Catalogue of Books BELONGING TO THE St. Gbarles Public School ST. CHARLES, ILLINOIS. Bipiimn i. ioo*. liiiJsi ''■■ ■■•■•' '% ■ ' ; '.*■ . t V- ■ Catalogue of Books \ BELONGING TO THE St. Gharles Public School. ST. CHARLES, ILLINOIS. SEPTEMBER 1, 1002. St. Charles Chronicle Print. I I cool«'d<2€. 0 2.1 School Board and Teachers. 3 & Board of Education. r=- - C. H. HAINES, President. E. F. GOODELL, Secretary. MRS. ELLEN F. RICHMOND. FRANK ROCKWELL. .T. B. T. WHEELER. E. A. BROWNELL. E. T. CASSIDY. Teachers, C. E. MANN, . MARTHA POND. . FAITH McAULEY, libbie McCarthy, . ELIZABETH ROCHE, . KATHLEEN HARVEY, GRACE CAULKINS, . JENNIE GURNEA, HATTIE BROWNELL, JESSIE WHEELER, KATHERINE McNEVIN, EMMA D. LANE, . ALTA STUART, ELIZABETH SPRECHER, AUGUSTA HASELTINE, MAUDE LaMUNION, . ANNA I. BARRETT, . Superintendent. Principal of the High School. Teacher of Science. Eighth Grade. Seventh Grade. Sixth Grade, High School Building. Fifth and Sixth Grades, East Side. Fifth Grade, West Side. Fourth Grade, East Side. Fourth Grade, West Side. Third Grade, East Side. Third Grade, West Side. Second Grade, East Side. Second Grade, West Side. First Grade, East Side. First Grade A Division, West Side. First Grade, B Division, West Side- 12500 Books for Reference. 5 REFERENCE BOOKS. Johnson’s Encyclopedia, 8 vols, Appleton’s Encyclopedia of iVmerican Biography, 6 vols. An Etymological Dictionary of the English Language.-- Skeat. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 25 vols. Standard Dictionary, 2 vols. Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary, 4 copies. Harper’s Classical Dictionary. Roget’s Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases. Dictionary of the Noted Names of Fiction.— Wheeler. Comprehensive History of Biography. Robert’s Rules of Older. Modern Punctuation.— Dickson. Lippincott’s Pronouncing Gazetteer. Young Folk’s Cyclopaedia. Cram’s Atlas of the World, Ancient and Modern. Oram’s Atlas of the World, Modern, 3 copies. The Student's Cyclopedia, 2 vols. (Two sets ) Young Folks’ Cyclopedia of Common Things.— Champlin. Young Folks’ Cyclopedia of Persons and Places.— Champlin. Young Folks’ Encyclopedia. 6 St. Charles Public School Library. Works of Literature. 7 LITERATURE. 1. 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 . 9 . 10. 11 . 12 . 13 . 11. 15. 16 . 17 . 18 . 19 . 20 . 21 22. 23 24 . 26 . 27 . 18 . lie Literature of All Nations, Vol. 1 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7. 8. 9 . 10 . Introduction to English Literature — Painter . Introduction to American Literature.— Painter. American Literature.— Richardson. The Evangeline Book — Muhlig. Two Gentlemen of Kentucky.— Allen. The Captured Dream — Thanet. The Story of the Oilier Wisi Man. - VanDyke. The Woman’s Excharge.— Stuart. Good for the Soul.— Deland. Counsel Upon the Reading of Books. A nericanisms and Bri icisms. — Matthews. The Story of the Alphabet,— Clodd. Children’s Stories in Eng’ish Literature — Wright. Tennyson.— Siopfcrd A. Brooke. Words and Their Uses.— White. In the Child’s World — Poulsson Children’s Rights,— Wiggin. 8 St. Charles Public School Library. General Literature. 9 LITERATURE. — For General Reading. 29. The Patriot Schoolmaster.— Butter worths SO. The Log School House on the Columbia.— Butterworth. £1. The Knight of Liberty.— Butterworth. 32. Gulliver.— Swift. 33. Duplicate. 24. Winifred West.— Charming. . 35. A Year in a Yawl.— Doubleday, 36. Diary of a Goose Girl — Wiggin, 37 . Love Songs of Childhood.— Field 38. Treasure Island,— Stevenson. 39. Tom Brown’s School Days.— Hughes, 40. Pere Goriof.— Balzac. II . Micah Clark. -Doyle. 42. The Master of Ballanfrae.— Stevenson. -13. The Evolution of Dodd —Smith. 44. Lorna Doone — Blackmore. 45. Duplicate. 46. Ramola.— Eliot. 47. The House of the Wolf.— Weyman. 48. Last Days of Pompeii.— Lytton. 49. “ “ “ “ “ Duplicate. 50. Han of Iceland.— Hugo. 51. Pickwick Papers — Dickens. 52. David Copperfield.— Dickens, 53. The Last of the Mohicans .—Cooper. 54. The White Company.— Doyle. 55. Dombey & Son. — Dickens. 56. Baron Munchausen.— Raspe. 57. David Copperfield —Dickens. 58. Quentin Durward,— Dickens. 59. Shorter Stories.— Dickens. 60. Christmas Stories.— Dickens. 61 The Romance of Dollard.— Catherwood. 62. The Story of the German Iliad.— Burt. ro St. Charles Public School Library. 63. Fritjof Nansen.— Bain. 64. The Eugene Field Book. — Burt and Cable. 65. Hyperion.— Longfellow. 66. Id ill on the Floss. Vod 1. 67. “ “ “ “ - 2. 68. Adam Bede.— Eliot. 69. The Autocrat of the Breakfast Table. — Holmes. 70. Caere — DcAmicis. 71. Sir Jefferson Nobody.— Men iman. 72. Facing the Enemy.— Headley. 73. Donovan. — Lyali 74. Uncle Remus.— Harris. 75. Red Pottage — Chalmondeley. 76. David Harum.— Westcott. 77. TheSeatsof the Mighty.— Parker. 73. Eben Holden. — Bacheller. 79. To Have and to Hold. — Johnston. 80. When Knighthood Was in Flower.— Caskoden, 81. Black Beauty.— Sewell. 82. Hans Frinker, or the Silver Skates.— Dodge. 83. “ “ “ “ “ '* “ Duplicate. 84. The R ingers.— Thompson. 85. The Prince and the Pauper.— Mark Twain. 86. The Water Babies.— Kingsley . 87. “ ** “ “ Duplicate. 88. Emerson’s Essays. 89. The Hoosier School-Boy. — Eggleston. 90. On the Heights.— Auerbach . 91. Undine!— Fouque. 92. Opening a Chestnut Bur.— Roe 93. Treasure Island.— Stevenson. 94. Tales from Shakespeare.— Lamb. 95. A Dog of Flanders.— Ouida. 96. Stones of Venice.— Ruskin. 97. Longfellow’s Poems. Vol. 1. 98. “ “ kk 2. 99. Whittier’s Poems, Vol. 1. 100. “ kk “ 2. General Literature ii 101. Emerson’s Essays, Vol. 1 102 . «• “ " 2 . 103. B aeon’s Essays. 104. Brook’s Addresses, 105. Scarlet Letter.— Hawthorne. 106. Story of an African Farm. — Skreiner. 107. Little Loo.— Bussell . 108. Selections from the Sketch Book.— Irving. 109. Burroughs, Warner. — Thoreau. 110. Barriers Burned Away.— Roe. 111. The Howells’ Story Book — Burt and Howells. 112. The Boy Sett’ers.— Brooks. 113. The Black Wolf’s Breed.— Dickson, 114. Docas, the Indian Boy.— Snedder. 115. Tommy and Grizel. — Barrie. 116. Talesof an O’d Chateau.— Bouvet 117. The Prairie Schooner.— Barton. 118. Agnes Surriage.— Bynner, 119. Twilight Stories,— Foulke, 120. Melody.— Richards. 121 . Herakles —Burt 122. Little Jarvis.— Seawell. 123. The Sandhill Stag.— Seton-Thompson, 1U. Walled In. — Stoddard 125. Off Santiago with Sampson. — Otis. 126. The Reign of Law. — Allen. 127. The Voice of the People —Glasgow. 128. A Friend of Caesar.— Davis. 129. Mosieur Beaucaire.— Tarkington, 13'. Robinson Crusoe.— DeFoe. 111. The Play-Day Book. — Fanny Fern. 132. The Three Rule.— Boyd. 133. John Halifax.— Craik. 134. “ 41 Duplicate. 135. Vic— Marsh. 136. Rab and His Friends.— Brown. 137. The Miner Boy.— Headley . I>8. Lena Rivers. — Holmes. St. Charles Public School Library. 12 139. The Dog Crusoe.— Ballantyne. 140. The Biography of a Grizzly .— Seton-Thompson 141. The Gentleman from Indiana. — Tarkington. 142. Ramona.— Jackson. 143. Philip Nolan’s Friends. — Hale. 144. Arthur Boneicastle.— Holland. 145. Two Little Pilgrims’ Progress — Burnett . 146. Astoria.— Irving. 147 . Janice Meredith .—Ford . 148. The Crisis.— Churchill. 149. Cattle Ranch to College,— Doubleday , 150. Story of a Short Life. — Ewing. 151. Heroes and Hero Worship.— Carlyle 152. The Young Supercargo.— Drysdale. 153. Thadeus of Warsaw.— Porter. 154. The Birds’ Christmas Carol.— Wiggins. 155. Coleridge’s Poems. 156. Campbell’s Poems. 157. Shelley’s Poems. 158. Pope’s Poems. 159. Cowper’s Poems. 160. Keats’ Poems. 161. Milton’s Poems. 162. Scott’s Poems. 163. Robert Southey’s Poems. 164. The Story of a Child. —Loti 165. The Scottish Chiefs.— Porter 166. Utopia.— More. 167. Remember the Alamo.— Barr . 168. The Story of Patsy.— Wiggin. 169. The White Islander.— Catherwood . 170. Jane Eyre.— Bronte. 171. Through Cities and Prairie Lands.— Hardy. 172. The Deemster.— Caine. 173. The Curse of Malvern.— Edmister 174. That Lass O’ Lowrie’s.— Burnett. 175. The Jungle Book.— Kipling. 176. The Green Mountain Boys.— Thompson . General Literature. 13 177. Rasselas.— Johnson . 178. Alice in Wonderland .—Carroll . 179. Beside the Bonnie Brier Bush.— Watson. 180. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.— Stevenson. 181. The Boys of Old Monmouth.— Tomlinson 182. Jan Vedder’s Wife. — Barr. 183. Deerslayer.— Cooper. 184. The Spy.— Cooper. 185. “ “ “ Duplicate. 186. The Count of Monte Cristo.— Dumas. 187. Child’s History of England— Dickens. 188. Gorilla Hunters.— Ballantyne. 189. Sonny .—Stuart. 190. Little Lord Fauntleroy.— Burnett 191. Santa Claus on a Lark.— Gladden 192. Santa Claus’ Partner.— Page 193. The Swamp Fox.— Otis. 194. Handy Andy. — Lover. 195. Quo Vadis.— Sienkeiwicz. 196. Vanity Fair.— Thackeray . 197. Seven Oaks.— Holland. 198. Lady Jane.— Jamison . 199. By Pike and Dyke.— Henty. 200. The Young Carthaginian.— Henty. 201. Under Drake’s Flag.— Henty . 202. The Lion of the North.— Henty . 203. The Dragon and the Raven.— Henty 204. With Clive in India.— Henty . 205. The Cat of Bubastes. —Henty. 206. By Right of Conquest.— Henty . 207. For the Temple.— Henty . 208. Wild Animals I Have Known .— Seton-Thompson 209. My Summer in a Garden.— Warner. 210. Les Miserables.— Victor Hugo. Vol. 1. 211. “ “ “ “ “ 2. 212. Via Crusis.— Crawford. 213. Widow O’Callaghan’s Boys. — Zollinger. 14 St. Charles Public School Library. General Literature. 15 i6 St. Charles Public School Library. GENERAL HISTORY. 214. Gibbon’s Rome. Vol. 1. 215. “ “ 2. 216. “ " “ 3. 217. .. 4 218. “ “ 5. 219. “ “ “ 6. 220. Grote’s History of Greece. Vol. 1. 221. “ “ “ “ “ 2. 222. “ “ 3. 223. “ 4. 224. The City of the Seven Hills.— Harding. 225. Greek Life and Story.— Church. 223. Anderson’s General History. 227. Alexander’s Empire.— Mahaffy. 2.8. Norman Conquest,— Freeman. 229. Landmark of Mediaeval History. — Yonge. 230. A Short History of Mediaeval Europe.— Thatcher. 231. History of the Middle Ages — Duruy. 232. The English Restoration and Louis XIV.— Airy. 233. The Puritan Revolution.— Gardiner. 234. The Crusades.— Cox. 235. The Beginning of the Middle Ages.— Church. 236. History in Schools.— Report of Committee of Seven. 237. Life of Greeks and Romans. — Guhl and Kroner. 233. Antiquity. 239. Middle Ages. 240. Renaissance and Reformation. 241. Warriors and Statesmen. 242. Great Women. 243. Modern European Statesmen. 244. Jewish Heroes and Prophets. 245. Old Pagan Civilizations. 243. The War in the East.— Schem. 247. Footprints of the World’s History.— Bryan. General History. *7 248. The Famous Men and Great Events of the Nineteenth Century 249. Ginn’s Classical Atlas. 250. Egypt.— Ebers. Yo). 1. 251. “ “ “ 2. 252. Egypt the Land of the Temple Builders. 253. Egypt and Babylon.— Rawlinson. 254. History of Egypt.— Clement. 255. Ten Great Events in History.— Johan not. 256. Stories of the Olden Time — Johannot. 257. Plutarch for Boys and Girls.— White. 258. Freeman’s Historical Course. 259. Meri vale’s General History of Rome. 260. Pictures from Roman Life and Story.— Church. 261. Great Cities of the Ancient World.— Buckley. 262. Decisive Battles of the World.— Creasy. 263. History of Modern Times.— Duruy. 264. Epochs of English History.— Creighton. 265. Short History of the English People.— Green. 266. Dickson’s Japan. 267. Prescott’s Peru. Yol. 1. 268. “ “ “ 2. 269. Prescott’s Mexico. Vol. 1. 270. “ “ “2. 271. Abbott’s Italy. 272. Wilberforce’s Spain. 273. Menzel’s Germany. Vol. 1. 274. “ “ “ 2. 275. “ “ - 3. 276. “ • 4. 277. Clark’s Turkey. 278. Boulger’s China. 279. Rambaud’s Russia. Vol. 1. 280. “ “ “ 2. 281. Guizot’s France. Vol. 1. 282. “ “ •• 2. 283. “ “ “ 3. 284. “ “ “ 4. 285. “ “ “ 5. i8 St. Charles Public School Library. 286. Guizot’s France. — Vol. 6. 287. *‘ “ “ 7. 288. “ “ “ 8. 289. Abbott’s Austria. 290. McCoan’s Egypt. 291. Green’s England. Vol. 1. 292. “ “ “2. 293. “ *' *• 3. 291. “ 4 4. 295. Stories of the Old World.— Cliuch. 296. Civilization During the Middle Ages.— Adams. 297. General History of Europe.— Thatcher and Schwill. 298. Holy Roman Empire.— Bryce. 299. Students’ History of England.— Gardiner. 300. History of the Reformation.— Fisher. 301. Political History of Europe.— Seignobos. 302. History of England.— Lamed. 303. History of Europe, Ancient, Mediaeval and Modern.— Adams. 304. Egypt. 305. Chaldea. General History. 19 20 St. Charles Public School Library. American Historv. 2 1 AMERICAN HISTORY. 306. 307. 303. 309. 310. 311. 312. 313. 314. 315. 316. 317. 318. 31P. 320. 321. 322. 323. 324. 325. 326. 327. 328. 329. 330. 331. 332. 333. 334. 335. 336. 337. 338. 339. 340. History of the United States.— Schouler. Vol. 1. “ “ “ “ “ ‘‘ 2 . “ 3. “ 4. “ 5 *• 6 . History of the People of ihe United States — McM> ster. Vol.] The Beginnings of New England.— Fiske. The Discovery of America —Fiske. Vol. 1 “ - “ “ “ “ 2 . Old Virginia and Her Neighbors —Fiske. Vol. 1 The Dutch and Quakers’ Colonies in America.— Fiske. Vol. 1. The Critical Period of American History —Fiske Duplicate. The Beginners of a Nation.— Eggleston. The Transit of Civilization,— Eggleston. The Old Regime in Canada.— Parkn. an. Frontenac and New France.— Parkman. Historical Pilgrimages in New England.— Bacon The War of Independence —Fiske Duplicate. “ “ Duplicate From Colony to Commonwealth.— Moore. Pilgrim and Puritan —Moore Captain Meriwether Lewis and Captain Wi'iiam Clark —Kingsley. Domestic History of the American Revolution —El let. George Washington .— Scudder. The Colonial Era.— Fisher. “ “ Duplicate 22 St. Charles Public School L,ibrar\ r . 341. The French War and the Revolution — Sloane. 312. “ “ “ " Duplicate. 313. The Making of the Nation.— Walker. 344. The Middle Period —Burgess. 345. The Civil War and the Constitution.— Burgess. Vol.l. 346. *' “ “ ** 4 ‘ 2. 347. Reconstruction and the Constitution.— Burgess. 348 History i f the United States.— Ridpath 344*. ‘ “ “ Duplicate. 35<\ Building the Nat ion.— Coffin . 351. History of the American Nation —McLaughlin . 352. History cf the United States.— Scudder. 353. History of the United States. Hawthorne. — Vol.l. 354. “ “ “ “ 2 . 355. “ “ “ 3. 356. A History < f t He Presidency.— Stan wood. 357. Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant Vol. 1. 358. “ *• “ 2. 3 9. A Birds eye View of the Civil War - Dodge. 360. The Mississippi Valley in the ( Hi! War.— Fiske. 361. Stories of the Civil War — Blaisdell. 362. Popular History of the Civil War.— Cheney. 363 Poll ird’s Lost ( 'ause. 354. The Colonics. Thwaite. 3C5. Formation of the Union.— Hart. 366. Division and Reunion.— W ilson. 3j 7. The End of an Era.— Wise. 358. The Confederate States of America.— Schwab. 369. The Westward Movement.— Winsor. 370. How Marcus Whitman Saved Oregon.— Nixon 371. The Naval History of the United States.— Abbot. 372. The Naval War of 1812.— Roosevelt. 375. The American Commonwealth.— Bryce. 373. Old Time in the Colonies.— Coffin. 374. Cuba and the Fight for Freedom.— Clark. 37". California and Oregon Trail.— Parkrr an. 376. Side Lights cn American History.— Elson. Vol. 1. 377. “ ‘ “ ■ " “ 2. American History. 23 378. The Rescue of Cuba.— Draper. 379. Colonial Days in Old New York.— Earle. 380. Customs and Fashions in Old New England.— Earle. 381. Economic and Industrial History. Thurston. 382. Tariff History of the United States. Taussig. 383. Industrial Evolution of the United States.— Wright. 384. “ “ “ Duplicate. 385 The Last Quarter Century in the United States.— Andrews. Vol. 1. 386. “ •* “ “ “ “ 2. 3S7. History of the United States. — Thomas. 3'8. Students' History of the United States.— Channing. 389. Guide to American History.— Hart. 390. American Explorers.— Higginson. 391. The Pilgrims in Their Three Homes.— Gri Ills. 392. Romance of American Colonization.— Griffis. 393. The Boy General.— Mrs. Custer. 391. Discovery of the Old Northwest.— Baldwin. 395. Settlement of the Old Northwest.— Baldwin. 396. Lee at Appomattox.— Adams. 397. Marco Polo.— Towle. 398. Stories of Our Country.— Johonnot. 24 St. Charles Public School Library. General History. 25 26 St. Charles Public School Library. BIOGRAPHY. 399. Captains of Industry.— Parton. Vol. 1. 400. “ 4 - “ “ 2. 401. American Writers.— Keysor. Yol. 1. 402. “ “ “ “ 2. 403. Famous European Artists. — Bolton. 404. Chevalier LaSalle.— Abbott. 405. Voyages and Adventures of Drake.— Towle. 406. Life of Crockett.— Ellis. 407. Daniel Boone.— Flint. 408. Life of Daniel Boone. Ellis 409. Life of Lady Jane Gray.— Bartlett. 410. Life of General Sherman —Howard. 411. Raphael.— Hurl. 412. Rembrandt.— Hurl. 413. Michael Angelo.— Hurl. 414. Millet.— Hurl. 415. Great Artists.— Keysor. Vol. 1. 416. “ - “ 2. 417. “ “ “ 3. 418. George Washington.— Abbott. 419 George Washington.— Irving and Fiske. 420. Old Salamander, Farragut.— Headley. 421. Napoleon and His Marshals — Abbott. 422. Benjamin Franklin.— Abbott. 423. Franklin’s Autobiography . 424. Life of Adams — Seward. 425. Life of Daniel Webster.— Tefft. 426. Life of Clay.— Sargent. 427. Heroes and Martyrs of Invention.— Towle. 428. 429. A Study of Hawthorne. 430. Story of Inventor’s - Maeomber. Duplicate. Biography. 27 2 8 St. Charles Public School Library. SCIENCE. PHYSIOLOGY. 431. Text Book of Physiology.— Schafer. 432. Blaisdell’s Physiology. 433. Overton’s Physiology. 434. Hutchenson’s Physiology. 435. A Healthy Body. — Stowell. Set of 25. 436. Martin’s Human Body. ZOOLOGY. 437. Lessons in Z xdogy.— Needham. 438 General Biology.— Sedgwick and Wilson. 439. Aunt Mary’s Bird Talks.— Poyntz. 440 Introduction to Fresh Water Algae.— Cooke. 441. The Doctrine of Evolution.— Fiske. 412. Romance of the Insect World — Badenock. 443. Studies of Animal Life.— Lucas. 444. Set of Laboratory Manuals— 15. 445. Three sets of Birds and All Nature -3 volumes each 446. The Life of the Bee.— Maeterlinck. 447. The Living World.— Buel. 448. Little Brothers of the Air.— Miller. 449. Little People of the Snow.— Miller. Science. 29 450. The Wild Animal Play.— Seton-Thompson. 451. Four Footed Americans.— Wright. CHEMISTRY. 452. An Elementary Experimental Chemistry.— Ekeley. 453. Laboratory Manual.— Chicago Teachers. Set of 10. 454. Williams’ Chemistry. 4*5. Remsen’s Shorter Course. PHYSICS. 456. Students’ Manual of Physics.— Cooley. 457. Carhart and Chute. 458. Principles of Physics.— Gage 459. Hoadley’s Physics, 460. Avery’s New. 30 St. Charles Public School Library. ASTRONOMY. 461. Sharpless and Philips. 462. Young’s Manual. BOTANY. 463. Fertilization of Flowers.— Mueller. 464. Physiology of Plants. — Sac hs. 465. Gray’s Lessons in Botany. 466. Gray’s Manual of Botany. ( . iM 467. Text-Book of Plant Physiology.— McDougal. . 468. Plant Physiology.— Ganong. 469. Familiar Trees and Their Leaves.— Mathews. 470. ‘ “ “ Duplicate. 471 f Our Ferns in Their Haunts.— Clute. 472. The Stories of the Trees.— Dyson., 47 \ Molds, Mildews and Mushrooms.— Underwood. 474. The Fairyland of Flowers. 475. Among the Forest People.— Pierson. 476. Corn Plants —Sargent. 477. Child and Nature.— Frye. 478. Plant World. — Bergen. 479. “ ** Duplicate. 480. Among the Meadow People. , . 481. Mosses.— Grout. 482. Seed Travelers.— Clarence Weed. 483. “ “ “ Duplicate. 484. “ “ “ Triplicate. 485. Gray’s Botanical Series. 486. 487. Duplicate. Triplicate. Science. 3i St. Charles Public School Library. 32 GEOGRAPHY. 438. Introduction to the Study of Economics.— Bullock 489. “ “ 0 Duplicate. 493. Notes on the Nicaragua Canal.— Sheldon. 491. Principles of Agriculture.— Bailey. 492. Macfarlane’s Commercial and Industrial Geography Part 1. 493. “ “ “ 1. 494. “ “ “ l. 495. Gonner’s Commercial Geography. 496. 497. 498. Handbook of Commercial Geography.— Chisholm. 499. Chalk Modeling.— Heffron.j 500. Manual of Geography.— Gore. 501. History of Our Continent.— Shaler. 502. Appleton’s General Guide. 503. Statesman’s Year-Book, 1902. 504. World’s Almanac, 1902. 505. A Commercial Geography.— Adams. 503. 537. 508. 509. Comparative Geography.— Ritter. 510. The New Basis of Geography. — Red way. 511. Physiography.— Huxley. 512. Historical Geography. — McCoun. 513. The International Geography. — Mill. 514. 51*. 516. Methods and Aids in Geography. — King. 517. The Library of South Africa.— McKenzie and Stead. 518. Heroes of the Dark Continent.— Stanley. 519. Knox’s Boy Travelers in Southern Europe. 520. Introduction to the Study of Commerce —Clow. 521. 522. Home apd School.— King. Geograph} 7 . 33 523. 524. 525. 526. 527. 528. 529. 530. 531. 532. 533. 534. 535. 53<\ 537. 538. 539. 840. 541. 542. 543. 544. 545. 546. 547. 548 549. 550. 551. 552. 553. 554. 555. 557. 558. 559. Home Geography. — Long. Coal and the Coal Mines.— Green. Aunt Martha’s Corner Cupboard. — Kirby. The Story of Geographical Discovery.— Jacobs. Our World Reader, No. 1.— Hall. Around the World. — First Book. “ Second “ “ First “ “ Second “ “ First kk “ Second Great American Industries: Products of the Soil.— Rocheleau. “ “ Minerals. Manufacturing “ Story of Industry .—Clow. Yol. 1. “ “ 2 . Story of Industry.— Clow. Yol. 1. “ “ *» 2. Story of Industry.— Clow. Vo!. 1. “ “ “ 2 . The World and Its People- Book 1.— Dunton. Book 2.— Dunton. Book 3. — Our Own Country.— Dunton. Book 3.— Book 3.— “ Book 4.— Our American Neighbors.— Dunton. Book 5. — Modern Europe.— Coe. Book 5 — Book 5. — Book 6.— Life n Asia.— Smith. Book 6.— ’ “ Book 7. — Views in Africa.— Badlam. Book 7. — “ “ Book 8.— Australia and the Islands of the Sea. Book 9.— Hawaii and Its Peop’e.— Twombly. Stories of India.— Pratt. Vol. 1. “ “ “ 2 34 St. Charles Public School Library. 5 SO. 561. 562. 563. 561. 565. 566. 567. 568. 569. 570. 571. 572. 573. 574. 573. 576. 577. f78. 579 5^0. 581. 58 \ 583. 584 585. 586. 587. 588. 589. 590. 591. 592. 593. 594. Stories of China.— Pratt. Carpenter’s South America Carpenter’s Asia. A Little Journey to Hawaii — 5. “ “ Alaska-— 5. “ “ Italy— 5. * 4 “ Ireland— 10. “ *■ London and Liverpool— 10. “ Canada— 10. “ Australia,— 5. “ ‘ Scotland— 1 5. “ Japan— 5 “ “ The Philippines— 5. ‘ China— 10. “ Mexico— 10. “ England and Wales. — 5 “ Cuba— 10. France— 5. “ Switzerland— 5. “ “ Puerto Rico— 5. li “ Holland.— 5 Special Method in Geography.— McMurray. Man and His Markets.— Hyde. The Book of the Ocean —Ingersol. The Gulf Stream — Pillsbury. First Book of Physical Geography.— Tarr. Life on the Farm.— Shepherd. Manual of Geography,— Red way. Tarr and McMurry Geography No. 2. • ‘ » ‘ * • o Macfarlane’s Complete Commercial and Industrial Geography Geography. 35 36 St. Charles Public School Library. Civics and Ethics. 37 CIVICS AND ETHICS. 595. Civil Government of Illinois nnd the United States.— Crawford 596. “ “ “ 597. 598. Our Government.— Macy. 599. Civil Government in the United States.— Fiske. 600. Democracy and Social Ethics — Addams. 601. Patriotic Citizenship.— Morgan. 602. The Schoolmaster.— Ascham. 38 St. Charles Public School Library. ART. 603. Art and the Formation of Taste.— Lucy Crane. 604. Architecture, Classic and Early Christian.— Smith & Slater. 605. Sculpture, Renaissance and Modern. — Scott. 606. English and American Painters.— Burton and Koehler. 607. How to Enjoy Pictures.— Emery. •608. School Sanitation and Decoration.— Burrage. 609. Outlines of Art History.— Hopkins. 610. — Architecture. Yol. 1. 611. “ “ 1. Duplicate. Myths and Legends. 39 MYTHS AND LEGENDS. 612. Curious Myths of the Middle Ages. -Baring-Gould. 613. Classical Myths.— Gay ley. 614. Age of Fable.— Buifinch. 615. Mythology of Greece and Rome. — Seeman. 616. The Od,\ssey. — Butcher and Lang. 617. The Iliad.— Lang, Leaf and Myers. 618. Legends of King Arthur. 619. Grandfather’s Stories.— Johonnet. 620. In Mythland.— Beckwith. 621. Myths of Old Greece. Vol. 1. 622. “ “ “ 2. 623. “ “ 3. 624. Norse Stories.— Mabie. 625. LeMorte Dartliur — Strachey. 626. The Knights of the Round Table.— Frost. 627. The Court of King Arthur.— Frost. 628g Legends of Norseland. — Pratt. 629. “ “ “ Dupicate. 630. Myths and Myth-Makers. — Fiske. 631. In the Misty Land of Fable. — Kleckner. 632. “ “ '* Duplicate. 63 '. The Boys’ King Arthur.— Lanier. 634, Ca endar Stories.— Boyle. 635. Duplicate. 40 St. Charles Public School Library. SETS OF BOOKS To be read and studied in High School. Ramona. — Jackson — 4. Vicar of Wakefield.— 9 Being a Boy.— 5 The Talisman.— 5 Marjorie Daw.— 5 Last Days of Pompeii.— 5 Ivanhoe. — 4 Alhambra.— 5 Arthur Bonnicastle.— 5 Adam Bede.— 5 Ben Hur. — 5 The Crisis.— 4 The Grandissimes.— 5 Macaulay’s Essays on Chatham.— 5 The Sir Roger DeCoverly Papers.— 5 Emerson’s Compensation.— 5 History of the Plague in London.— DeEoe. — 5 Sohrab and Rustum.— 5 Canterbury Tales.— 5 Milton’s L’Allegro.— 11 Penseroso.— Comas and Lycidas.— 40 E hies for Schools.— 17 • The Tempest.— 25 King Lear. — 8 The Lady of the Lake.— 25 Courtship of Miles Standish.— 19 The Young American.— 20 Sella and Thanatopsis. — 22 Vision of Sir Launfal.— 25 Burke’s Conciliation with America.— 25 Silas Marner.— 25 Hamlet.— 26 As You Like It.— 25 Sets of Books — High School. 4i Evangeline.— 24 Macbeth.— 25 Macaulay’s Essay on Addison and Milton.— 26 « Paradise Lost— 27 Merchant of Venice. — 38 Emerson’s Essays. Vol. L— 25 Cotters’ Saturday Night.— 25 * Elaine.— 20 Ancient Mariner. — 21 Deserted Village.— 25. Webster’s Bunker Hill Oration.— 25 The Princess. — 25 Julius Caesar.— 25 Up From Slavery. — 5 42 St. Charles Public School Library. Sets of Books — Grades, 43 SETS OF BOOKS To be read and studied in the Grades. Tales of Troy— 24 Enoch Arden.— 30 Hiawatha.— 40 Snow Bound.— 24 Brave Little Holland.— 25 The Man Without a Country.— 25 Grandfather’s Chair.— 40 Birds and Bees and Sharp Eyes.— 31. Polly Oliver’s Problem.— 24 Stories from English History.— 20 Seven Oaks.— 25 Evangeline (five cent classics) .—15 Two Little Knights of Kentucky.— 24. Rambles of a Rat.— 21 The Little Lame Prince —29 Irving’s Sketeh Book.— 17 Werner’s Arithmetic No. 1.— 6 “ “ *• 2.-43 The King of the Golden River.— 21 Bird’s Christmas Carol.— 21 The Child of U rhino.— 20 A Day in Ancient Rome.— 5 The Story of Greece.— 18 The Story of Rome —15 The Beginners’ American History.— 20 The Golden Touch, (five cent classics).— 15 The Snow Image, “ —20 The Paradise of Children, “ —23 Tales of Troy. — 47 The Story of Ulysses.— 47. Anderson’s Fairy Tales.— 25 Things Will Take a Turn.— 2 J Each and All.— 25 44 St. Charles Public School Library. Seven Little Sisters.— 25 Four Great Americans.— 20 Greek Gods, Heroes and Men. — 20 Pioneer History Stories. — 25 The Golden Touch (five cent classics).— 15 The Snow Image. “ — 20 William Penn. *• —23 Lincoln. —24 Franklin. “ — 2-5 The Boston Tea Party. “ — 24 Stories of the Pilgrims. “ —22 The Miraculous Pitcher. “ —20 The Burglar’s Daughter.— 25 Stories of Colonial Children.— 21 J. Cole.— 20. Cyr’s Third Reader.— 2L American History Stories. Vol. 1— 23 Brooks and Brook Basins.— 24. Big and Little People of Other Lands.— 24. Stories of American History for Youngest Readers —24 Cyr's Second Reader.— 30 Old Time Stories Retold by Children. — 22 Seaside and Wayside. No. 2.-24 Robinson Crusoe. — 23. Classic Stories for Little Ones.— 21. Cyr’s Primer.— *24. Cyr’s First Reader.— 24. Stories for Children.— 23 The Literary Primer.— 24 Story of the Buds, (five cent classics).— _'5 Some Bird Friends. “ —25 Selections from Aesop. — 24 The S unbonnet Babies.— 25. Riverside Classics. No. 59.— 25c. Six Nuisery Classics.— 25 Braided Straws.— 25 Letters from a Cat.— 25 Wilderness Ways.— 25 Story of the Middle Ages.— 25 Sets of Books — Grades, 45 Tanglewood Tales.— 25. The Children’s Crusade.— 25 The Strike at Shane’s.— 25. The Gate of the Giant Scissors.— 25 Stories from the Poets.— 5. Lane’s Oriole Stories. — 5. The Stories of My Four Friends.— 5 The Peasant and the Prince.— 5 Ten Boys on the Road From Long Ago.— 25 46 St. Charles Public School Library. Fith and Sixth Grades — East Side. 47 ROOM LIBRARIES. Fifth and Sixth Grades— East Side. 63G. Two Little Confederates.— Page. 637. The Prince and the Pauper.— Mark Twain. 638. Donald and Dorothy.— Dodge. 639. Cudjo’s C ive.— Trowbridge. 640. Jack Hazard.— Trowbridge. 641. Poor Boys Who Became Famous.— Bolton. 642. The Graysons.— Eggleston. 643. Hoosier Schoolmaster. — Eggleston. 644. Quicksilver Sue.— Richards. 615 TheNurnberg Stove.— Ouida. 646. Tho Story of a Short Life.— Ewing 647. Old Caravan Days. — Catherwood. 648. Little Women.— Alcott. 649. Under the Lilacs.— Alcott. 650. Tanglewood Tales.— Hawthorne. 651. Paul and Virginia.— St. Pierre. 652. Stories from Virgil.— Church. 1 653. Robin Hood and His Merry Men. 1 654. Heroes of Asgard.— Keary. 655. Black Beauty.— Sewell. 653. Lady of the Lake.— Scott. 657. Things Will Take a Turn.— Harraden. 658. Up the Tapajos.— Ellis. 6*9. Captain Bailey’s Heir.— Henty. 669. Among Malay Pirates.— Henty. 661. In Freedom’s Cause.— Henty. 632. Peggy.— Richards. 663. Old Fashioned Girl.— Alcott. 664. Laddie. 665. Lost in the Wilds.— Ellis. 666 Eight Cousins.— Alcott. 667. A Chance for Himself.— Trowbridge. 668. The Little Colonel.— Johnston. 669. Dear Daughter Dorothy.— Plympton St. Charles Public School Library. 48 670. Doing His Best.— Trowbridge. 671. Rita —Richards. 672. Sir Jefferson Nobody.— Merriam. 673. Bernardo and Laurette.— Bouvet. 674. Lobo. Rag and Vixen.— Seton-Thompson. 675. Margot.— Mann. 676. Lost in * kies.— Ellis. 677. Little Men.— Alcott. 678. Sonny. — Stuart. 679. Young Barbarians.— Watson. 680. Uncle Tom’s Cabin.— Stowe. 681. Rollo on the Atlantic.— Abbott. 6S2. Wild Animals I Have Known.— Seton-Thompson. 68\ Life of Wm. McKinley.— Townsend. Fifth and Sixth Grades — East Side. 49 St. Charles Public School Library. 50 ROOM LIBRARIES. Fifth and Sixth Grades— West Side. 684. Evolution of Dodd. — Smith. 685. Green Mountain Boys.— Thompson. 686. Story of a Bad Boy.— Aldrich. 687. Stories Mother Nature Told Her Children. 688. Rab and His Friends.— Brown. * 689. Story of a Short Life.— Ewing. 690. Poor Boys Who Became Famous.— Bolton. 691. Sketch Book.— Irving. 692. Beautiful Joe.— Saunders. 693. Jo’s Boys.— Alcott. 694. Jan of the Windmill.— Ewing. 695. Ten Times One is Ten.— Hale. 698. Twice Told Tales.— Hawthorne. 697. Stories of Long Ago.— Kuffer. 698. The Boys of Greenway Court.— Butterworth. 699. Holmes’ Grandmother Story. 709. Eugene Field Book. 701. The Strike at Shane’s. 702. Black Beauty.— Sewell. 703. Being a Boy.— Warner. 701. Victor in Buzzland.— Bell. 705. Persimmons.— Butler. 703. Rosin the Bow.— Richards. 707. Zigzag Journeys Around the World.— Butterworth. 708. Fifty Famous Stories Retold.— Baldwin. 709. Helen’s Babies — Habberton. 710. Paul Jones.— Seawell. 711. Kingsley’s Water Babies. 712. Sweet William.— Bouvet. Fourth Grade — East Side. 5i 52 St. Charles Public School Library. ROOM LIBRARIES. Fourth Grade— East Side. 713. Little Lord Fauntleroy.— Burnett. 714. Sara Crew and Other Stories.— Burnett. 715. Toby Tyler.— Otis. 716. Mr. Stubbs’ Brother.— Otis. 717. Snow Shoes and Sledges. — Munroe. 718. Rick Dale.— Munroe. 719. Wakulla— Munroe. 720. Queer Little People.— Stowe. 721. Uncrowning a King.— Ellis. ^22. Fanciful Tales.— Stockton. 723. Timothy’s Quest.— Wiggin. 724 Patsy.— Wiggin. 725. With Wolfe in Canada.— Henty. 726. Three Margarets.— Richards. 727 Braided Straws.— Foulke. 728. Adventures of a Brownie.— Mulock. 729. Old Stories of East.— Baldwin. 730. Little Jarvis.— Seawell . 731. Letters from a Cat.— Jackson. 732. Pansy Billings and Popsy.— Jackson. 733. Mamma Tittleback.— Jackson. 734. Black Beauty.— Sewell. 735. Nimpo’s Troubles.— Miller. 736. Through the Looking Glass.— Carroll. 737. Vicar of Wakefield.— Goldsmith. 733. Boy in China.— Yan Phou Lee. 739. Dog of Flanders — Ouida. 740. Christmas Dream.— Alcott. 741. Story of Dago. -Johnston. 743. Little Colonel — Johnston. 713. Wahb.— Thompson. 744. What Tommy Did.— Miller, 745. Strike at Shane’s. Fourth Grade — East Side. 53 St. Charles Public School Library. 54 ROOM LIBRARIES. Fourth Grade— West Side. 746. The Story of Patsy.— Wiggin. 747. Jackanapes and Other Tales.— Ewing. 748. Aesop’s Fables 749. The Story of Lincoln.— Craven. 750. Child Rhymes.— Riley. 751. Talks About Authors.— Ware. 752. The Signal Boys of ’75.— Otis. 753. Alice in Wonderland.— Carroll. 754. Through the Looking Glass.— Carroll. 755. Tommy Anne and the Three Hearts.— Wright. 756. Friends in Feathers and Fur.— Johonnot. 757. Madam How and Lady Why.— Kingsley. 758. The Pied Piper and Other Stories.— Alpha Banta. 759. Little Daft'down-Dilly and Other Stories.— Ha wthorne. 760. Jungle Book.— Kipling. 761. The Boys of ’76.— Coffin. Fourth Grads — West Side. 55 St. Charles Public School Library. 56 ROOM LIBRARIES. Third Grade— West Side. 762. Three Little Lovers of Nature. 763. The Story of Longfellow. 764. Cat Tales and Other Tales. 765. Stories of the Poets. 766. Animal Life. 767. What Tommy Did. 768. Twilight Stories. 769. Plant Life. 770. Stories of Old Greece. 771. Stories and Poems for Children. 772. Fairy Stories and Fables. 773. Black Beauty. 774. Stories of Shy Neighbors. 775. Bird Land. 776. The Bird’s Christmas Carol . 777. Lowell. 778. Rubens. 779. Landseer. 780. Whittier. 781. Raphael. 782. Bonheur. 783. Millet. 784. Columbus. 785. Sweet William. 786. Little Lucy’s Wonderful Globe. 787. Little Lord Fauntleroy. 7 88. The Yellow Fairy Book. Thtrd Grade— West Side.. 57