:?:s?£: J fill; ?| :s 15 .... , : * :::::: iiahliHinin? Wanssj::: •••*••• »•••»•«••••••••«• •••$>•?•*■••••••(■••*“ i?I '!I!I!I11121!' 111! lilt; !* ’ •••••.. .. - ...<•>••(!»*! .a...... .. .. : ' . ' ■ • • • • . • _ ;: :::::::: :::s:::srs:!!5:r«: ::::: ...... r.............. ....... .. .. : . . . 5-3: r: a:::: iMWlW BULLETIN No. 12 CALIFORNIA SHOWING BY CO MINING JNTIBS THE A. S. COOPER, State Mineralogist. MINERAL PRODUCTIONS OE Compiled by CHARLES g. YALE, statistician. (FROM DIRECT RETCH Ng BY PRODUCERS.) CALIFORNIA FOR THE YEAR 1896. PRECIOUS METALS. AS PER RETURNS TO U. . mint at s. f. GOLD. SILVER. CHROME AND MINERAL PAINT. METALLIC. Alameda. Alpine. Amador. Butte. Calaveras- Colusa _ Contra Costa . Del Norte_ El Dorado ... Fresno_ Humboldt .. Inyo_ Kern. Lake. Lassen .. Los Angeles - Madera- Marin _ Mariposa — Mendocino . - Merced_ $400 00 1,523,351 28 749,316 08 1,546,398 85 24,150 00 812,289 26 28,235 00 65,092 85 238,507 22 590,866 72 40,300 00 35,468 55 104,339 84 335,637 33 1,250 00 Monterey... Napa .. Nevada _ Orange.. Placer .. Plumas.. Riverside. Sacramento . .. San Benito- San Bernardino- San Diego- San Francisco .. San Joaquin — San Luis Obispo San Mateo- Santa Barbara.. Santa Clara_ Santa Cruz_ Shasta ... Sierra . Siskiyou. 2,380,756 13 1,674,844 30 462,526 57 ' 262,800 00 133,050 00 560,578 00 3,000 00 j 8,592 00 599,209 91 786,174 57 1,091,264 82 Solano. Sonoma.. Stanislaus.. Tehama.. Trinity.. Tuolumne_ Tulare.— Ventura. Yolo. Yuba. Unapportioned ( k) Totals.. 16,635 00 Min.P’nt. (a) 220 3,740 1,296,330 30 1,070,141 81 20,092 00 171,687 77 $17,181,562 70 328 32 $422,463 60 (6) 17 56 530 Min. P’nt. 1,800 Chrome. 475 1,126 Chrome. 5,300 $13,315 4,205 37,150 139,035 30,765 $1,075,449 Ozs. 150 Total value Precious Metals, $17,604,026 30. Total value Metallic Substances, inc. Precious Metals, $18,9 5 latinum. 900 00 $2 4 • 15,002 70 ',793 00. 6,754 1,000 $675,400 70,649 3,000 $161,335 3,094 14,400 1,547 19,287 300,000 100,000 808,384 $337,434 HYDRO* CARBONS and | CASES. PETROLEUM. STRUCTURAL MATERIALS. CLAYS AND HYDRAULIC CEMENT. Quantity. 1,000 I 2,000 64,743 $153,244 _ $88,580 Total value Non-Metallic Substances, $1,415,993. 1 1 i 1 Tons 318 % angouese, 3,415 00 55,826 $122,810 — - - (0)7,000 Brick. $35,000 86,885 $69,405 . li --j.- - - - $3,767 74 5,389 80 600 00 Lbs. 30,000 opper. 3,000 00 19,775 $29,662 j Tons 8,413 Potterv. 27,825 . 1,900 $775 -1 -. — ....| Lbs. 87,557 opper. 8,990 00 _ _ . . ... . . _ (c) 58 $2,054 50,090 12,530 . . .. ... . . 44,892 118,709 7,600 3,700 J 1,400 tons Pot’ry $2,200 [.. 9,000 9,000 150 M Brick 4,600 ) . 4,413 533 96 99 60 1,200 15,000 400 10,000 50 Gypsum. $400 14,119 $56,750 . _ . 108,619 26 Lbs. 1,220,000 1 ead. '.6,600 00 249 $24,900 Soda. .. . . . 37,100 32,329 (A) 5,000 34,649 63 15 2,250 00 2,484 $44,680 (/) 235 235 — 6,307 232,484 65,920 32,460 _ .. — .. _ . 960 Gypsum. 9,180 953,734 812,800 M 27,478 Brick. 179,290 33,000 30,000 1,240 00 48,628 $73,525 M 15,000 Brick. 85,000 6,119 6,530 180 11 _ . — — — .......... ... ad. . - - ——— .— — — — . — . — — . . . . — — — 73.5U0 f J7205 00 r ——- — . ■U-.G--- — — — -- ... — 500 2,UUU 11,411 403,031 218,680 81,335 Magnesite. 8,584 29 Lbs. 6,690 25 83 04 Tons 10,000 Pottery. 10,000 41,995 41,416 * 13,450 00 4,982 9,964 4,317 8,634 Tons 22,019 Pottery. 22,750 15,000 10,000 15,000 15,000 6,000 6,000 S,000 7,000 r M 8,700 Brick. 44,200 46,875 11,718 1,335 46,725 Tons 2 ntimony. 70 00 5,000 300 Gypsum. 40,000 35,000 .| 12,000 6,000 130,714 04 6,505 650,500 3,000 15,000 Bbls. 9,000 Cement. 27,000 8,933 12,476 37,427 34,977 17,500 17,500 _ i 40 00 M 5,000 Brick. 37,500 262,767 244,592 (d)NaturalGas. 85,157 | Bit. Rock. 11,464 M 7,000 Brick. 35,000 200 Chrome. $2,000 101 3,400 Tons. 5,113 1,000 1,250 Bbls. 500 Cement. 1,250 Ozs. 12 I latinum. 44 00 31,500 44,000 20,300 18,800 Tons. Asphaltum. 317,910 (e) Natural Gas, 1,300 39,792 35,813 6,222 211,570 900 1,145 M 15,000 Brick. 80,000 500 600 5,000 5,000 Tons. 43,843 Bit. Rock. 109,536 M 300 Brick. 1,500 116,000 95,500 27,827 28,663 4,000 4,000 24,233 68 Lbs. 1,847,087 opper. 34,708 70 M 300 Brick 1,500 2,310 2,541 800 1,400 423 70 652 65 Tons Pottery RUBBLE ROCK AND PAVING BLOCKS. MISCELLANEOUS. MARBLE, ONYX, SAND¬ STONE, SERPENTINE, AND SLATE. 5 Quantity. | Value. Quantity. ! Value. F . fr-- Cu. ft. 4,389 Marble. $5,415 — . Squares 500 Slate. . 2,500 | Tons (i) 174,220 Rubble. $233,454 j Cu. ft. 3,000 Marble. 24,000 1 . — . . . Cu. ft. 1,500 Serpentine. 6,000 Tons 15,600 Tons 1,730 Rubble. 7,800 Rubble. 1,730 1 . . Cu. ft. Calif. Onyx. Tons 7,000 Tons 750 75 M 250 Bit. Rock, $1,50Q Nat Gas, 25,00(j -1 $596,547 J 248,000 | 272,800 1,257,780 $1,180,793 Total value Hydrocarl: Jons and Gases, $1,777,340, 4,000 125 .lr ' i ,250 Brick. 20,000 $615,890 650 17,255 260 8,627 2,800 4,700 50,000 50,000 185,261 $201,004 50,000 302,750 5,477 80 40,000 j 5,000 960 5,000 19,000 4,000 $261,505 |, 68,184 I $71,112 G46,646 150,000 13,000 4,000 ( j ) 350 M 5,000 tons Tons 1,688 Tons 49,265 Tons 28,720 Rubble. 2,800 300 Pav. Blks. $14,000 , Rubble 2,000 1 Rubble. 3,573 L Rubble. 40,575 . Cu. ft, 500 Marble. 3,000 Rubble. 17,407 Cu. ft Sandstone. 5,000 500 132 M 3,679 Tons 100,000 { 30,000 2,492 || Paving Blks. i 61,092 Rubble. 20,000 $510,245 Cu. ft. 33,200 Sandstone. 20,000 I Cu. ft. | Sandstone. 252 378 Cu. ft. | Sandstone. | 20,000 7,500 $407,223 $93,293 TOTAL PRODUCT OP COUNTIES. 1896 . COUNTIES. 1896 . Value. Value. $230,630 00 Alameda..— $274,647 00 400 00 Alpine. 1,593,02102 Amador.— 1,443,504 40 755,4S0 88 1,555,888 85 14,584 00 138,109 00 24,150 00 819,481 22 85,884 60 308,546 85 497,626 48 710,010 35 264,944 00 40,300 00 1,072,738 55 186,904 84 93,260 00 335,817 44 1,250 00 Butte_ Calaveras- Colusa - Contra Costa . Del Norte _ El Dorado — Fresno - Humboldt — Inyo . . . Kern .. Lake_ Lassen . Los Angeles - - Madera- Marin .. Mariposa - Mendocino ... Merced. - 56‘ATM 2 61 1,000 00 495,366 00 2,392,160 42 Mono. 1,735,750 55 462,609 61 355.598 00 189,268 00 91,095 00 1,003,889 80 603,991 00 322,667 00 120,157 00 37,271 00 2,500 00 383,159 00 318,415 00 239,199 00 813,593 29 786.598 27 1,091,917 47 Monterey _ Napa.- Nevada.— - Orange-- Placer . Plumas.. Riverside . . Sacramento. San Benito- San Bernardino- San Diego.. San Francisco- San Joaquin - San Luis Obispo — San Mateo. Santa Barbara Santa Clara . Santa Cruz. . Shasta.. Sierra.. Siskiyou.. 706,196 38 1,734,918 14 440 00 139,655 00 8,250 00 738,498 99 • 52,049 00 356,221 20 464,409 51 342,078 59 507,074 00 25,000 00 1,076,717 00 211,985 74 157,790 00 216,629 46 150 00 1,500 00 23,413 00 135,146 00 18,435 00 475 00 1,435,365 30 1,070,470 13 25,752 00 292,800 00 378 00 171,687 77 380,200 00 Solano... Sonoma. ... Stanislaus. Tehama. Trinity.. Tuolumne. Tulare . Ventura . . Yolo. . Yuba . Unapportioned (1c). Total value Structural Materials, $2,160,272 00. $24,291,398 00 l Totals . 1896. 1895. Tons are of 2,000 pounds. Spot values. Counties not mentioned made no mineral production during 1896. <«) Red Oxide of Iron. ( b) Ocher. (c) Flasks of 76pounds. ( d ) Value of that commercially used. U) Natural Carbonic Acid Gas from a mine. (/) Barrels of 42 gallons. (A) Eor smelting-flux,'beet-sugar manufacture, an (i) For sea-wall construction uy Government, rai ' ) So-called Basalt Blocks. ) Unapportioned includes product of single mil to conceal their identity; and also include properties known to be working, but from obtained. tfM es, etc., in counties, so as estimates of product of which no returns were Miscellaneous Totalh.- Antimony . ... . Chrome ... Copper (One) .. Lead-- --- Manganese-- -- Mineral Paint .-. Platinum . -Metallic. .17 tons $2,320 00 ... 786 tons 7,775 00 1,992,844 pounds -199,518 70 1,293,500 pounds 38,805 00 ....318 tons 3,415 00 ....395 tons 5,540 00 ..162 ounces 944 00 Miscellaneous Totals.—! [Ion-Metallic. Gypsum.. 1,310 tons $12,580 00 -.1,500 tons 11,000 00 ..3,000 tons G5.000 00 $268,317 70 $88,580 00 Totals.—Asphaltum, Bituminous Rock, and Natural Gas. Asphaltum..20,414 tons $362,590 00 Bituminous Rock .49,456 tons 122,500 00 Natural Gas.. 111,457 00 $596,547 00 MI8CBLL Marble . Onyx (California) Paving Blocks . Hubble . Sandstone . Serpentine. Slate . -Structuoal Materials. . .7.889 cubic feet $32,415 00 ..3,000 cubic feet 24,000 00 ...4,161 M 77,584 00 i.313,973 tons 329,639 00 . . 53.462 cubic feet 28,378 00 J .1,500 cubic feet 6.000 00 J .. 500 squares 2,500 00 Totals.—Hydraulic Cement and Clays for Brick, Pottery, Etc. Cement (Hydraulic)---. JKS !5 ______90,178 M 524,740 00 Pottery, Sewer-pipe, etc.- .41,907 tons 62, 900 00 $615,890 00 Prin»Afi t.iip State Printing Office. Sacramento. A. $500,516 00 489,200 00 1,795,391 16 4,144 00 1,677,527 32 603,222 57 378,155 00 211,497 75 104,250 00 1,114,863 30 386,407 57 379,696 00 102,800 00 81,320 00 5,000 00 158,678 00 445,950 00 254,776 00 811,233 52 694,576 63 1,030,983 73 24,285 00 177,840 00 30,081 50 II, 525 00 1,305,412 41 667,066 77 18,820 00 264,624 00 1,873 00 III, 482 34 395,340 00 $22,844,664 29