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Rasselas, ■avels, and Series of When renewing by phone, write new due date below previous due date. LI 62 ÜAKST.HB5F Liter- In the sspeare. •) PHILOSOPHY OF HISTORY, BY G. W. F. HEGEL. TRANSLATED FROM THE THIRD GERMAN EDITION BY J. SIBREE, M. A. M The History of the World is not inteUigible apart from a Government of the World.” — W. v. Humboldt. LONDON: GEORGE BELL AND SONS, YORK STREET, COYENT GARDEN. 1884. LONDON PRINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITED, STAMFORD STREET AND CHARING CROSS. m H"ic> «p- 1- ■ /??y TRANSLATOR’S PREFACE. Hegel’s Lectures on the Philosophy of History are recog* nized in Germany as a popular introduction to his system ; their form is less rigid than the generality of metaphysical trea- tises, and the illustrations, which occupy a large proportion of the work, are drawn from a field of observation more familiar perhaps, than any other, to those who have not devoted much time to metaphysical studies. One great value of the work is that it presents the leading facts of History from an altogether novel point of view. And when it is considered that the writings of Hegel have exercised a marked influence on the political movements of Germany, it will be admitted that his theory of the universe, especially that part which bears directly upon politics, deserves attention even from those who are the most exclusive advocates of the 1 practical.’ A writer who has established his claim to be regarded as an authority, by the life which he has infused into metaphy- sical abstractions, has pronounced the work before us, “ one of the pleasantest books on the subject he ever read.”* And compared with that of most German writers, even the style may claim to be called vigorous and pointed. If therefore in its English dress the Philosophy of History should be found deficient in this respect, the fault must not be attributed to the original. It has-been the aim of the translator to present his author * Mr. G. H. Lewes, in his Bio&r. Hist, of Philosophy, Vol. IT. Ed. 1841. rv PREFACE. to the public in a really English form, even at the cost of a circumlocution which must sometimes do injustice to the merits of the original. A few words however have necessarily been used in a rather unusual sense ; and one of them is of very frequent occurrence. The German 4 Geist,’ in Hegel’s nomenclature, includes both Intelligence and Will, the latter even more expressly than the former. It embraces in fact man’s entire mental and moral being, and a little reflection will make it obvious that no term in our metaphysical vocabulary could have been well substituted for the more theological one, 4 Spirit,’ as a fair equivalent* It is indeed only the impersonal and abstract use of the term that is open to objection ; an objection which can be met by an appeal to the best classical usage ; viz', the ren- dering of the Hebrew n*n and Greek Tvevpa in the Author- ized Version of the Scriptures. One indisputable instance may suffice in confirmation : 44 Their horses ( i.e . of the Egyp- tians) are flesh and not spirit .” (Isaiah xxxi. 3.) It is pertinent to remark here, that the comparative disuse of this term in English metaphysical literature, is one result of that alienation of theology from philosophy with which conti- nental writers of the most opposite schools agree in taxing the speculative genius of Britain — an alienation which mainly accounts for the gulf separating English from Ger- man speculation, and which will, it is feared, on other ac- counts also be the occasion of communicating a somewhat uninviting aspect to the following pages. The distinction which the Germans make between 4 Sitt- lichkeit’ and ‘Moralität,’ has presented another difficulty. The former denotes Conventional Morality, the latter that of the Heart or Conscience. Where no ambiguity was likely F REFACE. V to arise, both terms have been translated ‘ Morality.’ In other cases a stricter rendering has been given, modified by the requirements of the context. The word ‘ Moment’ is, as readers of Herman philosophy are aware, a veritable crux to the translator. In Mr. J. B. Morell’s very valuable edi- tion of Johnson’s rmnslatricii Tennemann’s ‘Manual of the History of Philosophy,’ (Bohn’s Philos. Library), the following explanation is given : “ This term was borrowed from Mechanics by Hegel (see his Wissenschaft der Logik, vol. 3. p. 104. ed. 1841.) He employs it to denote the con- tending forces which are mutually dependent, and whose contradiction forms an equation. Hence his formula, JEJsse= Nothing. Here Esse and Nothing are momentums, giving birth to Werden, i.e. Existence. Thus the momentum con- tributes to the same oneness of operation in contradictory forces that we see in mechanics, amidst contrast and diver- sity, in weight and distance, in the case of the balance.” But in several parts of the work before us this definition is not strictly adhered to, and the Translator believes he has done justice to the original in rendering the word by ‘ Suc- cessive’ or ‘Organic Phase.’ In the chapter on the Crusades another term occurs which could not be simply rendered into English. The definite, positive, and present embodiment of Essential Being is there spoken of as ‘ ein Dieses' ‘ das Dieses ,'