2 ?;r ELITE OF CHICAGO. You are cordially invited to inspect our stock of High Class Furniture and fine Coverings, which contains many of the best productions of this country and Europe, and mang articles of merit our own creation of which no duplicate can be had. We have recently engaged in our Upholstery De- partment the services of one of the best English Artists, for a number of years with Shoolbred & Co., of London, England, and we are daily producing upholstered work after the latest European designs. Our stock is constantly being replenished by new fabrics, and the latest and most correct styles in furniture, both antique and modern. From us can be obtained the most desirable pat- terns in exclusive designs for the same pric.es charged elsewhere for goods less effective. We also carry in stock a large variety of medium and moderate priced furniture. Respectfully, J. A. COLBY & CO., 217 & 219 STATE ST., CHICAGO. Cheerful and Bright as an Open Fire. .No Dirt, No Dust, No Ashes, No Danger. MADE AND SOLD BY The Goodwin 6as {Stove J&leterCo. Dearborn Street, Chicago. YORK. REVERSED DIRECTORY LITE OF HICAGO} The Names of Prominent Residents on the Most Fashionable Streets ot the City and Principal s-^& Suburbs, in Alphabetical Order, with other Valuable Information. THE ELITE PUBLISHING CO.. CHICAGO. ILL. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1883, by JAS. G. COZZENS, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. HE REVERSED DIRECTORY. The fourth issue of the Reversed Directory comes to its pa- trons with added features of interest which will at once com- mand attention. The names will now be found alphabetically arranged, and in addition to the names of the prominent people resident in the city proper will be found those of the foremost citizens of the suburban towns. As heretofore, none but highly respectable parties are represented in these pages people whose responsibility and social position are marked. Herein you may not only find the names and addresses of your friends and neighbors, but also quite a fund of valuable information, such as the location of the fire alarm, the churches, institutions of learning, club-houses, parks, etc. Here may also be found the cards of the leading physicians, artists, and other professional people of the city, as well as those of many of our foremost tradespeople. To the newcomers in our midst this Directory will prove especially valuable, serving as an introduction to the people of Chicago such as cannot be had in any other way ; and, besides, it will furnish information regarding Chicago's institutions which will be absolutely indispensable. To each of its patrons will this little book be found of decided advantage in one way or another, and its marked success in the KLITK OF CHICAGO. past gives assurance that in its present form, with its added features of interest, it will attain to still greater favor. When the great amount of labor expended in the production of such a work shall have been taken into consideration, we feel assured that the indulgence of the reader will excuse any error or omission which may occur in these pages. THE ELITE PUBLISHING CO. REVERSED DIRECTORY. A^SoiP^ 4fcr ;> V WEDISH MOVEMENT! Sea and "Vapor Batlis QEKTIA1 MUSIC HAH, Rooms 3O-32, For the Treatment of all Chronic Diseases. CONSTIPATION, DYSPEPSIA ^rF)MAI:4 Designers and manu- facturers of ^HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Cotit r a c t o r for complete furnishing of Houses. Fr e s c o i n g. Wall Hang- ings, Gas Fix- t u r e s, a n tl ever ytli ing necessary for complete fur- nishing of an apartment. ELITE OF CHICAGO. THE N )LtAN URINE gATH Tlje OnljJ Ocean Water 1 Bath iq Chicago. THE CHIATAMONE SULPHUR BATH, USED IN THE BALNEARII OF ITALY. ALSO Electric, Sea Salt, Thermal, Common Salt, and Sweet Water Baths. RHEUMATISM, KIDNEY TROUBLES, LIVER CoMPLArNTS, NERVOUS PROSTRATION, DYSPEPSIA, PARALYSIS AND CONSTIPATION, BLOOD POISONING SUCCESSFULLY TREATED. Every Treatment Given by an Experienced Physician. OPEN FROM 9 A. M. TO 10 P. M. ROOMS NOS. 47, 48, 49, 5O AND 51, CENTRAL MUSIC HALL BUILDING. REVERSED DIRECTORY. 7 INDEX South May street South Morgan street South Oakley avenue South Paulina street . . . TO 83 77 80 75 71 78 79 82 79 83 76 62 81 82 59 69 81 84 66 78 75 64 84 84 80 84 69 56 102 100 101 STREETS. Burling place . . . 102 Burton place 102 Cass street 88 Cedar street 102 South Peoria street South Robey street South Wood street Centre street ... 101 Chestnut street 99 Chicago avenue 96 St. John's place Dayton street. 102 Throop street Union Park place .... Dearborn avenue... . . . . 85 Division street 101 Walnut street Elm street 102 Warren avenue Erie street 95 Fullerton avenue 98 Granger street 102 West Adams street West Congress street West Harrison street West Indiana street West Jackson street Hurlbut street 100 Huron street 96 Illinois street . 99 Indiana street 97 La Salle avenue Lill avenue Lincoln avenue .... . . . . 89 .... 102 93 West Lake street West Madison street West Monroe street West North avenue. . . . Locust street. ... 102 Maple street 102 West Ohio street North avenue 98 West Randolph street West Taylor street North Clark street.... North Franklin street. North Halsted street.. .... 91 .... 102 101 West Van Buren street. . . West Washington street. . NOKTH SIDE. Astor street 1 North Park avenue 99 ! North St ite street 87 ! North Wells street.... 1 Oak street .... 99 95 Ohio street 93 Belden street Ontario street 92 Bissell avenue Orchard street 97 ELITE OF CHICAGO. INDEX TO STREETS. Pearson street 102 Pine street 91 Racine avenue 102 Hush street 88 Sedgwick sti-eet 100 Sigel street 102 Superior street 94 Walton place 100 Webster nvetiue. . . ., 98 INDEX TO SUBURBAN TOWNS. Englewood 120 Evanston 104 Hyde Park 110 Kenwood... . . 14-2 Miscellaneous Nanu-s 145 Oakland i: Oak Park 125 Kavenswood. . . . . 137 Lake View... .. i:',l Kiverside. 136 INDEX TO GENERAL INFORMATION. Addenda 178 Asylums, hospitals, etc 175 Churches 160 Club Houses 177 Colleges, Universities 175 Convents... .. 176 Express companies 177 Fire department 168 Hack ordinance 184 Hotels 147 Parks 177 Physicians and Surgeons . 153 INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS. Ahlboru, W. J xlix Almini, P. M xxix Amusements Ixxix Andrews, A. H., & Co. . xxxvi "... Ixix "... Ixviii Armstrong, James xxvi Artists Ixxiv and Lvxvi Bacon, Mrs. W. A xliii Ballenberg, Jules xxiii Barry, S. S., & Son.. .. x Berry, John li REVERSED DIUECTORY. INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS. B oots and Shoes Ixxxii Brabrook, J. E Ixi Brown, B. F xxvii Card Writer Ixxxiii Carriages, Buggies.Etc. Ixxix Chemist and Druggist. Ixxx Chicago Business Col- lege Ixxxv Chicago Corset Co Hi Chicago Fruit House. . xxxii Chicago & Alton R. B., Jxx Clothiers Ixxx Coal Ixxxiii j Colby, J. A., & Co., fly leaf 1st p. Cone, S. F xiv Dakota Co xxxiv DamoniaBemecly Ixxxv Decorations Ixxxiii Dentists Ixxvii Drake, Geo. V xlv Dressmaking Parlors.. Ixxxiv Dress Beform Goods. . . Ixxxiv Eddy, H. Clarence Ixxiii Elocution Ixxxi Embroidery Ixxxi Erie Bailway Ixxi Evans & Hardy, Misses xix Faxon, Nat Ixii Florists Ixxviii Freuoh.Potter&Wilson *i Furniture Ixxxiv Furs Ixxxiii Gatzert, J. L., & Co ix Gentile & Co v Glassford, Miss M lix Grates and Mantels .... Ixxxiv Guilpain, L. J vii Hagemaun, Louise xxii Hair Goods Ixxxi Halliday, J. W xxvi Handley, C. W liv Hardwai-e Ixxxiii Hartunu Bros xxxi Hathaway, J. L xl Hawkins, D. W ixiv Haynes, N. B xlvii Healy& Millet xx Hiatt.Dr. A. H liii Howard, John Iv Hinstorff, Gustav xviii Jewelers Ixxxii John & Frank xlviii Judkins, E. L xxv Kahler, Dr. Chas xiv Kennicott, Dr. J. A ] Kennicott, Mrs. and Miss xxxix King, Julia A iv and xxviii Kirk, Jas. S., & Co xxxv Kos, Mrs. L. M xliii Lapham, C. W xlvi Le Due, Eva xlii Leindecker, L Iv Longmire, B xx Loomis, M Ixvi Lundgren, J. S iandii Luudgreu, Leonard i and ii 10 ELITE OF CHICAGO, INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS. Mackey, B. Palmer.... Ixiv Manicure Ixxxiii Mathews, W. S. B xvi Me Arthur & Hull Ixiii McAuley, James D xiii Michigan Central Bail- way Ixxii Millinery Ixxx Morgan. Wm xlviii Music Ixxxii Nelson, John Ixiii Palmer, Dr. P. A xiv Pardee,L. C xvii Patterson, C. L., & Co. xxvii Phillips, J. M Ixv Platz, Max Ivii Plumbing Ixxxiv Publisher Ixxxiii Badcliffe, John, & Co.. xlii Riley, Albert A Ixxv Bindskoff, Mrs.H. &Co.xxxviii Bitchie,W.C.,&Co.... xxxii Boehl, Edw. E xlv Byan, P. F., & Co Ixv Saturday Evening Her- ald xliv Schlessinger & Mayer. . xxi Schubert, John C xxxvii Schweitzer & Beer xii Sewing Machines Ixxxii Shedd,E.A. & Co Ix Skeen & Stuart xxiv Sporting Goods Ixxxv Stattman, Chas Ixvii StefEens, M. J Ixxiv Stevens & Co xxxvii Tailor Ixxxiv Taylor, J. S xxxvii The Goodwin Gas-Stove and Meter Co. , fly leaf 2d p. Thurber, W. S vi Townseud, J. S viii Trine, Dr. J.G xxxiii Trunks Ixxxiv Tuohy, J. W., & Co.... Iviii Turner, L. H vii Vergho, Buhling & Co . . Ivi Vosburg Mfg. Co xv Wagner, H. V., & Co. . iii Washington Ice Co xli Watkins, Miss C. E . . . . xix Weber, A., outside back cover. Wright,Francis,&Bro., xxx REVERSED DIRECTORY. w Photographs Given Away at Ex* h 12 Fine Cabinets for $3.00 per dozen, and two Fine Panels given with every dozen Cabinete free. The Panels alone are worth more than a dollar. Crayons, Copying and Enlarging a Specilty. GENTILE & CO. 81 STATE STEEET, - CHICAGO. ELITE OF CHICAGO. LOVERS OF PI>il ART Are Invited to Visit TBURBER'S GALLERY, And inspect a very fitie collection of French, English and American Publications of Engravings, Etchings, Photogra- vures, Fine Photographs, etc., etc., etc. A Specialty made of ALL KINDS OF FRAMING. No. 21 W'abash Avenue. REVERSED DIRECTORY. 11 .,,4I,* WABASH AVENUE. Wabash avenue cars from State and Randolph to Twenty-second street. Busses run to Thirty-first street. State street cars (one block west) run to Thirty-ninth street. 2522 Adams, Dr. Charles 1348 Billings, H. F. 2353 Allen, Benj. 1809 Bird, H. G. 1903 Almini, Peter M. 571 Bloom, M. 2208 Amsden, A. G. 1737 Booth, Mrs. E. W. 2719 Austin, C. D. 1737 Booth, Miss Mary 3721 Avery, W. B. 2257 Botsford, H. 205 Baird, Irwiu W. 1510 Bovett, Dr. Jas. A . 2615 Baker, John P. 1223 Brand, E. L. 2941 Barton, W. A. _ 3216 Briggs, Clinton 1900 Bateson, Alex. 1832 Brooks, Dr. J. W. 432 Bauer, Julius 2220 Bryant, J. Ogdeii 2724 Bauland, J. H. 1334 Buckingham, J. 3003 Bauland, M. 1429 Buckingham, F. W. 3121 Beaver, James E. 1453 Buel, H. K. 3140 Becker, Mrs. S. 2503 Cahn, Aaron 3100 Beckett, J. K. 2242 Campbell, W. P. 3349 Bee, Joseph 2443 Carter James S. 3231 Bell, Alex. 2311 Carter, Mrs. J. F. 2236 Benedict, Hiram W. 1419 Casey, J. 2250 Berry, F. A. 225 Casterline, Shaw 1200 Berry, F. J. 3036 Celley, Dr. F. M. 12 ELITE OF CHICAGO. WABASH AVENUE. 2714 Chaffee, Dr. Chas. L. 2UH'.) Foote, Erastus 1813 Chamberliu, W. E. 2009 Foote, Erastus Jr. 206 Chandler, T. C. 1728 Forber, K. 2211 Clapp, Caleb 1310 Frisbie, E. C. 3138 Combs, Geo. W. 3002 Gamble, J. 2106 Cordingley, Jno. 1918 Gardner, Robt. H. '22-22 Cozzens, J. G. 2712 Gatzert, Aug. 2U33 Crocker, Win. 2252 Gilbert, Frank. 2237 Crouch, B. B. 2601 Goodking, Win. 1733 Crumbaugh, Frederick 2217 Goodrich, E. H. 3136 Cudahy, M. 493 Gould, Mrs. Dr. A. 3243 Cudahy, John 2556 Gray.C. M. 240 Darling, Mrs. Julia A, 321l' Guerin, Dr. Jno. 2411 Day, Ralph It. 2233 Guthinan, S. 3232 DeCampi, Eliodoro 2427 Halfuer, Wm. H. 240 DeWitt, John 2131 Hall, Geo. A. 18:% Dickenson, E. A. 1471 Hnmer, B. W. 1328 Dodge, E. 1300 Hamill, Dr B. C. 439 Dorsey, Allen F. 3648 Hammer, D. H. 3338 Dunne, Maurice 3223 Hancock, Chas. D. 1350 Durant, W. F. 2407 Hare, B. Warner 2451 Dyer, Arthur E. 1521 Hardenbrook, E. (1. 1255 Eddy, H. Clarence 2239 Hurmount, G. A. 2536 Edwards, Dr. E. W. 1829 Hartman, Geo. A. 1629 Eisendrat, Daniel 240 Hastings, Mrs. Kate B. 362 jEmans, Miss A. L. 3446 Hatfield, M. P. 1255 Emerson, Win. H. 1921 Hay, Dr. Walter 1244 Fargo, Chas. H. 3400 Henry, H. B. 384 Ferris, J. H. 2707 Heidweyer, S. 2236 Fisher, Francis P. 487 Hendrickson, J. S. 2221 Fisher, Mrs. F. S. 1826 Hibben, Geo. 1245 Fisk, David B. 2215 Hills, Frederick 2258 Follansbee, C. 34G3 Hinckley, Chas. 2554 Foote, D. S. 191 Home, Mrs. Dr. W. J. ELITE OF CHICAGO. PATS, FURS AND FEATHERS, I.,. EC. 7O ST^LTE STREET, Ladies' and Gents* Hats and Fur Goods of all de- scriptions Cleaned, Dyed, and repaired in the most approved styles. Gents' Hats Retrimmed, Feathers Cleaned, Dyed and Curled. u T- OSTRICH FEATHE Made to Order in all Shades. ALSO, REPAIRING DONE EQUAL TO NEW. CTJRLI^O- A ELITE OF CHICAGO. Watcteaker and Jeweler 1554 WABASH AVENUE, rNE A 11 Kith STREET.) ^^^+^ CHICAGJ-O. We keep con- s t n n 1 1 y on band a com^ plete stock of Dia in o nd a, Watches, Chains, Neck- laces, Brace- lets, Sets of Jewelry, Fine Bronzes, Amer i c a u and French Clocks. ARTISTIC AND FINE WATCHES, Solid and Sil- ver Plated Ware at prices that are far Cheaper than same goods are sold for down town. We re- s p e c t f u 1 1 y solicit an ex- amination of our Fine Im ported Brass Goods, and French Bisques Manufacturers of ORIGINAL STYLES OF JEWELRY TO ORDER. Furnished on Application. ETC., KEP AIRED BY SKILLED WORKMEN. viii REVERSED DIRECTORY. 13 WABASH AVENUE. 3336 Hotchkin, C. M. 526 Ludlam, Dr. B. 1355 Howard, Wm. B. 2139 McArthur, Dr. L. L. 1433 Howe, Frederick A. 1249 McCarthy, Miss 1420 Rowland, Geo. t* 1816 McDermid, J. J. 1634 Hoyne, Dr. T. S. 2217 Magin, F. J. 2235 Hughes, Jno. B. 3456 Maher, John 2723 Huling, E. C. 2225 Martin, Dr. F. H. 1827 Hunter, Miss Blanche 3032 Mason, D. W. 1827 Hunter, Dr. Robt. 2139 Mattocks, Walter 3000 Huntley, S. I. 3220 Mayer, Leopold 2624 Hyman, S. 1330 Mead, W. H. 2607 Isaacs, M. C. 1912 Merrill, J. P. 554 Isharn, E. S. 1419 Miller, Geo. 1236 Jausen, E. L. 2809 Minchrad, S. 1508 Jessel, Edward A. 2726 Mosher, Chas. D. 1837 Katzuaer, Isaac 1200 Muchmore, John E. 2022 Kelsey, Sidney D. 2249 Myers, Eugene B. 3012 Kern, Chas. 2408 Newcomb, W. H. 2827 King, C. B. 3013 Norton, L. J. 1310 King, W. H. 2225 Nutting, J. B. 3157 Klauber, Mrs. C. 2407 Oberholzer, Samuel 2717 Kuh, Dr. Edwin J. 550 CTConnell, D. 3304 Langbeirn, F. 1235 Page, W. B. 3431 Leahy, James 3413 Palmer, Edwin B. 2811 Leopold, Chas. M. 1548 Parsons, J. H. 2725 Leopold, Louis 225 Peck, Fred W. 3128 Levy, Newman 1918 Perry, Mrs. S. H. 1517 Liesegang, Adolph 2328 Pitkin, Geo. F. 3160 Lindauer, B. 1737 Pope, Chas. 3148 Lindauer, David M. 2139 Potter, Dr. L. T. 2SOG Lindauer, M. E. 1211 Preston, Geo. E. 3127 Lindauer, S. 2521 Price, Solomon 1230 Lindley, Wm. T. 2821 Trussing, E. 2002 Logan, Mrs. M. J. 300 Quick, Jno. H. S. 14 ELITE OP CHICAGO. WABASH AVENUE. 189 Quinlan, Mrs. B. 2108 Starr, Thomas M. 1215 Rapp, Mrs. C. 475 Stearns, M. C. 2020 Rappleye, N. B. 1420 Stevens, F. L. 3020 Ray, Chas. E. 1623 Strahorn, Robt. 2508 Reiss, L. W. 2200 Swartley, J. S. 1230 Rolfe, Alonzo 1235 Talcott, E. B. 3247 Rosenthal, J. 3511 Taylor, James M. 2507 Rosenthal, Rudolph 2242 Ten Eyck, Teiios 3137 Rothschild, Felix 3409 Terry J. E. 1400 Roys, C. D. 498 Thurston, Dr. E. H. 3018 Runnion, J, B. 1301 Tilden, Win. M. 3656 Salkey, Samuel 3122 Toppan, James S. 1637 Sard, W. H. 3401 Tourtelotte, Fred'k W. 2301 Saunders, Miss Vida A. 2301 Trench, R. R. 492 Saurret, Gustave 566 Treulich, Mrs. B. 305 Sawdy, Henry J. 2317 Tucker, Dr. D. Mills 3014 Schaaf, Jacob 3544 Uphoff, A. H. 2500 Schlossrnan, Simeon 3228 Vail, Geo. W. 1828 Schmidt, Dr. E. 3119 Van Doozer, B. R. 3660 Scott, J. M. 2511 Wampold, Louis 1426 Seaiies, W. G. 266 Warfield, Mrs. 1914 Seymour. Chas. L. 2010 Washburn, Darius 1555 Shampay, Alfred 1239 Wayte, Jno. 1232 Shirek, Samuel 339 Webb, James 3408 Sidwell, R. L. 2703 Weil, J. 2974 Sincere, Dr. Emil 2301 Wells, Dr. Catherine J. 2534 Singer, M. D. 1253 Wells, Moses D. 2909 Smith, W. B. 462 Wheeler, Hiram 2351 Solomon, Fred 2601 Wheeler, M. 1402 Soule, Geo. F. 1250 Wheelock, O. L. 1823 Spencer, F. T. 3330 Whitman, J. H. 2441 Spieg 1, Joseph 2221 Whitehead, Rev. H. 3117 Spooner, D. R. 2429 Wilder, F. M. 408 Stafford, Thos. E. 522} aWilson, Mrs. M. J. TAILORING HOUSE, 179 & 181 CLARK ST. (CORNER MONROE.) it We carry at all times the Largest and Bestf Assorted Stock of Woolens in the city, employ none but the most scientific cutters and skillful tailors, and always name the LOWEST PRICES consistent with first-class work. ix REVERSED DIRECTORY. S. S. BARRY & SON, 258 and 26O Wabash Ave. HOUSE AND JJIGN HAINTING! A FULL LINE OF Painters' f j&rttete' Material, Barbotlne and Ivory Ware, White H^lly Wood Designs, SKETCHES FOR OIL AND WATER COLORS, AND CHINA PAINTING. REVERSED DIRECTORY. 15 WABASH AVENUE. 1258 Wilson, W. R. 3120 Wood, J. H. 3542 Woodford, O. F 3449 Young, Robt. 16 ELITE OF CHICAGO. MICHIGAN AVENUE. Indiana avenue cars, starting from corner State and Randolph, run within one block of Michigan avenue its entire length. 2838 Abbott, H. H. 226 Blair, C. J. '2822 Adams, George 225 Blair, Henry A. 2028 Alexander, E. S. 274 Blair, Lyman 1832 Allen, Prof. Ira W. 225 Blair, W. F. 3035 Anderson, Joseph 230 Blair, Wm. 243 Andrews, H. L. 1466 Blanks, Wm. G. 3213 Angus, John 1725 Bloom, Leopold 2519 Artz, Mrs. C. Burr 223 Boardman, Mrs. C. v ^ 192 Ayres, A. H. 235 Boardman, Mrs. :>!. J. 1732 Ayres, Enos 2975 Bogardus, H. A. 3023 Baker, M. C. 1248 Bolte, Chas. G. 2255 Baker, W. T. 30S1 Boone, Danl. L. 2027 Balcorn, Uri. 3029 Boone, Mrs. L. D. 218 Baldwin, Byron A. lt;:58 Booth, A. 1301 Bannard, Mrs. H. B. 1704 Botsford, J. K. 2723 Barber, L. ! 2119 Boughton. Willis L. 1607 Barker, Mrs. C. E. 3539 Bowdeii T. A. 2918 Barrell, James 1428 Bradwell, James B. 449 Bassett, J. G. 1428 Bradwell, Mrs. M. 1448 Bassett, J. S. 1316 Brandt, G. W. 242 Beecher, Jerome 2250 Breakey, B. Aikin 2415 Benham, John 2902 Brega, Chas. W. 1415 Berg, Morris H. 3022 Bristol, H. S. 1726 Bevan, Mrs. Thomas 3522 Brown, Simeon B. 2026 Bigelow, A. A. 3211 Brown, W. F. 252 Blackstone. T. B. 2231 Bryant, H. B. 1611 Blair, C. B. 3035 Buckley, Mrs. S. S. REVERSED DIRECTORY. AT RETAIL. FRENCH, POTTER & WILSON, Cor. Wabash Av. & Washington St. 0X3:10^.0-0- ELITE OF CHICAGO. SCHWEITZER & BEER IMPORTERS AND DEALERS, 111 STATE STREET, CHICAGO. Bet. Washington and Madison. Novelties Constantly Received. Bisque and Bronze, Ornaments, Plush, and! Leather Goods, Olive Wood Specialties, Fine ( Glassware, Fans, A!bums, Bas;- kets, Games, Baby Carriages, Velocipedes, Swiags, Etc, BIRTHDAY, WEDDING A^D HOLIDAY GIFTS. REVERSED DIRECTORY. 17 MICHIGAN AVENUE. 2452 Byrne, Edward 1555 Cross, John B. 194 Cadwell, Mrs. L. J. 2101 Grouse, John N. 2977 Cahn, Jos. L. 1843 Culbertson, Chas. M. 3005 Carpenter, Mrs. Geo. B. 2500 Cusick, Frank 1240 Chapin, Emery D. 1458 Davis, L. H. 2513 Chapiu, Henry D. 1927 Deane, Mrs. M. F. 192 Church, E. V. 1517 Delamater, Dr. N. B. 2124 Clancy, Mark V. 1334 Dickinson W. P. 1810 Clapp, Edwin 316 Doggett Kate N. 207 Clapp, Wrn. B. 2128 Dore, Edward F. 1501 Clarke, J. C. . 288 Drake, Jno. B. 1246 Clayburgh, Jos. 1465 Drury, J. Wilson 1246 Clayburgh, Martin 233 Dunham, John H. 2420 Clough, Jno. H. 3254 Eames, F. S. 3334 Cobb, Silas B. 1601 Eddy, A. N. 1819 Coburu, Lewis 1355 Ellison, Jno. A. 1334 Coffing, Mrs. A. C. B. 1634 Etheridge, Dr. James H. 2406 Cohen, Dr. M. A. 1801 Fairbanks, N. K. 3344 Coleman, J. G. 2322 Fargo, Chas. E. 1339 Cole, Samuel 2247 Fargo, Charles 235 Conover, Chas. H. 1343 Farwell, M. A. 2504 Converse, William 2807 Favorite, C. M. 323 Cook, Cyrus F. 3210 Fay, Benjamin B. 1703 Cook, Henry W. 235 Fisher, F. P. V> 3317 Cooley, Henry H. 3121 Fleming, A. F. 29b4 Corneau, D. E. 194 Flersheim, Geo. B. 1261 Corwith, Gurdon 2502 Florsheim, Moses 1702 Corwith, Henry 2503 Florsheim, Norman 1261 Corwith, Nathan 2503 Florsheim, Simon 3240 Coryell, Geo. E. 1406 Foreman, Rudolph 1902 Counselman, Chas. 1507 Foster, Dr. C. M. 1805 Cowles. Alfred 1736 Frankenthal, E. 194 Crerar, John, Jr. 247 Freer, L. C. P. 2400 Cross, James E. 1217 Frieburg, Julius 18 ELITE OF CHICAGO. MICHIGAN AVENUE. 1217 Frieburg, Frederick 1424 Harris Solomon 1841 Friedman, Jacob 2001 Harvey, F. W. 2930 Fuller, A. 2103 Haskell, Frederick 1-224 Fuller, Dr. Charles G. 192 Hatch, Frank C. 2426 Fuller, G. W. 3155 Hay den, Albert 2638 Garnett, Win. 3319 Hayden, H. H. ^329 Gibbs, Fred C. 2457 Hayiies, H. A. 1503 Gibbs, Geo. A. 2439 Henry, Mrs. L. E. 1405 Gilbert, H. D. 2032 Henry, B. L. 2908 Gillette, James F. 235 Hersey, Henry A. 1315 Glover, Samuel J. 2126 Hess, Chas. J. 1722 Goodman, Wm. D. 1305 Hess, John V. 1474 Goodrich, Capt. E. H. 1259 Heyworth, Mrs. J. F. 1309 Goodrich, J. G. 1630 Hilger, F. R. 235 Goodspeed, Chas. E. 1222 Hill, David K. 1474 Goodrich, Capt. E. H. 3213 Hill, William 2618 Gore, James J. 1353 Hinsdale, P. B. 2961 Gorton, Anson 3011 Hirsh, Solomon 2027 Grannis.Wni. C. D. 229 Holmes, Ira 333 Gray, F. D. 322 Homan, Geo. W. 3035 Greer, J. E. 2349 Hopkins, S. 1612 Greenebaum, El ins 1839 Homer, Joseph 1816 Greenebaum, J. M. 1340 Horton, Denison 19 i Griswold, Henry F. 3232 How, Geo. M. 3028 Gump, B. F. 2522 Howard, John L. 3347 Guthrie, Ossian 267 Hoyne, Thomas 3207 Hall, E. P. 1461 Hoyne, Thomas M. 2436 Hall, F. G. 2628 Hull, M. B. 1351 Hall, Geo. 2709 Hutchinson, Chas. L. 1810 Hamlin Geo. A. 271 Jackson, Dr. A. R. 2555 Hancock, Jno. L. 1919 Jeffery, E. T. 30-29 Hansbvough, Win. 235 Jenkins, John E. 1720 Hanson, F. S. 235 Jenkins, Thomas^R. - 1203 Harris, Godfrey 320 Johnson, David H, REVERSED DIRECTORY. j;S, t 1 L.- V-' ' IIS &c 114, SSnd St JAS. D. MCAULEY, Proprietor. The Very Choicest Meats, Poultry, Game, Vegetables, Fruits and Canned Goods, Fresh and Salt Water Fish. Qame Dressed when o tfe Very Best guality/. Telephone No. 8177. xiii ELITE OP CHICAGO. DR. IP. A.. iP^LMEIR, T3ENTIST, 125 State Street, Room 18. It is a fixed law that all vitality expended by us must be re- placed, or bankruptcy of health and premature death are certain results. There being but one manner of repairing used up vitality, viz., by the digestion of food; this being never properly done after the loss of the natural teeth, and the average dentist not possessing the necessary knowledge and skill for their salva- tion, it becomes a matter of the gravest Importance to the future life and welfare of the patient as to the capabilities of the dentist employed by them. I make a specialty of saving the natural teeth, and can convince all taking the pains to call, why and how teeth are lost through bad operations upon them. If you consult your own interest you will see me before having your teeth spoiled elsewhere, for I save all teeth not previously spoiled by bad dentistry. Yours very respectfully. DR. V. A. PALMER. Room 18. 125 State St. SHIRT ade to Order at Popular m^m B^ Made to Order at Popular mm Prices. Perfect fitting a spe- cialty. Finest Goods and Work- |^ ^man&hip. My Jl Unlaundrled _^r Shirt excels all others. Si-nt ev- Irrvwln-r- bv Express. CONE'S SHIRT FACTORY, 200 Clark St., Chicago, 111. DB. G. KAUEll, CHIROPODIST, 2O8 Wabash Ave., CHICAGO, (Near Adams St.) All Ailments of the Feet successfully treated. xiv REVERSED DIRECTORY. 19 MICHIGAN AVENUE. 2244 Johnson, W. E. 208 Le Baron, Win. 1545 Johnson, W. P. 192 Lee, Edward R. 192-2 Keen, W. B. Jr. 309 Lehmann, E. J. 2010 Keep, Albert 1228 Leonard, James 2014 Keep. Henry 1731 Leopold, Samuel 2010 Keep, W. B. 1332 Levers, T. H. 2100 Keith, D. W. 3358 Libby, Chas, P. 3159 Kelley, Chas. B. 2211 Libermau, Henry 3159 Kelley, David 1349 Linn, W. R. 1815 Kellogg, P. V. 192 Lip man, A. 235 Kendall, Jos. P. 279 Lithgow, W. H. 2724 Kent, Sidney A. 2235 Loom is, Edgar 1241 Keogh, W. H. 3019 Loomis. H. M. 1227 Keyes, R. A. 2455 Loomis, R R. 1641 Kimball, W. W. 304 Loomis, Wm. R. 331 Kimbark, S. D. 1409 Lord, Miss E. 1517 King. Dr. Julia A. 1812 Lorimer, Rev. Geo. C. 235 Kirkham, Chas. H. 2979 Lyford, O. S. 1547 Kirtland, C. B. 262 Lyon, J. B. 1413 Kuh, Abraham 1923 Mac Farland, H. J. 1706 Kuppenheimer, B. 1823 MacVeagh, Franklin 1219 Kurtze, Fred 258 McKiudley, James 1447 Kussel, Philip 2430 McLain ^ 1614 Laflin, G. H. 235 McRoberts, M. 3257 Lahec, Eugene H. 1842 McVicker, James H. 3925 Lamb, Augustus 3537 Mackway. Eleanor Miss 1619 Lancaster, R. 2960 Mandel, E. 2116 Lane, E. S. 2136 Mandel, Oscar 235 Lapp, Peter 3206 Mandel, Simon 1903 Latham, A. J. 3035 Marchisi, Frank W. 2021 Lawrence, C. H. 3428 Marsh, J. B. 2927 Lawrence, Lewis, V. A. 3-222 Marsh, J. P. 321 Lay, A. T. 2706 Martin, S. K. . 2965 Leach, Be Witt C. 1200 Mason, E. G. 20 ELITE OF CHICAGO. MICHIGAN AVENUE. 2962 Mattocks, John 1820 Peck John L. 2441 Mauran, C. J. 2254 Peck Mrs. Mary K. 1615 Mayer, Nathan 2254 Peck, Walter 2832 Mendel, Max 192 Pettibone, P. F. 1350 Merriman, Dr. H. P. 1600 Pickering, Arthur J. 1509 Miller, Leopold 2513 Pierce, Addison S. 320 Millet, Louis J. 1235 Pike, Eugene L. 2519 Mills, J. W. 1920 Piper , Anson 1421 Milner, I). E. 3024 Porter, Henry A. 2432 Mitchell, Dr. J. S. 2453 Potter, W. C. 2239 Monroe, Henry S. 3337 Powell, Joseph 1808 Moore, Dr. S. H. 3323 Pulsifer, Geo. W. 2216 Moore, E. Y. 85 Quinlan, Hugh T. 2922 Moore, W. H. 1630 Bay, Frederick A. 1800 Morton, Geo. C. 219 Reid, Arthur D. 3827 Moulton, Byron P. 1319 Bice, James H. 2C13 Myers, S. G. 3233 Richards, Seaman P. 1426 Nathan, Samuel 243 Richardson, Lloyd D. 3538 Neill, Joseph P. 155 Ritchie, Dr. W. C. 2802 Nichols, M. S. 1414 Root, Aaron 236 Norton, H. L. 3062 Root, Daniel E. 1636 Ogden, Dr. E. J. 3817 Root, Enoch 1918 Ogden, J. W. 3311 Rosenbaum, Morris 1628 Oppenheimer, Henry 1620 Rosenberg, Jacob 1706 Otis, G. L. 11.20 Rosenberg, B. F. 1216 Otis, James 3212 Rowe, Chas. H. 2011 Otis, L. B. 2 153 Sackett, Edward B. ! 1906 Otis, X. L. 2S04 Sanders, Dr. W. H. 1991 Park, Dr. Roswell 235 Sargeant, C. E. ' 227 Parker, Augustus A. 2704 Satterlee, M. L. 2343 Parsons, Win. 2000 Schneider, George 1463 Patterson. T. E. 271S Scott , James A. 2254 Peck, Clarence I. 1709 Schwab, C. H. 2446 Peck, H. S. 2819 Seaverns, Geo. A. REVERSED DIRECTORY. W, C, VOSBURG MFG, CO, THE ONLY MANUFACTUBERS OF Artistic Gas Fixtures OF Home Office and Manufac- tory : 273-281 STATE ST., Brooklyn, N. Y. Also dealers in fine Ker- osene Chandeliers, Libra- ry Lamps, and elegant Par- jor Lamps. We sell at the same prices in this city as at manufactory in Brooklyn, N. Y. VISIT WAREROOMS: 184 to 186 Wabash Avenue. ELITE OF CHICAGO. Room 25 Weber Music Hall, Wabash Avenue and Jackson Street. I. S. B. Mathews, Author of "Outlines of Musical Form/' "Systematic View of the Musical Forms" (Mss.) "How to Understand Music,' 1 "Dictionary of Music and Musicians," "Studies in Phrasing, Memorizing and Interpretation" (selected from Haydn, Heller, Schumann. Mozart, etc., and suitably edited as an Elementary School of Phrasing). This work is endorsed by all the leading musicians. Also Associate Editor of "The Emerson Method for Reed Organs" and "Mason's Pianoforte Technics. 11 In preparation, " How to Teach the Pianoforte," a hand-book for teachers. Mr. Mathews offers his services at reasonable rates as teacher of Elementary, Inter- mediate and Advanced piano-playing. Particular attention given to the formation of Artistic Concert- Playing. Office hours, 11 to 1:30 and 3 to 5:30 daily. REVERSED DIRECTOKY. 21 MICHIGAN AVENUE. 2017 Seeberger, A. F. 243 Tallman, L. E. 1331 Selz, Morris 5317 Taylor, Albert H. 1468 Sexton, J. M. L. 352 Tejaple, J. F. 1468 Sexton, P. J. 2713 Trayner, John 2813 Shaw, Gilbert B. 235 Treat, Samuel A. 235 Shedd, Edward A 2022 Tuttle, Frederick 3121 Shepherd, John F. 3539 Upton, Miss Addie R. 2118 Sherwood, H. M. 1714 Van Schaick, A. G. 3139 Sibley, D. E. 1470 Wads worth, E. R. 1831 Sibley, S. 2438 Washburne, Edgar 3142 Slaughter, Arthur E. 2612 Walker, Edwin C. 1255 Smith : Dr. D. S. 228 Walker, Geo. C. 1258 Smith, N. A. 192 Walker, R. M. 2825 Snyder, F. L. 1712 Walter, J. C. 2619 Sondheimer, E. 2932 Ware, John W. 235 Spalding, J. Walter 1630 Webster, F. S. 3122 Spaulding, Dennis 2702 Wells, R. M. 2518 Spaulding, S. G. 1337 Wentworth, Frank 2451 Spear, A. A. 3021 West, Andrew F. 1601 Spencer. F. F. 2924 Wetmore, C. L. 1526 Squires, Zacaiiah, Jr. 1925 Wheeler, A. W. 1216 Starkweather, C. H. 1470 Wheeler, F. T. 1544 Stiles, John M. 2023 Wheeler, G. H. 2325 Stiles, Josiah 2109 Wheeler, W. E. 3024 Stoddard, H. S. 1523 Whipple, R. M. 3141 Stone, Edward 1351 Whitfield, Thomas 2013 Stone, Rev. Luther 3016 Wightraan, W. T. 1305 Stoughton, Mrs. M. E. 255 Wilcox, Mrs. M. 2428 Strader, Jacob 3440 Willets, Henry 1838 Strauss, Leopold 3034 Williams, Dr. D. H. 2973 Stubbs, J. B. 1355 Williams, F. B. 1462 Summerfield, Caspar 284 Williams, Horace 2621 Swan, J. H. 2421 Williston, Horace 3014 Taft, Orren B. 222 Wilmarth. H. M. 1 22 ELITE OP CHICAGO. MICHIGAN AVENUE. 291 3131 2544 2215 Willoughby, Chas. L. Wilson, Jos. L. Winenian, Marx Winterbotham, J. R. 1913 2941 243 Wright, Jno. M. Wright, N. T. Young, Mrs. L. E. REVERSED DIRECTORY. LHCIHS C. Paraee, IMPORTED DELICACIES, ENTREMETS, CONDIMENTS WINES, LIQUORS, HAVANA ELITE OF CHICAGO. JSTAV PINSTORFF, Importer of and Dealer in OEEffi^ JiOOKS AND PERIODICALS. Blank Book Manufacturer, Printer and Book Binder. Drawing and Lithographers' Materials. Deutsche Buch-Handlung, 48 IDEAJRIBOraiNr STREET, Wholesale and Retail. xviii REVERSED DIRECTORY. 23 INDIANA AVENUE. Horse cars to Thirty-ninth street; also to Fifty-first street and the South Park. 313'2 Abbott, O. S. 1735 Brown, W. H. 2118 Adams, Benj. 1252 Brunswick, Chas. 2972 Anderson, Dr. S. 2421 Brush, E. D. 2910 Anderson, F. R. 2412 Buell, Ira W. 3212 Anderson, Geo. 1620 Burley, A. G. 2552 Arnold, C. H. 2342 Burnett, Wm. H. 3651 Baker, Moses 2806 Burnham, D. M. 3428 Baldwin, Geo. D. 3339 Burrows, W. F. 1807 Bangs, Dean 2717 Burtis, J. K. 2729 Barrett, Mrs. Jane E. 1312 Busby, C. 2130 Bass, Geo. 1832 Byford, Dr. Wm. H. 2322 Bemis, H. V. 3831 Cady, S. P. 2734 Benjamin, Moses 3030 Callaghan, Bernard 2001 Bentley, Cyrus 3333 Calkins, Oscar C. 2639 Blackwell, George 2259 Campbell, Mrs. C. C. 3035 Blackwelder, Isaac H. 2843 Cassidy, James A. 2841 Bliss, H. W. 3031 Chamberlin, Dr. Geo. M. 3361 Boal, C. T. 2510 Chandler, E. Bruce 2017 Bogart, E. H. 2003 Chapman, Sidney S. 2199 Bonnell, Wm. H. 1818 Cheney, Bishop C. E. 2937 Boomer, Lucius S. 2971 Clark, B. W. 3325 Bowen, Geo. H. 4101 Cole, Mrs. Jirah D . J. 3249 Bowles, Jacob 3316 Conrad, G. E. 3025 Boyd, Dr. H. W. 3241 Cook, Amanda S. 2612 Bradley, Street 1813 Cook, G. C. 1735 Brown, Mrs. C. B. 2817 Covert, Rev. John 3142 Brown, Thomus H. 2350 Cowen, Bennett 24 ELITE OF CHICAGO. INDIANA AVENUE. 364G Cowles, James A. -2969 Fellows, Dr. H. B. 3670 Cowles, Merrick 3208 Feuimore, Wm. 1615 Crandal, Edw. M. 1714 Fenton, J. H. 1041 Cummings, C. B. 3823 Flagg, James M. 2354 Cunningham, Win. B. 4025 Follansbee, G. A. 2978 Curtis, J. Lafe 2721 Foster, Thomas 3423 Davis, Dr. W. H. 3815 Frazee, M. V. 2328 Densmore, E. W. 2023 Fuller, Mrs. E. 3119 Dexter, Dr. R. 2019 Gage, A. S. 3246 Dexter, W. W. 1710 Gallup, B. E. 170H Dodge, George E. P. 3400 Gibbs, Platt P. 3335 Dodson, Benj. W. 2979 Gifford, Chas. E. 3300 Doud, Levi B. 3623 Gifford, Wm. 2613 Dudley, H. W. 1837 Gile, David H. 3610 Duffett, Geo. J. 2116 Glaser, Lewis 3610 Duffett, JohuJ. 3355 Goodman, Daniel 1927 Duncan, J. D. 3444 Googins, David S. 2809 Dunklee, Wm. A. 1926 Gore, Geo. P. 1812 Dunlevy, J. C. 2916 Grannis, Amos 2723 Durfee, Jos. A. 1610 Grant, W. C. 2720 Earl, Joseph 2010 Graves, John M. 2816 Edwards, Rev. Arthur 3668 Greene, J. E. 1234 Eliel, Gustav 2331 Griswold, Edw. P. 3438 Eliel, Lambert 1907 Griswold, J. W. 3318 Eldredge, Isaac 2941 Gunning, Robt. J. 1706 Elkins, H. K. 1602 Gunther, C. F. 3218 Elliott, H. M. .1602 Gunther, C. T. 2950 Engel, Beruhard 2322 Guthrie, W. 3018 English, R. W. 3821 Hall, Simeon F. 3128 Espert, Michael 2946 Hamilton, D. G. 2833 Evans, Hiram L. 1815 Hamilton, I. K. 3427 Excell, Robt. 2536 Harding, G. F. 2705 Farwell, Geo. E. 1258 Harmon, H. I. 295)1 2 Faxon, Nat 2-115 Harper, C. D. REVERSED DIRECTORY. Misses M. E. EVANS and FANNIE W. HARDY, For several years in the employ of the Chicago Society of Dec- orative Art, desire to inform their friends and former patrons that they have opened a room in Central Music Hall for all kinds of Designing Monograms, etc., Stamping and Preparing 'Work. Mibs Hardy, who has been in New York the greater part of the year, is prepared to teach Art needle ivorJc, Moorish, Ecclesiastical, Applique, Arrasene and Ribbon Embroidery, Drawn Work, Fringing, Etc., Etc. A full line of Art School silks and crewels constantly on hand. Art work taken to sell on commission. STUDIO 8, CENTRAL MUSIC HALL, Chicago, 111. MISS C. . WATKINS, n Pliotographs and Anibrotypes ( 'pn' f > * me illmcry. (9 ' ' f- i I Hosiery and Gloves, Sole Agents in Chicago for the celebrated Bon March6 Kid Gloves. ELITE OF CHICAGO. OLiO-A^KS, STJITS, 8 JAMES ARMSTRONG CO ') STATE ST., CHICAGO, ILL. QUALITY GUARANTEED THE BEST. PRICES ALWAYS THE LOWEST. *3~ O S O H M Established 1864. ^rt|| f >SIL1 TIONER Y^ Monograms and Crests En- graved and Stamped. J. \V. HALLIDAY, 151 WABASH AVENUE, REVERSED DIRECTORY. 31 PRAIRIE AVENUE. 3352 Stead, Mrs. F. E. 3941 Volk, J. H. 1635 Stewart, H. L. 3223 Wadlie, Horace O. 1636 Stone, Mrs. H. O. 1720 Walker, Mrs. Elia 1834 Storey, W. F. 2027 Walker, Wm. B. 1712 Sturges, Albert 2728 Walker, Wm. S. 2940 Sweet, S. H. 3930 Ward, George T. 2556 Swisky, H. 3432 Ward, Joseph F. 2734 Tabor, E. W. 3547 Warren, George M. 1613 Tewkesbury, Wm. J. 2436 Waughop, John W. 3152 Thain, J. A. 2125 Wheeler, Chas. H. 3541 Thompson, Chas. D. 2965 Whitehead.E. P. 2226 Thompson, W. N. 2459 Wilcox, Miss Beatrice A. 2447 Todd, Dr. J. F. 2919 Wilder, Miss E. A. 2447 Todd, Miss Estelle 2406 Willard, C. W. 2031 Tolman, S. A. 2834 Williams, A. 2101 True, C. W. 2802 Witkowsky, Conrad 3004 Turner, James, Jr. 2917 Wrenn, John H. 2963 Ullman, Daniel 2947 Wright, J. ' 3022 Underwood, P. L. 2960 Yondorf , Simon 5* t 1 IWR 32 ELITE OF CHICAGO. CALUMET AVENUE. 2920 Abbott, Mrs. D. M. E. 3150 Gary, Win. H., Jr. 3218 Alberle, Oscar 3014 Col well, B.L. 2716 Adams, Geo. W. 2252 Coolbaugh, Mrs. A. R. 2131 Ailing, John 2251 Cooper, John S. 2221 Armour, Mrs. J. F. ; 2000 Crawford, Henry 2823 Atwood, E. S. 2330 Crouch, Thomas 2106 Badger, A. C. 2620 Dickersou, Janus S. 34-20 Baker, Chas. E. 3212 Dixon.L. B. 2710 Barbe, Martin 2249 Dwight, J. H. 2238 Barnes, C. J. 2615 Eisendrath, B. D. 3230 Barrett, John R. 2957 Emerick, G. E. 2253 Bartlett, C. S. 2957 Emerick, Jacob T. 2718 Beebe, J. E. 2213 Foreman, Gerhard 2217 Bensinger, Moses 3341 Foster, Charles H. 2947 Bigoness, Octave 2310 Gould, J. S. 3201 Blair, Charles H. 2608 Gregg, H. H. 2536 Blake, H. H. 3222 Green, A. W. 2724 Booth, Edwin 2328 Greenebaum, Isaac 2828 Bragg, F. A. 2312 Groff, E. L. 2253 Brewster, J. P. 2141 Grover, Z. 3432 Brintnall, W. H. 2101 Gunn, Dr. Moses 2902 Burnett, J. J. 3247 Guthman, R. 2339 Burras, Mrs. M. A. 2201 Hauford, P. C. 2820 Cahn, Henry 2646 Harper, Win. H. 2634 Campbell, James 2235 Hawkes, Kirk 1910 Caton, Arthur 2712 Hickey, M. C. 1900 Caton, Judge J. D. 2226 Hickling, Mrs. Win. HEVERSED DIRECTORY. R. F. BROWN, Manufacturer and Dealer in BROWN'S IMPROVED FURNACES, AND First-Class Ranges, 2126 WABASH AVE. CHIC-A.G-O. [Between 21st and 22d Sis.] MILLINERY, DRESSMAKING, FANCY GOODS AND NOTIONS. 1617 WABASH AVENUE. ELITE OF CHICAGO. THE gcEAN URINE ATH, Te Onlif Ocean Water 1 Bath iq Chicago. THE CHIATAMONE SULPHUR BATH, USED IN THE BALNEARII OF ITALY. ALSO Electric, Sea Salt, Thermal, Common Salt, and Sweet Water Baths. RHEUMATISM, KIDNEY TROUBLES, LIVER COMPLAFNTS, NERVOUS PROSTRATION, DYSPEPSIA, PARALYSIS AND CONSTIPATION, BLOOD POISONING SUCCESSFULLY TREATED. Every Treatment Given by an Experienced Physician. OPEN FROM 9 A. M. TO 10 P. M. ROOMS NOS. 47, 48, 49, 50 AND 51, CENTRAL MUSIC HALL BUILDING. xxviii REVERSED DIRECTORY. 33 CALUMET AVENUE. 2316 Hill, H. L. 2818 Ferine, Mrs. M. S. 3412 Holland, Bobt. A. 2962 Pierce, N. F. 2611 Holme?, J. D. 2722 Pollard, John K. 3240 Ingwersen, E. 2253 Powell, Samuel 3226 Ives, Dr. Frank B. 2624 Randall, T. D. 3418 Jacobus, O. J. 2355 Banney, J. M. 2140 Jones, D, A, 2300 Baymond, B. N. 2244 Kelley, A. P. 2:39 Raymond, C. L. 2355 Kellogg, W. F. 2320 Roche, P. J. 3203 Kent, Thomas 3236 Root, B. W. 2240 Kohn, H. A. 2229 Rosenbaum, Joseph 2018 Kohn, Joseph A. 2333 Ross, James W. 2419 Kohn, M. 2704 Seymour, E. O. 3235 Lincoln, D. H. 2124 Shaw, Theo. 3228 Lyman, N. W, 2253 Shedd, Chas. B. 2119 Layng, J. D 3220 Shurly, E. R. P. 2321 McAvoy, J. H. 3416 Silverman, Lazarus 2706 McConkey, D, E. 2343 Simon, Leopold 1928 Manierre, E. 2220 Smith, C. G. 3224 Mann, Bell 2351 Snow, A. J. 2125 Markley, John A. 3233 Stennett, N. H. 2834 Mayhon, Wm. F. 2343 Taylor, C. W. 2312 Mayo, John B. 3255 Thomson, David 2107 Meeker, A. B. 3335 Tisdale, Mrs. Laura J. 2600 Meeker, Theo. 3343 Titman, Jesse 2600 Mercer, F. W. 2331 Tobey, E. P. 2520 Meyer, Edw. J. 1840 Towne, Chas. E. 3232 Miller, M. B. 3209 Turner, Laurin H. 3104 Miller, Robert B. 2842 Wallace, John H. 2803 Mitchell, H. C. 2133 Walsh, John R. 2004 Mitchell, J. J. 2342 Warner, G. L. 2004 Mitchell, W. H. 2807 Weinschenk, M. 3216 Moody, John A. 3156 Weiss, George A. 3335 Nelson, Thomas E. 3207 Wells, Thomas E. 34 ELITE OF CHICAGO. CALUMET AVENUE. 3100 Wetherell, O. D. 2016 Wheeler. Ezra I. 1836 Williams, Norman 2253 2032 Williams, W. B. Young, Otto REVERSED DIRECTORY. 35 VERNON AVENUE. 3554 Adams, W. H. 3634 Hovey, E. S. 2911 Barnett, James 2945 Jones, Benj. L. 3565 Bean, Dixon 3609 Lynas, Thos. R. 3600 Boggs, C. T. 3625 McCleary, B. J. 3009 Bohner, George 3407 McDowell, Jacob 3217 Chapman, J. L. 3542 McMahon, P. 3206 Conger, S. W. 2954 Meyer, Isaac 3419 Crofoot, A. B. 3015 Milliken, J. D. 3011 Davies, Thomas 2967 Myrick, W. F. 3201 Davis, James G. 3413 Parker, R. S. 3639 Denny, W. A. 2970 Pennoyer, James C. 2921 Dewey, Electra E. 3437 Ramsey, M. D. 2921 Dewey, Miss M. J. 3006 Raymond, Rev. L. F. 3563 Douglas, Joseph C. 3620 Richards, W. C. 2950 Draper, N. C. 3604 Ross, James L. 3618 Field, Joseph C. 3431 Sawyer, A. Burritt 3219 Gartside, John M. 3427 Schuyler, D. J. 3343 Goodman, Edward 3243 Slyder, A. F. 3350 Googins, H. F. 3028 Smith, Eli 3516 Haigh, Rev. W. M. 2935 Smith, Samuel C. 2942 Hall, D. A. 3837 Spalding, J. Walter 2951 Harris, E. P. 3521 Staples, Frank M. 3018 Havens, C. A. 3316 Teegarden, Frank W. 3017 Havens, 8. S. 3630 Van Hagen, Isaac 3318 Hovey, Albert H. 3439 Wallace, Andrew 36 ELITE OP CHICAGO. VERNON AVENUE. 3327 Watkins, M . 3548 Wilkinson, Chas. T. 3528 Wells, George H. 3329 Wood, James 3643 West, C. H. LANGLEY TERRACE. 3 Barrett, Win. M. 4 Haskins, J. S. 7 Cook, Albert A. 8 Peters, Daniel S. 1 Cook, John N. 12 Eandall, Arthur T. 5 Fletcher, David H. 6 Soper, Horace W. 2 Gooding, Duncan S. 10 Stowell, Henry P. SOUTH PARK AVENUE. 3136 Amory, Wrn. A. 2701 Golhart, Liborius 2405 Bemis, E. C. 2719 Gunning, B. C. 2359 Bolton, James 2816 Heath, Frederick C. 3420 Brown, Geo. F. 3024 Hess, Adolph 3214 Cahn, Jacob L. 2729 Hess, Isaac 3226 Chase, Horace W. 3016 Horton, B. F. 2956 Cleary, P. 3141 Jeffery, John B. 3117 Collins, Wrn. 2933 King, Thos. B. 2968 Devore, A. A. 3550 Lees, Edward 2418 Dickinson, George 3210 Marsh, F. O. 2816 Dorney, John 2421 Martin, Bobt. T 2929 Faulkner, John 2403 Norton, E. G. 2977 Fisk, James H. 2702 Norton, Horace H. 3406 Goff, Frederic 3222 Pope, Geo. G. REVERSED DIRECTORY. 1 1 ECORATIOHS^ C^XXtCTCOXXXOCCOCOCCaDaXO^^ \ V V \ \ \*\ \ . V \ \ \ \ \ \ -^ CHURCHES.:;;: \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ THEATRES c. \ \ \ \ \ \\\\ \\V\\ \ .sLODGESj PUBLIC H^S :XX ; X \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \;\ \ \ \ \ \ \ v S PRIVATE HOUSED \ \ v \ \ : \ \ \ W^^ ELITE OP CHICAGO. ^ing Jjjtarfors 7O STATE STREET, ROOMS 8 AND 9, Most Stylish and Best Made Suits, Dolmans, Cloaks and Ladies' Trousseaus in the city. A FIT GUARANTEED. AGENCY FOR MYRA'S JOURNAL AND L,a Mouiteur tie la Mode REVERSED DIRECTORY. 37 SOUTH PARK AVENUE. 3-256 Prickett, Edward P. 2.551 Snow W. B. 2300 Pulsifer, E. F. 2400 Spruance, Harmon 2302 Putnam, Joseph R. 3027% Stone, C. D. 2805 Redmond, James P. 2408 Stone, R. B. 3011 Richardson, Wm. 2502 Strauss, Jacob 2972 Roberts, Byron W. 2411 Summerfield, John 2407 Schwerdt, C. F. 2967 Sunderland, Thos. 2722 Seipp, Conrad 3228 Taylor, Joseph 2979 Seipp, Wm. C. 2427 Upton, George P. 3008 Shephard, George C. 2837 Urbanus, J. P. 3361 Sibley, David B. 3208 Westervelt, Daniel 3014 Skeele, John H. 3252 Williams, G. T. ELLIS AVENUE. 3753 Beebe, Thomas H. 3547 Harper, W. G. 3738 Braymer, F. A. 3544 Holton,Geo. D. 3823 Buchanan.. Mrs. E. M. 3570 McClelland, Robt. 3939 Burchell, Joseph E. 3618 McMurdie, Mrs. M. 4003 Colvin, Wm. H. 3833 McMurray, G. T. 3836 Davis, F. B. 4036 Merriam, C. W. 3629 Day, Mrs. J. M. 3626 Orr, Frank B. 3629 Day, Miss Victorine 3626 Orr, F. W. 3834 Eddy, A. D. 3701 Overman, Mrs. C. R. 3757 Endicott, E. M.^- 3529 Pickering, A. D. 3822 Forsyth, Robt. 3908 Pike, Samuel 3845 Gale,D. W. 3839 Pratt, Horatio 3613 Gleason, Chas. O. 3619 Roberts, Claude J. 3767 Graff, Mrs. M. 4021 Roper, John 3734 Grossman, Benj. 3767 Sherman, Rollin 3916 Hardy, Chas. M. 3555 Short, James L. 38 ELITE OF CHICAGO. ELLIS AVENUE. 3828 Sidley, Wm. K. 3703 Weiss, H. 3811 Sunter, W. B. 3722 White, Owen 3742 Tiffany, H. S. 3865 Whiting ; D. T. 3946 Torreuce, J. T. 3804 Wicker, C. G. 3517 Tucker, Horace ^ 4012 Wilson, Chas. E. V1NCENNES AVENUE. 3723 Barnum, John W. 3642 Magill, Chas. W. 3912 Bisbee, Lewis H. 3709 Maloney, Matthew 3837 Boardman, Mrs. 3633 Rodier, N. J. 3631 Bogardus, H. D. 3809 Sanborn, H. H. 3559 Brayson, H. B. 3733 Sawyer, E. W. 3851 Carter, Mrs. C. A. 3826 Schmidt, Christian 3751 Caswell, C. L. 3753 Shaw, G. W. 3560 Chambers, Wm. M. 3759 Shodd, Ezra T. 3633 Cutler, Dr. G. Albert 3837 Spalding, A. G. 3714 De Forest, John 3803 Sturges. Charles A. 3800 De Wolf, Calvin 3741 Root, Kiugsbury 3347 Falter, D. B. 3755 Weaver, B. F. 3708 Griswold, F. A. 3700 Wheaton, Mrs. H. J. 3550 Hale, S. H. 3520 Whitehall-, N. 3745 Lansing, Odell E. 3706 Wilson, George 3805 McCord, John C. 3739 Wolff, P. F. LANGLEY AVENUE. 3715 Barber, A. H. 3801 Caliger, Thomas M. 3832 Bensley, George E. 3844 Chandler, Peyton R. 3738 Bourne, Chas. A. 2617 Cook, George M. ELITE OF CHICAGO. HARTUNG BROTHERS *' A fine assortment of Woolens constantly on hand. A perfect fit and workmanship guaranteed. 96 TWENTY-SECOXW STREET, CHICAGO. xxxi ELITE OF CHICAGO. CfffP- A fwfy wrrjTTrn xLlbAbu 1M>11 No 72 ST^TE STREET, (Opposite Central Music Hall.) FINE ASSORTED BASKET FRUIT WHOLESALE HOUSE, No. 142 S. WATER ST. W. C. RITCHIE Co., SUCCESSOBS TO RITCHIE & DUCK, MANUFACTURERS OF & 155 Michigan Avenue. ESTABLISHED 1866. TELEPHONE NO. 5449. REVERSED DIRECTORY. 39 LANGLEY AVENUE. 3aS4 Curtis, John F. 3834 Patterson, F. D. 3716 Daggy, Peter 3749 Prins, E. J. 3819 Deutsch, Frederick 3825 Reading, E. M. 3730 Fake, Henry 3822 Robinson, D. J. 3743 Fensenthal, H. 3821 Ross, Carroll H. 3745 Felsenthal, Michael 3821 Ross, Mrs. R, C. 3726 Fleetwood, Benj. F. 3829 Ruffner, F. W. 3818 Greig, John D. 3701 Sherwood, Philliis 3721 Harvey, S. A. 3751 Sidwell, George H. 3806 Jackson, D. C. 3830 Spencer, C. F. A. 3807 Johnson, Frank A. 3840 Starr, Edward 3825 Morris, John 3739 Talbott, James L. 3804 Moulton, E. A. 3736 Wade, John 3747 Neuberger, Henry 3804 Wright, Mrs. Mary A. FOREST AVENUE. 3650 Blakeslee, George S. cor. I 35tti ) Euglert, Frank 3142 Brighani, George F. 3106. Glover, L. B. 3526 Burdsall, E. H. 3648 Gooding, De Witt C. 3100 Byford, Dr. Henry T. 3345 Harland, L. H. 3343 Carr, H. H. 3127 Hess, Jacob 3353 Chase, Beuj. F. 3423 Holmes, T. W. 3427 Cobb, George W. 3258 Howell, S. R. 3236 Coffeen, M. Lester 3323 Knight, Clarence A. 3710 Conger, Moore 2123 Knowles, J. 3758 Conover, H. H. 3121 Lewis, John C. 3349 Cromwell, Chas. 3140 Loker, George T. 3152 Cross, R. W. 3636 Neebes, Win. J. 3231 Custard, M. B. 3534 Overman, Henry C. 40 ELITE OF CHICAGO. 3208 3110 3731 3116 3339 3328 3733 3456 3558 2350 4134 3134 3137 4614 3726 3729 3504 3524 3615 FOREST Parker, H. C. Perro, J. P. Poole, O. A. Porter, Alfred S. Roper, Howard Runyon, W. C. Sherman, Daniel AVENUE. 3716 Soames, Johu D. 3146 Stone, M. V. 3732 Sunderland, George 3148 Viles, James, Jr. 3362 Ward, Oscar H. 3355 Weissker, Victor C. 3341 Wright. Wm. L. COTTAGE GROVE AVENUE. Parker, Frank Rankin, Sanford Steffens, Miss Anna Steffens, M. J. Stokes, Chas. J. Summers, W. H. Atwood, O. E. Brown, Miss Jennie Ehlert, C. E. Garlick, D. S. Garlick, Leman W. Hullhorst, Edward 3952 2941 2249 2249 2341 3450 LAKE / Ackerman, W. K. Baker, E. P. Bond, Wm. S. Bruner, Chas. E. Christopher, Mrs. C. P. Cleaver, E. C. AVENUE. 4145 Dewey, A. A. 3870 Dunham, R. W. 3830 Eckley, Chas. T. 3906 Fisher, L. G.. Jr. 3622 Fowler, Bernard 4669 Fowler, Hervey W. ! REVERSED DIRECTORY. mm, j/, e. INSTITUTE OF THE P6YEPEJW * CURE, Constituting a Remedial Treatment of Chronic Affections and Weaknesses, including Paralysis and Rheumatism, by Manual and Mechanical Movements, Apparatus and Processes. 1O5 & 1O7 STATE STREET, CHICAGO, ILL. Entrance to Elevator, 103 State Street. ESTABLISHED IN 1867. The most commodious, best fitted, oldest, and only Move- ment Cure in the West where the full advantages of the treat- ment can be obtained. Hours for Consultation] Ladies 9 A. M. to 1 M. and Treatment, | Gentlemen, 54 to 6 P. M. The Moliere Thermo-Electric Baths. A. system of bathing comprising luxury and health. Free from all objectional features. They induce a profuse perspira- tion by the combined action of electricity, oxygen and heat. Temperature never exceeds 100 degrees. Entirely free from shocks. The head cool ; the feet warm ; pure air to breathe ; pleasant ablutions ; agreeable manipulations, and thorough drying of the body with the hand and towel. Open from 8 A. M. to 7 P. M. for ladies and gentlemen (ex cept Sundays). Entirely free from exposure. Time required, thirty to sixty minutes. Exclusively private. Separate baths for ladies. The most elegant and best of modern baths. Intro- duced as a hygienic and curative agent in the year 1877, at The only place in Chicago where these Baths can be had. BBANCH INSTITUTION, 113 MASON ST., MILWAUKEE. xxxiii ELITE OF CHICAGO. OSWELL A. BOGUE, Prest. NELSON H. MERRILL, Sec. f HE H AKOTA HOMPANY. Organized under the laws of Dakota for the purpose of dealing in Dakota lands. ^l TAKES A SPECIALTY iu the purchase of lauds in the most -'-'- fertile districts of the territory for capitalists and others desiring first-class investments. Every piece of land purchased is carefully inspected by a member of the company, and a cer- tificate given showing quality and depth of soil, improvements thereon, and number of acres under cultivation. Immense for- tunes have been made during the two past years in the purchase of Southern and Central Dakota property. The emigration to that portion of the territory for the coming year promises to ex- ceed that of any previous year by many thousands, and the value of lands in the valleys of the Jim and Sioux Rivers for general farming purposes is just becoming known all over the world. The Dakota Company, through its offices at Sioux Falls. Yankton, Pierre, Watertown, Hume, Mitchell, and other promi- nent points in the territory, are prepared to furnish lands in all sections of Southern and Central Dakota at prices which will prove to be most profitable investments. Free transportation will be given from Chicago to any point in Southern and Central Dakota to purchasers of five hundred or more acres. For further information call at the general office of the com- pany in Chicago, or at either of the points above named. THE DAKOTA COMPANY, 161 LaSalle Street, Chicago, xxxiv REVERSED DIRECTORY. 41 LAKE AVENUE. 3811 Fox, B. M. 3619 Rice, W. H. 3632 Fry, George C. 4520 Steele, James M. 3600 Fuller, M. W. 3551 Sutter, A. 3744 Gates, Henry S. 3601 Sutter, Jacob 3916 Hoit, J. P. 3603 Sutter, Louis P. 3716 Kendall, Henry L. 3727 Start, John 3512 Ledochowski, M. 3541 Trego, Chas. T. 3837 Lewis, Edwin C. 4826 Trumbull, J. H. 3830 Mclntire, S. P. 4008 Trumbull, L. 3866 Mayer, Jacob 4016 Trumbull, L. M. 3508 Metz, Christopher 4008 Trumbull, Perry 4508 Otis, Thomas G. 3755 Tucker, J. C. 3834 Parsons, Chas. F. 3630 Waterbury, A. M 3516 Pickering, A. H. 3536 Watkins, Wm. W. 3937 Band, Wm. H. 3821 Williams, T. C. STANTON AVENUE. 3552 Foss, Charles E. 3624 Launder, W. H. 3727 Fowler, Charles C. 3639 Thompson, John F. 3735 Grabs, H. F. 3548 Tilton, Frank C. 3856 Hovey, Mrs. M. A. GROVELAND AVENUE. 3018 Baker, Wilson G. 3023 Caswell, Henry M. 3157 Campbell, Mrs. A. M. 3030 Christoph, Henry J. 3023 Caswell, Henry J. 2938 Devore, John A. 42 ELITE OF CHICAGO. GROVELAND AVENUE. 3111 Dickey, H. M. 3028 Leech, W. H. 3020 Duffield, Charles 3143 Lester, Franklin 3017 Harpell, Miss Lillie 3025 Parish, Samuel M. 2164 Harwood, Junius 3165 Reed, James A. S. 3149 Hottinger, J. M. 3038 Reed, Wm. K. 3041 Jones, James C. 3029 Shedd, A. T. 2967 Kelly, Harrison 3035 Smith, Lafayette H. 3027 Kettelle, George H. 3028 Southworth, H. E. 3007 Knox, Chas. M. GROVELAND PARK. 35 Cariington, John W. 1 Moulton, J. T. 2 Colbert, Eli as 20 Ream, Norman B. 24 Doolittle, James R., Jr. 1 Thacker, JobnF. 3 Forsytb, James 10 Thayer, Mrs. E. 30 Gage, F. N. 5 Warren, Robert 11 Griggs, Samuel C. 19 Wells, Frank 8 Mills, Allen H. 7 Woodward, James L. BRYANT AVENUE. 63 Bailey, Samuel G. 31 Blair, S. O. 43 Beach, E. A. 9 Bradley, David E. 43 Beach, F. A. 56 Cook, Orrin S. 46 Belding, H. H. 17 Garber, Chas. C. IEVERSED DIRECTORY. JAS. S. KIRK & COMPY'S FINE TOILET SOAPS.-( FLOWER ODORS) Highly Perfumed With Natural Odors In Boxes Artistically Designed Packets Elaborately Enveloped. Zenithia. Violet. Juvenile. White Rose. Calumet Bouquet. Palestine Lily. JAS. S. KIRK & COMPY'S CONCENTRATED ESSENCES FOR THE HANDKERCHIEF. Flower Odors Rare Combinations High Degree of Strength and Lasting. JAS. S. KIRK & COMPY'S ZENITHIA COLOGNE. A delightful bouquet, pronounced by con- noisseurs to be the perfection of Colognes. ELITE OF CHICAGO. A. H. ANDREWS & CO, 195 MANUFACTURE THE FOLLOWING: P en ' SCHOOL DESKS JAND AP. PARATUS. The celebrated dovetail "TRI- UMPH" Desk. Also 60 kinds of Globes ; 50 kinds of Blackboards ; Patent Dustless Erasers ; Kin- dergarten Material,Maps,Charts > etc. THE NURSERY BLACKBOARD, DESK A>D EASEL (new), forming three articles in one, and a very useful thing for the home. By a single motion can be arranged for a neat Child's writing desk. Price $5.00. ANDREWS' PARLOR FOLDING-BEDS. Improved. Thirty-five Styles. $25 and upwards. Elegant, comfortable. Save room rent. Bedding folds out of sight. See cut. Closed. 1OO STYLES. Of best kiln-dried lumber, of improved design and reduced in price. Library Tables, Wood Mantels, in especial and elegant designs. xxxvi REVERSED DIRECTORY. 43 BRYANT AVENUE. 25 Hayward, A. D. 49 Jacobs, W. B. 54 Mead, S. B. 60 Pratt, N. D. 33 Kea, John H. 13 Spalding, H. S. 61 Stanton, W. A. 22 Straws, James E. 16 Waters, H. H. GRAND BOULEVARD. 3750 Foss, Sylvester D. 3665 Nourse, B. F. 3811 Parmly, Henry C. 3811 Parmly, S. P. 3547 Pflaum, Isaac 3801 Sharpe, L. L. 2623 Warren, Horace STATE STREET. 1250 Bonn, Henry 243 Day, Dr. Louise 256 Fulmer, Robert A. 126 Mann, Mrs. Dr. J. C. 126 Pike, Mrs. S. W. 1254 Pomaranc, Marx 2417 Powers, Martin M. 126 Stubbs, Dr. James E. 3016 Sullivan, A. J. 2524 Wahl, C. J. SIXTEENTH STREET. 6 Andrews, Dr. E. 18 Bloom, L. 36 Gimbel, Moses 30 Hart, Henry N. 46 Hayden, F. A. 4 Johnson, Dr. Hosmer A. 44 ELITE OP CHICAGO. SIXTEENTH STREET. 34 Leon, J. 32 Leopold, Samuel F. 26 Meyer, Martin Wells, Brenton, B. Wilson, B. M. V__ DOUGLAS AVENUE. 19 Bell, W. W. 40 Carroll, J. C. 148 Freaser, J. Henry 119 Hill, Howell B. 96 Irish, George 72 Johnson, H. B. 130 Lundgren, Dr. Leonard 159 McCurdy, Albert 243 Moore, John G. 44 Ogden, Wm. L. 72 Purdy, De Witt C. 95 Russell, Wm. H. 50 Tucker, James I. 130 Tuttle, Edwin 36 Volks, L. W. 23 Yaggy, T. K. LAKE PARK PLACE. 2 Hopson, E. J. 6 Laflin, M. 10 Norris, Benj. F. 7 Van Arman, John 3 Wheeler, Silas P. 4 Williams, F. M. JOHNSON PLACE. 3743 Alsop, Henry 3752 Brown, Thos. B. 3726 Burlingame, Olney 3808 12 3802 Chadwick, James E. Clarke, Jno. S. Cole, Calvin L. REVERSED DIRECTORY. Established Ten Years. TAYLORS And Choice Confections. Send for Circular. 7 Sontli Clark Street. JOHN C. SCHUBERT, MANUFACTUBER OP 153 Twenty-second Street. Complete Stock of Combs, Ornaments, Nets, Etc. STEVENS & CO., DEALEKS IN Ancient and {(ape Going, 90 Randolph St., Chicago. Stevens' Price List U. S. Coins. ELITE OF CHICAGO, Only Exclusively Toadies' Furnishing Goods Store in the city. IRS. 1.5 IINDSKOFF & go, Under the Palmer House. 181 STATE STREET, CHICAGO. IMPOBTEBS AND DEALEBS IN'. Ladies' Fnraisten Goods SILKS, SATINS AND VELVETS DRESS TRIMMINGS OF ALL KINDS, Fine Shoes and Slippers, Laces, Silk Hosiery, Kid Gloves, Ladies Silk and Cambric Underwear, Opera Glasses, Opera Fans, Manicure Sets, Toilet Cases. Wedding Trousseaux a Specialty. xxxviii REVERSED DIRECTORY. 45 4806 3833 3756 3734 3734 3312 3114 3436 224 3208 3220 53 25 35 39 119 123 JOHNS01 Gardner, J. C. Gribbler, John B. Haskell, D. F. Hobert, Dr. E. S. Hobert, Miss May VT PLACE. 3817 Hoffmann, H. C. 3804 Hurlbut, Lucien 3758 Ottley, Thos. M. 3834 Presley, Geo., Jr. RHODES AVENUE. Allen, James L. Bowker, S. W. Buckbee, John C. Gibbs, Geo. I. Haskins, Geo. W. Lockett, Oswald 3216 Neahr, M. J. 3442 Porter, Geo. M. 3430 Rhodes, John H. 3430 Rumsey, Israel P. 3255 Smith, Wm. E. 3265 Wilbur.. Chas. M. UNIVERSI' Babcock, Franklin Chandler, Joseph B. Garrigus, J. C. FY PLACE. 69 Willett, C. H. 23 Winter, Dr. Wm. W. TWENTY-SEC Bergman, Edward Clark, James J. Fithian, C. E. OND STREET. 165 Gaylord, M. M. 1 Gunzenhauser, John 65 Hale, Dr. Ed. M. 40 ELITE OF CHICAGO. 119 179 144 82 112 TWENTY-SECOND STREET. Hoffheimer. Isaac Hull, Geo. E. James, Miss Florence Linsted, D. B. McAuley, James D. 69 55 11 177 37 115 Pick, Albert Porter, Henry T. Shorey, D. L. Swain, Robert Van Schaack, C. Wilmot, L. S. LAKE PARK AVENUE. 3050 Cooke, David B. 3044 Courtright, H. H 3046 Kelley, James W. D. 3038 Manassee, Mrs. L. 3242 Smith, U. P. 3158 Walker, Frank E. 3150 Whiting, F. G. DREXEL BOULEVARD. 4020 A'lams, A. Edgerton 3995 Baker, Samuel 4005 Barker, Dr. W. A. 131 Grover, A. J. 96 Hale, Wm. E. 4001 Hutchins, A. E. Jf Oakley, Jas. W. TWENTY-FOURTH STREET. 68 Allen, J. J. 63 Blodgett, G. B. 83 Bostler, P. E. 128 Bournique, A. E. 62 Buck, George 76 Cassard, G. H. REVERSED DIRECTORY. MRS. p. fi. KENNICOTT, PISS ?IDA KENNICOTT, STUDIO, 96 STATE STREET FLOOR. ELITE OF CHICAGO. J. I. HATHAWAY, No. 38 Market Street. YARDS: 68 Kingsbury Street, I Fifteenth and Clark Sts., 2423 S. Halsted Street, I Clybourn Place Bridge, 94 N. Wood Street. REVERSED DIRECTORY. 47 38 108 75 75 1323 913 1310 102 63 63 125 63 56 117 28 296 TWENTY-FOU Cohn, D. A. Ettlinger, Simon Littauer, Meayer Loeffler, Arthur RTH STREET. 48 Metcalf, Herbert C. 74 Moberly, J. H. 64 Whitcomb, G. P. OAKWOOD I Bush, Harvey (JUL^J^ Cherry, CtimmingB- "* Cherry, R. R. Hulse, E. M. BOULEVARD. 106 Mackey, B. Palmer 951 Maxwell, Mrs. S. A. 931 Thomas, A. B. 931 Wilson, Granville M. E1GHTEEN1 Crain, Wm. N. Lowe, Henry L. Me Williams, Dr. S. A. Pope, Frank C. Root, J. W. rH STREET. 55 Carter, T. B. 129 George, John B. 57 Noyes, E. H. 122 Read, L. TWENTY-NI1 Bowen, P. K. Burnham, Andrew Donaldson, Chas. JTH STREET. 143 Drake, Frank 164 Edwards, H. J. 34 Hager, Joseph 48 ELITE OF CHICAGO. TWENTY-NINTH STREET. 110 Hale, W. F. 166 Osher, Joseph N. 111 Rosenberg, B. 128 212 Saltsman, Ervin Woodford, W. D. THIRTIETH STREET. 167 Bell, K. H. 275 Daft, Charles 309 Birmingham, J. H. 276 Long, Mrs. H. 336 Brown, John A. 272 Vreedenburgh, J. S. 237 Cudney, Win. TWENTY-EIGHTH STREET. 253 208 207 213 Eisendrath, Louis Ely, Edward Knapp, C. H. Macdonald, G. 216 211 249 254 Manning, W. K. Morse, M. F. Thomas, G. W. Thomas, Sidney THIRTY-SEVENTH STREET. 137 Boon, A. T. 95 Boyington, L. C. 200 Clevenger, Dr. S. V. 205 Dean, Ed. L. 235 Earl, John G. 35 Ford, T. P. REVERSED DIRECTORY. PRINCIPAL OFFICE, 79 CLARK ST., - - CHICAGO. WASHIMTOI ICE COMPANY, OF CHICAGO, The Largest Ice Company in the West, IS ALWAYS PREPARED TO FURNISH Ice of the Best Quality, in any Desired Quantity, and at Short Notice, Tli ELITE OF CHICAGO. 297 THIRTY-FIRST STREET. Instruction in all classes of Embroidery given, and Materials furnished of all kinds at as cheap a rate as any concern in Chicago, by Mrs. It. receives pupils at all hours. BOAS. ;TA UB VBC, FASHIONABLE Wedding and Evening Dresses a Specialty. DORE BUILDING. ELEVATOB 78 MADISON ST. > 1OC CTATC CTDCtT ROOM24. ) I2b blAltblnLhl. xlii REVERSED DIRECTORY. 49 THIRTY-SEVENTH STREET. 91 Gerstley, Joseph 136 Hunt, Joseph B. 209 Gilmore, Franklin 194 Peterson, T. H. 20 Goodwin, W. W. 68 Purdy, W. G. 187 Hitt, W. M. 63 Rothwell, H. R. 40 Holrnan, Chas. F. 176 Wehrli, Rudolph 156 Hough, O. S. ALDINE SQUARE. 42 Baldwin, Herman 38 Jerrems, W. G. 40 Blossom, Alonzo 12 Marsh, John W. 3 Brown, Thomas, Jr. 31 Parker, J. D. 33 Clogg, L. H 36 Rice, Theo. F. 23 Davis, S. B. 32 Rollins, A. W. 17 Deane, C. A. 1 Rust, H. A. 22 Duuton, F. H. 15 Smith, Abner 36 Gaubert, Chas. H. 30 Streeter, J. W. 34 Helmer, Joseph W. 41 Wilkins, Mrs. M. 7 Hildreth, C. H. 31 Wills, W. M. 37 Jackson, W. S. TWENTY-FIFTH STREET. 39 Eisendrat, Benj. 126 Florsheim, Augustus 76 Erich, Victor 189 Florsheim, Gustay 190 Fair, R. M. 88 Forrest, P. R. 50 ELITE OF CHICAGO. TWENTY-FIF 45 Galloway, A. J. 33 Hervey, Bobert 233 Loew, Dr. Alex. 31 Mitchell, Richard 366 Mueller, Adolph 41 Shoeneman, Benj. "TH STREET. 95 Simrus, Josiah 33 Smith, Henry R. 122 Suydacker, Louis 164 Stickney, George 120 Voss, Edward 94 Wilson, Robert TWENTY-SI} 51 Clark, Sheldon A. 53 Flood, Thos. H. 57 Fritts, D. H. 557 Hamler, John [TH STREET. 92 Hinkley, Chas. W. 12 Lamb, L. E. 82 Lindsay, L. P. 77 Thomas, John A. THIRTY-FIR 84 Beckwith, Geo. M. 266 Bullard, Chas. E. 308 Burbank, Dr. W. M. 148 Layton,.J. M. 210 Manvel, Charles J. ST STREET. 188 Seaverns, Win. S. 317 Shire, Isaac 264 Sprague, Levi 208 Wilder, N. P. THIRTY-TH1 13 Cohn, Louis 31 Hubbard , J. M. 33 McCarthy, B. F. 27 Munger, O. L. RD STREET. 27 Munger, P. F. 94 Russell, Paul C. 1-23 Winship, James REVERSED DIRECTORY. -THE- Crown Art Water Color Co. No previous knowledge of drawing orpainting is necessary. It is an accomplishment with which to decorate your homes. Classes at residence are given one hour of time, or more if necessary, and provided with paints, brushes, pallets, etc., at the following prices: 2 Persons. - - - - $8.00 each. 3 " 7.00 ** 4 " .... 6.00 " One Person, $5.00 at Studio. Our pupils are not restricted to one lesson. All applications by letter will be promptly attended to, or personal information cheerfully given at CROWN ART STUDIO, Rooms 9 and io. 178 State Street. (Opposite Palmer House.) &&&&$ fljfl jm. & ^^l^g) Late with MRS. L. L. RAPP. Fashionable Dressmaker, 17O STATE STREET. Kooin 13. ELITE OF CHICAGO. "The Home Journal of the West." THE Saturday Evening Herald, GLOVER & DANDY, Publishers, 89 Clark Street, Grand Opera House Block, Chicago. The Herald is now in its eighth year, and lias achieved a rep- utation as a Literary, Critical and Social Authority. It publishes more critical matter, society reports and pure lit- erature than any other weekly in the West. The special departments of this most successful family and society journal are as follows: I! Literature, Book Reviews, Essays, Poems, Stories. Sketches. 2. Social Reports and Gossip, Fashion Articles, and Discus- sions of Home Topics. 3. Musical and Dramatic News, Criticism and Correspondence 4. Correspondence from the principal Eastern and European cities. 5. Watering Place Reports. 6. Amateur Rowing, Yachting and Athletic Reports in their season. 7. Editorial Discussions of Noteworthy Events and Important topics. Those who may not have seen the Herald recently are invited to obtain a specimen copy and find how much more newsy and entertaining it is than ever before. B^A11 the leading Merchants and Railroads in Chicago indorse the Saturday Evening Herald by constantly making use of its advertising columns. B2TIt has received more complimentary notices from the press of Chicago than any other weekly paper ever issued in the city, ahd throughout the city and vicinity is regarded as a Social and Critical Authority. SUBSCRIPTION, ONLY $2.00 PER ANNUM, LYMANB GLOVER. GLOVER & DANDY, 89 Clark St., JOHN M. DANDY. Grand Opera House. REVERSED DIRECTORY. 51 OAK AVENUE. 61 Best, Wm. E. 38 Black, Cbas. N. 43 Brockway, George 31 Griswold, C. A. Holmes, Israel Lowe, Wm. Wigelsworth, John Wiggins, J. B. EGAN AVENUE. Fisher, A. Hibbard, F. A. Hubbard, Henry H. Hussey, Augustus 944 15 85 34 Law, W. H. Pitney, F. T. Porter, Eobert Tolman, John A. ELLIS PARK. 3605 Boardman, S. B. 3624 Coutant, C. A. 3612 Doyle, E. D. 3615 Ellis, A. D. 3630 Jones, A. F. 3634 Keene, L. H. 3607 Stewart, John W. WENTWORTH AVENUE. 2408 Hafer.F. 2400 Kirchner, Frank 3706 Muller, Wm. Williamson, Thomas 52 ELITE OF CHICAGO. THIRTY-FOURTH STREET. 137 Bragg, C. M. 291 Gorton, Ed. F. 331 Marks, Charles 135 Soule, Sidney Williams, S. R. MISCELLANEOUS. BOWEN AVENUE. 740 Howard, L. B. 926 McKeand, A. 742 Strader, Jacob E. 1137 Turkington, Wm. EGANDALE AVENUE. 4322 Steele, Julius 4624 Ward, E. P. EVANS AVENUE. 4233 Smith, Henry, M. FIFTH AVENUE. 2822 Matter, John 305 Reed, Wm. H. GREENWOOD AVENUE. ggj \ Kirnball, Eugene S. 5316 Vaughn, J. Charles HYPE PARK AVENTTE. 4919 Frasher, John E. L. ELDREDGE COURT- 14 Harrington, Miss Myra 52 Wheeler, Mrs. Margaret CLARK STREET. 487 Barnett, Moses 224 McVicker.B. E. CONGRESS STREET. 18 Beers, John 11 Hoops, Thomas, Jr. 17 Thompson, John H. DEARBORN STREET. 242 Black, John C. 3110 Braham, Geo. 155 Kearney, Theodore 4053 Riordan, Rev. D. J. 3200 Tait, John EMERALD AVENUE. 3506 Wolf, I. MILLIARD AVENUE. C 2 ^ | McBride, S. W. OAKWOOD AVENUE. 37 Curran, Orville P. 10 Hoagland, Wm. 8 Phelps, W. H. REVERSED DIRECTORY. 53 MISCELLANEOUS. WILCOX AVENUE. 1043 Foirest, J. K. C. 1053 Gale, Fred M. 1044 King, A. C. 1018 Wright, F. S. AVOODLAWN AVENUE. 4800 Bouton, C. B. 4620 Thrall, W. A. WOODLAWN PARK. Fetrow, Jacob 1 Flagg, W. H. 13 Rockwood, Wm. H. FLOURNEY STREET. 79 Campbell, John B. 282 Dudley, Oscar L. WALLACE STREET. 3331 Hendrie, Wm. A. 2614 Tobin, Timothy TWENTY-FIRST STREET. 122 Buchanan, Robert S. 124 Forsyth, Wm. K. 126 Gray, Mrs. A. R. t'6 Shreve, L. M. TWENTY-THIRD STREET. 04 French, S. M. 60 Shepard, J. B. THIRTY-SECOND STREET. 77 Heiland, John 276 Marcus, S. THIRTY-FIFTH STREET. 100 Colven, C. H. 88 Hawthorne, S. T. THIRTY-EIGHTH STREET. 31 Gordon, Dennis 292 Vallequette, John B. FORTIETH STREET. 1720 Barber, Eliel 36 Gray, W. B. H. 1324 Velin, Jacob W. FORTY-SEVENTH STREET. 2301 Barton, Enos M. ST. LAWRENCE AVENUE. 4339 Carpenter, Newton H. Mitchell, Joseph C. 2952 But- terfield street. Strauss, A. 2825 Deering street. Judd, S. Corning, 25 Delaware place. Ernesti, Richard, Forty-fifth street, near Evans avenue. Morgan, James, 7 Hubbard street. Hobert, Dr. E. S., 3734 Johnson place, Reidy, Miss Sara, 2226 LaSalle street. Kimball, Wm., 19 Sheridan street. Brayman, J. O., 78 Twelfth street. Lindsay, Lewis F., 82 Twen- ty-sixth street. 54 ELITE OF CHICAGO. MISCELLANEOUS. Marcus, S., 276 Thirty-second street. Rhodes, Geo. H., 1136 Forty - firat street. Shumway, Ed. G., 2609 Forty- eighth street. Boyd, Charles L., 2822 Fifty - third street. REVERSED DIRECTORY, The Latest and Most Natural Looking IX C* y Of fine workmanship, warranted the very best of Water Curl, need no dressing can be had, including SWITCHES, WAVES, WIGS, ETC., At the Lowest Prices, at 74 State Street, opposite Music Hall. 0- AflD DEALER IN 12* raw OLDEST HOUSE IN CHICAGO. Best Work. Moderate Cost. 217 W. MADISON STREET. __ _ ELITE OF CHICAGO. "Wholesale AND Retail. FASHIONABLE SHOE DEALER, IMMENSE STOCK FINE AND MEDIUM GRADES. IMPORTER Interior of Stores Nos. 329 and 737 W. Madison St. Same ({uality Goods as South Side Stores Carry, At Very Much Less Price. Ladies' Best French Curo. Kid Button, (Hand Sewed) Only $5. 00. Surely $1 OO Saved on Every $5.OO Purchase. ONE PRICE. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. xlvi 1 REVERSED DIRECTORY. 55 "^W" EST ^S IDE$| PARK AVENUE. 309 Adams, John B. 258 Diefendorf, Robert 38 Adamson, R. J. 233 Donnelly.. L. L. 216 Ambrose. G. H. 311 Dunn, J. O. 70 Andrews, Alfred H. 383 Dye, Nathan 84 Baldwin, Miss E. A. 37 Earle, Dr. Chas. W. 273 Beach, Elias 210 Elmer. Theo. H. 407 Beach, George 108 Ellinwood, Warren J. 250 Beckwith, James L. 26 English, Mrs. Fannie 69 Bennett, E. B. 304 Felker, Samuel M. 361 Bradley, Fordyce G. 301 Ferry, A. D. 118 Butler, J. W. 228 Finney, C. G. 130 Boynton, B. B. 428 Ford, George W. 234 Caldwell, Wm. W. 332 Frost, Mrs. C. H. 86 Carpenter, Chas. H. 15 Galvin, Edward I. 300 Carter, S. B. 26-4 Gindele, Franz 367 Cashman, Dr. David A. 135 Gould, Guy T. 146 Chessman, Chas. F. 83 Hall, A. 0. 275 Clark, Wm. W. 599 Hannum, F. M. 93 Clement, Austin 113 Hill, Chas. E. 33 Cobb, Daniel W. 21 Hirsch, Frederick 142 Crosby, B. F. 132 Hough, Edward M. 80 Dean, A. H. 194 Hulbert, Alvin 56 ELITE OF CHICAGO. PARK AVENUE. 36 Jenkins, Robert E. 291 Schweitzer, Edmond '238 Johnston, Wra. M. 117 Sellers, A. H. 277 King, Rufus 225 Shaffer, E. F. 66 Lilly, Miss Stella T. 18 Sherman, James M. 73 Harder, John 72 Shumway, Dr. Chas. W. 311 Mather, F. C. 181 Slocum, F. B. 70 Matson, N. 346 Smith, Henry D. 128 McCoy, Alex. 39 Suitzler, John H. 186 Meek, S. Mason 881 Stewart, Wm. G. 183 Miller, Chas. C. 200 Storey, J. B. 82 Munger, Chas. E. 17 Swartz, David G. 384 Orvis, Columbus A. 158 Taft, H. E. 136 Osgood, A. M. 92 Talcott, Mrs. M. H. 106 Page, J. S. 408 Thomas, Henry 293 Palmeter, De Witt C. 114 Thomas, James 166 Plimpton, Homer A. 315 Todd, Edward E. 45 Price, A. D. 323 Walker, Dr. John B. 214 Prescott, Joel D. 323 Walker, Miss Kate 66 Preuszner, Mrs. R. B. 323 Walker, Miss M-ry L. 56 Reilly, Dr. Frank W. 389 Ward, John C. 171 Rice, Nathaniel B. 21 Waixel, Moses 60 Rice, Wm. H. 127 Warrington, Henry 153 Richards, E. S. 123 Wilson, F. C. 27 Robinson, L. H. 162 Wisdom, Edward 3036 Ruff, Joseph 162 Wisdom, Philip 75 Sawyer, Franklin 71 Young, J. E. WEST WASHINGTON STREET. 651 Adams, Chas. L. 545 Aldrich, H. H. 897 Adank, John 616 Allen, Ransom 638 Adolphus, Dr. P. 715 Avery, Dr. S. J. Wholesale and Retail Importer and Jobber OOOIDS Pattern Bonnets and Trimmed Hats for the Trade a Specialty. S. E. COR. W ABASH ATE. AND MADISON ST., CHICAGO. In connection is found one of the mo?t complete Retail De- partments, where the entire "Wholesale Stock is subject to in- spection by those who want advanced styles at popular prices J5RANCH STORES: 198 and 200 N. Clark, and 113 22nd Street, xlvii ELITE OF CHICAGO. QJfterchcmf Bailor. A Choice Line of Fashionable Foreign and Domestic Suitings constantly on hand. Perfect Fit and Superior Workmanship Guaranteed. 102 W. MADISON ST., - - - CHICAGO. gh and ian Bafljg, HOTEL ALBANY, Cor. Indiana and N. Clark Sts., OECICA.GKX Open for the accommodation of Ladies on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. Thursday and Friday until I p. M. Elevator Entrance for Ladies. Open for Gentlemen after 1 p. M., on Monday, Tuesday, "Wednes- day, Thursday and Friday, and all day Satur- day, and until 2P.M. Sundays. Practical Swimming Instructions given to Children. JOHN & FRANK, Proprietors. Tonsorial Parlors in Connection, xlviii REVERSED DIRECTORY. 57 WEST WASHINGTON STREET. 245 Avery, T. M. 371 Cook, Chas. A. 118 Ballantine, John F. 841 Cram, George F. 424 Bailey, E. W. 319 Crane, Chas. S. 732 Ball, Farlin Q. 369 Crane, liichard 760 Barry, Joseph K. 643 Crawford, Charles 566 Barbour, Lyman L. 401 Culver.Howard Z. 716 Barker, Win. 439 Curtis, C. H. 574 Billings, Horatio G. 409 Curtis, De Witt H. 558 Blake, Artemus 510 Cutler, Josiah N. 520 Bobo, John L. 532 Dana, Chas. D. 685 Banning, Ephraim 477 Davenport, Chas. W. 086 Bond, M. S. P. 895 Deeves, Thomas S. 317 Bond, T. N. 439 De Wolf, Dr. O. C. 1075 Branch, Horace 617 Dow, Albert 416 Brightly, H. A. 383 Dye, Mrs. Mary 782 Bridgeman, John W. 557 Egan, Wiley M. 548 Brickwood, A. W. 405 Eldredge, George C. 79 Brockway, James W. 502 Ellis, Benj. W. 431 Brooks, G. H. 596 Emery, H. D. 720 Bullock, Milan C. 560 Evans, Mrs. E. W. 508 Burkhardt, Henry 505 Farrar, Arthur 652 Burt, Dr. W. H. 692 Farwell, John A. 650 Burroughs, George T. 660 Frailey, Wm. P. 631 Bushnell, Lemuel M. 633 Friend, Nathan 436 Carpenter, Philo 603 Frost, C. H. 447 Carr, Dr. Watson 469 Fuller, A. M. 692 Chambers, Jeromo B. 624 Gardner, Daniel B. 751 Christy, Henry A. 636 Garfield, A. G. 631 Clark, Edward G. 396 Geer, Mrs. Mary 414 Cobb, Frank H. 745 Gibson, W. D. 528 Cobb, Simeon 455 Gilmaii, Dr. J. E. 711 Cogswell, Thomas 390 Gilman, Wm. H. 614 Collins, L. D. 510 Gilmore, A. W. 481 Collister, John S. 380 Gobel, E. F. 58 ELITE OF CHICAGO. WEST WASHINGTON STREET. 482 Goff, Mortimer 261 Glessner, J. J. 815 Grassie, James 413 Groesbeck, Dr. A. 842 Gunlock, Philip E. 491 Hale, Daniel H. 470 Hale, George W. 625 Hall, J. Sherman 437 Handy, Henry H, 848 Hannah, Alex. D. 304 Hanson, Dr. Z. P. 769 Haydcn, Calvin B. 659 Head, George A. 594 Heinemau, Win. 551 Helmer, Edward E. 555 Henderson, A. M. 844 Henderson, John C. 313 Higgius, George W. 742 Hill, F. H. 697 Hill, M. W. 418 Holland, E. E. 701 Hood, Thomas 569 Hooker, Henry M. 372 Houck, F. G. 1093 Howard, John H. 359 Hoyne. M. A. 628 Hyde, Prof. J. T. 292 Hyman, David 1417 Ingersoll, Orlin 657 } James, Edward A. 689 James, Fred S. 792 Jennings, E. 608 Heeler, J. B. 529 King, Julius 428 King, Tuthill 68 ( 2!oLee, Augustine N. 788 Longstreet, Aaron 629 Loomis, Mason B. 803 Loveday, Julius L. 1067 Low, John W. 890 McAndrews, James 607 McCrea, S. H. 654 McDuffee, Joseph L. 645 McFarland, Thomas 645 McFarland, W. 452 McLane, Henry H. 690 Marsh, W. D. 749 Martin, W. A. 632 Mead.. A. B. 465 Merrill, Hiram T. 412 Miller, James A. 782 Minor, C. Clayton 1364 Moore, J. H. 356 Morse, CLas. H. 520 Mowen, S. J. 682 Nevers, Edward 473 Newman, Dr. F. H. 534 Noble, F. A. 361 Norton, Nathaniel 667 Oakley, H. D. 276 Olcott, Orville 591 Ott, Oran 260 Palmer, Dr. P. A, 647 Parsons, A. H. 248 Pearson, James H. 273 Pearson, John L. 649 Pease, E. B. 718 Pease, George D. REVERSED DIRECTORY. 59 WEST WASHINGTON STREET. 661 Pye.Wm. B. 460 Tascott, James B. 667 Ramsey, Win. W. 414 Temple, M. D. 727 Rawleigh, James T. 323 Thatham, R. L. 392 Read, Jay J. 483 Thomas, A. C. 621 Redfield, Joseph B. 797 Thompson, Edward W. 530 Rice, Calvin F. 585 Tyrrell, John A. 419 Roberts, Alonzo 550 Tyson, John P. 463 Rollo.Wm. E. 384 Waixel, Isaac 373 Rounds, W. H. 582 Walker, H. J. O. 428 Boss, Dr. Joseph P. 630 Walkup, Thomas 390 Russell, H. M. 709 Wallis, Obed W. 813 Russell, Samuel T. 587 Waters, W. B. 708 Safiford, Isaac T. 686%Weaver, Chas. H. SJKyj Scales, Frank 717 Wells, George G. 715}^Schrock, Amos 462 Wells, Wm. H. 450 Schureman, J. L. 445 Whitehouse, H. B. 571 Shipman, Dr. George E. 390 Whiting, Chas. H. 357 Sibley, Mrs. Mary W. 514 Williams, Augustus 760 Smith, Lafayette G. 324 Wilkinson, Henry 425 Snell, Amos J. 575 Williams, John 401 Soper, O. M. 420 Willoughby, F. M. 464 Sprague, Albert A. 809 Wilson, George W. 427 Sprague, S. A. 385 Witbeck, John H. 308 Storey, J. W. 449 Woodcock, John L. 453 Strong, W. W. WEST ADAMS STREET. 450 Abbey, Mrs. M. L. 713 Baker, Digory W. 767 Anderson, W. H. 713 Baker, Henry 442 Armstrong, M. A. 894 Baker, W. D. 836 Baker, B. F. 715 Barrett, Chas. E. 60 ELITE OF CHICAGO. WEST ADAMS STREET. 620 Bates, R. "V\ . 837 Dunning, Chas. W. 539 Bigelow, H. D. 1014 Drury, L. H. 707 Blackman, C. H. 592 Dyas, Dr. W. G. 330 Blinn, Dr. O. 808 Edwards, Joseph B. 983 Board, James L. 846 Ellis, W. S. 639 Booth, Wm. S. 328 Fallows, Samuel 541 Bowes, F. K. 967 Farson, John 842 Branson, S. C. 886 Fick, L. W. 835 Briggs, T. 1020 Flagler, F. W. 571 Brower, Dr. D. R. 660 Forsyth, M. J. 904 Browu, E. F. 630 Fowler, Chas. M. 667 Brown, George P. 351 Garrett, James 464 Brown, Samuel 359 Gray, M. 598 Buchanan, S. R. 637 Hague, Chas. A. 759 Burke, Edinond W. 565 Hahn, H. F. 517 Carpenter, Wm. O, 643 Harding, A. J. 517 Carpenter, M. S. 646 Hartwell, E. A. 580 Case.. Chas. H. 697 Haverkampf, John L. 681 Casey, Patrick 999 Hemstreet, Wm. J. 780 Clark, Frank E. 386 Henkel, Frederick 434 Clement, N. L. 625 Higgle, James L. 641 Cochrane, Wm. 286 Holden, Henry N. 475 Crane, Chas. R. 1021 Holderness, S. 452 Crawford, J. N. 530 Holmes, Dr. E. L. 540 Crossett, Chas. H. 685 Holmes, George P. 881 Gushing, James T. 509 Horton, Joseph 902 Dale, H. S. 409 Horton, James M. 545 Dale, Wm. M. 301 Hotz, Hotz 705 Davis, Dr. Chas. G. 995 Howe, Edward 267 Dean, M. C. 594 Hughes, Joseph B. 898 Decker, M. A. 384 Hutchins, Dr. J. W. 511 Dow, Asa 638 Huych. John H. 633 Dow, Samuel K. 642 Ilett, Wm. 865 Duckham, Richard 420 Jaeger, Ernst REVERSED DIRECTORY. 61 WEST ADAMS STREET. 971 Jarman, W. S. 588 Pollard, L.D. 577 Joseph, Jacob 538 Pond, W. M. 348 Juergens, D. L. 706 Port, Wm. R. 290 Kendall, D. W. 1000 Ramsdell, E. 531 Kingsland, A. W. 666 Randall, Cbas. W. 735 Kinner, N. A. 654 Bang, Henry 711 Knight, Moses M. 430 Reece, A. N. 627 Leisch, A. M. 820 Eichardson, L. P. 629 Little, Jacob H. 655 Robinson, E. A. 712 Lloyd, Louis 519 Rush, David D. 396 Loomis, John E. 536 Schlessinger, L. 533 Lyman, Dr. H. M. 287 Schuttler, Peter 643 Lyon, Harry A. 324 Scott, Clara B. 627 McLeish, Andrew 448 Shaw, A. K. 464 McMastei,D. B. 392 Shephers, E. S. 729 McMullins, J. C. 622 Sherburne, Edwin A. 1046 Marr, W. W. 513 Sherwood, Geo. 390 Mendsen, Win. 838 Skillman, A. D. 388 Moore, B. J. 735 Skinner, N. A. 640 Morris, Charles 688 Smith, R. I. 458 Munn, D. W. 468 Soper, Albert 569 Neemes, John C. 468 Soper, James P. 900 Newland, W. D. 668 Spaulding, M. M. 308 Nichols, Dr. Gorton 840 Stagg, John L. 477 Nichols, Myron W. 669 Stanley, James W. 345 Nichols, Wm. P. 354 Stannard, W. B. 528 Packard, John A. 331 Stone, Rev. Elijah 632 Page, Harlan E. 474 Strong, Chas. E. 312 Parkhurst, Alton 474 Strong, Miss Emma 644 Peabody, J. B. 647 Taylor, James E. 698 Perrett, Joseph C. 522 Teall, Edward M. 428 Peters, J. G. 333 Thomas, G. S. 875 Phillipi, J. G. 382 Thompson, H. J. 717 Platt, Lucius C. 676 Toles, W. C. 1 62 ELITE -OF CHICAGO. WEST ADAMS STREET. 347 Towner,Dr. D. M. 436 Whitman, George B. 578 Trimmer, John K. 473 Will, Henry 757 Tucker, Wm. S. 896 Wise, A. J. 650 Twitty, Edward 576 Wood, Charles H. 470 Twohy, J. W. 755 Woodford, P. K. 653 Weare, P. B. 173 Woodruff, C. W. 304 Wheelock, Sylvester 7G7 Worthington, Mrs. J. L. 744 Whitlock, Joseph L. WARREN AVENUE. 365 Adcock, A. W. 126 Cowles, T. Z. 270 Ashworth, M. F. 338 Cravens, Wm. 421 Athow, Wm. H. 527 Day, Chas. G. 89 Baldwin, C. B. 365 Dexter, C. F. 105 Banks, W. H. 311 Devlin, Frank 403 Barren, Geo. 440 Douglas, A. 391 Beers, J. Robert 109 Dryer, Miss E. 595 Black, Geo. A. 445 Duncan, Henry 266 Blanchard, Marvin 417 Dunton, T. F. 88 Brachvogel, Mrs. C. 578 Dutton, M. M. 170 Bradley, G. L. 545 Edwards, John W. 681 Brabrook, I. E. 145 Farr, James 317 Brooks, E. W. 287 Fitzgerald, James B. 425 Broomell, Geo. D. 70 Fitzsimons, Chas. 54 Burrell, L. F. 452 Follansbee, Chas. E. 53 Clarke, Robt. W. 64 French, SaufordB. 188 Clark, A. E.. 163 Furlong, Wm. H. 122 Clark, G. F. 482 Fyfe, George 181 Collins, Mrs. V. K. 190 Gardner, Mrs. S. S. Life Size Pictures in Crayon, Oil. India Ink and Water Colors, Finished in the Highest Style of Art, STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS WORK. Reasonable Prices. ELITE OP CHICAGO. ENNICOTT,D.D.S. (Forty Years' Practice in this City). Guarantees to Fill and Preserveall Teeth, however badly diseased, ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT PAIN. First-class Artificial Work a specialty. Obtu- rators and Artificial Palates also a specialty. OFFICE, No. 96 STATE STREET, Fifth Floor. t: I REVERSED DIRECTORY. 63 WARREN AVENUE. 99 Garst, Morrison 408 Pardee, Theoron 305 Glennon, H. J. 384 Patterson, A. L. 101 Graham, D. W. 69 Periolat, C. F. 367 Greenhood, Jacob 72 Powell, Simon 74 Gross, Jacob 155 Powers, Amos H. 281 Hambleton, J. W. 185 Raymond, Mrs. E. S. 230 Hankins, T. J. 340 Reichelt, John A. 279 Harris, A. J. 1023 Rice, Henry 364 Kinne, I. D. 433 Roche, J. A. 375 Hoagland, A. J. 414 Rogerson, Joseph 65 Hodge, Thomas 369 Sherwood, Marc 106 Holden, Chas. N., Jr. 269 Shipman, S. V. 446 Holroyd, Elwyn A. 83 Smith, Chas. H. 304 Holton, Mrs. A. M. 63 Snow, C. B. 326 Hunt, G. W. 164 Snowhook, P. W. 189 Jackson, Mrs. F. "W. 263 Stiles, I. M. 171 Kimbark, D. A. 422 Stridiron, John E. 261 Knowles, J. C. 170 Sturtevant, F. H. 68 Kraybill, E. W. 272 Taylor, Chas. A. 309 Laparle, Win. B. 141 Thayer, N. C. 50 Litten, Nelson L. 549 Town send, T. V. 243 Lloyd, Wm. 430 Towusley, Lloyd D. 259 McClure, Dr. V. C. 350 Weber, Henry 447 McKay, John A. 174 Whitney, E. H. 451 Mehring, Fred 415 Wilcox, G. H. 442 Millard, S. R. 112 Wilcox, R. S. 403 Milward, Mrs. Henry 413 Wilcox, W. W. 236 Newcomb, Geo. W. 336 Wilson, Dr. W. H. 109 Noble, J. T. , 393 Woodruff, C. E. 484 Nutting, S. S. 103 Woodward, Prof. G. W. 260 Oswold, F. A. 64 ELITE OP CHICAGO. WEST MONROE STREET. 975 Albright, T. L. 506 Aldrich, W. H. 319 Alexander, S. L. 361 Allison, Alexander 497 Anderson, Benj. L. 359 Anderson, Davis 640 Andrews, Mrs. M. L. 285 Baker, Mrs. H. C. 657 Bard, Chas. W. 402 Barry, Samuel S. 427 Bateham, Wm. B. 334 Baxter, Dr. A. J. 676 Benson, Chas. E. 655 Best, Wm. E. 928 Bickford, R. K. 661 Bingham, James A. 625 Bishop, Chas. J. 427 Bond, Mrs. Fannie N. 759 Bond,W. B. 335 Bourke, Ulick 780 Boyesen, I. K. 665 Boyle, W. S. 634 Boyles, Samuel 512 Bradshaw, John 963 Brophy, Dr. Truman W. 961 Buckley, Geo. D. 666 Burt, A. S. 549 Camp. Isaac N. 1038 Case, Elisha W. 374 Chalmers, Thomas 372 Chalmers, Wm. J. 703 Chamberlin, Geo. W. 690 Clarke, Dr. Wm. E. 939 Cleary, James M. 703 Cole, Martin E. 336 Conklin, Geo. D. 716 Crane, Albert 680 Crane, Simon H. 1023 Cummins, Wm. G. 785 Curtis, Henry 638 Curtiss, Asa E. 294 Danforth, Dr. I. N. 1046 Darrow, Alex. H. 841 Dayton, M. E. 547 Dean, Thaddeus 275 Dean, Simeon 908 Down, Myron D. 670 Duncan. Dr. T. C. 689 Duncan, David 926 Dunkley, Chas. W. 626 Durant, W. H. 314 Eisenstaedt, Isidore 839 Emmert, John S. 494 Fennimore, Richard 681 Fernald, J. W. 742 Fisher, Augustus F. 645 Fitch, C. M. 296 Fitch, Dr. T. Davis REVERSED DIRECTORY. JOHN BERRY, rfonfectionen, Manufacturer of all kinds of IF'TTIR/IEj 0-^L.HSTIDHEjS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Wax Angels, Candles, Candle Holders, Fancy Boxes and Christmas Tree Ornaments in endless variety. ICE CREAM PARLORS Open from May to October. Families and Parties Supplied Every Day in the Year. 241 W. Madison Street, (Opposite Carson, Pirie & Co.) Delicious Caramels a Specialty, BALL'S CORSETS Every Corset is -warranted satis- factory to its wearer in every way, or the money will be refunded by the person from whom it was bought. The only Corset pronounced by our leading physicians not Injurious to the wearer, and endorsed by ladies as the ' ' most comfortable and perfect fitting Corset ever PRICES, by Mall, Postage Paid: Health Preserving, $1.5O. Self-Adjusting, $1.5O Abdominal (extra heavy) $2.OO. Nursing, $1.5O Health Preserving (fine coutll) $8.00. Paragon Skirt-Supporting, $1.5O. For sale by leading Retail Dealers everywhere. CHICAGO CORSET CO., Chicago, HL REVERSED DIRECTORY 65 WEST MONROE STREET. 727 Follansbee, A. S. 321 Lane, Elisha B. 491 Forman, Dr. John 865 Lapham, A. B. 1032 Foss, George W. 492 Lawrence, Rev. Wm. M. 447 Foss, John P. 70 Letchworth.Mrs. G. O. 475 Foss, Wm. W. 707 Lines, D. J. 779 Foster, Dr. A H. 504 McArthur. John 252 French, Jeremiah H. 633 Me Govern, John 630 Friend, Feist 692 McGregor, Wm. 729 Galpin, Homer B. 639 Mantonya, Lucien B. 944 Goodrich, Frank L. 907 Mason, J. A. 730 Greenlee, Ralph S. 654 Maughan, Mrs. S. J. 933 Gurney, Theo. T. 603 Maynard, John P. 323 Haddock, Chas. 820 Merriman, A. N. 595 Hall, John B. 401 Miles, H. F. 693 Harkness, Edson J. 401 Miles, Moses T. 1007 Harrison, N. B. 605 Mills, Dr. James P. 609 Harvey, Squire T. 667 Mitchell, John 686 Hebbard, Henry 324 Moore, Silas M. 672 Hempstead, Dr. C. W. 881 Moulton, R. H. 773 Henderson, I. W. 777- Munday, John W. 867 Hodges, Lothrop S. 613 Myers, Jacob 682 Hodge, S. Morris 649 Nellegar, John B. 519 Hogan, Joseph 945 Norton, O. W. 542 Holden, C. N. 399 Outhet, R. M. 500 Holden, Wm. H. 375 Owens. Owen 642 Homer, Benj. F. 361 Owens, Robert 726 Hosking, Benj. T. 741 Parcells, W. H. 232 Howell, E, P. 516 Parker, Thomas, Jr. 873 Hoyt, Geo. W. 554 Pinkerton, Allen 875 Hunt, Albert B. 550 Pinkerton, W, A. 5720 Jackson, J. M. 487 Pope, Wm. J. 1008 Jefferson, W. J. 715 Race, E. C. 1278 Jones, David A. 293 Race, Wm. B. 931 Lake, Chas. E. 305 Randall, Benj. 66 ELITE OF CHICAGO. WEST MONROE STREET. 496 Rawson, Stephen W. 358 Swift, George B. 727 Bice, Henry H. 428 Town, Henry 415 Rogers, Win. B. 528 Town, Miss Myrtie 593 Rosenbaum, Samuel 699 Tuttle, Wm. P. 673 Ruggles, Charles W. 938 Van Zant, Geo. W. 810 Scott, George 834 Wakefield, N. R. 1250 Seaton, Samuel G. 419 Walker, Sydney 289 Seeley, Dr. T. P. 929 West, Byron D. 937 Sewell, Barton 877 West, E. A. 746 Shays, John W. 877 West, John J. 530 Sherwood, John B. 318 Westfall, Peter R. 376 Skelton, John L. 778 Whitaker, M. T. 543 Skinkle, Jacob W. 957 White, Alexander 756 Skinner, Samuel C 359 Wilson, John J. S. 619 Slosson, Enos 601 Williams, John H. 597 Smith, A. Ferris 750 Wingrave, John, Jr. 479 Spry, John 6% Wolf, Moses 523 Strong, Dr. A. B. 705 Woods, Geo. P. 300 Stevens, R. E. 532 Work, Samuel J. 642 Stewart, Andrew W. 1020 Wright, W. H. WEST JACKSON STREET. 376 Abt, Levi 275 Becker, Abraham G. 351 Avery, D. J. 275 Becker, N. 292 Bailey, F. H. 207 Beidler, Wm. H. 1071 Baker, R. M. 721 Blackman, Willis 720 Banks, Arthur A. 365 Borland, M. W. 696 Barnes, Francis A. 706 Bowie, James R. 468 Beal, Madison 456 Buttolph, A. C. REVERSED DIRECTORY. 67 WEST JACKSON STREET. 465 Byington, H. H. 1031 Hitchcock, D. J. 700 Campbell, E. H. 896 Hoadley, James M. 314 Carter, C. B. 432 Hobbs, Dr. J. O. 318 Carter, Wallace 124 Hodge, Albert C. 382 Chandler, Chas. H. 542 Holden, Chas. N. 907 Chandler, C. T. 707 Hopkins, Anson S. 460 Cheatle, Harry 425 Huntington, Chas. 714 Childs, T. T. 547 Hutchinson, J. M. 623 ColUerF. H. 601 Hyde, Chas. E. 426 Conger, John S. 438 Jones, David 409 Connett, John W. 716 Jennings, Albert A. 971 Crossett, John B. 603 Jordan, C. H. 393 Currier, C. L. 720 King, James 859 Dunstan, E. L. 306 Klauber, Sigmond 410 Ellis, E. D. 687 Koehler, Balser 600 Emery, Joshua 861 Lackey, George W. 713 Euright, J. W. 359 Leadbeater, W. J. 1362 Everett, J. D. 403 Loomis, A. H. 622 Finn, Patrick 555 Lull, A. G. 302 Forbes, A. M. 1009 McLachlin, J. C. 451 French, B. W. 722 Magill,J. C. 458 Gannon, Thomas J. 903 Martin, George G. 1009 Ganson, J. T. 780 Merrill, C. H. 459 Gardner, George 780 Milne, James H. 1099 Gibbs, O. G. 471 Munger, David S. 1109 Good, M. G. 427 Nash, C. T. 806 Grant, Wm. 1091 Neff, William 408 Graves, A. M. 691 Osgood, Edwin 396 Gutches, John H. 449 Parker, Andrew H. 1336 Hall, Chas. H. 449 Parker, C. W. 415 Hart, L. 1068 Payson, J. R. 415 Hart, J. 598 Preston, D. H. 454 Hesselgren, N. A. 1230 Pritchard, John E. 464 Hewett, W. P. 695 Putnam, P. H. 68 ELITE OF CHICAGO. WEST JACKSON STREET. 624 Pyott, David A. 1101 Sweetland, Frank R. 391 Easter, Herman 638 Thompson, Dr. Mary H. 631 Reed, Nathan A. 594 Trimingham, R. N. 703 Richardson, E. H. C. 532 Tuthill, R. S. 765 Rising, Charles L. 207 Unger, Benjamin 776 Rogan, Wm. J. 597 Valentine, E. H. 734 } Sanders, A. Norton 518 Walker, Edward 275 Schaffner, Herman 299 Webb, E. A. 865 Segall, Benj. 466 White, Mrs. F. 885 Shepard, James W. 434 Willett, J. R. 970 Smith, J. Willard 593 Williams, S. L. 534 Spooner, Frank E. 701 Wright, A. M. FULTON STREET. 891 Arnold, Chas. 908 Hadley, George J. 1459 Harrington, Wm. M. 884 Hall, E. 424 Bonney, C. C. 880)Hall, Miller 654 Briggs, F. H. 590 Hand, B. E. 464 Butler, John H. 1056 Hepburn, Alex. 649 Crandall, Chas. E. 917 Harvey, Ira L. 695 Decker, Henry 1162 Hazleton, Frank B. 432 Durand, Elliott 906 Howard, H. S. 1030 Eastman, H. F. 631 Leary, Mrs. M. 710 Field, Joseph B. 693 Mason, Wm. E. 480 Fish.S. T. 1365 Merigold, Wm. A. 782 Foreman, Wm. H. 528 Michaels, C. D. 482 Friedman, Hanry 799 Olds, Chas. W. 815 Gesner, L. B. 447 Plumsted, James T. 460 Goodman, Thomas 477 Plumsted, James M. REVERSED DIRECTORY. 69 FULTON STREET. 420 Rothschild, Solomon 255 Way man, Wm. O. 478 Schoenthaler, J. A. 664 Whipple, J. H. G29 Sparre, Heuric 1363 Wright, George E. 452 Van Housen, J. H. 1365 Wright, James 822 Watson, Win. J. WEST VAN BUREN STREET. 240 Averill, Geo. B. 299 Kraefft, Mrs. L. 329 Blood, Seth N. 593 Lyon, Geo. W. 589 Brown, H. H. 719 Martin, R. L. 756 Carson, Francis 273 Midgley, John W. 983 Clark, W. R. 1010 Patterson, N. R. 584 Douglass, Frank 635 Pearson, Andrew 592 Gano, Win. H. 594 Smith, E. B. 746 Garyin, Dr. H. D. 534 Stone, M. E. 707 Gray, Arthur 851 Sullivan, Win. K. 514 Hamlin, Lester A. 532 Whipple, Samuel L. 777 Hunton, K. A. 1006 Wright, W. Gray WEST CONGRESS STREET. 636 Agnew, Henry 257 Callender, F. J. 507 Arnold, L. W. 640 Cook, C. M. 816 Barber, G. L. 715 Coon, Hiram J. 620 Bates, Mrs. M. E. 996 Crosby, John 70 ELITE OF CHICAGO. WEST CONGRESS STREET. 306 Diamond, Mrs. E. 639 Lebolt, L. E. 364 Duddleston, Geo. 359 Letz, Jb'red I. 510 Dunne, E. F. 259 LighthaU, J. N. 297 Fitzpatrick, P. H. 506 Loveday, H. W. 470 Gillespie, John 776%Lundgren, Dr. S. A. 634 Grier, H. F. 358 McKerwin, H. W 569 Griswold, Geo. E. 354 Marr, Peter 644 Haskell, J. W. C. 628 Miley.G. W. 504 Hartwell, A. V. 626 Morris, T G. 823 Helm, H. T. 508 Oliver, J. M. 404 Henneberry, Wm. P. 577 Parker, G. G. 641 Hexter, K. 632 Payn, Eli 573 Hill, Joseph G. 650 Purdy, J. H. 592 Holmes, Charles B. 799 Ragio, S. C. 825 Hopkins, C. R. 765 Reed, James 496 Kimmey, P. M. 567 Weeks, Harvey T 720 Kremer, Chas. E. 756 Whitfleld, John H. 347 Lange, L. A. 743 Wing, Annie E. CARROLL AVENUE. 533 Bearce, Leonard S. 601 Humberstone, A. J. 864 Boddy, John C. 874 Jennings, A. H. 529 Bonnie, Byron W. 521 Long, Wm. C. 536 Busby, Wm. H. 630 McKnight, W. T. 637 Cook, Chas. E. 524 Moore, Warren 518 Cornhauser, Morris 509 Muller, Louis, Jr. 463 Courtney, Thomas E. 733 Reynolds, Napoleon B. 515 Dore, A. E. 598 Scales, Chas. R. 437 Hayes, H. V. 593 Smith, James REVERSED DIRECTORY. (NOT A DRUG.) A New Treatment for ALL LUNG, ]UERYOUS AND CHRONIC DISEASES, COMPOUND OXYGEN is a combination of Oxygen and Nitro- gen, the two elements which make up atmospheric air, in such proportions as to render it richer in Oxygen, the life-giving element. Taken by inhalation, it enters the circulation, dissolves and eliminates tubercles from the lungs, and carbonaceous, worn-out matter lodged in the capillaries, and appropriates the new ma- terial in the blood in the reconstruction of the dilapidated and enfeebled tissues of the body. Consumption, which carries fifty to the grave every month from Chicago, is cured by this treatment. "The Compound Oxygen treatment of Dr. Hiatt cured me of Hemorrhage of the Lungs, Nervous Debility and Salt Rheum. REV. J. R. KNODEI x, Mason City, Iowa." "My Catarrh was fearfully bad. I was almost deaf. After four months' use of Dr. Hiatt's Compound Oxygen I am cured of Catarrh, and my hearing is perfectly restored. "Miss M., of Chicago." Hundreds of testimonials of like character are in Dr. Hiatt's possession. All depression, mental or physical, is speedily overcome by this treatment, and a delightful sense of rejuvenation takes place. Office and home treatment by A, H. HIATT, M. D., Boom 40, Central Music Hall, Chicago. im ELITE OF CHICAGO. WABASH AVENUE BATHING PARLORS, AT 2131 Wabash Avenue. The undersigned respectfully announces that he lias now in operation, for Ladies and Gentlemen, one of the most complete bathing establishments west of New York. The facilities for Turkish, Russian, Sulphur and Electric Baths are unequaled in Chicago, while the attendants are of the 7nost reliable character, and thoroughly experienced in their respective depart- ments. The facility of access especially recommends them to the residents of the South Side. You are respectfully invited to call and inspect them. Respectfully, C. W. HANDLEY, ^Proprietor. liv REVERSED DIRECTORY. 71 CARROLL AVENUE. 532 Smitz, Mrs. Caroline 423 Sweet, Henry 427 Snow, Solomon 244 Walsh, Wm. SOUTH PEOR1A STREET. 79 Bishop, Orris A. 13 Mueller, Adolph P. 43 Bluthardt, Dr. T, J. 47 Nichols, Frank M. 111 Bond, L. L. 107 Ottaway, Thomas P. 162 Brown, Thomas H. 137 Phelps, Thomas 200 Carrington, C. D. 247 Rutherford, Samuel 168 Davidson, W. B. 209 Sheldon, A. H. 55 Gale, S. F. 227 Stenson, James 83 Goodridge, E. 51 Stranbro, S. D. 8 Haskell, J. E. 52 Walton, Dr. Jane E. 150 Henricks, J. H. 45 Weinshehner, A. S. 143 Meglade, Wm. 138 Whyte, W. H. 15S Merrimau, A. T. 146 Williams, Robert A. 182 Morey, H. C. 212 Woodhull, Frederick ASHLAND AVENUE. 248 Blake, E. Nelson 132 Corwin, J. A. 265 Bradley, David C. 310 Dashiell, V. W. 146 Buchanan M. D. 144 Ellithorpe, A. C. 269 Burdick, O. 217 Goodman, Charles 173 Clark, Emery A. 239 Grier, John A. 72 ELITE OP OIIICAGO. SOUTH ASHLAND AVENUE. 211 Haines, T. L. 230 Rogers, John G. 244 Hair, James A. 226 Kubel A. 171 Hamlin, John A. 264 Rubel, Moses 231 Harrison, Carter H. 192 Ruddock, Thomas S. 145 Hart, James P. 267 Russ, Lewis D. 103 Howard, Martin 226 Scribner, S. A. 273 Hoyt, Henry C. 251 Sbaw, William W. 310 Kane, Thomas 153 Stiles, Aaron K. 276 King, John A. 140 St. John, Dr. L. 293 King, O. A. 260 Swazey, Rev. Arthur 224 King, Ulric 241 Sweet, Albert L. 118 Kittredge, A. B. 122 Swett, Leonard 271 Leidigh,John H. 262 Symonds, H. R. 37 Lewis, A.M. 243 Talcott, M. D. 256 Lock wood, S, T. 254 Taylor, Frank C. 258 Love joy, D. S. 124 Wait, W. W, 275 McArthur, Archibald 210 Waller, Henry, Jr. 176 McChesney, Dr. A. 0. 210 Waller, Henry, Sr. 230 McConneU, S. P. 242 Wilson, Wm. J. 260 Morrison, T. N. 130 Woodward, Dr. A. W., 247 Owsley, J.Guy 77 Worthington, Daniel 17 Pinto, Wm. H. 209 Yaggy.LeviW. 165 Rend, W, P. LOOMIS STREET. 240 Bremner, D. F. 50 Hay, A. B. 75 Clay, Maria P. 250 Henneberry, J. E. 142 Friel, E. J, 131 Hobbs, H. H. 117 Groves, D. F. 22 Howe, Joseph R. REVERSED DIRECTORY. 73 LOOMIS STREET. 106 Jones, H. 107 Keener, W. T. 14 Knox, Dr. J. S. 54 Livesey, J. H. 44 Mann, Orrin L. Ill Minor, C. C. 85 Morgan, Dr. W. H. 226 Nichols, Geo. S. 126 Prentiss, L. M. 138 Prettyman, Wm. B. 116 Somers, Dr. Geo. C. 104 Talbot, W. 136 Thayer, Chas. H. 91 Ward, James H. 93 Wassell, Dr. J. W. 87 Ullman, Louis 101 Van Zandt, George ELIZABETH STREET. 64 Akerly, Richard P. 45 Cargill, George P. 18 Gale, E. F. 62 Josselyn, H. B. 55 Miller, Dr. Adam Page, Daniel W. Redington, E. D. Ryan, P. F. Webb, Arthur B. 47 Wolgamott, Dr. G. CENTRE AVENUE. 62 Adams, Francis 196 Belfield, Henry H. 80 Blackburn, C. 15 Bowen, E. R. 19 Green, Frank R. 74 Harmon, J. K. 422 Jus sen, Edmond 89 Lonergan, Thomas 99 McMaster, William 73 McMillan, James 90 McMullen, James 49 Millig-n, W. F. 74 ELITE OF CHICAGO. CENTRE AVENUE. 72 Neeley, J. C. 72 Neeley, Robert 35 Nourse, John A. 93 Perry, S. Q. 68 Swan, Theo. F. 19 Walker, Sidney P. SOUTH GREEN STREET. 221 Birmingham, Thomas 113 Dickinson, Albert 215 Dixou, Felix C. 225 Gale, Geo. H. 223 Haskins, Wm. 123 McAuley, M. 215 McCulley, John 118 McFarlane, H. W. 210 McKeowu, John 76 Meile, A. 183 Mueller, Carl 157 Smyth, J. M. 137 Sollitt, W. 81 Stewart, Robert SANGAMON STREET. 88 Blount, Frederick M. 167 Beidler, J, 182 Boyles, C. C, 155 Bullwinkle, Benj. B. 121 Chapman, H. M. 52 Clark, David W. 135 Daniels, C. W. 47 Dickersou, John O. 117 Doolittle, E. M. 218 Gaynor, John 48 Hinckley, H. W. 46 Hunt, Daniel H. 178 Keeler, Charles F. 155 Landis, Perry 228 Lally.John 192 McCarthy, Owen 109 Moore, A. G. 168 Oberndorf, Joseph 97 Plamondon, Charles A. 248 1 oShaw, William 214 Sherman, E. B. 155 Sosman, Joseph S. 232 Sweeney, David J. REVERSED DIRECTORY. 75 WEST MADISON STREET. 335 Ahlborn, Wm. 437 Johnson, W. S. 354 Camp, J. W. 52 Le Due, Mrs. Eva 1184 Cleveland, A. C. 939 Magie, James K. 328 Diusmore, Mrs. E. M. 451 Mix, Ernest 515 Glore, Wni. W. 4716 Potter, Edwin A. 109 . Herrick, Chas. K. 832 Parker, H. N. D. 499 Hill, E. A. 436 Reasner, Robert 279 Hull , Mr s . Hattie M . 716 Utter, G. S. HOYNE AVENUE. 143 Bangs, Mark 116 Neill, Chas. W. 187 Barrett, Anthony L. 227 Pattison, Thomas 235 Benz, Philip 82 Perry, Samuel M. 301 Darlington, Herbert 312 Redfield, A. P. 142 Davis, Geo. R. 103 PhiUips, Chas. C. 150 Durphy, Chas. J. 176 Rounds, Geo. 305 Mitchell, Chas. H. 105 Spencer, A. E. 307 Mitchell, Harley B. 171 Wrigley, Wm. E. SOUTH PAULINA STREET. 215 Bohlens, C. E. 208 Davidson, S. Frank 225 Burkman, Charles F. 199 Lord, A. H. 183 Clark ; Lewis E. 76 ELITE OF CHICAGO. WALNUT STREET. 266 Arnold, James 119 Haseltine, Geo. E. 156 Brady, Oscar 762 Pratt, Benoni 189 Brown, Frank E. 264 Skeen, Mrs. Joseph C. 800 Church, A.M. 69 Stathem, Mrs. M. A. 302 Gay, George H. 762 Wilkin, Dr. J. S. SOUTH LEAV1TT STREET. 109 Coolidge, H. W. 389 Joslyn, Don C. 212 Dewey, James R. 243 Manford.E. Ill Dibble, Charles A. 342 McNamee, Mrs. E. 385 Frink, Lucius 107 Metzger, Mrs. Laura 264 Ives, E. J. 222 Sherman, John 463 Hager, A. D. 153 Thomas, T. D. 226 Hall,S. M. 443 Whiting, Dr. T. H. SEELEY AVENUE. 91 Austin, John 45 Selleck, A. C. 12 Bush, Dr. L. 93 Smith, Charles M. 44 Coffin, GorhamB. 95 Smith, Miss Caroline 42 Dickinson, David H. 47 Whitcomb, H. J. 117 Ferrier, Tho:i as E. 73 White, William B. 48 Eddy, A., Jr. 51 Williams, Charles R. 85 Fitch, M. J. 37 Wilson, John O. 80 Hamilton, Geo. A. 78 Woodman, T. J. "1 REVERSED DIRECTORY. 77 219 144 112 43 149 205 SOUTH MORGAN STREET. Isdell, James E. Lasier, Napoleon B. Norton, H. N. Smith, Joseph H. Solomon, Henry Stafford, John B. Benze, H. Curtis, E. G. Hagerty, C. R. Hill, Thomas E. Hinchman, Wm. M. Hoard, Mrs. S. 235 86 232 230 209 178 ABERDEEN STREET. 106 30 16 104 158 98 112 188 151 227 232 Colburn, Dr. J. E. Evans, Miss MaryC. Freeman, D, B. Johnson , Geo. W. Lawler, Frank Miller, W. W. 196 174 142 77 89 63 Noble, 0. D. Walton, Isaac Way man, Samuel West, Wm. N. Williams, Dr. T. D. Swain, Edgar D. LINCOLN Campbell, John Fieldhouse, Joseph Fleming, Robert S. Hanna, William J. Healy, P. J. STREET. 246 Hogg, David 333 Latsbaw.. John F 152 Murray, Mrs. M. 207 Thompson, Wm. H. 78 ELITE OP CHICAGO. 229 284 206 218 n.e.c Tayl 419 4 464 295 294 504 505 274 963 265 147 223 MARSHFIEL Hall, Daniel L. Howard, Joseph J. Kendall, N. T. Kingeley, E. P. ,D AVENUE. 286 Lawrence, W. E. 504 McCullam, Wm. A. 282 Mitchell, Thomas 276 Standart, George 362 Yeoman, Edward IRVING , Clayton, H. D. Crumb, B. L. De Long, David M. Fowler, E. W. Harrison, Val. P. A.VENUE. 304 Hubbard, H. H. 304 Jackson, Dwight P. 296 Smeal, James G. 220 Tuthill, Jos. D. WEST LAKE STREET. Billings, A. M- Booth, Henry Chatain, Alfred Colby, A. J. 426 Corey, F. E. 447 Hall, Chas. J. 494 Morgan, F. T. 614 Pitkin, Mrs. Lorraine SOUTH ROBEY STREET. Brown, Edward H. Griggs, Chas. N. Harris, Wm. H. 161 Lake,JamesK. 299 Lewis, Wm. B. 17 Rounds, S. P., Jr. REVERSED DIRECTORY. 79 260 164 402 200 203 114 153 172 81 40 58 158 52 71 49 44 75 78 15 43 SOUTH WOOD STREET. Adler, Louis Alden, Warren A. Barnes, Charles M. Beavis, J. B. Donnelly, Charles Eltzholtz, Dr. Josephine Lake, Dr. W. W. 195 Martin, Morris T. 157 Parker, O. L. 162 Price, David A. 269 Schram, Jacob 197 Smith, John B. W n poik \ Warner, Frank A. THROOP STREET. Beard, Dr. Richard O. Bridge, Dr. N. Cochrane, John Goit, E. J. Haas, Louis Hammond, H. L. 160 Hedenburg, J. W. 135 Marvin Wm. M. 36 Plamondon, A. 38 Ray, William A. 107 Willard, P.H. 147 Willing, W. C. R. HONORE Atkins, Charles Barry, J. L. Barth, L. L. Berg, Joseph Clark, D. R. Fulton, J. L. Greenlee, Robert L. STREET, 46 McCann, Thomas 11 Oliver, Mrs. E. J. 11 Oliver, W. G. 21 Storey, Robert E. 112 Weigley, Fillmore 45 Wright, Mrs. B. T. 80 ELITE OF CHICAGO. 108 285 158 396 412 422 229 362 42 453 453 19 15 16 472 477 426 SOUTH OAK! Bacheldor, A. A. Barlow, Geo. W. Beecher, A. Dwight Black, M. Clark, M. Edington, Mrs. J. A. ^EY AVENUE. 424 Eggleston, A. W. 397 Mollan, H. E. 189 North, Chas. A. 395 O Leary, Daniel 393 Watson, Mrs. OGDEN A Beebe, Wm. H. Bickerdyke, J. W. Brackett, C. E. Brown, H. L. Brown, Martin M. AVENUE. 68 Clark, A. B. 64 Conrad, J. Henry 66 Coyne, J. H. 70 Salisbury, W. H. BISHOP Adams, Samuel W. Ballantyue, John F. Fay, Charles M. COURT. 13 Noyes, L. W. 9 Pratt, Cyrus W. WEST RANDO Ball. James M. Brooks, Silas M. Montgomery, Dr. L. H. LPH STREET. 468 Nichols, A. J. 148 Schmidt, Oscar 426 Wallace, Roscoe G. REVERSED DIRECTORY. 81 WEST HARRISON STREET. 849 Arnold, Luther H. 387 Camp, A. S. 374 Lee, E. W. 467 Lindsay, Thomas E. 146 Lussem.John 254 Miller, Mrs. A. 346 Mohr, Nicholas SHELDON STREET. Bryson, Mrs. Julia Fish, Seth Gregg, Miss C. A. Howes, Allen Morse ; John F. Morse. F. E. Woodward, Willard SOUTH ADA STREET. 15 Clark, George W. 22 Higgins, G. W., Jr. 20 Hilton, C. C. 18 McCollom, Alex. 18 Mason, James 62 Truax, David A. WINCHESTER AVENUE. 107 Oliver, John 108 Patterson, William R. 107 93 Peck, John A. Wells, Theo. B. 82 ELITE OF CHICAGO. NORTH THROOP STREET. Beits, Geo. Fishburn, T. T. Foster, C. G. Gardner, E. T. Garner, William 17 Halladay, William H. Hartzell, John A. Hornby, Miss J. Ami McChesney, W. B. Oug, Mrs. J. Stowe, E. L. LAFLIN STREET. G5 Cox, Henry A. (54 Fowler, A. G. 11 Livesey, Joseph 66 249 Stewart, Graeme Wagner, H. V. WINTHROP PLACE. 53 Carter, Zina 38 Mahaffey, John B. 35 Wardell, Chas. F. Wells, B. A. West, A. ST. JOHN'S PLACE. 48 Baker, O. P. 22}Blackman, O. 15 Pococke, Tilman R. 40 Powell, W. T. Stranahan, James L. REVERSED DIRECTORY. 83 MISCELLANEOUS. BRYAN PLACE. N. MAY STREET. 12 Tapper, George 48 Baker, Caleb J. 1 Bryan, Frederick A. 44 Eddy, B. M. EVERGREEN AVENUK. 319 Jensen, Kasmus J. 2 Hitt, A. M. N. SANGAMON STREET. 174 Larsen, C. J. 212 Gunderson, John HAMILTON AVENUE. 73 Eoehl, Edward E. 20 Deming, B. F. 69 Dennis, Joseph S. S. CARPENTER STREET. 58 Johnson, Ludwig S. MAXWELL STREET. 13 Wathier, J. P. 199 Frankel, Charles A. 316 Pomy, Hermann S. CURTIS STREET. N. ASHLAND AVENUE. 49 Dodge, George 13 Magill, Chas. J. 50 Cribben, Henry 9 Mitchell, Arthur J. 448 Hansen, James P. S. CALIFORNIA AVENUE. S. HALSTED STREET. 147 Calkins, William W. 137 Goold, Thomas E. 212 Smith, Geo. H. 166 Springer, Edwin H. N. CARPENTER STREET S. MAY STREET. 157 Florence, Chas. A. 44 Archibald, Geo. N. 22 Kinney, G. Park 14 Cole, E. C. N. ELIZABETH STREET. 7 Harcoult, William L. 156 Alexander, Joseph H. S. MORGAN STREET. 16 Stillians, Dr. D. C. 43 Hill, Thomas C. 217 Mueller, Adolph F. C. N. SHELDON STREET. 62 Amberg, Wm. A. UNION PARK PLACE. 42 Dewey, F. E. M. 56 Hellrnan, Geo. A. 119 Litt, Miss May 9 Thompson, W. B. 41 Underbill, V. 58 Wyman, Gilbert 84 ELITE OF CHICAGO. MISCELLANEOUS. W. INDIANA STREET. 306 Rice, Dr. L. C. 261 Hough, O. O. W. NORTH AVENUE. N.Ro r bey5 Buehler ' Joh ' n 558 Suessmilch, Frederick W. OHIO STREET. 81 Alstrup, Jens Z. 1718 Platt, Miss Helen R. W. TAYLOR STREET. 488 Kelly, M. W. 384 Hirscb, Joseph Bachman, William, 50 Has- tings street. Bii-kenstein, Sigmond, 14 Lane place. Brady, M. P., 31 Harvard street. Brooks, Alden F., 4337 St. Law- rence avenue. Bush, Louis, 150 W. Erie sti*eet. Cornell, Lewis, 87 Brysou street. Dodge, Henry J., 104 & S. Des- plaines street. Goodman, David, 181 S. West- ern avenue. Howe, O. B 126 Milwaukee avenue. Kastler, Philip, 237 Blue Island avenue. Kellogg, H. P., 3329 Michigan avenue. Kempton, Samuel, 454 N. Paul- ina street. Miller, Miss Jennie, 96 Judd street. Miller, O. W., 71 N. Curtis street. Price, Robert P., 18 N. Ann street. Redmond, J. J., 31 Johnson street. Sloan, Wm. H., 307 N. Morgan street. Talbot, Eugene S., 298 Gurley street. Vanderpoel, John H v 599 W. Eighteenth street. West, Thomas J., 26 Gilpiu place. Wilson, Ira C., 12 Vernon Park place. REVERSED DIRECTORY. ESTABLISHED 1870. IL, IE I IDT ID SODS: IB IR,, Wholesale and Retail?Dealer in c MAIN OFFICE, | BRANCH OFFICE, 94 Twenty-Second St. Cor. Thirty - Fiftk St. and Indiana Ave. Receiving Fresh Coal Daily by rail and water, enables me now to sell all kinds of Coal at Lowest Market Rates. PROMPT DELIVERY. DRY, CLEAN COAL, AND FULL WEIGHT GUARANTEED, L. LEINDECKER, Telephone No. 8101. 94 TWENTY-SECOND ST. IJiJ Motto CENTRAL MUSIC HALL. Mr. John Howard, of New York, will spend the next six months in Chicago, teaching personally at his office, Room 33, Central Music Hall. His method gives the same voluntary exact control of the vocal parts of the throat that one has of the fingers of the hand. By certain easily learned movements of the tongue, palate, larynx, jaw and pharynx, the pupil learns to eituer stretch or relax the vocal chords, to make them heavier for greater breadth of tone, or lighter for higher tones and softer qualities. The voice is made doubly resonant, and usually gains from two to six notes in compass, while The quality becomes absolutely pare the Singing tone. All this being gained in months instead of years. All interested are cordially invited to call at Mr. Howard's office. A few minutes' trial and examination of the throat and palate will enable him to decide the present state of eacli one's voice, and to explain approximately what it will become with moderate study. Mr. Howard is permitted to refer to W. H. Palmer, W. L. Tomlins, and other well known musicians. _ *- ELITE OF CHICAGO. IN- GOODS, ART WARES, ELEGANT WEDDING PRESENTS. Bisques, Bronzes, Novelties, TOYS, ETC. THE LARGEST STOCK, THE BEST GOODS. Prices Guaranteed the Loivest ! CALL AND BE CONVINCED. VERGHO, RUHLING & CO,, COR. MADISON AND WABASH. Ivi REVERSED DIRECTORY. 85 pC?^)' /^ @ h** 393 DEARBORN AVENUE. Andrews, J. W. 167 Conklin, W. F. 198 Baker, John M. 451 Couley, John W. 485 Beye, Wm. 187 Cook, J. R. 196 Bigelow, A. P. 248 Culver, Geo. N. 242 Black, J. C. 355 Daniels, Wm. Y. 353 Brady, L. B. 148 Darlington, H. P. 203 Brawley, F. W. S. 248 Deane, Chas. E. 516 Brooks, W. C. 248 Deane, Ruthven 568 Bullock, Joseph C. 402 De Koven, John 183 Bundy, J. C. 185 Dennett, F. O. i 254 Burley, A. H. 226 De Wolf, Henry 79 Bye, James W. 337 Dole, James H. 362 Campbell, Benj. H. 521 Donlin, John H. 410 Carpenter, Augustus A. 171 Douglas, Robert 230 Carter, Leslie 353 Dox, H. B. ^ 510 Chamber, B. C. 161 Dunham, J. S. 529 405 Chard, T. S. Charnley, C. M. 328 486 Dunlap, Geo. L. j Dupee, Chas. A.^^ 381 Ciine, John F. 624 Egan, Win. C. 135 Coit, Wm. B. 602 Fargo, S. M. 181 Colebrooke, Wm. 228 Farnsworth, George 573 Collins, I. S. 502 Felix, Benj. F. 86 ELITE OF CHICAGO. DEARBORN AVENUE. 336 Ferry, Mrs. M. A. H. 552 King, Philo R. 250 Field, Richard I. 216 King, Rockwell 484 Fullerton, C. W. 460 Krick, George 550 Gait, A. T. 111 Le Due.. Miss 159 Gates, Chas. 346 Lewis, H. F. 162 Gerstenberg, Mrs. H. 488 Lichtenberger, C. 622 Grommes, John B. 88 Lockwood, I. L. 192 Grubey, Wm. H. 528 Loeb, Adolph 167 Gurley, Wm. W. 235 Lyon, George M. 94 Hall, Augustine 256 McClurg, A. C. s. w cor. ) Hanson, A. H. 527 McConnell, L. W. 176 Harris, N. W. 220 McGrath, John J. 241 Hawkes, Dr. W. J. 241 Marble, A. J. 166 Henrotin, Dr. Ferdinand 243 Martin, Thomas J. 361 Herriott, Mrs. M. L. 600 Moerecke, Wm. 84 Higginson, C. M. 3652 Nelson, John 479 Hooley, R. M. . 121 Nichols, Wylie B. 215 Hooper, Henry L 349 Norton, Edmond 168 Hosmer, F. L. 240 O'Brien, Martin 590 Hosmer, Henry 240 O'Brien, Wm. V. 370 Hoyt, W. M. 473 Odell, J. W. 377 Hurlbut, H. A. 496 Ortmayer. Andrew 385 Hutchinson, O. K. A. 500 Payson, George 395 Inderrieden, J. L. 426 Peabody, Francis B. 505 Irwin, John 426 Peabody, F. S. 321 Isham, R. W. 107 Pettit, Frank W. 124 Ives, George A. 532 Potter, E. C. 412 Jewett, Mrs. John N. 532 Potter, Orrin W. 344 Johnson, Enos 481 Potwin, A. C. 390 Johnson, Miss May 588 Prussing, George C. 390 Johnson, W. F. 166 Prussing, J. W. 190 Johnson, Wm. H. 2910 Raiser, Chas. 480 Jones, Judson M, W^, 435 Rede 11, R. F. 348 Kerfoot, W. D. ^^ 164 Ruhling, Adolph REVERSED DIRECTORY. 87 DEARBORN AVENUE. 408 Ryerson, M. A. 350 Towner, H. A. 169 Sample, A. A. 594 Tripp, Arnold 213 Sampson, Chas. H. 90 Tucker, Louis G. 447 Schumann, Chas. 148 Turner, Henry L. 449 Senn, Mrs. M. 383 Turner, V. C. 628 Shufeldt, H. H. 598 Vogt, Henry 158 Skidmore, George C. 356 Waller, Edward 519 Slack, C. H. 520 Ward, A. M. 239 Smith, Orson 151 Warren, J. H. 571 Stanley, Frank W. 365 Wasbburn, E. B. 148 Starring, M. B. 36 Webster, Ann E. 189 Stein, Louis 386 Webster, L. D. 434 Street, Chas. A. 210 Weil, Marcus 413 Sturges, James D. 81 Wilmeroth, Mrs. Ida J. 469 Sturges, Wm. N. 564 Wilson, John P. 359 Taylor, F. C. 157 Wischmeyer, Wm. H. 357 Taylor, Mrs. Julia 3. 627 Withrow, Thomas F. 494 Tobin, S. C. 217 Wolford, J. A. 237 Tooker, Dr. K. N. NORTH STATE STREET. 439 Berger, Eobert 392 Gehr, Samuel 405 Brewster, Edward L. 400 Gregory, S. S. 401 Clark, George M. 284 Hackman, David M. 415 Clow, James B. 418 Hutchinson, Thomas 426 Cunningham. T. S. 433 Junge, August 390 Fales, David /-- 474 Lawson, Victor F. 373 Feld, Wm. T. 403 Norton, James S. 470 Fuller, Henry W. 376 Olin, Dr. Henry 88 ELITE OP CHICAGO. NORTH STATE STREET. 404 Pardee, Lucius C. 440 Waller, R. A. 420 Ro~s, Henry H. 219 Wallis, K. W. 386 Sprague, William 110 Walsh, Mrs. Ellen 432 Stearns, John K. 211 Weil, Moses 537 Thomas son, Nelson 518 Wheeler, C. T. 4^0 Waller, James L. 425 Yoe, Charles C. CASS STREET. 159 Barnard, J. F. 87 Mears, C. H. 59 Barnes, J. S. 87 Mears, Nathan 46 Bosworth, Mrs. E. 101 Mectill, Joseph 126 Bowen, Ira P. 57 McCagg, E. B. 209 Burgett, J. M. H. | r r i- e \ Nickerson, S. M. 149 Claussenius, Henry 126 Keed, Mrs. John S. 163 Cotton, J. W. 163 Rumsey, George D. 180 Hancock, Bradford 131 Wadswortb, Dr. F. L. 234 Hicks, George C. 165 Ward, James L. 218 Leake.J.B. 61 Wilber, W. H. RUSH STREET. 59 Adam, A. B. 171 Buffum, Dr. J. H. 109 Angell, Wm. A. 85 Callaway, S. 11. 167 Bishop, H. W. 182 Chandler, F. R. 155 Brown, Wm. L. 122 Clarke, J. V. REVERSED DIRECTORY. 89 RUSH STREET. 169 Cox, B. W. 97 McLaughlin, W. F. 65 Drury, J. H. 87 Neff, Edwin W. 57 Edgar, A. D. 156 Nixon, Wm. K. 59 Hartinan, Isaac 62 Oakley, g. H. 136 Kerfoot, S.H. \^~ 73 Bay, B. F. 53 Kimball, J. W. 43 Bood, JohnH. 159 King, C. B. 173 Sea, S. Guy 151 King, Henry W. 100 Skinner, Mark 161 Kirkland, Josepb 44 Spiking, Mrs. M. J. 74 Lamed, W. C. 42 Steele, Mrs. J. W. 135 McCormick, Cyrus H. 63 Wadsworth, Philip 135 McCormick, C. H., Jr. 51 Wadsworth, T. W. 126 McCormick, Leander J. 71 Warner, Win. C. 124 McCormick, R. H. 59 Wbitaker, James A. 157 McCormick, W. G. 110 Willing, H. J. LA SALLE AVENUE. 300 Adams, J. McGregor 337 Burton, Le Grand 449 Alston, John 392 Butler, Wm. P. 320 Asay, E. G. 500 Calkins, John W. 326 Bailey, Mrs. M. L. 370% Campbell, Alexander 323 Barrett, S. E. 569 Cbannon, Henry 402 Bauer, Augustus 370 Chapman, W. S. 384 Bausher, Henry 558 Clark, Dr. John S. 493 Becker, G. 408 Clowry, R. C. 350 Blaisdell, Chas. W. 314 Clow, Wm. E. 367 Blatchford, N. H. 305 Coe, A. L. C35 Bradley, W. H. 445 Colvin, H. D. 555 Burlock, William E. Loc e ustJCongdon,C.B. 90 ELITE OF CHICAGO. LA SALLE AVENUE. 617 Cotliram, Geo. W. 412 Loeb, Wm. 416 Cowling, J. V., Jr. 235 Lynch, Thomas 352 Cragin, E. F. 448 McNeil, M. 491 Crawford, John A. 467 Mason, Hugh L. 490 Cronkhite, Orville 499 Maxwell, Mrs. E. E. 507 Deschauer, Joseph 521 Melander, Lewis M. 270 Dickinson, Wm. 428 Mellen, W. S. 593 Earle, Lawrence C. 406 Merrill, Benj. 593 Earle, E. C. 601 Metzier, Jacob 237 Edwards, G. D. 654 Meyer, Jacob 322 Elmendorf , Wm. A. 232 Molter, John 614 Flentye, Henry 447 Moss, R. E. 455 Floraheim, Phillip 247 Mullen, E. F. 527 Foster, O. C. 497 Mullin, O.B. 472 Gowan, V. D. 239 Norfolk, Geo. S. 652 Gradle, Bernhard 245 Purington, G. E. 403 Green, O. B. 326 Pratt, Dr. E. H. 387 Hammond, C. G. 383 Prentiss, JohnH. 196 Harshberger, Adam 449 Prevost, Mrs. H. C. 342 Harvey, W. R. 201 Reynolds, J. P. 353 Henrotin, Charles 306 Rickcords, George E. 602 Hess, Ernst 316 Rogers, H. W. 330 Heywood, P. P. 357 Rounsavell, George 424 Higgins, Charles 340 Rozet, George H. 455 Hobbs, F. W. 466 Schmidt, Leopold 343 Hobbs, J. B. 414 Schrenk, Aug. 292 Huck, L. C. 219 Scranton, A. S. 531 Hugunin, James R. 514 Sellers, Morris 476 Jennison, H. F. 519 Slack, C. H. 372 Kenly, David F. 242 Smalley, J. H. 265 Kimball, Edward W. 410 Smith, C. M. 332 Kirkwood, A. J. 404 Smith, J. Bradner 194 Knauer, Edmond 390 Smith, Mrs. Dr. Julia H. 382 Little, Rev. Arthur W" 390 Smith, Sabiu REVERSED DIRECTORY. AX |LATZ, 88 NORTH CLARK STREET, CHICAGO. ELITE OF CHICAGO. NORTH SIDE Second to No House in Chicago for RELIABLE GOODS CLOSE PRICES, and HONOR- ABLE DEALING. Open Every Saturday Evening Until 9 :30. J. W, TUOHY & CO., 166, 168 & 170 NORTH CLARK STREET, COR. ERIE. lYiii REVERSED DIRECTORY. 91 LA SALLE AVENUE. 360 Smith, Wm. B. , 497 Watson, Wm. J. 378 Stevenson, A. F. v 662 Weadley, Wm. .587 Ullrich, M. 272 Weigle, Mrs, F. 496 Yergho, Charles 380 White, Dr. Chas. 520 Yocke, Wm. 263 Wilkins.J. N. 526 Vogler, Herman 482 Wilkinson, John 478 Vowell, S. B. 362 Wollensak, John F. 625 Waller, Chas. S. 501 Young, Benj. T. 420 Washburn, Elmer PINE STREET. 118 Adams, E. S. 122 Lester, John T. 104 Arnold, I. N. 89 Poole, Adam 120 Brooks, J. W., Jr. 112 Smith, Perry H. 145 Cook, David S. 103 Smith, Perry H. , Jr. 55 Floto, Wm. J. 141 Stockton, John L. 39 Fox, Harry 107 Sturges, George 99 Johnson, Samuel 139 Warner, Augustus 108 Kieth, A. NORTH CLARK STREET. 587 Asay, Edward G. 569 Carling, Henry 100 Blumner, Geo. 1033 Carroll, Morris P. 851 Boche, Louis Ful'/ertonVS Chapman, G.C. 518 Brown, Thomas 1155 Charlton, James 92 ELITE OF CHICAGO. NORTH CLARK STREET. 519 Cox, A. J. 1071 Miller, Dr. T.W. 829 Crampton, John 553 Moore, F. E. 509 Dreyer, Edward S. 552 Muelbauer, Aloyes 163 Geudtner, Paul 549 Mueller, Adolph 553 Goldsmith, Alex. 613 Ordway, David E. 1140 Goudy, Wrn. C. 891 Saunders. B. M. 509 Green, Wm. C. 571 Schultz-. Miss M. 579 Highwood, C. 101 Taylor, J. S. 641 Hoechster, Emil 935 Varges, A. C. 893 Ingram, Robert J. 1009 Watkins, Miss C. E. 827 Koch, Edward 522 Weber, Louis ONTARIO STREET. 350 Adams, Abbott L. 199 Hopkins, Mrs. R. 350 Adams, B, F. 291 Jones, D. B. 373 Bannard, H. C. 375 Jones, Nat. S. 281 Carleton, C. G. 253 Kirk.W. F. 263 Chandler, George 363 Leslie, George 275 Clarke, George C. 255 McLaren, W. E. 266 Crocker, James B. 362 McMechen, B. G. 226 Currier, L.W. 267 Mulliken, A. H. 358 Dater. P. W. 348 Newell, John / 234 Delaware, Ambrose B. 252 Odell,JohnJ. L 360 Delihant, Thomas 361 Oldershaw, P. P. 352 Dow, J. Hall 383 Patterson. Robt. W., Jr. 224 Freer. Dr. O. T. 251 Raymond, S. B. 362 Gurney, C. H. 372 Rogers, E. K. L . 365 Hammond, C. N. 357 Rood, James 381 Hills, D. H. 234 Rupert, Adam J. REVERSED DIRECTORY. 93 ONTARIO STREET. 301 Sawyer, Sidney - 199 Taylor, J. S. 379 Sheldon, E. H. 271 Wallace, James 370 Stone, Henry B. 262 Wright, A. J. LINCOLN AVENUE. 20^Atwood, Chas. E. 207 MacNeill, Miss Eloise 554 Brown, A. F. 161 McNally, James 123 Caldwell, Dr. Juliet 24 Noyes, Edmund 19 Cameron, C. S. 51 Parkes, Dr. Chas. T. 244 Canfield, Dr. C. T. 91 Phelps, A. S. 12 Dawes, Chester M. 77 Powers, D. J. 86 Ettlinger, J. 59 Schaffner, Louis 495 Gates, Dr. W. S. 25 Shepard, Joseph A. 185 Grosvenor, Dr. L. C. 51 Syme, Miss Edith 83 Klein, Henry P. 151 Walbert, Mrs. Annie 243 Lester, Robert J. 133 Williams, Dr. J. F. 207 MacNeill, Dr. J. E. 141 Woltz.John OHIO STREET. 333 Baldwin, L. S. 240 Catlin, C. F. 359 Bedee.l'. W. 213 Cobb, M. D. 215 Biauer, Mrs. Fred. 217 Colton, A. M. F. 242 Block, Isaiah 363 Cox, C C. 223 Burnett, Dr. Mary W. 306 Eldridge, E. W. 333 Bush, W. H. 361 Gates, Walter S. 94 ELITE OF CHICAGO. OHIO STREET. 227 Gilman, Geo. P. 334 Putnam, A. A. 286 Gregory, Chas. A. 294 Sawyer, H. E. 360 Hammill, R. C. 368 Sherman, S. S. 337 Harmon, E. C. 292 Slade, Jonathan 290 McKay, J. R. 370 Strong, W. E. 345 Mears, Charles 282 Swartchild, Samuel 198 Miler, D. H. 89 Forgerson, Wm. 308 Munger, A. A. 240 Turner, L. H. 264 Newhouse, Max 349 Webster, Geo. 245 Pence, A. M. C^ 225 White, Horace F. 211 Perkins, Amos H. 205 Wilson, Daniel W. 286 Peters, Malcolm SUPERIOR STREET. 357 Ash, I. N. ""* 383 Hoemer, E. D. 361 Beckwith, Corydon 264 Hoyne, Phillip A. 273 Brown, L. A. 215 Kuhnen, Nic 304 Curtis, Wm. E. 373 Lyman, B. 401 Davis, Dr. N. S. 211 Merz, G. 401 Davis, Nathan S., Jr. 399 Manierre, W. R. 488 Erwin, Charles M. 375 Moore, Gurdon G. 416 Fabronius, D. C. 273 Neary, N. J. 381 Forsythe, John 363 Page, B. V. 397 Gardner, H. H. 235 Palmer, William H. 233 Glanz, Chas. 233 Pratt, L. G. 271 Haines, E. H. 273 Quirk, Daniel 315 Hennessy, P. M. 418 Raymond, H. W. 310 Hesing, A. C. 391 Rutter, Joseph O. 310 Hesing, Washington 406 Slattery, T. W. REVERSED DIRECTORY. 95 SUPERIOR STREET. 407 Spears, H. D. 403 Swing, Rev. David 410 Van Ingen, H. S. 395 Walsh, James [X 369 Winston, F. H. 371 Winston, F. S. 125 Wolcott, Alex. OAK STREET. 242 Bigelow, J. L. 239 Chandler, H. S. 291 Chetlaiu, A. H. 237 Daniels, Win. H. 424 Day, Frank 382 Engel, J. 293 Gilbert, A.M. 225 La Monte, M. 176 Lenox, John P. 227 Leonard, C. E. 424 Mars, George H. 295 Mason, R. B. 431 Matz, Mrs. Otto 390 Prindiville, R. S. ~ 278 Pryor, Gilbert 278 Roberts, R. B. 233 Rorke, M. A. 289 Rountree, John M. 299 Wolff, George ERIE STREET. 292 Abbey, Russell 264 Beek, G. N. 241 Blackman, E. 378 Blair, F. M. 287 Brewer, John S. 290 Bush, Edw. D. C. 306 Cable, R. R. 248 Cooper, E. Mason 300 Corbin, C. R. 386 Day, A. M. 297 Douglas, J. M. 207 Eisendrath, C. 96 ELITE OF CHICAGO. ERIE STREET. 283 Goodwin, Daniel, Jr. 384 Quan, Wm. J. 293 Haughey, Chas. T. 237 Bemington, H. H. 145 Jevne, C. 183 Sexton, James A. 301 Kales, F. H. 382 Shay, Thos. J. 245 Mariner, G. A. 363 Sheldon, H. I. 212 Neuberg, A. E. 248 Spalding, C. L. 148 Nixon, Wm. Penn 277 Tucker, J. F. 269 North, B. L. 240 Waldo, J. B. 378 Noyes, John T. 239 White, Joseph 315 Porter, H. H. HURON STREET. 243 Beecher, Mrs. S. F. 309 Peasley, J. C. 280 Crocker, A. L. 247 Baymond, Andrew 334 Gledhill, J. E. 313 Bumsey, J. S. 237 Gormley, B. P. 233 Speight, William 246 Ide, H. P. 336 Tripp, G. A. 275 Kirkland, E. S. 253 Weil, S. 294 Otis, E. A. CHICAGO AVENUE. 181 Anderson, H. 272 Clybourne, J. A. 302 Bartling, Frederick 413 Cregier, D. C. 335 Burdett, E. A. 346 Epps, Chas. L. 354 Chesbrough, E. S. 525 Funk, Peter J. REVERSED DIRECTORY. 97 CHICAGO AVENUE. 346 Greer, J. R 294 Magee, Henry W. 338 Hanley, J. H. 304 Memory, Henry 361 Howe, A. K. 327 Milling, Wm. 390 Knapp, Allan C. INDIANA STREET. 314 Chandler, B. G. 366 Miller, Thomas E. 256 Coe, C. C. 279 Mueller, C. E. R. 96 Ginochio, John 285 Nichols, W. C. 281 Gould, Leonard 280 Scovel, Henry M. 310 Hatch, H. L. 281 Selleck, Wm. B. 273 Hempstead, G. G. 324 Tunnicliff, Charles 302 Herrick, B. 334 Waite, Horace F. 312 Key, John R. ORCHARD STREET. 473 Adriance, Mrs. J.E. 419 Kimball, Edward 473 Dow, William C. 419 Kimball, Miss H. E. 417 Furness, William E. 419 Kimball, Richard H. 417 Furness, Miss Grace E. 183 Mattern, Louis 417 Furness, Miss Margaret 403 Maxwell, Mrs. S. J. 408 Gookin, F. Y. 403 Maxwell, Miss Lena 408 Gookin, Miss M. H. 389 Bowe, James L. 407 Hosmer, F. B. 399 Thorne, G. B. 419 Kimball, Dr. B. H. 98 ELITE OF CHICAGO. NORTH AVENUE. 287 455 283 Bateman, Samuel Baur, John Birren, C. 326 Fleischer, R. 516 Fogg, J. P. 267 Folz, Conrad 510 Gates, C. F. 305 Gerhardy, E. 514 Gibbs, James S. 340 Heno, E. 827 Koch, Edward 326 431 555 553 WEBSTER AVENUE. Barnes, N. H. Goetz, Henry Jeanneret, Chas. Kurz, Louis 502 Magnusson, H. C. 210 557 491 492 Potter, Win. L. Reeve, George B, Schotte, Robert Shipman, Elias 290 Tunnicliff, Win. H. FULLERTON AVENUE. 575 Buckingham, C. P. 031 Buckingham, E. H. 575 Buckingham, Miss Daisy 575 Buckingham, William 580 Farnum, Mrs. Dr. 420 Ferry, Moses F. 789 Foster, Mrs. M. S. 611 Hemmelgarn, Henry 631 Hill, H. 789 Porter, Mrs. E. C. 603 Robinson, M. W. 621 Weber, G. W. 621 Weber, Miss Lulu T. 522 Wescott, R. A. REVERSED DIRECTORY. 99 NORTH PARK AVENUE. 822 Bower, R. A. 834 Bromley, F. C. 720 Klein, David A. 824 McNally, Andrew 832 Ovington, Ed.J.,Jr. 749 Rice, Chas. L. 834 Ruggles, O. W. 688 Smith, Monroe A. 866 Stern, Max 818 Thayer, Henry J. NORTH WELLS STREET. 717 Annbruster, John 420 Feder, F. A. 445 Fiedler, Edmund 460 Freund, William 468 Freise, Einil 473 Friese, Mrs. A. 562 Meyer, Barthold 597 Schweisthal, M. 373 Smith, A. J. 725 Stafford, John F. CHESTNUT STREET. 308 229 244 301 201 303 Bradley., P. B. Eyster, Benjamin Gee, Charles Goodwin, Newton , Greeley, Samuel S. *" Gregory. Stephen S. 278 Hansbrough, Peter M. 335 Harding, Charles 267 Hunt, A. L. 224 Paul, E. A. 216 Spengler, Theodore C. ILLINOIS STREET. 218 Arnold, Frank 292 Fuller, Edward C. 310 McConnell, W. C. 290 Normile, M. 289 Roof, A. E. 265 Twining, Edward H. 100 ELITE OF CHICAGO. SEDGWICK STREET. 621 Gamer. Louis 735 Haynes, Thomas C. 671 Holton, Mrs. Martha G. 710 Leicht, A. E. 718 Marks, Stewart 626 Miller, William E. 172 Muehlke, Frederick C. L. 185 Nyquist, Gustav 232 Schmedtgen, Wm. 640 Stahley, Julia A. WALTOI 40 Bond, Miss Mary A. 41 Campbell, Wm. N. 15 Gorham, C. E. 28 Huntington, H. A. * PLACE. 30 Kennett, F. J. 19 Larrabee, Chas. K. 67 Lawrence, Dr. Hattie E. 15 Schoyer, Ernest HURLBUT STREET. 492 Bolton, William H. 452 Hinstorff, Gustav 498 Mackie,Mies Elizabeth S. 349 Plotke, Nathan M. 164 Schmidt, Andrew 158 Schmidt. George J. 413 Wilmanns, Arnold D. BELDEN 530 Adams, George E. 488 Cobb, S. B. 424 Fry, John E. 485 Lewis, James E. AVENUE. 418 Turner, Henry 418 Turner, Miss Minnie i REVERSED DIRECTORY 101 CENTRE STREET. 419 Forest, Thomas L. 402 Hobart, Dr. H. M. 426 Holtori, Charles C. 410 Hoyt, Dr. Alfred W. 404 Maus, Frederick K. BISSELL STREET. 301 Ferry, Albert D. 276 Hinrnan, John B. 277 Lemos, Mrs. Julia 311 Negley.E. L. 284 Rix, Geo. K. NORTH HALSTED STREET. 1048 Craig, Rev. W. G. 1048 Craig, Miss Carrie 1042 Skiniier, Rev. Thos. H. 1042 Skinner, Miss Emil M. 413 Weil, Leopold DIVISION STREET. 385 Cawthorn, Robert 462 Christoph, E. G. 559 600 608 Hall, Frederick H. Hugunin, W. P. Weston, E. D. 102 ELITE OP CHICAGO. MISCELLANEOUS. ASTOR STREET. LOCUST STREET. 3 Delamater, Frank C. 170 Andreas, A. T. 11 Manierre, George 166 Brown, Thomas H. 13 McClure, Chas. W. MAPLE STREET. 9 Potwin, William S. 20 Drescher, Henry BURLING PLACE. 77 May, Horatio N. 365 Chapin, John B. 79 Orr, Arthur 365 Chapin, William E. N. FRANKLIN STREET. BURTON PLACE. 349 Durham, Mrs. B. 2 Brown, Edward O. 231 Eiaendrath, M. S. 4 Peckham, Orville 235 Lundberg, Arvid CEDAR STREET. 237 Luschner, John 32 Brand, M. PEARSON STREET. 53 Brand, Rudolph 129 Crain, Frank E. 45 Dougall, Thomas 42 Gardiner, Dr. E. J. DAYTON STREET. RACTNE AVENUE. 368 Corlett, Webster H. 180 Miller, B. A. 344 Wilt, Charles T. 448 Severn, William B. ELM STREET. SIGKL STREET. 91 Adams, W. H. 125 Cook, N. 128 Stanley, P. E. V^ 133 Langer, G. E. 347 Walker, Samuel O. 98 Montgomery, David GRANGER STREET. 40 Bertalot, E. 40 Kadish, Leo P. Adams, Charles H. : 20 Belden 51 Schoepflin, Adolph place. Andrus, W. C., 27 Wisconsin LTLL AVENUE. street. 1578 Barnett, Geo. W. Baade, Henry, 1312 Dunning 1572 Barnett, John H. street. REVERSED DIRECTORY. 103 MISCELLANEOUS. Balatka, Hand, 220 Fremont street. Bartholemae, Geo., 536 Gar- field avenue. Bellas, Thomas H. r 5426 Jeffer- son avenue. Bodtker, James F., 816 N. Tal- rnan avenue. Bristole, Edward S., 1055 Wil- cox avenue. Brooks. Alden F.* 4337 St. Lawrence avenue. Burghoffer, J. J. Gustave, 1330 Brightwood avenue. Chatfield, Norman A., 536 Hub- bard street. Coit.WilliamA., SMenomouee street. Davis, Charles W., 369 Mo- hawk street. Dunn, Martin, 1228 Marianna street. Edler, Frederick, 204 Ever- green avenue. Etheridge, F., 5 Ontario Build- ing. Groak, Samuel, 10 Carl street. Healy, John J., 17 Lane place. Heinenian, Arnold H., 29 N. Grove street. Hitchcock, J. M., 165 Howe street. Judd, S. Corning, 25 Delaware place. Knott, H. A., 200 Goethe street. Koupal, Miss Marie, 224 Wil- mot avenue. Lightner, Milton C., 8 The Walton. Mac Kay, Alexander, 5 Wash- ington place. Manning, John L., 195 Arrni- tage avenue, McDonnell, William, 1204 Wrightwood avenue. McMahon, John E., 305 Cherry avenue. Niestadt, Wilhelm, 5 Tell place. Peattie, Robert B., 83 W. Pear- son street. Raycroft, James W., 7 Hern- don street. Reed, Mrs. E. A., 188 Eugenie street. Rubens, Harry, 23 Lincoln place. Sercomb, A. L., Serf, corner Lake Shore avenue. Smith, B. F., 71 Avon place. Stotx, John W., 1145 Montana street. Wagenfuehr, Gustave, 226 Schiller street. Washbausen, Frederick, 30 Whiting street. Wilkinson, Elmer E., 10 Owas- co street. 104 1 ELITE OF CHICAGO. 4^^'^E V A N S T OHfe CHICAGO AVENUE. 223 Adams, J. C. 703 Davis, Mrs. F. H. 223 Adams, Miss Nellie Dean, M. A. 627 Bannister, Mrs. Dr. H. Fletcher, F. A. 737 Barnum, W. H. 325 Foster, B. F. 737 Barnuni, Miss Bell 108 Hall, Mrs. Dr. 737 Barnum, Miss Gertrude 742 Harris, N. W. Beveredge, J. L. 824 Hauser. I. L. 709 Bragdon, Dr. M. C. 824 Hauser, Miss N. S. 520 Brainard, Wesley 723 Hitt, Isaac B. 520 Brainard, Miss Bell 514 Johnson, George E. Burk, William 510 Ludlam, J. W. Burk, Miss Sarah 510 Ludlam, Mrs. Mary 738 Butler, A. L. 510 Ludlam, Miss Mary M. 738 Butler, Mrs. H. E. 703 Marcy, Oliver Canfield, W. J. 627 Merwin, O. H. 821 Carhart, H. S. Oliver, F. S. 108 Chester, H. W. Oliver, Miss Eva S. Church, Mrs. L. W. 718 Pearsons, H. A. 829 Converse, Mrs. C. E. 714 Pearsons, J. A. 138 Cushing, Dr. G. H. 420 Powers, H. G. 138 Gushing, Miss Hattie 420 Powers, Miss Sadie 809 Dart, Mrs. S. T. 511 Rogers, C. A. REVERSED DIRECTORY. Miss M. Glassford I ODISTE, M arlors, 75 E. Madison St. // Mourning Outfits|prf>mptly attended Hand Painting and Embroidering Original designs furnished. ELITE OF CHICAGO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL IUST IOIEL E _-=ii Mil eniniJiiR 5 '% 3 r nl li* WOLF LAKE, INDIANA. Largest Ice Houses in the West. Storage, 350x176x40 feet. MAIN OFFICE, 85 WASHINGTON ST. ( Corner 19th and Grove Street ' Corner Ohio and Des Plaines Streets. . , 54th p lace> Hyde Park ( 63d Street, Englewood. REVERSED DIRECTORY. 105 CHICAGO AVENUE, 511 Rogers, Miss Mamie Walker, Mrs. T. Irving 511 Rogers, Miss Nettie 236 Webster, Dr. E. H. 809 Sargent, Mrs. B. C. 229 Wbite, J. L. 215 Scott, Rev. A. J. 706 Wilder, Dr. F. B. Spaulding, J. J. 732 Willard, Mrs. Mary B. 317 Stevens, M. E. 732 Wiltard, Mrs. J. F. Tousey, Miss Roberta 732 Willard, Miss Frances E. 321 Van Benschoten, S. 732 Willard, Miss Kate 321 Van Benschoten.Miss M. 519 Wilson, W. C. DAVIS STREET. 203 Boutell, L. H. 513 Mann, Miss Florence 203 Bouteli, Miss Carrie 327 Mansfield, Dr. H. A. Burcb, Mrs. C. S. 1009 Mueller, Mrs. A. 325 Childs, John A. 802 Northrup, Cbarles 1009 Craig, W. M. 828 Parkhurst, J. J. 1028 Easter, J. D. 828 Parkhurst,Miss Florence 1028 Easter, Miss Kittie 811 Pitner, L. C. 1028 Easter, Miss Lida 126 Quinlin, Dr. J. D. 228 Farnell, Simeon 227 Raymond, Rev. Miner 228 Farnell, Miss Pearl 207 Shunrway, P. B. 924 Hill, Robert 1012 Smith, H. B. 301 Hoag, T. C. 1028 Smitb, Mrs. H. V. 1039 Irvine., Mrs. C. 79 Sutherland, J. B. 137 Jobuson, J. B. 79 Vane, Allen 1005 Lake, Cbas. C. 1017 Wallingford, H. J. 1027 Lord, Tbomas 1018 Wallingford, Mrs. Mary 1027 Lord, Miss 137 Webster, C. C. 1027 Lord, Miss Nellie 1010 Wicker, H. C. 513 Mann, Dr. O. H. ( 106 ELITE OF CHICAGO. FOREST AVENUE. 616 Baker, Mrs. Mary M. Beaseley, J. G. Brown, Edwin L. 616 312 Crandon, F. P. j 616 312 Crandon, Miss Annie L. 312 Crandon, Miss Leila M. 510 Grey, Charles F. Hatfield, Dr. R. M. Higgins, Miss Ida Keene, S. A. 250 Lindgren, John R. 615 250 Lindgren, Miss Jennie j 236 Morae, Mrs. Sarah Cook- Morse, Miss Mary Morse, Miss Mina H. Murray, James S. Murray, Miss C. A. Norton, L. D. Raymond, F. D. Remy, C. H. Shepard, Daniel Shepard, Miss Spicer, Mrs. Mary Taylor, I. H. Taylor, J. V. CHURCH STREET. 1003 Belden,F. S. Deering, William Hinsdale, H. W. Hinsdale, Miss L. Lake, Wells 222 Miller, H. H. C. Miller, Miss Jennie I. Nolen, J. H. Soruers, R. ASBURY AVENUE. 734 Crittenden, F. A. 734 Crittenden, Miss Ruth Dwight, W. T. 816 Gilbert, C. J. 816 Gilbert, Miss Elia 816 Gilbert, Miss Jennie Gooch, George E. Hinsdale, H. K. Jenkins, George R. Kimball, E. A. REVERSED DIRECTORY. 107 GREENWOOD STREET. Boutelle, J. W. 705 Hitchcock, Miss Minnie Boutelle, Miss 705 Johnson, Miss Emma 706 Cosgrove, T. A. 35 Phillips, B. W. 93 Elliott, F. M. 35 Phillips, Miss Jessie 709 Foster, V. W. 720 Powers, M. R. 217 Freeman, H. A. 93 Shuman, A. 705 Hitchcock, W. D. 227 White, J. F. S GROVE STREET. Holbrook, C. S. 728 Trumbull, R. H. 815 Ijtt,Bates 728 Trumbull, Miss Ruie W. 619 lott, G. H. 720 Way, Charles L. 815 lott, Lewis 805 Wilcox, Geo. G. 815 lott, M. B. Wilcox, Geo. W. 720 McMullen, R. B. Winne, Archibald JUDSON AVENUE. 320 Adams, Frank H. 730 Hamlin, Dr. L. P. 704 Clapp, Dr. E. P. 730 Hamlin, Miss Minnie 704 Clapp, E. H. 316 Harbert, W. S. 615 Cragin, H. B. Jewell, Dr. J. S. Deering, Miss Abbie 622 Kimball, Dorn A. 625 Fisk, Prof. H. F. 742 Kirk, John B. 1 108 ELITE OF CHICAGO. MAPLE AVENUE. 423 Bancroft, George Knox, Reuben 330 Bates, Thomas McCall, J. H. 138 Bliss, S. S. McDowell, Malcomb 513 Bristol, George A. McDowell, Miss Anne 407 Burgess, Mrs. C. A. McDowell, Miss Mary E. Clapp, Josepb Moseley, George D. 424 Dewey, D. B. 427 Muir, George 424 Dewey, Miss Nettie 418 Newtoa, H. 500 Edwards.. H. J. 146 Parker, L. D. 326 Goffe, L. K. , 146 Parker. Miss Mina 126 Hoge, Holmes * ' 524 Pierce, Rev. G. R. 334 Hoyt, Lucius -106 Reed, E. H. Ide, George O. 417 Stevens, H. B. 317 Iglehart, N. G. 503 Thompson, J. W. 309 Kitchell, Mrs. F. M. 310 Webster, T. K. 309 Kitchell, Miss Alice Wheeler, T. P. 309 Kitchell, Miss Laura OAK AVENUE. Aiken, M. P. Poole, W. F. 523 Amos, Miss Helen E. Poole, Miss Annie 523 Hinman, Miss Agnes Poole, Miss Mary 516 Hunt,H. C. 522 Reese, Theodore 516 Hunt, Miss Jessie 522 ReveUe, Mrs. 516 Hunt, Miss Lizzie R. 428 VanArsdale, J. R. 521 Judson, Mrs. Eliza J. 428 VanArsdale,MissMiuuie 521 Judson, Miss Alice G. REVERSED DIRECTORY 109 RIDGE AVENUE. 628 Bnskin, O L. Kirkman, M. M. 606 Blanchard, Wm. 511 Paul, E. E. 606 Blanchard, Miss Alice 511 Paul, Miss Alice 606 Blauchard, Miss Bell 511 Paul, Miss Florence Candee, G. W. 511 Paul, Miss Susie Conistock, Chas. 531 Poole, Dr. I. Comstock, Miss Alice J. 531 Poole, Miss Agnes E. Comstock, Miss Fannie 424 Kice, Byron H. 310 Head, F. H. Spencer. Mrs. S. A. 310 Head, Miss Bessie 15-2 Tillinghast, H. C. 530 Hurd, H. B. 152 Tillinghast, Miss Hattie 530 Hurd, Miss Hettie 152 Tilliughast, Miss Lizzie 430 Kedzie, J. H. 310 Watson, George King, Mrs. Laura 310 Watson, Miss Janet Kirk, Milton W. White, H. A. HINMAN AVENUE. Aborn, Miss Sophia Brown, William H. 230 Ayars, Chas. G. Buell, A. C. 215 Bond, Dr. Thomas S. 832 Button, Eev. A. G. 626 Bradley, F. 714 Caldwell, Mrs. E. C. 626 Bradley, Miss Bessie 216 Carpenter, E. F. 626 Bradley, Miss Emma 510 Cleveland, C. B. 626 Bradley, Miss Mamie 117 Craven, Eev, Thomas 626 Bradley, Misa Nellie 614 Cummings, Dr. Joseph 517 Brace, Miss Helen 614 Curnmings, Miss Alice 711 Brewer, Dr. F. B. 818 De Coutris, A. M. 225 Brodix, Charles 504 Durham, Mrs. William 110 ELITE OF CHICAGO. HINMAN AVENUE. 610 Dwight, C. F. 1 521 Prindle, Edwin 36 Eastman, Mrs. L. C. 521 Prindle, Miss Emma 316 French, Clinton 518 Raymond, James H. 223 Goebel, John 216 Reed, Mrs. A. D. 223 Goebel, Miss Maud 714 Ridgway, H. B. 639 Gould, Frank 832 Reynolds, G. B. 36 Gregg, Joseph 504 Sargent, G. M. 305 Gridley, N. C. 824 Spaulding, Mrs. J. B. 320 Hutchins, C. S. Stockton, William 320 Hutchius, Miss Laura 824 Stone, G. F. Lake, R. C. 824 Stone, Miss Eliza 224 Lawrence, Mrs. H. C. Stowe, Dr. H. P. 224 Lawrence, Miss Mabel Stowe, W. P. 725 Lord, E. A. 220 Topli'T, W. B. 725 Lord, Miss Annie P. 719 Townsend, A. F. 726 Luiit, Orriugton 719 Townsend, Miss Ada 726 Lunt, Miss Nina G. 625 Webster, C. W. 219 Munson, Charles 746 Williams, J. M. 219 Munson, Miss Mary J. 746 Williams, Miss Helen G. Ninde, Dr. W. X. 746 Williams, Miss Jessie B. 127 Peabody, F. F. 312 Wilson, S. Frank 323 Pierson, J. O. 319 Young, A. N. 323 Pierson, Mies Kate L. ORR1NGTON AVENUE. 452 De Coutris, Mark 452 Vandevcook, Mrs. E. M. Kellogg, J. F. 619 Waldron, E. M. Lunt, Horace G. - 619 Woodson, Mrs. W. T. 622 Simpson, Andrew REVERSED DIRECTORY. Ill WESLEY AVENUE. Brown, Arthur K. Colburn, E. A. Comstock, J. A. 624 Estee, T. C. 624 Estee, Miss Hat HOTELS. AVENUE HOUSE. Abbott, Arthur H. Belding, C. W. Belding, Miss Bertha Garwood, W. C. Quinlan, C. H. Quinlan, Miss Annie Quinlan, Miss Jennie Quinlan, Miss Sophia FRENCH HOUSE. Avery, John H. French, Orvis French, Miss Josephine French, Miss Julia Gellathy, Francis Taylor, Ed. Tyrrell, John Tyrrell, Miss Kate MISCELLANEOUS. Armsby, James K. Brayton, Dr. Sarah H., Wom- an's College. Brown, Andrew J., 730 Lake avenue. Brown, Miss Caroline L., 730 Lake avenue. Chapman, William Condict, W. K., University place. 112 ELITE OF CHICAGO. MISCELLANEOUS. Currey, J. Seymour Dakin, R. L., University place. Dewey, David B. Haugan, Helge A., 298 Orchard street. Haven, Dr. O. E., Emerson st. Hill, Harlow B., Benson av. Mason, Carlisle, Evanston avenue, corner Addison st. Wheeler, S. W., Lake street. SOUTH EVANSTON. Adams, John B. , cor. Washing- ton and Third sts. Baily, M. B., cor. Judsou and Keeny avs. Ballard, Mrs. J. S., Lee st., near Ridge av. Ballard, Miss Anna, Lee st., near Ridge av, Ballard, Miss Nellie, Lee st., near Ridge av. Bannister, Chas. K., Hinman av., near Ked/ie av. Benjamin, E., Hinman av.,bet. Lincoln and Kedzie avs. Benjamin, Miss Winnie, Hin- man av., bet. Lincoln and Kedzie avs. Bennett, A. T , Judson av., near Lincoln Brown, J. M., Chicago av., near Greenleaf Brown, Miss Jennie E., Chi- cago av.. near Greenleaf. Brown. Miss Nellie L., Chi- cago av., near Greenleaf Burdsal, J. W. , s. w. cor. Hin- man av and Lee st. Burdsal, C. S. Jr., Hinman av., near Greenleaf Byam, John W., s. w. cor. Jud- son and Kedzie avs. Carpenter, O. F., cor. Kedzie and Forest avs. Cass, C. M., Monroe av , near Sherman Cheney, Rufus, Chicago av., near Lincoln Clements, Mrs. J. H., corner Judson and Keeny avs. Grain, Chas., corner Ridge av. and Greenleaf ELITE OF CHICAGO. i i Importt-r and Dealer in inefaper fmi^in; FAXON'S," 212 Wabash Ave,, Chicago, Ixii REVERSED DIRECTORY. 113 SOUTH EVANSTON. Grain, Miss Fanuie, corner Eidge av. and Greenleaf st. Grain, Miss Lucy, cor. Ridge avenue and Greenleaf st. Dee, L.. Benson avenue, near Greenleaf. Dee, Miss Julia, Benson av., near Greenleaf. J Dee, Miss Lotiie, Benson av., near Greenleaf. Diefendorf, B. J., cor. Judson and Lincoln avs. Downs, E. Allen, Forest av., near Kedzie. Durham, A., Washington, near Third street. Dutton, Chas., corner Forest and Keeney avs. D wight, W. C., Hinman av., near Kedzie. Dwight, Miss A. L., Hinman av., near Kedzie. Dwight, T., Jr., Hinman av., near Kedzie. Evans, A. L., corner Congress and Lincoln avs. Ewell, M. D., corner Hinman and Kedzie avs. Ewart, A. M., corner Judson and Keeny avs. Farnsworth, Mrs. P. C., Maple av., near Lee st. Field, George H., Chicago av. ; near Kedzie. Forbush, Miss J. E., corner Kedzie av. and Congress et. Gibbs, O. F., s. e. cor. Chicago av. and Lee st. Gibbs, O. L., Benson av., near Lee. Gib,bs, Miss Etta, s. e. corner Chicago av. and Lee sfc. Gibbs, Miss Josie, s. e. corner Chicago av. and Lee st. Goodenow, S., cor. Ridge av. and Green st. Goodrich, W. L., Madison st.. near First. Graham, C. L., Judson avenue, near Lincoln. Green, Mrs. S., Hinman av., near Lincoln. Gunn, A. H., corner Hinman and Kedzie avs. Gunn, Miss Emily D., corner Hinman and Kedzie avs. Hall, Albert, Hinman avenue, near Lee st. Hanchett, N. H., Chicago av., near Lincoln. Hogle,W. W.,Sherman avenue > near Lee Hosmer, F. M., cor. Chicago and Lincoln avs. Hotchkiss, Geo. W., Benson av., near Lee st. Hubbard, F. W., cor. Chicago and Lincoln avs. 114 ELITE OF CHICAGO. SOUTH EVANSTON. Hubbard, W. H., cor. Chicago and Lincoln avs. Hull, Mrs. A. H., Chicago av., near Kedzie Jennings, Rev. A. G., corner Kedzie and Forest avs. Joly, J. W., Forest and Keeny avenues Lambkin, J. B., s. e. cor. Jud- son and Kedzie avs. Langton, W. C., Sherman av., near Lee. Leal, Miss Sarah M., corner Washington and Third sts. Lunt, S. P., Judson av., near Kedzie. Mason, Miss C. E., Forest av., near Kedzie. Mathews, W. S. B., Chicago av., near Kedzie. McCoy, D. B., Chicago av., near Lee. Milhening, J., Hinman av., near Lincoln. Miller, W. G., Hinnaan av., near Lincoln. iuer, H. D., corner Kedzie av. and Congress. Moore, M. M., corner Hinman and Lincoln avs. Moore, Miss Jennie B., corner Hinmau and Lincoln avs. Noyes, Rev. G. C.. Judsou av., southwest corner Greenleaf. Noyes, Miss Emily M., cor. Judson av. and Greenleaf. Payne, E. B., Chicago av., near Kedzie. Pemberton, T. W., Ridge av. and Washington. Randolph, C., Hinman av., near Greenleaf. Randolph, Miss Fannie, Hin- man av., near Greenleaf. Randolph, Miss Jessie, Hin- man av., near Greenleaf. Reed, D. F., Chicago av., near Kedzie. Reed, Miss Abbie, Ridge av., near Lee. Reed, Samuel. Ridge av., near Lee. Shackelford, C., corner Judson and Lincoln avs. Shuman, A. W., Washington, near First st. Thomas, J. H., Hinman av., near Lincoln. Thompson, G. L., Ridge av. . near Lincoln. Thompson, Miss Effie, Ridge av., near Lincoln. Vail, D. F., Chicago av., near Greenleaf. Vose, W. M. R., Forest av., near Kedzie. Warren, Mrs. E. A., corner Kedzie av. and Congress. REVERSED DIRECTORY. 115 SOUTH EVANSTON. Watson, Thos. H., a. e. corner Chicago av. and Greenleaf. Watson, Miss Emma, s. e. cor. Chicago av. and Greenleaf. AVebner, J. T., Lincoln av., easf of Asbury. White, J. E., Hinman av., near Greenleaf. White, Julius, Hinman av., near Lee. White, Miss Armenia, Hin- man av., near Greenleaf. White, Miss Alida G., Hinman av., near Greenleaf. White, Miss Sarah E., Hin- man av., near Greenleaf. Winne, A. L.. Hmrnan av.,near Greenleaf. Wiime.Miss Bell, Hinmauav., near Greenleaf. 116 ELITE OF CHICAGO. JEFFERSON AVENUE. Barnes, N , cor. 51st st. Barnes, Mrs. Mary L., corner 51st st. Cornell, Paul, corner 51st street Cornell, Miss Libbie, cor. 51st st. Cornell, Miss Lizzie, cor- ner olst st. Drayau, Dr. L. F., cor- ner 53d st. Dexter, G. W., corner 54th place. Hamilton, Miss Maud, corner 54th place. Hibbard, H. N., corner 54th st. Hibbard, Miss Edith N., corner 54th st. 5328 Hunter, W. W. Lewis, Wm., near 54th st. 5424 Mercer, L. P. Noble, Miss Mary, cor- ner 54th st. Ott, W. C., corner 52d st. Ott, Miss Bessie S., cor- ner 52d st. Ott, Miss Iva L., corner 52d st. Ott, Miss Minnie C., cor- ner 52d street. 5324 Richardson, W. H. 5232 Root, Geo. F. 5232 Root, Miss Grace 5232 Root, Miss May Rosing, Mrs. Hannah, corner 53d st. Rosing, Miss Catharine, corner 53d st. Rosing, Miss Henrietta, corner 53d st. Smith, Haydn K., near 54th st. REVERSED DIRECTORY. JOHN NELSON, Successor to NELSON & HOLM, ip^ofsfcrcrs RENOVATING WORKS. 7 & 9 S. JEFFERSON ST, and 1217 W ABASH AVENUE. Ixv " ELITE OF CHICAGO 13 R. M. LOOM:IS, (Late of Washington, D. C.) Has? Opened, an Office at 243 State Street, corner of Jackson, 52. Every style of work executed in the best manner, and always responsibly warranted. Every instru- ment and appliance shall be absolutely CLEAN AND TIDY beyond suspicion. In every branch f/te very best materials, work and operations will be given, and prices will be unvaringly uniform and just. Dr. Loomis is the inventor and patentee of the celebrated Mineral Plate Teeth. Best ever made. Ixvi REVERSED DIRECTORY. 121 PERRY AVENUE. 6757 Curtis, J. A. C. 6716 Lazear, H. Y. 6757 Curtis, Miss Jeannette A. 6716 Lazear, Miss Rilla 6641 Dunn, W. H. 6740 Lee, Miss Ada 6703 Gill, Henry Norman, J., near 67th 6816 Hemingway, Dr. H. W. 6748 Price, E. R. t:740 Howard, Martin 6541 Salter, F. 6735 Johnson, T. W. 6659 Sharp, W. H. 6702 Keene, J. 6741 Spooner, J. M. 6758 Kendall, John S. 6SOO Towne, Marion E. 6816 Knowles, Miss J. D. Webb, E., near 66th 6716 Lazear, Dr. W. W. ROSS AVENUE. Brown. Mrs. Thos., near Drake, Miss Cora,nr.65th 66th Maley, T. E., near 65th Drake, C. G., near 65th Smith, Dr. J., near 65th Drake, Miss Alice, near Smith, Miss Eveline,near 65th 65th WENTWORTH AVENUE. 6801 Backus, J. H. 6749 Borland, J. A. Baker, Chas., nr. Maple 6700 Brainard, H. G. Baker, T., Jr., nr. Maple 6805 Crosby, George H. Barry.. P. T., opp. 61st 6055 Daubenspeck, W. S. 122 ELITE OF CHICAGO. WENTWORTH AVENUE. 6753 Dunham, A. S. 6716 Parker, H. A. Eddy, G. S., near 68th Perry, C. D., cor. 65th 6647 Ellis, R. Gordon street 6636 Holmes, M. F. 6204 Pierpoint. Dr. E. 6636 Hoppen.B. E. Ross, Mrs. L. L. 6811 Keeler, G. H. 6101 Southard, C. E. 6053 Larkins, E. 6757 Swift, A. R. Love well, Dr. C. H., cor. 6757 Swift, Mrs. H. C. 61st 6720 Thorn, W. S. Moore, C. H., nr. Maple Woodbury, F. A., near Moore, S. D. ; nr. Maple Maple st. Nicholes, Mrs. I. J.,cor. 5963 Woodbury, J. 61st Nicholes, Miss Anna, 6749 Woodruff, Mrs. C. B cor. 61st Young, Mrs. H. G., near Nicholes, Miss Imogene, 68th cor. 61st YALE STREET. Alexander, A. E., nr.66th Hogan, Louis C., near 6447 Baker, 8. N. 65th 6447 Baker, Miss Hogan, Mrs. H. C., near 6404 Barnet, A. 65th 6515 Brownell, R. E. 6514 Jones, C. W. 6511 Buck, M. H. Jones, F. W., near 63d 6640 Burton, G. C. 6518 Jones, L. H. Carpenter, Miss J. E., 6527 Loomiw. C. E. near 66th 6519 Mallette, J. P. 6414 Erhart, George A. 6510 Moore, Chas. REVERSED DIRECTORY. 123 YALE STREET. 6510 Moore, George 6510 Moore, John 6510 Moore, Miss Louie 6532 Nellis, C. S. 6502 Phillips, A. 6502 Phillips, George A. Rankin, Mrs. A., n. w. cor. 66th Ransom, R, near 66th st. 6501 Redfield, C. S. 6446 Rolfe, Fred. H. 6446 Rolfe, Mrs. John H. 6531 Sanford, J. E. Smith, C. J., cor. 66th st. 6540 Smith, E. D. 6537 Stoddard, J. A. 6537 Stoddard, Miss A. J. 6505 Tuttle, J. W. 6505 Tuttle, Mrs. E. N. Uhrig, Jos., near 66th st. 6510 Vehmeyer, Frank Young, Mrs. R , near 66th st. SIXTY-FIRST STREET. Champlin, Dr. A. H., corner School st. 536 Couthoui, J. 536 Couthoui, Miss Florence 536 Couthoui, Miss Jessie Cutter, H. W., corner Wright st. Denison, J. C., near School st. 548 Knight, C. H. Marston, J. School st. McGurn, School st. McGurn, D., near P., corner Mary, Miss corner School st. Phelps, Geo.,near School street. Phelps, Miss Inez, near School st. MISCELLANEOUS. A vent, J. V., Maple st., near Wentworth av. Bevans, Homer, corner Maple and School sts. Chittenden, Frederick, 330 Chestnut st. Cutler, Mrs. L. ; Chestnut st., near Wentworth av. 124 ELITE OF CHICAGO. MISCELLANEOUS. Darrow, A. S., 362 60th st. Darrow, Miss Mabel, 362 60th street. Dick, P. G., Maple st., near Wentworth av. Fellows, Oliver, 6230 School st. Haas, Lee, corner 69th and Perry av. Kolman, Miss Tillie, 414 64th street. Mitchell, D. E., 6212 School st. Morse, Mrs. M. S., 6212 School st. Pardee, K. C., Chestnut, near Wentworth av. Rurnsey, J. W., State, near 58th st. Russell, Albert, corner Stuart av. and 64th st. Vehmeyer, C. H., 6414 Howard street. REVERSED DIRECTORY. FOREST AVENUE. Adams, Rev. S. H., near Lake. Adams, Miss Anna H., near Lake. Adams, Miss Sarah E., near Lake. Blackrner.O.C.,cor. Elizabeth. Hanscom, P. L. Harmen.W. H. Judd, Rev. H., near Ann. Judd, Miss Hettie, near Ann. King, Edward, near Ann. King, Miss Ida O., near Ann. Newman, A. H,, near Lake. Vilas, A. H., near Elizabeth. Webster, Rev. H. D. L., near Lake. Wingate, Miss Ella B., corner Elizabeth. Wingate, Miss L. M., cor. Eliz- abeth. GROVE STREET. Cheney, A. J., near Burton ct. Curtis, W. C. Dixou, Dr. G. M., 7 Railroad avenue. Garty, M. J., near Pleasant. Howe, Chas., nr, Railroad av. Hurlbut, Miss Alice, cor. Rail- road av. Hurlbut, Miss Laura, near Railroad av. 126 ELITE OF CHICAGO. GROVE STREET. Hurlbut, J. H., ur. Railroad av. Hurlbut, S. E., cor. Railroad avenue. Jenness, Miss Hettie, near Pleasant. Miner, A. F., near Pleasant. Miner, Miss Laura, near Pleas- ant st. Muore, Miss Anna V., near Burton ct. Moore, W. H., near Burton ct. Niles, M. C., cor. Lake. Niles.Miss Maria A., cor. Lake. Ridell, A., near Chicago av. RideU, Frank R., near Chicago avenue. Smith, Niles, north of Rail- road av. Thain, R. S., near Pleasant. LAKE STREET. Allen, O. D., nr. Oak Park av. Alseebrook, Mrs. J. J., oppo- site Burton ct. Blackstone, W. E., east of Grove. Bliss, G. J., opp. Burton ct. Bliss, Miss Mary E., opp. Bur- ton ct. Cleveland, F. P., near Oak Park av. Cole, Miss Lillian L., opp. Burton ct. Cole, M. T., opp. Burton ct. Conant, Luther, opp. Burton court. Ehrman, J. W., cor. Willis st. Ehrinan, Miss Julia, cor. Wil- lis st. Gale, E. O., cor. Willis st. Gerts, Geo. E., near Forest av. Holley, L. J. Holley, N. T., near Forest av. Ingalls, Geo. A., nr. Forest av. Ingalls, Miss Nettie, near For- Ingalls, Miss Ray, near Forest avenue. Niles, Sidney S., near Grove street. Retter, Dr. J. M., corner Oak Park av. Scovllle, J.W.,cor. Oak Park av. REVERSED DIRECTORY. 127 LAKE STREET. Simmons, C. E., near Oak Park av. Simmons, I. E., near Oak Park av. Simmons, Miss Elizabeth, nr. Oak Park av. Terry, A. C. Tope, Dr. J. W., near Grove. Wood, Dr. E.W.,east of Grove. Wood, Miss Hattie, east of Grove. MAPLE AVENUE. Andrews, U. J. Angell, H. H., nr. Railroad av. Bailey, Geo., near Madison. Baker, E. R., near Division st. Conway, E S., nr. Pleasant st. Critchell, R, S., nr. Pleasant st. Emery, W. H., cor. Division st. Farnum, G. A., cor. Pleasant street. Francis, T. S., nr. Division st. June, F. T., cor. Railroad av. June, Miss Emaroy, cor. Rail- road av. June, Miss Susie, cor. Rail- road av. Middleton, J. W. Middleton, Miss Mamie Owens, Capt. I. H., cor. Rail road av. Owen, W. R., near Railroad av. Parsons, Ed. D.,nr. Madison st. Russell, J. K., nr. Railroad av. Russell, Miss Gertrude, near Railroad av. Seaman, John A., near Rail- road av. Seaman, Miss Ella, near Rail- road av. Seaman, Miss Srah, near Railroad av. Sweet, E. D. L. Sweet, G. J. Wayne, J., near Railroad av. Welsh, Miss C. A., near Pleas- ant st. Welch, Miss Corrinna, near Pleasant st. 128 ELITE OP CHICAGO. OAK PARK AVENUE. Clapp, Geo., near Luella. Clapp, Miss Anna, nr. Luella. Doane, Thos. H., near Luella. Eaton, Rev. E. D., near Lake. Eckart, Geo., near Luella. Flint, H. L., near Chicago av. Herrick, O. W., near Lake. Huntington, Mrs. P. E., near Chicago av. lugraham, Mrs. H. F., near Lake. Kettlestriugs, J. W., near Walnut st. Lewis, John, near Chicago av. Lewis, Miss Mary, near Chi- cago av. Lyman, E. W., corner Luella. Peckham, Miss Alice, near Luella. Smith, Miss I. C., cor. Walnut st. Todd. Wm., near Chicago av Warner, W. C., cor. Walnut st. Whaples, J. L. Wood, W. H., near Lake. Wood, Miss Carrie C., near Lake. WALNUT STREET. Bradley, B. C., corner Poplar avenue. Cook, Ed. C., nr. Poplar av. Cook, Miss May, near Poplar avenue. Hemingway, A. T., cor. Oak Park av. Hemingway, Miss A. B., cor. Oak Pork av. Herrick, D. C., near Oak Park avenue. Lovett, Thomas, near Poplar avenue. Wilbur, Mrs. B. M., corner Poplar av. Wilbur, Miss Jennie, corner Poplar av. REVERSED DIRECTORY. 129 PLEASANT STREET. Butler, A. O., cor. Wisconsin av. Heald, A. H., near Wisconsin av. Heald', James H., near Wis- consin av. Hunt, H. H., ur. Wisconsin av. Noyes, M., near Grove. Sherman, Mrs. H. M., near Wisconsin av. Tompkins, James, near Wis- consin av. WISCONSIN AVENUE. Murray, Chas., near Pleasant street. Sharp, J. P., near Pleasant st. Sharp, Miss Sophie, nr. Pleas- ant st. Van Doren. Rev. R. N. Worthington, R. S., nr. Pleas- ant st. Worthington, Miss H., near Pleasant st. MISCELLANEOUS. Austin, H, W., bet. Marion and Forest avs. Ballard, Frank, Poplar av. Congdon, Mrs. V., Marion, nr. Railroad av. Doughty, S., Elizabeth Court Hoard, E. W., Marion, near Railroad av. Humperhy, Rev. S. J., Eliza^ beth cour f >. Kerkhoff, W. H., Willis, near Luella. 130 ELITE OF CHICAGO. MISCELLANEOUS. Lackey, Dr. E. M., Elizabeth, near Forest. McCurdy, John, Marion, cor. Elizabeth. Owen, Ira D., Eailroad av. Owen, K. V., Railroad av. Powell, James, Burton court. Queal, O. H., Burton court. Sharp, G., Willis, nr. Luella. Spooner, W., Burton court. Straight, J.H., Willis st. Straight, Mies Maria, Willis st. Van Bergen, W. F., Poplar av. Van Bergen, Mrs. F. S., Pop- lar av. REVERSED DIRECTORY. 131 FREDERICK STREET. 1832 Altgeld, J. P. 1818 Becker, A. V. 1818 Becker, Mrs. C. D. 1818 Becker, Miss Katie B. 1832 Ford, Mrs. B. A. 1838 Hosick, H. M. 1830 Langguth, J. G. 1850 Linn, G. W. 1840 Matteson, A. M. 1838 Newell, Mrs. M. J. 1828 Shively, D. B. NORTH HALSTED STREET. Baird, L., nr. Graceland avenue 1511 Bolter, Andrew 1511 Bolter, Miss Aggie 1511 Bolter, Miss Carrie 1525 Clark, Mrs. Frank 1547 Clark, B. B. 1525 Clark, S. G. 1405 Collisson, Bev. H. M. 1547 Elston, Mrs. Daniel 1390 Gilmore, J. J. Olter, J., cor. Wellington place 1375 Peacock, W. H. 1375 Peacock, Miss Hattie 1397 Powers, Mortimer 132 ELITE OF CHICAGO. NORTH HALSTED STREET. 1377 Bevell, F. H. 1413 Rummel, E. 1413 Rummel, Miss Anna 1377 Savage, F. W. 1528 Stromberg, Chas. J. LILL AVENUE. 1550 Andrews, E. S. 1550 Andrews, Miss Flora B. 1550 Andrews, Miss Minnie J. 1578 Barnett, G. W. 1472 Barnett, J. H. Collins, Chas. H., near Webster av. 1247 Cooley, A. M. 1247 Cooley, Miss 1244 Corlett, J. D. 1537 Ederer, E. P. 1546 Hey den, Frederick 1549 Lovedall, T. I. 1549 Lovedall, Miss Louise 1547 Bichardsou, O. S. 1554 Stead, J. W. 1248 Tuttle, C. E. 1227 Wells, D. C. 1227 Wells, Mrs. E. J. 1573 Williams, John A. 1571 Williams, J. T. SEMINARY AVENUE. 439 Charles, C. C. 555 Charles, Oscar 415 Crawford, W, H. 445 Gates, D. W. C. 445 Gates, Miss May 567 Griffith, Robert 443 Koseboom, W. L. 541 Sage, K. H. REVERSED DIRECTORY. 133 SEMINARY AVENUE. 563 Smith, J. H. 441 Waterman, E. L. 441 Waterman, Miss Fanny 441 Waterman, Miss Ida 441 Waterman, Miss Mary 441 Waterman, Miss E. WOLFRAM STREET. 15'25 Chatfield, E. P. 1525 Chatfield, Miss E. J. 1520 Peacock, C. A. 1520 Peacock, Miss Lizzie 1542 Peats, W. H. 1542 Peats, Miss Anna E. 1512 Shepherd, John 1512 Shepherd, Miss Mary V. 1509 Smith, J. S. WRIGHTWOOD AVENUE. 1226 Asay, Mrs. Blanche 1226 Bryan, W. H. 1330 Burghoffer, J. J. G. 1238 Hitchcock, B. N. 1250 Lill, John 1325 Niemann, C. H. 1325 Niemann, Miss Louise 1421 Rowe, Dr. W. C. NORTH CLARK STREET. 1143 Carrier, Miss Minnie 1140 Goudy, W. C. 1140 Goudy, Miss Clara J. 1474 Kuauer, B. 1138 Lawson, Mrs. Iver 1138 Lawson, Miss Carrie 1143 Saunders, Austin 1146 Smith, George W. 134 ELITE OF CHICAGO. FULLERTON AVENUE. Chapman, Geo. C., cor. N. Clark 274 Ford, Mrs. Mary A. 274 Gavin, John B. 274 Gavin, Miss Mary E. 280 McDonald, ,T. B. 280 McDonald, Miss Mary 600 Bobinson, M. W. RACINE AVENUE. 327 Goode, Miss L. E. 429 Holland, C. T. 433 Johnson, A. L. 433 Johnson, Miss Edith 448 Severn, W. B. 508 Wheeler, Mrs. E. Lyons MISCELLANEOUS. DUNNING STREET. 1308 Baade, H. 1230 Dale, S. A. 1230 Dale, Miss Helen Moulding, Thos., corner Southport av. LINCOLN AVENUE. 495 Gates, Dr. W. S. 490 Hand, Dr. B. 630 Poole, William 499 Bennie, Wm. A. SEMINARY PLACE. 1221 Howland, W. C. 1205 Lill, George 1222 Ludwig, J. W. Balken, P. M., 1668 Wellington street. Buker, H. L., corner Oakland place and George street. Cross, Dr. Edwin, 596 Shef- field av. REVERSED DIRECTORY. 135 MISCELLANEOUS. Haiisen, H., 1664 Wellington st. Lindeniann, C., 1547 Diversy street. Magnussen, Dr. Howard, cor. Noble av. and Baxter st. Parkes, G.W., 1461 Montana st. Pierce, Elbridge C., 455 Paus street. Richardson, D. W., cor. Noble av. and Baxter st. Shurtleff, B., corner George st. and Oakland place. Ward, T. D., corner Paus and George sts. Wayman, J. B., 1233 Montana street. Werdel, S., 299 Southport av. Wilson, James J., n. w. cor. Lake View av. and Grace st. 136 ELITE OF CHICAGO. Allen, Chas. Allen, Mis sHattie Allen ,W.T. Avers, H. M. Baldwin, Henry Bates, E. N. Blayney, A. C. Blayney, Mrs. T. W. Blayney, Miss Louise Blayney. Miss Maggie Butler, Valois Chambers, George Chambers, Miss Anna Cross, A. J. Cross, C. L. Cross, Miss Bessie Cross, Miss May De Geloyer, Watts De Geloyer, Miss Nellie Driver, E. A. Frost, W. E. Gow, Joseph Gregg, Chas. Havemyer, Wm. Havemyer, Miss Minnie Hollister, E. F. Hubbard, G. S., Jr. Ives, B. F. Ives, Miss Jennie E. Jaegar, Mrs. E. Jenney, W. L. B. Kinzie, Arthur Maloy, H. A. Morford, T. T. Mundy, N. W. Murray, L. W. Eaynolds, James D. Rice, John A. Bipley, E. P. Sanborn, Mrs. K. D. Seckles.. Adolph Seckles, Miss Clara Seeley, Henry Seeley, Miss Sherman, Chas. D. Sherman, Mrs. B. W. Sibell, E. A. Soper, James Soper, Miss Elizabeth Spears, E. R. Walbridge, Miss A. M. REVERSED DIRECTORY. 137 AVENSWOODfe Anderson, H. EL, n. w. corner Wilson and Paulina. Anderson, Miss Maggie, n. w. cor. Wilson and Paulina. Andrews, J, W., Commercial, near Sunnyside avenue. Angell, E.F., s. w. cor. Wilson av. and Paulina. Barr, Miss Addie, n. w. corner Ashland and Sunnyside avs. Bell, A, J., s. w. cor. Wolcott st. and Wilson av. Bennett, R. J., s. w. cor. Paul- ina and Cottage Grove av. Bennett, Miss M. E., s. w. cor. Paulina and Cot. Grove av. Bennett, W. S., s. w. cor. Wol- cott st. and Sunnyside av. Brink, A. P., Commercial st., near Sunnyside av. Brown, D. R., Wolcott st., nr. Wilson av. Brown, S., Ravenswood Park, near Sulzer road. Bryan, W. H., cor. Commer- cial and Wilson avs. Compton, A. M., n. w. corner Ashland and Sunnyside avs. Conda, Felix, Lincoln av. near Su'zer road. Dingee, Geo., cor. Commercial and Wilson avs. Dingee, Squire, Ashland av., near Sunnyside av. Filkins, E. A., Ashland av., near Leland. Fishleigh, J., Ravenswood Pai% near Sunny side av. Francis, Jno. N., Wolcott st., near Wilson av. Galloway, Edgar, Commercial, near Wilson av. Galloway, Elbert, n. w. corner Commercial and Wilson avs. Hall, Henry, Ashland av., near Sunnyside av. Hayes, J. E., Commercial st., near Sulzer road. 138 ELITE OF CHICAGO. RAVENSWOOD. Harris, H. D., Paulina, near Cottage Grove av. Hills, John N. f cor. Leland av. and Green Bay road. Hills, Miss Clara, cor. Leland av. and Green Bay road. Hills, Miss Laura, cor. Leland av. and Green Bay xload. Holcomb, D. N., Commercial st., near Sunnyside av. Holcomb, W. B., Commercial st., near Sumiyside av. Howard, Mrs. S. D., Ravens- wood Park.nr. Sunnyside av. Keeton, Dr. T. A., Ravenswood Park, near Sunnyside av. Klaetziing, J. F., Perry st., near Clark. Knight, Capt. Hale, Paulina, near Cottage Grove av. Lerow, Wm. T. Livesay, J. K., Paulina, near Wilson av. Lloyd, Miss Hattie W.,s.w.cor. Commercial and Sunnyside. Lloyd, Rev.W.A., s.w.cor. Sun- iiysideav.and Commercial st. Mclntosh, Dr. L. D., Ravens- wood park, near Leland av. Mclntosh, Miss Beckie, Rav- enswood park, nr. Leland av. Marshall, S. M., s. e. cor. Paul- ina and Wilson av. Moore, V. N., s.w. cor. Ashland and Sunnyside avs. Morgan, T. H., Ashland av., near Sunnyside av. Newell, Jas. W., s. e. corner Ashland and Sunnyside avs. Parkinson,Miss K. E., Ashland av., near Sunnyside av. Parsons, Dr. Harry W., s. w. cor. Wilson av. and Paulina. Reynolds, Gen. J. S., Ravens- wood park, near Leland av. Sadler, Col. J. F., s. w. cor. Ashland and Wilson avs. Sadler, Miss, s. w. cor. Ash- land and Wilson avs. Semper, L., n. w, cor. Ravens- wood park and Sunnyside av. VanHorn, Washington, n.e. cor. Perry st. and Sunnyside av. Wheeler, Heman Wilmarth, H. T. W., Palmer St., near Wilson av. Wiswall, A. A., Ashland av., near Sunnyside av. REVERSED DIRECTORY. 139 AKLAND||>* DREXEL BOULEVARD. 4020 Adams, E. L. S. 4025 Bond, W. A. 4017 Cutbbert, W. F. 72 Dickernian, F. W. 4026 Fisher, L. G. 72 Ford, Mrs. Hannah 106 Guthrie, Eben B. 96 Hale, W. E. 137 Johnston, John 137 Johnston, Mias 137 137 137 4020 106 108 108 Miller, J. C. Miller, Mrs. Mary Miller, Miss Grace Potter, D. W. Potter, Geo. T. Potter, Miss Jennie Steele, F. Ware, J. M. Whiting, D. J. Whiting, Miss ELLIS AVENUE. 3995 Baker, Samuel 4018 Beeman, C. W. 4318 Beeman, Miss Genie 3939 Burchell.J. 3942 Cleaver, Charles 3942 Cleaver, Miss 4003 Colvin, W. H. 4000 Crawford, C. H. 140 ELITE OF CHICAGO. 4028 4010 4036 4036 4013 3932 3932 3933 4036 ELLIS AVENUE. Cristy, W. A. Fleming, J. M. Harmon, I. N. Harmon, J. C. Hately, John Hills, E. O. Hills, Miss Cordelia M. Macfarlane, J. W. Merriam, C W. 4040 Messer, Mrs. L. W. 4040 Messer, Miss Carrie 4020 Robertson, J. B. 4020 Robertson, Miss Mary 4021 Roper, John 4032 Thompson, A. M. 4032 Thompson, Miss Emily 4014 Wheeler, M. L. 4012 Wilson, C. E. LAKE AVENUE. 3949 3949 3967 3365 3361 31)37 3337 3937 Borden, John Borden, Miss Grier, H. B. Hately, W. C. Me Williams, L. Rand, W. H. Rand, Mrs. M. A. Rand, Miss Mary 3937 Rand, Miss M. L. 4016 Trurnbull, George 4026 Trumbull, John H. 4008 Trumbull, Lymau 4008 Trumbull, Perry 4016 Trumbull, Miss 4011 Weed, W, A. MISCELLANEOUS. FORTIETH STREET. 5 Sage, W. M. 5 Sage, Miss Lettie OAK WOOD AVENUE. 29 Gillett, Henry 29 Gillett, Miss Flora REVERSED DIRECTORY. 141 MISCELLANEOUS. OAKWOOD BOULEVARD. 1313 Dupee, John 1313 Dupee, Miss Eleanor W. 1339 Taylor, Dr. G. O. 36 VanValkeuburgh,DrF.P. COTTAGE GROVE AVENUE. 4008 Daniels, John B. 4014 Piatt, A. 4012 Vaughau, W. D. C. ELITE OF CHICAGO. ENWOOD LAKE AVENUE. 4614 Ackerman, W. K. 4833 Ballard, D. P. 4811 Barker, J. N. 4811 Barker, Miss Mary Bixly, Rev. Henry, near 40th street. 4528 Bliss, George H. 4939 Brandt, A. B. 4939 Brandt, Miss Hose 4823 Cummings,B. F. 4812 Dunn, John 4601 Everingham, L. 4601 Everiugham, Miss Julia 4669 Fowler, H. W. Frasher, J. E. L., near 49th street. Frasher, Miss Susie, nr. 49th street. 5001 Geddes, Alexander 4066 Gossage, Chas. 4820 Halsey, Tappen 4801 Lane, John 4801 Lane, Miss Emrna L. Little, Geo., near 49th st. Long, E. C., near 49th st. 4823 McClellan, John J. 4614 Meeker, G. W. 4508 Otis, T. G. 4504 Otis, Mrs. A. 4827 Kerumer, Mrs. John 4827 Remmer, Miss M. E. 5001 Sharp, Miss Mary Sherman, P.L., near 47th street. 4520 Steele, J. N. 4665 Turner, E. H. 4945 Wait, Horatio 4945 Wait, Mrs. H. H. 4945 Wait, Miss Isabel 4945 Wait, Miss Maria 4811 Williamson, G T. REVERSED DIRECTORY. 143 GREENWOOD AVENUE. Anderson, Galusha, cor. 50th street. Anderson, Miss Lucy, cor. 50th street. 4633 Barker, F. W. Bogue, H. B., nr. 48th st. 4820 Gushing, E. T. Doty, Mrs. Mary J., cor. 47th street. Hitchcock, Mrs. A. M., near 47th street. Kirnball, E. S., cor. 45th street. Miller, Mrs. Alice D., near 50th street. 4826 Mills, A. L. 4808 Sheldon, D. Henry 4808 Sheldon, Miss Verna E. Smith, H. P., cor. 47th street. Steever, J. G., ur. 47th street. MADISON AVENUE. 4736 Bishop, A. 4736 Bowman, Miss Alice Chapin, Miss, nr. 57th st. Chapin, Rev. Dr., near 57th street. 4716 Berry, Mrs. M. E. 4716 Potter, E. A. 4736 Putuain, Mrs. A. 4718 Reid, Dr. J. G. 4712 Sherwood, N. 4712 Sherwood, Miss May 4712 Ware, Mrs. L. A. FORTY-SEVENTH STREET. 2301 Barton. E. N. 2219 Bouton, N. S. '2307 Kellogg, M. G. 2225 Phillips, C. H. Pratt, L., cor. Ellis ay. Strong, D. O., cor. Green- wood avenue. Wright, H.M., nr. Green- wood avenue. 144 ELITE OP CHICAGO. MISCELLANEOUS. FORTY-EIGHTH STREET. Bailey, E. F., near Mad- ison avenue. 2609 Ballard, Mrs. E. A. Bouton. C. B., cor. Wood- lawn avenue. Bouton, Mies Hattie, cor. Woodlawn avenue. 2609 Shum-way, E. G. WOODLAWN AVENUE. 4620 Boyce, Mrs. Wrn. Braiuard. E L., cor. 48th street. 4553 Condee, L. D. 4620 Thrall, W. A. 4627 Ulimann, F. WELLINGTON PLACE. 8 Engelhart, G. P. 1 Ross, Chas. B. 6 Tod, Walter Atkinson : John Arthur, corner Jefferson av. and 50th st. Steffens, M. J., 2249 Cottage Grove avenue. REVERSED DIRECTORY. 145 !VllSCELLANEOUSUBURBAN^AMES. Atkins, Lizzie E., Arlington Heights. Atwater, Mrs. M. A., Western Springs. Bent, (Jeorge P., Normal Park. Brown, Paul, Irving Park. Cook, J. H., Hinsdale. Croft, Frederick W., Normal. Crosby, Wareham W., Win- uetka. Dearborn, T. H., Hiusdale. Dodge, John W., Highland Park. Dunham, A. S., Normalville. Eddy, C. J.,Winnetka. Farwell, John V., Jr., Lake Forest. Giles, Chas. K., Lake Forest. Hall, Cyrenius, Morgan Park. Halliday, John W., Grand Crossing. Hosford.J.T., Turner Junction. Hendricks, E. W., Pullman. Hiatt, A. H., Wheaton. Hilliard, Mrs. L. P., Washing- ton Heights. Houghteling, J. L., Elmhurst. Hovey, Augustus H , Glencoe. Howe', G. S.. Western Springs. Jenks, Dr. E. W., Geneva. Keller, Peter, Mount Forest. Lathrop, J. L., Winnetkn. Lewis, B. T.,LaGrange. Lincoln, W. A., Pullman. Lindsay, David J., WVukegan. Litchfield, Clinton, Lake For- est. Lloyd, Henry D., Winnetka. Matthews, L. G., Pullman. McDonald, Chas. L., Grand Crossing. Merrill, Nelson H., LaGrange. Mills, A. J., Woodlawn. Pratt, Dr. Edwin H., Wheaton Saunders, Harlan K., Norwood Park. Sawyer, Mrs. L. N., Washing- ton Heights. 146 ELITE OF CHICAGO. MISCELLANEOUS SUBURBAN NAMES. Sheridan, Bobt. M., Washing- ton Heights. Smith, James H., Pullman. Starrett, Mrs. Helen E., High- land Park. Stokes, G. W., Normalville. Stratford, Dr. H. K., Pine av., Austin. Thayer, Henry C., Morgan Park. Towle, John K., Woodlawn. Trine, J. G., Woodlawu. Vail, H. S., Highland Park. Walmsley, Wm., La Grange. Wilbur, C. K., Elgin. REVERSED DIRECTORY. CHA3, Sf ATTMAM, IMPORTER AND MANUFACTURER Furs of every description manufac- tured to order. Kecoloring and Remodelling. 83 & 85 E, MADISON STREET, ROOMS 10, II, AND 25, CHICAGO, - - ILLINOIS. 01 0!;0 ! ; . 0! ! ELITE OP CHICAGO. A. H. ANDREWS & CO.'S It speaks for itself.' It needs no commenda- tion ! Contains reser- voir, faucet and metallic bowl, which emp- ties itself, on clos- ing the lid, into a slop re- ceiver be- low; has a towel rack and cupboard for tow- els, also drawer for shoe-blacking box and placeforfoot: also shav- ing stand. A mirror at- tached to the top lid, un- der side, when desired. It closes tip into a neat CABINET in an instant. PKICE VERY LOW. MANUFACTURED BY A. H. ANDREWS & CO., 195 Wabash Avenue, Chicago. Ixviii REVERSED DIRECTORY. A. H. ANDREWS & CO.'S lafiinel Ifasf, flfanb. OPEN. MANUFACTURED BY A. H. ANDREWS & CO., 195 Wabash Avenue, Chicago. \K\X~ ELITE OF CHICAGO. CHICAGO AND ALTON RAILROAD, sil x-x Union Depots in Chicago, East St. Louis, St. Louis and Kan- sas City. No other line runs Palace Dining Cars between Chicago and Kansas City. Chicago and St. Louis, and St. Louis and Kansas City. Meals equal to those served in any First Class Hotel, only 75 cents. The Finest Palace Reclining Chair Cars in the World are run in nil Th ough Trains Day and Night with- out Change, and Free of Extra Charge. This is the only line running a sufficient number of these Palatial Cars in all its Through Trains to accommodate all its patrons. Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars, the Finest, Best and Safest in use any- where. The Best and Quickest Rotate from Chicago to Memphis, Mobile, New Orleans and all points South, via St. Louis. The Short Line to and from Missouri, Arkansas, Texas, Kansas, Colorado, New Mexico, Mexico, Arizona, Nebraska, California, Oregon, Etc. The Great Excursion Line between the North and South and to and from Kansas Lands, and Colo^ rado, New Mexico and California Health and Pleasure Resorts, and the Mining Districts of the Great West. For tickets and in- formation apply at any Coupon Ticket Office in the United States and Canada, or to JAMES CHARLTON, General Passenger and Ticket Agent, 210 Dearborn St. , Chicago. Ticket Offices: In Chicago: 89 South Clark Street; Grand Pacific Hotel ; 47 Monroe Street, near State Street ; and General Union Passenger Depot. West Side, corner Madison and Canal Streets ; and 23d Street Depot. ixx REVERSED DIRECTORY. 147 OTELS^ SHERMAN HOUSE. Wentworth, John. Weutworth, Miss Roxana. Weutworth, Moses J. King, J. C. and wife. Webb, Capt. Chas. Tobey, J. K. and wife. Milligan, Harry J. Wisner, Albert and wife. Torrey, A. L. Mangus, Albert. McLandberg. John. McLandberg, Miss. Dawson, Martin. Harbach, Thos. Thompson, Slason. Porter, Mrs. F. O. Neeley, Chas. H. Hennings, Miss Dora. Platt, N. E. Noble, Geo. McCarty, Mrs. W. F. CLIFTON HOUSE. Shaffner. B. M., and family. Pulsifer, D. F., and family. Stanley, Mrs. M. C. Conkey, W. B. Schnabel, H. E., and wife. Manning, Mrs. C. E. Tate, D. M. Rosenthal, Joseph, and wife. Wood, F. P., and wife. Campbell, DeWitt. 148 ELITE OF CHICAGO. CLIFTON HOUSE. Perkins, A. H. H., and wife. Cleveland, Dr. M. B., and wife Sang, Orr, and wife. Webb. Geo. L., and wife. Morse, H. A., and wife. Norton, L. R., and wife. Miller. F. A., and wife. Buck, H T., and wife. Loring, M. A., and wife. Hartwell, I. W. McDevitt, Mrs. Thompson, A. M. Batcheller, Webster. Davis, Fred. Hoyt, Mrs. K. C. Elaine, W. A. Eddy, T. C. Guild, A. E. Evans, A. H. McBride, N. E. Barbee, C. B. Earle, P. N. Van Wyck, Robert. Talcott, Stark. Jacobs, N. W. Fish, Joseph LELAND HOTEL. Wheeler, Chas. W. Storrs, Hon. Emery A., and i wife. Wilson, H. R., and family. Clement, H. C., and wife. Crocker, Miss S. E. Schofield, Gen. J. M. ; and family. Cooper, A. J., and wife. Rosenback, M. S., and family. Bane, O. F., and wife. Dewey, A. B., and family. Chester, Lyinan, and wife. Cassard, Herbert, and wife. Shirk, E. W., and wife. Hord, Geo. M., and family. Martin, R. B., and wife. Harlow, Thos. D. and family. Davidson, Mrs. Kate. Everhart, Harry S., mother and sister. Phillips, John, and family. Steger, Dr. R. W. Papin, Dr. F. Sidney. Ingtis, P. L. Beugaurd, Major W. H. H. Schofield, Lieut. Chas. B. Salisbury, E. F. Bacon, R. B. Cowan, John S. RAILWAY BETWEEN Chicago^New York Pullman Service a Specialty by this Line. y*^** W. H. HTIRLBURT, Gen. Western Pass. Agent. Jxxi ELITE OF CHICAGO. " The Niagara Falls Route. 9 ' Cantilever Bridge at Niagara. SLEEPING CARS on all Night Trains. DRAWING ROOM CARS on Day Trains. F, I WHITNEY, Ass't Gen. Pass. & Ticket Ag't. O, W. RUGGLES, Gen Pass, & Ticket Ag't. L, D, HEUSNER, City Pas?. & Ticket Agent, No. 67 Clark Street, Chicago REVERSED DIRECTORY. 149 LELAND HOTEL. McClure, R. J. Thayer, J. H. Harper, W. H. Jones, N. H. Rigdon, Chas. W. Srnithers, Sidney F. Adams, I. E. Long, J. B. Hankins, Geo. V. Case, John R. Lord, Geo D. Smith, Thos. PALMER HOUSE. Horsey, Dr. E. H. Arnold, W. C. Sulzberger, Sol. Bowersox, A. James, J. W. Graves, G. H., wife and sou. Volvider, Mr., and wife. Eliel, H. H. Nickell, J. M. Dandy, John M. Mayer, David, Hamberger, L. M., and wife. Foreman, Ed., and wife. Ballenberg, Jules. Ballenberg, Morris. Swart, J. H., and wife. Hill, Mrs. J. M., and family. Chapin, Miss. Roddin, E. V. Hatch, R., and wife. Ryder, W. H., and wife. Eames, H. F., and wife. Pearsons, D. K., and wife. Cornstock, W. C., and wife. Laflin, L. wife and son. Coleman, S., and wife. Bullen, W. H., and wife. Dickey, Judge T. Lyle, and wife. Longley, A. W., and wife. Beers, C. H. and family. Bullock, Geo. S., and wife. Burrows, Thos., and wife. Seixas. D. L., and wife. Nash, H. H., and wife. Morrill, J. F., and wife. Scribner, W. M., and wife. Watkins, V. D., and wife. Payson, H. R., and wife. Kreigh, E, P., and wife. Finney, T. J., and wife. Barnes, C. W., and family. 150 ELITE OF CHICAGO. PALMER HOUSE. Miller, J. M., and wife. Eakins, D. S., and wife. Strong, E. B., and wife. Haven, S. K., and wife. Tallmau, T. P., and wife. Lash, W. H., and wife. Carter, H. S., and wife. Stauffer, B. F., and wife. Young, N. L., and wife. Dainty, A. H., wife and child. Goodman, L., and wife. McCollough, J. A., and family. Underwood, Thos., and wife. Rich, E. A., and wife. Arnes, Wilson, wife and son. Brown, J. A , and wife. Hibbard, W., and family. Howe, N. J., and wife. Smith, F. M., and wife. Pierce, O.. and wife. Palmer, M. J., wife and Miss Lillie Palmer. Eldredge, Dr. C. S., and wife. Rothchild, D., and wife. Baer, J. S., and wife. Henderson, David, and wife. Hiny, H. C., and wife. Cosgrove. J. C. Ogden, Dr. M. D. Friend, E. Gamble, J. M. Lawrence, E. F.. and family. Bush, C. S. Meek, W. J. Wadham.H. P. Whitney, H. H. Stanley, Fred G. Brooks, Mrs. J. A. Phelps, Mrs. Geo. F. Burke, M. Wheeler, J. F. Doble, Bud. Brasfield,. C. H. Hogan, W. H. Scott, Misses E. P. and M. E. Nelson, Robert. Keefe, T. H. Dunlap, J. R. Eugle, R. L. Shaw, Mrs. Clara. Bailey, Geo. F. Phelps, Geo. T. Stoller, H. S. Brown, H. E. Earlie, G. E. Duncan, T. Alexander, G. M. Lowe, John. Moore, A. J. Wolf, W. S. Westover, Geo. F. Barry, Robert. McArthur, D. Slater. H. J. Trout, J. F. Forsyth, Geo. A. Haas, Isaac. Rich, S. A. REVERSED DIRECTORY. 151 PALMER HOUSE. Aptel, C. Stettheimer, L. Broinwell, H. H. Stettheimer, Jos. C. Willoughby, Dr. J. D. Morris, Robert. SOUTHERN HOTEL. Mooney, James, and family. Nathau, M., and family. Seavey, D. H., and family. Seavey, Miss Eveline. Eddy, Mrs. Jerome. Haiiies, J. C., and wife. Haines, Miss M. Jayne, E. L. Montague, Gilbert, and wife. Reese, Mrs. J. H. Simms, Mrs. M. Gassette, N. T., and family. Cassette, Wert. Gassette, Miss Beil. Mayer, F. Converse Dr. J. Bachelder, E. A., and wife. Marshall, T. H., and wife. Turner, P. A., and wife. Hackney, Walter S. Almy, Miles. Hammon, Chas. H. Byers,E. J. Nute, Miss. Smith, Mrs. L. B. Stern, J. Kniskern, C. A. Kniskern, W. B., and wife. Clark, E. R. Chapman, Cass. and wife. Ablewhite, Thos. Giles, W. A. Raht, Dr. Wm. E., and wife. Williams, S. E., and family. Green, Mrs. H. E., and family. Schoonhoven, G. W., and wife. Hill, Thos. A., and wife. Maas, Samuel, and wife. Doeriug, Dr. E. J., and family. Donohue, T. S. Cochrane, J. Jennings, C. E. Kimball, Mark, and wife. Galloway, Mrs. Jennings, J. D., and wife. Brezee, Miss E. M. Jennings, E. B. Wetherel, C. W., and wife. 152 ELITE OF CHICAGO. SOUTHERN HOTEL. Gilkson, Alex. Levy, S. Simm, J. C., and wife. Simra, Miss Birdie. Sim rii, Frank. ST. CAROLINE'S COURT HOTEL. Lapham. Chas. W., and "wife. Conger, Mrs. Portia. Sweet, John A., and wife. Wright, Geo. E., and wife. Peckham, Kobt. W., and wife. Brodix, C. R., and wife. Bulson, Geo. K., and wife. Bice, Sidney W., and wife. Andrews, Charles A. Lawrence, Theo. F. Kettler, H. H. Strong, W. H. Dickerman, George A. Baird, Frank T. Hotchkiss, William D. Grassie, Henry. REVERSED DIRECTORY. 153 IHYSICIANS AND I URGEONS! OFFICE HOURS. ALLEN, DR. J. ADAMS, 125 State street, room 26, Hours, 2 to 5 p. M. ATWATEB, DR. JOHN, Family Physician and Surgeon, No. 243 State street, Take elevator to room 57. Hours, 10 A. M. to 3 p. M. A VERY, DR. S. J., Office, 68 Ashland Block. Hours, 3 to 5 p. M. Telephone No. 7045. Residence, 715 Washington street. BAXTER, DR. A. J., N. W. Cor. State and Randolph Sts. 10 to 12 : 30 A. M., 3 to 5 p. M. Telephone 5208. Res., 334 Monroe St. Telephone 4151. BARKER, DR. W. A., Cor. Wabash Av. and Twenty-second St. 8 to 10 A. M., 2 to 4 P. M. and 7 to 8 P. M. Telephone 8165, 2 to 4 p. M., and at night. BETTMAN, DR. BOERNE, Oculist and Aurist. Office, 113 Adams street. Hours, 9 A. M. to 1 p. M. Residence, 3617 Lake avenue. Hours, 5 to 7 P. M. BETTMAN, DR. JEFFERSON, Diseases of Throat, Nose and Ear. Office, 113 Adams St. Hours 2 to 5 p. M. Residence, 3617 Lake Av. Hours, 5 to 7 P. M. BLUTHARDT, DR. T. J. County Physician's Office, Criminal Court Building. Hours, 11 to 12 M. Residence, 43 S. Peoria St. Hours, 8 to 9A.M., 1 to 2 and 6 to 8 p. M. Telephone 4279. 154 ELITE OF CHICAGO. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. BUFFUM, DE. J. H., Oculist and Aurist, 9J E. Washington street. Hours, 9 to 12 M., and 4 to 5 p. M. BYFOED, DE. HENEY T. 125 State street. Hours, 1 : 30 to 3 : 30 P. M. Telephone 8293 OYFOED, DE. WM. H., 125 State street. Hours, 9 to 12 M. Telephone 8283. /^ASHMAN, DE. D. A., V7 Eye and Ear Surgeon, 243 State street, rooms 23 and 24. Hours, 11 A. M. to 4 p. M /10LLISTEE, DE. J. S., Eoorn A, Central Music Hall. "_' Office Hours, 1 to 3 p. M. Eesideuce, 481 Washington Boul- evard. Hours, 8 to 9 : 30 A.M., 7 to 8 P.M. Sunday, 3 : 30 to 4 : 30P.M. pOOKE, DE. NICHO. FEANCIS, 58 State street. 1 \AVIS, DE. CHAS. GILBEET, 240 Wabash avenue Hours, 9 A. M. to 5 p. M. Telephone 5457. l^AVIS, DE. N. S., 65 Eandolph street. Hours, 8 : 30 A. M. to 1 p. M. I \AVIS, DE. W. H., Northwest Corner State and Madison Streets, Eooms 3, 4 and 5. Hours, 10 A. M. to 4 p. M. DTXON, DE. G. M., Office, Corner Lake and Marion Sts., Oak Park. Hours, 8 to 9 A. M., 1 to 2 P. M., and 7 to 8:30 p. M. DUNCAN, DE. T. C. 102 State street, cor. Washington. Hours, 11 A. M. to 3 p. M. Ees., 670 W. Monroe St., 7 to ,9 A. M., 6 to 8 p. M. Telephone 7039. REVERSED DIRECTORY. 155 PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. T\YAS, Dr. G. K., S. E. Cor. Clark and Washington Sts., rooms G and 7. Hours, '2 to 5 P. M. On Sunday, 10 : 30 to 11 : 30 A. M. ELY, DR. C. F. Office, No. 58 State St. 2 to 4 p. M. Residence, "The Ontario,'' No. 1. Cor. State and Ontario Sts. Telephone No. 3138. Hours, till 10 A. M., G to 7 : 30 p. M. "PULLER, DR. CHAS. G., Oculist and Aurist, 38 & 39 Central Music Hall. Hours, 10A.M. to 1 P.M. and 3 to 4 P.M. GATES, DR. W. S., Office. 495 Lincoln Av., Lake View. Hours, till 9 :30 A. M., 12 M. to 2 P. M., and evenings. p ILMORE, DR. ARNOLD P., Oculist and Aurist. VT 79 Monroe street, room 16. Hours, 10 A. M. to 12 M. Residence, 604 Division street. HALL, DR. JUNIUS M., McVicker's Building, Hours, 12 M. to 2 p. M. HAYES, DR. PLYMMON S. Residence, 2808 Indiana avenue. 167 Wabash Av., 12 : 30 to 2 p. M. Telephone 8332. 113 Adams St., room 20, 2 : 30 to 4 p. M. TTIATT, DR. A. H., 40 Central Music Hall, Hours, 9 A. M. to 4 P. TTEDGES, DR. S. P., Central Music Hall, 38 and 39. Hours, 10 A. M. and 3 p. M. FTOLLISTER, DR. E^L., 125 Twenty- second street. 9 to 10 A.M... 3 to 5 and 7 to 8 P.M., and at night. Telephone. 81S4. II OWE, DR. O. B., Central Music Hall, Hours, 12 M. to 2 P. M., except Sunday. 156 ELITE OF CHICAGO, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. HOTZ, DR. F. C., Oculist and Aurist. 181 S. Clark street. Hours, 9 to 12 A. M , 3 : 30 to 5 p. M. Residence, 109 S. Morgan street. HURLBUT, DR. V. L., 103 State, N. E. Cor. Monroe St., opp. Palmer House. Office Hours, 8 to 9 A. M. and 2 to 4 p. M. II YDE, DR. JAS. NEVINS, 240 Wabash avenue, Hours, 10 A. M. to 2 p. M. JACKSON, DR. A. REEVES, Office and Residence, 271 Michigan Av., near Peck Court. Telephone No. 630. Hours, 10 to 12 A. M. (Except Sundays) . TENKS, DR. EDWARD W., State and 37th 152 Wentworth av. and 29th 236 Wentworth av. and 37th 153 Stewart av. and 29th 237 Wentworth av. and 39th 154 Wallace and 29th 241 Wallace and 37th 155 Halsted and 29th 243 Halsted and 39th 156 Main and Stearns ^44 Halsted and 37th 157 Archer av. and Main 259 Union Stock Yards. 158 Archer a,v. and Peering 1213 Anglo- Amer. Packing Co. 159 Cologne and Deering 1214 Chicago Packing Co 161 Cologne and Fuller 1215 Armour & Co. 162 Archer av. and Broad 1216 Chapin & Cudiha 163 Ashland av. and Hickory 1217 Swift Bros'. Packing H. 166 Ashland av. and 31st 167 *Wahle Bros, glue factory 168 Ullmau and 31st 169 Laurel and 31st WEST DIVISION. 171 Halsted and 31st 261 Beach and Harrison REVERSED DIRECTORY. 171 FIRE DEPARTMENT. 262 Ellsworth and Polk 326 Halsted and 12th 263 Beach and Taylor 3-27 Halsted and Taylor 264 Lumber and 12th 328 Halsted and Polk 265 Maxwell near Lumber 329 Halsted and Harrison 266 Stewart av. and Barber 831 Halsted and Van Buren 267 :s Armour,Dole & Co, elvt'r 332 Halsted and Adams 238 Lumber and 18th 333 Madison and Halted 269 Lumber and Stewart 334 Halsted and Randolph 271 Canal and 18th 335 Fulton and Halsted 2T2 Canal and 16th 336 Halsted and Kinzie 273 Canal and Maxwell 337 Halsted and Indiana 274 Canal and 12th 338 Erie and Union 275 Polk and Canal 339 Green 8 nd Phillips 276 Canal and Van Buren 341 Halsted and Chicago av. 277 Canal and Adams 342 Sangamon & Chicago av. 278 Madison and Canal 344 Carpenter & MuVau. av. 279 Clinton and Washington 345 Erie and Milwaukee av. 231 W. Water and Randolph 346 Saugamon and Hubbard 232 Engine H. 17, W. Lake 347 Sangamon and Fulton 233 Canal and Fulton H48 Sangamon and Randolph 284 Kizie and Canal 349 Sangamon and Madison 285 Jefferson and Indiana :s:.l Saugamon and Adams 286 Kinzie & Milwaukee av. 352 Morgan and Van Buren 287 Desplaines and Fulton 313 Sangamou and Harrison 238 291 Desplaines and Randolph Desplaines and Madison 3,14 355 Morgan and Polk Morgan & Blue Island av. 292 Adams aiid Desplaines 356 Johnson and 12th 293 Desplaines & Van Buren 357 Morgan and Maxwell 294 Harrison and Jefferson 358 Jobnson and Wrigbt 295 Desplaines and Polk 359 Morgan and Rebecca 296 Jefferson and Taylor 361 Brown and 18th 297 Desplaines and 12th 362 Fisk and 18th 311 Union and O'Brien 303 Morgan and 20th 312 Wright and Jefferson 364 Morgan and 22d 313 Union and 15th 365 Fisk bet. 22nd & Lumber 314 Jefferson and 16th 366 Center av. and 22nd 315 Union and 18th 367 Center av. and 20th 316 Jefferson & Canalport av. 368 Center av. and 18th 317 Lumber and 22nd 369 Rebecca and Center av. 318 Union and 22nd 371 Margaret and 15th 319 Union and Lumber 372 Blue Island av. and 14th 321 Halsted and John 373 Center av. and 13th plac-i 322 Johnson and Lumber 374 Blue Island av. and 12tli 323 Halsted & Canalport av. 375 Taylor and Center av. 324 Halsted and 16th 376 May and Polk 325 Halsted and 14th 377 Aberdeen and Harrison 172 ELITE OF CHICAGO. FIRE DEPARTMENT. 378 Aberdeen and Jackson 456 Ashland av. and Indiana 381 Madison and Aberdeen 457 Armour and Erie 332 Curtis and Randolph 458 Chicago & Ashland aves, 383 Curtis and Carroll 459 Ashland av. and Cornell 834 Kinzie and N. Center av. 461 Ashland av. and Emiiui 335 Curtis and Indiana 462 Milwaukee av. and Divis. 386 Erie and N. Center av. 463 Ash. av. and Blackhawk 387 Chicago & Milwau. avs. 464 North & Ashland aves. 391 Milwaukee av. & Cornell 465 Bloorningdale & Elston av 392 Elstou av. and Augusta 466 Ashland & Clybourn avs. 333 Elston rd. and Division 467 Armitage andElslon rds. 384 Elston av. & Blackhawk 471 Wood and Clybourn pi. 411 North av. and Noble 472 Paulina & Wauban&ia av 412 Bradley and Noble 473 North av. and Wood. 413 Noble and Milwaukee av. 474 Lincoln and Mil. avs. 414 Noble and Cornell 475 Paulina and Mil. av. 415 Noble and Chicago av. 476 Wood and Division 416 Erie and Noble 477 Wood and Augusta 417 Indiana and Noble 481 Chicago av and Wood 418 Elizabeth and Indiana 482 Wood and ^rie 419 Elizabeth and Carroll 483 Page and Hubbard 421 Fulton and Sheldon 484 Carrol] av. and Woi d 422 Sheldon and Randolph 485 Wood and Lake 423 Elizabeth and Randolph 486 Madison and Wood 424 Elizabeth and Madison 491 Paulina and Ogden av. 425 Sheldon and Madison 492 Wood and Jackson 426 Throop and Jackson 493 Wood and Harrison :? Throop and Harrison 496 Wood and 12th 42S Loomis and McAlister pi. 511 Wood and 19th 429 Loomis and Taylor 512 Wood and 21st 431 Throop and 12th 513 Wood and Blue I. av. 432 Loomis and 13th 514 Paulinaand Blue I. av. 433 Loomis and Henry 516 Lincoln, nv. Blue I. av. 434 Blue Island av. and IGth 518 Hoyne ami Blue I. av. 436 Throop and Lumber 519 Robey and Blue I. av. 437 Loomis and 22nd 521 Robey and 22d 438 Laflin bet. 22nd & Lumb. 522 Robey and 19th 439 Ashland av. bridge 527 Ogden av. and Polk 441 Ashland av. and 22d 528 Ogden av. and Harrison 442 Laflin and 20th 529 Robey and Jackson 449 Laflin and Harrison 531 Madison and Robey 451 Ashland av. & V. Buren 532 Robey and Lake 452 Laflin and Jackson 533 Hoyne av. and Fulton 453 Ashland av. and Madison 534 Hubbard and Robey 454 Ashland av. and Lake 535 Paulina and Indiana 455 Ashland av. and Carroll 536 Erie and Robey REVERSED DIRECTORY. i7.3 FIRE DEPARTMENT 537 Robey and Chicago av. 753 Myers 1 mill, N. Pier 541 Bobey and Fowler 754 Michigan and Pine 542 North and Mil. aves. 756 Kinzie and State 543 Hoyne and Mil. avs. 756 Kinzie and Clark 549 Leavitt and Mil. av. 761 Kinzie and Wells 551 Leavitt and North av. 702 Kinzie and Market 556 Leavitt and Erie 763 Indiana and Kingsbury 557 Hubbard and Leavitt 764 Indiana and Mai'ket 558 Lake and Leavitt 765 Wells and Indiana 561 Madison and Leavitt 771 Indiana and Clark 562 Leavitt and Jackson 772 Indiana and State 563 Leavitt and Harison 773 Indiana and Rush 564 Taylor and Ogden ay. 774 Indiana and Seneca 565 Ogden av. and 12th 781 Erie and St. Glair 574 Blue I. and Western aves 782 Erie and Cass 575 Western &Laughton aves 783 Eng. h. 180 Dearborn av. 576 Western av. and 22d 791 Erie and Clark 581 Harvard and Western av. 792 Erie and Wells 582 West. av. and Harrison 811 Erie and Market 583 West. av. and Jackson 812 Erie and Kingsbury 584 West, av and Madison 813 Chicago av. and Larrabee 585 Western and Park avs. 814 Chicago av.and Town send 591 Fulton and West. av. 815 Chicago av. and Market 592 Western av. and Hub'd. 816 Wells and Chicago av 593 West. av. and Erie 817 Clark and Chicago av. 597 West. av. and Hirsch 818 Chesnut and State 611 West, and North avs. 819 Rush and Chicago av. 618 Fulton and \Vasht'w. av. 821 Chicago av. e. of water wks 619 Rockwell and Lake 822 Delaware pi. and Rush 621 Rockwell and Madison 823 Locust and Clark 622 Rockwell and Jackson 824 White and Wells 623 Washentaw and Harvard 825 White and Market 624 Rockwell and Harvard 826 White and Milton av. 625 Rockwell and 12th 827 North Branch and Halsted 631 Rockwell and Laughton 828 North Branch and Cherry 632 Rockwell and 26th 831 Oak and Crosby 634 House of Correction 832 Hobbie and Milton av. 636 California, av & Laughton 833 Oak and Sedgwick 644 California av. and Jack. 834 Hill and Market 645 California av. and Mad. 835 Wendell and Wells 646 California av. and Lake 836 Maple and Clark 655 Sacra mento av. and Lake 837 Oakwood and Rush 721 Cent. Park av. and 24th 841 Division and State 722 Cent. Park av. and 22d 842 Division and Clark 843 Division and Wells NOBTH DIVISION. 844 Division and Clybourn av. 752 Lighthouse and N. Pier 845 Division and Larrabee 174 ELITE OF CHICAGO. FIRE DEPARTMENT. 846 Division and Halsted 921 Willow and Halsted 847 Division and Bees 922 Willow and Sheffield av. 848 Blackhawk and Cherry 924 Clay and Fremont 851 Bees and Halsted 925 Orchard, near Center 852 Vedder and Pleasant 926 Wisconsin and Hurlbut 853 Clybourn av. & Larrabee 927 Wisconsin and Lincoln av 854 Hurlbut and Sigel 931 Center and Lincoln av. 855 861 Goethe and Sedgwick Sedgwick and Schiller 932 933 Center and Larrabee Halsted aud Center 8G2 Wells and Schiller 934 Sheffield av. and Center 863 Clark and Schiller 935 Baciue rd. & Cly bourn av. 864 871 Schiller and State Franklin, near North av. 936 942 Clybourn pl.&Southp't av. Sophia and Fremont 872 Blackhawk and Hurlbut 943 Sophia and Orchard 873 881 Blackhawk & Clybourn av North and Scheffield avs. 944 945 Sophia and Lincoln av. Webster av. and Clark 882 North and Clybourn avs. 951 Webster av and Larrabee 891 North av. and Orchard 952 Webster av. and Halsted 911 Larrabee and North av. 954 Webster av.anrl Baciue rd 912 Sedgwick and North av 961 Webster & Southport avs. 913 Wells and North av. 903 Clybourn & Ashland avs. 914 Clark and North av. 971 Belden and Liconln avs. 915 Wells and Menoniiuee 972 Belden av. and Hurlbut 916 Sedgwick andMenominee 981 Fullerton andLiucom'av 917 Eugenie and Hurlbut 985 Sheffield and Lincoln avs. 918 Willow and Larrabee o-m^o^ ^ CD*,t?/crc2' X 9 )\fa *% 986 4 J^bt Fullerton & Clybourn avs. l 1L ^ A7 A REVERSED DIRECTORY. 175 COLLEGES, UNIVERSITIES, ETC. Bennett Medical College 511 and 513 State st. Chicago College of Pharmacy-^ 197 Mcihigan ave. Chicago Homoeopathic College and Oispensary S. Wood. cor. York. College of Physicians and Surgeons of Chicago W. Harrison,- cor. Honore. Chicago Medical College Prairie ave., cor. Twenty-sixth st. Chicago Conservatory of Music Se. cor. State and Adams st. Chicago Musical College Room 15, Central Music Hall. Chicago Theological Seminary Cor. S. Ashland ave. and War- ren ave. Hahnemann Medical College 2811 Cottage Grove ave. Hershey School of Musical Art 83 E. Madison st. Presbyterian Theological Seminary of the Northwest 1060 N. Halsted st. Rush Medical College Cor. Wood and W. Harrison sts. St. Ignatius CoUege^l3 W. Twelfth st. Union College of Law of the University of Chicago and the Northwestern University 78 Dearborn st. University of Chicago 3400 Cottage Grove ave. ASYLUMS, HOSPITALS, AND DISPEN- SARIES. Alexian Brothers' Free Dispensary, and Hospital 539 N. Market st. Bennett Free Dispensary 511 and 513 State st. Central Free Dispensary of West Chicago Cor. Wood and Har- rison sts. Central Homoeopathic Dispensary S. Wood, cor. York. Cook County Hospital and Free Dispensary Cor. Wood and Harrison sts. Dispensary of Woman's Hospital Cor. Paulina and Adams sts. Free Dispensary of Woman's Hospital of Illinois 3411 Cottage Grove ave. German-American Dispensary of Chicago 201 Fifth ave. Hahnemann Hospital and Dispensary 2813 Cottage Grove ave. Illinois Eye and Ear Infirmary and Dispensary 121 S. Peoria. 176 ELITE OF CHICAGO. North Star Dispensary 270 Sedgwick st. South Side Free Dispensary Cor. of Calumet ave. and Twenty- sixth st. St. Luke's Free Dispensary and Hospital 724 Indiana ave. Chicago Nursery and Orphan Asylum 855 N. Halsted, and 173 Burling sts. Chicago Protestant Orphan Asylum 2228 Michigan ave. Chicago Reform and Industrial School 2928 Archer ave. Chicago Hospital for Women and Children W. Adams, cor. Paulina. Erring Women's Refuge Cor. Indiana ave. and Thirty-first st. Foundlings 1 Home 114 S. Wood, near W. Madison st. Good Samaritan Industrial Home 151 Lincoln ave. Home for the Friendless 1926 Wabash ave. Marine Hospital 5 miles N. from Court House, on Lake Shore. Mercy Hospital (Sisters of Mercy) Calumet ave., cor. Twenty- sixth st. Newsboys and Bootblacks 1 Home Quincy St., near Fifth ave. Old People's Home Indiana ave., N . W. cor. Thirty-ninth st. St. Joseph's Home for the Friendless 409 S. May st. Uhlich Evangelical Lutheran Orphan Asylum Burling St., N.W. cor. Center st. Washingtonian Home 566 to 572 W. Madison st. Woman^s Hospital of the State of Illinois 3411 Cottage Grove ave. CONVENTS. Little Sisters of the Poor W. Harrison, cor. Throop. The Benedictine Sisters N. Market, cor. Hill st. The Good Shepherd N. Market, cor Hill st. The Immaculate Conception- 511 N. Franklin st. Poor Hand Maids of Jesus Christ 212 Hudson ave. Ladies of the Sacred Heart Cor. Throop and W. Taylor sts. Servants of Mary 1266 W. Van Buren st. Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin 210 Maxwell at Sisters of Mercy Wabash ave., cor. Twenty-ninth st. Priory of St. Joseph, of the Benedictine Fathers. The Redemptorist Fathers Hurlbut, near Eugenie st. REVERSED DIRECTORY. EXPRESS COMPANIES. Adams Express 120 Dearborn at. American Express Co. 73-78 Monroe st. Brink's City Express 65 Washington st. B. & O. Express Co. 65 Washington st. Parmelee's Express and Omnibus Transfer Co. Office, 156 Dear- born st. United States Express Co. Gen. offices, 87 and 89 Washington st., between Clark and Dearborn sts. Pacific Express Co. 87 and 89 Washington st. PARKS. LINCOLN PARK Lincoln Park, N. Clark and Wells st. cars. CENTRAL PARK W. Madison st. cars. DOUGLAS PARK Ogden ave. cars. HUMBOLBT PARK Milwaukee ave. cars. JEFFERSON PARK W. Madison st. cars. LAKE PARK Michigan ave., near Exposition Building. UNION PARK Randolph and Madison st. cars. VERNON PARK Blue Island ave. and W. Twelfth st. cars. WICKER PARK Milwaukee ave. cars. SOUTH PARK Cottage Grove and Indiana ave. cars. DEXTER PARK S. Halsted, Archer ave. and State st. cars. CLUB HOUSES. Calumet Club Cor. Michigan ave. and Eighteenth st. Chicago Club Monroe st. between State st. and Wabash ave. Union Club Dearborn ave., nw. cor. Lafayette. Chicago Branch Union League of America Honore Block. 178 ELITE OF CHICAGO. ADDRESSES OBTAINED TOO LATE FOR PROPER CLASSIFICATION. Adams, Dr. J. Adams, Wood- ruff Hotel. Adams, G. A., 2118 Indiana av. Allport, Dr. W. W., 69 Maple street. Artnsby, Mr., Avenue House, Evanstou. Armstrong, James. Hotel Charlevoix, 87 Rush at. Arnstein, E.. 1-24-2 Indiana av. Atwater, Dr. John, Western Springs. Ballenberg, Mrs. J., 2515 Indiana av. Baker, William, Washington Heights. Baragwanath, H. D., W. North av., cor, Humboldt av. Baragwanath, Wm., W. North av., cor. Humboldt av. Bates, Thomas, 330 Maple av., Evanston. Beatty, Mr., Avenue House, Evanston. Benadic, Al, 14 Eldredge ct. Bettman, Dr. Boerne,3617 Lake avenue. Bettman, Dr. Jefferson, 3617 Lake avenue. Bissell, Josiah H., 235 Mich- igan av. Bond, Mrs. F. X., 18:r> Wabash avenue. Bremner, Beuj. E., 489 West Monroe st. Brintnall, Salva, 3542 Wabash avenu e. Brooks, Dr Almon, 2548 Indi- ana av. Bross, Wm., 194 Michigan avenue. Brown, George L., 10 Harrison street. Brown, H, B., 1251 Michigan avenue. Butler, Miss, 243 Wabash av. Chapman.Wm., Avenue House, Evanston. Chatfield, N. A., 530 Hubbard street. REVERSED DIRECTORY. 179 ADDENDA. Cheney, Mrs., 436 Carpenter street. Clark, James, 406 Maple av Cohn, Jacob, 14 Eldndge ct. Colby, John A.. 235 Michigan avenue. Cook, Alexander, 3835 Lake av. Cone, S T., 3815 Vincenues av. Cooke. Dr. Nicho. Francis, 213 Dearborn avenue. Culver, Allan M.. 120 Monroe street. Curtis, Dr. Lester, 1925Wabash avenue. D'Ancona, A., 1704 Wabash nv Day, R. H., 2123 Michigan av De Puy, Mrs Geo G., 2210 Wabash av Dezendorf.J D, 2236 Wabash avenue. Drake, Geo. V., 188 S. Peoria street. Edwards, H. B,, 103 Dearborn avenue. Edwards, H. I., Evanstou. Fabronius, D. C. ; Clarendon House. Fernandez, E. M. S., 312 Bis- sell st. Flannery, J. Q., 263 Lincoln av Flersheni, Lemuel H , 10 Harrison st. Forch, Frederick W., 472 j Fulton street. Foster, Mr., Avenue Hous , Evanston. Gage, Lyman J., The Ontario House. Gardiner, Mrs. Mary, 5322 Michigan av. Giles, E. A., 110 N. State st. Grant, John C., 2219 Wabash avenue. Green, Mrs. M. E., 235 Michi- gan av. Gurney, D. E., 436 Wabash av. Haas, Lee, corner 69th and Perry av., Euglewood. Haines. Chas J., and wife, Woodruff Hotel. Hall. Dr. Jnnius M., 2 Wash ington place. Hart Wm.. 425 W. Jackson st Hawkins, D W.. 497 Wabash avenue. Hayes, Dr P. S., 2808 Indiana avenue Hay worth, J. F. , 1259 Michigan avenue. Healy, G L., 612 Division st. Henry, Josephine C., 52 War- ren av. Hiatt, Dr. A. H., Wheaton, 111. Hill, Harlow B., Evanston. Hinman, Miss Helen E , 523 Oak av Hinman, Amos, 523 Oak av. Holbrook, C. S., Chicago av, 180 ELITE OF CHICAGO. ADDENDA Holton, C. C.. 426 Centre av. Hotz, Dr, F. C., 109 S. Morgan street. Howe, Dr O. B., Marengo, 111. Jones, S. M., Grand Pacific Hotel. Judkins, E. L., 436 Wabash avenue. Kellogg. H. P., 3329 Michigan avenue. Kennicott, Dr. J, A., 4800 Madison av.. Hyde Park. Kennicott, Mrs. M. A., 4800 Madison av., Hyde Park. Killam, James E., 1835 Wabash avenue. Kirk. M. W., Evanston. Klimmer. Jos. F., La Grange. Kline, Miss Alice L., 631 Ful- ton st. Krueger. C. F., 113 Orchard street. Leech, Dr. M. S., 380 Wabash avenue. Leighton, Mr., Avenue House, Evanstou. Leindecker, L., 2910 S. LaSalle street. Lippencott, Oliver, Jr., 2957 S. Park av. Litt, Miss, 189 State st. Lloyd, Mrs. N. B., 52 Warren avenue. Lord, George, 626 Wesley nv. Lundgren, Dr. Leonard, 130 Twenty-fourth st. Lyman,Way;er C ., 757 W.Mad- ison street. MacArthur, Duncan, 330 Michigan av. Maxton, R. W., 227 Ontario st. Mayer, Geo., Avenue House, Evanston. McArthur, Dr. L. L., 281:? Indiana av. Merrill, N. H., 161 LnSalle av Meyer, Robert, 2957 S. Park av Midler, W. I. 1332 Michigan avenue. Miller, Miss, 189 State st. Montgomery, Dr. W. T., 435 W. Van Buren street. Montgomery, Geo. \V.,Chicag. Club. Morgan, Wm., 102 W. Madison street. Morgan, William, 860 West Monroe at. Morrill, Frederick K, 34-1 Warren av. Moylan, Martin, 2216 Indiana avenue. Moylan, Martin, 103 Twenty second street. Mueller, A. O., 432 Wabash avenue. | Munger, O. L., 27 Thirty -third street. KEVERSED DIRECTORY 181 ADDENDA. Newman, Dr. H. P., 49 S. Ada street. Ninde, Miss Mary, Hinman av., nr. Davis. Ohnstein, Max M., 367 Warren avenue. Parker, Geo. H., 3220 Forest avenue. Parker, L. D., 140 Greenwood avenue. Parker, Miss Mina, 146 Green- wood av. Parmalee, Frank, Grand Paci- fic Hotel. Phelps, Edward M., 3012 Wa- bash av. Phillips, J. M., 2800 Calumet avenue. Phillips, Jas. M., 109 Twenty- fourth street. Plumb, Dr. Henry, 1333 Wa- bash av. Poessel, Dr. Edward, 410 W. Chicago avenue. Powers, M. M., 119 Twenty- second st. Press, Adam J., 66 Lincoln avenue. Quinlan, Miss Jane H., 120 Davis st. Quinlan, Miss Kate, 126 Davis street. Radcliffe, John, 297 Thirty- first street. Ralston, R. W., 2107 Indiana avenue. Robbins, J. A.. 2973 Indiana avenue. Robinson, J. K., 17 Thirty- third street. Roe, John. 217 Michigan av. Rice, Byron H., 424 University place. Roosevelt, W. C., 75 Twenty- second st. Schobinger, John J., Indiana av., near Twenty-second st. Schubert, John C., 163 Twen- ty-second street. Schweusen. Miss Mary, 43 N. State street. Shephard, D. D., 297 Wabash avenue. Somers, Miss Adele, Chicago av. , near University place. Stanford, G. W., 509 W. Adams street. Starkweather, Dr. E. E., 1215 Michigan avenue. Stevens, John K., 48 Thirtieth street. Stevens, Mrs. S. L., LaGrange. Tabor, F, S., Dr., 117 S. Clark street. Talbot, Dr. E. S., 196 Goethe street. Talmage, Mr., Avenue House, Evanston. 182 ELITE OP CHICAGO. ADDENDA. Taylor, Dr. G. O., 1339 Oak- wood Boulevard. Thayer, C. H., Evanston. Thomas, Rev. Hiram W.. 535 W. Monroe st. Thurber, W. S., Matteson House. Townsend, J. S., 1554 Wabasli \ avenue. Turner, S. M., Grand Pacific Hotel. Tuttle, Mrs. J. W. ; Englewood. Walsh, Edward F., Ill Twen- ty-second street. Wight, P. B., 3943 Prairie av. Wilcox, S. M., 3013 Vernon av. Wilson, Fred, 2244 Indiana av. Wilson, W. C., 519 Davis st. Wilson, W. Herbert, 2718 Michigan av. Winne, Mr., Avenue House. Evanston. Winterbotham, J. K, 2215 Indiana av. Woodbury, Dr. Win. H., 315 W. Washington st. Young, Benj. J., 3123 Dearborn avenue. REVERSED DIRECTORY. MUSICAL EDUCATION. THE -^MUSICAL Affords unequaled opportunities for tJie study of Piano, Organ, Hinging, Violin, Guitar, Etc,, AS WELL AS Harmony, Composition and Orchestration, Students fitted for the Concert Stage, Teachers, and fin- ished Parlor Performers. Equal care bestowed upon all, from the beginner to the most advanced. N. B. Pupils received every day. Private lessons a specialty. SEND FOR CIRCULAR. Address either director, HERSHEY Music HALL, CHICAGO, H. CLABENCE EDDY, General Director, MBS. SABA HEBSHEY EDDY, Vocal Director. ELITE OF CHICAGO. We Guarantee the Finest Work done in the city. PHOTOGRAPHIC ART STUDIO, 2249 Cottage Grove Ave., ARTIST. BROMLEY, MB. FRANK C., Studio, room 39, 78 Monroe street. Receptions Fridays and Saturdays. DENTISTS. BUSH, DR. L., Dentist. Room 13, 125 State St., N. E. Cor. Madison. Hours, 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. Loss of Teeth restored without Plate. T OW, Dr. J., E., Dentist. lj First National Bank Building, cor. Monroe and Dearborn Sts. Aours, 9 A. M. to 5 p. M. Residence, 540 Warren avenue. nOESSEL, DR. EDW., Dentist. Rooms 2,3 and 4, McVicker's Theater Building. Office hours, 9 A. M, to 5 p. M. Sundays by special appointment. REVERSED DIRECTORY. ALBERT A. RILEY, Registers, Brass Fire Places, Fenders, Andirons, Fire Sets, COAL, HODS, ETC., ETC., Wabash Avenue, i^X Chicago, Illinois. Ixxv ELITE OF CHICAGO. ARTISTS. IDA C. HASKELL, ALICE D. KELLOGG, Artists. Boom 46, Central Music Hall. Lesson days, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. A BBOTT, A. H. & CO~ A Dealers in Artists' Materials of every description. No. 50 Madison street. BRAND, E. L., Portraits. Art Studios, 210 and 212 Wabash avenue. pHATFIELD, N. A., \> Artist. Studio, Room 60, Tobey Building, 241 and 243 State street. YEARLING, MRS. JULIA A., Portrait Artist. 240 Wabash avenue. T)AY, MISS V. E., Artist. Studio, room 75, 243 State street, Tobey Building. GEAN SMITH, Artist, Elevator, 70 Monroe St. S. W. Cor. State and Monroe. Studio 34. T1ENRY, MISS J. C., Portraits. Studio. 18, 243 State street. 52 Warren avenue. If INOR, C. C., Portraits in Crayon. Elevator, 70 Monroe St. Studios, 30 and 31, 170 State St. SAUNDERS, HARLAN K., Artist. Studio, room 24, 88 State street. OEARLES, W. G., Portraits in Crayon, Studios, 21 and 22 Weber Music Hall, Wabash Av., cor. Jackson. OTEVENS, Photographer. 108 Dearborn street, corner Washington. ixxvi REVERSED DIRECTORY. ARTISTS. "OIGELOW, D. F., Artist. Boom 29, No. 170 State street. (ROOKS, A. F., > Artist. Room 30, No. 70 Monroe street. FvE HART, MRS. M. G., Lessons in Oil and China. No. 70 Monroe street, room 31. DENTISTS. BBOTT, MRS. DR. M. E., 240 Wabash Av., Cor. Jackson St. Residence, 1413 Boulevard Flats, Michigan Av. |>USH, DR. L. Room 13, 125 State street. Hours, 9 A. M. to 5 p. M. HAMILTON, DR. E. H., 75 Madison street. Hours, 9 A. v. to 4 : 30 p. M. ROBERT, DR. E. S., 165 Twenty- second street, cor. Wabash avenue. Hours, 9 A. M. to 5 p. M. TIOYT, DR. ALFRED W., 243 State street, cor. Jackson. Tobey Building, rooms 73 and 74. Hours, 9 A. M. to 5 p. M. TAY, DR. WILTON, N. W. Cor. State and Madison Sts. Residence, 2510 Indiana Av. Hours, 2 to 5 P. M. Telephone No. 8136. LAZEAR, DR. W. W., Corner Twenty- second street and Wabash avenue. Hours, 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. T A WHENCE, MRS. H. E., Li Room 16, 125 State street, Take elevator. Northeast cor. State and Madison streets. ELITE OF CHICAGO. DENTISTS. IT ANN, MRS. DR. J. C., 31 Dore Block. Hours, 9 A. M. to 4 p. M. NOYES, DR. EDMUND, 65 Randolph street, northwest corner State. Residence, 24. Lincoln avenue. POESSEL, DR. EDWARD, McVieker's Building. Hours, 9 A. M. to 5 .P M. T)ICE, DR. L. C., 41 Central Music Hall. Hours, 8 A. M. to 5 p. M. SINCERE, DR. EMIL, McVickers's Building, 10 A. M. to 12 M. Residence, 2974 Wabash avenue, 1 to 3 P M. Telephone at residence. SMITH, DR. JOSHUA, Southwest cor. Michigan Av. and Twenty-second St. Hours, 9 A. M. to 5 p. M. SWAIN, DR. EDGAR D., 65 Randolph street, northwest corner State. Residence, 63 Aberdeen street. rNNER, DR. D. M., Southeast corner Halsted and Madison streets. Hours, 9 A. M. to 12 M., and 1 to 5 p. M. TTIGNERON, DR. EUGENE, V Central Music Hall. Hours, 9 A. M. to 5 p. M. FLORISTS. T AWSON & CO., Florists, Under City of Paris. 52 Washington street. OMITH, GEO. H., Florist and Preserver, Telephone 4110. 255 W. Madison street. REVERSED DIRECTORY. FLORISTS. pREENBURG, H. S., \JT Florist and Preserver. 351 W. Madison street. T1OVEY & CO., Seedmen and Florists. 175 Wabash avenue, under Palmer House. KL1MMER, Artistic Florist. Telephone No. 4017. 168 W. Madison street. T7~RUEGER, CHAS. F., Florist, 61 E. Washington street. OTAHLEY, MISS JULIA A., Florist, 55 Washington street. 640 E. Sedgwick street. AMUSEMENTS. GRAND OPERA HOUSE, e. s. Clark street, between Randolph and Washington. TTAVERLY'S THEATER, s. s. Monroe street, between Dearborn and Clark. TTOOLEY'S THEATER, n. s. Randolph street, between LaSalle and Clark. J{ OHL & MIDDLETON'S MUSUEMS. IV Madison, near Halsted street. Clark, near Madison street. Open daily. CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, ETC. EDWARDS, H. J. & SONS, Latest styles Carriages, Pony Phaetons, Road Wagons, Har- ness, etc. 233 Wabash avenue. HILL & KILLAM, Fine Carriages, Buggies Telephone No. 611. 390 to 396 Wabash avenue. Fine Carriages, Buggies, Etc. Ixxix ELITE OF CHICAGO. MILLINERY. "DROWN, G. L. ( Importer of Millinery, Etc. Palmer House Block. 171 Wabasb avenue. /CROCKER, MRS. W., Millinery. 2101 Wabasb. avenue. TTOPSON & CO., Importers of Paris Millinery. S. W. Cor. Wabasb avenue and Madison streets. HOTCHKIN, PALMER & CO., Cloaks and Millinery. 137 and 139 State street. TJYNES, O. S., Millinery and Fancy Goods. 149 Twenty-second street. WALSH'S, Fine Millinery, French Flowers, Ribbons and Feathers. No. Ill Twenty-second sti eet. CLOTHIERS. HARVEY BROS., Fine Clotbiers and Gents' Furnishers. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. 84 State St. T ONDON & LIVEPROOL CLOTHING CO., N. W. Cor. Madison and Halsted streets. Telephone 4115. WEIL BROS., 158 & 160 W. Madison street. Room formerly occupied by Kobl& Middleton's Dime Museum. CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST. [, WILLIAM K., Chemist and Druggist. Telephone 8133. N. E. Cor. Wabash Av. and Twenty-second St. Ixxx REVERSED DIRECTORY. HAIR GOODS. K LINE, ALICE L., Formerly with Mrs. C. Thompson. 44 Madison street. REIDY, MISS SABA, Dealer in Hair Goods and Hair Orna- ments. 189 Wabash Av., (Ladies' Exchange). Special attention given to Hair Dressing. CCHWENSEN, MISS MARY, O Artistic Hair Dresser. Formerly with Fetherly. Parlors at 43 N. State street. S 1TEVENS, MES. S. L. ; Hair Goods and Dressmaking. _ 88 State street. ELOCUTION. T ETCH WORTH, MRS. G. OSBORNE, JU Dramatic and Humorous Reader, Elocution, Oratory and Dramatic A rt. 70 Monroe street, room 42. T YMAN, WALTER, C., -LJ Elocutionist. Take elevator. Room 27, Hale Building. MORGAN, MRS. CARRIE A., Teacher of Elocution and Dramatic Art. Weber Music Hall, room 15. Wabash Av. and Jackson St. , MRS. LAURA J., JL Teacher of the Delsarte System of Elocution and Dramatic Art. Weber Music Hall, room 28. EMBROIDERY. PUTNAM, MRS. A. M., Art Embroidery and Fancy Needlework Materials. 2210 Wabash avenue^ STATHEM, M. A., Plaiting, Shirring, Machine Stitching, Stamping, Etc. 75 Madison street, room 36. Ixxxi ELITE OP CHICAGO. JEWELERS. M Jewelers. Palmer House Block. 1G9 State street. PEACOCK, C. D., wholesale and retail dealer in Watches, Diamonds, and Fine Jewelry, Silver, and Silver Plated Ware. 96 and 98 State street. & CO., Wholesale and Retail Jewelers, 77 State street. MUSIC. BARTLETT, M. L., Conductor of the Mozart Club. Room 6, Weber Music Hali. , MRS. JIRAH D. JR., Teacher of Rudersdorff Method \J of Vocal Culture, ^Esthetic Gymnastics, and Elocution. Room 26, Weber Music Hall, Wabash Av. and Jackson St. SEWING MACHINES. WHEELER & WILSON SEWING MACHINES. General Office for the Northwest, 155 State street. , H. J. & SON, Agents White Sewing Machines. 237 State street. BOOTS AND SHOES. TTART, WILLIAM, Boot and Shoe Maker, 121 Dearborn street. Late of 259 W. Madison street. T^LORSHEIM BROS., Fine Shoes. Branch store, 66 N. Clark street. McVicker's Theater Building. Ixxxii REVERSED DIRECTORY. DECORATIONS. OULLIVAN, J. B. & BRO., Artistic Decorations. 266 and 268 Clark street. CARD WRITER. OCOTT, S. S., Palmer House Rotunda. PUBLISHER. BAKER, WILLIAM, Publisher Chicago Journal ot Commerce. 70 State street. MANICURE. T UNDY, MISS, lj Manicure and Chiropodist. Hours, 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. Room 16, Central Music Hall. COAL. AW, ROBERT, Agent. I Coal Office. Tribune Building, 143 Dearborn street. FURS. pLANZ, CHARLES. Fine Furs, Foreign and American Skins. 110 and 112 Mad ison St. Fur and Silk Trimmings and Fancy Robes. HARDWARE. QRR & LOCKETT, Hardware. 184 and 186 Clark street. Ixxxiii ELITE OP CHICAGO. TAILOR. REID, JOHN F., Artistic Tailor. Haverly's Theater Building, 106 Monroe street. DRESSMAKING PARLORS. M. GEARON, O. S. HYNES. Dressmaking Parlors, Cutting and Fitting a Specialty. 2126 Wabash avenue. DRESS REFORM GOODS. PIKE, MRS. S. W., dealer in Dress Reform Goods, room 22, 126 State St. Elevator 75 Madison St. Send for Illustrated Catalogue. Agents wanted. TRUNKS. 1VILT, CHAS. T., Manufacturer of Trunks, Traveling Bags and Ladies' Satch. els. 40 E. Madison street. Repairing neatly done. FURNITURE. HOLTON, C. C., Parlor Furniture and Upholstered Goods. Factory, 24 & 26 Van Buren St. 224, 226 and 2'28 Wabash Av. GRATES AND MANTELS. RILEY,:ALBERT A., Grates and Mantels. No. 178 Wabash avenue. PLUMBING. M DYLAN, MARTIN, Plumbing. No. 103 Twenty-second street. lxxiv REVERSED DIRECTORY, SPORTING GOODS. GPALDING, A. G. & BROS., U Dealer in Skates and General Sporting Goods. 108 Madison street. DAMONIA REMEDY. DAMONIA REMEDY. Nature's medicine. $1 per bottle, six for $5. For sale by druggists. Damonia M. M. Co., 47 Dear- born St. L. N. Larkins, General Manager. CHICAGO BUSINESS COLLEGE. BRYANT, H. B., H. B. Bryant's Chicago Business College, 77, 79 and 81 State street. IX xxv 184 ELITE OP CHICAGO. HACK ORDINANCE. The price to be charged by the owner or owners, or dr vers of any hackney coach, carriage or vehicle for the conveyance of passengers, except omnibusses, for hire wi hin the cit of Chi- cago shall be as follows, to be regulated and estimated by the dis- tance on the most direct route , namely : For conveying each passenger irom one railroad depot to an- other depot, fifty cents. For conveying each passenger not exceed 'ng one mile, fifty cts. For conveying a passenger any distance over one mile and less than two mil , s, one dollar. For conveying each additional passenger of the same family or party, fifty cents. For conveying a passenger in sai city any distance exceeding two miles, one dollar and fifty cents. For each additional passenger of the same family or party, fif- ty cents. For conveying children between five and fourteen years of age, half the above rates may be charged for like distances, b t for children under five years of age, no charge will be made. Provid- ed, that the distance from any railroad depot, steamboat landing or hotel, to any other railroad depot, steamboat landing or hotel, shall in all cases be estimated as not exceeding one mile. For the use by the day of any hackney coach or c ther vehicle drawn by two hors s or other animals, with one or more passeii- g rs, eight dollars per day. Fortheussof any such vehicle by the hour, with one or more passengers, with the privilege of going from place to place, and stopping as of ten as may be required, as foil ws : For the first hour, two dollars ; for each additional hour or part of an hour, one dollar. For conveyin : one or more passengers to or from any place in said city between the hours of twelve o'clock midnight and 7 A. M., for each trip, without regard to distance or number of i assengers, two dollars. For the use of any cab or other vehicle drawn by one horse or any other animal, by 1 he hou -, with the privilege of going from place to place, with one or more passengers, and stopping when required: F, r the first hour, one dollar ; for each additional hour or part of an hour, fifty cents. For the use of any such carriage by the day, four dollars. Every passenger shall be allow d to have conveyed upon such vehicle, without charge, his ordinary traveling baggage, not ex- ceeding in any case one trunk and twenty-five pounds of oth r baggage. For every additional packag , where the whole weight of baggage is over one hundred pounds, if conveyed to any place within the city limits, the owner or driver shall be permitted to charge fifteen cents. F 01 a^ Warerooms and Weber Music B