LOSSES OF MERCURY IN TOXICO- LOGICAL ANALYSES BY KENYON A. HYLE THESIS FOR THE JJEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN CHEMISTRY college: OE’ libeijal arts and sciences UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1922 (a. Co' ^loy^u.^ TO YTTeflavivjTj \ . ' 4 1 ■-• .-.>». \ '.41 vx «■ vn ^ii'/az^xK 'i’f. amyj ciSfiA'?^ji-: >:i 3 P‘Crt<«faiHT ••' -¥. .r.' ' •: _ . -iap: , -acgi^’ .^.:^-....‘y -■> ^^T*‘ \ ‘4-’-z ‘ V V t t *V 1 K ' V* :.A, ;,*cii Z-.X- ^ t-'i-fi'{.nrf5i3 i * -a.f r -■ - ., , ,* • ^ -i. |S» • . ^ , .' *1 4 i' j- -■ 'W ’ .W *:. 'B.;' f) . hf.^ 1 .. , ^j[: Js "nrhSrr-u_ a.^ .'■ . ( 1 ) LOSSES OF MERCURY IN TOXICOLOGICAL A^I/lLYSES I. INTRODUCTION 1 . -PURPOSE The purpose of this investigation has been the study and comparison of the three principal methods for the decomposition of organic tissues in the toxicological determination of mercury, in order to determine which of the various methods no\f kno^m and used, will recover the grea,test amount of mercury from organic tissue . 2.1S.TURE OF THE PROBLEM It is a well known fact that mercury salts together with other salts, such as arsenic, are quite volatile, and it is due partly to this fact that no method is now l-:no\m wliich will recover all of a given quantity of m.ercury in a toxicological analysis. It is very important inaa toxicological investigation to know the exact quan- tity of mercuhy which has been administered to cause the death of ' the person in question. Proof that a sufficient quantity of poison has been given to cause death constitutes the chief evidence in legal cases. Therefore it is necessary, in toxicological analyses, to Imow how much mercury is lost in the composition of the organic matter and the subsequent determination of the poison. 3. -HISTORICAL The methods used for the toxicological determination of mercury are comparatively few in number. The chief object in all of the methods is the complete destruction of the organic material. This t '■ -JA n« ra:)Oiim V. ' . /^i{ff. jdCK'w « " • 1 ^^^ -I * a^lL W^>' j. ^ j ' ^£ ei : t. ' ' X c, • ■ h • , > , ■ - . ■- '>’/ iV/iii'>'‘t>‘,i>7( 'in' 04i-jhiJWf4.t', iffc Di(i^*i’o tOv. '»a'a \ '.l^ *t.li r ' ■ B ■ ’•■■■“ ■' i*-.')' ' ; ■’> ,■,•-.#•■/ ? F ^ t . ‘ i , - ‘ nid'il 1 o ^|j&d 4 you;^ oiCr nir/<> 3 o'i '• '• ■ □ . , ■ < * J^-'j'-' 'f ' »■' ■ ' . ■>-;.‘Ml_ r» ,v-Aa ,,-%1'i'* ' ® ‘^— jr- ■ ; ,A'‘'‘‘;,' ... ‘# P ' f ,;i.Uw -'T'l.tfu-'tn 4ii^-fAS^r .t«Mvt ,.<>■' brtl XjW.w''-4*v*F|.r.t3^';' '' V 4 €l 'io - i,{fiJ--*i[VTr<;^..'>'r6di'.’''» fiui /vr .a/«iM' %'kJiQ iisA ijoi^ l lU ■-*i[ V ■■> 'i * C ^ * '•* ff «rM' :^ 6 r? 'Wi'-Jj Qif>'tt';i»i ’ ’ ji. *'’ ' . ' . * ^ , ■ r.'-^ i )■ '3 £‘plHI - ** ■'■'■ ?i, ■“ .^^...■‘t. ,.. C- «e. ‘ f’- 11 'v'’ll.'t ‘. ’iF9proy 4Mnt ,ttusi*fuff4’ W ■ 4\iifttt.i*f fi/fii *Ihj not to.fp 7)/j/9 • ■ ■' i- ,;p ./ I' ' ' • ' ifc ‘ fS) n^Ii: . ■A'^UtoWi^^ ■ ill; veil X K ^ J ’v 'I i*” ■ ^' 7 /.' ■ y^fj- u >j nil I'jF^ If/.' ,.' :ftL_ uw^i~* -, jt; ; 7 . aii'f' . .fipjta/i?j,nr. 'in : - '.• *..’•; A . 1 *;' n " * '? ' ' , -V . . V 'X ' . V ' •Jk fh. * 3 e? 'A. ( 2 ) is necessary in order to free the mercury from organic substances, chiefly the albuminoids. Mercury forms a complex salt with albumin- ous substances present in protein material , and this must be broken before the mercury will go into solution. ( 8 ) I. ldlESENIUS& VON BABO MET^IOD Fresenius and von Babo worked out a method for the determin- ation of arsenic which was published in 1844. This has been adapted for the toxicological analysis of all metallic poisons including mercury. In this metnod the decomposition is carried out by the action of nascent chlorine upon the organic tissue. The chlorine is generated by the action of hydrochloric acid on potassium chlor- ate, both of wiiich are added directly to the tissue, which has been chopped finely and diluted with a little water. The reaction takes place best when heated at the temperature of the steam bath. The decomposition requires several hours. The liquid is filtered off and the mercury precipitated with hydrogen sulphide. The mercury may then be determined by any suitable method. ( 1 ) / II. GAUTIERS METHOD Gautier worked out a method for the toxicological determination of arsenic which was published in 1875. This method of decomposition consists of oxidizing the material with concentrated nitric and sulphuric acid at rather high temperatures. To 100 grams of the mat- erial 30-60 grams of pure nitric acid is added. Then one gram of sulphuric acid is put in and the mixture heated until liquif ication is produced. It is then removed from the heat and 8-10 grams of sulphuric acid added. This is then heated again (taking care not to carbonize the mass)and taken from the source of heat. Nitric acid is then poured over the material a little at a time until up \\ ■ . ^li ' ,; ^ " 'S ' !!i r • V ' ' . •* ,iK>tJ»(fo»* otfifc o ICIt ofti iwJ •v ■ m° ',k» *■ ' . V Ti^ ^ •’■•C'.V ^'JCIGIiC&3.r*. - .If ^ ^ ^ }v ’> -S ‘^q^ta «ftMrr pmcf‘ viiY: . i I NI . , ‘^ >7 d^^iii;vh>«.i fi:i "To qiU-t'tflT > ,• ^ j . •- f ■• wm •■’ I- • ' , , •»'{J', v<; i*/r^ t 9;-U tiPfCfJim »«fr til . * 53 ^* 1 ^ 'tjE ::>■ v-‘' • ^-‘ * ■ - ■■‘- ,«■„ ^ ‘ V F ’e«if > .'i^:r fto oiC^' '4 *■' ^ ii ■ r ‘ ;_■: ’ ^ ^ ^ > _■ I ’ -2 X . . ■ ■ "J • --i i?,v; • *tT*3kAd 0#«4J tla"? ' t: , ■*. u.^. iip^t 'tty »r^'5xx i~ jfe- * y ■’ .'I’Ai^ 'ic •viUif4*ff»^o,/ :>rt> n»ifr ia^tf ar»tt>tf . - r,- ?y . . R'-.l I -i Ji.^,;ll ,ar?!T ^*fe'Stk^4 t# •< vp.i* «p‘fl:Op»a'^; »(.^r4ty^ ^A. c-,n’:i'^iksitv!i£.ir *»tl 'Tvt ^ a \tuo iisiiiaov 'i^Mifli^ dtfw %?: , r£i: J&r, u^*r p.: :«at& ifp- 4 ' • / ' '-S':?. '’ , -.. \ ?r^B aXnJ f/r ?tv44J3n4|f^>^na4 4^i:v j>t^4 naX-^X^ • ’'fo jl >0 •fi’i’ni POI pT rf^^tuc iP ^inutffjXUii ^ „ ■ -r4 ■ .' - ‘ *|o l*r!^’ ^ta iif)»i' 4>€f*7i5«* ftl.iit: p,i:taXrt,y'i4i»|’ ^o -OC Xiii,^p npl • i a^f vnilJ-nliW •»ijurtftTf4:> til ft. ' '* ■- ,tUi tj.1ll fr<4. ; ‘ ; ■ I y'UM W L| hnn $it iiHi • ■ J '* it' jiar'i «t J t; .bX If Cc»’ »t*)r. A - ^ i :*L iX j ei «Xfii«(as!»BM» ad*! oX |r <»u xiit'n •» ;. «fitdxt H_ l^lkJt%^^M‘'^^''tlsi* loyA ua^? (3) on heating to a point where dense white vapors come off, there is left in the casserole a hrovrn thick liquid carhonizahle at the boil- ing temperature of sulphuric acid. V/hen the nitric acid produces scarcely any further oxidation, the acid is driven off by heat, the material allowed to cool, a little sulphuric acid added, and the small quantity of residual liquid poured into 600 or 700 c.c.of distilled water. The arsenic or mercury can then be precipitated in the usual way and determined. This method was worked out from (2) (3) Orfila^s proceedure , published in 1853, and iak> 3fM I » , t at 1 M:^«iifc; 3UM ^tO'V'^W 'H’Miiaoi.-f *1 * t'n.ij.ni vJT tQ f* ♦ t liji I|w f ' if -< ^ ''•--— -;-s ' _ -"k rj.'; 4?%'i 0^ ' ttj / :rtfo;(f)'.< *lv* LTiijgJt^ T ] . 4 ^^;. \,'^« ' inJ Jim i 'liu jir^X<'>v i isi£^: .b^4*rM»i»y^’ ' J>n» Xcttai# oel ^ Sf r « .‘i m ■ ' i" '.' .' i ;i* fiiliti! I ^ frar’ f t* ( M',V ' ' ^ . ■ «4'«a « t | '. 1 ;'“ W«-W.0t.«. ='1 n.mtr'a.ju '■t^,«,‘-v; i *, , <*-|»f i 4 Itll'j 0 1*-^' '4v. l£«<} 4«ft. ® , • ■ , ' •'■ .. '"' - »ik " ‘ .•'. s \ • ^ - ■ * ’ T n^i i lift >'! ”3>^» l-.IJ ' fttXr .’ * * ' 4^K ■ ‘ .,'* .i , ‘M ••* V.:/ *}»j 1^:41 Oii'v ~ itl t* ts}iiL“i /mlX.» ‘78i (iJl^ JJbdatiCtf^^Bv / ' ^ )« ■' ^ ' ,jLi' _. ' ~a*^ I'itfM »V4<##?'X * ii* ij^o > ' iH»l 1^0 ?t4> I 04^10 B^l»03Kf g>l:X|3fA0 .■ I-. i 4 J#* 4 / >tijL!ai jrt*/ 4 i,(oi« asf^ f \ . ^ . • 4 o t I *>0'J vO.Oii^ ' I « rf iiXdB o tTfXX/t y^. j • ti‘'*HK: ^hsitu rti'9 oCi I ?. .Wg'’/ noiU cj: m ^ - m; ▼ \ .ij ^ 1^ t ( lUHi fturi t * l '.rxo'* #»! 1440 ^ <6?!> ‘ .*! tW. bilO i.»*i ,aU vf il'ti*! 'li».'»>c^ R oi^X^ ‘^X»/X]w I^B ii^oo 9CM TtO w -' i ’ " 't ** '■■ R - ^ - ’ ‘ % * mam * - ^ ' . *j<*uu*} A4ft»/> V; I li^44»4,r «d^J •4hto^*TB n.>' ‘jr.X 4/ •’>Xy4 r •- ' ‘ Ifl --■- r^:j‘%a'ya i >- « f ■— .■gs jsnt cr. - 1' ' g I ... V * ' ' .... • .y •*■’ ..r,. /I'jtd Y^i 4 Ji xt (4) solved out with successive portions of warm watoi'jand determined as in the previous method. ^ ^ (§) IV. HARKINS AND SWAIN iH^THOD. Just as the Chittenden and Donaldson method is a modifica- (l) tion of Gautier’s so may Harkins’s and Swain’s proceedure he call- ed a modified chittendgn-Donaldson method. The proceedure differs from chittendon - Donalds()n^ method in that the mixture is the cass- erole is removed from the heat just as soon as it htis ’been complete- ly reduced to a liquid. After codling the liquid, about 30c. c. of cnn- centrated sulphuric acid is added and the casserole heated. Great quantities of nitrous fuires are driven off. Y.'hen the liquid begins to get bro^m, nitric acid is added from a dropping funnel, in suff- icient quantity to maintain the brown color, and prevent any further darkening. This is kept up until the liquid in the vessel no longer changes color. This thick liquid is now free from nitric acid and a great deal of sulphuric acid is also gone. It is diluted and evap- orated to a smaller volume and is then ready for the precipitation of mercury. All of the above methods were used by the authors for de- tertiination of arsenic, but have since been adapted for mercury and other metallic poisons. II .EXPERIMENTAL 1 . -MATERIAL The material used in this work was dried blood. This dried blood was of very low moisture content, so that twenty five grams of the dried material was taken to equal one hundred grams of tissue. In all determinations this amount was used. 2. PREPARATION OF MATERIAL The dried blood after being weighed out roughly, was put T* *r - ' ' ' ' ■gnr - - • ■ 7 . _ . . , ^ »m£Z'T. ,|»ft j >-’t,' !fl*4 I rjfl ^ . %trA 4 -.‘» ’ ’ , ^ - #V . •. rtt ^r-'fif.i ' M,. I-*;. ♦t»l’?i.* ^ 1 £ •' m/T. If i . ■ ’ ■ ' . , ‘ \ J ‘v; “I b{> 9 'H‘i*'-. iCnytH v 'unbT'uoi XUft pfl ly *r ^4'-? itn< tr nf»C - «r.j!,' iso'll 8 ) 1 , 4 .*^^’'' -'■ iwi^ ''> <:» I'X - il A ’< —. _ ^ • '’-■’v ■'■< ' H'’ 'lo* *» «o 0 f « o 4 J^nai't^cn - ■ ' " ■'■ij ■ ■m^: M ♦ ^^•jn .ii 'M'r J< W»‘* i*V*. • '>•' f v'i'j ‘ i| ir^ vrriT . |3 r .,1 ;'• .' 7*^4 '.,u « ^-siA uu't^ln *i 4 pi ii ■ Jtb‘ «* . -T*^y .: (t f- , 1 ♦' Ji V'.*” u |tf«>*i') V*^' '.<■'. -r? • .V . ;•■ ■ 0(% t?>*t**v ^ 4 : J'|- fn^o;i» ; ( V'-jI g. .i Aii'tiil ' J' •ia * 7 ,<% *-' ’ .-Mm i’\- >' t VJ- > J*uff i CK* f."' ^ .r*' -.Hi !ft-fC>l*Xu« ^If yv<)ch. ' 3 /- '■ H T t 4 I J * V/JU ?»'(/% i *l4i’i ♦a k • > 'J li'Jofll i^ 4 ^i ‘V.>d Kfijo , ’ , ■ . *,*^ , '• ' t * * ?■' ^ ^ I ' ' .' ■ , '“‘ ' ^ . V'' ■.,-'I|» ryno.ftIo*T oil? ft. • i 9 . 1 ■^' % a/*v«a . '1 .vXX I .. I ' r A *. . *’»• »!%■*' * , 4 •» I ,; V r -Pr^ ■ _ i(rro|r .' f i I'xifii'. io.ft Ttoi c '*>v io •(tii .^oolrf '.r T • o«rt» •‘•i£» tX*' u 4 ; • W 6 ti 'lu ipir o».*»,Tta, ui '{ im iM’OiiX JK‘|M»'iiflv ij ( 5 ) into "S' veS5'el”'n:iT(r'^STnr^li W£lt0f~ i.dded to form a pasty or soupy mass . This was then allowed to stand, in general , about an hour in order that the blood might become softened and brought to a state as nearly resembling the original condition as possible. Mercuric chloride was chosen as the most suitable mercury compound, since it is the most common of the mercury poisons to be dealt with in toxicological work. By adding the mercuric chloride to the blood mixture in the form of a solution in all cases we felt that we had a fair duplication of toxicological conditions. This solution was of Imown titer, and was retitrated frequently to detect any change in strength which might take place from time to time. The solution was made up of approximately tenth normal strength, in order to facilitate the addition of mercury in small amounts to the material. After adding the mercuric chloride to the material , the blood mixture was allowed to stand forty eight hours. This gave opportunity for the mercury to thoroughly impregnate the organic matter, and reach a condition somewhat similar to that existing in the animal body, when death and possibly burial follows adciinistra- tion of the poison. It is supposed that mercury forms a mercury albuminoid in the tissue. It is due to this fact that organic m.at- erial must be destroyed before mercury can be determined. After standing this length of time the decomposition may be started accord ing to the method selected. l.-WORK ON THE FRESENIUS-VON BAB^fliETHOD. In carrying out the decomposition by this method it was de- cided to vary the proceedure. One set of decompositions was carried out in an open flask, and another set using a reflux condenser. By using the condenser , any mercury which might volatilize with steam would be returned to the flask and thus be determined. By comparing < ivtSt T 2 ' M-W ’ r’VfT H .t fif- 'rt> oi ^^oj;i»iw»?«. i?»a'”’BJtffr jj . ^ , ' • " ■• '’ . 'I t «/> 9Jh’ vti^ 0 Oi!* l,*^’!!4i<*^'^Ci l'«ij- J*'‘ r>.nOOO^ U.' * ' iuif.) I) - ^ ^ .1 . , «aXJiIiaA,i tcfU.^i’Ta f» oln^o'r«l£. 5 rt'Oi.* ^*ui/>*i^r' orft 1o Uffga . ) «iuvt *)4.^ aJt OdftI c '. , ftmiotrcoo ;WjliCh/itt) oilim'H* I wt^ . -rrX ft.t NT^Xitt{U> Q t * 1 rsM fnf j ti« ff» unljnjf^a.u Hto'f o**it fT^'Q-UiJxta hooiff ttf ■- - ■* }%■ 1 . . •■ ' »- . .1 (j . ^^liT .3a, are moil To ® fw»xC ‘j4! 5 rt# y C.tll'D'lpft' 1 'l Ji,*J tWi. ffworttf * 4 o i^OlOH jii Xttf 3 . • , M ’ • ''T- ■ ytt^i.** f ^0 iw aflW^al^ulopi 6Jfi^ ‘ ' ' ' • ' " ' " ;- ' ’'‘M ' .. ^ ■ nf tiK’.a «4 'o 944 > 4 XX-Xo«l oJ *iQh^o mts,: ¥ i ?>.\;‘- 'f , K ■' -• -'.i . 0«C;» oA'ii»c*»f^a j. - * ^y»i; aTif* ,^4ti;orf ^4'fo'5 oi hovhrH^’*o '(w,^!^d C/wttnifc dfU ' ^ 4 . f -tqqquB «di .s^oeXoq nift lo huJ^^ \ foiJX 4 «i:Xf nui; Ht vTI. . jX i^Xo'iteicrXii) a'*4’»K .^nfl|:h«^:>40ii tuX irr.*! o ?Cl j«E Jbov.oxiaob 9d i«ur*i JIaXio •i(Jor>A nrf itoi.iire*i!tjitfou^l> o4^ 5flLtbno4^B & '*'* * ♦ , .S»^v0l»e hnJ^ottt aifi od aftfc ^ ^ .‘uo'.isi^liua wiT-sux'mHirt ait#:>;o x*'\-.x S -{»b uiy 7 >* & 0 lirv -'( fliitt JioirJlfio • r > fi , r ) »#tt ,ruo »/( rXy * i * tBa / qrX '^ .^'‘ f »»> J :‘ X*ir r *? 4 f (? nr ‘*'\^ i ^' 9 » oif .. r.'')oJb 'Xb sdJ ' o 4 i >» l » iid ^; ■'.» 'C .*10/ iiijXiM'iff Kf.^£'t^>•I A jMrJb^u ‘i^rorrn r f?4i,rfaaIT a'?«!:o rt>i «t. jup jI 4;N o»£UJj)lnv tn^^^tiu rt7hi4w 'C^tioioM r.ast'thMoPnQd i>tlj^ j\fxXtiu f '' nn-vmo a «ud4 X»nn afe&Il arfX odl f.O(tanin*T &d •~:^iCTr^:fe ^ i n« M r '-'mw a rM ii a p Mtf..':/ r , i. vl ( 6 ) the results of zne two“airrerentiy““c6riauctea clecorfiposltlons , the amount of mercury lost hy volatilization might be easily found. Following the proceedure of Fresenius-Von Babo thirty c.c. of concentrated hydrochloric acid was added to the mixture followed by from one to two grams of potassium chlorate. The Kjel- dahl flask containing this mexture was then put on the water bath. The nascent chlorine coming into contact with the organic material soon began to act. After a short time, when the potassium chlorate was used up, more was gradually added(about .2 to .3 gram at a time). Generally , this amount added about every five to ten minnutes kept an even flow of chlorine. The mixture soon began to get lighter in color. Shaking the flask after addition of each portion of potass- ium chlorate accelerated the decomposition noticeably, by bringing the chlorine into contact with the tissue. The end of the decompo- sition was indicated when the liquid assumed a light straw color, and did not darken on standing, or upon further heating. A little dilute sulphuric acid was then added to precipitate any possible barium or lead and the supernatant liquid was filtered off. The mercury was precipitated from the solution with hydrogen sulphide, after expelling all free chlorine. The gas was allowed to buble through the liquid for one and one half hours while hot. The liquid was then removed from the water bath and the gas allowed to run tin- til the flask cooled. The liquid containing the mercury sulphide precipitate was ccrke^iL and allowed to stand for one day. If at the end of that time an odor of hydrogen sulphide was noticeable in the flask, the precipitate was filtered off. Otherwise , more hydrogen sulphide was passed into the liquid. The black residue of mercury sulphides was then dissolved in nitric acid with a few drops of hydrochloric acid and the resulting solution diluted and filtered. This filtrate containing the mercury was then ready for determinatio: >. ! ^Tiar);*ir» ■/ 1 '^r'r^V’ i ^ i f ^ - od«if y..- ■ 'lit • « ' , 'ij« flit ^ ^ ^ ( tj* <. 'iaroNli<'f y;' > 4<»fl^to.V 7^'Vfi , » li . 'I* ^ -A*llX%'ri . j!U?(.*'«y4j \i| mr^ ni *a^^^ ?^r»liat>^ OrtJF<^otXrf^v|it!^o^r! '! ' , - i J«< C. uJ Vr viifvp -X 1 I1#uCm^ 4«^ ^noa,(j;>r ftoo-u aiiv • ' *i'L v/>»v> ^ Jy.^h.' 4>rUK»lir>i ^trTj Jft i 1 iwj '4.f (Wo2« f>t;i a** iSttVe ._ ' lO '■ ■ . • '.■. . j;;>- !-yj f •r-j -n iX '...,- ' Vj ■ j: ^ ,n>-CtV*7 Wi<*f-» ; w*>$ f ■ ' ‘ t'xi/jrfji, <>(( •t^H'ic ji'iiTT ' • *> - 4 ■ “ ■ f'l * ' :a^: '>.;■- '.‘;,4 7^--* /i it* V ^>4**' . i.'^n /f)To*Xi’l ftiir 4tAtjv-i4 nil jhfi ,j ., "£j^f*v P .. ' ■ i. . _ ,1 I ■'- • . ■ 'n« iMtrtl »fo ftu/tfidtf , f ‘I'f Ui> U^r»A'ii '^ij i;VlW tl^ »i<4 t7f>*tj^,liri.*ii*i,* fr«t X'S^nrwjJj ». ' T'“ " o *^* ■ flt.'« ■ -J '*■ ,, (if '■ir ^ufle mJI|»# «wr', ;il'^'. fj'>ni liirJiM.U le>t; r* urW .Ji # n/fffi' <»riu». I livsiiiiiMju lo'i JbJu^yT odrf »iti ttt»a oj J 'Hrc'llo lifss 4 .J 4<1V otitit V* fr i; *. /U-t*' hktH4 iJ9l|^ !j»onX»yft (7) The determination was carried out volumetrically, using the (5) method of Bauer .Following his proceedure the solution was made alk- aline with ammonia, and a standard solution of potassium cyanide added to the mercuric solution. Five c.c. of potassium iodide was added as an indicator and the excess of potassium cyanide titrated with standard N silver nitrate. Each c.c. of N silver nitrate is 10 10 equivalent to .02006 greims of mercury. The potassium cyanide solu- tion was previously titrated against the N silver nitrate solution, 10 so that the value of the potassium cyanide solution per c.c. was Imown . In carrying out the dujjlicate decomposition with the reflux condenser the potassium chlorate was added by loosening the conden- ser from the flask and dropping in the potassimn chlorate. It was found in running the two sets of decompositions that the liquid in the flask bearing the reflux condenser always reached the final stage before the open flask. Also, less potassium chlorate and acid were necessary than with the open flask, in order to produce the final stage of decomposition. No difficulty was experienced in carry ing out the decompositions according to this method. However, some of the organic matter could not be destroyed by the action of the chlorine. It always remained in the bottom of the flask in the form of a white mealy substance. It was easily filtered off , leaving a clear liquid. The most important source of error seemed to be in not allowing enough time for complete decomposition. If the flask was removed before it had reached the right stage ,flifficulty follow- in precipitating the mercury from the solution. The writer experien- ced this trouble early in the proceedure. Stringy, slimy compounds were thrown down with the mercury when hydrogen sulphide was passed into the solution. These were later dissolved by the nitric and hy- il ' ' t *“• 'Jr('. •‘Vf. sfosxxs^- ‘Ti ViV i' I* . 0iLtAi.V' > ^<1 >^'H|,rJu^;5'!4;hfl/»j‘»“ » ic t* ^ ■' '• 1 ■■ ' , V- ' 1 'fij: m(rr‘'fCl ilf ■' '■ ■ •>>»*; -■ i’'> ^ rf M>*v/ ’ » .a.t^ ov.W ‘.•ioiv»#/t«>ii 6'j^ j4, - '■ ' '“ I ‘ T* '‘"ijiT ‘ ftl -a.r/)'Ta.»h ').’P'i 4i "ir, ‘ >w*vV- H t>n.r ♦v’# jC 3 zmr L . a ;?/ .!>.y 7-.'^'nMj alrlf^n "» w 1o f>a|>:V otidt ^jHd‘ r*e n ■ V V , '•■ ■ ■; ■ ': udW f:^ ' ■’ '-. ,i*iU{'ii ,/fv’)'>i. ■vjiioti'w/itfiyVrrin 'v;r/io' ^/r & ' . .va ,;'K; , » 'V y. " 1 I* ‘ ' ■t.,ivt^,n.)f».j d.r# ff)" K? 3 ■ • ■■ . • ■ ' _,-rn '* T-i ' " W ‘ '' ■ -> i' ■i<-^’^:\-. v ; |1 ^ ' *‘ . I Oil* oi; tacKfkMU^'V^ i ' V ■■''^■■^"in n >*a4J « ;t'ji i o>r**b • ^ris/U ^(i * B '\j ft. i ;-.r*i .. -ft5(4v4 ' &i '../» > 'i*fi It*' 04f!' Ch • ■■ , . ■ ^ . ,, ’iirf.*at 'i t i *iki .(Sffi'Ji f ’ir-i oiXvi *! ■ ' y*^ , ■ ' ^ ^ ‘ - /X" ’tl'ranti*,:- -r,v.-iLi‘; H.'J f»4ttfuA0Tf 2v-.;j(o Ti§,i-;:'fy’ ' a. .r • *1* %• ’# »■ 4 1 _ ’lorn’ I 1.7 lUii]l*J y%4<4'T50-^ dv ,i^>t'f'^la^’ iX‘>.>iVL(yc^f kjoftir ~ ' ‘ ^ * - ' » ' . “'I 4, I i ^ f i* ' 3. wi ijt'h; .»• i, fv j ijj, ^»)r /<■«•, «Jfc; 4 dioiia:tc > . .-' » ,.“* *# ^V*v . ... ‘ .<;u ( 8 ) drochloric acids, with the result that when the anunonia and potassium iodide were added for titration, a murky precipitate clowded the sol- ution and made titration impossible. It was not always possible to filter this off, and even iff possible , presented the objection of removing some of the mercury with the other substances. Therefore, the best way seemed to be to avoid this by thoroughly decomposing the organic matter in the beginning, until the permanent straw color appeared. The time for each decomposition was noted and recorded. 2. CHITTENDEN /iND DONALDSON METHOD. The vrork on this method was confined to a few decomposi- tions only, since the nature of the proceedure suggested great, if not total losses of mercury. Following their proceedure, 23 c.c. of pure concentrated nitric acid is added to the blood mexture containing the mercury. The mixture contained in a casserole of OGOcc.c. capacity is then heated on a hot plate with occasional stirring. The temperature as mentioned by the authors of this method is 150-160 degrees centi- grade, but v:^ith the blood this temperature was not attained. This would seem to be favorable. Keeping at this temperature , the mass swells, thicken, and changes color. At first a dark brown, it changes slov/ly to a light yellow. It then becomes a liquid. This is heated 1 1/2 to 2 hours until it takes on an orange color, or deep yellow shade. At this point, the casserole is removed from the plate and 3 c.c. of concentrated sulphuric acid added while stirring vigor- ously. The mixture thickens and gives off nitrous fumes copiously, immediately followed by dense white fumes of sulphur trioxide. ( The residue in the dish is changed into a black sticky mass or else a dry carbonaceous mass. The dish is again placed on the plate and heated for a fevf minutes. Then 8 c.c. of nitric acid is added, drop r ‘ T '' ' Vi?.' » t ^ ^ ■'" ^ I * ■" >*■ V ' , ■» * * ' * f. ■ ^«3 Jh^XviR^fiSr^ ■ .ut*- >■ ni ^ ^ ■• "» ,--Kv '. ' -■'^ ':■ ■ yA ^ (M ^:i cfl4L ^ ^.^ ' t\j^' »JKg>k.l -T .‘^f *io.^»n'r.>i-4, t>fi4, ^ ^ . •» ' .' ♦ . * ] A i-^ 41 t' , WJ , •■ -'KV'' ir-rt-v T*U/.1>rro ■< ’j^'t> -y .>B»d ;mK«a.ir;^9W * r, • . .■ . - ' . ^ ..iyiV v;t ii/siH wr>- -JartMfft ’lO-l. «wil- .fid'Ttitdiiqrf . h-9 ' I } rjr Ml ... ...itiiiria^ CH»” iKM'fcjrik>.‘;j ,• . ■ »; .1. . - l» '• * •‘Huilv'X’iK- *y'i Jt* IKIwJ&t*fJ,i JMft .» Kift*. OrjXfC"’*.' ' fftk, -S^IOU' ' i*'* V ^ * I “''■ ' ,.• :* , 41. £>9 ti 9fJ J 1<.‘ iPTifiAtt jjvotal^ P^^JU '^/V- ■ > . - v.:' r\, . .,^1 .\'4i/d99rtf*i4:0 aO0H«.r XiliJu^ .U^« S ’■ ■ ' "' * •' ■*• *-' ■Jl£' ■iil’ i .V«iuoH 9 :t 1.^ iioOlol M.i Q f Jb©lrif>i: ,,6i>oK J ■■'■'-• .?^ V . '. ■ ^ A,. ■ ^ 3 '. _ ^ ^ *■ i.. * ‘jfe ^ rxL '.'.r*’Di^'|&i . 1. 1» ■■', Iv' lyjh\iA^li^3 . * ■t'^ V ■' ; ...a r'v]\)i> r#mniwCi^^o if ' liw f»jnr« y.dd * na 1^ '.Tj,>-Oe4 ' ^ al.f^ , !> ’;.: ,1 c Ufi -’ry/ £»'itf,^,iVj'^f'>’^ aJt.yf'r fioolif'' Ai^f' Vt *tf >» ) t j . '.'Oi.,* ''=',1 , nJ'.f-f vHi .-V ^'- o# i0O5M» .ftlfJOW^J L‘ \A<>iti4ii£>i.t- yr t. PtFiT* .£^i.f#[»lf m nnti^ i 4 '' ’tjW|'t. I ‘ -.;■ ':.' ^M . r :, . ‘ lirJait < 7 j S\x vi ^ ■ ; • .V-,.' ^ .■_ t. .. 1 _ '* p^,\f . jq finftl Xxo^r'i fJCsyo ' f n 04xt , 2X^77 J'a .faJEoiHif 'll ♦t, 19o a.^v :> B^iil affoka^Xifcti • "■ f . -^.!. . : .r'- ■ ' . ■ ' '■ 'i . .• '^;- .i' ‘ s’ ^9^0c' •x-'i.lif /. ' j;f.i* eX rr| .•.■/ -Stii i t*r*t fc w£.?jM_ntf ni‘‘< -i^ yfiffi* I'i i)!y>^9e>'oorf'tM ^>|ft ,'S' -jt f>i f(» ,0.9 itfriVf i uo*l />i?«f>ijl *, .T. (9) by drop, in order to more completely destroy the organic matter, and precent the formation of the organic sulphide. After this addition, the casserole is again heated for 15 minutes , after which the cold carbonaceous mass is treated with hot water in successive portions, in order to extract the mercuric sulphate. This water is then evap- orated and the mercury taken up from the residue with concentrated hydrochloric acid. This extract is diluted with water and the mer- cury sulphide precipitated. The precipitate may then be dissolved and titrated as in the first method. In following out the above method, the temperatures as stated by the authors exceed those reached in using the blood mix- ture. Since the blood mixture is more fluid than solid tissue the temperature would naturally be lov/er in this case. In extracting the mercury salt from the carbonaceous residue, the water was left in contact with the mass for 24 hours in order to insure complete extraction. No difficulties were encountered in carrying out the proceedure,but it was necessary to watch the mixture very closely before adding the sulphuric acid. It was difficult to detect the change in color because of the red nitrous fumes, which were given off. It was necessary to exercise care in adding the sulphuric acid, in order to prevent any loss by spattering. Affew drops were added at a time and the mixture stirred vigorously during addition. 3.-W011K ON HARKINS AND SWAIN METHOD. In carrying out this proceedure 500 c.c. casseroles were used as the vessels, four determinations were carried out together. This number was found to be convenient, in saving time. One decompo- sition was started and carried to the end of the first stage. It i: was allowed to heat while another was started. I 5 P . txu.,-' I • Tr>3|%rtj(iV;j, -r,.- at •ihift': '-' i ,jfhriti.Tf 1/ f'.’" ^TJ ' |i ! ^ ' T ' rr f-r'Vr* . - i V _ __ '^i If k f Wi. I » •''»*••■ : V .•,'y*jawf*-/ti' if;) hf' fUL 9 U^? 3 o«iiyKtaB!i -( . ‘ Vfc ‘1 V’’ . . r^KVU/& cJi*> ftmm «a\t 'fti ■ *-« is‘ v ,r?i •) " rrt>n 1 ^ wi> xp-^ Hcyjp»e>f:i • grU lioJatno ff ^ in .»;’■*■'■ ’■' ' rnm^ -.5- ‘ , . , ; '*^ .i ^ I*^lr 4 4 » qri>'' '>'< J Xi^ ' ' ‘ .' 'I < ^ . j . ,. iiMi.rt'/ya v*»^jiijfi; i> rU a"n»e«< ‘>rU r * . -' ' ■ ' "’i' ' '. f ■ mfi r ^ ,t,flr> 'iT.-a .r »' nO!'>yr£» t>^ji ’'^»' ifiui I'tff f itrttap 4L.. »iav ’ *, ^>rf j -'"Wir •'tiJik jiu u Ji ^rtJJiJXJi*; S'Tolo^ij ‘erf.’'* »T < !f7 *rii8sti »«Itoj»6’-^ ^ X- .t^io r% ’ I * ' . s .| -: .r- t) I* , M:;ika rf>iiv I . tutlif'ii -<3fK «ft©X >»ii| [ ^ ,.iX;> f J tv j&aTiXdrJf Q*wSxJ^t4 *>'Xi. bit A: f>inXl^ ( ' # 'l ■ ^ ’ ■ 1 ■■“• ,ai' 4 TiU ita. Fi n^ xq XHOS-.C ■' • ^ ' itP'i -r^y^ r .: .&»'*) ^*1U7v-^"‘>?.»C»*t<’ f< *|i.t .)*!*) fsi; .M-,' jfvo A . ftfiA fctiA 1 5:i^*;^>^vX» - , ^fJN)!a'!'V , ^ .. ‘ ibdH^ <^0’) i rifj t '»-ik' . < j”,* ^ ; rkottK)0 »ftj>f>'i &Xif2^ ' JI*K> *>it ' ■■ ’ ;■ J:‘ ^ w , t tfMtl'gjS.fi af f i 4tti‘ It CQf ji^} V v> ( 10 ) One hundred c.c. of concentrated nitric acid was added to t?ie blood mixture and placed on the hot plate. The mixture begain to swell and required constant stirring to avoid the overrunning of the dish. It changed color from a dark brown to a light yellow. Here the swelling subsided and after a little while became a liquid. This liquid was then allowed to heat for half an hour,'ivhile anotliEr decomposition was started. The rich red liquid was then removed and allowed to cool, after which 30 c.c. of concentrated sulphuric acid w'as added. The casserole was again heated on the hot plate. Great volumes of red nitrous fumes came off. This continued for some time, when the liquid begain to assume a brown color. Here, nitric acid was added, drop by drop, just enough to prevent the darkening of the liquid. This was continued until the thick liquid no longer chang- ed color. The mixture was heated a little longer to drive off some of the thick white sulphur trioxide fumes, in the meanwhile , adding nitric acid occassionally . The casserole was then removed from the heat and allowed to cool, after which the residue was diluted and reevaporated to a smaller volume, in order to eliminate any nitrous fiumes. This solution was then filtered and the mercury precipitated from it in the usual way, and determined. No difficulty was encount- ered in the proceedure. The organic material was completely destroy- ed and good clear solutions were obtained for the titration. In rnn- ning the four decompositions in the manner described it required the entire attention of the writer, and although the work was carr- ied out under the hood the fumes from the dishes were very disagree- able. The time occuppied \ras about one hour. 4.- NEW iiETHOD TRIED. It was decided to modify the Markins -Swain method in such a way as to eliminate the great losses of mercury which neces- 'T ■ V ■ff III V ' f'i/‘ ^i>lf’i^i?}f>' oifi> ml viv^^ 9n<^/J;ijif^iK)fd^ ;.VC>Xfft ; 'Jh-iX' /i ' 'IO l7 /htH oi . ' ' v :^2 ' .' o^’lw^•>(^Ui'»^^y*;^J<‘UxJ^ 'i«^>!i ).d‘0i€ ^doiilv - ^ ' , ‘^V Ijll ^4^ r^I’o^VQ ‘i£> 33rt?‘ vtlfffclwt ^ew V . _ «iB!j-iV__, ’ 1 , '■, ^ , •'^’ic*> 'ft-vfii >- iSftsit/'’ aw**t 4 t«t '^0 ' '* • ■’ * " '‘, I . jlllt'jU '^H.i iif^t»•V; .** - '■’ -*^ ^0'V; . *^ flWn'l V’ n tf bs^mat*'* i MI»iti rSfiT'tt&t-’ff' I 7 .*-/ ‘ " ,ri_ A/ ■ > ' ■ f; ■ | ft 9»fc? *.,.■' , .. , V.v, ? ‘foixror^vO/rHM'Xft^i t X>Wmi .uE*r n * 't^fto.r •• x-ti^, ir a fiiiii ■',.‘i<»xoa J ! - ,.» t ■ ' _r . -T -A. ■ ' .5*1^ ■ ^ • • ■' ; ‘ !j %o.t- 1 . r - . ♦ • V * ' / • 04-V tO/i'{ t tjw ^iji^’r'm x'fli ihf^ . 4 htt)», dXiTAXit u'- /E 9 X ■•* . \ ■.»' . '■« ■ ■ ^ ' ' *x ^ . ^ ^ H . " ' 'i * «'w -J IV . -/T;. 6U,rtXi'di‘j tfl^O !Uiuv *» oJ Lisi^'iox.. ,\c«j tiiiicij «#*it til' JX r^ril] m' ■ “ -. . f w 1 ^ ii||^ • H__^ ’ " • » ^ ■• . >p* * *w [• ' • •» •. . ^ . . — ' - . ^- ’ _ . • k ‘ ^ It i fc*"*!. Mi >!{' ■ - '^'- |L ^ ■ ' '■ ■ ' •< „ t f-jo 4 ^ 4 r,pj!iij it*i‘ n •ir)fl«>i 1 iw'i‘i wf/rtm*! z>iU f>^< 3 # itU *iol>ftM ^ ' ' ■ • ,nuoi^ oao aaw oiff ■«. '.^:i i/fT ooitya>' -.'^iS: MUt JB(.fii»a«i flf 0»t# ^1’ ,;' ,jP| f f v*rf rtoi f* .; iuj3»ioin’ *>a 6;^ i?ii x**'*>^ Kaua ,■ ' ■ ■ I ' ■'*'‘^ • ■ ft ':- . r ' - ' ' .V\». - .«Jt .1 j&ii: ft . •X-,)iruD. ■ nil - - sarily take place at the higher temperatures produced by adding the sulphuric acid. The first part of the proceedure using the nitric acid was carried out as before, and the mass reduced to a liquid. After cooling the mixture it was transferrdd from the casserole to an 800 c.c. Kieldahl flask wliich was fitted with a reflux condenser. The mixture was then heated with a bunsen burner to boiling, after | i having added the sulphuric acid, for about an hour and one half. The | j red nitrous fumes were driven off from the top of the condenser, | \\ vdiile the rest of the material which volatilized was condensed and \ returned to the flask. Some carbonization was noticeable as the heat- ing was continued, but the liquid remained a light color. The black flakes of carbon remained on top of the clear liquid. After most of the nitric acid had been driven off, as was shown by the fact that scarcely any red fumes came from the top the condenser , the flask was removed from the heat and allowed to cool. The clear liquid was filtered off and diluted. Since the solution contained mostly dilute sulphuric acid, the passing in of hydrogen sulphide gave rise to a light yellow precipitate of sulphur. This copious precipitate of sulphur obscured the precipitate of mercury sulphide for a few minutes, but it appearred presently on the surface of the solution. After precipitation was complete the sulphur and m.ercuric sulphide were filtered off. The mercuric sulphide was then dissolved with nitric and hydrochloric as previously and titrated. It was thought at first that the sulphur might interfere in dissolving the mcrcurj'' sulphide, but the metal was easily separ- ated and the sulphur left undissolved. The solution finally obtain- ed for titration gave no trouble, as it remained clear after adding the various solutions needed for titration. Although this method occuppied a little more time, no disagreeable odors were experienced. — .... \ iigrr.r '■■ ■ -*■ . , , <«: • 'i‘ , , .■ >:’, ji ■■''■ ' 'tn l^\’\.. ■ l^vKV T.r, Y' >iJ> I* Ji. 4»*'witJc4,v *M> K ‘■V„.t^'’^ ’ . V-’- ./ ' '’'‘’'^'■.uVn '■.'■ L&i>nPU iurrion-^j :4i'V 4ft‘ 1.^,0 aqWttnj^ JK . * \ * ; . • 1 .; ■ -^^V- ^ . /y mml. . .,. , , -fl •■ . , »■ '• . ^*— I ; ^/]f^>;!lJaniaul^^7 <>«,) 'tn i^Jo^1 i^jipl ,i iTov^.^^txlS dT(uw ei>»“Jar - ^ V'' '''■■ ''•.I'C^T'*' ^'*' . '’ ms ‘ ■' ’^- fi " ■ ' ri i(fr^6.1 94.^ & ft*? V ff^^i,t»Xi4^>4(n|^r»:^Oii .,^ff*l*t «>/W 41^’ 1* Ti Ot! r, fii|!cr, ML' • ' 'r' ' -■ • =■■ -.'; “f* 7 . '^r »1! 1:o ^ ’’Pi, ' ■•.^■1 ’^ . / ^\'‘‘ . , ■^■' .1, - ■^'" fil^ AAIJJ fH\-j 01^ t '*^ fiQ\\S*iii Jaurf J&xW t. -=•■•»• • , ■ xvt ■ tr .v.-ji ,y* : ' , '.' "■:.,■■' ! *--^ ■■ ' (<>> ■ - ^ ' i^il J '/40'*^Vt iial ^xt# . -■?, > ' V?ii? • ' 7‘t ■ .'■ . . ‘ [> /l>Xup.t X X 0 9drr . Xt)-'*P t?fn ft«rvrtX Ui viU ’^1' ■'■ E "5i '‘'I-'" ■-■ \C, '" »!••'< fi'iir Oft i>?«» »/# A’^iiU’S'. .M.fjiif? i»j^ BU ■•'’ ■■;■■*, ^ ■ -j^'*'' V'? ’ '-fS^ ' ■ ■' ' - ■ Va®^ a " ., Oj^fiXX'r < J > >•<«'! tlJ 1^ . fj VO XX -3^ ^‘ '' ' " ■ ' ■ 'll • v>t « *fo^i okititsLhfi to r!f>»i 5/Xr,l>-^^4/^rfo *rMriqi^ ; ■■■'■ ■' '" 'r ’ '^7 .dpi 9£it‘ to otto ny H- 4^* ; ■ y. ' 7^; ^;-' ; -fM'tirjluo 3i*iwtj*t/>f5, j'ft/; Mpv ii» j|i?^it/> W. XyOT f p»«4l|, aXWii'tv/u 9€ff‘ ^Vfo f «► ; . .i? ^ 44^'^ *:fiIfcv.-xX-J>jiolvp*in 'aft oi*#,ol‘f<‘4»P*tt)^ t>rrJl ,"{!iJ# K T ^CS^All ©Ifl .y.44&7r«^yp>t>raA 4^%yi UJH»|.Cu# ^P--^ plt3 fcoaj p [3^ 1| x^X'Xii'vf ‘tp>'. <: *i f y J t. <‘ ■' . V-* 1 ( 12 ) and it required less attention. Any mercery which might have volatil izedwas immediately condensed and carried hack into the f'lask hy the water which was being returned to the flask from the condenser. Therefore, any loss of mercury caused hy volatilization must have occurred in the first part of the process when the decomposition was started with the nitric acid. 5. -METHOD WITH CONCENTRATED SULPHURIC ACID AND PERCHLORIC ACID. It was decided to investigate the action of concentrat- ed sulphuric acid and perchloric acid on organic tissue in the hope that this might prove a means of breaking up the tissue. Therefor fifty c.c. of concentrated sulphuric acid was add- ed to the blood mixture and heated on the water bath. A seventy per- cent perchloric acid v»^as obtained and a few c.c. added at a time, but no reaction resulted. The flask was then raised to a higher temperature, and finally to the boiling point of the sulphuric acid, and the perchloric acid was again tried. No results followed and the method was abandoned as unsuccessful!. 14 ,^. •;.-,-.;j.>' ' • ‘ W ’> >^T -'Vi ■t''td yhinv^ -.ttliiJ iWtji t ^ r. ' ' ' ■ ’Jl " I' .'i^'fiiTMftiroi) ♦•!f(V '. ^i> ^(li . uv m^m Ap-sjt^ nyt Jw-twoo ' * *^ ^ ■ ' ■ *v ' 5*i ■ * ^ , • ^ , . -'r ^ ^ '* t . wtnii ,r*i‘iJU(r oftt "HAt* Bi^v ^ ^ ‘. -^ v ■ :5to*?. 0$i w n , .c/,rteidK?^ (inw. • Si’ . •’ , ;■•■;, ‘^"-^ .;'ir;;. »* .Hi . «0 6l&. ^JtM;i>tji|^X.»i / . i ' ¥ no1n» '»A(fir Jt:i; »<^jw»ff )*0(Xi;cl Jb<» • - , , . . » ■. • .';l^' ■ ., ■ ■■-'■ V.. -. %^. 1 ,3 iM Ji .tAi fitjLWj , o. 'j f r ' ■ • ' < >y ' " ’■ " ■' ' 11 ' ■ ■ ■ i ‘ '■.»« ' ' ■ ».i ;/. 1 ( V H {i t. ,lWtU W ^ t f>rrv COX,tOB5^ 0|r boriiJf-iMi «rfJ , *^V' >3^ . 'JS**' ’ ■' /,.v Stv * I •i' ,’ •»■ I \< •?<-»r "*l- y : ,■! % \ ** . ■( >*,t'-K^‘ i £•"- «l . ' 4 Wl (13) III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION TABLE I Determinations by I’resenius- Vonl>abo Method Open Flask Theor .Hg . Time (hr s) Det.Hg. Hg. loss Hg.^ loss. 1. .2316 Gr . 5 .1426 Gr. .0890 Gr. 38.4 1 2. .3088 4 .2505 .0583 15.6 1 3. .3088 5 .2062 .1026 33.2 ! 1 4. .3860 4 .3348 .0512 13.2 5. .5404 4 1/2 .4239 .1165 21.2 6. .6780 3 1/2 .4580 .2200 32.4 7. .7540 4 .6326 .1214 16.1 Condenser Flask Theor .Hg Time ( hr s) Det.Hg iig.lOSS lig.^ loss. 1. .2316 4 .1174 Gr. .1142 Gr. 49.3 2. .3088 3 .2060 .1028 33.2 3. .3088 4 .2013 .1075 34.8 4. .3860 3 .2736 .1124 29.1 5. .5404 3 .3906 . 1498 27.7 6. .6780 2 l/2 .4136 .2644 39.0 7. .7540 3 .6076 .1464 19.9 ! Table I shows the comparative results of the two variations of the Freseniu-Von Babo Method. The most surprising thing about these results in the fact that the open flask decomposition gave the smallest loss of mercury in every single case. This seems to indicate that the losses were not caused by volatilization, to any extent. It was decided to investigate the condenser to determine i ‘I J i< I. ■» u '*’■ ( <<-. ■. ^ , /. ■ • 'f 0 ' • i, . • • -'v . 3 • " . ^ 'i , » J . ' ) jt, ►»»/> f » V, •.% r . . . . • ■ ■ ' i .; ■ Mtm*o ‘ (iB if 4 ' ' I ' ■ ■ - • i.nOllJ ' j " • . "l " > liMA Sit 8«til : 7 ' '•>• . ., '*f t .1 V 7 ' < J 'Xi^ >; . ■'./ >V ^TiV A I i| i^ 1 ^ I I H . •; -?fc .■■■■■' *•* •• • , ':'T^’f^ IK ' T ■ -;■. s -nr . rii.^vrin, i'iiift*;/ I.'Oitii>(.ftl * *\»i ‘fnvrT iji fid.' tsl oj . !«« ,j£su '■ ■ \f^ ,. 'J -‘ 4 &<^ipa'd ®»W *»olw Ic^’ >uu/»e J^o-n J - , . I . ■ ^ K 1; oit ’ ')i*ii;i, i*il^ fiJt i%2 ,niiulS4-»ot;^p6ofiib 1)*J r-il idffi' i4i"iC i^w )' uft^/ii'cMJ P trif 3Siii- i t.ifl* i)Oc"i\:i (r'o Iff?' >iOloo t>fU ifOsi#l>T- : ■| vrr*( i} 1 ’ \vy 1« 9*f3dt oJbtDajno *tb I ra '^l " -5, Sr-' ' r ’&! '► ' ' ’ — “ ’* ' -■ '■ .- iTT • V !'<’■'. ■}> •'' '■’ , 'ii ?/v±*r«r>rt® V;} Jr. i .^)fAf *U. W elif^ :»4 £f Id rf Matter oi |E f .. ' *• _ ” • •' r ;•• M or?J ? (-rtUi c> ao*i «fU otf t*£i/o^ "■&(< i>’Jwr‘,y *^Auo iuTl ,^* f4\itl tS ot^iJ ' dJ^tt^X > - " ' i ■, ® ■^ ' ■'•« r. r/uj»y'ii»iu • 4.0 ‘U'o'viX a,e 0 Ofc#i 5 >Tj>flUB Jaol t'^WO'XafiJ-lo • ■ ,.- ',• ■ _.. •,. ' . M iktij»x*i tijqo woi lUiff aXu'it ^li'Utqaco fct .u *rii:ari®^9jb ©*ia | t oiX.X, "If .^'iavotfwii x'i>' 0 ‘iBai, 'to osXi a± nol^Bl^aTr sblv a ;aX !Z| o;^’ ^Idafn T^'f^)y ciJir!u«ta9"-'Joa vti^nsaiai^ ona ajno«>»ieq h-^B e. ^.^ranX Xannrttig »i vnuf*« ®#fX .a v. i it •Do&aarfOixJt aX lo %* J 9iU* _ _ '..■iil*:^^ , 1- Jt2l?:T \*‘('!vE . k*«^uX 9 >caX.; 4 K .4 • «• a w 1 9* • ii: OXiiic. l 5 • ' eotio. ..f .'laexoc/ 1 . • not’?. f> WO. ,fc«« OMlV.v, ' * ' r . P' jf: A sT i> b *« . ^ .! ''r (15) The extreme accuracy claimed, for this method by its authors is not verified by these figures. Almost all of the mercury was lost by volatilization at the higher temperature used for carbon- ization* Not enough determinations were Eun to ascertain in what order the losses would follow, but the few in Table II show great ( irregularity, depending upon the variations in each decomnosition, | i The best thing that can be said for this method is that it requires | only a short time to complete a decomposition. | TABLE III Harkins and Swain Method Theor .Hg. Det .Hg. Hg. loss Hg.^ loss 1. .2262 Gr. .0470 Gr. .1792 Gr. 79.2 2. .3770 .0540 .3230 85.7 3. .4524 .0860 .3664 80.9 4. .5278 .1097 .4181 79.2 5. .6036 .0560 .5476 90.7 6. .6786 .0320 . 6466 95.2 7. .7540 .1360 .6180 81.9 Av . 84.6 The results in lable III show an average loss of mercury to the extent of 84.6 percent of the theoretical. These results show that as the amount of mercury determined increases , the J.osses increase proportionately, and the percentage loss varies from 80 to 85 in most cases. This a much lower loss than the (Jhittendon and Donaldson Method, but that was expected since the temperature used here was not so high. )• - V'/f " ' ♦ i.'i r- : |■•'v i t .2 r?«*<.*. S-: ^ I .' ; . ' p:« * 'If'' ' ' • i ■ htj >•.' i\' , . t i.i j‘1 JjXj ' V -* '• • *i- ' "■ ■* '.^cl OMa • at<3> , U ; - ' M ^ \ M T 'M® 04f ^ ■ •ioi N r'A'.cij'i .. r J .' n ' > I ( ‘ }L^ >f r^^ ‘ t.u .. , I (16) TAiiLE IV. New Method tried. Modified Harkins and Swain The or .Hg. Det .Hg Hg. loss Hg.% loss 1. .3016 Gr. .0930 Gr. .2080 Gr. 68.9 2. .4524 .3194 .1330 29.4 3. .6016 .4468 .1548 25.7 It can he seen from the data in Table IV that the losses of mercury are much less in this method than in the Harkins and Swain Method. The losses increase as the amount of mercury added is increases, while the percentages of loss show a gradual decrease. Limited time permitted only the three determinations , hut it is thought that if intermediate quantities of mercury were used, the inteppretation would he the same as sho^m hy the above data. Deter- mination number one seems to show rather too high percentage loss in proportion to numbers two and three. The chief objection which might be advanced against this method is the length of time neces- sary for refluxing the mixture, bux, inasmuch as it requires no at- tention, the time is not really important. The advantage over the Harkins and Swain Method is that no disagreeable fumes have to be encountered. The chief advantage is ,of course, the reduced amount of mercury which is lost by volatilization. The sulphur which is thrown do^m with the mercury on precipitation is really not object- ionable, since the mercury is easily dissolved out of the sulphur mass . j- V ■'pt n i«CKy. .10 OC^ ■■ ..f '■ * .e- 0 t?tx. mfj. .lii aioc * ,•'■'■ ■■■■' .V ' ■■ .ra' . -'M * ■ ^ mX vi rtitJ .«oil ut ne '^c cmo it '5 . f I i J)ftji **i: niB<0 ^r>#U£<«i uiliit flt iH.--,f« f^if3U»'i ^ma o± i>9lib4 ^•jifv/'-'-. ‘ilf i)r:(wm4t »iU e^ 99Bf*uiani e^1t^l *5o#ilo'i Slmrr; • ^ ' 'i %. ‘ '; "*'<:' .0i»sc<»'it»r5pl> E v/oil^iatiol t S . K- !i . / ' . ' ’ irj fl Jf(J>^ PMtr^U'itti^m%9iti£) %!Mfo h^ij *■«■ ■ • ' ' i *■ -ifi’ ' ■ if-*. . lyinXi *>tU rt^dn »4 €>!" 47 ^ IL *" ?»«ol ilsfrt ooi loiiiMt ¥»iirt« U/J .)>' '..k'.'Ci> .:•" «fm X liiwiw no tit t^isJbss i'ii •rfa.ttU oifl? . d.r»/?.t oyri wiJ ''" . -i . ' >i ^ ' V-.• ■"<^ 8 oart to a| ^(^^l^fPfK intttf. fe&OiiAvfi# dtf ’ ■ • \ ' ' '■ - • ^» -■ -* ?A int li/j iIoiJwa«ft4 i/p Jbsai'I^a to, Jl'i 8?«>tribir^ ' itaXvIv ’fs^tiqXiBn x^. ^»of '*X fK> i /rifoirt^ I 'll jr r -.; 1171 TABLE V. Comparison of Methods Method Av.Theor .Hg. Av.Det .Hg. Av .Hg. loss Av l.Fresenius-Eabo .4576 Gr. .3498 Gr. .1084 Gr. 24.3 2.Chitt’n-Don' son .5278 .0261 .5017 95.1 3 .Harkins-Swain .5170 .0744 .4426 84.6 4.Nevsr Method .4519 .2864 .1655 41.3 TalDle V is given for convenience in comparing the general results of the four methods worked on. The average percent loss gives a pretty fair estimate of the value and accuracy of the meth- ods, except in the case of number four. The first determination carr- ied out with this method gave, for some reason or other, quite a high mercury loss. This result was too high to he consistant with the two later determinations as is sho\m hy Table IV. As a consequence, this one high loss inflates the average percentage loss much highrr than it really should be. If we discard this one high loss, the new n:iethod compares very favorably with the Iresenins-Von Babo I>!ethod. Of course, the averages given apply to quantities of mercury bettween .25 to .75 gram. It is the belief of the writer that the new m.ethod as described can be improved and developed where m.uch lower losses of mercury will occurr. ’ nr . , * ' • . ' < '. -.'larVvo.'J *i. , i tf9iw *i>p’^,<4 ' n't t»tSS ' * *T.! V t, ^ 4i AT fi ' ,T;.;’"'. ' ‘K' V ' . > ' » , :'*‘: ' ' E’JiTyji } 3 ■ ‘ I-i' i k 9 ' '- ■ » ;,'-f •- ' .', .. , , f "1 . ' j . i.. i •■ i ’ ■' , fclfl'vj. } ’ ' f ;*4 ,il a) I ■ •■ f r'V.\ .,jfn ■ 1f^ e&iJ 4 .» , : f ’ • * • £ ■- c« ^ ro? ''i *' i,» '.4 ,. : M|f( 'IV,' ".,y i*:.I..?.f *?4. 'X-EsM '. V i'* , ! ,'i ,'4 '(I. >• ' ij > r t * ♦..■if’.Vrt (18) IV.SUI.iJiARY AND CONCLUSIONS I. The four possible methods for the toxicological determination of mercury have been reviewed and the three most promising ones investigated. II. Losses of mercury in the Fresenius-Von Babo method are not due to volatilization to any extent, but to the undecomposed tissue which is filtered off after decomposition. III. The Chitten(?©n-Donaldson method uses too high a temperature for decomposition, thereby volatilizing the greatest percent of the mercury(95^) . IV. The Harkins -Swain method uses a lower temperature but the decom- p position temperature is high enough to allow great losses of mer- cury. This makes it unsuitable for determination of small quan- tities of mercury V. Disagreeable fumes are encountered in this method. VI. The new method tried gave much smaller mercury losses than either the Ciiittenden-Donaldson or Harkins-Swain methods. VII. The new method compares very favorably with the Fresenius-Von Babo method VIII. It can be developed so as to give much lower losses. IX. Of the four known methods Fresenius-Von Babo method gives the smallest losses, and seems to be the most suitable for determin- ing small quantities of mercury in organic tissue.lt is better because it 1. Uses a comparatively low temperature. 2. Gives no disagreeable odors. 3. Uses only one acid. p '"' *"V ^ ^ ■" V I ■* I. y t' ' (■'-' , I ”f V- ' ' ' *v4 ~W""” :fci'“ •' . "' t ■;>/■. ' ^ •a 0/10 ' ' ^n»» 4 4 Sfi/n ^ 1 • (ttil W'/ ‘ rtiiiri^' c I ' • ’. ti* *■ ^7''^'..\i’u \ I ‘ J ” 'i I j-n^-ttS '* *■ »•*»<’■ ■'■ . , ■•• '■■' 's^;^ • 'v‘< 5 ^ '.'.t ■*•'*' ■■•^ kti> >-' t $'»<> jtAiJvJ t'.i ‘ \^4*3 v\*^ fel^ ' '■ . f , t?nb s i ^'f- ^W'- ^.* it'' ■' 'Z'"'"'' ' '■ r i^- 'V '*‘ ■ .j.\' . o p o’<;i ^ «aa»i- ttofU ' t j.i>, ' /•' ■ ’ V ’ ■ S"i* '■** '■* ^ .* ' , -i '»ti'''i '4 Ml lr» , ,«3 3 .‘ Ip- a«; 4 u? jfitfjr* < al ort aavli-.i; 'J ^i^® V'-\^y’ j ' y » ^ i-lt.iik. • > "', \ ^()*#T 0 . ',jj „;C^,, ki:-;^^':-fl^y:i;|ifig.' ' " ’' ' ''' '” ''' tk.;vV.v L '*_ 'V: ' '. . Vaci (19) V. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Bulletin de la Societe chimique 24,250. 1875 2. Traite de Toxicologie 1,494. 1852 3. Filhol- Thesis Paris 1848 4. American Chemical Journal Vol.II No. 4. 1880 5. Berichte 54B pp.2079 -1921 6. Journal American ChemicJil Society 30,928 7. Treadwell-Hall Vol.II pp.720 1918 8. Annalen der chemie und Pharmazie 49,306- 1844