- : : I m I PHOTO'C. er , CONTAINING A SERIES OF SKETCHES RELATING TO EVENTS THAT OCCURRED PREVIOUS TO 1813; NARRATIVES OP MANY THRILLING INCIDENTS CONNECTED WITH THE EARLY SETTLEMENT OP THE WEST, DRAWN FROM HISTORY, TRADITION AND PERSONAL REMINISCENCES. BY N. MATSON, AUTHOR or "BEYOND THE ATLANTIC," "REMINISCENCES OF BUREAU COUNTY," " FRENCH AND INDIANS OP ILLINOIS RIVER," "MEMORIES OF SHAUBENA," ETC. CHICAGO: KNIGHT & LEONARD, PRINTERS. 1882. COPYRIGHT, 1882. BY N. MATSON. f. torture commenced the doomed victims were seated on the ground awaiting their fate, some of whom were weeping or praying, others en- gaged in singing their death song. The executioner, with his long knife, cut off the nose and ears and pieces of flesh from the body while the prisoners sat writhing with agony, and the ground around them red with human gore. This work of torture contin- ued for some time, limbs and pieces of flesh were cut from different parts of the body, and in some cases the bowels were taken out and trailed on the ground, while the groans and screams of the victims in their agonies of death were terrible to witness. Tonti and his companions looked on in horror at these 72 DEATH OF FATHER GABRIEL. 73 barbarous acts of the Iroquois, but dare not remon- strate, as they, too, were prisoners, and did not know but a like fate awaited them. While the torture was going on the two priests were engaged in baptising tl e victims in order to absolve them from past sins, and as each one was about to expire they held the crucifix before his eyes so he might look on it while giving up the ghost, and through its divine efficacy his soul would be saved from perdition. When the prisoners were all dead the warriors cut out their hearts, roasted and ate them so as to make them brave. For a number of days the Iroquois continued to rejoice over their victory, spending the time in sing- ing and dancing around the scalps, causing the timbers and surrounding bluff to re-echo with their wild whoops and yells. DEATH OF FATHER GABRIEL. Two days after the Iroquois' victory, the French were set at liberty, and they departed eastward in an old leaky canoe. After going about six leagues, they stopped at the mouth of a creek to repair the canoe and dry their clothing; while thus engaged, Father Gabriel, who was always fond of solitude, wandered off among the thick timber for the purpos6 74 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. of prayer and meditation. When the canoe was repaired, clothes dried, and the time of departure came, Father Gabriel being absent search was made for him, but he could not be found. During the night fires were kept burning along the river bank, and guns discharged to direct him to camp, but all in vain. During the tollowing day they searched the woods far and near for the missing priest, but all to no purpose, so they gave him up for lost, and continued on their journey. For clays they mourned the loss of the holy father, as he was an old man of nearly three score and ten, and much devoted to the interest of the church. It was afterward ascertained that Father Gabriel was taken prisoner by Indians, carried off to their camp to be executed, and while his friends were searching for him these savages were dancing around his scalp. While Father Gabriel was at prayer in the thick timber two Indians approached him in a threatening manner, and with his head uncovered he arose to meet them. In vain he told the savages that he was their friend, having come from afar across the big waters to teach them in the ways of truth and happiness; but regardless of his entreaties, they bound his hands behind his back and led him off a prisoner to their camp. A council was held over the captive, and it was decided that he should A SCENE OF HORROE. 75 die. A stake was driven into the ground, and Father Gabriel, with his hands and feet pinioned, tied to it. Here he sat on the ground, bound to the stake, with his long hair and flowing beard, whitened with the snows of seventy winters, waving to and fro in the wind.' The Indians formed a circle around their victim, singing and dancing, and under re- peated blows of the war-club he fell to the ground and expired. Thus perished Father Gabriel, the only heir of a wealthy I'urgundian house, who had given i.p a life of ease and comfort in the old world to preach the gospel to the heathens of the west, and who, at last, became his murderers. Four years after the tragedy above narrated a trader at Fort St. Louis bought of an Indian a small gold image of the Virgin Mary, with Father Gabriel's name engraved thereon. This image had been presented to the holy father by the bishop of Normandy, on the day he sailed for America, and he had carried it in his bosom near his heart until the day of his death. Many years after the recovery of this golden image it was carried back to France, and is now to be seen in the museum of Rouen. A SCENE OF HORROR. It was midwinter, three months after the mas- sacre of the Illinois Indians, when La Salle with 76 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. twelve companions returned from Canada to I6ok after his little colony, on the Illinois River. As the canoes passed rapidly down the swollen stream the eyes of the travelers were directed to Starved Rock, where they expected to tind Tonti within his fortifi- cation. But no palisades were there; no smoke ascended from its summit, nor signs of human habita- tion could be seen. Passing down the rapid current a mile and a half, the travelers were surprised to find the great town of the west had disappeared. The large meadow formerly covered with lodges and camping-tents, and swarming with human beings, was now a lonely waste, a fit representative of death and desolation. On the charred poles which had formed the framework of lodges were many human heads partly robbed of flesh by birds of prey. Packs of wolves fled at their approach, and flocks of buz- zards raised from their hideous repast and flew squawking away to distant trees. E\ en the bury ing- grounds showed marks of the vindictive malice of the victors having made war on the dead as well as the living. Graves had been opened and bones taken out and piled up in heaps, or broken into frag- ments and scattered about over the prairie. The scaffold containing the dead had been torn down and their contents thrown hither and thither on the meadow. Everywhere the ground was strewn with A SCENE OF HORROR. 77 mangled bodies and broken bones of the unfortunate Illinoisans. In the midst of the ruins the conquerors had erected an altar to the god of war, and the poles sur- rounding it were capped with heads of victims, whose long hair and ghastly features were sickening to look on. The stench arising from putrefaction was so offensive, and the scene so horrifying, that La Salle and his party turned away from it and encamped for the night on the opposite side of the river. During the long winter night the loneliness was made in- tolerable by the howling of wolves, and buzzards winging their way back and forth through the dark domain. On the following morning La Salle returned to the ancient town and examined the skulls of many of the victims to see if he could find among them the remains of Tonti and his party, but they all ap- peared to have been the heads of Indians. On the bank of the river were planted six posts painted red, and on each of these was a figure of a man drawn in white. La Salle believed these figures represented six white men, prisoners in the hands of the Indians, it being the number of Tonti's party. La Salle and his comrades again boarded their canoes and started down the river, hoping to learn something in relation to the fate of their country- V8 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS, men, but nothing was discovered. As the travelers passed down the river they saw on the island where the squaws and papooses had taken refuge many human figures standing erect but motionless. With great caution they landed from their canoes to ex- amine these figures, and found them to be partly consumed bodies of squaws who had been bound to a stake and then burned. Fires had been made at their feet, consuming the flesh off their legs and crisping their bodies, but leaving the remains bound to the stake, standing erect as though in life. Poles were stuck into the marsh and papooses placed thereon, while others were hanging by the neck from limbs of trees, with the flesh partly eaten off their bodies by birds of prey. The sight of these dead bodies was so revolting to look upon that the French turned away from them in horror, and con- tinued on their way down the river. STARVED ROCK. This remarkable rock is so closely identified with the early history of the Illinois country, and so often referred to in our story, the reader will par- don me for this digression from the narrative in describing it. On the south bank of the Illinois River, eight miles below Ottawa, and near the foot of the rapids, STARVED ROCK. 79 is a remarkable cliff known as Starved Rock. This rocky cliff rises almost perpendicularly from the water's edge to the height of one hundred and thirty-six feet, and is separated from neighboring cliffs by a wide chasm, which shows signs of hav- ing been produced by some convulsion of nature. Three sides of this rock rise like a watch-tower, but the fourth, side, next to the bluff, recedes inward, and at one place can be ascended by a steep, rocky pathway. The walls of this cliff consist of grey sandstone, partly hid by forest trees, and when viewed from a distance has the appearance of an old castle of feudal times. Starved Rock is of a circular form, and in view- ing it from every standpoint it has a bold, majestic appearance. On the north side, next to the river, the cliff is perpendicular, rising in towering masses, one rock upon the other, and overlooking the rapid stream which flows at its base. In some places the walls of this cliff are smooth, and thick layers of rock look like the work of art, while at other places they are rough with overhanging crags, under which are many dark, dismal looking caverns, at one time the abode of wild animals. Out of the many crev- ices in the rocks stunted cedars grow, and under their branches can be seen patches of cactus and mountain ivy. 80 PIONEEES OF ILLINOIS. The summit of Starved Rock contains about three-fourths of an acre, some of it smooth sand- stone, on which are engraved many names of visit- ors; but the larger portion is covered by earth, with grass and small evergreen trees growing thereon. Here, by the river side, stands this high, isolated rock, the same as it stood centuries ago, overlooking the broad plain below and the many . wood-clad islands which divide the swift current of the Illinois River, and here it will continue to stand, a monu- ment of past ages and the admiration of the present. Its bold, towering walls, its high, majestic summit, and its isolated position, make it the most picturesque object on the Illinois River, and for historic remini- scences it is without a parallel in the western country. The view from the summit of Starved Rock is very fine, and will remind a person of a grand land- scape painting or a beautiful panorama. To the north and west is a large bottom prairie, bounded on each side by bluffs covered with forest trees. Through tlys great meadow flows the Illinois River, which can be seen many miles distant winding about in its serpentine course. On looking down into the river at the base of the rock catfish and turtles can be seen sporting over the sand and rocks in the clear, shallow stream, while shoals of pike and red horse ascend the swift current. STARVED ROCK. 81 By the early French explorers Starved Rock, known as Le Rocher, has figured extensively in the early history of western discoveries. Two centuries ago La Salle built a fort on its summit, the relics of which are still to be seen, and around this fort was 1 clustered the first colony in the Mississippi Valley. The summit of this rock was at one time the abode of gay and joyous French, where balls, gay parties and wine suppers were held, and here, too, was heard, morning and evening, the songs of praise from the lips of devout Jesuit priests. At another time it was a scene of strife, carnage and desola- tion, stained with human blood and covered with the bodies of the slain. Of late years pleasure parties have frequent dances on this rock; but they do not consider that here was once the dance of death, where the infant, the mother, the young maiden, the brave warrior and aged chief suffered ami died, and their bones, bleached white by rain and sun, could be seen for many years afterward. Two hundred years has made but little change in the appearance of Starved Rock. The same fort- like walls remain, and probably the same stunted cedars . crown its summit ; but the surroundings have undergone a great change. The great meadow which it overlooks, once covered with grass and wild flowers, and sometimes blackened with herds 82 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. of buffalo, is now occupied by farms in close suc- cession. To the north, across the wide bottom prairie, is seen the village of Utica, with its cement mills and warehouses, by the side of which pass the canal and railroad. To the west, five miles^ below but in plain view, are the flourishing cities of Peru and La Salle, with their church steeples glittering in the sunbeams. Steam and canal boats are seen in the river, and trains of cars passing and repassing on the different railroads. Evidences of agriculture, commerce and civilization are now seen from the summit of this rock, and the familiar peals of church and school bells are heard, instead ot the wild war-whoop of savages while engaged in a bloody strife, leaving the great meadow below strewn with the dead, as in former times. CHAPTER VII. BUILDING OF FORT ST. LOUIS. LA SALLE met Tonti and his comrades at Macki naw, and with them descended the Mississippi to its mouth, after which they returned to build a fort on the Illinois River. In the fall of 1682 La Salle, with about forty soldiers under his command, built a fort on the summit of Starved Rock. The place of ascending this rock was improved by breaking off projecting crags and cutting steps in the steep, rocky pathway. The stunted cedars that crowned the summit were cut away to make room for fortifica- tions, and the margin of the rock for about two- thirds of its circumference was encircled by earth- works. Timbers were cut on the river bottom below, and by hand dragged up the stair-like pathway to build a block-house, store-house and dwelling, also to protect a large portion of the summit of the rock with palisades. They built a platform on the trunk of two leaning cedars which grew on the margin of the cliff, on which a windlass was placed to draw water out of the river to supply the garrison. The 84 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. two small cannon brought from Canada in a canoe were mounted on the wooden ramparts, and all the arms, stores, etc., belonging to the French, were carried here and placed within the stockades. When the fort was completed, and the French flag swung to the breeze, the cannons fired three salutes in honor of Louis XIV, and all the soldiers shouted vive le roi. The fort was named St Louis or Rock Fort, and in its dedication Father Zenobe called on the Hoi j Virgin to bless and keep it in the true faith, and protect it from the enemies of the cross. From the wooden ramparts of Fort St. Louis, which were as high and almost as inaccessible as an eagle's nest, the French could look down on the Indian town below, and also on the great meadow which lay spread out before them like a map. Two years before this meadow was the scene of carnage, a waste of death and desolation, blackened by fire, and strewn with the ghastly remains of the slain in the Iroquois victory. But now it was changed: Indians to the number of six thousand had returned, and the river bank for a mile in extent was covered with lodges. Many of the inhabitants of other villages came here to trade, bringing with them venison, buf- falo meat, furs, pelts, etc., to exchange for goods. At one time there were encamped around the fort not less than twenty thousand Indians, who came TRADE WITH THE INDIANS. 85 here to trade and seek protection from their much dreaded enemies, the Iroquois. Emigrants from Can- ada came here and built cabins near the fort, some of whom married squaws, lived in the village with the Indians, and adopted their dress, habits and cus- toms. The colony was called Louisiana, in honor of the king of France, and according to maps drawn at that time it included all of the Mississippi Valley. TRADE WITH THE INDIANS. La Salle being now established within his stockades he turned his attention to trading with the Indians, supplying them with goods, and taking furs in ex- change. He claimed dominion over all the country west of the lakes by virtue of his patent, and he divided it out among his friends by giving them per- mits to trade with the Indians. He authorized Richard Bosley to establish a trading pose at Caho- kia, and Phillip de Beuro one at Green Bay, but compelled them to pay him a royalty on all goods sold and furs bought. Indians from different parts of the country came to the fort for the purpose of trade, carrying with them large quantities of furs, which were exchanged for goods at a large profit to the trader. Toma- hawks, axes, knives, etc., made of flint, were super- seded by those of steel, guns took the place of bows 86 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. arid arrows, and blankets as a wearing apparel the place of heavy buffalo robes. Blankets worth three dollars in Montreal would bring one hundred dollars in furs, and a tomahawk that cost fifty cents sold for twenty dollars among the Indians. LA SALLE'S SUCCESS, FAILURE AND DEATH. Two years after Fort St. Louis was built La Salle, leaving Tonti in command, returned to Canada, and from thence sailed for France. Obtaining assistance from the court of France La Salle in the following year, with three ships loaded with emigrants, sailed for the mouth of the Mississippi River, with the in- tention of establishing a colony there. Being unsuccessful in finding the mouth of the Mississippi he landed in Texas, and while traveling across the country on his way to the colony on the Illinois was assassinated by his own men. In the summer of 1686 Tonti with forty men. in canoes, descended the river to the Gulf of Mexico in search of La Salle, but found no traces of him. Again in 1669 he made a like tour in search of the remnant of the colony, and for the purpose of finding the bones of the great explorer in order to carry them back with him to Fort St. Louis, but this ex- pedition, like the first one, proved a failure. Although La Salle was dead his colony on the FORT ST. LOUIS ATTACKED BY IROQUOIS. 87 Illinois River continued to flourish, and the fur trade became a source of great wealth. For eighteen years this trade was conducted by Tonti and La- Frost, the former living at Fort St. Louis, and the latter in Canada. FORT ST. LOUIS ATTACKED BY IROQUOIS. Two years after the building of Fort St. Louis it was attacked by two thousand Iroquois warriors, and by them held in siege six days. At that time Tonti was in command of the fort, which contained only fifty soldiers and one hundred Indian allies, and with this small force he put the besiegers to flight. On a bright, clear day in the latter part of May the great meadow was green with grass, intermixed with flowers of various hues, the forest trees were in full leaf, and the air made fragrant with blossoms of the wild plum a id crab-apple. Birds were singing among the branches of trees, and squirrels chirping in the thick river timber, while at a distance was heard the musical notes of the robin and meadow- lark. In the shade of willows and outspreading elms, along the bank of the river, lay the doe and her fawn, lulled to slumber by the hum of the wild bee and grasshopper. All was quiet at Fort St. Louis, and the occupants were delighted with the beauty of the surrounding scenery. To the west, in 88 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. plain view, lay the great town of LaVantum, with its hundreds of lodges built along the bank of the river, and around which were passing masses of human beings. On the race-track above the town warriors mounted on ponies were practicing horsemanship, while far in the distance squaws were seen at work in their corn fields or gathering greens for the family meal. It was Sabbath morning, the fourth after Easter; all the inmates of the fort were dressed in their best apparel and seated under the shade of cedars awaiting religious services. Father Zenobe, dressed in his long black robe, with a large gold cross hang- ing from his neck, was about to commence services when a lone Indian was seen on the bottom prairie going westward, and urging his pony forward at the top of its speed. Father Zenobe after concluding his sermon was about to administer the sacrament when the sentinel at the gate fired his gun to give an alarm. At this unexpected signal the meeting broke up, and every one ran to his post thinking the fort was about to be attacked. On looking in the direc- tion of the town everything appeared in commotion, warriors mounted on ponies riding back and forth at full gallop, squaws and papooses running hither and thither in wild confusion, drums beating, chiefs yell- ing in giving command, while the cries and lamenta- FORT ST. LOUIS ATTACKED BY IROQUOIS. 89 tions of the frightened people could be heard even at the fort. Tonti, with three companions, came -down from the fort, boarded a canoe, and with all haste proceeded down the river to ascertain the cause of this excitement, when the mystery was ex- plained. A scout had arrived with the intelligence that a large body of Iroquois were only ten leagues distant, .and marching on the town. The tragedy of four years previous was fresh in their minds, and fearing a like result caused them to go wild with terror. The chiefs and warriors collected around Tonti beseeching him to protect them from the tomahawks .and scalping knives of their enemies in accordance with La Salle's promise. In reply Tonti said his force was not sufficient to afford them protection, but advised them to collect their warriors and defend the town. The French who lived in the town with their families, and a few Indian friends, fled to the fort, while the inhabitants being panic- stricken left in great haste down the river. Soon after their departure the invaders came, but found a barren victory, as not one living soul was left in the town. When the Iroquois found their intended victims had fled they attacked the fort, and held it in siege six days. For a number of days the Indians contin- 90 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. ued to fire on the fort from the neighboring cliffs, but without producing any effect. The occupants of the fort not returning the fire emboldened the as- sailants, and each day they came closer and secreted- themselves in the timber near the base of the rock, with the intention, no doubt, of making an assault ; but when they came in close range the guns were brought to bear on them, receiving the fire of' both musket and cannon. Many were killed, others wounded, while the survivors, being panic-stricken, fled in all haste, leaving their dead and wounded behind. For many days after the Indians were repulsed the French remained within their fortifica- tions, and did n'ot venture down from the rock until convinced that the enemy had left the country. No Iroquois Indians were ever seen in that vicin- ity afterward, and they never made another raid on. the Illinoisans. RETURN OF TONTI'S VICTORIOUS ARMY. In 1687 Tonti, with fifty French soldiers and two hundred Illinois warriors, went to Canada and joined Gen. Denonville in an expedition against the Indians south of Lake Ontario. This army was vic- torious; many towns along the Mohawk River were burned, and a large number of scalps taken. After completing the victory the army returned to Canada, RETURN OF TONTl's VICTORIOUS ARMY. 91 when Tonti with his soldiers and Indian allies left for Illinois. On their return they were accompanied by a number of emigrant families, among whom were wives, sons and daughters of soldiers and fur traders belonging to the colony. For many weeks the voyageurs in their bark canoes coasted along the lake shores, at night dragging their frail barks on the beech and sleeping in the open air. On reaching the mouth of Chicago River they ascended it ; then crossed the portage into Des Plaines, and down the Illinois River to their destination. It was a bright, clear morning in midsummer, the silver rays of the sun reflected from the rippling waters of the river as it glided swiftly by. The fresh morning breeze was cooled by passing through branches of forest trees, and the songs of birds added enchantment and loveliness to the surrounding scene. The occupants of Fort St. Louis, after the morning prayer and an exhortation by Father Allo- uez, were collected along the brink of the rock watching the finny tribe as they sported over the sand and rocks in the clear, shallow wafer. While thus engaged they were startled by hearing the sound of a bugle up the river, and on looking in that direction they saw the broad stream covered with canoes all filled with human beings. On came this fleet of canoes, with flags flying, drums beating, 92 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. : and the loud cheering of both French and Indians announced the return of Tonti's victorious army. As this large fleet of canoes passed rapidly down the swift current the cannons on the fort boomed forth loud peals of welcome to returning friends. There was great rejoicing at Fort St. Louis, wives and children of soldiers and fur traders had come thither to join husbands and fathers after many years of separation, and the meeting was an affecting one. On the following night a ball and wine supper was given in honor of the occasion, and the great hall of the fort rang with martial music, songs, toasts, with various demonstrations of joy. Ladies from fashionable society of Montreal gave an air of refine- ment to the ball, and such a gay party was never before witnessed in the wilds of the west. Much wine was drank, the sound of music and joyous laughter of the dancers rang forth on the clear night air. Father Allouez, having spent twenty years among savages in the west without mingling in refined society, became so overjoyed by the gay party and effects of the wine that he passed to and fro among the ladies, encircling their waists with his arms and offering to bestow his blessings upon them. CHAPTER VIII. LE FORT DES MIAMIS. IN the year 1684 La Barre, governor of Canada, being jealous of La Salle's power and influence, concocted a plan to defeat his enterprise, and there- by appropriate to himself and friends the great wealth to be derived from the fur trade, under a plea that La Salle had forfeited his charter by granting other parties permits to trade with the Indians. He sent an army officer, Capt. De Bougis, to Illinois with authority to take command of Fort St. Louis. Tout! being in command of the fort at the time, sur- rendered it to the usurper, who took possession of all the goods and furs at the trading-post also. A few months after Capt. De Bougis assumed com- mand he became convinced that he was holding the fort without authority, consequently he gave it up to Tonti and returned to Canada. On the following year after De Bougis returned to Canada Capt. Richard Pilette made his appear- ance at Fort St. Louis. Pilette remained at the fort a number of days without letting his business be 93 y-t PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. known, but when the proper time came he drew from his pocket a commission under the Governor's seal authorizing him to take command. Tonti denied the power of the Governor to appoint a com- mander, as the fort was private property, having been built and maintained by La Salle at his own expense in accordance with a charter from the King of France. In a pompous manner Pilette proclaimed himself commander of the fort by virtue of his com- mission, and addressing the soldiers in a tone of authority ordered them to lay hold of Tonti and place him under guard. Tonti with his iron hand knocked down the would-be commander, relieving him of three front teeth, and before the usurper could regain his feet the soldiers carried him outside of the gateway, setting him on the rock and giving him a start downward. The rock being covered with sleet Pilette could not recover his footing or stop his descent, and in that position slid to the bot- tom, tearing his pantaloons into fragments and bruising himself on the sharp crags of rocks. Capt. Pilette, bruised and bleeding, made his way to La Vantum, where he found sympathy among his coun- trymen and their Indian friends. With eighteen Frenchmen and fifty warriors he went to Buffalo Rock, and on its summit commenced building a fort in defiance of La Salle's charter or Fort St. Louis. *LE FORT DBS MIAMIS. 95 Here he built a block-house, a store-house, and sur- rounded it with earthworks and palisades. Indians to a large number came here, and built lodges with- in the stockades, and it became a large town. The place took the name of Le Fort des Miamis, and was occupied by the Indians long after the French left the country. The remains of this fort were plain to be seen in the early settlement of the county, and were mistaken for the relics of Fort St. Louis.* For many years Pilette traded with the Indians, but was compelled to pay a duty to Fort St. Louis in accordance to La Salle's charter. Having married a squaw he raised a family of half-breed children, to whom he left a large fortune, made in the fur trade. After his death the family removed to Peoria, and one of his grandsons, Louis Pilette, was a claimant for the land where the city now stands. Hypolite Pilette, a great-grandson of the captain, who is now living on the American Bottom, has in his posses- sion many articles that once belonged to his distin- guished ancestor. From Hypolite Pilette I obtained * Fifty years ago the relics of this fort were plain to be seen on the summit of Buffalo Rock, and were pointed out by early settlers as the remains of Port St. Louis. These remains consisted of low earthworks enclosing three sides of about one acre of land, the margin of the rock forming the fourth. The many raids of the Iroquois caused the Indians to take refuge on Buffalo Rock, where they would be secure within the stockades of the fort. A short distance from the fort were a number of sepulchral mounds, the largest of which, according to tradition, was raised over the grave of Capt.Pilette. These old relics have been plowed over for many years by Mr. A. Betger, the owner of the land, and most of them leveled down, but still their outlines -can be traced out. 96 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. most of the traditionary account of Le Fort des Mia- mis, as well as many other items relating to the French and Indians of former times. THE LAST OF TONTI.* For fifteen years after the death of La Salle the- fur trade was carried on by Tonti and La Frost. The latter spent most of his time in Canada, and the for- mer at Fort St. Louis, shipping 'each year a large quantity of furs, and receiving goods in exchange. In 1702 the Governor of Canada, claiming that: the traders had forfeited their charter by collect- ing furs at various points on Lake Michigan, and by force of arms took possession of Fort St. Louis, con- fiscating to the Government all their stock in trade. By this act of injustice Tonti was not only deprived' of his right to command the fort but ruined in for- tune. Calling his friends together he took leave of them, saying that he was about to depart from the country never to return. Both French and Indians collected around Tonti beseeching him to remain. with them, but he had decided to do otherwise, and with many tokens of friendship he bade them r.dieu. Accompanied by two companions he boarded a canoe * For the two sketches relating to the death of Tonti and burning of Fort St. Louis I am indebted to Jacques Matte, whose great -grandfather was a sol- dier in the fort and was present at Tonti's death and burial also when the- fort was burned by the Indians a few months afterward. THE LAST OF TONTI. 97 and started down the river in search of new adven- tures. On reaching the lower Mississippi country Tonti joined D'Iberville, and assisted him in establishing a colony. For sixteen years he remained south, part of the time entrusted with an important mission, but when the colony was broken up by sickness and Spanish invasion he became au outcast and a wan- derer. Broken down in health, forsaken by friends, and feeling that his end was nigh, he employed two Indians to take him to Fort St. Louis so he could once more look upon the scene of his vigor and man- hood, and leave his bones among people by whom he had long been honored and obeyed. On a warm afternoon in the summer of 1718, while the occupants of Fort St. Louis were lounging around under the shade of evergreens, they discovered a canoe coming up the river rowed by two Indians. In the bottom of the canoe a man lay on a buffalo robe but on nearing the fort he raised himself into a sitting position, and gazed wildly around him. The canoe landed at the base of the rock, and the travelers commenced ascending it. Between the two Indians was a feeble old man whom the conduct- ors held by each arm, and slowly assisted him up the rocky pathway. On reaching the summit the old man was placed on a bunk, where he lay for some 98 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. time overcome by fatigue and- unable to speak. After taking some stimulants he revived, and in- quired of those around him who commanded the fort. On being told it was Captain La Mott he gave a sigh saying La Mott was a usurper, and himself the rightful commander. Those in attendance thought him crazy, or his mind wandering, and they bathed his head with cold water. When sufficiently recov- ered from exhaustion he told them that his name was Tonti, and he had returned here to die. Sixteen years had made a great change in the ap- pearance of Tonti, and he was scarcely recognized by his most intimate friends. His tall, manly form was bent by disease, his piercing black eyes were dimmed with age, and his raven locks were as white as snow. News of Tonti's arrival spread throughout the country, and French and Indians from distant villages came to see him. But those who knew him while in the vigor of manhood could scarcely be con- vinced that the feeble old man was the proud, brave and fearless Tonti of former years. A few days after Tonti arrived at the fort lie took the sacra- ment at the hand of a priest, and while looking upon a gold crucifix which was held before his face he breathed his last. A grave was dug on the river bank, at the west end of Starved Rock, in which his remains found a resting-place. FORT ST. LOUIS BURNED. 99 For many years after Tonti's death both French and Indians, while passing up and down the river, would stop to visit the grave, sometimes placing flowers or mementoes on it in memory of him who sleeps beneath. FORT ST. LOUIS BURNED AND COLONY BROKEN UP. So long as the fur trade was conducted by Tonti and La Frost the Indians were well pleased, but when it came under the supervision of the Governor of Canada they became dissatisfied. The Gov- ernor appointed unscrupulous agents to conduct the trade, who swindled the Indians by selling them worthless articles such as counterfeit jewelry, knives, tomahawks, etc., made of pot metal, but the princi- pal cause of ill feeling was on account of their social relation. A Frenchman having married a young squaw would put her away as soon as he found one more attractive, thus changing his wife at will ac- cording to his fancy. Although the priest would not tolerate bigamy among their countrymen, yet they were willing to accept a marriage fee once a month or as often as the applicant desired a new wife. It was the height of a young squaw's ambition to marry a white man, notwithstanding they were liable to be put away at any time. Under the Indian code of morals if a squaw was found unchaste 100 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. she was punished by cutting off one ear, or branded on the forehead, but there was no law to prevent them from marrying once a week, or as often as an opportunity occurred. Captain La Mott commanded the fort, and being a man devoid of conscientious scruples converted it into a regular harem, in open violation of both French and Indian code of morals. Young Indian maidens were in the habit of spending nights at the fort under the pretext of being married to the sol- diers, returning home in the morning with their heads adorned with worthless trinkets, and their minds poisoned by vile associations. The squaws became so fascinated with the French that many refused to marry among their own people, having come to the conclusion that children were not worth raising unless they had white blood in their veins. Things had come to such a state in their social rela- tion that the head chief, Jero, called a council of chiefs and warriors, at which it was decided to expel the French from among them. On a bright morning in the latter part of the sum- mer of 1718, while the occupants of Fort St. Louis, after a night of revelry and debauch, were still asleep in their bunks, they were aroused from slum- ber by the presence of savages. Captain La Mott on awakening from his morning nap was astonished on CHASSAGOAC, AN INDIAN CHIEF. 101 being confronted by some 300 warriors armed and painted for war. r l he Captain inquired of Jero, the head chief, the object of their visit, who in reply said they had come to burn the fort. The chief or- dered the warriors to fire the buildings, and in a few minutes the block-house, store-house and dwell- ing were in flames, all of which were consumed. Thus Fort St. Louis was destroyed, after standing thirty-six years, and during that time it was the head center of the French settlement in Illinois. On the destruction of the fort the colony was broken up, some of the settlers returned to Canada, others to Peoria and Cahokia, a few only who were identified with the Indians by marriage and half-breeds con- tinued to live in the town. Three years after the burning of Fort St. Louis, in 1721, Charlevoix, a Jesuit priest, visited Illinois and found the palisades still standing but no French- men living here. CHASSAGOAC, AN INDIAN CHIEF. For forty years Chassagoac, the head chief of the Illinois Indians, was identified with the French colony, and became celebrated as a friend of the white man. He embraced Christianity under the preaching of Marquette, and continued in this faith until the time of his death. On account of his re- 102 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. ligious faith and fidelity to the French the Bishop of Rouen sent him many presents, consisting of gold images, crosses, crucifixes, with many other emblems of the Christian religion. These presents^ were kept sacred, many of them worn on his per- son, and at his death they were buried with him. In a gallery of the Jesuit collections in the city of Rouen, France, can now be seen a life-size por- trait of Chassagoac, which shows him to have been a fine specimen of his race, physically as well as mentally. Whether the artist painted this portrait from life or description is not known, but it is a good representation of the person described in his- tory. This chief died in the year 1714, and a large mound raised over his grave, on which Father Felix erected a cross. Back of the old town of Utica the mound supposed to have been raised over this noted chief can still be seen, as well as the cavity in the earth near by from which the dirt was taken to erect it. About sixty years ago "Waba, an In- dian chief of some note, learning from tradition that valuable trinkets had been buried in this mound, opened it and robbed it of its treasures. LOUISIANA COLONY. This colony, as has been previously stated, was founded by La Salle at Fort St. Louis in the year 1682 under a charter from Louis XIV, and called LOUISIANA COLONY. 103 Louisiana in honor to his name. The colony re- mained here until 1718, a period of thirty-six years, and had it continued permanently La Salle county would have been the oldest settled place in the Mississippi Yalley. In 1711 the King of France gave Crozat a pat- ent covering all of the Louisiana country, over which he was to have control for twenty years. Col. La Mott, an agent of Crozat, took possession of the country, assuming the title of governor, and made Kaskaskia the capital. A large corps of miners came from France, and two years were spent in the northern country in searching for gold and silver, but without success. Copper and lead were found in great abundance, but none of the precious metal for which they were in search. After five years' experience in mining and trading with the Indians Crozat found it unprofitable, con- sequently he surrendered his patent to the crown, and Col. La Mott with many of the miners re- turned to France. In 1717 a new patent was granted to a Louis- iana company, with George Law, a Scotch banker of Paris, at its head; and by this company Fort Chartres was built. This company issued large grants of land to each village, including many thousand acres known as common field and com- 104 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. mons. They also made and enforced just laws regulating village ordinances, which superseded some of the arbitrary code brought about by the Jesuit priests. FRENCH SETTLEMENT AROUND FORT ST. LOUIS. According to tradition, a number of cabins were built around the base of Starved Rock and occu- pied by people engaged in the fur trade. In my researches among the descendants of the early pio- neers I found three families whose ancestors lived at Fort St. Louis, and from whom I obtained many of the items given in this sketch. When the fort was burned in 1718 all the settlers left for other places ; the cabins rotted down, but the under- ground furnaces for heating them still remain, nine of which have been discovered within the last few years. By an order of Father Zenobe, all persons be- longing to the colony, both soldiers and civilians, were required to assemble once a day in the chapel of the fort for prayers, and for that purpose men, women and children each morning were seen as- cending the Rock. The cemetery was located on the river bank at the west end of the Rock ; and here on this ro- mantic spot, shaded by outspreading oaks, over- FRENCH SETTLEMENT. 105 looking the broad, rapid stream, Henri de Tonti, two Jesuit priests, with a number of soldiers and civilians, found a long resting-place. In the early settlement of the country human bones were seen sticking out of the river bank at this place, where the dirt had been washed away by a flood. The French settlers cultivated an island in the river and a field on the prairie north of it, also a small piece of ground west of the Rock, between the river and bluff, showed unmistakable marks of having been cultivated. A large portion of the grain and vegetables to supply the garrison were raised by the French and half-breeds on the Indian fields at La Vantum, while the meat, which con- sisted of buffalo, elk and deer, was furnished by Indian hunters. On the north side of the river, a short distance above Starved Rock, are three sulphur springs, one of which is large, boiling up among white sand and sending forth an immense volume of water. Indians from a distance came here to be healed of their maladies, and during the summer the springs were surrounded with camping-tents. These poor benighted people entertained the same foolish no- tions as people of the present day regarding the medical qualities of mineral water In 1853 a large stone building, called ''Sulphur 106 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. Spring Hotel," was built here, with the expecta- tion of making it a great watering-place. Notwith- standing a large amount of money was spent in building and advertising by those interested, they did not succeed in making it a Saratoga or a Hom- burg. CHAPTER IX. JESUIT MISSIONARIES OP THE WEST. Jesuit missionaries in their zeal abandoned -L home, friends and all the comforts of civiliza- tion for the purpose of converting heathens. Gov- erned by religious fanaticism they carried their faith and works to the most remote parts of the west, and among the lowest degraded savages. -They were found along the ice-bound shores of Lake Superior, clothed in deer or buffalo skins, and with snow-shoes, struggling through thick timber, or crossing wide prairies, to lodge in a filthy, smoky den with sav- ages. Again at the south among bogs and swamps filled with vermin and wild beasts they adminis- tered the sacrament to painted and plumed pros- elytes. To accomplish their purposes they traveled through various parts of the country from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico, sometimes suffering from cold and hunger, deprived of all the luxuries of civil- ized life, all for the purpose of converting the hea- then and saving their souls from eternal perdition. These enthusiastic priests with their black robes 107 108 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. could be seen toiling with half naked natives build- ing lodges, or forcing their canoe up the rapid stream ; sometimes carrying their baggage on their backs to and from distant villages, or lounging around a camp-fire on a bear or buffalo skin amid scores of squalling papooses and half famished dogs. The stories of their labors are replete with romance, miracles of heroic self-sacrifices, and with daring adventures. Everywhere these priests were the pioneers of the French settlements in the west, keeping in advance of civilization, and preparing the way for a friendly intercourse between the white and red man. Many of these missionaries were well educated, with superior mental ability, possessed of wealth, which made them efficient bearers of the cross, and whose whole life was spent in converting heathens. Father Marest in his correspondence says, "Our life is spent in rambling through thick timber, among briers and thorns, crossing wide prairies, climbing over hills, or paddling a canoe across lakes or up rapid rivers, to save the poor benighted Indian from eternal perdition." Father Nicollet lived twenty years among sav- ages, most of the time without meeting a white man, and became an Indian in dress, habit and language. Still he remained a zealous Catholic, and at last JESUIT MISSIONARIES OF THE WEST. 109 returned to civilization because he could not live without the sacrament. From the Jesuit missionaries the Indians learned the story of Christ's crucifixion, and with a trem- bling voice repeated it to their friends. They not only received baptism from the hands of the priest but allowed themselves to be sprinkled with holy water', which they were taught to believe blotted out all past sins, and saved them from everlasting punish- ment. The medals, crosses and crucifixes which the priest gave the warriors pleased their fancy, as they were fond of adorning their persons with glittering trinkets, and with these representations of man's salvation suspended from their necks they remain heathens still. In addition to decorating their per- sons with emblems of Christianity some of the war- riors wore a necklace made of dried skeleton fingers taken from an enemy whom they had slain in battle. The former trinkets represented their religion, and the latter their patriotism. Father Meurain, the last of the Jesuit priests in Illinois, died at Prairie du Rocher in 1778, and the monument over his grave can still be seen. In France and her territories the order of Jesuits was suppressed in 1764, when most of the priests in Illi- nois returned to their native country. But by the solicitation of the Indians, with whom he had labored 110 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. for a long time, Father Meurain consented to remain, and among them he ended his days. Father Meu- rain was a man of fine literary attainments, and wrote a manuscript dictionary of the French and Indian languages, which is preserved in the antiquarian col- lection at Rouen. FATHER SENAT AND COMRADE BURNED AT THE STAKE. One of the most devoted Jesuit priests in Illi- nois was Father Senat, who spent a long life among savages for the purpose of converting them to Christianity, and at last fell a victim of these ruth- less barbarians. This zealous priest lived many years at Peoria, where he built a chapel and dedi- cated it to the Holy Virgin. He preached at dif- ferent villages along the river, where he had many converts, and exercised great influence over his red brethren. While on a visit to a neighboring vil- lage a war party returned from the battle-field with a number of prisoners, and made preparation to burn them at the stake in accordance to Indian custom. Father Senat, on finding all efforts to save the prisoners from the flames a failure, offered himself a sacrifice to die in their stead a ransom for the captives. This proposition had the desired effect. The prisoners were liberated, furnished with many presents, and returned to their people. FATHEE SEN AT AND COMRADE BURNED. Ill In the spring of 1736 D'Artaguette, Governor of Illinois, collected all the French troops in the territory, with about one thousand Indian allies, and with them went to Louisiana to assist Gov- ernor Bainville in- prosecuting a war against the Chickasaw Indians. Among these recruits was Capt. Yincennes with a small company of soldiers from St. Vincent on the Wabash, which place now bears the name of the valiant captain. Among the Indian allies from the Illinois River were many of Father Senat's converts, and he was prevailed upon to accompany them in their excursion to the south. This expedition descended the Mississippi River to the lower Chickasaw ' bluffs, from which they crossed the country to Tallahatchie River, where they expected to meet the army under Bainville from Louisiana. But these troops failed to come to time agreeable to appointment, and d'Artaguette, not being able to restrain his Indian allies any longer, was forced to attack the enemy. The army was defeated, the Indian allies fled, while the French were taken prisoners and burned at the stake. While the flames encircled their bodies Father Senat passed from one to the other amid blazing fagots, exhorting his friends to die as became Frenchmen and Christians, and while they were racking with torture he administered to his dying 112 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. countrymen the last rites of the Catholic church. The Indians offered to liberate Father Senat, but he disdained their clemency, telling them his work in this world was done, and he desired to be sacri- ficed for his Master's sake. EARLY FRENCH SETTLEMENTS IN ILLINOIS. The first permanent settlers in Illinois came from Canada, and they were connected either with the Jesuit mission or fur trade. In after years emi- grants came direct from France by the way of New Orleans, and established colonies in different In- dian villages on the American Bottom. All the settlers lived in villages, and their farms were in a common field, in accordance with the custom of their native country. The leaders of the French colonies were men of education and energy of char- acter, while the masses were illiterate and ignorant, having no enterprise and but little property; never- theless they were frank, open-hearted, happy peo- ple. They took possession of so much of the va- cant land aroimd them as they could till, but no more, and appeared to have had no desire to accu- mulate wealth. Their agricultural implements were rude, mostly of their own manufacture, and the same kind of tools are now in use by some of their descendants. The early settlers lived in harmony EARLY FRENCH SETTLEMENTS. 113 with the Indians, intermarrying among them, and in part adopting their habits and customs. For forty years they built no forts, and those erected in after years were not intended for protection against Indian hostilities but from the fear of Span- ish invasion, France and Spain being then at war. The oldest document found in Kaskaskia (except the church records) is dated June 18, 1725, and con- tains the signatures of fifty persons, who are repre- sented as heads of families. This old document is in the form of a petition to the King of France for assistance, setting forth the suffering condition of the people on account of the great flood the year be- fore, which washed away most of the improvements, and obliged the people to flee to the bluffs. By the Louisiana Company horses were brought from the Spanish settlements in Mexico to take the place of Indian ponies, and cattle, hogs, sheep, and chickens were brought from Canada. Wild geese, ducks and turkeys were domesticated, and from this stock most of the fowls of the present day sprang. It is said two pigs were brought from Montreal to Cahokia in a canoe, and from these pigs hogs to supply the different settlements originated. Many efforts were made to domesticate buffalo, but it proved a failure, as the tame ones would go off with wild herds. But they succeeded in crossing them 114 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. with cattle, and at the present time some of the progeny show strong marks of buffalo origin, and their pelts are tanned for robes. Horses ran in large droves in the canebreaks along the Mississippi River, became wild, and in after years many of them were caught with a lasso and brought into use. In 1721 Phillip Raynault brought five hundred slaves from St. Domingo to Fort Chartres, and by this means slavery was introduced into Illinois. Raynault with a large number of slaves and a few of his countrymen ascended the .Mississippi River to the lead mines, and erected a furnace for smelting lead on or near the present site of Galena. A por- tion of this lead was shipped to New Orleans, and sold to the Spaniards in Mexico. Father Vevier, a Jesuit missionary, writing from Prairie du Rocher under date of June 10, 1750, says "there are between the Mississippi and Ivaskaskia Rivers, within twenty-one leagues, five French and three Indian villages. Most of the French settlers till the soil, raising wheat, maize, with various other products, some of which are shipped to !New Or- leans, where it finds a ready market." In the early settlement of the country the French made wine from the wild grape, but in after years they cultivated vineyards, and built wine-presses. The buffalo was of great service to the early pio- EARLY FRENCH SETTLEMENTS. 115 neers ; the flesh they used for food, the hides for robes or tanned into leather, and the hair they spun and wove into a fine fabric for clothing. The Royal Louisiana Company gave large tracts of land to each village which belonged jointly to the inhabitants, and this title has been confirmed by subsequent laws. These grants were divided into two tracts, known as Common Field and Commons, and included many thousand acres to each village. The common field consisted in farm land all fenced into one field, the boundaries of each person's prem- ises were designated by landmarks, and these tracts belonged to the occupant in fee simple, and could be bought and sold the same as other landed prop- erty. A village ordinance was in force regarding making and repairing fences, the time of excluding stock in the spring, gathering the crops, and open- ing the field for pasture in the fall. The commons was a tract of land granted to each town for wood and pasture, of which every owner of a village lot has an interest. The French villages at the time of early set- tlement were governed by the priest, who, besides at- tending to their spiritual wants, dispensed justice, and from his decision there was no appeal. Although the authority of the priest was absolute there appears to have been no abuse of this power, as the holy father watched over his flock with paternal care. 116 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. EARLY SETTLEMENT OF ST. LOUIS. In 1763 Pierre Laclade obtained from the gov ernor of Louisiana a charter giving him the exclu- sive right to trade with the Indians on the west side of the upper Mississippi River. Laclade organized a company at New Orleans under the title of La^ clade, Maxon & Co., and aboard of boats loaded with goods for the Indian market ascended the river in search of a suitable place to locate. On reaching Fort Chartres the goods were stored, and Laclade with some of his party, accompanied by two young men named Pierre and Aguste Chouteau, ascended the river in a canoe in search of a good site for a town, and on the 15th of February, 1764, their tents were pitched at St. Louis, which was the commence- ment of the great city in the west. Here a cluster of cabins was built, enclosed by stockades, and occapied by traders and hunters. Many of the inhabitants of Illinois towns crossed the river and located at St. Louis in order to be under the rule of their native country. AVhen Captain Stirling, in accordance with a treaty, took possession of Fort Chartres in July, 1765, its former commander, Captain St. Ange, with the French troops and military stores, removed to- St. Louis, and for a number of years the colony was; BRITISH RULE IN ILLINOIS. 117 under French rule, notwithstanding the country had been ceded to Spain some time before. . In 1780 St. Louis was attacked by a large body of Indians, accompanied by a few British soldi.ers from Detroit, but they were repulsed by the citizens and soldiers. BRITISH RULE IN ILLINOIS. In the summer of 1764 Major Loftus with three hundred British soldiers ascended the Mississippi River in boats from Bayou Manchea to take posses- sion of Illinois, as France had ceded it to England a short tilne before. While these troops were on their way up the river, and before reaching their destina- tion, they were attacked and defeated by a body of Indians, which compelled them to abandon the enter prise and return to the fort at Bayou Manchea. In the spring of 1765 an expedition under Captain Croghan left Fort Pitt to take possession of Illinois, but on reaching the mouth of the W abash they were taken prisoners by the Shawnee Indians, and carried to a village near Yincennes. In the following fall the third expedition against Illinois left Fort Pitt, under the command of Captain Stirling, who took pos- session of the country without opposition, and from that time the British flag waved over Fort Chartres. In the following year Captain Stirling died, and different ones at short intervals acted as governors 118 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. of Illinois, the last one, M. Rocheblaue, was in com- mand when Colonel Clark took possession of the country. The British rule was very unpopular with the French, many of them went west of the Missis- sippi so they could be under the laws of their native country. This change of government displeased the Indians, and they would have attacked the British for the purpose of driving them out of the country if their friends among the French had not counseled otherwise. When the British took possession of Illinois Captain Pitman, of the army, by the au- thority of his government visited all the French vil- lages except Peoria, and gave a description of them, including population, trade, public buildings, etc. The French inhabitants were living in six villages, all except one on the American Bottom, and estimates the inhabitants at three thousand, the most of whom were engaged in agricultural pursuits. CHAPTEK X. TOM BRADY'S WILD ADVENTURES. THOMAS R. BRADY, better known as Tern Brady, was a native of Pennsylvania, and a brother of Captain Samuel Brady, who distinguished himself as an Indian fighter in the border wars of Ohio. Brady was a reckless fellow, fond of wild adventures, a great hunter (spending much of his time in the woods in search of bear and panthers;, and occasionally exchanging a shot with an Indian. In the summer of 1YT6 Tom Brady went to Cahokia accompanied by three other young men as wild and reckless as himself, and who were willing to accom- pany him in any enterprise he might undertake. On the following summer Brady fitted out an expe- dition, consisting of sixteen soldiers including him- self, for the purpose of capturing the British garri- son at St. Joseph. This little band of adventurers he called the western division of the Continental army, and with it he intended to attack and capture the British garrison. Among those who took a part in this remarkable expedition was M. Boismenue, a 120 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. native of Caliokia, and to whose grandson I am indebted for many incidents given in this nar- rative. Many of Brady's recruits were French half- breed members of the Catholic church, and they were unwilling to embark in so hazardous an enter- prise unless accompanied by a priest to absolve them from their sins. Father Beson, an old, bald-headed priest, was prevailed on to accompany the troops, and before leaving Cahokia he offered up prayers to the throne of grace for their success. Brady's little band, armed and equipped for war, on board of three canoes left for St. Joseph, about four hundred miles distant. On reaching an elevated piece of ground, on the west side of the Illi- nois River, below the mouth of Bureau Creek, where tradition says a century before Father Hennepin landed from his boat, raised a cross, and consecrated the place to the Virgin Mary. Father Beson could not be prevailed upon to pass this hallowed spot without offering up prayers and saying mass. Here the adventurers landed from their canoes, and a day was spent in preaching, praying, taking the sacrament, and singing songs of praise, causing the wild woods to resound with their melody. On reaching the mouth of Chicago River the party spent another day in religious exercises around a large wooden cross, said to occupy the spot where Father TOM BRADY'S WILD ADVENTURES. 121 Marquette erected one more than a century before. After many weeks of toil and exposure in forcing their frail crafts up the Illinois and Des Plaines Rivers, and buffeting the angry winds and waves on Lake Michigan, they reached their destination. The fort at St. Joseph was garrisoned by twenty-one soldiers, while the attacking party consisted of only sixteen ; but Brady, relying on the prestige of sur- prise, felt confident of success. Accordingly they attacked the fort during the night while all were asleep, and the astonished soldiers, without making any resistance, surrendered themselves prisoners of war. A few days after taking possession of the fort at St. Joseph the victors learned that two companies of British soldiers with many Indian allies were march- ing upon it. On receiving this intelligence Brady and his comrades in all haste loaded their canoes with furs and merchandise (taken out of the fort) and left for home ; but on reaching the mouth of Calumet River they were overtaken by three hun- dred British and Indians. Here a battle was fought, at which Brady's army was defeated, having two killed and two wounded; one made his escape, while the remainder were made prisoners and carried back to St. Joseph. Some time after, becoming a pris- oner, Tom Brady made his escape, and' on foot, and 122 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. alone, he traveled through the forest back to his former home in Pennsylvania. After reaching his old home in Pennsylvania Tom Brady raised a company of scouts, and with them made many excursions into the Indian coun- try, in one of which he was severely wounded. He joined Colonel Crawford's expedition against the Indians on the Sandusky River, and participated in that disastrous affair. On arriving in the enemy's country Colonel Crawford sent Brady, accompanied by two companions as daring as himself, forward to reconnoiter while the army remained in camp await- ing their return. AVhen the scouts came near the Indian village on the bank of the Sandusky River they heard loud whoops and yejls, and occasionally firing of guns. With great caution the scouts crawled on their hands and knees through the thick underbrush until they came in plain view of a large body of warriors engaged in a scalp-dance. By the side of these dancers* were seen three white men on horseback looking on and enjoying the sport. These men were recognized by the scouts as Alexander McKee, Simon and James Girty, three noted des- peradoes. At one time the Girtys lived in the same neigh- borhood with Brady, and consequently he was well acquainted with them. As Tom Brady looked at ST. JOSEPH AND DETROIT. 123 Simon Girty he was reminded of the many raids in which that cut-throat had led the Indians into his own neighborhood, murdering defenseless women and children. In one of these raids Brady's father and one of his brothers were killed, and bringing a rifle to his shoulder was about to shoot him from his horse. But before Brady could effect his bloody designs one of his comrades caught the gun and thereby prevented the rash act, as it would have been certain death to all of the party. After the war closed Tom Brady returned to Illinois, again became a resident of Cahokia, and in the year 1790 was sheriff of St. Clair county. On a recent visit to Cahokia I spent some time among the tombs in the old church-yard where so many distinguished early pioneers were buried. Among the graves distinguished by sandstone slabs was one to the memory of Thomas R. Brady. TWO EXPEDITIONS AGAINST 1 ST. JOSEPH, AND ONE AGAINST DETROIT. In the spring of 1778, two months before the country was invaded by Virginians under the com- mand of Colonel Clark, a Frenchman named Puelette Maize, of Kaskaskia, enlisted about three hundred men in different French towns, and marched through the country to St. Joseph, which they took by sur- 124 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. prise. All the fur, pelts and merchandise found at the fort and trading-houses were carried off as tro- phies of war, and divided among the soldiers. After collecting all the valuables to be found at the post the victors with their spoil returned home, and were disbanded. It is generally believed that this expe- dition was fitted out more for plunder than patriot- ism, as Congress in after years refused to recom- pense those engaged in it. In the fall of 1780 LaBalme, a native of France, raised a small company of soldiers at Kaskaskia for the purpose of taking Detroit. At Yincennes they were reinforced by a few of their countrymen, and from here they marched direct for the British post. While encamped on the Maumee River they were attacked by a large body of Miami Indians, led by a British officer, when La Balme and many of his sol- diers were killed, and the rest taken prisoners. In June, 1781. Don Eugenie Pierre, a Spaniard of St. Louis, with sixty-five soldiers, most of whom were French who lived at Cahokia, marched against St. Joseph, as England and Spain were then at war. The fort was taken without resistance, when the commanding officers went through with the cere- mony of taking possession of all the lake country in the name of the King of Spain. A few days after performing this idle ceremony the Spanish com- SEARCHING FOR COPPER MINES. 125 mander* learned that British troops were on their way from Detroit to reinforce St. Joseph, consequently the troops left the conquered territory in all haste, and returned to St. Louis. PAT. KENNEDY AND COMRADES IN SEARCH OF COPPER MINES. For many years the citizens of Kaskaskia and other French towns believed' there were copper mines somewhere in the upper Illinois country, as specimens of pure metal, in a native state, were fre- quently brought there for sale by the Indians. On July 23, 1773, Kennedy, with a party of adventurers, left Kaskaskia in a boat and ascended the Illinois River in search of copper mines. On the 7th of August they reached Peoria, where they found the stockades of the fort burned, but the block-houses still standing. On arriving at the foot of the rapids, and finding the current too strong to ascend, they left their boat and proceeded up the river on foot forty-five miles further. Before reaching the mouth of the Fox River they noticed a number of high, rocky cliffs, one of which (Starved Rock ^ has figured extensively in the history and traditions of the coun- try. On an island thirty miles above the mouth of Fox River they fell in with a party of French traders, who brought them down the river in their canoes to the place where their boat had been left. While at 126 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. the foot of the rapids they fell in with a Frenchman by the name of Jenriette. who piloted them in an excursion through the country in search of copper mines, but finding none these adventurers went aboard of their boat and returned to Kaskaskia, after being absent about four months. Kennedy published a journal of his travels up the river, which contains many things of interest and confirms some of the traditions given elsewhere. This journal gives a geographical and topographical description of the country, size and names of rivers, lakes, bluffs, rapids, etc. It speaks of a saline spring by a lake, where the French and Indians were engaged in making salt; also refers to a cliff of rocks near the mouth of Fox River, from which the French obtained their mill stones. On the large meadows were seen herds of buffalo, elk and deer, while pelicans, swans, geese and ducks were swim- ming in the rivers and lakes. The journal refers to Peoria Lake, town and fort, but throws no light on the history of the French settlement at this place, says nothing about the size of the town, nor its gen- eral appearance at that time. CHAPTER XI. COLONEL CLARK'S CONQUEST OF ILLINOIS. ON the 4th of July, 1778, during the shades of the night, the citizens of Kaskaskia were aston- ished by hearing it proclaimed throughout the town "If any man enter the streets he shall be shot." Next morning soldiers were seen along the^ streets of the town, and the stars and stripes instead of the lion and unicorn waived from the flag-staff on Fort Gage. The people were in a transport of joy, bells rang, patriotic songs were sung, while demonstra- tions of rejoicing with tokens of mirth and gayety reigned throughout the town. The annals of ro- mance furnish nothing more remarkable than the achievement of this bloodless conquest of Illinois. The origin of this expedition, the long, tedious jour- ney performed by the adventurers, with its perils and hardships, the manner of attack on the British garrison, and its final success, appears more like a story of fiction than of reality. Kaskaskia at the time of the revolutionary war contained about 250 houses, being the largest and 127 128 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. most important town west of the Alleghany moun- tains, and not only the seat of government of Illi- nois but the center of trade, wealth and political influence. Although an account of Colonel Clark's conquest of Illinois has been written many times, and appears in almost every western history, nevertheless a very important matter has been overlooked, and the real facts relating thereto have never been published. The early historian, probably ignorant of the facts, fell into an error, and subsequent ones copied after him. Pepple are now living in Randolph county whose ancestors were a party to the secret move- ments of the patriots of Illinois, and whose tradi- tions to some extent supply the missing links in his- tory, as well as correct its errors. The people in Illinois being far away from the seat of war knew very little of what had transpired at the east, but they hated the British yoke, embraced the first op- portunity to throw it off, and their manner of doing it will be shown in the sequel. In the summer of 1777 John Duff, a resident of Martinsburg, Virginia, in his rambles in the west came to Kaskaskia and remained here for some months engaged in hunting along the river. Duff being of French descent spoke that language, min- gled freely with the people, and found them very COL. CLARK'S CONQUEST OF ILLINOIS. 129 much dissatisfied with the British rule, and only waited for an opportunity to change the government. Late in the fall Duff returned home, and while on his way, at the falls of Ohio, he fell in "with George Roger Clark, a Kentucky pioneer, and told him of the state of affairs in Illinois. Clark became fired with enthusiasm. Seeing an opportunity, as he thought, of immortalizing himself, he accompanied Duff to Williamsburg, and together they laid the case before Patrick Henry, then Governor of Vir- ginia. The governor and his counselors after hear- ing Duff's statements agreed to send an armed force to that distant country to take possession of the British post. Clark received a commission of lieu- tenant-colonel, appointed commander in chief of this expedition, and authorized to enlist 500 men for that purpose. Colonel Clark commenced enlisting his men for, as he represented it, the defense of Ken- tucky, keeping the true destination a secret. The governor issued orders to the commander of Fort Pitt for arms, military stores, and boats for trans- ' portation. In the spring of 1778 three companies of volun- teers were collected at Fort Pitt, and in four boats they descended the river to the Falls of Ohio, where they expected to be joined by a company of Ken- tuckians. Being detained here some time waiting 130 PIONEEKS OF ILLINOIS. for. recruits a part of one company deserted, and it was the middle of June before they were ready to proceed on their journey. Clark's army consisted of four companies in all, one hundred and fifty- three men, and when their true destination was an- nounced it created much enthusiasm among the volunteers. After dispatching a messenger to Will- iamsburg notifying Governor Henry of their depart- ure the troops went aboard of their boats and pro- ceeded down the river. John Duff returned to Illinois early in the spring to prepare the way for Clark's reception, and also to make arrangements to meet the army with a com- petent guide at the mouth of Tennessee River, On Duff's arrival at Kaskaskia a consultation was held with a few leading patriots, M. Gibault, the priest, among the number, when it was agreed to keep everything a secret, leaving the masses in ignorance of what they expected to transpire. Duff, with John Saunders, a noted hunter, and two Frenchmen, pro- vided with tents, arms, provisions, etc., left Kaskas- kia in a canoe, leaving the impression among the people that they were going to hunt bear and elk along the Ohio River. The hunters descended the Mississippi, and forced their frail barque up the swift current of the Ohio to the mouth of the Tennessee River, where they awaited the arrival of the army. COL. CLARK'S CONQUEST OF ILLINOIS. 131 Here on the bank of the river they erected a bark shanty, occupying their time hunting during the daytime, and keeping up a bonfire at night so the boats might not pass without knowing of their pres- ence. Days passed away without hearing anything from the army, and the hunters had about come to the conclusion that the project had failed when four boats filled with soldiers, and flags flying, came around a bend in the river. The hunters fired a salute, which was returned by the soldiers, who with martial music, loud cheering, rounded to their boats and came on shore. After passing down the river a few miles farther, near the ruins of old Fort Massac, they secreted their boats in the mouth of a creek, and taking all their baggage on their backs they proceeded across the country to Kaskaskia, one hun- dred and twenty miles distant. John Saunders acted as guide for Clark's army, but in passing through the country among the lakes and swamps of Cache River he lost his reckoning, and days were spent in rambling through thick tim- ber, among bogs and briers, without knowing where they were. Some of the soldiers believed the pilot a traitor, and threatened to put him to death, but he asserted his innocence, and asked for an escort to accompany him in searching out the way. After rambling 132 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. about all day through groves and prairies Saunders at last exclaimed " I know that point of timber, and beyond it is Kaskaskia." Fort Gage, at Kaskaskia, was garrisoned at that time by twenty soldiers under the command of Gov- ernor Rocheblave, but no sentinels were kept on duty; being, as they believed, far away from the enemy, it was thought unnecessary. Colonel Clark on coming within a few miles of Kaskaskia, in the afternoon, remained secreted in. the thick timber until late at night, when he divided his army into three parts, two of which took posses- sion of the town, while the third, commanded by himself, marched on the fort. A soldier who was in sympathy with the Americans, and entrusted with the secret, conducted the troops through a back gate into the fort, where they found a light burning but all the inmates asleep. The commander had no knowledge of what was going on until awakened by Captain Kenton informing him that he was a prisoner. The soldiers rejoiced at this turn of affairs, all of whom took the oath of allegiance to the United States Government, and a number of them joined Clark's army. Governor Rocheblave was probably the only royal person in Illinois. Being in a bad humor he cursed the Yankees, the treacherous French, and his disloyal soldiers. The refractory COL. CLARK'S CONQUEST OF ILLINOIS. 133 governor was put in irons, and under the charge of Captain Montgomery carried to William sburg, the capital of Yirginia, where he was kept a prisoner of war until exchanged. His slaves were sold by Colonel Clark, and the proceeds being considered prize money was divided among the soldiers. The wife of Governor Rocheblave, on the night the fort was taken, destroyed all the public papers, including the archives of the territory, which gave people much trouble in after years. She remained at Kas- kaskia for some time after her husband was made a prisoner, and Governor Henry wrote to Colonel Todd to see that she was provided for. Colonel Clark dispatched a company of men under the command of Captain Bowman, accompanied by many citizens of Kaskaskia, to Prairie du Rocher, Cahokia, and other villages, and everywhere the in- vaders were received with acclamations of joy. Ten days after Clark's army arrived at Kaskaskia M. Gibault, the village priest and leader of the pa- triots in Illinois, accompanied by a few friends, went to Yincennes, and explained to his French country- men the state of affairs in Illinois. All the people of the village assembled at their church, headed by their priest, and agreed to throw off the British rule, taking the oath of allegiance to the United States Government and the commonwealth of Virginia. 134 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. There was no garrison at the fort, the troops having been removed a short time before, consequently a commander was appointed from among the church communicants, the British flag taken down, and the stars and stripes put in its place. On the first of August M. Gibault and party re- turned to Kaskaskia, after an absence of fourteen days, with the joyful intelligence of having adjusted everything at Vincennes in favor of American interests, which caused much rejoicing among the people. Colonel Clark sent Captain Helm to Vin- cennes to take charge of the fort, but a short time afterward the British troops, commanded by Colonel Hamilton, took possession of the place and made Captain Helm and a private named Henry prisoners of war. In February following Colonel Clark, with the combined forces of Virginians, French and Indians, retook the place, and again the stars and stripes waived from the flag-staff of the fort, all of which is a matter of history. France at that time was an ally of the United States, the first nation to acknowledge her independ- ence, and all the inhabitants of Illinois were in union with the mother country. The patriots of Illi- nois had already fitted out two expeditions, one commanded by Tom Brady and the other by Pue- COL. CLARK'S CONQUEST OF ILLINOIS. 135 lett Maize, both of which captured the British post at St. Joseph. The people everywhere through the French settlements hailed Colonel Clark as a libera- tor, and furnished his army with provision free of charge as he had no money to pay for supplies. Many of the French joined his army; a company was raised at Kaskaskia commanded by Captain Charlesville, and another at Cahokia under Captain McCarty, and both of these companies rendered good service on the "Wabash in retaking the British post at Vincennes. While Colonel Clark was engaged in reorganizing his army for the purpose of marching against Vin- cennes an unexpected trouble arose which for a time threatened to defeat his enterprise. The Indians had always been opposed to the British rule in Illi- nois, and would have made war against them had not the council of their French friends prevailed. When Clark's army came into the country the Indi- ans w.ere told that the Americans were the friends and allies of the French, and they would live together as one people. For awhile this appears to have given satisfaction, but the stars and stripes continued to float from the flag-staff of the forts at Kaskaskia, and Cahokia, and the Indians insisted that these should be taken down and French flags put in their place. In order to reconcile the Indians a council 136 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. was called at Cahokia for the purpose of effecting a compromise, but the leading chiefs insisted that the French should be reinstated in authority. For a time the Indians refused to accept of any compro- mise that did not put the French in authority, and an attempt was made among the leaders to assassinate Colonel Clark. Previous to the meeting of this council Colonel Clark had sent Captain Helm to the great chief Grand Door, for the purpose of effecting a compromise, and he agreed on conditions that if his band were furnished a certain amount of goods at a given time the Americans would not be molested. A messenger arrived at the council with the intelli- gence of Grand Door having consented to let the Americans keep possession of the country, the chiefs of other bands acquiesced, and a reconciliation was effected. As soon as the Indian trouble was settled Colonel Clark collected his forces, marched to the "Wabash, and took possession of Vincennes. Colonel Clark has been much eulogized for brav- ery and heroism in the conquest of Illinois, but the fact is, no enemy opposed him, therefore he took possession of a country occupied by friends, as has already been shown. P CHAPTER XII. PONTIAC. ROB A ELY no North American Indian has acquired such fame and notoriety, and whose power was so much felt by the early settlers of the country, as Pontiac. This Indian, so often referred to by historians, was born and raised near Detroit, and for many years head chief of the Ottawa In- dians. Like Phillip of Mount Hope his power and influence extended over neighboring tribes, which made him more like a king than a chief. So long as the French controlled the fur trade of the lake country Pontiac lived on friendly terms with his white neighbors, but when the English took pos- session of the country he denounced them as ene mies. While Major Rogers, of the British army, was marching westward with a regiment of soldiers to take possession of Detroit he was met by Pontiac, who inquired of the commander by what authority he invaded the country. "With his tall figure raised to its full height, and holding his right hand before the face of Major Rogers, said to him "I stand in your path, and you can go no farther without my permission." 137 138 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. However, Pontiac allowed the English to take possession of the French trading-posts along the lakes, and for a time appeared friendly, but a few years afterward he made war on the invaders with the intention of driving them from the country. He united with him many of the neighboring tribes, form- ing with them an alliance, which is known in his- tory as "Pontiac's Conspiracy," and a long, bloody war resulted from it. In order to carry on the war successfully he issued checks cut out of birch bark, on which were painted a picture of an otter, and calling for various amounts payable in furs or pelts. These checks were taken by diiferent tribes in payment for munitions of war, and all of them redeemed accord- ing to promise. Pontiac, according to accounts, was an -Indian of gigantic stature, with a towering intellect, and exer- cised almost unlimited power over his people. He pretended to commune with the Great Spirit, who on one occasion said to him " Why do you let these dogs in red clothing take possession of your coun- try ; rise in your might and drive them from the land." At another time, in addressing his warriors, said: "Although the red-coats have conquered the French they have not conquered us ; we are not slaves nor squaws, and as long as the Great Spirit is our ruler we will maintain our rights. These lakes AN ERROR OF HISTORY. 139 and these forests were given us by our fathers, and we will part with them only with our lives." For a time Pontiac was victorious, but eventually the fortune of war turned against him, many of the allies abandoned the cause, which compelled him to make overtures for peace. In 1766 he attended the great Indian council at Oswego, brought about by Sir William Johnson, and here signed a treaty of peace, in which he agreed to bury the tomahawk forever. On returning from this council to his native forest in Michigan Pontiac prevailed on many of his friends to accompany him westward, telling them he could not think of living neighbors to these red- coated dogs, meaning the British. About two hundred warriors with their families consented to emigrate, and with this little band of followers the great chief left forever his native land. "With this remnant of his tribe Pontiac came to Illinois, and located a village on the Kankakee River. This band formed an alliance with the Pottawatomies, who occupied at that time the lake and "Wabash countries, and from that time they became as one people. AN ERROR OF HISTORY. The great mistake made by early historians in relation to the fate of Pontiac has been copied by every writer of western annals, but when all the 140 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. facts are examined this error must be admitted by every candid reader. I have given this matter much attention by collecting the traditions both among the French and Indians relating to it, and these accounts are susceptible of only one conclusion. In the fall of 1769 a large, prepossessing Ottawa Indian, dressed in a French uniform, with a big white feather in his cap, came to St. Louis, and repre- sented himself to the commander of the fort, Captain St. Ange, as Pontiac. For a number of days this Indian remained at the fort, drinking whisky, boast- ing of his great exploits, and telling of the many scalps taken by his own hands. Pierre Chouteau, a young Indian trader of St. Louis, became very much interested in this pompous chief, made him many presents, and in return for these articles the chief promised that in future his people should trade only with Chouteau's agents. This Indian after remaining some days at St. Louis took a canoe and went to Cahokia, where he was much lionized by French Indians and half- breeds, all of whom believed him to be the great Ottawa chief, Pontiac. Indians from a neighboring village came to see him and listen to his boasting harangues, in which he stated his plans of uniting all the tribes of the west in a war, drive the British from the country, and restore to the French all their AN ERROR OF HISTORY. 141 former trading-posts. An English trader at Caho- kia, named Williamson, being afraid that the reputed Pontiac would persuade his new-made friends to destroy his stock-in-trade, gave a drunken Indian a barrel of whisky to assassinate him, and while the pompous Indian was sitting on the ground at the root of a tree in drunken revelry, explaining to those around him the plans by which he intended to drive the red-coats from the country, this assassin em- ployed by Williamson came up behind him and buried his tomahawk in his skull. After the assas- sination Captain St. Ange caused the remains to be brought to St. Louis and buried near the fort. Pierre Chouteau, out of respect for the fallen chief, caused a mound to be raised over the grave in accordance with Indian custom, on which was placed a stone with the inscription of the name, time of his death, etc. Many years after the event above related Pierre and his brother, Auguste Chouteau, having extended their trade into the upper Illinois River country, learned from the Indians the true fate of Pontiac, and 0:1 being convinced that the Indian buried at the fort was an impostor removed the stone placed to his memory and leveled down the mound. An account of the killing of Pontiac at Cahokia found its way into newspapers of that day, and the 142 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. chief coming to his death about the same time ac- counts for this error in history. Both history and tradition agree thai; the war against the Illinois Indians grew out of the assas- sination of Pontiac, but the former fails to show any connection between the two events. History says Pontiac was killed by a Kaskaskia Indian in a drunken row at Cahokia, and in avenging this crime a war was inaugurated against the Illinois Indians. The Kaskaskia Indians were not engaged in the war with the allied forces which terminated so fatally to the northern bands, and they continued to live in the country for more than fifty years after that occur- rence. The Kaskaskia and Cahokia bands spoke the same language as those at the north, and by some his- torians called Illinoisans, but it is a well-known fact that these bands were not engaged in the many wars with the Iroquois before and after the French came to the country, and they took no part in the war that followed the assassination of Pontiac. The Illinois Indians proper, against whom the allies made war, included only those bands living between the Sungamon Kiver and Lake Michigan. It was against these northern bands that the different tribes made war, which terminated in their annihilation, the last of whom perished on Starved Rock, an account of which will be narrated in a subsequent chapter. AN ERROR OF HISTORY. 143 According to history Pontiac was killed in the fall of 1769, and the traditions of both French and Indians agree that the Starved Rock tragedy oc- curred in the fall of the same year. All accounts agree that a bloody war intervened between the for- mer and latter events, and this establishes a connect- ing link between the two. For the purpose of show- ing that the Indian killed at Cahokia was not Pontiac I give the statement of an old gentleman, still liv- ing, who was born and raised where this event oc- curred, and his statement harmonizes with others. Auguste Binet says in his boyhood days a party of Indians were in the habit of making almost daily visits to Cahokia for the purpose of trade, drinking whisky, etc. Among these visitors was an old In- dian who witnessed the assassination of the reputed Pontiac, and made many statements in relation to it. He said the Indian killed at Cahokia was a petty Ottawa chief from Michigan who is said to have re- sembled Pontiac both in face and form. This In- dian representing himself to be Pontiac had spent some time at St. Vincent, on the "Wabash, in trying to raise a force for the purpose of capturing the Brit- ish garrison at that place. But failing in this he came to St. Louis, and offered his services to Cap- tain St. Ange in retaking of Illinois by enlisting a large band of warriors to capture Fort Chartres, but 144 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. meeting with no encouragement from the commander he left for Cahokia, where he was assassinated a few days afterward. The assassin was a drunken, worthless vagabond name Spawse, who suffered the penalty of his crime, being condemned and executed according to law. Williamson, who was accused of being accessory to the murder, sold out his stock-in-trade a few days after the assassination, and fled from the country to escape punishment for his crime. THE OTTAWAS ORDERED OUT OF THE COUNTRY. It has already been stated that Pontiac with a remnant of his band established a village on the Kankakee River, and here the great warrior, hero of many battles, intended to end his days in peace and quiet far away from the English, whom he so much hated. But the country of his adoption be- longed to the Illinois Indians, who regarded the Ottawas as intruders. Kineboo, the head chief of the Illinoisans, accompanied by a retinue of warriors all mounted on ponies, went to the Ottawa camp, and found the new-comers engaged in building lodges and making preparations to plant corn. The chief notified Pontiac' s band that they were tres- passers, and gave them two moons to leave the country, and if found there at the expiration of that MASSACRE OP A HUNTING PARTY. 145 time he would remove them by force. But when the Illinoisans learned that the Ottawas were backed by the powerful tribe of Pottawatomies they did not molest them.* MASSACRE OF A HUNTING PARTY. On account of the green-headed flies the buffalo would leave the W abash country and range west and north of the Illinois River during the summer months. In the east part of the state buffalo were seldom seen, while the prairie westward for miles in extent was frequently blackened by large herds of them. On this account the Pottawatomies and Ot- tawas were in the habit of hunting west of the river, which gave offense to the Illinoisans, who regarded it as a trespass on their rights. A party of about thirty Ottawa hunters, among whom was Pontiac, had been killing buffalo during the day on the prairie eight leagues west of La Yantum. At night the hunters camped in a grove of timber, with the intention of renewing the hunt on the fol- * The above facts relating to Pontiac I obtained from Shaubona, a cele- brated chief who was well-known in this part of the country, and whose verac- ity has never been questioned. Shaubona's father belonged to Pontiac's band, came to Illinois with them, and here at this village on the Kankakee River the old chief was born. Rev. David K. Foster, an educated half-breed now living in Allegan county, Michigan, is a nephew of Shaubona, and has furnished me many items in relation to his grandfather. He says his grandfather was a chief under Pontiac, also engaged in subsequent wars, and one of the signers of the treaty at Greenville in 1795. The speech made at that time by him has been handed down by tradition, of which Foster has written out in full and furnished me with a copy of it. 10 146 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. lowing day. Next morning while the hunters were sitting around a camp-fire unconscious of danger they were attacked by a large party of Illinois war- riors, and many of them slain. Pontiac was wound- ed., but by the swiftness of his pony made good his escape.* A bloody war followed this massacre, and for a time both parties met with victories and defeats. The Pottawatomies and Ottawas would send war parties into the Illinois country, burn their towns, destroy corn, kill squaws and papooses, and carry off ponies, furs, etc. Then the Illinoisans would retaliate on their enemies by making raids into their country, killing defenseless squaws, burning and destroying everything that lay in their way. After this war had continued for some time the Illinoisans * The grove referred to is supposed to have heen the head of Bureau tim- ber, near the village of La Moille. and known in the early settlement of the country as Dimmick Grove. In the spring of 1830 Daniel Dimmick made a claim here, and built a cabin near the head of the grove, on what is now known as the Collins farm. He lived on this claim about two years, until the begin- ning of the Black Hawk war, when he left it and never returned, but for many years the grove bore his name. A short distance below Dimmick's cabin, near the bank of Pike Creek, and by the side of a spring, was an old Indian camping-ground, and during the fall and winter hunting parties were frequently found here. In the winter of 1830- 31 a party of Indians from the Illinois River, among whom was the noted chief Shick Shack, were encamped here for many days, while hunting deer in the grove. Shick Shack said to Dimmick, while in conversation, that a long time ago a hunting party of Ottawa Indians were encamped on this very spot, when they were attacked by the Illinoisans, a large portion of them killed, and their great war chief, Pontiac, wounded. From that time, continued the old chief, the tribes were at, war with each other, which continued until all the Illinoisans were slain, the last of whom perished on Starved Rock. PONTIAC ASSASSINATED. 147 sued for peace, and a council was called by the con- tending parties to agree on terms. INDIAN COUNCIL. PONTIAC ASSASSINATED.* A council met at the great mound on the Des Plaines River, near the present site of Joliet, and was attended by all the principal chiefs of the respective tribes. For a time the deliberations of the council were harmonious, but when the allies claimed a part of the Illinois territory as the only condition of peace, ill feelings were, manifested. Kineboo, the head chief of the Illinoisans, in a speech said: " Rather than submit to these terms we will sacrifice the last drop of blood in our veins, and leave our squaws and papooses to be tomahawked and scalped by a barbarous enemy." Pontiac next addressed the council, and great attention was given to what he said. His tall, manly form, unimpaired by age, was an object of admiration, and his sprightly elo- quence carried all his friends with him. With much enthusiasm he called on his brother chiefs to stand by him, and never lay down the tomahawk until their terms were acceded to. . "While Pontiac was . The assassination of Pontiac, the war which followed it, and the tragedy of Starved Rock, are compi'ed principally from traditionary accounts recently collected among the Pottawatomies and Ottawas of western Kansas, whose ancestors lived on the Illinois River. The accounts given of these events were gathered by Colonel Joseph N. Bourassa, an educated half-breed of Silver Lake Kansas, expressly for this book, and there can be no doubt about the principal facts. 148 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. thus speaking Kineboo drew his scalping-knife and stabbed him to the heart. Thus perished the greatest warrior of his day. Over the remains of Pontiac the warriors held a council, at which it was agreed to avenge his death, and they made preparations for its execution. They cut off the head and legs of the dead chief, boiled them to separate the flesh from the bones, and with the skull and cross-bones placed on a pointed pole they were prepared to go forth to victory. Miamis, Kickapoos, Shawnees, Chippewas, and other tribes who had fought with Pontiac, came forward to avenge his death. Even the white outlaw Bernett, who had long since become a savage and chief of a small band, marshaled his warriors and took a part in the bloody strife. The combined forces of these tribes consti- tuted the most formidable Indian army ever collected in the west, and for savage brutality it has no parallel in the annals of Indian warfare. Their motto was victory or death, no quarter to the enemy, and never lay down the tomahawk until the Illinoisans were annihilated. A WAK OF EXTERMINATION. The allied forces attacked and destroyed all the villages along the Illinois River, killing and scalping defenseless squaws and papooses, but the principal A WAR OF EXTERMINATION. 149 town, La Yantum, which was fortified and defended by the bravest warriors, they had not molested. At this town the remnants of the different bands were collected, and here they intended to make their last defense against the victorious invaders. Small tim- bers and brush were brought from a neighboring grove with which barricades had been erected around three sides of the town the river bounding the fourth. Inside this fortification ' were collected from many distant towns all that was left of the Illinois Indi- ans, numbering perhaps about ten thousand, of whom two thousand were warriors. Days and weeks passed away, the summer almost ended, and the enemy had not appeared, and it was thought they had left the country. Preparations were made for holding a great feast, offering up sac- rifices to the gods of war for deliverance from their enemies. Music and dancing were again introduced into the great Illinois town, and people old and young gave themselves up to enjoyment as in former days. The warriors brought forth scalps taken from the enemy, and in merry glee danced around them. Naked papooses played in the dirt, running to and fro in their childlike sports. Young maidens and their lovers amused themselves with songs and dances, and talking of happy days in the future. Thus for many days the Indians gave themselves up 150 PIONEERS OF ILLIXOIS. to feasting and amusements, unconscious of the great calamity which was about to befall them. It was near the close of a warm day in the early part of Indian summer when the Indians, old and young of both sexes, were arrayed in their best ap- parel, ornamented with beads, feathers, rings, etc., were collected on an open square to celebrate the marriage of the head chief's daughter. But while in the midst of gaiety they were horrified to see the great meadow to the east covered by the enemy, who were moving on them with great rapidity. In front of tlie invaders on a red pole was carried the skull and cross-bones ot Pontiac, showing that no quarter would be given. The drums beat, warriors grasped their arms and in a moment were ready for battle, while a wail of lamentation was raised by the fright- ened squaws and papooses. On came the allied forces with such rapidity that a large number of them scaled the breastworks, and entered the town without opposition. But here the assailants were met by the defenders, and most of them slain before they could recross it to join their comrades. When the invaders witnessed the fate of their comrades they were spell-bound, and before recovering from the panic the Illinoisans with a large force attacked them, when in confusion they fled, leaving behind them their dead and wounded. A WAR OF EXTERMINATION. 151 The invaders, having been repulsed with great slaughter, retired to Buffalo Rock, where a con- sultation was held, at which they agreed to renew the attack in the morning and continue the fighting until the Illinoisans were exterminated. Morning came, and with it also came blood and carnage un- equaled in Indian warfare. After the invaders were repulsed the victors spent the night in dancing over the scalps, and offer- ing up sacrifices to the Great Manitou for success in battle. Having spent the night in rejoicing they were found asleep in the morning, and while slum- bering they were again attacked, and before they could marshal their hosts the invaders in large num- bers entered the town, killing all that lay in their way, sparing neither squaws, papooses, aged or in- firm. But the assailants were again met by brave warriors, and repulsed with great slaughter. Again and again the town was entered, when a hand-to- hand conflict raged with fearful strife, the allies fall- ing back only for reinforcements. For twelve long hours the battle raged, a large portion of the Illinois warriors were slain, and hundreds of squaws and papooses lay lifeless in their bloody gore. Night at last came, but the battle continued. Against the large invading force the defenders could make but a feeble resistance, and soon all must be slain. But 152 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. fortunately a heavy rain-storm came on, and in the darkness of the night it became impossible to distin- guish friends from foes, consequently for a time fur- ther slaughter was suspended. ' CHAPTER XIII. THE ROCK OF REFUGE. DURING a rain-storm, and in the darkness of the night, the Illinoisans launched their canoes across the river, and ascended Starved Rock. Here on this rock were collected the remnant of the Illinois Indians, consisting of about twelve hundred, three hundred of whom were warriors. On the summit of Starved Rock the fugitives felt secure from their enemies, and they offered up prayers and sang- songs of praise to the Great Manitou for their safe deliverance. Many years before, Tonti with fifty French soldiers and one hundred Indian allies held this rock when attacked by two thousand Iroquois warriors, and put them to flight, consequently on this spot they felt secure from their enemies. Morning came, and with it a clear sky and a bright sun, and from their elevated position they looked down on their enemies encamped on the groat meadow below. Soon the allied forces were in motion, moving on the town to complete their bloody work, but soon discovered their intended vic- 153 154 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. tims had fled. The wounded, sick, and infirm by age, who could not escape with their friends, were slain, the town burned, and the dead bodies left un- buried, where their swollen and distorted remains were found many days afterward. The allied forces forded the river on the rapids, surrounded Starved Rock, and made preparations to ascend it to complete their victory. With deafening yells the warriors crowded up the steep, rocky path- way, but on -reaching the summit they were met by brave Illinoisans, who with war-clubs and toma- hawks sent them bleeding and lifeless down the rugged precipice. Again and again the assailants rallied, and rushed forward to assist their friends, but one after another were slain on reaching the summit, and their dead bodies thrown from the rock into the river below. On came fresh bands of assail- ants. The fearful struggle continued until the rock was red and slippery with human gore, and the yells of the victors could be heard above the shrieks and groans of the dying. Connected with this bloody battle on Starved Rock is a romantic story, which was current at the time among the French and half- breeds at Peoria,. and is now narrated by their de- scendants. A .young warrior named Belix, a half- breed, who. had distinguished himself in previous battles, and wore on his breast a badge of honor, THE BESIEGERS AND BESIEGED. 155 which designated him the bravest of the brave. This young warrior having wooed and won a beautiful maiden, a daughter of the head chief, Kineboo, and the time had arrived to celebrate the marriage rites. But in the midst of the marriage festival, and before the bride was given away, the ceremony was brought to a close by the alarm of approaching enemy, as previously stated. When the allied forces assaulted the fugitives on Starved Rock foremost among the warriors in repelling the assailants was young Belix, and with his war-club cleaved the skulls of many of the enemy. During the fight his fancied bride stood near by witnessing the bloody strife as one after another fell before his magic war-club, but at last saw her lover's skull split open with a tomahawk. With a wild scream she sprang from the rock down the fearful precipice, her body falling from crag to crag until it landed mangled, bleeding and lifeless in the river below. THE BESIEGERS AND BESIEGED. On a high, rocky cliff south of Starved Rock, known as Devil's Nose, the allied forces collected during the night small timbers, with which they erected a temporary breastwork. From this breast- work they fired on the besieged, killing some and wounding others, and among the latter was Kineboo, 156 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. head chief of the tribe. The fortification protecting the south side of Starved Rock had fallen into de- cay, fifty-one years having elapsed since the French abandoned Fort St. Louis. The palisades had rotted off, and earth-works moulded down to one-half their original height, consequently they afforded but little protection. To remedy the defect the besieged cut down some of the stunted cedars that crowned the summit of the rock, with which they erected barri- cades along the embankment to shield themselves from the rifle-balls and arrows of the enemy. The besieged were now protected from the mis- siles of their assailants, but another enemy still more dreadful that of hunger and thirst began to alarm them. When they took refuge here on the rock they carried with them a small quantity of pro- vision, but this supply was now exhausted, and star- vation stared them in the face. At first this rock was thought to be a haven of safety, but it now ap- peared likely to be their tomb, but without a mur- mur brave warriors made preparations to meet their fate. Day after day passed away, mornings and evenings came and went, and still the Illinoisans continued to be closely guarded by the enemy, leav- ing them no opportunity to escape from their rocky prison. Famishing with thirst caused them to cut up some of their buckskin clothing, out of which THE BESIEGERS AND BESIEGED. 157 they made cords to draw water out of the river, but the besiegers had placed a guard at the base of the rock, protected by a projecting crag, and as soon as the vessel reached the water cut the cord, or by giv- ing it a quick jerk pulled the water drawer over the precipice, and his body fall headlong into the river below. As days passed away the besieged sat on the rock gazing on the great meadow below, over which they had ofttimes roamed at pleasure, and they longed for freedom once more. The site of their town was in plain view, but instead of lodges and camping-tents with people passing to and fro, as in former days, it was now a lonely, dismal waste, blackened by fire, and covered with the swollen and ghastly remains of the slain. Buzzards were hovering around, flying back and forth over the desolated town, and feasting on the dead bodies of their friends. At night they looked upon the silent stars toward the spirit land, and in their wild imagination saw angels waiting to receive them. While sleeping they dreamed of roaming over woods and prairie in pursuit of game, or cantering their ponies across the plains, but on awaking from their slumber they found it all a delusion. Their sleep was disturbed by the moans and sighs of the suffer- ers, and when morning came it was but the harbin- ger of another day of torture. From their rocky 158 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. prison they could see the ripe corn in their fields, and on a distant prairie a herd of buffalo were graz- ing, but while in sight of plenty of food they were famishing with hunger. Below them at the base of the rock flowed the Illinois River, and as its clear, rippling water glided softly by it appeared in mock- ery to their burning thirst. They had been twelve days on the rock, closely guarded by the enemy, much of that time suffering from hunger and thirst. Their small stock of provi- sion had long since become exhausted, and early and late the little ones were heard crying for food. The mother would hold her infant to her breast to soothe its wailing, but alas, the fountain that sup- ported life had dried up, and the little sufferer would turn away with a feeble cry. Young maidens whose comely form, sparkling eyes and blooming cheeks were the pride of the band, became pale, feeble and emaciated, and with a feeling of resignation they looked upward to their home in the spirit land. One of the squaws, the companion of a noted chief, while in a fit of delirium caused by hunger and thirst threw her infant from the summit of the rock into the river below, and with a wild, piercing scream followed it. A few brave warriors attempted to escape from their rocky prison, but on descending were slain by the vigilant guards. Others in their wild frenzy hurled THE BESIEGERS AND BESIEGED. 159 their tomahawks at the fiends below, and singing their death song laid down to die. The last lingering hope was now abandoned, hun- ger and thirst had done their dreadful work, the cries of the young, and lamentations of the aged, were heard only in a whisper, their tongues swollen and their lips crisped from thirst so they could scarcely give utterance to their sufferings. Old white-headed chiefs, feeble and emaciated, reduced almost to a skeleton, crept away under branches of evergreens to breathe their last. Proud young warriors pre- ferred to die upon this strange rocky fortress by star- vation and thirst rather than surrender themselves to the scalping knives of a victorious enemy. Many had died, their remains lying here and there on the rocky summit, and the effluvium caused by putrefac- tion greatly annoyed the besiegers. A few of the more hardy warriors for a time feasted on the dead, eating the flesh and drinking the blood of their com- rades as soon as life was extinct. A party of the allied forces now ascended the rock and tomahawked all those who had survived the famine, scalping old and young, and left the re- mains to decay on the rock, where the bones were seen many years afterward. Thus perished the large tribe of Illinois Indians, and with the exception of a solitary warrior they became extinct. 160 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. Near the close of the Starved Rock siege a young warrior during a severe rain-storm and darkness of the night took a buckskin cord, which had been used for drawing water, and fastening'it to the trunk of a cedar tree let himself down into the river, and thus made his escape, being the only survivor of this fear- ful tragedy. This young warrior was partly white, being a descendant, on his father's side, from the French, who lived at Fort St. Louis many years be- fore. Being alone in the world, without friends or kindred, he went to Peoria, joined the colony, and there ended his days. He embraced Christianity, became an officer in the church, assuming the name of Antonia La Bell, and his descendants are now liv- ing near Prairie du Rocher, one of whom, Charles La Bell, was a party to a suit in the United States court to recover the land where Peoria now stands. VARIOUS TRADITIONARY EVIDENCE. Colonel Joseph K. Bourassa, of Silver Lake, Kansas, who collected from among his people, whose ancestors lived on the Illinois River, a large amount of traditionary matter relating to the massacre on Starved Rock, says no incident in Indian warfare made so lasting an impression on their minds as this, and the main facts relating thereto will be kept in remembrance for many generations to come. The VARIOUS TRADITIONARY EVIDENCE. 161 many accounts collected by Colonel Bourassa differ somewhat in detail, but all agree on the principal events that it occurred in the fall of 1T69, and the Illinoisans were all annihilated. Bourassa says when a boy he heard two aged warriors, who had partici- pated in the massacre of Starved Rock, narrate many incidents which took place at the time, and this ac- count corresponds with other stories that have come down through several generations. In the early settlement of the country an old In- dian named Mashaw frequently visited the trading- houses at Hennepin and Ottawa, and through an in- terpreter made various statements in relation to the Starved Rock tragedy. He said at the time it oc- curred he was a small boy, accompanying his father; was present at the siege, and saw the destruction of the Illinois Indians. He said after many days' fight- ing a number of warriors during the night descended from the rock, and attempted to fight their way through the lines, but were all slain except seven, who succeeded in effecting their liberty. As late as 1828 a small band of Indians had a village on the north side of Lake Depue, and raised corn on a little bottom prairie now included in the farm of Charles Savage. Among these Indians was a very old man, who frequently accompanied his grandson in a canoe to Hartzell's trading house near 11 162 PIONEEKS OF ILLINOIS. the present site of Hennepin. This old Indian said he was born on the Wabash, and was ten years old at the time of the Starved Rock tragedy. His father participated in this affair, and two of his uncles were killed in the fight before the Illinoisans took refuge on the rock. He said the fight at the town lasted two days, and hundreds of warriors on both sides were slain. Two years after this affair the band to which this old Indian belonged emigrated to Illinois, and built a town on the south side of the river op- posite Lake Depue. At that time, and for many years after, where the great battle was fought acres of ground were covered with human bones, and the summit of Starved Rock almost covered with skulls and bones of the victims. Medore Jennette, an em- ploye of Auguste and Pierre Chouteau, fur-traders at St. Louis, lived many years in an Indian village at the mouth of the Fox River, and has left his numerous descendants many traditions relating to early times. Jennette came to the country in 1772, three years after the Illinois Indians were an- nihilated, and found the summit of Starved Rock covered with human bones. The Indians believed an evil spirit stood guard over these bones, and on account of this superstitious notion they could not be i prevailed on to go near the rock. A short distance below Starved Rock, on what A GHASTLY SPECTACLE. 163 was then known as the great battle-field, many acres of ground were whitened by bones and skulls. An old Indian called Shaddy, who was born and raised on the Illinois River, went west with his band in 1834. Two years afterward he came back to look once more upon the scenes of his youth, and during the winter of 1836-7 hunted in the river tim- ber and along Bureau Creek. In conversation with this old Indian I obtained many interesting items in relation to past events. He said his father was at the siege of Starved Rock, and all the Illinois In- dians perished except one. This was a young half- breed who let himself down into the river by a buck- skin cord during a severe rain-storm, and in the darkness of the night made his escape. A GHASTLY SPECTACLE. A few days after the destruction of the Illinois Indians a party of traders from Peoria, among whom were Robert Maillet and Felix La Pance, while re- turning from Canada with three canoes loaded with goods, stopped at the scene of the late tragedy. On approaching Starved Rock they noticed a cloud of buzzards hovering over it, and at the same time were greeted with a sickening odor. On landing from their canoes and ascending the rock they found the steep, rugged pathway leading thereto stained with 164 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. blood, and among the stunted cedars that grew on the cliff were a number of human bodies partly de- voured by birds of prey. But on reaching the sum- mit they were horrified to find it covered with dead bodies, all in an advanced state of decomposition. Here was the aged chief with silver locks, lying by the side of young warriors whose long raven hair partly concealed their ghastly and distorted features. Here, too, were squaws and papooses, the aged grand- mother, and the young maiden, with here and there an infant still clasped in its mother's arms. Some had died from thirst and starvation, others by the tomahawk or war club ; of the latter their remains were partly enveloped in a pool of clotted blood. All the dead, without regard to age or sex, had been scalped, and the remains divested of clothing. The swollen and distorted remains of the slain were hideous to look upon, and the stench from them so offensive that the traders hastened down from the rock, and continued on their way down the river. On reaching La Vantum, a short distance below Starved Rock, the traders met with a still greater surprise, and for a time were almost ready to believe what they saw was delusion instead of reality. The great town of the west had disappeared ; not a lodge, camping-tent, or one human being, could be seen. All was desolate, silent and lonely. The ground A GHASTLY SPECTACLE. 165 where the -town had stood was strewn with dead bodies, and packs of hungry wolves were feeding upon their hideous repast. Five months before these traders while on their way to Canada stopped at La Vantum, for the pur- pose of trading with the Indians. At that time the inhabitants, about five thousand in number, were in full enjoyment of life, but now their dead bodies lay mouldering on the ground, food for wolves and birds of prey. The traders had bought of these people two canoe loads of furs and pelts, which were to be paid for in goods on their return from Canada. The goods were now here to make payment according to contract, but alas, the creditors had all gone to their long home. The smell from hundreds of putrefied remains waa so offensive that the traders remained .only a short time, and with sadness they turned away from this scene of horror. The traders again boarding their canoes passed down the river to Peoria, conveying thither to their friends the sad tidings. CHAPTER XIV. RELICS OF THE TRAGEDY. , IN the following spring, after the Illinois Indi- ans were annihilated, a party of traders from Cahokia on their way to Canada, in canoes loaded with furs, stopped at Peoria. On reaching this point they heard of the destruction of the Indians on Starved Rock, and were afraid to proceed further on their journey. After remaining a few days at Peoria they proceeded on their way, accompanied as far as Starved Rock by twenty-one Frenchmen and a num- ber of Indians. With this escort was Father Buche, a Jesuit priest of Peoria, and an account of his ob- servations are preserved in his manuscript* "When the voyageurs arrived at La Vantum they found the town site strewed with human bones, and fragments of broken pottery, and a few charred poles alone marked the location of the great town of the west. Scattered over the prairie were hundreds of skulls, some of which still retained a portion of flesh, and partly covered with long black hair, giving to *An account of this manuscript will be found in the succeeding chapter, and from which many extracts have been taken. 166 RELICS OF THE TEAGEDY. 167 the remain's a ghastly and sickening appearance. This party also ascended Starved Rock, and found its summit covered with bones and skulls, among masses of putrefied flesh. Here among the remains of the dead were found knives, tomahawks, rings, beads, and various trinkets, some of which the trav- elers carried with them to Canada, and can now be seen among the antiquarian collection in Quebec. Various accounts are given in after years both by French and Indians of seeing relics of this fearful tragedy on the summit of Starved Rock. Pierre Bulbona, an Indian trader known by many of the early settlers, said when a small boy he accom- panied his father in ascending Starved Rock, and saw many relics of the slaughtered Indians. This was only fifteen years after the massacre, and the rock was covered with skulls and bones, all in a good state of preservation, but bleached white by the sun and rain. Persons are still living among the French fur traders who have seen these bones on the summit of Starved Rock, and at the present time small fragments of human remains are occasionally found. On my first visit to Starved Rock, forty- five years ago, I found a number of human teeth, and small fragments of bones. Some years ago a human skull was found at the root of a tree, buried up with leaves and dirt, also a tomahawk and a large 168 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. . scalping knife. At different times visitors have found relics of the past, consisting of weapons of war and trinkets of various kinds, and still retain them as trophies of the past. Whoever will take the trouble to examine the soil on Starved Rock will find in many places a pecu- liar dusty sediment among the dirt, showing decom- posed animal matter, which, without doubt, is the remains of human beings. I have visited the cata- combs belonging to different Italian cities, also those around Jerusalem, and walked over the dust made frbm the remains of human beings, and find the sediment among the dirt on Starved Rock to be of the same kind. SEARCHING FOR GOLD. When the Governor of Canada took possession of Fort St. Louis all the goods, furs, etc., belonging to the traders were confiscated to the government, and report says divided between thp governor and friends. Tonti having in his possession at that time a large sum of gold dug a pit hole within the stock- ades and buried it, to prevent its falling into the hands of his enemies. Sixteen years afterward, as Tonti was about to die, he told a priest, who was holding a gold cross before his face, about the gold being buried within the fort. The priest kept this SEARCHING FOR GOLD. 169 matter a secret, waiting for an opportunity to resur- rect the gold, but was drowned soon after by the upsetting of a canoe. A short time after the death of the priest the fort was burned by the Indians, and the French driven away, as previously stated. In the summer of 1765, forty-seven years after the burning of Fort St. Louis, a party of French at Peoria, among whom were Captain M. De Fond and Father Buche, believing the story about gold being buried in the fort came up the river in search of it. This party of gold hunters encamped at the base of Starved Rock, and spent some days in digging holes on its summit, which accounts for the many pit holes now to be seen. No gold was found by these ad- venturers, but in a vault near where the store-house stood they found a large number of tomahawks, guns, knives, beads, and various kinds of trinkets, intended for the Indian trade. An account of -searching for gold on the summit of Starved Rock is given in Father Buche's manu- script, in which he says: " We had spent five days in digging holes on the top of Le Rocher, and found a large quantity of articles which were intended for the Indian trade, but of the precious metal, the object of our search, we found none. On the last day of our stay we dug a large hole close to the old earth- works, and continued at work until it was quite dark, 170 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. when the devil appeared to us in the form of a huge bear. On seeing this monster we dropped our tools, and hurried down from Le Rocher, put our camp kit in a canoe, and started down the river for home." In the summer of 1805 a party of adventurers at Kaskaskia learning from tradition that a large amount of gold had been buried within the stock- ades of Fort St. Louis went in search of it. At that time the location of the old fort was unknown; his- tory and tradition alike failed to point it out, but they knew it was on a high rock washed by the rapid current of the Illinois, and a short distance above the great bend in the river. On Buffalo Rock they found what they believed to be the relics of Fort St. Louis, and here they spent many days in searching for the hidden treasures, but finding none they re- turned home. An account of this expedition was published in the newspapers of that day, which de- scribe the remains of the fort on a large rock on the north side of the river, and from that time it was believed that Fort St. Louis had been built on Buf- falo Rock. The story of gold having been buried within the stockades of Fort St. Louis is also among the In- dian traditions, and some years ago a party of Pot- tawatomies came from Kansas in search of it. Peo- ple in the vicinity told them that the fort had stood FOET ST. LOUIS. 171 on Buffalo Rock, and on its summit they dug many pit holes, but finding none of the precious metal they returned to their homes in the west. FORT ST. LOUIS, ROCK FORT, AND LE ROCHER. In former times people of the west generally be- lieved that Fort St. Louis was built on Buffalo Rock, as relics of an ancient fortification were found here in the early settlement of the country. But in com- paring the various historical accounts, as well as French and Indian traditions, it is shown conclusively to have stood on Starved Rock, and here its remains can still be seen. Buffalo Rock does not answer the description of the place spoken of in history, and the natural advantages between it and Starved Rock for a fort could not escape the observation of a man with La Salle's shrewdness. Buffalo Rock contains on its summit several hundred acres, is only about sixty feet high, whereas Starved Rock is one hun- dred and thirty-six feet high, containing less than one acre on its summit, and accessible only at one place. Thus it is a natural fortress, where but little labor would be required to make it impregnable, so a few soldiers could hold it against all the savages of the west. Fort St. Louis, Rock Fort and Le Rocher, so often referred to in history, are without doubt all one and the same place. 172 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. South of Starved Rock, about one hundred and fifty yards distant, is a high knoll, isolated from the neighboring bluff, covered with scattering trees, and known in early times as Devil's Nose.* Eastward across a chasm two hundred yards wide is a rocky cliff as high as Starved Rock and covered with stunted evergreens. This cliff rises almost perpendicular from the water's edge, connects with the main bluff, and from an old Indian legend is called Maiden's Leap.f These two cliffs are within gun-shot of the fort, therefore it became necessary to protect the side of the rock next to them with earth- works and palisade. A more romantic place for building a fort could not be found in the western country, and for natural defenses or picturesque appearance it is without a parallel in history. The many remarkable events connected with this old relic of antiquity if given to the world would rival the works of fiction, surpass- ing even the wild romance of feudal times. The river at this point assumes a different char- acter, no longer a dull, sluggish stream, but is wide, shallow and rapid, and its broad channel divided by * For many years after the Starved Rock tragedy a superstitious notion prevailed among the Indians, who believed that an evil spirit had taken posses- sion of this eminence, and every night when the winds blew and rain fell he could be heard blowing his nose. t It is said a young and beautiful Indian maiden, a daughter of a noted chief, having been crossed in love jumped off this cliff, and her mangled body was found in the ravine below some days afterward. RELICS OF FORT ST. LOUIS. 173 many beautiful wood-clad islands. Some of these islands are now under cultivation, while others are covered with forest trees, the tall cottonwood and outspreading elms adding beauty and romance to the surrounding scenery. These islands in the river, with the land on which Starved Rock stands, belong to Colonel D. F. Hitt, of Ottawa, who entered it nearly half a century ago. 4 RELICS OF FORT ST. LOUIS. In the summer of 1721, thirty-nine years after Fort St. Louis was built, Charlevoix, a French Jesuit priest, visited Illinois, and in his journal gave some account of the scenery along the river. On Buf- falo Rock he found an Indian village surrounded by a rude fortification, consisting of low earth-works with stockades, and known as Le Fort des Miamis. About one league below Buffalo Rock, on the oppo- site side of the river, is Le Rocher, rising from the water's edge like a castle wall, to the height of one hundred and fifty feet, and can be ascended only at one point. On this rock, says Charlevoix, La Salle built a fort, and part of the palisade was still stand- ing. The block-house, store-house and dwellings had been burned by the Indians, and everything about the fort was in ruins, although it had been oc- cupied by his countrymen only three years before. 174 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. The remains of earth-works can still be seen, en- circling about two-thirds of the rock, and following around it on the brink of the precipice. These works commence on the western angle, following the margin of the rock to the extreme eastern curve^ leaving an open gateway at the place of ascending the rock, and are one hundred and twenty-two yards in length. On the south side of the rock, along these earth-works, are many pit holes, two of which are very large, and in all probability one of these was the magazine, and the other a cellar of a store- house. The smaller pit holes which are found here and there among the evergreens, according to Buche's manuscript, were dug forty-seven years after the destruction of the fort, by persons while search- ing for gold. INDIAN AND FRENCH RELICS. In the vicinity of Starved Rock, and near the site of the old Indian village, many relics have been found, consisting of gun flints, arrow-heads, etc. Earthen pots, kettles, and various kinds of pottery, have been found, also tomahawks, axes, knives, hoes, with various kinds of farming and war implements made of stone. Burton Ayres, one of the pioneers of La Salle, collected many curious relics of Indian antiquities, among which was an image in the form of a man cut out of limestone, and supposed to have INDIAN AND FRENCH RELICS. 175 been an idol of heathen worship. On the site of La- Vantuin many curious relics have been found, and every year in plowing the ground new trinkets are discovered. People living in that locality have col- lected a large amount of Indian relics, some of which have been placed in the Ottawa Academy of Natural Science for preservation. On and around Starved Rock many relics of the early French occupants have also been found, con- sisting of farming implements of European manufac- ture, rifle and cannon balls, gold and silver crosses, with various trinkets of more or less value. A few years ago a small cannon was found imbedded in the river bank, where it had lain perhaps for nearly two centuries. This cannon is made of wrought iron, hooped with heavy rings to make it strong like those used in Europe centuries ago. This ancient piece of ordnance in all probability was brought from Canada by. La Salle or some of his men to be used on a forti- fication, and may have been the one mounted on the ramparts of Fort St. Louis at the time of its dedica- tion, and fired a salute in honor of the King of France. A short time ago an old cedar tree was cut down on the summit of Starved Rock, and within its trunk was found imbedded a gun barrel partly destroyed by rust. How this gun barrel came here will forever 176 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. remain a mystery, but in all probability it was the work of an ingenious Frenchman, during the occupa- tion of Fort St. Louis. This gun barrel, with a por-^ tion of the tree which surrounded it, also the old cannon found in the river bank, with many other curiosities, are preserved among the collection of relics at Ottawa Museum of Natural Science. A short time ago David "Walker, of Ottawa, found near Buffalo Rock a piece of copper about the size and shape of a half dollar, on which was engraved in rude characters the name of Tonti. It is quite probable this trinket is one among the many medals which the commander of Fort St. Louis distributed among his Indian friends as a token of remem- brance. On Starved Rock were found two bronze medal- lion heads of noted persons of those days, one of King Louis XIY and the other of Pope Leo X. Colonel D. F. Hitt, of Ottawa, has now in his possession a double cross made of pure gold, three inches in length, but without name or date. This cross is said to be an insignia of an Archbishop, and was probably lost by one of the holy fathers who frequented Fort St. Louis. This cross was found seven years ago, about two hundred feet west of Starved Rock, and an account of its size and engraving has attracted much atten- INDIAN AND FRENCH RELICS. 177 tion. On one side of this emblem are four hearts and four open links, with a human figure represent- ing Christ nailed to the cross. On the opposite side are six hearts and four links, with an image of the Virgin Mary holding the infant Christ in her arms. The figures and images on this cross are well en- graved, being of the same style of work as those ancient Christian emblems now on exhibition in the Vatican, at Koine. It has been a matter of much speculation how a cross representing this high order in the Catholic church came to Fort St. Louis, as no one higher than a priest had officiated as chaplain during thirty-six years of its occupation. There is an incident con- nected with the fort which may throw some light on it, and were all the facts known might possibly ex- plain this mystery. The Archbishop of Rouen sent to Canada a fine satin robe, a large gold cross, with other sacred emblems, to be presented to the most devoted priest in North America. The priests at Quebec awarded these gifts to Father Chrisp, chaplain of Fort St. Louis, but he died before their arrival, and in the fall of 1688 these things were pre- sented to Father Gaudier, brother of La Salle. It is possible that the cross found here may be the one referred to, and lost by the owner during his' ram- bles around the fort. 12 178 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. Colonel Hitt has two other crosses which were found in the vicinity of Starved Rock, but they are of the kind usually worn by priests and monks, and do not differ materially from those found elsewhere. In the vicinity of Starved Rock are found many under-ground furnaces consisting of a large flue built of stone and mortar. The French in those days were in the habit of building flues under their dwellings to warm them, and this, manner of warm- ing a house is still in use in some parts of Canada. FATHER BUCHE'S MANUSCRIPT. This old manuscript, now in the hands of Hypolite Pilette, consists of twenty-three pages closely written on large sheets, and from age the paper is yellow and ink faded. It is in the French language, dated at La Yille de Maillet (now Peoria), April 1770, and was written by Jacques Buche, a Jesuit priest. The writer speaks only of things that came under his own observation, and relates a number of remarkable in- cidents, which are worth preserving. The manu- script speaks of the destruction of La Vantum, the perishing of the remnant of the Illinois Indians on Starved Rock, and from its pages are taken a num- ber of incidents narrated in this book. It also gives an account of digging for gold within the stockades of Fort St. Louis, the pit holes of which can still be seen. FATHER SUCRE'S MANUSCRIPT. 179 Father Buche speaks of visiting an Indian village fifteen leagues north of La Yille de Maillet, where lie remained many days teaching the people the ways of Christianity. The inhabitants of this village said he was possessed of the devil, indulging in vile prac- tices, and idolatrous worship. The chiefs had many wives, and put them to death if they proved barren At their religious feast an infant was burned on the altar as a sacrifice to the Great Manitou, in order that the band might be successful in war hunting, etc., and be protected from the power of the evil one. Father Buche said he preached many times to these benighted people, and many of them were con- verted, their names enrolled in the church book, and their souls saved from perdition. He also speaks of accompanying a large party of hunters in slaughter- ing buffalo, having been run over by the herd, and trampled under the feet of the beasts, but saved from death by the interposition of the Holy Virgin. T CHAPTER XV. OLD FORT CHARTRES. HIS old landmark of former times was located near the Mississippi River, and in the north- west corner of Randolph county. The fort was built by the Louisiana company in 1719, and continued to be the seat of government as long as the French were in possession of Illinois. It stood about one- half mile from the river, but connected with it by a slough or bayou, through which boats passed to and from the fort. It was originally a wooden structure, but in 1756 a stone one with high thick walls, con- taining towers and bastions, took its place. The walls enclosed about four acres of ground, and within this arena were many large buildings for officers and soldiers' quarters. This fort was built of faced blocks of limestone, brought from a cliff on the op- posite side of the river, three miles above, and the structure is said to have made a very fine appear- ance. Fort Chartres at the time of its construction was considered the most imposing fortification in North America, and over its battlements waved both the 180 OLD FORT CHARTRES. 181 French and British flags. A village of about forty houses, called St. Anne de Fort Chartres, sprang up around the fort, and here was not only the seat of government for Illinois, but it became the center of wealth, business, fashion and gayety. During the great flood of 1772 a portion of the wall, about one hundred feet in length, was under- mined and fell into the river. In consequence of this breach in the walls Fort Chartres was aban- doned and went to ruin, the seat of government moved to Kaskaskia, and the inhabitants of the vil- lage of St Anne left for other places. A small por- tion of the walls is still standing, and the magazine remains whole, excepting that a part of the main arch has given way and the great iron door is gone. The foundation and part of the walls of two buildings are standing, with forest trees growing within the enclosure. Most of the large hewed stones of which the main walls were constructed have been taken away to build up towns along the river, and the massive stone arches that encircled the door and gateways now ornament public buildings elsewhere. These grand old ruins are now in the midst of a forest, with trees more than three feet in diameter standing within their walls ; and were the origin of these relics of former times unknown, it might fur- nish a theme for antiquarian speculation. 182 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. In 1788 Congress reserved a tract of land one mile square around Fort Chartres, and this reserva- tion came into market in 1849, and sold the same as other government lands. FORT MASSAC. This old landmark of early times was located on the north bank of the Ohio, then called Ouabaclie Kiver by the French, thirty-six miles from its month. The time of its construction is mixed with uncer- tainty; both history and tradition are alike defective on this point, but it is generally believed to have been built about the year 1711. This fort was built by early French explorers, who came from the lakes by way of Maumee and Wabash rivers, and had no connection with the colonies on the Mississippi. A short time after the French built this fort it was captured by the Indians through a curious piece of strategy. One day a number of Indians appeared on the opposite side of the river, each covered with a bear skin, walking on all-fours, and imitating the motion of that animal. The soldiers mistook these Indians for bears, and many of them crossed the river in pursuit, while others left their quarters to see the sport. In the meantime a large body of warriors, who were secreted in the woods near by, took possession of the fort without opposition, and but few of the soldiers escaped massacre. FORT MASSAC. 183 Some years after this tragical affair a new fort was built on the same site, and called Massac in memory of this sad event. This fort was abandoned by the French about the year 1750, but after the close of the revolutionary war the Americans had a garrison here for a short time. Forty miles above Fort Massac, on the river bank, now in Hardin county, is a place of much note called Cave in the Rock, consisting of a large, romantic- looking cavern at the base of a rocky cliff. For several years this cave was occupied by a band of robbers headed by one Mason. These robbers way- laid boats going to and from New Orleans, murder ing the crew and confiscating the cargo. In 1797 this band of outlaws was broken up, some of them captured and executed, while others fled the country to escape punishment. AMERICAN BOTTOM. This section of country, so ofttimes referred to by the early western historian, lies on the east side of the Mississippi, extending from Alton to the mouth .of Kaskaskia River, a distance of about seventy miles in length, and from three to eight miles in width. This tract of land consists of timber and prairie about equally divided, and much of it subject to inundation, but for fertility of soil it probably is 184 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. unequaled in the western country. During the first century of the French occupation of Illinois the only permanent settlement (except Peoria)was made on this bottom, and here the descendants of the early pioneers continue to live. The old towns on this bottom still remain French in language, customs and habits, and the people have but little intercourse with those speaking the English language. The name American Bottom had its origin about a century ago, at the time Illinois came under United States jurisdiction, and from the following circum- stance: the west side of the river being known as Louisiana, or New Spain, while on the east, in the river bottom, was called America hence American Bottom, which name it continues to bear. In the early settlement of the country the valley of the Mississippi from the Gulf of Mexico to the lakes was known as Louisiana, designated as upper and lower country. In after years the settlements on both sides of the Mississippi were known as the Illinois country, and the same laws were in force, it being one country. After the west side was ceded to Spain it became known as Louisiana, and the terri- tory assumed the name of Missouri about the year 1810, five years after it was ceded to the United States. PRAIRIE DU ROCHER. 185 PRAIRIE DU ROCHER. The old French village of Prairie du Rocher is located at the foot of the bluff, three miles from the Mississippi River, and in the northwest corner of Randolph county. There is a rocky cliff, thirty miles long and about two liundred feet high, bound- ing a fertile bottom, which gives to the place a romantic and picturesque appearance. Its secluded situation, fine scenery, rich soil and large spring of gushing water attracted the attention of early pio- neers, and caused it to become a place of importance. A short distance above the town, at the base of a rocky cliff, is a large spring, sending forth an im- mense volume of water, whose crystal purity might have been taken for the fountain of life, which gave immortality to youth and vigor, so much sought after by the early Spanish explorers. Near this spring is a remarkable cave in the high rocky cliff, but it has never been explored to any great extent, as its cham- bers are filled with foul air, which is thought to be destructive to life. According to Jesuit history Prairie du Rocher was incorporated into a village in the year 1722, and a large tract of land granted to its citizens, with an additional tract bounding the Mississippi River for a number of miles for school purposes. The old Jesuit chapel of St. Joseph, built in 1734, 186 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. is still standing, and is probably the oldest building on the American Bottom. Within its portals have been christened the infants of four succeeding gen- erations, and the marriage vows of the people of Prairie du Rocher have been heard at its sacred altar for a century and a half. The register of the chapel, commencing in 1734, containing a record of births, marriages, deaths, etc., was taken to Kaskaskia in 1855 for the purpose of being copied, and, unfortu- nately, was lost. CAHOKIA. When La Salle and his comrades returned from an excursion to the mouth of the Mississippi River in the summer of 1682 they stopped some days at Cahokia, which at that time was a large Indian vil- lage. Two Jesuit priests, Pinet and Garvier, who accompanied the expedition, remained here for the purpose of converting the natives. These priests built a chapel in the midst of the' village, dedicating it to St. Peter, and named the mission Notre Dame des Cahokia. In the following year La Salle au- thorized Richard Bosley to establish a trading-post here, and with the traders came many emigrants from Canada, forming the first permanent settlement in the Mississippi Valley. The emigrants built houses in the town with the Indians, and for more than a century they lived together in peace and har- KASKASKIA. 187 mony as one people. Marriage between the French and Indians being legalized by the Catholic church many of the fur traders and earl/ explorers of the west found wives among the blooming daughters of Illinois. Some of the present inhabitants of Caho- kia can trace their genealogy* back to the time of La Salle, and, their ancestors having intermarried with natives, show strong marks of Indian lineage. The location of Cahokia is unfavorable for com- merce, being situated on Cahokia Creek, a mile and a half from the Mississippi, but still not out of the reach of its floods. In early times the water in the creek was sufficient to float their small crafts, but a Frenchman in seeking revenge cut a channel from the creek into the river, three miles above the town, leaving it without water communication except in time of floods. Along Cahokia Creek are a number of small lakes, and no less than sixty-seven mounds of various sizes and shapes. Cahokia at the present time is only a small town, the houses standing here and there among gardens and shade trees, the inhabitants mostly engaged in farming, and but few of them can speak or under- stand English. KASKASKIA. According to the most reliable traditionary ac- counts Father Allouez established a mission at Kas- 188 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. kaskia in 1686, and built a chapel in the Indian vil- lage. He gave this mission the sacred name of Im- maculate Conception of the Holy Virgin, and its register from 1695 is still preserved among the church papers of the parish. Emigrants from Can- ada, with fur traders, came to Kaskaskia, and in a few years it became a place of great importance. The congregation continued to occupy the Jesuit chapel until 1721, when a permanent church was built, and occupied as a place of worship for nearly a century. The bell now hanging on the large brick church was brought from France and placed on this building, being the first to ring for public worship in the Mississippi Valley. Its measured strokes have tolled for marriages and funerals of three successive generations, and still the bluff and tall timber around the old town continues to echo its musical peals. In 1736 a fort was built at Kaskaskia, but never occupied by troops, and burned down after standing thirty-six years. When Fort Chartres was aban- doned, in 1772, the government built a new one here called Fort Gage, in honor of the commander-in- chief of the British forces in America, and the relics of this fort can still be seen on the bluff near the river. After Clark's conquest of Illinois, American emi- grants came to Kaskaskia, it being the seat of gov- KASKASKIA AND CAHOKIA INDIANS. 189 eminent for the territory, and also for the state, for about fifty years. People coming to the country made this a place of stopping until a location could be selected elsewhere, and for many years it was the largest and most important town west of the Alle- ghany mountains ; but owing to many floods in the Mississippi River its greatness has long since de- parted, and at present it is only a small town of but little importance. KASKASKIA AND CAHOKIA INDIANS. The Kaskaskia and Cahokia Indians when the French came to the country lived in the towns that bore their respective names, but they had other vil- lages on the American Bottom. These Indians lived on friendly terms with the early settlers, and it was the boast of one of their noted chiefs, Ducogna, that his people had neater shed the blood of a white man. After the northern bands of the Illinois Indians were annihilated their country came into the posses- sion of the victors, consisting of Pottawatomies, Ot- tawas, Chippewas and Kickapoos. These tribes made war on the Kaskaskia and Cahokia bands, and a number of bloody battles were fought between the contending parties. The hunting-grounds lying be- tween these tribes, including a large portion of the central division of the state, became overrun with 190 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. game, and for many years neither part}" would risk hunting here, as they were liable to be attacked by the enemy. In 1782 a battle was fought between these tribes on Battle Ground Creek, twenty -five miles east of Kaskaskia, and for many years the ground of this battle-field was covered with human bones. Another battle between these Indians was fought about the same time on Cache River, now in Johnson county, and the bones of the slain can still be seen in a cave near the battle-ground. As late as the year 1809 the Kaskaskia Indians had a village of about eight hundred inhabitants, near Prarie du Rocher, and one nearly as large on the Kaskaskia River. At that time the Cahokia Indi- ans had two small villages near their old town, but their number is not known. There was a band of Kaskaskia Indians at one time on Cache River, known as the wild band, who were engaged in some of the border wars, and were a party to Wayne's treaty at Greenville in 1795, and received annuity from the government. A large portion of this band fell victims to the Kickapoos during one of their raids, and in order to be pro- tected by the whites they left their former home on Cache River and lived in a village near Prairie du Rocher. The Kaskaskia and Cahokia Indians claimed all PEORIA INDIANS. 191 the land in the state south of a line from the mouth of the Illinois River to a point on the Wabash near the present site of Terre Haute. These lands were ceded to the government at a treaty at Edwards- ville on September 25, 1818, for a small amount of money, payable annually for twelve years. As the country settled up game became scarce. These Indi- ans went west at different times, the last of them leaving the country in 1833, and a remnant of these bands are now living in the Indian territory south of Kansas. PEORIA INDIANS. Indian history is always more or less conflicting, and not very reliable, as each writer on this subject .arranges things in accordance to his own fancy. It is an account of people who left no history, and all that is known of them are scraps of tradition, which are more or less veiled in doubt and uncertainty, therefore due allowance should be made for conflicting statements. For more than forty years my attention has been directed to this subject, and statements here given are the result of long investigations. The principal village of the Peoria Indians was on the west side of Peoria Lake, and called Opa by the French. On La Salle's first visit to this town Neconope was head chief, who is represented as be- ing unfriendly to the whites. But in after years this 192 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. chief was succeeded by one named Kolet, who be- came a Christian, and through his influence Jesuits established a mission in his village. French traders built houses in the village, and for more than fifty years whites lived with the Indians. It is said the Peorias had other villages in the vicinity of the lake, but their exact location is unknown. The Peoria Indians were engaged in the war against the allied forces in defense of their country, and most of the warriors were slain at La Vantum or perished on the summit of Starved Rock. When those at home, being mostly infirm from age, squaws, papooses, etc., heard of the slaughter of their friends they fled to the south to escape a like fate. A few who had intermarried with the French remained at the village and. were not molested. A remnant of a band of Peoria Indians lived at a village south of Cahokia for many years, and were a party to the treaty at Edwardsville on the 25th of September, 1818. At this treaty they sold their land to the government, except a small reservation, and received as consideration two thousand dollars in goods, with an annuity of three dollars for twelve, years. Some years after disposing of their lands they sold the reservation, went west of the Missis- sippi, and mingled with other tribes. CHAPTER XYI. INDIAN TRIBES IN ILLINOIS TERRITORY. A FTER the Illinois Indians were annihilated, in -L. 1769, the conquerors took possession of the country, and occupied it about seventy years. The Illinois River had long been known as the Indian country, being more densely inhabited by them than any other part of the west. Here lived the larger por- tion of the Illinoisans, and here, too, were found their successors, the Pottawatomies. Between Peoria Lake arid the mouth of Fox River were eight Indian villages, some of which were very large, containing hundreds of inhabitants. Although their villages and cornfields were mostly located on or near the Illinois River they claimed as hunting-ground the country between the W abash and Mississippi Rivers, and over this vast tract they roamed in pur- suit of game. In the year 1800 the commissioner of Indian affairs estimated that thirty thousand Indians, in- cluding all the different tribes, were living within 13 193 194 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. the limits of this state, arid about three-fifths of this number were on the Illinois River. In the central portion of the state, on the Mack- inaw and Sangamon Rivers, were a few villages of Kickapoo Indians. On the Kankakee River were two villages of Ottawas, and near Lake Michigan were a few villages of Chippeways. Near Rock Island the Sacs and Foxes had two villages, and also one on the present site of Quincy. In the north part of the state were Winnebagoes, and at the south were Kaskaskia arid Cahokia Indians. These Indians at various treaties sold their lands to the government for homes in the west, and left the country at different periods from 1825 to 1836. MONKS OF LA TRAPPE. This curious order of religious enthusiasts had its origin in 1664 through a wealthy nobleman named Abbe Ranee, who lived in the south of France. For many years he lived a gay, fast life, but on the death of h's mistress, Madame Monblazan, he renounced the world, rejected all the comforts of life, bread and water was his food, and a stone his bed. Ranee used his fortune in establishing the order, and had many followers. He built a monastery at La Trappe, and from this fact the name of the order originated. In the year 1704 about twenty monks of the order OLD FOET NEAR STARVED ROCK. 195 of La Trappe came to Illinois and established them- selves on the American Bottom, in St. Clair county. Colonel N. Jerret, of Cahokia, gave them a farm, and furnished money to erect buildings thereon. They built a monastery on the top of a high mound, now known as Monk Hill, and cultivated a small farm near by. Some of the Monks repaired watches, others traded with the people, selling them various kinds of articles, which they brought from France. These monks were filthy in their habits, very rigid in penance, spending three hours each day in religious exercise, when their songs of praise could be heard far away. The climate did not agree with them; two of the priests and five lay brethren died. They became very unpopular among the people in that locality, and in 1813 they sold their property and returned to France. OLD FORT NEAR STARVED ROCK. On the river-bluff, one half-mile south of Starved Rock, are the remains of an ancient fortification, known as the Old Fort, and consist of low, irregular earthworks. This relic of antiquity is located on level land at the intersection of two ravines, and on two sides follows the curve of the hill above the ravines in zigzag lines, with an open gateway at the east, fronting the prairie. These lines enclose about 196 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. one acre of ground, which is of an oblong shape, and is now covered with large burr-oak trees. This ap- pears to have been only a temporary fortification, consisting of an embankment with a ditch on the in- side, and perhaps enclosed with palisades. There are many large trees growing on the embankment and in the ditch, which is conclusive evidence of its great antiquity. Most all the relics of past ages are found in favorable localities, where beauty and con- venience have been consulted, but this one appears to be an exception to this rule, and it is a mystery to me why any people would build a fort in such a place as this. At what time this fort was built, by whom, and for what purpose, will in all probability forever re- main a mystery. It could not have been built by the French, for it shows no sign of civil engineering, and neither history nor tradition gives any account of it. Some people believe it was built by the French while in possession of Fort St. Louis, and used as a summer fort to protect themselves from the Indians while raising a crop on the adjoining prairie, but this is not probable, as they always lived' on friendly terms with the natives, and therefore needed no protection. Jacques Mette and Hypolite Pilette inform me that their ancestors lived at Fort St. Louis, the former a soldier and the latter a THE RUINED CITY OF AZTALAN. 197 trader, and are positive that no out fortification could have been built by the French without con- stituting a part of their family traditions. This fort in all probability is the work of people who pos- sessed the country many centuries ago, known as Mound Builders, as many similar relics are found elsewhere. About two hundred yards northeast of the old fort, by the side of a small ravine, is a shaft of coal near the surface, only a few feet under ground. On examining this shaft a few years ago it was found that the coal had been taken out for some distance, and the embankment on each side of it, made by throwing out the dirt over the coal, is now covered with trees. This work must have been done many centuries ago, and most probably by the occupants of the old fort near by. THE RUINED CITY OF AZTALAN. Ancient mounds, low earthworks, and fortifica- tions are found in various localities, but are more common in a favorable place for residence along large streams or on fertile plains, showing that the ancient as well as modern inhabitants were attracted to localities of beauty and convenience. On the bank of Rock River, where the stream expands into a beautiful little lake, causing many natural attractions, 198 PIONEEES OF ILLINOIS. are found the remarkable remains of earthworks, known as the ruined city of Aztalan. The ruins of this ancient city were discovered in 1836, and sur- veyed the following year by N. F. Hyer. At that .time it attracted much attention, and many extrava- gant stories were in circulation about its brick walls and stone arches, etc. , all of which tnere is but little truth in. These works consist of irregular embankments, twenty feet wide on the top, and from three to eight feet high, and one hundred and sixty-six rods in length, forming three sides of an enclosure, the river the fourth, and encircle an area of seventeen and two-thirds acres. At short intervals are buttresses, fifty feet in diameter, composed of red clay of a pe- culiar mixture, which originated the popular belief that they had been built with brick, and moulded into clay, as we now see it. On the southwest cor- ner of these earthworks is a mound, rising like a pyramid, fifty feet wide at the top, and ascended by a succession of steps. This is supposed to have been the most sacred spot, as well as the highest, and prob- ably contained a temple on its summit. In the northeast corner of the enclosure is another pyram- idal elevation, surrounded by rings of small ones supposed to have been mud houses for dwellings or other unknown purposes. These structures are be- FORTIFICATIONS AT MARSEILLES. 199 lieved to have been used for religious or sacramental purposes, and also for a sepulcher, as beneath these, imbedded in the earth, were found buried many half- burned human remains, with fragments of pottery and charcoal. These works bear a strong resemblance to temple mounds found elsewhere, but their great ex- tent, encircling so large a tract of land, is evidence that they were intended for a fortification as well as for religious or ceremonial purposes. ANCIENT FORTIFICATIONS AT MARSEILLES. On the 'north side of the Illinois River, about midway of the great rapids, and close to the town of Marseilles, can still be seen an ancient fortification, consisting of low earthworks. These works are located on the river batik fifteen feet above high- water mark, and partly surrounded by a slough or bayou, leaving only a narrow tongue of land between the river and pond, which appears to have been the only ingress and egress to the fort. The fort is of an elongated shape, three hundred yards in length, and will average about thirty yards in breadth, and contains within this enclosure two and three-fourths acres. The walls are irregular, running in and out of a parallel line, with a ditch on the inside. From a military stand-point these works are well located, being situated near the river bank, where the strong 200 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. current of the rapids is thrown near the shore, and boats could not pass up or down the stream without coming close to the fort. Northeast of the old fort, on the bluff, about one hundred rods distant, is the remains of earthworks, following the brow of the hill in a straight line, and three hundred feet in length. By some people this is thought to have been an out-post or signal station for the fort on the river, but it is more likely to have been breastworks thrown up by an enemy while besieging the garrison. "Within the old fortification and its surroundings many relics of past ages have been found, but these ar- ticles throw no light on the perplexed questions of the time, and by whom these works were constructed. Among these relics is a sword, two silver crosses bear- ing the letters R C, and with the word " Montreal " stamped on them, also pieces of silver plate for orna- menting gun barrels, knife handles, etc., marked in a like manner, all bearing the initials of the great ex- plorer, Robert Cavalier (La Salle being only a title). In all probability these articles were manufactured at Montreal for La Salle, brought west as part of his stock-in-trade and sold to the Indians, as similar articles marked in like manner have been found elsewhere. These old earthworks were surveyed by Colonel RUINED FORT ON FOX RIVER. 201 D. F. Hitt, of Ottawa, in June, 1876, and a diagram of them can be found in Baldwin's history of La Salle county. Dr. J. H. Goodell, of Marseilles, has made some examination of these relics of antiquity, and to him I am indebted for many of the items given above. THE RUINED FORT ON FOX RIVER. This ancient fortification is situated on a bluff on the east side of Fox River, and opposite the mouth of Indian Creek. The bluff on which the fort stands is sixty-five feet high. About forty feet of this is a rock, rising almost perpendicular from the bed of the river, and affords a commanding view of the sur- roundings. These works are located at the intersec- tion of a deep ravine, and partly surrounded on three sides by a rocky cliff. The land side opposite to the river and ravine is encircled by three rows of breast- works, and on the inside of these is a ditch. Through these rows of breastworks to the eastward is an open gateway, constituting the only egress and ingress to and from the fort within. On the opposite side of the ravine, on a bluff north of the fort, are a number of mounds. The ob- ject for which these were constructed has not been de- termined. Near these mounds is a chasm cut in the rocky cliff, which is supposed to have been used as a stairway by the occupants of the fort. 202 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. The Fox Kiver fort differs from all other ancient works found in this section of the country, as it con- tains three rows of breastworks, which are close to- gether and extend all the way around it. These old ruins are of a circular form, and contain within the inclosure a little less than one acre of ground. There are different opinions about the builders of other fortifications in this section of the country, but all agree that the Fox River fort is the work of a prehistoric race, and built centuries ago. This fort, like the one at Marseilles, was surveyed by Colonel D. F. Hitt, of Ottawa, June 3, 1877, and a diagram of it published in Baldwin's history of La Salle county. MEDORE JENKETTE, A FUR TRADER. In 1772 Auguste and Pierre Chouteau, fur traders at St. Louis, extended their business into the Illinois country, and established a trading-post at the mouth of Fox River. Three years before the Illinois Indi- ans were exterminated, and the country occupied by Pottawatomies, whose villages were found at differ- ent places along the Illinois River. For many years merchants at Peoria had monopolized the fur trade in this section of the country, but the Chouteaus, who were doing a large business along the upper Mississip- pi and Missouri rivers, now came in competit on with MEDORE JENNETTE. 203 them. Among Chouteau's employes was a yonng Frenchman named Medore Jennette, who had been raised near St. Vincent, on the Wabash, among Potta- watomie Indians, and spoke their language. Jennette traveled extensively over the country, making the acquaintance of different bands, and enlisted them in favor of his employers' enterprise. After roving a few years he found a home at an Indian village, op- posite the mouth of Fox River, where he spent the remainder of his days. Jennette married a squaw, built a cabin in the village, and raised a family of half-breed children. His time was occupied in col- lecting furs and pelts, shipping them to St. Louis, and the vessel loaded back with goods for the Indian market. It is a fact worthy of note that while Chou- teaus and traders at Kaskaskia sent their furs to New Orleans, and from there received their goods, mer- chants at Peoria continued to trade at Montreal until their town was burned, in 1812. In the summer of 1773, when Pat Kennedy and comrades ascended the Illinois River in search of copper mines, they employed Jennette to pilot them through the country. These adventurers found coal banks, a saline spring where people were engaged in making salt, and a flint rock where the French ob- tained their mill-stones, but copper, the object of their search, they found none. 204 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. Jennette lived many years among the Indians, became very popular with them, and through his en- ergy and industry his employers accumulated much of their wealth. After his death the family left their Indian home for a French settlement on the Missis- sippi, where many of his descendants now live. One of his sons, Louis Jennette, although having passed his ninetieth birthday has a vivid recollection of the country along the Illinois River as it appeared eighty years ago. Last summer the old gentleman, accom- panied by his grandson, visited the place of his na- tivity, in order that he might once more look upon the scenes of his childhood. Here, on the south side of the river, is the mineral spring, and here, too, is the spring of sweet water. By the side of it stood his father's cabin, in which he spent his infantile years. North of the river, on the little prairie where he had gathered flowers, and played beneath the shade of outspreading oaks in his boyhood days, is now cov- ered by the city of Ottawa. The river continues to run as in former times ; Buffalo Rock. Starved Rock and Maiden's Leap remain the same as in his youth- ful days, but all the surroundings have undergone a great change. Instead of a wild country of eighty years ago farms are seen in close succession, while towns and cities abound everywhere throughout the land. CHAPTEK XVII. ENGLISH AND FRENCH RELATION WITH INDIANS. THE French were liberal in their gifts to the Indians, supplying them with medals and showy trinkets, with which they decorated their per- sons. They also lived with them in a wigwam, adopting their habits and customs, making of them chums and associates. Many of the French pioneers abandoned their countrymen, sacrificing every tie of blood and kindred, identifying themselves with Indi- ans, and sank into barbarism. In the camp men were found speaking the French language, yet in their barbarous costume, face painted, head deco- rated with feathers, wearing rings and beads, appear- ing in every respect like those with whom they had cast their lot, which accords with an old saying, "it is impossible for an Indian to turn paleface, but it is e^y for a paleface to turn Indian." Among the Eng- lish fur traders, hunters and early pioneers were found men low and brutal in their habits, having thrown off all restraint of civilization, making them- selves barbarians, but they did not become Indians. 205 206 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. The English, unlike the French, did not court the friendship of the Indians, but would encroach upon their hunting-grounds, treat their rights with con- tempt, and pay off these injuries in abuse and threats. The difference in these nationalities was soon ob- served by the Indians, when they formed a strong friendship for one and a dislike for the other, conse- quently the Indian raids on the settlements were against American citizens only, and no French family was molested. During the different Indian wars in the early settlement of Illinois the French traders and hunters pursued their business unmolested, but if a person was found among them speaking the English language, although employed by the French traders, he would be tomahawked as a common enemy. AMERICAN PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. A number of persons who accompanied Colonel Clark in his expedition against Illinois, being pleased with the country, returned with their families a few years afterward and became the first American pio- neers of the territory. Most of these emigrants were from Kentucky, and they made a settlement northeast of Cahokia in what is now St. Clair and Madison counties. In the summer of 1785 the Kickapoo Indians, headed by their old chief Pecan, commenced hostili- EARLY GOVERNMENT OF ILLINOIS. 207 ties against the American settlers, for the purpose of driving them out of the country. With the ex- ception of a short interval this war continued for ten years, and many of the early settlers were killed or carried off captive by these savages. Among the emigrants from Kentucky were three families of Whitesides, who became noted Indian fighters, and the history of these wars is filled with many of their heroic acts and wild adventures. The emigrants who located in or near the French villages were not molested, as the war was carried on against the Americans only. During the contin- uation of this war no French family was molested, and the traders continued to pass up and down the Illinois River in the pursuit of their business the same as in time of peace. In 1786 the Indians made prisoners of two small children belonging to Samuel Garrison, carried them to their village on the Saline fork of Sangamon River, where they were kept for about a year, but were finally ransomed by Colonel N. Jarret, of Cahokia. EARLY GOVERNMENT OF ILLINOIS. From the early settlement of Illinois there was no law in force but village ordinances till 1711, when a patent was granted to Crozat, a Paris merchant, for the purpose of governing the country. Captain 208 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. La Mott, an agent of Crozat, came to Illinois, acting as governor, and extended civil jurisdiction over the different colonies. Five years afterward a new patent was granted to the Louisiana Mining Com- pany, with George Law, a Scotch banker, as its head, and for fourteen years this company governed the country. The charter of this company having ex- pired in 1732, the country reverted back to the crown, and Colonel D. Artaguette appointed gov- ernor. In 1765 the British took possession of Illi- nois, by virtue of a treaty between France and Eng- land made some time before. For a short time Captain Stirling acted as governor, and was suc- ceeded by different commanders, who enforced laws contrary to the wishes of the French people. In 1778 Colonel Clark took possession of Illinois, and it became a part of the State of Virginia. The same year the territory was organized by extending over it civil jurisdiction, and known as Illinois county, Virginia. Colonel John Todd, of Kentucky, re- ceived an appointment from the Governor of Vir- ginia, as Lieutenant-Commandant, with power to en- force laws, and governed the country for three years, but while on a visit to Kentucky in 1782 was killed at the battle of Blue Licks. Virginia having relinquished her claim to Illinois in 1784, an ordinance passed Congress transferring it DISAPPEAKANCE OF BUFFALO. 209 to the general government, consequently it became a part of the Northwest Territory, and was divided into two counties, Randolph and St. Glair. In 1809 it was set off into a separate territory, and Ninian Ed- wards, of Kentucky, appointed governor. In 1812 it assumed a second grade of territorial government, with a legislature and a delegate in Congress. In 1818 Illinois became a state, and Shadrack Bond elected the first governor. DISAPPEARANCE OF BUFFALO. The flesh of the buifalo furnished the Indians with food, their skins with clothing, bedding, tents, etc., their sinews for bows, the bones for ornaments, and the hair they wove into a fine fabric for dress, consequently the disappearance of these animals from the country deprived them of many luxuries. The exact time the buffalo left the country has been a controverted point, but in comparing various ac- counts it must have been between the years of 1780 and 1790. In 1778 Antonie Des Champs, a noted Indian trader, came to Peoria with his parents, and continued to live there until the town was burned. He says for many years after he came west buffalo were plenty throughout the country, and large herds of them were frequently seen swimming the Illinois River. 14 210 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. I have conversed with old Indians that were born and raised in this part of the country, who said in their youthful days they had seen large herds of buf- falo on these prairies, but they all perished at the time of a big snow which covered the ground many feet in depth, and crusted so hard on top that people walked on it. Next spring a few buffalo, poor and haggard in appearance, were seen going westward, and as they approached the carcasses of dead ones, which were lying in great numbers here and there on the prairie, they would stop, commence pawing and lowing, then start oif again in a lope westward, and from that time they were seldom seen east of the Mississippi River. Forty years ago buffalo bones were plenty on these prairies and in many places acres of ground were cov- ered with them, showing where large herds had per ished. Skulls with horns still on them were fre- quently found, and their trails leading to and from watering-places were plain to be seen in the early settlement of the country. 'EARLY HISTORY OF CHICAGO. All that is known of the early history of Chicago, or the place where the city now stands, is taken from Indian tradition and scraps of the early explorer's journal, neither of which is considered very reliable. EARLY HISTORY OF CHICAGO. 211 It is said Father Nicollet, a French Jesuit priest, preached to the Indians at the mouth of Chicago River in 1640, and in all probability he was the first white man that ever rowed a canoe on the waters of Lake Michigan, or trod the soil of Illinois. In 16T1 Nicholas Barret visited this place, and two years afterward Marquette and comrades stopped here. According to tradition a Frenchman named Goris built a trading-house on Chicago River and sur- rounded it with palisades, called a fort, but the time of building it is not known. In the early settlement of Chicago relics of a fortification were found on the north branch, a short distance above the forks of the river. In General Wayne's treaty at Greenville, in 1796 a purchase was made of the Indians, six miles square, at the mouth of Chicago River, where a fort once stood, is the language of the treaty. About the year 1796 a negro named Jean Baptiste built a cabin at the mouth of Chicago River and oc- cupied it for a short time. This cabin was occupied for some years by a French fur trader by the name of Le Mai, who sold it to John Kirizie in 1804. In the fall of 1803 Captain John "Whitler, with a company of soldiers, came from Detroit in a schooner and built Fort Dearborn. The next year John Kin- zie, a fur trader, came to Chicago, and occupied Baptiste's cabin on the north side of the river, op- 212 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. posite the fort. Antiona Oulmette, Charles Lee and Mr. Claybourn came here soon after the fort was built. Kinzie, Oulmette and Claybourn were en- gaged in the fur trade, but Lee was a farmer, and made a large farm at a grove of timber on the south branch called "Lee's Place," afterward Bridgeport. JEAN BAPTISTE AND FATHER BONNER There lived near Lexington, Kentucky, a slave named Jean Baptiste, who had been a captive among . the Indians, learned their language, and became fas- cinated with their free and easy manner of living About the year 1790 Baptiste became dissatisfied with restraint ; his proud spirit could not be sub- dued by the whip of the master, therefore he severed the bonds which made him a slave. Armed with his master's rifle, a large hunting-knife, and taking the north star for a guide, he became a free man. After traveling a long way through a wild country he came to an Indian village on the Des Plaines River, where he found refuge, and became an Indian in life and habit. Here he married a squaw and raised a family of children. One of his grandsons is now living in a hewed-log house on the bank of Cahokia Creek, in St. Clair county, and from whom I obtained the narrative relating to his distinguished grandsire. JEAN BAPTISTE AND FATHER BONNER. 213 The Indians used to say the first white man that lived in Chicago was a negro. This negro was Jean Baptiste, whose name is associated with the early history of the great metropolis of the west. He left the Indian village on the Des Plaines soon after coming to the country, and built a cabin near the lake on the north side of Chicago River. He culti- vated a small piece of ground, spent much of his time in hunting and fishing, and concocted schemes to make himself a chief among the Indians. He told the Indians that he had been a great chief among the whites, and expected to become one among them. He tried to induce liis Indian friends to move their village to the mouth of Chicago River, telling them it would be a big town some day, and they could sell the land to white people at a good price. His object was to have a village here on the lake shore, of which he would be the founder, and by that means become a chief. A few lodges were built here, in accordance with Baptiste's wishes, but the scattering trees afforded them but little protec- tion from the cold winds off the lake, so they left and returned to their old village on the Des Plaines. At that time Father Bonner, a missionary, was living among the Indians, and for many years had preached to them. Baptiste, aware of the priest's influence among the Indians, thought he might use 214 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. it to his own advantage, therefore he sought his friendship and gained his confidence. He also joined the church, became a zealous Catholic, at- tended all meetings, and made long and fervent prayers. Father Bonner thought only of making Baptiste an instrument in his hands to promote the cause of Christianity, while the unscrupulous negro expected to use the priest in advancing his claims to the chieftainship, therefore the two became intimate friends and labored for each other's interest. On St. Jerome's day a big meeting was held among the Indian converts, and after preaching Father Bonner told his hearers that it had been im- pressed on his mind that Baptiste should be a ruler among them, and went through the process of anoint- ing him chief. The Indians refused to accept Bap- tiste as their chief, notwithstanding he had been appointed by high authority. Failing to be made a chief Baptis*te became disgusted with the life of a savage, abandoned his cabin, and went to Peoria, where he ended his days. CHAPTER XVIII. EARLY FRENCH SETTLEMENT AT PEORIA. A T what time the French commenced a settle- J_~\. ment at Peoria has long been a controverted point, on which both history and tradition are alike defective. Some people believe it commenced' in 1680, when La Salle built Fort CK-ve-Coeur, and from that time people continued to reside here. Oth- ers date the permanent settlement in 1760, but from old letters and manuscripts now in the possession of the descendants of early pioneers it is evident that it commenced at an early period. I have given this subject much attention, by comparing scraps of his- tory, extracts of letters from Jesuit priests, and con- versing with the descendants of the early settlers, some of whom trace their genealogy back to the time of La Salle. By comparing all the different accounts relating thereto, I think it is shown conclusively that the settlement at Peoria commenced in the year 1711, and under the following circumstances : In the summer of 1711 Father Marest, a Jesuit priest from Canada, preached to the Indians at Ca- st 5 216 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. hokia, and by the force of his eloquence many were converted to Christianity. Among these converts was a chief named Kolet, from Peoria Lake, who at that time was visiting friends at Cahokia. This chief prevailed on Father Marest to accompany him home to his village and proclaim salvation to his people. Late in November the priest and chief, accompanied by two warriors, left for Peoria in a bark canoe, but after a journey of ten leagues the river froze up, so that further progress by water was out of the ques- tion. The travelers hid their canoe, with most of their baggage, in the thick timber at the mouth of a creek, and continued their journey on foot. For twelve days they waded through snow and water, crossing big prairies, and through thick timber full of briers and thorns. At night they slept on dry grass or leaves gathered from under the snow, without shelter or anything but their blankets to protect them from the cold winter blasts. The provision for their journey as well as their bedding was left with the canoe, consequently they were obliged to subsist on wild grapes, and game killed by the way. After many days of fatigue and exposure, their limbs frost-bitten, and their bodies reduced in flesh by starvation, they at last reached the village, and from its inhabitants received a hearty welcome. This Indian village (afterward called by the FRENCH SETTLEMENT AT PEORIA. 217 French Opa) was situated on the west bank of Peoria Lake, one and a half miles above its outlet. On La- Sal le's first visit to this place, thirty-one years be- fore, he found h^re a large town, and was cordially received by the head chief, Niconape, but this chief had long since been gathered to his fathers, and his place occupied by Kolet, above referred to. Father Marest found quarters in an Indian lodge, and remained here at the village until spring with- out meeting with any of his countrymen. He preached to the Indians almost daily, many of whom embraced Christianity,- and their names were after- ward enrolled in the church book. In the following spring, 1712, the French at Fort St. Louis established a trading-post here at Peoria Lake, and a number of families came thither from Canada and built cabins in the Indian village. For fifty years French and half-breeds continued to live in the town with the Indians as one people, and during that time peace and harmony prevailed be- tween them. It is true Charlevoix while visiting this country in 1721 says he found no one living at Fort Creve-Cceur, which was five miles below this vil- lage, but met with his countrymen at different places along the Illinois River. In 1723 the Royal Louisiana Company granted to Philip Renault a tract of land fifteen leagues square, 218 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. near the village of Peoria. This grant was bounded as follows : Commencing at the town of Peoria, run- ning down the river fifteen leagues, west fifteen leagues, thence north fifteen leagues, and east to the place of beginning. This land grant, equal to three counties, was considered of no value at the time, an i the claim was not enforced by the heirs of Ren- ault, like the other two grants near Fort Chartres, consequently it reverted back to the crown. Here at the village of Peoria Father Senat built a chapel, and made many converts among his red brethren. The time this chapel was built is un- known, but must have been previous to 1T36, for in that year he was burned at the stake by the Chicka- saw Indians in lower Louisiana. In the course of time the village of Peoria was abandoned for one which figured in after years more extensively, and known in history as La Ville de Maillet. LA VILLE DE MAILLET. In the spring of 1761 Robert Maillet, a trader at Peoria, built a dwelling one and a half miles below the town, near the outlet of the lake, and moved his family thither. Here the land raised gradually from the water's edge until it reached the high prairie in the rear, forming a beautiful sloping plateau, proba- bly unequaled by any place on the Illinois River. LA VILLE DE MAILLET. 219 This location for a town was considered preferable to the old one, the land dryer, the water better, and thought to be more healthy, consequently others built houses by the side of Maillet's, and it soon be- came quite a village. A short time afterward the inhabitants deserted the old town for the new, and no Frenchman remained in the old village after 1770, but it was occupied by Indians for many years. The houses vacated by the French were occupied by In- dians until they rotted down, and the remains of an old chapel could be seen here long after the dwell- ings had disappeared. This new town took the name of La Ville de Maillet (that is, the city of Maillet) after its founder, and it was in existence fifty-one years. A fort was built here consisting of two block houses surrounded by earthworks and palisades, with an open gateway to the south, next to the town, and was only in- tended as a place of retreat in case of trouble with the Indians. This fort was never occupied, except a short time by Robert Maillet, who used one of the block houses for a dwelling and the other for the sale of goods. Some years afterward Maillet left the fort for a more desirable place of residence and trade, and it remained vacant for many years; the inclosure within the stockades being used by the citi- zens in common for a cow-yard. 220 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. In 1820 Hypolite Maillet, in his sworn testimony before Edward Cole, register of the land-office at Edwardsville, in relation to French claims, said that he was forty-five years old, and born in a stockade fort which stood near the southern extremity of Peoria Lake. In the winter of 1788 a party of In- dians came to Peoria to trade, and, in accordance with their former practice, took quarters in the fort, but getting on a drunken spree they burned it down. In the spring of 1819, when Americans commenced asettlement here at Peoria, the outlines of the old French fort were plain to be seen on the high ground near the lake, and a short distance above the present site of the Chicago and Rock Island depot. The line of earthworks could be traced out by the small embankments, and in some places pieces of pickets were found above ground. Back of the fort was the remains of a blacksmith shop, and near it grew up a wild plum tree. This plum tree was dug up by John Brisket, the owner of the land, and under it was found a vault containing a quantity of old metal, among which were a number of gun barrels, knives, tomahawks, copper and brass trinkets, etc. Among other things found in the vault were pieces of silver and brass plate for inlaying gun stocks and orna- menting knife handles. These things appeared to LA VILLE DE MAILLET. 221 have been the stock-in-trade of a gun-smith, and, for some cause unknown, buried here.* According to the statements of Antoine Des Champs, Thomas Forsyth, and others, who had long been residents of Peoria previous to its destruction in 1812, we infer that the town contained a large popu- lation. It formed a connecting link between the settlements on the Mississippi and Canada, and be- ing situated in the midst of an Indian country, caused it to be a line place for the fur trade. The town was built along the beach of the lake, and to each house was attached an outlet for a garden, which extended back on the prairie. The houses were all constructed of wood, one story high, with porches on two sides, and located in a garden surrounded with fruit and flowers. Some of the dwellings were built of hewed timbers set upright, and the space between the posts filled in with stone and mortar, while others were built of hewed logs notched together after the style of a pioneer's cabin. The floors were laid with pun- cheons, and the chimney built with mud and sticks. When Colonel Clark took possession of Illinois in 1778 he sent three soldiers, accompanied by two Frenchmen, in a canoe to Peoria to notify the people that they were no longer under British rule but citi- zens of the United States. Among these soldiers *Ballance's history of Peoria. 222 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. was a man named Nicholas Smith, a resident of Bourbon county, Kentucky, and whose son, Joseph Smith (Dod Joe), was among the first American set- tlers of Peoria. Through this channel we have an account of Peoria as it appeared a century ago, and it agrees well with other traditional accounts. Mr. Smith said Peoria at the time of his visit was a large town, built along the beach of the lake, with narrow, unpaved streets, and houses constructed of wood. Back of the town were gardens, stock-yards, barns, etc., and among these was a wine-press, with a large cellar or under-ground vault for storing wine. There was a church with a large wooden cross raised above the roof, and with gilt lettering over the door. There was an unoccupied fort on the bank of the lake, and close by it a wind-mill for grinding grain. The town contained six stores or places of trade, all of which were well filled with goods for the Indian market. The inhabitants consisted of French, half- breeds and Indians, not one of whom could under- stand or speak English. FRENCH INHABITANTS OF PEORIA. The inhabitants of Peoria consisted principally of French emigrants from Canada, many of whom were traders, hunters, voyageurs or boatmen. From that happy faculty of adapting themselves to their FRENCH INHABITANTS OF PEORIA. 223 situation for which the French people are so remark- able they lived in harmony with their savage neigh- bors for three succeeding generations. Being far away from all other civilized communities they made friends and associates of the natives, and intermar- ried with them, consequently their prosperity at the present time shows strong marks of Indian lineage. The traders were men of education and energy, but the masses being illiterate, possessed but little prop- erty, and less enterprise, enjoying the present with- out regard to the future. They were a contented, happy people, never troubling themselves with the affairs of government, nor indulging in political strifes, but cheerfully obeying the priests and king's officer. They lived in a fruitful country, which abounded in game, where the necessaries of life could be obtained with but little labor, and having no tax or tribute to pay to the government they be- came indolent and spent much of their time in idle- ness. Those engaged in merchandising turned their at- tention almost exclusively to the traffic with the Indians, adapting themselves to their customs and habits, and many of them seeking alliance in mar- riage. The boatmen were active and sprightly. With all the vivacity of the French character they had but little of the intemperance and brutal coarseness usu- 224 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. ally found among boatmen and marines. Their boats were small, many of them bark canoes, and with skill these light crafts were run up swift currents, while the toil of the oarsmen was enlivened with songs and demonstrations of mirth. As hunters they roamed over the wide plains of the west to the Rocky Mountains, sharing the hospitality of the na- tives, abiding with them for a long time, and in some cases permanently. The French citizens of Peoria were a quiet, peace- able people, ignorant and superstitious, and much influenced by the. priests. Having no public schools but few of them except the priests and merchants could read or write, bttt in manners, conversation and refinement they compared well with educated people. Out of eighteen claimants for the land where the city of Peoria now stands all but three signed their names with a mark, and it is said not a. woman among them could read or write. Among the inhabitants of Peoria were merchants or traders who made annual trips to Canada in canoes, carrying thither pelts and furs, and loaded back with goods for the Indian market. They were blacksmiths, wagon-makers, carpenters, shoemakers, etc., and most of the implements used in farming were of home manufacture. Although isolated from the civilized world, and surrounded by savages, their FRENCH COSTUMES AND MANNERS. 225 standard of morality was high ; theft, robbery or murder were seldom heard of. They were a gay, happy people, having many social parties, wine sup- pers, balls and public festivals. They lived in har- mony with the Indians, who were their neighbors and friends, adopting in part their customs, and in trade with them accumulated most of their wealth. FRENCH COSTUMES AND MANNERS. The dress of both men and women was very plain, made of coarse material, and the style of their wardrobe was partly European and partly Indian. The men seldom wore a hat, cap or coat, their heads being covered with a cotton handkerchief, folded on the crown like a night-cap or an Arabian turban. Instead of a coat they wore a loose blanket garment called capote, with a cap of the same material hang- ing down at the back of the neck, which could be drawn over the head as a protection from rain or cold. The women wore loose dresses, made mostly of coarse material, their heads covered with a hood or blanket, and their long hair hanging down their back like an Indian squaw. But these women were noted for sprightriness in conversation, with grace and elegance of manners, and notwithstanding the plainness of their dress many of them were not. lack- ing in personal charms. 12 226 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. Although long since separated from civilized society they retain much of the refinement and politeness so common to their race ; and it is a remarkable fact that the roughest hunter or boats- man among them could appear in a ball-room or at a gay party with the ease and grace of a well- bred gentleman. The French people at Peoria being isolated from civilization were free from many of its vices, and appeared to be perfectly contented with their manner of living. According to the statements of their nu- merous descendants they lived a life of alternate toil and pleasure, with much gayety and innocent amuse- ments, and were a contented, happy people. FRENCH LAND CLAIMS. The French settled at Peoria without a grant or permission from any government, and the title to the land was derived from possession only. But these titles were valid according to usage, as well as by a village ordinance, and lands were bought and sold the same as if patented by government. Each person had a right to claim any portion of the unoc- cupied land, and when in possession his title was regarded perfect, and could be bought and sold the same as other real estate. Each citizen had a vil- large lot for a garden attached to his residence, and FEENCH LAND CLAIMS. 227 if a farmer a portion of the common field. On the prairie west of the town were extensive farms all en- closed in one field, each person contributing his share of fencing, and the time of securing the crop and pasturing the stocks was regulated by a town or- dinance. The boundaries of these farms could be traced out in the early settlement at Peoria, and a large tract of land lying between the river and bluff showed marks of having been cultivated. When the French settlement commenced at Peoria the country belonged to France, afterward to Great Britain, and lastly to the United States, but these changes did not effect the people in any way. "When Illinois came under the British rule, in 1765, Captain Stirling, commanding, at Fort Chartres, sent messengers to Peoria to notify the people that they were British subjects. In 1778, when' Illinois came under United States authority, they were again noti- fied of the change in the government, but they still remained French in feeling and sympathy. They claimed no allegiance to any government, acknowl- edged no law except their own village ordinance, and paid no tax to any power. While these people were living in peace and harmony (as they believed), with all the world, being separated nearly two hun- dred miles from civilization, they were attacked by an armed force, their dwellings burned, and all the 228 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. heads of families carried off prisoners of war, as will be narrated in the succeeding chapter. In 1820 eighteen persons, heads of families, filed papers in Edwardsville land office, claiming the land on which the city of Peoria now stands. The depo- sitions were taken by the register, Edward Coles, afterward Governor of Illinois, and all the testimony relating to their claims is now on file among the state papers. Coles was a man of an inquiring turn of mind, fond of antique history, and made a full re- port of the testimony to the land department. For many 'years the claimants prosecuted their case in the different courts, and at last succeeded in getting a large amount of money from the occupants of the land. CHAPTEK XIX. PIERRE DE BEURO, AN INDIAN TRADER. IN the year 1776 a young Frenchman named Pierre de Beuro, of Cahokia, came to Peoria, and for a time clerked in a trading-house. Being of an enterprising turn of mind, and understanding the Indian language, he concluded to visit chiefs whose acquaintance he formed while at Peoria. While on these visits he married a daughter of a noted chief, who had a village near the mouth of Fox River, and concluded to establish a trading-post in the midst of the Indian country. After getting a promise of pat- ronage of all the neighboring villages he went to Cahokia, to make the necessary arrangements to go into business. Below the mouth of Bureau Creek is an elevated piece of land, covered with timber, and known as Hickory Ridge. This place became a noted land- mark among the French and Indians, and lias been the scene of a number of traditionary incidents. It also became a place of note in the early settlement 230 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. of the country, and during liigh water a landing for the Hennepin ierry-boat. Here on this ridge, ele- vated above t the floods of the river, De Beuro built a double log-cabin, and laid the foundation of a large fur trade. Being patronized by all the surrounding village he had a large trade, sending his furs to Ca- hokia and receiving goods in return. Antoine des Champs said that every spring for a number of years canoes loaded with furs and buffalo robes passed Peoria from this trading-house. The traders at Peoria became unfriendly toward De Beuro, as he injured their business, and offered to buy him out, but he refused to sell to them. In the spring of 1790 De Beuro, according to cus- tom, sent three canoes loaded with furs to Cahokia, in charge of his clerk and two Indians. The trader accompanied the canoes down the river about twenty miles to an Indian village, and from here left for home on foot, but never reached it. Search being made for the missing trader, his remains were found some days afterward, where he had been murdered and partly devoured by wolves. Report says a trader at Peoria, whose descendants are now living near East St. Louis, employed a half-breed to assas- sinate De Beuro, and thereby break up the rival trading-post. A large number of warriors went to Peoria and demanded the supposed murderer, threat- TECUMSEH AT PEORIA. 281 ening to burn the town if not given up, but on being convinced that the murderer had fled they left for their homes. When the clerk learned that De Beuro was dead he appropriated the proceeds of the furs to his own account, and his wife put the goods in canoes and took them to her father's village.* TECUMSEH AT PEORIA. Tecumseh after meeting General Harrison in council at Vincennes, in August, 1810, came west for the purpose of enlisting the different tribes in a war against the frontier settlements. Pie made an ex- tensive tour in the western country, going as far north as Green Bay, and south through Missouri and Arkansas, and in the following year traveled among the Creeks and Chickasaws in the southern states. While traveling through the country he visited Peoria, and was the guest of Francis Racine, an old acquaintance of his, who had traded with his band on the Wabash for many years. Tecumseh was ac- companied by three chiefs, all dressed in white buck- skin, with eagle feathers in their head-dress, and mounted on spirited black ponies. The visitors made a short stay at Peoria. On learning that the * A few years ago David Miller cut the timber off Hickory Ridge, and put the land under cultivation. Where De Beuro's trading-house stood many relics of civilization, such as pieces of dishes, glass-ware, etc., were plowed up in cultivating the ground. 232 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. French disapproved of their plans, and not wishing to offend them, they left without having a talk with the Indians who were encamped near.the town. At Gomo's village the travelers were met by a large number of warriors, many of whom had come from neighboring villages to listen to Tecumseh's stirring eloquence in behalf of his great scheme of uniting all the tribes of the west and driving the palefaces out of the country. Gomo, Black Partridge, Senachwine and Comas were visited by Tecumseh and his friends, but they all refused to accede to his plans, preferring to re- main at peace. INDIAN DEPREDATIONS. In the summer of 1810 a party of Indians belong- ing on the Illinois River stole a number of horses from the settlers, who pursued the thieves for two days. At night while the settlers were asleep around a camp-fire the Indians returned and fired on them, killing three and wounding two others. The author- ities made a demand on the Indians for these mur- derers, but no attention was paid to it. In the fol- lowing summer Governor Edwards sent Captain Samuel Levering, with a company of men, in a keel- boat to Peoria with instructions to make a formal demand of the Indians for a surrender of these mur- INDIAN DEPREDATIONS. 233 derers. Captain Levering and his comrades were French (some of them half-breeds), understanding the Indian language, and between whom a friendly relation existed, even in the time of war. On aniv- ing at Peoria the visitors were cordially received by both French and Indians, who prepared a feast for them, with a ball in the evening. Some of the guests were fascinated with Indian maidens, two of whom took wives home with them. Joseph Trotier, of Cahokia, accompanied by two half-breeds, ascended the river in a canoe to the great bend, stopping at all the Indian villages on their route, and from the chiefs and warriors re- ceived many pledges of peace and friendship. This party visited the village of Wappa, on Bureau Creek, and the head chief, Comas, sent as a present to Gov- ernor Edwards a large pair of elk horns, also a pair of dressed bear and'panther'skins, all of which were taken with his own hands. Trotier made arrange- ments with the chiefs and principal warriors to meet in council at Peoria on the following week and hear the message sent them by the governor read. At the time appointed the Indians came to Peoria, heard the governor's message read, and a speech made to them by Captain Levering. The message and speech was replied to by talks from a number of chiefs, in which they pledged themselves to use all 234 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. proper means to capture the murderers and deliver them up to the authorities for punishment. Captain Levering after performing his mission, with his com- rades, returned to the settlement, carrying thither many presents from the chiefs to Governor Edwards, together with their pledges of friendship and good will. Captain Levering while at Peoria delivered a commission, signed by the governor, to Thomas For- syth as justice of the peace, also one to John Bap- tiste Dufond as captain of militia. These commis- sions bear date August 8, 1811, and both of these papers are now in the hands of descendants of the parties. General William Clark, of St. Louis, was general Indian agent for the western country, but Governor Edwards acted also as sub-agent within the territory of Illinois. INDIAN COUNCIL AT CAHOKIA. During the winter of 1811 and 1812 the Indians on the Illinois River heard through a half-breed who carne from the settlement that preparations were being made to send an army against them in the spring unless the murderers were given up. On learning of these facts they became very much alarmed, and some of the chiefs went to Peoria to INDIAN COUNCIL AT CAHOKIA. 235 consult with their friends, and procure their assist- ance in averting the evil which threatened them. In their behalf Captain Maillet consented to go and see the governor, and inform him that the murderers had fled from the country and could not be delivered up, but the Indians proposed to furnish a like num- ber of young braves to be executed in their stead. On arriving at Kaskaskia Captain Maillet laid the case before the governor, who authorized him to assure the chiefs that the matter of peace or war depended entirely upon their own acts. In the following March Governor Edwards sent Captain Hebert on a mission among these Indians, requesting them to meet him in council at Cahokia. Captain Hebert was also instructed to notify all the traders at Peoria to close their stores, giving up all trade with the Indians until this trouble was set- tled. The traders were informed unless they com- plied with the governor's demands they need not expect any indulgence from the government in case of war, but they paid no attention to this order. Captain Hebert collected many of the principal chiefs and brought them with him to Cahokia, where the governor by agreement met them in council. This council was held on the 16th of April, 1812, in a little grove of timber on the bank of Cahokia Creek, above the town, and ai tended by a large number of 236 PIONEEES OF ILLINOIS. citizens.* Speeches were made by different chiefs in reply to the governor's address, and with new pledges of friendship the Indians were dismissed with many presents. After this council for a time confidence between the white and red man appeared to have been restored, but this was of short dura- tion. An evil-disposed person circulated false re- ports about the Indians making preparations for war, and the settlers were very much alarmed. In reading the many letters written by Governor Edwards to the secretary of war a person would be- lieve that war with the Indians was inevitable, but the facts in the case do not warrant this conclusion. During the summer of 1812 forts were built, militia kept under arms, and the general government called on for troops to defend the territory. Rumors were circulated that a large body of Indian warriors were collected near Peoria, armed, and painted for war, and it was believed that they intended to descend the river in canoes to make a raid on the settlement. * While on a recent visit to Cahokia the place where this council assembled was pointed out to me by an old man who attended it. Although a boy of only twelve years of age at that time he recollects the appearance of tome of the chiefs, and. understanding the Indian language, can repeat parts of their speeches. Gomo, Senachwine and Black Partridge were the principal orators, and their eloquence and commanding appearance made a lasting impression upon his then youthful mind. In this grove where the council was held is an old burr-oak tree by the creek bank which marks the spot where a number of incidents occurred in early times. At the root of this tree, tradition says. Pontiac (or the Indian who passed for such) was sitting when a drunken Indian came up behind him and split his head open with his tomahawk. INDIAN COUNCIL AT CAHOKIA. 237 To prevent a surprise from these savages Captain Whitesides, with a company of volunteers, in a heavy planked gunboat, lay for three months above the mouth of the Illinois River to prevent the Indians from descending it to attack the settlements. While these preparations for war were continued by the authorities of the territory the Indians were quietly pursuing their hunting, making no provision for either an attack or defense, and when troops marched against them they were taken by surprise. From what is now known of these affairs it ap- pears evident that Governor Edward.s was imposed upon by unscrupulous men, who made false reports with regard to the Indians. The governor employed a man named John Hays to examine into Indian af- fairs to ascertain the number of bands, the name and location of villages, with their inhabitants, etc. These reports made by Hays were false in almost every particular, and, to make the matter worse, the governor copied these reports in his letters to the secretary of war, and therefore became a part of the state papers. While Governor Edwards was a man of ability, and made a good executive officer, so far as relates to his duties as governor of the territory, yet as an Indian agent he proved himself a failure, having become the dupe of designing men. I have talked with many of the French residents of Peoria 238 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. and their descendants, also with Indians who were born and raised in villages along the Illinois River, and know whereof I write. ILLINOIS TERRITORY AT THE TIME OF THE BRITISH WAR. At the commencement of the late British war there was within the limits of the Illinois territory less than twelve thousand people, a large portion of whom were native French citizens and emigrants from Kentucky. The settlement extended along the Mississippi River for about sixty miles, from the mouth of Kaskaskia River to a station opposite Col- umbia, eight miles below Alton. There was a set- tlement on the Ohio River at Shawneetown, also one at Saline, or United States Salt Works, protected by a rude fortification and a few soldiers. The extreme south part of this state was an unbroken wilderness, a hunting-ground for Indians, while the central and northern portion belonged to the natives. With the exception of the country along the Illinois River, and shores of Lake Michigan, the prairies of this state had never been explored by white people to any great extent. There were but two counties organized, Randolph and St. Glair, and all the country in the northern portion of the state, including Wisconsin, was under A FALSE REPORT CIRCULATED. 23D the jurisdiction of the latter. Summonses and writs were issued from the circuit court at Cahokia, the seat of justice for St. Clair county, against persons at Prairie du Chien, and in one case property was sold there under an execution issued from that court. The citizens of Peoria, however, would not admit that they were under the jurisdiction of St. Clair county, claiming to be free and independent of all foreign power, and the sheriff could not enforce de- mands against them. A FALSE REPORT CIRCULATED. In the summer of 1812 a vagabond named Elijah Bruce, having committed a lawless act, was driven from Peoria, and found a refuge at Kaskaskia. Bruce had been a resident of Peoria for a number of years, acquainted with all its principal citizens, and, to retaliate on his enemies for driving him away, circulated an evil report about them. He said the French at Peoria were assisting the Indians to make war on the settlements, that two military men were engaged in teaching them war tactics, and preparing them to take the field. He also said the British in Canada had furnished the traders witli rifles, powder, tomahawks, knives etc., which were distributed among the Indians free of charge ; that Captain J. B. Maillot had stolen cattle from Wood River settle- 240 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. ment to feed warriors who were collected at Gomo's village. He further said the day before he left Peoria Francis Racine, a trader, came through from the Sac village on the Mississippi with five pack- horses loaded with lead to supply the warriors. Bruce w.as an Irishman by birth, a man of educa- tion and general intelligence, a good talker, and his story was believed by people generally. But it was afterward proven that these stories were false in every particular, and without any foundation in fact so far as assisting the Indians in making war on the settlement is concerned. It is true the traders at Peoria for many years had been in the habit of bringing from Canada various kinds of goods, includ- ing arms, to supply the Indian market, and also packed lead on horses from the Sac village, but this was done in accordance with their legitimate trade. The story about Captain Maillet stealing cattle orig- inated from the fact of his bringing a stray drove back to Peoria that had wandered away down south. The cattle being crossed with buffalo were inclined to ramble, and during the hard winter a herd belong- ing to the people of Peoria strayed off southward. In the spring these cattle were found on Mackinaw River by Captain Maillet, and driven back to Peoria, as previously stated. Instead of Captain Maillet being a cattle thief, as alleged by the vagabond Bruce, at A FALSE REPORT CIRCULATED. 241 the close of the war he was rewarded by an act of Congress for his loyalty to the government. The evil reports circulated by Bruce are said to have been confirmed by another person from Peoria, and by this means a great panic was created among the frontier settlers. Some of them fled from the country, while others abandoned farm labor, and be- gan building forts to protect themselves from threat- ened hostilities. Governor Edwards believed these rumors, as may be inferred by his letter to the secre- tary of war, dated August 4, 1812, in which he says : "No troops have arrived in the territory yet, and I think you may count on hearing of a bloody strike on us soon. I have been extremely reluctant to send my family away, but unless assistance comes soon I shall bury my papers in the ground, send off my family, and stand my ground as long as possible." The inhabitants of Peoria claimed to be foreign- ers, owing no allegiance to the government, but by a treaty between France and this country, made some years before, all French residents of Illinois became citizens of the United States, and to assist the Indians in making war on the settlers was trea- son. Governor Edwards, believing the common reports, issued a proclamation calling for volunteers to march against the Indians along the Illinois River, and their allies, the treacherous French at Peoria. 16 CHAPTER XX. BLACK PARTRIDGE, A NOTED INDIAN CHIEF. noted chief, whose Indian name was Muck- -L oteypokee, had a village at the foot of the bluff on the south side of the Illinois River opposite the head of Peoria Lake. Here he lived and here he died, and in the early settlement of that section of the country his grave was pointed out to strangers. Persons are now living who knew this chief very well, and from whom I obtained a description of his person, and many incidents relating to his life and character. Black Partridge was tall and slim, with a high forehead, a large nose, a sharp visage, and piercing black eyes. His appearance was fine, his form 'erect, and his figure commanding, so a stranger could see at a glance that he was no ordinarj 7 - Indian. The long, coarse hair, once as black as a raven, but of later years mixed with gray, hung in matted clusters around his shoulders. On his breast he wore a sil- ver medal on which was stamped a medallion head THE FIRST TIDINGS OF WAR. 243 of General Washington, and in his nose and ears wore large gold rings. In the border wars of the west Black Partridge took a part, and with his braves fought against the whites. In 1795 he attended and signed the treaty at Greenville, and received from the hand of Gen- eral Wayne the medal referred to. This medal as an insignia of peace and friendship was carried ajbout his person for seventeen years, and he sur- rendered it to Captain Heald, commander of Fort Dearborn, on the evening of August 14, 1812, the day before the troops were massacred, as will be hereafter narrated. INDIANS RECEIVING THE FIRST TIDINGS OF WAR. In the summer of 1812 emissaries from the Wa- bash, said to have been sent by Tecumseh, visited the villages along the Illinois River, bringing with them the startling intelligence that war had been declared between England and the United States. These emissaries explained to the chiefs and war- riors who had met in council at Gomo's village that the British offered a large amount of gold to each warrior that joined their standard. They also pointed out to them the great importance of captur- ing Fort Dearborn before the troops garrisoned there obtained intelligence of the declaration of war. The 244 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. war-whoop was raised by many of the young braves belonging to different villages, and on the next day they left for Chicago with the intention of attacking the fort. Black Partridge having failed in prevent- ing these young bloods from going to Chicago mounted his pony and followed them. On arriving at Chicago Black Partridge went to see his old friend John Kinzie, and after a cordial greeting he said to him, "My heart is sad; evil muses have been singing in my ears all day long, telling me the friendship which for many years has existed between us is about to be severed." For a number of years the old chief had been acquainted with John Kinzie and his family, having been a fre- quent guest at his house, ate at his table, and trotted the little ones on his knee. Believing that his friends were about to be slain filled his heart with sadness, and while expressing his fears he could not restrain his emotions, but frequently gave way to floods of tears. On the day before the evacuation of Fort Dear- born the chiefs and principal warriors met in coun- cil, and at this council it was decided to massacre the troops on leaving the fort. In this council the voice of Black Partridge was heard for peace, but the war policy prevailed, and with a sorrowful heart this true friend of the whites returned to his camp, MKS. HELM'S LIFE SAVED. 245 knowing that the morrow would be a day of blood and carnage. On the evening before the Chicago massacre Black Partridge entered the quarters of Captain Heald, the commanding ojficer of Fort Dearborn, and, after a friendly greeting, said to him, " I have come here to deliver up to you this medal which was given to me by General Wayne as a token of friendship. For many years I have worn this medal on my breast, and it is with a sorrowful heart I now part with it, but our young braves are resolved on imbruing their hands in human blood. I cannot restrain them, and I will not wear an emblem of friendship while I am compelled to act as an en- emy." MRS. HELM'S LIFE SAVED BY BLACK PARTRIDGE. In Mrs. Kinzie's account of the Chicago massacre an incident is related of Black Partridge saving the life of Mrs. Helm, wife of Lieutenant Helm, and step- daughter of John Kinzie. This story equals, if not surpasses, the most extravagant nights of romance, but its truth is confirmed by a person now living, Mrs. Besson, who was present at the time, and from whom I obtained in part the following narrative: On the morning of the 15th of August, 1812, the sun rose with unusual splendor, and its golden rays 246 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. reflected from the smooth waters of Lake Michigan, but many of the inmates of Fort Dearborn who looked upon this enchanting scenery did not live to see it set beneath the western horizon. At nine o'clock in the morning the troops left the fort, march- ing in military array, with martial music, and flags waving in the morning breeze. Captain Wells, hav- ing his face blackened after the manner of the In- dians, with his Miami warriors mounted on ponies, led the van. The troops on foot followed, and next to them were the baggage wagons, containing the sick, with women and children, while the Pottawa- tomies, five hundred in number, followed in the rear. This caravan took the road along the beach ^ of the lake, for about a mile and a half, to a range of sand knolls.* Here the Indians left the road and took to the prairie, when Captain Wells, with his horse on a gallop, came back and told the troops to form for battle, as they were about to be attacked. Soon the battle commenced, the soldiers defending themselves bravely, selling their lives as dearly as possible, but many of them fell by the overpowering enemy. Mrs. Helm, at that time only seventeen years of age, having been thrown from her horse at the commencement of the battle stood spell-bound * This range of sand knolls was where Twelfth street strikes the lake, and was a noted landmark forty years ago, but has been graded down in making the street. MRS. HELM'S LIFE SAVED. 247 looking on at the scene of blood and carnage around , her. Her father and husband were engaged in the fearful strife, and she expected every moment to see them fall by the hand of murderous savages. As she stood awaiting her own fate a warrior with an uplifted tomahawk approached her, but dodging to one side the blow intended for the head took eifect on the shoulder, producing a ghastly wound. She caught the savage around the neck and tried to get possession of his scalping-knife, which hung in a scabbard on his breast, but he threw her to one side, and was about to use his tomahawk on her head when she was caught in the arms of another Indian, .who bore her off struggling into the lake. Here she was plunged under water, but her head frequently raised, so she soon discovered that the Indian did not intend to drown her. On looking into the face of the captor, although disguised with paint, she recognized Black Partridge, the well-known, trusty friend of her father's family. When the battle was over her protector conveyed his charge to the Indian camp and delivered her over to a friendly squaw, who dressed her wounds. The night after the massacre a large body of hos- tile savages surrounded John Kinzie's dwelling with the intention of murdering the inmates, but by the timely interference of Black Partridge, assisted by 248 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. Shaubona and Sauganash, the would-be murderers were prevailed on to leave the house without ac- complishing their bloody purposes, and thereby the lives of the family were saved. * EMISSARIES FROM TECUMSEH. About the first of October, 1812, two emissaries from Tecumseh, one of whom was a half-breed and the other a petty chief, came to Peoria for the pur- pose of enlisting warriors to take part in the impend- ing conflict. A large body of Indians were encamped by the town, and they made an effort to induce the warriors to become allies of Tecumseh, and make war on the frontier settlements. They carried with them a quantity of worthless trinkets which they offered to those who would enlist, with a promise of a large amount of British gold on reaching the Wabash. Some of the young braves were in favor of going to war, also a few worthless half-breeds, who were too lazy to either work or hunt, imbibed the war spirit. When the true mission of these visitors was made known to the citizens of Peoria they became very indignant, and decided to drive them out of town. Thomas Forsyth, Captain Maillet, with others, went to these emissaries and notified them to leave town * Memories of Shaubona, page 23. UNJUST RETRIBUTION. 249 immediately, and if found there next day they would be arrested and put in prison. On being notified to leave, the recruiting party departed for other fields of labor, and the war spirit engendered by them soon died out. These emissaries visited the homes of Gomo, Black Partridge, and other villages along the river, but met with no success. A messenger was sent from Peoria by Thomas Forsyth to all the neighbor- ing villages, notifying the warriors' of the intrigues of these visitors, and by this means their mission proved a failure. UNJUST RETRIBUTION. When emissaries sent by Tecumseh visited the different villages along the Illinois River, soliciting the chiefs to take part in the war, not one of them would have anything to do with it. Gomo and Black Partridge drove these agents, who were trying to enlist young warriors, away from their villages, and threatened them with death if they returned again. It is true some of the young braves took part in the Chicago massacre a few months before, but this was done contrary to the wish and command of the chiefs. The Indians having refused to take part in the war considered themselves at peace with all the world, and continued in their usual manner 250 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. of living, spending their time in hunting, fishing, and with various kinds of amusements. While thus en- gaged in their daily avocations, unconscious of dan- ger, an armed force was sent against them, as alleged, in retribution for past offenses. In October, 1812, an army of two thousand Ken- t'ucky volunteers, commanded by General Hopkins, marched from Fort Harrison, on the Wabash, for the purpose of attacking the Indians along the Illi- nois River. This army, after two days' march, be- came frightened on seeing the prairie on fire, the soldiers mutinied, and refused to go further through a country full of fire and Indians, consequently they returned 'to Fort Harrison. About this time Gov- ernor Edwards with four hundred mounted rangers, commanded by Colonel Russell, marched to Peoria Lake, with the intention of joining Hopkins' army, but failing to find the army in the enemy's country, as they, expected, they attacked and destroyed Black Partridge's village, killing about thirty Indians with- out losing a man. After burning the village the rangers with all haste returned to the settlement, as they were in an Indian country where a lar^e num- ber of warriors could be raised on short notice. BLACK PARTRIDGE'S VILLAGE DESTROYED. 251 DESTRUCTION OF BLACK PARTRIDGE'S VILLAGE. The following account of destroying Black Par- tridge's village is compiled from statement made to me many years ago by the " Old Ranger, " General Samuel Whitesides, who was captain of a company in Governor Edwards' army, and well acquainted with all the facts. The army, piloted by a half-breed, followed along the east side of Peoria Lake through the thick timber until they came within four miles of the vil- lage, and without a fire encamped here for the night. Early next morning Governor Edwards sent forward four young men, Thomas Carlin, afterward Governor of Illinois, with three of the Whitesides, for the pur- pose of reconnoitering, and this party found every- thing quiet at the Indian village. On the return of the scouts the troops were ordered forward in all haste to attack the enemy before they became aware of their presence, Captain Judy's company of spies leading the van, and having proceeded but a short distance when they suddenly came upon two Indi- ans on horseback who raised their hands in token of submission. Captain Judy brought his rifle to his shoulder to fire on them, when some of the 'men begged for mercy, to which the captain replied he "did not leave home to take prisoners," and instantly 252 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. the dust was seen to rise from the Indian's buck- skin hunting shirt as the ball entered his body. The Indian fell from his horse with blood streaming from his mouth and nose, and in this condition commenced singing his death song. The rangers rode up to the dying Indian, who was reeling to and fro under the torture of pain, when all of a sudden he presented his rifle to shoot. The rangers sprang from their horses to escape the shot, but one of the party, a man named Wright, not being quick enough, received the charge in his body, producing a serious wound. The other Indian, who proved to be a squaw, sat on the horse spell-bound, making no attempt at defense or escape. Many shots were fired at her, at close range, none of which took effect, when she commenced crying, and was made a prisoner. The Indians at the village were taken by surprise, as they had no warning of the approaching enemy, and were unprepared to make any resistance. Most of the warriors were off hunting, the squaws busy preparing breakfast, while the papooses were play- ing on the green, unconscious of approaching danger. The rangers putting their horses on a gallop rode into the village among the frightened Indians, shoot- ing down all that came in their way, sparing neither the mother nor her infant, the aged or infirm, as these defenseless, panic-stricken people fled from BLACK PARTRIDGE'S VILLAGE DESTROYED. 253 their homes. The fugitives found refuge in a swamp near by where the horses of the pursuers mired down, and from this cause many of them owe the preserva- tion of their lives. Some of the warriors having been wounded in the assault could not flee; these with small children, the aged and infirm, were slain in cold blood. The village with all its contents, as well as the corn in the caches, was burned, and the ponies, about one hundred in number, were taken by the rangers as trophies of war. "While the village was burning, and the rangers were having a jollification over their easy victory, an Indian of stately mien walked boldly along the bluff one hundred and fifty yards distant and fired his hun at them, after which he laughed long and loud, as he walked slowly away. Many shots were fired at him, without effect, and some of the rangers started in pursuit, but he succeeded in making his escape. CHAPTER XXI. LIEUTENANT HELM RANSOMED BY BLACK PARTRIDGE. A BOUT two months after the Chicago massacre -LA. Black Partridge learned- that Lieutenant Helm was still a prisoner among the Indians at a village on the Kankakee River. On receiving this intelli- gence he went to Peoria to consult with his friends in relation to his ransom. Captain J. B. Maillet, Antoine Des Champs and Thomas Forsyth were consulted, and by them it was agreed that Black Partridge should go immediately to the Indian vil- lage and try to procure the release, of the prisoner. Presents were furnished by the three traders as a ransom for the captive, with a written order signed by Thomas Forsyth, and drawn on General Clark, Indian agent at St. Louis, for an additional one hun- dred dollars on his safe arrival at that place. Black Partridge was provided with presents, and accompanied by a half-breed named Mark Topher, a resident of Peoria. When all the necessary arrange- ments were made the two travelers mounted their 254 LIEUTENANT HELM RANSOMED. 255 ponies and started off on a mission of mercy. On arriving at the Indian village they found the captive closely guarded by his captors, and still suffering from a wound received at the time of the massacre. When the old chief entered the lodge Lieutenant Helm threw his arms around his neck and cried like a child. He knew that Black Partridge had rescued his wife from a horrible death, and saved the lives of his father-in-law, John Kinzie, with his family, and in him he saw a prospect of his own liberation. Black Partridge called the chiefs and warriors together and laid the presents before them, saying to them that all these articles, with additional one hun- dred dollars in silver, would be theirs by sending their prisoner to St. Louis to be liberated. After a long parley the Indians rejected the proposition, on the grounds that the ransom offered was not suf- ficient. A short time before Captain Heald had been a prisoner of this band, and the Indians sent him to St. Joseph in charge of three warriors to be liberated. The pay received in exchange for him was so small that the warriors were sent back to re- claim their prisoner, but Captain Heald having been forwarded to Detroit they failed in the mission. Captain Heald and wife, both of whom were severely wounded, had left St. Joseph the day before the 256 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. Indians arrived, consequently they were compelled to return without their prisoner. Captain and Mrs. Heald were put into a bark canoe under the care of Robinson, a half breed, and taken to Mackinaw, three hundred miles distant, and delivered over to a British officer as prisoners of war. The Indians refused to release their prisoner un- less the ransom was increased ; therefore Black Par- tridge offered them his pony, rifle, and a large gold ring which he wore in his nose. This proposition was accepted, and Lieutenant Helm, with Mark Topher, accompanied by a petty chief, all mounted on ponies, left the next day for St. Louis. Black Partridge accompanied the party on their way one day's journey, and then struck across the country for his village on the Illinois River. It was late at night, very dark, and the rain poured down in torrents, as the old chief, on foot and alone, plodded his way through the thick river timber toward his village, where he expected to be warmly greeted by his family and friends, but he was doomed to disappointment. The village had disappeared, not a lodge, camping-tent, nor one human being could be found ; nothing remained on its site but the charred poles of which the lodges were constructed. A pack of hungry wolves that had been feeding on the remains of the slain ran away at his approach, MRS. BESSON'S NARRATIVE. 257 and their howling during the night added glooiri and terror to the surrounding scene. The old chief drew his blanket around his body, and with sadness seated himself on the ground to await the approach of daylight. In the morning he found among the dead the remains of his favorite daughter with an infant son clasped in her arms, both cold in death. On the site of the village, and in the swamp near by, he found the dead bodies of many of his kindred and friends ; among these was an old squaw of ninety winters, and also two of his grandchildren. All the dead were scalped, and some of the remains more or less mutilated. MRS. BESSON'S NARRATIVE. While in East St. Louis a short time ago I heard of an old lady by the name of Besson, who was one of the captives at the Chicago massacre, and is prob- ably the only one now living. I called on this lady and listened to her thrilling narrative relating to past events, which to me was very interesting. She said her early recollections were associated with Chi- cago River, Lake Michigan and Fort Dearborn. By the side of the latter she had spent most of her child- hood days, and gathered wild-flowers on the flat .prai- rie now covered by the great metropolis of the west. Her maiden name was Mary Lee, a daughter of 17 258 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. Charles Lee, who with his family came to Fort Dearborn soon after it was built. Their dwelling stood on the beach of the lake, near the fort, and back of it was a small garden enclosed by a rail fene. For a number of years her father, Mr. Lee, was engaged in agricultural pursuits, selling the products of his farm at high rates to the occupants of the fort. Mr. Lee made a large farm at a grove of timber on the south branch of Chicago River, four miles from its mouth, where Bridgeport now stands. The land near the lake being either wet or sandy ren- dered it unfit for farming purposes, which made it necessary to go up the river to make a farm, where the prairie was more rolling, and the soil rich. The communication between Lee's residence and his farm during most of the year was by a boat on the river, the intervening prairie much of the time being covered with water. Mr. Lee built two cabins on his farm, and em- ployed a number of persons to work the land. For some years the grove with its surroundings was known as " Lee's place," afterward called Hard- scrabble, and at this place the Indians killed two per- sons, "White and Devow, on the 7th of April, 1812, an account of which is given in Mrs. Kinzie's early history of Chicago. MRS. BESSON'S NARRATIVE. 259 At the time of the Chicago massacre Mr. Lee's family consisted of his wife ; an infant two months old ; his son, John of sixteen years ; Mary, now Mrs. Besson, the subject of our sketch, twelve; Lillie, ten ; and two small boys. When the troops left Chicago for Fort Wayne Mr. Lee, with his family, accompanied them, taking with him all his horses, but leaving behind a large herd of cattle, which were shot by the Indians on the following day. Mrs. Lee, with her infant and two younger children, were in a covered wagon, while the two girls were on horseback, and all fol- lowed the army along the beach of the lake. Little Lillie was a handsome child, a great pet among the soldiers and traders about the fort, but she never before appeared so lovely as on the morning they left Chicago. She was mounted on a large gray horse, and to prevent her falling off or being thrown was tied fast to the saddle. She wore a white ruf- fled dress, trimmed with pink ribbon, a black jockey hat with a white plume on one side, and as her horse pranced and champed the bits at the sound of mar- tial music little Lillie in a queenly manner sat in the saddle chatting gaily with her sister Mary, who rode by her side. As the soldiers threw kisses at her she would return them in her merry glee, chatting mirth- fully with many of her acquaintances. Her young 260 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. heart was made happy by the excitement of the morn- ing, and she had no warning of the awful fate that awaited her a few minutes afterward. Soon the guns of five hundred savages were raised against the troops, and by their murderous fire a large portion of the brave band were stricken down. During the battle little Lillie was wounded and fell from her seat, but still hung by the cord that bound her to the saddle. While in this perilous condition the frightened horse ran back and forth until caught by an Indian and the. child rescued. "When the battle was over Waupekee, a chief who had often been at Lee's house and trotted little Lillie on his knee, was much grieved to see her thus wounded, as he loved the child as though she were his own daugh- ter. On examining Lillie' s wound and finding it mortal the chief put an end to her suffering with a stroke of his tomahawk, saying afterward it was the hardest thing he ever did, but he could not bear to see her suffering. Mr. Lee and his son John were killed in the battle, and also the two young boys fell victims to the savages, while Mrs Lee with her infant child and Mary were made prisoners. Mrs. Lee and infant fell into the hands of "Waupekee, who had a village on the Des Plaines River about twenty miles from Chicago, who treated his prisoner kindly, and tried to induce her to marry him, notwithstand- MRS. BESSON'S NARRATIVE. 261 ing he already had three wives. But she declined the marriage proposition, hoping some day to be ransomed and again restored to friends and civiliza- tion. During the following winter Mrs. Lee's child be- came sick, and after all the known remedies of the Indian doctor failed to remove the disease the chief proposed to take it to Chicago for medical treatment. A Frenchman named Du Pin had taken possession of Kinzie's house soon after the burning of the fort, and for a number of years carried on a trade with the Indians. On a cold day in the latter part of the winter Waupekee wrapped the sick infant in a blanket, mounted his pony, and with his charge started for Chicago. On arriving at Du Pin's residence the chief laid his package on the floor. "What have you there ? " asked the trader ; to which Waupe- kee replied, "A young raccoon, which I have brought you as a present ;" and unwrapping the package there lay the sick infant almost smothered in the thick folds of the blanket. The trader made a prescription for the child, after which the chief carried it back to its mother, and it finally got well. The trader became interested in the welfare of Mrs. Lee, and offered Waupekee a large amount of goods for his prisoner. This offer was accepted, the 262 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. prisoner brought to the trading-house to be liber- ated, and soon afterward she became Madame Du Pin. In the division of prisoners after the battle Mary Lee was taken to an Indian village on the Kankakee River, and in the following spring was carried tp St. Louis, and ransomed by the Indian agent, Gen- eral Clark. Some years afterward she married a Frenchman by the name of Besson, and is now living with a distant connection of her husband in East St. Louis. Mary Lee never met her mother after that fatal day, and for many years supposed she was killed with the other members of the family, but subse- quently learned of her captivity, liberation, mar- riage and death. THE FRENCH AT PEORIA REGARDED AS ENEMIES. While the inhabitants of Peoria were quietly pur- suing their daily avocation of farming, hunting and trading with Indians, being as they supposed at peace with all the world, a plot was laid for their destruction. Being located in the midst of a wilder- ness country, nearly two hundred miles from the nearest American settlement, and having but little intercourse with the civilized world, they could not have known that war between the United States and THE FRENCH AT PEORIA. England existed if they had not learned the fact from neighboring Indians. Although the French at Peoria had lived within the jurisdiction of the United States government for twenty-four years they had never taken the oath of allegiance, acknowledged its power, nor paid tax to its support. They were a foreign people, speaking a different language, with habits and customs pecu- liar to themselves, and all their trade and inter- course was with the French citizens of Canada. The evil report in circulation about the French at Peoria assisting the Indians was believed by Governor Ed- wards, and he issued a proclamation calling for vol- unteers, in order to send an armed force against them. About two hundred men responded to the call, who were placed under the command of Cap- tain Craig, and rendezvoused at Shawneetown. Four keel-boats were prepared, with rifle-ball-proof planking, mounted with cannon and filled with armed soldiers. The boats left Shawneetown early in Oc- tober, and arrived at Peoria on the 5th of Novem- ber. The inhabitants of Peoria were much sur- prised to see these four armed boats land at their wharf, as no large craft had ever reached that place before. 264 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. CAPTAIN CRAIG'S ACCOUNT OF HIS ATTACK ON PEORIA. Captain Thomas E. Craig in his report to Gov- ernor Edwards, dated at Shawneetown, December 10, 1812, giving an account of the burning of Peoria, says : "I landed at Peoria on the 5th of November, and left it on the 9th. About midnight on the 6th the wind blew so hard on the lake that we were compelled to let the boats pass down into the river a short distance below the town. At daybreak next morning we were fired on by a party of Indians who had secreted themselves in the thick timber close by: Preparations were immediately made for battle, and bringing the cannons to bear we shelled the woods, but no enemy appeared, having fled after discharging their guns. Soon after daylight I had the boats landed opposite the center of the town, and took all the men prisoners, as they had undoubt- edly pointed out our location to the Indians. I burned about half the town of Peoria, and would have burned all of it and destroyed all the stock but I expected General Hopkins' army to pass that way soon." Part of the statements made by Captain Craig are undoubtedly true, but he fails to tell the whole story. The cold, selfish brutality practiced by the BURNING OF PEORIA. 265 men under Captain Craig's command has never be- fore been given to the public, and may appear strange to the reader, but it is nevertheless true. On this subject I have conversed with four different persons, Robert Forsyth, Rene La Croix, Hypolite Pilette, and Antoine Le Clair, all of whom were present at the time, being residents of Peoria. Their accounts of this affair will be found in the succeeding sketch, and are undoubtedly true, as all those state- ments agree on the principal facts, although differing somewhat in detail. BURNING OF PEORIA. The following account of the arrival of the gun- boats, under command of Captain Craig, and burn- ing of Peoria, are principally taken from the state- ments of Antoine Le lair and Hypolite Pilette, both of whom were present at the time. Le Clair was a half-breed, and acquired much celebrity in after years as the proprietor of the city of Daven- port, Iowa. Pilette is now living on the American Bottom not far from Prairie du Rocher, to whom many other references are made in this book. On Sunday morning, November 5, 1812. while the people of Peoria were assembled at the church, engaged in saying mass, they were startled by the report of a cannon. The congregation, partly 266 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. through fright and partly by curiosity, ran out of the church, when they discovered four armed boats in the lake under full sail. On coming opposite the town the boats rounded to, and landed at the wharf. Father Racine came down from the pulpit, and in his long black robe, with his bald head uncovered, started for the landing followed by all the congrega- tion, men, women and children, where they met Captain Craig, who had landed from a boat. Thomas Forsyth, who spoke English, inquired of the cap- tain the object of this visit, but the question was evaded, and in return he demanded of the citizens a supply of meat and vegetables for his men, which were furnished to them. The soldiers landed from the boats, scattered through the town in search of plunder, and com- mitted many depredations on the people. They broke open the store of Felix La Fontain, in which Antoine Le Clair was a clerk, and took therefrom two casks of wine and drank the contents. Some of the soldiers became intoxicated, forcing their way into houses, insulting women, carrying off eatables, blankets, and everything they took a fancy to. A soldier named Hitchcock, with three other armed men, went into a house occupied by very old people, and robbed it of most of its valuables. The jewelry and gold taken from this house were seen BURNING OF PEORIA. 267 in the possession of the robbers on the following day, and a valuable watch with a heavy gold cross was exhibited afterward as trophies of war. It was long after dark before Captain Craig succeeded in getting his drunken, disorderly soldiers on board again, after which the boats were anchored out in the lake to prevent further depredations on the citi- zens. During the night a high wind arose, and to escape the waves in the lake the boats were run down into the channel, one-half mile below the town. About daybreak next morning eight or ten men went into the river timber to shoot beeves. The cattle be- ing mixed with buffalo lived during the winter on the range, became partly wild, and hunted down in the woods same as deer or elk. This party of hunt- ers attacked the herd in their lair, near where the gunboats lay, shot three beeves, and had commenced skinning them when the timber was riddled with cannon balls. The hunters left their beeves un- dressed, and fled for their homes without having the slightest idea why this hostile demonstration was made by the troops. The boats were run up opposite the town imme- diately after the firing of cannon, when Captain Craig, with a large armed force, visited every house, and took all the men prisoners of war. Some of the men were still in bed, and not allowed time to dress, but 268 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. hurried off to the boats with their clothes in their hands. A torch was applied to each house in town and burned with all their contents, while women and children with wild screams escaped from the burning buildings, and like a herd of frightened deer fled to a grove of timber above the desolated town. The church, which contained a golden image and a cru- cifix, with other valuable religious emblems, a pres- ent from the bishop of Quebec, were all burned with the building. The windmill, which stood on the bank of the lake, filled with grain and flour belonging to the citizens, was burned, as well as stables, barns, corn-cribs, etc. Felix La Fontain, Michael La Croix, Antoine Des Champs, and Thomas Forsyth, all of whom were traders with stores well filled with goods, were consumed by the flames. An old man named Benit, formerly a trader, had saved a large amount of gold by the toil of half a cen- tury, and had lain it away for old age. This gold was secreted in his dwelling, and finding it on fire he rushed in to save his treasure, and perished in the flames. The bones of this old man were found among the ashes of his dwelling in the following spring by a party of hunters who visited Peoria. Mrs. La Croix, a lady of refinement and personal attractions, who in after years became the wife of Governor Reynolds, being alone with her small chil BURNING OF PEORIA. 269 dren when her house was set on fire, appealed to the soldiers to save the clothing of herself and little ones, but their appeals were in vain, and with her chil- dren only escaped from the burning building. There is an incident connected with the burning of Peoria not generally known, which to some extent explains the barbarous conduct of the soldiers, and somewhat palliates this outrage against humanity. About two months before Peoria was burned Gen- eral Howard, stationed at Portage du Sioux, sent one of his soldiers, a young half-breed named Baptiste Snipkins, to Peoria in order to ascertain if the citi- zens were assisting the Indians in carrying on the war against the settlements, as had been reported. This messenger, called Howard's express by courtesy, but in fact a spy, learned all he could from the people without letting his true business be known. This young scapegrace instead of returning to the army, and reporting the true state aifairs, according to orders, became enamored with a girl and pro- longed his stay until the arrival of Captain Craig. To escape punishment for disobeying orders he re- ported to Craig's command that he was detained against his will, being a prisoner in the hands of the French, but this statement was afterward proven to be false. If this messenger had returned to the army and reported according to orders Craig's expe- 270 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. dition would have been abandoned, and the destruc- tion of Peoria averted. A short time before Peoria was burned Thomas Forsyth had been appointed a government agent, but this appointment was kept a secret by the- de- partment at Washington, as it was thought if known it would lessen his influence with the Indians, and perhaps prejudice his townsmen against him. When Forsyth was made a prisoner he showed his commis- sion to Captain Craig, containing the United States seal, but the incredulous officer pronounced it a forgery. When the destruction of Peoria was completed the boats started down the river, carrying with them all the men as prisoners of war. Two miles below the present site of Alton, in the thick river timber, the prisoners were set at liberty, without tents, pro- vision, or means of returning to their families. Some of the women and children having been left at the burned town without food or shelter, were in a suf- fering condition, and without assistance would have perished. It was late in the fall, the sky overcast with gray clouds, and the cold November winds howled through the forest trees, blowing the dry leaves hither and thither. With high winds came squalls of snow, and the roaring and lashing of the waves m the lake caused mothers to draw infants BURNING OF PEORIA. 271 closer to their bosoms to protect them from the in- clement weather. To those destitute, helpless women all was dark and cheerless ; the lamentations of mothers and cries of children were heard at a dis- tance, and touched the heart of a sympathizing friend, although a savage. While in the midst of trouble they discovered a lone Indian walking leis- urely along the beach of the lake, who with a firm step approached this group of women and children. He carried a rifle on his shoulder, a tomahawk and seal ping-knife in his belt, and his face was painted in many colors. Notwithstanding he was disguise)! by paint, they recognized in the approaching Indian Gomo, a friendly chief, who had a village where Chillicothe now stands. On the approach of the gunboats the inhabitants of Gomo's village fled westward, but the chief with two warriors secreted themselves in the thick tim- ber watching the movements of the soldiers, and as soon as the boats departed down the river they came forth from their hiding place to assist their friends in distress. Gomo and his comrades furnished pro- vision and shelter for the destitute women and chil- dren, and provided them with canoes to descend the river. When furnished with an outfit for the journey the women with their little ones started down the river, 272 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. camping each night on its banks, without tents to shelter them from the cold night air. After many days of toil, hardships and exposure, drenched by rain, suffering from cold and hunger, they reached Cahokia, where they were provided for by their countrymen, and afterward joined by their hus- bands and fathers. It has been stated that Captain Craig took the women and children in the boat with the men, but this statement applies only to' a few families. The families of Thomas Forsyth, Antoine Le Pance, Fe- lix La Fontain, and perhaps one or two others, were put on board of the boats. But I am informed by Rene Le Croix and Hypolite Pilette that their moth- er's family, with many others, went down the river in bark canoes furnished by Gomo as previously stated. Captain Craig has been much vilified for burn- ing Peoria, but it must be remembered that he acted under the orders of Governor Edwards, who ap- proved of his conduct, and afterward appointed him to an important office. It appears Governor Ed- wards was misled by false reports, which caused him to make war on innocent people, and in justice to his memory, I am willing to believe he did only what at the time he believed to be his duty. DOMESTIC ANIMALS LEF1 1 BY CAPTIVES. 273 DOMESTIC ANIMALS LEFT BY THE CAPTIVES. The citizens of Peoria, when captured and car- ried off prisoners of war, left at their homes horses, cattle and hogs to run wild in the timber, and some of the former starved to death during the cold winter which followed. In the following spring a party of French and half-breeds belonging at Cahokia went to Peoria, gathered up the cattle, driving them south to the settlement, and returning some of these animals to their rightful owners. Hogs ran wild in the river timber, and were found in large numbers ten years afterward by the early American settlers. As these hogs increased in numbers they scattered over the country, and were hunted down in the thick timber the same as deer. In 1820 a wild bull and yearling heifer, crossed witli buffalo, were shot by hunters in Spoon River timber. The Indians say at one time there was a large herd of wild cattle in this section of the country; but they hunted them down for beef. The wild cattle found by hunters, in all probability, were from the herd left at Peoria eight years before, or may have been the offspring of a herd that strayed away many years before, and became wild. 18 CHAPTER XXII. INDIAN RAID ON THE SETTLEMENT. SOME days after the destruction of Black Par- tridge's village, a party of warriors headed by the old chief returned to bury the dead, and found the remains of the slain scalped, mutilated, and partly devoured by wolves. After burying the dead the warriors engaged in a winter hunt, according to their custom, but Black Partridge traveled over the country in various directions, holding coun- cils with chiefs and warriors, in order to enlist them in his cause. He was now old, his hair whitened by the snows of seventy winters, still his figure was erect and his step firm. Age had not dimmed the fire of his eyes, nor destroyed the valor of his youth. For many years he had been a friend of the whites, and to protect them from harm he had made many sacrifices. He had done everything in his power to prevent the massacre at Chicago, and saved the life of Mrs. Helm at the risk of his own. He had col- lected around him a few faithful friends to guard the dwelling of John Kinzie, and thereby rescued the 274 INDIAN RAID ON THE SETTLEMENT. 275 family, with other prisoners, from massacre. He traveled a long way to the Kankakee village, gave his pony, rifle and ring to ransom Lieutenant Helm, and while tired and hungry returned to find his home desolated, and his friends murdered or driven away. Notwithstanding Black Partridge had made all these sacrifices for his white friends, they made war on him, burned his village, destroyed his corn, drove off his ponies, and killed about thirty of his people, among whom were some of his kinsmen, and he now lived only for revenge. In the following summer, 1813, Black Partridge with about three hundred warriors, all mounted on ponies, left for the frontier settlement in the south part of the state. They went within thirty miles of the settlement, and secreted themselves in the thick timber of Shoal Creek, now in Bond county. From here they sent out small war parties to attack the settlers and kill defenseless women and children. The people became greatly alarmed at these depre- dations ; many fled from their homes, and sought refuge at Cahokia or Kaskaskia; others built tem- porary forts to shield themselves from the toma- hawks and scalping-knives of these ruthless savages. It is said a half-breed dressed as a white man acted as a spy, visiting; different settlements under the pretext of hunting stray horses, and informed the 276 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. Indians of the most exposed points. Through this spy the Indians learned that an expedition was about to be sent against the villages on the Illinois River ; so their camp was broken up, and they left for their homes. CAPTIVITY OF AMANDA WOLSEY. The descendants of some of the early settlers of St. Clair and Madison counties can give many thrill- ing narratives in relation to Indian raids during the late British war. Among other stories is the follow- ing narrative, which, on account of its romantic character, is worth preserving, and it is believed it has never before found its way into print. In the spring of 1813 a man by the name of Joab Wolsey emigrated from Kentucky and made a claim in the Wood River settlement, about thirty miles northeast of Cahokia. The family of this emigrant consisted of a wife and four children, the eldest named Amanda, a girl of fifteen years of age, and ot prepossessing appearance. Mr. Wolsey had built a cabin on his claim, in which his family were quar- tered, and was about to commence breaking prairie. His cabin occupied an exposed situation, being on the outskirts of the settlement, two or three miles from neighbors, but no one anticipated the great calamity which was about to overtake that little CAPTIVITY OF AMANDA WOLSEY. 277 settlement on Wood River. On the afternoon of a bright spring day, while Wolsey was fixing his plow, and training his oxen, preparing to commence breaking prairie, a half-breed dressed in citizen's clothing called at the cabin and inquired about some horses which he said had strayed away. It was noticed that the stranger carried a large knife, with a navy pistol, in his belt, and his manner of looking around the premises caused Mrs. Wolsey to think that the visit of this stranger was for some evil pur- pose. On the night after the half-breed's visit, while all the family were asleep, the cabin was surrounded by Indians, Wolsey, his wife and three children killed, and the house set on fire. Amanda was made a prisoner, and held in the arms of a strong savage while she witnessed the murder of her parents, brothers and sisters, and their dwelling in flames. On the following day the mutilated remains of the victims were found, one of the children having been consumed in the cabin. On the same night three other families in the same settlement were attacked by Indians, many of the inmates slain, houses burned, and horses killed or stolen, Amanda Wolsey on becoming a prisoner was placed on an Indian pony, guarded by two warriors, and carried off a captive into the Indian country. The party having charge of the captive belonged to Waba band, who had a 278 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. village on the south side of the Illinois River, almost opposite the outlet of Lake Depue. The Indians treated their prisoner with much respect, supplying her with a dress, and painting her face in accordance to Indian custom, and she associated with young maidens of her own age. She frequently accom- panied the youths of both sexes to Starved Rock and neighboring villages, where they had dances and gay parties. A young chief fell in love with her, and proposed to make her his wife, but she repulsed his advances, looking forward to a time when she would be liberated and restored to friends and civili- zation. She had ofttimes thought of mounting a pony during the night when all were asleep and leaving for the settlement, but the great distance to be traveled, nearly two hundred miles, deterred her from this hazardous undertaking. The summer had now passed, and the Indians were making preparations to leave their village for their annual hunt, when a messenger arrived in great haste, bringing the startling tidings that a large army had reached Peoria. This intelligence caused great excitement among the Indians, as their village was liable to be attacked at any moment. That night during the bustle and excitement Amanda escaped from the village, mounted a pony, and put it at the top of speed down the river in the direction GENERAL HOWARD'S EXPEDITION. 279 of Peoria. But unfortunately her flight was dis- covered, and a number of warriors started in pursuit. The fugitive was overtaken in her flight, captured, carried back, and placed in close confinement. In December following a treaty of peace was made with the Indians, its conditions providing that all captives were to be liberated and returned to their friends. Under this treaty Amanda Wolsey was carried back to the settlement and set free. GENERAL HOWARD'S EXPEDITION AGAINST THE INDIANS. In September, 1813, General Howard, with an army consisting of five hundred regulars and nine hundred volunteers, marched against the Indians on the Illinois River. The regulars, commanded by Colonel Nichols, ascended the Illinois River in keel- boats to Peoria Lake, and arrived there^ some days in advance of the volunteers, who were mounted and came aross the country. The Indians having received an intimation that an army was about to be sent against them became very much alarmed, and most of them were in favor of making overtures for peace. Black Partridge, the leading spirit of the war party, was in favor of de- fending themselves againt the aggression of the whites, but he could not enlist the different bands 280 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. in his scheme. Shaubena, Waba and Waubonsie, with many of their braves, were with Tecumseh, and warriors of the different bands could not be united under any one chief. Senachwine was opposed to war, and being a chief of great influence, gifted with stirring eloquence, carried with him a large portion of the warriors. Black Partridge was grave and morose, brooding over the wrongs he had received from the whites the year before, and now lived only for revenge. Not- withstanding he had taken many scalps the past summer, and murdered defenseless women and chil- dren, he still thirsted for more blood. The largest village in the country, called Wappa, was located on Bureau Creek, eight miles from the river, and on the present site of Tiskilwa. The head chief of this village, named Comas, was a son- in-law of Black Partridge, and here the old chief found a home after the destruction of his village. BLACK PARTRIDGE WITH HIS BRAVES IN DEFENSE OF THEIR COUNTRY. On a bright, warm day in the early part of Indian summer the warriors at Comas' village were loung- ing along the creek, some fishing, others running foot races, wrestling, or playing with balls, hoops, etc. All was quiet; neither war parties, dances, re- BLACK PARTRIDGE WITH HIS BRAVES. 281 ligious feast nor marriage celebration, nothing what- ever to relieve the monotony of village life. A party of warriors was about to start west on a hunt when two scouts arrived with the startling intelligence that troops had arrived at Peoria, and were engaged in building a 'fort. On receiving these tidings Black Partridge mounted his pony, riding back and forth through the village calling for volunteers to accom- pany him to victory. A large number of warriors re- sponded to the call, and mounted upon ponies, armed and equipped for war, were soon on their way to meet the enemy. On their way they stopped at Senach- wine and Crow's villages in order to obtain recruits, but were unsuccessful, as no warriors of either village would join this war party. On reaching Gomo's village they found the chief and many of the warriors off on a hunt, and but few of those at home were willing to engage in this hazardous enterprise. Black Partridge was much discouraged by his failure to raise a large force, as he expected, but with his little band of braves, amounting to about three hun- dred, he concluded to give immediate battle before the enemy could erect fortifications for their defense. While the troops under Colonel Nichols were en- gaged in building a block house, uncoficious of dan- ger, they were attacked by Black Partridge's band of warriors, and had it not been for persons outside 282 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. of the picket guards giving timely alarm in all prob- ability a bloody battle would have resulted. COLONEL DAVENPORT'S ACCOUNT OF AN ATTACK ON THE BLOCK HOUSE. For incidents relating to an attack on the block house, building a fort, and treaty with the Indians, I am indebted to Colonel George Davenport, a noted Indian trader at Rock Island who was murdered July 4, 1845, by the "bandits of the prairie." Mr. Davenport, at that time a young man, was an uncommissioned officer in Captain Owen's company, of the regular army, and in that capacity served during the war. On arriving at Peoria Lake the soldiers com- menced building a block house for storing the bag- gage, as well as a protection against an attack from the enemy. A well having been dug near the block house to supply it with water, it became necessary to liave a sweep to draw it ; consequently Mr. Daven- port, with two companions, went into the woods to get a grapevine for that purpose. Having found one suitable, Davenport climbed the tree to cut it off, and while doing so he discovered a large body of Indians skulking in the timber, going in the direc- tion of the block house. On seeing this war party Davenport and his companions gave an alarm, and COLONEL DAVENPORT'S ACCOUNT. 283 in all haste fled toward the block house, but finding Indians in that direction turned their course for the gunboats, which were moored in the lake. With all speed the fugitives ran for the boats, closely fol- lowed by the Indians, who fired at them many shots, while yelling like demons. The soldiers on the gun- boats, thinking only of their own safety, pushed them oif from the shore, but fortunately one of them grounded on a sand bar, which was the means of saving the lives of Davenport and his companions. The fugitives rushed into the water waist deep, pushed the grounded boat off. and jumped on board of it, while the Indians fired on them, many of the rifle balls whizzing by their heads and lodging in the side of the vessel. The boats went off some dis- tance from the shore, nevertheless the Indians con- tinued to fire on them, but without effect. A can- non on one of the boats was brought to bear on the savages, but in the excitement of the moment its muzzle was raised above the port-hole, and the ball tore off a portion of the side of the vessel. The In- dians also attacked the block house, which was in an unfinished condition, but met with a warm re- ception from those within. The cannons on the boats having been brought to bear on the Indians, they fled from the thick timber where they had taken shelter, and the fight ended. CHAPTEE XXIII. BUILDING OF FORT CLARK. ENEEAL HOWAED with nine hundred mounted volunteers left their quarters at Portage des Sioux in September, 1812, and followed up the Mississippi to the present site of Quincy, and from here crossed the country to Peoria. The troops encamped on the site of the old French town, and a strong picket guard placed around the encamp- ment to prevent being surprised by the Indians. During the night an alarm was given, and a re- port circulated through the camp that they were about to be attacked by a large body of Indians. All the troops were under arms, many shots fired at phantoms, and one soldier killed by a sentinel, but the alarm proved to be false, as no enemy could be found. On the following day, after the arrival of this army, by order of the commander it marched up to Gomo's village, at the head of the lake, but found it deserted, and after burning the town and destroying the corn in the fields returned to Peoria. BUILDING OF FORT CLARK. 285 Preparations having been made to build a fort on the site of the old French town for the purpose of holding possession of the country, timbers were cut on the opposite side of the lake, and floated across to build block store-houses, and enclose them with palisades. On a high piece of ground near the bank of the lake a fort was built, consisting of stock- ades made of two rows of split timbers, and the space between them filled with dirt. A ditch surrounded the fort, and at two corners were bastions for mounting cannon. Inside of the stockades was a large block- house, two stories high, and on three sides of it were port-holes, so the inmates could fire on the enemy in case of an attack. Besides this block-house were store-houses, and quarters for officers and soldiers. When the fort was completed and cannons mounted on its ramparts, with flags waving on each bastion, General Howard ordered all the soldiers on duty, forming in double file, fronting the gateway. A speech was made by the commanding officer, drums beat, soldiers cheered, the cannons fired a salute, and with much enthusiasm the fort was dedi- cated and named " Fort Clark " in honor of General George Roger Clark, the hero of Kaskaskia and Vin- cennes. 286 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. GUNBOATS ASCEND THE RIVER TO THE RAPIDS. Four keel-boats, mounted with cannon and filled by armed soldiers belonging to the regular army, un- der command of Major Christy, ascended the river from Peoria in search of the enemy. These boats landed at different villages along the river, but found them all deserted, the Indians having fled from their homes. These villages were burned with all of their contents, and the corn in the fields, and pelts, furs and other valuables stored away in the caches were also destroyed or carried off. On Hickory Ridge, below the mouth of Bureau Creek, the Indians, headed by Black Partridge, tore down the two cabins built many years before by De Beuro, and with these logs erected a breastwork on the river so they could fire on the boats while ascending the stream ; but on finding these boats protected by heavy plank, rifle proof, with port- holes for cannon, the warriors fled without firing a gun or letting their presence be known.* Major Christy intended to ascend the Illinois as far as the mouth of Fox River, but finding it difficult to pass the rapids he landed at Starved Rock. On the following day the boats were started down stream, * Colonel G. S. Hubbard says when he came to the country, in 1818, this breastwork was still standing, and its relics, consisting of a pile of rotten logs, could be seen in the early settlement of the country. INDIANS COLLECT ON BUREAU. 287 landing at the mouth of Bureau Creek, and from here a war party, commanded by Lieutenant Robenson, went out in search of the enemy. INDIANS COLLECT ON BUREAU. When the troops under General Howard reached Peoria the inhabitants of Gomo's, Senachwine, Crow and other towns fled from their homes and collected at Comas' village, on Bureau Creek. Here they in- tended to make a stand, await the approach of the invaders, and fight for their country and homes. All the squaws and papooses, with the aged warriors un- able to bear arms, were sent up the creek about seven miles above the town, where they were secreted in the thick timber.* At Comas' village were collected about one thou- sand warriors, occupying all the lodges, while above * About two miles northwest of Princeton, in the valley of Bureau, is a sin- gular narrow ridge, about sixty feet high, extending from the east bluff part way across the bottom. This remarkable ridge, which looks like a freak of _ nature, is called Back Bone, and on top of it now passes a public road. With the Indians this place became a noted landmark, and it was equally so with hunters in the early settlement of the country. Immediately north of the Back Bone, in the thick bottom timber by the side of a spring, was an old Indian camping-ground, and here their camp poles stood long after they left the country. In the fall of 1836 a party of Indian hunters were encamped here for a number of weeks, having returned from the west to visit the home of their youth. Among these Indians was one who spoke good English, find while in conversation with him I obtained many of the items narrated in this chapter. He said at the time of the war many thousand squaws and papooses were encamped on this ground, and here Madas, a noted war- rior, and brother of Black Partridge, died from a wound received in the fight at Peoria a few days before, and he showed me his grave on the Back Bone, which was surrounded by a pen built of small timbers or poles. 288 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. and below it the meadow was covered with camping- tents. On the bottom prairie below the village many hundred ponies were feeding, all of them spanceled so they could be caught and mounted at a moment's notice. It was expected that Howard's army would follow up the river and attack them in their retreat, therefore a suitable place to make a defense was selected. This was in the thick timber some distance below the village, where they could fire on the invaders while crossing a small bottom, prairie. Indian scouts, who were all the while on the alert,, discovered the troops ascending the river in boats,, and in all haste conveyed the tidings to the vil- lage. On receiving these tidings the drums beat to arms, all was bustle and excitement, and in a short time the warriors were secreted in their ambuscade awaiting the approach of the enemy, but when they found that the boats continued on up the river they returned to their village. LIEUTENANT KOBENSON IN SEARCH OF THE ENEMY. About eighty soldiers, under the command of Lieutenant Robenson, left the gunboats on the river and marched up Bureau Creek, with the intention of visiting Comas' village, situated eight miles distant, on the present site of Tiskilwa. After going up LIEUTENANT ROBENSON IN SEARCH. 289 the valley about five miles through timber and prairie they discovered a trail with fresh pony tracks. On making this discovery they came to a halt for consultation on the propriety of continuing their march, knowing that they were near a large Indian village, and at any point of timber were liable to fall into an ambuscade of lurking savages. Some were in favor of going on and burn the village, if vacated, but fortunately a majority opposed it; consequently they turned about and retraced their steps back to the river. On the return of Robenson's command with the report of no Indians found, Major Christy came to the conclusion that they had fled from the country, and preparations were made to descend the river. Before leaving cannons fired a salute, toasts were drank, and the stream named Robenson's River, which name it continued to bear for many years after- ward, and so appeared on all the early maps of the state. Indian scouts had watched the keel-boats as they ascended and descended the river, and on seeing them land at the mouth of the creek, and preparing to send out troops to make observations, they put their ponies on a gallop to convey the tidings back to the village, and it was the tracks of their ponies which Robenson's party discovered while on their 19 290 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. march. On learning of the approach of troops war- riors mounted their ponres and rode in all haste to the place selected to attack the invaders. Here many of the warriors secreted themselves in the thick timber, while those mounted remained in the rear to intercept the vanquished troops. Had Roben- son's command continued their march toward the village, the probabilities are but few of them would have escaped death, as the warriors outnumbered them five to one, and many of them mounted, while the soldiers were on foot. TREATY OF PEACE THE WAR ENDED. Black Partridge and his friends finding it impos- sible to unite the different bands so as to continue the war successfully, thought it best to make over- tures for peace, and accordingly a large delegation of chiefs and warriors went to Fort Clark for that purpose. When this party arrived within a few miles of the fort they came to a halt, when Senach- wine, accompanied by two warriors carrying white flags, went forward to the gate of the fort, and pre- pared to meet the commanding officer in council. Arrangements were made for meeting in council on the following day, for the purpose of agreeing on terms of peace. At the appointed time about forty chiefs and warriors, decorated with eagle and turkey TREATY OF PEACE. 291 feathers, made their appearance, and were met by General Howard and all the officers of his command. After shaking hands and passing around the pipe of peace, Senachwine made a speech before the coun- cil, in which he said they had come to make peace with the whites and forever bury the tomahawk. In reply to this speech General Howard said he had no power to treat with them, but proposed to con- duct their head chiefs to St. Louis, and General Clark, the general agent, would hear their proposi- tions for peace. The Indians agreed to this, and a delegation of thirteen chiefs and one squaw were selected to go to St. Louis. Among these chiefs were Black Partridge, Senachwine^ Comas, Shick- Shack, Crow and Gomo. General Howard ordered George Davenport to select four trusty men -and escort these Indians to St. Louis. All necessary arrangements having been made, this party on the following day went on board of a pirogue and started down the river for St. Louis. It being late in De- cember the weather was cold ; consequently after one day's journey the river froze up, and the remainder of the distance was made on foot. The pirogue was secreted in the thick timber, together with part of their stores, including a keg of whiskey, when the travelers, with such baggage as they could carry, proceeded on their way. At night both whites and 292 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. Indians camped together, but each party kept a guard on duty, as they feared treachery. This party after five days' travel arrived safe at St. Louis ; a treaty of peace was concluded, and the Indians left five of their number as hostage for its fulfillment. The Indians on their return were es- corted as far as Alton above the settlement, and they returned to their homes. After a treaty of peace with the Indians Fort Clark was abandoned, the troops returned to the settlement, and the volunteers discharged from service. CHAPTER XXIV. DESCENDANTS OF FRENCH SETTLERS AT FEORIA. OF the descendants of French residents who were born at Peoria, and remember incidents con- nected with its destruction, only three are now liv- ing (if we except Mrs. Chandler, daughter of Michael La Croix), and they are now far advanced in life. A short time ago I visited these three persons, and listened to an account of their early recollections of Peoria, as well as the traditions of their ancestors. One of these descendants, Robert Forsyth, a man of wealth and enterprise, lives on a farm six miles west of St. Louis.'- He is a son of Thomas Forsyth, a trader and Indian agent at Peoria at the time it was burned, and for many years after an agent of the Sacs and Foxes at Rock Island. Mr. Forsyth was of Irish lineage, a half-brother of John Kinzie, of Chicago, and the early part of his life was spent among the French and Indians at Peoria. He was one of the claimants for the land on which the city of Peoria now stands, and his son Robert (above re- * Died since writing the above. 393 294 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. ferred to) prosecuted these claims against the occu- pants, and obtained from them a large sum of money. Major Thomas Forsyth for nearly twenty years was employed by the government as an Indian agent, and . he is frequently referred to, both in General Clark's and governors' dispatches to the secretary of war. He appears to have been the only American- born citizen in the west, at that time, with whom the Indians had confidence, and chiefs of various tribes continued to counsel with him until the time of his death, which occurred at St. Louis October 29, 1833. In reference to the burning of Peoria Major For- syth made an entry in his journal which contains the following language: " A band of ruffians from Shaw- neetown, commanded by Captain Thomas E. Craig, took us prisoners as though w.e were malefactors, and set us adrift on the bank of the Mississippi, near where Savage's ferry now is. Many poor unfortu- nate persons with wives and small children had not a change of clothing nor a blanket to protect them from the col'd winds." Rene La Croix, another of the descendants of the Peoria French, lives in Belleville, and like Robert Forsyth made money out of the French land claims. His father, Michael La Croix, married Catherine DESCENDANTS OF FRENCH SETTLERS. 295 Dubuque, cousin of Julian Dubuque, a noted pio- neer and founder of the city in Iowa which still bears his name. La Croix came to Peoria in 1805, and for many years was engaged in trade, shipping furs to Canada in a two-mast batteau, and loading back with goods for the Indian market. He was on his way to Canada with his batteau, loaded with furs, when the town was destroyed, and on arriving at Mon- treal heard that the Yankees had burned Peoria, and killed all its inhabitants, among whom were his wife and children. With his heart filled with revenge he joined the British army, became an officer, and took part in many of the battles which followed. At the close of the war La Croix learned that his family were not killed, as reported, but living at Ca- hokia, consequently he came west to join them. A few years after joining his family he died, and his widow married John Reynolds, afterward Governor of Illinois. Hypolite Pilette, a descendant of the Peoria French, is a son of Louis Pilette, one of the French land claimants, born at Peoria in 1799, and is now living on the American Bottom. He claims to be a great-grandson of Captain Richard Pilette, who in 1686 built Le Fort des Miamies, on Buffalo Rock, and has now in his possession the sword, eagle and epaulets worn by that distinguished personage. In 296 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. speaking of the burning of Peoria by Captain Craig, in 1812, he said : % On a cold November morning, when a boy of thirteen years of age, I was driven from home without coat, hat or shoes ; my mother sick with the ague, and with an infant in her arms, was compelled to leave her* bed, protected from the cold winds only by an Indian blanket, while our house with all its contents were consumed by the flames. My father a prisoner, my mother sick, rny brothers and sisters almost naked, without food or shelter, we were left to our fate. Thus were we turned out of doors to freeze and starve, but fortu- nately rescued by friendly Indians." Three days after Peoria was burned Mrs. Pilette, with her live small children, were put in a canoe by the Indian chief Gomo, and in company with others as unfortunate as herself started down the river. After six days of exposure, and suffering from cold and hunger, they reached Cahokia, and were pro- vided for by their countrymen and friends. Pilette is a jolly old Frenchman, fond of a bottle of wine, and very talkative while under its influence. Al- though born and raised in Illinois he speaks no English except in broken, detached sentences, but in his own language, I should judge, he is quite elo- quent. While speaking of the past Pilette became very much excited ; his eyes flashed with anger, his PERILS OF FUR TKADEKS. 297 voice raised to a high key, while denouncing the barbarous acts of Captain Craig, and from that time, said he, " I hate Yankees."" There are some facts connected with the burning of Peoria not generally known, but when properly understood will explain a matter which to many ap- pears mysterious. A few months ago I called on an old gentleman living in St. Louis, by the name of James Porter, who was a soldier in Captain Craig's command. Mr. Porter believes that he is the only person now living who participated in burning Peoria, and although seventy years have passed away he has a vivid recollection of many of the inci- dents which occurred on that eventful day. He says all the soldiers believed that the French were assist- ing the Indians to make war on the settlers, and this belief was confirmed by Baptiste Snipkins, General Howard's express, who carne on board of a boat as soon as they arrived at Peoria. Mr. Porter also says that it was afterward ascer- tained that the depredation on the settlement was committed by a war party of Sacs, and Foxes, and the Indians along the Illinois River were innocent as well as the French. When all the facts became known, years after Peoria was burned, Captain Craig and many of those under his command were filled 298 PIONEEKS OF ILLINOIS. with remorse on account of having committed this outrage on innocent people. PERILS OF PUR TRADERS ON ILLINOIS RIVER. After the burning of Peoria there was but little trade on the Illinois River for three years, and the Indians failing to obtain their usual supply of goods were in a suffering condition. For an American trader to enter the Indian country would be at the risk of his life, and while French traders were safe from harm among the Indians, they were liable to fall into the hands of soldiers, and have their goods confiscated to the government. After the evacua- tion of Fort Dearborn a Frenchman named Du Pin took possession of John Kinzie's dwelling, and for three years traded with the Indians. During the continuation of the war a number of Frenchmen con- tinued to live with the Indians, but none of them ex- cept Du Pin kept a stock of goods for Indian trade. In the summer of 1814 Jacques Jarret, a French Canadian, came down the Illinois River in a batteau loaded with goods for the Indian market. The trader had two Frenchmen employed as boatsmen, and an Englishman named John Ford acted as a clerk and salesman. At different places where the batteau stopped to trade the Indians looked on Ford with much suspicion, accused him of being an Amer- BURNING OF FOET CLARK. 299 lean, and at one time threatened him with death. While the batteau lay at the mouth of Crow Creek, for the purpose of trade, a large number of warriors collected around Ford, denounced him as an Ameri- can and a spy, and made him a prisoner, and were about to carry him off to a place of execution. In vain Jarret tried to make the warriors understand that Ford was an Englishman, and that his country was then at war with the Americans. After a long parley the prisoner was ransomed by the trader giving the captors a large amount of goods for his liberation. After this narrow escape from death Ford laid aside his fashionable suit, clothed himself as a boatman, and disguised his face with paint. From that time he spoke no language in the presence of Indians, and was known thereafter among them as the deaf and dumb Frenchman. BURNING OF FORT CLARK. For many years this old historical spot at the foot of the lake was known as Fort Clark, but as the town became a place of importance it again resumed its former name, "Peoria." At the close of the British war the Chauteaus and Menards continued the fur trade along the Illinois River until super- seded by the American Fur Company. In 1816 Antoine Des Champs received an appointment of 300 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. general agent of the American Fur Company in Illi- nois territory. Des Champs was an old fur trader, at one time a resident of Peoria, but afterward at Cahokia, and proved to be an efficient agent. He dispatched runners to different Indian villages, requesting the inhabitants to meet him at Fort Clark on the 5th of August to receive presents sent them by the great fur company. At the appointed time about one thousand Indians were collected at the old fort when Des Champs arrived with a Mackinaw boat loaded with goods. After making many pres- ents to the Indians, and obtaining their promise to patronize the new fur company, he establishing trad- ing-posts at various places along the river. It has already been stated that Fort Clark was built in the fall of 1813, abandoned soon after, and never occupied by troops again. No white person lived in Peoria (then called Fort Clark) after the troops left it until the spring of 1819. The gate of the fort having been left open it became a lair for deer, and a roost for wild turkeys. In the fall of 1816 a party of hunters from St. Clair county came to Fort Clark and 'found about twenty deer in the fort, and the floors of the block-houses covered with manure. The hunters cleaned out this building, and occupied it as a residence during a stay of ten days while hunting deer and collecting honey in the BURNING OF FORT CLARK. 301 river timber. Fort Clark stood unmolested until the fall of 1818, when it was burned by the Indians. The following account of the burning of Fort Clark is taken from the statements of Colonel Gur- don S. Hubbard, now a resident of Chicago: In the fall of 1818 Antoine Des Champs, general agent of the American Fur Company, accompanied by a number of persons, were on their way to St. Louis with two boats loaded with furs. On corning around a point in the lake they discovered Fort Clark on fire, and near it were about two hundred In- dians engaged in a war dance. The warriors, almost naked, hideously painted, as they went through the dance yelled like demons. They had a large number of scalps hanging to their belts, and in one part of the dance these were placed on the ends of spears and held above their heads, after which they went through the motions of taking them from the heads of the victims. Des Champs was well ac- quainted with many of the Indians, and went among them engaged in conversation, leaving the boats guarded by one of his men and Mr. Hubbard, who at that time was a boy of sixteen years of age. The Indians inquired of Des Champs about this boy, who in reply said that he was his adopted son from Montreal, but they did not credit this statement, say- ing he looked like an American, and regarded him 302 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS. with suspicion. An Indian took a scalp from his belt, and held it near Hubbard's face, saying to him that it was taken from the head of his countryman. Young Hubbard became very much frightened, but when the Indian urinated on the scalp, and with it sprinkled his face, all fear vanished, and picking up a gun which lay in the bottom of the boat fired at the Indian, bat the man in charge of the boat threw up the muzzle as it went oft , thereby saving the In- dian's life. This affair created great excitement, V and Des Champs fearing trouble bade his Indian friends good-by, went aboard of the boats, and con- tinued on his way down the river. Although the block-houses and part of the stock- ades of Fort Clark were burned, as above stated, a> portion of the latter stood for many years after. In the spring of 1819 a party of the emigrants from Clinton county, among whom were Captain Abner Eads, Isaac and Josiah Fuhlton and J. Hersey, came to Fort Clark, and from that time dates the American settlement here. These emigrants pitched their tents against the stockades of the old fort, and for years the inclosure within the pickets was used for penning cattle. During the Black Hawk war, in 1832, the old fort was repaired, new pickets put in place of burned ones, and intended as a place of pro- tection from an attack of Indians. GENERAL INDEX. American Bottom - - 183 American Pioneers of Illinois - - 206 Antiquities of Illinois 17 Aztalan the ruined city - - 197 A scene of horror - 75 Besiegers and besieged - - - 155 Bourassa, Colonel Joseph N. cited 160 Brady's Tom wild adventure - - 119 Baptiste Jean and Father Bonner- 212 Baldwin Elmer cited - 201-202 Black Partridge, a noted Indian chief - 242 Saves the life of Mrs. Helm - - 245 Destruction of his village 251 In defense of his country - - 280 Besson'.s Mrs. narrative 257 Bruce Elijah a vagabond - 239 Bucher's Father Jacques manuscript - - 117 Buffalo disappearance of - - 209 Burning of Peoria - 265 Chicago, early history of - 210 Chassagoac, an Indian chief 101 Clark, Colonel G. R. conquest of Illinois - 127 Cross raised on the bank of Chicago River - 38 Chartres Fort - - 180 Cahokia - 186 Chauteau Auguste and Pierre mentioned - 202 Costumes and manners of the French - 222 304 GENERAL INDEX. Council at Cahokia - - 234 Craig's Captain attack on Peoria 264 De Beuro Pierre an Indian trader - - 229 Domestic animals left by the captives - 273 Davenport, Colonel George - - 282 Descendants of French settlers at Peoria - 293 Des Champs Antoine mentioned - - 301 English and French relation with Indians - 205 Edwards Governor Ninian mentioned - - 237 Fort Creve-Cceur 57 Fort St. Louis building of - 83 Attacked by Iroquois 87 Burned - - 99 Relics of - 173 French settlement at - - 104 Fox River the ruined fort of 201 French inhabitants of Peoria - - 222 French land claims - 226 False report circulated - - 239 French at Peoria - 262 Fort Clark, building of - - - 284 Burning of - 299 Ghastly spectacle - - - 163 Gold, searching for - 168 Goodell Dr. J. H. referred to - 201 Gabriel, Father death of - 73 History, errors of - - 173 Hitt, Colonel D. F. cited - 173-176-201 Helm, Lieutenant ransomed - - 254 Heald Captain mentioned - 255 Howard's General expedition - - 279 Hubbard Colonel G. S. cited - GENERAL INDEX. 305 Illinois topography of River ... 22 Early French settlement of - 112 British rule of ... 117 Early government of 207 Indians Illinoisans - 24 Massacre of 25 Iroquois raid of 26 Tribes in Illinois territory - 193 Drepredations of - ... 232 Council on Bureau ... 247 Trade with - .... 85 Joliet Louis mentioned ... 30 Jennette Medore, a fur trader ... 202 Kennedy Pat searching for copper - 125 Kaskaskia - - 187 Kaskaskia and Cahokia Indians - 189 Kinzie John mentioned - ... 244 La Vantum or great Illinois town - 47 Yoyageurs at 34 French at - 62 La Pance Felix cited - 49 La Salle and friends western bound - 53 In an Indian camp 59 Success, failure and death - 86 Le Fort des Miamis 93 Louisiana colony - - 102 Le Rocher - 171 La ville de Maillet 218 Lee Charles noticed - 258 Marquette Jacques 28 Death of - 43 Resurrecting his bones - 45 Mammoth and Mastodon - 20 Massac Fort of 20 306 GENERAL INDEX. Marseilles, ancient fortification at - - - 199 Mississippi River, discovery of - 30 Mission of Immaculate Conception - 40 Monks of La Trappe - 194 Old fort near Starved Rock - - 195 Peoria Lake of - 56 Burning of Indians - 191 Pilette Captain Richard mentioned - - 93 Hypolite mentioned - Pontiac - 137 Assassinated - - 147" Prairie du Rocher - - 185 Porter James mentioned - 297 Relics of French and Indians - - 174 Relics of a tragedy 166 Rock of refuge - 142 Retribution unjust 249 Robinson Lieutenant in search of the enemy - 288 St. Louis, early settlement of St. Joseph expedition against - Starved Rock Tecumseh at Peoria - 231 Emissaries from 248 Tidings of war 243 Territory of Illinois at the time of the British war - 243 Treaty of peace - 280 Torturing prisoners 72 Tonti de Henri - 70 Return of his victorious army - 90 Death of - 96 "Wolsey's Amanda captivity 276 , I UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA 977.3M429P C002 PIONEERS OF ILLINOIS, CONTAINING A SERIE 30112025381655