present representative of Uncle Sam in the post office department at Charles- ton, and, we may add, that his duties are somewhat heavier than were Mr. Morton's, when Moke used to bring the mail once a week on his little pony. Owens and Harman were the first blacksmiths in Charleston, and are noticed elsewhere as the first in the township. David Eastin opened a tan-yard soon after the laying-out of the village, which is also noted in the township his- tory, as is the carding machine of John Kennedy. Albert Compton and a man named Hanks were the first shoemakers, and to them the people were for some time indebted for a substantial " understanding." The former is still a resident of the city, but long since retired from the shoemaking business. Col. Dunbar was the first practicing lawyer, and had the field all to himself for awhile. He is still living, but has quit the law. Drs. Carrico and Ferguson were the first physicians, and both now sleep in the church-yard. Charles Morton had the first mill in the village, which was the horse-mill mentioned in the township history as built by Morton, in the vicinity of his first settlement. When the village was laid out, he moved it within the corpo- ration. The first steam-mill in Charleston was built by Byrd Monroe, which ran for several years, and was then burned. He at once rebuilt it, and, after several years, having passed into the hands of the Gages, was again burned, when they built the large and elegant brick mill near the Depot, at a cost of about $40,000. The City Mills were built some two years ago, by Alvey & Van Meter, a large, substantial brick edifice, with all the new and im- proved machinery. A mill was built in the west part of town, years ago, which finally passed into the hands of Ashmore, and was burned some time afterward, and has never been rebuilt. Charleston has just cause to be proud of h«r mills, for but few cities of her size can boast of two more excellent mills than the two mentioned above. THE COURT HOUSE. The first brick house erected in Charleston was the present Court House, which was built some time before Col. Norfolk's residence, mentioned a little space ago. As noticed in the general county history, the first Court House in Coles County was built in the south part of the town, near where the Christian Church now stands, and was a log structure. The present brick Court House was built in 1835, by Leander Munsell, of Edgar County. His agreement with the County Commisioners is dated December 4, 1834, and covers nearly four pages of the record-book. The original building was the then prevailing style of architecture of an old Kentucky tobacco-barn ; was perfectly square with the roof, running up from all sides to a point in the center. "A steeple 314 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. to extend five feet, with a ball about ten inches in diameter, to be covered with gold leaf, and a spear to extend six feet above the ball with a fish or chicken on the top." The contract price for the building was $5,000, and, at the next March term of the Court, Munsell was to receive " one-half for the labor per- formed and material furnished, provided there are sufficient funds in the treasury to do it." The foundation of the house was built of the rock taken from the cut through the Embarrass River hills of the grade for the old Terre Haute & Alton, now the Indianapolis & St. Louis Railroad. This building served the county many years as its temple of justice without alteration; but as the people increased in wealth and importance, and became proud and high-strung in their notions, they were at length seized with an extravagant fit, and had the old building renovated and " rejuvenated," until the very rats, that had grown gray under its floors, did not know it. The building was enlarged, porticoes added and the entire structure modernized generally, so that it now presents a very attractive and imposing appearance, and is quite an elegant and commo- dious Court House. The court-room is in the second story, is large, airy and well furnished, with jury-rooms, consultation-rooms, etc., adjacent, while on the first floor are the offices of the County and Circuit Clerks, the County Treasurer and Sheriff", and also the Jail. The " square " is filled with young sugar maples, well set in blue grass and surrounded by a substantial iron fence. Charleston makes no pretensions to a wholesale mercantile trade, but its retail business in this line is excellent, and its merchants are live, wide-awake, energetic business men, who are well up to the times, with large and complete stocks of goods sufficient to fill all demands. But few cities of its population have as good a class of business houses as Charleston, many of them being of a style and quality that would look well in more pretentious cities. Our space will not admit of the particularization of the diff"erent mercantile houses, and we pass with this general compliment to their worth and honesty. The banking business was begun in Charleston as early as 1853. In the fall of the vear mentioned, T. A. Marshall and others established " The Farmers' & Traders' Bank." This bank flourished until 1857-58, when in the great financial crash that swept over the land in those dark and gloomy years, it, like hundreds of others, went down. About 1860-61, Marshall & McCrory commenced a private bank, which, with some changes in its name and partners, finally became the Second National Bank, and as such is still in existence. The President of this bank is Isaiah H. Johnston, and Charles, Clary, Cashier. The First National Bank of Charleston was developed from the private banking firm of T. G. Chambers & Co. This firm had been doing a general banking business since 1866, and, about 1868, together with another private banking firm, consolidated and formed the First National Bank, with Thomas G. Chambers, President, and William E. McCrory, Cashier, which positions both gentlemen still hold. Both the First and Second Nationals are sound. HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 315 healthy establishments, officered by men who have a long experience in banking and who possess the entire confidence of the people and the community at large. MANUFACTORIES. One of the largest, perhaps the largest, manufacturing establishment in Charleston is the Broom-Factory of Traver & Nixon. Although it has been in operation but a few years, their business has increased almost beyond belief. They manufacture many thousand dozen of brooms annually, which are shipped to all parts of the country, but principally south — New Orleans being one of the best points, Georgia and Texas next. Three salesmen are continually on the road. Their business sums up about |60,000 a year ; seventy hands are employed at an expense of $15,000 per year. They culti- vate about five hundred acres of broom-corn in addition to v/hat they buy. Since the establishment of this factory by these energetic men, the cultiva- tion of broom-corn has become an extensive business among the farmers. A dozen years ago, there were scarcely so many acres of broom-corn grown in the county ; now thousands of acres are annually produced, and the business is increasing every year. The firm owns the Charleston elevator and broom- corn compress for baling and rebaling broom-corn for shipping, and are the only parties in this section owning such a machine. R. A. Traver, the senior member of the firm, is the author of " Traver's Broom-corn Cultur- ist and Broom-maker's Manual," an interesting work devoted to the raising, cutting, curing and preparing broom-corn for market, from which we make a few extracts, as being of general interest to our readers. Speaking of the cultiva- tion of broom-corn, he says: " At the present time Illinois is the acknowledged head-center of broom-corn growing in the United States, its rich and fertile prairies being well adapted to its growth and development. Chicago, Cleve- land and Philadelphia broom manufacturers say that the finest and best broom- corn comes from the section of country bordering the Illinois Central Railroad, between Charleston, Coles County, and Champaign City. It appears the soil is naturally adapted to it so as to grow a fine article of hurl and brush corn, just as some sections of the United States are better adapted to the raising of tobacco than others. Chicago has become the acknowledged broom-corn market of the United States, and at present controls the market. * * * In raising broom-corn, the first thing necessary is good land ; that is, what is considered good Indian corn land, and it will always pay to plow the land just before the planting, so that the broom-corn can get a start of the weeds. In fact, it never ought to be planted on weedy land. The best land for a certain crop is a sod, subsoiled, and then there is no trouble with weeds. The land should be thoroughly harrowed and in fine condition, and then the seed should never be put into the ground until the soil is thoroughly warm, so that it will come up soon and keep ahead of the weeds. * * * * As soon as the blossom begins to fall off, then it is time to begin cutting 816 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. the broom-corn, and the sooner it is cut the better, so that, when dried, it will be a bright pea-green color, as that color commands the highest price in the market ; the brush also weighs heavier, and is tougher and wears bet- ter when made into brooms. The ditFerence in price in all of the large markets between bright-green and ripe red brush generally runs thus : red, per lb., 2 cents ; green hurl, per lb., 8 cents — or in about that proportion; so it will be seen that it is of very great importance that it be cut and cured so as to be of a bright-green color." A great deal more of valuable information is given in this interesting little pamphlet. The Charleston Foundry, owned by A. N. Bain, are quite an extensive establishment. In 1857, he and his brother, William Bain (now dead), came to Charleston and erected a small frame building for a foundry and machine-shop. For several years, their receipts were small, and, it was not until 1863 that they commenced the manufacture of stoves, which they continued until their popu- larity and business increased to a voluminous extent, and they manufactured fifty-two different kinds and sizes of stoves. A trade was built up that extended from Indianapolis to the Rocky Mountains. House-fronts and ornamental ver- anda work was added to their business, and many towns in Illinois show fair specimens of this line of work. William Bain died in 1875, since which time the business has been owned by A. N. Bain alone. The Woolen-Mills of Messrs. Weiss & Frommel, are quite a large institution of the kind. It was originally established by Henry Weiss, at whose death Gruenther Weiss, one of the present proprietors, purchased an interest. His partner, Frederick Frommel, first engaged with Henry Weiss as a traveling salesman, and, after Mr. Weiss' death, he also purchased an interest in the mills, since which time the firm has been Weiss k Frommel. They do a large busi- ness in the manufacture of woolen goods, and are highly-respected, energetic business men of the city. The pork-packing establishment of I. H. Johnston is a large concern, and in the days gone by did a large business, but for the last year or two has not been operated to its full capacity, but during the winter season does a good deal in its way. Among the early munufacturing establishments of Charleston might be mentioned the brickmaking of George Tucker. He was, some years ago, the largest brick manufacturer in Coles County, and large building contractor ; has built a majority of the brick buildings in Charleston. He is a prominent Mason and Odd Fellow, and to him we are indebted for a history of these fraternities. There are several other manufactories of less note, such as plow, wagon and carriage factories, which do quite a thriving business, but do not manu- facture on a large scale. Charleston, we have no doubt, will, in time, become quite a manufacturing city. All that is needed is a little capital to develop the coal-fields, which lie but a few hundred feet below the surface. Time will do the balance. HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 317 VILLAGE ORGANIZATION. Charleston was organized as a village in 1853, and, of the first Board of Vil- lage Trustees, Nathan Ellington was President. In 1865, it was incorporated as a city, with L. P. Tomlin as the first Mayor, and the old Board of Trustees acting as Aldermen. The Council and city officers at present are as follows, viz.: Hon. W. R. Patton, Mayor. Aldermen — R. Alexander, R. A. Traver, Harvey Said, E. H. Clark, W. S. Coon, Robert Stewart, H. M. Ashmore and James Skidmore. The City Clerk is Andrew Kershaw; George Steigman, Treasurer ; A. C. Ficklin, Attorney ; William Jeff"ries, Marshal, and W. Good- man, Superintendent of Streets. The city has an excellent Fire Department, consisting of Engine, Hose Company and Hook and Ladder Company, well- organized and equipped. Water Works have been added to the city's con- venience, welfare and safety, which, in connection with its splendid Fire Depart- ment, have saved the city many thousands of dollars. The Water Works were built in 1875, and are of a substantial character. The water is brought two miles, from the Embarrass River, thus utilizing that beautiful little stream in another capacity than mills and navigation. The bar of Charleston (not the one where you look upon the wine when it is red, for Charleston is a red-ribbon town) stands high, and combines an array of legal talent that will compare with any community. Space will not permit particular mention of all as they deserve, hence we shall not attempt it. But the names of Connely, Cunningham, Ficklin, Wiley, Neal, Peterson, Adams, and others will be recognized as men of eminence and ability. The medical fraternity, too, is able and deserving of a more particular men- tion than our space will allow. It embraces men who stand high in their pro- fession, and have held high positions in the medical societies and institutions of the community. •' THE CHURCH HISTORY. The religious history of Charleston is as old as the town itself. The first religious services were held under the auspices of the old Predestinarian Bap- tists, who, at one time, were quite numerous in the town and county, but are rather scarce at the present day. Once they had a church-building in Charles- ton, with a flourishing society and several ministers, among whom were two or three of the Parkers and Elder Newport. The organization, we believe, is still kept up, but they have no regular preacher, nor regular church services, and but few members. A society of the Old- School Presbyterians was organized June 13, 1835, by Rev. John McDonald and John Montgomery, with thirteen members, as follows, viz.: James Lumbrick, Thomas 0. Roberts and wife, Rosina Letner, Adam Mitchell and wife, James Mitchell and wife, William Collom and wife, Eugenia Campbell, Arthur G. Mitchell and wife, of whom only three are now living, viz.: Mrs. Esther Mitchell (widow of James A. Mitchell, afterward married 318 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. to James Lumbrick, and again a widow), Mrs. Eliza CoUom and Mrs. Arthur Mitchell. The following preachers have administered to the Church since its organization, mostly as "stated supply "' : Rev. John McDonald, from organ- ization to the spring of 1843, with the exception of about one year in 1840-41, when Stephen A. Hodgeman preached as stated supply. Rev. H. I. Venable supplied the pulpit for about one year in 1844-45, when Rev. Joseph Adams was called, and preached from 1846 to 1849. Rev. Robert A. Mitchell was then called, and labored as stated supply from 1849 to the spring of 1853. Rev. H. I. Venable* was recalled in the spring of 1853, and continued in charge until the close of 1855, when Rev. R. A. Mitchell was again called, and labored as stated supply from early in 1856 until 1858, when he was installed Pastor, upon the completion of the new house of worship. He continued as the Pastor until April, 1870, when he resigned the charge, having labored in this Church, alto- gether, for about sixteen years. Rev. R. F. Patterson was then called, and commenced his labors in October, 1870, and continued until the close of the year 1873, when he resigned on account of the ill-health of his wife. Rev. James A. Piper was then called to the charge, and labored one year as stated supply, when he was elected and duly installed Pastor, a position he still holds, beloved by all, making the seventh minister who has served this Church since its organization. The first church edifice was commenced about 1842, and finished in 1845 — a frame building, costing about $1,000. The second building was commenced in 1857 and completed in the summer of 1858, and was dedicated to the service of God in August of that year. The dedicatory sermon and prayer was by Rev. Dr. Newell, of Paris, 111. It is a brick structure, and cost, originally, about |!9,000, with an additional cost of $5,000, for improvements, made the "memorial vear," in which the two churches — the new and the old — were united, thus making the sum total of the cost of building and improvements about $14,000. Membership, about two hundred and ten. The following persons have acted as ruling Elders of the Church since its organization, in the order mentioned, viz.: James A. Mitchell and James Lum- brick, elected at organization ; William Collom and Stephen B. Shellady, elected October 14, 1837 ; James M. Miller and Dr. R. H. Allison, elected April 26, 1845 ; George S. Collom and James E. Roberts, elected October 25, 1851 ; John A. Miles, elected in 1853; John McNutt and William Miller, elected December 9, 1854; A. Carroll and Richard Roberts, elected February 27, 1864; Robert F. McNutt and T. C. Miles, elected October 13, 1866 ; Willliam E. Adams and T. C. Miles (the latter re-elected), March 28, 1871. The Sunday school was organized about 1842 or 1843, and has been kept up nearly, or quite all the time since, except during the winter season prior to the completion of the first church-building in 1845. W. J. Ashmore is the present Superintendent, and there are on the roll the names of about two hun- * None labored more than one-half of the time previous to Rev. Mr. Venable's second call. HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 319 dred and fifty children. Mr. J. M. Miller is Clerk of the Session, and to his courtesy and kindness we are indebted for the interesting history of this vener- able Church. The Methodist Episcopal Church of Charleston was organized in 1837.* Robert Lightfoot and family settled in the neighborhood in 1836, and Mrs. Barthenia Lightfoot, his wife, was a member of the Methodist Church. Being joined by parties who had recently moved from Ohio, and James Y. Brown and others, who were members of the society which had been organized east of town, they united in forming the first Methodist Church of this city. The name of the minister who originally organized the society can- not now be ascertained. The first church edifice erected was a large frame building, very large for that early day, and was built about the year 1839, on the block where Dr. Van Meter's residence now stands, and was of so frail a construction that it was only used about two years, when it was pulled down to give place to a much more elegant and durable frame building. The Church worshiped in this temple until 1857, when the present brick edifice was erected, under the direction of Rev. Timothy B. Taylor, Pastor in charge. It is a very neatly constructed building, two stories high — the basement containing one large room and two small class-rooms. The entire cost of this building, including the spire, was about $10,000. It was dedicated by Rev. Hiram Buck, who is still a leading member of the Illinois Conference. There has recently been added to this church property a convenient and valuable parsonage. The pres- ent active membership is 201, under the pastoral charge of Rev. J. B. Wolfe. The Sunday school was organized in 1840, and has an average attendance of about one hundred and fifty ; the Superintendent is Charles Clarey. The history of the Christian Church in Charleston is of more modern date than that of the societies already given. It was originally organized about 1842, by Elder Samuel Peppers. The first church was built in 1846-47, which was used for a number of years and then sold to the Catholics, and the present brick edifice erected in the south part of the city, a short time previous to the begin- ning of the late war. We were unable to obtain the names of all the Pastors, but of those who have administered to the spiritual welfare of the Church since its organization are Elders Tyler, Tully, Young and Peppers. The present Pastor is Elder Walter S. Tingley, formerly of Indiana, and he has in his charge over two hundred members. The Sunday school was organized about the same time as the Church. It has a large attendance, and is under the superintend- ence of William Wright. The Universalist Church is of comparatively recent organization in Charles- ton. The society was originally formed in 1868, by Rev. W. W. Curry, and the church edifice erected in 1870. The only two regular Pastors since the organization of the Church were Revs. Curry and D. P. Bunn. Death and removals have reduced the membership to thirty-six, though it has far exceeded *There had been an organization previous to this, one and a half miles east of Charleston, but of it we were unable to obtain anything definite. 320 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. this number. The Sunday school was organized in 1870, and has an average attendance of eighty-seven ; Joseph Gtiffitli, Superintendent, and Neil. S. Dew, .Assistant Superintendent. The Missionary Baptist Church was organized by Rev. Mr, Riley, now of Paris. They have an excellent Church and Sunday school, of which Harvey Said is Superintendent ; but, as the minister does not reside in Charleston, we were unable to learn much about it. The St. Charles Roman Catholic Church was organized a number of years ago. Their first church was bought from the Christian society, and after being used a short time was blown down in a storm. In 1871, their present brick church was erected, at a cost of about $5,000, and is 60x30 feet in size. The present Pastor is Rev. Father C. Kuhlmann, and about sixty families worship at this church. The Sunday school was organized in 1871, is well attended and is superintended by Mrs. J. W. Dikob. There is also a society of the Episcopalians in the city, but they have no church edifice, and, we believe, no regular pastor. They keep up the organi- zation, however, and have occasional preaching. BENEVOLENT ORGANIZATIONS. Freemasonry was introduced in Charleston at an early day. Charleston Lodge, No. 35, was organized October 9. A. D. 1845, A. L. 5845. The charter members were William D. Gage, Edmund Roach, Adam Mitchell, Green G. Guthrie, Thomas C. Moore, James Watson and Jacob Linder. of whom William D. Gage was Worshipful Master ; Edmund Roach, Senior Warden, and Adam Mitchell, Junior Warden. The present officers are : E. B. Buck, Worshipful Master ; Harvey Said, Senior Warden ; J. W. Tucker, Junior Warden ; Charles Clary, Treasurer ; J. I. Brown, Secretary ; H. C. Barnard, Senior Deacon ; John A. Ricketts, Junior Deacon ; George Burton, Tiler, and George Tucker and H. M. Chadwick, Stewards. The records show about seventy members. The Lodge sustained a heavy loss by fire some years ago, but has recovered from its eifects, and is now in a flourishing condition. Keystone Chapter, No. 54, Royal Arch Masons, was organized August 4, 1859, by virtue of a dispensation issued by the Most Excellent Grand High Priest of the State. The first officers were : H. P. H. Brorawell, High Priest ; G. W. Teel, King, and N. W. Chapman, Scribe. The present officers are : S. B. Walker, High Priest; G. W. Burton, King; George Tucker, Scribe; W. W. Fisher, Captain of Host ; William Chambers, Principal Sojourner ; W. S. Coon, Royal Arch Captain ; C. J. Endsly, Third Vail ; Jo Watkins, Sec- ond Vail: Benjamin Dawson, First Vail ; I. Winters, Treasurer; J. I. Brown, Secretary, and J. A. Ricketts, Tiler, with twenty-three members on the roll. H. P. H. Bromwell, mentioned as the first High Priest of this Chapter, and now a resident of Denver, Colo., was one of the brightest and most talented Masons of Southern Illinois, and once served the craft as Grand Master of the State. HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 321 Kickapoo Lodge, No. 90, I. 0. 0. F., was organized October 17, 1851, by Grand Master H. S. Rucker. The charter members were B. M. Hutchason, Elijah C. Banks, A. D. Walker, D. S. Gales and A. M. Henry, of whom B. M. Hutchason was Noble Grand, and E. C. Banks, Vice Grand. The present officers are : Moses Kershaw, N. G. ; John W. Mock, V. G., and J. I. Brown, R. S. Number of members admitted since organization, 250. Charleston Lodge, No. 609, I. 0. 0. F., was organized March 8, 1876, by Grand Master John H. Oberley. Ten members were embraced in the charter, and Dr. Denman, of Kickapoo Lodge, was appointed Special Deputy by the Grand Master, and instituted the new Lodge. The present officers are : E. H. Clarke, N. G. ; Andrew Stimmols, V. G. ; J. C. Hall, R. S. Coles En- campment, No. 94, was organized several years ago, and is the highest body of the Odd Fellows. The officers are : F. Frommel, C. P. ; John Rail, H. P., and J. I. Brown, Secretary. THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS. ' The following are the statistics of the public schools for 1877-78 : Whole number of persons in district under twenty- one 1,596 Number between the ages of six and twenty-one 1,087 Whole number of different pupils enrolled 754 Greatest number enrolled in any month 690 Least " " " " 550 Number of Teachers employed 14 Superintendent 1 High school was organized January, 1871. First graduating class, June, 1873. Total number of graduates, 125; of these, 54 are teachers, or have been, 4 lawyers, 3 doctors, 1 dentist, 2 druggists, 4 merchants, 9 clerks, 3 have died, and all are conducting themselves in such a manner as to win the respect and confidence of the community. The high-school course embraces three years. In pursuit of such an education, the studies of our schools serve as efficient means toward an end, but they are not the end sought. The higher and better uses of all studies are their indirect uses, the benefits that flow through their proper prosecution, in greater power of attention, enlarged comprehension, quickened curiosity, greater self-control, and wider and more far-reaching influ- ence over others. Our schools are striving to attain these results. They are divided into three departments — high school, grammar, primary. The primary is divided into four grades, and each grade into three classes ; the grammar into three grades, and each grade into two classes. The present corps of teachers are : Western Seminar^/ — Miss Mary Hampton, Principal ; Miss Ettie Allison, First Assistant ; Miss Emma Fancier, Second Assistant, and Miss Louisa Houriett, Third Assistant. 322 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. Eastern Seminary — Miss Sallie Blankenbaker, Principal ; Miss Florence Moore, First Assistant ; Miss Kate Waters, Second Assistant, and Miss Anna Teel, Third Assistant. Central Building — Mrs. Nellie Bain, Principal, high school ; Miss Emma Bain, Assistant, high school ; Miss Kate Whittemore, third grammar depart- ment ; Mrs. J. T. Terrill, second grammar department ; Miss Stella Hitch- cock, first grammar department; Miss Sarah Gray, primary department. Of the present corps of teachers, eight are graduates of the high school. An Alumni Association was formed in 1874, and meets every June. Present Superintendent, Prof. M. Moore, is now serving his ninth year. The public-school buildings of Charleston are all elegant brick edifices, of modern architecture, and present a very fine and imposing appearance, partic- ularly that in the Central District. It was built in 1870-71. The corner- stone was laid in the spring of 1870, by the Masonic fraternity, and the building was completed in time for the session of 1871. It cost about $50,000 ; is well arranged for school purposes, and supplied with all modern improvements in the way of school furniture. THE NEWSPAPERS. The press of the present day may be styled " the power behind the throne that is greater than the throne itself." The same might be said of it that has been said of gold — that it is the " Archimedean lever that moves the world," and, unquestionably, the press of to-day is of almost unlimited power in the land. We sometimes wonder if the world would not cease to move were the newspapers all suppressed. They are one of the luxuries that we could not well get along without, having once known their usefulness. Think of it ' we read to-day the news from the capital of the Russias; from the south- ern extremity of the Grecian Archipelago, from Athens, from Paris, from London, and from the uttermost parts of the earth. It is, indeed, wonderful to contemplate. And, aside from this, the press is a true record of a nation's greatness. Every day, the history of the country is inscribed upon the page of the newspaper, and without its influence ignorance would reign supreme. The first permanent newspaper established in Charleston was the Courier^ now known as the Plaindealer. One or two eft'orts had been made previous to this to start a paper, but a few issues comprised the efibrt. The first edition of the Courier was issued in 1840. The proprietors were William Harr and William Workman. Harr bought out Workman, who afterward sold an interest to George Harding, now connected with the press of Indianapolis. Harding remained with the Courier until 1857, when he sold his interest to Harr, who conducted the paper until a short time after the emancipation proclamation of President Lincoln, when he sold it to Eli Chittenden, who changed its name to Plaindealer. Chittenden ran the paper for about two years, when he sold it HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY, 323 to John S. Theaker, who published it till October, 1866, and sold it to Dunbar BrothBrs. Albert Dunbar, one of the proprietors, died in 1875, when Lucian Dunbar continued to publish it until in May, 1878, when he sold it to McCon- nell & Co., the present proprietors. It is Republican in politics, and a live, energetic newspaper. George Harding, after his retirement from the old Courier in 1857, estab- lished the Charleston Ledger, which he published about two years, and sold it to John M. Eastin. He sold it to McHenry Brooks, who published it until 1867, and sold it to Shoaff and Underwood. About this time the name of the Courier had been changed to that of Plaindealer, and ShoafF & Underwood changed the Ledger into the Courier. Shoaff sold his interest in about a year to Major Miller, who now publishes a paper in Tuscola, and in about a year more, Miller sold to E. B. Buck, who, with Underwood, published the paper until about 1873-74, when Buck bought out Underwood and has published it ever since. Mr. Buck is an editor of considerable experience and an able news- paper man, and has filled the oflBce of President of the State Press Association. His paper is true blue Democratic, and a faithful exponent of the principles of that party. The grain trade of Charleston is not very extensive, from the fact that a large proportion of it is fed to stock by the farmers. Among the grain-buyers of the city is the firm of Messrs. McDonald and Zink, who use the elevator on the railroad owned by Traver k Nixon, and who, in the grain season, do a very large business. A feature of Charleston is the studio of Charles Briggs. He was the first house and sign painter in Charleston, and from that has taken up portrait paint- ing. We have seen several portraits of old citizens of Charleston, which show considerable talent of the artist for this kind of work. He has made a specialty of painting fine stock bred in this county, in which he excels. Specimen paint- ings of hogs from Shepard & Alexander's herds look so natural that one natu- rally expects to hear them grunt and squeal. The Infirmary of Dr. Van Meter, mentioned in another page, was, some years ago, one of the largest institutions in Charleston. But years of labor, and ill-health compelled the doctor recently to close it and retire from active business life. Mound Cemetery, Charleston's beautiful little city of the dead, is located about one mile west of town, and is well adapted for cemetery purposes. The name is well chosen, being a large mound in the center, and the land sloping down in all directions. The first cemetery is now in the city limits and becom- ing pretty well filled. Mound Cemetery was laid off, as stated, one mile west of the city. 324 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. MATTOON TOWNSHIP. This township, named from the city of Mattoon, is the middle one in the western tier of townships in the county. It contains thirty-six sections of land — one Congressional township — and is principally prairie land. The Little Wabash courses through the southern part, flowing southward until it finds an outlet in the larger stream of that name. In the southern part, skirting this stream, is a strip of timber, known as the Wabash Point Timber, and is the locality where the earliest settlements were made. It is the only grove of native forest-trees, of any size, in the township. The best timber has long been cut away for use in the settlement of the country, what is left being used chiefly for firewood. The Little Wabash aff'ords the principal drainage in the township. Its east^ ern part is known as the "Divide," as the water naturally runs in opposite directions from that point. It is almost the highest land in Illinois. Away from the timber to the north, the face of the country is generally quite level, broken only by long undulations. It is almost entirely prairie land in this part, and was allowed to remain uncultivated until after the opening of the railroads. It was largely used for pasturage during this period, and often presented signs of great animation as the herds of cattle, under the care of their drovers, moved about over its grassy, slightly undulating surface. The prairies are now the chief producing part of the township. They easily admit of good drainage and, though to some extent rather level, are ex- ceedingly productive. Corn is the principal cereal grown. The others do w^ell, but throughout this part of Central Illinois are not the staple article of agricult- ure. Cattle and hogs are raised quite extensively. Mr. Elisha Linder and a few others have been for many years prominently engaged in this business. The railroads at Mattoon give a direct outlet to all the chief markets of the world and should maintain a constant sale for farm produce. A curious phenomenon exists on the farm of W. M. Champion, in the south- west part of this township. When digging for a well in March, 1871, after attaining a depth of thirty-one feet, a drill was used which was sunk a few feet farther, and a vein of carbonate gas struck. It was observed that Avhen the drill was withdrawn the water gurgled up at irregular intervals, and as a vein Avas supposed to be found preparations were made to wall the well. No smell was attached to the gas, and no thoughts of it being then entertained. From the peculiar motion of the water it was feared by one of the men that there might be poisonous gases in the well, and"bne of them went after a wisp of hay and another for some shavings. The latter returned first, and, lighting his bunch, was hallooed to by the other to " Throw it down." /. e., on the ground. Thinking he meant throw it in the well he did, and a frightful report and sheet of flame burst forth. Mr. Tremble and one or two others who were near were severely scorched about the face, and all were tremendously amazed. The gas H [STORY OF COLES COUNTY. 325 soon burned out, but would soon accumulate. Various experiments were made with it. An iron tube was inserted and the gas allowed to escape in a small stream. When lighted it burned with a brilliant light. The well soon became notorious and was visited by scores of people from all sections of the West. Finally, Mr. Champion bethought himself to utilize the gas, and, conducting it by pipes to his house, soon had it in use in his kitchen to cook by, and in other stoves it was used as fuel. It made an excellent light, and he has all the ap- pliances of a city in that regard. He walled the well, and now water stands in it, all seasons, so that from one well he gets light, fuel and water, all without any tax or license. Attempts have been made to obtain petroleum in the township, but all have proved unsuccessful. Coal can be had as it was found in exploring for oil, but at such a depth that it will hardly pay to work. With this brief outline of the topographical features of the township, we will pass to that part of more interest to all — the EARLY SETTLEMENTS. As has been intimated, the earliest settlement in this township was made near the timber on the Little Wabash, in the south part of the township. Emigration to this part of the county came after that part along the Embarrass River had received its first influx of settlers, hence the locality was known before any came to live. In the summer of 1826, Mr. Charles Sawyer, a resident of Kentucky, came to this part of Illinois looking for a home. He remained a short time with the Trues, in what is now La Fayette Township, and examined the country to the south and west of them. Selecting a location at the north side of the timber, on the Little Wabash, he returned to the True settlement, and hired a man named Bates, for $10, to build him a cabin, while he should return to Kentucky for his family. Mr. Bates hired Levi Doty, a young man living in the neighborhood, to build the cabin, and, by winter, a very comfort- able home was ready for " Uncle Charley " when he should return. This cabin was the first habitation for a white man known to have been built in the bounds of either Mattoon or Paradise Township. It stood near the site of Mr. John Sawyer's house in Section 28, and until a few other pioneers could erect similar habitations, was the home of the emigrant while he was selecting and preparing his own fireside. During the interval from the completion of the cabin by Mr. Doty, and what few pioneers he could call to his aid, and Mr. Sawyer's return in the spring of 1827, one family made it a temporary home until they could build their own cabins. The family was that of James Nash. They were living in the cabin when Mr. Sawyer arrived. Some among the early residents state that another family, that of Miles Hart, occupied the cabin. Mr. John Sawyer is, however, not of this opinion. It may be that Mr. Hart remained in it only a 326 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. few days, while Mr. Nash seems to have used it longer. Which of the two statements is accurate, it is now difficult to determine, but we are inclined to the opinion that only Mr. Nash lived in the cabin, and that Mr. Hart did not come until later, as is mentioned further on. When "Uncle Charley," as he Avas afterward always known, returned, he brought with him his two sons-in- law, John Young and Henry Cole, who each brought a small family. Mr. Young settled where B. F. Mooney now lives, and Mr. Cole immediately north and adjoining Uncle Charley. These three pioneers had not been long in their frontier homes until they were joined by John Houching, known as "Uncle Jack," who settled the farm now owned by Azariah Sanders. The Hart fam- ilies, one of whom, Miles H., has already been noticed, came about the same time, and joined the infantile settlement. Miles H. ^as joined by his father, Thomas, and his brothers Silas, Jonathan, Moses and Thomas, Jr., all of whom brought families but the last named, who was yet a single man. The Hart family settled in what is now Paradise Township, and will be found noticed there more fully. If they all came at once, then the assertion of Mr. John Sawyer, that Miles H. did not live in his father's cabin prior to the latter's permanent removal, is correct. These families, with James T. Cunningham and Jefferson Coleman came together, and were the pioneers of Paradise Town- ship. The entire settlement at that date was, however, counted as one. These persons were about all that came in 1827. They formed the first settlement and may be truly named the pioneers of that part of the county. The next year, John Sawyer, brother of Charles, located on the east side of the timber. About the same time that he came, George M. Hanson and Dr. John Epperson, the first physician in the county, arrived. Mr. Hanson settled the farm now owned by John E. Tremble, and the Doctor located farther south, just over the line in what is now Paradise Township. Though an early settler there, and one whose history properly belongs to that township, some account of him here will not be out of place. He w^as for many years the only physician of all this part of the country, often riding twenty and thirty mile^i to visit his patients. He was uniformly kind and faithful in his attentions to the sick, and was greatly respected. Even after old age came on and he earnestly requested none to call on him for pro- fessional advice or aid, his old neighbors and acquaintances would not give him up, but came again and again for him. If he could not go to the patient, they would ask for prescriptions and advice, and as long as the old Doctor lived, he could not deny them this. He remained at his old home until his death, which occurred only a little over a year ago. The old settlers of this part remember well the golden wedding which he and his faithful wife were privi- leged to celebrate a few years ago. About a year after the settlement of the Doctor and Mr. Hanson, came James Graham and family, Avho located a little east of Charles Sawyer. Mr. G. was a local Methodist preacher of commendable zeal, and a faithful, earnest, HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 327 Christian man. He was one of the pioneer ministers in the western part of the county, and was a man extensively known. Soon after he settled, Elisha Linder arrived with his mother, two sisters and one brother, and settled south and adjoining Mr. Graham. Mr. Linder had been out here in 1829, and selected a location, remaining about two months. Early in 1831, he returned, planted a crop, raised a cabin, and then returned for his mother and family, arriving with them in October. They were from Hardin County, Ky., where many of those we have mentioned had lived, and, like their predecessors, came to Illinois to find a new home, and where they could grow with the growth of the county. Mr. Linder is still living on his old homestead, in the enjoy- ment of the comforts a long, busy life has gathered around him. James Nash, of whoiii mention has been made, died soon after his settlement. His was the first death in the community, and, for want of better tools, his coffin was made of split walnut puncheons. Mr. John Sawyer, Sr., now an old man, states that he was among those who made the coffin and dug the grave. He was a boy then, but distinctly remembers the circumstances. No train of carriages or gilded hearse bore his remains to their last resting-place. The few neighbors, true to one another, gathered silently at the cabin of their late asso- ciate, and, after a prayer, a song, and a few remarks by the good old Elder, laid him away in his rough coffin and lonely grave. Mr. Nash's death was the result of an injury received from carrying a log, with which to make a bee gum, on his shoulder. His death occurred on December 24, 1829. He was buried on Christmas Day, on a small bluff on the Little Wabash, near what is now the home of John Thomas, on the road from Mattoon to Paradise. This was the first grave dug for a white settler at the Wabash Point. One of his children has since been buried near him. The place Mr. Nash settled fell into the hands of William Langston, another early settler. It is now owned by William Clark. George Morris settled west of Mr. Langston's, his farm being the one now owned by the widow Langston. Next west of Mr. Morris was old Mr. Champion, father of Richard and William Champion. Further on south and west of the timber, in what is now Paradise Township, were the Curry s. Moores, Mclntoshes, Alexanders, Crosses, Brinegers and the Drakes. These were among the early settlers in this neighborhood, and in Paradise Township, where they are more particularly noticed. On November 11, 1830, Mr. Hiram Tremble came to the infantile settle- ment, pitching his camp near the cabin of " Uncle Charley." He says it was the common camping-ground for all, and Uncle Charley was looked upon as the center of the little group. He was always a true friend to all who came ; was a devout, earnest Christian, a Methodist, and was among the first to aid in planting that church at the Point. Mr. Tremble is a local minister in that denomination, and is now living on his old homestead. He has been quite active in advancing the interests of this part of the county ; was a contractor and builder of part of the two railroads 328 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. centering at Mattoon ; helped build the first grain warehouse there, and was one of the first merchants in the town. He will be well remembered by many residents in his sketches of the early times here, published in the Mattoon Journal, under the title, " Forty Years Ago," and ft-om which we have obtained much of our information respecting the early days of the western part of the county. The settlers mentioned include about all who came prior to 1882. During this interval. Coles County was formed, and a voting-place established in this neighborhood. The first who came generally lived in their wagons until they could erect a cabin. These cabins were built of round logs, notched at the ends, so as to fit closely together. They were generally cut the required length in the woods, and, on the "raising-day," were hauled to the place selected for the future home of the pioneer. As fast as they were brought to the ground, they were notched and rolled into their place, two of the best men in the party acting as "end men." When the cabin had reached the required height, the four last, or top, logs were often made three or four feet longer than the rest, thereby projecting over their fellows. The end pieces forming the cone were made each one shorter than its predecessor, until an apex was reached. On this, from end to end, was laid a stout center-pole, projecting like its fellows three or four feet at either end. About two feet below it, another was placed, and on down until the ends of the outstretching logs were reached. These were covered with split oak slabs, one-half inch thick, about a foot wide and often four feet long. They were held in their places generally by " weight poles," /. e., poles placed over each " lap" of the clapboards, held in their places by short sticks placed endways between them. Sometimes stones were laid on the roof in addition to these- The cabin was now a simple pen, with no means of ingress and egress, and no apertures for light, save the cracks between the logs. They must not be left unclosed, as but little or no protection could be afforded with them open. A bed of " mud " mortar was made, the heart pieces of the oak, from which the clapboards or "shakes" had been made for the roof and puncheons for the floor and doors, were taken, inserted edgways between the logs and held in their places by pins driven into auger-holes in the logs, and all covered well with the mud mortar ; when thoroughly dry, the chinking and daubing completely covered the cracks and rendered the cabin comfortable. An opening for the door was made in the side of the house by cutting a space about three feet in width by six feet in height, leaving the upper and lower logs half cut through, one to form a door-step, the other a secure upper-part. '• Jambs " were next pinned to the ends of the logs, both to hold them in their places and to form a better door-frame. The door was made of split puncheons pinned to cross-pieces and hung on wooden hinges. The latch was made on the inner side of the door, and was raised from the outside by means of a leather thong passing through a gimlet-hole a few inches above the latch. At night, OAKLAND HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 381 it was drawn in and the door was practically locked. It was always out in the daytime, and was considered by the pioneer an open invitation to all to enter and partake of his hospitality. It was, in its mute way, a sign of welcome, and gave rise to the popular, earnest proverb, " My latch-string is always out." This was exemplified by the fact that when it was withdrawn it was considered that, for some reason, the invitation was for the time also withdrawn. A window for the humble home was made, commonly opposite the door, bv cutting out a space about two feet square and placing therein a window contain- ing two or four window-lights. In early pioneer times in the West, when glass could not be obtained, either owing to the distance to the settlements or the poverty of the pioneer, greased paper answered the place of glass, the windows, however, having only a dimension of the width of one log, and probably two feet long. Sometimes, especially in schoolhouses, several feet in length of a log was cut out and a window made in this manner. The next thing necessarv to complete the cabins was the chimney or fire-place. That was always at one end of the cabin, aitd was often five or six feet wide and nearly three feet deep. An aperture was made in the logs of the required length, and a space meas- ured off outside, and covered either with clay or more often with flagstones. Split pieces of oak were made, one end of which was placed just inside the logs of the wall, the other projecting outward, where it was crossed by a similar stick, both notched to fit closely together. The inclosure was built up in this manner until the required height was reached. The inside was securely covered with stones or a thick layer of mud, more commonly the former, to prevent the chimney from burning. On the top of this pen, a chimney was made of stipks and mud firmly cemented together. At the bottom, it was of the same size, or nearly so, of the fire-place, but grew narrower as it neared the top, where it was often not more than one foot square. This chimney, when properly constructed, was perfectly safe, and possessed an excellent draught. On the inner side, a crane was hung, to which were suspended the various pots and kettles used by the good wife or her daughters in their cooking. No stoves at this date were to be seen. Even had they been easily obtained, the poverty of the average pio- neer would have prevented him from obtaining one. The floor was laid with puncheons split, like the clapboards for the roof, with a frow, from a clean, straight-grained oak-tree. They were from four to six or eight feet in length, and were laid, commonly, on short, round poles, a few inches above the ground. Often the pioneer's cabin did not possess even the luxury of such a floor, the earth, tramped hard, answering the purpose. If a loft was desired, it was made by running stout poles, three or four feet apart, from the top of the last round of logs on one side of the cabin to the other, and on these were laid puncheons similar to the ones on thfe floor beneath. A lad- der, leading from below, stood' in one corner of the cabin, generally just behind the door and near the fire-place. 332 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. The early emigrants rarely brought an extensive outfit for housekeeping. They were mostly poor, and in this regard were all equal. The cabin had been built, it will be observed, without a single piece of iron being put into its con- struction, pegs answering the place of nails. Where beds, tables, chairs and other such articles were needed, they were made. The bed was a rude, strong affair, made in one corner of the room, by placing an upright post about four feet from one wall, and six or seven from the other. Poles were laid from this post to both walls, slats laid thereon, whose outer end extended through between two logs, and on them the bed was spread. Dried prairie-grass was often used until feathers could be obtained. Under this bed, a smaller one was made that could be pulled out at night, and shoved under again in the morning. We have seen them in this manner, and have also seen, about two feet above the main bed, another made, and at the same distance above that, another, not unlike the berths in a steamboat. A table was made of a stout oak plank, or two of them fastened together with cross-pieces pegged on and supported by four upright posts inserted at auger-holes near each corner. Stools were made in the same manner, only they were small and commonly three-legged. Pegs were driven in auger-holes in the wall, on which the wearing apparel of each one could be hung, or where any article not needed could find a resting-place, were it something adapted to that way of support. Shelves for dishes were made from small split boards, placed either on pegs or inside two uprights made in the same way, and held to their place by means of notches. These were the main features of the cabin-home. Many did not possess as many articles as we have enumerated, and some had more, and often much better habitations. The luxuries of life were generally not seen the first years of the settlement, but appeared as the residents could obtain them. After the neighborhood had become established in this part of Mattoon Township — for by such boundaries must they be designated, even though the townships did not then exist — some of the young men and women concluded they could get along better together, and a new home was to be provided for them. Land was plenty and cheap, and not so much was required then to com- mence married life as now. A cabin, similar to the one we have described, was erected for the young couple, and was commonly dedicated with a dance or frolic, in which all the young folks of the community joined. When the young couple repaired to their new home, generally on horse-back or on foot (if by the former method, both^ on one horse), they found it ready for use, with its puncheon table, tripod stools, slab cupboard and wide chimney. It would contain a few articles of household utility given by the parents of the pair ; for a bride's dower consisted then of a few such articles, some good advice, and, mayhap, a horse and side-saddle. The young husband had an ax, a few other tools, a few farming implements, and, possibly, a horse. Thus equipped, they started in life. The young bride had no confidential friend ; knew nothing of milliners and mantua-makers ; did not take a fashion-journal HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 333 or the New York Weekly to beguile leisure hours and give her foolish nothings to think about. She entered on life conscious of a duty, fully prepared to do her part, with a healthy body, vigorous, crude mind, and earnest purpose. Before a few years elapsed, other tripods were needed for the children that had come to the frontier home ; and comforts and blessings of life, though they entailed hardship and toil, came to the rude, cheerful home. As much as old people love to dwell upon these pleasant memories, we can- not but think there are equally brave and willing brides to-day, who, though they do not meet trouble in the way our ancestors found it, find it in other ways, -calling for as much resolve and resolution as of old, whose trials are met as bravely as those met and overcome by their grandmothers of the early day of Central Illinois. As soon as the old cabin-home had been established, the next care was the planting and cultivation of a crop. A space was cleared in the woods (as they had no plows that would turn the prairie sod), and, after being turned by the barshare plow, was planted in corn, potatoes and a few other garden vegetables, while a portion was sown in wheat, could any be obtained. Corn, however, then, as now, was the main staple. It furnished the meal for food, and, by boiling in strong lye, made by filtering water through wood ashes, an excellent and nutritious hominy was produced. Honey was abundant at this day, the woods abounding in bee-trees. In a year or two after the first settlers located, maple-sugar and molasses were additional articles of food, and most excellent ones, too. No molasses brings as high a price as maple-sirup now, owing to its scarcity ; the sugar, however, is not considered possessing the same qualities as other kinds, hence is not much in demand. These articles, found so abun- dantly in frontier life, added much to its comforts. Cornmeal could be made on the old grater or mortar, and, when baked as the native Kentucky house- wife knew how, made a most nutritious and palatable article of food. The appetites of the pioneers were generally sharpened by violent exercise in their daily vocations, and did not need any tempting viands to induce them to eat. Pork was obtained by allowing the hogs to run wild in the woods, subsisting on the mast then so plenty. To prevent them from roaming over the cultivated fields, a brush fence was made by felling a great number of small trees with their tops altogether in a continuous line around the field. Hogs fattened on the mast made good pork, and as corn was not so abundant then as now, and mast plenty and free, they were allowed undisturbed access to it. They often became in a measure quite wild when allowed to roam, and when wanted at killing season generally had to be shot. While young, they were kept near the house and securely penned, as the wolves soon evinced a fondness for fresh, tender pork, and did not scruple in the slightest to take all they could get. When the pigs were large enough to resist the wolf, they were allowed their freedom. 334 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. Deer, bears, wild turkeys and prairie chickens provided an abundant supply of wild meat for the settlers. Deer were as plenty as cattle now, and it was not an uncommon affair, for the pioneer to shoot one from his cabin-door did he want a fresh venison steak for his breakfast. So common was the article it was not considered the luxury it is now, and was not thought as much a company dish as pork or beef. Turkeys grew very fat when the mast became ripe, and were very tender eating. Prairie chickens were not often eaten, their flesh not being considered very palatable. Bears, while they were not so plenty here as in some parts of the West, were by no means a rarity, and often furnished food for the settlers. Buffaloes were very scarce, even if any were to be found. Their bones, old settlers tell us, were thickly strewn over the prairies when they came, but the live animal was a rarity. ■ Wolves were the most troublesome animals to be found. They would kill the young pigs, depopulate chicken-roosts, carry off young lambs, slay their mothers, and all the time render night hideous with their bowlings. They were very numerous, too, so mnch so, that grand hunts were organized to extermi- nate them. Mr. Elisha Linder tells how that in one winter he killed one hundred of them, generally by riding them down and clubbing them, or shooting them. The wolf was generally a great coward, preferring to pillage at night. During the day they would retire to their dens on some little knoll or in the edge of the timber. After the country began to settle, bounties were offered by the coun- ties for wolf-scalps, whereby many paid their taxes. Now they are all gone from this part of Illinois, and should one adventurous wolf show himself, such a hunt would be organized to capture him, as would almost rival the hunts of early times. We have departed, somewhat, from the direct thread of the narrative, to notice the accidents to which the first pioneers were liable in the erection of their cabins, and their start in their new homes. We will now return, in part, to the narrative of the settlement, and note a few subsequent events. We had brought the story down to the year 1832. About this year, Charles W. Nabb, now a resident of Mattoon, came up from Lawrence County, 111., purchased the farm of George M. Hanson, and became one of the permanent settlers. Mr. Hanson went to Whitley's Point and settled on the farm where now Deck Dole lives. Among other old settlers of this date, may be reckoned David Hanson, from Virginia, who may have been a year or two earlier than 1832; John Young, from Kentucky; William Moore, who removed first from Kentucky to Cumberland County, then to Coles ; James Waddill, an early teacher ; Barton Randall ; James James, another early local preacher ; Nathan Curry, who came in the spring of 1830, raised one crop, then moved to Shelby County, where he lived many years ; and a few others, whose names we have not been able to obtain. These are, however, the majority, of those who came to this settlement prior to the Black Hawk war. Until after that event, there were very few residents in the territory included in the present bounds of Mat- HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 335 toon Township. The settlement was all one, though it extended over many miles of country. All were neighbors ; all were poor ; all were ambitious, and nearly all came to enjoy the comforts of life they expected to find as the fruit of their privation and toil. Thewinter of 1830 and 1831 was one of unusual severity. It is known in the annals of the West, especially in the northern part, as the " winter of the deep snow." The snow fell almost continuously from the latter part of November till late in January, covering the ground in Northern Illinois to the depth of nearly four feet. In the southern part of the State, it was not so severe or lasting, and was a little more than half that depth. The winter wa^, hoAvever, very cold, and as the settlers were generally poorly provided against any such contingencies, much suffering ensued. About the latter part of Feb- ruary, a warm spell came, which quickly melted the snow, covering the entire face of the country with water. At this juncture, a reverse of temperature arose, and a continuous glare of ice was the result. People could not go any- where with horses or oxen, as they were not able, in a majority of cases, to shoe their teams. Had skates been as common then as now, what glorious sport the boys would have enjoyed ? While this ice was on the ground, a few emigrants arrived, after a tedious journey over the icy prairies. Often the women were obliged to walk, the emigrant teams scarcely able to draAV the wagons. The ice was succeeded in the spring by another thaw, the like of which has rarely been seen since. The people were obliged to resort to various measures to obtain meal, fuel, meats, etc., while they were compelled to carry water and food to their stock, none of which could travel over the smooth surface every- where presented. During this time, the old mortar and grater came vigor- ously into, use to supply cornmeal, and many evenings did the male mem- bers of the family devote their energies to one or the other, generally the former, to supply food for the rest. Neither was an easy task. The grater was made by puncturing the bottom of an old tin pan with a nail a great many times. On the outer edges of the rough pieces of tin thus presented, the ear was rubbed until worn to the cob. This could be successfully done only when the corn was a little soft. When hard, it would shell from the cob too easily. Then the mortar came into use. This instrument w^as made by burning a hollow in a block or stump, of a sufficient depth to hold about a peck of shelled corn. A pestle was then made of a heavy piece of wood, that would fit the cavity toler- ably closely. Sometimes, to give it more weight, an iron wedge was fixed securely in the end. Corn would now be placed in the hole and pounded fine with the pestle. Ofttimes, to render the task easier, the pestle was rigged to a pole, not unlike a well-sweep, and worked in this way. When rigged to the sweep, it was a great saving of labor, and could be made much more effective. The meal made in this manner was not very fine, it was true, but it could be sifted, what went through the sieve being taken as the meal while the rest was made into what was known us beaten hominy. 336 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. Before the pioneers made outdoor ovens, bread was baked in a skillet or on a board before the fire. Corn-bread made in this way had a peculiar relish, it is claimed by the old settlers. Probably their appetites had much to do with the relish. Mush and milk was also a favorite which even yet has not lost its strength. The season following the "deep snow " produced a very fair crop. A few more emigrants came to the settlement, and helped swell its numbers. No troubles with the Indians, who were very few, had been experienced in this part of Illinois, and everything here seemed in a fair way to prosperity. The northern portions of the State had, however, not been so fortunate in this regard. The Sac and Fox Indians, whose villages were near the junction of the Mississippi and Rock Rivers, had refused to leave their homes and remain beyond the Father of Waters. Black HaWk was chief of the Sac nation, whose principal village was on a romantically commanding site just above the mouth of Rock River. It had been their home for more than one hundred and fifty years, and was endeared to them by all the ties of home and human nature. By the seventh article of the treaty of 1804, the lands belonging to this nation were actually to accrue to the United States whenever they were sold to private individuals. Until such a time the Indians could remain on them and hunt as usual. In 1816, Black Hawk recognized the validity of this treaty ; but when, in 1829, some of the land in his native home was sold by the General Govern- ment and became thereby the property of others, he refused to recognize the treaty and to leave his village. Adjacent to it was a large field of nearly seven hundred acres which had been the common field for the cultivation of corn, pease and squashes. This field some of the more lawless whites seized before they had a right to it, and by wanton acts of cruelty to the Indian women and children provoked the savages to retaliatory measures. The whites also brought considerable whisky, which they sold and traded to lawless Indians, against the law and the express commands of the chiefs, which so enraged them at the carousals it produced, that in one or two instances the exasperated chieftains went to the houses of the settlers, and, knocking in the heads of the whisky barrels, emptied their contents on the ground. One thing brought on another until war was declared. The first call for volunteers was made by Gov. Rey- nolds early in the spring of 1831. No county south of St. Clair and east of Sangamon was included in this call, as it was thought the Indians could be easily driven across the Mississippi, where they had been for a time living. Black Hawk refused to go, and force was used. At first the Indians conquered the whites, and more calls were made for volunteers. Numbers responded from every part of the State. In these calls, Coles County furnished but few men, and the Wabash Point less than a dozen. Those that went were required to furnish their own guns, ammunition, horses, etc., and provisions enough to last them to one of the forts where the general rendezvous took place. There they were supplied with ammunition and food, and were attached to some regiment. HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 337 The recruits generally went in companies under self-appointed leaders. The State militia law was then in force, and each man knew, or thought he knew, the. tactics of war. The sequel showed some ludicrous sides of human nature. Many brave men at home were cowards on the field, and ready to run at the first opportunity. It was observed, then, that the bravest were the modest ones, and those that commonly had the least to say about their own valiant deeds were the ones who merited praise. It might not be amiss to mention the " old muster-days," as they were called. They were days of a general gathering, when all able-bodied men were required to meet at some designated point and drill. The day began to be regarded as one of general frolics, rather than muster, for, as the danger from the Indians decreased, the need of the militia diminished, until, so apparent did its uselessness become, and so obnoxious to those who could not spare the time, that, by a common decree of the people, who ridiculed the day in every way they could, it was abolished by the General Assembl3^ From the return of the troops from the Black Hawk war down to the opening of the railroads in 1855, but few things occurred out of the regular course of events. That war settled the Indian question in Illinois, and peace, with the red men in her borders, was the result. They were gradually withdrawn from their homes in the Prairie State, and, in a few years, none were to be seen. They followed the course of the westward sun, and seem destined, erelong, to be swallowed up by the mighty race which has taken their country. Emigration set in anew to the West, and throughout the entire length and breadth of Illinois a continuous train of settlers poured in. Chicago was now coming into prominence, and Utopian visions of wealth began to dazzle the eyes of the denizens of Illinois. Before proceeding to note the rise of the improve- ment system and its inglorious end, we will notice two events of unusual occur- rence which happened, and which many of the old residents in Mattoon Town- ship will remember. The first of these is THE METEORIC SHOWER. A most remarkable phenomenon occurred on the night of November 12, 1833, known as the " Falling Stars," which it will be well to notice here. It appears to have occurred all over the Western country, if not over the entire United States. Mr. Tremble gives a stirring account of it in his sketches, which we here reproduce. He says : " I was on my way home from a mill, west of Shelbyville, and had arrived at the cabin of an early friend and brother in the ministry, about four miles west of the town, then a village of about two hundred inhabitants. As I was twenty-six miles from home, and had only an ox-team, I desired the brother to get me up at 3 o'clock in the morning, so that I could get home that night. After a pleasant evening, we retired. My landlord was up at the designated hour, and, going out of the cabin-door, saw a sight that utterly bewildered him 338 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. for a moment. All the stars seemed to be falling, and he at once concluded the heavens were falling and that the final day had come. Returning into the cabin, he aroused the family and myself, assuring us that the day of judgment had come, and for us to prepare to settle our accounts with our Maker. We were all up in a few moments, and beheld a sight never to be forgotten. The air was full of falling drops of fire, that immediately expired as they neared the ground. Sometimes they would alight on a leaf of a bush or tree, and go out with a peculiar noise, difficult to delineate in orthography. It sounded something like " tchuck," given with the shortest possible sound of the vowels. After gazing on the grand sight awhile, I asked the good lady to prepare me a little breakfast, while I fed and yoked my cattle. While I was eating my breakfast, the good minister remarked that he could not understand how I could eat so unconcernedly, when on the threshold of eternity. I noticed he was indeed in deep earnest, and sat part of the time with his head bowed between his knees, clasped in his hands, and apparently engaged in earnest thought. He arose when I prepared to go, protesting against my journey on such a solemn occasion, as the world would soon be on fire and the end of all all things be. I told him that if his conjectures proved correct, I might as well be out on the highway, driving my ox-team, as anywhere else. Bidding them adieu, I rigged my team, bestrode the near ox, and, with a flourish of ray whip, started. It was noAv about 4 o'clock, the air was a little cool, and a slight frost lay on the ground. At the start, I had nearly a mile of timber to pass through. The meteors were falling all around me as thick as hail or as rain- drops in an ordinary shower. Some of them were so large they cast shadows on the trees. Many of them came in contact with trees in falling, and burst, throwing off" a myriad of sparks, illuminating the forest all about me. It was the grandest freak of nature I ever beheld, and passes my poAvers of descrip- tion. Emerging from the timber to the prairie, the sight was even more grand and inspiring. A rain of fire-drops came down. All about and above me, the air was full of the falling sparks, none of which touched me or my oxen. They would frequently fall nearly to the ground on some bush, but none touched me that I saw or felt, though I endeavored to catch some on my hand to experience a personal contact. None reached the ground that I saw ; all expired as they neared it. The storm of fire continued with no abatement that I could see until the approach of day, when the light caused it to gradually disappear, just as the stars retire on the approach of the morning sun. " Just at daylight, I entered the village of Shelbyville, where I found the inhabitants grouped about the corners, discussing the strange wonder. Many appeared to be greatly alarmed. The opinion that the end of the world was at hand strongly prevailed. T did not stop to discuss the question with them, but left them to solve it as best they could, and Avent on my way. All along my journey homeward, wherever I met any settlers or travelers, the " fire " was the theme. I could not explain it, nor could they. I could only think it was HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 339 some freak of nature scientists might some day explain ; but that the world was coming to an end, I did not much credit." These various meteoric showers have never been very satisfactorily ex- plained. They have occurred at different intervals for ages, and for many years were regarded with supernatural awe by all classes of people. It is a common practice among the inhabitants of any part of the earth to so regard any unnatural phenomenon, which they cannot readily explain. The commonly accepted theory among modern scientists is that they originate in certain nebu- lous bodies revolving in space in a elliptical orbit about the sun, the aphelion of which meets the orbit of the earth at the time of its annual exhibitions. This is in a measure verified, as the showers appeared in less brilliancy for three successive seasons after 1833, and agai^i in 1841, and in 1846. None were so brilliant by fiir, however, as the exhibition of 1833, whose grandest display was at Niagara, where it is said to have been of such remarkable vigor as to surpass comprehension. The fall of meteoric stones is an occurrence often noted in the history of the country. The appearance of comets are also mentioned, which caused wide-spread alarm, many preparing to meet the judgment which it was positively asserted they portended. That event has never visibly occurred yet, and it is safe to conclude comets, meteors and other irregular heavenly bodies have noth- ing whatever to do with it. They are now pretty satisfactorily explained, and only the ignorant fear them. To those who study the heavenly bodies they are objects of great interest and are studiously watched. THE "sudden freeze." This curious, and yet unexplained phenomenon happened on the 20th day of December, 1836. By many, the cold winter of 1830-31 is confounded with this event. A great many births, deaths and other family matters are ""now settled as to date, by their occurrence before, at or after the "deep snow " or the "sudden freeze." The 20th day of the month referred to had been rather warm. A slight rain fell during the forenoon, turning the few inches of snow on the ground into slush, and filling the creeks and ponds with water. About the middle of the afternoon, a heavy cloud was noticed coming rapidly from the northwest. It came at the rate of twenty-five or thirty miles per hour, as was afterward ascertained, and was accompanied with a terrific, roaring noise. As it passed over the country, everything was frozen in its track almost instantly. Water that was running in little gullies or in the streams was suddenly arrested in its career, blown into eddies and small waves by the wind, and frozen before it could subside. Cattle, horses, hogs and Avild animals exposed to its fury were soon chilled through and many frozen in their tracks. Where a few moments before they walked in mud and slush, was now frozen, and unless moving about they were frozen fast. In some instances where individuals were ex- 340 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. posed to the fury of this wave and unable to reach shelter, their lives were lost. One man was found afterward standing frozen in the mud, dead, and still hold- ing the rein of his horse in his hand. He had apparently become bewildered and chilled, and freezing fast in the mud and slush, remained standing. Mr. Elisha Linder, in speaking of this storm, says : " I was near my house feeding some stock, when I noticed the storm-cloud approaching. Thinking it would be a severe windstorm and possibly rain, as it was misting at the time, I started to the house. I went as quickly as I could, but the storm caught me before I reached the door. It was so piercing in its coldness and so strong I could not walk against it. The water was frozen as it blew into little ridges, and the mud and slush soon became as hard as stone. A good many chickens and other fowls perished. No little suffering was experienced by many persons who were illy prepared for such an unlooked-for event." It is related of a young man named Samuel Munson, in the western part of the county, who had gone, or was going for his marriage-license, that, while on the journey he was overtaken by the wave, and, finding he could not cross the Okaw or one of its tributaries, turned his horse's head up the stream and partly against the storm. He could not make the horse travel in the face of the storm and, dismounting, tried to lead him. He could not do this either. When he tried to mount the horse again, he found his clothing, especially his overcoat, wet with the rain of the forenoon, frozen so he could not mount. He threw it off, then hastily mounted his horse and started at a full gallop in the course of the storm, determined to find shelter before it was too late. Coming to a grove of trees, possibly Dead Man's Grove, he saw a cabin, and, riding up to it, dis- mounted and went in. His hands and feet were by this time partially frozen, and he was so benumbed he could hardly talk. He was obliged to remain there overnight and to postpone the wedding a day or two. Mr. Tremble and other old settlers who experienced this "sudden freeze," all give a similar description and corroborate the statements made. The wave came from the northwest, passing over the central part of Illinois, lower down in Indiana, and is last heard of about Cincinnati, Ohio, where it arrived at 9 o'clock in the night, freezing some emigrant wagons and teams in front of a tavern at Lebanon, a few miles above Cincinnati, while their owners were bar- gaining for a night's lodging. Its width was from about where Ottawa in Illi- nois now is, then barely started, to a short distance below Coles County. It is not heard of much above or below either place. Its origin has never been found, to our knowledge, nor has it been satisfactorily explained that we know of. Iowa was thinly settled then, and as it came across its northern border, we have only meager accounts concerning it there. It originated some- where in the vast northwest, and only lost its force and fury when it encoun- tered a warmer clime. Returning again to the subject of emigration, the growth of the State and the internal improvements, we find Coles County, especially its western part, HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 341 gradually filling with settlers. The scheme of building railroads and canals came now prominently before the people, and roused their expectations of future wealth and power to the highest pitch. As early as 1835, the subject received the attention of the Illinois Legislature, and in the message of Gov. Joseph Duncan to that body at the session of 1835-36, mention is made of it, and the General Assembly urged to act upon it. It responded in a manner exceeding the Governor's highest anticipations. Immense preparations were made, great sums of money appropriated, and work began on the Illinois & Michigan Canal, and on several proposed railroads, among them the Illinois Central and the Terre Haute & Alton. The issue of so much money, based on the faith of the State, and its entrance into all channels of business, had the effect to draw an immense flood of emigration to Illinois, all anxious to share in the general prosperity. Somehow, the more the money was issued, the cheaper it became, and the dearer everything else grew. Acts of the Legislature in vain tried to hold it at and above par; but it steadily declined, until it reached 16 cents on the dollar in gold, and in some instances 14. Either the feith of the State was correspondingly below par or the money was cheap because it was too plenty. From the Solons of the day down to the most common class of people, all saw, in the start, wealth created out of nothing, only to see it grad- ually vanish before their eyes. As it declined in value, work began to stop here and there on detached parcels of the railroads, until finally on every rOad it was abandoned, and only with the wisest financiering was it kept going on the canal. State banks grew out of the scheme, and a currency, as fluctuating as varied, appeared all over the country. Merchants in New York were obliged to accept notes on banks in Illinois and Indiana, which they could only realize on by returning them through brokers to some place in the West, and get all they could out of them. The fall of the system and the conse(iuent depression of business was keenly felt all over the State. Exorbitant values had arisen on every class of property, and when the shrinkage occurred, the losses were felt. No work was done on either the Central or the Terre Haute & Alton Railroads in Coles County ; but the eff'ects of the rise and fall of values were noted here as well as elsewhere. Money was as scarce as in the earliest pioneer times, and for awhile it looked as though ruin would be the result. The prairies were, however, naturally very productive, and though emigration for awhile shunned the State as if struck by a pestilence, it soon began to rally, and before a decade of years had passed the enormous debt was safely provided for, and prosperity of a real kind again came over the land. It was not until after 1850 — more than twelve years after the first rail was laid on the track at Meredosia, on the Illinois River, on what is now the Wabash Railway — that the subject of railroads assumed a permanent, tangible form. In February of that year, the Chicago ct Galena road was finished as far as Elgin, and a train of cars made the first trip from the city on the lake to the one on the Fox River. From this date, the erection of other roads began — 342 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. this time, by individuals. The State had enough of this experience, and did not care to venture again into such schemes. The Terre Haute & Alton was among those sharing in the revival, and, as some work had been performed on it, chiefly on the eastern and western divisions, a new company took the work, and, in about four years' time, had it in running order. About the same time, the Illinois Central, through its magnificent grant of land from the General Government, came to a completion. These roads, crossing in Mattoon Township, formed the nucleus for a new town which capitalists were not slow to take advan- tage of, and the city of Mattoon was the result. Indeed, they had been watch- ing to see where the crossing would be, and had located the town as soon as the question was decided, not waiting for the completion of the roads. As the his- tory of railroads in the county forms a separate chapter, we will only refer to them briefly here. When they were completed, much of the prairie-land in the township, and, in fact, all this part of the county, was yet open. It was still used for pastur- age, and the settlements confined exclusively to the timber. The railroads opened the country, however, and from that time until all was taken, it was rapidly settled. The growth of the country went steadily forward from the time of the improvement period until the late war. By that time, it was pretty thickly settled. Mattoon Township furnished her quota of men for the fray, and the city saw a regiment depart from her midst gathered almost wholly in the surrounding country. When the war closed, another season of great commercial prosperity ensued, owing to the sudden circulation of a vast amount of currency, based on the faith of the General Government. From this arose another series of fictitious values, and many farmers mortgaged their land to capitalists at a semi-annual interest of 10 per cent, expecting the '"flush times" to continue. When the value of money came to the recognized standard, a shrinkage in values occurred, causing at the present time great difficulty among many to pay debts contracted on the currency basis. Many farms in this part of Coles County have been sold to meet these claims, realizing little, if anything, more than the amount loaned. The effect of all this will be to divide the large farms, and, ultimately, it will in that way be for th^ good of the county. The people of Mattoon Township are all engaged in agriculture, and, if a steady purpose in this pur- suit is adhered to, no debts contracted beyond their ability to pay, and the same study devoted to that pursuit as is given to that of the law or medicine, abundant success is sure to crown the effort. Take it all in all, no occupation is so sure of a living, so independent and so safe as intelligent agriculture. We will now retrace our steps somewhat, and note the RELIGIOUS AND EDUCATIONAL INTERESTS. We have purposely omitted any mention of churches and schools in the foregoing pages, intending those subjects for a separate chapter. HISTORY OF COLES COUIJTY. 343 The first settler in Mattoon Township, "Uncle Charley," was a devout Methodist, and in hia cabin the first praise and thanks to the Giver of all good were heard. Many of the others who came in 1827 were "members of the same religious body, and, as soon as they could arrange their temporal matters, steps were taken toward the establishment of a church. James Graham, George M. Hanson, Miles H. Hart, Samuel Thompson, Barton Randall, George W. Rollins, and others among the early pioneers of Wabash Point, were in the local ministry of the Methodist Church, and all were earnest workers. The "circuits were large, yet these men, laboring faithfully to supply their own wants, and avoid being any burden on the infantile settlement, went regularly on their rounds of preaching. The places of worship at first were in the pioneers' cabins centrally located, or, when the weather would permit, in some pleasant spot in the woods. The first benches were simply split logs, the flat side dressed smooth with a broad-ax, and supported by stout, short sticks for legs. No backs were made. When not in use, the benches were piled in a corner of the cabin-yard, until the time of service, when they were carried into the cabin and arranged to the best pur- pose that habitation furnished. The most interesting time among the adher- ents of this church was the regular camp- meeting. That was almost always held in the woods, as no cabin could hold a tithe of the crowd that gathered. A rude pulpit or platform was made, where three or four trees aff"orded a good place for one, benches were made and arranged over the ground in front, and the place was ready. We have mentioned James Graham as one of the pioneer Methodist ministers in this part of the county. He was little a eccentric in his ways, and, withal, was not afraid to speak what he deemed right, even if the remarks touched closely on some weak brothers or sisters. A good anecdote is preserved of him by his colleague, Mr. Tremble, another local minister, yet living. As it illus- trates other modes of life, we think it well worth a place in the history of the county. Among the class of wandering tradespeople, or peddlers, were a set known as the "wooden-clock peddlers." These were nearly all Yankees, regarded by the Southern people as a trafiicking, tricky set, ready to sell a wooden nutmeg or any other sham. They, in turn, looked on the Kentuckians as a lazy, shift- less class, subsisting on hog, hominy and corn-bread, and willing tools in their hands. The peddlers did not scruple in the slightest to cheat them, or any one, whenever they could. The cheating, in their opinion, was all right ; the detection was what they feared. It seems these itinerant tradesmen had become a nuisance to the good residents of this part of the county, and had merited their disapprobation. Father Graham, among the rest, had suffered at their hands, and rather smarted under the treatment. Their common mode of procedure was first to canvass a district, selling all the clocks they could, warranting them for a year or any length of time suitable 344 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. to their scheme. In a month or so, they would retrace their route, starting from where they began with one clock, pretty well regulated. It would run three or four days very well, and that was all they wanted. Part of the origi- nal agreement was to replace the clock first sold in case it did not fulfill the warrant. In that lay the trick. When they reached the first customer, they found, as they expected and hoped, that the clock did not fulfill the contract, and they at once replaced it with the one they had, charging a small fee for the transfer and repair. Taking the clock they obtained here, they went on to the next place, where the process was repeated, and so on till the end of the route. For a few days the clocks went all right, and every one was delighted. But after awhile, when they, too, began to keep all sorts of time, the settlers began to grumble, and on comparing notes, discovered the cheat. The lesson, however, did not always bear fruit, as erelong they were caught on the wooden nutmeg, gilded jewelry and kindred appliances. They, like every one else, seemed often to forget that nothing good can be obtained for less than its value, however plausible the arguments in its favor may be. While Father Graham was holding one of his camp-meetings, he was some- Avhat disturbed by one of these itinerant merchants, who not only being a cheat in business, was also a worthless character, and, as such, disturbed the meeting. Father G., after vainly endeavoring, by private means, to reform or get rid of him, determined to use decisive methods with him. At the morning service on the Sabbath, the good minister, in his prayer, closed as follows : " Lord, thy servants have been wonderfully annoyed by the bad actions and wicked conduct of a fellow known all over this camp-ground as ' Wooden- Clock Peddler.' Lord, if it is possible there be mercy lor such a wicked wretch, may he find that mercy to-day, so that he repent of his great wicked- ness, turn about and do better. But, Lord, if he is, as he appears to be, a doomed wretch, why suff"er him to stay here as a hindrance to Thy great work ? Lord, may he see that ' discretion is the better part of valor,' and leave forthwith. But, Lord God, if he will not leave, kill him a little on the spot, and save us from all wooden-clock peddlers forever. Amen ! " "If ever I saw," says Mr. Tremble, "the eyes of a congregation turned in search of an object, in was the eyes of that congregation, when they arose from their knees at the close of the prayer." But the " wooden-clock peddler " was seen only in the distance making rapid strides for some other locality. He was seen no more on that camp-ground. Enough adherents to this denomination had arrived by the year 1832 to warrant the erection of a house of worship. A site was chosen near the pres- ent Capp's Mill, and the people gathering together erected a log church. This was rather a primitive affair, and for awhile served its purpose. The settlement formed a kind of nucleus around which gathered three churches, not to speak of those in Mattoon. This fact, in a measure, caused the Church here to disband, and gather into three others, all out of the township, save one, which again. HISTORY' OF COLES COUNTY. 345 about five years ago, erected the brick church, known as the "Little Wabash Methodist Church." It is near the creek of that name, about four miles south- west of Mattoon. It is a very comfortable church, while near it Avas built a neat brick parsonage. The congregation numbers now about one hundred members. Among the early settlers were several professing the Baptist and Cumber- land Presbyterian creeds. The former of these built a church in Paradise Township, the first church there. It is referred to in the history of that Town- ship. The Cumberland Presbyterians have maintained pretty regular services since their emigration, commencing before 1830. They have attended church at Paradise generally until lately and did not build a church in Mattoon Town- ship until about 1873, when they completed a very neat frame edifice, at an expense of $1,600, which they now occupy. Theirs and the Little Wabash Methodist Church are the only two houses of worship in the township outside of Mattoon. It has been rather difficult to determine the first year school was taught in the Wabash Point settlement, and by whom. There was probably a school taught in a cabin in the winter of 1827-28, or the next spring. Mrs. Elisha Linder says she recollects going to a school, she thinks, the next summer, and that James Waddill was the teacher. Mr. Tremble says in his sketches, that about 1831, Ujicle Jack Houching, with a few other neighbors, undertook to burn brick, and built a small cabin for the benefit of the hands, just north of Mr. John Thomas' spring. The brick project proved a failure and the cabin was abandoned. The settlers not long after appropriated the cabin for school pur- poses and fitted it for that purpose. Long slab seats, puncheon floor, and a writing-desk from "end to end" at one side, were put in, the fire-place made safe, and, taking out one of the side logs, covered the place left with greased paper, and the house was ready. The teacher, Mr. Tremble, too, thinks was James Waddill. He was paid so much per scholar, the idea of taxation for education not then prevailing. The price per scholar depended on the number of scholars promised. If twenty-five or thirty were subscribed the price was generally $2.50 or $3 each. The teacher commonly " boarded 'round," a practice not now indulged in. Teachers were always hired by the quarter — three months — and when they were not paid in money, accepted common articles of barter. Capt. W. E. Adams, in his Centennial Address, refers to this school as follows: The first schoolhouse in that section was a cabin, built in 1830. Before it was occupied as a school, a man named Ledbetter moved his family into it. Soon after this, George Hanson went down to order him out. Ledbetter, however, was master of the situation, and chased Hanson oS" with a meat- ax. Hanson, in his fiight, stubbed his toe and fell down, and in his fall Ledbetter split the back of his coat-tail open with the ax. After school had been held in this cabin a term or two, it was removed to the old log church, built on the site of Capp's mill or near it, and referred to in the history of churches just noted. This school was, it must be borne in mind, in 346 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. Paradise Township. School was kept here, or in the cabins, until about 1844 or 1845, when the first schoolhouse, built expressly for such purposes, was erected in Mattoon Township. That was about the dawn of the present school- system of Illinois. It had been agitated as early as 1827, renewed in 1835- 86. and a few subsequent Legislatures, but so distasteful was the idea of tax- ation to the southern portion of the State, that not until 1844-45 did the first permanent school law come into force. This schoolhouse was used until the present one, erected during the war on its site, superseded it. It was not alone possessor of the field long. Other parts of the township began to fill rapidly witli settlers, especially when the railroads were opened, and, as necessity required, houses were built. The open, ing of high schools in Mattoon gave additional facilities for instruction, which have, in a measure, been well improved. EARLY MILLS, MILLING, ETC. We have incidentally noticed the grater and mortar, and described their modes of use. Following these primitive mills, we will notice those that suc- ceeded, viz., the hand and horse mills. The hand-mill was quite an improve- ment on the hominy-block. It consisted of two small circular stones, 14 or 16 inches acros the face, and made something like the millstones of to-day. The lower stone was made fast to some timbers, with a hoop bent around it and pro- jecting some three or four inches above, forming a receptacle for the upper stone. This had a hole in the center, through Avhich the corn was dropped by the hand, and was made to fit the under stone as well as the tools of the day could dress it. Near the outer rim, a hole was drilled into it about 1 J inches across, and of the same depth. Into this an upright was fastened, its upper end secured in the ceiling, or to some immovable piece of timber. The lower stone had a |- inch hole, drilled from 2 to 3 inches in depth, in the center, and a round piece of iron driven firmly in. Its top projected about the same distance above. The top formed a pivot, and by the aid of a flat piece of iron, was cut to a half circle, with flanges on each end, so as to fit the notches cut in each side of the " runner." This iron was placed in the " eye " of the upper stone, generally called the "runner," with the concave side down. Its under side was so notched as to fit the pivot and balance, so that when forced around it kept its place. These simple arrangements completed the outfit. When meal was wanted, a measure of shelled corn was placed near, from which the corn was dropped in by the left hand, while the stone was turned by the right. It was given a rapid motion, and, if heavy, both hands were used, and an attendant dropped the corn into the center hole. At one place, the under stone was sometimes made slightly sloping, and a spout inserted in the iron rim surround- ing the stone, through which the meal was forced as it was ground. It will be observed by the reader, that this kind of mill is spoken of in the Bible, only that the handle was commonly a foot or more in height. It is as old as HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 349 the world, almost, and, in ancient times, was almost always operated by women. The Savior referred to the custom of women grinding at the mill, when He said, " The one shall be taken and the other left." The horse-mill was simply the hand-mill made too large and heavy for one person to turn, and was rigged something after the manner a common circu- lar sweep is now made. To this a horse or mule was hitched and driven in a circle. It was often rigged with a pulley made of a leather band, and thereby given an increased motion. The hand-mill was also rigged with cogs and bands, and arranged so two or four men could turn it with a crank. It was toler- ably hard work, but it was often the case that, when properly rigged in this way, a bushel of grain could be ground in forty minutes. After the horse-mills came into use, the hand-mills were largely abandoned. They were too slow when a better way was known, and gradually came to be a a thing of the past. It is not stated that any horse-mills were built in Mattoon Township. The older parts of the county had them first, and to them the settlers were accus- tomed to go. Many of the old settlers now living, well remember getting up at 3 or 4 o'clock in the morning, preparatory to getting early to the mill, hopino- to get there in advance of any one else, only to find, perchance, a whole " string of wagons ahead of them," as they express it, and being obliged to remain a day or two awaiting their turn. No water or steam mills were built in Mattoon Township till after the city was started, when they were erected there. As their history properly belongs to the history of the city, the reader is refer-red to that, where the subject, as concerns this township, is concluded. EARLY MAILS AND THE OLD STAGES. The first mail facilities enjoyed in this part of the country were indeed quite meager. Letters were few and far between, while newspapers were a rarity. The postage, was, in the early days of post-routes, governed by the distance the letter was sent, ranging from five to twenty-five cents. After the express com- panies started and began to carry them at a cheaper rate, the Government low- ered the cost from time to time until the present rate was established. The first post office, says Mr. Hiram Tremble, for the Little Wabash Point settlement was established at George M. Hanson's, who drew up a petition for one, obtained the necessary signatures and sent it on to Washington. Capt. Adams states also, that this was the first post office in the county, and that it was established by George M. Hanson, who was the Postmaster. The office was named Paradise, in memory of Paradise Post Office iuVirginia, in the county where Mr. Hanson was born. These two were the only post offices of that name in the United States. The office was located here in 1829, and remained with Mr. Hanson about two years, when it was removed to the State Line Road, just then being opened. There it was kept by Mr. William Langstou, who had what was known as the " Relay House," i. e., where the stage-horses were changed. This stage-road, or, more 350 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. properly. State Road, had formerly been a trace or trail, simply a bridle-path, and led from Charleston to Shelbyville and on to Vandalia, the old State capi- tal. At first the mail was carried on horse-back, and made a weekly trip. The road passed through Mattoon Township, a little north of the present village of Paradise : hence, when the post office was removed to Mr. Langs- ton's, it was still in Mattoon Township. It remained at the " Relay House " about two years, when it was taken to a little embryo town located on the Houtchin Farm, called Richmond, where G. W. Nabb had quite a store, in which the office was kept ; Mr. Nabb, Postmaster. The office remaiiicd there till the Alton & Terre Haute Railroad was completed and Mattoon founded. There is considerable dispute among the old settlers concerning this post office and its frequent removals. We have given Mr. Tremble's recollections, which some pronounce correct, while others think a little differently. It seems impossible to reconcile all the statements regarding it. The subject is further treated in Paradise Township. After the stages began running, the mail was changed to a bi-weekly, then to a tri-weekly, and when the railroad came, to a daily mail. The old stage- coach was as much an improvement on the modes of travel preceding it, as the railway of to-day is an improvement on the coach. It was generally quite gorgeously painted, were made secure, and would carry just as many passen- gers as could get inside and on its top. This propensity to crowd stages has given rise in this day to the trite proverb, " There is always room for one more in a stage." They were drawn by four horses commonly, but in times of bad roads six or eight would be hitched to it. The driver was perched on top in a comfortable seat at the front, and nearly always had a passenger with him. In times of good roads and fine weather, the driver's seat was often sought, as it gave such commanding views of the country. When the fierce prairie storms abounded, and winter set his icy hand on everything, it required a brave man to face the contest. Not unfrequently drivers perished at their post in unusually severe weather. The most interesting time was probably in the spring, when the ground was thawing out. The. soil of the prairies would sometimes freeze two or three feet deep, especially in low, wet places, conse- quently the thawing-out process reached down that depth, where it com- monly met the perpetually wet undersoil, producing what was termed, in the common parlance of the day, a road with "no bottom." Then it was, indeed, interesting to the passengers. First one side of the coach was down, then the other, alternately pitching the passengers right and left. About as soon as they got used to this mode of travel, the fore wheels would go suddenly down to the axle, and a forward lurch of the passengers followed. As they came up, the hind wheels went down, and a retrograde movement on the part of the passengers was the result. Relief from this alternate pitching arose only when an eminence was reached, or when the passengers walked. HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 851 Sometimes exciting drives occurred, especially when the driver wanted to give a team " all the running they wanted." He would ply them with the whip, and keep them at a full gallop until completely broken of their desire to run away. If the road was a few inches deep in mud, the condition of the pas- sengers, unless securely inclosed, can be well imagined. They came out of the race considerably sprinkled with the prairie soil. These days of the stage con- tinued till the opening of the railroads in 1855, when they it farther west, only in time to be obliged to give way to the fleet iron horse, destined in time to entirely supersede it. •^ ^ EARLY COURTS. From the first settlement until society became established, the settlers were generally a law unto themselves. They were too remote from the county seat before Coles County was erected, and settled disputes among themselves. They were exceeding honorable in their dealings with each other, and rarely did occa- sion require of them recourse to law. When it did, the punishment was sure and swift. They abhorred the petty vices, stealing, lying, etc., and would com- pletely ostracize any one found guilty. As all were poor and mutually depend- ent on each other, they were strict in their observance of the right, and would aid one another to the farthest extent of their ability, did he show any disposi- tion to try to do for himself. At every house-raising all did their part ; all wanted to, and should any one evince a disposition to shirk, he was made to feel his dependence whenever he wanted any help from his neighbors. Mr. Trem- ble says he does not remember of but one theft occurring in the neighborhood from the date of its first settlement in 1827, till after the first election in 1831. The theft and its punishment were characteristic of the times, and will suffice as a good illustration for the " court proceeding " of the day. One of the settlers had killed a beef, and, to secure the hide, bent down a small sapling, attached the hide to the top branch, and allowed the tree to spring back to its place, bearing the hide aloft, far out of the reach of wolves or any other species of thieves. He never once thought of any person stealing- it, and hence allowed it to remain in the tree-top over night. The next morn- ing it was gone. By what means, he coiild not determine, but he felt sure nothing but a human being could have secured it. He sent word to a few of the neighbors, and soon word was all over the settlement that a theft had occurred; something so unusual, that all left their work and gathered at the settler's cabin, determined to find the off"ender and give him his merits. By some means, the hide was tracked to its place of concealment. The guilty man was now to be apprehended, in case they c6uld find him. He had been sus- pected, it seems, from- the start, for, in a scattered community like this, every one was pretty well known, and two citizens were deputed to search his premises. They returned in an hour or so, with the information that they could not find him, though they had given the cabin and its contents a thor- ough examination. The settlers were not satisfied, and a second search was 352 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. instituted, in which all took a part. Under the bed, a puncheon was found displaced, and a lot of rags and old quilts substituted. Removing these, tlie thief was discovered between the floor and the sill of the cabin. He was at once brought forth, and a trial held. The tears of his wife and children could not avail now : the pioneers were determined to punish theft whenever found. One among their number was appointed Judge, another Sherift", another Prose- cutor, and a fourth, counsel for the defense. The trial was held under a large elm-tree in the east side of Dry Grove. Everything was conducted decorously, and, at its close, the prisoner was sentenced to receive thirty lashes on his naked back, at the hands of the Sherift' — and that at the close of the next two hours. Court was held about a mile from the prisoner's cabin, and, before the execution of the sentence was carried into eft'ect, he begged to be allowed to see his family. This was granted, and the Sherift' ordered to see him safely home and back. On the way to his cabin, he was informed by the officer that if he would leave the country that night, '■ hook and line." with the promise never to be seen in those parts again, he would let him escape. The Sherift' informed him that he must, however, run for life, for as soon as he started he (the Sherift") would shout at the top of his voice, " Stop thief! Stop thief!" By this time, they were out of sight of the Court, and the Sherift", pointing one way, remarked, '' That's your course," and away he went at the top of his speed. The Sheriff" appeared to be after him, yelling with all his might. "" Stop thief ! " The Court, of course, heard, and, immediately forgetting its dignity, started, pell-mell, in pursuit. The prisoner, however, had the start, and made good his escape. He was joined by his family afterward, and was never seen again in these parts. He had, doubtless, learned a lesson he never forgot, and. it is hoped, one he heeded. It was, undoubtedly, part of the plan to allow him to escape, but to so thoroughly intimidate him that others would heed the lesson. Whether the trial was just in its conclusions or nut, and its mode of action commendable, can hardly be doubted, in the condition society then existed. Even were such methods adopted now, so thoroughly prompt and decisive, it is hardly an open question but that it would sometimes be better. After the county was organized, the processes of civil law were carried out, and, from that date down, we are not informed of any impromptu courts and court pro- ceedings. We have thus fiir narrated the leading events in the history of Mattoon Township. The history of its organization is given in the general county history, and, as it did not occur until four years after Mattoon village was established, we will proceed directly to the history of the city, and, in like manner, note its important events. The town is the outgrowth of the crossing of the two railroads, and dates its beu"inning from tiiat occurrence. When the original surveys for the rail- roads were made, it was predicted that a town would grow up at their crossing; but until the exact location of the routes was determined, no one ventured to HISTORY OF COLES C0UI1TY. 853 purchase the ground and prepare for the expected village. It was at one time thought that the crossino; would be made about two miles north of the site of Mattoon, and a town, to be called Arno, was laid out there by David A. Neal, of Massachusetts, owner of the land. The survey was made by John Meadows, March 14, 1855. The routes of the roads were pretty certainly established by 1852, and in that year a company of persons, prominent among whom were Elisha Linder, Ebenezer Noyes, James T. Cunningham, Stephen D. Dole, John L. Allison and John Cunningham, purchased Section 13, in Township 12, and concluded to plat thereon a town. Two years elapsed before this was done, during which interval, Davis Carpenter, Usher F. Lrnder, H. Q. Sanderson, Harrison Mes- ser, Samuel B. Richardson, W. B. Puell, Josiah Hunt and Charles Nabb obtained an interest, and, by direction of all these persons, a town was laid out on December 12, 1854, by John Meadows, then County Surveyor. It must be borne in mind that the grant of land given by the Government in aid of the Illinois Central Bailroad (a full history of which appears elsewhere), included only alternate sections in the belt, and that, to equalize the I'evenue from the remaining sections, the price was doubled. These men, then, paid for Section 12 $2.50 per acre, which, considering the location, was certainly cheap enough. No sooner was the survey made than preparations for building began. Men did not wait for a sale of lots, but went to the proprietors and selected such lots as they desired, began building on them, with the understanding that they be allowed them as their choice on the day of sale ; that then they really be con- firmed in their purchase. The first building brought on the town site w^as an old structure moved here from La Fayette Township by Blueford Sexton, and used as a kind of lodging-house, boarding-house and toolhouse. Anything that would in any way shelter a person w\as acceptable, and Avas, as they termed it, "better than nothing." On the 28th day of March, 1855, the next spring after the survey. Mr. R. H. McFadden raised the first house erected on the site of Mattoon. It stands on its original site, on the south side of First street, just east of the Illinois Central Railroad track, and is now occupied by Mrs. Cartmell. The house, when built, contained two front rooms, one of which was intended for a store, and in it Flemming & Sexton opened the first stock of goods offered for sale in the town. This was done early in April, and by that time several other buildings were in course of erection. Afterward, Cartmell and Dr. Camp had a small drug store in the room, and when Mr. Noyes built a small brick store west of the railroad, the stock was moved there. Dr. Camp was deaf and dumb, and lived awhile in one half of Mr. Cunningham's warehouse, built on the north side of the Terre Haute & Alton Railroad, before the sale of lots,occurred. The pioneer drug store was closed out in the little brick. Two days after Mr. McFadden raised his house, an enterprising individual set up a little board shanty a short distance south of him, and began selling whisky and other compounds. 3o4 HISTORY OF rOLES COUNTY. James M. True opened a store soon after. John Allison built a small land office ; Ebenezer Noyes a small brick building on the ground now occupied by Mr. Tremble's house, on West Charleston street ; John Cunningham, a ware- liouse, in the eastern part of town, near where the car-shops are now situated. Michael Toby and others erected dwellings, and the lively times of frontier Western towns Avere indicated on all hands. Mr. Toby says he had been here in the fall before, looking over the ground, and decided to locate. In the winter, probably in January, he and a number of others met in a little shanty made of sod and plank, and placed near the crossing, then only located, where they ex- amined the map of the new town and selected lots. They were all known as "Improvement lots." paid for by putting so much improvement on each lot, for which, as yet, the plat not being acknowledged and recorded, no deeds could be made. He went back to the Kickapoo timber, where he was living, and, before spring, had erected two barns for some of the residents there, and had the timbers for his house ready. He came again to Mattoon when the building began, and, that summer, assisted in erecting a good many structures, as well as building his own house. The sale of lots was extensively advertised by means of hand-bills sent all over the country. The 15th day of May was the day set, and on the 14th, the proprietors went to Charleston, where they acknowledged the plat before Eli Wiley, a Justice, and had it recorded. On the next morning, a construction-train came over from Terre Haute, that railroad being completed this far, bringing a great number of buyers. All the people from the surrounding country came on horse-back to see the cars they ha much whisky in them, and, in that condition, were not always what they should be. Civilians known to be favorable to the Southern States were not unfre- quently compelled to subscribe to oaths or other declarations, not at all in con- formity with their sentiments. No riots occurred in Mattoon, as in Charleston, or, at least, none worthy of record, and, as the veil of peace is now drawn over all these scenes, we do not care to lift it, but think that they, as well as several tragedies occurring in Coles County, are better forgotten. We will now retrace our steps somewhat, and, in a measure, note some- thing of the municipal life of Mattoon. The city was incorporated under the general law of the State, in June, 1857, when 65 votes were cast in its favor, and 25 against. It continued under that organization, states our authority — an advertising sheet issued by Jerry Toles, an insurance and real estate agent. May 1, 1866 — until 1859, when a city charter was obtained from the Legis- lature, which, as amended, was in force when the aforesaid sheet was published. From an examination of the newspapers of 1860 and 1861, we learn that an election was held in Mattoon on Monday, April 1, 1861, under the provis- ions granted in the new charter during the winter previous. From the provisions of the charter, we learn that the word " Town " shall be changed to " City," and " Trustees " to " Councilmen." Evidently the advertising sheet of Mr. Toles is a little premature in its statements. As he issued his sheet for advertising purposes, it is natural to suppose he desired to clothe Mattoon with the title of a city as early as possible. The town charter was liberally amended in 1859, but no city created, as is shown in the charter quoted. This charter, in its second article, provided that " members of the City Council shall have had six months' residence, be a hona-jide freeholder at the time of 364 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. his election, and shall have paid a corporation tax in said city during the pre- ceding year. Whenever he ceases to be a freeholder in said city, his oflfice becomes vacant. The election was ordered to be held annually thereafter, on the first Monday in April, when a President, six members of a City Council, City Clerk, Treas- urer and Street Supervisor should be elected. All persons were entitled, by the charter, to vote for State officers who " have paid a corporation tax to the city during the year immediately pre- ceding the election, and have resided in the corporation ninety days previous to the election, were entitled to vote for city officers.'" The Police Justice and Constables were each to be elected for four years. The tax and labor collected from persons on the west side of the Illinois Central Railroad was to be distributed there, while that on the east side was to be distributed there. The Gazette, in its first issue after the elec- tion, gives the following account of it : " Below we give the result of the municipal election on last Monday. We did have some conscientious scruples as to publishing the particulars of the bungling affair, but, since we heard of the double election which our Paris neighbors held on the same day, Ave have concluded that the Parisians can't ' poke fun at us ' over our blunders, and, consequently, we may as well publish." The new city charter as amended — declaring who were and who were not legal voters, which clause did put a flea in somebody's ear — very mysteriously got lost while in the President's keeping, just at the time when the first election under it was to be held, and as it was the only legally attested copy of the charter in the possession of the Board, as a matter of course the opponents of the new fran- chise took the opportunity to annul the election. After sweating and quarrel- ing on the morning of the election till nearly 11 o'clock, the Board having declared the election postponed, the '' sovereign " people concluded to have an election of their own. An election was therefore immediately called, clerks and judges of election duly appointed, and the voting began. The voting was, of course, done indiscriminately as far as having paid taxes was concerned. The following is the result : For Police Justice, James T. Smith ; Police Constable, James L. Taylor ; President, James Monroe. City Council — T. C. Patrick, Samuel Smith, D. M. Turney, L. Chapin, D. C. Higginson and C. A. Powell. Clerk, B. N. Skelton ; Treasurer, A. Hasbrouck ; vStreet Supervisor, B. F. Keely. The vote for and against license was small. For license, 80 ; against license, 77. Mattoon remained Under this form of government, with various alterations made as the city grew, until the last week of February, 1879, when at an election the charter was so changed that the city passed under the general in- corporation law of the State, and under that law is now governed. The prin- cipal changes relate to the election of officers, many of which are now ap- HISTORY OP COLES COUNTY. 367 pointed, and to the redivision of the city into wards. This latter move is now agitated, but it is not likely to be adopted for some time. The governing power still rests in the Council, and in place of the people electing several subordinate officers, that body appoints them. Thus far in this narrative, we have omitted any mention, save incidents, of mills, manufactories or the general business of the city, as well as its churches, schools, newspapers and societies, leaving them for separate articles. In this way more complete, and, at the same time, more condensed, descriptions can be given, and also in a better and more explicit manner. They show much of the history of the city, but are not given with that view being intended for the ob- jects they treat. We shall, therefore, leave the narrative of the city and devote the remainder of this history to the subjects we have mentioned. ELEVATORS, MILLS, MANUFACTORIES, ETC. John Cunningham's elevator, built in the spring of 1855, before the sale of lots, was the pioneer of such enterprises in Mattoon. It was, as time event- ually proved, too far from the natural center of town, the railroad crossing, and was finally abandoned. Four or five years after, Mr. Cunningham built a sub- stantial brick warehouse north of the railroad crossing, on the west side of the Central track, and just south of where Moneypenny's mill now stands. This was quite a firm building, and was one of the best to follow in chronological order the Essex House. It stood till Sunday 'night, March 19, 1865, when it was destroyed by fire. It appears to have been the principal elevator in town until it was destroyed. The elevator of Jennings & Co., still standing, comes next in the annals of the town. It was built about the close of the war by the present proprietors, who are the oldest grain merchants in Mattoon. One of them and Mr. H. M. Tremble, built a small warehouse where the express office now stands — the second enterprise of the kind in town. It was a small building, and was used as such for a few years and then removed. South of it stood the old pork- house of O'Connell & Co., brought from near Cincinnati, the pioneer enter- prise of that kind in the city. It was burned after a few years of service. !N^ear it was the large well over which the city and Central Railroad had such a vexatious lawsuit. The controversy over the well was finally settled, and it is not at present regularly used. Just before Mr. Cunningham built his brick elevator, Luther Miller moved an old porkhouse from Terre Haute, Ind., and set it up north of the proposed site of Mr. Cunningham's elevator. About 1861, the porkhouse came into the hands of Hudnot & Co., who remodeled it, and opened a hominy-mill in the building. This they operated with varying success until 1864, when the building came into the control of Cox & Miller, who again changed its interior and opened a plow-factory in it. This was conducted for two or three years, 368 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. when Capt. Hinkle obtained possession of the building, and opened a corn- meal mill in it. This enterprise ho continued two years, when he I'etired, and the present parties obtained control. Mr. Moneypenny now operates the meal- mill and has a very fair trade. The Pacific Mill, noted in the papers as the pioneer mill of Mattoon, is in the southwest part of town, on the St. Louis Railroad. It was built in 1862, by Charles Jones, who operated it four years. It remained idle then for more than a year, when it was purchased by Ira and D. D. James, who re-opened it and operated it until the summer of 1878, when, the business not proving profitable, they discontinued it. The mill is now idle, but yet in the hands of the Messrs. James. Cox's Mill, a little west of Money penny's mill, is at present unoccupied. It was built by Steadman & Demuth, in 1869 or 1870, who operated it two or three years, when it came into the possession of Hiram Cox, the present owner. James' Elevator was built in 1868, by Ira and D. D. James, who have been more or less connected in the grain trade in Mattoon many years. They have controlled their own elevator until their failure in 1874, when it and the Pacific- Mill, operated by them since 1866, went into possession of Greer & Co., for whom they now operate the elevator. The City Mill — sometimes called Union Mill — was built in 1862 and 1863. by T. C. Alexander & Co., at an expense of $12,000. They operated it until 1864, when Col. J. Richmond purchased one-half interest in it, which he sold, in 1867, to Mr. Curtis." Under his control, it was run till February. 1875, when Col. Richmond and J. H. Clark bought the mill. In the fall. Col. Richmond purchased the entire concern and has been operating it since. It is the principal flouring-mill in the ,city, and does the majority of grinding for the country about Mattoon. It might be well before leaving this subject to notice a few of the elevators and mills that have been destroyed by fire. Mr. Cunningham's elevator has already been noticed. A large elevator was' built just north of the Essex House by Richai'ds & Co., about 1860. It stood only a few years, when it was entirely consumed by the relentless element. It was at once rebuilt by the same firm, who sold it to Day, Sprague & Co., who did business there till about 1873, when the same calamity befell it. No attempt was made to rebuild the third time. About the same year it burned, the Watkins Mill was erected, just west of the foundry, b^i^ James Watkins. After running it about two years, the mill caught fire, and, in spite of its unusual facilities for extinguishing fives, it suf- fered the fate of some of its fellows. These mills are the principal ones erected in the city. A few others have been built, but, proving unprofitable, were in a few years converted to other uses. The first machine-shop or foundry was built by James Wolfe, in 1863 or 1864. He kept it about three years, and sold to Charles Pomeroy, who con- HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 369 tinued it till the Lenox Foundry was built, in 1872, when he moved it away. This latter foundry was built by William Lenox, the present proprietor, the year referred to. It is the only enterprise of the kind in town, and has a very fair custom. The largest machine-shops in Mattoon are those operated by the Indianapolis & St. Louis Railway. They were built here in 1870, and were brought to Mattoon on a guarantee of that city of a bonus of $60,000 in bonds. The vote on this question was held on April 4, 1870, and was decided by 517 votes in favor of the appropriation to 10 against it. The bonds are payable in three equal installments, one-third in ten years from the date of issue ; one-third in fifteen years, and one-third in twenty years. The shops were removed from Litch- field soon after the bonds were guaranteed, and have since been operating. They are in the northeast part of the city, on ground donated them, occupying several acres. From a statement of the Master Mechanic regarding their capacity and operations, the following items are taken : The machine-shops are 110x204 feet, with eight repair-pits. The jjower- room, 40x50 feet, adjoins this building. The store-room is also adjoining, and is 40x60 feet in size. The car-shops are 85x204 feet in size, with six repair- tracks, and, with the machine-shop, get their power from an 80-horse power engine. The blacksmith-shop is 50x150 feet, has sixteen fires and is furnished with one 1,500-pound steam hammer. The boiler-shop is 50x80 feet, and has three repair-tracks. The paint-shop is 44x228 feet, and has two repair-tracks. There are twenty-one stalls in the roundhouse. It is furnished with one of Greenleaf's Machine Works turn-tables. The transfer-table is 27x180 feet, and connects with the tracks leading into the different shops. The tank and oil room is 40x40 feet, has four water-tubs, with a capacity of 60,000 gallons eacli, filled from a reservoir one-half mile south of the works. The buildings are all of brick, with slate roofs, save the paint-shop, which is of frame. All are heated by steam save the paint and blacksmith shops. The shops in their arrangement are unsurpassed in the West, and turn out nothing but the best of work. Over two hundred men are employed here, in addition to nearly one-half that number employed in the repair-shops at Terre Haute and East St. Louis. The monthly pay-roll at Mattoon is about $23,000, the material used each month costing about one-half that sum. The money distributed at these shops is in a measure nearly all spent in the city. Could other factories be induced to come here, and by their work aid in affording employment and business, Mattoon would be greatly benefited by it. A few other factories have been in existence here. We refer more particu- larly to the woolen-factory, operated from the close of the war until 1868 or 1869, and which, for awhile, had a good trade. The brick building is now idle. It certainly ought not to be so. If not wanted for the purpose for which it was built, other use might be made of it and the property made to pay some 370 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. revenue. When people learn that small things, closely attended, are profitable, the large farms about Mattoon will disappear, more attention will be given to details, and tlie remedy for hard times will come of its own accord. The other and remaining industries of Mattoon are various shops of all kinds found in all towns. To describe them is unnecessary here. They came with the first house in the place and will remain while it lasts. THE BANKS. The first bank in Mattoon was established in 1858 or 1859 by James T. Cun- ningham, John Cunningham and Thomas A. Marshall, and 0. B. Ficklin, of Charleston. It was founded, under the existing laws of that day, as a private bank, did not issue notes, and confined its business mainlv to loaning money- It occupied a room in a frame building, where Kahn's clothing store is now situated. It continued until the financial depression occasioned by the failure of so many State banks a year or two after it was started, and, owing to this suspension, was obliged to close its business. In the fall of 1862, Pilkington & Green opened a bank in the building vacated by the former bank, using their safe and fixtures. This they continued until January 1, 1864, when the firm was changed to Pilkington & Co., the members of the firm being Mr. Pilkington. C. G. Townsend and W. B. Dunlap. The bank was removed two or three doors west of its former location, and under the new management con- tinued till May 1, 1865. The national banking system had now been devised, and it was decided to organize a national bank. A number of wealthy gentle- men met, subscribed the necessary funds, purchased the business, fixtures, etc., of Pilkington & Co., and as soon as the arrangements were perfected, opened the First National Bank. It was opened on the above date — May 1 — with a capital of $60,000, with the privilege of increasing to $200,000. That fall, their present building was completed, vaults were put in and a time-lock placed on the safe. The Directors were C. M. Dole, William Miller, Samuel Smith, J. C. Dole, I. R. Herkimer, Hiram Cox, Alcaizo Eaton, L. Chapin and S. W. True. Mr. C. M. Dole was chosen President ; Mr. True, Cashier, and Mr. Dunlap, Teller. Mr. True resigned the cashiership early in January, 1879, and Mr. Dunlap was elected to the vacancy. He remained in this posi- tion until January 1, 1874. When the Mattoon National Bank was organized in July, he was elected President. He resigned the Cashier's place to engage in the real estate and loan business, as he desired a more active, outdoor busi- ness. He was only nominally Pi-esident of the Mattoon National Bank, draw- ing no salai'v, and after a few years' work in the position, he sold his stock in this bank, and went entirely out of the business. When he left the First National Bank, Mr. C. G. Weymouth was elected to the Cashier's office, hav- ing been promoted to that position from the Teller's place. No change was made in the bank's otficials until the spring of 1878, when Mr. Dunlap was again elected to the Cashier's place, which he still holds. Mr. J. E. Steele is HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 371 Teller. Mr. Dunlap was elected President of the bank, but declined, and Mark Kahn was chosen. He held the place until January, 1879, when he resigned, and William B. Warren, of Terre Haute, was elected. The capital stock was reduced to $50,000 not long since, that amount being abundant for all purposes; all doubtful paper was thrown out and properly charged, and now the bank is in an excellent condition, with a large surplus. The next bank established in town was by Hinkle & Champion and Mr. M. B. Abell. It began business May 1, 1866, under the name of the Merchants' and Farmers' Bank, in a room now occupied by Craig & Craig as a law office. It continued business till a few years ago, when it failed, and closed. Mr. Dunlap, as Receiver, wound up its aflFairs. The last bank, the Mattoon National, was organized July 1, 1874, with the following officers : W. B. Dunlap, President, and James H. Clark, Cashier. The Directors were E. B. McClure, J. Richmond, John Rapp, Moses Kahn, G. T. Kilner, M. Walsh, T. C. Patrick, Joseph H. Clark and W. B. Dunlap. Two of the Directors afterward sold their stock— W. B. Dunlap and M. Walsh, and two, Moses Kahn and John Rapp, died. The stockholders met and elected S. B. Gray, J. F. Drish, S. Isaac and A. J. Sanborn in their places. W. B. Dunlap sold his stock in November, 1877, and retired from the Presidency. The Directors elected Joseph H. Clark to the vacancy, elected E. B. McClure Vice President, and chose W. A. Steele as Cashier and George Robinson, Teller. These officers are yet in the bank. It has' an abundant capital, a large surplus, and is doing a good business. When the Merchants' and Farmers' Bank suspended, this bank lost some money through the failure of some of its borrowers, who were obliged to suspend owing to the failure of that bank. These losses and all doubtful paper have been charged up, and now only the best of paper is held. This bank and the First National are the only two in town, and are all its trade will justify. Both are well backed, and are careful to conduct only a legitimate banking business. An examination of the amount of business performed at the various railway offices in Mattoon shows a good average with all towns in Central Illinois. Up to the war, the business of the town was all the time on the increase. For the first years of that conflict it fell off, owing to many men being taken from various pursuits of life to enter the array. As the war progressed, business again .revived, and building, which had in a measure ceased, was renewed with great vigor. When the war closed, business of every kind experienced a forward move seldom equaled. It was in a measure unhealthy and too rapid for permanent benefit. For awhile after the war closed, buildings went up in Mattoon — this time of a substantial character — with something like the days of its earliest exist- ence. When the re-action came, Mattoon experienced it keenly. From the books of the two railways of Mattoon, the trade of the town, we take the following table of the shipments from October 1, 1866, to October 1, 1867, as compiled 372 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. from reports published in the Journal of February 1, 1868. The agent of the Tnilianapolis & St. Louis Roads reported : 479 N u mber of horses •244 Nunibei- of mules ■ Number of sheep Y*^^ Number of hogs L),800 Number of cattle 3,440 Bushels potatoes 18,000 Bushels wheat 2o,438 p . , ^,.„ 164,180 Bushels corn ' V, X ^ ,. -21,800 Bushels oats ' Bushels barley '^'J'^*^ Bushels rye "'^'^ Tons of hay '^^'^ Barrels of hominy ■±,oo-y Barrels meal '^''"^"^^ Barrels flour *^^ Barrels tallow ■'10 Barrels vinegar Bundles of pelts Bundles green hides Bundles dry hides _ " „ Pounds of wool • ^ '^••*'*" Pounds miscellaneous 17,100,453 The agent of the Illinois Central reported : Number of horses Number mules Number cattle '''-"^^ fc) ft t' 7 Number hogs , "'. Number sheep Bushels of corn 324,o01 Bushels wheat '''^■^'* Bushels oats 29,518 Bushels barley ^^'^^"^ Barrels of hominy ' Barrels meal ^'^'^^ Barrels flour 474 Barrels vinegar Car loads of hay ' Car loads of poultry Bushels of potatoes l-2,y82 Pounds miscellaneous 2,551,805 The same number of the Journal says that there are in number the follow- ing business houses : Hotels J* Banks " Bookstores 4 Warehouses Planing-mills Woolen-mills Flouring-mills " Vinegar- woi-ks HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 373 Hominy-mills •^ Dry goods stores 1" Drug stoi-es " Clothing stores ■* Furnishing stores '■ Furniture stores '' Hardware stores '^ Leather store ^ Stove stores ^ Music store ^ Groceries ^'* Agricultural stores ^ Wagon-shops "^ Plow-shops ^ Blacksmith-shops " Carpenter-shops * Harness-makers ^ Coal offices " Saloons ^" Restaurants • " Bakeries '^ Shoe stores ^ Lumber-yards '^ Marble-shops ■' Art galleries ' Livery -stables * . Express offices ^ Jewelry stores ■' Brewery '■ Tailors : ^ Milliners *' Draymen -'* Dentists ' Lavyyers " Physicians ^-' The editor states that much building is going on ; that the hotel — Dole House — is contemplated ; also, two churches, and that the prospects are favora- ble for a large city — something every hamlet in the West confidently expects, and cannot understand why outsiders do not see such a result is inevitable. The element of hope enters largely into American character, and is nowhere more strikingly exhibited than in the average editor's opinion of his own town. The Journal, further on in this article, gives a valuable table of heights of towns in Central Illinois. It is worth reproducing, and we give it entire : '• Mattoon is 740 feet above the level of the sea, 158 feet above Chicago and the lake, and 458 feet above the rivers at Cairo. We are just one foot above Champaign, 66 feet above Pana, 176 above Decatur, 19 above Bloomington and 142 above ^Galena. There is only one point between Chicago and Cairo higher than Mattoon, viz., Monee, about thirty-five miles south of Chicago, which is 54 feet higher than our city, being 794 feet above tide water. There is 374 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. not a point on the St. Louis, Alton & Terre Haute Road so high as our city by many feet.'" From the foregoing statement, it will be observed that Mattoon is, in a measure, a '-city set on a hill." If she follows the injunction of Holy Writ, she will doubtless let her light shine. This can be done in more ways than one, not only in a Scriptural sense, but in a material one, by showing an activity in business and solidity of purpose that will count in the future. t THE POST OFFICE. To show the life of the Mattoon post office, we subjoin^the following state- njents : The second Postmaster was H. L. Taylor, the next Joseph Brady, who- was followed by R. W. Houghton, M. W. Wilcox and J. H. Clark, the present occupant. He was appointed May 5, 1869, and is now serving his third term. When Mr. True was Postmaster, there were four daily mails, now there are ten. There are about 700 letters daily received, in addition to the papers, periodicals and miscellaneous packages. The sale of stamps for the year 1878 amounted to $5,726.91. The amount of money-orders issued for the week ending February 8, 1879, was $546.08. Those paid amounted to |2,034.28. As many more orders are paid than issued, Mr. Clark holds a balance of $2,000 in the New York office to draw against to make up the deficiencies. Some idea of the business of the office can be obtained by computing, from the amounts given, the business for a year. When we remember the few mistakes occurring, we can truly marvel at the excellency of the post office management. There are 1,100 open boxes and 211 lock-boxes. ' The income from the boxes is about $800 per year. CHURCHES AND SCHOOLS. It has been already noticed in these pages that a church was built in Mattoon the second summer of its existence. That pioneer church is yet standing, and is still used for the purpose for which it was erected. It was built by the Baptists — "• Old Line," as they are commonly termed here — in the summer of 1856. After their disbanding it was sold to the United Brethren, when they organized a congregation in town (having been in the country previously), and was used by them until their disorganization. Then it went into the hand^ of Michael Tobey and J. S. Mitchell, as Trustees, by whom it is yet held. The Calvary Baptists had made, during this time, several unsuc- cessful effijrts to organize a congregation, but not until January, 1876, were they able to effect a permanent union. Early in that year, they met in Mr. U. T. S. Rice's office, and by him were organized as a congregation. There were but seven members. These were Mr. and Mrs. Rice, Jonathan A. Tuffts, wife and daughter, S. K. Sanders and George Clark and wife. Soon after, they were joined by Mrs. Joseph and Mrs. Sinsebaugh. HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 375 For three years, they met for divine services in a hall over Hasbrouck's hard- ware store, Mr. Rice being leader a good part of the time. Not long since, they leased the old church built in 1856, which they now occupy. Their member- ship has nearly quadrupled since the organization. Their present Pastor is Rev. W. S. Dodge. The First Missionary Baptist Church, the oldest congregation of this denomination in the city, was organized December 25, 1863, with twenty-eight members, prominent among whom were Mr. and Mrs. Roach, Mr. and Mrs. Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Hays, Mr. and Mrs. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Newcomb, H. J. Streator and wife, and Mr. and Mrs. Frazer. The organization was eflFected in .the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, where they continued to meet for nearly a year. They then leased the old church, and used it one year ; then Cartmell's Hall ; then to a hall over South's store ; then to Union Hall, in which place the first steps were taken for the formation of the present Calvary Baptist Church by several of the members withdrawing for that purpose. In 1870, the congregation built their present house of worship, and have been holding regular services therein since. From the date of the establishment of this church to the present time, more than three hundred members have been connected with it. It is the nucleus around which have grown the churches at Willow Creek, ^tna, Kickapoo, and one other congregation. Rev. J. W. Riley, who was present at the Recognition Council, January 30, 1864, has been the Pastor, with the exception of six years, when he was at other places. During this interval, the pulpit was filled with supplies nearly every Sabbath, and services regularly sustained. The Cumberland Presbyterian Chureh was organized in the summer of 1857. In the spring of that year, Rev. Joel Knight, a minister in this denomination, began preaching in Mattoon, one Sabbath in each month, in the Baptist Church. On the 23d of August, twenty-seven persons, professing adherence to the doctrines of this Church, met and organized themselves into a congregation, and signed articles of confederation. The following is the original roll of membership: Alexander Montgomery, H. Clay Warthon, James S. Cunningham, Ed^v. W. Cartmell, Sarah A. Mount, M. Craig, R. D. Montgomery,* J. W. Rankin, Washington Engle, Mrs. Lucinda Montgomery, Mrs. Sarah Montgomery, Mrs. Eliza Craig, Edw. Hall, W. H. K. Pile,- Mrs. N. I. Pile,* Mrs. Scintha Mount, John J. Walkup, Mrs. Margaret A. Montgomery, Mrs. Mary E. Mont- gomery, Jefferson M. Hall,* Mrs. Amanda J. Hall,* James Kelley,* Mrs. Mercy Kelley, Rev. Peter Duncan, Mrs. Manning Duncan and Mrs. Nancy E. Morrison. Of these, but six are now connected with the congregation. Thirteen have removed, and eight have died. On the 27th, the congregation met and elected Alexander Montgomery, H. Clay Warthon and Edw. Hall, Elders, and W. H. K. Pile, Clerk. * still a member. 576 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. At the fall session of this Presbytery, the congregation was taken under its care, and Rev. Joel Knight employed to preach one-fourth of his time, and, for two years,' services were held, most of the time, in Cartmell Hall. On February 27, 1858, James T. Cunningham, H. Clay Warthon and W. H. K. Pile, were chosen Trustees, and during the following spring. Rev. George 0. Bannon, from Kentucky, preached for the congregation. Rev. Peter Duncan was also employed, and while here, in 1860, his death occurred. On November 1, 1859, Rev. J. W. Wood began his work in this church, preaching each alternate Sabbath. He remained one year, and was succeeded by Rev. James Ashmore, who filled the pulpit until the fall of 1861. In the spring of that year, preparations were made to build a house of worship, and in June, the corner-stone was laid. The address on this occasion was delivered by Rev. J. W. Wood, assisted in the ceremony by the two minis- ters who had succeeded him here. The church was not completed, owing to the breaking-out of the war, and other matters, until 1865. It was dedicated in 1867, by J. B. Logan, D. D. In the summer of 1862, Rev. S. R. Roseboro was called, remaining eight months. The records of the congregation do not show any progress from this time until the close of the war (1865), nor the names of the ministers. In March of this latter year. Rev. Mr. Wood was again called, and remained until March, 1866. In June, 1857, Rev. T. K. Hodges began preaching, remain- ing one year. In December, 1868, Rev. W. S. Langdon came. On the 12th day of October, 1869, he died, in his room in the basement of the church. He was taken to St. Louis, Mo., for interment. Rev. E. J. Gillespie was called to the vacancy, and remained two years. He was followed by R. W. Hooker, who stayed nine months. In April, 1875, Rev. A. B. McDaniel came. He remained one year. In June, 1876, Rev. R. J. Beard was called. He remained two years and three months. In November, 1878, the present Pastor, Rev. E. M. Johnson, began his ministry. From the time the congregation was organized until February 17, 1879, there have been 348 members received. Of these, -35 have died, 168 have been dismissed and gone, and 145 remain. The church is a convenient brick structure, on East Broadway, and has been in continual use ever since its erection. The Christian Church was organized in March, 1859, with seventeen mem- bers, of whom one only, Mr. Zack Robertson, is now connected here. The organi- zation was effected by Elder John Mathes, of Bedford, Ind. Services were held in halls and the members' houses, until 1860, when they erected their present church. The growth of the congregation continued uninterrupted until 1870, when between thirty and forty members, living principally on the West Side, withdrew from the church and established a congregation there. They erected a small frame church, and continued as a separate body until 1878, when they re-united with the old church, from which time there has been one organization. HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 377 The small house of worship on the West Side is now used as a mission chapel. Since the establishment of the Christian Church in Mattoon, fully five hundred members have belonged to it. Many of them are now, however, removed to other places, some are dead, and some fallen away. There are now nearly two hundred members. The principal Pastors have been Revs. Black, Frazier, Adams, Streater, Lucas, Stewart, Roberts and Mason. The present minister is Rev. E. J. Hart. The German Evangelical Association was organized in 1868, with seven members, by Rev. Matthew Keiber. For the first three years, they met in a hall in the west part of town, and were supplied by ministers from other parts <^f the circuit. In 1870, they began the erection of their present house of worship, which was completed and occupied the next year. It is a small frame structure in the southwest part of Mattoon, convenient for the members. The congregation has increased but little in its membership, the removals and deaths equalizing the accessions. They are yet unable to support a regu- lar ministry, and are supplied every other week by Rev. M. Kahl, the minister in charge of this circuit. The Unitarian Church was organized December 22, 1867. After holding meeting in the members' houses and in halls, for a few years, the church dis- banded and services were discontinued. In 1872, another efibrt was made and a new organization effected, mainly through the eiforts of Rev. J. L. Douthit, of Shelbyville, and a few of the old members who still adhered to the principles of this denomination. They began the erection of a very neat brick church on West- ern avenue, which structure they completed the next year. Their first regular minister was Rev. George A. Dennison, who came in the spring of 1873, and re- mained two years. Since his departure, they have been supplied occasionally only, and have not maintained regular services. They are at present without a pastor, but an effort is being made to revive the work here and build up the church. The colored residents of Mattoon sustain two churches, the oldest of which is the Methodist. This was organized in the spring of 1866, with about a dozen members, by Rev. Smith Nichols, the present Pastor. That summer, a frame building was purchased, remodeled, and made into a comfortable church, and is yet used. The membership has more than doubled, and the prospects of this congregation are good. Rev. Nichols remained with the church from 1866 to 1868. He was succeeded by Revs. Alexander, Knight, De Pugh, Hand and J. T. Neace. He is now serving his second pastorate. The Colored Baptist Church was organized in 1871 or 1872. It, not long after, obtained a small frame building, which it has since used as a church. It is in the western part of town, where most of the people dwell. Regular services are now held, both colored churches supporting good Sunday schools. The Church of the ImmaculateConception — the Catholic — stands in the north- west part of Mattoon, and is the only one of that denomination in the. city. It 378 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. was organized soon after the building of the railroad began, and has since been sustained. The membership is quite large, as it includes all baptized persons in the Church, of whatever age. Following the policy of the Catholic Church at large, this congregation established a parochial school soon after it was organ- ized. Their present school-building, contiguous to the church, was erected in 1865. The school is under the charge of the Ursuline Sisters, and draws many children from the public schools. This is clearly evidenced in the reports of tlie Superintendent of the West Side schools. The Presbi/terian Clmrch was organized on May 27, 1860, with twenty members. They were Mrs. Mary E. Bridges, Mrs. Martha M. Bridges, Mrs. Betty Johnson, AV. E. Smith, John A. Forline, David Forline, Mrs. Betty Dora, Rae M. Bridges, Mrs. Rebecca Boyd, Miss Frances A. Boyd, Miss Orphio E. Boyd, James Boyd, D. T. Mclntyre, Miss Cyntha Vanzant, ilobert Campbell, Mrs. Robert Campbell, Mrs. Margaret Keely, Mrs. Martha A. Smith, Mrs. Martha J. Vanzant and Mrs. Mary E. Boyd. The meeting to organize was held in the old Methodist Church, in the northeast part of town. Rev. J. W. Allison and Rev. = McFarland appear to have been the first preachers here, both of whom, with Rev. Samuel Newell, of Paris, and Rev. R. Mitchell, of Charleston, assisted at the organization of the congregation. Afterward, Dr. A. Hamilton was elected Pastor, and the erection of a church determined. Prior to the organization of this Church, the New-School Presbyterians had effected an organization, and were using halls, or churches of other denomina- tions in which to hold their meetings. The Old-School Presbyterians com- pleted their house of worship in 1864, dedicating it Sabbath, July 31. The dedicatory sermon was preached by Dr. Hamilton, the Pastor. In the after- noon. Rev. Venable preached, and in the evening, Rev. Hendricks. The congregation grew well during Dr. A. Hamilton's pastorate, extending till January, 1866, when, owing to failing health, he resigned. The pulpit was filled by supplies till September, 1870, when Rev. W. B. Noble was called as Pastor. He remained till April, 1872, when he resigned, and was succeeded, the following January, by Rev. Henry W. Woods, who was installed May 6, 1873. He occupied the pulpit till the spring of 1875, when he was succeeded by the present Pastor, Rev. James L. McNair. A short time after the erection of the church, in 1864, the New-School Presbyterians built a house of worship on the East Side — the Old-School being in the West — and continued worshiping there. In the autumn of 1871, these two branches of the church were united — hav- ing been separate over forty years — and one congregation in Mattoon was the result. At first, both houses of worship were used, but, a vote being taken, it was decided to use only the West Side house, and, soon after, the East Side church was sold to the Congregationalists, who now use it. The West Side house of worship was used without any alteration until two or three years ago, when owing to the increased growth of the congregation, an addition was built to the east end, and the seating capacity very much enlarged. HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 379 The Co7igregationalist Church is the outgrowth of the union of the Old and New-School Presbyterians, in 1871. Many members in the New-School branch favoring the Congregational mode of woi'ship and discipline, organized a church of that body, and raised some $800 to aid in the attempt. The building erected by the New School Presbyterians was soon after purchased, and has since been used. The Council of the Congregational Church met on March 10, 1872, and regularly constituted the Church. On the 1st of the following January, Rev. N. J. Morrison, then just released from the Presidency of Olivet College, Mich- igan, was called to the pastorate of the Church. He remained only six months, resigning to accept the Presidency of Drury College, Springfield, Mo. In October, 1873, Rev. A. L. Loomis was called to the pulpit. He remained until May, 1876. During his residence, a revival occurred, greatly increasing the membership. The next Pastor was Rev. P. P. Warner, who came in Jan- uary, 1877, and remained until August 15, 1878, when he resigned. He is now publishing a paper in Aledo, 111. He was succeeded by the present Pastor, Rev. A. M. Thorne, in October. The Methodist Epucopal Church was organized in 1857 with about twelve members. Thev met at first in dwellino;s and halls until about 1800, when they erected a very substantial house of worship in the northeast part of the city. It was then expected the center of the town would be here ; but future revelations dispelled this idea, and in 1870, it was determined to erect a larger liouse of worship and in a more convenient place. The present church was the result. It cost about $12,000, and is a very neat building. The congrega- tion is now quite large, and sustains an excellent Sunday school. In addition to the churches enumerated, others, now abandoned, have ex- isted. Some few societies exist, but of so passive a nature, they are omitted. THE SCHOOLS. The schools of Mattoon form a chapter in its history equal in its impor- tance to any part or parcel of the city. Cotemporary with the start of the town, a school was provided, and, before the cold of winter came in l^he year 185'), a small frame schoolhouse was built in the eastern part of town on Broadway. The efforts of the principal proprietors of the infantile village were strenuous, indeed, to secure the center of town there, and built the school- house where the greatest part of the population was expected to be. A school was taught in this small frame, hardly as large as an ordinary country school- house of to-day, during the winter of 1855-56, and so great was the influx of population that the little room was crowded to its utmost. School was taught here but one term, as far as we have been able to find out. The room was too small, and was hardly used longer. The school was, of course, a subscription school. If any public money was obtained it was only a small amount, for the idea of supporting schools in this part of Illinois entirely by taxation, was not yet well entertained. The next year, another similar school was "kept," as 380 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. we are told in an unoccupied room, and, the following winter, over True's store and in some unfurnished house. The recollection of old persons is not very good on this point ; they were more interested in '' corner lots," than to notice very closely just where the schools were (for one room could not contain the pupils, and any one could teach who could get a room and some pupils). The next year — summer of 1857 — a very comfortable brick structure was built in the northeast part of town, not far from where the first Methodist Church stood. This second schoolhouse was a decided improvement. It would seat many more pupils than its predecessor, and though " private " schools began to flourish, it held its way. It began to receive considerable aid, enough at least to conduct it through the winter term, from taxation, steadily growing in favor. The private schools, as they were termed, came rapidly into use in the early history of Mattoon, and continued with more or less force until a few years ago. The most noticeable of any of these was started on quite an extensive plan, even going so far as to obtain a charter. We refer to the Male and Female Academy. It was in truth two institutions, known more extensively as Mat- toon Female Academy and Mattoon College. The former was intended for young ladies, the latter for young gentlemen. Referring to the papers for the period of their commencement, we find they were chartered February 21, 1863. On March 24, 1864, the Trustees met and organized, elected a President and chose teachers. The Mattoon College does not seem to have been put in very extensive working order, and in a short time appears to drop out of notice. The great obstacle in the way of both these institutions was a lack o*f means. Neither had any money to work on, and the town was too young and too poor to endow them. They began in 1858 or 1859, and worked some time before receiving their charters. In December, 1861, Prof. W. W. Gill resigned the care of the seminary, which had at all times the largest patronage, and was succeeded by Rev. D. F. McFarland, who leased the Harris Building and opened school on the second day of the month his predecessor left. He con- ducted it some time with reasonable success, but, failing to make it profitable, left. It was afterward uiider the care of Mrs. C. E. Gill, who continued it some time. Owing to an inability to support the school, and the erection of new and better ward schools, with their increased facilities for education, their free tuition and freedom to all, the academy and all private schools were gradu- ally abandoned, and now none are sustained. The public school continued along in the brick building referred to, with little change, save the gradually improved methods of education, and the division of the school into two or more grades, as circumstances allowed, until a new house was erected on the West Side, about 1861 or 1862. This divided the schools and assisted greatly in properly classifying them. The building on the West Side was erected by that ward and put under an entirely separate control. The two schools were made independent of each other, and have continued so to this day. The building on the West Side was an improvement on its prede- HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 381 cesser of the East Side. It was a ver;y commodious brick building, contained four rooms, was supplied with a bell, improved seats, blackboards and all the machinery of the modern schoolroom of the day. It occupied the entire block, affording the children plenty of room in which to play. It was used without alteration until the spring of 1871. By that time, it had become too small for the increased demands of the growing city, and a new one was decided upon. The membei-s of the Board of School Trustees that spring were B. C. Hinkle, J. M. Riddle and J. M. Hall. Under direction of this Board, the present house was erected. The old one was simply remodeled and enlarged, and fitted with still more advanced furniture. It contains five rooms, and a commodious hall in the third story. Here the high school receives instruction, and here are many of the entertainments. When this building was erected, a small one-roomed building was constructed a little west of it, for the use of the colored children ; but finding it impracticable to educate them thus, and failing to provide them equal advantages with the others, they were admitted to the graded school, and the building erected for them moved to the school-yard and used for primary scholars. From the report of the Superintendent of this school, the following facts and items are learned : Number of persons under twenty-one years of age 1,041 Number of school age , 7*'6 Monthly enrollment for the year 3in Average attendance for the year 256 The small enrollment is to be accounted for in part by the great number of children attending the Catholic school. The school is divided into four departments, viz, primary, intermediate, grammar and high school. The primary department has three grades. In. each of the other departments, the pupils are divided into three classes, desig- nated as Class A, Class B and Class C. The teachers are : P. H. Deardoff, Ph. M., Principal ; Miss Maggie Ewing, Assistant in the high school ; Miss Nannie Myrick, intermediate ; Miss Jennie D. Riddle, third primary ; Miss Minnie Jennings, second primary, and Miss Annie Riddle, first primary. The brick building on the East Side continued in use until the erection of the present one, in 1865. It became apparent, however, before that date that better accommodations would have to be provided, as the house used was by far too small, even when aided by one or two rented rooms. It was decided to borrow 110,000 on city bonds, and an election was ordered to be held October 26, 1864. At that time, there were 421 children in the district of lawful school age. The bonds were voted for by a majority of 80 votes, and soon after the site was selected and work on the new building begun. It was completed in November, 1865, and opened for school on Monday morning, February 5, following. It contains five rooms, and a large hall in the third story, similar to the one on the West Side, and used for similar purposes. 382 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. The town continuing to grow, this building was found inadequate to supply school room for the increasing school population of the East Side, and another building was erected in the southeast part of town in 1877 and 1878. It con- tains four rooms, and is under the care of the Superintendent at the other building. From his last report, we gather the following statements : Number of children under twenty-one years of age 1,427 Enrollment of school age 944 Average enrollment 658 Average attendajice 529 Ten teachers are employed, whose wages, including that of the Superin- tendent and janitor, amount to $4,740, for eight months of school. The teachers are: C. W. Jacobs, Principal; Miss Lizzie Dorland, high school; Miss Carrie Riddle, Miss Eva Lowe and Miss Lillie Osborn, grammar school, sixth, seventh and eighth grades; Miss Helen Patterson and Miss Lavina Ewing, intermediate department, fourth and fifth grades ; Miss Mollie Phillips, primary department, and Miss Julia Pulsifer, Miss Ida Woods and Miss Mary Oushman, same department, in the first, second and third grades. Grouping the school statistics, we have : Number of children under twenty-one years 2,468 Enrollment for the year 1,710 Attendance for the year 785 Assuming the first number given to be one-third; the second, one-fourth, and the third, one-eighth, we have a population of about six thousand in the city. '' THE PRESS. On Saturday, June 7, 1856, Mr. R. W. Houghton issued the first number of the Mattoon G-azette, the initial copy of newspapers in the city. It was a seven-column, four-page paper, one of the original copies of which is now in possession of Mr. Leonidas Chapin. a resident of the western part of town, and who highly prizes this relic of early days. His regret now is that he did not preserve the entire files of the paper. Li glancing over this old copy, many interesting items are gleaned. In his "salutatory," Mr. Houghton says: " We design publishing a good family newspaper — one whose information can be depended upon as reliable. In politics we are independent — committed to no party." After giving his reasons for this stand, he says: "There are many matters of vital importance to our moral advancement, our educational system and the agricultural interests of this mighty people which demand the attention of the press, giving a broad field for operation outside the political arena." He goes on to say that he will give particular attention to commercial and agricultural reports, and adds, '"we have now launched our bark, weighed anchor, and hope to accomplish the voyage, even though we have occasion- ally to contend with tides and adverse winds." HISTORY OF COLES COUUTY. 385 Speaking of Mattoon in an editorial, he notes its geographical position, its railway facilities, its markets and the good country about it. He says the town is a " stripling of less than a year's growth, and taking into consider- ation the difficulties of procuring building material, and the unusual sickness of the last season, its growth has been rapid. A great many buildings are now in course of erection and many more are projected." Commenting on the prospects of the village, the paper proceeds: "We know of no place which ofi'ers greater inducements for the improvement of capital than this. Houses of all kinds are in demand at the landlord's rates, and everything else demands good prices. No branch of business seems to lack customers. In fact, we have all the elements necessary for the building- up of a good inland town, in conjunction with a firm determination on the part of the inhabitants to make it thrive. Farther on, he says : " We have now eight or ten good stores, nearly all kinds of mechanics, several warehouses, two good hotels, a printing office, and a population of from four to five hundred." Referring to railroads, the editor writes : •' We understand that the Superintendent of the Illinois Central road has decided on the construction of a Y and side-tracks, freight-house, etc., on the east side of the road, north of the T. H. & A. road. The latter company, we are informed, intend laying a side-track on the south side of the road, in the east end of town. The tAvo companies, in conjunction, intend to build a respectable passenger-depot on the opposite side of the track from the T. H. &; A. freight-house. ' . . . ♦ He hopes that this will soon be done, as he intimates there is an urgent necessity for it. The erection of the Essex House, the next year, probably put an end to such intentions. The editor quotes from the Indianapolis Daily Sentinel the nomination of James Buchanan, of Pennsylvania, as President, and Breckenridge, of Ken- tucky, as Vice President, in the Democratic Convention at Cincinnati. He also notices the election of Directors for the T. H. & A. Railroad, as reported by the Paris Blade, and the robbery of the post office at Vincennes, Ind., quoted from the Gazette of that town. After giving a few other general items, he proceeds to fill the balance of the second page with advertise- ments. A. Francis informs the citizens of Mattoon that " he is now opening at the store opposite and nearest the depot, another choice stock of spring and summer goods, of almost every kind and description, and that he will keep on hand con- stantly the best brands of flour." Norvell & Brother announce that they have just opened a " saddle and harness shop, west of the Central Railroad, over the Crazette office," and that their terras are " exclusively cash." 386 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. A. Engle announo€« the " Mattcx>n House now open, and that he is ready to rei'eive the patronage of the public, and afford them a home, at reasonable terms. ' Thomas McKee advertises that " the Pennsylvania House has recently changeii hands, and has been very much enlarged and otherwise improved bv painting and papering it throughout." Mr W. H. K. Pile says that "the Kentucky House, at the comer of Second and Broadway, will furnish supper, lodging and breakfast for §1, and that he will give one meal for 35 cents." H M. Tremble & Son '' announce to the public that they are receiving dry goods of every description, hardware and cutlery, groceries, boots and shoes, clothing, cordage, carpenters' tools, farming utensils, rich and fashionable bon- nets : all of which we offer for sale cheap for cash, or in exchange for corn, oats, wheat, rye, rags, butter, eggs, tallow, beeswax, and, in short, everything in the produce line, at market prices." S. Knight & Co. deal in lumber, shingles, lath, timber and dressed lumber. Conley «k Hitehcoi'k have the largest advertisement of anv firm. Thev report uew^ style prints, new style poplins, sugars and other groceries, summer clothing, boots and shoes, and everything to be found in any other store. Thev give market reports, from which we learn prices paid then for different articles bought and sold. Wheat is reported from ^1 to ^1.50 per bushel ; corn, from 12| to 15 cents ; oats, 20 cents ; potatoes, ^1 and ^1.25: timothy-seed, §2.25: eornmeal, 25 cents per 100 lbs.; butter, 12| ; eggs, 10 cents per dozen ; coffee is 14 cents p«r pound ; sugar, from 10 to 15 ; bacon is reported from 7 to 10 cents per pound,^beef at 7 and 8 cents ; chickens are worth i$1.50 and 32 per dozen; rye is worth 50 cents and 60 cents per bushel ; hay, §6 per ton ; whisky. 85 cents per gallon, brandy ^.50. w^ine $4 and gin $2.50, when bought by the barrel. This description includes almost all noticed in this first issue of the paper, referring to Mattoon. The i-est of the paper is devoted entirely to foreign matters — no local items noticed. Probably Mr. Houghton did not have time to gather any. He appears to have all his paper but one page printed else- where — probably in Terre Haute, as much of the advertising is from there, and some of it is inserted twice. The paper is quite creditable for the start, and we are sorry that no second copy was preserved so its advance could be noticed. The Gvs appears. Mr. Ellis remains with the paper, Capt. Woods acting as editor. The Journal was run under this arrangement until the fall of 1869, when Capt. Woods purchased the entire interest, and assumed exclusive control. He conducted the Journal alone until March 1, 1876, when he associated with him- self his brother, Winfield Woods, and the paper was conducted by Woods Brothers until January 1, 1879, when Capt. Woods received an appointment in the Treasury Department, at Washington, and Avent there. He is still con- nected with the paper, however, and furnishes much of its editorial matter. On January 1, 1879, William F. Purtill, who has been connected with the papers of Mattoon as a general printer and foreman for several years, and has been for a lontr time with the Journal, obtained an interest, and now the paper is conducted by Woods & Purtill. It began in 1874 to issue a daily, which it maintains with commendable enterprise, and which is an important factor in the life of Mattoon. It had been run as a tri-Aveekly two or three years prior to the daily ; this was, however, abolished when the daily was founded, and the weekly issue resumed. The third paper in Mattoon, the Commercial, is the outgrowth of the Rad- ical Republican, a paper started early in December, 1867, by Mr. Ebenezer HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 389 Noyes. When the Gazette was sold by Mr. Bostwick to the committee of Democrats, Mr. Noyes determined to establish a strong Republican paper in its stead, purchased materials and opened an office on the north side of Broadway, west of the railroad, in the room now occupied by 'Squire Robb. He employed Charles Robb as printer, and assumed the editorial charge himself. He made the paper what its name implied, and was not at all afraid to freely express his views. He was assisted by Mr. Chittenden in his editorial work, who had the main control in the business office and as a gatherer of news. James Williams was soon after also engaged in the printing department. Mi*. Chittenden did not remain long in the office, and the entire editorial and reportorial duties devolved upon Mr. Noyes, who took in his sons to aid him. They continued the Radical Repuhlican until sometime in 1871, when they sold the paper to Mr. A. Bookwalter, who changed the name to Commer- cial. He continued it until the fall of 1872, when he suspended. He soon after sold the office to Mr. R. Sumerlin & Sons, who moved it to its present location. Their first paper appeared on October 8, 1872. Under their man- agement, the paper was made the organ of the Democratic party, and was con- tinued by them until August, 1876. Mr. Sumerlin sold the paper at this time to a stock company, and went to Florida. The company appointed Mr. A. Sumerlin, who had been in the office with his father, editor and manager, and, under this management, it is still continued. The Commercial is a four- page paper, issued weekly, and has a good circulation among its constituents. The office is very well supplied with material, and a general printing and job office maintained in connection with the paper. LODGES, ASSOCIATIONS, SOCIETIES, ETC. Masonic — Godfrey de Bouillon Commandery K. T., No. 44. Instituted October 28, 1874. First officers : E. A. Thielens, E. C. ; F. K. La Fever, Gen.; J. B. Ayer, Capt. Gen. Present officers: Michael Meller, E. C. ; G. W. Shaw, Gen. ; G. W. Clark, Capt. Gen. ; C. G. Weymouth, Recorder. Regular conclave the second and fourth Fridays of each month. Mattoon Royal Arch Chapter, No. 85. Instituted October 26, 1865. First officers: James M. True, H. P.; S. J. Fisher, K. ; W. H. House, S. Present officers : Thomas Davis, H. P. ; James Darnell, K. ; J. H. Clark, S.; J. J. Ayer, Sec. Meets on the fourth Wednesday of each month, at their hall. Mattoon Lodge, No. 260, F. & A. M. Instituted in 1858 (oldest Masonic Lodge in town). First officers : N. W. Chapman, W. M. ; J. W. Dora, S. W. ; J. B. Tayler, J. W. ; E. W. True, Treas. ; H. C. Rogers, Sec. Present officers ; James L. Scott, W. M. ; James H. Clark, S. W. ; John F. Scott, J. W. ; I. Jennings, Treas. ; W. A. Bell, Sec. Meets first and' third Mondays of each month, at their hall. Circle Lodge, No. 707. Instituted January 10, 1873. First officers: George Wenlock, W. M. ; F. K. La Fever, S. W. ; Benjamin S. Capen, J. W. ; 390 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. William H. Lewis, Sec. Present officers: J. B. Durnell, W. M. ; Thomas Davis, S. W. ; J. A. Mulford, J. W. ; George W. Clark, Sec. Meets first and third Wednesdays of each month, at their hall. Eureka Lodge, No. 13. (Colored Masons.) "First officers : Austin Perry, W. M. ; Milford Norton, S. W. ; James Hunt, J. W. : David Smith, Treas. ; Henry Sweet, Sec. Present officers : Austin Perry, W. M. ; T. W. Barnes, S. W. ; C. Beacham, J. W. : Patrick Williams, Treas. ; D. L, May, Sec. Meets first Monday of each month, at Kilners Block. Masonic Benevolent Association. (Insurance.) Chartered August 23, 1876. Officers : Joseph H. Clark, Pres. ; J. Richmond. Vice Pres. ; J. S. Anderson, Sec. ; J. R. Tobey, Treas. ; J. W. Dora, M. D., Med. Ex. Has at present a membership of , and is steadily increasing. Odd Fellows — Mattoon Encampment, No. 97. Instituted in 1868. First officers : John Owens, C. P. ; J. D. Kilner, S. W. ; A. P. Friok, H. P. ; Elza McKnight, J. W. Present officers : J. D. Hawes, C. P. : Frank Garthwait, S. W. ; J. D. Kilner, H. P. : D. S. Coom, J. W. Membership^ over seventy. Meets first and third Fridays of each month, in Kellerman's Building. Harmony Lodge, No. 551. First officers : F. M. Phipps, N. G. ; W. E. Murry, V. G. : W. C. Drish, R. S. ; George Goldgart, Treas. ; S. A. Camp- bell, P. Sec. Present officers : John M. Kelley, N. G. ; Henry Gochonour, V. G. ; Frank K. La Fever, R. S. ; A. Spitler, Treas. Coles County Lodge, No. 260, I. 0. 0. F. Instituted in 1856 or 1857. Present officers : John Snyder, N. G. ; John Soules, V. G. ; Oliver Goggin, R. S. ; John Birch, Sec. ; J. T. Kilner, Treas. Meets every Tuesday evening. Mattoon German Lodge, No. 414, I. O. 0. F. Instituted in 1864. Pres- ent officers ; John Kelley, N. G. ; Henry Gochonour, V. G. ; Frank LaFew^r, Sec. ; Abram Spitler, Treas. Meets every Wednesday evening. Knigjits of Pythias. — Palestine Lodge, No. 46. Instituted April 7, 1874. First officers : S. A. Campbell, P. C; R. B. Moore, C. C; M. E. Boyd, V. C; R. B. Woolsey, P.; George W. Clark, M. of E.: Frank P. Clark, M. of F.; Ira B. Jackson, K. of R. S.; W. H. Augur, M. of A.; George E. Cartmell, I. G.; John A. M. Scott, 0. G. Present officers: S. G. Tiley, P. C; C. B. Fry, C. C; J. B. Benefiel, V. C; Henry Wright, P.; Thomas W. Gaw, M. of E.; William M. Chettle, M. of F.; D. McCaull, K. of R. S.; Thomas McClurry, M. of A.; Anthony Stewart, I. G.; Robert OAvenby, 0. G. Number of members, fifty. Meets first and third Thursday evenings of each month, at their Castle Hall, West Broadway. K. of P. Endowment. — Section, No. 148. , Instituted in April, 187-'. First officers : Charles B. Fry, President ; Robert N. Gray, Vice President ; John W. Hanna, Secretary and Treasurer ; Henry Wright, Chaplain ; W. Pat- rick, Guide ; Henry Gullion, Guard ; A. Stewart, Sentinel. Present officers : Charles B. Fry, President; John W. Hanna, Vice President; W. M. Chettle, Secretary and Treasurer ; Henry Wright, Chaplain ; L^. Culson, Guide ; Henry HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. * 391 Oullion, Guard ; Anthony Stewart, Sentinel. Membership, over twenty-five. Meets first and third Thursday evenings of each month, at K. of P. Hall. Knights of Honor. — Eureka Lodge, No. 598, instituted April 20, 1877, by William Obermeyer, with twenty-nine members. First officers : J. F. Drish, Past Dictator ; L. G. Roberts, Dictator ; Frank Noyes, Assistant Dictator ; J. G. Wright, Y. D.; P. B. Lynn, Reporter; R. S. Holding, F. Reporter; R. B. Roberts, Sentinel ; A. Danheiser, Guide ; George Beacham, Guardian. Present officers : J. G. W^ right. Past Dictator ; H. M. Coulter, Dictator ; S. R. Coddington, V. D.; Lee Schneller, Assistant Dictator : J. L. Matthews, Reporter : A. Danheiser, Fin. Reporter ; George Bugh, Treasurer ; J. M. Mitchell, Chaplain ; B. F. Hays, Guardian ; J. B. W^ard, Sentinel. Member- ship, over one hundred. Meet every Monday evening at their hall. East Broadway. Knights and Ladies of Honor — Alpha Lodge No. 28, instituted in April, 1878. First officers: J. F. Drish, Pro.; Mrs. J. W. Hanna, Y. Pro.; L. V. Woods, Sec; Mrs. W. W. Smith, Fin. Sec; Mrs. h-a James, Treas. Pres- ent officers : L.G.Roberts, Pro.; Mrs.Norvell, Y. Pro.; Harry Coulter, Sec; John Parmalee, Fin. Sec; Mrs. Yining, Treas. Meets second and fourth Thursdays each month in K. of H. hall. Excelsior Council R. T. of T. — Instituted .January 10, 1879. First and present officers : 0. W. Gogin, S. C; B. W. Hunt, B. C; W. S. Hinkle, 1\ C; T. A. Allison, Sec; Calvin Moore, Treas.; U. T. S. Rice, Herald; W. J. Stotts, Sentinel. Meets every Friday evening. W. C. T. U.— Organized June 5, 1878. First officers: Mrs. M. J. Hinkle, Pres.; Mrs. Thomas Clegg, Sec: Mrs. Lillie Mulford, Cor. Sec: Mrs. Maggie Duncan. Treas. Meets every Thursday afternoon in their hall. Fur- ther particulars of this society, its objects, etc., are given in the history of the city. ASHMORE TOW^NSHIP. This town is pretty well divided between prairie and woodland, the latter, perhaps, predominating to some extent. Its timber is principally oak, hickory, sugar-maple, and a light scattering of walnut. The township is watered by the main branch of the Embarrass River flowing along its western boundary, together with several smaller streams which have their source in its territory, the most important of which is Pole Cat Creek. The sweet-scented name of this stream was derived, it is said, from the fact that a new-comer first learned upon its classic banks the power and alacrity of that species of feline to defend itself against its enemies. Ashmore is bounded on the north by Oakland Township; on the west by the Embarrass River : on the south and east by Hutton Town- ship and Edgar County, and is much larger tlian a regular Congressional town- ship. It is a fine agricultural region, and contains many excellent farms. The Indianapolis & St. Louis Railroad passes nearly through its center from east to 392 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. west, and has been of incalculable benefit to the town. The village of Ashmore, wiiich will be again alluded to in this chapter, is a thriving place, and the ship- ping point for a large scope of country. FIRST SETTLEMENT. The first white men who made claims in the territory now embraced in Ash- more were the Dudleys. James Dudley entered land here in 1826. He was originally from New Hampshire, but had been for several years a resident of Edgar County before coming to this section. When he entered land here he put his brother, Guilford Dudley, on it, and Laban Burr, a son of Laban Burr, one of the early settlers of Edgar County, and he remained for several years afterward in that county before coming to his new possessions. Guilford Dudley and Laban Burr were both single men, and kept " bachelor's hall " for several years. Coles County, at the time of which we write, was a part of Clark, and the first frame barn erected in what now comprises both counties, was put up on the Dudley farm about 1830. It was a frame structure, as we have said, of the New England pattern, and after the frame had been "raised," a man of the name of McCracken climbed to the top of it to christen it by name, as he said was the custom down in New England. With all due solemnity, and "in the name of the good people present," he pronounced the name of "Bachelor's Delight and the Pride of the Fair," and then threw away the bottle, though, as our informant expressed it, bottles then were rather scarce. What use they had for a bottle in such a ceremony we are unable to conjecture. The romantic name under which the barn was christened appears a little contradictory, and the latter clause a misnomer, as the household at that time was said to have been a bachelor one. The "raising" of the edifice was quite an event, and men came from the "Big Creek" settlement (in Edgar County) to assist in the enterprise. Guilford Dudley, after taking to himself a wife, entered land a short distance from his brother's place, on which he remained until his death several years after. His youngest son, Elbridge Dudley, now occupies the place. Laban Burr eventually married Miss Melissa Sutherland, of Grand View Town- ship (Edgar County), and entered land south of Dudley's, in what is now Hutton Township. James Dudley, mentioned above as the first to enter land in this section, after living a bachelor until the mid-day of life, married a widow lady named Brown. He sold his farm to a man of the name of Olmstead about 1837, and returned to the East. Adam Cox is supposed to have been from Ken- tucky, and settled in this township in 1826-27. He located near Dudley's, and, after remaining there a number of years, sold out and removed to Jasper County, and finally to Missouri, where he died. He settled in the " Big Creek " neighborhood before coming to this county. Job W. Brown was born in the old Nutmeg State, but his parents removed 10 Kentucky when he was ten years old, where they resided several years ; then came to Lawrence County, 111., and, in January, 1825, removed to Walnut HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 393 Grove, at that time considered the very outskirts of civilization. In 1838, he, with his father, Jonathan W. Brown, took a contract to build two sections of the Terre Haute & Alton Railroad, which they completed in 1840. and, the same year, he settled in Ashmore Township, on a farm he still owns, and upon which he resided until 1877, when he retired from active labor, and removed into the village of Ashmore, where he at present lives, enjoying a competency won by honest toil. Mr. Brown tells the following story of his "sparking" days: There was living in the neighborhood a family with a grown-up daughter of whom he was rather fond. After a time, the family moved away some distance to the northwest, and he would mount his horse semi-occasionally and ride out to see her. As the country palaces in those times usually consisted of one room, which served as parlor, dining-room, bedchamber, kitchen, etc., " it required a good deal of courage," he said, " to corner his girl under such cir- cumstances," but he " at length got used to it." Upon an observation from us, that, had we lived in those primeval days, we would have done our sparking in the summer time, when, with the fair one of our choice, we might have wan- dered in the " darkling wood, amidst the cool and silence," or lingered beside the " purling brook, as it meandered over its pebbly bottom," etc., etc., he ((uietly remarked that " where there was a will there was a way," and that " people in a backwoods country could get used to almost anything." The severest punishment, he said, that he ever received at school, was given him by his father when going to school to him. The boys and girls were allowed to " sit around the room promiscuously," and " all mixed up together." He was quite a large boy, and one day a pretty little French girl chanced to be sitting next him, when, upon the spur of the moment, he put his arm around her, drew her to him and kissed her — "for her mother." His father did not see the performance, but the titter that ran round the room "gave him away." The old gentleman forced some timid little fellow to tell the cause of the laugh, when he walked him and the little girl out in the middle of the room and com- pelled him to repeat the operation. He braced himself for the ordeal and Avent through it like a little man, but he observed that his '' heart was not in it as it was the first time." John Carter, Pearson and John Wiley, John Wright, Thomas Reed, James Wells, John K. Spears, William H. Galbraith, C. L. Duncan, William Woods, Joseph Epperson, Charles'D. Phelps and Fountain Turner were from the old Blue- Grass State. Carter was from the Crab Orchard country, and came to Illinois in 1830, arriving in this township on the 13th of April, and settled a short dis- tance east of the present village of Ashmore. He has two sons living — Shelton Carter, in Ashmore Township, and Joseph Carter, in Morgan Township ; both are honorable, upright citizens. A daughter married John Austin, and lives on the place where Mr. Carter built his first cabin. Mrs. Joseph Reed is also a daughter, and Mrs. Catharine Young, living in Washington Territory. Mr. Carter died in July, 1841. The Wileys came in 1829, and settled some two or 394 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. three miles from the village of Ashmore. Pearson moved to Parker Prairie, and John to Douglas County, where he died. Wright settled near the Wileys, and came about a year afterward. They had all first settled on Big Creek, be- fore coming to this settlement, but had not remained long in that locality. Reed came in 182!', and settled about one and a half miles northeast of the vil- lage of Ashmore, and has been dead a number of years. He died on his origi- nal settlement, and where his son Caleb Reed now lives. Mrs. Walton, a* daughter, lives in the town, and Mrs. Galbraith, another daughter, lives in Hickory Township. James Wells settled about three miles south of the village of Ashmore. His father was a native of Maryland, and removed to Bracken County, Ky., at an early day ; Avas one of the very earliest settlers in that part of the State. James Wells, alluded to above, came here in 1830, and still owns the original place on which he settled, but for a year or two past has been liv- ing with his son-in-law, Mr. O'Brien, in the village of Ashmore. John K. Spears was from Jefferson County, near the city of Louisville, and came to this township in 1834, settling near Hitesville, He died in 1888; a son. Dr. A. K. Spears, is living in Charleston. Woods came to Coles County in 1834, and located in the east part of Ashmore Township, and died in 1878. He has but one son living, Thomas Woods, residing on the old homestead. Joseph Epper- son settled in the township the same year as Woods, and came from the same county (Madison) in Kentucky. He died in 1850, leaving several children in this part of the country to perpetuate his name. Phelps came in 1830, and set- tled in Ashmore Township. He had a large family of children, most of whom still live in Coles County. Mr. Phelps died in 1856. Turner settled in the township in 1834, where he still resides, one of the solid men of the county. He and his wife have been living together for more than sixty years, and are hale and hearty for their age. Galbraith came to Coles County in 1830. His father was a native of Pennsylvania, but removed to Kentucky in an early day. He was a soldier and an officer of the Revolutionary war, and served seven years under Washington ; was present at the surrender of Cornwallis at York- town, and one of the guard of that noted prisoner for some time. He removed from Kentucky to Indiana in 1816, and the son above mentioned to Coles County, as noted, in 1830, where he still lives. Coleman L. Duncan, though but a few years in Coles County, has lived just over the line in Clark since 1830, and can give as vivid accounts of the privations of the early settlers as any man now living. He resides with his son-in-law. Dr. Steele, of Ash- more. Hezekiah Ashmore came from Middle Tennessee, in 1830, and settled in what is now Oakland Township, and, in 1836, removed to this town. It, together with the village of Ashmore, was named for him. Mr. Ashmore landed here with 37 J cents in his pocket, but, realizing that fortune smiles on those who help themselves, he went to work, and, as fast as he accumulated a little money, invested it in land, so that, at the time of his death, he owned HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 395 1,600 acres. He was one of the early Justices of the Peace, and one of the County Commissioners for a number of years. He died in 1872, leaving a numerous progeny in the county. William Austin was also from Tennessee, and came to Illinois in 1829. He settled where the village now stands, and, the ground occupied by this thriving little burg was the first land which he culti- vated after settling in the neighborhood. His original log cabin is still stand- ing, though its identity is nearly lost in the modern improvements made to it, since it first served to shelter a pioneer family from the inclemencies of the weather. It has been weather-boarded and otherwise improved, and is occupied by Mr. O'Brien. Mr. Austin has been dead a number of years, but has numer- ous descendants still residing in the county, to perpetuate an honored name. Christopher Sousely is another of the early settlers, and came to this township in 1828. He is still living, but has grown feeble as well as aged, and is wait- ing in patience for the summons to come. Joseph Henry and his son, Dr. A. M. Henry, Isaac Hill and a Mr. Forrest, were also early settlers, but of them not much could be learned. William Birch came from England, in 1833, and stopped in Pennsylvania, where he spent three years. He occupied an old house near Philadelphia, once the residence of William Penn. In 1836, he came to Illinois, and settled near Hitesville, in this township, and died in April, 1864. He has a son living near Charleston. Enos Barnes came from North Carolina, and settled two miles north of the village of Ashmore. He was a soldier of 1812, and was with Old Hickory, at the battle of New Orleans. He emi- grated to Kentucky, where he remained until 1830, when he came to Illinois, as above. His original cabin stood until 1877. He died in 1872 ; his wife died in 1855, but one or two sons still live in the township. William H. Brown and Thomas W. Hallock were from New York; the latter settled in 1837, and Brown in 1839. Both are still living and are successful farmers. John Mitchell was a native of the Palmetto State, but had lived successively in Tennessee, Kentucky and Indiana, before immigrating to Illinois. He settled in Coles County, in 1828, in the edge of the Embarrass timber, in Ashmore Township, where he died some fifteen years afterward, and his wife a year later, leaving a family of eight children, only two of whom are now living, Will- iam B. Mitchell, in the State of Kansas, and Mrs. Galbraith, Avife of James Galbraith, in this township. The condition of the country at the time Mr. Mitchell settled here, is illustrated in the fact that one of his sons, Robert Mitchell, went to Darwin, on the Wabash River, a distance of forty miles, for a marriage license. Rev. S. J. Bovell is a son of one of the pioneer preachers of Illinois. He was born in Washington County, East Tennessee, and came to this county with his mother's family, in 1835. His father was a native of the Old Dominion, and a graduate of Washington College, and, in 1825, received a call to the Presbyterian Church at Paris, 111., but died in three months after taking charge. His widow removed to Coles, as above noted, and located southwest of Charleston. Mr. Bovell remained on the farm with his mother 396 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. until he was twenty years of age, when, after completing his education, he taught in various States, and, in 1861, was licensed to preach, and, at present, is Pastor of the Presbyterian Church in the village of Ashmore. Elder Peter K. Honn came from Kentucky in 1835, and stopped for a short time in Edgar County, and from there went to Sangamon County, where he remained about six months, working at his trade (blacksmith), after which he came to Coles County and located at Hitesville, in this township, and opened a blacksmith-shop, which he continued for several years. In the mean time he purchased a quarter-section of land, which he improved in connection with his trade of a blacksmith. He eventually abandoned his shop and devoted his attention to his farm, until 1875, when, having accumulated a sufficiency of this world's goods, he retired from active labor, and removed to the village of Ash- more, where he at present lives in the enjoyment of a well-earned competence. Some five years after coming to the county, he was ordained a minister of the Christian Church, and his experience as a pioneer preacher is vast and varied, sometimes bordering on the extremely ludicrous, as is but natural in a back- woods country. With no intentional disrespect to the Gospel (for of it we enter- tain the profoundest veneration), but as an illustration of the state of the coun- try at that time, and by way of embellishment of dry historical facts, we give some of the experiences of the old soldier of the Cross, as related to us by him- self. Upon a certain occasion, when this country was the very center of the backwoods, he and another preacher, whom he denominated Brother E., made a missionary or preaching tour, at the latter's special request, through Clark, Crawford, Jasper and Cumberland Counties, and through the southern part of Coles, to their homes. The stipulation was, that wherever they stopped they should preach alternately. After swinging around the circle into Jasper County, Brother E. informed him that they would stop at Brother So-and-So's to dinner, the leading man of the neighborhood, a pillar of the church in that section, and where, it seems, Brother E. had been before. He told Mr. Honn that they were good people, but not as tidy and neat as they might be, and he would have to harden up a little. Upon their arrival, Mr. Honn found that this nabob lived in a mansion composed of one room, which served all purposes a residence is usually subjected to, and very soon dinner was begun "for the preachers" by a grown-up daughter, while the lady of the mansion sat on one side of the fire-place smoking a cob-pipe, and the lord and master on the other side indul- ging in a like luxury, the preachers occupying seats in front of the fire, looking on, Mr, Honn admits, with some interest. After a while the girl lifted a pot off the fire, and opened it apparently to see the state of its contents, while the odor was quite strange to him, and he nudged Brother E. and asked him what it was, who replied that it was stewed coon. He at once thought of the hard- ening-up process, and being a little particular as to his food, was somewhat doubtful as to whether he should enjoy a very hearty dinner or not. He dis- covered eventually, however, that his stomach was not quite so sensitive as HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 397 Brother E.'s. After the coon was cooked to her satisfaction, she brought forth some side pork, very fat, placed it in a skillet and fried the grease all out of it, leaving a pint or so of lard in the skillet. Next she produced a " crock " full of buckwheat batter, which she poured into the skillet (not all at once), and he had noticed that a portion of the hem of some of her undergarments had been torn from its native place and was dangling within an inch or two of the floor, and as she would move about the fire, it would now and then draggle in the fry- ing batter. Brother E. looked at him and he looked at Brother E., and he noticed that the latter had grown rather pale, so that when dinner was announced a little later, he could eat but a few mouthfuls. He kept his eye on Brother E. and, shortly after dinner was over, noticed that he appeared quite uneasy and looked very pale. Finally he rose rather hastily and left the room, and upon following him out, found him behind the house "calling New York" lustily. That evening he had to preach for Brother E.* He was once called upon to perform a marriage ceremony at the house of one of the well-to-do pioneers. When he arrived at the cabin, he found the bride in waiting, dressed in all the glory of backwoods beauty and fashion, and the groom ditto. Among the "assembled guests" were two very large and ungainly curs, walking about the room with as much liberty as (to use a slang expression) blind dogs in a meat-house." After the marriage, all were" invited to a sumptuous dinner, the dogs included ; or, if the latter were not invited, they cheeked it, and went in on their own responsibility. When the repast was well under way, some one dropped a bone, or threw it down to the dogs for the purpose of creating a little excitement. If for the latter purpose, they suc- ceeded beyond their most sanguine expectations. They clinched in battle (the dogs) with savage ferocity, rolled under the table growling, biting and chawing each other generally. Said Mr. Honn ? " And what did the fair bride, faint ? Not much. But sprang on to a chair, and in a high state of excitement, clapping her delicate (?) hands, she yelled at the top of her voice, ' sick 'em ! sick "em ! sick 'em !' " After the guests succeeded in separating the dogs, din- ner was finished in peace and quiet. One other episode from Mr. Honn's pioneer experience, and we will pass on. A young man of the neighborhood, who was addicted to sowing wild oats with a profuse hand, finally concluded to marry and settle down, and to this end, succeeded in persuading a girl living some miles away, to unite her fortunes with his. The mother of the bridegroom elect, who was a highly respectable lady, thinking or at least hoping, that marriage would work a reformation in her wayward son, had exerted herself to bring about the union, and had prepared a wedding feast for the occasion. He had brought the girl to his mother's, where the marriage was to take place, and all things being in readi- ness, he posted off to Charleston for the documents that were to bind together " Two souls with but a single thought, Two hearts that beat as one." *Ag it happened It was Brother E.'s tirue to preach, but his dinner had so upset him that he could not come to tim«- 398 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. But at Charleston the devil tempted him, or perhaps he met with some of his old chums, got drunk, and finally got in jail, where he was detained two or three days in "durance vile." When set at liberty, he struck out for home, came by Mr. Honn's, and asked him to go to his mother's with him as he was going to be married, and wanted him to tie the nuptial knot. Thinking the fellow was jesting, he demurred, as it was then getting dusk, but he stoutly asserted that he was in earnest, so Mr. Honn said, "Well, you show me the marriage license and give me a dollar, and I will submit to being fooled, and will go with you. " To this he assented, paying over the last dollar he had, and Mr. Honn mounted his horse and away they went. Upon arriving, the house was dark, and everybody apparently abed. Mr. Honn told him that did not look much like a wedding, but he said it was all right. When they went in they found all abed, sure enough. A married daughter was living with the old ladv, and into the room where she Was in bed, he was conducted bv the young man, handed a chair and asked to take a seat. The expectant bride- groom inquired of his sister where the girl was, calling her by name, and was informed that she was sleeping in the next room. "I'll bring her out," said he, Mr. Honn sitting by all this time, taking in the ludicrous position in which he was placed. The young man went in where the girl was in bed, and for a long time he heard them in earnest conversation, he begging her to get up and be married, and she refusing. She told him he had "gone back on her," that she had sent her clothes home and had nothing to wear (unwittingly quoting Flora McFlimsey) but an old, dirty calico dress. But as it usually turns out, the stronger prevailed over the weaker vessel, and she agreed to "get up and get married." provided his sister would loan her a dress. This modest request being granted, she arose, arrayed herself in her si=ter-in-law's (as was soon to be) "good clothes,"" the knot was tied. The pair was spliced, and the officiating minister returned to his home, with a consciousness that, if he had earned his dollar, he had at least enjoyed the earning of it. THE NOBLE RED MAN. In common with other portions of the country, this section was at one time in possession of the Indians, and these forests the hunting-grounds of "ye noble red men." They were plenty here long after the whites began settle- ments in the country. We have heard of no outrages committed by them in this immediate vicinity on the white people, but elsewhere in this history, is told how " war's fierce conflict raged," and battles are described that were fought on the " sacred soil " of Coles County, between the savages and their pale-faced enemies. But these events belong not to this chapter. Mr. J. W. Brown, mentioned among the early settlers of this township, gives us the following Indian experience: An Indian settlement, adjacent to his father's, was under the administration of a chief named Ka-Nee-Kuck, a fine-looking specimen of the "noble red man,"' somewhat intelligent and very religious. He sometimes HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 39^ tried to preach, would go into a trance and see visions, which he would detail to his people. In his tribe was a warrior whose mind had lost its balance, and he was at times dangerously crazy. On one occasion he was shown some pictures of Bible scenes, among them a serpent representing the devil. Upon looking at the frightful picture, a shudder appeared to thrill his entire frame, . and, seizing a rifle, he shot an Indian named Black Beaver dead in his tracks before he could be restrained, or before anv one seemed to realize his intention. The chief, Ka-Nee-Kuck, with a deputation, came to Mr. Brown's father, Jonathan W. Brown, for his opinion as to what ought to be done with a man under such circumstances. Mr. Brown explained to them that the man was not responsible for the deed, as he was insane and ignorant of the great crime he had committed, and they should properly secure him to prevent a repetition of the deed. They took him to a grove of timber and tied him to a tree, but with the inordinate cunning, common to crazy people, he succeeded in making his escape. Black Beaver, the man killed, was buried in Mr. Brown's pasture, but, in that early day, as well as in the present age of refinement, the graves of the dead were not always left in undisturbed repose, and the body of Black Beaver was resurrected (it was supposed by a medical student named Smith) to promote the cause of science. These Indian scenes are all long past, and the very existence of Indians in this country is almost forgotten. Very few are living who remember them from personal knowledge. They have faded away in the mists of the past, just as the pioneer's hut, with its yawning fire-place extending across one end, its puncheon floor, and its cracks chinked and daubed with mud, have passed away. These old relics of the by-gone days, and the ox-teams, the old barshare and Gary plows, the scythe and cradle, and the reap- hook will soon be nothing more than fire-side tales. As we view the flying railroad train, the patent reapers and mowers, the plows now in use, the mag- nificent residences dotting the plain, and the beautiful villages scattered here and there, we are forced to acknowledge that the strides of invention and im- provement of the past fifty years have far exceeded the wildest stretch of human calculation, and we turn from contemplating the world's progress, to muse on what the next half a century may produce. SCHOOLS, CHURCHES, STORES, ETC The first schoolhouse in the township was built on che hill near " Pole Cat Bridge," about 1832-33, and was the usual type of the backwoods schoolhouse, viz., built of round logs, covered with clapboards, chinked and daubed with mud^ the fire-place taking up one end of the building, a puncheon floor — sometimes mother earth furnished the floor. This was the ordinary temple of learning in those days, and the school commonly consisted of a dozen or so dirty urchins, presided over by an old-fogy schoolmaster, as represented in the following lines : " Old Master Brown brought his ferule down, And his face looked angry and red. ' Go, seat you there, now, Anthony Blair, Along with the girls,' he said. 400 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. " Then Anthony Blair, with mortified air, With his head down on his breast. Took his penitent seat, by the maiden sweet, That he loved, of all, the best. " And Anthony Blair seemed whimpering there. But the rogue only made believe ; For he peeped at the girls with the beautiful curls. And ogled them over his sleeve." * The first school taught in Ashmore Township was by a man named Foster, before building the schoolhouse above named. Who first taught in the house mentioned, our informant had forgotten. The educational facilities have in- creased, however, since the days of these old-time schools, in proportion to the increase and improvement in everything else. The town is advantageously laid out in school districts, elegant and comfortable houses erected, competent teachers employed and the cause of education liberally supported. Kev. Isaac Hill is supposed to have preached the first sermon in Ashmore Township, He and his son, I. B. Hill, were among the early settlers of the county, and the elder Hill was a local preacher. Rev. John Steele was another of the early preachers, and is further alluded to in the history of Hitesville. Elder P. K. Honn is also one of the pioneer preachers of the town. The only church edifice in the township outside of the villages and hamlets, is Enon Missionary Baptist Church, in the southern part. It is quite an elegant brick edifice, and cost between §2,000 and $2,500, and was erected in 1875. It was dedicated by Rev. Mr. Riley (now of Paris) soon after its completion. The first Pastor was Rev. Mr. Thornton ; the present one is Rev. A. Jones, and the society numbers about fifty members. Its numbers have been considerably lessened by death and removals. A flourishing Sunday school is maintained during the summer, but is usually disbanded at the beginning of the winter season. Other church history is more fully given in that of the villages. The first stores in the town will be mentioned in the history of the villages and hamlets, as will many other points generally occurring in the township histories. The first regular blacksmith in the town of Ashmore was Peter K. Honn, one of the early settlers, and who opened a shop at Hitesville soon after coming to the settlement. John Carter was a blacksmith, but did not follow it as a regular business, and Avhen Honn opened a shop, quit it altogether. The first death in the settlement it is supposed was a child of Adam Cox's, and occurred about 1831. It was buried in the grave-yard laid out near Mr. Wells', and was the first occupant of that little city of the dead. The first marriage and the first birth are alike forgotten, but that ''such have been," the present population stands as incontrovertible evidence. VII,LAGE OF ASHMORE. Ashmore is situated on the Indianapolis & St. Louis Railroad, about seven miles east of Charleston. It was surveyed and laid out February 14, 1855, by * For a truthful application of these lines, the reader is referred to " Uncle Jobey " Brown, who can give a Bome- what similar experience. HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 403 H. J. Ashmore and James D. Austin, and for the former of whom it was named. The entire villao;e stands on the oriorinal Austin farm ; Ashmore had bought out some of the Austin heirs, and hence owned a part of the land when the village was laid out. The first store was opened by John Hogue, on the laying out of the place. McAllister k Ashmore, who had a store on the road, half a mile southwest of the town " before it was," moved their store to the new village, and became the second house of the kind in Ashmore. Van Dyke & Hogue put up the first dwelling in the little village. The first blacksmith-shop was kept by William English. The Waters boys started a wagon-shop about the same time. The first mill in the village was built by J. A. Brown in 1856, and was burned some three or four years afterward. A brother of Brown's was the first railroad agent at Ashmore. The present mill was built by Clement k Fish, about 1866. It stands near the railroad track, just east of the station, is a frame building, with two runs of buhrs and does a good business. It is owned at present by Chris Miller, an efiicient man, who thoroughly understands the milling business. The first tavern was kept by H. J, Ashmore, is still standing and kept at present by A. B. McDavid. The village boasts of another hotel, the Franklin House, kept by John Franklin. The first post office was estab- lished on the laying out of the village, with Thomas O'Brien as Postmaster. Elias Monroe represents Uncle Sam in the post office department here at pres- ent. The first schoolhouse was built in 1857-58, and was a kind of partnership aiFair with the religious people. It was finally purchased for school purposes, and so used until the building of the present edifice. Washington Boyer and Charles P. Scott were the first teachers in the village, but which one has the honor of teaching the first school cannot be ascertained. Prof B. H. Chase is Principal of the school at present, and Miss Roma Carter, assistant teacher. The present fine brick schoolhouse was built in 1871, is two-stories high and cost about §3,000. A summary of the business of Ashmore presents the following showing : four general stores — Zimmerman & Monros, F. M. Waters, Waters Brothers & Davis and J. R. Snyder ; three grocery stores — Joshua Rickets, Peter Shleppy and George O'Brien ; two drug stores — A. F. Robertson and W. R. Comstock ; five physicians — Drs. Van Dyke, Steele, Robertson, Hobart and Honn ; one hardware store — Austin, Brown k KimbaU, who also handle lumber, furniture and agricultural implements; stoves and tinware, J. A. Brown; shoe-shop, J. H. Poulson ; harness-shop, James C. Coulson ; marble-shop, Charles E. Cox ; four blacksmith-shops — Charles W. Waters (both wood and iron), P. B. Parcell, John Melland Woodworth k Ault; two wood-shops — Thomas Kincade and 0- D, Stoddert. It is a flourishing little village, with a set of wide-awake, ener- getic business men. In addition to the above business directory, there is a grain warehouse, which does quite a business. Considerable grain is shipped from this point, mostly however, by the merchants of the place, who buy in a small way. A good deal of stock, cattle and hogs, is also shipped from this station. 404 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. THE CHURCHES. The village of Ashmore boasts of three very stylish church edifices, viz., Methodist Episcopal, Cumberland Presbyterian and Old-School Presbyterian. The first religious society organized in the village, or now located in the village, was the Methodist. It was originally organized in the neighborhood in 1831, by Rev. Joseph Henry, a local preacher, with the following members : Dr. West and wife, C. Sousely and wife, Joseph Mclntire and wife, Robert Modrell and wife, J. H. Modrell and wife, Matthew McLain and wife, James Hubanks and wife, William Austin. Sr., and his daughters, Frances and Mahala, Samuel P. Burr, George Modrell, Margery Modrell, Sarah Hubanks, Ruth Clark, Jennie Clark and Elizabeth Clark, and perhaps some others. The name of the first preacher, or circuit-rider, was Rev. Mr. Rhimon. The first church was built in 1869, in the village, and cost about $2,500. About 1838, in conjunc- tion with the Presbyterians, they built a log church some two miles west of the village, Avhich they used for a number of years. This log church, school- houses and settlers' cabins were their places of worship, until the building of their church in Ashmore, and the organization has been kept up ever since first established in 1831. The present membership is thirty-five, and J. A. Burke, Pastor. The first Sabbath school was organized in 1831, by Methodists and Presbyterians, William Austin and James Hite, Superintendents, and has been run as a union school ever since, until last summer, when the Methodists organized a separate school. It numbers about eighty or ninety scholars, with L. C. Fell, Superintendent. Hebron Church, of the Old-School Presbyterians, was organized on the 19th June, 1841, by a committee appointed by Palestine Presbytery, consisting of Revs. Isaac Bennett and James Reasoner, and Ruling Elders J. Balch and William Collom. The original members who went into the organiza- tion were Robert Brooks, Mary Brooks, James H. Bovell, Jane M. Bovell, Alfred J. L. Brooks, Mary Brooks, Robert A. Brooks, Samuel Hogue, Letitia Hogue, Sarah Moflfett, James Moffett, Thomas C. Mitchell, Isabella A. Mitchell, Margarist J. Mitchell and Cynthia Moffett. The first Ruling Elders were Thomas C. Mitchell and Robert Brooks. Rev. Isaac Bennett preached occa- sionally for the Church for one year. He was succeeded by Rev. John McDowell, who preached twice a month for two years, beginning in May. 1842. Rev. John Steele was stated supply for the Church from 1844 to 1849, giving it one-half of his time. He was succeeded by Rev. Joseph A. Jams in February, 1849, who supplied the pulpit for two years. From 1851 to 1855, Rev. James Cameron, who lived in Charleston, preached occasionally. For the next ten years, from 1855 to 1865, various ministers were connected with the church as stated supplies, giving it a part of their time from their other charges in the following order : Revs. John McDole, A. J. Cameron, R. A. Mitchell, James A. Allison, H. I. Venable and Nathaniel Williams. In October, 1865, Rev. HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. ^ 405 S. J. Bovell was called to the charge as stated supply, and has without any interruption continued to hold this relation up to the present time. Since its organization, 160 persons have been received into membership, about 60 now constituting the membership, the depletion being caused by death and removals. Only three of the original members are nojv living, viz., A. J. L. Brooks, James Moffett and Letitia Hogue. I. S. Wright, I. M. Moffett, T. J. Bull and A. J. L. Brooks are the Ruling Elders. The first church-building was located two miles west of the village of Ashmore, near the former residence of James Galbraith, and was a log structure, and built in connection with the Methodists. In 1867, a neat and commodious church-building was erected in the village, at a cost of $3,300, but the organization still retained the name of Hebron, and was known as Hebron Church, under the care of Mattoon Presbytery. The church was dedicated on the 20th of October, 1867. The history of the Sabbath school is similar to that of the Methodist Church above given, and was a union school with that church until the past summer, when the school was divided. The Cumberland Presbyterian Church was organized in 1858, under the ministerial charge of Rev. James Ashmore, who was the first regular Pastor. The church was commenced in 1866 and completed the following year. It is an elegant brick edifice and cost about $7,500, and is under the pastoral charge of Rev. A. B. McDavid, with a membership of about one hundred and twenty- five. H. J. Ashmore, one of the benevolent citizens of Ashmore, contributed to the building of this church edifice $3,500. While it was in process of erec- tion, the agent of the Cumberland Presbyterian College at Lincoln, 111., came to the village, and hearing of Mr. Ashmore's liberality, called on him to know how much interest he wanted in the Lincoln College. " Two hundred dollars," replied Mr. Ashmore, and paid over the money. A Sunday school was organ- ized by this church in 1860, and has an average attendance of 120, under the superintendence of 0. F. Ashmore. Ashmore Lodge, No. 390, was organized in the fall of 1863, with the fol- lowing charter members, viz. : A. N. Graham, W. P. Ferris, Caleb Reed, Ham- ilton Bennett, J. A. Brown, M. W. Barnes, John Campbell, 0. D. Hawkins, W. S. Vanmeter, W. N. Young and Robert Boyd, of whom the following were the first set of officers : W. S. Vanmeter, Worshipful Master ; A. N. Graham, Senior Warden ; Caleb Reed, Junior Warden ; John Campbell, Treasurer ; M. W. Barnes, Secretary ; W. P. Ferris, Senior Deacon ; W. N. Young, Junior Deacon, and Robert Boyd, Tiler. The present roll of officers are : P. B. Parcell, Worshipful Master ; W. R. Comstock, Senior Warden ; John Wood- worth, Junior Warden ; P. M. Shleppy, Treasurer ; L. C. Fell, Secretary ; W. E. Franklin, Senior Deacon ; Christian Miller, Junior Deacon, and I. N. Moon, Tiler, with the names of twenty-nine members on the records. The village of Ashmore was incorporated April 19, 1867, and the following Trustees elected to look after its welfare : Jacob A. Brown, Thomas O'Brien, 406 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. William Bass, William P. Ferris and A. F. Robertson. The Board organized by electing Jacob A. Brown and A. F. Robertson, Clerk. The present Board is as follows, viz. : Adam Coon, President, and Thomas O'Brien, William T. March, William L. Cox, Thomas Austin and John G. Parker. J. 0. Brown is Clerk, A. F. Robertson, Police* Magistrate, and Thomas W. Hogue, Town Marshal. VILLAGE OF HITESVILLE. Hitesville is an old village, or would be, if still in existence, but it has passed away, "among the things that were." It was laid out April 15, 1835, by James Hite, for whom it was named, and who appears to have been an enter- prising citizen. At one time, it was quite a village, with stores, shops, and every appearance of becoming a town. But, railroads passing near, new villages have sprung into being, which have literally swallowed up Hitesville, leaving scarce a trace to tell where it stood. At an early day, a Presbyterian Church was organized at Hitesville, by Rev. John Steele. The church was built almost entirely by Mr. Hite, the neighbors ' contributing but a small amount of the means toward its erection. Hite finally moved away, sold the church, which was converted into a dwelling, and used as such for awhile, and then torn down. Prior to its discontinuance as a church, however, the Christian denomination organized a church, and erected a building at this place, about 1840. It soon became too small for the increasing membership ; was sold, and a larger one built during the late war, at a cost of $2,500, and is a handsome frame building. Its present membership is something over 100, and has, since its organization, numbered 200 members, but has been thinned out by death and removals. The present Pastor is Elder James Steele, but Elder P. K. Honn has been the minister in charge of it almost from its organization, until age compelled him to retire from active labors. This is about all there is left to tell where Hitesville once stood. St. Omer was never laid out as a village, but at one time was a collection of perhaps half a dozen houses, a store, post office, blacksmith-shop, etc. The Ashmores opened a store at the place many years ago, and a man named Hogue kept one on the road, about half a mile from St Omer, at the same time. But, like Hitesville, and from a similar cause, St. Omer has disappeared. A church and two or three dwellings are all that is left. The church belongs to the Cumberland Presbyterians, and is one of the pioneer church organiza- tions of Coles County. The society was originally organized in a schoolhouse near the present village of Ashmore, with thirty-seven members, on the 30th of May, 1842. John Mitchell, William Austin, Sr., and Alexander Mont- gomery were the first elders. Though originally organized near Ashmore, its membership was largely of St. Omer, and the church-building was erected at the latter place, about 1857, at a cost of $1,200, not including the lot on which it stands. It is a frame building. 30x40 feet, with a membership at present of about one hundred, under the pastoral charge of Rev. A. B. McDavid. Its HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 407 aggregate membership since organization is about three hundred and seventy. The present Elders are John Dollar, Josiah Bitner, J. Keran, Daniel Wicker and Milton W. Barnes ; the latter is the Clerk of the Board. The deacons are Joseph W. Bitner and John F. Childress. POLITICS AND WAR. Ashmore village and township, taken together, are Republican in politics. The war record of the town is good. In all of our little " scrimmages," Ash- more has participated, to a greater or less extent. The war of 1812, the Black Hawk Avar of 1832, the Mexican war, and our last unpleasantness, all had representatives from this section, and even one or two soldiers in the Revolu- tionary struggle afterward wandered to this region. In our last war, the great rebellion, many of the citizens shouldered their muskets and offered themselves to their country. The following are among the enlistments from this township so far as we have been able to gather them : Dr. A. F. Steele, Company C, Sixty-second Illinois Infantry ; Nathaniel Davis, Company H, Third Missouri Cavalry, as Sergeant ; William T. Moore, Company D, One Hundred and Thirty-third Indiana (100 days); Elias Moore, Company H, Fifty-ninth Illi- nois Volunteers ; F. M. Waters, One Hundred and Twenty-third Illinois Vol- unteers, as Chief Musician ; Joshua Rickets entered J. W. Bissell's Engineer Regiment of the West, as private, and was promoted to Second and then First Lieutenant, served twenty months, and resigned ; William C. Kimball, Com- pany H, One Hundred and Twenty-second Ohio Volunteers ; Sidney Epperson, Company H, Fifty-ninth Illinois Volunteers, promoted to Quartermaster; Rhodes Epperson, Company A, One Hundred and Twenty-third Illinois Vol- unteers ; Martin Turner, Company — , One Hundred and Twenty-third Illi- nois Volunteers, killed in battle of Perryville ; Thomas J. Bull, Company C, Iowa Cavalry ; Adon Wiley, Company E, Seventy-ninth Illinois Vol- unteers. There were, perhaps, many others from the township, but we have been unable to learn their names. PLEASANT GROVE TOWNSHIP. This township is the middle one in the southern tier of townships in the county. It is a little irregular in shape, being bounded on the east by the Embarrass River, which follows a southern course, slightly inclining westward. The township is eleven sections long and four wide. This will give it forty- four sections, or 28,160 acres. As a part of the eastern sections are, however, in Hutton Township, there is probably not that amount of land by two thousand acres. The land is, in the main, excellent for farming purposes. It originally was nearly all covered with a dense growth of good timber, hence the township is among the earliest settled in the county. The only prairie of any size is one known by the very unclassical name of " Goose-Nest Prairie." It was probably 408 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. a fine-look in_o- piece of country to the eyes of the first white man who saw it; but whether he gave it that name from finding a goose's nest there, or from its fancied resemblance to that repository of goose eggs, or whether he had been a classic student in his day, and had read of the fabled goose which laid a golden egg every day, and made it so valuable, is a matter of some dift'erence of opinion. Some say the primeval white man here looked upon the scene spread out before him and exclaimed, " This is the very goose nest." Others affirm he found a goose's nest here, and hence the name. If any of our readers care to pursue the subject to its end, and settle the point, we refer them to several old residents in the "Goose Nest" whom they can examine, and with whom they can argue the point. Which of the three origins is correct matters but little now ; one thing is certain, that name, so illustrative of the disposition of frontier life, will always stay. The timber originally found in this township, much of which yet remains, is composed of all varieties indigenous to this part of Illinois. The most valuable is now nearly all gone, that remaining consisting of a more common kind, and used chiefly for fire-wood and fencing. As much of this abo.unds, but little, if any, coal is used in the township. No streams of water traverse this part of the county, save a few small tribu- taries of the Embarrass and Muddy Creek. The largest is the little Indian Creek, which rises in Section 36, in La Fayette Township, and flows southeasterly almost entirely through Pleasant Grove. It has one small aftluent, rising in Section 3, Neither the main creek nor its branch is of a size to be of any practical use, save drainage. Two little creeks flow southward through the western part of the township, affording, like the Little Indian, a partial drainage to that part of country. The principal one is known as Big Muddy, from the character of its waters. Near it was an early settlement in this part of Coles County. The main surface of Pleasant Grove Township is somewhat undulating in appear- ance. There is not much wet land to be found in its borders. A few swamps are here and there to be seen, but these admit of easy drainage, and will, in time, all be brought under cultivation. On Section 23, in this township, exists a natural curiosity. On a spot of ground, covering about one-half acre in extent, are ten springs, each sending forth a stream of remarkably cold water, highly impregnated with diff"erent medicinal qualities. What is strange, is that no two springs are alike in the quality of water they emit. One spring will be highly impregnated Avith car-- bonate of soda, while near it will be another impregnated with iron, another with chloride of sodium, and so, on — as many diff'erent waters as there are springs. As all are medicinal in their qualities, many persons resort here for the cure of various diseases which these waters are supposed to benefit. Indeed, many ai"e bettered by coming here, and it is the intention to fit up a place, so that accommodations can be furnished those desiring to come. The springs are now owned by Dr. Ilalbrook, who keeps, temporarily, many patients in his HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 409 house, near the springs. The place evidences being a favorite resort of the Indians, as a great abundance of relics of these aboriginal inhabitants are found here. EARLY SETTLEMENTS. * * -sc- * * * " Then, looking eastward o'er the plain, I saw a slowly-moving train Of objects coming, far away. Like schooners floating on the bay. • " Their whitened sails were neatly spread, And slowly on their course they sped, As, westward still they kept their way, Toward the setting orb of day." The picture presented by Mr. George Balch of the coming of the emigant, in the above lines, is vividly true of the arrival of the first settlers to Central Illinois. No railways then existed in the great West. Indeed, they were only known in the East, and were more dreaded in England, where they began, than liked. They were then in crude infancy, and were not thought of in the West. Hence, the picture of their "whitened sails neatly spread,"' as the wagons of the pioneers came Westward, is not in the least overdrawn. They came chiefly from the South — from Tennessee, Kentucky and Alabama — as the sequel shows in the mention of each one. Emigrants coming from these various Southern localities, at that day, gen- erally converged at a point on the Ohio River, at or below Louisville. From there they came north, through Western Indiana, to Vincennes, the oldest set- tlement on the Wabash. From this place, sometimes they came directly west to their various localities, or went on north to Terre Haute, and from that place went to their chosen homes. Sometimes, however, they went on down the "beautiful river," on llatboats, to old Shawneetown, where they disembarked, reloaded their goods and themselves into their wagons, and came north to Carmi or Mount Carmel ; from either of which places they could find routes north- ward. While on the way, they encamped wherever night overtook them, gen- erally making some grove of trees and stream of water their halting-places. Mr. Balch in his poem, from which two verses are already quoted, further describes their mode of camp-life. We subjoin it, as better descriptive of that scene than anything we have found : " Four hundred miles behind them lay Their native land, so far away — Their childhood's home, their place of birth, Their father's and their mother's hearth. " Before them stretched the boundless West, In all its native grandeur dressed ; Where, fresh from the Almighty's hand, There lay a second Promised Land . 410 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. " But now the sun, adown the west, In crimson clouds was robed for rest ; While in the east, with hidden sheen, The Goddess of the Night was seen, " Too modest to unveil her light Until her lord had passed from sight. The weary day being almost spent, The pilgrims halt and pitch their tent. " Beside a limpid, babbling rill, With shady groves along the hill Where savage bands, in other days, Had seen their sparkling camp-fire blaze ; " And round it danced in savage glee Like beasts, as wild, like birds, as free. But as they now far west had fled. The pilgrims had no foes to dread. " Their jaded steeds were loosed, at will To crop the herbage from the hill ; Their sparkling camp-fire's cheerful light Kept back the gathering shades of night, " Which drew their sable curtains round The pilgrims' lonely camping-ground. While cheerful chats and cheering song Soon whiled a pleasant hour along " In which their meal had been prepared. And by each one was gladly shared. Then, ere the pioneers retire. They gather round their cheerful fire, " And talk of scenes. in other years. Of rising hopes and boding fears, Of childhood's happy hours, now fled. Of once loved friends, who now are dead, " Of kindred dear, they left behind When starting west, new homes to find. In fancy saw the schoolhouse still, As once it crowned their college hill, " While in its shady groves they strayed. And ' hide-and-seek ' in fancy played ; Or gathered round their grape-vine swing And heard their comrades' voices ring. " Those comrades too, had left their plays — Forever gone their childhood days — And now, with trusty sword and shield, Like them were on life's battle-field. " Some talked of ' mother's ' earnest prayer ; Some of ' father's ' anxious care : These, too, they feared they ne'er would meet This side the ' city's golden street.' HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 411 " The little church, to them so dear, Engaged their thoughts and claimed a tear ; They prayed that God would bless the place Where first they tasted of his grace. " They called to mind their pastor's care, His counsel wise, and faithful prayer ; Rejoicing that they had a friend Whose prayers for them would still ascend " To God, who, though enthroned on high. Will hear the lowly when they cry. And now to Him their thoughts are turned, While in their hearts for Him they yearned : " For man is sure, when left alone, To think of God, and heaven and home. But darker grew the shades of night. The evening star had passed from sight, " The Pleiades shone from on high Like sparkling gems set in the sky : While higher still Orion swung, And sweeter evening's anthems sung. " And there, around that lone camp-fire, Before the pioneers retire, They bow beneath the solemn grove And chant to God these lines of love. " With heart and voice, and bended knee. Our Father, God, we come to Thee; No temple built by human skill, No ritual made by human will, Have we to bring. "Our hearts shall be Thy temple home, Where Thou shalt reign, and Thou alone; And in these temples built for praise. Our humble notes of song we raise. Thy love to sing. "We praise Thee for Thy constant care; For grace, the ills of life to bear ; For streugth to help us on our way. And bread of life from day to day, AVhich we partake. " And now, we give ourselves to Thee, Oh, keep Thy trusting children free ! And guard us through the shades of night. And wake us with the moruing light. For Jesus' sake. "Thus trusting on a Sovereign Lord, They rose from otf the grassy sward, And soon retired to peaceful rest. With naught but love within each breast. 412 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. "Their jaded steeds rest on the hill. Their tinkling bell is hushed and still, And silence reigns throiigiiout the earth, Like that which reigned before its birth." Mr. Balcli continues in this poem to note the rise in the morning of the pioneers ; their search for a home ; their success in finding one in a forest through which a stream courses its way, and the erection of their cabin-home. ■ It is very strikingly portrayed, and .«peaks well for his native genius. Had he had the advantages of an education, he would take rank with many writers widely known. As it is, we understand he intends publishing a volume of his poems, in which the remainder of the poem we quote will appear. Its length precludes further quotation in our pages. Just who was the first settler in Pleasant Grove — often called Pleasant Prairie — is now hard to determine. Mrs. Chowning states that her father, John Gordon, came to the Kickapoo settlement in 1826, and the next year, she thinks in the spring, he moved down to Pleasant Grove, where she is now living. There he found an unfinished log cabin, built by an old Baptist preacher, called " Daddy " Barham. This cabin Mr. Gordon completed and used as a residence. Others, however, differ from this statement. Some assert that the first settle- ment was made in this township in 1827, by Isaac Fancher and Buck Houchin, near the head of Muddy Point Creek. This is the generally accepted view, and is given as true by Capt. Adams in his Centennial Address. Still, others claim that Jack Price came here prior to Fancher or Houchin, and that to him belongs the honor. From a pretty close investigation of the subject we are inclined to the opinion given by Capt. Adams. The weight of testimony is in favor of Fancher and Houchin. Price must have followed them closely, how- ever, and may have been with them. It is likely that these persons are all that settled in this township that year. If they brought their families as Mr. Gordon did, there were four settlers and four pioneer homes in the township that fall. The next year, Mr. Joseph Glenn, then a young man, visited this settle- ment. After satisfying himself as to its desirableness, he determined to locate. He informed Mr. George Balch afterward, that Avhen he came here, there were five families in this settlement, and that he thought no others existed in the township. He says Dorcas Tulley, who lived near the south line of the county where John T. Jones now resides, was among the number. He also mentions Mr. Fancher. He named all of them, but the names have escaped Mr. Balch's memory. Those that we have mentioned would make just this number, and are, probably, the families Mr, Glenn referred to. Mr. Glenn lived here until a short time since, when his death occurred. He was rather widely known, and was blessed with an excellent memory. It is to be regretted now that he did not write down for preservation his recollections of the days he first lived here, and the events passing at the time. He, like many another, did not realize their value, and thus much of the early history of this part of Illinois is lost. HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 413 Mr. Glenn went to Lawrence County in the fall of 1829. He married Ellen Reynolds in 1830 or 1831, who was born in Illinois in 1808 or 1809, and is yet living. She is one of the oldest native-born citizens in this county. Mr. Glenn's farm was long known as the "Glenn Place," and was brought by its owner to a high state of cultivation. In the spring of 1829, quite a number of settlers came. " Goose-Nest Prai- rie " was settled this spring by Rev. Daniel Barham (" Daddy " Barham, already referred to) and his sons John and Nathan, and Thomas Barker, who erected the first cabins there. If these were the first cabins built by the good minister, then the statement that he erected a cabin near the Gordon grave-yard in 1827, or before, is evidently an error by a year or two. As there is now no one left who lived through this time and is cognizant of it all, in all its details, it is extremely difficult to settle the point of the first settler. Rev. Barham was an efficient Baptist minister, and labored earnestly in his Master's calling, and may have been here as early as Mrs. Chowning thinks ; but, from the best testimony we are able to gather, it is two years later, i. e., in 1829. " The same spring that ' Daddy' Barham, his sons and Mr. Barker came," says Capt. Adams, "Michael Taylor and son, Elijah, John and Patrick Gordon and Dow Goodman located in the ' Goose Nest.' " This is further proof that Mrs. Chown- ing's father came in 1829, instead of 1827. The first settlement on Indian Creek was made this same year. At the head of this creek, was an old Indian camping-ground, evidencing use in many generations past. It was a convenient spot for pasturage and water, and, as such, was regarded favorably by the pioneers. It is in the north and northeast part of the township, and may be considered the third settlement in the town- ship. Its pioneers were Zeno Campbell, Gershom, William and Thomas Balch, who, as stated, located in 1829. This same year, the Muddy Point settlement was augmented by the arrival of Joseph Glenn, Daniel Edson, Daniel Beals and his two sons, Oliver and Jesse, and William Dryden and Alfred Balch, who came to view the country. The next year, William Gammill and his sons Andrew and Samuel, and sons-in-law, A. Balch and Isaac Odell, also Abner Johnston, whose son is now President of the First National Bank at Charleston, came to Indian Creek and Muddy Point settlements. The year before, Jesse Fuller and his family came from Virginia and bought the farm now known as the " Sell " place. Mr. Fuller remained here until his death. Mr. Theron E. Balch located with his family this season, also. Mr. Balch became a very prominent man in his time. He was the first school-teacher in the township, was a firm friend of religion and was one of the best men in the pioneer days of the community. He arrived with his family in October, and settled in the timber, near the " Goose-Nest Prairie." Here he built him a small pole cabin, and during this winter, it is thought, taught the pioneer school in the township, in a small pole cabin, in Muddy Point settlement, near where the Cumberland Presbvterian Church is no'w situated. He and his 414 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. wife were strong Abolitionists, liberating their slaves in the South before they came, bringing sorae with them. Mr. Balch was one of the earliest adherents to that party, and is said to have been one of the first seven men to vote that ticket. Mrs. Balch is yet living in Wisconsin, eighty-six years of age, blind and deaf. She has been a most remarkable woman in her time. She lives with one of her daughters, and has with her one of her liberated woman slaves, who is almost as old as her mistress. The reader will observe that quite a number of persons located in the first two years of the settlements here. As many of them belonged to the Cumber- land and Regular Presbyterian Churches, they united in August, 1830, and formed a Presbyterian Church under the care of the Old-School body — as it would be better known by that name — and began to hold services. As immigra- tion was rapid during the next three or four years, however, a Cumberland Presbyterian Church was organized, and those professing that creed drew off from the other Church as soon as this opportunity afforded them a chance to join a church of their own choice. On the 19th of November following the organization of the Church at Indian Creek, the settlement in Pleasant Grove was joined by a colony of sixteen grown persons and eleven children from Bedford County, Tenn., about fifty miles south of the city of Nashville. They came, like their predecessors, in the old Virginia wagons, drawn by two and four horse teams, making the journey of 400 miles in a few months. Now it is made in a day and a night. They camped out on the way, and while in Indiana, about fifteen miles south of Vin- cennes, they were obliged to stop and bury one of their number, a child, a son of Isaac and Mary Odell. A number of years ago, George D. Prentice, the veteran Louisville editor and poet, stood, he records, at the grave of a little child in Arkansas, buried from an emigrant wagon. He embalmed the incident in verse, which is so touching, and which applies to the burial of Mr. and Mrs. Odell's little child so well, that we reproduce a verse here : "Not in the church-yard's hallowed ground, Where marble columns rise around, By willow or by cypress shade, Are thy poor little relicts laid. Thou sleepest here, all, all alone, No other grave is near thine own. ' Tis well, 'tis well; but oh, such fate Seems very, very desolate. * * * * But yet it matters not, poor child. That thou must sleep in this lone wild ; Each springtime, as it wanders past, Its buds and blooms will round thee cast ; The thick -leaved boughs and moonbeams pale. Will er thee spread a solemn veil, And softest dews and showers will lave The blossoms on the infant's grave." HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 415 The colony mentioned, coming in the fall of 1830, were headed by William Oammill (already noticed), who knew something of the country, and, with Alfred M. Balch, was one of ^ the projectors of the move. In addition to these two, there were Mr. Balch's children — Ann Jane, who afterward became the wife of H. J. Reynolds, of Neoga; Nanny Caroline, who died in Mai'ch, 1853 ; Rhoda E., who died at thirteen years of age, and whose memory her brother Oeorge B. has touchingly preserved in verse. George B. was then very young, and has lived all his life in the township, noting all its changes, and has recorded many of them in poetry. Another family (and we shall name each family of this colony) was J. J. and Martha Adams, and their one child, W. E. Adams, then eleven days old. On his arrival, Mr. Adams, like the others, hastily erected a pole cabin, into which he moved. Before he could properly inclose it, the winter set in exceedingly cold, and with great difficulty could they preserve themselves and their child from freezing. The covers of the wagon were taken off, hung inside the cabin walls, and with one device and another, aided by the huge fire kept constantly burning in the great chimney, they man- aged to live through the winter. Many of their neighbors were no better oft". The next year, he and all the colonists raised a very good crop, putting it in with the old-fashioned barshare plows, remodeled and repaired their cabins, and by winter were prepared to stand the rigors of a Western winter. It will be recol- lected that the one before was made memorable by the ''deep snow," and the great freshet in the spring consequent upon the melting of the snow. It is fully noticed elsewhere, and need not be repeated here. It was the same over all the country, only of a greater depth in the northern part of the State. As a portrait and full sketch of Col. Adams' life appear elsewhere in this volume, we will omit any further mention of his deeds here. They are all worthy a place in the annals of Coles County, and when the Colonel died a few months since, he left behind him a record worthy of imitation by all. Isaac and Mary Odell, son-in-law and daughter of Mr. Gammill, were also of this company. It was their child that died in Indiana and was left sleep- ing on the roadside. Their next son, George W. Odell, was the first child born in Charleston, which town was laid out the next summer after the colony's arrival. Col. Adams and A. M. Balch cut logs and built some of the first houses in that aspiring town. One of these may yet be seen on a hill in the western part of town, just east of where the Ashmore mill was burned. Of all the members of that colony who were men and women when they came, Mrs. Odell — " Aunt Polly " — is the only survivor. The next family was Andrew and Jane Gammill and their three children, all of whom are living yet. One is Mrs. Caroline Shoemaker, of La Fayette Township, another Mrs. Adaline Hendricks, now in Missouri, and the third Mrs. Lucinda Whetstone, of Pomona, Kan. Mark and Matilda Baker with their two children, Joseph and Matilda, are the next family mentioned. Both the children are now dead. The father died in about two years after coming. 416 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. from malarial diseases. His wife aftei-Avard married M. Tyra Hays, and gave fame to Pleasant Grove by giving existence to three boys at one birth, all of whom are yet living. Andrew Clark and wife were also in this colony. They had no children when they came. Mr. Clark was afterward well known in Charleston in the hotels there, being one of the early landlords of the town. In this colony were two young men, Philip Odell and S. K. Gammill, who should be noticed here. The first named, Odell, died in Charleston, about 1835. In the early issues of newspapers there, his obituary was published, wherein some friend embalmed his memory in verse which we now recall, and which many of the old people will doubtless remember: "Could I the sacred nine command. Or inspiration guide my hand In numbers sweet but sad, I'd tell The virtues uf our friend Odell." The other young man, S. K. Gammill, afterward beca\ne prominently known in the south part of the county. He married Elizabeth Dryden, who yet lives. Mr. Gammill died about twelve years ago, of cholera. The majority of the persons coming in this little colony, were members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church in their native State. They found no church of their own here, and the majority went into the Presbyterian Church at Indian Creek. They remained here, however, but a few years, when, being joined by more of their own profession, they formed a church at Muddy Point, and began services there. The winter following — 1830-31 — Avas, as has been observed, one of great severity. The intense cold, the deep snow, the scanty provisions and poor accommodations made the pioneer's life one of privation, and to those who had enjoyed the milder serenity of a more southern clime, it called for the stron- gest powers of fortitude and courage. The following spring, owing to the great snoAV, was very wet, and it was late before crops could be planted. The cabins were repaired, or new and better ones built, fields were cleared, and prepara- tions to found that home they all desired went steadily on. They Avent to the Wabash Point timber for mail, where George M. Hanson had the year before obtained a post office, and where quite a number of families, chiefly Meth- odists in religion, were settled. Those of Pleasant Grove also came here to mill, for Slover's Mill was about the only one in this part of the country. It was during this summer, it is thought, that C Campbell opened a blacksmith shop in the township. His shop was near the residence of Zeno Campbell. He was a good workman, making excellent axes, Cary plows and various other implements, Avhich could not have been obtained nearer than Paris, in Edgar County, or equally as distant places. It might be well to mention of Zeno Campbell that he was run for the Legislature on the Whig ticket, from this part of the county. He was an excellent man, but quiet and a little HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 417 eccentric in his manner, refusing to go out and "stump" the field. This was very likely the cause of his defeat, as he was well respected wherever known. He gave the ground on which the Presbyterian Church was erected in 1832, and with his wife lived to the good old age of more than fourscore years. It will be remembered they came to Pleasant Grove in 1829. The summer of 1831, brought with it a new influx of immigration. Those who stayed in this township were chiefly Presbyterian in religious views, while those who went to the Wabash Point settlement were largely Methodist. It was a kind of common understanding between the two settlements that persons coming to the new communities were to be mildly drawn to whichever settle- ment their religious sentiments favored. This they were always ready to do, ias all desired to keep up the home practices and felt easier and more content among their own church people. Among the emigrants of this season may be mentioned John and Michael Whetstone. John settled the farm where the mineral springs were found, supposed to have been known to the aboriginal inhabitants for ages. We have already described these springs and forbear any further mention of them. Other settlers were Hezekiah and Mary Balch and a son Walter AV., who is yet living in the neighborhood. They were from Alabama, from the same community that had before sent out Theron E. Balch and his wife. With Hezekiah and his family came Dr. Emmett Balch, who is now at Buckley, 111. John W. and Louisa Rodgers came with Dr. Balch from Alabama and settled with him here. Thomas and William Jeffi'ies, twa prominent men, with their families, came this same season from Kentucky. The old storehouse, in the possession of Mr. Azariah Jeffries, has a history in itself which is Avell worth narrating. It is thus told by Mr. Jeff'ries : " The old storehouse is situated on Section 10, on land entered by Thomas Jeffries, the first Justice in this township. His children are Sallie Dieahl, James, John and Azariah. His house was built in September, 1852, for a store by T. A. Mar- shall and Milton True. Afterward, Mr. Marshall was elected to the State Senate, and afterward a colonel in the army. Mr. True was elected to the Legislature, and was a general in the army. Gideon Edwards, their clerk, was elected County Judge. When the two proprietors left the store, they sold to I. H. Johnston and Abram Highland, and the singular luck for office-holding seemed to fall upon them. Mr. Johnston was elected Sheriff" and Mr. Highland County Treasurer. They sold the building to Clay Worthen and Jefferson Doren. Mr. Worthen was twice elected Circuit Clerk. The mantle failed to fall on the shoulders of Mr. Doren, it seems, as it is not recorded he succeeded in being elected, though twice he ran for County Treasurer. While they owned the building. Dr. C. H. Brunk, a prominent physician in Shelby County, had his office with them. They sold to W. L. Funckhouser and John Hackley. Mr. F. is the largest land-owner in the township, and Mr. H. was Postmaster some time. These men sold to John W. Crawford, who was Postmaster, and who, with Dr. T. A. Kemper, a prominent physician, who had his office in the store- 418 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTT. house, kept the building till he sold to the present owner, Azariah Jeffries. He has, as a consequence it seems, been elected School Trustee three years ; Director, nine years ; Commissioner, two years ; member of Legislature, two years ; a delegate to the Democratic Convention in Baltimore that nominated Horace Greeley ; been Chairman of the County Democratic Convention, Foreman of grand jury, on the petit jury, and a variety of other minor oflfices." Verily, the house has a history and a fatality unequaled in the West. Thomas and Hezekiah Balch were the first two Justices of the Peace elected in this part of the county. William Jeffries was the second County Sheriff, serving from 1834 to 1838. The first incumbent of this ofiice was Ambrose Yocum. elected at the first election of the county in February, 1831. He died before the expiration of his term of office, and Mr. Jeffries was elected to the vacancy and to another term. The voting-place in Febi'uary, 1831, was at the house of James Ashmore, situated where Parker Clark now lives, in La Fayette Township. Every one in the county entitled to a vote came here, and, as the county then included Douglas and Cumberland Counties, many of the voters came a considerable distance to discharge the duties of citizenship. When Pleasant Grove was made a precinct, the voting-place Avas fixed at Beni White's house, in the south part of the precinct. It afterward was made at Tully's still, now in Cumberland County. It then went to Thomas Jeffries, where it remained a few years, and was then taken to a log schoolhouse on Indian Point, near where the Presbtterian Church now is. The next move was not till after the organization of the township, when it was moved to the Balch Schoolhouse, where it stayed thirteen years. About two years ago, it was taken to the Nicholson Schoolhouse, where it will probably abide some time. The still house, mentioned as one of its abiding-places, might be more fully noticed. It was built by Dillard Tulley as a horse-mill in 1832, and was the first enterprise of the kind in this part -of the county. It was afterward converted into a still, and as such was a pioneer. In those days every one drank whisky ; no Avedding, no house-raising, no harvesting, no election, was carried on without plenty of that animating beverage being used. It was considered essential, and looked upon as one of the necessities of life. Maybe, to save carrying Avhisky to elections, was one reason why they were held here. Anyway, it was a place of popular resort, and was certain to call out all the voters ; that was one consideration. When Cumberland County was set off from Coles, there Avas left a strip of land a mile or two wide, on the north, which has since been attached. In this strip the still was located. A very common Avay to get the Avhisky was to take a bushel of corn and a coffee-pot, and go to the still, exchange the corn for a gallon of Avhisky and bring it home in the coffee-pot. That was before the era of jugs. Capt. Adams says he was often sent to Tul- ley's still in that way Avhen a boy. He tells a story on himself, which is worth preserving here, as illustrative of the customs in the "good old days." He says he was once sent Avith the^bushel of corn and a ncAv jug — they having just HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 419 been introduced — for the customary gallon of whisky. He used a fresh cob for a cork in the jug, and, on his return, kept pulling out the cob and sucking the whisky it absorbed. By the time he reached home, he was, to use his own expression, " as full as a goose I " His mother quickly noticed his condition, and, turning to her husband, remarked, emphatically : " There, Jefferson, that's the last time that boy goes to the still I " And it was the last time. Good men, one after another, saw the evil tendency of the habit, and, one after another, banished it from their tables, firesides and harvest-fields. The same summer of 1831, Theron Balch established a Sunday school in his own cabin. He was aided by the first minister in this part of the county — Rev. Isaac Bennett, who came here under the care of the Philadelphia Presby- tery, to look after this field. He preached the first sermons heard in this part of Illinois, coming all the way from Philadelphia on horse-back. Further mention will be made of him in the chapter devoted to churches in this town- ship. The summer this pioneer Sunday school vras established, Julia Balch, a daughter of Theron, taught a day school in the little pole cabin where her father had wielded the birch the winter before. We have mentioned the fact of the settlers going to Slover's Mill and to George M. Hanson's post office, at the Wabash Point timber. This summer, however, they came to the county seat, just then established, for mail, and as Thomas Travis, one of the pioneers of this year, erected a horse-mill, thev could get grinding nearer home. In addition to the one at the Wabash Point, they had gone, in some instances, to a mill where Greenup, in Cumberland County, is, on the Embarrass. The mill of Mr. Travis, and the blacksmith- shop of Mr. Campbell, brought commodities nearer their doors, and made many of the inconveniences heretofore experienced things of the past. Already a brighter day was coming. The season of 1832 brought still more persons seeking homes in the West. Now they began to come in so rapidly that it is impossible to name all. We will, however, give the names of some, as far as we could gather them. It is not necessary to get all, nor to attempt to follow their fortunes. The story of one is the story of all. The biographical portion of this work shows more fully than we can hope to show the lives of many of the pioneers and their deeds in the land of their choice. Among those who came in 1832, we will mention James and Lyda Glenn, with two or three children. They came from Lawrence County, and both are long since dead. Another member of this family was William, an older brother than either the others. He was a o-reat hunter in his time, a veritable Daniel Boone, as it were. There were, also, Dan- iel and Rachel Edson, with one or two children. They settled the farm where the widow Landers now lives. Then there were Wells Needham and his wife, and others of that company. All the old settlers will doubtless remember John Harvey, an old teacher of the old school. He was a great fiddler, and, in that capacity, was in constant demand for the old-time dances. He was, withal, 420 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. a little superstitious, and believed in witches. Possibly he read the story of the witches so often he became imbued with their reality. His greatest delight was to hunt squirrels, and in this he became a veritable Nimrod. One of his oddities was a habit of pulling his nose when eating. It in some way seemed to assist him in swallowing his food. The readers of these narratives will doubtless observe the absence of roads at this period in the history of the county or that of the townships. Until this year, there were no organized efforts in this direction. For several reasons, no roads, save bridle-paths, were to be seen in any place. The settlers were too much occupied in preparing their homes so they could live in comfort ; in get- ting crops sown and gathered, so they might have something aside from wild meat and "johnny-cake" to eat, and in various enterprises, all necessary to their life here The roads were part of the economy of pioneer life that could be allowed to wait other developments. The season of 18'32 is made memorable by the breaking-out of the Black Hawk war. The causes of this war, and its history in a general way, are fully given in the history of the Northwest, in this volume, and for this purpose we omit any mention save locally. Col. Adams, who seems to have always pos- sessed a combative spirit, and was always foremost in defending the frontiers, raised a portion of a company, with which he repaired to Shelbyville, where the full number was obtained, and where they were properly enlisted. Col. Adams' companions from Pleasant Grove were Obadiah Vincent and Harry Wilson, both of whom are yet living. They furnished their own horses, pro- visions and ammunition. From Shelbyville they went to Fort Dixon, on Rock River, thence to the Four Lakes, where Madison, Wis., now stauds, and fol- lowed the retreating Indians till the capture of Black Hawk and the termina- tion of the war. After their return home, they resumed their former avocations, and were never afterward called upon to assist in subduing the red men. The fall of that year is made memorable by the brilliant meteoric shower. As that event is, however, fully described in the history of Mattoon Township^ and as it, like the "deep snow" and " sudden freeze," occurred over all the country, one description applies to all. Following on down through the coming years we can note no events out o^ the usual order of frontier life. Improvements were constantly going on ; new homes were being built ; more emigrants came yearly, until the country in 1827, when the first settlers came, was changed from a wilderness to one occu- pied by many busy, happy homes, full of enterprise, and all realizing the hopes entertained when they came. The financial crisis of 1840, incident on the failure of the grand system of internal improvements, effected all the residents of the State. True, no lines of roads had been projected through Pleasant Grove, but the proposed construc- tion of two railroads in the county, the hopes excited by their building and their failure in common with all the rest, made times hard in every township in HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 421 the county. The country was, however, full of resources, and in ten years' time had provided for the payment of its enormous indebtedness, and was again on the road to prosperity. The citizens of Pleasant Grove had partaken of this general improvement in various ways. These were exemplified in better habita- tions, now built of brick and frame. Schoolhouses were getting plenty, school terms were longer, and were more efficient. Other denominations, such as the Methodists and Cumberland Presbyterians, were pi-eparing to build houses of worship, and more of the luxuries of life were apparent. The era of log cabins, and their accompanying discomforts, was passing away. A good story it told of two aspiring youthful Ninirods in this township, which is certainly worth a place in its annals. A certain fanner had a field of corn, where the grass had been allowed to grow after it was planted until a good growth had been gathered. Deer and all kinds of game abounded then in great numbers. The deer would come to this field at night, soon after the corn was cut, and eat the leaves from the stalks around the shocks. By this means they had destroyed a good deal of fodder. This the owner did not relish much but could see no way to help himself The two youthful hunters determined securing some of the deer, and secretly made arrangements therefor. Going into the field in question after dusk, they had not long to wait till they heard a rustling in the leaves, and waited with beating hearts the approach of the game. Soon a dark object came near enough and one of them raised his gun and fired. The object fell. "Now," said the other, " havn't we done it?" " We!" replied his comrade, contemptuously, " haven't /done it? " By this time they had reached the object, which gave a pitiable bleat, and they found — a calf. " Now," said the one who had fired the shot, " haven't we done it ? " " Yes," said the other, "haven't yow done it? " To the boys' credit, it must be said, they skinned the calf, took the hide to the owner, and paiii him for the damage. They could have gone off and no one known who had killed the calf. But for many a day they heard not the last of " that calf story ! " The young men learned to enjoy it with all the rest, and will, if they are liv ing and see this description, enjoy a laugh over their exploit. Of the remaining history of Pleasant Grove Township, little can be said. That of the churches and schools will appear in separate chapters, and will add to the value of these annals. On down through the Mexican war, in which Col. Adams and a few of her citizens took a part ; through the era of the rebuilding of railroads, in 1854, 1855 and 1856, to the time the Grayville and Mattoon Road was begun and until it was completed, we find no incidents of con- sequence. The G. & M. Railroad brought a market near the township and affords an easy outlet for its products. There is, in the history of this township, the narrative of one family, who produced a man whose name and deeds will live while the world shall endure, which must not be omitted. We have reserved mention of them until this time, as we desired giving what could be gleaned concerning them in an unbroken account. We refer to the Lincoln family. 422 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. They were from Kentucky, and traced their lineage to an ancient family on Atlantic Coast. The parents of the President, who lived during their declining years in this township, are the only ones of the name who dwelt in this county or even, we believe, in this State. Thomas Lincoln was, all his life, one of those easy, honest, commonplace men, who take life as they find it, and, as a consequence, generally find it a life of poverty. He left Kentucky, where he had in vain essayed to prosper, about the year 1816, and located on the north shore of the Ohio River, in Spencer County, Ind., where he and his son, then a lad of about eight years old, kept a ferry. He remained here a few years, when he removed to a farm which he purchased, a few miles north of the county seat, in Spencer County. Here Abraham's mother died, and here, in a little country church-yard, unmarked by any stone, and shaded by a few straggling forest- trees, she is quietly sleeping. Two years after, his father married again. In 1830, the family removed from Spencer County to Macon County, 111., settling about ten miles southwest of Decatur. Here Abe Lin- coln, then just of age, aided the family in their start on the prairies, and here he split the rails, which, in after years, cut the important figure in politics almost akin to the log cabin and hard cider in Harrison's day. The next spring, the young man went into life for himself, earning, it is said, his first money on a flatboat. The parents, left to themselves, made a poor living, and, a little over a year after, removed to the southwest part of Coles County, near the line between Paradise and Pleasant Grove, and essayed to begin life anew. They arrived here in the fall of 1831, having been in Macon County since the spring of 1830. They settled near Buck Grove, where they built a cabin, and remained a few months, probably till the following spring, when they moved to Goose-Nest Prairie, obtained some land, erected a cabin and settled down to life. Mr. Lincoln, though an excellent man, and a much-esteemed citizen, possessed no faculty whatever of preserving his money, when he made any, hence he always remained poor. He was easily contented, had few wants, and those of a primitive nature. He was a foe to intemperance, strictly honest, and, supposing others the same, often suffered pecuniary losses. He left the active management of his affairs gradually to his stepson, John Johnston, and, erecting himself a cabin on a knoll, on the west- ern part of his land, passed his declining days in comparative ease, measured by his own estimate. He lived to see his son an excellent lawyer, and, when Abe was on his circuits, practicing law, he always came out to the old cabin to visit his parents. It was his custom, on such occasions, to load his buggy with provisions and take them with him. Thomas Lincoln lived on the farm until January 9, 1851, when he died, from an attack of fever. Abraham Lincoln had come to see him in response to his wish through a lettei" from Mr. A. H. Chap- man, and spent some time Avitli him. He left word to send ftr him in case the disease assumed a malignant form. A severe attack soon followed his depart- ure, proving fatal, and before Abe could be notified, his father was gone. In HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 423 his early life, he joined the Baptists ; afterward, the " Presbyterian-Baptists," as they were called, and finally, owing to a disaffection in the church, the Chris- tians, in whose communion he died. He had learned to read and write, after his marriage ; but as far as any further education was concerned, he had none. He was noted for his peaceable qualities ; for settling, arbitrarily, disputes among his neighbors, and was, in that respect, universally respected. While in the old cabin, where he lived and died, we were shown the family record, copied by Mr. Hall from a leaf of the family Bible. It is well worth recording, and we give it entire. It reads : " Thomas Lincoln was born Jan. 6, 1778, and was married June 6, 1806, to Nancy Hanks, who was born Feb. 5, 1784. "Sarah Lincoln, daughter of Thomas. and Nancy Lincoln was born Feb. 20, 1807. " Abraham Lincoln, son of Thomas and Nancy Lincoln, was born Feb. 12, 1809. " Sarah Bush, first married to Daniel Johnston and afterward second wife of Thomas Lincoln, was born Dec. 13, 1788. " John D. Johnston, son of Daniel and Sarah Johnston, was born May 10, 1810, and married to Mary Barker Oct. 13, 1834, who was born July 22, 1816." When Mr. Lincoln died, the estate came into Mr. Johnston's hands, who, not then realizing the value attached to many of the family records, allowed them to be carelessly carried off by idle curiosity-hunters and become lost. Mr. Lincoln now lies buried in the little Gordon church-yard, no monument marking his grave save " a hillock and bowlder." Mr. George B. Balch has embalmed the spot in poetry, which we present our readers in preceding pages. After Abraham Lincoln was elected to the Presidency, he visited the grave of his father in company with A. H. Chapman and John Hall. It was on a rather cold day in February, just preceding his inauguration, and after viewing the spot, the party returned to Farmington, where a sumptuous dinner had been prepared for the distinguished man. When Mr. Lincoln returned to Charleston, he asked one of the younger members of the Hanks family to find out the probable cost of a tombstone for his father's grave. During the conversation on the subject, Mr. Lincoln asked Mr. Chapman what he thought the expense would be. Mr. Chapman answered not less than |40, or more than $60, he thought. " Well," said the President, " see what it will cost and let me know at- Washington, and I will send you an inscription I Avant put on." The war came on, and he could not attend to it. It has been erroneously supposed that he left money, and it was not appropriately used. This, Mr. Chapman says, is untrue, and that the only ai-rangement made was the one already given. Fur- ther proof is givon in a letter from Mrs. Lincoln after her husband's untimely death, wherein she refers to the thought often expressed by the President that as soon as his term of office expired, he would return here and see to the erec- 424 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. tion of the monument. As his estate is ample now to put such a monument as will perpetuate the memory of Thomas Lincoln, when properly presented before the heirs, they will no doubt attend to it. Another rumor is prevalent in the community where Thomas Lincoln died. It is supposed that Avhen the President visited the grave at the time mentioned, he cut the letters " T. L." on a walnut board and drove it into the ground at the head of the grave. This the writer of these pages endeavored to find, but could not. Mr. Chapman says he did not cut the letters and place the board at the grave as represented. He was with him all the time, and he says no such thing happened. The board in question was found by the writer to be the end of a fence rail, with the letters " T. E." cut in it, and standing at the foot of the grave. Rumors of all kinds are easily started ; but no one could be found who knew the board was there, or who kneiv the money was left. "Nathan had told Nathan's son," and that was all there was about it. After the death of Thomas Lincoln, " Grandmother Lincoln," as she was always called, lived on the old farm or with her relatives in Charleston and Farmington. She was a kind, good woman, and died universally respected. She lies buried in the same church-yard with her husband, and like him has no stone to mark her resting- place. During her life, she was allowed the benefits of the farm, which after her death passed into the hands of her son, John Johnston. Mr. John Hall purchased it from him and now resides there. THE SCHOOLS. As has been noticed, Theron E. Balch taught a school in a small pole cabin in the winter of 1829-30. Some place it the next winter ; but the weight of opinion favors the time given. School was continued here with commendable regularity each winter, and sometimes in the summer. All were supported by subscription. Each patron subscribed as many pupils as he could send at $2.50 each per quarter — three months, and paid the tuition in various articles of bar- ter, coonskins, beeswax, hides, honey, or whatever the dominie could exchange for board or clothing. As the different parts of the precinct settled, other schools were built, and as these settlements grew, better houses appeared. But little if any change occurred in the modes of instruction, length of term, and mode of paying the teacher until a revenue was derived from the State Treasury from the sale of school lands. Again, in 1844, 1845 and 1846, the revenue was farther augmented by the gradual adoption of free schools, ^. e., supported by a general tax. These, in time, superseded the old subscription schools. Now. the law compels each district to conduct a school a certain number of months in the year to derive any benefit from the general fund. In addition to this, the Directors of each district may levy such a tax as they deem sufficient to carry on the school a month or two in excess of the time required by law. This gives in many districts, school from six to nine months in each year. The old log school with its puncheon floor, slab seats, paper window, long writing- HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 425 desk, broad, open fire-place, cross teacher, Smiley's Arithmetic, American Speller, and other primitive appliances, is now a thing of the past. Since 1860, better houses and higher grades of instruction are required, and a con- sequent advantage and advancement the result. Frame houses began to appeal in 1858, 1859 and 1860 ; and, in 1853, a brick one arose on the site of Farm- ington. It Avas, however, intended as a seminary, but after serving a while in that capacity, became a common schoolhouse, and finally a store. CHURCHES. Incidental mention has been made throughout the preceding pages of churches and schools in Pleasant Grove Township, reserving a more extended notice of these subjects in a separate chapter. The first church in this part of the county was built on the Little Indian Creek in 1832. Two years before, on August 30, 1830, the Presbyterian Church of Pleasant Prairie, so say the rec- ords, was organized by the Rev. B. F. Spillman, connected with, and under the care of, the General Assembly. The organization was effected with four- teen members. They were Thomas Mayes, Agnes Mayes, Theron Balch, Ann Boyd, Thomas McCracken, Nancy McCracken, James Ashmore, Cassandra Ashmore, Rachel Ashmore, Margaret Ashmore, William Wayne, Mary Wayne, James Logan and Elizabeth Logan. Of these persons none are now living. They met for organization at the house of Theron Balch, it is supposed, or, if the pole cabin schoolhouse was erected, there. Whether Mr. Spillman remained long preaching here, is not known. Probably not, as it is thought he was over this part of Illinois looking after scattering members of the Presbyterian congregations, and organizing them into churches. Hence, he would be here but a little. Their earliest minister was Rev. Isaac Bennett, a rather eccentric character, w;ho, it will be observed, is noticed elsewhere in this work. He was here some three or four years. This church was the first Presbyterian Church established in the county, and was, for a number of years, the only place of worship in the township. The Church records show no additions until the next summer. On July 24, 1831, fourteen more members are received, eleven on certificate, and three on profession. These are the members of the colony whose history is given on previous pages. They came the fall after the or^ni- zation of the Church, but, being principally members of the Cumberland Presby- terian Church, waited a while hoping to found a church of their own. As the settlement was young, however, they gave up such plans for awhile, and joined with the Indian Point Church. The next summer — 1832 — on June 1, the members met and ascreed to donate so many days of work each, in building a church. It 'was to be of logs. 24x30 feet in size. The original list of [subscriptions show from two to twelve days' labor subscribed by each one, while Mr. Barnett subscribed twenty-six spikes, and William Wayne thirty ^bushels of lime. In all, eighty days were subscribed, and, that fall, the church was raised and covered. It 426 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. could be used only in the warm weather, as no floor or windows were yet made. The flooring was afterward sawn out by a whip-saw, an exceedingly long and tiresome process, while the siding and roof were made from slabs split out with a maul and wedges, and dressed with a frow. The church, made in this man- ner, was considered quite an aflair, for the times, and, considering the appli- ances at hand, and the labor necessary to build a frame house in that manner, it is certainly creditable. It had two doors in front, between which the pulpit was placed. The latter was one of those high, old-fashioned, box-like aff'airs, behind which the minister was pretty eff"ectually screened. It is said that, when Mr. Bennett sat down in it, the top of his head only was visible to the congregation. The seats in this church were made by placing long slabs on trestles. They were without backs, and placed rather closely together. If any one became sleepy then, as now, and wanted to lean his head forward on the seat in front, he had a poor chance, surely. May be they did not get sleepy then, as they do now ; the room was always well ventilated, and the sermon more of a rarity than now. The church remained in its unfinished condition about two years. The one who subscribed the lime failed to produce it, and, as Rev. John McDonald, now the Pastor, possessed energy in worldly matters, as well as in spiritual, he, with the aid of Mr. Nicholson, yet living in the neighborhood, prepared to remedy the deficiency, and make the house comfort- able in cold as well as in warm weather. Rev. McDonald found a lime-rock in the Indian Creek, and it was determined to upe it to plaster the church. Logs were hauled by the members and piled around and on it, and, being set on fire, burned it to a pulverized condition. By the aid of sand, also found here, Mr. McDonald and his parishioners made an excellent plaster, and, having put split lath on the inner side of the house, the worthy minister plastered the church with his own hands. As the weather was cold at the time, he took up ^ the floor of the church, made a bed of sand in the center of the inclosure, and therein kept a great fire burning until the plastering was thoroughly dried. In 1834, the congregation employed Rev. James H. Shields, of Indiana, one- half his time. He, however, sent them word, afterward, that he could not attend. The congregation was growing very well at this date, the main losses being those who left to unite with other churches of their own particular creed, which they could not find when they came first to the country. Rev. Bennett remained here, at different times, several years. He had been in the county when it was first settled ; had made three trips on horse-back between Philadel- phia and his charges in the West, and had seen the infant congregations expand into self-supporting charges. His old, faithful horse passed its declining days in this part of the State, dying at last in Lawrence County, where, out of respect to its master and its own good service, it was given a decent interment by some young men. In examining old records of the Church, and, indeed, of all churches of that date, we find many phases of human life exemplified. Then the church HISTORY OF COLES COUIITY. 427 assumed more of the functions of a court than now, and tried persons who com- m'itted acts unworthy their profession. The records of Indian Point Church show that a certain member was found " guilty of making cheese on the Sab- bath Day," and was suspended. Others are, at times, "admonished." The church grew alt the while, and, where any took offense at such proceedings, they were at liberty to withdraw. This part of the West was too remote in the wilderness to note the trans- actions of important events when they transpired. It took several weeks for the news to reach the inland settlement of Illinois at that day. Hence, when the dismemberment of the great Presbyterian Church occurred, we find no note is taken of it in Pleasant Prairie until a year or two after it had occurred. On August 9, 1839, the members of the Pleasant Prairie Church met to consider that question, and after a discussion and explanation of the division, a ballot was taken to decide to which of the two great bodies — technically called Old and New School — they should annex themselves. They seemed to be pretty evenly divided, as a majority of 3 votes was cast to remain with the " Old School." The dissenters to this view numbered thirty-one, and drawing off" formed a new Church, and from this date down to the re-union in 1871, we find two congrega- tions. They were so amicably situated that by an outsider, however, the differ- ence could not have been detected. Both congregations used the same house, though each employed their own Pastor and managed their own aff"airs. The old Church was left with twenty-five members, whose first minister was Rev. John McDonald, who had come from Ohio to the north part of the State, and who had attended the first meeting of a Presbyterian Presbytery in Illinois, at the house of Rev. Stephen Bliss, in Wabash County. When he came to Pleas- ant Prairie, he lived in a split-log or pole cabin, near the church, that had here- tofore been used for a schoolhouse. He lived in this until he could erect a house for himself and his family, into which they moved when it Avas completed. He died about twelve years ago. The family still reside on the old homestead. He remained in charge of the Church until his health failed, even then preach- ing occasionally. He was succeeded by the Rev. Joseph Adams, who came from Philadelphia, and remained about two years. He, in turn, by Rev. R. A. Mitchell, who lived in Charleston ; he, by Rev. Elliott ; he, by James W. Alli- son ; he, by A. Kemper, of Mattoon ; he, by Nathaniel Williams ; he, by Ellis Howell, under whose ministry the re-union occurred ; he, by Robert Ash ; he, by George W. Davis, and he, by the present Pastor, R. G. Ross. The New-School branch first employed Rev. John C. Campbell. His suc- cessors were C. H. Palmer, Joseph Wilson, who remained here a number of years, and E. Kingsbury. When the congregation re-united with the other and original one, they came under the care of the minister there. The old church, built by contribution of labor, spikes and lime, and plastered by Rev. McDonald, remained in use until 1852, when the Old-School branch built the house standing just^back of the present church. This, like its prede- 428 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. cessor, was used by both congregations until 1857, when the New-School branch built a neat frame church in the village of Farmington. They were assisted in the effort by the Methodists in that vicinity, who were allowed to use the house in consequence. This was done till 1866, when they completed their own church. The Old-School congregation used the church built in 1852 till 186G, when, becoming too small and worn out, it was replaced by the present one; dedicated when Rev. Howell was Pastor. On the 14th of October. 1871, the Mattoon Presbyterv united the two Churches as one congregation again, employing one minister, still keeping both houses of worship, holding services alternately in each. As has been incidentally mentioned, the Cumberland Presbyterians and the Methodists began organizing Churches about the year 1850 or 1852 — possibly, earlier. The strongest Methodist community was in INIattoon Township, then Paradise Precinct, at the head of the Wabash Point timber. Its history will be found in the history of that settlement, and there, it will be observed, it antedates the Indian Creek Presbyterian Church a year or two in point of organization. The denomination began holding meetings in Pleasant Prairie early in the life of that settlement. They united with the Cumberland Pres- l)yterians in the west side of the township in erecting a house of worship, about 1852 or 1853, and -with them occupied it, alternately, until 1866, the centen- nial year of American Methodism, when they completed their present house of worship, situated near the southwestern part of the township. It was dedicated April 29, 1866, when Rev. J. H. Aldrich was Pastor. The dedicatory sermon was preached by Rev. Dr. Phillips. The Church is known as the Muddy Point M. E. Church, from its location in the vicinity of that stream, and can trace its origin to the time the original Methodist Church at Wabash Point divided into three congregations, to suit the members, who were too widely scattered to attend there, and organized churches in their own neighborhoods. Almost cotemporary Avith the organization of the Muddy Point Church, one was formed in the "Goose-Nest Prairie." They, like all other infantile congregations, held meetings at first in each other's cabins. When the brick schoolhouse was built in Farmington, in 1853, they, with the Presbyterians, occupied that. Then, when this latter denomination built their church in the village, the Methodists aided them, and were, in consequence, allowed the use of their house of worship. This arrangement was continued until they built their own church, in 1866. They have a good congregation at present. The Cumberland Presbyterians organized their first Church at Muddy Point in 1833. It is known as the Good Prospect Church, and was organized by Rev. Isaac Hill. They met in dwellings and schoolhouses, at first, continuing the practice till 1864, when they completed their present house of worship. For several years prior to this time, they occupied a large schoolhouse, which answered every purpose. Their principal pastors have been Revs. Isaac Hill, Daniel Campbell, James Ashmore and J. W. Woods. The latter is now living HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 429 in Mattoon. The membership is now about eighty ; the Sunday school of about the same number. The second church of this denomination is the outgrowth of a great revival, occurring in 1837. Those who are now living and attended that revival will, doubtless, remember the powerful sermon preached by Rev. Mitchell, of Charles- ton, then expecting to go to China as a missionary. As the result of this revival, a large accession accrued to the Church ; and, in 1843, the second con- gregation, known as Pleasant Grove Church, was organized by Rev. J. W. Woods. Their first meetings were held in the houses of William •Gammill (who will be remembered as one of the early members in the Indian Point Presbyte- rian Church) and John Whetstone, and in a schoolhouse in the neighborhood. The principal members were those named and the families of Alfred Alexander, Michael Whetstone and C. J. Dexter. Their pastors have been Revs. Woods, Isaac Hill, James Ashmore and others. The membership is now about seventy, and the attendance at Sunday school about the same. Their house of worship was erected in 1856, and was used, occasionally, by the Methodists, who assisted in its erection. These two Churches and the Methodist Church are all in this part of the township. They evince a people religious in feeling. FARMINGTON. This village, the only one in the township, is situated on Section 16. It was laid out April 25, 1852, by Thomas Lytle, a surveyor, for John J. Adams, owner of the land on which it is situated. A post ofiice had existed for some time before this in this community, known as Campbell Post Office, as it was started by Frank Campbell, the first Postmaster here. ^I'he office at Farming- ton is yet known by that name. The village received its name from Mrs. Adams, who named it for Farmington, Tenn. There being one post office of that name in the State, when the village started, the Post Office Department refused to change the office name to correspond, hence it is yet known as Camp- bell's Post Office. Soon after the village was platted, Leander Burlingame built a house and store and opened a stock of goods. About the same time. Dr. Halbrooks and Samuel A. Reel erected a store and began business. Which of these two stores was first is hard to determine. It is probable they were erected at the same time and opened within a few days of each other. The post office was soon after moved into the village, a blacksmith named Gr. F. Biddle came, and the life of the village assumed tangibility. The next year the residents in this community, desirous of better educational advantages, erected a very good and substantial brick schoolhouse, intending it for seminary purposes. It was named Farmington Seminary, and, for a time, a very creditable school was maintained here. It also served as a place of public worship for the Meth- odists, who were numerous in this part of the township. It answered the double purpose of school and church until 1857, when the Presbyterians erected, with the aid of the Methodists, a neat frame house of worship in the western 430 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. part of town, and public religious services were thereafter held there. The advent of the free schools brought a better system of education, and the Seminary was abandoned, the building turned over to the school authorities of the town- ship, and common school held therein. After the village grew so that the building became too small, it was sold, changed into a store, and the present two-roomed house erected. The foregoing narrative shows the earliest attempts to found a church in the village : As early as 1835, the Methodist ministers were in this part of the county, organizing classes and laying the foundations for churches. Rev. McKee was one of the earliest remembered. Rev. Ryan, another early circuit- rider, organized a class of ten or twelve members in Goose-Nest Prairie, at George Rogers' house, not long after the settlement was made. They used each other's cabins at first, then the log schoolhouses, next the brick seminary, then the Presbyterian Church they assisted in building, which they occupied until they completed their own house of worship in 1866. It is a comfortable, neat frame church and accommodates a good congregation. The history of the Presbyterian Church in the village need not be repeated here, as it is sufficiently given in the sketch of the churches in the township history. The Pastor of both charges — practically one congregation — resides in the village, preaching alternately in each church. The village is yet small, containing, perhaps, one hundred inhabitants. The tiouring-mill of Adams & Freeman, erected in 1866, by Harris & Crow, does a very fair business. It has only a local trade ; but it is constant and self-sup- porting. They can readily find a market for all they can grind above the wants of their customers. The post office, Larna, is kept by Mr. George B, Balch, who aided the rail- road in this section, and who makes a stopping-place at his house for the trains. It is a very convenient place for the neighborhood, and should be maintained, and a depot erected. Another stopping-place is made a few miles north, on the farm of Mr. Miller, from whom the place takes its name. No depot, office or platform is made here, however. We have now given in outline the history of Pleasant Grove Township. Its details would fill a volume. There would, however, be much repetition, Avhich we have found difficult to avoid, and which we trust we have accomplished. The biog- raphies of many of her citizens given elsewhere in these pages show much of the history which this volume perpetuates, and in away it only can be perpetuated. Had a similar work been published in the counties wherein we were raised, who would not prize it ? HUTTON TOWNSHIP. The township of Hutton forms an important part of the history of Coles County, inasmuch as the first settlement within its present limits by civilized white men was made in this township more than half a century ago. How HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 431 -many pages have been added to the history of the world in that period of time ! Empires, kingdoms, nations and principalities have been blotted out, and the remembrance of their glory has almost faded from the minds of men as the " waves of dark oblivion's sea sweep o'er them," scarcely leaving a trace to tell how, or when, or where they sunk. "Thrones tottering have fallen; crowns crumbling have disappeared;" ancient palaces, in whose spacious halls the " mightiest monarchs proudly trod,'' have been, as it were, swept from the very face of the earth. The storm of war has raged through our own fair land, con- vulsing the Republic from its " center to its circumference," and threatening for a time its total destruction. The tempest roared and howled with terrific force, then passed by, and the olive branch of peace bloomed over the nation fairer than ever. These are but a few of the mighty events that have transpired in the half-century gone by since the first settlement was made here by white people. Hutton Township lies in the southeast part of Coles County, and is bounded on the south and east by Cumberland and Clark Counties, on the north by Ash- more Township, and on the west by the Embarrass River. It is well drained by the latter stream, and the small water-courses that meander through it. At the time of the early settlement of Hutton, it contained much fine timber-land, though about half of the town, perhaps, is prairie. It is considerably above the size of a Congressional township, embracing within its limits some fifty-four sections of land. No railroads intersect it, but the Indianapolis & St. Louis Railroad passes in a few miles of its north line, and the Vandalia line a little south of it, so that its railroad facilities are not at all restricted. SETTLEMENT. As we stated above, the first settlement in the county was made in Hutton Township. In 1824, John Parker and his sons, Benjamin, Daniel, Silas and James Parker, and Samuel Kellogg and his wife, made a settlement here, and composed this first colony of pioneers in Hutton Township. But one of the little band of pilgrims is now alive — the widow of Samuel Kellogg, who lives at present in the city of Charleston. They settled on the Embarrass River, just opposite where the Blakeman Mills now stand. Some of the Parkers afterward settled in Charleston Township, where they are noticed among the early settlers of that section. Most of them moved to Texas years ago, as elsewhere men- tioned, and where two or three members of the family suffered severely by the Indians, two of them, at least, losing their lives.* A daughter of James Par- ker was taken prisoner by the savages, and held for some time in captivity, sub- jected to all kinds of cruelty. She was married to a man named Plummer, who was killed at the fort where the Parkers were living at the time she was capt- ured. During her captivity among the Indians, she gave birth to a child, which the savages killed before her eyes. Her father had a long search for her, *Since the above was written, we have been informed liy Mr. Hutton that John Parlier, the old gentleman, and two of his SODS, were killed by the Indians in Texas. A mention of the .sons being killed is made in the general county history. 432 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. visiting many of the tribes then in Texas before lie found her, but finally did find her, and succeeded in obtaining her release. John Parker (High Johnny, his friends called him) was a Baptist preacher, and one of the first in Coles County. lie was of the old Predestinarian belief, and many humorous anec- dotes are related at the old gentleman's expense. One or two of his sons were also preachers ; in fact, the Parkers seem to have been a family of preachers, and proclaimed the Word freely to perishing sinners. They ignored the doc- trine, although of divine origin, that "the laborer is worthy of his hire," and would accept no pay for the promulgation of the Gospel, but zealously toiled in the cause of the Master, without money and without price. Taken all in all, they were a remarkable family, and rather above the mediocre in intellect and ability. Daniel Parker, one of the sons, was a preacher, and perhaps the most intelligent one of the name. He represented Crawford County (before their removal to this county) in the Legislature a term or two, and was an able repre- sentative as well as preacher. It is told of him, that, although a minister of the Gospel, he would work all the week on his farm, and then take his gun on Sunday, and kill deer enough to furnish his family in meat until the next Sun- day. When some of the stricter people spoke to him in regard to such a ques- tionable way of serving the Lord, he told them if he ever got able to live with- out having to work so hard, and to have time to kill his meat in the week, he would cheerfully do it, but then it was a case of the boy and the woodchuck, "he had to." Daniel Parker is mentioned, in another page, as preaching the first sermon in Hutton Township, and Benjamin Parker as building the first mill. Another family of Parkers, and not related to those above mentioned, set- tled in this township in the winter of 1825-26, on what is called Parker Prairie, and from them the prairie received its name. George Parker and his sons, Samuel, Daniel, Jeptha and William Parker composed this settlement. They were originally from Butler County, Ohio, and removed to Crawford County, 111., in 1817, locating south of Palestine, where they remained until their settlement in this town, on Parker Prairie. Samuel Parker went back to Crawford Countv and died there, some of them died here, and Daniel and Jeptha are still living in the township, prominent farmers. George Parker is said to have entered the first land in Coles County. John Hutton, one of the esteemed citizens of this township, has, probably, been acquainted with Coles County longer than any man now living. There are older residents of the county than he, but none who knew it so early. He assisted the Parkers in moving to this township, in 1824, and spent several days in bee-hunting in the heavy-timbered sections. Says that he was on the ground where Charleston now stands during that trip, and that there is not another man living that can truthfully make the same statement — a fact that is, perhaps, undisputed. While here at that time, he heard the first sermon preached in the present territory ol Coles County. It was in a small log HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 433 cabin, and though every man, woman and child in the county were present, the house, he says, was by no means crowded.. Daniel Parker preached the sermon, and, at its close, old "Father High Johnny " made the quaint remark quoted in another page : " Brethren, we have wandered far into the wilderness, but even here death will find us." When Mr. Hutton started back home (he then lived in Crawford County), he took a straight course through the forests and across the prairies to save dis- tance, as around the trail was much further. He had an ox-team, with which he had hauled a load of " plunder " for the Parkers to their new home, and trav- eled very slowly ; consequently, was several days making the trip. When night came, he would tie up his cattle, and ''camp till morning." One night, a panther " squalled and screamed " around his lonely camp for an hour or two, frightening his oxen considerably, and himself somewhat ; but, as he kept up a bright fire, it finally retired without making an attack. Notwithstanding he traveled through the unbroken country, where no trail had been marked, he made the trip in safety, and without the least bewilderment. So well-skilled were the pioneers in woodcraft, that they read signs in the forest like a printed book, and the very bark of the trees was to them the points of the compass. Mr. Hutton is a native of Montgomery County, Ky., and came to Illinois, with his parents, when quite young, and settled in Crawford County, in 1816, where he remained until 1834, when he removed to Hutton Township, where he has since lived. His mother came here with him, his father having died in. Crawford County. He was a soldier in the Black Hawk war, from the latter- named county, and went out in the company commanded by Capt. Alexander Huston, long a resident of Palestine. He was one of the few "pale-faces" who crossed the Mississippi after the Indians in that memorable campaign. He has always been a prominent and enterprising man in his neighborhood ; was one of the Commissioners to lay off the county into townships, and was the first Supervisor of Hutton Township, an office beheld three terms in succession, and from him the town received its name. He was a great fox-hunter, in his day, and many are the stories he can tell of his exciting chases after Reynard. He kept a pack of hounds for the purpose, and a fox-chase was his most enjoy- able pastime. Though in his seventy-ninth year, Mr. Hutton has an excellent memory, and is enjoying fine health for his advanced age. To his vivid recol- lection we are indebted for many particulars that, but for him, would ere now have been lost. Kentucky contributed the following early settlers to Hutton Township: The Conleys, the Rennelses, Richard 0. Wells, the Beavers, the Branden- burgs, George and John J. Cottingham, the Goodmans, the Evingers, William Stivers, and perhaps others. The Conleys emigrated to Indiana, and lived some time in Lawrence County before coming to Illinois. Joel Conley, the father of all the Conleys, was a North Carolinian, but removed to Kentucky, and from thence to Indiana, and in 1832, to this township. He died on the 434 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. farm where his son, Edmond Conley, now lives. His son, Jack Conley, went to Texas, and William to California, where they died. Edmond, Elijah and Washington Conley still live in Hutton Township, and are among the prosper- ous and energetic men of the community. The Rennelses came from Madison County, and located in what is known as the Rennels Settlement, a mile or two from the little village of Salisbury. James Rennels was the first one to settle in the township, locating on Section 32, in 1832, where he has ever since resided. John Rennels, his father, came to the township in 1837, and settled near by, where he died in 1866, at the ripe old age of eighty-five years. He was a native of the State of Delaware, and emigrated to Kentucky at an early day, when the Indians were extremely hostile, and committing all sorts of depredations in the "dark and bloody ground." William Rennels, another son, moved here at the same time his father came, and settled on the place where he still lives. The Rennels family is a large one, and embraces some of the thrifty farmers of the country. Richard 0. Wells was from Bourbon County, and settled in Hutton Township in 1838. He remained here but a few years, when he returned to Kentucky, and resided there until 1853, and moved back to this township and settled where he now lives. F. M. Wells, a son of his, enlisted in Company H, Twenty-first Illinois Volunteers, and died in 1865, on his way home from the war. It is a melancholy reflection. He had served through the war and the banner of peace again waved over the country, but he died before reaching home, where loved ones anxiously awaited his coming. The Beavers are natives of the Old Dominion, but emigrated to Kentucky when it was in a wild state, and the hunting-grounds of hostile Indians. William Beaver came to Illinois in 1827, and settled in the Rich Woods, in the present bounds of Clark County, where he remained until 1830, when he came to this township and entered the land upon which he now lives. For forty-nine years he has been living on the same farm — a lifetime of itself. When he came to this State, the land was owned by the Kickapoo Indians, who were thick in the neighborhood. He remembers when cutting some "bee trees" at Long Point, of seeing the runners sent out by Black Hawk to sum- mon the Indians to the grand powwow, of Avhich the Black Hawk or Sac war was the final result. Mr. Beaver is over eighty years old, is remarkably active, and seemingly good for another decade. Mathias Beaver came from Meade County, and settled in Hutton in 1833, where he still resides, an enter- prising farmer. Albert Beaver was a soldier in the Fifty- fourth Illinois Vol- unteers in the late war, but was discharged on account of ill-health. Solomon Brandenburg, the progenitor of the Brandenburg family, came to this toAvnship in 1829, and settled on Section 14, where he died in 1861. He first settled at White Oak Point, on Grand Prairie, but did not remain there 'long until he removed to Hutton, as above noted. Among the worthy farmers and citizens of the town, are his sons, James, William, Solomon, Calvin and Charles Bran- denburg. George Cottingham was originally from Maryland, but a\ nit to HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 435 Kentucky in the early times. In 1836, he, with his family, removed to Illi- nois and settled in this neighborhood, where he resided until 1859, when he came to Charleston to live with his son. He was a soldier of the Revolution- ary war. and of the war of 1812. In the former he served under Uen. Wash- ington, and professed to have been well acquainted with the Father of his country, and for years made Gen. Washington's shoes and boots. He had a strong desire to live to vote for Stephen A. Douglas, for President in 1860, and claimed to have voted for every President from Washington down. What a history. How many changes he had seen in the country he had fought to free it from British oppression. From the thirteen feeble colonies, he had seen it expand into nearly three times that number, of great and prosperous States. He died soon after the Presidential election of 1860, at the extreme age of one hundred years. John J. Cottingham, his son, came to Hutton Township in 1836, having first settled in Clark County, where he remained but a short time. He removed to the city of Charleston, in 1859, and died there in 1863. There are still many younger members of the family living in the township, and Mrs. Hutton, John Hutton's wife, is a daughter of the elder Cottingham, mentioned above. The Goodman family came from Putnam County, Ind., though originally they were from Kentucky. William Goodman died on the way here, and John and Thomas Goodman settled in the town very early. John Goodman is dead, but Thomas is still living. He is a minister and lives in Charleston. The Evingers were among the early settlers here, and came from the vicinity of Louisville. Of those who were prominent men in the township, were Daniel, Jacob, Henry and Frederick Evinger. There is a large family of them, and they are of the Very best men in the neighborhood. William Stivers came here about 1829-30. He had " run off from Kentucky and left his woman," is the way old friend Beaver put it, and she followed him to this country and took charge of him " whether or no." He was a si ey maker (we do not mean a vehicle on runners, but an "implement " used by our mothers and grandmothers for weaving cloth) and used to manufacture these useful articles, when the pioneer ladies were accustomed to make the cloth whereAvith their families were clothed. Forty or fifty years ago, the people in this country (male and female) wore few "store clothes," but were thankful to have sufficient, even of homespun, to keep them warm. As pertinent to the subject, and in illustration of the times of which we write, we give space to a little poem from the bard of Pleasant Grove : " I have been charmed by the sweet-sounding lute, Oft been entranced by the organ and flute ; These things I heard, but the music I feel Is the far- oiF roar of my mother's wheel, As with midnight lamp by its side she stood. Still spinning the yarn to clotlie her dear brood. •'Its echoes still float up through the long years, To solace my heart and sweeten my tears ; 436 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. And as down life's stream my little bark sails, Sweet sounds may often be borne on the gales ; But sweeter by far, on my soul will steal, My childhood's music — my dear mother's wheel." There are many living in Coles County who will recognize the truth of these simple lines, and doubtless when they read them, memory will roll back over the years that have past, to kindred scenes in their own childhood homes. John Ashby was a native of North Carolina, but had lived some time in Tennessee before emigrating to Illinois. When he came to this State, he set- tled in Crawford County, near Palestine, where he remained a few years, and then came to this township about 1828-29. He was a blacksmith, the first of that useful trade in the town ; he died here many years ago. Another old North Carolinian is Jeremiah Cooper. He came to the township in 1837, and is the oldest man now in it, and perhaps the oldest in the county, being in his ninety-fifth year. Nicholas Lemming is eighty-eight years old. He is a native of Pennsylvania, and in early days emigrated to Ohio, then to Indiana, and from thence to Crawford County, 111., where he remained a short time, and, in 1835, removed to Hutton Township, where he still lives, quite an active man of his age. Grifiin Tipsoward was an early settler in this township, but after a residence of a few years, moved to the neighborhood of Kaskaskia. He was an old sol- dier of the Revolutionary war, and made application for a pension under a law of Congress passed in 1832, On the early records of the County Court we find the following declaration : State of Illinois, 1^ p_ jggg^ Coles County, j On the ir)th day of October, personally appeared in open court before Isaac Lewis and James S. Martin, County Commissioners for the County of Coles, in the State of Illinois, now sitting, and constituting said County Commissioners' Court, Griffin Tipsoward, a citizen of the United States of America, in the County of Coles and State of Illinois, aged 77 years, who, being first duly sworn according to law, doth on his oath make the following declaration, in order to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress passed June 7th, 1832: That he entered the service of the United States as a Revolutionary soldier under the following-named officers, and served as herein stated, viz.: In General Rutherford's Brigade, Colonel McKatty's Regiment, Major Horn's Bat- talion and Captain Grimes' Company ; that he entered the service about the 18th of July, 1775, and was discharged by General Washington at the close of the war, which discharge was sunk in the Ohio River. That he was in the engagement at the battle of Eutaw Springs, under General Greene, Col. McKatty, Major Horn and Captain Grimes ; that he was in the battle of King's Mountain, under Col. Slielby ; that he was in the battle of Charleston, under Col. McKatty and Capt. McGwire; that he was iu the battle of Cross Creek, under General Gates, Col. McKatty and Capt. McGwire ; that he was in the battle of Hawe River, commanded by Genl. Greene, Col. Chamberlain, Major Peat and Capt. John Galloway. He states that he was here wounded by a musket-shot from the enemy's gun. That he marched first after leaving North Carolina into the State of Virginia; that he was at the surrender of Lord Cornwallis, under General Washington, Col. McKatty and Capt. McGwire. That he lived in the County of Roan and State of North Carolina, when he entered the service ; that he was first drafted for three months ; he then, at the end of the three months, volunteered, and was enlisted during the war. That he was born in the State of Pennsylvania, near the Susquehanna River, in the year of our Lord 176o ; that he HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 437 has no record of his age that he knows of. That he moved to Kentucky the second year after the expiration of the war; that he settled in the neighborhood of Boonesborough, where he resided until he moved to the Territory of Illinois, in which Territory and State he has resided about twenty years. That he now resides in Coles County and State of Illinois ; that he supposes his name will be easily found on the Continental Rolls. He hereby relinquishes all claims what, ever to a pension or annuity, except the present, and declares that his name is not on the pension-roll of the agency of any State. Sworn to and subscribed the day and year aforesaid. nia Griffin X Tipsoward. mark The truth of this declaration is attested to by John Parker and Joseph Painter, Revolutionary soldiers themselves, and who file similar declarations on their own behalf. The honesty and respectability of the petitioner is also attested by another certificate from John Parker, " a minister of the Gospel," and James Nees, after which is a certificate from the County Commissioners, stating that they believe the "foregoing declaration to be true, and that the said GriflSn Tipsoward was a Revolutionary soldier and served as therein stated," and recommended that the pension applied for be paid him. Stephen Sargent was originally from New Hampshire, but removed to Ken- tucky when that State was in its infancy. He came to Illinois in 1836, to Hutton Township in 1838, and settled on Section 11, where he resided until his death in 1878. Stephen Stone was originally from Virginia, and was one of the very early settlers of this town. He died here many years ago. Reddick Cartwright, a relative of the famous pioneer preacher, Peter Cartwright, came to this section about 1827-28. He was from Tennessee, and is long since dead. John Wilkerson, John Walker and Hugh Doyle were among the early settlers. Where Wilkerson came from is not remembered ; he removed to Texas a good many years ago. Walker was from Indiana here, and died long ago. Doyle came here from Crawford County, and moved to Missouri, where he died. Andrew Endsley came from Ohio in 1838, and settled near the present village of Salisbury, where he died. A son, Andrew Endsley, Jr., is still living in the neighborhood, one of the prosperous farmers of the country. Charles Harris was one of the early settlers of Hutton Township. He was originally from Kentucky, but had been living in the south part of the State for some time before coming to this section. Charles R. Martin came to Hut- ton in 1837, and is from Kentucky. He has a clock, one of the old-timers, that extends from the floor to the ceiling, that has been keeping time for ninety years. David Weaver, one of the pioneers of this township, and who has passed to his reward since we began our work of compiling the history of the county, was a native of North Carolina. In an early day, his father having determined to emigrate to the West, packed his earthly all into a wagon, crossed the Alle- ghanies and continued the journey until he reached Lawrence County, Ind. Here he located, and, in 1833, David and a brother came to Coles County. David Weaver settled in the eastern part of what is now Hutton Township. He is represented as an energetic and public-spirited man, joining heartily in 438 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. whatever was calculated to promote the interests of the country. He appears to have been of a rather restless disposition, and not contented long in one place. He entered land, bought land, and would locate, plant an orchard, and, in a few years, remove to another location. At one time, he, with two others, owned a saw-mill in what was called " String Town," and, a few years later, he and George Oliver had a saw-mill on the west bank of the Embarrass River. The following story is told of his attempt to take a flatboat out of the Embarrass River : " During the winter, he built the boat, upon the bank of the river, loaded it with hoop-poles and waited for the spring rain to raise the river. Finally, the anxiously-expected freshet came, and his boat floated down the raging stream. All went well until it reached Newton, the county seat of Jasper County, when it became unmanageable, drifted from the main channel, struck a snag, and became a total wreck." The following extract is from an obituary notice in the Charleston Plaindealer : '' While it is true that he has gone to the land 'from whose bourn no traveler returns,' yet, he is, and will long be remembered, 'by the word he has spoken, the things he has done.' There has, perhaps, been none other of Coles County's pioneers, who did more for the benefit of the county, during its infancy, than Mr. Weaver. Beside fur- nishing the county with many orchards, he did many other things for its advance- ment. He aided in surveying and clearing out the Charleston and Westfield road, took an active part in the business of the county, and truly, made him- self a necessity to the people in their time of need. By trade, he was a car- penter. As a neighbor, he was kind and generous, always ready to lend a helping hand. He died at his residence in Hutton Township, February 6, 1879, leaving his aged companion to mourn his loss." William Waldruflf and Anthony Cox settled in the town in 1828, on the Parker Prairie. Anthony Cox, Jr., was a soldier in Company K, One Hundred and Twenty-third Illinois Volunteers, and was killed in the battle of Perry- ville, October 8, 1862. Jonathan Parker, of Company F, same regiment, was killed in same battle. James Nees, Charles Miller and William Cook settled in the southern part of the township, near the present village of " Dog Town." Joseph Painter* settled in the neighborhood soon after. He, too, was a Revolu- tionary soldier, and made application for a pension under act of Congress of 1832. This concludes the early settlers of Hutton Township, together with the time of their settlement, so far as we have been able to learn them. There are, doubtless, many omissions, but, after tlie lapse of all these years, and with the fact that so few of the pioneers are still living, it is not at all strange that names are overlooked that are deserving of record in these pages. EARLY HISTORY. When the first white people came to this township, the whole country, north and west, was an almost unbroken wilderness, in possession of the aborigines. * Joseph Painter was a Revolutionary soldier, and filed a declaration in the. County Commissioners' Court, apply- ing for a pension, similar to that of Tipsoward, given in this chapter. HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 439 Wild beasts, and men as wild and savage as they, roamed through it at will, its undisputed masters. There are a few still living in Hutton Township who knew it fifty years ago, who have known it ever since. They remember the "pole cabins " put up by the early settlers as temporary shelters from the fury of the elements ; they remember the cabins built of logs split open, " to make them go further ;" the puncheon floors, with cracks large enough for a child to fall through ; the yawning fire-place and the chimney built of sticks and " cats and clay." They, too, remember the old Gary and barshare plows, the slow- going oxen, the " scythe and cradle " and the wooden-tooth harrow. And they remember the time when they went to the Sangamon and Wabash Rivers to mill, spending a week on the trip, and the time when they pounded their corn in a block, sifted it, made bread of the finest and hominy of the coarser meal. They have seen the wilderness they first knew develop into as fine and pros- perous a country as the sun shines on. The first mill in Hutton Township was built by Benjamin Parker in 1824-25, on the Embarrass River, opposite where the Blakeman Mills now stand. This was supposed to be, as it is, an excellent mill-site, and thus attracted attention at an early day. Before Parker built his mill here, which was completed and commenced operation in the latter part of 1825, the few people then in the community used to go to the Sangamon River to mill, and to the Wabash, near Vincennes. Parker sold this mill to a man named Shaw, and, after operating it for a time, Shaw sold it to Norfolk & Baker, of Charleston. They moved it across the river, to the spot where the Blakeman Mills stand, and where they, later, erected the elegant mills now owned by Blakeman. These famous mills consist of a large frame building, to which there has been added a large brick struct- ure, making altogether quite a huge pile of buildings. Several runs of buhrs are kept pretty busily in motion to supply the trade. A circular-saw mill has been added, which does a large business in lumber. The first blacksmith in Hutton was John Ashby, mentioned as one of the early settlers, who came here from North Carolina, and opened a shop about 1827-28, not far from the present village of Salisbury. He kept a shop here many years, and finally died in the neighborhood. The first orchard planted in the township was by David Weaver, about 1834-35, on what is now known as the Smoot farm. Previous to this effort at fruit-culture, the people had to content themselves with " sour grapes." Who sold the first goods in the settlement it is hard to say, at the present time, but a little store in " String Town" was perhaps the first. The first man who administered to the ills of the body was James Hite, long a resident of Ashmore Township. He was not a regular physician, but being a man of considerable intelligence and some knowledge of the science of medicine, he could handle the ague and bilious fever pretty successfully, and in such cases did a great deal of gratuitous prac- tice. Dr. Ferguson, of Charleston, was the first regular physician who practiced in the community, and for many years visited the sick of Hutton Township. 440 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. The first bridge in this township was built across the Embarrass River at the Blakeman Mills, but just what year is not now remembered. It was a wooden structure, and served for a number of years, and becoming useless was replaced with another of its kind, which, in turn, was finally super- seded by the splendid iron bridge now spanning the river at this point. Mr. Hutton was the first person who crossed this iron bridge. Going to Charleston on business one day, the workmen told him they would have the new bridge ready for him to cross on as he came back. As he returned home, the floor not being quite finished, they laid down loose plank so that he could cross over. Joel Conley and James Gill (the latter now living in Cumberland County) were the first Justices of the Peace in Hutton Township. When the county adopted township organization, in 1859-60, John Hutton was the first Super- visor, and held the office for three terms, successively, and James Rennels was the first Town Clerk. At present, the township officers are as follows, viz. : W. R. Cox, Supervisor ; A. B. Tucker and W. D. Merritt, Justices of the Peace, and Frederick E. Cottingham, Town Clerk. RELIGIOUS AND EDUCATIONAL. In our meanderings, we discovered nine church-buildings ; how many others are nestled among the hills of Hutton, we are unable to say. Since that first ser- mon was preached by Daniel Parker, on the banks of the Embarrass, fifty yearsago, the Gospel has spread in this region proportionately with everything else. The town has three Christian Churches, two United Brethren, two " Separate "' Baptist, one Missionary Baptist, and one Methodist Episcopal Church. The latter church was built in 1870, and is located within a few rods of Mr. Hut- ton's residence. It is a modern frame building, and has a large and flourishing congregation ; Rev. Mr. Burks is Pastor. The first of the Christian Churches was built at " String Town," about 1836-37, and was a little log building. Before its erection, they held their religious services in the " Hickory " schoolhouse, so called from being built of hickory logs. After using their log church for a number of years, they replaced it with a substantial brick. We do not know if this house was built upon the sand, but were told that; the "winds blew and the floods came and beat upon that house, and it fell." In May, 1876, it was blown down to the floor, during a severe storm. Since then, a handsome frame structure has been built on the old brick foundation. This Church has a large membership, of which Rev. Mr. Young is the spiritual adviser. Northeast of Salisbury, is another Christian Church, a brick building, and, west of it, is also a Christian Church. North of Salisbury, is a United Brethren Church, and southeast of the little village, three and a half miles, is another of the same denomination. Both of these churches are in the bounds of the same circuit, and Rev. Mr. I HISTORY OF COLES COUIJTY. 441 Collins is the Pastor of both. The first church erected in the township was by the United Brethren, just across the line from Westfield, and was a large frame. It is still standing, but, since the building of the church at Westfield, has been evacuated, and is not used now. There is quite an extensive burying-ground at it, where sleep many of the Hutton pioneers. About three-fourths of a mile west of Mr. Button's is what is called a " Separate" Baptist Church, and was built in 1857 or 1858. It is a substan- tial frame building. Rev. Mr. Turner is Pastor of it. A very pretty little ceme- tery, studded with white marble slabs, is adjacent to this church. Two miles south of Hutton post office is the Missionary Baptist Church, of which Rev. Mr. Thornton is Pastor : and, a mile or two north of the Hutton post office, is another church of the " Separate" Baptists. One of the very early preachers of this town, and the first who ever preached on the " Hurricane" waters, was Rev. Stanley Walker. He was a Hardshell Baptist, but finally joined the "Separate" Baptists. In the village of Diona, just on the line between this county and Cumberland, is a church of the United Brethren and Cumberland Presbyterians. As to who taught the first school in the township, there is some doubt. One of the first remembered, however, was taught by a man named Ellis ; but whether it was the first of all, cannot be ascertained now. The house in which it was taught was a small log cabin, of the style usually devoted to school purposes in the early times. The town, at the present day, is well supplied with good comfortable schoolhouses, and excellent schools are maintained dur- ing the school-term. No township in the county has more extensive school facilities than Hutton. The first death in Hutton Township was a Mrs. Whitten, the wife of a millwright who was engaged on the Parker Mill, and was the first death in Coles County as well as in Hutton Township. Her death occurred in 1825, and she was buried on the bluff, a few hundred yards east of the mill. The first marriage in the town is lost in the mists of antiquity, and the first birth involved in some doubt. A birth occurred in the family of William Beaver, soon after his settlement here, but whether the first in the neighborhood is not known. POLITICS AND PATRIOTISM. Hutton Township has always been a Democratic town. In the days when it was a voting precinct, and Whigs and Democrats the prevailing parties, it voted for Gen. Jackson. It is Democratic now by from fifty to one hundred votes. In patriotism, Hutton ranks with any town in the county. It has has always had its heroes in the way of old soldiers. There were John John Parker, Griffin Tipsoward, George Cottingham and Joseph Painter, who faced the legions of King George in our struggle for Independence. Among the heroes of 1812, are George Cottingham, John Scott and Nicholas Lemming, and John Hutton, of the Black Hawk war. In the late war, Hut- 442 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. ton Township was ably represented. When the tocsin of war sounded through the land, her sturdy sons left " The plow in the mid-furrow stayed," and, seizing their " target and claymore," marched for the front. Hutton kept ahead of all the calls of the Government, furnishing her full complement, even before called for. She never had a draft, and could have stood another call without being subjected to one. Several of her sons never returned ; their dust mingles with that of the far-oflf battle-fields where they fell, " victims to atone the war." Peace to their ashes, and lightly may the clods rest upon them. THE VILLAGES. Salisbury or Hutton is located on Section 9, and has scarcely attained to the dignity of a village, being nothing more than a cluster of a dozen or two houses. It is, however, an old place, having been laid out as a village December 28, 1837, and, no doubt, at some remote period of its existence, entertained lofty aspirations of becoming a place of magnitude. But railroads passing within a dozen miles of it, have forever blasted these bright anticipations. It was laid out by George K. Harris and John Hulin. The place was first called Stewart, but when a post office was obtained, there was found " another Rich- mond in the field," otherwise a post ofiice already of that name, and this then was called Ashby. But this name being so similar to Ashley, the "wrong mail frequently went to the wrong place." The little town by this time had assumed so much importance that one name was found to be insufficient, and so matters were compromised by calling the post ofiice Hutton and the town Salisbury, for Salisbury, N. C, the native place of Mr. Hulin, one of the pro- prietors of the place. A man named Gilbert built the first house in Salisbury, or Saulsbury as the people call it, and he and a man named Bartness kept the first store. Who kept the post office first, is not now remembered, but it is supposed to have been kept by one of the last-named gentlemen. The present Postmaster is Dr. J. S. Garner, who was First Lieutenant of Company K, Forty-eighth Regiment Kentucky Volunteers, during the late war. Salisbury has no churches or schoolhouses within its corporate limits, but it is surrounded by both just outside of its "embattled walls." It has a Masonic Lodge — Hutton Lodge, No. 698 — which was organized in 1872. The first officers were: George Bidle, Worshipful Master; C. P. Rosencrans, Senior Warden ; John A. Stull, Junior Warden; C. Fuqua, Treasurer; Allen Hill, Secretary ; S. S. Bills, Senior Deacon ; F. E. Cottingham, Junior Deacon, and Owen Wiley Tiler. The present officers are : A. N. Rosencrans, Worshipful Master ; John A. Stull, Senior Warden ; J. B. Lee, Junior Warden ; T. A. Bensley, Treas- urer, and F. E. Cottingham, Secretary, with between fifty and seventy members. The business of Hutton is as follows : One store, Endsley & Co. ; one millinery store, Mrs. Sarah McDonald ; three blacksmith-shops, two with wood- HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 443- shops added ; one physician, Dr. J. S. Garner, and Postmaster ; one Justice of Peace, A. B. Tucker, and one Masonic Lodge. The village of Diona, usually called by the poetic name of " Dog Town," in point of population is about the equal of Salisbury. Small as it is, however, one county is not large enough to hold it, and it is located about equally in Coles and Cumberland Counties. It is divided into four wards by the county line, and the Congressional township line, the latter running through it from north to south, and the county line from east to west. Diona has never been laid out as a village, but is merely an accidental collection of houses, as it were, with a store or two, a post office, shops, etc. Nicholas McMorris is Post- master. He lives in Cumberland County, but his store and post office are in Coles County. Matthews & Fulkerson also have a store here, and there is a Church of the United Brethren and Cumberland Presbyterians, as elsewhere stated. "String Town " is merely a nickname given to a rather thickly-settled neighborhood, on account of several mechanic-shops, a saw- mill, a church and a little store formerly kept here. Thomas Goodman kept a store here at one time, also a man of the name of Peppers. But all is past, and the glory of String Town has departed. There is nothing left but the church and one or two residences to tell where erst " String Town " stood. EAST OAKLAND TOWNSHIP. . In a country like ours, the department of history can claim to chronicle no mighty events, nor relate any of those local traditions that make many countries of the Old World so famous in story and song, yet they serve the purpose of directing attention to the rise, progress and present standing of places, which may fairly claim in the future what has made others great in the past. With these lines of preface, we will say a few words of the boundary and topography of one of the finest sections of Coles County. Oakland Township, or East Oakland, as it is called, lies in the northeast corner of the county ; bounded on the north and east by Douglas and Edgar Counties on the south by Ashmore Township, and on the west by Embarrass River. It is a little more than a full Congressional township, being seven sec- tions from north to south, and six full sections wide in the narrowest place, while in some of the bends of the river it extends in nearly a section deeper. Brush Creek is the principal stream aside from the Embarrass River, but the land does not need additional drainage. The town contained, originally, much fine timber, of all the different varieties common in this portion of the State, and, although a great deal of it has been consumed, there is still left enough for all practical purposes. The Illinois Midland Railway passes through the north part of the town, from east to west, and has added much to the impor- tance of this section of the county. The village of Oakland is a thriving place of four or five hundred inhabitants, and will be more fully described further on. 444 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. THE SETTLEMENT. The first white settler in this vicinity, is supposed to have been Samuel Ashmore. He came to this immediate neighborhood in 1829, though his first settlement was in what is now Douglas County, but included for years in Coles County. He settled on what was known as the Laughlin farm, and now owned ty Andrew Gwinn. Here he remained but a couple of years, when he removed to the present limits of Oakland Township. He was from the State of Tennes- see, and was Captain under Gen. Jackson in the war against the Creek Indi- ans, and in the battle of New Orleans, and always retained the warmest vener- ation for " Old Hickory. When he removed to this section, three of his sons — Clayborne, at the time married, and George W. and Madison, single — came with him. At the time of Mr. Ashmore's location here, Paris and Grand View were the nearest settlements to him. From the Oakland Herald we make the following extract : " Resolving to leave Tennessee, whose chattel-slavery he thoroughly detested, with his brothers William, James and Amos, and all their families, he came to the Wabash country. Here he soon fell into the chronic frontier style of life, common to-day as it was then. First to make an improve- ment and next to make a sale, and, when that is made, go to chopping upon another claim. If it be true that a rolling stone gathers no moss, it is apparent that the tramp-farmer is a failure. By the help of his sons, he opened a farm near Darwin, cleared oif one hundred acres of bottom timber, built a two-story house and several stables and out-houses; after that, he sold the whole ' caboodle ' to his son-in-law for $600, in order to get to the Embarrass country. * * * Having succeeded in selling his first location to Mr. Laughlin, Mr. Ashmore moved down to Hoge's Branch, where most of his sons and sons- in-law had by this time settled; he commenced work on what is now known as the Barbour farm. Here, after filling the office of Justice of the Peace, he died in 1838 ; aged, as his tombstone states, sixty years." Mr. Ashmore, as stated, had several sons, who settled in this section at an early day. Some of them came with him, and others a few years later. In 1831, James and Hez- ekiah Ashmore settled in the neighborhood. These were his sons, and the latter, after remaining here a short time, removed to Ashmore Township, where he is more fully noticed. Samuel Hoge, a son-in-law of Samuel Ashmore, settled here also in 1831. James Black, another son-in-law, came at the same time. They are long since dead. Stanton Pemberton came in the fall of 1831. He was from Washington County, Va. The Herald, which published some reminiscences* a year or two ago, says of the Pembertons : " Mr. Pemberton was not healthy, and lived but a few years. His widow continued with us till 1854, and lies buried in the upper grave-yard. She was remarkable for three things — her candor, her good cooking and her genuine hospitality. Her son, Alfred D. Pemberton, still lives '■■These reminiscences were published during the summer of 1877, aud contain much pertaining to the early history of this section. Uence we shall make frequent extracts from them. HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 445 on the old place, and ' Uncle Jack,' as the children call him, continues with us in the village — a well-preserved specimen of the olden time." Two sons of Mr. Pemberton, A. D. and J. J. Pemberton, and two daughters, are still living in the neighborhood where they located nearly fifty years ago. John King came from Tennessee in 1832, and may be reckoned among the early settlers. He moved to Iowa, where he still lived at last accounts of him. In 1830, James Reddin and Eli Sargent settled in Oakland Township. Reddin built a horse-mill, the first institution of its kind in the country, and one of great convenience to the scattered pioneers. His descendants still own the land upon which he settled so long ago. Sargent was from Ohio, and located adjoining Mr. Ashmore. He is said to have been a man of considerable wealth, and entered several hundred acres of land. " He, too, brought with him his sons and daughters. The latter made the journey on horse-back, and had a gay old time riding through the wilderness. The world was not so wide then as it is now, and he and Mr. Ashmore soon discovered an incompatibility of temperament, which the narrow bounds of the country aggravated exceed- ingly."* Mr. Sargent was not a healthy man, and suffered long and severely. He died in 1834, and, says the Herald^ referring to his death, " of his family there survive his daughter, Mrs. Guinn, and his stepdaughter, Mrs. Sargent, of this village, who have the honor, we believe, to be the only ones who remain with us of the immigration of 1830." We make no excuse for the following lengthy extracts from these reminiscences. Referring to a pioneer family, it is of interest as a part of the early history of the country. " After Mr. Sargent's death, his widow bought the Samuel Hoge farm, and with her son, John L. Berry, and her daughter Rachel, made her home there, where she died in April 1847, in her sixtieth year. Afflicted with asthma, she was an inveterate smoker, of course, but possessed uncommon business capacity. Mounted on ' Old Ned,' in rain or sunshine, day or night, she attended all calls upon her pro- fessional services, and in this particular alone was an exceedingly useful person. Ned was a favorite — a large, brown, pacing horse, which she had reared from a colt. Within the thirty years of his life, he had carried her everywhere that she went ; three times from the Embarrass to the Scioto. He survived his mistress a year. Reared in Kentucky, Mrs. Berry had been left a widow, with poverty and several young children for an inheritance. Her effects then con- sisted of twenty acres of ground, her horse, Ned, a slave woman and her chil- dren. Sickness came, bread became scarce and the wolf looked in at the door. The slave woman and the horse did the farming, and had it not been for the woman and the horse, her family would have come to absolute want. When she married Mr. Sargent (who was a rich man), she went with him to Ohio, taking Ned and two of the five children of the colored woman. To her she left the land, who, after a trial of eighteen months, left it and went as a cook to a hotel in Louisville. Here she died, and Mrs. Sargent had her other three chil- *Oakland Herald. 446 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. dren sent to Ohio, and ultimately brought them all to this country. Her most judicious advisers, including her husband, had urged her to sell them, to put them in her pocket, etc., and showed her the 'black laws ' of Illinois and all the difficulties of the situation. But no, the memory ot that woman and horse toiling in the sun, to raise bread for her and her children when she lay sick and prostrate, was not to be overcome. Worldly woman as she was, she possessed a determined will, and she decided never to sell them. * * * Mrs. Sargent was a woman of limited education, and knew nothing about the abstract doctrine of human rights. She was a Baptist, and neither knew nor cared, perhaps, for Wesley's opinion on the 'sum of all villainies,' and of Abolitionism, she concurred in the then common opinion, that its advocates were thieves of a hideous character. What was it that caused her to withstand the pressure of interest ? Was it gratitude, or was it instinct, or was it both ? Thirty years have passed away, but it seems to us as but yesterday that we saw her sitting by her great fire-place, indulging in her pipe, with death awaiting at her elbow ; a picture of stoical calm, which we have never seen equaled within our threescore years of time." Another of the early settlers in this township, and who deserves more than a mere passing notice, was Thomas Affleck. He came from the "lowlands " of Scotland in 1832, and first settled on the Wabash, near Clinton, but came to this settlement in 1836. His wife is said to have been a most amiable woman, and died in 1840. Mr. Affleck is spoken of as a fine violinist, and spent much time in exercising on the sweet and pathetic airs of " Bonnie Scotia." Says one : " His rendering of ' Roy's Wife of Aldivalloch ' was such as none but a native Scot could equal. With his chin pressed down upon his fiddle, his large head and great staring eyes above, together with his powerful voice, he repeated and practiced the music of his native land." He was a model farmer and spent much time and labor in looking after his farm, digging ditches and otherwise improving it. He had once been a grocer in Dumfries, Scotland, his native place, and though long out of the business when he came to this country, it is said he was almost unequaled in putting up packages of goods, and could put up more coffee, sugar or pepper in a paper than any merchant in Oakland. And that when he had completed a job of this kind, the form of the package and the turns of the wrapping thread would be very artistic. He was quite a hunter, and when he wanted game he would " harness " up a yoke of cattle to his sleigh and strike out for the hunting-grounds, where, turning his cattle loose to feed, he would sit and wait and Avatch for his game, and would rarely miss a single shot in bringing it down. He was a great mechanical genius, and on this point a Dr. Pease, an amateur phrenologist, found his head on measure- ment to be twenty-four inches in circumference — equal to a No. 9 hat — and his " bump of mechanics" the largest he had ever examined. Referring to his mechanical genius, the reminiscences published in the Herald, from which we have already quoted extensively, say : " One of these was a mode of HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 447 sandbars and deepening the outlet channels of rivers and harbors. This proc- ess, as he often described it to us, was very similar to the jetty system now used by Capt. Eads at the mouth of the Mississippi. It consisted in first confining the water by the means of ballast and piling on each side of the desired channel. This means he held would, of itself, in time effect its purpose, but to hasten it on he next proceeded to drive in the channel, every eight or ten feet, iron piling. These iron piling consisted of two flat bars perforated with inch holes and joined at the points, but designed to be separated above by the distance of an inch or less. He next let down between the bars thus constructed, sections of boiler- iron, twenty or thirty feet long, to a point near the bottom, where it was secured by pins placed in the bars. Thus, when the work was completed, it somewhat resembled the lower board of a plank fence, and the water forced underneath was expected to tear out a channel. This, in brief, is an outline of his idea. He claimed that he had successfully applied it on the Clyde, and in other har- bors in Scotland, and had presented his project and claims to the Board of Admiralty. Of Sir James Graham, the then head of the Board, he spoke with his characteristic bitterness, and, being in lack of means, he turned his back in disgust upon the Old World, to find a home and a grave in Illinois." The Herald, concluding it lengthy notice of Mr. Aftieck, says : " But the habit of strong drink was the evil genius of his latter days, and when under its influence his temper and invective were peculiar and terrific. He thus went on drinking himself to death as fast as he could, hoping, in his unhappiness, soon to be at rest by the side of his deceased wife. His son-in-law. Rev. A. 0. Allen, per- suaded him at last to go with him to his residence at Terre Haute, but not until the old man had exacted a pledge of Mr. Mosely and other citizens that they would see to the return of his body when the end should come. He did not stay long ; he parted with the world and its troubles on the 2d of June, 1852, aged 67 years; and Mr. Mosely and the citizens of Oakland fulfilled their pledge and laid him by the side of the wife of his youth." Lyman, Aim on and Daniel Keyes were from the Empire State, and settled at what is still known as Donica's Point. They are all long since dead. Lyman went to the Mexican war, and left his bones to bleach on the bloody field of Chapultepec. Thomas Blair was another old settler at Donica's Point, but his native place is not now remembered. L. E. Archer was a Ver- monter, and came to this settlement in an early day. He was an odd charac- ter, and many hard stories are still told "of him. He was very close in his dealings, and always got the best end of a barg9,in in a trade with his fellow- men, even stretching the truth to accomplish his purpose. It is said that his capacity for drinking whisky was almost unbounded, and that he always bought it by the gallon, in order to get it a little cheaper ; less than that quantity did him no good or harm, but after he had drunk a gallon it then began to "fly into his head." He died at the age of eighty-four years, and his family are scattered to the four quarters of the earth. A man named 448 _ HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. Donica, was the first settler at this place, and from him it took its name, but we were unable to obtain much information in regard to him. William Nokes, or "Uncle Billy" Nokes, as he was called mostly, was an extraordinary character that should have special notice in these pages. He was from Kentucky, and came here at an early day in the settlement of Oak- land Township. Like the great lawyer we have heard of, he "Prided himself on his learned diction, And diluted the truth with a good deal of fiction." He was a great romancist, and like the majority of that class, he was usually the hero of his own stories. He used to say that in his younger days in the old Blue- Grass State, he had been a great favorite among the ladies, and had been compelled at a single term of the court at Louisville, to answer to a dozen different suits for breach of promise. From the personal description we received of him,* we do not doubt his power of attraction with the daugh- ters of Eve. He went by the name of "Old Bag o' Shot," a name given him in honor of one of his stories, in which he claimed to have carried a bag, containing half a bushel of shot, along the streets of Louisville, and as the frost had just come out of the ground, he sunk to his knees every step, while the bricks of the pavement piled around his feet. This story, it is said, grew by repetition until the shot became two bushels and the displaced brick reached to his waist. Another story told of him, is that he once went to old 'Squire Ashmore's and made a complaint against a young man of eighteen years, for assault and battery. Though he was considerably "bunged up," the 'Squire persuaded him that it would not look well in a man who had carried two bushels of shot to prosecute a stripling of eighteen years, and so in his good-nature, Mr. Nokes withdrew his complaint. He removed to Iowa many years ago, where he died. The winter of the '' deep snow " (1830-31) two families encamped on the Embarrass River, near where the railroad crosses. After the melting of the snow, the river rose higher than ever known before or since. One of these fam- ilies was that of Aaron Collins, mentioned among the early settlers of Morgan Township, the other was a Mr. Mason, who settled on this side of the river, on what is now known as the Naphew farm. He did not remain here long, but sold to a man named William Chadd, a blacksmith, millwright and jack-of-all trades. Chadd was from the White River country in Indiana, possessed con- siderable means, and by the aid of three sons and seven daughters, soon opened a large farm. He is described as a " little, wizened, dried-up man of sixty, with a large nose and a very full eye." " Old Shad," the people called him for short, like Nokes, often regaled his friends with some very extravagant stories. Speaking of his resources, one day, he said he had a bushel of " cut money" laid by for a "rainy day." Like many of the other early settlers, he took the mill fever, and in addition to his blacksmith-shop, built a " corn- * A snub-nosed, big-mouthed, coarse-featured, stoop-shouldered man." HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 449 cracker " near by. Being asked one day if he could grind wheat on his mill, replied, " Well, yes, if I had a bolting-cloth ; in fact, I told the boys the other day that we'd try it, so I took a bushel of very clean, nice wheat and ground it. I then took the grist over to Mr. Reddin's and bolted it. Well, sir, I had a hundred pounds of flour and two and a half bushels of bran." Again we extract from the HeraMs reminiscences: " Mr. Chadd was possessed in a high degree with personal dignity. His children treated him with profound respect ; he was no joker, and did not permit anybody to joke him. Any insinuation as to the truth of his stories he promptly resented, for he told them in dead, sober earnestness. Seated on a horse-block one day, conversing with Mosely and Pemberton on the subject of music, he observed that the jew's-harp, if properly made, was the best instrument known. That he had once made one for a boy, a good big one several feet long. The bows or frame he made of " tire-iron " and the tongue was an inch steel bar. 'Why, you could,' said he, 'hear it three miles ! ' At this point Mr. Pemberton stupidly inquired as to how the boy got it into his mouth. Chadd treated the query with contemptuous silence, but afterward remarked to Mr. Mosely, ' Jack Pemberton would like to say something smart if he knew how.' The limits of this article forbids further details. A volume would scarcely contain all the incidents of Mr. Chadd's eventful life. Who has not heard of his duel before breakfast, when in a room eighteen feet square, securely locked, he and his antagonist armed with knives, fought for eight hours, ankle-deep in blood ? Who has not heard of his quarry- blast on White River, which required the labor and teams of a hundred men six months to remove ? Who has not heard of his snake story, of his fish story, and his perpetual-motion saw-mill? Mr. Chadd was gathered to his fathers long ago, in the fullness of time and a good old age." We will give one more instance of his India-rubber stories, and then pass on to other scenes. This wa& of his professional experience, which he related to Dr. Rutherford, and exhibited to him his " spring lancet " and his " pullikin," the latter for extracting teeth, and estimated the number of teeth drawn with them, or it, at several barrels, and the blood shed by the "lancet " at the hogshead measure. He stated to the Doctor that he had once been applied to tap a woman for dropsy. From this duty he had shrunk, pleading ignorance and other disqualifications, but as no physician was in reach, he made an eifort, and although the woman was a small one, he drew from her one hundred and twenty gallons of water. Martin Zimmerman came from Augusta County, Va., in 1836, and settled first in Edgar County, where he remained about a year, and then removed to this township. He resided here until his death, which occurred in 1852. He has many descendants still in the county, who are among the prominent farmers and business men of the country. Enoch Sears and Asa Reddin were also early settlers in this township. David Winkler and the Hoskinses settled on Brush Creek. There are, perhaps, other old settlers whose names should be mentioned, but we have failed to obtain them. And then, after the Black Hawk 450 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. ■war, emigrants came in so rapidly that it is impossible to keep track of the period of their settlement and where they came from. So we will not attempt to further particularize, but take up other matters of interest. - FRAGMENTS OF HISTORY, By reference to the map in the front part of this work, it will be noticed that there is a jog, of two sections in width, in the north line of the county, the full extent of Oakland Township. When Douglas County was set off from doles, says Capt. Adams in his Centennial Address, the village of Oakland was regarded as having "great room for outgrowth and development" (and, we may add, it still retains this expectation of its people). Therefore, Coles County, as well as the people of Oakland, were unwilling that the village should be cut off in a new county ; hence the jog above referred to was made to keep the village of Oakland in this county. Here, as in all newly-settled communities, attention was directed at an early day to mills ; for, with all the great inventions of the age, there has not yet been one devised by which the human race can live without bread. And in this town, as elsewhere, the mill business was in high popular favor forty years or more ago. To own a horse-mill gave one an air of importance, and a saw or grist mill, as an old settler expressed it, rendered the fortunate owner '•the biggest toad in the puddle." One of the first efforts at a water-mill was by Mr. Laughlin, where the river crosses the northwest corner of Section 12 ; but he was not very successful in his attempt. It passed into the hands of Henry McCumbers, familiarly called "Old Sport." But he never realized much from it, and, after struggling on with it for a few years with a persever- ance worthy of a better cause, he finally gave it up entirely. A man by the name of Whitlock also tried ; and after a year's hard work, saw a friendly (or unfriendly) flood carry it away on a " march to the sea." Mr. Chadd referred to as the man of long-winded* stories, in another part of this chapter, had a genius for mills as well as for story-telling. He built a mill near the present railroad-crossing. He tried undershot, turbine, and re-action wheels ; but they amounted to little, and finally a flood took the whole structure away, and sent it after its predecessor, down the river. David McConkey was another w^ho spent more on a mill than he ever succeeded in getting back. It was the same old story — the floods carried it away, and left its owner in poverty. The era of steam-mills will be noticed in the history of the village. A man of the name of Robert Bell was the first regular carpenter in Oak- land Township, and, it is said, was a superior workman. Many specimens of his work still remain to testify to its quality. The finishing-lumber then was rough-sawed poplar, and had to be "dressed" by the carpenter, as planing- mills and sash-factories were unknown. Everything needed in the construc- tion of a house, including flooring, molding, etc., had to be worked out by hand, and the frames were generally of hewed material. The erection of a HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 451 frame house, at that early period, was a much bigger job than at the present day ; and, in the place of the large lumber-yard we find in every town and village now, at that time the market was usually supplied by " whip-saw." At a very early day, Andrew Gwinn, with the aid of " Old Billy " Nokes, ran one of these " whip-saw" mills. Two men could saw 200 feet in a day, and this sold at $4 per hundred. One of the first wagon-makers was a man named Alpheus Jacques. He, it is said, used to make wagons and buggies out of old rails and " 'most anything he could pick up." His skill with the draw-knife was remarkable, and the rapidity with which he turned out work was truly marvelous. Among the early blacksmiths were David McConkey and William Chadd. McConkey made considerable money as such, and then spent it in his attempts at a mill on the Embarrass, as already stated. The first store in Oakland Township was kept by a man named Sherifi", an uncle to the present Postmaster at Paris, Edgar County. It was located on the road east of the village of Oakland, and his goods were hauled from Chicago by 'Squire Pemberton. " Chicago, then," says the 'Squire, " was no larger that the village of Oakland is now." The first post ofiice in the township was kept by Wilson Morrison, east of the village. It was on the confines of a large grove, surrounded by oak-trees, and thus received the appropriate name of Oak- land — names since bestowed on the village and the township. In was on the mail-line between Paris and Decatur, and the mail was carried weekly on horse- back between those places. EDUCATIONAL AND RELIGIOUS. The name of the first pedagogue in Oakland is not now remembered, but schools were taught in the neighborhood quite early. The people have ever taken great interest in educational matters, and, at the present day, no town in Coles County is better favored with school facilities than Oakland. The matter will be again alluded to in the history of the village. Church organizations, also, will be further noticed in the village history, as the Presbyterian, the oldest organization in the town, is located in the village of Oakland. The only church- edifice outside of the village is Prairie Union Christian Church, located in the southern part of the township. It was organ- ized in the neighborhood schoolhouse, March 1, 1871, with thirty-two mem- bers ; three elders, viz., A. J. Shulse, S. D. Honn and D. W. Honn. The church was built and dedicated the same year the society was organized, and cost $1,830, not including the lot on which it stands. The present Elders are D. W. Honn, A. J. Shulse and John Childress. Previous to the erection of the church, the people of the neighborhood attended divine worship at the village of Kansas, in Edgar County. It is in a very flourishing state, with a present membership of about sixty-five, and a Sunday school during the sum- mer season. 452 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY, When settlements were first made in this part of the county, there were plenty of Indians in Southern Illinois, and likewise in this section. They were the Pottawatomies, Winnebagoes and the Kickapoos. They were friendly and did the whites no harm. The fright of the Black Hawk war had little effect here, from the fact that at the time it took place, there were very few settlers in this neighborhood. The Indians had a trading-post near the village of Camargo, in Douglas County, established by two men named Vesor and Bul- bery, French Canadians. Near this post, the Indians had a burying-ground, and once every year held a grand powwow for the benefit of the departed souls of their deceased friends. In Morgan Township they had a camp, which is noticed in the history of that town. Oakland Township is Republican in politics at the present time. In the old days of Whigs and Democrats, it was Democratic by a small majority, not- withstanding it gave Harrison a small majority in 1840, and Clay, in 1844. With these exceptions, it was Democratic. In the late war, Oakland did its duty nobly, and sent many of its young men, and old ones, too, to do battle for the Union. The first Justice of the Peace in this section, was Samuel Ashmore, the old patriarch of the Ashmore family. The present justices of the township are, J. J. Pemberton and William Hunt. When Coles County adopted township or^yanization in 1860, G. W. McConkey was the first Supervisor of Oakland Township. The present Supervisor is H. Rutherford, and N. P. Smith is the present Town Clerk. This concludes the general history of Oakland Township, and we will now proceed to devote a few pages to the history, laying-out and the location of THE VILLAGE OF OAKLAND. This enterprising little village is situated on the Illinois Midland Railroad, about twenty miles northwest from Paris. It was surveyed and laid out by Reubin Canterbury, County Surveyor, for Madison Ashmore, on the 12th of May, 1835. James Ashmore built the first residence in the village. McCord built a residence soon after the one built by Ashmore. Some say that McCord's was built before the village was laid out, while others hold to the fact as given above. The first store was kept by a man named McCleland Another was opened very soon after McCleland's, by a Mr. Trembly, but neither lasted long, and both "broke" in the business. Says the ^eraM reminiscence : "For the next four years, no goods of any kind, save what a peddler might bring in, were sold in Oakland. Our trading had to be done in Charleston or Paris. Not a spool nor a thread, nor even a pin, was to be had short of these towns. There was nothing here to buy goods with. Four-year-old steers went at $10 per head, and the only good horse we ever owned we bought for $50. Corn for many years never rated above 10 cents per bushel, and then was not consid- ered a merchantable article." HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 453 The next effort at merchandising was made by Robert Mosely. In 1844, he opened a small stock of goods, and for a time had what little trade there was, all to himself. John Mills and R. T. Hackett were the next merchants, and about this time " Matt" Ashmore opened a kind of curiosity shop in Pem- berton's old tavern stand. In the year 1847, Pemberton went into partnership Avith Mosely, and thus began their long partnership business. But we have neither time nor space to follow the mercantile business through its long and eventful career to the present time. Other points demand our attention. The first tavern in Oakland was kept by Daniel Payne, soon after the lay- ing-out of the village, and the next, perhaps, was kept by 'Squire Pemberton. The village at present has two first-rate hotels — the Oakland House, kept by H. A. Frederick, and the Union Hotel, by Mrs. Jones. The first post office was kept by McCleland, elsewhere mentioned as the first merchant. The pres- ent Postmaster is L. C. Thornton. The first blacksmith in the village was a man named Maxon, and his shop was a counterpart of that described by Long- fellow, except that instead of the "spreading chestnut-tree" it stood under a spreading oak-tree. We are informed that it consisted mainly of a bellows and anvil, rigged up under an oak tree, and that there was no building belonging to it. The first doctor to practice in this section was of the name of Montague, but of him we learned but little. The next was perhaps Dr. H. Rutherford, who came here in 1840, and practiced the healing profession until he amassed quite a snug fortune, and physicians became so plenty that he could retire from a long life of laborious work. In 1854, Clement & Clark built a steam-mill in the village of Oakland. It was a great institution in this primitive settlement, and people came for miles to see the engine work, and were frightened out of their wits when the steam blew off. A sash saw was added to it, but was soon dispensed with. The mill has several times changed proprietors and is now owned by John Burwell. The Smith mill, as it is called, is of rather recent building, and was put up by W. P. West some eight or ten years ago. The Herald's reminiscences thus speak of the originator of this last enterprise : " This man was what might be termed a fool for luck, and a spendthrift by nature. His father gave him a large farm at Culver's Grove. Getting embarrassed, he sold out, came down to this part of the country, and worried awhile with the McConkey mill. He next got hold of the Frank Williams' steam grist and saw mill. He succeeded in trading this worthless property to Thomas Kinney for a good farm in Edgar County. Sell- ing the farm, he commenced building the mill before referred to, and at the same time he set up a grocery. About this time he succeeded in becoming guardian for the William Franklin heirs, for whom he drew pension money to the amount of $1,100. His luck continuing good, his grocery burnt down, and he received $1,500 of insurance. His borrowed money began pressing him and he sold out to his partner, W. 0. Smith, at a very good figure. If he had stopped here he would have had a good living remaining, but a man of the name of Foulke, of 454 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY, Kansas, sold him an old rattle-trap of a mill for $5,000, worth about that many cents. This stroke finished him, cleaned him up, and it is said that he is still following up the mill business, but in a second-hand way." The largo grain elevator standing by the railroad was built in 1875-76 by F. R. Coffman. One had been built here in 1872, and burned a short time after, when this one was built in its place. It is now owned by Dr. Rutherford, and is an excellent building, well-appointed in every particular, with steam- power and with a capacity of 15,000 or 20,000 bushels of grain. It is standing idle at present. The Oakland National Bank was established in 1874, with L. S. Cash, Pres- ident, and John Rutherford, Cashier. The same officers still have charge of it, and are gentlemen of excellent business attainments, energy and enterprise. VILLAGE ORGANIZATION. The village of Oakland was incorporated years ago, but as the first records were not to be had we could not get the exact date, nor the names of the first Board of Trustees. The present Board is as follows, viz., William Henderson, M. W. Ammerman, J. W. Stokes, Frank Pleasant, J. R. Lawson and Merrill Hackett. William Henderson is President of the Board ; W. M. Bowman, Villat^e Clerk ; A. A. Dunseth, Police Magistrate, and John Tibbs, Town Marshal. The first church was organized by the Old-School Presbytei'ians in the year 1831. They built a small log church on the site of the " upper grave-yard," which afterward was turned into a schoolhouse. They next erected a frame building on the public square, 25x40 feet, but for lack of funds never finished it. It was finally abandoned, and, in 1844, their present church edifice was erected. Rev. Isaac Bennett was one of the first preachers. He was a native of Philadelphia, was edu- cated at Princeton and was a man of much intelligence and refinement. He was averse to noise, the cry of a child, when preaching, totally upset him. After his marriage, a "change came over the spirit of his dreams," and when two, three or four children had gathered about his knees, he was altogether another person, and could study his sermons better than ever and " preach right along in the stiifest kind of a squall." Rev. Mr. Montgomery was another preacher of this congregation ; also Rev. Mr. McDonald and Rev. Mr. Venable, of Paris. At present, there is no regular pastor. A good Sunday school is maintained, of which Mr. Eckard is Superintendent. The Cumberland Presbyterians organized a society in 1843, under the Rev. James Ashmore, a son of Amos Ashmore and a brother to the wife of Rev. Mr. Bennett. They have an elegant little frame church in the village and a flourish- ing society. Rev. J. P. Campbell is the present Pastor. R. G. Forsythe is Superintendent of the Sunday school connected with this Church. The Methodist Episcopal Church was organized by Rev. Arthur Bradshaw in 1858. Their church was built soon after its organization. The society is HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 455 large and flourishing, and is under the pastoral charge at present of Rev. Mr. Lacy. Of the Sunday school of the Church, N, P. Smith is Superin- tendent. The first school in Oakland was taught by Madison Ashmore, but the year is not now remembered. The first schoolhouse was a small frame building, which was used as a temple of learning until the building of the present large brick, some nine years ago. It is a spacious edifice, well designed for school purposes and cost about $7,000. Prof. Failing is Principal of the school at present ; Miss Lida Reel, Miss Kate Crawford and Miss Jessie Burr, teachers. Freemasonry and Odd Fellowship are well represented in Oakland. Oak- land Lodge No. 219, A., F. & A. M., was organized October 7, A. L. 5856, A. D. 1856. The first officers were Thomas J. Don Carlos, Master ; William D. Martin, Senior Warden ; Alfred D. Pemberton, Junior Warden ; John W. Kurtz, Treasurer ; Robert Mosely, Secretary. The present officers are : H. D. Williams, Master ; E. H. Warden, Senior Warden ; L. B. Crawford, Junior Warden ; L. S. Cash, Treasurer ; N. P. Smith, Secretary ; John Rutherford, Senior Deacon ; R. G. Forsythe, Junior Deacon, and John Menaugh, Tiler, with seventy members on the roll. Oakland Chapter, No. 153, Royal Arch Masons, was organized October 24, 1872, with the following officers: A. P. Forsythe, High Priest ; S. M. Cash, King, and R. F. Larimer, Scribe. The present officers are : John Ruther- ford, High Priest; S. A. Reel, King ; R. F. Larimer, Scribe ; Jo. W. Clement, Captain of the Host ; D. H. Gordon, Principal Sojourner ; H. D. Williams, Royal Arch Captain ; L. B. Crawford, R. G. Forsythe, A. J. Taylor, Masters of the Veils ; L. S. Cash, Treasurer, and E. H. Warden, Secretary, with thirty members. Oakland Lodge, No. 1,192, Knights of Honor, was instituted September 5, 1878, by Stanley Walker, D. D. Charter members: L. S. Cash, M. B. Valodin, W. C. Lacy, N. P. Smith, N. R. Moore, D. A. Rice, Rev. J. P. Campbell, William Henderson, Shep Florer, W. H. Glass, W. J. Peak, J. W. Turner, Lewis Kees, B. F. Smith, M. R. Williams, R. L. Burns, J. G. Hamil- ton and R. M. Young. The first officers were M. B. Valodin, D.; William Henderson, V. D.; L. S. Cash, Treasurer; D. A. Rice, R.; M. R. Williams, F. R.; N. P. Smith, D. and R. Present officers: William Henderson, D.; B. F. Smith, V. D.; L. S. Cash, Treasurer; N. P. Smith, R. ; M'. R. Williams, F. R. Oakland Lodge No. 545, I. 0. 0. F., was instituted April 8, 1874. The charter members were A. A. Dunseth, A. M. Merrill, R. S. Smedley, J. P. Coons, James Stiles, of which A. A. Dunseth was first Noble Grand ; A. M. Merrill, Vice Grand ; and R. S. Smedly, Secretary, and A. A. Dunseth the first Representative. The present officers are : D. A. Rice, Noble Grand ; R. Gomel, Vice Grand ; William M. Bowman, Secretary, and N. P. Smith, Deputy Representative. 456 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. Welcome Encampment, No. 24, I. 0. 0. F., organized January 5, 1876. It is the old No. 24, of Charleston, which surrendered its charter during the war, and hence lost its number. The first officers were : J. G. Crawford, C. P.; S. M. Cash, H. P.; J. A. Johnson, S. W.; J. C. Bandy, J. W.; N. P. Smith, Scribe. The present officers are Robert Rutherford, C. P., and N. P. Smith, Scribe, with twelve members. The first newspaper in Oakland was the Herald, and was established by J. W. Crane in 1875. It is at present owned by S. A. Reel & Co., with Rev. J. P. Campbell as editor. It is an eight-page paper, presents a fine appearance, and is one of the spiciest sheets in the county. The Oakland Ledger is a small paper, recently established in the village, and is an interesting little journal. Oakland comprises some fifteen or twenty stores of all classes, including dry goods, grocery stores, hardware stores, furniture stores, etc., also a full line of shops of all kinds, blacksmith, wagon-makers, harness-makers, etc., etc. It has two good hotels, three churches, one excellent schoolhouse, two steam- mills, one grain elevator, a railroad and depot, and its full share of professional men. The village has two cemeteries ; one is some distance from the village, in a northeast direction, and was laid out before the village. Many of the old settlers and pioneers sleep in the " upper grave-yard," as this burying-ground is called. The other is nearer the village, and was laid out in 1855. It is a pretty little cemetery, and is well beautified and adorned with trees and shrubbery. In conclusion of this chapter, we would say that Oakland is a model little village, with the most favorable prospects for a bright future. Though'in early days it had the name of being a rough place, with some rough characters in it, yet education and civilization have done their work, and a more refined little city cannot be found in this or surrounding counties. MORGAN TOWNSHIP. " In the mountain scenery yet, All we adore of Nature in her wild And frolic hour of infancy is met; And never has a summer's morning smiled Upon a lovelier scene tlian the full eye Of the enthusiast revels on — when higli Amid thy forest solitudes he climbs O'er crags that proudly tower above the deep, And knows that sense of danger which sublimes The breathless moment^when his daring step Is on the verge of the cliff, and he can hear The low dash of the waves with startled ear." — Halleck. In this little narrow strip of earth, small and irregular in shape, known as Morgan Township, are represented the two extremes of nature, as it were — the beautiful level prairies and the wild broken country bordering the Embarrass HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 457 River. The latter, before the advent of the "pale-face" marred its virgin beauty, was covered with primeval forests, and to the west the prairies stretched away in nature's waving meadows. Upon the brakes and hills and bluffs rising from the river grew giant trees, which for centuries had defied the fury of the " ' " The century living crow, Whose birth was in their tops, grew old and died Among their branches," and still they had flourished in all their glory for years and ages. Giant oaks, spreading elms, towering walnuts, waving cottonwoods, with their trembling leaves, and many other magnificent forest-trees grew here in almost endless pro- fusion. And beyond, as the ocean extends out from the beach, which limits it, extended the prairies, clothed in all the beauty of nature. Such was the aspect of the section of country to which this chapter is devoted when the pale-face came with all his bustling enterprise and proceeded, literally, to turn things topsy-turvy. Morgan Township lies in the north, or rather in the northeast, part of the county, and is bounded north, by Douglas County ; west, by Seven Hickory Township ; south, by Charleston, and east, by the Embarrass River. Through the north part of the town flows the classic stream known as " Greasy Creek," which, together with the origin of the name, is referred to in the county history. A little south of Greasy Creek is Dry Branch, another little stream flowino- into the Embarrass. As before stated, this township contains both timber and prairie, and is pretty equally divided between the two ; the timber-land lying adjacent to the Embarrass River, and the prairies next to Seven Hickory Township. Morgan is a fractional town, containing about twenty-four or twenty-five sections of land — two-thirds of a regular Congressional township. It has neither vil- lages nor railroads, but the Indianapolis & St. Louis and the Illinois Midland Railroads pass near enough to be of considerable benefit to it in transporting its surplus grain and stock. ^ '=' SETTLEMENT. The first white settlers in Morgan Township are supposed to have been John Caldwell and his son, who bore the same name, and John Kennedy, They came from Fayette County, Ky., near the city of Lexington, and settled in the timbered portion of the township in 1830—31. The CaWwells lived here about twenty years, when they removed to Edgar County, where the elder died several years ago, but his son is still living in that county. This is about all that is known of the Caldwells at the present day. Kennedy remained but a short time, and moved back to Kentucky, where he resided several years, when he returned to Illinois, and died a few years ago in the city of Charleston. Aaron Collins is another of the early settlers of Morgan Township, and is supposed by some to have settled here previous to the Caldwells and Kennedy, but after this long lapse of years it is hard to say which of these families was the first to pitch their tents in this section. Collins came from North Carolina 458 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. in 1830-31, and built the house where his son-in-law, Reese McAllister now lives. He has been dead a number of years, but a son, Aaron Collins, Jr., still lives in the township. Daniel R. and David R. McAllister, the latter usually called Reese McAl- lister, came to Morgan Township in 1833. They were from Indiana here, but were originally from Alabama. When moving to this place, they stopped in Ashmore Township, where they remained from spring until fall, when they removed to this township. Reese has resided here ever since, upon the place where his father-in-law, Aaron Collins, first settled, and Daniel, to the time of his death, which took place in 1871. John Skidmore came from Indiana to this settlement in 1831-32. He lived here in quiet until the breaking-out of the gold fever, when he started for California, but died on the way, and never reached the land of gold. Gibson Gastin came also from Indiana about the same time Skidmore came, and after remaining in the neighborhood a number of years, removed to Texas, since which time all trace of him is lost. David Morgan, for whom the township was named, settled near what was called Greasy Point, April 20, 1834. He was originally from Washington County, Ky., near Springfield, the county seat, but removed to Vermilion County, Ind., where he remained several years before coming to this neighbor- hood. He was a prominent man in the community, and the first Justice of the Peace. He died in 1860, but has two sons, William and James Morgan, still living in the township, splendid representatives of the honest old pioneer, who has passed away. The latter still lives on the old homestead, where his father settled nearly half a century ago. Benjamin Clarke came from Kentucky about 1830—31, and died here several years ago. His wife is still living, and is the only one of the early pioneers who came here a grown-up person that survives. A son, Jackson Clarke, and several married daughters, live in the township still, and another son lives in Kansas. Gowin Adkins, and Abraham Adkins, a cousin, settled in the town in 1833-34. The father of the latter came with him, and was of the same name. They are all dead ; Gowin died many years ago, but had a son and daughter. The former went into the army during the late war, and died while in the service of his country. Moses Golliday came from Pennsylvania, and settled in the township a year or two before the Adkinses. He bought out Caldwell ; David, a brother, came about the same time, and both he and Moses are dead. John Golliday, another brother, is still living. Isaac Craig, an esteemed citizen of Charleston Township, was an early set- tler of Morgan. He came here in 1835. He was originally from Kentucky, and came to Illinois with his father in 1828, first settling in Clark County. Isaac Craig remained a resident of Morgan Township about twenty years, and then removed to Edgar County, where he resided for fourteen years, and then removed to Charleston, where he still lives, just north of the city. He was in the Black Hawk war — volunteered in one of the Clark County companies, but HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 459" ' having friends in Edgar County, got a transfer to Captain Brimberrj's company of Edgar County. An early settler of the name of Johnson, located on the creek, but he was a "bird of passage," and did not remain long, hence not much is known of him. The Chastenes were rather noted characters in this settlement, in an early day. Mr. Morgan bought a claim from one of them (there were two of them, Jesse and William Chastene), upon which there was a cabin, and twenty-five apple-trees which the old fellow had planted out. Mr. Morgan closed up the trade, and went to Palestine and formally entered the land. He then went to his home in Indiana, to move his family here, and when he arrived, old Chas- tene had dug up every apple-tree and carried them off to some new claim. These Chastenes are the amateur pork-packers alluded to in the general county his- tory, and from whose questionable operations the little stream of Greasy Creek obtained its classic name. Alexander Montgomery came from Indiana to this township. He was originally from Alabama, and was a brother-in-law to the McAllisters, and settled here the fall after they came to the town. He died here years ago. These are all of the earliest settlers in Morgan Township. Next is rather a later era, and includes such as John Winkelblack, Daniel Beck, Thomas West, Irwin Digby, Cooper Wallace, Y. E. Winkler. Winkelblack and Beck came from Vir- ginia ; the latter is dead, but Winkelblack is still living. Thomas West was from Vermilion County, Ind., and came some years after the Morgans. He now lives in Douglas County. Digby came from the same section, and still lives in Morgan Township. So, also, was Wallace from Vermilion County, Ind., and his father, now living in Douglas County, was originally from Kentucky. Cooper Wallace has been dead a number of years. Winkler came from Indi- ana, but was originally from Kentucky also. He is still living. This con- cludes the list of the early settlers, so far as could be obtained. GENERAL FEATURES. When the first white people came to Morgan Township, there were plenty of Indians in this section. They once had a camp not far from where Reese McAllister now lives, and there are traces of it still to be seen there. The like- ness of a man cut in the bark of a tree is still visible, though it shows every appearance of having been executed years and years ago. Many places have been noticed in this immediate neighborhood, supposed to be Indian graves, though, so far as we could learn, none of them have ever been examined to see whether they contain anything like human skeletons. A year or two ago, Henry Curtis, a son of Samuel Curtis, was one day " digging fish-bait," and dug up a human skull, and, upon examination, a few other bones were found, and rocks were laid in order, as though intended to form a rude sort of covering, ere the dirt was put on the corpse. But whether this was an Indian, or some lone white man, who had been murdered* in this wild spot, will probably never be * The skull had a hole in the hack part of it, resembling a buUet-hole. 460 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. known. But the evidence was pretty strong that it was a human being, either white, red or black, and had been carefully buried there, near the banks of the Embarrass River. But, although Indians were plenty here when the whites first came, they were not at all troublesome, but were quite friendly toward the white people. They would furnish them with game, and hence proved of some benefit, at least. But long years have passed since the wild yell of the savage disturbed the echoes of this little community. But few are still left that can remember them as residents of Morgan, and soon, " Lo ! the poor Indian!" will live only in fireside tales. Wolves and panthers, with occasionally a bear, inhabited this country forty or fifty years ago, and snakes were a spontaneous growth. Rattlesnakes were also very plenty. Mr. Morgan and his sons killed ninety rattlesnakes in one sum- mer, on a ten-acre lot, and it was not a good season for rattlesnakes, either. Wolf-hunts were common, and their scalps commanded a bounty. A number of neighbors would band together, with dogs and guns, and the havoc made among the hateful little pests would sometimes be terrific. A man could pay his taxes in scalps, and, if he had an overplus, could pass them over to the Treas- urer and get a county order for the balance due him. We don't know whether the same custom prevailed here, or in Coles County, during the circulation of wolf-scalps as currency, that we have heard of in another section of the State, viz., that a man could go into a "grocery " and get a glass of whisky, throw down a wolf-scalp, and the grocery-keeper would give him back a coon-skin, or two opossum-skins, in change. But prairie wolves, like the poor savage, have gone West to grow up with the country and the grasshoppers. The winter of the deep snow is remembered by the few old settlers still liv- ing in this part of the country. Though this fall of snow was but little over half as deep in this latitude as in the northern part of the State, yet it is acknowledged as the deepest ever witnessed here. It fell in December, 1830, and remained on the ground until the next March. Here it was only about two feet deep, but in the northern part of Illinois it was four feet on the level prairies. It was a hard time on stock, and on people, too, in a newly-settled country. Many wild beasts died from starvation while it lasted, and domestic animals had nearly as hard a time here, for, at that early day, the few people then in Coles County had not been in it long enough to have a surplus of hay and corn. As a sample of the hard times the pioneers had to undergo, Mr. Morgan informed us that he had known thousands of bushels of corn to sell at 8 cents a buf hel, an excellent cow and c.ilf for $8, good horses for ^40, and wheat from 25 ^ents to 37| cents a bushel And, for y jars, the prices ranged at these figures, and, evin then, it was almost imposrible to get money for anything one hf'.d to sell, for there was but little of that commodity in the country. HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 461 But these hard times are all past now, and Morgan Township is, to-day, as prosperous a community as one will find in Coles County. True, we still find a few of the primitive log cabins of the earlier days, but they are not used as a matter of necessity, but from choice. They have become endeared to their owners, and are cherished as sweet mementos of the past. As a rule, Morgan Township has excellent residences, well-improved farms, good roads, and, indeed, everything to indicate a prosperous community. BIRTHS, DEATHS AND xMARRIAGES. Who was the first person born in Morgan Township is not now remem- bered. The first death is supposed to have been the wife of Aaron Collins, who died in the early days of the settlement of Morgan, or Greasy Creek, as the settlement was called. A child of Jefferson Florer was the first party buried in the Greasy Point Cemetery, near where James Morgan lives. This is one of the prettiest little burying-grounds we have noticed in the county. Located on high ground, and kept in excellent order, with many pretty marble slabs and some quite elegant monuments, it is, altogether, a lovely place. The first marriage in the neighborhood was Clara Collins and Thomas Creighton, and they were married by David Morgan, a Justice of the Peace. The population of the township shows that the good old custom, begun thus early, has been kept up, and that there has been " marrying and giving in marriage," since this first couple stepped off" the shores of single blessedness. Morgan Township has never had any mills, except one or two portable saw- mills in the timbered sections along the Embarrass River ; one of these, how- ever, we believe, once added a set of buhrs for grinding corn. Mr. James Morgan says that, when his father first settled in the township, they used to go to the Wabash, and to Decatur, to mill ; that two or three neighbors would join together, and, hitching three or four yoke of oxen to a wagon, would start off" to mill, and sometimes be absent a week or ten days. Milling is now done at Oakland and Charleston, and sometimes at mills in Douglas County. There was no blacksmith-shop in Morgan Township at a sufficiently early ■day to be made a matter of history. That useful trade is pretty well repre- sented at the present day, however, and shops are to be found in every neigh- borhood. In the early day, the blacksmi thing was done by the workmen in the Oakland settlement. David Morgan was the first Justice of the Peace in Morgan Township, and when the county adopted township organization, Nathan Thomas was elected the first Supervisor, and was succeeded the next year by John Winkleblack. The present Supervisor is J. B. Williams ; J. L. Rardin and Jesse Hudson, Justices of the Peace. SCHOOLS AND CHURCHFS. The first schoolhcuse was built in Morgan Township about 1839-40, bit who the first school in it cannot be told at this late day. There were 462 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. schools in the settlement, however, before this house was built, but until it was erected, the settlers cabins were utilized as temples of learning. And as this is but a fractional town, it has but three schoolhouses within its limits, viz., Winkelblack's, Hazel Dell and California Schoolhouses. This results from the fact that many of the school districts are partnership districts with Seven Hickory Township, and with Sargent Township, in Douglas County. A strong effort is being made to get a new district in the northeast part of the township, a move that it seems should terminate successfully, for there is cer- tainly abundant territory and population for a district and a house in this section. There are two church edifices in the township. The first sermon preached, Avas by the Methodists. The Revs. Fox and McCane were early in the field, but, we believe, never established a permanent society. The first Cumberland Presbyterian ministers were Revs. James Ashmore and Hill. The Cumber- land Presbyterian Union Church is located in the north part of the town, and was built in 1856-57. The society was organized in May, 1842, by Rev. James Ashmore, at the house of David Morgan. Preaching was held at the house of Mr. Morgan and at Aaron Collins', until the church was built. The present membership is 110, under the pastorate of Rev. J. P. Campbell. A Sunday school is maintained during the summer season, with an average attendance (last summer) of sixty-three children, under the superintendence of James Morgan, who is, also. Clerk of the Church Session. There is also a Cumberland Presbyterian organization at the California Schoolhouse, but they have no regular preaching at the present time, although the organization is still kept up, also a Sunday school during the summer season. Salem Missionary Baptist Church is in the extreme southern part of the town. It is a substantial frame building, and was put up about fifteen years ago, at a cost of |1,000. Rev. Mr. Thornton is the Pastor, and has a flourish- ing congregation for a country church. A Sunday school is carried on during the summer season. Our readers will notice on some of the old maps a little place in Morgan Township called Curtisville. Notwithstanding its dignified name, it was never much of a village. A small store, a blacksmith-shop, with a "neighborhood " post office, comprised all of Curtisville. The store was kept by a man named Cutler Mitchell, and the post office was simply an office for the convenience of the neighbors, and whoever went to town brought out the mail-bag. It was not a regular office, nor was the mail brought regularly, but as it suited the convenience of some one who had other business at town. Rardin Post Office is much the same kind of a place that Curtisville once was. We say once was, for what little there was of the place, has passed away, and there is nothing left to tell where it once stood but a dwelling and a blacksmith-shop. Rardin is on Section 4, and consists of a small store and a HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 463 blacksmith-shop, together with a post office. Samuel Rardin keeps both the post office and the store. This little place and Curtisville, are the nearest that this neighborhood has ever approached to having a village in its midst. Morgan Township is Democratic in politics ; in fact, it may be termed a Democratic stronghold. It has always been Democratic, from the earliest period of its existence to the present day. During the late war, Morgan did its part nobly, filling every call without a draft. But after all these years, it is impossible to obtain the names of those who participated in the long and san- guinary struggle. We shall not attempt to do so, but pass from the subject with a well-merited tribute to their bravery. This township contains but little of special interest to the historian. With- out villages, towns or cities, railroads, mills or manufactories, there is but little to write about, after the settlement of the town is described, unless we go off into a panegyric on its honest, honorable and upright citizens. This, however, is not our purpose, as the duty of an historian is to deal in facts, and not in fulsome flattery of persons or things. And thus we close our chapter on Mor- gan Township, with the statement that it is one of the most prosperous in this county, and is inhabited by people who " move on in the even tenor of their way," quietly attending to their own business, and not meddling with that of others. SEVEN HICKORY TOWNSHIP. This is one of the largest townships in the county. It is six sections wide from east to west, and is nine sections long. It contains, therefore, 54 sec- tions, or 34.560 acres, none of which is waste land. With the exception of one or two groves, of which mention will be made hereafter, the entire town- ship is prairie. It is, therefore, slightly undulating in its surface, and possesses an unusually rich, productive soil. Taking the township as a whole, there is not a finer body of land in the county. The surface is sufficiently undulating to admit of drainage, and the soil of sufficient depth to preclude its wear- inor out. The only streams of water to be found are Greasy Creek, in the northeast part ; the head of Flat Branch, in the northwest, and Cossel and a branch of Riley Creek, in the southwest. None of these flow through the township, but all head in it, and leave the town from three different directions. This fact estab- lishes another, viz. : that the central part is high land, and sloping in all direc- tions. The town, compared to others, is new, having been almost entirely unsettled until after completion of the Illinois Central Railroad, in whose grant of land it lay. The township took its name from a remarkable grove of hickory-trees situated toward the southwest part. This grove is said to have originally consisted of seven immense trees, standing alone in their grandeur, monarchs of all they surveyed. Tradition has it, too, that they were a prom- inent landmark in early days ; and, further back than the time of the white 464 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTT. man's rule here, they were the shrine and camping-place of the aboriginal sons of the forest. Early emigrants going across this part of the State found them rising before them as monitors pointing out the country before them. Earlier than the emigrants were the surveyors, who came over this section of Illinois when yet a Territory, and who marked the grove on the plats they made of the country. Before them were the scouts and hunters, forerunners of a civiliza- tion destined, one day, to supplant the red men. These adventurers found the grove composed of the curious number of hickories, and note it in their annals of the country. From their size when seen by settlers about 1824 or 1825, they must have been more than a century old, and if so, were here when the country was captured from the British by Col. George R. Clark, 100 years ago. Another small grove, known as Anderson's Grove, exists in another part of the township. It is, however, quite small, and has never yielded trees above a mediocre height and size, or of a quality suitable for building purposes. A curious growth of sassafras-trees has sprung up on the farm of Jesse O'Hair since he settled there. He says he cannot account for the trees, as he knows of no one planting any roots of that tree, or dropping any seed. He supposes the growth came from seeds dropped by birds, or roots left by Indians or trav- elers. At any rate, the trees have come up in the last quarter-century, and are of a good size. Mr. O'Hair has them fenced about, and uses the grove for a shade for stock. He is quite proud of its existence, and counts it a valuable adjunct on his farm. Aside from what has been mentioned as timber-land, the entire town is prairie. When the first settlers came to the county, they found it a trackless, almost treeless, plain, variegated with here and there a small grove or a single shrub. It was covered with a luxuriant growth of grass, waving in the prairie breezes, the home of the wolf, deer and buffalo. A'^oid of life, save in its sav- age state, it indeed fulfilled the description of Irving, whose matchless essay on the prairies stands unequaled. These wastes are now the homes of plenty, and, under the hand and influence of civilization, are the finest parts of the county. During the interval between the settlement of the timbered parts of the county and the open portions, the prairies were the scenes of many exciting wolf and deer hunts. The former animals were a foe to young pigs and poul- try, even after settlers came out here to live. They ravaged hen-roosts with brazen impunity, often in broad day, but more commonly at night. They also evidenced a desire for fi-esh, tender pork, and depopulated pig-sties with as much effrontery as they did hen-roosts. To exterminate them, grand hunts were organ- ized. A company of men, sometimes over a hundred in number, mounted on horses, followed by all the dogs and boys who could come, surrounded a certain portion of country, often quite extensive, and gradually closing in the circle, drove all before them. In early times, they would have sometimes a dozen wolves and as many deer in the doomed circle. When the line had been properly closed. HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY, 465 a fire from guns and pistols was opened on the animals, care being taken not to shoot over a certain level. The real fun began when two or three ventur- some wolves broke the lines and made tracks for liberty and life. Then no shooting was allowed. They must run down the wolf, and that meant a trial of speed and mettle. An ordinary wolf would outrun nine horses out of ten in an even race, and but few dogs could hope to catch him. The exhilarating sport — the spectacle of numbers of horses galloping across the plain in full tilt, after a wolf — gave spirit and vim to the participants, and made the day not easily forgotten. Deer-hunts were conducted by parties only, who depended on their skill as hunters to capture them, and not on the speed of horses or the excitement of a day's sport. As the country filled with settlers, these pas- times gradually died out, as the game disappeared, until now they are a thing of the past. The prairie is now covered with cattle and fields of grain, and in place of the wild beasts and wild men who once made it their home, the white man finds opulence and ease as a reward for his labor. SETTLEMENT. No permanent settlement seems to have been made here until about 1850. Before that date, as far as we have been able to learn, what few persons came into the bounds of this town came here to herd cattle,* and do not seem to have made any permanent residence. The prairie portions of the country were used for this purpose long after the settlers came, they preferring rather to pasture than to cultivate it. About the time of which we speak, however, the atten- tion of emigrants was more particularly directed to this part of the West, as it was found the prairies could be more easily cultivated, when once broken, than the timber-lands. The soil was free from roots and stubs, and more product- ive. Hence, plows adapted to the turning of the prairie sod began to appear, and farms were entered where not a tree stood. Samuel and John Rosebraugh settled in the southwest part of this town- ship in 1850 or 1851, and with William and Jack Coons, Abner Brown, Benja- min McNeal and Milo Mitchell, may be considered the pioneers of this part of the county, if we may rightly call settlers of that date pioneers. These fami- lies, with a few others, came here, opened farms, erected houses and began life — not in log cabins, but in houses that mark the second era in this country. They built frame dwellings because these were cheaper than any other then, and because there was no timber near them from which to get logs to build cabins. They, therefore, did not experience the vicissitudes of a pure pioneer life here. The country was then emerging from an era of hard times and coming to a basis of real prosperity. Railroads were in operation in the Eastern and Middle States, and had even superseded the river travel as far west as Illinois. At Chi- cago, now the metropolis of the West, one railroad was in operation, and was earnestly extending its lines westward. Charters were being granted to other 466 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. roads, which were now actively engaged in opening the country. The agitation regarding the construction of the Illinois Central Railroad was claiming the attention of the people and their Representatives in Congress. The agitation culminated in 1852 in the immense grant of land given to that road. Its his- tory is presented elsewhere in these pages, and to it the reader is referred. Suffice it to say, as soon as the route was determined, the country through which it passed settled as if by magic. The lands embraced in the grant extended into Seven'Hickory^Township, and as soon as they were thrown upon the market, were rapidly taken up. Mr. Jesse O'Hair says that when he came here, in 1854, he does not think there were over a dozen voters in the entire precinct, and these were nearly all in the southern part. He remembers the families we have mentioned, but thinks there were verv few others. Those who were here as herders of cattle, lived elsewhere, and could not be counted as residents. They all went to Charleston to vote and for all their trading. When the land came under the control of the Illinois Central road, being partly in their grant, and buyers finding out its exceeding richness, it did not wait long for purchasers. Mr. O'Hair says to attempt to tell individually who came in from 1854 to 1859, the year the township was created, would be to enumerate about one hundred families. From this, it will be seen how rapidly the country was taken up — twelve or fifteen voters in 1853 and 1854, nearly one hundred in 1859. That tells the story of its settlement. W. E. Adams says that in 1855, he went to the north part of the township to see after some cattle, and found the farm of J. E. Wyche, fenced, in a measure, and occupied by a tenant. Judge Adams says it was the farthest farm north in the township, and was somewhat isolated, being out alone on the prairie. It was used for a stock farm. He was back there four or five years after, and the prairie was "full of homes." Each one who came erected frame houses, and began on a farm all prairie. Hence their beginning was entirely different from any who began life in the forests. Here no cabins were built ; no hunts for bee-trees and game in the woods occurred : none of the elements of a life on the pioneer plan, as commonly experienced in this part of Illinois, are found. We will, therefore, not go into a needless repe- tition of the life of the first settlers here. It is given in the biographical part of this book more fully than we can hope to gather it, and to that part of the narrative we would refer the reader. The people came after the railroads were opened, thus avoiding the long journey of those that preceded them. Before they were completed through this county, emigrants came to Terre Haute by way of the railroads, and from thence to their destination in their wagons. After the creation of townships, in 1859, the voting-place was made at what was termed the Nicholas Schoolhouse, where it was continued until the Center Schoolhouse was erected, when that place was made the polling-place, and is now used. Before leaving the history of the township, we will note an event, occurring in 1864, viz., an unusually severe wind and storm. It is referred to in the HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 467 history of Mattoon, where it did much damage. There it scattered fences, tore down trees, unroofed and blew down buiklings, in one case carrying the house clear off the floor, leaving the family — Benjamin Tiff's — on the floor without any protection. Where it went through the woods, it made a " clean sweep," taking down everything in its way. Several persons were injured, and some stock killed. Within the memory of the " oldest inhabitant," it is the severest windstorm that ever visited this region. SCHOOLS. Just as soon as a sufiicient number of persons were found in the township to warrant the erection of a schoolhouse, one was built in the southwestern part. This was about the year 1855, some assert a year later. It was a neat, frame building, and accommodated, at first, a large extent of territory. About a year after it was completed, the rapid influx of settlers commenced, and, within a year's time, several houses were erected. School was opened under the free- school system, that having been established over ten years. No subscription- schools, supported entirely in that manner, were ever taught here. As the lands in this township always brought an excellent price, the sale of the 16th Section brought the township a good school-fund, as will be observed in the sta- tistics we present. The township supports excellent schools now, and, as the excellent character of the people attests, they are repaid for the outlay. The sta- tistics to which reference is made are from the office of the County Superin- tendent of Schools, and are as follows : Number of school children, males 247 Number of school children, females 202 Total 449 Number of schools 18 Average wages, males ?44 79 Average wages, females 28 19 Length of school-term, six months Value of school property $5,800 00 Principal of Township Fund 8,847 00 From the foregoing table, it is evident the population of the township is nearly two thousand, an excellent growth in less than thirty years' time. CHURCHES. There are only two churches in Seven Hickory Township, though a few are just over its border in other townships, in whose histories they are noticed. The two to which reference is made are the Methodist and Christian Churches. The first of these, the Olive Branch Church, was organized about 1865 or 1866, possibly earlier, and, for a time, like all early churches, held services in the members' houses. Afterward, the schoolhouses were used. In 1869, a very comfortable frame church was erected, which is yet occupied. Rev. Wallace was among the ministers here about this time, and was one of the active par- ticipants in its erection and dedication. The congregation is now in a good p 468 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. condition every way, and supports regular services. Its rapid growth is attrib- uted, mainly, to the sudden settling of the township, and to one or two pros- perous meetings. The Christian Church, known as the Rural Retreat Church, began by hold- ing services in persons' houses, who were professors of this creed. Soon, a start was made, a congregation established, and the meetings transferred to the schoolhouses. As the growth, at first, was somewhat slow, no house of worship was erected till 1865 and 1866. The membership is now about fifty. The first preacher here was Rev. Jesse Campbell, whose successors were Joseph Hosteetler and Nathan Wright, the present Pastor, who now lives in Paris. A BIT OF RAILROAD HISTORY. A few years after the close of the late war, the people of this township, like many others, concluded a railroad, running north and south through their ter- ritory, would be a good thing in many ways, and, finding a desire existing in Charleston for a northern and southern outlet, concluded to levy bonds to aid in its construction. Charleston had a watchful eye on the county seat, which Mattoon was zealously trying to get, and saw in the proposed road a fine oppor- tunity to secure that necessary part of her existence. The bonds were voted for, to run a series of years, to bear a good rate of interest, and for them the township was to have a railroad running southward from Tuscola, through Charleston, to some good point. After the project had gotten well under way^ and, we believe, a little work had been done on the proposed route, it was noticed by a large part of the citizens in the south part of the township that the road would be better for all were it changed and run to Danville. The people of Charleston concurred fully in this idea, as it was undoubtedly better for them. It gave them an eastern outlet then, as well as a northern one, and brought them more directly in communication with the coal-fields. The route was changed, then, to go north a little over half-way through the township, then bear northeasterly and proceed as directly to Danville as the nature of the country would allow. No sooner was this broached, however, than the people in the northern part of the township raised a remonstrance to such a proceeding. They did not care to be taxed to support a road that did not come directly to them, and prepared to contest the payment of the bonds. The upshot of the whole matter was, the case was taken into court, where it now rests. Mean- while, work and all preparations on the road have stopped. The people of Charleston are confident it will be yet resumed, and that one day the railroad will be built. Should the change of route invalidate the bonds, others can be raised, say they, and as the road would be of great advantage to the county seat, strenuous efforts will be made to complete it. COMMERCIAL INTERESTS. Although no town has ever been started in this township, it can boast of a store and a blacksmith-shop. The former was started by John Mason, about HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 469 eight years ago, who saw an opportunity to enrich his exchequer and do some good for his neighbors. He has a very good country store, filled with all sorts of goods wanted by the farmers. His stock is decidedly miscellaneous in char- acter, as all such stores are apt to be, as a miscellaneous taste and want are to be satisfied. He carries on a system of exchange, also, getting the products of the farmers, and selling them in Charleston to produce-dealers. The blacksmith-shop is run by J. H. Davidson, and is said to be a good one. It, like the store, saves farmers coming several miles to the county seat for "odd jobs ; " and, as there are a good many "odd jobs," and as Mr. Davidson makes wagons, he has plenty to do. These two employments are the only ones pursued in the township, outside of farming. The country is pre-eminently an agricultural one, and, as cattle and hogs are the main staple, corn is the principal cereal grown. Could a turnpike-road be built through the township to Charleston, it would be an excellent investment, as many products could be brought there that the farmers are obliged to forego or wait till good roads come. Some talk of utilizing criminals, confined in the Jail waiting trial, on the construction of such a road is heard. It would not only keep them, but would benefit the country. HUMBOLT TOWNSHIP. This township, located in the northern tier, and second in order from the western boundary of the county, is bounded on the north by Douglas County, and on the east, south and west respectively by Seven Hickory, La Fayette and North Okaw Townships. In its extent, it embraces one and one-half town- ships, being nine miles north and south by six miles east and west. When Douglas County was, by act of legislation, called into existence, its southern boundary was located in such a position as to give to the northern tier of town- ships in Coles County an extra half-township, and this accounts for the some- what irregular shape of Humbolt and the other northern townships. Like many of the adjacent townships, its surface is almost wholly composed of open prairie. Along the western boundary are found the outskirts of the Okaw tim- ber ; a very little timber is found marking the course of the Flat Branch, a small stream traversing the township from east to west. Add to this a small grove on Section 10, a little southeast of the village of Humbolt, and we have the entire timbered area of the township, leaving fully nine-tenths of its surface prairie. Taken throughout its whole extent, the surface of the township is not sufficiently high and broken to be termed rolling ; nor yet is it so low as to be properly designated flat ; perhaps, gently Undulating would best describe it. Humbolt is exclusively an agricultural district. It contains no cities, and but a single village, that of Humbolt. The soil is a deep black loam, such as is common to much of the prairie regions of our great and growing State. It extends to a great depth, and yields an abundant harvest of the various grains 470 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. adapted to the climate. Corn is the staple product, though wheat, oats and barley yield well. Flat Branch, a small stream rising in the northwestern corner of Seven Hickory Township, and flowing in a general western direction, crosses the northern half of Humbolt, and, with its tributaries from the north and south, aifords an outlet for the northern and central portions of the town- ship, through which their surplus waters are discharged. The southwestern portion of the township is rather flat, but has suSicient fall to admit of drainage, and, by means of open ditching and underground tiling, extensively employed in the past few years, many broad and fertile acres heretofore left uncultivated have been reduced to a high state of cultivation. These low lands, when eff"ectually drained, are richer and more productive than the higher lands in the immediate vicinity. The Chicago Branch of the Illinois Centi-al Railroad enters the township near the middle of its northern boundary. It passes almost directly south to the village of Humbolt, on Section 4, at which point it bears to the west, and, taking a general southwestern direction, leaves the township near the western boundary of Section 31, making about twelve miles of railroad in the limits of the township. After the organization of the township, various names were proposed, among others, that of " Blue-Grass Grove." This was objected to on account of its length. The name "Flat Branch" was suggested, but was deemed objectionable in that it might give to strangers and those desir- ing to settle in the township incorrect views of the elevation of the land. Finally, A. A. Sutherland, who figures somewhat prominently in the village history, and who was a great admirer of the eminent German scientist and traveler. Baron Friederich Heinrich Alexander von Humboldt, offered the name by which the township is now known and designated. This proved acceptable to all, and was so recorded. How or why the " d" was dropped in the spelling of the word '• Humbolt," as applied to the township, we are at a loss to say. Perhaps it was simply in order to Americanize the word, or, possibly, to correspond with the energy and push of this Western country, as in its shortened form it would be more easily written and less difficult in orthography. The wealth of the township consists in its many well-improved farms, its broad acres of arable and pasture lands. Its annual productions, under favorable circumstances, rank second to but few in the county. Passing from the topography of the township, we next enter, upon that period of its history pertaining to its "^ ^ ^ EARLY SETTLEMENTS. These, when compared with the first settlements made in other portions of the county, are of recent date. Few settlers, if any, had located in the pres- ent limits of Humbolt Township, prior to the year 1836. True, a settlement had been made along the Okaw as early as 1833, but this was farther west and is now included in North Okaw Township, When the first settlers of Hum- bolt Township came, they found the few farms then in cultivation, either in the timber or nestling close by it, for none dared venture far from the timber HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 471 with cabin or farm. So the wide-stretching prairie lay unmolested by the hand of man. It was one wide-spread field, where nature sported in her wild- est freaks, clad in the habiliments of all that could be called beautiful and lovely. Turn which way they might, they were met with wildness, loneliness and beauty combined, all on a grand scale and well calculated to make impres- sions as lasting as the eternal hills. The wildness was beauty made doubly so because innocence was written in letters of gold upon the untold thousands of unfolding flowers just bursting from their wintry homes and peeping out to catch the early sunbeams and drink in the morning dewdrops. Unmo- lested by the foot of man, they spread their beautiful colors and golden hues to the praise of Nature's God, eclipsing the lilies of Eden and the roses of Sharon, and forever throwing in the shade the floral gardens of the world. When John Poorman arrived, in the fall of 1836, and settled in the northwest corner of the township, on Section 31, he found just north of him, on Section 30, Julius Dugger, who, from the improvements made, Mr. Poorman thinks must have settled as early as 1833 or 18.34. All seem willing to accord to Dugger the honor of building the first cabin and making the first improvement in what is now Humbolt Township. Bailey Riddle, from North Carolina, had settled in 1833, but his cabin was just across the line in Okaw Township. John Pemberton, from Kentucky, came in the fall of 1834 or 1835, and settled near Eiddle, but after remaining a short time sold out and went farther west. The fall of 1835, brought in William Brann; that of 1836, Poorman, Noble, Junken, Jacob and David Hoots. In 1837, James Walker and John Matthews were added to the settlement. Poorman was from Pennsylvania; Brann, Junken and Walker from Rush County, Ind.; Matthews, from Tennessee or Kentucky, and the Hootses from North Carolina. With the exception of Poorman and Jacob Hoots, these all settled in what is now included in Okaw Township, east of the Okaw or Kaskaskia, and on Sec- tions adjacent to the western limit of Humbolt Township. Poorman's location has already been designated. Jacob Hoots located directly south of him on Section 6. For some years there seemed to be no disposition on the part of those coming m to settle east of the improvements already made. They either passed, on and settled nearer the river, or, crossing the stream, sought a more desirable location in the western outskirts of the timber. In 1840, W. B. Hawkins, then a young man of nineteen summers, came from Rush County, Ind., and purchased a fractional eighty on Section 6, east of Hoots. About the same time, Thomas K. Fleming, originally from Kentucky, erected a cabin and opened up a farm still farther east on the prairie. About the same date, Henry Horn, from Virginia, settled a little northeast of the Hawkins purchase. Benjamin Beavers was next in the township, east of Poorman's. Jacob Hoots died in 1842, and Joseph Finley, from Ohio, was the next to settle on his farm. The settlers already mentioned, comprise all those who were living in the township to the close of 1842 or 1843. Hawkins returned to Indiana in 472 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 1842, and took unto himself a helpmeet with a view to returning soon after to his Western home. His return, however, was delayed till 1850, when he came, built a cabin and set about improving his farm. In the mean time, Joshua Nixon had settled at Blue-Grass Grove. In the southeast corner of the township, James Shoemaker, and possibly Robert Hill, had settled as early as 1850. Few, if any, other settlements were made in the township prior to the building of the railroad in 1856. From that time forward, settlements multi- plied rapidly, and in a few short years the far stretches of prairie to the east, which the earliest settlers had thought would remain uninhabited for many decades, were thickly studded with human habitations. Of those mentioned as having settled in the township as early as 1840, but two are now remaining — John Poorman and W. B. Hawkins. The others have nearly all passed over the silent river ; a few have passed to the West, and new settlers have taken their places. The earliest settlers of this part of the county were exempted from many of the hardships and privations endured by those who preceded them a decade or more of years in the settlement of other portions of the county. Progress and improvement was visible on every hand. The days of the hominy-mortar and hand-mill had passed away, and the glorious eraof horse-mills had been fully inaugurated. As early as 1837 or 1838, Jesse Fuller had a horse-mill near the Okaw, about three miles southwest of where Poorman settled. This served the adjacent settlement and kept it supplied with meal. When a grist of wheat was to be ground, it became necessary to make a trip to True's mill, some ten or twelve miles distant. The flour manufactured is said by the old settlers to have been of a very superior quality. Going to mill, by those who were obliged to cross the prairie for any considerable distance, was usually performed after night, in order to avoid the annoyance of the flies. Sometimes a pilgrimage was made to Spangler's mills, on the Sangamon River, distant forty miles. Terre Haute and St. Louis aftbrded a market for their surplus supply of hogs, while their cattle were driven north to Chicago. These they often sold at what would now be considered starvation prices for the producer ; but as their wants were few and simple, and easily supplied, they managed to live comfortably, and most of them even to lay by in store. In 1841, when the money issued by the Springfield Bank was worth only about 50 cents to the dollar and all kinds of Illinois money was taken at a great discount, Mr. Poorman relates that loading his wagon with bacon, one barrel of soap, lard and butter, he made a trip to La Fayette, Ind. He realized for his bacon $2.50 per hundred, lard 6 cents and butter 5 cents per pound. The proceeds he invested in groceries, clothing, leather and other necessaries for family consumption. The soap he exchanged for a barrel of salt. He thus saved himself from contracting debts, and to-day he claims that he got his start in life while his neighbors were paying off" their debts, contracted while he was hauling that load to market. The early meet- ings, as in other sections, were held in the cabins of the settlers. " Preaching- place," as it was then called, was at Poorman's house, five or six years. The HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 473 early ministers were Arthur Bradshaw and Joseph Lane, in local relation with the M. E. Church. The Baptist brethren held services at Bugger's cabin, and among their early ministers were Revs. Martin, Threlkeld and Riley, Regular Baptists and circuit-riders. The first church built in Humbolt Township was erected by the Methodist society, near the western limits of the township, in the latter part of 1856. Among the early church members we find the names of John Poorman and family, Thomas K. Fleming and wife, John Southen and family, some of the Hootses and others. The congregation was rather a mixture of Methodists and Presbyterians, the different organizations having the use of the house on alternate Sundays. This house was afterward moved over to the village of Milton (now Humbolt) and used for a number of years by the Methodist society. About the year 1873, it was taken down and the material shipped to Larned, Kan., there rebuilt and occupied as a banking-house. Besides the four churches in the village, we find two others in the township. Wesley Chapel, in the southeastern portion, was built about 1866. Central Chapel, in the northeast corner, was erected in 1868 or 1869. These are the property of the M. E. Church. The nucleus of the congregation at Wesley was taken from Humbolt and Salem, that of Central from Humbolt. The first school of which we have any record was presided over by Noble Brann, and was conducted in a vacant cabin, built by John Matthews in the fall of 1837. This cabin stood about one mile northwest of Poorman's. Brann was a Hoosier, and a teacher of the olden style, that made the recreant "jump Jim Crow." In point of education, the township has kept pace with the times. In the township proper are nine districts, each supplied with a good frame building. Schools were sustained during the past year for a term of 68 months, making an average of 7 5-9 months to each district. Number of males attending, 171 ; females, 140. Male teachers employed, 9 ; females, 3. Highest monthly wages, males, $50 ; females, $30. Estimated value of school property, |5,200. Apparatus, 1250. Principal township fund, |4,700. Special district tax, $2,658. Total amount paid teachers, $2,412. Total expense for the year, $3,053. The first man who came among the early settlers of Humbolt Township, to relieve them of their bodily " aches and pains," was a Dr. Bacon, whose res- idence was in what is now Douglas County. He was here, perhaps, as early as 1838. Dr. Apperson, nephew of Dr. John Apperson, of Paradise Township, was also among the early physicians. The first death that occurred was that of a little daughter of John Poorman's. She died in 1841, from the effects of a rattlesnake bite, and was buried in what is called Brann's graveyard, in Okaw Township. She lingered only eight hours after receiving the injury, yet her sufferings were intense. Jacob Hoots died in 1842, and was, doubtless, the first adult whose death occurred in the township. These were days in which the early settlers were exhorted by every-day experience, that it was a good thing to observe faithfully the Scriptural injunction, ' Watch as well as pray.' Not only were wolves enemies to their flocks of lambs and young pigs, plentiful on 474 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. every hand, but snakes of various kinds infested the prairies. Of these, the most dreaded was the rattlesnake; much stock was injured and several persons were bitten by them ; the breaking-up and cultivation of the prairie soon caused their extinction. As late as 1850, W. B. Hawkins says that, in breaking one round, he killed three full-grown rattlesnakes. On one occasion, when gathering strawberries, in company with two or three others, the party killed no less than twenty-six during the day. The prairie-wolves were a source of no little annoyance to the first settlers. To encourage them to use all the means within their reach to rid the country of these ravenous beasts, the Legislature of Illinois passed special acts, the first giving 75 cents, and the last $1.50 for each wolf-scalp. Thus wolf-scalps became a legal-tender, in tax- paying at least. This was a wise act on the part of the Legislature, and gave quite an impetus to the great work of destroying the destroyer. The greatest and most successful wolf-chases were just after the fall of a deep snow, for the snow impeded the swiftness of the wolf much more than it did the fleetness of the horse. Immediately after the fall of a deep snow, each settler, armed and equipped for the race, would mount his "Pegasus," and, accompanied by his dog, would proceed to the place of rendezvous. The following graphic delin- eation of the chase has been given by one of the early settlers : " The Blue- Grass Grove, a little southeast of where the town of Milton (now Humbolt) stands, was the grand rally ing-point for all the settlements for miles around. It was a grand scene to be out on the wide-spread prairie, all covered with its white carpet of beautiful snowflakes, and to see far away in the distance squads of horsemen, some standing still, others in full chase of the almost flyiftg wolf, that appeared in the distance like some dark bird, skimming the snow ; some two or three miles away are two or three horsemen on the look-out. Far off" in the distance are two or three men urging their horses to their utmost speed toward the guard that is on the look-out. The look-out party know that the others are in full pursuit of the desired game; every eye is strained to catch a glimpse of the fleeing vagabond, but it is yet too far away to be seen; nearer and nearer come the flying horsemen; at length the wolf is seen from one hundred to two hundred yards ahead, and appears to fly almost, while the swift-footed horses seem to drink in the excitement of the chase, and, with outstretched necks and wide-spread nostrils, leaving behind them one continued stream of flying snow, thrown up by their nimble feet, stretch every nerve to overtake the flying game. The whole scene becomes intensely exciting ; the poor wolf is running for life, but, unfortunately, there is danger just ahead ; he is running toward other horsemen, on fresh horses, who join the chase, and a few hundred yards bring the fresh horses up with the game ; not unfrequently the foremost horse runs over the wolf, killing or crip- pling it so that the next man finishes the job. Sometimes, three or four such races are in sight at one and the same time, for the hunters from every section are concentrating their forces, and drawing near the great rallying-point with HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 475 from eight to ten wolves. Every man is at his post, while the wolves are mak- ing every effort to escape. But every avenue of escape is closed, the dogs are let loose, and now men, horses, wolves and dogs are pell-mell together, and the work of destruction goes on ; the barking and yelping of the dogs, with the shouting of the hunters and running of the horses, all these combined, made an exciting scene. It was great fun for the hunters, but death to the poor wolves ; in some instances it proved pretty dear sport to the hunter, costing him his best horse for sometimes, under the influence of the excitement, he pushed his horse too far, so that he fell dead under his rider." In the spring season, great pains were taken to find their dens, for the purpose of destroying their young. These were generally found on some high point in the wide prairie, far from the habitation of man ; all that were caught were scalped, both old and young, and the scalps laid up as so much cash against tax-paying day. But the days of wolf hunts have long since passed away, and the "varmints " are seen no more in all the land. We come now to trace the history of the only village in the township, and with it close this section of our work. THE VILLAGE OF HUMBOLT. In 1853, A. A. Sutherland, who had settled one mile east of Charleston as early as 1828, purchased a tract of land in Section 4, in Humbolt Township, east of and adjoining the present roadbed of the I. C. R. R. He erected a shanty, the same fall, and engaged in boarding hands employed in the construc- tion of the road. The Railroad Co. reserved one-half section, about one mile south of the present site of the village, with a view to making a station at that point. After the completion of the road, in order to secure the station and the town site on his premises, he donated to the R. R. Co. ten acres of land. This transaction occurred in 1859. Immediately after the acceptance of the dona- tion, in company with Thomas K. Fleming, he laid out and platted twenty acres east of and adjoining the land donated. This appears as the original town plat. Soon after, the R. R. Co. sold their land to Wesley Wampler, who laid it out in town lots. This is known as Wampler's Addition, and on this the principal part of the town was built. About the year 1860 or 1861, a Mr. Hill made an addition north of the original plat, and Wampler made a second addi- tion west of the railroad. T. K. Fleming built the first residence on the town- site, and Wesley Wampler the second. These were both built in 1859. Others came in rapid succession, purchased lots and erected dwellings, so that, by the beginning of 1861, the village had well-nigh attained its present size. Like many of our Western prairie towns, it sprang into existence almost as if by magic. The war coming on in 1861, checked for a season its progress. Wampler was the first agent, built the first store and sold the first goods after the laying- out of the village. Lewis Hutchinson had kept a country store at this point prior to the laying-out of the village, but was not here at this time. John Payne, from Paris, Edgar Co., opened a general store early in 1860. Dr. 0. 476 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. M. Odell opened a drug store in 1868 ; a second was soon after opened by Hawkins & Stuart. The grain trade, at one time, was carried on quite exten- sively at this point. Wampler built a warehouse in 1859, and handled the first grain. John Glassco built a small house, in the fall of 1860, and engaged in the trade. In the fall of 1861, James Wadkins and John Stanley began the busi- ness, followed, in the fall of 1862, by A. A. Sutherland. The most important enterprise undertaken, as well as the one promising the most good to the village and the surrounding community, was the erection of a steam-mill. In I860, James Wadkins, Brownlee & Co. built a mill west of the railroad, a short dis- tance north of the depot. This was wholly destroyed by fire in 1870. Its loss was keenly felt by the citizens of the village, as its presence brought a large trade to the town which afterward floated off into other channels. The flour manufactured was of a superior grade, and was in great demand. CHURCHES, LODGES, ETC. The first church in the village, as has been elsewhere recorded, was moved in from the western limits of the township and located south and a little west of where the Catholic Churtfh now stands. This was used in common by the Methodist and Presbyterian societies for some years. The Presbyterian Church was organized, in 1861, by Rev. H. I. Yenable. Its early meetings were held as above stated. James W. Junken and family, Thomas Danner and family, Richard Hawkins and family, James Boyd and family, G. W. Woods and wife were among the early members. A neat frame church was erected by the society in 1870. The dedicatory sermon was preached in February, 1871, Rev. D. M. Stewart officiating. Revs. James Allison and E. Howell have since served the Church. The present M. E. Church was built in 1873. Rev. D. E. May was pastor at the time. It was dedicated, soon after completion, by S. S. Meginnis, Presiding Elder of the district at the time. The Christian Church was begun in 1865, but did not reach completion till the summer of 1871. This society has labored under great difficulty, being few in numbers and most of its members persons of lim- ited means. Its house of worship, costing over $2,000, is a monument to the liberality of W. B. Hawkins, who contributed more than one-half of the whole amount for its completion. The early meetings of the Church were held in cabin of Hawkins, and Elder Thomas Goodman was the first preacher. Elder James Conner and his sons, James and Samuel W., have since served the con- gregation. The Holy Angels (Catholic) Church was built about 1870, under the supervision of Father Mangin. Thomas Kilfoyl, Thomas Pendergrast, John Wall and families, Edmund Reagan, Mary Lynch and others were among the early members. Father Mangin was the first priest, and was succeeded by Father Gonin. All the churches are neat frame buildings, and, with their tall spires pointing heavenward, give to the village quite a city-like appearance in the distance. HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 477 Elwood Lodge, No. 589, A., F. & A. M., was chartered by the Grand Lodge October 6, 1868. The charter was granted to Jesse B. Gray, George W. Gray^ Alfred Bugh, J. P. Westby, J. M. Wharton, A. Sparks, Joel Stevenson and others. Jesse B. Gray was appointed Master, George W. Gray, S. W., and A. G. Bugh, J. W. Stated meetings Saturday on or before full moon and two weeks thereafter. Prospect Lodge, I. 0. 0. F., No. 636, was instituted March 21, 1877, by Deputy Grand Master James Hamilton, of Bluff Lodge, No. 605. A charter was granted by the Grand Lodge October 10, 1877. The first officers were W. B. Kennedy, N. G. ; J. D. Denning, V. G. ; Hugh Maxey, Sec. ; 0. M. McNutt, Treas. Regular meetings of the Lodge Wednesday night of each week. Humbolt Lodge K. of H., No. 1046, was organized April 23, 1878, by J- F. Drish and T. E, Woods. The society has a membership of fifteen souls and meets regularly Thursday evening of each week. Benoni Lodge of Good Templars, No. 377, was organized March 23, 1874. A charter was granted from the Right Worthy Grand Lodge to W. B. Ken- nedy, John Moore, 0. D. Noe, Horace Wells, Dollie Wells, Sallie Woods, Belle Gray, Annie Burgess, W. C. Lacy and others. These societies all meet for the transaction of business in the same hall, over Gray & Danner's store. Dr. 0. M. Odell, who came in August, 1859, was the first physician to locate in the village. About four months later. Dr. Wharton located. The medical fraternity at present is represented by Drs. Odell, Brewer and Stuart. The present school building, a neat frame containing two rooms, was built in 1870- A Mr. Stevenson taught the first session in the new house. VILLAGE INCORPORATED. On the 20th of February, 1866, an election was held at which twenty-five votes were cast for, and five against, incorporation. February 27, the following board of officers was chosen : R. D. Senteney, Police Justice ; Trustees — J. P. Westby, J. C. B. Wharton, H. L. Stewart, William A. Wood and Abner Sparks. Sparks being a non-freeholder, was declared ineligible, and, April 11? William B. Hawkins was chosen to fill the va'^ancy. When the village was first laid out, by common consent of those interested, it was christened Milton. A petition was circulated and then forwarded to the Capitol, praying for the establishment of a post office with the same name. This could not be granted, as an office of that name already existed in Pike County. The petitioners then added the word "Station," and thus amended, the petition was granted and the post office was established with the name Milton Station. A. A. Sutherland was the first postmaster, and the office was kept at his residence for some time. It is at present kept in the store of Gray & Danner ; G. W. Gray is the present postmaster. The citizens, and more especially those engaged in conducting the business of the village, soon became convinced that they had acted unwisely in 478 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. choosing "Milton " as the name of their village and post office. Not only mail matter, but express and freight intended for this point often found its way into Pike County, and vice versa. April 23, 1875, a petition was presented to the Trustees praying for a change in name from Milton to Humbolt. May 17, the petition was renewed, and at that date an ordinance was passed granting the petition, said ordinance to take effect from and after May 28, 1875. The name of the post office was changed at or near the same time. Humbolt has a popu- ation of about three hundred. She has three general merchandise stores, two drug stores, one grocery, one blacksmith and wood-work shop, one broom-fac- tory and one grain-warehouse. LA FAYETTE TOWNSHIP. This township, situated in the western part of the county, contains thirty- six sections, and therefore agrees with the Congressional township in common with a few others of like size in the county. The surface of the country is somewhat diversified. It is, however, rather inclined to the appearance of an ordinary prairie, save where a stream courses through it. From the fact that a large part of the township is prairie land it was not fully settled till after the advent of the railroads. These coming through the level part, opened a high- way for the more speedy transportation of products, and caused the before uncultivated prairie to soon abound in farms, and to change from a condition of nature to homes of plenty. Kickapoo Creek and Riley's Creek are the only streams of water found here. The former, the largest of the two, flows through the township from east to west, a little south of the center, and, after passing on through Charleston Township, finds an outlet in the Embarrass. The creek derived its name from an ancient tribe of Indians who once resided on its banks. Riley's Creek runs through the northern tier of sections from the west to the east, and finds in Charleston Township an outlet in the Kickapoo. Neither of these streams is of sufficient size to afford any practical use, save drainage. Each is skirted by belts of timber, wherein the pioneers found homes partially protected from the rude blasts of the early winters. In the northwest part of the township are one or two small groves, the largest and most notable of which is the Dead Man's Grove, so named from a mournful incident, related in the county history. The groves and timber along the streams furnished, in early days, a good supply of building-timber. This has largely been removed since the settlement began, leaving only a growth inferior in size and quality, and chiefly used for fire-wood. The products of La Fayette Township are the cereals (the chief of which is corn), cattle and hogs. Of late, fine stock has attracted considerable attention among the farmers, and is now taking the place of the inferior quality seen heretofore. Corn is raised in immense quantities, and is largely used in feeding stock. The Indianapolis & St. Louis Railroad affords good facilities for shipment East or West, while at Mattoon the Illinois HISTORY OF COLES COUIITY. 479 Central offers equally good outlets to Southern and Northern markets. Of late years, many farmers have borrowed money at 10 per cent interest, which several could not pay, and hence much land has fallen into the hands of non-resident owners. The effect of this policy, in the end, will be to cut large farms into smaller ones, and give the township more freeholders. The policy of borrowing money and mortgaging a farm has proved evil here as elsewhere, and is teaching the farmers that no legitimate business will pay such a per cent and at the same time maintain itself. It will ruin any man ; and while it will effect the deprivation of many of their homes, it will, in the end, as sug- gested, cut these farms into smaller portions, held at first by renters who event- ually will own them. THE PIONEERS. " Before them, then, were bending skies ; Behind them, now, proud cities rise ; And where the father's cabin fell, The sons in stately mansions dwell. " Before them leaped the prairie-fires, Behind them gleam a hundred spires ; And where the panther made his lair. The godly meet for praise and prayer. " Before them all was waste and wild. Behind them blooming gardens smile ; And where the thorn and thistle grew, The dahlias drink the morning dew. " Before them stretched a trackless plain. Behind them waving fields of grain ; And where the wild beast roamed and fed. The toiler eats his daily bread. " Before them lay an unknown land, A myriad homes behind them stand ; And where the hissing serpent crept. The little child in peace hath slept." — George B. Batch. The picture drawn by Mr. Balch is not in the least overdrawn. Before the pioneer lay a trackless wilderness ; behind him is a garden. The first settlers in this township found it a waste ; those that survive them see it filled with the homes of plenty, largely the work of those pioneers whose memory we now preserve. During the summer of 1825, several persons were in this part of Illinois, prospecting, hunting and seeking homes. Among them were Samuel Henry and John Robinson, of Crawford County. They spent some time on the Kick- apoo, hunting and examining the different sections of country adjacent. Finding an excellent soil, plenty of timber and water enough for all practical pur- poses, they determined to make this their home. Robinson soon brought his wife to this place, and set about building a camp. Henry, on his return to Crawford County, hired John Veach to bring him, his family and their effects to 480 • HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. the new home. Then there were but very few settlers in the present limits of Coles County, and, what few there were, were pioneers in the truest sense of the word. Mr, Veach, not caring for the journey, sent his son Jesse, then eighteen years of age, and an expert hunter and frontiersman. On the 18th of December, he loaded the Henry family into the old Virginia wagon, hitched his ox and horse teams to it, and prepared for the journey. That night they went to the cabin of S. H. Bates, father of John Bates, now well known in Coles County, and remained with them till morning. Mr. Bates was also ready to come with them, having heard of the richness of the soil here, and the promise of a competence in after-life. That night, the two families got to where Isaac Lewis lived, not far from where the present town of Robinson is situated, where they remained overnight. They found, on their arrival here, that Ben Parker, an early settler in Coles, which, it must be recollected, did not then exist in name, was here to take Mr. Lewis back with him. It will be observed that neither Mr. Henry nor Mr. Lewis had teams of their own. They were too poor to own any, and were, therefore, dependent on their neigh- bors for such accommodations as they could get. The three families made the journey in four days. The first day out, they got as far as Eaton's mill, on the north fork of the Embarrass. The second day, to Long Point, where they camped, there being no habitation near. The third day, they got to a camp, where George Parker now lives, where they got some corn for their teams. The evening of the fourth day, they arrived at the unfinished cabin of Mr. Bates, which they completed, so they could find shelter therein, and remained there for the night. The cabin was inclosed and covered, but no doors made nor any chimney built. The next day, Mr. Veach started for the Kickapoo timber with Mr. Henry's family. He got to the camp made by Robinson about the middle of the afternoon, unloaded his wagon, and returned to the Bates cabin to remain overnight. The next day he started home, reaching it in a few days time. Mr. Henry and his family reached their new home on the afternoon of December 25, 1825. They were alone in this part of the country — no one west of them for many miles. A few settlers were in the eastern part of the county, but none nearer than the cabin of Mr. Bates, whom they left that morning. On their way up from Crawford County, they met Robinson and his wife with their ox-team going back to the settlement, where they expected to remain during the winter. They informed them an unfinished camp was awaiting them, and told them how they had left, expecting to return in the spring. Mr. Henry and his wife set about, immediately on their arrival, making themselves as comfortable as they could, and, as the winter was rather mild, experienced but little hardship. They found wild honey and game abundant, and suf- fered none for provisions. They had brought corn enough to supply themselves with corn- bread, and with that and the abundant wild food fared well while alone in the woods. Early in the spring, Robinson and his wife returned with HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. 481 their ox-team, bringing with them the news of the day and the cheering infor- mation that others were preparing to follow. During their return visit, Mrs. Robinson had become a mother, and brought back the first baby to the settle- ment. Both families used the cabin, built the autumn before, until Henry could complete his own, into which he at once moved, and the second home in the township was established. When the season opened, these two men prepared ground, sowed wheat, planted corn, started a small garden for each, and prepared to erect permanent cabins as soon as the crops could be " laid away." Before this was done, however, they were joined by John Wilkinson, from Edgar County, who, hearing of the rich soil and natural advantages to be found here, left that county and located in the northeast part of what is now La Fayette Township, forming the beginning of a settlement there. He remained only one year, however, when he sold to Isaac Parker and went to Texas, where he afterward became a noted man. This same spring of which we are speaking (1826), Samuel Woods came up from Crawford County, selected his claim, planted a crop, with the assistance of a few neighbors raised a cabin, and, in the fall, went back and brought up his family. He settled near the east side of the township, not far from the present Methodist Church, He remained here until his death. Thomas Robnet came the same spring, and located near where H. Nabb now lives. Not liking the location, he moved, soon after, to the farm now owned by Levi Doty, where he lived till 1833, when he sold that claim and went to the Lone-Star State. Whether any other families than these mentioned came this summer, is now very difficult to determine. Mr. Jesse Veach says he knows there were none when he brought Henry's family, in the fall of 1825, and he has not been informed of any more than those named. He went back to Crawford County, the next year went to New Orleans on a flatboat, and, on his return, married and settled in the neighbor- hood where he had lived. He did not become a citizen of Coles County till 1831. He was up here, however, he says, several times in the interim, and knew pretty well what was being done. As it impossible, at this date, to accu- rately note the date of each one's settlement before the Black Hawk war, we will give each one as far as we have been able to gather them. Some wilU undoubtedly, be omitted, as no record was kept and no one lives now who can tell to a certainty who came. Among those coming next after those mentioned ,was James James, who came from Edgar County in 1826 or 1827 — probably the latter year. He married, for his second wife, a daughter of Mr. Bates, whose coming has already been mentioned. Levi and James Doty, both young men, came about the same time. They are yet living. James Burns settled near where William R. Jones now lives, but remained only a few years. James Ashmore, from Tennessee, came in this period. It will be remembered that at his house the first election in the county was held. It was rather a central point, and also one well known. He and the entire family of Ashmores became prominently known all over Coles County. On the day of the election, 482 HISTORY OF COLES COUNTY. plenty of whisky was furnished by the opposing candidates, as was the custom then, and, as this beverage excited men to unlawful and wicked deeds then, as now, about a dozen fights occurred. It was a " big thing " then to be the " boss fighter," or able to whip any man in the country. It seemed to be a measure of prowess then, as on the frontier now. Mr. John Phipps states that he was at that election, and remembers (he was twelve years old at the time) there were about a dozen fights before the day was over. One champion and his friends would challenge another of equally renowned prowess, and the point must be settled. Another settler of this period was William Parker, who settled where William Jones now lives. Another was John Veach, who hearing the stories of the fertile land in this part of the country, came here in 1828, and remained. John Phipps came that same year, from Wabash County. He had four or five children, one of whom, John, Jr., narrates the coming of the fam- ily, their settlement here, and their own and neighbors' struggles for a start. He says they moved into an old, unfinished cabin they found in the woods not far from where he is now living, and which they occupied some time. It had no floor, was very imperfectly daubed, and was, withal, a poor lodging-place. It was, though, the best they could do, and like many another pioneer family, they did what they could, not what they wanted to. They were consoled in a meas- ure by the fact that some of their neighbors had no better lodging-place, some, even, had none. They, and all others similarly situated, did the best they could in these primitive dwellings till they could get their crops gathered, when they erected closer and better cabins, which they used until circumstan- ces allowed them to build frame dwellings. Mr. Phipps shows now with no little pride, an old wind-mill, sixty-seven years old, his father brought with him when he came to this part of the State. He remembers, in addition to the families named, those of Elijah Gibbs, who came here from Crawford County, and who remained until his death occurred ; William Ewing, from Kentucky; William Williams, who came in 1829, from Kentucky, and who lived here all his life. "Capt." R. E. Y. Williams, a boy then, is now living on the old place. Samuel Williams came with the others, but did not remain long, returning to Kentucky. Others, he remembers, were old Mr. Scott, William R. Jones, Rev. Daniel Barham, a noted Baptist minister, and one of the early settlers in Pleasant Grove, John Gordon, another pioneer, who moved there in 1829, Rev. Threlkeld, and a few others. To . 1827 ; until he was 17 or 18 years of age, he passed his life upon the farm, deriving his education mostly from the common schools ; in 1854, he came West to Jennings Co., Ind., where he remained one year ; he then went to Crawfordsville, Ind., and was a student in Wabash College a short time ; he next en- gaged in the merchant tailoring business there for two or three jears ; leaving Crawfordsville, he next located in South Bend, remaining one year ; in the fall of 1859, he moved to New Carlisle, Ind., and engaged in teaching school ; here he re- mained three and one-half years, most of the time engaged as a Professor in the Collegiate Institute ; in the spring of 1863, he moved to Rolling Prairie, taught one year, and, in the fall of 1864, engaged in the grocery trade ; in the spring of 1866, he was appointed and commissioned Post- master, which position he held eight years ; in the fall of 1874, he came to Mattoon and engaged in his present occupation. He was first married in 1858, to Elizabeth Prance, a native of Ohio ; she died in 1868. His second marriage occurred in 1869, to Nancy J. Bolster of New York State; she died in 1870; he has four children — Annie B., Lydia E., Mary C., Benjamin F. JAMBS T. CUNNINGHAM, de- ceased, Mattoon; the subject of this sketch, whose portrait appears in this work, was born in Grayson Co., Ky., July 11, 1802 ; his early life was spent on the farm, and his education limited to a few mouths' attendance upon the public or subscription schools of his native State ; from a very early period in life, the sup- port of the family mainly devolved upon him; in the fall of 1830, he came West to Illinois with his mother-in-law, Mrs. Yocum and her family, and settled in what is now Paradise Tp., Coles Co. He is mentioned in that township as being among the early settlers; when he came West he was possessed of but little means, but here he found a wide field for specula- tion ; he was uniformly successful in his 544 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES various undertakings, and his gains, though great, were always honorably gotten ; he fcorned to do a mean act, and, though at his death, he left a large competency to his family, no one could justly say that one farthing had been gained by trickery or dishonest means. He took a deep and abiding interest in whatever tended to ad- vance the interests of his State. Being a man of good native ability, he was at an early day chosen by his fellow-citizens of Ct)les Co. as their representative ; he served eight years in succession in the Lower House while the capital of the State was at Vandalia. His marriage to Elizabeth C. Yocum occurred Sept. 15, 1825; she died Sept. 3, 1849 ; for almost a quarter of a century, she was to him a faithful helpmeet ; he was married a second time, Feb. 3, 1853, to Mrs. Sarah E.Hendricks; from first wedlock five children were born — John, William, James, Mary J., James H. ; of these William and James are dead ; from the second marriage two daughters were given him — Nancy T. (deceased) and Elizabeth C. (now wife of Elder W. T. Mason). At his death, which occurred June 26, 1863. he left an estate valued (after the liquidation of all debts) at 8300,000. This legacy he left to his family as the reward of a faithful, industrious, honest, upright life — a life of strict sobriety, and full of earnest, manly effort. J. W. DORA, M. D., physician and surgeon, Mattoon ; was born near Augusta, Bracken Co., Ky., May 5, 1827 ; he enjoyed the advantages of select schools, and attended Augusta College a short time before its suspension ; in 1847, he went to Cincinnati, and became a student in Bart- lett's Commercial College, from which he graduated in the spring of 1848 ; he then devoted himself to book-keeping for the firm of J. 0. Prather & Co., about a year; in the winter of 1849, he began the study of medicine, under Dr. George R. Todd, of Cynthiana, Ky., a brother of Mrs. A. Lincoln ; during the winter of 1850 and 1851, he attended the Ohio Medical Col- lege, at Cincinnati, and the following spring, engaged in the practice of his pro- fession, at Buena Vista, Ky. ; the winter of 1851 and 1852, he was again a student in the College, and graduated in the spring following, when he again returned to his practice; in August, 1855, he came West to Illinois, and located in Mattoon ; during the winter of 1855 and 1856, he attended a course of lectures in the Eclectic Medical College, at Cincinnati ; returning home he remained here in the practice until October, 1863, when he moved to Chicago ; during his residence of two years in Chicago, he received a degree from the Rush Medical College; in April, 1865, he returned to Mattoon, and has since resided here. He was married in the spring of 1850, to Martha E.Smith, a native of Harrison Co., Ky. ; she died March 27, 1872 ; Nov. 1.0, 1875, he was married to S. A. McQuown, a native of Kentucky ; has four children from first wedlock — Leoma C. (wife of F. D. Dole), Helen M., John W., Maggie E. He was first Mayor of the city, and for a number of years member of the City Council ; also held the office of City Treasurer a number of terms. WILLIAM DOZIER, architect and builder, Mattoon ; was born in Muskingum Co., Ohio, Sept. 12, 1836 ; his grand- father came from Pennsylvania to Ohio as early as 1810, and settled in Muskingum Co., when that section of country was a wilderness ; his father was then a lad of some 8 or 9 summers ; through want of oppor- tunity, the education of his father was not extended beyond spelling, he never having read a day in school ; he was a man, how- ever, of good native ability, and, through his own exertions, obtained a fair educa- tion ; he served nine years as Justice of the Peace; he lost his life April 5, 1852, by drowning, William's early life was passed upon the farm, and he secured a good education in the common schools ; after the death of his father, he took charge of bis mother's interest, and that of eight younger members of the family, remaining at home till his majority ; at the age of 18 years, he began teaching, and taught four winters, farming or following the trade of carpenter during the remainder of the year; in 1858, he came West to Illinois, to prospect the country, and on the 1st day of April, landed in what is now the city of Mattoon, then a village of some 300 inhab- itants ; here he engaged in working at his trade ; subsequently went te Cumberland Co., but soon returned to Mattoon ; in the fall of 1859, he returned to Ohio, and Oct. 11, 1859, was married to Maria MATTOON TOWNSHIP. 545 McCaslin. of Morgan Co., Ohio ; here he remained till August, 1861, when he again set his face westward, moving, in a two- horse wagon, his goods and eifects ; he came again to Mattoon; in 1865, he moved to Terre Haute, Ind., and during his resi- dence of three and a half years, built six residences for himself, and also engaged in merchandising, a short time; in 1869, he returned to Mattoon ; since his residence he has built ten residences, six of which he now owns ; he also owns twenty acres in Okaw Tp., and four acres at his residence near the city limits. Has had two chil- dren — Wallace, living ; Cadmer, dead. In 1875, in company with his wife he visited England, Scotland and France, and con- tributed some interesting articles to the city papers on the manners and customs of the people, and on sight-seeing in London, Edinburgh and other noted nlaces. W. B. DUNLAP, Cashier First Na- tional Bank, Mattoon ; was born in New Hampshire in 1840 ; he received a good, common-school education, and was fitted for college, but did not enter upon a college course. In 1861, he came West to Illi- nois, locating in Mattoon, where he was employed as book-keeper and clerk for the firm of Francis & Shaw. Jan. 1, 1863, he entered the banking house of Pilkington & Co., as Cashier; May 1, 1865, at which time the First National Bank was organized, he was chosen to the position of Teller ; this he held until 1868, when he was chosen Cashier; June 1, 1874, he resigned his office and organized the Mat- toon National Bank, of which he was Presi- dent till November, 1877, at which time he resigned the position to devote his atten- tion to his real estate transactions. April 1, 1878, he was tendered the position of Cashier of the First National Bank a second time, and in May following that of Presi- dent ; this, after mature deliberation, he declined, but consented to fill the office of (/ashier. The management of the bank, however, is almost wholly intrusted to his care. He was married in 1866, to Mary K. Woods, a native of Illinois. Has two children — Estelle and Katie. Owns 120 acres and a large amount of real estate in the city. In addition to his banking duties, he transacts a real estate business to the amount of from $60,000 to $70,000 per annum. J. K. DONNELL, wholesale grocer,^ Mattoon ; was born in Tyrone Co., Ireland, Oct. 14, 1835. At the age of 13, he entered the employ of John and James Graham, as clerk in their grocery establish- ment, in the town of Strabane ; here he served an indentured apprenticeship for three years and four months, at which time he received a certificate of qualification as a practical business man. The family soon after came to America and settled in Philadelphia, where he was employed in various firms in the capacity of clerk. In 1857, he began business for himself in the retail grocery trade ; this he conducted ten years. In 1867, he came to Illinois and began the retail trade in Mattoon ; for the first four years he conducted a jobbing trade in connection with the retail depart- ment ; in the fall of 1861, he leased his present place of business to operate exclu- sively a jobbing trade ; this he continued five years; in the fall of 1866, he leased an additional room, and again connected the retail trade with his business ; October, 1878, he abandoned the retail department and entered upon the wholesale business exclusively. .His is the pioneer wholesale establishment, being the first and only exclusively wholesale house in the city. In addition to his fine and growing business, ranging from $130,000 to $150,000 per annum, he own? a fine fruit farm of twenty acres within the corporate limits of the city, a number of residences and eighty- four acres in Cumberland Co., well im- proved. All this he has accumulated by honest industry and good management^ and while ill-timed adventure and unwise speculation has engulfed many in finan- cial ruin, he feels grateful that his every obligation has been met, dollar for dollar ; and yet with his armor on, he boasts not as he may who has l^id it aside. J. F. DRISH, dealer in general hard- ware and agricultural implements, Mat- toon ; was bornin Leesburg, Loudoun Co., Va., May 8, 1833 ; his father came west to Illinois in 1836 or 1837, and first set- tled in Whitehall, Greene Co., where he engaged in the practice of his profession — that of a physician and surgeon ; at the age of 19, the subject of this sketch left home and crossed the plains to California ; here he engaged in speculating and con- tracting; in 1854, he returned by way of 546 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: the Isthmus of Panama and New York City ; he next settled in Carlinville, and engaged in the dry goods and grocery trade till 1861. At the outbreaking of the civil war, he entered in the U. S. service in the 32d I. V. I., as Adjutant of the regiment; in April, 1862, he came home and assisted in raising and organiz- ing the 1 2 2d I. V. I., and again entered the service as Lieutenant Colonel of the regi- ment ; he was mustered out of the service in 1865, having been actively engaged with the regiment during its entire term of service. In 1865, he settled in Mat- toon and engaged in his present occupa- tion. He was married, in 1856, to Rosella C. Keller, a native of Illinois ; they have two daughters — L. M. and Frankie. He has held the office of Super- visor two terms, and was Chairman of the Board during his last term ; he was chosen Mayor of the city in 1867, serving out a portion of the first Mayoralty under the new city charter ; he h;is held the office of President one term, and that of Secre- tary one term, of the Board of Education. He participated in the battles of Forts Henry, Donelson, Pittsburg Landing, Parker's Cross Roads, Nashville, and many others ; he was wounded in the shoulder on the 9th day of April, 1865, in the assault on Fort Blakely, at Mobile ; this battle was fought after the war was virt- ually at an end. R. L. EWINGr, retail grocer, Mattoon; was born in Coles Co., 111., Dec. 28, 1842; his father, William Ewing, familiarly known as 'Squire Ewing, came from Ken- tucky and settled upon the South Kicka- poo, within the present limits of Coles Co., in the spring of 1 829 ; here he engaged in farming, and here the boyhood and early manhood of R. L. was passed upon the farm; his father died in 1866; he re- mained at home and had charge of the farm until 1873 ; he then purchased the homestead, and, the following year, sold out and came to Mattoon ; here he entered the employ of D. D. James, as clerk in his grain office, and, the following year, was in like employment for Hinkle & Kahn ; Nov. 1, 1876, he began his present busi- ness, with Thos. McCormiok as partner, under the firm name of McCormick & Ewing. He was married Dec. 31, 1863, to Sarah S. McDonald, a native of Illinois ; they have one child living — John W., and an infant son dead. He owns eighty acres of the old homestead ; is at present a member of the City Council. MATTHIAS EVERHARTY, propri- etor West Broadway Meat Market, Mat- toon ; was born near Coblenz, Prussia, June 28, 1833 ; when he was but 4 years old, his parents emigrated to America, landing in Cincinnati July 4, 1837; here they settled, and his father was one of the earliest German gardeners that began the raising of vegetables for the Cincinnati market ; much of the land that he then cul- tivated in " garden sass " is now occupied with solid rows of substantial brick build- ings. In 1849, young Everharty went to his trade — that of a butcher — at which he served as an apprentice three years ; he followed the business in Cincinnati till 1861, at which date he went out as butcher to the first German regiment, the 9th Ohio v. I., and was with various divisions of the army till 1863 ; on his return from the army, he remained a short time in Cincinnati, and, in Novem- ber, 1863, he came to Mattoon and en- gaged in operating his present business. He was married, in 1854, to Elizabeth Horn, a native of France ; they have four children — Catharine, John J., Annie L. and Maggie. He owns real estate in the city — a residence, five acres of land and business property. R. M. GRAY, attorney at law, Mat- toon; was born in Pleasant Grove Tp., Coles Co., 111., Dec. 27, 1848 ; his father. James C, was one of the early pioneers of this section ; his early life was that of a farmer's sou ; in addition to his common school education, at the age of 19, he en- tered Westfield College, Clark Co., 111., and remained one year ; he next attended an academy in his native township, two years, under the supervision of Prof. T. J. Lee; in the fall of 1870, he entered the law department of Michigan University, from which he graduated in March, 1S73 ; he then entered the office of Maj. James A. Connolly, in Charleston, 111., and re- mained till the spring of 1875 ; he then came to Mattoon and entered upon the practice of his profession, in connection with H. W. Magee ; soon after locating, he was appointed City Attoraoy, and held the office one year; in 1877, he formed a co- MATTOON TOWNSHIP. 547 partnership with Charles Bennett, which lasted one year; in 1876, he was elected State's Attorney for Coles Co., which po- sition he now holds ; since the spring of 1878, he has been practicing his profession alone, and though comparatively young in the work, has already shown himself " a workman that needeth not to be ashamed. " 0. W. GOGIN, Justice of the Peace, Mattoon ; was born in Qincinnati, Ohio, in 1820 ; his father came from New Jersey and settled in Cincinnati in 1800 ; the family was six months making the jour- ney, coming by teams to Pittsburgh, Penn., and thence floating down the Ohio in a keelboat to the point of destination ; here the family remained some twenty-odd years; in the spring of 1841, his father came West, and settled in Crawford Co., 111., where he began the labor of opening up a farm in the woods ; 0. W. was the youngest of the family, and remained at home till the death of his parents ; they lived to enjoy the companionship of each other through a half-century of wedded life, and were Consistent members of the M. E. Church for the same length of time. ^Squire Gogin moved to Mattoon in the fall of 18(3:^ ; here he engaged for some years in milling and in the fruit-growing business. He was married in 1842, to Eliza Eurle, a native of Virginia ; have four children— A. Dorr, Emma, Eola and Nellie. Has held the oflBce of Justice of the Peace, and transacts much business in the settlement of estates. FRANK GARTHWAIT, auction and commission merchant, Mattoon ; was born in Terre Haute, lad., Oct. 18, 1838 ; his father was a wholesale and retail grocery- man, and was one of the pioneers of the city ; Frank obtained his education at the city schools, and at the age of 15, began the life of a printer's devil in the Courier office ; here he remained three years under ! charge of J. Canard, editor and proprietor of the paper ; he next engaged in travel- ing and selling clocks for three years, and subsequently engaged in the sale of notions till 1861 ; he enlisted in the United States service in the fill of 1861, in Co. G, 43d Ind. V. I. ; in this he served three years ; he then raised a company, and served till the close of the war in the 149th E,egt. ; in this he went out as First Lieutenant, and was promoted to the Cap- taincy ; on his return, he engaged in the grocery trade in Terre Haute ; in the spring of 1871, he located in Springfield, and engaged in selling lightning-rods ; in October, 1871, he came to Mattoon, and engaged in the sale of pumps and light- ning-rods ; in the spring of 1872, he op- erated a marble- shop ; in January, 1874, he began his present line of business. He was married in 1865, to Ella Saunders, a native of Indiana ; she died in 1872 ; his second marriage, to Mrs. Laura Morgan, a native of Illinois, occurred in 1874 ; two children were born from first wedlock — Nettie, living, and Nellie, dead; one from second marriage — Daisy. He was chosen Mayor of the city in the spring of 1877 ; owns real estate in the city. J. M. GIBBS, livery and sale stable, Mattoon ; was born near the South Kick- apoo, in Coles Co., Ill, Jan. 28, 1841 ; his grandfather, Elijah Gibbs, was one of the early pioneers of this section, having come from Virginia, in an early day, to Ohio, and thence to Illinois ; his father. Homer Gibbs, was here_almost as early as the formation of the county ; his father was a carpenter by trade ; J. M. passed his early life on the farm, near Sullivan, Moultrie Co.; his education was obtained in the common schools ; at the age of 20 years, he began life for himself; in 1861, he began trading in horses and mules, and for three or four years, during the war, shipped to St. Louis stock purchased for the cavalry and artillery services ; after the close of the war, he engaged in shipping stock to the southern markets of New Orleans and Natchez ; this he continues to the present time; during the summer, he ships to Boston, Mass., though he has always bought and shipped in connection with I. N. Gibbs, his twin brother, yet they have never been in partnership. He was married Jan. 7, 1864, to Sallie Brid- well, a native of Louisville, Ky.; has five children — J. Emery, Carrie, Lewis, Mar- tin W. and Isaac N. ABRAM HASBROUCK, City Mayor, and dealer in hardware and agricultual im- plements, Mattoon ; was born in Ulster Co., N. Y., in 1825 ; his early life was passed upon the farm, and his education, such as was derived from the common schools ; he remained on the homestead uu- about 25 years of age ; in 1854, he came 3 548 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: West and first settled in Michigan ; here he engaged in operating a hotel ; in 1857, he moved to Milwaukee, and conducted the " Walker House " two years ; the win- ter of 1859 he spent in Chicago, not act- ively engaged in business; in 1860, he lo- cated in Mattoon, and opened his present business ; his is the pioneer hardware es- tablishment of the city ; he was chosen Mayor of the city in the spring of 1878, and is deservedly popular as a city ofiicial and business man. He was married in 1855 to Louisa G. Smith, a native of Vermont; has one daughter — Helen S. Owns 140 acres in Coles Co., some fine business property in the city, and an eligi- ble city residence. J. F. HUGHES, attorney at law, Mat- toon ; was born in Wayne Co., Ohio, Jan. 17, 1839 ; his early life was that of a farm- er's son ; in addition to his common- school education, he enjoyed the advan- tages of the Academy at Fredricksburg and Smithville, in his native county. April 19, 1861, he entered the U. S. serv- ice as a member of the 16th Ohio V. I., and served three months in West Virginia ; in July, 1862, he re- enlisted in the 102d Regiment for three years; was 1st Ser- geant of Co. F. In October, 1865, he en- tered the Law Department of Michigan University, from which he graduated in the spring of 1867 ; he next associated himself with A. P. Green, and was en- gaged with him fifteen mouths in editing and publishing the Okaw Republican, at Sullivan ; in 1869, he was admitted to the bar, and began the practice of his profes- sion in Mattoon, in partnership with W. J. Henry, of Shelby ville; in 1872, the firm of Henry & Hughes was dissolved, aud in 1873, that of Steele & Hughes formed ; this was dissolved by the death of Mr. Steele, in July, 1877. He was married Sept. 17, 1874, to Julia Chrisman, a na- tive of Jasper Co., 111.; has two children — Columbia and Arlington. Owns S5,000 worth of real estate. J. W. HANNA, book and music store, Mattoon ; was born in Freeport, Harrison Co., Ohio, Dec. 2, 1848 ; he derived his education from the common schools, and, at the age of 13 years, began clerking in his father's general merchandising estab- lishment at Deersville, Ohio; July 4, 1866, he came West, stopping a short time at Preston, Minn., and, in September follow- ing, came to Mattoon, where he attended school rix months ; he then entered the employ of Finley & Richardson as clerk in their book store; in October, 1869, he and his brother James R., bought out the firm, and in May, 1871, sold out to a Mr. Decker; J. W. then formed a partnership with Geo. P. McDougal and opened a new" store; in 1872, McDougal retired, and the firm became that of Thieleus & Hanna ; in October, 1877, he sold out to Thieleus, and, Nov. 20 following, purchased his present business. He was married, July 25, to Mary E. Henderson, a native of Marion Co., Ohio ; four children have blessed their union — Gertrude, Ethel, William, living, Charles, deceased. JOHN HUNT, meat-market, Mattoon; was born in Fayette Co., Ohio, Nov. 6, 1837 ; his father came West to Illinois and settled in Jasper Co. in 1845; his early life was that of a farmer's boy, and his ad- vantages for securing an education some- what limited; most of his education he obtained in the schools of Xenia, Ohio, and as a student of Antioch College, after he had attained to manhood ; he left home at the age of 18 years, and engaged in teaching school some four years ; in 1860, he purchased a farm in Coles Co., and fol- lowed agricultural pursuits for ten years ; in 1870, he formed a partnership with J. L. Scntt, under the firm name of Hunt & Scott, and engaged in the grocery trade in Mattoon; in the spring of 1875, he re- tired from the firm, and for two years was engaged in buying and shipping horses and mules to the Southern market ; in 1876, he engaged in his present business. He was married in 1858 to Eliza J. Gowin, a native of North Carolina ; has two chil- dren — Alva and Orris. Has held the ofiice of Assessor for the past four years, and is also a member of the Board of Education on the East Side. IRA JA]MES, wholesale dealer in coal oil, Mattoon ; was born in Dearborn (now Ohio) Co., Ind., May 24, 1826 ; Jiis father was a cotton and woolen manufacturer ; at the age of 17, he left home and engaged in boating on the Ohio and Mi-ssissippi Rivers for a period of about ten years ; he commanded during the time seven steam- boats ; his first boating was in the packet trade from Rising Sun to Cincinnati ; aft- MATTOON TOWNSHIP. 549 erward he entered the trade from New Orleans and Cincinnati; in 1853, he went to California and spent three years ; en- gaged a portion of the time in milling and the remainder in mining; in 1856, he re- turned to Rising Sun, Ind. ; he next made a tour through the Southern States of Arkansas, Louisiana and Mississippi, set- ting up machinery — cotton-screws, cotton- gins and steam machinery ; in November, 1857, he located in Mattoon Tp., and en- gaged in farming three years ; in 18G0,he moved to Mattoon, and, in 1861, was ■ chosen Police Magistrate and served one year ; he next engaged in buying and shipping hay, and, in 1865, began dealing in grain ; in 1873, he retired from the grain trade and went to Southern Colorado, where he discovered the mines and laid out the town of Rosita ; here he spent most of two years ; in 1875, he returned to Mattoon, and, in connection with J. D. Herkimer, purchased the gas works, which he has since operated. He was married in 1859 to Cynthia A. Hendricks, a native of Illinois; she died Feb. 15, 1872; his second marriage to Jennie H. Crow, a native of Ohio, was celebrated Aug. 18, 1875; from first wedlock he has three sons — John Q., Frank P., Justin C. ; from second, two children — Harline and an infant daughter. Owns two-thirds of the gas works and 240 acres in Coles Co:; he does a large business in the wholesale oil trade, and is President of the Mattoon Gas- Light & Coke Co. IRA B. JACKSON, insurance agent, Mattoon ; was born in Madison, Jefferson Co., Ind., Oct. 31, 1851 ; in 1855, his father removed with his family to Illinois, and settled in Sangamon Co., near Spring- field ; his early life was that of a farmer's boy ; he acquired a good common-school education ; at the age of 1 8, he engaged in the business of photograph artist, which he followed two years ; in 1872, he com- pleted a business course in the Commercial College, at Terre Haute, Ind. ; in 1874, he engaged in the grocery trade with Fallin Bros., under the firm name of Fallin Bros. & Jackson; in 1876, he retired from the firm and engaged in the fire insurance business; he at present represents one ac- cident and sixteen leading fire insurance companies in Coles and Effingham Cos., aggregating in assets over $30,000,000 ; he also represents the Great Western Dis- patch Co. He was married May 26, 1874, to Laura I. Carter, a native of Indiana ; has one child — Georgia. He is at pres- ent serving his second term of office as City and also Township Clerk. THEO. JONTE, dealer in harness and saddles, Mattoon; was born in Nashville, Tenn., April 4, 1839; his father was a wholesale confectioner ; he received a good common-school education, and, at the age of 16 years, left home and came West, set- tling in Quincy, 111., where he engaged in working at his trade ; in the fall of 1861, he engaged in laboring for the U. S. Govern- ment in the making of cavalry equipments ; the fall of 1862, he came to Paris, Edgar Co., and engaged in business with Wm. Legy ; they operated a shop in Paris, and one in Grand View at the same time ; Mr. Jonte had charge of the latter ; in the fall of 1864, he removed to Mattoon, and opened up his present business ; his is the only first-class establishment in the city. He was married in 1865 to Anna Stone- burner, a native of Grand View, 111. ; has one child — Alberta. Owns considerable real estate in the city. In 1876, he was chosen City Mayor ; is at present Assistant Supervisor of Mattoon Tp. ; also a member of the Board of Education, West Side. P. A. KEMPER, M. D., physician and surgeon, Mattoon ; was born in Culpeper Co., Va., Aug. 3], 1832; his early educa- tion was under the direct supervision of his mother, who was a well-qualified school- mistress; his father was an artisan by pro- fession, of whom he was bereft at the early age of 8 years; when about 16 years of age, he left home and came to Paris, Edgar Co., 111.; in the fall of 1855, he began the study of his profession with Dr. D. 0. McCord, remaining in his office two and a half years; during the winter of 1857 and 1858, he attended Rush Medical College, and, at a later date, received his degree; He began the practice of his profession in Pleasant Grove Tp., Coles Co., March 3, 1858; here he remained until 1876, ex- cepting an absence of two years in the army. In 1861, he raised a company for the 5th Regiment, and was chosen Captain of the same ; his position he resigned for that of Assistant Surgeon of the regiment ; when the final organization occurred, how- ever, through the treachery of professed 550 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: friends, he failed in receiving the appoint- ment ; notwithstanding the unjust treat- noent to himself and Col. UpdegrafF, the commanding oflB.cer, he elected to remain with his boys, as a private in the ranks, rather than return home; in Juno, 18()2, he was captured at Pocahontas, Ark., and remained a prisoner of war some three months; he was next stmt on parole to St. Louis, and then exchanged and appointed to duty in the hospital with the rank and pay of Assistant Surgeon ; in October, 1863, he was appointed and commissioned Surgeon of the 3d Regiment, which po- sition he resigned after six months ; in March, 1876, he located in Mattoon, his present residence. He was married in December, 1863, to Mary J. Glenn, a na- tive of Illinois ; has had five children — Joseph E., John M., George H., living; Benjamin G., Charles W., dead. At present holds the office of City Physician. G. T. KILNER, druggist, Mattoon ; was born in Manchester, Eng., Nov. 18, 1820 ; at the age of 15 years, he was left an orphan, and, in 1836, emigrated to America, and first settled in Waterbury, Conn.; here he engaged in the sale of drugs six years ; he then moved to Newburgh, N. Y., where he engaged in the same business ; in the spring of 1860, he came West and located in Mattoon, opened up his business here ; his is the first drug store established in the city ; he took a partial course in medicine and practiced some years in connection with the drug business. He was married in January. 1845, to Sarah Kilner, a native of En- gland. Has four children — Albert, Wal- ter, Eddie and Annie. Owns eighty acres adjoining the city corporation ; has been a member of the City Council three terms. KAHN BROS., dealers in clothing, Mattoon. Mark Kahn, senior member of the firm of Kahn Bros., was born in Wurtemberg, Germany, Nov. 7, 18-1:1 ; he emigrated to America in 1856, and first settled in Marshall Co., 111., and en- gaged in peddling dry goods and clothing for eighteen months ; during the summers of 1858, 1859 and 1860, he worked on a farm in Shelby Co., and during the winter season was employed in a store ; in the fall of 1860, in connection with a Mr. -Steiner and his brother Moses, he began the business of merchandising in Mattoon, under the firm name of Steiner & Kahn ; in 1863, Mr. Steiner retired from the firm, and his brother Lewis became a member; the firm name was then changed to Kahn Bros. ; Lewis died in the fall of 1867 ; in 1871 , his brother Felix became a partner ; his brother Moses was lost in the ill-fated Schiller, May 7, 1875, on her passage from America to Germany. From 1863 to 1869, the firm also operated a clothing house in Charleston, Coles Co., and from 1869 to 1874, conducted the lumber trade in Mattoon in connection with the merchandising business. He was married in March, 1875, to Minnie Steiner, a native of Illinois ; she died in February, 1876. Has one son — Lewis. In June, 1878, he was chosen President of the First National Bank of Mattoon, which position he now holds. Owns 1,140 acres of land, valued at §40,000. P. B. LINN, dealer in groceries, provis- ions and queensware, Mattoon. The subject of this sketch was born in Coles Co., 111. Nov. 18, 1850 ; his father was one of the early pioneers of the county ; his early life wafe spent upon the farm ; in addition to his common-school education, he attend- ed Lee's Academy two years ; in 1871, he completed a business course in Bryant & Stratton's Commercial College at Cincin- nati ; the same year, he entered the em- ploy of J. B. Hill & Co., at Charleston, as clerk; in 1873, he began clerking for Frank Kern, in Effingham, and, in 1874, he came to Mattoon, where he served Hinkle & Buck in their dry goods estab- lishment eighteen mouths ; he next labored in the same capacity for Robert Mosley & Son for the same length of time. Nov. 28, 1877, he began business for himself He was married May 8, 1878, to Lizzie R. Coddington, a native of Indiana. He lost his father at the age of 12 years, and since that time has paddled his own canoe along life's voyage. ELISHA LINDER, farmer; P. 0. Mattoon; was born in Hardin Co., Ky., Aug. 16, 1807; his early life was passed upon the farm, and his education was such as the schools of those days afforded ; when less than seven years of age, he lost his father, and being the oldest of the family, he soon became the head ; his father was a man of energy and thrift, and left the family well provided for; in 1829, young MATTOON TOWNSHIP, 551 Linder came West, to Illinois, and pros- pected the county ; remainin<^ two months, he returned to Kentucky, and in January, 1831, came again to Illinois; in October following, he moved his mother and fam- ily — a brother and two sisters — and located near where he now resides ; on arriving at what was to be their future home, they possessed, in actual cash, $2.50, just enough to purchase half a barrel of salt ; he bought a few head of horses, cattle and a flock of sheep ; he was first to introduce sheep into this section of country ; his first purchase was forty acres, slightly im- proved ; he has owned at one time 2,000 acres of land, and at present owns about 1,200 acres ; in almost every undertaking, he has been very successful. He was married in April, 1839, to Rebecca Saw- yer, a native of Kentucky ; her father, John Sawyer, was one of the early pioneers of this seciion ; from this union, fourteen children have been born — three sons and eleven daughters : of these, three sons and eight daughters are still living. Mr. Lin- der has held the office of Township Super- visor three or four terms. TIFFIN P. LOGAN, land and loan agent, Mattoon ; was born in Trimble Co., Ky.. March 28, 1844; his fiither was a man of prominence, a cousin to President Harrison, and was honored by the Demo- cratic party with a seat in the Kentucky Legislature during the sessions of 1844- 45 ; in the spring of 1858, removed with his family to Illinois, and located in Wind- sor, Shelby Co. ; here he occupied the of- fice of Justice of the Peace eleven years in succession ; here Tiffin P. began life for himself ; he lived with his brother-in-law till he attained the age of 15 years ; at this age he could neither read nor write ; leav- ing his taskmaster, he determined to lend his energies to the acquiring of an edu- cation ; by the performance of various com- missions he paid his board, tuition, and other necessary expenses, and at the ex- piration of three years, had acquired a good elementary education, and had $8 ahead ; March 8, 1864, he located where Ottawa, Kan., now is, then occupied by eleven tribes of Indians ; with these, he lived some six weeks, sole representative of the Caucasian race ; here, with a capital of $41, he began the manufacture of shingles, and in nine months accumulated $1,200; owing to ill health, he closed out his busi- ness, and engaged in clerking for Holt & Evans, the first white men operating a store in Ottawa ; in March, 1865, he loca- ted in Kansas City, and operated a grocery store two years ; during the winter of 1866-67, he took a business course in Spaulding's Commercial College, in Kansas City; he next went to Lyon Co., Kan., and engaged in the dairy business one year; in the spring of 1868, he went to Sedalia, Mo., and there engaged in the milk and dairy business six years ; at this he cleared about $2,000 per annum, but lost most of it in 1874, operating in cattle ; in 1875, he returned to Illinois, and engaged in handling and sliipping stock ; in December, 1875, he engaged in the lumber and grain trade at Bethany, 111. ; this he followed till March, 1878, when he opened a land ofiice in Mattoon, to which he has recently added the loan agency. He was married Oct. 17, 1876, to Sue M. Smutz, a native of Lima, Ohio ; has one child — Edna P. Owns real estate in Bethany, 111. ; in honor of his early citizenship, Logan street, of Ottawa, Kan., was named for him. COL. ROBERT H. McFADDEN, Pension Attorney and Police Magistrate, Mattoon ; was born in Zanesville, Ohio, in 1833 ; his father was a cabinet-maker by trade, and at the age of 13 years, he be- gan the trade, working five years under instructions ; at 18, he began life for him- self, following his trade about fifteen years ; in 1850, he came to Shelby Co., 111., and remained three years ; in 1853, he came to Coles Co., and located in the village of Paradise ; in the summer of 1855, he came to Mattoon ; he built the first dwell- ing in the city limits, on what is now known as Charleston avenue, between East First and Union streets. He was married Sept. 28, 1855, to Sarah A. Norvell, by Elder Isaac Hart ; theirs was the first wed- ding that occurred in Mattoon ; at the first election held in Mattoon Tp., in 1857, he was chosen a Justice of the Peace ; April 19, 1861 , he entered the United States serv- ice as Second Lieutenant, in the 7th Regt. I. V. I.; he served as First Lieutenant, Captain and Major in the 41st Regt., and Lieutenant Colonel and Colonel in the 53d ; July 22, 1865, he was mustered out of the service, and, on his return, followed his 552 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES trade some three years ; in 1871, lie was elected Mayor of the city, having served one term as Alderman; in 1873, he was chosen Police 3Iagistrate, and from re- election, has held the office since. Has four children — May I., John A., Eddie D. and Lizzie A. H. W. MAGEE, attorney at law, Mat- toon ; was born in Coles Co., 111., in Oc- tober, 18J:7 ; his father came from Cyn- thiana, Ky., and settled in Coles Co., 111., in 1832 ; here he engaged in farming; he relates that his father labored a whole year for Joseph VanDeren for $96 ; when H. W., was 2 years of age, his father moved to the western portion of Missouri, and was there during the border troubles; in the fall of 1857, he returned with his family to Coles Co., and settled in what is known as the "Dead Man's Grove;" in 1872, he moved to Louisa Co., Iowa, where he at present resides ; having obtained a good common-school education, at the ao;e of 20 years, H. W. entered the office of the Cir- cuit Clerk, at Charleston, as Deputy ; here he remained about two and a half years ; in the winter of 1869, he entered the law department of Michigan University, from which he graduated in the spring of 1872; at that date, he was admitted to practice in the courts of Michigan, and, the summer of 1872, was admitted to the courts of Illinois ; he began the practice of his pro- fession in Mattoon, his present residence. He was married in the spring of 1873 to Ellen J. Barnes, a native of Indianapolis ; has one child — Gracie. L. F. MORSE, M. D., physician and surgeon, Mattoon ; was born in Canterbury, N. H., Feb. 5, 1839; his father was a farmer, and his cirly life was that of a farmer's son ; at the age of 14, he went to live with an uncle ; in the winter of 1860, he began the study of medicine, under the supervision of Dr. L. T. Weeks, of Canterbury ; after an extended course of reading, he attended a course of lectures in the Burlington Medical College, at Bui-- lington, Vt.; in June, 1862, he was en- gaged in the Government hospital at Washington, as Contract Surgeon ; here he remained one year ; in 1 863, he at- tended a course of lectures in Dartmouth Medical College, from which he graduated in November, 1863; he then entered the U. S. Navy, as Assistant Surgeon, and was stationed on the west coast of Florida ; Dec. 7, 1865, he was discharged from the U. S. service ; he next attended a course of lectures in the Homeopathic College of New York, from which he graduated in March, 1866; he first located in Bidde- ford. Me., and entered upon the practice of his profession ; in September, 1867, he came West to see, and located in Pekin, Tazewell Co. ; in May, 1868, he came to Mattoon, his present residence. He was married April 3 4, 1869, to Harriet F. Chamberlain, a native of Indiana ; has three children — Helen L., Bertha L. and Clifford L. Mr. M. at present holds the office of School Director, and is Secretary of the Board. J. W. MOORE, lumber merchant, Mattoon ; was born in Kent Co., England, in June, 1832 ; when 10 years of age, he lost his father; in 1850, his mother, with her family, immigrated to America and settled in Chicago, where they remained about two and one-half years ; they then removed to Cook Co., where himself and an older brother engaged in farming and operating a country store, his mother man- aging largely the interests of her family ; in 1865, the subject of this sketch moved to Monee, Will Co., and, in company with a Mr. Dickson, under the firm name of Dickson & Moore, engaged in the sale of lumber and agricultural implements ; in 1874, he came to Mattoon and opened up his present business. He was married in July, 1865, to Cordelia Sisson, a native of Illinois ; they have three children — Ernest S., Charles H. and Augusta E. He is a member of the School Board on the West Side. J. A. MULFORD, wholesale dealer in hides, leather, findings, furs, pelts and tal- low, Mattoon ; was born in Newark, N. J., May 16, 1839 ; he completed a course in the high school, but did not enter upon a college course ; at the age of 17, he began the trade of a jeweler, and worked under instructions till his majority ; he followed his trade about five years ; subsequently he was employed as accountant, and had charge of the wholesale department of Davis & Elcox, in Maiden Lane, New York, for some length of time ; in the spring of 1867. he came West to Illinois and located in Mattoon, and began op- erating in hides for the Chicago markets ; MATTOON TOWNSHIP, 563 afterward, he operated for the Eastern markets ; to-day, he operates over a terri- tory extending west to St. Louis and east to Terre Haute ; by an admirable system of book-keeping, peculiarly his own. he is enabled at any hour to know the exact status of his business. He was married Sept. 10, 1863, to Sarah E. Pruden, a native of New Jersey; they have three children — E. Ross, Jennie and Herbert. Mr. Mulford is recognized as a man of fine business qualifications, and well worthy the success that has crowned his eiforts. DANIEL MESSER, proprietor Essex House, Mattoon ; was born in Piermont, Grafton Co.. N. H., A. D. 1829; his father was a farmer, and his early life was that of a farmer's son ; in addition to his common-school education, he attended for some time a seminary of a high grade, in Bradford, Vt. ; at his majority he left home, and began life for himself; his first •employment was that of overseeing a force of workmen on the Boston, Concord & Montreal Railroad ; he subse(iuently con- tracted on the Bufialo, Corning & New York Railroad; in 1853, he came West, and contracted on the St. Louis, Alton & Terre Haute Railroad, and on the comple- tion of the road, was appointed Roadmas- ter from Terre Haute to Pana, which position he held from 1855 to 1860 or 1861 ; on leaving the road, he next operated the Messer House, in Charleston, till 1867; from 1867 to 1869, he owned and operated a planing-mill, at Charleston; in 1869, he leased the Essex House, at Mattoon, and has operated it for the past ten years ; with a house first-class in all its appointments, and himself possessed of all those necessary qualifications that go to make a successful landlord, he has met with deserved success, and is to-day re- garded one of the financially solid men of the city ; he is at present a Director in the First National Bank. W. H. K. PILE, real estate, collecting and insurance agent, Mattoon ; was born in Breckinridge Co., Ky., Feb. 17, 1819; he was reared on a farm, and learned his trade, that of a wagon -maker, during his minority ; at the age of 20, he began life for himself, following his trade and that of a carpenter, till 25 years of age ; he then engaged in farming for five years ; in 1855, he came West to Illinois, and set- tled south of Charleston, Coles Co. ; in 1856, he came to Mattoon, and engaged in operating a hotel ; in 1857, he was elected Police Magistrate of the city ; in 1858, he was chosen Associate Justice of Coles Co., with Judges Edwards and Leach; in 1859, he was elected School Commissioner of Coles Co., and served two years ; in the winter of 1862, he removed to Charleston and operated a hotel, and, in 1863, located in Alton and engaged in the same business; in 1867, he returned to Mattoon, and engaged as traveling sales- man for a firm in Louisville, Ky. ; in 1869, he was again chosen Police Magistrate, and held the office four years ; in 1873, he was elected Justice of the Peace, and remained in office four years; during the years of 1875, 1876 and 1877, he traveled for a firm, loaning money on real estate ; for the past year he has devoted his time to the collection of claims, the transaction of real estate business, and has recently added the insurance agency. He was married in March, 1844, to Nancy J. Walkup, a na- tive of Kentucky. W. H. PAUGH, M. D., physician and surgeon, Mattoon ; was born in Lawrence Co.', Ind., March 13, 1838; his father was a physician and settled in Indiana as early as 1815 ; in addition to his common- school education, he attended the high school at Springville, Ind., and in subse- quent years was Principal of the same. He naturally grew up into a physician, and to fix a period at which he began the study of his profession would be a difficult task ; he practiced his profession many years be- fore receiving a medical degree ; he attended Rush Medical College one session ; later, he attended the medical college at Keo- kuk, Iowa, from which he graduated in 1876; in Jr nuary, 1877, he located in Mattoon. He was married Oct. 25th, 1868, to Lou E. Best, she died Oct. 26, 1878. Has three children — Gertie, Phre- born G. and Lolo. Owns 120 acres in Madison Co., 111., and real estate in the city. A. G. PICKETT, M. D., physician and surgeon, Mattoon ; was born in Kenton Co., Ky., in 1826 ; his early life was spent for the most part in school ; he completed a full course in Woodward College, Cincin- nati, at which he graduated in 1844; he 554 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: then entered the Ohio Medical College, and completed the course in 1847 ; he be- gan the practice of his profession in Ohio, where he remained one year ; he then came West to Illinois, and located near Quincy, where he remained till 18G1, when he en- tered the U. S. service as Surgeon of the 50th Eegiment I. V. I.; he remained in the service till November, 1864 ; on his return from the army, he located in Moul- trie Co., and followed his profession till 1874, when he removed to Mattoon. He was married in 1862 to Amanda S. Jen- kins, a native of Kentucky ; has four chil- dren — Alice S., Ada M., Willie A. and Lenore. Dr. Pickett very naturally grew up into a physician ; his father and many of his ancestors had been practitioners of the "healing art," and the profession seemed to fall to him as a natural birth- right inheritance. ' J.. G. ROBERTS, dental surgeon, Mat- toon ; was born in Ripley Co., Ky., Jan. 18, 1846; his father, R. B. Roberts, was a dentist by profession, and a minister in the Christian Church ; his father came with his family to Indiana when L. G. was but 3 or 4 years of age, and in the fall of 1864, he came to Illinois; his education was derived mostly from the common schools ; at the age of 18, he entered the dental office of Dr. Allen, in Ft. Wayne, Ind.; in 1864, he worked under instruc- tions with Dr. Moore, of La Fayette, Ind.; in the fall of the same year, he worked with Dr. Prevost, of Dayton, Ohio, per- fecting himself for his profession under the directien of men of recognized ability ; in 1865, he began the practice of his pro- fession at El Paso, Woodford Co., 111.; in 1878, he located in Mattoon, his present place of business. He was married Dec. 25, 1878, to Mary A. Winn, a native of Ohio; has had two children — Leonidas G., living, and Prescott W., deceased. He has a fine and growing practice, and ranks second to none in the city or county as re- gards proficiency and skill. J. O. RUDY, real estate agent, Mat- toon ; was born near Louisville, JeiFerson Co., Ky., May 1, 1827 ; his parents moved to Illinois, and settled near Paris, Edgar Co., in 1880 ; his early life was spent upon the farm, and his early experiences were those of a farmer's son ; his educa- tion was derived from the common schools ; in 1850, he crossed the plains to Califor- nia, where for two years he applied himself to mining; near the close of 1852, he re- turned, having as his reward for toil, hard- ships and privations, about $8,000 in gold ; on his return, he engaged for one year in operating the old homestead; near the close of 1858, he engaged as a partner in the dry goods business, in the firm of Au- gustus & Rudy, at Paris ; in the fall of 1 858. the firm closed out business, and he moved to his land in Douglas Co., and opened up, and improved his farm ; in 1862, he was appointed Post Trader to the Pawnee Nation, under the administration of President Lincoln ; this position he held till the beginning of the administra- tion of Andrew Johnson, returning in the fall of 1865 ; he next went to Trumbull Co., Ohio, and engaged in sinking wells, and in the manufacture of lubricating oil ; this he followed one year ; in the spring of 1867, he came to Mattoon, and in com- pany with Richard Champion and S. D. Dole, began the business of banking, un- der the firm name of Champion, Rudy & Co.; in 1872, he sold out his interest, and continued operating a planing-mill which he had previously purchased ; this was soon after destroyed by fire ; since that time, he has devoted himself to the real estate business. He was married Sept. 29, 1856, to Persis J. Dole, daughter of Wm. P. Dole, a very early settler of Terre Haute, Ind.; her father held the position of Commissioner of Indian Afi'airs under President Lincoln. Has seven children liv- ing — Prof Wm. D. 0. Rudy (now Pro- fessor of Chemistry in Illinois Industrial University), Jennie F., Chas. E., Bessie D., Mary P., George H. and Hattie P.; has been a member of the Board of Edu- cation, West Side, for the pjist eight years ; has also held the office of Alderman for a number of terms. Z. ROBERTSON, farmer and me- chanic, Mattoon ; was born in Bourbon Co., Ky., Oct. 22, 1830 ; he obtained his education in the common schools of Paris, • Ky.; his early life was passed upon the farm ; at the age of 22 years, he left Ken- tucky and moved to Greenfield, Ind.; here he followed the trade of plastering for about six years ; in the winter of 1858, he came to Illinois, and settled in Mattoon, where for a number of years he continued his trade, MATTOON TOWNSHIP. 555^ aud that of farming ; in 1865, he pur- chased and improved a farm of eighty acres, near the city ; this he sold in 1869, and again moved to the city and for some time, iollowed his trade; since coming to the State, he has improved three farms. He was married in 1855, to Rebecca J. Morrison, a native of Pennsylvania; has three children living — Oscar C., Mattie J. aud Belle F. His little daughter Fannie, whose death occurred in 1863, was the first interment made in the now thickly popu- lated cemetery near the city. As an evi- dence of his success in farming, he this year raised seventy -five bushels to the acre, while his neighbors harvested only from thirty to forty bushels per acre. REV. J. W. RILEY, Pastor Mission- ary Baptist Church, Maftoon ; was born in Clermont Co., Ohio, Nov. 9, 1823; his ancestral line, traced through five preced- ing generations have been ministers in the Baptist Church ; his father's family fur- nished six ministers to the society, himself and five sons. From an historical record gathered from time to time, it was ascer- tained that the family of near relatives have furnished thirteen ministers of the Gospel; ten of these are Baptists, two Methodists and one Christian. His father. Rev. J. W. Riley, Sr., founded the first Missionary Baptist Church in all this sec- tion ; this was at Bloomfield, Edgar Co., as early as 1835. Out of that grew the Bloomfield Baptist Association, which is to-day one of the largest in the State. His early life was spent upon the farm and in attendance upon school; at the age of 15 years, he became a member of the church, and soon after began to take part in its public exercises ; he was ordained to the ministry April 26, 1845. He was mar- ried in 1843, to Olive J. Crouch, a native of Clermont Co., Ohio ; she died April 4, 1855. His second marriage occurred Sept. 7, 1856, to Sarah A. Vance, of Licking Co., Ohio ; she was educated at Granville College, Ohio. From first wed- lock he reared five children — three sons and two daughters ; from second, two sons. He came to Mattoon in November, 1864, and most of the time since has been Pastor of the Church. About the year 1866 or 1867, his health having become impaired, he went South and spent some time re- cruiting; on his return, he was engaged most of the time for three years writing and compiling a work called U. S. A., the World's Empire Passing from Proph- I ecy to History ; this is a work of 413 pages, and is highly spoken of by eminent scholars aud critics. His theological studies were prosecuted under Elders Jones and Cox, graduates of Granville College. JOHN F. SCOTT, attorney at law, Mattoon ; was born in Geauga Co., Ohio, A. D. 1 844 ; his early life was spent upon the farm, and his experiences those common to a farmer's sou; at the age of 16, he \ became a student in the Eclectic Institute i (now Hiram College), at that time pre- sided over by Gen. J.A.Garfield; here he I remained one year ; returning home, he engaged in farming one year, and subse- quently engaged in teaching ; in 1866, he entered the Commercial College in Pough- keepsie, N. Y., remaining eight months; he next engaged in the sale of territory for patent rights ; in 1868, he again engaged in farming; in March, 1869, he came West to Illinois, located in Mattoon, and was engaged in life, fire and accident insurance till 1874; he then came into the office of H. S. Clark, and resumed his legal studies; in April, 1875, he entered the ' graduating class of the Ohio State and Union Law College, of Cleveland, from j which he graduated in July, following; on ! his return, the legal firm of Clark & Scott was formed, and he has since devoted him- ! self to his profession. He was married in 1868, to Sophia E. Clark, a native of Ohio; has two children — Earl C. and Montague W. In 1872, he was chosen Mayor of the city, and, by re-election, held the office three times in succession ; in 1876, 1877 and 1878, he was chosen Supervisor of Mattoon Tp., and ex-officio Treasurer ; he is at present Chairman of the Board. J. L. SCOTT, dealer in groceries, queens ware and glassware, Mattoon; was born in Henry Co., Ky., in 1836; his early life was passed upon the farm, and his education was derived from the com- mon schools; in 1856, he moved to Frank- lin, Ind., where he engaged in mercantile pursuits; in 1863, he returned to Ken- tucky, located in Louisville, and was em- ployed in the United States Government Pay Department, under Gen. Thurston, Paymaster of the Army of the Cumber- land ; in the spring of 1865, he removed 556 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: with his parents to Coles Co., 111., and pur- ! chased a tarin of 160 acres northeast of Mattoon ; in 1871, having disposed of his farm, he came to Mattoon, purchased a stock of groceries, and has since resided here. He wa^ married Dec. 10, 18G1, to •Catharine J. llunyon, a native of Vernon, | Jennings Co., Ind ; has four children — William H., Mary F., Gracie and Charlie. Has held the office of Supervisor of Hum- boldt Tp. ; is at present Worshipful Master ] of Mattoon Lodge, No. 260, A., F. & A. M. A. J. SANBORN, master mechanic, | I. & St. L. Shops, Mattoon ; was born in | Acton, York Co., Me., in 1826; having | lost his mother when but 11 years of age, he left home, and, making his way to Bos- ton, went on board a vessel, and was absent two years on a voyage ; after coming into port, he made known to his father and family his adventures for the two years past ; he served seven years on the sea, sail- ing as second mate on board the ship Vesta, of Boston, and the brig Yucatan, in the South American trade ; at the age of 21 years, he began his trade in the Lowell Machine-Shops, at Lowell, Mass ; here he remained two years ; he next went to Bos- ton and worked in the locomotive-shops of Hinckley & Drury for eighteen months; thence to Lawrence, Mass., to the Essex shops, one year ; in 1858, or 1859, he came west to East St. Louis, and took charge of the erecting department of the 0. & M. R. R ; in 1867, he took charge of the machinery on the Vandalia R. R., and, in 1873, he took charge of the works for the I. & St. L. R. R. at Mattoon ; Mr. San- born is truly a self-made man ; his educa- tion has been derived in the school of experience, and, whatever he undertakes to perform, he executes with an experienced and skillful hand. JOHN W. SOULES, proprietor meat market, Mattoon ; was born in Terre Haute, Ind., Nov. 10, 1828; his ftuher was a farmer, and his early life was spent upon the farm ; his education was limited entirely to the common school ; he re- mained at home till his majority ; at the age of 21 years, he engaged in the packing house of Ferrington & Williams, of Terre Haute, where he remained five years ; he was next engaged in the same business with Jacob D. Early three years ; in 1860, he came to Mattoon and took charge of a packing-house for Messrs. Miller & John- son, and remained with them four years ; in 186-1, he took charge of a similar estab- lishment for P. H. Flarity, remaining nine years; he next engaged in his present business. He was married Oct. 20, 1849, to Eveline Bailey, a native of Indiana ; has had six children — Mary E., Laura L., William H., Emma, Charles L., living; Ocalla, deceased. Owns city prop- erty. He superintended the construction of the reservoir designed to supply the city with water. ADOLF SUxMERLIN, editor and attorney at law, Mattoon ; born in Keo- sauqua, Iowa, Aug. 2-4, 1851 ; moved with his parents, Rufus and I. A. Sumerlin, to a farm in Scotland Co., Mo., in 1859 ; his father having embarked in the newspaper business in Memphis in 1860, he com- menced learning the printer's trade ; in 1865, he moved to Shelbyville, 111.; in 1869, he conducted the reportorial depart- ment of the Shelby Lender, which his father had purchased in 1865 ; in the same year, commenced reading law with Thorn- ton & Wendling ; moved with his parents to Springfield, Mo., in April, 1871, and after completing his law studies in Phelps & McAbel's office, was admitted to practice in the courts of Missouri in October, 1871 ; moved to Mattoon, 111., in September, 1872, and with his father purchased the Mattoon Commercial; they continued to run the paper together until August, 1876, when the paper was purchased by the Mattoon Commercial Printing Co., who appointed A. Sumerlin editor ; at present, is editor of the Commercial and practicing law. CAPT. T. E. WOODS, editor Mattoon Journal^ Mattoon ; was born June 2, 1837, near the pi-esent village of Stockton, Coles Co.. [11.; his education was secured in subscription and common schools, and for a short time he attended an academy ; he usually walked or rode from two to five miles each morning to attend school ; at the age of 17, he began teaching school, and followed that occupation till he reached his majority ; he was Deputy Postmaster at Mattoon during 1855 and 1856 ; he then edited and published the Mattoon Gazette from 1857 to 1860 ; during the year 1861, he edited the Charleston I Courier; in the summer of 1862, he enlisted MATTOON TOWNSHIP. 557 in Co. A, 123d I. Mounted Inf., was mustered in Co. F, and went to the field as Quartermaster Sergeant ; he was made Sergeant Major at Maysville, Ala.; commissioned Captain Co. H,at Stevenson, Ala., early in 1864, and commanded it to the close of the war ; since the war, he has conducted the Mattoon Journal^ first as a weekly, next as a tri- weekly and at present as a daily. At present he resides in Wash- ington, D. C, where he fills an appoint- ment in the Post Office Department. REV. J. W. WOODS, C. P. minister, Mattoon ; was born in the Territory of Indiana, Feb. 5, 1815. He is the son of Wm. G. and Rachel (Lester) Woods ; his father was a farmer and his early boyhood days were spent upon the farm ; his educa- tion was obtained mainly at Pilot Knob Academy, under the instruction of Prof. D. R. Harris ; when 1 years of age, he came with his parents to Clark Co., 111. ; his father settling about four miles east of the present town of Marshall, his house became the resort for most business transactions in that part of the county ; it was the " preaching-place " for fifteen years, until the building of a church in the neighbor- hood. At the age of 17, young Woods be- came a member of the church, and in May, 1834, of the Presbytery; in June, 1837, he began his public ministry in Clark Co., 111., and, for a number of years, labored in Coles, Douglas, Cumberland, Shelby and other counties in this section ; in October, 1839, he was ordained to the full work of the ministry ; in 1859, he moved to Mattoon for the purpose of build- ing the church in the city ; under his direc- tion and superintendence, the church was built, and he was Pastor until September, 1861, when he entered the U. S. service as Chaplain of the 5th I. V. C, and remained in the service until Jan. 8, 1865 ; on his re- turn from the army, he again labored for the church in Mattoon one year and four months ; two years ago, he built the church ten miles south of Mattoon, in Cumberland Co., called Woods' Chapel, and has since labored for the congregation at that point. He was married Nov. 4, 1841, to Eliza A. Funkhouser, a native of Wayne Co., 111.; nine children have been born to them — Mary C. (wife of W. B. Dunlap), Elizabeth J., Cynthia A. (wife of J. R. Tobey), Celestina C. (wife of O. C. Hoddy), Eliza N. (wife of E. V. Burnett), William L'R., John P., Ida Belle, Alice L. ; of these, EHzabeth J. and William L'R. are deceased. Has been a member of the City Council and East Side School Board. He has always been liberal in the use of his means toward the Church. • H. C. WATSON, time-keeper and clerk M. M. I. & St. L. shops, Mattoon ; was born in New Madrid, New Madrid Co., Mo., July 27, 1827; his father was a Scotchman and was one of the early West- ern pioneers, having come West as early as 1805. Having obtained a good com- mon school education, in 1844, he became a student in Prof. J. B. Anderson's high school, in New Albany, Ind. ; this he at- tended one year; in 1845, he attended St. Vincent's College at Cape Girardeau ; in 1848, he matriculated in Bethany Col- lege, Va., and remained one year ; on his return home, he engaged in merchandising, and followed the business till 1863 ; by reason of the war, he lost most of his stock and trade ; he moved with his family to Litchfield, III, and, in 1865, entered the office of the Master Mechanic of the St. L., A. & T. H. R. R., as clerk and time- keeper; in 1867, the I. & St. L. leased the road, and, in 1870, when the shops were removed from Litchfield to Mattoon, he came with them. He was married in November, 1852, to Sarah C. Post, a na- tive of Alton, 111. ; has five children — William G., Harry W., Frank E., Jennie, Gertie. Has held the office of School Director, East Side. 658 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: EAST OAKLAND TOWNSHIP. JACOB V. D. ANNIN, farmer, de- ceased ;in the early part of the seventeentli century, there emigrated from their native land of Scotland, one John Annin, with his family, and settled in the beautiful State of New Jersey, where he erected a log house, in which he and his family lived for many years ; and if it be asked. How came his lot to be cast in that fertile valley, far from the land of his birth ? the answer is to be found in the terrible story of the religious persecutions that, in the latter part of the seventeenth, and the early part of the eighteenth century, desolated and depopulated the land of his birth; in the year 1766, William Annin (son of John Annin) who emigrated with his par- ents from Scotland, erected near the old log cabin, a stone house, the history of which occupies a dear place in the hearts of the descendants of its builder, who was a stern Whig patriot in the New Jersey Legislature for a period of thirty years, and who furnished all the aid and comfort in his power to the friends of free gov- ernment, during the dark days of the Revolutionary struggle ; in this house, he and his descendants lived for four genera tious ; in this house was born John Annin, eon of William Annin, the builder, and father of Jacob V. D. Annin, who was also born in the old stone house, June 4, 1796 ; here he passed the days of his youth; a description of the above house, is given in a work entitled " Centennial Celebration of the Annin Family at the Old Stone House, in Somerset Co., N. J., Aug. 15, 1866 ; " the description is given as follows : The scene of this celebration was an old stone house, some 50 feet front, by 40 in depth, with substantial walls, wide hall, and large open stairway ; it stands embowered in trees in one of the prettiest little valleys of the State, through which flows a small stream, a branch of the head- waters of the Passaic ; on the above date, the descendants of John Annin, met in this venerable mansion to thank God, for these, and all other blessings, which, during that century had attended them and theirs ; they came, representatives of every period of life, from infancy to old age ; they came in number 120, at the invitation of the venerable owner and occupant, then in his 77th year ; they visited the basement, where, during the Revolution, patriot soldiers had cooked their frugal rations, where, at other times, schools had been kept, and the Word of God had been preached to attentive audiences, convened from the neighborhood ; here the subject of this sketch, Jacob V. D. Annin, passed the days of his youth ; here he received his education, and labored upon the farm, and continued to live in Somerset Co., N. J., until 1850, when, seeking new fields of labor, he emigrated with his fam- ily West, and located first in Lee Co., 111., where he lived until 1852, when he located in East Oakland Tp., Coles Co., 111., where he engaged in farming until his decease. His marriage with Letty Winne, was cele- brated Dec. 27, 1821 ; she was born in Bergen Co., N. J., April 4, 1803 ; she died in Coles Co., 111., April 14, 1873, leaving four children now living — John, Martin W., Samuel A. and Jacob V. W. (the biographies of the last three will be found in this work) ; Mr. Annin was one of the most industrious, hard-working and suc- cessful farmers in the township in which he lived, and was held in high esteem and great respect in the community in which he lived; he died June 15, 1878, upon the place where he had lived since his first settlement in Coles Co. MARTIN W. ANNIN. carpenter and builder, Oakland; the subject of this sketch is the son of J. V. D. Annin, whose bi- ography appears in this work, and whose genealogy is given for four generations past ; he was born in Somerset Co., N. J., Jan. 5. 1831, where he engaged in farming until 15 years of age, when he went to Brook- lyn, N. Y., and learned and worked at the carpenter trade until 20 years of age, when he emigrated; with his parents, and located in Lee Co., 111., in 1850, remain- ing here a short time, when he went to Peoria Co., and worked at his trade until January, 1852, when he removed to Oakland, Coles Co., 111., and engaged in contracting and building, which busi- ness he has since successfully fol- lowed ; he owns his residence in Oakland, which he erected in 1877 ; EAST OAKLAND TOWNSHIP. 559 also his shop, located at Lauson's lumber- yard, East Oakland Depot; his business card will be found in the business directory of Oakland, in another part of this work. He married Jan. 10, 1861, to Angeline T. Payne; she was born in Hamilton Co., Ohio, July 27, 1833, and emigrated with her parents to this county in 1835; they have one child by this union — OUie. born June 15, 1864. SAMUEL A. ANNIN, farmer, S. 23 ; P. 0. Oakland ; born in Somerset Co., N. J., Nov. 8, 1836, where he attended school until 1850, when he emigrated with his parents to Illinois, and located in Wyo- ming Tp., Lee Co., where he assisted his father iu farming until January, 1852, when he located in East Oakland Tp., and engaged in farming, which business he has since followed, living upon the old home- stead where his father first located in 1852, during a period of nearly thirty years ; he, with his younger brother, owns some 400 acres of land, which is well improved, and upon which, they each have good build- ings. He married May 3, 1866, to Sarah M. Hall ; she was born in Fairfield Co., Ohio, Nov. 13, 1841 ; they have two chil- dren by this union, viz.: Winnie, born Aug. 7, 1867; George, Aug. 5, 1869. Mrs. Annin emigrated from Ohio and lo- cated in Illinois when 8 years of age ; Mr. Annin is son of Jacob V. D. Annin, whose biography appears in the biographical sketches of this township. J.V.W. ANNIN, farmer; P.O. Oakland; born in Somerset Co., N. J., July 29, 1841 ; he emigrated with his parents when he was 9 years of age, and located in Wyoming Tp., Lse Co., 111., in 1850, living there until January, 1852, when he removed with his parents to East Oakland Tp., Coles Co., 111., where he has since con- tinued to live ; he, with his brother Sam- uel, own 400 acres of land, among which, is the old homestead, upon which they set- tled when they firet located here nearly thirty years ago ; while they own the above property in company, each has a good set of buildings of his own. He married Feb. 24, 1871, Martha A. Boyle; she was born in New Jersey Aug. 1, 1846 (her parents were among the early settlers of Coles Co.); they have five children by this union, viz., Co- ra A., Albert S., Edward M., Robert A. and Arthur C, Mr. Annin is the youn- gest son of Jacob V. D. Annin, who loca- ted here in 1852, and whose biography appears in this work, and in which appears the genealogy for the past four genera- tions of the Annin family. S. H. ASHMORE, farmer and stock- raiser; P.O. Kansas; born in Butler Co., Ky., Jan. 29, 1822; he emigrated with his par- ents when quite young and located in Clark Co., 111., about the year 1826, where he lived until about 1828, when he re- moved to Coles Co., and located before the organization of the township in what is now known as Ashmore Tp., where he lived until 1836, when he located iu East Oakland Tp., where he has since lived. He lived with his parents until 23 years of age, at which time he married, and rent- ing a farm, commenced farming for himself; his stock then consisted of a team of po- nies and two cows ; after renting two years he purchased eighty acres of land, for which he partly paid at the time, the balance was paid within two years ; he has added since by purchase, until he now owns upward of 600 acres in Coles and Edgar Counties. He married June, 1845, to Matilda Boyer ; she was born in Edgar Co., Oct. 4, 1827 ; she died Oct. 14, 1875, leavino; five children, two of which are since deceased ; the names of the living are William M., Nancy J. (now Mrs. James Buckler), and Emanda B. Mr. Ashmore held the office of School Director in his district for upward of twenty years. J. H. BRANNON, farmer, Sec. 7; P. 0. Oakland; born in Rockingham Co. Va., Sept. 1, 1836, where he engaged in farming until 19 years of age, when, in 1855, he emigrated to Missouri, where his father died soon after his arrival, when he returned to Virginia, remaihing during the winter, and, in the spring of 1856, he re- turned to Illinois, and located in Oakland Tp., Coles Co., and engaged in farming, which business he has since successfully followed ; he owns 200 acres of land, mostly under cultivation. His marriage with Sally A. Troxwell was celebrated Nov. 11, 1858 ; she was born in Coles Co., 111., her parents being among the early pioneers of this county, settling here at an early day ; they have eight children by this union — Winfield, Edward, Clara, Semantha H., John W., Hiram L., Franklin and Min- nie L. 560 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES ; JOHN BUCKLER, farmer, Sec. 4; P. O. Oakland ; born in Marion Co., Ky., June 22, 1838, where he was engaged farming until IG years of age, when he removed to Illinois and located in Edgar Co., in 1854, where he was employed as farm laborer until 1862, at which time he rented and farmed until 1874, when he purchased eighty acres, which he worked four years ; then sold out, and, after living in Douglas Co. eight months, purchased his present place of 160 acres, where he now lives, on Sec. 4, East Oakland Tp. He married April 7, 1862, to Harriet Davis; she was born in Clark Co., 111.; they have five children by this union, viz., Rosanuah, Richard T., Emma Jane, Lor- enzo Dow, Nettie V. JOHN BURWELL, retired farmer ; P. 0. Oakland; born in Morris Co., N. J., Feb. 1, 181.3, where he engaged in the manufacture of wrought iron until 19 years of age, when he emigrated West and engaged at his trade in the States of Kentucky, Tennessee and Ohio, until 1840, when he abandoned his trade and located upon his farm in Delaware Co., Ohio, where he lived until 1851. when, selling his farm, he emigrated West and located in Embarrass Tp., Edgar Co., 111., purchasing a farm of 480 acres, which he worked until the spring of 1856, when he removed to Oakland, where he has since continued to live, with the exception of two years which he spent upon his farm ; he owns 310 acres of prairie and timber land in Coles Co., 111., and 320 acres in Henry Co., near Newton, Kan. He mar- ried Sept. 19, 1833, to Missouri Thorp; she was born in Franklin Co., Ohio ; she died in 1853, leaving five children — Amos, Mary, Moses, John, Alice. His marriage with Lucy Ann Terhune was celebrated Sept. 19, 1853; she was born in Johnson Co., Ind. ; she died in 1856, leaving one child, since deceased. He married April 18, 1857, for his third wife, Nannie McCrum ; she was born in Huntingdon Co., Penn., Oct. 3, 1820 ; one child was the fruit of this union — Frank P., born Dec. 31, 1859. Mr. Burwell followed milling in Oakland from 1856 until 1875, when he i-ented his flour and feed mill and retired from active labor. JOSIAH H. BUSBEY, book-keeper, Okaland ; born in Coles Co., 111., Jan. 6, 1847, where he engaged in farming and attended school until Feb. 24, 1864, when he enlisted in the 66th I. V. I., and went forward to battle for the Union ; the 66th was composed of picked men from the va- rious Northwestern States, elected for their skill and accuracy in handling the rifle, and in the airmy was known as the Western Sharpshooters ; they always led the advance, and in important battles were detailed in S(iuads to silence rebel bat- tries, which duty they often accomplished by their unerring aim, and many a Union soldier to-day owes his existence to the skill and bravery of the gallant 66th ; he was with Sherman on his march to and at the siege and capture of Atlanta ; at Lay's Ferry, being in the advance, they fought their way, step by step, for eight miles, losing heavily in killed and wounded ; in the battles of Rome Cross Roads, Dal- las and Kenesaw Mountain, they suff"ered severely ; he was with Sherman on hi& march through Georgia to the sea, arriving in Savannah to spend the Christmas of 1864 ; he then marched with his regiment I north through North and South Carolina, being engaged in many battles until reach- ing Morrisville Station, N. C, when the 66th again had their position in the ad vance of Sherman, not to deadly conflict- as they had many times been before, but. to receive the surrender of Johnston and his army ; he then marched to Richmond, Va., then to Washington, where, after the review of the army, he went to Louisville, Ky., where he was mustered out of the service July 7, 1865 ; in 1864, while com- ing North upon a furlough, he was made prisoner, but paroled, and at the expiration of his furlough, again joined his regiment, and remained until the close of the war. After being mustered out of service, he re- turned to Oakland, and worked at harness making for two years, when he went to Kansas, where he clerked eight months, re- turning to Illinois, he worked at his trade for six months, which he then abandoned on account of ill-health, and, in 1870, en- gaged as a book-keeper and head clerk in the dry goods house of L. S. & S. M. Cash, which position he has since held, with the exception of three years, which he spent in Virginia, on account of the ill- health of his wife. He married Nov. 18, 1869, Mary B. Cash, daughter of Cary J. EAST OAKLAND TOWNSHIP. 561 Cash, and niece of L. S. & S. M. Cash; she was born in Amherst Co., Va., July 15, 1851 ; one child was the fruit of the union — Ollie May, deceased. W. D. BUSBEY, farmer and harness- maker, Oakland; one of the pioneers of Coles Co. ; born in Clark Co., Ohio, Dec. 28, 1820, where he engaged in farming un- til 19 years of age, when he emigrated West in 1839, and located in Coles Co., 111., where he engaged in farming for a pe- riod of fifteen years ; in 1860, he located in Oakland, and engaged in the harness and saddlery trade, which business he has since followed, in connection with farming; he owns his shop and eighty acres of land, upon which his residence stands, which he erected in 1854; he held the office of Jus- tice of the Peace for "upward of sixteen years in the township in which he lives. , He married in April, 1845, to Letitia i Black; she was born in Indiana in 1824; she died May 1, 1855, leaving three chil- dren — Josiah, Milton and William. His marriage with Margaret A. Newman, was celebrated Fieb. 23, 1860; she was born in Jefferson Co., Tenn., Dec. 18, 1826; they have one child now living by this union — Frankie. Her parents were pioneer settlers of Coles Co., locating here in 1834. Mr. Busbey has been a resident of Oakland since 1845, a period of upward of thirty- three years. S. M. CASH, merchant, deceased ; born in Nelson Co., Va., March 13, 1829, where he lived until 8 years of age, when he removed to Amherst Co., where he at- tended school and engaged in farming until 16 years of age, after which -time he was engaged for eighteen months at Lexington learning the cabinet-maker's trade ; then coming West he located in Paris, Edgar Co., 111., in the fall of 1847, where he completed his trade, when he associated with his brother Henry, and located in Westfield, Clark Co., where they engaged in the furniture trade from 1849 until the spring of 1851, when he located at Oak- land, where he engaged in the furniture business until 1856 ; at which time he as- sociated with his brother, L. S. Cash, in the dry goods trade, which business he continued in connection with farming, stock-raising and shipping until his death, which occurred April 12, 1877; in the spring of 1869, their store with its contents was destroyed by fire, by which they met with a loss of upward of $8,000 above insurance ; they at once erected a fine brick store, into which they moved, and the sur- viving partner still continues the business under the old firm name. His marriage with Adeline Crawford was celebrated April 18, 1850 ; she was born in Butler Co., Ohio, April 17, 1831 ; eight children were the fruit of this union, five of which are deceased, the names of the living are Alice M., now Mrs. J. R. Lauson, born Dec. 31, 1854 ; Wilson M., born Dec. 6, 1861, and Stanley C, born March 15, 1871. Mr. Cash was an active member of the I. 0. 0. F. and Oakland Lodge, i No. 219, A., F. & A. M, Oakland Chapter No. 153, R. A. M., and a Knight Templar, being a member of the Palestine Commandery at Paris ; he was a member of the Methodist Church for eighteen years previous to his death, and was held in high esteem and great respect in the community in which he lived. REV. J. P. CAMPBELL, minister and editor of Oakland Herald^ Oakland ; born I in Macoupin Co., 111., June 9, 1842 ; I when 2 years of age, he removed with his parents to Clinton Co., where, after living five years he removed to Kentucky, where he attended the common schools until 19 years old, when he entered the Beuleyville Academy, and, after attending several months, enlisted as private in the 3d Ken- tucky Cavalry, serving six months, when, j on account of physical disability, he was discharged ; after remaining at home three j months, he re- unlisted for twelve months in the 52d Kentucky Mounted Infantry, j serving eighteen months ; he was mustered I out, and enlisted in the 17th Kentucky ! Cavalry, and served during the war ; he then finished his education at the academy and engaged in school-teaching and preach- ing until 1871, when he located in Coles Co., 111., and after preaching in Ashmore, and other churches in the circuit until 1877, then located in Oakland, where he now lives; in the spring of 1878, he be- came editor of the Oakland Herald, which position he now holds ; this is the only pa- per in the town of Oakland. He married April 5, 1867, to Lucy E. Johnson ; she was born in Breckinridge Co., Ky., March 29, 1849 ; they have three children now 562 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES living by this union — Thomas J., Jethro P. and William H. L. S. CASH, merchant, farmer and stock-raiser, Oakland; born in Nelson Co., Va., Jan. 12, 1827, where he attended school until 10 years of age, when, upon his father's decease, he removed to Amherst Co., where he attended school and engaged in farming until 1847, when he, with the family, emigrated West, and located in Paris, 111., in October, of the same year; during the December following, he buried his mother and two older brothers within a period of ten days ; he learned and worked at the plasterer's trade here for two jears, when, in March, 1850, he stairted overland, with an ox-team, for California, taking the old Oregon route, via Fort Hall, and, on August 18, of the same year, he arrived at the Placerville dissinscs, where he remained a short time ; then to Sumner River, then to North Greenwood Valley ; during the winter and the spring following, he went twenty-five miles south of Placer- ville to Dry Creek, where, meeting with fair success, he remained until his return home, sailing upon June 1, 1853; coming via New York, he arrived in Paris, 111., July 1, making the trip in thirty days ; he then located in Oakland, where he worked at the plasterer's trade until 1856, when he engaged in the dry goods trade, with his brother, under the firm name of L. S. & S. M. Cash, which he still continues, since the death of his brother, which occurred April 12, 1877 ; he has had the entire management of the store, together with 800 acres of land, which they owned to- gether at the above date; in 1869, their store, with its contents, was destroyed by fire, by which they met with a loss of $8,000, above insurance ; he erected his fine brick residence in 1874, where he has since lived. He married. May 2, 1860, : Roena Sargent ; she was born in Coles Co. May 19, 1839; she died March 18, 1869, leaving two children, now living — Ella W. and Lulu R. ; his marriage with Susan Green was celebrated Dec. 30, 1873 ; she was born in Coles Co. Nov. 17, 1844 ; j they hare two children, now living, by this union — Logan S. and Alice. MARION P. CASH, traveling salesman; P. 0. Terre Haute, Ind. ; born in Nelson Co.. Va., April 14, 1833, he removed to Amherst Co., with the family, when 4 j years of age, where he lived until 14 years of age, when he emigrated to Illinois and locate J in Paris, Edgar Co., in the fall of 1847; after farming one year, he learned and worked at the cabinet-maker's trade for three years, in Paris ; he came to Oak- land, Coles Co., and worked one year at his trade, when he engaged with his brother in the furniture trade for two years ; he then sold out and engaged in the drug trade one year ; in 1855, he was appointed Postmaster of Oakland, at which date he engaged in the grocery and confectionery trade, which he continued until 1857, when he sold out and again engaged in the fur- niture business until 1861, when he re- moved to Westfield, Clark Co., and man- aged the merchandise trade of H. H. Cash & Bro., until 1863; he then engaged as traveling salesman for a wholesale notion house at Terre Haute one year ; he then went to Cincinnati and engaged in the same business until 1867, when he bought out a dry goods store at Kansas Station, which he ran until 1869, when, selling out, he again engaged as traveling sales- man, which business he continued until 1877, for Terre Haute and Cincinnati wholesale houses; in 1877, he engaged in farming, and in September, 1878, he en- gaged as traveling salesman for the Terre Haute Woolen-Mills, which business he has since followed. He married, March 31, 1853, to Elizabeth J. Ashmore ; she was born in East Oakland Tp., Coles Co., 111., March 23, 1833; she was a daughter of James Ashmore, who emigrated from Tennessee, and located in Coles Co., at a very early period, where he lived until his decease ; Mr. Cash has eight children now living — William A , Marcus L., Emery E., Sarah B., Rosa A., Geoi:ge B., Marion R. and Alvin B. ; Mr. Cash is a brother of L. S. and S. M. Cash, whose biographies ap- pear among the biographies of Oakland Tp. R. B. CLARKE, merchant, Oakland ; born in Madison Co., N. Y., Oct. 3, 1814, where he was engaged in farming until he attained his majority, when he emigrated to Ohio, where he engaged in the merchan- dise trade and distilling whisky for eigh- teen years ; in 1852, he came to Illinois, and, in 1854, located in Oakland, and, with C. Clement, erected the fir-it flour, feed and saw mill built in this town ; he fol- lowed this business for u])ward of twelve EAST OAKLAND TOWNSHIP. 563 years, when he sold his mill ; in 1 868, he engaged in the grocery and hardware trade, which he has since successfully followed, being assisted in the same by his son, Orrin M. He married, Oct. 1, 1849, to iMargaret D. Welch; she was born in Fair- field Co., Ohio, Jan. 31, 181G ; they have four children now living by this union, viz.: Orrin M., Clara B.. Mary J. and Odd R., Orrin M. Clark, the oldest son, was born in Ohio May 15, 1850; he was married to Alice E. Adams July 15, 1874 ; she was born in Lawrence Co., Ind., Jan. 27, 1859 ; they are the parents of three children now living, viz., Clara B., Claude D. and Jessie C. ; Mr. Clark is engaged with his father in the general management of his business. T. S. COFFIN, merchant, Oakland ; born in Cornville, Somerset Co., Me., Oct. 7, 1832, where he was engaged in farming and attending school in winter ] until 18 years of age, when, after finishing i his academical studies, he engaged in school-teaching for two years, then as clerk in dry goods store four years ; he then engaged in the dry goods business for two years, when, in 1858, he went to California, where he resided about nine years, mining and speculating in mines, making and losing several fortunes, but finally was successful, and in the fall of 1867, he spent the winter visiting the scenes of his childhood in Maine, and the following spring, located in the dry goods trade at Oakland, which business he has since successfully followed. His marriage with Susan J. Winkler was celebrated March 5. 1872; she is daughter of David Winkler, one of the pioneers of Coles ('«). They have three children by • this union, viz., Carrie K., Eda M. and Harry H. RICHARD COLE, farmer ; P. 0. Oak- land ; born in Putnam Co., Ind., Dec. 8, 1835, where he attended school during winter and engaged in farming until 1871, when he emigrated to Illinois and located upon his present place, where he has since continued to live. U])on his arrival here, he purchased 160 acres of land, mostly prairie, where he has since success- fully followed farming. He married Catharine A. Swinford April 13, 1858; they have three children now living by this union — James P., born Feb. 25, 1861 ; Mary E., born Jan. 23, 1863; Lucy A., born March 2, 1868. Mr. Cole has held the office of School Director in the district in which he lives. Mrs. Cole was born in Harrison Co., Ky., July 23, 1838 ; her parents removed to Indiana when she was an infant, where she lived until her marriage. EDWARD CONAGHAN, merchant, Oakland; born in County Donegal, Ire- land, Aug. 15, 1841, where he engaged in farming until 18 years of age, when he emigrated to America, landing in New York in the fall of 1859 ; coming directly to Charleston, he engaged with his brother peddling, taking his stock of goods upon his back and selling from house to house ; after following this for nine months for his brother, he commenced peddling on his own account, taking his first .stock of goods, which invoiced at $20, in a pack upon his back, working in all kinds of weather, until 1863, when he associated with his brother and engaged in the hotel business at Peoria, 111., which, proving un- profitable, they closed out, and, after pay- ing all their indebtedness, he had barely enough means left to again start his porta- ble dry goods and notion store, which con- sisted, as described above, of his pack, which he carried upon his back, buying his goods direct from first hands in New York, which enabled him to compete with the largest dealers in Coles Co.; he con- tinued doing business in this manner un- til 1871, when he associated with David Jones, and located in Oakland in the grocery and queensware trade, which they continued until Jan. 3, 1876, when, pur- chasing his partner's interest, he added a stock of dry goods, clothing, etc., until he now carries a stock second to none in town, and his business is yearly increasing. Upon his arrival at Charleston, he wjis not only penniless, but was in debt for his fare to this country, and his first earnings were used to pay this indebtedness; ..he now has a good property which he has accu- mulated b}' his hard labor, perseverance and industry, and the above traits of char- acter are well worthy of imitation. JOHN G. CRAWFORD, farmer and stock-raiser; P.O.Oakland; born in Morgan Co., Ind., Aug. 10, 1837, where he attended school in winter and was engaged in farm- ing in .summer until he was 23 years of 4 664 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: age, when, in the spring of 18G0, he re- \ moved to Illinois, locating in Douglas Co., ! where he engaged in farming until 1865, when he returned to his native home, re- maining there two years ; then coming West again, he continued farming nearly two years in Douglas Co., when in 1869, he removed to Oakland and erected a fine residence where he now lives ; he also owns several farms, containing upward of 1000 acres, in this and adjoining counties, all under cultivation ; he makes a specialty of stock-raising, usually feeding from 100 to 200 head of cattle. He married Jan. 10, 1866, to Virginia Valodin ; she was born in New Madrid, 3Io., November, 1838 ; three children were the fruits of this union — Dora and James, both deceased, John F., now living, born Aug. 9, 1874. CHARLES CURTIS, farmer; P.OOak- land; born in Oakland, Coles Co., 111., Dec. 5, ! 1841 ; his father died when he was an in- fant, and he continued to live with his , mother until her marriage with John Dol- lar, with whom he then lived until the j spring of 1862. when he enlisted in the 6od I. V. I., and went forward to battle for the Union ; he was in many severe battles, among which were the siege and capture of Vicksburg, Chickamauga, Mis- sionary Ridge, Lookout Mountain, Atlan- ta, and was with Sherman's army through Georgia, spending the Christmas of 1864 in Savannah ; then north through South and North Carolina, being in many engage- j ments, until the surrender of Johnston and his army, when he continued his march via Richmond to Washington, where, after i the grand review of the army, he with his regiment went to Louisville, Ky., where he was mustered out of service, after which, he went to Springfield, where he I received his discharge in July, 1865, hav- I ing served upward of three years in the Union army ; he then returned to Coles Co., 111., and, in the spring of 1866, re- moved upon his present place, where he has j since lived. He married April, 1864, to Martha 1. Hannah ; she was born in North Carolina in 1844, and died January, 187H, leaving three children now living, viz., James W\, Lucinda E. and Roddie Ells- ' worth ; his marriage with Margaret M. Yeager was celebrated April 30, 1874; she was born in Ohio April 18, 1855; ' three children were the fruit of this union, 1 one of which is deceased ; the living are Lula M., born Oct. 3, 1876, and John Sherman, March 14, 1878. A. A. DUNSETH, Police Magistrate and Justice of the Peace, Oakland ; born in Fleming Co., Ky., Oct. 12, 1821 ; he removed with his parents, when 6 years of ai!;e, to Ohio, where he learned and worked at the carpenter trade until 1843, when became West and located at Peoria, 111., working at his trade until 1852, when he removed to Georgetown, 111., where he kept hotel two years, when he purchased a saw-mill, which he ran in connection with his trade until 1858, when he removed to Danville, and engaged in contracting and building until 1861, when he raised a company for the 4th Illinois Cavalry, but the regiment having obtained its full quota of compa- nies, his company was not accepted, the members joining other companies to fill up the regiment; in 1862, he visited the Un- ion Hospitals at Louisville, Ky., and find- ing a wide field for labor in the interest of the soldiers of Illinois, he decided to re- main there and labor in behalf of the same ; he immediately entered upon this noble duty, laboring for the relief of sufi"ering patriots of his State without compensation and defray- ing his own expenses for three months, when the hospital was visited by Dr. W. E. Fithian, J. L. Tincher and Judge Terry, of Danville; they at once saw the amount of good being accomplished through the agency of Mr. Dunseth, when they immediately de- manded of Gov. Yates that Illinois should have a State Agent to look after our suf- fering soldiers, and suggested Mr. Dun- seth as a suitable person to fill the position. This was at once acted upon, and he re- ceived his commission as State Agent, dat- ing from the time he first came to the hos- pitals. He had never made application . for the above position, and when he re- ceived his commission, it was much of a surprise to him. The writer of this sketch has seen many letters to Mr. Dun- seth from prominent men, both in civil and military life, expressing thanks and grati- tude to him for the noble spirit he has^ shown in behalf of the soldiers of the Union army. At the close of the war, Ik returned to Danville and engaged in rail- road bridging in Illinois and the Southern States until 1872, when he removed to Oakland, where he has since lived. He mar- EAST OAKLAND TOWNSHIP. 565 ried Oct. 17, 1844, to Mary Burnside, cousin of Gen. A. E. Burnside ; she was born in Kentucky May 29, 1821 ; they are the parents of five children, now liv- ing, viz., Sarah E., David W., Charles A., Alice M. and James H. Mr. Dunseth has always labored in behalf of Christian- ity and temperance ; was a charter mem- ber of Lodge No. 2, Sons of Temperance, at Peoria, 111., and has been a brother Odd Fellow for the past thirty-four years. THOMAS H. DUNCAN; P.O.Oakland; born in Clark Co., 111., April 29, 1844, where he attended school and engaged in farming until August 1, 1862, when he enlisted as private in Co. A (Capt. James B. Hill), of the 123d Regt. I. V. I., and went forward to battle for the Union ; he first went to Louisville, Ky., then march- ing South, was engaged in the battle of Prairieville, Ky., Oct. 8, 1862, going then to Murfreesboro, Tenn., where he remained until May, 1863, when, on account of dis- ability, he received his discharge, and, re- turning home, engaged in farming for a short time ; then, after attending the West- field College one term, he engaged as clerk in the dry goods store of J. M. Miller, at Charleston, 111., which position he held for nearly two years, when, on account of ill- health, he returned home, where he re- mained until the fall of 1868, when he entered the college at Eureka, 111., where, after attending one term, he worked as clerk in the stores of Kirkbride and Mar- cilleot, at Eureka, during the summer, and in the fall again entered the college, but on account of ill-health was unable to re- main but a short time. In early life, he had formed a determination to obtain a collegiate education, and his lack of means only tended to stimulate his energies in that direction, and to obtain the means to defray his expenses while attending col- lege, he employed all his time, Saturdays, mornings and evenings clerking ; this la- bor, added to his hard study, so impaired health that he was obliged to give up his long cherished hope of graduating from college ; he then returned home and re- mained during the winter, and the follow- ing spring was employed as clerk for Wil- son Bros., Charleston, 111., tor six months, when he engaged dealing in pictures, chro- mos, etc., until the following January, when he engaged in the sewing-machine business, which he followed until July 1, 1873, when he purchased a stock of goods and located in Oakland, where he has since continued to live ; he was described to the writer as being the tallest man in Oakland, be- ing six feet five and one-half inches in height, and while in the army was known as little Tommy Duncan. His marriage with lone B. Decker was celebrated Nov. 28, 1872 ; she was born in Coles Co., 111., March 17, 1851 ; they have two children by this un- ion, viz., Gertrude Q. and Jacob L. Mrs. Duncan is the daughter of Jacob K. Deck- er, one of the early pioneers of Charles- ton, Coles Co., 111. JOHN DOLLAR, farmer and stock- raiser; P. 0. Oakland ; born in Perthshire, Scotland, July 1, 1807, where he engaged in farming until 33 years of age, when he emigrated to A.merica, landing in New York in June, 1840, coming to Chicago via canal and lakes, where he hired a team to transport him to Coles Co., pay- ing for the same the sum of $40 ; arriving here in July, he located eighty acres of land on Section 2, in what is now known as East Oakland Tp., upon which he com- menced to make improvements, employing his spare time for several years in ditching for other parties ; he located upon his present place in 1849, which contains 263 acres, and upon which he has a complete set of buildings which he has erected since that date ; he also owns 200 acres of land in other parts of the county, all of which he has secured by his own hard labor ; in the fall of 1842, he made two trips to Chicago, taking up wheat which he sold at 64 cents per bushel, receiving his pay in leather, salt and groceries ; the time consumed on each trip being eighteen days. Mr. Dollar, though in his 72d year, is in possession of all his faculties and daily attends to the feeding and care of his slock, of which he has 40 head of cat- tle, 7 horses, 100 hogs and 30 sheep. He married in Scotland in the spring of 1833, to Margaret Carmichael ; she was born in Perthshire, Scotland, and died April 23, 1837, leaving one child, which died Aug. 28, of the same year ; his marriage with Mrs. Sarah Curtis was celebrated April 8, 1847 ; she was the daughter of .James D. Hunt, one of the early pioneers of Coles Co., and was born in Clark Co., Ohio, 566 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES; Aug. 19, 1822; they have four children now living by this union, viz., Margaret J., Nancy Isabel, Sarah A. and Ralph D. Mr. Dollar has always taken a deep inter- est in the cause of religion and education, having been a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church for upward of thirty years ; he was a strong Unionist during the late war, and in January, 1865, his house was visited by a band of despera- does in the night, and with the revolvers of five blackened villains presented to him- self and family, they demanded his money, of which they obtained upward of $600 and made away with their spoils ; four of the five were afterward captured and lodged in the Jail at Charleston, but broke jail and all escaped the penalty of their crimes. Mr. Dollar lost his father by death in September, 1840; his mother died in 1846. N. R. DUER, farmer and school-teach- er ; P. O. Oakland ; born in Fairfield Co., Ohio, May 13, 1832, where he attended school and engaged in farming until he at- tained his majority, when he engaged in school-teaching one year ; he then entered the Ohio Wesleyan University, located at Delaware, which he attended for upward of two years ; he then engaged in farming and school-teaching in Ohio, until 1862, when he emigrated to Illinois and located in Clark Co.. where he followed teaching and farming until 1 864, when he located in Coles Co., and engaged in teaching in Oakland one year, and one year in East Oakland Tp. ; he then returned to Clark Co., and for three years was employed in teaching in Clark and Cumberland Cos. ; he then engaged in the drug-trade, at Farmington, Coles Co.. which business he followed until the fall of 1875, when he engaged in drug trade at Oakland, with N. R. Moore, under the firm name of Duer & Moore, which business continued until March, 1878, when he sold his inter- est and again resumed farming and school- teaching. He married, Aug. 14, 1861, to Jane Elder : she was born in Ohio July 19, 1838 ; died Oct. 5, 1862. leaving no children ; his marriage with Celia E. Fer- guson was celebrated July 21. 1863 ; she was born in Clark Co. April 15, 1842 ; they have four children now living by this union, viz., Jane, Charles S., Alice May and Amelia G. HUGH DAUGHERTY, farmer; P.O. Oakland ; born in Coles Co., 111., Jan. 25, 1830, in which county he has always lived ; he is the son of John Daugherty, one of the earliest pioneers of Illinois, who emi- grated from North Carolina and located in Illinois about the year 1828 ; he died about the year 1860, in East Oakland Tp., Coles Co. ; the subject of this sketch, as- sisted his father farming until 17 years of age, when he was employed as farm laborer for two years, when he commenced farm- ing, renting for a period of five years, when he purchased forty acres, since which time he has farmed his own land ; he now owns eighty-seven acres on Sec. 29 ; when he first commenced farming, his capital con- sisted of one horse and two cows, and he was in debt about S200 ; his first tax was 50 cents. He married, March 27, 1851. to Matilda Hite ; she was born in Ohio Oct. 6, 1823; she died Jan 2, 1872, leaving five children, now living — Sarah A., Andrew, John M., Mahalia and Ellen ; his marriai^e with Martha E. Burton wa,H celebrated Dec. 12, 1872 ; she was born in Fountain Co., Ind., March 20, 1847 ; they have three children now living — Hugh F., Samuel Wesley and James Calvin. JAMES T. EDSON, Oakland, pur- chasino; a^ent for Illinois of Wm. B. Dick- son & Co., Indianapolis. Ind. ; born in Iredell Co., N. C, Jan. 15, 1841 ; his parents removed to Ohio when he wa.s ((uite young, where he attended school during the winter, and worked upon the farm during the summer, until 1861, when he enlisted in the 14th Ohio V. I. for three months, after which he enlisted for three years in the 38th Ohio V. I., where he served nearly three years, when he re- enlisted in the 38th Ohio Veteran Regi- ment, in which he served during the war ; he took part in nearly all the severe battles in which the 14th Army Corps was en- gaged, among which were Mill Springs, Stone River, Perryvillc, Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge and many others, and was with Sherman's army in his march to the sea ; he was mustered out with his regiment in July, 1865, at Louisville, Ky., when he engaged in farming in Ohio sev- eral years, until 1871, when he located in Oakland, and en-jcaged in buying and ship- ping lumber to Indianapolis, which busi- EAST OAKLAND TOWNSHIP. 567 ness he has since successfully followed. His mdrriage with Cordelia Hickox was celebrated Jan. 25, 1876; she was born in Oakland, Coles Co., May 29, 1850; her parents were amono; the early settlers of Illinois, locatinji in Edgar Co., in 1833. GEO. GEYER, fiirmer ; P.O.Kansas; born in Muskingum Co., Ohio, May 8, 1832, where he followed farming until 1857, when he removed to East Oakland Tp., Coles Co., 111., and located upon the old Donica farm, where he commenced farming with a capital ot $25 cash and a team only partly paid for ; he immediately went to work making improvements, which he continued until January, 1863, when he sold his improvements for $500, and purchased his present place, where he has since Hved ; his first purchase upon his present place was for 1 1 1 acres, upon which he made a payment of $500, leaving a balance of $1,720, to be made in pay- ments, which he met promptly; he has since added to the same until his home farm now contains 200 acres, upon which he has erected as fine farm-buildings as any in the township ; he also owns about ten acres of timber. He married Jan. 5, 185-4, to Mary E. Roberts; she was born in Muskingum Co., Ohio, Jan. 19, 1833 ; she is the daughter of Thomas Roberts, now living in East Oakland Tp.; they have five children now living, having lost four by death. The names of the living are Maranda C, Emma R., Elizabeth I. A., Arietta A. and William F. PETER GOBERT farmer, and stock- raiser, S. 19 ; P. 0. Oakland ; one of the pio- neers of Coles Co.; born in France Oct. 17, 1821, where he attended school until 11 years of age,when he emigrated with his par- ents to America, landing in New York the spring of 1832 ; going to Bufi"alo, he assisted his fiither upon a farm until 16 years of age, when he emigrated West in the spring, coming by way of the lakes to Chicago, arriving there June 11, 1837; coming directly to Coles Co., they located in what is now known as East Oakland Tp., before the organization of the same ; here he en- gaged with his father farming until 1860, when his father retired from active labor, and Mr. Gobert assumed the management of the farm ; he owns his brick residence, with good stables and other buildings, and upward of 400 a?res of land, all under I cultivation except twenty- five acres of tim- ber. He married, June 8, 1843, Melinda R. Ashmore ; she was born in Kentucky March 22, 1824; she died Feb. 21, 1861, leaving five children now living, viz., Samuel, Charles, Louis, La Fayette, Vir- ginia. His marriage with Matilda A. Roberts was celebrated Oct. 17, 1861 ; she was born in Ohio, June 26, 1835; they have four children now living by this union, viz., Ahce, Thomas, Napoleon, Frank. Mr. Gobert drove an ox team from here to Chicago in 1842, taking up apples and bring back groceries. In 1844, he drove his team to St. Louis, Mo., loaded with chickens and turkeys — the chickens selling at 75 cents and the turkeys at $3 per dozen. SOLOMON HENDRIX, stock dealer ; P. 0. Oakland; born in Champaign Co., Ohio, May 13, 1820, where he attended school during his youth until large enough to labor upon a farm, when he followed farming for his father until he attained his majority, when, in 1842, he located upon a farm of eighty-six acres, all heavy tim- ber, where he lived seven years and suc- ceeded in clearing and placing under culti- vation upward of sixty acres, the first year by hard labor he raised eight acres of corn and potatoes enough for his family use during the winter. In the summer of 1850, he came to Illinois, but not finding a location to suit, he returned to Ohio, and purchased a farm of 160 acres, which he worked for three years, clearing off" upward of seventy acres of timber, when he sold his farm and purchased the old homestead, living there until 1857, when he emigrated West and located in Edgar Co., purchas- ing 320 acres of land six miles north of Paris, where he lived until the spring of 4861, when, selling his farm, he engaged in stock raising and feeding and selling, con- fining his business mostly to sheep, which business he followed until 1866; at the above date he located in East Oakland Tp., and engaged in fiirming and dealing in stock, which business he followed for a period of eleven years, when he removed with his family to Oakland, where he has since continued to live. He owns his resi- dence, and is interested in about 200 acres of well-improved and timber land. He married June 19, 1842, to Nancy G. . Wilson ; she was born in Pennsylvania in 568 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: 1823; died March 5, 186G, leavinj^ seven children, viz., William T., Mary E., Lucy E., Charles, John E., Joseph and Alice M. His marriage with Melvina Berry was celebrated Dec. 11, 1866; she was born in Clark Co., 111., May U, 1834; they have one child by this union — Raymond Hen- drix. Mrs. Hendrix's father and mother are among the early settlers of Clark Co., locating there at a very early date, about 1829 or 1830 ; she has one child by her previous husband — Amelia Berry. WILLIAM HUNT, farmer and Jus- tice of the Peace, Oakland ; born in Coles Co., Ill, Feb. 11, 1845, upon the place where be has since continued to live ; he is the son of James D. Hunt, who located in Coles Co., previous to 1838, where he died July 3, 1856 ; the subject of this sketch continued upon the old homestead, and attended school and assisted in farm- ing, until the decease of his mother, which occurred July 3, 1865 ; after which he purchased the interest of a portion of the other heirs, and continued farm- ing upon the old place upon his own account, which business he has since successfully followed ; he owns 110 acres upon his home farm, upon which he has erected good farm-buildings. He was elected to the office of Justice of the Peace in the spring of 1877, for a term of four years, which office he now holds. He married March 3, 1864, to Susan E. Handley ; she was born in Clark Co., 111., Aug. 22, 1848 ; her parents were among the early pioneers of Illinois ; they have five children now living by this union — Justin H., born Feb. 11, 1867, Ruth T., born Sept. 24, 1872, Luviee B., born July 2, 1874, Sherman W.,born June 10, 1876 ; Alvira L., born Oct. 2, 1877. MERRILL F. HACKETT, retired farmer ; P. 0. Oakland ; born in Lexington, Fayette Co., Ky., Sept. 10, 1821 ; he re- moved with his parents, when 8 years of age, and located in Springfield, Sangamon Co., 111., where he learned and worked at the trade of brickmason until 1841, at which time he removed to Charleston, Coles Co., and engaged at his trade and farming and stock-raising until 1 856 ; he then removed to the northern part of Coles Co., where he followed farming and stock-raising un- til 1875, when he purchased his present place of about thirty acres, upon which he has a fine residence, and removed to Oak- land, where he has since continued to live ; he also owns G13 acres of land in Douglas Co., which he has rented. He married Jan. 22, 1867, Elizabeth J. Sargent; she was born in Coles Co., 111., March 22, 1839; her parents were among the early pioneers of Coles Co., locating in 1830 ; they have four children by this union — Snowden S., Gennella C, Lora E. and Florence M. WILLIAM HOLLIS, retired farmer ; P. 0. Oakland; born in Essex Co., Del., Jan. 18, 1800, where he engaged in farm- ing until 25 years of age, when he emi- grated West, and located in Pickaway Co., Ohio, and engaged in farming until 1845, when he came to Illinois and located in Pldgar Co., where he followed farming for a period of thirty years ; in 1875, he pur- chased his present residence in Oakland, where he has since lived, with the excep- tion of a short time, which he lived upon his farm ; he also owns a farm of 160 acres, upon which are good buildings, the same being now managed by his son George. His marriage with Elizabeth Lane was cele- brated April 28, 1825 ; she was born in Essex Co., Del., Aug. 28, 1800; they have five children now living, having lost the same number by death ; the names of the living are George, Catharine, Henry, Erastus and Mary Ann. Mr. and Mrs. Hol- lis are the oldest couple now living in Oak- land, Mr. H. being 79 years of age and Mrs. H. lacking but a few months of the same age ; their marriage was celebrated fifty-four years ago. GEORGE F. HACKETT, farmer, S. 18 ; P. 0. Oakland ; born in Scott Co., Ky., Aug. 27, 1827: he emi- grated with his parents, in the fall of 1834, to Illinois, and located in Coles Co., where he attended school during the winter, and a.ssisted his father farming during the summer, until 18 years of age, when he w^orked by the month during the summer driving cattle from Coles Co. to Wisconsin, and attending school during the winter for four years ; in 1850, he he drove an ox-team, overland, to Califor- nia, going via the old Oregon route, by Fort Hall, arriving in Wearville, Aug. 26, of the same year, being on -the road six months and twelve days, leaving St. Joe, Mo., May 14 ; he traveled 2,200 miles EAST OAKLAND TOWNSHIP. 569 without seeing a house or habitation, save three forts, which were occupied by United States soldiers ; he then went directly to the mines, where he followed mining, i meeting with fair success, for two and a half years ; when he came home, by steam- er, via New York, arriving at Oakland, April 16, 1853, having been gone for up- ward of three y<>ars ; he then engaged in farming five miles from Oakland, which he followed until 1 858, when he purchased his present place, where he has since lived for a period of upward of twenty years. He married March 9, 1854, to Edna Pem- berton ; she was born in Virginia Feb. 8, 1826 ; they have four children now living — ■ Fred S., Anzonett M., William E. and Greorge W. Mrs. Hackett is the youngest daughter of Stanton Pemberton, one of the pioneers of Coles Co., locating here in 1831. L. M. HUDSON, farmer. Sec. 29 ; P. O. Oakland; born in Carter Co., Tenn., Sept. 5, 1809, where he engaged in farm- ing until 24 years of age, when he re- moved to Jessamine Co., Ky., where he engaged in farming until 1851, when he removed to East Oakland Tp., Coles Co., 111., and purchased 200 acres, upon which he has since continued to live, during a period of twenty-eight years ; he has since added by purchase until he now owns 320 acres, upon which he has good buildings erected by himself; at the time of his locat- ing here, corn was worth but six cents per bushel and pork $2 per hundred. He was married Oct. 23, 1833, to Sophia Rader ; she was born in Virginia July 22, 1808 ; she died Feb. 13, 1866, leaving five children now living — Lemuel, Minervia, Jesse, John and Mary Jane. His mar- riage with Delilah J. Rutherford was cele- braiei Sept. 15, 1866 ; she was born in Dubois Co., Ind., Dec. 6, 1836 ; they have no children by this union. Mr. Hudson has filled the office of School Director four years in his district, and Road Commissioner the same length of time. WM. HENDERSON, blacksmith, Oak- land; born in Gurnsey Co.,Ohio, Sept 25, 1831, where he learned and worked at the blacksmith trade until the fall of 1858, when he emigrated West and located in Lawrence Co., 111., where he followed his trade until 1862, when he enlisted as a private in the 60th I. V. T., and went for- ward to battle for the Union ; he served with his regiment one year, when he was detailed as blacksmith in the Quartermas- ter's Department at Chattanooga, Tenn., where he remained until the fall of 1865, when he returned and worked at his trade at Marion, 111., and Terre Haute, Ind., until August, 1866, when he located in Charleston and worked at his trade until June, 1872, when he removed to Oakland, where he has since lived. He is President of the National Christian Temperance Union, and is held in high esteem for the noble stand he has taken in the cause of temperance ; he was elected Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Oakland at the last municipal election, which office he now holds. His marriage with Ellen Eaglan was celebrated March 27, 1871; she was born in Virginia June 2, 1835 ; they have four children now living by this union, viz., Francis, John, Edward and William. LEWIS KEES, merchant, Oakland; born in Preble Co., Ohio, April 10, 1843, where he attended school until 16 years of age, when he emigrated West and located in Embarrass Tp., Edgar Co., 111., where he engaged in farming until July, 1862, when he enlisted in the 70th I. V. I. for three months ; he was sent to Camp But- ler, Sprinacfield, where he remained two \ months guardmg prisoners, then to Alton for two months performing the same duty ; he was in the service four months * and was mustered out with his regiment in November, 1862. He then returned to his farm, which he worked until 1874, when he engaged in the grocery trade at Isabel one year, when his store and stock being consumed by fire, he met with a loss of i nearly $2,000, upon which he had no in- surance ; he then purchased a farm of 160 acres, which he worked until May 1, 1878, when he exchanged a portion of [ the same for a stock of goods at Oakland, since which time he has added largely to tlie same, until he now has a full and com - ! plete stock of dry goods, clothing, boots and shoes, hats and caps, notions, etc. ; his business card will be found in the business directory of Oakland, in another part of I this work. He married Aug. 29, 1863, Mary Ann Housel ; she was born in Edgar Co. Sept. 20, 1845; her parents were among the early pioneers of Edgar Co.; she died Jan. 28, 1868, leaving one child, i —Sarah J., born July 4, 1865. 570 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: R. F. LARIMER, merchant, Oakland; born in Scioto Co., Ohio, Oct. 27, 1838, where he engaged in farming until 16 years of age, when, coming West, he located in Embarrass Tp., Edgar Co., 111., and engaged in farming until 1856, when he went to Kansas for six months ; returning to Edgar Co., he purchased one-half inter- est in a saw and flour mill, which he ran until Sept. 10, 18G1, when he enlisted as private for three years in the 66th I. V. I.; this regiment was composed of picked men from the various Northwestern States, for their skill and accuracy in handling the rifle ; while this regiment was credited to Illinois, it was known in the army as the Western Sharpshooters; in tlie marches they always ltd the advance, and when engaged in battle, were detailed in squads to pick ofl^ rebel gunners, and many a rebel battery has been silenced by the unerring aim of this regiment; he was in many se- vere battles, among which was Mt. Zion, Ft. Donelson, Shiloh, Corinth, Resaca, Lay's Ferry, where the regiment, being in the advance, fought its way for eightmiles, the regiment suS"ering severely in killed and wounded ; he was next engaged at Rome Cross Roads, Dallas, Kenesaw Mountain, at which place among the killed was a younger brother ; he was with the army during the siege and capture of Atlanta, after which, having served one month above his term of enlistment, he was mustered out of service ; he then returned to Edgar Co., 111., where he bought a saw and flour mill, which he ran until 1868, when, selling his mill, he purchased one- half interest in a saw-mil! near Charleston, which he ran until 1872, when he sold out and located at Oakland in the drug trade, which he followed until 1876 ; in 1877, he engaged in his present business, which he has since successfully followed. While looking after the wounded at the battle of Corinth, he was made prisoner by a squad of six rebels, and, while they were taking him tu their camp, a squad of union calvary came upon them and captured his captors, taking them back to the Union camp. JOHN R.LAWSON, lumber and build- ing materials, Oakland ; born in Portsmouth, Scioto Co., Ohio, June 3, 1847, where he attended school constantly until 21 years of age, the last five years at the Ports- mouth Normal School ; at the above age, he engaged in bo(jk-keeping for the Ports- mouth Foundry Co., which position he filled for two years ; then, in 1871, he came West and engaged in book-keeping for Lawson & Burt, at Tuscola, Douglas Co., for two years, at the expiration of which time, he came to Oakland, Coles Co., and engaged in the lumber trade, dealing in lumber of all kinds, paints, coal, lime, cement, plaster, sash, doors and blinds, etc., etc. His marriage with Alice M. Cash was celebrated April 16, 1874; she was born in Oakland Dec. 31, 1854; she was the daughter of S. M. Cash, one of the pioneer merchants of Oakland, Coles Co., 111. Mr. Lawson holds the office of Town Trustee. WM. LAND, farmer, Sec. 2; P. 0. Oakland ; born in Cumberland Co., 111., Jan. 19, 1839 ; at 7 years of age, his par- ents both died, their death occurring within a period of four days ; at tbeir decease, he came to Coles Co., 111., and, until 15 years of age, worked at difl'erent places for his living ; when he worked for three years by the month ; then rented land, and engaged in farming for himself for about four years, in Ashmore Tp., and in 1862, enlisted in tlie 123d regiment, I. V. I., in which he served his country until he received his discharge in May, 1865, a large part of which time he was detailed to do post duty, the last two years being at Nashville, Tenn. ; after his dis- charge, he went to Missouri, where he re- mained one winter, when he returned to Coles Co., 111., and, again renting land, continued farming until 1876, when he purchased his present place of eighty acres, upon which he removed, and where he has since lived. He married in Sep- tember, 1859, to Emily Sublette ; she died December, 1865, leaving two children, viz. — Peter B. and Lucinda. His marriage with Lucinda Milner was celebrated Sept. 22, 1868 ; she was born in Vermilion Co., 111., Dec. 17, 1843; they have three children now living by this union, viz., Rebecca A., born Dec. 5, 1869 ; Malinda M., Dec. 19, 1870; Charles W., June 23, 1878, and one deceased. THOMAS J. MOCK, fiirmer and Con- stable, Sec. 25 ; P. 0. Oakland ; born in Hocking Co., Ohio, March 22, 1845, where he lived until 1854, when he re- moved with his parents to Coles Co., 111., I EAST OAKLAND TOWNSHIP. 571 where he lived uutil Aug. 1, 1862, when he eulisted at the age of 17 years in Co. A, 123d I. V. I., and at once went into camp at Mattoon, where they remained until Sept. 6, when they were mustered in and at once sent to the front, going to Louisville, they joined the army of Gen. Buell, which had been defeated and driven to that point by the army under the rebel Gen. Bragg; marching South, he was en- gaged in the battle of Perryville Oct. 8 ; then to Mumfordsville, where, being pros- trated by sickness, he was sent to the hospital at Louisville, remaining four weeks, at which time, Morgan having got in the rear of the Union army, he volun- teered in a convalescent regiment, and went out guarding bridges, etc. ; returning to Louisville, he was forwarded to his regi- ment at Murfreesboro, Tenn., where he arrived January, 1863, and performed scout duty until spring, being in many severe engagements ; they were then formed into a cavalry regiment, armed with Spencer seven-shooter rifles, and attached to Wilder's Brigade, which was afterward noted for the good fighting qualities, daring and courage of its officers and men, being nearly always in advance upon any im])ortant engagements of the Army of the Tennessee ; in the spring, they led the ad- vance in the two-days fight at Hoover's Gap, where, after getting the rebels fairly engaged, made their way to the rear of the rebel army, and, after cutting off their supplies and communications and destroy- ing their railroad depots and cars and tear- ing up the railroad, etc., returned to help the Union army to win the battle ; they then went across the mountains to Chat- tanooga, where they were engaged for nine- teen days skirmishing with the rebels, previous to the arrival of the balance of the Union army, and upon its arrival, the above place was captured without a battle ; following this, was the battle of Cliick- amauga, in which the brigade suffered severely in killed, wounded and prisoners, and, after the defeat, covered the retreat of the Union army to Chattanooga ; Mr. Mock expressed himself to the writer as its being the first time he had even un- consciously been whipped ; they were then placed on duty guarding fords, etc. ; while performing this duty, the rebel Gen. Wheeler crossed above them to destroy their communications, when they followed them for two weeks, fighting continually, and, upon reaching Farmington, had a severe fight, in which his regiment suffered severely in killed and wounded, among the former being their Colonel ; after this, he went to Maysville, Ala., where his regi- ment was detailed in squads as scouts, which duty he performed until the close of the war ; he expressed himself as beins pleased with this arduous and dangerous duty, preferring it to the monotony of camp life ; after being engaged in the seige and capture of Atlanta, their horses were turned over to Kilpatriik, and they went to Louisville, drew firesh horses, and, early in the winter of 1864, went to Graverly Springs, Ala., where they were organized in a corps of cavalry under Gen. Wilson ; going South, skirmishing daily, until reaching Selma, at which place, after the 4th United States Regulars had made a. charge and been driven back, this brigade were dismounted and made the charge, when, after severe fighting, they captured the fortifications, in which they suffered se- verely, some of their men being killed upoQ the breastworks; they continued south until reaching Macon, which place they captured ; when hearing of the surrender of Johnson and his army, he was detailed in command of a force and sent out to capture Jeff Davis, traveling day and night for four days ; he heard of the capture of the rebel chief when within less than thirty miles of his camp ; he then returned to Macon, where he was again detailed with one other to learn the location of a. band of rebels, who were collecting horses, mules, wagons and other articles to take further south ; he made their camp, took supper with them, and, after satisfying them he was no spy by his papers as paroled prisoner of a rebel guerrilla force, he made his way back to camp, and at daylight the whole force was captured ; he was mustered out of service at Nashville, Tenn., and received his discharge at Spring- field, 111., July 10, 1865, having been in. the Union army nearly three years ; re- turning home, when he followed farming until 1867, when he again engaged in the United States service, going with the army through some of the Western Territories as far as Ft. Union, New Mexico, having charge of Government stores. He re- 512 BIuGRAPHICAL SKETCHES; moved upon his present place in 1871, where he has since continued to live, with the exception of a few months' prospecting in Nebraska during the year of 1873. He married Dec. 1, 1868, Nancy J. Dol- lar; she was born in Coles Co., 111., March 31, 1850 ; they have three children now living by this union — John T., Sarah E.. and Ralph ; Mrs. Mock is a dau2;hter of John Dollar, whose biography appears in this work, is one of the settlers of Coles €o. NALLIE R. MOORK, druggist, Oak- land ; born in Morgan Co., Ind., Aug. -1, 1854, where he attended school until 11 years of age, when he removed to Mat- toon, Coles Co., 111., where he attended school until 20 years of age, the last three years devoting his time to the study of geometry, physiology, and the other high- er branches of education ; having devoted his spare time when out of school for the last eight years in his father's drug store, he now engaged in the same, where he was employed, compounding drugs, preparing prescriptions, etc., until May, 1876, when he associated with N. R. Duer, and en- gaged in the drug business at Oakland, un- der the firm name of Duer & Moore, con- tinuing the same until March, 1878, when lie bought his partner's interest and asso- ciated with his father, which business he has since continued under the firm name of C. Moore & Son ; having been thor- oughly educated in the drug trade, parties having prescriptions to be filled, may feel assured that the same, when prepared by Mr. Moore, will be put up by a competent and careful druggist. A card of his busi- ness will be found in the business directory of Oakland in another part of this work. GIDEON MINOR, farmer; P.O.Oak- land; born in Brown Co., Ohio, Aug. 16, 1818; he emigrated with his parents to Kentucky at 4 years of age, where he at- tended school and engaged in farming un- til 14 years of age, when he emigrated to East Oakland Tp., Coles Co., in May, 1832; his father purchased 120 acres of land in the timber, and after clearing the timber during the summer, died in the following fall ; the duty of raanagin<>; the farm then fell upon the subject of this sketch, who worked it until 1844, when his mother disposed of the above and purchased eighty acres of prairie, and the following year her decease occurred ; Mr. Minor purchased his present place in the spring of 1864, which contains 160 acres, and where he has since lived. His marriage with Nancy Powers was celebrated Nov. 25, 1847; she was born in Butler Co., Ohio, Aug. 30, 1830; she was the daugh- ter of D. B. Powers, one of the early set- tlers of this county, and whose biography appears in this work ; they have one child by this union — George A. Minor, born April 3, 1849. Mr. Minor has held va- rious township offices, and at present holds the office of Township Collector. W. J. PEAK, physician, surgeon and druggist, Oakland; born in Warsaw, Gal- latin Co., Ky., April 3, 1836, where he devoted his whole attention to his studies until he attained his majority, the last four years exclusively to the study of medicine, graduating from the St. Louis Medical College in the winter of 1860 ; he imme- diately commenced the practice of medi- cine at Warsaw, Ky., for a short time, when, in the spring of 1861, he located in Johnson Co., Mo.; during the summer, and in the fall of the same year, he went to Texas, where he was placed, from force of circumstances, in charge of the rebel hospitals at Ozark and St. Francisville, Ark., where he remained until the spring of 1862, when he was appointed Assistant Surgeon in the Union hospitals at Fayette- ville. Ark., where he remained one year, when he received the appointment of Sur- geon of the 14th Regiment, Kansas Cav-^ airy, which position he held until the close of the war, being mustered out of the service at Lawrence, Kan., in the sum- mer of 1865; he then returned to Johnson Co., Mo., where he remained a short time, when he removed to Coles Co., 111., and located in Morgan Tp. in the winter of 1866. where he followed his profession until 1876, when he removed to Oakland, and engaged in the drug trade, still giving liia whole time and attention to his very ex- tensive practice which ho has built up in this and adjoining counties, his drug store be- ing in charge of a very careful druggist. His marriage with Mary Burr was cele- brated Dec. 2, 1869 ; she was born in Mo- mence, Kankakee Co., 111., Aug. 6, 1852; they have one child by this union — Maud, born Nov. 19, 1871. Mr. Peake has tak- en a deep interest in the cause of educa- EAST OAKLAND TOWNSHIP. 573 tion. having filled the office of School Di- rector for several terms ; contributes lib- erally to the churches, and is a member of the Wabash Valley Esculapian Society. WILLIAM PARKER, deceased farm- er ; born in Staffordshire, England, 1802, where he engaged in farming until 1835, when he emigrated to America with his wife, landing in New York Feb. 2, of the same year, coming directly West ; they lo- cated upon a farm four miles from Cincin- nati, Ohio, where they followed farming until 1840, at which date they removed to Edgar Co., 111., where they engaged in farming until 1855, when, on account of ill-health, Mr. Parker retired from active labor, and, selling his farm, removed to Oakland, 111., where he lived until his death, which occurred in the fall of 1862. Their marriage was celebrated Nov. 17, 1834; Mrs. Parker's maiden name was Hannah Huslow ; she was born in Staf- fordshire, England, May 1, 1814; she still lives in the brick house built by her husband, and occupied by them during his lift. Mrs. Parker was quite well acquainted with President Harrison, he having dined with them upon several occasions previous to his election to the highest office of the nation. WILLIAM R. PARKER, deceased farmer; born in Anderson Co., Ky., March 27, 1823 ; he emigrated with his parents to Illinois, and located in Edgar Co., in 1828, where he lived until 18 years of age, when he went to St. Clair, Co., 111., and engaged in farming two years, then to Minnesota, where he followed logging, rafting and milling for three years ; return- ing to Illinois, he, with his brother, worked at blacksmithing one year, when, in 1848, he engaged in farming in Edgar Co., which business he followed until 1854, when he removed to Coles Co., and rented land, which he worked until he purchased the old homestead, where he located in 1865, and lived until his decease, which occurred Feb. 14, 1873, at which time he owned 165 acres, upon which he had good buildings, and which he had accumulated by his own hard labor, in which he was nobly assisted by his wife, who survives him, and who continues to live upon the old farm with the most of the family ; they have since added to the farm, until it now contains about two hundred and forty acres of prairie and timber land. He married July 15, 1848, to Rebecca Clark ; she was born in Kentucky Sept. 3, 1822 ; she emigrated with her parents and located in Coles Co. in 1828; they have seven children now living by this union — Francis M., Harvey B., John F., George W., Narcissa R., Charles J. and MoUie L. Mrs. Parker remembers vividly when coming to Illinois ; upon arriving at Grand View, the joy of the settlers at that point, was so great at the arrival of Mr. Parker and family, that they turned out and es- corted them to where they first located, upon the farm which is now occupied by Mr. Thomas Roberts. J. J. PEMBERTON, retired merchant, Oakland ; one of the early pioneers of Coles Co. ; born in Washington Co., Va., Dee. 5, 1814, where he attended school in winter, and assisted his father farming in summer, until 17 years of age, when he emigrated West and located in East Oak- land Tp., Coles Co., 111., in 1831, in which township he has since lived, for a period of nearly half a century; from 1831 to 1838, he was engaged in farming, when he removed to Oakland and engaged in hotel-keoping four years, at the expira- tion of which time he engaged in the gen- eral merchandise trade, at Oakland, which business he followed until 1875, when he retired from the above business, at which time he was elected Justice of the Peace, which office he now holds. He held the office of Postmaster at Oakland for several years ; he was appointed assistant revenue officer for this district under the adminis- tration of President Lincoln, the position at the time being attended with much danger, from the feelins; manifested in some localities to resist the execution of the law taxing incomes ; his friends, who were numerous, often cautioned and tried to dissuade him from attempting to exe- cute the law in localities where the worst element prevailed, but he knew no fear where duty called him, and performed the same fearlessly until the expiration of his term. He owns his residence, office and six acres of land in Oakland, with a large store, which is rented, also 500 acres df land under fence, and nearly all of which is under a high state of cultivation. His marriage with Clarinda Davis was cele- brated April 8, 1838; she was born near Norfolk, Va., Jan. 9, 1816. 674 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: H. A. PEMBP:RT0N, farmer, Sec. IS ; P. 0. Oakland ; one of the pioneers of Coles' County; born in Washin when, with his parents he moved to Coles Co., 111., and settled near Oakland; this was in 1854 ; they engaged in farming, where he lived until 1860 ; they then moved to Lafayette Tp., remained until 1861, when he enlisted in the 21st 111. Inft., and remained in the service over four years ; he was made Corporal during the third year's service, and was made Captain after his re-enlistment ; he was in the bat- tles of Stone River, Resaca, Chickamauga and Atlanta campaign, also Franklin, where he was wounded. He owns 160 acres in this county ; his parents, James T. and Sarah Honnold Mock, were natives of Vir- ginia and Ohio ; he died Sept. 21, 1873 ; she has since married Mr. John Hurst, and is living in Lafayette Tp. M. E. O'HAIR, farming and stock; P. 0. Charleston ; was born in Morgan Co., Ky., Feb. 22, 1829. He married Miss Catharine R. Zink June 6, 1856 ; she was born in Edgar Co., 111., and died Dec. 7, 1873 ; they had six children, viz., Calvin L., Laura B., Nettie T., Harvey Z., Gladys V. and Alvaretta C. He married his present wife. Miss Sarah E. Bryant, Oct. 14, 1875; she was born in Edgar Co., 111., July 29, 1852 ; they have two children, viz.. Charles H. and Francina D. He lived in Kentucky until he was 13 years old, when, with his parents, he came to Illinois, and settled in Edgar Co., where he lived until he became of age, when he went to California, his object being to mine ; he remained two years, meeting with fair success ; in 1852, he returned to his home in Edgar Co., and engaged in the stock business ; in 1 853, he bought part of his present place, and settled and improved the same; in 1857, he removed to the vil- lage of Kansas, in Edgar Co., 111., and en- gaged in the general merchandise business, which he continued about four years; in 1860, he moved to Paris, and served as Sheriff of Edgar Co. for two years ; he was then appointed Deputy Sheriff, and served two years, and, in 1865, he returned to his present place; in 1871, he was elected Supervisor of Seven Hickory, and held the office four years ; since which time he has held the office of Highway Commissioner. He owns 700 acres in this township, which he has earned by his own labor and man- agement. His parents, John and Mrs. 9 y 644 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES; Eliza Hardwick O'Hair, were natives of Kentucky, where they were married ; in in 1842, they came to Illinois, and settled in Edgar Co., where they now reside. ISAAC PERISHO, farmer and stock- raiser ; P. 0. Charleston ; the subject of this sketch was born in Monroe Co., Ind., May 2, 1818; he married Miss Sarah Zimerley Jan. 9, 1838 ; she was born in Washington Co., Va., Oct. 30, 1818, and died Dec. 25, 1842 ; they had three chil- dren, one living, viz., Jacob W. ; his second wife was Miss Leoina Purlee ; they were married June 27, 1843 ; she was born in Washington Co., Ind., July 27, 1818, and died Oct. 15, 1844; they had one child, viz., Hiram ; his present wife was Mrs. Wells, formerly Miss Rosanna M. O'Hair; they were married June 12, 1845 ; she was born in Morgan, now Wolfe Co., Ky., June 9, 1811; they had five children, four living, viz., Emily J., John E., Mary E. and Rosanna S. The present Mrs. Perisho had six children by a former marriage ; two are living, viz., William W. Wells and Lucinda F. Wells. He lived in Indiana seven years, when, with his parents, he moved to Illinois, and settled in Grand View Tp., of Edgar Co., and engaged in farming ; this was in 1825 ; he lived with his parents until 1838, when he moved to a farm near by, where he lived until 1840, when he went to Jasper Co., HI., and im- proved a farm, remaining three years ; he then returned to Edgar Co. and engaged in farming, in what is now known as Sims Tp. ; he remained there until 1855, when he came to Coles Co., and settled on his present place. He is no office-seeker, his only office being connected with the school and road. He has owned about 400 acres in this county, but, having divided a large portion among his children, he retains but 160 acres as a competency for himself and wife. His parents, Joseph and Mrs. Barbara Zink Perisho, were natives of North Carolina and Virginia ; they were married in Wash- ington Co., Ind., and settled in Edgar Co., 111., in 1825, where they died April 23, 1838, and Aug. 4, 1872, respectively. GRANVILLE F. RAPER, farmer; P. 0. Areola ; is a native of Owen Co., Ind., where he was born Jan. 28, 1836. He married Miss Mary H. Roberts Aug. 5, 1855 ; she was born in Greene Co., Ind., Sept. 13, 1832 ; they hi.d nine chil- dren, six living, viz., James A., California J., Laura S., William 0., Albert H. and Granville S. He lived twenty-one years in Indiana, when he moved to Hancock Co., 111., and engaged in farming; remain- ing there three years, he returned to his old home in Indiana and lived there two years ; he then came to Illinois and settled in Douglas Co., near Tuscola, where he re- mained three years ; he then came to Coles Co. and settled in Humbolt Tp., and engaged in farming, which he continued for four years, when he moved to the vil- lage of Milton, now Humbolt, and engaged in the grocery business, remaining one year ; he then came to Seven Hickory and settled on a farm near the plankroad, where he lived one year ; he then came to his present place, and has lived here since ; he owns 160 acres, which he has earned entirely by his own labor and management. His parents were Berry and Mrs. Mary Evans Raper ; they were natives of Indi- ana and Kentucky ; they were married in Indiana, where his father died Jan. 20, 1837; his mother married Mr. Thomas Evans, who has since died ; she is now living in Owen Co., Ind. LEVI ROSEBROUGH, farm and stock ; P. 0. Charleston ; the subject of this sketch was born in Warren Co., Ind., April 3, 1832. He married Miss Frances Fisher Sept. 5, 1852 ; she was born in Ross Co., Ohio, Feb. 2, 1832 ; they had eight children, seven living, viz., William L, James B., Albert, Sarah E., Rhoda M., Eva and Eli. He lived in Indiana until he was 12 years of age, when, with his parents, he came to Illinois and settled in Coles Co., near his present place — this was in 1843 — where he lived until he was 19; he then worked by the month until 1852, when, on being married, he rented his father's place and farmed the same one year. In 1853, leaving his wife here, he went to California, going the overland route by oxen — object, mining — remain- ing two years ; he met with fair success ; in 1855, he returned via Panama and New York, to this county, renting a farm and farming the same until 1859, when be bought sixty acres, being a part of his present place; in 1867, he built his pres- ent residence, and has lived here since. In September, 1861, he enlisted in the 5th I. V. C, and was in service over three SEVEN HICKORY TOWNSHIP, 645 years ; was in the battles of Vicksburg. Meridien, Jackson, and many minor en- gagements. He owns 120 acres in this township, which he has earned by his own labor and management. His parents, John and Nancy White Rosebrough, were natives of Ohio ; they were married there and moved to Indiana, where she died about 1842 ; he then married Miss Zemru- dia Stewart, who was a native of Illinois ; they came to this county in 1843, where he died in 1856; Mrs. Rosebrough mar- ried again, and is now living in Kansas. J. SPRINGER, farmer; P. 0. Charles- ton. The subject of this sketch was born on the line between Fayette and Jessa- mine Counties, Ky., Feb. 13, 1808 ; he married Miss Lucy A. Pay ton on Easter Sunday, 1838 ; she was born in Fayette Co., Ky., Sept., 7, 1814. They had six children, three living, viz., Angeline, Nan- nie J. and Mary M. He lived in Ken- tucky twenty-one years ; he then went to Missouri and settled in Clay Co., where he engaged at his trade of wagon making, and remained seven or eight years; he then returned to Kentucky and followed his trade about twelve years, when he came to Illinois and followed his trade in Edgar Co., remaining four years. He then came to Coles Co. and engaged in the stock business with Mr. Peyton, in Mor- gan Tp., remaining four years ; he then came to his present place, where the part- nership was continued four years longer. In 1871, he was elected Justice of the Peace, and served four years ; he has been Commissioner of Highways two terms ; he has divided considerable land among his children, and retains a competency for himself and wife ; his children are all mar- ried and living in sight. LILBURN SWINFORD, farm and stock ; P. 0. Charleston ; was born in Harrison Co., Ky., Jan. 31, 1808; he married Miss Frances Hendricks in Sep- tember, 1829 ; she was born in Pendleton Co., Ky., Dec. 19, 1809. They had eleven childi'en, eight living, viz., William H., Martha A., Mary E., Julia A., Lucy, Lou- isa, Josephine and Benjamin F. He lived in Kentucky until 1839, when he moved to Indiana and settled near Greencastle, where he remained until 1847 ; he then moved to Illinois and settled near Ash- more, in Coles Co., and in 1865 he came to his present place ; he owns 200 acres in this county, which he has earned by his own labor and management. His parents, James and Sarah Adams Swinford, were natives of South Carolina and Virginia ; they were married in Kentucky ; both have died, she in Kentucky, he in Indiana. JAMES WHEATLEY, farmer and stock-raiser ; P. 0. Hinesboro ; the subject of this sketch was born in Charleston, Clarke Co., Ind., Aug. 9, 1826 ; he married Miss Mary E. Work Jan. 10, 1850 ; she was born in Clarke Co., Ind., Dec. 20, 1831 ; they had six children, five living, viz., Junius, Dessie, Carlos, Lucien and Ozeta ; he lived in Indiana about eight years, when, with his father, he went to Kentucky and lived in Lexington and Harrodsburg until his 18th year, when he returned to his birth- place in Indiana and engaged in farming until he was married ; after his marriage, he removed to Southern Kentucky, and, in April, 18^3, to Coles Co., and settled the farm on which he now resides ; his parents, Walter and Catharine (Beggs) Wheatley, were natives of Maryland and Virginia; they were married in Clarke Co., Ind. ; he was born July 12, 1791 ; in 1836, he went to Harrodsburg, and was appointed Postmas- ter of the place in 1843, which office he held until 1861, since which time he has not engaged in any business ; he is now living with a son in West Virginia ; his wife's parents, John and Hannah (Thomas) Beggs, were natives of Augusta and Rock- ingham Cos., Va., and were born in Janu- ary, 1766, and November, 1764, respect- ively ; they were married in 1788, and moved to Kentucky in 1792 or 1793, and to Clarke Co., Ind., in 1799, and died on the farm which they settled, in April, 1845, and May, 1853, respectively; of their nine children two survive, viz., Mary Stil- well (of Jackson Co., Ind.) and Ruth Cole (of Douglas Co., 111.) The present Mrs. Wheatley's parents, Samuel and Elizabeth (Henley) Work, were natives of Pennsyl- vania and North Carolina ; he emigrated to Bear Grass, Ky., where his father died; the care of the family then fell to him, and they moved to Clarke Co., Ind., and engaged in farming, where he died on a form ad- joining the old homestead ; his wife's par- ents, Jesse and Catharine Henley, were natives of North Carolina, where he had been a slaveholder, having some forty-odd 646 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: slaves, who, owing to his political views (of the Abolition school) were freed ; he moved to Clarke Co., Ind., about the year 1800, where he engaged in farming. NORTH OKAW TOWNSHIP. NELSON W. AMES, farmer and stock -raiser ; P. 0. Mattoon ; one of the most prominent settlers ; was born in Wayne Co., Penn., Feb. 9, 1817; h^ is the son of Mr. Joseph Ames, now 'de- ceased, who was born in Connecticut, and was one of the early settlers of Pennsyl- vania, where he married Miss Gertrude Schenck, and where Mr. N. W. Ames, the subject of this sketch, was born. He was married Jan. 9, 1840, to Miss Nancy Hoalley, who was fborn in Pennsylvania May 6, 1818, and who died Oct. 3, 1847. Mr. Ames removed from his native State to New Jersey, where he remained several years. On April 12, 1849, he was mar- ried again, to Miss Susan A. Cramer, who was born in New Jersey June 2, 1 830 ; they have seven children, viz., Oliver, George, Rutser, Newton, Louisa, Sarah and John. Mr. Ames came to this State and settled in Coles Co. in 1857 ; the farm which he owns, and upon which he now resides, he purchased from the Railroad Co. in the same year ; it consists of 212 acres, valued at $8,500. George, the sec- ond teer in son of the Mr. Ames, served as a volun- late war three listed in the 123d L V. L, the years he en- charged and was dis- close of the with honor at war. GEORGE BE ATT Y, farmer and stock-raiser; P. 0. Mattoon"; was born in the West Riding of Yorkshire, England, April 6, 1810 ; came to the United States in 1830, to this State, and settled in Coles Co. in 1865. He was married April 13, 1834, to Miss Anne Clegg, now deceased; she was born in Derbyshire, England, Oc- tober, 1812, and died Jan. 15, 1873; Elizabeth is the only child they have had. The farm of Mr. Beatty consists of eighty acres, valued at $3,000. A. J. BIGELOW, farmer and stock- raiser ; P. 0. Fuller's Point ; one of the early settlers ; was born in Massachusetts Oct. 10, 1829 ; came to this State in 1852, and settled in Edgar Co.; he removed to Coles Co. in 1852, where he has since resided ; his farm consists of 254 acres, valued at $7,000. He was married to Miss Ada Green, who was born in Massa- chusetts ; they have two children — Levi and Charley E. Since his residence in the township, he has held the office of Supervisor one year and School Director ten years. He was a participant in the late war, having enlisted in the 79th I. V. I.; after volunteering, he was commissioned Second Lieutenant, and later was promoted to First Lieutenant, and as such served faithfully for several months, when he was proinoted to Captain ; he served in the war about three years, and was discharged with honor at its close. J. A. BROTHERTON, farmer and stock-raiser ; P. 0. Mattoon ; was born in Indiana Nov. 12, 1841 ; came to this State and settled in Coles Co. in 1860 ; his farm consists of eighty acres, valued at $2,400. He was married to Miss Cathar- ine Earls, who was born in Illinois ; they have seven children, viz., Sarah, Delia, William M., Lawrence, Lewis, Eva and Robert. Since Mr. B.'s residence in the township, he has held the office of School Director three years. THOMAS FURNESS, farmer and stock-raiser ; P. 0. Fuller's Point ; one of the early settlers ; was born in Pickaway Co., Ohio, Feb. 17. 1825 ; came to this State and settled in Coles Co. in 1856, and with the exception of five years' residence in Moultrie Co., his home has been in Coles Co. ; his farm, which is located in both counties, consists of 240 acres, val- ued at $7,200. He was married Dec. 25, 1848, to Miss Mary Kepler, who was born in Pickaway Co., Ohio, Feb. 9, 1829; they have ten children, seven of whom are liv- ing, viz., Louisa, Francis and Johnny, deceased ; Theodore, James, Cornelia, Willie, Laura, Georgie, and Walter. JOHN HENTON, farmer and scock- raiser ; P. O. Coles Station ; one of the most prominent settlers ; was born in Fair- NORTH OKAW TOWNSHIP. 647 field Co., Ohio, Jan. 11, 1826; came to this State with his father's family, and settled in Moultrie Co. in 18-17, and in 1879, he removed to Coles Co., and settled in North Okaw Tp. ; his farm consists of 410^ acres, valued at $8,000. He was married to Miss Pheba Staley, who was born in White Co., 111. ; they have six children, viz., Alvaretta, Greorge W., Oily, Melvin, Emma and Pheba L. During Mr. Henton's residence in Moultrie Co., he has held the offices of Township Supervisor and School Trustee, and Director, etc., seven years. JAMES M. HUNT, retired farmer; P. 0. Cook's Mills ; was born in Indiana Jan. 16, 1840 ; his father, James Hunt, now deceased, was one of the early settlers of that State ; they moved to Illinois and settled in Coles Co. in 1868 ; Mr. Hunt has followed the pursuits of a farmer and stock-raiser from boyhood ; he enlisted in the 83d Ind. V. I.; served nearly three years, and was discharged at the close of the war ; at the battle of Dallas he was wounded, the eflfects of which now compel him to retire from business. He was mar- ried to Miss Rachel R. Janes April 13, 1875, who was born in Illinois. Oct. 17. 1857. ALEXANDER HITCH, farmer and stock-raiser; P. 0. Cook's Mills; one of the early settlers ; was born in Louisville, Ky., Jan. 9, 1827 ; moved to Ohio with his parents when he was 1 year old ; lie was raised there, in Ross Co., and in 1850 he came from Ohio to this State and set- tled in Coles Co. He was married May 10, 1855, to Miss Permelia Ellis, who was born in Kentucky Oct. 13, 1833 ; they have had four children, three of whom are living, viz., Belle, Sarah L. and Melissa E. ; deceased, Francis Marion. The farm of Mr. Hitch consists of 200 acres, valued at | $5,000 ; since Mr. Hitch's residence in the township he has held office of School Director three years. Of the firm he now owns, eighty acres of it he purchased from the R. R. Co. in 1862 ; the balance, | which consists of 120 acres, he has since purchased, the entire amount of which he has made by his own labor and manage- ment. Since 1860 he been a member of the Missionary Baptist Association, and in 1863 he was ordained Deacon in that de- nomination. JAMES HAMILTON, farmer and stock-raiser ; P. 0. Cook's Mills ; one of the early settlers ; was born in Ohio, May 1, 1826 ; came to this State in 1852, and settled in Coles Co. in the same year. He was married Nov. 16, 1853, to Miss M. L. Hoskins, who was born in Illinois, July 12, 1831 ; they have seven children, viz., John R., William H., James L. (twins), David W., Albert G., Samuel L. and Mar- garet I. Their farm consists of 108 acres, valued at $3,500. Since Mr. Hamilton's residence in the township he has held the office of Justice of the Peace three years and on the Board of Commissioners six years ; he was also a participant in the late war, he having enlisted in the 130th I. Y . I., served about eight months, and was dis- charged with honor on account of disabili- ties. 3IRS. ELLEN HOOTS, farming and stock-raising ; P. 0. Cook's Mills ; one of the natives of Illinois ; was born in Clark Co., July 4, 1845. She is the widow of the late Francis M. Hoots ; they were mar- ried Nov. 21, 1861 ; they have had ten children, eight of whom are living, viz., Edwin, Wm. A., Linea M., Albia, Bertie N., Arthur A., Nora Eva, and Francis M. ; deceased, Albert B. and Rosa. The farm of Mrs. Hoots is principally managed by herself and her children ; it contains 316] acres, valued at $9,500. DUDLEY HOPPER, farmer; P. 0. Mattoon ; one of the first settlers of Coles Co.; was born in Knox Co., Ky., Aug. 18, 1826 ; came to this State with his father's family in 1837, when he was but a boy. He was married to Miss Jane Dixon, now deceased ; they have had four children, viz., Felitha, George, Harvey and Matilda. Mr. Hopper was married the second time to Miss Margaret Easter. His farm con- sists of 330 acres, valued at $9,900; since his residence in the township, he has held the office of Commissioner three years. He was a participant in the Mexican war, where he served eighteen months. His land, on which he now resides, was par- tially entered by himself from the Govern- ment. HENRY D. JENKINS, M. D., Ar- eola ; one of the early settlers ; was born in Bourbon Co., Ky., Dec. 30, 1822; came to this State and settled in what was then Coles Co. in 1855 ; his firm, being 648 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: now located in Douglas Co., where he first settled, and which was at the time of his settlement all Coles Co., consists of 310 acres. The Doctor is a graduate of the Transylvania University, located at Lex- ington, Ky.; since his residence in this county, he has practiced his profession as physician but very little ; his pursuits have been that of a farmer and stock-raiser, which seems to be his natural proclivity. In 1866, he married Miss Mary F. Black- well, who was born in North Carolina Dec. 26, 184:1 ; they have two children, viz., John B. and Elisa D. WILLIAM JOHNSON, farmer and stock-raiser; P. 0. Cook's Mills; one of the early settlers ; was born March 22, 1822 ; came to this State in 1850, and to this county and settled in North Okaw Tp. in 1857. He was married to Miss Mary J. Miller, who was born July 22, 1834 ; they have four children, viz., Kobert M., Anna A., Sarah J. and Frank- lin. The farm of Mr. Johnson consists of 240 acres, valued at $7,000. Since his residence in the township he has held the office of School Trustee and Director several year.-^. A. KITCHENS, farmer and stock- raiser ; P. 0. Cook's Mills ; one of the natives of Illinois ; was born in Clark Co., Jan. 23, 1843 ; he is the son of Eli E. Kitchens, deceased, who was one of the early settlers of the State. His farm con- sists of 100 acres, valued at 82,000. He was married to Miss Nancy E. Hoskins, now deceased ; they have had two children, viz., Maria E. and Susan L. McCAGHA PHILLIPS, farmer ; P. 0. Fuller's Point; one of the natives of Illinois; was born in Moultrie Co., Jan. 7, 1856 ; he is the son of Mr. Calvin Phillips, of Mattoon Tp., who is one of the early settlers of Coles Co. ; his farm consists of 136 acres, valued at $4,500. He was married June 10, 1877, to Mary A. Gilmer, who was born in Russell Co., Va., April 27, 1856 ; Leon is their only child. MARTIN PRICE, farmer; P. O. Cook's Mills; one of the early settlers; was born in Alabama March 4, 1827 ; came to this State in 1830, to Coles Co. in 1842, and settled in North Okaw. He was married Feb. 15, 1849 to Miss Mary J. Hoskins, who was born in Illinois Jan. 7, 1830; they have ten children, viz.. Mary Ann, Margaret M., Martha J., Lu- cinda D., Joseph A., Nancy M.,.Lowery M., Ruth, Belle, William E. and James F. Since Mr. Price's residence in the township he has held the office of Com- missioner of Highways four years, School Director twenty years, and is at present Supervisor, this being his fourth term in that office. His farm consists of sixty acres, valued at $2,000. THOMAS SENTENEY, farmer and stock-raiser ; P. O. Cook's Mills ; one of the early settlers of the county, was born in Kentucky May 16, 1819 ; came to this State in 1842, Coles Co. in 1853, and set- tled in North Okaw Tp. ; his farm con- sists of 104 acres, valued at $3,000, and since his residence in the township he has held the office of Assessor one term, School Trustee and Director twelve years. He was married to Miss Anne Flemming, who was born in Indiana ; they have had seven children, viz., John T., Sarah, Mark, James L., Mary J., Samuel A. and Emma. THOMAS SMITH, farmer and stock- raiser ; P. 0. Mattoon ; was born in Coles Co , 111., Oct. 19. 1853; he is the son of Mr. W. H. Smith, deceased, and Mary A. Smith, deceased, who was formerly Miss Mary A. Osborn. The estate being un- settled, he is one of seven heirs to the homestead ; it contains 680 acres, valued at $20,400 ; the balance of the heirs, who are brothers and sisters of Mr. Smith, are Isabel, Martha, Delphine, Alice, Willis and Joseph. JOHN TURNER, farmer and stock- raiser ; P. 0. Fuller's Point ; one of the first settlers and pioneers, was born in Vir- ginia Dec. 16, 1812; came to this State and settled in Coles Co. in 1830; his first settlement was in what is now the town- ship of Paradise ; he cannot tell now that the township at that time had a name, and through it there was no mail-route ; in 1835, he removed to North Okaw ; this section of country was at that time all called Okaw ; it derives its name from the two streams running through it ; Mr. Turner is now the oldest living settler in the town- ship. He was married to Miss Elsie J. Robison ; they have four children, viz., Mary J., John W., Francis M. and Walter W.; he was previously married to Miss Matilda F. Simms, now deceased; they PARADISE TOWNSHIP. 649 have had one child, viz., Rebecca J. The farm of Mr. Turner consists of ninety-two acres, valued at $2,000 ; since his resi- dence in the township, he has held the offices of Assessor, Supervisor and Col- WILLIAM WRIGHTSELL, farmer; P. 0. Turner's Point ; was born in Jefferson Co., Tenn., Oct. 9, 1811; came to this State and settled in Coles Co., in 1856. He was married to Miss Permelia White Oct. 31, 184'4; she was born in Jefferson Co., Tenn., Nov. 15, 1825 ; they have four children, viz., Sarah J., James M., Louisa E., and Margaret Ann. The farm of Mr. Wrightsell consists of sixty acres valued at $1,800. He was a participant in the Black Hawk war, and is quite an early settler in the western part of Coles Co. JOHN WILSON, farmer, and Con- stable for Coles Co ; P. 0. Cook's Millss ; was born in Grermany, March 8, 1840; came to the United States in 1857, and to ! this State in 1865 and to Coles Co. in ' 1871. He was married to Miss Sarah Ann Prince, who was born in Indiana Jan. 19, 1848 ; they have two children deceased, viz., Mary C. and Louisa. Mr. Wilson has served a term in the United States Regular Army ; he enlisted from New York City in Co. D, in 1861 ; he served all through the late rebellion, and at its close was discharged with honor. JAMES P. WHITE, farmer and stock- raiser ; P. 0. Mattoon ; was born in Ten- nessee, March 5, 1841 ; came to this State in 1856, and to Coles Co., and settled in North Okaw Tp. in 1 858 ; his farm con- sists of forty-nine and a third acres, val- ued at ^1,500. He was married Nov. 23, 1865, to Miss Mary J. Wade, who was born in Coles Co., 111., June 4, 1847; they have had six children, five of whom are living, viz., Mary A., Nancy E., EfFa N., Minnie and James E. ; deceased, Jes- sie. Since Mr. White's residence in the township, he has held the office of School Director six years. PARADISE TOWNSHIP. HENRY E. ALEXANDER, farmer ; P. 0. Paradise ; is the son of Ebenezer and Dorcas Alexander ; was born in Tennessee, Obion Co., Sept. 2, 1827 ; moved with his parents to Coles Co. Dec. 20, 1828. Is the owner of 210 acres of land valued at or near $8,000 ; School Director two or three terms. Was married to Mary B. Curry, of Coles Co., June 10, 1852 ; names of children — boys — James E., William D., George 0. (Edward F., deceased) ; girls, Mary D., Margaret J. (Nancy E., de- ceased) ; Edward F. died June 16, 1865 ; Nancy E., Aug. 1, 1878 ; his father, Ebe- nezer Alexander, died Jan. 8, 1857, at 64 years of age; his mother died April 12, 1871 ; his father was one among the oldest settlers in this county, and was Justice of the Peace until the time of his death. WM. W. APPERSON, farmer ; P. 0. Mattoon; was born March 19,1834, in Paradise Tp., Coles Co., 111. Owns 240 acres of land all well improved but 40 acres, prob- able value $9,000 or $10,000 ; public offices held — Supervisor, one year. Commissioner of Highways, three years. Maiden name of wife Barbara Ann Rhoads ; names of chil- dren — boys, George H., Frank B., William E., John J. and Charley B. ; girls, Sels- worth ; Wm. N. Apperson is the son of Dr. John Apperson (deceased) ; was born in Culpeper Co., Va., Jan. 8, 1794; moved to Coles Co., Paradise Tp., Oct. 14, 1829 ; died June 5, 1877 ; was father of Sidney, Thomas A., D. H., J. R., Wm. W., Margaret, Isabella E., Mary M. Apper- son. Dr. John Apperson was in the war of 1812 ; served as Sergeant Major. CHARLES W. BISHOP, physician i P. 0. Etna ; is the son of H. S. and Har- riet L. Bishop ; was born in Litchfield, Ky., Dec. 15, 1846 ; moved to Coles Co. Jan. 12, 1869, and stayed ten months, and then moved to Missouri; from there to Wilson Co., Kan., then back to Kentucky, and commenced the practice of medicine in Litchfield, and practiced two and one- half years, then came back to Coles Co., 111., and commenced the practice of medi- cine here, which he still continues ; was a graduate of Louisville Medical University Oct. 1, 1866. Is the owner of ninety 650 BIuGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: acres of" land, valued at $2,400. He was married to Emma E. Clark, of Coles Co. ; the names of the children by this union are a boy, Francis E. Bishop, born Nov. 27, 1876. His father is still living in Litchfield, Ky.; his mother died Dec. 21, 18G3, in the 39th year of her age. GEORGE W. BENEFIEL, farmer; P. 0. Etna ; is the son of Robert and Nancy Benefiel ; was born in Lawrence Co., 111., on the 1st day of July, 1817. He was married to Jane Ryker the 23d day of January, 1838, and moved to Coles Co. Oct. 19, 1855 ; names of children, boys — Robert N., James H., John S., Peter R., Francis M. ; girls — Sarah A., Amy A., Ida M. His wife, Jane Bene- fiel, died Sept. 7, 1867. His son John S. died in the army March 1, 1863, and his daughter Ida died Dec. 4, 1873. He served in the late war as Wagonmas- ter and Battalion Sergeant in Co. E, 5th I. V. C. He was married to his second wife, Diantha F. Smith, of Coles Co., 111., Feb. 6, 1868. Mr. G. W. Benefiel is one of the oldest settlers of Lawrence Co., Illi- nois, and the second white child born in that county ; his father was one of the three first settlers of this State ; was in Government service. PATRICK BRADLEY, farmer; P. 0. Mattoon ; is the son of Benjamin and Elizabeth Bradley ; was born in Morgan Co., Ind., Jan. 17, 1830, and moved to Coles Co., 111., Oct. 12, 1866; is the owner of 110 acres of land, valued at or near $3,000 ; was Commissioner of High- ways three years, also School Trustee a number of years. Was married to Elizabeth Stroble Feb. 26, 1 854 ; names of chil- dren, boys — John C. F., born July 14, 1856; Zachary, born Aug. 24, 1862; James B., born July 1, 1866; girl — Estella, born Jan. 5, 1872. His father, Benjamin Bradley, was one of the oldest settlers of Morgan Co., Ind. ; settled Nov. 12, 1829; died Nov. 11, 1865, in the 77th year of his age ; his mother, Elizabeth Bradley, died March 24, 1862, in the 64th year of her age. MRS. DIANTHA F. BENEFIEL, farmer; P 0. Etna; is the daughter of James and Elizabeth Shores, of Bradford Co., Pa.; moved to Coles Co., Oct. 12, 1843; was born in Bradford Co., Penn., Shesheciuin Tp., April 22, 1823; her maiden name was Diantha F. Shores ; was married to her first husband, William N. Smith, March 31, 1844; names of children, boys — George W., Miren h.y Julius E., William W. ; girls — Elizabeth H., Arloa N., Irena S. George W. died Jan. 24, 1871 . Her husband, William W. Smith, died April 8. 1861 ; is the owner of 320 acres of land, also a large flour-mill at Kickapoo, also three oflBces and four stone houses in Mattoon ; is all valued at or near $30,000 ; was married to her second husband, Mr. George W. Benefiel, Feb. 6, 1868 ; has no children by her second husband ; her first husband's parents' names were Jerrad and Clarinda Smith, of Coles Co., Ill; Jerrad died Sept., 26, 1844; Clarinda died Sept. 18, 1850. JAMES M. BRESEE, farmor; P. 0. Etna ; is the son of Dorous and Fanny Bresee ; was born in Cumberland Co., 111., Jan. 30, 1847 ; moved to Coles Co. Feb. 12, 1870; is the owner of 120 acres of land valued at near five thousand dol- lars ; was Road Overseer and School Di- rector for ten years or mure ; was mar- ried to Sarah J. Stowers, of Coles Co., April 5, 1868. Names of children — boys: Bird E., born Nov. 18, 1875; girls: Min- nie v., born Aug. 22, 1869; Lillie E., born Oct. 17, 1871 ; Hellen M., born March 1, 1873, Was in the late war, 156th I. V. I., Company A. His father, Dorous Bresee, died in California July 15, 1852. His mother is still living in Mat- toon; was born July 5, 1821. JOSEPH CAVINS, farmer; P. 0. Mattoon ; was born in Marion Co., Ohio, Jan. 24, 1838; moved to Coles Co., Para- dise Tp., 111., in 1840; was married Dec. 25, 1862 ; maiden name of wife Melissa E. Ferguson. Names of children: Elmer W., Joseph 0., Elzy C, William F., Stanley T., Lester B. Owns 80 acres of land worth about six thousand dollars. Public ofiices held : Justice of the Peace, Town Clerk, School Trustee, Supervisor, and taught school nine terms in the same District; was also in "the late war. His father and mother, Joseph and Nancy Cavins, were born in Loudoun Co., Va. ; moved to Coles Co., Paradise Tp., 111., in 1840. His father died about May 12, 1846 ; his mother Aug. 20, 1852, or there about. Names of their children — boys : John, James, Randolph, William, PARADISE TOWNSHIP. 651 Joseph and Thomas ; girls : Martha, Mary, and Sarah. PHAON H. DORNBLASER,tarmer; P. 0. Etna ; is the son of Felix and Eliza Dornblaser, of Lehigh Co., Penn.; was born in the same county and Sfate April 20, 1838 ; moved with his parents to Coles Co., Paradise Tp., 111., April 20, 1855 ; is the owner of 170 acres of land, proba- ble value, S7,000 ; was School Director six years, also Road Overseer one year. Was married to Mary E. Jeffries, of Coles Co., Dec. 29, 18G0 ; was the daughter of Jain es and Matilda Jeffries ; names of children, boys— French I., born Jan. 28, 1862; James A., born Feb. 6, 1868; Edward (deceased), born Nov. 18, 1869, died March 20, 1872 ; girl — Antoinette, born Nov. 28, 1864. His father, Felix Dorn- blaser, served his time, three years, in the late war ; died on his way home on the boat, near St. Louis, August 12, 1864 ; 5th Cavalry 111. JOSEPH F. GOAR, farmer and stock- raiser ; P, 0. Etna ; was born in Parke Co., Ind. Jan. 8, 1832 ; he is a son of Clemme and Elizabeth (Hart) Goar ; in 183G, his father came to Coles Co. and entered a large amount of Government land, return- ing for his family in 1837 ; he built the first steam mill in the county, and was a prominent citizen of Paradise Tp. until 1862, when he removed to Jacksonville, III, where he now resides ; his mother died in this county in 1855. Joseph F. was raised on the farm, and on the 2d of Oct., 1855, married Miss Mary L. Buckles, of Hardin Co., Ky.; they have three chil- dren — Robert C, Kate M. and Sarah B.; Mr. Goar resides on a farm of 220 acres, adjoining the old homestead ; he served six years as Constable, and resigned the office in August, 1862, to enter the Union army as a member of Co. D, 123d I. V. I., serving through the war ; among the en- gagements in which he participated may be mentioned the battles of Milton, Tenn., Hoover's Gap. Chickamauga, Farmington, Peach-Tree Creek, seige of Atlanta, bat- tles of Jonesboro and Selma. In 1867 he was elected Commissioner of Highways, and served three years ; in 1 874, he was chosen Collector of his township, and on the 6th of Nov., 1877, was elected County Treasurer of Coles Co., which office he now holds. WILLIAM B. FERGUSON, farmer ; P. 0. Mattoon ; is the son of William and Nancy Ferguson ; was born in Bradford Co., Penn., Dec. 8, 1828 ; moved with his parents to Paradise Tp., Coles Co., 111., Oct. 15, 1839 ; is the owner of 601 acres, val- ued at or near $18,000. Was married to Fanny M. Hart, of this county and town- ship ; she is the daughter of Miles H. and Catherine Hart, and was born Dec. 13, 1837 ; married March 8, 1854; there are eight children by this union, viz., Ed, Thomas, James, George, Ella, Ann and Almira; (deceased) Mellissa, Deckard died Jan. 28, 1878. His father, William Fer- guson, was born in 1805, died in 1877, in the 73d year of his age ; his mother was born in 1805, died in 1877, in the 73d year of her age. He has held the office of Super- visor two years. Assessor one year and School Trustee three years. ADAM B. GREEN, farmer; P. 0. Mattoon ; is the son of Ira and Mary Green, of Washington Co., Tenn.; was born in Green Co., Tenn., April 17, 1827 ; moved to Paradise Tp., Coles Co., 111., Feb. 12, 1867. Was married to Caroline E. Peters May 5, 1866; they are the parents of six children, viz., James B., Dora D. and Laura (deceased), George W., Amanda M. and Ida M. Mr. Green is the owner of 163 acres of land, valued at S6,500. He was in the late war and served three years as Sergeant. His mother died April 12, 1861, and his father Aug. 20, 1848. Children deceased, George M., died May 27, 1870, aged 2 years 10 months and 19 days; girls, Amanda M., Oct. 21, 1869, aged 1 month and 15 days; Ida M., June 17, 1871, aged 2 months and 17 days ; children living, girls, Dora, born June 19, 1872; Laura, born Sept. 16, 1875; boy, born (James B.) April 27, 1878. Florence A. Green is a neice of A. B. Green, and makes her home with him ; aged 18 ; born Dec. 25, 1860. R. GANNAWAY, farmer; P. O. Paradise; is the son of Wm. and Saliie Gannany ; was born in Grayson Co., Ky., Oct. 23, 1810; moved with his folks to Coles Co., 111., March 27, 1828; is the owner of 131| acres of land, valued at or near $7,000., Was School Director, Road Overseer for several years. Was married to Elizabeth Gannaway, of Coles Co., 111., 652 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES; Dec. 28, 1836; names of children — boys, Robert, Samuel, James W.; deceased, John W. ; jrirls, Roda J., Susan; deceased, Louisa. His father, William Gannaway, was in the war of 1812, served as Captain, came home and died Sept. 12, 1814. His mother is still living in Des Moines, Iowa, in the 91st year of her age. ADAM W. HART, farmer; P. 0. Mattoon ; is the son of Silas and Hannah Hart, of Davis Co., Ky. ; was born in White Co., HI., Jan. 3, 1823 ; moved with his parents to Coles Co., Paradise Tp., Jan. 3, 1827 ; is the owner of 475 acres, valued at $20,000. Was married to Nancy D. Gannaway, of Coles Co., Dec. 28, 1843. Was Supervisor, School Trustee, Director, Treasurer and Road Commis- sioner. The names of their children are Amanda E., Elizabeth J., Hannah M., Polly A. and Mercena; deceased, Abraham D. and Thomas, who died in infancy ; Mary, Louisa jind Adda and three infants not named. His father, Silas Hart, was the oldest settler of this township ; died Oct. 12, 1848; his mother, Hannah Hart, died in this county and township Sept. 18, 1863, in the 68th year of her age. AMBROSE Y.HART, Jr., farmer; P. 0. Pai'adise ; is the son of Miles H. and Catharine C. Hart ; was born in Effingham Co., 111., Nov. 15, 1834; moved to Coles Co. Feb. 12, 1836 ; is the owner of fifty acres of land, valued at $2,000. Is Justice of the Peace, and has been for twelve years ; also Town Clerk, School Treasurer and Commissioner of Highways. Was married to Nancy Sex- son of Coles Co. Jan. 22, 1857 ; the re- sult of this marriage is — David S., John M. ; deceased, Miles 0., Willie A., Cath- arine C. and Ada. Mr. Hart was in the late war, serving as Corporal of Co. D. 123d 111. Reg. His flxther, Miles H. Hart, died in Coles Co. Feb. 17, 1855, in the 59th year of his age ; his mother, Cath- erine C. Hart, died in Coles Co. Nov. 12, 1872, in the 68th year of her age; they were one of the three first families who set- tled in this township. JAMES L. HART, farmer; P. 0. Etna ; is the son of Oliver and Zorada Hart ; was born in Grayson Co., Ky., June 18, 1846 ; moved with his parents to Coles Co., 111., Oct. 12, 1848; is the owner of seventy-six acres of land, valued at near $3,500. Was Postmaster at Etna for one year. Was married to Elizabeth Smith, of Coles Co., Sept. 24, 1866, His father, Oliver Hart, was born in Grayson Co., Ky., March 31, 1825; died Jan. 25, 1867, in the 42d year of his age ; his mother, Zo- rada Hart, was born in Hardin Co., Ky., Oct. 26,' 1823, and is now living in Cle- burne, Johnson Co., Texas ; his wife's folks are still living, Mr. and Mrs. George N. Benefiel, of this county, township and State. His father was the first man who built a house south of Etna, and one of the first settlers of this township. THOMAS HART, farmer ; P. O. Para- dise ; is the son of Miles H. and Catharine C. Hart, of Coles Co. ; was born in Hardin Co., Ky., Sept. 5, 1824; moved to Coles Co. with his parents March 12, 1826 ; was Assessor, School Trustee, Overseer of the Poor and Road Overseer. Was married to Vianna Sexson, of Coles Co., March 2, 1851 ; names of children : Mary E., Hallie B. ; deceased — Annie Hart. His father. Miles H. Hart, was born in North Carolina July 24, 1796 ; was married to Catharine C. Yocum, of Kentucky, and moved to Wayne Co., 111., and then to Coles Co. ; names of children — boys, Thom- as, Joseph B., John D., Ambrosa ; girls, EHza A., Martha P., Mary H., Fanny M. ; deceased, Joseph B. (^died in Paradise, Coles Co., Jan. 26, 1874) ; all living in this county with the exception of Mary H., and she now lives in Harrison Co., Mo. BENJAMIN D. HAMBLEN, farmer ; P. O. Etna; is the son of Francis and Martha B. Hamblen ; was born in Mt. Pleasant, Hardin Co.,Ky., March 17, 1840; moved with his parents Dec. 24, 1852, to Moultrie Co., and then to Coles Co., March 13, 1868 ; is the owner of 120 acres of land, valued at or near $5,000 ; was Justice of the Peace five years ; also School Director and Road Overseer. Was married to Sarah M. Newport, the daughter of Benjamin and Ellen Newport, of Coles Co., 111.; names of children — boys, Henry F. (born Oct. 3, 1870) ; girls, Nellie M. (born Dec. 28, 1871), RossaM. (born Dec. 6, 1873) ; deceased — boys, Claude (died Aug. 4, 1876). He was in the late war; served as a Duty Sergeant of Co. C, 10th I. V. C. ; his father, Francis Hamblen, died Oct. 27, 1877 ; his mother died Nov. 12, 1865. PARADISE TOWNSHIP. 653 JOHN A. MOSS, farmer ; P. 0. Etna; is the son of James H. and Catharine Moss, was born in Fleming Co., Ky.,July 25, 1837 ; moved to Coles Co. March 12, 1878 ; is the owner of forty acres of land, valued at $1,000. Was married to his first wife, Mary Johnston, April 5, 1866, died Feb. 16, 1872 ; names of children deceased (boy) Willard S., died March 11, 1872 ; girls deceased, Dulta B., died Aug. 11, 1870 ; was married to his second wife, Phebe Eaton, of Rush Co., Ind., Dec. 21, 1873; names of children (living), girl, Bushna, born April 20, 1875; deceased girl infant, died Jan. 17, 1874. His father, James H. Moss, was born May 15, 1809, died Jan. 8, 1876, in the 67th year of his age ; his mother, Catharine Moss, was born April 15, 1810, died Sept. 12, 1866, in the 56th year of her age. GEORGE W. PETERS, farmer; P. 0. Mattoon ; was born in Green Co., Tenn., Sept. 14, 1814 ; is the son of Reuben and Elizabeth Peters, of the same county and State; is the owner of 163 acres of land, valued at $6,500 ; has held no public office. Was married to Harriet Rector March 22, 1838; the names of the chil- dren by this union are Alexander S., Reu- ben A., George W., Lewis B., John R., Caroline E.; deceased, Reuben A., died July 17, 1875, aged 34 years 6 months 16 days; living, Alexander S., born March 22, 1839; George W., May 3, 1843; Lewis B., Dec. 3, 1846 ; John R., May 3, 1856; Caroline E., born Jan. 2,1852. Reuben and George served three years in the late war, in Co. I, 1st Tenn. V. C. A. S. is in Oakland, Oregon ; George is in Sumner Co., Kan.; the rest are living here. JOHN A. WILSON, farmer; P. 0. Etna ; is the son of John A. and Eliza- beth Wilson, of Coles Co.; was born March 16, 1842; is the owner of ninety- two acres of land, valued at $2,500. Was married to Elizabeth Jones, of Paradise Tp., Coles Co., Dec. 3, 1868 ; the names of the children by this union, are William S., George N., John 0., James M. (died Oct. 3, 1874), Mary E. and Effie G. Mr. Wilson served in the late war in Co. D, 123d Regiment I. V. I. His flither, John A. Wilson, died Oct. 12, 1842, in St. Louis, and his mother, June 18, 1852 ; Mr. Wilson's father and mother were among the first settlers of this town- ship. BASIL C. WHEAT, Paradise; is the son of James 0. and Margaret Wheat ; was born in Jackson, Miss., March 27, 1853; moved to Coles Co., 111., March 12, 1863 ; is the owner of fifty- five acres of land, valued at $2,500. Was married to Mary D. Alexander, of this township, Sept. 25, 1870 ; the names of the children are James 0., born Feb. 28, 1873 ; Margaret A., deceased ; Nora J., born Oct. 29, 1874; Cora M., born March 29, 1876; Henrietta, born Aug. 24, 1878. Mr. Wheat's father, James 0. Wheat, is still living, and is practicing medicine in this township. Was in the late war as surgeon in 21st Kentucky Reg- iment. His mother, Margaret Wheat, died Sept. 12, 1861, in the 25th year of her age. His father was Legislator two terms in Kentucky. GEORGE W. WILLSON, farmer ; P. 0. Etna ; is the son of John and Elizabeth Willson ; was born in Maryland, Aug. 12, 1826 ; moved to Coles Co., 111., Sept. 12, 1836,; is the owner of 700 acres of land, valued at or near $21,000 ; was Justice of the Peace and Road Commissioner for a number of years. Was married to his first wife, July 12, 1836, Sarah Floyd; names of children, boy, Nicholas P. ; girls, Lillia A., Rossy J. ; was married to his second wife, Mary S. Myers, widow of Henry H. Tucher, April 13, 1868 ; names of boys living, Francis A., John A. (deceased), William (deceased) ; girl, Mag- gie E. ; the names of Mr. Henry Tucher's children, living — girls, Ada U., Eva B. ; children dead — boy, Arthur S. ; girl. Bell L. Henry H. Tucher died Aug. 25, 1866 ; was born Jan. 27, 1819. JAMES H. WILLIAMS, farmer; P.O. Etna ; is the son of William and Elizabeth Williams, of Culpeper Co., Va. ; was born June 12, 1826, in Culpeper Co., Va. ; moved with his folks to Coles Co., Paradise Tp., 111., on Dec. 20, 1836; is the owner of 171 acres of land, valued at $4,500. Is Commissioner of Highways, and has been for seven years, also School Director for eight years, and is at the, present time. Never was married. His father, William Williams, was born in Culpeper Co., Va., Aug. 3, 1789, died Jan 7, 1855, in the 67th year of his age ; his mother (Eliza- 654 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES: beth Williams) was born in Culpeper Co., i the late war three years, in Company D., Va., April 22, 17U2, died Nov. 30, 1873, I 123d Volunteer IlL in the 84th year of her age. He served in LA FAYETTE TOWNSHIP. G. B. DAVIS, farmer, Sec. 23; P. 0. Loxa; b(irn in Flutton Tp., Coles Co., Dec. 12, Ibolj ; was brought up a farmer; re- ceived his education in a common school during the winter months. Mr. D. re- sided at home with his parents until he was 32 years of age, during which time he assisted on the farm and also taught school ; he taught school in Button Tp. and the dis- trict where he now resides 104 months in all. He was married to Elizabeth Atkins Aus. 12, 1869 ; she was born in Clark Co., this State, Sept. 3, 1844; have two children — Sarah Annie and Mattic L. Held office of Town Clerk one year, and Justice of the Peace eight years ; was a soldier in the late war ; served in Co. C, t)8th I. V. I. ; held rank of Second Lieutenant ; went j from Charleston. He was in the expedi- tion that captured John Morgan at the time of his famous raid in Ohio. Mr. D. is a member of the Baptist Church. Mrs. D. belongs to the Church of United Breth- ren. His parents, John C. and Eliza- beth, were among the pioneer settlers of this county. Both are now deceased. RICHARD J. HANCOCK, farmer, Sec. 13 ; P. 0. Loxa ; owns 150 acres ; was born on the farm where he now resides, Oct. 20, 1838; was raised a farmer. Mar- ried Mary E. Snitt (daughter of John S. Snitt, Esq.) Nov. 30, 1865; she was born in Guernsey Co., Ohio, April 3, 1848 ; have six children — Nona, Anna, Nellie, John C, Carrie and Amanda S. Mr. H.'s father was born in North Carolina, March 13, 1797 ; went to Kentucky with his par- en rs when an infant. At the age of 10 years he went to Indiana, and then to this county in 1830. His death occurred Feb. 19, 1871, where the subject of this s^ketch now resides. His first settlement was on this farm ; here he raised a family of ten children, only two of whom are now liv- ing ( the subject of this sketch and Mrs. Jones, of Loxa). Mr. H.'s mother (Keziah) , was born in Virginia, April 13, 1801 ; her death occurred here April 4, 1876. Mr. H. had two brothers in the army during the late war — John F., killed at Perry- ville, Ky., Oct. 8, 1862, and William T., who died at home, Jan. 20, 1872. Both were members of the 123d I. V. I. WILLIAM R. JONES, farmer, Sec. 28; P. 0. Mattoon; owns 726 acres ; born in Harrison Co., Ky., Aug. 14, 1808 ; came to this township in 1834 and made a crop ; then went to Kentucky and worked four years on his mother's farm, his father having died when he (the subject of this sketch) was 23 years old ; he then re- turned to this county in company with his mother and a sister, and settled where he now resides. He was married to Eliza P. Threlkeld (daughter of the late Rev. Thomas Threlkeld) Oct. 18, 1853; she died Dec. 31, 1856 ; had two children by this marriage — Thomas T. (born Oct. 12, 1854) and William (born Nov. 21, 1856) ; both are now living ; his second marriage was to Elizabeth Ewing, March 25, 1862 ; she was born Dec. 28, 1829 ; by this union they have one child — Sarah Louisa, born April 7, 1866. Mr. J. was the first Supervisor in the township and held that office three terms. Mr. J. was formerly a Henry Clay Whig, after which he became identified with the Republican party, the principles of which he is a strong supporter ; Mr. J. has never had but two homes — the place where he was born in Kentucky and his present home ; he is an extensive farmer and raises large quantities of stock and grain. Mr. J. was a warm friend of the soldiers during the late war ; a more kind and benevolent man to the poor probably does not exist in Coles Co. WILLIAM LEITCH, far., Sec. 20 ; P. 0. Mattoon ; owns 115 acres; born in Highland (formerly Pendleton) Co., Va., Nov. 11, 1816 ; was raised a farmer; has also worked at blacksmithing and cooper- ing; is also a millwright. Married Eunice Raines Nov. 18, 1841 ; she was also born LA FAYETTE TOWNSHIP. 655 in Highland Co., March 12, 1822; she died March 28, 1877 ; had ten children, eight of whom are now living — Andrew J., Huldah, Mary, Susan, Frank, Ingabo Ridley (Indian name), Irene and Charles; the names of the deceased were John Russell and Leva. Mr. L. holds the oflBce of Justice of the Peace, which office he has held for twenty-seven years ; has held every office in the town except Collector ; Mr. L. formerly kept a docket ; he now does most of the legal business in the township. Mr. L. came to this county Nov. 11, 1845 ; he made the trip in a two- horse wagon ; Mr. L. is noted for his re- markable memory and good judgment ; his schooling was limited — about eighteen months in all. His son Andrew was a soldier during the late war, and partici- pated in the destruction of Spanish Fort; was under Gen. Steele. B. B. SHINN, farmer ; P. 0. Mattoon; owns 142 acres ; was born in Montgomery Co., Ohio, March 10,1824; was brousiht up a farmer. He married Margaret Bar- calow Jan. 1, 1845 ; she was born in But- ler Co., Ohio, July 14, 1824; they have had three children ; only one (G. B.) is now living ; he was born in Bartholomew Co., Ind., Oct. 20, 1851. He married Cornelia M. Ricketts Feb. 11, 1872; she was born in Charleston March 19, 1853; is a daughter of Joshua Ricketts, Esq., of Ashmore Tp. ; they have had three chil- dren, two of whom are now living — Nellie and 0. Morton ; Katie is the name of the deceased. The subject of this sketch had two other children — James, who died at the age of 22 years ; a twin to the latter died in infancy. Mr. S. has held the office of Justice of the Peace, Supervisor and Town Clerk. He, in company with his wife, spent five months at the Centennial Exhibition in Philadelphia, in 1876. He was appointed by the Governor of this State as Assistant Commissioner at that exhibition ; he purchased a county right for a patent farm-gate, while at that Exhi- bition, that is worth the attention of every farmer ; it is simple and cheap, and a per- son does not have to alight from a load of hay or a wagon to open it ; it costs no more than a common gate ; the inventor was a Canadian, and, of course, it is constructed so that deep snows are no hindrance to its being opened or shut at any time without the trouble of shoveling snow ; it will pay any person to travel a long distance to see this gate ; there is no doubt but what they will come in general use just as fast as the people find out that there is such a simple device in existence. THOMAS T. THRELKELD, farmer and stock-raiser; P. 0. Mattoon; is a na- tive of Coles Co.; he was born in La Fay- ette Tp. May 22, 1848 ; he is a son of Matthew P. Threlkeld, and a grandson of Thomas Threlkeld, one of the pioneers of this county, who came from Scott Co., Ky., in 1830; his grandfather was a Baptist minister, and a prominent citizen, being, in 1840, a member of the State Legis- lature ; he entered a large farm in what is now La Fayette Tp., and resided there till his death, in 1863. Matthew P. Threl- keld, his son, and the father of Thomas T., is now a resident of the township. Thomas T. Threlkeld was married Feb. 9, 1875, to Miss Emma Monroe, a daughter of the late Dr. John Monroe, of Charles- ton ; they have one child — PJrle. MATTHEW P. THRELKELD, Sec. 15, farmer; P. 0. Mattoon; born in Har- rison Co., Ky., Feb. 7, 1816; was raised a farmer; came with his parents to this county in 1830 ; was married Aug. 25, 1842, to Martha A. Gruelle ; she was born in Harrison Co., Ky., Oct. 16, 1822; she came to this county with her parents in 1834 ; have had seven children, three of whom are now living — Thomas T., Martha E. and Susan E. ; the names of the de- ceased were Nancy, Mary, Maria and Isaac. Martha E. was married Dec. 4, 1874, to W. J. Guthrie ; he was born in this town- ship April 10, 1846; Mr. T.'s parents, Thomas and Patsy, were among the first settlers of this township ; his father was born Nov. 7, 1793, died April 19, 1865 ; his mother was born Oct. 21, 1790, and died June 28, 1862 ; their marriage took place Dec. 1, 1813. Mr. T.'s father was a regular ordained Baptist minister; he was baptized in March 1812 ; commenced preaching in Kentucky in 1819 ; was the first preacher in this township in 1830 ; attended four churches and continued in the work until his death ; was well and favorably known throughout the section where he resided. Nearly all the marriage ceremonies of the early days of the settle- ment of the county were performed by 656 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES him. Mr. Guthrie resides on the home- stead with the subject of this sketch and carries on the business of farming ; he has held several town offices ; is at present School Trustee ; he has had three children, two living and one deceased ; the names of the living are Edward Thomas and Leila ; the deceased was named Mabel. EHR^T^. BIOGRAPHIES TOO LATE FOR INSERTION IN PROPER PLACE. MATTOON TOWNSHIP. ISAAC N. McPHERON, farmer ; P. 0. Mattoon ; is the son of Alexander and Sarah McPheron, of Alabama ; was born Nov. 20, 1825, in Alabama; moved to Coles Co., Paradise Tp., Jan. 15, 1877. Is the owner of 89 acres of land valued at or near $3,500 ; held no public office in this township. Was married to Matilda Shook Feb. 11, 1846 ; names of children — boys, Samuel B., John A., Oscar P., Allen, Lo- gan ; (deceased, boy, Leuellen) ; girls, Carrie A., Alice, Flora T. ; deceased, girls. (Roxanna and Henrietta R.); his father is dead ; died in Mattoon Jan. 26, 1873, in the 72d year of his age ; his mother died in Montezuma, Ind., May 3, 1847, in the 50th year of her age. THOMAS J. CURRY, farmer; P. 0. Mattoon ; is a son of James and Polly Curry, of Coles Co., 111. ; was born in Lincoln Co., Tenn., Sept. 7, 1812 ; moved to Coles Co. with his folks Dec. 12, 1832. Is the owner of 250 acres of land valued at or near $10,000 ; was School Trustee and Director for a number of terms. Was mar- ried to first wife, Martha Langston, March 29, 1833 ; names of children — boys, James E., William L., (Thomas T., deceased) ; girls, Mary A., Stacy J., Penia N. Was married to his second wife, Debora Mat- thews, Dec. 8, 1846 ; names of children — John H., Daniel W. ; girls, Martha E., Sarah B. Ange; his father, James Curry, died March 6, 1846, in the 55th year of his age; his mother died Aug. 5, 1855, in the 60th year of her age ; both died in this county and Paradise Tp. TAX-PAYEES OF COLES COUNTY. ^BBRE'VIA.'TIONS. Adv Adventist agt agent Bapt Baptist bkpr bookkeeper bwr brewer brklayr bricklayer carp carpenter Cath Catholic elk clerk Ch Church Co Company or County com. mer commission merchant Cong Congregational Bem Democrat dlr dealer dgst druggist Episcopal Episcopal Evang Evangelist Ind 7. Independent I. V. I Illinois Volunteer Infantry I. "V. C Illinois Volunteer Cavalry I. V. A Illinois Volunteer Artillery far farmer fdry foundry gro grocer lab laborer Meth Methodist mfr manufacturer macb machinist mkr maker mech mechanic mer merchant min minister phot photographer phys physician Presb Presbyterian pr printer ptr painter prop proprietor Kep Bepublican Rev Eeverend sec section or secretary slsmn salesman Spir Spiritualist supt superintendent treas treasurer CHARLESTON TOWNSHIP. (P. O. CHARLESTON.) American Express Company. Adams, Samuel, farmer. Alvay,J.M., City Mills. Alexander, R., breeder of Poland-China swine. Aslimore & Mitchell, boots and shoes. Arnold, Stephen, farmer. Anderson, Henerly, jeweler. Adkins, J. M., Sr., farmer. Adkins, W. R., farmer. Adkins, G. M., farmer. Adkins. liTathaniel, farmer. Alwell, Thomas, laborer. Ashmore, H. M., stock-dealer. Adkins, J. M., Jr., farmer. Adkins, J. "W., farmer. Ashmore, James M., stock-dealer. Bagley, Tillman, horticulturist. Barnes, Silas, druggist. Buel, George IST., laborer. Beadle, Richard, laborer. Ball, Tennessee, farmer. Baiter, M., cigar-maker. Bergfeld, Richard, saloon. Baughman, A. Bunnell, James W. Buckner, J. M., engineer. Bates, J. R., farmer. Bates, John, farmer. Brown, J. O., farmer. Buckner, H. P., Bishop, Stephen, farmer. Barnard, H. C, physician and surgeon. Birch, George, farmer. Byers, James, farmer. Bishop, r. L., dry goods, notions and millinery. Ball, J. W., farmer. Bain, A. N., foundry and machine-shop. Brewer, George, attorney at law. Berner, Elias, boot and shoe mfr. Briggs, C. R., portrait and live-stock painter. Briggs, Andrew, stone-cutter. Barton. Patrick, grocer. Briggs, Alex., marble and stone works. Berry, William T. Brown, J. I., Justice of the Peace. Beckom. John, carpenter. Brooks, Flavins. Brazelton, William A., carpenter. Blankenbaker, N. J., farmer. Bemont, Dennis, laborer. Bailes, Arch., farmer. Bowlen, Daniel, farmer. Brown, J. W., farmer. Batty, William C, cooper. Briggs, P. G., cooper. Bain, J. A., agent. Buck, E. B., publisher Charleston Courier. 658 TAX-PAYERS OF COLES COUNTY; Bowhall, v., farmer. Burk, Thomas, farmer. Burk, James, farmer. Brown, Alexander, farmer. Brown, M. G.. farmer. Brown, W. Y., farmer. Brown, M. D., farmer. Bails, Andrew, farmer. Balch, Amelia, widow. Burton, G. W., plasterer. Blakeman, E., miller. Bradley, H. E., grocer. Chainbers, AV. M., Sr., physician and sur- geon. Curd, Daniel, liarness-maker. Cramer, Nicholas, blacksmith and wagon-maker. Corbin, Elliott, farmer. Cunningham, J. R., County Judge. Curd, Edmond. retired. Curd, V. K., broker. Cox, C. F., horse trader. Clark, E. H., undertaker. Connolly, J. A., attorney at law. Crim, liufus S., cooper. Clark, P., laborer. Clark, J. T., lal)orer. Cossell, James, laborer. Compton, A., retired. Chambers, G. R., dry goods. Cooper, Andrew, farmer. Cook, John, farmer. Chadwick, H. M., guard at R. R. bridge. Case, Phillip B., farmer. Case, J. P., farmer. Cooper, r., stock-dealer. Clary, Chas., Cashier Second Nat'l Bank. Chambers, T. G., Pres. First Nat'l Bank. Coon, W. S., contractor and builder. Curd, J. E., harness, saddlery, etc. Clark, C, retired. Clary, Robert B., traveling agent. Clarke, E. C, attorney at law. Calvert, D. II., druggist. Catlin, George L., carpenter. Chintz, Barl)ara. Cross, Alfred, farm hand. Courtoney, George W., carpenter. Cox, Giles, farmer. Chambers, W. M., Jr., physician. Collier, H. A., miller. Cassady, Daniel, farmer. Cassady, D. M., farmer. Corbin, William, farmer. Colvey, Lewis, broom-maker. Craig, I. N., i-etired. Chainbers, J. A., carpenter. Coon, Christopher, carpenter. Cliapman, A. H., land agent. Clark, J. H., abstract office. Cox, Robert N. Clark, I. N., farmer. Cassady, Jolni, farmer. Comer," Morton, farmer. Carben, W., farmer. Channey, James, farmer. Corbin, 8. D., farmer. Corbin, R., farmer. Clark, Thomas, laborer. Curd, O. T., clerk. Cossell, Lydia, widow. Courtney, W., widow. Carman, J. C, Mrs., widow. Caylor, J.W., brickmaker, Courtney, G. A., farmer. Collom, J. M., farmer. Calhoun, E. J., widow. Coverstone, L. C., laborer. Chilton, James, farmer. Dunbar, Lucian S., grocer. Dunbar, A. M., teacher. Dougherty, John, laborer. Debboldt, John, laborer. Denman, L. M. Decker, Emily. Davis, Warren, groceries. Davis, Jewell, physician. Davis, R. J., farrner. Davis, C. L., Teller First National Bank. Davis, Louisa, Mrs., widow, Dickens, Eunice, boarding-house. Dowling, R. J., widow. Dunbar, A. P., attorney at law. Davis, 0. P., farmer. Dowling, Thomas, carpenter, etc. De Vault, J. F., blacksmith. De Vault, M., blacksmith and plow-shop Dodds, B. W., grocer. Doty, James, farmer. Doty, .James, Jr., farmer. Dora, John F., farmer. Doty, Levi, farmer. Doty, Samuel, farmer. Doty, J. W., farmer. Doty, J. I., farmer. Doty, J. M.. farmer. Doty, E. T., farmer. Dikbb, J. W., jeweler. Dadman, D., clerk. Decker, J. K., retired. Dawson, Benjamin, dry goods. Dannett, D. E., miller. Davis, Otis, butcher. Eaton, Stirling, carpenter. Eastin, H., wood-worker. Eastin, Elisha, retired merchant. Ennis, J. R., farmer. Evans, J. W.. boots and shoes. Evans & Rail, boots and shoes. Evinger, D. P., miller. Fowler, H. Fisher, W. W., pump-shop. Fildes, Joseph 8., carder. Fancier, David, engineer. Farell, Eli, farmer. Frommel, F., woolen manufacturer. Funk, John, broom-winder. Freeman, H. B., contractor and builder. Ficklin, A. C. attorney at law. Ferrish. E. R., clerk. Finch, James, farmer. Field, D. T., farmer. Fackler, Lee, carpenter. Frost, Lewis, farmer. Frost, II. T., farmer. Ferguson, E. H., farmer. CHARLESTON TOWNSHIP. 659 "Feiguson, Clark, farmer. "JFrench, W. H., blacksmith. Flemming, Arch., plasterer. riemming, J., farmer. Ferguson, W. T., laborer. Fisher, J. M., farmer. Frisbie, Fred, farmer. Fudge, W. F., farmer. Feagan, Andrew, farmer. Feagaii, J. W., farmer. Francis, G. W., laborer. Fisher, A. M., traveling salesman. Ficklin, O. B., attorney at law. Fryer, A. J., attorney at law. Ferguson, Susan P., widow. Ginther, W. E., hardware, farin machin- ery and insurance. Groves, A. M., thresher. Groves, J. W. B., farmer. Gilman, li., laborer. Goodwin, George, farmer. Goodwin, \V. A., farmer. Gerard, M. D., farmer. Gerard, B. C, farmer. Gerard. O. H., farmer. Goodman, George, farmer. Gee, James. Grigsby, G. H., plasterer. Graham, Hannah, widow. Gobble, John, farmer. Goodman, Wilson, Road Supervisor. Guiney, C, laborer. Goodrich, Samuel W., sexton. Gray, A. E., carpenter. Goodman, Thomas, clergyman. Glosser, J. IT. Glassco, S. M., farmer. Glassco, Milford, farmer. Glassco, A. E., farmer. Glassco, Emmett, farmer. Griinth, Joseph Z., clerk. Griffin, G. B., book-keeper and salesman. Gordon, John, farmer. Gilbert, George, farmer. Gallagher, Rachel, widow. Griffith, J. C, salesman. Gage, G. N., lumber. Garver, John, farmer. Green, J. F., farmer. Green, J. W., farmer. Gofl, H. L., farmer. Griffith, John, farmer. GofC. W. H., farmer. Gillett, J. I., farmer. Goodman, P. F., carpenter. Gray, I. P., drayman. •Gramesly, C, liquor-dealer. Ginther, W.E., hardware, farm machin- ery and insurance. Gage, Joseph, miller. Hughes, William, farmer. Hayes, Richard, laborer. Hersey, W. E., clothing. Hill, J. B., grocer. Hinkley, P., hardware, etc. Hayden, J. C, plasterer. Hill, Lucinda. Hill, James B., grocer. Hutchinson, C. W., drug clerk. Hill & Co., grocers. Hederich, John, tobacco. Hutton, Thomas, grocer. Hughs, John, cook. Henderson, John. Harry, W. E., blacksmith. Harding, Eveline, widow. Hutchinson, Corbin, retired. Hackett, R. P., farmer. Huntington, S. G., farmer. Hackett, R. M., farmer. Harris, D. Ij., farmer. Howlett, E., farmer. Hutchinson, R. M., farmer. Hall, J. C, dentist. Hall, J. W., clothing, etc. Haselton, J. B.. hotel and livery. Harding, William L., clerk. Harrah, J. P., attorney at law. Hedrick, T. J. Hampton, Mrs., widow. Harr, Charles, salesman. Hutchinson, P. Mrs., Huson, G. E., laborer. Howard, Julia, laundress. Hughes, Isaac L., carpenter. Huffman, James, farmer. Hughes, Charles, engineer. Hughes, William G., laborer. Harr, Margarett, boarding-house. Harlow, John, farmer. Hall, J. P., farmer. Hutchinson, J. L., farmer Hall, Millard, farmer. Holland, J. M., farmer. Hardesty, Eliza C, farmer. Harvev, John, farmer. Handwork, Albert, farmer. Hutton, Letitia, widow. Hutchison, M. J. Hughes, J. W., clerk and book-keeper. Henderson, W. W., farmer. Hill, X. W. Henderson, J. F. Hiser, Jacob, farmer. Heater, A., farmer. Hill, Benjamin, farmer. Howlett, J., laborer. Heath, J. K., marble agent. Higinbotham, R. S., capenter. Hayes, James P., laborer. Howlett, Thomas, laborer. Huron, Eli, books and stationery. Hodgen, A. C, groceries. Hendrick, John. Heath, Henry, trader. Hall, John, farmer. Henderson, A. L., farmer. Hawkins, F. A., farmer. Hardesty, J. D., molder. Huffman, IST. B., farmer. Hardesty, J. E., molder. Huffman, J. T., farmer. Hart, R. W. S., laborer. Hunt, G. W., farmer. Hildreth. John, farmer. Huffman, William, farmer. 660 TAX-PAYERS OF COLES COUNTY : Hunt, Mary A., farmer. Hampton, George, laborer. Heath, E. M., farmer. Heath, C. E., farmer. Holston, M. O., laborer. Hill, E. 8., farmer. Heddins. Oscar, farmer. Heddins, Charles, farmer. Highland, W. K., County Clerk. Hampton, E. H., laborer. Hibbard, G. J., insurance agent. Huckaba, Albert, farmer. Hodgen, E. S., abstract office. Hodgen, A. E., widow. Hedden, B. F., farmer. Hampton, W. E., dry goods. Jenkins, E. A., dry goods. Jenkins, AV. M.. dry goods. Jefferies, Bell, millinery. Johnston, I. H., Pres. Second Nat'l Bk. Johnston, Felix, Teller Second Nat'l Bk. Jones, Harvey, farmer. Johnson, E. 0., clothing. Johnson, J. A., farmer. Johnson, J. J., farmer. "?iJones M. James. Johns, S. S., carpenter. Jones, S. J., boarding-house. Jefferies, Martha, widow. Johnson, S- James, John, laborer. Kellogg, George, Mrs., widow. Kershaw, M., spinner. King, A., laborer. Knock, F., pattern-maker. Keist, F. M., painter. Koontz, P., musician. Kelly, E. L., farmer. Kelly, J. S.. farmer. Kenedy, S.. Mrs., widow. King, Hayden, farmer. Kaw, Peter, farmer. Kaw, Philip, farmer. Kaw, E. A., farmer. Keller, J. E. Keist, S. J., cooper. Kelley, Thomas, laborer. Kible'r, W. jST., drayman. Kane, Eobert, cooper. Keleher, M., farmer. Kelly, Michael, farmer. Landes & Son, merchant tailors. Linder, G. W.. farmer. J-iOtta, A. B., farmer. Joinder, Jacob, farmer. Letner, C C, laborer. J^ane, Nelson W. Landes, Samuel, harness-maker. l.,umbrick, J., farmer. Letner, Ezra M.. farmer. Lanman, S. W., farmer. Lutz, Frederick, gardener. Eogan, Charles, farmer, Liston, J., harness, saddlery, etc. Lewis, Thomas, laborer. Eiuder & Stinnel, farmers and traders. Lemmons, Jack, farmer. WcNutt, E. F., house-furnishing goods. McNutt, Mary E., widow. McHenry, C. Mason, Austin & Co., meat-market. Mitchell. I. B., groceries and provisions. Mitchell, Alex. C, books and stationery. Miles, T. C, veterinary surgeon. Moore, Andrew, jeweler and druggist. Morton, F. M. Messick, Thomas W., salesman. Mischler, P. P., cigar manufacturer. Mumtord, L. S., Captain Hose Company. McDonald, Charles, miller. Mvers, Amos, retired. McCrory, W. E., Cashier First Nat. Bk. Mannifold, E., laborer. McConnell & Co., publishers Charleston Plaindeale)-. Mason, C, meat-market. Mitchell, A. C, books and stationery. Mitchell, L. C, farmer. JSfcNutt, S. M., farmer. Mitchell, J. A., farmer. Millege, Henry, farmer. McHugh, Francis, E. E. section bos.s. McMullen. E., farmer. Mullen, Josepliine, millinery. Mullen, Joanah, millinery. Monroe, Hannah, widow. Monroe, Lewis, flour-mills. i Martin, E. J., laborer. Meyer, Solomon, clothing. Mitchell, G. M., Postmaster. March, T. J., Sr., furniture. March, T. J., Jr., undertaker. Miller, James M., dry goods. Minton, W. S-, City Mills. Minton, Alvey «fe Co., City Mills. Miller, Charles, farmer. Moore, John, teamster. Malone, Thomas, laborer. Moore. J. W., laborer, Metzler, Adam, meat market. McNutt, G. T., house-furnishing goods. Martin, Jonathan, farmer. Meyers, Christ., farmer. Myers, John, farmer. Myers, Abel, farmer. McKinzie, David, farmer. McKinzie, J. A., farmer. Mock, J. W., miller. Miller, Alexander, farmer. Mason, C, butcher. Mock, G., farmer. Millage. James, farmer. Millage, George, farmer. McDermit, M. M.. broom-maker. Morris, W. D., blacksmith and wagon- maker. McConnaha, S. F., hostler. Maishall, B. S., broom-maker. Marshall, Ellen I., widow. McCormick. J., painter. McMurlrie. David F., carpenter. Moore, Alaska, farmer. McKee, Thomas, laborer. McKee, Alexander, farmer. McComas, M. V., farmer. Morgan, John, farmer. CHARLESTON TOWNSHIP. 661 Merritt, Samuel H., blacksmith. Moore, Levi, farmer. McLelland, James H., farmer. McComas, B. F., carpenter. Marymee, M. T., photographer. Miles, John A., Assistant Postmaster. Myers, William, carpenter. Morgan, E. P. Morris, D. P., bootmaker. Maxwell, Luther, farmer. Mullen, James, section boss. Mount, Elizabeth, farmer. Monfort, W. H., farmer. Maxwell, B. E., carpenter. Moffltt, Joseph, farmer. Mitchell, J. D., plasterer. Mitchell, A. M., boots and shoes. Neal, J. F., grocer. Norfolk, Sina. Neal, J. W., physician and surgeon. Nees, Thomas, farmer. Nees, J., farmer. Nesbit, S. H., book-keeper. Nation, Samuel, cooper. Newby, Albert S., carpenter. Nicholson, Isaac, gardener. Norfolk, Henry E. C, farmer. North, F. E., farmer. Nixon, M. C, broom-manufacturer. Neal, H.. A., attorney at law. Norris, J. E., farmer. Noble, Luke, farmer. Nation, G. F., cooper. Oliver, James A., farmer. Oliver, J. M., farmer. Oliver, S. H.. farmer. Oliver, Fannie, farmer. Oldham, Mary, farmer. O'Conor, James, farmer. Overhoalst, B., farmer. 01s en, Ingel, farmer. O'Grady, D. C, painter. Overholsen, A., farmer. Overholsen. Aaron, farmei-. Owens, Benjamin, farmer. Olmsted, Charles, farmer. Osborne, M., widow. Prevo, A. II., farmer. Piper, J. A., Pastor Presb. Church. Plank,T. J., clerk. Patterson, Thomas, farmer. Peyton, Charles A., physician. Perkins, Alexander, grocer. Poxton & Mitchell, books and stationery. Post, Edwin, farmer. Peyton, .Joseph, farmer. Peake, W. O., clerk. Pinatel, Charles, retired. Paulding, J. B., carriage-maker. Parker, J. A., farmer. Patton, W. E., physician and surgeon. Pugh, James, blacksmith. Parker. 13. A., farmer. Pearman, E., retired. Parker, I. H., farmer. Padget, K., widow. Ping, S. J., dressmaker. Pearcy, J. W., farmer. Plew, J. D., farmer. Poole, Thomas J., carpenter. Parker, Margaret. Parker, A. A., farmer. Parker, D. M., farmer. Perrill, Hugh, plasterer. Quiggins, H. C., teamster. Eoberts, S. M., Mrs., widow. Eodgers, J. W., laborer. Eeynolds, J. W., farmer. Eyan, John, painter. Eeat, Emeline, widow. Bix, Samuel, farmer. Eosebrough, J. B., farmer. Eeynolds, Joseph B., laborer. Eobinson, E. W ., farmer. Eamsey. A., blacksmith. Eoss, W. T., farmer. Eeprogle, M., farmer. Eeprogle, E. S., farmer. Eobinson, W. E., Circuit Clerk. Eader, A. L., attorney at law. Bobbins, M. W., clerk. Eeynolds, L. C, farmer. Eicketts, ^V. S., clerk. Eeid, John J^., farmer. *" Eay, S. E., dry goods. Eay & Hampton, dry goods. Eogers, S. W., farmer. Eobinson, J. W., farmer Eeeord, S. H., drain-tile manufacturer. Eogers, ('. C, druggist. Eobertson, I. M., teamster. Ehoads, T. B., farmer. Earodin, J. K., attorney at law. Eitchey, A., boots and shoes. Eice, John, blacksmith. Eicketts, J. A., marble works. Eicketts, Wm., real estate and claim ag't Eicketts, J. T., marble-cutter. Eobertson, W., shoemaker. Eamsey, A. J., laborer. Eeat, J. W., farmer. Eay, L. D., farmer. Eeat, Eobert L., farmer. Sisk, Elias, horse-dealer. Shorts, J., speculator. Spears, A. K., physician and surgeon. Streeter, Alexander. Sternberg, A., clothing. Sternberg, B., clothing. Stoddert, Eichard, hardware and lumber. Shriver, M. L., tinner. Said, Harvey, miller. Shaw, A. F.", Police Magistrate. Scheytt, Conrad, machinist. Spence, Susan, widow. Stoner, F., farmer. Smith, Nicholas, laborer. Sanders, Thomas, farmer. Sutton, H. M., laborer. Stevens, William, farmer. Sells, William, farmer. Stevens, James W., farmer. Stoddert, E., & Sons, hardware and lum- ber. Shriver, L. L., tinner. Skidmore & Co., harness, saddlery, etc. 662 TAX-PAYERS OF COLES COUNTY: Skidmore, O., harness, saddlery, etc. Stites, Eicliard, farmer. Skidmore, James, harness-maker. Simpson. John W., broom-maker. Smith, J . U., teamster. Schnorf, Arthur, farmer. Stiles, James, farmer. Starkweather, C C, clerk. Stoddert, Henry, hardware and lumber. Scheytt, Christian J., saloon. Siller, II. C, photographer. Shriver, A. C., stoves, tinware and house- furnishing goods. Shriver, Charles W., stoves, tinware and house-furnishing goods. Sarchett, G. B., physician and surgeon. Swartz, Cyrus, bakery and confectionery. Swartz, Scott W. S., laborer. Snider, G. W., grocer. Shafer, Peter, farmer. Scott, James, plasterer. Shoots. E. A., widow. Said, Harvey, miller. Shasberger, Fred, cooper. Snyder, "^Tohn M., farmer. Smith, M. M., dressmaker. Shaw, John C., broom-maker. Sublet, Thomas C, engineer. Scharer, Dominick, miller. Songer, James H., farmer. Sutton, A. M., farmer. Stites, Jonathan, farmer. Stites, William, farmer. Silance, James H., farmer. Stites, John M., farmer. Silverthorn, L. L., physician and surgeon. Steigman, George, Charleston Pork-Pack- ing Houses. Sisk, G. W., cooper. Shriver, L. B., tinner. Shackleford, James, farmer. Sparks, L. B., Mrs., sewing-machine agt. Stoner, John, farmer. Stephens, John, farmer. Sowers, John, farmer. Stein, J. G., painter. Smith, Lewis, farmer. Sarchett, S. B., dairyman. Shultz. Ilousten, farmer. Snyder, William S., laborer. Sidenstricker, H. K., farmer. Stites. David, farmer. Sallee, E. M., carpenter. Sampson, Isaac, teamster. Stoddert, Thomas, dry goods. Shoemaker, T. T., farmer. Stewart, l^obert, carder. Shannahan, Patrick, railroad laborer. Shafer, L., farmer. Stimmel, A. J., farmer. Stoddert, Thomas, Jr., dry goods. Sullivan, Patrick, laborer. Theaker, J. S., book canvasser. Tillotston, T. E., book-keeper. Thayer, W. H., farmer. Tinkey, Henry, miller. Thompson, C. W., laborer. Tucker, John AV., brickmason. Traver, W. H., Mrs., broom-manufacturer. Theaker, W. C, book canvasser. Thomas, L. N., farmer. Tomlinson, M., widow. Traver, R. A., broom-manufacturer. Trott, Jolin, broom-winder. Traver & Nixon, broom-manufacturers. Trower, Polly A., Mrs. Temple, A. G., farmer-. Tucker, George, Justice of the Peace. Thompson, John, farmer. Tremble, D. H., Deputy Treasurer. Tuttle, Daniel. Turman, .lolm, laborer. Trowel, Adam, farmer. Thrall, S. M., wool-sorter. Tinkle, Mary A., boarding-house. Troutman, G. B., grocer. Threlkeld,- Thomas, farmer. Taggart, J. M., farmer. Vantassel, J. W., farmer. Yeach, .Jesse, farmer. Yanderford, Chas., Justice of the Peace. Yeach, John P., farmer. Yail, D. D., carpenter. YaiU Isaac, livery-stable. Yeacli, B., farmer. Yan Sickle, Daniel A., Charleston Hotel. Yan Meter, Sam'l, physician and surgeon. Yan Sickle, J. W., engineer. Yan Sickle, Aaron, mechanic. Yan Dyke, Isaac N., attorney at law. YanDeren, J. X. Yeneman, J. C, clerk Charleston Hotel. Woodrum, John L., farmer. Woodworth, A. T. C, farmer. Wallace, Joseph, laborer. Watson, M. P., teamster. Wright, Samuel, salesman. Wright, W. G., groceries and provisions. Wesley, Mary, widow. Woods, William E., farmer. Wilber, II. U., & Son, farmers. Wesley, Charles, molder. Winters, William, teamster. Woodruff, X. Z., grocer. Whelan, M., farmer. Wilson, Charles E., Charleston Pork- Packing House. White, Benjamin, laborer. Wigal, George, L., broom-maker. Woods, T. E., carpenter. White, G. W., farmer. Walker, Eveline, widow. Walker, Henry, farmer. Walker, A. F., farmer. Woodrum. A., farmer. Walker, ]SIary F. Walton, iST., salesman. Wenz, John, drayman. Weber, John, baker and confectioner. Weber Bros., bakers and confectioners. Weber, Daniel, baker and confectioner. Weber, Frances, widow Weiss & Frommel, woolen manfrs. Weiss, Ginther, woolen manufacturer. Wright, Ilodgen & Co., groceries and provisions. MATTOON TOWNSHIP. 663 Winters, Isaac, merchant tailor. Warden, E. B., clerk. Woods, Samuel W., farmer. Whittemore, W. A., horse-breeder. Wait, Stephen. White, John H., farmer. Wright, George L., restaurant. White, Owens, farmer. Walker, Mary, Mrs., farmer. Walter, W. H., blacksmith. Walter, George, gardener. Warren, James, laborer. Whalen, A. Perry, molder. Wenz, William, billiards. Wilson, Sarah, widow. Wilson, J. C. Wilson, C. E„ Charleston Pork-Packing House. Watts, Charles, foreman . Wright, James, farmer. Weaver, J. W., farmer. Willingham, J. H., farmer. Waters, L. M., laborer. White, William H., farmer. Waters, George W., farmer. Weaver, Henry, farmer. Walker, Edward, horse-trader. Wissel, Peter, farmer. Wiley, Eli, attorney at law. Young, T. J., farmer. Young, C. M., sewing machines. Young, Robert, sewing machines. MATTOON TOWNSHIP. (P. O. MATTOON.) Alshular, Charles, tr. agt. Anderson, Wm. W., farmer. Anderson, L., machinist. Adams, Jesse, Constable. Anderson, Jacob, col. cook Essex House. Alshular, Moses, dry goods merchant. Aldrich, I. H., fruit grower. Aubert, John L., surveyor. Anderson, T. P., laborer. Anderson, George, machinist. Augur, W. H., Justice of the Peace. Abell H. F., left State. Allen, Charles H., tinner. Allison, John L., butcher. Ayer, H. A. Mrs., fruit garden. Adams. Luther. Anderson, J. S., Sec. Masonic B. S. Allen, S. J., Mrs. Alshular, Samuel, milling and photo. Ayers, I. J., book and news dealer. Ashbrook, Samuel, farmer. Abell, M. B., moved to Earned, Kan. Ashworth, Prank A., grain merchant. Anderson, Peter. Anderson, Charles W., engineer. Anderson, Philip, Cooper. Auger, S. G. butcher. Allison, F. A., attorney. Artaburn, James H., farmer. Alexander, John. Adrian, M. M., farmer. Adrian, John, farmer. Ahrens, Amelia. Albeck, Jacob, laborer. Ashbrook, R. W., farmer. Barney, Homer, mechanic. Baurn, H., Mrs. Bennett, Charles, attorney. Brainard, A., carpenter. Brawdy, James, laborer. Bond, Holland, laborer. Booth, T. D., Mrs., fruit farm. Black, Fred, farmer. Beachum, Bennett, laborer. Brand, Jonathan, laborer. Bell, J. N., farmer. Bales, T. T., farmer. Bell, Wm. A., machinist. Benee, M. P., laborer. Bell, Joseph, farmer. Bell, Isaac, farmer. Brinager, James M., farmer. Barker, H. B., farmer. Barker, M. B., farmer. Barx', Sarah, farmer. Bellamy, E. E., farmer. Bellamy, C A., farmer. Barrett, Richard. Burnett, Eli, engineer. Bombery, Wm., boiler-maker. Burnett, Mary J., boarding-house. Barnett, P. H., insurance agent. Bradshaw, George, coal merchant. Bridwell, H. L., farmer. Bedford, Mary. Brock, T. A., clerk. Bryant, Thomas. Blakley, Wm. Brown, Wm. Bell, Wm. A., farmer. Berviller, Nickerson, retired. Benetiel, J. B., butcher. Bridges, V. R-, physician. Baker, Michael, laborer. Barr, Alexander, barber. Barnes, I. W., restaurant. Branham, Wm., retired. Buck, David, machinist. Blackman, M. D., merchant. Brown, C. M., Mrs. Bodendick, Wm., machinist. Berry, B. N., farmer. Bland, Thomas, laborer. Baldridge, David, retired. Brawdy, George, laborer. Brewner, A. J., mason. Barwick, W. D., huckster. Bostwick, C. B., editor. 664 TAX-PAYERS OF COLES COUNTY; Boridgman, A. C. Bayley, A. 13., merchant. Bayle, Joseph, laborer. Barkee, E., farmer. Bush, Jacob A., farmer. Bautle, Eugene, jeweler. Birch, John F., shoemaker. Ballantine, Jason, machinist. Bennett, L. D., engineer. Baker, John, engineer. Bryan, John, laborer. Bliss, J. A., merchant. Bowin, J. N. Becker, Wm., merchant. JJeck, A. D., laborer. Bray, Solomon, baggage-master. Burges, Wm., boots and shoes. Bell, J. J., Justice. Brady, James, laborer. Currens, E. T., merchant. Curtis, Charles. Chapman, Robert, painter. Chapen, Leonidas, farmer. Cummingham, John, attorney. Cox, Jason, merchant tailor. Clark, M. S., liveryman. Clark, H. S., attorney. Clark, W. T. Chettle. Wm. M., telegraph operator. Clark, P. B., blacksmith. Currens, Michael, laborer. Codington, I. V., lumber merchant. Collard, S. W., carpenter. Collard, George W., carpenter. Cushman, A. F., Mrs. Crandell, A. B., carpenter. Clegg, Thomas, traveling agent. Claybaugh, J. W., carpenter. Cunningham, Robert, farmer. . Colson, G. E., merchant. Carter, Robert. Clark, Jason H. Colson, Allie F., confectioner. Collins, F. C, clerk. Cox, I. L. Cyphers, M., boarding-house. Cooper, B. S-, carpenter. Christian, F. A., carpenter. Calhoun, A. B., farmer. Cunningham, W. C, carpenter. Cadington, S. R., lumber merchant. Capen, B. S.. carpenter. Confer, M. J., Mrs., baker. Coats, R. W., dairyman. Coats, A. W. Clark, John. Clark, George W., lawyer. Claughly, John. Collins, A., clerk. Cranan, Jeremiah, laborer. Clark, Joseph II., banker. Campbell, S. A. Coon, D. S., shoemaker. Cornelians, Cronains. Chuse, J. F., macliinist. Currens, George, retired boot and shoe merchant. Cuningham, J. S., dry goods clerk. Coppage, W. R., druggist. Clark, E. M., merchant. Cassell, J. D., restaurant. Coulter, H. M., farmer. Church, Ransom. Curry, W. P., farmer. Curry, T. J., farmer. Curry, D. W., farmer. Clark, Wm., farmer. Corder, Wm., farmer. Carter, John, laborer. Curry, J. H., farmer. Champion, Wm. H. Clark, Wm. H. Cole, Wm. Corder, W. R., farmer. Carter, George. Chandion, A. J., drayman. Carlton, A. W. Craig, A. W. Clark, H. S., attorney. Cadwell, E. C, insurance agent. Cox, Hiram, farmer. Davis, Thomas. Dora, I. W., physician. Downing, Thomas. Drish, J. F., hardware. Donnell, John K., wholesale grocer. Donnell, Thomas, tombstones. Dolan, Thomas. Dahling. Henry. Dunlap, W. B., Cashier First iN'at'l Bank. Dunn, Morris, laborer. Davis, W. H. Duncan, J. R., paper and stationery dealer. Diddle, A. J., clerk in railroad oflBce. Duncan, Maggie, Mrs. Detwiler, W. H., plasterer. Doran, J. W., farmer. Dolton, Wm., laborer. Danhiser, A., upholsterer. Dota, Isaac, laborer. Darnblazer, J., auctioneer. Dozier, Wm., farmer. Dole, S. D., farmer. Dole, J. C, farmer. ,Davis, B. Dewald, George. Dale. C. M. Durnell, A. ^J". Elder, A. C, druggist. Ewing, J. M., paintei'. Everharty, Mat, butcher. Everfleld, Thomas, tinner. Ewing, A. C Elliott, Thomas, shoemaker. Evans, John, laborer. Eler, John, carpenter. Elenstin, Hugo, laborer. Ewing, R. L., groceryman. Ewalt, J. H., laborer. Earl, Frank, laboi-er. Edson, Wilson. Edington, James D., farmer. Estes, W. B. Essex House, hotel. Filcer, A. J. Fry, Charles B., physician. MATTOON TOWNSHIP. 665 Foot, W. D; carpenter. Ford, S. J. Ferguson, M. J., Mrs. Fickes, George, laborer. Fickes, Samuel, laborer. Fickes, Jacob, laborer. Fairbros, Wm., laborer. Figenbaum, Henry, laborer. Faught, W. n., left city. Fuller, J. D. Fitzgerald, Joshua, laborer. Ferel, Marv. Flynn, Thomas, saloon-keeper. Fallin, D. A., groceryman. Fallin, J. S., groceryman. Futures, Charles, groceryman. Fooba, Tim. Fudge, L., mechanic. Fullin, Wm., real estate. Frakes, James, laborer. Fulcher, Wm. J., City Treasurer. Farris, B., laborer. Fallin, Henry, farmer. Fulton, D. W., farmer. Ferree, Reuben J., farmer. Frost, Peter, farmer. Fox, Samuel. Frakes, Wm. Francis, Benjamin. Fugate, C. Fugate, Stephen. Flemming, W. C Fisher, J. M., insurance agent. Oavin, Richard. Gordan, A. H., painter. Gibbs, I. N., horse-dealer. Glunt, John. Gucker, F. Geary, S. D., mechanic. Garthwait, Frank, dry good.s. Goodyear, John S. Guyott, Fred. Guvott, Wm. Goins, W. GifBn, Morgan, saloon-keeper. Gogin, A. D., mail agent. Goldgart, George, retired merchant. Guilfoil, John, engineer I. & St. L. R. R. Garrett, Zachariah. Gibler, L., leader in brass band. Goodpaston, John, feed store. Gray, Robert, Prosecuting Attorney. Gowgin, O. W., Justice of the Peace. Gray, George. Oawger, John, conductor I. & St. L. R.R. Oaw, John. Gaw, Peter. Goold, Joseph. Gidelle, Elizabeth. Gardner, S. D., farmer. Griffith, John, carpenter I. & St. L. shops. Guilduff, James, engineer I. &St. L. R.R. Hughs, James F., attorney. Hinkle, B. C, lumber-dealer. Hart, Thomas, farmer. Howard, Lucian, farmer. Hays, George W., laborer. Hermon, John, miller. Hermon, J. T., traveling patent-riglit man. Herber, Israel, carpenter. Hunt, John, butcher. Hoddy, Nelson, groceryman. Haskill, C. A., laborer. Holmes, George, carpenter. Hogue, John B., tile manufacturer. Howell, S. W., carpenter. Heath, N. P., minister M. E. (Uiurch. Hardy, Charles, engineer disp. Horn, Joseph, tailor. Harris, J. B., collector. Hodeger, George. Huston, J. B., laborer. Henly, L. C, attorney. Horn, George, tailor. Hunt, B. F., cooper. Hennessee, Pat., groceryman. Hodly, 0. E., groceryman. Handford, G. F., boot and shoe dealer. Hasbrook, A. V., hardware dealer. Hanna, John W., books and stationery. Hennessee, John, carpenter. Hayden, Mathew, laborer I. & St. L. R. R. Huffman, E., laborer. Handsucker, Joseph, laborer in railroad shops. Horn, Wm., foreman machine shop I. & St. L. R. R. Henry, A. M., Dr., physician. Hawes, J. S., saloon-keeper. Hoff, Joseph, shoemaker. Higdon, J. J., shoemaker. Heap, Harry, works in R. R. shops. Hightsman, Wm., works in R. R. shops. Hall, Jeff M., carpenter. Herman, Theodore, expressman. Herman, John, lal)orer. Hodgson, E., ice dealer. Harison, Bela, farmer. Heath, John, farmer. Harding, Harriet, Mrs. Handraham, Michael, Jr., laborer. Henly, James, laborer. Hamilton, Wm., laborer. Hortenstine, Jacob, laborer. Holland, Ambrose, laborer. Hyner, C. C, farmer. Hartenstine, John, farmer. Hunt, Philip O., farmer. Hays, B. F., drayman. Herkimer, J. D., farmer. Hinkle, W. S., wall-paper dealer Isaac, Samuel, clothier. Isgrigg, M., laborer. . Igo, B., watchman D. M.. & S. R. R. James, Ira, President gas company. Jones, Riley, painter. Jennings, J., grain-dealer. Jennings. E., grain-dealer. Joseph, H., jeweler. Jout, Theo., saddle and harness maker. Jones, W. H., laborer. Johnson, John T., cooper. Jones, Charles II., farmer. Jones, Henry, Col., barber. Jackson, Ira B., insurance agent. t)66 TAX-PAYERS OF COLES COUNTY Jenkins, David S., engineer. Jones, Eufus, laborer. Johnson, J. A., laborer. Jameson, James, carpenter. Jeferson, Jacob, farmer. Jordan, James, laborer. Jones, Joel, laborer. Jeffries, Geo. K., laborer. Jordan, G. W., mail agent, M. & D. R. R James, D. D., merchant mitter. Kinkead, Eley, saloon-keeper. Kelly, John M., clerk J. R. Duncan. King, John Y., laborer. Kennedy, Patrick, freightman I. C. R. R. Khlore, Philip. Killer, E. C, clerk J. F. Drish. Khlore, Henry. Kerns, James, laborer. Kinser, J. B., laborer. Kilner, George, physician. Kilner, G. T., druggist. Kemp, William, saddler. Kelly, J as. M., shoemaker. Kinzel, Fred, saloon-keeper. Kely, H. F., carpenter. Killer, A. D., City Marshal. Krebs, David, laborer, I. & St. L. R. R. Kuhule, G.. blacksmith. Kilner, J. A., clerk in drug store. Ketz & Frolick, clothiers. Kern, Frank, dry goods. Kinner, Oliver. Killer, W. A., farmer. Kurtz, J. F. Krebs, Rubin, gunsmith. Killerman, John, saloon-keeper. Krozen, George, brickmason. Kirk, H. R., tailor. Kirk, John L., laborer. Kupple, John. Kuhns & Bros., clothiers. Lawson, J. F.. traveling salesman. Eeuth, Fred, cigar-maker. JLent, J. P., farmer. -Lafever, F. K., laborer, I. &. St. L. R. R. Linn, P. B., groceryman. J^ong, W. W., farmer. Lynch, Thomas, laborer, I. & St. L. R. R Lindig, Charles, tailor. Lynch, Pat, laborer, I. &. St. L. R. R. Lynn, G. W., insurance agent. Lawler, F. M., machinist. Larkins, John, laborer, I. & St. L. shops. La Clair, Paul, carpenter. Lytle, F. M., clerk, with Ira James. Linder, VYm., groceryman. J binder, John W., farmer. JJnder. Elisha, farmer. Leach, Jas. W., farmer. La Grand, Elizabeth. Lippert, W. K., farmer. Love, Thomas. La Grand, Philip, farmer. Luby, S. Z.. farmer. Linder, Nathan, farmer. Linder, John H., farmer. Lane, T. P. C, farmer. Lewis, W. H., agent. L &. St. L. R. R. Lenox, Wm., Mattoon Foundry. Mayer, W. H., loan agent. Mayer & Rose, attorneys. Malona, M., laborer. Murry, James F., laborer. Manning, Charles, stock-dealer. Mason, W. T., laborer. Malinder, John, laborer, I. & St. L. R. K Mitchell, James S., laborer. Miller, Wm. F., carpenter. Montage, G. A., clerk with S. Isaac. Mitchell, J. M., saddler. Montgomery, M., Mrs. Mayer, John, groceryman. Miller, Richard, laborer. Mason. Peter, laborer. Morris, W. E., Mrs. Morgan, J. J., laborer. Masonhall, J. P., laborer. Morse, L. F. physician. Mattock, J. H., clerk, with Kahns. Minter, Richard, marble agent. Morgan, Geo. H., farmer. Moran & Phillips, carriage-makers. Munson, S., Mrs. Murry, T. S.. cutter in tailor-shop. Miller, Geo. F., laborer. Michaels, Charles, laborer. Moneypenny, S., miller. Moore, W. P., laborer. Miller, Osbert, plasterer. Mayer & Becker, grocerymen. Moore, Calvin, druggist. Mulford, J. A., hide and leather (tealer. Madison, Simon, gardener. Meyer, Lawrence, gardener. Montgomery, Tyra, florist. Mollen, Patrick, laborer. Michaels, Jas. W., laborer. Mitchell, T. S., laborer. Money, E., farmer. Meyers, I. C. Meyers, Wm. Mattox, Benjamin D. Mahan, A., laoorer. Malsbery, Samuel, laborer. Mapels, Harvey, laborer. Miller, Joseph, laborer. Michael, J. H., farmer. Miller. ]Aither, Street Supervisor. Messer, Daniel, prop. Essex House. McDuffer, H. F., engineer. McFarland, John, carpenter. MclSTair, J. L. Presbyterian Minister. McPherren, S. M. McKee, George, poultry dealer. McShawe, Edw., laborer, machine-shop. McDuffer, Wm., laborer. McAcran, Jas., clerk. MeCormick, Thomas, groceryman. McShane, F., boots and shoes. McKee, Win., City Marshal. McClelland, J. O., farmer. McAcran, J. W., farmer. McClane, John, laborer. McWhinney, Leroy, laborer. McFall, D. M., Dr., physician. McShane, Jason, mach., 1. & St. L. R. R.. MATTOON TOWNSHIP. 6G7 McMahon, Richard, Roadmaster, I. & St. ].. R.R. Mclntire, D. S., attorney. Mclntiie, D. T., attorney, McFaddin, C B. McCurry, Isaac, bolt-cutter, I. & St. L. R. R. ■ McClure, E. B., Siipt. I. &. St. L. R. R. McFadden, David, carpenter. McQuowB, Harvey, miller. McDonald, D., foreman I. & St. L. shops. McPherson, G.J. McFadden, Wm. H. McPherren, Thomsis, farmer. McFallon, Jolin, farmer. McPherrin, I. N., farmer. McQuown, Dick, farmer. McQuown, ^y. A., farmer. McQuown, R. W., farmer. McElroy, John, farmer. Moore, J. W., lumber-dealer. Montague, T. W., stock-dealer. Norwell, Newton, clerk, with Linder. Naylor, Wm., molder (foundry). Newcomb, Oliver, carpenter. Niemeyer, I. A., laborer,!. «& St. L. shops. Niemeyer, C A., painter, I. & St. L. shops. Noys, Frank, law student. Noyes, E., Sr., fanner. ]SIicoll,R. L. Needham, M. R., drayman. Noble, Charles, painter. Noys, Eben, Jr., farmer. Newport, Benjamin S., farmer. Noys, Henry, farmer. Nash, George, farmer. Noys, Rufus, farmer. Neely, L. A., train-dispatcher. Norvell, F. A., Constable. Oblinger, D. H., druggist. Owings, Samuel. Osborn, R. H. O'Neal, Mike, laborer. O'Conner, Mary Ann. O'Bryan, David, laborer. Orr, John C, cooper. Osbern, Ameliii. O'Neal, Daniel, blacksmith, Owens, John, plasterer. Ozee, Joseph S., plasterer. Ozee, J. C., Dr., physician. Orendorf, M. A., farmer. Orendorf, Israel, farmer. Orendorf, Lewis, farmer. O'Broon, O. F., farmer. Phelan, John, agent Central R. R. Patterson, Mary M. Pritchett, A., hiborer. Patrick, T. C, farmer. Patterson, N. Perry, David S., engineer. Price, Wm. P., carpenter. Pile, W. H. K., real estate. Peck, C. G., foreman Gazette office. Paugh, W. II., Dr., physician. Pearson, Jas. Patterson, Sarah. Peck, E. F., conductor I. & St. L. R. R. Pence, N., City Marshal. Parish, W. H., clerk. Perry, Austiai, barber. Perry, Joseph. Powers, Patrick, blacksmith. Phillips, W. A., school-teacher. Peebles, J. J., carpenter, I. & St. J>. shops. Phillips, Calvin, farmer. Phelan, Robert, ticket agent Central R. R. Parasal, Lewis. Payne, W. R.. tailor. Patterson, W. P., farmer. Powell, C. A., sexton Dodge Grove Cem- etery. Pickett, A., Dr., physician. Patrick, John T. Powell, C. H., farmer. Powell, J. A., farmer. Puleston, W. H., farmer. Patterson, E. (J., farmer. Parks. John, fanner. Powell, J. W., farmer. Pape, John, fanner. Quick, David, carpenter. Quintt, Calvin, farmer. Rose, E. P., attorney. Reynolds, John, farmer. Richison, J. A., mail agent. Raw, John, laborer. Roach, George, farmer. Rinkin, John, painter. Randolph, A. F., brickmason. Rice, V. T. S., bookbinder. Roach, Robert, laborer. Regett, Charles, laborer. Roberts, L. G., dentist. Roberts, R. B., dentist. Roose, C. A., poultry-dealer. Russell, George, l)rass(itter. Rapp, John, Mrs. Rhoten, Thomas, farmer. Reaf, M., Mrs. Roberts, G., laborer. Redding, Robert, farmer. Rose, T. B. Richmond, J., City Mill proprietor. Robb, Charles, laborer. Raw, George, laborer. Run, I., laljorer. Raw, Thomas, laborer. Rudy, J. O., real estate and life insu ranee s Riddle, II. S., gardener. Riddle, Janies M., gardener. Ringwalt, Jacob, carpenter. Rathenputer, L. Revew, A. G. Ruth, Joseph, engineer I. & St. L. R. 1*. Rutherford, Ellen, widow of AVm. R. Rapp, Tobias, watchman I.&St. L. R. M Ritter, Henry, cigar manufacturer. Rice, U. T. S., bookbinder. Rodgers, J. C., farmer. Rightsell, C. K., farmer. Rightsell, J. R., farmer. Rightsell, Ilepsibah, farmer. Rutherford, R. B., farmer. Rand, Parker, farmer. Rand, James W., farmer. 668 TAX-l'AYEKS OF COLES COUNTY: Roach, Lewis, fanner. Rust, J... II., farmer. Ross, Wel)b. enjxiiieer I. & St. L. R. R. Smith, George, pla.sLerer. Smith & .lones, lumher-dealers. Smitli, S. C, lumber dealer. Shafer, (Jeorge, watchman I. & St. J.. H. li. shops. Smitii, V. M.. Mrs. Stevens, Jacoli, enjjriiieer I. & St. L. R. R. SteeU', W. 11., Cashier M. N. Bank. Scrader, Ernest. Schrock, W. 11., freijiht conductor 1. & St. L. R. R. Sathoff, Fred, farmer. Stowers. John, laborer. Suthern, ,1. T., travelinu aj?ent. Stevens, W. 'r., hiborej-. Shoup, Lewis, engineer I. &St. L. R. R. JShaw, George W., boot and shoe dealer. -Summers, A. M., Mi-s. groceries and queensware. Scott. James L., groceryman. Shrader, J. W., restaurant. Shannon. A. R., cooper. Stregel, Lewis, shoemaker. Stewart, C. farmer. Smith. John, farmer. Stott, O., farmer. Scliticker, Valentine, upliolsterer. Sullivan, D. O., boarding-house. Summerlain, Leon, printer. Soixth, Ollie, groceries. Smith, Carinda F. Smith, M. J)., cigars and tobacco. Stillwell, H. M. Sneller, Andrew. Sanders. S. K. Sell aw an, Eliza J. Switzer. John, farmer. Spangler, AV. IL, janitor AVest Side School. Strickland. S. II., engineer 1. &St. L.R. R. Swartzlander, Lucy A. Spanagle, John, blacksmith. Steely, James, engineer dispatcher. Snider, John, laborer I. & St. L. shops. Stumj), Jacob, machinist I. I'y: St. L. shops. Simpson. Wni., nightwatchman I. & St. L. R. R. Sapp. W. L.. laborer I. & St. L. shop. Smith, Fred A., laborer. Shrock, E. S., insurance agent. Sensibough. II. ('., livery and sale stable. Savage, John, laborer. Stevens, A., physician. Shirk, John, farmer. Shirk, W. II., farmer. Swits, John, farmer. Sawyer, John I., farmer. Sawyer, Charles, fanner. Sawyer, Irrad 1).. farmer. Sawyer, Isaac, fanner. Sawyer, Nathan, farmer. Sawyer, John, farmer. Sawyer, John, Jr., fanner. Snajjp, ^V. A., farmer. Snapp, Jonathan, farnun-, Snapp. J. M.. stock-dealer. Smith, P. J., laborer. Sanders, A., laborer. Sanders, John. Sullivan, Thomas, farmer. Scott, Charles, farmer. Sours, Paul, larmer. Smiley, Richard, farmer. Smiley, ^Y. N., farmer. Smiley, J. J., farmer. Sparks, E.. fanner. Snider, David, engineer. Stanhop. Matt. Smith, George G. Stock(lale, John. Stubbins »fc Bro., i)rop's of Dole House. Sanborn, A. J., master mechanic I. & St. L. R. R. slK.p.s. Silvers, J. ()., farmer. Sellers, Uriah, carpenter. Shadwick. M., laborer. Tillatson, Charles, groceryman. Tivner, J. II.. groceryman. Tilly, F. G., yardmaster, I. & St. L. R. It Thoad. Max M., brewer. Tate, W. S., gaslitter. Thomburg, Charles F., painter. Tute. W. J., stonecutter. Tremble, I. W.. farmer. True, F. G. Thode, John, cari)enter. True, S. AV., weigher. Taylor, Maggie, >Iiss. Thomitson, Robert, laborer. Thompson, M. P.. laborer I. & St. L. shops. Toby, J. R., funiiture-dealer. Thomas, Jacob, barber. Toby, M. T., furniture. Tower, D. B., carpenter. Thornburg, J. F., laborer 1. & St. L. shop.s. Tufts, J. S., foreman freight-car iei)aii- shops. Taylor, Mariah. Tucker, AVin., carpenter. Thacher. J., laborer. Turner, J., laborer. Taylor, CJeorge D., laborer. Telfer, I. R., small-fruit farmer. Tucker, Thomas, hotel — Drecker House. Tirnem, Patrick, laborer. Taylor, Wni., laborer. Tremble, J. R., farmer. Tucker, J. D.. i)lasterer. Thomas, J. M., carpenter. Tremble, H. M., farmer. Thoinjison, G. ^\., laborer. Upholi', Christian, farmer. Vinning, George A., groceryman. Vicker, G. C, laborer. Voight, John T., blacksmith. Wright, Henry, farmer. Wilson, Win. E., farmer. Watchler, F. IL, not in city. Walsh, Patrick, laborer. AVilliains, AVni.. farmer. Wachler, J. II. , saloon. AVoods. Charles, clerk I. & St. L. R. R. Wiles, A. P. ASHMORE TOWNSHIP. 669 White, F. A., laborer. Wilson, Josiali T., farmer. Wright, S. F., Mrs. Weymouth, C. G., insurance agent. West, L. C, Miss. Wilson. Emma, Mrs. Wilson, Susan (i. Warner, W. K., farmer. White, K. M., shoemaker. Welch, Jason, laborer. Walsh, E., laborer. Watson, H. ("., laborer I. & 8t. L. shops. Welch, p. H., laborer. Walsh, Michael, groceryman. Williams, W. W., physician. Witte, Ileibert, painter. Wooderson, A. H., shoemaker. Williams, M. H., tailor. Woodbury, W. H., farmer. W(Jods, Wiiidfield, printer. Woods, T. ri, printer. Woods Brothers, Jownal office. Watson, John F., carpenter. Walton, J. M., carpenter. Wilson, J. H., farmer. Wallace, C E., farmer. Webb, J. E., lab(jrer. Weaver, T. R., druggist. Weaver, G. W., farmer. Ward, J. B„ laborer I. & St. L. shops. Williams, D. S., stock-dealer. Wood, John W., farmer. Walkup, W. A., carpenter. Walsh, Wm., farmer. Washington, W. T., laborer. Weaver, Ij. D., painter. West, Arthur, laborer. Warriner, Frank, saddler. Warriner, L., saddler. Wilburn, Willis, laborer. Wutkins, Louis, laborer. Walkins, W. F., laborer. Wright, J. W., gi-ain-dealer. Walther, E., farmer. Wood, Reuben, farmer. Wilson, Mathew, farmer., G., farmer. Williams, Jcjhn, farmer. Wicker, Elias, farmer. Wicker, L. II., farmer. Wicker, Jeremha, farmer. Watson, M., farmer. Waddil, W. H., farmer. Waddil, W. G., farmer. Waddil, J. C., farmer. Warner, Wm., farmer. Waggoner, George D., farmer. Wami)ler, T. W., attorney. Wolsev, R. W., trainmaster I. «fc St. R. li. Young, T. R., attorney. Young, John C, preacher. Yants & Brothers, blacksmiths. Yants, E. B., blacksmith. Yants, John E., blacksmith. Yoong, D. W., pliotograph gallery. Zachelmyer, .\dam, laborer. ASHMORE TOWNSHIP. Absence, George. Ashmore, Jasper, far. ; P. O. Kansas. Austin, T. C. far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Aldrich, J. C, far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Austin, W. T)., far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Arterljurn, Vance, far. ; P. O. Kansas. Arterburn, Green, far. ; P. O. Kansas. Anderson, J. W., far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Allarnang, W. A., lab. ; P. O. Ashmore. Austin, W. is"., butcher, Ashmore. Arbuckle. Robt., far.; P. O. Aslimore. Ashmore, O. F., retired merchant, Ash- more. Ashmore, S. C, far.; P. O. Ashmore. Ault, J. C, blacksmith, Ashmore- Austin. T. J., far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Austin, W. F , merchant, Ashmore. Ashuiore, H. B., far.; P. O. Ashmore. Ashmore, Elizabeth. Austin, Susan, far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Austin, Brown & Kimball, hardware and lumbei', Ashmore. Barnett, Craven, far. ; P. 0. Ashmore. Bitner, Abraham, far.; P. O. Ashmore. Brooks, B. A., far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Brooks, A. J. L., far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Black, Joseph, far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Boyer, F. M., far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Bennett, A. H., laborer ; P. O. Ashmore. Boyd, Robert, far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Bean, W. H. Baber, Wrn., far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Burns, Martin, far.; P. O. McPherson. Bonsman, Jackson, far.; P. 0. Westfield. Bull, T. J., far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Brooks, W. A., far. ; P. 0. Ashmore. Brooks, R. W.. far.; P. O. Ashmore. Bitner, I., far. ; P. O. Kansas. Brown, (jcorge I., far.; P. O. Westfield. . Bennett, John, laborer, Ashmore. Brown, Jerome A., far.; P. 0. Ashmore. Beck, J. W., far.; P. O. Kansas. Birch, AVm., far.; P. O. Ashmore Burges, Martha A., far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Boatman, C. C, far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Brown, C. F., far.; P. O. Ashmore. Bratton, John moved away. Barnes, M. W., far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Bitner, W. D., far.; P. O. Ashmore. Barnes, R. C far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Barnes, Marcus, far. ; P. O. Ashmore Barnes, G. A., far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Boyer. W. L., far.; P. O. Ashmore. Black, Frank, laborer, Ashmore. 670 TAX-PAYERS OF COLES COUNTY: Bennett, Ham, f;ir. ; P. O. Aslimore. Brooks, Arch., far. ; P. O Ashmore. Brewer, W. N., I'ar.; P. O. Ashmore. Ball, Geo. W., moved away. Bitner, J. W., far.; P. (). Ashmore. Bitner, Wm., far.; V. O. Ashmore. Bacon, John, far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Bovell, S. J., Rev., Pastor Presbyterian Church, Ashmore. Brown. Job W., retired farmer ; P. O. Ash- more. Brooks, IT. E., dentist, Ashmore. Byers, George, laborer, Ashmore. Barnet, Martha, widow. Bray, Chris, railroad foreman, Ashmore. Brown, J. A., merchant and railroad ag(!nt, Ashmore. Brown, Geo. A., merchant, Ashmore. Brewer, A. T., far.; P. 0. Ashmore. Brown, Wm. H., far.; P. O. Ashmore. Brown, J. 0., laboi-er, Ashmore. Brown, E. C, dry goods clerk, Ashmore. Brown, R. B., carpenter, Ashmore. Campbell, F. P., laborer, Ashmore. Cox, W. L., gardener, Ashmore. Cooper, Larkin, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Cutler, N. T., far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Combs, O. P., far.; P. O. Ashmore. Collins, Elijah, far.; P. O. Ashmore. Cummins, L. A., far.; P. O. Ashmore. Conly. V. R., far. ; P. .0. Westfield. Courtney, Isaac, far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Courtney, I. J., far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Cooper, James, far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Courtney, Elisha, far.; P. O. Ashmore. Childress, Wm., far.; P. O. Ashmore. Cooper, Floyd, moved away. Clark, I. L., far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Courtney, M. J., far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Cxitler, I. N., moved awav. Childress, J. N., far. ; P. b. Ashmore. Cornwell. J. W., far. ; P. O. Ashmore, Childress, J. M., far. ; P. O. Ashmoi'e. Cutler, B. F., far.; P. O. Ashmore. Cutler, B. F., Jr., far. ; P. O. Ashmore. (look, W. A., far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Cary, J. S., far.; P. O. Ashmore. Childress, John, lar. ; P. 0. Aslimore. Childress, R. M., far.; P. O. Ashmore. Cornwell, Hiram, far.; P. O. Ashmore. Childress, B. F., far.; P. O. Ashmore. Coan, Peter, far. ; P. O. Ashnune. Campbell, Sol., far. ; P. (). Ashmore. Case, Joel, far.; P. O. Aslimore., Albert, far.; P. O. McPherson. Cutler, Wm. P., far. ; P. (). Ashmore. Cossel, Isaac, far.; P. (). Ashmore. Cheesman, A. B., far.; P. O. Ashmore, Comstock, Levi, far.; P. O. Kansas. Conly, Joliii, far.; P. O. AVestfleld. Cox, Mary J., widow, Ashmore. Coulson, L. M., shoemaker, Ashmore. Comstock, W. R., druggist, Ashmore. Coon, Adam, carpenter, Ashmore. Coulson, J. C., harness-maker, Ashmore. Coulson, John, laborer, Ashmore. Carter, Shelton, far.; P. O. Ashmore. Dudley, Jane, widow, Ashmore. Downliam,B. F., laborer, McPherson. Dotson, W. H., far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Davis, Nathaniel, merchant, Ashmore. Dudley, Eli, far.; P. O. Ashmore. Dudley, J. E., far. ; P.O. Ashmore. Dutro, Geo. W., far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Davis, David, far.; P. O. Ashmore. Dudley & Co., stoves and tinware, Ash- more. Edwards, A. J., far.; P. O. Charleston. Edwards, Ambros, far. ; P.O.Charleston. Epperson, Thurz, far.; P. O. Westfield. Ely, Martin, far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Evans, John B., far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Ely, Minerva, moved away. Edwards, Daniel, far. ; P. O. Charleston- Foi'd, James, laborer, Ashmore. Flenner, A. W., far. ; P. O. Kansas. Ferris, B. J., far.; P. O. Kansas. Fisher, Joseph, far. ; P. 0. Ashmore. Flenner, Isaac, far. ; P. O. Kansas. Franklin, W. E., far.; P. O. Ashmore. Frazer, Milton, far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Franklin John, hotel-keeper, Ashmore. Flora, Isaac, carpenter, Ashmore, Ford, H. F., laborer, Ashmore. Fell, L. C, school-teacher, Ashmore. Green, Wm. P.. far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Galbreath, W. H., far. ; P. 0. Ashmore- Gilbert, Rosalie, far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Gilbert, J. H., far.; P. O. Ashmore. Green, N. R., far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Green, C. E., moved away. Galbreath, Wm. B., far.; P. O. Ashmore. Griffin, John B., far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Galbreath, John F., far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Gilbert, Joseph, far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Green, John H., far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Golliday, Samuel, far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Galbreath, Catharine, far ; P. 0. Ash- more. Grant, Thomas, far. ; P. O. McPherson. Galbreath, G. F., far. ; P. 0. Ashmore. Galbreath, Jas., far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Goodnight, T. C.,far.; P. O. Ashmore. Goodnight, H. P., far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Goodnight, S. W., far. ; P. O. Aslimore. Gressel, Alfred, far.; P. O. Ashmore, Galbreath, R. V., far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Goliday, Jacob, far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Galbreath, F. N., far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Gilbert, Lafe, far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Galbreath, W. H., Jr., far. ; P. O. Ash- more. Hensley, Willard, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Hallock, Geo. B., far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Hogue, W. W., far. ; P. 0. Ashmore. Hawkins, .lolin, school-teacher, Ashmore. Humphries, Elizabeth, widow, Ashmore. Hogue, Martlia J., Avidow, Kansas. Hall, Benjamin, far. ; P. 0. Charleston. Howell, J. E., school-teacher; Newman. Hawkins, 0. D., far.; P. O. Ashmore. Hall, Edward, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Hamilton, L. W., far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Ilonii. W. S., far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Honn, D. W., far. ; P. O. Kansas. Henry, Anderson, far.; P. O. Kansas;. ASHMORE TOWNSHIP. 671 Hogue, C. C, far. ; P. O. Kansas. Hallock, J. H., far. ; P. O. Aslimore. Henry, B. F., far.; P. O. Kansas. Humphries, W. B., far.; P. O. Ashmore. Hammond, Garrett, far. ; P. O. McPher- son. Hawkins, Wm., far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Halloek, T. W., far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Hite, Marcus, far. ; P. O. Kansas. House, John, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Hogue, Thomas W., Constable, Ashmore. Honn, P. K., minister, Ashmore. Hollingsworth, Mary, far. ; P. O. Ash- more. Henry, Benj. T., far.; P. 0. Charleston. Hartzell, Sarah, widow, Ashmore. Honn, L. H., physician, Ashmore. Hogue, A. N., far. ; P. O. Charleston. . Hay worth, C., far.; P. O. Charleston. Ingrliam, Peter, far. ; P. O. McPlierson. Jackson, W- A., far. ; P. O. Ashmore. John, Linder, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Johnson, Thos. J., far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Jackson, M. L., far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Johnson, G. W., far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Johnson, Henry, far.; P. O. Ashmore. Johnson, Wm., far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Johnson, R. V., far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Kingley, H. B., far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Kimball, Gurdeon, far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Khune, A., far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Kearns, J. B., far.; P.O- Ashmore. Kearns, W. D., far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Kiddle, H. H., gone. Kincaid, Thomas, wagon-maker, Ash- more. Kimball, W. C, merchant, Ashmore. Lang, Lewis, far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Lawler, Joseph, far. ; P. O. Kansas. Longinbaugh, Henry, far. ; P. O. McPher- son. Laffarty, John, far. ; P. O. McPherson. LafEarty, J. C, far.; P. O. McPherson. Leishbrook, G. W., far. ; P. O. McPherson. Lane, B. F., Jr.. far.; P. O. Ashmore. Logan, S. F., fur. ; P. 0. Ashmore. Latler, James, moved away. Larne, James, far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Lang, John A., far. ; P. 0. Ashmore. Lanman, Frank, far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Little, Joseph, far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Lewis, D. W., moved away. Lane, Jeremiah, far. ; P. 6. Ashmore. Lacy, J. H., far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Lawd, Peter B., laborer, Ashmore. Louthan, F. N".,far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Larne, W. C, far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Morrill, M. G., far.; P. O. McPherson. McGuin, Emmit, far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Mayfield, Robert, far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Moody, David, far. ; P. 0. Ashmore, Moore, W. T., far. ; P. 0. Ashmore. McKnight, Geo. lii., far. ; P. O. McPher- son. McLain, C., far. ; P. O. Ashmore. McDavit, C. R., far. ; P. O. Kansas. Moontz, Andrew, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Milner, Morris, far. ; P, O. Ashmore. Mitchell, R. F., far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Mock, W. A., far.; P. O. Ashmore. McConnaha, J. T., far.; P. O. Kansas. Moffatt, J. M., far. ; P. O. Ashmore. McKnight, E. H., far. ; P. O. McPherson. Moore, I. ]^., far.; P. O. Ashmore. Mack, W. H., far. ; P. O. Ashmore. McConnaha, W. M., far. ; P. O. Kansas. Morris, D. F., far.; P. O. Ashmore. Moody, Isaac, blacksmith, Ashmore. Moody, Wm., far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Moore, J. B., far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Moore & Carter, tile manufacturers, Ash- more. Mitchell, John C, far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Moffett, James, far.; P. 0. Ashmore. McDavitt, J. jST., far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Moody, G. W., far. ; P. O. Ashmore. March, W. T., carpenter, Ashmore. Mell, John, blacksmith, Ashmore Monroe, Elias, merchant and Postmaster, Ashmore. McDavid, A. B., minister, Ashmore. Miller, Chris, miller, Ashmore. Moore, L. D., far. ; P. 0- Ashmore. Myers, F. M., far.; P. O. McPherson. Milburn, John, far.; P. O. Ashmore. Moore, Lawson. Maxey, W. E., far. ; P. O. Ashmore. McDavitt, James, far. ; P. O. xVshmore. Mock, John, far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Nugant, T. B., far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Nay, G. B., far.; P. O. Ashmore. Olmsted, G. W., far. ; P. O. Ashmore. O'Brien, Thos., far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Ogle, Atkin, far. ; P. O. Ashmore. O'Brien, Sarah, widow, Ashmore. O'Brien, George, merchant, Aslimore. Pinnel, Elisha, far. ; P. O. Kansas. Perry, Richard, far. ; P. 0. Ashmore. Prather, A. E., Mrs., far.; P. O. Ash- more. Prather, Luke, far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Prince, W. T., far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Padgett, J. W., moved away. Pollard, G. W., far.; P. O. Ashmore. Phelps, C. D., far. ; P. 0. Ashmore. Peters, Jesse, far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Phelps, Josiah, far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Peyton, John M., far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Payne, W. K., retired merchant, Ashmore. Parcell, P. B., blacksmith, Ashmore. Parker, John B., moved away. Roop, Amanda, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Rickets, Joshua, keeper County House, grocery and grain dealer, Ashmore. Randell, J. J., far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Robertson, A. T., druggist and Notary Public, Ashmore. Rice, J. A., moved away. Roe, George A., moved away. Redmon, IH. B., far.; P. O. Kansas. Reed, C R., far.; P. 0. Ashmore. Reed, G. R., far. ; P. O. Charleston. Redden, Wm., far. ; P. O. Kansas. Shoot, M. T., laborer, Ashmore. Steele, J. E., minister, Kansas. Shuttz, A. J„ far. ; P. O. Kansas. 672 TAX-rAYERS OF COLES COUNTY Smith, Mde. T.. F., far.; P. O. Ashmore. Snyder, W. A., far. ; P. (). Ashmore. Stark, Wm., moved away. Smith, W. E., far. ; P. O. Aslimore. Smith, J. G.. far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Smith, Cliarlotte A., far.; P. O. Kansas. Shafer. A., far. ; P. O. McPherson. Swickard, David, far.; P. O. Westfield. Slioots, A. E., far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Sublett, Thomas T., far.; P. O. Ashmore. Shafer, Wm., far. ; P. O. McPherson. Smith, George, far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Snyder, Isaac, far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Sublet, Colbert, far. ; P. O. :McPherson. Schraumer. Gottlieb, far. ; P. O. Ash- more. Smith, John I)., far. ; P. O. Kansas. Smith, J. ^y., far.; P. O. Ashmore. Stoddard, O. D., carpenter, Ashmore. Stanly, W. S., far. ; P. O. Westfield. Shaver, Jonathan, far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Stark, J. T., moved away. Sublett, Wm., laborer, Ashmore. Smith, John M., school-teacher, Ashmore. Smith, Anderson. Snyder, John R., dry goods merchant, Ashmore. Shleppey, liobert, far.; P. O. Ashmore. Shoots, Tilford T., far. ; P. O. Charleston. Shoots, John S., far. ; P. O. Charleston. Stone, W. C, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Sousley, C, retired, Ashmore. Stoddard, C. ('., shoemaker, Ashmore. Steele, A. T., physician, Ashmore. Shleppey, P. M., grocer, Ashmore. Thompson, Henry, laborer, McPherson. Thompson, Alonzo, far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Temple, Thos. W., far.: P. O. McPher- son. Thrasher, Thos. R., laborer, Ashmore. Turner, Fountain, far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Thrasher, R. P.. far.; P. O. Ashmore. Timmons, J. D.,far.; P. (.). Ashmore. Tyler, W. II., far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Todd, Wm. A., laborer, Ashmore. Thomas, Charles, far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Thrasher, Pascal, laborer, Ashmore. Thomas, J. C, far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Thomas, J. O., far.; P. O. Ashmore. Timmons, C V., far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Tlirasher, Allison, laborer, Ashmore. Trotter, O. N., far. ; P. O. Kansas. Tyrell. Edward, far.; P. O. Ashmore. Tyrell, Walter, far. : P. O. Ashmore. Tutwiler, Wm., far.; P. O. Ashmore. Timmons, T. A., far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Thompson, Serilda, widow, Ashmore. Vanlandingham, W., laborer', Ashmore. Van Dyke, Josepli, physician. Walton, A., far. ; P. O. Charleston. Walton, Jolm, far.; P. (). Cliarleston. Walker, Joseph, far.; P. O. Ashmore. AV alters, W. H., moved away. Walters, (ieoi-ge, moved away. Walters, Jacob, moved away. Walters, Elizabeth, dead. Walker, Geo. P., far. ; P. O. McPherson. Walton, A. J., far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Walton, Eliza, far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Waters, Robert, far. ; P. O. Ashmore Waters, James, far. ; P. O. Ashmore, Walters, John, far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Walters, David, far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Walker, John A., far.; P. O. McPlierson. Walters, Peter, moved away. Wallace, James, far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Watts, S. D., far. ; P. O. Ashmore. « Walker, Wm. A., died. Walton, T. A., far.; P. O. Ashmore. Watson, M. J., moved away. Waters, A. J., merchant, dry goods and groceries, Ashmore. Waters, Richard, merchant, dry goods and groceries : P. O. iVshmore. Waters, A. J. Waters, R., far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Waters, C W., blacksmith, Ashmore. Waters, F. M., merchant, dry goods, Ash- more. Wicker, ISTatlianiel, far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Wiley, Aiden, far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Wilhoit, J. 0., far. : P. O. Ashmore. Wilson, J. W., far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Westbrook, N. G., far. ; P. O. Aslimore Wells, James, far.: P. O. Ashmore. Wilson, Elias, far.; P. O. Charleston. Wickham,]^. J., far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Woodworth, John, blacksmith, Ashmore. Woodrum, Wm., far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Woods, Thomas M., far. ; P. 0. Ashmore. Wood & Hicks, saw-mill, Ashmore. Wood, L. G., saw-mill, Ashmore. Woodworth, M. N., far. ; P. O. McPher- son. Woodworth, D. D., far. ; P. 0. Ashmore. Woods, Thomas, far. ; P. 0. Westfield. Wicker, J. N., far.; P. O. Ashmore. Wicker. Daniel, far.; P. O. Ashmore Wright, Wm. T., far. ; P. O. Ashmore White, Peter, far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Wellner, Israel, laborer, Ashmore. Wolf, H. L., far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Wiley, Thornton*, far.; P. O. Kansas Wright, J. S., far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Wright, Robert, far.; P. O. Ashmore Wright, Jason A. Wright, Charles A., far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Wright, John, far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Wiekum, (). B., far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Wells, Jolin, far.; P. O. xVshmore. Wooilyard, Sarah, far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Woodworth, D. S., far.; P. O. Ashmore. Woodworth, E. R., far.; P. O. Ashmore. Wliite, Thomas, far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Yeager, Chai'les, far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Yount, J. S., far. ; P. O. McPlierson. Zimmerman, James, far.; P. O. Ashmore. Zimmerman, Jacob, merchant, Ashmore. Zimmerman & Monroe, merchants, dry goods, boots and shoes, Ashmore. PLEASANT GROVE TOWNSHIP. 673 PLEASANT GROVE TOWNSHIP. Anderson, James, far. ; P. O. Campbell. Armstrong, W. G., far.; P. O. Campbell. Adams, David, far. ; P. O. Campbell. Albright, Philip, far.; P. O. Charleston. Ambler, D. C, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Alison, T. J., far. ; P. O. Campbell. Anderson, Mary, farmer. Armstrong, Joseph, far. ; P. O. Campbell. Bauehman, J. J., far.; P. O. Cami)bell. Baker, John, Jr., far.; P. O. Campbell. Bates, George, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Baker, Jacob, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Beals, O. H., far.; P. O. Mattoon. Best, John, far. ; P. O. Campbell. Balch, Wallace, far. : P. O. Campbell. Baker, J. W., far.; P. O. Campbell. Balch, W. W., far. ; P. O. Campbell. Best, li. F., far.; P. O. Campbell. Brasier, W. II., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Beals, R. N., far.; P. O. Mattoon. Beals, Jesse, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Bovell, James, far. ; P. O. Larna. Balch, G. B., far. ; P. O. Larna. Balch Sisters, fars.; P. O. Charleston. Brown, A. F. Bryant Nathan, far. ; P. O. Campbell. Best, James, far. ; P. O. Larna. Balch, W. B., far. ; P. O. Campbell. Bidle, G. P., far. ; P. O. Campbell. Balch, T. E., far.; P. (). Campbell. Baughman, Aaron, far.; P. O. Campbell. Balch, T. C, far.; P. O. Campbell. Casady, James, far. ; P. 0. Campbell. Cecil, H. H., far. ; P. O. Charleston. Camp1)ell, W. W., far.; P. O. Campbell. Carter, M. M., far. ; P. O. Campbell. Carter, Wm., far.; P. O. Campbell. Cooper, I. P., far. ; P. O. Campbell. Childress, C. W., far. ; P. O. Larna. Campbell, A., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Coon, Fred, far. ; P. O. Campbell. Childress, J. W., far. ; P. O. Larna. Chowning, Samuel, far. ; P. O. Campbell. Chaney, W. J., far. ; P. O.. Campbell. Crume, J. W., far.; P. O. Mattoon. Clancy, J. M., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Clabaugh, Catherine, far. ; P. 0. Lama. Cartwright, P., far. ; P. O. Charleston. Carter, Winston, far.; P. O. Campbell. Dexter, C. J., physician. Mattoon. Dornblaser, J. F., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Diehl, George, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Diehl, T. J., far.: P. O. Mattoon. Diehl, J. H., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Doyle, James, far. ; P. 0. Larna. Dewitt, Lem., far. ; P. O. Larna. Dryden, David, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Diehl, Daniel, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Duvall, P. M., physician, Campbell. Douglas, jGeorge, far. ; P. O. Campbell. Drewry, Peter, far. ; P. O. Campbell. Easton, Whig, far. ; P. O. Campbell. Ewing, J. T., far.; P. O. Mattoon. Ewing, W. M., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Edman, Joseph W.. far. ; P. O. Campbell Erwin, J. S., far. ; P. O. Campbell. Erwin, James, far. ; P. 0. Campbell. Edman, Joseph, far. ; P. O. Campbell. Edman, Jacob, far. ; P. O. Campbell. Edman, JosephJr., carp., Campbell. Ferguson, J. M., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Ferguson, W. A., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Funkhouser, ^V. L. R., far. ; P. O. Mat- toon. Funkhouser, G. W., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Freeman, W. F., far. ; P. O. Campbell. Furry, Peter, far. ; P. O. Campbell. Foote, Grandison, far.; P. O. Campbell. Freeman, N. S., physician, Campbell. Farris, James, far. ; P.O. Charleston. Farris, J. D.,far. ; P. 0. Charleston. Furry, John, far. ; P. O. Cam])bell. Greeson, Wm., far. ; P. O. Larna. Gray, D. L., far.; P. O. Larna. Gray, A. D., far.; P. O. Larna. Gammill, J. H., far. ; P. 0. Mattoon. Gammill, Elizabeth, far. ; P. O. Larna, Gordon, J. T., far. ; P. O. Larna. Gordon, E. P., far.; P. O. Larna. Gordon W. M., far. ; P. O. Larna. Goodwin, L. D., far. ; P. O. Larna. Green, M. C, farmer. Grimes, T. W., far. ; P. O. Campbell. Glenn, B. G., far.; P. O. Mattoon. Hall, J. J., far. ; P. O. Campbell. Hill, Taylor, far.; P. O. Charleston. Hill, N.B., far.; P. O. Charleston. Hill, Elizal)eth, far.; P. O. Charleston. Hughes, Wm., far.; P. O. Charleston. Haibrooks, Geo., physician, Larna. Hayes, Margaret, far. ; P. (3. Larna. Horton, W. F., far.; P. O. Mattoon. Hortenstine, Henry, far.; P. O. Mattoon. Howard, Simon, far. ; P. O. Larna. Howard, Heiiry, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Ilulsapple, Barney, far. ; P. O. Larna. Hardwick, Robt., far. ; P. O. Larna. Hash, Henry, far. , P. 0. Johnstown. Plackley, J. L., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Harris, Geo., far.; P. 0. Campbell. Harris, A. M., far. ; P. O. Campbell. Hutson, N. M., far.; P. O. Campbell. Ingram, J. C, far. ; P. 0. Charleston. Icenogle, Riley, far. ; P. O. l^arna. Jackson, John, far.; P. O. Johnstown. Jeffries, John, far. ; P. (). Mattoon. Jeffries, A., far.; P. O. Mattoon. Jeffries, J. G., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Jones, A. B., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Jeffries, James, far.; P. O. Mattoon. Jones, J. T., far.; P. O. Johnstown. King, J. W. far. ; P. O. Campbell. Kelley, L., far. : P. (). Charleston. Kelley, H. C, far. ; P. O. Campbell. Kensell, Henry, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. King, Eli, tar. ; P. O. Campbell. Killough, A. A., far.; P. O. Campbell. Kirkland, John R., carpenter, Campbell. Landrus, James L., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Landrus, Harry, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. 674 TAX-PAYERS OF COLES COUNTY: Lyman, B., Rev., C. P. minister; Larna. L>andrus, Reuben, far. ; P. O. Larna. Leitch, C. B., far. ; P. O. Charleston. Landrus, Albert, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Miller, J. W., far.; P. O. Charleston. Miller, Ceplias, far. ; P. O. Larna. Morrison, W. N., far. ; P. O. I^arna. McGinnis, Lewis, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Miller, J. L. F., far.; P. O. Mattoon. McGinnis, Levi, far. ; P. C). Mattoon. Morris, S. L., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Morgan, J. T., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Matliews & Adams, merchants, Camp- bell. Mathews, C, merchant, Campbell. Mathews, Matt, miller, Campbell. McDonald, C A., far. : P. 0. Larna. Miller, Thomas, far. ; P. O. Larna. McDonald, K S., far. ; P. O. Larna. McDonald, J. T., far. ; P. O. Larna. Monfort, I. J., far. ; P. O. Charleston. Mullen, C.,far.; P. O. Campbell. McConnell, Wm., far. ; P. O. Campbell. Mathews, Wiley, far; P. O. Mattoon. Nees. Lizzie, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Newman, W. H., far. ; P. O. Charleston. ISTichols, C. far.: P. O. Campbell. Nott, S. M., far. ; P. (). Campbell. Nicholson, P. N.. far. ; P. O. Charleston. Nees. James, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Nees, James, Jr., far. ; P. O. Charleston. Nicholson, A. B., far.; P. O. Larna. Nees, Wm., far. ; P. 0. Larna. Nees, Elizabeth, far.; P.O. Larna. Neal, J. F., far. ; P. O. Larna. O'Zee, far.: P. 0. Mattoon. Odell, A. H., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Owens, John, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Odell, J. H., far. ; P. O. Larna. Papham, Francis, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Parker, J. W., far. ; P. O. Larna. Price, T. J., far. ; P. O. Larna. Phipps, J. E., far. ; P. O. Campbell. Price, Joseph, far. ; P. O. Campbell. Plummer, Wm., far.; P. O. Mattoon. Paxton, Henry, far. ; P. O. Campbell. Parkison, Andrew, far. ; P. O. Campbell. Perring, John, far. ; P. O. Campbell. Phipps, Jacob, far.; P. O. Campbell. Routt, E. B., far.: P. O. Larna. Rodgers, M. H., far.; P. O. Larna. Rodgers, J. W., Sr., far.; P. O. Larna. Rodgers, I. H., far. ; P. O. Larna. Robins, Nancy, far. ; P. O. Larna. Rodgers, George, far. ; P. O. Campbell. Rodgers, T. B., far.; P. O. Campbell. Roberts. Charles, far. ; P. O. Campbell. Rodgers, J. W., far. ; P. O. Campbell. ; P. O. Larna. P. O. Campbell. Rodgers, C. P. & Co., merchants, Camp- bell. Royer, Jesse, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Riley, Nimrod, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Sharer, Sarah. Shoemaker. John, far. ; P. O. Campbell. Stanza, Henry, far. ; P. O. Campbell. Smith, Gilbert, far.; P. 0. Campbell. Shoemaker, Samuel, far. ; P. O. Campbell. Smith, J. E. Schee, J. M., far. ; P. O. Larna. Schee, Wm., far. ; P. O. Larna. Smith, R. E., far. ; P. O. Campbell. Snowden, J. F., far.; P. O. Mattoon. Suowden, Guss, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Smith, John, far. ; P. O. Larna. Striewalt, K., far. ; P. O. Lavna. Smith, W. H., far. ; P. O. Larna. Sims, Wm., far. ; P. O. Larna. Snider, Mag., far.; P. O. Campbell. Spies, Philip, far. ; P. 0. Campbell. Tomberlin, Wm., far.; P. O. Campbell. Tomason, Tom, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Taylor, S. I., far.; P. O. Larna. Taylor, Isaac, far. ; P. O. Campbell. Teeter, R. F., far. Taylor, Elijah, far. Teets, George, far. ; Vaugn, George. White, Lee, far. ; P. O. Campbell. Wilson, Ann, far. ; P. O. Campbell. Warsham, C. W., far. ; P. O. Campbell. Wilson, J. N., far. ; P. O. Campbell. White, J. C, blacksmith; Campbell. White, J. D., shoemaker; Campbell. Walters, George, far. ; P. O. Campbell. White, Thomas, far. ; P. 0. Campbell. Worden, Margaret, far. ; P. O. Campbell. Whitnev, Trueman. far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Walker,"^ J. W., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Williams, Dellia, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. White, Monroe, far.; P. O. Campbell. Whitney, George, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Walker, A. A., far. ; P. O. Larna. Wilson, G. L., far.; P. O. Mattoon. Wood, J. S., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. White, Isaac, far. ; P. O. Campbell. Wilson, S. J., far. ; P. O. Larna. Whitstrand, Andrew, far. ; P. O. Larna. Walker, A. J., far. ; P. O. Larna. Whitney, W. A., far. ; P. O. Larna. Willianis, Reubin, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Walker, W. T., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Williams, S. A., far. ; P. O. Mattoon, Worsham, Elizabeth, far. ; P. O. Campbell. Williams, D. B., far. ; P. O. Larna. Wright, W. P., far.; P. O. Johnstown. York, A. Y.,far.;P. O. Larna. BUTTON TOWNSHIP. 675 HUTTON TOWNSHIP. Ashby, Edwin, far.; P. O. Hutton. Alexander, L. F., far.; P. O. Charleston. Ashby, John K., far. ; P. O. Hutton. Adams, Eliiah, far. ; P. O. Diona Adams, E. Girard, far. ; P. O. Diona. Adams, William, far. ; P. O. Diona. Adams, John, far. ; P. O. Diona. Anderson, E., far. ; P. O. Diona. Anderson, E., Jr., far. ; P. O. Diona. Abston, William, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Ashby, S. P., far.; P. O. Hutton. Anderson, Barth., far. ; P. O. Diona. Anderson, Jasper, far. ; P. O. Diona. Ashby, Philip, far.; P. O. Hutton. Axton, Alexander, far. ; P. O. Diona. Brooks, B. E., far.; P. O. Charleston, Bennett. I., far. ; P. O. Diona. Biddle, George E., far. ; P. O. Westfleld. Bennett, A., far. and min. ; P. O. Westfleld. Brown, David, far.; P. O. Westfleld. Brown, Wm. F., far. ; P. 0. Charleston. Brandenburg, C. P., far.; P. O. Hutton. Brandenburg, W. H., far. ; P. O. Hutton. Bates, Lafayette, far. ; P. O. Diona. Beavers, Solomon, tar. ; P. O. Hutton. Boyd, F., far.; P. O. Hutton. Beavers, Henry, far. ; P. O. Hutton. Beavers, M., far. ; P. O- Hutton. Brown, John B., far. ; P. O. Westfleld. Brown, Francis, far. ; P. O. Westfleld. Baker, Basie, far. ; P. O. Hutton. Bensley, T. A., far. ; P. O. Diona. Bidle, George, far. ; P. 0. Westfleld. Buchannan, Geo., B., far. ; P. O. Hutton. Baker, Abel, far.; P. O. Hutton. Biggs, Freeman, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Bishop, W. W., far. ; P. O. Charleston. Bromley, A., far., P. O. Charleston. Babers, Elijah, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Beavers, B., far. ; P. O. Hutton. Bates, Reuben, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Brandenbui-g, H. L., far.; P. 0. Hutton. Bratman, R. T., far.; P. O. Hutton. Brandenburg, S., far. ; P. 0. Hutton. Beavers, Albert, far.; P. O. Hutton. Beavers, Barnett, far. ; P. O. Hutton. Brown, Jeremiah, far. ; P. 0. Charleston. Bates, George W., far. ; P. 0. Charleston. Bates, Henry, far.; P. O. Charleston. Beavers, Wm., Jr.. far.; P. O. Hutton. Bell, Henry, fax.; P. O. Hutton. Black, David, far.; P. O. Diona. Bell, John, far. ; P. O. Hutton. Bell, John A., far. ; P. O. Hutton. Baker, Andrew, far. ; P. O. Hutton. Bales, Richard, far. ; P. 0. Diona. Bishop, M. E., far. ; P. O. Westfleld. Bishop, George, far. ; P. O. Westfleld. Bills, S. S., far.; P. O. Diona. Butler, A. C, Dr.. far. ; P. O. Diona. Brady, Thomas, far. ; P. O. Diona. Bensley, Allen, far.; P. O. Diona. Brewer, Bryant, far.; P. O. Hutton. Branderburg, C. P., far. ; P. O. Hutton. Bell, James G., far. ; P. O. Hutton. Branderburg, W. F., f ai'. ; P. O. Hutton. Branderburg, Ford, far.; P. O. Hutton. Bruce, Franklin, far.; P. O. Hutton. Bryant, Aaron, farmer. Beavers, Wm., far.; P. O. Hutton. Bennett, Elias, far. ; P. O. Diona. Brandenburg, Jason, far.; P. O. Diona. Blythe, P. M. Berkley, Wm. H., far.; P. O. Westfleld. Berkley, J. B., far.; P. O. Westfleld. Burt, J. G , far.; P. O. Diona. Bennett, Henry, far.; P. O. Diona. Bennett, Hiram, far. ; P. O. Diona. Brandenburg, James, far.; P. O. Diona. Buchannan, John, far. ; P. O. Hutton. Conley, Moses, far. ; P. O. Westfleld. Connely, E. R., far.; P. O. Westfleld. Connoliey, Samuel, far. ; P. O. Hutton. Cox, S., far. ; P. O. Hutton. Connoliey, Emorv, far. ; P. O. Westfleld. Connoliey, Geo. W., far. ; P. O. Westfleld. Connoliey, W. R., far.; P. O, Westfleld. Connely,' J. W., far.; P. O. Westfleld. Cottinghain, F. E., far. ; P. O. Hutton. Cooper, Larkin, far. ; P. O. Chaileston. Cook, John, far.; P. O. Charleston. Cook, H. B., far. ; P. O. Charleston. Cox, Henry, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Cooper, Jeremiah C., far. ; P. O. Hutton. Cox, Jas. A., far. ; P. O. Westfleld. Cottingham, J. S., far. ; P. O. Diona. Cartwright, E., far. ; P. O. Hutton. Cox, W. R. far. ; P. O. Hutton. Connoliey, Jas., far.; P. O. Charleston. Connoliey, E. P., far.; P. O. Westfleld. Cox, Abel, farmer. Cottingham, L. C, far.; P. O. Hutton. Cooper, John, far. ; P. O. Hutton. Connoliey, Wm., far. ; P. O. Westfleld. Cox Adam, far. ; P. O. Westfleld. Connoliey, E. R., far.; P. O. Westfleld. Connoliey, F. G., far. ; P. O. Westfleld. Crosby, M. A., far. ; P. O. Diona. Decker, Wm., far. ; P. O. Diona. Decker, R., far. ; P. O. Diona. Davis, S. P., far. ; P. O. Hutton. Dallas, John W., far. ; P. O. Westfleld. Dallas, Jas. R., far. ; P. O. Westfleld. Dallas, Geo. H., far. ; P. O. AVestfleld. Davis, C. P., far. ; P. 0. Hutton. Deverick, Thos. E., far.; P. O. Hutton. Davis, Riley, far. ; P. O. Westfleld. Davee, Z. L., far.; P. O. Hutton. Davis, Roswell, far. ; P. O. Casey. Dodds, Wm., far. : P. O. Hutton. Davis, J. W., far. ; P. O. Westfleld. Duvan, O. H., far. ; P. O. Hutton. Davis, Wm., far.; P. O. Hutton. Decker, John, far. ; P. O. Diona. Dallas, Thomas, far. ; P. O. Westfleld. Devrick, Jason R., far. ; P. O. Hutton. Deverick, Jas., far.; P. O. Hutton. Evinger, David, far. ; P. O. Westfleld 676 TAX-PAYERS OF COLES COUNTY I Eviuger, AV. H., far.; P.O. Westfield. Easton, E., far.; P. O. Charleston. Edmaii, R., far.; P. O. Huttfin. Eaton, Jesse, far.; P. O. Diona. Erwin, Win. li.., far. ; P. O. Diona. Edman, Thomas, far. ; P. O. Ilutton. Edman, lleddick, far.; P. O. Hiitton. Endsley, Andrew, far.; P. O. Hutton. Edwards, Jabes, far. ; P. O. Diona. Easton, Daniel, far. ; P. O. Diona. Etherington, W. H., farmer. Easton, M. O., far.; P. O. Diona: Edwards, Monroe, far. ; P. 0. Charleston. Endsley, T. L., merchant, Hutton. Easton, John ,S.. far.; P. O. Hutton. Franklin, John, Dr., Diona. French, Samuel, blacksmith and wagon- maker, Hutton. French, A. A., blacksmith and wagon- maker, Hutton. Flenner, J. B., far.; P. (). Westtield. Ford, Wm., far.; P. O. Hutton. Fogler, D. E.,far.; P. O. Westfield. Freeman, Joseph, far. ; P. O. Westfield. Fitzpatrick, ]Sr., far. ; P. O. Charleston. Fletcher, Thomas, far.; P. O. Hutton. Goldman, L. Gossett, Andrew, far.; P. O. Hutton. Goble, D. II., far.; P. O. Westfield. Garrison, Bartleima, far. ; P. O. Hutton. Gwinn, Charles H., far. : P. O. Charleston. Goble, Irvin, far.; P. O. Hutton. Goble, Wm., far.; P. O. Westfield. Goble, Lewis, far.; P. O. Westfield. Goble, B. F., far.; P. O. Westfield, Gwinn, John, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Goodman, G. W., far.; P. O. Charleston. Goodman, Thomas, far.; P. O. Westfield. Gibson, Wm. J., far. ; P. O. Charleston. (Jrant, John, far.; P. O. Charleston. Gossett, John, far.; P. O. Charleston. Giffin, Elizabeth, far.; P. O. Hutton. Gossett, Luke, far.; P. O. Charleston. Gossett, Wm., far. ; P. O. Hutton. Gilbert, Ezekiel, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Gilbert, E. H., far.; P. 0. Charleston. (irwinn, R. A., far. ; P. O. Charleston. Gwinn, J. W., far. ; P. O Charleston. Garner, J. S.. physician, Hutton. Gilbert, E. Jr., far.; P. O. Charleston. Goble, G. B., Charleston. (xoble, Josej)!), far.; P. O. Westfield. Green, Wm. 8. Grant, John B., far.; P. O. Hutton. Handley, John, Diona. Horseley, John, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Haddock, N., far.; P. O. Diona. Hamlin, Norman, far.; P. O. Hutton. Hutton, Joliii, far.; P. O. Diona. Hutton, A., far.; P. O. Diona. Haddock, R., far. ; P. O. Diona. Handle)^ J. J., far. ; P. O. Diona. Horseley, Wm., far. ; P. O. Charleston. Hall, Michael, far.; P. O. Charleston. Hall, Stephen, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Handley, Jos., Sr., far. ; P. O. Diona. Hall, Nancy, farmer. Hutton, Alfred, far.; P. O. Diona. Ingram, John, far.; P. O. Charleston Ingram, Thomas, far.; P. O. Hutton Ingram, A., far.; P. O. Charleston. Ingram, Jas., far. ; P. O. Hutton. Jenkins, Jas., far.; P. O. Diona. Johns, J. II., far. ; P. O. Charle.ston Johns, E. R., farmer. Johns, Franklin, far.; P. O. Ilutton. Johns, Seton, far.; P. O. Charleston. Johnslow, W. B., farmer. Johns, Ge(jrge A., far. ; P. O. Charleston. Jenkins, John, Hutton. Jenkins, B. M., dead. Johns, Joshua, far.; P. O. Charleston Jenkins, B. F., far. ; P. O. Hutton. Kelley, Wm., far.; P. O. Charleston. Kackley, H. A., farmer. Kiser, Wm., far. ; P. O. Charleston. Kite, John, far. : P. O. Westfield. Kellv, Thomas, far.; P. O. Charleston Kackley, J. W., far. ; P. O. Diona. Kackley, Pierce, far. ; P. O. Diona. Kites, Jas., far. ; P. 0. Westfield. Lee, John B., far. ; P. O. Hutton. Lenau, Wm. L., far.; P. O. Westfield Lee, Owen, far. ; P. O. Westfield. Levee, Wm. T. I^eitch, Jos. A., far. ; P. O. Charleston. Levee, Thomas. Letner, Lewis, far. ;'P. O. Charleston. Law, John, far.; P. O. Hutton. Law, Harbit, fai-. ; P. O. AVestfield. Lanaberry, J. W., far. ; P. O. Diona. Lawver, J. W., far. ; P. O. Diona. Lennox, J. D., far. ; P. O. Casey. Landers, Myron, far.; P. O. Hutton. Lawyer, C. H., far.; P. O. Diona. Lemming, N., far. ; P. O. Diona. McMorris, S. L.. far. ; P. O. Diona. McMorris, Joseph, far. ; P. O. Diona. McKinzie, Jas., far. : P. O. Charleston, McMorris, 1. N., far.; P. O. Diona. McMorris. B. F., far. ; P. O. Diona. McGahan, Alexander, far.; P. 0. Hut- ton. McMorris, B., far. ; P. O. Hutton. Mullen, John, far.; P. O. Hutton. Martin. David, far.; P. O. Diona. Martin, G. F., far.; P. O. Diona. Martin, G. W., far. ; P. O. Diona. Martin, George, far. ; P. O. Diona. Moore, Levi, far. ; P. 0. Diona. Miller. B. B., far.; P. O. Diona. Martin, C R., far. ; P. 0. Diona. Moore, A. C, far. ; P. O. Hutton. Morgan, Jas. Moore, W. L. Mullen, Frances. Mahoney, L. F., far.; P. O. Charleston. Murphy; J. IT., far. ; P. O. Charleston. Melton, Wm., far.; P. O. Charleston. Merritt. Wm., far. ; P. O. Charleston. Moore, John, far. ; P. O. Diona. Neal, A. D., far. ; P. O. Diona. Newell, Thomas, far.; P. O. Charleston. Neal, Martin, far.; P. O. Diona. Osborn, J. F., far.; P. O. Hutton. Parker, Sarah A. ; P. O. Westfield. EAST OAKLAND TOWNSHIP. 677 Parker, J. A., far.; P. O. Westfield. Parker, D. A., far. ; P. O. Westfield. Parker, Jepther. Piper, W. F., far. ; P. O. Westfield. Penley, J. W. Piper, J. O., far. ; P. O. Westfield. Parker, John A., far. ; P. O. Westfield. Parker, Nathaniel, far. ; P. O. Westfield. Eogers, Hiram. Runnels, Martin, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Rogers. S. S. Rosencrantz, C P., far. ; P. O. Hutton. Rennels, Edmund, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Rennels, John P., far. ; P. O. Charleston. Rhodes, Wm. R., far.; P. O. Hutton. Roden, W. R., far. ; P. O. Charleston. Rennels, Jas., far. ; P. O. Charleston. Rennels, Henry, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Rennels, Jas., Jr., far. ; P. O. Charleston. Rennels, Wm. R.. far.; P. O. Charleston. Rennels, Riley, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Rennels, Newton, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Riggins, Lafyette, far. ; P. O. Hutton. Rennels, Jonn, far. ; P. 0. Charleston. Richardson, John, far.; P. 0. Westfield. Rennels, J. H., far. ; P. 0. Charleston. Rennels, Wm., far.; P. O. Charleston. Riggins, R. S., far.; P. O. Hutton. Rennels, Marion, far.; P. O. Charleston. Rennels, Joel J., far. ; P. O. Charleston. Robinson, J. W., far.; P. O. Charleston. Smith, G. W., far. ; P. O. Westfield. Scott, Zach., far.; P. 0. Charleston. Scott, J.PM., far. ; P. O. Charleston. Smoot, Jas., far. ; P. O. Westfield. Smith, J. W., far.; P. O. Charleston. Steelesman, E., far.; P. O. Charleston. Stansberrv, C, far. ; P. O. Diona. Stewart, J. W., far. ; P. O. Westfield. Smith, J. G., farmer. Stewart, J. H., far. ; P'. O. Westfield. Stewart, Wm. A., far. ; P. O. Westfield. Short, H., far.; P. O. Hutton. Stewart, John, far. ; P. O. Westfield. Sargent, John S., far. ; I*. 0. Hutton. Sargent. Nancy, far. : P. (). Hutton Strader, John. Sanders, Jas., far.; P. O. Charleston. Shafer, J. W., far.; P. O. Charleston. Spitter, John, far.; P. O. Charleston. Swisher, Lockard. fni". ; P. O. Charleston. Sublett, W. H., far.; P. 0. Charleston. Smith, Thomas N., far.; P. O. Charles- ton. Shafer, Alexander, far. ; P. O. Charleston. i Smith, G. W., Jr., far.; P. O. Westfield. I Troxal, Edmund, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Thompson, F., far.; P. 0. Hutton. Tippy, Levi, far. ; P. 0. Charleston. Tippy, Wm., far.; P. O. Charleston. Tippy, Albert, far. : P. O. Charleston. Tucker, A. B., far. ; P. O. Hutton. Turner, Thomas. Thornton, T. J., far. ; P. O. Hutton. Tippey. .John, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Troxal, John, far. ; P. ( ). Westfield. Timmons, L. A., far. ; P. O. Westfield. Weaver, David, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Waltrip, J. W., far. ; P. O. Charleston. Walker, Jackson, far. ; P. O. Charleston, Waltrip, Martha, far. ; P. O. Westfield. Walker, Ransom, far. ; P. O. Hutton. Wilson, George, far. ; P. O. Diona. Wilson, Wm. J., far.; P. O. Diona. Wiley, R., far.; P. O. Charleston. White, Silas, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Waltrip, Mary, farmer. Waltrip, John, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Walker, W. G., far. ; P. O. Hutton. Williams, John. far. ; P. O. Charleston. Weaver, Nathaniel, farmer. Walker, A. M., far. ; P. O. Hutton. Wilcox, S. S., far.; P. O. Charleston. White, Isaac, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Ward, A. J. Weber, F. C., far.; P. O. Westfield. Williams, W. H., far.; P. O. Westfield. Walker, J. R., far. ; P. O. Hutton. Walker, J. G., far. ; P. O. Hutton. Williams, Wm., far.; P. O. Charleston. Wells, Charles M., far. ; P. O. Westfield. Wells, R. O., far. ; P. O. Westfield. EAST OAKLAND TOWNSHIP. Ashmore, J. H., far.; P. O. Oakland. Ashmore, J. F., far. ; P. O. Oakland. Ashmore, J. W., far. ; P. O. Oakland. Ashmore, Martha J., far.; P. O. Oakland. Ashmore, G. J., far. ; P. O. Oakland. Ashmore, G. W., far.; P. O. Oakland. Ashmore, H. J., far. ; P. O. Oakland. Ashmore, S. H., far. ; P. O. Kansas. Ammerman, W. H., far. ; P. O. Oakland. Ammerman, W. M., sewing machines; P. O. Oakland. Annin, S. T., far. ; P. O. Oakland. Annin, \^. ^Y., far. : P. O. Oakland. Annin, M. W., far. ; P. O. Oakland. Allen, W. Z., far. ; P. O. Oakland. Allen, S. W., far.; P. O. Oakland. Applegate, Lucinda, far.; P. O. Oakland. Anderson, Allie M. ; P. O. Oakland. Black, J. S., far.; P. O. Oakland. Barwell, John, ret. farmer; P. O. Oakland. Barwell, Wm., far. ; P. O. Oakland. BroAvn, J. H., far. ; P. O. Oakland. Brown, W. F., far. ; P. O. Oakland. Brown, J. A., far.; P. O. Oakland. Brown, W. W., sad. and harness, Oak- land. Brown, W., wagon-maker; P.O. Oakland. Black, S. W., dead ; P. O. Oakland. Black, Joseph, far. ; P. O. Oakland. Black, W. J., butcher, Oakland. 678 TAX PAYERS OF COLES COUNTY: Black, Margaret Mrs.; P. O. Oakland. Busbey, W. J.., far.; P. O. Oakland. Busbey, J. H.. merchant, Oakland. Busbey, AV. D., sad. and harness, Oak- land. Butcher, I. M., far. ; P. O. Oakland. Braking, Ezekiel, boot and shoe, Oak- land. Brading, Jasper, far. ; P. O. Oakland. Bell, Catherine, far. ; P. O. Oakland. Brodie, Vigina Mrs. ; P. O. Oakland. Buckler, W. B., far. ; P. O. Oakland. Bradford, J. P., far.; P. O. Oakland. Buckler, John, far. ; P. O. Oakland. Burton, J. A., far.; P. O. Oakland. Bales, John, tar. ; P. O. Oakland. Bales, James, dead. Bland, S. T., physician ; P. O. Oakland. Beasley, Henry, far. ; P. O. Oakland. Brannon, J. H., far. ; P. O. Oakland. Barbour, W. R., far. ; P. O. Oakland. Blevins, J. G., far. ; P. O. Oakland. Blevins, I. H., far. ; P. O. Kansas. Bratton, Charles, far. ; P. O. Kansas. Bandy, Ann Brothers, G. W. Bailey, David, laborer, Oakland. Bowman, W. M., carpenter, Oakland. Bolan, Charles, laborer. Oakland. Ball, John, far. ; P. O. Oakland. Burns, Robert, far. ; P. O. Oakland. Blair, Ruth Miss; P. O. Oakland. Curtis, Pheliander, dead ; P. 0. Oakland. Curtis, Charles, far. ; P. O. Oakland. Campbell, I. P., far.; P. O- Oakland. Campbell, J. P., preacher and editor, Oakland. Campbell, David, far. ; P. O. Kansas. Combs, W. v., far.; P. O. Oakland. Combs, Jos., far. ; P. O. Oakland. Collins. Win., far. ; P. O. Oakland. Collins, D. W., far. ; P. O. Oakland. Crawford, Louisa ; P. O. Oakland. Crawford, John G., farmer and stock. ; P. O. Oakland. Coffin, T. S., merchant, Oakland. Coffin, W. H., agricultural dealer, Oak- land. Clark, R. B., groceries and hardware, Oakland. Clark, O. M., clerk, Oakland. Cook, Reuben, far. ; P. O. Isabel. Cash, L. S., merchant and Pres. bank, Oakland. Cash, Adeline, merchant, Oakland. Cash, S. M., dead. Conaghan, Ed., groceries and notions, Oakland. Cox, Jacob, moved. Clapp, Malinda H.. far., P. O. Oakland. Carrol, Mary, far. ; P. O. Oakland. Cusick, J. M., far. ; P. O. Oakland. Cambridge, S. A., far.; P. O. Oakland. Carrico, Isaac Cole, Richard, far.; P. O. Oakland. Canaday, Wm., far. ; P. O. Oakland. Coley, R. L, far.; P. O. Oakland. Clinard, Philips, far. ; P. O. Oakland. Chapman, A. N., grocer, Oakland. Clement, Cliarles, butcher, Oakland. Conner, N. Mrs., trader, Oakland. Comstock, George, far. ; P. 0. Oakland. Carter, L. D., stock-dealer, Oakland. Carnes, Abel, far. ; P. O. OakUnid. Dougherty, Andy, far. ; P. O. Oakland. Dollar, John, far. ; P. O. Oakland. Dix, O. dead. Deross, I. A., left. Dennis, Jesse, far.; P. O. Oakland. Duglas, Clara. Dean, Abram, far. ; P. O. Oakland. Donavan, Thomas, far.; P. O. Oakland. Duncan, T. H.. merchant, Oakland. Duer, I^. R., teacher, Oakland. Dunseth, A. A., carpenter, Oakland. Daugherty, Hugh, far. ; P. O. Oakland. Daugherty, John, far., P. O. Oakland. Edson, James, lumber; Oakland. Eckard, W. S., moved. Eckard, R. C, laborer, Oakland. Eads, John, far. ; P. O. Oakland. Eishel, J. G., carpenter, Oakland. Foltz, A. 1., far., P. O. Oakland. Fenneghan, Ed., far.; P. O. Oakland. Pry, Caleb, laborer, Oakland. Flenner, A. D., far.; P. O. Oakland. Fisher, Solomon, far. ; P. O. Oakland. Frederic, H. A., hotel, Oakland. Forsyth, Robert, merchant, Oakland. Gillette, .Teptha, ret. ; P. O. Oakland. Gobert, Peter, far. ; P. O. Oakland. Gomell, John, ret. ; P, O. Oakland. Ghilkeson. Wm., laborer, Oakland. Grace, John, far. ; P. O., Oakland. Gear, George, far. ; P. O. Kansas. Gilbert, Samuel, boots and shoes, Oak- land. Gilbert, M. W., far.; P. O. Oakland. Gline, John, far. ; P. O. Oakland. Hackett, M. F., ret. ; P. O. Oakland. Hackett, G. F.. far. ; P. O. Oakland. Hackett, S. A. Mrs. ; P. O. Oakland. Hudson, L. M., far. ; P. O. Oakland. Hudson, John. far. ; P. O. Oakland. House, M. S., far. ; P. O. Oakland. Hall, Thomas R., far.; P. O. Oakland. Hunter, Jesse, boots and shoes, Oak- land. Hodge, Thomas; P. O. Oakland. Harmon, Samuel, far.; P. O. Oakland. Hamilton, I. G., far. ; P. O. Oakland. Holiday, George. Hite, Jane Mrs., far. ; P. O. Oakland. Hite, Thomas, far.; P. O. Oakland. Hite, Hamilton, far. ; P. O. Oakland. Hite, Hiram, Jr., far. ; P. O. Oakland. Hite, Hiram, Sr., far.; P. O. Oakland. Howell, I. AV., laborer, Oakland. Holding, R. S., drugs, Oakland. Hunt, Wm.. far. ; P. O. Oakland. Hunt, J., mill, Oakland. Hunt & Co., mill, Oakland. Hanners, W. R.. far. ; P. O. Oakland. Hanners, R. D., far. ; P. O. Oakland, Hanners, P. O., far.; P. O. Oakland. Hickev, W. O., far. ; P. O. Oakland. EAST OAKLAND TOWNSHIP. 679 Hickey, George, far. ; P. O. Oakland. Hickey, John, far.; P. O. Oakland. Harris, J. M., moved. Henderson, J . M., painter, Oakland. Henderson, Wm., blacksmith, Oakland. Hollis, E. W., laborer, Oakland. Hendrix, Solomon, retired ; P. O. Oakland. Hendrix, Charles, retired ; P. O. Oakland. Jones, Elisha, far. ; P. O. Oakland. Jones, Abigal, Mrs. hotel, Oakland. James, Firman, far. ; P. O. Oakland. James, C G., laborer, Oakland. Joy, S. S., merchant, Oakland. Jennings, Thomas, far. ; P. O. Oakland. Jacobs, C. M., clerk, Oakland. Kurtz, George, teller in bank, Oakland. Kurtz, M. A. Mrs., milliner, Oakland. Kurtz, H. C, ex. agent. Oakland. Kearns, Silas, far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Kenney. Sarah C, far. ; P. O. Oakland. Keys, Lewis, merchant, Oakland. Ketchum, E. H., cooper, Oakland. Kite Brothers, farmers; P. O. Oakland. Kurtz, E. A., carpenter, Oakland. Kurtz, P. M. Mrs. ; P. O. Oakland. J.,auher, J. P., far. ; P. O. Oakland. Lauher, 1. K., far.; P. O. Oakland. ].iongnecker, Samuel, insurance agent, Oakland. Longnecker, I. L., far. ; P. O- Oakland. Jxtngnecker, P. .T, far. ; P. O. Oakland. Lamb, Martha A., far.; P. O. Oakland. Lamb, Edward, far. ; P. O. Oakland. Lamb, John, far.; P. O. Oakland. Luce, Moses, far. ; P. O. Oakland. Luce, M. H., far.; P. O.Oakland. Larrimer, R. F., merchant, Oakland. Larrimer & Co., merchants, Oakland. Lawson, J. R., bj.mber; Oakland. Lyons, Peter, far. ; P. O. Oakland. J^ansdown. J. I., far. P. O. Oakland. Lovell, George, far. ; P. O. Oakland. Land, Wm.. far. ; P. O. Oakland. Liston, J. E., saddles and harness, Oak- land. Lacey, Wm. C., M. E. minister, Oakland. Mitchell, D. W., retired, Oakland, Mitchell, Sarah C, dead, Oakland. Mitchell, W. T. Mitchell, G. W., far. ; P. O. Oakland. Mitchell, J. A., far. ; P. O. Oakland. Moseley, Robert, moved ; Oakland. Miller. J. D., far.; P. O. Oakland. Miller, J. J., far. ; P. O. Oakland. Milburn, Ewing, far. ; P. O. Oakland. Mock, T. J., far. ; P. O. Oakland. Montgomery, Jane, far. ; P. O. Oakland. Muhnix, Noah, far. ; P. O. Oakland. Miller, David, far. ; P. O. Oakland. Minor, G., far. ; P. O. Oakland. Martin, David, far. ; P. O- Oakland. Moore, C, & Sons, druggists, Oakland. Moody, John, far.; P. O. Oakland. Moody, Bryant, far. : P. O. Oakland. Moody, E.M., blacksmith, Oakland. McGeary, J., insurance agent, Oakland. McClelland, C J., merchant, Oakland. McClelland, T. J., clerk. Oakland. McCall, T. J., moved; Oakland. McCormac, I. T., far. ; P. O. Oakland. McConkey, G. W., far. ; P. O. Oakland. McGragor, G., far. ; P. O. Oakland. Mclntire, I. O., far. ; P. O. Oakland. Nichols, J., miller, Oakland. Newman, Wm., far.; P. 0. Oakland. Patton, R. M., far. ; P. O. Oakland. Patton, J. H., far.; P. O. Oakland. Patterson, Mary M., far.; P. O. Oakland. Patterson, T. R., far.; P. O. Oakland. Parker, I. F., far. ; P. O. Oakland. Parker, Rebecca, far. ; P. O. Oakland. Pemberton, H. A., far. ; P. O. Oakland. Pemberton, C. D., laborer, Oakland. Pemberton, J. J., Justice of the Peace, Oakland. Pleasant, I. F., laborer ; Oakland. Pratt, J. J., moved; Oakland. Poulson, Benjamin, far. ; P. O. Oakland. Powers, D. B., far. ; P. O. Oakland. Parker, Hannah. Pepper, D. H., far. ; P. O. Oakland. Parrish, G., far. ; P. O. Oakland. Pierson, James, far.; P. O. Oakland. Payne, S. K., boarding-house, Oakland. Peake, W. J., physician, Oakland. Poor. W., far. ; P. O. Oakland. Rutherford, H., physician, Oakland. Rutherford, John, Cashier bank, Oak- land. Reel, S. A., physician and far., Oakland. Reel, J. F., far. ; P. O. Oakland. Reeder, J. S., drayman, Oakland. Ramsey, James, far. ; P. O. Oakland. Ramsey, W. T., far. ; P. O. Oakland. Ramsey, J. F., far; P O. Oakland. Roberts, Thomas, far. ; P O. Oakland. Roberts, J. H., far. ; P. O. Oakland. Roberts, Elizabeth, far. ; P. O. Oakland. Roberts, J. D., far. ; P. O. Oakland. Roberts, W. H., far. ; P. O. Kansas. Roberts, S. W., far. ; P. O. Oakland. Reed, B. H., far. ; P. O. Oakland. Reed, R. D., painter, Oakland. Reeds, J. W., far. ; P. O. Oakland. Rohn, Francis, moved. Richie, H. P., wagon-maker, Oakland. Redden, G., far. ; P. O. Oakland. Ruth, Samuel, far. ; P. O. Oakland. Roland, Nathaniel, far. ;P. O. Oakland. Riley, John, laborer, Oakland. Rice, D. A., ex-R. R. agent, Oakland. Redmon, W. G., barber, Oakland. Rader, Mary, far. ; P. O. Kansas. Reese, J. W., far. ; P. O. Oakland. Swinford, W. H.. far.; P. O. Oakland. Swinford, E. N.,far.; P. O. Oakland. Swinford, C T., far.; P. O. Oakland. Swinford, G. H., far. ; P. O. Oakland. Swinford, W. C, far. ; P. O. Oakland. Swinford, John, far.; P. O. Oakland. Swinford, J. W., far.; P. O. Oakland. Swinford, G. R., far. ; P. O. Oakland. Swinford, Henry, far. ; P. O. Oakland. Swinford, E. S., far.; P. O. Oakland. Swinford, F. M.. far. ; P. O. Oakland. Swinford, S. C, far. ; P. O. Oakland. 680 TAX-PAYERS OF COLES COUNTY: Swinford, A. L., far.; P. O. Oakland. Swinford, M. S., far. ; P. O. Oakland. Swinford, J. T., far. ; P. O. Oakland. Swinford, J. M., far.; P. 0. Oakland. Sutton, A. J. L. C, dead. Sutton. W. M.. far.; P. O. Oakland. Seals, Eran, far. ; P. O. Oakland. Seals, Wm., far. ; P. O. Oakland. Shields, W. J., far. ; P. O. Oakland. Shields. W. C, far., P. O. Oakland. Stumj). J.K., far.; P. O. Oakland. Stuinp, Jane, far. ; P. O. Oakland. Smith, Marv E., far.; P. O. Oakland. Smith, W. 6., far. ; P. O. Oakland. Sublet, John, far. ; P. O. Oakland. Sublet, James, far.; P. O. Oakland. Smith, N. P., bookseller; Oakland. Smith. Jacob, far. ; P. O. Oakland. Smith, B. F. ; P. O. Oakland. Stokes, James, far. ; P. O. Oakland. Stokes, J. ^y., far.; P. 0. Oakland. Sargent, Elizabeth, far. ; P. O. Oakland. Schrierer, Rodolph, far. ; P. O. Oakland. Skelton, Chailes, far. ; P. O. Oakland. Slater, J. G., far.; P. O. Oakland. Seilhymer, J., book agent, Oakland. Tibbs, J. E., pliotographer, Oakland. Thornton, L. C, Postmaster, Oakland. Titus, J. A., far. ; P. O. Oakland. Titus, Jeremiah, far. ; P. 0. Oakland. Titus, Jonas, far. ; P. O. Oakland. Taylor, Wm., far.; P. O. Oakland. Turner, J. W., physician, Oakland. Temples, Wm., fiir. ; P. O. Oakland. Tinsley, Sarah C, far. ; P. 0. Oakland. Yandeventer, A. L., far. ; P. O. Oakland. Vandeventer, James, moved ; Oakland. Vandeventer, Mary A., far.; P. O. Oak- land. Vandeventer, Wm., far.; P. O. Oakland. Vandeventer, T., far. ; P. O. Oakland. Valodin, M. B., farmer and stock-dealer, Oakland. Varner, Peter, far. ; P. O. Oakland. Valandengham, L., far. ; P. O. Oakland. Welsh, R. J., bricklayer, Oakland. Welsh, John, far.; P. O. Oakland. Williamson, J. H., moved. White, E. W., far. ; P. O. Oakland. Williams, B. P., moved. Williams, M. R., Constable, Oakland. Williams, H, D., merchant, Oakland. Winkler, J. H., lawyer, Oakland. Winkler, David, blacksmith, Oakland. Winkler & Moody, blacksmiths, Oakland. Wright, J. A., far.; P. O. Oakland. Warriner, J. C, moved. Whalen, Pat, far. ; P. 0. Oakland. Warden. E. H., painter, Oakland. Wells, Townson, painter, Oakland. Woolley, A. J. Wass, George, far. ; P. O. Oakland. Widdermooth, Geo., far. ; P. O. Oakland. Yaniwine, Jacob A., far.; P. O. Kansas. Yaniwine, John P., far. ; P. O. Kansas. Young, Alex., moved. Young, Thos., M., far. ; P. O. Oakland. Yoong, Robert, far., P. O. Oakland. York, N. L., far.; P. 0. Oakland. Yeargin. J. S., editor Ledger, Oakland. Zimmerman, W. B., far. ; P. O. Oakland. Zimmerman, J. B., far. ; P. O. Ashmox'e. Zailey, Samuel, miller, Oakland. MORGAN TOWNSHIP. Adkins, R. T., far. ; P. O. Charleston. Annins, John, far.; P. O- Oakland. Archer, E. J., far.; P. O. Charleston. Alman, Arthur, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Baker, James, far.; P. O. Cliarleston. Broadfield, Jonas, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Bush, J., far. ; P. O. Charleston. Bush. r>. far.; P. O. Charleston. Busbey. J. 1 1., far.; P. O. Oakland. Beaslev, John, far.; P. O. Oakland. Beasley, G. W., far.; P. O. Oakland. Bryant, Wm., fai-.; P. O. Charleston. Bryant, Elisha, far.; P. O. Charleston. Bryant, Ely, far. ; P. O. Cliarleston. Bowers, O. C, far.; P. O. Cliarleston. Brown, W. V., far.; P. O. Oakland. Collins, Sarah, far.; P. O. Oakland. Clapp, Emanuel, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Carter, Joseph, far.; P. O. Hardin. Carter, T. B., far.; P. O. Raidin. Carter, W. J., far. ; P. O. Rardin. Curtis. Ira, far.; P. O. Ilinnsboro. Curtis, S. N., far.; P. O. Oakland. Curtis, D. W., far.; P. O. Oakland. Clark, Joseph, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Clark, (xeorge, far. ; P. O. Rardin. Clark, C W., far.; P. O. Rardin. Clark, A. J. far, ; P. O. Rardin. Clark, A. D., far. ; P. 0. Rardin. Crispin, Thomas, far. ; P. O. Rardin. Craig, J. W., far.; P. O. Charleston. Craig, Lafayette, far. ; P.O. Charleston. Combs, T. J., far. : P. O. Rardin. Combs, W. H., far.; P. O. Hinesl)oro. Crist, W. J., far.; P. O. Charleston. Collins, Marv, far. ; P. 0. Rardin. Carnev, D. H., far. ; P. 0. Charleston. Chambers, Henry, far.; P. O. Charleston. Collins, Aivron, far. ; P. O. Oakland. Cobble, P. II., far. ; P. O. Charleston. Clapp, Michael, far. ; P. O. Oakland. Collins, J. J., far.; P. O- Charleston. Craig, 1. N., far.; P. O. Charleston. Clair, M. E., far. : P. O. Charleston. Daugherty, Prank, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Daugherty, Wesley, far. ; P. O. Charles- ton. Daugherty, John, far.; P. O. Charleston. EAST OAKLAND TOWNSHIP. 681 "Daugherty. J. B., far. ; P. 0. Charleston. Daugherty, B. F., far.; P. O. Charleston. Davis, Narcissa, far. ; P.O. Charleston. Done, Elizabeth, far.; P. O. Oakland. Ersan, C. P., far. ; P. O. Charleston. Plorer, Shep., far.; P. O. Oakland. Pleetwood, Geo., far. ; P. O. Ashniore. Fleetwood, John, far. ; P.O. Ashmore. Ferree, John, far.; P. O. Charleston. Ferguson, M. L., far.; P. O. Oakland. Fleener, W. J., far.; P. O. Charleston. Fleetwood, X., far. ; P. O. Ashmore. •Galbreath. Aris, far.; P. O. Charleston. Galbreath, John, far. ; P. O. Hardin. Galbreath, W. li., far. ; P. O. Oakland. Gilbert, Elizabeth, far.; P. O. Pardin. Gilbert, L. M.. far.; P. O. Rardin. Golliday, Henry, fai-. ; P. O. Rardin. Galiton, Solomon, far. ; P. O. Oakland. Gerard, Jackson ; P. O. Hinesboro. Gerard, Eli, far. ; P. O. Hinesboro. Green, I. E., far. ; P. O. Oakland. Hudson, Jesse, far.; P. O. Charleston. Hill, James, far. ; P. O. Rardin. Hancock, T. C, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Honsel, Francis, far.; P. 0. Oakland. Johnson, W. H., far. ; P. (). Charleston. Johnson, S. W., far.; P. O. Hinesboro. Johnson, Edward, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Johnson, G. E., far. ; P. O. Rardin. Johnson, T. P., far.; P. O. Charleston. Jones, J. B. far. ; P. O. Rardin. Jarvis, Maria, far. : P. O. Rardin. Kirki>atric, John, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Kin, ,Tohn, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Krier, Henry, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Long, J. M., far. ; P. O. Rardin. Lispcomb, Wm., far. ; P. O. Rardin. Lee, Bruce, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Lipscomb, John, far.; P. O. Rardin. Lanmon, John, far. ; P. O. Rardin. Lipincott, James, far. ; P. O- Hinesboro. Lipincott, George, far. ; P. O. Hinesboro. Larimee, W. H. far. ; P. O. Charleston. Morgan, Melvin, far.; P. O. Oakland. Morgan, Wm., far. ; P. O. Rardin. Morgan, James, far. ; P. O. Oakland. Morgan, Robert, far. ; P. O. Oakland. Morgan, H. J., far.; P. O. Oakland. Morgan, J^enard, far. ; P. O. Oakland. Montgomery, G. W. liev. ; P. O. Oakland. Myers, Janies. Markley, Z. P., far,; P. O. Oakland. Markley, Jesse, far.; P. O. Oakland. Moody, David, far.; P.O. Rardin. Montgomery, J. T. Dr. ; P O. Charleston. Micheal, Jasper, far. ; P. O. Rardin. McGragor. Will, far.; P. O. Cliarleston. McGragor, John. fai-. ; P. O. Charleston. McGahey, Dunlap, far.; P. O. Oakland. McKina, John, far.; P. O. Rardin. McAlister, D. R., far. ; P. O. Oakland. McLain, W. C, far. ; P. O. Charleston. ^Tock, John, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Xesbit. G. L., far.; P. O. Oakland. Oliver, G. M., far. ; P. 0. Charleston. O'Hair, M. E., far.; P. O. Charleston. O'Dell, F. M., far.: P. O. Oakland. Peterson, Albert, far. ; P. O. Rardin. Peterson, Charley, far.; P. O. Rardin. Palmer, Joseph, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Palmer, M. E., far. ; P. O. Charleston. Piifer, George, far.; P. O. Rardin. Parker, F. M.. far. ; P. O. Rardin. Parker, J. C., far.; P. O. Rardin. P. O. Rardin. P. O. Rardin. P. 0. Rardin. ; P. O. Rardin. P. O. Rardin. P. O. Charleston. P. O. Charleston. P. O. Chiirleston. Rardin. J. L.. far. Rardin, J. H., far. ; Rardin, B. F., far. : Rardin, David, far. Rardin, Sam, far. Roberts, Isaac, far. Roberts, W D., far.; Roberts, A. D.. far. Roberts, I. M., far.; P. O. Charleston. Roberts, Alfred, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Rankins, John, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Rogers, N. E., far. ; P O. Rardin. Runals, W. H., far.; P. O. Oakland. Russel, H., far. ; P. O. Oakland. Rhoden, J. D., far. ; P. O. Charleston. Rhoden, Jim, far. ; P. O. Rardin. Rouse, W. F., far. ; P. O. Rardin. Robinson, Fred, far.; P. O. Charleston. Sailer, J. G., far. ; P. O. Rardin. Swinford, S. J., far. ; P. O. Cliarleston. Smith, J. R., far. ; P. O. Charleston. Sain, I. W., far. ; P. O. Charleston. Stits, N. S.,far.; P. O. Charleston. Shafer. Solomon, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Shafer, Wm, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Taylor ,Peter, far. ; P. O. Oakland. Taylor., J. T., far.; P. O Rardin. Taylor, Oliver, far. ; P. O. Oakland. Taylor, E. M., far. ; P. O. Oakland. Taylor, W. H. far.; P. 0. Oakland. Tipton, Jonathan, far. ; P. O. Rardin. Thatcher, J. W. far. ; P. O. Rardin. Tolen, J. H.,far.; P. O. Charleston. Tomson, G. F., far. ; P. O. Rardin. Towler, H. G.,far. ; P. O. Charleston. Yandeveiiter, Wesley, far. ; P. O. Rardin Vandeventer. Henry, far. ; P. O. Rardin White, George, far.; P. O. Rardin Winkel black, John, far.; t(m. Winkelblack, Robert, far. ton. Winkelblack, Mason, far. ton. Williams, J. B. & Co., far.; P. O. Rardin. Winkler, R. B., far. ; P. O. Rardin. Wriglit, Robert, far.; P. O. Oakland. Walton, Andrew, far.; P. O. Oakland. Wiley, James, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Woodfall, James, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Wainscott, J. T., far. ; P. O. Ashmore. Whanger, Samuel, far.; P. O. Hinesboro. Washam, Martha, far. ; P. O. Oakland. Wells, James, far. ; P. 0. Rardin. Wilkins, Thomas, far.; P. O. Charleston. P. O. Charles- ; P. O. Charles- ; P. 0. Charles- 682 TAX-PAYERS OF COLES COUNTY ; SEVEN HICKORY TOWNSHIP. Arterbiirn, W. T., f.-ir.; P. O. Charleston. Andre, M., far. ; V. O. Charleston. Adkins, J. M., far. ; P. O. Charleston. Armstrong, Geo., far.; P. O. Charleston. Austin, Breedlove. Bradford, A. J., far. ; P. O. Hinesboro. Bain,;A. A.; P. O. Charleston. Baldwin, T. J. Bastic, H. C, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Baker, Geo. W., far.; P. O. Charleston. Bruce, Jason M., far. : P. O. Charleston. Bruce, J. W. Baker, G- B., fanner. Beck, D. M., far.; P. O. Charleston. Brown, Malissa, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Brady, John, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Babbs, J. C, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Braddock, David, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Braddock, J. T., far. ; P. O. Charleston. Brooks, J. N., far. ; P. O. Charleston. Brinegar, T. C., farmer. Brinegar, R. N., farmer. Brinegar, E. P., farmer. Brinegar, J. P., farmer. Buckler, Green, farmer. Bush Bros., fars. ; P. O. Charleston. Bryant, Harry, far.; P. O. Charleston. Bryant, B. F., far.; P. O. Charleston. Baker, Geo. W., far. ; P. O. Charleston. Beckham, C, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Babb, C. P., far.; P. O. Charleston. Bishop, S., far.; P. O. Charleston. Borch'elt, Henry, far.; P. O. Charleston. Ballinger. J. A., far.; P. 0. Charleston. Burge, John, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Burge, W. B., far. ; P. O. Charleston. Curlin, Charles L., far. ; P. O. Hinesboro. Clapi), Eman, far. ; P. O. Hinesboro. Coughlin, Peter, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Cochran, W. H., far. ; P. O. Charleston. Collins, G. J., far. ; P. O. Charleston. Covert, John, farmer. Cooke, Geo. E., far.; P. O. Charleston. Cottingham, J. K., far. ; P. O. Charleston. Childress, J. K., far.; P. O. Hinesboro. Cofer, Thomas IST., far.; P, O. Areola. Cooke, E. E., farmer. Cooper, Stephen, farmer. Carney, D. S., far. ; P. O. Charleston. Craig, A. J., far.; P. O. Charleston. Dodge, Wm., far. ; P. O. Charleston. Donaldson, J. H., far. ; P. O. Charleston. Davis, G. O., far. ; P. O. Charleston. Detrick, John, far.; P. O. ClKirleston. Davis, J. A., far.; P. O. Charleston. Dunnifer, E. R., far.; P. O. Charleston. Downev, Samuel, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Downey, Patrick, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Davis, Eliphas, far. ; P. O. Cliarlcston. Davis, Thomas D„ far. ; P. O. Charles- ton. Downey, Wm., far. ; P. O. Charleston. Dittlmore, Henry, far.; P. O. Charles- ton. Dice, Jacob, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Devore, Peter M., far. ; P. O. Charleston. Davis, H. M., far.; P. O. Charleston. Davis, A. D., far.; P. O. Charleston. Driscoll, James, far. ; P- O. Charleston. Donaldson, B. J., far. ; P. O. Charleston. Emhuff, Stephen, far. ; P. O. Cliarleston. Emhuff, Wm. A., far. ; P. O. Charleston. Eversole, Henry, far. ; P. O. Cliarleston. Enlow, Clarence, far.; P. O. Charleston. Foster, J. J., far. ; P. 0. Areola. Furry, C G., far.; P. 0. Charleston. Ferbrache, J. U., far. ; P. O. Charleston. Frazier, J. W., far.; P. O. Charleston. Frazier, T. E., far. ; P. O. Charleston. Ferbrache, S. D., far.; P. O. Charleston. Farrell, John, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Foulk, W. R., far. ; P. O. Charleston. Foreman. John, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Foreman, I. P., far.; P. O. Charleston. Foreman, W. T., far.; P. O. Charleston. Foreman, J, R., far.; P. O. Charleston. Fritts, John E., far.; P. O. Charleston. Ferree, G. W., far.; P. O. Charleston. Fowler, Samuel, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Friddle, Simpson, far.; P. O. Charleston. Foster, Eli, far. ; P. O. Hinesboro. Fitch, J. M., far.; P. O. Chaiiest Hoon, Isaac F., far.; P. O. Humbolt. Honn, A. C, far.; P. O. Areola. Honn, Jno. D., far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Harry, Jacob, far.; P. O. Humbolt. Hancock, Jno. W., far. ; P. O. Charleston. Helton, H. Clay, far.; P. O. Charleston. Harr, Joseph, far.; P. O. Charleston. Hancock, W. M., far.; P. O. Charleston Helton, L. H., far.: P. O. Charleston. Hood, John. Hood, R. W. SEVEN HICKORY TOWNSHIP. t)8a Hood, E. C. Hann, Jacob. Hood, L. 11. Hood, J. M. Jenkins, Thomas, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Johnson, Wni. M. Jackson, Jason S., far.; P. O. Charleston. Jones, Hosier, far. ; P. O. Charleston, Johnson, Chas. W., far. ; P. O. Charleston. Jarvis, Wm., far. : P. O. Humbolt. Kizer, George W. Kinzel, J. O., far.: P. O. Charleston. Kizer, William. Kemp, George C, far. ; P. O. Areola. Kirby, James. Kinzel, W. O., far. ; P. O. Charleston. Kinztl, Arthur, far.; P. 0. Charleston. Koontz, Wm. H.. far. ; P. O. Charleston. Koontz, J. G. far.; P. O. Charleston. Linkhart, Silas, far. ; P. 0. Charleston. Linkhart, W. K., far.; P. O. Charleston. Linkhart, Wm., far.; P. O. Charleston. Linkhart, Joshua F., far. ; P. O. Charles- ton. Lander, B. L. liong, S N. Lander, Nancy. Lockhard, Hiram, far.; P. O. Charleston. Law. P. G., far.; P. O. Charleston. Lohrey, Philip, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Moore, Matson. Moran, Tim., far. : P. O. Charleston. Moran, John, far.; P. O. Charleston. Massey, J. W., far.; P. O. Charleston. Mock, J. M., far.; P. O. Charleston. Mohler, David, far. : P. O. Charleston. Mock, Catharine. Murphy, M. T., far.; P. O. Charleston. Murphy, Sibby, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Mundy, Jason P., far.; P. O. Charleston. Mason, Henry, far. ; P. O. Cnarleston. Mason, John, far.; P. O. Charleston. Murphy, J. W., far.: P. O. Charleston. Murphy, M. A., far.; P. O. Charleston. Miller, Marion. Mathes, J. C, far.; P. O. Charleston. Moler, Alexander, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Murphy, C. C, far. ; P. O. Charleston. McComas, Jas., far. ; P. O. Charleston. McDougle, W. H., tar. ; P. O. Charleston. McTaggart, M. McMillen, T. J., far. ; P. O. Kural Retreat. McCarthy, Daniel, far. ; P. O. Charleston. McNutt, Mary E., far.; P. O. Charleston. McNeel, Joseph, far.; P. O. Charleston. McNeel, D. W., far.; P. C. Charleston. McNutt, John, far. ; P. O. Charleston. McCallister, R. J., far.; P. O. Charleston. McGurty, Owen. far. ; P. O. Charleston. McGurty, Frank, far.; P. O. Charleston. McTaggart, Charles. Newman, M., far.; P. O. Charleston. Newman, Geo. W., far.; P.O. Charleston Newman, A. J., far. ; P. O. Charleston, Nickles, Theresa, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Nickles, Jacob, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Newby, Elijah, far,; P. O. Charleston. Olmstead, J. C-, far.; P. O. Charleston. Osburn, H. C, far.; P. 0. Charleston. O Hair, W. E., far.; P. O, Charleston. O'Hair, Dolly A., far.; P. O. Charleston. O'Hair, M. E., far.; P. O. Charleston, O'Hair, A. L., for.; P. O. Charleston. O'Hair, Jesse, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Parr, John, far. ; P. O. Rural Retreat, Pfeifer, Geo. M., far. Puree, Clark, far.; P. O. Charleston, Phillips , W. H., far. Peyton, Josejjh, far, ; P. O. Charleston. Parr, Elisha. far. ; P. O. Rural Retreat. Pfeifer, L. W. M., far. Prall, Cornelius, far, ; P. O. Charleston. Popham, Samuel, far. ; P, O, Charleston. Popham, Sherman, far. ; P. O, Charles- ton. Patterson, Isaiah, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Patterson, Thomas. Perisho, Isaac, far, ; P. O. Charleston. Parkison, J. D„ far. ; P, 0. Charleston. Parr, V, E., far. ; P, O. Rural Retreat, Robison & Babbs. Rosebrough, Levi, far. ; P, O, Charleston.. Reat, Geo. W., fai'. ; P. O. Charleston. Rosebrough, Wm., far.; P. O. Charleston. Rhoads, S. H., far.; P. O. Charleston. Reader, Thomas, far. ; P, O. Charleston, Raper, G. F., far.; P. O. Areola. Rogers, Isaac, far. Ramsey, Samuel, far.; P. O, Charleston. Richardson, J. C., far, ; P. O. Charleston. Race, Robert W„ far. Snider, R, H., far.; P. O. Charleston. Steigman, Carl, far. : P. O. Charleston. Sti'eck, Leobold. Snyder, John R. Sain, Homer, far.; P. O, Charleston, Swinford, B, F.. far,; P. O, Charleston. Swinford, L., far. ; P. O, Charleston, Stites, Anna, far. Schouten, A. F., far. ; P. O. Rural Retreat. Smith, J. N„ far. ; P. 0. Charleston. Sain, V, D,, far, ; P. O. Charleston. Sain, J. Q., far. ; P. O, Hinesboro, Sain, Milton, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Stites, Wm., far. ; P. O, Hinesboro. Stites, T. J., far.; P. O. Hinesboro. Springer, J., far. ; P. O. Charleston. Smith, Nancy J., far. ; P. O. Charleston. Skelton, Elizabeth A., far, ; P. O, Charles- ton. Shonten, Ephraim, far. ; P. 0. Rural Re- treat. Story, J, M., far, ; P, O. Charleston. Seipel, Adam, far,; P. 0. Charleston. Thissell, Winthrop, far. ; P. O. Charles- ton, Todd,D, P„ far.; P. O. Charleston. Taber, J. W., far, ; P. O, Charleston. Toland, Geo, A., far, ; P, O. Charleston. Tuttle, Wm. R., far. ; P. O. Charlestnn. Traver, & Nixon, far. ; P. O, Charleston - Tyler, M. A, Todd, M. J., far. ; P. O. Charleston, Tyler, Moses. Todd, A. J., far.; P. O. Charleston. Tarvin, F. F,, far,; P, O. Charleston. •684 TAX-PAYERS OF COLES COUNTY: Toland, Jason O., far. ; P. O. Charleston. Thissell, M. K., Mrs., far. ; P. O. Charles- ton. White, Jolin, far.; P. O. Charleston. Winkleblack, W., far. ; P. O. Charleston. Winklebhicie, Thomas, far. ; P. O. Charles- ton. Whelivn, Wm., far.; P. O. Charleston. Willson, A. P., far. : P. O. Cliarleston. Wyeth, Albert, far. ; P. O. Hinesboro. Welsh, Patrick, far., P. O. Charleston. Walker, Henry, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Watkins, Wm., far. ; P. O. Charleston. Watkins, Kobt. E., far. ; P. O. Charleston. Watkins, J. H., far. ; P. O. Charleston. Warren, Wm., far.; P. O. Charleston. Walden, A. N.. far. ; P. O. Charleston. Ward, D. D., far. ; P. O. Charleston. Wyeth, Samuel, far. ; P. 0. Rural Retreat. Welte, P., far.; P. O. Charleston. Wheatly, Jas., far. ; P. O. Hinesboro. Wyeth, Tliomas E., far. ; P. O. Hinesboro. HUMBOLT TOWNSHIP. Allen, A. R. Anderson, John, far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Ashmore, George, far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Ashmore, Levina, widow ; P. O. Humbolt. Ash, Smith, far. ; P. O. Areola. Arey, R., far. ; P. (). Areola. Ashbrook, I. H. Ashbrook, E., far. ; P. O. Loxa. Ashbrook, Thorn., far. ; P. O. Charleston. Ashbrook, S. C, far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Arend, G. H., far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Anderson, Mary, widov/ ; P. O. Humbolt. Ashbrook, J. W. Ashbrook, Albert, far. ; P. O. Loxa. Archer, John, far. ; P. O. Himibolt. Allen, F. W., far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Ashworth, G. I., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Ashworth, James, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Ashworth, Henry, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Anderson, Ervin. Anderson, J. T. Brewer, G. W., widow ; P. O. Humbolt. Barr, R. P., teacher, Humbolt. Bowman, D. A., blacksmith, Humbolt. Boruff, Samuel, far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Brown. H. T. Barr, L. S., far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Bracv, T. W. Bowman. P. C. far. : P. O. Areola. Bowman, D. D., far. ; P. O. Areola. Boyd, A. Beal, James M., Areola. Burns, William, far. ; P. O. Areola. Barriclaw, M., far. ; P. O. Areola. Barriclaw, L. A., far.; P. O. Areola. Burgner, G. F., far.; P. O. Charleston. Byl, William, far.; P.O. Humbolt. Bugh, Jacol), far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Burgess, John, far.; P. O. Humbolt. Bloom, George, far.; P. O. Humbolt. Boyd, M., far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Burgess, Patrick, far. ; P. O. tlumbolt. Bruce, William, far.; P.O. Humbolt. Beavers Brothers, fars. ; P. O. Humbolt. Bown, Thomas, far.; P. O. Humbolt. Brewer, J. N., far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Blume, Henry, far.; P. O. Humbolt. Bishop, C. J., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Baird, James A., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Baird, J., far.; P. O. Mattoon. Bean, Elias, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Beard, N. M., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Black, J. ^Y., far.; P. O. Humbolt. Brown, Richard, far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Bonham, J. D., far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Brotherson, Chris. Bougart, L., far.; P. O. Humbolt. Bond, Thomas, far.; P. Charleston. Bond, J. N., far.: P. 0. Charleston. Bond, C. G., far.; P. O. Charleston. Barr, John. Brewster, Jesse, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Braun, M. J., far.; P. O. Humbolt. Cowton, J., far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Crum, W. A., far.; P. 0. Cook's Mill. Campbell, J. S., far. ; Cook's Mill. Cadwell, D. D. ' Cora, W. T. Combs, J.,far. ; P. O. Areola. Carlton, J. M., far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Chambers, P. G., far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Chambers, J. M., far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Combs, W. A., far. ; P. O. Areola. Casper, F. Cline, Corlenius. Clark, H. S., attorney, Mattoon. Christ, Harvev, laborer, Humbolt. Chambers, L. B., far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Davis, Maria, widow, Humbolt. Dixon, J. T., tar.; P. O. Mattoon. Doran, G. M., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Dovl, W. A. Donley, W. T., far.; P. O. Humbolt. Dunn, Joseph, far.; P. O. Humbolt. Dunn, William, far.; P. O. Humbolt. Dunn, Walter, far. ; P. 0. Humbolt. Dunner, Thomas, far.; P. O. Humbolt. Daugherty,S. D., far.; P. O. Humbolt. Daugherty, A. C, far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Doran, S. C, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Dubes, Thomas, far.; P. O. Humbolt. Driscoll, J. J., far. ; P. O. Charleston. Driscoll, Jason, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Dunner. J., far.; P. O. Huml)olt. Dulin, J., saddler, Humbolt. Davis, Joseph, far.; P. O. Humbolt. Duncan, S. R., far. ; P. O. Areola. Deputv, S. F. Ellis, J. B. Ernst, Jacob, far.; P: O. Humbolt. HUMBOLT TOWNSHIP. 685 Easton, C M., far. ; P. O. Charleston. Edgar, James, far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Elkin, Clark, carpenter, Humbolt. Easter, Jacob, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Earrar, J. W., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Eawkner, J. C, far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Fear, James, far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Freeman, J. B., far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Fowler, R. M., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Ferris, Daniel, far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Flowerden, Joseph, far.; P. O. Humbolt. Gray & Danner, gen. mdse., Humbolt. Goodell, J. A. Guilfoil, Thos., grocer, Paris, family here. Grooms, Alfred, far.; P. O. Humbolt. Greene, E. E., Douglas Co. Gasaway, S. H., far. ; P. 0. Humbolt. Gray, G. W., gen. mdse. ; Humbolt. Gardner, P. G., far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Gardner, L. V., far. ; P. O. Areola. Gardner, E., far. ; P. O. Areola. Gillespie, G., far. ; P. O. Areola. Gideon, John S., far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Groves, Samuel, far.; P. O. Humbolt. Herman, John. Huber, Samuel, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Huber, I., far. ; P. O. Charleston. Huber, John, far. ; P.O. Charleston, Hill, John, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Hill, R. S., far. ; P. O. Charleston. Hunt, Alfred. Hackleman, J., far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Hilligoss, S. p., far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Hancock, J. P., far.; P. O. Humbolt. Hashbarger, J. W., far.; P. O. Humbolt. Hashbarger, Jacob, far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Hutcheson, J., far.; P. O. Humbolt. Hood, James, far. ; P. O. Areola. Hartford, W. H., far.; P. O. Areola. Henley, William. Hashbarger, J. A., far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Harris, Daniel, far. ; P. O. Areola. Honn, Peter, far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Hammon, J. S., far. ; P. O. Charleston. Hill, R. C, minister, Charleston. Hill, J. T., far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Hill, J. W. Hoots, S., far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Hester, J. R. Holden, Kate, gen. mdse., Humbolt. Holden, J. T., gen. mdse., Humbolt. Howell, E. L., far.; P. O. Humbolt. Hendric, H. H. Harrington, P., far.; P. O. Humbolt. Hoferkamp, G., far.; P. O. Mattoon. Horn, George 1^., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Homer, E. Hester, C, far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Hubbart, N., far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Hoots, A., far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Hines, J. F., far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Hagans, J. C., far. ; P. O. Hmnbolt. Hagans, J. R., far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Hawkins, W. B., far.; P. O. Humbolt. Hutchison, Joseph, far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Holtgrew, H. H. Irwin, Israel, far.; P. O. Humbolt. Jarvis, John, far.; P. O. Areola. Jayness, O. T. Jennings, E., grain-dealer, Mattoon. Jennings, J. Jennings, I., grain, Mattoon. Jones, G. B. Johnson Brothers, fars. ; P. O. Humbolt. Jarvis, Robert, far.; P. O. Humbolt. Kelsay, Robert, far. ; P. O. Areola. Kennedy, W. B., wagon mfg., Humbolt. Keenan, R., tank-tender on R. R., Mattoon. Knabel, Fred, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Knollenberg, Fred, far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Kelsey, J. L., far.; P. O. Areola. Kercheval, E. W., far. ; P. O. Areola. Kersey, Joseph, laborer. Areola. Loziei", Alice, Humbolt. Louthan, G. W., Kansas. Louthan, M. L. Louthan, J. F. Louthan, D. B., far.; P. (). Humbolt. Larue, J. M., far. ; P. O. Etna. Larue, Jacob, far. ; P. O. Etna. Lewis, J. W., far.; P. O. Humbolt. Longnecker, J. M., musician, Humbolt. McKinney, David, far.; P. O. Areola. McMillen, George, far. ; P. O. Areola. McMillen, Robert, far. ; P. O. Areola. McNutt, John, far.; P. O. Humbolt. McN'utt, S. F., far.; P. O. Humbolt. McKinzie, W. J. McBride, John, far. ; P. O. Areola. McConnell, George, far. ; P. O. Humbolt. McCabe, P., far.; P. O. Areola. McDonald, T., far. ; P. O. Areola. Moren, E. L., laborer, Humbolt. Moore, A. F., teacher, Humbolt. Moore, John H., far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Moore, George, far. ; P. 0. Humbolt. Moore, John, far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Moore, Hozey, far.; P. O. Mattoon. Moody, Thomas, far. ; P. O. Areola. Martin, G. B., far.; P. O. Humbolt. Martin, John. Mickey, W. R. ]Moler Peter. Miller, F. H., far.; P. O.Charleston. Miller, Alonza, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Moler, T. W., far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Mull, W.K, far.; P. O. Humbolt. Morrell, J. R., far.; P. O. Humbolt. Magee, Ira, laborer, Humbolt. Murphy, Mary, widow, Humbolt. Mohleiihoff, W.. far. ; P. 0. Mattoon. Mohlenhoff, II., far.; P. O. Mattoon. Martin, J. A. Mitchell, Eli. MafEet, W. F., far.; P. O. Charleston. Mathney, N. C Morrison, George, far.; P. O. Humbolt. Macarty, C. Madden, R. L., far.; P. O. Humbolt. Magee, C. H., far.; P. O. Humbolt. Mull, Mary A., widow, Humbolt. Maxwell, L. M., far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Newman, T., far.; P.O. Charleston. Newby, Joseph, far.; P. O. Humbolt. ISTewnian, J. M., far.; P. O. Humbolt. Newman, Henry, far. ; P. O. Humbolt. 686 TAX-PAYERS OF COLES COUNTY; NickoisoTi, W. A., far.; P. O. Humbolt. Newman, A. J., far.; P. O. Humbolt. Newman, J. D., far. ; P. 0. Charleston. Nolte, (xeorge, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Nolte, Henry, far.; P. 0. Mattoon. Orcntt, L. H., far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Orcutt & Bro., far. ; P. O. Hvimbolt. Odell, C. M., physician, Humbolt. Palmer, W. H. Powell, Ira. Potts, H. C, far. ; P. O. Areola. Pearsons, W. L. Pendergast, Thos., far. ; P. O. Charleston. Pate, Jeremey, far.; P. O. Areola. Popham, C. P., far.; P. O.Charleston. Patterson, R. M., far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Poorman, W. A., far.; P. O. Humbolt. Poorman. John, far. ; P. O. Humbolt. lleedy, Michael. Ritten house. L. Rice, R. R. Reynolds, George, far.; P. O. Areola. Roberts, Daniel, far. ; P. O. Areola. Roberts, John, far.; P. 0. Humbolt. Rosebraugh, J. M., far. ; P. O. Charleston. Ragan, Edmond, far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Redman, J. H., far.; P. O. Humbolt. Redman, B. T., far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Rankin, M. T., far. ; P. 0. Humbolt. Smith & McClure. Shoemaker, James, far. ; P. O. Loxa. Stilebour, Charles, far.; P. O. Mattoon. Scott, Edward. Shea, Bartholomew. Smith, M. J. Shoemaker, James D., far.; P. O. Loxa. Shoemaker, William, far. ; P. O. Loxa. Stephenson, A. D., far. ; P. O. Charleston. Stephenson, J., far.; P. O. Charleston. Stephenson, Alfred. Stephenson, M. G., far.; P. O. Humbolt. Sayre, L. B. Shaffer, L. J., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Shea, Daniel. Schroatman, Mary. Sellers, Mi rah. Strong, Oliver, far.; P. O. Humbolt, Sullivan, Daniel, far.; P. O. Humbolt. Shrader. H., far.; P. O. Plumbolt. Strick, B., far. ; P. O. Mattoon, Steele, W. A. Sutherland, A. H., Justice of the Peace, Humbolt. Skinner, 8. R., far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Stevens, Clemenzy, far.; P. O. Humbolt. Stevens, L. A., fiir. ; P. O. Humbolt. Scott, J. W.,far.; P. O. Humbolt. Scott, W. 0. Snider, W. W., far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Scofield, W. J., far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Schrader, Chris, far.; P. O. Humbolt. Sutten, Isabelle, widow, Humbolt. Seaman, J. W., far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Stevens, M. A., far.; P. O. Humbolt. Sullivan, Dennis, far. ; P. O. Humbolt Sweazey, G. W. Staggs, J. J. Sneed, Samuel. Skidmore, William, farmer. Stiles, Andrew, far.; P. O. Humbolt. Stewart, H. L., physician, Humbolt. Strong, -Joseph, far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Sanders, Nancy, widow, Humbolt. Thomas, Richard, far. ; P. O. Mattoon Thomas, Robert. Tucker, Cyrus, far.; P. O. Humbolt. Tyler, E. T.. far.; P. O. Humbolt. True, J. L., corn-buyer, Humbolt. Thornton, W. H. Thornton, George, far.; P. O. Humbolt. Trimmons, S., far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Tinch, D., Constable, Humbolt. Tinch, Erank, far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Tinch, Andrew, far. ; P. O. Humbolt Tinch, Richard, far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Tinch, Alexander, far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Todd, G. N., far. ; P. O. Charleston. Thompson, M. A. Tyler, Henry, far.; P. O. Humbolt. Taylor, T. W., far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Terry, G. H., grocer, Humbolt. Vellam, T. Vancampen, J., far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Vantreber, Lewis. Vandalen & Lanphier, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Woods, G. W., Justice of Peace, Humbolt. Wells, Diana, widow, Humbolt. Walters, E. P. Wiess, Frederick, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Wade, Mary, widow, Humbolt. Wampler, J. F., far. ; P. O- Humbolt. Wright, William, far.; P. O. Humbolt. Walls, John, far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Wintermete, A. B., far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Watkins, Fred, far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Westru]), Charles, far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Watkins, James, far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Wallace, W. H., far.; P. O. Humbolt. Watkins, E. S., far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Walters, Samuel, far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Woods, W. J., far. ; P. O. Areola. Willson, Perry, far.; P. O. Areola. Willson, R. M.. far.; P. O. Areola. Willson, William. Whisman, A.W. Whitesell, Allen, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Whitesell, George, far. ; P. O. (Miarleston. Whitesell, Lizzie. Whitesell, -Margaret. Whitesell, C S. Whitmer, Adam, far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Young, David, dead. Y oung, J. B.. far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Young, B. Zerburg, Clemens. NORTH OKAW TOWNSHIP. 687 NORTH OKAW TOWNSHIP. Anderson, John ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Ames, N. C, far.; P. O. Mattoon. Ames, O. H., far.; P. O. Cook's Mills. xVshwortb, M. S., far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Albright, Geo., far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Ashworth, L. A., far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Akers, Jacob, far. : P. O. Cook's Mills. Adams, E., far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Akers, W. J., far.; P. 0. Cook's Mills. Akers, Sarah, far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Ames, N". W., far.; P. O. Mattoon. Akers, N"., far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Akers, Geo., far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Ashworth, .J. H., far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Allison, J. W., far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. AUiman, Mark, wagon-maker. Cook's Mills. Bloom, B. C. Butts, E. T. Beatty, George, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Burwell, J. N., far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Bratherton, John, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Burwell, John, far., P. 0. Cook's Mills. Brannin, O. P., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Boyer, Sheltou, far.; P. (). Mattoon. Blvthe, J. W., farmer. Barnitt, A., far.; P. O. Fuller's Point. Baker, James, far.; P. O. Fuller's Point. Brant, Zimri, far. ; P. O. Fuller's Point. Baldridge, Margaret, far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Boyle, Henry, far. ; P. 0. Cook's Mills. Bailv, Joseph, far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Benson, J. W., far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Bruster, J. M., far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Bigelow, A. J . far.; P. O. Cook's Mills. Blvthe, Silas, far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Beatty, Wm., far.; P. O. Cook's Mills. Bigelow, J. S., far.; P. O. Cook's Mills. Butler. W. J., far. ; P. O. Fuller's Point. Butler, J., far.; P. O. Fuller's Point. Barker, W. C, minister. Cook's Mills. Brannin, Lewery, far.; 1'. O. Fuller's Point. Cross. William, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Cramer, S. P., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Cramer, Morris, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Cree, William, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Childress, John, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Currens, George, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Crum, D. A., merchant. Cook's Mills. Cobb, James, far. ; P. 0. Humbolt. Cox, G. W., far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Coak, L. M., farmer. Crean, John, far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Cousins, J., far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Carlile, J. W., far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Carlile, George, far.; P. O. Cook's Mills. Coon, Henry, far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Caster, Gabriel. Cutright, D. B.,far.; P. 0. Mattoon. Cheney, Samuel, far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Cheney, J. L., far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Cooper, Stirling, far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Campbell, Hiram, far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Cook, R., far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Curry, W. F. Checkley, Elizabeth, far.; P. O. Cook's Mills. Curry, J. L., far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Conlin, John, far. ; P. 0. Cook's Mills. Conlin, Mike, far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Crum, H. T., far.; P. O. Cook's Mills. Cook, George, far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Crum, J. H., physician, Cook's Mills. Cook, Elizabeth, far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Deverice, E. J., far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Divens, T. J., far.; P. O. Humbolt. Divens, L., far.; P. 0. Humbolt. Divens, T., far.; P. O. Humbolt. Daily, Joseph, far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Denning, Newton, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Duncan, D., far.; P. 0. Cook's Mills. Duncan, J., far ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Duncan, H. T., far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Dunn, Thomas, far.; P. O. Cook's Mills. Daugherty, S. T., far. ; P. O. Fuller's Point. Daugherty, S. L., far.; P. O. Fuller's Point. Duckworth, E. J., far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Davis, J. W., far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Dunn, B. N., farmer. ! Dunn. E., far.; P. O. Cook's Mills. Dunn, P. far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Daily, James, far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Dixon, David, far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Dunn, Ann, farmer. Dunn, J. W. Daugherty, Dennis, far.; P. O. Fuller's Point. Dole, Frank D., far. : P. O. Mattoon. Dolan, Timothy, far.; P. O. Mattoon. Ellison, Johnson, far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Ellison, James, far.; P. O. Cook's Mills. Ellis, S. D., far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Ellis, S. F., far.; P. O. Cook's Mills. Ellison, S. D., far.; P. O. Cook's Mills. Ellis, J. W., far. ; P. O. Fuller's Point. Ellison, J. H., far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Ellis, John C. far. : P. O. Fuller's Point. Ellison, Wm., far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Ellison, John, far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Eaton, M. M., far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Ellis, P. M., far. ; P. O. Fuller's Point. Ellison, Moses, far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Ellis, H. W., far. ; P. O. Fuller's Point. Ellison, L. H., far.; P. O. Humbolt. Ellis, J. T., far. ; P. O. Fuller's Point. Ellis, Wm., far. ; P. O. Fuller's Point. Elliot, Robert, far. ; P. 0. Mattoon. Ellis, J. K., far. ; P. O. Fuller's Point. Fuller, W. N., far. ; P. 0. Cook's Mills. Ficklin, O. B., far.; P. O. Charleston. Flemmings, W., far.; P. O. Cook's Mills. Flemmings, Jackson, far.; P. O. Cook's Mills. Furnace, John, far. ; P. O. Fuller's Point. Frost, H. L., far.; P. O. Cook's Mills. Foster, J. A., far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Frost, S., far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. 688 TAX-PAYERS OF COLES COUNTY: Frost, C. H., fill. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Fiirniss, Thos., far.; P. O. Fuller's Point. Frost Abbie. far.; P. O. Cook's Mills. Finlev, W. P., far.: P. O. Cook's Mills. Foster, J. N., far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Gearhart, Amelia, far.; P. O. Mattoon. Gearhart, E., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Gearhart, John, far.; P. O. Mattoon. Gearhart, W. H., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Graham, W. W., far. ; P. (). Cook's Mills. Graham, John, far.; P. O. Cook's Mills. Green, Early, far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Gibson, J. H., far.; P. O. Mattoon. Graninger, L. A., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Grant, Levi, far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Green, B. F.. far. ; P. O. Ilunibolt. Grisson. Charles, far.; P. O. Cook's Mills. Griffin, W. A., far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Gilmer, W. A., far. ; P. 0. Cook's Mills. Graham, E. A., far.; P.O. Cook's Mills. Grant, John, far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Gilbert, J. A., far.; P. (). Cook's Mills. Guyett, jSTapoleon, far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Gasten, L. A., far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Gilbert, E. D., far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Gray, Geo., far,; P. O. Ilumbolt. (honinger, Elizabeth, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Hixon, Samuel, far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Hearn, J. C, far.; P. O. Cook's Mills. Hammer, W. A., far.; P. O. Cook's Mills. Hearn, E. C, far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Hitch, A., far.; P. O. Cook's Mills. Hurst, J. A., far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Hurst, W. R., far.; P. O. Cook's Mills. Hoel, W. B., far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Houghland, J. J., far.; P. O. Cook's Mills. Hobert, B. E., far.; P. O. Cook's Mills. Hayes, W. H. H., far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Hamilton. 8., far. : P. (). Cook's Mills. Hamilton. J., far.; P. (). Cook's Mills. Hall, Joseph, far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Ilutton, W., far.; P. O. Cook's Mills. Jlutton, A., far.: P. O. Cook's Mills. Hoots, Ellen, far.; P. O. Cook's Mills. Houghland, W. 11., far. ; P. 0. Cook's Mills. Haney, John, far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Hunter, John, far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Hopper, J. A., far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Hayes, Job M., far.; P. O. Humbolt. Hopper, Dudley, far. ; P. (). Cook's Mills. Haybrack, Henry, far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Hearn, W. M., far. ; P. (). Cook's Mills. Hoats, John, far,; P. O. Humbolt. Haskins, Thomas, far.; P. O. Cook's Mills. Hunt, J. M.. far. : P. (). Cook's Mills. Hearn, J. Y., far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Hoots, W. A., far. ; P. (). Humbolt. Hamilton, James, far. ; P. ( ). Cook's Mills. Hoots, D. F., far.; P. (). Humbolt. Harning, P. A., far.; P. U. Mattoon. Hamilton, J. R., far.; P. (). Cook's Mills. Hoats, John, Jr., far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Hilagass, Geo., far.; P. (). Mattoon. Hinkle, Mary J., far.; P. O. Mattoon. Hopper, W. R., far.; P. O. Cook's Mills. Hopper, J. S., far.; P. O. Cook's Mills. Hoats, Sanford, far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Haskins, W. L., far.; P. O. Cook's Mills. Hearn, E. C, far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Hagin, Jaines. far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Johnson Bros., fars Jones, L. A., far. ; P. Jones, J. v., far.; P. Jackson, M. B., far. ; Jenkins, H. D., far. ; Janes, Wm., far. ; P. Johnson, Arthur, far. ; Johnson, J., far.; P. O Jackson, Samuel, far.; P O O. P. P. o. O. Ilumbolt. Cook's Mills. Cook's Mills. O. Fuller's Point. (). Areola. Cook's Mills. P. 0. Cook's Mills. Cook's Mills. P. O. Cook's Mills. P. P. Cook's Mills. Cook's Mills. P. O. Cook's Mills. Jackson, B. H., far. Jackson, Wm., far. Johns, Daniel, far. Kitchen, A., far.; P. O. Cook's Mills. Kitchen, Thos., far.; P. O. Cook's Mills. Kidwell, Mary J., far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Kessel, M. J., "far.; P. O. Cook's Mills. Kessel, Wm., far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Lidster, Thomas, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Lee, James, far. ; P. 0. Areola. Lewis, J. W.. far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Little John J)., far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Langston, W. T., far. ; P. O. Fuller's Point. Long, Mike, far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Longston, M. A. Mclntire. S. C Morrell, Wm., far.; P. O. Mattoon. McKinstry, Geo., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. McBride, W., far.; P. O. Mattoon. McKinstry, Jonah, far., P. O. Mattoon. Miller, Rebecca, far.; P. O. Mattoon. Morris, J. L., far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. McNear & Lnthan, fars. ; F. O. Huml)olt. Miller, Rachael, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. McKie, Samuel, far. ; P. O. Areola. Mesterson, J. H., far.; P. O. Humbolt. Markley, W., far.; P. O. Cook's Mills. Miller, A. J., far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Morgan, H. A., far.; P. O. Cook's Mills. Murphy, Peter, far. ; P. ( ). Cook's Mills. Miers, Wm. L., far. ; P. (). Cook's Mills. Miller, Wm., far.; P. (). Cook's Mills. McGnin, Isaac, far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. McKinnen, John, far.; P. O. Areola. Miers, Jacob, far. ; P. O, Cook's Mills. McNear, O. H., far. ; P. O. Areola. Miers, Henjamin, far.; P. O. Areola. Monroe, A. J., far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Martin, H. W., far.; P. O. Mattoon. Markley, James, far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Neff, John, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Nees, Leander, far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Nees, Francis, far.; P. O. Cook's Mills. Osbern, Permelia, far. ; P. O. Mattoon, Perry, Lewis. Potter, O. H. Phillips. W. F., far. ; P. O. Fuller's Point Prince, Noali, far. ; P. ( ). Cook's Mills. Phillips, J. M., far.; P. O. Fuller's Point. I Perry, Frank. Phillips, Calvin, far. Potter, Oliver, far. ; Phillips, W. C, far.; Phillips, J. W., far.; Phillips, M. K., far.; Phillips, M., far. ; P. Peaco(!k, John, far.; ; P. O. Fuller's Point. P. O. Fuller's Point. P. O. Fuller's Point. P. O. Fuller's Point. P, O. Fuller's Point. O. Fuller's Point P. O. Arthur. LA FAYETTE TOWNSHIP. m9 Price, M., far.; P. O. Cook's Mills. Patterson, E. B., far.; P. O. Mattoon. Powers, J. L., far.; P. O Mattoon. Purdy, W. W., far.; P. O. Mattoon. Prentice, J. O., far.; P. O. Mattoon. Parkhurst, M. M., P. O. Mattoon. Pickering, R. A., far. ; P. O. Coles Station. Rice, J. D., far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Rust, J. H., far. ; P. 0. Mattoon. Rice, J. C, far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Rice, Amos, tar. : P. O. Cook's Mills. Rightsell, Win., far. ; P. O. Fuller's Point. Rightsell, Jas., far. ; P. O. Puller's Point. Smith, J. P., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Smith, James, far.; P. O. Mattoon. Stuterman, W. B., far.; P. O. Mattoon. Smith, W. J., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Smith, Thomas E., far.; P. O. Mattoon. Stull, Thomas, far. ; P. 0. Cook's Mills. Sutten, Henry, far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Stevens, Warren, far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Smith, Thomas, far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Spidel, John, far.; P. O. Mattoon. Sutten, John, far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Stull, A. B., far. ; P. O. Areola. Shields, W. A., far. ; P. O. Areola. Skinner, James, far. : P. O. Areola. Stevens, F. M., far.; P. O. Humbolt. Senteney, T., far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Sanders, Wm., far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Skidraore, J. L., far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Smith, Wm. J., far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Stevens, L. M., far.; P. O. Humbolt. Sutherland, D. W. far. ; P. O. Humbolt. Stull, G. W., far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Senteney, Mark, far.; P. O. Cook's Mills. Sutton, Clark, far.; P. O. Cook's Mills. Tipsoward, Wm., far. ; P. O. Areola. Turner, J. W., far. ; P. O. Fuller's Point. Thornberry, R. H., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Taylor, James, far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Taylor, Jerome, far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Trotter, J. C, far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Tremble, Leuis, far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Vaughn, J. W., minister, Fuller's Point. Vise, H. B., farmer. Wood, Dumas, far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Williams, John, far.; P. O.Cook's Mills. Willbaum, R., far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Wells, Wm. A., far. ; P. O. Cook's Miljis.. Walfe, John, far. ; P. O. xircola. Webbe, Jacob, far. ; P. O. Areola. Weekley, C W., far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Whitley, John, far.; P. O. Cooks Mills. Whitley, Fields, far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills, Wiser, Uriah, far. ; P. O. Arthur. Wiser, Daniel, far. ; P. O. Arthur. Wiser, Prior, far. ; P. O. Arthur. Wright, J. W., far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. W^hitley, E., far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Welsh, Benj., far.: P. O. Fuller's Point. Whitley, W. J., far.; P. O. Cook's Mills. Willie, W. H., far. : P. O. Cook's Mills. Webb, Jesse, far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Wilbert, James, far. ; P. O. Areola. Wells, R. W., far.: P. O. Cook's Mills. Webb, Robt., far. ; P. O. Areola. Whicker. Wm., far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Wilson, John, far.; P. O. Cook's Mills. White, J. P., far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. Weathers, R. W., Constable, Cook's Mills. Wright, F. M., far.; P. O. Cook's Mills. Wiser, Ferry, far. ; P. O. Cook's Mills. W^iley, Francis H., far.; P. O. Fuller's- Point. LA FAYETTE TOWNSHIP. Aye, R. B., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Ashmore, L. E., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Ashmore, R., far.; P. 0. Mattoon. Ashbrook, James F., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Ashbrook, E. P., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Burtle, Joseph, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Bass, Henry, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Burrows. John, far.; P. O. Loxa. Bailey, A. W.. far.; P. U. Loxa. Balch, S. W., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Bailey, D. H., far. ; P. O. Loxa. Boggs, James, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Ballinges, Levi E., far. ; P. O. Loxa. Boyd, Joseph E., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Burgnes, A. C. far.; P. O. Charleston. Briant, James T. O., far.; P. O. Mattoon. Berry, Geo., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Brady, John, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Bowlin, H. B.. far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Borrows, John, far.; P. O. Loxa. Baldwin, W. M., far. ; P. O. Loxa. Burrow, W. M., far. ; P. O. Loxa. Bush, J. H., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Ballinger, Wm., far. ; P. O. Loxa. Burgner, C, far.: P. O. Charleston. Curgea, Geo., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Chitton, J. F., far. ; P. O. Charleston. Cory, Luther, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Cissna, James, far. : P. O. Mattoon. Covery, W. G., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Chism, John, far. ; P. O. Loxa. Cooper, H., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Cunningham, J. H., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Carter, Theodore, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Coplen, A. B., far.; P. O. Mattoon. Clark, E. C, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Cleghorn, Geo. W., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Casadye, Peter, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Clark, John E., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Clark, T. J., far.; P. O. Mattoon. Chrites, C. P., far.; P. O. Mattoon. Chrites, S. A., far.; P. O. Mattoon. Clark, G. P., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Douglass, Martha, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Douglass, John, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Doty, G. W., far. ; P. O. Charleston. €90 TAX-PAYERS OF COLES COUNTY- Day, T. H., far.; P. O. Charleston. Davis, 6. B., far. ; P. O. Loxa. Dikot, Mary P. Davies, G. W., far. ; P. O. Loxa. Dornblaser, A. D., far. ; P. O. Mattooii. DeNeffs, Thomas, far. ; P. O. Loxa. Earnhart, Wm., far. ; P. O. Loxa. Eddes, Terry R., laborer, Loxa. Eaton, Daniel, far. ; P. O. Loxa. Forbes, A. C , far.; P. O. Mattoon. Einch, Mathew, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Eisher, Elizabeth, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Erost, G. W., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Erazier, Henry, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Eunkhouser, W. L., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Eurry, Daniel, far. ; P.O. Mattoon. Griffith, Charles, far. ; P. 0. Mattoon. Gidern, G. W., far. ; P. O. Charleston. Gilliland, Emeline. Hodges, Susan, far. ; P. (). Mattoon. Hamilton, Erank, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Hermon, Samuel, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Hawkins, L., far. ; P. O. Loxa. Hawkins, Mary A., far.; P. O. Loxa. Hurst, John, far. ; P. O. Loxa. Hosier, Albert, far.; P. O. Loxa. Hayes, Joseph, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Hodges, I. N., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Hamann, F. D. Hayes, I. S., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Hayes, V. S., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Hail, Cornelius, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. House, Chas., farmer. Hill, Jonah, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Herman, Albert, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Hancock, E. J., far.; P. O. Loxa. Harman, Sam'l, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Johnson, Erank, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Jones, W. K., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Jones, W. D., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Jones, T. T., far.; P. O. Mattoon. Jefferies, ,T., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Jones, Susan, far. ; P. O. Loxa. Johnson, E. S., far.; P. O Loxa. Johnson, John, far. P. O. Loxa. Johnson, Wm., far. ; P. O. Loxa. Jones, B. E., far.; P. O. Loxa. Kerchgrobes, John, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Kahn Bros., merchants, Mattoon. Kincaid, W. G., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Lister, M., far.; P. O. Loxa. Lawhorn, D., far.; P. O. Mattoon. Lonss, Marv B., far. ; P. O. Loxa. Lee, T. J., far.; P. O. Loxa. Leitch, AV. T., far.; P. O. Mattoon. Leitch, Wm., far.; P. O. Mattoon. Lawson, Henry, far.; P. (). Mattoon. Moore, Mary E., Mattoon. Montz, John B., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Monroe, Wm., far. ; P. O. Charleston. Millers Bros., far.; P. O. Mattoon. Millar, Michael, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Miller, G. V., far.; P. O. Mattoon. Miller, Wm., far.; P. O. Mattoon. Miller, Adam, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Miller, Jasper, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Montgomery, R. D., far.; P. O. Mattoon. Mattoon, C. Molton, Levi, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Maffet, D. H., far. and carp., Mattoon. Mason, K., merchant, Loxa. Mason Bros., merchants, Loxa. Martin, D. C, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Mock, Joseph B., far. ; P. O. Loxa. Moore, J. S., far. ; P. O. Loxa. Monroe, Lewis, far. ; P. O. Charleston. Miller & Smith, tile-factory, Mattoon. Mason, Wm., far.; P. O. Mattoon. Myers, Jacob, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Mason, C R., far.; P. O. Loxa. Marymee. John S., far. ; P. O. Charleston. Martin, A. T., far.; P. O. Charleston. Martin, Alex., far. ; P. O. Loxa. Martin, Martha, far. ; P. O. Loxa. McCrory, Frank, far.; P. O. Loxa. McCrory, James, far. ; P. O. Loxa. McPheron, S. B., far. ; P. 0. Mattoon. McAdams, M. P., far. ; P. O. Loxa. Nickelson, Wm., far.; P. O. Mattoon. jS"abb, Hamilton, far.; P. O. Mattoon. O'Brian, James, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Owings, Benjamin, far.; P. O. Loxa. Prichard, Noah, fai\ ; P. O. Loxa. Phipps, James, far,; P. O. Mattoon. Phipps, T. J., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Phipps, George, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Phipps, J. H., far.; P. O. Mattoon. Peterson, A. M., far.; P. O. Charleston. Quinn, John, laborer, l^oxa. Ransdell, James W., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Ransdell, Wm., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Robnitt, Amos, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Remes, John, far. ; P. O. Loxa. Riley, John, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Raines, George, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Robinson, R. W., far.; P. O. Charleston. Rutan, Henry D., laborer, Loxa. Richardson, Ira, far.; P. 0. Mattoon. Robison, Zac. plasterer, Mattoon. Reed, J. T., far.; P. O. Mattoon. Smitt, W. A. Shays, Martin, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Smitt, P. C. Spurgeon, Mary, Loxa. Spidell, Benjamin, carpenter, Loxa. Smitt. Wm. T. Stamper, Isaac. Sexton, Michael, laborer, Loxa. Swing, Wm., far.; P. O. Loxa. Shinn, B. B., far.; P. O. Mattoon. Shinn, G. B., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Spriggs, W., far.; P. 0. Mattoon. Sutes, L. M., far.; P. O. Loxa. Smitt, John. Stores, W. H. Scholes, George. Sawyer. Jed., far.; P. O. Mattoon. Scott, Wilson, far.; P. O. Mattoon. Sligar, Peter, far. ; P. O. Loxa. Smith, Alison. Sawin, Isaac W., far. ; P. O. Loxa. Smith, Joel. Shephard, D., far. ; P. O. ]..oxa. Sawin, J. G., far.; P. O. Loxa. Spidel, James, far. ; P. O. Loxa. Shinn, Aaron, far. ; P. O. Loxa. PARADISE TOWNSHIP. 691 Shinn, James, far. ; P. O. Loxa. Stump, M. F., far.; P. O. Loxa. Smith, Elislia, far. ; P. O. Loxa. Smith, Henry, far.; P. O. Mattoon. Turney, J. B.,far.; P. O. Mattoon. Threlkeld, Thos., far. ; P. O. Charleston. Talbott, J. C, far. ; P. O. Loxa. Talbott, J. T., far. ; P. O. Loxa. Turney, Daniel, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Turney, B. I)., far.; P. O. Mattoon. Tempell, Wm., far.; P. (). Mattoon. Threlkeld, M. P., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Vanmeter, Samuel, far.; P. O. Mattoon. Yan Deren, Theopolis, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Vanse, W. 11., far.; P. O. Loxa. Vannatta, I. N., far.; P. O. Mattoon. Vanse, E. W., far. ; P. O. Loxa. Vickrory, AVm. T., far.; P. O. Loxa. Wells, Isaac, far. ; P. O. Loxa. Wyatt, C. H., far. ; P. O. Loxa. Wood, J. H., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Weaver, Jacob,farnier. Weaver, Peter. Waltrip, Joseph, far ; P. 0. Mattoon. Waltrip, Alex., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Wood, Wm., farmer. Wic(jff, D. C, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. White, David, farmer. Williams, L., far.; P. O. Mattoon. Warren, John, far.; P. O. Mattoon. Williams, J. W., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Williams, T. J., far.; P. O. Mattoon. Williams, U. E. Y., far.; P. O. Mattoon. Williams, Miner, far.; P. O. Mattoon. Wible, J. H., far. ; P. O. Loxa. Whiclur, Thomas, far.; P. O. Loxa. PARADISE TOWNSHIP. Alexandria, H. E., far. ; P. O. E^tna. Alexandria, Margaret, far. ;P. O. Paradise. Apperson, Sidney, far.; P. 0. Mattoon. Appersou. W. W'., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Alston, Thomas, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Anderson, W. H. H., far.; P. O. Etna. Able, B. L., far. ; P. O. Paradise. Allison, C. W., far. ; P. O. Etna. Alston, E. W., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. A kers, Joshua, far.; P. O. Mattoon. Baker. William IL, far. ; P. O. Etna. Benetiel, G. W., far. ; P. O. Etna. Beneliel, B. N., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Butler, J. W., far.; P. O. Paradise. Bingamin, J. F., far. ; P. O. Etna. Butler, J. Z., far. ; P. O. Paradise. Bresee, J. M.. far. ; P. O. P:tna, Benetiel, Diantha, far.; P. O. Etna. Bradley, Patrick, far.; P. O. Mattoon. Baker, Alfred, far. ; P. O. Etna. Bishop, C. W., physician, Etna. Bartlet, Robeit, far. ; P. O. Paradise. Capps, H. S., miller, Mattoon. Champion, William, far. ; P. 0. Paradise. Crabtree, James, far. ; P. O. Paradise. Coleman, J. A., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Cami)bell, C. C, far.; Paradise. Campbell. James M., far. ; P. O. Paradise. Campbell, Mary A., far. ; P. O. Paradise. Cross, James, far. ; P. O. Etna. Coleman, Eliza, far.; P. O. Mattoon. Campbell, J. H., school-teacher. Paradise. Crook, Samuel, far. ; P. O. Paradise. Cook, Frederick, far.; P. O. Paradise. Curry, R. N., far.; P. O. Mattoon. Coleman, J. B., far. ; P. (). Paradise. Cavins, Joseph, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Coleman, Allen, far.; P. (). Etna. Caldwell, G. C.,far. ; P. O. Mattoon. ^v. Cooper, G. A., school-teacher, Etna. ^. Corn well, John, far.: P.O. Etna. Cooper, J. W., Etna. Coleman, Edwin, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Cash. William, far. ; P. O. Etna. Debell, J.T., far.; P. O. Paradise. Ditamore, John, far. ; P. O. Paradise. Drish, W. IL H., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Deckard, J. P., physician. Paradise. Deckard, J. R., far. ; P. O. Paradise. Dornblaser, P. H., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Dil worth, P. L., far. ; P. O. Etna. Deckard, Jane, far. ; P. O. Paradise. Doran, J. W., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Ellis, John, far.; P. O. Etna. Enoss, Solomon, far.; P. (). Etna. Eldridge, Lee, far. ; P. O. Etna. Eaton, William S., far. ; P. O. Etna, Eldridge, George, far. ; P. O. Paradise. Floyd, Aaron, far.; P. O. Paradise. Ferguson, Thomas, far.; P. O. Paradise. Fuller, Starling, far.; P. O. Paradise. Fuller, William, far. ; P. O. Paradise. Floyd, Moses, far.; P. O. Etna. Flovd, Joseph, far. : P. O. Etna. Fox. Jahue, far. ; P. O. Etna. Farmer, Henry, far.; P. O. Paradise. Ferguson, W. B., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Gore, Joseph F., far.; P. O. Mattoon. Giinnaway, J. J., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Gannaway, S. T., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Greenewalt, W^ R., far. ; P. O. Etna. Gannaway. D. C, far. ; P. O. Etna. Gannaway, R. J., far.; P. O. Paradise. Green, A. B., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Gammill, L. Y., far. ; P. O. Etna. Gannaway, R., far. ; P. (). Paradise. Gannaway, J. W., fai-.; P. O. Pai-adise. Gore.M. H., far.; P. (). Etna. Gannaway, S. F.. far.; P. O. Paradise. Gannaway, W. W., far. ; P. O. Etna. Hart, James. L., far. ; P. O. Etna. Hovious, S. D., far.; P. O. Mattoon. Hamblin, B. D., far. ; P. O. Etna. Haste, F. C, far.; P. O. Paradise. Hart, Albert W., far. ; P. O. Paradise. Hayden, Welthy, far. ; P. O. Paradise. 3 692 TAX-PAYERS OP COLES COUNTY. Hayden, Henry, far.; P. O. Paradise. Harden, Moses, far.; P. O. Paradise. Hines, Jolin C, far.; P. O. Etna. Harpin, William, far. ; P. O. Paradise. Houehin, Albert, far.; P. O. Paradise. Hart, A. W., far.; P. O. Paradise. Hart, John S., far.; P. O. Paradise. Highland, Eobert, far. ; P. 0. Etna. Horsley, B. L.. far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Hyatt, Caroline J., far. ; P. O. Etna. Highland, James, far.; P. O. Etna. Hendrix, Miles H., far. ; P. O. Etna. Hendrix, John, far. ; P. O. I'aradise. Hendrix, Samuel, far. ; P. O. Etna. Horsley, Simon, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Houston, P. M., far.; P. O- Mattoon. Henlev, T. D. P., far. ; P. O. Paradise. Hendrix, W. C. far.; P. O. Paradise. Hendrix, J. W., far. ; P. O. Etna. Hart, A. Y., Sr., Postmaster, Paradise. Hart, Isaac, far. ; P. O. Etna. Hart, Thomas, far.; P. O. Paradise. Hart, A. Y., Jr., far.; P. O. Paradise. Hart, J. D., far. ; P. O. Paradise. Jones, Martin, far. ; P. O. Etna. Jones, W. W., far. ; P. O. Etna. Jones, A. P., far. ; P. O. Etna. Jones, J. M., far. ; P. O. Etna. Jeffries, John W., far. ; P. O. Etna. Jeffries, Thomas, far. ; P. O. Etna. Jones, E.. far. ; P. 0. Etna. Johnson, D. Mc. L., far. ; P. O. Etna. Kenedy, P. G., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Kleur,Fr§d, far.; P. O. Mattoon. Lowinaster, James A., fai'. ; P. O. Paradise. Lockliart, Levy, far. ; P. O. Paradise. Livers, T. J., far.; P. O. Paradise. Love, James W., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Love, William, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Ledgwood. John, far.; P. O. Mattoon. Lowmaster, John, far.; P. O. Paradise. Major, S. S., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. McGlashon. W. G., physician, Paradise. McMannis, Taylor, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Mattox, J. H., far. ; P. O. Paradise. Miller, S. W., far.; P. O. Mattoon, Mattox, A. C.. far. ; P. O. Paradise. Montgomery, (J. O., far. ; P. (3. Etna. Mayhew, J. J., far.; P. O. Paradise. Morrison. B. F., school-teacher, Paradise. McClelland, R. W., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. McLain. .J. I)., far.; P. (). Mattoon. Michael. W. H., far.; P. (). Mattoon. Michael, Ileiiry, far. : P. (). Mattoon. Montgomery, Franklin, far.; P. O. Etna. Montgomery, Albeit, far. ; P. O. Etna. Montgomery, James M., far.: P. O. Etna. Montgomery, J. W., merchant, Etna. Moss, J. A., far.; P. (). Etna. Morrison. J. O., far.; P. O. Paradise. Miller, Tliomas, far.; P.O. Mattoon. Morrison, G. C, fai. ; P. O. Paradise. Mathues, J. H.. far.; P. O. Paradise. Mathues, G. W., far. ; I*. O. Paradise. Mathues, H. B., far.; P. O. Paradise. Montgomery & Tate, merchants, Etna. Norris, Edward, far. ; P. O. Etna. Newport, J. W., far. ; P. O. Etna. Nicholas, J. W., far. ; P. O. Etna. Odell, Clarence, far.; P. O. Mattoon. Ohm, William, far.; P. O. Mattoon. Overton, Miles, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Overton, Starling, far.; P. O. Mattoon. Overton, Jesse, Jr., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Overton, Jesse, Sr., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Peters, Lewis, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Peters, G. W., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Payton, William J., far.; P. O. Paradise. Payton, S. A., far.; P. O. Paradise. Parker, H. C, far. ; P. O. Paradise. Phillip, R. S.,far. ; P. O. Paradise. Rutger, O. O., far. ; P. O. Paradise. Raines, Jacob, Paradise Tp., Ashmore. Richardson. Emos, far.; P. O. Paradise. Reed, G. H., far.; P. O. Mattoon. Reed, William H., far. ; P. O. M!ittoon. Rhodes, Margaret, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Roy, James M., far.; P. O. Etna. Surber, AVilliam N., far. ; P. O. Paradise. Surber, Hiram, far. ; P. O. Paradise. Stalleup, William, far.; P. O. Paradise. Sanders, P. C, far.; P. O. Paradise. South, Granville, far. ; P. O. Etna. Spillman, C.,far. ; P. O. Etna. Spillman, O.P., far. ; P. O. Etna. Shull, J. R. F., far. ; P. O. Etna. Smith, Miron, far. ; P. O. Etna. Snyder, Susan, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Schoonover, J., far. ; P. O. Paradise. Tremble, James, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Thomas, G. L., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Tewel, L. J., far. ; P. O. Paradise. Taylor, Smith, far.: P. O. Paradise. Thomas, John AV., far. ; P. O- Mattoon. Tewel, T. R., far.; P. O. Paradise. Thomas, William, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Tate, Abner, far. ; P. 0. Mattoon. Thomas, John, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Tremble, David, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Tremble. J. PI, far. ; P. O. JMattoon. Tate. R.' B., merchant, Etna. Vandeventer J., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Vanderen, S. S., far. ; P. O. Etna. Woldridge, J. F., far.: P. O. Paradise. Weiser, S. E., far.; P. O. Mattoon. Walden. William, far. ; P. O. Paradise. Wilson, G. W., far. ; P. O. Etna. Wilson, Marv S., far. ; P. O. Etna. Wilson, Marv E., far. ; P. O. Etna. Wilson, G. T., far. ; P. O. Etna. Waller, Robert, far. : P. O. Etna. Wheat, B. C, far. : P. O. Paradise. Williams, J. PL, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Wilson. John A., far. : P. O. P^aradise. Waelddlo, J. B., far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Wood, II. M., far. ; P. (). Paradise. Wiieat, C. G., far.; P. O. Paradise. Willison, Newton, far. ; P. O. Mattoon. Yocom, T. C.,far.; P. O. Paradise. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. CHARLESTON. Ashmore & Mitchell (successors to B. M. Payne), Boots and Shoes, south of the Public Square. Bain, A. N., & Co., Manufacturers of Stoves, Hollow-ware, Iron House- fronts and all kinds of Castings. Es- tablished 1857. Bishop, Prank L„ Proprietor of the Bee Hive Store. Headquarters for Dry Goods and Millinery. Black Cash- meres, Alpacas, Mohairs and Silks a Specialty. Also Agent for Wm. Hall & Co.'s Jamestown Mohairs. We buy for cash, sell strictly for cash, and cash customers will find it to their advantage to trade with us. BriggS, C. R., Portrait and Live-Stock Painter, southwest corner Public Square. Brown, Jacob I., Justice of the Peace, and General Collector. Office, Owen's Block, east side Public Square. Collections promptly attended to. Charleston Plaindealer, The, Published every Thursday by M. A. McConnell & Co., at 82 per year. Of- fice in " Plaindealer " Building, on Lafayette street. Charleston Courier, The, Issued every Thursday, E. B. Buck, Editor and Proprietor. Terms — $1.50 per year in advance. If not paid in advance, 50 cents extra will be charged. Clubs of ten from one post office, $1 per year, invariably in advance. All kinds of Job Printiug executed in the best style of the art, promptly and at reasonable rates. Charleston Hotel, West Side of Public Square, Daniel A. Van Sickle, Proprietor ; Joseph Venneman, Clerk. First-class in all its appointments. Free bus to and from the depot. Chambers, W. M., M. D., Physi- cian and Surgeon. Connolly, James A., Attorney at Law. United States Attorney, South- ern District of Illinois. Calvert, D. H., Proprietor Crystal Palace Drug Store. Dealer in Pure Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils. Dye- stuffs, Toilet Articles, Perfumery, and Manufacturer of Bitter Sweet, the greatest tonic of the age. West side Public Square. Davis, Jewell, Dr., Physician and Surgeon. Davis, Warren, Dealer in Choice Family Groceries. Dunn & Connolly, Attorneys at Law. First National Bank, T. G. Cham- bers, President ; W. E. McCrory, Cashier ; Curtis L. Davis, Teller. Does a general banking business. Exchange bought and sold. East side Public Square. • Ginther, Wm. E., Dealer in Hard- ware and Agricultural Implements. Also General Insurance Agent. Represents 694 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Home, N. Y.; Continental, N. Y.; Phcenix, Brooklyn; Insurance Co. of North America, Philadelphia ; Pennsyl- vania, Philadelphia; Franklin, Phila- delphia ; Royal, Liverpool ; North Brit- ish and Mercantile, Imperial and Northern and others. Gramesly, C, Liquor Dealer, No. 5 west side Public Square. Harrah, J. P., Attorney at Law. Office with 0. B. Ficklin, south side Public Square. Huron, Eli, City Book Store. Dealer in Music and Musical Instruments, Toys, Notions and Fancy Goods, No 8 west side of Square. March, T. J., Sr., Dealer in Furni- ture. Miller, J. M., Dealer in Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Notions, etc., northeast corner of Square. Minton, Alvey & Van Meter, Proprietors of the City Mills. Dealers in Flour, Meal, Bran, Ship-stuflF, Grain, etc. Custom grinding a specialty. Mitchell, I. B., Dealer in Groceries and Provisions, northeast corner Public Square. Sells strictly for cash. Monroe & Co., Manufacturers and Dealers in Flour, Feed and Meal, whole- sale and retail. Terms, cash. Neal, J. W., M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Attends all calls promptly. Office over Wright, Hodgen & Co.'s store. Neal, J. F., Dealer in Groceries and Provisions, north side of the Public Square. Patton, W. ^., M. D., Physician and Surgeon, east side Public Square. Poxton & Mitchell, Dealers in Books, Stationery, Toys, etc. Perkins, A., Dealer in Family Gro- ceries. Peterson & Adams, Attorneys at Law. Office in Court House. PreVO, A, H., Stock -raiser and Breeder of Poland-China Swine. Ray & Hampton, Dry Goods and Notions, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, No. 4 west side. RickettS, William, Land Agent and Conveyancer, southwest corner Public Square. Second National Bank, I H. Johnston, President; Charles Clary, Cashier; Felix Johnston, Book Teller. Southeast corner Public Square. Shepard & Alexander, Breeders and Shippers of Thoroughbred Poland- China Swine. Shriver, A. C, & Sons, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Stoves, Tinware, Queensware, Glassware, Cutlery and Plated Goods, south side Square. Silverthorn, L. L., M. D., Physi- cian and Surgeon. Steigman, Wilson & Co., Pork- Packers and Dealers in Provisions. Stoddert, T., & Son, Dealers in Dry Goods, Notions, Carpets, etc., No. 3 west side. Stoddert, R., & Sons, Dealers in Hardware, Lumber and Building Ma- terial of all kinds, southeast corner Public Square. Agent for Schuttler Wagon and Brown Corn-Planter. Traver & Nixon, Dealers in and Manufacturers of Brooms, Brushes, etc., also dealers in broom-corn and broom machinery, broom-corn machinery and broom material. Established 1864. Vail, Isaac, Livery, Sale and Feed Stable. Van Meter, S., M. D., Physician and Surgeon. BUSINESS DIRECTORY- 695 Weber Brothers, Bakery and Res- taurant. Dealers in Confectionery, Fruit, Cigars, Tobacco, etc. Oysters and Ice Cream in their season. North- west corner Public Square. Weiss & Frommel, Proprietors Charleston Woolen-Mills, Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Woolen Goods. Wiley & Neal, Attorneys at Law. Office east side Public Square. Wright, HodgeD & Co., Whole- sale and Retail Dealers in Groceries and Provisions, corner of Jackson and La Fayette streets. MATTOON. Alshuler, M., & Co., Dealers in Dry Goods and Notions ; the only one-price store in the city. Staple] and fancy goods, with all the novelties of the sea- son, at lowest cash prices. Aubert, J. L., County Surveyor. Office, head of First street. All bus- iness neatly executed and promptly at- tended to. Ayer, J. I., Dealer in Books, Station- ery and Music. Complete stock of Music and Picture-frames always on hand. Broadway avenue, under Dole House. Beall, J. J,, Attorney at Law. Office with Craig Brothers. Collections and remittances promptly made. Benefiel, J. B., Boss Meat Mar- ket, Western avenue. The best meat the market affi)rds at the lowest cash prices. Bcstwick, C. B., & Co., Publishers and Proprietors Mattoon Weekly Ga- zette. All kinds of Commercial Print- ing promptly executed in the latest styles. Bridges, V. R., M. D., oldest prac- titioner in the township. Office, Broad- way avenue, between Second and Third streets; residence, corner Third and Richmond. Burgess, William, the oldest Boot and Shoe House in the city. Manu- factures to order and deals in Custom- Made Boots, Shoes and Rubbers. Motto : " Good goods, quick sales and small profits." No. 4 East Broadway. Campbell, S. A., Surgical Dentist- Special attention given to filling Teeth with Gold. Dental Parlors in Gold- gart's Block, over Isaac's Clothing Store. CaSSell, J. D., Restaurant and Con- fectionery, Broadway avenue, three doors west of First street. Clark & Scott, Attorneys at Law. Office over Matioon National Bank. Special attention given to practice in State and Federal Courts. Craig, Jas. W. & I. B., Attorneys at Law. Office in F. and M. Bank Building. Practice in State Courts, and loan money on farms and city prop- erty. Dora, J. W., M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Office and residence, Bast Broadway, between Third and Fourth streets. Donnell, John K., Wholesale Grocer, No. 10 East Broadway. Coal Oil a specialty. Drish, J. F,, Dealer in Hardware, Stoves, Tinware, Agricultural Imple- ments, Builders' Supplies, etc., Broad- way avenue, east First National Bank. Everharty, M., City Meat Market, west end Broadway avenue. Garthwait, Frank, Commission and Auction Merchant, Broadway avenue, opposite Dole House. 696 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Gibbs, J. M., Livery and Sale Stables, Union street, south of Broadway av. Gogin, O. W., Justice of the Peace. Collections promptly made and remitted. Office, north side Broadway avenue. Gray, R. M., Prosecuting Attorney of Coles County. Office, Broadway ave. Hanna, John W., under Dole House, Dealer in Books, Music and Stationery, School and College Text-Books and School Supplies of every kind. Hasbrouck, Abram, Mayor of City, and Dealer in Hardware, Agricult- ural Implements, Stoves, Tinware, etc., Broadway avenue, two doors east of First street. Hughes, JaS. F., Attorney at Law. Office over First National Bank. Gives prompt attention to practice in the vari- ous Courts of the State and in United States Court. Hunt, John, Meat Market, corner of Broadway and Second street. Best of meat always on hand, cheap for cash. Jackson, Ira B., Insurance Agent. Represents the following reliable Com- panies : Home, N. Y.; Franklin, Phila- delphia; Underwriters, N. Y.; Manhat- tan, Girard, German-American, Conti- nental, Travelers' Accident, Railway Passengers'^ Assurance, etc., etc. Office up-stairs, Broadway avenue, first door east I. C. R. R. James, Ira, Wholesale Dealer in Coal Oil. Country merchants supplied on short notice. Jonte, Theodore, Dealer in Har- ness, Saddles, Whips, etc. Harness made to order. All goods cheap for cash. Sign, big saddle, Broadway ave. Kahn Bros., oldest established Cloth- ing House in the city. Merchant Tail- oring Department full and complete at all times. East Broadway, five doors south Mattoon National Bank. Kemper, P. A., M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Office over Kilner's Drug Store, Broadway avenue. All calls promptly attended, day and night. Kilner, George T., Druggist, oldest established business in the city. Full line of Drugs on hand at all times; Wines and Liquors for Medicinal Pur- poses. Linn, P. B., Groceries and Provisions, corner Broadway avenue and Fifth street. The most goods for the least cash, is my motto. Logan, Tifl3.n P., District Western Emigrant Agent for Kansas Lands. Also deals in Wood and Coal. Office in Mattoon National Bank Building. McCormick & Ewing, Dealers in Staple and Fancy Groceries and Provis- ions, Broadway avenue, between Second and Third streets. McPadden, R. H., Police Justice and Pension Attorney. Office over F. and M. Bank, Broadway avenue. Pen- sions procured ; charges moderate. Magee, Harvey W., Attorney at Law. Office up-stairs, first door east National Bank. Money to loan on im- proved farms and city property. MeSSer, Daniel, Proprietor Essex House. First-class accommodations. Charges moderate. Moore, John W., Lumber-Yard, and Dealer in Sash, Doors and Blinds, west end Broadway avenue. Morse, L. P., M. D., Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon. Office corner First street and Wabash avenue. All calls promptly attended day and night. Mulford, J. A., Wholesale Dealer in Leather, Hides, Furs, Shoe-Findings, etc., west end Broadway avenue. Paugh, W. H., M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Office, First street, opposite Post Office. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 697 Pile, W. H. K., Real Estate and In- surance Agent. Farms and City Prop- erty for sale or rent. Insurance in reliable Companies at low rates. Rickett, A. J., M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Office, First street, opposite Post Office. Roberts, L. G., Practical and Sur- gical Dentist. Teeth filled and extracted without pain. Full or partial sets made to order and warranted to give satisfac- tion. Scott, Jas. L., Dealer in Fancy and Staple Groceries and Provisions. Large stock, low prices. East Broadway. Soules, John W., Meat Market, be- tween Second and Third Streets, south side Broadway avenue. Sumerlin, Adolf, Attorney at Law and Editor Mattoon Weeldy Gommer- cial. Will give prompt attention to all business intrusted to his care. Woods, T. E., & Bro., Editors and Proprietors Daily and Weekly Journal^ First street, south of Post Office. ASHMORE. Ashmore, H. B., Breeder and Ship- per of Thoroughbred Poland-China Hogs. Austin, Brown & Kimball, Deal- ers in Furniture, Lumber, Lime, Hair, Cement, Paints, Oils, Hardware, Howe Sewing Machines, Farm Implements. Also Undertakers and Builders. ComstOCk, W. R., Dealer in Gro- ceries, Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Fine Toilet Soap, Fancy Hair and Tooth Brushes, Perfumery and Fancy Toilet Articles, Trusses and Shoulder-braces, Grass and Garden Seeds, Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal Purposes, Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Dye-stuffs, Letter-paper, Pens, Ink, Envelopes, Glass, Putty, Carbon Oil, Lamps and Chimneys. Physicians' prescriptions accurately compounded. Lane, Jeremiah, Breeder of Fine Horses. Proprietor of the celebrated stallion, " Red Buck." This horse is a beautiful chestnut brown, fully sixteen hands high, fourteen years old ; sired by Sir Dick ; he by old Imported Packelet, the noted race-horse of Kentucky. To judges of good stock this splendid horse will quickly recommend himself. One- half mile east of Ashmore. RickettS, Joshua, Dealer in Grocer- ies and Provisions, Queensware, Glass- ware, Notions, Grain and Country Pro- duce. Robertson, A. T., M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Dealer in Drugs, Medi- cines, etc. Steele, A. T., M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Waters, P. M., "The Boss" Dry Goods and Clothing, Staple and Fancy Notions Merchant. Where cash does wonders. Boots and shoes a specialty. Produce taken in exchange for goods. Zimmerman & Monroe, Dealers in Dry Goods and Notions, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Stationery, etc. OAKLAND. Annin, Martin W., Carpenter, Con- tractor and Builder. Shop at Lawson's lumber-yard. Busbey, Wm. D., Manufacturer of and Dealer in Harness, Saddles, Collars, Bridles, Whips, Halters, Curry-combs, etc. Repairing done neatly and cheaply. All work warranted. Uncle Sam's Harness Oil. Clipper Mills, S. Zarley, Proprietor. All kinds of Flour, Feed and Meal for sale or exchange for grain. Also pro- €98 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. prietor and patentee of the Oakland Corn-Planter, patented October, 1878. The only j^lanter manufactured that cultivates the ground and drops the corn at the same time. Seed-valve operated either by hand or foot. The attention of manufacturers solicited to the merits of the planter. State rights for sale. For circulars giving full par- ticulars, address J. H. Zarley, Oakland, Coles Co., 111. Cofl3.n, T. S., Dealer in Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Etc., southeast corner Public Square. Conaghan, Ed., Dealer in Groceries, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Notions, and Gents' Furnishing Goods, east side Public Square. High- est price paid for country produce. Cash, L. S. & S. M., Dealers in Dry Goods, Notions, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Clothing, etc., south side Public Square. Clarke, R. B., Dealer in Hardware and Groceries, Notions and Country Produce, east side Public Square. JDunseth, A. A., Justice of the Peace, Police Magistrate, and Special Collecting Agent, will attend promptly to all busi- ness intrusted to his care. Office with J. H. Winkler, in National Bank building. Duncan, T. H., Merchandise. Dealer in General Edson, J. T., Agent in Illinois for W. B. Dickson & Co., Wholesale Dealers in Black Walnut, Cherry, Ash and all kinds of Hard Lumber, Indianapolis, Ind. Excelsior Mill, W. 0. Smith, Pro- prietor. Cash paid for all kinds of grain. Wheat and Corn taken in ex- change for Flour, Feed and Meal, or received on denosifc, North Walnut A. ' street. Hunt, William, Justice of the Peace, Sec. 8, East Oakland Township, Coles Co., 111. Henderson, Wm., Horse-shoer and General Blacksmith. Fine buggy iron- ing a specialty. Kees, Lewis, Dealer in Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Notions, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Glass and Queensware, southwest corner Public Square. Larimer, R. P., Dealer in Groceries and Provisions, Queensware, Glassware, Notions, etc. Lawson, John R., Dealer in Lum- ber, Lath, Shingles, Lime, Coal, Cement, and all kinds of Building Material, and Dealer in Grain. Moore, C, & Son, Dealers in Drugs, Medicines, Paints and Oils, Fine Toilet Soaps, Brushes and Perfumery, Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal use. Dye-woods and Dye-stuiFs generally. Farmers and Physicians from the country will find our stock of medicines com- plete; warranted genuine and of the best quality. Oakland Herald, Dr. s. A. Reel & Co., Proprietors; J. P. Campbell, Editor. All kinds of Job Work and Advertising done with neatness and dispatch. Oakland National Bank. Capi- tal Stock, $53,000; Surplus Fund, S28,575. L. S. Cash, President, John Rutherford, Cashier. Directors, H. Rutherford, W. B. Zimmerman, J. B. Zimmerman, James Routledge, L. D. Carter, L. S. Cash, John Rutherford. Peak, W. J., M. D., Physician, Sur- geon and Accoucheur. Office, City Drug Store. Reel, S. A., M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Office at residence. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 699 Shepherd, J. P., Dealer in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Spectacles. Fine Watcli llepairing a specialty. South side Public Square. Smith, N. P., Dealer in Books, Sta- tionery, Wall Paper, Musical Instru- ments, Sewing Machines, Window Shades and Fixtures, Notions, Toys, Tobaccos, etc., east side Square. Thornton, L. C, Dealer in Agricul- tural Implements. Agent for C. G. Cooper & Co.'s Celebrated Traction, Self-propelling Farm-Engines, Nichols, Shepherd & Co. Vibrators, and Hoover's Excelsior Reapers and Mowers, Post Ofl&ce Building. Williams & Caster, Dealers in Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Notions, etc. West side Public Square. Winkler, Joe H., Attorney at Law. Collecting a specialty. Office in Na- tional Bank Building. MISCELLANEOUS. Bowman, D. A., Blacksmithing and General Jobber. Horse-shoeing and Plow-work a specialty. All jobs war- ranted and woi'k promptly attended to, Humbolt, 111. Terry, Geo. H., Groceries and Queens- ware of all kinds. Highest Market Prices paid for all kinds of Produce, Humbolt, 111. Endsley, T. L., & Co., Dealers in Groceries and General Merchandise, Salisbury, 111. Garner, J. S., M. D., Physician and Surgeon, Salisbury, 111. Rardin, Samuel, Merchant and Postmaster, Rardin, Coles Co., 111. Montgomery, J. T., Physician and Surgeon, Sec. 6, Morgan Tp. P. 0. Charleston, Coles Co., 111. AxSOn, P. R., & Co., Abstracters, Ileal Estate and Loan Agents, Ross Block, Paris, 111. Loans from $500 to $20,000. Lock Box 837. POPULATION OF COLES COUNTY BY TOWNSHIPS. TOWNSHIPS. Ashmore Charleston Charleston... Oakland... Seven Hickory Humbolt Hutton La Fayette Mattoon Morgan North Okaw..., Paradise Vasant Grove Total. 2088 4472 2849 1500 1402 2023 2196 1265 4967 818 1711 1220 1573 1870 Native. 2059 4278 2702 1477 1339 1896 2176 12:^9 4517 801 1645 1208 1557 Foreign. 29 194 147 23 63 127 20 36 450 17 66 12 16 White. 2088 4457 2834 1478 1402 2023 2196 1257 4793 818 1711 1219 1573 Colored. 15 15 22 174 * 1 1860. White. 1277 2214 1217 763 692 1727 734 1946 624 793 1285 Colored. 1 19 t\ Ai