© U S Department of Transportation Federal Railroad Administration Investigation of Rail Fastener Performance Requirements Office of Research and Development Washington, DC 20590 DOT/FRA/ORD-82/10 March 1982 Interim Report This document is available to the U.S. public through the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, Virginia 22161. NOTICE The United States Government does not endorse products or manufacturers. Trade or manufacturers' names appear herein solely because they are con- sidered essential to the object of this report. NOTICE This document is disseminated under the sponsorship of the Department of Transportation in the interest of information exchange. The United States Govern- ment assumes no liability for its contents or use thereof. Technical Report Documentation Pc- 1. Report No. FRA/0R&D-82/10 2. Government Accession No. 3. Recipient's Cotolog No. 4. Title and Subtitle Investigation of Rail Fastener Performance Requirements 5. Report Date March 1982 6. Performing Organization Code Battel! e 7. Author's) 8. Performing Organization Report No. Francis E. Dean 9. Performing Organization Name and Address Battelle Columbus Laboratories 505 King Avenue Columbus, Ohio 43201 10. Work Unit No. (TRAIS) 11. Controct or Gront No. DOT-FR-9162 12. Sponsoring Agency Nome and Address Federal Railroad Administration Office of Research and Development 400 Seventh Street SW Washington, DC 20590 13. Type of Report ond Period Covered Interim Report October 1980 - June 1981 14. Sponsoring Agency Code FRA 15. Supplementary Notes 16. Abstroct An investigation was conducted to develop qualification requirements which rel iably duplicate the service performance of rail fasteners. The study included a review of available data from qualification tests, measurements of rail/tie deflections and fastener clip strains at the Facility for Accelerated Service Testing (FAST), and laboratory tests at Battelle which simulated the FAST environment. Several aspects of service performance at FAST were successfully duplicated in the laboratory tests. Recommendations are made for the design of improved fastener qualification tests. 17. Key Words Rail Fasteners, Fastener Performance Railroad Track 18. Distribution Statement Document is available to the U.S. public through the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA 22161. 19. Security Clossif. (of this report) Unclassified 20. Security Classif. (of this page) Unclassified 21. No. of Pages 70 22. Price Form DOT F 1700.7 (8-72) Reproduction of completed page authorized i DC O Q- UJ CC CO U •r— U +-> cu CD -t-> fO .a o E E E 3. S- (L) cu C_) -t-j 01 00 E c CD S- •i — o I— 3 en O) :E cu 2: CU o 4-> O s- CU +-> CU c c O •!- 5 s- cu +-> 2: co Q UJ CO CO h- 1 — 1 co (— < _I z: UJ u. o co .a CM CO 00 CM ■^ 00 1 «^- *3- CO • •s* Ll_ • ID • CM «3" 00 00 ^1- in r— CO lo CO CO r-«. en LO O r— UJ o 00 •1 — CXI 4- Q. I c 3. cu -M CL 4-> •^ cu .c c * — ■* cu cu S- u -c j- fO u_ 4- 00 cu • . -a cu CO -t-> .c c: J- +J O 3 cx> r— O sz cu C u. >— 1 a. o 00 CO O -a JZ c O 3 C 00 1 — 1 — 1 4-> Q_ "^ c •r— 11 1 ■0 •r— C -*-> c to ID a. Z3 i- •r- O +J "O ^ u. Q_ CO C1J c •r- -Q E O c_> n PREFACE This report completes an investigation to identify improvements in performance requirements for rail fasteners used in U.S. mainline service. Battel le Columbus Laboratories conducted the study under Contract DOT-FR- 9162 entitled "Tie and Fastener Verification Studies." The overall program was sponsored by the Improved Track Structures Research Division of the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA). In a related phase of the same program, Battel le investigated the effects of tie pad stiffness on the attenuation of dynamic loads in concrete ties installed on the Northeast Corridor track. Mr. Howard G. Moody of the FRA served as the Contracting Officer's Technical Representative and contributed significantly to this effort by obtaining timely delivery of test materials and by editing the suggestions of the reviewers in preparation of the final draft. Several representatives of railroads and suppliers provided meticulous reviews of the draft report. The efforts of all of these people are greatly appreciated. m Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://archive.org/details/investigationofr8210dean TABLE OF CONTENTS Page PREFACE iii INTRODUCTION 1 Review of Fastener Performance Problems 2 Wood Tie Fasteners 2 Concrete Tie Fasteners 5 FASTENER PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS 7 REVIEW OF EXISTING FASTENER TEST DATA 14 Rail Clip Force-Deflection Properties 14 Tie Pad Stiffness 14 Fastener Longitudinal Restraint 16 Fastener Lateral/Rollover Restraint 17 Lateral and Longitudinal Restraint of Wood Tie Fasteners 18 FASTENER PERFORMANCE EXPERIMENTS 21 Track Measurements at FAST 21 Clip Force-Deflection-Strain Characteristics 23 Comparison With Track Measurements 23 Method of Determining Clip Yield Load 25 Tie Pad Compression Tests 26 Longitudinal Restraint Tests 33 Lateral/Rollover Restraint Tests 36 Fastener Fatigue Tests 41 Concrete Tie Fastener Fatigue Test 42 Wood Tie Fastener Fatigue Test 47 DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 50 APPENDIX A - DATA FROM EXISTING FASTENER PERFORMANCE TESTS 54 APPENDIX B - STRAIN-VOLTAGE RELATIONSHIP OF INSTRUMENTED CLIPS 61 APPENDIX C - LABORATORY TESTS OF INDIVIDUAL CLIPS 66 REFERENCES 69 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Figure Page 1 Examples of Nonconventional Wood Tie Fasteners 4 2 Examples of Concrete Tie Fasteners 6 3 Clip Force-Deflection Properties 14 4 Two Methods for Measuring Tie Pad Stiffness 15 5 Measurement of Longitudinal Restraint 17 6 Measurement of Fastener Lateral and Rollover Restraint .... 17 7 Comparison of Longitudinal Resistance With and Without Rail Vibration 20 8 Field Measurements at FAST: Fastener Types and Displacement Components 22 9 Vertical Clip Deflection Vs. Clip Strain From Track Measurements and Two Laboratory Tests 24 10 Typical Clip Force-Deflection Characteristics 27 11 Determination of Clip Yield Point for Two Clips 28 12 Loading Arrangement for Tie Pad Compression Tests 29 13 Vertical Load-Deflection Characteristics for the Polyethylene Pad 30 14 Effect of Cycle Rate on Load-Deflection Characteristic of Grooved "Duraflex" Pads 31 15 Effect of Cycle Rate on Load-Deflection Characteristic of Grooved Synthetic Rubber Pad 32 16 Loading Fixtures Used for Longitudinal Restraint Tests .... 34 17 Influence of Pads and Insulators on Longitudinal Restraint of Concrete Tie Fasteners 35 18 Longitudinal Restraint of Wood Tie Fastener System 37 19 Loading and Measurement Schematic for Lateral/Rollover Restraint Tests 38 20 Applied Load Vs. Displacement for Lateral Restraint Tests at 20 and 30 Degrees, Hard Polyethylene Pad 39 21 Applied Load Vs. Displacement for Lateral Restraint Tests at 20 and 30 Degrees, Grooved Synthetic Rubber Pad 40 22 Loading Schematic for Concrete Tie Fastener Fatigue Test ... 43 23 Typical Load-Deflection and Strain-Deflection Plots From Fatigue Test of Concrete Tie Fastener 45 24 Locations of Clip Cracks Developed During Concrete Tie Fatigue Test 46 vi LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS (Continued) Figure Page 25 Loading Schematic for Wood Tie Fastener Fatigue Test 48 B-l Schematic of Type A Clip Instrumentation 63 B-2 Measurement of Clip Response Voltage Vs. Deflection in Laboratory Fixture 65 C-l Fixture for Measurement of Clip Force-Deflection-Strain Properties 68 Table LIST OF TABLES 1 Summary of AREA and Amtrak Fastener Performance Specifications 8 2 Amtrak and AREA Fastener Qualification Test Sequence 13 3 Results of Gauge Widening and Longitudinal Restraints Tests on Four-Tie Panels of Wood Ties 19 A-l Fastener Clip Force-Deflection Properties 55 A-2 Fastener System Uplift Properties 56 A-3 Tie Pad Compression Load-Deflection Properties 57 A-4 Fastener Longitudinal Restraint Properties 58 A-5 Fastener Lateral Restraint Properties 59 A-6 Fastener Rollover Restraint Properties 60 vn INTRODUCTION This investigation was conducted to identify potential improvements in performance requirements for rail fasteners. Improvements are needed to reduce the greater tie and fastener maintenance demands which have emerged with increased levels of lateral and vertical track loading. Maintenance problems on highly loaded wood tie track (tie plate cutting and spike killing of the ties, rapid deterioration of surface and alignment) have led to two developments: (1) the trial use of nonconventional fasteners on wood ties, and (2) the introduction and expanding use of con- crete ties. While some of the new systems have brought improvements in the critical area of gauge widening, many have experienced additional problems. These include the failure of components (concrete tie fastener clips, tie pads and insulators, wood tie plates and holddown spikes), the lack of ade- quate longitudinal restraint, and the cracking of concrete ties. Performance specifications for concrete tie fasteners have been developed by several railway associations and rail transit authorities. In most cases, the specifications require a series of qualification tests in which the fastener system is subjected to static and dynamic loads. The retention of fastener strength and resistance to permanent deformation are determined by static measurements before and after fatigue tests. While such tests have served to differentiate among candidate systems, they have often not provided reliable indications of performance in track. The value of the tests is limited by a lack of information about the fastener service environment. To develop fastener performance requirements which better represent the service environment, a research program was carried out in the following phases: a. A review of fastener performance problems, existing performance requirements and available data from laboratory tests was conducted. This review is pre- sented in Reference [1]. b. To define a representative fastener loading environment, a field test program was carried out at the Facility for Accelerated Service Testing (FAST). Measurements of rail/tie deflection and fastener clip strains were made on 5-degree curves of wood and concrete tie track. Results of the field measurements and supporting labora- tory tests are reported in Reference [2]. c. A laboratory study was conducted to: (1) define more realistic fastener fatigue tests. This was accomplished by subjecting two of the 1 fastener systems to simulated service environ- ments (based on the measured fastener deflections and strains) and comparing the results with observed performance at FAST. (2) improve the determination of basic fastener per- formance characteristics. These included the fastener yield load and the stiffness of a con- crete tie pad. This report summarizes the preliminary review, presents the essential results of the field measurements at FAST, and describes the sub- sequent laboratory tests. On the basis of this investigation, recommenda- tions are made for changes to current qualification tests of concrete tie fasteners. If adopted, the changes will provide for: a. more realistic tests of fastener resistance to fatigue loads b. the definition of pad stiffness over the range of pad loads expected in service c. elmination or simplification of other tests used in the current specifications. Review of Fastener Performance Problems Wood Tie Fasteners The conventional wood tie fastener in U.S. service consists of: a. a tie plate to transfer loads from the rail to the tie b. cut spikes to constrain the plate and rail against gauge widening and to constrain the rail against rollover c. rail anchors—spring steel clamps which, when attached to the rail base, constrain longitudinal rail-to-tie movement. Vertical uplift motion of the rail is allowed through the development of free play between the rail base and the rail line spikes. The amount of free play is adjusted naturally as the rail deflects upward in front of the passing wheels and the line spikes yield slightly from their original anchorage in the tie. Tie pumping is held to a minimum by this development of free play. This basic fastener has been in use for many years and remains predominant in U.S. track. However, the introduction of 100-ton cars with roller bearings and long unit trains has caused rapid gauge widening, tie plate cutting and spike killing of ties with the conventional fastener. Wear begins in the form of spike pullout and enlargement of spike holes, causing lateral yielding of the tie plate and rotation of the rail. Often the track must be regauged by plugging or filling the spike holes and redriv- ing the spikes. The process accelerates with repeated maintenance and eventually necessitates tie replacement. Finally, frequent transposing and relaying of rail on curves require removal of the line spikes and contribute to spike kill ing. Various modifications of the conventional fastener have been introduced to alleviate these problems. These include: a. additional spikes b. additional spikes with larger tie plates c. special screw or locking type spikes as holddown fasteners. Some railroads have installed test sections of wood tie fasteners, which represent a major departure from the conventional plate-and-spike fastener system. Examples are shown in Figure 1. The greatest departure from conventional design consists of the use of elastically deforming clips to constrain the rail. The clips may be detachable from the tie plate, may be anchored through the plate by screw spikes or other holddown devices, or may be integral with or permanently fixed to a pair of spikes. One major objective in the use of such clips is to eliminate rail anchors. Wood tie fastener test data shown later indicate that some fastener designs actually exceed the longitudinal restraint of rail anchors, but to date this has not been verified in the field. Rigid clip designs have also been introduced. Some of these pro- vide a gap between the clip and the rail base to permit rail uplift and thereby reduce pumping. Since the gap eliminates longitudinal restraint by the clip, rail anchors are required. However, detachable clips of either the rigid or elastic type have a major advantage in that the rail can be trans- posed or replaced without respiking. Tests of nonconventional wood tie fasteners in revenue service have provided early evidence of improved performance [3]. However, tests at FAST under severe and accelerated conditions have produced the following problems [4]: a. elastic clips broken or loose b. tie plates broken at clip attachments | Refer to References 00 LxJ I— o 3Z OO Q UJ I— oo z • •-^ CM LU LU »— cm 2 < i— i Q. U_ LU OO a z LU oo <_> ■z. - on oo S- to c O OJ . -I- +J +->+-> cu t- TO S- cu E u W i. c coo •r- 4- U (U C Ol Did) C 03 C -r- Q. ro -^ O- E U •i— S- 03 r- 4- O 5- O CD o c C 03 4- +J o o s- c o o 03 o cJ CO S- ai c c c: cu to o o CL +J c O) c: o a. E o u >> c to 4- O CU s- +-) CJ 03 s- 4- CU I/) tO a> 'a 5- (0 S- LU a: o o cc 4- +J O to -a cu 03 i — o i— +j to to ~a o i— •i- o +-> .c: i- l/> CU "O cu > c +-> to Z5 >> c f (/I •!- O. O- E CL-f- LU on CO < -Q 4J I— :3 I C 4- E O CO LO CM 4-> I/) 4- to O CU a cr 03 s_ o -o +-> I— o >■>-£- "0.-0 o_ c o cu •<- Q 4-> Cu LO 4- o "O • 03 to O Q- X to o >> o c— +-> 0. a. o- cu ^ g to L CM CO LU CC LU 00 "%i 1 o LO CM -o 03 O 00 ^ 4-> •— • 3 C3 ° ^ r— "-< 3 2^ Cu 00 I/) CU CU zs a- i~ o l-H -(-) 1 - o c_) CO E j= . 4-> i O o C ^o tJ l 1 CD o O ^ ^ V o o a o o Q. Q. § § C\J <>J E s oo O o +? 1— +-> ■V o o a CO "c a a V ^s a ■>< +-> V Q. a. CO ■^ 3 CO s ^ CO CD o o OS O J^ CC c* z: z ^ c{ S en . . .^r CD -O tsl 3: to • Ll_ H- a U_ s- s- c: c ^ -^ § O C\J o ^ ^ Ci CD CD •> »p- n3 a 3 <2> r— «^ ^ S ^J- C 4-> r— E -4-> O s; vO CJ +-> 1 — O Cr CD <0 tO CO cj -a Cj O C CO N") O , -t-> 3 > LO -i- 'V CO O i — CO V oo V O CD «+- £= O -Q a 3 v^o •^-1— O ia >« ^ a. ci rn C E CD M- •>- CD S- S- -CS -^ \ s- o a o A3 4 t/) j= 4_> ° cr. ^ -a S- O CD $) -o - i 1 a CD CO M- i — 3 CD • > CD ^ cj o ^5 — J 1 O • •ty sx ■<} CO i — u i — T-^ n3 O V « CD CO O 4-> « 3 •< i — S- CO 1 =\J C Q.S- 3 „ r- d ~C c ■ 3 td S ft) Z5 ^ TD CO C^^ CD a^ cJ LU $ -3 ) *e ra CD O CO S- 4-> .3 o c3 ~a C£. eo o r •>- <> ^ *e O «Cll i — CD i — ^ fO c3 v =* <3 . tQ .c> w « rD Ot--C^ fO S N CI tj -s; os •r- CO •!— S- .3 ^> "<*■ «-^ t 3 Q >, •— o a ts <3 isi -x! n3 =5 E O O) I •$ c3 LU 5- OO Q. a <_) CD i — i — CD CJ O =N> s: . 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CL. -r- CL D- CO : CO CJ 01 CJ CO co s >* s e B 01 >— Ol o cc O co O 1/1 E. , C •r- Ol ■,- O) u 1 o wi -* l/l CO CO CO l/l c l/l -»- i/i •»- a. a. o> 1- O) a O) Q. i- CO C CO e f a. CL E 4-> CJ £ CJ E ■o S- O ITJ O 3 O 3 LU 0) UJ Of CJ CJ <_> CJ O CD O CD a. =c CM CM CM CM <— CM CM M- CM *3" cm co l/l (/I Ol o> O c: -Q 10 -■ =1 _l O td co a. •VJ (— 1 r^ 1— C> UJ <£ CJ UJ CC CO O Cl 1 -J < ■a: a: z •— ce O UJ ro =3 O. CD a; •1— \— c C\J M- 1 O C a> c a 1 — rr 1 ro +-> +J CO CO ro •1 — 1 — CO 1 — ai ro CC CO s * L. 1 i- O CO U 1/1 1 01 J= 01 -C 1/1 01 O 1/1 01 (^ t. - <-> c _ — : M CO JC Ol C -^ T3 Ol O CO ' -i- C •i- c Ol ■•- CL Cl CL O f— 4) -r- ID H JC Ol C _l < —1 - C O ^ < 31 C D 01 CO . CL c c 1- x: * IT) ' 1 1 1 1 +-> cj 01 CJ CJ «J — 01 „ c IC CL CL l/l c (/I -* -^ ^L -^ *- CI ■t- o> — 01 Cc (J 01 Ol r— D_ CO CO CL CJ •1- 01 i^ CO (/I L/l Ji m -i- LT> CO ,S! Cc 1 " -i«: Ji -r- 1_ 1- CO (/> ^£ 1 CC CL CL CL to C l/> -r- •r- •!- 10 +J r— C O l/l •»- CO CO CO CO c c ai ■•- Ol O. 01 CL C CJ c •■- c CL Q- or U1 O ••- -C CJ c to CD CL ITS (O c 0. t. CO 1- CO m +-> 4-> 4-» EE CL C i*j Cc ElJE CJ E C h- T3 l_ C ■ E a Q. Cc 3 3 3 3 E f E 4-> *J 4-> n- c -^ <: cu c E -^ 4-1 I CJ CJ CJ O Ol 01 O « O 3 O 3 Ol ■ Ol UJ 01 3 3 10 c fO *o • 01 a O 1— 3 CD CD CM «3- CJ I CM CM CJCJ CM CM CJ CJ CM ro CD O CD f— f— «T Q CD cm *r CJ CJ Cc •.- CM CM CM a- dz 1 CM CO Q CD CM - LU 2 \\ a o -j < o i— i i— i— y 1- LU CO O h . , 1 1 «l 1 t o o IT) o o o CM o o U"> o o o o o LO (6>|) 3DcJ0J d33U3 Q O ro t O 3 LU s: z LU o C_> n: i— a I— u-i HH< D_ 3U_ LU LU Q D_ C£. z: ■—. O 31 i— 1— O H^ 1-^ 3 1— CO LU <£ O _l Z LU < 1— u_ O OO O 1— ( CO CO LU 1— Q£ CO LU _J h- < z z t-.cC Q LU ■=> Q. 1— O i— i OL CD ID IT) Z LU O^— _1 z u_ o O i-" 1— ZcC OQ£ ^d- CO QQ i— i •— i Cd > < D 1 *^^ 2: •— P o«=t fc <_> Q£ —I D. CO C\J i— i o Q_ LU LU q: o (6l) 30d0d d33cJD 20 FASTENER PERFORMANCE EXPERIMENTS In an effort to develop fastener qualification requirements which would provide correlation between observed laboratory and service performance, Battel le conducted an experimental program in three phases: a. Rail/tie deflections and fastener clip strains were measured at FAST to define representative, severe fastener loading environments. This effort is described in Reference 1 . b. Static measurements of fastener load-deflection characteristics were conducted in the laboratory to: (1) determine the load combinations required to reproduce the maximum strains and deflections measured at FAST (2) compare the track-measured strains and deflections with those produced during conduct of current qualification tests (3) examine the current methods of determining basic clip and pad characteristics. c. Fatigue tests were conducted on one concrete tie fastener system and one wood tie fastener system, both of which are among the types used at FAST. This was done to compare the results of the tests with performance observed in service. The following sections discuss the results of these experiments as they relate to the development of fastener performance requirements. Track Measurements at FAST To define severe fastener loading environments which could be simulated in the laboratory, rail/tie deflections and fastener clip strains were measured on 5-degree curves of concrete and wood tie track at FAST. Two concrete tie fasteners and two wood tie fasteners were examined, Figures 8(a) and 8(b). Measurements were made at three sites in each fastener subsection. Each fastener used an elastic clip to constrain the ra i 1 . Deflection measurements, Figure 8(c), consisted of three vertical rail/tie deflections at the rail base, one lateral at the rail base, one lateral at the rail head, and one longitudinal. In one subsection of each type of track where a common clip (Type A) was installed, fastener clip strains were also measured. The instrumentation of clips to measure strain is described in Appendix B. 21 Type A Clip Elastic Clip/Spike Type A Clip (a) Concrete Tie Fasteners (b) Wood Tie Fasteners / ! lf>_< I' j Attaakrmnt to T-le. / i / / B- (c) Rail/Tie Deflection Measurements FIGURE 8. FIELD MEASUREMENTS AT FAST: FASTENER TYPES AND DISPLACEMENT COMPONENTS 22 Train loads were produced by a consist of two locomotives and twenty loaded 100-ton hopper cars. Train runs were made in both clockwise and counterclockwise directions for measurements in the concrete tie section, where a 2-percent grade contributed to greater deflections for counterclock- wise (upgrade) travel. Only clockwise runs were made over the wood tie section where the grade and its effect were much lower. The major results of the track measurements were: a. Peak lateral deflections between the rail head and tie approached 0.100 inches on both types of track. b. Vertical rail/tie deflections of rail clips in the concrete tie section approached 0.040 inches in both gauge side uplift and field side compression. c. Measurements in the concrete tie section were made in a sub- section containing a very rigid polyethylene pad (7.5 million lb/in spring rate) and in a subsection containing a relatively flexible pad (1.3 million lb/in spring rate). Peak deflections were about 30 percent higher for the hard pad than for the soft pad. d. Vertical rail/tie deflections in the wood tie section reached 0.100 inches in field side compression. However, where the fastener clip was attached to the tie plate (Type A clip), most of the vertical deflection took place through tie plate bending rather than through clip deflection. The peak vertical rail /tie deflections at the fastener clips were calculated from the three vertical deflection measurements illustrated in Figure 8(c). The data points in Figure 9 summarize the peak vertical deflec- tions and the simultaneously occurring peak clip strains for the Type A clip. The next section compares the measured data with the strain-deflection relationships measured in the laboratory and also shown in Figure 9. Clip Force-Deflection-Strain Characteristics Comparison With Track Measurements Track measurements of clip strain vs. clip deflection were compared with similar data produced by two laboratory methods: Method 1 - by vertical loading of an individual clip, as described in Appendix C Method 2 - by loading through a rail segment to simulate the lateral and vertical components experienced in track. The lateral restraint fixture used for this purpose is shown later in Figure 19. 23 (1 Volt = 166 microinches/inch) -5 -6 -7 Ctip StucU.n-Ve.file.cXAjjn ToAt — [hleXhod 1) — TRACK MEASUREMENTS O Gauge Clip □ Field Clip ■60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 CLIP DEFLECTION (MILS) FIGURE 9. VERTICAL CLIP DEFLECTION VS. CLIP STRAIN FROM TRACK MEASUREMENTS AND TWO LABORATORY TESTS 24 Figure 9 shows schematics of the two loading arrangements and the three strain-deflection relationships. The results show that: a. The peak clip strain level was found in the track at vertical deflections between 0.030 inches and 0.037 inches of vertical rail/tie deflection b. The reproduction of this peak clip strain required over 0.060 inches of vertical clip deflection by Method 1 but only 0.038 inches by Method 2. The clip strain-deflection relationship obtained from Method 2 correlates with the field results much better than does that of Method 1. It can be concluded that the clip receives substantial strain from lateral loading as well as from vertical loading when installed in track. Thus, the vertical rail/tie deflection of the clip will not provide a good indicator of the level of clip strain. The data in Figure 9 can be used to explain an apparent anomaly between the field measurements of rail/tie deflection and the results of fatigue tests conducted by the clip manufacturer [13]. It is known that substantial numbers of these clips have fractured in service on the 5-degree curve of the concrete tie section at FAST. Therefore, the clip strains experienced in track must exceed the fatigue limit of the clip. The manufacturer subjected the clip to fatigue tests with a loading arrangement equivalent to that of Method 1. Tests were conducted by imposing cyclic vertical deflections (measured relative to the nominal installed clip position) at levels of 0.020 to 0.060 inches in 0.010-inch increments. With a 2000-pound toe load and cyclic deflection of 0.050 inches, the clips did not fail in tests up to 15 million cycles. With the same toe load and cyclic deflection of 0.060 inches, the clips failed in less than one million cycles. An increase in toe load to 2400 pounds caused failures within one million cycles at 0.040 inches of cyclic deflection. Clip toe loads measured by the manufacturer at FAST did not exceed 1580 pounds [14]. The vertical rail /tie deflections measured under this program did not exceed 0.037 inches. However, the fatigue limit of many of the clips in track was exceeded. The apparent anomaly between service per- formance and the manufacturer's fatigue tests can be explained by observing the differences in strain levels produced by the previously described lab- oratory Methods 1 and 2. It is evident that the clip strain levels imposed by combined vertical and lateral loads, either in track or simulated in the laboratory (Method 2) do exceed the fatigue limit of some of the Type A clips. This limit is reached at 3.0-3.5 volts clip strain on the scale of Fig- ure 9, or 0.050-0.060 inches deflection by Method 1. Method of Determining Clip Yield Load A simple and repeatable method for determining the vertical yield load of an individual clip was suggested by a manufacturer* and duplicated *Portec, Inc. 25 at Battel le. The method requires a fixture for the vertical loading of an individual clip, such as the arrangement described in Appendix C, and a vernier caliper or dial gauge capable of displacement measurements to 0.001 inches. The following procedure is used: a. Place the clip on a flat surface and measure the height of the clip toe or other characteristic dimension. b. Select a value of vertical force which is known to be less than the yield load. Apply the vertical load to this point and release it. Typical load- deflection curves are shown in Figure 10. c. Repeat step a. d. Repeat step b with the load increased by 100-200 pounds. This process is continued until the characteristic dimension begins to change and several post-yield points are collected. Straight-line curve fits of pre-yield and post-yield data will intersect at the yield load. Typical data for 2 types of clips are illustrated in Figure 11. The clip yield load should be compared with the nominal toe load of the clip. A sufficient margin between toe load and yield load should be maintained to assure that yield will not occur under the worst combinations of displacements produced by train loads and construction/assembly tolerances. Tie Pad Compression Tests The fixture shown in Figure 12 has been used to perform both static and dynamic compression load tests on a wide variety of pads which differ in material, thickness and shape factor (grooving or molding to reduce stiffness). Examples of pad stiffness are shown in Figure 13 through 15. Some general trends from the tests were: a. Compressive stiffness is highly dependent on the rate of loading for some pads but almost independent of loading rate for others. Extremes are shown in Figure 14 (dependent) and Figure 15 (independent). In general, the hard pad materials (polyethylene, polyurethane, EVA) have stiffnesses which are relatively independent of loading rate. Neoprene is relatively independent except where severe shaping causes a sharp change in stiffness as the pad is compressed. A loading rate of 10 cycles per second is recommended. b. Load-deflection curves should never be recorded until at least several complete load cycles have been applied, even when the load applica- tion is quasistatic. Load cycles should vary from low load to the maximum desired, rather than from zero load to maximum load. Substantial differences will occur in any definition of the "zero" load-deflection point. c. Shaping of pads to achieve flexibility (lower stiffness) can be detrimental to the objective of tie impact load attenuation if the shaping 26 3600 3200 2800 2400 Q 2 2000 O o 1600 1200 800 400 FIGURE 10. 0.2 0.3 0.4 VERTICAL CLIP DEFLECTION (INCH) TYPICAL CLIP FORCE-DEFLECTION CHARACTERISTICS 27 0.5 0.6 1.585 c_> cd 1.580 i— i LU LU O 1.575 14 CLIP TOE HEIGHT CLIP LOAD >^^~ ■^"^ •\ r^ — c ■^ ^ J ^ -> ^ J . ._ . l 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 MAXIMUM CLIP LOAD FOR EACH TEST (HUNDREDS OF POUNDS) 5 0.090 uj en CD LU 0.080 0.070 23 0.060 14 z^y CLIP CENTER HEIGHT 16 18 20 22 24 26 MAXIMUM CLIP LOAD FOR EACH TEST (HUNDREDS OF POUNDS) FIGURE 11. DETERMINATION OF CLIP YIELD POINT FOR TWO CLIPS 28 FIGURE 12. LOADING ARRANGEMENT FOR TIE PAD COMPRESSION TESTS 29 35 30 25 2.0 Q O o 15 10 1 c YCLE/MIN O.i i CYCLES/SEC 1 CYCLE/SEC — t 1 1 CO 1 1 I °-l i J 1 r i 0.010" COMPRESSIVE DEFLECTION FIGURE 13. VERTICAL LOAD-DEFLECTION CHARACTERISTICS FOR THE POLYETHYLENE PAD 30 CO Q o o o o CO i— i C£ LU <"-^. J— co o LU DC 2 (_) «=r z re •— 1 o z z o o h- * t— 1 1— »— o o LU LU _l -J u. LU- LU LU o Q 1 Q O - o Lu. o \— (sdi>i) avtn avd ivoiib3A 31 40 30 c < O w 20 to io LJ Q- s: o o 10 COMPRESSIVE DEFLECTIW FIGURE 15. EFFECT OF CYCLE RATE ON LOAD-DEFLECTION CHARACTERISTICS OF GROOVED SYNTHETIC RUBBER PAD 32 does not allow for the gradual transition of stiffness with increase in compression. The pad shown in Figure 14 is made of moderate durometer mate- rial and is grooved to achieve a radical shape factor. However, the pad grooves "bottom" at less than 15,000 pounds. The effectiveness of this pad in attenuating large impact loads is quite low in comparison to other pads with approximately the same average stiffness [9]. This experimental pad shape has been abandoned by the manufacturer. Longitudinal Restraint Tests Longitudinal restraint tests were conducted to determine whether a dependence could be found between longitudinal restraint and either (1) tie pad stiffness, or (2) the presence or lack of external insulators. It was quickly discovered that the dependence of longitudinal restraint on any single test factor was very difficult to isolate. Problems encountered in the development of an acceptable test procedure are discussed as follows. Early trials with the fixture of Figure 16(a) revealed that the fastener clips could not be depended upon to provide consistent toe loads. Successive tests with the same pad resulted in losses of longitudinal slip load by up to 15 percent. The installation and removal of clips caused clip deformation and wear of the fastener shoulders and insulators. Where insulators were not used, the clip toe and rail base became polished. There- fore, it was necessary to devise a method of applying controlled vertical loads to the clip toe areas of the rail base. This was done with the fixture shown in Figure 16(b). Controlled vertical loads were applied by a mechan- ical test machine to a fixture with two bearing surfaces which simulated toe loads. The vertical load was applied through rollers to prevent reaction of longitudinal load by the vertical load fixture. Also, the vertical fix- ture was constrained against longitudinal displacement by reaction of the fixture against the fastener shoulders. Longitudinal load was applied and measured by placing a hand-pumped hydraulic cylinder in line with the load cell. After vertical load control was established, it was found that test repetitions with the same pad and insulator would not consistently provide the same results. A sequence of tests yielded a general downward drift of longitudinal restraint under identical test inputs. To maintain comparable values of slip load, it was necessary to change the test specimens (pads and insulators) after each measurement. This process was continued until three values of slip load were obtained for each combination of pad, insulator and vertical applied load. The mean of slip loads obtained with identical test inputs was used to form comparisons. Figure 17 presents the results of tests conducted on two pads which represent extremes in pad stiffness and coefficient of friction among those tested. The two pads also produced extremes in longitudinal slip load as a function of vertical applied load. Tests were run with and without insulators of the metal -plastic shim type. The tests with insulators yielded higher loads for both pads, but the difference with and without insulators was much greater for the rigid pad than for the flexible pad. It is possible that the difference in longitudinal stiffness of the two pads causes the insulators to interact differently. 33 (a) Toe Load Provided by Clips (b) Toe Load Provided by Test Machine FIGURE 16. LOADING FIXTURES USED FOR LONGITUDINAL RESTRAINT TESTS 34 ( / / / GROOVED DURAFLEX PAD WITH INSULATORS — x i i X /o / / W I THOU T INSULATORS •»— ^ ™ y / ^ / / l / >y / &/ r/ / - >\ ■if A ft 1 y i!\ ,<■ \ POLYETHYLENE f >AD < &y /* > *A o x y* vT. WITH INSULATORS ITHOUT INSULATORS (£ // // r / Y / Fa y/ t S y // V S / / s / fs s 1000 2000 3000 4000 VERTICAL LOAD (LB) 5000 6000 FIGURE 17. INFLUENCE OF PADS AND INSULATORS ON LONGITUDINAL RESTRAINT OF CONCRETE TIE FASTENERS 35 While the two pads vary widely in stiffness, they also differ in the shape and texture of the bearing surfaces. The polyethylene pad has solid and very smooth bearing surfaces. The Duraflex pad is made of a soft polymer with a comparatively rough surface texture and is grooved to lower stiffness. Typically, the Duraflex pad would permit about twice the longi- tudinal rail -tie deflection before the onset of slip (0.010 inches vs. 0.005 inches for 4000-pound vertical load). This longitudinal flexibility could be a significant factor in the creep resistance of installed ties. The FAST measurements described earlier showed that longitudinal rail/tie deflections under train loads did not exceed 0.010 inches. Similar longitudinal restraint results are shown in Figure 18 for the wood tie fastener which uses a Type A clip. The restraint at a given vertical load falls between those of the concrete tie fasteners shown in the previous figure. However, it should be noted that the onset of slip is almost instantaneous for this case where the rail contacts a steel tie plate. Most measured deflections before slip fell below 0.0002 inches. The system has no flexibility to permit longitudinal rail/tie deflection without slip. Lateral /Roll over Restraint Tests Lateral/rollover tests were conducted with a range of L/V angles from 20 to 30 degrees and with pads of varying stiffness. The primary pur- pose of this effort was to determine the combinations of load and L/V angle which could most closely simulate the maximum rail/tie deflections and clip strains found in the FAST measurements. This also provided an opportunity to evaluate the current qualification tests for lateral/rollover restraint and repeated loads. The fixture used to vary the L/V angle, apply vertical loads, and measure rail/tie deflections is illustrated in Figure 19. Curves for rail head lateral displacement and gauge clip uplift are shown in Figure 20 for the rigid polyethylene pad and in Figure 21 for the flexible synthetic rubber pad. These pads were installed in the FAST concrete tie subsections where field measurements were made. The data display strong influences of both L/V angle and pad stiff- ness on rail head lateral displacement and gauge clip uplift. Since rail base lateral displacements were relatively small, the rail head lateral displacement provides a good indicator of rail rollover. The load range was limited to avoid destroying the clips. However, the data indicate that the flexible pad may not have limited the rail to the rollover restriction of 0.25 inches rollover displacement with the vertical load of 20.5 kips applied at a 30-degree angle. It should be noted that this rubber pad is not among 36 4000 5000 1000 2000 3000 4000 TOTAL VERTICAL LOAD (LB) FIGURE 18. LONGITUDINAL RESTRAINT OF WOOD TIE FASTENER SYSTEM 37 6000 r rcr / zzzzz r o. o FIGURE 19 LOADING AND MEASUREMENT SCHEMATIC FOR LATERAL/ROLLOVER RESTRAINT TESTS 38 I V Q Q. (vr "" ,_. r^. o y _#^C^^^ ■ — LU : ^•^^^"v V^ i — _l Q. > ■ZL '^>-<^^^ x\_v" _ z A 1 O i— i < T D LU I— >» \ ..^ ^^ ' _ 2T O LU LU _i ^^ _J _l >- U_ __.-, n: LU l— Q LU >- _) _ _l < O C_ Q_ LU I— < Q - _X 1— _1 Q <=C \ Q_ CJ3 1— i— I LU __, < <: I— —I cm u_ Q _-f o 1—1 LU LU o "_i" <: _l o 1 — 1 LU IE o h- _l LU ai i — i 1 LU > c_ o CM 1 ^^ ___ ' J _____ - — -. — — — _____ -1 — 7^>T-^ 1 1 i— 1 — — I I I I I | LO Cvl O cm LD OO C_ CD O CO < o C\J 00 I— c_ I— 00 LU C_ c_ o c_> _r _l >- Q DC < I— O LU o o LU Q. C_> lo o _i Q a. c_ Q- i) avoi a3nddv 39 1 — ^ - 1 rcC =**= Vw- Q \>^ < y^\t~ LU UJ LU br% — -8! 1 "': O ^^ ^ i\J V LU v^ 21 1 s^ 1* \ »-■* \ V", — \ \ v* r^ \ -i O t— t - h- \ ^ 2: \ ^ _ i— < »— * \ c£ 1— 1 Q \ ^ CJ \ v "- "LU " \ «3- _l < \ -J u_ LU a \ C3 O ■sC O \ <*- \ vjJ _J 1 \ ^ — 1 < \ £ \ \ ^ \ - 2^ ">. \ ^ V O \ \ i— 1 1— z \ *««* \ ** \ 1— 1 1 — 1 ^^ \ y. \ _1 1— *»». \ c^> \ Q_ ^ \ uJ \ ^ D_ LU \ \ y \ < _J U_ \ \ \ O LU v \ \ < O Q \\ V 1 LU CD \ _ CD ZD V s \ LU O 1 CD _l \N \ O Csl \ \ \ 1— H f- \ -\ \ " cn UJ \ \\ 1 > r ~~i i " 1 ~ r -1- - •— h-^l — 1 1 1 rv^ LT; CM o (XI LT) oo DC CD o CO o CXI «=c I/O I— l>0 l— 00 LU DC dc LU cc CJ < u_ _l O. 1— _ OO ^s t— 4 1 1 1 c Q. Gauge C o y\ — -1 -40 -30 -20 -10 10 s— Up-tc^ CompA.. Gauge Clip Vertical Deflection (mils) -20 -10 10 20 - UpLL^t CompxzA6& ■V , '«^'- 4100 (Avg.) 6100 (Avg.) DE-SPRINGCLIP (MANUF. DATA) RANGE A-4 .394 1650- 2650 4200- 6720 RN - CLIP (MANUF. DATA) A-4 .157 1800 :lHi|£4 El = 2460 (< .161") E2 = 7480 (> .161") SIDEWINDER (TEST DATA) A-5 No data 2042 - 2884 No data Between initial and final clip force-deflection tests, tie pad load-deflection, fastening uplift, longitudinal restraint, repeated loads, and push-pull tests were conducted. 55 TABLE A-2. FASTENER SYSTEM UPLIFT PROPERTIES VERTICAL UPLIFT VET-LECTIOH (INCH) FASTENER TYPE Data SouAce t PAD SEPARATION FORCE I DEFLECTION (LB) I (INCH) MAXIMUM FORCE (LB) DEFLECTION (INCH) UPLIFT SPRING RATE (LB/IN) PANDROL 601A/ EVA PAD (QUALIFICATION TESTS) INITIAL TESTS* - MEAN FINAL TESTS* - MEAN A-l 4830 4065 .0172 .0175 6080 5370 , , ,' ■ ... iHIVJU 2,310,000 1,940,000 HIXSON/ GROOVED RUBBER PAD A-2 4000- 5400 .018- .042 8500 .17 235,000 V SD/ 6 mm NEOPRENE PAD (QUALIFICATION TESTS) INITIAL TESTS* - MEAN FINAL TESTS* - MEAN A-3 6860 .027 4290 .024 8690 6745 1,509,000 678,000 SIDEWINDER/ POLYURETHANE PAD A- 5 5545 No data 11,090 I No data No data Between initial and final uplift tests, longitudinal restraint, repeated loads and push-pull tests were conducted. 56 TABLE A-3. TIE PAD COMPRESSION LOAD-DEFLECTION PROPERTIES PAD LOAP (LB) PAP COMPRESSION SPRING RATE ///)//// f t/iiif/// PAD DEFLECTION (INCH FASTENER TYPE VaXa. SouA.ce. INSTALLED LOAD (LB) INSTALLED DEFLECTION (INCH) PAD SPRING RATE (LB/IN) DUPONT VINYL EVA PAD (WITH PANDROL CLIP) A-l INITIAL TEST - MEAN 4915 .0033 3,700,000 FINAL TEST - MEAN 4210 .0060 3,850,000 PANDROL TESTS (TO 4500 LB ONLY) A-4 POLYETHYLENE PAD 4000 .0020 4,100,000 FLAT NEOPRENE PAD 4000 .0051 2,800,000 GROOVED NEOPRENE PAD 4000 .0087 1,800,000 PANDROL SPECIFICATION (AT 20 METRIC TONS, CURVES INTERSECT . BOUNDARY 4 and .8 mm) 4000 (ASSUMED) .0034- .0114 2,300,000 - 1,230,000 VSD/6 mm NEOPRENE PAD A-3 INITIAL TESTS - MEAN 5180 .0214 865,000 FINAL TEST* (ONE TEST) 4000 .0220 770,000 MANUFACTURER'S DATA 4000 (ASSUMED) .0044 825,000 SHINKANSEN DATA ENVELOPE A-6 4000 (ASSUMED) .0035 - .0112 740,000 - 840,000 Between initial and final pad compression tests, fastening uplift, longitudinal restraint, repeated load, push-pull and rail clip load-deflection tests were conducted. 57 TABLE A-4. FASTENER LONGITUDINAL RESTRAINT PROPERTIES LONGITUDINAL LOAD DISPLACEMENT TRANSDUCERS FASTENER TYPE Data SouAce. PANDROL 601 A/ EVA PAD FASTENER SYSTEM 1 - INITIAL* - FINAL* FASTENER SYSTEM 2 - INITIAL - FINAL PANDROL 601A WITH EXTERNAL INSULATOR (Mean of 2 Tests) A-l A-7 POLYETHYLENE PAD FLAT NEOPRENE PAD GROOVED NEOPRENE PAD PANDROL 601A WITH INTERNAL INSULATOR (Mean of 2 Tests) POLYETHYLENE PAD ln i^ M }j d '■ FLAT NEOPRENE PAD SHouLdeA GROOVED NEOPRENE PAD II PANDROL 401 WITH EXTERNAL ?n,sulatqr (Mean of 2 Tests) POLYETHYLENE PAD FLAT NEOPRENE PAD GROOVED NEOPRENE PAD HIXSON/ GROOVED RUBBER PAD A-2 VSD/ 6 mm NEOPRENE PAD TWO INITIAL TESTS TWO FINAL TESTS A-3 SIDEWINDER/ POLYURETHANE PAD MAX LOAD A-5 DE SPRINGCLIP/MASONITE PAD (ON STEEL TIE PLATE & WOOD TIE) MEAN OF 3 TESTS A-8 LONGITUDINAL LOAD (LB) 2400 1690 1620 1710 3950 4000 4000 3300 4950 4650 3650 3700 3650 2400 3100 2400 1900, 2000 3100 3480 3580 SLIPPAGE (INCH) .016 CONTINUOUS CONTINUOUS CONTINUOUS SLIP SLIP SLIP SLIP SLIP SLIP SLIP SLIP SLIP .020 - .024 CONTINUOUS .038 - .0385 CONTINUOUS START SLIP START SLIP CONTINUOUS TOE LOAD BEFORE TEST (AVG. OF 2 CLIPS) (LB) 2370 2150 2350 2085 2800 2100, 2940 1490 2200 (Nominal) Between initial and final longitudinal restraint tests, repeated loads, uplift, and push-pull tests were conducted. 58 TABLE A-5. FASTENER LATERAL RESTRAINT PROPERTIES LATERAL RESTRAINT TEST VERTICAL APPLIED LOAD (VARIABLE) 20.5 Kips ROLLOVER RESTRAINT TEST FASTENER TYPE Data. Sou/ice t_ VERTICAL APPLIED LOAD (KIPS) LATERAL DEFLECTION AT GAGE HEIGHT (INCH) BASE (INCH) DIFFERENCE (INCH) SIDEWINDER/ POLYURETHANE PAD Tniulattd ShowidzA- A-5 41 20.5 .128 .028 .014 .114 PANDROL 601 A (1) 140 RE RAIL 1 T.niuJLaXe.d ■ ShouldeA (Mean of 2 Tests) EXTERNAL INSULATOR POLYETHYLENE PAD FLAT NEOPRENE PAD GROOVED NEOPRENE PAD INTERNAL INSULATOR POLYETHYLENE PAD FLAT NEOPRENE PAD GROOVED NEOPRENE PAD PANDROL 401 (3) , BS 113A RAIL (4) (Mean of 2 Tests) EXTERNAL INSULATOR POLYETHYLENE PAD FLAT NEOPRENE PAD GROOVED NEOPRENE PAD (1) 7/8" Diameter Clip (2) 7 5/16" Height x 6" Rail Base Width (3) 13/16" Diameter Clip (4) 6.25" Height x 5.5" Rail Base Width A-7 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 .103 .376 .494 .061 .159 .343 .075 .139 .150 .026 .051 .090 .014 .018 .002 .020 .043 .044 .077 .325 .405 .048 .142 .341 .055 .096 .106 CS-5 LEAF SPRING FASTENER (1971 British Tests, probably BS 113A rail) POLYETHELENE PAD FLAT NEOPRENE PAD GROOVED NEOPRENE PAD A-7 22.4^ 38.1^) 51.5< 3 > 14 <«> (1) Test terminated due to spalling of concrete shoulder. (2) Crushing and spalling of concrete shoulder. (3) Test terminated due to equipment limitations and excessive gage widening. (4) Test terminated due to concrete shoulder failure .159 .197 .29 59 TABLE A-6. FASTENER ROLLOVER RESTRAINT PROPERTIES MAX LOAD = 20.5 KIPS ROLLOVER RESTRAINT TEST FASTENER TYPE VERTICAL APPLIED LOAD (KIPS) LATERAL DEFLECTION AT GAGE HEIGHT (INCH) BASE (INCH) DIFFERENCE (INCH) SIDEWINDER/ PCLYUkCTHANE PAD ItUmtaAcd ShouldeA PANDROL 601A (1) , 140 RE RAIL^ (Mean of 2 Tests) EXTERNAL INSULATOR POLYETHYLENE PAD FLAT NEOPRENE PAD GROOVED NEOPRENE PAD INTERNAL INSULATOR POLYETHYLENE PAD FLAT NEOPRENE PAD GROOVED NEOPRENE PAD PANDROL 401 (3) , BS 11 3A RAIL^ (Mean of 2 Tests) EXTERNAL INSULATOR POLYETHYLENE PAD FLAT NEOPRENE PAD GROOVED NEOPRENE PAD A-7 hUtutatzd ShoatdcA 20.5 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 ,128 .056 .097 .148 ,032 .037 .081 .024 .054 .070 ,014 .017 ,022 .048 .009 .011 .010 .007 ,026 .029 .114 .039 .075 .100 .023 .026 .071 .017 .028 ,041 (1) 7/8" Diameter Clip (2) 7 5/1 b" Height x 6" Rail Base 'Width (3) 13/16" Diameter Clip (4) 6.25" Height x 5.5" Rail Base Width 60 APPENDIX B STRAIN-VOLTAGE RELATIONSHIP OF INSTRUMENTED CLIPS 61 APPENDIX B STRAIN-VOLTAGE RELATIONSHIP OF INSTRUMENTED CLIPS Figure B-l shows the schematic of the 4-arm bridge containing two active gauges and two completion resistors. Changes in resistance of the active gauges produce response e n according to the equation e o 1 T AR 1 AR 2 1 ( R = 120 "' nominal f °r / R — = 4 |_-p- p-J • all arms of bridge) \V-\) The linear strain at each gauge is related to the fractional change in resist- ance of the gauge by AR, aR ? -~ = GF e y -£■ =GFe 2 . (B-2) A ratio between e, and t, was established in laboratory tests conducted in preparation for the field measurements described in Reference [14]. For bi- axial gauges placed at the position indicated in Figure B-l, it was consistently found that e 2 = -0.44 E] • (B-3) Thus an effective Poisson ratio of 0.44 was found. Substitution of (B-2) and (B-3) into (B-l) yields *f= f (1.44) e } . (B-4) Shunt resistance R placed across two opposite arms of the bridge ill produce the following ratio of response to excitation voltage o 1 R wi e Amplification of e yields e 2 R + R c T= K T = lRTr- < B " 5 ) 62 Red [Colon* k