L I B RAFLY LO OF THE UNIVERSITY Of ILLI N015 5)QS.2. NATURAL mSTORY ^VH A LIST OF THE BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA Digitized by tine Internet Arcii-ive in 2010 witin funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://www.archive.org/details/listofbirdsofausOOmath A LIST or THE BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA BY GREGORY M. MATHEWS, F.R.S.E. FELLOW OF THE LINNEAN AND ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETIES OF LONDON MEMBER OF THE BRITISH ORNITHOLOGISTS' UNION CORRESPONDING FELLOW OF THE AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGISTS' UNION MEMBER OF THE ROYAL AUSTRALASIAN ORNITHOLOGISTS' UNION AUTHOR OF "THE BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA." CONTAINING THE NAMES AND SYNONYMS CONNECTED WITH EACH GENUS, SPECIES, AND SUBSPECIES OF BIRDS FOUND IN AUSTRALIA, AT PRESENT KNOWN TO THE AUTHOR WITHERBY & CO. 326 High Holborn, London W.C. 1913 INTRODUCTION. THE present List is simply the logical sequence to my " Reference List to the Birds of Australia," published in the Novitales Zoologicae, Vol. XVIII, January, 1912. I there placed on record tlie fii'st attempt to deal with the Birds of Australia from the present day view of subspecies, using that term in its sense of geographical variety. I have endeavoured to make clear to Australians tlie present acceptance of geographical varieties as a factor which cannot be overlooked. I \\'ould also emphasize the fact that field-ornithologists all over the \\orld are recognizing the value of the cabinet worker's methods of subdivision as being a mode whereby accuracy in field-observation is made possible. It is gratifying to acknowledge tliat the progressive ornithologists of Australia are rapidly realizing that the Birds of Australia must be studied from such a view-point, and are desirous of ha^'ing a List for reference sho^'ing the subdivisions already effected. The preparation of such a List has been a great pleasure to me, as I feel confident that it \\ill induce research into bird-hfe aU over the Commonwealth. It had been anticipated that the " Official Checklist of the Birds of AustraHa," prepared by the Committee of the Royal Australasian Ornithologists' Union and published as a supplement to the Emu, Vol. XII., part 3, January, 1913, would suffice, but the Committee have not dealt with the avifauna from an up-to-date point but have produced a List, professedly prepared on a conservative basis, yet in its conservatism quite novel and reactionary and altogether of a parochial character. This is most regrettable as it is quite impossible in the present century to attempt to stem the advance of knowledge however praiseworthy may be the object. The Checklist Committee have prefaced their Checklist wth twenty pages of explanation and justification of their action. Tliis preface is divided into several heads so that easy consideration of the points raised is made possible. VI. INTRODtTCTION I propose to sketch the history of the advance of the systematic study of Australian Ornithology ; then give a few notes on the nomenclature utilized, and a brief review of the Australian Commonwealth as a suitable environment for the differentiation of subspecies. The Checklist Committee have decided to base their Checklist upon "the classification of John Gould as corrected and modernized by the subsequent classification contained in the British Museum Catalogue of Birds. The adoption of this latter classification was rendered necessary as Gould's generalization of the higher groups was not sustainable in view of the knowledge resultant from later morphological work and the discovery of new facts." I have italicized the last phrase, as therein lies the key- note to the whole of the work recently done, and which has been ignored or overlooked by the Checklist Committee. As a matter of fact, the Committee have not faithfully carried out their own programme. I shall therefore deal with that matter under my notes regarding nomenclature. I. Systematic Woekees. No endemic Land Bird from Australia was known to Linne when he published his Sy sterna Naturae, in 1758 and 1766. When Gmelin, however, published his edition of Linne's Systema Naturae, in 1788-1789, a few Australian birds were given Latin names, the birds themselves ha^'ing been described under English vernaculars by Latham in his General Synopsis of Birds. The specimens Latham examined were brought home by the naturalists attached to Captaia Cook's ships on his famous voyages. It is noteworthy that probably some of these descriptions were prepared from paintings, as not much was known at that time regard- ing the preservation of bird-skins or specimens. Recently some objection has been made by Australians to the acceptance of such names, but it may be noted that a good painting might be preferable to a badly-prepared bird-skin. However, so few birds are contained in Gmelin's work, that not much stress can be laid upon the direct bearing of this systematist upon Australian Ornithology. Immediately afterwards \^Tiite, Phillip, and Hunter each •published books dealing with the first colonization of New South Wales, and each of them had something to say about the strange forms of bird-life observed in the new country. INTRODUCTION VH. These were systematically described by Latham and Shaw, sometimes in the books themselves and otherwise in the Museum Leverianum and the Naturalists' Miscellany. The first and most important contribution to the systematic study of the Australian avifauna was made by Latham, when he published his Second Supplement to the General Synopsis of Birds, and concurrently a Supplementum to his Index Ornithologies. This appeared in 1801, and is essentially based upon Australian birds. It is really surprising to learn that no fewer than 171 names are there proposed for birds ascribed to " Nova Hollandia." There can be no question as to who should be considered the " grandfather " of Australian Ornithology, conceding to John Gould the Australians' tribute of " father." In the History of the Collections of the British Museum, the late Bowdler Sharpe wrote concerning the source of Latham's information, and concluded that "up to the present time it has never been kno'mi where Latham obtained the material for describing so many Australian, or, as they were then called, 'New Holland,' birds." In making this statement Dr. Sharpe had overlooked the fact that in 1843 both G. R. Gray and Hugh Strickland, in conjunction with John Gould, had pubHshed full accounts and given consider- able study to the paintings utilized by Latham in describing the above 171 birds. Sharpe's full description of the 295 paintings known as the Watling Dra-(\'ings, is now fairly well known to Australian workers, and the history given there is approximately correct. These paintings are well and accurately done and the majority of them are easily recognizable. I hope shortly to reproduce some of these, so that Australians will have the opportunity of criticising them. The fact that 171 names were proposed, makes this con- tribution stand out very prominently, and if any later limit than that of Linne 1758 were to be considered, this would have the chief claim. In the Nouveau Dictionnaire d'Histoire Naturelle, published in thirty-six volumes during the years 1816-1819, the ornithological articles were written by Vieillot. That brilliant ornithologist took the opportunity to monograph whole groups in a clever manner. At his disposal were the large collections made in AustraUan waters by Peron and Lesueur, and he made good use of them. As a consequence some seventy odd names are credited to Vieillot, but on account of his inabiUty to recognize Vm. INTKODtrCTION Latham's species, the majority must be quoted as synonyms only. Previously he had published a little work entitled Analyse nouvelle Ornithologie, and therein diagnosed verj' many new generic forms. About fifteen of the best-known Australian genera date from this effort, such as Pitta Melithreftus, Pardalotvs, Falcunculus, etc. The importance of VieiUot's work is now being recognized though for a long time his names were ignored in favour of those of Temminck, Gould, etc., of later date. About 1820 Temminck monograf)hed the Pigeons, and AustraHan species were given names : while about the same time Kuhl monographed the Parrots, working in England %^ith Temminck who simultaneously described some Australian Parrots. In 1827 Vigors and Horsfield made a prolonged study of the birds in the collection of the Lirmean Society, and to their Transactions contributed a lengthy paper regarding the Australian birds contained therein. This is the most thorough and scientific paper yet published, and to ignore it in favour of Gould's work would savour of tlie most extreme prejudice. The careful and accurate descriptions of the new sijecies, together with the detailed diagnoses of the many newly-proposed genera, marjis this as of as much importance to the AustraHan student as was Latham's previous account. Vigors and Horsfield had the pleasure of working ^vith Latham, and the two papers form the basis of all later study. In this connexion it is interesting to note that just previously Vigors had made the following statement (Trans. Linn. Soc. (Lond.), Vol. XLV., p. 436, 1825) : " I adopt the more ancient term, according to the suggestion of Mr. Swainson in his valuable observations on this family (Zool. Journ., Vol. I., p. 303) adhering to the inelexible LAW OF PRIORITY." In 1837-1838 Gould published his Synopsis of the Birds of Australia, and tliis marks his first incursion into Australian Ornithology. In this he described as new almost every Australian bird he handled, being either ignorant of or overlooking Latham's work. After this effort he left Great Britain for Australia, where he made large collections through- out the Commonwealth. Upon his return he published the Birds of Australia, a magnificent work in folio with beautiful coloured figures. This appeared between 1840- 1848, and almost immediately he continued with a Supplement, running from 1850-1859. In these monumental volumes he INTRODtrCTIOK IX. altered some of his own names in favour of those given to the same bird by Latham. In 1865 lie published his Handbook to the Birds of Australia. This is noteworthy in that though the text is practically that of the Birds of Australia, the nomen- clature and classification is much changed owing to the claims of priority. In view of the Committee's action, it must come as a surprise to learn that Gould M-as a great upholder of the Law of Priority as laid down by Strickland in 1840. It must be one of the quaint ironies of fate that one who worked under that Law, should be utilized by the Committee as a worker for whose sake tliat Law should be rejected. In the Handbook Gould utilized genera of very narro^v limits, and proposed many new ones as ^^•ell as accejiting those introduced by those accurate and careful workers Bonaparte and Cabanis. It is somewhat remarkable that, indepen- dently, the Committee and myself should reinstate these Gouldian genera in the present year. The Committee make it appear that Gould's nomenclature had persisted in use for " sixty j'ears and upwards," without much alteration. In putting forward this statement a great error has been committed, as sixty years would lead us back to the pubhcation of the Birds of Australia ; the nomenclature there offered ^^•as amended by Gould himself in his Handbook in 1865. If that date be accepted as the final Gouldian nomenclature, we find it only lasted, \\-ithout considerable changes taking place, for twelve years : for in the year 1877 Ramsay pubhshed, in the Proceedings of the Linnean Societji- of New South Wales, a " List of the Birds of Australia," and that list was based upon Gould's Handbook with all the alterations sho\ra to be necessary by extra- Austrahan \\orkers. These are very considerable because many of Gould's species were reduced to synonj'my through the recognition that they were simply forms or what we now term subspecies. The number is noticeable among the extra-hmital species ; that is, birds having a wide range and which also occur in Australia. In addition many of the generic names proposed and utilized by Gould were rejected by Ramsay, who acted upon the advice of Bowdler Sharpe and other extra-hmital workers. This list was accepted by the lew Australian \\-orkers of that time, as it was being continually endorsed in the Catalogue of the Birds in the British Museum, at that time in course of publication. This was commenced in 1873 and completed in 1898 : it con- sists of monographs of the Birds of the world, as represented X. INTRODtrCTION in the British Museum Collection. This should be carefully remembered by Austrahans, for if they examine the number of specimens catalogued they wiU quickly understand why much of that work is unstable. It had the merit of bringing together synonymy and making the efforts of future students easier ; as a work of finality it has no claim, as the material was not available for accurate differentiation, while as much attention was not given to literature at that time as now. As the basis of all future work it is invaluable, and too much praise cannot be given to the originator and the men who performed it. In 1888 Ramsay published his Tabular List of the Birds of Australia, which is an amended edition of his 1877 List. This became the recognized List at once, and so continued until 1899. At that date, Hall drew up a Key to the Birds of Australia, based upon the classification and nomenclatvire used in the Catalogue of the Birds in the British Museum ; this at once came into general use and a second edition was published in 1906. In 1901 Campbell's Nests and Eggs of Australian Birds appeared, and in this volume, markmg the inauguration of the scientific study of Australian Oology, the British Museum Catalogue nomenclature was accepted in its entirety. North, the ornithologist of the Australian Museum, Sydney, succeeded this with a similarly-named book, which forms a Special Catalogue of the Australian Museum and is not yet completed. North uses in this the British Museum Catalogue names. Legge, the author of the Birds of Ceylcn, has made some excellent contributions to the study of our avifauna, and in all these the basis is the British Museum Catalogues. A most important paper, given as the Presidential address of the Biological Section of tlie Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science, in 1904, on " the Zoogeograpliical Relations of the Ornis of the Various Sub-Regions of the Australian Region." is based entirely upon the forms admitted in those Catalogues, the nomenclature there utilized being strictly adhered to. Littler's Birds of Tasmania also adlieres to that nomina- tion, and the whole of my o\^-n work is based upon the same foundation, the alterations made being due to " the discovery of new facts.'" The merest glance at this viev: of sj^stematic work will show that Gould's nomenclature has not been "in current use for sixty years and upwards," but that the British Museum Catalogues have been the basis of all work since 1873 — that is, for the last forty j^ears. INTRODUCTION XI. In the Emu, Vol. XI, p. 58, 1911, the Editors wrote: " Australian authors have been following the British Museum Catalogues." I have purposely refrained from mentioning field-workers, as Campbell, in the preface to the Nests and Eggs of Australian Birds, has given so delightful and full an account, that any review made here would be entirely superfluous and value- less, as I have nothing to add. There should not be, and I do not believe there is, any antagonism between the field- worker and the systematist, as each must necessarily depend upon the otlier for assistance. The Committee have failed to note that in every otlier country the field-worker is now co-operating fully with the systematist, and thereby much knowledge is being gained. The recent Studies in Bird Migration by W. Eagle Clarke, is a good instance of the advance made by the full acceptance of the systematist's labour in conjunction with detailed and skilful field-work. The splendid results recently acliieved in Australian Ornithology are all due to co-operation, yet in the Checklist the Committee have omitted to take into consideration any of the recent work of systematists, and for this reason alone the Checklist fails to fufil its title. II. NOMENCLATUEE. The Report of the Checklist Committee gives in detail the reasoning adopted to account for the nomenclatiu'e utilized throughout the Cliecklist. That unanimity among Australian ornithologists with regard to the Checklist was not achieved is apparent from the session minutes. Outside Australia the Checklist cannot meet with any recognition from ornithologists, as tlie International Laws governing nomenclature have been \\'ilfully disregarded, and an attempt has been made to frame a list upon no nomenclatural basis whatever. The long explanation given by the Checklist Committee simply emphasizes the fact that the members did not fully comprehend the reasons governing the accep- tance of the International Laws, and their action with regard to the Law of Priority is incomprehensible from every point of view. The Committee state that " The classification now presented therefore purports to be Gould's classification, remodelled, corrected and modernized by the classification of the British Museum Catalogue and finally revised by your Committee." Xn. INTRODTJCTION This sentence is as ambiguous as the majority of the arguments presented by the Committee in their Preface. If by classification they mean the wliole of the grouping, their statement is incorrect as the whole of the higher groups are those of Sharpe's Handlist of Birds, which was not based on Gould's classification nor has it anytliing to do mth it. The British Museum Catalogues were indepen- dently produced, and the classification there utilized had nothing to do with that used by Gould. The Handlist was also a new production, the classification used in the Catalogue being rejected in toto, so that I can see no connexion whatever between the Checklist classifi- cation and that of Gould as regards the groups higher than genera. If by classification the Committee intended to indicate the genus and species names accepted, their statement is still incorrect, as though tliej' have in many cases used the Gouldian nomenclature, thej^ cannot claim to have made use of the corrections made in the British Museum Catalogues. Regarding this latter \'iew, however, the Committee definitelj- state that " as the generic and specific and subsijecific names of John Gould as used in his work entitled ' The Birds of Australia ' had been in current use in Australia for sixty years and upwards, the principle of priority should not be carried back beyond the respective dates contained in those works." I have sho^vn that this statement is quite incorrect, as the currently-used names in Australia have not for the last forty years been those used by Gould but have been those made use of in the British Museum Catalogue of Birds, and that moreover Gould himself in his Handbook of the Birds of Australia rejected those of the Birds of Australia, ^\Titing in the Preface, p. vi : " Modern research having ascertained that many of the species believed at the time I wrote to be new had been previously described by Latham and others, the specific names assigned to them by those authors have, in obedience to the Law of Priority, been restored." In the Introduction to his Nests and Eggs of Australian Birds published in 1901 (twelve years ago), A. J. Campbell (one of the members of the present Checklist Committee) wrote : " Regarding my work itself I have little to say except to mention that the scientific classification and nomenclature are in accordance generally with the ' Catalogue of Birds ' of the British Museum ; while the vernacular names \\-ith few exceptions may be found in the ' List of Vernacular INTRODUCTION Xm. names for Australian Birds,' publislied by the Australian Association for the Advancement of Science. Since Gould's day, ornithology, like every other science, has advanced apace, consequently Gould's classification is somewhat obsolete. Besides, he himself said his M-as the classification of a "single country" only: whereas the British Museum Cata- logue brings the birds of the whole world under review." The italics are mine, so that the view of the Australian ornith- ologists of twelve years ago can be easily observed. Alex. Wm. Milligan (another member of the Checklist Committee) wrote as recently as September, 1911 (Emu, Vol. XI, p. 138, 1911): "I, "as a member of the Checklist Committee, intend (quite regardless of my personal leanings) to give loyal adherence to the system presently adopted by the national autliority on ornithology within the British dominions, namely, the British Museum ... It cannot he ' hut mischievous to any study to have divers systems of nomen- clature simultaneously co-existent in the one dominion'' In the same letter Milligan stated that, " if the British Museum authorities espouse the new laws, Australia will perforce fall into line." In face of these very definite statements it is somewhat bewildering to find that the Australian Checklist Committee, of which committee Alex. Wm. Milligan and A. J. Camphell are undoubtedly the predorninating members, should have rejected the classification adopted by the British ^Museum authorities and have reverted to the " obsolete Gouldian classification," and therebj^ introduced the "divers sj^stems " that must be "mischievous " to Australian ornithological study These " divers systems " of MiUigan are introduced by him and otliers "in tlie interests of Australian ornithology." The rejection of the Law of Priority as operative prior to Gould is explained in many pages in the Committee's report, but it is noteworthy that the explanation; have been drawn up by workers not conversant with much literature. In consequence many inaccurate statements occur and much erroneous matter is included. Extracts are copiously offered, none of which are utilized. It is apparent from a criticism of these excerpts, that the Checklist Committee were quite unable to justify their action, as the last sentence of their criticism of the Law of Priority reads : " Your Committee claims that by its decision [to use the Gouldian names] it has been able to ignore the battalions of names which should never have been rescued from obscurity and also to deliver Australian XrV. INTRODUCTION ornithology from the innumerable nomenclatural refinements and subtleties wMch threatened its existence." This statement is another of the many incomprehensible ones that occur in the Checklist Preface, as I may claim to have studied the literature of Australian Ornithology fairly closely yet I know of no " battalions of names . . . rescued from obscurity," while the latter sentence is purely imaginative. It is argued by the Committee that the Law of Priority is merely a " law of expediency," and as such may be dis- regarded in favour of any other expedient law. The Committee are apparently unaware that the Law of Priority was introduced as a " law of expediency " to counteract the action of ^^Titers who, not unlike the Com- mittee, desired to make other " laws of expediency " to meet their own views as to what might be expedient. It met with much opposition from such ^Titers, but on account of the chaos introduced into studies by " divers miscliievous systems," it has become recognized that it is the only law that can prevail. British ornithologists have now accepted the fact that the most important work at the present time is to bring their nomenclature into line so that a uniform nomination shall be attained. This present year has seen the most important discussion on this subject since the year 1840, and at the International Congress of Zoologists held at Monaco the principles governing nomenclature were most vigorously discussed and the conclusions arrived at will be seen from the following extracts from the Report of the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature. " The Law of Priority has been affirmed by a number of Zoological Codes, and has been formally affirmed t^nce (1892 and 1901) by the International Congress of Zoologj\ . . . The present personnel of the Commission . . . stands in ovem'helming majority against admitting to the Code any provision looking to exceptions to this long-established rule." As an example of the few alterations that may be necessary, due to strict adlierence to the Law of Priority, in the above report, the following extract apjiears : " By taking the first fifty genera given in the American Ornithologists' Union's Checklist, it is found that in only five cases did the generic name remain unchanged from 1859 to 1886. Thus prior to the establishment of tiie names on basis of the Law of Priority, 45 of the 50 names (or 90 per cent.) changed from 1859 to 1886. From 1886 (when the INTRODUCTION XV. names were established on basis of the Law of Priority) to 1895, not one of tlie 50 names was clianged. The complete list embraced 322 genera and about 1,000 species and sub- species. In the 10 years following the publication of the list (based upon Priority), it was found necessary to change (by action of the Law of Priority) the names of 3 genera, 1 subgenus, 3 species and 1 subspecies. The Commission invites the serious attention of the Congress to these very remarkable results obtained by the Code of the A.O.U." This extract should be sufficient to prove to any thinking Australian ornithologist that, as a working factor for uniformity, the Law of Priority is the only basis \\-orth consideration, and the confirmation given by the 1913 Congress is remarkable in view of the organized opposition which attended there. My nomenclature throughout is based on the International Code formulated by the International Congresses of Zoology and the Opinions rendered by the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature appointed by the International Congresses. Consequently in this List the genera proposed by Brisson are accepted and errors of transliteration are corrected. Tiiis is necessary as the Opinions governing these points have been approved by the Congress and now take equal rank with the Coded Laws. As pointed out by the reviewer in the Auk, to attain uniformity in the matter of nomenclature it is necessary to sink any personal opinions in favour of those of the majority. I do not see that any further argument in favour of trinomials need be adduced, as though the Committee in the Checklist have rejected this system of nominating subspecies, it is already obvious that their action does not meet with approval by Australian ornithological students. Outside Australia, of course no other system is now accepted, and it is noteworthy to find that the two examples antagonistic to it quoted by the Committee are now useless. Firstly, Bowdler Sharpe maintained that the system would fall by its own weight. After thirty years' obstinate antagonism the British Ornithologists' Union Select Committee have been compelled to accept the extreme value of trinomials, and are preparing a List of British Birds wherein these are fully utilized. This Select Committee is purely repre- sentative of " the older school of ornithologists " mentioned by Mr. Ogilvie-Grant, who, since his letter, which is quoted, XVI. INTEODUCTION has fully acknowledged that trinomials, when understood, are an aid and advantage to science, and they are now regu- larly used by Ogilvie-Grant in all his scientific writings. In this List, genera of very narrow limits are recognized and in tliis respect I feel I will, to a great extent, have the support of Australian ornithologists. The Checklist Com- mittee have indicated their dissatisfaction \nth many of the genera of wide limits in use in the Catalogue of Birds, and their action in re\'iving many of the Gouldian genera will meet with general approval. With regard to my own treatment of the Ckamdriiformes the following plain-spoken criticism may be recorded : " Mr. Mathews' extreme views upon generic sub-division bring into use many names usually relegated to sjTionymy and these together with the new ones which he proposes will provide names for almost if not quite all the groujJS of Charadriiformes that can possibly be differentiated. 'WTiether his nomenclature will be followed bj^ others is open to question. His aim to be consistent in the amount of differentiation necessary for the recognition of a separate genus is praise- worthy, but consistency in judging questions of degree of difference involves the personal equation and can only be settled by the vote of a Committee." To which, after the word " Committee," should have been added, " who have all equally and fully studied the grottp in question." In the case quoted I carefully noted that previous to mj" investigation practicalh' no attention had been given to the study of the group, only two writers having attempted it. Under such circumstances much work and many alterations could be anticipated. Lest it might be considered that my criticism of the Official Checklist is prejudiced, and on that account unfair, I refer to the review in the Atik, Vol. XXX., p. 447, 1913, where we read : — " These principles, we think, constitute the most remarkable ' Code of Nomenclature ' that has been framed in recent times ... As it is, the members seemed to have failed utterly in comprehending the problem before them . . . We regret exceedingly that we cannot endorse tins Checklist for general use. Aside from all questions of nomenclature, it would serve a valuable purpose as a conservative list of Australian species and subspecies : but here it fails, inasmuch as tlie lack of synonymy makes it difBcult or impossible to ascertain \nth which forms the many recently- described races have been united." INTRODUCTION XVll. The reviewer in the Ibis 1913 (pp. 699-701) speaks no less clearly as to tlie limitations of tlie Official Checklist, thus : " As a nomenclature to be employed by a conservative body of local «'orkers it might be recommended, but no further usage is possible .... It is impossible to recom- mend tlie list to the use of present-day workers, as no synonymy is given, and names are apparently used for species with wliicli they liave been sliown to liave no con- nection .... In conclusion, it can only be reiterated that the Official Clieckhst can be regarded merely as an expression of tlie conservative views of tlie older school of AustraUan ornithologists, and not as a useful index to the state of ornithological science in Australia." The List here following fulfils two of the matters noted by the Checklist Committee. On ji. 16 of the preface is written : ''It has also been claimed that the [trinomial] system is advantageous to specialists and students. Your Committee regrets tliat it cannot admit this contention, as tlie specific names would only convey to the former what he as a specialist alreadj' kno^^•s, and would only convey to the student what he could find, without trouble, in any reference-book." To my knowledge no such reference-book exists, and the present List fulfils that want. On p. 19, A. F. Basset Hull has the following notewliich must meet with appreciation from every reader whatever his personal views might be : " The question as to the admission to or exclusion from the Checklist of many of the minor varieties is a difficult one, as it should involve the examination of all types. The Committee being unable to obtain access to many of the type-skins, the admission of some subspecies and the rejection of others is a course which must inevitably lead to complaint and argument. The omission or inclusion of all the recorded subspecies might have been preferable. In the former case the list would have been appreciably shortened, and at no great sacrifice from a scientific point of view, inasmucli as advanced students are able to discriminate for themselves as to which of the recorded varieties they will recognise ; while, from a popular point of view, the shortening of the list could not be otherwise than beneficial. In the latter case, the inclusion of all described subspecies under the dominant species- number would enable the general collector to confine liimself to dominants only, and there would be no complaint as to any distinctions having been made by the Committee." X\^TI. INTRODUCTION The following List is prepared under the second of Mr. Hull's alternatives : every subspecies, at present recognizable, is admitted, but they are grouped under the oldest name -which appears as a binomial for the sjoecies-name, and is placed in heavier type. It will be noted by critics of this List that I have returned as synonyms many of the names I have recently given as subspecific. These are such that with httle material are difficult to distinguish and for the present I prefer to rank them as synonymous, still with the proviso that more material will force their recognition. Throughout this List I have attempted to err on the side of conservatism, rather than the reverse. VVliatever my result, I put forward this List with full confidence that a study of it will benefit every Australian ornithologist, and that as a «ork of reference it will prove of great value. Synonjans of extra-limital genera and species may not be complctelj' given, but in the endemic Austrahan genera and species, every synonym I am aware of at the time of ^vriting is included. III. ZOOGEOGEAPHICAL StFDY. In the introduction to my " Reference List " I noted the two papers by Hall on the " Distribution of Australian Birds " and postponed my own discussion regarding Hall's results, simply stating generally my endorsement thereof. I cannot here go into much detail but feel that I cannot dismiss the subject \\-itliout some comment. This present List purports to be based upon the results of study of the Australian avifauna from the present day aspect regarding zoogeography. Inasmuch as my pre^'ious attempt was somewhat severely criticised in the preface to the Official Checklist, and as that criticism showed that apparently many Australians still misunderstood the reason for such subdivision as I effected, it seems necessary that some remarks must be made. That criticism is the more inexplicable inasmuch as one of the members of the Check- list Committee was Robert Hall, the author of the papers on "Geographical Distribution" above mentioned. Another member was Alex. Wm. MUligan, whose letter regarding the Eastern and Western Australian Passeres {Emu, Vol. III., p. 245-6, 1904) is worth consideration in ■view of the present action of the Checklist Committee. In that letter trivial differences are upheld as constituting specific distinction, whereas Colonel Legge (also at the present INTRODUCTION XIX. time a member of the CliecklLst Committee) had suggested that such only merited subspecific rank. The latter view- is obviously more in accordance with the zoogeographical students' conclusions. The examjiles Jlilligan quotes mostly appear as subspecies only in the present List. Much study is required to understand the distribution of the Australian a^'ifauna, and this is a field as yet initouched. The extent of Australia is not at all understood by extra- Australian ornithological workers, and it is not fully realized by Australian workers themselves. In otlier branches of science students are further ahead, and the following quota- tion is worthj' of much consideration by ornitliologists at the present stage of our knowledge. Hedley {Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 1899, p. 395) wTote : " The use of political boundaries has mucli confused the lines of zoogeograpliical demarcation. ' The Australian Region.' meaning the continent of Australia together with the islands of New Guinea and the West Pacific, is an especially misleading term, and has tended to obscure natural boundaries. Within Australasia are several regions, peopled bj^ distinct and unrelated faunas. To a zoologist, Australia is not an entity, and may with advantage be dismissed from his vocabulary. I am unable to recognise New Zealand and the other West Pacific Archipelagoes as appanages of Australia. It is first necessary to under- stand the faunal regions of Australia. In 1894 I published a short sketch, showing that three faunal elements were included in this continent. This view was afterwards accepted and amplified by Spencer. The oldest of these three, named by Tate the Autochthonian and by Spencer the Eyrean, has its cliief seat in the extreme soutli-west, but its influence is perceptible across the continent to tlie north-east of Queensland. The second oldest Australian element is that called by Tate the Euronotian and by Spencer the Bassian. It is the most characteristic Australian element, and consists of a rich fauna of Antarctic origin which entering by Tasmania, overran the whole continent, crossed Torres Straits into New Guinea, and reached its utmost eastern limit in the Solomons. Characteristic members of it are the marsupials, monotremes, cystignathous frogs, venomous snakes, and snails of tlie Order ^Macroogna. The third and youngest Australian element, whicli has been called by Spencer the Torresian. was first noted by myself in 1892 when describing the erudition of Papuan Mollusca into Queensland." XX. INTRODUCTION In the same year Hall published his Key to the Birds of Australia, and in the preface ^^Tote : " The geograpliical distribution of our birds is here placed very much upon the plan of subregions defined by Professor Spencer in the 'Horn Expedition Report (Zool.),' and it appears to me an apjjropriate one . . . The appendix map indicates the Eyrean, Torresian and Bassian sub-regions as proposed by Professor Spencer, and these again are divided into nine areas." The Torresian covered Hall's areas I, 2, 3, agreeing with the Northern Territory, North Queensland, and South Queensland (including the Richmond and Clarence Rivers respectively). The Bassian covered areas 4 and 5 — the former, part of Victoria and coastal New South Wales, the latter Tasmania alone. The Eyrean constituted the remain- der of the continent, the divisions 6, 7, 8, 9 agreeing with adjacent parts of Victoria and South Australia, Central Australia, North-west Australia, and Western Australia. The preface continued with a digest of the Australia Passeriformes as represented in these areas using the genera and species as accepted in the British Museum Catalogue of Birds. His conclusions had to be modified when the other avi- faunal groups were studied, and in 1910 he published in the Proceedings of tlie Royal Society of Tasmania a second paper on "The Distribution of Australian Land Birds," and com- mented : " [Formerljr] I expressed the opinion that the Passerine birds of area 2 (North Queensland) had their origin in the old Papuan sub-region, and that the greater part of the remaining Passerine birds of Australia was derived from this area, travelling along three routes from the N.E. to the W., from the N.E. to the S.E., and from the S.E. to the S.W. of the continent. The present-day parrots do not lend themselves to any of these lines of expansion, a recent evolutionary centre appearing to have been in area 7 (Central Australia) . . . From the Papuan sub- region almost the \^'hole of the present bii-d fauna appear to have had their origin." The succeeding argument is somewhat difficult to easily follow, through the usage of numerals. However, the preceding \\\\\ show that there is much divergence between Hedley's conclusions and Hall's results, and — as Hedley comments, " Wiere the evidence of one group conflicts with that of another, either the testimony or application is at fault " — some attempt at correlation must be made. Firstly the acceptance of subspecies and genera of restricted INTRODUCTION XXI. limits will make this task easier. In 1904 Colonel Legge wrote upon tlie " Zoogeographical Relations of the Ornis of tlie various Subregions of the 'Australian Region,' with the Geographical Distribution of the principal Genera therein" (Trans. Austr. Assoc. Adv. Sci., Dunedin meeting). That article is also based on the genera and species utilized by the various authors in the British Museum Catalogue of Birds, and the " Australian Region " is that formulated by Wallace. As noted previously it is constantly overlooked by many ornithological workers tliat the British Museum Catalogue of Birds \\as prepared during t^^•enty-five years, from 1873 to 1898, and consequently the data provided m the earlier volumes cannot satisfactorily be utilized in conjunction «-ith tliat given in the latter ones as a safe basis for com- parison many years afterward. The discovery of new facts is constantly altering such data, and the only safe method of providing stable comparisons is to review the whole avifauna from the present-day standj)oint. I am unable to go into this in such a full manner at this present occasion, but I liave given the matter much attention and hope later to deal with it. A few points may be here noted, inasmuch as my own studies certainly lead to an endorsement of Medley's conclusions : thus the genera Pezoporvs and Geopsittacus recall at once in coloration the Neozelanic genus Strigops, and would be cited as evidence of the Ant- arctic element. The southern distribution of such genera as Stipiturns. DiaphoriUas. Chthonicola. Cinclosoma. Pycnop- iihis, etc., needs investigation, and as many of these Passerine genera liave no close relations outside Australia, it is pure speculation to claim them as having a northern origin. Indeed, very many of the Australian Passeriformes would certainly seem to have pushed North into New Guinea rather than have come southward. The late Torresian invasion, noted by Hedley, is very noticeable in tlie North Queensland avifauna, but this is quite distinct from the Australian invasion of New Guinea. The genus Trihonyx, confined to Tasmania but witli a smaller relative, Microtribonyx, confined to the continent of Australia, is considered a very ancient Ralline form, verj^ probably of Antarctic origin. The genus Cereopsis, whose osteology lias recently been well reported upon by Shufeldt {Emu, Vol. XII., pp. 209- 237, 1913) is another of the many interesting forms whose ancestry seems to have had an Antarctic liome. The genus Drotniceius is acknowledged to be more closely related to XXII. rSTEODUCTION the South American Rhea than to any other Struthious genus, and tliis again miglit be quoted in favour of an Antarctic element. It should be noted that both Legge and Hall have omitted from thek papers members of the Orders Charadrii- formes, Anseriformes, and Pelecaniformes, but it might be remarked that many members of these Orders indicate an Antarctic relationship such as the \Miite-breasted Shags. I \\ill not here dilate upon this point but simply state that the Lariformes and Pi-ocellariiformes Avould also need con- sideration, as thek breeding-grounds are quite restricted and some species of the latter Order are very local. It was however not my intention to discuss the relation- ship of the Australian avifauna, but to draw attention to the magnitude of the \\'ork to be done on the continent of Australia itself. Island-forms have been long kno\\-n and many were years ago described as species, notablj- Tasmanian forms, by Gould ; all over the ^\'orld island-breeding birds have been differentiated upon the slightest grounds. I am not against this, but A\'ould point out that on the continent of Australia many " islands " occur. It is noteworthy that Australians progressively discovered the " island " con- stituting the Mallee country of Victoria and South Australia, while the Bellenden Ker Range constitutes another " island." This latter is peculiarly an "island," as the avifauna differs most wonderfully from that of the adjoining lowlands. The Onslow district of North-west Australia might be noticed as apparently another "island." None of these " islands " show appreciable barriers at the present time. How many more remain to be discovered by the enterprising field-ornithologist, time alone will tell. Hall's area 7, comprising Central Australia, will probably produce a multitude of "islands," the few birds already obtained only urging to further efforts by then' peculiar features. The sporadic appearance of thousands of Micro- trihonyx, the multitudes of Histriophaps, the occurrence of Spathopterus, etc., in South Australia and North- Avest Australia, all tend to show that large areas of suitable country must be included in that area ; G. F. Hill's notes (Emu, Vol. XII., pp. 238-262, 1913) confirm that conclusion. As regards the nomination of the areas inhabited by the subspecies admitted, the present political names have perforce had to be utilized as the numbers ]iroposed by Hall are just as imperfect in usage and much more confusing. This is regrettable, as political boundaries mTRODTTCTION XXIII. rarely coincide with zoological divisions, and some confusion is certain. Tliis is especially the case as regards West Australia : that state covers an area twenty times as large as England and Wales, extending sixteen degrees of longi- tude and t\\'enty-one degrees of latitude ; the rainfall varies from under ten inches per annum to over 50 inches. As one consequence many forms occur locally, and it Ls difficult to indicate the exact distribution of such forms in a few words. The term Nortli-west Australia is especially open to misuse, having been commonly used for the district round the North West Cape, and just as often for the Kimberle}' Division. The citation of the type-locality will determine wliich portion Ls intended in most cases, but it is certain that the next List must give particulars of the distribution much more accurately. It will only be by means of co-operation that such accuracy will be attained, and I would beg Australian ornithologists to attempt to I'each the standard set by Americans and Europeans. Witji a much more interesting, varied, and more easily observed avifauna than probably any other portion of tlie world, the outlook is immense — but the workers are few. The few, liowever, have shown what there is to do, and Captain S. A. Wliite has created a precedent as to liow to do it. Anotlier brilliant example, entirely due to local knowledge, is the discovery of the peculiar avifauna of the Mallee country of Victoria and Soutli Australia. A. G. Campbell's paper on the " Birds of Kangaroo Island " (Emu, Vol. v., pp. 139-145, 1906) is the pioneer classic of scientific treatment of a local avifauna by an Australian ornithologist, and it is to be regretted that the standard set in that paper has rarely since been attained by local workers. In the Official Checklist Committee's Report the following sentence occurs (p. 9) ; " It will be observed that no definition is given or indicated in the code of a ' geographical area ' or a ' fauna region,' and it is scarcely necessary to say that to Australian ornithologists such a definition is all-important." This would tend to indicate that the facts j^roduced by Hall in his two papers cited had been lost sight of by the Committee, as other\\ise it would have been obvious tliat the limits of geographical areas must be determined by the study of specimens and that, for instance, Tasmania would constitute a " faunal region." It is very pleasing to note that the Editors of the Emu are anxious that bed-rock priority should be recognized XX J V. INTRODXTCTION as they have drawn my attention {Emu, Vol. XII., p. 270) to those subspecies described in the Emu, Vol. V., by tlie son of one of the Editors. I also notice a trinomial in the Emu, Vol. XIII., p. 49, issued six months after the Checklist was pubUshed. So no doubt soon we will have uniformity' of nomenclature. November, 1913. G. M. M. Note. — ^The designation of types of genera and tjq^e- localities of species and subspecies is to be considered as before in my works. ADDITIONS. The following recent additions to the Australian avifauna must be here added, on account of their extraordinary and unexpected nature. Full details will be given in the Avstral Avian Record : — Genus GLOBICERA. lilobicera Bonaparte, Comptes Rendus Sci. (Paris), Vol. XXXIX., p. 1072, 1854. Type (by tautonymy) : Columba pacifica Gmelin. Globicera pacifica. [Globicera pacifica paciQca. Columba pacifica Gmelm, Sj^st. Nat., p. 777, 1789; Friendly Islands. Extra limital.] Globicera pacifica lepida. Queensland Pigeon. tCarpophaga lepida Cassin, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1854, p. 230; Northern Australia ? Range : North Queensland. Genus GEOFFROYUS. O'eoffroyu-') Bonaparte, Comptes Rendus Sci. (Paris), Vol. XXX., p. 137, 1850. Type (by tautonymy) : Psittacus geoffroyi Bechstein. Synonyms : Geoffroya Agassiz, Nomencl. Zool., Aves, p. 101, 1846 ; no?n. nudum. Geoffroy Gray, Cat. Gen. Subgen. Birds, p. 88, 1855. Type : P. geoffroyi Bechstein. Rhodocephalus Reichenow, Journ. fiir Ornith. 1881, p. 247; new name for Geoffroyus Bonaparte. Paeudopsittacus Macgi]li\Tay, Emu, Vol. XIII., p. 105, 1913. Type: P. maclennani Macgillivray. Geoffroyus geofiroyi. [Geoflroyus geoffroyi geoffroyi. Paittacua geoffroyi Bechstein, Kurze Uebers Vogel., p. 103, pi. 21, 1811 ; "New Holland "= Timor. Extra limital.] Geoffroyus geoffroyi maclennani. Red-cheeked Parrot. Pseudopaillacua maclennani JIacgilli\Tay, Emu, Vol. XIII., p. 105, 1913 ; Pascoe River, North Queensland. Range : North Queensland. B* XXVI. ADDITIONS Genus ECLECTUS. Edectns Wagler, Abhandl. Ak. Wissen., Miinch., Vol. I., p. 495, 1832 (not Eclectis Hubner 1826). Tjrpe (by subsequent de-signation, Gray 1840) : P. grandis Gmelm = P. pecloralis P.L.S. Miiller. Synonym : Polychlorus Sclater, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond. ) 1857, p. 226. Type: Psittacics magnus Gmelin = P. ■pectoralis, P.L.S. Jliiller. Eclectus pectoralis. [Eclectus pectoralis pectoralis. Psittacus pectoralis P.L.S. Miiller, Syst. Nat., Suppl., p. 78, 1776 ; " China "= New Guinea. Extra limital.] Eclectus pectoralis macgillivrayi. Red-sided Parrot. Eclectus pectoralis macgillivrayi Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. II. ; Pascoe River, North Queensland. Range : North Queensland. Sericornis longirostris insularis. Forsyth Scrub-Wren. Sericornis insularis Cole, Emu, Vol. XIII., p. 74, 1913 ; Forsyth Island, Furneaux Group. Range : Furneaux Group, Bass Strait. On p. 253 read — Zosterops lateralis chlorocephala. Capricorn Wliite-eye. and transfer to Appendix " A," p. 324 (" Birds of the Phillipian Sub- region ") — Zosterops lateralis tephropleura. Lord Howe Grev-breasted Silver- Eye. Zosterops tephroplewa Gould, Proc. Zool. Soe. (Lond.) 1855, p. 160; Lord Howe Island. Range : Lord Howe Island (breeding). CORRECTIONS. Page 38, for Genus Daption Stephens 1826, read Petrella Zunmerman, ed. Bartram's Trav. Carolina, p. 293, 1793. TjT^e (by monotypy) : Procellaria capensis Linn^. and Petrella capensis Linn^, Petrella capensis capensis Linne, Petrella capensis australis Mathews. Page 86, for Chenopis atrata atrata, read Chenopis atrata. Page 116, add North-west Australia to range of B. rufa. Page 119, for Eulelipsitta chlorolepidota chlorolepidota, read. Eutelipsitta chlorolepidota. Page 143 line 10, for Megapoditis read Megapodargus ; and for p. 62, read 63. Thefollomng type-localities are not marked m, the map : — Alexanclia, Northern Territory, lat. 19°S., long. 136°E. Alligator River (South), Northern Territory, runs into Van Diemen Gulf, and is the river marked on the map on the right, but no name given. Bedout Island, Mid-west Australia, lat. 19.35 S., long. 119.8 E. Bellenden Ker, Queensland, lat. 17.15 S., long. 145.40 E. Broome Hill, South-west Austraha, lat. 33.9 S., long. 117.6 E. Coongan River, Mid-west Australia, lat. 20.5 S., long. 119.5 E. Coomooboolaroo, on the Dawson River, Queensland, lat. 24.30 S., long. 149.48 E. Glencoe, Northern Territory, lat. 13.5 S., long. 131.5 E. Inkerman, on the Burdekin River, Queensland, lat. 20.10 S., long. 147.20 E. Lake Way, Mid-west Au.stralia, lat. 27 S., long. 121 E. Mungi, inland from Derby, North-west Australia. Napier Broome Bav, North-west Australia, lat. 13.55 S., long. 126.54 E. Parry's Creek, inland from Wyndham, North-west Australia. Point Torment, a little north of Derby, North-west Australia. Wilson's Inlet, South-west Australia, lat. 35.2 S., long. 117.22 E. A LIST OF THE BIKDS OF AUSTRALIA Class AVES. Stjb-Class DROiLEOGNATHAE. Order CASUARIirOR:\rES. Family DROMICEIIDAE. Genus DROMICEIUS. Dromiceius Vieillot, Analyse nou\-. Omith., p. 54, 181(1. Tj'pe (by monotj-py): Casuarius novaeJiuUandiae Latham. Synonyms : Dromaiiis Vieillot, Analyse nouv. Oniith.. p. 70, 1816. Tachca Fleming, Philos. of Zool., Vol. II., p. 257, 1822. Type : Casuarius novaehoUandiae Latham. ? Chelarga Billberg, Sj-nops. Faimae Scant!., Vol. I., pt. ii., tab. A, 1828. Tj^pe : Casuarius novaehoUandiae Latham ? cf. Richmcnd, Proc. r.S. Xat. JIus,, Vol. XXXV., p. 598, 1908. Dromiceius novaehoUandiae. Dromiceius novaehoUandiae novaehoUandiae. Emu. Casvariiis novaehoUandiae Latham, Index Omith., Vol. XL, p. 665, 1790 ; Sydney, Xew South Wales. Synonj'ms : Castiariiis anstralis Shaw, Xat. ilisceU., Vol. III., pi. 99, 1792 ; Xew South Wales. Dromaiiis aler Vieil'ot, Xouv. Diet. d"Hist. Nat., Vol. X., p. 212, 1817 ; New South Wales. Dromiceus emu Stephens, in Shaw's Gen. Zool., Vol. XIV., p. 307, pi. 39, 1826; Xew South Wales. Drcmaexis irroratiis Bartlett, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lend.) 1859, p. 205 interior of Xew South Wales. Range: Queensland; New South Wales ; Victoria ; South Australia . Dromiceius novaehoUandiae woodward!. North-western Emu. Drcmiceiiis novaehoUandiae woodwardi Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol XVIII. , p. 175, 1912 ; Strelley River, Mid-west AustraUa. Range : Mid- and North- west Australia ; Northern Territory. B 2 A LIST OF THE [CASUARIIFOEMES Dromiceius novaehoUandiae rothschildi. South-western Emu. Dromiceiiis novaehoUandiae rothschildi JIathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 175, 1912 ; GraceBeld, South-west AustraUa. Range : South-west Australia. Dromiceius novaehoUandiae diemenensis. Tasmanian Emu. Dromaens diemenensis Le Souef, Bull. Brit. Omith. Club, Vol. XXI., p. 13, 1907 ; Tasmania. Range: Tasmania (extinct). Genus PERONISTA. Peronista Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 107, 1912. Tj'pe (by original designation) : Dromaius peroni Rothscliild. Peronista peroni. Peronista peroni. Kangaroo Island Emu. Dromaius peroni RothschOd, Extinct Birds, p. 235, pi. 40, 1907 ; Kangaroo Island. Synonym : Dromaius parvulus Gould, Penny Cj'clop., Vol. XXIII., p. 145, 1842 : 7iom. nudum ; Mathews, Birds Austr., Vol. I., p. 19, 1910 ; Kangaroo Island. Range : Kangaroo Island (extinct). Peronista spenceri. Peronista spenceri. King Island Emu. Dromiceixs spenceri Mathews, Kov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 176, 1912 ; King Island. Range: King Island (extinct). Family CASUARIIDAE. Genus CASUARIUS. Casuarius Brisson, Omith., Vol. V., p. 10, 1700. Casuarius Latham, Index Omith., Vol. II., p. 664, 1790. Type (by tautonymy) : Casuarius = Struthio casuarius Linne. SynonjTns : Ehea Lacepede, Tabl. Ois., p. 20, 1799 : nom. nudum ; Daudin, in Hist. Xat. BufEon, ed. Didot, Quadr., Vol. XIV., p. 345, 1802. Type : Struthio camiarius Linne. Cassoujara Perry, Arcana, pi. Lsxsii., ISll. Tj-pe: Cassowara eximta Perry. CeJa Oken, Lehrb. der Naturg., Vol. III., Zool., 2 Abth., p. 646, 1816. Type : Struthio casuarius Linne. CASUAEHFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 3 Oxyponia "Brookes, Catal. Mus. Joshua Brookes, pt. ii., p. 95, July, 1828. Type : " Oaauarius galeatus" = Struthio casiiarius Linn^. ? Thrasys Billberg, Sjniops. Faunae Scaiui.. Vol. I., pt. Ii., tab. A, 1828 : new name for Casiiarius Brissoii, cf. Richmond, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., Vol. XXXV., p. (Ufi, 1008. Hippakclryo Gloger, Hand u. Hilfsb., pp. xxxxiii., 452, 1842. Type: Hippalectryo indicus Gloger = Struthio casiiarius Linne. Casuarius casuarius. [Casuarius casuarius casuarius. Struthio casuarius Linn^, Sj'St. Nat., 10th ed., p. 155, 1758 ; Ceram. Extra limital.] Casuarius casuarius johnsonii. Australian Cassowary. Caauarixis johnsonii Mueller, Proo. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1867, p. 242 ; Gowrie Creek, Rockingham Bay, Queensland. SynonjTn : Casuarius aiislralis (not ShaTr 1792) Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.), p. 270, 1857 ; North Queensland. Range : North Queensland. SuB-Ci.Ass IMPENNES. Order SPHENISCIFORIMES. Family SPHENISCIDAE. Genus APTENODYTES. Aptenodytc.s Jliller, " Var. Subj. Nat. Hist., pt. iv., pl. 23, 1778." Type (by monotypy) : Aptenodytes patagonica Miller. SjTionyms : Apterodita SeopoH, Del. Flor. Faim. Insub., Vol. II., p. 91, 1786. Type : Aptenodytes patagonica Miller. Penguinaria Shaw, Mus. Lever, Vol. I., p. 144, 1792. Type : Apten- odytes patagonica MDler Aptenodytes patagonica. [Aptenodytes patagonica patagonica. Aptenodytes patagonica Miller, "Var. Subj. Nat. Hist., pt. iv., pl. 23, 1778"; Falkland Islands. Extra limitaL] Aptenodytes patagonica halli. Allied King-Penguin. Aptenodytes patagonica halli Mathews, Birds Austr., Vol. I., p. 272, 1911; Macquarie Island. Range : Tasmania (accidental, one occurrence : Hall, Emu, Vol. IX., p. 250, 1910, Maria Island). Extra limital, breeding on Macquarie Island. B 2 Genus EUDYPTES. Eudyptes Vieillot, Analyse nouv. Omith., p. 67, 1816 (April). Type (by subsequent designation, Gray 1840) : Gorju Buffon = E. nigriveslis Gray. Synonyms : Catarrhactes Cuvier, Le Regne Anim., Vol. I., p. 513, 1S16 (Dec). Type : E. niqrivestis Gray. Chrysocoma Stephens, in Shaw's Gen. Zool., Vol. XIII., pt. i., p. 57, lfi26. TiT^e : C. saltator = E. nigrivestis Gray. Geopega Billberg, Synops. Faunae Scancl., Vol. I., pt. ii., tab. A, 1828 : new name for Catarrhactes Cuvier. Microdyptes Milne-Edwards, Ann. Sci. Nat., Ser. IV., Vol. IX., art. 9, p. 58, 1880. Type: Microdyptes scrresiana OnstaXet. Pengiiiniis Mathews (ex Brunnich, Zool. Fund., p. 78, 1771), Nov. Zool., Vol. XVII., p. 495, 1910. Type: Ph. demersus Linn6 (Auct. ) = Eudyptes pachyrhynchus Gray. Catarractes Auct., not Oatarractes Brisson, which is indeterminable. Eudyptes paehyrhynchus. Eudyptes paehyrhynchus. Big-crested Penguin. Eudyptes paehyrhynchus Gray, Voy. " Erebus " and " Terror," Birds, 1845, p. 17 ; Waikowaiti, South Island, New Zealand. Range : Australian and New Zealand seas. Genus EUDYPTULA. Eudyptula Bonaparte, Comptes Rendus Sci. (Paris), Vol. XLII., p. 775, 1856. Type (by monotypy) : Aptenodytes minor Forster. Eudyptula minor. [Eudyptula minor minor. Aptenodytes minor Forster, Comm. Gotting., Vol. III., p. 147, 1781 ; Dusky Sound, New Zealand. Extra limital.j Eudyptula minor novaehollandiae. Little Penguin. Spheniscus novaehollandiae Stephens, in Shaw's Gen. Zool., Vol. XIII.,. pt. I., p. 68, 1826 ; Port Jackson, New South Wales. Range : New South Wales. Eudyptula minor undina. Fairy Penguin. Aptenodytes undina Gould, Proc. Zool. Soo. (Lond.) 1844, p. 57; Circular Head, Tasmania. Range : Tasmania ; Victoria ; South Australia. Eudyptula minor woodwardi. Western Little Penguin. Eudyptula minor woodwardi Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 199,. 1912 ; Sandy Hook Island, South-west Australia. Range : West Australia. OALUFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 5 Sub-Class EUORXITHES. Order GALLl FORMES. Family MHGAPODIID.VE. Genus MEGAPODIUS. Megapodiiia Gaimard, Bull. Gen. Univ. Aiiiion. Nouv. Sci. Ferussac, Vol. IT., p. 450, 1823. Tj'pe (I designate) : Megapodiits freycimt Graimard. Synonyms : Alecthelia Lesson, Bull. Sci. Xat. Forussac, Vol. VIII., p. 115, 1820. Type : Megapodiiia jreycinet Gnimard. Ameloiia Gloger, Hand u. Hilfsb., p. 375, 1842. Type : Mcjapodiiia jreycinet Gaimard. Megapodius duperryii. [Megapodius duperryii duperryii. Meijapodiiis dtipcmjii Lesson et Gamot, Bull. Sci. Nat. Ferussac, Vol. VIII., p. 113, l.S2(i ; Dorey, Now Guinea. E.\tra limital. ] Megapodius duperryii tumulus. Western Scrub-Fowl. Megapodius tumulus Gould, Proo. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1842, p. 20 ; Cobourg Peninsula, Northern Territory. Synonym : Megapodius duperreyi melviUensia Matliow.s, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 26, 1912; Melville Island, Northern Territory. Range : Northern Territory. Megapodius duperryii assimilis. Eastern Scrub-Fowl. Megapodius assimilis Masters, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., Vol. I., p. 59, 1876 ; Dungeness Island, Torres Strait, North Queensland. Range : North Queensland. Genus LEIPOA. Leipoa Gould, Proo. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1840, p. 126, 1841. Tji^e (by monotjrpy) : Leipoa ocellata Gould. Leipoa ocellata. Leipoa ocellata ocellata. Western Mallee Fowl. Leipoa ncc"ala Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1840, p. 126, 1841 Swan River, Western Australia. Range : West Australia. Leipoa ocellata rosinae. Eastern Mallee Fowl. Leipoa ocdlala rosinae JIathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 177, 1912 ; South Australia. Range : New South Wales ; Victoria ; South Australia. 6 A LIST OF THE [GALLTFOEMES Genus ALECTUBA. Alectura Latham, Gen. Hist. Birds, Vol. X., p. 455, 1824. TjT^ie (by monotypy) : New Holland Vulture = Alectura lathami Gray. Sjrnonym ; Catheturtis Swain.son, Classif. Birds., Vol. II., p. 206, 1837. Type Catheturiis australis Swainson = Alectura lathami Gray. Alectura lathami. Alectura lathami lathami. Brush-Turkey. Alectura lathami Gray, Zool. Miscel., p. 4, 1831 ; New South Wales. Synonyms : Catheturiis australis Swainson, Classif. Birds, Vol. II., p. 206, 1837 ; New South Wales. Meleagris lindesayii 3 araeson, Mem. Wem. Nat. Soc, Vol. VII., p. 473, 1838 : nam. nudum. Catheturiis novaehollandiae Bonaparte, Comptes Rendus Sci. (Paris), Vol. XLII., p. 876, 1856 : nam- nudum. Range : South Queensland ; New South Wales. Alectura lathami robinsoni. Allied Brush-Tiu-key. Alectura lathami robinsoni Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 177, 1912 ; Cairns, North Queensland. Range : North Queensland (Cairns district). Alectura lathami purpureicoUis. Purple-Wattled Brush-Turkey. TalegaUus purpureicoUis Le Souef, Ibis 1898, p. 51 ; Cape York, Queensland. Range : North Queensland (Cape York district). FAMiLy PHASIANIDAE. Genus COTDRNIX. Coturnix Bonnaterre, Tab). Ency. Meth. Omith., Vol. I., pp. Ixxsvii., 216, 1791. Type (by tautonj^my) : Coturnix communis Bonnaterre = Tetrao coturnix Linne. Synonyms : Ortygion Keyserling xuid Blasius, Wirbelth. Europa's, pp. Ixvi., 112, 202, 1840. Type: Tetrao coturnix Linne. Perdortyx Montessus, Mem. Soc. Saone, Vol. VI., p. 36, 1885. Type : Tetrao coturnix Linne. Coturnix pectoralis. Coturmx pectoralis pectoralis. Eastern Stubble-Quail. Coturnix pectoralis Gould, Synops. Birds Austr., pt. n., pi. 29, 1837 ; New South Wales. Range : Queensland ; New South Wales ; Victoria ; Tasmania ; South Australia. GALUFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 7 Coturnix pectoralis praetermissa. Western Stubble-Quail. Cotiimix pectoralis praetermifsa .Mathews, Xov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. ITS, 1912; Broome Hill, South-west Australia. Range : South-weat Australia. Genus SYNOICUS. SynoicMS Gould, Birds Austr., Vol. V., pi. 89 (text), 1843. Type (by monotypy) : Perdix australis Latham. Synonym : Ypsilophonis Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 127 : substitute- name for Synoicus Gould 1843 ; not Synoicum Phipps 1774. Synoicus ypsilophorus. Synoicus ypsilophorus ypsilophorus. Tasmanian Brown Quail. Coturnix ypsilophorus Bosc, .Journ. d'Hist. Xat., Vol. II., No. 20, p. 297, pi. 39, 1792 ; Tasmania. Synonym : Synoicus diemenensis Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1847, p. 33; Tasmania. Range : Tasmania. Synoicus ypsilophorus australis. Eastern Brown Quail. Perdix australis Latham, Index Ornith., Suppl., p. Ixii., 1801 ; New South Wales. Range : South Queensland ; Xew South Wales ; Victoria. Synoicus ypsilophorus sordidus. Southern Brown Quail. Si/noicus sordidus Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1847, p. 33; South Australia. Range : South Australia ; South-west Australia. Synoicus ypsilophorus cervinus. Northern Brown Quail. Synoicus cervinus Gould. Handb. Birds. Austr., Vol. II., p. 195, 1805 ; Port Essington, Northern Territory. Synonym : Coturnix australis melrillensis JIathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. 1., p. 26, 1912 ; Jlelville Island, Northern Territory. Range : Northern Territory. Synoicus ypsilophorus rogersi. Dark Brown Quail. Coturnix australis roycrsi Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 179, 1912 ; Parry's Creek, North-west Australia (Coast). Synonym : Coturnix australis munr/i Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XA'III., p. 179, 1912 ; Mimgi, Xorth-west Australia (Interior). Range : North-west Australia. 8 A LIST OF THE [GALLTFOEMES Synoicus ypsilophorus queenslandicus. Queensland Brovm Quail. Coturnix mistralis queenslandicus Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 26, 1912 : Cape York, Queensland. Range : North Queensland. Genus EXCALFACTORIA. Excalfactoria Bonaparte, Comptes Rendus Sci. (Paris), Vol. XLII., p. 881, 1856. / Type (by tautonymy) : Tetrao chinensis Linne. SjTionym : Compsortyx Heine, Nomencl. Mus. Hein., Omith., p. 292, 1887 : new name for Excalfactoria Bonaparte. Excalfactoria chinensis. [Excalfactoria chinensis chinensis. Tetrao chinensis Linne, Syst. Nat., 12th ed., Vol. I., p. 277, 1766 : China. Extra limital.] Excalfactoria chinensis australis. Chestnut-beUied Quail. Excalfactoria australis Gould, Handb. Birds Austr., Vol. II., p. 197, 1865 ; South Australia. Synonjon : Excalfactoria chinensis victoriae Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 179, 1912 ; Koo Wee Reep, Victoria. Range: South Queensland; New South AVales ; Victoria: South Australia. Excalfactoria chinensis eairnsae. Queenland Chestnut -bellied Quail. Excalfactoria chinensis eairnsae Slathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 83, 1912 ; Cairns, Queensland. Range : North Queensland. Excalfactoria chinensis coUetti. Northern Chestnut-bellied Quail. Excalfactoria chinensis colletti Mathews, Austral Av. Rec., Vol. I., p. 73, 1912; Glencoe, Northern Territory. Range : Northern Territory. Order TURNICIFORltfES. Family TURXICIDAE. Genus TURNIX. Tumix Boimaterre, Tabl. Encycl. Meth. Ornith., Vol. I., pp. Ixxxii., 5, 1791. Type (by subsequent designation, Gray 1840) : Tumix gibraltarica Bonnaterre = Tetrao sylvatica Desfontaines. Synonyms : Ortygis Illiger, Prodromus, p. 242, 1811. Type: Tetrao sylvatica Desfontaines. TUENICIFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 9 Hetnipodiiis Temminck, Pigeons et Gall., Vol. III., p. 007, 1815 : new name for Turnix Bonnaterre. Ortyx Billberg, Sjmops. Faunae Scand., Vol. I., pt. II., tab. A, 1828 : new name for Ortygi-i lUigor. Turnix maculosa. [Turnix maculosa maculosa. Hemipodiiia maculosiis Temminck, Pigeons et Gall., Vol. III., p. 031, 1815 ; India. E.vtra limital.] Turnix maculosa melanota. Eastern Black-baeked Quail. Hetnipodiiis mclanoltix Gould, Synops. Birds Austr., pt. u., pi. 30, 1837; Moreton Bay, Queensland. Range : Queensland ; Xew South Wales. Turnix maculosa pseutes. Western Black-backed Quail. Turnix macilosa pseutes JIathews, Xov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. ISO, 1912 ; Parry's Creek, North-west Australia. Range : Xorth-west Australia ; Northern Territory. Genus ORTYGODES. Ortygodes Vieillot, Analj-se nouv. Oniith., p. 52, 181 0. Type (by monoty|jy) : CaQle de Madagascar Buff. = Tetrao nigricoUis Gmelin. Synonym : Tridactyliis (not Olivier 1789) Lacepede, Tabl. Ois., p. 11, 1799 : nom. nudum ; Daudin, in Hist. Xat. Bufion., ed. Didot, Quadr., Vol. XIV., p. 298, 1802. Tj^pe : Tridactyliis (Perdix) nigricoUis = Tetrao nigricoUis Gmelin. Ortygodes varius. Ortygodes varius varius. Eastern Painted Quail. Perdix varia Latham, Index Omith., Suppl., p. Ixiii., 1801 ; New South Wales. Range : South Queensland ; New South Wales ; Victoria ; Tasmania : South Australia. Ortygodes varius scintillans. Western Painted Quail. Hemipodiits scintiUans Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond) 1845, p. 02 ; Hout man's Abrolhos, West Australia. SJ^lonJ^n : Turnix varia stirlingi Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 181, 1912 ; Stirling Ranges, South-west Australia. Range : South-west Australia. Ortygodes varius subminutus. Little Painted Quail. Turnix varia siibmin'ita Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 181, 1912 ; Cooktown, North Queensland. Range : North Queensland. 10 A LIST OF THE [TTJENICIFORMES Genus AUSTROTURNIX. Austroturnix Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 105, 1913. Type (bv original designation) : Hemipodius castanotus Gould. Austroturnix castanota. Austroturnix castanota castanota. Chestnut-backed Quail. Hemipodiiis castanotus Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1839, p. 145, 1840 ; Port Essington, Northern Territory. Synonym : Turnix castanota alligator Jlathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 27, 1912 ; South Alligator River, Northern Territory. Range : Northern Territory. Austroturnix castanota melvillensis. ilelville Island Chestnut- backed Quail. Turnix castanota melvillensis Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 27, 1912 ; Melville Island. Range : Melville Island, Northern Territory. Austroturnix castanota magnifica. Large Chestnut-backed QuaO. Turnix castanota magnifica Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. X^^III., p. 181, 1912 ; East Kimberley, North-west Australia. Range : North-west Australia. Austroturnix oliYii Austroturnix olivii. Allied Quail. Turnix olivii Robinson, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, Vol. X., p. xliii., 1900 ; Cooktown, Queensland. Range : North Queensland. Austroturnix melanogaster. Austroturnix melanogaster. Black-breasted QuaU. Hemipodiiis melanogaster Gould, Synops. Birds Austr., pt. ii., pi. 31, 1837 ; Queensland. Range : Queensland ; New South Wales. Austroturnix pyrrothorax. Austroturnix pyrrothorax pyrrothorax. Eastern Red-chested Quail. Hemipodiiis pyrrothorax Gould, Proc Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1840, p. 150, 1841 ; New South Wales. Range : New South Wales ; Queensland ; East Northern Territory Austroturnix pyrrothorax berneyi. Western Red-chested Quail. Turnix pyrrothorax berneyi Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. X^ III., p. 182, 1912 ; Parry's Creek, North-west Australia. Range : North-west Australia. TURNICIFORJIES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 11 Aastroturnix velox. Austroturnix velox velox. Eastern Tattle Quail. Hemipodins velox Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1840, p. 150, 1841; New South Wales. Range : Queensland ; New South Wales ; Victoria ; South Australia. Austroturnix velox leucogaster. White-bellied Little Quail. Turnix leucogaster Xorth, Ibis 189.5, p. 342 ; Davenport Creek, Central Aastralia. Range : Central Australia. Austroturnix velox vlnotlncta. Pallid Little Quail. Turnix velox vinofincia Hathews, Xov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 182, 1912 Mungi, North-west Australia (Interior). Synonym : Turnix velox pictnrata JIathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIIL, p. 182, 1912 ; Derby, North-west Australia (Coast). Range : North-west Australia. F.iMiLY PEDIONOMIDAE. Genus PEDIONOMUS. Pedionomus Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1S40, p. 114, 1841. Type (by monotypy) : Pedionomus torquatus Gould. SynonjTn : Tu rnicigraila des MuTS, Rev. Zool. 184.5, p. 276. Type: Turnicigralla nouldiana des JIurs = Pedionomus torquatus Gould. Pedionomus torquatus. Pedionomus torquatus. Plain Wanderer. Pedionomus torquatus GoiJd, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1840, p. 114, 1841 ; South Australia (Interior). SjTionjTns : Pedionomus microurus Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1842, p. 20; South Australia (Interior). Turnicigralla gouldiana des Murs, Rev. Zool. 1845, p. 276 ; substitute- name for P. torq'iatus Gould. Range : Adjoining parts of New South Wales, Victoria, and South Australia. Order COLUMBIFORMES. Family TRERONIDAE. Genus LEUCOTRERON. Leucotreron Bonaparte, Comptes Rendus Sci. (Parisl, Vol. XXXIX.. p. 876, 1854. 12 A LIST OF THE [COLIJMBIFOEMES Type (by original designation) : Columha cincta Tem- minck. Sjiionyms : Treroloema Bonaparte, Comptes Rendus Sci. (Paris), Vol. XLI., p. 247, 1855. Tjipe : Columha gularis Quoj' et Gaimard. Laryngogramma Reichenbach, Tauben, p. 9S, 1802. Tj^pe : Columha gularis Quo;^ et Gaimard. Leucotreron alligator, Leucotreron alligator. Black-banded Fruit-Pigeon. Ptilopiie (Leucotreron) alligator CoUett, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lend.) 1898, p. 35-t ; Arnhem Land, Northern Territory, Range : Northern Territory. Genus PTILINOPUS. Ptilinopiis Swainson, Zool. Journ., Vol. I., p. 473, 1825. Type (by monotypy) : Ptilinopus regina Swainson. Ptilinopus regina. Ptilinopus regina regina. Red-crowned Frmt-Pigeon. Ptilinopus piirpnratus, var. regina, Swainson, Zool. Joum., Vol. I-i p. 474, 1825 ; New South Wales. Synonjrm : Ptilinopus swainsonii Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1842, p. 18 ; Clarence River, New South Wales. Range : Queensland ; New South Wales. Ptilinopus regina ewingii. Rose-crowned Fruit-Pigeon. Ptilinopus ewingii Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1842, p. 19; Port Essington, Northern Territory. Synonym : Ptilinopus regina melvillensis Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 27. 1912; Melville Island. Range : Northern Territory. Genus LAMPROTRERON. Lamprotreron Bonaparte, Comptes Rendus Sci. (Paris), Vol. XXXIX., p. 876, 1854. Type (by original designation) : Columha superba Temmiack. Lamprotreron superba. Lamprotreron superba. Plu•ple-croT^^led Fruit -Pigeon. Columha superba Temmiuck et Ivnip, Les Pigeons, p. 75, pi. xxxiii., 1811 ; Halmahera. COLUMBIFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 13 SjTionj'ins : Colutnlta ct/anovirens Lesson, Voy. " Coquille," Zool., pi. 42, f. i., 1826 ; New Guinea. Ptilonopiis leiicoijastcr Swainson, Classif. Birds, Vol. II., p. 347, 1837 : new name for C. ci/anoi'irens. Lamprotrcron porphijrostictus Gould, Ann. 3Iag. Nat. Hist., Ser. IV., Vol. XIII., p. 137, 1S74 ; Cape York. Ptilopus minutna Campbell, Emu, Vol. V., p. 155, 1906 ; Cairns, Queensland. Range : Queen3lan p. 28 ; Napier Broome Bay, North-west Australia (West). Range : North-west Australia. Petrophassa ruflpennis. Petrophassa ruflpennis. Chestnut-quilled Rock-pigeon. Petrophassa rufipennis Collett, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1898, p. 354 ; South Alligator River, Northern Territory. Range : Northern Territorj'. Genus GEOPHAPS. Oeophaps Gray, Appendi-s List. Gen. Birds, p. 12, 1842. Type (by original designation) : Columha scripta Temminck. Geophaps scripta. Geophaps scripta. Partridge-Pigeon. Columha scripta Temminck, Trans. Linn. Soc. (Lond.), Vol. XIIL, p. 127, 1821 ; Shoalwater Bay, Queensland. C 2 20 A LIST OF THE [COLTnVIBrFOEMES Synonym : Cohimba inscripta Wagler, Syst. Av., Columba., p. 249, sp. 59, 1827 ; Shoalwater Bay, Queensland. Range : Queensland ; Xew South Wales. Genus TERRAPHAPS. Terraphaps Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 195, 1913. Type (by original designation) ; Columba smiihii Jardine and Selby. Terraphaps smithii. Terraphaps smithii smithii. Naked-eyed Partridge-Pigeon. Columba smitldi Jardine and Selby, lUustr. Omith., Vol. II., pi. 104, 1830 ; Northern Territory. Synonym : Geophaps sinithi cecilae Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 29, 1912 ; MelviUe Island. Range : Northern Territory. Terraphaps smithii blaauwi. Western Naked-eyed Partridge-Pigeon. Geophaps smithii hlaauici Mathews, Austral Av. Rec., Vol. I., p. 28, 1912 ; Napier Broome Bay, North-west Australia. Range : North-west Australia. Genus LOPHOPHAPS. Lopliophaps Reichenbach, Nat. Syst. Vogel., p. xxv., 1852. Type (by original designation) : GeopJiaps plumifera Gould. Lophophaps ferruginea. Lophophaps ferruginea ferruginea. Red Plumed-Pigeon. Lophophaps ferruginea Gould, Handb. Birds Austr., Vol II., p. 137 1865 ; Shark's Bay, Western Australia. Range : Mid-west Australia. Lophophaps ferruginea mungi. Pale Red Plumed-Pigeon. Lophophaps ferruginea mungi Mathews, Nov. Zonl., Vol. XVIII., p. 190, 1912 ; Mungi, North-west Australia. Range : North-west Australia. Lophophaps plumifera. Lophophaps plumifera plumifera. Plumed Pigeon. Geophaps plumifera Gould, Proe. Zool. Soc. (Lend.) 1842, p. 19 ; near Cape Hotham, Northern Territory. Range : Northern Territory ; North Queensland. COLUJIBIFORMES] BIEDS OF AUSTRALIA 21 Lophophaps plumifera pallida. Xorth-westem Plumed Pigeon. LopJiophaps plumifera pallida JIathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 190, 1912 ; Parry's Creek, Xorth-west .\ustralia. Range : North-west Australia. Lophophaps plumifera leucogaster. White-bellied Plumed Pigeon. Lophophaps leucogaster Gould, Birds Austr., Suppl., pi. 09, 1867 ; Machrilianish Station, South Australia. Range : Central Australia. Genus OCYPHAPS. Ocyphaps Gray, List Gen. Birds, .\pp.. p. 12, 1842. Type (by original designation) : Columba lophotes Temminck. Synonym : Lophaon Streiihel, i»i Ersch und Griiber's Encycl., Ser. III., Vol. XVII., p. 94, 1842. Type : Columba lophotes Temminck. Ocyphaps lophotes. Ocyphaps lophotes lophotes. Crested Pigeon. Col'imba lophotes Temminck et Laugier, Planch. Color. d'Ois., 24* livr.. Vol. IT., pi. 142, 1822 ; Blue liountains, New South Wales. Range : New South Wales ; Victoria ; South Australia. Ocyphaps lophotes whitlocki. Western Created Pigeon. Ocyphaps lophotes u-hitlocl-i Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 191, i912 ; East Jlurchison, Jlid-west Australia. Range : Mid- and North-west Australia. Ocyphaps lophotes stalkeri. Pallid Crested Pigeon. Ocyphaps lophotes stalkeri Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 191, 1912 ; Alexandra, Northern Territory. Range : Northern Territory' ; Central .\ustralia ; Queensland. Genus LEUCOSARCIA. Leiicosarcia Gould, Birds Austr., Vol. V., pi. 63, 184S. Type (by monotj-py) : Columba picata Latham = Columba melanoUuca Latham. Leucosarcia melanoleuca. Leucosarcia melanoleuca. Wonga-wonga. Columba melanoleuca Latham, Index Ornith., Suppl., p. lix., 1801 ; New South Wales. Synonyms : Coluniha picata Latham, Index Ornith., Suppl., p. lix., No. 2, 1801 ; New South Wales. 22 A LIST OF THE [COLXJMBIFORMES Columba armillaris Temminck et Knip, Les Pigeons, Vol. II., p. 13, pi. VI., 1811 ; New South Wales. Cohimha goadgang Temminck, Pigeons et Gall., Vol. I., p. 369, 1813 ; New South Wales. "Columba" jamieson Quoy et Gairoard, Voy. "I'lTranie" et "Physic," Zool., p. 123 (note), 1824 ; New South Wales. Range : South Queensland ; New South Wales ; Victoria. Order RALLIFORMES. Family RALLIDAE. Genus RALLUS. Rallus Linne, Syst. Nat., 10th ed., p. 153, 1758. Type (by subsequent designation, Gray 1840) : Rallus aquaticus Linne. Synonyms : Lewinia Gray, Cat. Gen. Subgen Birds, p. 120, 1S55. Type; Rallus lewinii Swainson = Rallus pecioralis Temminck et Laugier. Donacias Heine, Nomencl. Mus. Hein., p. 321, 1890 : new name for Leioinia Gray. Rallus pectoralis. Rallus pectoralis pectoralis. Slate-breasted Rail. Rallus pectoralis Temminck et Laugier, Planch. Color. d'Ois., SS'livT., Vol. v., p. opp. p]. 523, 1831 ; New South Wales. Synonyms : EaUul ]l7i^r^ jSwainson. Anim. in Menag., p. 336, 1838 ; Tasmania. Range : South ''Queensland ; New South Wales ; Victoria ; Tas- mania ; South Australia. Rallus pectoralis clelandi. Western Slate-breasted Rail. Rallus pectoralis clelandi Mathews, Birds Austr., Vol. I., p. 189, 1911 ; West Australia. Range : South-west Australia. Genus HYPOTAENIDIA. Hypotaenidia Reichenbach, Nat. Syst. Vogel., p. sxiii., 1852. Type (by original designation) : Eallus pectoralis Grould (not Temminck) = Hypotaenidia australis Pelzeln. Hypotaenidia philippensis. [Hypotaenidia philippensis philippensis. Ralhis philippensis Liime, Syst. Nat., 12th ed.. Vol. I., p. 263, 1766 ; Philippine Islands. Extra limital.] Hypotaenidia philippensis australis. Eastern Buff-banded Rail. Hypotaenidia australis Pelzeln, Ibis 1873, p. -12 ; New South Wales. Range : South Queensland ; New South Wales ; Victoria ; Tas- mania ; South Australia. RALLIFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 23 Hypotaenidia philippensis mellori. Western BuS-banded Rail. Eutabeornis philippensis mellori Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. X\nil., p. 102, 1912 ; Sandy Hook Island, South-west Australia. Range : South-west Australia. Hypotaenidia philippensis yorki. Northern Buff-banded Rail. Eiilabeornis philippensis ijorki Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. II., p. (5, 1913 ; Cape York, North Queensland. Range : North Queensland ; Northern Territory ; North-west Australia. Genus EULABEORNIS. Eiilabeornis Gould, Proc. Zool. Sue. (Lond.) 1844, p. 56. Type (by monotypy) : Eulaheornis castaneoventris Gould. Eulabeornis castaneoventris. Eiilabeornis castaneoventris castaneoventris. Chestnut-beUied Rail. Eiilabeornis castaneoventris Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1844, p. 56 ; Gul£ of Carpentaria, Queensland. Range : N^rth Queensland. Eulabeornis castaneoventris melvillensis. Grey Chestnut-bellied Rail. Eiilabeornis castaneoventris melvillensis Mathews, Austral Av. Rec. Vol. I., p. 29, 1912 , Melville Island. Range : Melville Island, Northern Territory. Eulabeornis castaneoventris rogersi. Brown Chestnut-bellied RaU. Eulabeornis castaneoventris rogersi Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 193, 1912 ; Obagama, North-west Australia. Range : North-west Australia. Genus TOMIRDUS. Tomirdiis :\ratt-ew>, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 193, 1912. Tj'pe (by original designation) : Eulabeornis tricolor robinsoni Mathews. Tomirdus tricolor. [Tomirdus tricolor tricolor. Rallina tricolor Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1858, p. 188 ; Aru Islands. Extra liinital. ) Tomirdus tricolor robinsoni. Red-necked Rail. Eiilabeornis tricolor robinsoni Jtathews, Birds Austr., Vol. I., p. 203, 1911 : Cairns, North Queensland. Range : North Queensland. 24 A LIST OF THE [EALLITOEMES Genus CREX. Crex Bechstein, Omith. Taschenb., Vol. IT., p. 330, 1803. Type (by monotypy) : Crex pmtensis Bechstein = Rallus crex Linne. Sjmonym : Octogomeira (rect. Oriygometra, p. 59) Forster, SjTiopt. Cat. Brit. Birds, p. 27, 18)7. Type: EaUiis crex Linne. Crex crex. [Crex crex crex. RaJliis crex Linne, Syst. Nat., 10th ed., p. 153, 1758 ; Sweden, Europe. Extra limital.J Crex crex featherstonii. Eastern Land-Rail. Rallus featherstonii Buller, Essay Omith. New Zealand, p. 18, ISG.t ; New Zealand. Range : Australia (accidental, one occurrence : Nortli, Rec. Austr. Mus., Vol. II., p. 82, 1893). Extra limital.] Genus PORZANA. Porzana Vieillot, Analyse nouv. Ornitli., p. 0), 1816. Type (by monotypy) : Marouette Buffon = Rallus forzarm Linne. Synonyms : Musteliralliis Bonaparte, Comptes Rendus Sci. (Paris), Vol. XLIII., p. 599, 1856. Type : Rallus alhicoUis Vieillot. Oaleo Heine, Nomencl. Mus. Hein., p. 320, 1888 : new name for MusteliraUus Bonaparte. Porzana fluminea. Porzana fluminea fluminea. Eastern Spotted Crake. Porzana fluminea Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lend.) 1842, p. 139 ; New South Wales. Synonym : Rallus nopaehoUandiae Pucheran, Revue Blag. Zool., p. 278, 1851 ; New South Wales. Range : Queensland ; New South Wales ; Victoria ; Tasmania. Porzana fluminea whitei. Southern Spotted Crake. Porzana fluminea ivhitei Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 73, 1912 ; Eyre's Peninsula, South Australia. Range : South Australia. Genus ZAPORNIA. Zapornia Stephens, in Shaw's Gen. Zool., Vol. XII., pt. i., p. 230, 1824. Type (by monotypy) : Z. 'pu$illa= Ralhis parvws Scopoli. Synonyms : Phalaridion Kaup, Skizz. Entwick-Gesch. Nat. Syst., p. 173. 1829, Tji^e : Rallus parvus Scopoli. RALLIFORMES] BmOS OF AUSTRALIA 25 RalUtes Pucheran, Rev. Zool. 1845, p. 277. Type : RaUits parvus Scopoli. Zapornia pusilla. [Zapornia pusilla pusilla. Ralliia piiiiiUiis Pallas, Reise Russ. Reichs., Vol. III., p. 700, 1770 i Dauria, Siberia. Extra limital.J Zapornia pusilla palustris. Eastern Little Crake. Porzana palustris Goukl, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lend.) 1842, p. 139; Tasmania. Range : Queensland ; Xew South Wales ; ^'ietoria : Tasmania ; South Australia. Zapornia pusilla fitzroyi. Western Little Crake. Porzana pusilla fitzroyi Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 7S, 1912 ; Derby, North-west Australia. Range : Xorth-west Australia. Genus PORZANOIDEA. Porzanoidea Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 117, 1912. Tj'pe (by original designation) : Gallinula immaculata Swainson. Porzanoidea plumbea. [Porzanoidea plumbea plumbea. Crex plumbea Gray, in Griffith's ed. Cuvier's Anim. King., Vol. VIII., p. 410, 1820 ;■ Xew Zealand. Extra limital.J Porzanoidea plumbea immaculata. Eastern Spotless Crake. Gallinula immaculata Swainson, Anim. in Menag., p. 337, 1838 ; Tasmania. Range : Xew South Wales ; Victoria ; Tasmania ; South Australia. Porzanoidea plumbea roberti. Western Spotless Crake. Porzana plumbea roberti Mathews, Xov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 446, 1912 ; South-west Australia. Range : South-west Australia. Genus POLIOLIMNAS. Poliolimnas Sharpe, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cluli, Vol. I., p. xxviii., 1893. Type (by original designation) : Porphyrio ciiiereusYieiWot. PoUoHmnas cinereus, {Poliolimnas cinereus cinereus. Porphyria cinereus Vieillot, Xouv. Diet. d'Hist. Xat., Vol. XXVIII., p. 29, 1819 ; Java. Extra limital.J 26 A LIST OF THE [RALLIFOEMES Poliolimnas cinereus leucophrys. Xorthem White-browed Crake. Porzana leucophrys Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1847, p. 33 ; Port Essington, Xorthem Territory. Synonym : Porzana cinerea parryi Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 73, 1912 ; Parry's Creek, North-west Australia. Range : Xorth-west Australia ; Northern Territory ; North Queensland. Genus AMAURORNIS. Amaurornis Reichenbach, Nat. Syst. Vogel., p. xxi., 1852. Type (by monotypy) : Gallinula olivacea Meyen. Amaurornis moluccanus. [Amaurornis moluccanus moluccanus. Por-.ana moluccana Wallace, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1865, p. 480; Amboyna. Extra limital.] Amaurornis moluccanus ruficrissus. Rufous-tailed Moorhen. Oallinula riifwrissa Gould, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., Ser. IV., Vol. IV., p. 110, 1869 (Aug. 1) ; Cape River, Queensland. Sjmonym : Gallinula moluccana yorki JMathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 194, 1913 ; Cape York, North Queensland. Range ; North Queensland ; Northern Territory (?). Genus TRIBONYX. Tribcnyx Du Bus, Bull. Acad. Roy. Sci. Brux., Vol. VII., p. 212, April, 1840. Type (by monotypy) : Tribonyx mortieri Du Bus. S\aionym : Brach'yptra'llus La Fresnaye, Revue Zool., August 1840, p. 231. Type ; Brachyptrailus ralloides La Fresnaye = Tribonyx mortieri Du Bus. Tribonyx mortieri. Tribonyx mortieri. Native Hen. Trihonijx mortieri Du Bus, Bull. Acad. Roy. Sci. Brux., Vol. ■\^I., p. 2 14, 1840 ; Tasmania. SjTionyms : Brachyptrailus ralloides La Fresnaye, Re\Tae Zool. 1840, p. 232 ; Tasmania. Triboni/x gouldi Sclater, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., Ser. III., Vol. XX., p.' 123, 1867 ; Tasmania. Range : Tasmania. KALLIFORJIES] BIEDS OF ATTSTRAIJA 27 Genus MICROTRIBONYX. Microtribonyx Sharpe, Bull. Brit. Omith. Club, Vol. I., p. xxix., 1S93. Type (by original designation) : Gallinula ventralis Gould. Microtribonyx ventralis. Microtribonyx ventralis ventralis. Black-taUed Native Hen. Qallinula ventralis Goukl, Proc. Zool. Soo. (Lond.) 1830, p. 85 ; Swan River, West Australia. Range : South-west Australia. Microtribonyx ventralis whitei. Eastern Black-tailed Xative Hen. Tribonyx ventralis whitei Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 194, 1912 ; Nevertiie, New South Wales. Range : New South Wales ; Victoria ; South Australia. Microtribonyx ventralis territorii. Northern Black-tailed Native Hen. Tribonyx ventralis territorii JIathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 195, 1912 ; Alexandra, Northern Territory. Range : North-west .\ustraHa ; Northern Territory ; North Queensland. Genus GALLINULA. GaUimila Brisson. Oniitli., Vol. VI., p. 2, 1760. GaUinula IvmstaW, Ornith. Brit., p. 3, 1771. Type (by tautonymy) : Gallinula = Fulica ckloropus Linne. Sjnionyms : Hydrogallina Lacepede, Tabl. Ois., p. 19, 1799; noni. nudum; Daudin, in Hist. Nat. (Buffon), ed. Didot, Quad., Vol. XIV., p. 33(5, 1802. Type : Fulica chloropus LinniJ. Stagnicola Brehm, Vogel Deutschl., p. 702, 1831. Type : Fulica chloropus Linne. Gallinula tenebrosa. Gallinula tenebrosa tenebrosa. Black Moorhen. Qallinula tenebrosa Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) lS4fi, p. 20 ; South Australia. Range : Southern New South Wales ; Victoria ; South Australia. Gallinula tenebrosa magnirostris. Western Black Moorhen. Gallinula tenebrosa maqniroslris Mathews. Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 195, 1912 ; Guilford, West .\ustralia. Range : West Australia. Gallinula tenebrosa subfrontata. Northern Black Moorhen. Gallinula tenebrosa subfrontata Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII. p. 195, 1912 ; Riclimond River, New South Wales. Range : Queensland ; Northern New South Wales. 28 A LIST OF THE [RALUCPOEMES Genus PORPHYRIO, Porphyria Brisson, Omith. , Vol. V., p. 522, 1700. Porphyria Bonnaterre, Tabl. Encycl. Meth. Omith., \'ol. I., p. xciv., 1791. Type (by tautonymy) : Porphyrio = Fulica porphyria Linne. Synonym : Caesarornis Reichenbach, Nat. Syst. Vogel., p. xxi., 1852. Tj'pe : Galiinida poliocephala Latham. Porphyrio melanotus. Porphyrio melanotus melanotus. Eastern Bald Coot. Porphyria melanotus Temminck, Manuel d'Om., 2nd ed., Vol. II., p. 701, 1820 ; New South Wales. Range : South Queensland ; New South Wales ; Victoria ; South Australia. Porphyrio melanotus fletcherae. Tasmanian Bald Coot. Porphiirio melanotus fletcherae JIathews, Birds Austr., Vol. I., p. 243, 1911; Tasmania. Range : Tasmania. Porphyrio melanotus woodwardi. South-western Bald Coot. Porphyrio melanotus woodwardi Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 29, 1912 ; Monger Lake, South-west Australia. Range : South-west Australia. Porphyrio melanotus neo melanotus. Northern Bald Coot. Porphyria melanotus neomelanotus Mathews, Birds Austr., Vol. I., p. 246, pi. 60, 1911 ; Parry's Creek, North-west Australia. Range: North-west Australia; Northern Territory; North Queensland. Porphyrio bellus. Porphyrio bellus. Blue Bald Coot. Porphyrio bellus Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1840, p. 176, 1841 Western Australia. Range : South-west Australia. Genus FULICA. Fulica Linne, Syst. Nat., 10th ed., p. 152, 1758. Type (by subsequent designation, Gray 1840) : Fulica atra Linne. Fulica atra. [Fulica atra atra. Fulica atra Linne, Syst. Nat., 10th ed., p. 152, 1758 ; Sweden, Europe. Extra limital.] RALLIFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 29 Fulica atra tasmanica. Eastern Coot. Fiilica tasmanica Grant, Tasm. Jouni. Sci., Vol. II., p. 310, 1846 ; Tasmania. Ranee : South Quoensland ; New South Wales ; Victoria ; Tasmania; South AustrnliT. Fulica atra australis. Western Coot. Fidica australis Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 184,">, p. 2 ; West Australia. Range : S luth-west Australia. Fulica atra Ingram!. Northern Coot. Fulica atra in^rami Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 19(i, 1912 ; Alexandra, Northern Territory. Range : North-west Australia : Nnrthern Territory ; North Queensland. Order PODICIPIFORJIES. Family PODICIPIDAE. Genus PODICEPS. Podiceps Latham, Gen. Sjniops., Suppl., Vol. I., p. 294, 1787. Type (by subsequent designation, Gray 1840) : Colym- bios cristatus Linne. Synonyms : Co/i/m6"«(not Linnt')llliger, Prodromus, p. 281, 1811. Type : Colyrnbus cristatus Linne. Lophaithyia Kaup, Skizz. Entwick-Gesch. Nat. Syst., p. 41, 1829. Type : Colymhtis niiqax Bonaparte, Consp. Gen. Av., Vol. II., p. 205, 1850 ; South Pacific Ocean. Range : East Australian seas (breeding). Pufflnus assimilis tunneyi. West Australian Allied Petrel. PiiffimiK assimilis tiinnei/i .Mathews. Binls Austr.. Vol. II., p. 71, 1912 ; Boxer Island, South-west Australia. Range : South-west Australia. Genus REINHOLDIA. Ueinholdia Mathews, Austral \y. Rec, Vol. I., p. 107, 1912. Type (by original designation) : Piiflimis reinholdi Mathews. Reinholdia reinholdi. [Reinholdia reinholdi reinholdi. New Zealand Brown-backed Petrel. Pufflnus reinholdi reinholdi Mathews, Birds Austr., Vol. II., p. 74, 1912 ; New Zealand. Range: New Zealand (breeding). Extra limital.] Reinholdia reinholdi huttoni. Snares Brown-backed Petrel. Puffinns reinholdi huttoni Mathews, Birds Austr., Vol. II., p. 77, 1912 ; Snares Island. Range : South Australia (one occurrence : cf . Mathews, Birds Austr., Vol. II., p. 77, 1912) ; Snares Island, New Zealand (breedmg). Reinholdia reinholdi byroni. Australian Brown-backed Petrel. Reinholdia reinholdi byroni Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 187, 1913 ; Byron Bay, New South Wales. Range : New South Wales, Genus THYELLODROMA. ' Thyellodroma Stejneger, Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., Vol. XI., p. 93, 1888. Type (by original designation) : Puffinus sphenurus Gould = Pufp/nus chlororhynchus Lesson. Synonym : Zaliaa Heine, Nomencl. Mus. Hein., Omith., p. 302, 1890. Type : P. chlororhynchus Lesson. D 34 A LIST OF THE [PEOCELLAKnFOEMES Thyellodroma paciflca. [Thyellodroma paciQca paciGca. Procellaria pacificiis Gmelin, Syst. Nat., p. 560, 1789 ; Kermadec Islands. Extra limital.] Thyellodroma pacifica chlororhyncha. Western Wedge-tailed Petrel. Puffinus chlororhyncliiis Lesson, Traite d'Om., p. 613, 1831 ; Sharks Bay, West Australia. Synonym : Puffinus sphenurus Gould, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., Vol. XIII., p. 365, 1844 ; Houtman's AbroUios, West Australia. Range : West Australian seas (breeding). Thyellodroma pacifica royana. Eastern Wedge-tailed Petrel. Puffinus pacificus royaniis MatlieTvs, Birds Austr., Vol. II., p. 85, 1912 ; Sydney, New Soiith Wales. Range : East Australian seas (breeding). Genus HEMIPUFFINUSj Hemipuffinus Iredale, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. II., p. 20, 1913. Type (by monotj-py) : Pufpnus carneipes Gould. Hemipuffinus carneipes. Hemipuffinus carneipes carneipes. Fleshy-footed Petrel. Puffinus carneipes Gould, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., Vol. XIII., p. 365 1844 ; near Cape Leeuwin, West Australia. Range : West Australian seas (breeding). Genus NEONECTRIS. Neonectris Mathews, Austral Av. Rec., Vol. II., p. 12, 1913. Type (by original designation) : Puffinus bretncaudus Gould. Neonectris griseus. Neonectris griseus griseus. Sombre Petrel. Procellaria grisea Gmelin, Syst. Nat., p. 564, 1789 ; New Zealand. SjTionym : Procellaria trisiis Forster, Desc. Anim., ed. Licht., p. 205, 1844 ; Antarctic Ocean, lat. 48°. Range : Australian and New Zealand seas. Extra limital. Neonectris tenuirostris. [Neonectris tenuirostris tenuirostris. Procellaria tenuirostris Temminck et Laugier, Planch. Color. d'Ois., 99= livT., Vol. v., pi. 587, 1835 ; Japan. Extra limital.] PROCELLABnFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 35 Neonectris tenuirostris brevicaudus. Short-tailed Petrel. Piiffiniis brevicaudus Gould, Hirds Austr., Vol. VII., pi. 51), 1847 ; Green Island, Bass Straits. Range : Australian seas off Victoria (breeding). Neonectris tenuirostris intermedius. Solitary Petrel. Piiffiniis inlrrmi,lii<.t Hull, Enui. Vol. XI., p. 98, 1911 ; Cabbage Tree Island, Port Stephens, New South Wales. Range : New Soutli Wales. Genus PROCELLARIA. Procellaria Linne, Syst. Nat., 10th ed., p. 131, 1758. TjTJe (by subsequent designation, Gray 1840) : Procel- laria aequinoctialis Linne. SjTionyms : Maiaqiicus Reichenbach, Nat. Syst. Vogel., p. iv., 1852. Tj'pe : Procellaria aequinoctialis Linn6. Cymatobolus Heine, JIus. Hein., p. 363, 1890. Tj'pe : Procellaria aequinoctialis Linne. Procellaria aequinoctialis. [Procellaria aequinoctialis aequinoctialis. Procellaria aequinoctialis Linne, Syst. Nat., 10th ed., p. 132, 1758 ; Cape seas. Extra limital.l Procellaria aequinoctialis steadi. New Zealand White-ehinned Petrel. Procellaria aequinoctialis steadi Mathews, Birds Austr., Vol. II., p. 114, 1912 ; Antipodes Island. Range : Tasmania ; New Zealand. Procellaria conspicillata. Procellaria conspicillata conspicillata. Spectacled Petrel. Procellaria conspicillata Gould, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., Vol. XIII., p. 362, 1844 ; Tasmanian seas Range : Australian seas. Procellaria parkinsoni. Procellaria parkinsoni. Black Petrel. Procellaria parkinsoni Gray, Ibis 1862, p. 245 ; New Zealand. Range : Australian and New Zealand seas. Genus PRIOFINUS. Priofinus Hombron et Jacquinot, Comptes Rendus Sci. (Paris), Vol. XVIII., p. 3.->5, 1844. Type (by subsequent designation, Gray 1855) : Procellaria cinerea Gmelin. D2 36 A LIST OF THE [PROCELLAEHFORMES Synonym : Adamastor Bonaparte, Comptes Eendus Sci. (Paris), Vol. XLIII., p. 594, 1856. Type: Procellaria cinerea Gme\m.. Prioflnus cinereus. Priofinus cinereus. Brown Petrel. Procellaria cinerea Gmelin, Syst. Nat., p. 503, 1789 ; Antarctic Circle. Synonyms : Procellaria gelida Gmelin, Sj'St. Nat., p. 5G4, 1789 ; Antarctic Circle. Procellaria melanura Bonnaterre, Tabl. Encycl. lleth. Oniith., Vol. I., p. 79, 1791 ; Antarctic Circle. Procellaria kaesitata (not Kulil 1820) Forster, Descr. Anim., ed. Licht., p. 208, 184.1 ; Antarctic Circle. Adamastor iypus Bonaparte, Consp. Gen. Av., Vol. II., p. 187, 1857; Antarctic Ocean. Procellaria adamastor Schlegel, Mus. Paj-s-Bas, Vol. VI., Procell., p. 2.3, 1863 ; Antarctic Ocean. Range : Australian seas. Extra ILmital. Genus PRIOCELLA. Priocella Hombron et Jacqiiinot, Comptes Rendus Sci. (Paris), Vol. XVIII., p. 357, 1844. Type (by monotjrpy) : Priocella garnotii Hombron et Jacquinot = Fulmarus antarcticus Stephens. Priocella antarctica. Priocella antarctica. Silver-grey Petrel. Fitlmartis antarcticus Stephens, in Shaw's Gen. Zool., Vol. XIII., pt. i., p. 236, 1826 : Cape seas. Synonyms : Procellaria glacialoides Smith, lUns. Zool. S. Africa, pi. 51, 1840; Cape seas. Priocella garnotii Hombron et Jacquinot, Comptes Rendus Sci. (Paris), Vol. XVIII., p. 357, 1844 : nom. nudum. Thalaisoica polaris Bonaparte, Consp. Gen. Av., Vol. II., p. 192, 1857 : nom. nudum. Procellaria smitJii Schlegel, Mus. Pays-Bas, Vol. VI., Procell., p. 22, 1863 : substitute-name for P. glacialoides Smith. Range : Australian seas. Extra limital. Genus PTERODROMA. Plerodroma Bonaparte, Comptes Rendus Sci. (Paris), Vol. XLII., p. 768, 1856. Type (by subsequent designation, Coues 1866) : Procel- laria macroptera Smith. Pterodroma macroptera. [Pterodroma macroptera macroptera. Procellaria macroptera Smith, lUus. Zocl. S. Africa, pi. 52. 1840; Cape seas. Extra limital. j PROCELL.UinFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 37 Pterodroma macroptera gouldi. Eastern Grey-facei Petrel. Aeatrelata gouldi Hutton, Ibis 18(59, p. 351 ; New Zealand seas (Xew Zealand breeding). Range : East Australian seas. Extra limital. Pterodroma macroptera albani. Western Grey-faced Petrel. Pterodroma macroptera albani JIatliews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 30, 1912 ; Rabbit Island, West Australia. Range : West Australia (breeding). Pterodroma melanopus. Pterodroma melanopus. Brown-headed Petrel. Proceltaria tnelanopus Gmelin, Syst. Nat., p. o()2, 1789 ; Norfolk Island. SjTionyms : Proceltaria aolandri Gould, Ann. Mag. Xat. Hist., Vol. XIII., p. 363, 1844 ; Bass Strait. Procellaria phillipii Gray, Ibis 1862, p. 24G ; Norfolk Island. Oestrdata montana Hull, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 1910, Vol. XXXV., p. 78.'), 1911 ; Lord Howe Island. Range : East Australian seas ; formerly Norfolk Island ; Lord Howe Island (breeding). Genus AESTRELATA. Aestrclala Bonaparte, Comptes Rendus Sci. (Paris), Vol. XLII., p. 768, 1856. T>T;)e (by subsequent designation, Coues 1866) : Procellaria hasUaia Kuhl. Aestrelata lessonii. [Aestrelata lessonii lessonii. Procellaria lessonii Gamot, Ann. Sci. Nat. (Paris), Vol. VII., p. 54, 1826 ; Falkland Island seas. Extra limital.] Aestrelata lessonii leucocephala. ANTiite-headed Petrel. Procellaria leucocephala Forster, Descr. Anim., e.l. Licht., p. 206, 1844 t Australian seas. Range : Australian and New Zealand seas. Genus COOKILARIA. Cookilaria Bonaparte, Comptes Rendus Sci. (Paris), Vol. XLIIL, p. 994, 1856: substitute-name for " if/(an«i«(es Reichenbach. " Type (by original designation) : Procellaria cookii Gray. Rhantistes (not Kaup 1829) Reichenbach, Nat. Syst. Vogel.. p. iv., 1852. TjTpe : Procellaria cookii Gray. 38 A LIST OF THE [PEOCELLAKnFOEMES Cookilaria cookii. [Cookilaria cookii cookii. Blue-footed Petrel. Procellaria cookii Gray, in Diefienbach's Travels in New Zeal., Vol. II., p. 199, 1843 ; New Zealand. Extra limital.] Cookilaria cookii leucoptera. Wliite- winged Petrel. Procellaria leucoptera Gould, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., Vol. XIII., p. 364, 1844 ; Cabbage Tree Island, Port Stephens, New South Wales. SynonsTii : Rhantistes velox Bonaparte, Comptes Rendus Sci. (Paris), Vol. XLII., p. 768, 1856 : substitute-name for P. leucoptera Gould. Range : New South Wales (breeding). Genus MACRONECTES. Macronectes Richmond, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., Xo\. XVIII., p. 76, 1906. Type (by original designation) : Procellaria gigantea Gmelin. Synonym : Ossijraga (not Wood 1836) Hombron et Jacquinot, Comptes Rendus Sci (Paris), Vol. XVIII., p. 354, 1844. TjT)e : Procellaria gigantea Gmelin. Macronectes giganteus. [Macronectes giganteus giganteus. Procellaria gigantea Gmelin, Syst. Nat., p. 563, 1789 ; Staten Island, off Tierra del Fuego. Extra limital.] Macronectes giganteus albus. New Zealand GiantrPetrel. Ossifraga alba Potts. Trans. New Zeal. Inst. 1873, Vol. VI., p. 152, 1874 ; Centre Island, Foveaux Strait, New Zealand. Range : New Zealand and Australian seas. Genus DAPTION. Daption Stephens, in Shaw's Gen. Zool., Vol. XIII., pt. T., p. 239, 1826. Type (by original designation) : Procellaria ca-pensis Linne. Daption capense. [Daption capense capense. Procellaria capensix Limie, Syst. Nat., 10th ed., p. 132, 1758; Cape of Good Hope. Extra limital.] Daption capense australe. New Zealand Spotted Petrel. Daption capense australis Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 187, 1913 ; New Zealand. Range : East Australian and New Zealand seas. PROCELLAEnFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALfA 39 Genus HALOBAENA. Halohacna Bonaparte, Comptes Bendus Sci. (Paris), Vol. XLII., p. 768, 1850. Type (by monotypy) : Procellaria caerulea Gmelin. Synonym : Zaprinm Coues, Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus., No. 2, p. 34, 1875. Type: Procellaria caerulea Gmelia. Halobaena caerulea. Halobaena caerulea. Blue Petrel. Procellaria caerulea Gmelin, Syst. Nat., p. 560, 1789 ; Southern Ocean, 47° to 58°. Sjnionyms : Procellaria forsteri (not Latham 1790) Smith, 111. Zool. S. Africa, pi. nil., 1840 ; Cape seas. Procellaria similis Forster, Descr. Anim., ed. Licht., p. 59, 1844'; Antarctic Ocean. Range : Australian seas. Extra limital. Genus PACHYPTILA. Pachyptila lUiger, Prodromus, p. 27 J, 181 1. Type (by subsequent designation, Salvadori 1882) : Procellaria vittata Gmelin. Synionyms ; ? Priamphiis Rafinesque, Analyse Nat., p. 72, 1815. Tj-pe • Procellaria villa la Gnielin. Prion Lesson, Manuel d'Orn., Vol. II., p. 399, 1828. Type : Procellaria vittata Gmelin. Pachyptila vittata. Pachyptila vittata vittata. New Zealand Broad-billed Prion. Procellaria vittata Gmelin, Syst. Nat., p. 560, 1789 ; New Zealand. Synonyms ; Procellaria forsteri Latham, Inde.x Ornith., Vol. II., p. 827, 1790 ; New name for Procellaria vittata Gmelin. Procellaria latirostris Bonnaterre, Tabl. Encycl. M6th. Ornith., Vol. I., p. 81, 1791 ; New Zealand. Prion magnirostris Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1862, p. 125 ; New Zealand. Prion auatralis Potts, Ibis 1873, p. 85 ; New Zealand. Range: East Australian seas (accidental); New Zealand (breeding). Pachyptila vittata gouldi. Australian Broad-billed Prion. >n vittatns gouldi Ma( Bass Strait, Vietoris Ratige : Bass Strait, Prion vittatns gouldi Mathews, Birds Austr., Vol. II., p. 211, 1912"; Bass Strait, Victoria. 40 ' A LIST OF THE [PROCELLAEHFORMES Pachyptila vittata missa. Australian Long-billed Prion. Prion vittatiis missvs Mathews, Birds Austr., Vol. II., p. 212, 1012 ; Perth, South-west Australia. Range : South-west Australia. Genus PSEUDOPRION. Pssvdoprion Coues, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., p. 1(34, 1866. Type (by original designation) : Procellaria turtur Kiilil. Pseudoprion turtur. Pseudoprion turtur turtur. Australian Fairy-Prion. Procellaria tttrtvr Kuhl, Beitr. Vergl. Anat., p. 143, 1820 ; Bass Strait, Victoria. Synonyms : Halobaena typica Bonaparte, Consp. Gen. Av., Vol. II., p. 194, 18.'57 ; Bass Strait, Victoria (Waigiou Island is an error). Prion ariel Schlegel, Mus. Pays-Bas, Vol. VI., Procell., p. 18, 1803 ; Bass Strait, Victoria. Range : Bass Strait, Victoria. Genus HETEROPRION. Heleroprion Mathews, Birds Austr., Vol. II., p. 222, 1912. Type (by original designation) : Heieroprion helcheri Mathews. Heteroprion belcheri. Heteroprion belcheri. Australian Thin-billed Prion. Heteroprion belcheri JIatliews, Birds Austr., Vol. II., p. 224, 1912 ; Geelong, Victoria. Range : Victoria. Heteroprion desolatus. [Heteroprion desolatus desolatus. Procellaria desolala GmeUn, Syst. Nat., p. 562, 1789 ; Kerguelen Island. Extra liraital.] Heteroprion desolatus mattingleyi. Australian Dove-Prion. Heteroprion desolatus mattinejlejii JIathews, Birds Austr., Vol. II., p. 22(1, 1912 ; Geelong, Victoria. Range : Victoria. Family PELECANOIDIDAE. Genus PELECANOIDES. Pelecanoides LacepiJde, Tab). Ois., p. 13, 1799. Type (by monotypj^) : Procellaria urinatrix Gmelin. PROCELLAEIIFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 41 Synonyms : Haladroma lllijjer, Prodromus, p. 274, 1811. Type: Procellaria iirinatrix Gmelin. Onocraliis Rafinesque, Analyse Nat., p. 72, 1815. Type: Proctllaria urinatrix Gmelin. Pelecanoides urinatrix. [Pelecanoides urinatrix urinatrix. Procellaria urinatrix Gmelin, Syst. Nat., p. 560, 1789 ; New Zealaiui. Extra limital.T Pelecanoides urinatrix belcheri. Australian Diving Petrel. Pelecanoides urinatrix belcheri Mathews, Austral Av. Rec., Vol. 1., p. 84, 1912 ; Victoria. Range : East Australian seas. Genus DIOMEDEA. Diomedea Linn^, Syst. Nat., 10th etl., p. 132, 1758. Tj'pe (by subsequent designation. Gray 1840) : Dio- medea exidans Linne. Synonyms : AWatrossa Brunnich, Zool. Fimd., p. 80, 1771. Type: Diomedea exilian^ Linnd. Albatros Lesson, Manuel d'Om., Vol. II., p. 389, 1828. Type : Diomedea exulans Linn6. Diomedea exulans. [Diomedea exulans exulans. Diomedea exulans Linne, Syst. Nat., 10th ed., p. 132, 1758 ; Cape of Good Hope. Extra limital.] Diomedea exulans rothschildi. Ausiralian Wandering Albatros. Diomedea exulans rothschildi Mathews, Biids Austr., Vol. II., p. 246, 1912 ; Australian seas. Range : Australian and New Zealand seas. Diomedea exulans chionoptera. Snowy Albatros. Diomedea chionoptera Salvin, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., Vol. XXV., p. 443, 1896 ; Kerguelen Island. Range : West Australia (one occurrence); South Indian Ocean. Diomedea epomophora. Diomedea epomophora epomophora. Royal Albatros. Diomedea epomophora Lesson, Ann. Sci. Nat. (Paris), Ser. I., Vol. VI., p. 95, 1825 ; Campbell Island. Synonym : Diomedea regia Buller, Trans. New Zeal. Inst. 1890, Vol. XXIII., p. 234, 1891 (pars) ; Campbell Island Range : East Australian and New Zealand seas. 42 A LIST OF THE [PROCELLAEnFOEMES Genus THALASSARCHE. Thalassarche Reichenbaeh, Nat. Syst. Vogel., p. v., 1852. Type (by original designation) : Diomedea melanophris Temminck. Thalassarche melanophrys. [Thalassarche melanophrys melanophrys. Diomedea melanophris Temminck et Laugier, Planch. Color. d'Ois., 76" livr., Vol. IV., pi. 456, 1828 ; Cape of Good Hope. Extra limital.] Thalassarche melanophrys impavida. Austrp.lian Black-browed Molly- mawk. Thalassarche melanophris impavida Mathews, Birds Aiistr., Vol. II., p. 267, 1912 ; Tasmania. Range : East Australian and New Zealand seas. Genus THALASSOGERON. Thalassogeron Ridgwav, in Baird, Brewer, and Ridgway, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard, Vol. XIII. (Water Birds N. Amer., Vol. II.), pp. 345, 357, 1884. Tj'pe (bv original designation) : Diomedea culminata Gould. Thalassogeron chrysostoma. [Thalassogeron chrysostoma chrysostoma. Diomedea chrysostoma Forster, Jlem. JIath. Phys. (Paris), Vol. X., p. 571, 1785 ; Cape seas. Extra limital.] Thalassogeron chrysostoma culminatus. Australian Flat-billed JloUy- mawk. Diomedea culminata Gould, Proe. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1843, p. 107 ; Bass Strait. Range : Australian seas. Genus NEALBATRUS. Nealhatnis JIathews, Birds Austr., Vol. II., p. 274, 1912. Type (by original designation) : Diomedea cMororhynchos Gmelin. Nealbatrus chlororhynehus. [Nealbatrus chlororhynehus chlororhynehus. Diomedea cMororhynchos Gmelin, Syst. Nat., p. 568, 1789 ; Cape seas. Extra limital.] PROCELLARIl formes] BIRDS OF AVSTRAUA 43 Nealbatrus chlororhynchus bassi. East Australian Yellow -nosed Mollj-mawk. Thalasgogeron chhrorhynchos bassi JIathews, Birds Austr., Vol. II., p. 281, 1912 ; New South Wales. East Australia. Range : Australian seas. Nealbatrus chlororhynchus earteri. West Australian Yellow-nosed Mollymawk. Thalassogeron earteri Rothschild, Bull. Brit. Omith. Club, Vol. XIV., p. 6, 1903 ; Point Cloates, Mid-west Australia. Range : Jlid-west Australia. Genus DIOMEDELLA. Diomedella Mathews, Birds Austr., Vol. II., p. 275, 1912. Type (by original designation) : Diomedea cauta Gould. Diomedella cauta. Diomedella cauta cauta. ^ATiite-capped Albatross. Diomedea cauta Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1840, p. 177, 1841 ; Bass Straits. Range : Australian seas ; Bass Strait (breeding). Genus PHOEBETRIA. Phoehetria Reichenbach, Xat. Syst. Vogel., p. \.. 1852. Type (by original designation) : Diomedea fuliginosa Gmelin = Diomedea palpebrata Forster. Phoebetria palpebrata. [Phoebetria palpebrata palpebrata. Diomedea palpebrata Forster, Mem. Math. Phys. (Paris), Vol. X., p. 571, 1785 ; lat. 47^ S., 71° 10' long. E. ; Kerguelen Island. Extra limital.] Phoebetria palpebrata huttoni. Xew Zealand Light-mantled Sooty- Albatross. Phoebetria palpebrata hiilto-ni Mathews, Birds Austr., Vol. II., p. 297, 1912 ; Xew Zealand seas. Range : Australian and Xew Zealand seas. Phoebetria fusca. [Phoebetria fusca fusca. Diomedea fusca Hilsenberg, in Froriep's Xotizen, Vol. III., No. 5 (49), p. 74, 1822 ; Mozambique Channel. Extra limital.] Phoebetria fusca campbelli. Australian Sooty Albatross. Phoebetria fusca campbelli Mathews, Birds Austr., A'ol. II., p. 304, 1912 ; Australian seas. Range : Australian seaa. 44 A LIST OF THE [L.iEIFORilES Oedeb LARIFORJIES. Family LARIDAE. Genus HYDROCHELIDON. Hydrochelidon Boie, Isis 1822, p. 563. Tj'pe (by subsequent designation, Gray 1841) : Sterna nigra Linnc. Synonyms : Viralva Stephens, in Shaw's Gen. Zool., Vol. XIII., pt. I., p. 166, 1826. Type : Sterna nigra Linne. Pelodes Kaup, Skizz. Entwick-Gesch. Nat. Syst., p. 107, 1829. Type : Sterna leiicopareia Natterer. Chlidonias Rhodes, Auk., Vol. XXIX., p. 197, 1912. Tj-pe : Sterna nigra Linno. Hydrochelidon leucoptera, [Hydrochelidon leucoptera leucoptera. Sterna leucoptera Temminck, Jlanuel d'Orn., p. 4S3, 1815 ; Steditei- ranean sea. Extra limital.] Hydrochelidon leucoptera grisea. Australian White-winged Tern. Sterna grisea Horsfield, Trans. Linn. Soc. (Lond.), Vol. XIII. , p. 199, 1821 ; Java. Range : China (breeding) ; migrating southward to Australia in winter. Hydrochelidon leucopareia. [Hydrochelidon leucopareia leucopareia. Sterna leucopareia Temminck, Manuel d'Om., Vol. II., p. 746, 1820 ; Hungary, Europe. Extra limital.] Hydrochelidon leucopareia fluviatilis. East Australian Whiskered Tern. Hydrochelidon fiumatilia Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1842, p. 140, 1843 ; Interior of New South Wales. Range : East and Soutli-east Australia (breeding). Hydrochelidon leucopareia rogersi. West .Australian Whiskered Tern. Hydrochelidon leucopareia rogersi Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. X\T:II., p. 207, 1912 ; Parry's Creek, North-west Australia. Range : North-west Australia ; Northern Territory. Genus GELOCHELIDON. Gelochelidon Brehm, Vogel. Deutschl., p. 771, 1S31. Type (by monotj-pj') : Gelochelidon meridionalis Brehm= Sterna nilotica Gmolin. Sjmonym : Larop'is Wagler, Isis 1832, p. 1225. Type : Sterna anglica Montagu = Sterna nilotica GmeUn. LARIFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 45 Gelochelidon nilotica. [Gelochelidon nilotica nilotica. Sterna nilotica Gmelin, Syst. Nat., p. (lOI), 1789 ; Egypt, North Africa. Extra limital.] Gelochelidon nilotica macrctarsa. Australian Gull-billed Tern. Sterna marrnlarsa Gould, Synops. Birds Austr., pt. II., pi. 37, 1S37 ; Victoria. Range : Australia (breeding). Genus HYDROPROGNE. Bydroprogne Kaup, Skizz. Entwick-Gesch. Nat. Syst , p. 91, 1829. Type (by subsequent designation, Gray 1846) : Sterna caspia Pallas = Sterna tschcgmva Lepecliin. SjnionjTns : Sylochelidon Brehm, Vogel. Deutschl., p. 7(57, 1831. Type : Sterna caspia Pallas = Sterna tschegrava Lepechin. Helopiis Wagler, Isis 1832, p. 1224. Type: Sterna caspia Pallas = Sterna tschegrava Lepochin. Heroprogne Buller, Suppl. Birds New Zeal., Vol. I., p. 157, 1905 : misspelling only. Hydroprogne tschegrava. [Hydroprogne tschegrava tschegrava. Sterna tschegrava Lepechin, Nov. Comm. Acad. Sci. Imp. Petrop., Vol. XIV., pt. I., p. 500, 1770 ; Caspian Sea. Extra limital.] Hydroprogne tschegrava strenua. Australian Caspian Tem. Si/lochelidon strenuiis Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lend.) 1840, p. 21; Port Stephens, New South Wales. Range : Australia (breeding). Genus THALASSEUS. Thalasseus Boie, Isis 1822, p. 563. Type (by subsequent designation, Gray IS-IO) : Sterna cantiaca Gmelin = Sterna sandvicensis Latham. Synonjins : Actoclielidmi Kaup. Skizz. Entwick-Gesch. Nat. Syst., p. 31, 1829. TjTJe : Sterna cantiaca Gmelin = Sterna sandvicensis Latham. Pelecanopus Wagler, Isis 1832, p. 277. Type : Sterna pelecanoides King. Thalasseus bergii. [Thalasseus bergii bergii. Sterna bergii Lichtenstein, Verzeiclin. doubl. Zool. Mus., p. 80, 1823 ; Cape of Good Hope. Extra limital.] Thalasseus bergii poliocercus. Crested Tem. Sterna poliocerca Gould, Synops. Birds Austr., pt. ii., pi. 37, 1837 ; Tasmania. 46 A LIST OF THE [LAEIFORMES Synonyms : Sterna novaehoUandiae Pucheran, Rev. Zool. 1850, p. 545 ; Tasmania. Pelecanopiis nigripennis Bonaparte, Comptes Rendus. Sei. (Paris), Vol. XLII., p. 772, 1856 : substitute-name for Sterna novaehoUandiae Cuvier (=Pucheran). Range : New South Wales; Victoria; Tasmania; South Australia. Thalasseus bergli pelecanoides. Northern Crested Tern. Sterna pelecanoides King, Survey Intertrop. Coasts Austr., p. 422, 1826 ; Torres Strait. Range : Queensland ; Northern Territory ; North-west Australia. Thalasseus bergii gwendolenae. West Australian Crested Tern. Thalasseus hergii gwendolenae Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 208, 1912 ; Perth, South-west Australia. Range : South-west AustraUa. Thalasseus bengalensis. [Thalasseus bengalensis bengalensis. Sterna bengalensis Lesson, Traite d'Om., p. 621, 1831 ; India. Extra limitai.] Thalasseus bengalensis torresii. Lesser Crested Tern. Thalasseus torresii Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1842, p. 140, 1843; Port Essington. Synonym : Sterna media (not VieiUot) Horsfield, Trans. Liim. Soc. (Lond.), Vol. XIIL, p. 199, 1821 ; Java. Range : North Queensland ; Northern Territory ; North-west AustraUa. Genus STERNA. Sterna Linn6, Syst. Nat., 10th ed., p. 137, 1758. Tj^e (by tautonymy) : Sterna Mrundo Linne. Synonyms : Chelido Billberg, Synops. Faunae Scand., Vol. I., pt. 2, p. 193, 1825. Type : Sterna hirundo Linne. Thalassaca Kaup, Skizz. Entwick-Gesch. Nat. Syst., p. 97, 1829. Type : Sterna dougallii Montagu. Hydrocecropis Boie, Isis 1844, p. 178. Type : Sterna hirundo Linn6. Sterna dougallii. [Sterna dougallii dougallii. Sterna dougallii Montagu, Ornith. Diet., Suppl., 1813 ; Scotland. Extra limitai.] Sterna dougallii gracilis. Australian Roseate Tern. Sterna gracilis Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1845, p. 70 ; Houtman's Abrolhos, West Austraha. LABIFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 47 Synonyms: Sterna nifjrifrons Masters, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., Vol. I., p. 62, 1876 ; Warrior Reef, North Queensland. Sterna striata chriat-opheri Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 209, 1912 ; Point Cloates, Jtid-west Australia. Range : Australia (breeding). Sterna striata. [Sterna striata striata. Sterna striata GmeUn, Syst. Nat., p. 609, 1789 ; Now Zealand. Extra limital.] Sterna striata melanorhyncha. Australian \Miite-fronted Tern. Sterna melanorhyncha Gould, Birds Austr., Vol. VII., pi. 26, 1848 Tasmania. Synonjons : Sterna velox (not Riippel) Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1842, p. 139, 1843 ; Bass Strait. Sterna striata incerta Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 208, 1912 ; Tasmania. Range : East Australia. Genus GYGISTERNA. Gygisterna Mathews, Biids Austr., Vol. II., p. 365, 1912. Type (by original designation) : Sterna sunuitrana kempi Mathews. Gygisterna sumatrana. [Gygisterna sumatrana sumatrana Sterna sumatrana Raffles, Trans. Linn. Soc. (Lond.), Vol. XIII., p. 329, 1821 ; Sumatra. Extra limital.] Gygisterna sumatrana kempi. Australian Black-naped Tern. Sterna sumatrana kempi ilathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 210, 1912 ; Torres Strait, North Queensland. Range : North Australia. Genus STERNULA. Sterniila Boie, Isis 1822, p. 563. Type (by monotypy) : Sterna minuta Linne = Sterna albifrons Vroeg. Sternula albifrons. [Sternula albifrons albifrons. Sterna albifrons Vroeg, Cat. Rais. d'Ois. Adumb., p. 6, 1764 ; Europe. Extra limital.] Sternula albifrons placens. Eastern Wliite-shafted Temlet. Sternula placens Gould, Ann. JIag. Nat. Hist., Ser. IV., Vol. VIII., p. 192, 1871 ; Torres Strait 48 A LIST OF THE [LAEIFOEMES Synonym : Sterniila inconspicua Masters, Proc. I.inn. Soc. N.S.W., Vol. I., p. 03, 1870 ; Cape York. Range : Queensland ; New South Wales. Sternula albifrons tormenti. Western White-shafted Temlet. titerna sinensis tormenti Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIIT., p. 210, 1912 ; Pohit Torment, North-west Australia. Range : North-west Australia ; Northern Territorj'. Sternula nereis, sternula nereis nereis. AVliite-faeed Temlet. Stern'ila nereis Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1842, p. 140, 1843; Bass Strait. Range: Victoria; Tasmania; South Australia. Sternula nereis horni. Western Wliite-faeed Temlet. Sterna ncreift horni Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVItl., p. 209, 1912; Kalgan River, South-west Australia. Range : South-west Australia. Genus ONYCHOPRION. Onychoprion Wagler, Isis 1832, p. 277. Type (by moiiotypy) : Sterna serrata Wagler. SjTionyms : Planeteg Wagler, Isis 1832, p. 1222. Type : Sterna guttata Forster = Sterna serrata Wagler. Haliplana Wagler, Isis 1832, p. 1224. Type : Sterna juliginosa Gmelin = Sterna serrata Wagler. Thalassipora Riippell, Syst. Uebers. Vogel Nord-ost Afrika, p. 140, 1845. Typo : Sterna infuscata Lichten stein =S. Type (by monotypy ) : Slenia anaethetv^ i?copoli. Melanosterna anaethetus. [Melanosterna anaethetus anaethetus. Sterna anaethetus Scopoli, Del Flor. Faunae Insub., pt. ii., p. 92, 178(i ; Philippine Islands. Extra limital.] Melanosterna anaethetus novaehollandiae. Australian Bridled Tern. Sterna nocaehoUandiae Stephens, in Sliavv's Gen. Zool., Vol. XIII., pt. I., p. 1(51, 1820 ; New South Wales. Range : Australia (breeding). Genus ANGUS. Anoiis Stephens, in Shaw's Gen. Zool., Vol. XITI., pt. i., p. 139, 1826. Type (by subsequent designation, Gray 1840) : Anous niger Stephens ^ Sterna stoUda Linne. SjnionjTiis : Stolida Lesson, Traite d'Orn., p. 020, 1831. Type : Sterna stolida Linne. Gavia Swainson, Classif. Birds, Vol. II., p. 373, 1837. Type: Gavia leitcoccps Swainson = Sterna stolida Linn6. Aganophron Gloger, Hand u. Hilfsb. Xaturg., p. -103, 1842. Type: Sterna stolida Linjie. Anous stolidus. [Anons stolidus stolidus. Sterna stolida Linn6, Syst. Xat., 10th ed., p. 137, 1858 ; Atlantic Ocean. Extra limital.] Anous stolidus gilbert!. Australian Noddy. Anous stolidus gilberli Mathews, Birds Austr., Vol. IT., p. 405, 1912 ; Bedout Island, West Australia. Range : Australia (breeding). Genus MEGALOPTERUS. Megalopteriis Boie, Isis 1820, p. 080. Type (by monotypy) : Sterna tenuirostris Temmiiick. SynonjTiis : Micranoiis Saunders, Bull. Brit. Oniith. Club, Vol. I., p. xix., 1895. Type : Sterna tenuirostris Temniinck. Anoiiaella Mathews, Birds Austr., Vol. II., p. 412, 1912. Type: Anous leucocapillus Gould = Anous minutus Boie. Megalopterus tenuirostris. [Megalopterus tenuirostris tenuirostris. Sterna tenuirostris Temniinck et Laugier, Planch. Color. d'Ois.,34''li\T., Vol. II., pi. 202, 1823; Seychelles. Extra limital.] E 50 A LIST OF THE [LAEIFOBMES Megalopteius tenuirostris melanops. Lesser Noddy. AnoHS melanops Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1845, p. 103, 1846; Houtman's AbroUaos, West Australia. Range : South-west Australia. Megalopterus minutus. Megalopterus minutus minutus. Australian White-capped Xoddj-. Anous minutus Boie, Isis 1844, p. 188 ; North-east. Australia. SjTionyms : Anous leucocapillus Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1845, p. 103, 1846 ; Raine Island, Queensland. Anous atrojuscus Stone, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., p. 117, 1894; New Guinea. Range : East Australian seas ; New Guinea. Genus PROCELSTERNA. Procelsterna Lafresnaye, Mag. de Zool., Ois., 1842, pi. 29. Type (by monotj^Dy) : Sterna tereticollis Lafresnaye = Sterna cerulea Bennett. Procelsterna cerulea. [Procelsterna cerulea cerulea. Sterna cerulea Bennett, Narr. \\nialing Voy., Vol. II., p. 248, 1840 ; Christmas Island, Pacific Ocean. Extra limital.] Procelsterna cerulea cinerea. Grey Noddy. Anous cineretis Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1845, p. 104, 1846; North-east Coasts Australia. Synonym : - ^ ^ Procelsterna albivitta Bonaparte, Comptes Rendus Sci. (Paris), Vol. XLTI., p. 773, 1856: substitute-name for .4 . ci'nere"s Gould (not Nehoux 1842). Range : Eastern Australian seas. Genus GYGIS. Gygis (not Gyges Bory de St. Vincent 1825) Wagler, Isis 1832, p. 1223. Type (by monotypy) : Sterna Candida Gmelin. Synonym : Leucanous Mathews, Birds Austr., Vol. 11., p. 432, 1912. Type : Gygis microrhyncha Saunders. Gygis alba. [Gygis alba alba. Sterna alba Sparrman, Mus. Carlson, fasc. I., no. 11, 1786 ; Ascension Island. Extra limital ] LARIFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 51 Gygis alba royana. Australian White Tern. GygU nlha royana Mathews, Birds Austr., Vol. II., p. 433, 1912 ; Kermaclec Islands. Range : East Australia. Extra limital (breeding on Xorfolk Island and Kermadec Islands). Genus BRUCHIGAVIA. Briichigavia Bonaparte, Consp. Gen. Av., Vol. II., p. 228, 1857. Type (by inonotyijy) : Lanis novaehoilandiae Stephens. Bruchigavia novaehoilandiae. Bruchigavia novaehoilandiae novaehoilandiae. Silver-Gnll. Lams novaehoilandiae Stephens, in Siiaw's Gen. Zoo!., Vol. XIII., pt. 1., p. 19C, 182(i ; Xew South Wales. Svnionyms : Lams iamesmiii Wilson, lUustr. Zool., pi. xxiii., 1S31 ; Xew South Wales. Gaviaandersonii Bruoh, Joam. fiir Ornith. 1853, p. 102 ; Xew South Wales. Gavia pomarre Bruch, Joum. fiir Ornith. 1853, p. 103 ; Xew South Wales. Gelastes coralliniis Bonaparte, Xaumannia 1854, p. 210 ; Xew South Wales. Range : Xew South Wales ; Victoria. Bruchigavia novaehoilandiae gouldi. Xorthem Silver-Gull. Gelastis gou'di Bonaparte, Xaumannia, p. 21G, 1854 ; Torres Strait. Range : Queensland ; Northern Territory ; Xorth-west Australia, Bruchigavia novaehoilandiae gunni. Tasmanian Silver-GuII. Lams novaehoilandiae giinni JIathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. X\^II., p. 212, 1912 ; Ta?mani>i. Range : Tasmania. Bruchigavia novaehoilandiae ethelae. Southern Silver-Gull. Lams novaehoilandiae ethelae Mathews, Austral Av. Ree., Vol. I., p. 30, 1912 ; Kangaroo Island. Range : South Australia. Bruchigavia novaehoilandiae longirostris. Western Silver-Gull. Bruchigavia longirostris Masters, Proc. Linn. Soc. X.S.W., Vol. II., p. 113, 1877 ; King George Sound, South-west Australia. Range : South-west Australia. Genus GABIANUS. Gabianiis Bruch, Joum. fiir Ornith. 1853, p. 100. Type (by monotypy) : Larus pacificus Latham. £ 2 tIBRARY tJIIIVER.<;iTY nc II ■ i.,. 52 A LIST OF THE [LAEIFORMES Gabianus paciflcus. Gabianus paciflcus pacificus. Pacific Gull. Larus pacificus Latham, Index Omith., Suppl., p. Ixviii., 1801 ; New South Wales. Synonyms : Larus frontalis | Vieillot, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., Vol. XXI., Larus leucomelas I pp. 505, 509, 1S18 ; Tasmania. Larus bathyrin-chiis, Macgillivray, Mem. Wem. Soc, Vol. V., p. 253, 1824 ; New South Wales. Range : Queensland ; New South Wales ; Victoria ; Tasmania ; South Australia. Gabianus pacificus georgii. Western Pacific Gull. Larus georgii King, Survey Intertrop. Coasts Austr., Vol. II., p. 423, 1826 ; King George Soimd, West Australia. Range : West AustraUa. . Family CATHARACTIDAE. Genus CATHARACTA. Catharacta Briinnich, Omith. Boreal, p. 32, 1764. Tjqoe (by subsequent designation, Coues 1863): Catharacta skua Brunnicli. Synonyms : Megalestris Bonaparte, Comptes Rendus Sci. (Paris), Vol. XLIII., p. 643, 1856. Type : Catharacta skua Briinnich. Buphagus Coues, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Pliilad. 1863, p. 124. Type: Catharacta skua Briinnich. Catharacta lonnbergi. Catharacta lonnbergilonnbergi. -Australian Skua. Catharacta antarctica lonnbergi Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. X^^II., p. 212, 1912 ; New Zealand seas. Range : Australian and New Zealand seas. I Genus STERCORARIUS. Siercorarius Brisson, Omith., Vol. VI., p. 149, 1760. Stsrcorarius Schaeffer, Mus. Omith., p; 62, 1789. Type (by tautonjTiiy) : Stercorarhis = Larus parasiliciis Linne. SynonjTns : Lestris Illiger, Prodromus, p. 272, 1811. Type: Larus parasiticus Linn^. LARIFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 63 Praedatrix Vieillot, Analyse nouv. Ornith., p. 05, 1810. Type: Labbi Buffon = Lams parasiticus Linne. Oceanus Koch, Syst. baier., Vdgel, p. 380, 1810. Type: TMrus parasiticus Linn6. Stercorarius parasiticus. StRrcorarius parasiticus. Arctic Skua. Lams parasiticus Linn6 Sj-st. Nat., !Oth ed. p. 130, 17ij8; Coasts of Sweden. Range : Australia (accidental winter visitor). Extra liraital. Order CHARADRIIFORMES. Family AREXARIIDAE. Genus ARENARIA. Arenaria Brisson, Oniith., Vol. V., p. 132, 1760. Type (by tautonymy) : Arenaria = Tringa interpres Linne. SjnionjTns : Morinella Meyer und Wolf, Tasehenb. d. Vogel., p. 383 (note), 1810. Type : Morinella coUaris Meyer und \\o\i = Tringa interpres Liime. Strepxitas Illiger, Prodromus, p. 263, 1811. Tj-pe : Tringa interpres Linni^. Armaria Vieillot, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Xat., Vol. XXXIV., p. 344, 1819. Tj'pe : Tringa interpres Linne. Cincliis Gray, List Gen. Bii'ds, 2nd ed., p. 85, 1841. Tj-pe : Tringa interpres Linn6. Arenaria interpres. [Arenaria interpres interpres Linn^. Tringa interpres Linne, Sj-st. Nat., lOth ed., p. 148, 1758 ; Europe. Extra limital.] Arenaria interpres oahuensis. Eastern Turnstone. Tringa onhiicnsis Bloxham, Voy. " Blonde " Sandwich Is., p. 251, 1820 ; Sandwich Islands. Synonym : Charadriiis cinclns Pallas, Zoogr. Rosso-Asiat., Vol. II., p. 148, 1827 ; Siberia. Range : Siberia (breeding), migrating southward to Australia in winter. Family HAEMATOPODIDAE. Genus HAEMATOPUS. Haemalopua Linni^, Syst. Nat., 10th ed., p. 152, 1758. Tj'pe (by monotj'pj') : Haematopus ostralegus Linne. 54 A LIST OF THE [CHAEADEnFOEMES Synonyms : Osirelaga Bonnaterre, Tabl. Ency. Meth. Omith., Vol. I., pp. bcxxii., 25, 1791. Type : Haematopiis ostrakgas Linne. Ostralegus Reichenbach, Nat. Syst. Vogel., p. xii., 1852. Tj^e : Haematopiis longirostris Vieillot. Melanibyx Reichenbach, Nat. Syst. Vogel., p. xii., 1852. Tj-pe : Haematopiis niger Temminck. Haematopus ostralegus. [Haematopus ostralegus ostralegus. Haematopiis ostralegus Linne, 10th ed., p. 152, 1758 ; Sweden, Europe. Extra limital.] Haematopus ostralegus longirostris. Pied Oystercatcher. Haematopus longirostris Vieillot, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., Vol. XV., p. 410, 1817 ; New South Wales. Synonyms : Haem,atopus aiistralasianvs Gould, Synops. Birds Austr., pt. it., App., p. 6, 1838; New South Wales. Haematopus longirostris tnattingleyi Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 213, 1912 ; Cooktown, North Queensland. Range : Queensland ; New South Wales ; Victoria ; Tasmania ; South and South-west AustraUa. Haematopus ostralegus picatus. North-western Pied Oystercatcher. Haematopus picatus King, Survey Intertrop. Coasts Austr., p. 420, 1826 ; Point Torment, North-west Austraha. Range : North-west Australia ; Northern Territory. Haematopus niger. [Haematopus niger niger. Haematopus niger Temminck, Manuel d'Om., Vol. II., p. 533, 1820; South Africa. Extra limital.] Haematopus niger fuliginosus. Eastern Black Oystercatcher. Haematopus fuliginosus Gould, Birds Austr., Vol. IV., pi. 8, 1845 ; Tasmania. Synonym : Haematopus niger ai'stralasiants Bonaparte, Comptes Rendus Sci. (Paris), Vol. XLIII., p. 420, 1856 : new name for H. fuliginosus Gould. Range : South Queensland ; New South Wales ; Victoria ; Tasmania ; South Australia. Haematopus niger bernieri. Western Black Oystercatcher. Haematopus unicolor hrrnieri Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. X^^II., p. 214, 1912 ; Bemier Island, West Australia. Range : West Australia. Haematopus niger ophthalmicus. Bare-eyed Black Oystercatcher. Haematopus opthalmiciis Castelnau and Ramsay, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., Vol. I., p. 385, 1877; Gulf of Carpentaria, Queensland. Range : North Queensland ; Northern Territory ; North-west Australia. CHARADRnFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 55 Family VANELLIDAE. Genus ERYTHROGONYS. Erythrogonys Gould, Synops. Birds Austr., pt. iv,, pi. 73, 1838. Type (by monotypy) : Erythrogonys cinctus Gould. Erythrogonys cinctus. Erythrogonys cinctus cinctus. Red-lcneed Dotterel. Erythrogonys cinctus Gould, Synops. Birds Austr., pt. iv., pi. 73, 1838 ; New South Wale.s. Synonym : Vanelliis rufiventer Lesson, Echo du Slonde Savant, 11th year, Xo. 9, col. 207, .A.ug. 1, 1844 ; New South Wales. Range : Queensland ; New South Wales ; South Australia ; South- west Australia. Erythrogonys cinctus mixtus. Western Red-lineed Dotterel. Erythrogonys cinctKS inLrttis JIathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 215, 1912 ; Parry's Creek, North-west Australia. Range : Slid- and North-west Australia ; Northern Territory. Genus LOBIBYX. Lobibyx Heine, Nomencl. Mus. Hein., p. 334, IS'.tO. Tj'pe (by original designation) : Tringa lobaia Latham ^Vancllus iwmichoUandiae Stephens. SjTionym : LobivanellKS (not Strickland 1841) Reichenbach, Nat. Syst. Vogel., p. xviii. . 1852. Type: Tringa lobaia Latham = Vanclliis novac- hollandiac Stephens. Lobibyx novaehoUandiae. Lobibyx novaehoUandiae. Spur-winged Plover. Vanellus novaehoUandiae Stephens, in Shaw's Gen. Zool., Vol. XI., pt. u., p. 516, 1819; New South Wales. SjTionyms : Tringa lobaia (not Limie 1758) Latham, Inde.x Oniith., Suppl., p. Ixv., 1801 ; New South Wales. Charadriua gaUinaceus Wagner, Syst. Av. , Charadr., p. 75, sp. 50, 1827 ; New South Wales Range : South Queensland ; New South Wales ; Victoria ; Tas- mania ; South Austraha. Lobibyx miles. [Lobibyx miles miles. Tringa miles Boddaert, Tabl. Planch. Enlum., p. 51, 1783 ; Timor Laut. Extra limital.] 56 A LIST OF THE [CHAKADRnFORMES Lobibyx miles personata. Lesser JIasked Plover. Lobivanellxs personatiis Goixld, Birds Austr., Vol. VI., pi. 10, 1842 ; Coburg Peninsula, Northern Territory. Range : North-west Australia ; Northern Territory. Lobibyx miles harterti. AlUed Marked Plover. Lobibyx mile" harterti Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIIT., p. 215, 1912 ; Inkerman, Queensland. Range : North Queensland. Genus ZONIFER. Zonifer Sharpe, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., Vol. XXIV., pp. 145, 154, 1896. Type (by original designation) ; Charadrius tricolor Vieillot. Synonym : Sarciophonis (not Strickland 1841) Reichenbach, Nat. Syst. Vogel., p. xvLii., 1852. Type : Charadrius pectornlia Wagler = Charadrius tricolor Vieillot. Zonifer tricolor. Zonifer tricolor tricolor. Black-breasted Plover. Charadrius tricolor Vieillot, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., Vol. XXVIT., p. 147, 1818 ; New South Wales. Synonyms : Charadrius pectorali-s Wagler, Sj'st. Av., Charadr., p. 58, sp. 8, 1827 ; New South Wales. Charadrius vanelloides Peale, TTnited States Expl. Exp., Vol. ^^II., p. 240, 1848 ; of. 2nd ed., p. 328, 1858 ; New South AVales. Range : Queensland ; New South Wales ; Victoria ; Tasmania ; South Australia. Zonifer tricolor gwendolenae. Western Black-breasted Plover. Zonifer tricolor gwendolenae Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 216, 1912 ; Broome Hill, South-west Australia. Range : South-west Australia. Family CH_\RADRIIDAE. Genus SQUATAROLA. Squatarola Cuvier, Regno Anim., Vol. I., p. 467, 1810. Type (by tautonjmiy) : Tringa squatarola Linne. Squatarola squatarola. [Squatarola squatarola squatarola. Tringa squatarola Linne, Syst. Nat., 10th ed., p. 149, 1758 ; Sweden, Europe. Extra limital.] Squatarola squatarola hypomelus. Eastern Grey Plover Charadrius hypomelus Pallas, Reise. Russ. Reichs., Vol. III., p. 699, 1776 ; Siberia. CHAKADRHFORMESj BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 57 Sjnionyms : Charadriiia hypomelaniia Pallas, Zoogr. Asiat., Vol. 11., p. 138, 1827 ; Siberia. Charndriiis pardda Pallas, Zoopr. Asiat., Vol. 11., p. 142, 1827 ; Siberia. Sqiiatarola helvetica australis Reichenhach, Novit. Syii., Av., no. v., 175, cccxL., nos. 2683-2684, 1851 ; Australia. Range : Siberia (breeding), migrating southward to Australia in winter. Genus PLUVIALIS. Plinnalis Brisson, Omith., Vol. V.. p. 42. 17(iO. Pliivialia Schaeffer, Mtis. Omith., p. 45, 1789. Type (by tautonymy) : Pluvialis = Charadrius apricarius Liiine. Pluvialis dominicus. [Pluvialis dominicus dominicus. Charadrius dominicus Mailer, Sjst. Xat. Anhang., p. 116, 1776; St. Domingo, America. Extra limital.] Pluvialis dominicus fulvus. Lesser Golden Plover. Charadrius ftilvus Gmelin, Syst. Xat., p. 687, 1789; Tahiti. SJ^lonJ^ns : Charadrius griseiis Latham, Index Omith., Suppl., p. Ixvii., ISOl ; Xew South Wales. Charadrius xanthocheilns Wagler, Syst. Av., Charadr., p. 68, 1827 ; Australia. Charadrius taitensis Lesson, JIanuel d'Om., Vol. II., p. 321, 1828; Tahiti. Charadrius glaiicopiis Wagler, Isis 1829, p. 649; Tahiti. Charadrius virginitis Gray, Cat. Jlam. Birds Nepal, pres. Hodgson Brit. Mus., p. 132, 1846: nom. nudum. Charadrius pluvialis orienlalis Temminck ct Schlcgel, Fauna Japonica, p. 104, 1849; .Japan. Charadrius auratus longipes Schlegel, Vogel. von Nederl., p. 411, 1854 ; East Asia. Range : Siberia (breeding), migrating soutlmard to Australia in winter. Genus CIRREPIDESMUS. Cirrepidesmus Bonaparte, Comptes Rendus Sci. (Paris), Vol. XLIIL, p. 417, 1850. T\nie (by tautonymy) : Charadriiis pyrrhothorax Gould = Charadrius atrifrons Wagler. Cirrepidesmus bicinctus. Cirrepidesmus bicinctus. Double-banded Dotterel. Charadrius bicinctus Jardine and Selby. Illus. Omitn., Vol. I., pi. 28, 1827 ; Xew Holland ( = Xew South Wales). 58 A LIST OF THE [CHASADEHFOEMES Synonym : Charadriiis bicincWs incertiis Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 217, 1912 ; Point Malcolm, South-west Australia. Range : South Queensland ; New South Wales ; Victoria ; Tasmania ; South Australia ; South-west Australia. Extra limital. Cirrepidesmus mongolus. Cirrepidesmus mongolus mongolus. Mongolian Sand-Dotterel. Charadriiis mongolus Pallas, Reise Russ. Reichs., Vol. III., p. 700, 1776; Mongolia. Synonyms : Charadriiis cirrhepidesmos Wagler, Syst. Av., Charadr., p. 61, sp. 18, 1826 ; Java. Charadriiis giilaris Wagler, Syst. Av., Charadr., p. 69, sp. 40, 1827 : substitute-name for Charadriiis mongolus Pallas. Charadriiis sanguineus Lesson, Manuel d'Om., Vol. II., p. 330, 1828 ; Java. Charadriiis sonneraiii Gray, Handl. Gen. Spec. Birds., pt. ni., p. 15, 1871 : nom. nudutn. Aegialitis mastersi Ramsay, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., Vol. I., p. 135, 1876 ; Cape York, North Queensland. Range : Siberia (breeding), migrating southward to Australia in winter. Genus PAGOA. Pagoa Mathews, Birds Austr., Vol. III., p. 82, 1913. Type (by original designation) : Charadrius geofjroyi Wagler. Pagoa geoffroyi. Pagoa geollroyi. Large Sand-Dotterel. Charadriiis geoffroyi Wagler, Syst. Av., Charadr., p. 61, sp. 19, 1827 ; Java. Synonyms : Charadriiis leschenaultii Lesson, Manuel d'Om., A^ol. II., p. 322, 1828 ; India. Charadrius columhinus Wagler, Isis 1829, p. 650 ; Arabia. Charadrius riifmiis Blyth, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., Vol. XII., pp. 169, 231, 1843 ; India. Hiaticiila inornata Gotdd, Birds Austr., Vol. VI., pi. 19, 1846 ; Torres Strait. Aegialitis gigas Brehm, VoUstandige Vogelfang, p. 283, 1855 ; Suez to East Europe. Charadrius coliimboides Gray, Handl. Gen. Spec. Birds, pt. in., p. 14, 1871 ; nom. nudum. Eudromias crassirostris Severtzoff, Turkest Jevotnie., p. 146, 1873 ; Fort Peroffsky, Turkestan. Eudromias magnirostris Severtzoff, Joum. fiir Oniitli. 1875, p. 183 : nom. nudum. Range : Siberia (breeding), migrating soutliward to Australia in winter. CHARADRnFORMES] BIRDS OF AtTSTRALIA 59 Genus EUPODA. Eiipoda Brandt, in TcliiUfttcheff's Voy. Sci. Altai Orient., p. 444, 1843. Type (by monotypy) : Chnradrius asiaticus Pallas. Synonym : Eupodella JIathews. Birds Austr., Vol. III., p. 83, 1913 : new name for Eupoda Brandt 1845 ; not Eupodes Koch 1835. Eupoda vereda. Eupoda vereda. Oriental Dotterel. Charadriiia vcrediia Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1848, p. 38 ; North- west Australia. Range : Siberia (breeding), migrating southward to Australia in winter. Genus LEUCOPOLIUS. Leucopolius Bonaparte, Comptes Kendus Sci. (Paris), Vol. XLIII., p. 417, 1856. Type (by tautonymy) : Charadrius nivifrons Ciivaer = Charadrius marginatus Vieillot. S%TionjTn : AegiaiopliilKs Gould, Handb. Birds Austr., Vol. II., p. 234, 1865. Type : Charadrius cantianiis Latham = Charadrius alexandrinus Linne. Leucopolius ruficapillus. Leucopolius ruficapillus ruficapillus. Red-capped Dotterel. Charadrius ruficapillus Temminck et Laugier, Planch. Color. d'Ois., 8' livr.. Vol. I., pi. 47, f. 2, 1821 ; Xew South Wales. Sjmonyms : Charadrius »Har(7i'«o*"s (not Vieillot 1818) Lesson, Manuel d'Om.. Vol. II., p. 318,1828 ; South coasts of Xew Holland ( = Victoria). Aegitilili-s Icanus Gould, Sjniops. Birds Austr., pt. iv., App., p. 0, 1838; New South Wales. Range: Queensland; Xew South Wales; Victoria; Tasmania; South Australia ; South-west Australia. Leucopolius ruficapillus tormenti. Pale Red-capped Dotterel. Charadri"s ruficapillus lormoui Mathews, X'^ov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 217, 1912; Point Torment, Xorth-west Australia. Range : Mid- and Xorth-west Australia ; Northern Territory. Genus CHARADRIUS, Charadrius Liime, Syst. Xat., lOth ed., p. 150, 1758. Type (by tautonymy) : Charadrius hiaticula Linne. Synonyms : Aegialitis Boio, Isis 1822, p. 558. Type: Charadrius hiaticula Linn6. Hiaticula Gray, List Gen. Birds, p. Co, 1840. Tj-pe : Charadrius hiaticula Liim^. 60 A LIST OF THE [CHAEADEHFOEMES Charadrius cucullatus. Charadrius cucullatus cucullatus. Hooded Dotterel. Charadrius cucnllatns Vieillot, Xouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., Vol. XXVII., p. 136, 181S ; New South Wales. Synonym : Charadrius monachiis Wagler, Sj'St. Av., Charadr., p. 00. sp. 15, 1827 ; New South Wales. Range: New South Wales ; Victoria; Tasmania; South Australia. Charadrius cucullatus tregellasi. Western Hooded Dotterel. Charadrius c'ldUat'is tregellasi Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. X^^II., p. 218, 1912 ; EUensbrook, South-west Australia. Synonym : Charadrius cucullatus torbayi Mathews, .Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 30, 1912 ; Torbay, South-west Australia. Range : South-west Australia. Genus ELSEYA. Elseya Mathews, Birds Austr., Vol. II., p. 12.v, 1913. Type (by original designation) : Charadrius melanops Vieillot. Elseya melanops. Elseya melanops melanops. Black-fronted Dotterel. Charadrius mflanops Vieiilot, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., Vol. XXVII., p. 139, 1818 ; New South Wales. SjTionj-m : Charadrius nigri/rons Temminck et Laugier, Planch. Color. d'Ois., 8"^ livr.. Vol. I., pi. 47, fig. i., 1821 ; New Soutli Wales. Range: Queensland ; New South Wales; Victoria; Tasmania; South Australia : South-west Australia. Elseya melanops russata. Western Black-fronted Dotterel. Charadrius russatus Jerdon, Madras. Jouni. Lit. Sci., Vol. XII., p. 213, 1840 ; Madras, India. Svnonj-m : Charadrius melanops marngli Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. X^^II., p. 218, 1912 ; Marngle Creek, North-west Australia. Range : Mid- and North-west Australia ; Northeni Territory. Extra limital. F.ijtfiLV RECL'RVTROSTRIDAE. Genus HIMANTOPUS. Himantopy s Brisson, Omith., Vol. V., p. 33, 1760. Type (by tautonymy) : Himantojnis = Charadrius himalo- pus Linne. CHARADRIIFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 61 Synonyms : Himantop"* (not Muller 17S()) Bonnaterre, Tabl. Ency. M^th. Omith., Vol. I., pp. Ixxxii., 24, 1791. Type : Himantopiis candidua Bonnaterre = Cliaradriiis Iiimanlopi's Luini'. Macrotarsiis (not Link 179.5) Lacepede, Tabl. Ois., p. 18, 1799. Type : Charadriiis himantopiis Linno. Hyp»ibale3 Nitzsch, in Ersch. luul Griiber's Ency., Vol. XVI., p. l.'iO, 1827. Type: Cliaradriiis himantopiis Linn&. Calobatus Lesson, Manuel d'Oni., Vol.11., p. S.SO, 1828. Type: Charadriiis himantopiis Linne. Himantcllus Gray, Cat. Gen. Subgen. Birds, p. 117, 1855. Type: Charadriiis himantopits Linne. Himantopus leucocephalus. Himantopus leucocephalus leucocephalus. White headed Stilt. Himantopiis leucocephalus Gould, Synops. Birds Austr., pt. u., pi. 3J, 1 837 ; New South Wales. Sjmonyms : Himantopus novaehollandiae Bonaparte, Comptes Rendus Sci. (Paris), Vol. XLIIL, p. 421, 1S5G : new name for Himantopus lencoeephaliis Gould. Himantopus seebohmi Hartert, Katal. Vogels Mus. Senckenb., p. 220, 1891 : new name for Himantopus leucocephalus Gould. Range : Queensland ; Xew South Wales ; Victoria ; South Australia. Himantopus leucocephalus assimilis. Northern White-headed Stilt. Hypsibates leucocephalus assimilis Slathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 219, 1913 ; Parry's Creek, North-west Australia. Range : Mid- and North-west Australia ; Northern Territory. Genus CLADORHYNCHUS. Cladorhynchus Gray, List Genera Birds, p. 69, 1840. Tj'pe (by original designation) : Himajitopus falmatiis Gould = Recurvirostra leucocephala Vieillot. SjTionjins : Recurvirostra (not Linne 1758) Boie, Isis 1820, p. 979. Tj'pe : Recur- virostra orientalis Cuvier = Recurvirostra leucocephalus Vieillot. Leptorhynchiis (not Lowe 1822) Du Bus, Mag. de Zool. 1835, pi. 45. Type: Leptorhynchiis peetoralis Du 'Bus = Recurvirostra leuco- cephalus Vieillot. Xiphidiorhynchus Reichenbach, Vogel. Neulioll., pt. i., p. 28, 1845. Type : Recurvirostra leucocephalus Vieillot. Timeta Gistel, Naturg. Thier. Schul., p. ix., 1848 : new name for Leptorhynchiis Du Bus. Cladorhynchus leucocephalus. Cladorhynchus leucocephalus. Banded Stilt. Recurvirostra leucocephala VieMot, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist., Nat., Vol. III., p. 103, 1816 (Sept.) ; Victoria. 62 A LIST OF THE [CHAEADRnFOKMES SjTionyins : Recurvirostra orientalis Cuvier, Regne Anim., Vol. I., p. 490, 1810 (Dec.) ; Victoria. Leptorhynchus pectoralis Du Bus, Hag. de Zool. 1835, pi. 4o ; Victoria. Himantopus palmattis Gould, Synops. Birds Austr., pt. il., pi. 33, 1837 ; Victoria. Cladorhynchus australis Lawson, Emu, Vol. IV., p. 131, 1903 : nom. midum. Cladorhynchus leucocephaliis rottnesli JIathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 31, 1912 ; Rottnest Island, South-west Australia. Range : New South Wales ; Victoria ; Tasmania ; South Australia ; West and North-west Australia. Genus RECURVIROSTRA. Becurvirostra Limie, Sj'St. Nat., 10th ed., p. 151, 175S. Type (by monotyj^y) : Recurvirostra avoseita Linne. SynonjTn : Avoseita Boddaert, Tabl. Planch. Enlum., p. 21, 17S3. Tj^pe : Avoaetta recurvirostra Boddaert = Recurvirostra avosetta Linne. Recurvirostra novaehollandiae. Recurvirostra novaehollandiae. Red-necked Avocet. Recurvirostra 7iovaehoUandiae VieOlot, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., Vol. III., p. 103, 1816; Victoria. Synonyms : Recurvirostra rnbricoUis Temminck, Manuel d'Om., 2nd ed.. Vol. II., p. 592, 1820 ; Victoria. Recurvirostra novaehollandiae stalheritil-iXhews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 220, 1912 ; Alexandra, Northern Territory. Range : Australia and Tasmania. Family SCOLOPACIDAE. Genus NUMENIUS. Numenius Brisson, Omith., Vol. V., p. 311, 1760. Numenius Brunnich, Zool. Fund., p. 76, 1771. Type (by tautonymy) : Numenius = Scolopax arqziala Linne. Synonym : Cracticornis Gray, List. Genera Birds, 2nd ed., p. 88, 1841. Tj-pe : Scolopax arquata Linn6. Numenius cyanopus. Numenius cyanopus. Australian Curlew. Numenius cyanopus Vieillot, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., Vol. VIII,, p. 306, 1817; New South Wales. CHAEADRIIFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 63 Synonyms : Ntimeniii/i aiistrnlaKtaniis Gould, Synops. Birds Austr., pt. iv., App., p. f), 183S ; New South Wales." Ntimeniim aiislralin GouUl, Proc. Zool. See. (Lend.; 183", p 155, 1838; New South Wales. Niimeniim mxtratiis Gray. .Ann. Man Gucldenstaedt. Synonyms : Simorliyncliiis (not Merrom ISl'J) Kcy.sorling and Bkisius, Wirlirltli. Em'opa's, p. Ix.viv., 1840. Type: •S'co/opax cinerea Gueldcnstaodt. mii/nelioaimiiK Heine, Xomencl. JIus. Hein., p. 320, 18i)0 : new name for SimorliyncliKs Kcyserling und Blasius. Terekia cinerea. [Terekia cinerea cinerea. Scolopax cinerea Gueldenstaedt, Xov. Comm. Acad. Sci. Imp. Petrop.. Vol. XIX., p. 473, 1774; Caspian Sea. Extra limital.] Terekia cinerea javanica. Eastern Terek Sandpiper. Totanus iavanicus Horsfield, Trans. Linn. Soc. (Lond.), Vol. XIII., p. 1U3, 1S21 ; Java. Synonyms : Scolopax sumatrana Raffles, Trans. Linn. Soc. (Lond.), Vol. XIII., p. 327, 1821 ; Sumatra. Limosa reciirvirostra Pallas, Zoogr. Rosso-Asiat., Vol. IT., p. 181, 1827 ; Siberia. Limicola Indiana Lesson, Traite (rOm., p. .">54, 1831 ; India. Range : Siberia (breeding), migrating southward to Australia In winter. Genus GLOTTIS. Glottis Koeh, Syst. baier., Zool., pp. xlii., 304, 181(i. Type (bj- monotj^jy) : Glottis nutans Koch = Scolopax nebularia Gunnerus. Synonyms : Limiciila (not Limicola Vieillot 1816) Forster, Synopt. Cat. Brit. Birds, p. 23, 1817. Type : Limiciila glottis Forster = Scolopax nebularia Giuuierus. Limosa (not Schaeffer 1789) Stephen-s, in Shaw's Gen. Zool., Vol. XII., pt. I. , p. 85, 1824: Type : Scolopax glottis Latham = Scolopax nebularia Gimnerus. .^■ea Billberg, Sjaiops. FamiaeScand., Vol. I., pt. IT., 1828, tab. A, and p. 155. Tj'pe : Scolopax nebularia Gunnerus. F 2 68 A LIST OF THE [CHAKADBHFOKMES Glottis nebularius. [Glottis nebularius nebularius. Scolopax nebularia Giuinerus, in Leems's Lapp. Beskr., p. 251 (note), 1767 ; Norway, Europe. Extra limital.] Glottis nebularius glottoides. Eastern Greenshanli. Totanus glottoides Vigors, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lend.) 1831, p. 173 ; Himalayan Mountains, India. Synonyms : Glottis vigorsi Gray, List Sp. Birds Brit, llus., pt. in., p. 99, 1844 ; India. Glottis nivigula Gray, Cat. Mamm. Birds Nepal pres. Hodgson Brit. Mus., p. 138, 1846 ; India. Range : Siberia (breeding), migrating southward to Australia. Genus RHYACOPHILUS, Rhyacophilus Kaup, Skizz. Entwick-Gesch. Nat. Sj'st., p. 140, 1829. Tj'pe (by monotypy) : Tringa glareola Linne. Rhyacophilus glareola. [Rhyacophilus glareola glareola. Wood-Sandpiper. Tringa glareola Linne, Syst. Nat., 10th ed., p. 149, 1758; Sweden, Europe. Extra limital.] Rhyacophilus glareola afflnis. Eastern Wood-Sandpiper. Totanus affinis Horsfield, Trans. Linn. Soc. (Lond.), Vol. XIIL, p. 191, 1821 ; Java. Synonym : Totanus glareoides Gray, Zool. Miscel., p. 86, 1844: notn. nudum. Range : Siberia (breeding), migrating southward to Australia. Genus BARTRAMIA. Bartramia Lesson, Traite d'Om., p. 553, 1831. Type (by monotyiDy) : Bartramia laticavda Lesson = Tringa longicauda Bechstem. Synonyms : Actidurus Bonaparte, Gioma. Aread. (Roma), Vol. LIL, p. 208, 1831. Type ; Tringa longicauda Bechstein. Euliga Nuttall, Manual of Omith., Vol. II., p. 107, 1834. Tj'pe : Tringa bartramia Wilson = Tringa longicauda Bechstein. Bartramia longicauda. Bartramia longicauda. Long-tailed Sandpiper. Tringa longicauda Beolistein, Kurze Uebers Vogel., p. 453, 1811 ; North America. CHAKADRIIFORMESj BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 61) Synonyms ; Tringa bartrnmia Wilson, Amer. Omith., Vol. VII., p. G3, pi. 50, fig. 2, 1813 ; North America. Tolanns variegatiis Vieillot, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Xat., Vol. VI., p. 397, ISK) ; South America. Toianus metanopt/giua Vieillot, Xouv. Diet. d'Hist. Xat., Vol. VI., p. 401, 1816; X'orth America. Bartramia lalicatida Lesson, Traite d'Oni., p. .553, 1831 ; X^ortli America. Range: Xorth and Soutli America (accidental in Australia, one occurrence : Gould, Haadb. Birds Austr., Vol. II., p. 242, 1865 ; Sydney). Genus CALIDRIS. Calidris Illiger, Prodromus, JIamm. et Av., p. 240, 1811. T\-pe (by monotj^)}') : Charadrius calidris 'Linne=Trynga leucophaea Vroeg. SynonjTns : Arenaria (not Brisson 1760) Bechstein, Omith. Taschenb. Deutschl., p. 462a, 1803. Type: Arenaria vulgaris Bechstein = Trynga leucophaea Vroeg. MorineUiis Gray, List Genera Birds, 2nd ed., p. 90, 1841. Type: Charadrius calidris Linne = Trynga leucophaea Vroeg. Crocelhia Billberg, Synops. Faunae Scand., Vol. I., pt. ii., tab. A, and p. 132, 1828. Type : Trynga leucophaea Vroeg. Calidris leucophaea. [Calidris leucophaea leucophaea. Trynga leucophaea Vroeg, C'atal. d'Ois., p. 32, 1764 ; Holland, Europe. Extra limital.] Calidris leucophaea tridactyla. Eastern Sanderling. Trinya tridactyla Pallas, Zoogr. Rosso-Asiat., Vol. II., p. 198, 1827 ; Lake Bailcal, Asia. Range : Siberia (breeding), migrating southward to Australia in winter. Genus PISOBIA. Pisohia Billberg, Synops. Faunae Scand., Vol. I., pt. ii., p. 13ti, 1828. Type (by subsequent designation, A.O.U. Comm. 1908) : Tringa minuta Leisler. SynonjTns : Leimonites Kaup, Skizz. Entwick-Gesch. X'at. Syst., p. 37, 1829. Tj-pe : Tringa temminckii Leisler. Actodromas Kaup, Skizz. Entwick-Gesch. Xat. Syst., p. 55, 1829 Type : Tringa minuta Leisler. Heteropygia Coues, Proc. .^cad. Xat. Sci. Philad. 1861, p. 190. Tj'pe : Tringa bonaparici = Tringa fuscicollis Vieillot. 70 A LIST OF THE [CH^VRADRJIFORMES Dclopygia Cones, Proc. Acad. Xat. Sci. Pliilad. 1801, p. 190 (note): alternative name for Hctcropijijia. Xcopisoiia Mathews, Birds Austr., \'ol. III., p. lU'.t, l'J13. Type: Totaniis datnacensis Horsfield. Pisobia minuta. [Pisobia minuta minuta. Tringa mintita Leisler, in Bechstein's Xaturg. Deutschl. Xaolitr., Vol. I., p. 74, 1812 ; Europe, Extra limital.J Pisobia minuta ruficollis. Red-necked Stint. Trynga ruficollis Pallas, Reise Riiss. Reichs., Vol. III., p. 70(1, 1770 ; Siberia. Sjaionyms : Tringa albescens Temminck et Laugier, Planch. Color. d'Ois., ^'o!. 1., pi. 41, 1823 ; Australia. Trynga salina Pallas, Zoogr. Rosso-Asiat., Vol. II., p. 100, 1827 ; Mongolia. Calidris aiistralis Lesson, Traite d'Om., p. 558, 1831 ; Australia. Range : Siljeria (breeding), migrating southward to Australia and Tasmania in winter. Pisobia damacensis. Pisobia damacensis. Long-toed Stint. Tolaniis damacensis Horsfield, Trans. Linn. Soe. (Lond.), Vol. XIII. , p. 192, 1821 ; Java. Synonym : Tringa siibminuia Middendoi-ff, Sibirische Reise, p. 222, 1851 ; Siberia. Range : Siberia (breeding), migrating soutliward to the Malay Arcliipelago (one occurrence in Australia : Sharpe, Cat. Bird:*. Brit. Mus., Vol. XXIV., p. 5.55, 1800 ; Derby, North-west Australia). Genus LIMNOCINCLUS. Limnocincliis Gould, Handb. Birds Austr., Vol. II., p. 254. 1S()5. Type (by monot^-py) : Totanvs acvminatus Horsfield. Limnocinclus acuminatus. Limnocinclus acuminatus. Slunp-t.iiled Stint. Totaniis acuminatus Horsfield, Trans. Linn. Soc. (Lond.), Vol. XI II., p. 102, 1821 ; Java. Range: Siberia (lirecding), migrating suutliward to Australia and Tasmania in winter. Genus EROLIA. Erolia Vieillot, Analyse nouv. Ornitli., p. 55, 1810 (April). T^-]ie {by moiiot>-iiy) : Erolia raricgala VieilUit — Tringa fcrruginea Bruiinich. CHAKADRIIFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 71 Synonyms : Falfinclliis (nut Vieillot, Apiil ISKi) Cuvier, Lo Rofpio Aniin., Vol. I., p. 481), 1810 (Dec). Type: Trimin frrrii(iinca Hrunnich. Anciilochciliis Kivnp, Skizz. Entwick-tiesch. Nnt. Syst., p. M, 1S20. TjTJe : Trinija subarquala Giieldonstaodt = Trintja fcrriiginca Brunnich. Erolia ferruginea. [Erolia ferruginea ferruginea. Tringa ferruginea Bnmnich, Ornith. Boreal., p. .");!, 1704 ; Iceland. Extra limital.] Erolia ferruginea chinensis. Eastern Curlew-Sandpiper. Tringa (Pclnlna) cliincnsif Gray, Zool. Miscel., p. 2, 1831 ; China. Range : Siberia, migrating .southward to Australia in winter. Genus CANUTUS. Camitns Brehm, Vogel. Deutschl., p. (>.')3, 1831. Hype (by tautonj'my) : Tringa canulus Liiine. Synonyms : Calidris (not lUiger 1811) Cuvier, Le Rcgne An\m., Vol. I., p. 481), 1816. Type : Tringa canutus Linn^. Tringa (not Linne 1758) Gray, List Genera Birds, p. 69, 1840. Type : Tringa canutus Linn^. Canutus canutus. [Canutus canutus canutus. Tringa canutus Linne, Syst. Nat., 10th ed., p. 149, 1758 ; Europe. Extra limital. ] Canutus canutus rogersi. Eastern Knot. Canutus canulus rogersi Mathews, Birds Austr., Vol. III., p. 270, 1913 ; Japan. Range : Siberia (breeding), migrating southward to Australia in winter. Genus ANTELIOTRINGA. Anteliotringa MeMiews, Birds Austr., Vol. III., p. 274, 1913. Tji^e (by original designation) : Totanus tenuirostris Horsfield. Anteliotringa tenuirostris. Anteliotringa tenuirostris. Great Knot. Totanus tenuirostris Horsfield, Trans. Linn. Soc. (Lond.), \dl. XIII., p. 192, 1821 ; Java. Synonyms : Schoeniclus inagnus Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1848, p. 39 ; Australia. 72 A LIST OF THE [CHAEADEnFOEMES Tn'nr/a crassirostris Temminck et Schlegel, Faiina Japonica, pi. 04, 1849 ; Japan. Range : Siberia (breeding), migrating southward to Xorthem Australia in winter. Genus LIMICOLA. Limicola Koch, Sy.st. baier., Zool., p. 316, 1816. Type (bj' monotjq^y) : Limicola plalyrhyncha = Scolopax falcinellus Brunnich. Synonyms : Platyrhamphus Billberg, Syniops. Faimae Scand., Tom. I., pars ii., Aves, tab. a and p. 172, 1828. Tj-pe : Scolopax falcinellus Brunnich. Falcinellus (not Vieillot ISlli) Kaup, Skizz. Entwick-Gesch. Xat. Syst., p. 37, 1829. Type : Tringa platyrhync/ia Temminck = Scolopax falcinellus Brunnich. Limicola falcinellus. [Limicola falcinellus falcinellus. Scolopa.r frilrinrllus Brunnich. Ornith. Boreal, p. 49.1764 ; Ziaelandia, Europe. Extra limital.] Limicola falcinellus sibirica. Eastern Broad-Billed Sandpiper. Limicola sibirica Dresser, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1876, p. 674 ; Siberia. Range : East Siberia (breeding), migrating southward to Xorth- west Australia and Northern Territory in winter. Genus SUBSPILURA. Suhspiliira Mathews, Birds. Austr., Vol. III., pp. 295, 300, 1913. Tj^pe (by original designation) : Galliiiago megala Swinhoe. Subspilura megala. Subspilura megala. Larger Pin-tailed Snipe. Gallinago megala Swinhoe, Ibis ISGl. p. 343 ; Pekin, China. SJ^lonJ^ns : Gallinago heterocerca Cabanis, Jouni. fiir Omitli. 1870, p. 235 ; Luzon. Gallinago atistralis oioeni Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 223, 1912; Parry's Creek, Xorth-west Australia. Range : Siberia (breeding), migrating southward to Xorth-wcst Australia and Northern Territory in winter. Genus DITELMATIAS. Ditclmalias Mathews, Birds Austr., Vol. III., p. 2S2, 1913. TN'pe (by original designation) : Gallinago hardwickii Gray. Ditelmatias hardwickii. Ditelmatias hardwickii. East Australian Snipe. Scclopa.v hardwickii Gray, Zool. Jliscel., p. 16, 1831 ; Tasmania. CHAnADRnFOK.MESj BIKUS Of AUSTRALIA 73 Synonym : 6'co/o/)n.c n"s/TO/M (not Scopnli 17i>!)) Lathiini, Iiiilox Ornith., Suppl., p. Ixv., 1801 ; Now South Wales. Range : Japan (breoJing), migrating southward to Australia and Tasmania in winter. l''.VMii.v ROSTR.VTrLIDAfc:. Genus ROSTRATULA. lioslrntula Vicillot, .Vnulyse nouv. Oniitli.. p. 5(!, l.SKi (April). Typo (by iuonot>iiy) : Becassine de Madagascar Bufl'on = Scolopax capensis Liniie. Sjnionym : Hhijnchaea Cuvier, Le Rcgne Anim., Vol. t., p. 4S7, 181(i (Dec). Type : Scolopax capcnsis Linne. Rostratula australis. Rostratula australis. .\ustralian Painted Snipe. Rhynchaea australis Gould, Sjniops. Birds Austr., pt. TV., App., p. (i, 1S38 ; New South Wales. Synonym : Rostratula australis fitzroi/i Jlatliews, Austral Av. Rcc., Vol. I., p. So, 1912 ; Parry's Creek, Xorth-west Australia. Range : Australia ; Tasmania. Fajuly PARRIDAE. Genus IREDIPARRA. Ire'liparra ilatlicws, Xov. Zoul., Vol. XVIII., p. 7. Hill. Type (by original designation) : Parra gallinacea Temniinck. Irediparra gallinacea. [Irediparra gallinacea gallinacea. Parra gallinacea Temniinck ct Laugier, Planch. Color. dOis., 78' li\T.. Vol. I\., pi. 404, 1828 ; Celebes. Extra limital.] Irediparra gallinacea novaehollandiae. Eastern Comh-crested Jucana. Hyiiralcctor novuihoUamliar Snl\ adori. Oniith. Papua, c Mol., Vol. III., p. 309, 1882 ; Xcw Soutli Wales. Range : Queensland ; Xew South Wales. Irediparra gallinacea rotbschildi. Western Comb-crcsteil .Jacana. Irc'tiparra ijnllinacca rothscliildl JIathews, Xov. Zool., \'ol. X\I1I., p. 22J, 1912; Parry's Creeic, Xorth-west Australia. Sjnionym : Irediparra ijallinacca melvillcnsis JIathews, Austral A\'. Rcc., Vol. I., p. 73, 1912 ; Jlelvillo Island, Xorthern Territory. Range : Xorth-west Australia ; Xorthern Territory. 74 A LIST OF THE [CHABADEHFORMES Family GLAREOLIDAE. Genus STILTIA. Sttiitia Gray, Cat. Gen. Subgen. Birds, p. 11!. 1S.')5. Type (by original designation) : Glarcola imbella Vieillot. S}^lonym : Rhimplialea Heinr, Xomcncl. Mus. Heiii., p. 338, 1890 : new name for Stiltia Gray. Stiitia Isabella. stiltia Isabella. Australian Pratincole. Glarcola isabella Vieillot, Analyse nouv. Ornith., p. (iO, 181G ; Australia. Syiionjrms : Glarcola qrallaria Temminck, JIanuel d'Orn.. Vol. II., p. .j03, 1820; South Asia. Glarcola aiisiralis Leach, Trans. Linn. Soc. (Lond.), Vol. XIII., p. 132, 1821 ; Australia. Range : Australia. Extra limital. Genus GLAREOLA. Glarcola Brisson, Ornith., Vol. V., p. 141. ITHO. Type (by tautonymy) : Glareola = Hirundo pratincola Linne. Synonj'ras : TracJtelia Scopoli, Ajinns I. Hist. Xat., p. 110, I'CAK Type: Hirundo pratincola Liiuie. Glareola Brunnich. Zool. Fund., p. 7(i, 1771. Type : Hin ndo pratinccla Linne. Pratincola Sclu'enck, Fauna Boica, Vol. I., p. £09, 1798. T3pR : Hirundo pratincola I,inne. Dromncliclidon Landbeck, Jaliresh. \er. Xat. Wurttemb. 1840, p. 228. Tjqje : Dromochclidon nalrophila Landbeck = Hirundo pratincola Linne. Glareola pratincola. [Glareola pratincola pratincola. Hirundo pratincola Linne, Sj-st. Xat., litli ed., p. 34.", 170(i ; Europe. Extra limital.] Glareola pratincola maldivarum. Oriental Pratincole. Glarcola (Pratincola) maldivarum Forster, Faun. Indita. \\ 11. 1790; open sea near the Maldive Islands. Synonyms : Glareola (Pratincola) coromandu \ Forster, Faun. Indica, p. 1 I. 179.5 ; Glareola (Pratincola) tnadraspalana ) Coromandel and Madras. Glareola orienlalis Leach. Trans. Linn. Soc. (Lond.), V( 1. XIII. , p. 132. 1820 ; .Java. Range: Silieria (breeding), migrating smillnvard to Australia in winter. ClIAKAUlUlFOK.MESj BIKDS OK AUSTItALlA 75 Genus PELTOHYAS. Pi-lloli i/aKS\uu'pc. Cat. Birds Riit. Mus.. Vo\. XXIV., p. mi, 18!1(i. T>'|)c (by inonotj'py) : Eudromius australis Gould. Peltohyas australis. Peltohyas australis australis. Australian Dotterel. Eiiitromiiis aiistralin Gould. I'roe. Zool. Soc. (Loud.) 1840, p. 171, IS41 ; Interior Australia (South -Australia). Range : Soutli Australia ; Victoria ; New South Wales. Peltohyas australis whitlocki. Western Dotterel. Charaiiriiis aiiitralis irliillncki llathews, Xov. Zool., Vol. XVIIL, p. '21S, lit 12 ; Dayilawn, Mid-west .\ustralia. Kaiige : West Australia. F.\iiiLY BURHINIDAE. Genus BURHINUS. Burhinun lUiger, Prodromus, JIamm. et Av., p. 250, 1811. Type (by monotjqiy) : Charadrms magnirostris Latham. Synonym : Planorhampliiis Billberg, SjTiops. Faunae Scand., Vol. T., pt. ii., 1828, tab. A. Type : Charadrins ma(inirostris Latham. Burhinus magnirostris. Burbinus magnirostris magnirostris. Eastern Stone-Plover. Charaiiriiis magnironlris Latham, Index Ornith., Suppl., p. Ixvi., 1801 ; New South Wales. Synonyms : Charadrius grallariiis Latham, Index Ornith., Suppl., p. Lxvi., 1801 ; Xew South Wales. Charadrius Iraemitiis Latham, Index Ornith., Suppl., p. Ixvii. ; Xew South Wales. Ocdicnemiis Inmjipex Vieillot. Xouv. Diet. d'Hist. Xat., Vol. XXIIL, p. 232, 18l's ; Xew South Wales. Burhinus novaeliol'.andiac Stephens, in Shaw's Gen. Zool., Vol. XIV., pt. I., p. 342, 182() : new name for C. maijiiirostris Latham. Charadrius yir)anteiis AVagler, Isis, p. (i4S, 182y ; Xew South \\'alcs. Oedicnem'is major Brehm, Isis 1845, p. 357 ; Xew South Wales. Range: South Queensland; Xew South Wales; Victoria; Tasmania ; South Australia. Burhinus magnirostris broomei. Western Stone-riover. Burhinus )/iarfniroslris broomei ^lalhews, Xov. Zoftl., \'ol. X\'11I., p. 220, 1912: Broome Hill, South-west Australia. Range : South-west Australia. 76 A LIST OF THE [CHAEADEIIFORMES Burhinus magnirostris rufescens. Little Stone-Plover. Burhinus magnirostris rufescens Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVITI., p. 225, 1912 ; Parrj^'s Creek, Xorth-west Australia. Range : North-west Australia ; Northern Territory. Burhinus magnirostris ramsayi. Northern Stone-Plover. Burhinus tyiagyiirostris ramsayi Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 225, 1912 ; Mackay, Queensland. Synonym : Oedienemiis lo-ngipes (not Vieillot 1818) Ramsay, Tab. List Austr. Birds, p. 35, 1889 ; Gulf of Carpentaria, Queensland. Range : North Queensland. Genus ORTHORHAMPHUS. Orthorhamphus Salvador!, Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen., Vol. V., p. 312, 1874. Type (by monotj^Dy) : Oedicnemus magnirostris Vieillot. Orthorhamphus magnirostris. [Orthorhamphus magnirostris magnirostris. Oedicnemus magnirostris Vieillot. Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat.. Vol. XXIII., p. 231, 1819; Binongka, Celebes. Extra limital.] Orthorhamphus magnirostris neglectus. Long-billed Stone-Plover. Esacus magnirostris neglectus Jlatliews. Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 220, 1912 ; Lewes Island, Jlid-west Australia. Synonyms : Esacus magnirostris melvillensis Mathews, Austral Av. Rec., Vol. I., p. 85, 1912 ; Melville Island, Northern Territory. Esacus magnirostris queenslandicus iMathews, Axistral Av. Rec., Vol. II., p. 6, 1913 ; Mackay, Queensland. Range : Mid- and North-west Australia ; Northern Territory ; Queensland. Famtly OTIDIDAE. Genus AUSTROTIS. Austrotis Mathews, Austral Av. Rec., Vol. II.. p. 12, 1913. Tj'pe (by origuial designation) : Otis australis Graj-. Austrotis australis. Austrotis australis australis. Australian Bustard. Otis australis Gray, in Griffith's ed. Cuvier's Anini. Kingd., Birds, Vol. III., p. 305, 1829: New South Wales. Synon\-m : Otis austraiasianus Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1840, p. ITfi, 1841 ; Interior of New South Wales. Range : South Queensland ; New South Wales ; Victoria : South Australia ; South-west Australia. CHARADRIIFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 77 Austrotis australis derbyi. Northern Bustard: Choriolui australU derbyi JIathcws, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 226, 1912; Derby, Xorth-west .\ustraUa. Range : Hid- and Xorthwest Australia ; Xorthem Territory ; North Queensland. Order PSOPHIIFORMES. Family PSOPHIIDAE. Genus MATHEWSIA. Matlmcsia Iredale, Bull. Brit. Oraitli. Club., Vol. XXVII., p. 47, 1911. Tj'pe (by original designation) : Ardea rubicumla I'erry. Mathewsia rubicunda. Mathewsia lubicunda rubicunda. Australian Crane. Ardea rubicunda Perry, ia\ Arcana, Jime 1810; Botany Bav, New South Wales. Synonym : Qnis auntralasianns Gould, Proc. Zool. See. (Lond.) 1847, p. 220, 1848 ; New South Wales. Range : South Queensland; New South Wales; Victoria; South .\ustraha ; South-west Australia. Mathewsia rubicunda argentea. North-western Crane. Mathewnia rubicunda argentea Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 227, 1912 ; Derby, North-west Australia. Range : Mid- and North-west Australia ; Northern Territory ; Northern Queensland. Order ARDEIFORMES. Family PLEGADIDAE. G enus THRESKIORNIS. Threskiornis Gray, -Vpp. List Genera Birds, p. 13, 1842. Type (by original designation) : Tantalus adhiopicus Latham. Threskiornis molucca. [Threskiornis molucca molucca. Ibis molucca Cuvier, Lo Regne Anim., Vol. I., p. 520 (note), 1829 ; Molucca Islands. Extra limital.] Threskiornis molucca strictipennis. White Ibis. Ibif atriclipennui Gould, Synops. Birds Austr., pt. iv., App., p. 7, 1S38 New South Wales. SjTionym : Ibis molucca alligator Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 227, 1912 ; South Alligator River, Northern TeiTitory. Range : Australia. 78 A LIST OF THE [.iEDEIFORMES Genus CARPHIBIS. Carphihis Reichenbacn, Nat. Syst. Vogel., p. xiv., 1852. Type (by original designation) : Ihis spinicollis Jameson. Carphibls spinicollis. Carphibis spinicollis. Straw-necked Ibi.:. Ibin .ipinir-oJIis .Jameson, Edin. New Philos. .Touni., Vol. XIX., p. 213. ISSf) ; Banks of the Jlurray, New South Wales. SjTionyms : Ihifi tamdlicoUis Latresnaye, Mag. de Zool. ISSfi, pi. 57 ; New Soutli Wales. Ibis aiistraiis Jardine and Selby, Illus. Oniith., N.S., Vol. IV., text to pi. XVII.. 1837 ; New South Wales. Ibis lathami Jardine and Selby, Illus. Oniith., N.S., Vol. IV. (in synonymy), 1837 : nom. nudiitn. Carphibis spinicollis fit~.rni Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII-, p. 22S, 1912 ; Fitzroj' River, North-west Australia. Range : Australia and Tasmania. Genus PLEGADIS. Plegadis Kaup, Skizz. Eiitwiek-Gesob. Nat. Syst., p. S2. 1829. Type (by monotjrioy) : Tantalus Jalcincllns Linne. Synonyms : Tantalides Wagler, Isis 1832, p. 1231. Type : T. falcinellns Linne. Falcinelliis (not Vieillot 1810) Gray, List Genera Birds, 2nd ed., 1841, p. 87. Tj-pe : T. falcinellns Limie. Plecjadornis Brehm, Na\imaimia 1855, p. 290. Type : T. falcinellns Linne. Efjatheiis (not Billberg 1828) Lonnberg, Joum. fiir. Omitli. ]90f), p. 533. Type : E. aiitiimnalis = T. falcinellns Linno. Plegadis faleinellus. Plegadis faleinellus. Glossy Ibis. Tantnliis fakindhis Linn^, Syst. Nat., 12th ed., p. 24], 1700 ; .Austria. Range : AustraUa (breeding). E.Ktra limital. Genus SPATHERODIA. Spailierodia Reichenbach, Nat. Sj-st. Vogcl., p. xvi., 1852. Tj^3e (by original designation) : Spailierodia mclaiio- rhynchos Reichenbach =; Flataica rcgia Goiikl. Spatherodia regia. Spatherodia regia. Black-billed Spoonbill. Platalea reqia Gould, Sjniops. Birds Austr., pt. iv., App., p. 7, 1838 ; New South Wales. ARDEIFORMES BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 7!) Synonyms : Spallieroclia melanorhi/nchon Rciclicnbach. Xnt. Syst. Viigel., p. xvt., 18r)2; Xew South Wales. riataha reqia slallceri Mathews. Xov. Zool.. V..1. X\'in., p. 2i!t. I'll? ; Alexandra, Xoithern Territory. Range : Australia (exeept the South-west). Genus PLATIBIS. PlnlibtJ) Bonaparte, Comptes Reiidus Sei. (Paris), Vol. XL., p. 724, 18.->5. Tj^ie (by monotjqiy) : Platalea flavipes Gould. Platibis flavipes. Platibis flavipes. Yellow-billeii SpoonMll. Platalea flavipes Gonld, Synops. Birds .\ustr., pt. iv., App.. p. 7, 183S ; X'ew South Wales. SjTionjTii : Platalea flampes trhilei Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 229, 1912 ; Ale,xandra, Xorthem Territory. Range : Australia (except the South-west). Family CICONIIDAE. Genus XENORHYNCHUS. Xenorhynchtis Bonaparte, Consp. Gen. Av., Vi.l. II., p. 100, IS.')."). T^^pe (bj' monotj'pj') : Mijcicria anstrnlis Shaw. Xenorhynchus asiaticus. [Xenorhynchus asialicus asiaticus. Mycleria asiatica Latham, Index Ornith., Vol. II., p. 070. 1790 ; India. Extra limital.] Xenorhynchus asiaticus australis. BlacU-necKod Stork. Mycteria australis Shaw. Trans. Linn. See. (Lond.), Vol. V., p. 33, 1800 ; New South Wales. Synonyms : Ciconia leucoptera Wagler, Syst. Av., Ciconia, p. 13R, sp. (il,S27 ; Xew South Wales. Xenorhynehiis asiaticus rogersi Mathews, Xov. Zool.. Vol. XVII., p. 229, 1912 ; Fitzroy River, X^ortli-west .\iistralia. Range: Queensland ; Xew South Wales; Victoria ; North -west .Australia; Xorthem Territory. 80 A LIST OF THE [aUDEITOEMES Family ARDEIDAE. Genus ARDEA. Ardea Linnc, Syst. Nat., 10th ed., p. 141, 1758. Type (by subsequent designation. Gray 1840) : Ardca cinerea Linne. Ardea cinerea. [Ardea cinerea cinerea. Ardea cinerea Linno, Syst. Nat., 10th ed.. p. 1-4.3, \~~>H ; Europe. Extra limit al.] Ardea cinerea rectirostris. Eastern Orey Heron. Ardea rectirostris Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond. ) 1843, p. 22 ; New South Wales (India ?). Synonym : Ardea leueophaea Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 184S, p. 58 ; India. Range : India, southward to New South ^\'ales. Extra limital. Genus TYPHON. Typhon Reichenbach, Nat. Syst. Viigel., p. xvi., 1852. Type (by original designation) : Ardea typhon Temminclc = Ardea sumatrana Raffles. Typhon sumatrana. [Typhon sumatrana sumatrana. Ardea sumatrana Raffles, Trans. Linn. Soc. (Lond.), Vol. XIII., p. 325, 1821 ; Sumatra. Extra limital.] Typhon sumatrana mathewsae. Great-billed Heron. Ardca sumatrana 7nat)ieii:sae Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 230, 1912 ; Cooktomi, Queensland. Synonym : Ardea sumatrana gilherti JIathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 230, 1912 ; Derby, North-west Australia. Range : North-west Australia ; Northern Territory ; Queens- land ; North New South Wales. Genus EGRETTA. Egretia Forster, Sj-nopt. Cat. Brit. Birds, p. 59, 1817. Type (by monotj'ijy) : Ardca garzetta Linne. Synonym : Garzetta Kaup, Skizz. Entwick-Gescii. N^at. Syst., p. 70, 1829. Type : Ardea garzetta Linne. ARDEIFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 81 Egretta garzetta. [Egretta garzetta garzetta. Ardea garzetta Linn6, Syst. Xat., 12th od., p. 237, IVOfi; Europe. Extra limital.l Egretta garzetta immaculata. Lesser Egret. Herodias immaculata Gould, Birds Austr., Vol. VI., pi. .OS, 1846 ; Port Essington, Northern Territory. Range : North-west Australia ; Northern Territory ; North Queensland. Genus MESOPHOYX. Mesophoyx Sharps, Bull. Brit. Omith. Club, Vol. III., p. xxxviii., 1894. Type (by original designation) : Ardea intermedia Wagler. Mesophoyx intermedia. [Mesophoyx intermedia intermedia. Ardea intermedia Wagler, Isis 1829, p. 659 ; Java. Extra limital.J Mesophoyx intermedia plumifera. Plumed Egret. Herodias phimiierns Gould, Proo. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1847, p. 221, 1848 ; New South Wales. Range : Northern Territory ; Queensland : New South Wales ; Victoria. Genus HERODIAS. Herodias Boie, Isis 1822, p. ."ioQ. T3'pe (by subsequent designation, Gray 1855) : Ardea egretta Graelin. Sjmonynn : Casmerodiiis Gloger, Hand u. Hilfsb., p. 412, 1842. Type : Ardea egretta Gmelin. Herodias alba. [Herodias alba alba. Ardea alba Linne, Syst. Nat., 10th ed., p. 144, 1758 ; Europe. Extra hmital.} Herodias alba syrmatophora. White Egret. Herodias syrmatophoms Gould, Birds Austr., Vol. VI., pi. 50, 184pe : Anas juhata Latham. Chenonetta jubata. Chenonetta jubata. Wood-Duck, or Maned Goose. Anas jiihatn Latham, Index Omith., Suppl., p. Ixix, 1801 ; New South Wales. AUSERIFORMES] BIEDS OF AUSTEiVLIA 89 Synonym : Aruter lophotus Brandt, Descr. Icon. Anim. Russ. Nov., Aves, fasc. i., p. ■>. 183G ; Xew South Wales. Range: Queensland; New South Wales ; Victoria; Tasmania; South Australia ; South-we.'it and North-west Australia. Genus DENDROCYGNA. Dendrocygrm Swainson, Classif. Birds, Vol. TI., p. 3(io, 1837. Type (by monotypy) : Anas arcuata Horsfield = Anas javanica Horsfield. Sjnionyms : Dendrmiexsa (not Swainson 1S3I) Wagler, Isis 1S32. p. 281. Tj-pe : Anas arcuata Horsfield = ^-Inas javanica Horsfield. Dendrocygna javanica. [Dendrocygna javanica javanica. Ana^ javanica Horsfield, Trans. Linn. Soc. (Lond.), Vol. XIII., p. 200, 1821 ; Java. Extra limital.] Dendrocygna javanica gouldi. 'Wliistling Duck. Dendrocygna (lonldi Gould, Handb. Birds Austr., Vol. II., p. 374, 1865 ; Port Essington, Northern Territory. SynonjTn : Dendrocygna javanica peroni Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 86, 1912 ; Fitzroy River, North-west Australia. Range : North-west Australia ; Northern Territory ; Queensland ; New South Wales ; Victoria. Genus LEPTOT ARSIS. Leptotarsif Eyton, Monogr. Anat., pp. 29, 111, 1838. Type (by monotypy) : Leptoiarsis eytoni Eyton. Leptotarsis eytoni. Leptotarsis eytoni. Plumed AATiistling Duck. Leptotarfis eytoni Eyton, Monogr. Anat., p. Ill, 1S3.* ; North-west Australia. Synonym : Dendrocygna eytoni m>inna Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 86, 1912 ; Dawson River Queensland. Range : Australia ; Tasmania. 90 A LIST OF THE [aIv'SERIFORMES Genus RADJAH. Radjah Rei;lieiibach, Xat. Syst. Vogel., p. x., 1S52. Type (by original desiornation): A^ms radjah Gould = Tadorna radjah rufitergum Hartert. Synonym : Gennaeochffi Heine, Nomencl. Mus. Hein., p. 343, 1S90 : s'.ibstitute- name for Radjah Reichenbaeli. Radjah radjah. [Radjah radjah radjah. Anas radjah Gamot, Voy. la " Coquiile," Zool., p. 303, 1828 ; Bern. Extra limital.] Radjah radjah rufitergum. A^liite-headed Sheld drake. Tadorna radjah rufitergum Hartert, Nov. Zool., Vol. XII., p. 205, 1905 ; South AlUgator River, Xorthem Territorj'. Synonym : Tadorna radjah ftindersi JIathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 86, 1912 ; Cooktow-n, Queensland. Range : North-west Australia ; Northern Territory ; Queensland. Genus CASARGA. Casarca Bonaparte, Comp. List Birds Europe and N. Amer., p. 5fi, 183S. Type (by monotypy) : Anas rutila Pallas = Anas casarca Linne. SynonjTn : Nettalopex Heine, Nomencl. Mus. Hein., p. 343, 1890 : substitute-name for Casarca Bonaparte. Casarca tadornoides. Casarca tadornoides. Mountain-Duck. Anas tadornoides Jardine and Selby, TUus. Oniith . Vol. II., pi. LXII., 1828 ; New South Wales. Synonj^ms : Anas knsarkoides Lafresnaye, Mag. de Zool., text to pi. 3fi, 1831 ; New South Wales. Tadorna tadornoides ivestralis Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I.,. p. 118, 1912 ; Augusta, South-west AustraUa. Range: New South Wales ; Victoria; Tasmania; South Australia; South-west Australia. Genns ANAS. Anas Linne, Syst Nat., lOtli ed.. p. 122, 1758. Type (by subsequent designation, Lesson 1828) : Anas boschas Linne = Anas flatyrhynchos Linne. ANSERIFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 91 Boschas Swainson, Faima Bor.-Amer., Birrls, p. 442, 1S32. Type : Anas domestica Brisson=.4na« platyrhynchos Linii6. Anas superciliosa. [Anas superciliosa superciliosa. Anas stiperciliosa Gmeliii, Syst. Xat., p. 537, 1780 ; Xew Zealand. Extra liraital.] Anas superciliosa rogersi. Black Duck. Anas s'lpcrciliosa rogersi, JIathews, Austral Av. Kec, Vol. I., p. 3.'?, 1912 ; Augusta, South-west Australia. Range : Australia ; Tasmania. Genus VIRAGO. Virago Newton, Proc. Zool. See. (Lond.) 1S71, p. 0.51. Type (by original designation) : Aims 'putvciala Gould = Mareca castanea Eyton. Virago castanea. Virago castanea castanea. Eastern Teal. Mareca castanea Eyton, Monogr. Anat., p. 119, 1838; New South Wales. Synonyni : Anas punctata (not Burch) Gould, Birds Austr., Vol. VII., pi. 11, 1845 ; New South Wales. Range : Queensland ; New South Wales ; Victoria ; Tasmania ; South Australia. Virago castanea rogersi. Western Teal. Nettion castancnm rogersi Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. S6, 1912 ; Parry's Creek, North-west Australia. Range: West and North-west Australia; Northern Territory. Genus QUERQUEDULA. Qiierquedula Stephens, in Shaw's Gen. Zool., Vol. XII., pt. ii., p. 142. 1824. Type (by tautonymy) : Anas querquedula Linne. Pterocyanea Bonaparte, Icon. Faima Ital. Ace, Introd., p. 17, 1841. Type : Anas querquedula Linnet. Querquedula querquedula. [Querquedula querquedula querquedula. Anas querquedula Linno, Syst. Xat., 10th ed., p. 120, 1758 ; Europe. Extra limital.] 92 A LIST OF THE [AlifSERIFORMES Querquedula querquedula humeralis. Eastern Garganey Teal. Anas {Querquedula) humeralis Miiller, Verh. Nat. Gesch. Land en Volkenk., p. 159, 1842 ; Java. Range : India, southward to the Malay Archipelago (Australia ? accidental). Genus SPATULA. Spatula Boie, Isis 1822, p. r)64. Type (by monotj'py) : Atms clypeata Linne. Synonyms : Rhynchaspis Stephens, in Shaw's Gen. Zool., Vol. XII., pt. 2, p. 114, 1824. Type : Anas clypeata Linne. Spathulea Fleming, Brit. Anim., p. 123, 1828. Type : Atias clypeata Linne. Clypeata Lesson, Manuel d'Om., Vol. II., p. 41(3, 1828. Tj-pe : Anas clypeata Linne. Spatula clypeata. [Spatula clypeata clypeata. Anas clypeata Linne, Syst. Nat., 10th ed., p. 124, 17.58 ; Europe. Extra limital.] Spatula clypeata Indiana. Eastern Shoveler. Spatula clypeata Indiana Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 194, 1913 ;' India. Range : India ; East Asia, southward to the Blalay Archipelago (Australia ?). Spatula rhynchotis Spatula rhynchotis rhynchotis. Australian Shoveler. Anas rhynchotis Latham, Index Omith., Suppl., p. Ixx., 1801; New South Wales. Range : Queensland ; New South Wales ; Victoria ; Tasmania ; South Australia ; South-west Australia. Genus MALACORHYNCHUS. Malacorhynchus Swamson, Joum. Eoj-. Inst. Gt. Brit., Vol. IT., pt. rv., p. 18, 1831. Tjqse (by monotypy) : Anas membranacea Latham. Malacorhynchus membranaceus. Malacorhynchus membranaceus. Pink-eared Duck. Anas membranacea Latham, Index Omith., Suppl., p. Ixix., 1801; New South Wales. Synonyms : Anxis fasciata Shaw, Nat. Miscel., Vol. X^'n., pi. 697, 1805 ; New South Wales. ANSERIFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRAMA 93 Malacorhtjnchvs lodoiis Lesson, Echo du Monde Savant, 11th year, no. G, col. 128, July 21, 1S44 ; New South Wales. Anas malacorhyncha, Schlegel, JIus. Pays-Bas, Vol. VI., Anseres, p. 3(), 1863 ; New South Wales. Malacorhynchus membranaceiis aasimilis Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 86, 1912 ; Fitzroy River, North-west Australia. Range : Australia ; Tasmania. Genus STICTONETTA. Stictonetta Reichenbach, Nat. Syst. Vogel., p. ix., lSo2. Type (by original designation) : Anas naevosa Gould. Stictonetta naevosa. Stictonetta naevosa. Freckled Duck. Anas naevosa Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1840, p. 177 ; West Australia. SjTionym : SticUmetla naevosa lesiieuri Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. T., p. 87, 1912 ; New South Wales. Range : Australia ; Tasmania. Genus NYROCA. Nyroca Fleming, PhUos. Zool., Vol. II., p. 260, 1822. Type (by tautonymy) : Ana^ nyroca Linne. Synonyms : Ayihya Boie, Isis 1822, p. 564. Type : Anas nyroca Linn^. Ilyonetta Heine, Nomencl. JIus. Hein., p. 347, 1890 : substitute-name for Nyroca Fleming. Nyroca australis. Nyroca australis. ^\Tiite-eyed Duck. Nyroca australis Eyton, Monogr. Anat., p. 160, 1838 ; New South Wales. Synonym : Nyroca nyroca dampieri Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 87, 1912 ; Fitzroy River, North-west Australia. Range : Australia ; Tasmania. Genus OXYURA. Oxyitra Bonaparte, Ann. Lye Nat. Hist. New York., Vol. II., p. 390, 1828. Type (by monotypy) : Anas jamaicensis Gmelin. 94 A LIST OF THE [ANSERLFOBMES Synonyms : Erismatvra Bonaparte, Gioma. Arcad. (Roma), Vol. LII., p. 20S, 1832. Type : Anas jamaicensis Gmelin. Gymniira Nuttall, Manual Omith., Vol. II., p. 426, 1834. Type : Anas jamaicensis Gmelin. Oxyura australis. Oxyura australis. Blue-biUed Duck. Oxyura australis Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1836, p. 85; Swan River, West Australia: Synonym : Oxyura australis victoriae Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 87, 1912 ; Victoria. Range : New South Wales ; Victoria ; Tasmania ; South Australia ; West Australia. Genus BIZIURA. Biziura Stephens, in Shaw's Gen. Zool., Vol. XII., pt. ii., p. 221, 1824. Type (by monotypy) : Anas lobata Shaw and Nodder. Synonym : Hydrobates (not Boio 1822) Temminck et Laugier, Planch. Color. d'Ois., 68"' livr., pi. 406, Vol. IV., 1826. Type: ^«o« lobata Shaw and Nodder. Biziura lobata. Biziura lobata. Musk-Duck. Anas lobata Shaw and Nodder, Nat. Miscel., Vol. VIII., pi. 255, 179G ; New South Wales. Synonyms : Anas carunculata Vieillot, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., Vol. V., p. 109, 1816; New South Wales. Biziura novaehoUandiae Stephens, in Shaw's Gen. Zool., Vol. XII., pt. n., p. 222, 1824 ; New South Wales. Biziura lobata tcestralis Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 87, 1912 ; • Herdsman's Lake, South-west Australia. Range : Australia ; Tasmania. Ordek PELE0A]SriFORME,S. Family PHALACROCORACIDAE. Genus PHALACROCORAX. Phalacrocorax Hiisson, Omith., Vol. VI., p. 511, 1760. Phalacrocorax DnraeTH, Zool. Analyt., p. 68, 1806. Type (by tautonjTny) : Phalacrocomx = Pekcanu^ carbo Linne. PELECANIFORMESJ BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 95 Synonyms : Carbo Lacepede, Tableau Oiseaux, p. lo, 1799. Type: PeJecaniiacarbo Lirni^. Halie'ia Illiger, Prodromus, p. 270, 1811. Tj'pe : Pelecanus carbo Linn^. Carbanariun Rafincsquo, Analyse nouv. Ornith., p. 72, 1815 : new name for Carbo Lac. (Lacepede). Hydrocorax Vieillot, Analyse nouv. Ornith., p. 03, 1810. Type : Pelecanus carbo Linn6. Oraiicalns (not Cuvier 1810) Gray, List Genera Birds, 2nd ed., p. 101, 1841. T^T^e : Pelecanun carbo Linne. Cormoraniis liaillon, Mem. Soc. Roy. Abbev., p. 76, 1833. Tj-pe : Pelecanus carbo Linni^. Ecmeles Gistel, Xaturg. des Thier. Schul., p. ix., 18'18 : new name for Hydrocorax Vieillot. Phalacrocorax carbo. IPbalacrocorax carbo carbo. Pelecanus carbo Linne, Syst. Nat., 10th ed., p. 133, 1858 ; Europe. Extra limital.] Phalacrocorax carbo novaehollandiae. Black Cormorant. Phalacrocorax novaehollandiae Stephens, in Shaw's Gen. Zool., Vol. XIII., p. 93, 1820 ; Tasmania. SynonjTn : Phalacrocorax carboides Gould, Synops. Birds Austr., pt. iv., App., p. 7, 1838 ; Tasmania. Carbo carbo wei«^ra/i« MathewK, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. i., p. 33, 1912; Swan River, South-west Australia. Range : Australia ; Tasmania. Genus MESOCARBO. Mesocarbo Mathews and Iredale, Ibis 1913, p. 415. Type (by original designation) : Carbo sulciroslris Brandt. Mesocarbo ater. Mesocarbo ater ater. Little Black Cormorant. Carbo ater Lesson, Traite d'Om., p. 004, 1831 ; Sharks Bay, West Australia. SjTionjTns : Carbo sulciroslris Brandt, Bull. Acad. Sci. St. Peterab., Vol. III., p. 56, 1838 ; New South Wales. Microcarbo sticlocephalus Bonaparte, Consp. Gen. Av., Vol. II., p. 178, 1856 ; New South Wales. Range : Australia and Tasmania. 96 A LIST OF THE [PELECAXXFOEIIES Genus HYPOLEUCUS. Hypoleucus Reichenbach, Nat. Syst. Vogel., p. vii., 1852. Type (by original designation) : Pelecanus varius Gmelin. Synonym : Leucocarbo Bonaparte, Consp. Gen. Av., Vol. II., p. 17(5, 1856. Tj'pe : Carho boiigaimnllii Lesson. Hypoleucus fuscescens. Hypoleucus fuscescens. Wliite-breasted Cormorant. HydroGorax fuscescens Vieillot, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Xat., Vol. ^^II., p. 86, 1817 ; " Australasie "= Tasmania. Synonyms : Phalacrocorax leticogaster (not Vieillot 1817) Govild, Synops. Birds Austr., pt. IV., App., p. 7, 1838 ; " New South Wales "= Tasmania. Hypoleucus gouldi Salvador!, Ann. JIus. Civ. Gen., Vol. XVIII., p. 404, 1882 : new name for Gould's P. leucoaaster. Carho gouldi tunneyi Mathews, Austral Av. Rec., Vol. I., p. 88, 1912 ; Peak Islands, South-west Australia. Range : New South Wales ; Victoria ; Tasmania ; South Australia ; South-west Australia. Hypoleucus varius. [Hypoleucus varius varius. Pelecanus varius Gmelin, Syst. Nat., p. 576, 1789 ; Queen Charlotte Sound, New Zealand. Extra limital.] Hypoleucus varius hypoleucus. Eastern Pied Cormorant. Carbo hypoleucos Brandt, Mem. I'Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Petersb., Vol. III., p. 55, 1837 ; South Australia. Synonym : Carbo varius perthi Mathews, Austral Av. Rec., Vol. I., p. 88, 1912 ; Perth, West Austraha. Range ; Queensland ; New South Wales ; Victoria ; Tasmania ; South Austraha ; South-west AustraUa. Genus MICROCARBO. Microcarbo Bonaparte, Comptes Rendus Sci. (Paris), Vol. XLIII., p. 577, 1856. Type (by original designation) : Pdecanus pygmeus Pallas. Synonyms : Haliclor Heine, Joum. fiir Omith. 1860, p. 202 : new name for Microcarbo Bonaparte. Melanocarbo Bernstein, ui Musschenbroek, Dagboek van Dr. H. A. Bemstem's laatste Reis van Temate, etc., p. 119, 1883. Type: Hydrocorax melanoleucos Vieillot. PELECANIFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 97 Microcarbo melanoleucus. Microcarbo melanoleucus. Little Cormorant. Hydrocorax mtianoltiicon Vieillot, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nut., Vol. VIII., p. 88, 1817 ; New South Wales. Synonyms : Carbo (limidiatim Lesson, Traito d'Orn., p. (J04, 1S31 ; New South Wales. Phalacrocorax fliirirlujnchus Goiikl, Synops. Birds Austr., pt. iv., App., p. 8, 183S ; New South Wales. (Jraiicaliis flarirustris Gray, in Dieffenb. Travels in New Zealand, Vol. II., p. 201. 1843 : emendation of Gould's name. HaliciiK leiicomclas Gloger, Journ. fiir Omith. 1857, p. 14 : emendation of Vieillot's name. Carbo tnclanolciiciig mfh-illensis JIathews, Austral Av. Rec., Vol. I., p. 74, 1912 ; Melville Island, Northern Territory. Range : Australia ; Tasmania. Family ANHINGIDAE. Genus ANHINGA. Anhituja Brisson, Omith., Vol. VI., p. 47(i. 17(iO. Anhinga Brunnich, Zool. Fmid., p. 80, 1771. Type (by tautonymy) : Anhinga = Plotus anhinga Linne. Synonym ; Plotus Liiuie, Syst. Nat., 12th ed., p. 218, 17()U. Tj'pe : Plotus anhinga Limie. Anhinga novaehollandiae. Anhinga novaehollandiae. Darter. Plotus novaehollandiae Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond. ) 1847, p. 34; New South Wales. Synonym : Plotus novaehollandiae derhyi Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 74, 1912 ; Derby, North-west Australia. Range : Australia. F.\MiLY SULIDAE. Genus SULA. Sula Brisson, Omith., Vol. VI., p. 494, 1760. Stda Seopoli, Introd. Hist. Nat., p. 474. 1777. Tj-pe (by tauton3'my) : Sida = Pelecanus piscalor Linne. Synonyms : Dysporus lUiger, Prodromus, Syst. Mamm. et A\'., p. 279, 1811 : new name for Sula Brisson. H 98 A LIST OF THE [PELECANIFORMES Sularius Rafinesque, Analyse Nat., p. 72, 1815 : new name for " Siila Lao." (Laoepede) = Su'a Brisson. Piscatrix Reichenhach, Nat. Syst. Vogel., p. vi., 1852. Type : Pincatrix Candida = Pelecantis piscator Linne. Abeltera Heine, Nomencl. Mus. Hein., Ornith., p. .351, 1890 : new name for " Siila Reichb. 1853" = Siila Brisson. Sula piscator. [Sula piscator piscator. Pelecaniis piscator Linne, Syst. Nat., 10th ed., p. 134, 1758 ; Java seas. Extra limital.] Sula piscator rubripes. Australian Red-legged Gannet. Sula rubripes Gould, Sjrnops. Birds Austr., pt. iv., App., p. 7, 1838 ; New South Wales. Range : Queensland, New South Wales. Genus MORUS. Morus Vieillot, Analyse nouv. Ornith., p. 63, 1810. Tj'pe (bj^ monotypy) : "Fou de Bassan BuS." =Pelecanus hassanus Linne. SynonjTus : Moris Forster, Synopt. Cat. Brit. Birds, p. 59, 1817. Tj-pe : Pelecanus bassanus Linn^. Plancus (not Curtis 1833) Reichenbach, Nat. Syst. Vogel., p. vi., 1852. Type : Plancus major — Pelecanus bassanus Linne. Morus serrator. [Morus serrator serrator. Sula serrator Gray, Voy. " Erebus " and " Terror," Birds, p. 19, 1845 ; New Zealand. Extra limital] Morus serrator dyotti. Australian Gannet. Sula serrator dijotli Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. II., p. 63, 1913 ; Tasmania. Range : Australia. Genus PARASULA. Parasula Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. II., p. 55, 1913. Typo (by original designation) : Sula dactyJatra bedouli Mathews. Parasula dactylatra. [Parasula dactylatra dactylatra. Sula dactylatra Lesson, Traite d'Orn., p. 601, 1831 ; Ascension Island, Atlantic Ocean. Extra limital.] PELECANIFORMES] BmDS OF AUSTRALIA 99 Parasula dactylatra personata. Masked Gamiet. Siila personata Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) KS-lti, p. 21 ; Raiiio Island, North-east Australia. Range : North-east Australia. Parasula dactylatra bedouti. We.stem JInskrd Gannet. Hula dactykilra brdo'iti Jlntliews, Austral Av. Rcc, Vol. 1., p. IS'J, 1913 ; Bedout Lsland, Mid-west Australia. Range : West Australia. Genus HEMISULA. Hemisula Mathews, Austral Av. Rec., Vol. II., p. 55, 1913. Type (by original designation) : Sula leucogaster rogersi Mathews. Hemisula leucogaster. [Hemisula leucogaster leucogaster. Pelccaniisle^icoyaslcr Buddaert, Tabl. rianch. Enl., p. 57, 1783 ; Cayenne. Extra limital.] Hemisula leucogaster plotus. Brown Gamiet (Booby). Pelecanus plotnn Forster, Descr. Anim., ed. Licht., p. 278, 1844 ; near New Caledonia. Range : Queensland. Extra limital. Hemisula leucogaster rogersi. Western Brown Gaimet. Sula leucogaster roycrsi Jlathews, Austral Av. Rec., Vol. I., p. 189, 1913 ; Bedout Island, Mid-west Australia. Range : West Australia. F.\MiLy FREGATIDAE. Genus FREGATA. Frcgata Lacepede, Tabl. Ois., p. 15, 1799 ; Daudin, in Hist. Nat. (Buffon), ed. Didot, Quadr., Vol. XIV., p. 317, 1802. Type (by monotypy) : Pelecamis aquilus Linne. SynonjTns : Tachypctcs Vieillot, Analyse nouv. Oniith., p. Ii3, 1810. Tj-pe : " Fregate Buff."= Pelecanus aquilus Liiuie. Atagcn Gray, List Genera Birds, 2nd ed., p. 101, 1841. Tj'pc : Pelecanus aquilus Liiuie. Fregata aquila. [Fregata aquila aquila. Pelecanus aquilus Linne, Syst. Nat., lOtli ed., p. 133, 1758 ; Ascension Island, South .-Vtlantic. Extra limital.] H2 100 A LIST OF THE [PELECANIFORMES Fregata aquila palmerstoni. Eastern Frigate-Bird. Pelecaniis palmerstoni Gmelin, Syst. Nat., p. 573, 1789 ; Palmerston Island, Pacific Ocean. Synonym : Fregata strumosa " Kittl." Hartert, Katal. Vogels. Mus. Senckenb., p. 235, 1891 ; near Sandwich Islands. Kange : North Australia. Extra Umital. Fregata ariel. Fregata ariel ariel. Lesser Frigate-Bird. Attagen ariel Gould, Birds Austr., Vol. VII., pi. 72, 1848 ; Raine Island, North Australia. Range : North-west Australia ; Northern Territory ; North Queensland. Extra limital. Family PHAETHONTIDAE. Genus SCAEOPHAETHON. Scaeophaeihon Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. II., p. 56, 1913. Type (by original designation) : Pliaethon rubricauda westralis Mathews. Synon5rm : Phoenicunis (not Forster 1817) Bonaparte, Comptes Rendus Sci. (Paris), Vol. XLI., p. 1115, 1855. Type : Phaeton rubricauda Boddaert. Scaeophaethon rubricauda. [Scaeophaethon rubricauda rubricauda. Phaeton rubricauda Boddaert, Tabl. Planch. Enlum., p. 57, 1783 ; Mauritius (He de France). Extra limital.] Scaeophaethon rubricauda novaehoUandiae. Ruddy Tropic-Bird. Phaethon novaehoUandiae Brandt. Mem. I'Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Petersb., Ser. VI., Vol. V., pt. ii., p. 272, 1840 ; Lord Howe Island. Synonym : Phaethon rubricauda erubescens RotlischUd, Av. Laysan, pt. m., p. 296, 1900 ; Kermadec Islands. Range : East Australia. Extra limital. Scaeophaethon rubricauda westralis. Red-tailed Tropic-Bird. Phaethon rubricauda u'estralis Jlathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. L, p. 88, 1912 ; Rottnest Island, West Australia. Range : West AustraUa. Genus LEPTOPHAETHON, Leptophaethon Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. II., p. 56, 1913. Type (by original designation) : Phaethon lepturus dorotheae Mathews. PELECANIFORMES] BIEDS OF AUSTRALIA 101 Synonym : Lepturns (not Svvainson 1838) Reielienbach, Nat. Syst. Vogcl., p. vii., 1852. Tj^pe : L. edwarchii — Phaeton hptunia Daudin. Leptophaethon lepturus. [Leptophaethon lepturus lepturus. Phaeton lepturus Daudin. in Hist. Nat. Buffon. ed. Didot, Quadr., Vol. XIV., p. 319, 1802 ; Mamitius (lie do France). Extra limital.] Leptophaethon lepturus dorotheae. AMiite-tailed Tropic-Bird. Phaethonlepturus dorotheaeMaXhevis, AusiraX Av. 'Rec.,\o\. II., p. 7, 1913 ; Queensland. Extra limital. Range : Queensland ; New South Wales. Family PELECANIDAE. Genus CATOPTROPELICANUS. Catoptropelicanus Reichenbach, Nat. Syst. Vogel., p. vii., 1852. Type (by original designation) : C. perspicillatus Reichen- bach = Pelecaniis conspicillahis Temminck. Catoptropelicanus conspicillatus. Catoptropelicanus conspicillatus conspicillatus. Eastern Pelican. Pelecanus conspicillatus Temminclc et Laugier. Planch. Color. d"Ois., 47'! livr.. Vol. III., pi. 270, 1824 ; New South Wales. Synonyms : Pelecanus australis Stephens, in Shaw's Gen. Zool., Vol. XIII., pt. i., p. 113, 1826 ; New South Wales. Catoptropelicanus perspicillatus Reichenbach, Nat. Syst. Vogel., p. vii., 1852 ; New South Wales. Range : East Australia. Catoptropelicanus conspicillatus westralis. Western Pelican. Pelecanus conspicillatus westralis Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 244, 1912 ; Perth, West Australia. Range : West Australia ; Northern Territory. Order ACCIPITRIFORMES. Family FALCONTDAE. Genus CIRCUS. Circus Lacepede, Tabl. Ois.. p. 4, 1799: 1 nom. nudum; Daudin, in Hist. Nat. Buffon, ed. Didot, Quadr., Vol. XIV., p. 221, 1802. Tj'pe (by subsequent designation, Lesson 1828) : Falco aervginosus Linne. 102 A LIST OF THE [ACCIPITRIFORMES Synonyms : Pygargiis Koch, Syst. baier., Zool., pp. xxxii., 127, ISlfi. Tj^pe : P. dispar = Falco pygargiis Linne. Slrigice.ps I3onaparte, Comp. List Birds Europe and N. Amer., p. 5, 183S. Type: Falco pygargiis Linn^. Glaiicopterix Kaxvp, Saugeth. Vogel., p. 113, 1844. Type: G. cineraceus = Falco pygargiis Linne. Spizacirciis Kaup, Mus. Senekenb., Vol. III., p. 2.58, 184.5. Type : Circus niocroptcrits Vieillot. Spilocirciis Kaup, Isis 1847, p. 80. Type : S.jardinii Gould = Circus assimilis .Jardine and Selby. Ptcrocircus Kaup, Archiv. fiir Nat. 1850, p. 32 : substitute-name for Olavcopterix Kaup. Circus assimilis. Circus assimilis assimilis. Spotted Harrier. Circus assimilis Jardine and Selby, lUus. Oniitli., Ser. I., Vol. II., pi. 51, 1828 ; near Sydney, New South Wales. Synonym : Circus jardinii Gould, Synops. Rirds Austr., pt. iTi., pi. 48, 1838 ; New South Wales. Range : East Australia. Circus assimilis rogersi. Lesser Spotted Harrier. Circus assimilis rogersi Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII.. p. 244, 1 012 ; Fitzroy River, North-west Australia. Range : North-west Australia. Circus approximans. [Circus approximans approximans. Circus approximmis Peale, U.S. Expl. Exp., Vol. VIII.. p. fi4, 1848 (2nd ed., p. 101) ; Fiji Islands. Extra limital.] Circus approximans gouldi. Allied Harrier (Swamp-Hawk). Circus gouldi Bonaparte, Consp. Gen. Av., Vol. I., p. 34, 1850 • New South Wales. Range : East Australia. Circus approximans inexpectatus. Little Allied Harrier. Circus approximans inexpectatus Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII. , p. 245, 1912 ; Parry's Creek, North-west Australia. Range : North-west Australia ; Northern Territory. Genus LEUCOSPIZA. Leucospiza Kaup, Classif. Saugeth. u. Vogel., p. 119, 1844. Type (by original designation) : Falco tiovaeJioUandiae Gmelin. Leucospiza clara. Leucospiza clara clara. Grey Goshawk. Falco clarus Latham, Index Ornith., Suppl., p. xiii., 1801 ; New South Wales. ACCIPITRIFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 103 Synonyms : Sparvi'is cinere"i> Vieillot, Nouv. Diet d'Hist. Nat., Vol. X.. p. 338, 1817 ; New South Walps. Astur rail Vigors and HorsHpld. Trims, l.iim. Sor. (Lond.), Vol. XV., p. 180, 1827 ; New South Wales. Eange : Victoria ; New South Wales ; South Queensland. Leucospiza clara cooktowni. Northern Grey Goshawk. Astiir clams cooklou-ni ilathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 24."), 1912; Cooktown, North Queensland. Range : North Queensland. Leucospiza novaehoUandiae. Leucospiza novaehoUandiae novaehoUandiae. White Goshawk. Falco novachollatidiae Gnielin, Syst. Nat., p. 204, 1788 : ex Forster ; Tasmania. SjTionyms : Falco albiis (not Gmehn 178S) White, Vov. New South Wales, p. 250, pi. 35, 1790 ; New South Wales. Sparviits niveKs Vieillot, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., Vol. X., p. 338, 1817 : new name for "Falco novaehoUandiae Lath." Daedalion candidiim Lesson, Trait(^ d'Om., p. CO, 1830 ; New South Wales. Falco leticaetos Forster, Descr. Anim., ed. Licht., p. 70, 1844 ; Tasmania. Astiir naeviiis " V " Gray, Handl. Gen. Sp. Birds, Vol. I., p. 29, 1869 : error for " niveiis." Aattir novaehoUandiae alboides Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 246, 1912 ; Parry's Creek, North-west Australia. Range : Australia ; Tasmania. Leucospiza novaehoUandiae leucosoma. Lesser White Goshawk. Aatur lencosomns Sharpe, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., Vol. I., p. 119, 1874 ; New Guinea. Range: North Queensland (?). Extra limital. Genus UROSPIZA. Vrospiza Kaup, Mus. Senckenb., Vol. III., p. 259, 1845. T3'pe (by monotypy) : U. radiatus = Astur fasciatus Vigors and Horsfield. Urospiza fasciata. Urospiza fasciata fasciata. Australian Goshawk. Asttir fascialiia Vigors and Horsfield, Trans. Liim. Soc. (Lond. ), Vol. XV., p. 181, 1827 ; New South Wales. SjTionjTns : Astiir approximans Vigors and Horsfield, Trans. Linn. Soc. (Lond.), Vol. XV., p. 181, 1827 ; New South Wales. Falco canus " Lath. MS." Gray, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., Vol. XL, p. 189, 1843 : nom. nudum. 104 A LIST OF THE [ACCrPITBrFOEMES Astur jasciatus mackayi Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 246, 1912 ; Mackay, Queensland. Range : East Australia. Urosplza fasciata cruenta. Lesser Goshawk. Astur cnientiis Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1S42, p. 113, 1843; York District, V>'est Australia. Range : South- and Mid-west Australia. Urospiza fasciata didima. Northern Goshawk. Astur fasciatus didimus Mathews, Austral Av. Rec., Vol. I., p. 33, 1912 ; Melville Island, Northern Territory. Range : North-west Australia ; Northern Territory. Genus ACCIPITER. Accipiter Brisson, Ornith., Vol. I., p. 310, 1760. Type (by tautonyiny) : Accipiter = Falco nisus Linne. Synonyms : Nisus Lacepede, Tabl. Ois., p. 4, 1799: I nom. nudum; Daudin, in Hist. Nat. Buffon, ed. Didot, Quadr., Vol. XIV., p. 220, 1802. Type : Falco nisus. lerax Vigors, Zool. Journ., Vol. I., p. 328, 1824. Tj-pe : Daedalian fringillarius Savigny. Hieraspiza Kaup, Classif. Saugeth. Vogel., p. 116, 1844. Type: H. virgatus = F. caerulescens Liime. Cooperastur Bonaparte, Rev. Mag. de Zool. 1854, p. 538. Tj-pe : Falco cooperii Bonaparte. Accipiter cirrocephalus. Accipiter cirrocephalus cirrocephalus. Collared Sparrow-Hawk. Sparvius cirrocephalus Vieillot. Nonv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., Vol. X., p. 329, 1817 ; New South Wales. Synonyms : Accipiter torquatus Vigors and Horsfield, Trans. Linn. Soc. (Lond.), Vol. XV., p. 182. 1827 ; New South Wales. Falco macrodactylus " Temm." Gray. Handl. Gen. Sp. Birds, pt. i., p. 34, 1869 : nom. nudum. Range : East Australia. Accipiter cirrocephalus broomei. AVestem Collared Sparrow-Hawk. Astur cirrocephalus broomei Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 247, 1912 ; Broome Hill, South-west Australia. Range : West Australia ; Northern Territory. Genus ERYTHROTRIORCHIS. Erythrotriorchis Sharpe, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1875, p. 337 {.\ug.). Type (by monot^•py) : Falco radiatus Latham. ACCIPITRIFORMES] EffiDS OF AUSTRALIA 105 Synonym : Mrfiatriorcliis Salvador! and D'Albprtis, Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen., Vol. VI I, pp. 802-80"), Nov. 1875. Type: M. donac Salvador! and D'Albertis. Erythrotriorchis radiatus. Erythrotriorchis radiatus. Red Goshawk. Faico rndiatiis Latliam, Index Omith., Snppl.. p. -xii., 1801 ; New South Wales. Synonyms : Haliaeetus calei Vigors and Horsfield, Trans. Linn. Soc. (Lond.), Vol. XV., p. 18(i, 1827 ; New South Wales. Asttir testaceiis Kaup, Isis 1847, p. 3(!7 ; Xew South Wales. Erythrotriorchis rujotibia Campbell, Emu, Vol. X., p. 249, 1911 ; Napier Broome Bay, Xorth-west Australia. Range : North-west Australia ; Northern Territory ; Queensland ; New South Wales. Genus UROAETUS. Vroaetus Kaup, Classif. Saugeth. Vogel., p. 121, 1844. Tj-pe (by origmal designation) : U. fucosus = Vultur audax Latham. Uroaetus audax. Uroaetus audax audax. Wedge-tailed Eagle (Eagle-Hawk). Vultiir audax Latham, Index Omith., Suppl., p. ii., 1801 ; New South Wales. SynonjTns : Aqiiila alh'irostris Vieillot, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., Vol. I., p. 229, 1816 ; New South Wales. Falco fucosus Temminck et Laugier, Planch. Color. d'Ois., 6^' livr.. Vol. I., pi. 32, 1821 ; New South Wales. AquUa cuneicaudata Brehm, Isis 1845, p. 35(i ; New South Wales. Range : East Australia. Uroaetus audax carter!. Western Wedge-tailed Eagle. Aquila audax carteri Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 247, 1912; Gracefield, West Australia. Range : West Australia ; Northern Territory. Genus HIERAAETUS. Hieraaetus Kaup, Classif. Saugeth. Vogel., p. 120, 1844. Type (by original designation) : Falco pennatiis Gmelin. SynonjTns : Eutolniaetus Blyth, Joum. As. Soc. Bengal, Vol. XIV., p. 174, 1845. Type : Falco bonelli Temminck. 106 A LIST OF THE [ACCIPITRIFORMES Butaetus (not Butae.tes Lesson 1830), Bl3rth, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, Vol. XIV., p. 174, 1845. Type: Faico pennati's Gmelin. Tolmaetus Blyth, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, Vol. XV., p. 5, 1840 : emendation only. Psendaetiis " Hodgs. 1844" Bonaparte, Rev. Mag. de Zool. 1854, p. 531. Type : Falco bonelli Temminck. Astnraetos Brehm, Naumannia 1855, p. 26. Type : Falco bonelli Temminck. Aquilastur Brehm, AUg.-Deutsch. Nat. Zeit. N.F., Vol. II., p. 53, 1856. Type : Falco bonelli Temminck. Hieraaetus morphnoides. Hieraaetus morphnoides morphnoides. Little Eagle. Aqiiila morphnoides Gould, Proe. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1840, p. 161, 1841 ; Upper Himter, New South Wales. Range : East Australia. Hieraaetus morphnoides coongani. North-western Little Eagle. Aquila morphnoides coongani Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 248, 1912 ; Coongan River, Mid-west Australia. Range : West Australia. Genus BUTASTUR. Btiiastnr Hodgson, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, Vol. XII.. pt. i., p. 311, 1843. Type (by original designation) : Circus teesa Franklin. Synonyms : Poliornis Kaup, Classif. Saugeth. Vogel., p. 122, 1844. Type : Circus teesa Franklin. Buteopernis Jameson, Calc. Joum. Nat. Hist., Vol. I., pp. 319, 320, 1841 : nom nudum,. Pernopsis Bonaparte, Rev. Mag. de Zool. 1850, p. 481. Type : Poliornin pernopsis Du Bus = Poliornis rufipennis Simdevall. Bupernis " Hodgs. " Gray. Cat. Gen. Subgen. Birds, p. 4, 1855 (in synonymy). Type : Circus teesa Franklin. Valeria "Boie MSS. " Gray, Cat. Gen. Subgen. Birds, p. 4, 1855 (in synonymy). Type : Circtis teesa Franklin. Butastur teesa. Butastur teesa. White-eyed Buzzard. Circus teesa Franklin, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1831, p. 115 ; between Calcutta and Benares, India. Synonym: Astur hyder Sykes, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1832, p. 79; Dukhun, India. Range : New South Wales (accidental visitor, one occurrence : cf. North, Rec. Austr. Mus., Vol. III., p. 87, 1898 ; Lithgow, New South Wales). Extra limital. ACCIPITRIFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 107 Genus CUNCUMA. Cuncuma Hodgson, Joiirn. As. Snr. Bpngal, Vol. VT., p. 3f)7, 1837. Type (by original desio;tiatioii) : Cun^Aima albipes = Falco hucoryplms Pallas. SjnionjTns : Pontoaetns Kaup, Classif. Saugetli. Viigcl., p. 122. 1844. Typo : P. macri = Falco IciicoryplniK Pallas. Blagnm Blyth, Cat. Birds Mus. As. Soo. Bongal. p. .'{O. l.sr)2. Typp : Faho fr'icoifastcr Oinolin. Cuncuma leucogaster. Cuncuma leucogaster. WTiite-bellied Sea-Eaglp. Falco leucogaster Gmelin. Sj-st. Xat., p. 2.")7, 1788 ; Xew South Wales. SjTionyins : Haliaeetus sphenurus Gould, Synops. Birds Austr., pt. iir., pi. 39, 1838 ; Tasmania. Haliaeetus leucogaster pallidiis Mathews, Xov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 248, 1912; Derby, North-west Australia. Range: Australia; Tasmania. Genus HALIASTUR. Haliastiir Selby, Cat. Gen. Subgen., Types Aves, p. 2 (note). 1840. Type (by original designation) : Falco Indus Boddaert. Synonj-ms : Dentiger Hodgson, in Gray's Zool. Miscel., p. 81, 1844. Type : D. pondicerianiis = Falco indua Boddaert. Ictinoaeliis Kaup, Classif. Saugeth. Vogel, p. 122, 1844 : new name for Haliastiir Selby. Mitvaqidla Biu-mefster, Verzeichn. Zool. Mus. Halle, p. 24, 1850 : new name for Haliastur Selby. Halinertiis Heine. Xomencl 5liis. Hein., Ornith., p. 207, 1890 : new name for Haliastiir Selby. Haliastur Indus. [Haliastur indus Indus. Falco Indus Boddaert, Tabl. Planch. Enlum. 1783, p. 2.j ; Pondichery, India. Extra limital.] Haliastur indus leucosternus. Wliite-headed Sea-Eagle. Haliaeetus Ic'icosterniis Gould, Synops. Birds Austr., pt. iii., pi. 40, 1838 ; New South Wales. Synonyms. Haliaet'is australis " Gray MS." Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 249, 1912: nom. n'ld'im. Haliastur indus subleiicoaternus Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 249, 1912 ; Derby, North-west Australia. Range : Australia. 108 A LIST OF THE [ACCIPITRIFORMES Haliastur sphenurus. Haliastur sphenurus. Whistling Eagle. Milvus sphenurus Vieillot, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., Vol. XX., p. 564, 1818 ; New South Wales. Synonyms : Haliaeetus canorus Vigors and Horsfield, Trans. Liiin. Soc. (Lond.), Vol. XV., p. 187, 1827 ; New South Wales. Haliastur sphenurus territori Mathe%vs, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 88, 1912 ; Mary River, Northern Territory. Range : Australia. Genus MILVUS. Milvus Lacepede, Tabl. Ois., p. 4, 1799 ; nom. nudum ? ; Daudin, in Hist. Nat. Buffon, ed. Didot, Quadr., Vol. XIV., p. 221, 1802. Type (by tautonymy) : Falco milvus Linne. Synonym : Hydroictinia Kaup, Classif. Saugeth. Vogel., p. 115, 1844. Tj-pe : H. ater = Accipiter korsehun Gmelin. Milvus korsehun. [Milvus korsehun korsehun. Accipiter korsehun S. G. Gmelin, Nov. Comm. Acad. Petrop., Vol. XV., p. 444, 1771 ; South Russia. Extra Hmital.] Milvus korsehun afflnis. Allied Kite. Milvus affinis Gould, Synops. Birds Austr., pt. rn., pi. 47, 1838 ; New South Wales. Synonyms : Milvus aterrimus Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1837, p. 99, 1838; nom. nudum,. Milvus korsehun napieri Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 249, 1912 ; Napier Broome Bay, North-west Australia. Range : Australia. Genus LOPHOICTINIA. Lophoictinia Kaup, Isis 1847, p. 113. Type (by monotypy) : Milvus isurus Gould. Lophoictinia isura. Lophoictinia isura. Square-tailed Kite. Milvus isurus Gould, Synops. Birds Austr., pt. in., pi. 47, 1838 ; New South Wales. Synonyms : Milvus novaehollandiae Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1837, p. 99, 1838 ; nom. nudum. Milvus isurus ivestraliensis Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVTII., p. 250, 1912 ; Perth, West Australia. Range : Australia. ACCTPITEIFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 109 Genus GYPOICTINIA. Gypoictinia Kaup, Isis 1847, p. 114. Type (by monotypy) : Buteo melanosternon Gould. Gypoictinia melanosterna. Gypoictinia melanosterna melanosterna. Bhick-breHstcd Buzzard. Buteo tnclanostcrnmi Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Loud.) 1840, p. 1G2, 1841 ; Interior New South Wales. Range : Interior New South Wales ; South Australia. Gypoictinia melanosterna decepta. Northern Buzzard. Gypoictinia melanosterna decepta Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 250, 1912 ; Parry's Creek, North-west Australia. Range : West Australia ; Northern Territory. Genus ELANUS. Elanus Savigny, Descr. Egypt. Hist. Nat., Vol. I., p. 69, 1809. Type (by monotypy) : E. caesius = Falco melaiwpterus Daudin. Elanus axillaris. Elanus axillaris axillaris. Black-shouldered Kite. Falco axillaris Latham, Index Omith., Suppl., p. ix., 1801 ; New South Wales. Synonym : Elanus notatus Gould, Synops. Birds. Austr., pt. iv., App., p. 1, 1838 ; New South Wales. Range : East Australia. Elanus axillaris parryi. Western Black-shouldered Kite. Elanus axillaris parryi Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVllI., p. 251, I9I2 ; Parry's Creek, North-west AustraUa. Range : West Australia ; Northern Territory. Elanus scriptus. Elanus scriptus. Letter-winged Ivite. Elanus scriptus Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1842, p. 80; South Australia. Range : New South Wales ; Victoria ; South Australia. Genus BAZA. Baza Hodgson, Joum. As. Soc. Bengal, Vol. V., p. 777, 1830. TjT^e (by original designation) : Baza syama Hodgson = Falco lophotes Temminck. 110 A LIST OF THE [ACCIPITEIFOEMES Synonyms : Lopholes (not Gioma. 1803) Lesson, Traite d'Om., p. 96, 1830. Type : Falco lopholes Temminck. Lepidogenys Gould, Synops. Birds. Austr., pt. iii, pi. 40, 1838 : new name for Lopholes Lesson, preoccupied. Hypliopiis Hodgson, Jouni. As. Soc. Bengal, Vol. X., p. 27, 1841 ; new name for Baza Hodgson. Lophastur Blyth, Joum. As. Soc. Bengal, Vol. XI., p. 4(13, 1842. Type : L. jerdoni = Lopholes reinwardli Muller and Schlegel. Baza subcristata. Baza subcristata. Crested Hawk. Lepidogenys subcristalus Gould, Synops. Birds Austr., pt. iii., pi. 40, 1838 ; New South Wales. Synonym : Baza subcristata qiicenslandica Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 251, 1912 ; Mackay, Queensland. Range : New South Wales ; Queensland. Genus FALCO. Falco Liime, Syst. Nat., 10th ed., p. 88, 1758. Type (by subsequent designation, A.O.U. Comm. 1886) : Falco suhhuteo Linne. Synonjrms : Hypotriorchis Boie, Isis 182(1, p. 970. Type : Falco suhbiitco Linne. Dendrofalco Gray, List Genera Birds, p. 3, 1840. Type : Falco siibbiitco Liiuie. Falco longipennis. Falco longipennis longipennis. Little Falcon. Falco longipennis Swainson, Aiiim. in Menag., p. 341, Jan. 1838 ; Tasmania. Synonyms : Falco lunulatus (nut Daudin 1800) Latham, Index Ornith., Suppl., p. xiii., 1801 ; New South Wales. Falco frontatus Gould, Synops. Birds Austr., pt. m., pi. 42, April, 1838 ; New South Wales. Falco ru/ivenlcr Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1837, p. 97, 1838: nom. midum. Falco melanotus Wliitc and Mellor, Emu, Vol. XII., p. 104, 1913 ; FHnders Island, Fumeaux Group. Range : East Australia ; Tasmania. ACCIPITRIFORMES] BmDS OF AUSTRALIA 111 Faico longipennis murchisonianus. Murcliison Falcon. Falco lunu'alus murcliiniynianioi JIathows, Xov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 252, 1912 ; East Murcliison, West Australia. Range : Soutli- and Mid-west Australia. Falco longipennis apsleyi. Northern Little Falcon. Falco liiniilatiui apsleyi Mathews. Austral A\'. Rec, Xol. J., p. 33, 1912 ; Melville Island, Northern Territory. Range : Northern Territory ; North-west Australia. Falco hypoleucus. Falco bypoleuCUS. Grey Falcon. Falco hypoIcHcos Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Loud.) 1840, p. 102, 1841 ; West Australia. Range : Australia. Genus RHYNCHODON. Rhynchodon Nitzscli, Obs. Av.. art. Carot Conini., p. 20, 1829. Type (by subsequent designation, A.O.U. Comin. 1886) : Falco peregrinns Tunstall. Synonym : Euhierax Webb and Bcrtlielot, Hist. Nat. Canaries, Vol. II., Ornith., p. 5, 1841. Type : Falco peregrinns Tunstall. Rhynchodon peregrinus. [Rhynchodon peregrinus peregrinus. Falco peregrinus Tiuistall, Omith. Brit., p. 1, 1771 ; Great Britain. Extra liinital. ] Rhynchodon peregrinus macropus. Black-cheeked Falcon. Falco macropus Swainson, Anijn. in JMenag., p. 341, Jan. 1838 ; Tasmania. Synonym : Falco me'anogenys Gould, Synops. Birds Aiistr., pt. in., pi. 42, April, 1838 ; Tasmania. Range : East Australia ; Tasmania. Rhynchodon peregrinus submelanogenys. Western Black-cheeked Falcon. Falco peregrinus submelanogenys Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 33, 1912 ; Bokerup, South-west Australia. Range : West Australia. Genus NOTOFALCO. Nolofalco Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. II., p. 56, 1913. Type: (by original designation) : Falco subnigcr Gray. 112 A LIST OF THE [ACCIPITErFORMES Notofalco subniger. Notofalco subniger. Black Falcon. Falco s'ubniger Gray, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., Vol. XI., p. 371, 1843 ; Victoria. Range : Australia. Genus lERACIDEA. Jeracidea Gould, Synops. Bh'ds Austr., pt. in., pi. 43, 1838. Type (by monotypy) : Falco herigora Vigors and Horsfield. leracidea berigora. leraeidea berigora berigora. Striped Brown Hawk. Falco herigora Vigors and Horsfield, Trans. Linn. Soc. (Loud. ), Vol. XV., p. 184, 1827 ; New South Wales. Synonym : Hieracidea orientalis Sharpe, Cat. Birds Brit. JIus., Vol. L, p. 422, 1874 ; New South Wales. Range : East Australia ; Tasmania ; South Australia. leracidea berigora occidentalis. Western Brown Hawk. leracidea occidentalis Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1844, p. 105 ; Perth, West Australia. Range : South-west Australia. leracidea berigora melvillensis. Northern Browna Hawk. leracidea herigora melvillensis Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 34, 1912 ; Melville Island, Northern Territorj'. Range : Northern Territory ; North-west Australia. Genus CERCHNEIS. Cerchneis Boie, Isis 1820, p. 970. Type (by monotypy) : Falco rupicolus Daudin. Synonyms : Aegypius (not Savigny 1809) Kaup, Skizz. Entwick-Gesch. Nat. Syst., p. 29, 1829. Type : Falco tinnunciilus Liiuie. Falcula Hodgson, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, Vol. VI., p. 3(55, 1837. Type : Falco tinniinculus Luuie. Tichornis Kaup, Classif. Saugeth. Vogel., p. 108, 1844. Type: Falco cenchris = Falco naiinianni Fleisch. Poecilornis Kaup, Classif. Saugeth. Vogel., p. 108, 1844. Type: Falco sparveriiis Liiui6. Dissodectes Sclater, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1864, p. 248. Type : Falco dickinsoni Sclater. ACCIPITRIFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 113 Cerchneis cenchroides. Cerchneis cenchroides cenchroides. Nankeen Kestrel. Falco cenchroides Vigors and Horsfielcl, Trans. Linn. Soc. (Lond.), Vol. XV., p. 183, 1S27 ; New South Wales. SynonjTTi : Cerchneis immaculata Bre'i-r', Isis 1845, p. 358 ; New South Wale.s. Range : East Australia. Cerchneis cenchroides milligani. Dusky Nankeen -Kestrel. Cerchneis cenchroides milligani Mathews, Nov. Zool.. Vol. XVIII., p. 253, 1912 ; Parry's Creek, North-west Australia. Range : North-west .\ustralia ; Northern Territory. Cerchneis cenchroides unicolor. Westralian Nankeen-Kestrel. Cerchneis imicohr Milligan, Emu, Vol. IV., p. 1, 1904 ; Yalgoo, West Australia. Range : South-west and Mid-west Australia. Family PANDIONIDAE. Genus PANDION. Pandion Savigny, Descr. Egj^jt. Hist. Nat., Vol. I., p. 69, 1809. Type (bj' monotypy) : P. fluvialis = Falco Iialiaetus Linne. SynonjTns : Triorches Forster, Synopt. Cat. Brit. Birds, p. 1, 1817. Type: Faico haliaeliis Linne. Balhusard'is Fleming, Hist. Brit. Anim., p. 51, 1828. Type : Falco haliaelus Lhuie. Pandion haliaetus. [Pandion haliaetus haliaetus. Falco haliaetus Linne, Syst. Nat., 10th ed., p. 91, 1758 ; Sweden, Europe. Extra liraital.] Pandion haliaetus cristatus. ^^^lite-headed Osprey (Fish-Hawk). Buleo cristatus Vieillot, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., Vol. IV., p. 481, 1816 ; Tasmania. Synonyms : Pandion leucocephalus Gould, SjTiops. Birds Austr., pt. III., pi. 41, 1838 ; Tasmania. Pandion gouldi Kaup, Isis 1847, p. 270 : new name for Gould's leucoce- phalus. Pandion haliaetus melvillensis Mathews. Austral Av. Rec., Vol. I., p. 34, 1912 ; Melville Island, Northern Territory. Range : Australia ; Tasmania. I 114 A LIST OF THE [STEIGIFORMES Order STEIGIFORMES. Famu-y STRIGIDAE. Genus SPILOGLAUX. Spiloglavx Kaup, Isis 1848, p. 768. Type (by subsequent designation, Gray 1855) : Sirix boobook Latham. Spiloglaux boobook. Spiloglaux boobook boobook. Boobook Owl. Strix boobook Latham, Index Omith., Suppl., p. xv., 1801 ; Xew South Wales. Range : South Queensland ; New South Wales. Spiloglaux boobook marmorata. Marbled Owl. Athene marmorata Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1846, p. 18 ; South Australia. Range : Victoria ; South Australia. Spiloglaux boobook halmaturina. Kangaroo Island Boobook Owl. Ninox boobook halmaturina Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 254, 1912 ; Kangaroo Island. Range : Kangaroo Island, South Australia. Spiloglaux boobook maculata. Spotted Owl. Noctita maculata Vigors and Horsfield, Trans. Linn. Sec. (Lond.). Vol. XV., p. 189, 1827 ; Tasmania. Range ; Tasmania. Spiloglaux boobook ocellata. Western Boobook Owl. Athene ocellata Bonaparte, Consp. Gen. Av., Vol I., p. 42, 1850 ; Perth, West Australia. Range : South-west Australia. Spiloglaux boobook mixta. Pallid Boobook Owl. Ninox boobook mixta Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 255, 1912 ; Parry's Creek, X'orth-west AustraUa. Range : North-west AustraUa ; Northern Territorj'. Spiloglaux boobook melvillensis. Red Boobook Owl. Ninox boobook melvillensis Mathews, Austral Av. Rec., Vol. I., p. 34, 1912 ; Melville Island. Range : Northern Territory. Spiloglaux boobook macgillivrayi. Cape York Boobook Owl. j\'(')i0.r boobook tnacgillivrni/i Matliews. Austral Av. Rec., Vol. I., p. 194, 1913 ; Cape York. North Queensland. Range : North Queensland (Cape York district). STRIGIFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 115 Spiloglaux boobook lurida. Bellendcn Ker Boobook Owl. Ninox lurida De Vis, Rep. Sci. Exp. N.E. Queensland, p. 31 (and in another issue, p. 84), 1889 ; Bellenden Ker. Range : North Queensland (Bellenden Ker district). Genus HIERACOGLAUX. Hieracoglaiix Kaup, Isis 1848, p. 768. Tj'pe (by subsequent designation, Gray 1855) : Falco connivens Latham. Hieracoglaux connivens. Hieracoglaux connivens connivens. Winking Owl. Falco connifois Latham, Index Omith., Suppl., p. xii., 1801 ; New South Wales. SjTionyms : NoctKa frontala Lesson, Traite d'Om., p. 106, 1830 ; New South Wales. Athene 1 jortis Gould, Synops. Birds Austr., pt. in., pi. 49, 1838 ; New South Wales. Falco glaucopis " Lath. 5IS." Gray, Aiui. Mag. Nat. Hist., Vol. XL, p. 189, 1843: nam. nudum. Range : South Queensland ; New South Wales ; Victoria ? Hieracoglaux connivens peninsularis. Cape York Winking Owl. Ninox peninsulari.i Salvadori, Aiui. Mus. Civ. Gen., Vol. VLI., p. 992, 1875 ; Cape York, North Queensland. Range : North Queensland. Hieracoglaux connivens occidentalis. Western Winking Owl. Nifwx connivens occidentalis Ramsay, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., Ser. II. Vol. I., 1886, p. 1086, 1887 ; Derby, North-west Australia. Synonym : Ninox connivens s iiboccidentalis Mathews, Nov. Zool., V^ol. XV'III., p. 255, 1912 ; Port Keats, Northern Territory. Range : North-west Australia ; Northern Territory. Hieracoglaux connivens addenda. South-western Winking Owl. Ninox connivens addenda Matliews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 120, 1912 ; South-west Australia. Range : South-west Australia. Hieracoglaux strenua. Hieracoglaux strenua. Powerful Owl. Athene 1 strenua Gould, SjTiops. Birds Austr., pt. iii., pi 49, 1838 ; New South Wales. Synonym : Ninox strenua vicloriae Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 75, 1912 ; Victoria. Range : New South Wales ; Victoria. I 2 116 A LIST OF THE [STRIGIFORMES Genus RHABDOGLAUX, Rhahdoglaux Bonaparte, Rev. Jlag. de Zool. 1854, p. 543. Type (by subsequent designation, Gray 1855) : Athene rufa Gould. Rhabdoglaux rufa. Rhabdoglaux rufa rufa. Rufous 0%vl. Athene rufa Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lend.) 1846, p. 18; Port Essington, Northern Territorj^ Range : Northern Territory. Rhabdoglaux queenslandica. Rhabdoglaux queenslandica. Queensland Rufous Owl. Ninox humeralis queenslandica Mathews, Bull. Brit. Omith. Club, Vol. XXVII., p. 62, 1911 ; JIackay, Queensland. Range : North Queensland. Family TYTONIDAE. Genus TYTO. Tyto Billberg, Synops. Faimae. Scand., Vol. I., pars ii., tab. A, 1828. Tjrpe (by monotypy) : Slrix alba Scopoli. Synonyms : Flammca Foumel, Fauna de la Moselle, p. 101, 1836. Type : Flammea vulgaris = Strix alba Scopoli. Hybris Nitzsch, Pterylog., pp. 27-100, 1840. Type: Slrix alba Scopoli, Eustrinx Webb and Berthelot, Hist. He. Canaries, Zool., p. 8, 1841. Type : Strix alba Scopoli. Stridu'la Selys-Longchamps, Faim. Belg., p. 60, 1842. Type : Strix alba Scopoli. GlauxB\yt\\, Joirni. As. Soc. Bengal, Vol. XIX., p. 513, 1850. Tj'pe : O. Candida = Strix longimemhris Jerdon. Scelostrix Kaup, in Jardine's Contr. Omith. 1852, p. 119. Tj^pe : Strix longimemhris Jerdon. Dactylostrix Kaup, in Jardine's Contr. Omith. 1852, p. 119. T\-pe Strix castanops Gould. Tyto alba. [Tyto alba alba. Strix alba Scopoli, Annus I., Hist. Nat., p. 21, 1769; North Italy. Extra limital.] Tyto alba delicatula. JIasked Owl. Strix delicatula Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1S3G, p. 140, 1837; New South Wales. Synonym : Tyto alba ahxandrae Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 256, 1912 ; Alexandra, Northern Territory. Range : Australia. STRIGIFORMESj BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 117 Tyto novaehollandiae. Tyto novaehollandiae novaehollandiae. Cliestnut-faced Owl. Slrix ? novaehollandiae Stephens, in Shaw's Gen. Zool., Vol. XIII., pt. II., p. (il, 1826 ; New South Wales. Synonyms : Slrix pe.rsonala (not Daiidin 1800) Vigors, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lend.) IS.'il, p. 00; New Soutli Wales. Slrix cyclop.t Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1830, p. 140, 1837 ; New South Wales. Tyto novaehollandiae mackayi JIathews, Austral Av. Kec, Vol. I., p. 34, 1912; Mackay. Queensland. Tylo novaehollandiae whilei JIathews. .Austral .-Vv. Rec, Vol. I., p. 34, 1912 ; -Adelaide, South Australia. Tyto novaehollandiae riordani Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 35, 1912 ; Warmarabool, Victoria. Range : East .Australia ; South -Australia. Tyto novaehollandiae castanops. Masked Owl. Strix castanops Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1836, p. 140, 1837 ; Tasmania. Range : Tasmania. Tyto novaehollandiae perplexa. Western Chestnut-faced Owl. Tyto novaehollandiae perplexa Mathews, No\'. Zool., Vol. XVIII. p. 257, 1912 ; East Beverley, West Australia. SynonjTn : Tyto novaehollandiae kimberli Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 257, 1912 ; East Kimberley, North-west Australia. Range : West .Australia ; North-west Australia. Tyto novaehollandiae melvillensis. Northern Chestnut-faced Owl. Tyto novaehollandiae tnelvillensis Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 35, 1912 ; Melville Island. Range : Northern Territory. Tyto longimembris. [Tyto longimembris longimembris. Strix lomjimenihris Jerdon. Madras .Joum. Lit. Sci., Vol. X., p. 86, 1839 ; Neilgherries, India. Extra limital.] Tyto longimembris walleri. Australian Grass-Owl. Strix walleri Diggles, Ornith. .Austr., Vol. I., pi. 14, 1877 ; Brisbane, Queensland. Synonym : Tyto longimembris georgiae Mathews, .Austral -Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 75, 1912; Victoria River, Northern Territory. Range : New South Wales ; Queensland ; Northern Territory. 118 A LIST OF THE [STKIGIFOEMES Genus MEGASTRIX. Megaslrix Kaup, Isis 1848, col. 770. Type (by monotypy) : Strix tenebricosus Gould. Megastrix tenebricosa. Megastrix tenebricosa tenebricosa. Sooty Owl. Strix tenebricosus Gould, Proo. Zool. Soc. (Lond. ) 1845, p. .80 ; Clarence River, New South Wales. Synonyms : Strix megaera Bonaparte, Consp. Gen. Av., Vol. I., p. 54, 18.10 : nom. nudum. Tyto tenebricosa magna Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 258, 1912 ; Victoria. Range : New South Wales ; Victoria. Megastrix tenebricosa multipunctata. Northern Sooty Owl. Tyto tenebricosa multipunctata ilathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 257, 1912 ; Johnston River, North Queensland. Range : North Queensland. Order PSITTACIFORMES. FAmiY LORIIDAE. Genus TRICHOGLOSSUS. Trichoglossus Stephens, in Shaw's Gen. Zool., Vol. XIV., pt. i., p. 129, 1826. Type (by subsequent designation, Swainson 1832) : Psittacus novaehollandiae Gmelin. Synonym : Australasia Lesson, Traite d'Om., p. 209, 1830. Tj'pe : Psittacus novaehollandiae Gmelin. Trichoglossus novaehollandiae. Trichoglossus novaehollandiae novaehollandiae. Blue-bellied Lorikeet. Psittacus novaehoUandia Gmelin, Syst. Nat., p. 316, 1788 ; New South Wales. SynonjTns : Psittacus multicolor Gmelin, Syst. Nat., p. 328, 1788 ; New South Wales. Psittacus sem,icollaris Latham, Index Omith., Vol. I., p. 103, 1790 ; New South Wales. Psittacus cyanogaster Shaw, Gen. Zool., Vol. VIII., pt. n., p. 413, 1811 ; New South Wales. Trichoglossus sieainsonii Jardine and Selby, Illus. Omith., Vol. III., pi. 112, 1831 ; New South Wales. Trichoglossus colesi Le Souef, Emu, Vol. X., p. 204, 1910 ; Gladstone, Queensland. PSITTACIFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 119 Trichoglossus novaehoUandiae eyrei Jlathews, Xov. Zool., Vol. X\^II., p. 258, 1912 ; Eyre's Peninsula, South Australia. Range : South Queensland ; New South Wales ; Victoria ; Tasmania ; South Australia. Trichoglossus novaehoUandiae septentrionalis. Northern Blue-bellied Lorikeet. Trichogloaaiis novaehoUandiae, subsp. septentrionalis, Robinson, Bull. Liverp. Mus., Vol. II., p. 115, 1900 ; Cooktown, Queensland. Range : North Queensland. Trichoglossus rubritorquis. Trichoglossus rubritorquis. Red-collared Lorikeet. Trichoglossus rubritorquis Vigors and Horsfield, Trans. Linn. Soc. (Lond.), Vol. XV., p. 291, 1827; North-west Australia. Synonym : Trichoglossus rubritorquis melvillensis Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 35, 1912 ; Melville Island. Range : North-west Australia ; Northern Territory. Genus EUTELIPSITTA. Eutelipsitta Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 10, 1911. Type (by original designation) : Psittacus chlorolepidotus Kuhl. Eutelipsitta chlorolepidota. Eutelipsitta chlorolepidota chlorolepidota. Scaly-breasted Lorikeet. Psittacus chlorolepidotus Kuhl, Nov. Act. Phys. Acad. Leop. Carol, Vol. X., p. 48, 1820 ; New South Wales. Synonyms : Trichoqlossus matoni Vigors and Horsfield, Trans. Linn. Soc. (Lond.), Vol. XV., p. 291, 1827 ; New South Wales. Australasia inridis Lesson, Trait6 d'Om., p. 210, 1830 ; New South Wales. Psitteuteles neglectus Reichenow, Omith. Monatsb. Jalu'b., Vol. \T. , p. 4, 1898 ; Cairns, North Queensland. Range : New South Wales ; Queensland. Genus PSITTEUTELES. Psitteuteles Bonaparte, Rev. Mag. de Zool., Vol. VI., p. 157, 1854. Tj'pe (by subsequent designation, Gray 1855) : Tricho- glossus versicolor Lear. Synonym : Ptilosclera Gould, Handb. Birds Austr., Vol. IL, p. 98, 1865. Type: Trichoglossus versicolor Lear. 120 A LIST OF THE [PSITTACIFORMES Psitteuteles versicolor. Psitteuteles versicolor versicolor. Varied Lorikeet. Trichoglosaiis versicolor Lear, Illust. Psittac, pt. vii., 1831 ; Cape York, Nortti Queensland. Range : Xorth Queensland. Psitteuteles versicolor mellori. Northern Varied Lorikeet. Trichoglossus versicolor mellori Mathews, Xov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 259, 1912; South Alligator River, Northern Territory. Synonym : Trichoglossus versicolor whitei Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. X^^II., p. 260, 1912 ; Derby, North-west Australia. Range : North-west Australia ; Northern Territorj'. Genus GLOSSOPSITTA. Glossopsitta Bonaparte, Rev. Mag. de Zool., Vol. \^., p. 157, 1854. Type (by subsequent designation, Gray 1855) : Psittacus concinmts Shaw. Synonym : Centrourus (not Swainson 1837) Gray, List Genera Birds 1840, p. 51. Type : Psittacus concinnus Shaw. Glossopsitta concinna. Glossopsitta concinna. Musk Lorikeet. Psittacus concinnus Shaw and Nodder, Nat. Miscel., Vol. III., pi. 87, 1791 ; New South Wales. Synonyms : ■Psittacus australis (not Gmelin 1788) Latham, Index Omith., Vol. I., p. 104, 1790 ; Botany Bay, New South Wales. Psittacus ruhrifrons Bechstein, Kurze Uebers Vogel., p. 84, 1811 ; New South Wales. Psittacus velatus VieUlot, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., Vol. XXV., p. 373, 1817 ; New South Wales. Range : South Queensland ; New South Wales ; Victoria ; Tas- mania ; South Australia. Glossopsitta porphyrocephala. Glossopsitta porphyrocephala porphyrocephala. Piuple-cro«-ned Lorikeet. Trichoglossus porphyrocephalus Dietrichsen, Trans. Linn. Sec. (Lond.), Vol. XVII., pt. IV., p. 553, 1837 ; New South Wales. Synonyms : Psittacus purpurea (not Miiller 1776) Dietrichsen, Philos. Mag. (new series), Vol. XL, p. 387, 1832 ; New South Wales. Range : New South Wales ; Victoria ; South Australia. Glossopsitta porphyrocephala whitlocki. Western Purple-crowned Lorikeet. Glossopsitta porphyrocephala whitlocJd Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIIL, p. 260, 1912 ; Wilson's Inlet, West Australia. Range : South-west Australia. PSITTACIFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 121 Glossopsitta pusilla. Glossopsitta pusilla. Littio Lnrikoet. Psittacus pusilhis White, Jouni. Voy. Xew South Wales, p. 2fi2, 1790; Now South Wales. Synonyms : Psittacus pitsiUiis Latham, Iiulex Omith., Vol. I., p. 10(i, 1790; New South Wales. Psittacus nuchalis Bechstcin, Kurzc Uebers Vogel. , p. 81, 1811 ; Xew South Wales. Range : Queensland ; Xew South Wales ; Victoria ; Tasmania ; South .-Vustralia. F.A.MILY OrOPSITTIDAE. Genus OPOPSITTA. Opopsilta Sclater, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1860, p. 227. Type (b}' monotjrpy) : Psittacula dioyhtlmlma Hombron et Jacquinot. SjnionjTTis : Cyclopsitta Auct., not Reiehenbach, Syst. Av., tab. Ixxxii., 1850. Manopsilla Mathews, Austral Av. Ree., Vol. II., p. 02, 191.3. Type: Cyclopsitta coxeni Gould. Opopsitta coxeni. Opopsitta coxeni. Red-faced Lorilet. .Cyclopsitta co.rnii Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 18f)7, p. 182 ; Brisbane, Queensland. Range : South Queensland, Opopsitta diophthalma. [Opopsitta diophthalma diophthalma. Psittacula diophtha'ma Hombron et Jacquinot, .Ajin. Sci. Xat., Ser. II., Vol. XVI., p. 318, 1841 ; South Coast Xew Guinea. Extra limital.] Opopsitta diophthalma leadbeateri. Blue-faced Lorilet. Cyclopsitta leadbeateri McCoy, Ann. Mag. Xat. His., Ser. IV., Vol. XVI., p. 54, 1875 (July 1) ; Rockingham Bay, Queensland. Synonyms : Cyclopsitta maccoyi Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1875, p. 314 (Aug. 1); Rockingham Bay, Queensland. Cyclopsitta macleayana Ramsay, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1875, p. 602 ; Cardwell, Queensland. Range : Xorth Queensland. F.«ni.Y CAC.\TOIDAE. Genus SOLENOGLOSSUS. Solenoglossus Ranzani, Elem. di Zool., Vol. III., pt. ii., p. 18, 1821. Type (by monotypy) : S. zeylanicus = Psittacus aterrimus Gmelin. 122 A LIST OF THE [PSITTACIFORMES Synonyms : Microglosaus Vieillot, Galerie des Ois., Vol. I , p. 47, pi. 50, 1822 ; Type : Psittaciis aterrimns Gmelin. Eurhynchiis " Latreille " Lesson, Traite d'Om., p. 183, 1830 (in synonymy). Type : Psittacus aterrimvs Gmelin. Solenoglossus aterrimus, [Solenoglossus aterrimus aterrimus. Psittacus aterrimus Gmelin, Syst. Xat., p. 330, 1788 ; " In Nova HoUandia " error = Salwatty. Extra limital.] Solenoglossus aterrimus macgillivrayi. Cape York Palm-Cockatoo. Solenglossus aterrinws macgillivrayi JIathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 261, 1912 ; Cape York. Range : North Queensland, Genus CALYPTORHYNCHUS. Calyptorhynchus Stephens, in Shaw's Gen. Zool., Vol. XIV., pt. i., p. 109, 1826. Type (bjr subsequent designation, Gray 1840) : Psittaciis hanksii Latham. Synonym : Banlcsianus Lesson, Traite d'Om., p. 179, 1830. Tj'pe : Bank- sianiis australis = Psittacus hanlcsii Latham. Calyptorhynchus banksii. Calyptorhynchus banksii banksii. Banksian Cockatoo. Psittacus hanlcsii Latham, Index Ornith., Vol. I., p. 107, 1790 ; New South Wales. Synonyms : Psittacus magniftcus Shaw, Nat. Jliscel., Vol. II., pi. 50, 1790 ; New South Wales. Psittacus leackii Kulil, Nov. Act. Ph5-s. Acad. Leop. Carol, Vol. X., p. 91, 1820 ; New South Wales. Psittac'is cookii Temminck. Trans. Limi. Soc. (Lond.), Vol. XIII., p. Ill, 1821 ; Port Jackson, New South Wales. Banlcsianus australis Lesson, Traits d'Om., p. 180, 1830 ; New South Wales. Range : New South Wales. Calyptorhynchus banksii northi. Northern Banksian Cockatoo. Calyptorhynchus hanlcsii northi Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 262, 1912 ; Dawson River, Queensland. Range : Queensland. Calyptorhynchus banksii macrorhynchus. Great-billed Cockatoo. Calyptorhynchws macrorhynchus Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1842, p. 138, 1843 ; Port Essington, Northern Territoiy. PSITTACIFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 123 SjTionjTn : Calyplorhynchiis bankMi fitzroyi Jrathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 35, 1912 ; Fitzroy River, North-west Australia. Range : Northern Territory ; North-west Australia. Galyptorhynchus banksii stellatus. Red-tailed Cockatoo. CalyptorJiyiicliiis sicilaliis Wagler, Abhandl. Ak. Wissen., Miinch., Vol. I., p. 685, 1832 ; Swan River, West Australia. SjTionym : Calyptorhynchiis naao Gould. Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1836, p. 106, 1837 ; Swan River, West Australia. Range : South-west Australia. Calyptorhynchus funereus. Calyptorhynchus funereus funereus. Black Cockatoo. Psittaciia funereus Shaw and Nodder, Nat. Miscel., Vol. VI., pi. 186, 1794 ; New South Wales. Range : Queensland ; New South Wales. Calyptorhynchus funereus xanthanotus. Tasmanian Black Cockatoo. Catyptorhyncltxs xanthanotus Gould, SjTiops. Birds Austr., pt. IV., App. , p. o, 1838 ; Tasmania. Range : Victoria ; Tasmania. Calyptorhynchus funereus whiteae. Southern Black Cockatoo. Calyptorhynchus funereus whiteae Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 35, 1912 ; Kangaroo Island. Range : South Australia. Calyptorhynchus viridis. Calyptorhynchus viridis viridis. Glossy Cockatoo. Cacatua viridis Vieillot, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., Vol. XVII., p. 13, 1817 ; New South Wales. Synonyms : Psittaciis lemtninkii Kulil, Nov. Act. Phys. Acad. Leop. Carol, Vol. X., p. 89, 1820 ; New South Wales. Paittacua "olanderi Temminck, Trans. Linn. Soc. (Lond.), Vol. XIII., p. 113, 1821; Port Jackson. New South Wales. Range : Queensland : New South Wales ; Victoria. Calyptorhynchus viridis halmaturinus. Southern Glossy Cockatoo. Calyptorhynchus viridis halmaturinus Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 263, 1912 ; Kangaroo Island. Range : South Australia. Genus ZANDA. Zanda Mathews, Austral Av. Rec., Vol. I., p. 196, 1913. Type (by original designation) : Calyptorhynchiis havdinii tenuirostris Mathew-s. 124 A LIST OF THE [PSITTACIFORMES Zanda baudinii. Zanda baudinii baudinii. White-tailed Black Cockatoo. Calyptorhynchus baudinii Lear, Illus. Psittac, pt. xil., 1S32 ; Albany, South-west Australia. Range : South-west Australia. Zanda baudinii tenuirostris. Narrow-billed Black Cockatoo. Calyptorhynchus baudinii tenuirostris JIathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 190, 1913 ; Wandering, West Australia. Range : West Australia (Avon district). Genus CALLOCEPHALON. Callocephalon Lesson, Joum. aut. Globe "Thetis," Vol. II., p. 311, 1837. Type (by monotypy) : C. australe = Psittacus galeatus Latham. Synonym : Corydon (not Lesson 1828) Wagler, Abhandl. Ak. Wissen., Jliineh., Vol. I., p. 504, 1832. Type: Psittacus galeatus Latham. Callocephalon galeatum. Callocephalon galeatum. Gang-gang Cockatoo. Psittacus galeatus Latham, Index Omith., Suppl., p. xxiii., ISOl ; New South Wales. Synonyms ■. Psittacus fimbriatus Grant, Narr. Voy. Discov., pi. on p. 135, 1803; Victoria. Psittacus phoenicocephalii s Kuhl, Nov. Act. Phys. Acad. Leop. Carol, Vol. X., p. 88, 1820 ; New South Wales. Callocephalon australe Lesson, Joum. aut. Globe " Thetis," Vol. II., p. 311, 1837; New South Wales. Range : New South Wales ; Victoria ; Tasmania. Genus CACATOES. Cacatoes Dumeril, Zool. Analj-t., p. 50, 1806. Tjrpe (by subsequent designation, JIatliews 1912) : Psittacus gateritus Latham. Synonyms : Catacus Rafinesque, Analyse Nat. 1815, p. 6-1 : substitute-name for " Cacatoes Dum." Plyctolophus Vieillot, Analyse nouv. Omith., p. 26, 1816. Type : " Kakatoes a huppe rouge Bui?." = Psittacus nioluccensis Gmetin. Cacatua Vieillot, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., Vol. XVII., p. 6, 1817 : new name for " Plyctolophus Vieillot." Cacatus Voigt, in Cuvier's Thier-reich, Vol. I., p. 737, 1831. Type: Psittacus moluccensis Gmelin. Plissolophus Gloger, Hand u. Hilfsb., p. xxxv., 1S42 : new name for " Plyctolophus Vieillot." PSITTACIFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 125 Cacatoes galerita. Cacatoes galerita galerita. White Cockatoo. Psiltac'is fjakril'ia Latham, Index Oniitli., Vol. I., p. 109, 1790 ; New South Wales. Range : South Queensland ; New South Wales ; Victoria. Cacatoes galerita licmetorhyncha. Tasmanian White Cockatoo. P/i/cloloplv's licmctorlii/ncli'is Bonaparte, Comptes Rendus Sci. (Paris), Vol. XXX., p. LSO, 1850 ; Tasmania. Range : Tasmania. Cacatoes galerita rosinae. Southern White Cockatoo. Cacatoes galerita rosinae JIathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 3G, 1912 ; Kangaroo Island, South Australia. Range : South Australia. Cacatoes galerita Dtzroyi. Western White Cockatoo. Cacatoes galerita fitzroyi JIathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 264, 1912 ; Fitzroy River, North-west Australia. Range : North-west Australia. Cacatoes galerita melvillensis. Northern W^lite Cockatoo. Cacatoes galerita melvillensis Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 30, 1912 ; Melville Island. Range : Northern Territory. Cacatoes galerita queenslandica. Little White Cockatoo. Cacatoes galerita queenslandica Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIIL, p. 2G4, 1912 ; Cooktomi, North Queensland. Range : North Queensland. Genus LOPHOCHROA. T,ophochroa Bonaparte, Compt«s Rendus Sci. (Paris), Vol. XLIV., p. .537, 18.57. Type (by monotypy) : Plyctolophiis leadbeateri Vigors. Lophochroa leadbeateri. Lophochroa leadbeateri leadbeateri. Fink Cockatoo. Plyctolophiis leadhealeri Vigors, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1831, p. 61 ; New South Wales. SynonjTTi : Plyctolophtis erythropteriis Swainson, Classif. Birds, Vol. II., p. 302, 1837 ; New South Wales. Range: Now South Wales; Victoria; South Australia. Lophochroa leadbeateri mollis. Western Pink Cockatoo. Cacatoes leadbeateri mollis Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIIL, p. 265, 1912 ; Carnamah, West AustraUa. Range : South-west .Australia. 126 A LIST OF THE [PSITTACIFORMES Lophochroa leadbeateri mungi. Pallid Pink Cockatoo. Cacatoes leadbeateri mungi Mathews, Xov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 2G4, 1912 (Jan.) ; Mungi, Xorth-west Australia. Synonym : Cacatua leadbeateri aherrans Soderberg, Omith. ilonatsb., March 1912, no. 3, p. 41 ; Fitzroy River, Xorth-west Australia. Range : North-west Australia. Genus DUCORPSIUS. Ducorpsiiia Bonaparte, Comptes Rendus Sci. (Paris), Vol. XLIV., p. 537, 1857. Type (by tautonymy) : Cacatua dibcorpsi Jacquinot et Pucheran. Synonym : Camptolophus Sundevall, Meth. Xat. Av. Disp. Tent., p. 69, 1872. Type : P. philippinariim Gmelin = Psittaciis haematuropygiiis Miiller. Ducorpsius sanguineus. Ducorpsius sanguineus sanguineus. Blood-stained Cockatoo. Cacatua sanqtiinea Goidd, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1842, p. 138, 1843; Port Essington, Northern Territory. Range : Northern Territory. Ducorpsius sanguineus ashbyi. Southern Blood-stained Cockatoo. Cacatoes sanguinea ashbyi Mathews. Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 36, 1912 ; Yanco, New South Wales. Range : New South Wales. Ducorpsius gymnopis. Ducorpsius gymnopis gymnopis. Bare-eyed Cockatoo. Cacatua gymnopis Sclater, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1871, p. 493 ; Interior South Australia. Range : Interior South Australia ; West Australia. Ducorpsius gymnopis subdistinctus. North-western Bare-eyed Cockatoo. Cacatoes sanguinea subdistincta JIathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 265, 1912 ; Parry's Creek, Xorth-west Australia. Range : North-west Australia. Ducorpsius gymnopis distinctus. Large bare-eyed Cockatoo. Cacatoes sanguinea distincta Mathews, Xov. Zool., Vol. XVIII. , p. 265, 1912 ; AlUgator River, X'orthem Territory. Range : Northern Territory (Inland). Ducorpsius gymnopis apsleyi. Jlelville Island Bare-eyed Cockatoo. Cacatoes sanguinea apsleyi JIathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 36, 1912 ; Melville Island. Range : Xorthem Territory. PSITTACIFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 127 Genus EOLOPHUS. Eolophus Bonaparte, Rev. Mag. de Zool. 1854, p. 1.5.5. Type (by monotypy) : Cacatua roseicapilla Vieillot. Eolophus roseicapillus. Eolophus roseicapillus roseicapillus. Rose-breasted Cockatoo (Galah). Cacatua roseicapilla Vieillot, Xouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., Vol. XVII., p. 12, 1817 ; New South Wales. SjTionjnns : Psittacus COS Kulil, Nov. Act. Phys. Acad. Leop. Carol, Vol X., p. 88, 1820 ; New South Wales. Cacat'ia rosea Vieillot, Galerie d'Ois., pi. 25, 1821 ; New South Wales. Range : Queensland ; New South Wales ; Victoria : Tasmania ; South Australia. Eolophus roseicapillus kuhli. Northern Rose-breasted Cockatoo. Cacatoes roseicapillns kiihii llathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 266, 1912 ; South Alligator River, Northern Territory. Range : Northern Territory. Eolophus roseicapillus assimilis. Westralian Rose-breasted Cockatoo. Cacatoes roseicapilla assimilis JIathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XV^III., p. 266, 1912 ; Laverton, West Australia. Range : South- and Mid- West Australia. Eolophus roseicapillus derbyanus. Pallid Rose-breasted Cockatoo. Cacatoes roseicapilla derbi/ana Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 266, 1912 ; Derby, North-west AustraUa. Range : North-west Australia. Genus LICMETIS. Licmelia Wagler, Abhandl. Ak. Wissensch., iliinch., Vol. I., p. 505, 1832. Type (by monotypy) : Psittacns tenuirostris Kuhl. Licmetis tenuirostris. Licmetis tenuirostris tenuirostris. Long-billed Cockatoo. Psittacus teniiirostris Kuhl., Nov. Act. Phys. Acad. Leop. Carol, Vol. X., p. 88, 1820 ; New South Wales. SjnionjTn : Psittacus nasicus Temminck. Trans. Linn. Soc. (Lond.), Vol. XIII., p. 115, 1821 ; Port Phillip, Victoria. Range : New South Wales ; Victoria ; South Australia. Licmetis tenuirostris pastinator. Western Cockatoo. Licmetis pastinator Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1840, p. 175, 1841 ; West Australia. Range t South-west Australia. 128 A LIST OF THE [PSITTACIFOEMES Genus LEPTOLOPHUS. Leptolophus Swainson, Zool. Illus., Ser. II., pi. 112, 1832-1833. Type (by monotypy) : Leptolophus auricomis Swainson. Synonym : Calopsitta Lesson. Illus. Zool., pi. XLix., 1835. Type : Calopaitia guy = Leptolophus auricomis Swainson. Leptolophus auricomis. Leptolophus auricomis auricomis. Cockatoo-Parrot. Leptolophus auricomis Swainson, Zool. Illus., Ser. II., pi. 112, 1832- 1833; New South Wales. SjTionyms : Psittaciis novaehoUandiae GmeUn, Syst. Nat., p. 328, 1788 (not p. 310) ; New South Wales. Calopsitta guy Lesson, Illus. Zool., pis. 49, 50, 1835 ; New South Wales. Range : Queensland ; New South Wales ; Victoria ; South Australia. Leptolophus auricomis pallescens. Pale Cockatoo-Parrot. Leptolophus auricomis pallescens JIathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 267, 1912 ; East Murchison, West Australia. Range : South- and ilid-West Australia. Leptolophus auricomis intermedius. Western Cockatoo-Parrot. Leptolophus auricomis intermedius Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 267, 1912 ; Point Torment, North-west Australia. Range : North-west Australia. Leptolophus auricomis obscurus. Northern Cockatoo-Parrot. Iieptolophus auricomis obscurus JIathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. X\r[II., p. 267, 1912 ; Alexandra, Northern Territory. Range : Northern Territorjr ; Northern South Australia ; North Queensland. Genus POLYTELIS. Polytelis Wagler. Abhandl. Ak. Wissen., Jliinch., Vol. I., p. 489, 1832. Tjq^e (by monotypy) : Psittacus swainsoni! Desmarest. SynonjTn : Barrabandius Bonaparte, Consp. Gen. Av., Vol. I., p. 2, 1850. Tj-pe : Psittacus harrabandi Swainson = P. swainsonii Desmarest. Polytelis swainsonii. Polytelis swainsonii. Green Leek. Psittacus sivainsonii Desmarest, Diet. Sci. Nat., Vol. XXXIX., p. 39, 1820 ; New South Wales : new name for P. barrabandi Swainson. PSITTACIFOBIIES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 129 Synonyms : Paittaciia harrabandi (not Kuhl 1820) Swainson, Zool. lUus., Vol. I., pi. 5!), 1821 ; New South Wales. Palaeornis ? rosaceus Vigors, Zool. Jouni., Vol. V., p. 274, 1831 ; New South Wales. Range : New South Wales ; Victoria ; South Australia. Polytelis anthopeplus. Polytelis anthopeplus. Black-tailed Parrot. Palaeornis anthopeplus Lear, lUus. Psittac, pt. viii., 1831 ; New South Wales. Sjnionym : Palaeornis melanura Lear, lUus. Psittac, pt. xn., 1832 ; New South Wales. Range : New South Wales ; Victoria ; South Australia ; South- west Australia. Genus SPATHOPTERUS. Spalhopterus North, Ibis 1895, p. 339. Type (by monotypy) : Polyteles alexandrae Gould. Sjnionym : Northipsitta Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 127, 1912: substitute-name for " Spalhopterus North." Spathopterus alexandrae. Spalhopterus alexandrae. Alexandrine Parrot. Polyteles alexandrae Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1863, p. 232; Howell's Pond, Central Australia. Range : Central and North-west Australia. Genus APROSMICTUS. Aprosmictus Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 18-12, p. 111. Type (by subsequent designation, Gray 1855) : Psittacus eryihropterus Gmelin. SjTionym : Ptiste^ Gould, Handb. Birds Austr., Vol. II., p. 37, 1865. Type : Psittacus erythropterus Gmelin. Aprosmictus erythropterus, Aprosmictus erythropterus erythropterus. Red-winged Parrot. Psittacus erythropterus Gmelin, Syst. Nat., p. 343, 1788 ; New South Wales. Synonym : Psittacus melanotus Shaw and Nodder, Nat. Miscel., Vol. X^^., pi. 653, 1805; New South Wales. Range : New South Wales ; South Queensland. K 130 A LIST OF THE [PSITTACTFOEMES Aprosmictus erythropterus yorki. Little Crimson-winged Parrot. Ajyrosinictua erythropterus yorki Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 118, 1912 ; Cape York, North Queensland. Range : North Queensland. Aprosmictus erythropterus coccineopterus. Crimson-winged Parrot. Piistes coccineopterus Gould, Handb. Birds Austr., Vol. II., p. 39, 1865 ; Port Essington, Northern Territory. Range : Northern Territory. Aprosmictus erythropterus parryensis. Western Red-winged Parrot. Aprosmictus erythropterus parryensis Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 268, 1912 ; Parry's Creek, North-west Australia. Range : North-west Australia. Genus ALISTERUS. AUsterus Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 13, 1911. Tj'pe (by original designation) : Psittacus cyanopygius Vieillot. AUsterus cyanopygius. Allsterus cyanopygius cyanopygius. King-Parrot. Psittacus cyanopygius Vieillot, Nouv. Diet d'Hist. Nat., Vol. XXV., p. 339, 1817 ; New South Wales. Synonyms : Psittacus scapulatus Kulil, Nov. Act. Phys. Acad. Leop. Carol, Vol. X., p. 56, 1820 ; New South Wales. ^.Aprosmictus insignissimus Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lend.) 1874, p. 500 ; Darling Downs, Queensland (based upon a hybrid). Range : New South Wales ; South Queensland. AUsterus cyanopygius neglectus. Victorian King-Parrot. Aprosmictus cyanopygius neglectus Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XAT^II., p. 269, 1912 ; Olinda, Victoria. Range : Victoria. Alisterus cyanopygius minor. Little King-Parrot. AUsterus cyanopygius minor Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII. , p. 23, 1911 ; Cairns, North Queensland. Range : North Queensland. Genus PLATYCERCUS. Platycercus Vigors, Zool. .Jouni., Vol. I., p. 527. 1825. Type (by original designation) : P. peniiantii Latham ^ Psittactis elegans Gmelin. PSITTACIFOKMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 131 Platycercus elegans. Platycercus elegans elegans. Crimson Parrot. PsiUaciis elegans Gmelin, Syst. Nat., p. 318, 1788 ; New South Wales. Synonyms : Psittacus pennantii Latliam, Index Omith., Vol. I., p. 90, 1790 ; New South Wales. Psittacus gloriosus Shaw and Nodder, Nat. Miscel., Vol. II., pi. 53, 1791 : New South Wale.s. Psittacus splendidus Shaw, Leverian Mus., pt. I., p. 27, pi. 7, 1792 ; New South Wales. Platycercus elegans victoriae Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 270, 1912 ; Woori Yallock, Victoria. Range : South Queensland ; New South Wales ; Victoria. Platycercus elegans nigrescens. Northern Crimson Parrot. Platycercus pennantii, var. nigrescens, Ramsay, Tab. List. Austr. Birds, p. 34,1888 ; Bellenden Ker, Queensland. Range : North Queensland. Platycercus elegans adelaidae. Adelaide Rosella. Platycercus adelaidae Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1840, p. 161, 1841 ; Adelaide, South Australia. Synonym : Platycercus elegans subadelaidae Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVHI., p. 270, 1912 ; Port Augusta, South Australia. Range : South Australia. Platycercus elegans melanopterus. Kangaroo Island Crimson Parrot. Platycercus melanoptera Nortli, Emu, Vol. VI., p. 78, 1906 ; Kangaroo Island. Range : Kangaroo Island, South Australia. Platycercus flaveolus. Platycercus flaveolus flaveolus. Yellow Parrot. Platycercus flaveolus Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1837, p. 26 ; New South Wales. Range : New South Wales ; Victoria. Platycercus flaveolus innominatus. Pale-yellow Parrot. Platycercus flaveolus innominatus Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVTII., p. 270, 1912 ; Mannam, South Australia. Range : South Australia. Platycercus caledonicus. Platycercus caledonicus. Green Parrot. Psittacus caledonicus Gmelin, Syst. Nat., p. 328, 1788 ; " In Nova Caledonia " error = Tasmania. SynonjTns : Psittacus broivnii Kulil, Nov. Act. Phys. Acad. Leop. Carol, Vol. X., p. 56, 1820 ; Tasmania. K 2 132 A LIST OF THE [PSITTACrFORMES Psittaciis flavigaster Temminck, Trans. Linn. Soc. (Lond.), Vol. XIII., p. 116, 1821 ; Tasmania. Psittaciis flaviventris Temminck, Trans. Linn. Soc. (Lond.), Vol. XIII., p. 117, 1821 : emendation only. Plaiycerciis xanthogaster Stephens, in Shaw's Gen. Zool., Vol. XIV., p. 120, 1826 : emendation only. Range ; Tasmania. Platycercus adscitus, Platycercus adscitus adscitus. Blue-cheeked Parrot. Psittaciis adscitus Latham, Index Omith., Vol. I., p. 126, 1790 • Cooktown, Queensland. Range : North Queensland (Cooktowii district). Platycercus adscitus palliceps. Pale-headed Parrot. Platycercus palliceps Lear, lUus. Psittac, pt. xil., 1832; New South Wales. Synonym : Platycercus caclestis Lesson, Echo du Monde Savant, 11th year, no. 5, July 18, 1844, col. Ill ; New South Wales. Range : South Queensland ; New South Wales. Platycercus adscitus amathusiae. Northern Blue-cheeked Parrot. Platycercus amathusiae Bonaparte, Comptes Rendus Sci. (Paris), Vol. XXX., p. 133, 1850 ; Cape York, Queensland. Synonym : Platycercus cyanogenys Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1855, p. 166 ; Cape York, Queensland. Range : North Queensland (Cape York district). Platycercus adscitus elseyi. Grey-rumped Parrot. Platycercus adscitus elseyi Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. X'VT^II., p. 271, 1912 ; Gulf of Carpentaria. Range : Interior of Queensland. Platycercus venustus, Platycercus venustus venustus. Smutty Parrot. Psittacus venustus Kulil, Nov. Act. Phys. Acad. Leop. Carol, Vol. X., p. 52, 1820 ; Arnhem Land, Northern Territor3% Synonyms : Psittacus hrou-nii (not Kulil 1820) Temminck, Trans. Liim. Soc. (Lond.), Vol. XIII., p. 119, 1821 ; Arnhem Land, Northern Territory. t Platycercus erythropeplus Salvadori, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1891, p. 130 (based upon a hybrid). Platycercus venustus melviUensis Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 36, 1912 ; Melville Island. Range : Northern Territory. Platycercus venustus hilli. Western Smutty Parrot. Platycercus venustus hilli Mathews, Bull. Brit. Omith. Club, Vol. XX\"II. , p. 28, 1910 ; Napier Broome Bay, North-west Australia. Range : North-west Australia. PSITTACIFORMES] BIKDS OF AUSTRALIA 133 Platycercus eximius. Platycercus eximius eximius. Rosella. PaiUacue eximius Sliaw and Nodder, Nat. Miscel., Vol. III., pi. 9.3, 1792 ; New South Wales. Synonyms : Psittacus nonpareil Porry, Arcana, March 1810 ; New South Wales. Psitlacus capitattis Shaw, Gen. Zool., Vol. VIII., pt. Ii., p. 40(i, 1811 ; New South Wales. Paittacii.i omnicolor Bechstein, Kurze Uebers Vogel., p. 68, 1811 ; New South Wales. ? Platycercus mastersianus Ramsay, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., Vol. II., p. 27, 1877 ; Interior New South Wales (based upon a hybrid). Range : New South Wales ; Victoria. Platycercus eximius cecilae. Yellow-mantled Parrot. Platycercus cecilae Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 14, 1911 ; Darling Downs, Queensland. Synonym : Platycercus splcndidus (not Shaw 1792) Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1845, p. 105 ; Darling Do^-ns, Queensland. Range : South Queensland ; Interior New South Wales. Platycercus eximius diemenensis. Tasmanian Rosella. Platycercus diemenensis North, Austr. Mus. Sp. Cat., no. 1, Vol. III., p. 128, 1911 ; Tasmania. Range : Tasmania. Platycercus icterotis, Platycercus icterotis icterotis. Red-mantled Parrot. Psittacus icterotis Kulil, Nov. Act. Phys. Acad. Leop. Carol, Vol. X., p. 54, 1820 ; Sharks Bay, West Australia. Synonyms : Platycercus stanleyii Vigors, Zool. Joum., Vol. V., p. 273, 1830 ; Sharks Bay, West Australia. Platycercus xanthogenys Salvadori, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1891, p. 129 ; Point Cloates, West Australia. Range : Mid-West Australia. Platycercus icterotis salvadori. Yellow-cheeked Parrot. Platycercus icterotis salvadori Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 273, 1912 ; Wilson's Inlet, South-west Australia. Range : South-west Australia. Platycercus icterotis whitlocki. Dundas Yellow-cheeked Parrot. Platycercus icterotis whitlocki Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 273. 1912 ; Lake Dundas, West Australia. Range : South-east of West Australia. 134 A LIST OF THE [PSITTACIFOEMES Genus BARNARDIUS. Barnardius Bonaparte, Eev. Mag. de Zool., Vol. VI., p. 153, 1854. Type (by tautonymy) : Platycercus barnardi Vigors and Horsfield. Barnardius barnardi. Barnardius barnardi barnardi. JIallee Parrot. Platycercus barnardi Vigors and Horsfield, Trans. Linn. See. (Lond)., Vol. XV., p. 283, 1827 ; New South Wales. Synonym : Barnardius typicxs Bonaparte, Rev. Mag. de Zool. 1854, p. 153 : new name for Platycercus barnardi. Range : South Queensland ; New South Wales : Victoria. Barnardius barnardi whitei. South Australian Mallee Parrot. Platycercus barnardi u'hitei Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. X\nil., p. 273, 1912 ; Ulooloo, Flinders Range. Synonjon : Platycercus barnardi augustiis Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. X^1II., p. 273, 1912 ; Port Augusta, South Australia. Range : South Austraha. Barnardius barnardi macgillivrayi. Cloncurry Parrot. Platycercus macgillivrayi North, Vict. Nat., Vol. XVII., p. 91, 1900 ; Burke District, Queensland. Range : Interior of Mid-Queensland. Barnardius zonarius. Barnardius zonarius zonarius. Yellow-banded Parrot. Psittacus zonarius Shaw and Nodder, Nat. Miscel., Vol. XVT., pi. 657 [658], 1805 ; Port Lincoln, South Austraha. Synonyms : Psittaciis viridis (not Perry 1810) Shaw, Gen. Zool., Vol. VIII., pt. n., p. 465, 1812 ; Port Lincoln. Psittacus cyanomelas Kulil, Nov. Act. Phj'S. Acad. Leop. Carol, Vol. X., p. 53, 1820 ; Port Lincohi. Psittacus melanocephalus Kulil. Nov. Act. Phys. Acad. Leop. Carol, Vol. X., p. 53, 1820 ; Port Lincoln. Psittacus baueri Temminck, Trans. Linn. Soc. (Lond.), Vol. XIIL, p. 118, 1821 ; Memory Cove, South Australia. Range : South Australia. Barnardius zonarius dundasi. Dundas Yellow-collared Parrot. Platycercus zonarius dundasi Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. X\1II., p. 274, 1912 ; Lake Dundas, West Australia. Range : South-east of West Australia. PSITTACIFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTEALIA 135 Barnardius zonarius semitorquatus. Yellow-collared Parrot. Piittaciia aemitorquatiis Quoy et Gaimard, Voy. " I'Astrol," Zool., Vol. I., p. 237, 1830 ; King George Sound, West Australia. Range : South-west Australia. Barnardius zonarius connectens. Murchison Yellow-banded Parrot. Platyccrcua zonarius connectens JIathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 274, 1912 ; East Murchison, West Australia. Range : Mid-west Australia (Interior). Barnardius zonarius occidentalis. Northern Yellow-banded Parrot. Plalycercus occidentalis North, Records Austr. Mus., Vol. II., p. 83, 1893 ; Roebvu'ne, Mid -west Australia. Range : Mid-west AustraUa (Coast). Genus PURPUREICEPHALUS. Purpureicephalus Bonaparte, Rev. Mag. de Zool., Vol. VI., p. 153, 1854. Type (by monotypy) : Psittacus spurius Kuhl. Sj-nonym : Porphyreicephalus Reichenow, Vogelb. Syst. Verz., p. 1, 1883 : emenda- tion only. Purpureicephalus spurius. Purpureicephalus spurius. Red-capped Parrot. Psittacus spurius Kuhl, Nov. Act. Phys. Acad. Leop. Carol, Vol. X., p. 52, 1820 ; Albany, South-west Australia. Synonyms : Plalycercus pileatus Vigors, Zool. Joum., Vol. V., p. 274, 1830 ; Albany. Psittacus (Plalycercus) purpureocephalus Quoy et Gaimard, Voy. de " I'Astrol," Zool., Vol. I., p. 235, 1830 ; Albany. Plalycercus riififrons Lesson, Trait6 d'Om., p. 208, 1830 ; Albany. Range : South-west Australia. Genus PSEPHOTUS. Psephotus Gould, Birds Austr., Vol. V., pi. 36, 1845. Type (by monotypy) : Plalycercus hatmatonotus Gould. Psephotus haematonotus. Psephotus haematonotus. Red-backed Parrot. Plalycercus haematonotus Gould, Proc. Zool. Sec. (Lend.) 1837, p. 88; New South Wales. Range : New South Wales ; Victoria ; South Australia. Psephotus varius. Psephotus varius varius. Many-coloured Parrot. Psephotus varius Clark, Auk, Vol. XXVII., p. 80, 1910 ; New South Wales : new name for P. multicolor Kuhl. 136 A LIST OF THE [PSITTACIFOEMES Synonyms : Psiltaciis multicolor (not Gmelin 17S8) Kulil, Nov. Act. Phys. Acad. Leop. Carol, Vol. X., p. 55, 1820 ; New South Wales. Psephotiis diilciei Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 14, 1911 : new name for P. multicolor Ivulil. Range : Queensland ; New South Wales ; Victoria. Psephotus varius rosinae. Southern Many-coloured Parrot. Psephotiis varius rosinae Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 277, 1912 ; Yorke Peninsula, South Australia. Range : South AustraUa. Psephotus varius exsul. Western Varied Parrot. Psephotiis varius exsul Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. X\^II., p. 277, 1912 ; Mount Magnet, West AustraUa. Range : South and Mid-West Australia. Genus NORTHIELLA. Northiella Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 276, 1912. Type (by monotjrpy) : Platycercus haematogaster Gould. Northiella haematogaster. Northiella haematogaster haematogaster. Crimson-bellied Parrot. Platycercus haematogaster Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1837, p. 89; New South Wales. Range : South Queensland ; North New South Wales. Northiella haematogaster xanthorrhoa. Yellow-vented Parrot. Psephotus xanthorrhoa Bonaparte, Comptes Rendus Sei. (Paris), Vol. XXX., p. 133, 1850 ; New South Wales. . Range : South New South Wales. Northiella haematogaster alter. Green-vented Parrot. Psephotus haematogaster alter Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 275, 1912 ; Muttoa, Victoria. Range : Victoria. Northiella haematogaster pallescens. Pallid Yellow-vented Parrot. Psephotus xanthorrhoiis, var. pallescens, Salvadori, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., Vol. XX., p. 563, 1891 ; Cooper's Creek, South Australia. Range : Interior of South AustraUa. Genus PSEPHOTELLUS. Psephotellus Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. II., p. 57, 1913. Type (by original designation) : Platycercus pulcherrimtis Gould. PSITTACIFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 137 Psephotellus pulcherrimus. Psephotellus pulcherrimus. noaiitiful Parmt. Plalycercus piilchcrrim'is GouU, Aim. Map;. Nat. Hist., Veil. XV., p. 115, 1845; Darling Downs, Queensland. Range : Queensland ; New South Wales. Psephotellus chrysopterygius. Psephotellus chrysopterygius. Golden-shouldered Parrot. Paephotiis chrysopterygins Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1857, p. 220, 1858 ; Interior Gulf of Carpentaria. Range : Interior of Queensland. Psephotellus dissimilis. Psephotellus dissimilis. Black-hooded Parrot. Psephotiis dissimilis Collett, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1898, p. 356 ; Mary River, Northern Territory. Synonyms : Psephotiis ciiciinatiis North, Vict. Nat., Vol. XXV., p. 176, 1909 ; Amhem Land, Northern Territory. PsephotKs chrysopterygius blaattmi Van Oort, Notes Leyden Mus., Vol. XXXII., p. 71, 1910 ; Arnhem Land. Range : Northern Territory. Genus NEOPSEPHOTUS. Neopsephotiis Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 279, 1912. Type (by monotypy) : Euphema hourkii Gould. Neopsephotus bourkii. Neopsephotus bourkii. Blue-vented Parrot. Euphema bourkii Gould, Birds Austr., Vol. V., pi. 43, 1841 ; River Bogan, Interior New South Wales. Range : New South Wales ; Victoria ; South Australia. Genus NEONANODES. Neonanodea Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 279, 1912. Type (by monotypy) : Psittacus chrysogaster Latham. Neonanodes chrysogaster. Neonanodes chrysogaster chrysogaster. Orange-bellied Parrot. Psittacus chrysogaster Latham, Index Omith., Vol. I., p. 97, 1790 ; Tasmania. Synonym : Euphema aurantia Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1840, p. 148, 1841 ; Tasmania. Range : New South Wales ; Victoria ; Tasmania. 138 A LIST OF THE [PSITTACIFOEMES Neonanodes chrysogaster mab. Purple-banded Parrot. Psephotns chrysogaster mab Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. X\TII., p. 278, 1912 ; South Australia. Range : South Australia. Neonanodes chrysostomus. Neonanodes chrysostomus. Blue-winged Parrot. Psittaciis chrysostomus Kulil, Nov. Act. Phys. Acad. Leop. Carol, Vol. X., p. 50, 1820 ; New South Wales. Synonym : Psittaciis ventistiis Temminck, Trans. Linn. Soc. (Lond.), Vol. XIII., p. 121, 1821 ; " King George Sound " error = New South Wales. Range : New South Wales ; Victoria ; Tasmania. Neonanodes elegans. Neonanodes elegans elegans. Grass-Parrot. Nanodes elegans Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1837, p. 25; "Tas- mania " error = South Australia. Range : New South Wales ; Victoria ; South Australia. Neonanodes elegans carteri. Allied Grass-Parrot. Psephotns elegans carteri Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 278, 1912 ; Broome HiU, West Australia. Range : South-west Australia. Neonanodes petrophilus. Neonanodes petrophilus petrophilus. Western Rock-Parrot. Eiiphema petrophila Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1840, p. 148, 1841 ; West Australia. Range : West AustraHa. Neonanodes petrophilus zietzi. Eastern Rock-Parrot. Psephotns petrophilus zietzi Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 278, 1912 ; Sir Joseph Banks Island, Spencer Gulf. Range : South Australia. Genus NEOPHEMA. Neophema Salvadori, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., Vol. XX., p. 509, 1891. Type (by original designation) : Psittacus jndchdlus Shaw and Nodder. Neophema pulchella. Neophema pulchella. Red-shouldered Grass-Parrot. Psittacus piilchellus Shaw and Nodder, Nat. Miscel., Vol. III., pi. 96, 1792 ; New South Wales. PSITTACIFORMES] BIKDS OF AUSTRALIA 139 Synonyms : Psillaciis edwardsii Bechstein, Kurze Uebers Vogel., p. 74, 1811 ; New South Wales. Lathamiis azureiis Lesson, Traits d'Orn., p. 205, 1830 ; New South Wales. Range : New South Wales ; Victoria ; South Australia. Neophema splendida. Neophema splendida. Scarlet-chested Grass-Parrot. Euphema splemlida Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lend.) 1840, p. 147, 1841 ; West Australia. Range : Xew South AVales ; Victoria : South Australia ; West AustraUa. Genus LATHAMUS. Lalhamus Lesson, Traite d'Oni., p. 205, 1830. Tj-pe (by original designation) : L. rubrifrons = Psittacus discolor White. SynonjTns : Nanodes (not Schoenherr 1825) Stephens, m Shan's Gen. Zool., Vol. XIV., pt. I., p. 118. 182*;. TjTDe : Psittacus discolor White. Euphema Wagler, Abhand. Ak. Wissen., Miinch., Vol. I., p. 492, 1832. Type : Psittacus disc<>lor Wb\xe. Lathamus discolor. Lathamus discolor discolor. Swift-Parrot. Psittacus discolor White, Jouni. Voy. New South Wales, p. 263, 1790 ; New South Wales. SjTionjins : Psittacus lathami Bechstein, Kurze Uebers Vogel., p. 81, 1811 ; New South Wales. Psittacus humeralis Bechstein, Kurze Vehers Vogel., p. 85, 1811 ; New South Wales. Psittacus hanlsianus Vieillot, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., Vol. XXV., p. 342. 1818 ; New South Wales. Trichoglossus laustralis Stephens, in Shaw's Gen. Zool., Vol. XIV., p. 130, 1826 ; New South Wales. Lathamus rubrifrons Lesson, Traits d'Om., p. 205, 1830; New South Wales. Range : New South Wales. Lathamus discolor tregellasi. Victorian Swift-Parrot. Lathamus discolor tregellam Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 279, 1912 ; Mulgrave, Victoria. Range : Victoria ; Tasmania. Genus MELOPSITTACUS. Melopaittacus Gould, Birds Austr., Vol. V., pi. 44, 1840. Type (by monotypy) : Psittacus undvlatus Shaw and Nodder. 140 A LIST OF THE [PSITTACIFORMES Melopsittacus undulatus. Melopsittacus undulatus undulatus. Betcherrygah. Psittacus undulatus Shaw and Xodder, Nat. Miscel., Vol. XVI., pi. 673, 1805 ; New South Wales. Range : New South Wales ; Victoria ; South Australia. Melopsittacus undulatus intermedius. Northern Betcherrygah. Melopsittacus undulatus intermedius Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 280, 1912 ; Alexandra, Northern Territory. Range : Northern Territory ; Queensland. Melopsittacus undulatus pallidiceps. Western Betcherrygah. Melopsittacus undulatus pallidiceps Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 280, 1912 ; Point Torment, North-west Australia. Range : West Australia. Genus PEZOPORUS. Pezoporus lUiger, Prodromus, Mamm. et Av., p. 201, 1811. Type (by monotypy) : Psittactts terrestris Shaw. Pezoporus terrestris. Pezoporus terrestris terrestris. Ground-Parrot. Psittncus terrestris Shaw, JMus. Lev., pt. v., p. 217, pi. 5, 1793 ; New South Wales. Synonyms : Psittachs forfnosus (not Scopoli 1769) Latham, Index Omith., Vol. I., p. 103, 1790 ; New South Wales. Psittacus viridis (not Latham 1790) Perry, Arcana, 1810 ; New South Wales. Range : New South Wales ; Victoria ; South Australia. Pezoporus terrestris leachi. Tasmanian Ground-Parrot. Pezoporus terrestris leachi Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. X^^II., p. 280, 1912 ; Tasmania. Range : Tasmania. Pezoporus terrestris flaviventris. Westralian Groimd-Parrot. Pezoporus flaviventris North, Austr. Mus. Sp. Cat., no. 1, Vol. III., p. 175, 1911 ; King George Sovmd, West Australia. Range : South-west AustraUa. Genus GEOPSITTACUS, Oeopsittacus Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1861, p. 100. Type (by original designation) : G. occidenialis Gould. PSITTACIFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 141 Geopsittacus occidentalis. Geopsittacus occidentalis. Night-Parrot. Geopsitlacits occidentalis Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lend.) ISfil, p. 100 ; West Australia. Range : West Australia ; South Australia. Order CORACIIFORMES. Family PODARGIDAE. Genus PODARGUS. Podargus Vieillot, Xouv. Diet. d'Hist. Xat., Vol. XX\ai., p. 151, 1818. Type (by monotypy) : Podargus cinereiis — Caprimulgus strigoides Latham. Podargus strigoides. Podargus strigoides strigoides. Tawiiy Frogmouth. Caprimulgus strigoides Latham, Index. Ornith., Suppl., p. Iviii., ISOl ; New South Wales. Synonjins : Caprimulgus megaccphalus Latham, Index Ornith., Suppl., p. Iviii., 1801 '; New'South Wales. Caprimulgus gracilis Latham, Index Ornith., Suppl., p. Iviii., 1801 ; New South Wales. Podargus cinereus Vieillot, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. JNat., Vol. XXVTI., p. 151, 1818 ; New- South Wales. Caprimulgus podargus Dumont, Diet. Sci. Nat., Vol. XIV., p. 504, 1819 : new name for Podargus cinerens Vieillot. Podargus australis Stephens, in Shaw's Gen. Zool., Vol. XIII., pt. u., p. 92, 1821') ; New South Wales. Podargus hunieralis Vigors and Horsfield. Trans. Linn. Soc. (Lond.), Vol. XV.. p. 198. 1827 ; New South Wales. Podargus slanleyanus Vigors and Horsfield, Trans. Linn. Soc. (Lond.), Vol. XV., p. 199, 1827 ; New South Wales. Podargus gigas Nitzsch, Syst. Pterylog., p. 125, 1840 : nom. nudum. Caprimulgus crassirosfris Pelzeln, Ibis 1873, p. 107 : nom. nudum. Range : New South Wales. Podargus strigoides victoriae. Victorian Frogmouth. Podargus strigoides victoriae Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. X\T!II., p. 282, 1912 ; Bayswater, Victoria. Range : Victoria. Podargus strigoides rossi. Mallee Frogmouth. Podargus strigoides rossi Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. X\T!II., p. 282, 1912 ; South Australia. Range : Mallee country of Victoria, and South Australia. 142 A LIST OF THE [COBACnFORMES Podargus strigoides cuvieri. Tasmanian Frogmouth. Podargus cuvieri Vigors and Horsfield, Trans. Linn. Soc. (Lond.), Vol. XV., p. 200, 1827 ; Tasmania. Range : Tasmania. Podargus strigoides brachypterus. Western Frogmouth. Podargus brachypterus Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1840, p. 163, 1841 ; West Australia. Synonym : Podargus macrorhynchus Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1840, p. 163, 1841 ; West Australia. Range : South-west Australia. Podargus strigoides mungi. Western Freckled Frogmouth. Podargus strigoides mungi Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII. , p. 283, 1912 ; Mungi, North-west Australia. Synonjon : Podargus strigoides dendyi Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 283, 1912 ; Derbj', North-west Australia. Range : North-west Australia. Podargus strigoides phalaenoides. Freckled Frogmouth. Podargus phalaenoides Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1839, p. 142, 1840 ; Port Essington, Northern Territory Range : Northern Territory. Podargus strigoides melvillensis. Melville Island Frogmouth. Podargus strigoides melvillensis Mathews, Austral Av. Rec., Vol. I., p. 37, 1912 ; Melville Island. Range : Northern Territory. Podargus strigoides gouldi. Carpentaria Freckled Frogmouth. Podargus gouldi Masters, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., Vol. I., p. 45, 1876 ; Gulf of Carpentaria. Range : Interior of Queensland. Podargus strigoides cornwalli. Northern Tawny Frogmouth. Podargus strigoides cornwalli Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. X'\^II., p. 282, 1912 ; Mackay, Queensland. Range : Queensland. Genus MICROPODARGUS. Micropodargus Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. II., p. 57, 1913. Type (by original designation) : Podargus marmoratus Gould. CORACnFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRAIJA 143 Micropodargus ocellatus. [Micropodargus ocellatus ocellatus. Podargiis occUaUia Quoy et Gaimard, Voy. "I'Astrol.," Zool., Vol.1., p. 208, pi. XIV., 1830 ; Dorey Harbour, New Guinea Extra liraital.] Micropodargus ocellatus marmoratus. Marbled Frogmouth. Podargiis marmoratnK Gould, Birds Austr., Suppl., pi. 4, 1855 ; Cape York, Queensland. Range : North Queensland. Genus CYPHORHINA. Cyphorhina Lesson, Echo du Monde Savant, 10th year, no. 1, col. 1068, June 15, 1843. Type (by inonotypy) : Podargus papuensis Quoy et Gaimard. Synonym : Megapodiiis Mathews, Austral Av. Rec. Vol. II., p. 63, 1913. Type: Podargus paptietwis Quoy et Gaimard. Cyphorhina papuensis. [Cyphorhina papuensis papuensis. Podargus papuensis Quoy et Gaimard, Voy. " I'Astrol.," Zool., Vol. I., p. 207, 1830 ; Dorey Harbour, New Guinea. Extra limital. ] Cyphorhina papuensis baileyi. Large Podargus. Podargus papuensis baileyi Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 281, 1912 ; Cairns, Queensland. Synonym : Podargus papuensis rogersi Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 281, 1912 ; Cape York, Queensland. Range : North Queensland. Cyphorhina papuensis plumifera. Plumed Frogmouth. Podargus plumijerus Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1845, p. 104 Brushes, Clarence River, New South Wales. Range : New South Wales. Genus AEGOTHELES. Aegotkeles Vigors and Horsfield, Trans. Linn. Soc. (Lond.), Vol. XV., p. 194, 1827. Tj'pe (by monotypy) : Caprimulgus cristalus White. Aegotheles cristata. Aegotheles cristata cristata. Owlet Nightjar. Caprimulgus cristalus White, Joiun. Voy. N.S.W., p. 241, 1790 ; New- South Wales. 144 A LIST OF THE [CORACnFORMES Synonyms : Caprimulgns novaehollandiae Latham, Index Omith., Vol. II., p. 588, 1790 ; New South Wales. Caprim'ilgus vittatns Latham, Index Ornith., Suppl., p. Iviii., 1801 ; New South Wales. Aegotheles lim'ilatus Jardine and Selby, lllus. Omith., Vol. III., pi. 149, 1835 ; New South Wales. Aegotheles anstralis Swainson, Classif. Birds, Vol. II., p. 338, 1837 ; New South Wale.=i. Range : South Queensland ; New South Wales ; Victoria ; Tasmania ; South Australia ; South-west Australia. Aegotheles cristata murchisoniana. ilurchison Owlet Nightjar. Aegotheles cristata murchisoniana Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 284, 1912 ; East Murchison, West Australia. Range : Mid-west Australia. Aegotheles cristata rufa. Rufous Owlet Nightjar. Aegotheles rufa Hall, Vict. Nat., Vol. XVIII., p. 89, 1901 ; Derby, North-west Australia : new name for Aegotheles rufescens Hall. Sjmonym : Aegotheles rufescens (not Salvador! 1896) Hall, Vict. Nat., Vol. X'Smi., p. 60, 1901 ; Derby. Range : North-west Australia. Aegotheles cristata leucogaster. WHiite-beUied Owlet Nightjar. Aegotheles leucogaster Gould, Proc. Zool. Soe. (Lond.) 1844, p. 106; Port Essington, Northern Territory. Range : Northern Territory ; North Queensland. Family CORACIIDAE. Genus EURYSTOMUS. Eurystomus Vieillot, Analyse nouv. Omith., p. 37, 1816 (April). Type (by monotypy) : " Rolle des Lides Buff."= Coracias orientalis Limie. Synonym : Colaris Cuvier, Le Regne Anim., Vol. I., p. 401, 1816 (Dee.). Type: Coracias orientalis Linne. Eurystomus orientalis. [Eurystomus orientalis orientalis. Coracias orientalis Lirme, Syst. Nat., 12th ed., p. 159, 1766 ; India. Extra limital.] Eurystomus orientalis pacificus. Australian Roller or DoUar-Bird. Coracias pacifica Latham, Index Omith., Suppl., p. xx^■ii., 1801 ; New South Wales. Sjmonym : Eurystomus anstralis Swainson, Anim. in Meuag., p. 326, 1838 ; New South Wales. Range : Queensland ; New South Wales ; Victoria. CORACIIFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTR.4LIA 145 Eurystomus orientalis bravi. Western Roller or Dollar-Bird. E'irijstomiis orientalis bravi Uatliews, Xo\-. Zool., Vol. X\^II., p. 285, I'.tl2; Parry's Creek, Xorth-west Australia. Range : Xorth-west Australia ; Xorthern Territory. Family ALCEDIXIDAE. Genus ALCYONE. Alojonc Swainson, Classif. Birds, Vol. II., p. 336, 1837. Type (by monotyijy) : .-1. australis = Alcedo azurea Latham. Alcyone azurea. Alcyone azurea azurea. BKie Kingfisher. Alcedo azurea Latham, Index Oniith., Suppl., p. xxxii., 1801 ; Xew South Wales. Synonyms : Alcedo tribrachys Shaw and Nodder, Xat. Miscel., Vol. XVI., pi. 681, 1805 ; Xew South Wales. Ceyx cyanea Lesson, Traite d'Om., p. 241, 1830 ; New South Wales. Alcyone australis Swainson, Classif. Birds, Vol. II., p. 336, 1837 ; New South Wales. Range : South Queensland ; New South AVales. Alcyone azurea victorias. Victorian Blue Kingfisher. Alcyone azurea victoriac Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. X^^II., p. 285, 1912 ; Frankston, Victoria. Range : Victoria ; South Australia. Alcyone azurea diemenensis. Tasmanian Blue Kingfisher. Alcyone diemenensis Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1846, p. 19; Tasmania. Range : Tasmania. Alcyone azurea mixta. X'orthem Purple Kingfisher. Alcyone azurea mixta Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 285, 1912 ; Cooktown, Xorth Queensland. Range : North Queensland. Alcyone azurea pulchra. Piu-ple Kingfisher. Alcyone pulchra Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1S4G, p. 19; Port Essington, Northern Territory. Range : Northern Territory. Alcyone azurea alisteri. Western Purple Kingfisher. Alcyone azurea alisteri Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 37, 1912 ; Parry's Creek, North-west .\ustralia. Range : North-west Australia. 146 A LIST OF THE [COEACHFOEMES Genus MICRALCYONE. Micralcyone Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 107, 1912. Type (by original designation) : Alcyone pvsilla halli Mathews. Micralcyone pusilla. Micralcyone pusilla pusilla. Little Kingfisher. Ceyx pusilla Teiruninck et Laugier, Planch. Color. d'Ois., 100 livr., Vol. v., pi. 595, 1836 ; Bale de Lobo, New Guinea. Range : North Queensland (Cape York district). Extra limital. Micralcyone pusilla halll. Little Purple Kingfisher. Alcyone pusilla halli Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 286, 1912 ; Cairns, North Queensland. Range : North Queensland (Cairns district). Micralcyone pusilla ramsayi. Northern Little Kingfisher. Alcyone ramsayi North, Ibis 1912, p. 119; Port Essington, Northern Territory. Range : Northern Territory. Genus SYMA. Syma Lesson, Bull. Sci. Nat. Ferussac, Vol. XL, p. 443, 1827. Type (by monotypy) : Syma torotoro Lesson. Syma torotoro. [Syma torotoro torotoro. Syma torotoro Lesson, Bull. Sci. Nat. Ferussac, Vol. XL, p. 443, 1827 ; Dorey, New Guinea. Extra limital.] Syma torotoro flavirostris. Yellow-billed Kingfisher. Halcyon {Syma 1) flavirostris Gould, in Jardine's Contr. Omith. 1850, p. 105 ; Cape York, Queensland. Range : North Queensland. Genus DACELO. Dacelo Leach, Zool. Miscel., Vol. II., p. 125, 1815. Type (by monotypy) : Alcedo gigas Boddaert. Sjaiunyms : Paralcyon Gloger, in Froriep's Notizen, Vol. XVI., 1827, p. 278 : new name for "Dacelo Leach." Agreutes Billberg, Synops. Faunae Scand., tab. A, 1828 : new name for "Dacelo Leaeli." Choiicalcyon Lesson, Traite d'Om., p. 248, 1830. Tj^pe (by sub- sequent designation. Lesson 1837) : Alcedo gigas Boddaert. Nycticeyx Gloger, Hand u. Hilfsb. Naturg., p. 338, 1842 : new name for "Dacelo Leach." CORACnFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 147 Dacelo gigas. Dacelo gigas gigas. Brown Kingfisher (Laugliing Jaclvsss). Alcrdo !/('3o.« Boddaert, Tabl. Planch. Enlum., p. 40, 1783 ; New Si>uth Wales. Synnnyius : Ahalo iindiilala ScopoU, Del. Flor. Faun. Insub., pt. u.. p. 90, 1786; New South Wales. Alce^o fiLica (not Boddaeit 1783) Gmelin, Syst. Nat., p. 454, 1788 ; New South Wales. Alcedo giyaniea Latham, Index Omith., Vol. I., p. 245, 1790 : new name for Alcedo fiisca Gmelin. Choiicalcyon auetrale Lesson, Traits d'Om., p. 248, 1830 : new name for Alcedo gigantea Latham. Dacelo gigas tregellasi Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 287, 1912 ; Olindn. Victoria. Range : South Queensland ; New South Wales : Victoria ; South Australia. Dacelo gigas minor. Northern Brown Kingfisher Dacelogitias, suhsp. minor. Robinson, Bull. Liverp. llus.. Vol. II., p. 116, 1900 ; Cookto\^^l. Queensland. Range : North Queensland (Cooktown district). Dacelo gigas melennani. Least Brown Kingfisher. Dacelo melennani North. Agric. Gaz. N.S.W., Vol. XXII., p. 609, 1911 ; Cape York, Queensland. Range : North Queensland (Cape York district). Dacelo leachii. Dacelo leachii leachii. Blue-winged Kingfisher. Dacelo leachii Vigors and Horsfield, Trans. Linn. Soc. (Lend.), Vol. XV., p. 20.5, 1827 ; Keppel Bay, Queensland. Range : Mid-Queensland. Dacelo leachii kempi. Northern Blue-winged Kingfisher. Dacelo leachii kempi Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 89, 1912 ; Cape York, North Queensland. Range : North Queensland. Dacelo leachii cervina. Fawn-breasted Kingfisher. Dacelo cerrina Gould, Birds Austr. and Adj. Is., pt. II., pi. 2, 1838 ; Port Essington, Northern Territory. SynonjTns : Dacelo ccrvicaiis Kaup, Familie Eisvogel., p. 8, 1848 : error for D. cervina. Dacelo salusii " Homb. and J." Gray, Handl. Gen. Sp. Birds, Vol. I., p. 89, 1869 ; Port Essington. Range : Northern Territorj-. Dacelo leachii nana. Dwarf Fawn-breasted Kingfisher. Dacelo leachii nana Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 37, 1912 ; Melville Island. Range : Northern Territory. L 2 148 A LIST OF THE [CORACIIFOKMES Dacelo leachii occidentalis. Western Faw-n-breasted ICiugfisher. Dacelo occidentalis Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1869, p. 602 ; Xorth- w'est Australia = Derby. Synonym : Dacelo leachii mungi Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 2ST, 1912 ; JIungi, Xortli-west Australia. Range : North-west Australia. Dacelo leachii cliftoni. Pale Fawn-breasted Kingfisher. Dacelo leachii clifto-ni Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 37, 1912 ; Carnarvon, West Australia. Range : Mid-west Austraha. Genus CYANALCYON. Cyanalcyon Bonaparte, Ateneo Italiano, no. 11 (Consp. A'clucrum Aniso, p. 9), 1854. Type (by subsequent designation, Gray 1855) : Halcyon pyrrhopygia Gould. Cyanalcyon macleayil. Cyanalcyon macleayii macleayii. Forest-Ivingfisher. Halcyon macleayii Jardine and Selby, lUus. Oniith., Vol. II., pi. 101, 1830 ; New South Wales. Synonjrm : Halcyon incinctus Gould, Sjmops. Birds Austr., pt. rv., App., p. 1. 1S38 ; New South Wales. Range : South Queensland ; New South Wales. Cyanalcyon macleayii barnardi. Northern Forest-Kingfisher. Halcyon barnardi Campbell, Emu, Vol. X., p. 338, 1911 ; Lockerbie, Cape York. Range : North Queensland. Cyanalcyon macleayii distinguendus. Western Forest-Kingfisher. Halcyon macleayii distinguendus Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 288, 1912 ; South Alligator River, Northera Territorj-. Range : Northern TeiTitory. Cyanalcyon macleayii publa. Melville Island Forest-Kingfisher. Halcyon macleayii publa Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 38, 1912 ; Melville Island. Range : Northern Territory. CORACnFORArES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 149 Cyanalcyon pyrrhopygius. Cyanalcyon pyrrhopygius pyrrhopygius. Red-backed Kingfisher. ffalri/on pi/rrhopi/rjia Gould. Picio. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1840, p. 113, 1S41 ; Interior New South Wales. Rill mo : South Queeiislntnl ; New Soutli Wales ; South Australia. Cyanalcyon pyrrhopygius obscurus. Nortliem Red-baclced Kingfislier. Halcyon purrhopijgiiis ohiciiriis JIathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 2SS, litl2 ; Parry's Creek, North-west Australia. Range : North-west Australia ; Northern Territorj'. Cyanalcyon pyrrhopygius utingi. .Ulied Red-baeked Kmgfisher. Hnlc^inn p'/nliopi/iiiiis niiiirii Jlatliews, .\ustral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 118, 191i ; Cape York, Queensland. Ranse : Nortli Queensland. Genus SAUROPATIS. Sanropalij), Cabanis und Heine, Mus. Hein., Vol. TI., p. 1;)8, 18G0. Type (by subsequent designation, Salvadori 1880) : Halcijoti satwtus Vigors and Horsfield. Sauropatis sancta. Sauropatis sancta sancta. Eastern Sacred Ivingfisher. Halcyon natKtKs Vigors and Horsfield, Trans. Linn. Soc. (Lond.), Vol. XV., p. 206, 1827 ; New South Wales. Range: South Queensland: New South Wales: Victoria; Tasmania ; South Australia. Sauropatis sancta westralasiana. Western Sacred Kingfisher. Halcyon urslralasianKs Campbell, Emu, Vol. I., p. 25, 1901 ; Vasse, West Australia. R.inge : South and Jlid-west Australia. Sauropatis sancta ramsayi. Broad-billed Sacred Kingfisher. HaloyoH gaiiclns ramsayi JIathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 289, 1912 ; Parry's Creek, North-west Australia. Range : Xorth-west Australia ; Northern Territory. Sauropatis sancta confusa. Little Sacred Kingfisher. Halcym ^anrfis confi(siix Mathews. Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 289, 1912 ; Cookto«ni, Queensland. Riintii' : North Queensland. Sauropatis sordida. Sauropatis sordida sordida. Jlangrove-Kingfisher. Halcy>n surdidiis Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1842, p. 72 ; North coast Australia (Cape York). 150 A LIST OF THE [COEACIIFORMES Synonym : Halcyon sordidus cooTctowni Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. X■\^II.. p. 289, 1912; C'ookto^^^l, Queensland. Range : North Queensland. Sauropatis sordida melvillensis. Western Mangrove-Kiiigfisher. Halcyon sordidus melvillensis ilathews, Austral Av. Rec. , Vol. I., p. 38, 1912 ; Melville Island. Range : Northern Territory to Jlid-west Australia. Genus URALCYON. Vralcyon Heine, Joum. fiir Oniitli. 1859, p. -tOG. T3rpe (by original designation) : Tanysiptera sylvia Gould. Uraleyon sylvia. Uralcyon sylvia sylvia. AVliite-tailed Kingfisher. Tanysiptera sylvia Gould, in Jardine's Contr. Omith. 1850, p. 105 ; Cape York, Queensland. Range : North Queensland. FAMtLY MEROPIDAE. Genus COSMAEROPS. Cosmaerops Cabanis und Heine, Mus. Heiii., Vol. II., p. 138, 1S60. Type (by monotypy) : Merops ornatus Latham. Cosmaerops ornatus. Cosmaerops ornatus ornatus. Australian Bee-eater. Merops ornaUis Latham, Inde.x Omith.. Suppl., p. xxxv., 1801 ; New South Wales. Synonyms : Merops tenuipennis ou M. thouini Dumont, Diet. Sci. Xat. (Levrault), Vol. XX., p. 52, 1821 ; " aux terres Australes " = Xew South Wales. Merops melaniiriis Vigors and Horsfield. Trans. Luui. See. (Lond.), Vol. XV., p. 208, 1827 ; Xew South Wales. Merops leivini " Aliq." Bonaparte, Consp. Gen. Av., Vol. I., p. 162, 1850 : nom nuditm. Merops modestus Oustalet, Bull, hebdora Assoc. Sci. Fr , \"ol. XXI., p. 248, 1878 ; D'UrviUe Island, New Guinea. Range : East Australia. Extra limitaL Cosmaerops ornatus shorlridgei. Western Bee-eater. Merops ornatus shortridgei Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. X^'III., p. 290, 1912 ; Strelly River, West Australia. Range : West Australia ; Northern Territory. Extra limital. CX>RACnFORMES] SmOS OF AUSTRALLV 151 FA5ni.Y CAPRIirrLGTDAE. Genus EUROSTOPODUS. Eiirostopodua Gould, Synops. Birds Austr., pt. iv., App., p. 1, 1838. Type (by monotypy) : Caprimulgus albogularis = Caprimulgus mystacalis Temmiiick et Laugier. Eurostopodus mystacalis. Eurostopodus mystacalis. ^Vhite-throated Xightjar. Caprimnlgus mystacalis Temminck et Laugier, Planch. Color. d'Ois., 69' livr.. Vol. IV., pi. 410, 1826 ; Xew South Wales. S\nionyms : Caprimulgus albogularis Vigors and Horsfield, Trans. Linn. Soc. ( Lend. ), Vol. XV., p. 194, 1827 ; New South Wales. ? Caprimulgus gutiatus Vigors and Horsfield, Trans. Linn. Soc. (Lond.), Vol. XV., p. 192 (juv.), 1827 ; New South Wales. Caprimulgus albimaculatus " Cuv." Bonaparte, Cousp. Gen. Av., Vol. I., p. 62, 1850 : nom. nudum. Range : Queensland : New South AA"alcs : Victoria. Eurostopodus argus. Eurostopodus argus argus. Spotted Nightjar. Eurostopus argus Hartert, Cat. Birds Brit. JIus., Vol. XVI., p. G08, 1892 ; East Australia. Range : Queensland ; New South Wales ; Victoria. Eurostopodus argus harterti. Northern Spotted Nightjar. Eurostopodus argus harterti JIathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 291, 1912; Newery Station, Northern Territory. Range : Northern Territorj' ; AVest Australia. Genus CAPRIMULGUS. Caprimulgus Linne, Syst. Nat., 10th ed., p. 19.1, 1758. Type (by tautomnny) : Caprirmdgtis europaeus Linne. Synonyms : y ijctichelidon Remiie, in Montagu's Omith. Diet., p. 335, 1831. Type : C. europaeus Liiuie. Phalaenivora Blyth, in AAHiite's Nat. Hist. Selli., p. 49, 1836. T\-pe : C. europaeus Linne. Caprimulgus macrurus. [Caprimulgus macrurus macrurus. Caprimulgus macrurus Horsfield, Trans. Linn. Soc. (Lend.), Vol. XIII., p. 142, 1821 ; Java. . Extra limitaL] 152 A LIST OF THE [CORACHFOEMES Capiimulgus macrurus yorki. Large-tailed Xightjar. Caprimnlgiis macrurus yorki Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 291, 1912 ; Cape York, Queensland. Range : North Queensland. Caprimulgus macrurus keatsi. Allied Large-tailed Nightjar. Oaprimulgus macrurus keatsi Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 291, 1912 ; Port Keats, Northern Territorj-. Range : Northern Territory. Family MICROPODIDAE. Genus COLLOCALIA. Gollocalia Gray, List Genera Birds 1840, p. 8. Type (by original designation) : Hirundo esculenfa Linne. SynonjTn : Salangana Lesson, Echo du Monde Savant, 10th year, no. C, col. 134, July 20. 1843. Type : H. escidenta Linne. Gollocalia esculenta. Gollocalia esculenta. Edible-nest Swiftlet. Hirundo esculenta Linne, Syst. Nat., 10th ed., p. 191, 1758 ; Amboina. Range : North Queen.sland. Extra limital. Gollocalia francica. [Collocalia francica francica. Hirundo francica Gmelin, Syst. Nat., p. 1017, 1789 ; " Insula Franciae " = Mauritius. Extra limital.] Collocalia francica terraereginae. Grey-rumped Swiftlet. Gypselus terraereginae Ramsay, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1874, p. COl ; Cardwell, Queensland. Range : North Queensland. Genus CHAETURA. Ohaetura Stephens, in Shaw's Gen. Zool., Vol. XIII., pt. n., p. 76, 1826 (March). Type (by subsequent designation, Salvadori 1880) : Hirundo pelagica Linne. Synonyms : Acanthylis Boie, Isis 1826, p. 971 (Oct.). Tj-pe : -4. spinicauda Temminck. Acanthura Guilding, Zool. .Jouni., Vol. III., p. 407, 1827. Tj^ie : H. acuta Stephens. Hirundapiis Hodgson, Joum. As. Soc. Bengal, Vol. V., p. 780, 1837. Type : H. omdipes Hodgson. CORACIIFOR.MES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 153 Pallcne (not Meigeii 1823) Lesson, Compl. Buff., Vol. VIII., p. 493, 1837. Tj-pe : Cypsehm yigantciis Teniiiiiiu-k. Vranterin Glogcr, Hand u. Hilfsl).. p. .■i.')3, 1S4I. Tj-pe : H. pclagica Linno. Chaetura caudacuta. Chaetura caudacuta caudacuta. Spine-tailed Swift. Hiriimlo caudacuta Lathmn, Index Ornitli.. 8uppl., p. Ivii., 1801 ; New Soiitli Wales. Synonyms : Hirundo jnsca Stephens, in Shaw's Gen. Zool.. Vol. X., p. 133, 1817 ; Xew South Wales. Chaetura auetralis Stephens, in Sliaw's Gen. Zool., Vol. XIII., p. 70, 1S2G ; New Soutli AA'ales. Hirundo ciris Pallas, Zoogr. Rosso. Asiat., Vol. I., p. 541, 1827 ; Siberia. Chaetura macroplera Swain.son, Zool. lUus., Ser. II., pi. 42, 1829; New South Wales. Range : Australia. Extra liraital. Genus MICROPUS. Micropus Meyer und Wolf, Taschenb. d. Vogel., p. 280, 1810. Type (by monotypy) : Hirundo apus Linne. Synonjiiis : Aptts Scopoli, Introd. Hist. Nat., p. 483, 1777. Type: Hirundo apui Linne (not Apoa Seopoli. p. 404). Cypselus (not Cypsela Meigen 1800) lUiger, Prodromus, JIamm. et Av., n. 229, 1811 : substitute-name for ".4 ;«(.? Scopoli" and "il/?cropi(» JI. and W." Brachypus Jleyer, Vogel. Liv. u. Esthl., p. 142. 1810. Tj^ie : iS. murarius = Hirundo apun Linne. Brevipes " P (= S. Palmer), Analyst. IV., no. xv, April 1, 1830, p. 101 : alteniative-name for Brachypus Meyer." Micropus pacificus. Micropus pacificus pacificus. Wliite-rumped Swift. Hirumlo pacifica Latham, Index Omith.. Suppl., p. Iviii., 1801 ; New Soutli Wales. Synonyms : Cyi>selus aiistrali^ Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1839, p. 14], 1840; Xew South Wales. Cypselus vittatus Jardine and Selbv, Ilhis. Oniitli., Vol. IV., text to pi. 39, 1840 ; New South Wales. Range : Australia. Extra limital. Order COCCYGES. Family CUCULIDAE. Genus CUCULUS. C"C"/'(« Liime, Syst. Xat., 10th ed., p. 110, 1758. Type (by tautonjonj') : Ciiculus canorus Linne. 154 A LIST OF THE [COCCYGES Synonym : Nicoclarhis Bonaparte, Ateneo Italiano, no. 8 (Consp. Volucrum Zygod, p. 6), 1854. Type : Cucidus optatus Gould. Cuculus optatus. Cuculus optatus. Oriental Cuckoo. Cuculus optatus Gould, Proc. Zool. See. (Lond.) 1845, p. IS; Port Essington, Nortliem Territory. Synonyms : Cuculus fucatus Peale, U.S. Expl. Exp., p. 13G, 1848 (2nd ed., p. 244) ; Sooloo Islands. Cu/iulus horsfieldi Moore, in Horsfield and Moore's Cat. Birds Mus. E. India Comp., Vol. II.. p. 703, 1857 ; Java. Cuculus cantor "111." Cabanis und Heine, Mus. Hein., Vol. IV., p. 34, 1862 : nom. nudum. ? Cuculus bubti Dybowski, Joum. fiir Omith. 1868, p. 336 : nom nudum. Cuculus peninsidae Stejneger, Bull. U.S. Nat. JIus., no. 29, p. 227, 1885 ; Commander Islands. Range : New South Wales ; Queensland ; Northern Territory ; North-Tvest Australia. Extra limital. Genus HETEROSCENES. Heieroscenes Cabanis imd Heine, Mus. Hein., A"ol. IV., p. 20, 1862. Type {by inonotypy) : Columba pallida Latham. Heteroscenes pallidus. Heteroscenes pallidus pallidus. PalUd Cuckoo. Columba pallida Latliam, Index Omith., Suppl.. p. be., 1801 ; New- South Wales Sjmonyms : Cuculus variegatus (not Scopoli 1786) VieiUot, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., Vol. VIII., p. 224, 1817 ; New South Wales. Cuculus cinereus Vieillot, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., Vol. VIII., p. 226, 1817 ; New South Wales. Cuculus inornatus Vigors and Horsfield, Trans. Linn. Soc. (Lond.), Vol. XV., p. 297, 1827 ; New South Wales. Cuculus albostrigatus Vigors and Horsfield, Trans. Linn. Soc. (Lond.), Vol. XV., p. 298, 1827 ; New South Wales. Chalcites simplex Lesson. Echo du ilonde Savant, 11th year. im. 48, June 20, 1844, col. 1138 ; New South Wales. Range : Queensland ; New South Wales ; Victoria ; Tasmania ; South Australia. Heteroscenes pallidus occidentalis. Western Pallid Cuckoo. Heteroscenes occidentalis Cabanis und Heine, Mus. Hein., Vol. IV., p. 27, note, 1862 ; West Australia. Range : West Australia ; Northern Territory. coccyges] BIRnS OF AUSTRALIA 155 Genus CACOMANTIS. Cacomantis S. MuUer, Verh. Nat. Gesch. Laml en Volkenk., p. 177, 1843. TyjDe (by subsequent designation, Salvadori 1880) : C. flamis Linne. Synonyms : Oynmopus (not Dunieril ISS.i) Blyth, Ann. JIag. Nat. Hist., Vol. XII., p. 94, 1843. Tj-pe : Cticidus niger = C. passcrinus Vahl. Polyphasia (not Stephens 1829)Blyth, Joiuii. As. Soc. Bengal, Vol. XII., pt. I., p. 244. 1S43. Type : C. flavus Linn^. Ololygon Cabanis luid Heine, JIus. Hein., Vol. IV., p. 20 (note), 1862. Type : C passcrinus Vahl. Cacomantis rubricatus. Cacomantis rubricatus rubricatus. Fan-tailed Cuckoo. Sylvia rubricala Latham, Index Oniith., Suppl., p. Iv., 1801 ; New South Wales. Sjnionyms : CuckI'iis nifiiliis Vieillot, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., Vol. VIII., p. 234, 1817 ; New South Wales. Ciicuhis cineraceim Vigors and Hovsfield, Trans. Linn. Soc. (Lond.), Vol. XV., p. 298. 1827 ; New South Wales. Cuciilus incertiis Vigors and Horsfield, Trans. Limi. Soc. (Lond.), Vol. XV., p. 299. 1827 ; New South Wales. Cucxliis bn'sbanensis Diggles. Proc. Queensl. Philos. Soc. 1876, p. 12 Norman's Creek, Brisbane, Queensland. Cacomantis flabeUiformis Auctorum (not C. flaheHiformis Latham). Range : South Queensland ; New Soutli Wales ; Victoria ; Tasmania ; South Australia. Cacomantis rubricatus athertoni. Northern Fan-tailed Cuckoo. Ciic'iliin ntbrlcatiis athertoni JIathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 11, I9I2 ; Atherton, North Queensland. SjTionym : ? Cacomatis lincatiis Dodd, Emu, Vol. XII., p. \6ry, 1913: Nelson, North Queensland. Range: North Queensland. Cacomantis rubricatus albani. Western Fan-tailed Cuckoo. CuciiIks rubricatus albani JIathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 12, 1912 ; .\lbany. West Australia. Range : South-west Au.stralia. Cacomantis pyrrophanus. [Cacomantis pyrrophanus pyrrophanus. Guculus pyrrophanus Vieillot, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., Vol. VIII., p. 234, 1817 ; " Nouvelle Hollande " error = Java. Extra limital.] Cacomantis pyrrophanus variolosus. Eastern Square-tailed (Brush) Cuckoo. Cuculus variolosus Vigors and Horsfield, Trans. Liim. Soc. (Lond.), Vol. XV., p. 300, 1827 ; New South Wales. 156 A LIST OF THE [COCCYGES Synonyms : CiicuIhs insperatiis Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1845, p. IS; New South Wales. Cuculus viridirujus " Temm." Bonaparte, Consp. Gen. Av., Vol. I., p. 103, 1850 : nom. nudum. Range : South Queensland : New South Wales : Victoria. Cacomantis pyrrophanus dumetorum. Western Square-tailed Cuckoo. CuciiJiis dumetorum Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1845, p. 19; Port Essington, Northern Territory. Range : Northern Territory ; North-west Australia. Cacomantis pyrrophanus westwoodia. Northern Square-tailed Cuckoo. Cuculus westwoodia Mathews, Austral Av. Rec., Vol. I., p. 190, 1913 ; Westwood, Queensland. Range : North Queensland. Cacomantis eastaneiventris. Cacomantis eastaneiventris. Chestnut-lireasted Cuckoo. Cuculus (Cacomantis) eastaneiventris CJould. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., Ser. III., Vol. XX., p. 269, 1867 ; Cape York, Queensland. Range : North Queensland. Extra limital. Genus OWENAVIS. Owenavis Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 3, 1912. Type (bj' original de.signation) : Cluilcites osmilans Gould. Synonym : MisocaUus Auctorum (not Misocalius Cabanis und Heine). Owenavis osculans. Owenavis osculans osculans. Black-eared Cuckoo. ChaJcites osculans Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1847, p. 32; New South Wales. Synonym : Misocalius palliolatus Auctorum (not C. palliolatus Latham). Range : New South Wales ; Victoria ; South Australia. Owenavis osculans rogersi. Western Black-eared Cuckoo. Owenavis osculans rogersi Mathews, Austr. Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 13, 1912; Parry's Creek, North-west Australia. Range ; West Australia. Genus NEOCHALCITES. Neochakitcs Mathews. Austral Av, Rec, Vol. I., p. 7, 1913. TjTie (by original designation) : Chrysococcyx hasalis mellori Mathews. coccyges] birds of AUSTRALIA 157 Neochalcites basalis. [Neochalcites basalis basalis. ('iicul'm basalts Hdistielil, Trans. Linn. Soc. (Loml.), Vol. XIII.. p. 179, 1821 ; Java. Extra limital.] Neochalcites basalis mellori. Xarrow-liilled Bronze CHickoo. Chri/socofci/j- basalis tinllori Mathews. Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 14, 1912 ; Eyre's Peninsula. South .Australia. Range : Victoria ; South Australia. Neochalcites basalis modestus. Northern Narrow-billed Bronze Cuckoo. Lamprococci/x modcila Diggles, Proc. Queensl. Philos. Soc. ISTfi, p. 12 ; Norman Creek. Brisbane. Queensland. Range ; Queensland ; New Soutli Wales. Neochalcites basalis wyndhami. Western Narrow-liilled Bronze Cuckoo. Chrysococcyx basalis wyndhami JIathews, Austral Aw Rec, Vol. I., p. 14, 1912 ; Point Torment, North-west Australia. Range : West -Australia ; Northern Territcny. Neochalcites russatus. Neochalcites russatus. Rufous-throated Bronze Cuckoo. Chrysococcyx russatus Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1868, p. 76; Cape York, Queensland. Range : North Queensland. Neochalcites barnardi. Neochalcites barnardi. .\llied Bronze Cuckoo. Chrysococcyx haniardi Mathews, Austral .\v. Rec, Vol. I., p. 20, 1912 ; Dawson River, Queenslaiid. Range : Jlid-Queensland. Genus LAMPROCOCCYX. Latnprococcyx Cabanis und Heine, Mus. Hein., Vol. IV., p. 11, 1862. Type (by original designation) : Cuculus lucidus Gmelin. Lamprococcyx lucidus. Lamprococcyx lucidus. Broad-billed Bronze Cuckoo. Cuculus I ticidus GmeVm, Syst. Nat., p. 421, 1788; Queen Charlotte Sound, New Zealand. Synonym : Cuculus nitens (not Forster 1792) Forster, Descr. Anira., ed., L.oht, p. 151, 1844 ; Queen Charlotte Soujid, New Zealand. Range : North Queensland. Extra limital. Lamprococcyx plagosus. Lamprococcyx plagosus plagosus. Bronze Cuckoo. Cuculus plagosus Latham, Index Omith., Suppl., p. xxxi., 1801 ; New South Wales. 158 A LIST OF THE [COCCYGES Syiionym : Gucultis metallictis Vigors and Horsfield, Trans. Linn. Soe. (Lond.), Vol. XV., p. 302, 1827 ; Xew South Wales. Range : Queensland ; Xew South Wales ; Victoria ; South Australia. Lamprococcyx plagosus tasmanicus. Tasmanian Bronze Cuckoo. Chrysococcyx plagosus tasmanicus Mathews, Austral Av. Rec. Vol. I., p. 17, 1912 ; Tasmania. Range : Tasmania. Lamprococcyx plagosus carter!. Western Bronze Cuckoo. Chrysococcyx plagosus carteri JIathews. Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 17, 1912 ; Broome Hill. South-west Australia. Range : West Australia. Lamprococcyx minutillus. Lamprococcyx minutillus minutillus. Little Bronze Cuckoo. Chrysococcyx minutillus Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1859, p. 128; Port Essiugton, jSTortheni Territory. Range : Northern Territory. Lamprococcyx minutillus perplexus. Western Little Bronze Cuckoo. Chrysococcyx minutillus perplexus Mathews, Austral A\-. Rec, Vol. I., p. 38, 1912 ; Parry's Creek, Xorth-west Australia. Range : Xorth-west Australia. Genus EUDYNAMYS. Eudynamys Vigors and Horsfield, Trans. Linn. Soc (Lond.), Vol. XV., p. 303, 1827. Type (by subsequent designation, Graj' 1840) : Cucidus orientalis Linne. SjTionym : Dynamene (not Dynamene Leach 1818, nor Dynamena Lamouroux 1816) Stephens, in Shaw's Gen. Zool., VoL XIV., p. 211, 1826. Type : Cuculus maculatus Stephens. Eudynamys orientalis. [Eudynamys orientalis orientalis. CiKxilus orientalis Linne, Syst. Xat., 12th ed., p. 168, 1766 ; India. Extra limital.] Eudynamys orientalis cyanocephalus. Koel. Cuculus cyanocephalus Latham, Index Oniith., Suppl., p. xxx., 1801 ; New South Wales. Synonym : Eudtpiamis australis Swainson, Anim. in Menag., p. 344, 1838 ; Xew South Wales. Range : New South Wales. coccyges] birds of AUSTRALIA 159 Eudynamys orientalis flindersii. Northern Koel. Eiidynaini/s flindersii \igors aiui Horsfield, Trans. Linn. Soc. (Lond. ), Vol. XV., p. 30.-), 1827 ; Xorth Coast of Queensland. Range : Queensland. Eudynamys orientalis subcyanocephalus. Western Koel. E'ldyitamys orientalis subcyanocephalus Jlathews, Avistral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 21, 1912 ; Parry's Creek, Korth-west Australia. Range : Xorthern Territorj' ; North-west Australia. Genus SCYTHROPS. Scythrops Latham, Index Oniith., Vol. I., p. 141, 1790. T^i^e (by monotjrpy) : Scythrops novaehoUandiae Latham. Scythrops novaehoUandiae. Scythrops novaehoUandiae novaehoUandiae. Channel-bill. Scythrops novaehoUandiae Latham, Index Omith. Vol, I., p. HI, 1790 ; Xew South Wales. SjnionjTus : Scythrops aiistralasiae Shaw, Gen. Zool., Vol. VIII., p. 378, 1811; New South Wales. Scythrops aiistralis Swainson. Classif. Birds. Vol. II., p. 299, 1837 ; New South Wales. Range : Queensland ; New South Wales. Scythrops novaehoUandiae neglectus. Little Channel-bUl. Scythrops novaehoUandiae neglectus Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XA^IIl., p. 297, 1912 ; Parry's Creek, North-west Australia. Range : Northern Territorj- ; North-west .Australia. Genus POLOPHILUS. Polophiliis Leach, Zool. Jliscel., Vol. I., p. 115, 1814. Type (by monotypy) : Polophilus variegatus = Cncuhis pJiasianinus Latham. Polophilus phasianinus. PolophUus phasianinus phasianinus. Coucal. Ciicul'is phasianinus Latham, Index Omith., Suppl., p. xxx.. 1801 ; New South Wales. Synonyms : Polophilus variegatus Leach, Zool. Miscel., Vol. I., p. 116, 1814 ; New South Wales. Polophilus leucogaster Leach, Zool. Miscel., Vol. I., p. 117, 1814; New South Wales. Polophilus gigas Stephens, in Shaw's Gen. Zool., Vol. IX., p. 45, 1815 ; New South Wales. 160 A LIST OF THE [COCCYGES Corijdonix gi(janteii.i Vieillot. Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Xat., V(3l. XXXIV., p. 295, 1819 ; Xew South Wales. Range : Queensland ; Xew Soutli Wales. Polophilus phasianinus melanurus. Xorth-western C'oucal. Centrop'is nvJaniiriis Gould. Birds Austr., Vol. IV., text to pi. 92. 1847 ; North-west Australia = Derby. Range : North-west Australia. Polophilus phasianinus raacrourus. Northern Coucal. Cenlropiis macronnis Gould. Bii-ds Austr., Vol. IV., text to pi. 92, 1847 ; Port Essington. Northern Territory. Range : Northern TeiTitory. Order ilENURIFORMES. FAJtlLY ilENITRIDAE. Genus MENURA. Menura Latham, Index Omith., Suppl., p. Ixi., 1801. Type (by monotypy) : Menura novaehollandiae Latham. SjTionyTn : ParJcinsonius Bechstein. Kurze XJebers Vogel.. p. 134, 1811. Tj-pe : P. mirahilis = Menura novaehollandiae Latham. Menura novaehollandiae. Menura novaehollandiae novaehollandiae. Lyre-Bird. Menura novaehollandiae Latham, Index Ornith., Suppl., p. Ixi., ISOI ; New South Wales. Synonyms : Menura superba Davies, Trans. Limi. Soc. (Lond. ), Vol. YX.. p. 207, 1802 ; New South Wales. Paradisea parkinsoniana Shaw and Nodder, Nat. Jliscel.. ^"ol. XIV., ■ pi. .577, 1802 ; New South Wales. Parkinsonius mirabilis Bechstein, Kiu'ze XJebers Vogel., p. 134, 1811 ; New South Wales. Menura vulgaris Fleming, Pliilos. Zool., Vol. XL, p. 241, 1822 ; New South Wales. Megapodius menura Wagler, Syst. A\-., JMegapodius, p. 207, sp. 1, 1827 ; New South Wales. Maenura !t/raia Lesson, Slanuel d'Oni.. Vol. I., p. 2.59, 1828 ; New South Wales. Maenura lyra " Shaw " Lesson, Traite d'Oni., p. 478, 1831 ; New South Wales. Menura paradisea Swainson, Classif. Birds, Vol. II., p. 3.5, 1837; New South Wales. Range : New South Wales. Menura novaehollandiae victoriae. Victorian Lj-re-Bird. Menura victoriae Gould, Handb. Birds Austr., Vol. I., p. 302, 1805 ; Port Phillip, Victoria. Range : Victoria. MENURIFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 101 Genus HARRIWHITEA. Harriwhitca Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 109, 1912. Type (by original designation) : Menura alberti Bonaparte. Harrlwhitea alberti. Harriwhitea alberti. Northern Lyre Bird. Menura alberti Bonaparte. Consp. Gen. Av., Vol. I., p. 215, 1850 ; Richmond River, New South Wales. Range : New South Wales (Richmond River distriat). Order PASSERIFORMES. F.\Mit.v PITTIDAE. Genus COLOBURIS. Colobiiris Cabanis mid Heine, JIus. Heiii., Vol. II., p. 3, 1859. Type (by subsequent designation, Salvadori 1881) : C. strepitans = Pitta versicolor Swainson. Sjiionym : Austropilta' Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. II., p. 62, 1913. Type: Pitta versicolor Swainson. Coloburis versicolor. Coloburis versicolor versicolor. Noisy Pitta. Pitta versicolor Swainson, Zool. Joum., Vol. I., p. 408, 1825 (Jan.); New South Wales. Synonym : Pitta strepitans Temminck et Laugier, Planch. Color. d'Ois., 56' Uvr., Vol. III., pi. 333, 1825 (April) ; New South Wales. Range : South Queensland ; New South Wales. Coloburis versicolor intermedia. Intermediate Noisy Pitta. Pitta versicolor intermedia JIathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 298, 1912 ; Bellenden Ker, Queensland. Range : North Queensland (Bellenden Ker district). Coloburis versicolor simillima. Little Noisy Pitta. Pitta simillima Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1868, p. 76; Cape York, Queensland. Synonym : Pitta kreffii Salvadori, Att. Soc. Ital. Sci. Nat., Vol. XII., p. 551, 1869 ; Cape York, Queensland. Range : North Queensland (Cape York district). Genus ERYTHROPITTA. Erytliropitta Bonaparte, Ateneo Italiano, no. 11 (Cons. Volucrum Aniso., p. 7), 1854. Type (by subsequent designation, Gray 1855) : Pitta macklolii Temminck. M 162 A LIST OF THE [PASSERIFOKMES Erythropitta macklotii. [Erythropitta macklotii macklotii. Pitta jnacMotii Temminck et Laugier, Planch. Color. d'Ois., 92' U\t:., Vol. v., pi. 547, 1834 ; Baie de Lobo, Xouvelle Guinee. Extra limitaL] Erythropitta macklotii yorki. Blue-breasted Pitta. Pitta macklotii yorki JIathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. X^^II., p. 299, 1912 ; Cape York, Queensland. Range : North Queensland. Genus PULCHRIPITTA. Pulchripitta EOiot. Monogr. Pittidae, 2nd ed., pt. 5, 189o, p. x\iii. (introd.). Type (by monotypy) : Pitta iris Gould. Pulchripitta iris. Pulcliripitta iris. Rainbow Pitta. Pitta iris Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1842, p. 17 ; Port Essington, Northern Territory. Range : Northern Territory ; North-west Australia. Fauhlv ATRICHORNITHIDAE. Genus ATRICHORNIS. Atrichornis Stejneger, Stand. Nat. Hist. (Kingsley), Vol. IV., p. 462, 1885. Type (by monotj'py) : Atrichia rufescens Ramsay. S^^lonym : Atrichia {not Sclirenk 1803) Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1844, p. 1. Type : .-Ifri'c/iia c/amo«a Gould. Atrichornis clamosus. Atrichornis clamosus. Noisy Scrub-Bird. Atrichia clamosa Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1844, p. 2 ; West Aiistralia. Range : South-west Australia. Atrichornis rufescens. Atrichornis rufescens. Rufous Scrub-Bird. Atrichia rufescens Ramsay, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1S66, p. 438; Richmond River, New South Wales. Range : New South Wales (Richmond and Clarence River district). PASSERIFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRAUA 163 Family HIRUNDIOTDAE. Genus HIRUNDO. Hirundo Linn6, Syst. Xat., 10th ed., p. 191, 1758. Type (by subsequent designation, Gray 1840) : Hirundo rustica Linne. Sjaionyms : Chelidon Forster, Synopt. Cat. Brit. Birds, p. 17, 1817. Type : Chelidon procne = Hirundo rustica Linn6. Cecropi-a (not Cecrops Leach 1813) Boie, Isis 182G, p. 971 : substitute- name for Hirundo Linn^. Hirundo rustica. [Hirundo rustica rustica. Hirundo rustica Linn^, Syst. Xat., 10th ed., p. 191, 1758 ; Sweden, Europe Extra limital.] Hirundo rustica gutturalis. Xew Guinea Chimney-Swallow. Hirundo gutturalis Scopoli, Del. Flor. Faun. Insub., Vol. II., p. 96, 1786 ; " In Nova Guinea " = Panay, PliiUppine Islands. Synonyms : Hirundo panayana Gmelin, Syst. Nat., p. 1018, 1789 : same locality. Hirundo jewan Sykes, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1832, p. 83 ; Dukhun, India. Hirundo fretensis Gould, Handb. Birds Austr., Vol. I., p. 110, 1865; Northern shores of Australia. Hirundo frenata Blytli, Ibis 1866, p. 336 : error for H. fretensis. Hirundo amiamancnsis Beavan, Ibis 1867, p. 316 ; Andaman Islands. Range: North Australia. Extra limital.] Hirundo neoxena. Hirundo neoxena neoxena. Welcome Swallow. Hirundo neoxena Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1842, p. 131, 1843; Tasmania. Range : Queensland ; New South Wales ; Victoria ; Tasmania ; South Australia. Hirundo neoxena carteri. Western Welcome Swallow. Chelidon javanica carteri Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 300, 1912 ; Broome HUl, West Australia. Range : South-west Australia. Genus HYPUROLEPIS. Hypurolepis Gould, Birds Asia, Vol. I., text to pi. 32, 1868. Type (by monotypy) : H. domicola = Hirundo javanica Sparrman. Synonym : Herse (not Oken 1817) Gray, List Genera Birds, 2nd ed., p. 11, 1841. Type : Hirundo taitensis Lesson. M 2 164 A LIST OF THE [PASSEEIFORMES Hypurolepis javaoica. [Hypurolepis javanica javanica. Hirundo javanica Sparrman, 3Iu3. Carlson, fasc. IV., pi. 100, 1789 ; Java. Extra limital.] Hypurolepis javanica frontalis. Eastern Swallow. Hirundo jrontalis Quoj' et Gaimard, Voy. " TAstroI.," Zool., Vol. I., p. 204, 1830 ; Dorey Harbour, New Guinea. Range : North Australia. Extra limital. Genus CHERAMOECA. Cheramoeca Cabanis, Mus. Hein., Vol. I., p. 49, 1851. Type (by monotypy) : Hirundo leucosternus Gould. Cheramoeca leucosternum. Cheramoeca leucosternum leucosternum. Western Black-and-White Swallow. Hirundo leucosternus Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond. ) 1840, p. 172, 1841 ; West Australia. Synonym : Cheramoeca leucosternum marngli Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 301, 1912 ; Fitzroy River, North-west Australia. Range : West Australia. Cheramoeca leucosternum stonei. Eastern Black-and-^^^lite Swallow. Cheramoeca leucosternum stonei Jlathews, Austral Av. Kec., Vol. I., p. 118, 1912 ; Warialda, New South Wales. Range : Queensland ; New South Wales ; Victoria ; South Australia. Genus HYLOCHELIDON. Hylochelidon Gould, Handb. Biids Austr., Vol. I., p. Ill, 1865. Type (by monotypy) : Collocalia arborea Gould = Hirundo nigricmts Vieillot. Synonj'm : Anirochelidon Baldamus, Joum. fiir Omith. 1SG9, p. 406. Tj'pe : Hirundo nigricans Vieillot. Hylochelidon nigricans. Hylochelidon nigricans nigricans. Tasmanian Tree-ilartin. Hirundo nigricans Vieillot, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., Vol. XIV., p. 523, 1817 ; Hobart Tow-n, Tasmania. Synonyms : Collocalia arborea Gould, Birds Austr., Vol. II., pi. 14, 1848 ; Tasmania. Hirundo pyrrhonota australis Temminck et Schlegel, Fauna Japon., Aves, p. 35, 1 850 ; Tasmania. Range : Tasmania. PASSERIFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 165 Hylochelidon nigricans caleyi. Tree-Martin. Petrochelirlon nii/ricans caleyi JIatliews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. II., p. (>.">, 1!)13 ; Albury, New South Wales. Synonym : Hirundo pi/rrkonoia {not Vieillot 1817) Vigors and Horsfield, Trans. Liiui. Soc. (Lond.), Vol. XV., p. 190, 1827 ; New South Wales. Range : South Queensland ; New South Wales ; \'ictoria ; Soutli Australia. Hylochelidon nigricans rogersi. Northern Tree-Martin. Petroclielidon niijn'cans rogersi Mathews, Austral Av. Rec., Vol. I., p. 38, 1912 ; Port Darwin, Northern Territorj'. Ranee : Northern Territory ; North Queensland. Hylochelidon nigricans neglecta. Western Tree-Martin. Petroclielidon nigricans ncjlccta JIathcws, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 301, 1912 ; Fitzruy River, North-west Australia. Range : North-west Australia. Hylochelidon nigricans distinguenda. JIurchison Tree-JIartin. Petrochelidon nigricans dislingiienda JIathews, Now Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 301, 1912 ; East Miurchison, West Australia. Range : West Australia. Genus LAGENOPLASTES. Lagenoplastes Gould, Handb. Birds Austr., Vol. I., p. 113, 1865. T3'pe (by original designation) : CoUocalia arid Gould. Lagenoplastes ariel. Lagenoplastes ariel ariel. Fairy-Martin. CoUocalia ariel Gould, Proe. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1842, p. 132, 1843; New South Wales. Range : East Australia. Lagenoplastes ariel conigravi. Western Fairy-Martin. Petrochelidon ariel conigravi Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 75, 1912 ; Wyudham, North-west Australia. Range : North-west Australia. Familv MUSCICAPIDAE. Genus MICROECA. Microeca Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1840, p. 172, 1841. T}i)e (by monotypy) : Microeca assimiUs Gould. Microeca fascinans. Microeca fascinans fascinans. Browni Flycatcher. Loxia fascinans Latham, Index Omith., Suppl., p. xlvi., 1801 ; New- South Wales. 166 A LIST OF THE [PASSEEIFOEMES Synonyms : Myiagra macroptera Vigors and Horsfield, Trans. Linn. See. (Lend.), Vol. XV., p. 254, 1827 ; New South Wales. Muscicapa platyrhyncha Quoy et Gaimard, Voy. " TAstrol.," Zool., Vol. I., p. 178, 1830; New South Wales. Microeca fascinans victoriae Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. X^^[II., p. 302, 1912 ; Parwan, Victoria. Range : South Queensland ; New South Wales ; Victoria ; South Australia. Microeca fascinans howei. Mallee Brown Flycatcher. Microeca fascinans howei Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. II., p. 8, 1913 ; Ivow Plains, Victoria. Range : MaUee eoiuitry of Victoria. Microeca fascinans assimilis. Lesser Bro^vn Flycatcher. Microeca assimilis Gould, Proc. Zool. Soe. (Lond. ) 1840, p. 172, 1841 ; West Australia. Range : South-west Australia. Microeca fascinans subpallida. Western Pale Flycatcher. Microeca fascinans subpallida Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 302, 1912 ; Napier Broome Bay, North-west Austraha. Range : North-west Australia. Microeca fascinans pallida. Pale Flycatcher. Micraeca pallida De Vis, Proc. Roy. Soc. Queensl., Vol. I., p. 159, 1884 ; Norman River, Queensland. Range : Northern Territory ; North Queensland. Microeca brunneicauda. Microeca brunneicuada. Brown-tailed Flycatcher. Microeca brunneicauda Campbell, Emu, Vol., II., p. .85, 1902 ; Northern Territory. Range : Northern Territory ; North-west Australia. Genus KEMPIA. Kempia Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 109, 1912. Type (by original designation) : Microeca fiavigaster Gould. Kempia fiavigaster. Kempia fiavigaster flavigaster. Lemon-breasted Flycatcher. Microeca fiavigaster Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1842, p. 132, 1843 ; Port Essington, Northern Territorj'. Range : Northern Territory ; North-west Australia. Kempia flavigaster melvillensis. Melville Island Lemon-breasted Flycatcher. Microeca flavigaster melvillensis Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 39, 1912 ; Melville Island. Range : Melville Island, Northern Territory. PASSEEIFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 167 Kempia flavigaster terrareginae. Queenslaiul Yellow-breasted Fly- catcher. Microeca /laviuaxter Icrraercciiiiac JIathews, Xov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 303, 1912; Cairns, North Queensland. Range : North Queensland. Genus PETROICA. Pelroica Swainson, Zool. Illus., 2nd Ser., Vol. I., pi. 30, IS 29. Type (by monotypy) : Muscicapa multicolor Gmelin. Petroiea multicolor. [Petroica multicolor multicolor. Muscicapa multicolor Gmelin, Syst. Nat., p. 944, 1789 ; Norfolk Island. Extra limital.] Petroica multicolor coccinea. Eastern Scarlet-breasted Robin. Petroica coccinea Peale, United States Expl. Exp., Vol. \T!II., p. 92, 1848 ; New South Wales. SynonjTn : Petroica leggii Sharpe, Cat. Birds Brit. JIus., Vol. IV., p. 1C5, 1879; New South Wales. Range : South Queensland ; New South Wales. Petroica multicolor frontalis. Southern Scarlet-breasted Robin. Petroica mnlticolor frontalis Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 303, 1912 ; Parwan, Victoria. Range : Victoria ; Tasmania ; South Australia. Petroica multicolor halmaturina. Kangaroo Island Scarlet-breasted Robin. Petroica leggii, subsp. halmaliiriiui, A. G. Campbell, Emu, Vol. V., pp. 140, 141, 1906 ; Kangaroo Island. Synonym : Petroica multicolor sam'ieli Slathews, Austral A\-. Rec., Vol. I., p. 89, 1912 ; Kangaroo Island. Range : Kangaroo Island, South Australia. Petroica multicolor campbelli. Western Scarlet-breasted Robin. Petroica campbelli Sharpe, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, Vol. VIII., p. xxii., 1898 ; West Australia. Range : South-west Australia. Genus LITTLERA. Littlera Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 109, 1912. Tj^pe (by original designation) : Muscicapa chrysoptera Quoy et Gaimard. 168 A LIST OF THE [PASSERIFOKMES Littlera chrysoptera. Littlera chrysoptera chrysoptera. Tasmanian Flame-breasted Robin. Muscicapa chrysoptera Quoy et Gaimard, Voy. " I'Astrol.," Zool., Vol. I., p. 177, pi. 4, fig. 2, 1830 ; Hobart, Tasmania. Range : Tasmania. Littlera chrysoptera phoenicea. White-fronted Robin. Petroica phoemcea Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1836, p. 105, 1837; South Australia. Synonym : Petroica phoenicea albicans Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 304, 1912 ; Bayswater, Victoria. Range : Victoria ; South Australia. Littlera chrysoptera addenda. Flame-breasted Robin. Petroica chrysoptera addenda Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 89, 1912 ; Goulbum, New South Wales. Range : New South Wales. Genus ERYTHRODRYAS. Erythrodryas Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1842, p. 112. Tjrpe (by original designation) : Saxicola rodinogaster Drapiez. Erythrodryas rodinogaster. Erythrodryas rodinogaster rodinogaster. Pink-breasted Robin. Saxiccla rodinogaster Drapiez, Ann. Gen. des Sci. Phys. Bniselles Vol. II., p. 341, 1819 ; Maria Island, Tasmania. SynonjTn : Muscicapa. lathami (not Stephens 1817) Vigors, Zool. Joimi.. Vol. I., p. 410, 1825 ; Tasmania. Range : Tasmania. Erythrodryas rodinogaster inexpectata. Victorian Pink-breasted Robin. Petroica rodinogaster inexpectata Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. X^^II., p. 304, 1912 ; Gippsland, Victoria. Range : Victoria. Genus BELCHERA. Belchera Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 109, 1912. Type (by original designation) : Petroica rosea Gould. Belchera rosea. Belchera rosea. Rose-breasted Robin. Petroica rosea Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1839, p. 142, 1840; Hunter River, New South Wales. Range : New South Wales ; Victoria. PASSERIFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 169 Genus WHITEORNIS. Whiieornis Mathews, Austral Av. Rcc, Vol. I., p. 110, 1912. Type (by original designation) : Muscicapa goodenovii Vigors and Horsfield. Whiteornis goodenovii. Whiteornis goodenovii goodenovii. Southern Red-capped Robin. Muscicapa goodenovii Vigors and Horsfield, Trans. Linn. Soc. (Lend.), Vol. XV., p. 24.5, 1827 ; South Australia. Range : South Australia ; Victoria. Whiteornis goodenovii quoyi. Red-capped Robin. Pelroica goodenofii quoyi JIathcws. Xov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 305, 1912 ; Xarawa, New South Wales. Range : New South Wales. Whiteornis goodenovii rulicapillus. Western Red-capped Robin. Petroica goodenovii riificapilla Slathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 305, 1912 ; Broome Hill, West Australia. Range : South-west Australia. Whiteornis goodenovii ramsayi. Allied Red-capped Robin. Pelroica ramsayi Sharpe, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., Vol. IV., p. 172, 1879 ; Sharks Bay, 3Iid-w est Australia. Range : Jlid-west Australia. Whiteornis goodenovii alexandrae. Northern Red-capped Robin. Petroica goodenoi'ii alexandrae Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII. p. 305, 1912 ; Alexandra, Northern Territory. Range : Northern Territory ; North-west Australia ; Queensland. Genus MELANODRYAS. Melanodryas Gould, Handb. Birds Austr., Vol. I., p. 283, 18C5. Type (by monotypy) : Mn^cicapa cucullata Latham. Melanodryas cucullata. Melanodryas cucullata cucullata. Hooded Robin. Mugcicapa cicidlata Latham, Index Omith., Suppl., p. li., 1801 ; New South AVales. Synonym : Orallina bicolor Vigors and Horsfield, Trans. Liim. Soc. (Lond.), Vol XV., p. 233, 1827 ; near Prospect HiU, New South Wales. Range : South Queensland ; New South Wales. 170 A LIST OF THE [PASSEEIFOKMES Melanodryas cucullata vigors!. Southern Hooded Robin. Petroica cucullata vigorsi JIathews, Nov. Zoo!., Vol. X^nil., p. 305, 1912 ; Frankston, Victoria. Range : Victoria ; South AustraUa. Melanodryas cucullata westralensis. Western Hooded Robin. Petroica cucullata icestralensis Jlathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 306, 1912 ; Perth. West AustraUa. Range : South-west Australia. Melanodryas cucullata picata. Pied Robin. Melanodryas picata Gould, Handb. Birds Austr., Vol. I., p. 285, 1865 ; North-west Coast Australia. Range : North-west Australia. Melanodryas cucullata subpicata. Northern Pied Robin. Petroica cucullata subpicata lilathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. X%T;1I., p. 306, 1912 ; Alexandra, Northern Territory. Range : Northern Territory' ; North Queensland. Genus AMAURODRYAS. Amaurodryas Gould, Handb. Birds Austr., A'ol. I., p. 286. 1865. Type (by monotj^py) : Ilitscicapa vittata Quoy et Gaimard. Amaurodryas vittata. Amaurodryas vittata. Dusky Robin. Muscicapa vittata Quoy et Gaimard, Voy. " I'Astrol.," Zool., Vol. I., p. 173, 1830 ; Tasmania. Synonym : Petroica fusca Gould, Birds Austr., Vol. III., pi. 8, 1842 ; Tasmania. Range : Tasmania. Genus SMICRORNIS. Smicrornis Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1842, p. 133, 1843. Type (by monotjrpy) : Smicrornis flavescetis Gould. Smicrornis brevirostris. Smicrornis brevirostris brevirostris. Short-billed Tree-Tit. Psilopu.9 brevirostris Gould, Sjniops. Birds Austr., pt. iv., pi. 61, 1 838 ; New South Wales. Range : New Soutli Wales. Smicrornis brevirostris pallescens. Palhd Tree-Tit. Smicrornis brevirostris pallescens Mathews, No\". Zool., Vol. X^TII., p. 306, 1912 ; Inkerman, Queensland. Range : Queensland. PASSERIFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 171 Smicrornis brevirostris viridescens. Greenish Tree-Tit. Smicromis breviroslris viridcscom JIatliews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 307, 1912 ; Tailem Bend, South AustraHa. Range : Victoria ; South Australia. Smicrornis brevirostris occidentalis. Westralian Tree-Tit. Smicrornis brevirostris occidentalis Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVllI., p. 307, 1912 ; Broome Hill, West Australia. Synonym : Smicrornis occidentalis Bonaparte, Consp. Gen. Av., Vol. I., p. 293, 1850 : nom. nudum. Range : South-west Australia. Smicrornis brevirostris slirlingi. Stirling Tree-Tit. Smicrornis breviroslris slirlingi JIatliews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 39, 1912 ; Stirling Ranges, Soutli-west Australia. Range : South-west Australia (Stirling Ranges). Smicrornis brevirostris rogersi. North-western Tree-Tit. Smicrornis brevirostris rogersi JIathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 307, 1912 ; Napier Broome Bay, North-west Australia. Range : North-west Australia (Coastal districts). Smicrornis brevirostris mungi. Jlimgi Tree-Tit. Smicrornis breviroslris mungi JIathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. X^^II., p. 307, 1912 ; JIungi, North-west Australia. Range : Interior of North-west Australia. Smicrornis brevirostris flavescens. Yellow-tinted Tree-Tit. Smicrornis flavescens Gould. Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1842, p. 134, 1843 ; Port Essington. Northern Territorj-. Range : Western Northern Territory. Smicrornis brevirostris melvillensis. Jlelville Island Tree-Tit. Smicrornis brevirostris melvillensis Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 39. 1912 ; Melville Island. Range : Jlelville Island, Northern Territory. Smicrornis brevirostris subflavescens. Pale Yellow-tinted Tree-Tit. Smicrornis brevirostris siibtlavescetis Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 307, 1912 ; Alexandra, Northern Territory. Range : Eastern Northern Territory. Genus GERYGONE. Oerygone Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.)- 1842, p. 133, 1843. Type (by original designation, : Psilojms olivaceus Gould. Synonym : Pailopus (not Poli 1795) Gould, Synops. Birds Austr., pt. it., pi. 61, 1838. Type : Psilopus olivaceus Gould. 172 A LIST OF THE [PASSERITOEMES Gerygone olivacea. Gerygone olivacea olivacea. White-throated Fly-eater. Psilopns olivacens Gould, Synops. Birds Austr., pt. iv., pi. 61, 1838 ; New South Wales. SjTionym : Psilopns albogularis Gould, Sjiaops. Birds Austr., pt. iv., pi. 61, 1838 ; New South Wales. Range : South Queensland ; New South Wales. Gerygone olivacea queenslandica. Pale White-throated Fly-eater. Gerygone albogularis queenslandica Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 308, 1912 ; Inkerman, Queensland. Range : Mid-Queensland. Gerygone olivacea flavigasta. Nomianton Fly-eater. Acanthiza flavigasta Diggles, Proc. Queen.sl. Philos. See. 1876, p. 11 ; Normanton, Queensland. Range : Interior of Queensland (Normanton district). Gerygone olivacea rogersi. Grey Fly-eater. Gerygone albigularis rogersi Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 23, 1911 ; Derby, North-west Australia. Range : North-west Australia. Genus WILSONAVIS. Wilsonavis Mathews, Austral Av. Rec., Vol. I., p. 110, 1912. Tjrpe (by original designation) : Psilopus fuscus Gould. Wilsonavis fusca. Wilsonavis fusca fusca. Brown Fly-eater. Psilopus fnsciis Gould, Synops. Birds Austr., pt. vr., pi. 61, 1838 ; New South Wales. Range : South Queensland ; New South Wales. Wilsonavis fusca pallida. Pale Brown Fly-eater. Gerygone pallida North, Austr. Mus. Sp., Cat. no. 1, Vol. I., p. 196, 1903 ; Bellenden Ker Range, Queensland. Range : North Queensland. Wilsonavis tenebrosa. Wilsonavis tenebrosa tenebrosa. Dusky Fly-eater. Pseudogerygone tenebrosa Hall, Vict. Nat., Vol., XVIII., p. 79, 1901 ; Fitzroy River, North-west Australia. Range : Nortli-%vest Australia. Wilsonavis tenebrosa christophori. .\llied Dusky Fly-eater. Gerygone tenebrosa christophori Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 311, 1912 ; Carnarvon, West Australia. Range : Mid-west Australia. PASSERIFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRAUA 173 Wilsonavis chloronola. Wilsonavis chloronota clii'-ronota. Green-backed Fly-oater. Gcryqonc chlormioliis Goul.l, i'rcc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1842, p. 133, 1843 ; Port Essington, Noi-tI.em Territory. Range : Northern Territory. Wilsonavis chloronota apsleyi. Melville Island Green-backed Fly-eater. Oerygone chloronota apsleyi Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 40., 1912 ; Melville Island. Range : Melville Island, Northern Territory. Wilsonavis chloronota darwini. Western Green-backed Fly-eater. Gerygone chloronota flarwini JIathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 40, 1912 ; Parry's Creek, North-west Australia. Range : North-west Australia. Wilsonavis laevigaster. Wilsonavis laevigaster laevigaster. Buff-breasted Fly-eater. Gerygone laevigaster Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1842, p. 133, 1843 ; Port Essington, Northern Territory. Range : Northern Territory. Wilsonavis laevigaster broomei. Broome Bay Fly-eater. Gerygone laevigaster broomei llatliews. Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 89, 1912 ; Napier Broome Bay, North-west Australia. Range : North-west Australia (Coastal districts). Wilsonavis laevigaster mungi. Mungi Buff-breasted Fly-eater. Oerygone laevigaster mungi Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 310, 1912 ; Miuigi, North-west Australia. Range : Interior of North-west Australia. Wilsonavis laevigaster mastersi. Cape York Buff-breasted Fly-eater. Pseiidogerygmie mastersi Sliarpe, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., Vol. IV., p. 224, 1879 ; Cape York, Queensland : new name for " Gerygone simplex Masters." Sjnionym : Gerygone simplex (not Cabanis 1872) Masters, Proc Linn. Soc. N.S.W., Vol. I., p. 52, 187.5 ; Cape York, Queensland. Range : North Queensland (Cape York district). Wilsonavis laevigaster mouki. Cairns Buff-breasted Fly-eater. Gerygone laevigaster mouki Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 310, 1912 ; Cainis, Queensland. Range : North Queensland (Cairns district). Wilsonavis laevigaster cantator. Queensland Canary. Pseudogerygone cantator Weatherill, Queensl. Nat., Vol. I., p. 74, 1908; Moreton Bay, Queensland. Range : South Queensland. 174 A LIST OF THE [PASSERITOEMES Genus ETHELORNIS. Ethelornis Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 110, 1912. Type (by original designation) : Gerygone magnirostris Gould. Ethelornis magnirostris. Ethelornis magnirostris magnirostris. Northern Large-billed Fly-eater. Gerygone magnirostris Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1842, p. 133, 1843 ; Port Essington, Northern Territory (Greenhill Island). Range : Northern Territory. Ethelornis magnirostris melvillensis. Jlelville Island Large-billed Fly-eater. Gerygone magnirostris melvillensis Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 39, 1912 ; Melville Island. Range : Melville Island, Northern Territory. Ethelornis magnirostris eairnsensis. Eastern Large-billed Fly-eater. Gerygone tnagnirostris eairnsensis IMathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. X%T^II., p. 309, 1912 ; Cairns, Queensland. Range : North Queensland. Etlielornis culicivorus. Ethelornis culicivorus culicivorus. Western Fly-eater. Psilopvs oilicivorxs Gould, Proe. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1840, p. 174, 1841 ; Swan River, West Australia. Range : South-west Australia. Ethelornis culicivorus wayensis. Lake Way Fly-eater. Gerygone culicivora wayensis Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 308, 1912 ; Lake Way, West Australia. Range : Mid-west Australia. Ethelornis culicivorus dendyi. Mungi Fly-eater. Gerygone culicivora dendyi Mathews. Nov. Zool., Vol. X\TII., p. 309, 1912 ; Mungi, North-west Australia. Range : Interior of North-west Australia. Ethelornis culicivorus exsul. Eastern Fly-eater. Gerygone culicivora exsul Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. X^^II., p. 309, 1912 ; Rutherglen, Victoria. Range : Victoria. Ethelornis culicivorus jacksoni. Reddish-crowned Fly-eater. Pseudogerygone jacksoni Campbell, Emu, Vol. XL, p. 247, 1912 ; Mogil Mogil, New South Wales. Synonym : Gerygone culicivora herneyi IMathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 119, 1912 ; Tambo, Queensland. Range : North-west of New South AVales ; Queensland. PASSERIFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 175 Genus PSEUDOGERYGONE. Pseudogerygone Sliarpe, Notes Leyden 5Ius., Vol. I., p. 29, 1879. Type (by original designation) : Gerygone personata Gould. Pseudogerygone personata. Pseudogerygone personata personata. Black-throated Fly-eater. Oerygone personata Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 18GG, p. 217 ; Cape York, Queensland. Range : North Queensland (Cape York). Pseudogerygone personata navida. Herbert River Fly-eater. Oerygone flavida Ramsay, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., Vol. II., p. 53, 1877 ; Herbert River district, Queensland. Range : North Queensland (Herbert River district). Genus HETEROMYIAS. Heteromyias Sharpe, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., Vol. IV., p. 239, 1879. Type (by monotypy) : Poecilodryas ? cinereifrons Ramsay. Synonym : Jredaleornis Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 127, 1912 : new name for "Heteromyias Sharpe." Heteromyias cinereifrons. Heteromyias cinereifrons. Asliy-fronted Fly-Robin. Poecilodryas t cinereifrons Ramsay, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1875, p. 588; Near Cardwell, Queensland. Range : North Queensland. Genus POECILODRYAS. Poecilodryas Gould, Handb. Birds Austr., Vol. I., p. 287, 1865. Tj'pe (by monotyjjj-) : Petroica superciliosa Giould. Poecilodryas superciliosa. Poecilodryas superciliosa superciliosa. \Miite-browed Robin. Petroica superciliosa Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1846, p. 106, 1847 ; Burdekin Lakes, Queensland. Range : North Queensland. Poecilodryas superciliosa cerviniventris. Buff-sided Robin. Petroica 1 cerviniventris Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1857, p. 221; Victoria River, Northern Territorj'. Range : Northern Territory. 176 A LIST OF THE [PASSEEIFORMES Poecilodryas superciliosa belcheri. Western Buff-sided Robin. Pachycephala superciliosa belcheri Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 40, 1912 ; Napier Broome Bay, North-west Australia. Range : North-west Australia. Genus QUOYORNIS. Quoyomis Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. Ill, 1912. Type (by original designation) : Muscicapa georgiana Quoy et Gaimard. Quoyornis georgianus. Quoyornis georgianus. White-breasted Slirike-Robin. Miiscicapa georgiana Quoy et Gaimard, Voy. " I'Astrol.," Zool., Vol. I., p. 175, 1830 ; King George Sound, West Australia. Synonym : Eopsaltria lencogaster Gould, Proe. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) ISIiJ, p. 19 ; Perth, West Australia. Range : South-west Australia. Quoyornis leucurus. Quoyornis leueurus leucurus. ^^Hiite-tailed Shrike-Robin. Eopsaltria leuctira Gould, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., Ser. IV., Vol. IV., p. 108, 1869 ; Cape York, Queensland. Range : North Queensland. Quoyornis leucurus greda. Melville Island AVliite-tailed Shrike-Robin. Pachycephala leiicura greda Mathews. Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 40, 1912 ; Melville Island. Range : Melville Island, Northern TeiTitory Quoyornis leucurus alligator. Allied White-tailed Shrilve-Robin. Pachycephala leuciira alligator Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. X^^^., p. 312, 1912 ; Alligator River, Northern Territorj-. Range : Northern Territory. Quoyornis leucurus connectens. North-western Shrike-Robin. Pachycephala leuc'ira. connectens Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVHI., p. 312, 1912 ; Point Torment, North-west Australia. Range : North-west AustraUa. Quoyornis leucurus cinereiceps. Grey-headed Shrike-Robin. Poecilodryas cinereiceps Hartert, Nov. Zool., Vol. XII., p. 231, 1905 ; Near Hampton Harbour, West Austraha. Range : Mid-west Australia. PASSERIFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRAXIA 177 Genus TREGELLASIA. Tregellasia Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 110, 1912. Tj^ie (by original designation) : Eopsaltria capita Gould. Tregellasia capito. Tregellasia capito capito. Large-headed Robin. Eopsaltria capito Gould. Proc. Zool. See. (Lond.) 18.51, p. 285, 1854 ; Brisbane River, Queensland. Range : South Queensland ; New South Wales. Tregellasia capito nana. Little Robin. Eopsaltria nana Ramsay, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., Vol. II., p. 372, 1877 ; Cardwell, Queensland. Range : Xorth Queensland (Cardwell district). Tregellasia leucops. [Tregellasia leucops leucops. Lencophanles leucops Salvador!. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen., Vol VTI., p. 921, 1875 ; Arfak Jloun tains. New Guinea. Extra limital.] Tregellasia leucops albigularis. \Vliite-throated Fly-Robin. Poecilodryas leucops alhifi'ilaris Rothscliild and Hartert, Nov. Zool., Vol. XIV., p. 459. 1907 ; Cape York, Queensland. Range : North Queensland. Genus KEMPIELLA. Kempiella Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. II., p. 12, 1913. Type (by original designation) : K. kempi Mathews. Kempiella kempi. Kempiella kempi. Yellow-breasted Robin. Kempiella kempi Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. II., p. 12, 1913 ; Cape York, Queensland. Range : North Queensland. Genus PACHYCEPHALA. PachycephcUa Vigors, Trans. Linn. Soc (Lond.), Vol. XIV., p. 444, 1825. Type (by original designation) : Muscicapa pectoralis Latham. Pacbycephala pectoralis. Pachycephala pectoralis pectoralis. \Vhite-tliroated Thickhead. Muscicapa pectoralis Latham, Index. Omith., Suppl., p. li., 1801 ; New South Wales. N 178 A LIST OF THE [PASSEEIFOKMES Synonyms : Tardus gutturalis (not Jliiller 1776) Latham, Index. Oniith., Suppl., p. xli., 1801 ; New South Wales. Motacilla dubia Shaw and Nodder, Nat. Miscel., A'ol. XXII., pi. 949, 1811; New South Wales. Laniarius albicollis Vieillot, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist Nat., Vol. XIII., p. 299, 1817 ; New South Wales. Tnrdiis hmularis Stephens, in Shaw's Gen. Zool., Vol. XIII., pt. n., p. 200, 1826; New South Wales. Pachycephala fusca Vigors and Horsfield, Trans. Linn. Soc. (Lond.), Vol. XV., p. 240, 1827 ; New South Wales. Range : New South Wales. Pachycephala pectoralis youngi. Victorian Thickhead. Pachycephala giittnralis youngi Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 313, 1912; Lai Lai, Victoria. Range : Victoria. Pachycephala pectoralis glaucura. Grey-tailed Thickhead. Pachycephala glaucura Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1845, p. 19; Tasmania. Range : Tasmania. Pachycephala pectoralis fuliginosa. South Australian YeUow-breasted Thickhead. Pachycephala fidiginosa Vigors and Horsfield, Trans. Linn. Soc. (Lond.), Vol. XV., p. 241, 1827 ; South AustraUa. Synonym : Pachycephala meridionalis North, Rec. Austr. Mus., Vol. V., p. 126, 1904 ; South Australia. Range : South Australia. Pachycephala pectoralis halmaturina. Kangaroo Island ^Miite- throated Thickhead. Pachycephala halmaturina A. G. Campbell, Emu, Vol. V., p. 140, 1906 ; Kangaroo Island. Synonym : Pachycephala intermedia " North," A. G. Campbell, Emu, Vol. V., p. 142, 1906: nom. nudum. Range : Kangaroo Island, South Australia. Pachycephala pectoralis occidentalis. Western Thickhead. Pachycephala occidentalis Ramsay, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., Vol. II., p. 212, 1878; West Australia. Range : South-west Australia. Pachycephala pectoralis melanura. Black-tailed Thickhead. Pachycephala melanura Gould, Proc. Zoo). Soc. (Lond.) 1842, p. 134, 1843 ; Derby, North-west AustraUa. Synonym : Eopsaltria hilli Campbell, Emu, Vol. X., p. 168, 1910 ; Napier Broome Bay, North-west Australia. Range : North-west Australia. PASSERIFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 179 Pacbycephala pectoralis violetae. Northern Black-tailed Thickhead. Pachycephala guttural is t'ioletac JIathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 70, 1912 ; Daly River, Xorthem Tei'ritory. Range : Northern Territory. Pachycephala pectoralis consobrina. Buchanan Island Black-tailed Thickheatl. Pachycephala gidturalin caiutobriiia Matliews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. "li, 1912; Buulianaii Island. Range : Buchanan Island, Xortheni Territoi-j'. Pachycephala pectoralis robusta. Big-billed Thickhead. Pachycephala robusta Masters, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., Vol. I., p. 49, 1875 ; Cape York, Queensland. Range : North Queensland (Cape York district). Pacbycephala pectoralis queenslandica. Queensland Thickhead. Pachyccpliala queenslandica Reichenow, Ornith. Jlonatsb. 1899, p. 8; BeUenden Ker, North Queensland. Synonym : Pachycephala mestoni De Vis, .\nn. Queensl. 3Ius., Vol. VI., p. 44, 1 905 ; Bellenden Ker, North Queensland. Range : North Queensland (Bellenden Ker district). Pachycephala pectoralis ashbyi. Jlountain Thickhead. Pachycephala gutturalis ashbyi Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 313, 1912; Blackall Ranges, Queensland. Range : South Queensland. Genus LEWINORNIS. Lewiiiornis Mathews, Austral Av. Rec., Vol. II., p 57, 1913. Type (by original designation) : Sylvia rufiventris Latham. Lewinornis rufiventris. Lewinornis rufiventris rufiventris. Rufous-breasted Thickhead. Syloia rufiventris Latham, Index. Oniith., Suppl., p. liv., 1801 ; New South Wales. Synonyms : Tardus prasinus (not Sparrman 1789) Latham, Index Omith., Suppl., p. xli, 1801 ; New South Wales. Turdua pectoralis (not Latham 1790) Lewin, Birds New Holland, pi. vm., 1808 ; New South Wales. Laniaritis rvbrigaster Vieillot, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., Vol. XIII., p. 300, 1817 ; New South Wales. Pachycephala striata Vigors and Horsfield, Trans. Linn. Soc. (Lond.), Vol. XV., p. 240, 1827 ; New South Wales. Lanius macularius Quoy et Gainiard, Voy. " I'Astrol.," Zool., Vol. I., p. 257, 1830; New South Wales. Range : South Queensland ; New South Wales ; Victoria. N 2 180 A LIST OF THE [PASSERITORMES Lewinornis rufiventris inornatus. Southern Rufous-breasted Thickhead. Pachycephala inornata Gould, Proc. Zool. See. (Lond.) 1840, p. 164, 1841 ; South AustraUa. Range : South Australia ; South-west Australia. Lewinornis rufiventris colletti. Western Rufous-breasted Thickhead. Pachycephala rufiventris colletti Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I. p. 41, 1912 ; Parry's Creek, North-west AustraUa. Range : North-west Australia. Lewinornis rufiventris falcatus. Northern Rufous-breasted Thickhead Pachycephala falcata Gould, Proe. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1842, p. 134, 1843 ; Port Essington, Northern Territorj-. Range : Northern Territory. Lewinornis rufiventris pallidus. Pale-breasted Thickhead. Pachycephala pallida Ramsay, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., Vol. II., p. 224, 1877 ; Gulf of Carpentaria, Queensland. Range : North Queensland. Genus GILBERTORNIS. Gilbertornis Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 110, 1912. Type (by original designation) : Pachycephala rufo- gularis Gould. Gilbertornis rufogularis. Gilbertornis rufogularis rufogularis. Eastern Red-throated Thickhead. Pachycephala rufogularis Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1840, p. 164, 1841 ; South Australia. Range : New South Wales ? ; Victoria ; South AustraUa. Gilbertornis rufogularis gilbertii. Red-tliroated Thickhead. Pachycephala gilbertii Ciould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1840, p. 107 ; West AustraUa. Range : South-west Australia. Genus ALISTERORNIS. Alisterornis Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. Ill, 1912. Type (by original designation) : Pachycephala lanioides huchanani Mathews. Alisterornis lanioides. AUsterornis lanioides lanioides. Wliite-beUied Thickhead. Pachycephala lanioides Gould, Proc Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1839, p. 142, 1 840 ; North-west coast AustraUa = Derbj'. Range : North-west AustraUa. PASSERIFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 181 Allsterornis lanioldes bucbanani. Allied Wliite bellied Thickhead. Pachyccphala lanioidcx bi(c!ianani Jlnthews, Austin) Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 77, 1912 ; Buchanan Island. Range : Buchanan Island, Northern Territory. Allsterornis lanioides fretorum Torres Straits Thickliead. PachycepJiala fretorum De Vis, Proe. Roy. Soc. Queensl., Vol. VI., p. 237, 1889; Cambridge Gulf, Gulf of Carpentaria. Range : North Queensland. Genus TIMIXOS. Timixoa Blyth, Joum. As. Soc. Bengal, Vol. XI., p. 195, 1842. Type (by original designation) : T. meruloides = Pachy- cepkala oUvacea Vigors and Horsfield. Timixos ollvaceus. Timixos olivaceus olivaceus. Olive Thickhead. Pachycephala olivaeea Vigors and Horsfield, Trans. Linn. Soc. (Lond. ), Vol. XV., p. 241, 1827 Tasmania. Synonym : Timixos meruloides Blyth, Joum. As. Soc. Bengal, A'ol. XI., p. 195, 1842 ; Tasmania. Range : Tasmania. Timixos olivaceus tregellasi. Allied Olive Thiekliead. Pachyeephala olii-acca tregellasi JIathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIU., p. 315, 1912 ; Olinda, Victoria. Range : Victoria. Genus MATTINGLEYA. Matlingkya JIatheivs, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. Ill, 1912. Type (by original designation) : Pachycephala peninsulae Hartert. Mattingleya griseiceps. [Mattingleya griseiceps griseiceps. Pachycephala griseiceps Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1858, p. 178; Aru Island.s. Extra limital.] Mattingleya griseiceps peninsulae. Northern Grey Thickhead. Pachycephala pcniiisiilae Hartert, Bull. Brit. Omith. Club, Vol. VIII., p. xxxiii., 1899 ; Capo York, Queensland. Range : North Queen.sland (Cape York district). Mattingleya griseiceps inornata. Grey Thickhead. Eopsaltria ? inornata Ramsay, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1874, p. 604 Rockingham Buy, Queensland. 182 A UST OF THE [PASSEEIFOEMES Synonym : Pachycephala emdae Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. X\T:II., p. 317, 1912 ; new name for " Eopsaltria ? inornata Ramsay." Range : North Queensland (Rockingham Bay). Genus MUSCITREA. Muscitrea Blj-th, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal. Vol. XVI.. pt. i., p. 121, 1847 (Feb.). T5^e (bj^ monotypy) : Muscitrea cinerea = Tephrod- ornis grisola Blyth. SynonjTn : Hyloterpe Bonaparte. Consp. Gen. Av., Vol. I., p. 329., 1850. Type: Pachycephala orpheiis Jardine. Muscitrea grisola. [Muscitrea grisola grisola. Tephrodornis grisola Blyth, Joum. As. Soc. Bengal, Vol. XII., p. ISO*. 1843 ; Calcutta, India Extra limital.] Muscitrea grisola simplex. Brown Thickhead. Pachycephala simplex Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1842, p. 135, 1843 ; Port Essington, Northern Territorj"-. Range ; Northern Territory. Muscitrea grisola riordani. Melville Island Brown Thickhead. Pachycephala grisola riordani Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 41, 1912 ; MelviUe Island. Range : Melville Island, Northern Territory. Genus EOPSALTRIA, Eopsaltria Swainson, Faima Bor. Anier., p. 492, 1832. Type (bj^ original designation) : Motacilla austraUs White. Eopsaltria austraiis. Eopsaltria austraiis austraiis. Yellow-breasted Slirike-Robin. Motacilla austraiis Wliite. Journ. Vov. New South Wales, p. 239. 1790 ; New South Wales. SjTionyms : Todus flavigasier Latham, Index Ornith.. Vol. I., p. 268, 1790; New South Wales. Miiscicapa flavigastra Latham, Index Ornith., Suppl.. p. lii., 1801 ; New South Wales. Sylvia flavigastra Latham, Index Ornith., Suppl., p. liv, 1801 ; New South Wales. Todus xanthogaster- Shav,; Gen. Zool., Vol. XJll.. pt. i., p. 132. 1812: emendation only. PASSERIFORMES] BERDS OF AUSTRALIA 183 Sylvia chrysogaatra Stephens, iii Shaw's Gen. Zool., Vol. X., p. 720, 1817; New South Wales. Muscicapa griseicapilla Vieillot, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., Vol. XXI., p. 489, 1818 ; New South Wales. EapsaJtria flavicollia Swainson, Classif. Birds, Vol. II., p. 250, 1837 ; New South Wales. Eopsaltria parvuhis Gould, Synops. Birds Austr., pt. iv., App., p. 2, 1838 ; New South Wales. Range : New South Wales. Eopsaltria australis viridior. Green-rumped Slirike-Robin. Pachycephala australis riridior Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 31fi, 1912 ; Selby, Victoria. Range : Victoria. Eopsaltria australis rosinae. Allied Grey-breasted Slirike-Robin. Pachycephala australis rosinae Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XV^III., p. 317, 1912 ; Eyre's Peninsula, South Australia. Range : South Australia. Eopsaltria australis gularis. Grey-breasted Shrike-Robin. Muscicapa ijiilaris Quoy et Gaimard, Voy. " I'Astrol." Zool., Vol. I., p. 170, 1830 ; King George Sound, West Australia. SjmonjTn : Eopsaltria gri^eogularis Gould, SjTiops. Birds Austr., pt. iv., App., p. 2, 1838 ; Swan River, West Australia. Range : South-west AustraUa. Eopsaltria australis magnirostris. Large-biUed Shrike-Robin. Eopsaltria magnirostris Gould, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., Ser. IV., Vol. IV., p. 109, 1869 ; Rockingham Bay, Queensland. Synonym : Eopsaltria jacksoni Le Sou6f, Emu, Vol. IX., p. 70, 1909; Herberton. Range : North Queensland. Eopsaltria australis coomooboolaroo. Lesser Yellow Slirike-Robin. Eopsaltria coomooboolaroo Campbell, Emu, Vol. XII.. p. 191, 1913 ; Coomooboolaroo, Queensland. Range : Mid-Queensland. Eopsaltria australis chrysorrhos. Yellow-rumped Slirike-Robm. Eopsaltria chrysorrhos Gould, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., Ser. IV., Vol. IV., p. 109, 1869 ; Eastern parts of New South ^^'ales. Range : South Queensland ; North New South Wales. Genus RHIPIDURA. Rhipidiira Vigors and Horstield, Trans. Limi. Soc. (Lond.), Vol. XV., p. 246, 1827. Type (by subsequent designation. Gray 1840) : Muscicapa flabelltfera Gmelin. 184 A LIST OF THE [PASSEEIFOEMES Synonyms : Ripidicala " Boie, Neues Staats. Magazin (ScWeswig), Vol. I., Heft 2. p. 489, 1832." Type : Muscicapa fiaheUijera GmeUn. Rhipidicidura " Boie," Gray, Handl. Gen. Sp. Birds, Vol. I., p. 330, 1869 : nom. nudum. Rhipidura flabellifera. [Rhipidura flabellifera flabellifera. Muscicapa flabeUi/era Gmelin, Syst. Nat., p. 943, 1789 ; Dusky Sound, New Zealand. Extra Umital.] Rhipidura flabellifera alisteri. White-shafted Fantail. Rhipidura albiscapa alisteri Mathews, Bull. Brit. Ornitli. Club, Vol. XXVII., p. 87, 1911 ; Homebush, New South Wales. Range : New South Wales. Rhipidura flabellifera victoriae. Victorian Fantail. Rhipidura flabellifera victoriae Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 318, 1912 ; Ringwood, Victoria. Range : A''ictoria. Rhipidura flabellifera albiscapa. Dusky Fantail. Rhipidura albiscapa Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1840, p. 113, 1841 ; Tasmania. Synonyms : Rhipidura nassata " 111." Bonaparte, Consp. Gen. Av., Vol. I., p. 323, 1850 : nom. nudum ; Tasmania. Rhipidura saturata (not Salvador! 1878) Sharpe, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., Vol. IV., p. 311, 1879; Tasmania. Rhipidura diemenensis Sharpe, Ibis 1879, p. 368 ; Tasmania. Rhipidiira sharpei Ramsay, Proc. Liim. Soc. N.S.W., Vol. IV., p. 318, 1879 ; Tasmania. Range : Tasmania. Rhipidura flabellifera whitei. South Australian FaiitaU. Rhipidura flabellifera whitei Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 318, 1912 ; Grange, South Australia. Range : South Australia. Rhipidura flabellifera preissi. Western FantaO. Rhipidura preissi Cabanis, JIus. Hein., Vol. I., p. 57, 1850 ; West Australia. Range : South-west Australia. Rhipidura flabellifera subphasiana. Allied Pheasant-Fantail. Rhipidura flabellifera subphasiana Mathews, Nov. Zool.. Vol. XVIII.. p. 319, 1912 ; Derby, North-west Australia. Range : North-west Austraha. Rhipidura flabellifera buchanani. Buchanan Island Pheasant-Fantail. Rhipidura flabellifera bxchattani Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 90, 1912 ; Buchanan Island. Range ; Buchanan Island, Northern Tenitoiy. PASSERIFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRAUA 185 RUpidura flabellitera phasiana. Fheasant-Fantail. Rhipidiira phasiana De Vis, Proc. Roy. Soc. Queensl., Vol. I., p. 158, 1884 ; Xonnan River, Kimberley, Queensland. Range: North Queensland (Kimberley district). Rhipidura flabellifera frerei. Mountain-Fantail. Rhipidiira flabellifera frerei Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVllI., p. 319, 1912 ; Bartle Frere, North Queensland. Range : North Queensland (Bartle Frere district to Cape York). Rhipidura flabellifera harterti. Inkerman Fantail. Rhipidiira flabellifera harterti JIathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. X\^1I., p. 319. 1912 ; Inkerman, Queensland. Range : Mid-Queensland. Rhipidura flabellifera albicauda. White-tailed Fantail. Rhipidura albicauda North, Ibis 1895, p. 340 ; Stoke's Pass, Central Australia. Range : Central Australia. Genus HOWEAVIS. Howeavis Mathews, Austral. Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. Ill, 1912. Type (by original designation) : Muscicapa rufifrons Latham. Howeavis rufifrons. Howeavis rufifrons ruflfrons. Rufous Fantail. Muscicapa rufifrons Latham, Index Omith., Suppl., p. 1., 1801 ; New South Wales. Range : South Queensland ; New South Wales. Howeavis rufifrons inexpectata. Victorian Rufous Fantail. Rhipidura rufifrons inexpectata Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 319, 1912 ; Dandenong Ranges, Victoria. Range : Victoria. Howeavis ruflfrons intermedia. Intermediate Rufous Fantail. Rhipidura intermedia North, Vict. Nat., Vol. XIX., p. 101, 1902 ; BeUenden Ker Range, Queensland. Range : North Queensland (BeUenden Ker district). Howeavis rufifrons kempi. Cape York Rufous Fantail. Rhipidura rufifrons kempi JIathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 320, 1912 ; Cape York. Queensland. Range : North Queensland (Cape York district). Howeavis rufifrons dryas. Wood-Fantail. Rhipidura dryas Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1842, p. 132, 1843 ; Port E.ssington Northern Territory. 186 A LIST OF THE [PASSERIFOEIMES Synonjon : Bhipidura mayi Ashby, Emu, Vol. XI., p. 41, 1911 ; Anson Bay, Northern Territory. Range : Northern Territory and east to Gulf of Carpentaria. Howeavis ruBfrons parryi. North-western Wood-Fantail. Rhipidiira riififrons parryi Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 320, 1912; Parry's Creek, North-west Australia. Range : North-west Australia. Genus SETOSURA. Setosura Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. II., p. 58, 1913. Type (by original designation) : Rhijndura setosa mel- villensis Mathews. Setosura setosa. [Setosura setosa setosa. Muscipeta setosa Quoy et Gaimard, Voy. " I'Astrol.," Vol. I., p. 181, pi. 4, f. 4, 1830 ; New Ireland. E.Ktra limital.] Setosura setosa isura. Northern Fantail. Rhipidiira isura Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1840, p. 174, 1841 ; Port Essington, Northern Territory. Synonym : ? Rhipidiira setosa melviUensis Jlathews, Austral A\. Rec, A'ol. I., p. 41, 1912 ; Melville Island. Range : Nortliem Territorj-. Setosura setosa tormenti. Western Fantail. Rhipidiira setosa tormenti Mathews, Austral A\. Rec., Vol. I., p. 90, 1912 ; Point Torment, North-west Australia. Range : North-west Australia. Setosura setosa superciliosa. Queensland Fantail. Rhipidiira superciliosa Ramsay, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1874, p. 604 ; Rockingham Bay, Queensland. Range : North Queensland. Genus LEUCOCIRCA. Lcmocirca Swaiiison, Naturalists' Library, Flycatchers, p. 121!. pi. xr., 1838. Type (by original designation) : L. laticavda=Muscica'pa tricolor Vieillot. Synonym : Saidoprocta Cabanis, Mus. Hein., Vol. I., p. 57, 1850. T\-pe : Rhipidxira motacilloides Vigors and Horsfield. PASSERIFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRAUA 187 Leucocirca tricolor. Leucocirca tricolor tricolor. Black-and-\\niite Fantail. Muicicapa tricolor Vieillot, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., Vol. XXI., p. 490, 1818; New South Wales. Synonym : Rhipidiira motacilloides Vigors an4 Horsfield, Trans. Linn. Soc. (Lond.), Vol. XV., p. 248, 1827 ; George River, New South Wales. Range : South Queensland ; New South Wales : Victoria : South Australia ; South-west Australia. Leucocirca tricolor utingu. Northern Black-and-White Fantail. Rhipidura tricolor utingu Mathews, Austral A\-. Rec., Vol. I., p. 90, 1912 ; Cape York, Queensland. Range : North Queensland. Leucocirca tricolor picata. Western Black-and-White Fantail. Rhipidura picata Gould, Birds Austr., Vol. I., Introd., p. xxxix.. 1848 ; Port Essington, Northern Temtorj-. Range : North-west Australia ; Northern Territory. Genus MYIAGRA. Myiagra Vigors and Horsfield, Trans. Liiui. Soc. (Lond.), Vol. XV., p. 250, 1827. Type (by subsequent designation. Gray 1840) : M. rvhecvloides = Todus rtibecula Latham. Myiagra rubecula. Myiagra rubecula rubecula. Leaden Flycatcher. Todus rubecula Latham, Index Omith., Suppl., p. xxxli., ISOl ; New South Wales. Sjnionyms : Platyrh!j)whos ruficollis Vieillot, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., Vol. XXVIL, p. 13, 1818 ; New South Wales. Myiagra rubeculoides Vigors and Horsfield, Trans. Linn. Soc. (Lond.), Vol. XV., p. 253, 1827 ; New South Wales. Myiagra plumbea Vigors and Horsfield. Trans. Liini. Soc. (Lend.), Vol. XV., p. 254. 1827 ; New South Wales. Range : South Queensland ; New South Wales. Myiagra rubecula ringwoodi. Victorian Leaden Flycatcher. Myiagra rubecula ringwoodi JIathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 321, 1912 ; Ring\vood, Victoria. Range : Victoria. Myiagra rubecula yorki. Northern Leaden Flycatcher. Myiagra rubecula yorki Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVII]., p. 321, 1912 ; Cape York, Queensland. Range : North Queensland. « 188 A UST OF THE [PASSEEITORMES Myiagra rubecula concinna. Blue Flycatcher. Myiagra concinna Gould, Birds Austr., Vol. II., pi. 90, 1848 ; Port Essington, Northern Territory. Synonyms : Myiagra grisea Jacquinot et Pucheran, Yoy. Pole. Sud., Zool., Vol. III., p. 78, 1853 ; Port Essington, Northern Territory. ? Myiagra ruhecida melvillensis JIathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 41, 1912 ; Melvaie Island. Range : Northern Territory. Myiagra rubecula broomei. Western Blue Flycatcher. Myiagra rubecula broomei Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 90, 1912 ; Napier Broome Bay, North-west Australia. Range : North-west Australia. Myiagra nitida. Myiagra nitida nitida. Satin Flycatcher. Myiagra nitida Gould, Synops. Birds Austr., pt. iv., App., p. 1, 1838 ; New South Wales. Range : South Queensland ; New South Wales ; Victoria ; Tasmania. Myiagra nitida robinsoni. Northern Satin Flycatcher. Myiagra nitida robinsoni Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVHI., p. 322, 1912 ; Cooktown, North Queensland. Range : North Queensland. Myiagra latirostris. Myiagra latirostris latirostris. Broad-billed Flycatcher. Myiagra latirostris Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1840, p. 172, 1841 ; Port Essington, Northern Territory. Synonym : ? Myiagra latirostris cooperi Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 42, 1912 ; ileh-ille Island. Range : Northern Territory. Myiagra latirostris tormenti. Western Broad-bOled Flycatcher. Myiagra latirostris tormenti Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 91, 1912 ; Point Torment, North-west AustraUa. Range : North-west Australia. Myiagra latirostris kempi. Cape York Broad-billed Flycatcher. Myiagra latirostris kempi Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. X^^II., p. 322, 1912 ; Cape York, Queensland. Range : North Queensland. Genus MACHAERIRHYNCHUS, Machaerirhynfhus Gould, Birds Austr., Suppl., pi. 11, 1851. Type (by monotypy) : 31. flamventer Gould. PASSERIFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 189 Machaerirhynchus flaviventer. Machaerirhynchus flaviventer flaviventer. Yollow-brcasted Flycatcher. Machaerirhi/nchiis flarirenler Gould, Birds Austr., Suppl, pi. 11, 1851 ; Cape York. Queensland. Rnnpe : North Queensland (Cape York district). Machaerirhynchus flaviventer secundus. Cairns Yellow-breasted Fly- catcher. Machaerirhynchus flaviventer secundus Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 322, 1912 ; Bartlc Frere, North Queensland. Range: North Queensland (Cainis district). Genus SEISURA. Seistira Vigors and Horsfiekl. Trans. Linn. Soc. (Lend.). Vol. XV., p. 249, 1827. Tj^pe (by monotj^iy) : Turdus inquietus Latham. Seisura inquieta. Seisura inquieta inquieta. Restless Flycatcher. Turdiis inqiiiet'iji Latham. Index Oniith., Suppl., p. xl., 1801 ; New South Wales. Synonjins : Turdus dubius (not Bechstein 1795) Latham, Index Omith., Suppl., p. xl.. ISOI ; New South Wales. Turdus voHtans Latham, Index Omith., Suppl., p. xli., 1801 ; New South Wales. Turdus muscicola Latham, Index Ornith., Suppl., p. xhii., 1801 ; New South Wales. Range : New South Wales ; Victoria ; South Australia. Seisura inquieta nea. Northern Restless FIj'catcher. Seisura inquieta nea Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 323, 1912 ; Dawson River, Queensland. Range : Queensland ; Northern Territory (East). Seisura inquieta nana. Little Flycatcher. Seisura nana Gould, Arm. Mag. Nat. Hist., Ser. II., Vol. VI., p. 224, 1870 ; North-west AustraUa. Range : North-west Australia : Northern Territory (West). Seisura inquieta westralensis Western Restless Flycatcher. Seisura inquieta westralensis Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 323, 1912 ; Broome Hill, South-west Australia. Range : South-west Australia. Genus ORPHRYZONE. Orphryzone Ramsay, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1868, p. 383. Type (by monotypy) : Arses kaupi Grould. 190 A LIST OF THE [PASSERIFORMES Orphryzone kaupi. Ofphryzone kaupi. Australian Pied Flycatcher. Arses kaupi Gould, Birds Ausfcr., Suppl., pi. 10, 1851 ; North Coast Australia = Caii-ns. Synonym : Arses terraereginae Campbell, Proc. Roy. See. Vict., Vol. VII., p. 2-5, 1895 ; Bloomfield district, Queensland. Range : North Queensland (Cairns district). Orphryzone lorealis. Orphryzone lorealis. Frill-necked Flycatcher. Arses lorealis De Vis, Proc. Limi. Soc. N.S.W., Ser. II., Vol. X., p. 171, 1895 ; Cape York, Queensland. Synonym : Arses candidior " De Vis," Le Souef, Ibis 1897, p. .397 ; Cape York: notn. nudum. Range : North Queensland (Cape York). Genus PIEZORHYNCHUS. Piezorhynchiis Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lend.) 1840, p. 171, 1841. Type (by monotypy) : P. nitidus Gould. Piezorhynchus aleeto. [Piezorhynchus aleeto aleeto. Drymop'ii'a aleeto Temrainck at Laugier, Planch. Color. d'Ois., Vol. IV., TClivr., pi. 430, 1827; Celebes. Extra limital.] Piezorhynchus aleeto nitidus. Shining Flycatcher. Piezorhynchus nitidus Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Loud.) 1840, p. 171, 1841 ; Port Essington, Northern Ten-itory. Synonym : ? Moyiaroha aleeto melvillensis Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 42, 1912 ; Jlehdlle Island. Range : Northern Territorj'. Piezorhynchus aleeto tormenti. Western Shining Flycatehsr. Monarcha alicto tormenti Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 91, 1912 ; Point Torment, North-west Australia. Range : North-west Australia. Piezorhynchus aleeto campbelli. Cape York Shining Flycatcher. Monarcha aleeto campbelli Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 126, 1912 ; Cape York, Queensland. Range: North Queensland (Cape York district). PASSERIFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 191 Piezorbynchus alecto wardelli. Long-billod Shining Flycatcher. Piezorhipichiis nUidiis wardelli Mathews, Bull. Brit. Oniith. Club., Vol. XXVII., p. 9i), 19U ; Cooktown, Queensland. Range: North Queensland (Cooktown district). Genus SYMPOSIACHRUS. Sympotiiachriis Bonaparte, Coniptes Rendus Sci. (Paris), Vol. XXXVIII., p. 6.i0, 18.-)4. Type (by original designation) : Drymophila trivirgata Temminck. Symposiachrus trivirgatus. [Symposiachrus trivirgatus trivirgatus. DrymophUa trivirgata Temminck et Langier, Planch. Color. d'Ois., 70' li\T., Vol. IV.. pi. 41S. tig. 1, 18215; Timor. Extra limital.] Symposiachrus trivirgatus albiventris. WHiite-vented Spectacled Flycatcher. Moiiarcha albiventris Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1866, p. 217 ; Cape York, Queensland. Synonym : Piezorhynchiis ineditis Shai-pe, Rep. Zool. Coll. " Alert," p. 14, 1884 ; Port Molle, Queensland. Range : North Queensland. Symposiachrus trivirgatus gouldii. Spectacled Flycatcher. Monarcha gouldii Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1860, p. 352; New South Wales. Range : New South Wales ; South Queensland. Genus CARTERORNIS. Carteromis Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. Ill, 1912. Type (by original designation) : Monarcha leucotis Gould, Carteromis leucotis. Carterornis leucotis. WTiite-eaxed Flycatcher. Monarclw, leucotis Gould, in Jardine's Contr. Oniith. 1850, p. 105* ; Cape York, Queensland. Range : Queensland ; New South Wales. Genus MONARCHA. Monarcha Vigors and Horsfield, Trans. Linn Soc. (Lond.), Vol. XV., p. 254, 1827. Type (by monotypy) : J/, carituita = Muscicapa melaii' opsis Vieillot. 192 A LIST OF THE [PASSERIFORMES Monarcha melanopsis. Monarcha melanopsis melanopsis. Black-faced FIj'catcher. Muscicapa melanopsis Vieillot, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., Vol. XXI , p. 450, 1818 ; New South Wales. Synonym : Monarcha carinata Vigors and Horsfield, Trans. Linn. See. (Lend.), Vol. XV., p. 2.55, 1827; Thirsty Soifnd, Queensland. Range : New South Wales ; South Queensland. Monarcha melanopsis eanescens. Pearly Flj-catcher. Monarcha eanescens Salvadori, Aim. Jlus. Civ. Geu., ^"ol. VII., p. 991, 1875 ; Cape York, Queensland. Range : North Queensland. Family C.\JIP0PHAGIDAE. Genus PTEROPODOCYS. Pteropodocys Gould, Birds Austr., Vol. II., pi. 59, 1846. Type (by monotypy) : Graucalus phasianellvs Gould = Ceblejyyris maxima Riippell. Pteropodocys maxima. Pleropodocys maxima maxima. Eastern Ground Cuckoo-Shrike. Cdilepyris maxima Riippell, JIus. Senckenb., Vol. III., p. 28, 1839 ; New South Wales. Synonym : Graucalus phasianellus Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1839, p. 142, 1840 ; New South Wales. Range : South Queensland ; New South Wales ; Victoria ; South Australia. Pteropodocys maxima neglecta. Western Ground Cuckoo-Shrike. Pteropodocys maxima neglecta JIathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 325, 1912 ; Broome HiU, South-west Australia. Range : South-west Austraha. Pteropodocys maxima pallida. Northern Groimd Cuckoo-Shrike. Pteropodocys maxima pallida Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVm., p. 325, 1912; Alexandra, Northern Territory. Range : North Queensland ; Northern Territorj' ; North-west Australia. Genus CORACINA. Coracina (not Coracinus Pallas 1814) Vieillot, Analyse nouv. Omith., p. 42, 1816 (April). Tj^e (by subsequent designation, Cabanis 1851) : " Choucari " = Cormis -pajmensis Gmelin. PASSERIFORSIES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 193 Synonyms : (rraiicaliis Caviev, Le Regiie Anira., Vol. I., p. 341, 1810 (Dec.)- Tj-pe : (by subsequent desigaation, Gray 1S40) Corwis pap-ientis Graelin. Ooronis (not Latreille jl824) Gloger, in Froriep's Notizen, Vol. XVI., p. 277, 1S27 : now naiu3 for " Coracina Vieillot." Coracina novaehollandiae. Coracina novaehollandiae ndvaehollandiae. Small-ljilleii Cuckoo- Shrike. T Urdus novaelwllandiae Gmelin, Syst. Xat., p. 814, 1789; Adventure Bay, Tasmania. Sj-nonyms : Graucaliis parvirostris Gould, Synops. Birds Austr., pt. rv'., pi. 56, 1838 ; Xew South Wales = Tasmania. Coracina mclanops tasmanica Ulathews, Bull. Brit. Omith. Club., Vol. XXVII., p. 100, 1911; Tasmania. Range : Tasmania. Coracina novaehollandiae melanops. Black-faced Cuckoo-Shrike. Corviis melanops Latham, Index Omith., Suppl. p. xxiv., 1801 ; New South Wales. Synonyins ; Graucalus choucari Laugier, Cat. Birds, p. 8, 1836 ; New South Wales. Graucalus melanotis Gould, Synops. Birds Austr., pt. iv., pi. 56, 1838 ; New South Wales. Range : New South Wales ; Victoria ; South Australia. Coracina novaehollandiae westralensis. Western Black-faced Cuckoo- Shrike. Coracina novaehollandiae westralensis Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 326, 1912 ; Wilson's Inlet, South-west AustraUa. Range : South-west Australia. Coracina novaehollandiae subpallida. North-western Black-faced Cuckoo-Shrike. Coracina novaeliollandiae siibpallida'Ma.thews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 326, 1912 ; Strelly River, llid-west Australia. Synonym : ? Coracina novaelioUandiae didimus Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 42, 1912 ; Jlelville Island. Range : Mid- and Xorth-west Australia ; Northern Territory. Coracina novaehollandiae connectens. Queensland Black-faced Cuckoo- Shrike. Coracina novaeluMandiae connectens Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. X\'1II., p. 326, 1912 ; Inkerman, Queensland. Range : Queensland. Coracina bypoleuca. Coracina bypoleuca hypoleuca. \\Tiit«-beUied Cuckoo-Shrike. Graucalus hypoleucus Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1848, p. 38; Port Essington, Northern Territory. 194 A LIST OF THE [PASSEEIFORMES Synonym : ? Goracina hypoleuca apsleyi Mathews. Aiistral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 42, 1912 ; Melville Island. Range : Northern Territory. Coracina hypoleuca parryi. Western White-bellied Cuckoo-Shrike. Goracina hypoleuca parryi Mathews, Austral Av. Rec.. Vol. I., p. 43. 1912 ; Parry's Creek, North-west AustraUa. Range : North-west Australia. Coracina hypoleuca stalkeri. Grey-banded Cuckoo-Shrike. Goracina hypoleuca stalkeri Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 327, 1912 ; Cooktown, Queensland. Range : North Queensland. Coracina robusta. Coracina robusta robusta. Little Cuckoo-Shrike. Lanins rdbustus Latham, Index Ornith., Suppl., p. xviii., 1801 ; New South Wales. Synonyms : Gormis melanogaster Latham, Index Omith., Suppl.. p. xxv., 1801 New South Wales. GoUuricincla concinna Hutton, Cat. Birds New Zeal., p. 15, 1871 New Zealand (accidental). Colluricincla coccinea Geibel, Thes. Omith., Vol. III., p. 797, 1877 error for G. concinna Hutton. Range : New South Wales ; Victoria. Coracina robusta mentalis. Southern Cuckoo-Slirilce. Graucalus mentalis Vigors and Horsfield, Trans. Linn. Soc. (Lond. ). Vol. XV., p. 217, 1827 ; South AustraUa. Range : South AustraUa. Genus PARAGRAUCALUS. Paragraucalus JMathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. II., p. 58, 1913. Tj'pe (by original designation) : Cebhpyris Kneatvs Swainson. Paragraucalus lineatus. Paragraucalus lineatus lineatus. Barred Cuckoo-Slirilie. Geblepyris lineatus Swainson, Zool. Joiun., Vol. I., p. 466, 1825 ; Queensland. Sjnionym : Graucalus sioainsonii Gould, Synops. Birds Austr., pt. rv., pi. 57, 1838 ; New South Wales = Queensland : Proposed for G. lineatuv Swainson, preoccupied. Range : Queensland. PASSERIFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 195 Genus METAGRAUCALUS. Me'ariraiicaliis Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. II., p. 59, 1913. Type (by original designation) : Gracaulus tenuirostris Jardiiie. Metagraucalus tenuirostris. Metagraucalus tenuirostris tenuirostris. Caterpillar-catcher. liracaiiliig tenuirostris Jardine. Edinb. Jouni. Kat. Geogr. Sci. (k.s.), Vol. III., p. 211, 1831 ; New South Wales. Synonym : Ceblepyris jardinii Riippell, Mus. Senckenb., Vol. III., p. 30, 1839 : new name for "O. tenuirostris Jardine." Range : South Queensland : New Soutli Wales ; Victoria. Metagraucalus tenuirostris obscurus. Lesser Caterpillar-catcher. CoraciiM tenuirostris obsciira Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 328, 1912; Cairns, Queensland. Range: North Queensland. Metagraucalus tenuirostris melvillensis. Melville Island Caterpillar- catcher. Coracina tenuirostris melvillensis JIathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 43, 1912 ; Jlelville Island. Range : Melville Island, Northern Territory. Genus LALAGE. Lalage Boie. Isis 1820. p. 973. Type ( by monotj'py ) : Turdits orientalis Gmelin = Turdus niger Forster. SynonjTn : Erucivora Swainson, Faima Bor. Amer., Birds, p. 483, 1832. Type : Turdus orientalis = Turdits niger Forster. Lalage tricolor. Lalage tricolor tricolor. A^^lite-shouldered Caterpillar-eater. Ceblepyris tricolor Swainson, Zool. Joxun., Vol. I., p. 467, 1825 ; New South Wales. Sjnionym : Ceblepyris humeralis Gould, SjTiops. Birds Austr., pt. iv., App., p. 2, 1838 ; New South AVales. Range : Queensland ; New South Wales ; Victoria ; South Australia ; South-west Australia. Lalage tricolor indistincta. Pale-rumped Caterpillar-eater. Lalage tricolor indistincta Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. X\^II., p. 328, 1912 ; Wyndham, North-west Australia. Range : North-west Australia ; Northern Territory. 02 196 A LIST OF THE [PASSEEIFOEMES Genus KARUA, Kama Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. II., p. 59, 1913. Type (by original designation) : Campephaga leucomela Vigors and Horsfield. Karua leucomela. Karua leucomela leucomela. Pied Caterpillar-eater. Campephaga leucomela Vigors and Horsfield, Trans. Linn. Soc. (Lond. ), Vol. XV., p. 215, 1827; Broad Sound, Queensland. Range : South Queensland. Karua leucomela yorki. Cape York Pied CaterpiUar-eater. Lalage leucomda yorki jMathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 329, 1912 ; Cape York, Queensland. Range : North Queensland (Cape York district). Kama leucomela rufiventris. Banded CaterpiUar-eater. Campephaga (rufiventris) (not Oxynotus rvfiventer Swainson) C-iray. Genera Birds, Vol. I., p. 283, 1846; Raffles Bay, Northern Territory. Synonym : Lalage leucomela gouldi Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVin., p. 329, 1912 ; Alligator River, Northern Territory. Range : Northern Territory ; North-west Australia. Family TIMELIIDAE. Genus ORTHONYX. Orthonyx Temminck, Manuel d'Orn., 2nd ed.. Vol. I., p. bcxxi., 1820. Type (by monotypy) : Orthonyx maculatus Stephens. Orthonyx maculatus Orthonyx maculatus maculatus. Spine-tailed Log-runner. Orthonyx maculatus Stephens, in Shaw's Gen. Zool., Vol. XIV.. p. 186. 1826 ; Hat Hill, New South Wales. Synonyms : Orthonyx temminckii Vigors and Horsfield. Trans. Linn. Soc. (Lond.), Vol. XV., p. 294, 1827 ; Hat Hill, near Noma, New South Wales. Orthonyx spinicaiidus Temminck et Laugier, Planch. Color. d'Ois.. 72' K\T., Vol. n^, pis. 428-429, 1827 ; Hat Hill, New South Wales. Range : New South Wales. Orthonyx maculatus chandler!. Northern Sprne-taUed Logoionner. Orthonyx temminckii chandleri Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. X^TIL p. 329, 1912 ; Richmond River, New South Wales. Range : South Queensland ; North New South Wales. PASSERIFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 197 Genus MACRORTHONYX. Macrortlionyx Mathews, Austral Av. Kec, Vol. 1., p 111, 1913. Type (bj' origmal designation) : Orihonyx spaldingi Ramsay. Macrorthonyx spaldingi. Macrorthonyx spaldingi. Black-headed Log-runner. Orthonyx spaldingi Ramsay, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1808, p. 386 ; Rockingham Bay, Queensland. Range : Xorth Queensland. Genus CINCLOSOMA. Cinclosoma Vigors and Horsfield, Trans. Linn. Soc. (Lond.), Vol. X\., p. 219, 1827. Type (bj' monotypy) : Turdus punctatus Shaw. Cinclosoma punctatum. Cinclosoma punctatum punctatum. Spotted Ground-Bird. Timlits punctatiis Shaw, Zool. New Holland, pi. 9, 179-t ; New South Wales. Range : Xew South Wales. Cinclosoma punctatum neglectum. Victorian Spotted Ground-Bird. Cinclosoma punctatum neglectum Mathews, Kov. Zool., Vol. XVTH., p. 330, 1912 ; Frankston, Victoria. Range : Victoria ; South AustraUa. Cinclosoma punctatum dovei. Tasmanian Spotted Ground-Bird. Cinclosoma putwtatum dovei JIathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 330, 1912 ; Tasmania. Range : Tasmania. Cinclosoma castanotum. Cinclosoma castanotum castanotum. Chestnut-backed Ground-Bird. Cinclosoma castatwtus Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1S40, p. 113, 1841 ; Belts of the Murray, South AustraUa. Range : Adjoining parts of Xew South Wales, Victoria, anil South Australia. Cinclosoma castanotum dundasi. Western Chestnut-backed Ground- Bird. Cinclosoma castanotum dundasi Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. X\'1II., p. 330, 1912 ; Lake Dimdas, West Australia. Range : West .Australia. 198 A LIST OF THE [PASSEEIFOEMES Cinclosoma alisteri. Cinclosoma alisteri. Black-breasted Cinnamon Ground-Bird. Cinclosoma alisteri Jlathews, Bull. Brit. Onijtli. Club, Vol. XXVII., p. 10, 1910 ; West .Australia. Range : West .^.ustralia. Cinclosoma castaneothorax. Cinclosoma castaneothorax castaneothorax. Chestnut-breasted Ground- Bird. Cinclosoma castaneothorax Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Loud.) 1848, p. 139, 1849 ; Darling Downs, Queensland. Synonym : Cinclosoma erythrothorax Sharpe, Ibis 1881, p. G05 : emendation only- Range : Queensland. Cinclosoma castaneothorax marginatum. Northern Gromid-Bird. Cinclosoma marginatum Sharpe, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., Vol. ^"1I., p. 336, 1883 ; Xorth-west Australia. Range : North-west Australia. Cinclosoma castaneothorax nea. \\'estei'n Chestnut-breasted Ground- Bird. Cinclosoma castaneothorax nea JIathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 331, 1912 ; Day Dawn, West Australia. Range : Jlid-west Australia. Genus SAMUELA. Samuela JIathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 112, 1912. Type (by original designation) : Cinclosoma cinnamomeus Gould. Samuela cinnamomea. Samuela cinnamomea. Cimiamon Ground-Bird. Cinclosoma cinnamomeus Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1840, p. OS; South Australia. Range : South Australia ; Central Australia. Genus PYCNOPTILUS. Pycnoptilus CJould, Proc. Zool. Sue. (Lond.) 18dO, p. 95. Tyi^e (by monotypy) : P. floccostts Gould. Pycnoptilus floccosus. Pycnoptilus floccosus floccosus. Pilot-Bird. Pycnoptilus floccosus Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1850, pp. 95. and 279 ; New South Wales. Range : New South Wales. PASSERIFORJIES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA UJU Pycnoptilus floccosus sandlandi. Victorian Filut-Bird. Pi/cnoptl/iis fl^lops. Birds Austr.. pt. iv., App.. p. 3, 1838 : nam. nudum. Range : Xew South Wales. Oreocincla lunulata heinei. Russet-tailed Gromid-Thrush. Oreocincla heinei Cabanis, JIus. Hein., Vol. I., p. 6, 1851 ; Queensland. SynonjTn : Oreocincla iodura Gould. Aim. -Mag. Xat. Hist., Ser. IV., Vol. IX.. p. 401. 1872 ; Queensland. Range : South Queensland. Oreocincla lunulata cuneata. Xorthem Gromid-Tlirush. GeocicMa cuneata T>e Vis, Proc. Roj-. Soe. Queensl., Vol. VI., p. 242, 1890 ; Herberton, Queensland. Range : Xorth Queensland. Oreocincla lunulata dendyi. Victorian Ground-Thrush. Turdus liinulafus dendyi JIathews, Xov. Zool., Vol. X'V'III., p. 340, 1912 ; Sassafras, A'ietoria. Range : Victoria ; South Australia. Oreocincla lunulata halmaturina. Kangaroo Island Ground-Tlirush. Geocichla Imwlata (subsp.) halmaturina A. G. Campbell, Emu, Vol. V., p. 140, 1906 ; Kangaroo Island. Range : Kangaroo Island, South AustraHa. Oreocincla lunulata macrorhyncha. Large-biUed Groimd-Thrush. Oreocincla macrorhyncha Gould, Sjaiops. Birds Austr., pt. iv., App., p. 3, 1838 ; Tasmania. Range : Tasmania. Genus EPTHIANURA. Epihianura Gould, SjTiops. Birds Austr., pt. iv., App., p. 3, 1838. Type (by original designation) : Acantliiza albifrons Jardine and Selby. SynonjTii : Cinura Brelmi, Isis 1845, p. 358. Tj-pe : Cinura torquata Brehm = Acanthiza albi/rons Jardine and Selby. PASSERIFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 207 Epthianura albifrons. Epthianura albifrons albifrons. White-fronted Chat. Acaitlliiza albifrons Jiintinp and Selby, lllus. Oniitli., Vol. II., pi. 5C, 1S2S ; New South Wales. Synonyms : Fluvicola leitcocepliala Lesson, Echo du Jtonde Savant, Ilth year, no. 12, col. 275, .A.ug. 1844 ; Xew South Wale.s. Cinnra torqnata Brehm, Isis 1845, p. 358 ; Xew South Wales. Ranee : New South Wales ; Victoria ; South Australia. Epthianura albifrons tasmanica. Tasmanian 'WTiite-fronted Chat. Epthianura albifrons tasmanica JIathews. Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIIl., p. 340, 1912 ; Tasmania. Range : Tasmania. Epthianura albifrons westralensis. Westralian A\liite-fronted Chat. Epthianura albifrons u-eslralcusis JIathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 341, 1912 ; Wilson's Inlet, South-west Australia. Ranse : West Australia. Genus PAREPTHIANURA. Pareplhiannra Jlathews, Emu, Vol. XTI.. p. 205, 1913. Tj^pe (by monotj'py) : EpJithianura tricolor Gould. Parepthianura tricolor. Parepthianura tricolor tricolor. Tricoloured Chat. Ephlhian'ira tricolor Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1840, p. 159, 1841 ; South Australia. Range : Xew South Wales ; Victoria ; South Australia. Parepthianura tricolor assimilis. Westralian Tricoloured Chat. Epthianura tricolor assitnilis Slathews. Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 341, 1912 ; Lake Way, West Australia. Range : West Australia. Parepthianura tricolor distincta. Northern Tricoloured Chat. Epthianura tricolor rlistincta JIathews, No\-. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 341, 1912; .\lexandra, Northern Territorj'. Range : Northern Territory ; Queensland. Genus AUREPTHIANURA. A"repthianura JIathews, Emu, Vol. XII., p. 205, 1913. Tyi)e (I designate) : Epthianura aurifrons Gould. 208 A LIST OF THE [PASSERIFOEMES Aurepthianura aurifrons. Aurepthianura aurifrons aurifrons. Orange-fronted Chat. Epthianiira aurifrons Gould, Sjniops. Birds Austr., pt. iv., App., p. 4, 1838 ; Interior N'ew South Wales. Range : Xew South Wales ; Victoria ; South A\istralia. Aurepthianura aurifrons flavescens. Western Orange-fronted Chat. Epthianiira aiirijrcms flavescens Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 3-tl, 1912 ; Lake Way, West Australia. Range : West Australia. Aurepthianura aurifrons obsoleta. Northern Orange-fronted Chat. Epthianiira aurifrons obsoleta Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. X^'^II., p. 341, 1912 ; Alexandra, Northern Territory. Range : Northern Territory ; Queensland. Aurepthianura croeea. Aurepthianura croeea croeea. Yellow-breasted Chat. Epthianiira croeea Castelnau and Ramsay, Proc. Linn. Soe. N.S.W., Vol. I., p. 380, 1877-; Norman River, Queensland. Range : Queensland. Aurepthianura croeea tunneyi. Orange-breasted Chat. Epthianiira croeea tunneyi Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 342, 1912 ; Alligator River, Northern Territory. Range : Northern Territory ; North-west Australia. Genus ASHBYIA. Ashhyia^oTih, Agrio. Gaz. N.S.W., Vol. XXII., p. 211, 1911. Type (by original designation) : Ephthiamira lovensis Ashby. Ashbyia lovensis. Ashbyia lovensis. Desert Bush-Cliat. Ephthianura lovensis Ashby, Emu, Vol. X., p. 251, 1911 ; Leigh's Creek, South Australia. Synonym : Ashbyia lovei North, Agric. Gaz. N.S.W., Vol. XXII., p. 211, 1911 : emendation only. Range : Interior of South Australia. Famtly SYLVIIDAE. Genus CONOPODERAS. Conopoderas BiUberg, Synops. Faimae Scand., ^'ol. I., pt. ii., tab. A. 1828. Type (by monotypy) : Turdus longirosiris Gmelin = Sitta caffra Sparrman. PASSERl formes] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 209 Sjnioiiyni : Talar'e Lesson, Traite d'Orn., p. 317, IS30. Type: T. otailensis = Sitia cafjra Sparrman. Conopoderas australis. Conopoderas australis australis. Southoiii liced- Warbler. Acroceplialiin australis Gould, Biids Auslr., Vol. 111., pi. 37, 1848 ; South Australia. Synonym : Acroccphalus aiislraUx mellori Mathews, Xow Zool., Vol. XVIIl., p. 342, 1912 ; JIaiuiam, South Australia. Range : South .\ustralia ; Victoria. Conopoderas australis inexpectatus. .Australian Rced-Warblcr. Acroceplialiis aiislralis inrxpectali's Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 92, 1912 ; Parraraatta, Xew South Wales. Range : New South Wales ; Queensland. Conopoderas australis gouldi. Long-billed Reed-Warbler. Acroceplialiis goiildi Dubois, Sjiiop. Avium, Vol. I., p. 3(59, 1901; King George Sound, West Australia : new name for " Calatnolierpe longiroslris Gould." Synonym : Calamohcrpc longirostris (not Gmeliii 1789) Gonkl, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1845, p. 20 ; King George Sound, West Australia. Range : South-west AustraHa. Conopoderas australis carterae. Pale Long-billed Reed-Warbler. Acroceplialiis australis carterae Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 343, 1912 ; Derby, North-west Australia. Range : North-west Australia. Conopoderas australis melvillensis. Northern Reed-Warbler. ocephaliis australis melvilloisii p. 77, 1912 ; Melville Island Range : Northern Territory. Acrocephaliis australis melvillensis Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 77, 1912 ; Melville Island. Genus CISTICOLA. Cisticola Kaup, Skizz. Entwick-Gesch. Nat. Syst., p. 119, 1829. Tjq)e (by tautonymy) : Sylvia cisticola Temmiiick. Cisticola exilis. cisticola exilis exilis. Grass-Warbler. MaluriiH exilis Vigors and Horsfield, Trans. Linn. Soo. (Lond.), Vol. X V., p. 223, 1827 : New South Wales. 210 A LIST OF THE [PASSERIFOKMES Synonyms : Cysticola ruficeps Gould, Synops. Birds Aiistr., pt. iv., App., p. 4, 1838 ; New South Wales. Cysticola isura Gould, Proc. Zool. Soe. (Lond.) 1847, p. 32 ; New South Wales. Range : South Queensland ; New South Wales ; Victoria ; Tas- mania ; South Australia. Cisticola exilis mixta. Little Grass- AVarbler. Cisticola exilis mixta Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 343, 1912 ; Bartle Frere, Queensland. Range : North Queensland. Cisticola exilis alexandrae. Pallid Grass-Warbler. Cisticola exilis alexandrae JIathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 343, 1912 ; Alexandra, Northern Territory. Range : Interior of Northern Territory. Cisticola exilis lineocapilla. Northern Grass-Warbler. Cysticola lineocapilla Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1847, p. 1 ; Port Essington, Northern Territory. Synonym : ? Cisticola exilis melvillensis Mathews, Austral Av. Rec., Vol. I., p. 43, 1912 ; Melville Island. Range : Northern Territory. Cisticola exilis parryi. Western Grass- Warbler. Cisticola exilis parryi Slathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 77, 1912 ; Parry's Creek, North-west Australia. Synonym : Cisticola exilis tormenti Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 77, 1912 ; Point Torment, North-west Australia., Range : North-west Australia. Genus POODYTES, Poodytcs Cabanis, Mus. Hein., Vol. I., p. 42, 1851. Type (by monotypy) ■ Sphenoeacus gramineus Gould. Poodytes gramineus. Poodytes gramineus gramineus. Tasmanian Grass-Bird. Sphenoeac'is gramine'is Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1845, p. 19; Tasmania. Range : Tasmania. Poodytes gramineus flindersi. FUnders Island Grass-Bird. Megaliiriis flindersi White and Mellor, Emu, Vol. XII., p. 164, 1913 ; Flinders Island. Range : Flinders Island, Bass Strait. PASSERIFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 211 Poodytes gramineus wilsoni. Victorian Grass-Bird. Migaliinis (jrnminriiti wilacmi Slathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 344, l'.)12 ; Western port, Victoria. Range : Victoria. Poodytes gramineus goulburni. Allied Grass-Bird. Mcijahiriia ijramincua goulburni Mathews, Xov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 344,' 1912; Goiilburn, New South Wales. Range : New South Wales. Poodytes gramineus dubius. Southern Grass-Bird. Megaliirus gramineus dubius Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 344, 1912 ; Mannani, South Australia. Range : South Australia. Poodytes gramineus halmaturinus. Kangaroo Island Grass-Bird. Mcgalurus gramincis liahnaturinus Mathews, Austral Av. Rec., Vol. I., p. 43, 1912 ; Kangaroo Island. Range : Kangaroo Island, South Australia. Poodytes gramineus striatus. Striated Grass-Bird. Megaliirus siriatus Milligan, Emu, Vol. II., p. 201, 1903 ; Lake Yanchep, West Australia. Range : Mid-west Australia. Poodytes gramineus thomasi. Dark Grass-Bird. Mcgalurus (iramincis thomasi Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 344, 1912 ; Lake Muir, West Australia. Range : South-west Australia. Genus DULCIORNIS. Dulciornis Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 112, 1912. Tj-pe (by original designation) : Mcgalurus alisteri Mathews. Dulciornis alisteri. Dulciornis alisteri alisteri. Tawiiy Grass-Bird. Mcgalurus alisteri alisteri Mathews. Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 345, 1912 ; Napier Broome Bay, North-west Australia. Range : North-west Australia. Dulciornis alisteri melvillensis. Northern Grass-Bii-d. Mcgalurus alisteri meh'ilicnsis Mathews, Austral .\\-. Rec, Vol. I., p. 92, 1912 ; MelvUle Island. Range : Northern Territory. Dulciornis alisteri dulciei. Eastern Ta\niy Grass-Bird. Mcgalurus alisteri dulciei JIathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 345, 1912 ; Cooktowu, Queensland. P 2 212 A LIST OF THE [PASSERITOEMES Synonym : Me'jalnriis alisteri oweni Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol XVIII., p. 345, 1912 ; New South Wales. Range : Queensland ; New South Wales. Genus EREMIORNIS. Eremiomis North, Vict. Nat., Vol. XVII., p. 78, 1900. Type (by monotjrpy) : Eremiomis carteri North. Eremiomis carteri, Eremiomis carteri carteri. Desert-Bud. Eremiomis carteri North, Vict. Nat., Vol. XVII., p. 79, 1900 ; North- West Cape, West Australia. Range : Mid-west Australia. Eremiomis carteri assimilis. Island Desert-Bird. Eremiomis carteri assimilis Montague, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 181, 1913 ; Hermite Island, Munte Bello Group. Range : Monte Bello Islands, Mid-west Australia. Eremiomis carteri rogersi. Northern Desert-Bird. Eremiomis carteri rogersi Mathews, Austral Av. Rec., Vol. I., p. 192, 1913 ; Hall's Creek, Kimberley Gold Fields. Range : North-west Australia. Genus ORIGMA. Origma Gould, Synops. Birds Austr., pt. iv., App., p. 3, 1838. TjT^je (bj- original designation) : Sylvia solitaria Lewin. Origma solitaria. Origma solitaria. Rock-Warbler. Sylvia solitaria Lewin, Birds New Holland, pi. svi., ISOS ; New South Wales. SjnionjTn : Origma rubricata Auctorum, not Sylvia riibricata Latham, 1801. Range : New South Wales. Genus CHTHONICOLA, Chthonicola Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1847, p. 35. Type (by monotypy) : Sylvia sagittata Latham. Chthonicola sagittata. Chthonicola sagittata sagittata. Little Field-Wren. Sylvia sagittata Latham, Index Ornith., Suppl., p. liv., 1801 ; New South Wales. PASSKRIFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 213 Synonyms : Sylvia nitirla VieiUof, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., Vol. XT., p. 197, 1817 ; New South Wales. Syrm pi/rr/iop/in/« Vieillot, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., Vol. XI., p. 219, 1817 ; New South Wales. Anthus minimus Vigors and Horsficld, Trans. Linn. Soc. (Lend.), Vol. XV., p. 230, 1827 ; New South Wales. Calamanthus siriqatiis Gray, Gen. Bird.«, Vol. I., p. lOt. 1848 ; New South ^^'ales. Range : New South Wales. Chtbonicola sagittata inexpectata. Southern Little Field-Wren. Chthonieola ,ia(jittala inc.rpectala Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVTII., p. 34li, 1912 ; Mitcham, Victoria. Range: Victoria; South Australia. Chtbonicola sagittata queenslandica. Queensland Field-Wren. Chthonieola sarn'llata queenslandica Mathews, Austral Av. Rec., Vol. L, p. 119, 1912; Tambo, Queensland. Range : Queensland. Genus ACANTHIZA. Acanthiza Vigors and Horsfield, Trans. Linn. Soc. (Lond. ), Vol. XV., p. 224, 1827. Type (by original designation) : Motacilla pusilla White. Acanthiza pusilla. Acanthiza pusilla pusilla. Brown Tit. Motacilla pusilla White, Joum. Voy. New South Wales, p. 257, 1790; New South Wales. Synonym : Maliirus maculatus Vieillot, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., Vol. XX., p. 215, 1818 ; New South Wales. Range : South Queensland ; New South Wales. Acanthiza pusilla albiventris. White-vented Tit. Acanthi:a alhivcnlris North, Austr. Mus. Sp. Cat., no 1, Vol. I., p. 276 1904 ; Dubbo, New South Wales. Range : Interior of New South Wales. Acanthiza pusilla macularla. Victorian Brown Tit. Saxicola macularia Quoy et Gaimard, Voy. " I'Astrol.," Zool., Vol. I., p. 199, 1830 ; Western Port, Victoria. Range : Victoria. Acanthiza pusilla archibaldi. King Island Brown Tit. Acanthiza archibaldi Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVII., p. 501, 1910 ; King Island, Bass Strait: nevr name ior " Acanthiza magnirostrM Campbell." 214. A LIST OF THE [PASSEEIFORMES Synonym : Acanthiza magnirosiris (not Gould 1838) Campbell, Emn, Vol. II., p. 202, 1903 ; King Island, Bass Strait. Range : King Island, Bass Strait. Acanthiza pusilla diemenensis. Brown-rumped Tit. Acanthiza die,menensis Gould, Synops. Birds Austr., pt. n'., pi. 59, 1838 ; Tasmania. Range : Tasmania. Acanthiza pusilla zietzi. Kangaroo Island Brown Tit. Acanthiza zietzi North, Austr. Mus. Sp. Cat., no. 1, Vol. I., p. 271, 1904 ; Kangaroo Island. Synonym : Acanthiza halmaturina Campbell, Emu, Vol. V., p. 141, 1906 ; Kangaroo Island. Range : Kangaroo Island, South Australia. Acanthiza pusilla venus. Venus Bay Tit. Acanthiza pusilla venus Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 348, 1912 ; Venus Bay, South Australia. Range : South AxistraUa (Venus Bay). Acanthiza pusilla hamiltoni. Red-rumped Tit. ' Acanthiza alhiventris hamiltoni Mathews, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, Vol. XXVII., p. 97, 1911 ; Coonalpyn, South Australia. Synonym : Acanthiza pyrrhopygia (not Vigors and Horsfield 1827) Gould, Birds Austr., Vol. III., pi 58, 1848 ; Belts of the Murray, South Australia. Range : South Australia ; Victoria. Acanthiza pusilla arno. Southern Red-rumped Tit. Acanthiza pusilla arno Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 44 ; Arno Bay, Eyre's Peninsula. Range : South Australia (Eyre's Peninsula). Acanthiza pusilla consobrina. Pale Red-rumped Tit. Acanthiza pusilla consobrina Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I, p. 78, 1912 ; Leigh's Creek, South Australia. Range : Interior of South Australia. Acanthiza pusilla apicalis. Broad-tailed Tit. Acanthiza apicalis Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1847, p. 31 ; Swan River, West Australia. Range : South-west Australia. Acanthiza pusilla whitlocki. Lake Way Tit. Acanthiza whitlocki North, Vict. Nat., Vol. XXVI., p. 55, 1910 ; Lake Way, West Australia. Range : Mid-west Australia (Lake Way district). PASSERIFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 215 Acanthiza pusilla katherina. Bellenden Ker Tit. Acanthiza k-alherina Do Vis. Ann. Queensl. Mus., no. fi, p. 43, 1905 ; Bellpnden Ker Range, Queensliuid. Range : Queensland (Bellenden Ker Range). Acanthiza nana. Acanthiza nana nana. Little Tit. Acanthiza nana Vigors and Hnrsfield, Trans. Linn. Soc. (Lond.), Vol. XV., p. 22ti, 1827 ; New South Wales. Range : New South Wales. Acanthiza nana mathewsi. Victorian Little Tit. Acanthiza nana mathewsi Hartert, Bull. Brit. Omith. Club, Vol. XXV., p. 82, 1910 ; Box Hill, Victoria. Range : Victoria ; South Australia. Acanthiza nana pygmea. Fairy-Tit. Acanthiza pygmea JlilHgan, Emu, Vol. XII., p. 1G7, 1913 ; Mallee, Victoria. Range : Mallee district of Victoria. Acanthiza inornata. Acanthiza inornata inornata. Plain-coloured Tit. Acanthiza inornata Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1840, p. 171, 1841 ; Swan Ri\er, West Australia. Range : West Australia (Swan River district). Acanthiza inornata masters!. South-western Plain-coloured Tit. Acanthiza mastersi North. Agric. Gaz. N.S.W., Vol. XII., p, 1425, 1901 ; King George Soimd, West Australia. Range : South-west Australia. Acanthiza inornata submastersi. Stirling Ranges Plain-coloured Tit. Acanthiza inornata submastersi Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 43, 1912 ; Stirling Ranges, West Australia. Range : Stirling Ranges, South-west Australia. Acanthiza tanami. Acanthiza tanami. Tanami Tit. Acanthiza tanami Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 349, 1912; Tanami, Northern Territory. Range : Interior of Northern Territory. Acanthiza lineata. Acanthiza lineata lineata. Southern Striated Tit. Acanthiza lineata Gould, SjTiops. Birds Austr., pt. rv., pi. 59, 1838 ; South Australia. 216 A LIST OF THE [PASSEEIFORMES SynonjTTri : ? Acanthiza iineaia clelandi Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 349, 1912 ; Mount Lofty, South Australia. Range : South Australia. Acanthiza lineata whitei. Kangaroo Island Striated Tit. Acanthiza lineata whitei ilatliews. Austral Av. Rec., Vol. I., p. 44, 1912 ; Kangaroo Island. Range : Kangaroo Island, South Australia. Acanthiza lineata chandler!. Victorian Striated Tit. Acanthiza lineata chandleri Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 349, 1912 ; Olinda, Victoria. Range : Victoria. Acanthiza lineata goulburni. Striated Tit. Acanthiza lineata goulburni Mathews, Austral Av. Rec., Vol. I., p. 93, 1912 ; Goulbimi, New South Wales. Range : New South Wales. Acanthiza lineata modesta. Northern Striated Tit. Acanthiza modesta De Vis, Ann. Queensl. Mus., no. 6, p. 43, 1905 ; Charleville, Queensland. Range : Queensland. Acanthiza uropygialis. Acanthiza uropygialis uropygialis. Chestnut-rumped Tit. Acanthiza uropygialis Gould, Sjaiops. Birds Austr., pt. iv., pi. 60, 1838 ; New South Wales. Range : New South Wales ; Queensland. Acanthiza uropygialis ruthergleni. Victorian Chestnut-rumped Tit. Acanthiza uropygialis ruthergleni Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 350, 1912 ; Rutherglen, Victoria. Range : Victoria. Acanthiza uropygialis mellori. Southern Chestnut-rumped Tit. Acanthiza uropygialis mellori Mathews, No^■. Zool., ^'ol. XVIII., p. 350 , 1912 ; Eyre's Peninsula, Soutli Australia. Range : South .A.ustralia (Ejrre's Peninsula). Acanthiza uropygialis augusta. Allied Chestnut-rumped Tit. Acanthiza uropygialis augusta Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. X\'III., p. 350, 1912 ; Port Augusta, South Australia. Range : South Australia (Port Augusta district). Acanthiza uropygialis condora. Pale Chestnut-rumped Tit. Acanthiza uropygialis condora Mathews, Austral .A.v. Rec, Vol. I., p. 78, 1912 ; Leigh's Creek, South Australia. Range : Interior of South Australia. PASSERIFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 217 Acanthiza uropygialis nea. Western Clicstnut-rumpod Tit. Acanlhha iiropiiqialifi nea Matlicws, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVJII., p. 3."0, 1012 ; Biirraeoppin, West Aii.stralia. Ranjie : Southwest Australia. Acanthiza uropygialis murchisoni. Murchison Chestnut-rumped Tit. Acanthiza uro/ty{iialis murchisoni Mathows, Austral Av. Roc, Vol. I., p. 350, 1912 ; East Mvu-chison, West Australia. Range : Mid-west Australia. Acanthiza iredalei. Acanthiza iredalei iredalei. Western Tliin-l)illod Tit. Acanthiza iredalei Mathews, Bull. Brit. Omitli. Club, Vol. XXVII., p. 97, 1911 ; Lake Way, West Australia. Range : West Australia. Acanthiza iredalei morgani. Southern Thin-billed Tit. Acanthiza morgani Mathews, Bull. Brit. Oiiiith. Club, Vol. XXVII., p. 97, 19li : new name for "A. tenuirostris Zietz." Synonym : Acanthiza tenuirostris (not Lafre'snayo 1842) Zietz, Trans. Roy. Soc. South Austr., Vol. XXIV.. p. 112, 1900; Leigh's Creek, interior of South Australia. Range : Interior of South Australia. Acanthiza ewingii. Acanthiza ewingii ewingii. Tasmanian Tit. Acanthiza ewingii Gould, Birds Austr., Vol. III., pi. 55, 1848 ; Tasmania. Range : Tasmania. Acanthiza ewingii rufifrons. King Island Tit. Acanthiza rufifrons Campbell, Emu, Vol. II., p. 203, 1903 ; King Island. Range : King Island, Bass Strait. Genus MILLIGANIA. MiUigania Mathews, Austral Av. Rec., Vol. I., p. 112, 1912. Type (by original designation) : Acanthiza robustirostris Milligan. MiUigania robustirostris. MiUigania robustirostris. Thick-billed Tit. Acanthiza robustirostris Milligan, Emu, Vol. III., p. 71, 1903 ; Day Dawn, Murchison, ^Vest Australia. Range : West Australia. 218 A LIST OF THE [PASSERIFORMES Genus GEOBASILEUS. Gedbasileus Cabanis, Mus. Hein., Vol. I., p. 32, 1851. Type (by monotypy) : Saxicola chrysorrhoa Quoy et Gaimard. Geobasileus chrysorrhous. Geobasileus chrysorrhous chrysorrhous. Yellow-rumped Tit. Saxicola chrysorrhoa Quoy et Gaimard, Voy. " rAstrol.," Zool., Vol. I., p. 198, 1830 ; New South Wales. Sjmonym : Acanthiza leighi Grant, Bull. Brit. Omith. Club, Vol. XXIII., p. 73, 1909 ; Lithgow, New South Wales. Kange : New South Wales ; South Queensland. Geobasileus chrysorrhous sandlandi. Victorian Yellow-rumped Tit. Acanthiza chrysorrhoa sandlandi Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 351, 1912; BlackVxim, Victoria. Range : Victoria. Geobasileus chrysorrhous leachi. Tasmanian Yellow-rimiped Tit. Acanthiza chrysorrhoa /eac7ii Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 351, 1912 ; Tasmania. Range : Tasmania. Geobasileus chrysorrhous perksi. Southern YeUow-rumped Tit. Acanthiza chrysorrhoa perl-si Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. X^^II., p. 351, 1912 ; Mount Lofty, South Australia. Range : South Australia (Mount Lofty district). Geobasileus chrysorrhous addendus. Port Augusta Yellow-rumped Tit. Acanthiza chrysorrhoa addenda Mathews, Austral Av. Rec., Vol. I., p. 44, 1912 ; Port Augusta, South Axistralia. Range : South Australia (Port Augusta). Geobasileus chrysorrhous multi. Western Yellow-rumped Tit. Acanthiza chrysorrhoa jniilti Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. X'\^I1., p. 351, 1912 ; Wilson's Inlet, West Australia. Range : South-west Australia. Geobasileus chrysorrhous pallidus. PalUd Yellow-rumped Tit. Acanthiza pallida Milligan, Emu, Vol. III., p. 112, 1903; Yalgoo, Murchison, ^^'est Australia. Range : Mid-west Australia. Geobasileus chrysorrhous squamatus. Scaly-breasted Tit. Acanthiza squamata De Vis, Proc. Roy. Soc. Queensl., Vol. Vl., p. 248, 1890 ; Herberton, Queensland. Range : North Queensland. PASSERIFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 219 Geobasileus reguloides. Geobasileus reguloides reguloides. Biift-nunped Tit. Acanlhhii reijidoitlm Vigor.s and Horsficld, Trans. I-iiin. Soc. (Lond.), Vol. XV., p. 22r), 1827 ; New S.)uth Wales. Rniiffe : Xow Smitli Wales. Geobasileus reguloides connectens. Victurian Buff-nimpod Tit. Acanthiza rrguloides conncclens Matlipws, Nov. Zool., Vol. XA'ITI., p. 352, 1912 ; Rinf;w()od, Victoria. Range : Victoria. Geobasileus reguloides australis. Southern Buff-rumped Tit. Geobasileus aiislralis North, Austr. Mus. Sp. Cat., no. 1, Vol. I., p. 287, 1904 ; Woodside, near Adelaide, South Australia. Range : Soutli .\ustralia. Geobasileus hedleyi. Geobasileus hedleyi hedleyi. Dark Bro«ni Tit. Acanthiza iredalei liedleyi Mathews. Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 78, 1912 ; Meningie, South Australia. Range : Soutli-east of South Australia. Geobasileus hedleyi rosinae. Allied Buff-rumped Tit. Acanthiza rosinae Mathews. Austral Av. Rec., Vol. II., p. 9, 1913 ; near Adelaide, South .•\ustralia. Range : South Australia. Geobasileus flaviventris. Geobasileus flaviventris. Plain-fronted Tit. Acanthiza {Geobasileus) ftai'irentris Ashby, Emu, Vol. IX., p. 137, 1910 ; Lake Frome, South Australia. Range : Interior of South Australia. Genus PYRRHOLAEMUS. Pyrrholaemiis Gould, Troc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1840, p. 173, 1841. Tv^ie (by monotj'py) : P. brunneus Gould. Pyrrholaemus brunneus. Pyrrholaemus brunneus brunneus. Redtliroat. Pyrrholaem'is briinnc'is Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1840, p. 173, 1841 ; Belts of the Murray, South Australia. Range : New South Wales ; Victoria ; South Australia. Pyrrholaemus brunneus pallescens. Pallid Redthroat. Sericomii brunnea pallescens JIathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 353, 1912 ; Bore Well, West Australia. Range : Mid-west Australia. 220 A LIST OF THE [PASSEEIFOEMES Genus NEOSERICORNIS. Neosericornin Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 353, 1912. Type (by monotypy) : Miiscicafa lathami Stephens. Neosericornis lathami. Neosericornis lathami lathami. Yellow-throated Scrub-Wren. Muscicapa lalhami Stephens, in Shaw's Gen. Zool., Vol. X., p. 336, 1817; New South Wales: new name for •■' Muscicapa barbata Latham 1801.'' Synonyms : Muscicapa barbata {not Graelin 1789) Latham, Index Omith., Suppl., p. li., 1801 ; New South Wales. Sericornis citreogularis Gould, Synops. Birds Austr., pt. iv., pi. 58, 1838 ; New South Wales. Range : New South Wales. Neosericornis lathami intermedius. Allied Yellow-tliroated Scrub- Wren. Sericornis lathami intermedia Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 354, 1912 ; Blackall Ranges, Queensland. Range : South Queensland. Neosericornis lathami cairnsi. Northern Yellow-throated Scrub-Wren. Sericornis lathami cairnsi Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 354, 1912 ; Calms, Queensland. Range : North Queensland. Genus SERICORNIS. Sericornis Gould, S5mops. Birds Austr., pt. iv., pi. 58, 1838. TjT^e (by original designation) : Acanthiza frontalis Vigors and Horsfield. Sericornis frontalis. Sericornis frontalis. Kent Island Scrub-Wren. Acanthiza frontalis Vigors and Horsfield, Trans. Linn. Soc. (Lond.), Vol. XV., p. 226, 1827 ; Kent Group. Synonym : Sericornis giilaris Legge, Vict. Nat., Vol. XIII., p. 84, 189G ; Kent Group. Range : Kent Group, Bass Strait. Sericornis longirostris. Sericornis longirostris longirostris. Victorian Scrub-Wren. Saxicola longirostris Quoy et Gaimard, Voy. " I'Astrol.," Zool., Vol. I., p. 200, pi. X., f. 4, 1830 ; Western Port, Victoria. Range : Victoria. PASSKRIPOKMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 221 Sericornis longirostris harterti. Cape Otway Scrub-Wren. Scricornls parviila harlrrii Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 354, 1912 ; Cape Otway, Victoria. Range : Victoria (Capo Otway district). Sericornis longirostris rosinae. Soutliern Scrub-Wren. Sericornis parviila rosinae Mathew.'i, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 354, 1912 ; Momit Lofty, South Australia. Range : South Australia. Sericornis longirostris parvulus. Whito-browoil Scrub-Wren. Sericornis parvulus Goulil, Synops. Bii'd-s Austr., pt. iv., pi. 58, 1838 ; New South Wales. Range : New South Wales. Sericornis longirostris laevigaster. Buft-breasted Scrub-Wren. Sericornis larvigastrr Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1847, p. 3 ; Dawson Range, near Gulf of Carpentaria, Queensland. Synonym : Sericornis parviila hcrhcrtoni Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 355, 1912 ; Herberton, Queensland. Range : North Queensland. Sericornis longirostris minimus. Little Scrub-Wren. Sericornis minimus Gould, Birds New Guinea [Vol. III., pi. 7], pt. 1, 1875; Cape York, Queensland. Sjnionym : Sericornis briinneopygiiis Mastei's, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., Vol. I., p. 53, 1870 ; Cape York, Queensland. Range : North Queensland (Cape York district). Sericornis magnirostris. Sericornis magnirostris magnirostris. Large-billed Scrub-Wren. Acanthiza magniroslra Gould, SjTiops. Birds Austr., pt. iv., pi. 60, 1838 ; New South Wales. Range : South Queensland ; New South Wales. Sericornis magnirostris viridior. Northern Large-billed Scrub- Wren. Sericornis magnirostris viridior JIathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 355, 1912 ; Cairns, Queensland. Range : North Queensland. Sericornis magnirostris howei. Victorian Largo-billed Scrub-Wren. Sericornis magnirostris howei Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 355, 1912 ; Gippsland, Victoria. Range : Victoria. 222 A LIST or THE [PASSEErFOBMES Sericornis maculatus, Sericornis maculatus maculatus. Spotted Scrub-Wren. Sericornis maculatus Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1847, p. 2 ; Albany, West Australia. Range : West Australia (Albany district). Sericornis maculatus warreni. Warren River Scrub-Wren. Sericornis maculata warreni Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 35G, 1912 ; Warren River, West Australia. Range : West Australia (Warren River district). Sericornis maculatus balstoni. Bemier Island Scrub-Wren. Sericornis balstoni Grant, Bull. Brit. Omith. Club, Vol. XXIII., p. 72, 1909 ; Bemier Island, West Australia. Range : Bernier Island, West Australia. Sericornis maculatus osculans. Allied Scrub-Wren. Sericornis osculans Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1847, p. 2; Port Adelaide, South Australia. Range : South Australia. Sericornis maculatus mellori. Peninsula Scrub- Wren. Sericornis maculata mellori Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 356, 1912 ; Eyre's Peninsula, South Australia. Range : South AustraUa (Eyre's Peninsula). Sericornis maculatus ashbyi. Kangaroo Island Scrub-Wren. Sericornis maculata aslibyi Mathews, No'v. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 350, 1912 (Jan. 31) ; Kangaroo Island. Synonym : Sericornis halmaturina Campbell, Emu, Vol. XI., p. 240, 1912 (April 1) ; Kangaroo Island. Range : Kangaroo Island. ? Sericornis tyrannulus. Sericornis tyrannulus. Northern Scrub-Wren. Sericornis tyrranula De Vis, Ann. Queensl. BIus., no. 0, p. 42, 1B05 ; Charle\01e, Queensland. Range : Queensland (Charleville district). Genus TASMANORNIS. Tasmanornis Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 353, 1912. Type (by monotypy) : Sericornis humilis Gould. Tasmanornis Iiumilis. Tasmanornis humilis humilis. Brown Scrub-Wren. Sericornis humilis Gould, Synops. Birds Austr., pt. iv., pi. 58, 1838 ; Tasmania. Range : Tasmania. PASSERIFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 223 Tasmanornis humilis flindersi. Flinders Island Scrub-Wron. ScricorniK /Under.-:/ White and Mellor, Emu, Vol. XII., p. lOG, 1913; Flinders Island. Range : Flinders Island, Bass Strait. Genus OREOSCOPUS. Oreoacopua North, Agric. Gaz. N.S.W., Vol. XVI., p. 247, 1905. Type (by inonotypy) : Sericornis gutturalis De Vis. Oreoscopus gutturalis. Oreoscopus gutturalis. Collared Scrub-Wren. Sericornis giittiiralis De Vis, Proc. Roy. Soc. Queensl., Vol. VI., p. 244, 1890 ; Herberton, Queensland. Range : North Queensland. Genus ACANTHORNIS. Acanthomis Legge, Proc. Roy. Soc. Tasm. 1886, pp. 236, 240. Type (by inonotypy) : Acanthiza magna Gould. Acanthomis magnus. Acanthornis magnus. Scrub-Tit. Acanlliiza magna Gould, Birds Austr., Suppl., pi. 28, 1855 ; Tasmania. Range : Tasmania. Genus MALURUS. Maluriis Vieillot, Analyse nouv. Oniith., p. 44, 1816. Type (by monotypy) : Motacilla cyanea Ginelin. Malurus cyaneus. Malurus cyaneus cyaneus. Long-tailed Blue VV'ren. Motacilla cyanea Gmelin. vSyst. Nat., p. 991, 1789 ; Adventure Bay, South Tasmania. Synonyms : Motacilla cyanea Ellis, Narr. Voy. C'apt. Cook, p. 22, 1782 ; Adventure Bay : notn. nudum: Motacilla siipcrba Shaw and Nodder, Nat. Miscel., Vol. I., pi. 10, 1789 (Nov.); South Tasmania. Malurus longicaudus (not Temminck 1820) Gould, Synops. Birds Austr., pt. IV., App.. p. 4. 1838 ; South Tasmania. Malurus gouldi Sharpe, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., Vol. IV., p. 287, 1879 ; South Tasmania. Range : South Tasmania. Malurus cyaneus fletcherae. North Tasmanian Blue Wren. Malurus cyaneus fletcherae Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 93, 1912 ; Ringarooma, North Tasmania. Range North Tasmania. 224 A LIST OF THE [PASSERIFORMES Malurus eyaneus samueli. Flmders Island Blue Wren. Malnriis cyancus samneli Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 93, 1912 ; Flinders Island. Range : Flinders Island, Bass Strait. Malurus eyaneus elizabethae. King Island Blue Wren. Malurus elizabethae Campbell, Ibis 1891, p. 10 ; King Island. Range : King Island, Bass Strait. Malurus eyaneus henriettae. Victorian Blue A\'ren. Malurus eyaneus henriettae Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 357, 1912 ; Olinda, Victoria. Range : Victoria. Malurus eyaneus leggei. Southern Blue Wren. Malurus eyaneus leggei Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 358, 1912 ; Port Adelaide, South Australia. Range : South Australia. Malurus eyaneus ashbyi. Kangaroo Island Blue Wren. Malurus eyaneus ashbyi JIathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII, p. 358, 1912 ; Kangaroo Island. Range : Kangaroo Island, South Australia. Malurus eyaneus australis. Blue Wren. Malurus australis North, Ibis 1904, p. 072 ; Sj'dney, New South Wales. Range : New South Wales. Malurus eyaneus eyanoehlamys. Silvery-blue Wren. Malurus cyanoehlamys Sharpe, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond. ) 1881, .p. 788; Moreton Bay, Queensland. Range : South Queensland ; North New South Wales. Malurus melanotus. Malurus melanotus melanotus. Black-backed Wren. Malurus melanotus Gould. Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1840, p. 1C3, 1841 ; Western Belts of the Murray, South Australia. Sjmonym : Malurus melanotus victoriae Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 358, 1912 ; Carma, Victoria. Range : South Australia ; Victoria. Malurus melanotus eallainus. Tiu-quoise Wren. Malurus eallainus Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1867, p. 302 ; South AustraUa = Port Geixneiii. PASSERIFORXIES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 225 Mal'rtis whitei Caiiipbell, Eimi, Vol. I., p. O.j, 1902 ; Interior South Australia = Port Gerinein. Mal'ims mr'anofiK ijermaini Mathews, Xov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 359, 1912; Port Gerinein, South Australia. Range : South Australia. Malurus splendens. Malurus splendens splendens. Banded Wren. Saxkola spkndrns Quoy et Gaimurd, Voy. I'Astrol., Zool., Vol. I., p. 197, 1830 ; King George Sound, West Australia. Synonym : Malurus pectoralis (not Stephens 182()) Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1833, p. 106 ; West Australia. Range : Southwest Australia. Malurus splendens riordani. Xorthem Banded Wren. Malurus spletutetu) riordani JIathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 119, 1912.; Yalgoo, West Australia. Range : Mid-west Australia (Interior). Genus HALLORNIS. Hallomis Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 113, 1912. Type (by original designation) : Malurus cyanoius Gould. Hallomis cyanotus. Hallornis cyanotus cyanotus. \\1iite-winged Wren. Malurus Cj/anolus Gould. Handb. Birds Austr., Vol. I., p. 331, 1805 ; New South Wales. Range : Queensland ; Xew South Wales ; Victoria ; South Australia. Hallomis cyanotus exsul. Western \Mute-winged Wren. Malurus ci/anotus ej-sul Mathews, Xov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 359, 1912 ; Yule River, Mid-west Australia. Range : West Australia. Hallomis leuconotus. Hallornis leuconotus leuconotus. Wliite-backed Wren. Malurus leuconotus Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1860, p. 198; Interior of (South) Australia. Range : Interior of South .Australia. Hallornis leuconotus perplexus. Western \\liite-backed Wren. Malurus leuconotus perplexus JIatliews, Xov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 359, 1912 ; Day Dawn, West Australia. Range : West Australia. Q 226 A LIST OF THE [PASSEBIFOKMES Genus LEGGEORNIS. Leggeornis Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 113, 1912. Type {by original designation) : Malurus lamherti Vigors and Horsfield. Leggeornis lamberti. Leggeornis lamberti lamberti. Variegated 'Wren. Malurus lamberti Vigors and Horsfield, Trans. Linn. Soc. (Lond.), Vol. XV., p. 221, 1827 ; New South Wales. Range : New South Wales (Coastal) ; Queensland. Leggeornis lamberti assimilis. Purple-backed Wren. Malurus assimilis North, Vict. Nat., Vol. XVIII., p. 29, l&Ol ; JNIossgiel district. New South Wales. Range : Interior of New South Wales. Leggeornis lamberti morgani. Southern Blue-breasted Wren. Malurus lamberti morgani Wliite, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 12G, 1912 ; Lake Gairdner. South Australia. Range : Interior of South Australia. Leggeornis lamberti occidentalis. Western Blue-breasted Wren. Malurus lamberti occidentalis Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 360, 1912 ; Lake Way, West Australia. Range : Mid-west Australia. Leggeornis lamberti bernieri. Bemier Island Blue-breasted Wren. Malurus bernieri Grant, Bull. Brit. Oniith. Club., Vol. XXIII., p. 72, 1909 ; Bernier Island. Range : Bemier Island. West Australia. Leggeornis lamberti mungi. North-western Blue-breasted Wren. Malurus lamberti tn'mgi Mathews, Nov. Zool.. Vol. XVIII., p. 300, 1912 ; Mungi, North-west Australia. Range : North-west Australia. Leggeornis lamberti mastersi. Northern Blue-breasted Wren. Malurus lamberti mastersi Mathews, Nov. Zool., A'ol. XVIII., p. 360, 1912 ; Alexandra, Northern Territory. Range : Northern Territory. Leggeornis elegans. Leggeornis elegans. Red-winged A\'ren. Malurus elegans Gould, Birds Austr. and Adj. Is., pt. i.. pi. ii., 1837; West Australia. Range : South-west Australia. PASSERIFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 227 Leggeornis amabilis. Leggeornis amabilis amabilis. Lovely Wren. Maliiriis amahilis Gould. I'loc. Zool. Soc. (I.ond.) 1850, p. 277, 1851 ; Cape York. Quoensliiiul. Sjaionym : Mal'iriis hypole'iciis GouUI, .\nn. -Alng. Xat. Hist., Ser. HI., Vol. XIX., p. 309, 18(i7 ; Capo Yoiic, Queerislaiii;!. Ranae : Xoi-th Queensland (Cape York district). Leggeornis amabilis barroni. .\llied Lovely Wren. Maliiriis amabilis harrani Mathews, Xov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p .Sfil, 1912 ; Cairn.s, North Queensland. Range : Xorth Queensland (Cainis district). Leggeornis amabilis dulcis. Lavender- flanked Wren. Mal'iri's (lii/cis .Matlunvs, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Cluli, Vol. XXL, p 100, 1908 ; South .-VUigator River, Northern Territory. Range : X'orthern Territory. Leggeornis amabilis rogersi. Western Lovely Wren. Maliinia amabilis rogersi Mathews. Xov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 301, 1912 ; Napier Broome Bay, X'orth-west .\ustralia. Range : North-west Australia. Leggeornis pulcherrimus. Leggeornis pulcherrimus pulcherrimus. Blue-breasted Wren. Maliirns pulclicrrim'is Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1844, p. 106 ; West Australia = Wongan Hills. Synon\Tn : Mal'iri'8 caeriileicapilli's Gray, Handl. Gen. Sp. Birds Brit. Mus., Vol. I., p. 204, 1809 : nom. nudum. Range : West Australia (Wongan Hills district). Leggeornis pulcherrimus stlrlingL South-western Blue-breasted Wren. Mabiriis pulclicrrim'is stirlinyi JIathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 192, 1913 ; Stirling Ranges, South-west Australia. Range : South-west Australia (Stirling Ranges). Genus ROSINA. Rosina Mathews, Austral Av. Rec., Vol. I., p. 113, 1913. Type (by original designation) : Malurus coronatus Gould. Rosina coronata. Rosina coronata coronata. Purple-crowned Wren. Maliinis cnrrmat'is Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1857, p. 221 ; Victoria Ri\cr, Northern Territory. Range : Northern Territory ; X'orth-west Australia. Q2 228 A LIST OF THE [PASSERIFOKMES Rosina coronata macgillivrayi. Jlauve-cro%vned Wren. Maliiriis coronatiis macgillivrayi Jlathe'ns, Austial Av.. Eec, Vcl. II., p. 9, 1913 ; Augustus Dowtis, Leichhardt River, Gulf of Carpentaria. Range : Interior of Jlid-Queensland. Genus RYANIA. Ryania Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 113, 1912. Tjrpe (by original designation) : Muscicapa melanocepkala Latham. Ryania melanocephala. Ryania melanocephala melanocephala. Orange-backed Wren. Muscicapa melanocephala Latham, Index Omith., Suppl., p. lii., 1801 ; New South Wales. Synonyms : Sylvia dorsalis Lewin, Birds of New Holland, pi. 14, 1808 ; New South Wales. Mahinis hrownii Vigors and Horsfield, Trans. Linn. Soc. (Lond.), Vol. XV., p. 223, 1827 ; Thirsty Sound, South Queensland. Range : New South Wales ; South Queensland . Ryania melanocephala pyrrhonota. Eastern Red-backed Wren. Malurus melanocephaliis pyrrhonoti's ilathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIIL, p. 362, 1912 ; Cairns, Queensland. Range : North Queensland. Ryania melanocephala cruentata. Red-backed Wren. Malurus crKcntatus Gould, Proc. Zool. Sec. (Lend.) 1839, p. 143, 1840 ; Port Essington, Northern Territorj-. Synonym : ? Maliirvs melafwcephahi s mdvillensis Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 45, 1912 ; MelvUIe Island. Range : Northern Territory. Ryania melanocephala boweri. Western Red-backed Wren. Malurus cruentaius boweri Ramsay, Proc. Limi. Soc. N.S.W., Ser. II., Vol. L, 188G, p. 1100, 1887 ; IDerby, North-west Australia. Range : North-west Australia. Genus NESOMALURUS. Ncsomaluriis Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. II., p. 59, 1913. Type (by original designation) : Malurus cdauardi Campbell. PASSERIFORMESj BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 229 Nesomalurus leucopterus. Nesomalurus leucopterus leucopterus. Hlack-aiul-Whitc Wren. Mabriis !ciicoplrrrs Quoy et Onimnrd, Voy. " I'Uranie " et la " Physic," Zool., p. 108, 1824 ; Dirk Hartog Island. Range : Dirk Hartog Island, West .\ustralia. ? Extinct. Nesomalurus leucopterus edouardi. .Vllicd Black-and-White Wren. Maliirus edouardi C'ainpliell, Vict. Xat., Vol. XVII., p. 203. 1901 ; Barrow Island. Range: Barrow Island, West Australia. Genus STIPITURUS. StipiKirus Lesson, Trait(^ d'Oni., p. 414, 1830. Tj'pe (by monotypy) : Muscicapa malachura Shaw. Stipiturus malachurus. Stipiturus malachurus malachurus. Emu-Wren. Mi(scicapa mnlaclnrn Sliaw. Trans. Liiui. Soc. (Lond. ). Vol. IV., p. 242, 1708 ; Xew South Wales. Sjnionyms : Maliiriis paluatris VieilU>t. Xouv. Diet. d'Hist. Xat., Vol. XX., p. 213, 1818 ; Xew South Wales. Malurus g'daris Stephens, in Shaw's Gen. Zool., Vol. XIII., pt. n., p. 224, 182(i; Xew South Wales. Maliiriis emitia Ewing, Tasm. Jouni. Sci., Vol. I., p. 53, 1841 : nom. nudum. Range : Xew South Wales. Stipiturus malachurus tregellasi. Victorian Emu-Wren. Stipiturus malachurus tregellasi JIathews, Austral Av. Rec., Vol. I., p. 45, 1912 ; Frankston, Victoria. Range : Victoria. Stipiturus malachurus mallee. Mallee Emu-Wren. Stipiturus mallee Campbell, Emu, Vol. VIII., p. 34, 1908 ; Mallee district of Victoria. Range : Mallee district of Victoria. Stipiturus malachurus littleri. Tasmanian Emu-Wren. Stipiturus malachurus littleri JIathews, Xov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 303, 1912 ; Tasmania. Range : Tasmania. Stipiturus malachurus westernensis. Westralian Emu-Wren. Stipiturus westerru^nsis Campbell, Emu. Vol. XI., p. 222. 1912 (Jan. 1); Ellensbrook. West .Australia. 230 A LIST OF THE [PASSEKIFORMES Synonym : Siipitiiri's malachvrtis rothschildi Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 363, 1912 (Jan. 31); Albany, West Australia. Range : South-west Australia. Stipiturus malachurus ruficeps. Rufous-cro-n-ned Emu-Wren. Stipitiiriis ruficeps Campbell, Vict. Nat., Vol. XV., p. 116, 1899; North-west Cape, Mid-west Australia. Range : Mid-west Australia. Genus SPHENURA. Sphenura Lichtenstein, Verzn. doubl. Mus. Berol., p. 40, 1823. Type (by original designation) : Turdus hrachypterus Latham. Synonym : Dasyornis Vigors and Horsfield, Trans. Linn. Soc. (Lond.), Vol. XV., p. 231, 1827. Type: Dasyornis aii-slraUs = Turdits brachypterits Latham Sphenura brachyptera. Sphenura brachyptera. Bristle-Bird. Tiirdiis hrachypterus Latham, Index Oniith., Suppl., p. xliii., 1801 ; New South Wales. Synonyms : Maliiriis pectoralis Stephens, in Shaw's Gen. Zool., Vol. XIII., pt. n., p. 224, 1826 ; New South Wales. Dasyornis n'lstraUs Vigors and Horsfield, Trans. Linn. Soc. (Lond.), Vol. XV., p. 232, 1827 ; New South Wales. Range : New South Wales ; Victoria. Sphenura longirostris. Sphenura longirostris. Long-billed Bristle-Bird. Dasyornis longirostris Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1840, p. 170, 1841 ; " Swan River, West Australia " = King George Sound. Range : West Australia. Genus MACCOYORNIS. Maccoyornis Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 113, 1912. Tjrpe (by original designation) : Sphenura broadbenti McCoy. Maccoyornis broadbenti. Maccoyornis broadbenti broadbenti. Rufous Bristle-Bird. Sphenura broadbenti McCoy. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist.,Ser. III., Vol. XIX., p. 185, 1867 ; Portland Bay, Victoria. Range : Victoria. PASSERIFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 231 Maccoyornis broadbenti whitei. Southern Rufous Bristlo-Bird. Spheniirn hronilhntll wliilii >[Htlio\vs, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 79, 1912 ; t'ooronp. South Australia. Range : Soutli .\ustralia. Maccoyornis broadbenti litoralis. Lesser Rufous Bristle-Bird. Spheniira litoralis .Millisan, Emu, Vol. I., p. t>9, 1902 ; EUensbrook, Soutli-wost .\ustralia. Range : South-west Australia. Genus DIAPHORILLAS. Diaphorillas Oherliolser, Proe. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1899, p. 212. Type (by original designation) : Malurus textilis Quoy et Gaimard. Synonyms ; Amytis (not Savigny 1826) Lesson, Trnito d'Orn., p. 45.3, 1831. Type : M. textilis Quoy et Gaimard. Amytornis Stejneger. Stand. Xat. Hist., Vol. IV., p. 499, 1885 : nom. nudum. Amytornix Sharpe, Handb. Birds Brit. Mus., Vol. IV.. p. 24fi, 1903. Type : MnliiriiK textilis Quoy et Gaimard. Diaphorillas textilis. Diaphorillas textilis textilis. Western Grass-Wren. Malurus textilis Quoy et Gaimard. Voy. " I'Uranie " et la " Physic," Zool., p. 107. 1824; Sharks Bay.'West Australia. Range : West Australia (Coast). Diaphorillas textilis giganturus. Xorthem Large-tailed Grass-Wren. Ami/li'' •jifiuiUiiru Milligan. Vict. Xat., Vol. XVIII., p. 28, 1901 : Mount Magnet, West Australia. Synon^^n : Amytis meyal'ira Sharpe, Zool. Rec. (1901), Aves., p. 68, 1902: emendation only. Range : Mid-west Australia (Interior). Diaphorillas textilis morgan!. South-western Grass-Wren. Diaphorillas li.rtilis monianl JIathews. Xov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 364, 1912; Cardina, South-east of C'oolgardie. Range : South-east of West Australia. Diaphorillas textilis macrourus. Large-tailed Grass-Wren. Amytis macrourus Gould, Proe. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1847. p. 2 ; West Australia = Broome Hill. Synonym : Amytis varia Carter, Vict. Xat., Vol. XXV., p. 86, 1908; Broome Hill, West Australia. Range : South-west of West Australia. 232 A LIST OF THE [PASSEEIFOKMES Diaphorillas textilis modestus. Thick-billed Grass-Wren. Amytis modesta North. Vict. Nat., Vol. XIX.. p. 103, 1902 ; Jleerenie Bluff, Central Australia. Range : Central Australia. Diaphorillas textilis inexpectatus. Grass-Wren. Diaphorillas textilis inexpectattis Mathews, Xo\'. Zool.. Vol. XVTII., p. 365, 1912 ; New South Wales. Range : New South Wales. Diaphorillas textilis merrotsyi. Chestnut-mantled Grass-Wren. Amytornis merrotsyi Mellor, Emu. Vol. XII., p. 16G, 1913 ; Lake Torrens, South Australia. Range : Interior of South Australia. Genus MYTISA. Mytisa Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 190. 1913. Type (by original designation) : Diaphorillas striatus howei Mathews. Mytisa striata. Mytisa striata striata. Striated Grass- Wren. Dasyornis striatus Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1839, p. 143, 1840 ; New South Wales. Range : New South Wales. Mytisa striata howei. Southern Striated Grass- Wren. Diaphorillas striatus howei Mathews, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, Vol. XXVII., p. 100, 1911; Kow Plains, Victoria. Range : Victoria ; South Australia. Mytisa striata rufa. Rufous Grass- Wren. Amytornis rufa Campbell and Kershaw-, Emu, Vol. XII., p. 274. 1913 ; Interior of Northern Territory. Range : Interior of Northern Territorj-. Mytisa striata oweni. Western Striated Grass-Wren. Amytornis striatus oweni Mathews, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, Vol. XXVII., p. 48, 1911 ; East Murcliison. West Australia. Range : West Australia (Interior). Mytisa striata whitei. Large Striated Grass-Wren. Amytornis whitei Mathews, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club. Vol. XXV., p. 34, 1910 ; Coongan River, Mid-west Australia. Range : Mid-west Australia. PASSERIFORMESj BIRDS OF .vrSTRALIA 233 Genus EYRAMYTIS. Eyramyth Mntliews, Xov. Zool.. Vol. Will., p. 3<>(), 11I12. Type (by original designation) : Amylis goyderi Gould. Eyramytis goyderi. Eyramytis goyderi. Lake Eyre Graa.s-\Vren. Amyliji goyilcri Gould. Aim. JInp. Xnt. Hist., Ser. IV'., Vol. XVI., p. 280, 1875 ; Lake Eyre. South Australia. Range : South Australia (Lake Eyre). Genus MAGNAMYTIS. Magnamylis Mathews. Xov. Zool.. Vol. XVlll.. p. 3()fi, 1912. TjT)e (by original designation) : Amytornis wondwardi Hartert. Magnamylis woodwardi. Magnamytis woodwardi. VVliite-throateti Grass-Wren. Amytoniin icnorhrnrdi Hartert, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, Vol. XVI., p. 30, 190.") ; South Alligator River, Xorthem Territorj-. Range : Xorthem Territorj'. Magnamytis housei. Magnamytis housei. Black Grass- Wren. Amylu^ lio'isci Milligan, Rep. Exp. X'.-W. Kimberley, p. 52, 1902 ; North-west Kimberley, Xorth-west Australia. Range : X'orth-west Australia. Family ART.AMIDAE. Genus ARTAMUS. Arlamns Vieillot, Analyse nouv. Ornith., p. 41, ISIO (April). Type (by monotj-py) : " Langraien Buff." = Lanius leucoryn = Uucorhynchiis Linne. SjTionj-ms : Ocyptems (not Ocyptera Latreille 1804) Cuvier, Le Regne Anim., Vol. I., p. 339, 1810 (Dee.). Tj-pe : Lanius le'icoryn = leiicor- hynchux Linne. Leptopteryx Horsfield, Trans. Linn. See. (Lond.), Vol. XIIT., p. 143, 1821 : new name for "Ocypter.is Cuvier." Artamus leucorhynchus. lArtamus leucorhynchus leucorhynchus. Lani"a lercoryn. ( = levcorhyncliua) Linne, Mantissa Plantarum, p. 524. 1771; "In Manillis."" Extra limital.] 234 A LIST OF THE [PASSERIFOEJfES Artamus leucorhynchus leucopygialis. White-rumped Wood-Swallow. Artamtis leucopygialis Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1842, p. 17; New South Wales. Synonym : Artamns leucorhynchus parvirostris Hartert, Nov. Zool., Vol. VI., p. 424, 1899 ; Cape York, Queensland. Range : Queensland ; New South Wales. Artamus leucorhynchus harterti. Western White-rumped Wood- Swallow. Artamys leucorhynchus harterti Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 3157, 1912 ; Parry's Creek, North-west Australia. Sjmonym : Artarrfs le'icorhynchus melvillensis ^Mathews. Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 45, 1912 ; Melville Island. Range : North-west Australia ; Northern Territory. Genus CAMPBELLORNIS. CampbeUornis Mathews, Austral Av. Rec. Vol. I., p. 113, 1912. Type (by original designation) : Ocypterus personattis Gould. CampbeUornis personatus. CampbeUornis personatus personatus. Western Masked Wood-Swallow. Ocypterus personatus Gould. Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1840, p. 149, 1841 ; West Australia. Range : South-west Australia. CampbeUornis personatus gracilis. Northern JIasked Wood-Swallow. Artamus firacilis Ingram. Bull. Brit. Omith. Club. Vol. XVI., p. 115, 190G ; Alexandra. Northern TeiTitorj-. Range : Northern Tenitory ; North-west Australia. CampbeUornis personatus munna. Masked Wood-Swallow. Artam's personatus munna JIathews. Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 94, 1912 ; Moree, New South Wales. Range : Queensland ; New Soxith Wales ; Victoria ; South Australia. CampbeUornis superciliosus. CampbeUornis supercUiosus superciliosus. White-browed Wood- Swallow. Ocypterus superciliosus Gould, S\niops. Birds Austr.. pt. i., pi. 1, 1837 ; New South Wales. Range : Queensland ; New South Wales ; Victoria ; South Australia ; South-west Australia. PASSERIFORJIESj BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 235 CampbellorniS superciliosus phaeus. Xoitlieni White-browed Wood- Swallow. Artam'is pliaeun Ingram. Bull. Hrit. Ornith. Club, Vol. XVI., p. 11">, li)0() ; Alexandra, Northern Territory. Range : Xortheni Territory ; North-w est Australia. Genus AUSTRARTAMUS. Aiiatrartani'is Mathews. Austral Av. Ree., Vol. I., p. 114, 1912. TjTie (b}' original designation) : Artamus melano-ps Gould. Austrartamus melanops. Austrartamus melanops melanops. Black-faced Wood-Swallow. Artamus melanops Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond. ) 1865, p. 198; Saint .\beckets Pool, Central Australia. Range : Interior of South .\ustralia ; Xew South Wales; Victoria. Austrartamus melanops hypoleucus. ^\^lite-bellied W'ood-Swallow. Artanvis hypoleucus Sharpe, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., Vol. XIII., p. 17, 1890 ; Darling Downs, Queensland. Synonym : Artamus albiventris (not Lesson 1831) Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1847, p. 31 ; Darling Dowiis, Queensland. Range : Queensland. Austrartamus melanops tregellasi. Black-vented Wood-Swallow. Artam'is Iregetlasi Mathews, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, Vol. XXVII., p. 100, 1911 ; Rockingham, West Australia. Synonym : Artamus ciwreus (not Vieillot 1817) Gould. Birds Austr., Vol. II., pi. 29, 1842 ; West Australia. Range : South-west Australia. Austrartamus melanops venustus. White-vented Wood-Swallow. Artamus venustus Sharpe. in Rowley's Ornith. Miscel., Vol. III., p. 198, 1878 ; Xorth-west Australia. Range : XTorth-west Australia. Austrartamus melanops florenciae. Northern Black-faced Wood- Swallow. Artamus florenciae Ingram, Bull. Brit. Omith. Club, Vol. XVI. p. 115, 1906 ; Alexandra, Northern Territory. Range : Northern Territory. Genus PSEUDARTAMUS. Pseudartamus Mathews, Austral Av. Rec., Vol. I., p. 114, 1912. Type (by original designation) : Loxia cyanoptera Latham. 236 A LIST OF THE [PASSEEIFORjVIES Pseudartamus cyanopterus. Pseudartamus cyanopterus. Wood-Swallow. txixia cfianoptera Latham, Index Omith., Suppl.. p. xlvi., ISOl ; Xew South Wales. Synonyms : Turdus sordid'is (not Miiller 177fi) Latham. Index Omith., Suppl., p. xliii., ISOl ; New South Wales. Artamus Jineat'is Vieillot, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat.. Vol. XVIL. p. 297, 1817 : new name for " T. sordid'is Latham." Ocypterus alboviltatiis Valenciennes, Mem. Mus. d'Hist. Nat. (Paris), Vol. VI., p. 2.3, 1820 ; New South Wales. Range : Queensland ; New South Wales ; Victoria ; Tasmania ; South Australia ; South-west Australia. Genus MICRARTAMUS. Micrartamiis Mathews, Austral Av. Rec., Vol. I., p. 114. 1912. Type (by original designation) : Artamus minor Vieillot. Mlcrartamus minor. Micrartamus minor minor. Little Wood-Swallow. Artam"s minor VieiUot, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., Vol. XVIL, p. 298, 1817 ; New South Wales. Synonym : Ocypterus fuscatiis Valenciennes, M6m. JIus. d'Hist. Nat. (Paris), Vol. VI., p. 24, 1820 ; New South Wales. Range : Queensland ; New South ^^'ales. Micrartamus minor derbyi. Northern Little Wood-Swallow. Artamus minor derbyi JUathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIIL, p.. 368, 1912 ; Derby, North-west Australia. Range : North-west AustraUa ; Northern Territorj*. F.\MiLY PRIONOPIDAE. Genus COLLURICINCLA. CoUuricincIa Vigors and Horsfield, Trans. Linn. Soc. (Lond. ). Vol. XV. p. 213, 1827. Type (by monotypy) : C. cinerea = Turdus harmonicus Latham. ■SjTionj'ms : Colhirisoma Swainson, Classif. Birds, Vol. II., p. 10, 1837 : nt»n. nudum. Pnigocichia Cabanis, Mus. Hein., A'ol. I., p. 60, 18jl : new name for " CoUuricincIa V. and H." PASSERIF.ORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 237 Colluricincia harmonica. Colluricincia harmonica harmonica. Oroy Shrila'iliiis I.iithmn. Index. Ornith., Suppl., p. xli., IKOl ; Xew South Wales. Colluricincia cinerea Vigors and Horsfield, Trans. Linn. Pre. (Lond.), Vol. XV., p. 214, 1827 ; New Sonth Wales. Lanifis sat'trninfs Xordinann, in Kniian's Reise Xat. Atl., p. 14, 1S3.*> ; Xew South Wales. Ranpe : Xew South Wales. Colluricincia harmonica victoriae. Victorian Grey Shrike-Thrush. Colluricincia harmonica vicluriac Mathews, X'ov. Zool., A'ol. XVllI., p. 3t)9, 1912; Olinda, Victoria. Ranfre : Victoria ; South Australia. - Colluricincia harmonica halmaturina. Kangaroo Island Grey Shrike- Tluush. Collyriocincia harmonica, subsp. halmatirina, A. G. Camplell, Emu, Vol. v., p. 140, 1906 ; Kangaroo Island. Synonym : Collnricincia harmonica zamla Mathews, Austral Av. Eec., Vol. I., p. 4(i, 1912; Kangaroo Island. Range : Kangaroo Island, South Australia. Colluricincia harmonica strigata. Whistling Slu'ike-Tlu-ush. Colluricincia strigala Swainson, Anim.in Menag.. p. 283, 1838 ; Tasmania. Synonyms : Colluricincia rrclirontris Jardine and Pelby, lUus. Omith., Vol. IV., pi. xxxi., 1839 ; Tasmania. Colli' ricincla selhii Gould, Birds Austr., Vol. II., pi. 77, 1844 ; Tasmania. Range : Tasmania. Colluricincia harmonica oblita. Pallid Grey Shrlke-Tlvrush. Colluricincia harmonica oblita Mathews, Xov. Zool., Vol. X^^II. , p 3()9, 1912 ; Inkerman, Queensland. Range : South Queensland. Colluricincia harmonica pallescens. Grey-backed Sluike-Tluush. Colluricincia harmonica /joWf seen,* Mathews, Nov. Zool., XVIII., p. 369, 1912 ; Cairns, Queensland. Range : Xorth Queensland (Cairns district). Colluricincia harmonica superciliosa. Northern Shrike-Thrush. Colluricincia superciliosa Masters, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.\^'., Vol. I., p. 50, 1876 ; Cape Grenville, Queensland. Range : North Queensland (Cape York district). 238 A LIST OF THE [PASSEEIFOEMES Colluricincla brunnea. CoUuricincla brunnea brunnea. Bro^-n Slirike-Thrush. Colhiricincla brunnea Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1840, p. 104, 1841 ; Port Essington, Northern Territorj-. Synonym ; Coilyriocincla pallidirostris Sharpe, Cat. Birds Brit. JIus., Vol. III., p. 293, 1877 ; Port Essington, Northern Territory. Range : Northern Territory. Colluricincla brunnea caloola. Pale-bro\^-n Slirike-Tlirush. Colluricincla brunnea caloola JIathe-ns, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. II., p. 10. 1913 ; Caloola, Leiehhardt River, Gulf of Carpentaria, Queensland. Range : Interior of Jlid-Queensland. Colluricincla brunnea parryi. Western Browii Shrike-Thrush. Colluricincla brunnea parryi Mathews, Austral Av. Rec., Vol. I., p. 46, 1912 ; Parry's Creek, North-west Australia. Range : North-west Australia. Colluricincla brunnea roebucki. Little Brown Shrike-Thrush. Colluricincla brunnea roebucki Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 94, 1912 ; Roebuck Bay, West Australia. Range : North-west Australia. Colluricincla ruflventris. Colluricincla rufiventris ruflventris. Buif-bellied Shrike-Thrush. Colluricincla ruflventris Ciould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1840, p. 164, 1841 ; Swan River, West Australia. Synonym : Turdus subcinereus Sclater, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1866, p. 320; Swan River, West Australia. Range : South-west Australia. Colluricincla rufiventris murchlsoni. Jliirchison Buff-bellied Slirike- Tlirush. Colluricincla rufiventris murchisoni Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 94, 1912 ; East Murchison. Range : Jlid-west Australia. Colluricincla rufiventris whitei. Southern Buff-bellied Slirike-Thrush. CoUuricincla rufiventris vhitei Mathews. Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 370. 1912 ; Eyre's Peninsula, South Australia. Ranae : South Australia. Colluricincla woodward!. Colluricincla woodwardi. Red-bellied Shrike-Tlirush. Colluricincla woodwardi Hartert. Nov. Zool., Vol. XII.. p. 228, 1905 ; South Alligator River, Northern Territory. Range : Northern Territory. PASSERIFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 239 Genus CONIGRAVEA. Conigravea Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. II., p. 59, 1913. Tj-pe (bj' original designation) : Colluricinda parmda conigravi Mathews. Conigravea parvula. Conigravea parvula parvula. Little Slirike-Thrush. CoUiiricincIa parvula Gould. Proc. Zool. Soc. (Loiul.) 184.'), p. 1)2 ; Port Essington, XortheiTi Territory. Sjnionynis : Colluricinda turdoides Jacquinot et Pucheran, Voy. Pole Sud.. Zool., Vol. III., p. 61, pi. II.. 1853 ; Raffles Bay. Xortiiem Territory. CoUiiricincIa parvula alligator Mathews, Austral Av. Rec., Vol. I., p. 46, 1912 ; Alligator River, Xorthern Territory. Range : Northern Territory. Conigravea parvula omissa. Melville Island Little Shrike-Tlvrush. Colluricinda parvula omissa Mathews. Austral Av. Rec, Vol. II., p. 68, 1913 ; Melville Island. Range : Melville Island, Northern Territory. Conigravea parvula conigravi. Western Little Shrike-Thrush. Colluricinda parvula conigravi Mathews. Austral Av. Rec., Vol. I., p. 94, 1912 ; Admiralty Gulf. Xorth-west Australia. Range : North-west Australia. Genus CALEYA. Caleya Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. II., p. 59, 1913. Type (by original designation) : Colluricinda ntfogaster Gould. Caleya megarhyncha. [Caleya megarhyncha megarhyncha. Muscicapa megarhyncha Quov et Gaimard. Voy. " I'Astrol," Zool., Vol. I., p. 172, "pi. 3, f. 1, 1830 ; Dorey Harbour, New Guinea. Extra limital.] Caleya megarhyncha rufogaster. Rufous-breasted Shrike-Thrush. Colluricinda rufogaster GouM. Proc. Zool. Soc (Lond.) 1845, p. 80; Clarence River, New South Wales. Range : New South Wales. Caleya megarhyncha cerviniventris. Fawn-breasted Shrike-Thrush. Collyriocincia cerviniventris North, Rec Austr. Mus., Vol. III., p. 49, 1897 ; Dawson River, Queensland. Range : Queensland. 240 A LIST OF THE [PASSBEIFORMES Caleya megarhyncha gouldi. Little Kufous-breasted Shrike-Thrush. Myiolestcs go'ildi Gray, Proe. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1858, p. 180 ; Brown's River, Mid-Queensland. Synonym : CoUuricincla parvissima Gould, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., Ser. IV., Vol. X., p. 114, 1872 ; Rockingham Bay, Queensland. Range : Mid-Queensland. Caleya megarhyncha griseata. Minute Shrike-Tlirush. Myiolestcs cjriscatus Gray. Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1858, p. 180 ; Cape York, Queensland. Range : North Queensland. Genus BOWYERIA. Boivyeria Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 114, 1912. Type (by original designation) : Colhjriocincla boweri Ramsay. Bowyeria boweri. Bowyeria boweri. Stripe-breasted Shrike-Thrush. CoUyriocincla boweri Ramsay, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., Vol. X., p. 244, 1885 ; Cairns, Queensland. Synonym : CoU'iricincla sibila De Vis, Proc. Rov Soc. Queensl., Vol. V., p. Ifil, 1888 ; Cardwell, Queensland. Range : North Queensland (Cairns district). Genus GRALLINA. Grallina Vieillot, Analyse nouv Ornitli., p. 42, ISIO. Tjrpe (by monotypy) : Corvus cyanoleuciis Latham. Syncnym : Tanypiis Oppel (not Meigen 1803) Denkschr. Ak. Wissen. 5Iiinch. 1811-1812, p. 159, lSl2. Tj-pe : C. cyanoleiiciis I^atham. Grallina cyanoleuca. Grallina cyanoleuca cyanoleuca :Magpie-Lark. Corvus cyanolenc'is Latham, Index Ornith., Suppl., p. xxv., 1801 ; New South Wales. Synonyms : Graciila picafa Latham, Index Ornith.. Suppl., p. xxix., 1801 ; New South Wales. Tanypiis atistralis Oppel, Denkschr. Ak. Wissen. Mvinch. 1811-1812, p. 164. 1812 ; New South Wales. Merops picatus Shaw, Gen. Zool., Vol. VIII., p. 105, 1812 ; New South Wales. Qrallina melanoleuca Vieillot, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., Vol. XIII. p. 401, 1817; New South Wales. Range : Queensland ; New South Wales ; Victoria ; South Australia ; South-west Australia. PASSERIFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 241 Grallina cyanoleuca neglecta. Little .Ma^'pic--Lark. Orallina ciianole'icn nefflpcta 'ilaihews. Now Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 372, 1912 ; Parry's Creek, Korth-west Australia. Range : North-west Australia ; Northern Territory. F.\MiLY L.AXIIDAE. Genus GYMNORHINA. Gymnorhina Gray, List Genera Birds 1840, p. 37. Type (by original designation) : Coracias tibicen Latham. Gymnorhina tibicen. Gymnorhina tibicen tibicen. Black-backed Magpie. Coracias tibicen Latham, Index Omith., Suppl., p. xxr\-ii., 1801 ; New South Wales. Range : South Queensland ; New South Wales. Gymnorhina tibicen terraereginae. Little Black-backed Magpie. Cracliciis tibicen terracreginnc JIathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 372, 1912 ; Bartle Frere, Queensland. Range : North Queensland ; Eastern Northern Territory. Gymnorhina tibicen intermissa. Victorian Black-backed Magpie. Cracticiis tibicen intermi^siis Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 372, 1912 ; Bendigo, Victoria. Range : Victoria ; South Australia. Gymnorhina tibicen longirostris. ^\"hite-legged Magpie. Qymnorhina longirostris Milligan, Emu, Vol. III., p. 96, 1903 ; Ash- burton River, Mid-west Australia. SynoniyTns : Gymnorhina albicriiralis Degen, Emu, Vol. III., p. 207, 1904 : alterna- tive name for " G. longirostris," West Australia. Gymnorhina tibicen longirostris Hartert, Nov. Zool., Vol. XII., p. 230, 190.5 ; Nullagine, Mid-west Australia. Range : Mid-west Australia. Gymnorhina hypoleuca. Gymnorhina hypoleuca hypoleuca. Lesser Wliite-backed Magpie. Cracticiis hypoleiiciis Gould. Synops Birds Austr., pt. i., pi. rv., 1837 ; Tasmania. Synonym : Gymnorhina organiciim Gould, Birds Austr., Vol. II., pi. 48, 1844 ; new name for Cracticiis hypoleucus Gould. Range : Tasmania. Gymnorhina hypoleuca leuconota. Wliite-backed Magpie. Gymnorhina leuconota Gould, Birds Austr., Vol. II., pi. 47, 1844 ; South Australia. Range : Victoria ; South Australia. 242 A LIST OF THE fPASSEBIFOEMES Gymnorhina hypoleuca intermedia. Northern \Miite-backed Magpie. Cracticus hypoleiicus intermedins Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVlll., p. 373, 1912 ; Cooma, New South Wales. Range: New South Wales. Gymnorhina hypoleuca dorsalis. Western 'Wliite-backed Magpie. Gymnorhina dorsalis Campbell, Proe. Roy. Soc. Victoria, Ser. II., Vol. VH., p. 206, 189.5 ; West Australia. Range : West Australia. Genus MELLORIA. MeUoria Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 114, 1912. Type (by original designation) : Cracticus spaldingi Masters. Melloria quoyi. [Melloria quoyi quoyi. Barita quoyi Lesson et Garnot, Ferussac's Bull. Sci. Nat. et Geol., Vol. X., p. 289, 1827 ; Dorey Harbour, New Guinea. Extra limital.] Melloria quoyi spaldingi. Allied Butcher-Bird. Cracticus spaldingi Masters, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., Vol. TI., p. 271, 1877 ; Port Darwin, Northern Territory. Synonym : Cracticus quoyi tnnncyi Hartert, Nov. Zool., Vol. XII., p. 228, 1905 ; Alligator River, Northern Territory. Range : Northern Territory. Melloria quoyi rufescens. Rufous Buteher-Bird. Cracticus rufescens De Vis, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., Vol. VII., p. 562, 1882 ; Tully River Scrubs, Queensland. Range : North Queensland. Melloria quoyi jardini. Cape York Black Butcher-Bird. Cracticus quoyi jardini Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 94, 1912 ; Cape York, Queensland. Range : North Queensland (Cape York district). Genus CRACTICUS. Cracticus Vieillot, Analyse nouv. Omith., p. 37, 1816 (April). Type (by monotypy) : " Cassican-Calybe Bu£f."=i?am- ■phastits cassicits Boddaert. Synonjin : Barita Cuvier, le Regne Anim., Vol. I., p. 340, 1816 (Dec). Type: R. cassicus Boddaert. r.iSSERIFORMESj BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 243 Cracticus nigrogularis. Cracticus nigrogularis nigrogularis Black-throated Butcher-Bird. Vanga nigrogularis Gould, Synops. Birds Austr., pt. i., pi. iii., 1837 ; New Soutli Wales. Range : New Soutli Wales. Cracticus nigrogularis inkermani. Queensland Black-throated Butcher- Biiil. Cracticus nigrogularis inkermani Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 374, 1912 ; Inkerman, Queensland. Range : Queensland. Cracticus nigrogularis mellori. Soutliem Black-tlu-oated Butcher-Bird. Cracticus niqrogularis mellori Matliews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVTII., p. 374, 1912 ; South Australia. Range : Victoria ; South Australia. Cracticus nigrogularis kalgoorli. Western Black-throated Butcher- Bird. Cracticus nigrogularis kalgoorli Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 374, 1912 ; Kalgoorlie, West Austraha. Range : South-west Australia. Cracticus nigrogularis tormenti. Western Pied Butcher-Bird. Cracticus nigrogularis tormenti Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 46, 1912 ; Napier Broome Bay, North-west Australia. Range : North-west Austraha. Cracticus nigrogularis picatus. Pied Butcher-Bird. Cracticus picatus Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Loud.) 1848, p. 40 ; Port Essington, Northern Territory. Range : Northern Territory. Genus BULESTES. Bulestes Cabauis, Mus. Heiu., Vol. I., p. 66, 1851. Type (by monotypy) : Lanius torquatus Latham. Bulestes torquatus. Bulestes torquatus torquatus. Collared Butcher-Bird. Lanius torquatus Latham, Index Omith., Suppl., p. xvui., 1801 ; New South Wales. Synonyms : Barita destructor Temminck et Laugier, Planch. Color. d'Ois., 46' li\T., Vol. III., pi. 273, 1824 ; New South Wales. Vanga australis Stephens, m Shaw's Gen. Zool., Vol. XIII., pt. ii., p. 150, 1826 ; New South Wales. Range : Queensland ; New South Wales. R2 244 A LIST OF THE [PASSEKITOKMES Bulestes torquatus olindus. Southern Collared Butcher-Bird. Cracticus torquatus oHndiis Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 374, 1912 ; Oliiida, Victoria. Range : Victoria. Bulestes torquatus colei. Mallee Butcher-Bird. Cracticus torquatus colei Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 119, 1912 ; Mallee, Victoria. Range : Mallee district of Victoria. Bulestes torquatus cinereus. Grey Butcher-Bird. Vanga cinerea Gould, Synops. Birds Austr., pt. i., pi. n., 1837 ; Tasmania. Range : Tasmania. Bulestes torquatus ethelae. Southern Butcher-Bird. Cracticus torquatus ethelae Mathews. Nov. Zool., Vol. X'\^II., p. 375, 1912 ; Eyre's Peninsula, South Australia. Range : South Australia. Bulestes torquatus leueopterus. White-winged Butcher-Bird. Cracticus leueopterus Gould, Birds Austr., Introd., Vol. I., p. xxxv., 184S; West Australia. Range : South-west Australia. Bulestes torquatus argenteus. Silver-backed Butcher-Bird. Cracticus argenteus Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1840, p. 126, 1841 ; Port Essington, Northern Territory. Synonjrm ; ? Cracticus torquatus coUeiti Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 46, 1912 ; Mary River, Northern Territory. Range : Northern Territory. Bulestes mentalis. [Bulestes mentalis mentalis. Cracticus 7nentalis Sahadori and D'Albertis, Aiui. Mus. Civ. Gen., Vol. VII., p. 824, 1875 ; Nicura, South-east New Guinea. Extra limit al.] Bulestes mentalis kempi. Cape York Black-backed Butcher-Bird. Cracticus mentalis kempi Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 95, 1912 ; Cape York, Queensland. Range : North Queensland (Cape York district). Genus FALCUNCULUS. Falcunculus Vieillot, Analyse nouv. Ornith. , p. 40, 1816. Type (by monotypy) : Lanius frontatus Latham. Falcunculus frontatus. Falcunculus frontatus frontatus. Yellow-bellied Shrike-Tit. Lanius frontatus Latham, Index Ornith., Suppl.. p. xviii.. 1801 ; New South Wales. PASSERIFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 245 Synonym : Falciinciilnii goiildi Bonaparte, Consp. Gen. Av., Vol. I., p. 365, 1850 ; Xew Soutli Wales. Range : New South Wales. Falcunculus (rontatus flavigulus. Green-bellied Shrike-Tit. Falciinciiliis /laviijiilus Gould, Syn, p. 341 ; Ilara Creek, Central Australia. Range : Central Australia. Genus NEOCLIMA. Neoclima Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 11"), 1012. Type (by original designation) : CUmacteris picitmniis Temminck. Neoclima picumna. Neoclima picumna picumna. Bro^ii Treecreeper. CUmacteris piciimnus Temminck et Laugier. Planch. Color. d'Ois., 47' Uvr., Vol. III., pi. 281. f. 1. 1824 ; Queensland. Range : Queensland ; Xew South Wales. Neoclima picumna victoriae. Victorian Brown Treecreeper. Climacteris piciimnus victoriae JIathews, Xov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 382, 1912 ; Parwan. Victoria. Range : Victoria. Neoclima picumna australis. Southern Brown Treecreeper. Climacteris piciimnus australis JIathews. Xov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 382, 1912 ; iliuray Flats, South Australia. Range : South Australia. Genus WHITLOCKA. Whitlocka Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 11.'), 1912. Type (by original designation) : Climacteris melanura Gould. Whitlocka melanura. Whitlocka melanura melanura. Black-tailed Treecreeper. Climacteris melanura Gould. Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1842, p. 138, 1843 ; Derby, Xorth-west Australia. Range : North-west Australia. Wbitlocka melanura wellsi. Allied Black-tailed Treecreeper. Climacteris wellsi Grant. Ibis 1909. p. (304 ; Clifton Do^viis, ^^■est Australia. Range : Mid-west Australia. Whitlocka melanura alexandrae. Xorthem Black-tailed Treecreeper. Climacteris melanura alexandrae Mathews. Xov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 381, 1912 ; Alexandra. Xorthem Territory. Range : X'ortheni Territory and Xorth Queensland (Gulf of Carpentaria). 252 A LIST OF THE [PASSEEIFORMES Whitlocka melanota. Whitlocka melanota. Black-backed Treecreeper. Climacteris melanottis Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1846, p. 106, 1847 ; River LjTid, Queensland. Range : Queensland. Wbitloeka rufa. Whitlocka rufa rufa. Rufous Treecreeper. Climacteris rii/a Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1840, p. 149, 1841; West Australia. Range : West Australia (Inland). Whitlocka rufa obscura. Allied Rufous Treecreeper. Climacteris rufa obscura Carter, Bull. Brit. Omith. Club, Vol. XXVII., p. 16, 1910 ; Warren River, South-west Australia. Range : South-west Australia (Coastal). Whitlocka rufa orientalis. Pale Rufous Treecreeper. Climacteris rufa orientalis Jlathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 382, 1912 ; Gawler Ranges, South Australia. Range : South Australia. F.4MILY ZOSTEROPIDAE. Genus ZOSTEROPS. Zosterops Vigors and Horsfield, Trans. Linn. Soc. (Lond.), Vol. XV., p. 234, 1827. Type (by monotjrpy) : Z. dorsalis = Sylvia lateralis Latham. Zosterops lateralis. Zosterops lateralis lateralis, ^\^lite-eye. Sylvia lateralis Latham, Index Omith., Suppl., p. Iv., 1801 ; Xew South Wales. Synonyms : Zosterops dorsalis Vigors and Horsfield. Trans. Linn. Soc. (Lond.), Vol. XV., p. 23.5. 1827 ; New South Wales. ? Zosterops austral is Ramsay, Ibis 1893, p. 180 : nom. nudum. Zosterops caeruhscens Auctorum, not Certhia caerulescens Latham 1801. Range : Xew South Wales. Zosterops lateralis westernensis. Southern AMiite-eye. Dacnis westernensis Quoy et Gaimard, Voy. " rAstrol.," Zool., Vol. I., p. 215, 1830 ; Western Port, Victoria. Synonym : "> Zosterops bowiac Hurne, Emu, Vol. VII., p. 3li, 1907; Morang, Victoria. Range : Victoria ; South Australia. PASSERIFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 253 Zosterops lateralis tasmanica. Tosmanian White-eye. Zoaterops lateralis tasmanica Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. X\^II., p. 385, 1912 ; Tasmania. Range : Tasmania. Zosterops lateralis halmaturina. Kangaroo Island White-eye. Zosterops halmatiirina Campbpll, Emu, Vol. V., p. 143, 190() ; Kangaroo Island. Range : Kangaroo Island, South Australia. Zosterops lateralis ramsayi. Yellow-vented White-ej-e. Zosterops ramnaiii Masters. Proc. Linn. Soc. X.S.W., Vol. I., p. 50, 1875 ; Palm Island. Torres Strait. Synonym : Zosterops westenun^is I'eqeta Hartert, Xov. Zool., Vol. VI., p. 425, 1899 ; Capo York. Queensland. Range : Xorth Queensland (Cape York). Zosterops lateralis cornwalli. Queensland White-eye. Zosterops lateralis cornwalli Slathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 385, 1912; Maokay, Queensland Range ; Miei-Queenslaud. Zosterops lateralis tephropleura. Capricorn White-eye. Zosterops tephropleura Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond. ) 1855, p. Ififi ; " Lord Howe Island " = Capricorn Group, Barrier Reef. Synonym : Zosterops chlorocephaliis Campbell and White. Emu, Vol. X., p. 196, 1910 ; Capricorn Group. Range : Capricorn Group, Barrier Reef, Queensland. Zosterops gouldi. Zosterops gouldi. Green-backed ^^^lite-eye. Zosterops gouldi Bonaparte, Consp. Gen. Av., Vol. I., p. 398, 1850 ; KingGeorge Sound, West Australia : newname for"Z. ckloronotus Gould." Synonyms : Zosterops chloronotns (not Vieillot 1817) Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1840, p. 1()5. 1841 ; West Australia. Zosterops shortridgii Grant, Ibis 1909, p. 663 ; Albany, South-west Australia. Range : South-west Australia. Zosterops albiventris. Zosterops albiventris albiventris. Pale-bellied White-eye. Zosterops albiventris Reichenbach, Handb. Merop., p. 92, 1850 ; Torres Strait (Warrior Island). Synonym : Zosterops flavognlaris Masters. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., Vol. I., p. 56, 1876 : Cape Grenville, North Queensland. Range : North Queensland. 254 A LIST OF THE [PASSERIFOEMES Zosterops lutea. Zosterops lutea lutea. Yellow ^\Tiite-eye. Zosterops Imeiis Gould. Birds Austr., Vol. IV., pi. 83, 1843 ; Greenhill Island, Van Diemen's Gulf, Northern Territory. Range : Northern Territory. Zosterops lutea hecla. Allied Yellow \Miite-eye. Zosterops lutea hecla JIathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 48, 1912 ,; Hecla Island, Parry Harbour. Range : Hecla Island, North-west Australia. Zosterops lutea tribulationis. Western Yellow VATiite-eye. Zosterops lutea tribulationis ilathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. X^^II., p. 384, 1912 ; Point Torment, North-west Australia. Range : North-west Australia. Zosterops lutea balstonl. Carnarvon White-eye. Zosterops haUtoni Grant, Ibis 1909, p. 663 ; Carnarvon, West Australia. Range : Jlid-west AustraUa. Zosterops lutea guUiveri. Golden ^Vllite-eye. Zosterops (Tephras ?) gulliveri Castelnau and Ramsay, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., Vol. I., p. 383, 1876 ; Norman River, Queensland. Range : North Queensland. F.^MiLV DICAEIDAE. Genus AUSTRODICAEUM. Anstrodicaeum Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. II., p. 60, 1913. Tj-pe (by original designation) : Motacilla hirundinacea Sliaw. Synonym : Microchelidon (not Hodgson 1S45) Reichenbach, Handb. Scansores, p. 243, 1854. Type : M. hirundinacea Shaw. Austrodicaeum hirundinaceum. Austrodicaeum hirundinaceum hirundinaceum. Flowerpecker or ilistletoe-Bird. Motacilla hirundinacea Shaw and Nodder, Nat. Miscel., Vol. IV., pi. 114, 1792; New South Wales. Synonyms : Pipra gularis Lewin, Birds New Holland, pi. vii., 1808 ; New South Wales. Pipra desmaretii Leach, Zool. Jliscel., Vol. I., p. 94, 1S14 ; New South Wales. Dicaeum atrogaster Lesson, Traite d'Om., p. 303, 1830 ; New South Wales. Dicoeutn perdalodus Lafresnaye, Mag. de Zool. 1833, pi. 14 ; New South Wales, PASSEEIFORMES] BIKDS OF ArSTRALIA 255 Dieaciim hiriindinacetim i/orki Mathews, Xov. Zool., Vol. X\^II., p. 3S7, 1912 ; Cape York. Queensland. Range : Queensland ; Xew Soutli Wales ; N'iotoria ; South Australia. Austrodicaeum hirundinaceum tormenti. Western llistletoe-Bird. Dicaetim hirundinaceum tormrnti Matliews, Xov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 387, 1912 ; Point Torment, North-west Australia. Range : Xorth-ivest Australia ; Xorthem Territory. Genus PARDALOTUS. Pardalotiis Vieillot, Analyse nouv. Omith., p. 31, 1816 (April). Type (by monotj^y) : Pipra punctata Shaw and Nodder. Synonym : Spizites Ilfiger. Abhandl. der Acad. Berl. 1812-1813, p. 230, 1816. Type : Pipra punctata Shaw and Xodder. Pardalotus punctatus. PardalotUS punctatus punctatus. Spotted Pardalote (Diamond-Bird). Pipra punctata Shaw and Xodder, Xat. Miseel., Vol. IV., pi. Ill, 1792 ; New South Wales. Synonym : Pardalotus australis Stephens, in Shaw's Gen. Zool., Vol. XIII., pt. n., p. 2.52, 1826 ; Xew South AVales. Range : New South Wales. Pardalotus punctatus milUtaris. Xorthem Spotted Pardalote. Pardalotus punctatus millitaris JIathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 96, 1912 ; Cairns, Queensland. Range : North Queensland. Pardalotus punctatus interjectus. ^■ictorian Spotted Pardalote. Pardalotus punctatus interjectus Mathews, Xov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 389, 1912 ; Ringwood, A'ictoria. Range : Etist Victoria. Pardalotus punctatus xanthopygus. Yellow-rumped Pardalote. Pardalotus xanthopygus McCoy. Ann. Mag. Xat. Hist., Ser. III., Vol. XIX., p. 184, 1867 ; Xorth-west Victoria. SjTionym : Pardalotus leadbeateri Ramsay, Ibis 1867, p. 225 : nom. nudum. Range : Xorth-west Victoria ; South Australia. Pardalotus punctatus leachi. Tasmanian Pardalote. Pardalotus punctatus leachi Mathews, Xov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 389, 1912 ; Tasmania. Range : Tasmania. 256 A LIST OF THE [PASSEEIFORMES Pardalotus punctatus whitlocki. Western Red-rumped Pardalote. Pnrdalot'is punctatus u-hulocki Mathen-s. Kov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 389, 1912 ; Wilson's Inlet, West Australia. Range : South-west Australia. Pardalotus rubricatus, Pardalotus rubricatus rubricatus. Red-browed Pardalote. Pardalotus rubricatus Gould, Synops. Birds Austr., pt. iv., pi. 62, 1838 ; New South Wales. Range : South Queensland ; Xew South Wales. Paidalotus rubricatus leichhardti. Allied Red-browed Pardalote. Pardalotus rubricatus leichhardti Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. II., p. 10, 1913 ; Leichhardt River, Queensland. Range : Interior of JMid-Queensland. Pardalotus rubricatus yorki. Cape York Red-browed Pardalote. Pardalotus rubricatus yorki Mathews, Austral Av. Rec., Vol. II., p. 10, 1913 ; Cape York, Queensland. Range : North Queensland (Cape York district). Pardalotus rubricatus parryi. Xorthern Red-browed Pardalote. Pardalotus rubricatus parryi Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. X^TII., p. 390, 1912 ; Parry's Creek, North-west Australia. Range : North-west Australia. Pardalotus rubricatus pallidas. Pale Red-browed Pardalote. Pardalotus palUdus Campbell, Emu, Vol. "VIII., p. 142, 1909 ; Marble Bar, West Australia. Range : Mid-west Australia. Pardalotus melanocephalus. Pardalotus melanocephalus melanocephalus. Black-headed Pardalote. Pardalotus melanocephalus Gould, SjTiops. Birds Austr., pt. iv., pi. 62, 1838 ; Moreton Bay, Queensland. Range : South Queensland ; New South Wales. Pardalotus melanocephalus barroni. Northern Black-headed Pardalote. Pardalotus melanocephalus barroni Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 96, 1912 ; Cairns, Queensland. Range ; North Queensland. Pardalotus melanocephalus uropygialis. Chestnut-rumped Pardalote. Pardalotus uropygialis Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1839, p. 143, 1840 ; Port Essington. Northern Territory-. Range : Northern Territory. Pardalotus melanocephalus melvillensis. Orange-rumped Pardalote. Pardalotus rjielattoccphalus melvillensis Mathews, Austral Av. Rec., Vol. I., p. 48, 1912 ; Melville Island. Range : MelvUle Island, Northern Territory. PASSERrFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 257 Pardalotus melanocephalus inexpectatus. Parry's Creek Pardalotc. Pardalotnx melanoceplinhis inexpeclalnn Mathews, Nov. Zool. , Vol. XVIII., p. 390. 1912 ; Parry's Creek. North-west Australia. Range : North-west Australia (Parry's Creek district). Pardalotus melanocephalus torment!. Point Torment Pardalot*. Pnrdatoliin melauoceplinliin tormenti Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 90, 1912 ; Point Torment. North-west Australia. Range : North-west Australia (Point Torment district). Genus PARDALOTINUS. PardaloHnus Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 115, 1912. Type (by original designation) : Pipra striata Gmelin. Pardalotinus striatus. Pardalotinus striatus striatus. Yellow-tipped Pardalote. Pipra striata Gmelin, Syst. Nat., p. 1003, 1789 ; Tasmania. Synonym : Pardalotus affinis Gould. Sjmops. Birds Austr., pt. ii., pi. 22, 1837 ; Tasmania. Range : Tasmania. Pardalotinus striatus kingi. King Island Pardalote. Parilalot'is striatus kinqi Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. X\T!TT., p. S87, 1912; King Island. Range : King Island, Bass Strait. Pardalotinus striatus substriatus. Victorian Pardalote. Pardalotus striatus substriatus Mathews. Nov. Zool., Vol. X^'III., p. 388, 1912 ; ntima, Victoria. Range : Victoria. Pardolotinus striatus subaffinis. South Australian Pardalote. Pardalotus striatus subaffinis Mathews, Nov. Zool.. Vol. XVIII., p. 388. 1912 ; Blackwood. South Australia. Range : South Australia. Pardalotinus striatus ornatus. Red-tipped Pardalote. Pardalotus ornatus Temminck et Laugier. Planch. Color. d'Ois.. 66» livr.. Vol. IV.. pi. 394. f. 1. 1826 ; New South Wales. Range : New South Wales. Pardalotinus striatus assimilis. Orange-tipped Pardalote. Pardalotus assimilis Ramsay, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., Vol. II., p. 180, 1878 ; Port Denison, Queensland. g Range : Queensland. 258 A UST OF THE [PASSEBIFORJIES Pardalotinus striatus rogersi. Mungi Pardalote. Pardalotus striatus rogersi JIathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 388, 1912 ; Mungi, North-west Australia. Range : Northern Territory; North-west Australia. Pardalotinus striatus murchisoni. Jlurchison Pardalote. Pardalotus striatus tnurehisoni Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 388, 1912 ; Nully Pool, -Murchison, West Australia. Range : 3Iid-west Australia. Pardalotinus striatus westraliensis. WestraUan Pardalote. Pardalotus striatus icestraliensis Mathews. Nov. Zool., Vol. X^^II., p. 388, 1912 ; Claremont, West Australia. Range : South-west Australia. Genus NESOPARDALOTUS. Nesopardalotus JIathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 115, 1912. Type (by original designation) : Pardalotus quadragintus Gould. Nesopardalotus quadragintus. Nesopardalotus quadragintus. Forty-spotted Pardalote. Pardalotus quadragintus Gould, S3mops. Birds Austr., pt. rv., pi. 62, 1838 ; Tasmania. Range : Tasmania. Family NECTARINIIDAE. Genus CYRTOSTOMTJS. Cyrtostomus Cabanis, Mus. Hein., Vol. I., p. 105, 1851. Type (by monotypy) : Certhia jugularis Linne. Cyrtostomus frenatus. [Cyrtostomus frenatus frenatus. Nectarinia frenata S. Muller, Verh. Nat. Gesch. Land-en Volkenk., p. 173, 1843 ; Bale de Lobo, New Guinea. Extra limital.] Cyrtostomus frenatus macgillivrayi. Cape York Sun-Bird. Cinnyris frenata macgillivrayi Mathews. Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 97. 1912 ; Cape York, Queensland. Range : North Queensland (Cape York district). Crytostomus frenatus australis. Cairns Sun-Bird. Nectarinia australis Gould, in Jardine's Contr. Omith. 1850, p. (160) 106 ; Port MoUe, Queensland. Synonym : Cinnyris frenata olivei Mathews, Nov. Zool.. Vol. XVIII., p. 391, 1912 ; Cairns, North Queensland. Range : North Queensland (Caims district). PASSERIFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 269 FAMTtY MELIPHAGIDAE. Genus MELITHREPTUS. Melithreptiia Vieillot, Analyse nouv. Ornith., p. 46, 1816. Type (by monotypy) : " Heorotaire fuscalbin " = Certkia lutiata Shaw. Synonyms : Haematops Gould, Synops. Birds Austr., pt. i., pi. 17, 1837 (Jan.). Type : H. limnlatiif! = Certhia liinata 8haw. Oymnophrys Swainson, Classif. Birds, Vol. II., p. 327, 1837 (July). Type: O. torqnatiis = Certhia Itinata Shaw. Eidopsariis Swainson, Classif. Birds, Vol. II., p. 327, 1837 (July). Type : E. bicinctus = Haematops validirostria Gould. Melithreptus lunatus. Melithreptus lunatus lunatus. \Vhit«-naped Honey-eater. Certhia lunata Shaw, in Ois. Dores, Vol. II., p. 122, pi. 61, 1802 ; Xew South Wales. Synonyms : Melithreptus albicollis Vieillot. Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., Vol. XIV., p. 325, 1817 ; New South Wales. Melithreptus albicapilliis Vieillot, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., Vol. XIV., p. 329, 1817 ; New South Wales. Meliphaga torquata Swainson, Zool. lUus., Ser. I., pi. 129, 1822 ; New South Wales. Meliphaga atricapilla Temminek et Laugier, Planch. Color. d'Ois., .^fi« li\T., Vol. III., pi. 33.5, f. 1., 1825 ; New South Wales. ? Melithreptus breviceps De Vis, Proc. Roy. Soc. Queensl., Vol. I., p. 159, 1884 ; nom. nudum. Range: South Queensland; New South Wales ; Victoria. Melithreptus lunatus adelaldensis. Southern White-naped Honey-eater. MrJithreptus lunatus adelaldensis Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 391, 1912 ; Adelaide. South Australia. Range : South Australia. Melithreptus lunatus whitlocki. White-eyed Honey-eater. Melithreptus whitlocki Mathews. Bull Brit. Omith. Club, Vol. XXV., p. 24, 1909 ; Wilson's Inlet, West Austraha. Range : South-west Australia. Melithreptus lunatus chloropsis. Western WTiite-naped Honey-eater. Melithreptus chloropsis Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1847, p. 220, 1848 ; West Australia (Swan River). Range : West Australia (Swan River district). Melithreptus lunatus subalbogularis. .\llied White-naped Honey-eater. Melithreptus lunatus subalbogularis Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVTTI., p. 392, 1912 ; Derby, North-west Australia. Range : North-west .Australia. S2 260 A LIST or THE [PASSEEIFOE3IES Melithreptus lunatus albogularis. White-throated Honey-eater. Melithreptiis albogularis Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond. ) 1847, p. 220, 1848 ; Port Essington, Northern Territory. Synonym : ? Melithreptus lunatus gradvs Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 48, 1912 ; Melville Island. Range : Northern Territory. Melithreptus lunatus vinitinctus. Gay Houey-eater. Melithreptus vinitinctus De Vis, Proc. Roy. Soc. Queensl., Vol. I., p. 159, 1884 ; Norman River, Gulf of Carpentaria, Queensland. Synonym : Melithreptus lunatus yorki Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 98, 1912 ; Cape York, Queensland. Range : North Queensland. Melithreptus gularis. Melithreptus gularis gularis. Blaek-chirmed Honey-eater. Haematops gularis Gould, SjTiops. Birds Austr., pt. i., pi. 17, 1837 ; Interior New South Wales. Range : New South Wales ; Victoria. Melithreptus gularis loftyi. Southern Black-chinned Honey-eater. Melithreptus gularis loftyi Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 392, 1912 ; Mount Lofty, South Australia. Range : South Australia. Melithreptus gularis ingrami. Queensland Golden-backed Honej'-eater. Melithreptus gularis ingrami Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. X\^II., p. 393, 1912 ; Inkerman, Queensland. Range : Mid-Queensland. Melithreptus gularis carpentarianus. Allied Golden-backed Honey- eater. Melithreptus carpentariana Campbell, Emu, Vol. IV., p. 71, 1904 ; Homestead, North Queensland. Range : North Queensland. Melithreptus gularis laetior. Golden-backed Honey-eater. Melithreptes laetior Gould, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., Ser. IV., Vol. XVI., p. 287, 1875 ; Northern Territory. Range : Northern Territory. Melithreptus gularis coongani. Western Black-chinned Honey-eater. Melithreptus gularis coongani Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVllI., p. 392, 1912 ; Coongan River, Jlid-west Australia. Range : Mid- and North-west Australia, PASSERIFORMES] BmDS OF AUSTRALIA 261 Melithreptus validirostris. Melithreptus validirostris. Strong-billed Honey-eater. Haemalops validirosirin Gould, Synops. Birds Austr., i)t. i., pi. 17, 1837 ; Tasmania. Synonyms : Stiirniis virescens (not Vieillot 181S) Wagler, Syst. Av., Sturnua sp. .o, 1827 ; Tasmania. Eiilopsariis hicinctiis Swainson, Classif. Birds, Vol. II., p. 327, 1837 (July); Swainson, Anim. in Jlenag., p. 344, 1838 (Jan.); Tasmania. Range : Tasmania. Melithreptus atricapillus. Melithreptus atricapillus atricapillus. Brown-headed Honey-eater. Ccrlhia ain'capilla Latliam, Index Omith., Suppl., p. xxxvii., 1801 ; New South Wales. Synonym : Meliphaga brevirostris Vigors and Horsfield, Trans. Linn. Soc. (Lend.), Vol. XV., p. 31.">, 1827 ; New South Wales. Range : Xew South Wales. Melithreptus atricapillus minnie. Queensland Bromi-headed Honey- eater. Melethreptiis atricapillus minnie JIatliews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 192, 1913 ; Jlinnie Do\ms, Queensland. Range : Queensland. Melithreptus atricapillus submagnirostris. Victorian Bro\vn-headed Honey-eater. Melithreptus atricapillus siibmaqnirostris Mathews, Xov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 393, 1912 ; Ringwood, Victoria. Range : Victoria. Melithreptus atricapillus mallee. Mallee Brown-headed Honey-eater. Mclethreptus atricapillus malice JIathews, Austral Av. Rec., Vol. I., p. 192, 1913 ; Mallee, South Australia. Range : .Alallee district of Victoria and South Australia. Melithreptus atricapillus insularis. King Island Brown-headed Honey- eater. Mclilhreptiis atricapillus insularis Mathews, Xov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 394, 1912 ; King Island. Range : King Island. Bass Strait. Melithreptus atricapillus magnirostris. Large-billed Brown-headed Honey-eater. Melithreptus magnirostris Xorth, Reconls Austr. 5Ius., Vol. VI., p. 20, 1905 ; Kangaroo Island. Range : Kangaroo Island, South Australia. 262 A LIST OF THE [PASSERIFOKMES Melithreptus atricapillus augustus. Port Augusta Brown-headed Honey- eater. Melithreptiis atricapillus augustus Mathews, Nov. Zool.. Vol. XVIII., p. 393, 1912; Port Augusta, South Australia. Synonym : Melithreptus atricapiU''s paUidiceps Mathews, Kov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 394, 1912 ; Ninety Mile Desert, South Australia. Range : Interior of South Australia. Melithreptus atricapillus leucogenys. Western Brown-headed Honey- eater. Melithreptus leucogenys Milligan, Emu. Vol. II., p. 161, 1903 ; Stirling Ranges, West Australia. Range : West Australia (Stirling Ranges). Melithreptus atricapillus subleucogenys. Dundas BroT\Ti-headed Honey-eater. Melithre-Dtus airicapiUus subleucogenys Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVTII., p. 394, 1912 ; Lake Dundas. South-west Australia. Range : South-west Avistralia (Lake Dmidas district). Melithreptus affinis. Melithreptus afSnis affinis. Blaek-headed Honey-eater. Eidopsarus affinis Lesson, Re^Tie Zool. 1839, p. 167 ; Tasmania. Synonym : Melithreptus melanocephala Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1845, p. 62 ; Tasmania. Range : Tasmania. Melithreptus affinis alisteri. King Island Black-headed Honey-eater. Melithreptus alisteri Mathews, Bull. Brit. Omith. Club, Vol. XXV., p. 85, 1909; King Island. Range : King Island, Bass Strait. Genus PLECTORHYNCHA. Plectorhyncha Gould, Sjaiops. Birds Austr., pt. iv., pi. 70, 1838 : not Plectorhinchus Lacepede 1800. Type (by monotypy) : P. lanceolata Gould. Synonym : Plectoramphus Gray, List Genera Birds 1840, p. 16 : new name for "Plectorhyncha Gould." Plectorhyncha lanceolata. Plectorhyncha lanceolata lanceolata. Striped Honey-eater. Plectorhyncha lanceolata Gould, Synops. Birds Austr., pt. iv., pi. 70, 1838 ; New South Wales. Range : Queensland ; New South Wales ; Victoria. PASSERIFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 263 Plectorhyncha lanceolata neglects. Soutiipni Striped Hdney-eator. Plectorhyncha lanceolata neqiicia Mathews. Xov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 395, 1912 ; Adelaifle. South Australia. Range : South Australia. Genus MYZOMELA. Myzomela Vigors and Horsfiekl. Trans. Linn. Soc. (Lond.). Vol. XV., p. 316, 1827. Type (by original designation) : Certhia cardinalis Ginelin. Myzomela sanguineolenta. Myzomela sanguineolenta sanguineolenta. Sanguineous Honey-eater. Certhia nanguineolenta Latham, Index Oniith.. Suppl., p. xxxvii., 1801 ; Xew South Wales. Synonyms : Certhia dibapha Latham. Index Oniith.. Suppl., p. xxxvii., 1801 ; Xew South Wales. Certhia eryihropygia Latham, Lidex Omith., Suppl., p. xxxviii., 1801 ; Xew Soutii Wales. Certhia austral asiae Leach, Zool. Miscel., Vol. I., p. 30, 1814 ; X'ew South Wales. Meliphaqa sanqiiinea Stephens, in Shaw's Gen. Zool., Vol. XIV., p. 263. 1826 ; X'ew South Wales. Range : South Queensland ; New South Wales ; Victoria. Myzomela sanguineolenta Stephens!. Xorthem Sanguineous Honej-- eater. Myzomela sanguineolenta stepkensi Mathews, Xov. Zool., Vol. X\^II., p. 395, 1912 ; Cooktown, X'orth Queensland. Range : North Queensland. Myzomela erythrocephala. Myzomela erythrocephala erythrocephala. Red-lieaded Honey-eater. Myzomela erythrocephala Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1839, p. 144, 1840 ; Port Essington, Xorthem Territory. Range : Xorthem Territory. Myzomela erythrocephala melvillensis. JleUille Island Red-headed Honey-eater. Myzomela erythrocephala melvilletiais Mathews, Austral -Av. Rec, Vol. L, p. 48, 1912 ; Melville Island. Range : Melville Island, Xorthem Territory. Myzomela erythrocephala derbyi. Allied Red-headed Honey-eater. Myzomela erythrocephala derbyi Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVTII., p. 396, 1912 ; Derby, Xorth-west .Australia. Range : North-west .Australia. 264 A LIST OF THE [PASSERirOKlIES Myzomela erythrocephala kempi. Queensland Red-headed Honey- eater. Myzomela erythrocephala kempi Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII , p. 396, 1912 ; Cape York, Queensland. Range : North Queensland. Genus CISSOMELA. CisBomela Bonaparte, Comptes Rendus Sci. (Paris), Vol. XXXVIII., p. 2f.4, 18.54. Type (by original designation) : C. nigra = Myzomda pectoralis Gould. Cissomela pectoralis. Cissomela pectoralis pectoralis. Banded Honey-eater. Myzomela pectoralis Gould. Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1840, p. 170, 1841 ; North-west Australia. Range : North-west Australia ; Northern Territory. Cissomela pectoralis incerta. Queensland Banded Honey-eater. Myzomela pectoralis incerta Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 396, 1912 ; Cape York, Queensland. Range : North Queensland. Cissomela nigra. Cissomela nigra nigra. Western Black Honey-eater. Myzomela nigra Gould, Birds Austr. and Adj. Is., pt. ii., pi. 8, 1838 ; West Australia. Synonym : Myzomela nigra tvestralensis Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 396, 1912 ; Daw Dawn, West AustraUa, Range : Mid- and North-west Australia. Cissomela nigra ashbyi. Black Honey-eater. Myzomela nigra ashbyi Mathews, Austral Av. Rec., Vol. I., p. 98, 1912 ; Mount Barker, South Australia. Range : East Australia. Genus MELOMYZA. Melomyza JIathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 196, 1913. Thf]}Q (\>j original designation) : Myzomela obscura Gould. Melomyza obscura. Melomyza obscura obscura. Dusky Honey-eater. Myzomela obscura Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1842, p. 136, 1843 ; Port Essington, Northern Territory. Synonym : Myzomela obscura grisescetts Hartert, Nov. Zool., Vol. XII., p. 235, 1905 ; Brock's Creek, Northern Territory. Range : Northern Territory. PASSERIFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 266 Kelomyza obscura apsleyi. Melville Island Dusky Honey-eater. yiyzomela obscura asphyi Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 48, 1912; Melville Island. Range : Mehille Island, Northern Territory. Melomyza obscura harterti. Dark Honey-eater. Myzonida obscura harterti Mathews, Bull. Brit. Oniith. Cluh, Vol. XXVII., p. 100, 1911 ; Cninis, Queenslaiul. Synonym : Myzomela obscura munna Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 397, 1912; Cape Yorl-, Queensland. Range : North Queensland. Genus ACANTHORHYNCHUS. AeaMhorJiynchiis Gould, Synops. Birds Austr., pt. ii., 1837 (April). Type (by subsequent designation, Gray 1840) : Certhia tenuirostris Latham. Synonym : Leptoglossiis (not Guerin 1830) Swainson, Classif. Birds, Vol. II., p. 327, 1837 (July). Type: C. tenuirostris Latham. Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris. Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris tenuirostris. Spinebill. Certhia tenuirostris Latham, Index Oniith., Suppl., p. xx.xvi., 1801 ; New South Wales. Synonyms : Certhia cucullata Shaw, in Ois. Dores, Vol. II., pi. 60, 1802 ; New South Wales. Leptoglossus cucuUatua Swainson, Classif. Birds, Vol. II., p. 327, 1837 ; New South Wales. Range : South Queensland ; New South \A'ales. Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris cairnsensis. Cairns Spinebill. Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris cairnsensis Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 397, 1912 ; Cairns, Queensland. Range : North Queensland. Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris victorias. Victorian Spinebill. Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris victoriae Mathews.Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 398, 1912 ; Olinda, Victoria. Range : Victoria. Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris dubius. Tasmanian Spinebill. nthorhynchus dubitis 1837 ; Tasmania. Range : Tasmania. Acanthorhynchus dubiiis Gould, Synops. Birds Austr., pt. ii., pi. 27, 1837 ; Tasmania. 266 A LIST OF THE [PASSERIFORMES Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris loftyi. Mountain Spinebill. Acanthorhynchiis tenuirostris loftyi Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 398, 1912 ; Mount Lofty, South AustraUa. Range : South AustraUa. Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris halmaturinus. Kangaroo Island Spinebill. Acantlwryhnchiis halmatiirina A. G. Campbell, Emu, Vol. V., p. 142, 1906 ; Kangaroo Island. Range : Kangaroo Island, South Australia. Acanthorhynchus superciliosus. Acanthorhynchus superciliosus superciliosus. \\'liite-browed Spinebill. Acanthorhynchus stiperciliosus Gould, Synops. Birds Austr.. pt. ii., pi. 27, 1 837 ; Perth, West AustraUa. Range ■ West Australia (Perth district). Acanthorhynchus superciliosus wilsoni. Southern ^^^lite-b^owed Spinebill. Acanthorhynchus superciliosus wilsoni Mathews, Xov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 398, 1912 ; Wilson's Inlet, South-west Australia. Ranee : South-west Australia. Genus GLICIPHILA. Gliciphila Swainson, Classif. Birds, Vol. II., p. 320, 1S37. Type (by monotypy) : Certhia melanops Latham. Gliciphila melanops. Gliciphila melanops melanops. Ta\^-ny-fronted Honey-eater. Certhia melanops Latham, Index Ornith., Suppl., p. xxxvi., 1801 ; Synonyms : Certhia mellivora Shaw, Gen. Zool., Vol. VIII.. pt. i.. p. 245, 1812; New South Wales. Meliphaga alhiventris Stephens, in Shaw's Gen. Zool., Vol. XIV., p. 201, 1826 ; New South Wales. Certhia fulvifrons Vigors and Horsfield, Trans. Linn. Soc. (Lond.), Vol. XV., p. 317. 1827 ; New South Wales. Philedon rubrifrons Lesson, Voy. la " CoquUle," Zool., Vol. I., p. 646, 1830; New South Wales.' Philedon aurifrons Lesson, Traite d'Om.. p. 301. 1830: error for P. rubrifrons Lesson. Range : New South Wales. Gliciphila melanops chandleri. Victorian Tawiiy-cromied Honey-eater. Gliciphila melanops chandleri Mathews, Nov. Zool.. Vol. X'\^II., p. 399, 1912; Frankston, Victoria. Range : Victoria ; South Australia. PASSERIFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRAUA 267 Gliciphita melanops braba. Kangaroo Tslaiul Tawny-crowned Honey- eater. GlicipliHa melanops hraha Mathews, Austral Av. Rec., Vol. T., p. 49, 1912 ; Kangaroo Tslanil. Range : Kangaroo Island, Soutli Australia. Gliciphila melanops crassirostris. Ta.'smanian Tawny-crowned Honey- eater. Oliciphila melanops crassirostris Mathews. Nov. Zool., Vol. XVTII., p. 399. 1912 ; Tasmania. Range : Tasmania. Gliciphila melanops westernensis. Western Tawny-crowned Honey- eater. Gliciphila melanops westernensis Mathews. Now Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 399. 1912 ; Wilson's Inlet. West Australia. Range : South-west Australia. Gliciphila albifrons. Gliciphila albifrons albifrons. White-fronted Honey-eater. Glyciphila albifrons Gould, Proc. Zool. Sec. (Lond.) 1840, p. lUO, 1841 ; West Australia. Range : West Australia. Gliciphila albifrons incerta. Eastern Wliite-fronted Honey-eater. Gliciphila albifrons incerta Mathews, Nov. Zool.. Vol. X\nil., p. 399, 1912 ; Carina, Victoria. Range : East Atistralia. Genus RAMSAYORNIS. Ramsayornis Mathews. Austral Av. Rec. Vol. I., p. 115, 1912. Type (by original designation) : Gliciphila subfasciata Ramsay. Ramsayornis modestus. [Ramsayornis modestus modestus. Glyciphila modesta Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1858. p. 174 ; Am Islands. Extra limital.] Ramsayornis modestus subfasciatus. Browni-backed Honey-eater. Gliciphila subfasciata Ramsay, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1868, p. 385 Cape York, Queensland. Range : North Queensland (Cape York district). Ramsayornis modestus ramsayi. Caims Brown-backed Honey-eater. Gliciphila modesta ramsayi Slathews, Nov. Zool.. Vol. XVIII.. p. 400, 1912 ; Caims. Queensland. Range : North Queensland (Caims district). 268 A LIST OF THE [PASSERIFORMES Ramsayornis fasciatus. Ramsayornis fasciatus fasciatus. \\Tiite-breasted Honey-eater. Glyciphila fasciata Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1842, p. 137, 1843 ; Port Essington, Xorthem Ten-itory. Syiionjins : Gliciphila pectoralis Gray, Handl. Gen. Sp. Birds Brit. JIus., Vol. I., p. 155, 1869 : new name for "G. fasciata Gould." Glyciphila gouldi Layard, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1878, p. 655 : new- name for "G. fasciata Gould." Range : Northern Territory. Ramsayornis fasciatus apsleyi. Jlehille Island Wliite-breasted Honey- eater. Gliciphila fasciata apsleyi Mathews, Austral A\-. Rec, Vol. I., p. 49, 1912 ; Melville Island. Range : Slelville Island, N'ortliem Territory. Ramsayornis fasciatus broomei. Western \Miite-breasted Honey-eater. Gliciphila fasciata broomei Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 49, 1912 ; Napier Broome Bay, Xorth-west Australia. Range : North-west Australia. Ramsayornis fasciatus inkermani. Eastern Wiite-breasted Honey- eater. Gliciphila fasciata inkermani Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. X\'III.. p. 400, 1912 ; Inkerman, Queensland. Range : Queensland. Genus GRANTIELLA. Grantiella Mathews, Xov. Zool., Vol. XVII., p. 19, 1911. Type (by monotyijy) : Entomophila picta Gould : new name for '"Entoinophila Gould." Synonym : Entomophila (not Horsfield 1820) Gould, Synops. Birds Austr.,pt. iv., pi. 71, 1838. Type : E. picta Gould. Grantiella picta. Grantiella picta. Painted Honey-eater. Entomophila picta Gould, Synops. Buds Austr., pt. iv., pi. 71, 1838 ; New South Wales. Range : New South Wales ; Victoria ; South Australia. Genus LACUSTROICA. Laciistroica Xorth, Vict. Xat., Vol. XXVI., p. 138, 1910. Type (by monotj'py) : L. whiici North. PASSERIFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 269 Lacustroica whitei. Lacustroica whitei. Inconspicuous Honey-eater. Lacustroica u-hilei Xorth, Vict. Xat., Vol. XXVI., p. 138, 1010 ; Lake Way, East Murchison, West Australia. Sjmonyms : Lacustroica inconxpicua N'orth, Vict. Xat., Vol. XXVI., p. I.'IS, 1910 : alternative-name Lacustroica aljrcrli Campbell, Emu. Vol. IX.. p. I(i6, 1910: nom. nudum. Range : Alid-west Australia. Genus CONOPOPHILA. Conopophila Reichenbach. Handb. Sp. Omith., p. 119, 1852. TjTJe (by subsequent designation, Gray 1855): Entomo- fhila ''. alhoijuhris Gould. Conopophila albogularis. Conopophila albogularis albogularis. Rufous-breasted Honey-eater. EntoDiopliila 'i alboijiilaris Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lend.) 1842, p. 137, 1843 ; Port Essington, Northern Territory. Ranct- : Xorthern Territory. Conopophila albogularis yorki. Queensland Rufous-breasted Honey eater. Certhionyx albogularis yorki Mathews, .-Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 49, 1912 ; Cape York, Queensland. Range : Xorth Queensland. Conopopbila rufogularis. Conopophila rufogularis rufogularis. Red-tlu-oated Honey-eater. Entomophila '! niiogularis Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1842, p. 137, 1843 ; Derby, Xorth-west .A.ustralia. Synonym : Conopophila rufogularis keatsi Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. X., p. 49, 1912; Port Keats, Northern Territory. Range: North-west Australia ;. Northern Territory (West). Conopophila rufogularis queenslandica. Queensland Red-throated Honey-eater. Certhionyx rufogularis queenslandicus Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVITI., . p. 401. 1912; Inkerman, Queensland. Range : Queensland and East Northern Territorj-. Genus CERTHIONYX. Certhionyx Lesson, Traite d'Om., p. 306, 1830. Type (by monotypy) : C. variegatus Lesson. 270 A LIST OF THE [PASSERIFOBMES Syaonyms : Melicophila Gould, Birds Austr., Vol. IV., pi. 49, 1844. Type : M. picata = C variegattis Lesson. Lichnotentha Cabanis, Mus. Hein., Vol. I., p. 116, 18.51 : new name for "Melicophila Gould." Certhionyx variegatus. Certhlonyx variegatus. Pied Honey-eater. Certhionyx variegatus Lesson, Traite d'Om., p. 306, 1830 ; West Australia. Synonyms : Certhia leucomelas Lesson, Traite d'Om., p. 306, 1830 ; West Australia. Melicophila picata Gould, Birds Austr., Vol. IV., pi. 49, 1844 ; West Australia. Certhionftx occidentalii Grant, Ibis 1909, p. 658; Carnarvon, West Australia. Range : West Australia. Genus ZANTHOMIZA. Zanthomiza Swainson, Classif. Birds, Vol. II., p. 326, 1837. Type (by monotypy) : Merops phrygius Shaw. Zanthomiza phrygia. Zanthomiza phrygia phrygia. Regent Honey-eater. Merops phrygius Shaw, Zool. New Holland, p. 13, pi. iv., 1794 ; New South Wales. Synonyms : Turdw< squameus Vieillot, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., Vol. XX., p. 2.5P, 1818 ; New South Wales. Turdu^ squamatus " Vieill." Bonaparte, Consp. Gen. Av., Vol. I., p. 391, 1850 : error for T. squameus. Range : New South Wales. Zanthomiza phrygia tregellasi. Southern Regent Honey-eater. Meliphaga phrygia tregellasi Jlathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XV 111., p. 402, 1912; Mulgrave. Victoria. Range : Victoria ; South Australia. Genus STIGMATOPS. Stigmatops Gould, Handb. Birds Austr., Vol. I., p. 500, 1865. Type (by monotypy) : Glyciphila ocularis Gould. Stigmatops indistincta. stigmatops indistincta indistincta. Least Honey-eater. Meliphaga indistincta Vigors and Horsfield, Trans. Linn. Soc. (Lond.), Vol. XV., p. 315, 1827 ; King George Sound, West Australia. Range : South-west Australia. PASSERIFORMES] BIRDS OK AUSTRALIA 271 Stigmatops indistincta perplexa. Allied Least Honey-eater. Stigmnlopn imlUiincta perplexa Jlathews, Nov. Zool.. Vol. XVIII., p. 403, 1912 ; Marble Bar, Mid-west Australia. Range: Mid- and North-west Australia (Coongan River to Derby). Stigmatops indistincta media. Wjnulliam Least Honey-eater. Sligmntops iwlinlincta media Mathews. Xov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 403, 1912 ; Parry's Creek. Xorth-wrst .\iistrnliH. Range : North-west Australia (Wyndliam district). Stigmatops indistincta melvillensis. Melville Island Least Honey-eater. Stigmatops indistincta mrlville-nsis Mafhews, Austral Av. Rec., Vol. I., p. ,50, 1912 ; Melville Island. Range : Mehille Island, Northern Teiritory. Stigmatops indistincta rufescens. Northern Least Honey-eater. Stigmatops indistincta rufescens Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIIT., p. 402, 1912 ; Crawford Springs, Northern Territorj'. Range : Interior of Northern Territorj-. Stigmatops indistincta ouida. Queensland Least Honey-eater. Stigmatops indistincta ouida Mathews, Axistral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 98, 1912 ; Cairns, Queensland. Range : North Queensland. Stigmatops indistincta ocularis. Eastern Least Honey-eater. Qlyciphila ? ocularis Gould, SjTiops. Birds Austr., pt. iv., App. p. 6, 1838 ; " Van Diemen's Land " = New South Wales. Synonym : Olyciphila 1 subocularis Gould, Synops. Birds Austr., pt. iv., App., p. 6, 1838 ; New South Wales. Range : South Queensland ; New South Wales ; Victoria. Genus PTILOTINA. Ptilotina Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. II., p. 60, 1913. Type (by original designation) : Ptilotis analoga mixta Mathews. Ptilotina analoga. [Ptilotina analoga analoga. Ptilotis analoga Reichenbach, Handb. Meropinae, p. 103, 1852 ; New Guinea (West). Extra limitaJ.] Ptilotina analoga notata. Yellow-spotted Honey-eater. Ptilotis notata Gould. -Ajm. Mag. Xat. Hist., Ser. III., Vol. XX.. p. 269, 1867 ; Cape York, Queensland. Range : North Queensland (Cape York district). Ptilotina analoga mixta. Caims Yellow-spotted Honey-eater. Ptilotis analoga mixta Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 403, 1912 ; Johnston River, North Queensland. Range : North Queensland (Caims district). 272 A LIST OF THE [PASSERIFOEMES Genus MICROPTILOTIS. Microptilotis Mathews, Aiistral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 116, 1912. Type (by original designation) : Ptilotis gracilis Gould. Microptilotis gracilis. Microptilotis gracilis gracilis. Little Yellow-spotted Honey-eater. Ptilotis gracilis Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1866, p. 217; Cape York, Queensland. Range : North Queensland (Cape York district). Microptilotis gracilis imitatrix. Caims Little Yellow-spotted Honey- eater. Ptilotis gracilis imitatrix JNIathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. X^TIL, p. 403, 1012 ; Cairns, Queensland. Range : North Queensland (Caims district). Genus PARAPTILOTIS. Paraptilotis Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. X\ail., p. 414, 1912. Type (by monotypy) : Ptilotis fusca Gould. Paraptilotis fusca. Paraptilotis fusca fusca. Fuscous Honey-eater. Meliphaga fusca Gould, Syiiops. Birds Austr., pt. n., pi. 26, 1837 ; New South Wales. Synonym : Ptilotis miniita Pelzeln, CEstem Freg. Novara, Birds, p. 56, 1865; Sj'dney, New South Wales. Range : New South Wales. Paraptilotis fusca dawsoni. Northern Fuscous Honey-eater. Ptilotis fusca dawsoni JIathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. X\^II., p. 404, 1912 ; Dawson River, Queensland. Range : Queensland. Paraptilotis fusca dingi. Southern Fuscous Honey-eater. Ptilotis fusca dingi Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. X\T:II., p. 404, 1912 ; Jlurray Flats, South Australia. Range : South Australia ; Victoria. Paraptilotis chrysops. Paraptilotis chrysops chrysops. Yellow-faced Honey-eater. Sylvia chrysops Latham, Index Omith., Suppl., p. liv.. 1801 ; New South AVales. Synonyms : Melithreptus gilvicapillus Vieillot, Nou\". Diet. d"Hist. Nat.. Vol. XIV.. p. 329, 1817 ; New South Wales. Ptilotis trivirgata " Verr." Gray, Handl. Gen. Sp. Birds, pt. i., p. 156, 1869 : nom. nudum. Range • South Queensland ; New South Wales. PASSERIFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 273 Paraptilotis chrysops barroni. Xorthem Yellow-fnced Honey-eater. Ptilolls rhri/fopn harriini Matliews. Xov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 406, 1912 (.Jan.); Cairn.s, Qupeiielanc). Synonym : Plilolis subchrtisopx Campbell, Bull. Roy. Austr. Omith. Union, no. .'5, 1912 (May); Bellenden Ker, Queensland. Ranpe : Xortli Quoensland. Paraptilotis chrysops beaconsfleldi. Southern Yellow-faced Honey- eater. Ptilolis chrysops beaconsfleldi Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 407, 1912 ; Beaconsfield, Victoria. Range : \'ictoria. Paraptilotis chrysops samueli. Dark Yellow-faced Honey-eater. Ptilotis chiyfiops saiitneli Mathews. Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 99, 1912 ; Xorth of .\delaide, .South .\ustralia. Range : South Australia. Genus MEUPHAGA. Meliphaga Lewin, Birtls New Holland, 1S08. Type (by subsequent designation. Gray 1840) : Meliphaga chnjsotis Lewin = Meliphaga lewinii Swainson. ■Synonym : Ptilotis (not Ptiloliis Fischer 1H14 Swainson), Classif. Birds, Vol. II., p. 326, 1837. TjTJe : M. [Ptilotis) Icmnii Swainson. Meliphaga lewinii. Meliphaga lewinii lewinii. Yellow -eared Honey-eater. Mclii>haga {Ptilotis) leiciiiii Swainson, Classif. Birds, Vol. II., p. 326, 1837; Xew South Wales: new name for Meliphaga chrysotis Lewin, not Ccrthia chrysotis Latham. Range : Xew South Wales. Meliphaga lewinii nea. Victorian Yellow-eared Honey-eater. Plilolis leu-iitii It'll JIathews, Xov. Zool., Vol. XVIIL, p. 404, 1912 ; Dandenong, Victoria. Range : Victoria. Meliphaga lewinii mab. Queensland Yellow-eared Honey-eater. Ptilotis Icicinii mab Mathews, Xov. Zool., Vol. XVIIL, p. 404, 1912 ; Inkerman, Queensland. Range : Mid-Queensland. Meliphaga lewinii ivi. Xorthem Yellow-eared Honey-eater. Ptilotis lewinii ivi Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIIL, p. 405, 1912; Barron River, Queensland. Range : Xorth Queensland. 274 A LIST OF THE [PASSEKIFOEMES Meliphaga sonora. Meliphaga sonora sonora. Southern Singing Honey-eater. Ptilotis sonorus Goiild, Proe. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1840, p. 160, 1841 ; South Australia. Ssmonym : Meliphaga vittata Bonaparte. Comptes Rendus Sci. (Paris), Vol. XXXVIIT., p. 263, 1854 ; South Australia. Range : South Australia ; Victoria. Meliphaga sonora broomei. Broome Singing Honey-eater. Ptilotis sonora broomei Mathews, Xov. Zool., Vol. XVIII.. p. 405, 1912 ; Broome Hill, West Australia. Range : South-west Australia. Meliphaga sonora insularis. Rottnest Honey-eater. Ptilotis insularis MUligan. Emu, Vol. XI., p. 124, 1911 ; Rottnest Island. Range : Rottnest Island, West Australia. Meliphaga sonora murchisoni. Western Singing Honej--eater. Ptilotis sonora murchisoni Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 405, 1912 ; East Murchison, West Australia. Range : Mid-west AustraUa. Meliphaga sonora decipiens. Allied Singing Honey-eater. Ptilotis sonora decipiens Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 406, 1912 ; Mungi, North-west Australia. Range : Interior of North-west Australia. Meliphaga sonora rogersi. North-western Singing Honey-eater. Ptilotis sonora rogersi Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 406, 1912 ; Wyndham, North-west AustraUa. Range : North-west Australia. Meliphaga sonora cooperi. Northern Singing Honey-eater. Ptilotis sonora cooperi Mathews, Austral A v. Rec, Vol. I., p. 50, 1912 ; Melville Island. Range : Northern Territorj-. Meliphaga sonora forresti. Pale Singing Honey-eater. Ptilotis forresti Ingram, Ibis 1907, p. 412 ; Alexandra, Northern Territory. Range : Interior of Northern Territorj'. Meliphaga sonora walgetti. Singing Honey-eater. Ptilotis sonora walgetti Mathews. Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 405, 1912 ; Walgett, New South Wales. Ranse : New South Wales. PASSERIFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRAUA 275 Meliphaga versicolor. Meliphaga versicolor versicolor. Varied Honey-eater. Ptilotia versicolor Gould. Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1842, p. 136, 1843; Port Essington, Northern Territory. Range : Northern Territory ; Queensland. Meliphaga fasciogularis. Meliphaga fasciogularis fasciogularis. Fasciated Honey-eater. Pliloli.1 /anciogi'laris Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) IS.Il, p. 285, 1854 ; Moreton Bay, Queensland. SjTionym : Plilotin fa.iciogt'!aris briinnescens Mathews, Nov. Zool., V'ol. XVlll.. p. 407, 1912 ; Queensland. Range : Queensland. Meliphaga frenata. Meliphaga frenata. Bridled Honey-eater. Ptilotis Irennia Ramsay, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1874, p. 603 ; Cardwell, Queensland. Range : North Queensland. Genus CALOPTILOTIS. CalopHlotis Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. X\^II., p. 414, 1912. Type (by monotypy) : Ptilotis madeayana Ramsay. Caloptllotis macleayana. Caloptilotis macleayana. Yellow-streaked Honey-eater. Ptilolis macleayana Ramsay, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., Vol. L, p. 10, 1875 (.A.pril 27); North-east Coast Australia. SyTion3an : Ptilotis flavostriala Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1875, p. 315 (Aug. 1) ; Rockingham Bay, Queensland. Range : North Queensland. Genus NESOPTILOTIS. Nesoptilotis Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. II., p. 60, 1913. Type (by original designation) : Ptilotis flavigvla Gould. Nesoptilotis flavicoUis. Nesoptilotis flavicollis flavicoUis. Yellow-throated Honey-eater. Melithreiil'(s fiaricollis Vieillot, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., VoL XIV., p. 32.->, 1817 ; King Island. Range : King Island, Bass Strait. T 2 276 A LIST OF THE [PASSEKIFOEMES Nesoptilotis flavicollis flavigula. Tasmanian Yellow-tliroated Honey- eater. Ptilotis flavigula Gould, Synops. Birds Austr., pt. it., pi. 72, 1838 ; Tasmania. Range : Tasmania. Nesoptilotis leucotis. Nesoptilotis leucotis leucotis. \Vliite-eared Honey-eater. Turdus leucotis Latham. Index Omith., Suppl., p. xliv., 1801 ; (Sydney) jVev- South Wales. Range : New South Wales. Nesoptilotis leucotis torringtoni. Yellow-bellied A^Hiite-eared Honey- eater. Ptilotis leucotis torringtoni JIathews, Austral Av. Rec., Vol. I., p. 80, 1912 ; Torrington, North New South Wales. Range : Northern New South Wales ; Queensland. Nesoptilotis leucotis melanodera. Victorian Wliite-eared Honey-eater. Philedo-n melanodera Quoy et Gaimard, Voy. " I'Astrol.," Zool., Vol. I., p. 191, pi. S, f. 1, 1830 ; Western Port, Victoria. Range : Victoria. Nesoptilotis leucotis mallee. Mallee White-eared Honey-eater. Ptilotis leucotis jnallee Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 193, 1913 ; Mallee, Victoria. Range : Mallee country of Victoria. Nesoptilotis leucotis depauperata. Little \\liite-eared Honey-eater. Ptilotis leucotis depauperata Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 407, 1912 ; Coonalpyn, South Australia. Range : South Australia. Nesoptilotis leucotis thomasi. Kangaioo Island \Miite-eared Honey- eater. Ptilotis leucotis thomasi Mathevrs, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 99, 1912 ; Kangaroo Island : new name for P. I. munna Mathews, preoccupied. Synonym : Ptilotis leucotis munna Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 50, 1912 ; Kangaroo Island. Range : Kangaroo Island, South Australia. Nesoptilotis leucotis novaenorciae. Western \\'hite-eared Honey-eater. Ptilotis novaenorciae MUligan, Emu, Vol. III., p. 226, 1904 ; Wongan Hills, West Australia. Range : South-west Australia. PASSEEIFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRAUA 277 Genus TRICHODERE. Trichodere North, Ihis 1912, p. 120. Type (by original designation) : Ptilotis cockerdli Gould. Syiionym : Hemiptilolia Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, \'ol. I., p. 127, 1912: new- name for Trichodere Xorth. Trichodere cockerellL Trichodere cockerelli. White-streaked Honey-eater. Ptilotis cockerelli GoiiKl. .Vnn. Mag. Nat. Hist., Ser. IV., Vol. IV., p. 109, 1809; Cape York, Queensland. Range : North Queensland. Genus LOPHOPTILOTIS. Lophoptilotia Mathews. Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 414, 1912. Type (by monotypy) : Ptilotis leadbeteri McCoy. Lophoptilotis leadbeteri. Lopboptilotis leadbeteri. Helmeted Honey-eater. Ptilotis leadbeteri McCoy. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., Ser. TIL, Vol. XX., p. 442, 1807 (Aug. I) ; Victoria. SynonjTn : Ptiloli's cassidi.r GowM. Birds Austr., Suppl.,pl. 39, 1867 (after Aug. 1); Victoria. Range : Victoria. Lophoptilotis melanops. Lophoptilotis melanops melanops. Yellow-tufted Honey-eater. Turdiie melanops Latham, Index Ornith., Suppl., p. xl., 1801 ; New- South Wales. Synonyms : Muscicapa aiiricomis Latham, Index Ornith., Suppl., p. xlix., 1801; New South Wales. Muscicapa mystacea Latham, Index Ornith., Suppl., p. li., 1801; New South Wales. Certhia chrysootos Bechstein, Kurze L^ebers Vogel., p. 197, 1811 ; New South Wales. Certhia auriculata Shaw. Gen. Zool., Vol. VIII., p. 236, 1812; New South Wales. Philenum erythrotis Vieillot, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., Vol. XXVII., p. 429, 1819 ; New South Wales. MuKcicapa australis " Latham MS." Strickland. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., Vol. XL, p. 336. 1843 : nom. midtim. Muscicapa novaehollandiac " Latham MS." (not Latham 1790) Strickland, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., Vol. XL, p. 336, 1843 : nom. nudum. Range : New South Wales. 278 A LIST OF THE [PiSSEEIFORMES liOphoptilotis melanops meltoni. Southern Yellow-tufted Honey-eater. Ptilotis melanops meltoni Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 408, 1912 ; Melton, Victoria. Range : Victoria. Genus LICHEN OSTOMUS. Lichenostomus Cabanis, Mu8. Hein., Vol. I., p. 119, 1851. Type (by monotypy) : Lichenostomus occidentalis Cabanis. Lichenostomus cratitius. Lichenostomus cratitus cratitius. Kangaroo Island Wattle-cheeked Honey-eater. Ptilotis cratitius Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1840, p. 160, 1841 ; Kangaroo Island. Synonym : Ptilotis cratitia halmatnrina Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 409, 1912 ; Kangaroo Island. Range : Kangaroo Island, South Australia. Lichenostomus cratitius zarda. Wattle-cheeked Honey-eater. Ptilotis cratitia zarda Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 193, 1913 ; Eyre's Peninsula, South Australia : new name for P. c. samueli Mathews, preoccupied. Synonym : Ptilotis cratitia sam'ieli Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 99, 1912 ; Eyre's Peninsula, South Australia. Range : South Australia. Lichenostomus cratitius howei. Victorian Wattle-cheeked Honey- eater. Ptilotis cratitia howei JIathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 409, 1912 ; Kow Plains, Victoria. Range : Victoria. Lichenostomus cratitius carpentariensis. Gulf Wattle-cheeked Honey- eater. Ptilotis carpentariensis Campbell, Bull. Roy. Austr. Oniith. Union, no. 3, 1912 ; Gulf of Carpentaria. Range : Gulf of Carpentaria, Queensland. Lichenostomus cratitius stirlingi. Mountain Wattle-cheeked Honey- eater. Ptilotis cratitia stirlingi Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVllI., p. 409, 1912 ; Stirling Ranges, West Australia. Range : West Australia (Stirling Ranges). Lichenostomus cratitius occidentalis. Western Wattle-cheeked Honey- eater. Lichenostomus occidentalis Cabanis, Mus. Hein., Vol. I., p. 119 (note), 1857 ; Albany, West .Austraha. Range : South-west Australia (Albany district). PASSERIFOKMES] BIRDS OF ATJSTRAUA 279 Lichenostomus keartlandi. Lichenostomus keartlandi keartlandi. Grey-headed Honey-eater. PtilotU keartlandi North, Ibis 1895, p. 340 ; lIcMinn's Range, Central Australia. Range : Central Australia. Lichenostomus keartlandi mungi. Western Grey-headed Honey-eater. PtUotia keartlandi t>iungi JIathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 409, 1912 ; Jlimgi, North-west .Australia. Range : Interior of North-west Australia. Lichenostomus keartlandi alexandrensis. Northern Grey-headed Honey-eater. Ptilotis keartlandi a/exandrensis JIatliews. Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 409, 1912 ; Alexandra, Northern Territory. Range : Interior of Northern Territory. Lichenostomus ornatus. Lichenostomus ornatus ornatus. Yellow-plumed Honey-eater. Ptilotis ornatus Gould, Sjniops. Birds Austr., pt. iv., pi. 72, 1838 ; Swan River, West Australia. Range : West Australia (Coastal districts). Lichenostomus ornatus wesleydalei. Inland Yellow-plumed Honey- eater. Ptilotij) ornata ice^lcyjalei Mathews, Bull. Brit. Omith. Club., Vol. XXXI., p. 68, 1913 ; Broome Hill, West Australia. Range : Soutli-west Australia (Inland districts). Lichenostomus ornatus munna. Mountain Yellow-plumed Honey- eater. PtUotia ornatus munna Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 410, 1912 ; Stirling Ranges, West Australia. Range : West A\istraUa (Stirling Ranges). Lichenostomus ornatus tailemi. Southern Yellow-plumed Honey-eater. PtilotU ornata laiknii Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII.. p. 410, 1912 ; Tailem Bend, South Australia. Synonym : PtUotia ornata underbooH Mathews, Bull. Brit. Omith. Club, Vol. XXXI., p. 68, 1913 ; Underbool, Victoria. Range : Mallee country of Victoria and South Australia. Lichenostomus plumulus. Lichenostomus plumulus plumulus. Western Yellow-fronted Honey- eater. PtHotis plumulus Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1840, p. 150, 1S41 ; York district. West .\ustralia. Range : South-west Australia. 280 A LIST OF THE [PASSERIFOKMES Lichenostomus plumulus planasi. Yellow-necked Honey-eater. Piilotis planasi Campbell, Emu, Vol. X., p. 168, 1ft 10 ; Xapier Broome Bay, Xorth-west Australia. Range : Xorth-west Australia. Lichenostomus plumulus andersoni. Large-hilled Yellow-necked Honey-eater. Ptilotia chrysotis ancjerso-ni Jlathews. Xov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 411, 1912 ; Jlount Anderson, Xorth-west Australia. Range : Interior of Xorth-west Australia. Lichenostomus plumulus graingeri. Allied Yellow-fronted Honey- eater. Ptilotis chrysotis graingeri Jlathews, Austral A^■. Rec, Vol. I., p. 99' 1912 ; Mount Grainger, South Australia. Range : Adjoining parts of Xew South Wales, Victoria, and South Australia. Lichenostomus plumulus ethelae. Southern Yellow-fronted Honey- eater. Ptilotis chrysotis ethelae Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 410, 1912 ; Port Augusta, South Australia. Range : South Australia. Genus PTILOTULA, Ptilotnla Mathews, Xov. Zool, Vol. XVIII., p. 414, 1912. Type (by monotypy) : Ptilotis flavescens Gould. Ptilotula flavescens, Ptilotula flavescens flavescens. Yellow-tinted Honey-eater. Ptilotis flavescens Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1839, p. 144, 1840; Nortli-west Coast Australia (Derby). Range : North-west Australia (Derby district). Ptilotula flavescens wyndhami. Pale yellow-tinted Honey-eater. Piilotis flavescens icyndhami Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. X^^II., p. 411, 1912 ; Wyndham, Xorth-west Australia. Range : Xorth-west Australia (Wj-ndham district). Ptilotula flavescens melvillensis. Northern Yellow-tmted Honey- eater. Ptilotis flavescens melvillensis Mathen's, Austral A\-. Rec, Vol. I., p. 50, 1912 ; Melville Island. Range : Northern Territory. Ptilotula flavescens subgermana. Queensland CJrej-tinted Honey- eater. Ptilotis flavescens stthgermana Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 411, 1912 ; Cairns, Queensland. Range : North Queensland. PASSERIFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 281 Ptilotula penicillata. Ptilotula penicillata penicillata. White-plumed Honey-eater. Melipliaga /miicillata Gould. Synops. Birds Austr.. pt. i.. pi. 15, 1837; Interior of Xew South Wales. Range : Interior of New South Wales. Ptilotula penicillata leilavalensls. Cloncurry White-plumed Honey- eater. Plilotis leilariilrnsiK Xortli, Rer. Austr. :\Ius.. Vol. 111., p. 100. 1899; Burke District, Queensland. Range : Mid-Queensland (Interior). Ptilotula penicillata mellori. Victorian White-plumed Honey-eater. Ptilotis penicillala mellori JIathews, Xov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 412, 1912 ; Templestown, Victoria. Range : Victoria. Ptilotula penicillata whitei. Soutliem White-plumeil Honey-eater. Ptilotis penicillala wliitei JIathews, Xov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 412, 1912 ; Murray Flats, South Australia. Range : South Australia. Ptilotula penicillata rosinae. Port Augusta Wliite-plumed Honey-eater. Ptilotis penicillala rosinae Mathews, jS'ov. Zool.. Vol. XVIII., p. 412, 1912 ; Port Augusta, South Australia. Range : South Australia (Port Augusta). Ptilotula penicillata ladasi. Murohison \\nute-plumed Honey-eater. Ptilotis penicillata Unlasi JIathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 413, 1912 ; East Murchison, West Australia. Range: Jlid-wcst .\u.strnlia (Interior). Ptilotula penicillata carter!. N'ortli-western White-plumed Honey-eater. Ptilotis carleri Campbell, Vict. Xat., Vol. XVI., p. 3, 1899; North- west Cape, Mid-west .\ustralia. Range: Midwest Australia (Coast). Ptilotula penicillata calconi. Mungi White-plumed Honey-eater. Ptilotis penicillata calconi Mathews. Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 413, 1912 ; Slungi, North-west Australia. Range : Interior of Xorth-west Australia. Genus BROADBENTIA. Broadbentia Mathews. Austral Av. Rec, Vol. II., p. fiO, 1913. Type (by original designation) : Ptilotis flava atidenda Mathews. 282 A LIST or THE [PASSERIFOEMES Broadbentia flava. Broadbentia flava flava. Yellow Honey-eater. Ptilotis flava Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1842, p. 136, 1843; North Coast Australia (Cape York). Range : North Queensland (Cape York district). Broadbentia flava addenda. Inkerman Yellow Honey-eater. Ptilotis flava addenda JIathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 412, 1912 ; Inkerman, Queensland. Range : Mid-Queensland. Genus STOmOPERA. Stomiopera Reichenbach, Handb. Sp., Omith., Vol. I., p. 109, 1852. Type (by subsequent designation, Gray 1855) : Ptilotis unicolor Gould. Stomiopera unicolor. stomiopera unicolor unicolor. ^Vhite-gaped Honey-eater. Ptilotis unicolor Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1842, p. 136,1843; Port Essington, Northern Territorj'. Range : Northern Territory. Stomiopera unicolor brenda. JMelville Island ^Vhite-gaped Honey- eater. Ptilotis unicolor brenda Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 50, 1912 ; Melville Island. Range : Melville Island, Northern Territory. Stomiopera unicolor darbiski. Western ^Vhite-gaped Honey-eater. Ptilotis unicolor darbiski Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 413, 1912 ; Fitzroy River, North-west Australia. Range : North-west Australia. Stomiopera unicolor yarra. Queensland 'VVTiite-gaped Honey-eater. Ptilotis unicolor yarra Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. X^^II., p. 413, 1912 ; Inkerman, Queensland. Range : Queensland. Genus XANTHOUS. Xanthotis Reichenbach, Handb. Sp., Omith., Vol. I., p. 139, 1852. Type (by monotypy) : Myzantha flaviventer Lesson. Xanthotis flaviventer. [Xanthotis flaviventer flaviventer. Myzantha flaviventer Lesson, Manuel d'Oni., Vol. II., p. 67, 1828; New Guinea. Extra limital. PASSERIFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 283 Xantbotis Qaviventer flligera. Streak-naped Honey-eater. Ptilolis flligera Gould, Suppl. Birds Austr., pi. 42, IR.'il (March 15); Cape York, Queensland. Range : North Queensland. Genus PHYLIDONYRIS. Phylidonyris Lesson, Traits d'Om., p. 298, 1830. Type (by subsequent designation, Gray 1855) : Certhia australasiana = Certhia pyrrhoptera Latham. Synonyms : Lichmera Cabanis. JIus. Hein., Vol. I., p. 118, 1851. Tj'pe : Certhia pyrrhoptera Latham. Melisympotes Reichenbach, Handb. Merop., p. 121, 1852. Type: Certhia pyrrhoptera Latham. Phylidonyris pyrrhoptera. Phylidonyris pyrrhoptera pyrrhoptera. Crescent Honey-eater. Certhia pyrrhoptera Latham, Index Oniith., Suppl., p. xxxA-iii., 1801; New South Wales. SjTionjins : Certhia aiiatralasiana Shaw, Gen. Zool., Vol. A'lII.. p. 226, 1811 ; New South AVales. Melithreptiis melanoleuctis Vieillot. Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., Vol. XIV., p. 328, 1817; New South Wales. Range : Queensland ; New South Wales. Phylidonyris pyrrhoptera indistincta. Southern Crescent Honey-eater. Meliornis pip-rhoplera indistincta JIathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 414,' 1912; Mount Lofty, South Australia. Range : Victoria ; South Australia. Phylidonyris pyrrhoptera halmaturina. Kangaroo Island Crescent Honey-eater. Lichmera halmat'irina A. G. Campbell, Emu, Vol. V., p. 143, 1900 ; Kangaroo Island. Range : Kangaroo Island, South Australia. Phylidonyris pyrrhoptera inornata. Tasmanian Crescent Honey-eater. Meliphaga inontata Gould, Sj-iR)ps. Birds Austr., pt. iv., App., p. 5, 1838 ; Tasmania. Range : Tasmania. Genus MELIORNIS. Meliomis Gray, List Genera Birds 1840, p. 15. Tjrpe (by original designation) : Certhia novaehollaiidiae Latliam. 284 A LIST OF THE [PASSEKIFORMES Meliornis novaehollandiae. Meliornis novaehollandiae novaehollandiae. Wliite-bearded Honey eater. Certhia novaehollandiae Latham, Index Omith., Vol. I., p. 296, 1790 : New South Wales. Synonjmas : Meliphaga balgonera Stephens, in Shaw's Gen. Zool., Vol. XIV., p. 261, 1826 ; New Soxith Wales. Meliphaga barbata Swainson. Classif. Birds, Vol. II., p. 326, 1837 ; New South Wales. Range : New South Wales Meliornis novaehollaadiae assimilis. Victorian White-bearded Honey- eater. Meliornis novaehoUandiae assimilis Mathew.s, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 415 ; Olinda, Victoria. Range : Victoria. Meliornis novaehollandiae canescens. Tasmanian \\liite-bearded Honey-eater. Sylvia canescens Latham. Index Omith., Vol. II., p. 553, 1790 ; Tasmania. Synonym : Meliornis diemenensis Mathews. Bull. Brit. Omith. Club, Vol. XXV., p. 100, 1910 ; Tasmania. Range : Tasmania Meliornis novaehollandiae subassimilis. South Australian AMiite- bearded Honey-eater. Meliornis novaehollandiae siibassimilis Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIIL, p. 415, 1912; Mo^mt Lofty Ranges, South Australia. Range : South Australia. Meliornis novaehollandiae halmaturinus. Kangaroo Island \niite- bearded Honey-eater. Meliornis novaehollandiae, subsp. halmatiirina, A. G. Campbell, Emu, Vol. v., p. 140, 1906; Kangaroo Island. Range : Kangaroo Island. South Australia. Meliornis novaehollandiae longirostris. Long-billed Honey-eater. Meliphaga longirostris Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1846, p. S3 ; West Australia. Range : South-west Australia. Meliornis niger. Meliornis niger niger. White-cheeked Honej'-eater. Certhia nigra Bechstein, Kurze Uebers Vogel., p. 196. 1811; New South Wales. Synonyms : Melithreptiis ater Vieillot, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat.. Vol. XIV., p. 327, 1817 ; New South Wales. PASSERIFORMESj BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 285 Meli/thai/iis Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIU., p. 425, 1912 ; Onslow, West Australia. Range : ^Miil-west Australia (Onslow district). Anthus australis montebelli. Monte Bello Pipit. Anthus a'istra/is monteheUi Montague, Austral Av. Rec., Vol. I., p. 181, 1913 ; Hermite Island, Monte Bello Group. Range : Monte Bello Group, Mid-west Australia. Anthus australis tribulationis. North-western Pipit. Anthus a'istralis tribulationis Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 425, 1912 ; Point Torment, North-west Australia. Range : North-west Australia. Anthus australis rogersi. itelviUe Island Pipit. ' Anih'is axstralis roi/crsi Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 193, 1913 ; Melville Island. Range : Melville Island, Northern Territory. Anthus australis queenslandicus. Northern Pipit. Anthus a'istralis qnccnslandica JIathews, Austral Av. Rec Vol. I., p. 120, 1912 ; Gracemere, Queensland. Range : Queensland : Eastern Northern Territory. F.\MiLY ALAUDIDAE. Genus MIRAFRA. Mirafra HorsHeld, Tians. Linn. Soc. (Lond.), Vol. XIII., p. 159, 1821. Type (by monotypy) : M. javanica Horsfield. SjTionyras : 1 Plocealaiida Hodgson, in Gray's Zool. Miscel., p. 84, 1844: nom. nudum. Geocoraphus Cabanis. .■\rcliiv. fiir Naturg., Vol. XIII., p. 32S, 1847 : new name for "Miraira Horsfield." Etoimus Gistel. Naturg. Thier. Schul., p. x., 1848 : new name for "Miraira Horsfield." 296 A LIST OF THE [PASSEEDFORMES Mirafra javanica. [Mirafra javanica javanica. Mirafra javanica Horsfield, Trans. Linn. Soc. (Lond.), Vol. XIII., p. 139, 1S21 ; Java. Extra limital.] Mirafra javanica horsQeldii. Bush-Lark. Mirafra horsfieldii Gould. Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1847, p. 1 ; Interior of New South Wales. Range : New South Wales ; Victoria. Mirafra javanica secunda. Le.sser Bush-Lark. Mirafra secunda Sharpe, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., Vol. XIIL, p. 603, 1890 ; South Australia. Range : South Australia. Mirafra javanica queenslandica. Queensland Bush-Lark. Mirafra javanica queenslandica Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 425, 1912 ; Inkerman, Queensland. Range : Queensland. Mirafra javanica rutescens. Rufous Bush-Lark. Mirafra rufescens Ingram. Bull. Brit. Omith. Club, Vol. XVI.. p. 116, 1906 ; Alexandra, Northern Territory. Range : Eastern Northern Territory. Mirafra javanica nigrescens. Black Bush-Lark. Mirafra javanica nigrescens Jlathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII. , p. 426, 1912 ; Eureka, Northern Territory. Range : Western Northern Territory. Mirafra javanica melvillensis. Northern Bush-LarK. Mirafra javanica melvillensis Mathews, Austral Av-. Rec, Vol. I., p. 102, 1912 ; Melville Island. Range : Melville Island, Northern Territory. Mirafra javanica subrufescens. North-western Bush-Lark. Mirafra javanica subrufescens Mathews. Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 426, 1912 ; Tabba Tabba, North-west Australia. Range : North-west Australia (Tabba Tabba district). Mirafra javanica halli. Pale Bush-Lark. Mirafra horsfieldi halli Bianchi, Bull. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Petersb., Ser. v., Vol. XXV., 1906, p. 81, 1907 ; Roebuck Bay Plains, North-west Australia : new name for "M. horsfieldi pallidus HaU." Synonyms : Mirafra horsfieldi pallidus (not Sharpe 1902) Hall. Emu. Vol. III., p. 232. 1904 ; Roebuck Bay Plains. North-west Australia. Mirafra milligani Mathews, Emu, Vol. VII., Suppl., p. 101, 1908: new name for "M. horsfieldi pallidus Hall." Range : North-west Australia (Roebuck Bay Plains). PASSERIFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 297 Mirafra javanica woodwardi. Onslow Bush-Lark. Mirafra woodwardi Millirran, Viet. Nat., Vol. XVIII., p. 2fi. 1901 ; Onslow, West Australia. Range: Mid-west Australia (Onslow district). Family PLOCEIDAE. Genus STAGONOPLEURA. Stagonopleura Reichenbach, Av. Syst. Nat., pi. lxxv., 1850. Type (by subsequent designation, Graj-^ 1855) : Loxia guttata Shaw. Stagonopleura guttata, Stagonopleura guttata guttata. Spotted-.sided Finch. Loxia guttata Shaw, Hus. Lever., pt. ii., p. 47, 1796 ; New South Wales. Synonjins : Fringilla le'icocephala Latham, Index Oinith., Suppl., p. xlviii., 1801 ; New South Wales. Frinqilla lathami Vigors and Horsfield, Trans. Linn. Soc. (Lend.), Vol. XV., p. 256, 1827 ; New South Wales. Range : Queensland ; New South Wales. Stagonopleura guttata philordi. Southern Spotted-sided Finch. Zo-naegimhua guttatua philordi Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 427, 1912 ; Frankston, Victoria. Range : Victoria ; South Australia. Genus ZONAEGINTHUS. Zonaeginlhufi Cabanis, Mus. Hein., Vol. I., p. 171, 1851. Type (by monotypy) : Z. nitidus = Loxia bella Latham. Zonaeginthus bellus. Zonaegintbus bellus bellus. Fire-tailed Finch. Loxia hella Latham, Index Omith., Suppl., p. .xlvi., 1801 ; New South Wales. Synonym : Loxia nitida Latham. Index Omith., Suppl., p. Ixvii , 1801 ; New South Wales. Range : New South Wales ; Victoria ; Tasmania ; South Australia. Zonaeginthus bellus samueli. Kangaroo Island Fire-tailed Finch. Zonaeginlh'in bellus sam'ieli Mathews, .\ustral .-Vv. Rec, Vol. I., p. 102, 1912 ; Kangaroo Island. Range : Kangaroo Island, South .-Vustralia. 298 A LIST OF THE [PASSERIFORSIES Zonaeginthus oculatus. Zonaeginthus oculatus. Red-eared Finch. Fringilla oculata Quoy et Gaimard. Voy. " rAstrol.," Zool., Vol. I., p. 211, 1830; King George Sound, West Australia. Range : West Australia. Genus TAENIOPYGIA, Taeniopygia Reichenbach, Die Sing-Vogel.. p. 26, 1863. Type (by monotypy) : Amadina castanotis Gould. Taeniopygia castanotis. Taeniopygia castanotis castanotis. Chestnut-eared Finch. Amadina castanotis Gould, Sj'nops. Birds Austr., pt. i., pi. 10, 1837; Interior of New South Wales. Range : New South Wales ; Victoria ; South Australia. Taeniopygia castanotis mouki. Queensland Chestnut-eared Finch. Zo'inaeginthus castanotis mouki JIathews. Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 427, 1912 ; Rockhampton, Queensland. Range : Queensland. Taeniopygia castanotis alexandrae. Northern Chestnut-eared Finch. Zonaeginthus castanotis alexandrae ilathews. Nov. Zool., Vol. X^^II., p. 428, 1912; Alexandra, Northern Territory. Range : Northern Territory. Taeniopygia castanotis roebucki. Dark Chestnut-eared Finch. Zonaeginthus castanotis roebucki Mathews. Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 193, 1913; Roebuck Bay, North-west .\ustralia. Range : North-west Australia (Coastal districts). Taeniopygia castanotis mungi. Jlimgi Chestnut-eared Finch. Zonaeginthus castanotis mungi Mathews. Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 428, 1912 ; Mungi, North-west Australia. Range : North-west Australia (Interior). Taeniopygia castanotis wayensis. Murchison Chestnut-eared Finch. Zonaeginthus castanotis ivayensis JIathews. Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 428, 1912 ; East Murchison, West Australia. Range : Jlid-west Australia. Genus EMBLEMA. Emblema Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1842, p. 17. Type (by monotypy) : Emblema picta Gould. PASSERIFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRAUA 299 Emblema picta. Emblema picta picta. Paintnd Finch. Embletna picia Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1842, p. 17; Derby, Northwest Australia. Range : North-west Australia. Emblema picta coongani. Pale Painted Finch. Emblema picta coongani Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p, 428, 1912; Coongan River. West -•Vustralia. Range : Mid-west Australia (not South-west). Emblema picta territorii. Northern Painted Finch. Emblema picta territorii JIathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 428, 1912 ; Ale.Kandra, Northern Territory. Range : Northern Territory. Genus STIZOPTERA. Stizoptera Oberholser, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1899, p. 215. Type (by original designation) : FringiUa bichenovii Vigors and Horsfield. Synonym : Stictoptera (not Guenee 1832) Reichenbach, Die Sing-Vogel., p. 31, 1862. TjTie : F. bichenovii Vigors and Horsfield. Stizoptera bichenovii. Stizoptera bichenovii bichenovii. Queensland Banded Finch. FringiUa bichenovii Vigors and Horsfield, Trans. Linn. Soc. (Lond.), Vol. XV., p. 258. 1827 ; Broad Sound, Queensland. Range : Queensland. Stizoptera bichenovii pallescens. Banded Finch. Miinia bichenoi'ii pallescens 'Sl&thev:s,'So\: Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 429, 1912 ; Bourke, New South Wales. Range : New South Wales. Stizoptera bichenovii bandi. Intermediate Banded Finch. Munia bichenovii bandi Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 429, 1912 ; Alexandra, Northern Territory. Range : Northern Territory. Stizoptera bichenovii annulosa. Black-ringed Finch. Amadina annulosa Gould. Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1839, p. 143, 1840 ; North-west Australia. Range : North-west Australia 300 A LIST OF THE [PASSERIFORMES Genus LONCHURA. Lo-nchura Sykes, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1832, p. 94. Type (by subsequent designation, Gray 1842) : F. nisoria Temminck = Fringilla punctulata Liime. Synonyms : Munia Hodgson, Asiatic Researches, Vol. XIX., p. 1.53, 1836. Type : M. rubroniger = Loxia atricapilla Vieillot. Dermophrys Hodgson, Joiirn. As. Soc. Beng., Vol. X.. p. 28, 1841: new name for "Munia Hodgson." Oxycerca Gray, App. List Genera Birds, p. 10, 1842 : new name for "Lonchura Sykes." Donacola Gould, Birds Austr., Vol. III., pi. 94, 1842. T\-pe : Amadina castaneothorax Gould. Weehongia Lesson, Echo du Monde Savant, 12th year, no. 13, 1845 (Feb. 23), col. 295. Type : 11'. albivenfer = Amadina castaneothorax Gould. Diachmtira Reichenbach, Die Sing-Vogel., p. 48, 1861. Type : Loxia quinticolor Vieillot. Lonchura castaneothorax. Lonchura castaneothorax castaneothorax. Chestnut -breasted Finch. Amadina castaneothorax Gould, SjTiops. Birds Austr., pt. il., pi. 21, 1837 ; Cairns, Queensland. Synonyms : Weebongia albiventer Lesson, Echo du Monde Savant, 12th year, no. 13, 1845 (Feb. 23), col. 295 ; Caims, Queensland. Donacola bivittata Reichenbach, Die Siug-Vogel., p. 28, 1862 ; Cairns, Queensland. Range : Queensland. Lonchura castaneothorax assimilis. Dark -breasted Finch. Munia castaneothorax assimilis Mathews, Bull. Brit. Ornith. Club, Vol. XXVIL, p. 28, 1910 ; Eureka, Xorthem Territory. Range : Northern Territory. Lonchura castaneothorax apsleyi. Jlelville Island Dark-breasted Finch. Munia castaneothorax apsleyi Mathews, Austral A\-. Rec, Vol. I., p. 52, 1912 ; Melville Island. Range : Meh-ille Island, Xorthem Territory. Lonchura castaneothorax gangi. Pale Chestnut-breasted Fincli, Munia castaneothorax gangi Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 430, 1912 ; Napier Broome Bay, North-west Australia. Range : North-west Australia. Lonchura flaviprymna. Lonchura flaviprymna. Yellow-rumped Finch Donacola flaviprymna Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1845, p. 80 ; North-west Coast of Australia. Range : North-west Australia (Interior). PASSERIFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 301 Genus HETEROMUNIA. Heteromiinia llathcws, Austral Av. Rcc, Vol. II., p (iO, 1913. Type (by original designation) : Amadina pectoralis Gould. Heteromunia pectoralis. Heteromunia pectoralis pectoralis. White-breasted Finch. Amadina piclornlin GnuKl, Pmc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1840, p. 127, 1841 ; North-west Coast Australia. Range : Xortli-west Australia. Heteromunia pectoralis incerta. Nortliom White breasted Finch. Miinia pectoralis incerta llathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 430, 1912 ; Alexandra, Northern Territory. Range : Northern Territory. Genus AIDEMOSYNE. Aidemo^tynr Reichenbach, Die Sing-Vogel., p. 14, 1863. Type (by monotypy) : Amadina tnodesta Gould. Aidemosyne modesta. Aidemosyne modesta. Plum-head Finch Amadina modrsia Oould, SjTiops. Birds Austr., pt. i., pi. 10, 1837 ; New South Wales. Range : New South Wales ; South Queensland. Genus AEGINTHA. Aegintha Calinnis. Mus. Hein., Vol. I., p. 170, 1851. Type (by monotypy) : Fringilla iemporalis Latham. Aegintha temporalis. Aegintha temporalis temporalis. Red-browed Finch. Fringilla temporalis Latham, Index Omith., Suppl., p. xlviii., 1801 ; New South Wales. SynonjTn : Fringilla qiiinticolor Vieillot, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., Vol. XII., p. 183, 1817 ; New South Wales. Range : South Queensland ; New South Wales. Aegintha temporalis minor. Little Red-browed Finch. Aegintha minor Campbell, Nests and Eggs Austr. Birds, p. 492, 1901 ; Cape York, Queensland. Range : North Queensland. 302 A LIST OF THE [PASSERIFORMES Aegintha temporalis tregellasi. Victorian Red-browed Finch. Aegintha temporalis tregellasi Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. X\T1I , p. 431, 1912; Selby, Victoria. Range : Victoria. Aegintha temporalis loftyi. Mountain Red-browed Finch. Aegintha temporalis loftyi Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 431, 1912 ; Mount Lofty, South Australia. Range : South Australia. Genus BATHILDA. BatUlda Reichenbach, Die Sing-Vogel., p. 19, 1863. Type (by monotypy) : Amadina ruficauda Gould. Bathilda ruficauda. Bathilda ruficauda ruficauda. Red-faced Finch. Amadina ruficauda Gould, SJ^lops. Birds Austr., pt. i., pi. 10, 1837 ; New South Wales. Range : New South Wales. Bathilda ruficauda connectens. Queensland Red-faced Finch. Aegintha ruficauda connectens Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 431, 1912 ; Rockhampton, Queensland. Range : Mid-Queensland. Bathilda ruficauda clarescens. Cape York Red-faced Finch. Bathilda ruficauda clarescens Hartert, Nov. Zool., Vol. VI., p. 427, 1899 ; Cape York, Queensland. Range : North Queensland. Bathilda ruficauda subclarescens. North-western Red-faced Finch. Aegintha ruficauda subclarescens Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 431, 1912 ; Parry's Creek, North-west Australia. Range : North-west Austraha ; Northern Territory. Bathilda ruficauda thorpei. Western Red-faced Finch. Aegintha ruficauda thorpei Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 431, 1912 ; Coongan River, West Australia. Range : Mid-west AustraUa. Genus POEPHILA. Poephila Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1842, p. 18. Type (by origmal designation) : Amadina acuticavda Gould. SjTionym : Chloebia Reichenbach, Die Sing-Vogel., p. 30, 1862. Type : Amadina goiddiae Gould. PASSERIFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 303 Poephila acuticauda. Poephila acuticauda acuticauda. Long-tailed Finch. Amadina acuticauda Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1830, p. 143, 1840 ; Derby, Xorth-west -Australia. Range : Xorth-west Australia. Poephila acuticauda hecki. Red-billed Long-tailed Finch. Peophila hecki Heinroth, Oniith. Monat.sb. .Jahrb., Vol. VIII., p. 22, 1900 ; ? Port Darwin, Xortheni Territory. Synonym : Poephila anrantiiroslris X'orth. Proc. Linn. Soc. X.S.W., Vol. XX^^L, p. 208, 1002 ; Wjnidham (errore) and Port Darwin. Range : X'ortheni Territory. Poephila gouldiae. Poephila gouldiae gouldiae. Gouldian Finch. Amadina gouldiae Gould. Birds Austr.,Vol. III., pi. 88, 1844 (June) ; Victoria River, X'ortheni Territory. Synonym : Poephila mirabilis Des Jlurs, Icon. Oniith., pi. in., 1845 ; Raffles Bay, Northern Territory. Range : Xorthem Territory ; X^orth-west .A.ustralia. Poephila gouldiae armitiana. Queensland Gouldian Finch. Poephila arinitiana Ramsay, Proc. Linn. Soc. X'.S.W., Vol. II., pp. 70, 187, 1878: North Queensland. Range : Xorth Queensland. Genus ALISTERANUS. Alisterantis Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIIL, p. 433, 1912. Type (by original designation) : Amadhia cincta Gould. Alisteranus cinctus. Alisteranus cinctus cinctus. Black-throated Finch. Amadina cincta Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1836, p. 105, 1837 ; New South Wales. Range : New South Wales. Alisteranus cinctus vinotinctus. Pale Black-throated Finch. Alisteranus cinctus vinotinctus JIathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 433, 1912 ; Inkerman, Queensland. Range : Queensland (Inkerman district). Alisteranus cinctus atropygialis. Black-rumped Finch. Poephila atropygialis Diggles, Proc. Queensl. Philos. Soc. 1876, p. 11 ; Normanton, Queensland. Synonym : ? Poephila neglecta North, Rec. Austr. JIus., Vol. V., p. 263, 1904 ; ? Macquarie River, New South Wales Range : Interior of Mid-Queensland : New South Wales. 304 A LIST OF THE [PASSEEIFOBMES Alisteranus cinctus nigrotectus. Cape York Black-rumped Finch. Poepkila nigrotecta Hartert, Bull. Brit. Omith. Club, Vol. VIII., p. Ibc., 1899 ; Cape York, Queensland. Range : North Queensland. Genus NEOPOEPHILA. Neopoephila Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 196, 1913. Type (by original designation) : Poephila personaia bdcheri Mathews. Neopoephila personata. Neopoephila personata personata. Masked Finch. Poephila personata Gould. Proc. Zool. See. (Loud.) 1842, p. 18 ; Port Essington, Northern Territory. Range : Northern Territory. Neopoephila personata belcheri. Allied Masked Finch. Poephila personata helclicri Mathews, Bull. Brit. Omith. Club, Vol. XXXVII, p. 68, 1911 ; Parry's Creek, North-west Australia. Range : North-west Australia (Parry's Creek district). Neopoephila personata harterti. Western Masked Finch. Neochmia personata harterti Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 434, 1912 ; Napier Broome Bay, North-west Australia. Range : North-west Australia (Napier Broome Bay). Neopoephila personata leucotis. White-eared Finch. Poephila levcotis Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1846, p. 106, 1847 ; River Lynd, Queensland. Range : North Queensland. Genus NEOCHMIA. Neochmia Bonaparte, Consp. Gen. Av., Vol. I., p. 4.5S, 18o0. Type (by monotypy) : Fringilla phaeton Hombron et Jacquinot. Neochmia phaeton. Neochmia phaetoii i;haeton. Crimson Finch. Fringilla phaeton Kombron et Jacquinot, Ann. Soi. Nat., Ser. II., Vol. XVI., p. 314, 1841 ; Raffles Bay, Northern Territory. Range : Northern Territory. Neochmia phaeton Dtzroyi. Western Crimson Finch. Neochmia phaeton f.tzroiji Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 120, 1912 ; Fitzroy River, North-west Australia. Range : North-west Australia. PASSERIFOBMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 305 Neochmia phaeton iredalei. Pale Crimson Finch. Xcnclimia phaeton irednlei JIathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 434, HMi ; Rnekhampton, Queen.sUuul. Range ; Queensland. F.\MiLV ORIOLTDAE. Genus MIMETA. Mimeta Vigors and Horsfield, Trans. Linn Soc. (Lond.). Vol. XV. p. 326, 1827. Type (by subsequent designation. Gray 1840) :GracuIa mridis = Coracias sagittata Latham : new name for Mimelcs King. Spionyms : Mimetes (not Leach 1820) King, Survey Intertrop. Coasts Austr. , p. 418, 1826 (April). Type : C. sagiltala Latham. Amimela Mathews, Austral Av. Eec. Vol. II., p. 63, 1913 ; new name for Mimeta Vigors and Horsfield. Mimeta sagittata. Mimeta sagittata sagittata. Australian Oriole. Coracias xariiiiata Latham, Index Omith., Suppl., p. .xxvi., 1801 ; New South Wales. SynonjTTis : Graciila i-iridis Latham, Index Omith., Suppl., p. xxviii., 1801 ; New South Wales. Coracias striata (not Gmelin 1788) Shaw, Gen. Zool., Vol. VTI., p. 400, 1809 ; New South Wales. Oriolus I'ariegaliis (not Bechstein 1811) Vieillot, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., Vol. X\ail., p. 196, 1817 : New South Wales. 3Ii)nela mer'iloides Vigors and Horsfield, Trans. Linn. Soc. (Lond.), Vol. XV., p. 327, 1827 ; New South Wales. Range : South Queensland ; New South Wales ; Victoria. Mimeta sagittata subafflnis. Queensland Oriole. Oriolus sagittatua suhaffinis Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 435, 1912 ; Cooktown, Queensland. Bange : North Queensland. Mimeta sagittata affinis. Northern Oriole. Oriolus affinis Gould, Birds Austr., Vol. I., Introd., p. liii., 1848 ; Port Essington. Northern Territory. Range : Northern Territory. Mimeta sagittata blaauwi. North-western Oriole. Oriolus sagittatuB blaainci Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 435, 1912 ; Napier Broome Bay, North-west Australia. Range : North-west Australia. W 306 A LIST OF THE [PASSEKIFOEIIES Mimeta flavocincta. Mimeta flavocincta flavocincta. Yellow Oriole. Miinetes flavocinctiis King, Survey Intertrop. Coasts Aiistr.. p. 419, 1826 ; Northern Territory. Range : Xorthem Territory. Mimeta flavocincta parryi. Western Yellow Oriole. Oriohis flavocinctiis parryi Mathews, Austral Av. Bee, Vol. I., p. 52, 1912 ; Parry's Creek, North-west Australia. Range : North-west Australia. Mimeta flavocincta Idngi. Cairns Yellow Oriole. Oriolns flavocinctiis kingi Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p 435, 1912 ; Cairns, Queensland. SjTionyin : Oriolns flavocinctiis madaraszi Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 435, 1912 ; Cooktown, Queensland. Range : North Queensland. Genus SPHECOTHERES. Sphecoiheres Vieillot, Analyse nouv. Omith., p. 42, 181G. Type (by monotypy) : *S. viridis Vieillot. Synonym. Picnoramphiis Rosenberg, Tijdschr. Nederl. Ind., Vol. XXIX., p. 143, 1866. Type : P. ciicuUaiiis = S. flaviventris Gould. Sphecotheres maxillaris. Sphecotheres maxillaris maxillaris. Fig-Bird. Tardus maxillaris Latham, Index Oniith., Suppl., p. xliii., 1801 ; New South Wales. Synonyms : Sphecotheres virescens Jardine and Selby, Illus. Omith.. Vol. II., pi. 79, 1829 ; New South Wales. Sphecothera grisea Lesson, Traite d'Om., p. 351, 1830 ; New South Wales. Sphecotheres canicollis Swainson, Anim. in Menag., p. 320, 1838 ; New South Wales. Sphecoiheres astiirimis "Geoff" Gray, Haudl. Gen. Sp. Birds, pt. i.. p. 291, 1869 : nom. nudum. Range : New South Wales. Sphecotheres maxillaris vieilloti. Northern Fig-Bird. Sphecoiheres meilloti Vigors and Horsfield, Trans. Linn. Soc. (Lond.), Vol. XV., p. 215, 1827 ; Keppel Bay, Queensland. Synonym : Sphecotheres australis Gould, Birds .\ustr.. Vol. IV., pi. 15, 1848 ; Queensland. Range : South Queensland. PASSEEIFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 307 Sphecotheres flaviventris. Sphecotheres naviventris flaviventris. Yellow-bellied Fig-Bird. Sphecothereg flanve.ntris Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1849, p. Ill ; Cape York, Queensland. Sjnionym : Sphecotheres ftaint^entris andoni JIathews, Nov. Zool.. Vol. XVIII., p. 430, 1912 ; Cairns, Queensland. Range : North Queensland. Sphecotheres flaviventris ashbyi. Northern Yellow-bellied Fig-Bird. Sphecotheres flaviventris ashbyi Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 436, 1912 ; Alligator River, Northern Temtory. Range : Northern Territory. Sphecotheres salvadorii. [Sphecotheres salvadorii salvadorii. Sphecotheres salvadorii Sharpe, Cat. Birds. Brit. 3Ius., Vol. III., p. 224, 1877 ; South-east New Guinea. Extra limital.] Sphecotheres salvadorii stalkeri. Grey-tlu-oated Fig-Bird. Sphecotheres stalkeri Ingiani, Bull. Brit. Omith. Club, Vol. XXI., p. 100, 1908 ; Jlount Elhot, North Queensland. Range : North Queensland. Family DICRURID.\E. Genus DICRUROPSIS. Dicriiropsis Salvadori, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1878, p. 88. Type {by monotypy) : Dicrurus megalornis Gray. Dicruropsis bracteatus. Dicruropsis bracteatus bracteatus. Spangled Drongo. Dicrnrus bracteatus Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1842, p. 132, 1S43 ; Queensland. Range : Queensland ; New South Wales. Dicruropsis bracteatus baileyi. Northern Spangled Drongo. Dicriirxs bracteatus baileyi Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. X\^II., p. 437, 1912 ; Alligator River, Northern Tenitory. Range : Northern Territory ; North-west .\iistralia. Family EULABETIDAE. Genus METALLOPSAR. Metallopsar Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, ^'ol. II., p. 60, 1913. Type (by original designation) : Calomis purpurascenv Gray. W 2 308 A LIST OF THE [PASSEBIFORMES Synon3mi : Calornis (not Billberg 1820) Gray, List Genera Birds, 2nd ed., 1841, p. 53. Type : Turdus cantor Gmelin = Mliiscicapa panaycnsis ScopoH. Metallopsar metallicus. [Metallopsar metallicus metallicus. Lamprotoniis metallica Temminck et Laugier, Planch. Color. d'Ois.. Vol. in., 45" livr., pi. 266, 1824 ; Celebes. Extra limital.] Metallopsar metallicus purpurascens. Australian Shining Starling. Calornis purpurascens Graj', Handl. Gen. Sp. Birds., pt. n., p. 26, 1870 ; Cape York, Queensland. Synonym : Lamprocorax metallicus sapphire JIathews, Xov. Zool., Vol. X^^II., p. 437, 1912 ; Mount Sapphire, Queensland. Range : North Queensland. Family PTILOXORHYNCHIDAE. Genus PTILONORHYNCHUS. Ptilonorhynchus Kulil, Beitr. Vergl. Anat., p. 150, 1820. Type (by inonotypy) : P. holosericus = Pyrrhocorax viola- cetts Vieillot. Synonym : Kitfa Temminck et Laugier, Planch. Color. d'Ois., 07° li\T., Vol. IV., pi. 39.5, 1826. Tj-pe : P. violaceus Vieillot. Ptilonorhynchus violaceus. Ptilonorhynchus violaceus violaceus. Satin Bower-Bird. Pyrrhocorax violaceus Vieillot, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., Vol. VI.. p. 569, 1816 ; New South Wales. Synonyms : Ptilonorli ynchus holosericus Kuhl, Beitr. Vergl. Anat., p. 150, 1820 ; New South Wales. Ptilonorhynchus niger Stephens, in Shaw's Gen. Zool., Vol. XIV., p. 72. 1826; New Soxith Wales. Ptdlonorhynchus macleayii Vigors and Horsfield, Trans. Limi. Soc. (Lend.), Vol. XV., p. 263, 1827 ; New South Wales. Ptilonorhynchus squamulosus Wagler, Syst. Av., Ptilono. sp. 2, 1827 ; New South Wales. Ptilonorhynchus rawn-skyi Diggles, Handl. Birds Austr., Vol. I., pi. 51, 1877 ; Brisbane, Queensland (hybrid). Ptilonorhynchus violaceus dulciae ]\Iathe«s, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 438, 1912 ; Queensland. Range : South Queensland : New South Wales : Victoria. PASSERIFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 309 Ptilonorhynchus violaceus minor. Lesser Satiii Bower-Bird. t'tilonorhynchiis minor Campbell, Bull. Roy. .\ustr. Oniith. L'liion, no. 3, 11)12 ; Herberton, Queensland. Range : North Queensland. Genus SCENOPOEETES. Scenopoeete^ Coues, Auk, Vol. Vlll., p. 1 1.>, ISUl (.Jan.). Type (by monotypy) : Sceiiopoeus dcntirostris Ramsay : new name for "Sceiiopoeus Ramsay." Synonyms : Scenopoeus (not Agassiz 1847) Ramsay, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1S7.">, p. 591. TvTJe : S. denlirostris Ramsay. Tectonomin Sharpe. ilonogr. Paradis., pt. i. 1891 (after .Jan.) : now name for "Scrnopoeim Ramsay." Scenopoeetes dentirostris. Scenopoeetes dentirostris. Tooth-billed Bower-Bird. Scenopoeus dcntirostiig Ramsay, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 187,5, p. .591 ; Bellenden Ker Range, Xorth Queensland. Range : North Queensland (Bellenden Ker Range). Genus AILUROEDUS. .4i7»roff/i(« Cabanis, ilus. Hein.. Vol. I., p. 213 (note), 1S5L Type (by monotypy) : Ptilonorhynchus smithii Vigors and Horsfield = Lankts crassirostris Paykull. Alluroedus crassirostris. Ailuroedus crassirostris. Cat-Biid. Laniiis crassirostrin Paykull, Nov. Act. Reg. Soc. Sci. Upsal, Vol. VII., p. 282, 1810 ; New South Wales. Synonyms : Kilta virescens Temminck et Laugier, Planch. Color. dOis. , fi7' U\T., Vol. IV., pi. 39li, 182G ; New South Wales. Ptilonorhynchus viridis Stephens, in Shaw's Gen. Zool., Vol. XIV., p. 72, 182(i ; New South Wales. Ptilonorhynchus smithii Vigors and Horsfield, Trans. Linn. Soc. (Lond.), Vol. XV., p. 204, 1827 ; New South Wales. Ailttroedus crassirostris blaauu'i Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 439, 1912 ; Richmond River, New South Wales. Ailuroedus viridis Auct.. not Oracu/a viridis Latham 1801. Range : South Queensland ; New South Wales. Ailuroedus melanotus. I Ailuroedus melanotus melanotus. Ptilonorhynchtts nvlatiotu^ Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 18o8, p. 181 ; .Aru Islands. Extra iimital.] 310 A LIST OF THE [PASSEEIFOEMES Ailuroedus melanotus maculosus. Spotted Cat-Bird. Aehtroedits macvlosu« Ramsay, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1874, p. 601 : Rockingham Bay, Queensland. Range : North Queensland. Genus CHLAMYDERA. Ohlamydera Gould, Birds Austr. and Adj. Is., pt. i (note), pi. 3, 1837. Type (bj' monotjqoy) : Calodera maculata Gould : new name for ''Calodera Gould." Syiionjin : Calodera (not JIaiuierheim 1830) Gould, SjTiops. Birds Austr., pt. i., pi. 3, 1837 (Jan.). Type: C. maculata Gow\A. Chlamydera maculata. Ohlamydera maculata maculata. Spotted Bower-Bird. Calodera tnacnlala Gould, Synops. Birds Austr., pt. i., pi. 6, 1837 ; New South Wales. Range : New South Wales ; South Queensland. Chlamydera maculata occipitalis. Large-frilled Bower-Bird. Chlamydera occipitalis Gould, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., Ser. IV., Vol. XVI., p. 429, 1875 ; Cairns, North Queensland. Range : North Queensland. Chlamydera maculata guttata. Yellow-spotted Bower-Bird. Chlamydera guttata Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1862, p. 162; North-west Australia. Range : North-west .Australia. Chlamydera maculata subguttata. Pale-spotted Bower-Bird. Chlamydera maculata isubtjuttata ilathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. X^^II., p. 440, 1912 ; East Murchison, West Australia. Range : Jlid-west .A.ustralia. Chlamydera maculata clelandi. Yellow-biUed Bower-Bird. Chlamydera maculata clelandi Mathews, Nov. Zool.. Vol. XVIII.. p. 439, 1912 ; South Australia. Range : Sotith Australia. Chlamydera cerviniventris. Chlamydera cerviniventris cerviniventris. Fawii-breasted Bower-Bird. Chlamydera cerviniventris Gould, in Jardine's Contr. Omith. 1850, p. (160) 106 ; Cape York, Queensland. Range : Nortli Queensland. PASSERIFOR-MES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 311 Genus ROGERSORNIS. Rogemornis Mathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 117, \\)\-. Type (by original designation) : Ptiloiwrhynchus nuchcUis Jardine and Selby. Rogersornis nuchalis. Rogersornis nuchalis nuchalis. Great Bower-Bird. Ptilonorhytichus nuchalis Jardine and Selby, lUus. Omith., Vol. 11., pi. cm., 1830 ; Eastern Australia (North Queensland). Syiionym : Chlami/dorlera oriental is Gould, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., Ser. V., Vol. IV.. p. 74, 1879 ; North Queensland. Range : North Queensland. Rogersornis nuchalis melvillensis. Jlelville Island Bower-Bird. Chlamydera iiuchaU^s inclviUensis Mathews, Austral Av. Ree., Vol. I.. p. .52, 1912 ; Melville Island. Range : Northern Territory. Rogersornis nuchalis oweni. Western Great Bower-Bird. Chlamydera nuchalis oiceni Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 44(1. 1912 ; Point Torment, North-west Australia. Range : North-west Australia. Genus SERICULUS. Sericiiliifi Swainson, Zool. Joum., Vol. I., p. 476, 1825. Type (by monotypy) : Meliphaga chrysocephala Lewin. Sericulus chrysocephalus. Sericulus chrysocephalus chrysocephalus. Regeat-Bird. Meliphatia chrysocephala Lewin, Birds New Holland, pi. rv., 1808; New South Wales. Synonyms : Orioliis regens Quoy et Gaimard, Voy. " I'Uranie " et " Physic," Zool., p. 105, 1825 ; New South Wales. Sericulus magnirostris Gould, Synops. Birds Austr., pt. iv., App., p. 3, 1838 : " Tasmania" (errore) = New South Wales. Oriolus regius " Temm." Bonaparte, Consp. Gen. Av., Vol. I., p. 349, 1 850 : error for O. regens Tenmiinck. Sericulus melinus Auctorum, not Tiirdus metinus Latham 1801. Reuige : New South Wales. Sericulus chrysocephalus rothschildl. Northern Regent-Bird. Sericulus chrysocephalus rothschildl Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 441, 1912 ; Blackall Ranges, South Queensland. Range : Queensland. 312 A LIST OF THE [PASSEEIFOKMES Genus PRIONODURA. Prionodura De Vis, Proe. Liim. Soc. N.S.W., Vol. VII., p. 561, 1883. Type (by monotypy) : P. newtoniana De Vis. Prionodura newtoniana. Prionodura newtoniana. Golden Bower-Bird. Prionodura newtoniana De Vis, Proc. Linn. Soc. X.S.AV., Vol. VII., p. 562, 1883 ; TuUy River Scrubs, Queensland. Range : Xorth Queensland. Fajmily PARADISEIDAE. Genus PTILORIS. Ptiloris Swainson, Zool. Joum., Vol. I., p. 479, 1825. Type (by monotypy) : P. paradiseiis Swainson. Ptiloris paradisea. Ptiloris paradisea paradisea. Rifle-Bird. Ptiloris paradiseus Swainson, Zool. Joum., Vol. I., p. 481, 1825 ; North New South Wales. Synonyms : Epimachus regiiis Lesson, Voy. " Coquille," Zool.. Vol. I., p. 667, 1830 ; Port Macquarie, New South Wales. Epimachtis brisbanii Wilson, lUus. Zool., pi. xi., 1831 ; Portilacquarie, New South Wales. Range : New South Wales ; South Queensland. Ptiloris paradisea victoriae. Lesser Rifle-Bird. Ptiloris victoriae Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1849, p. Ill ; Barnard Isles, Queensland. Range : North Queensland. Genus CRASPEDOPHORA. Craspedophora Gray, List Genera Bu-ds, 1840, add. and en:, p. 1. Type (by original designation) : Falcinellus magnificvs Vieillot. Craspedophora magnifica. [Craspedophora magnifica magnifica. Falcinellus niagnificus Vieillot, Nouv. Dict.d'Hist. Nat., Vol. XXVIII., p. 167, 1819 ; New Guinea. Extra limital.] Craspedophora magnifica alberti. Cape York Rifle-Bird. Ptiloris alberti Elliot, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1871, p. 583; Cape York, Queensland. Range : North Queensland. PASSERIFORMES] BmDS OF AUSTRALIA 313 Genus PHONYGAMMUS. Phoniigammnn Lesson et Gamot, in Ferussac's Bull. Sci. Nat., Vol. Vill., p, 110, 1826. Type (by monotypy) : Barita keraudrenii Lesson. Synonym : Chalybaeiis Cuvier, Le Rcgne -Anini., 2ncl ed., Vol. I., p. 3.i4, 1829. Type : B. keraudrenii Lesson. Phonygammus keraudrenii. I Phonygammus keraudrenii keraudrenii. Barita keraudrenii Lesson ct Gnniot, in Ferussac's Bull. Sci. Xat., Vol. Vlll., p. 110. 1S2(1 ; Doiey Harbour, Xew Guinea. Extra limital.] Phonygammus keraudrenii gouldii. Australian JIanucode. Maniicodia gouldii Gray. Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1859, p. 158 (note) ; Cape York, Queensland. Range : Xorth Queensland. F.iMtLY CORVIDAE. Genus CORVUS. Corviisl,mn6, Syst. Nat., lOtlied., p. 105, 1758. Type (by tautonymj^) : Corvtis corax Linne. Synonjnns : Corone Kaup, Skizz. Entwick-Gesch. Xat. Syst., p. 99. Type : Co-riis eorone Linne. Corax Kaup, Joum. fiir Omith. 1854, p. Iv. : nam. nuctitm. Pterocorax Kaup, Joum. fiir. Oniith., p. Iv. Tj^pe : C. scapulatiis Daudin. Corvus coronoides. Corvus coronoides coronoides. .Australian Raven. Corvux coronoides Vigors and Horsfield, Trans. Limi. Soc. (Lond.), Vol. XV., p. 2til, 1827 ; Xew South Wales. SjTionjans : Corfu* affinis (not Bechstein 1811) Brelim, Isis 1845, p. 357; Xew South Wales. Corvus marianae Mathews, Emu, Vol. X., p. 326, 1911 ; Gosford, Xew South Wales. Range : Xew South Wales. Corvus coronoides perplexus. Southern Raven. Corvus coronoides perplexus JIathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 442, 1912 ; Perth, West Australia. Synonyms : Corvtis marianae mellori JIathews, Xo\-. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 443, 1912 ; .\ngus Plain-s, South -Australia. Corvus marianae halmaturinus JIathews, Xov. Zool., Vol. X^^I1., p. 443, 1912 ; Kangaroo Island. Range : Victoria ; South .Australia ; South-west Australia. 314 A LIST OF THE [PASSERIFORMES Corvus coronoides tasmanicus. Tasmaaian Raven. Cormis marianae tasmanicus Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 443, 1912 ; Tasmania. Range ; Tasmania. Corvus bennett}'. Corvus bennetti bennetti. SmaU-biUed Crow. Corvus bennetti North, Vict. Nat., Vol. XVII., p. 170, 1901 ; Jloolah, Western New South Wales. Range : Interior of New South Wales ; Interior of Soxith Australia. Corvus bennetti bonhoti. Western Small-billed Crow. Corvus bennetti bonhoti Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 442, 1912 ; Murchison, West AustraUa. Range : Interior of West Australia ; Northern Territory. Corvus cecilae. Corvus cecilae cecilae. Northern Crow. Corvus coronoides cecilae Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 442, 1912 ; Napier Broome Bay, North-west Australia. Range : North-west AustraUa ; Northern Territory. Corvus cecilae marngli. Little North-western Crow. Corvus cecilae marngli Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 52, 1912 ; Mamgle Creek, West Kimberley, West Australia. Range : West Australia (West Kimberley). Corvus cecilae queenslandicus. Queensland Crow. Corvus bennetti queenslandicus Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. X^^II., p. 443, 1912 ; Dawson River, Queensland. Range : Queensland ; Northern New South Wales. Genus STREPERA. Strepera Lesson, Traite d'Om., p. 329, 1830. Type (by tautonymy) : C. strepera Latham = Corvus gracuLinus White. Synonym : Coronica Gould. Synops. Birds Austr., pt. i., 1837. Tj-pe : Corvus graculinus 'Wliite. Strepera graculina. strepera graculina graculina. Pied Crow-Slirike. Corvus graculinus White, Joum. Voy. N.S.W., p. 251. 1790 ; New South Wales. PASSERIFORMES] BIRDS OF AUSTRALIA 315 Synonyms : Coraciaa strepeia Latnam, Index Oniith., Vol. I., p. 173, 1790 ; New- South Wales. Oraciila chalybea Voigt's ed. Cuvier's Thier-reich, Vol. I., p. 43.'i, 1831 ; New South Wales. Barila etrepeiis " Merr." Bonaparte. Consp. Gen. Av., Vol. I., p. 367, 1 850 : nom. nudum. Range : South Queensland ; New South Wales ; Victoria. Strepera graculina robinsoni. Northern Pied Crow-Shrike. Strepera graculina robinsoni Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 443, 1912 : Jolmstone River, Queensland. Range : North Queensland. Strepera melanoptera. Strepera melanoptera melanoptera. Black-winged Crow-Shrike. Strepera vtelanoptera Gould, Pi'oc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1846, p. 20 ; South Australia. Range : South Australia. Strepera melanoptera halmaturina. Kangaroo Island Crow-Shrike. Strepera melanoptera halmaturina Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 444, 1912 ; Kangaroo Island. Range : Kangaroo Island, South Australia. Strepera melanoptera howei. Victorian Black-winged Crow-Shrike. Strepera melanoptera howei Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 444, 1912 ; Kow Plains, Victoria. Range : Victoria. Strepera fuliginosa. strepera fuliginosa. Black Crow-Shrike. Coronica fuliginosa Gould, Sj-nops. Birds Austr., pt. i, pi. 5, 1837 ; Tasmania. Range : Tasmania ; King Island, Bass Strait. Genus NEOSTREPERA. Neostrepera Mathews. Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 196, 1913. Type (by original designation) : Strepera arguta Gould. Neostrepera versicolor. Neostrepera versicolor versicolor. Grey Crow-Slirike. Corvus versicolor Latham, Index Omith., Suppl., p. xxv., 1801 ; New South Wales. SjTionyms : Cracticus ciineicaiidatiis Vieillot, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., Vol. V., p. 3,ifi, 1816 ; New South Wales. 316 A LIST OF THE [PASSEBIFOEMES Barita anaphonensis Temminck et Laugier, Planch. Color. d'Ois., 46" IhT., Vol. III., text to Barita, pi. 273, 1824; New South Wales. Strepera cinerea " Gould " Strickland, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., Vol. XI.. p. 335, 1843 : new name for Corvus versicolor Latham. Corvus fiiliginosus Brelun, Isis 184.5, p. 3.57 ; New South Wales. Range : Queensland ; New South Wales. Neostrepera versicolor vleilloti. Dark Grey Crow-Shrike. Strepera versicolor vieilloti Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 444, 1912 ; Olinda, Victoria. Range : Victoria ; Eastern South Australia. Neostrepera versicolor intermedia. Brovra Crow-Shrike. Strepera intermedia Sharpe, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., Vol. III., p. 59, 1877 ; South Australia. Synonynn : Strepera fusca Ashby, Emu, Vol. V., p. 27, 1905 ; Eyre's Peninsula. Range : Eyre's Peninsula, South Australia. Neostrepera versicolor arguta. Hill Crow-Shrike. Strepera arguta C4ould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1846, p. 19 ; Tasmania. Range : Tasmajaia. Neostrepera versicolor plumbea. Leaden Crow-Shrike. Strepera plnmhca Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1846, p. 20 ; West Australia. Range : South-west Australia. Genus STRUTHIDEA. Struthidea Gould, Synops. Birds Austr., pt. i., pi. 9, 1837 (Jan.). Type (by monotypy) : S. cinerea Gould. SjTionyms : Brachystonia (not Meigen 1822) Swainson, Classif. Birds, Vol. II., p. 266, 1837. Type : S. cinerea Gould. Brachyprorus Cabanis, Mus. Hein., Vol. I., p. 217, 1851 : new name for Struthidea Gould. Struthidea cinerea. struthidea cinerea. Grey Jumper. Struthidea cinerea Gould, Synops. Birds Austr., pt. i., pi. 9, 1837 ; Interior of New South Wales. Synonym : Struthidea cinerea swainsoni Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 445, 1912 ; Queensland. Range : Queensland ; New South Wales ; Victoria. PASSEEIFORMES] BIRDS OF ATTSTRALIA 317 Genus CORCORAX. Corcorax Lesson, Tiait6 d'Orn., p. 324, 1830. Type (by monotypy) : C. mistralis Lesson = Coracia ■mdanorhamphos Vieillot. Synonym : Cercoroti"* Cabanis, Archiv. fiir Natur. 1S47. p. 33r> : new name for "Corcorax Lesson." Corcorax melanorhamphus. Corcorax melanorhamphus melanorhamphus. AVhite -winged Chough. Coracia melanorhamphos Vieillot. Xouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., Vol. VIII., p. 2, 1817 ; New South Wales. Sjmonyms : Pyrrhocorax leucopteriis Temminck, Manuel d'Om., 2nd ed.. Vol. I., p. 121, 1820 ; New South Wales. Corcorax australis Lesson, Traits d'Oni., p. 324. 1830 ; New South Wales. Corcorax melanorhamphos stibniger JIathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 440, 1012 : RLngwood, Victoria. Range : Queensland ; New South Wales ; Victoria. Corcorax melanorhamphus whiteae. Southern AVhite-winged Chough. Corcorax mdanorhamphos whiteae JIathews, Nov. Zool., Vol XVIII., p. 440, 1012 ; Eyro's Peninsula, South Australia. Range : South Australia. Fappexdices APPENDICES, APPENDIX A. A LIST OF THE BIRDS OF THE PHILLIPIAN SUBREGION WHICH DO NOT OCCUR IN AUSTRALIA. Family RAI.LIDAE. Genus TRICHOLIMNAS. Tricholimnas Sharpe, Bull. Brit. Oniith. Club. Vol. I., p. xxviii., 1893. Type (by original designation) : GallimUus lajresnayanus Verreaux et Des ^lurs. Tricholimnas sylvestris. Tricholimnas sylvestris. Lord Howe Rail. Ocydromus sylvestris Sclater, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Loud.) 1869, p. 472 ; Lord Howe Island. Range : Lord Howe Island. F.4MILY Pt^FFINIDAE. Genus THYELLODROMA. Thyellodroma pacifica. Thyellodroma pacifica pacifica. Kermadec AVedge-tailed Petrel. Procellaria pacifica Gmelin, Sjrst. Nat., p. .51)0, 1789 ; Kermadec Islands. Synonym : Puffinxis chlororhynchiis ire.dali Mathews, Bull. Brit. Omith. Club, Vol. XX\ai., p. 40, 1910 ; Kermadec Islands. Range : Xorfolk Island. Extra limital. Genus HEMIPUFFINUS. HemipufiQnus carneipes. {Hemipuffinus carneipes carneipes ; West Australia.] Hemipufflnus carneipes bullianus. Eastern Fleshy-footed Petrel. Puffimis carneipes hidliamu Mathews, Birds Austr., VoL II., p. 90, 1912 ; Xorfolk Island. Range : Xorfolk Island ; Lord Howe Island. 320 APPENDICES Famii-y BUBOXIDAE. Genus SPILOGLAUX. Spiloglaux boobook. [Spiloglaxux boobook boobook ; New South Wales.] Spiloglaux boobook albaria. Lord Howe Owl. Ninox albaria Ramsay, Tab. List Austr. Birds, p. 37, 1888 ; Lord Howe Island. Range : Lord Howe Island. Spiloglaux boobook royana. Norfolk Island Owl. Ninox boobook royana Jlathews, Austral Av. Rec, Vol. I., p. 120, 1912 ; Norfolk Island. Range : Norfolk Island. Family CACATOIDAE. Genus PLATYCERCUS. Platycercus elegans. [Platycerciis elegans elegans. New South Wales.] Platycercus elegans nobbsi. Norfolk Island Crimson Parrot. Platycercus pennantii, var. nobbsi, Tristram, Ibis 1885, p. -19 ; Norfolk Island. Range : Norfolk Island. Genus CYANORAMPHUS. Cyanoramphiis Bonaparte, Rev. jNIag. de Zool., Vol. VI., p. 153, 1854. Type (by subsequent designation, Gray 1855) : Psittacus eryihronotus Kuhl. Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae. [Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae novaezelandiae. Psittacus novaezelandiae. Sparrman, JIus. Carlson, fasc. ii., no. xxviil., 1787 : Dusky Sovmd, New Zealand. Extra limital.] Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae verticalis. Norfolk Island Green Parrot. Psittacus verticalis Latham, Index Omith., Suppl., p. xxii., no. 9, 1801 ; Norfolk Island. Synonyms : Platycercus cookii Gray, List Sp. Birds Brit. Mus., pt. iii., sec. ii., p. 13, 1859 ; Norfolk Island. Platycercus rayneri Gray, Ibis 1862, p. 228 ; Norfolk Island. Range : Norfolk Island. APPENDICES 321 FAjni.v ALCEDIXID.VR. Genus SAUROPATIS. Sauropatis sanctus. [Sauropatu aanchia sanctus ; Xew South Wales.] Sauropatis sanctus vagans. Wandering Kingfisher. Alccdo fagaiis Lesson, Voy. " Coquille," Zool., Vol. I., p. 694, 1830 ; Bay of Islands, New Zealand. Synonym : Halcyon nor/olkiensis Tristram, Ibis 18S,'), p. 49 ; Xorfolk Island. Range : Lord Howe Island ; Xorfolk Island. Extra limital. Familv CUCULIDAE. Genus URODYNAMIS. I'rodynamis Salvadori, Omitli. Papua, c JIoU., Vol. I., p. 370, 1880. Type (by original designation) : Cuculus taitensis Sparrman. Urodynamis taitensis. Urodynamis taitensis. Long-tailed Cuckoo. Cuculus taitensis Sparrman, Mus. Carlson, fasc. ii., no. xxxii., 1787 ; Tahiti. Synonyms : Cuculus tahitius Gmelin, Syst. Nat., p. 412, 1788 ; Tahiti. Cuculus pertatus Vieillot, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., Vol. VIII., p. 232, 1817 ; Tahiti. Cucultts fasciatus Forster, Descr. Anim., ed. Licht, p. 160, 1844 ; Tahiti. Eudynamys cuneicauda Peale, U.S. Expl. Exp., Vol. VIII., p. 139, 1848 ; Ovalau, Fiji Islands (2nd ed., p. 248). Range : Norfolk Island. Extra limital. F.\iin.v MUSCICAPIDAE. Genus PETROICA. Petroica multicolor. Petroica multicolor multicolor. Norfolk Island Robin. Muscicapa multicolor Gmelin, Syst. Nat., p. 944, 1789 ; Norfolk Island. Synonyms : Muscicapa eryihrogastra Latham, Index Ornith., Vol. II., p. 479, 1790 : new name for .1/. tnii'ticolor Gmelin. Muscicapa rhodogastra Latham, Suppl. Index. Ornith., p. lii., 1801 ; Norfolk Island (New South Wales is an error). Petroica modesta Gould, Synops- Birds Austr., pt. iv., App., p. 3, 1838 ; Norfolk Island. X 322 APPENDICES Petroica ptdchella Gould, Proc Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1839, p. 142, 1840 ; Norfolk Island. Muscicapa dibapha Forster, Descr. Anim., ed. Licht., p. 267, 1844 Norfolli Island. Range : Norfolk Island. Genus ROYIGERYGONE. Royigcrygone Mathews, Austral Av. Ecc, Vol. T., p. 110, 1912. Type (by original designation) : Gerygone matkewsae !Mathe\v.s = Gerygone modesta Pelzeln. Royigerygone insularis. Royigcrygone insularis. Lord Howe Fly-eater. Gerygone insularis Ramsav, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., Vol. III., p. 1 17, 1878 ; Lord Howe Island. Synonym : Gerygone thorpei Ramsay, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., Ser. II., Vol. II. p. 677, 1887 ; Lord Howe Island. Range : Lord Howe Island. Royigerygone modesta. Royigerygone modesta. Norfolk Island Fly-eater. Gerygone modesta Pelzeln, Sitz. k. Ak. Wien, Vol. XLI., p. 320, 18G0 ; Norfolk Island. Synonym : Gerygone mathcwsae Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 449, 1912 ; new name for G. modesta Pelzeln. Range : Norfolk Island. Genus PACHYCEPHALA. Pachycephala pectoralis. \PachycephaIa pectoraUs pectoralis ; New South Wales.] Pachycephala pectoralis contempta. Lord Howe Thickhead. Pachyccpliala contempta Hartert, Bull. Brit. Oniith. Club, Vol. VIII., p. x\-., 1898 ; Lord Howe Island. Synonym : Pachycephala hoivensis North, Rec. Aiistr. JIus., Vol. V., p. 125, 1903 ; Lord Howe Island. Range : Lord Howe Island. Pachycephala xanthoprocta. Pachycephala xanthoprocta. Norfolk Island Thickhead. Pachycephala xanthoprocta Gould, S}^lops. Birds Austr., pt. in., pi. .55, i838 ; Norfolk Island. Synonjnn : Pachycephala longirostra Gould, Synops. Birds Austr., pt. m., pi. 55, i 838 ; Norfolk Island. Range : NorfoUi Island. APPENDICES 323 Genus RHIPIDURA. Rhipidura flabellifera. [Rhipidura flabellilcra flabelli/era ; New Zealand.] Rhipidura flabellifera pelzelni. Norfolk Island Fantail. Rhipidura pelzelni Gray, Ibis 18G2, p. 226 ; Norfolk Islniul : new name for R. assimilis Pelzehi. Synonjmi : Rhipidura aasimilis (not Gray 1858) Pelzeln, Sitz. k. Ak. \Vien, Vol. XLI., p. 320, 1860 ; Norfolk Island. Bange : Norfolk Island. Rhipidura flabellifera cervina. Lord Howe Fantail. Rhipidura cervina Ramsay, Proc. Linn. Soo. N.S.W., Vol. III., p. 340, 1878 : Lord Howe Island. Synonym : Rhipidura macgi/Hvraiji Sharpe, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lend.) 1881, p. 789 ; Lord Howe Island. Range : Lord Howe Island. F.\MiLY C.AJIPOPHAGID.AJS. Genus DIAPHOROPTERUS. Diaphoropterm Oberholser, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philatl. 1899, p. 214. T3rpe (by original designation) : Symmorphus leucopygits Gould : new name for Symmorphus Gould. Synonym : Si/miiiorphus (not Wesmael, 1833) Gould, Synops. Birds Austr. , pt. iv., App., p. 3, 1838. Tj-pe : S. leucopygus Gould. Diaphoropterus leucopygus. Diaphoropterus leucopygus leucopygus. Norfolk Island Caterpillar- catclier. Symmorphus leucopygus Gould, Synops. Birds Austr., pt. i\"., .\pp.,' p. 3, 1838; Norfolk Island. Syiionym : Catnpephaga longicaudata Pelzeln, Sitz. k. Ak. Wien. \'ol. XLI., p. 321, 1860; Norfolk Island. Range : Norfolk Island. Family TURDIDAE. Genus PLANESTICUS. Planesticus Bonaparte, Coniptes Reudus Sci. (Paris), Vol. XXXVllI., p. 3, 1854. Tj'pe (by subsequent designation, Baird 1S64) : Turdus lereboidleli =Turdus jamaicensis Gmelin. X 2 324 APPENDICES Planesticus xanthopus. [Planesticus xanthopus xanthopus. Turdus xantlwpus Forster, Descr. Anim., ed. Licht., p. 266, 1844 ; New Caledonia. Extra limital.] Planesticus xanthopus vinitinctus. Vinous-tinted Blackbird. Mervla vinitincta Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lend.) 1855, p. 165 ; Lord Howe Island. Range : Lord Howe Island. Planesticus fuliginosus. Planesticus fuliginosus fuliginosus. Grey-headed Blackbird. Turdus fuliginosus Latham, Index Omith., Suppl., p. xlii., 1801 ; Norfolk Island. SynonjTiis : Turdus poliocephalus Latham, Index Omith., Suppl., p. xliv., 1801 ; Norfolk Island. Merula nestor Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1835, p. 186, 1836; Norfolk Island. Range : Norfolk Island. Family ZOSTEROPIDAE. Genus NESOZOSTEROPS. Nesozosterops Mathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 451, 1912. Tjrpe (by monotjrpy) : Zosterops stremta Gould. Nesozosterops albogularis. Nesozosterops albogularis. ^Vhite-b^easted White-eye. Zoslerops albogularis Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond;) 1836, p. 75, 1S37 ; Norfollc Island. Synonym : Zosterops gidaris " Gould," Lesson, Rev. Jlag. de Zool. 1840.. p. 135 : error for Z. alhogularis. Range : Norfollc Island. Nesozosterops tenuirostris. Nesozosterops tenuirostris. Sk-nder-bmed White-e3'e. Zosterops tenuirostris Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1836, p. 76, 1837 : Norfolk Island. Range : Norfolk Island. Nesozosterops strenua. Nesozosterops strenua. Robust Wliite-eye. Zosterops sirenuiis Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Loud.) 1855, p. 166 ; Lord Howe Island. Range : Lord Howe Island. APPENDICES 325 Family EULABETIDAE. Genus APLONIS. Aplonis Gould, Proc. Zoul. Soc. (Loud.) 1830, p. 73, 1837. Type (by subsequent designation, Gray 1840) : Aplonis fiisca Gould. Aplonis fuscus. Aplonis fuscus fuscus. Xorfolk Island Starling. Aplonis iusca Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1836, p. 73, 1837; Norfolk Island. Range : Norfolk Island. Aplonis fuscus hullianus. Lord Howe Starling. Aplonis fuscus hullianus Jlathews, Nov. Zool., Vol. XVIII., p. 451, 1912 ; Lord Howe Island. Range : Lord Howe Island. Family CORVIDAE. Genus STREPERA. Strepera graculina. [Strepera graculina graculina ; New South Wales.] Strepera graculina crissalis. Lord Howe Crow-Shrike. Strepera crissalis Sharpe, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., Vol. IIT., p. 58, 1877 ; Lord Howe Island. Range : Lord Howe Island. THE FOLLOWING BIRDS HAVE BECOME EXTINCT WITHIN RECENT TIMES, BUT SPECIMENS HAVE BEEN PRESERVED :~ Family TRERONIDAE. Genus HEMIPHAGA. Bemiphaga Bonaparte, Comptes Rendus Sci. (Paris), Vol. XXXIX., p. 1076, 1854. Type (by original designation) : Columba novaeseelandiae Gmelin. Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae. [Hemipbaga novaeseelandiae novaeseelandiae. Columba novaeseelandiae Gmelin, Syst. Nat., p. 773, 1789 ; Dusky- Sound, New Zealand. Extra limit al.] 326 APPENDICES Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae spadicea. NorfoUc Island Pigeon. Columba spadicea Latham, Index Ornith., Suppl., p. Ix., no. 7, 1801 ; Norfolk Island. Synonyms ; Columba gigas Ranzani, Elem. Zool., Vol. III., pt. i.. p. 223, 1821 ; Norfolk Island. Columba leucogaater Wagler, Syst. Av., Columba, sp. 12, 1827 ; Norfolk Island. Columba princeps Vigors, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lend.) 1833, p. 78 ; Norfolk Island. Range : Norfolk Island. Family RALLIDAE. Genus PORPHYRIO. Porphyrio albus. Porphyrio albus. \^liite GaUinule. Fulica alba W\iite, Joum. Voy. New South Wales, p. 238, 1790 ; Lord Howe Island. Range : Lord Howe Island. Unique specimen in Vienna Museum. Family NESTORIDAE. Genus NESTOR. Nestor Lesson, Traite d'Om., p. 190, 1830. Type (bj' monotj'py) : N. novaezelandiae = Psittacns meridicmalis Gmelin. Synonjin : Centrourus Swainson, Classif. Birds, Vol. II., p. 303, 1837. Type : Psittacus australis Shaw = P. meridionalis Gmelin. Nestor productus. Nestor productus. Long-billed Parrot. Plyctolophus productus Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. (Lond.) 1836, p. 19; Philhp Island (Norfolk Island). Synonym : Xestor norfolcensis Pelzeln, Sitz. k. Ak. Wien, Vol. XLL, p. 322, 1860 ; Norfolk Island. Range : Norfolk Island. F.\MtLY CACATOIDAE. Genus CYANORAMPHUS. Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae. Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae subflavescens. Lord Howe Green Parrot. Cyanorhamphus szibfiavescens Salvadori, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., Ser. \^., Vol. Vll., p. 68, 1891 ; Lord Howe Island. Range : Lord Howe Island. APPENDICES 327 APPENDIX B. So many names have been given to birds presumably Australian and not yet identified, that it seems advisable to have on record a list of them, so that the worker can refer at once and examine the description. In time it is anticipated some of these will be recognized and removed. Many birds attributed by authors to Australia have been found to have been procured elsewhere, and it is possible some of the following may come into this categorj' : — LATHAM, Index Ornitb., 1790. Oracvla icterops, p. 193. MuKcicapa novachollandiac, p. 478. Sylvia minima, p. 529. GMEUN, Syst.'Naf., 1788-1789. Lanius fii^cus, p. 308. Charadrius ruhricoUis. p. 087. T have shown this to be founded upon the Australian Hooded Dotterel and tlie northern Red-necked Phalarope. LATHAM, Suppl. Index Ornitb., 1801. Falco mdanops. p. xii. This was determined by Strictcland as having been based upon a drawing wliich he recognized as that of .4. lorquatus Temm., and in the Ornithological Synonymshe displaces that liy Latham's species-name. Falco pacificus, p. xiii. Based upon Watling Drawing no. 13. The only guess at identity is Strickland's " may be a peculiar state of Milvus isuriis" Strix undidata, p. xvii. I cannot recognize at present. Lanitis erectus, p. x\iii. Founded on Watling Drawing no. 29. Probably not Australian. Lanius flavigaster, p. xix. Founded on Watling Drawing no. 30. Probably not Australian. Corfu" tnclaiioleucux, p. xxv. Based on Watling Plate 63. An incorrect drawing of a Strepera. Cuculus pallioJatus . p. xxx. Based on Watling Plate 74. Nothing whatever to do with Gould's Chalcites oscutans. CuciUus fiabelliformis, p. xxx. Based on Watling Plate 75. The figure reproduced by Latham is sufficient to prove that this name is indeterminable. Merops aiuittis, p. xxxiv. Watling's Plate 91 is quite unrecognizable, and is the basis of this name. 328 APPENDICES Merops albijrons, p. xxxv. Described from a bird ex Capt. King. I know of no attempt to identify this. Certhia pipilans, p. xxxvi. Cerihia canescens, p. xxxvii. Based on Watling Plate 114. The only attempt to identify this was Gould's remark that it might be CoUuriocincla cinerea Vigors and Horsfield. Certhia caeruhscens, p. xxxviii. Based on Watling Plate 110. Has been tised for the Common Zoslerops of East Australia, but the description forbids acceptance. Certhia agilis, p. xxxviii. Though Latham attached this name to Watling' s Plate 111, his description does not agree at all. Certhia chrysotis, p. xxxviii. This name is based upon WatUng's Plate 117. Gray identified this as P. fiisca Gould. Sharpe connected Watling's Plate ll-") with this name, but the description does not agree. Sharpe's conclusion regarding Plate 117 was that it might have been drawn from a specimen of Ptilotis fttsca of Gould in worn plumage. I recognized in it the Eastern represent ati\e of Gould's P. plvmihis, but on account of the indefiniteness of the drawing and the many attempts to fix the name, I would now discard it as indeterminable. Twdus diliitiis, p. xl. Gray identified this as CoUuriocincla diluta. I cannot identify it. Turdus tenehrosus, p. xlii. Based on Watling Plate 144. Gould surmised it might be a young Artamus sordidus and Sharpe endorsed this. The description " corpore suhtus albido " absolutely proliibits such attachment. Turdus cyanocephahis, p. xliii. Based upon Watling Drawing no. 14S. At present quite unrecognizable. Turdus frivolus, p. xliii. Sh.o-aurictdaris. Pachycephala spinicauda. Anas gibberfrcms. l^DEX. abeiUei, Dasyomis, 200. Abeltera, 98. aberraita, Cacatua leadbeateri, 120. Acanthagenys, 280. flavacanthtts, 290. rufogidaris, 289. cygnus, 2S'.t. ftavacantliu^, 290. queenslandicus, 290. — rujogularis, 289. territori, 290. «-e(, 290. .i4can(7ii:a, 213. albi/ronn, 20G. albiventris, 213. hamiltoni, 214. apicalis, 214. archibaldi, 213. buchanani, 330. chrysorrhoa addenda, 218. • leachi, 218. ■ OT«;(J, 218. perksi, 218. eandlandi, 218. ■ diemenenais, 214. ewingii, 217. . ■ ewingii, 217. rufifrons, 217. flavigastcr, 172. fronlalis. 220. halmaturina, 214. jnornaYa, 215. inornata, 215. mastersi, 215. xiibmastcrsi, 215. iredalei, 217. headleyi, 219. iredalei, 217. morgani, 217. katherina, 21.5. /eig/ij, 218. Hneata, 21.5. chandler!, 210. clelandi, 210. goulbumi, 210. Hneata, 215. modesta, 210. whitei, 210. Acanlhiza macidalus, 213. magna, 223. magnirostria, 214. mastersi, 215. modesta, 216. morgani, 217. nana, 21.5. ■ mathciosi, 215. nana, 215. pygmea, 215. ■ pallida, 218. pusilla, 213. albiventria, 213. apicalifi, 214. archibaldi, 213. arno, 214. consobrina, 214. • diemenen-ns, 214. hamiltoni, 214. katherina, 215. maculnria, 213. pusilla, 21.3. wniis, 214. whitlocki, 214. zietzi, 214. pygmea, 215. pyrrhopygia, 199, 214. reguloides, 219. connectens, 219. robiistirostris , 217. rosinae, 219. rufifrons, 217. squamata, 218 /anami, 215. tenuirostris , 217. uropyqialis, 216. augusta, 216. condora, 216. • mcllori, 216. murchisoni, 217. nea, 217. ■ ruthergleni, 210. uropygialis, 210. ivhitlocki, 214. :ie<:!:, 214. (Geobasileus) fiaviventris, 210. Acanthorhynchxis, 265. diibius, 265. 333 aca] INDEX [age Acaniliorhynchus halmaturina, 2()l). supurciliosiis, 266. superciliosus, 206. wilsoni, 266. tenuirostris , 265. cairnsensis, 265. dvJiuts, 265. kalmaturinus, 206. loftyi, 266. tenuirostrix, 265. victoriae, 265. Acanthornis, 223. magnus, 223. Acanthura, 152. Acanthylis, 152. Accipiter, 104. cirrocephalii.s, 104. broomei, 104. cirrocephalics, 104. korschun, 108. torquatus, 104. Acrocephaltis australis, 209. carterae, 209. inexpectatus , 209. mellori, 209. melvillensis, 209. gouldi, 209. -4cni/^iis, 235. aruensis, Ardea, 82. , Tonophoyx, 82. , aruensis, 82. ashhyi, Cacatoes sanguinea, 126. , Cissomela nigra, 264. , Ducorpsius sanguineus, 126. — ^ — , Maltirus cyaneus, 224. , Morganornis superciliosus , 202. , Myzomela nigra, 264. , Pachycephala gtttturalis, 179. ■ , pcctoralis, 179. Pomatoatomus superciliosus, 202. , Sericornis maculatus, 222. , Sphecotheres flaviventris , 307. Ashhyia, 208. Zorci, 208. lovensia, 208. ashleyi, Myzomela ohscura, 265. asiatica, Mycte.ria, 79. asiaticus, Charadriua, 59. , Xenorhynchus , 79. , asiaticus, 79. a««ami, Tringa ocrophus, 65, 332. assimilis, Cacatoes roseicapilla, 127. , Carpophaqa, 13. , Circu.1, 102. 339 Y2 ass] INDEX [aits assimilis, Circus assimili.i, 102, , Eolophus roseicapillus, 127. , Epthianura tricolor, 207. , Eremiornis carteri, 212. , Himantoptis leucocephalus , 61. , Hypsihates leucocephalus, 61. , Leggeornis lamberti, 226. , Lonchura castaneothorax, 300. , 3Ialacorhynchus membranaceits , 93. , Malurus, 226. , Megaloprepia magnifica, 13. , Megapodius, 5. , • duperryii, 5. , Meliornis novaehoUandiae, 284. , Microeca, 165. , fascinans, 166. , Munia castaneothorax, 300. , Pardalotinus striatus, 257. , Pardalotus, 257. , Parepthianura tricolor, 207. , Puffinus, 33 , assimilis, 33. , Rhipidura, 323. Astur approximans , 103. cirrocephalus hroomei, 104. clanis cooktowni, 103. cruentits, 104. fasciatus, 103. ■ didimus, 104. mackayi, 104. • %c?er, 106. leucosomus, 103. naevius, 103. novaehoUandiae alboides, 103. roi'i, 103. testaceus, 105. Asturaetos, 106. aMuriniis, Sphecotheres, 306. ,4to3e?i, 99. ater, Dromaius, 1. , Hydroictinia, 108. , Melithreptus, 284. , Mesocarho, 95. , <7 346 OAC] INDEX [CAL Cacomantis rubricatus rubricaliis, loH. caeleslis, Platycercus, 132. caeruiea, Certhia, 329. , Halobaena, 39. , Pipra, 329. , Procellaria, 39. caerideicapillw, Malurue, 227. caertdeobarhatu-i , Conitrus, 331. caerule^cem, Certhia, 252, 328, 329. , Falco, 104. , Motacilla, 329. , Zosterops, 252. CaesaromU, 28. caesitts, E/anus, 109. caftra, Silta, 208. Caille de Madagascar, 9. Cairns Brown-backed Honey -eater, 267. Little Yellow-spotted Honey- eater, 272. Spinebill, 265. Sunbird, 258. Yellow Oriole, 306. spotted Honey-eater, 271. caimsae, Excalfactoria chinensis, 8. caimsensis, Acanthorhynchus tenuiros- tris, 265. , Ethelornis magnirostris, 174. , Gerygone magnirostris, 174. caimsi, Neosericornis lathami, 220. , Sericornis lathami, 220. Calamanthw, 203. albiloris, 203. campestris, 203. campestris, 203. dorrie, 204. ethelae, 203. howei, 204. isabellinus, 204. Tnacgillivrayi, 204. rtibiginosus, 204. ivayensis, 204. diertienensis , 203. ftUiginosus, 203. albiloris, 203. carteri, 203. diemenensis, 203. fidiginosus, 203. montanellus , 203. • howei, 204. isabellinus, 204. montanellus, 203. rwbiginosis, 204. strigatus, 213. Calamoherpe longirostris , 209. colcont, Ptilottda penicillata, 281. caUdanica, Ardea, 83. caledonicus, Nyclicorax, 83. , caledonicus, 83. , Platycercus, 131. , Psitlacus, 131. ca/ej, Haliaeetus, 105. Caleya, 239. megarhyncha, 239. cerviniventris , 239. gouldi, 240. griseata, 240. megarhyncha, 239. rufogaster, 239. caleyi, Hylochelidon nigricans, 165. , Petrochelidon nigricans, 165. Galidris, 69, 71. australis, 70. leucophaea, 69. leucophaea, 69. tridactyla, 69. calidris, Charadrius, 69. callainus, Malurus, 224. , melanotus, 224. Callocephalon, 124. australe, 124. galeatum, 124. Caldbatus, 61. Calodera, 310. maculata, 310. caloola, Colluricincla brurmea, 238. Calopsitta, 128. ffzti/, 128. Catoptilotis, 275. macleayana, 275. Calomis, 308. purptirascens , 307, 308. Calyptorhi/nchus, 122, 123. banksii, 122, 331. banksii, 122. fitzroyi, 123. macrorhynchus, 122. northi, 122. stellatiis, 123. baudinii, 124, 331. tenuirostris, 123, 124. funereus, 123, 331. /unerctis, 123. whiteae, 123. xanthanotus, 123. • macrohynchus , 122. maso, 123. atellatus, 123. temminckii, 331. mr/dw, 123. halmaturinus, 123. viridis, 123. a^a7iMano. tibicen, 241. Coracina, 192. choucari, 192. hypoleuca, 193. aspleyi, 194. hypoleuca, 193. parri/i, 194. stalkeri, 194. melanops tasmanica, 193. novaehoUandiae, 193. connec. falcala, Paclu/cephnla, 180. falcatus, Lcwinornis rufivcntris, 180. fasdatus, Cuculus, 321. fasciogularis, Melipkaga fasciogidaris, 275. Falcinellus, 71, 72, 78. magnificiw, 312. jalcinellus, Limicola, 72. , falcinelius, 72, , PlegadU, 78. , Scolopax, 72. , Tantalus. 78. Falcc, 110. aeruginosun, 101. albus, 103. axillaris, 109. beiigora. 112. bonelli, 105. 106. caernlescens, 104. contis, 103. cenchroides, 113. claruf, 102. conmi'ena, 115. cooperii, 104. dickinsoni, 112. fronlatus, 110. jvcosus, 105. glaucopis, 115. haliaetus, 113. hypoleuciis. 111. indus, 107. leucaelvs, 103. leucoryphita , 107. longipennis , 110. aspleyi. 111. longipennis, 110. lopholen, 109, 110. murchisonianus, 111. Falco luntdatus, 110. , apsleyi. 111. murchi^onianuti, 111. macrodactylua , 104. macropits. 111. mdnnogenya. 111. melanops, 327. melanopterus, 109. melanotus, 1 10. milvus, 108. naumanni, 112. m«««, 104. novaehollandiae, 102. pacificiis, 327. pennatus, 105, 106. • peregrinus. 111. siibmelanogenys, 111. pysorgtis, 102. ■ radiatus, 104, 105. rufiventcr, 110. rupicoius, 112. sparveriiis, 112. subbuieo, 110. subniger. 111, 112. ■ tinnunculiis, 112. Falcon, Black, 112. , cheeked. 111. , Grey, 111. , Little, 110. , Murchison, 111. , Northern Little, 111. , Western Black-cheeked, 111. Falcula, 112. Falcuncidus , 244. flavigulxis, 245. JTontalus, 244 . — flaingulus, 245. frontatus, 244. herbertoni, 245. iredalei, 245. lumholtzi, 245. whitei, 245. gouldi, 245. gutturalis, 245. leucogasler, 245. whitei, 245. Fantail. Allied Pheasant, 184. , Black-and-\Miite, 187. , Buchanan Island Pheasant, 184. , Cape York Rufous, 185. , Dusky, 184. •, Inkerman, 185. , Intermediate Rufous, 185. , Lord Howe, 323. , Mountain, 185. 367 fan] INDEX [fin Fantail, Norfolk Island, 323. , Northern, 186. , Black-and-White, 187. , North-western Wood-, 186. , Pheasant, 185. , Queensland, 186. , Rufous, 185. , South Australian, 184. , Victorian, 184. , Rufous, 185. , Western. 184, 186. , Black-and-White, 187. , White-shafted, 184. , -tailed, 185. , Wood-, 185. fasciata. Anas, 92. , Glyciphila, 268. Fasciated Honey-eater, 275. fasciatus, Asiur, 103. , Ramsay ornis, 268. , Vrospiza, 103. , fasciatus, 103. fascinans, Loxia, 165. , Microeca, 165. , fascinans, 165. fasciogidaris , Meliphaga, 275. , Ptilotis, 275. Fawn-breasted Bower-bird, 310. featherstonii, Crex crex, 24. , RaJius, 24. Fedoa, 64. fedoa, Scolopax, 64. ferruginea, Erolia, 71. , ferruginea, 71. , Lophophaps, 20. , lerruginea, 20. , Tringa, 70, 71. Field-Wren, 203. — , Allied, 204. , Dorrie Island, 204. , Large Striated, 203. , Little, 212. , Long-billed, 204. , Peninsula, 203. Queensland, 213. Rock, 203. Rusty Red, 204. Southern Little, 213. Striated, 203. , Western Striated, 203. , White Lored, 203. Fig-Bird, 306. Grey-throated, 307. — Northern, 306. Yellow-bellied, 307. Fig-Bird, Yellow-bellied, 307. filigera, Ptilotis, 283. , Xanthotis flamventer, 283. fimbriatus, Psittacus, 124. Finch, Allied Masked, 304. Banded, 299. Black-ringed, 299. rumped, 303. throated, 303. Cape York, Black-rumped, 304. Red-faced, 302. Chestnut-breasted, 300. eared, 298. Crimson, 304. Dark-breasted, 300. Chestnut-eared, 298. Fire-tailed, 297. Gouldian, 303. Intermediate-banded, 299. Kangaroo Island Fire-tailed, 297. Little Red-browed, 302. Long-tailed, 303. Masked, 304. Melville Island Dark-breasted, 300. Mountain Red-browed, 302. Mungi Chestnut-eared, 298. Murchison Chestnut-eared, 298. Northern Chestnut-eared, 298. Painted, 299. ^Vhite-breasted, 301. North-western Red-faced, 302. Painted, 299. Pale Black-throated, 303. Chestnut-breasted, 300. Crimson, 305. Painted, 299. Plum-head, 301. Queensland Banded, 299. Chestnut-eared, 298. Gouldian, 303. Red-faced, 302. Red-billed Long-taUed, 303. browed, 302. eared, 298. faced, 302. Southern Spotted-sided, 297. Spotted-sided, 297. Victorian Red-browed, 302. Western Crimson, 304. . Mosked, 304. Red-faced, 302. Wliite-breasted, 301. eared, 304. Yellow rumped, 300. 368 FIS] INDEX [FLU Fish-Hawk, 113. fitzroi, Cacatocs galerita, 12o. , Calypiorhifnchus banl.-sii, 123. , Carphibia spinicollis, 78. , Neochmia phaeton, 304. , Porzana pusUla, 25. , Rostratida australia, 73. , Zapomia pnailla, 25. flabellifera, Muscicapa, 183. , Rhipidura, 323. , ; flabem/era, 184, 323. flabelliformis, Cacomantw, 155. , Cuculus, 327. Flammea, IIG. vulgaris, 1 1 G. flava, Broadbeniia, 282. , Budytes, 294. , flava, 294. , Motacilla, 293. , Ptilotis, 282. flavacanthus, Acanthagenys rufogiilaris, 290. flaveoius, Plalycercus, 131. , flaveoius, 131. flavescene, Atirepthiamtra aurifrons, 208. , Epthianura aunfrons, 208. , Ptilotis, 280. , Ptilotida flavescens, 280. , Smicromis, 170, 171. , l.revirostris, 171. flavicans, Melithreplus, 329. flamcanthus, Acanthagenys, 290. flavicollis, Ardea, 85. , Dupetor, 85. — — , flavicollis, 85. , Eopsaltria, 183. , Melithreptus, 275. , Nesoptilotis, 275. , flavicollis, 275. flavida, Gerygone, 175. , Pseudogerygonc personata, 175. flavigasler, Acanthiza, 172. , Gerygone olivacea, 172. , Kempia, 166. • , flai'igaster, 166. , Lanius, 327. , Microeca, 166. , Psittacus, 132. , Todtw, 182. flavigastra, Muscicapa, 182. , St/Zt«a, 182. flavigula, Myzantha, 286. , flavigula, 286. , Myzanthe, 286. flavigula, Nesoptilotis flavicollis, 270. , Ptilotis, 275, 276. flavigtUus, Falcunculus, 245. , jrontatus, 245. flavipes, Platalea, 79. , Platibis, 79. flaviprymna, Donacola, 300. , Lonchura, 300. flavirkynchus , Plialacrocorax, 97. flavirostris, Oraucalus, 97. , Halcyon [Syina), 146. , Myzantha, 285. , Notophoyx, 82. , Syma torloro, 140. , Tonophoyx arucnsis, 82. flaviventer, Machaerirhynchus, 189. , flaviventer, 188. , Myzantha, 282. , Xantholis, 282. , flaviventer, 282. flaviventris, Acanthiza (Geobasileus), 219. , Geobasileus, 219. , Pezoporus, 140. , — terrcstria, 140. , Platycercus, 331. , Psittacus, 132. — — , Sphecothcres, 300, 307. , flamventria , 307. flavocincta, Mimeta, 306. , flavocincta, 306. flavogularia, Zosteropa, 253. flavoatriata, Ptilotis, 275. flavus, Gacomantis, 155. Fleshy-footed Petrel, 34. fletcherae, Malurus cyaneits, 223. , Porphyria melanotits, 28. flinderai, Eudynamya, 159. , orientalis, 159. , Megalurus, 210. , Poodytes gramineus, 210. ^, Sericornia, 223. , Tadorna radjah, 90. , Tasmanornis humilis, 223. fioccosus, Pycnoptilus, 198. , floccosus, 198. Flock-Pigeon, Eastern, 19. , Northern, 19. florenciae, Artamus, 235. , Auatrartamus melanopa, 235. florentia, Paitfacida, 331. Flowerpecker, 254. fluminea, Porzana, 24. — . — •, fluminea, 24. fluvialis, Pan'iion, 113. 369 A A flu] INDEX [fee fluviatilis, Hydrochelidon, 44. , leucopareia, 44. Fluvicola leucocephala, 207. Flycatcher, Australian Pied, 190. Black-faced, 192. Blue, 188. Broad-billed, 188. Brown, 165. tailed, 166. Cairns Yellow-breasted, 189. Cape York Broad-billed, 188. ■ Shining, 190. FrOl-necked, 190. Leaden, 187. Lemon- breasted, 160. Lesser Brown, 166. Little, 189. Long-billed Shining, 191. MaUee Brown, 166. JlelvUle Island Lemon-breasted, 166. Northern Leaden, 187. Restless, 189. Satin, 188. Pale, 166. Pearl}^ 192. Queensland Lemon-breasted, 167. Restless, 189. Satin, 188. Shining, 190. Spectacled, 191. Victorian Leaden, 187. Western Blue. 188. Broad-biUed, 188. Pale, 166. Restless, 189. Shining, 190. — eared, 191. vented Spectacled, 191. Yellow-breasted, 189. Fly-eater, Black-throated, 17o. , Broome Bay, 173. , Brown, 172. , Buff-breasted, 173. , Cairns Buff -breasted, 173. , Cape York Buff-breasted, 173. , Dusky, 172. , Eastern, 174. , ■ Large-billed, 174. , Green-backed, 173. Grey, 172. Herbert River, 175. Lake Way, 174. Fly-eater, Lord Howe, 322. , Jlelville Island Green- backed, 173. Large-hilled, 174. 174. Mungi, 174. Buff-breasted, 173. Norfolk Island, 322. Normanton, 172. Northern Large-billed, , Pale Brown, 172. , White-throated, 172. , Reddish-crowned, 174. , Western, 174. , Green-backed, 173. , WTiite-throated, 172. Robin, AUied Dusky, 172. , Ashy-fronted, 175. , \\Tiite-throated, 177. formosus, Psittacus, 140. forresti, Meliphaga sonora, 274. , Ptilotis, 274. forsteri, Procellaria, 39. Forsyth Scrub-Wren, xxvi. fortis, Athene, 115. Fou de Bassan, 98. Fowl, Eastern MaUee, 5. , Western MaUee, 5. , Eastern Scrub, 5. , Western Scrub, 5. fomi, Limosa, 64. fraenatus, Charadrius, 75. francica, CoUocalia, 152. , francica, 152. , Hirimdo., 152. — ■ — , Leucocephala, 297. Freckled Duck, 93. Frogmouth, 142. Fregata, 99. aqtdla, 99. aquila, 99. palmerstoni, 100. ariel, 100. aricL 100. striimosa, 100. Fregetta, 32. tropica, 32. melanogaster, 32. tropica, 32. Fregettornis, 32. grallariris, 32. frenata, Hirimdo, 1G3. , Meliphaga, 275. , Nectarinia, 258. 370 FRE INDEX [FUS Irenata, Ptilotia, 275. frenatus, Cyrtostomus, 258. , frenalus, 258. /rerei, Rhipidura flabelli/era, IS.'i. fretenais, Hirutido, HVi. fretorum, Aliaterornis lanioides, 181. , Pachj/cephala, 180. jreycinet, Megapodius, 5. Friar-bird, 292. , Helmeted, 292. , Little, 293. — Silvery - crowned, 292. 292. 293. 293. 292. Melville Island Helmeted, Little, 293. Northern, 292. Yellow - throated, Pnlc Silvery-crowned, 291. Silvery-crowned, 291. Southern Yellow-throated, Western Silvery-crowned, , Yeno\v-tIiroated,293. - , Yellow-throated, 293. Frigate-bird, Eastern, 100. , Lesser, 100. Fringilla bichenovii, 299. lathami, 297. nisoria, 300. oculala, 298. phaeton, 304. punctidala, 300. ■ quinticolor, 301. temporalis, 301. fringitlaris, Daedalian, 104. frivohis. Tardus, 328. Frogmouth, Carpentaria Freckled, 142. , Freckled, 142. , Mallee, 141. , Marbled, 143. , MelvUle Island, 142. , Northern Tawnv, 142. , Plumed, 143. , Tasmanian, 142. , Tawny, 141. , Victorian, 141. , Western, 142. , Freckled, 142. frovtalis, Acanthiza, 220. , Hirundo, 164. — — ; Hijpurolepsis javanica, 1U4. , Larus, 52. frontalis, Petroica multicolor, 1G7. , Sericornie, 220. jrontata, Nocttta, 115. frontatus, Falco, 110. , Falcunculus, 244. , frontatus, 244. , Lanius, 244. Fruit-Pigeon, Allied, 13. , Black-banded, 12. ■ , Purple-breasted, 13. , — - — -crowned, 12. j , Red-crowned, 12. , Rose-crowned, 12. , Small Purple-breasted, 13. , White-headed, 14. fucattis, Cuculus, 154. fucosus, Falco, 105. ■ , Uroaetus, 105. Fviica, 28. alba, 326. atra, 28. • atra, 28. australis, 29. ingrami, 29. tasinanica, 29. australis, 29. cMoropus, 27. porphyria, 28. tasmanica, 29. fuliginosa, Caronica, 315. , Diamedea, 43. , Pachycephala, 178. , pectoralis, 178. , Sterna, 48. , Strepcra, 315. fvliginoaus, Anthus, 203. , Calamanthiis, 203. , • fidiqinoaus, 203. , Corvus, 316. , Haemalopus, 54. , niger, 54. , Planesticui, 324. , fuliginostts, 324. , Totamcs, ()6. , Turdus, 324. Ftdmarus antarcticus, 36. fulvifrons, Certhia, 266. fulvus, Charadrius, 57. , Pluvialis dominicus, 57. funereus, Calyptarhynchas, 123, 331. , funereus, 123. , Psittacus, 123. fusca, Alcedo, 147. , Aplonis, 325. , Diomedea, 43. 371 AA2 FUS] INDEX [GEO fusca, Hirundo, 153. , Meliphaga, 272. , Paraptilotis, 272. , fusca, 272. , Petroica, 170. , Phoebetria, 43. , fusca, 43. , Ptilotis, 272, 328. . , Strepera, 316. , Wilsonavis, 172. . , fusca, 172. fuscalbin, Heorotaire, 259. fuscata, Sterna, 48. fuscatus, Ocypterus, 236. , Onychoprion, 48. , fuscatus, 48. fuscescens, Hydrocorax, 96. ■ , Hypoleucus, 96. ftiscicollis, Tringa, 69. fuscus, Aplonis, 325. , fuscus, 325. , Lanius, 327. , Psilopus, 172. Oahianus, 51. pacificus, 52. georgii, 52. pacificus, 52. galeatum, Callocephalon, 124 galeatus, Castmrius, 3. , Psittacus, 124. GaZeo, 24. galerita, Gacatoes, 125. , galerita, 125. galeritus, Psittacus, 124, 125. gallinacea, Irediparra, 73. , gallinacea, 73. — — , Parro, 73. gallinaceus, Charadrius, 55. Oallinago australis oiveni, 72. hardunckii, 72. heterocerca, 72. megala, 72. Oallinida, 27. immacvlata, 25. moluccana yorki, 26. olivacea, 26. poliocephala, 28. . ruficrissa, 26. tenebrosa, 27. . — magnirostris, 27. subfrontata, 27. . — tenebrosa, 27. wcstralis, 27. Gallinule, White, 326. Gallirallus lafreanayanus, 319. Gambetta, 64. Gang-gang Cockatoo, 124. gangi, Lonchura castaneoihorax, 300. , Munia castaneothorax, 300. Gannet, Australian, 98. Ked-legged, 98. Brown, 99. Masked, 99. Western Brown, 99. Masked, 99. garnotii, Priocella, 36. Garrodia, 31. nereis, 31. nereis, 31. garrvla, Myzantha, 286. garruius, Merops, 286. garzetta, Ardea, 80, 81. , Egretta, 81. , garzetta, 81. Gavia, 49. andersonii, 51. leucoceps, 49. pomarre, 51. Gelasies corallinus, 51. goiddi, 51. gelida, Procellaria, 36. Gelochelidon, 44. meridionalis, 44. nilotica, 45. macrotarsa, 45. ■ nilotica, 45. Gennaeochen, 90. Geobasileus, 218. australis, 219. chrysorrhous , 218. addendus, 218. chrysorrhous, 218. leachi, 218. mw/ii, 218. palUdus, 218. pcrtsj, 218. sandlandi, 218. squamatus, 218. flamventris, 219. hedleyi, 219. hedleyi hedleyi 219. rosinae, 219. reguloides, 219. . australis, 219. connectens, 219. regidoides, 219. Geocichla cuneata, 206. — — lumdata halmatvrina, 20fi. Geocoraphus, 295. 372 GEO INDEX [OLA Oeoffroy, xxv. geoffrot/t, Vharadriits, 58. , Ueoffroyus, xxv. , geoffroiji, xxv. , Pagoa, 58. , Psittacus, xxv. Oeoffroys, xxv. Geoffroyua, xxv. geoffroyi, xxw geoffroyi, xxv. jnaclemiani, xxv. Oeopega, 4. Oeopelia, 16. cuneate munji, 17. humeralis apsleyi, 15. headlandi, 16. inexpectatn, 16. placida, 1(5. clelandi, 1 6, 330. hedleyiy 16. melvillmsis, 16. placida, 16. tranquiUa, 16. shortridgei, 330. tranquiUa, 16. Oeophaps, 19. plumi/era, 20. script a, 19. smithii hlaauwi, 20. cecilae, 20. Oeopsittacus, xxi, 140. occidentalis, 140, 141. georgi, Cereopsis novaehollandiae, 88. , Gabianus pacificus, 52. , Larus, 52. georgiae, Tyto longimembris, 117. georgiana, Muscicapa, 176. georgianiis, Quoyomia, 176. germaini, Maluriis melanotus, 225. j/ermana, Plilotia, 332. Oerygone, 171. albigutaris rogersi, 172. brunneipectiis, 332. chloronota apsleyi, 173. darvnni, 173. chloronottts, 173. . conspicillata, 332. culicivoraberneyi, 174. dendyi, 174. e^sjjZ, 174. wayensis, 174. flavida, 175. insularis, 322. laevigaster, 173. broomei, 173. Gerygone laevigaster mouhi, 173. mungi, 173. magnirostris , 174. caimsensis, 174. melvillensis, 174. mathewsae, 322. modesta, 322. olivacea, 172. flavigasta, 172. olivacea, 172. queenslandica, 172. rogersi, 172. pallida, 172. personata, 175. psilopus olivaceus, 171. simplex, 173. tenebrosa christophori, 172. thorpci, 322. gibberfrona, Anns, 332. gibraltarica, Turnix, 8. gigantea, Alcedo, 147. , Procellaria, 38. giganteug, Charadrius, 75. , Corydonix, 160. , Cypselits, 153. , Macronectes, 38. , giganteus, 38. gigantura, Amytis, 231. giganturus, Diavhorillas textilis, 231. gigas, Aegialilis, 58. , Alcedo, 146. , Columba, 326. , Dacelo, 147. , gigas, 147. , Podargits, 141. , Polophilus, 159. gilberti, Anous stolidus, 49. , .4rdeo sumatrana, 80. , Qilbertornis rufogvlaris, 180. , Pachycephala, 180. Qilbertornis, 180. riifogularis, 180. gilbtnii, 180. ruhgidaris, ISO. gilgandra, Morganornis supercilioaus, 202. , Pomatorhinits supcrciliosiis , 202. gilvicapillus, Melithreptus, 272. glacialoides, Procellaria, 36. glareoides, Totanus, 68. Olareola, 74. attstralis, 74. grallaria, 74. Isabella, 74. orientalis, 74. 373 gla] INDEX [GOTJ Glareola pratincola, 74. maldivarum, 74. pratincola, 74. {Pratincola) coromanda, 74. ( ) madraspaiana , 74. gla -eola, EhyacopMlus, 08. , affinis. 68. , glareola, 68. , Tringa, 68. glavcopis, Falco, 115. Olaucopterix, 102. cineraceus, 102. glancopus, Charadrius, 57. glaucura, Po.chycephala, 178. , pectoralis, 1 78. Glaux, 116. Candida, 116. Gliciphila, 266. albifrons, 267. albifrons, 267. ■ incerta, 267. fasciata apsleyi, 268. broomei, 268. inkermani, 268. melanops, 266. braba, 267. chandleri, 266. crassirostris, 207. melanops, 266. wnsternensis, 267. • modesta ramsayi, 267. pectoralis, 208. ■ svbjasciata, 267. Globicera, xxv. pacifica, xxv. lepida, xxv. pacifica, xxv. gloriosus, Psittacus, 131. Glossopsitta, 120. concinna, 120. porphyrocephala, 120. porphyrocephala, 120. xohillocki, 120. pusilla, 121. Glossy Cockatoo, 123. Ibis, 78. Glottis, 67. natans, 67. nehularius, 68. glottoides, 08. nebidarius, 68. nivigula, 68. . — — vigorsi, 08. glottis, TAmictda, 67. glottoides. Glottis nebidarivs, 08. glottoides, Totanug, 68. Glyciphila albifrons, 267. fasciata, 208. goMZdi, 268. ■ modesta, 267. ocularis, 270, 271. subocidaris, 271. goadgang, Coliimba, 22. Godwit, Eastern Barred-rumped, 64. , Black-tailed, 64. Golden Bower-Bird, 312. shouldered Parrot, 137. goodenovii, Mtiscicapa, 169. , irAi(eorreis, 169. , goodenovii, 169. Goose, Cape Barren, 88. , Maned, 88. , Pied, 87. Teal, Green, 88. , White-quilled, 87. gordoni, Neophilemon buceroidef, 292. , Philemon buceroides, 292. goruck, Certhia, 289. Goshawk, Australian, 103. , Grey, 102. , Lesser, 104. , White, 103. , Xorthern, 104. , Orev, 103. , Red, 1 05.' , White, 103. goulbumi, Acanthiza lineata, 216. , Megalurus gramineus, 211. , Poodytes gramineiis, 211. goiddi, Acrocephahis, 209. , AestrelatOf 37. , Ardetta, 85. , Bruchigavia novaehollandiae, 51. , Caleya megarhyncha, 240. , Circus, 102. , approximans, 102. , Conopoderas australis, 209. , Dendrocygna, 89. , javanica, 89. , Dupetor flavicolHs, 85. , Falcunculus, 245. , Gelastes, 51. ■ , Glyciphila, 208. , Uypoleuciw, 96. . , Lalage leticomela, 196. , il/a?«™s, 223. . Manvcodia, 313. , Monarch a, 191. , Myiolestcs, 240. , Pachyptila vittata, 39. 374 oou] INDEX ORE gouldi, Pandion, 113. , Plionygammiis keraudrenii, 313. , Podargus, 142. , atrigoiden, 142. , Prion vittatuf, 39. , Ptcrodroma macroptera, 37. , Sterna, 48. , Symposiachrns trivirgaltm , 191. , Tribonyx, 26. , Zosterop.1, 253. gouldiae, Amadina, 302. , Poephila, 303. gouldiana, Turniciqralla, 11. goyderi, Amylin, 23.'!. , Eyramytis, 233. gracilis, Artamus, 234. , Campbellornis pcrsonatus, 234. , Caprimtdgiia, 141. , Micro ptilotis, 272. , gracilis, 272. , Ptilotia, 272. , Sterna, 46. , dougclli, 46. Qracida chalybea, 315. cyanotia, 290. icteropK, 327. melanocephala, 286. picnta, 240. atriata, 330. viridia, 305, 309. gractdina, Strepera, 314, 325. , graculina, 314, 325. gracidinua, Corvtia, 314. graculnidea, Certhia, 290. gradiia, Mclithrepttis lunulattia, 260. graingeri, Liclienoatomua plumtdua, 280. , Ptilotia chryactia, 280. grallnria, Clarcola, 74. , Proccllaria, 32. grallariua, Charadriw, 75. , Fregeltornii, 32. Grallirut, 240. bicolor, 169. cyanoleuca, 240. . cyanoleuca, 240. neglecla, 241. mKlanoleuca, 240. gramineua, Poodylea, 210. , graminetia, 210. , Sphenoeacua, 210. grandia, Paittacua, xxvi. Grantielln, 268. Dicto, 268. Grass-Biid, Allied, 211. -.Dark, 211. Grass-Bird, Eastern Tnwny, 211. , Flinders Island, 210. , Kangaroo Island, 211. -, Northern, 211. -, Southern, 211. -, Striated, 211. -, Tasmanian, 210. -, Tawny, 211. , Victorian, 211. Owl, Australian, 117. Parrot, 138. .Allied, 138. , Red-shouldered, 138. , Scarlet-chested, 139. Warbler, 209. , Little, 210. — , Northern, 210. , Pallid, 210. , Western, 210. Wren, 232. , Black, 233. , Chestnut-mantled, 232. , Lake Eyre, 233. , Large Striated, 232. , tailed, 232. , Northern Large-tailed. 231. . Rufous. 232. , Southern Striated. 232. . South-western, 231. , Striated, 232. , Thick-hillec', 232. . Western. 231. , Striated, 232. , White-throated, 233. Graucalita, 95, 193. choucari, 193. flaviroatris, 97. hypoleucua, 193. melanotis, 193. mentalis, 194. pamiroatria , 193. phaaianelhia , 192. atvainaonii, 194. tenuiroatria , 195. gravis, Proccllaria, 331. Great-billed Cockatoo, 122. Heron, 80. Bower-Bird, 311. Knot, 71. Grebe, Australian Tippet, 20. , Black-throated, 30. . Hoary-headed, 30. , North-western Black-throated, 30. 375 gre] INDEX [GUT Grebe, Western Black-throated, 30. , Hoary -headed, 30. greda, Pachycephala leucura, 170. , Quoyornis leiccurvs, 176. Green Goose-Teal, 88. Parrot, 131. vented Parrot, 136. Greenshank, Eastern, 68. , Little, 65. Grey -backed Storm-Petrel, 31. Chestnut-bellied Rail, 23. ■ Crow-Shrike, 31.5. Falcon, 111. ■ Goshawk, 102. headed Blackbird, 32>i. Honey-eater, 279. Jumper, 316. Noddy, 50. lumped Parrot, 132. Sandpiper, GO. ■ -throated Fig-Bird, 307. greyi, Demigreita, 83. , Herodias, 83. grisea, Hydrochriidon leucoptera, 44. -, Myiagra, 188. , Procellaria, 34. , Spliecothcra, 306. , Sterna, 44. griseata, Caleya megarhyncha, 240. griseaius, Myiohstes, 240. griseicapilla, Muscicapa, 183. griseiceps, Matiingleya, 181. , griseiceps, 181. griseogvlaris , Eopsaltria, 183. griaeopygius, Totamis, 66. grisescens, Cliinacteria leucopJiaea, 250. , Myzomela obscura, 264. griseiis, Anser, 88. , Charadrius , 57. , Neonectris, 34. , griseus, 34. grisoia, Muscitrca, 182. , grisoia, 182. , Tephrodornis, 182. Ground-Bird. Black-breasted Cinna- mon, ins. . Chestnut -backed. 199. ■ , breasted, 198. • . Cinnamon, 198. , Northern. 198. , Spotted, 197. . Tasmanian Spotted, 197. , Victorian Spotted, 197. , Western Chest nut -backed, 197. Ground-Bird, Western Chestnut- breasted, 198. -Dove, Eastern, 16. , Northern, 16. , Western, 16. Parrot, 140. , Tasmanian, 140. , Westralian, 140. Thrush, Australian, 206. , Kangaroo Island, 200. , Large-billed, 206. , Northern, 200. , Kusset-tailed, 206. , Victorian, 206. Wren, Chestnut-rumped, 199. , Geelong, 200. , Kangaroo Island, 200. , Rufous-rumped, 200. , Short-tailed, 200. , Western, 200. Grus australasianus, 77. Ouinetta, 66. gvlaris, Charadrius , 58. , Columbia, 12. , Eopsaltria australis, 183. , Haematops, 200. , Malurus, 229. , Melithreptus, 260. , — — gvlaris, 200. . , Mvscir.apa, 183. , Pica, 200. , Pipra, 254. , Podiceps, 30. , Sericornis, 220. , Zosterops, 324. Gulf Wattle-cheelced Honey-eater, 278. Gull, Northern Silver, 51. , Pacific, 52. , Silver, 51. , Southern Silver, 51. , Tasmanian Silver, 51. , Western Pacific, 52. , Silver, 51. gulliveri, Zosterops hitea, 254. , (Tephras), 254. gwnni, Brvchigavia novaehoUandia , 51. , Larus novaehoUandia, 51. guttata, Chlamydera, 310. maculata, 310. Loxia, 297. Stagonopleura, 297. guttata, 297. , Sterna, 48. guttatus, Caprimidgus, 151. gutturalis, Falcunculus, 245. 376 gut] INDEX [HAI. gutturalia, Hirundo, 1G3. , ritntica, 103. , Oenanthe, 329. , Oreoica, 245. , Oreoacopus, 223. , Sericornh, 223. , Turdus, 178. guy, Calopsitta, 128. gwendolenae, Morganomw auperciliostis, 202. , Pomatorhintts superciliosus, 202. , Tbalasseus bergii, 40. , Zoni/er tricolor, 56. Gyge.1, 50. Gygis, 50. alba, 50. alba, 50. royana, 51. microrhyncha, 50. Gygisferna, 47. sumalrana, 47. kempi, 47. sumatrana, 47. Gymnophrys, 259. Gymnopt/*, 155. gymnopts, Cacalua, 120. , Ducorpsiw-, 120. , gymnopia, 126. Qymnorhina, 241. albicruralia, 241. doraalis, 242. hypoletica, 241. dorsalix, 242. hypoleiica, 241. intermedia, 242. leuconota, 241. leuconota, 241. longiroatris, 241. organicum, 241. fibicen, 241. intermisaa , 241. longiroatris, 241. terraereginae, 241. tibicen, 241. Gj/mn«ra, 94. Oypoictinia, 109. melanosterna, 109. decepta, 109. melanoaterna, 109. haematogaater, NorthicHa, 136. , haematogaater, 136. , Platycercua, 130. A»'«, Pi«a, 162. , Pulchripitta, 162. irroratus, Dromaeus, 1. isabella, Stiltia, 74. isabellinus, Calamanthus, 204. , campeslris, 204. isura, Cysticola, 210. , Lophoictinia, 108. , Rhipidura, 18G. , Setosiira setosa, 186. isiirus, Milvics, 108, 327. i«j, Meliphaga lewinii, 273. , Ptilotis lewinii, 273. Ixobrychus, 84. minutus, 85. alisteri, 85. dubius, 85. ww'njrfus, 85. Jacana, Eastern Comb -crested, 73. — ^ — , Western Comb-crested, 73. jacksoni, Eopsaltria, 183. , Ethelornis cidicirorus, 174. , Pseudogerygone , 174. jamesonii, Larus, 51. jamiacensis. Anas, 93, 94. jamieson, Columba, 22. jardinii, Cehlepyris, 195. , Circus, 102. , Cracticus qiioyi, 242. , Melloria quoyi, 242. , Saxicola, 330. , Spilocircus, 102. javanica. Anas, 89. , ,4rdpa, 84. , Dendrocygna, 89. , javanica, 89. , Hirundo, 163. , Hyptirolepis javanica, 164. 384 JAV] INDEX [kin javanica, Mirafra javanica, 296. , Terekia cinerea, 07. javanicits, Totanus, 67. jerdoni, Lophastur, 110. jewan, Hirundo, 163. johnaonii, Casuarius, 3. , casuarius, 3. johnatoni, Microphilemon orientalia, 293. , Philemon orientalia, 293. jvhata. Anas, 88. , Chenonetta, 88. jugularit, Certhia, 258. Jumper, Grey, 316. Kakadoe crista tricolorata vel lead- beaterii, 331. rosea, 331. rubrogaleatus, 331. sulfuretts major vel aitstralensis, 331. tenuirostris, 331. kalgoorli, Cracticus nigrogularis, 243. Kangaroo Island Blue Wren, 224. Boobook Owl, 114. Brown Tit, 214. — Crescent Honey-eater, 283. Crimson Parrot, 131. Crow-Shrike, 315. Emu, 2. . Grey ShrLke-Thrush, 237. • Ground-Thrush, 206. Wren, 200. Scrub-Wren, 222. Spinebill, 266. Striated Tit, 216. Tawny-crowned, 267. Wattle-cheeked Honey- eater, 278. '\\Tiite-bearded Honey- eater, 284. eared Honey-eater, 276. eye, 253. throated Thickhead, 178. Karua, 196. leucomela, 196. leucomela, 196. rufiventris, 196. yorki, 196. kasarkoides. Anas, 90. katherina, Acanlhiza, 215. , pusilla, 215. kaupi. Arses, 189, 190. , Orphryzone, 190. keartlandi, Lichenostomus, 279. keartlandi, Lichenoatomus keartlandi^ 279. , Plilotis, 279. keatsi, Caprimulgus macrurus, 162. , Conophila rujogularis, 269. kempi, Bulestes mentalis, 244. , Chalcophapa chrysochlora, 17. , Cracticus mentalis, 244. -, Dacelo leachii, 147. , Oygistema sximatrana, 47. , Howeavis rufifrons, 185. , Kempiella, 177. , Myiagra latirostris, 188. , Myzomela erythrocephala, 264. , Philemon argenticepa, 292 , Rhipidura rufi/rons, 185. , Sterna sumatrana, 47. Kempia, 166, ftavigaater, 1 G6. ftavigaater, 166. melvillensis , 166. terraregiruie, 167. Kempiella, 177. kempi, 177. Kent Island Scrub-Wren, 220. keraudrenii, Barita, 313. , Phonygammus, 313. , keraudrenii, 313. keri, Megaloprepia magnifica, 13. Kermadec Wedce-tailed Petrel, 319. Kestrel, Dusky Nankeen-, 113. , Nankeen-, 113. , Westralian Nankeen-, 113. kimberli, Tyto novaekollandiae, 117. King6sher, Allied Red-backed, 149. Blue, 145. winged, 147. Broad-biUed Sacred, 149. Brown, 147. Dwarf Fawn-breasted, 147. Eastern Sacred, 149. Fawn-breasted, 147. Forest-, 148. Least Brown, 147. Little, 146. Purple, 146. Sacred, 149. Mangrove, 149. MelvUle Island Forest , 148. Northern Blue-winged, 147. Brown, 147 Forest-, 148. Little, 146. Purple, 145. Red-backed, 149. Pale Fawn-breasted, 148. 385 BB kin] INDEX [lak Kingfisher, Purple, 145. , Red-backed, 149. , Tasmanian IBlue, 145. , Victorian Blue, 145. Wandering, 321. , Western Fawn-breasted, 148. Forest, 148. - Mangrove-, 150. Purple, 145. Sacred, 149. , White-tailed, 150. , Yellow-billed, 146. King Island Black -headed Honey- eater, 267. Blue Wren, 224. Brown-headed Honey- eater, 261. Tit, 213. Emu, 2. Tit, 217. Paxrot, 130. , Little, 130. , Victorian, 130. Penguin, Allied, 3. hingi, Mimeta flavocincia, 306. , Oriolus flavocinctus, 306. , Pardalotus striatiis, 257. Kite, AlHed, 108. , Black-shouldered, 109. , Letter-winged, 109. , Square-tailed, 108. , Western Black-shouldered, 109. Kitta, 308. virescens, 309. Knot, Eastern, 71. , Great, 71. Koel, 159. , Northern, 159. , Western, 159. korschun, Accipiter, 108. , Milvus, 108. , korschun, 108. kreffti. Pitta, 161. kuhli, Cacatoes roseicapilla, 127. , Eolophris roseicapillus, 137. Labie, 53. ^ Lacustroica, 2«8, 269. aliredi, 269. inconspicua, 269. wUtei, 269. ladasi, Ptilotis penicillata, 281. laetior, Melitkreptus, 260. , gularis, 260. laevigaster, Gerygone, 173. , Sericornis, 221. laevigaster, Sericornis longirostris , 221. , Wilsonavib, 173. , laevigaster, 173. lafresnayanus, Gallirallus, 319. Lagenoplastes , 165. arid, 165. arid, 165. conigravi, 165. Lalage, 195. leucomela gouldi, 196. yorki, 196. tricolor, 195. indistincta, 185. tricolor, 195. lamberti, Leggeornis, 226. , lamberti, 226. , Malurus, 226. lamellicollis , Ibis, 78. Lamprococcyx, 157. lucidue, 157. minutillus, 158. minutilliis, 158. perplexus, 158. modesta, 157. plagosus, 157. carteri, 158. plagosus, 157. tasmanicus, 158. Lamprocorax metallicus sapphire, 308. Lamprotornis metallica, 308. morio, 330. Lamprotreron, 12. porphyrostictus , 13. superba, 12. lanceolata, Plectorhyncha, 262. , lanceolata, 262. Langraien, 233. Laniariiis albicollis, 178. rvbrigaster, 179. lanioides, Alisterornis, 180. , lanioides, 180. , Pachycephala, 180. Lanius crassirostris, 309. . erectus, 327. flavigaster, 327. frontatiis, 244. fuscus, 327. leucoryn, 233. macularius, 179> . • robustvs, 194. satuminus, 237. ■ torguatiis, 243. lapponica, Scolopax, 64. , Vetola, 64. . lapponica, 64. larebottlleti, Turdus, 323. 386 LABj INDEX [lei Large Baro-eyed Cockatoo, 126. billed Mangrove-Bittern, 84. Yellow-necked Honey- eater, 280. Chestnut-backed Quail, 10. frilled Bovver-Bird, 310. Podargus, 143. Sand-Dotterel, 58. Larger Pin-tailed Snipe, 72. Lark, Black Bush-, 296. , Brown Song-, 204. . Bush-, 296. , Eastern Rufous Song, 205. , Lesser Bush-, 296. . Little Magpie-, 241. . Magpie-, 240. . Northern Brown Song-, 205. . Bush-, 296. , Rufous Song-, 205. , North-west ei'n Bush-, 296. . Rufous Song-, 20.5. — — . Onslow Bush-, 297. , Pale Bush-, 296. , Queensland Bush-, 296. . Rufous Bush-, 296. . Southern Brown Song,- 204. , Western Brown Song-, 205. , Rufous Song-, 205. Laropis, 44. Larua hathyrinchus, 52. /rmUalis, 52. qeorgii, 52. iamesonii, 51. leucomclaa, 52. novaehoUandiae, 51. ethelae, 51. gunni, 51. padficus, 51, 52. parasiticus, 52, 53. pomarinus, 331. Laryngogramma, 12. lateralis, Psophodes crepitans, 201. . olivacetts, 201. , Sylvia, 252. , Zosterops, 252. . lateralis, 252. lathami, Ahctura, 6. , lathami, 6. . Fringilla, 297. . Ibis, 78. , Muscicapa, 168, 220. , Neosericomis, 220. . lathami, 220. , Neositla chrysoptera, 248. , Psitlactis, 139. . Totanus, 65. Lathamna, 139. azurejts, 139. discolor, 139. discolor, 139. tregellasi, 139. rubri/rons, 139. laticauda, Bartramia, 69. , Leucocirca, 186. latiroslris, Myiagra, 188. , latirostris, 188. , Procdlaria, 39. Laughing Jackass, 147. lawsoni, Coiuniba, 18. leachi, Acanthiza chrysorrhoa, 218. , Dacelo, 147. , leachii, 147. — — , Geobasileus chrysorrhoits, 218. , Myzanlha melanocephala, 286. , Pardalotus punctatus, 255. , Pezoporus terrestris, 140 , Psittaciis, 122. leadbeateri, Kakadoe crista tricolor vel, 331. , Lophochroa, 125. , leadbeateri, 125. , Lophoplilotis, 277. , Opopsitta diophthalma, 121. , Pardalotus, 255. , PlyctolophiiS , 125. Ptilotis, 277. Leaden Crow-SIu'ike, 316. leggei, Malurus cyaneiis, 224. Leggeornis, 226. am,abilis, 227. amabilis, 227. barroni, 227. dulcis, 227. rogersi, 227. • degans, 226. lamberti assimilis, 226. bernieri, 226. lamberti, 226. masters'!, 226. morgani, 226. mungi, 226. occidentalis, 226. pulcherrimus, 227. pulcherrimus, 227. stirlingi, 227. leggii, Petroica, 167. leichhardti, Pardalotus rubricatus, 256. leighi, Acanthiza, 218 leilavalensis , Ptilotis, 281. , PtilottUa penicillata, 281. Leimoniptera, 294. Leimonites, 69. 387 B B 2 tBi] INBEX [LETT Leipoa, 5. ocellata, 5. ocellata, 5. rosinae, 5. lepida, Carpophaga, xxv. , Qlobicera pacifica, xxv. Lepidogenys, 110. svhcristata, 110. Leptoglossus, 265. cucidlatus, 265. Leptolophus, 128. awicomis, 128, 331. awicomis, 128. intermedius, 128. ■ oftscwriiS, 128. ■ pallescens, 128. novaehoUandiae, 331. Leptophaethon, 100. Upturns, 101. dorotheae, 101. lepturus, 101. Leptopteryx, 233. Leptorhynchus, 61. pectoralis, 61, 62. Leptotarsis, 89. eytoni, 89. Lepturus, 101. edwardsii, 101. lepturus, Leptophaethon, 101. ^, lepturus, 101. , Phaeton, 101. leschenaultii, Charadrius, 58. Lesser Crested Tern, 46. Egret, 81. Frigate-Bird, 100. Golden Plover, 57. Goshawk, 104. Masked Plover, 56. Noddy, 50. — — Rifle-Bird, 312. Satin Bower-Bird, 309. Spotted Harrier, 102. White Goshawk, 103. lessonii, Aestrelata, 37. , lessonii, 37. , Procellaria, 37. Lestris, 52. pomarinus, 332. lesueuri, Stictonetta naevosa, 93. Letter-winged Kite, 109. ucaetos, Falco, 103. Leucanous, 50. leucocapiUus, Anous, 49, 50. Leiicocorfeo, 96. Jeucocephala, Aestrelata lessonii, 37. , Fringilla, 297. leucocephala, Neositta, 248. , leucocephala, 248. , Procellaria, 37. , Recurvirostra, 61. leucocephalus, Cladorhynchus, 61. , Himantopus, 61. , leucocephalus, 61. , Pandion haliaetus, 113. leveoceps, Oavia, 49. ieMcocirca, 186. laticauda, 186. tricolor, 187. picata, 187. tricolor, 187. utingu, 187. leucogaster, Aegotheles, 144. , cristata, 144. , Austrotumix velox, 11. , Golumba, 326. , Cuncuma, 107. , Eopsaltria, 176. , Falcuncvlus, 245. , Hemisula, 99. , leucogaster, 99. , Lophophaps, 21. , plumifera, 21. , Pelecantis, 99. , Phalacrocorax, 96. , Polophilus, 159. , Ptilonopus, 13. , Thalassidroma, 32. , Tumix, 11. leucogenys, Melithreptus , 262. , atricapiilus, 262. leucomela, Campephaga, 196. , Coluniba, 14. , Karua, 196. , leucomela, 196. Leucomelaena, 14. norfolciensis , 14. leucomelas, Ardenna, 331. , Ccrthia, 270. , Halieus, 97. , Larus, 52. , Procellaria, 331. , Puffinus, 331. leuconota, Oymnorhina, 241. , hypoleuca, 241. Zet«!ono, 204. flindersi, 210. gramineus dubius, 211. gotdburni, 211. halmaturinas, 211. thomasi, 211. tvilsoni, 211. • atriatus, 211. Megapodargtts , xxvii. Megapodius, xxvii, 5, 143. aaaimilts, 5. duperryii, 5. asaimilis, 5. duperryii, 5. melvillenaia, 5. tumulua, 5. freycinet, 5. »i«n«ra, 160. megarhyncha, Caleya, 239. , megarhyncha, 239. , Muscicapa, 239. Megaatrix, 118. lenebricoaa, 118. midtiputKtata, 118. lenebricoaa, 118. Megatriorchia , 105. doriae, 105. Melanibyx, 54. melanocephala, Graciila, 286. , Melithrephis, 262. , Muscicapa, 228. . Myzaniha, 286. , melanocephala, 286. melanocephala , Ryania, 228. , melanocephala, 228. , Siltella, 248. melanocephalus, Pnrdalotus, 256. , melanocephalus, 256. melanocephalus, Paittacut, 134. melanodera, Neaoptilotia leucotis, 276. , Philedon, 276. Melanodryaa, 109. cuctdlata, 109. cucullata, 109. picata, 170. eubpicata, 170. vigorsi, 170. weatralenaia, 170. picata, 170. melanogaater, Auatrotumix, 10. , Corwtts, 194. , Fregetta tropica, 32. , Hemipodius, 10. , Thalaaaidroma, 32. melanogenya, Falco, 111. melanoleuca, Anaa, 87. , Columba, 21. , GralHna, 240. , Leucoaarcia, 21. melanoleucoa, Hydrocorax, 96. melanolcucua, Corviw, 327. , Hydrocorax, 97. , Mdithreptua, 283. , Microcarbo, 97. mdanophria, Diomedea, 42. mclanophrya, Manorina, 285. , mclanophrya, 285. , Thalaaaarche, 42. , Tiirdua, 285. melanopa, Anoua, 50. , .4rta»nu«, 235. , Attetrartamua, 235. , melanopa, 235. . Certhia, 266. , Charadriua, 60. , Coracina novaehollandiae, 193. , Cori'H«, 193. , Elaeya, 60. . . — — melanopa, 60. . Fa/co, 327. , Gliciphila, 266. , melanopa, 266. , Lophoptilotia melanopa, 277. , Megalopterua tenuiroslria , 50. , Turdue, 211. melanopsia, Monarcha, 192. , melanopaia, 192. , Muacicapa, 191. melanoptera, Platycercus, 131. , Strepera, 315. , melanoptera, 315. melanopterua, Falco, 109. , Platycercua elegans, 131. melanopua, Procellaria, 37. 395 mel] INDEX [MEL melanopus , Pterodroma, 37. melanopygius , Totanus, 69. melanorhamphos , Coracia, 317. ■ , Oorcorax, 317. , melanorhamphus, 317. melanorkyncha. Sterna, 47. ■ — — , striata, 47. melanorhynchos, Spatherodia, 78, 80. Melanosterna, 49. anaethetus, 49. anaethetus, 49. novaehollandiae, 49. melanosterna, Gypoictinia, 109. , melanosterna, 109. melanosternon, Buteo, 109. melanota, Turnix maculosa, 9. , Whitlocka, 252. metanotis, Graucalus, 193. , Myzantha, 286. , flavigula, 286. melanotus, Ailuroedus, 309. , melanotits, 309. , Climacteris, 252. , jPa?co, 110. , Hemipodiits, 9. , Malurus, 224. , melanotus, 224. , Porphyrio, 28. , melanotus, 28. , Psittacvs, 129. , Ptilonorhynchus, 309. metoreura, C'.imacteris, 251. , Pachycephala, 178. , pectoralis, 178. , Palaeornis, 129. , Procellaria, 36. , Psiitacus sagitiifer, 331. , Sterna, 48. , Whitlocka, 257. , melanura, 251. melanuroides , Limosa, 64. , melanuroides, 64. melanurus, Centropus, 161. , Merops, 150. , Polophiltis phasianinus, 160. Meleaqris lindesayii, 6. Melichaera, 288. Melicophila, 270. picata, 270. melinns, Sericidus chrysocephalns , 311. . Turdus, 311, 328, 329. Meliornis, 283. diem.enensis, 284. niger, 284. didriei, 285. herbertoni, 285. Meliornis niger inexpectatite, 285. niger, 284. novaehollandiae, 284. aiisimilis, 284. canescens, 284. halmaturinus , 284. longirostrii, 284. novaehollandiae, 284. svbansimilis, 284. pyrrhoptera indistincta, 283. Meliphaga, 273. albiventris, 266. atricapilla, 259. balgonera, 284. harhata, 284. hrevirostris , 261. chrysocephala 311. chrysotis, 273. fasciogtdaris, 275. jasciogidaris, 275. frenata, 275. /iwco, 272. indistincta, 270. inornaia, 283. levnnii, 273. lOT, 273. lewinii, 272. ??ta6, 273. ne/i, 273. longirostris, 284. mystacalis, 285. penicillata, 281. phrygia tregellasi, 270 reticuloides, 330. sanguinea, 263. sericea, 285. sericeola, 285. sonora, 273. ■ broomei, 274. cooperi, 274. decipiens, 274. forrceti, 274. insidaris, 274. murchisoni, 274. rogersi, 274. sonora, 274. walgetti, 274. torquata, 259. versicolor versicolor, 275. vittata, 273. (Ptilotis) leidnii, 273. Melisympotes, 283. Melithreptus, 259. aunt's, 262. affinis, 262. alisteri, 262. 396 mel] INDEX [mel Melithreplus albicapillus, 269. albicollU, 259. albogiUaris, 260. alisteri, 262. ater, 284. atricapillus, 261. alncapillus, 261. augusltw, 202. inaidaris, 201. leucogenys, 262. magniroatris, 261. mallee, 261. jnmni'e, 201. pallidiceps, 262. subleucogenys, 262. submagnirostris, 261. breviceps, 259. carpentariana , 260 chloropsis, 259. flavicans, 329. flavicoUis, 275. gilvicapillus, 272. ■ gtdaris, 200. carpentonanu*, 260. . — coojiyani, 260. gularia, 200. — ingrami, 200. ?ae(»or, 260. io%!, 260. leucogenys, 262. lunalus, 259. albogtdaris, 260. r«n. assimilw, 165, 166. fcritnnei'caWo, 166. jaacinans, 165. assimilis, 166. jaacinane, 165. howei, 166. pallida, 166. svhpallida, 166. victoriae, 166. flavigaster, 166. melvillensis , 166. terraereginae, 167. pallida, 166. Microglosstis, 122. Microphilemon, 293. orientalis, 293. 6rcrfa, 293. didimus, 293. johnstoni, 293. occidentalis, 293. orientalis, 293. aordidus, 293. Micropodargus, 142. occllatua, 143. jnarmoraftw, 143. ocellatus, 143. Microptilotia, 272. gracilis, 272. gracilis, 272. imitatrix, 272. Micropus, 153. pacifictts, 153. microrhyncha, Oygis, 50. Microtnbonyx, xxi, xsii, 27. M icrotribonyx venlralia, 27. terrilorii, 27. ventralis, 27. whitei, 27. microiiriis, Pedionomus, 11. miles, Lobibyx, 55. , miles, 55. , Tringa, 55. milligani, Ccrchneis cenchroides, 113. , Mirafra, 296. , Neoattta pileata, 248. Milligania, 217. robustiroalris, 217. millitaria, Pardalolus punctattis, 255. Milvaquila, 107. Milvus, 108. a^m», 108. aterrimus, 108. korschun, 108. ieurus, 108, 327. a^ni.?, 108. korschun, 108. napieri, 108. wcatralienais, 108. aphentirtia, 108. novaehollandiac, 108. milvus, Falco, 108. Mimeta, 305. flavocincta, 306. flavocincta, 306. to'nsfi, 306. parryi, 306. meruloidea, 305. aagittata, 305. affinis, 305. blaauwi, 305. sagittata, 305. subaffinis, 305. Mimetes, 305. Mimus caruncidatus, 288. Minah, Alligator River, 287. , Black-eared, 286. , headed, 286. , Dark, 287. , Dusky, 287. , Lake Way, 287. , Melville Island YeUow, 287. , Pale, 287. , Queensland Black-headed, 286. , Yellow-throated, 287. , Southern Black-headed, 286. , Tasmanian Black-headed, 286. , Yellow, 287. , tliroated, 286. minima, Sylvia, 327. minimus, Anthua, 213. 399 min] INDEX [MON minimus, Sericornis, 221. , longirostria, 221. minnie, Melithreptus atricapillus, 261. minor, Aegintha, 301. , temporalis, 301. , Alisterus cyanopygius, 130- , Aptenodytes, 4. , Artamus, 236. , CUmacteris leucophaea, 250. • , Oolymhus, 29. , Dacelo gigas, 147. . Eudyptes, 4. , minor, 4. , Lopholairmui antarotieun, 14. , Micrartamus , 236. ■ , Micrartamus, minor, 236. , Numenitis, 63. , Ptilonorhynchus, 309. , violaceus, 308. minuta, Ardea, 84, 85. , Pisdbia, 70. , minuta, 70. , Ptilotis, 272. , Sterna, 47. , Tringa, 69, 70. minutillus, Lamprococcyx, 158. , minutillus, 158. minutus, Anous, 49, 50. , Ixobrychus, 85. , • — ^ — • minutus, 85. , Megalopterus, 50. . , • minutus, 50. , Mesoscolopax, 63. , Numenius, 63. , Ptilopus, 13. mirabilis, Parkinsonius , 160. , Poephila, 303. Mirafra, 295. horsfieldii, 296. pallidum, 296. javanica, 295. ftoiZi, 296. horsfieldii, 296. javanica, 296. melvillensis, 296. nigrescens, 296. queenslandica, 296. rufescens, 296. secunda, 296. subrufescens, 296. woodwardi, 297. milligani, 296. rufescens, 296. secwnda, 296. woodwardi, 297. Misocaliice, 156. Misocalius palliolatus, 156. missa, Aphelocephala leucopsis, 246. — ^ — , Pachyptila vittata, 40. missus. Prion vittatus, 40. Mistletoe-Bird, 254. , Western, 255. mixta, Alcyone azurea, 145. , Cisticola exilis, 210. , Ninox boobook, 114. , Ptilotina analoga, 271. , Ptilotis analoga, 271. , Spiloglaux boobook, 114. mixtus, Erythrogonys cinctus, 55. modesta, Acanthiza, 216. , Acanthiza lineata, 216. , Aidemosyne, 301. , Amadina, 301. , Amylis, 232. , Gerygone, 322. , Glyciphila, 267. , Lamprococcyx, 157. , Petroica, 321. • , Boyigerygone, 322. modestus, Diaphorillas textilis, 232. , Merops, 150. , Neochalcites basalis, 157. , Ramsayornis, 267. , modestus, 267. mollis, Oacatoes leadbeateri, 125. — ■ — , Lophochroa leadbeateri, 125. , Procellaria, 332. Mollymawk, Australian Blaek-browed, 42. , Flat-billed, 42. , East Australian Yellow-nosed, 43. , West Australian Yellow-nosed, 43. molucca. Ibis, 77. , Threskiornis, 11. , molucca, 11. moluccana, Porzana, 26. moluccanus, Amaurornis, 26. — ^ — , moluccanus, 26. moluccensis, Merops, 291. — — , Psittacus, 124. monachus, Charadrius, 60. , Merops, 292. Monarcha, 191. albiventris, 191. alecto camphelli, 190. melvillensis, 190 a/jcto tormenti, 190. canescens, 192. carinata, 191, 192. gouldii, 191. 400 mon] INDEX [mur Monarclia leucoHs, 191. melanopsis, 192. caneaeens, 192. melanopsis, 192. Mongolian Saiid-Dottorel, 58. mongolus, Charadrius, 58. , Cirrepidcsmus, 58. mongohts, 58. montana, Oeslrelala, 37. montanellns, Calamanthits, 203. , fiiliginostts, 203. nuyntebelli, Anlhiis australis, 29."i. Moorhen, Black, 27. , Northern Black, 27. , Riifous-tailed, 26. , Western Black, 27. tnorgani, Acanthiza, 217. , • iredalei, 217. , Diaphorillas textUis, 231. , Leggeornis lamberti, 22(). , Malurus lamberti, 226. Morganornis, 202. superciliosus, 202. ashbifi, 202. gilgandra, 202. gwendolenae, 202. superciliosus, 202. Morinella, 53. collaris, 53. morio, Lamprolomis, 330. Morw, 98. morphnoides, Aquila, 106. , Hieraaetus, 106. , morphnoides, 106. mortieri, Tribonyx, 26. mortoni, NeoHua, 249. afortuj, 98. serralor, 98. rfi/o/h, 98. serrator, 98. Motadlla atricapilla, 329. australis, 182. bamardi, 294. caerule^cens, 329. cyanea, 223. rfuita, 178. ^am, 293. simillima, 294. hirundinacea, 254. pusilla, 213. superba, 223. motacilloides, Rhipidura, 186. fnouJti, Gerygone laevigaster, 173. , Taeniopygia caslanotis, 298. , ITtVsonamJt laevigaster, 173. , Zonaeginthus castanotis, 298. Mountain-Duck, 90. Wattle-cheeked Honey-eater, 278 Yellow-plumed Honey-eater, 270 multi, Acanthiza chrysorrhoa, 218. , Ocobasileus chrysorrhous, 218. mutiicolor, Muscicapa, 167, 321. , Petroica, 167,321. , multicolor, 167, 321. , Psephotus, 135, 136. , Psittacus, 118. ?nu/(ipunc(ata, Megaatrix tenebricoaa , 118. , Ti/to reoic.a cristata, 246. , Podargus strigoides, 142. , Ptilotii keartlandi, 279. , Smicrornis brevirostris , 171. , Stictopeleia cuneata, 17. , Tacniopygia castanotis, 298. , Wilsonavis laevigaster, 173. , Zonaeginthus castanotis, 298. Munia, 300. bichenovii bandi, 299. — paUesceni, 299. castaneothorax apsleyi, 300. assimilis, 300. gangi, 300. pectoralis incerta, 301. rubroniger, 300. mimno, »4rtomus personatus, 234. , Campbellornis personatus, 234. , Dendrocygna eytoni, 89. , Lichenostomus omatus, 279 , Myzomela obscura, 265. , Ptilotis leucotis, 276. , ornatus, 279. Murchison Falcon, 111. Owlet Nightjar, 144. Tree-Martin, 165. Yellow-banded Parrot, 135. murchisoni, Acanthiza uropygialis, 217. , Colluricincla rufiventris, 238. , Meliphaga sonora, 274. , Pardalotus striatum, 258. , Phaps chalcoptera, 18. , Ptilotis sonora, 274. 401 CC mue] INDEX [MYZ murchisoniana, Aegotheles cristata, 144. murchisonianus, Falco longipennis , 111. , lunulatus. 111. Muscicapa auricomis, 277. australis, 277. . barhata, 220. chrysoptera, 167, 168. coccinigaslra, 328. cucidlata, 169. dibapha, 322. erythrogastra, 321. flahellifera, 183. fiavigastra, 182. georgiana, 176. goodenovii, 169. griseicapiUa, 183. — ■ — gidaris, 183. lathami, 168. 220. malachura, 229. megarhyncha, 239. melanocephala, 228. melanopsis, 191. multicolor, 167, 321. mystacea, 277. novaehoUandiae, 277, 327. — — panayensis, 308. pectoralis, 177. — — platyrhyncha, 166. rhodogaster, 321. — — rhodoptera, 328. rufijrons, 185. setosa, 186. tricolor, 186. vittata, 170. muscicola, Turdus, 189. Muscitrea, 182. cinerea, 182. grisola, 182. simplex, 182. • riordani, 182. Musk-Duck, 94. Lorikeet, 120. Mustelirallus, 24. Mycteria asiatica, 79. auitralis, 79. Myiagra, 187. concinna, 188. grisea, 188. latiroatris, 188. cooperi, 188. kempi, 188. latirostris, 188. tormenti, 188. macropte.ra, 166. nitida, 188. nitida, 188. Myiagra nitida robinsoni, 188. plumbea, 187. rubecida, 187. broomeij 188. concinna, 188. melvillensis, 188. ringwoodi, 187. rubeciUa, 187. 2/orH, 187. rubecidoides , 187. Myiolestes gouldi, 240. — ^ — griseatiis, 240. Myola, 82. pacifica, 82. Myristicivora, 13. bicolor, 13. bicolor, 13. melvillensis, 14. spilorrhoa, 13. m,ystacalis, Caprim,ulgus, 151. , Eurostopodtis, 151. , Meliphaga, 285. mystacea, Muscicapa, 277. Mytisa, 232. striata, 232. ;»owei, 232. • owerai, 232. riis, 104. nigricincta, Aphelocephala, 247. , nigrocincta, 247. , Xeropliila, 247. nigricoUis, Tetrao, 9. . Tridactylus (Perdix), 9. nigrifrons, Charadrius, 00. . Sterna, 47. iiigripennis, Pclecanopus, 45. nigriveslis, Eudyptes, 4. nigrogularis, Cracticus, 243. , nigrogti/aris, 243. , Psopliodes, 201. , Vanga, 243. nigrotecta, Poephila, 303. nigrotectus, Alisteranus cinctus, 304. nilotica, Gelochelidon, 45. , nilotica, 45. , Slema, 44, 4.5. Ninox albaria , 320. boobook hahnatiirina, 114. — - 7nacgillivrayi, 114. . melviUensi^, 114. mixta, 114. Ninox boobook royana, 320. connivens addenda, 115. occidentalia, 11.5. sxiboccidentalis , 115. humeralia queenslandica, HO. lurida, 115. peninsularis, 115. slrcnua vicioriae, 115. nisoria, F ring ilia, 300. Ni^us, 104. nisus, Falco, 104. nitens, Cuculus, 157. nitida, Loxia, 297. , Myiagra, 188. , nitida, 188. , &yi-io, 213. nitidus, Piezorhynclnii, 190. , alecto, 190. , Zonaeginth us , 297. ninews, Sparvius, 103. nivifrons, Charadrius, 59. nivigula. Glottis, 68. no66»i', Platycercus elegans, 320. , pennantii, 320. Nociua fronlata, 115. maculata, 114. Noddy, Australian. 49. , WTiite-capped, 50. , Grey, 50. , Lesser. 50. Noisy Pitta. 101. ' Scrub-Bird, 102. nonpareil, Psittacus, 133. norfolcensis, Nestor, 326. nor/olciensis, Columba, 14. •, Leucomelaena, 14. norjolkiensis. Halcyon, 321. Norfolk Island Caterpillar-catcher, 323. Crimson Parrot, 320. Fantail, 323. Flv-eater, 322. Green Parrot, 320. Owl, 320. Pigeon. 326. Robin, 321. Starling. 325. Thickhead. 322. Northern Bald Coot, 28. Bauksian Cockatoo. 122. — ■ — Barred-shouldered Dove, 15. Betcherrygah, 140. Black Jloorhen, 27. tailed Native Hen, 27. Blue-bellied Lorikeet, 119. cheeked Parrot, 132. 405 nor] INDEX [NOV Northem Bronze-winged Pigeon, 18. Brown Hawk, 112. Quail, 7. Buff-banded Rail, 23. Bustard, 77. Buzzard, 109. Chestnut-bellied Quail, 8. faced Owl, 117. Cockatoo-Parrot, 128. Coot, 29. Crested Tern, 46. Crimson Parrot, 131. Crow, 3U. Fig-bird, 306. Flock-Pigeon, 19. Goshawk, 104. Green Pigeon, 17. Grey Goshawk, 103. Ground-Dove, 16. Little Falcon, 111. Mangrove-Bittern, 84. Oriole, 30.5. Pheasant-Pigeon, 15. Pied Crow-Shrike, 315. Regent-Bird, 311. Rose-breasted Cockatoo, 127. Silver-Gull, 51. Singing Honey-eater, 274. Sooty Owl, 118. Spangled Drongo, 307. Stone-Plover, 76. Tawny Frogmouth, 142. Tree-Martin, 165. Varied Lorikeet, 120. WTiite-browed Crake, 26. Cockatoo, 125. headed Stilt, 61. Yellow-banded Parrot, 135. bellied Fig-Bird, 307. eared Honey-eater, 273. faced Honey-eater, 273. -necked Bittern, 86. -tinted Honey-eater, 280. northi, Calyptorhynchus banlsii. 122. Northiella, 136. haematogasler, 13G. aJter, 136. haematogaster, 136. pallescens, 136. xanthorrhoa, 136. Northipsitta, 129. North-western Bare-eyed Cockatoo, 126. Black-throated Grebe, 30. Crane, 77. Emu, 1. North-western Little Eagle, 106. Oriole, 305. Pied Oystercatcher, 54. Plumed-Pigeon, 21. Singing Honey-eater, 274. notata, Ptilotina analoga, 271. , Ptilotis, 271. notatiis, Elanus, 109. Noto/alco, 111. aubniger, 112. Notophoyx, 82. flavirostris, 82. novaehoUandiae, 82. parryi, 82. pacifica alexandri, 82. novaehoUandiae , Anhinga, 97. Anser, 87. Ardea, 82, 84. Biziura, 94. Brvchigavia, 51. novaehoUandiae, 51. Biirhinu^y 75 Caprimtdgtts, 144. Casttarius, 1. Catheturus, 6. Cereopsis, 88. Certhia, 283. Coracina, 193. novaehoUandiae, 193. Creadion, 288. Dromiceiits, 1. novaehoUandiae, 1. Eudyptes minor, 4. Falco, 102. Himantopiis, 61. HydraJector, 73. Irediparra gaUinacea, 73. Larus, 51. Leptolophtis, 331. Leucospiza clara, 103. novaehoUandiae , 103. Lobibyx, 55. Melanostema anaethetus, 49. Meliornis, 284. novaehoUandiae, 284. Menura, 160. novaehoUandiae, 160. Milvus, 108. Miiscicapa, 277, 327. Notophoyx, 82. Oreocincla. 206. Phaethon, 100. Phalacrocorar carbo, 95. Philedon, 330. Plotits, 97. Pod ice ps. 30. 406 NOV] INDEX OCE novaehoUandiae, Psittacua, 118, 128. , Ralltis, 24. , Rectirvirostra, 62. , Scaeopliaetlion rubricauda, 100. , Scythropa, 159. , novaehoUandiae, 159. , Spheniecits, 4. , Sttrna, 40, 49. ,Strix, 117. , Tachybaptus rufieollis, 30. , Trichoglossus, 118. , Turdus, 193. , Tylo, 117. , novaehoUandiae, 117. , VancUtis, 55. novaenorciae, Ncsoptilotis UucoHs, 276. , Ptilolia, 276. novaeseelandiae, Columba, 325. , Hetniphaga, 325. , novaeseelandiae, 325. novaezelandiae, Cyanoramphus, 326. , novaezelandiae, 320. , Limoaa lapponica, 64. , Nestor, 326. , Psittacus, 320. nuchalis, Psittacus, 121. , Ptilonorhynchiis, 311. , Roqersorni^, 311. nuqax, Puffmxts, 33. Numenius, 62. atricapillus, 63. auslralasiantis, 63. australis, 63. cyanops, 62. minor, 63. nsm«4. , Drytnodcs hr iinneopygia , 199. , Gcryijone, 172. , Lophophapn plumikra, 21. , Micraeca, 100. . jaxcinans, 1 (iO. , Pachycephala, 180. . PteroporlocifH nnixima, 192. , Wihotuinn iii/ica, 172. pnllidiceps, Mclillircpliis alricapillus, 202. , Melopsitlaciis undulatus, 140. jMillidiroslria, Colhtnctncia, 238. pallidum, Sphenosloma cri.ilalum, 247. pallid)is, Drymaoidus, 199. . Geobaifileiia chrysorrliotin, 218. . Haliareltis Uncoijaslcr. 107. — — . Hcteroacenes, 154. . pallidiis. l.">4. , Miraira liors/ieldi, 290. . Pardalotiis. 250. , rubricatua, 2."i0. palliolalus, CucuIiih, 327. , Misocaliua, 150. palmatu», Himanlopus. 01, 02. Palm-Cockatoo, Cape York, 122. palvieratoni, Freijala aqulla, 100. . — — , Pclccantis. 100. palpebrata, Diomcdea, 43. , Phoebetria. 43. , palpebrata, 43. palwtria, Malunia 229. , Porzana, 25. , Zapornia puailla. 25 panayana. Hinindo, 103. panayenxia, Miiacicapa, 308. Pandion. 113. fluviah\i, 113. gouldi, 113. haliaetus, 113. cristatua, 113. lialiaelii,142. gouldi, 142. melvilienais, 142. mungi, 142. phalaenoides, 142. rossi, 141. • strigoides, 141. »tctortae, 141. podargus, Caprimulgua, 141. Podargus, Large, 143. Porliceps, 29. cristatus, 29. christiani, 29. cristatus, 29. fluviatilis carterae, 30. parryi, 30. gularis, ,30. nestor, 30. novaehollandiae, 30. poliocephaltis, 30. cloatesi, 30. Poecilodryas, 175. cinereiceps, 176. cinerei/rons, 175. leucops albigularis, 177. petroica superciliosa, 175. auperciliosa, 175. Poecilodryas supercWosa belcheri, 170. ceroiniventris , 175. supercilioaa, 176. Poecilornis, 112. Poephila, 302. aciuicauda, 303. aciUicauda, 303. AecA-J, 303. armitiana, 303. atropygialis, 303. aurantierostris, 303. gouldiae armitiana, 303. gotddiae, 303. AecA-i, 303. leucotis, 304. mirabilis, 303. neglecta, 303. nigrolecta, 304. personata, 304. belcheri, 304. poiciloptila, Ardea, 86. poiciloptilus, Botaurus, 86. , — . — poiciloptilus, 8P. polaris, Thalassoica, 30. poliocephala, Qallinula, 28. Poliocephalus, 30. poliocephalus, 30. cloatesi, 30. poliocephalus, 30. poliocephalus, Podiceps, 30. , Tardus, 324. poliocerca. Sterna, 45. poliocercus, Thalasseus bergii, 45. Poliolimnaa, 25. cinereus, 25. ci»ere!(«, 25. leucophrys, 26. Poliomis, 106. pernopsis, 106. rufipennis, 106. Polochion, 291. Polophilus, 159. gigas, 159. leucogaster, 159. • phasianinus, 159. • macroHrits, 160. me^anurits, 160. pAosmninus, 159. — — variegatus, 159. Polychlorus, xxvi. polynesiae, Totanus, 66. Polyphasia, 155. Polyteles alexandrae, 129. Polytdis, 128. anthopeplus, 129 419 D D : POL INDEX [PEO Polytelia swainsonii, 128. pomariniis, Coprotheres, 332. , pomarinus, 332. , Larus, 331. , Lestris, 332. pomarre, Gavia, 51. Pomatorhinus riibecidus, 202. ruficeps, 202. superciliosus , 202. gwendolenae, 202. temporalis, 330, 201. ■ iarriba, 202. cornwalli, 201. intermedius , 202. ■ nigrescens, 202. tregellasi, 201. trivirgatus, 201. turdinus, 330. Pomatostormis , 201. ruficeps, 202. superciliosus ashbyi, 202. temporalis, 201, 328. cornwalli, 201. • intermedium, 202. nigrescens, 202. • rxAeculus, 202. temporalis, 201. tregellasi, 201. trivirgatus, 201. pondicerianus , Dentiger, 107. Pontoaetus, 107. macei, 107. Poodytes, 210. gramineus, 210. ■ dubius, 211. flindersi, 210. gouiburni, 211. — gramineus, 210. halmaturinus, 211. striatum, 211. thomasi, 211. wilsoni, 211. Porphyreicephalus , 13.5. porphyrocephalus, Trichoglossvs, 120. Porphyria, 28, 326. aZ6MS, 326. feeiZiw, 28. cinereus, 25. melanotus, 28. • fletcherae, 28. TOe?ano, 320. nuchalis, 121. . omnicolor, 133. pectoralis, xxvi. . pennantii, 131. philippinarum, 126. phoenicocephalus, 124. pulchelhis, 138. purpurea, 120. pusiUtis, 121. sagitiifer anthopeplus , 331. barrabandi, 331. melanura, 331. scapulaius, 130. semicollaris , 118. semitorqtiatus , 135. solanderi, 123. splendidus, 131. Psittacus spurius, 135. swainsonii, 128. temminkii, 123. tenuirostris , 127. terrestris, 140. undulatus, 139. veniistus, 132, 138. verticalis, 320. viridis, 134, 140. zonarius, 134. • (Platycercus) purpureocephalus, 135. Psitteuteles, 119. neglectiis, 119. ruhrifrons, 120. • velatus, 120. versicolor, 120. mellori, 120. versicolor, 120. Psophodes, 200. crepitans, 200. lateralis, 201. nigrogularis, 201. olivaceus, 200. lateralis, 201. magnirostris 201. olivaceus, 200. scrymgeouri, 200. - svblateralis , 201. Ptenoedvs, 205. mathewsi, 205. horsfieldi, 205. mathewsi, 205. subalisteri, 205. vigorsi, 205. Pterocircus, 102. Pterocorax, 313. Pterocyanea, 91. Pterodroma, 36. macroptera, 36. albani, 37. goiddi, 37. macroptera , 36. melanopus, 37. Pteropodocys, 192. maxima, 192. maxima, 192. neglecta, 192. pallida, 192. Ptilinopus, 12. ewi.ngii, 12. leucogaster, 13. purpuratus regina, 12. regina, 12. ewingii, 12. 422 PTl] INDSX IPTI Ptilinopus regina melvillenais, 12. regina, 12. swainsonii, 12. Ptilonorhynchua , 308. holosericus, 308. macleayii, 308. melanotus, 309. minor, 309. niger, 308. nuchalis, 311. rawnsleyi, 308. smithii, 309. squamttlosus , 308. vioiaceits, 308. dulciae, 308. minor, 309. molaceiis, 308. viridis, 309. Ptilopua minutus, 13. (Lew;o. qiieenslandica , 11 fl. rufn, xxvii, 110. ru/a, IIG. Bhaiiiiates, 37. ce/oar, 38. Rhea, xxii, 2. Rhimphalea, 74. Rhipitlicidura, 184. Rhipiiiura, 183, 323. albicauda, 185. albiscapa, 184. aiisteri, 184. asaimilis, 323. cerw'tkj, 323. rfiemenetMM, 184. dryas, 185. ffabcUifera, 184, 323. albicauda, 185. albiacapa, 184. aiisteri, 184. buchanani, 184. ccrwina, 323. fiabelli/ern, 184, 323. frerei, 185. harlerli, 185. pelzelni, 323. phasiana, 185. preissi, 184. subphasiana, 184. t'ictoriae, 184. whitei, 184. intermedia, 185. istira, 186. macgilHvrayi, 323. mayi, 186. motacilloides, 186. naasata, 184. pelzelni, 323. phasianc, 18.5. picata, 187. meisui, 184. rufilrona inexpectata, 185. hempi, 185. parryi, 186. xaturata, 184. setosa melvillensis, 186. tormenti, 186. Rhipidura eharpei, 184. auperciciosa, 186. tricolor uiingu, 187. Rhipomia, 32. Rhodocephalua, xxv. rhodogaater, Mttacicapa, 321. rhodoptera, Muscicapa, 328. Rhyacophiltia, 68. glareola, 68. affinia, 68. glareola, 08. Rhynchaca, 73. australi^, 73. Rhynchaapia, 92. Rhynchodon, 111. peregrimis. 111. macroptta. 111. peregrinua. 111. aubmelanogenys , 111. Rhynchoaimua , 67. rhynchotia. Alias, 92. • , Spatula, 92. , rhynchotia, 92. Rifle-Bird, 312. , Cape York, 312. , Lesser, 312. ringtcoodi, Myiagra rubectila, 187. riordani, Malurua splendena, 225. , Muscitrea grisola, 182. , Pachycephala grisola, 182. , Phaps chalcoplcra, 18. , Tj/^o novaehollandiae , 117. Ripidicala , 184. roberti, Chenopis atrata, 87. , Porzana phimbea, 25. , Porzanoidea phimbea, 25. Robin, Allied Green-breasted Shrike-, 183. , Red-capped, 169. , White-tailed Shrike-, 176 , Ashy-fronted Fly-, 175. , Buff-sided, 175. , Dusky, 170. , Eastern Scarlet-breasted, 167. , Flame-hrensted, 168. , Green-rumped Shrike-, 183. , Grey-breasted Shrike-, 183. , headed Shrike-, 17(). , Kangaroo Island, Scarlet-breast- ed, 107. , Large-billed Shrike-, 183. , headed, 177. , Lesser Yellow Shrike-, 183. , Little, 177. , Melville Island White-tailed Shrike-, 176. 427 bob] INDEX [ros Robin, Norfolk Island, 321. , Northern Pied, 170. — Red-capped, 169. — Scrub-, 199. , North-western Shrike-, 176. , Pale Scrub-, 199. , Pied, 170. , Pink-breasted, 168. , Red-capped, 169. , Rose-breasted, 168. , Scrub-, 199. , Southern Hooded, 170. — Red-capped, 169. — Scarlet-breasted, 167. , Tasmanian Flame-breasted, 168. , Victorian Pink-breasted, 168. Scrub-, 199. Western Buff-sided, 176. — Hooded. 170. — Red-capped, 169. Scarlet-breasted, 167. , White-breasted Shrike-, 176. browed, 175. fronted, 168. taUed Shrike-, 176. throated Fly-, 177. , Yellow-breasted, 177. Shrike-, 182. rumped Shrike-, 183. robinsoni, Alectura lathami, 6. , Evldbeornis tricolor, 23. , Macropygia phasianella, 15. , Myiagra nitida, 188. Strepera graculina, 315. Tomirdus tricolor, 23. Robust White-eye, 324. rohusta, Coracina, 194. , rohusta, 194. , Pachycephala, 179. , pectoralis, 179. robustirosiris, Acanthiza, 217. , Milligania, 217. robustits, Laniiis, 194. Rock-Parrot, Eastern, 138. ■ — , Western, 138. Pigeon, Allied \\liite-quilled, 19. , Chestnut-quilled, 19. , White-quilled, 19. Warbler, 212. rodinogaster, Erythrodryas , 168. , rodinogaster, 168. , Saxicola, 168. roebucki, Colluricincla brunnea, 238. , Taeniopygia castanotis, 298. , Zonaeginthus castanotis, 298. rogersi. Anas superciliosa, 91. , Anthus australia, 295. , Butorides, 84. , Canutus canutiis, 71. , Chalcophaps chrysochlora, 17. , Cinclorhamphm crurvalis, 205. , Circus assimilis, 102. , Goturnix auatralis, 7. , Eremiornis carteri, 212. , Etdabeornis Custaneoventris , 23. , Gerygone albigiUaris, 172. , olivacea, 172. , Hemisula leucogaster, 99. , Hydrochelidon leucopareia. 44. , nigricans, 165. , Leggeornis ainabilis, 227. , Malurus amabilis, 227. , Meliphaga sonora, 274. , Neositta pileata, 248. , Nettion castaneum, 91. •, Owenavis osculans, 156. , Pardalotinus striatus, 258. , Pardalotus striatits, 258. -, Petrochelidon nigricans, 165. -, Podargus papuensis, 143. , Ptilotis sonora, 274. , Smicrornis hrevirostris , 171. , Svla leucogaster, 99. , Synoicus ypsilophorus, 7. , Virago castanea, 9). , Xenorhynchus asiaticus, 79. Rogersornis, 311. nuchalis, 311. melvillensis , 311. nuchalis, 311. oweni, 311. Rolle des Indes, 144. Roller, Australian, 144. rosaceus, Palaeornis, 129. Rose-breasted Cockatoo, 127. • -crowned Fruit-Pigeon, 1 ?. rosea, Belchera, 168. •, Cacatua, 127. , Kakadoe, 331. , Petroica, 168. roseicapilla, Cacatua, 127. roseicapillus, Eolophus, 127. , roseicapillus, 127. Rosella, 133. , Adelaide, 131. •, Tasmanian, 133. Eosina, 227. coronata, 227. — coronta, 227. macgillivrayi, 228 428 ROS] INDEX [RUF roainae, Acanthiza, 219. , Cacatoea galerita, 125. , Eopsaltria australis, 183. , Geobasiletui hedleyi, 219. , Leipoa occllata, 5. , Pachycephata australis, 183. , Psepholiis I'arius, 130. , PlilctiUa penicillata, 281. , Sericomi'i longirostris, 221 , parvula, 221. rossi, Podargus slrigoides, 141. roatrata, Numenius, 63. Roatratula, 73, australis, 73. fitzroyi, 73. rothschildi, Diomedea exutana, 41. , Dromiceiua novaehoUandiae, 2. , Irediparra gallinacca, 73. , Neonttella striata, 249. , Sericulus chrysocephalus, 311. , Stipiiurus malachurua, 230. Rottnest Honey-eater, 274. rottncsti, Cladorhynchus leucocephalus, 62. Royal Albatros, 41. royana, Gygis alba, 51. , Ninox boobooJc, 320. , Spiloglaux boobook, 320. , Thyellodroma padfica, 34. Royigerygone, 322. insularis, 322. modeata, 322. rubecula, Myiagra, 187. , . — — rubecula, 187. , Torfua, 187. rubectdoidea, Myiagra, 187. rtiftecuitts, Pomatorhinus, 202. , Pomatostomus temporalis, 202. rubtcurufa, ^rdeo, 77. , Mathewsia. 77. , rubicunda, 77. rubiginosis, Calamanthus, 204. , campestris, 204. rtiincata, Origma, 212. Sylvia, 155, 212. ru6rica. Triclwglossus, 118. Swallow, Black-faced Wood-, 235. vented Wood-, 23.'>. Eastern, 11)4. Black-and-white, l(i4. Little Wood-, 230. Masked Wood-, 234. New Guinea Chimney-, 163. Northern Black-faced Wood-, 235. Little Wood-, 23t). Masked Wood-, 234. — - — White-browed Wood-, 235. , Welcome, U>3. .Western Black-and -White, lli4. — Masked Wood-, 234. Welcome, 103. — — White-rumped Wood-, 234. White-bellied Wood-, 235. browed Wood-, 234. rumped Wood-, 234. vented Wood-, 235. , Wood, 230. Swamp-Hawk, 102. Swan, Eastern Black, 86. Swift. Spine-tailed, 153. , White-rumped, 153. Swiftlet, Edible-nest, 152. , Grey-rumped, 152. Swift-Parrot, 139. , Victorian, 130. syama. Baza, 110. Sylochelidon, 45. strenuits, 45. sylvatica, Tetrao, 8. nylveftris, Ocydromus, 3in. , Tricholimnas, 319. Sylvia anilis, 329. canescenn, 284. casta, 329. chrysogasira, 183. chrysops, 272. cisticola, 209. doraalis, 228. flavigaster. 182. inornata, 329. lateralis, 252. . minima, 327. nitida, 213. — — pyrrhophrys, 213. rubricata, 155, 212. rubricollis, 329. rufiventris, 179. Sylvia aagittata, 212. aolitaria, 212. versicolura, 329. Hylvia, Tanysiptr.ra, 150. , Uralcyon, 150. , Sylvia, 1 50. Syma, 146. torotoro, 14(!. flai'irostris, 140. torotoro, 140. Symmorpluis, 323. kucopyijus, 323. Symposiacliriis, 191. trivirgaltis, 191. albiventris, 191. goiddii, 191. trivirgat us , 191. SynotcHtn, 7. Synoiciis, 7. cervinu^, 7. diemenensis, 7. sordidiis, 7. ypsilophorus, 7. australis, 7. cervinus, 7. qneenslandicus, S. rogersi, 7. sordidua, 7. ypsilophorus. 7. syrmatophora , Herodias alba, SI. syrrtMtophorns, Herodias, 51. Tachea, 1. Tachybaptus, 29. ruficollis, 30. carterae, 30. novachoUandiae , 30 parri/l, 30. rut'tcMis, 30. Tachypetrs, 99. Tndorna radjah flindersi, 90. rufltergum, 90. tadornoidcs ircslralis, 90. tadornoides. Anas, 90. . Casarca. 90. Taeniopypia, 298. eastanotis, 298. alexandrae, 29S. castanotis. 298. jnoHJtf, 298. jnttn^ri, 298. roe6«cH, 298. wayensis, 298. tahitius, Cuculus, 321. tailemi, Lichenostomus ornatus, 270. , Ptilolis ornata, 279. 439 TAl] INDEX [ter taitensis, Charadrhis, 57. , CuciUiis, 321. , Hirundo, 163. Talegallus purpureicollis, G. tanami, Acatithiza, 215. , Aphelocephala nigricincta, 247. , Sphenostoma cristatum, 247. Tantalides, 78. Tantalus aethiopicus, 77. jalcinMus, 78. variegatii«, 63. Tanypus, 240. australis, 240. Tanysiptera "ylvia, 150. Tasmanian Bald Coot, 28. Black Cockatoo, 123. Brown Quail, 7. Brush Bronze-winged Pigeon, 18. Emu, 2. Frogmouth, 142. Ground-Parrot, 140. Raven, 314. RosRlla, 133. Silver-Gull, 51. Tree-Martin, 164. White Cockatoo, 125. Yellow-throated Honey-eater, 270. tasmanica, Anellobia chrysoptera, 289. , Anthochaera chrysoptera, 289. , Coracina melanops, 193. , Epthianura albifrons, 207. . Fulica, 29. , atra. 29. , Zosterops lateralis, 253. tasmaniczis, Chrysococcyx plagosus, 158. , Corvus coronoides, 314. , ■ marianae, 314. , Lamprococcyx plagosus, 158. Tasmanornis, 222. humilis, 222. flindersi, 223. humilis. 222. Tatare, 209. otaitensis, 209. Tawny Frogmouth, 141. Teal, Eastern. 91. , Garganey, 92. , Green Goose-, 88. , Western, 91. . White-quilled Goose-, 87. Tectonornis, 309. teesa, Butastur. 106. , Circtis. 106. temminckii. Calyptorliynchus, 331. temminokii, Orthonyx, 190. — ■ — ; Psittacus, 123. , Tringa, 09. temporalis, Aegintha, 301. , temporalis, 301. , Fritvjilla, 301. , Pomatorhiniis, 201-, 330. — — , Pomatoatomus, 201, 328. , temporalis, 201. tenebricosa, Megastrix, 118. tenebricosus, Strix, 118. tenebrosa, Gallinula, 27. , tenebrosa, 27. , Pseudogerygone, 172. , Wilsonavis, 172. tenebrosus, Turdus, 328. tenuipennis , Merops, 150. tenuirostris, Acanthiza, 217. — ■ — , Acanthorhynchus, 265. , tenuirostris, 265. , Anteliotringa, 71. , C alytorhynchusbaudinii , 123, 124. , Certhia, 265. , Gracuius, 195. , Graiiculiis. 195. , Kakadoe, 331. , Licmelis, 127. , tenuirostris. 127. , Macropygia. 15. , Megalopterus, 49. , tenuirostris, 49. , Metagraucalus, 195. , tenuirostris. 195. , Neonectris, 34. , tenuirostris, 34. , NeQsitta pileata, 249. , Nesozosterops, 324. , Procellaria. 34. , Psittacus. 127. , Sittella, 249. , Sterna, 49. , Totanus, 71. , Zanda ba udinii, 124. , Zosterops. 324. Tephrodornis grisola, 182. tephropleura, Zosterops, xxvi. 253. , lateralis, xxvi, 253. Terekia, 67. cinerea, 67. cinerea. 67. javanica, 67. tereticollis. Sterna. 50. Tern, Australian Black-naped. 47. . Bridled. 49. , Caspian. 45. 440 ter] INDEX [tho Tem, Australian Gull-billed, 44. , Roseate, 45. , Sooty, 48. , White, 51. , fronted, 47. , winged, 44. , Crested, 45. , East Austrolian Whiskered, 44. — — , Lesser Crested, 40. , Northern Crested, 4(). . West-Australian Crested, 46. , Whiskered, 44. Ternlet, Eastern Wliite-shnfted, 47. , Western White-faced, 48. , shafted, 48. , White-faced, 48. terrae-leeumn. Anas, 88. terraereginae, Arse^, 190. , Collocaiia francica, 152. , CraclicuK libicen, 241. , Cypselus. 152. , Oymnorliina libicen, 241. , Kempia flavigasler, 167. , Microeca flavigaster, 167. Terraphaps, 20. smithii, 20. hlaainri, 20. smilhii, 20. terrestris, Pezoporus, 140. , trrre-'. Tonophoyr, 82. aruensia, 82. aruerwis, 82. fiavirostrifs , 82. Tooth-billed Bower-Bird, 309. Top-knot Pipeon, 14. torbayi, Charadriiig cucullatus, 00. lormtnti, A iwtrodicacum liirundinacetim 2.5.5. ■^ , Charadrivs ruficapillus, 59. . Cisticola cxilis, 210. — ■ — , Craclicus nigroguJaris, 243. , Demigretta sacra, 83. , jyicaeum hirttndiiwceum, 255. , Leucopoliiis ruficapillus, 59. . Monarcha alicto, 190. • , Myiagra latirostria, 1 88. . Pardalotus melanocephahis, 257. , Piczorhynchtis alecto, 190. . Rhipidura setosa, 180. — — , Setosiira setosa, 186. , Sterna sinemiis, 48. . Stemiila alhilrons, 48. lorotoro, Syma, 140. torquuta. Cintira. 207, 200. . Meliphaga, 259. torquatus, Accipiter, 104. . Btdetites. 243. , Lanius, 243. , torqiiatiiJi, 243. , Pedionomus, 1 1 . torrexii, Thalasseus, 4(). , hcngaUnsif , 46. torringtoni, Ne^optilotis le.ucotis, 276 , Ptilotis leticotis, 270. Totanits acuminatum, 70. affinis, 68. brempes, 65, 00. damacenms, 70. juliginoaua, 00. Totanus glanoidcs, 68. glotloidce, ti8. griscopygius, 06. javanicus, 67. lathamii, (i5. melanopygius, 69. oceanic w«, 00. polyncsiae , 66. piUverulentus, 66. — — stagnatilis, 65. tenuirostris, 71. variegatus, (i9. Trachelia, 74. Iranquilla, Oeopelia, 16. , placida, 16. Treecreeper, Allied Black-tailed, 251. , Rufous, 252. , Black-backed, 252. , tailed, 251. , Brown, 251. , Northern Black-tailed, 251 , Pale Rufous, 252. , Red-browed, 250. , Rufous, 252. , Southern Brown, 251. , Victorian Brown, 251. , Western White-browed, 250. , White-browed, 251. Tree-Martin, 105. , Murchison, 165. , Xorthern, 105. , Tasinanian, 104. , Western, 165. Treei"unner, Alexandra, 249. . Allied Striated, 249. , Black-capped, 248. , Large-billed Straited, 250. , Melville Island, White-winjred, 249. . Mountain Black-capped, 248. , Mungi, 248. , Orange-winged. 248. , Pallid Black-capped, 248. , Pied. 248. , Slender-billed, 249. , South-west Black-capped, 248. . Striated, 249. , Victorian, 248. , Western White-winged, 249. , ^^^lite-headed, 248. ■ , winged, 249. Tree-Tit, Greenish, 171. , Melville Island, 171. , Mungi, 171. , North-western, 171. , Pale Yellow -tintcti, 171. 443 treJ INDEX ITRO Tree-Tit, Pallid, 171. , Short-billed, 171. , Stirling, 171 , Westralian, 171. , Yellow-tinted, 171. treycUaai, Aegintha temporalis, 302. , Anthochaera carunculata, 288. , Artamus, 235. , Austrartamus melanops, 235. , Charadrius cucidlatus, (iO. , Coleia carunculata, 288. , Dacelo gigas, 147. , Lathamtis discolor, 130. , Meliphaga phrygia, 271'. , Pomatorhinus temporalis , 201. , Pomatostotnus temporalis, 201. , Stipiturus m,alachurus, 22!t. , Timixos olivaceus, 181. , Zanthomiza phrygia, 270. Tregellasia, 177. capita, 177. capita, 177. nana, 177. ■ leucops, 177. albigidaris, 177. leucops, 177. Trcroloema, 12. Trihonyx, 26. gouldi, 26. mortieri, 26. ventralis territorii, 27. whitei, 27. tribrachys, Alcedo, 145. tribulationis, Anthus auatralis, 295. , Zosterops lutea, 254. Trichodere, 277. coclcerelli, 277. Trichoglossus, 118. australis, 139. co?csj, 118. tnatoni, 119. . novaehollandiae, 118. pj/reii, 119. novaehollandiae. 118. septentrionalis, 119. porphyrocephahis, 120. riibritorquis, 119. mehnllensis , 119. swainsonii, 118. versicolor, 119, 120. mellori, 120. whitei, 120. Tricholimnas, 319. sylvestris, 319. tricolor, Ceblepyris, 195. ^, Charadrius, 56. tricolor, Ephtkianura, 207. Evlabeomis, 23. Lalage, 195. tricolor, 195. Leucocirca, 187. tricolor, 187. Muscicapa, 186. Parepthianura, 207. tricolor, 207. Rallina, 23. Tomirdus, 23. tricolor, 23. Zonifer, 56. tricolor, 56. i tridactyla, Calidris leitcophaea, 69. , Tringa, 69. Tridactylus, 9. (Perdix) nigricollis, 9. Tringa, xxi, 65, 71. albescens, 70. ■ aurita, 66. bartramia, 69. bonapartei, 69. canutus, 71. crassirostris, 72. ferruginea, 70, 71. fuscicoUis, 69. glareola, 68. hypoleucos , 66. interpres, 53. leiicoptera, 67. lobata, 55. longicauda, 68. miles, 55. minutn, 69, 70. oahuensis, 63. ocrophus, 65. ocrophus, 65. assami, 65, 332. platyrhyncha, 72. • squatarola, 56. subarquata, 71. subminuta, 70. temminckii, 69. tridactyla, 69. (Pelidna) chinensis, 71. Tringoides, 66. Triorche^, 113. tristis, ProceUaria, 34. trivirgata. Drymophila, 191. •, Ptiloti-s, 2T2. trivirgatus , Pomatorhinus, 201. , Pomatostomtts temporalis, 201 •, Symposiachrtif, 191. , trivirgatus, 191. tropica, Pregetta, 32. 444 TRO] INDEX fTYT tropica, Fregclla tropica, 32. , Thalassidroma , 32. Tropic-Bird, Ked-tailed, 100. , Ruddy, 100. , White-tailed, 101. Tropidorhynchus , 292. argenticeps, 291. citreogularis , 293. comicuiattis, 292. comiculalu«, 292. ellioti, 292. sordidus, 293. Tri/nga leucophaca, 69. ru/icoUis, 70. salina, 70. Ischegrava, Hydroprogne, 45. , Ischegrava, 45. , Sterna, 45. tumulus, Megapodius duperryii, 5. twirieyi, Aurepthianura crocea, 208. , Carbo gouldi, 90. , Craclicus quoyi, 242. , Epthianura crocea, 208. , Puffinus assimilis, 33. turdinxis, Pomalorhinus, 330. turdoides, CoUuricincla, 239. Ti«j-du* badius, 237. brachypteriis, 230. cantor, 308. cristatu3, 245. cyanocephalua, 328. Cj/anoM«, 290. diliitus, 328. dubiu.i, 189. frirolun, 328. fuligmosus, 324. gtUtiiralis, 178. harmonicM, 230. inguietus, 189. jamaicensis, 323. lereboulleti, 323. leiicophryf, 328. leucotis, 276. longirostris, 208. lunularis, 178. hiniilatus, 206. dendyi, 206. ■ maxiUaris, 306. ■ melanophrys, 285. mclanops, 277. ■ mf/miM, 311, 320, 328. muscicola, 189. niger, 195. novaehoUandiae, 193. orientalic, 195. ■ pcctorah's, 179. Turdua poliocephahts , 324. praainus, 179. punctattts, 197. sordidw, 236. aquamalus, 270. aquamcua, 270. sHfccj'ncrciM, 238. auerii, 329. tenebroaua, 328. varitts, 206. ventralia, 330. voHtana, 189. xanthopua, 324. Turkey, Allied Brush-, 6. , Brush-, 6. , Purplo-wattled Brush-, Turnicigralla, 11. gouldiana, 1 1. Turnix, 8. caalanola alligator, 10. magni/ica, 10. tnelvillenaia, 10. gibraharica, 8. leucogaater, 11. maculoaa, 9. maculoaa, 9. melanota, 9. pseutea, 9. olivii, 10. pyrrothorax berneyi, 10. varia stirlingi, 9. aubniinuta , 9. ue/ox picturata, 11. — vinotincta, 11. Turnstone, Eastern, 53. turtur, Procellaria, 40. , Paeudoprion, 40. , turtur, 40. Tuaalia, 15. tuaalia, Coccyzura, 15. Typhon, 80. auTnatrana, 80. matheweae , 80 aumatrana, 80. typhon, Ardea, 80. typica, Halobaena, 40. typictia, Barnardius, 134. typua, Adamastor , 36. tyranniilua, Sericornis, 222. ti/rranula, Sericomii, 222. Ty. , Neostrepera, Sl.l. , versicolor, 315. , IHtla. Kil. , Psilteuleles, 120. , Ftilolis. 275. , Trirhogloasus, 120. irrsicolora, Sylvia, 32'.l. vrrlicalis, Cyanoramphii.i novae- zelandiae, 320. , Psittaciis, 320. Vctota, G4. lapponica, 04. baueri, (i4. lapponica, t>4. vicloriae, Acanthorhifnclius teniiirostris, 265. , Alcyone azurea, 145. , Climacleris picumnus, 251. , Collttricincia harmonica, 237. , Drymodcs brunneopygia, 190. , Excaljactoria chincnsis, 8. , Malurus melanotus. 224. , novaehotlandiae , 100. , Menitra, ItiO. , Microeca fascinans, 100. , Neoclima picumna, 251. , Ninox sirenua, 115. , Oxyiira australis, it4. , Platycercus elegans, 131. , Podargus strigoides, 141. , Ptilotis paradisea, 312. , Uliipidiira flabrlli/era, 184. Victorian Black-wiiiged Crow-Shrike, 315. Frogmouth, 141. King-Parrot, 130. Swift -Parrot, 139. Wattle-cheeked Honey-eater, 278 WTiite-eared Honey-eater, 276. • Yellow-eared Honey-eater, 273. vieiUoti, Neostrepera versicolor, 316. , SphecMhcre-s, 300. . maxillaris, 30(>. , Strepera versicolor, 310. vigorsi, Cindoramphus malheivsi, 205. , Glottis, 08. , Melanodryas ciicullata. 170. , Petroica cttcnl'ata, 170. , Plenoedus mathewsi, 205. vinitincta, Merula, 324. vinitinclus, Melithreptus, 200. . lunatus, 260. vinilinctua, Planesticus xanlhopus. 324. vinotiruita, Austrotumix velor, II. , Tumix velox, 11. vinotinctus, Alisleranus cinctus, 303. Vinous-tinted Blackbird, 324. violaceits, Plilonorhynchus, 308. , I'iolacetis, 308. , Pyrrhocorax, 308. . violetac, Pachycephala gultitralis. 170. , pectoralis, 170. Virago, 91. castanea, 91. castanea, 91. rogersi, 91. Viralva, 44. i-i;e«cen«, Kilta, 309. — — , Melithreptus, 320. , Sphecotheres, 306. , Sttirmia, 201. virgatus, Hieraspiza, 104. virginus, Charadrius, 57. inridicollis, Philemon, 329. viridior, Eopsaltria australis, 183. , Pachycephala australis, 183. , Scricornis magniroslris, 221. viridiru/us, Cuciilus, 156. viridis, Ailuroedus, 300. , Australasia, 110. , Cacatua. 123. , Calyptorhynchus, 123. , viridis, 123. , Gractda, 305, 300. , Manorina, 285. , Philemon, 200. , Psittacus, 134, 140. , Ptilonorhynchus, 300. , Sphecotheres, 306. viridiscens, Smicrornis brevirostris , 171 vittata, Amanrodryas, 170. , Meliphaga, 273. , Muscicapa, 170. , Pachyptila, 30. , vittata, 39. , Procellaria, 39. vittattis, Caprimtdgus, 144. , Cypsehts, 153. volitans. Tardus, 189. vulgaris, Arenaria, 09. , Flammea, 110. , Menura, 160. Vtdtur audax, 105. Wagtail, Kamschatka Yellow. 294. walgetti, Meliphaga sonora, 274. , Ptilotis sonora, 274. walleri, Strix, 117. 447 wal] INDEX [WES walleri, Tyto longimembris, 117. Wandering Kingfisher, 321. Warbler, Australian Reed-, 209. , Grass-, 209. , Little Grass-, 210. , Long-bUled Reed-, 209. , Northern-, 210. , Reed-, 209. , Pale Long-billed Reed-, 209. , Pallid Grass-, 210. , Rock-, 212. , Southern Reed-, 209. , Western, 210. wardelli, Piezorhynchus alecto, 191. , nitidus, 191. warreni, Sericornis mamdata, 222. Wattle-bird, Brush, 288. , Kangaroo Island Red,289. . , Little, 289. , Red, 289. , Southern Red, 289. , Tasmanian Red, 289. cheeked Honey-eater, 278. wayensis, Calamanthus campestris, 204. , Ethelornis cidicivorus, 174. , Gerygone culicivora , 174. , Myzantha flavigida, 287. , Taeniopygia castanotis, 298. , Zonaeginthus castanotis, 298. WedgebUl, 247. , Northern, 247. , Pale, 247. , Westralian, 247. Wedge-tailed Eagle, 105. Weebongia, 300. atbiventer, 300. tvei, Acanthagenys rufogidaris, 290. weiskei, Climacteris, 250. Welcome Swallow, 163. wellsi, Climacteris, 251. , Whitlocka melanura, 251. wesleydalei, Liche.nostomu-s ornatus, 279. , Ptilotis ornata. 279. West Australian Allied Petrel, 33. — Bittern, 80. Crested Tern, 46. Whiskered Tern, 44. White-faced Storm Petrel, Western Black-cheeked Falcon, 111 fronted Dotterel, 60. Moorhen, 27. Oystercatcher, 54. shouldered Kite, 109. ■ -tliroated Grebe, 30. Boobook Owl, 114. Bronze-winged Pigeon, 18. Brown Gannet, 99. Hawk, 112. Buff-banded Rail, 23. ■ Chestnut-faced Owl, 117. Cockatoo, 127. -Parrot, 128. 31. Yellow-nosed MoUymawk, 43. Western Barred-shouldered Dove, 16. Betcherrygah, 140. Black-and-White Swallow, 164. -backed Quail, 9. -breasted Plover, 56. - Collared Sparrow-Hawk, 104. - Comb-crested Jacana, 73. - Coot, 29. - Crested Pigeon, 21. - Dotterel, 75. - Fairy Martin, 1 65. - Freckled Frogmouth, 142. - Frogmouth, 142. - Great Bower-Bird, 311. - Grey-faced Petrel, 37. headed Honey-eater, 279. - Ground-Dove, 16. - Hoary-headed Grebe, 30. - Hooded Dotterel, 60. - Little Bittern, 85. Crake, 25. Penguin, 4. - Mallee Fowl, 5. - Masked Gannet, 99. - Naked-eyed Partridge-Pigeon, 20 - Pacific Gull, 52. - Painted Quail. 9. ■ Pelican, 101. - Purple-crowned Lorikeet, 120. • Red-chested Quail, 10. ■ kneed Dotterel, 55. ■ winged Parrot, 130. Rock-Parrot, 138. ■ Scrub-Fowl, 5. ■ Silver-Gull, 51. ■ Singing Honev-eater, 274. ■ Slate-breasted Rail, 22. . Small-billed Crow, 314. ■ Smutty Parrot, 132. • Spotless Crake, 25. ■ Spotted-shouldered Dove, 17. Stone-Plover, 75. Teal, 91. Tree-Martin, 165. Varied Parrot, 136. Wattle-cheeked Honey-eater, 27.S Wedge-tailed Eagle. 105. 448 WESj IKDBX [WHI Western Wedge-tailed Petrel, 34. Welcome Swallow, 163. Wliito Cockatoo, 125. eared Honey-eater, 276. faced Temlet, 48. shafted Temlet, 48. Winking Owl, 115. Yellow-fronted Honey-eater, 279. Oriole, 306. westemensis, Dacnis, 252. , Gliciphila melanops, 267. , Stipiturus, 229. , malachurua, 229. , Zosterops lateralis, 252. westralasiamts. Halcyon, 149. , Sauropatia aancta, 149. westralensis , Botaunis poiciloptihts, 86. , Coracina novaehollandiae, 193. , Epthianura albifrons, 207. , Mdanodryas cucullata, 170. , Myzomela nigra, 264. , Oreoica cristata, 246. , Pardalotinus strialus, 258. , Petroica ciicullata, 170. , Seistira inquieta, 189. Westralian Ground-Parrot, 140. Nankeen-Kestrel, 113. Rose-breasted Cockatoo, 127. westraliensis, Milvus isurus, 108. westralis, Biziura lobata, 94. , Carbo carbo, 95. , Catoptropelicamu conspictllatus, 101. , Pelecanus conspicillat'us, 101. , Phaethon rubricauda, 100. , Scaeophaethon rubricauda, 100. , Tadorna tadomoides, 90. weatwoodia, Cacomantis pyrrophanus, 156. , Cuculus, 156. Whimbrel, Eastern, 63. , Little, 63. WTiistling Duck, 89. Eagle, 108. White-bellied Little Quail, 11. • Owlet Nightjar, 144. Plumed-Pigeon, 21. Sea-Eagle, 107. Storm-Petrel, 32. breasted Cormorant, 96. White-eye, 324. capped Albatross, 43. Cockatoo, 125. eared Honey-eater, 276. Egret, 81. eyed Buzzard, 106. Wliite-eyed Duck, 93. -faced Temlet, 48. fronted Heron, 82. Petrel, 331. Gallinule, 326. Goshawk, 103. headed Fruit-Pigeon. 14. Osprey, 113. • Petrel, 37. Sea-Eagle, 107. Sheld-drake, 90. Stilt, 61. Ibis, 77. necked Heron, 82. quilled Goose-Teal, 87. • Rock-Pigeon, 19. Reef-Heron, 83. streaked Honey-eater, 277. ■ -tailed Black Cockatoo, 124. Tropic-Bird, 101. winged Chough, 317. Petrel, 38. whiteae, Calyptorhynchus ftinereua, 12. , Corcorax melanorhamphos, 317. , melanorhamphus, 317. White-eye, 252. , AUied YeUow, 254. , Capricorn, xxvi, 253. , Carnarvon, 254. , Golden, 254. , Green-backed, 253. , Kangaroo Island, 253. , Pale-bellied, 253. , Queensland, 253. , Robust, 324. , Slender-biUed, 324. , Southern, 252. , Tasmanian, 253. ■ , Western Yellow, 254. , White-breasted, 324. , Yellow, 254. , vented, 253. whitei, Acanthiza lineata, 216. , Amytomis, 232. , Bamardius bamardi, 134. , CoUuricincla rttfiventris, 238. , Falcunciilits, 245. , jrontatus, 245. •, Lacustroica, 268. , Maccoyomis broadbenti, 231. , Malur'us, 225. , Microtribonyx ventralia, 27. , Mytisa striata, 232. , Myzantha melanocephala, 286. , Platalea flavipes, 79. , Platycercits bamardi, 134. 449 FF WHi] INDEX whitei, Porzana fluminea, 24. , Ptilotia penicillata, 281. , Ptilotvla penicillata, 281. , Rhipidura flabellifera, 184. , Sphenura broadbenti, 231. , Tribonyx ventralia, 27. , Trichoglossiis versicolor, 120. , Tyto novaehollandiae, 117. Whiteornis, 169. ■ goodenovii, 169. alexandrae, 169. goodenovii, 169. qiioyi, 169. ramsayi, 169. ruficapillus, 169. Whiflocka, 251. melanota, 252. OTefa?iMra, 251. alexandrae, 251. melanura, 251. wellsi, 251. rw/a, 252. • — - — - dbscura, 252. orientalis, 252. rufa, 252. whitlocki, Acanthiza, 214. ^, pusilla, 214. , Oharadrius australis, 75. , Olossopsitta porpyrocephala, 120. , Hylacola cauta, 200. , pyrrhopygia, 200. , Melithreptus lunatus, 259. , Neositta pileata, 248. , Ocyphaps lopkotes, 21. , Pardalotus punctatus, 256. , Peltohyas australis, 75. , Platycercus icterotis, 133 Tr»7sowaOTs, 172. chloronota apsleyi, 173. chloronota, 173. darwini, 173. /iMco, 172. broomei, 173. cantator, 173. fusca, 172. ■ laevigaster, 173. mastersi, 173. • mouki, 173. mungi, 173. pallida, 172. ieraeftrosa, 172. christophori, 172. tenebrosa, 172. wilsoni, Acanthorhynchus auperciliosus, 266. , Megalurus graminetis, 211. 450 [WRE ■mlaoni, Myzantha flavigvla, 286. ^, Poodytes gramineus, 211. , Thalassidroma, 31. Winking Owl, 115. Wonga-wonga, 21. Wood-Duck, or Maned Goose, 88. Fantail, 185. , North-western, 186. Sandpiper, 68. , Eastern, 68. SwaUow, 236. , Black-faced, 235. , vented, 235. , Little, 236. , Masked, 234. , Northern Black-faced,235 , Little, 236. , Masked, 234. , White-browed, 235. , Western Masked, 234. , White-rumped, 234. , "mute-bellied, 235. , browed, 234. , rumped, 234. , vented, 235. woodwardi, Amytornis, 233. Anthochaera caruncvlata, 288. Coleia carunculata, 288. Colluricincla, 238. DromiceijM novaehollandiae, 1. Eudyptvla minor, 4. Magnamytis, 233. Mirafra, 297. javanica, 297. Porphyria melanotus, 28. , Allied Black-and-white, 229. Field-, 204. Lovely, 227. Scrub-, 222. Yellow-throated Scrub-,220 Banded, 225. Bemier Island BIue-breasted,226. Scrub-, 222. Wren Black-and-white, 229. backed, 224. Grass-, 233. Blue, 224. breasted, 227. Brown Scrub-, 222. BuH-breasted Scrub-, 221. Cape Otway Scrub-, 221. Chestnut-mantled Grass-, 232. rumped Ground-, 199. Collared Scrub-, 223. Desert-, 204. Dorrie Island Field-, 204. wrb] INDEX [XAU Wren, Eastern Red-backed, 228. Emu-, 229. Field-, 203. Flinders Island Blue, 224. Scrub-, 223. 232. 227. 204. 223. Forsyth Scrub, xx\'i. Geelong Ground-, 200. Grass-, 232. Kangaroo Island Blue, 224. Ground-, 200. Scrub-, 222. Kent Island Scrub-, 220. King Island Blue, 224. Lake Eyre Grass-, 233. Large-billed Scrub-, 221. Striated Field-, 203. Grass-, 232. tailed Grass-, Lavender-flanked, Little Field-, 212. Scrub-, 221. Long-billed Field-, taUed Blue, 223. Lovely, 227. MaUee Emu-, 229. Mauve- crowned, 228. North Tasmanian Blue, Northern Banded, 225. Blue-breasted, 226. Large-billed Scrub-, 221. taUed Grass-, 231. Scrub-, 222. Yellow-throated Scrub-, 220. North-western 226. Orange-backed, 228. Peninsula Field-, 203. Scrub-, 222. Purple-backed, 226. crowned, 227. Queensland Field-, 213. Red-backed, 228. winged, 226. Rock Field-, 203. Rufous-crowned Emu-, 230. Desert-, 204. Gras.-!-, 232. rumped Ground-, 200. Rusty Red Field-, 204. Short-taUed Ground-, 200. SUvery Blue, 224. Southern Blue, 224. breasted, 226. Little Field-, 213. Scrub-, 221. Blue-breasted, Wren, Southern Striated Grass-, 232. , South-western Blue-breasted, 227. , Grass-, 231. , Spotted Scrub-, 222. , Striated Field-, 203. , Grass-, 232. , Tasmanian Emu-, 229. , Thick-billed Grass-, 232. , Turquoise, 224. , Variegated, 226. , Victorian Blue, 224. , Emu-, 229. , Large-biUed Scrub-, 221. , Scrub-, 220. , Warren River Scrub, 222. , Western Blue-breasted, 226. , Grass-, 231. , Ground-, 200. , Lovely, 227. , Red-backed, 228. , Striated Field-, 203. , Grass-, 232. , White-backed, 225. , winged, 225. , Westrahan Emu-, 229. , White-backed, 225. , browed Scrub-, 221. , lored Field-, 203. , throated Grass-, 233. , winged, 225. , YeUow-throated Scrub-, 220. wyndhami, Chrysococcyx basalis, 157. , Neochalcites basalis, 157. , Ptilotis flavescem, 280. , Plilotula flavescens, 280. xanthanotus, Calyptorhynchus, 123. , funereus, 123. xanthocheilus, Charadrius, 57. Xanthocnus, 85. xanthogasier, Platycercus, 132. , Todus, 182. xanthogenys, Platycercus, 133. xanthoprocta, Pachycephala, 322. xanthopus, Planesiicus, 324. , xanthopus, 324. , Turdus, 324. xanthopygits, Pardalotua, 255. , punctatus, 255. xanthorrhoa, Northiella haematogaster, 136. , Psephotus, 136. Xanthotis, 282. flaviventer, 282. filigera, 283. 451 XAIf] INDEX [zos Xanthotis flaviventer flaviventer, 282. xanthotis, Certhia, 329. Xenorhynchus , 79. asiaticus, 79. asiaticus, 79. australis, 79. rogersi, 79. Xenos, 67. Xentis, 67. Xeropliila, 246. casianeiventris, 247. leucopsis, 246. nigricincta, 247. pectoralis, 246. Xiphidiorhynchiis, 61. yarra, Manorina melanophrys, 285. , Ptilotis unicolor, 282. , Stomiopera unicolor, 282. Yellow-banded Parrot, 134. ■ bellied Fig-Bird, 307. White-eared Honey- eater, 276. billed Bower-Bird, 310. Spoonbill, 79. ■ cheeked Parrot, 133. coUared Parrot, 135. eared Honey-eater, 273. mantled Parrot, 133. necked Honey-eater, 280. Mangrove-Bittern, 85. Oriole, 306. Parrot, 131. plumed Honey-eater, 279. spotted Bower-Bird, 310. streaked Honey-eater, 275. throated Honey-eater, 275. tinted Honey-eater, 280. ■ tufted Honey-eater, 277. vented Parrot, 136. wattle Bird, 287. , Victorian, 288. , Western, 288. yorki, Aprosmicius erythropterus, 130. , Caprimulgus macrurus, 152. , Certhionyx albogvlaris , 269. . , Conopophila albogtdaris, 269. , Dicaeum hirundinaceum, 255. , Erythropitta macklotii, 162. , Eulaheornis philippensis, 23. , OallinuJa moluccana, 26. , Hypotaenidia philippensis, 23. , Karva leiicomela, 196. , Lalage leucomela, 196. , Melithreptus lunidatvs, 260. , Myiagra rubectila, 187. yorki, Pardalotus rvhricatus, 256. , Philemon buceroides, 292. , Pitta macklotii, 162. youngi, Pachycephala gutturalis, 178. , pectoralis, 178. Y psilophorus , 7. ypsilophorus, Coturnix, 7. , Synoictts, 7. , ypsilophorus, 7. Zalias, 33. zamba, Colluricincla harmonica, 237. Zanda, 123. baudinii, 124. baudinii, 124. tenuirostris, 124. Zanthomiza, 270. phrygia, 270. phrygia, 270. tregellasi, 271. Zapornia, 24. pusilla, 24, 25. fitzroyi, 25. ■ palustris, 25. pusilla, 25. Zaprium,, 39. zarda, Lichenostomus cratitius, 278. •, Ptilotis cratitia, 278. zeylanicus, Solenoglossus, 121. zietzi, Acanthiza, 214. , pusilla, 214. , Neonanodes petrophilus, 138. •, Psephotus petrophilus, 138. Zonaeginthus, 297. bellus, 297. bellus, 297. samueli, 297. • castanotis alexandrae, 298. mouki, 298. — mungi, 298. roebiicki, 298. wayensis, 298. ■ guttatus philordi, 297. nitidus, 297. oczdatus, 298. zonarius, Barnardius, 134. , zonarius, 134. , Psittacus, 134. Zoni/er, 56. tricolor, 56. ■ gwendolenae, 56. tricolor, 56. Zosterops, 252. albiventris, 253. albiventris, 253. albogvlaris, 324. 452 zos] INDEX [Z09 Zoaterops australis, 254. balstoni, 254. bowiae, 252. caerulescena, 252. — ■ — chlorocephalua, 253. chloronotua, 253. doraalis, 252. flavogularis, 253. gou'di, 253. gularia, 324. halmaturina, 253. lateralis, 252. chlorocephata, xxvi. cornwalli, 253. halmaturina, 253. lateralis, 252. ramsayi, 253. Zoaterops lateralis tasmanica, 253. tepliropleura, xxvi, 253. u)e«iernen«i«, 252. lutea, 254. balstoni, 254. ;- gulliveri, 254. — — • -hecla, 254. /u/ea, 254. tribulationis, 254. luleus, 254. ramsayi, 253. — — shortridgii, 253. sJrenua, 324. tenuirostris, 324. tepliropleura, xxvi, 253. ■u)e«(ernew«i« vegeta, 253. (Tepftraa) gulliveri, 254. Printed by Witbebbt & Co., at their Fristing Press in Middle Bow Place, London. ^.s-7tni-""a-r T 1 f o ^ ';„ fr V , T '2^^ A '^'"•n L"* irr .^^ . -I./..J _, 'Voivi'S Slivi.K - rhc Loailui Geo jTKjJucal Insuuit^ X