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One entirely envelopes it, the other covers about two-thirds of its surface.." It is proposed in " The Ocean World " to give a brief record of the Natural History of one of those great oceans and its living inhabitants, wdth as little of the nomenclature of Science, and as few of the repulsive details of Ana- tomy, as is consistent with clearness of expression ; to describe the ocean in its majestic calm and angry agitation ; to delineate its inha- bitants in their many metamorphoses : the cunning with which they attack or evade their enemies : their instructive industry : their quarrels, their combats, and their loves. The learned Schleiden eloquently paints the living wonders of the deep : " If we dive into the liquid crystal of the Indian Ocean, the most wondrous enchantments are opened to us, reminding us of the fairy tales of childhood's dreams. The strangely-branching thickets bear living flowers. Dense masses of Meandrineas and Astreas con- trast with the leafy, cup- shaped expansions of the ExpJanarias, and tlie variously-branching Madreporefi, now spread out like fingers, now h PREFACE. rising in trunk-like branches, and now displaying an elegant array of interlacing tracery. The colouring surpasses everything ; vivid greens alternate with brown and yellow ; rich tints, ranging from purple and deepest blue to a pale reddish-brown. Brilliant rose, yellow, or peach- coloured Nullipores overgrow the decaying masses : they themselves being interwoven with the pearl-coloured plates of the Betii^ores, rivalling the most delicate ivory carvings. Close by wave the yellow and lilac Sea-fans (Gorgionia), perforated like delicate trellis-work. The bright sand of the bottom is covered with a thousand strange forms of sea-urchins and star-fishes. The leaf-like Flustrse and Eschar se adhere like mosses and lichens to the branches of coral — the yellow, green, and purple-striped limpets clinging to their trunks. The sea- anemones expand their crowns of tentacula upon the rugged rocks or on flat sands, looking like beds of variegated ranunculuses, or sparkling like gigantic cactus blossoms, shining with brightest colours. " Around the branches of the coral shrubs play the humming-birds of the ocean : little fishes sparkling with red or blue metallic glitter, or gleaming in golden green or brightest silvery lustre ; like spirits of the deep, the dehcate milk-white jelly-fishes float softly through the charmed world. Here gleam the violet and gold-green Isabelle, and the flaming yellow, black, and vermilion-striped Coquette, as they chase their prey ; there the band-fish shoots snake-like through the thicket, resembling a silvery ribbon glittering with rose and azure hue. Then come the fabulous cuttle-fishes, in all the diaphanous colours of the rainbow, but with no definite outline. " When day declines, with the shades of night this fantastic garden is lighted up with renewed splendour. Millions of microscopic medusae and crustaceans, like so many glowing sparks, dance through the gloom. The Sea-pen waves in a greenish phosphorescent light. Whatever is beautiful or wondrous among fishes, Echinoderms, jelly- fiWies and pohjin and molluscs, is crowded into the warm and crystal waters of the Tropical ocean." It is stated on the Title-page that " The Ocean World " is chiefly riiKFACK. Vll tmiislatcd from M. Louis Figuier's two most recent works. In justice to that gentleman, we must explain this statement. The History of the Ocean is to a Lirge extent, but not wholly, compiled from " La Terre et les Me^s," one of the volumes of M. Figuier's "Tableau de la Nature but the larger portion of the work is. a free translation of that author's latest work, "La Vie et les Moeurs des Animaux;" other chapters, such as " Life in the Ocean," the chapter on Crusta- ceans, and some others, are compiled from various sources ; they will not be found in either of M. Figuier's volumes ; but in other respects his text has been pretty closely followed. M. Figuier's plan is to begin the study of animals with the less perfect beings occupying the lower rounds of the Zoological ladder, his reason for doing so being an impression that the presence of the gradually perfecting animal structure, from the simplest organisms up to the more perfect forms, \\as specially calculated to attract the reader. " What can be more curious or more interesting to the mind," he asks, " than to examine the successive links in the uninterrupted chain of living beings which commence with the Infusoria and ter- minate in Man?" The work, he hopes, is not without the impress of a true cha- racter of novelty and originality ; at least he knows no work in which the strange habits and special interests of the Zoophytes and Molluscs can be studied, nor any work in which an attempt is made to represent them by means of designs at once scientifically correct and attractive from the picturesque character of the illustrations, most of which have been made from specimens selected by Monsieur Ch. Bevalet from the various museums in Paris. One of these charmmg plain-speaking children we sometimes meet with lately said to M. Figuier, " They tell me thou art a vulgariser of Science. What is that ?" He took the child in his arms, and carried it to the window where there was a beautiful rose-tree in blossom, and invited it to pull a rose. viii PHEFACE. The child gathered the perfumed flower, not without pricking itself cruelly with the spines ; then, with its little hands still bleeding, it went to distribute roses to others in the room. " Thou art now a vulgariser," said he to the child, " for thou takest to thyself the thorns, and givest the flowers to others !" The parallel, although exaggerated, is not without its basis of truth, and was probably suggested by the criticism some of his works have met with : the critics forgetting apparently that these works are an attempt to render scientific subjects popular, and attractive to the general reader. W. 8. 0. LoNDuN. January, 1868, CONTENTS. CHAPTEIl 1. I'AGE The Ocean 3 Depth of the Sea .... 5 ' Colour of the Ocean ... 13 Phosphorescence .... 14 Local Colour 17 CHAPTER n. Currents of the Ocean . . 31 Trade-winds 33 Gulf Stream 34 Storms 37 Tides 40 Polar Seas 47 Antarctic Seas 54 CHAPTEH III. Life in the Ocean .... 63 CHAPTER IV. Zoophytes 71 Foraminifera 78 Infusoria HO CHAPTER y. POLYI'IFEKA 107 CHAPTER VL I'AliE Corallines 121 Tubiporina3 122 Gorgonida? 123 Isidians 126 CHAPTER VII. Zoantharia 149 i Madreporida? 151 Porites 164 Actiniaria . ... . . . 183 Minyadinians 195 I CHAPTER VIII. I ! ACALEPHJS 197 ! Medus£e 215 ! Rhizostoma 221 j Vilellad^ 231 Ctenophora 256 CHAPTER IX. I ECHINODERMATA 261 Asterias 262 Crino'idca 272 , Ecliinoida> 282 CONTENTS. MOLLUSC A. ! PAGE I General Definition .... 303 | CHAPTER X. MOLLUSCOIDA 305 Timicata 311 Ascidians 312 CHAPTER XL Acephalous Mollusca . . . 319 Ostreadse 324 CHAPTER Xn. Acephalous Mollusca . . . 361 Mytilida? 361 Cephalous Molluscs .... 391 Their Characteristics . . . 391 CHAPTER XIIJ. Pulmonary Gasteropods, . . 393 Limneans 404 CHAPTER XIV. Non-pulmonary Gasteropods . 407 Buccinidaj 416 Purpura 426 Pterocera 436 CHAPTER XV. PACE Molluscous Pteropods . . . 441 CHAPTER XVL Cephalopodous Mollusca . . 445 Acetabula 445 Tentacnlifera 470 CHAPTER XVIL Crustaceans 473 General Definition . . . . 473 Crabs and Crayfish ... 480 Lobsters 490 FISHES. General Definition .... 493 CHAPTER XVin. Cartilaginous Fishes . . . 499 Cyclostomata 499 Selachia 501 Sturiona 515 CHAPTER XIX. Osseous, or Bony Fishes . . 521 Plectognathi 522 Lophobranchii 526 Malacopterygii 528 Abdominales 552 Acanthopterygians . . . 578 Pharyngians 584 .ILLUSTEATIONS. PLATE I'AG E r. The Argonaut Sailing before the Wind . {Frovtii^piecc) 490 II. Sponge Fishing on the Coast of Syria 115 III. Coral Fishing on the Coast of Sicily 140 IV. Coral Island in the Pomotouan Archipelago . . . . 169 v. Sea Anemones (I.) 189 VI. Sea Anemones (II.) 191 VII. Agalma rubra . . 241 VIII. Galeolaria Aurantiaca 246 IX. Sea Urchins 292 X. Fishing for Holothuria 297 XL Synapta Duvernjea 301 XII. Dredging for Oysters " 335 XIII. Oyster Parks on Lake Fusaro 337 XIV. Pectinid^ 347 XV. Spondylus 350 XVI. Anodonta 370 XVII. Tridacna gigantea 373 XVIIL Venus and Cytherea 378 XIX. SoLENiD^. {Bazor-fish) 380 XX. Temple of Serapis 384 XXL CoNus 417 XXII. Cypr^ad^ 418 xii ILLUSTRATIONS. PLATE PAGE XXIII. VoLUTA .423 XXIV. Capture of a Gigantic Cuttle-fish 459 XXV. Shark Fishing ' . 511 XXVI. Sturgeon Fishing on the Volga 518 XXVIL Fishing for Electrical Eels 531 XXVIII. Greenlanders Fishing for Halibut 532 XXIX. The Herring Fishery . 568 XXX. A Roman Feast 582 XXXI. Fishing for Tunny in Provence 587 XXXII. Fishing for Mackerel off the Cornwall (Joast . . . 590 THE OCEAN WORLD, CHAPTER I. THE OCEAN. ^ApiffTOU /xfv v5u)p — "The best of all things is water." — PrvDAR. We have said that the sea covers nearly two-thirds of the surface of the earth. The calculation, as given by astronomers, is as follows : The surface of the earth is estimated at 31,625,625-p'^ square miles, that portion occupied by the waters being about 23,814,121 square miles, and that consisting of continents, peninsulas, and islands being 7,811,504 miles ; whence it follows that the surface covered with water is to dry land as 3*8 is to 1*2. The waters thus cover a little more than seven- tenths of the whole surface. " On the surface of the globe," Michelet remarks, " water is the rule, dry land the exception." Nevertheless, the immensity and depth of the seas are aids rather than obstacles to the intercourse and commerce of nations ; the mari- time routes are now traversed by ships and steamers conveying cargoes and passengers equal in extent to the land routes. One of the features most characteristic of the ocean is its continuity ; for, with the exception of inland seas, such as the Caspian, the Dead Sea, and some others, the ocean is one and indivisible. As the poet says, " it embraces the whole earth with an uninterrupted wave." TfCsf-HYLUS in Prnmetheits Vinctus. The mean depth of the sea is not very exactly ascertained, but certain phenomena observed in the movement of tides are supposed to be incapable of explanation without admitting a mean depth of three B 2 4 THE OCEAN WOKLD. tlionsand five hundred fathoms. It is true that a great numher of deep sea soundings fall short of that limit ; but, on the other hand, many others reach seven or eight thousand. Admitting that three thousand fathoms represents the mean depth of the ocean, Sir John Herschel finds that the volume of its waters would exceed three thousand two hundred and seventy-nine million cubic yards. This vast volume of water is divided by geographers into five great oceans : the Arctic, the Atlantic, Indian, Pacific, and Antarctic Oceans. The Arctic Ocean extends from the Pole to the Polar Circle ; it is situated between Asia, Europe, and America. The Atlantic Ocean commences at the. Polar Circle and reaches Cape Horn. It is situated between America, Europe, and Africa, a length of about nine thousand miles, with a mean breadth of two thousand seven hundred, covering a surface of about twenty-five million square miles, placed between the Old World and the New. Beyond the Cape of Storms, as Cape Horn may be truly called, it is only separated by an imaginary line from the vast seas of the south, in which the waves, which are the principal source of tides, have their birth. Here, according to Maury, the young tidal wave, rising in the circumpolar seas of the south, and obedient to the sun and moon, rolls on to the Atlantic, and in twelve hours after passing the parallel of Cape Horn is found pouring its flood into the Bay of Fundy, whence it is projected in great waves across the Atlantic and round the globe, sweeping along ita shores and penetrating its gulfs and estuaries, rising and falling in the open sea two or three feet, but along the shore having a range of ten or twelve feet. Sometimes, as at Fundy on the American coast ; at Brest on the French coast ; and Milford Haven, and the mouth of the Severn in the Bristol Channel, rising and falling thirty or forty feet, "impetuously rushing against the shores, but gently stopping at a given line, and flowing back to its place when the word goes forth, ' Thas far shalt thou go, and no farther.' That which no human power can repel, returns at its fippointed time so regularly and surely, that the hour of its approach and the measure of its mass may be predicted with unerring certainty centuries beforehand." The Indian Ocean, sometimes called Oceania, is bounded on the north by Asia, on the west by Africa, on the east by the peninsula of Molucca, the Sunda Isles, and AustraHa. '11 iM si: A. 5 Tlio Pacific, or Groat Ocean, stretches from north to south, from the Arctic to the Antarctic Circle, being hounded on one side hy Asia, the island of Sunda, and Australia ; on the other hy the west coast of America. This ocean contrasts in a striking manner with the Atlantic: the one has its greatest length from north to south, the other from east to west; the currents of the Pacific are broad and slow, those of the other narrow and rapid ; the waves of this are low, those of the other very high. If we represent the volume of water which falls into the Pacific by one, that received by the Atlantic will be represented by the figure 5. The Pacific is the calmest of seas; the Atlantic Ocean is the most stormy ocean. The Antarctic Ocean extends from the Antarctic Polar Circle to the South Pole. It is remarkable that one half of the globe should be entirely covered with w^ater, whilst the other contains less of water than dry land. Moreover, the distribution of land and water, if, in considering the germ of the oceanic basins, we compare the hemispheres separated by the Equator and the northern and southern halves of the globe, is found to be very unequal. Oceans communicate with continents and islands by coasts, which are said to be scarped when a rocky shore makes a steep and sudden descent to the shore, as in Brittany, Norway, and the west coast of the British islands. In this kind of coast certain rocky indentations encircle it, sometimes above, sometimes under water, forming a labyrinth of islands, as at the Land's End, Cornwall, where the Scilly Islands form a compact group of from one to two hundred rocky islets, rising out of a deep sea, or, in the case of the Channel, on the oppo- site coast of France, where the coast makes a sudden descent, forming steep clifis and leaving an open sea. The coast is said to be flat when it consists of soft argillaceous soil descending to the shore with a gentle slope. Of this description of coast there are two, namely, sandy beaches, and hillocks or dunes. What is the average depth of the sea ? It is difficult to give an exact answer to this question, because of the great difficulty met with in taking soundings, caused chiefly by the deviations of submarine currents. No reliable soundings have yet been made in water over five miles in depth. 6 THE OCEAN WORLD. Laplace found, on astronomical consideration, that the mean depth of the ocean could not be more than ten thousand feet. Alexander von Humboldt adopts the same figures. Dr. Young attributes to the Atlantic a mean depth of a thousand yard^, and to the Pacific, four thousand. Mr. Airy, the Astronomer Koyal, has laid down a formula, that waves of a given breadth will travel with certain velo- cities at a given depth, from which it is estimated that the average depth of the North Pacific, between Japan and California, is two thousand one hundred and forty-nine fathoms, or two miles and a half. But these estimates fall far short of the soundings reported by navi- gators, in which, as we shall see, there are important and only recently discovered elements of error. Dn Petit Thouars, during his scientific voyage in the frigate Venus, took some very remarkable soundings in the Southern Pacific Ocean : one, without finding bottom at two thousand four hundred and eleven fathoms ; another, in the equi- noctial region, indicated bottom at three thousand seven hundred and ninety. In his last expedition, in search of a north-west passage, Captain Eoss found soundings at five thousand fathoms. Lieutenant Walsh, of the American Navy, reports a cast of the deep-sea lead, not far from the American coast, at thirty-four thousand feet without bottom. Lieutenant Berryman reported another unsuccessful attempt to fathom mid ocean with a line thirty-nine thousand feet in length. Captain Denman, of H. M. S. Herald, reported bottom in the South Atlantic at the depth of forty-six thousand feet ; and Lieutenant J. P. Parker, of the United States frigate Congress, on attempting soundings near the same region, let go his plummet, after it had run out a line fifty thousand feet long, as though bottom had not been reached. We have the authority of Lieutenant Maury for saying, however, that " there are no such depths as these." The under-currents of the deep sea have power to take the line out long after the plummet has ceased to sink, and it was before this fact was discovered that these great soundings were reported. It has also been discovered that the line, once dragged down into the depths of the ocean, runs out unceasingly. This difficulty was finally overcome by the ingenuity of Midshipman Brooke. Under the judicious patronage of the Secretary to the United States Navy, Mr. Brooke invented the simple and ingenious apparatus (Fig. 1), by which soundings are now made, in a manner DKl'Tll OK TllK OCEAN. 7 wliicli not only ost}il)Hslioa tlic dopth, Imt brings np specimens of the bottom. The sounding-lino in this uppirsitns is attacbed to a weighty rod of iron, the lower extremity of which contains a hollow cup for the reception of tallow or some other soft substance. This rod is passed through a hole in a thirty-two pound spherical shot, being supported in its position by slings a, which are hooked on to the line by the swivels a. When the rod strikes the bottom, the tension on Fig. 1. Brooke's Sounding Appa rains the line ceases, the swivels are reversed, the slings b are thrown out of the hooks, the ball falls to the ground, and the rod, released from its weight, is easily drawn up, bringing with it portions of the bottom attached to the greasy substance in the cup. By mcuus of this ap- paratus, specimens of the bottom have been brought up from the depth of four miles. 8 thp: ocean world. The greatest depth at which the bottom has been reached with this plummet is in the North Atlantic between the parallels of thirty-five and forty degrees north, and immediately south of the great bank of rocks off Newfoundland. This does not appear to be more than twenty-five thousand feet deep. " The basin of the Atlantic," says Maury, " according to the deep sea soundings in the accompanying diagram, is a long trough separating the Old World from the New, and extending, probably, from pole to pole. In breadth, it contrasts strongly with the Pacific Ocean. From the top of Chimborazo to the bottom of the Atlantic, at the deepest place yet reached by the plummet in that ocean, the distance in a vertical line is nine miles." " Could the waters of the Atlantic be drawn off", so as to expose to view this great sea gash which separates continents, and extends from the Arctic to the Antarctic Seas, it would present a scene the most rugged, grand, and imposing ; the very ribs of the solid earth with the foundations of the sea would be brought to light, and we should have presented to us in one view, in the empty cradle of the ocean, ' a thousand fearful wrecks,' with the array of ' dead men's skulls, great anchors, heaps of pearls, and inestimable stones,' which, in the poet's eye, he scattered on the bottom of the sea, making it hideous with the sight of ugly death." The depth of the Mediterranean is comparatively inconsiderable. Between Gibraltar and Ceuta, Captain Smith estimates the depth at about five thousand seven hundred feet, and from one to three thousand in the narrower parts of the straits. Near Nice, Saussure found bottom at three thousand two hundred and fifty. It is said that the bottom is shallower in the Adriatic, and does not exceed a hundred and forty feet between the coast of Dalmatia and the mouths of the Po. The Baltic Sea is remarkable for its shallow waters, its maximum rarely exceeding six hundred feet. It thus appears that the sea has similar inequahties to those observed on land ; it has its mountains, valleys, hills, and plains. The Deep Sea Sounding Apparatus of Lieutenant Brooke has already furnished some very remarkable results. Aided by it, Dr. Maury has constructed his fine orographic map of the basin of the Atlantic, which- is probably as exact as the maps which represent Africa or Australia. DEPTH OF THE OCEAN. 9 Dr. Maury 1ms also published many charts, giving the depths of the ocean, the substance of which is given in the accompanying map, which represents the configuration of the Atlantic up to the tenth degree of south latitude, not in figures, as in Dr. Maury's charts, but in tints ;- diagonal lines from right to left, representing the shores of both hemi- spheres, indicate a depth of less than a thousand fathoms ; from left to right, indicate bottom at one thousand to two thousand ; horizontal lines, two to three thousand fathoms ; cross lines show an average depth of three to four thousand fathoms ; finally, the perpendicular lines in- dicate a depth of four thousand fathoms and upwards. Solid black Fig. 2. Chart of the Atlantic Ocean. indicates continents and islands ; waving lines, surrounding both continents at a short distance from the shore, indicate the sands which surround the coast line at a little distance from the shore. The question is sometimes asked, "What useful purpose is served by taking soundings at great depths ? To this we may quote the answer of Franklin to a similar question, addressed to aeronauts — " What purpose is served by the birth of a child ?" Every fact in physics is interesting in itself ; it forms a rallying point, round which, sooner or later, others will meet, in order to establish some useful truth ; and the 10 THE OCEAN WORLD. importance of making and recording deep sea soundings is established by the successful immersion of the transatlantic telegraph. At the bottom of the Atlantic there exists a remark- able plateau, extending from Cape Kace in Newfoundland, to Cape Clear in Ireland, a distance of over two thousand miles, with a breadth of four hundred and seventy miles : its mean depth along the whole route is estimated at two miles to two miles and a half. It is upon this telegraphic plateau, as it has been called, that the attempt was made to lay down the cable in 1858, and it is on it that the enterprise has been so successfully completed, during tlje year 1866. The surface of this plateau had been pre- viously explored by means of Brooke's apparatus, and the bottom was found to be composed chiefly of microscopic calcareous shells {Foraminijera), and a few siliceous shells (Diatomacew). These delicate and fragile shells, whicli seemed to strew the bottom of the sea, in beds of great thickness, were brought up by the sounding-rod in a state of perfect preservation, which proves that the water is re- markably quiet in these depths, — an inference which is fully borne out by the condition in which the cable of 1858 was found, when picked up in 1866. The first exploration of this plateau was undertaken by the American brig Dolphin, which took a hundred sound- ings one hundred miles from the coast of Scotland, after- wards taking the direction of the Azores, to the north of which bottom was found, consisting of chalk and yellow sand, at nine thousand six hundred feet. To the south of Newfoundland, the depth was found to be sixteen thousand five hundred feet. In 1856, Lieutenant Berryman, of the American steamer Arctic, completed a line of soundings from St. John, Newfoundland, to Yalentia, off the Irish coast, and in 1857, Lieutenant Dayman, of the English steamship Cyclojos, repeated the same operation : thiy last line of soundings, the result of which is represented in the accompanying section, differed slightly from that followed by Lieutenant Berryman. DEPTH OV THE OCEAN. 11 lu the Gulf of Mexico, the depth does not seem to exceed seven thousand leet ; the Baltic does not in any place exceed eleven hun- dred. The depth of the Mediterranean is, as we have said, very variable. At Nice, according to Horace do Saussure, the average depth is three thousand three hundred feet. Between the Dalmatian coast and the mouth of the Po, bottom is found at a hundred and forty feet. Captain Smith found soundings at from one thousand to nine thou- sand feet in the Straits of Gibraltar, and at ten thousand feet between Gibraltar and Ceuta, where the breadth exceeds sixteen miles. Between Ehodes and Alexandria, the greatest depth is ten thousand feet. Between Alexandria and Candia it is ten thousand three hun- dred. A hundred and twenty miles east of Malta it is fifteen thousand. The peculiar form of the Mediterranean has led to its being compared to a vast inverted tunnel. The Arctic Ocean has, probably, no great depth. According to Baron Wrangel, the bottom of the glacial sea, on the north coast of Siberia, forms a gentle slope, and, at the distance of two hundred miles from the shore, it is still only from ninety to a hundred feet. Nevertheless, in Baffin's Bay, Dr. Kane made soundings at eleven thousand six hundred feet. The inequalities of the basin of the Pacific Ocean are, comparatively, unknown to us. The greatest depth observed by Lieutenant Brooke in the great ocean is two thousand seven hundred fathoms, which he found in fifty-nine degrees north latitude and one hundred and sixty- six degrees east longitude. Applying the theory of waves to the billows propelled from the coast of Japan to California, during the earth- quake of the 23rd of December, 1854, Professor Bache calculated that the mean depth of this part of the Pacific is fourteen thousand four hundred feet. In the Pacific Ocean, latitude sixty degrees south and one hundred and sixty degrees east longitude, he found soundings at fourteen thousand six hundred feet — about two miles and a half. Another cast of the lead in the Indian Ocean was made in seven thousand and forty fathoms, but without bringing up any soil from the bottom. Among the fragments brought up from the bottom of the Coral Sea, a remarkable absence of calcareous shells was noted, whilst the siliceous fragments of sponges were found in great quantities. Other soundings made in the Pacific, at a depth of four or five miles, were examined by Ehrenberg, who found a hundred and thirty-five different 12 THE OCEAN WORLD. forms of infusoria represented, and among them twenty-two species new to liim. Generally speaking, the composition of the infusoria of the Atlantic are calcareous ; those of the Pacific, siliceous. These ani- malcules draw from the sea the mineral matter with which it is charged — that is, the lime or silica which form their shell. These shells accumulate after the death of the animal, and form the bottom of the ocean. The animals construct their habitations near the surface ; when they die, they fall into the depths of the ocean, where they accumulate in myriads, forming mountains and plains in mid ocean. In this manner, we may remark, e7i joassant, many of the existing con- tinents had their birth in geological times. The horizontal beds of marine deposits, which are called sedimentary rocks, and especially the cretaceous rocks and calcareous beds of the Jurassic and Tertiary periods, all result from such remains.* The sea level is, in general, the same everywhere. It represents the spherical form of our planet, and is. the basis for calculating all terrestrial heights ; but many gulfs and inlands open on the east are supposed to be exceptions to this rule: the accumulation of waters, pressed into these receptacles by the general movement of the sea from east to west, it is alleged, may pile up the waters, in some cases, to a greater height than the general level. It had long been admitted, on the faith of inexact observation, that the level of the Eed Sea was higher than that of the Mediterranean. It has also been said that the level of the Pacific Ocean at Panama is higher by about forty inches than the mean level of the Atlantic at Chagres, and that, at the moment of high water, this difierence was increased to about thirteen feet, while at low it is over six feet in the opposite direction. This has been proved, so far as the evidence goes, to be error in what concerns the difference in level of the Eed Sea and Mediterranean, and the opening of the Suez Canal, which is near at hand, will probably furnish still more convincing proofs. It is probable that errors 'of measurement have also occurred, so far as the Pacific and Atlantic are concerned. It has been calculated that all the waters of the several seas gathered together would form a sphere of fifty or sixty leagues in diameter, and, supposing the surface of the globe perfectly level, that * " World before the Delugre." Sccoud edition. I'.I.HM WATKII. 13 tliosi; waters would siibnu'r^^e it to tlie deptli of more than six hundred t'eot. Again, admitting tlio mean depth of tlie sea to be thirteen thousand feet, its estimated contents ought to be nearly two thousand two hundred and fifty millions of cubic miles of water ; and, if the sea could be imagined to be dried up, all tlie sewers of the earth would require to pour their waters into it for forty thousand years, in order to fill the vast basins anew. If we could imagine the entire globe to be divided into one thousand seven hundred and eighty-six parts by weight, we should find approxi- mately, according to Sir John Herschel, that the total weight of the oceanic waters is equivalent to one of these parts. The specific weight of sea water is a little above that of fresh water, the proportion being as a thousand to a thousand and twenty-seven. The Dead Sea, which receives no fresh water into its bosom to main- tain itself at the same level as other seas, acquires a higher degree of saltness, and is equal to a thousand and twenty-eight. The specific gravity of sea water is about the same as the milk of a healthy woman. The colour of the sea is continually varying. According to the testimony of the majority of observers, the ocean, seen by reflection, presents a fine azure blue or ultramarine (cseruleum mare). When the air is pure and the surface calm this tint softens insensibly, until it is lost and blended with the blue of the heavens. Near the shore it becomes more of a green or glaucus, and more or less brilliant, according to circumstances. There are some days when the ocean assumes a livid aspect, and others when it becomes a very pure green ; at other times, the green is sombre and sad. When the sea is agitated, the green takes a brownish hue. At sunset, the surface of the sea is illumined with tints of every hue of purple and emerald. Placed in a vase, sea water appears perfectly transparent and colourless. According to Scoresby, the Polar Seas are of brilliant ultramarine blue. Castaz says of the Mediterranean, that it is celestial blue, and Tuckey describes the equinoctial Atlantic as being of a vivid blue. Many local causes influence the colours of marine waters, and give them certain decided and constant shades. A bottom of white sand will communicate a greyish or apple-green colour to the water, if not 14 THE OCEAN WOKLD. very deep ; when the sand is yellow, the green appears more sombre ; the presence of rocks is often announced by the deep colour which the sea takes in their vicinity. In the Bay of Loango the waters appear of a deep red, because the bottom is there naturally red. It appears white in the Gulf of Guinea, yellow on the coast of Japan, green to the west of the Canaries, and black round the Maldive group of islands. The Mediterranean, towards the Archipelago, sometimes becomes more or less red. The White and Black Seas appear to be named after the ice of the one and the tempests to which the other is subject. At other times, coloured animalcules give to the water a particular tint. The Ked Sea owes its colour to a delicate microscopic algae (Trychodesmium erythrasum), which was subjected to the microscope by Ehrenberg ; but other causes of colouration are suggested. Some microscopists maintain that it is imparted by the shells and other remains of infusoria; others ascribe the colour to the evaporation which goes on unceasingly in that riverless district, producing salt rocks on a great scale all round its shores. In the same manner sea water, concentrated by the action of the solar rays in the salt marshes of the south of France, when they arrive at a certain stage of concentration take a fine red colour, which is due to the presence of some red-shelled animalcules which only appear in sea water of this strength. Strangely enough, these minute creatures die when the waters attain greater density by further concentration, and also if it becomes weaker from the eflfects of rain. Navigators often traverse long patches of green, red, white, or yellow coloured water, all of which are due to the presence of microscopic crustaceans, medusae, zoophytes, and marine plants ; the Vermilion Sea on the Californian coasts is entirely due to the latter cause. The phenomena known as PhospJioreseence of the Sea, is due to analogous causes. This wonderful sight is observable in all seas, but is most frequent in the Indian Ocean, the Arabian Gulf, and other tropical seas. In the Indian Ocean, Captain Kingman, of the American ship Shooting Star, traversed a zone twenty-three miles in length so filled with phosphorescent animalcules that at seven hours forty-five minutes the water was rapidly assuming a white, milky appearance, and during the night it presented the appearance of a vast field of IMIOSPIIORESCENCK OK 'V\U<] SKAS. 15 snow. " Tliere was scarcoly a clond in tlio lieavcnH," he continues, " yvt the sky, for about ten degrees above the liorizon, appeared as black as if a storm were raging ; stars of the first magnitude shone with a feeble light, and the ' Milky Way ' of the heavens was almost entirely eclipsed by that through which we were sailing." The animals which produced this appearance were about six inches long, and Ibrmed of a gelatinous and translucent matter. At times, the sea was one blaze of light, produced by countless milhons of minute globular creatures, called Noctilucm. The motion of a vessel or the plash of an oar will often excite their lucidity, and sometimes, after the ebb of tide, the rocks and seaweed of the coast are glowing with them. Various other tribes of animals there are which contribute to this luminous appearance of the sea. M. Peron thus describes the effect produced by Pyrosoma Atlanticum, on his voyage to the Isle of France : " The wind was blowing with great violence, the night was dark, and the vessel was making rapid way, when what appeared to be a vast sheet of phosphorus presented itself floating on the waves, and occupying a great space ahead of the ship. The vessel having passed through this fiery mass, it was discovered that the light was occasioned by animalcules swimming about in the sea at various depths round the ship. Those which were deepest in the water looked like red-hot balls, w^hile those on the surface resembled cylinders of red-hot iron. Some of the latter were caught : they were found to vary in size from three to seven inches. All the exterior of the creatures bristled with long thick tubercles, shining like so many diamonds, and these seemed to be the principal seat of its luminosity. Inside also there appeared to be a multitude of oblong narrow glands, exhibiting a high degree of phosphoric power. The colour of these animals when in repose is an opal yellow, mixed with green ; but, on the shghtest movement, the animal exhibits a spontaneous contractile power, and assumes a luminous brilliancy, passing through various shades of deep red, orange green, and azure blue." The phosphorescence of the sea is a spectacle at once imposing and magnificent. The ship, in plunging through the waves, seems to advance through a sea of red and blue flame, which is thrown off by the keel like so much lightning. Myriads of creatures float and play on the surface of the waves, dividing, multiplying, and reuniting, so as to form one vast field of fire. In stormy weather the luminous IG THE OCEAN WOULD. waves roll and break in a silvery foam. Glittering bodies, which might be taken for fire- fishes, seem to pursue and catch each other — lose their hold, and dart after each other anew. From time immemorial, the phosphorescence of the sea has been observed by- navigators. The luminous appearance presents itself on the crest of the waves, which in falhng scatters it in all directions. It attaches itself to the rudder and dashes against the bows of the vessel. It plays round the reefs and rocks against which the waves beat, and on silent nights, in the Tropics, its effects are truly magical. This phosphorescence is due chiefly to the presence of a multitude of mollusks and zoophytes which seem to shine by their own light; they emit a fluid so susceptible of expansion, that in the zigzag movement pursued they leave a luminous train upon the water, which spreads with immense rapidity. One of the most remarkable of these minute mollusks is a species of Pyrosoma, a sort of mucous sac of an inch long, which, thrown upon the deck of a ship, emits a light like a rod of iron heated to a white heat. Sir John Herschel noted on the surface of cahn water a very curious form of this phospho- rescence ; it was a polygon of rectilinear shape, covering many square feet of surface, and it illuminated the whole region for some moments with a vivid light, which traversed it with great rapidity. This phosphorescence may also result from another cause. When animal matter is decomposed, it becomes phosphorescent. The bodies of certain fishes, when they become a prey to putrefaction, emit an intense light, MM. Becquerel and Breschet have noted fine phos- phorescent effects from this cause in the waters of the Brenta at Venice.' Animal matter in a state of decomposition, proceeding from dead fish which floats on the surface of ponds, is capable of producing large patches of oleaginous matter, which, piled upon the water, com- municates to a considerable extent the phosphorescent aspect. Whatever may be the case elsewhere, there are local causes which affect the colour of the waters in certain rivers, and even originate their names. The ' Guainia of the Kio Negro, or Black Eiver, is of a deep brown, which scarcely interferes with the limpidity of its waters. The waters of the Orinoco and the Casiquaire have also a brownish colour. The Ganges is of a muddy brown, while the Djumna, which it receives, is green or blue. The whitish colour / SALTNKSS OF TliK tSKA. 17 beloiij^s to tlio Kio Biuiico, or White Kiver, and to many other rivers. The Ohio in America, tlie Torgedale, the (loetha, the Traun at lachl, and most of the Norwegian rivers, are of a delicate hmpid green. Th(5 Yellow Eiver and the Blue liiver in (;hina are distinguished by the (.•haracteristic tint of their waters. The Arkansas, the Kcd Kiver, and the Lobregat in Catalonia, are remarkable for their red colour, which, like the Dart and other English rivers, they owe to the earth over which they flow, or which their waters hold in suspension. The water of the sea is essentially salt, of a peculiar flavour, slightly acrid and bitter, and a little nauseous. It has an odour perfectly sui (jeneriSy and is slightly viscous. In short, it includes a great number of mineral salts and some other compounds, which give it a very dis- agreeable taste, and render it unfit for domestic use. It contains nearly all the soluble substances which exist on the globe, but princi- pally chloride of sodium, or marine salt, and sulphates of magnesia, of potassium, and of lime. Pure water is produced by a combination of one volume of oxygen and of two volumes of hydrogen, or in weight 100 oxygen and 12*50 hydrogen. Sea water is^ composed of the same ; but we find there, besides, other elements, the presence of which chemistry reveals to us. In 1000 grains of sea water the following ingredients are found : Water 962-0 Chloride of sodium 27' I Chloride of magnesium 5*4 Chloride of potassium 0*4 Bromide of magnesia 01 Sulphate of magnesia 1-2 Sulphate of lime 0*8 Carbonate of lime O'l Leaving a residuum of . . . . 2*9 1000 consisting of sulphuretted hydrogen, hydrochlorate of ammonia, iodine, iron, copper, and even silver in various tpantities and proportions, according to the locality of the specimen. In examining the plates of copper taken from the bottom of a ship at Valparaiso which had been long at sea, distinct traces of silver were found deposited by the sea. Finally, we find dissolved in the ocean a peculiar mucus, which seems of a mixed animal and vegetable nature ; organic matter c IS THE OCEAN WOHLD. proceeding from the successive decomposition of innumerable genera- tions of animals which have disappeared since the beginning of the world. This matter has been described by the Count Marsigli, who designates it sometimes under the name of glu, sometimes as an unctuosity. The numerous salts which exist in the sea can neither be deposited in its bed, nor exhaled with the vapour, to be again poured upon the soil in showers of rain. Particular agents retain these salts in solution, transform them, and prevent their accumulation. Hence sea water always maintains a certain degree of saltness and bitterness, and the ocean continues to present the chemical characters which it has exhibited in all times, varying only in certain localities where more or less fresh water is poured into the sea basin from rivers : thus the salt- ness of the MediterraneaQ is greater than that of the ocean, probably because it loses more water by evaporation than it receives from its fresh- water affluents. For the opposite reason, the Black and the Caspian Seas are less charged with these salts. The Dead Sea is so strongly impreg- nated with salt that the body of a man floats on its surface without sinking, like a piece of cork upon fresh water. The supposed cause is excessive evaporation and the absence of rivers of any importance. The saltness of the sea seems to be generally less towards the Poles than the Equator ; but there are exceptions to this law. In the Irish Channel, near the Cumberland coast, the water contains salt equal to the fortieth of its weight ; on the coast of France, it is equal to one thirty-second ; in the Baltic, it is equal to a thirtieth ; at Teneriffe, a twenty-eighth ; and off the coast of Spain, to a sixteenth. Again, in many places the sea is less salt at the surface than at the bottom. In the Straits of the Dardanelles, at Constantinople, the proportion is as seventy- two to sixty-two. In the Mediterranean, it is as thirty- two to twenty-nine. It is also stated that as the salt increases at a certain depth, the water becomes less bitter. At the mouth of the great rivers it is scarcely necessary to add that the water is always less saline than on shores which receive no supplies of fresh water ; the same remark applies to sea water in the vicinity of polar ice, the melting of which is productive of much fresh water. A recent analysis of the water of the Dead Sea by M. Koux gives about two pounds of salt to one gallon of water. No mineral water, if we except that of the Salt Lake of Utah, is so largely impregnated with saline substances ; the quantity of bromide of magnesia is 0*35 grammes SALTNKSS OF Tim SKA. 19 to the litre. The water of the Dead Sea is, according to tliese pro- portions, the richest natural depository of bromide, wliicli it might be made to furnish abundantly. The waters of the great Lake Utah and Lake Ourmiali in Persia are both highly saline. In Lake Ourmiah, as in the Dead Sea, the proportion of salt is six times greater than in the ocean. Many of our fresh-water lakes were probably salt originally, but have by degrees lost their saline properties by the mingling of their waters with those of the rivers which traverse or flow into them. Among the lakes which appear to have been divested of their saline properties may be mentioned the great lakes ot Canada and the Sea of Baikal, in all of which seals and other marine animals are still found, which have become acclimatized as the water gradually became fresh. The saltness of sea water increases its density, and at the same time its buoyancy, thus adapting it for bearing ships and other burdens on its bosom ; moreover, to abbreviate slightly Dr. Maury's remark, " the brine of the ocean is the ley of the earth." From it the sea derives dynamical power, and its currents their main strength. It is the salt of the sea that imparts to its waters those curious anomalies in the laws of freezing and of thermal dilatation, that assist the rays of heat to penetrate its bosom ; the salts of the sea invest it with adaptations which fresh water could not possess. In the latter case, the maximum density would be thirty-nine degrees five seconds instead of twenty- five degrees six seconds, when the dynamical force of the sea would be insufficient to put the Gulf Stream in motion. Nor could it regulate those cHmates we call marine. We have said that sea water contains nearly all the soluble sub- stances which exist in the globe. " The water which evaporates from the sea," says Youman, in his " Chemistry," " is nearly pure, containing but very minute traces of salts. Falling as rain upon the land, it washes the soil, percolates through the rocky layers, and becomes charged with saline substances, which are borne seaward by the returning currents. The ocean, therefore, is the great depository of all substances that water can dissolve and carry down from the surface of the continents ; and, as there is no channel for their escape, they would constantly accumulate, were it not for the creatures which inhabit the seas, and utilize the material thus brought within their reach." These substances are chloride of sodium or marine salt, 20 THE OCEAN WORLD. sulphates of magnesia, potassa, lime, and other substances which the water of various seas is found to contain. In the year 1847, I made an analysis of water taken a few leagues from the coast at Havre, which gave the following result, from one litre (1 pint -760773) :* (xranimes Chloride of sodium 25-704 Cliloride of magnesium 2-905 Sulphate of magnesia 2*462 Sulphate of lime 1-210 Sulphate of potassa 0-094 Carbonate of lime ()-132 Silicate of soda 0-017 Bromide of sodium ... 0*103 Bromide of magnesium O'OSO Oxide of iron, carbonate and phosphate of mag-i Only nesia, and oxide of manganese . . . . / traces. 82-657 The water of the Mediterranean contains more salts than that of the ocean. The following are, according to M. Usiglio, who was one of a commission sent to examine the different kinds of salt water in the south of France, the component parts of one hundred gallons of Mediterranean water : lbs. Chloride of sodium 29 '524 Chloride of potassium 0 405 Chloride of magnesium 8*219 Sulphate of magnesia 2-477 Chloride of calcium 6 080 Sulphate of lime l o57 Carbonate of lime . 0-114 Bromide of sodium 0 356 Protoxide of iron , 0-003 Total . . . 43-735 We conclude, from the quantity of sea salt contained in the water of the ocean, that, if it were spread over the surface of the globe, it would form a layer of more than thirty feet in height. * Examen Comparatif des PrinciiJales eaux Mineiales Salines de France ct d'AUe- magne, pur MM. Ij. Figuier et Mialhe, Kead at the Academie de Me'decin, 23rd of May, 1848. SALTNKSS Ob' TIJK SKA. 21 The salt contained in sea water <2;ivos it a greater dcmsity than fresh water; its averaj^je speeific weight is l-()27. The density of the water of t\w, Mediterranean is, according to M. Usiglio, TO^f) when at the temperature of seventy degrees, l^ut the saltness of the sea varies very much under the influence of a great many local circum- stances, among which we must count principally currents, winds favourable to evaporation, rivers coming from the continents, &c. It has been remarked that the sea is less salt towards the Poles than at the Equator ; that the saltness increases, in general, with the distance from land, and the depth of the water ; that the interior seas, such as the Baltic, the Black Sea, the White Sea, the Sea of Mar- mora, and the Yellow Sea, are less salt than the ocean. The Mediter- ranean is an exception to this last rule ; it is, as we have seen, Salter than the ocean. This difference is explained by the I'act that the quantity of fresh water brought into it by rivers is less than that lost by evaporation. The Mediterranean must therefore grow Salter with time, unless its water is discharged into the ocean by a counter current, which would run under the current coming from the Atlantic by the Straits of Gibraltar. The Black Sea, on the contrary, the water of which has a density of only 1'013, receives from rivers more fresh water than it loses by evaporation. The saltness of this interior sea is only half as intense as that of the ocean. The Sea of Azov and the Caspian Sea are still less salt than the Black Sea. The following table shows the relative composition of the water in these three interior seas : Black Sea. Sea of Azov. Ca-sipian Sea In 100 Gallons of Water. Density, Density, Density, 1-01.3; 1 009. 1-005. Chloride of sodium 14-0195 9-6583 3-6731 Chloride of potassium . 9 1892 01 279 0-0761 Chloride of magnesium 1-804.5 0-8870 0-6324 Sulphate of magnesia . 1-4704 0-7642 1-2389 Sulphate of lime .... 01047 0-2879 0-4903 Bicarbonate of magnesia . 0-2086 0-1286 0-0129 Bicarbonate of lime 0-3646 0-0221 0-1705 Bromide of magnesium . . 0-0052 0-0035 traces 17-6663 11-8795 6-2942 22 THE OCEAN WORLD. In lakes without any outlet, as the Dead Sea, and the Lake of Ural, the degree of saltness has considerably augmented. Numerous experiments have proved that the water of the Dead Sea is six times Salter than that of the ocean. MM. Boutron and O'Henry analysed, in April, 1850, after the rainy season, some water of the Dead Sea, taken at about two leagues from the mouth of the Jordan ; its density was then 1*10. The saltness of sea water makes it more fitted to carry ships, because its density is increased by the salts which are dissolved in it. Besides this, these salts contribute to prevent what is called the corruption of water, caused by decomposition of the 'organic matter contained in it. By the table representing the composition of the water of the ocean and of that of the Mediterranean, we see that salts of lime and potassium, as well as iodine and silicium, are only found in inf^itely small quantities. Nevertheless, the lime and silicium contained in the sea water are of very great importance, for these quantities, which appear to us so small in the table of a chemical analysis, become enormous in the entire extent of the ocean. The marine plants take in the lime, the silicium, the potassa, and the iodides which are dissolved in the sea water ; these mineral substances enter into their textures. It is from the carbonate of lime a,nd silicium that the marine animals form their solid covering, their shell or carapace. The infusoria make use of the lime, silicium, and potassa for the same purpose. It is by the life and habits of the polypi that we explain these Coral Islands found in the sea, the existence of which has been a subject of much astonishment, and ought, therefore, to find a place in this chapter. The Pacific and Indian Oceans are studded with islands in a state of formation, which owe their origin to the polypi and corallines. These zoophytes extract from the sea water the lime and silicium which are found there in the state of soluble salts. In order to grow and develope, they must be continually under water. They are con- stantly producing calcareous deposits ; these deposits rise rapidly, and at last reach the surface of the water. Then the seaweed and rubbish of all kinds that the sea carries along with it, arrested by these emerged masses, cover them with a layer of fertile soil which is soon covered with vegetation, as the birds and the waves bring seeds thither. The Coral Islands of the Pacific are formed in this way. COIIAL ISLANDS. 23 These islands are in