662.^97 .vlSi 1887 • ' ♦ .... - THE UNIVERsiTY” | OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY 3-3 C2 4973 EIv 151 18S7 Return Ais book on or before the Latest Date stamped below. A charge is made on all overdue books. University of Illinois Library M //f'r- f ■■■ c / p ti'O'J -2 ! 953 JRf. f j 0 ' j . JRN 24 ! DEC 24 HAY ' n WO'J — cry 3 JWI' 1 ] n 26 APR 1 1 1 ¥m 1 U 12 l?l: ^ Hm 0 9 ms ■ ^ *7 ^0 j CO 3 S 8 i . 'r 7 I 'J i t r M32 THE UNIVERSITY^ OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY 3-3 C2. 4973 EIv \ 5 i 1S87 k e.'. ll, T: Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 https://archive.org/details/illustratedhisto00evan_0 r :t5.' 7 .^ UBRAHY OF THE INlYEr^ClYV 0? LL:r:OI3 «: ■. - V /.'r. r’'- r»-.'rf‘ T». I ILLUSTRATED HISTORY United States Mint WITH A COMPLETE DESCRIPTION OF AMERICAN COINAQE, From the earliest period to the present time. The Process of Melting, Refining, Assaying, and Coining Gold and Silver fully described: WITH BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OP Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, Robert Morris, Benjamin Rush, John Jay Knox, James P. Kimball, Daniel M. Fox, and the Mint Officers from its foundation to the present time. TO WHICH ARE ADDED A QLOSSAR-v- OK MINT' T'ERMS AND THE /! » * LATEST OFFICIAL TABLES Annual Products of Gold and Silver in the different States, and Foreign Countries, with Monetary Statistics of all Nations. ILLUSTRATED with PHOTOTYPES, STEEL PLATE PORTRAITS and WOOD ENGRAVINGS, with NUMEROUS PLATES of Photographic Reproductions of RARE AMERICAN COINS, and Price List of their numismatic value. New Revised Edition, Edited by the Ptiblisher. PHILADELPHIA : GEORGE G. EVANS, Publishek. '‘" 1887 . Liamy of m pyj/i n Copyrighted by Ueorge G. Evans, 1885, DUNLAP & CLARKE, Pbinters and Book Binders 819-‘21 Filbert Street, Philadelphia. 35 ?., ^'\'i 5 I S’ /(L n^ii \i I on Adjusting room American coins in Hawaii “ gold coins “ silver coins “ gold product of the different states and territories. “ silver “ “ “ Amount coined in 1884 (fiscal year) “ of Coin in the United Slates Ancient coining “ Greek coins “ Persian coins Roman coins nnealing furnaces Architecture indebted to coins Assay, annual “ process of Assayers of Mint, list of Assaving gold “ silver