LIST OF BOOKS FOR DISTRICT LIBRARIES SELECTED AND ARRANGED BY HENRY R. PATTENGILL a S' Superintendent of Public Instruction Robert Smith & Co., State Printers and Binders, Lansing, Mich. n “rv on.^l ESTABLISH A LIBRARY. Every school, rural or city, should have a working school library; a library selected first of all to assist pupils in a proper study of geography, history, and literature. The last legislature amended the law so that any school, whether it has 100 pupils or not, may establish a school library. Let the work begin at once. Commissioners, school officers, teachers, begin the agitation, arouse the sentiment, plan to have a vote taken in the next district school meet- ing to establish a library. Gret an appropriation of $5, $10, $15 or more for a start. In order to aid in the proper selection of such libraries the Department . of Public Instruction some time ago sent out requests to 100 different teachers in the State, asking them to name the books they found best suited to supplement the work of various branches, and many excellent lists were received. A careful compilation was then made, and the lists following are the result. No $25 list was prepared, since one can so readily be made by combination of the $5 and $10 lists. 5 Ftve-Dollar Library. — (13 books.) Publisher. Author. Title. Science — Ginn & Co Jane Andrews .Stories Mother Nature Told Lothrop Beach Wonder Stories of Science Am. Book Co. Johonnot Friends in Feathers and Fur History and Biography — Lee & Shepard Watson ..The Boston Tea Party Porter & Coates Strickland Tales from English History “ “ Laing Heroes of the Seven Hills Lee & Shepard Blaisdell Stories of the Civil War Geography and Travel — Houghton & Mifflin Anderson Pictures of Travel Ed. Pub. Co. Mara Pratt Stories of Australasia. Ginn & Co Church Stories of the Old World General Literature — Houghton & Mifflin Longfellow .Evangeline (portrait, life, and notes) “ “ K. D. Wiggin. .Story of Patsy Porter & Coates Hughes ..Tom Brown at Rugby . Price. $0 50 63 30 25 27 27 25 80 36 40 25 50 27 Total $5 05 515^ A- 2 ESTABLISH A LIBRARY. Five- Dollar Library. — ( 12 books.) Publisher. Author. Title. Science — Macmillan Kingsley Madam How and Lady Why Am. Book Co. McGuffey Living Creatures of Water, Land, and Air Ed. Pub. Co. Mara Pratt Storyland of Stars History and Biography — Ginn & Co Jane Andrews .Ten Boys Who Lived on the Road to Long Ago Am. Book Co. Johonnot Stories of Our Country Ed. Pub. Co. Mara Pratt Story of Columbus Geography and Travel — Ed. Pub. Co. Jane Andrews .Seven Little Sisters Prove Their Sis- terhood Ginn & Co Frye Brooks and Brook Basins Ed. Pub. Co. Mara Pratt Stories of China General Literature — Leach, Shewell & Sanborn.Hale Stories for Children Porter & Coates Dickens David Copperfield Ginn & Co Kingsley _____ .Greek Heroes Price. $0 50 50 40 50 40 40 50 58 27 35 27 35 Total $5 02 Five Dollar Library.— ( 14 books.) Publisher. Science — Putnam Author. Title. Price. Appleton Damon Ocean Wonders Ed. Pub. Co Mara Pratt Little Flower Folks (Vol. I) History and Biography — Am. Book Co. Johonnot Stories of Heroic Deeds Ginn & Co Scott Tales of a Grandfather Houghton & Mifflin Fiske War of Independence Porter & Coates Laing Seven Kings of the Seven Hills. Geography and Travel — Ginn & Co Jane Andrews .Seven Little Sisters Ed. Pub. Co. Mara Pratt Stories of India Ginn & Co Church Stories of the Old World General Literature — Porter & Coates Cooper The Deerslayer Am. Book Co. Scott Lady of the Lake Ginn & Co Irving Sketch-book for Children “ “ Webster First Bunker Hill Oration Total $5 00 Five-Dollar Library. — ( 14 books.) Publisher. Author. Title, Science — Am. Book Co McGuffey Familiar Animals and Their Wild Kindred “ “ “ Johonnot Neighbors with Wings and Fins Ginn & Co Hale Little Flower People History and Biography— Porter & Coates Dickens Child’s History of England Hurst Creasy Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World Am. Book Co. Johonnot Grandfather Stories Ed. Pub. Co Mara Pratt American History Stories (Vol. I.) Geography and Travel — Ginn & Co Jane Andrews .Each and All Ed. Pub. Co Mara Pratt Stories of China Scribner Drummond Tropical Afrioa Price. SO 50 40 40 27 45 27 36 50 27 67 ESTABLISH A LIBRARY. Publisher. Author. Title. General Literature — Houghton & Mifflin Scudder Classics for Children “ “ Longfellow Courtship of Miles Standish. Porter & Coates Stowe Uncle Tom’s Cabin tfinn& Co Franklin Poor Richard’s Almanac Total Price. $0 30 27 27 14 $5 07 Ten-Dobrar Library. — (24 books.) Publisher. Author. oo Ed. Pub. Co Mara Pratt. Title. .Little Flower Folks (2 Vols)_. .Storylandof Stars .Friends in Feathers and Fur. .Water Babies - Am. Book Co Johonnot. Macmillan Kingsley Lothrop Dean Little Folks Wonders History and Biography — Ginn & Co Scott Tales of a Grandfather Ed, Pub. Co Mara Pratt The Great West Porter & Coates Bartlett Joan of Arc “ “ Bray man Daring Deeds of American Heroes _ .. Houghton & Mifflin Holmes Grandmother^ Story of Bunker Hill “ “ Johonnot Stories of Olden Times “ “ Hawthorne Biographical Stories Geography and Travel — Lee & Shepard King Methods and Aids in Geography Ginn & Co Ballou Footprints of Travel Ed. Pub. Co. Mara Pratt Stories of Australasia. “ “ “ “ “ “ India “ “ “ “ .... “ “China General Literature — Houghton & Mifflin Longfellow Hiawatha (notes and vocab.) “ “ K. D. Wiggin.The Story Hour Porter & Coates Andersen Fairy Tales “ “ Brayman Thrilling Adventures on Land and Sea “ “ Bunce Romance of the Revolution Macmillan Church Stories of the Iliad Price* $0 60 40 30 50 84 40 30 27 27 25 54 15 1 00 70 36 36 27 40 80 27 27 27 50 Total $10 02 Ten-Dollar Library. — (24 books.) Author. Title. Publisher. Science— Am. Book Co .Johonnot Neighbors with Claws and Hoofs. Houghton & Mifflin Burroughs Birds, Bees and Sharpeyes (Nos. 28 and 36, Classics for Children) “ “ Bamford Up and Down the Brooks Heath Spear Leaves and Flowers Ed. Pub. Co. Mara Pratt Storyland of Stars Appleton Benjamin The Multitudinous Seas History and Biography — Am. Book Co. Johonnot. Ten Great Events in History “ “ Eggleston First Book in American History... . Houghton & Mifflin Scudder George Washington “ “ Hawthorne . .True Stories of New England History Porter & Coates Dickens Child’s History of England “ Laing Conquests of the Seven Hills. Geography and Travel — Houghton & Mifflin Higginson Java, the Pearl of the East. “ “ Ballou Footprints of Travel Ginn & Co Church Stories of the Old World “ “ Jane Andrews .Seven Little Sisters Ed, Pub. Co .Mara Pratt Stories of China Price. $0 54 40 60 25 40 45 54 60 60 15 27 27 60 70 40 50 27 4 ESTABLISH A LIBRARY. Publisher. Author. Title. Price. General Literature — Lee & Shepard Eliot Six Stories from Arabian Nights $0 25 Rand & McNally Sewell Black Beauty 75 Am. Book Co. ... Scott Lady of the Lake . 30 Houghton & Mifflin Hawthorne Wonder Book 40 Ginn & Co Lamb Tales from Shakespeare 40 Porter & Coates Cooper The Deerslayer 27 Ginn & Co Franklin Poor Richard’s Almanac 14 Total $10 05 Thirty-Five-Dollar Library. — (57 books.) Publisher. Author. Science— Am. Book Co. Johonnot. Title. Some Curious Flyers, Creepers, and Swimmers “ “ Hooker Child’s Book of Nature (3 vols. Water, Land and Air)__ “ “ McGuffey Familiar Animals and Their Wild Kindred Ed. Pub. Co. Mara Pratt Fairyland of Flowers Macmillan Kingsley Water Babies “ - “ Madam How and Lady Why “ W ilson The Five Gateways of Knowledge Appleton Buckley Fairyland of Science Houghton & Mifflin Greene Coal and Coal Mines Ginn & Co Jane Andrews .Stories Mother Nature Told Crowell Mrs. Cooper. _ .Short Stories in Botany History and Biography — Ed. Pub. Co. Mara Pratt Young Folks Library of Am. Hist. — f Cortez and Montezuma j Pizarro, or the Conquest of Peru . _ ] The Great West ...1 ^Stories of Massachusetts .Stories of Our Country Grandfather Stories Stories of Heroic Deeds .Following the Flag Boys of ’61 Boys of Greenaway Court (Story of Washington’s Early Life) Porter & Coates Laing Child’s History of Rome — ( Seven Kings of the Seven Hills j Conquests of the Seven Hills ( Heroes of the Seven Hills Porter & Coates Dickens Child’s History of England Crowell Farmer Girls Who Became Famous “ “ Boys Who Became Famous Geography and Travel — Am. Book Co. Johonnot. Estes &L Coffin it a a Appleton Butterworth Estes & L. Ed. Pub. Co. Butterworth Zigzag Journeys — ( On the Mediterranean j On the Mississippi ( In Europe.. Mara Pratt Stories of Australasia... “ “ Stories of India “ “ Stories of China General Literature — Houghton & Mifflin Tennyson Enoch Arden “ “ Longfellow Evangeline (portrait, life, and notes) _ “ “ Hiawatha (notes and vocab.) “ “ Whittier Snowbound “ “ Hawthorne ..Tanglewood Tales “ “ K. D. Wiggin. .Story of Patsy “ “ Larcom New England Girlhood Am. Book Co Scott Lady of the Lake Ginn & Co Lamb Tales from Shakespeare “ “ Irving Sketch Book Price. $0 40 1 00 ' 50 1 00 50 50 50 1 00 60 50 67 30 30 30 60 40 27 30 25 75 1 00 27 27 27 00 00 50 50 50 36 36 27 53 25 40 25 40 50 60 30 40 25 ESTABLISH A LIBRARY. Publisher. Author. Dodd, Mead & Co. Church.. I< Cl >1 cc Leach, Shewell & Sanborn .Hale Porter & Coates Defoe “ Hughes .. “ “ Andersen Roberts Hale “ • Ewing “ Alcott Scribner Eggleston Houghton & Mifflin Century Co. Total Title. Price. Stories from Homer $0 80 Stories from Vergil 80 Stories for Children 35 Robinson Crusoe 27 Tom Brown at Rugby 27 Fairy Tales 27 The Man Without a Country 1 25 Six to Sixteen 50 Little Women 1 50 The Hoosier School Boy 50 Masterpieces of American Literature 1 00 World’s Fair Book for Boys and Girls (ill.) 1 50 $35 10 Fifty- Dollar Library. — (79 books.) Publisher. Author, Science— Am. Book Co Gray Ed. Pub. Co. Mara Pratt, Title. How Plants Grow .Storyland of Stars .Little Flower Folks .Life and Her Children .Autobiography of the Earth .Wonder Stories of Science __ Appleton Buckley “ Hutchinson Lothrop Beach Houghton & Mifflin Burroughs Birds, Bees, and Sharpeyes(10 vols)._ Ginn & Co. Jane Andrews .Stories Mother Nature Told Estes &L Richards Four Feet, Two Feet, and No Feet. . Roberts Hale Stories of Invention History and Biography— Am. Book Co. Eggleston First Book in American History “ *• Johonnot Ten Great Events in History Lee & Shepard Frost Lives of the Presidents “ “ Higginson Young Folks History of the United States Ed. Pub. Co Mara Pratt Story of Columbus American History Stories (4 vols.) __ Blue Jackets of 1812 Price. $0 80 40 30 1 00 1 00 63 3 60 50 1 75 1 00 Dodd, Mead & Co. Abbott Crowell Farmer Porter & Coates Laing Houghton & Mifflin Scudder . Hawthorne “ “ Holmes Grandmother’s Story of Bunker Hill Ginn & Co Jane Andrews Ten Boys Who Lived on the Road, etc. .Girl’s Book of Famous Queens .Boy’s Book of Famous Rulers . Child’s History of Rome— ( Seven Kings of the Seven Hills \ Conquests of the Seven Hills ( Heroes of the Seven Hills George Washington Biographical Stories Macmillan Kingsley Roberts Bros Hale . Estes & L Coffin Westward Ho!. .Stories of Discovery .Boys of ’61 Winning His Way . Boys of ’76 .Battles of the Republic Harper & Bros. “ Porter & Coates Harrison _ Geogrophy and Travel — Houghton & Mifflin Higginson Java, the Pearl of the East “ Anderson Pictures of Travel Ed. Pub. Co...l ...Mara Pratt Stories of Australasia ... “ “ “ Stories of India. “ ‘‘ “ “ Stories of China Scribner Drummond Tropical Africa. Estes &L Coffin Our New Way Around the World “ “ Butterworth ..Zigzag Journeys in the Occident Ginn & Co Jane Andrews. Seven Little Sisters “ “ “ “ Seven Little Sisters Prove Their Sisterhood “ “ Church Stories of the Old World 60 54 90 83 40 1 44 1 60 00 00 27 27 60 15 25 50 50 00 75 25 40 27 60 80 36 36 27 67 75 50 50 50 40 ESTABLISH A LIBRARY. G Publisher. General Literature — Houghton & Mifflin U Ginn & Co. Macmillan. Porter & Coates ii U U Century Co. Scribner Lee & Shepard . Rand & McNally Harper & Bros. . Ed. Pub. Co. Author. Title. .Whittier Child-life in Poetry ... .Longfellow Evangeline (portrait, life, and notes). .Scudder Fables and Folk Stories .Hawthorne Twice-told Tales. .Lamb Tales from Shakespeare .Irving Sketch Book .Church Stories of the Iliad e “ Stories of the Odyssey Ballantyne Shifting Winds Hughes Tom Brown at Rugby Stowe Uncle Tom’s Cabin Dickens Child’s History of England Lytton Last Days of Pompeii .Scott .Ivan hoe Meredith Lucile Bruce Romance of the Revolution .Cox The Brownie Book .Burnett Little Lord Fauntleroy .Froebel Mother Plays .Sewell Black Beauty .Wallace Ben Hur .Chase & Clow .Stories of Industry (2 vols.) .Aesop Fables Price. $1 60 25 40 32 40 25 50 50 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 1 50 1 34 1 25 75 1 20 80 30 Total $50 03 We would also recommend, for use as supplemental reading, the English Classic Series, which can be procured by the dozen at ten cents each. It covers the lives and best works of more than three score of the most noted authors, including Kellogg’s fine expurgated editions of Shakespeare’s Plays. A catalog can be obtained by sending to Maynard, Merrill & Co., New York city. Another thing we would suggest to our district schools is the ownership by each pupil, so far as possible, of a small dictionary; for, while every school should be supplied with a Webster’s unabridged for the use of teacher and general use of pupils, still nothing so stimulates frequent reference to it as individual ownership. The American Book Co. has recently issued two desirable editions for this purpose: Webster’s Primary Dictionary (20,000 words and 400 illustrations) $0 48 Webster’s Common School Dictionary (25,000 words and 500 ills.) 72 The following is a supplemental list comprising two series of books which would make a valuable addition to any school library, but which could not all be included in our lists on account of expense: Butterworth’s Zizzag Journeys, published by Estes & Lauriat, each $1.50. Journeys on the Mediterranean. “ “ “ Mississippi. “ in Australia. “ in the Great Northwest. “ “ “ British Isles. “ “ “ Antipodes. “ “ “ Sunny South. “ “ “ Levant. “ “ “ Acadia and New France. “ “ “ Occident. “ “ “ Orient. “ “ “ India. “ “ “ Northern Lands. “ “ Classic Lands. “ “ “ Europe. ESTABLISH A LIBRARY. 7 Coffin’s Works, published by Harper & Brothers, each $2.40. Drum-beat of the Nation (First period of Civil War). Marching to Victory (Second Period of Civil War). Redeeming the Republic (Third Period of Civil War), Boys of ’76. Abraham Lincoln. Building of a Nation. The Story of Liberty. Old Times in the Colonies. Teachers’ List. From the numerous good books filled with suggestive thoughts and methods for development along the lines of pedagogical science, the following have been selected as among the best: Publisher. Author. Title. Price. Am. Book Co. .Methods of Teaching __ __ % 80 <4 44 White _ -Elements of Pedagogy __ . . _ 80 u a Hailman __ Primary Methods _ _ _ 60 D. C. Heath Lange -..Apperception-- ___ __ __ 80 Cl Cl, Compayre . ...Lectures on Pedagogy __ . .. __ 1 40 44 44 _ _ . Pestalozzi . ___ Leonard and Gertrude 70 D. Appleton & Co. _ -Education in the United States. _ 1 15 44 44 Sully __ .Teacher’s Handbook of Psychology- 1 15 “ “ Preyer . ..Infant Mind ... . 75 44 »< Froebel -..Education of Man... __ I 15 Quick ..-Educational Reforms 1 15 “ “ Rosenkranz . .Philosophy of Education 1 15 “ “ __ _Page .Theory and Practice of Teaching. __ 75 “ “ Hinsdale ___ . ..How to Teach and Study History. 1 15 a 44 . . _ Parker . . . . How to Study Geography 1 15 a d _ _ . Spencer ...Education __ .. _ 95 Address of Publishers. Houghton & Mifflin, 4 Park St., Boston, Mass. Porter & Coates, 9th and Chestnut Sts., Philadelphia, Penn. Ginn & Co., 355-361 Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111. American Book Co., 521-531 Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111. Harper & Brothers, Franklin Sq., N. Y. City. Lee & Shepard, 10 Milk St., Boston, Mass. Ed. Pub. Co., 50 Bromfield St., Boston, Mass. Estes & Lauriat, 301-305 Wash. St., Boston, Mass. D. Lothrop Co., 364-366 Wash. St., Boston, Mass. Dodd, Mead & Co., 5 East 19th St., N. Y. City. Roberts Brothers Publishing Co., Boston, Mass. T. Y. Crowell & Co., 46 East 14th St., (Union Sq.) N. Y. City. Macmillan & Co., 66 Fifth Ave., N. Y. City. D. Appleton Co., 1, 3 and 5 Bond St., N. Y. City. Chas. Scribner’s Sons, 743-745 Broadway, N. Y. City. Century Co., 33 East 17th St., (Union Sq.) N. Y. City. Leach, Shewell & Sanborn, 106-108 Wabash Ave.. Chicago, 111. D. C. Heath &, Co., 355 Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111. Rand & McNally, Chicago, 111. Hurst & Co., N. Y. City. G. P. Putnam’s Sons, N. Y. City. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates «