AT UNIVERSITY of •'-LINOfS LIBRARY L SSANA-CHAMPAI Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2015 , BOOKS FOB YOUNG PEOPLE IN THE Free Public Library OF New Haven, Conn. A CLASS LIST, WITH INDEX OF Authors and Subjects (Except Individual Biography and Fiction.) TOGETHER WITH REFERENCE LISTS ON Washington, Lincoln., G-rant, Easter, Arbor Lay, Memorial Lay, Independence Lay, Thanksgiving and Christmas. APRIL, 1898. NEW HAVEN, CONN.: Issued, by the lAbrary. I CONTENTS. INDEX OF AUTHORS AND SUBJECTS, EXCEPT INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY AND FICTION, BEGINS ON OPPOSITE PAGE. General works. Periodicals. Conduct of life. Ethics. Religious subjects. . Mythology. Sociology (U. S. government, etc.) Folk and fairy tales. Language. Natural science. Astronomy, stars. Chemistry, Physics. Electricity. Geology, Mineralogy, Physical raphy .... Natural history (in general ) Botany. Flowers. Plants. Zoology. Animals. Birds. sects Useful arts Anatomy and Physiology. Health geog In Page 1 Literature (except American and Eng 1 lish.) 1 Geography and travel. General and mis 2 cellaneous. 2 Europe. 4 Asia. 5 Africa. . 5 North America. 6 South America. 6 Pacific islands. 6 Arctic regions. Biography, collective. American. 7 Women and girls. 7 Miscellaneous. 7 Biography, individual lives. History, general. 8 Ancient history. 9 England, Ireland, Scotland. Europe, general and miscellaneous. Gymnastics. 10 Asia and Africa 28 Domestic animals. Pets. 10 North America. General and miscel Manufactures. Mechanical arts. Trades. 10 laneous. North American Indians 29 Fine arts. .... 11 United States, general. . 29 Amusements and Recreation. 11 Special periods of U. S. History 30 Literature. General works and collec- Civil war 32 tions 12 United States navy. 33 American literature. 12 United States : several states and English literature. 13 sections 33 Poetry, collections. 14 South America and Pacific Islands. 34 Page 14 15 15 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 28 24 25 26 U b r INDEX. Page. Page. Page. Abbott, B. V. 2 Archer, T. 25 Beard, D. C. 11 Abbott, C. C. 9 Archery. 12 Beard, L. and A. B. 11 Abbott, J. 6, 7, 29, 30 Architecture. 11 Beard, J. 8 Abbot, W. J. 32, 33 Arctic regions. 19 Beaugrand, C. 8 Aborigines of America. 29 Ariosto, L. 14 Beecher, H. W. 1 Abyssinia, description. 17 Arms and armor. 3 Bees. 8, 9 Accidents. 10 Artists. 20 Beesly, Mrs. 24 Achard, E. 10 Asbjornsen, P. C. 3 Belcher, lady. 34 Actors. 21 Asia, description. 16-17 Belgium, history. 27 Adams, W. H. D. Asia, history. 28 Bell, N. R. E. (N. D’ Anvers, 1. 15, 19. 20, 34 Assyria. 24 ps.) 5, 29 Adams, W. I. L. 11 Astronomy. 6 Bellamy, B.W., and Goodwin, Adams, 0. F. 12, 13, 20 Athletic sports. 11-12 M. W. 14 Adirondack s, The. 17, 18 Atkinson, J. C. 3, 5 Benedict, A. K. 10 Admirals. 19 Atkinson, P. 6 Benedict, E. L. 26 ^Esop. 14 Augsburg, D. R. 11 Benjamin, S. G. W. 24, 28 Africa, description. 17 Aulnoy, M. C. J. de B., count- Bennett, W. H., and Adeney, Africa, history. 28 ess d\ 3 W. F. 1 Agassiz, (J. R.) L. and E .C. 18 Austin, J. G. 3 Benson, M. 10 Agriculture. 9 Austin, O. P. 2 Bercy, P. 5 Ahn, F. 5 Australasia, description . 18 Bergen, F. D. 7 Alaska. 17, 18 Australasia, history. 34 Bernard, F. 23 Alcott, L. M. and A. B. 12 Australia, description. 18 Bert, P. 5 Alden, I. M. (Pansy.) 1 Australia, history. 34 Besant, Sir W. 25 Alden, R. M. 8 Authors. 19, 20 Betz, C. 11 Aldrich, T. B. 33 Ayres, A .,ps. 2 Bible. 1,2 Alexander, W. D. 34 Baby land. 1 Bicycling. 11,12 Alger, A. L. 3 Babylonia. 24 Bierbower, A. 1 Algeria, history. 28 Badenoch, L. N. 9 Bingham, N. W. 11 Alice Thorne. 1 Bailey, W. W. 8 Biography, collective. 19-21 Alldridge, L. 20 Baker, Sir S. W. 9, 17 Biology. 5 Allen, C. B. 10 Baldwin, J. 2, 3, 12, 14, 19 Birch, S. 24 Allen, (C.) G. 8 Ball, Sir R. S. 6 Bird, R. 1 Allen, S. P. 32 Ballads, American. 12 Birds. 7-10 Allen, W. F. 24 Ballads, British. 13 Bird’s (magazine.) 8 Alliott-Boymier, L. 5 Ballads, collections. 14 Bishop, X. IP. 17, 18 Alps, The. 16 Ballard, H. PI. 5, 6 Black, A. 11, 33 Alton, E. 2 Ballard, J. P. 8 Blaikie, W. 10 Amateur work. 10 Ballou, M. M. 17 Blaisdell, A. F. 12, 32 America, exploration. 15 Baltic, The. 16 Blanchan, N. 9 American history leaflets. 30 Bamford, M. E. 8 Boating. 11-12 American literature. 12-13 Bangs, J. K. 3 Bolton, S. K. 19-20 Amusements. 3, 11-12 Banks, L. A. 1, 17 Bonner, J. 26 Anatomy and physiology. 10 Banks, M. B. 1 Bonney, T. G. 7 Ancient history. 24 Barbary states. 28 Books. 1 Andersen, H. C. 3, 5 Barbauld, A. L. 13 Booth, J. 11 Anderson, J. J. 29 Barham, R. H. 13 Boston, Mass., description. 17 Anderson, J. M. 5 Baring-Gould, S. 27 Boston, Mass. , history. 33 Andrews, J. 7 Baring-Gould, S., comp. 3 Bostwick, L. W. 9 Angerstein, E., andEckler, G. Barker, G. F. 6 Botany. 7, 8 10 Barlow, J. 5 Bounty, The (mutineers.) 34 Animal intelligence. 9 Barnard, C. 6 ,9, 20 Bourinot, J. G. 29 Animals. 8, 9 Barnes, M. S. 29 Bowen, E. L., comp. 5 Animals, domestic. 10 Bartlett, G. B. 11, 17 Bower, J. A. 10 Ansted, D. T. 7 Baskett, J. N. 8 Boyd, J. P. 17 Antarctic regions. 19 Bates, H. L. V. 33 Boyesen, H. H. 27 Appleton, J. H. 6 Bayliss, C. K. 8 Boys. 19 Aquarium. 9 Bayne, S. G. 6 Boy’s modern playmate. Arabian nights. 3 Beach, D. N. 10 (Anon.) 11 aesT'^i"^^ "p "5 \ 1 0 INDEX. Page. Boys’ own book. (Anon.) 11 Boy’s workshop, A. 10 Brackett, A. C., and Eliot, I. M. 14 Brackett, C. F., and others. 6 Bradley, H. 27 Bramston, M. 24 Branch, M. L. B. 3 Brandt, H. C. G. 5 Brassey, A., lady. 15 Brayman, J. O. 19 Brazil, description. 18 Brewer, E. C. 24 Brookings, W. , and Ringwalt, R. 1 Brooks, E. Brooks, E. S. 14 2, 19, 20, 23, 29, 30, 33 Brooks, II. M. 11 Brooks, N. 2 Brown, C. 25 Browne, F. F. 12 Browne, P. 20 Brown, R., ed. 6 Browning, O. 25 Brush, C. C. 11 Bryant, W. C. 14 Buccaneers . 15 Buckland, F. 7 Buckley, A. B. (Mrs. Fisher.) 5, 8, 25 Bulfinch, T. 1, 12 Bunce, J. T. 5 Bunce, O. B. 3 Bunce, Mrs. O. B. Q O Bunyan, J. 1 Burdette, R. J. 1 Burroughs, J. 8, 9 Burt, M. E., ed. 1, 2 18 Burwell, L. M. Burv, viscount, and Sillier, G. L. 12 Butterflies. 8, 9 Butterworth, H. 24 Byzantine empire. 27 Caillard, E. M. 7 Caldecott, R. 11 California. 18 Callcott, lady. 25 Caller, M. A. 1 Camp, W. 12 Campbell, C. C. 8 Campbell, L. J. 14 Camping. 11-12 Canada, description. 17, 18 Canada, history. 20 Cantatas. 11 Capuana, L. 3 Carey, M., comp. 3 Carribbees, The. 17 Carpentry and joinery. 10 Carrington, E. 8 Carrington, H. B. 1, 12 Carroll, S. W. 15 Carryl, C. E. 3 Carthage. 24 Carver, E., and Pratt, A. L. 30 Carving of wood. 11 Cathcart, G. R. 12 Catlin, G. 29 Page. Cats. 8 Celtic literature. 15 Ceramics. 11 Cervantes-Saavedra, M. de. 14 Cevennes, The. 16 Ceylon, description. 10 Chambers, G. F. 6, 7 Chambers, W. 20 Champlin, J. D. 1, 32 Champlin, J. D., and Bost- wick, A. E. 11 Cliampney, E. W. 3 Chaney, G. L. 19 Channing, E. 25, 30 Chapin, A. A. 11 Chaplin, F., and Humphrey, F. A. 2 Chapman, F. M. 9 Charles, E. R. 20 Charter, Mr. 10 Chase, A., and Clow, E. 10 Chaucer, G. 13 Checkley, E. 10 Chemistry. 6 Cheney, C. E. 32 Chenoweth, C. van D. 20 Chester, E. 1 China, description. 10, 17 China, history. 28 China painting. 11 Chisholm, G. G. 13 Chodsko, A. 3 Chronology. 24 Church, A. J. 1, 3, 14, 24, 25 Church, E. R. 7, 8, 10 Church, J. R. 12 Church, R. W. 27 Cities. 15 Clark, F. E. 1 Clarke, J. F. 1 Clarke, M. 14 Clarke, R. S. (Sophie May, ps.) 3 Clement, C. E. 11, 28 Clodd, E. Clouston, W. A. Coal. Cobb, J. F. Cobb, S. H. Cobbin, I. Cochrane, C. A. Coe, F. E. Coffin, C. C. 2( Coleridge, S. Coleridge, S. T. Colerick, E. F. Colly er, R. Colton, B. P. Compton, A. G. Compton, M. Conant, II. S. Concord, Mass. Conduct. Conjuring. Conn, H. W. Page. Connecticut, history. 33 Connemara. 16 Connelly, E. M. 33 Cooke, C. A. 12 Cooke, F. J. 3 Cooke, J. E. 33 Cooke, M. C. 7, 8 Cooking. 9 Cooley, Le R. C. 6 Cooper, H. C. 7 Cooper, S. 8 Corbin, J. 3 Costumes. 3 Coursen, F. B. 14 Cox, Sir G. W. 2, 21, 27 Cox, Sir G. W., and Jones, E. H. 12 Craik, D. M. (Miss Mulock.) 3, 13 Craik, G. L. Cray-fish. Creasy, Sir E. S. Creevey, C. A. Creighton, L. Creighton, M. Crocker, G. G. Crofts, A. 7 Croker, T. C. 3 Croly, J. C. 9 Crosby, W. O. 7 Crowninshield, M. B. 17 Crusades, 1, 2, 25, 27 Culture, 1 Cumming, L. 6 Cumming, W. F. 17 Cunnyngham, W. G. E. 28 Curry, G. 25 Curtin, J., comp. 3, 5 Custer, G. A. 29 Cycling. 11, 12 Cyclopaedias. 1 Cyclopaedic review of current history. 24 Cyr, E. M. 5 Daell, A. von. 5 Daell, A. von, and Schra- 5 kamp, J. 5 , 10 Dale, D. , ps. 12 19 Damon, W. E. 8 33 Dana, C. A. 14 1 Dana, J. D. 7 10 Dana, R. H. 15 17 Dana, Mrs. W. S. 7, 8 , 32 Darton, J. M. 20 3 Darwin, C. R. 5, 7 13 Dasent, Sir G. W. 5 29 Dates. 24 . F. Davidson, E. A. 10 1 Davis, R. H. 15 .) 9 Dawes, A. L. 2 tc.) Day, G. 20 11 Deane, F. A. 20 1 Decoration. 11 9 Demmin, A. 3 10 Denison, M. A. 1 3 Dennis, J. 20 8 Depping, G. 11 , 18 Des Cheznez, E. M. 3 1 Design. 11 11 Dexter, M. 33 8 Dialogue. 11-12 INDEX. Page. Page. Page. Dickens, C. 25 Fables. 3-5 Garrison, W. P. 1, 14 Discovery and exploration. 15 Fairy tales. 3-5 Gates, P. 12 Dodge, G. H. 1 Famous discoveries by land Gautier, T. 10 Dodge, M. M. 1, 12, 14 and sea. (Anon.) 15 Gaye, S. 7 Dodge, N. S. 30 Faraday, M. 6 Gayley, C. M., ed. 2 Dodge, R. I. 29 Farmer, L. H. 19, 20, 26 Gays, Mrs. 10 Dodge, T. A. 32 Farming. 9 Geikie, A. 7 Dodgson, C. L. (Lewis Car- Farrar, C. A. J. 17 Gelbacli, W. 5 roll, ps.) 3 Ferris, G. T. 21 General works. 1 Dogs. 8, 10 Festival poems. (Anon.) 14 Geneva. 15 Dole, C. F. 3 Feudge, F. R. 28 Geodesy. 6 Dole, N. LI. 20 Field, E. 3, 11, 12 Geographical reader. (Anon.) Domestic animals. 10 Fielde, A. M. 3 15 Domestic economy. 9 Fields, J. T., and Whipple, Geography and travels. Donnelly, T. E. 30 E. P. 14 2, 15-19 Douglas, A. M. 1 Fine arts. 11 Geology. 7 Douglas, Sir G., comp. 3 Finck, H. T. 18 Georgia, history. 33 Douglas, M. 19 Firth, E. M. 4 German language. 5 Doyle, J. A. 80 Firth, J. D. 34 German literature. 14 Drake, F. S. 29 Fish. 8 Germany, description. 16 Drake, S. A. Fisher, G. P. Fishing. 24 Germany, history. 27 18, 19, 29, 80, 32, 33 11-12 Gibb, J. 12 Dramas. 11-12 Fiske, J. 3, 30, 33 Giberne, A. ! 3. 6, 7 Drawing. 11 Fitch, M. R. 14 Gibson, W. H. 5, 6 , 7, 12 Dryden, J. 13 Fitchett, W. H. 25 Giffen, W. M. •2 Du Chaillu. P. B. 17, 27 Flagg, W. 8 Gilman, A. 5, 13, 23, 24, 30, 33 Dulles, C. W. 10 Flammarion, C. 6 Gilman, J. B. 3, 11 Dunlap, W. 33 Fletcher. A. B. 12 Gilmore, J. 2 Duplessis, G. V. A. G. 11 Floriculture. 11 Girls. 20 Dwight, J. 12 Flowers. 7-8, 20 Girls’ room, A. (Anon,) 11 Dynamos. 7 Folk lore. 3-5 Glass-making. 10 Dyson, C. E. 10 Folk lore : American Indians. Glimpses of the world. (Anon ) Eaton, S. 9 29 15 Edgar, J. G. 19, 25 Folk tales. 3-5 Gnadenliiitten, O. 18 Edwards, A. B. 7 Fonvielle, W. 6 Goddard, J. 3 Egan, M. F. 1 Football. 11-12 Golden fairy book, The. 3 Eggleston. E. 20, 29, 30 Foote, M. H. 2 Goldsmith, O. 13 Eggleston, G. C. 12, 23, 29 Force. 6 Gomme, A. B.,ed. 11, 25 Egypt (ancient) history. 24 Foster, I. H. 20 Goodrich, C. A. 30 Egypt ( modern) description. 1 7 Foster, M. , and Tracy, R. S. Gordon, L. L. 20' Egypt (modern) history. 28 10 Gordon, W. J. 10 Electricity. 6 Frackelton, S. S. 11 Gore, J. H. 6 Elephants. 8 France, description. France, history. 16 Goss, W. L. 32 Eliot, S. 14, 30 26, 27 Goths, The. 27 Ellis, E. S. 20, 30 Francillon, R E. 2 Gould, S. Baring. 27 Ely, G. H. 20 Francis, J. G. 11 Gould, S. Baring, comp. 3 Ely, T. 2 Frankland, P. F. 8 Government. 2-3 Embroidery. 9 Franklin, Sir John. 19 Gowing, L. F. 17 Emerson, G. B. 8 Frazar, D. 12 Graham, P. A. 11 Emerson, R. W. 14 Freeman, E. A. 24, 26 Grandgent, C. H. 5 Emerton, J. H. 9 Freiligrath-Kroecker, K. 11 Grant, J. 28 Engineering. 10 French, A. 11 Grant, J. B. 9 Engineers. 21 French, H. W. 20 Gray, A. 7 England, description. 16 French language. 5 Gray, G. Z. 2 England, history. 25 French revolution. 26 Gray, T. 13 English, T. D. 3, 30 Frere, M. 3 Great industries of Great English language. 5 Frith, W. 10, 15 Britain. (Anon.) 10 English literature. 13, 14 Frith, H., and Rawson, W. S. Great words from great Amer- Engraving. 11 6 icans. 3 Entomology. 8, 9 Froissart, Sir J. 26 Greece, history. 24 Esquimaux. 19 Frost, J. 20 Greece (modern), description. Ethics. 1 Frost, W. H. 14 16 Etiquette. 3 Frothingham, O. B. 2 Greek literature. 14 Europe, description. 15-16 Frye, A. E. 7, 15 Greely, A. W. 7, 19, 21 Europe, history. 26-28 Fyffe, C. A. 24 Green, J. R. 25 Euphrates river. 16 Gage, A. P. 6 Greene, H. 10 Everett, C. C. 1 Galpin, C. 30 Greenland. 19 Everett, W. 2 Games. 11-12 Greey, E. 14 Exercise, physical. 10 Ganot, A. 6 Griffis, W. E. 4, 27, 28, 29 Exploration. 15 Gardening. 9, 11 Griffith, R. 10 Explorers. 17, 19, 21 Gardiner, S. R. 25 Griffiths, J. R. 21 INDEX. Page. Grimm, J. L. and H. K. 4, 5 Grinnell, G. B. 4 , 5, 29 Grohman, W. A. B. 18 Grote, G. 23 Guerber, H. (M.) A. 2, 5, 11, 24 Guest, M. J. 25 Guillemin, A. 6 Guizot, F. P. G. 27 Gymnastics. 10 Hailman, E. L. 3 Hale, E. E. 1, 2, 15, 17, 19, 20, 23, 27, 30, 32, 33 Hale, E. E. and L. P. 17 Hale, G. E. 7 Hale, L. P. 12 Hale, S. 29 Hall, B. 15 Hall, C. F. 19 Hall, M. L. 15 Hamblen, H. E. 15 Hamerton, P. G. 9 Hamlen, G. 1 Hammett, J. L., pub . 5 Hansa towns, The. 27 Hanson, C. H. 14 Hapgood, 0. C. 9 Hardinge, E. M.,ps. 8 Hardy, Mrs. A. S. 8 Hardy, E. J. 1 Hardy, G. E. 1 Harper’s young people. 1 Harraden. B. 19 Harris, A. B. 7, 8, 12, 20, 23 Harris, J. C. 4, 33 Harris, T. W. 9 Harrison, C. C. 4 Harrison, E. 5 Harrison, F. B. 26 Harrison, J. A. 24 Harfcland, E. S. 4 Hauff , W. 4 Havergal, F. R. 13 Hawaii, description. 19 Hawaii, history. 34 Hawthorne, J., and Lemmon, L. 3 Hawthorne, N. 2, 33 Haydn, J. 24 Hayes, I. I. 19 Hays, Mrs. W. J. 4 Health. 10 Heat. 6 Heaton, J. L. 33 Heilprin, A. 7 Heilprin, L. 27 Henderson, W. J. 11 Henley, W. E. 14 Henslow, G. 7 Heraldry. 20 Herodotus. 24 Heroic lives. (Anon.) 19 Herrick, S. B. 7, 8 Hibberd, S. 8 Higginson, S. J. 18 Higginson, T. W. 25, 31 Hill, C. T. 2 Hill, T. E. 1 Hillard, G. S. 12 History. 23-34 History of a ship. (Anon). 2 Page. Hive and its wonders, The. (Anon.) 8 Hofer, E. E. 2 Holder, C. F. 8, 18 Holidays. 23 Holland, description. 15, 16 Holland, history. 27 Holmes, F. M. 6, 10 Holy Land. 17 Hook, S. . 8 Hooker, J. D. 7 Hooker, W. 5, 6 Hopkins, A. A. 11 Hopkins, G. M. 6 Hopkins, L. P. 7 Horn of plenty of home poems, etc. (Anon.) 14 Horsemanship. 11-12 Horses. 8, 10 Horticulture. 11 Horwitz, C. N. 4 Hosmer, J. K. 24 Houghton, L. S. 2 Plousman, II. 7 Howells, W. D. 18, 33 Howitt, M. 13 Hubbard, C. B., comp. 3 Hubert, P. G. 21 Hug, L. 27 Hugessen, E. H. K., baron Brabourne. 4 Humphrey, F. A. 33 Humphrey, F. A., and Thom- as, E. M. 3 Humphrey, M. 4 Hungary, description. 16 Hungary, history. 27 Hunt, (j. H.) L. 14 Hunt, R., ed. 5 Hunting. 11-12 Hunting and fishing. 11-12 Huntington, E. 9 Hutchinson, H. N. 7 Hutton, A. 17 Huxley, T. II. 9 Hyatt, A. 9 Hygiene. 10 Ice. 7 Iceland, description. 16 Iceland, history. 27 Incas, The. 84 India, description. 16, 17 India, history. 28 Indians of the United States. 29 Industrials (biography. ) 19 Industry. 10 Ingelow, J. 4 Ingersoll, E. 7, 8, 9, 18 Insects. 7, 8, 9 Instinct. 9 Intelligence of animals. 9 Inventions. 9 Inventors. 20, 21 Ireland, description. 16 Ireland, history. 25 Irish literature. 15 Irving, W. 12, 13, 30, 33 Italian literature. 14 Italy, description. 15, 16 Italy, history. 26, 27 Jackson, II. M. !Page. 29 Jacobites. 25 Jacobs, J., ed. 4 Jameson, A. M. 11, 13 Japan, description. 16, 17 Japan, history. 28 Japanese literature. 14 Japp, A. H. 19 Java. 18 Jefferies, R. 4 Jenks, T. 4, 9 Jerdon, G. 4 Jerrold, W. 6, 10 Jerrold, W. B. 13 Jerusalem, description. 16, 17 Jesse, E. 15 Jesse, J. H. 20 Jesus Christ. 1, 2 Jewett, S. O. 27 Jews, The. (History.) 24 Johnson, A. 6 Johnson, A. H. 27 Johnson, (E.) R. 31 Johnston, A. 30 Johonnot, J. 8, 23, 30 Joinery. 10 Joinville, J. de. 26 Jones, Mrs. C. S., ; and Wil- liams, II. T. li Jones, L. E. 11 Jones, M. 26 Jordan, D. S. 8 Joseph. 1 Josephus. 24 Joy, J. R. 24, 25 Joyce. J. 5 Joyce, P. W. 15 Judaea. 24 Judson, II P. 2, 30 Kane, E. Iv. 19 Keary, A. M. and E. 2 Keddie, II. 20 Keene, J. H. 11 Keiffer, H. M. 32 Keightley, T. 2 Kellogg, E. M. C. 15, 18 Kelley, J. D. J. 28 Kelly, M. A. B. 8 Kennedy, W. S. 2 Kent, C. 10 Kentucky. 33 King, C. F. 2 King, E. 18 Kingsley, C. 4, 7 Kingsley, R. G. 25 Kingston, W. H. G. 4, 15, 17 Kipling, R. 4 Kirby, M. and E. 9 Kirkland, E. S. 2, 9, 13, 25, 27 Kirkwood, L. J. 9 Kirwan, T. 7 Knight, C. 25 Knights of St. John. 27 Knowles, F. L. 13 Knox, T. W. 8, 10, 11, 19, 24 Krehbiel, H. E. 11 Laboulaye, E. R. F. 4 Lacombe, P. 3, 27 Ladd, H. O. 31,33 Lamb, C. 14 Lamb, C. and M. 13 Page. Land of the lion, The. (Anon.) Q Lane, Mrs. C. A. 2, 4 Lang, A., ed. 4, 8 Lanier, S. 14, 26 Lathrop, G. P. 4 Latimer, E. W. 25, 27- Latin literature. 14 Law. 2 Lawless, E. 25 Lawn tennis. 11-12 Lee, S. 17 Lee, Yan Phou. 17 Leete, C. FI. 18 Lefevre, A. 11 Legends. 11 Legerdemain. 11 Leland, C. G. 2, 11 Leslie, G. D. 7 Lewis, A. J., (Prof. Hoffman, ps.) 5, , 11, 12 Lewis, E. 10 Lewis, W. H. 12 Lexington, Mass. 18 Light. 6 Lighthouses. 17 Lightning. 6 Lillie, L. C. 11 Lippincott, S. J. (Grace Greenwood, ps.) 10 Litchfield, M. E. 2 Literature. 12-15 Literature, classic. 14 Literature, selections. 12 Little Arthur’s history of France. (Anon.) 27 Lockhart, J. G. 15 Lockwood, I. 4 Lockwood. S. 8 Lockyer, J. N. 6 Lodge, H. C. 30 London, description. 15 London, history. 25 Long, C. C. 7 Longfellow, H. W. 12, 13 Lossing, B. J. 20, 33 Lotlirop, D. & Co. , pubs. 8 Lothrop, H. M. (M. Sidney.) Louisbourg. 17, 18 29 Louisiana. 34 Lovering, A. T. 33 Loving service stories. 2 Low, C. R. 17 Lowell, J. R. 13, 15 Lubbock, Sir J. 7, 8, 9 Lucian. 14 Lukin, J. 10 Lummis, C. F. 4, 18 Lunt, H. 9 Mabie, H. W. 14 Mabinogion, The. 14 McCaskey, J. P. 12 Maccoll, L. M. 27 McCook, H. C. 8 Macdonald, G. 4 MacDonald, J. 1 Mace, J. 10 McGregor, J. 17 Machar, A. M. 29 Mackarness, M. A. 2 INDEX. \ McKee ver, H. B. Page. 2 Mackintosh, J. 25 McLaughlin, M. L. 11 Maclay, E. S. 33 McMaster, J. B. 30 Macy, J. 2 Magazines. 1 Magic. 11 Mahaffy, J. P. 24 Maine, description. 17, 18 Maine, history. 33 Manning, A. 20 Manson, G. J. 9 Manufactures. 10 Marden, O. S. 1 Markham, A. H. 19 Markham, R. 30 Marquis, T. G. 29 Martin, A. 17 Martin, E. A. 7 Martin, H. 27 Maskell, A. E. A. 8 Massachusetts, description. Massachusetts, history. 17, 18 33 Masson, G. 27 Mateaux, C. L. 10 Mathews, F. S. 8 Matson, H. 1 Matthews, (J.) B. 13 Maud, C. 14 Maynard, C. J. 9 Mead, T. H. 12 Mears, J. W. 2 Mechanical arts. 10 Mechanics. 10 Media. 24 Menault, E. 9 Mendenhall, T. C. 6 Merriam, F. A. 8 Metal-working. 10 Meunier, Y. 11 Mexican war. 31 Mexico, description. 17, 18 Mexico, history. 29 Meyer, L. J. (Lucy J. Rider.) 6 Middle ages, history. 26, 27 Middle states, history, 80, 33, 34 Miles, H. H. 29 Millard. J. 12 Miller, O. T., ps. 2, 8, 9 Milton. J. 13 Mineralogy. 6,7 Mining. 10 Minnsen, M. 5 Missionaries. 20 Missions. 1 Mississippi river, The. 17 Missouri . 33 Mitchell, D. G. 13, 20 Mitchell, S. W 4 Mixter W. G. 6 Model making. 10 Moncrieff, R. H. 15, 28 Montgomery, D. H. 14, 25, 27, 30 Monroe, L. B. 12 Monroe, Mrs. L. B. 30 Monteiro, M. 5 Montmahon, C. de., and Beau- regard, H. 8 Page. Montresor, C. A. 11 Moon. 6 Moore, A., and Nichols, L. D. 6 Moore, J. W. 18, 38 Moore, N. 31, 33 Moors. 27 Morfill, W. R. 27 Morgan, T. J. 2 Morley, M. W. 6 Morocco, history. 28 Morris, C. 25, 27, 30 Morris, E. 9 Morris, F. O. 10 Morris, Mrs. R. C. 17 Morris, W. O’C. 27 Morse, E. P. 9, 11 Mortimer, E. 2 Morton, H. 2 Motley, J. L. 27 Mountaineering. 15 Mowry, W. A. 3 Mowry, W. A. and A. M. 30 Mudge, Z. A. 19 Muir, M. M. P. 6 Munkittrick, R. K. 4 Munro, J. 6, 7, 21 Murche, V, T. 5 Musseus, J. K. A. 5 Music. 11 Musicians 20 Musick, J. R. 33 Myers, P. V. N. 24 Mythology. 2 Myths. 3-5 Nansen, F. 19 Napier, C. O. G. 5 Naples, description. 15 Napoleon I. 27 National flowers. 20 Natural history. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Naturalists. 20 Nature. 5, 6, 7 Needlework. 9 Neidlinger, W. H. 11 Nesbitt, M. L. 5 Netherlands, history. 27 New England, description. 17 New England, history. 33 New Hampshire, descrip’n. 17 New Jersey. 33 New Mexico. 33 New York City. 18 New York City, history. 33, 34 New York State. 18 New York State, history. 33 New Zealand. 34 Newell, J. H. 7 Newhall, C. S. 8 Nibelungenlied. 2 Nichols, L. D. 7 Nicoll, H. J. 13 Niger river, The. 17 Nile, The. 17 Noel, M. 9 Noll, A. H. 29 Nordhoff. C. 2 Normandy, description. 16 Normans. 27 Norse literature. 14 Norsemen. 27 INDEX. Page. North America, descript’n. 17 North America, history. 29 North Carolina. 83 North pole. 19 Northrup, H. D. 5, 17 Norton, C. E. 4, 12 Norway, description. 16 Norway, history. 27 Notes for boys. 1 Nutting, M. O. 27 Ober, F. A. 17, 29 Ocean, The. 7, 15 Ohio, history. 33 Ohio river, The. 17 Ohio valley, history. 80 Old South leaflets. 30 Oliphant, M. O. W. 25 Olmsted, D. 6 Oman, C. W. C. 27 O’Neill, M. 4 Opera. 11 Oratorios. 11 Oregon, description. 17, 33 Oswald, F. L. 18 Our children’s songs. 14 Our little men and women. 1 Our young folks. 1 Owen, C. (Mrs. Nitzsch). 9 Owen, M. A. 5 Pacific islands, description. 18, 19 Packard, A. S. 9 Painters. 20 Painting. 11 Palmer, B. 14 Pansy (magazine). 1 Palatines, The. 33 • Palestine, description. 17 Paris, description. 15, 16 Park, Mungo. 17 Parker, F. W. , and Helm, N. L. 5 Parkman, F. 17, 29, 33 Pasadena, Cal. 18 Patmore, C. 14 Patriotism. 1 Paul, N. M. 27 Pawnee Indians. 29 Payne, E. J. 15 Pearson, E. C. 10 Peary, J. D. 19 Peary, R. E. 19 Peile, S. C. F. 12 Percy, T. 13 Periodicals. 1 Pepper, J. H. 6 Perrault, C. , and others. 5 Persia (ancient), history. 24 Persia (modern), history. 28 Perspective. 11 Peru. 34 Peters, C. 11 Pets. 10 Philadelphia. 34 Philbrick, J. D. 12 Photography. 11 Physical culture. 10 Physical geography. 5, 6, 7 Physics. 5, 6 Pianoforte. 11 Pictures. 11 Pigeons. Page. 10 Pilgrim fathers, The. 33 Pimblett, W. 28 Pirates. 15 Pitcairn island. 34 Planche, J. R. 3 Plants. 7, 8 Platt, J. 1 Pliny, the elder. 5 Plutarch. 14 Plymouth, Mass. 33 Poetry, American. 12-13 Poetry, British. 13 Poetry, collections. 14, 30 Poetry for children. 14 Poets. 20 Poland. 27 Political economy. 3 Politics. 2, 3 Pollard, A. 24 Pollard, J. 11 Polo, Marco. 17 Pompeii. 16 Pontiac’s conspiracy. 29 Poole, S. L. 27, 28 Poole, W. F., and Fletcher, W. I. 1 Pope, A. 13 Porcelain. 11 Portraits and biographical sketches of American authors. (Anon.) 20 Portsmouth, N. H. 33 Poucliet, F. A. 6 Poulsson, E. 3 Poultry. 10 Pratt, M. L. 6, 7, 30, 33 Pratt, W. S. 11 Prescott, W. FI. 27 Presidents. 20 Pretenders. 25 Printing. 10 Proctor, R. A. 6 Puzzles. 11 Pyke, R. 4 Pyle, H. 4, 15 Queens. 20 Ragozin, Z. A. 24 Railroads. 2 Rand, E. S., jr. 11 Rand, McNally & Co., pubs. Reading. 15 1 Reclus, J. J. E. 7 Recreation. 11-12 Reddall, H. F. 3 Redway, J. W. 15 Reed, H. T. o o Reformation. 2 Regicides. 20 Reign of terror. 26 Religion. 1 Repplier, A. 14 Retreats. 23 Rhine, The. 15 Richard I. 25 Richards, L E. 21 Richards, W. 20 Richardson, A. S. 13, 30 Richardson, B. W. 1 Richardson, J. 17 Rideing, W. H. Page. 20, 25 Riley, J. W. 12 Robins. 9 Rocheleau, W. F. 10 Rocky Mountains. 18 Rodway, J. 9 Roe, E. P. 9 Rogers, J. E. T. 27 Rolfe, W. J. 25 Rolfe, W. J., ed. 4 Rome, antiquities. 15, 16 Rome, description. 15 Rome, history. 24 Roosevelt, T. 30, 33 Roscoe, H. E. 6 Rossetti, C. G. 13 Routledge, R. 9 Rougemont, A. de. 5 Rulers 19 Rupert, W. W. 15 Ruskin, ,J. 4, 13 Russia, description. 16 Russia, history. 26, 27 Ryder, A. H. 1 S., E. L. 23, 27 Salford, M. J., and Allen, M. E. Sailing. 10 11-12 Sailors. 19, 20 Saints. 20 Salem, Mass. 33 Samuels, M. 9 Sandwich islands. 19 Sanford, E. B. 33 Sangster, M. E. 12 Sargent, D. A. 12 Sargent, E. 14, 19 Sargent, J. F., M. E., and A. L. 1 Saunders, M. 10 Saunders, W. 9 Sauveur, L. 5 Sauzay, A. 10 Saxon, E. L. 23, 27 Scherren, H. 9 Schrakamp, J., comp. 5 Schwab, G. 5 Science. 5-7 Scientists. 20 Scotland, description. 15 Scotland, history. 25 Scott, Sir W. 13, 25, 27 Scudder, H. E. 4, 13, 30, 33 Scudder, S. H. 9 Sculpture. 11 Sea and sailors. 15 Seals. 8 Seavey, W. C. 30 Seawell, M. E. 20, 33 Seelye, E. E. 29 Segur, P. P., comte. 23 Sermons. 2 Serviss, G. P. 6 Seward, O. R. 15 Sewell, A. 10 Sewing. 9 Shakespeare, W. 13, 14 Shaler, N. S. 7, 17 Shaw, F. L. 34 Shea, J. G. 30 Shearman, M. 12 INDEX. Page. Sheldon, M. D. 24 Sheldon, M. V. 17 Sherman, F. D. 12 Sherwood, M. E. W. 12, 20 Shields, G. O. 12 Shipwrecks. 15 Shirley, Mass. 18 Shoemaker, C. C. 12 Shoemaker, J. W. 12 Siam, description. 16 Siberia, description. 17 Sickel, I. 10 Sigourney, L. H. 12 Silver fairy book, The. 4 Simmons, A. T. 6 Sleight-of-hand. 11 Sloane, T. O’C. 5, 6 Smiles, S. 1 , 15, 21 Smiley, A. E. 12 Smith, E. 3 Smith, F. H. 18 Smith, H. (Hesba Stretton, ps.) 2 Smith, H. A. 15, 20, 30 Smith, M. C. 17 Smith, S. F. 27 Smith, W. B. 32 Snow. 7 Sociology. 2 Soley, J. R. 32, 33 Soil. 9 Soldiers. 20, 21 Songs. 11 South, The. 18 South Africa, history. 28 South America, descript’n. 18 Southwest, The. 18 Spain, description. 16 Spain, history. 26, 27 Spanish literature. 14 Speaker’s garland. 12 Speke, J. H. 17 Spear, M. A. 7 Spears, J. R. 33 Spenser, E. 13, 14 Spiders. 9 Sports. 11-12 Spry, W. J. J. 15 Stables, G. 10 Stagg, A. A. 12 Stanley, A. P. 2 Stanley, H. M. 4, 17 Starr, F. 7 Stars. 6 Statesmen. 19, 20, 21 Stead, R. 27 Steam engines. 10 Steam-ships. 2, 10 Stearns, A. 4 Stearns, W. A. 9 Steel, F. A. 4 Steele, J. D. 6, 30 Steele. T. S. 18 Step, E. 7 Stephens, C. A. 17 Stephens, H. M. 27 Stern, S. M. 5 Stevenson, R. L. 13, 14 Stevenson, S. H. 5 Stewart, A. 14 Stillman, W. J. 1 Page. Stirring events of history. (Anon). 23 Stockton, F. R. 4, 33 Stoddard, R. H. 20 Stoddard, W. O. 20 Stories of the sea. (Anon). 15 Stories from English his- tory for young Ameri- cans. (Anon). 25 Storme, G. 5 Stowe, H. B. 9 Streets. 15 Strength. 10 Strickland, A. 20 Strong, F. L. 7 Strutt, J. 12 Sun. 6 Sutherland, A. and G. 34 Swinton, W. 15, 24 Swinton, W., and Cathcart, G. R. 4 Swiss cross, The. 5 Switzerland, description. 15 Switzerland, history. 27 Symbolism. 11 Symondson, F. W. H. 15 Symphonies. 11 Syria. 17 Tales of captivity and exile. (Anon). 19 Tarbell, H. S. 5, 15 Tayler, F. 11 Taylor, B. 17 Taylor, E. 30 Taylor, F. 11 Taylor, F. L. 3 Taylor, J. E. 7 Taylor, L. 6 Telegraph. 21 Temperance. 1 Tenney, A. A. G. 9 Tennyson, A. 13, 14 Terhune, M. V. (Marion Har- land,ps.). 9 Thalheimer, M. E. 30 Thayer, W. M. 1, 19, 20. 32 Theall, G. M. 28 Thomas, A. C. 30 Thomas, E. M. 12, 13 Thomas, R. 15 Thompson, J. P. 2 Thompson, M. 9, 12, 34 Thomson, J. 15, 17 Thomson, W. M. 17 Thunder . 6 Thorp, Mrs. 7 Thorpe, B. 4 Thorpe, F. N. 2 Thwaites, R. G. 34 Thurston, R. H. 10 Tidy, C. M. 5 Tigris river. 16 Tilton, S. W. 14 Tissandier, G. 6 Todd, C. B. 34 Tomlins, W. L. 11 Torpedoes. . 2 Towle, G. M. 20, 25 Trades. 10 Trapping. 11-12 Travellers. 19, 21 Page. Travels. 15-19 Treanor, T. S. 2 Treat, M. 9 Trees. 7-8 Tregarthen, G. 34 Trenton, campaign of. 30 Trimmer, Mrs. 9 Tripoli, history. 28 Trowbridge, J. 7 Troy (ancient history), 24 True stories of American wars. (Anon). 30 Tucker, C. M. 9 Tunis, history. 28 Turkey, history. 27 Tyler, H. W. 6 Tyrol, description. 16 Uncle Frank, ps. 4 Uncle Lawrence, ps. 7 United States, description, 17, 18 U. S. , discovery and explora- tion. 29, 30 U. S. history — civil war. 33 U. S. history— general. 29, 33 U. S. history — Indian wars. 29 U. S. history— revolution and war of 1812. 30-32 U. S. history — to civil war. Upton, G. P. 30-32 11 U. S. Navy. 33 Useful arts. 9-10 Valentine, L. J. 19 Valentine, L. J., comp. 4 Vambery, A. 27 Van Bergen, R. 28 Van Bruyssel, E. 9 Van Dyke, J. C. 11 Varney, G. J. 33 Venice, history. 27 Verity, J. B. 7 Vermont. 33 Vernaleken, T. 5 Verne, J. 15 Viardot, L. 11 Victoria cross. 20 Vikings. 27 Vincent, F. 15, 18 Vincent, F., comp. 7 Viollet-le-Duc, E. E. 11 Virginia, description. 18 Virginia, history. 30, 33 Virtues. 1 Voyagers. 19, 21 Wagner, C. 1 Walker, D. 12 Walker, F. A. 3 Walker, G., and Jenks, H. S. 3 Walsh, W. S. 15, 24 Ward, H. W. 8 Ware, E. R. 7 Warner, C. D. 17, 18 Warren, I. P. 20 Warriors. 20 Warwickshire. 16 Washington, D. C. 18 Washington, D.C., history. 34 Water. 7 Waters, C. E. Clement. 28 INDEX. Watson, H. C. Page. 27, 31 Watson, J. F. 33 Watts, H. E. 27 Watts, J. G. 14 Weather. 7, 9 Webb. H. L. B. 5 Weed, C. M. 8 Wells, H. P. 12 Welsh literature. 14 West, The, description. 17, 18 West, The, history. 30, 33 Westminster Abbey. 25 Weston, J. L. 15 What shall we talk about? 5 , 7 Whitcomb, I. P. 7 White, G. 9 White, J. S. 24 White, M. 12 White, S. J. 9 Whitman, S. W. 11 Whitney, A. D. T. 9 Whitney, C. W. 18 Whittier, J. G. 12, 14 Whittier, J. G., ed. 4 Page. Whymper, F. 19 Wide awake. 1 Wiel, A. 27 Wilkins, M. E. 4, 12 Wilkinson, J. A.. 15 Willard, F. E. 1 Willing, F. S. 20 Willsey, J. H. 24 Wilson, W. 3 Wiltse, S. E. 2 Winthrop, T. 18 Witt, C. 2 Witt, H. 27 Wisconsin. 34 Wise, J. S. 10 Wister, A. L., trails. 4 Women. 20 Wood, J. G. 6, 9, 10 Wood-carving. 11 Woodward, A. A. 15 Wood-working. 10 Wood-working tools and how to use them. 10 Woolman, M. S. 9 Page. Woolsey, S. C. ’ 12, 13, 34 Wordsworth, W. 13, 14 Work. 10 World of ad venture (Anon). 19 Wratislaw, A. H. 5 Wright, C. R. A. 6 Wright, H. C. 12, 13, 29, 30 Wright, J. McN. 7 Wright, L. 10 Wright, M. O. 6, 7, 9 Wright, M. O., andCoues, E. 9 Yeats, W. B., ed. 4 Yechton, B., ps. of L. F. Krause. 2 Yellowstone national park. 17 Yonge, C. M. 2, 19, 23, 24, 25, 27 Youmans, E. A. 7 Young, A.. 27 Zimmern, II. 2, 27 Zoology. 8-9 Zululand. 17 BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE. General Works. Periodicals. 1. IN JUVENILE DEPARTMENT. Babyland, V. 8-13, 20. j 051+B Dodge, M.M. The baby -world; stories, rhymes and pictures for little folks ; from St. Nicholas. j 051+S2 The new baby- world. j 051-j-S3 Hamlen, G. (Our Tender, ps.) Chats, j 050 H Harper’s young people. j 051+H Note . — Title has been changed to Harper’s round table. Our little men and women. 9 v. j 051 Ou Our young folks. 9 v. j 051 O Pansy, The. v. 13, 16, 18-21, 23. j 051+P St. Nicholas. j 051 S Wideawake. j 051 W 2. IN MAIN COLLECTION. Brookings, W. , and Ringwalt, R. Briefs for debate. Index table. Burt, M. E. Literary landmarks. 028 B9 Caller, M. A. Literary guide for home and school. 028 C Champlin, J. D. Young folk’s cyclopaedia of common things. Cyclopaedia cases. Young folk’s cyclopaedia of persons and places. Cyclopaedia cases. Hardy, G. E. Five hundred books for the young. 028 H2 Hill, T. E. Hill’s manual of social and busi- ness forms. 080-j-A Matson, H. References for literary workers. 028 M Note .— Very useful in preparation of arguments for debate. Poole, W. F. , and Fletcher, W. I. Poole’s in- dex to periodical literature. Index table Sargent, J. F., M. E., and A. L. Reading for the young. 028+S3 Garrison, W. P. Parables for school and home, j 170 G Hardy, E. J. The sunny days of youth. j 170 H4 Marden, O. S. Architects of fate ; or, steps to success and power. j 170 M 6 Pushing to the front ; or, success under dif- ficulties. j 170 M5 Notes for boys (and their fathers). By an old boy. j 170 N Ryder, A. H. Go right on, girls ! Develop your bodies, your minds, your characters. j 173 R Thayer, W. M. The true woman. j 177 T 6 2. IN MAIN COLLECTION. Beecher, H. W. Twelve lectures to young men. 170 D3 Burdette, R. J. Before he is twenty. 170 B5 Chester, E. Girls and women. 177 C5 Clarke, J. F. Self-culture. 170 A Colin, Lady M. , and Sheldon, M. F. Every- body’s book of correct conduct. 170 C 8 Collyer, R. Talks to young men. 170 C Hale, E. E. How to do it. 177 A MacDonald, J. Business success. 174 M Platt, J. Business. 174 P Richardson, B. W. Temperance lesson book. 178 R Smiles, S. Character. 170 S3 Self-help. 170 SI Thrift. 170 S2 Stillman, W. J. Billy and Hans. 1793 SI Wagner, C. Courage. 170 W3 Youth. 170 W2 Willard, F. E. How to win. 177 W Religious Subjects, Including Religious Fiction. 1. IN JUVENILE DEPARTMENT. Conduct of Life. Ethics. 1. IN JUVENILE DEPARTMENT. Adams, W. H. D. The threshold of life. j 170 A3 Bierbower, A. The virtues and their reasons ; a system of ethics. j 1702 C Carrington, H. B. Beacon lights of patriot- ism. j 172 C Chester, E. Chats with girls on self-culture. j 170 C5 Clark, F. E. Our business boys. j 174 A — And others. A book for boys and girls. j 174 A1 Contents : Our business boys, by F.E. Clark ; art of good manners, by Mrs. S. D. Power ; business openings for girls, by S. J. White. Dodge, G. H. A bundle of letters to busy girls on practical matters. j 177 C Thoughts of busy girls. j 170 D5 Egan, M. F. A gentleman. j 170 E5 Everett, C. C. Ethics for young people. j 1702 E Alden, I. M. (Pansy, ps.). Stories and pictures from the life of Jesus. 3 ' 2329 A2 Alice Thorne; or, a sister’s work. (Anon.) 3 244 A5 Banks, L. A. Hero tales from sacred story. 3 220 Bll Banks, M. B, Heroes of the South Seas. 3 266 B3 Bennett, W. H., and Adeney, W. F. The Bible story retold for young people : Old Testa- ment, by Bennett ; New Testament, by Adeney. 3 220 B Bird, R. Jesus, the carpenter of Nazareth; by a layman. (Anon.) 3 2329 J Joseph, the dreamer. 3 2209 B 8 Bunyan, J. The pilgrim’s progress. 3 244 B Church, A. J. Stories from the Bible. j 2209 C3 Cobbin, I. Cobbin’s commentary on the Bible, for young and old. 3 220-f-C Denison, M. A. Antoinette ; or, the child- angel. 3 243 D3 Douglas, A. M. The heroes of the crusades. 3 2704 D RELIGIOUS SUBJECTS. MYTHOLOGY. SOCIOLOGY. Everett, W. School sermons; preached to the boys in Adams academy, Quincy, Mass. j 252 E8 Foote, M. H. A life of Christ for young people; in questions and answers. j 2329 F4 Frothingham, O. B. Stories from the lips of the teacher. j 226 F Gray, G. Z. The children’s crusade ; an .epi- sode of the 13th century. j 2705 A Guerber, H. (M.) A. The story of the chosen people. j 2209 G5 Hale, E. E. Sunday-school stories. j 244 H Hofer, A. Child’s Christ-tales. j 2329 H7 Houghton, L. S. The Bible in picture and story. j 22095+H Loving service stories (Fiction). j 244 L McKeever, H. B. Sunshine; or, Kate Vinton. j 244 M Mears, J. W. Beggars of Holland, and gran- dees of Spain ; a history of the Reforma- tion in the Netherlands : A.D. 1200-1578. j 2706 A Mortimer, E Line upon line; a second series of the earliest religious instruction the in- fant mind is capable of receiving. j 2209 M9 Precept upon precept ; a third series of the earliest religious instruction. j 221 A Morton, H. Stories of Jesus, for little chil- dren. j 2329 M Smith, H. (Hesba Stretton, ps.) The child’s life of Christ. j 2329 S Stanley, A. P. Sermons for children, j 252 S9 Thompson, J. P. Jesus of Nazareth, j 2329 T6 Treanor, T. S. The log of a sky pilot ; or, work and adventure around the Goodwin Sands j 266 T9 Yechton, B., ps; of L. F. Krause. Christine’s inspiration. j 244 Y Yonge, C. M. Young folks’ history of the Bible. j 22095 Y Mythology. 1. IN JUVENILE DEPARTMENT. Baldwin, J. The story of Siegfried, j 293 B A story of the golden age. j 292 B2 Old Greek stories ; 3d reader grade, j 292 B3 Bulfinch, T. The age of fable. j 292 C Cox, G. W. Tales of ancient Greece, j 292 B Francillon, R. E. Gods and heroes ; or, the kingdom of Jupiter. j 292 F Firth, E. M. Stories of old Greece, j 292 F5 Hawthorne, N. The wonderbook : Tangle- wood tales. j H313 W Keary, A. M. and E. Heroes of Asgard ; tales from Scandinavian mythology. j 293 A Litchfield, M. E. The nine worlds ; stories from Norse mythology. j 293 L Zimmern, H. Old tales from Greece, j 292 Z 2. IN MAIN COLLECTION. Ely, T. Olympos ; tales of the gods of Greece and Rome. 292 E Gayley, C. M., ed. The classic myths in English literature. 292 G Guerber, H. (M.) A. Myths of Greece and Rome. Keightley, T. Fairy mythology. 291 C Leland, C. G. Algonquin legends. 299 L Witt, C. Classic mythology. 292 A Sociology. 1. IN JUVENILE DEPARTMENT. Abbott, B. V. The travelling law-school, and Famous trials; first lessons in government and law. j 3409 A Alton, E. Among the law-makers, j 32873 A Austin, O. P. Uncle Sam’s secrets ; a story of national affairs, for the youth of the na- tion. j 3218 A5 Brooks, E. S. The Century book for young Americans. j 3218 B5 Brooks, N. How the republic is governed. j 3218 B7 Burt, M. E., ed. Little nature studies for little people. j 3723 B Stories from Plato and other classic writers : Hesiod, Homer, Aristophanes, Ovid, Ca- tullus, and Pliny. j 372 B Chaplin, F., and Humphrey, F.A. Little folks of other lands. j 390 C5 Dawes, A. L. How we are governed. j 34273 D Giffen, W. M. Civics for young Americans. j 34273 G Gilmore, J. Storm warriors ; or, life-boat work on the Goodwin Sands. j 369 G Hill, C. T. Fighting a fire. j 352 H History of a ship from her cradle to her grave ; with a short account of modern steamships and torpedoes. j 387 H Judson, H. P. The young American ; a civic reader. j 3218 J Kennedy, W. S. Wonders and curiosities of the railway. j 3S5 K King, C. F. Picturesque geographical read- ers ; as follows : V. 1. At home and at school. j 3728 K4 V. 2-5. This continent of ours. j 3728 K5-K8 V. 6. Northern Europe. j 3728 K9 Kirkland, E. S. Speech and manners for home and school. j 395 A Lane, Mrs. C. A. Stories for children ; 1st reader grade. j 3724 L Mackarness, M. A. Children of the olden time. j 390 M Macy, J. First lessons in civil government. j 34273 M9 Miller, O. T., ps. Little people of Asia. j 392 A Morgan, T. J. Patriotic citizenship, j 3218 M5 Nordhoff, C. Politics for young Americans. j 320 N Thorpe, F. N. Government of the people. j 3218 T Treanor, T. S. Heroes of the Goodwin Sands. j 369 T Wiltse, S. E. Stories for kindergarten and private schools. j 3722 W9 2. IN MAIN COLLECTION. Ayres, A., ps. of T. E. Osmun. The mentor ; a little book for the guidance of men and boys. 395 A8 292 G8 — 2 — SOCIOLOGY. FOLK AND FAIRY TALES. Bunce, O. B. Don’t ; directions for avoiding improprieties. 395 E Bunce, Mrs. O. B. What to do ; a companion to Don’t. 395 El Corbin, J. School boy life in England. 8734 C Crocker, G. G. Principles of procedure in deliberative bodies. 3281 C7 Demmin, A. Arms and armour. 355 C Dole, C. F. The American citizen. 320 D8 Fiske, J. Civil government in the United States. > 3218 Fl Great words from great Americans. 320 G Hailman, E. L. Songs, games, and rhymes. 3722+H3 Hubbard, C. B., comp. Merry songs and games for kindergartens. 3722-f-H8 Humphrey, F.A., and Thomas, E. M. Babes of the nations. 391 M8 Lacombe, P. Arms and armour. 355 B Mo wry, W. A. Studies in civil government. 34273 M Blanche, J. R. British costume. 391 P Poulsson, E. Finger-plays for nursery and kindergarten. 3722 P5 Reddall, H. F. School-boy days in merrie England. 373 R Reed, H. T. Cadet life at West Point. 355 R Smith, E. Songs for little children. 3722+S7 Taylor, F. L. The Werner primer. 3724 T Walker, F. A. First lessons in political economy. 3302 W2 Walker, G., and Jenks, H. S. Songs and games for little ones. 3722+W2 Wilson, W. The state; elements of historical and practical politics. 320 W5 3. STORIES. Clark, H. H. Boy-life in the United States navy. j C545 B Joe Bentley ; sequel to Boy-life. j C545 J Nordhoff, C. Man-of-war life. j N75 Ma Folk and Fairy Tales. 1. IN JUVENILE DEPARTMENT. Alger, A. L. In Indian tents ; stories told by Penobscot, Passamaquoddy, and Micmac Indians. j F 398 A5 Andersen, H. C. Danish fairy tales. j FAn21 D Fairy tales ; 1st series, adapted to children reading the 3d reader ; ed. by. J. H. Stick- ney. j FAn21 F Fairy tales ; 2d series, adapted to children reading the 4th reader ; ed Stickney. ‘ j FAn21 Fl Hans Andersen’s fairy tales ; trans. by Mrs. Pauli. j FAn21 H Stories ; with a sketch of the author. j FAn21 St Stories and fairy tales ; trans. by H O. Som- mer. 2 v. j FAn21 S Stories and tales. j FAn21 SS Wonder stories. j FAn21 W Arabian nights ; ed. by E. E. Hale, j FArl A Fairy tales from the Arabian nights ; ed. by E. Dixon. j FArl D Asbjornsen, P. C. Folk and fairy tales. j FAsl F Tales from the f jeld. j FAsl T Atkinson, J. C. The last of the giant killers. j FAt5 L Scenes in fairyland. j FAt5 S Aulnoy, M. C. J. de B., Countess d’. Fairy tales ; trans. by Blanche. j FAu5 F Austin, J. G. Moonfolk. j FAu72 M Baldwin, J. Fairy stories and fables ; 2d reader grade. j F398 B5 Bangs, J. K. Half-hours with Jimmieboy. j FB22 H Baring-Gould, S. , comp. Old English fairy tales. j FB23 O Branch, M. L. B. The Kanter girls. j FB732 K Capuana, L. Once upon a time ; fairy tales ; trans. from the Italian j FC17 O Carey, M., comp. Fairy legends of the French provinces. j F398 C Carryl, C. E. Davy and the goblin, j FC25 D Champney, E. W. The bubbling tea-pot. j FC354 B In the sky-garden. j FC354 I Chodsko, A. Fairy tales of the Slav peasants and herdsmen. j FC455 F Church, A. J. Stories of the magicians. j FC471 M Clarke, R. S. (Sophie May, ps.) Fairy book. j C55 L4 Coleridge, S. Phantasmion. j FC67 P Compton, M. Snow-bird and the water- tiger, and other American Indian tales. j F398 C20 Cooke, F. J. Nature myths, and stories for little children. j F398 C22 Craik, D. M. (Miss Mulock.) The adventures of a brownie. j C843 Ad The fairy book. j FC843 F The little lame prince. j FC843 LL Little Sunshine’s holiday. j FC843 LS Croker, T. C. Fairy legends and traditions of the south of Ireland. j F398 C30 Curtin, J., comp. Hero-tales of Ireland. j F398 C15 Myths and folk-lore of Ireland. j F898 C8 Des Cheznez, E. M. Lady Green-satin and her maid Rosette. j FD452 L Dodgson, C. L. (Lewis Carroll, ps.) Alice’s adventures in wonderland. j FD684 A Sylvie and Bruno. j FD884 S Sylvie and Bruno concluded, j FD864 Sv Through the looking-glass, and what Alice found there. j FD664 T Douglas, Sir G., comp. Scottish fairy and folk tales. j F398 D6 English, T. D. Fairy stories and wonder tales. j F398 E Field, E. A little book of profitable tales. j FF45 L Fielde, A. M. Chinese nights’ entertainment. j F398 F5 Freiligrath-Kroecker, K. Alice thro’ the looking-glass. j F793 D Frere, M. Old Deccan days ; or, Hindoo fairy legends. j FF89 O Giberne, A. Father Aldur ; a water story. j FG351 F Gilman, J. B. The kingdom of coins, j FG42 K The musical journey and Dorothy and Delia. j FG42 M Goddard, J. Fairy tales in other lands, j FG54 F Golden fairy book, The ; comprising stories by Jokai (and others.) j F898 G3 -a- FOLK AND FAIRY TALES. Griffis, W. E. Japanese fairy world, j FG87 J Grimm, J. L. and H. K. German household tales. j FG81 Ge German popular tales and household stories. j FG81 P Grimm's Fairy tales and household stories; trans. by Mrs. Pauli. j FG81 F Grimm’s goblins; selected from the House- hold tales, and illustrated from Cruikshank’s designs. j FG81 G Grimm’s household tales; trans. by M. Hunt. 2 v. j FG81 H Grinnell, G. B. Pawnee hero-stories and folk-tales. j F9704 G Harris, J. C. Little Mr. Thimblefinger and his queer country. j FII24 L Mr. Rabbit at home. A sequel to Little Mr. Thimblefinger. j FH24 M Harrison, C. C. The old-fashioned fairy book. j FH248 O Hartland, E. S. English fairy and folk tales. j F398 HI Hauff, W. Longnose the dwarf, and other fairy tales. j FH29 L Hays, Mrs. W. J. Prince Lazybones, and other stories. j FH336 P Horwitz, C. N. Fairy-lure; German and Swedish fairy tales. j FH78 F Swanhilde, and other fairy tales, j FH78 S Hugessen, E. H. K., baron Brabourne. The magic oak-tree; and Prince Filderkin. j FH87 M Uncle Joe’s stories. j FH87 U Humphrey, M. Treasury of stories, rhymes, and jingles. j F769 H Ingelow, J. Mopsa, the fairy. j FIn4 M Jacobs, J., ed. The book of wonder voyages. j F398 J3 Celtic fairy tales. j FJ15 C English fairy tales. j FJ15 E Indian fairy tales. j FJ15 I More Celtic fairy tales. j FJ15 M More English fairy tales. j FJ15 ME Jefferies, R. Wood magic. j FJ38 W Jenks, T. Imaginotions. j FJ415 I Jerdon, G. Keyhole country. j F398 J Kingsley, C. Water babies, j FK615 W, W1 Kingston, W. H. G. The seven champions of Christendom. j FK619 Se Kipling, R. The jungle book. j FK625 J The second jungle book. j FK625 JS Laboulaye, E. R. F. Last fairy tales. j FLU 3 L Lane, Mrs. C. A. Stories for children. 1st. reader grade. j 3724 L Lang, A., ed. The blue fairy book, j FL25 B Fairy tale books ; based on the stories in the Blue fairy book 7 v., as follows: Little Red Riding-hood, and other stories. j FL25 F2 Cinderella, and other stories, j FL25 FI Jack, the giant-killer, and other stories. j FL25 F3 The sleeping beauty, and other stories. j FL25 F4 History of Whittington, and other stories. j FL25 F5 The princess on the glass hill, and other stories. j FL25 F6 Prince Darling, and other stories. j FL25 F7 j FL25 G My own fairy book. j FL25 M The pink fairy book. j FL25 Pi Prince Prigio. j FL25 Pr Prince Ricardo, Prince Prigio’s son. j FL25 P The red fairy book. j FL25 R The yellow fairy book. j FL25 Y Lathrop, G. P. “ Behind time.” j FL345 B Lockwood, I. Baron Trump’s marvellous underground journey. j FL81 B Lummis, C. F. The man who married the moon, and other Pueblo Indian folk-stories, j F398 L9 Macdonald, G. At the back of the north wind. j FM142 A Dealings with the fairies. j FM142 De A double story. j FM142 D The light princess, and other tales, j FM142 L The princess and Curdie. j FM142 Pr Mitchell, S. W. Prince Little-boy, and other tales. j FM696 P Munkittrick, R. K. The moon prince, and other nabobs. j FM924 M Norton, C. E. Fairy stories and classic tales of adventure. j 808 N, v. 3 O’Neill, M. The elf-errant. j FOn2 E Pyke, R. Adventures of Mabel. j FP993 A Pyle, H. The garden behind the moon. j FP99 G Pepper and salt; or, seasoning for young folks. j FP99+P Twilight land. j FP99 T The wonder clock; twenty-four marvellous tales. j FP99 W Rolfe, W. J., ed. Fairy tales. j F398 R Ruskin, J. The king of the Golden River. j FR89 K Scudder, H. E. The book of folk stories. j FScu2 F Scudder, H. E. , comp. The book of wonders. The book of popular tales. Stories from Hans Andersen. Tales from the Arabian Nights. in j Scu2+C Silver fairy book, The. Comprising stories by Voltaire (and others). j FSi3 S Stanley, H. M. My dark companions and their strange stories. j F398 S9 Stearns, A. Sindbad, Smith & Co. j St31 S Steel, F. A. Tales of the Punjab, told by the people. j FSt35 T Stockton, F. R. The beeman of Orn, and other fanciful tales. j FSt6 B Fanciful tales. j FSt6 Fa Floating prince, and other fairytales, j FSt6 F Ting-a-ling. j FSt6 Ti Swinton, W., and Cathcart, G. R. The book of tales. j FSw6 B Thorpe, B. Yule-tide stories; a collection of Scandinavian and north German tales. j FT39 Y Uncle Frank, ps. Prince Uno; Uncle Frank’s visit to fairy-land. j FF85 P Valentine, L. J., comp. The old fairy tales. j F398 V3 Whittier, J. G., ed. Fancies of child life. in j W61 C Wilkins, M. E. Once upon a time, and other child-verses. j 8114 W6 The pot of gold, and other stories, j FW65 P Wister, A. L., trans. Fairy tales from the German. j F398 W6- Yeats, W. B. , ed. Irish fairy and folk tales. j F398 Y — 4 - The green fairy book. FOLK AND FAIRY TALES. LANGUAGE. NATURAL SCIENCE. 2. IN MAIN COLLECTION. Andersen, H. C. Andersen’s marchen; ed., with notes and vocabulary, by O. B. Super. 833 An21 M Barlow, J. The end of Elfintown. (A poem.) 82189 B17 Bunce, J. T. Fairy tales; their origin and meaning. 398 A Clouston, W. A. A book of noodles. 398 G Curtin, J. , comp. Myths and folk-tales of the Russians, western Slavs, and Magyars. 398 C7 Tales of the fairies and of the ghost world. (Irish.) 398 C6 Dasent, Sir G. W. Popular tales from the Norse. 398 F Grimm, J. L. and W. K. Kinder- und Haus- marchen. 8337 A Grinnell, G. B. Blackfoot lodge tales. 398 G5 Hammett, J. L., pub. The Boston collection of kindergarten stories. 3722 H5 Harrison, E. In story-land. 3722 H Hunt, R., ed. Popular romances of the west of England. 398 H15 Monteiro, M. Legends and popular tales of the Basque people. 398 M Musaeus, J. K. A. Volksmarchen der Deut- schen. 833 M97 V Owen, M. A Voodoo tales, as told among the negroes of the Southwest. 398 O Perrault, C., and others. Contes de fees. 843 P42 C Popular tales ; ed. A. Lang. (In French.) 843 P42 P Contes de fees ; ed. by G. A. Fasnacht. 843 P42 Cl Fairy tales of Mother Goose. in 099 W Sauyeur, L., ed. Contes merveilleux des freres Grimm, Perrault, et Saintine. 4486 SI Schwab, G. Die deutschen volksbucher fur jung und alt. 398 S5 Yernaleken, T. In the land of marvels; folk-tales from Austria and Bohemia. 398 V Wratislaw, A. H. Sixty folk-tales from Slavonic sources. 398 W Language. 1. IN JUVENILE DEPARTMENT. Cyr, E. M. Children’s third reader, j 4286 C Gilman, A. Short stories from the dictionary. j 420 G Nesbitt, M. L. Grammar-land. j 425 N 2. IN MAIN COLLECTION. Ahn, F. Ahn’s first German book. 4382 A Alliott-Boymier, L. Contes et nouvelles. 4487 A Anderson, J. M. A study of English words. 420 A4 Bercy, P. La langue franpaise. 2 v. 4482 B Bowen, E. L., comp. First Italian readings. 4586 B Brandt, H. C. G. German reader for begin- ners. - 4386 BIO Daell, A. von. Introduction to the French language: grammar. 4482 D Daell, A., von , and Schrakamp, J. Das deutsehe buch fur anfanger. 4382 D8 Gelbach, W. Das erste buch fiir schule und haus. 4382 G Grandgent, C. H. Italian grammar. 455 G Guerber, H. (M.) A. Marchen und erzahlung- en. 4386 G Minnsen, M. Huit contes. 4487 M Rougemont, A. de. Anecdotes nouvelles. 4486 R1 Tarbell, H. S. Tarbell’s lessons in language. 2 v. 428 T Sauyeur, L. Causeries avec mes el&ves. 4486 S Contes merveilleux, avec etude de mots. 4486 SI Petites causeries. 4482 S Schrakamp, J., comp. Erzahlungen aus der deutschen geschichte fur schule und haus. 4387 S Stern, S. M. Studien und plaudereien. 1st and 2nd series. 4386 A Storme, G. Easy German reading. 4386 S Webb, H. L. B. German historical reading- book. 4387 W Natural Science. General and Miscellaneous. 1. IN JUVENILE DEPARTMENT. Atkinson, J. C. Walks, talks, travels and exploits of two schoolboys. j 504 A16 Ballard, H. H. Three kingdoms ; a hand- book of the Agassiz association. j 507 A Bell, N. R. E. (N. D’ Anvers, ps.) Science ladders. " j 504 B6 Bert, P. First steps in scientific knowledge. j 502 A Buckley, A. B. (Mrs. Fisher.) The fairy- land of science. j 504 E Through magic glasses. A sequel to The fairy-land of science. j 504 El Clodd, E. The childhood of the world ; a simple account of man in early times. j 571 D The story of primitive man. . j 571 D1 Darwin, C. R. What Mr. Darwin saw in his voyage round the world. j 508 D Gibson, W. H. Eye spy. j 504 G6 Hooker, W. The child’s book of nature. j 500 H Joyce, J. Scientific dialogues. 3 v. j 530 J Lewis, A. J. (Prof. Hoffman, ps.) Magic at home ; a book of amusing science, j 507 L Murche, V. T. Science readers ; revised and adapted for use in schools. 4 v. j 508 M Napier. C. O. G. Tommy Try, and wiiat he did in science. j 504 F Northrop, H. D. Earth, sea, and sky. j 504 H Parker, F. W., and Helm, N. L. Uncle Robert’s visit. j 504 P Pliny, the elder. The boys’ and girls’ Pliny ; being parts of Pliny’s Natural history; ed. by J. S. White. j 500 P Sloane, T. O’C. Home experiments in science. j 507 S Stevenson, S. H. Boys and girls in biology. j 5704 S Swiss cross, The ; a monthly magazine of the Agassiz association. j 505-f-S Tidy, C. M. Story of a tinder box. j 504 T5 What shall we talk about? or, things that everyone ought to know. j 504 W8 - 5 - NATURAL SCIENCE. ASTRONOMY. CHEMISTRY. ELECTRICITY. 2. IN MAIN COLLECTION. Brown, R., ed. Science for all. 5 v. 504+B8 Gibson, W. H. My studio neighbors. 504 G7 Sharp eyes ; 52 weeks among insects, birds, and flowers. 504 G5 Mosley, M. W. A song of life. 5704 M Pepper, J. H. Cyclopaedic science simplified. 504 P Pouchet, F. A. The universe ; or, infinitely great and infinitely little. 504 I Simmons, A. T. Physiography for beginners. 502 S Tissandier, G. Popular scientific recreations. 504 M Wood, J. G. Common objects of the micro- scope. 578 D Wright, M. O. The friendship of nature. 504 W5 8. STORY. Waterloo, S. The story of Ab ; a tale of the time of the cave men. W49.2 Astronomy, Stars. 1. IN JUVENILE DEPARTMENT. Ball, R. S. Star-land ; being talks with young people about the wonders of the heavens. j 5202 B1 Chambers, G. F. The story of the stars simply told for general readers j 528 C Flammarion, C. The wonders of the heavens. j 5202 C Giberne, A. Among the stars ; or, wonderful things in the sky. j 5204 C Sun, moon, and stars ; a book for beginners j 5204 E The starry skies ; or, first lessons on the sun, moon, and stars. j 5204 Cl Moore, A., and Nichols, L. D. Overhead; or, what Harry and Lucy discovered in the heavens. j 5204 M5 Olmstead, D. Compendium of astronomy. j 5202 02 Pratt, M. L. Story land of stars j 5204 P Taylor, L. Astronomers and their observa- tions. j 520 T 2. IN MAIN COLLECTION. Ball, Sir R. S. Time and tide ; romance of the moon. 5258 B Bayne, S. G. The pith of astronomy. 5202 B5 Chambers, G. F. The story of the solar system, simply told. 5232 C Gore, J. H. Geodesy. 5269 G7 Guillemin, A. Wonders of the moon. 5238 G Lockyer, J. N. Astronomy. (Science primers.) 5202 L Proctor, R. A. Easy star lessons. 523 P7 Serviss, G. P. Astronomy with an opera- glass. 523 S Chemistry, Physics. 1. IN JUVENILE DEPARTMENT. Abbott, J. Force. j 531 C Heat. j 536 B Light. j 535 C Ballard, H. H. The world of matter ; a guide to the study of chemistry and mineralogy. j 540 B Cooley, Le R. C. A guide to elementary chemistry, for beginners. j 5402 C Faraday, M. Lectures on the chemical history of the candle. j 540 A Holmes, F. M. Chemists and their wonders. j 540 H3 Hooker, W. First book in chemistry ; for the use of schools and families. j 540 H Johnson, A. Sunshine. j 535 J Meyer, L. J. (Lucy J. Rider.) Real fairy folks ; explorations in the world of atoms. j 5404 A Roscoe, H. E. Chemistry. (Science primers ) j 5402 D Tyler, H. W. Entertainments in chemistry. j 542 T Wright, C. R. A. The threshold of science. j 530 W 2. IN MAIN COLLECTION. Appleton, J. H. Beginner’s handbook of ele- mentary chemistry. 5402 A6 Barker, G. F. Text-book of elementary chemistry. 5402 B Gage, A. P. Elements of physics. 5302 G3 Ganot, A. Physics. 5302 A Hopkins, G. M. Experimental science. 5307 H, HI Mixter, W. G. Elementary text book of chemistry. 5402 M Muir, M. M. P. The story of the chemical elements. 541 Ml Olmstead, D. Natural philosophy. 5302 D Steele, J. D. Popular chemistry. 5402 S 3. STORIES. Jak, ps. of A. B. Williams. Professor Johnny. j J21 P Uncle Lawrence, ps. In search of a son. j L435 I Electricity. 1. IN JUVENILE DEPARTMENT. Atkinson, P. Electricity for everybody. j 537 A8 Barnard, C. First steps in electricity, j 537 F Cumming, L. Electricity treated experiment- ally. j 537 C5 Fonvielle, W. Thunder and lightning. j 5374 A Frith, H., and Rawson, W. S. Coil and current ; or, the triumphs of electricity. j 537 F8 Jerrold, W. Electricians and their marvels. j 537 J3 Mendenhall, T. C. A century of electricity. j 537 E Munro, J. The story of electricity, j 537 M10 Sloane, T. O’C. Electricity simplified. j 537 S3 2. IN MAIN COLLECTION. Atkinson, P. Elements of dynamic electricity. 537 A7 Brackett, C. F., and others. Electricitv in daily life. 5378 B7 ELECTRICITY. GEOLOGY. NATURAL HISTORY. BOTANY. Caillard, E. M. Electricity. 537 C3 Crofts, A. How to make a dynamo. 5378 C7 Kir wan, T. Easy lessons in electricity. 537 K Munro, J. Electricity and its uses. 5378 B Verity, J. B. Electricity up to date. 5378 V 3. STORIES. Trowbridge, J. The electrical boys, j T757 E The resolute Mr. Pansy. j T757 R Three boys on an electrical boat. j T757 T Geology, Mineralogy, Physical Geography. 1. IN JUVENILE DEPARTMENT. Abbott, J. Water and land. j 5514 B Ansted, D. T. In search of minerals, j 549 A Dana, J. D. The geological story briefly told. j 5502 D Frye, A. E. Brooks and brook basins. j 5514 F5 Gaye, S. The world’s lumber room, j 551 G5 Geikie, A. Geology. (Science primers.) j 5502 G1 Heilprin, A. The earth and its story ; a first book of geology. j 5502 H5 Herrick, S. B. The earth in past ages. j 550 H Hopkins, L. P. Handbook of the earth ; nat- ural methods in geography. j 551 H7 Hutchinson, H. N. The autobiography of the earth. j 5502 H Ingersoll, E. Old ocean. j 5514 I Kingsley, C. Madam How and Lady Why ; or, first lessons in earth lore for children. j 551 K Long, C. C. Home geography for primary grades. j 5514 L Martin, E. A. The story of a piece of coal. j 549 M Nichols, L. D. Underfoot. j 5504 C Shaler, N. S. A first book in geology. j 5502 S Thorp, Mrs. King Frost ; wonders of snow and ice. j 5519 T 2. IN MAIN COLLECTION. Bonney, T. G. The story of our planet. 551 B3 Chambers, G. F. The story of the weather. 5515 CIO Crosby, W. O. Common minerals and rocks. 552 C Gaye, S. The great world’s farm ; nature's crops, and how they grow. 551 G Gf.eely, A. W. American weather. 5515 C Hutchinson, H. N. Creatures of other days. 566 HI Extinct monsters. 566 H Story of the hills. 5514 H Reclus, J. J. E. The history of a mountain. 5514 C Shaler. N. S. Aspects of the earth. 551 S Sea and land. 5514 S Starr, F. On the hills. 5504 S 3. STORIES. Giberne, A. Father Aldur ; a water story. (Storms, fog, dew, etc.) j FG351 F Uncle Lawrence, ps. The story of a moun- tain. (Geology and meteorology.) j L435 S Natural History. 1. IN JUVENILE DEPARTMENT. Abbott, J. The little learner ; learning about common things. j 500 A Andrews, J. The stories Mother Nature told her children. j 504 A5 Cooke, M. C. Ponds and ditches. j 504 J1 The woodlands. 3 504 J Darwin, C. R. What Mr. Darwin saw in his voyage round the world. j 508 D Housman, H. Story of our museum ; how we formed it and what it taught us. j 579 B Leslie, G. D. Letters to Marco. j 504 L4 Riverside letters ; a continuation of letters to Marco. 3 * 504 L5 Lubbock, Sir J. Chapters in popular natural history. j 504 L 8 Strong, F. L. All the year round. j 504 S 8 Ware, E. R. Three little lovers of nature. j 504 W10 What shall we talk about? or, things that everyone ought to know. j 504 W 8 Wright, J. McN. Seaside and wayside. 4 v. j 504 W 6 Wright, M. O. Tommy-Anne and the three hearts. j 504 W4 2. IN MAIN COLLECTION. Buckland, F. Curiosities of natural history. 4 v. 504 G Gibson, W. H. My studio neighbors. 504 G7 Sharp eyes ; 52 weeks among insects, birds, and flowers. 504 G5 Wright, M. O. The friendship of nature 504 W5 Botany, Flowers, Plants. 1. IN JUVENILE DEPARTMENT. Bergen, F. D. Glimpses of the plant world, j 580 B3 Church, E. R. Among the trees at Elmridge. j 582 C Cooke, M. C. Rambles among the wild flowers ; a book for the young. j 582 C5 Cooper, H. C. Short studies in botany, for children. j 580 CIO Dana, Mrs. W. S. Plants and their children. j 580 D1 Gray, A. How plants behave. j 581 E How plants grow. j 581 El Hale, G. E. Little flower people. j 580 H5 Harris, A. B. Wild flowers and where they grow. j 580 H Henslow, G. Botany for beginners, j 580 H9 Hooker, J. D. Botany. (Science primers.) 3 581 F Newell, J. H. Readers in botany: part 1, from seed to leaf. j 5804 N Pratt, M. L. Fairyland of flowers ; a popular illustrated botany. j 580 P Little flower folks ; or, stories from flower- land. j 580 PI Spear, M. A. Leaves and flowers ; or, plant studies for young readers. j 580 S8 Step, E. Plant life. j 5804 A Vincent, F., comp. The plant world. 3 ' 580 V Whitcomb, I. P. A bunch of wild flowers for the children. 3 580 W3 Youmans, E. A. First book of botany. 3 580 Y — 7 — > BOTANY. ZOOLOGY. 2. IN MAIN COLLECTION. Allen, (C.) G. The story of the plants. 581 A6 Bailey, W W. The botanical collector’s handbook. 5807 A Conn, H. W. The story of germ life. 5899 C Cooke, M. C. Romance of low life among plants. 586 C Creevey, C. A. Flowers of field, hill, and swamp, 582 CIO Dana, Mrs. W. S. According to season. 580 D How to know the wild flowers. 582 D Emerson, G. B. Trees and shrubs of Massa- chusetts. 582 E Flagg, W. A year among the trees. 582 F5 Frankland, P. F. Our secret friends and foes. 5899 F3 Hardinge, E. M., ps. With the wild flowers. 580 H7 Herrick, S. B. Wonders of plant life. 581 G Lubbock, Sir J. Flowers, fruits, and leaves. 581 L2 Mathews, F. S. Familiar trees and their leaves. 582 M6 Newhall, C. S. Leaf-collectors’ handbook. 582 N1 Shrubs of northeastern America. 580 N5 Trees of northeastern America. 582 N Ward, H. W. The diseases of plants. 5892 W Weed, C. M. Ten New England blossoms and their insect visitors. 581 W Zoology, Animals, Birds, Insects. See also Domestic Animals , after. 1. IN JUVENILE DEPARTMENT. Alden, R. M. A world of little people. j 5957 A10 Ballard, J. P. Among the moths and butter- flies ; a revised and enlarged edition of “Insect lives.” j 5957 El Insect lives : or, born in prison. j 5957 E Bamfcrd, M. E. My land and water friends. j 5904 B14 Talks by queer folks ; more land and water friends. j 5904 B15 Up and down the brooks. j 595 B Baskett, J. N. The story of the birds. j 5982 B5 Bayliss, C. K. In brook and bayou, j 592 B Beard, J. Curious homes and their tenants. j 5904 B3 Beaugrand, C. The walks abroad of two young naturalists. j 5904 B2 Birds illustrated by color photography. j 5982 B20 Buckley, A. B. Life and her children ; glimpses of animal life. j 5904 J The winners in life’s race : or, the great back-boned family. j 596 A Burroughs, J. Birds and bees. Sharp eyes, and other papers. j 5904 B20 Campbell, C. C. Natural history for young folks. j 599 C2 Carrington, E. Anim als’ ways and claims. j 5904 CIO Church, E. R. Little neighbors at Elmridge. j 5904 C6 Talks by the seashore. j 5904 C5 Conant, H. S. Butterfly hunters. j 5957 C Cooper, S. Animal life in the sea and on the land ; a zoolo'gy for young people, j 5902 C Damon, W. E. Ocean wonders ; a companion for the seaside. j 5904 A Hardy, Mrs. A. S. The hall of shells, j 594 H Harris, A. B. Door-yard folks. A winter garden. j 5904 F Field, wood, and meadow rambles ; how we went bird’s-nesting. j 5982 H Hibberd, S. Clever dogs, horses, etc.; with anecdotes of other animals. j 5915 H Hive and its wonders, The. (Anon.) j 5957 F Hook, S. Little people and their homes in meadows, woods, and waters. j 5957 H8 Holder, C. F. Along the Florida reef. j 590 H5 A frozen dragon and other tales ; a story- book of natural history for boys and girls. j 5904 L2 The ivory king ; a popular account of the elephant and its allies. j 5990 A Living lights ; phosphorescent animals and vegetables. j 5904 L Marvels of animal life. j 5904 LI A strange company : wonderwings, mullin- gongs, colossi, etc. j 5904 H8 Ingersoll, E. Friends worth knowing ; glimpses of American natural history. j 5904 I Johonnot, J. Cats and dogs, and other friends for little folks. j 5904 J5 Friends in feathers and fur, and other neigh- bors. j 5904 J6 Glimpses of the animal world ; or, science and literature of natural history. j 5904 J10 Neighbors with claws and hoofs, and their kin. j 5904 J8 Neighbors with wings and fins, and some others, for young people. j 5904 J7 Some curious flyers, creepers, and swim- mers. j 5904 J9 Jordan, D. S. Matka and Kotik ; a tale of the seal islands. (Fiction.) j 599 J Kelly, M. A. B. Leaves from nature’s story- book. j 5904 K9 Short stories of our shy neighbors, j 5904 K10 Knox, T. W. Horse stories, and stories of other animals. j 5915 K Land of the lion, The ; adventures among the wild animals of Africa. (Anon.) j 5904 L5 Lang, A., ed. The animal story book. j 5904 L20 Lockwood, S. Animal memoirs. j 5904 L7 Lothrop, D. & Co., pubs. With the birds; selected poems. j 5982 L McCook, H. C. Tenants of an old farm ; leaves from the note-book of a naturalist. j 5957 Ml Maskell, A. E. A. Children with the birds. j 5982 M9 Four feet, wings, and fins. j 5904 G Merriam, F. A. Birds of village and field ; a bird book for beginners. j 5982 Ml Birds through an opera-glass. j 5982 M Miller, O. T., ps. Four-handed folk, j 5998 M Little folks in feathers and fur. j 5904 K Queer pets at Marcy’s. j 5904 K1 Montmahon, C. de, and Beauregard, H. A course in zoology ; designed for secondary education. j 5902 M — 8 — ZOOLOGY. USEFUL ARTS. Morse, E. S. First book of zoology, j 5902 M5 Noel, M. Buz ; or, the life and adventures of a honey bee. j 5957 N Scherren, H. Popular history of animals, for young people. j 5902 S5 Stowe, H. B. Queer little people. j 5904 S Taylor, J. E. The playtime naturalist, j 5904 T Tenney, A. A. G. Young folks’ pictures and stories of animals. j 5904 T5 Treat, M Home studies in nature, j 5904 D My garden pets. j 595 A Trimmer, Mrs. The history of the robins. j 5982 T9 Tucker, C. M. (A. L. O. E.) Fairy Frisket ; or, peeps at insect life. j 5957 T Van Bruyssel, E. The population of an old pear tree. j 5957 V Wood, J. G. Half-hours with a naturalist ; rambles near the shore. j 5904 W Man and beast, here and hereafter, j 5915 W1 Petland revisited. j 5915 W2 Wright, M. O., and Coues, E. Citizen bird ; scenes from bird-life in plain English, for beginners. j 5982 W8 2. IN MAIN COLLECTION. Abbott, C. C. Days out of doors. 5904 C2 A naturalist’s rambles around home. 5904 Cl Notes of the night. 5904 C4 Outings at odd times. 5904 C3 Recent rambles. 5904 A4 Travels in a tree-top. 5904 A5 Upland and meadow. 5904 A3 Waste land wanderings. 5904 C Badenoch, L. N. Romance of the insect world. 5957 B2 Baker, Sir S. W. Wild beasts and their ways. 599 B3 Blanchan, N. Bird neighbors. 5982 B1 8 Burroughs, J. Wake robin. 5982 B Chapman, F. M. Hand-book of birds of north- eastern America. 5982 C3 Colton, B. P. Elementary course in practical zoology. 591 C Emerton, J. H. Structure and habits of spiders. 5954 A Grant, J. B. Our common birds. 5892 G7 Hamerton, P. G. Chapters on animals. 5904 B Huxley, T. H. The cray-fish. 5907 B Hyatt, A., and Arms, J. M. Insecta. 5957 H Ingersoll, E. Wild neighbors. 590411 Lubbock, Sir J. Ants, bees, and wasps. 5957 B Lunt, H. Across lots. 5904 L10 Maynard, C. J. Naturalist’s guide in collect- ing and preserving objects of natural his- tory. 579 A Men ault, E. Intelligence of animals. 5915 M Miller, O. T. , 'ps. A bird-lover in the west. 5982 F2 In nesting time. 5982 F Little brothers of the air. 5982 FI Upon the tree-tops. 5982 F3 Packard, A. S. Entomology for beginners. 5957 A2 Samuels, M. The amateur aquarist. 5907 S Scudder, S. H. Butterflies. 5957 S3 The life of a butterfly 5957 S5 Stearns, W. A. New England bird-life. 2 v, 5982 C Thompson, M Sylvan secrets. * 5982 E White, G. Natural history of Selborne. 5904 H, til Wood, J. G. Homes without hands. 5915 W New illustrated natural history. 5902-|-A Wright, M. O. Birdcraft. 5982 W7 3. STORIES. Bamford, M. E. The Look-about club. (In- sects.) j B215 L Biart, L. The young naturalist. j B474 A Candeze, E. Curious adventures of a field cricket. j C16 A Jak, ps. of A. B. Williams. Birchwood. j J21 B The riverside museum ; sequel to Birchwood. j J21 R Useful Arts, General and Miscellaneous. 1. IN JUVENILE DEPARTMENT. Eaton, S. One hundred lessons in business. j 658 E Jenks, T. Century World’s Fair book for boys and girls. j 606 J Kirby, M. and E. Aunt Martha’s corner cup- board. j 643 K Kirkland, E. S. Dora’s housekeeping, j 641 I Morris, E. Farming for boys. j 630 I Terhune, M. V. (Marion Harland, ps.) Cook- ery for beginners. j 641 T 2. IN MAIN COLLECTION. Barnard, C. Talks about our useful plants. 630 B5 Talks about the soil. 631 B Talks about the weather. 630 B6 Bostwick, L. W. Margery Daw’s home con- fectionery. 642 B Croly, J. C. (Jennie June, ps.) Thrown on her own resources ; or, what girls can do. 658 C Hapgood, O. C. School needlework. 646 H Harris, T. W. Treatise on some insects in- jurious to vegetation. 632 H Huntington, E. Children’s kitchen garden. 641 HU Cooking garden. 641-j-HlO Kirkwood, L. J. Illustrated sewing primer. 646 K Manson, G. J. Ready for business. 650 M Owen, C. (Mrs. Nitzsch.) Gentle breadwin- ners. 641 HI Rodway, J. The story of forest and stream. 634 R5 Roe, E. P. The home acre. 634 R2 Routledge, R. Discoveries and inventions of the nineteenth century. 608 Bl, B Saunders, W. Insects injurious to fruits. 632 B White, S. J. Business openings for girls. 658 W Whitney, A. D. T. Just how ; a key to the cook-books. 641 D Woolman, M. S. Sewing course for schools. 646 4- W 3. STORIES. Goodwin, C. How they learned housework. j G63 H — 9 — USEFUL ARTS. ANATOMY. DOMESTIC ANIMALS. MANUFACTURES. Jak, ps. of A. B. Williams. The Fitch club. j J21F Trowbridge, J. T. Lawrence’s adventures among the ice-cutters, glass-makers, coal- miners, iron-men, and ship-builders. j T756 La Anatomy and Physiology, Health. 1. IN JUVENILE DEPARTMENT. Allen, C. B. The man wonderful in the house beautiful. 3 ' 612 A5 Benedict, A. K. My wonder-story. 3 612 B3 Blaikie, W. Sound bodies for our boys and girls. 3 613 II Mace, J. History of a mouthful of bread. 3 612 C Servants of the stomach. 3 612 Cl 2 . IN MAIN COLLECTION. Angerstein, E., and Eckler, G. Home gym- nastics for the well and the sick. 613 A5 Blaikie, W. How to get strong and how to stay so. 613 I Checkley, E. A natural method of physical training. 613 C9 Dulles, C. W. What to do first in accidents and emergencies. 617 A Foster, M., and Tracy, R. S. Physiology. Hygiene. 612 B Safford, M. J. , and Allen, M. E. Health and strength papers for girls. 613 A Domestic Animals. 1. IN JUVENILE DEPARTMENT. Achard, E. History of my friends ; or, home life with animals. 3 636 A3 Benson, M. Subject to vanity. 3 636 B3 Charter, Mr. Strike at Shane’s. 3 6361 S2 Church, E. R. Home animals. 3 636 C Gautier, T. My household of pets. 3 636 B Gays, Mrs. Our gold mine at Hollyhurst. 3 6361 SI Jesse, E. Anecdotes of dogs. 3 6367 B Knox, T. W. Dog stories and dog lore. 3 6367 C Lewis, E. Famous pets. 3 636 +L3 Lippincott, S. J. (Grace Greenwood, ps.) His- tory of my pets. j 636 L Morris, F. O. Dogs and their doings. 3 6367 A Saunders, M. Beautiful Joe ; an autobiogra- phy. j 6367 S5 Sewell, A. Black Beauty. 3 6361 S Stables, G. Our friend the dog ; all that is known about every breed of dog in the world. j 6367 S 8 Sable and white. 3 6367 S9 Wise, J. S. Diomed ; the life, travels, and observations of a dog. 3 6367 W 2. IN MAIN COLLECTION. Dyson, C. E. Bird-keeping. 6366 D Wright, L. The practical pigeon keeper. Flanufactures, Flechanical Arts, Trades. 1. IN JUVENILE DEPARTMENT. Amateur work illustrated. 9 v. j 605 +A1 Beach, D. N., and others. Wonder stories of science. 3 670 B Bower, J. A. How to make common things. 3 680 B Boy’s workshop, A. (Anon.) 3 694 H Chase, A. , and Clow, E. Stories of industry. 3 604 C Compton, A. G. First lessons in wood- work- ing. 3 694 J Davidson, E. A. The boy joiner and model- maker. j 694 G Frith, H. The romance of engineering. j 620 F Triumphs of steam. j 6211 F 8 Greene, H. Coal and the coal mines, j 622 G Holmes, F. M. Celebrated mechanics and their achievements. j 620 H3 Engineers and their triumphs ; the locomo- tive, the steamship, bridge building, tunnel making. j 600 H Miners and their works under-ground ; mining of coal, of various metals, and of diamonds. j 622 H3 Jerrold, W. The triumphs of the printing press. j 655J3 Kent, C. The modern seven wonders of the world. j 608 K Knox, T. W. Life of Robert Fulton, and history of steam navigation. j 656 A Lukin, J. Amongst machines. j 621 L The boy engineers. j 621 LI The young mechanic. j 621 L2 Pearson, E. C. Gutenberg and the art of printing. 3 655 P5 Rocheleau, W. F. Great American industries. j 622 R Sauzay, A. Wonders of glass-making, j 666 A 2 . IN MAIN COLLECTION. Cochrane, C. A. The wonders of modern mechanism. 604 C7 Compton, A. G. First lessons in metal working. 680 C Gordon, W. J. Foundry, forge, and factory. 604 G Great industries of Great Britain. 3 v. 670+ G Mateaux, C. L. The wonderland of work. 670+M SiCKEL, I. Exercises in wood- working. 694 S Thurston, R. H . History of the growth of the steam-engine. 6211 C Wood, J. G. Man and his handiwork. 670 D Woodworking tools and how to use them. (Anon.) 694 A 3. STORIES. Frith, H. Biography of a locomotive, j F91 B Greene, H. Burnham breaker. (Coal min- ing.) j G83 Bu Munroe, K. Derrick Sterling ; a story of the mines. (Coal.) j M92 D Nordhoff, C. The merchant vessel, j N75 Me Whaling and fishing. j N75 W 6365 D The practical poultry keeper. 6365 C — 10 — FINE ARTS. AMUSEMENTS. Fine Arts. General and miscellaneous. 1 . IN JUVENILE DEPARTMENT. Augsburg, D. R. Easy drawings for the geo- graphy class. 3 741 A9 Chapin, A. A. The story of the Rhinegold (Der ring des Nibelungen.) j 7822 C Clement, C. E. Stories of art and artists. j 709+D Duplessis, G. V. A. G. The wonders of en- graving. j 760 DIO Lefevre, A. The wonders of architecture. j 7209 L Lillie, L. C. The story of music and musi- cians. 3 * 780 A Pratt, W. S. St. Nicholas songs. j 7848 +P Viardot, L. Wonders of European art. j 759 VI Wonders of Italian art. j 759 V Whitman, S. W. Making of pictures, j 704 W 2. IN MAIN COLLECTION. Adams, W. I. L. Amateur photography. 770 G1 Betz, C., comp. Gems of school song. 7848+B Black, A. Photography indoors and out. 770 B4 Booth, J. Everybody’s guide to music. 780 B 6 Brooks, H. M. Olden time music. 7809 A Brush, C. C. One summer’s lessons in practi- cal perspective. 742 B Caldecott, R. Some of iEsop’s fables shewn in designs. 740+ B Clement, C. E. (Mrs. Waters.) Handbook of Christian symbols. 755 Cl Handbook of legendary and mythological art. 755 C Outline history of painting. 759 A Outline history of sculpture. 780 C Field, E. Songs of childhood. 7848+F Frackelton, S. S. Tried by fire. 738 +F Francis, J. G. A book of cheerful cats, 741 F French, A. (Octave Thanet, ps.) An advent- ure in photography. 770 F7 Girl’s room, A. (Anon.) 749 G5 Guerber, H. (M.) A. Legends of the Virgin and Christ. 755 G Stories of the Wagnerian opera. 7822 G Henderson, W. J. The story of music. 7809 H Jameson, A. M. Legends of the Madonna. 755 A; 755 J1 Legends of the monastic orders. 755 A2 ; 755 J2 Sacred and legendary art. 755 A 1 ; 755 J3 Jones, Mrs. C. S., and Williams, H. T. Household elegancies. 746 J1 Krehbiel, H E. How to listen to music. 780 K Leland, C. G. Manual of wood carving. 736 L The minor arts. 740 LI McLaughlin, M. L. China painting. 738 A Pottery decorations under glaze. 738 A2 Suggestions to china painters. 738 A1 Morse, E. S. Japanese homes and their sur- roundings. 728 M Neidlinger, W. H. Small songs for small singers. 7848 +N Rand, E. S., jr. The window gardener. 716 V Tayler, F. Studies in animal painting. 758 C Taylor, F. Primer of the pianoforte. 7863 A Tomlins, W. L., ed. The child’s garden of song. 7848+T Upton, G. P. The standard cantatas. 7828 U The standard operas. 782 A The standard oratorios. 7833 A The standard symphonies. 7851 U Van Dyke, J. C. How to judge of a picture. 750 D Viollet le-Duc, E. E. Learning to draw ; or, the young designer. 740 C 3. STORY. Gilman, J. B. The musical journey of Dorothy and Delia. j FG42 M Amusements and Recreation 6 1. IN JUVENILE DEPARTMENT. Bartlett, G. B. New games for parlor and lawn. j 790 D Beard, D. C. Outdoor games for all seasons ; the American boy’s book of sport, j 790 B1 What to do and how to do it ; the American boy’s handy book. j 790 B Beard, L. and A. B. The American girl’s handy book. j 790 I Bingham, N. W., ed. The book of athletics and out-door sports. j 796 B5 Boy’s modern playmate, The. (Anon.) j 790 B5 Boy’s own book, The. (Anon.) j 790 F Champlin, J. D., and Bostwick, A. E. The young folk’s cyclopaedia of games and sports. j 790 C5 Depping, G. Wonders of bodily strength and skill, in all ages and countries, j 796 D15 Freiligrath-Krceker, K. Alice through the looking-glass. j 793 D Gomme, A. B., comp, and ed. Children’s sing- ing games, with the tunes to which they are sung. 2 v. j 790 G10, Gil Graham, P. A. Country pastimes for boys. j 790 G5 Griffith, R. Boy’s useful pastimes ; pleasant and profitable amusement for spare hours. j 790 H Hopkins, A. A., comp, and ed. Magic, stage illusions, and scientific diversions, includ- ing trick photography. j 791 H Jones, L. E., ed. Outdoor sports for boys and girls. j 796 J Keene, J. H. Boy’s own guide to fishing, tackle making, and fish breeding, j 799 K Knox, T. W. Young Nimrods in North America. j 799 C Young Nimrods around the world, j 799 Cl Lewis, A. J. (Prof. Hoffman, ps.) Conjurer Dick ; or, the adventures of a young wizard. j 791 L2 Modem magic. j 791 L More magic. j 791 LI Puzzles, old and new. j 798 L Meunier, V. Adventures on the great hunt- ing grounds. j 799 M3 Montresor, C. A. Some hobby horses ; or, how to collect stamps, coins, seals, crests, and scraps. 3 ’ 790 M Peters, C. Girl’s own out-door book, j 796 P3 Pollard, J. Plays and games for little folks. j 790+P — 11 — AMUSEMENTS. LITERATURE. AMERICAN LITERATURE. Sherwood, M. E. W. Home amusements. j 790 C Strutt, J. Sports and pastimes of the people of England. j 790 A Thompson, M. Boy’s book of sport. j 796 T Wells, H. P. City boys in the woods ; or, a trapping venture in Maine. j 799 W White, M. The book of a hundred games. j 793 W 2. IN MAIN COLLECTION. Bury, viscount, and Hillier, G. L. Cycling. 796 B Camp, W. American football. 797 Cl Walter Camp’s book of college sports. 797 C2 Church, J. R., ed. University foot-ball 797 C 6 Dwight, J. Practical lawn-tennis. 796 D 8 Frazar, D. Practical boat-sailing. 797 F Gibson, W. FI. Camp life in the woods. 799 A Hale, L. P. Fagots for the fireside. 793 H Lewis, A. J. (Prof. Hoffman, ps.) Parlor amusements. 790 L Lewis, W. H. A primer of college football. 797 L .Mead, T. H. Horsemanship for women. 798 A Peile, S. C. F. Lawn tennis. 796 P Sargent, D. A., and others. Athletic sports. 796 S3 Shearman. M. Athletics and football. 796 S5 Shields, G. O. (Coquina, ps.) Camping and camp outfits. 799 S 6 Shoemaker, C. C., ed. Young folks’ dia- logues. 792 S 8 Smiley, A. E. Fifty social evenings. 790 S Stagg, A. A., and Williams, H.L. Scientific and practical treatise on American foot- ball. 797 S9, S10 Thompson, M. The witchery of archery. 799 D Walker, D. Manly exercises. 796 W Literature* General ivorks and collections. 1. IN JUVENILE DEPARTMENT. Baldwin, J. The story of Roland, j 8083 A — ed. Harper’s school speaker. lst-3d series. j 8085 R Blaisdell, A. F. First steps with American and British authors. j 807 B Bulfinch, T. The age of chivalry, j 8083 B 1 Legends of Charlemagne. j 8083 B Cathcart, G. R. Literary reader. j 8208 C Cooke, C. A., comp. Young folks’ speaker. j 8085 R3 Gibb, J., ed. Gudrun, Beowulf, and Roland, with other mediaeval tales. j 8083 G Hillard, G. S. The Webster-Franklin fifth reader. j 8085 H5 Leach, Shewell & Sanborn, pubs. Good read- ing for school and home. j 808 L Monroe, L. B., comp. Young folks’ readings for social and public entertainment. j 8085 M2 Norton, C. E., ed. Heart of oak books. 6 v. j 808 N Sigourney, L. H. Boys’ reading book, j 818 S 2. IN MAIN COLLECTION. Carrington, H. B,,comp. Columbian selec- tions. 8085 P3 Cox, Sir G. W., and Jones, E. H. Popular ro- mances of the Middle Ages. 8083 D Dale, Daphne, ps. The speaker’s library. 8085 P Fletcher, A. B., comp. Advanced readings and recitations. 8085 R5 Gates, P., ed. Christmas in song and story. 808 G McCaskey, J. P. Lincoln literary collections. 8085 M10 Millard, J., ed. Shakespeare for recitation. 8085 Q Monroe, L. B., comp. Dialogues and dramas. 8085 M3 Public and parlor readings. 8085 M Public and parlor readings ; humorous. 8085 Ml Philbrick, J. D. American union speaker. 8085 P 8 Shoemaker, J. W., comp. Best things from best authors. 8 v. 8085 SI 2 Speaker’s garland ; combining Nos. 1-28 of “100 choice selections. ” 8085 S American Literature. 1. IN JUVENILE DEPARTMENT. Alcott, L. M. and A. B. Comic tragedies ; written by “ Jo ” and “ Meg ” and acted by the “ Little Women.” j 8124 A Dodge, M. M. When life is young. (Poems.) 3 8114 D10 Field, E. Love songs of childhood, j 8114 F2 With trumpet and drum. 3 * 8114 F3 Harris, A. B. American authors for young folks. 3 8104 H5 Irving, W. Six selections from Irving’s Sketch book ; with notes, questions, etc. ; for home and school use. 3 ' 81724 E Stories and legends from Washington Irving. 3 81724 K Longfellow, H. W. Complete poetical works. 3 81134 B The golden legend. 3 81134 C Riley, J. W. A child-world. (Verses.) 3 8114 R4 Rhymes of childhood. 3 8114 R1 Sangster, M. E. Little knights and ladies ; verses for young people. 3 8114 S10 Sherman, F. D. Little folk lyrics. 3 8114 S5 Thomas, E. M. In the young world ; poems. 3 8114 T16 Whittier, J. G. Complete poetical works. 3 81136 A Wilkins, M. E. Once upon a time, and other child verses. 3 8114 W 6 Woolsey, S. C. (Susan Coolidge, ps.) Rhymes and ballads for girls and boys. 3 8114+W1 Wright, H. C. Children’s stories in American literature. 1660-1860. 3 * 8109 W5 Children’s stories in American literature. 1861-1896. 3 8109 W 6 2. IN MAIN COLLECTION. Adams, O. F. Brief handbook of American authors. 8103 A Browne, F. F. Bugle echoes ; poems of the civil war. 8108 A Eggleston, G. C. American war ballads. 2 v. 81108 E3 — 12 — AMERICAN LITERATURE. ENGLISH LITERATURE. Hawthorne, J. , and Lemmon, L. American literature. 8109 H Irving, W. Selections from Irving ; selected by I. Thomas. 81724 G Tales of a traveller ; ed. by W. L. Phelps. 81724 H Knowles, F. L. Golden treasury of American songs and lyrics. 81108 K Longfellow, H. W. The song of Hiawatha ; with notes 81184 F The courtship of Miles Standish, and other poems. 81184 G Lowell, J. R. The vision of Sir Launfal, and other poems ; with notes. 81137 D The vision of Sir Launfal. and other poems ; ed. M. C. Willard. 81137 E Matthews, (J.) B. Poems of American patriotism. 81108 M Mitchell, D. G. American lands and letters. 8109 M5 Scudder, H. E., ed. American poems. 811 A Thomas, E M. In sunshine land ; poems. 8114 T4 Woolsey, S. C. (Susan Coolidge, ps.) and others. Ballads of romance and history. 81 108 -H W English Literature : General Works. 1. IN JUVENILE DEPARTMENT. Gilman, A. First steps in English literature. j 8209 G5 Kirkland, E. S. A short history of English literature, for young people. j 8209 K Mitchell, D. G. English lands, letters, and kings. j 8209 M Richardson, A. S. Stories from old English poetry. j 821 R Wright, H. C. Children’s stories in English literature : Taliesin to Shakespeare. j 8209 W5 Children’s stories in English literature : Shakespeare to Tennyson. j' 8209 W 6 2. IN MAIN COLLECTION. Adams, O. F. Brief handbook of English authors. 8208 A 8 Mitchell, D. G. English lands, letters, and kings : from Celt to Tudor. 8209 M English lands, letters, and kings : from Elizabeth to Anne. 8209 Ml English lands, letters, and kings : Queen Anne and the Georges. 8209 M 2 English lands, letters, and kings : the later Georges to Victoria. 8209 M 234 Nicoll, H. J. Landmarks of English litera- ture. 8209 N English Literature: Individual Authors. 1. IN JUVENILE DEPARTMENT. Barbauld, A. L. Tales, poems, and essays. 3 8288 B 8 Chaucer, G. Tales from Chaucer, in prose ; designed chiefly for young persons ; by Charles Cowden Clarke. j 82117 D — 13 — Chaucer’s stories simply told ; by M. Sey- mour. j 82117 S Chaucer for children ; by Mrs. H. R. Haweis.. 3 82117 Cl Chaucer for schools ; by Mrs. H. R. Haweis. 3 82117 C Coleridge, S. T. The rime of the ancient mariner ; ed. by H. Bates. 3 82172 B 8 Craik, D. M. (born Mulock.) Children’s. poetry. 3 82189 C 8 Havergal, F. R. Streamlets of song for the young. 3 82189 H 6 Howitt, M. Sketches of natural history ; or, songs of animal life. 3 ' 82189 H18 Lamb, C. and M. Poetry for children. 3 82179 L Percy, T., bp. The boy’s Percy ; ed. by S. Lanier. 3 ' 82104 A Rossetti, C. G. Sing-song ; a nursery- rhyme book. 3 82189 B4 Ruskin, J. Ethics of the dust. 3 82486 M Selections from Ruskin (on reading, etc) ; E. Ginn, comp. 3 * 82486 F Shakespeare, W. Tales from Shakespeare ; by C. and M. Lamb. 3 82233 O Tales from Shakespeare ; by C. and M. Lamb ; Comedies. 3 " 82233 Ol Tales from Shakespeare ; by C. and M. Lamb ; Tragedies. 3 82233 02 Shakespeare for young folk ; by R. R. Ray- mond. 3 82233 R5 Shakespeare the boy ; by W. J. Rolfe. 3 82233 R9 Shakespeare’s stories simply told : comedies ; by M. Seymour. 3 82233 SI 6 Shakespeare’s stories simply told : tragedies ; by M. Seymour. 3 82233 S15 Spenser, E. Spenser for children ; by M. H. Towry. 3 821 S Stevenson, R. L. Child’s garden of verse. 3 82189 H2 Tennyson, A., baron Tennyson. Tennyson for the young ; ed. by A. Ainger. 3 82181 J Young people’s Tennyson ; ed. by W. J. Rolfe. 3 82181 F Wordsworth, W. Wordsworth for the young ; comp, by C. M. St. John. 3 ' 82171 S 2. IN MAIN COLLECTION. Barham, R. H. The Ingoldsby legends. 8278 B Dryden, J. Palamon and Arcite ; ed. by W. T. Brewster. 82148 D Goldsmith, O. Select poems ; ed. by W. J. Rolfe. 82164 A Gray, T. Select poems ; ed. by W. J. Rolfe. 82161 A Jameson, A. M. Characteristics of women. 82233 N Jerrold, W. B. The best of all good com- pany. 823 J3 Milton, J. Minor poems ; ed. by W. J. Rolfe. 82147 C Paradise lost ; ed. by A. S. Cook. 82147 B2 Pope, A. An essay on man ; with notes. 82153 B Ruskin, J. Pearls for young ladies ; selections from Ruskin, by L. C. Tuthill. 82486 L Scott, Sir W. The lady of the lake ; ed. by W. J. Rolfe. 82174 B The lay of the last minstrel ; ed. by W. J. Rolfe. 82174 C ENGLISH LITERATURE. POETRY. LITERATURE. Marmion ; ed. by W. J. Rolfe. 82174 D Shakespeare, W. As you like it ; ed. by W. J. Rolfe. 82233 G3 Hamlet ; ed. by W. J. Rolfe. 82233 G7 Julius Caesar ; ed. by W. J. Rolfe. 82233 G8 Macbeth ; ed. by W. J. Rolfe. 82233 G21 The merchant of Venice ; ed. by W. J. Rolfe. 82233 G23 A midsummer night’s dream ; ed. by W. J. Rolfe. 82233 G25 Spenser, E. Britomart ; compiled from The faery queene by M. E. Litchfield. 82131 B Stevenson, R. L. Virginibus puerisque. 82489 S Emerson, R. W., comp Parnassus. 82108 E5 Festival poems. (Poems for Christmas. Easter, etc.) 82108 F5 lds, J. T., and Whipple, E. P. Family library of British poetry. 82108+F7 Hunt, (J. H.) L. Imagination and fancy. 82107 A Repplier, A., comp. A book of famous verse. 82108 R3 Sargent, E., comp. Harper’s cyclopasdia of British and American poetry. 821 08+ C Literature. Tennyson, A., baron Tennyson. The idylls of the king ; ed. by W. J. Rolfe. 82181 B1 Select poems ; ed. by W. J. Rolfe. 82181 E Enoch Arden, and other poems ; ed. by W. J. Rolfe. 82181 G The princess ; ed. by W. J. Rolfe. 82181 H Wordsworth, W. Select poems ; ed. by W. J. Rolfe. 82171 C Poetry, Collections. 1. IN JUVENILE DEPARTMENT. Bellamy, B. W., and Goodwin, M. W., comp. Open sesame ; poetry and prose for school- days. j 82108 B3 Brackett, A. C., and Eliot, I. M., eds The silver treasury ; being the holiday edition of Poetry for home and school, j 82108 B7 Campbell, L. J., comp. Young folks’ book of poetry. j 82108 C5 Coursen, F. B. What the dragon-fly told the children. j 82108 C9 Dodge, M. M. Rhymes and jingles, j 82108 D8 Eliot, S., ed. Poetry for children, j 82108 E3 Fitch, M. R., comp. Child classics, j 82108 F3 Garrison, W. P., comp. Good night poetry. j 82108 G2 Henley, W. E. Lyra heroica ; a book of verse for boys. j 82108 H5 Horn of plenty of home poems and home pictures. j 82108 H9 Lang, A., comp. The blue poetry book. j 82108 A1 Montgomery, D. H. Heroic ballads ; with poems of war and patriotism. j 82108 M8 Our children’s songs. (Anon.) j 82108 A5 Patmore, C., comp. The children’s garland from the best poets. j 82108 P6 Poetry for children. (Anon.) j 82108 P7 Repplier, A. , ed. A book of famous verse. j 82108 R3 Tilton, S. W. (Uncle Willis, ps.) Songs for our darlings. j 82108 T Watts, J. G., comp. Little lays for little folks. j 82108 W2 Whittier, J. G., comp. Child-life in poetry. j 82108 B 2. IN MAIN COLLECTION. Baldwin, J., comp. Choice English lyrics. 82108 B5 Bryant, W. C., comp. Family library of poetry and song. 82108+ E Dana, C. A., ed. Household book of poetrv. 82108 D2 Except American and English. 1. IN JUVENILE DEPARTMENT. HCsop. Fables ; ed. by James ; illust. by Ten- niel. j 8886 C Fables, selected and told anew, and their history traced. j 8886 D Fables ; with life of the author. j 8886 A Book of fables, chiefly from JEsop ; chosen and phrased by H. E. Scudder. j 8886 E A child’s version of HSsop’s fables ; by J. H. Stickney. j 8886 B Ariosto, L. Tales from Ariosto, re-told for children. j 851 El Paladin and Saracen ; tales from Ariosto, by H. C. H. Calthrop. j 851 E Brooks, E. The story of the Iliad ; or, the siege of Troy for boys and girls, j 8831 D5 Cervantes-Saavedra, M. de. The story of the don (Don Quixote) ; by C. L. Mateaux. j 867 A4 Church, A. J. Heroes and kings ; stories from Greek literature. j 883 A Stories from Homer. j 8831 D Stories from Livy. j 8784 B Stories from the Greek comedians, j 882 A1 Stories from the Greek tragedians. j 882 A Stories from Virgil. j 8731 C Stories of the old world. j 8808 A The story of the Iliad. j 8831 C7 Same, condensed. j 8831 C6 The story of the Odyssey. j 8831 C5 Clarke, M. The story of Troy. j 8831 CIO Frost, W. H. The Wagner story-book ; fire- light stories of the great music dramas. j 8312 F Greey, E. The golden lotus, and other legends of Japan. j 895 B Hanson, C. H. Old Greek stories ; the siege of Troy and the wanderings of Ulysses. j 8831 D8 Stories of old Rome ; the wanderings of ^Eneas. j 8731 C5 Lamb, C. The adventures of Ulysses, j 8831 L Lanier, S. , ed. The boy’s Mabinogion ; Knightly legends of Wales. j 891 A Lucian. The Greek Gulliver; ed. from the Vera historia, by A. J. Church. j 8887 B Mabie, H. W. Norse stories retold from the Eddas. j 8396 M Maud, C. Wagner’s heroines. j 8312 M Palmer, B.. ed. Stories from the classic liter- ature of many nations. j 808 P Plutarch. The boy’s and girl’s Plutarch ; ed. by J. S White. j 8888 B Stewart, A. The tale of Troy. j 8831 S — 14 . LITERATURE. GEOGRAPHY. EUROPE. 2. IN MAIN COLLECTION. Joyce, P. W. Old Celtic romances. 8916 A Lockhart, J. G. Ancient Spanish ballads. 861 A Weston, J. L. The legends of the Wagner drama. 8812 W Woodward, A. A. (Auber Forestier, ps.) Echoes from Mist-land. 8312 A Geography and Travel, General and Miscellaneous. 1. IN JUVENILE DEPARTMENT. Adams, W. H. D. Shore and sea. j 9104 A5 Brassey, A., lady. A voyage in the “Sun- beam ” ; adapted for school and class reading. j 9104 B Carroll, S. W. Around the world, geographi- cal reader ; primary, book 1. j 910 C Dana, R. H. Two years before the mast. j 9104 D Famous discoveries by land and sea. (Anon.) j 910 F Frith, H. Ascents and adventures, j 9104 F10 The romance of navigation ; a brief record of maritime discovery from the earliest times to the end of the 18th century. j 9108 F Frye, A. E. Primary geography. (New Eng- land edition.) j 910+F10 Geographical reader and primer ; a series of journeys round the world. j 910 G2 Glimpses of the world. (Anon.) (The world and its people, book 2.) j 910 G Hale, E. E. Stories of discovery. j 910 H Stories of the sea. j 9104 H3 Hall, B. Voyages and travels. j 9104 H15 Hall, M. L. Our world reader, No. 1 : First lessons in geography. j 910 H3 Kellogg, E. M. C. Australia and the islands of the sea. (The world and its people, book 8.) j 910 K3 Kingston, W. H. G., and Frith, H. Notable voyagers from Columbus to Nordenskiold. j 910 K Moncrieff, R. H. (Ascott R. Hope, ps.) Youngsters’ yarns. j 9104 M8 Pyle, H. Buccaneers and marooners of America. j 9104 P9 Rand, McNally & Co., pubs. Rand, McNally elementary geography j 910-j-R6 Red way, J. W. Natural advanced geography. j 910+R8 Natural elementary geography. j 910 +R7 Rupert, W. W., comp. A geographical read- er ; or, pen-pictures in geography, j 9104 R Smiles, S. Round the world ; including a residence in Victoria and a journey by rail across North America. By a boy. j 9104 SI Smith, H. A. Great cities of the ancient world. j 910 B Great cities of the modern world. j 910 A Stories of the sea. (Anon.) j 9104 S7 Swinton, W. Introduction to geography in readings and recitations. j 910+ S5 Tarbell, H. S. The Werner grammar school geography. 2 v. j 910+T3 Thomson, J., and others. From the equator to the pole. j 910 T Walsh, W. S. Around the world in eighty minutes ; photographic reproductions of scenes, with descriptive text. j 9104 W5 Wilkinson, J. A. A real Robinson Crusoe. j 9104 W3 2. IN MAIN COLLECTION. Davis, R. H., and others. The great streets of the world. 9104+D2 Hamblen, H. E. (F. S. Williams, ps.) On many seas. 9104 H5 Harper Bros. , pubs. Harper’s school geogra- phy. (New England edition.) 910+H3 Lowell, J. R. Fireside travels. 9104 L Payne, E. J. Voyages of Elizabethan seamen to America, v. 1. 9108 P2 Rand, McNally & Co., pubs. The Rand, McNally grammar school geography. (New England edition.) 910+R5 Seward, O. R. Around the world stories. 9104 S5 Spry, W. J. J. The cruise of H. M. S. “ Chal- lenger;” voyages over many seas, scenes in many lands. 9104 84 Symondson, F. W. H. Two years abaft the mast ; or, life as a sea apprentice. 9104 S2 Thomas, R. Remarkable shipwrecks. 9104 T4 Verne, J. Exploration of the world ; the great navigators of the 18th century. 9104 V5 Exploration of the world ; and the great ex- plorers of the 19th century. 9104 V6 Famous travels and travellers. 9104 V4 V incent, F. Through and through the tropics ; 30,000 miles in Polynesia, Australasia, and India, 9104 V 3. STORIES. Lxppincott, S. J. Stories of many lands. j L66 S Malot, H. H. Sea and shore. j M297 S Taylor, B. Boys of other countries, j T214B And see the stories of Ballantvne, Butter- worth, Champney, Fenn, Henty, Kingston, Knox, Ober, Reid, and Stephens, in the list of fiction. Europe. 1. IN JUVENILE DEPARTMENT. Abbott, J. Rollo in Geneva. j 91494 Cl Rollo in Holland. j 91492 C Rollo in London. j 91421 C Rollo in Naples. j 9145 F Rollo in Paris. j 91443 B Rollo in Rome. j 91456 C Rollo in Scotland. j 9141 A Rollo in Switzerland. j 91494 C Rollo on the Rhine. j 9143 C Church, A. J., ed. Roman life in the days of Cicero ; sketches drawn from his letters and speeches. j 91337 C Daunt, A. Crag, glacier, and avalanche. (Switzerland.) j 91494 D Dodge, M. M. The land of pluck ; stories and sketches for young folk. (Holland.) j 91492 D Hale, E. E. and S. A family flight through France, Germany, Norway, and Switzer- land. j 914 HI - 15 - EUROPE. GEOGRAPHY. Hale, S. A family flight through Spain. j 9146 G Headley, P. C. The island of fire. (Iceland.) j 91491 A Kingston, W. H. G. A yacht voyage around England. j 9142 K5 Monnier, M. Wonders of Pompeii, j 91337 A Nichols, L. D. A Norway summer. (Fiction.) j 9148 N Patch, O., ps. Sunny Spain, its people and places. j 9146 P Pratt, M. L. People and places, here and there. Vol. 5, northern Europe : Russia, Norway and Sweden, Denmark, Holland, Belgium. j 914 P People and places, here and there. Vol. 6 : England, part 1. j 9142 P Stockton, F. R. Personally conducted. j 914 S7 2. IN MAIN COLLECTION. Aldrich, T. B. From Ponkapog to Pesth. 914 A2 Andersen, H. C. Pictures of travel : Sweden, Hartz mountains, Switzerland. 914 A1 Banks, G. N. Across France in a caravan. 9144 Bll Besant, W. Fifty years ago. 9142 J Bianciardi, E. D. R. At home in Italy. 9145 B8 Blackburn, H. Normandy picturesque. 91442 A Bodfish, W. P. Through Spain on donkey- back. 9146+B5 Boughton, G. H. Sketching rambles in Hol- land. 91492 B Brassey, A., lady. Sunshine and storm in the East. ‘ 914 B Browne, J. R. An American family in Ger- many. 9143 B Browning, H. E. A girl’s wanderings in Hun- gary. 91439 B Carnegie, A. An American four-in-hand in Britain. 9142 B Couch, A. T. Q. (“Q”). The Warwickshire Avon. 91424 C Craik, D. M. (Miss Mulock.) An unknown country. (North of Ireland.) 91415 A Davis, R. H. About Paris. 91443 D5 Davis, S. M. H. Norway nights and Russian days. 9148 D Dodd, A. B. Cathedral days ; a tour through southern England. 9142 E Du Chaillu, P. B. The land of the midnight sun. 2 v. 9148 B Gautier, T. A winter in Russia. 9147 G Goadby, E. The England of Shakespeare. 9142 G5 Grohman, W. A. B. Tyrol and the Tyrolese. 91436 G Guild, C. Abroad again. 914 G Over the ocean. 914 G1 Hale, E. E. Seven Spanish cities and the way to them. 9146 B Hamerton, P. G. Round my house. 9144 B Harrison, J. A. Spain in profile. 9146 F Hillard, G. S. Six months in Italy. 9145 G Hutton, L. Literary landmarks of London. 91421 D Jackson, H. M. (F.) Bits of travel. 914 J McGregor, J. The Rob Roy on the Baltic. 914 M2 A thousand miles in the Rob Roy canoe. 914 Ml A voyage alone in the yawl “ Rob Roy.” 914 M Ninde, M. L. We two alone in Europe. 914 N Rideing, W. H. In the land of Lorna Dobne, and other excursions in England. 9142 R7 Thackeray’s London ; his haunts and the scenes of his novels. 91421 R Shumway, E. S. A day in ancient Rome. 91337 S Somerville, E. CE., and Ross, M. Through Connemara in a governess cart. 91415 S Stevenson, R. L. Travels with a donkey in the Cevennes. 9144 C Taylor, B. By-ways of Europe. 914 T1 Greece and Russia. 914 T Views afoot ; or, Europe seen with knapsack and staff. 914 T3 Trafton, A. An American girl abroad. 914 T4 Warner, C. D. A roundabout journey. 914 W1 Whymper, F. Scrambles among the Alps. 91494 B 3. STORIES. Abbott, J. The August stories (England.) j Ab24 Al-4 Ambroso, M. Italian child-life. j Am 12D Boyesen, H. H. Boyhood in Norway, j B69 B Cameron, V. L. Among the Turks, j C14 A Crowninshield, M. B. The Ignoramuses. (Europe). j C88 I Dodge, M. M. Hans Brinker. (Holland.) j D662 H Friis, J. A. Lajla. (Norway.) F 915.1 Laurie, A. Schoolboy days in Russia, j L25 S Spyri, J. Books by. (Germany.) See Fiction list. Witt, H. de. A French country family. j W78F Geography and Travel: Asia. 1. IN JUVENILE DEPARTMENT. Adams, W. H. D. The Euphrates and the Tigris described and illustrated, j 9156 A3 Carpenter, F. G. Asia. j 915 C3 French, H. W. Our boys in China, j 9151 C Our boys in India. j 9154 D Greey, E. The bear worshippers of Yezo. j 9152 E Note. Same as Young Americans in Yezo. The wonderful city of Tokio. j 9152 B Young Americans in Japan. j 9152 D Knight, S. G. Ned Harwood’s visit to Jeru- salem. j 91569 K Polo, M. Travels for boys and girls, j 915 P4 Pratt, M. L. People and places, here and there. Vol. 2. India. j 9154 P Shigemi, S. A Japanese boy. By himself. j 9152 S Smith, M. C. Life in Asia. j 915 S5 2. IN MAIN COLLECTION. Bacon, A. M. A Japanese interior. 9152 B5 Bacon, G. B. Siam, the land of the white elephant. 91593 A Baker, Sir S. W. Eight years’ wanderings in Ceylon. 91548 A The rifle and the hound in Ceylon. 91548 B — 16 — GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVEL. Cumming, W. F. Wild men and wild beasts. (India.) 9154 G Gowing, L. F. Five thousand miles in a sledge ; a mid- winter journey across Si- beria. 9157 G Hutton, L. Literary landmarks of Jeru- salem. 91569 H8 McGregor, J. The Rob Roy on the Jordan, Nile, Red Sea, and Gennesareth. 9156 C Morris, Mrs. R. C. Dragons and cherry blos- soms. (Japan.) 9152 M Thomson, W. M. The land and the book. 3 v. (Palestine.) 91569 C 3. BIOGRAPHY. Lee, Yan Phou. When I was a boy in China. jB L511 A Polo, Marco. By G. M. Towle. jB P76 A Geography and Travel : Africa. 1. IN JUVENILE DEPARTMENT. Boyd, J. P. Stanley in Africa ; the wonderful discoveries of (Stanley) and other travel- lers, pioneers, and missionaries. j 916 B Du Chaillu, P. B. Adventures in the great forest of equatorial Africa; and The country of the dwarfs. Abridged and popular ed. j 9167 D6 The country of the dwarfs. j 9167 D Lost in the jungle. j 9167 D2 My Apingi kingdom. j 9167 D1 Stories of the gorilla country. j 9167 D4 Wild life under the equator. j 9167 D3 Hale, E. E. and S. A family flight over Egypt and Syria. j 9162 F Kingston, W. H. G., and Low, C. R. Great African travellers, from Bruce and Mungo Park to Livingstone and Stanley, j 916 K Lee, S. The African wanderers. (Fiction.) j 9167 L Thomson, J. Mungo Park and the Niger. j 9167 D8 2. IN MAIN COLLECTION. Baker, Sir S. W. Albert N’Yanza, the great basin of the Nile. 9166 B In the heart of Africa ; condensed from “Albert N’Yanza ” and a The Nile tribu- taries of Abyssinia.” 9163 B1 The Nile tributaries of Abyssinia. 9163 B Edwards, A. B. A thousand miles up the Nile. 9162 E5 Martin, A. Home life on an ostrich farm. 9168 M Northrop, H. D. Wonders of the tropics ; explorations and adventures of Stanley and other travellers. 916 N Richardson, R. Story of the Niger ; a record of travel and adventure from the days of Mungo Park to the present time. 9166 E Sheldon, M. V. Yankee girls in Zululand. 9168 B Speke, J. H. Journal of the discovery of the sources of the Nile. 9167 S Stanley, H. M. How I found Livingstone. 9167 C2 In darkest Africa. 2 v. 9167 C4 Through the dark continent. 2 v. 9167 Cl Taylor, B. A journey to central Africa. 9166 A Thomson, J. Through Masai land. 9167 D7 Warner, C. D. My winter on the Nile. 9162 A 3. STORIES AND BIOGRAPHIES. Allen, W. B. The lion city of Africa, j A15 L Baker, Sir S. W. Cast up by the sea. j B177 C Cameron, V. L. Herbert Massey. j C14 Ad Harry Raymond. j C14 H In savage Africa. j C14 I Ker, D. Prisoner among pirates. (Barbary states.) j K45 P Livingstone, D. Life of (Anon.) jB L76 D By J S. Roberts. jB L76 A Mackay, A. M. Story of Mackay of Uganda ; by J. W. Harrison. jB M19 B Marryat, F. The mission. (South Africa.) j M346 Mi Mayo, W. S. Kaloolah. j M459 K Stanley, Henry M. The story of ; by Monte- fiore. ' jB St26 A Stanley, H. M. My Kalulu. j Stl21 M Wentworth, W., ps. of J. B. Gilman. Kibboo Ganey. j W48 K The drifting island. j W48 D Geography and Travel : North America. 1. IN JUVENILE DEPARTMENT. Banks, L. A. An Oregon boyhood, j 91794 B6 Coe, F. E. Our American neighbors. (The world and its people, book 4.) j 917 C Crowninshield, M. B. All among the light- houses. j 9174 A Farrar, C. A. J. Through the wilds. (New Hampshire and Maine.) j 9174 F Hale, E. E. and S. A family flight through Mexico. j 9172 C A family flight around home. j 9174 B Hale, E. E. and L. P. The new Harry and Lucy. (Boston.) j 91744 LI Lothrop, H. M. (Margaret Sidney, ps.) An Adirondack cabin. j 91747 L5 Ober, F. A. Crusoe’s island ; a bird-hunter’s story. j 91729 O Parkman, F. The Oregon trail. j 9173 P Richardson, J. Wonders of the Yellowstone. j 91787 A Shaler, N. S. The story of our continent ; a reader in the geography and geology of North America. j 917 S Smith, M. C. Our own country. (The world and its people, book 3.) j 9173 S Stephens, C. A. The Knockabout Club in the woods. (Maine and Canada.) (Fiction.) j 91741 B 2. IN MAIN COLLECTION. Ballou, M. M. The new Eldorado ; a summer journey to Alaska. 91798 B2 Bartlett, G. B. Concord : historic, literary, and picturesque. 91744 B3 Bishop, N. H. Four months in a sneak box. 9173 B Note . — A canoe trip on the Ohio and Mississippi rivers. The voyage of the paper canoe ; from Que- bec to the Gulf of Mexico, 9173 B1 — 17 — GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVEL. Burwell, L. M. A girl’s life in Virginia be- fore the war. 91755 B Chisholm, G. G., and Leete, C. H. Long- man’s school geography for North Amer- ica. 910 C5 Drake, S. A. T’he pine-tree coast. 91741 D Finck, H. T. The Pacific coast scenic tour. 9179 F Grohman, W. A. B. Camps in the Rockies. 9178 G Holder, C. F. All about Pasadena and its vicinity. 91794 H Howells, W. D. Three villages. 91744 H6 Contents : Lexington, Mass. Shirley, Mass. Gnadenhiitten, O. Ingersoll, E. A week in New York (city.) 917471 1 King, E. The great South. 9173-j-K Lothrop, H. M. (Margaret Sidney, ps.) Old Concord ; her highways and by-ways. 91744 L Lummis, C. F. The land of poco tiempo>. 91789 L A New Mexico David, and other stories and sketches of the southwest. 9179 L Some strange corners of our country ; the wonderland of the southwest. 9179 L2 A tramp across the continent. 9179 LI Moore, J. W. Picturesque Washington. 91753+M Smith, F. H. A white umbrella in Mexico. 9172 S Steele, T. S. Canoe and camera ; a hundred- mile tour through the Maine forests. 91741 S Paddle and portage ; from Moosehead Lake to the Aroostook. 91741 SI Warner, C. D. In the wilderness. 91747 A Whitney, C. W. On snow-shoes to the barren grounds (of northern Canada.) 91712 W Winthrop, T. Canoe and saddle. 9179 W Woodman, A. J. Picturesque Alaska ; a jour- nal of a tour from San Francisco to Sitka. 917 98 W5 3. STORIES AND BIOGRAPHIES. Aaron, E. M. The butterfly- hunters in the Caribbees. j Aal B Allen, W. B. The mammoth-hunters. (Alas- ka.) j A15 CT1 Bowman, A. Bear-hunters of the Rocky Mountains. j B68 B Cozzens, S. W. The young trail-hunters se- ries. (New Mexico and Arizona.) j C839 Y1-Y3 Daunt, A. In the land of the moose, the bear, and the beaver. (Northern Canada.) j D263 I Drysdale, W. The mystery of Abel Fore- finger. (West India Islands). j D84 M Ellis, E. S. The Indian stories of ; see Fic- tion list. Farrar, C. A. J. Lake and forest series. (Maine and New Hampshire.) j F241 LI-L4 Henty, G. A. Captain Bayley’s heir. (Gold fields of California.) j H38 C In the heart of the Rockies. j H38 IH Redskin and cowboy. j H38 R Kellogg, Elijah. The stories of. (New Eng- land and the frontier.) See Fiction list. Lothrop, H. M. (Margaret Sidney, ps.) The golden West. j L78 G Loughead, F. H. The abandoned claim. (Fruit raising in California.) j L92 A Machar, A. M. Marjorie’s Canadian winter. j M18 M Marryat, F. The settlers in Canada. j M346 S Munroe, Kirk. Stories by ; see Fiction list. Oxley, J. M. Archie of Athabasca. (North- ern Canada.) j 0x4 A The boy tramps ; or, across Canada, j 0x4 B Rand, E. A. The bark-cabin on Kearsarge. j Rl5 Ba Rideing, W. H. Boys in the mountains. (Western United States.) j R43 B Boys coastwise. (Atlantic coast.) j R43 BC Wharton, A. H. A last century maid. j W55 L White, E. 0. A little girl of long ago. j W581 L Young, E. R. Three boys in the wild north land. (Northern Canada.) j Y85 T Boone, Daniel ; by J. S. C. Abbott. jB BG4 A By W. H. Bogart. jB B64 C Carson, Christopher (called Kit ;) by J. S. C. Abbott. jB C23 A By DeW. C. Peters. jB C23 C Crockett, David ; by J. S. C. Abbott. jB C87 A Hale, Edward Everett. A New England boy- hood. jB H131 A Howe, Laura E. (born Richards.) When I was your age. jB H833 A Kidd, Captain William ; by J. S. C. Abbott. jB K53 A Larcom, Lucy. A New England girlhood. jB L32 A Geography and Travel : South America. 1. IN JUVENILE DEPARTMENT. Bishop, N. H. A thousand-mile walk across South America. j 9182 A 2. IN MAIN COLLECTION. Agassiz, (J. R.) L. and E. C. Journey in Brazil. 9181 A Oswald, F. L. Days and nights in the trop- ics. 9181 O Vincent, F. Around and about South Amer- ica. 918 V 3. STORY. Dixie, Lady F. The Young castaways. (Pat- agonia.) j D641 Y Geography and Travel : Pa- cific Islands. 1. IN JUVENILE DEPARTMENT. Higginson, S. J. Java, the pearl of the East. j 9192 H Kellogg, E. M. C. Australia and the islands of the sea. (The world and its people.) j 910 K3 GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVEL. BIOGRAPHY. 2. IN MAIN COLLECTION. Chaney, G. L. “Aloha!” a Hawaiian salu- tation. 91969 C 3. STORIES AND BIOGRAPHIES. Allen, W. B. The great island. (Papua.) j A15 CT2 Ellis, E. S. Lost in Samoa. j E16 Lo Farjeon, B. L. The golden land. (Australia.) j F221 G Hatton, J. Captured by cannibals. (Malay Archipelago.) j H28 C Howitt, W. A boy’s adventures in the wilds of Australia. j H835 C Paton, John G. The story of ; by J. Paton. (New Hebrides.) jB P27 B Perelaer, M. T. H. Ran away from the Dutch. (Borneo.) j P415 R Russan, A., and Boyle, F. The orchid seek- ers. (Borneo.) j R912 O Geography and Travel : Arctic Regions. 1. IN JUVENILE DEPARTMENT. Douglas, M. Across Greenland’s ice-fields ; adventures of Nansen and Peary. j 9198 D7 Hayes, 1. 1. The land of desolation, j 9198 H2 Knox, T. W. The voyage of the “ Vivian” to the north pole and beyond. (Fiction.) j 9198 K3 Mudge, Z. A. Fur-clad adventurers, j 9198 M3 Schwatka, F. Children of the cold, j 9198 S3 Nimrod in the north ; or, hunting and fish- ing adventures in the Arctic regions. j 9198 S2 Whymper, F. Heroes of the Arctic and their adventures. j 9198 W 2. IN MAIN COLLECTION. Greely, A.W. Handbook of Arctic discoveries. 9198 G3 Hall, C. F. Arctic researches and life among the Esquimaux. 9198 H3 Hartwig, G. L. The polar world ; a popular description of man and nature in the Arc- tic and A ntarctic regions of the globe. 9198 H5 Hayes, I. I. An Arctic boat journey in 1854. 9198 HI Kane, E. K. Arctic explorations ; the second Grinnell expedition in search of Franklin. 9198 K Markham, A. H. The great frozen sea ; voy- age of the “Alert,” 1875-6. 9198 Ml Peary, J. D. My Arctic journal. 9198 P8 Sargent, E., ed. Arctic adventure. 9198 R 3. STORIES. Hall, C. W. Adrift in the ice-fields, j H142 A Hayes, I. I. Cast away in the cold, j H325 C Stables, G. Exiles of fortune. j Stl E From pole to pole ; a tale of the sea j Stl F To Greenland and the pole. Biography, collective : general. 1. IN JUVENILE DEPARTMENT. Adams, W. H. D. In perils oft. j 920 G Baldwin, J., ed. Fifty famous stories retold. j 920 B6 Bolton, S. K. Famous voyagers and ex- plorers. j 9239 B Famous leaders among men. j 920 B2 Famous men of science. j 925 B How success is won. j 920 B1 Lives of poor boys who became famous. j 920 B Brooks, E. S. Great men’s sons. j 920 D1 Historic boys, their endeavors, their achieve- ments, and their times. j 920 D Chambers, W. Stories of remarkable per- sons. j 920 Cll Cobb, J. F., and Japp, A. H. Stories of success as illustrated by the lives of men who have made themselves great ; ed. by S. F. Smith. j 920 C3 Drake, S. A. Our great benefactors ; short biographies of men and women, j 920 D7 Edgar, J. G. Footprints of famous men. j 920 El Great men and gallant deeds. j 920 E3 Sea-kings and naval heroes ; a book for boys. j 920 E2 Farmer, L. H. The boy’s book of famous rulers. j 9231 A Hale, E. E. Boys’ heroes. j 920 Cl Lights of two centuries. j 920 C Harraden, B. Untold tales of the past. j 920 H Heroic lives : Livingstone, Stanley, Gordon, Lord Dundonald. j 920 H3 Part on, J. Captains of industry ; 1st and 2d series. j 920 P3-P4 Tales of captivity and exile. (Anon.) j 920 T2 Thayer, W. M. Men who win ; or, making things happen. j 920 T4 Valentine, L. J. On honour’s roll ; tales of heroism in the nineteenth century, j 920 V5 Yonge, C. M. Book of worthies. j 920 Y 2. IN MAIN COLLECTION. Bolton, S. K. Famous givers and their gifts. 9236 B Lodge, R. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain. 8 v. 92004 D Markham, C. R. The sea fathers. 9265 M Parton, J. , ed. Princes, authors, and states- men of our time. 920 P2 Smiles, S. Brief biographies. 920 S6 World of adventure. 6 v. 920+ W15 Biography, collective: Ameri= can. 1. IN JUVENILE DEPARTMENT. Bolton, S. K. Famous American authors. j 9281 A Famous American statesmen. j 923173 A Brayman, J. O., ed. Daring deeds of Ameri- can heroes, with biographical sketches. j 920073 B5 Brooks, E. S. The Century book of famous Americans. j 920073 B12 j Stl To —19— BIOGRAPHY. Eggleston, E. Stories of great Americans for little Americans. j 920073 E5 Ellis, E. S. Makers of our country. j 920073 E Frost, J. , and French, H. W. Presidents of the United States, from Washington to Cleveland. j 923173 F Lossing, B. J. Eminent Americans, j 920073 L Portraits and biographical sketches of twenty American authors. (Anon.) j 9281 P Sea well, M. E. Twelve naval captains. j 920073 S Smith, H. A. One hundred famous Americans. j 92007 B Stoddard, R. H. Poets’ homes ; pen and pencil sketches of American poets, j 9281 B Stoddard, W. O. Lives of the presidents ; as follows : John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. j 923173 S Andrew Jackson and Martin Van Buren. j 923173 SI Madison, Monroe, and John Quincy Adams. j 923173 S2 Harrison, Tyler, and Polk. j 923173 S3 Taylor, Fillmore, Pierce, Buchanan. j 923173 S4 Lincoln, Johnson. j 923173 S5 2. IN MAIN COLLECTION. Brooks, N. Statesmen. 923273 B Gilder, J. L. and J. B,, eds. Authors at home. 9281 G Townsend, Y. F. Our presidents. 923173 T Biography, collective: Women and Girls. 1. IN JUVENILE DEPARTMENT. Bolton, S. K. Famous leaders among women j 9207 D3 Famous types of womanhood. j 9207 D2 Lives of girls who became famous, j 9207 D Successful women. j 9207 D1 Brooks, E. S. Historic girls ; stories of girls who have influenced the history of their times. j 9207 K D arton, J. M. Famous girls who have become illustrious women of our time, j 9207 Dll Farmer, L. H. The girls’ book of famous queens. j 9231 B Foster, I. H. (Faye Huntington, ps.) Stories of remarkable women. j 9207 F Gordon, L. L. From Lady Washington to Mrs. Cleveland. j 9207 G5 Sherwood, M. E. W. Royal girls and royal courts. j 9207 J Strickland, A. Lives of the queens of Eng- land ; abridged. 1 v. j 923142 A1 Lives of the queens of Scotland ; abridged. 2 v. j 923141 SI Thayer, W. M. Women who win ; or, mak- ing things happen. j 9207 T3 2. IN MAIN COLLECTION. Alldridge, L. The world’s workers ; Flor- ence Nightingale, Francis Ridley Haver- gal, Catherine Marsh, Mrs. Ranyard. 9207 C Browne, P. The world’s workers ; Mrs. Som- erville, Mary Carpenter. 9207 I Phelps, E. S., and others. Our famous wo- men. 9207 P3 Biography, collective : misce!= "laneous. 1. IN JUVENILE DEPARTMENT. Adams, O. F. Dear old story-tellers, j 928 A2 Adams, W. H. D. Warriors of the crescent. j 9231 A5 Barnard, C. The tone masters. 3 v. j 9278 A Contents: v. 1. Mozart and Mendelssohn, v. 2, Handel and Haydn, v. 3, Bach and Beethoven. Bolton, S. K. Famous English authors of the 19th century. j 9282 B5 Famous English statesmen of queen Vic- toria’s reign. j 923242 B7 Famous European artists. j 927 B5 Famous men of science. j 925 B Chambers, W. Stories of remarkable persons. j 920 Cll Chenoweth, C. van D. Stories of the saints. j 922 C Day, G. Naturalists and their investigations : Linnaeus, Edward, Cuvier, Kingsley. j 925 D Deane, F. A. National flowers. j 929 D Dennis, J. Heroes of literature : English poets ; a book for young readers, j 9282 D3 Ely, G. H. Chaucer, Spenser, Sidney. j 9282 E4 Griffiths, J. R. Musicians and their compo- sitions ; Handel, Bach, Mozart, Haydn, Beethoven, Mendelssohn. j 927 G5 Hale, E. E. Stories of invention told by in- ventors and their friends. j 926 H3 Harris, A. B. Pleasant authors for young folks. j 9282 H Keddie, H. (Sarah Ty tier, ps.) Modern paint- ers and their paintings-. j 927 H Musical composers and their work, j 9278 K Old masters, and their pictures. j 927 HI Manning, A. Heroes of the desert. j 922 M Mitchell, D. G. About old story tellers, of how and when they lived, and what stories they told. j 928 M Rice, E. W. Stories of great painters ; or, religion in art. j 927 R Richards, W. Heroes of our day; or, the re- cent winners of the Victoria cross. j 920042 R3 Rideing, W. H. Boyhood of living authors. 3 928 C Towle, G. M. Heroes and martyrs of inven- tion. j 926 T Warren, I. P. The three judges ; the story of the men who beheaded their king. j 920 W7 Willing, F. S. Dame Heraldry. j 9296 W Wright, H. C. Children’s stories of the great scientists. j 925 W 2. IN MAIN COLLECTION. Charles, E. R. Three martyrs of the nine- teenth century. 920 C7 Contents : Livingstone, Gordon, Patteson. — 20 — BIOGRAPHY. Cox, Sir G. W. Greek statesmen. 2 v. 92003 C Craik, G. L., ed. The pursuit of knowledge under difficulties. 920 C5 Ferris, G. T. , ed. Great leaders. 920 F3 Greely, A. W. Explorers and travellers. 9239 G Hubert, P. G. Inventors. 926 H9 Jameson, A. M. Memoirs of early Italian painters. 927 A Munro, J. Heroes of the telegraph. 9253 Ml Richards, L. E. Glimpses of the French court. 920044 R Smiles, S. Industrial biographies. 926 SI Lives of the engineers. 5 v. 926 S2 Men of invention and industry. 926 S Stoddard, W. O. Men of business. 9238 S5 Wilson, J. G. Illustrious soldiers. 9235 B Winslow, C. M. R. Yesterdays with actors. 927 F Biography : Individual Lives. I. IN JUVENILE DEPARTMENT. Alcott, Louisa May ; by E. D. Cheney. j B All 3 A Life, letters, and journals; ed. by E. D. Cheney. j B All 3 A1 Alexander the great ; by J. Abbott. j B A12 A Alfred the great ; by J. Abbott, j B A122 B Andre, John. Two spies ; by B. J. Lossing. j 9733 L Anson, George. From middy to admiral ; by J. Macaulay. j B An8 A Bainbridge, William. Commodore Bain- bridge ; by J. Barnes. j B B16 A Banks, Nathaniel P. Bobbin boy ; by W. M. Thayer. j B B22 A Bayard, Chevalier. History of the good knight ; by E. C. Kindersley. in j H43 Blitz, A. ; by himself. j B B615 A Bonaparte, Joseph ; by J. S. C. Abbott. j B B645 A Boone, Daniel ; by J. S. C. Abbott, j B B64 A By W. H. Bogart. j B B64 C Brant and Red Jacket ; by E. Eggleston and L. E. Seelye. j 9702 A2 Burnett, F. H. One I knew best of all. j B B894 A Cjesar, C. Julius ; by J. Abbott. j B Cll B Carson, Christopher (Kit) ; by J. S. C. Abbott. j B C23 A By DeW. C. Peters. j B C23 C Charles I. ; by J. Abbott. j B C384 A Charles II. ; by J. Abbott. j B C385 A Cid, The. Rodrigo (or Ruy Diaz) de Bivar, called. The Cid Campeador ; by R. Southey. in j LI43 Clay, Henry. Mill-boy of the Slashes ; by J. Frost. j B C57 C Cleveland, G. ; by W. O. Stoddard. j B C581 A Cleopatra ; by J. Abbott. j B C59 A Columbus, Christopher ; by J. Abbott. j B C72 A By F. H. Allen. j B C72 M True story of ; by E. S. Brooks. j B C72 L Career of ; by C. Elton. j B C72 I Story of ; by E. E. Seelye. j B C72 J Cortez, Hernando ; by J. S. C. Abbott. j B C817 A Crockett, David ; J. S. C. Abbott, j B C87 A Life of ; by E. S. Ellis. j B C87 B Cromwell, Oliver ; by F. W. Cornish. j B C88 B Cyrus the great ; by J. Abbott. j B C995 A Darius ; by J. Abbott. j B D24 A De Soto, Hernando ; by J. S. C. Abbott. j B D45 A Drake, Sir Francis ; by G. M. Towle. j B D78 A Edward the Black Prince ; by L. Creighton. j B Ed9 A Elizabeth, Queen ; by J. Abbott, j B E148 A Ericsson, John. Miner boy and his monitor ; by P. C. Headley. j B Er4 B Farragut, David Glasgow. Old Salamander; by P. C. Headley. j B F24 B Midshipman Farragut; by J. Barnes. j B F24 D Ferguson, James. The peasant boy philoso- pher; by H. May hew. j B F38 A Franklin, Benjamin. Autobiography. j B F84 G Autobiography. (Riverside literature series.) j B F84 J Benjamin Franklin; by J. S. C. Abbott. j B F84 A1 Young Benjamin Franklin; by H. Mayhew. j B F84 D The printer boy ; by W. M. Thayer. j B F84 II Poor Richard’s story; by H. C. Watson. j B F84 I Frederick William III. , emperor of Germany. “Fritz” of Prussia; by L. Taylor, j B F875 B Fulton, Robert. Fulton and the history of steam navigation; byT.W. Knox, j 656 A Garfield, James A. From log cabin to White House; by W. M. Thayer. j B G18 C Genghis Khan ; by J. Abbott. j B G285 A Gough, John B. Knight that smote the drag- on; by E. A. Rand. j B G72 D Grant, U. S. ; by W. O. Stoddard, j B G76 A Our standard bearer; by W. T. Adams. j B G76 A3 The true story of U. S. Grant; by E. S. Brooks. j B G76 N Tanner boy; by Major Pen niman, ps. (C. W. Denison). j B G76 E Fight it out on this line; by P. C. Headle} r . j B G76 H5 Boy’s life of; by T. W. Knox. j B G76 K Hale, Edward Everett. A New England boy- hood. (Autobiography.) j B HI 31 A Hannibal; by J. Abbott. j B HI 9 A Henry IV. of France; by J. S. C. Abbott. j B H38 A Hortense; by J. S. C. Abbott. j B H48 A Howe, Laura E. (Mrs. Richards). When I was your age. j B H833 A Jackson, Andrew. Old Hickory; by J. Frost. j B J12 D Joan of Arc. The maid of Orleans; by W. H. D. Adams. j B J57 B Jones, Paul; by J. S. C. Abbott. j B J71 A By M. E. Seawell. j B J71 B Josephine, Empress; by J. S. C. Abbott. j B J775 A Judas Maccabseus; by C. R. Conder. j B J88 A — 21 — BIOGRAPHY. Kidd, Capt. William; by J. S. C. Abbott. j B K53 A Lafayette, Marquis; by L. H. Farmer. j B L132 A Friend of Washington; by H. C. Watson. j B L132 C Larcom, Lucy. A New England girlhood. j B L32 A LaSalle, Robert Cavelier de; by J. S. C. Ab- bott. j B L33 A Latimer, Hugh, bp. Latimer’s candle; by F. E. Cooke. j B L34 A Lee, Yan Phou. When I was a boy in China. j B L511 A Lincoln, Abraham; by Noah Brooks, j B L63 F True story of; by E. S. Brooks. j B L63 F5 Children’s life of; by M. L. Putnam. j B L63 P From pioneer-home to White House; byW. M Thayer. j B L63 C Linnaeus, Carl von. The floral king; by A. Al- berg. j B L645 A Livingstone, David; Anonymous, j B L76 D Life of; by J. S. Roberts, j B L76 A Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. A Long- fellow remembrance book; by E. S. Brooks and others. j B L86 F Louis XIV. (king of France); by J. S. C. Ab- bott. j B L92 A Louis Phillippe (king of France); by J. S. C. Abbott. j B L925 A Luther, Martin. Child’s life of; Anonymous. j B L97 D Mackay, A M. Story of life of; by Mrs. J. W. Harrison j B M19 B Magellan, Fernando da; by G. M. Towle. j B M27 A Marie Antoinette, queen of France; by J. S. C. Abbott. j B M331 A By H. Keddie (S. Tytler). j B M331 B Margaret of Anjou; by J. S. C. Abbott. j B M332 A Marion, Gen. Francis. The Swamp Fox; by J. Frost. j B M337 A Mary, queen of Scots; by J. Abbott, j B M365 B Mitchel, Gen. O. M. Old Stars; by P. C. Headley. j B M695 B Montezuma; by E. Eggleston and L. E. Seelye. j 9702 A3 Montfort, Simon de; by L. Creighton. j BM76A More, Sir Thomas. A boy’s ideal; by F. E. Cooke. j B M81 A Mozart’s early days; by F. Hoffman, j B M87 B Napoleon I.; boy life of; by E. Foa. j B N161 A Nelson. Lord; by R. Southey. j B N33 A Nero; by J. Abbott. j B N357 A Paton, John G, ; story of; by J. Paton. j B P27 B Peter the great; by J. Abbott. j B P443 A Philip, King; by J. S. C. Abbott. j B P53 A Pizarro; by G. M. Towle j B P68 A By F. H. Allen. j B P68 C Pocahontas; by E. Eggleston andL. E. Seelye. j 9702 A Polo, Marco; by G. M. Towle. j B P76 A Pyrrhus; by J. Abbott. j B P99 A Ralegh, Sir Walter; by L. Creighton. j B R14 B By G. M. Towle. j B R14 A Red Eagle; by G. C. Eggleston. j 9702 A1 —22 Richard I., king of England; by J. Abbott. j B R38 A Richard II., king of England; by J. Abbott. j B R381 A Richard III., king of England; by J. Abbott. j B R382 A Roland, Madame; by J. S. C. Abbott. j B R64 B Romulus; by J. Abbott. j B R66 A Samuels, S. From forecastle to cabin. j B Sa4 A Shaftesbury, 7th earl of. The children’s champion; by L. Taylor. j B Shll B Sheridan, Gen. Phil. H. Fighting Phil.; by P. C. Headley. j B Sh52 A Sherman, Gen. Wm. T. ; by P. C. Headley. j B Sh51 H Standish, Miles ; by J. S. C. Abbott, j B St2 A Stanley, Henry M. ; by A. Montefiore. j B St26 A Stuyvesant, Peter; by J. S. C. Abbott. j B St9 A Taylor, Gen. Zachary. Old Rough and Ready; by J. Frost. j B T218 B Tecumseh; byE. Eggleston and L. E. Seelye. j 9702 A4 Victoria, Queen ; by Grace Greenwood (S. J. Lippincott). j B V66 A Story of the life of Queen Victoria ; by J. Tulloch. j B V66 F Washington, George ; by J. Abbott. j B W27 E By J. S. C. Abbott. By W. Irving (condensed). By H. E. Scudder. By W. O. Stoddard. By V. F. Townsend. By H. C. Watson. Story of ; by E. E Seelye. True story of ; by E. S. Brooks. j B W27 A j B W27 F j B W27 S2 j B W27 B j B W27 H j B W27 W j B W27 S4 j B W27 I A Virginia cavalier ; by M. E. Seawell. j B W27 S7 Webster, Daniel ; the great expounder ; by J. Frost. j B W381 E Whittier, John G. Whittier with the chil- dren ; by Margaret Sidney (H. M. Lothrop). j B W59 D Willard, Mary E. Nineteen beautiful years ; by F. E. Willard. j B W666 A William the conqueror ; by J. Abbott. j B W673 B Xerxes ; by J. Abbott. j B X2 A 2. IN MAIN COLLECTION. Agassiz, Louis (in full, Jean Rodolphe Louis.) Louis Agassiz, his life and work ; by C. F. Holder. B Agl B Alfred, called the great, king of England ; by T. Hughes. B A122 A Andersen, Hans Christian. Story of my life. B An2 A Arblay, Fannie Burney, Mme. d’. Diary and letters ; ed. S. C. Woolsey. 2 v. B Arl A Same ; ed. by Barrett. 4 v. B Arl C Audubon, John James ; by L. Audubon, ed. B Au2 A Austen, Jane. Story of Jane Austen’s life ; by O. F. Adams. B Au7 C Bartlett, William F. Memoir of ; by F. W. Palfrey. B B28 A BIOGRAPHY. HISTORY. Bridgman, Laura D. Life and education of ; by M. S. Lamson. B B765 A Bronte, Charlotte ; by Mrs. E. C. Gaskell. B B781 A Bruce, Robert, king of Scotland. Robert the Bruce ; by H. Maxwell. B B831 A Buckland, Frank, naturalist ; by G. C. Bom- pas. B B85 A Caesar, Caius Julius ; by W. W. Fowler. B Cll D By J. A. Froude. B Cll A Cid, The ; Rodrigo (Ruy Diaz) de Bivar, called. The Cid Campeador ; by H. B. Clarke. B C485 A Coligny, Gaspard de ; by W. Besant. B C673 A Columbus, Christopher. Life and voyages of Columbus ; by W. Irving. (Condensed. ) B C72 B Life of Columbus ; by C. R. Markham. B C72 K Cromwell, Oliver ; by S. H. Church. B C88 G Dampier, William ; by W. C. Russell. B D18 A Darwin, Charles (Robert) ; by Grant Allen. B D25 A By C. F. Holder. B D25 D Davis, John, the navigator ; by C. R. Mark- ham. B D29 A Dick, Robert, baker of Thurso ; by S. Smiles. B D54 A Du Guesclin, Bertrand ; by E. Y. Stoddard. B D875 A Edward, Thomas. Life of a Scotch natural- ist ; by S. Smiles. B Ed91 A Emmett, Robert. An Irish knight of the nine- teenth century ; by Y. A. J. Davis. B Em6 A Ewing, Juliana Horatia, and her books ; by H. K. F. Gatty. B Ew~54 A Franklin, Benjamin. Autobiography ; ed. by J. Bigelow. 3 v. B F84 A Franklin in France ; by E. E. Hale and E. E. Hale, jr. 2 v. B F84 A2 Benjamin Franklin as a man of letters : by J. B. McMaster. B F84 B Franklin, Sir John ; by A. H. Beesly. B F843 A Grant, Ulysses S. ; by W. C. Church. B G76 M By J. G. Wilson. B G76 L Haroun Alraschid ; by E. H. Palmer. B H26 A Henry, prince of Portugal. Prince Henry the navigator ; by C. R. Beazley. B II393 A Hobart Pasha. H. C. Hobart, called. Sketch- es from my life. B H65 A Howells, W. D. My year in a log cabin. B H836 A Lincoln, Abraham ; by C. G. Leland. B L63 D By C. Schurz. B L63 S Livingstone, David ; by T. Hughes. B L76 C Madison, Dolly. Memoirs and letters. B M261 A Marlborough, John Churchill, duke of ; by L. Creighton. B C47 A More, Hannah ; by C. M. Yonge. B M813 A Nasmyth, James ; by S. Smiles. B N17 A Nelson, Horatio, lord ; by W. C. Russell and W. R. Jacques. B N33 B Pictures from the life of Nelson ; bv W. C. Russell. B N33 B1 Pattison, Dorothy W. (Sister Dora.) Sister Dora ; by M. Lonsdale. B P273 A Pellico, Silvio. My prisons. B P365 A Perry, Matthew Calbraith ; by W. L. Griffis. B P42 A Roland de La Plati£re, Marie J. P., madame. Madame Roland ; by M. Blind. B R65 A Ruskin, John. Prseterita. (Autobiography.) B R893 A Smith, Captain John ; by C. D. Warner. B Sm5 A Somerville, Mary. Personal recollections of Mary Somerville; ed. by Martha Somer- ville. B So5 A Stephenson, George and Robert ; by S. Smiles. B St3 A Theodoric, king of the Yisigoths. The bar- barian champion of Christendom ; by T. Hodgkin. B T341 A Yane, Sir Henry. Young Sir Henry Yane ; by J. K. Hosmer. B Y28 A Yictor Emanuel ; king of Italy ; by E. Dicey. B Y6C5 A Warren, Mercy ; by A. Brown. B W251 A Washington George ; by J. Habberton. B W27 H2 Washington, Mary ; by M. Y. Terhune (Mar- ion Harland, ps.) B W271 A Washington, Martha ; by A. H. Wharton. B W272 A Whittington, Sir Richard ; by W. Besant and J. Rice. B W595 A Winslow, Anna Green. Diary of a Boston school girl ; ed. by A. M. Earle B W731 A Winthrop, Margaret ; by A. M. Earle. B W732 A History: genera!. Bernard, F. Wonderful escapes. j 904 B Brooks, E. S. Chivalric days, and the boys and girls who helped to make them. j 904 K Heroic happenings, told in verse and story. j 904 K2 Storied holidays ; a cycle of red-letter days. j 904 K1 Eggleston, G C. Strange stories from his- tory, for young people. j 904 E Gilman, A., ed. Magna Charta stories. j 904 G3 Hale, E. E. Stories of adventure, told by ad- venturers. j 904 H Harris, A. B., and others. Young folk’s golden treasury of history, short sketches and poems. j 908 H Johonnot, J., comp. Grandfather’s stories. j 908 J Stories of heroic deeds, for boys and girls. j 908 J1 Ten great events in history. j 904 J Lang, A., ed. The blue true story book (adapt- ed for school use.) j 908 L2 Red true story book. j 908 LI The true story book. j 908 L Grote, G., and Segur, P. P., comte de. The two great retreats of history : The retreat of the ten thousand, and Napoleon’s re- treat from Moscow. j 908 G Saxon, E. L. (E. L. S.) Belt and spur ; sto- ries of the knights of old. j 908 B Stirring events of history. (Anon.) j 904 S Yonge, C. M. The book of golden deeds. j 904 Y — 23 — HISTORY. 2. IN MAIN COLLECTION. Brewer, E. C. Historic note-book. 903 B, Reference Creasy, Sir E. S. Fifteen decisive battles. 904 C Cyclopaedic review of current history. 905 C5 Fisher, G. P. Brief history of the nations. 909 A1 Outlines of universal history. 909 A Freeman, E. A. General sketch of history. 909 B Gilman, A. Seven historic ages. 904 G4 Harper’s book of facts ; comp, by J. H. Will- sey. 908 +H, Reference Haydn, J. Haydn’s dictionary of dates. 20th ed. 902 HI, Reference Knox, T. W. Decisive battles since Waterloo. 904 D Sheldon, M. D. Studies in general history 909 S5 Swinton, W. Outlines of the world’s history. 909 S 3. STORIES. Andrews, J. Ten boys who lived on the road from long ago to now. j An2 T Arnold, E. L. Wonderful adventures of Phra, the Phoenician. ArG.l Humphrey, F. A., and others. Wonder stories of history. j W845 A Ancient History. 1. IN JUVENILE DEPARTMENT. Allen, W. F. Short history of the Roman people. j 937 A5 Beesly, Mrs. Stories from the history of Rome. j 937 B7 Butterworth, H. Little Arthur’s history of Rome. (To A.D. 321.) j 937 B10 Church, A. J. Pictures from Greek life and story. j 938 C5 Pictures from Roman life and story. j 93706 C The story of the last days of Jerusalem, from Josephus. j 933 B2 Stories of the East, from Herodotus. j 930 At Creighton, M. History of Rome. j 937 C5 Fyffe, C. A. History of Greece. j 938 F5 Guerber, H. (M.) A. The story of the Greeks. j 938 G10 Herodotus. The boys’ and girls’ Herodotus ; ed. by J. S. White. j 930 A2 Josephus. The young folks’ Josephus ; ed. by W. S. Walsh. j 933 B3 Pollard, A., comp. True stories from Greek history. j 938 P True stories from Roman history, j 937 PlO Yonge, C. M. Young folks’ history of Greece. (B C. 884-A.D. 1875.) j 938 B Young folks’ history of Rome. j 937 F 2. IN MAIN COLLECTION. Benjamin, S. G. W. The story of Troy. 93921 A Birch, S. Egypt from the earliest times to B.C. 300. Bramston, M. Judaea and her rulers, from Nebuchadnezzar to Vespasian. 933 E Church, A. J., and Gilman, A. The story of Carthage. 93973 A Gilman, A. Story of Rome. f 937 A Harrison, J. A. Story of Greece. 938 A Hosmer, J. K. The story of the Jews. 933 A Joy, J. R. Grecian history. 938 J Mahaffy, J. P. Old Greek life. 938 Ml Mahaffy, J. P., and Gilman, A. The story of Alexander’s empire. 930 D Myers. P. V. N. Ancient history. 930 M History of Greece, for colleges and high schools. 938 M5 Ragozin, Z. A. Media, Babylonia, and Persia. ' 935 B Story of Assyria. 9352 A 3. STORIES AND BIOGRAPHIES: JUVENILE DEPARTMENT. Cahun, L. The adventures of Captain Mago. j Cll A Church, A. J. Lords of the world; a story of of the fall of Carthage and Corinth. j C471 L Three Greek children. j C471 T A young Macedonian in the army of Alexan- der the great. j C471 Y Henty, G A. The cat of Bubastes ; a tale of ancient Egypt. j H38 Ca For the Temple ; a tale of the fall of Jeru- salem. j H38 FT The young Carthaginian ; a story of the times of Hannibal. j H38 Y Stoddard, W. O. The swordmaker’s son ; a story of A. D. 30. (Judaea.) j St61 Sw Yonge, C. M. The cook and the captive. (Romans in Gaul.) j Y8 CC Alexander the great ; by J. Abbott, j B A12 A Caesar, C. Julius ; by J. Abbott. j B Cll B Cleopatra ; by J. Abbott. j B C59 A Cyrus the great ; by J. Abbott. j B C995 A Darius the great ; by J. Abbott. j B D24 A Hannibal ; by J. Abbott. j B HI 9 A Judas Maccabeus ; by C. R. Conder. j B J88 A Nero ; by J. Abbott. j B N357 A Pyrrhus ; by J. Abbott. j B P99 A Romulus ; by J. Abbott. j B R66 A Xerxes the great ; by J. Abbott. j B X2 A 4. STORIES AND BIOGRAPHIES: IN MAIN COLLECTION. Church, A. J. The burning of Rome. C471.7 Callias ; a tale of the fall of Athens. C471.6 The hammer ; a storv of Maccabean times. C471.5 To the lions ; a story of the persecutions of the Christians under the early Roman em- pire. C471.4 Two thousand years ago. (Adventures of a Roman boy.) C471.1 Ebers, G. (M.) An Egyptian princess. Bbl2.2 The sisters. Ebl2.6 W allace, L. Ben-Hur ; a tale of the Christ. W156.1 Yonge, C. M. Slaves of Sabinus. (Early Christians) Y8.82 Caesar, C. Julius ; by W. W. Fowler. B Cll D 932 B6 —24— HISTORY. History: England, Ireland, and Scotland. 1. IN JUVENILE DEPARTMENT. Brown, C. True stories of the reign of Queen Victoria. j 942 B5 Browning, O. True stories from English history ; from the conquest to the present time. j 942 BIO Buckley, A. B. History of England — for be- ginners. j 942 B Callcott, Lady. Little Arthur’s history of England. j 942 O Church, A. J. Stories from English history. j 942 C15 Curry, G., and Rolfe, W. J. Merrill’s Eng- lish history for school and home use. j 942 C20 Dickens, C. A child’s history of England. j 942 D Edgar, J. G. Wars of the roses. j 94204 B Gardiner, S. R. English history for schools. j 942 G6 Gomme, G. L., comp, and ed. The king’s story book ; being stories collected out of Eng- lish romantic literature : from the con- quest to William IV. j 942 G20 Higginson, T. W., and Channing, E. English history for American readers. j 942 H5 Kingsley, R. G. Children of Westminster Abbey ; studies in English history. j 942 K3 Kirkland, E. S. A short history of England for young people. j 942 K7 Montgomery, D. H. Leading facts of English history. j 942 M Morris, C. Historical tales, romance of reali- ty : English. j 942 M6 Oliphant, M. O. W. Child’s history of Scot- land. j 941 O Rideing, W. H. Young folks history of Lon- don. j 9421 R Rolfe, W. J., ed. Tales from English history. j 942 R Tales from Scottish history. j 941 R Scott, Sir W. Tales of a grandfather ; being the history of Scotland ; abridged and edit- ed by E. Ginn. j 941 S Same ; complete. 3 v. j 941 SI Stories from English history for young Ameri- cans. (Anon.) j 942 S9 Towle, G. M. Young people’s history of Ire- land. j 9415 B Yonge, C. M. Cameos from English history ; . from Rollo to Edward II. (A. D 900-1329.) j 942 Y, v. 1 Cameos from English history : forty years of Stuart rule (A. D. 1603-1643.) j 942 Y, v. 6 Cameos from English history : rebellion and restoration (A D. 1642-1678.) j 94206 Y Young folk’s history of England. j 942 Y1 2. IN MAIN COLLECTION. Archer, T. A. The crusade of Richard I. 94203 A7 Besant, Sir W. London. 9421 B5 Church, A. J. The story of early Britain, 94201 C4 Fitchett, W. H. (Vedette, ps.) Deeds that won the empire. 1st and 2nd series. Gardiner, S. R. Student’s history of England. 3 v. 942 G7 Green, J. R. Short history of the English people. 942 G, G2 Same ; illustrated. 942 +G3 Guest, M. J. Lectures on the history of Eng- land. 942 G5 Jesse, E. The pretenders and their adherents. 94207 D Joy, J. R. Outline history of England. 942 J7 Knight, C. Popular history of England. 9 v. 942 K Latimer, E. W. England in the nineteenth century. 94208 L Lawless, E. The story of Ireland. 9415 C Mackintosh, J. Story of Scotland. 941 M 3. STORIES AND BIOGRAPHIES: JUVENILE DEPARTMENT. Adams, H. C. In the fifteen. (Jacobite insur- rection of 1715.) j Adi I Blake, M. M. The siege of Norwich castle. (William the conqueror.) j B581 S Cowper, F. The captain of the Wight. (15th century.) j C835 C Crake, A. D. Alfgar the Dane. j C845 A Brian Fitz-Count. j C845 B Edwy the fair. j C845 E The house of the Walderne. j C845 H The rival heirs. j C845 R Edgar, J. G. The boy crusaders. j Ed3 B Cavaliers and Roundheads. (Revolution of 1641.) j Ed3 C Gilliatt, E. Forest outlaws. (12th century.) j G411 F Jack Standish. (14th century.) j G411 J Henty, G. A. Beric the Briton ; a tale of the Roman invasion. j H38 BB Bonnie Prince Charlie ; a tale of Fontenoy and Culloden. (1745.) j H38 Bo The cornet of horse ; a tale of Marlborough’s wars. j H38 Ct The dragon and the raven ; or, the days of King Alfred. j H38 D Friends though divided. (Civil war, 1641 - 1649.) j H38 F Held fast for England ; a tale of the siege of Gibraltar. (1779-1783.) j H38 H In freedom’s cause; a tale of Wallace and Bruce. j H38 IF A march on London ; a story of Wat Tyler’s insurrection. j H38 Ma Orange and green ; a tale of the Boyne and Limerick. j H38 O Through the fray ; a tale of the Luddite riots. j H38 T When London burned ; a tale of the Restora- tion and the great fire. j H38 Wh Wulf the Saxon ; a story of the Norman conquest. * j H38 Wu Hervey, M. H. Eric the archer ; a tale of chivalry. (Battle of Poictiers.) j H44 E Marsh, J. B. Life and adventures of Robin Hood. j M351 L Peard, F. M. The abbot’s bridge. (16th century.) j P315 A Scrapegrace Dick. (17th century.) j P815 S To horse and away. (Revolution of 1641.) j P315 T Pyle, II. Men of iron. (14th century.) j P99 MI 942 F, FI — 25— HISTORY. The mei’ry adventures of Robin Hood. j P99 M Saxon, E. L. (E. L. S.) Border lances ; a romance of the northern marches in the reign of Edward III. j Sa9 B Scott, Sir W. Stories from Waverley. j Sco8 St Tales of chivalry ; ed. by Sir E. Sullivan. j Sco8 Ta Tales of chivalry ; ed. by W. J. Rolfe. j Sco8 T Stevenson, E. I. White cockades. (Jacobite times.) j St485 W Winder, F. H. With the sea kings ; a story of the times of Nelson. j W722 W Yonge, C. M. The caged lion. (James I. of Scotland.) j Y8 Ca The lances of Lynwood. (Time of Edward III.) j Y8 LL The pigeon pie ; a tale of Roundhead times. j Y8 Pi The prince and the page ; a story of the last crusade. (14th century.) j Y8 Pa Alfred the great ; by J. Abbott. jB A122 B Anson, George. From middy to admiral ; by J. Macaulay. jB An8 A Charles I. , king of England ; by J Abbott. jB C384 A Charles II., king of England ; by J. Abbott. jB C385 A Cromwell, Oliver ; by F. W. Cornish. jB C88 B Drake, Sir Francis ; by G. M. Towle. jB D78 A Edward the Black Prince ; by L. Creighton. jB Ed9 A Elizabeth, queen of England ; by J. Abbott. jB E148 A Montfort, Simon de ; by L. Creighton. jB M76 A More, Sir Thomas ; by F. E. Cooke. jB M81 A Nelson, Horatio, lord ; by R. Southey. jB N33 A Richard I. , king of England ; by J. Abbott. jB R38 A Richard II. , king of England ; by J. Abbott. jB R381 A Richard III., king of England ; by J. Abbott. jB R382 A Victoria, queen of England ; by Grace Green- wood, ps. jB V66 A Story of the life of Victoria ; by J. Tulloch. jB V66 F William the conqueror, king of England ; by J. Abbott. jB W673 A 4. STORIES AND BIOGRAPHIES, IN MAIN COLLECTION. Besant, Sir W. Dorothy Forster. B46.5 For faith and freedom. B46.9 The world went very well then. B46.7 Blackmore, R. D. Lorna Doone ; a romance of Exmoor. B567. 3 Bulwer-Lytton, E.G.E.L., lord Lytton. Har- old, the last of the Saxon kings. B877.10 The last of the barons. B877.13 Church, A. J. The chantry priest of Barnet. Doyle, A. C. Micah Clarke. D775.1 Holt, E. S. Earl Hubert’s daughter. H74.1 Keightley, S. R. The cavaliers. K26.2 Kingsley, C. Here ward the wake ; the last of the English. K615.2 Westward, ho ! K615.5 Lawless, E. Mmlcho ; a 16th century narra- tive (Ireland.) L425.7 With Essex in Ireland. L425.5 Manning, A. Maiden and married life of Mary Powell. M31.1 Passages in the life of the Faire Gospeller. M31.2 Porter, J. Scottish chiefs. P832.1 Rhoscomyl, O. Battlement and tower. R347.2 Robinson, C. N., and Leyland, J. For the honour of the flag. R563.1 Scott, Sir W. The abbot; sequel to The Monastery. Sco8.1 The fortunes of Nigel. Sco8.9 Ivanhoe. Sco8.12 The monastery. Sco8.14 Snaith, J. C. Mistress Dorothy Marvin. Snl.l Stevenson, R. L. The black arrow ; or the outlaws of Tunstall forest. St48.7 Weyman, S. J. The story of Francis Cludde. W547.2 Yonge, C. M. Armourer’s prentices. Y8.1 The constable’s tower. Y8.35 Grisly Grisell. Y8.39 A reputed changeling. Y8.30 Under the storm. Y8.25 Unknown to history. Y8.24 Alfred the great ; by T. Hughes. B A122 A Bruce, Robert, king of Scotland ; by H. Max- well. B B831 A Cromwell, Oliver ; by S. JI. Church. BC88G Emmett, Robert ; by V. A. J. Davis. B Em6 A Marlborough, John Churchill, duke of ; by L. Creighton. B C47 A Nelson, Horatio, lord ; by W. C. Russell and W. R. Jacques. B N33 A Pictures from the life of Nelson ; by W. C. Russell. B N33 B1 History : Europe, general and miscellaneous. 1. IN JUVENILE DEPARTMENT. Benedict, E. L. Stories of persons and places in Europe. j 940 B3 Bonner, J. A child’s history of France. j 944 B7 A child’s history of Spain. j 946 B6 Coffin, C. C. The story of liberty. j 940 C Creighton, L. First history of France. j 944 C8 Dole, N. H. Young folk’s history of Russia. j 947 D Farmer, L. H. A short history of the French Revolution, for young people ; pictures of the “ reign of terror.” j 94404 F Freeman, E. A. History of Europe, j 940 D1 Froissart, Sir J. The boy’s Froissart ; edited by S. Lanier. j 9404 B1 Harrison, F. B., comp. True stories from Italian history. j 945 H Jones, M., ed. Stories of the olden time; from De Joinville and Froissart, j 9404 J C471.8 The count of the Saxon shore. C471.3 With the king at Oxford. C471.2 HISTORY. Kirkland, E. S. Short history of Italy, from 476 to 1878. 3 945 K Little Arthur’s history of France. (Anon.) j 944 C Maccoll, L. M. Story of Iceland. j 9491 M Montgomery, D. H. Leading facts of French history. j 944 M5 Morris, C. Historical tales, romance of real- ity : French. j 944 M7 Historical tales, romance of reality: Ger- man. j 948 M 6 Nutting, M. O. The days of Prince Maurice. (Sequel to William the Silent.) j 9492 B1 William the Silent and the Netherland war. j 9492 B Paul, N. M., comp. True stories from French history. 3 * 944 P Saxon, E. L. (E. L. S.) The city in the sea. (Venice.) j 9453 A Scott, Sir W. Tales of a grandfather, 4th series : France. j 944 S Smith, S. F., ed. Knights and sea-kings. j 9408 S Watson, H. C. The camp-fires of Napoleon. j 94405 W Yonge, C. M. History of France. 3 ' 944 E Story of the Christians and Moors of Spain. j 946 Y Young folk’s history of France. 3 944 El Young folk’s history of Germany. j 943 Y Young, A. Young folk’s history of the Neth- erlands. 3 9492 C 2. IN MAIN COLLECTION. Boyesen, H. H. The story of Norway. 9481 A Bradley, H. The story of the Goths. 940 E Church, R. W. The beginnings of the Middle Ages. 9401 A Cox, Sir G. W. The crusades. 9404 A Du Chaillu, P. B. The Viking age. 2 v. 948 D Gould, S. Baring. The story of Germany. 943 B Griffis, W. E. Brave little Holland, and what she taught us. 9492 G5 Guizot, F. P. G., and Witt, H. History of France. 8 v. 944 A Hale, E. E. and S. The story of Spain. 946 B Hug, L., and Stead, R. Switzerland. 9494 H Jewett, S. O. The story of the Normans. 9403 B Johnson, A. H. Normans in Europe. 9403 A Lacombe, P. The growth of a people. (France) 944 D Latimer, E. W. France in the nineteenth cen- tury. 944 L Russia and Turkey in the nineteenth century. 947 L Spain in the nineteenth century. 946 L Martin, H. Popular history of France. 3 v. 944 M2 Masson, G. Concise history of France. (Abridged from Guizot’s history of France.) 944 B Story of mediaeval France. 94402 B . Morfill, W. R. The story of Poland. 9438 M Story of Russia. 947 M Morris, W. O’C. Napoleon, warrior and ruler. 94405 M5 Motley, J . L. The rise of the Dutch republic. 3 v. 9492 A1 Oman, C. W. C. Story of the Byzantine em- pire. 9495 O Poole, S. L. Story of the Moors in Spain. 946 A Story of Turkey. 9496 C Prescott, W. H. History of the reign of Philip II., king of Spain. 3 v. 94604 A Rogers, J. E. T. The story of Holland. 9492 R Stephens, H. M. The story of Portugal. 9469 S Vambery, A., and Heilprin, L. Story of Hungary. 94391 A Watts, H. E. The Christian recovery of Spain. 94602 W Wiel, A. Venice. 9453 W Zimmern, H. The Ilansa towns. 943 Z 3. STORIES AND BIOGRAPHIES, IN JUVENILE DEPARTMENT. Bramston, M. E. For faith and fatherland. (Holland, 15th century.) j B731 F Brooks, E. S. A boy of the first empire. (France under Napoleon.) 3 B79 B Burch, H. E. Wind and wave fulfilling His will. (Siege of Leyden, 1574.) 3 B891 W Cahun, L. The blue banner. (Crusades ) 3 Cll B Clements, M. E. Eagle and dove. Franco- Prussian war.) 3 * C59 E Henty, G. A. At Agincourt ; a tale of the White Hoods of Paris. 3 H38 A The boy knight. (Crusades.) j H38 B The bravest of the brave ; or, with Peter- borough in Spain. (1700.) 3 H38 Br By England’s aid ; or, the freedom of the Netherlands. (1585-1694.) j H38 BE By pike and dyke ; a tale of the rise of the Dutch republic. (1533-1584.) 3 H33 Bp Fighting the Saracens. Same as The boy knight. 3 H38 B In Greek waters ; a story of the Greek war of independence. (1821-1827.) 3 H38 In In the reign of terror. (France, 1789-1793.) 3 H38 I Jack Archer ; a tale of the Crimea. (Crimean war, 1854-55.) 3 H38J A Jacobite exile ; adventures in the service of Charles XII. 3 ' H38 Ja A knight of the White Cross ; a tale of the siege of Rhodes. (A. D. 1522.) j H38 K The lion of St. Mark ; a tale of Venice. (Venice, 15th century.) j H38 LS The lion of the north ; times of Gustavus Adolphus. (30 years’ war.) j H38 L One of the 28th ; a tale of Waterloo. 3 H38 On St. Bartholomew’s eve ; a tale of the Hugue- not wars. (France, 16th century.) j H38 SB St. George for England ; a tale of Cressy and Poitiers. (France, 14th century.) j H38 St Through Russian snows ; a retreat from Mos- cow. (Napoleon, 1812.) j H38 Th With Frederick the great ; a story of the seven years’ war. 3 H38 WF With Moore at Corunna. (Spain, Peninsular war.) 3 H38 WM The young buglers ; a tale of the Peninsular war. 3 H38 YB The young franc-tireurs. (Franco Prussian war.) 3 H38 YF — 27 — HISTORY. Heroes of chivalry. j H43 Contents : History of the good knight (Bay- ard) ; by E. C. Kindersley. Chronicle of the Cid ; by R. Southey. Hoare, E. N. A turbulent town ; or, the story of the Artevelds. (Ghent 14th century.) j H65 T Ker, D. Cossack and Czar. (Russia, Peter the great.) j K45 C King, E. Under the red flag ; two American boys in the days of the Commune. (Paris, 1871.) j K581 U Kingsley, H. Valentin ; a French boy's story of Sedan. (France, 1870.) j K616 V Leighton, R. Olaf the glorious. (Norway.) j L53 O Norway, G. A prisoner of war ; a story of the time of Napoleon Bonaparte, j N83 P Peattie, E. W. With scrip and staff. (The children’s crusade.) j P32 W Ray, C. A new exodus ; a story of the Pro- testants of the Tyrol. j R212 N Seawell, M. E. The rock of the lion. (Siege of Gibraltar, 1783.) j Sel R Stockton, F. R. The story of Viteau. (France, 14th century.) j St6 S Yonge, C. M. The little duke. Richard the fearless. (Normandy, 10th century.) j Y8 LD Bonaparte, Joseph ; by J. Abbott. jB B645 A Frederick William III., emperor of Ger- many. “Fritz” of Prussia; by L. Taylor. jB F875 B Henry IV., king of France ; by J. S. C. Ab- bott. jB H38 A Hortense, queen of Holland ; J. Abbott. jB H48 A Joan of Arc ; by W. H. D. Adams. jB J57 B Louis XIV., king of France ; by J. S. C. Ab- bott. jB L92 A Louis Philippe, king of France ; by J. S. C. Abbott. jB L925 A Marie Antoinette, queen of France ; by J. S. C. Abbott. jB M331 A By H. Keddie (S. Tytler.) jB M331 B Margaret of Anjou ; by J. S. C. Abbott. jB M332 A Napoleon I. , emperor of the French, boy life of ; by E. Foa. jB N161 A Peter the great, czar of Russia ; by J. Abbott. jB P443 A Roland, Madame ; by J. S. C. Abbott. jB R64 A 4. STORIES AND BIOGRAPHIES, IN MAIN COLLECTION. Catherwood, M. H. The days of Jeanne d’Arc. C28.8 Doyle, A. C. The White Company. (France and Spain, 14th century.) D775.3 Du Chaillu, P. B. Ivar, the Viking. (Early Norway.) 1)852.1 Ebers, G. (M). The burgomaster’s wife. (Siege of Leyden, 1574.) Ebl2.1 Frith, H. Under Bayard’s banner. (France and Italy, 15th century.) F917.1 Gras, F. Reds of the Midi. (The march to Paris of the Marseillaise, 1792.) G761.1 Hale, E. E. In His name. (Waldenses, France, 12th century.) H13.2 - 28 - Holt, E. S. Sister Rose. (Massacre of St. Bartholomew, 1572.) H74.2 Scott, Sir W. Anne of Geierstein. (Switzer- land, 15th century.) Sco8.2 Count Robert of Paris. (Byzantine empire.) Sco8 7 Wallace, L. The prince of India. (Capture of Constantinople, 1453.) W156.3 Yeats, S. L. Chevalier d’Auriac. (France under Henry IV.) Y3.3 The honour of Savelli. (Italy, 14th century.) Y3.1 Yonge, C. M. The chaplet of pearls. (France, massacre of St. Bartholomew, 1572.) Y8.4 Stray pearls ; sequel to A chaplet of pearls. Y8.23 Two penniless princesses. (Scotland and France, 15th century.) Y8.34 Cid, The : Rodrigo (or Ruy Diaz) de Bivar, called. The Cid Campeador ; by H. B. Clarke. B C485 A Coligny, Gaspard de ; by W. Besant. B C673 A Du Guesclin, Bertrand ; by E. V. Stoddard. B D875 A Hobart, A. C., called Hobart Pasha. Sketches from my life. (Turkey. 1867 — ) B H65 A Theodoric, king of the Ostrogoths. The bar- barian champion of Civilization ; by T. Hodgkin. B T341 A History: Asia and Africa. 1. IN JUVENILE DEPARTMENT. Cunnyngham, W. G. E. A young people’s history of the Chinese. j 951 C3 Feudge, F. R. India j 954 A Griffis, W. E. Japan in history, folk-lore, and art. j 952 G Moncrieff, R. FI. (Ascott R. Hope, ps.) The Indian mutiny. j 954 M Pimblett, W. True stories from African his- tory ; from the first Egyptian dynasty to the present day. j 960 P Van Bergen, R. The story of Japan, j 952 V 2. IN MAIN COLLECTION. Benjamin, S. G. W. The story of Persia. 955 A Grant, J., ed. Cassell’s illustrated history of India. 2 v. 954+ G Clement, C. E., Mrs. Waters. History of Egypt. (B.C. 4400-A.D. 1879.) 962 C Poole, S. L., and Kelley, J. D. J. Story of the Barbary corsairs. 960 P Theal, G. M. Primer of South African his- tory. 968 T1 The story of South Africa. 968 T 3. STORIES AND BIOGRAPHIES, IN JUVENILE DEPARTMENT. Dalton. W. The war tiger ; a tale of con- quest of China. j D17 WT Will Adams, the first Englishman in Japan. j D17 W Henty, G. A. By sheer pluck ; a tale of the Ashanti war. j H38 By A chapter of adventures ; a tale of the bom- bardment of Alexandria. j H88 Ch HISTORY. The dash for Khartoum ; a tale of the Nile expedition. j H38 Da For name and fame; or, through Afghan passes. j H38 Fo In times of peril. (Mutiny of 1857 in India.) j H38 IP On the Irrawaddy ; a tale of the Burmese war. 3 H38 01 Through the Sikh war ; a tale of the Pun- jaub. 3 K38 TS The Tiger of Mysore ; a story of the war with Tippoo Saib. j H38 Ti With Clive in India. j H38 WC The young colonists. (South Africa, 1877- 1881.) 3 H38 Yo Stables, G. On to the rescue ; a tale of the Indian mutiny. 3 ' Stl On Genghis Khan ; by J. Abbott. jB G285 A 4. STORIES AND BIOGRAPHIES, IN MAIN COLLECTION. Rajah’s heir, The. (Anon.) (The Indian mu- tiny, 1857.) R13 Haroun Alraschid ; by E. H. Palmer. (Per- sia. 8 th century.) B H26 A Perry, Matthew Calbraith ; by W. E. Griffis. (Japan, 1852-55.) B P42 A History: North America, General and Miscellaneous. North American Indians. 1. IN JUVENILE DEPARTMENT. Abbott, J. Aboriginal America. 3 9701 C Brooks, E S. The story of the American In- dian ; origin, development, decline, and destiny. 3 9701 E Colerick, E. F. Adventures of pioneer chil- dren : or, life in the wilderness. 3 9706 F Dodge, R. I. Our wild Indians. 3 9701 B Drake, F. S. Indian history, for young folks. 3 9701 D Drake, S. A. The taking of Louisbourg. 3 9732 D7 Eggleston, E., and Seelye, E. E. Brant and Red Jacket. 3 9702 A 2 Montezuma and the conquest of Mexico. 3 9702 A3 Pocahontas. 3 9702 A Tecumseh and the Shawnee prophet. 3 9702 A4 Eggleston, G. C. Red Eagle and the wars with the Creek Indians of Alabama. 3 9702 A1 Griffis, W. E. The romance of discovery ; a thousand years of exploration and the un- veiling of continents. j 970 G Grinnell, G. B. Pawnee hero-stories and folk-tales ; with notes on the Pawnee people 3 9704 G Machar, A. M., and Marquis, T. G. Stories of New France. 3 971 M Ober, F. A. History of Mexico. j 972 A Wright, H. C. Children’s stories of American history. 2. IN MAIN COLLECTION. Bourinot, J. G. Story of Canada. 971 B7 Catlin, G. Indians of North America. 2 v. 9701+C3 Custer, G. B. My life on the plains. 9706 A1 Hale, S. The story of Mexico. 972 H Jackson, H. M. (H. H.) A century of dis- honor. 9705 A Miles, H. H. School history of Canada. 971 M5 Noll, A. H. Short history of Mexico. 972 N Parkman, F. The conspiracy of Pontiac. 2 v. 970 P7 Frontenac and New France. 970 P4 Half a century of conflict. 2 v. 970 P5 Jesuits in North America. 970 PI La Salle and the discovery of the great West. 970 P2 Montcalm and Wolfe. 2 v. 970 P 6 The old regime in Canada. 970 P3 Pioneers of France in the New World. 970 P 3. STORIES AND BIOGRAPHIES, IN JUVENILE DEPARTMENT. Ellis, E. S. Books by. See Fiction list. Gordon, W. J. Englishman’s haven. (Siege of Louisbourg.) 3 ' G65 E Henty, G. A. By right of conquest ; or, with Cortez in Mexico. 3 H38 BC With Wolfe in Canada. (1759.) 3 H38 W Johnstone, D. L. The brotherhood of the coast. (Buccaneers of the Spanish Main ) 3 J641 B Kaler, J. O. (James Otis, ps.) The boys of 1745 at the capture of Louisbourg. 3 Kll B Moncrieff, R. H. (A. R. Hope.) Wigwam and war-path. (Indians.) 3 ' M74 W Munroe, K. The white conquerors. (Con- quest of Mexico.) 3 M92 Wh Pyle, H. The story of Jack Ballister’s for- tunes. (Pirates of the Atlantic coast. ) 3 P99 S Russan, A., and Boyle, F. Through forest and plain. (Central America, 1855-1860.) 3 R912 T Stoddard, W. O. Books by. See Fiction list. Cortez, Hernando, by J. S. C. Abbott. 3 B C817 A 4. STORIES AND BIOGRAPHIES, IN MAIN COLLECTION. Cooper, J. F. Stories by. See Fiction list. Wallace, L. The fair god. (Conquest of Mexico by Cortez.) W156.2 United States : General. 1. IN JUVENILE DEPARTMENT. Anderson, J. J. New grammar school his- tory of the United States, to which are added the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. 3 973 A 5 Barnes, M. S. Studies in American history. 3 973 B3 Bell, N. R. E. (N. D’ An vers.) Heroes of American discovery. 3 973 B2 Brooks, E. S. Story of the American soldier in war and peace. 3 973 B 8 j 970 W — 29 — HISTORY. The story of the United States, told for young people. j 973 B 6 Carver, E., and Pratt, M. L. Our father- land. j 973 C2 Coffin, C. C. Building the nation : from the revolution to the beginning of the civil war. j 973 C5 Dodge, N. S. Stories of American history. j 973 D Donnelly, T. E. A primary history of the United States for intermediate classes. j 973 D15 Doyle, J. A. Historv of the United States. j 973 D5 Drake, S. A. The making of the great West. (A. D. 1512-1883.) j 973 D1 The making of the Ohio valley states. (A. D. 1660-1837.) j 973 D2 Eggleston, E. A first book in American history. (1492-1865.) j 973 E3 A history of the United States and its people, for the use of schools. j 973 El Stories of American life and adventures : 3d reader grade. j 973 E4 Ellis, E. S. The youth’s history of the United States, from the discovery by the North- men to the present time j 973+E10 English, T. D. The boy’s book of battle lyrics. j 973 E Fiske, J. A history of the United States for schools. j 973 F5 Galpin, C. , and others. The children’s history book : tales of the history of our native land, by famous story-tellers. j 973 G15 Gilman, A. History of the American people. j 973 G The making of the American nation, j 973 G2 Tales of the pathfinders. j 973 G1 Goodrich, C. A., and Seavey, W. C. History of the United States, for the use of schools. (1492-1880.) j 973 G 8 Gordy, W. F. History of the United States, for schools. j 973 G10 Higginson, T. W. Young folk’s history of the United States. j 973 HI Irving W., and Fiske, J. Washington and his country. (Irving’s life of Washington, ed. and enl. by Fiske.) j 973 I Johnston, A. History of the United States, for schools. j 973 J Johonnot, J , comp. Stories of our country. j 973 J5 Lodge, H. C., and Roosevelt, T. Hero tales from American history. j 973 L 8 Markham, R. Colonial days. j 973 T Monroe, Mrs. L. B. Story of our country. j 973 M10 Montgomery, D. H. Beginners’ American history. j 973 M 8 Leading facts of American history, j 973 M7 The student’s American history. j 973 M9 Morris, C. Historical tales, romance of reality : American. j 973 Ml 2 A history of the United States of America, its people and institutions. j 973 Ml 7 Mowry, W. A. and A. M. History of the United States, for schools. (1492-1896.) j 973 M25 Pratt, M. L. American history stories. j 973 P 8 Richardson, A. S, History of our country. (1492-1876.) Scudder, H. E. History of the United States. j 973 S A history of the United States, with intro- duction narrating the discovery and settle- ment of North America. j 973 S3 Short history of the United States, j 973 S2 Shea, J. G. A child’s history of the United States. 2 v. 1872. j 973+ S9 Smith, H. A. Stories of persons and places in America. j 973 S5 Steele, J. D. Brief history of the United States. j 973 S7 Taylor, E. Model history of the United States. j 973 T7 Thalheimer, M. E. New eclectic history. j 973 T3 True stories of American wars. j 973 T1 Wright, H. C. Children’s stories of Ameri- can progress. j 973 W 2. IN MAIN COLLECTION. American history leaflets. Nos. 1-30. 973 A3 Channing, E. -Student’s history of the United States. 973 C12 Eggleston, E. Household history of the United States. 973 E2 Eliot, S. History of the United States. (1492- 1872.) 973 E 8 Hale, E. E. History of the United States. 973 H2 Higginson, T. W. Larger history of the United States. 973 H Travellers and outlaws. 973 H3 Judson, H. P. The growth of the American nation. 973 J9 McMaster, J. B. History of the people of the United States. 4 v. 973 M Old South leaflets ; nos. 1-75. 973 O Thomas, A. C. History of the United States. 973 T2 Special Periods from the Dis= covery to the Civil War. 1. IN JUVENILE DEPARTMENT. Abbott, J. The discovery of America, j 9731 A Northern colonies. 3 9732 B Revolt of the colonies. 3 9733 D Southern colonies. 3 9732 A The war of the revolution. 3 9733 E Wars of the colonies. 3 9732 D Brooks, E. S. The Century book of the American revolution ; story of a pilgrimage to the battlefields. 3 9733 B 6 Coffin, C. C. Boys of ’76 ; a history of the battles of the revolution. 3 9733 C Old times in the colonies. 3 9732 C Drake, S. A. The border wars of New Eng- land, commonly called King William’s and Queen Anne’s wars. 3 9732 D9 Burgoyne’s invasion of 1777 ; with an outline sketch of the American invasion of Can- ada, 1775-76. 3 9733 D7 The campaign of Trenton, 1776-77. 3 9733 D9 The making of Virginia and the middle states, 1578-1701. 3 9732 D 8 The watch fires of ’76. 3 9733 D 8 Fiske, E. The war of independence. 3 9733 F5 Gilman, A. The colonization of America 3 9732 G 3 973 R — 30 — History. The discovery and exploration of America. j 9731 G Higginson, T. W. A book of American ex- plorers. j 9781 B Ladd, H. O. History of the war with Mexico. j 9736 A Johnson, (E.)R. The old French war. j 9732 E Moore, N. (N. M. Tiffany.) From colony to commonwealth. j 9733 M3 Watson, H. C. The Boston tea party, and other stories of the American, revolution. j 9733 HI Note— Same as Daring deeds. The old bell of independence. j 9733 H Note— Same as Noble deeds of our fathers. 2. IN MAIN COLLECTION. Bunce, O. B., ed. Romance of the revolution. 9733 B8 Eggleston, E. The beginners of a nation. 9732 E5 Gilmore, J. R. (Edmund Kirke, ps.) The advance guard of western civilization. 9734 A Johnson, (E.) R. History of the war of 1812— 15. 9735 B Lossing, B. J. Historical field-book of the revolution. 2 v. 9733+A Historical field-book of the war of 1812. 9735-J-A The two spies. (Hale and Andre.) 9733 L Scudder, H. E. Men and manners in America one hundred years ago. 9733 F Varney, G. J. The story of Patriot’s day (April 19th.) 9733 V 3. STORIES AND BIOGRAPHIES, IN JUVENILE DEPARTMENT. Allen, W. B. Called to the front ; sequel to A Son of Liberty. (Burning of Falmouth and siege of Boston.) j A15 Ca A Son of Liberty. (1770-1775.) j A15 So Ballantyne, R. M. Norsemen in the west. (America before Columbus.) j B214 N Brush, M. E. Paul and Persis. (Revolution ; Mohawk valley.) j B83 P Butterworth, H. Boys of Greenway Court. (Boyhood of Washington.) j B985 B In the boyhood of Lincoln. j B985 I The knight of Liberty ; a tale of the fortunes of Lafayette. j B985 K The patriot schoolmaster ; a tale of the Minute Men and the Sons of Liberty. j B985 P The wampum belt ; a tale of Penn’s treaty with the Indians. j B985 W Cooper, J. F. The spy. (American revolu- tion.) j C78 S The wept of Wish-ton-Wish. (Indian wars.) j C78 We Coryell, J. R. Diccon the bold. (Discovery of America.) j C81 DB Diego Pinzon. (First voyage of Columbus, 1492.) j C81 D Eggleston, G. C. The big brother series. (War of 1812.) As follows: Captain Sam. j Eg321 B2 The big brother. j Eg321 B1 The signal boys. j Eg321 B3 Henty, G. A. True to the old flag (American revolution ) j H38 Tr Under Drake’s flag ; a tale of the Spanish Main. j H38 U Humphrey, F. A. Little pilgrims of Plymouth. j H88 L Kaler, J. O. (James Otis, ps.) The boys of Fort Schuyler. (Revolution.) j Kll BF Stories of American history as follows: An island of refuge ; Casco bay in 1676. j Kll I Ezra Jordan’s escape from the massacre at Fort Loyall. (1690.) j Kll E The boys of 1745 at the capture of Louis- bourg. j Kll B Neal, the miller : a Son of Liberty. (1770.) j Kll N The signal boys of ’75. j Kll Si Munroe, K. At war with Pontiac : a tale of redcoat and redskin. j M92 W1 Through swamp and glade ; a story of the Seminole war. j M92 T With Crockett and Bowie. (Texan war of in- dependence.) j M92 WC Seawell, M. E. Quarterdeck and fo’k’sle. j Sel Q Stables, G. Westward with Columbus. j Stl We Stoddard, W. O. Guert Ten Eyck. (Execu- tion of Nathan Hale.) j St61 Gu The lost gold of the Montezumas ; a tale of the Alamo. (Texas war of independence.) j St61 Lo On the old frontier ; or, the last raid of the Iroquois. j St61 O Tomlinson, E. T. The war of 1812 series, as follows: The search for Andrew Field, j T59 W1 The boy soldiers of 1812. j T59 W2 The boy officers of 1812. j T59 W3 Tecumseh’s young braves. j T59 W4 The war of the revolution series, as follows: Three colonial boys. j T59 WR1 Three young Continentals. j T59 WR2 Washington’s young aides, j T59 WR3 Bainbridge, James ; by J. Barnes. jB B16 A Columbus, Christopher ; by J. Abbott. jB C72 A By F. H. Allen. jB C72 M True story of : by E. S. Brooks. jB C72 L Career of ; by C. Elton. jB C72 I Story of ; by E. E. Seelye. jB C72 J De Soto, Hernando ; by J. S. C. Abbott. jB D45 A Jackson, Andrew. Old Hickory ; by J. Frost. jB J12 D Jones, Paul ; by J. S. C. Abbott. jB J71 A By M. E. Seawell. jB J71 B Lafayette, Marquis de ; by L. LI. Farmer. jB L132 A The friend of Washington ; by H. C. Wat- son. jB L132 C LaSalle, Robert Cavelier de ; by J. S. C. Abbott. jB L33 A Philip, King, chief of the Wampanoags ; by J. S. C. Abbott. jB P53 A Raleigh, Sir Walter ; by L. Creighton. jB R14 B By G. M. Towle. jB R14 A Standish, Miles ; by J. S. C. Abbott. jB St2 A Taylor, Zachary. Old Rough and ready ; by J. Frost. jB T218 B — 31 — HISTORY. 4. STORIES AND BIOGRAPHIES, IN MAIN COLLECTION. Altsheler, J. A. A soldier of Manhattan and his adventures at Ticonderoga and Quebec. A175.2 The sun of Saratoga ; a romance of Bur- goyne's surrender. A175.1 Austin, J. G. Betty Alden. Au72.3 David Alden’s daughter. Au72.4 Doctor Le Baron and his daughters. Au72.2 Standish of Standish. Au72.1 Banks, M. M. Bright days in the old planta- tion time. B222.1 Barnes, J. For king or country. (Revolu- tion.) B26.1 A loyal traitor. (Revolution.) B26 2 Yankee ships and Yankee sailors. B26.3 Catherwood, M. H. Chase of Saint Castin, and other stories of the French in the new world. C28 6 The lady of Fort St. John. C28.3 The romance of Dollard. C28.1 Coffin, C. C. Daughters of the revolution. C652.1 Hale, E. E. The man without a country. H13.8 Philip Nolan’s friends. (Aaron Burr’s trea- son, 1805.) H13.3 Jackson, H. M. Ramona. (Treatment of Indians by the government.) J12.1 Mitchell. S. W. Hugh Wynne, free Quaker. (Revolution.) M696.6 Moorehead, W. K. Wanneta, the Sioux. (Government treatment of Indians.) M781.1 Parker, G. The seats of the mighty. (Cap- ture of Quebec.) P222.6 Columbus, Christopher ; by W. Irving. (Con- densed ) B C72 B By C. R. Markham. B C72 K Hale, Nathan ; by B. J. Lossing. in 9733 L Vane, Sir Henry. Young Sir Henry Vane ; by J. K. Hosmer. B V28 A Winslow, Anna Green. The diary of a Boston school girl ; ed. by A. M. Earle. B W731 A Civil War— 1861-1865. 1. IN JUVENILE DEPARTMENT. Abbot, W. J. Battlefields and campfires. (Removal of McClellan to accession of Grant.) j 9737 A3 Battlefields and victory. (Accession of Grant to end of war. ) j 9737 A4 Battlefields of ’61. (To the end of the pe- ninsular campaign, 1862.) j 9737 A2 Allen, S. P. Down in Dixie ; life in a cavalry regiment in the war days. j 9737 A10 Blaisdell, A. F. Stories of the civil war. j 9737 B16 Champlin, J. D., jr. Young folk’s history of the war for the union. j 9737 C8 Cheney, C. E. Young folk’s history of the civil war. j 9737 C4 Coffin, C. C. Boys of ’61 ; personal observa- tions with the army and navy. j 9737 C7 Drum-beat of the nation ; the war of the re- bellion from its outbreak to the close of 1862. Following the flag. Freedom triumphant ; from September, 1864, to the close of the war. j 9737 Cl 3 Marching to victory ; 1863. j 9737 Cll My days and nights on the battlefield. j 9737 C6 Redeeming the republic ; 1864. j 9737 C12 Dodge, T. A. Bird’s-eye view of the civil war. j 9737 D3 Drake, S. A. The battle of Gettysburg. j 9737 D4 Goss, W. L. Recollections of a private ; a story of the army of the Potomac. j 9737 G8 Hale, E. E. Stories of war ; told by soldiers. j 9737 H3 Keiffer, IT. M. Recollections of a drummer- boy. j 9737 K5 Smith, W. B. On wheels and how I came there. j 9737 SI 8 Soley, J. R. The sailor boys of ’61. j 9737 S12 Thayer, W. M. Youth’s history of the rebel- lion. 4 v. j 9737 T4 3. STORIES AND BIOGRAPHIES, IN JUVENILE DEPARTMENT. Coffin, C. C. Winning his way. j C65 W Davis, M. E. M. In war times at La Rose Blanche. j D294 I Goss, W. L. Jack Alden ; adventures in the Virginia campaigns, ’61— ’65. j G69 Ja Jed ; a boy’s adventures in the army of ’61- ’65. j G69 J Tom Clifton ; or, western boys in Grant and Sherman’s army, *61-65. j G69 T Henderson, W. J. The last cruise of the Mo- hawk. j H381 L Henty, G. A. With Lee in Virginia. j H38 WL Norton, C. L. Fighting for the flag series, as follows : Jack Benson’s log. j N82 FI The medal-of-honor man. j N82 F2 Midshipman Jack. j N82 F3 Page, T. N. Two little Confederates. j P145 T Stoddard, W. O. The battle of New York. (Draft riots, 1863.) j St61 B Trowbridge, J. T. The drummer boy. j T756 Dr Banks, Nathaniel P. The bobbin boy ; by W, M. Thayer. jB B22 A Ericsson, John. The miner boy and his Moni- tor ; by P. C. Headley. jB Er4 B Farragut, David Glasgow. Old Salamander; by P. C. Headley. jB F24 B Midshipman Farragut ; by J. Barnes. jB F24 D Grant, Ulysses S. ; by W. O. Stoddard. jB G76 A Our standard bearer ; by W. T. Adams. jB G76 A3 The true story of U. S. Grant ; by E S. Brooks. jB G76 N The tanner boy ; by C. W. Denison. jB G76 E Fight it out on this line ; by P. C. Headley. jB G76 H5 Boy’s life of Grant ; by T. W. Knox. jB G76 K Lincoln, Abraham ; by N. Brooks. jB L63 F j 9737 CIO j 9737 C5 — 32 — HISTORY. True story of ; by E. S. Brooks. jB L63 F5 Children’s life of ; by M. L. Putnam. jB L63 P From pioneer home to the White House ; by W. M. Thayer. jB L63 C Mitchel, Ormsby M. Old Stars ; by P. C. Headley. jB M695 B Sheridan, Philip H. Fighting Phil ; by P. C. Headley. jB Sh52 A Sherman, William T. ; by P. C. Headley. jB Sh51 H 4. STORIES AND BIOGRAPHIES, IN MAIN COLLECTION. King, C. Between the lines. K58.8 Trowbridge, J. T. Cudjo’s cave. T756.7 Three scouts. T756.6 Bartlett, William F. ; by F. W. Palfrey. BB28 A Grant, Ulysses S. ; by W. C. Church. B G76 M By J. G. Wilson. B G76 L Lincoln, Abraham ; by C. G. Leland. B L63 D By C. Schurz. B L63 S United States, Navy. 1. IN JUVENILE DEPARTMENT. Abbot, W. J. The naval history of the United States. j 973+A2 Same ; in three parts, as follows : Blue jackets of ’76 ; naval battles of the revolution, with a narrative of the war with Tripoli. j 9733 J Blue jackets of 1812 ; naval battles of the second war with Great Britain, with an account of the French war of 1798. j 9735 C Blue jackets of ’61 ; naval battles of the civil war. j 9737 A1 Brooks, E. S. The story of the American sailor. j 973 B7 Lossing, B. J. Story of the United States navy. j 973 L Sea well, M. E. Decatur and Somers. j 9734 S Little Jarvis. j 9734 SI Midshipman Paulding. j 9735 S Twelve naval captains : a record of certain Americans who made themselves immor- tal. j 920073 S Contents : Paul Jones. R. Preble. Truxton. Bainbridge. E. Preble. Decatur. Somers. Hull. Stewart. O. H. Perry. Macdon- ough. Lawrence. Soley, J. R. The boys of 1812, and other naval heroes. j 9735 D Sailor boys of ’61. j 9737 S12 2. IN MAIN COLLECTION. Maclay, E. S. History of the United States navy. 2 v. 973 Ml 5 Roosevelt, T. The naval war of 1812. .9735 R Spears, J. R. History of our navy. 1775- 1897. 4 v. 973 S20 The Several States and Sections. 1. IN JUVENILE DEPARTMENT. Brooks, E. S. The story of New York. j 9747 C Cooke, J. E. Stories of the Old Dominion, from the settlement to the end of the revo- lution. j 9755 A1 Drake, S. A. Around the Hub : a boy’s book about Boston. j 9744 B A book of New England legends and folk lore, in prose and poetry. j 974 B Making of New England. (1580-1643.) j 974 A On Plymouth Rock. j 9744 B1 Dunlap, W. A history of New York, for schools. j 9747 D Harris, J. C. Stories of Georgia. j 9758 H Hawthorne, N. True stories from history and biography. j 974 H5 Howells, W. D. Stories of Ohio. j 9771 H Humphrey, F. A. How New England was made. j 974 H Moore, N. (N. M. Tiffany ) Pilgrims and Puritans : the story of the planting of Plymouth and Boston. j 9744 M Musick, J. R. Stories of Missouri. j 9778 M Pratt, M. L., and Lovering, A. T. Stories of Massachusetts. j 9744 P Varney, G. J. A brief history of Maine. j 9741 V Watson, J. F. Historic tales of olden time : concerning the early settlement and ad- vancement of New York city and state. j 9747 B 2. IN MAIN COLLECTION. Aldrich, T. B. An old town by the sea. 9742 A Bates, H. L. V. (Eleanor Putnam, ps.) Old Salem. 97445 B Black, A. The story of Ohio. 9771A Cobb, S. H. The story of the Palatines. 974 C12 Connelly, E. M. The story of Kentucky. 9769 C Dexter, M. The story of the Pilgrims. 9744 D4 Drake, S. A. Historic mansions of Middlesex county. 9744 D Fiske, J. The beginnings of New England. 974 F Gilman, A. The story of Boston. 97446 G Hale, E. E. The story of Massachusetts. 9744 H Heaton, J. L. The story of Vermont. 9743 H Irving, W. Astoria. Bonneville. 978 1 Ladd, H. O. The story of New Mexico 9789 L Moore, J. W. School history of North Caro- lina. 9756 M Parkman, F. Historic handbook of the north- ern tour. 9747 P Sanford, E. B. History of Connecticut. 9746 G Scudder, H. E. Boston town. 9744 A Stockton, F. R. New Jersey, from the dis- covery to recent times. 9748 S — 33 — HISTORY. FICTION. Thompson, M. The story of Louisiana. 9763 T Thwaites, R. G. The story of Wisconsin. 9775 T Todd, C. B. The story of the City of New York. 97471 A The story of the City of Washington. 9753 T Woolsey, S. C. (Susan Coolidge, ps.) Short history of Philadelphia. 9748 A 3. STORIES AND BIOGRAPHIES. Brooks, E. S. In Leisler’s times. j B79 I Rand, E. A. Behind. Manhattan gables. (1663- 1664.) j R15 B Stuyyesant, Peter ; by J. S. C. Abbott. jB St9 A Barr, A. E. The bow of orange ribbon. B27.6 Bynner, E. L. The Begum’s daughter. B99.2 Zachary Phips. B99.3 History: South America and Pacific Islands. 1. IN JUVENILE DEPARTMENT. Adams, W. H. D. The land of the Incas and the City of the Sun ; the story of the con- quest of Peru. j 985 A3 Belcher, D., lady. The mutineers of the Bounty, and their descendants. j 997 B 2. IN MAIN COLLECTION. Alexander, W. D. A brief history of the Hawaiian people. 9969 A Firth, J. D. Nation making. (New Zealand.) 9931 F Shaw, F. L. The story of Australia. 994 S5 Sutherland, A. and G. History of Australia and New Zealand. 994 S Tregarthen, G. Story of Australasia. 994 T 3. STORIES AND BIOGRAPHIES. Ballantyne, R. M. The lonely island ; or, the refuge of the mutineers. (Mutiny of the “ Bounty. ” ) j B214 Lo Gordon, W. J. The captain-general. (Austra- lia.) j G65 C Henty, G. A. Maori and settler ; a tale of the New Zealand war. j H38 M Out on the pampas ; or, the young settlers. (South America.) j H38 Ou With Cochrane the dauntless ; a tale of the exploits of Lord Cochrane in South Amer- ican waters j H38 Wi Kingston, W. H. G. In New Granada. j K619 N The young llanero ; or, war and wild life in Venzeuiea. j K619 Yo Pizarro, Francisco ; by G. M. Towle. j BP68 A Fiction. A. L. O. E. See Tucker, C. M. Aaron, E. M. The butterfly-hunters in the Caribbees. j Aal B Abbott, E. The Long look books ; as follows : 1. Long look house. j Ab23 LI 2. Out of doors at Long look, j Ab23 L2 3. A trip eastward. j Ab23 L3 Abbott, J. The August stories ; as follows : 1. August and Elvie. j Ab24 A1 2. Hunter and Tom. j Ab24 A 2 3. The schooner Mary Ann. j Ab24 A3 4. Granville valley. j Ab24 A4 The Florence stories, as follows : 1. Florence and John. j Ab24 Fll 2. Grimkie. j Ab24 F12 3. The excursion to the Orkney Islands. j Ab24 F13 4. The English channel. j Ab24 F14 5. The Isle of Wight. j Ab24 F15 6. Florence’s return. j Ab 24 F16 Franconia stories, as follows : Malleville. j Ab24 Frl Wallace. j Ab24 Fr2 Mary Erskine. j Ab24 Fr3 Mary Bell. j Ab24 Fr4 Beechnut. j Ab24 Fr5 Rodolphus. j Ab24 Fr6 Ellen Linn. j Ab24 Fr7 Stuyvesant. j Ab24 Fr8 Caroline. j Ab24 Fr9 Agnes. j Ab24 FrlO The Jonas books, as follows : Jonas’s stories. j Ab24 J1 Jonas a judge. j Ab24 J2 Jonas on a farm in summer. j Ab24 J3 Jonas on a farm in winter. j Ab24 J4 Caleb in the country. j Ab24 J5 Caleb in town. j Ab24 J6 The Lucy books, as follows : Cousin Lucy’s conversations, j Ab24 LI Stories told to Cousin Lucy. j Ab24 L2 Cousin Lucy at study. j Ab24 L3 Cousin Lucy at play. j Ab24 L4 Cousin Lucy among the mountains. j Ab24 L5 Cousin Lucy on the seashore, j Ab24 L6 Rollo books ; as follows : Learning to talk. Learning to read. j Ab24 RBI At work. At play. j Ab24 RB2 At school. Vacation. j Ab24 RB3 Experiments. Museum. j Ab24 RB4 Travels. Correspondence, j Ab24 RB5 Philosophy : Fire ; Water, j Ab24 RB6 Philosophy : Sky ; Air. j Ab24 RB7 Stories of Rainbow and Luckie ; as follows : Handie. j Ab24 R1 Rainbow’s journey. j Ab24 R2 Three pines. j Ab24 R3 Selling Luckie. j Ab24 R4 Up the river. j Ab24 R5 Adams, H. C. In the fifteen. j Adi I Schoolboy honour. j Adi S Aikin, J., and Barbauld, A. L. Evenings at home. j Ai4 E Alcott, L. M. Aunt Jo’s scrap-bag ; as follows : My boys. j All 2 A1 Shawl straps. j All 2 A2 Cupid and Chow-Chow. j All 2 A3 My girls. j All 2 A4 Jimmy’s cruise in the “Pinafore.” j All 2 A5 An old-fashioned Thanksgiving. j A112 A6 - 34 - FICTION. Eight cousins. j All 2 E A garland for girls. 3 All 2 G Hospital sketches. j A112 H Jack and Jill. j A112 J Jo’s boys, and how they turned out. j A112 Jo Note .— Sequel to Little men. Little men ; or, life at Plumfield with Jo’s boys. j All 2 LM Little women. j A112 Li Lulu’s library. 3 v. j A112 LL1-3 Morning glories. j All 2 M An old-fashioned girl. j All 2 O Proverb stories. j All 2 P Rose in bloom. j All 2 R Note .— Sequel to Eight cousins. Spinning-wheel stories. j All 2 S Under the lilacs. j A112 U Alden, I. M. (Pansy, ps.) Miss Dee Dunmore Bryant. j A121 M Only ten cents. j A121 O Tip Lewis and his lamp. j A121 T Twenty minutes late. j A121 Tw Alden, W. L. The adventures of Jimmy Brown. j A12 J The cruise of the canoe club. j A12 C The cruise of the “ Ghost.” j A12 Cr The loss of the “ Swansea.” j A12 L Moral pirates. j A12 M New Robinson Crusoe. j A12 N Trying to find Europe. j A12 T Aldrich, T. B. The story of a bad boy. j A124 S Allen, (C.) G. Wednesday, the tenth. j A151 W Allen, W. B. The boyhood of John Kent. j A15 B Called to the front ; sequel to A Son of lib- erty. j A15 Ca Camp and tramp series, as follows : The mammoth-hunters. j A15 CT1 The great island. j A15 CT3 Christmas at Surf Point. j A15 C The lion city of Africa. 3 A15 L The mountaineer series, as follows : The mountaineers. j A15 Ml Lost on the mountain. j A15 M2 Winnie’s black dog. j A15 M3 Mountaineers at school. j A15 M4 The danger signal. j A15 M5 The pine cone series, as follows : Pine cones. j A15 PI Silver rags. j A15 P2 The northern cross. j A15 P3 Kelp. j A15 P4 Cloud and cliff. j A15 P5 Gulf and glacier. j A15 P 6 Snowed in. j A15 S A Son of liberty. j A15 So Ambroso, M. Italian child life. j Aml2 D Amicis, E. de. Cuore. j Am5 C Andersen, H. C. Danish fairy tales. j FAn21 D Fairy tales ; ed. by J. H. Stickney ; 1st series. j FAn21 F Same ; 2d series. j FAn21 FI Hans Andersen’s fairy tales. j FAn21 H Stories ; with a sketch of the author. j FAn21 St Stories and fairy tales ; trans. by Sommer. j FAn21 S Stories and tales. j FAn21 SS What the moon saw, and other tales. j FAn21 Wh Wonder stories. j FAn21 W Andrews, J. Each and all. j An2 E Only a year, and what it brought, j An2 O Seven little sisters. j An2 S Ten boys who lived on the road from long ago to now. j An2 T Arabian nights ; ed. by E. E. Hale, j FArl A Fairy tales from the Arabian nights ; ed. by E. Dixon. j FArl D Asbjornsen, P. C. The fairy world. j FAsl F Note.— Same as Folk and fairy tales. Tales from the fjeld. j FAsl T Atkinson, J. B. The last of the giant-killers. 3 ' FAt5 L Scenes in fairyland. j FAt5 S Aulnoy, M. C. J. de B., countess d’. Fairy tales ; trans. by Planche. j FAu5 F Austin, J. G. Dora Darling, the daughter of the regiment. j Au72 D Moonfolk. j FAu72 M Baker, Sir S. W. Cast up by the sea. j B177 C True tales for my grandsons. j B177 T Baldwin, J. The horse fair. j B192 H Ballantyne, R. M. Away in the wilderness ; or, life among the Indians and fur-traders. j B214 A The battery and the boiler ; adventures in laying the submarine cables. j B2.14 Ba Black ivory ; a tale of adventure among the slavers of East Africa. 3 ' B214 BI Blue lights ; or, hot work in the Soudan. 3 B214 Bl The buffalo runners. 3 B214 Bu Chasing the sun ; or, rambles in Norway. 3 B214 Ch The coral island ; a tale of the Pacific. 3 B214 C The crew of the Water- wagtail ; a story of Newfoundland. 3 B214 Cr The dog Crusoe and his master ; adventure in the western prairies. 3 B214 DC The eagle cliff ; a tale of the western isles. 3 B214 EC Erling the bold. 3 B214 E Fast in the ice ; or, adventures in the polar regions. 3 ' B214 Fa Fighting the whales. 3 B214 Fi The floating light of the Goodwin Sands. 3 B214 F Freaks on the fells. 3 * B214 Fr The fugitives ; or, the tyrant queen of Mada- gascar. 3 * B214 Fu Gascoyne, the sandal-wood trader ; a tale of the Pacific. 3 B214 Ga The giant of the north ; or, pokings around the pole. 3 B214 Gi The gorilla hunters ; a tale of the wilds of Africa. 3 B214 G Hudson Bay ; or, everyday life in the wilds of North America. 3 B214 H Hunted and harried ; a tale of the Scottish Covenanters. 3 B214 HH In the track of the troops ; a tale of modern war. 3 B214 I The iron horse ; or, life on the line ; a tale of the Grand Trunk railway. 3 ' B214 IH The life-boat ; a tale of our coast heroes. (England.) 3 B214 L — 35 — FICTION. The lonely island ; or, the refuge of the mutineers. j B214 Lo Martin Rattler ; or, a boy’s adventures in the forests of Brazil. j B214 M The Norsemen in the west ; or, America be- fore Columbus. j B214 N The Red Eric ; or, the whaler’s last cruise. j B214 R Red Rooney ; or, the last of the crew. j B214 Re The rover of the Andes. j B214 Ro The settler and the savage ; a tale of peace and war in South Africa. j B214 Se Shifting winds. j B214 S Ungava ; a tale of the Esquimau land. j B214 U The wild man of the west ; a tale of the Rocky Mountains. 3 B214 W The world of ice ; adventures in the polar regions. 3 B214 Wo The young fur-traders ; or, snow-flakes and sunbeams from the far North. j B214 Y Bamford, M. E. The Look-about club. 3 B215 L Bangs, J. K. Half-hours with Jimmieboy. 3 FB22 H In camp with a tin soldier. 3 ' B22 I Barbauld, A. L., joint-author. See Aikin, J., and. Baring-Gould, S. Grettir, the outlaw. jfe28G The Icelander’s sword. 3 B23 I Old English fairy tales. 3 FB23 O Barr, A. E. Michael and Theodora. 3 B271 M Barrows, W. The general ; or twelve nights in the hunters’ camp. 3 B27 G Bates, H.L.Y. (Eleanor Putnam, ps.) Prince Yance. 3 FB31 P Baylor, F. C. Juan and Juanita. 3 B34 J Miss Nina Barrow. 3 B34 M Bayly, A. E. See Lyall, E. , pseud. Bedollierre, E. de la. The story of a cat. 3 B39 S Bennett, J. Master Skylark. 3 B43 M Biart, L. The young naturalist. 3 B474 A Black, W. The four Macnicols. 3 B565 F Blake, E. Y. The Dalzells of Daisydown. 3 B58 D Blake, M. M. The siege of Norwich castle. 3 B581 S Blanchard, A. E. Three pretty maids. 3 B59 Th Twenty little maidens. 3 B59 T Botjyet, N. A child of Tuscany. 3 B 66 C A little house in Pimlico. 3 B 66 LH Little Marjorie’s love story. j B 66 L Sweet William. j B 66 S Bowman, A. Bear hunters of the Rocky Mountains. j B 68 B Boyesen, H. H. Against heavy odds, j B69 A Boyhood in Norway. j B69 B Modern Yikings. j B69 M Boyle, F., joint-author. See Russan, F., and. Brabourne, E. H. K. Hugesson, lord. See Hugesson, E. H. K. Braddon, M. E. The Christmas hirelings. j B72 C Bramston, M. For faith and fatherland. j B731 F BRANCH, M, L. B. The Kanter girls. jFB732 K Brewster, M. Under the water-oaks. j B751 U Brine, M. D. Sunny hours. j B77 S Britts, M. D. Chryssie. j B775 C Brooks, E. S. A boy of the first empire. j B79N In Leisler’s times. j B79 I Brooks, E. S., and Alden J. The long walls. j B79 L Brooks, N. The boy emigrants. j B794 B The boy settlers. j B794 BS The Fairport nine. j B794 F Brush, M. E. Paul and Persis. j B83 P Burch, H. E. Wind and wave fulfilling His will. j B891 W Burnett, F. H. Editha’s burglar. j B894 E Giovanni and the Other. j B894 G Little Lord Fauntleroy. j B894 Li Little Saint Elizabeth. j B894 LS Piccino, and other child stories. j B894 P Sara Crewe ; or, what happened at Miss Min- chin’s. j B894 S Two little pilgrims’ progress. j B894 T Butterworth, H. The boys of Greenway Court ; a tale of the early days of Washing- ton. j B985 B In the boyhood of Lincoln ; a tale, j B985 I The knight of liberty ; a tale of the fortunes of Lafayette. j B985 K Log schoolhouse on the Columbia ; a tale of the pioneers of the great northwest. j B985 L Over the Andes ; or, our boys in South America. j B985 O The patriot schoolmaster ; a tale of the Min- ute Men and the Sons of Liberty, j B985 P The wampum belt ; a tale of Penn’s treaty with the Indians. j B985 W The Zigzag series ; as follows : Zigzag journeys around the world. j B985 ZAw Zigzag journeys in Acadia and New France. j B985 ZA Zigzag journeys in Australia, j B985 ZAu Zigzag journeys in classic lands. j B985 ZC Zigzag journeys in Europe. j B985 ZE Zigzag journeys in India. j B985 ZI Zigzag journeys in northern lands. j B985 ZN Zigzag journeys in the antipodes. j B985 ZAn Zigzag journeys in the British Isles. j B985 ZB Zigzag journeys in the great northwest. j B985 ZG Zigzag journeys in the Levant, j B985ZL Zigzag journeys in the Occident. j B985 ZO Zigzag journeys in the Orient, j B985 ZP Zigzag journeys in the sunny South. j B985 ZS Zigzag journeys in the White City. j B985 ZW Zigzag journeys on the Mediterranean. j B985 ZMe Zigzag journeys on the Mississippi. j B985 ZM Zigzag stories of history, travel, and adven- ture ; selections from the Zigzag series. j B985 Z — 36 — FICTION. Bynner, E. L. The chase of the Meteor, and other stories. 3 B99 C Cahun, L. Adventures of Captain Mago. 3 Cll A The blue banner. 3 Cll B Callwell, J. M. Dorothy Arden. 3 C135 D Cameron, V. L. The adventures of Herbert Massey in eastern Africa. 3 ' C14 Ad Among the Turks. 3 C14 A The cruise of the “ Black Prince.” 3 ' C14 C Harry Raymond. 3 C14 H In savage Africa. 3 C14 I Jack Hooper. 3 C14 J Campbell, H. The What-to-do club. 3 C15 W Candeze, E. The curious adventures of a field cricket. 3 Cl 6 A Capuana, L. Once upon a time ; fairy tales. jF C17 O Carroll, L., pseud. See Dodgson, C. L. Carryl, C. E. The admiral’s caravan. jF C25 A Davy and the goblin. jF C25 D Cary, A. Clovernook children. j C258 C Snowberries. j C258 S Cathcart, G. R., joint-author. See Swinton, W., and. Catherwood, M. H. Craque-o’-doom. j C28 C Old caravan days. j C28 O Rocky Fork. j C28 R Secrets at Roseladies’. j C28 S — , and others. Brave girls. j B73 B Champney, E. W. All around a palette. j C354 AP The bubbling teapot ; a wonder story. jF C354 B Greatgrandmother’s girls in New France. j C354 G Howling W olf and his trick pony, j C354 H In the sky garden. jF C354 In Paddy O’Leary and his learned pig. j C354 P Six boys. j C354 Si Three Vassar girls series ; as follows : Three Vassar girls abroad. j C354 T Three Vassar girls in England, j C354 E Three Vassar girls in South America. j C354 S Three Vassar girls in Italy. j C354 I Three Vassar girls on the Rhine. J C354 R Three Vassar girls at home. j C354 A Three Vassar girls in France, j C354 F Three Vassar girls in Russia and Turkey. j C354 Ru Three Vassar girls in Switzerland. j C354 Sw Three Vassar girls in the Tyrol. j C354 Ty Three Vassar girls in the Holy Land. j C354 Ho Witch Winnie series ; as follows : 1. Witch Winnie ; the story of a King’s Daughter. j C354 W 2. Witch Winnie’s mystery, j C354 W1 3. Witch Winnie’s studio. jC354W2 4. Witch Winnie in Paris. j C354 W3 5. Witch Winnie at Shinnecock. j C354 W 6 6 . Witch Winnie at Versailles. j C354 W4 7. Witch Winnie in Holland, j C354 W5 Chaney, G. L. F. Grant & Co. Tom ; a home story. j C36 F j C36 T Chapman, E. The secret of the forest. j C365 S Charlesworth, M. L. Ministering children. j C38 M Chodsko, A. Fairy tales of the Slav peasants. jF C455 F Church, A. J. Lords of the world ; a story of the fall of Carthage and of Corinth. j C471 L Stories of magicians. jF C471 M Three Greek children. j C471 T A young Macedonian in Alexander’s army. j C471 Y Clark, H. H. Boy life in the United States navy. j C545 B Joe Bentley, naval cadet. j C545 J Note. Sequel to Boy life in the navy. Clark, I. Will Shakespeare’s little lad. j C555 W Clark, K. U. “ That Mary Ann.” j C546 T Clarke, M. C. Girlhood of Shakespeare’s heroines. j C558 G Same. 5 v. j C558 G1 Clarke, R. S. (Sophie May, ps.) Dotty Dim- ple series ; as follows : Dotty Dimple at her grandmother’s. j C55 D 1 Dotty Dimple at home. j C55 D 2 Dotty Dimple out West. j C55 D3 Dotty Dimple at play. j C55 D4 Dotty Dimple at school. j C55 D5 Dotty Dimple’s Flyaway. j C55 D 6 Flaxie Frizzle series ; as follows : Flaxie Frizzle. j C55 FI Doctor Papa. j C55 F2 Little pitchers. j C55 F3 Twin cousins. j C55 F4 Flaxie’s Kittyleen. j C55 F5 Flaxie growing up. j C55 F 6 Little Prudy series ; as follows : Little Prudy. 3 ' C55 LI Little Prudy’s sister Susy. j C55 L2 Little Prudy’s captain Horace, j C55 L3 Little Prudy’s story (or fairv) book. j C55 L4 Little Prudy’s cousin Grace. j C55 L5 Little Prudy’s Dotty Dimple. j C55 L 6 Little Prudy’s children series ; as follows : Kyzie Dunlea ; “ a golden girl.” j C55 LP1 Wee Lucy. j C55 LP2 Jimmie boy. j C55 LP3 Little Prudy’s Flyaway series ; as follows : Little folks astray. j C55 PF1 Prudy keeping house. j C55 PF2 Aunt Madge’s story. j C55 PF3 Little grandmother. j C55 PF4 Little grandfather. j C55 PF 5 Miss Thistledown. j C55 PF 6 Claude, M. S. Twilight thoughts. j C57 T Clemens, S. L. (Mark Twain, pseud.) Huck- leberry Finn. j C58 H The prince and the pauper. j C58 P Tom Sawyer. j C58 T Clements, M. E. Eagle and dove. j C59 E Cobb, J. F. Martin, the skipper. j C63 M Coffin, C. C. Winning his way. j C65 W Coleridge, C. R. Max, Fritz, and Hob. j C671 M Coleridge, S. Phantasmion, jF C67 P Collingwood, H. , ps. of W. J. C. Lancaster. Congo rovers. j C69 C — 37 — FICTION. The log of the “ Flying fish.’ The missing merchantman. The pirate island. The pirate slaver. The rover’s secret. Colomb, C. Hermine’s triumph. j C69 L j C69 M j C69 P j C69 PS j C69R j C71 H Comfort, E. M. Grizzly’s little pard. j C73 G The little heroine of Poverty Flat. j C73 L Coolidge, S., pseud. See Woolsey, S. C. Cooper, J. F. Afloat and ashore. j C78 A The Leatherstocking series; as follows : The Deerslayer. j C78 LI The last of the Mohicans. j C78 L2 The Pathfinder. j C78 L3 The pioneers. j C78 L4 The prairie. j C78 L5 Miles Wallingford. j C78 M Note— Sequel to Afloat and ashore. The pilot. j C78 P The Red Rover. j C78 R The spy. j C78 S The wept of Wish-ton- Wish. j C78 We Wing-and-Wing. j C78 W Copsley annals. (Anon.) j C79 Coryell, J. R. Diccon the bold. j C81 DB Diego Pinzon, and his voyage into the west- ern ocean, A. 1). 1492. j C81 D Cotes, Mrs. E. (S. J. Duncan.) The story of Sonny sahib. j C824 S Cox, P. The Brownies, their book, j C83+B Another Brownie book. j C83+Br The Brownies at home. j C83+BH The Brownies around the world, j C83+BA The Brownies through the Union, j C83+BT Cowen, J. F. The jo-boat boys. j C834 J The mother of the King’s children, j C834 M Cowper, F. The captain of the Wight. j C835 C Cozzens, S. W. The young trail hunters’ series ; as follows : 1. The young trail hunters. j C839 Y1 2. Crossing the quicksands. j C839 Y2 3. The young silver-seekers. j C839 Y3 Craddock, C. E., pseud. See Murfree, M. N. Craik, D. M. Adventures of a brownie. jF C843 Ad The fairy book. jF C843 F The little lame prince. jF C843 LL Little Sunshine’s holiday. j C843 LS — , and others. Plucky boys. j P72 P Crake, A. D. Alfgar the Dane. j C845 A Brian Fitz-Count. j C845 B Edwy the fair. j C845 E The house of the Walderne. j C845 H The rival heirs. j C845 R Crockett, S. R. Sweetheart travellers. j C871 S Cross, M. A. (L.) See Eliot, G., pseud. Crowninshield, M. B. The ignoramuses ; a travel story. j C88 I Plucky Smalls, his story. j C88 P Dall, C. H. Patty Gray’s journey. j D16 P Dalton, W. The war tiger. j D17 WT Will Adams, the first Englishman in Japan. j D17 W Daudet, A. La belle Nivernaise. (Transla- tion.) j D26 B Daunt, A. In the land of the moose, the bear, and the beaver. j D263 I Davis, M. E. M. In war times at La Rose Blanche. j D294 I Davis, Rebecca H. Kent Hampden, j D293 K Davis, Richard H. Stories for boys, j D29 S Day, T. Sandford and Merton. j D334 S Debenham, M. H. St. Helen’s well. j D35 S De Foe, D. Robinson Crusoe ; ed. by W. H. Lambert. j D363 R1 Deland, E. D. In the old Herrick house. j D37 I Malvern. j D37 M Oakleigh. j D37 O De Mille, J. Fire in the woods. j D393 B4 Lost in the fog. j D393 BO Treasure of the seas. j D393 B6 Desbeaux, E. Mattie’s secret. j D45 M Des Cheznez, E. M. Lady Green-satin and her maid Rosette. jF D452 L Diaz, A. M. The cats’ Arabian nights. j D54 C Fireside chronicles. j D54 F The Jimmyjohns, and other stories, j D54 J The John Spicer lectures. j D54 Jo Polly Cologne. j D54 P William Henry and his friends. j D54 W The William Henry letters. j D54 We Dickens, C. Child-pictures from Dickens. j D55 C Oliver Twist ; ed. for schools by E. B. Kirk. j D55 O Dixie, F. C. The young castaways, j D641 Y Dixon, R. B. Fore and aft. j D54 F Dodge, M. M. Donald and Dorothy, j D662 D Hans Brinker. j D662 H Dodgson, C. L. (Lewis Carroll, ps.) Alice in wonderland. jF D664 A Sylvie and Bruno. jF D664 S Sylvie and Bruno, concluded. jF D664 Sy Through the looking-glass. jF D664 T Doudney, S. Janet Darney. j D747 J A Michaelmas daisy. j D747 Mi Miss Willowburn’s offer. j D747 M Under false colours. j D747 U Douglas, A M. Larry. j D745 L Drummond, H. The monkey that would not kill. j D845 M Drysdale, W. Brain and brawn series, as follows : The young reporter. j D84 Y The fast mail. j D84 F The beach patrol. j D84 B The mystery of Abel Forefinger. j D84 M Duncan, S. J. See Cotes, Mrs. E. E., A. L. O. See Tucker, C. M. Earle, M. T. The wonderful wheel, j Ea7 W Eaton, F. Dollikins and the miser, j Ea8 D Queer little princess. j Ea8 Q Edgar, J. G. The boy crusaders. j Ed3 B Cavaliers and Roundheads. j Ed3 C Edgeworth, M. Frank. j Ed34 F Harry and Lucy. 2 v. j Ed34 H The parents’ assistant. j Ed 34 Pa Popular tales. 2 v. j Ed34 Po Eggleston, E. The Hoosier school-boy. j Eg32 H Queer stories for boys and girls. j Eg32 Q Eggleston, G. C. The big brother series, as follows : Captain Sam. j Eg321 B2 The big brother. j Eg321 B1 The signal boys. j Eg321 B3 The wreck of the Red Bird. j Eg321 W Eiloart, E. The boy with an idea, j Ei52 B Eliot, G., ps. Child sketches from George Eliot ; ed. by J. Magruder. j E14 C — 38 — FICTION, Ellis, E. S. Boone and Kenton series, as follows : Shod with silence. j E16 BK1 The phantom of the river. j E16 BK2 The boy pioneer series ; as follows : Ned in the blockhouse. j E16 B1 Ned in the woods. j E16 B2 Ned on the river. j E16 B3 Deerfoot series ; as follows : Hunters of the Ozark. j E16 D1 The camp in the mountains. j E16 D2 The last war trail. j E16 D3 Log cabin series ; as follows : The lost trail . j E16 LI Camp-fire and wigwam. j E16 L2 Footprints in the forest. j E16 L3 Lost in Samoa. j E16 Lo Northwest series ; as follows : A strange craft and its wonderful voy- age. j E16 N1 River and wilderness series ; as follows : River fugitives. j E16 R1 Wilderness fugitives. j E16 R2 Lena Wingo, the Mohawk. j E16 R3 Wild woods series ; as follows : Through forest and fire. j E16 WW 1 On the trail of the moose. j E16 WW2 Across Texas. j E16 WW3 Wyoming series ; as follows : Wyoming. j E16 W1 Storm Mountain. j E16 W2 The cabin in the clearing. j E16 W 3 Elwell, E. H. Boys of thirty-five. j E19 B Enault, L. The captain’s dog. j Enl C Evans, M. A. See Eliot, G. , pseud. Everett, W. Changing base. j Ev2 C Double play. j Ev2 D Thine, not mine. j Ev2 T Ewing, J. H. A flat-iron for a farthing. j Ew54 F A great emergency. j Ew54 G Jackanapes, and other tales. j Ew54 Ja Jan of the windmill. j Ew54 J Last words ; a final collection of stories. j Ew54 La Lob lie-by-the-fire, and other tales, j Ew54 L Mary’s meadow. And Letters from a little girl. j Ew54 Ma Melchior’s dream, and other tales. j Ew54 Me Mrs. Overtheway’s remembrances, j Ew54 M Six to sixteen. j Ew54 S We and the world. j Ew54W Eyster, N. B. A colonial boy. j Ey71 C Farjeon, B. L. The golden land. j F221 G Farrar, C A. J. From lake to lake, j F241 F Lake and forest series ; as follows : Eastward, ho ! j F241 LI Wild woods life. j F241 L2 Down the west branch. j F241 L3 Up the north branch. j F241 L4 Farrar, F. W. Eric ; or, little by little. j F24 E St. Winifred’s ; or, the world of school. j F24S Fenn, G. M. Beneath the sea. j F352 Be The black bar. j F352 B The Black Tor. j F352 BT Brownsmith’s boy. j F352 Br Bunyip land ; a wild journey in New Guinea. j F352 Bu The crystal hunters ; adventures in the higher Alps. j F352 C Cutlass and cudgel. j F352 CC Devon boys. j F352 D Diamond Dyke ; a story of south African adventure. j F352 Di The golden magnet ; or the treasure cave of Incas. j F352 G The grand Chaco ; adventures in an un- known land. j F352 Gr Hollowdell Grange. j F352 H In honour’s cause ; a tale of the days of George the first. j F352 IH In the king’s name. j F352 I Menhardoc ; a story of the Cornish mines. j F352 Me Middy and ensign ; a tale of the Malay peninsula. j F352 M Mother Carey’s Chicken ; her voyage to the unknown isle. j F352 MC Nat, the naturalist ; adventures in the east- ern seas. j F352 N Patience wins ; or, the war in the works. j F352 P Planter Jack ; or, the cinnamon garden. j F352 PJ Quicksilver ; or, the boy with no skid to his wheel. j F352 Q The rajah of Dah. j F352 R Syd Belton ; the boy who would not go to sea. j F352 S The young castellan ; a tale of the English civil war. j F352 YC Yussuf, the guide ; adventure in Asia Minor. j F352 Y Field, E. A little book of profitable tales. jF F45 L Finn, F. J. That football game. j F49 T Forbes, A. Czar and Sultan ; adventures of a British lad in the Russo-Turkish war of 1877-78. j F74 C Ford, J. L. Dr. Dodd’s school. j F751 D Ford, M. H. Otto’s inspiration. j F75 O Frank, Uncle, ps. Prince Uno ; Uncle Frank’s visit to Fairyland. jF F85 P Frazar, D. The log of the Maryland, j F86 L Perseverance island. j F86 P French, A. (Octave Thanet, ps.). We all. j F884 W Frere, M. Old Deccan days. j FF89 O Frith, H. Biography of a locomotive. j F91 B The log of Bombastes. j F91 L Gatty, M. S. (Mrs. A.) Parables from nature. j G22 P Giberne, A. Father Aldur ; a water story. jF G351 F Gilliat, E. Forest outlaws. j G411 F Jack Standish. j G411 J Gillett, O. T. How I became a sailor. j G41 H Gilman, J. B. The kingdom of coins. jF G42 K The musical journey of Dorothy and Delia. jF G42 M Gladden, W. Santa Claus on a lark, j G45 S Goddard, J. Fairy tales in other lands. j FG54 F Goldsmith, O. The Yicar of Wakefield ; ed. Macmillan. j G57 V Goodwin, C. After schooldays. j G63 A How they learned housework. j G63 H - 39 - FICTlOISf. Gordon, W. J. The captain-general, j G65 C Englishman’s haven. j G65 E Goss, W. L. Jack Alden ; a story of adven- tures in the Virginia campaigns ’61-65. j G69 Ja Jed ; a boy’s adventures in the army of ’61— ’65. j G69 J Tom Clifton ; or, western boys in Grant and Sherman’s army, ’61-’65. j G69 T Gould, P. C. Who killed Cock Robin ? and other stories for children. j G731 W Goulding, F. R. Woodruff stories ; as fol- lows : Sapelo ; or, child-life on the tide water. j G73 W1 Nacoochee, or, boy-life from home. j G73 W2 Sal-o-quah ; or, boy-life among the Cher- okees. j G73 W3 The young marooners. j G73 M Grant, R. Jack Hall ; or, the school-days of an American boy. j G76 J Jack in the bush. Sequel to Jack Hall. j G76 Ja Green, E. E. Pat, the lighthouse boy. j G82 P Greene, B. C. The hobbledehoy. j G831 H Greene, H. The blind brother. j G83 B Burnham breaker. j G83 Bu The Riverpark rebellion, and other stories. j G83 R Greenwood, G., ps. See Lippincott, S. J. Griffis, W. E. The Japanese fairy world. j FG87 J Grimm, J. L. and W. K. German household tales. jF G81 Ge German popular tales and household stories. • jF G81 P Grimm’s fairy tales and household stories. jF G81 F Grimm’s goblins ; selected from the House- hold stories ; iUust. by Cruikshank. j FG81 G Grimm’s household tales ; with the authors’ notes ; introd. by A. Lang. 2 v. j FG81 H H., H. See Jackson, H. M. Habberton, J. Who was Paul Grayson? j Hll Wh Haile, E. Gray girls and Brown boys. j H125 T Hale, E. E. G. T. T. (Gone to Texas), j H13 G Hale, L. P. The last of the Peterkins. j H133 L The Peterkin papers. j H132 P Hall, C. W. Adrift in the ice-fields, j H142 A Drifting round the world. j H142 D Hamerton, P. G. Harry Blount. j H17 H Hamilton, K. W. Unity Dodge. j H18 U Hanson, C. H. Stories of the days of King Arthur. j Hi 9 S Harland, M., pseud. See Terhune, M. V. Harraden, B. Things will take a turn. j H23 T Harris, F. M. The boys’ republic, j H245 B Harris, J. C. Aaron in the wilderness. j H24 A Daddy Jake ; the runaway. j H24 D Little Mr. Thimblefinger and his queer country. jF H24 L Mr. Rabbit at home. jF H24 M On the plantation. j 1124 O The story of Aaron. j H24 S — 40 — Harris, M. C. Louie’s last term at St. Mary’s. j H242 L Harrison, C. C. (Mrs. B. Harrison). The old- fashioned fairy book. j FH248 O Harrison, M. St. L. (Mrs. W. Harrison) (Lucas Malet, ps.). Little Peter ; a Christmas morality for children. j H249 L Harte, (F.) B. The queen of the pirate isle. j H256 Q Hartner, E. Pythia’s pupils. j H257 P Hatton, J. Captured by cannibals, j H28 C Hauff, W. Longnose, the dwarf ; and other stories. jF H29 L Hawthorne, N. The snow image, and other twice-told tales. j H313 S Twice-told tales. j H313 Tw The wonder-book. Tanglewood tales. j H313 W Hayes, I. I. Cast away in the cold, j H325 C Hays, Mrs. W. J. Castle Comfort, j H336 C Prince Lazybones, and other stories. jF H336 P Henderson, W. J. Afloat with the flag. j H381 A The last cruise of the Mohawk. j H381 L Henty, G. A. At Agincourt ; a tale of the White Hoods of Paris. j H38 A Beric the Briton ; a tale of the Roman inva- sion. j H38 BB Bonnie Prince Charlie ; a tale of Fontenoy and Culloden. j H38 Bo The boy knight, who won his spurs fighting with King Richard of England. j H38 B Note . Another edition of the Boy knight is entitled Fighting the Saracens. The bravest of the brave ; or, with Peter- borough in Spain. j H38 Br By England’s aid ; or, the freedom of the Netherlands. (A. D. 1585-1694.) j H38 BE By pike and dyke ; a tale of the rise of the Dutch republic. j H38 Bp By right of conquest ; or, with Cortez in Mexico. j H38 BC By sheer pluck ; a tale of the Ashanti war. j H38 By Captain Bayley’s heir ; a tale of the gold fields of California. j H38 C The cat of Bubastes ; a tale of ancient Egypt. j H38 Ca A chapter of adventures ; or, through the bombardment of Alexandria. j H38 Ch Condemned as a Nihilist ; a story of escape from Siberia. j H38 Co The cornet of horse ; a tale of Marlborough’s wars. j H38 Ct The dash for Khartoum ; a tale of the Nile expedition. j H38 Da The dragon and the raven ; or, the days of King Alfred. j H38 D Facing death ; a tale of the coal mines. j H38 Fa Fighting the Saracens ; a tale of the crusades. (Same as The boy knight.) j H38 B A final reckoning ; a tale of bush life in Australia. j H38 Fi For name and fame ; or, through Afghan passes. j H38 Fo For the Temple ; a tale of the fall of Jerusa- lem. j H38 FT Friends though divided. (English civil war, 1641-1649.) j H38 F FICTION. Held fast for England ; a tale of the siege of of Gibraltar. (A. D. 1779-1783.) j H38 H In freedom’s cause ; a story of Wallace and Bruce. j H38 IF In Greek waters ; a story of the Greek war of independence. (A. D. 1821-1827.) j H38 In In the heart of the Rockies. j H38 IH In the Reign of terror ; or, the adventures of a Westminster boy. j H38 I In times of peril. (Indian mutiny of 1857.) j H38 IP Jack Archer ; a tale of the Crimea, j H38 J A Jacobite exile ; adventures of a young Englishman in the service of Charles XII. j H38 Ja A knight of the White Cross ; a tale of the siege of Rhodes. j H38 K The lion of St. Mark ; a tale of Venice. j H38 LS The lion of the north ; a tale of the times of Gustavus Adolphus. j H38 L Maori and settler ; a story of the New Zea- land war. j H38 M A march on London ; a story of Wat Tyler’s insurrection. j H38 Ma On the Irrawaddy ; a tale of the Burmese war. j H38 01 One of the 28th ; a tale of Waterloo. j H38 On Orange and green ; a tale of the Boyne and Limerick. j H38 O Out on the pampas ; or, the young settlers. j H38 Ou Redskin and cowboy ; a tale of the western plains. j H38 R St. Bartholomew’s eve ; a tale of the Hugue- not wars. 3 " H38 SB St. George for England ; a tale of Cressy and Poitiers. j H38 St Sturdy and strong. j H38 SS Tales of daring and danger. j H38 Ta Through Russian snows ; a story of the re- treat from Moscow. j H38 Th Through the fray ; a tale of the Luddite riots. j H38 T Through the Sikh war ; a tale of thePunjaub. j H38 TS The Tiger of Mysore ; a story of the war of Tippoo Saib. 3 * H38 Ti True to the old flag ; a tale of the American war of Independence. j H38 Tr Under Drake's flag ; a tale of the Spanish Main. j H38 U When London burned ; a story of the Restor- ation and the great fire. j H38 Wh With Clive in India ; or, the beginnings of an empire. j H38 WC With Cochrane the dauntless ; a tale of the exploits of Lord Cochrane in South Ameri- can waters. 3 * H38 Wi With Frederick the great ; a story of the Seven years’ war. j H38 WF With Lee in Virginia ; a story of the Ameri- can civil war. j H38 WL With Moore at Corunna. j H38 WM With Wolfe in Canada ; or, the winning of a continent. j H38 W Wulf the Saxon ; a story of the Norman conquest. j H38 Wu Yarns on the beach ; a bundle of tales. j H38 Ya The young Carthaginian; a story of the times of Hannibal. 3 * H38 Y The young colonists. (South Africa, 1877- 1881.) 3 H38 Yo The young buglers ; a tale of the Peninsular war. 3 H38 YB The young franc-tireurs, and their adven- tures in the Franco-Prussian war. 3 H38 YF Heroes of chivalry. 3 H43 Contents : Kindersley, E. C. — History of the good knight (Chevalier Bayard.) Southey, R. — Chronicle of the Cid. Hervey, M. H. Eric the archer ; a tale of chivalry. 3 ' H44 E Heywood, P. C., ps. An ocean tramp. 3 H515 O Hoare, E. N. A turbulent town. 3 H65 T Hollis, E. B. Cecil’s knight. 3 H72 C Hope, A. R., pseud. See Moncrieff, R. H. Hoppin, A. Recollections of Auton House. 3 H77 R Two Compton boys. 3 H77 T Hornibrooke, I. Camp and trail. j H785 C Horwitz, C. N. Fairy-lure ; German and Swedish fairy tales. jF H78 F Swanhilde and other tales. jF H78 S House, E. H. The midnight warning, and other stories. 3 H81 M Howard, B. W. (Mrs. Teuffel.) A battle and a boy. 3 H831 B No heroes. 3 H831 N Howard, O. O. Donald’s school-days. 3 H83 D Howells, W. D. A boy’s town. 3 H835 B Christmas every day, and other stories. 3 H835 C Howitt, W. A boy’s adventures in the wilds of Australia. 3 H837 B Howliston, M. B. Cat-tails and other tales. 3 H84 C Hugesson, E. H. K. , lord Brabourne. Friends and foes from fairy-land. 3 FH87 F The magic oak-tree. Prince Filderkin. 3 FH87 M Uncle Joe’s stories. 3 FH87 U Hughes, T. Tom Brown at Rugby. Same as Tom Brown’s schooldays. Tom Brown’s schooldays. 3 H875 T Tom Brown’s schooldays ; ed. by C. W. Rob- inson. 3 H875 Tl Tom Brown at Oxford. 3 H875 To Humphrey, F. A. Children of Old Park’s tavern. 3 H 88 C Little pilgrims at Plymouth. 3 H 88 L Ingelow. J. Mopsa, the fairy. 3 FIn4 M Stories told to a child. 1st series. 3 In4 S2 Stories told to a child. 2nd series. 3 In4 SI A sister’s bye hours. 3 In4 Si Studies for stories. 3 In4 SS Ingersoll, E. The ice queen. 3 Ing4 I The silver caves. 3 Ing4 S Irving, F. B. Six girls. 3 Ir 8 S Jackson, H. M. (F.) (H. H.) Bits of talk for young folks. 3 J12 B Cat stories. 3 J12 C Nelly’s silver mine. 3 J12 N Jacobs, J., ed. Celtic fairy tales. 3 FJ15 C English fairy tales. 3 FJ15 E Indian fairy tales. 3 FJ15 I More Celtic fairy tales. 3 FJ15 M More English fairy tales. j FJ15 ME - 41 — FICTION. Jak, (ps. of A. B. Williams.) Birchwood. j J21 B The Fitch club. j J21 F The giant dwarf. j i J21 G Professor Johnny. j J21 P The Riverside museum. j J21 R Scotch caps. j J21 S Who saved the ship? j J21 W Jamison, C. Y. Lady Jane. j J24 L Seraph, the little violiniste. j J24 S Toinette’s Philip. j J24 T Janvier, M. See Vandegrift M., pseud. Janvier, T. A. The Aztec treasure-house. j J268 A Jefferies, R. Wood-magic. j FJ38 W Jenks, T. Imaginotions. j FJ415 I Jenness, T. R. Above the range. j J4B5 A Jewett, S. O. Betty Leicester. j J555 B Play days. j J555 P Johnson, (E.) R. The end of a rainbow. j J625 E Phaeton Rogers. j J625 Ph Johnston, R. M. Little Ike Templin. j J64 L Johnstone, D. L. The brotherhood of the coast. j J641 B Kaler, J. O. (James Otis, ps.) The boys of Fort Schuyler. j Kll BF The castaways ; or, on the Florida reefs. j Kll C How Tommy saved the barn. j Kll H Jack, the hunchback. j Kll J Jenny Wren’s boarding house ; newsboy life in New York. j Kll Je Josiah in New York. j Kll Jo Left behind; or ten days a newsboy, j Kll L Little Joe. j Kll Li Mr. Stubbs’s brother ; a sequel to Toby Tyler. j Kll M Raising the “ Pearl.” j Kll R A runaway brig ; or, an accidental cruise. j Kll RB A short cruise. j Kll Sh Silent Pete ; or, the stowaways. j Kll S Stories of American history ; as follows : An island of refuge; Casco Bay in 1676. j Kll I Ezra Jordan’s escape. j Kll E The boys of 1745 at the capture of Louis- bourg. j Kll B Neal, the miller ; a Son of Liberty. j Kll N The signal boys of ’75. j Kll Si Tim and Tip ; or, the adventures of a boy and a dog. j Kll T Toby Tyler ; or, ten weeks with a circus. j Kll TT The treasure-finders ; a boy’s adventures in Nicaragua. j Kll Tr Wood Island light ; or, Ned Sanford’s refuge. j Kll W The wreck of the circus. j Kll Wr Keary, A. A York and a Lancaster rose. j K21 Y Keddie, H. (Sarah Tytler.) Girl neighbours. j K28 G Kellogg, E. Elm Island stories ; as follows : Lion Ben of Elm Island. j K28 El Charlie Bell. j K28 E2 Ark of Elm Island. j K28 E3 Boy farmers. j K28 E4 Young shipbuilders. j K28 E5 Hard-scrabble. j K28 E6 Forest glen series ; as follows : Sowed by the wind. j K28 FI Wolf run. j K28 F2 Brought to the front. j K28 F3 Mission of Black Rifle. j K28 F4 Forest glen. j K28 F5 Burying the hatchet. j K28 F6 Good old times series ; as follows : Live-oak boys. j K28 G1 Unseen hand. j K28 G2 Strong arm and a mother’s blessing. j K28 G3 Good old times. j K28 G4 Pleasant Cove series ; as follows : Arthur Brown. j K28 PI Young deliverers. j K28 P2 Cruise of the Casco. j K28 P3 Child of the island glen. j K28 P4 John Godsoe’s legacy. j K28 P5 Fisher boy of Pleasant Cove. j K28 P6 Whispering pine series ; as follows : Sparks of genius. j K28 W1 Sophomores of Radcliffe. j K28 W2 Whispering pine. j K28 W3 Winning his spurs. j K28 W4 Turning of the tide. j K28 W5 A stout heart. j K28 W6 Kenney, M. E. (Mrs. G. A. Pauli). Aschen- brodel. j K39 A Mother’s bed-time tales. j K39 M The Ruby series ; as follows : Ruby and Ruthy. j K39 R1 Ruby’s ups and downs. j K39 R2 Ruby at school. j K39 R3 Ruby’s vacation. j K39 R4 The whatsoever ten. j K39 W Ker, D. Cossack and Czar. j K45 C Into unknown seas. j K45 I The lost city. j K45 L Prisoner among pirates. j K45 P The rajah’s legacy. j K45 R Vanished ; or, the strange adventures of Ar- thur Hawksleigh. j K45 Y King, C. Trooper Ross. And Signal Butte. j K58 T Trumpeter Fred. j K58 Tr King, E. Under the red flag; adventures of two American boys in the days of the Commune. j K581 U King, P. Christine’s career. j K582 C Kingsley, C. Greek heroes. j K615 G Water babies. jF K615 W Water babies ; illustrated edition. j FK615 W1 Kingsley, H. Valentin ; a French boy’s story of Sedan. j K616 V Kingston, W. H. G. Adventures of Dick On- slow among the red Indians. j K619 DO Afar in the forest; adventure in North America. j K619 Af Antony Waymouth. j K619 An The cruise of the Frolic. j K619 Cr The fisher boy ; or, Michael Penguyne. j K619 F Fred Markham in Russia ; or, the boy trav- ellers in the land of the Czar, j K619 FM From powder monkey to admiral, j K619 Fr History of Little Peter, the ship-boy. j K619 P In New Granada ; or, heroes and patriots. j K619 N In the eastern seas ; or, the regions of the bird of paradise. j K619 I — 42 — FICTION. In the Rocky Mountains. j K619 IR In the wilds of Africa. j K619 In James Braithwaite, the supercargo. j K619 JB John Deane ; adventures by land and sea. j K619 J Little Ben Hadden. j K619 L The midshipman Marmaduke Merry. j K619 Mi The missing ship. j K619 MS My first voyage to southern seas, j K619 My Old Jack. j K619 01 On the banks of the Amazon. j K619 On Peter, the whaler. j K619 PW Ralph and Dick ; or, the two shipmates. j K619 R Roger Willoughby ; a story of the times of Benbow. j K619 Ro Ronald Morton ; or, the Fire ships, j K619 Fi Salt water ; sea life and adventures of Neil D’Arcy, midshipman. j K619 Sw Saved from the sea; or, the loss of the “Viper,” and the adventures of her crew in the great Sahara. j K619 Sa The seven champions of Christendom. jF K619 Se Snow-shoes and canoes ; or, the early days of a fur-trader in the Hudson’s Bay territory. j K619 Sn The south sea whaler. j K619 So Twice lost ; a story of shipwreck and adven- ture in the wilds of Australia, j K619 Tw Virginia ; a centennial story. j K619 Vi A voyage round the world. j K619 V The wanderers ; or, adventures in the wilds of Trinidad and up the Orinoco. 3 * K619 W With axe and rifle ; or, the western pioneers. 3 K619 Wi The young llanero ; war and wild life in Venezuela. 3 K619 Yo The young rajah ; a story of Indian life and adventure. 3 K619 Y The young whaler. 3 K619 Yw Kipling, R. The jungle book. jF K625 J The second jungle book. jF K625 Js Knox, T. W. The boy travellers series ; as follows : In the Russian empire. j K75 B1 Egypt and the Holy Land. j K75 B2 Through Africa. j K75 B3 In Japan and China. j K75 B4 In Ceylon and India, 3 ' K75 B5 In Siam and Java. j K75 B 6 In South America. j K75 B7 On the Congo. j K75 B 8 In Australasia. j K75 B9 In Mexico. 3 * K75 BIO In Great Britain and Ireland, j K75 Bll In northern Europe. j K75 B12 In central Europe. j K75 B13 In southern Europe. j K75 B14 In the Levant. j K75 B15 A close shave ; or, how Major Flagg won his bet. 3 K75 C John Boyd’s adventures : merchant sailor, man-of-war’s-man, privateersman, pirate, and Algerine slave. j K75 J The lost army. j K75 L Krause, L. F. See Yechton, B., ps. Laboulaye, E. R. L. Last fairy tales, j FL11 L Lancaster, W. J. C. See Collingwood, H., pseud. Lang, A. The blue fairy book. j FL25 B Fairy tale books, based on the stories in The blue fairy book ; as follows : Cinderella, and other stories, j FL25 FI Little Red Riding-hood, and other sto- ries. j FL25 F2 Jack, the giant-killer, and other stories. j FL25 F3 The sleeping beauty, and other stories. j FL25 F4 History of Whittington, and other sto- ries. j FL25 F5 The princess on the glass hill, and other stories. j FL25 F 6 Prince Darling, and other stories. j FL25 F7 The green fairy book. j FL25 G My own fairy book. j FL25 M Prince Prigio. 3 FL25 Pr Prince Ricardo, of Pantouflia, Prince Prigio’s son. j FL25 P The pink fairy book. j FL25 Pi The red fairy book. j FL25 R The yellow fairy book. j FL25 Y Lathrop, G. P. “ Behind Time.” j FL345 B Laurie, A. Axel Ebersen. j L36 A School-boy days in Russia. j L36 S Lawrence, Uncle, ps. In search of a son. j L435 I The story of a mountain. j L485 S Le Baron, G. Queer Janet. j L49 Q Lee, Mrs. F. Redmond of the seventh. j L51 R Leighton, R. The golden galleon. j L53 G Olaf the glorious. j L53 O The pilots of Pomona. j L53 P The thirsty sword. j L53 T The wreck of the Golden Fleece. j L53 W Lillie, L. C. The coloneFs money, j L624 C Esther’s fortune. j L624 E For honor’s sake. j L624 HS Helen Glenn ; or, My mother’s enemy. (Same as My mother’s enemy.) j L624 My The household of Glen Holly. j L624 H Jo’s opportunity. j L624 J Mildred’s bargain, and other stories, j L624 M My mother’s enemy. j L624 My Nan. j L624 N Phil and the baby. And The false witness. j L624 P Rolf house. j L624 R Linn, B. One little mustard seed. j L64 O Lippincott, S. J. (Grace Greenwood, ps.) Stories of many lands. j L 66 S Stories of my childhood. j L 66 St Livingston, G. A Chautauqua idyl, j L765 C Lockwood, I. Baron Trump’s marvellous underground journey. j L81 B Lothrop, H. M. (Margaret Sidney, ps.) Dilly and the captain. j L78 D Five little Peppers series ; as follows : Five little Peppers, and how they grew. j L78 F Five little Peppers midway. j L78 FM Five little Peppers grown up. j L78 FP Phronsie Pepper ; the last of the ‘ ‘ Five little Peppers.” j L78 P The gingham bag ; the tale of an heirloom. j L78 Gi The golden West ; as seen by the Ridgway Club. j L78 G Little Paul and the Frisbie school, j L78 LP — 43 - FICTION. The little red shop. j L78 L Our town ; dedicated to all members of the Y. P. S. C. E. j L78 O What the seven did. j L78 Wh Who told it to me ? j L78 W Loughead, F. H. The abandoned claim. j L92 A Lowell, R. T. S. Antony Brade. j L95 A Lyall, E., ps. of A. E. Bayly. Their happiest Christmas. j L98 T Macdonald, G. At the back of the north wind. jF M142 A Dealings with the fairies. j FM142 De A double story. j FM142 D The history of Gutta-percha Willie. j M142 G The light princess, and other tales, j FM142 L The princess and Curdie. j FM142 Pr Ranald Bannerman’s boyhood. j Ml 42 Ra A rough shaking. j M142 R Machar, A. M. Marjorie’s Canadian winter. j M18 M Magruder, J. The child Amy. j M27 C Malet, L., pseud. See Harrison, M. St. L. Malory, Sir T. Tales of King Arthur and his knights ; ed. by M. Y. Farrington. j M29 K2 King Arthur ; ed. by H. Frith. j M29 K1 The boy’s King Arthur ; ed. by S. Lanier. j M29 K Malot, H. H. The boy wanderer ; or, no re- lations. j M297 B Sea and shore. j M297 S Manning, A. Cherry and Violet. j M31 C Marry at, F. The children of the New Forest. j M346 C Jacob Faithful. j M346 J The little savage. j M346 L Masterman Ready. j M346 M The mission ; or, scenes in south Africa. j M346 Mi Mr. Midshipman Easy. j M346 Mr The phantom ship. j M346 Ph The privateersman. j M346 Pn Poor Jack. j M346 Po The settlers in Canada. j M346 S Marsh, J. B. Life and adventures of Robin Hood. j M351 L Marshall, C. L. Girl ranchers of the San Coulee. j M352 G Marshall, E. Houses on wheels ; a story for children. j M35 H Oliver’s old pictures. j M35 O Martineau, H. Crofton boys. j M36 C Feats on the fiord. j M36 F The peasant and the prince. j M36 P Settlers at home. j M36 S Mathews, J. H. Bessie Bradford’s prize. j M42 BB Breakfast for two. 3 ‘ M42 B Frankie Bradford’s bear. j M42 F Harry and Fred’s story book. j M42 HF Harry Bradford’s crusade. j M42 H Maggie Bradford’s club. j M42 M Maggie Bradford’s fair. j M42 MF Maggie Bradford’s schoolmates. j M42 MS Uncle Rutherford’s attic. j M42 U Uncle Rutherford’s nieces. j M42 Un Matthews, (J.) B. Tom Paulding ; story of a search for buried treasure in the streets of New York. j M421 T May, Sophie, pseud, See Clarke, R. S. Mayo, W. S. Kaloolah. j M459 K Meade, L. T. Catalina, art student, j M46 C Daddy’s boy. j M46 D Deb and the duchess. j M46 De A world of girls. j M46 W Miller, E. H. Kathie’s experience, j M61 K Thorn apples. j M61 T What happened on Christmas eve. j M61 W Millington, T. S. Some of our fellows. j M62 S Miss Toosey’s mission, the author of. Two Blackbirds. j M693 T Mitchell, S. W. Prince Little-boy and other tales. j FM696 P Molesworth, M. L. The boys and I ; a child’s story for children. j M73 B Carrots ; just a little boy. j M73 Ca The carved lions. j M73 Cn The children of the castle. j M73 CC A Christmas child. j M73 C A Christmas posy. j M73 Ch Christmas-tree land. j M73 Cl The cuckoo clock. j M73 Cu ‘ ‘ Farthings ” ; the story of a stray and a waif. j M73 Fa Four winds farm. j M73 F The girls and I. j M73 Gi “ Grandmother dear”. j M73 G Herr Baby. j M73 H Hermy ; the story of a little girl. j M73 He Little Miss Peggy ; a nursery story, j M73 L Little Mother Bunch. j M73 LM Mary. j M73 M Meg Langholme. j M73 ML Miss Mouse and her boys. j M73 MM My new home. j M73 My The next-door house. j M73 Ne Nurse Heatherdale’s story. j M73 N The old pin-cushion. j M73 O The palace in the garden. j M73 P The rectory children. j M73 Re The red grange. j M73 RG Rosy. j M73 R Sheila’s mystery. j M73 Sh Silverthorns. j M73 Si The story of a spring morning, and other tales. j M73 SS Summer stories. j M73 S The tapestry room. j M73 Ta Tell me a story. j M73 Te The third Miss St. Quentin. j M73 Th Two little waifs. j M73 T Us ; an old-fashioned story. j M73 U Moncrieff, R. H. (A. R Hope, ps.) Boy’s own stories. j M74 B Homespun stories. j M74 H The wigwam and the war-path. j M74 W Montolieu, baronne, joint-author. See Wyss, J. R. Moore, F. F. Highways and high seas, j M78 H Sailing and sealing. j M78 S Under hatches. j M78 U Morrison, S. E. Chilhowee boys. j M831 C Chilhowee boys in war time. j M831 Cl Morse, L. G. The Chezzles. j M83 C Moulton, L. C. Bed-time stories. j M86 B Fire-light stories. j M86 F More bed-time stories. j M86 M New bed-time stories. j M86 N Stories told at twilight. j M86 S Mulholland, C. Naughty Miss Bunny. j M893 N — 44 — FICTION. Mulholland, R. Giannetta. j M894 G Hetty Gray. j M894 H Munkittrick, R. K. The moon-prince, and other nabobs. j F M924 M Munroe, K. At war with Pontiac ; a tale of redcoat and redskin. j M92 W1 * Big Cypress ; a story of an Everglade home- stead. j M92 B Cab and caboose; the story of a railroad boy. j M92 CC Campmates; a story of the plains, j M92 Ca Canoemates; a story of the Florida reef and the Everglades. j M92 Cm Chrystal, Jack & Co. And Delta Bixby. j M92 C The coral ship; a story of the Florida reef. j M92 Co Derrick Sterling; a story of the mines. j M92 D Dorymates; a tale of the fishing banks. j M92 Do The flamingo feather. j M92 F The fur-seal’s tooth; a story of Alaskan ad- venture. j M92 FS The painted desert; a story of northern Ari- zona. j M92 Pa Prince Dusty; a story of the oil regions. j M92 P Raftmates; a story of the great river, j M92 R Rick Dale; a story of the northwest coast. j M92 RD Snow-shoes and sledges; sequel to “The fur- seal’s tooth.” j M92 S Through swamp and glade; a story of the Seminole war. j M92 T Under orders; story of a young reporter. j M92 U Wakulla; a story of adventure in Florida. j M92 W The white conquerors; a tale of Toltec and Aztec. j M92 Wh With Crockett and Bowie; or, fighting for the lone-star flag. j M92 WC Murfree, M. N. (C. E. Craddock, ps.) Down the ravine. j M94 D The young mountaineers. j M94 Y Nichols, L. D. Lotos Bay. j N52 L Up hill and down dale. j N52 U Nieritz, G. Busy hands and patient hearts. j N55 B Nisbet, H. The divers. j N63 D Nordhoff, C. Man-of-war life. j N75 Ma Merchant vessel. j N75 Me Whaling and fishing. j N75 W Norton, C. L. Fighting for the flag series ; as follows : Jack Benson’s log. j N82 FI The medal-of -honor man, j N82 F2 Midshipman Jack. j N82 F3 Norway, G. Hussein the hostage. j N83 H The loss of John Humble. j N83 L A prisoner of war ; a story of the time of Napoleon Bonaparte. j N83 P Ober, F. A. The Knockabout Club in north Africa. j Ob2 K5 The Knockabout Club in Spain. j Ob2 K2 The Knockabout Club in search of treasure. j Ob2 K4 The Knockabout Club in the Antilles. j Ob2 K1 The Knockabout Club in the Everglades. j 0b2 K The Knockabout Club on the Spanish Main. j Ob2 K3 Montezuma’s gold mines. j Ob2 M The silver city. j Ob2 S Under the Cuban flag. j Ob2 U Ogden, R. His little royal highness, j Og2 H A loyal little redcoat. j Og2 L O’Grady, S. The chain of gold. j Og7 C Oliphant, M. O. W. Magdalen Hepburn. j 0131 M O’Neill, M. The elf-errant. jF On2 E Ortoli, F. Evening tales ; trans. by J. C. Harris. j Or8 E Otis, J., pseud. See Kaler, J. O. Ouida, ps. of L. de la Rame. Bimbi. j Ou4 B A dog of Flanders. j Ou4 D Oxley, J. M. Archie of Athabasca, j 0x4 A The boy tramps ; or. across Canada, j 0x4 B Page, T. N. Among the camps. j P145 A Two little Confederates. j P145 T Palmer, L. , pseud. See Peebles, M. L. Pansy, pseud. See Alden, I. M, Paull, Mrs. G. A. See Kenney, M. E. Peard, F. M. The abbot’s bridge. j P315 A The locked desk. j P315 L Prentice Hugh. j P335 P Scapegrace Dick. j P315 S To horse and away. j P315 T Peattie, E. W. With scrip and staff. jP32W Peebles, M. L. (Lynde Palmer, ps.) One day’s weaving. j P34 O A question of honor. j P34 Q Pendleton, L. In the Okefenoke. j P37 I King Tom and the runaways. j P37 K Perelaer, M. T. H. Ran away from the Dutch ; or, Borneo from north to south. j P415 R Perkins, S. C. N. or M. j P41 N Perry, G. B. Uncle Peter’s trust. j P421 U Perry, N. Another flock of girls. j P42 A A flock of girls. j P42 F A flock of girls and boys. j P42 FG Hope Benham. j P42 H A rosebud garden of girls. j P42 R Three little daughters of the revolution. j P42 T The youngest Miss Lorton. j P42 Y Phelps, E. S., afterwards Mrs. H. D. Ward, Donald Marcy. j P51 D The Gypsy series ; as follows : Gypsy Breynton. j P51 G1 Gypsy’s cousin Joy. j P51 G2 Gypsy’s sowing and reaping. j P51 Go Gypsy’s year at the Golden Crescent. j P51 G4 Pitman, L. W. See Webster, L., ps. Plympton, A. G. The black dog, and other stories. j P747 B Dear daughter Dorothy. j P747 D Dorothy and Anton. j P747 Da The little sister of Wilifred. j P747 L Penelope Prig. j P747 P Rags and velvet gowns. j P747 Ra Robin’s recruit. j P747 R Poulsson, E. Through the farmyard gate. j P86 T Pratt, M. E. Rhoda Thornton’s girlhood. .j P88 R Prentiss, E. Aunt Jane’s hero. j P915 A The home at Greylock. j P915 H Little Susy series ; as follows : Little Susy’s little servants, j P915 LSI — 45 — FICTION. Little Susy’s six birthdays. j P915 LS2 Little Susy’s six teachers. j P915 LS3 Putnam, E., pseud. See Bates, H. L. Y. Pyke, R. The adventures of Mabel. jF P993 A Pyle, H. The garden behind the moon. jF P99 G Men of iron. j P99 MI The merry adventures of Robin Hood. j P99 M Otto of the silver hand. j P99 O Pepper and salt ; or, seasoning for young folks. jF P99+P The story of Jack Ballister’s fortunes, j P99 S Twilight land. jF P99 T The wonder clock. jF P99 W Pyrnelle, L. C. Diddie, Dumps, and Tot. j P995 D Rabelais, F. Three good giants. j Rll T Raffensperger, A. F. Fritz’s ranch. j R125 F Rame, L. de la. See Ouida, pseud. Rand, E. A. The bark-cabin on Kearsarge. j R15 Ba Behind Manhattan gables; a story of New Amsterdam, 1663-16(34. j R15 B The down east master’s first school, j Rio D Fighting the sea series; as follows: Fighting the sea. j R15 FI A candle in the sea. j R15 F2 The mill at Sandy Creek. j R15 F3 A salt water hero. j R15 F4 Look ahead series; as follows: Making the best of it. j R15 LI Up north in a whaler. j R15 L2 Too late for the tide-mill. j R15 L3 Our clerk from Barkton. j R15 L4 The schooner on the beach. j R15 S Raspe, R. E. The travels and adventures of Baron Munchausen. j R18 R Ray, A. C. The cadets of Flemming Hall. j R21 C Dick; a story for boys and girls. j R21 D Half-a-dozen boys. j R21 H Half-a-dozen girls. j R21 HG In Blue Creek canon. j R21 1 Margaret Davis, tutor. j R21 M Ray, C. A new exodus; or, the exiles of the Zillerthal ; a story of the Protestants of the Tyrol. j R212 N Raymond, E. The little red schoolhouse. j R217 L Mixed pickles. j R217 Mi Monica, the mesa maiden. j R217 M The mushroom cave. j R217 MC Reid, M. Afloat in the forest; or, a voyage above the tree tops. j R27 A The boy hunters; adventures in search of the white buffalo. j R27 B The boy slaves. j R27 BS The boy tar; or, a voyage in the dark. j R27 BT Bruin; or, the grand bear hunt. j R27 Br The bush boys; a Cape farmer and his family in the wild karoos of South Africa. j R27 Bu The castaways; a story of adventure in the wilds of Borneo. j R27 Ca The cliff-climbers; a sequel to the Plant hunters. j R27 Cl The forest exiles; or, the perils of a Peruvian family amid the wilds of the Amazon. j R27 Fo The giraffe hunters; sequel to Bush boys and Young yagers. j R27 G The land of fire. j R27 L Odd people; a popular description of singular races of men. j R27 Od Note .— Another edition of Odd people is entitled The man-eaters, and other odd people. The plant hunters; adventures among the Himalaya mountains, j R27 P Ran away to sea. j R27 R The white chief ; a legend of northern Mexico. j R27 Wh The young voyage urs; or, the boy hunters in the north. j R27 Y The young yagers; or, hunting adventures in southern Africa. j R27 Yo Richards, L. E. Captain January. j R39 C Five minute stories. j R39 F Hildegarde stories; as follows: Queen Hildegarde. j R39 Q Hildegarde’s holiday. j R39 H Hildegarde’s home. j R39 Hi Hildegarde’s neighbors. j R39 HN Hildegarde’s harvest. j R39 HH The joyous story of Toto. j R39 J In my nursery. (Poems.) j R39 I Toto’s merry winter. j R39 T Rideing, W. H. Boys coastwise. j R43 BC Boys in the mountains. j R43 B Rus, J. A. Nibsy’s Christmas. j R44 N Robbins, S. S. The Gillettes ; as follows : Dick, the captain of the family ship. j R53 G1 Nan, the missionary. j R53 G2 Jack, who persevered. j R53 G3 Bert, the enterprising boy. j R53 G4 Babette ; or, faithfulness. j R53 G5 Will ; or, honesty. j R53 G6 Roberts, M. That child. j R54 T Robinson, E. Forced acquaintances, j R561 F Rollins, A. W. The finding of the gentian. « j R65 F Rousselet, L. The serpent-charmer, j R763 S Ruskin, J. The king of the Golden River. j FR89 K Russan, A., and Boyle, F. Through forest and plain. j R912 T The orchid seekers. j R912 O Russell, W. C. Master Rockafellar’s voyage. j R911 M Sanford, E. B. Frisk and his flock, j Sa55 Fr From May to Christmas at Thorn Hill. j Sa55 F Pussy Tiptoes’ family. j Sa55 P Saunders, M. The king of the park, j Sa85 K Saxon, E. L. (E. L. S.) Border lances ; a ro- mance of the reign of Edward III. j Sa9 B Schultz, J. Madeleine’s rescue. j Seh8 M Straight on. (Anon.) j St8 Scott, Sir W. Stories from Waveriey. j Sco8 St Tales from Scott ; ed. by Sir E. Sullivan. j Sco8 Ta Tales of chivalry ; ed. by W. J. Rolfe. j Sco8 T Scudder, H. E. The Bodley books ; as fol- lows : Doings of the Bodley family, j Scu2 B1 The Bodley s telling stories. j Scu2 B2 The Bodleys on wheels. j Scu2 B3 The Bodleys afoot. j Scu2 B4 — 46 — FICTION. Mr. Bodley abroad. j Scu2 B5 The Bodley grandchildren. j Scn2 B6 The English Bodley family. j Scu2 B7 The Viking Bodleys. j Scu2 B8 The book of folk-stories. j FScu2 F The children’s book ; a collection of the best and most famous stories and poems in the English language. j Scu2+C Dream children. j Scu2 D Stories from my attic. j Scu2 St Sea well, M. E. Quarter-deck and fo’k’sle. j Sel Q The rock of the lion. j Sel R Through thick and thin. j Sel T Seguin, L. G. Heroism in humble life, j Se3 H Shaw, F. L. Castle Blair. j Sh27 C Hector. j Sh27 H Phyllis Browne. j Sh27 P A sea change. j Sh27 S Sidney, M., ps. See Lothrop, H. M. Silver fairy book, The. (Anon.) j FSi3 S Simonds, W. The Aimwell stories, as follows : Clinton. j Si5 A1 Ella. j Si5 A2 Jessie. j Si5 A3 Marcus. j Si5 A4 Oscar. j Si5 A5 Whistler. j Si5 A6 Jerry. j Si5 A7 Sinclair, C. Holiday house. j Si6 H Sleight, M. B. The knights of Sandy Hol- low ; a story for boys. j S12 K Smith, G. Arabella and Araminta stories. j Sm52 A Ten little comedies. j Sm52 T Smith, J. B. One little rebel. j Sm51 O Smith, M. P. W. The Browns. j Sm5 B A jolly good summer. j Sm5 JG Jolly good times ; or, child-life on a farm. j Sm5 J Jolly good times at Hackmatack, j Sm5 JH Jolly good times at school. j Sm5 JS Jolly good times to day. j Sm5 JT More good times at Hackmatack, j Sm5 M Their canoe trip. j Sm5 T Spofford, H. P. A lost jewel. j Sp6 L Spyri, J. Gritli’s children. j Sp9 G Heidi, her years of wandering. j Sp9 H Rico and Stineli. Rico and Wiseli. How Rico found a home. j Sp9 R Swiss stories. j Sp9 S Uncle Titus. j Sp9 U Veronica. j Sp9 V Stables, G. The battle and the breeze. j Stl B Exiles of fortune ; a tale of the far north land. j Stl E Facing fearful odds. j Stl F From pole to pole ; a tale of the sea. j Stl FP Harry Milvaine. j Stl H In the dashing days of old. j Stl I On special service ; a tale of life at sea. j Stl O On to the rescue ; a tale of the Indian mu- tiny. j Stl On To Greenland and the pole ; a story of ad- venture in the Arctic regions. j Stl To ’Twixt school and college ; a tale of self- reliance. j Stl T Two sailor lads. j Stl TS Westward with Columbus. j Stl W e Wild adventures in wild places. j Stl W Stanley, H. M. My Kalulu : prince, king, and slave ; a story of central Africa. j Stl21 M Stearns, A. Sindbad, Smith & Co. j F St31 S Steel, F. A. Tales of the Punjab. jF St35 T Steele, R. The story of Alexander, j St36 S Stephens, C. A. The camping-out series ; as follows : Camping out. j St45 Cl Left on Labrador. j St45 C2 Off to the geysers. j St45 C3 Lynx hunting. j St45 C4 Fox hunting. j St45 C5 On the Amazons. j St45 C6 The Knockabout Club along shore, j St45 K The Knockabout Club in the tropics. j St45 K1 Note —For continuation of the Knockabout series see Ober, F. A. Stevenson, E. I. White cockades, j St485 W Stevenson, R. L. Treasure island, j St48 T Stockton, F. R. The bee-man of Orn, and other fanciful tales. j FSt6 B Captain Chap ; or, the rolling stones. j St6 CC The clocks of Rondaine, and other stories. j St6 C Fanciful tales ; ed. , for use in schools, by J. E. Langworthy. j FSt6 Fa The floating prince, and other fairy tales. j FSt6 F A jolly fellowship. j St6 J Roundabout rambles in lands of fact and fancy. j St6 R The story of Viteau. j St6 S Tales out of school. j St6 T Ting-a-ling. j FSt6 Ti What might have been expected. j St6 W Stoddard, W. O. Among the lakes, j St61 A The battle of New York. (A story of the draft riots, 1863.) j St61 B The captain’s boat. j St61 Ca Chris, the model-maker ; a story of New York. j St61 CM Chuck Purdy ; story of a New York boy. j St61 Ch Crowded out o’ Crowfield ; or, the boy who made his way. j St61 C Dab Kinzer : a story of a growing boy. j St61 D Gid Granger ; the story of a rough boy. j St61 G Guert Ten Eyck ; a hero story. j St61 Gu Little Smoke ; a tale of the Sioux, j St61 L The lost gold of the Montezumas ; a story of the Alamo. j St61 Lo On the old frontier ; or, the last raid of the Iroquois. j St61 O The partners ; story of an every-day girl and boy. j St61 P The quartet ; a sequel to Dab Kinzer. j St61 Q The red mustang ; a story of the Mexican border. j St61 R Saltillo boys. j St61 S The swordmaker’s son ; a story of the year 30 A. D. j St61 Sw The talking leaves ; an Indian story, j St61 T Tom and the money-king. j St61 To Two Arrows ; a story of red and white. j St71 Tw - 47 - FICTION. Walled in ; a true story of Randall’s Island. j St61 Wa The white cave. j St61 WC The windfall. j St61 Wi Winter fun. j St61 W Stowe, H. B. Little Pussy Willow. The minister’s watermelons. j St68 L Stories and sketches for the young, j St68 S Uncle Tom’s cabin. j St68 U Street, L. E. A knot of blue. j St82 K Stuart, E. The belfry of St. Jude. j St9 B Carried off ; a romance of pirate times. j St9 C Stuart, R. McE. The story of Babette. j St91 S Swett, S. Captain Polly. j Sw48 C Flying Hill farm. j Sw48 F The mate of the “ Mary Ann.” j Sw48 M Tom Pickering. j Sw48 T Swift, J. Travels of Lemuel Gulliver ; ed. for schools. j Sw5 G Swinton, W., and Cathcart, G. R. The book of tales. jF Sw6 B Tait, J. S. Wayne and his friends. jT18 W Talbot, C. R. A double masquerade. j T14 D The impostor. j T14 I A midshipman at large. j T14 M Taylor, B. Boys of other countries, j T214 B Taylor, M. Ralph Darnell. j T215 R Terhune, M. Y. (Marion Harland, ps.) An old-field school- girl. j T27 O Thanet, O., pseud. See French, A. Thaxter, C. L. Stories and poems for chil- dren. j T33 S Thompson, C. M. The nimble dollar, j T37 N Thompson, M. The Ocala boy. j T371 O Thomson, E. W. Walter Gibbs, the young boss. j T38 W Thorpe, B. Yule-tide stories. jF T39 Y Timlow, E. W. Cricket at the seashore. j T48C Tomlinson, E. T. War of 1812 series ; as follows : 1. The search for Andrew Field. j T59 Wl 2. The boy soldiers of 1812. j T59 W2 3. The boy officers of 1812. j T59 W3 4. Tecumseh’s young braves, j T59 W4 War of the Revolution series ; as follows : 1. Three colonial boys. j T59 WR1 2. Three young Continentals, j T59 WR2 3. Washington’s young aides. jT59WR3 Tompkins, E. K. An unlessoned girl, j T595 U Trowbridge, J. The electrical boys ; or the career of Greatman and Greatthings. j T757 E The resolute Mr. Pansy ; an electrical story for boys. j T757 R Three boys on an electrical boat. j T757 T Trowbridge, J. T. The adventures of David Vane and David Crane. j T756 A The drummer boy. j T756 Dr Jack Hazard series ; as follows : Jack Hazard. j T756 J A chance for himself. j T756 C Doing his best. j T756 D Fast friends. j T756 F The young surveyor. j T756 Yo Lawrence’s adventures among the ice-cut- ters, glass-makers, coal-miners, iron-men, and ship-builders. j T756 La The prize cup. j T756 Pr The silver medal stories ; as follows: The silver medal. j T756 S Young Joe, and other boys, j T756 Y His own master. j T756 Hi Bound in honor. j T756 Bo The pocket rifle. j T756 Po The jolly rover. j T756 Jo The start in life stories ; as follows : A start in life. j T756 SI Biding his time. j T756 S2 The kelp gatherers. j T756 K The scarlet tanager. j T756 ST The lottery ticket. j T756 Lo The tide-mill stories ; as follows : Phil and his friends. j T756 P The Tinkham brothers tide-mill. j T756 Ti The satin-wood box. j T756 Sa The little master. j T756 Li His one fault. j T756 Ho Peter Budstone. j T756 Pe The Toby Trafford series ; as follows : Father Brighthopes. j T756 FB The fortunes of Toby Trafford. j T756 Fo Woodie Thorpe’s pilgrimage, and other stories. j T756 W Tucker, C. M. (A. L. O. E.) War and peace. j T79 W Twain, Mark, ps. See Clemens, S. L. Tytler, S., ps. See Keddie, H. Uncle Frank, ps. See Frank, Uncle. Uncle Lawrence, ps. See Lawrence, Uncle. Vandegrift, H., ps. of M. Janvier. Doris and Theodora. j V28 D Little helpers. j Y28 L The queen’s bodyguard. j V28 Q Rose Raymond’s wards. j V28 R Under the dog star. j Y28 U Verne, J. The adventures of three Russians and three Englishmen in southern Africa. j Y59 Th Around the world in eighty days. j V59 R Doctor Ox’s experiment. And Master Zacha- rius. j Y59 DO The English at the North Pole. j V59 E The field of ice. Sequel to The English at the North Pole. j Y59 Fo Five weeks in a balloon. j Y59 Fi A floating city. j Y59 F From the earth to the moon, and around it. j Y59 Fr The fur country. j Y59 Fu The giant raft ; in two parts, as follows : 1. Eight hundred leagues on the river Amazon. j Y59 Ei 2. The cryptogram. j Y59 Cr Godfrey Morgan ; a California mystery. j Y59 G Hector Servadac. j Y59 H A journey to the centre of the earth, j Y59 J Michael Strogoff, the courier of the Czar. j Y59 Mi The mysterious island. 3 v. j Y59 M Contents : v. 1, Dropped from the clouds, v. 2, The abandoned, v. 3, The secret of the island. The special correspondent. j Y59 S The steam house ; in two parts, as follows : 1. The demon of Cawnpore. j Y59 D 2. Tigers and traitors. j Y59 Ti Twenty thousand leagues under the seas. j Y59 T — 48 — FICTION. A voyage around the world in search of the castaways ; 3 parts, as follows : Part 1. South America. j Y59 YS Part 2. Australia. j V59 Y Part 3. New Zealand. j Y59 YN Yittum, E. M. Faith on the frontier, j Y83 F W alford, L. B. For grown-up children. j W14 F Ward, E. A pair of originals. j W211 P Ward, H. D. The captain of the ‘ ‘ Kittiewink. ” j W21 C The new senior at Andover. j W21 N Ward, Mrs. H. D. See Phelps, E. S. Warner, C. D. Being a boy. j W24 B Warner, S. The house in town. Sequel to Opportunities. j W245 H Melbourne house. j W245 M Opportunities. Sequel to What she could. j W245 O What she could. j W245 W — , and A. Carl Krinken. j W245 C Warren, I. P. Chauncey Judd ; or, the stolen boy. j W25 C Washington, B. The story of Juliette. j W27 S Watson, L. In the days of Mozart, j W332 I Wentworth, W.. ps. of J. B. Gilman. The drifting island. Sequel to Kibboo Ganey. j W48 D Kibboo Ganey ; or, the lost chief . j W48 K Wesselhoeft, L. F. Flipwing, the spy. j W515 F Frowzle, the runaway. j W515 Fr Old rough, the miser. j W515 O Sparrow, the tramp. j W515 S Torpeanuts, the tomboy. j W515 T The winds, the woods, and the wanderer. j W515W Wharton, A. H. A last century maid, j W55 L White, E. O. A little girl of long ago. j W581 L When Molly was six. j W581 W Whitney, A. D. T. Boys at Chequasset. j W611 B Whittier, J. G., ed. Child life in prose. j W61 C Wiggin, K. D. The Birds’ Christmas Carol. j W63 B Polly Oliver’s problem. j W63 P The story hour. j W63 St The story of Patsy. j W63 SP A summer in a canon. j W63 S Wilkins, M. E. The adventures of Ann. j W65 A Comfort Pease and her gold ring. j W65 C The pot of gold, and other stories. jF W65 P Young Lucretia, and other stories, j W65 Y Williams, A. B. See Jak, pseud. Willmott, N. L. A dash of red paint. j W68D Winchester, M. E. Adrift in a great city. j W72 A The cabin on the beach. j W72 C Winder, F. H. With the sea-kings, j W722 W Witt, H. de. A French country family. j W78 F Wonder stories of history ; by Mrs. F. A. Humphrey, and others. j W845 A Woods, K. T. Doctor Dick. j W86 DD The Duncans on land and sea. j W86 D Out and about. j W86 O Six little rebels. j W86 S Woolsey, S. C. (Susan Coolidge, ps.) The Barberry bush, and other stories about girls. j W88 B Cross patch, and other stories ; adapted from the myths of Mother Goose. j W88 C Eyebright. j W88 E A Guernsey Lily ; a story for boys and girls. j W88 G Just sixteen. (Stories.) j W88 J The Katy did series ; as follows : What Katy did. j W88 W1 What Katy did at school. j W88 W2 What Katy did next. j W88 W3 Clover. j W88 Cl In the high valley. j W88 I Note . — The short story Curly Locks, in Nine little goslings, should be read before What Katy did next. A little country girl. j W88 L Mischief’s Thanksgiving, and other stories. j W88 M The New Year’s bargain. (Stories.) j W88 N Nine little goslings. (Stories.) j W88 Ni Not quite eighteen. (Stories.) j W88 No A round dozen. (Stories.) j W88 R Wright, E. Freshman and senior, j W931 F Marjoribanks. j W931 M Pen’s ventures. j W931 P Wright, H. C. The princess Liliwinkens, and other stories. jF W93 P Wyss, J. R., and Montolieu, baronne. The Swiss family Robinson. j W99 S The Swiss family Robinson ; ed. by J. H. Stickney. j W99 SI Willis, the pilot ; sequel to The Swiss family Robinson. j W99 W Yale, C. B. Nim and Cum. And Wonder- head stories. j Yl N Yechton, B., ps. of L. F. Krause. Derick. j Y3D Ingleside. j Y3 I A matter of honor, and other stories. j Y3M Two knights-errant, and other stories. j Y3T We ten ; or, the story of the Roses, j Y3 W Yonge, C. M. The caged lion. j Y8 Ca The Carbonels. j Y8 C The cook and the captive. j Y8 CC Countess Kate. j Y8 Co The daisy chain. j Y8 D The dove in the eagle’s nest. j Y8 Do The heir of Redclyffe. j Y8 H The lances of Lynwood. j Y8 LL The little duke. Richard the fearless. j Y8 LD Little Lucy’s wonderful globe. j Y8 L P’s and Q’s. j Y8 P The pigeon pie; a tale of Roundhead times. j Y8 Pi The pillars of the house. j Y8 PH The prince and the page; a story of the last crusade. j Y8 Pa The six cushions. j Y8 8 A storehouse of stories, 1st series, j Y8 SSI Same, 2nd series. j Y8 SS2 The trial ; more links of the Daisy chain. j Y8T Young, C. The last of the Yikings. j Y811 L Young, E. R. Three boys in the wild north- land. j Y85 T Young, G. The wild pigs, j Y81 W — 49 - FICTION. FICTION. IN MAIN COLLECTION. Adams, A. A. Aunt Hepsy’s foundling. Adi. 2 Alcott, L. M. Silver Pitchers. Independence. A112.2 Alden. I. M. (Pansy, ps.) Christie’s Christ- mas. A121.1 Grandpa’s darlings. A121.9 The hall in the grove. A121.10 Her associate members. A121.33 Little fishers and their nets. A121.16 The man of the house. A121.17 Miss Priscilla Hunter. My daughter Susan. A121.18 The pocket measure. A121 . 22 Sidney Martin’s Christmas. A121.25 Three people. A121.27 Andersen, H. C. The improvisatore. An21.1 Arnold, E. L. The wonderful adventures of Phra the Phoenician. ArG.l Auerbach, B. Little Barefoot. Au3.7 Edelweiss. Au3.14 Austen, J. Pride and prejudice. Au7.4 Austin, J. G. Betty Alden. Au72.3 David Alden’s daughter. Au72.4 Doctor Le Baron and his daughters. Au72.2 A nameless nobleman. R76.ll Standish of Standish. Au72.1 Baker, W. M. The making of a man. B 179.3 Banks, M. R. Bright days in the old planta- tion time. B222.1 Barnes, J. For king or country. B26.1 A loyal traitor. B26.2 Yankee ships and Yankee sailors. B26.3 Barr, A. E. The bow of orange ribbon. B27.6 A daughter of Fife. B27.2 Jan Vedder’s wife. B27.4 Bartlett, G. H. Water tramps. B285.1 Bates, K. L. Rose and Thorn. B313.1 Baumbach, R. Summer legends. (Fairy tales.) B325.1 Besant, Sir W. Dorothy Forster. B46.5 For faith and freedom. B46. 9 Black, W. Judith Shakespeare. B565.4 A princess of Thule. B565.8 Strange adventures of a house-boat. B565.18 Strange adventures of a phaeton. B565.10 Blackmore, R. D. Lorna Doone B567.3 Bulwer-Lytton, E. G. E. L. , baron Lytton. Harold, the last of the Saxon kings. B877 10 The last days of Pompeii. B877.12 The last of the barons. B877.13 Bynner, E. L. The Begum’s daughter. B99.2 Zachary Phips. B99.3 Campbell, H. Miss Melinda’s opportunity. C15.1 Carey, R. N. Cousin Mona. C185.25 Esther ; a book for girls. C185.9 Catherwood, M. H. The romance of Dollard. C28.1 The chase of Saint-Castin, and other stories. C28.6 Church, A. J. The burning of Rome. C471.7 Callias ; a tale of the fall of Athens. C471.6 The chantry priest of Barnet. C471 . 8 The count of the Saxon shore, C471.3 The hammer. C471.5 To the lions. C471.4 Two thousand years ago. C471.1 With the King at Oxford, C471.2 Clarke, R. S. (Sophie May, ps, set series; as follows: .) Quinnebas- In old Quinnebasset. C55.7 The doctor’s daughter. C55.6 Our Helen. C55.5 Asbury twins. C55.4 Quinnebasset girls. C55.2 J anet ; a poor heiress. C55.3 Cobb, J. F. Watchers on the Longships. C63.1 Coffin, C. C. Daughters of the revolution. C652.1 Cottin, S. R. Elizabeth; or, the exiles of Siberia. C826.1 Couch. A. T. Quiller. See “Q”, pseud. Cox, M. M. Raymond Kershaw. C831.1 Craddock, C. E. . pseud. See Murfree, M. N. Craik, D. M. (Miss Mulock.) A hero. C843.7 John Halifax, gentleman. C843 9 King Arthur. C843.10 A noble life. C843.17 Crockett, S. R. The gray man. C871.10 The raiders. C871.2 Cupples, A. J. Driven to sea; or, the adven- tures of Norrie Seaton. C921.1 Cupples, G. Cupples Howe, mariner. C92.1 De Mille, J. A strange manuscript found in a copper cylinder. St81.1 Dickens, C. Christmas stories. (Christmas books.) D55.3 David Copperfield. D55.4 Dombey and Son. D55. 5 Nicholas Nickleby. D55.8 Old curiosity shop. D55.9 Oliver Twist. D55.10 Pickwick papers . D55 . 1 2 A tale of two cities. D55.13 Douglas, A. M. The fortunes of the Fara- days. D745 19 Nelly Kinnard’s kingdom. D745.9 The old woman who lived in a shoe. D745.10 Seven daughters. D745.12 Doyle, A. C. Micah Clarke. D775.1 The White Company. D775.3 Du Chaillu, P. B. Ivar, the Viking. D852.1 Ebl2.1 Ebl2.2 The sisters. Ebl2.6 Eggleston, E. The Hoosier schoolmaster. Eg32.3 Friis, J. A. Lajla. F915.1 Frith, H. Under Bayard’s banner. F917.1 Garrett, E., pseud. See Mayo, I. F. Gaskell, E. C. Cranford, and other tales. G21.1 Wives and daughters. G21.7 Goldsmith, O. The vicar of Wakefield. G57.1 Goodloe, A. C. College girls. G61.1 Gras, F. The Reds of the Midi. G761.1 Hale, E. E. Christmas eve and Christmas day. H13 6 Crusoe in New York. Four and five. His level best, and other stories. In His name. Ingham papers. The man without a country. Our Christmas in a palace. Ten times one is ten. Ups and downs Ebers, G. The burgomaster’s wife. An Egyptian princess. H13.5 H13.15 H13.1 H13.2 H13.ll H13.8 H13.13 H13.4 H13.7 Harris, J. C. Uncd§ Remus, his songs and sayings. H241.1 — 50 — FICTION. Harte, F. B. A waif of the plains. H256.ll Hearn, L. Chita; a memory of last island. H352.1 Heaven, L. P. Chata and Chinita. H351.1 Holland, J. G. Arthur Bonnicastle. H719.1 Nicholas Minturn. H719.4 The story of Sevenoaks. H719.5 Holt, E. S. Earl Hubert’s daughter. H74. 1 Sister Rose. H74.2 Irving, W. Tales from Irving. 1st series. Ir8.1 Tales from Irving. 2nd series. Ir8.2 Jackson, H. M. Ramona. J12.1 Jewett, S. O. Deephaven. J555.3 Kavanagh, J. Madeleine. K17.6 Keightley, S. R. The cavaliers. K26.2 The crimson sign. K26.1 King, C. Between the lines. K58.8 Cadet days. K58.20 Kingsley, C. Hereward, the wake; the last of the English. K615 2 Westward ho ! K615.5 Kingsley, H. Geoffrey Hamlin. K616.2 Kipling, R. Captains courageous ; a story of the Grand Banks. K625.15 Lawless, E. Maelcho; a sixteenth century narrative. L425.7 With Essex in Ireland. L425.5 Lee, M. C. In the cheering-up business. L512.2 A Quaker girl of Nantucket. L512.1 Leyland, J. , joint- author. See Robinson, C. N., and. Manning, A. Maiden and married life of Mary Powell. M31.1 Passages in the life of the Faire Gospeller. M31.2 Marshall, E. Joanna’s inheritance. M351.C May, Sophie, pseud. See Clarke, R S. Mayo, I. F. (E Garrett, ps.) Equal to the occasion. M458.14 Mitchell, S. W. When all the woods are green M696 5 Hugh Wynne, free Quaker. M696.6 Moorehead, W. K. Wanneta the Sioux. M781.1 Mulock, Miss. See Craik, D. M. Munroe, K. The golden days of ’49. M921.1 Murfree, M. N. (C. E. Craddock, ps.) The story of Keedon Bluffs. M94.6 Noble, A. L. Uncle Jack’s executors. N661.1 Page, T. N. In ole Virginia. P14.1 Pansy, pseud. See Alden, I. M. Parker, G. Seats of the mighty. P222.6 Pen. By the author of Miss Toosey’s mission. M693 3 Phelps, E. S., and Ward, H. D. A lost hero. P51.18 Pitman, L. W. See Webster, L., pseud. Porter, J. Scottish chiefs. P832. 1 Post, W. K. Harvard stories. P84.1 Pyle, H. The rose of Paradise. P99.2 “Q”, ps. of A. T. Q. Couch. Blue pavilions. Q1.3 Rajah’s heir, The. (Anon.) R13 Reade, C. Christie Johnstone. R22.16 Rhoscomyl, O. The jewel of Ynys Galon. R347.1 Battlement and tower. R347.2 Roberts, C. G. D. The forge in the forest. R542.3 — 51 - Robinson, C. N., and Leyland, J. For the - honour of the flag. R563.1 Ross, C. Zuleka. R735.3 Russell, W. C. The wreck of the “Gros- venor.” R91.3 Saint-Pierre, J. H. B- de. Paul and Vir- ginia. Sa2. 1 Saintine, J. X. B. Picciola. Sa21.1 Schultz, J. The story of Colette. St67 Scott, Sir W. The abbot ; sequel to The monastery. Sco8.1 Anne of Geierstein. Sco8.2 Count Robert of Paris. Sco8.7 Fortunes of Nigel. Sco8.9 Ivanhoe. Sco8.12 The monastery. Sco8.14 Quentin Durward. Sco8.18 The talisman. Sco8.23 Scott, M. Tom Cringle’s log. Sco85.1 Seeley, C. S. The Spanish galleon. Se33.1 Severance, M. S. Hammersmith ; his Har- vard days. . Se8.1 Smith, F. H. Colonel Carter of Cartersville. Sm51.1 Tom Grogan. Sm51.4 Snaith, J. C. Mistress Dorothy Marvin. Snl.l Stevenson, R. L. The Black arrow ; or, the outlaws of Tunstall Forest. St48.7 David Balfour. (Sequel to Kidnapped.) St48.13 Kidnapped. St48.2 Treasure Island. St48.4 Stockton, F. R. Rudder grange. St6.4 Stoddard, W. O. Chumley’s post. St615.1 Note .— A former edition was entitled Red Beauty. Stowe, H. B. The minister’s wooing. St68.4 Oldtown fireside stories. St68.7 Oldtown folks. St68.6 The pearl of Orr’s island. St68.8 Poganuc people. St68.11 Uncle Tom’s cabin. St68.9 Thackeray, W. M. The rose and the ring. in T32.2 Trowbridge, J. T. Cudjo’s cave. T756.7 Farnell’s folly. T756.2 Neighbor Jackwood. T756.4 Three scouts. T756.6 Van Dyke, H. The first Christmas-tree. V282.1 Wallace, L. Ben Hur ; a tale of the Christ. W156.1 The fair god. W156.2 The prince of India. 2 v. W156.3 Ward, H. D., joint-author. See Phelps, E. S., and. Warner, A. B. Cross corners. W243.3 Webster, L., ps. of L. W. Pitman. Another girl’s experience. W39.1 Rich enough. W39.2 Weyman, S. J. A gentleman of France. W547.4 The house of the Wolf. W547.1 A little wizard. W647.ll The man in black. W547.6 My lady Rotha. W547.7 The story of Francis Cludde. W547.2 Under the red robe. W547.5 Whitney, A. D. T. Faith Gartney’s girlhood. W61.3 Homespun yarns. W61.6 Other girls. W61.8 Real folks. W61.10 FICTION. A summer in Leslie Goldth waite’s life. W61 . 12 We girls. W61.18 Wiggin, K. D. Timothy’s quest. W682.1 Williams, J. K. Princeton stories. W671.1 Winthrop, T. John Brent. W726.4 Wood, J. S. College days ; or, Harry’s career at Yale. W851.2 Yale yarns. W851.3 Yeats, S. L. The chevalier d’Auriac. Y3.3 The honour of Savelli. Y3.1 Yonge, C. M. Armourer’s prentices. Y8.1 Beechcroft at Rockstone. Y8.27 The chaplet of pearls. Y8.4 The constable’s tower. Y8.35 The cunning woman’s grandson. Y8.31 Grisly Grisell. Y8.39 Modern Telemachus. Y8.15 Nuttie’s father. Y8.28 Our new mistress. Y8.26 Pillars of the house. Y8.18 A reputed changeling. Y8.30 Slaves of Sabinus. Y8.32 Stray pearls. (Sequel to A chaplet of pearls.) Y8.23 Treasures in the marshes. Y8.40 Two penniless princesses. Y8.34 Under the storm. Y8.25 Unknown to history. Y8.24 - 52 - REFERENCE LISTS. Lists of books and of articles about some famous Americans, and about the principal American holidays. Contents. George Washington. Memorial day. Abraham Lincoln. Independence day. Ulysses S. Grant. Thanksgiving day. Easter. Christmas. Arbor day. Reference list on George Washington. 1. WRITINGS, LETTERS, AND AD- DRESSES OF WASHINGTON. Washington, G. Writings ; collected and ed. by W. C. Ford. 14 v. 973 W3, Reference Selections from speeches. in 3208 C Accounts with the United States, 1775-1783. (Fac-simile.) 091-(-W, Reference Monuments of W ashington’s patriotism. (A fac-simile of his accounts. ) 091 +W1, Reference Address in Congress on his appointment as commander- in-chief. in 8108 C, v. 3 Address to the American troops before the battle of Long Island, in 8108 P3 ; in 82108 B3 ; in 8085 P3 ; in j 82108 B3, v. 2, p 49 ; in 8085 P8. Addresses to the churches. in 973 O, v. 3 Circular letter of congratulation and advice to the governors of the thirteen states. in 320 G Farewell address to the people of the United States, in 320 G ; in 8085 P3 ; in 8108 C, v. 3 ; in 973 O, v. 1 ; in j 808 N, v. 6, p. 324. Farewell to the army, 1783. in 8085 P3 First speech in Congress (extract from.) in 8085 P3 Inaugural address, 1789. in 320 G ; in 3173 Al, 1883, p. 91 ; in 815 A ; in 973 O, v. 1. Inaugural address, 1793. in 320 G ; in 973 O, v. 1. Last letters of Washington. Athenaeum, ’95, v. 1, p. 504. Letter on taking command of the army, 1775. in 973 O, v. 2 Letter to Benjamin Harrison, governor of Virginia. in 973 O, v. 1 On the drama. Critic, v. 11, p. 193 Resignation as commander-in-chief. in 8085 P3 Tour to the Ohio ; from his journals. in 973 O, v. 2 Unpublished writings of Washington. Old and new, v. 5, p. 133. Washington’s legacy. in 973 O, v. 1 Washington’s rules of civility traced to their sources and restored ; by M. D. Conway. 395 C7 Washington-Irvine correspondence ; ed. by 0. W. Butterfield. 9733 W Writings (reviewed.) North Amer. review, v. 39, p. 467. Writings, Ford’s edition (reviewed.) Dial, v. 9, p. 309 ; Athenaeum, ’94, v. 1, p. 437 2. BOOKS AND ARTICLES ABOUT WASHINGTON. Abbott, J. Washington. jB W27 E Abbott, J.S.C. George Washington. jB W27 A George Washington. Harper’s, v. 12, p. 289 Adams, H. B. Washington’s interest in west- ern land, the Potomac Co., and a national university. in 305 J, v. 3, p. 1 Adams, J. O. Washington and Franklin memorials linked, in 8085 P3 ; in 8085 P8 Allen, I. Washington in Boston. New Eng- land magazine, v. 9, p. 688. Armstrong, W. Relics of Washington, from private collections. Century, v. 40, p. 14. Baker, W. S. Early sketches of Washington. B W27 B3 The itinerary of Washington, 1775-1783. B W27 B2 Baldwin, M. M. Washington and William the silent. Magazine of American history, v. 21, p. 89. Bancroft, G. The integrity of Washington. North Amer. review, v. 104, p. 662. Bentley, W. Oration on Washington’s birth- day, 1793. Historical magazine, v. 17, p. 3. Binney’s inquiry into the authorship of Wash- ington’s farewell address. Quarterly rev. , v. 107, p. 382. Bogart, W. H. Washington — Lafayette. in j 92007 B7 Bolton, S. K. Washington. in 923173 A Bowen, C. W. The inauguration of Washing- ton. Century, v. 37, p. 803. Broglie, due de. Pen portraits of Washing- ton. Magazine of Amer. hist.,v. 20, p. 485. Brooks, E. S. The true story of Washington. jB W27 I Brougham, H., lord. The greatness of Wash- ington. in 8085 P3 ; in 8085 P8 Napoleon — Washington, in 9232 B,v.3, p. 260 Brown, Miss. Boston ladies’ reception of Wash- ington. Putnam’s magazine, v. 9, p. 154. Buckley, J. M. Washington as a Christian and a communicant. Independent, v. 50, p. 205, 240. Butterworth, H. The boys of Greenway Court ; a tale of the early days of Wash- ington. jB 985 B Carme, W. F. Washington and the church. Catholic world, v. 30, p. 491 . Washington as a burgher. Harper’s maga- zine, v. 60, p. 353. Carpenter, F. G. The real Washington. Cosmopolitan, v. 6, p. 544. Carrington, H. B. Washington as a strate- gist. North American review, v. 133, p. 405. Chateaubriand, F. A. R. de. Comparison of Washington and Napoleon. in j 82108 B3, v. 3, p. 329 - 53 — REFERENCE LISTS.— WASHINGTON. Choate, R. The birthday of Washington. in 8085 P3 Clemens, S. L. The negro body-servant of Washington. Galaxy, v. 5, p. 154. Cleveland, G. The character of Washington. in 329 C3 Conway, M. D. An autobiographic study of Washington. Cosmopolitan, v. 6, p. 349. English ancestry of Washington. Harper’s, v. 82, p. 877. Footprints in Washington-land. Harper’s, v. 78, p. 738. George W ashington and Frederick the great. Century, v. 41, p. 945. Mount Vernon and Washington (reviewed.) Nation, v. 50, p. 300. Origin of the epithet “ Father of his country.” Magazine of Amer. history, v. 20, p. 137. Purchase of Braddock’s field by Washington. Nation, v. 60. p. 122, 145. Relics of Washington in England. Nation, v. 55, p. 491. Washington and the Rev. James Boucher. Lippincott’s, v. 43, p. 722. Curtis, G. W. Address at unveiling of the statue of Washington. in 8153 C8, v. 3. Address at Washington Memorial arch, N. Y. in 8153 C8, v. 3 Recollections of Washington. Living age, v. 65, p. 771. Curtis, W. E. Love affairs of Washington. Chautauquan, v. 20, p. 599. De Costa, B. F. Washington vindicated. Magazine of Amer. hist., v. 5. p. 81. De Puyster, J. W. De Puyster’s portrait of Washington. Magazine of Amer. hist., v. 21, p. 296. Documents, original, relating to Washington. Magazine of Amer. hist., v. 3, p. 91. Downes, W. H. Stuart’s portraits of Wash- ington. New England magazine, v. 9, p. 767. Drake, S. A. Headquarters of Washington at Cambridge. in 9744 D George Washington. in j 920 D7 Duer, W. A. Administrations of Washington and Adams. North Amer. review, v. 64, p. 161. Duyckinck, E. A. Washington. in 920073 A, v. 1, p. 59 Dwight, T. F. Journals of Washington. Magazine of Amer. hist., v. 6-7. Edgar, J. G. Washington. in 920 El Ellet, E. F. Washington’s adminstration. 9207 E4 English ancestry of Washington, in Nation, v. 49, p. 306. Everett, A. H. Greenough’s statue of Wash- ington. Niles’s register, v. 43, p. 141. Everett, E. Orations of Washington. in 82431 E Life of George Washington. B W27 E Everett’s Life of Washington reviewed. North Amer. review, v. 47, p. 318 ; also in Foreign quarterly review, v. 26, p. 166. Guizot’s essay on Washington. North American review, v. 51, p. 69. Fernow, B. The military family of Washing- ton. Magazine of Amer. hist., v. 7, p. 81. Foley, J. P. Outdoor life of Washington. Outing, v. 13, p. 99. Ford, P. L. Dr. Rush and Washington. At- lantic monthly, v. 75, p. 633. The true George Washington. B W27 F5 Ford, W. C. Forged letters of Washington. Nation, v. 56, p. 297. Genealogy of Washington. Nation, v. 55, p. 373. How he became commander-in-chief. Na- tion, v. 48, p. 481. New books about Washington. Nation, v. 56, p. 297. Washington as an employer of labor. Na- tion, v. 49, p. 227. Forney, J. W. Anecdotes of public men. 92007 A (See index.) Fox, C. J. Foreign policv of Washington. in 8085 P3 Franklin, Washington, and Lincoln. Atlan- tic monthly, v. 64, p. 707. Frost, J. Lives of the presidents. 923173 F Fuller, M. W. Address to the two Houses of Congress in commemoration of the inaug- uration of Washington. B W27 F8 Goodwin, M. W. Sharpie’s portrait of Wash- ington. Nation, v. 44, p. 49. Greenough, R. S. Washington’s expression of countenance. Old and new, v. 5, p. 221. Greg, W. R. Washington, Jackson, Buchan- an. in 304 G Guizot, F. P. G. Washington. (In French.) B W27 G9 Reviews of. North Amer. rev., v. 51, p. 69; Dublin Univ. magazine, v. 17, p. 186; Littell’s living age, v. 28, p. 186. Habberton, J. George Washington. B W27H2 Hale, E. E. The life of George Washington studied anew. B W27 G Hamilton, S. M. First and last writings of Washington. Century, v. 55, p. 617. Hannah, G. Agricultural letters of Washing- ton. Old and new, v. 5, p. 224. Harrison, C. C. The home and haunts of Washington. Century, v. 35, p. 3. Washington at Mt. Vernon after the Revo- lution. Century, v. 37, p. 834. Washington in New York in 1789. Century, v. 37, p. 850. Hart, C. H. An original portrait of Wash- ington. Century, v. 21, p. 593 ; v. 27, p. 860 ; v. 30, p. 26. Stuart’s Lansdowne portrait of Washington. Harper’s monthly, v. 93, p. 378. Unpublished life portraits of Washington. McClure’s, v. 8, p. 112. Headley, J. T. Washington and his generals. 2 v. 9235 C Washington’s headquarters at Newburg. Galaxy, v. 22, p. 7. Herrick, S. B. Mount Vernon as it is. Cen- tury, v. 35, p. 22. Howard, C. H. C. A relic of Washington. Magazine of Amer. hist., v. 19, p. 359. Ireland, J. R. Life, administration, and times of Washington. 973 17, v. 1. Irving, W. Life of Washington. B W27 F ; 81724 A, v. 8-10. Reviewed. Putnam’s magazine, v. 6, p. 1 ; Littell’s living age, v. 55, p. 177. — , and Fiske, J. Washington and his coun- try. j 973 I Jessopp, A. English ancestry of Washington. Athenaeum, ’89, v. 1, p. 522. — 54 — REFERENCE LISTS.— WASHINGTON. Jay, J. Washington’s farewell address. Liv- ing age, v. 32, p. 541 ; Niles’s register, v. 31, p. 122, 157. Jefferson, T. Letter on Washington. Niles’s register, v. 34, p. 406. Johnson, B. T. General Washington. B W27 J Johnston, E. B. George Washington day by day. B W27 J5 Kirkland, C. M. Washington’s early days. Putnam’s magazine, v. 3, p. 1, 121. Lamb, M. J. Inauguration of Washington. Magazine of Amer. hist., v. 20, p. 433. Portrait of Washington, by R. Peale. Maga- zine of Amer. hist., v. 20, p. 485. Story of the Washington centennial. Maga- zine of Amer. hist., v. 22, p. 1. Unpublished portraits of Washington. Maga- zine of Amer. hist., v. 19, p. 273. Washington and some of his contemporaries. Magazine of Amer. hist., v. 21, p. 273. Lear, T. Last days of Washington. McClure’s magazine, v. 10 p. 315 Lecky, W. E. H. George Washington, in 920 F3 Lee, H. Funeral oration on Washington, in 973 O. v. 2. Lippitt, F. J. Washington as a general. Old and new, v. 5, p. 190. Lodge, H. C. George Washington. (Ameri- can statesmen series.) 2 v. B W27 L Life of Washington reviewed by M. D. Conway. Nation, v. 49, p. 96, 114. Washington’s conception of America’s future. Magazine of Amer. hist., v. 23, p. 160. — , and Roosevelt, T. Washington. in j 973 L8 Lord, J. George Washington ; the American revolution. 904 L3, v. 7 Loring, G. B. Washington and Grant. Old and new, v. 5, p. 337. Lossing, B. J. Arlington house, the home of G. W. P. Custis. Harper’s monthly, v. 7, p. 443. Mount Vernon, the home of Washington. 91755 L McKenzie, A. Washington in Cambridge. Atlantic monthly, v. 36, p. 92. McMaster, J. B. The inauguration of Wash- ington. in 973 M20 ; also in Harper’s monthly, v. 78, p. 671. Washington and the French craze of ’93. Harper’s monthly, v. 94, p. 659. Marshall’s life of Washington reviewed. Edinburgh review, v. 13, p. 148. Mason, G. C. Life and works of Stuart. (Por- traits of Washington.) B St91+A Mead, E. D. The mother of Washington. New England magazine, v. 1, p. 449. Memento of Washington, A. Historical maga- zine, v. 15, p. 197. Memorial arch to Washington in New York City. Critic, v. 14-15. Monuments of Washington’s patriotism. (Fac- simile of his accounts with the govern- ment, 1775-1783.) 091+W1 Moore, G. H. Washington as an angler. Magazine of Amer. hist., v. 19, p. 144. Nelson, W. Washington’s headquarters at Preakness. Magazine of Amer. hist. , v. 3, p. 490. Ordway, J. K. Washington’s interest in edu- cation. New England magazine, v. 2, p. 347. Papers of Washington. Niles’s register, v. 32, p. 218. Parker, T. Historic Americans. 923173 P Parkman, F. Montcalm and Wolfe. (Vol. 1 contains an account of Braddock’s defeat.) 970 P6 Letters of Washington and Dr. Sparks. Nation, v. 46, p. 136. Parton, J. The traditional and the real Washington. Magazine of Amer. hist., v. 3, p. 465. Payne, M. S. Some of Washington’s kin. Magazine of Amer. hist., v. 30, p. 181. Peabody, A. P. Authorship of Washington’s farewell address. North American review, v. 90, p. 206. Phillips, M. L. Recollections of Washington and his friends. Century, v. 55, p. 363. Phillips, W. Attributes of Washington. in 8085 P3 Washington. in 8085 P8 Plumley, G. S. Washington at the Colum- bian exposition. Magazine of Amer. hist. , v. 23, p. 323. Portrait of, Savage’s. Historical magazine, v. 15, p. 29. St. Menin. Magazine of Amer. hist., v. 4, p. 119 ; v. 5, p. 446. Standard. Magazine of Amer. hist. , v. 4, p. 83 ; Old and new, v. 5, p. 223. Portraits of Washington. Magazine of Amer. hist., v. 2, p. 30 ; v. 5, p. 129 ; v. 8, p. 49. Original. Putnam’s magazine, v. 6, p. 337. Stuart’s. Scribner-Century, v. 12, p. 367. Ragan, H. H. Footprints of Washington. Chautauquan, v. 22-23. Raymond, M. D. Washington at Tarry town in 1783. Magazine of Amer. hist., v. 25, p. 247. Read, J. M. Diary of Washington, August, 1781. Magazine of Amer. hist., v. 20, p. 56. English ancestry of Washington. Athe- naeum, ’94, v. 1, p. 377. Real estate of Washington in 1784. Maga- zine of Amer. hist. , v. 2, p. 623. Robin, C. C. A Frenchman’s estimate of Washington, in 1781. Magazine of Amer. hist., v. 20, p. 137. Sargent, C. S. The preservation of the birth- place of Washington. Garden and forest, v. 7, p. 1. Scudder, H. E. George Washington. jB W27 S2 Sea well, M. E. A Virginia cavalier. JBW27S7 Seelye, L. E. The story of Washington. jB W27 S4 Smith, W. C. Washington’s headquarters at White Plains. Magazine of Amer. hist., v. 7, p. 108 Sparks, J. Life of Washington. B W27 S Stabler, H. S. Two unpublished portraits of Washington. Century, v. 47, p. 544. Stevens, J. A. Manor house at- Sul grave, England. Magazine of Amer. hist., v. 5, p. 113. Stoddard, W. O. George Washington. jB W27 B Suydam, J. H. De Vries’ portrait of Wash- ington. Magazine of Amer. hist., v. 21, p. 113. Terhune, M. V. Mary Washington. B W271 A - 55 — REFERENCE LISTS.— WASHINGTON. ABRAHAM LINCOLN. Toner, S. M. Washington and his mother. Magazine of Amer. hist., v. 28, p. 868. The youth of Washington. Magazine of Amer. hist., v. 27, p. 378. Townsend, Y. F. Life of Washington. jB W27 H Trent, W. P. George Washington. in 920073 T George Washington. McClure’s, v. 8, p. 309. Tuckerman, H. T. Character of Washington. North Amer. review, v. 83, p. 1. Tuttle, J. F. Duche’s letter to Washington. Historical magazine, v. 18, p. 1. Washington at Morristown, 1779-80. Har- pers monthly, v. 18, p. 289. Washington in Morris Co., N. J. Historical Magazine, v. 19, p. 349. U. S. Congress. Dedication of the Washing- ton monument. B W27 + D Washington, E. B. The mother and birth- place of George Washington. Century, v. 43, p. 830. Washington. in 923273 H, p. 1 Washington and Burke. Littell’s living age, v. 71, p 291. Washington and Hamilton, The difficulty be- tween. Littell’s living age, v. 54, p. 250. Washington and his family. Eclectic maga- zine, v. 59, p. 261. Washington and the Irish republicans. His- torical magazine, v. 15, p. 201. Washington as a merchant. Hunt’s mer- chant’s magazine, v. 16, p. 298. Washington at Boston. Putnam’s magazine, v. 7, p. 113. Washington on nullification. Niles’s register supplement to v. 43, p. 40. Washington’s birthday celebration, 1784. Historical magazine, v. 15, p. 134. Washington’s headquarters at Pompton. Magazine of Amer. hist., v. 3, p. 490. Washington’s headquarters during the revo- lution. Magazine of Amer. hist., v. 3, p. 159. Washington’s household expenses, 1789. Magazine of Amer. hist., v. 3, p. 91. Washington’s opinion of his generals. Maga- zine of Amer. hist., v. 3, p. 81. Washington’s personal appearance. Magazine of Amer. hist., v. 29, p. 66. Washington’s visit to New England in 1789. New England magazine, v. 1, p. 345. Waters, H. F. Ancestry of Washington (re- viewed.) Nation, v. 50, p. 93; Athenaeum, ’90, v. 1, p. 170. English ancestry of Washington. Nation, v. 49, p. 449. Watson, H. C. The father of his country. jB W27 W Webster, D. The character of Washington, in 81527 A; in 81527 B, v. 1. Extracts from same. in 8085 P 3; in 8085 P 8; in j 8208 C. Wharton, A. H. The family of Washington in Virginia life. Lippincott’s, v. 57, pp. 577, 865. Martha Washington. B W272 A The New York residence of Washington in 1789. Lippincott’s, v. 43, p. 741. Whipple, E. P. Washington and the princi- ples of the revolution, in 81435 B, p. 293. Extracts from same, in 8085 R5; in 8085 P8. Whitmore, F. H. Pedigree of Washington. Nation, v. 48, p. 522; v. 49, p. 53. Wilson, J. G. Washington, in 9235 B. Wilson, (T.) W. George Washington. BW27 W5; also in Harper’s monthly, v. 92-93. Winder, F. A. Ancestry of Washington. Athenaeum, ’90, v. 2, p. 99. Winsor, J. The portraits of Washington, in 970+A, v. 7. Winston, N. B. Houdin’s statue of Washing- ton. Magazine of Amer. hist., v. 30, p. 3. Winthrop, R. C. Washington, in 923173 W. Speeches on Washington, in 8153 W; in 920073 W. A national monument to Washington (ex- tracts.) in 8085 P3; in 8085 P8. 3. POEMS. Alsop. Sacred to the memory of Washington, in 8108 C, v. 4, p. 167. Carrington. Washington and the flag, in 8085 P3. Cook. Washington, in 8085 P3; in j 8085 M2. Holmes. Ode for Washington’s birthday, in 81732 C; in 81732 Cl. Under the Washington elm. in 81732 C; in 81732 Cl. Howland. The birthday of Washington ever honored, in 8085 P3. Lowell. Under the old elm. in 81137 A; in 811 A; in 81137 Al, v. 4. Se wall (or Seward.) War and Washington, in 8109 C, v. 3, p. 388. Wharton. Poetical epistle to George Wash- ington (extracts.) 8109 Cl, v. 2. Reference List on Abraham Lincoln. 1. WRITINGS, ADDRESSES AND LETTERS OF LINCOLN. Lincoln, Abraham. Complete works; com- prising his speeches, letters, state papers, and miscellaneous writings; ed. by J. G. Nicolay and John Hay. 2 v. 320 L Complete works; reviewed by B. A. Hins- dale. Dial, v. 17, p. 33. Abraham Lincoln’s pen and voice; being a compilation of his letters, public addresses, messages, etc., by G. M. Van Buren. 9737 V Abraham Lincoln’s speeches; comp, by L. E. Chittenden. 8153 L Selection from speeches, letters, etc. in 3208 C Political debates between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas in the campaign of 1858 in Illinois; including the previous speeches of each at Chicago, Springfield, etc. ; also the two great speeches of Abra- ham Lincoln in Ohio in 1859. 329+L5 Emancipation proclamation, in 329 C7, book 1, p. 143; in 8108 C, v. 6. Gettysburg address, in Century, v. 47, p. 596; in 320 G; in 815 A; in 8108 C, v. 6; (fac-simile), in St. Nicholas, v. 8, p. 886; in 8085 R5; in 8085 M10. Inaugural address, 1861. in 320 G; in 815 A; in 8108 C, v. 6; in 8085 M10. - 56 - REFERENCE LISTS.— LINCOLN. Inaugural address, 1865. in 820 G; in 815 A; in 8108 C, v. 6; in j 808 N, v. 6, p. 344; in 8085 M10. Letter on his defeat by Douglas. McClure’s, v. 8, p. 313. North and south in 1860; an address, in 8108 C, v. 6. On the Dred Scott decision, in 8108 C, v. 6. Appeal to the border states, in 320 C9, book 1, p. 137. 2. BOOKS AND ARTICLES ABOUT LIN- COLN. Abraham Lincoln; tributes from his associ- ates : reminiscences of soldiers, statesmen, and citizens; introd. by W. H. Ward. BL63L Abraham Lincoln: miscellaneous, in 8085 M10, p. 182. Arnold, I. N. The Baltimore plot to assassi- nate Lincoln. Harper’s monthly, v. 37, p. 123 Life of Lincoln. B L63 B Bancroft, F. Lincoln and Seward in their latest biographies. Political science quar- terly, v. 6, p. 711. Bancroft, G. Memorial address before Con- gress. in B L63 B3 Memorial address at New York. Littell’s living age, v. 85, p. 284. Beecher, H. W. Abraham Lincoln, in 81536 A; in 8108 C, v. 7. Bellows, H. W. A national monument to Lincoln. Old and new, v. 1, p. 9. Blaine, J. G. Lincoln. in 973 B Blaibdell, A. F. Pen picture of Lincoln. in j 9737 B 16 Boutwell, G. S. Lawyer, statesman and soldier. 92007 C Bromley, I. H. The nomination of Lincoln, Scribner’s, v. 14, p. 645. Brooks, E. S. The true story of Abraham Lincoln. jB L63 F5 Brooks, N. Abraham Lincoln; a biography for young people. jB L63 F Abraham Lincoln. in 923173 B A boy in the White House. St. Nicholas, v. 10, p. 57. The close of Lincoln’s career. Century, v. 50, p. 18. Glimpses of Lincoln in war-time. Century, v. 49, p. 457. The imagination of Lincoln. Scribner-Cen- tury, v. 18, p. 584. Lincoln, Grant and S. P. Chase. Century, v. 49, p. 607. Personal recollections of Lincoln. Harper’s monthly, v. 31, p. 222; Scribner-Century, v. 15, pp. 561, 673. The re-election of Lincoln. Century, v. 49, p. 865. Brownell, H. H. Ode to Lincoln. Atlantic monthly, v. 16, p. 491. Bullock, j. M. President Lincoln’s visiting card. Century, v. 55, p. 765. Butterworth, H. In the boyhood of Lin- coln; a tale. j B985 I Carpenter, F. B. The inner life of Lincoln. BL63 A Personal impressions of Lincoln. Littell’s, v. 85, 282. The nomination of Lincoln, 1860. Century, v. 24, p. 853. Chadwick, J. W. Whitney’s Lincoln. Na- tion, v. 56, p. 187. Chambrun, marquis de. Personal recollec- tions of Lincoln. Century, v. 35, p. 26. Chittenden, L. E. Abraham Lincoln; a story. B L63 C4 Faith of President Lincoln. Harper’s month- ly, v. 82, p. 385. President Lincoln and the sleeping sentinel. Magazine of Amer. history, v. 25, p. 405. Personal recollections of Lincoln, in B C445 C Coddington, D. S. Eulogy of Lincoln. in 8154 C Coffin, C. C. Abraham Lincoln. B L63 C6 Abraham Lincoln’s early years. Harper’s young people, v. 13. Conway, M. D. Personal recollections of Lin- coln. Fortnightly, v. 1 , p. 56. Crugker, J. Y. R. Lincoln in his relations to women. Cosmopolitan, v. 18, p. 205. Pall, C. H. Reminiscences of Lincoln. At- lantic, v. 19, p. 403. Dicey, E. Lincolniana. Macmillan’s maga- zine, v. 12, p. 181. Dickson, W. M. Lincoln at Cincinnati. Har- per’s monthly, v. 69, p. 62. Duyckinck, E. A. Lincoln, in 920073 A, v. 2, p. 373. Ellet, E. F. Lincoln’s administration. in 9207 E4 Emerson, R. W. Abraham Lincoln. Littell’s living age, v. 85, p. 282. Abraham Lincoln. in 81436 K Everett, E. Orations. 81531 E, v. 4 Field, M. B. Recollections. 920 F5 Forbes, A Lincoln as a strategist. North Amer. review, v. 155, p. 53, 160. Foreman, A. Unlucky pass given by Lincoln. Magazine of Amer. hist., v. 17, p. 153. Forney, J. W. Anecdotes of public men. 92007 A Franklin, Washington and Lincoln. Atlan- tic, v. 64, p. 707. French, H. W. Abraham Lincoln, the liber- ator. B L63 F3 Frost, J. Presidents of the United States. 923173 F Garfield, J. A. Works. 329 Gl, v. 1, p. 212; v. 2, p. 533. Garland, H. The first meeting of Grant and Lincoln. McClure’s, v. 9, p. 182. Greeley, H. Estimate of Lincoln. Century, v. 42, p. 371. Abraham Lincoln. in B G81 B Greeley on Lincoln, with Greeley’s letters to C. A. Dana. 8184 G Hay, J. Life in the V^hite House in the time of Lincoln. Century, v. 41, p. 33. Lincoln. _ in 923173 W Herndon, W. H., and Weik, J. L. Abraham Lincoln. B L63 H Same; 1st ed. (known as “Herndon’s Lin- coln.”) B L63 HI Herndon’s life of Lincoln reviewed. Athe- naeum, ’89, v. 2, p. 311; Literary world, v. 20, p 253; Nation, v. 49, p. 173. Herr, M. L. Anecdote of Lincoln. St. Nicho- las, v. 24, p. 738. Holland, J. G. Life of Abraham Lincoln. B L63 E — 57 - REFERENCE LISTS.— LINCOLN. Ingersoll, R. G. Motley and monarch. North Amer. review, v. 141, p. 528. Irelan, J. R. History of the life and times of Lincoln. 973 17, v. 16-17 Johnson, E. S. Brooks on Lincoln. Dial, v. 19, p. 241. King, C. Biographers of Lincoln. Century, v. 32, p. 861. King, H. My first and last sight of Lincoln. Magazine of American history, v. 16, p. 254. Assassination of Lincoln. New England magazine, v. 9, p. 425. King, J. L. Lincoln’s skill as a lawyer. North Amer. review, v. 166, p. 186. Leland, C. G. Abraham Lincoln and the abolition of slavery. B L63 D Lincoln as a colonizationist. Nation, v. 50, p. 91. Lincoln, Willie and Tod, at the White House. St. Nicholas, v. 24, p. 277. Lincoln’s war policy. Quarterly review, v. 185, p. 214. Locke, D. R. The humor of Lincoln. Maga- zine of Amer. history, v. 24, p. 52. Lodge, H. C., and Roosevelt, T. Hero tales from American history. j 973 L8 Lord, J. Abraham Lincoln. in 904 L3 v. 7 Lowell, J. R. Abraham Lincoln, in 8143 L2 Lincoln as presidential candidate, 1864. in 329 F; in 8143 L5, v. 5. Mabie, H. W. Lincoln as a literary man. Outlook, v. 58, p. 321. McClure, A. K. Lincoln as commander-in- chief. McClure’s, v. 4, p. 253. Lincoln’s journey to Washington in 1861. McClure’s, v. 5, p. 91. Magruder, A. B. Plans of reconstruction. Atlantic, v. 37, p. 21. Mason, V. L. Four conspiracies against Lin- coln. Century, v. 51, p. 889. Memoranda on life of Lincoln. Century, v. 40, p. 305. Moffett, C. Thwarting the first plot for Lin- coln’s assassination. McClure’s, v. 3, p. 319. Monument to Lincoln at Springfield, 111. Chautauquan, v. 7, p. 405. Morse, J. T., jr. Abraham Lincoln. B L63 M Morse’s life of Lincoln reviewed. Dial, v. 15, p. 263; Nation, v. 56, p. 407. Mo wry, W. A. Reminiscences of Lincoln. Independent, v. 49, p. 1068, 1099. Munroe, S. Recollections of Lincoln’s assas- sination. North Amer. review, v. 162, p. 424. Newman, J. H. Abraham Lincoln, in j 172 C Nicolay, J. G. Personal appearance of Lin- coln. Century, v. 42, p. 932. The Gettysburg address. Century, v. 47, p. 596. Nicolay, J. G., and Hay, J. Life of Lincoln. 10 v. B L63 N Same; Century, v. 33-40. History of Abraham Lincoln. Century, v. 33, p. 3, 250. Literary experiments of Lincoln. Century, v. 47, p. 8&. Nicolay and Hay’s life of Lincoln reviewed. Nation, v. 52, p. 13, 34; Spectator, v. 66, p. 563; Quarterly review, v. 173, p. 333. Norton, C. E. The principles of Lincoln. North Amer. review, v. 100, p. 1. O’Connor, T. P. Abraham Lincoln and his wife. in 920 O Oldroyd, O., ed. The Lincoln memorial. B L63 O Parton, J. Recollections of Lincoln, in 920 P3 Perry, L. J. Appeals to the clemency of Lin- coln. Century, v. 51, p. 251. Home life of Lincoln in Washington. Har- per’s monthly, v. 94, p. 353. Perry, T. S. Early life of Lincoln. North Amer. review, v. 116, p. 184. Phillips, W. The election of Lincoln to the presidency. in 8153 P, v. 1 Abraham Lincoln. in 8153 P, v. 2 Piatt, D. Abraham Lincoln. in 920073 P Poore, B. P. Recollections of Lincoln. in 920 P2 Porter, H. Lincoln and Grant. Century, v. 30, p. 939. Putnam, M. L. Children’s life of Abraham Lincoln. jB L63 P Raymond, H. J. Life and public services of Lincoln; with papers, speeches, etc., and anecdotes and personal reminiscences by F. B. Carpenter. B L63 R Reed, J. A. Later life and religion of Lin- coln. Scribner-Century, v. 6, p. 333. Rice, A. T. Corrections of Seward’s despatch to England, May, 1861. North Amer. re- view, v. 142, p. 402. Reminiscences of Abraham Lincoln by dis- tinguished men of his time. B L63 R3 Saltonstall, F. G. Lincoln in court. Cen- tury, v. 53, p. 636. Santvoord, C. van. Reception by Lincoln. Century, v. 25, p. 612 Schurz, C. Abraham Lincoln. B L63 S; At- lantic, v. 67, p. 721. Scovel, J. M. Personal recollections of Lin- coln. Overland, v. 18, p. 497; Lippincott’s, v. 44, p. 244; v. 51, p. 237. Smith, G. Death of Lincoln. Macmillan’s magazine, v. 12, p. 75; Littell’s living age, v. 86, p. 13. Early years of Lincoln. in 907 C President Lincoln. Litlell’s, v. 84, p. 426; Macmillan’s, v. 11, p. 300. Smith, H. A. Abraham Lincoln, in j 92007 B Smith, M. H. Biography of Lincoln. Hunt’s merchants’ magazine, v. 52, p. 329. Some great portraits of Lincoln. McClure’s, v. 10, p. 339. Speed, J. Assassination of Lincoln. North Amer. review, v. 147, p. 314. Stanton, T. Abraham Lincoln. Westminster review, v. 135, p. 635. Stephens, A. H. “Separate as billows, but one as the sea.” in 8085 P3 Stoddard, W. O. Abraham Lincoln. in j 923173 S5 Inside the White House in war times. 9737 S10 Nomination of Lincoln, 1860. North Amer. review, v. 138, p. 263. Stowe, H. B. Abraham Lincoln. Littell’s, v. 80, p. 282. Stryker, M. W. Hamilton, Lincoln, etc. in 8154 S Tarbell, I. M. Life of Lincoln. B L63 T; McClure’s, v. 5-8. Thayer, W. M. From pioneer home to White House. jB L63 C — 58 — REFERENCE LISTS.— LINCOLN. GRANT. Thompson, R. W. Recollections of sixteen presidents. 928173 T5 Three presidents of the United States. Black- wood’s, v. 100, p. 628. Tuckerman, C. K. Personal recollections of Lincoln. Magazine of Amer. history, v. 19, p. 411; in 920 T9. U. S. Department of State, Diplomatic corre- spondence, 1866. Expressions of condo- lence and sympathy on the assassination of Lincoln. 32773 B, 1865-6, pt. 4 Van Rensselaer, M. G. St. Gaudens’ statue of Lincoln. Century, v. 36, p. 583. Viele, F. L. A trip with Chase, Stanton and Lincoln. Scribner-Century, v. 16, p. 813. Yolk, L. W. Life mask of Lincoln. Mc- Clure’s, v. 10, p. 293; Scribner-Century, v. 23, p. 223. Washburne, E. B. Lincoln in Illinois. North American review, v. 141, p. 307, 454. Weed, T. Lincoln and three friends in coun- cil. Galaxy, v. 11, p. 247. Weik, J. W. Lincoln and the Matson negroes. Arena, v. 17, p. 752. Welles, G. The administration of Lincoln. Galaxy, v. 22-24. Lincoln and Johnson. Galaxy, v. 13, p. 521, 663. Lincoln and Seward. Galaxy, v. 16, p. 518. The triumph of Lincoln in 1864. Atlantic, v. 41, p. 454. Wentworth, M. Lincoln and the petitioners. Putnam’s magazine, v. 16, p. 527. Whitney, H. C. Abraham Lincoln ; a study from life. Arena, v. 19, p. 464. Wilson, J. F. Some memories of Lincoln. North Amer. review, v. 16, p. 667. Wilson, R. R. Lincoln in caricature. Book- buyer, v. 15, p. 89. Winchell, J. M. Three interviews with Lin- coln. Galaxy, v. 16, p. 53. Yenowine, G. H. The birthplace of Lincoln. St. Nicholas, v. 24, p. 273. 8. POEMS. Brownell. Abraham Lincoln. in 8114 B7 ; in 8108 A Honest Abe. in 8114 B7 Bryant. Abraham Lincoln. in 81133 A ; in 81133 A1 Cary, A. Abraham Lincoln. in 8114 C ; in 8114 Cl Cary, P. Our good president. in 8114 C ; in 8114 Cl Gilder. On the life mask of Lincoln. in 8114 G ; in 8114 G2 ; in 81108 S Holmes. For the services in memory of Abra- ham Lincoln. in 81732 C ; in 81732 C2 Larcom. Lincoln’s passing bell. in 8114 L Lemon. The patriot president. in 8085 P3 ; in 8085 M10 Lowell. Harvard commemoration ode. in 81137 A ; in 81137 Al, v. 4 ; in 81137 D Perry. Abraham Lincoln’s Christmas gift. in 81108 S Stedman. Abraham Lincoln. in 81143 A The hand of Lincoln, in 81143 B ; in 81108 S Stoddard. Abraham Lincoln. in 81141 A ; in 8108 A Taylor. Abraham Lincoln, in j 808 N, v. 6 Whitman. Hushed be the camps to-day. in- 81138 A O captain, my captain ! in 81138 A ; in 8108 A; in j 808 N, v. 6; in j 82108 B3, v. 3; in 8085 M10. Reference list on Ulysses S. Grant. Note— In addition to the list herewith given, see histories of the United States, Civil war. Adams, H. The presidential policy of Grant. North Amer. review, v. Ill, p. 29; v. 119, p. 33. Adams, W. T. (Oliver Optic, ps.) Our stand- ard bearer. jB G76 A3 Administration of General Grant, The. In- ternational review, v. 4, p. 145. Ammen, D. Letters and recollections of Gen- eral Grant. North Amer. review, v. 141 ‘ pp. 361, 421. Arnold, M. General Grant. In his Civiliza- tion in the United States. 82485 I Same. In Murray’s magazine, v. 1, pp. 130, 150. Badeau, A. Grant in peace. B G76 H The last days of Grant. Century, v. 30, p. 919. The military history of Grant. B G76 C The intellectual character of Grant. Atlan- tic monthly, v. 23, p. 625. Same ; revised. Dublin University mag- azine, v. 81, p. 177. The mystery of Grant. Cosmopolitan, v. 20, p. 483. Badeau’s Grant in peace reviewed. Nation, v. 46, p. 286. Beecher, H. W. Eulogy on Grant. In his Patriotic addresses. 81536 A Black, J. S. Grant and strong government. North Amer. review, v. 130, p. 417. Blaine, J. G. Twenty years in Congress, v. 2. 973 B, v. 2. Bolton, S. K. U. S. Grant. In Famous Amer- ican statesmen. j 923173 A Boutwell, G. S. Lawyer, statesman, and soldier. 92007 C A third term for Grant. North Amer. re- view, v. 133, p. 370. Brooks, E. S. The true story of U. S. Grant. jB G76 N Brooks, N. Grant, Lincoln, and Chase. Cent- ury magazine, v. 49, p. 607. Burr, F. A. Life and deeds of Grant. B G76 B Came, C. G. Our new president. Atlantic monthly, v. 23, p. 378. Chaplin, J. Chips from the White House. 3208 C Chesney, C. C. Military life of Grant. In Essays in military biography. 9235 A Military life of Grant reviewed. Edin- burgh review, v. 129, p. 230. Childs, G. W. General Grant. In his recol- lections. B C413 A Church, W. C. Grant and the period of na- tional preservation and reconstruction. B G76 M Clarkson, J. S. Grant’s Des Moines speech. Century, v. 55, p. 785. Cleveland, H. W. General Grant’s military abilities. Magazine of Amer. historv, v. 14, p. 341. — 59 — REFERENCE LISTS.— GRANT. Coates, A. Sketch of Grant. Chautauquan, v. 25, p. 620. Cox, J. D. Grant and the Army of the Poto- mac. Nation, v. 47, p. 276. Cramer, M. J. General Grant’s conversations and unpublished letters. B G76 C7 Crane, J. L. Grant as a colonel. McClure’s magazine, v. 7, p. 40. Davis, T. R. Grant under fire. Cosmopolitan, v. 14, p. 333. Deming, H. C. Life of General Grant. B G76 D5 Depew, C. M. Address at laying cornerstone of Grant’s Monument at Riverside Park. in 8154 D1 Address at unveiling of statue of Grant at Galena, 111., 1891. . in 8154 Dl Dodge, T. A. U. S. Grant. In Dwight’s Fed- eral and Confederate commanders. 9235 D9 Duyckinck, E. A. General Grant. In Na- tional portrait gallery, v. 2, p. 456. Edwards, E. J. Grant at the outbreak of the rebellion. McClure’s, v. 5, p. 38. Ellet, E. F. Court circles of the republic. 9207 E4 Fry, J. B. Acquaintance with Grant. North Amer. review, v. 141, p. 540. Grant and Matthew Arnold ; an estimate. North Amer. review, v. 144, p. 349. Misunderstandings of Grant. Magazine of Amer. history, v. 16, p. 561. Fuller, A. M. Grant’s horsemanship. Liv- ing age, v. 212, p. 143. Garland, H. First meeting of Lincoln and Grant. McClure’s, v. 9, p. 892. Grant’s last year. McClure’s, v. 11, p. 86. Life of General Grant. McClure’s v. 8-9. Romance of Wall Street. McClure’s maga- zine, v. 10, p. 498. Grannis, G. W. Grant’s most famous dis- patch. Century, v. 53, p. 938. Grant, F. D. Halleck’s injustice to Grant. North Amer. review, v. 141, p. 513. Grant, J. W. Grant’s historic utterances. Outlook, v. 55, p. 88. Grant, U . S. Letters to a friend ; 1861-1880 : introd. and notes by J. G. Wilson. B G76 G5 Same ; North Amer. review, v. 165, p. 1, and following. Letters. In Ammen’s The old navy and the new. B Am6 A Personal memoirs of. 2 v. B G76 G, G1 Unpublished war letters of. North Amer. review, v. 142, p. 270. Headley, J. T. Life of U. S. Grant. B G76 H3 Headley, P. C. Fight it out on this line. jB G76 H5 Howells, W. D. The next president. Atlan- tic, v. 21, p. 628. Grant’s controversy with Badeau. Nation, v. 46, p. 230. Japanese life of Grant, A. Century, v. 50, p. 435. Julian, G. W. The administration of Grant. North Amer. review, v. 126, p. 262. Kasson, J. A. A veto by Grant. Century, v. 53, p. 949. Knox, T, W. Boys' life of Grant. jB G76 K Lawrence, E. Grant on the battlefield. Har- per’s magazine, v. 39, p. 210. Lee, A. E. Grant at Frankfort. Lippincott’s magazine, v. 36, p. 304. . Lodge, H. C. ,and Roosevelt, T. Grant and the Vicksburg campaign. In Hero tales from American history. j 973 L8 Long, J. D. General Grant. In After dinner and other speeches. 8154 L5 — , and others. Grant as soldier and civilian. Independent, v. 49, p. 529. Loring, G. B. Grant and Washington. Old and new, v. 5, p. 337. McClellan, G. B. The personal recollections of Grant versus the records of the Army of the Potomac. 9737 M2 McKinley, W. Ulysses S. Grant ; a memorial address. in 8154 M Memorial of Grant, The. Century ,v. 31, p. 953. Memorial of Grant, The. North American review, v. 141, p. 176. Monument for Grant, Style of. North Amer. review, v. 141, p. 443. Moffett, C. Partridge’s statue of Grant. McClure’s magazine, v. 6, p. 590. Mystery of General Grant, The. Century, v. 55, p. 790. Poore, B. P. Perley’s reminiscences, v. 2. 973 P Porter, H. Campaigning with Grant. Cen- tury, v. 53, p. 16 and following. Grant and Lincoln. Century, v. 30, p. 939. The last campaign of Grant. Century, v. 35, p. 127. Oration at Grant’s tomb. Current literature, v. 21, p. 518. Reminiscences of Grant. Harper’s monthly, v. 71, p. 585. — , and others. In Wilson’s Presidents of the United States. 923173 W Proctor, J. A. Grant and Buckner. Cen- tury, v. 53, p. 942. Robertson, R. S. The escape of Grant and Meade, 1864. Magazine of Amer. history, v. 19, p. 248. Rice, A. T. Sherman on Grant. North Amer. review, v. 142, p. Ill, 200. Rosecrans, L. The presidential message, 1876. Catholic world, v. 22, p. 707. Grant’s speech at Des Moines, 1875. Catholic world, v. 22, p. 433. Rosecrans, W. S. Mistakes of Grant. North Amer. review, v. 141, p. 580. Shanks, W. F. G. Recollections of Grant. Harper’s magazine, v. 31, p. 68. Sherman, W. T. Grant and Halleck. North Amer. review, v. 142, p. 295. Thomas and Lee. North Amer. review, v. 144, p. 437. Sherman’s opinion of Grant. Century, v. 53, p. 821. Smith, G. B. Grant’s White Mountain ride. St. Nicholas, v. 24, p. 556. Stanton, E. C. Great captains : Napoleon and Grant. Independent, v. 49, p. 569. Stanton, M. Grant and the French. Maga- zine of Amer. history, v. 22, p. 502. Stoddard, W. O. U. S. Grant. jB G76 A Thayer, J. M. Grant at Pilot Knob. Mc- Clure’s magazine, v. 5, p. 433. Times, The (London.) Eminent persons, v. 3. 920 T6 Tuckerman, C. T. Personal recollections of Grant. Magazine of Amer. history, v. 20, p. 109. — 60 — REFERENCE LISTS— GRANT. EASTER. ARBOR DAY. Same ; revised. In his Recollections, v. 1. 920 T9 Wilson, J. G. General Grant. B G76 L Illustrious soldiers. 9235 B Wilson, J. H. Reminiscences of Grant. Cen- tury, v. 80, p. 947. Young, J. R. Around the world with Grant ; including conversations with Grant on American politics and history. 2 v. B G76+D Same, reviewed. Quarterly review, v. 150, p. 205. Reference List on Easter. 1. GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. After Easter. Outlook, v. 53, p. 058. Calculation of Easter. Penny magazine, v. 14, p. 8. Controversies of the second century on Easter. (W. Milligan.) Contemporary, v. 6, p. 101. Death interpreted by Easter. Outlook, v. 53, p. 619. Easter. Galaxy, v. 9, p. 700. Easter and Christian unity. (J. V. Tracy.) Independent, v. 49, p. 465. Easter and immortality. (T. T. Munger.) Independent, v. 49, p. 464. Easter day. (J. F. Waller.) Dublin Univer- sity magazine, v. 37, p. 624. Easter flowers. (S. Osgood.) Harper’s, v. 27, p. 189. Easter flowers. (C. S. Sargent.) Garden and forest, v. 7, p. 121. Easter in the Greek church. (R. Parsons.) Independent, v. 48, p. 481. Easter thoughts. (C. H. Parkhurst.) Inde- pendent, v. 48, p. 438. Ecclesiastical computation of Easter. Household words, v. 19, p. 325. Miracle of the Greek fire. (R. W. Gilder.) Century, v. 53, p. 950. Modern difficulty concerning Easter. Spec- tator, v. 66, p. 470. Moravian Easter festival. (G. W. Halliwell.) Independent, v. 49, p. 464. To whom does Easter belong ? Independent, v. 48, p. 486. 2. CUSTOMS AND OBSERVANCES. Easter. Walsh’s Curiosities of popular cus- toms. 390 W3 Easter. Brand’s Popular antiquities of Great Britain, v. 3. 390 B Easter. Dyer’s British popular customs. 390 D Easter dances at Megara. (E. R. Scidmore.) Littell’s living age, v. 210, p. 191. Easter eggs. (L. S. Lewis.) Strand, v. 13, p. 373. Easter hare, The. (K. Hillard.) Atlantic, v. 65, p. 665. Easter holidays in old England. (I. Allen.) Independent, v. 48, p. 441 . Easter in Jerusalem. (F. G. Carpenter.) Cos- mopolitan, v. 8, p. 560. Easter in Russia. (E. Schuyler.) Century, v. 3, p. 681. Easter in Russia. Chambers’ journal, v. 72, p. 145. Easter observances in Washington. (J. Jen- nings.) Independent, v. 48, p. 514. 3. POEMS, COLLECTIONS. Festival poems : Christmas, New Year, Eas- ter. 82108 F5 Schaff and Gilman. Library of religious poetry. 245 A 4. POEMS, SEPARATE. At the sepulchre. (J. Byron). in 245 P At two sepulchres. (C. H. Towne.) Indepen- dent, v. 48, p. 437. Cherubic pilgrim. (J. Scheffer.) Illustrated American, v. 19, p. 465. Christ risen. (J. M. Neale.) in 245 S Easter. (E. A. Clark.) Outlook, v. 53, p. 627. Easter. (G. Herbert.) in 82108 E5 Easter. (Herbert.) in 82108 D2 Easter ; a poem. (J. Rand.) Arena, v. 15, p. 827. Easter. (Sherman, F. D.) Outlook, v. 53, p. 609. Easter bells ; poems. Sangster, M. E. 8114 S12 Easter anthem. (M. Irving.) New England magazine, v. 16, p. 244. Easter contribution. (S. M. Best.) Lippin- cott’s, v. 57, p. 546. Easter day. (J. Keble.) in 245 C Easter day. (C. G. Rossetti.) in 82189 B1 Easter flowers. (C. Urmy.) Century, v. 53, . p. 929. Easter hymn, An. (Blackburn), in 82108 D2 Easter hymns. Current literature, April, 1897. Easter hymns from old cloisters. (F. Fox- croft.) Atlantic, v. 43, p. 417. Easter in Florence ; a poem. (Lord Hough- ton). Magazine of art (1890), v. 13, p. 276. Easter praise- fire. (C. Scollard.) New Eng- land magazine, v. 14, p. 213. Easter promise, An. (L. W. Sheldon.) Frank Leslie’s monthly, March, ’98. Easter song, An. Sangster, M. E. in 8114 S9 EASTER-tide (E. A. Lente.) Independent, v. 48, p. 437. Hark ! the bells ! Illustrated American, v. 19, p. 461. Mary. (M. E. Sangster.) in 8114 S9 On Easter day. (Westmoreland.) in 245 P Poem on Easter. (A. D. T. Whitney.) Cen- tury, v. 3, p. 707. Sacrament. (F. X. E.) Catholic world, v. 65, p. 11. See the land her Easter keeping. (C. Kings- ley.) Illustrated American, v. 19, p. 468. Song of the resurrection. (J. Z. Cocke.) New England magazine, v. 16, p. 294. There is a peace that cometh after sorrow. (J. R. Gates.) Century, v. 53, p. 937. Reference list on Arbor day. 1. HISTORY AND OBSERVANCE. Arbor day. Garden and forest, v. 5, p. 169. Baldwin, J., ed. Harper’s school speaker: book 1, Arbor day; Memorial day. j 8085 R, v. 1 — 61 — REFERENCE LISTS.— ARBOR DAY. MEMORIAL DAY. INDEPENDENCE DAY. Curtis, G. W. Arbor day. in j 8085 R, v. 1 Flower songs for flower lovers. 82108 P9 Harrison, F. B. Arbor day. Garden and for- est, v. 6, p. 329. Object and observation of Arbor day. Cur- rent literature, v. 19, p. 265 (Nov. 1896.) Poetry of the woods. 82108 P3 Sargent, C. S. Arbor day. Garden and for- est, v. 6, p. 151. Skinner, C. M. Arbor day manual. 715 S Section on Arbor day. in 8085 M10, p. 182 2. MISCELLANEOUS. Apgar, A. C. Trees of the northern United States. 582 A Brisbin, J. S. Trees and tree planting. 634 B1 Chamberlain, A. Our forestal resources from an economic standpoint. New England magazine, v. 17, p. 766. Corbett, L. C. The problem of forest perpet- uation. Current literature, v. 21, p. 539 (June, ’97.) Deforestation and climate. Science, new series, v. 5, p. 837. Do trees produce rain ? Current literature, v. 20, p. 232 (Sept., 1896.) Fernow, B. E. Climatic influence of forests. Garden and forest, v. 6, p. 147. Forest policy in suspense. Atlantic, v. 80, p. 268. Forests and river flow. Popular science monthly, v. 50, p. 569. Muir, J. American forests. Atlantic, 80, p. 145. Sargent, C. S. Forest preservation a protec- tion to the Soil. Garden and forest, v. 7, p. 101. Need of protecting young trees. Garden and forest, v. 6, p. 139. Walsh, G. E. Forest culture of to-day. New England magazine, v. 16, p. 408. See also Poole’s index, for many other references on forestry and trees. Reference list on Memorial day. 1. HISTORY AND OBSERVANCE. Baldwin, J., ed. Harper’s school speaker. Book 1, Arbor day; Memorial day. j 8085 R, v. 1 Child’s recollections of Gen. Grant. Current literature, v. 21. p. 510 (June, 1897.) Garfield, J. A. Strewing flowers on the graves of Union soldiers. 329 Gl, v. 1, p. 322 Lincoln, A. Gettysburg address, in 320 G; in 815 A; in 8108 C, v. 6; in 8085 R5. Observance of Memorial day. Public oninion, v. 22, p. 712. Trumbull, M. M. Thoughts on Memorial day. New England magazine, v. 2, p. 380. 2. POETRY. Browne, F. F. Bugle echoes. 8108 A Burton, R. Memorial day. Harper’s weekly, v. 41, p. 537 (May 29, 1897); in 8114 B31. Carleton, W. Cover them over, in 81745 D Festival of memory. in 81745 C Our army of the dead. in 81745 A Cooke, R. T. Decoration day. in 8114 C5 Eggleston, G. C. American war ballads. 81108 E3 English, T. D. Boys’ book of battle lyrics. j 973 E Finch, F. M. The blue and the gray, in 8108 A ; in 82108 L3 ; in 81108 M ; in 8085 M ; in j 8085 R, v. 1. Gilder, R. W. Memorial day. Current liter- ature, v. 21, p. 502 (June, 1897.) Hastings, F. Memorial day. New England magazine, v. 14, p. 482. Hawley, H. A. Decoration day. Chautau- quan, v. 25, p. 184. Howe, J. W. Battle hymn of the republic, j 8085 R v. 1; j 82108 B3, v. 3; j 82108 F9; 81108 L3; 81108 E3, v. 2; 82108 E5. Longfellow, H. W. Decoration day. Atlan- tic, v. 49, p. 721. Lovett, H. F. Their father’s letter. Inde- pendent, v. 48, p. 735. Matthews, J. B. Poems of American patriot- ism. 81108 M Miller, W. E. Mustered out. in j 8085 R, v. 1 Nation’s dead, The. in 8085 S, v. 1 ; in 82108 LI Packard, C. A. M. An anniversary. Inde- pendent, v. 48, p. 734. Percival, J. G. The graves of the patriots. in 8085 S, v. 2 Peterson, FI Ode for decoration day. in 8085 S, v. 3; in j 8085 R, v. 1. Read, T. B. Sheridan’s ride. j 8085 R, v. 1; j 82108 B3, v. 2 ; and most collections of poems and recitations. Sangster, M. E. Flowers for Memorial day. in 8114 S9 Thompson, M. Down in the wilderness. In- dependent. v. 48, p. 709. Reference list on Indepen- „ dence day. Adams, S. Independence explained. in 8085 P3 Bennett, J. Abijah’s Fourth of July. (Hum- orous poem.) Harper’s young people, v. 20, p. 673. Blaine, J. G. Independence day. in 8085 P3 Brooks, E. S. When George III. was king. in j 904 K1 Burton, R. Old time “Fourth” in Hartford. Independent, v. 48, p. 890. Carson, H. L. Fourth of July, 1776-1876. Independent, v. 48, p. 893. Choate, R. American nationality. Fourth of July address, 1858. in 8153 C Crane, F. W. Old time “Fourth.” Outlook, v. 53, p. 1145. Depew, C. M. Address at Woodstock, Ct., July 4th, 1892. in 8154 D1 Fourth of July oration, Sing Sing, N. Y. , 1876. in 8154 D1 Dwight, T. Columbia. (Poem.) in 81108 E3, v. 1 Easy chair essays on the Fourth of July, in Harper’s, v. 9, p. 261 ; v. 11, p. 414 ; v. 15, p. 557; v. 29, p. 545; v. 31, p. 398, 537; v. 41, p. 616, 634 ; v. 71, p. 635 ; v. 75, p. 635 ; v. 81, p. 813. — 62 — REFERENCE LISTS.— INDEPENDENCE DAY. THANKSGIVING DAY. Edwards, G. W. Celebrating the Fourth of July in Antwerp. Century, v. 48, p. 457. Everett, E. The Fourth of July. in 81531 E, v. 3 The men of 76. in 8085 P8 Ford, P. L. Earliest celebration of indepen- dence day. Independent, v. 48, p. 889. Fourth of July oration. (Comic.) in 8085 S, v. 1 Freneau, P. Emancipation from British de- pendence. (Poem.) in 81108 E3, v. 1 Gillette, M. A. Aunt Portia and the boys. St. Nicholas, v. 24, p. 728. Greenwood, G., ps. Washington and inde- pendence day. Independent, v. 48, p. 887. Hale, E. E. Independence day and some celebrations of it. Independent, v. 48, p. 885. Howe, J. W. How the Fourth of July should be celebrated. Forum, v. 15, p. 567. Independence Hall, Philadelphia. (Poem.) in 8085 P3 Johnston, H. P. Historic fourths of July. Independent, v. 48, p. 894. Lee, A. The Knave of hearts ; a Fourth of July play in 1 act. Harper’s Young Peo- ple, v. 16, p. 673. Lee, R. H. Independence a solemn duty. in 8085 P3 Long, J. D. Fourth of July oration, Boston, 1882. in 8154 L5 Lucas, E. M. A Fourth of July dinner. Ladies’ Home Journal, v. 18, p. 22. McKinley, W. July 4th, at Lakeside, Ohio. in 8154 M July 4th, at Woodstock, Ct. in 8154 M Manigault, G. E. Fourth of July in Charles- ton, S. C. Independent, v. 48, p. 891. Moore, C. L. The Fourth of July. (Poem.) Forum, v. 15, p. 521. Ode for independence. in 8085 P3 Riker, A. B. Fourth of July celebrations and the interests of ballot reform. North Amer. review, v. 164, p. 636. Sangster, M. E. Independence day. (Poerh.) Harper’s young people, v. 13, p. 843. Savage, J. Fourth of July. Harper’s month- ly, v. 35, p. 217. Tomlinson, E. T. My lady’s celebration. Outlook, v. 56, p. 598. Ward, L. D. Fourth of July in Virginia. In- dependent, v. 48, p. 892. Webb, C. H. A word for the old Fourths. St. Nicholas, v. 23, p. 756. Williams, E. M. First anecdotes of the Fourth of July. Magazine of American history, v. 30, p. 91. Reference List on Thanksgiv- ing Day. 1. HISTORY AND MISCELLANEOUS. Allen, I. Harvest home festival. Indepen- dent, v. 48, p. 588. Austin, H. The first Thanksgiving in Amer- ica. Illustrated American, v. 22, p. 654. Baird, R. Thanksgiving publicly appointed. in 2773 A Beard, L. and A. B. American girls’ handy- book (games and amusements.) j 790 I Bliss, W. R. A Thanksgiving. in 8144 B7 Brooks, E. S. Storied holidays. j 904 K1 Come, let us give thanks, in Independent, v. 48, p. 1598. Constant Thanksgivings, in Outlook, v. 57, p, 750. De Costa, B. F. Origin of Thanksgiving day. in Magazine of Amer. hist. , v. 8, p. 757. Devins, J. B. Thanksgiving among the lowly. in Independent, v. 48, p. 1591. Earle, A. M. Holidays and festivals in old New England. " in 390 E Ferguson, D. A. Living on Thanksgiving street, in Independent, v. 48, p. 1525. Gilman, A. The first and second Thanksgiv- ing days. in 97446 G Gracey, L. L. Beginnings of Thanksgiving day in the United States, in Chautauquan, v. 16, p. 174. Hoffmann, H. The American folk holiday. in Illustrated American, v. 20, p. 681. Howard, C. The first Thanksgiving dinner. in Ladies’ home journal, v. 14, p. 3. Hurst, J. F. Short history of the church in the United States. 2773 H, p. 50 Lamb, M. J. One New England Thanksgiving day. in Magazine of Amer. hist., v. 16, p. 505. Lamson, C. M. Giving thanks, in Indepen- dent, v. 49, p. 1525. Thanksgiving day, past and present, in Magazine of Amer. hist., v. 14, p. 556. Legrand, J. A Thanksgiving sermon. in 8085 S, v. 1 Love, W. D. L. Fast and Thanksgiving days of New England. 394 E Owen, C., ps. A Thanksgiving dinner and how to cook it. in Cosmopolitan v. 2, p. 193. Palfrey, J. G. History of New England, v. 1, p. 187. 974 Cl Patterson, R. M. Family joy. in Indepen- dent, v. 48, p. 1587. Patton, J. H. The history of a day : 1623. in Magazine of Amer. hist., v. 24, p. 445. Potter, H. C. Ultimate responsibility, in Outlook, v. 54, p. 1139. Powell, E. P. The farmers’ Thanksgiving. in Independent, v. 48, p. 1627. Schwatka, F. Two Thanksgivings in the Arctic, in Harper’s young people, v. 7, p. 51. Seymour, M. Thanksgiving day problem : prize puzzle, in St Nicholas, v. 24, p. 78. Singleton, R. Colonial Thanksgiving day. in Magazine of Amer. hist., v. 26, p. 434. Stryker, M. W. America’s debt and duty. in Independent, v. 48, p. 1585. Tarbqx, I. N. Our New England Thanksgiv- ing historically considered, in New Eng- lander, v. 38, p. 240. Thanksgiving day in the United States, in Chambers’s journal, v. 66, p. 683. Thanksgiving time fancies. (Pictures.) in Scribner’s magazine, v. 18, p. 557. 2. POEMS. Alford, H. Thanksgiving day. in j 82108 B3, v. 1 Ames, E. Thanksgiving growl. in 817 S Barr, L. E. Captain Morrow’s Thanksgiving, in 82108 LI, pt. 2 — 63 — REFERENCE LISTS.— THANKSGIVING. CHRISTMAS. Brown, T. Harvest canticle, in Independent, v. 48, p 1621. Butterworth, H. Five kernels of corn. in B986.1 Carleton, W. Captain Young’s Thanksgiv- ing. in 81745 G Festival of praise. in 81745 C Hymns of Thanksgiving. in 81745 E Shadrack Brown’s turkey. in 81745 G Child, L. M. Thanksgiving day. in j 82108 B ; in j 82108 B3, v. 1 Hemans, F. D. The landing of the pilgrims, in 82189 H7, and also in most collections of poems and books of recitations. Huey, M. M. For ther’ ain’t nobudy else, in Independent, v. 49, p. 1623. Holmes, O. W. The Pilgrim’s vision. in 81732 C Irving, M. A Thanksgiving hymn, in Inde- pendent, v. 49, p. 1525. A Thanksgiving wooing, in New England magazine, v. 15, p. 379. Larcom, L. A Thanksgiving. in 8114 L ; in 8085 S, v. 3 Pennypacker, G. F. Thanksgiving, in New England magazine, v. 16, p. 670. Pickering, T. Thanksgiving, in New Eng- land magazine, v. 16, p. 470. Riley, J. W. When the frost is on the pun- kin. in 8114 R Sangster, M. E. Thanksgiving poems. in 8114 S9 Beads for a name. in j 8114 S10 Elsie’s Thanksgiving. in j 8114 SI 0 Steele, A. G. Thanksgiving turkey, in In- dependent, v. 49, p. 1585. Thanksgiving, A. (Anon.) in 8085 S, v. 3 Thanksgiving sermon. (Anon.) in 8085 S, v. 1 Wetherell, E. Thanksgiving. In Munsey’s magazine, v. 16, p. 433. Reference List on Christinas. 1. HISTORY, CUSTOMS, AND OBSERV- ANCES. Adams, C. Christmas in Venice. Harper’s monthly, v. 56, p. 285. Adams, H. A. King’s feast in Rufus’ hall. St. Nicholas, v. 12, p. 136. Arnold. An Indian Christmas time. in 9104 A8 Beard. Christmas festivities and home-made Christmas gifts. in j 790 I Bent. The season of the twelve days. (Greek customs.) Littell’s, v. 175, p. 374. Brand. Popular antiquities of Great Britain. 390 B Buddington. The voice of Christmas past. Harper’s monthly, v. 42, p. 187. Butterworth. Old English Christmas stories and ballads. in j B985 ZB Cavazza. Christmas in Italy. Harper’s young people, v. 9, p. 94. Chambers. Book of days, v. 2. 903-fA Child. Christmas mystery of the 15th cen- tury. Harper’s monthly, v. 78, p. 59. Christmas in Hamburg, Germany. Harper’s monthly, v. 18, p. 359. Christmas in the days of old. Littell’s, v. 104, p. 332. Christmas play in Cornwall. Atlantic, v. 55, p. 275. Cook. Christmas in art. Chautauquan, v. 16, p. 321. Corbin. A Middle-English nativity. Harper’s monthly, v. 94, p. 4. Cumming. Christmas in Calcutta. Littell’s, v. 159, p. 809. Curtis. Christmas. Harper’s monthly, v. 68, p. 3. Dickens Recollections of my Christmas-tree. in 8085 S, v. 2 Dyer. British popular customs. 390 D Eggleston. St. Nicholas’ day and the Bishop of Salisbury, St. Nicholas, v. 4, p. 532. Forbes. Christmas in a cavalry regiment. in 904 F5 Christmas-tide with the Germans before Paris. Harper’s monthly, v. 72, p. 263. Fremont. Christmas in Lotus-land. in 91794 F Gentleman’s magazine library. (See index to vols. 1 and 3.) 052 G28 Guerber. The nativity. in 755 G Hay. Christmas in Spain. St. Nicholas, v. 1, p. 122. Hkrvey. The book of Christmas. 394 H Hutton. Christmas day in olden times. in 8144 HU Irving. Christmas — Christmas eve — Christ- mas day. in 81724 A, v. 2 ; in 81724 B Janvier. Christmas kalends of Provence. Century, v. 53, p. 265. Kellogg. Christmas entertainment. 8085 K Kip. Christmas hoiydays in Rome. 91456 K Leete. The shepherd’s midnight mass. Lit- teil’s, v. 208, p. 185. Peacock. Christmas customs in central France. Littell’s, v. 207, p 813. Pennell. London Christmas pantomimes. St. Nicholas, v. 15, p. 180. Sage. Christmas sports and pastimes. Har- per’s young people, v. 8, p. 87. Sangster. Holy days and holidays. Harper’s young people, v. 8, p. 70. Schwatka. Christmas in the Arctic. Har- per’s young people, v. 7, p. 121. Seat. Christmas customs and superstitions. Lippincott’s, v. 55, p. 96. Smith. The story of Christmas, in j W63 St Spencer. Christmas throughout Christendom. Harper’s monthly, v. 46, p. 241. Story. Christmas holidays. (Rome.) in 91456 B Strachey. Christmas eve and Christmas day at an English country house. Atlantic, v. 74, p. 729. Strutt. Sports and pastimes of the people of England. j 790 A Thomas. Christmas in the northland. Cos- mopolitan, v. 6, p. 192. Tutwiler. St. Nicholas day in Germany. St. Nicholas, v. 3, p. 97. Warner. Christmas in former times. Har- per’s monthly, v. 70, p. 3. Warren and Williams. Christmas legend of King Arthur’s country. Cosmopolitan, v. 20, p. 115. Yule time in Shetland. LittelFs, v. 152, p. 161. - 64 - REFERENCE LISTS— CHRISTMAS. 2. ESSAYS AND SERMONS. Arnold. A comment on Christmas. in 82485 H Brooks. A Christmas sermon. Century, v. 47, p, 179 Curtis. Holiday saunterings. in 8144 C8 Hale. Christmas in Boston. New England magazine, v. 7, p. 855. Hodges. What the Christmas spirit saith unto the churches. New England magazine, v. 21, p. 469. Martin. Some Christmas sentiments. in 8144 M5 McWhorter. Christmas to New Year’s eve. Harper’s monthly, v. 32, p. 164. Meyer. Christmas. in 170 M7 Potter. Christmas, and after. Forum, v. 12, p. 199. Smith. Christmas. in 82489 N Stevenson. A Christmas sermon, in 82489 SI; Scribner’s magazine, v. 4, p. 764 Symonds. Thoughts in Italy about Christmas, in 9145 S10, p. 28. Thackeray. Roundabout the Christmas tree, in T32.18, p. 86. Trueblood. What the spirit of Christmas saith to the nations. New England maga- zine, v. 21, p. 401. Warner. The advent of candor, in 81741 D The burden of Christmas. in 81741 C Wilson. Christmas dreams. in 8287 W1 3. MISCELLANEOUS. Bumstead. Waiting for Santa Claus. St. Nicholas, v. 16, p. 1, 222. Christopher. Child faces Christmas morn- ing. Cosmopolitan, v. 8, p. 131. Cook. Christmas in art. Chautauquan, v. 16. p. 321. Dickens. Two views of Christmas; a dia- logue. in 8085 R5 Dowling. Exultet terra. (Significance of flowers and shrubs.) Contemporary re- view, v. 62, p. 817. Ewing. A Christmas mummy play. in j Ew54 L Farrar. The birth at Bethlehem. in 755 F Gibson. Christmas among the tules. (Califor- nia.) Outing, v. 25, p. 337. Happy Christmas (dialogue.) in 8085 M3 Harris. How Christmas cards are made. in j 670 B Hunter. A Christmas fox-hunt in old Vir- ginia. Outing, v. 23, p. 274. Ingersoll. Legends and significance of Christmas greens. Chautauquan, v. 12, p. 335. Jackson. A simple bill of fare for a Christ- mas dinner. (Ethics.) in 173 C Mistletoe bough, The. Littell’s, v. 192, p 421. Murdock. A sixteenth century Christmas. (Drama.) St. Nicholas, v. 16, p. 145. New York traffic in Christmas greens. Gar- den and forest, v. 9, p. 571. Sage. Christmas greens of America. New England magazine, v. 13, p. 461. Sherwood. Christmas and the children. in 640 S Van Dyke. The Christ-child in art. 2329 V2 The nativity in art. Harper’s monthly, v. 72, p. 3. 4. POEMS. Arnold, M. Light of the world, p. 17-53. (Birth of Christ ) 82189 C2 Bell, O. K. Christmus thim times. Century, v. 39, p. 319. Blake, J. V. Some beautiful old carols. Old and new, v. 8, p. 698. Browning, E. B. Christmas gifts, in 82182 A; 82182 Al; 82182 A2. The Virgin Mary to the child Jesus, in 82182 A; 82182 Al; 82182 A2. Browning, R. Christmas eve and Easter day. in 82183 B, v. 4; in 82183 Bl; in 82182 Bl. Bryant, W. C. Christmas in 1875. in 81136 A; in 81136 Al. Butterworth, H. For Christmas-day. St. Nicholas, v. 17, pt. 1, p. 186. Carleton, W. The Christmas baby. in 81745 D The Christmas tree; the Christmas wreck. in 81745 G The Christmas tree. in 81745 A The festival of good cheer. in 81745 C Cary, A. and P. Christmas poems, in 8114 C; 8114 Cl. Christmas carol, in j 82108 B3, v. 2. Christmas chimes, in 8085 S, v. 5. Christmas eve. in j 82108 E3. Christmas garland of American poems. Har- per’s monthly, v. 16, p. 1. Christmas legend, in 8085 S, v. 9. Christmas songs. in 8085 M10 Coleridge, S. T. Christmas carol, in 82172 A Craik, D. M. A Christmas carol, in 82108 M9, v. 7. Dodge, M. M. Rhymes and jingles, j 82108 D8 When life is young. j 8114 D10 Domett, A. A Christmas chant, in 8085 S, v. 4. Christmas hymn, in 8085 S, v. 4; in 82108 H, v. 2; in j 82108 B3, v. 2. Eisenbeis, L. Christmas 100 years to come, in 8085 S, v. 4. Festival poems: Christmas, New Year, Easter. 82108 F5 Field, E. Christmas eve. in 8114 FI Christmas treasures, in j 8114 F3; in 8114 F Christmas hymn. in 8114 F Chrystmasse of old. in 8114 F Jest ’fore Christmas, in 8114 F2; in j 8114 F2 The peace of Christmas time. in j 8114 F3 Foster, H. A. Christmas eve. in 8085 S, v. 3 Gilder, R. W. In Bethlehem of Judea. Cen- tury, v. 53, p. 264. Hendriksen, L. B. Songs of Christmas. Cen- tury, v. 33, p. 237. Howitt, M. Old Christmas. in j 82108 E3 Hoyt, J. K. Quotations about Christmas. in 8088 H, HI, Reference I saw three ships. in j 82108 B3, v. 2 “IN excelsis gloria.” in j 82108 B3, v. 2 Ingelow, J. O night of nights. in 82189 A ; in 82189 Al Jackson, H. M. A Christmas symphony. in 8114 H2; in 81108 S The legend of St. Nicholas. in j J12 B Keble, J. The Christian year. 245 C Ketchum, A. C. Christmas carillons. Har- per’s monthly, v. 62, p. 1. Kingsley, C. Christmas carol ; Christmas day. in 82189 K4 - 65 - REFERENCE LISTS.— CHRISTMAS. Kipling, R. Christmas in India, in 82189 K5 Knighting of the Sirloin of beef by Charles II. in j 82108 B3, v. 2 Lanier, S. Hard times in elfland. in 8114 L2 Larcom, L. A Christmas thought ; Christmas green. in 8114 L Longfellow, H. W. Christmas carol ; Christ- mas bells ; King Olaf’s Christmas. in 81134 A ; 81134 B Lowell, J. R. A Christmas carol. in 81137 A ; 81137 Al, v. 4 ; 81137 B Macdonald, G. Christmas carol for 1862. in 82108 H, v. 2 Mackay, C. Under the holly-bough. in j 82108 B3, v. 2 Milton, J. Hymn on the morning of Christ’s nativity, in 82147 A ; in 82147 Al ; in 82147 C : in 82108 H7 ; in j 82108 Al ; in j 82108 B3, v. 3. Moore, C. C. Visit from St. Nicholas. (Same as The night before Christmas, and Christ- mas times.) in j 82108 B7 ; in j 82108 B ; in 8085 S, v. 4 ; in j 82108 B3 ; in j 82108 T ; in Harper’s monthly, v. 16, p. 1. Night after Christmas. in 8085 S, v. 4 Old Christmas rhyme, An. in j 82108 M10 Perry, N. Abraham Lincoln’s Christmas gift. in 81108 S Poulsson, E. Christmas. in 372 P Santa Claus and the mouse, in j 82108 M10 Procter, A. A. Christmas flowers ; Christ- mas carol. in 82189 D Proctor, E. D. Christmas eve at Bethlehem. in 8114 P8 Riley, J. W. A feel in the Chris’mas air. Cosmopolitan, v. 18, p. 211. Last Christmas was a year ago. in 8114 R2 Them old cheery words. Century, v. 53, p. 294. Little Johnts’s Christmas. in j 8114 R1 What Chris’mas fetched the Wigginses. in 8114 R6 Who Santa-Claus wuz. in j 8114 R1 Rossetti, C. G. Christmas carols. in 82189 Bl% Roumanille, J. One of the twelve ; The blind girl. Century, v. 63, p. 181, 262. Russell, I. Christmas night in the quarters. in 8085 S, v. 4 Sangster, M. E. Christmas songs, in 8114 S9 Christmas tree. in 8085 S, v. 4 Santa Claus and the motherless children. in j 8085 M2 Santa Claus’ middle name. Pansy, 1888, p. 103. Sawyer, W. Christmas. in 8085 S, v. 9 Schaff, P., and Gilman, A. Library of re- ligious poetry. 245+ A Scott, Sir W. Christmas in the olden time, (in Marmion.) in 82174 A ; in 82174 D ; in 82174 D1 ; in j 82108 B3,v. 2. Sears, E. H. Christmas song, in j 82108 B3, v. 3, p. 353 ; in 8085 M10. The glorious song of old. in j 82108 B3, v. 2, p. 357 ; in 8085 M10. Sherman, F. D. A real Santa Claus. in j 8114 S5 The Christmas cat. in j 8114 S5 Southwell, R. New prince — new pomp. in 82139 S9. p. 107 ; in j 82108 B3, v. 3, p. 352 Spirit of Christmas, The. Harper’s monthly, v. 94, p. 167. Spofford, H. P. In the first Christmas-tide. McClure’s magazine, v. 8, p. 121. Stedman, E. C. Guests at Yule. in 81143 B Stevenson, R. L. Christmas at sea. in 82189 HI ; in 82189 H3 ; in 82108 M5, v. 8. Stoddard, R. H. Dies natali Christi ; Masque of the three kings ; Christmas carol. in 81141 A Thomas, E. M. Who fills the stockings ? Ye merrie Christmas feast. Buried chimes of Christmas. in 8114 T4 Vaughan, H. Christ’s nativity; The true Christmas. in 82138 A Watts, T. Dickens returns on Christmas day. in 82108 M5, v. 6 Wesley, J. Christmas day. in j 82108 B3, v. 2, p. 353 Whitney, A. D. T. Christ-child and the chil- dren. in 8114 B Whittier, J. G. Christmas carmen ; The mystic’s Christmas, in 81136 A ; in 81136 B1 Wilkins, M. E. Once upon a time, j 8114 W6 An alphabetical index will be found at the beginning of the catalogue. — 66 —