(1*1 3C,a- V^v^) OF THE UNIVERSITY OF 1LUN01S 23 SEP1914 COMMERCIAL CLUB OF OMAHA ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION BY-LAWS and MEMBERSHIP ISSUED APRIL I, 1913 NOTICE: Return or renew all Library Materials! The Minimum Fee for each Lost Book is $50.00. The person charging this material is responsible for its return to the library from which it was withdrawn on or before the Latest Date stamped below. Theft, mutilation, and underlining of books are reasons for discipli- nary action and may result in dismissal from the University. To renew call Telephone Center, 333-8400 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN L161— 0-1096 OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 23 SEP1914 Arttrlrs uf Jnrnrpnratum (Enmmmral (Mub of ©malta ) be published under the direction of the Chairman of the Executive Committee and the Commissioner and the subscription price to be 60c per annum, payable in advance on January 1st each year. ARTICLE XI. Amendments. These By-Law^s may be altered, amended, or added to at any regular meeting of the Execu- tive Committee,, by a majority vote of the mem- bers present; Provided, notice has been given to that effect at least one week prior to the date of the meeting. ARTICLE XII. Order of Business. At each regular meeting, the order of busi- ness shall be as follows: 1. Roll Call. 2. Reading Minutes of Previous Meeting. 3. Communications. 4. Special Order of Business. 5. Unfinished Business. 6. Reports of Committees. 7. General Business. The regular order of business may be sus- pended, upon motion to that effect, by a two- thirds vote of the members present. LIST OF MEMBERS Aarons, Phil 1601 Farnam Street Abbott, L. 1 801 City Nat’l Bk. Bldg. Adair, Wm. R Omaha Building & Loan Assn. Adams, A. C The Crissey Pharmacy Adams, Frederick J 3722 Pacific St. Adams, H. I .Omaha Iron Store Co. Adams, J B 824 Brandeis Bldg. Adams, J. L Parlin & Orendorff Plow Co. Adams, J. Q Omaha Hotel Supply Co. Ady, Chas. E Nat. Life Insurance Co. Akin, Dr. H. L 604 City Natl. Bk. Bldg. Alden, Chas. A 634 Brandeis Theatre Bldg. Alderman, C. J Nebraska Blau-Gas Co. Allan, James Baker Ice Machine Co. Alleman, C. L Standard Oil Co. Alleman, Harold L Standard Oil Co. Allen, A. A Allen Bros. Co. Allen, Oscar Allen Bros. Co. Allen, Thomas W Wilcox & Allen Allison, Dr. C. C Creighton Blk. Allison, Irving First National Bank Ambler, L. S 5108 Dodge St. Anderson, A C. N. Dietz Lumber Co. Anderson, A. C. .Omaha Elec. Light & Power Co. Anderson, A. J A. J. Anderson Com. Co. Anderson, H. W. Western Bridge & Construct’n Co. Anderson, J. M 614 Omaha Nat’l. Bk. Bldg. Andreesen, E. M. . .Lee-Glass-Andreesen Hdw. Co. Arena, A. C 691 Brandeis Bldg. Armstrong, C. D Armstrong-Walsh Co. Arnold, E. V Swift & Co., So. Omaha Arthur, E. W 417 First Natl. Bk. Bldg. Ashton, C. H U. S. Supply Co. Atzen, Dr. C. B 412 Omaha Natl. Bk. Bldg. Auld, W. T Corn Exchange Natl. Bk. Austin, A. T American Hand Sewed Shoe Co. Austin, DeRoy Austin-Peterson Shoe Co. Austin, T. W American Hand Sewed Shoe Co. Austin, W. A American Hand Sewed Shoe Co. Ayers, C. B Omaha Trade Exhibit Babcock, C. L Updike Grain Co. Bacon, R. F McCord-Brady Co. Bailey, Dr. R. W 706 City Natl. Bk. Bldg. Baird, C. J Wm. Baird & Sons Baird, E. A Wm. Baird & Sons Baker, Benj. S Legal Dept., City Hall Baker, C. W Baker Construction Co. Baker, J. L Baker Ice Machine Co. Baker, N. J Baker Bros. Eng. Co. Balcom, W. M Omaha Wholesale Drug Co. Baldridge, H. H Baldridge, Keller & Keller Baldridge, J. M Baldrige-Madden Co. Balfe, T. F 1607 Howard St. Banister, J. M., Dr Lemere & Banister Barber, Dr. P. T 216 Paxton Blk. Baright, Irving G. . . . State Savings & Loan Assn. Barkalow, Denise Electric Garage Co. Barkalow, S. D Barkalow Bros. Barker, Geo. E Barker Blk. Barker, Joseph Foster- Barker Co. Barlow, M. T U. S. Natl. Bk. Barmettler, Otto H Iten Biscuit Co. Barnell, D. O 538 Paxton Blk. Barr, J. A F. H. Orcutt Son Co. Barrett, Frank B 205 Paxton Block Bashford, C. H R. G. Dun & Co. Barton, Wadleigh . . . 737 Omaha Nat’l Bank Bldg. Bateman, J. M Western Electric Co. Battelle, Chas 104 No. 15th St. Battin, Jno. W 945 Omaha Natl. Bk. Bldg. Baum, D. A Baum Iron Co. Baum, Dan’l, Jr The Baum Iron Co. Baum, J. E Baum Iron Co. Baumer, T. W Lee-Glass-Andreesen Hdw. Co. 14 Commercial Club of Omaha Bauserman, C. R Midland Glass & Paint Co. Baxter, Irving F. ...648 Omaha Nat’l Bank Bldg. Baxter, Wm. F Thos. Kilpatrick & Co. Beach, Jas. P 208 Boston Store Bldg. Beal, D. M Moline Automobile Co. Beale, E. E Carbon Coal & Supply Co. Beard, H. L Omaha Bakers’ Supply Co. Beard, R. N T. J. Beard & Bro. Beaton. A. J 502 No. 40th St. Beaton, Chas. D Beaton Drug Co. Beaton, J. H Beaton Drug Co. Beattie, W. L 111. Cent. R. R. Beck, D. H Ill So. 15th St. Bedford, Jeff W Jeff Bedford Co. Bedwell, C. E E. E. Bruce & Co. Beebe, Walter Beebe & Runyan Furn. Co. Bekins, John Omaha Van & Storage Co. Belden, C. C Thompson, Belden & Co. Belden, Carroll R Thompson, Belden & Co. Bell, John W The Bell Drug Co. Belt, W. B. T Neb. Tel. Co. Benedict, I. A Thompson, Belden & Co. Benson, A. T 1520 Farnam St. Benson, E. A. Benson & Carmichael Berg, O. E Berg Clothing Co. Bergman, Sol Sol Bergman Jewelry Co. Berka, Louis 2314 So. 10th St. Berkey, O. F Nebraska Moline Plow Co. Berkstresser, A. C. .Burroughs Adding Mach. Co. Bertschy, A. J. P 2010 Harney St. Beselin, Ray L H. Beselin & Son. Besley, R. W Hydraulic-Press B. Co. Bewsher, A. H The Bewsher Co. Bexten, Edw. W 102 So. 12th St. Bihler, Albert E 1907 Douglas St. Binder, H. W 808 City Nat’l Bank Bldg. Bingham, W. W R. Bingham & Son Birss, F. J. . . .Western Bridge & Construction Co. Bixby, J. C J. C. Bixby & Son Co. Bjornson, M Bjornson Sheet Metal Works Black, C. E 109 So. 16th St. Blackburn, T. W 831 City Natl. Bk. Bldg. Blagen, Henry W 543 Brandeis Bldg. Blake, T. F Maney Milling Co. Blanchard, J. B Gate City Malt Co. Blandford, Geo. T Mutual Benefit Life Ins. Blessig, L. W Pennsylvania Lines Bliss, Dr. R. W 410 Brandeis Theatre Bldg. Block, A Royal Union Mutual Life Ins. Co. Bloom, Alfred The Alfred Bloom Co. Bloom, A. W The Alfred Bloom Co. Bloom, J. F J. F. Bloom & Co. Bock, Karl W Superior Coal Co. Boder, H. C 1314 Dodge St. Boehme, Louis 1013 So. 20th St. Bogue, C. B., Jr. Lee Live Stk. Com. Co., S. Omaha Bohman, Geo. G 1511 Dodge St. Borglum, A. S Darlow Advertising Co. Borkenhagen, R Industrial Garage Bourgeois, H. J 1907 Farnam St. Bourke, W. T 301 City Natl. Bk. Bldg. Bowen, H. R ....Central Furniture Co. Bowman, A. W 117 No. 16th St. Bowser, Dr. W. W 1502 Farnam St. Boyd, Frank Omaha National Bk. Boyer, E. P Boyer-Van Kuran Lumber Co. Boyles, H. B Boyles Commercial College Boysen, P. J Board of Trade Bldg. Bradbury, Dr. W. J 1506 Farnam St. Bradford, D. C Bradford-Kennedy Co. Bradford, Freeman Illinois Central Ry. Co. Bradley, G. L. Louis Bradford Lbr. Co., So. Omaha Brady, Hal M Arthur Storz Auto Supply Co. Brady, J. S McCord-Brady Co. Brailey, E. F Brailey & Dorrance Brain, E. B Omaha School Supply Co. Bramblett, W. R Bramblett Engraving Co. Brammann, J. T United States Supply Co. Brandeis, George J. L. Brandeis & Sons Brando, E. E 1426 W. O. W. Bldg. Brandt, W. G Orchard & Wilhelm Cpt. Co. Braun, Austin P Walrath-Sherwood Lbr. Co. Breckenridge, Ralph W. .1429 City Nat’l Bk. Bldg. Brice, John C M. E. Smith & Co. Bridges, Dr. W. 0 418 Brandeis Theatre Bldg. Brinker, Lawrence Burns, Brinker & Co. Brinkman, C. F United States Natl. Bk. Broatch, W. J Farrell & Co. Brodegaard, Fred Brown Blk. Commercial Club of Omaha 15 Brogan, F. A 500 Brandeis Theatre Bldg. Brome, Clinton Brome, Ellick & Brome Brome, H. C Brome, Ellick & Brome Browar, A. M Dundee Woolen Mills Brown, Chas. B C. B. Brown Co. Brown, Chas H 407 Brown Blk. Brown, Dr, Ewing 503 Brandeis Bldg. Brown, Norris 650 Omaha Nat’l Bk. Bldg. Brown, N. S Coal Hill Coal Co. Brown, R. K Coal Hill Coal Co. Brown, R. L Orchard & Wilhelm Cpt. Co. Browne, H. G Smeaton & Browne Browning, Henry M.The R. C. Scott Adv. Co., Inc. Bruce, E. E E. E. Bruce & Co. Brunner, E. C 3211 North 18th St. Bryans, J. A Fry Shoe Co. Bryant, Dr. D. C Bryant, Burrell & Bushman Buchanan, J. T Omaha Elevator Co. Bucholz, W. H Omaha Natl. Bk. Buckingham, E. . . .Union Stock Yds. Co., So. Om. Buffett, E. P S. H. Buffett & Son Buffington, J. C Guarantee Fund Life Assn. Bullard, W. C . . . '. A. B. Currie Co. Burchmore, F. B Connecticut M. L. I. Co. Burchmore, Thos. W W. O. W. Buresh, Vac 1417 So. 13th St. Burgess, W. L Burgess-Granden Co. Burgess, W. M M. E. Smith & Co. Burket, H. K 2904 Leavenworth St. Burkley, Harry V Burkley Printing Co. Burleigh, Paul B 4012 Cuming St. Burnett, A. H W. O. W. Burnett, Floyd D Dunning Hardware Co. Burns, E. E Omaha Printing Co. Burns, Jay Jay Burns Baking Co. Burns. Robt. T 509 First Natl. Bank Bldg. Burns, Samuel, Jr. Burns, Brinker & Co. Burns, W. T M. C. Peters Mill Co. Busch, A. R Crane Co. Busch, Fred American Transfer Co. Busch, R. B Crane Co. Bushman, W. M 1015 Leavenworth St. Butler, Dan B City Hall Butler. J. H Adams Express Co. Butler, W. G Adams Express Co. Byles, Winter 301 Ware Blk. Byrne, Harry S 502 City Natl Bk. Bldg. Byrne, J. F Byrne & Hammer Dry Goods Co. Byrne, Roy T... Byrne & Hammer Dry Goods Co. Byrne, Thos. C.. Byrne & Hammer Dry Goods Co. Byrne, Wm. P Orpheum Theatre Cable, D. E 1520 Farnam St. Cackley, Edw 121 No. 16th St. Cahn, Albert 1322 Farnam St. Cahow, E. W Exchange Bldg. So. Om. Caldwell, V. B U. S. Natl. Banw Calkins, H. G Neb. Portland Cement Co. Callahan, L. D 201 McCague Bldg. Callfas, Dr. W. F 567 Brandeis Bldg. Cameron, M. D Peters Trust Co. Campbell, Coit G Campbell & West Campbell. F. L 337 Omaha Nat’l. Bk. Bldg. Campbell, H. W Wells, Fargo & Co. Campbell, John 1714 Farnam St. Campbell, Linn P The Byron Reed Co. Capron, J. D J. D. Capron & Sons Carlberg, C. G Bemis-Carlberg Co. Carleton, R 218 So. 14th St. Carmichael, Frank W Benson & Carmichael Carmichael, W. W C. N. Dietz Bbr. Co. Carpenter, A. B. .Northwestern School of Taxid’y Carpenter, A. W Carpenter Paper Co. Carpenter, I. W Carpenter Paper Co. Carpenter, M. Bruce Prudential Ins. Co. Carpenter, W. G Carpenter Paper Co Carrigan, E. B The E. B. Carrigan Co. Carter, R. L Carter Sheet Metal Wks. Castle, F. A Iler Grand Hotel Cavanagh. Martin W Allen Bro Co. Caven, William C John Deere Plow Co. Cavers, J. A Cavers Elevator Co. Chambers, W. E 2424 Farnam St. Chandler, W. A Kramer & Chandler Charlesworth, W. J .. California Fruit Distributors Chase, Clement The Chase Publishing Co. Cheek, W. B C. B. & Q. R. R., So. Om. Chickering, F. H 4928 Webster St. Chiodo, V. P. P 214 S. 18th St. 16 Commercial Club of Omaha Chisam, C. H Co. Bluffs Coal & Ice Co. Chisam, C. J C. G. W. Ry. Christie, Dr. B. W 418 Barker Blk. Christie. H. M W. Karnam Smith & Co. Claassen, C. J Peters Trust Co. Clabaugh, G. W Omaha Gas Co. Claiborne, Henri H 1504 Farnam St. Clark, Byron C. B. & Q. R. R. Clark, Frank E 787 Omaha Natl Rk. Bldg. Clark, W. P The Sherwin-Williams Co. Clark, Z. D.. Dr 203 Ramge Bldg. Clarke F. W Stock Yds. Nat. Bank Clarke, H. S., Jr Corn Exchange Natl. Bk. Clarke, Louis S Kloke Investment Co. Clarke, W. H Nonpareil Laundry Co. Cleveland, W. G W. G. Cleveland Drug Co. Clough, L. B M. E. Smith & Co. Cloyd, Dr. A. D W. O. W. Coad, J. F Packers Natl. Bk., So. Om. Coad, Mark J 402 First Natl. Bk. Bldg. Coad. Wm. J 402 First Natl. Bk. Bldg. Coatsworth, Frank E Geo. H. Lee Co. Coffeen, Roy John Deere Plow Co. Coit, J. C Lee-Glass- Andreesen Hdw. Co. Colby, F. E Columbian Optical Co. Cole, David Cole & Fry Co. Cole, M. C M. A. Disbrow & Do. Coleman, T. B Midland Glass & Paint Co. Colling. W. G 1903 Farnam St. Colpetzer, Frank Chicago Lumber Co. Oolpetzer, Moshier G Chicago Lumber Co. Colvin, Harvey A.. Omaha Ice & Cold Storage Co. Colvin, W. J ..411 1st Nat. Bk. Bldg., Dairy Shprs. Dspth. Colwell. Joseph W Calumet Restaurant Combs, T. L T. L. Combs & Co. Comstock. R. B Allen Bros. Co. Conant, G. H Conant Hotel Co. Congdon, Isaac W Omaha Nat’l. Bk. Bldg. Conklin, P. M Wright & Wilhelmy Co. Conrad, J. H 726 Brandeis Bldg. Conrades. Theo. H 1215 Jones St. Cook. A. B Union Fuel Co. Cooke, James J. P. Cooke Co. Cooley, A. J Omaha Warehouse Co. Coolidge, D. I National Biscuit Co. (’ope, Elmer A Updike Grain Co. Copeland, M. B M. A. Disbrow & Co. Corkhill, C. J 1910 Farnam St. Corliss, Leroy Waterloo Creamery Co. Corr, James 203 So. 19th St. Corte, D. F Corte Furniture Co. Coulter, Dr. F. E 731 City Natl. Bk. Bldg. Courtney, C. R Courtney & Co. Covert, G. W C. B. & Q. R. R. Cowgill, I'. S Trans-Mississippi Grain Co. Cowin, J. C 409 Ware Blk. Cox, W. E The Hooven & Allison Co. Cramer, G. H. . . Foster-Barker Co. Crane. Thos. D Crane & Boucher Crawford, Bryce Court House Creigh, Alfred I Creigh Sons & Co. Criss, C. C., Dr 711-12 City Natl. Bk. Bldg. Crosby. Willis C 1524 No. 24th St. Crossman, Arthur C 208 Boston Store Bldg. Crowell, C. C., Jr Crowell Lbr. & Grain Co. Crummer, Le Rov, Dr Continental Blk. Culley, W. J F. P. Kirkendall & Co. Culver, H. S Morris & Co., So. Omaha Cummings, H. L HU'Se'l Brokerage Co. Cummins, J. F J. L. Brandeis & Sons Cunningham, C. G. .Woodward & Tiernan Ptg. Co. Cunningham. Geo. (’...Pioneer Glass & Paint Co. Curran, M. J 993 No. 24th St. Currie, A. B A. B. Currie Co. Curtis, H. F Lyman Sand Co. Dahlman, Jas. C City Hall Dailey. Dr. T. E ....603 Brandeis Bldg. Dale, Fred B John Dale & Son Dale, John John Dale & Son Dale, John F Phoenix Ins. Co. Dale, Walter IJ W. Farnam Smith & Co. Dalzell, J. C 115 No. 16th St. Daniel, H. S 845 Omaha. Natl. Bk. Bldg. Daniel, R. G Underwood Typewriter Co. Darr, Geo. B 1107 W. O. W. Bldg. Davenport, A. C. . .Daily Drovers Journal, So. Om. Davis, Dr. B. B 200 Bee Bldg. Commercial Club of Omaha 17 Davis, D. M 5110 Underwood Ave. Davis, F. H First Natl. Bk. Davis, Datham 201 First Nat’l. Bk. Bldg. Davis, T. L Ifirst Natl. Bk. Day, Geo. A Court House Dean, Dr. W. C 717 City Natl. Bk. Bldg. Dearmont. P. H 206 Bee Bldg. DeBord. W. A. .DeBord, Fradenburg & Van Orsdel Deemer, R. E Magee & Deemer DeJong. J. H...Lauson Gas Engine & Supply Co. Dempster, Robert.. City Trust & Safe Deposit Co. Denman, C. K Trans-Mississippi Grain Co. Denison, E. F Y. M. C. A. Denney, C. B 524 Paxton Blk. Dermody, Dr. L. A 2 Creighton Blk. Dermody, V. D 446 Bee Bldg. Deuel, Chas. L McCord Brady Co. Pevalon, H. P Lininger Implement Co. Deverell, W. P 436 Ram?e Bldg. Devitt, Wm. M Eggerss-O’Flyng Co. deWaal, C. H Omaha News Co. Dick, A. L A. L. Dick Coal Co. Dietz, C. N C. N. Dietz Lumber . Co. Dietz, Gould C. N. Dietz Lumber Co. Dietz, J. F C. N. Dietz Lumber Co. Dietz, Victor C. N. Dietz Lumber Co. Dimery, M. W First Trust Co. of Omaha Dinning, R. J Voegele & Dinning Co. Dinning, R. J., Jr Voegele & Dinning Co. Dixon, E. W Orchard & Wilhelm Carpet Co. Doane. Z. K Crowell Lumber & Grain Co. Dodder. E. L 2224 Cuming St. Dodd, Charles H. ...Orchard & Wilhelm Cpt. Co. Dodds, J. J Dodds Lumber Co. Dodge, N. P., Jr N. P. Dodge & Co. Doherty, Selwyn 322 Brandeis Theatre Bldg. Donaghue. A 1607 Farnam St Donoho, Gilbert S 203 Brandeis Theatre Bldg. Dooley, E. W F. W. Wool worth & Co. Doorly, Blenry World-Herald Doran, E. A Paxton & Gallagher Dorrance, W. H Brailey & Dorrance Doty, Lewis E 3402 Lafayette Ave. Doughertv. D L Omaha Cooperage Co. Doup, L. G L. G. Doup Co. Dow. J. M National Roofing Co. Drake, L Merchants Natl. Bk. Drake. R. Z Standard Bridge Co. Dreifuss, Julius 1924 Farnam St. Dresher, A. V Dresher Brothers Drexel, John C Drexel Shoe Co. Drishaus, Herman Gate City Hat Co. Drummond, W. R Drummond Motor Co. Dudley, Allen H Exchange Bldg., So. Omaha Dufrene, F. R 1821 Farnam St. Dugdale, C. B Merchants Natl. Bank Dumont, J. H J. H. Dumont & Son Dunkle, C. T Nebraska Moline Plow Co. Dunlap. J. T Nebraska Farm Journal Dunn, H. W Chief of Police Dunn, O. W C. N. Dietz Lbr. Co. Durkee, G. M Parlin & Orendorff Plow Co. Durkee, M. P Midland Glass & Paint Co. Duval, Eugene C. M. & St. P. Ry. Dwyer, Dr. T. J 2 Creighton Blk. Eastman, Osgood T First Natl. Bank Eaton, A. N Nebr. & Iowa Steel Tank Co. Eddy, W. A The Atlas Oil Co. Edelman, Ben W 607 Brandeis Bldg. Edgerly, D. M. ...Sunderland Mach. & Supply Co. Edgerly, Geo. C., Sunderland Mach. & Supply Co. Edholm, Albert 16th & Harney St. Edmiston, Dr. A. W 3 Creighton Blk. Edwards, IJ. O Swift & Co. So. Om. Edwards, L. W., Dr 2238 Farnam St. Eggerss, A. J Eggerss O’Flyng Co. Eickhorst, Otto G Schlitz Brew. Co. Eldredge, D. C.. Farmers Co-Operative Cream. Co. Elgutter, Chas. S 424 Bee Bldg. Ellet, J. A John Deere Plow Co. Ellick, F. I Omaha Printing Co. Elliott. E. E Physicians Casualty Assn. Ellis, E. P Richardson Drug Co. Ellis, L. A Lee-Glass-Andreesen Hdw. CP. Ellison, Frank E 422 So. 11th St. Elvad, Peter 404 City Nat'l. Bk. Bldg. Elwood, J W 205 Ramge Bldg. Emmons, F. S John Deere Plow Co. 18 Commercial Club of Omaha Engella.rder, Carl 1512 Dodge St. Engler. Geo. F . . . . Engler-Jackson Brokerage Co. English. Arthur Brandeis Thea. Bldg. Epeneter, G. F Epeneter’s Cornice Wks. Epps, J. H 2706 Jackson St. Evans, R. R Evans Laundry Ewing, F. A H. F. Cady Lumber Co. Fairfield, Edmund M 2219 St. Marys Ave. Falconer, A. D...., 2324 Harney St. Fallon, J. P 506 First Natl. Bk. Bldg. Fanning, Chas. E 534 Bee Bldg. Farnsworth, C. L. ...Western Newspaper Union Farrell, D. H F'arrell & Co. Farrell, R. A Farrell & Co. Farrington, F. J John Deere Plow Co. Feil, N. P The Bee Pub. Co. Fell, Thos. H Fell & Pinkerton Co. Fellheimer, H Hartman Fur. & Carpet Co. Ferguson, J. F Paxton & Gallagher Co. Fetter, J. P .Crane Co. Fetters, A. H U. P. R. R. Field,. Amos Omaha Hardwood Lbr. Co. Field, Clifton R Carpenter Paper Co. Fike, J. A 819 City Natl. Bk. Bldg. Finkenstein, D. S Omaha Tobacco Co. Fischer, Harry 960 Omaha Natl. Bk. Bldg. Fish, H. H Western Newspaper Union Fisher, Geo. L Fisher & Lawrie Fisher, John I Benson & Myers Co. Fisher, Wm. J Hotel Plaza Fitch, A. L Beebe & Runyan Furniture Co. Fitzgerald, F. J 328 Board of Trade Bldg. Fitzgerald, Jas. J Com. Savings & Doan Assn. Fitzgjbbon. Dr. H. M 492 Brandeis Bldg. Flack, John F City National Bank Fleming, Stanhope 205 First Natl. Bk. Bldg. Fleury, W. C Nebraska Silo Co. Flitton, E. H Huteson Optical Co. Fodrea, Penn. P Iten Biscuit Co. Foley T. J 1412 Douglas St. Fonda, W. B Fonda Bros. & Co. Foote, Dr. D. A 216 Paxton Blk. Foote. Dr. W. K 724 City Nat’l Bk. Bldg. Ford, Ira B Uncle Sam Breakfast Food Co. Ford, Dr. M. J 606 City Natl. Bk. Bldg. Forgan, Geo Forgan Investment Co. Forster, Henry C Omaha Crockery Co. Fort, Gerrit U. P. R. R. Foster, Chas. E 945 Omaha Natl. Bk. Bldg. Foster, F. W 620 Bee Bldg. Foster, J. D Foster-Barker Co. Fowler. B. C George & Co. Foye, W. J McShane Lbr. Co. Fradenburg, J. B. .DeBord, F’d’nb’rg & Van Orsdel Frahm, Frank Bemis Omaha Bag Co. Franke, Chas. A Krug Theatre Fredrickson, H. E. Hamilton Apartments Freeland, J. A Freeland Auto Co. Freeman, E. S 1051 Georgia Ave. Freling, E. W Freling & Steinle French, John C. .Stock Yds. Nat’l Bk., So. Omaha French, L. L Omaha Wall Paper Co. Frenzer, John N Frenzer Block Fry, Thos. A Cole & Fry Co. Funkhouser, M. F. ...Nebr. Underwriters Ins. Co. Furay, Chas. E Court House Furay, Frank A Foster-Barker Co. Furay, Guy V Gordon Lawless Co. Gaffney, J. M Rambler Motor Co. Gafford, J. J 301 First Natl. Bk. Bldg. Gallagher, A. M Gallagher & Nelson Gallagher, Ben Paxton & Gallagher Co. Gallagher, Paul C Paxton & Gallagher Co. Gallup, E. F American Multigraph Sales Co. Gamble, J. W Standard Stock Food Co. Gardner, Chas. R John Deere Plow Co. Garlocb, G. W 3704 Hawthorne Ave. Garratt, W. H U. P. R. R. Garvey, Chas. M Puritan Laundry Garvin, Edw. C Garvin Bros. Geisler. Max Max Geisler Bird Co. George, C. C George & Co. George, J. E George & Co. Gerhart. W. H W. H. Gerhart Lbr. Co. Gerin, Thos. E True Voice Gering, Henry R The Henry R. Gering Co. Getzschmann, P Festner Printing Co. Commercial Club of Omaha 19 Giannou, Mitchell Crystal Candy Co. Gibson, M. J 322 So. 15th St. “Gifford, Geo Geo. Gifford Co. Gifford, H., Dr 563 Brandeis Bldg. Gilchrist, John M 942 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Gilinsky, S. E Gilinsky Fruit Co. Gillan, J. M Auditorium Co. Gillespie, G. H Gillespie-Burger Co. Gilman, A. W W. Auto. Sales and Mfg. Co. Gilmore, Geo. F. .Conservative Svgs. & Ln, Ass’n. Gilmore, Jas. A Standard Oil Co. Gladstone, A. H Gladstone Bros. Glover, C. D Glover & Spain Goddard, R. C Central Coal & Coke Co. Godfrey, Thos. F Mo. Pac. Ry. Goetz, Dr. J. S 324 Bee Bldg. Goodell, H. M Western Electric Co. Goodman, O. 1 Omaha Cold Storage Co. Goodrich, J. T . Goodrich Drug Co. Goodrich, O. S Goodrich Drug Co. Gordon, A. W Gordon-Lawless Co. Gordon, W. A Expressmen’s Delivery Co. Goss, Chas. A Switzler & Goss Gould, C. L Ford Motor Co. Gould, C. Z 616-20 Bee Bldg. Gould, F. P F. P. Gould & Son Gould, H. R .....United States Natl. Bk. Gould, V. R F. P. Gould & Son Goulding, H. M Omaha Bottling Co. Graff, E. U City Hall Graham, W. T 604 Bee Bldg. Gratton, Chas. H. .Pacific Storage & Warehouse Co. Gregory, W. G 1136 Park Ave. Griffith, B. E E. E. Bruce & Co. Griffith, J. W 3825 Cuming St. Griffin, S. H Potter-Valentine Co. Grimmel, C. A. The United Real Estate & Trust Co. Gross, Harry 201 South 10th St. Grossman, M. F Midland Glass & Paint Co. Guckert, N. L Guckert & McDonald Guiou, Arthur P Guiou & Ledwich Gunther, E. W 320 No. 40 St. Haarmann, F Haarmann Vinegar & Pickel Co. Haberstroh, W. A 4026 Hamilton St. Haffke, Chas Court House Haffke, Wm The Byron Reed Co. Hale, Frank W Dennison Mfg. Co. Hall, Chas. E Nebraska Telephone Co. Hall, D. D 100 Bee Bldg. Hall, M. A Montgomery, Hall & Young Hall, R. W Peters Trust Co. Haller, C. W 541 Paxton Blk. Haller, F. L Lininger Impl. Co. Hamilton, C. W 1112 Park Ave. Hamilton, Ed. O Hamilton Apts. Hamilton, Frank T Merchants Natl. Bk. Hamilton, Fred P Merchants Natl. Bk. Hamilton, J. W 4835 California St. Hamilton. S. S David Cole Creamery Co. Hamlin, L. L Foster-Barker Co. Hammer, Geo. L Byrne & Hammer D. G. Co. Hampton, E. G. Hampton Lbr. Co. Haney, J. H J. H. Haney & Co. Hanighen, J. J 14th & Jones St. Hansen, A. R Woodman Cafeteria Co. Harberg, J. H Wright & Wilhelmy Co. Harding, Chas Harding Cream Co. Harding, J. M Harding Cream Co. Harding, S 1317 Douglas St. Harriman, N. F U. P. R. R. Co. Harrington, J. L . . C. B. & Q. R. R. Co. Harris, Frank R Empress Theatre Harris, R. E Armour & Co., So. Omaha Harris, W. L ...814 So. 10th St. Harte, John H 1609 Webster St. Hartman, A. C Omaha Film Exchange Harvey, John, Jr Exchange Bldg., So. Omaha Haskell, Frank J Love-Haskell Co. Hastings, Byron R Hastings & Heyden Hatcher. J. H 633 Brandeis Bldg. Hatteroth, W. H....604 Merchants Natl. Bk. Bldg. Havens, A. L Havens White Coal Co. Haverstick, G. E United States Natl. Bk Hawk, Harry Gray Bonnet Taxi Line Hayden, Jos Hayden Bros. Hayden, J. R Hayden Bros. Hayes, Charles G Allen Bros. Co. Hayes, Robert C C. B. & Q. R. R. Hayward, C. S Hayward Bros. Shoe Co. 20 Commercial Club of Omaha Hayward, H. V Willow Springs Brewing Co. Hayw r ard, Myron G Hayward Bros. Shoe Co. Hayward, Ralph E C. B. & Q. R. R. Hayward, R. W Hayward Bros. Shoe Co. Head, W. H Eininger Implement Co. Heafey, P. C Heafey & Heafey Hecox, J. F City Natl. Bk. Henderson, H. E Tate Land Co. Henderson, Lewis 1519 Farnam St. Henderson, S. J 1511 Dodge St. Henninger, F. A 805 Omaha Natl. Bk. Bldg. Henrickson, John Gustafson & Henrickson Henry, Dr. E. C 606 Brandeis Thea. Bldg. Henry, Geo. W R. F. D. 2, So. Omaha Henry, Dr. W. 0 606 Brandeis Thea. Bldg. Herdman, W. H 413 First Natl. Bk. Bldg. Herring, Carl E 418 Omaha Natl. Bk. Bldg. Hess, J. .1 Hess & Swoboda Heyden, Edw. T Hastings & Heyden Hevn, Jerome F 16th & Howard St. Hiatt, Jesse L Hastings & Heyden Hibbaid, Frank B Irvington, Neb. Hibbs, F. L National Refining Co. Hicks, C. W 324 Omaha Natl. Bk. Bldg. Higgins, E. A Storz Brewing Co. Hiller, Louis 1309 Farnam St. Hindelang, F. J J. I. Case Plow Works Hitchcock, G. M World-Herald Hitchman, J. C 638 Brandeis Bldg. Hixenbaugh, W. A 1814 St. Marys Ave. Hoagland, Wm. W 9th & Douglas St. Hobart, A. R Allen Bros. Co. IJochstetler, F. B Wright & Wilhelmy Co. Hodder, E. C 1020 Omaha Natl. Bk. Bldg. Hoel, Ernest H Carpenter Paper Co. Hoel, Frank J McCord-Brady Co. Hoel, H. G McCord-Brady Co. Hoffmann, Leo. A 24th and Dodge Sts. Hogan, J. M Hogan Linotype Co. Holcomb, H. H C. B. & Q. R. R. Holden, H. T„ Dr 100 Bee Bldg. Holdrege, G. W C. B. & Q. R. R. Holdrege, H. A.. Omaha Flee. Light & Power Co. Holland, Y. C 1503 City Natl. Bk. Bldg. Hollinger, F. C 315 So. 16th St. Hollister, Dr. R. R 714 State Bk. Bldg. Holman, Roger Paxton & Gallagher Co. Holmquist, J. W Holmquist Elevator Co. Holzman, Wm. L Neb. Clothing Co. Homan, W. R 331 Board of Trade Bldg. Hoobler, G. W 1341 So. 28th St. Hopper, B. B Dundee Cement Stone Works Hopper, Chas. L 638 Brandeis Bldg. Horton, C. B Western Union Tel. Co. Horton, Richard S Board of Trade Bldg Hosford, W. D John Deere Plow Co. Hospe, A 1513 Douglas St. Houser. S. A.. Omaha Taxicab & Auto Livery Co. Howard, John Webster, Howard & Co. Howe, E. F The bairmont Creamery Co. Howe. R. C Armour & Co., So. Omaha Howell, F. S 306 P. O. Bide:. Howell, R. Beecher City Hall Hoye, Fred H Bridges. Hoye & Co. Hoyt, R. C P. O. Bldg. Huff, Lee Nebraska Buick Auto Co. Huffman, W. L W. L. Huffman Auto Co. Hughes, Frank J H. .T. Hughes Co. Hughes, J. H Rock Island Plow Co. Hughes, ,J. W 670 Brandeis Bldg. Hughes, Wm. B Omaha Clearing House Assn. Hull, C. W C. W. Hull Co. Hunter, Edwin E L. C. Smith & Bros. Hunter, I. S Chaney-Hunter-Royer Co. Huntley, E. E 732 Brandeis Bldg. Huntlev, R. L U. P. R. R. Co. Hutchinson, C. E M. E. Smith & Co Huzenlaub, Erich G Campbell & West Hyland, J. R Western Union Telegraph Co. Hyland, W. E U. S. Radiator Corporation Hypse, G. N T. G. North wall Co. Hysham. C. S McPherson & Hysham Hyson. P. C Omaha Cold Storage Co. Her, P. E 314 Ramge Bldg. Indoe, W. H 652 Bee Bldg. Ingwersen, G. J Exchange Bldg., So. Omaha Jackson, A. J 1705 Leavenworth St. Jackson, R. E 603 Bee Bldg. Commercial Club of Omaha 21 Jacobberger, A 2708 Meredith Ave. Jacobberger, H. A Kimball Laundry Jaeger, A. G Mid- West Cigar Co. Jamieson, S. H The E. B. Carrigan Co. Jardine, W. S Omaha Merchants Exp. Jefferis, A. W 1211 W. O. W. Bldg. Jeffrey, A. M Cartan & Jeffrey Jensen, Jas. P The Brinn & Jensen Co. Jensen, W. 0 1202 W. O. W. Bldg. Jerpe, J. P Jerpe Com. tu. Jewell, B. W W. O. W. Jewell, Edwin S City Nat’l. Bk. Bldg. Jewell, H. A 921 City Nat’l. Bk. Bldg. Johnson, Alvin F 545 Brandeis Bldg. Johnson, D. A D. A. Johnson & Co. Johnson, D. L 845 Omaha Nat’l Bk. Bldg. Johnson, Chas. H Germania Life Ins. Co. Johnson, E. L Gayety Theatre Johnson, F. B Omaha Printing Co. Johnson, Geo. C .Crowell Lumber & Grain Co. Johnson, H. E Brown Truck Co Johnson, Hollis M Omaha Sanitary Supply Co. Johnson, V. A T. G. Northwall & Co. Johnson, W. F Woodman Linseed Oil Wks. Johnston, F. D Railway Mail Service Johnston, Geo. S Western Paper Co. Johnston, G. W ..Johnston Electric Co. Johnston H. E Omaha Posting Service Johnston, Joe Western Htg. & Plbg. Co. Johnston, W. W C. B. & Q. R. R. Jonas, Dr. A. F 454 Brandeis Bldg. Jones, E. G Credit Clearing House Jonfes, J. A M. E. Smith Co. Jones, J. B Western Paper Co. Jones, W r . H C. & N. W. R. R. Co. Jones, W. H Cox- Jones Com. Co., So. Omaha Jordan, H. G The Byron Reed Co. Jordan, R. C U. S. Indian Warehouse Joslyn, G. A Western Paper Co. Judson, F. W Midland Glass & Paint Co. Judson, Harry C Midland Glass & Paint Co. Junod, Charles F Mann & Junod Kahn, I Megeath Stationery Co. Katz, J. B Katz-Craig Contracting Co. Kayser, F. W Thos. Kilpatrick & Co. Keebler, Geo Omaha Elec. Light & Power Co. Keller, Charles B. ...Baldridge, Keller & Keller Keller, L. A 2026 Farnam St. Kelley, Jos M. E. Smith & Co. Kelly, Geo. H Adams & Kelly Co. Kelly, Harry G Adams & Kelly Co. Kelly, Tom S Travelers Ins. Co. Kemper, B. H 210 South 17th St. Kennard, F. B West Dodge St. Kennard, L. W Pioneer Paint & Glass Co. Kennedy, Alfred C 209 First Natl. Bk. Bldg. Kennedy, Howard Court House Kennedy, J. A. C Mahoney & Kennedy Kennedy, J. L 752 Brandeis Thea. Bldg. Kennedy, T. F Bradford-Kennedy Co. Keogh, Frank S Paxton & Gallagher Co. Kerr, H. P Wolfe Electric Co. Kessler, Herman Remington & Kessler Keys, C-. W Keys Lumber & Coal Co. Kilpatrick, Thos Thos. Kilpatrick & Co. Kimball, Thos. R 503 McCague Bldg. Kimberly E. E Paxton & Gallagher Co. King, B. G Dempster Mill Mfg. Co. King, C. H Omaha Wool & Storage Co. King, F. S King-Peck Co. King, W. F. .Bowles Live Stock Com. Co., So. Om. Kinsey, H. R Stecher Lithographic Co. Kinsler, A. V 692 Brandeis Bldg. Kinsler, J. C 694 Brandeis Bldg. Kiplinger, E. E *....308 So. 16th St. Kiplinger, O. D 1223 Farnam St. Kirkendall, F. P F. P. Kirkendall & Co. Kirkpatrick, R. H United Mercantile Agency Kirschbraun, Louis Kirschbraun & Sons Kitchen, Ralph Paxton Hotel Kitchen, Richard Paxton Hotel Klein, A. D Sunderland Bros. Co. Klein, Joseph 402 Merchants Nat’l Bank Klingbeil, G. L. E 100 Bee Bldg. Kloke, R. F Kloke Investment oC. lvlopp, A. T Klopp & Bartlett Co. Knapp, F. S Omaha Box Co. Knapp, H. H.... Western Reference & Bond Assn. Knode, Dr. A. R 416 Omaha Natl. Bk. Bldg. 22 Commercial Club of Omaha Koch, Harry A 312-20 Barker Blk. Koenig, Wm. H Thos. Kilpatrick & Co. Kohn, Eugene S Kohn & Sampson Kohn, Herbert C 1324 Farnam St. Kohn, L. C Western Auto Supply Co. Koran, Robt. H Omaha Trunk Factory Korty, L. H 614 No. 40th St. Kountze, Chas. T First Natl. Bk. Kountze, L. L First Natl. Bk. Kranz, H. G Bowman-Kranz Lumber Co. Krug, Albert Fred Krug Brewing Co. Krug, F. H Cassel Realty Co. Kuenne, G. C 504 So. 16th St. Kugel, A. C City Hall Kuhns, P. W. .Conservative Savings & Loan Assn. Kunz, Phil. J 3307 So. 20th St. Kurtz, Jno. W The Omaha Daily News Ladd, W. M 406 Bee Bldg. Lady, Van B 831 City Nat’l. Bank Laier, G. W Beaton & Laier Co. Lake, Dr. Frederick W 207 Brown Blk. Lamoreaux, A. A 805 Brandeis Thea. Bldg. Lamoreaux, J. J 805 Brandeis Thea. Bldg. Lane, A. D Nebraska Tel. Co. Lane, C. J U. P. Ry. Lasbury, Geo. B 506 So. 16th St. Latenser, John 632 Bee Bldg. Laubach, W. H Scott-Rawitzer Co. Lawrie, Harry Fisher & Lawrie Learned. Myron L 502 Bee Bldg. Leary, Edw. F 407 First Natl. Bk. Bldg. Leary, John A C. B. & Q. R. R. Co. Leary, N. C Kotera & Leary Lease. Merrick E .... Columbia Fire Underwriters Leavitt, Henry P 1530 City Natl. Bk. Bldg. Leavitt, Wm. A 1003 So. 30th St. LeBron. Bert LeBron Elec. Works Ledwich, D. H 3517 Harney St. Lee, Don T Beebe & Runyan Furn Co. Lee, Geo. H George H. Lee Co. Leermakers, A. F Remington & Kessler Leflang, E. M. F 207 McCague Bldg. Lemere, Dr. H. B Lemere & Banister Leslie, Chas Court House Leslie, Grant 2904 Leavenworth St. Leussler, R. A.... Omaha & Co. Bluffs St. Ry. Co. Levy, M Nebraska Clothing Co. Lewis, Chas. A Orpheum Buffet Lieben, O. G 1514 Howard St. Liggett, Guy Pantorium Linderholm, J. A 700 Brandeis Bldg. Lindquest, G. A 235 Paxton Blk. Lindsey, R. M John Deere Plow Co. Lindsey, Z. T Inter-State Rubber Co. Lininger, Karl A Logan & Bryan Lionberger, John H Fisk Rubber Co. Litz, E. E 526 Brandeis Thea. Bldg. Liver, C. B C. B. Liver & Co. Livesey, J. L 2808 Capitol Ave. Lobeck C. O Withnell Blk. Loftus, M Mo. Pac. R. R. Co. Lohlein, J. G Kimball Laundry Co. Lohse. E. H 1214 Jones St. Longwell, A. M Cole & Fry Co. Loomis, F. P 428 Ramge Bldg. Loomis, G. W C. B. & Q. R. R. Loomis, Howard G Omaha Natl. Bk. Bldg. Loomis, N. H U. P. R. R. Co. Lord, Carroll J 224 Omaha Nat’l Bank Bldg. Lord, Dr. J. P 501 Paxton Blk. Lord. L. M Live Stock Natl. Bk.. So. Omaha Loughridge, W. K., Dr 434 Brandeis Theatre Love, Archie J Love-Haskell Co. Lowry, L. G Am. Elec. Co. Lozier, Robt. T First Nat’l. Bk. Bldg. Luikart, E. H 901 W. O. W. Bldg. Lyle, W. C St. Paul Fire & Marine Ins. Co. Lynch, John C Court House Lyon, C. J Travelers Health Ass’n. Lyons, George H 2401 Harney St. McCaffery, W. J 215 So. 17th St. McCague, Brower E McCague Investment Co. McCague, John L McCague Investment Co. McCague, John L., Jr. ..Wilson Steam Boiler Co. McCague. Thos. H. McCague Investment Co. McCarthy, H. J J. L. Brandeis & Sons McCarthy, J. M Schermerhorn Bros. McClanahan, Dr. H. M 468 Brandeis Bldg. Commercial Club of Omaha 23 McClure, A. A Am. Hand Sewed Shoe Co. McClure, J. C United States Natl. Bk. McConnell, A. B Owl Drug Co. McConnell, Fred R 429 Ramge Bldg. McCord, W. H McCord-Brady Co. McCormack, Harry M Guiou & Ledwich McCoun, Lester B 1201 So. 16th St. McCoy, B. S United Brokerage Co. McCoy, Frank L 709 Brandeis Thea. Bldg. McCoy, Herbert McCoy & Finlayson Co. McCullough, T. W Bee Publishing Co. McCune, O. E Trade Exhibit Co. McDermott, B. A., Dr 559 Brandeis Bldg. McDonald, Chas. G 615 Brandeis Bldg. McDonald, C. W Marion Auto Co. McDonald, H. S McDonald Bros. McDonald, John ....908 Omaha Nat’l Bank Bldg. McFarland, W. R George & Co. McFarlane, R. A Robt. Dempster Co. McGilton, E. G McGilton, Gaines & Smith McGovern, Thos 586 Brandeis Bldg. McGowan, John M 848 So. 28th St. McGreei , Lee 513 So. 15th St. McGrew, C. F....Live Stock Natl. Bk., So. Omaha McHugh, Wm. D 413 First Nat’l. Bank Mclnerney, Benj Omaha Elec. Works McIntyre, J. A The McIntyre Automobile Co. McKay. W. M \.Cole-McKay Co. McKeen, W. R., Jr McKeen Motor Car Co. McKenna, H. J International Harvester Co. McKenzie, Guy C. .Corey & McKenzie Printing Co. McKenzie, J. A McKenzie & Howell McKillip, P. E 305 First Natl. Bk. Bldg. McKnight, W. C J. L. Brandeis & Sons McLaughlin, A. A C. & N. W. Ry. McLaughlin, C. F 1526 City Nat’l Bk. Bldg. McManus, H. T .... Associated Manufacturers Co, McNown, R. A Darlow Advertising Co. McPherson, Thos. B McPher-on & Hysham McShane, E. L McShane Lumber Co. McShane, F. J., Jr Court House McShane, John A McShane Lumber Co. McShane, T. J M. E. Smith & Co. McVann, E. J Commercial Club Mac Diarmid, S. B., Dr 217 Karbach Blk. MacDonald, Geo. J Ex. Bldg., So. Omaha Mace, W. W Palace Stables Madden, J. W Baldridge-Madden Co. Magee, E. E Magee & Deemer Magee, Jerome P 644 Brandeis Bldg. Magney, George A Court House Mahoney, T. J Mahoney & Kennedy Mallo, Harry L 230 Omaha Natl. Bk. Bldg. Malone, Edward J Hayden Bros. Co. Manchester, F. P Omaha Grain Ex. Manley, Frank A Union Pacific Coal Co. Manley, R. H J. L. Brandeis & Sons Mann, Franklin Mann & Junod Mantel, N N. Mantel Co. Marble, R. E., Dr 619 City Nat’l. Bank Mardis, J. C J. C. Mardis Co. Marks, George W Marks Bros. Saddlery Co. Marriott, A. D 732 Brandeis Bldg. Marsh, A. A W. W. Marsh Co. Marsh, A. J., Sr Marsh & Marsh Marshall, B. F Marshall Paper Co. Marshall, D. B Otis Elevator Co. Martig, John Hotel Howard Martin, C. W Martin Bros. & Co. Martin, Chas. W 1018 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Martin, E. M 684 Brandeis Bldg. Martin, frank Martin-Cott Hat Co. Martin, F. S F. S. Martin & Co. Martin, Frank T. B Martin Bros. & Co. Martin James G Exchange Bldg., So. Omaha Martin, Paul L Creighton Law College Mason, S. P Nye-Schneider-Fowler Grain Co. Masterman, W. L W. L. Masterman & Co. Matters, Thos. H 724 Omaha Natl. Bk. Bldg. Matthews. W. R 122 So. 15th St. Maurer, Edw Maurer’s Restaurant Maxwell, Henry E 438 Board of Trade Bldg. May, Frank A Nebraska Tele. Co. Mav, Harry H. Mav & Co. Medlar, I. A I. A. Medlar Co. Megeath, G. W Sheridan Coal Co. Meile, B. H Merchants Natl. Bk. Meister, Nat 1313 City Nat’l Bank Bldg 24 Commercial Club of Omaha Melcher, A 1516 Leavenworth St. Melick, J. J 93 3 City Natl. Bk. Bldg. Mellen, John C. & N. W. Ry. Mengedoht, Fred Mengedoht & Son Menold, O. H 337 Omaha Natl. Bk. Bldg. Merriam, Nathan Merriam & Millard Co. Merriam, R. B 1059 Park Ave. Metz, Arthur Metz Bros. Brewing Co. Metz, Chas Metz Bros. Brew. Co. Metz, C. E 515 First Natl. Bk. Bldg. Metz, Fred 515 First Natl. Bk. Bldg. Meyer, A. L Her & Co. Meyer, C. Louis Concrete Engineering Co. Meyer, H. G 306 Karbach Blk. Meyer, Maurice Fred Krug Brewing Co. Meyer, Moritz Moritz Meyer Cigar Co. Mickel, Geo. E Nebraska Cycle Co. Millard, Barton Merriam & Millard Co. Millard, Ezra Omaha Natl. Bk. Millard, J. H Omaha Natl. Bk. Miller, D. D 816 Brandeis Thea. Bldg. Miller, F. W Cudahy Pkg. Co., So. Omaha Miller, Geo. H Omaha Crockery Co. Mille*', Harry W. Farnam Smith & Co. Miller, Rome Hotel Rome Miller, R. D C. & N. W. Ry. Miller, R. E Rock Island Plow Co. Miller, W. B Hotel Rome Miller, W. J Updike Lumber & Coal Co. Milliken, H. E Klopp & Bartlett Mithen, John H 921-24 City Nat’l Bank Bldg. Moburg, F. O The Rex Co. Moeller, Henry C. W. 942 Omaha Nat’l Bk. Bldg. Moffatt, B. F M. & St. L. R. R. Co. Mohler, A. L U. P. R. R. Co. Mohrman, A. C 552 Bee Bldg. Moise, Walter Walter Moise & Co. Mollin, F. E 813 Omaha Nat’l Bank Bldg. Molony, Chas. E 320 So. 15th St. Monaghan, W. J Bemis Omaha Bag Co. Monks, J. J N. Y. Central Lines Montgomery, C. S. ..Montgomery, Young & Hall Montgomery, S. S 905 Omaha Nat’l. Bank Mool, Harry W 627 Paxton Block Moore, J. A 845 Omaha Natl. Bk. Bldg. Moore, Roy F. P. Kirkendall & Co. Moore, W. D Cashier, City Nat’l. Bank Moore. W. G Keasbey & Mattison Co. Morgan, C. C C. W. Hull Co. Morgans, S. C R. Herschel Mfg. Co. Morphy, Arthur E E. E. Bruce & Co. Morph v, Harry G E. E. Bruce & Co. Morrell. Adam W. O. W. Bldg. Morrill, Harry B H. B. Morrill Co. Morrison, S. F German-American Coffee Co. Morsman, E. M Neb. Telephone Co. Morsman, Edgar M., Jr.. 438 Board of Trade Bldg. Morsman, R. P United States Natl. Bk. Morton, C. W Jas. Morton & Son. Co. Morion, Geo. T Harrison & Morton Moser, C. B The Harold Moser, E. E Niles & Moser Cigar Co. Mosher, F. W Mosher-Lampman Bus. Col. Moyer, C. E 1616 Farnam St. Mullen, A. F 949 Omaha Natl. Bk. Bldg. Munroe, J. A U. P. Ry. Murphy, Bert Andrew Murphy & Son Murphy, Frank J McCord-Brady Co. Murphy, Hugh .246 Bee Bldg. Murphy, M. R Cudahy Pkg. Co., So. Omaha Myers, F. H Benson & Myers Co. Myers, P. B Myers-Dillon Drug Co. Nash, F. A C. M. & St. P. Ry. Nash, Louis C Omaha & Co. Bluffs St. Ry. Co. Naylor, H. P Interstate Rubber Co. Nebergall. L. E 1011 Citv Natl. Bk. Bldg. Neble, John L '2752 So. 10th St. Neely, H. D 404 Merchants Natl. Bk. Bldg. Neely, H. F 404 Merchants Natl. Bk. Bldg. Neely, Robt. D 1526 City Natl. Bk. Bldg. Negele, W. F Thompson, Belden & Co. Nelson, L. J L. J. Nelson & Co. Nelson, N. H N. H. Nelson & Co. Nesbit, Fred L. . . .Standard Furnace & Supply Co. Newbranch, H. E World-Herald Newcomb, Burton E. . . .833 Omaha Natl. Bk. Bldg. Newman, Milton B. Gabel- Johnson-Harwood Bkrg Nicholas, L. V Meridian Oil Co. Commercial Club of Omaha 25 Nichols, V. H Omaha Rubber Co. Nicholson, H. C Cashier, Packers Nat. Bank Niederst, John L Leslie- Judge Co. Nimocks, W. R Allen Filter Co. Noble, G. W New Eng. Mut. Life Ins. Co. Nolen, C. D 1001 City Nat’l. Bank Nordstrom, E. A E. A. Nordstrom Grain Co. Norman, W. F Fairbanks, Morse & Co. North, Samuel 111. Cent. R. R. Northwall, T. G T. G. North wall Co. Norton, Frank J Bee Bldg. Nott, Harry 652 Omaha Natl. Bk. Bldg. Noyes, Hiland B Gate City Construction Co. O’Brien, D. J D. J. O’Brien Co. O’Brien, J. Edw D. J. O’Brien Co. O’Brien, T. J Henshaw Hotel O’Connor, M. P Powell Supply Co. O’Flyng, I Eggerss-O’Flyng Co. O’Keefe. J. P O’Keefe Real Estate Co. Olin, T. D 1808 Spencer St. O’Neil, T. J ..1505 Farnam St. Orcutt, F. H Council Bluffs, la. Orkin, J. L Orkin Bros. Orkin, Julius 1510 Douglas St. Orkin, Max Orkin Bros. Orr, Horace F Orr Motor Sales Co. Orr, T. M U. P. R. R. Ostenberg, W. H 2815 Farnam St. Owen, Dr. F. S 471 Brandeis Bldg. Paffenrath, Fred Nicoll — The Tailor Page, E. C 716 Omaha Natl. Bk. Bldg. Page, Walter T American Smelting Wks. Palmatier, W. E Merchants Natl. Bk. Pancoast, A. C 418 Omaha Natl. Bk. Bldg. Pardoe, J. A Cole & Fry Co. Parker, E. S Baker Bros. Engraving Co. Parmer, Allan 820 Omaha Nat’l Bk. Parmer, F. D F. D. Parmer Co. Parish, John W 422 First Nat’l Bk. Bldg. Parsons, C. E ^ John Deere Plow Co. Parsons, F. C Kennedy & Parsons Parsons, Grant 601 Barker Blk. Patek, Jos 1918 So. 14th St. Paterson, Ronald L Nebraska Fuel Co. Patrick, A. L 1122 Farnam St. Patrick, H. B Russell Brokerage Co. Patterson, D. C 1623 Farnam St. Patterson, H. E. . . .Peoples Ice & Cold Storage Co. Patton, F. C Richardson Drug Co. Paxton, J. L Paxton-Mitchell Co. Payne, Geo. H Payne Investment Co. Payne, H. B Payne & Slater Co. Pearce. F. E Paxton & Gallagher Co. Pearson, E. R General Film Co. Pease, W. E 1417 Farnam St. Peck, A, S King-Peck Co. Peck, Edw. P Omaha Elevator Co. Pegau, E. A Western Auto Supply Co. Pegau, L. M U. P. Steam Baking Co. Penney, F. M 1220 City Natl. Bk. Bldg. Perrigo, E. B Joseph R. Lehmer Co. Peter, Val. J Omaha Tribune Peters. A. D M. C. Peters Mill Co. Peters, H. B Merchants Hotel Peters, M. C M. C. Peters Mill Co. Peters, R. C Peters Trust Co. Peters, Ralph M M. C. Peters Mill Co. Peters, Reed C Peters Trust Co. Peterson, Edward 1402 W. O. W. Bldg. Peterson, P. F U. P. Bakery Peterson, Walter Nat. F. & Cas. Co. Bldg. Petticolas, S. G 209 W. O. W. Bldg. Peyton, L. E 448 Bee Bldg. Phelan, Edward 1025 Omaha Nat’l. Bank Phelps, R. C i J. L. Brandeis & Sons Philbin, P. H Schlitz Hotel Phillips, C. S Omaha Gas Co. Phillips, R. D Phillips Medical Co. Pick, Joseph American Supply Co. Pickard, Edgar H 404 Mer. Nat’l. Bank Pickens, C. H Paxton & Gallagher Co. Pickering, W. J Remington Typewriter Co. Piel, W. A 1802 Farnam St. Pierpont, H. W George & Co. Pierson, H. D 1504 Farnam St. Pilant, W. J International Harvester Co. Pinto, A. S., Dr 1605 Dodge St. 26 Commercial Club of Omaha Platner, Geo. W Platner Lbr. Co. Platner, W. H Farmers Lumber Co. Plumb, H. I The Chatham Pollard, C. W., Dr 716 State Bk. Bldg. Poppleton, W. S 314 First Natl. Bk. Bldg. Porter, E. R., Dr 406 Brandeis Bldg Porter, I. W., Dr W. O. W. Bldg. Porter, J. B J. H. Forbes Tea & Coffee Co. Porterfield, H. L Creamery Pkg. Mfg. Co. Potter, S. J Barnhart Brothers & Spindler Powell, Clarke G Powell Supply Co. Powell, H. G 111. Cent. R. R. Co. Pratt, Guy H Nebraska Tele. Co. Pratt, Nelson C 1045 Omaha Nat’l. Bank Prenica, L. W Paxton Taxi Livery Prentiss, J. F N. Y. Life Ins. Co. Prentiss, W. L Morris & Co. Preston, G. W Bee Publishing Co. Preston, Walter G Bankers Reserve Life Price, W. H General Electric Co. Prinz, Geo. B 1033 Omaha Natl. Bk. Bldg. Quinlan, T. F Hayden Bros. Raapke, Louis Raapke Gro. Co. Raber, Lew W Bee Bldg. Rahm, J. B U. S. Supply Co. Rainbolt, W. M Peters Trust Co. Rainey, Chas. W 1425 So. 8th St. Rait, James E 554 Omaha Nat’l Bk. Bldg. Ramsey, Wm. C 868 Brandeis Bldg. Ranger, S. J Dario w Adv. Co. Ransom, Frank T 500 Ware Blk. Rasmussen, Geo Neb. Bridge Sup. & Lbr. Co. Rawitzer, A. H Scott-Rawitzer Mfg. Co. Read, A. H National Roofing Co. Readinger, H. Y Sheridan Coal Co. Rector, Edgar T The Fairmont Creamery Co. Redfield, J. B Klopp & Bartlett Co. Redick, E. S 1517 Farnam St. Redick, Geo. M 2218 Farnam St. Redick, John W 790 Brandeis Bldg. Redick, O. C 1517 Farnam St. Redick, W. A 605 Omaha Nat’l Bank Bldg. Redmond, T. P J. L. Brandeis & Sons Reed, A. L The Byron Reed Co. Reed, Byron J Reed Bros. Reed, C. E Omaha High School Reed, Harry D 206 Brandeis Thea. Bldg. Reed, Harry F L. G. Doup Co. Reed, W. E Clay Robinson & Co., So. Omaha Rees, Samuel, Jr Rees Printing Co. Rees, Samuel Rees Printing Co. Reiff, Geo. H Standard Bridge Co. Reim, Geo. F 2056 Farnam St. Renze, Gus. A Coliseum Respess, Z. D World-Herald Reum, M 216 South 15th St. Reynolds, E. M M. E. Smith & Co. Reynolds, J. B C. B. & Q. R. R. Reynolds, L. G B. & O. Ry. Co. Reynolds, V. D Dalton Adding Machine. Co. Rhein, J. S Emerson-Brantingham Imp. Co. Rhoades, W. E United States Nat’l Bk. Rhodes, W. H. ..Chas. E. Walters Co., C. B., Ia. Ribbel, Geo. M 1016 Douglas St. Rich, C. O., Dr 430 Brandeis Thea. Bldg. Rich, Edson U. P. R. R. Richards, J. DeForest Omaha Natl.. Bk. Bldg. Richardson, A. H Standard Oil Co. Richardson. F The Sheridan Coal Co. Riebel, F. F., Jr. . . Westinghouse Elc. & Mfg. Co. Riepen, C. H Hulse & Riepen Riggs, El wood Omaha Optical Co. Riley, Edw. F Riley Bros. Riley. H. R L. Wolff Mfg. Co. Rine, John A 303 City Hall Ringer, J. Dean ...Ringer & Bednar, So. Omaha Ringwalt, Theo. L Ringwalt Bros. Ritchie, A. S 803 Brandeis Bldg. Robbins, John W 1802 Farnam St. Roberts, George A G. A. Roberts Grain Co. Roberts, Tom L Standard Bridge Co. Robertson, M. M Omaha Towel Supply Robinson, C. N Byrne & Hammer D. G. Co. Robinson, Dr. C. 0 403 Brandeis Bldg. Robinson, R. L Henry & Allen Robinson, Bascom H. ..Bankers Reserve Life Co. Robison, Robt. L Bankers Reserve Life Rock. C. H 1510 Cass St. Commercial Club of Omaha 27 Rockwell, J. A Sunderland Bros. Co. Rogers, Geo 1506 Farnam St. Rogers, G. Sam 602 Mer. Nat’l. Bank Rogers, Herbert M Milton Rogers & Sons Co. Rogers, L. M Brandeis, Stores Roney, W. B M. E. Smith & Co. Root, A. I Root Printing Co. Root, H. J W. O. W. Root, J. C W. O. W. Rose, Halleck F 524 Omaha Natl. Bk. Bldg. Roseberry, W. J .... Implement Trade Journal Co. Rosenthal, H Union Outfitting Co. Rosenthal, M Palace Clothing Co. Rosenzweig, Robt Drexel Shoe Co. Rosewater, C. C Bee Pub. Co. Rosewater, Stanley M 548 Bee Bldg. Rosewater, Victor Bee Pub. Co. Rosoff, J Public Market Ross, Wm. C 1921 Lothrop St. Rossbach, J. J Nebraska Stone Co. Rossiter, L. R 2306 No. 22d St. Rothery. W. S French Dry Cleaning Works Rothschild, Albert Union Grain & Elev. Co. Rourke, W. A 316 So. 15th St. Rubel, E. S Rubel Furniture Co. Rushton. J. H The Fairmont Creamery Co. Rusmisel, L. C High School of Commerce Russell, C. W M. E. Smith & Co. Russell, J. A First Natl. Bk. Bldg. Ruth, John B 4830 California St. Rutherford, F. P C. R. I. & P. Ry. Ryan, C. C Swift & Co., So. Omaha Ryan, Geo. W Ryan Jewelry Co. Ryan, Harry E Ryan Jewelry Co. Sachs, Adolph, Dr 604 City Natl. Bk. Bldg. Sachs, G. A Sachs & Callanan Salerno, Sebastian 1004 Howard St. Sampson, A. J Wells Fargo Co. Sanborn, F. E Standard Stock Food Co. Sandell, G. A Omaha Wood Wk. Co. Saunders, C. L 211 So. 18th St. Saunders, Sherman 740 Brandeis Bldg. Savage, L. M 2517 So. 32nd Ave. Scannell, B. J Paxton Real Estate Co. Schalek, Alfred, Dr 518 Brandeis Thea. Bldg. Schall. W. A 937 Omaha Nat’l. Bk. Bldg. Schantz, Albert L State Bank of Omaha Scheibel, L. W Nebraska Natl. Bk. Schellberg, W. H. ...Union Stk. Yds., So. Omaha Schindel, C. M., Dr 2401 N St., So. Omaha Schindele, Geo. W Nonpareil Laundry Co. Schmoller, Wm. H Schmoller & Mueller Schnell, Geo. H Barkalow Bros. Schwager, Chas. F. . . .Alamito Sanitary Dairy Co. Schwartz, Geo I. A. Medlar Co. Schweitzer. S. E Electric Light & Power Co. Scott, A. C Scott-Rawitzer Mfg. Co. Scott, Edg. H 637 Omaha Nat’l Bank Bldg. Scott, H. A Scott & Hill Scott, R. M 411 South 16th St. Seaberg, G Western Rock Island Plow Co. Seabury. Geo. A Johnston Electric Co. Searle, S. A 548 Omaha Natl. Bk. Bldg. Sears, C. W 453 Omaha Natl. Bk. Bldg. Sears, N. C Doane-Sears Co. Sears, W. G Court House Selby, W. L 43 6 Board of Trade Bldg. Sels, Edw. C. . . .Howard Stove Wks., Ralston, Neb. Sevick, Charles H Acme Box Co. Shackleford, C. B 301 First Nat. Bk. Shaffer, C. R Prest-O-Lite Co. Shanahan, T. J Packers Nat. Bk., So. Omaha Sharp Harry Omaha Transfer Co. Sharp, Jack Omaha Transfer Co. Sharp, Col. J. C.. Union Stock Yds. Co., So. Omaha Shearer, W. L., Dr 619-23 City Natl. Bk. Bldg. Shedd, H. G Shedd Investment Co. Shepard, W. E Nebraska Natl. Bk. Sherman, Chas. R Sherman & McConnell Sherraden, W. H., Dr 412 McCague Bldg. Sherwood, B. D Walrath & Sherwood Lbr. Co. Sherwood, W. W 1511 Howard St. Shimer, C. C American Security Co. Shireman, J. V M. E. Smith & Co. Shirley, M Phelan & Shirley Sholes, D. V D. V. Sholes Co. Sholes, Lyman C. St. P. M. & O. Ry. 28 Commercial Club of Omaha Shreck, R. E Updike Milling Co. Sibbernsen, 1 920 City Natl. Bk. Bldg. Sieg, Morton 1108-1110 Howard St. Siford, J. O Thos. Cusack Co. Silver, Walter G City Trust & Safe Dep. Co. Simones, Louis A Omaha Casket Co. Skinner, C. N Ralston State Bank Skinner, Paul F Skinner Mfg. Co. Slabaugh, W. W 945 Omaha Natl. Bk. Bldg. Slater, E. M Payne & Slater Co. Slavin, Geo. F The Omaha Daily News Smetana, Louis W 503 McCague Bldg. Smith. A. C M. E. Smith & Co. Smith, A. F A. F. Smith Co. Smith, A. M Smith-Lockwood Mfg. Co. Smith, B. H Williams & Smith Smith, Clayton Smith Clothing Co Smith, C. Y 206 W. O. W. Bldg. Smith, D. K 1407 W. O. W. Bldg. Smith, Ed. P Smyth, Smith & Schall Smith, Floyd M M. E. Smith & Co. Smith, George M Standard Oil Co. Smith, Guy L 2205 Farnam St. Smith, J. F 24th & Woolworth Sts. Smith, J. L Armour & Co., So. Omaha Smith, Maurice T McCord-Brady Co. Smith, O. M Updike Grain Co. Smith, Robert Court House Smith, Sidney W McGilton, Gaines & Smith Smith, T. H T. H. Smith Co. Smith, W. A. . . . . .Omaha & Co. Bluffs St. Ry. Co. Smith, Waldo A . . . . Lee-Glass-Andreesen Hdw. Co. Smith, W. Boyd Bradford-Kennedy Co. Smith, W. Farnam 1320 Farnam St. Snowden, E. P Nebraska Blau-Gas Co. Snowden, E. W Nebraska Blau-Gas Co. Somers, A. B., Dr Somers & Towne Southard, R. J. .Nye Schneider Fowler Grain Co. Spalding, L. D 1614 Farnam St. Spalding, S. K., Dr 16th & Dodge St. Spiesberger, N. A M. Spiesberger & Son Co. Sprague, E. H Omaha Rubber Co. Squier, Waite H 600 Brandeis Bldg. Standish, Myles First Nat. Bk. Steel, H. O Union Central Life Ins. Co. Steel, John 312 Ramge Bldg. Stem, George L New England Bakery Stephenson, Roy Payne Investment Co. Sterricker, E. E St. James Hotel Stevens, T. E 210 So. 34th St. Stewart, J. T., 2nd . . . . Stewart-Toozer Motor Co. Stewart, R. A David Cole Creamery Co. Stewart, Wm. B., Jr Oliver Typewriter Co. Stokes. A. C., Dr 503 Brandeis Bldg. Stoll, E. J N. Y. C. & St. L. Ry. Stolspart, Everett Erie Despatch Stoltenberg, Henry N H. J. Hughes Co. Stone, W. A W. G. Colling Co. Stonecypher, A. L 1201 Howard St. Storz, Adolph Storz Brew. Co. Storz, Arthur C. ...Arthur Storz Auto Supply Co. Storz, G Storz Brew. Co. Stout, John F Stout & Rose Strehlow, R. C Strehlow Apt«. Streight, H. G 10th & Howard Sts. Stroud, T. F 5100 Florence Blvd. Stroup, F. A Payne Investment Co. Stryker. A. F 212 Ex. Bldg., So. Omaha Stuht, Clinton B 921 City Nat’l Bk. Bldg. Stull, Wm Stull Bros. Sturgess,T. F ..Twentieth Century Farmer Sturtevant, C. D 733 Brandeis Bldg. Sturtevant, F. L Lininger Implement Co. Sullivan, J. J Sullivan & Ra.it Summers, J. E., Dr 618 Brandeis Thea. Bldg. Sumner, Geo. W....The Fairmont Creamery Co. Sumney, H. C„ Dr 1011 W. O. W. Bldg. Sunderland, E. M Sunderland Bros. Co. Sunderland, J. A Sunderland Bros. Co. Susmann, Henry S Meinrath Brokerage Co. Sutton, A. L Court House Swanson, C. A The Jerpe Commission Co. Swanson, John A 4025 Izard St. Swanson, N. P 1623 Cuming St. Swanson, Sidney Calumet Restaurant Swartz, M. T 714 So. 15th St. Sweeny, J. V 212 No. 15th St. Swenson, H. F Swenson Bros. Co. Commercial Club of Omaha 29 Swift, S. S C. W. Hull Co. Swingley, G. C Lawrence Shot & Lead Wks. Switzler, Warren Switzler & Goss Swobe, Edwin T. .National Fidelity & Casualty Co. Sykes, Chas. L Omaha Hotel Supply Co. Symes, H. J 313 So. 16th St. Tagg, W. B Tagg Bros., So. Omaha Taggart, A. A Iten Biscuit Co. Taggart, F. J Hotel Loyal Talmage, C. O Columbia Fire Underwriters Tarry. Edw. R., Dr 224 Bee Bldg. Tate, Luther H Corn Exchange Natl. Bk. Tate, R. J Tate Land Co. Taylor, Cadet 201 Federal Bldg. Taylor, Frank Taylor Grain Co. Taylor, W. H Omaha Gas Co. Terrell, C. E R. G. Dun & Co. Tholl, Theo. B Maney Milling Co. Thomas, B. F 3225 Poppleton Ave. Thomas, J. W 3820 Harney St. Thomas, W. H State Bank Bldg. Thompson, A. P. . . Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co. Thompson, Harold A. ... Thompson, Belden & Co. Thompson, Henry A. ... Thompson, Belden & Co. Thompson, Zane. . . . The Western Trader Thorson, Nelson T Omaha Posten Pub. Co. Thummel, Geo. H Federal Bldg. Timms, A. L Lee-Glass-Andreesen Hdw. Co. Titterington, F. W .... Guarantee Fund Life Assn. Toozer Geo. E Stewart-Toozer Motor Co. Towl, R. N Towl Engineering Co. Towle, John W. ...Omaha Structural Steel Wks. Towle, Ross B D. J. O’Brien Co. Townsend, H. C Townsend Gun Co. Townsend, W. D Townsend Gun Co. Tracy, Thomas H Tracy Bros. Co. Travis, T. G Ralston Townsite Co. Trimble, C. G Trimble Brothers Trimble, Robt. S Trimble Brothers Troup, D. D Arthur Storz Auto Supply Co. Troxell, C. C 1618 Emmet St. Truax, N. E Truax Laundry Tubbs, F. L Alamo Engine & Supply Co. Tukey, A. P A. P. Tukey & Son Tukey, H. A A. P. Tukey & Son Tunnicliff, Geo. D George & Co. Turner, Chas, W., Jr Nye & Turner Co. Tuthill, J. A 1512 Douglas St. Twamley, E. C Twamley & Son Tyler, Herbert S C. B. & Q. R. R. Co. Ullman, A. H Rubel Furniture Co'. Umsted, W. W Western Union Tele. Co. Updegraff, E. J., Dr 454 Brandeis Bldg. Updike, Edw Updike Grain Co. Updike, N. B Updike Grain Co. Upham, L. D 1317 City Natl. Bk. Bldg. Ure, Wm. G Court House Utendorfer, J. D City National Bk. Utterback, L. P .Byrne & Hammer D. G. Co. Van Husen, F. A., Jr. .Laemmle Film Service Co. Van Tuyl, I. R Western Demurrage Bureau Vaughn, C. R 537 State Bk. Bldg. Vernor, W. F Benson, Neb. Vesy, C. E Travelers Ins. Co. Vierling, A. J Paxton & Vierling Iron Wks. Vierling, F. R Paxton &. Vierling Iron Wks. Vierling, Ray W. ...Omaha Safe & Iron Works Vincent, C Beal-Vincent Grain Co. Vinsonhaler, D. M 302 First Natl. Bk. Bldg. Wachob, J. T Omaha Natl. Bk. Wagar, C. E Mo. Pac. Ry. Waggener, H. A., Dr 422 Brandeis Bldg. Wagner, A. C 1119 City Nat’l. Bk. Bldg. Wagner, C. A 1215 Leavenworth St. Wagner, Ray C Bankers Reserve Life Wahl, H. A 1517 Douglas St. Wakeley, A. C 519 Omaha Natl. Bk. Bldg. Wakeley, L. W C. B. & O. R. R. Co. Walker, C. T 1520 Farnam St. Walker, W. H., Dr 401 Barker Blk. Walker, W. I Co. Bluffs, Iowa Wallace, G. G 311 Brown Blk. Wallace, R. B Payne Investment Co. Wallwey, F. W National Printing Co. Walrath, C. H Walrath-Sherwood Lbr. Co. Walshe, J. M W. O. W. Bldg. Walters, F C. & N. W. Ry. Ward, E. H Midland Glass & Paint Co. 30 Commercial Club of Omaha Ward, F. C Darlow Advertising Co. Ware, Chas Union Pacific R. R. Co. Warren, A. B McCord-Brady Co. Watkins, J. B 2511 O St., So. Omaha Watson, W. R World-Herald Wattles, G. W United States Natl. Bk. Wead, F. D 1801 Farnam St. Wearne, F. J., Dr 501 Paxton Blk. Weatherly, E. S 562 Brandeis Bldg. Weber, W. F Independent Realty Co. Webster, John L 837 Omaha Natl. Bk. Bldg. Webster, John R City Natl. Bk. Bldg. Weekes, W. B Weekes Grain Co. Weirich, T. H T. H. Weirich Fix. Co. Weir, D. H 45th & Cumings Sts. Welch, J. W The Quickserve Cafeteria Weller, C. F Richardson Drug Co. Weller, H. S Richardson Drug Co. Weller, R. B Weller Bros. Wells, Arthur R C. B. & Q. R. R. Co. Wells, P. A 640 Paxton Blk. Welpton, D. B 1 Arlington Blk. Welsh, S. J 1113 City Natl. Bk. Bldg. Wernher, Paul Cartan & Jeffrey Co. West, Geo. F 802 So. 14th St. Westbrook, E. S Trans-Mississippi Grain Co. Westerfield, E. H 845 Omaha Natl. Bk. Bldg. Weymuller, Chas. F Storz Brew. Co. Wharton, Glenn C Omaha Lumber & Coal Co. Wharton, John C Post Office Wheeler, W. H Arlington Blk. Whipperman, Frank .Omaha Concrete & Stone Co. White, J. S ....Cady Lumber Co. White, Victor Havens White Coal Co. White, W. H Omaha Paint & Glass Co. Whitehorn, Wm. B Omaha E. L. & Power Co. Whitehouse, H. B National Cash Reg. Co. Whitmore, A. P The Sheridan Coal Co. Whitmore, H. P 1517 Dodge St. Whittaker, W 816 Brandeis Theatre Bldg. Wilbur, J. E Nebraska Blau-Gas Co. Wilcox, B. A Omaha Natl. Bk? Wilcox, R. S Bowning, King & Co. Wilhelm, C. M.... Orchard & Wilhelm Carpet Co. Wilhelm, F. E Cudahy Pkg. Co., So. Omaha Wilhelmy, J. F Wright & Wilhelmy Co. Williams, A. S Paxton & Gallagher Co. Williams, E. C Williams-Murphy Co. Williams, Hugh W 23rd and Hickory Sts. Williams, L. A Brandeis Bldg. Williams, W. D 810 Brandeis Thea. Bldg. Williamson, A. H American Radiator Co. Willis, Lloyd D Wead Bldg. Wilson, Carl C 604 Bee Bldg. Wilson, E. H. . . . MacCarthy-Wilson Tailoring Co. Wilson, E. R E. R. Wilson Automobile Co. Wilson, G. T Browning, King & Co. Wilson, O. G 724 Brandeis Thea. Bldg. Wilson W. T 2559 Farnam St. Windheim, H. G Nebraska Seed Co. Wise, Edward E Wilke & Mitchell Wolf, Harry A 432 Brandeis Bldg. Wolf, J. G Postal Tele. Cable Co. Wolfe, R. U 928 City Nat’l Bank Bldg. Wood, Elmer H U. P. R. R. Wood, J. S The Bradstreet Co. Wood, Walter E Wood Bros., So. Omaha Wood, Will H. . . .Union Stock Yards, So. Omaha Wood, W. Righter. . Arwood, West Leavenworth St. Wood, W. R Peoples Ice & Cold Storage Co. Woodard, Jas. I Post Office Woodland, Frank H..1052 Omaha Natl. Bk. Bldg. Woodrough, J. W 1429 City Natl. Bk. Bldg. Woodworth, C. D C. D. Woodworth & Co. Woolverton, C. P. ...Omaha Alfalfa Milling Co. Worthman, T. J American Express Co. Wright, Carroll H 742 Omaha Natl. Bk. Bldg. Wright, Chas. H Nebraska-Iowa Grain Co. Wright, Geo. T Paxton & Gallagher Co. Wright, J. H., Jr Nebraska-Iowa Grain Co. Wright, W. S Wright & Wilhelmy Co. Wroth, L. C 1612 Farnam St. Wyman, Henry F 506 Brown Blk. Yaeger, Wm. W. .Curo Mineral Springs, So. Omaha Yates, E. T Omaha Wholesale Drug Co. Yates, Gwyer H United States Natl. Bk. Yates, H W Nebraska Natl. Bk. Yates, H W., Jr Nebraska Natl. Bk. Commercial Club of Omaha 31 Yates, Jno. T W. O. W. Yetter, Will L W. L. Yetter & Co. Yonson, W. A B. L. Baldwin & Co. York, G. W 903 So. 13th St. Yost, C. E Nebraska Tele. Co. Young - , Conrad H 322 Brandeis Thea. Bldg. Young, G. A., Dr 424 Brandeis Thea. Bldg. Young. Raymond G....624 Omaha Natl. Bk. Bldg. Young, R. L 1008 Howard St. Zeiler, F. E Loose-Wiles Biscuit Co. Ziegler, Isidor 409 Ware Blk. Zimman, I. B Omaha E. L. & P. Co. Zimmerman. E. E New York Life Ins. Co. Zimmerman. G. T First Natl. Bk. Zitzman, Wm A. Hospe Co. NON-RESIDENT MEMBERS Aldrich, Geo. E Ankeny, B. F Belcher, W. E Bissell. Geo. P Brower, M. H Bucklin, W. A Carlsen, C. C Carroll, T. L Chamberlin, W Clarke, Henry T., Jr. Clarke, I. D Cobb, John P Colson, Paul Cornell, C. H Dworak, E. J Emerson. Wm Engler, O. E Eyre, John D Faddis, R. M Fitzgerald, J. E Flannigan, John M. . Fraser, W. A Fried, Wm Gallagher, E. F Garrett, E. O Girardet, S. F Gould. E. D Gray, G. H Gruenig, Chas. F. . . Gurney E. R Guthmann, H. A. Hainer, E. J Hall, Frank L Hammond, Roy W. . Hasson, A. J High, B. Y Hopewell, H. M. ... Hord, Heber Hungerford, Arah L. Jones, H. B Krotter. Wm Lindquist, Elmer L. Lumry, W. R McBride, Willis McGiverin, F Marr, C. D Martin, C. S Muldoon, Albert Norgrove, R. S Nye, Raj Parsons, Frank H. . . Patterson, John W. Pease, A. U Peters, H. A Plunkett, Sir Horace Rising, S. R Robinson, J. C Schlichting, H. B. Seymour, George N. Spanogle, Mark Stevens, J. B. . Stickel, W. L. . Taylor, Robt. . Thompson, F. S. Tollefsen, Emil Fairmont, Neb. Mumford Neb. Kansas City, Mo. Central City, Neb. Cozad, Neb. Long Pine, Neb. Loup City, Neb. Gothenburg, Neb. Clarks, Neb. Lincoln, Neb. Papillion, Neb. Elmwood, Neb. Fremont, Neb. Valentine, Neb. David City, Neb. Fremont, Neb. Plainview, Neb. Minneapolis, Minn. Rivard Hotel, Omaha, Neb. Kansas City, Mo. Stuart, Neb. Dallas, Tex. Fremont, Neb. O’Neill, Neb. Fremont, Neb. Weeping Water, Neb. Kearney, Neb. Central City, Neb. Mullen, Neb. Fremont, Neb. Murdock, Neb. Lincoln, Neb. Crawford, Neb. Fremont, Neb. Dodge, ' Neb. Bloomfield, Neb. Tekamah, Neb. Central City, Neb. Crawford, Neb. Wayne, Neb. Stuart, Neb. Waterloo, Neb. Waterloo, la. Elgin, Neb. Fremont, Neb. Fremont, Neb. ........ .Broken Bow, Neb. North Platte, Neb. Kansas City, Mo. Fremont, Neb. N. Y. City, N. Y. Kearney, Neb. Fairbury, Neb. Hay Springs, Neb. Dublin, Ireland Ainsworth, Neb. Waterloo, Neb. Central City, So. Dak. Elgin, Neb. Bridgeport, Neb. Chicago, 111. Kearney, Neb. Abbott, Neb. Albion, Neb. Kearney, Neb. 32 Commercial Club of Omaha Townsend, E. Hoy . Troxell, W. W Volpp, Fred Watermann, Wm. . Watson, H. D Weekly, W. E Wei p ton, J. W Westrand, W. F. . . Wiggenhorn, H. A. . Williamson, Geo. E. AVhitmore, J. D. ... Wolz, Geo. F Woods, Frank H. . . Woodward, John G. O’Neill, Neb. Bancroft, Neb. . . . . Scribner, Neb. Hay Springs, Neb. Kearney, Neb. Valley, Neb. Ogalalla, Neb. . . . .Wakefield, Neb. Ashland, Neb. Co. Bluffs, la. Grand Island, Neb. Fremont, Neb. Lincoln, Neb. Co. Bluffs, la. HONORARY MEMBERS Alfonte, Lieut. Wm. A Fort Omaha Allaire, Lt. Colonel Wm. H Ft. Crook Atkinson, Maj. B. W Ft. Crook Bagshaw, Rev. Thomas A. ...Meth. Epis. Church Baltzley, Rev. O. D. . . .Kountze Memorial Church Baxter, Lieut. Col. Jno. E Omaha, Neb. Blain, Lieut. Wilber A Ft. Omaha Bowman, 1st Lieut. E. N Ft. Crook Bubb, 1st Lieut. J. P Ft. Crook Burkett, Hon. E. J Lincoln, Neb. Butler, Capt. L. P Ft. Crook Buttler, Colonel Wm. C Ft. Crook Chenoweth, Chaplain John F Ft. Crook Clarke, Lieut. Howard Ft. Crook Cohn, Dr. Frederick 1302 So. 29th Ave. Collar, Rev. T. J 1404 Emmet St. Cowan, 1st Lieut. J. K Ft. Crook Curry, Rev. E. R 2626 Seward St. Dale, Maj. F. A Ft. Crook Davis, 1st Lieut. A. J Ft. Crook Dawson, Rev. C. N Dietz Memorial Church Ebersole, Rev. J. Scott. .Immanuel Bap. Church Evans, Major F. t) 509 New Hamilton Farnham, 1st Lieut. C. H Ft. Crook Fisk, Lt. O. C Ft. Crook Fleming, Rev. Chas 2706 Pinkney French, Major C. G Ft. Crook Fulton, 1st Lieut. W. S Ft. Crook Gregg, Lieut. Harry W Ft. Omaha Griffith, 2nd Lieut. C. T Ft. Crook Haas, Rev. J. Franklin 2515 Ames Ave. Haggard, Sergt. Maj. J. E Ft. Omaha Hall, Capt. J. DeCamp Ft. Crook Harmon, Dr. D. A First Christian Church Hartmann, Major C. F Ft. Omaha Herron, Rev. Chas 21st and Emmet Sts. Higbee, Rev. M. V 2011 Maple St. Hislop, Rev. Edward 2212 Miami St. Hornbrook, Capt. J. J The Merriam Houseman, Rev. Ralph H 1115 So. 30th Ave. Howell, Capt. Willey Ft. Crook Jenkins, Rev. Dan’l E 1921 Binney St. Jenkins, Rev. J. A 922 So. 33rd St. Jenks, Rev. Edwin H 410 N. 22nd St. Kelley 1st Lieut. R. H Ft. Crook Larsht ough, Lt. W. W Federal Bldg. Leavitt, Rev. Fred W. .Phymouth Cong’l Church Lillifors, Rev. M Unitarian Church McCarthy, Rev. J. F St. Peters Church McCaskill, Rev.Chas. Wallace . 2818 Woolworth Av. McConnell, Rev. T. H 2969 Poppleton Ave. Mackey, Rev. Thos. J 506 So. 26th St. Magruder, Bruce A. D. C. Dept, of Missouri Martin, Capt. C. A Ft. Crook Martin, Euclid Los Angeles, Cal. Muncaster, 2nd Lieut. J. H Ft. Crook Nesbit, Capt. Wm.. F Ft. Crook Nuttman, Capt. L. M Ft. Crook Parisoe, Rev. J. A Minden, Nebraska Rifenberick, Capt. R. P....13th and Douglas Sts. Rubottom, Capt. Holland Ft. Omaha Savidge, Rev. Chas. W 332 Brandeis Bldg. Schwarz, Rev. Julius F. First German Prs. Church Scott, 1st Lieut. John Ft. Crook Selbie, 2nd Lieut, W. E Ft. Crook Commercial Club of Omaha 33 Smith, Brigadier General F. A Dept, of the Missouri, Omaha Smith, Lieut. R. D Dept, of the Missouri, Omaha Southworth, Rev. M. G. S. .9th and Dorcas Sts. Stritzinger, Capt. F. G Quartermasters Depot, Omaha Swihart, Rev. C. H 1328 So. 26th St. Switzer, Capt. J. S Ft. Crook Swobe, Lt. Col. Thomas .... Apt. 5, Old Hamilton Tancock, Dean J. A Trinity Cathedral Trindei, Lt. John H Ft. Omaha Truesdell, Lt. Karl Ft. Omaha Utt, J. E C. R. I. & P. Ry. Van Duyne, Capt. F. W Ft. Crook Whiting, G. W. C„ 2nd Lieut Ft. Crook Wilhelm, Lieut. G. P Ft. Crook Williams, Rt. Rev. A. L 315 So. 31st St. Williams, Rev. M. B First M. E. Church Wilson, Alexander, 2nd Lieut Ft. Crook UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBAN A 3B1 C736A C001 1913 Articles of incorporation by-laws and me 3 0112 105648445 y