FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE 35?, 4™ & 5- FINGERS BY FRANK LYNES op. 21 . PRICE 75 CENTS. PIANOFORTE STUDIES. Voi. AILBOUT, HANS. 67. Op. 315. 20 Progressive Velocity Studies 0.75 BACH, J. S. 24. 15 Two-Voice Inventions. Edited by Arthur Foote 0.75 BIEHL, ALBERT. 66. Op. 139. Preparatory School of Technic. 12 Etudes 0.75 91. Op. 140. 10 Octave Studies 0.75 29. Op. 153. 12 Melodious Studies for the development of the left hand 0.75 39. Op. 156. 12 Melodious Arpeggio Studies 0.75 9. 15 Selected Etudes for the development of technic and expression 0.75 DENN&E, CHARLES. 37. Progressive Studies in Octave Playing (with special preparatory exercises) 1.00 EGGELING, GEORG. 75. Op. 90. 18 Melodious Octave Studies of Medium Difficulty 1.00 16a-h. Op. 170. 25 Etudes (without octaves) for technical and musical development. 2 Books each 0.75 60a-h. Op. 176. Pleasure and Progress. 35 Descriptive Etudes for the earlier grades. 2 Books ea. 0.75 FOOTE, ARTHUR. 2. Op. 27. 9 Etudes for musical and technical deve- lopment 1-00 73. Op. 52. 20 Preludes in the form of short technical Studies 1-00 74. Etude Album. A Collection of Etudes, selected and arranged in progressive order . . .1.00 FRIML, RUDOLF. 68a-h. Op. 75. Etudes Poetiques. 2 Books each 0.75 GURL1TT, CORNELIUS. 41. Op. 186. Velocity Studies for Beginners 0.75 31. Op. 187. 53 Very first Studies 0.75 51. Op. 198. 16 Studies in Melody and Rhythm . . .0.75 52. Op. 199. 16 Melodious Studies for more advanced players (A Sequel to “Studies in Melody and Rhythm” Op. 198) 0.75 HELLER, STEPHEN. 78a-b. A Compendium of HELLER’S Pianoforte Studies. Revised, Edited and Arranged in Pro- gressive Order by ARTHUR FOOTE. 2 Books each 0.75 Yoi. HOFMANN, RICHARD. 40. 10 Melodious Etudes from Op. 72 0.75 KAISER, ALFRED. 25. The Weaker Fingers. Exercises and tuneful pieces 0.75 KRAUSE, EMIL. 26. Op. 99. 12 Technical Studies for the equal deve- lopment of both hands 0.75 LYNES, FRANK. 8. Op. 20. 10 Special Studies 0.75 92. Op. 21. 8 Studies for the development of the 3r and 5** fingers .......... 0.75 MAC DOWELL, EDWARD. 4. Op. 39. 12 Studies for the development of technic and style 1.50 MAYLATH, H. 55. Op. 163. Melodious Etudes. Edited by Charles Dennde 0.75 MEYER, FERDINAND. 70. The Pupil’s First Etude Album. 53 Easiest Etudes 0.75 71. The Pupil’s Second Etude Album. 34 Easy Etudes 0.75 NEUPERT, EDMUND. 61. 10 Selected Studies for the development of Expression and technic. Arranged and edited by Charles Demffie 1.00 PFITZNER, HEINRICH. 13. Systematic training for Polyphonic Playing. . . .0.75 SARTORIO, ARNOLDO. 21. Op. 214. 14 Melodious Etudes (without octaves) . 0.75 SCHYTTE, LUDVIG. 7. 10 Melodious Etudes from Op. 66 0.75 TAPPER, THOMAS. 12. Sight Reading and Memory Lessons 0.75 TURNER, A. D. 86. 15 Short Melodious Studies from Op. 30. (Selected and Edited by F. Addison Porter) . . .0.75 87. Special Studies for the Pianoforte. (Selected, Re- vised and Edited by .F. Addison Porter) . 0.75 WILM, NICOLAI VON. 77. Phrasing and Agility. 12 Etudes 0.75 ARTHUR P. SCHMIDT BOSTON 120 Boylston Street. LEIPZIG NEW YORK 1 1 West 36 th Street. Printed in Germany. T 000—1 ItStI f— — k SCHMIDTS EDUCATIONALSERIES = r T :r = N? 92. [7 8 PIANOFORTE STUDIES FOR THE DEVELOPMENT <> cj OF THE b " S! ” 3T4™ & 5- FINGERS mm BV HI Till ITT EL FRANK LYNE5 | OP. 21.] Pnice 75 cents. !» g> ARTHUR P SCHMIDT BOSTON LEIPZIG. NEWVORK 120 BoylstonSt Lindenstra5se16. 11 West 36th. St. Copyright 7894 by Arthur P. Schmic/t (wi r 5 3 EIGHT PIANOFORTE STUDIES. FRANK LYNES Op. 21. Allegro. N91. / 1 4 3 4 5 4 1 434541 4 3 4 5 4 ^ 4 5 4^4 5 4 R 4 * f- r r* j?* i* £ M 4853 A.P.S. 3478-21 Copyright 1894 by ARTHUR P. SCHMIDT. 4 14 8 45414 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 1 4 tro ■OT JJJJJ WJ '• . ■ , y ii • i • i • A • ~ , / r. 9 /C J- i -i — = -4 1 h \ tT 1 *-* ±1 _ a f- I* ♦*. . t • V * B • tT« l • ■ > ♦ EL l * • \ / i . a « i . - — 1 J-= * 14 14 1 4 1 4 tl - JjJJJJ. 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J2W 1 T7 \ • 1 2 . 1 J a -4 - ^.^^pigegea^B f rrr tf rrrr-.^ l— f=== / > ■ pi • = 4 == \ ./ E E ] -: r f r 1 * r * r r ~ r_g-QiI= %/ * £ &>. # A 4th Finger Etude 15 Allegro. 8 ■>* sempre legato 4 5 4 ~ uj £ £ £ nf 1* I* C &A * <&A ^ \nk SI 8 | » ""Ti i_ _ 1 =i b a 2 5 4 1 2 r j 3 A 1 5S S 1 1 1 5 2 8 2 8 4 i#- 4 a 2 1 5 2 3 ¥ c &a & £ &a # — g W~~. ig ni 0 o 1 2 5 3 2 1 M? ~ za zz 3 = =■ =z z*z = 2 & y <&>. * a) This study is published in sheet form with an easier set of fingering. A. P. S. 3478-21 c £a * le A. P. S. 3478-21 17 £ 18 Repeat each section four times. N9 6. Ik c S-4>. JjJ j 1. ^ J] -Jj- j|fa -e- ^ Jr fiPj- J !? ^ J J J . ..... ..y.^L^.;* , * a * 9 a~*^~* «. : — — — JTP ~ Y ^ iJ ^ at> — — r ' * *=3*=fe: -__-). _ v 9 * * a * a . • U— — . V-r ._? 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S. 3478-21 c &5. % 21 ** 1 5 m ""I 111 |-~ / t — sr rra ^ ra j M La m m M m _J ■_ . . -fwr f w ^ „ ■w — w — ^ ^ t W w M w « ^ w — #1— L — — fl! — -dl — I — A -0 rf — 11 J 1 Vlf i^ — r V V w w 1 * Ho WWW — ~ w — — — H-m — 9 -M 9 9 A — S«--- r I ^ 1 ay «. u 3 T »• ' 7 T7 > . i ■ r • — u 'V • < ! A. P.S. 3478-21 A.P.S. 3478-21 23 • L b — J — J — — fri J al" ■ J -^1 .-“3TI3JI*™" 4 ilJJJJJJJiiitoi ^ j * d v * ^ "ya * ■ “■' * a 1 im 1- -© o < -5 -5 V*al- « -W J % # — p r- H » FF=" L m m rr. - m -t ft af J a ZL • a - J t 0 0 0 m .0 r r. h T. "T .tr , — M. 1 LZ Zl ^ .Z.-M 9 M* * 9 cj> t a — _ 9 m 9 m ^ ® • j • - l -M. la Zi ^ _ a aa w — — w w w W W try v " • ^ ^ v ’ Ua e _U ) t \ m f its; rj td I *!• i 7 Cl \ “7 _ v V • c_ & TY £ — =r= • a i=la -J ^ 2 /: — ?_aL— : a_ . a'*~a r ' 1 r— i its - - - ;-.: : :. ” g- ~ "- * ? 2 1 1 V ^ t?: — J-* ' -J- 77 J 2 7 -O- TTt'rpn-fTn nr~ p-U— roirmi p=4? -a 1 — aL-#l — #— -0~ - ■♦■-fa — i — a — a — a — a — Jt zatzzm — * |?al^J tyFt T=^f p ^a^a a V *V— a = r * bJ * ai — 4 TJ £=4= ^*al*J*J*J •— a \ ^ ? e TY A.P. S. 347 Y -21 Cbe Pupil’s first 6tude Hlbum fifty -three Gtudes. 1. Same Notes in Two Hands . . . 2. Different Notes in Two Hands . . 3. The Dot 4. Two Melodies at the Same Time . 5. The Tie 6. Swinging Rhythm 7. Mixed Rhythm 8. Five-Finger Study 9. First Scale Study 10. Melodious Study 11. Second Scale Study 12. Arpeggio Study in G 13. Study in Lightness and Grace . . 14. Melody Playing 15. Quiet Hand Study 16. Etude for keeping the Hand in Position 17. Study in Arpeggio Connection . . . . 18. Two-part Study in the Classic Style . 19. Velocity Study 20. Playing Two Parts with the Same Hand 21. Use of the Triplet 22. Repeated Notes 23. Trill Study in Right Hand 24. Trill Study in Left Hand 25. Arpeggio Study in C 26. The Turn Proper C. Gurlitt A. Sartorio Arthur Dana Ferd. Meyer Arthur Dana F. N. Shackley F. N. Shackley Emil Krause Frank Lynes C. Gurlitt F. Le Couppey Czerny - Faelten A. Sartorio A. Croisez A. Sartorio Frank Lynes R. Hofmann Bach-Faelten C. Gurlitt A. Croisez J. Concone A. Croisez F. Spindler A. Biehl Kohler-Faelten H. Maylath 27. Study in Speed and Clearness 28. Grace Notes 29. Broken Chords 30. Scale Study for the Left Hand 31. Wrist Movement 32. Syncopation Study 33. Weak Finger Study 34. Hand Contraction 35. Hand Expansion 36. Wrist Exercise 37. Cross Hand Study 38. Melody and Accompaniment in the Same Hand 39. Staccato Chords 40 Rhythmical Precision 41. Finger Substitution 42. Delicate Phrasing 43. Contrast of Legato and Staccato 44. Broken Octaves 45. Staccato Etude 46. Study in Broken Thirds 47. Velocity Study 48. Octave Study 49. Study in Thirds 50. Grand Arpeggios 51. Study in Style 52. Study in Expression C. Gurlitt F. Le Couppey A. Biehl Emil Krause Charles Mayer J. Concone A. Biehl Frank Lynes H. Maylath Chas. P. Scott F. Le Couppey Arthur Foote C. Stamaty J. Concone J. Concone Charles Mayer H. Maylath Chas. P. Scott F. Spindler F. Le Couppey C. Gurlitt W. A. Mozart A. Ehmant H. Maylath L. Schytte TempletonStrong 53. Scales and Chords in all the Major and Minor Keys. Cbe Pupil’s Second 6tude Hlbum Cbirty-four etudes. 1. Melody and Scales -Georg Eggeling 2. Broken Chords Stepan Esipoff 3. Arpeggios Max Franke 4. Dotted Rhythm Hans Harthan 5. Trills Frank Lynes 6. Thirds Max Franke 7. Equality in both Hands Bach-Faelten 8. Lightness of Touch H. N. Redman 9. Arpeggios Edmund Parlow 10. Finger Staccato Frank Lynes 11. Wrist Staccato A. D. Turner 12. Sixths Bernhard Wolff 13. Speed and Clearness Jos. Chwatal 14. Pedal Study Heller-Foote 15. Expression Stepan Esipoff 16. Facility Chas. Mayer 17. Two notes against Three Chas. P. Scott 18. Trills C. Gurlitt 19. Octaves in both Hands Anton Strelezki 20. Unusual Rhythms Arthur Foote 21. Wrist Movement J. H. Hahn 22. Independence of the Hands A. Chauvet 23. Pedal Study Czerny-Faelten 24. Study in Black Keys Hans Harthan 25. Equality of Tone H. Ravina 26. Left Hand alone Bernhard Wolff 27. Right Hand alone Arthur Foote 28. Arpeggiated Chords Chas. P. Scott 29. Octave Study Georg Eggeling 30. Double Notes Edmund Neupert 31. Arpeggios Fritz Spindler 32. Sixths C. Gurlitt 33. Phrasing ■ . . Ludvig Schytte 34. Wrist and Arm F. Kalkbrenner Selected and arranged In progressive order by ferdinand flleyer Price, 75 Cents each. Hrtbur p. Schmidt, Boston, 120 Boylsfon Street. Ceipftg, Ondenstrasse 16. llewTorh, It OUest 36<>> Street. MW Educational Series. Pianoforte Collections. Voi. BOHM, Carl. 30. Op. 358. Lyric Suite. 6 Compositions 0.75 49. Musical Echoes. 10 Instructive and melodious Com- positions 0.75 FRIML, RUDOLF. 3. Op. 35. Suite mignonne. 6 Compositions 0.75 GURLITT, CORNELIUS. 93. Op. 172. Miniatures 50. Op. 197. Fireside Fancies. 12 Little Tone Pictures on Five Notes 0.60 11. Musical Sketch Book. 15 Selected Compositions . 0.75 HANDEL, G. F. 64. Instructive Pieces. Adapted by Carl Faelten. 2 Books each 0.75 HEINS, CARL. 15. Op. 270. Six Fancies ; 0.75 HENNING, MAX. 1. Op. 22. 12 Two-Part Fughettas and Fugues (In- troductory to the works of J. S. Bach) . . .0.75 KAISER, ALFRED. 57. Arlequinade. Suite of 8 Compositions 0.75 Vol. 19. 76. 89. 43a-b. 44a-b. 45a-b. 27. 48. 7. 90. LYNES, FRANK. Op. 47. A Pleasant Beginning and other tunes for little fingers in all the major and minor keys 0.75 MEYER, FERDINAND. Christmas Suite 0.75 MOSZKOWSKI, M. Op. 86. Musical Impressions 1.00 THE PUPIL’S LIBRARY. First Series. 2 Books each 0 . 60 Second Series. 2 Books each 0 . 60 Third Series. 2 Books each 0.60 RITTER, G. P. First Amusements. 12 Pieces on Five Notes . 0.75 SCHYTTE, LUDVIG. Instructive Recreations. 8 Selected Compositions . 0.75 10 Study-pieces selected from Op. 66 0.75 SGAMBATI, G. Introduction and Etude brillante (Reveil des Fees) by E. Prudent 0.60 SMITH, WARREN STOREY. 59. Op. 19. KRENTZLIN, R. Village Scenes. 6 Characteristic Pieces 0.75 38a-b. ESort and Pastime. 24 Melodious Pieces keys. 2 Books in all 47. LACK, THEODORE. Morceaux po6tiques. 8 Selected Compositions . 1.00 63. Op. 3. TORJUSSEN, TRYGVE. Norwegian Suite. 6 Compositions . . . . 0.75 53. Op. 14. LYNES, FRANK. Bagatelles. 10 Melodious Sketches . . . 0.75 88. Op. 7. WOLF, OSKAR. Six Aphorisms for the Pianoforte . . * . . . 0.75 Pianoforte Duets. BODENHOFF, HAROLD. 94. Op. 7. Bagatelles DENN£E, CHARLES. 6. Op. 18. The Children’s Festival. 10 Easy Duets . 0.75 FOOTE, ARTHUR. 20. 12 Duets on Five Notes 0.75 GURLITT, CORNELIUS. 35a-b. Op. 178. Tender Blossoms. 20 Melodious Duets. 2 Books each 0.75 KRONKE, EMIL. 69. Op. 66. From Far and Near. 5 Duets 0.75 THE PUPIL’S DUET ALBUM. 46a-b. First Series. 2 Books each 0 . 60 SARTORIO, ARNOLDO. 58a-b. Op. 400. Pictures from Youth. 12 Melodious Duets. 2 Books each 0.60 ARTHUR P. SCHMIDT BOSTON LEIPZIG NEW YORK 120 Boylston Street. 1 1 West 36 th Street. Printed in Germany. Schmidt’: 3 0112 061440266 Series. Violin Violoncello <*> Organ <*> Vocal. Vol. 5a-c. 54. 62. Vol. 36. 42. VIOLIN. ALTHAUS, BASIL. Op. 65. Legato and Staccato Studies. Part 1. Exercises in the first position 0.60 Part 2. Exercises in the first to fourth positions 0.60 Part 3. Scale Studies in two octaves and exercises in all positions 0.60 BIEHL, ALBERT. Op. 178. First Recreations. 5 Composi- tions for Violin and Pianoforte. (First Position) 0.60 B0HM, Carl. 23a-b. Op. 366. From many Lands. 12 Com- positions for Violin and Pianoforte. 2 Books each 0.75 lOa-b. Op. 367. 40 Progressive Studies (First Po- sition). 2 Parts each 0-60 CUTTER, BENJAMIN. 5 Characteristic pieces for Violin and Piano- forte (First Position) 0.75 DANCLA, CHARLES. Op. 191. Spring Flowers. 6 Compositions for Violin arid Piano Op. 194. 12 Melodious Studies (With ac- companiment of a second violin) . . HERMANN, FRIEDRICH. 18a-c. Op. 29. 36 Exercises and Etudes. Book 1. 12 Exercises for Beginners (First Position) 12 Easy Etudes (First and Third Positions) 12 Special Studies (First to Seventh Positions) .... HERMANN, TH. 28a-b. Op. 100. 12 Melodious Etudes (First Po- sition) with accompaniment of a second violin. 2 Books each Book 2. Book 3. HOFMANN, RICHARD. 32a-b. 14 Etudes (with accompaniment of a second violin). 2 Books each VIOLONCELLO. 18 Very Easy Studies (with second ’cello ad lib.) ORGAN. DUNHAM, HENRY, M. Bach’s smaller Organ Works (8 Short Preludes and Fugues and other Pieces Adapted to the Modern Organ, with registration, pedalling etc.) KING, OLIVER. Wedding Suite. 4 Compositions TRUETTE, EVERETT E. The Organist’s First Etude Album TRUETTE, EVERETT E. 20 Preludes and Postludes (A Sequel to the Organist's First Etude Album) STEANE, BRUCE. Short Compositions for the Church Service. Book I. A Book of Short Voluntaries Book II. Offertories and Other Pieces 14. SCHRODER, CARL. Op. 87. 56. 95 33. 34. 65a-b. 0.90 0.75 0 60 0.60 0..60 0.60 0.60 0.75 1.00 1 .00 0.90 0.90 0.75 0.75 VOCAL. 83a-b. LYRIC FANCIES. Album of Songs by American Composers . 80. SCHMIDT’S Collection of Sacred Song’s. High Voice 81. SCHMIDT’S Collection of Sacred Song’s. Medium Voice 82. SCHMIDT’S Collection of Sacred Songs. Low Voice 22. STURM, WILH. Op. 83. 12 Vocalises for Soprano or Tenor 2 Volumes each 1.25 0.75 ARTHUR P. SCHMIDT BOSTON 120 Boylston Street. LEIPZIG NEW YORK 1 1 West 36 th Street. No. 55. Printed In Germany.