822 B 798d SONGS, DUETS, &c. IN THE EXTRAVAGANZA OF THE DOGE OF DURALTO OR THE ENCHANTED EYES R. B. BROUGH, Esq., Author of “ Masaniello” THOMAS HAILES LACY, 89, STRAND, ( opposite Southampton Street, Covent Garden Market), LONDON, the doge of duraltto. First 'performed at the Hoy at Olympic Theatre , On Saturday, December 2^th, 1857- CHARACTERS. Impecunioso XXXI, Doge of Duralto — whose Suaviter in Modo is far exceeded by his Fortiter in Re , being near “ a- kin but less than kind ” . Bimbo, his Jester, who is in- volved in a Cretan Labyrinth of Jokes, and eonsquently never gets one out .... Sir Erith Marsh, Heir to the Dukedom of Rosherville, in England— a Knight but getting quite benighted (her first appearance this season.) Le Due de Grenouille, Suing without a Sue (Sou) Der Gross Herzog von Blit- zen, a Suitor, non-suited Brian Boru, Prince of Munster — not naturally verdant, but a Native of the Green Isle Don Hijo de Alguno, a Spanish Infant — eryo , an Infant of Spain Miss Bromley. Ulfo ! a Child of Mystery, ! ! afterwards Somebody Mr. F. Hobson. Mr. G. Cooke. Miss Herbert. Mr. Horace Wigan. Mr G. Murray. Mr. H. Cooper. .iff Miss Hughes. Mr. F. Coney. Mr. White. Jehualpa, a Warbling Wag- goner of El Dorado Landlord of the “ Gratis” Inn . El Doradian Boys, Misses Evans, Charlton, Con- way, &c., &c. Guards, Attendants, Gondoliers, &c. The Princess Capriccia, the Pearl-eyed Beauty — Charmed and Charming Nan in a, her Hand Maid — being a Handy Maid with an Affec- tion of the Heart for Bimbo . Mrs. W. S. Emden . ( Late Miss Somers.) The Fairy Benevolentia, a Nightingale with Benevolent Miss Wyndham. purposes Miss Cotterell. %22 te'msj SCENERY. iii The Fata Morgana, whose Race is almost Run, in consequence of not being able to spell any more Mrs. Steyens. A Fairy Troupe, well armed and ready to succour beauty in Dis- tress Misses H. Cushnii, Barnes, Lamb, Moore, Gregory, Hughes, Russell, Trayers. PORTICO AND RECEPTION HALL IN THE PALACE CE IMPECUNIOSO. Arrival of suitors for Capricorn’ s hand. The tears. Et tu Brute . A WIRE IF© MB® ©AMBIT In the Tower of Duralto. The Eairy Upholsterer brings her bill. £ 4 A TERRACE, ATTACHED TO TEE FORTRESS OF DURALTO. The Pairy Troupe taken by storm. An Attack by the Suitors, but th# suit not fitting, they are repulsed, The Lovers Migrate. LANDSCAPE, in an Undiscovered Part of an Uncertain Continent. The Doge, at his Wit’s End, becomes a Pearl Diver, and fishes ia _ Troubled Waters. GATES: OF THE CAPITAL of EL DORADO, AND. ROADSIDE INN. The Walls, of course, aue built of Gold, and Liquor given away in Quarts (z). ^he Moral Monster becomes a Man. HALL dF BRILLIANTS. AND flMHB m®w OF EL DORADO’S PRINCE. The Mystery Dissolved. Due. Prin. POGE. THE DOGE OF DURALTO, OR THE ENCHANTED EYES. (Omitted in "Representation. ) OPENING CHORUS OF SUITORS. Over distant land and waters, We in various boats arriving, One of fair Italia’s daughters Come to captivate — enslave ; So at least we’re each intending, After so much money spending. Circulars they’ve forth been sending “ Suitors wanted, young and brave “ For — for the young Capriccia.” Fairer than the day, and richer Than the knights, who to bewitch her Here assembling sing this stave. CHORUS OF SUITORS. Air — “ Laughing Chorus ,” Rose of Caslille. Quelle triste — a mine ! Ah, ya ! Ve should have been Ah, ya ! Vat you call green. Ah, ya ! ( hysterically .) Ha, ha, ha, ha! ( anxiously .) That's not the mien, ha, ha ! I’m turning green. Ha, ha ! (Bimbo assures him. Nanina. THE DOGE OF DURALTQ. When we’ve thus seen ha, ha ! Prin. Creatures so mean. Ha, ha! Their conduct so outrageous. Brian. Och sure ! Prin. Of anger is contagious. Herzog. Oh, nien ! Due. Nous serious fous ! Doge. (to Princess.) Keep up please, do. Nanina, (to Nanina.) You help her to — You see I do. All. She’ll never do. Doge. Madame, adieu ! What shall I do — I do, &c. Due. Quoi ! Sans le sous, Hezog. Nous serious fous ! Oh, ya, &c. SONG. — Ulfo. Air — “ There's a Path ly the River." There’s a spot on your beauty, which the eye scarcely sees, And which folks may admire, or may not, as they please, But I give you my word ’Tis to me so absurd That I’d rather decline, if you please. SONG. — Princess. — “ Traviata .” Tell your poor Capriccia What she e’er has done. Counsel her and teach her How your wrath to shun. Why with fondness bless me, When my face was glad my heart was gay, Why, now tears oppress me, Take that love, that tender love away. THE DOGE OF DURALTO. SONG. — Doge. Air — “ Pop Goes the WeaselP Here I am on Tom Tidier’ s ground Picking up gold and silver, Banks may smash and runs abound, Chairmen may bolt and pilfer, My girl’s tears shall bring me round, My creditors appease all With ninety shillings in the pound. {Drum in Orchestra.) Weasel! DUETT. — Benevolentia and Princess. — Air — “ Giovanetta Ben. I’ll away then, and leave you alone to your glory, And tenderest mercies of your step-papa, of your step- papa. Frin. You’d deprive me of fame in immortalised story, Ben. Etcetera ! Etcetera 1 Etcetera ! Prin. You mock at my anguish and throbbing, Ben. Nay, stick to your tears and your sobbing, Around your cheeks keep the pearls bobbing, In the language of America. Merica — Meri — ca. SONG. — Benevolentia. — Air — “ Kate Kearney .” You have heard of the Fata Morgana, (That’s fairy in Lingua Toscana,) Who weaves such confusions And optic delusions Along the sea coast Italiano. It is she makes the quicksands unstable, E’en the compass to thwart she is able, I should not be surprised If ’twas she that devised That mishap to the Telegraph Cable. THE DOGE OF DURALTO. SONG. — Beneyolentia. Air — “ Where the Bee Sucks ” Good for young ducks This call I, Let the clouds drip Till they’re dry. I’ll not crouch, nor budge, nor fiy, Till my every means I try Her to upset thoroughly — thoroughly ! Verily, verily, her I’ll oppose, Under the blossoms of her very nose. SONG. — Ulfo. — Air — “ In a Merry Zingaro .’ I should tell you I’m a child of mystery, From a distant clime I roam ; I’m not going to tell you all my history, That would spoil the scenes to come. My costume you may find bizarre , I’ve better suits than this at home ; I live at quite a decent rate, But where I mustn’t tell. I drive my own team, and support the state Of bachelor and swell. Tra la la, &c., &c. But I won’t let fall where I do it a To spoil my bit of mystery wouldn’t do at all. SONG. — Doge. — “ Nigger Melody .” I’ve turned the matter in my mind, And weigh’d the pros and cons combin’d, Whereof the sole result I find, Is — Whoop de oodum do. % THE DOGE OE DURALTO. I’ve more than once conceived the thought, That ’tis a deed I didn’t ought, Till back to the conclusion brought, Of — Whoop de oodum do. The approving words of honest men, Is well worth earning — now and then ; But on the other hand again — Whoop de oodum do. I’ve still my doubts, I freely own’t I think I will, but p’rhaps I won’t — On calm reflection, if I don’t, I’m — Whoop de oodum do. SERENADE. — Due de Grenouille. Air — “ Les Beanx yeux be ma Brunette Les beaux yeux de ma Capriccia, Douce, jolie, sweet ehere, Very pretty creature ! I am not one English rich heir, Mais je suis Frangais et brave et beau ! Fly wiz me to ze Gretna Green ! I will engage a — ze — post boy — Vous — (comin je suis dans la debine,) Pay him by weeping tears of joy ; Si vous ne voulez pas m’epouser, I sail be dead as mutton shop, While mes rivaux grossiers et boosey, Laugh at ze pearly tears that drop. Des beaux yeux, &c. SONG. — Herzog von Blitzen. — “ German Melody Mein vader’s a schneider, a Schneider is he, And meir moder makes shoes for de great family. THE DOGE OF DURALTO. 9 As dey can’t pay her bill Just to keep her tong still, As rebuked ’em Mit a dukedom, Dey a great man make me. Tra la li — i — ety ! &c. SONG. — Brian Boru. — Air — “ Barney Brallaghan .” It’s nine o’clock in the night, And a mighty unpleasant morning, There’s an illegant bright moonlight, The back of the clouds adorning ; I’ve brought a staircase of rope, The job will as nate as a pin do — I’ll soon climb up it, I hope, When I’ve let it down from your window. Don’t stop long, Charming Judy Callaghan, Faith ! that’s wrong ; But there’s no other rhyme to Brallaghan. SONG. — Ulfo. — Air — “ Beggar s Opera.” One counsel at parting, if any In your situation you need, For a wife never seek with a penny, Which paying, would make her heart bleed The sweetness that marriage has in it, Is only from smiling drawn forth. If with money and tears you begin it, You’ll die ere you taste of its worth. Then I hope I may yet have the pleasure Of seeing you some day again, All grown happy and rich on a treasure, Not wrong from a poor woman’s pain. 10 THE DOGE OF DURALTO. SONG. — Princess. — “ Neapolitaine .” Mere politesse might pronounce it to be A question to come more from you than from me, But thine arms through the waves seem supporting me yet, And thy voice o’er the tempest, I ne’er can forget. You have saved me from foes, from my far cruel home, Alone through the wide world, with thee I would roam, And since ’tis a question you have’nt ask’d me, Leap year it ain’t, but I pop it to thee ! Leap year it ain’t, &c. SONG. — Jehualpa. — Air — “ Warbling Waggoner .” A shower it’s a coming, and we soon shall have it down, But mind you stop them tears of your’n as we approach the town, Or else the boys will pelt us both with mud from heels to crown. Gee up, my lads, gee wo &c., Then, who can lead the life of a Jolly Waggoner. SONG. — Doge. — Air — “ The Lost Child . Oh lord ! oh dear ! in this forest brake among These sticks, stocks, stones, and stamina wild, Has any nigger, or monkey, or alligator seen Anything like a pearl-crying lost-looking-child ? Lawk help me — I don’t know where to run. If these are the shores of Amerikay, With the present scarcity of specie, they’ll snap Her up, as a donkey would a bundle of hay. I’ve lost my child — I’ve lost my child ! THE DOGE OF DURALTO. 11 CHORUS.— Boys.— Air — “ Boys and Girls come out to Play . Oh, for shame, Here’s a game, Look what out of her eyes there came, There’s a shame, She’s to blame, What has she done to deserve the same ? FINALE. — Air — “ Ladies Eyes.” Chorus. With ladies eyes around, boys, So bright as those, so bright as those, That black looks will abound, boys, We can’t suppose, we can’t suppose. Prin. Capriccia’s eyes to frighten From pearly showers, from pearly showers, With sunshine please to lighten Those tiers of ours, those tiers, &c. Doge. The moral of this drama here May not at first seem over clear, Or in the light it may appear, Of whoop de oodum do. But if you’ll turn it in your mind, And some good meaning in it find, Why all our griefs amount combined Is whoop de oodum do. Chorus. Then fill the house, whate’er pearls Our own we call, our own we call Indifferent, bad, or rare pearls, We’ll string them all. NEW and SCARCE PLAYS, Now on Sale by T. H, Lacy, and by order of all Booksellers. *. d. 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These popular Entertainments, containing the whole of the Songs, Tales t Recitations. Mathew’s Memorandum Book. „ Theatrical Olio, — First. „ „ Second. „ „ Fourth. Mathews’ Comic Annual, 1830. „ 1831. „ 1832. 1833. Also the following Entertainments : Ravner’s Up to Town and Back Again Yates’ Portraits and Sketches. Alexandre’s Adventures of aV entriloquist, W.H. Williams’ Visits. Morsels of Mir