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Renew via the Telephone Center at 217-333-8400, 846-262-1510 (toll-free) or Renew online by choosing the My Account option at: Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 ^ (JF* <-** tA>— v v>^» ^Viai^fe-'.^P?^ a Century of Bitten $ 2L Centutp of Bibles or t#e gutjortfeti ©erffon from 1611 to 1711 to tofncf) t0 atmeU William KUButne'0 ®raft on Dangerous (Errors in t|?e late printed SSiblea 1659 &>»# ^H** of bibles in tfje 3Sritiffi JHufeum 3SoTileian Stuttgart anti otf>er \u brarie* compiled bg t|>e reterenu 3KH* 3U Hoftie 53* 31* #♦»♦«♦ HonDon 2SaQl S^ontag;u dickering; 196 piccauillp 1872, PREFACE. HE many deficiencies of the following lift* specially in the Scot tifh editions and the New Teftaments, will be in part fupplied by the enumeration in the 4 Appendix of examples in fever al colleSf ions, public and private. The compiler has endeavoured to fee every book named in his work : but this was often impofjible ; and infuch cafes references are given to the authorities on which they are inferted. Four fixes have been fixed upon as generally applicable : folio, quarto, offiavo, and duodecimo. A Quarto and offavo bibles count ufually in four jignatures and four blanks ; in fome catalogues, that of the Briti/h Mufeum,for example, the two fizes are often confounded. Some duodecimos, again, count in five fignatures and f even blanks, other in fix and fix ; and there is no ftandard by which to difiinguijh \imo. i6mo. 2^mo. and jimo. In the following lift, therefore, a rough divifion is made into cc iimo" and cc i into, f mall" and vi preface. this, it is hoped ', mayfufficefor the identification of any example. The compiler is glad to have this opportunity of thanking Mr. Francis Fry for the kindnefs to which any meafure of completenefs attained by the prefent work muft be attributed. Mr. Fry at one time contemplated forming a catalogue of his own collection, and moft obligingly gave up the materials he had gathered. Sir William Cope's loan of his lift of the Stuttgart collection muft alfo be warmly acknow- ledged. It will be found to contain fome bibles not eafily identified with any in the prefent work ; but the compiler did not obtain it until the greater part of his book was printed. The books moft often referred to are, fc Cotton s Lift" 8vo., Oxford, 1852, Second Edition; " Lea Wilforis Catalogue" \to., London, 1845 ; " Fry's Defcription of the Great Bible," folio, London, 1865; an ^ "Lee's Memorial for the Bible Societies, Svo., Edinburgh, 1824;" and Appendix, 1826. Sale Catalogues have alfo been examined, efpecially that of the late Mr. Offors Collection, on which, however, little depen- dence can be placed, as many of his bibles were wholly made up of different editions. CONTENTS. INTRODUCTORY Kilburne's Tracl Catalogue. Britifh Mufeum Lilt Britifh Mufeum Lift : Teftaments Mr. Lea Wilfon's Lift : Bibles . Mr. Lea Wilfon's Lift : Teftaments Lambeth Lift .... Canterbury Cathedral Lift . Bodleian Library Lift Mr. Francis Fry's Lift : Bibles . Mr. Francis Fry's Lift : Teftaments Royal Library, Stuttgart . Bibles Page I 3* 5 1 21 1 221 221 225 226 226 228 234 245 247 a Centurp of BiWe*- INTRODUCTORY. HE ftory of the Englifh Bible has been many times written, up to a certain point. Lewis and Newcome and Strype, in the laft century, Home and Cotton and Tregelles in our own, have treated of it with more or lefs completenefs within the fcope of their refpe&ive defigns: while Anderfon and Weftcott have each in his department left little more to be recorded. But all thefe writers have flopped ihort when their narrative reached the com- pletion of the verfion of 1 6 1 1 . Archdeacon Cotton, it is true, mentions a few editions here and there which were printed after that date, 2 SL Centurp of 23fble& but his lift only profefles to notice thofe which were remarkable for fome fpecial reafon. The catalogue of his own collection privately printed for Mr. Lea Wilfon contains but few examples of the laft verfion in comparifon with his ex- tenfive lift of the older Bibles. An American gentleman, Mr. Lenox, has printed fome re- marks on the early editions in his library ; but Mr. Fry is the firft who has collated any large number of copies of King James's Bible. This indefatigable bibliographer has fucceeded in eftablifhing the diftincftnefs of the firft folios of 1611 and their fucceflbrs up to 1640. After a long feries of patient refearches he has provided us with at leaft a ground-work from which any future hiftorian may continue to build, but in confining his obfervations to the folios he is obliged to leave untold the more interefting half of the ftory. It muft by no means be fuppofed that, becaufe all our biblio- graphers have thus left a large part of the narrative untouched, or have at moft only ftepped acrofs the boundary line previoufly fixed at 161 1, nothing of intereft remains be- 3|ntcoDurtorp- 3 yond. On the contrary, whether we regard the further hiftory of the Authorifed Verfion from a purely bibliographical point of view, or choofe a more general and hiftorical afpeft in which to examine it, we fhall find much of importance and more that is rather amufing than actually weighty : and in tracing the various changes and chances by which the modern Bible has been made to differ from the original we fhall find that it by no means partakes of the felicity of the nation whofe hiftory is a blank. Many a battle has been fought, many a defeat fuftained ; many a vic- tory has been gained for the truth. Injuries have been inflidled by partial friends ; wounds have been received from unfcrupulous enemies. Although it remains fubftantially the fame as when it left the hands of the tranflators, yet Puritans and Calvinifts, Churchmen and Metho- difts, Hebraifts and Graecifts have all left their marks upon it. It would be too much to fay that the gulf which feparates the laft edition of Bagfter from the firft of Barker, equals that by which the Authorifed Verfion differs from 4 a Centur? of Bibles- the tentative efforts of Tyndale and Coverdale, but it is no exaggeration to affert that our modern Bible is altered throughout from its original, for the better in fome places, for the worfe in fome ; and that while the general corre&nefs of the printing is greater as a rule in our day, the fpelling and punctuation might yet with advantage follow the earlier model. Thefe things appear at firft fight of trifling moment, yet it is with fuch trifles that revifers have to deal : and it is by a number of fuch fmall matters that the authority of the whole is moft often tefted. Mr. Weftcott has detailed the external and internal hiftory of King James's tranflation, up to the moment at which it was launched into the world, with all its imperfe&ions on its head. Unfortunately, as we {hall fee, they were many ; but at this point Mr. Weftcott breaks off. Yet the very firft dip into the new volume brings up fomething worth noting. The firft title is an engraving — and a very fine one, — but the New Teftament title is within a woodcut border: and it has a peculiarity Introductory 5 which at once attracts attention, a peculiarity which it fhares with the firft title of later iflues, alfo in woodcut. There is no line cc Appointed to be read in Churches.'' Nor does this important feature occur anywhere in the firft o&avo, the firft Teftament, the firft quarto Teftament, the fecond quarto Bible, the firft Roman letter folio or a great many other editions, being, in fad, for the firft year or fo confined to the engraved titles of two Bibles. This fa6l is an additional and valu- able proof, although apparently unknown to Mr. Weftcott, that he is right in faying the prefent verfion was never in reality feparately fandlioned by council, convocation or parlia- ment. In the ftridt fenfe of the word the only verfion ever authorifed was the Great Bible referred to fpecially in a proclamation of Henry VIII., dated in 1538. And the autho- rity of the Bifhops' Bible depended mainly on its being regarded as merely a revifion of the Great Bible. The authority of King James's verfion in like manner may be held to depend on its aflumption of the place pre- 6 a Centurp of Btbleg. vioufly occupied by the Bifhops\ That in truth this was the intention of thofe in power is proved by the fa6l that no edition of the Bifhops' Bible was afterwards iflued : and further that the very type, head-pieces, and even woodcuts of the Elizabethan verfion were employed on the new edition. Thus the figure of Neptune, which in the largeft of the Bifhops' was made frequently available, now headed the gofpel of St. Matthew : and fimilar economy of material may be traced in other places, as in the initials of the Pfalms where we ftill fee the creft and the arms of Walfingham and of Cecil. The fame arrangements are traceable in the fmaller editions. The popular Bible during the Elizabethan era had been the Genevan : many editions of it were publifhed both before and after the appearance of King James's: it was almoft always in a quarto fize and the more the new verfion could be made to refemble the older one in its external features, the fooner it was likely to obtain with private readers. So we find the earlieft quartos were aflimilated as much as poflible 3lntcDtiuctotp. 7 to the later Genevans. The Breeches Bible of 161 1 is exactly, in fize, form, and type, the fame as the Authorifed Edition of 1 6 13. The title page, in particular, of 16 13, is printed with the border already fo often ufed for the Genevan. In 161 2 a handfome copperplate, a redudtion from the engraved title of the folio, had been ufed, but only for the one iflue. All but one of Barker's quartos — moft of them in black letter — were iflued under the Genevan title-page woodcut, with arms of the twelve tribes and figures of the apoftles and evangelifts : and at length it got fo worn and battered that in the laft copies, printed before the Rebellion, its minor features are barely diftinguifhable. It is the fame, too, with the odtavo editions and the Teftaments. A block, which was in vogue under Elizabeth for prayer books, was now ufed for Bibles, the queen's arms being fometimes cut out at the top and the king's fubftituted. The new verfion was thus fpeedily dif- feminated in all fizes. There was no delay to prepare frefh plant. Everything already in 8 a Centucp of Bibles ufe was made available and though the Genevan was occafionally reprinted even as late as 1644, the Bifhops' Teftament only occafionally re- appears, and the complete Bible never, the new tranflation in folio reprefenting the one, and in quarto the other. Above fifty different editions were printed by Barker and his fuc- ceflbrs before 1638 : befides ten at Cambridge and two at Edinburgh. No Bibles feem to have been produced at Oxford before 1673, although the patent for printing at the univer- fity prefs dates from 1632. But of Oxford Bibles we fhall have occafion to fpeak again prefently. Before going further let us endeavour to anfwer diftindly the queftion how far are we juftified in calling this the " Authorifed Ver- fion." Are we right or wrong in ufing the term ? Mr. Lea Wilfon cautioufly refers to King James's as the cc Royal Verfion," but if we accept it, on the grounds already ftated, as the legitimate defcendant and fucceflbr of the " Great Bible," which undoubtedly was autho- rifed, we fhall be content to ufe the ordinarv Introductory 9 term. We have other fafts in our favour in fo doing. When at the Prayer Book revifion of 1662 the Epiftles and Gofpels and the fen- tences in the morning and evening fervices were taken from the Bible of King James, and when the revifed prayer book was annexed to the Ad of Uniformity, a certain fandHon was given to it : a fan&ion which placed it on an equal footing with the Great Bible, from which the Pfalms and certain other parts of the fervice are ftill taken. The note in the margin of the corrected Book of Common Prayer runs thus: — " The Ep lei fc? Gofpels are all to be corrected after the laft tranjlation" and fo ftri&ly is this injunction carried out that wher- ever the firft editions were in error the error is perpetuated : and to this day we read in the Epiftle for the firft Sunday after Eafter, 1 John v. 12, " He that hath the Son hath life, and he that hath not the Son hath not life ; " al- though two important words are thus omitted ; words which have fince been reftored to our Bibles but not to our prayer books. The fame is to be faid regarding the ufe of the word io jacenturp of Bibles " fometime " in the fenfe of " once ; M the 161 1 Bibles giving it as " fometimes " and the Book of Common Prayer, together with all later Bibles, fo far as our knowledge extends, except one by Hayes, 1673, perpetuate an error, which did not occur in the Genevan or the Bifhops , Verfions. Strange to fay we have little or no contem- porary evidence as to the reception accorded to the new Bible, or as to the hiftory of the early editions. Much however may be in- directly gathered from the editions themfelves, their number, their comparative rarity, and the other points on which the labours of modern bibliographers have been beftowed. Thefe labours have refulted in the difcovery of many particulars long hidden within the volumes themfelves. Mr. Lea Wilfon probably died in the belief that one folio only was printed in 161 1. Mr. Fry has demonstrated that two at leaft were iflued and perhaps part of a third. His conclufions were at one time queftioned, but without fufficient reafon : he feems to have clearly diftinguifhed between thefe early iflues Introductory n and to have identified the firft of them. The queftion is really of importance. It is very defirable that, even now, we fhould know what was the a&ual defign of the tranflators in the fmaller as well as in the greater particulars : for although the Pharifees were reproved for (training out a gnat and fwallowing a camel, it by no means follows that the gnat fhould be left, To go no further than this very text (St. Matt, xxiii. 24) it is high time that the old reading (hould be reftored. ibk&. vineyard in the fame chapter: and an 8vo. of 17 1 1 omits the " not" in the laft claufe of Ifaiah Ivii. 1 2. Dr. Lee gives many examples in his Memorial. Thus in an Edinburgh quarto of 1791, he found, cc Make me not to go in the way of thy commandments " Pfalm cxix. 23: in a New Teftament, 18 16, cc let all tongues be done decently ; " in two quartos, 1 8 1 1 and 1814," the blaft of the terrible ones is as a ftone againft the wall : " whilfl; he fays " it might difturb the gravity even of well difpofed perfons to hear/' at 1 Kings xxii. 38, " the dogs liked his blood " in another Scottifh Bible of 1 79 1. The number of examples in Dr. Lee is very great, and leave an unpleafant impreffion of the Edinburgh Editions, but we have no caufe to congratulate ourfelves on any immunity in the Southern part of our ifland. In a Cambridge i2mo. of 1828, Mr. Curtis found thefe among other errors : — S. Matt, xxii. 28, whofe wife fhall fhe be, for whofe wife : and Heb. xiii. 2, bet not, for be not : and in an 1 8mo., by Reeves, cc his own wife alfo, for his own life. This word, wife, is par- Introductory 23 ticularly unfortunate for in one of the Bibles i2mo, 1638, defcribed in our lift, the heathen are fpoken of as vexing the Ifraelites with their " wives," (for " wiles") in Numbers xxv. 18. Befides fuch aberrations as thefe there is a large clafs of various readings which will require notice more at length. Some of them, owing to the prefent endeavour to amend the text, are of fpecial intereft. Others, of fmaller moment in themfelves are remarkable as ex- amples of the mifchief which may be occa- fioned by a fingle carelefs compofitor, while many, into the merits of which we will not enter here, are concerned with the ufe of italics, the fpelling of proper names, the pundtuation, and what may be confidered to belong to the more purely critical departments of Biblical refearch. Printers and correctors of the prefs have at all times taken upon themfelves without any fpecial authority to amend the text in minor matters, fuch as fpelling. The fpelling of no two editions during the firft century will be found exactly alike. Even in the fame verfe 24 a Century of Bt'bleg. the fame word is fpelled in different ways, fometimes, as in the firft verfe of Deut. xxix, in three : and fometimes a Bible will be met with in which, as in Field's nmo, of 1657, the fpelling approximates nearly to that of our modern editions ; while, years later, the old fpelling will be found in another edition. We ftillhave fuch words as plow, ajionied, throughly, pranfings, /ope; although the authority by which they are retained has no more exiftence in reality than that by which fuch words as Jhamefaftnefs or unpojfible were altered. Two or three examples of modern alterations and infertions are worth noticing. They are fe- ledled as they come to hand : — In the firft folio and in all later editions until 1630, at leaft, we read in Romans xii. 2, c< that good, that acceptable and perfedl will of God." It would be difficult to find a reafon for the change now univerfal, of the fecond that into and. In the firft folio and moft fubfequent editions until the prefent century we read in St. Matt, xii. 23, cc Is this the Son of David?" Dr. 3|ntrotmtforp* 25 Blayney inferted a "not," in 1769. The change is an improvement, but what was his authority for making it ? The old reading occurs laft in a 4to., Cambridge 1837. In the firft folio we read, 1 John v. 12, " He that hath not the Son hath not life." In 1638 this was altered to our prefent reading which inferts " of God " after fon : but the old reading remains, as we have already feen, in our prayer books. Again, we have two erroneous readings re- tained neither of which occurs in the previous verfions. In Ephefians, ii. 13, and other places we have already feen that " fometimes " is printed for " fometime," a word of wholly dif- ferent meaning. Again, as we have mentioned above, the Genevan Bibles had in S. Matt. xxiii. 24, M ftrain out a gnat," but this reading which is very probably right never occurs in any edition of the Authorifed Verfion, before 1754: nor ever fince, fo far as we are aware. The fame printer who in 1769 changed "world" into cc earth "at 1 Cor. iv. 13, and inferted the important word " Godly " before " edifying " 26 a Century of Bibles in i Tim. i. 4, might furely have given a corre&ed reading of thefe paflages. But a ftill more curious field for inveftiga- tion is prefented by the viciflitudes of head lines, and headings. Thefe have been altered and reftored over and over again. The tender fufceptibilities of the Puritan were often as much wounded by the high church headings as thofe of the followers of Laud by the Ge- nevan notes. Some of the Bibles of the com- monwealth omit the headings : in others their meaning is modified to fuit the times. The moft important example is prefented by the contents of Pfalm cxlix. " The prophet ex- horteth to praije God for his love to the church, and for that power which he hath given to the church to rule the consciences of men" So we have it in the firft folio and in all other editions before 1 649. But in a quarto of that year, printed by a company of Stationers and fur- nifhed with the Genevan notes, we have this heading thus : — " The prophet exhorteth to praije God for his love to the church, and for that power which he hath given to the church, for the 3!ntroi)uetorp< 27 converjion of finners" And in the larger num- ber of fubfequent Bibles the heading breaks off cautioufly at the firft ufe of the word church." cf The prophet exhorteth to praife God for his love to the Church" In 1660 we find the older reading reftored in Field's 4to (the preaching Bible :) and it underwent yet another change a little later : for in 1769 (Blayney,) we find " and for that power which he hath given to his faints." Nor is this the end : for in modern Bibles, the repetition of the word cc Church " is reftored, although the debateable matter at the end of the original headings is omitted. In Bagfter's Polyglots fuch quef- tions are avoided by the total omiflion of all headings. Further we need not go in this place. The queftions, and they are many and difficult, which relate to the ufe of italics will be found well treated of by Dr. Turton, in The Text of the Englifh Bible, confidered. {Second Edition, Ox- ford, 1833). Almoft all the critical queftions will be found briefly ftated by Mr. Girdleftone of the Bible Society, in a paper by him in the 28 21 Century of 2Mble0* Chriftian Advocate, April 1870, whilft the dif- ferences by which the prefentauthorifed verfion is diftinguifhed from its predeceftbrs will be feen at confiderable length in Mr. Weftcott's Hiftory of the Englifti Bible, Many other works might be named, fuch as Mr. Blunt's Plain Account, and Archdeacon Cotton's Editions of the Bible in which much information will be found, but none of thefe, and indeed, no work with which we are acquainted gives the hiftory of our prefent verfion beyond the date at which it was publifhed. It is perhaps too much to hope that a future volume may be devoted to the editions pub- lifhed fince 17 II. Had it been poffible a lift of the editions of the Pfalms and of parts of the Bible (hould have been included : but in thefe particulars Dr, Cotton's work is very full, and a new lift would have only been a rechauffe from his, without frefti fads, and perhaps without any additions. Dr. Lee's Memorial for the Bible Societies in Scotland, with two Appen- dices, 1824-6, has been largely drawn upon. The lifts of Scottifh Bibles will be found very gjntrotiuttorp* 29 deficient, as no materials exift from which any detailed account may be derived. The Bibles and Teftaments enumerated below have as far as poflible been perfonally examined. The larger part are to be found in the Britifh Mufeum. Where that noble col- lection failed to (how an edition, Mr. Francis Fry of Briftol, Mr. Euing of Glafgow, and Mr. T. M. Ward of Maida Hill have afforded the kindeft and moft neceffary information. Of the other collections which have been ran- facked perhaps the moft important is that of the Venerable B. Harrifon, Archdeacon of Maidftone, which is at prefent depofited in the Cathedral Library at Canterbury ; it contains what is probably a unique feries of the Oxford Bibles publifhed by Thomas Guy. Many examples which are named in Sale Catalogues are not to be found. In fuch cafes the catalogue in which the miffing volume is named will be mentioned, unlefs good reafons exift for fuf- peding that a miftake has been made. It will alfo be feen that in feveral places Mr. Lea Wilfon's eftimate of the fize has been departed 30 a Cmtuup of BibUg* from. This is only done when the fignatures are fufficiently orderly to allow of an accurate eftimate. In other cafes, editions named by him will be found differently entered : this is becaufe he gave but one date, the firft, and it is not therefore fometimes poffible to diftinguifh the edition intended. In cafes of mixed dates that of the Old Teftament or general title is allowed to prevail, and if the New Teftament is of earlier date the Bible will be clafTed before the others of the fame (general) date. All the productions of the London prefs are enume- rated firft under each year : the Cambridge Bibles, if any follow next, after them the Ox- ford, if any, then thofe printed in Scotland and laft, foreign productions. In each cafe the New Teftaments follow the editions of the complete Bible. The Bibles of the Authorifed Verfion enu- merated in the Britifh Mufeum Catalogue will be found in a feparate lift, the fizes being given as they are there written : and the Bibles and Teftaments in Mr. Lea Wilfon's Catalogue are alfo briefly tabulated, with one or two other fhort lifts which may be found ufeful. IWl&ucne'g ^ract* 3 1 In order to render this volume more ufeful to the bib- liographer Kilburne's Tract, which is often alluded to throughout the work, is here reprinted entire from the copy in the Britifh Mufeum (1214. a. 9). It is a fmall 4to or 8vo. The Title : — " Dangerous Errors in Several late printed Bibles : To the great fcandal and corruption of found and true Religion. Difcovered by William Kil- burne, Gent. Ex parva fcintilla magnum incendium. Principiis obfta, fero medicina paratur Cum mala per longas invaluere moras. Printed at Fin/bury, Anno 1659. An animadverfion to all good Chrijlians of this Commonwealth, discovering {amongft many Thousands of others) Jome pernicious erroneous & corrupt Erratas Ef capes £s? Faults in fever al Imprefjions of the Holy Bible and Teftament, within thefe late years, commonly vended £s? dif perfed to the great fcandal of Religion but more particularly in the Impreffions of Henry Hills £s? John Field, printers; To the intent that either in reading of any fuch already bought or buying the like hereafter, they may be well advifed> for the good of their own fouls 6? the generations that fhallfucceed. Publifhed by William Kilburne, Gent. 32 St Century of Bibles {Honourable and elett Chrijiians. The facred Scriptures are the Cryftalline Fountain, from whence all the lucid ftreams and Rivulets of pure Religion are derived and conducted into the Cifterns and Receptacles of the hearts and underftandings of Chriftians ; whereby they may be directed, and inftruded to lead a gracious and holy life here and pre- pared for, & aflured of a glorious and eternal life hereafter: And what accurate diligence venerable refpedt the antient Jews, did ufe, and bear towards the Pentateuch, & other Divine Books of Canonical Scripture of the old Teftament, in accounting the number of words Syllables, nay Letters thereof : And alfo the fedulity of Chriftians fince the death of Chrift (through all the terrible and Sanguineous perfecutions of cruel Tyrants) to convey from age to age the Teftament of our blefled Saviour, and Writings and Epiftles of his Holy Apoftles in their purity, (whereby they have been by God's providence preferved from corruption) fhould incite, and invite us (who have received a greater Illumination, and Re- Hitimrne'0 %u&. 33 formation, than the lews or primitive Chris- tians,) carefully to promulge and propagate the word of God in its intrinfical virtue, and pro- priety; Confidering the many Herefies and falfe Dodrines profefled in our days ; And that it was the Arch-policy and defigne of the Devil in tempting our very Saviour (as Math. 4. 6. and Luke 4. 10, 11. compared with Pfal. 91. ii, 12.) to pervert, and falfely produce the authority & parallel of the Scrip- ture : And when as alfo in the Primitive times one J«r« 3 (the leaft Letter of the Alpha- bet) occafioned fo great a controverfie in God's Church, under the Empire of Conjiantine the Great. For in the Dodxine of the everblefled Trinity, in the debates of the Nicene Councel> AthenafiuSy and the Orthodox party held, that Chrift was 'O^oouVio^, and of the fame Eflence of God his Father ; the Arrians, and Hetero- dox, c O/&o*ou your heads for your Condemnation draweth nigh .... for Redemption. This Affair alfo occafioned the faid Aflem- bly by direction of the Parliament (as is very well known to Mr. Philip Nye) &c. to propofe the Bible printing to feveral Stationers of Lon- don ; who refufing that laudable work, the fame was commended to Mr. William Bent ley Printer in Fin/bury, and his partners, who have fo ex- actly, and commendably imprinted feveral vo- lumes by Authority of Parliament in 8°. and 1 2°. in the years 1646. 48. 51, &c. (according to the authentique corrected Cambridge Bible, re- vifed Mandato Regio, by the learned Do&or IVardy Dodlor Goad of Hadley, M r . Boyfe, M r . Mead, &c. and printed by the elaborate induftry of Thomas Buck Efquire and M r . Roger Daniel in folio in 1638,) that fome fmall remainders of them yet unfold are now daily expofed at 1 is. per Book in quires unbound by the Stationers (for the fairnefs of the Print, and truth of the Editions) which Mr. Bentley 36 a Century of 2Bible0* afforded heretofore at is. per Book, or there- abouts, untill he hath been unjuftly obftrufted by Mr. Hills and Mr. Field, who have en- deavoured, by abufing the Authority of the State to Monopolize the fole printing of Bibles to themfelves fince the latter end of the year 1655, and have raifed the prizes to exceffive dear rates, to the very great fcandal of Religion, and detriment of the Commonwealth : For- afmuch as they have printed and difperfed in thefe late years divers Editions in feveral volumes under their feveral Names and Titles, that if you be pleafed to compare and examine the fame, you will find amongft many great numbers of others, verbal, literal, and in the points of diftinftion thefe grofs and notorious Erratas, Efcapes, and Faults following ; which I recommend to your ingenuous confideration and benevolent conftrudtion having heretofore reprefented fome of them to his late Highnefs, and the mod of them to the late Parliament. 1. In a Pearl Bible printed by John Field at London in 1653. in volume 24 . (very fmall to carry in pockets) whereof there have been SUtttttnu>0 €catt. 37 neer 20000 difperfed, are thefe egregious faults, viz. : — All the Dedications and Titles of David's Pfalms are wholly left out, being part of the original Text in Hebrew, and intimating the caufe, and occafion of the writing and com- pofing thofe Pfalms, whereby the matter may be better illuftrated. John 9.21. Or who hath opened his eyes we know not. Thefe words are wholly omitted. Rom. 6. 13. Neither yield ye your members as injlruments of righteoufnefs unto Jin. for un- righteoufnefs. i Cor. 6. 9. Know ye not that the unrigh- teous/hall inherit the Kingdom of God? for Shall not inherit. This is the foundation of a damn- able Dodtrine for it hath been averred by a reverend Do6tor of Divinity to feveral worthy perfons, that many Libertines and licentious people did produce, and urge this Text from the authority of this corrupt Bible againft his mild Reproofs, in Juftification of their vicious and inordinate Converfations. 2. In a fmall Bible in volume 12°. printed 38 SL Centura of 25tbl*g. by John Field at London in 1655. whereof great numbers have been difperfed. A Catalogue of 91 notorious faults, amongft many others therein were prefented by Mr. Hills to Mr. Secretary of Eftate, and by him recommended to an honourable Member of the late Parliament. One whereof is 2 Cor. 13. 6. But I truft that ye /hall know that we are not Reprobates, which verfe is wholly omitted. 3. In another Bible in volume 12. printed alfo by John Field at London in 1655. whereof great numbers have been difperfed. Upon my reading of the fix firft Chapters only in St. Matthew >, I found 10. notable faults & have received general information from per- fons of worth, that the refidue of the book is correfpondent ; which was evidenced to a Com - mittee of Parliament, infomuch that they fiezed them and prohibited the fale thereof and of the former Bibles in Mr. Field's hands, as alfo of the enfuing Bible, which notwithftanding that reftraint, he hath fince divulged. 4. In a Bible in volume 12. printed by IWUmcne'tf ^ract, 39 John Field at London in 1656. you may ob- ferve thefe faults viz. Ifai. 10. 26. Cap. 13. 3; Cap. 14. 24. Cap. 17. 8. Cap. 18. 17. And the waters /hall overthrow the hiding place, for overflow. Cap. 48. 19. Cap. 49. 22. and fo generally through the whole old Teftament. But in the new Tef- tament be pleafed to perufe thefe, viz. Luk. xxiii. 42, 51. Cap. 24. 24. Joh. 1. 51. Cap. 2. 9, 10. Cap. 3. 21. Cap. 5. 2. the pool Bethfaida for Bet he/da, ver. 23. As they honour their Father ', for the Father Em- phatically. Cap. 6. 29, 23- Cap. 7. 39. But this /pake he ofthejpirits, which they that believe on him fhould receive, for fpirit y fpeaking onely of the Holy Ghoft, as appeareth in the fame verfe. Cap. 13. 22. Cap. 14. 13, 21. And he that loveth me /hall loved for /hall be loved of my Father. Cap. 15, 17. Thefe things I commanded, for command you. Cap. 17. 12. 'That the Scriptures might be fulfilled \ for Scrip- ture> fpeaking of Iudas the fonne of perdition, and referring to Pfal. 109. 8. Cap. 19. 37. Cap. 20. 25. And put my fingers, for finger. 40 a Centurp of T5iblz&. Cap. 21. 17. Att. 1. 7. Gz/>. 4. 15. . 6. 23. meer nonfenfe. 1 Joh. 4. 20. 2 70A. ver. 1. i?^^. 1.1. C<2/>. 21. 10. I might particularize many more, efpecially in the Contents ; which generally are falfely perverted, and mutilated to the great impedi- ment, and obftrudtion of the right under- ftanding of the fcope and text of the chapters. 5. In another Minion Bible in 8 0, volume, printed by John Field at Cambridge in 1657. Which fels very much, and very dear, at leaft for %s. 6d. per book. Pfal. 143. 4. Therefore is my Spirit over, is wholly omitted in many that I have feen. And there are many other faults as I am well informed of very great notoriety. 6. In a Bible in 12 volume printed at London by Hen. Hills and I. Field in An. 165:6. I&Clfaurnc'gf Hvatt* 41 corrected by one Mr. Robin/on (a Scotch Rabbi?) and publifhed in an Advertifement by Mercurius Politicus 6 Nov. 1656. to be in- comparable. And in truth I think he was not deceived, (though indeed he abufed the Commonwealth ;) For I am confident, if the number of the Impreffion was as (I am in- formed) 20000 there are as many faults therein verbal, literal, and in the difference of the Italique words, (to the great corruption of the Text,) and in falfe points of diftin&ion : fo that befides the bafe paper, and printing, and abridge- ment, and perverfion of the Contents, and tranf- pofing and confounding of words, whereby it is very troublefome to be read, it is the worft of all the reft that are expofed to your view ; as appeared palpably to the Parliament, where- by the fale thereof (fedente Parliamento) was inhibited, but fince difperfed very much at Countrey Fairs, and Markets by Bookbinders and petty Chapmen, being no fitting Book for fale by Stationers in London; wherein you may obferve thefe faults, viz. Gen. 1. 21. Cod. for God. and fo in many 42 Si Centutp of Bibles. other places. Cap. 7. 3. Cap. 10. 19. Cap. 15. 3. Abraham, before God changed his name, for Abram. Cap. 18. 1. Cap. 27. 45. Cap. 34. 21. C*z/>. 46. 17. Exod. 12. 42. Cap. 16. 19. Gzp. 19. 24. C<2/>. 26. 8. C^>. 29. 22. Cap. 40. in the Contents. A cloud cloudeth for cover eth, ver. 2. Z>z/. 3.6. Sac- rifice of left out. Cap. 7. 38. C^. 8. 14. Gzp. 10. 18. Cap. 1 1. 3. Gz/>. 13. 55. Cap. 15. 20. Garp. 22. 12. Gzp. 23. 35. Numb. 1. 10. Cap. 6. 14. Ram. for Lamb. Cap. 10. 29. Czp. 17. in the Contents Kept for Left. Cap. 20. 12. C^>. 23. 15. Cap. 24. 12. Cap. 30. in the Contents Delivered for Divorced. Cap. 31. 30. «?A*^> for Flocks Cap. 34. 9. 0#/ for O/z. Deut. 5. 29. Gzp. 29. 5. waked for waxen. Cap. 34. 7. A grofle fault. Jofhu. 3. 11. another grand one. Cap. 23. 16. Gwdfr for Gods. Judg. 9. 17. yf/z;/ advanced his life for adventured his life. Cap. 15. 10. Samon, for Sam/on. 1 Sam. 24. 9. 2 Sam. 8. 12. grofle faults. 1 KY/zg- 20. 6, 30. the like, 2 King. 3. 2. Gz/>, 8. 5. The Chronicles and JEznz are generally falfe in 3Wftutne'0 Cract. 43 the proper Names. Nehem. 8. 17. Zfe*/ the Children of Ifrael done Jo for Had not. EJlher, 4. 1. a groffe fault. Job 4. 6. jfr not this thy fear, thy confidence y the uprightnefs of thy ways, and thy hope f for Is not thy fear, thy confidence and the uprightnefs of thy ways, thy hope ? The Titles of divers Pfalms are falfely named. Prov. 29. 13. Tea y he fh all give de- light thy foul \ for unto thy foul. Eccles. 1. 1. Cap. 8. 17. Tit he fhall not find it \ is wholly left out. In the Prophets are great numbers of verbal faults, and omiffions, which I pre- termit. In the Evangelifts are many egregious faults, viz. Luk. 6. 22. Cap. 7. 43. A bafe fquabble and nonfenfe. Cap. 9. 13. Loves for Loaves. Cap. 16. 17. Title of the Law for Tittle. Cap. 19. 44. Ioh. 3. 17. For Godfent not his Sou into the world, for Sonne, ver. 2 1 . Cap. 6. 11. Loves for Loaves. Cap. 18. 9, 36. Grofle faults, and a dangerous corruption viz. If my Kingdome were of this Word for World. Atts 2. 27. Becaufe thou wilt not leave my Oul in Hell, for Soul, &c. Cap. 9. 36, Cap. 44 # Century of J&ibleg. 10. 14. Cap. 21. 2. Nonfenfe. 6V//>. 24. 24. 7. 9. 23. Gz/>. 11. 14, 32. A grofle error, viz, Concluded all in unbelief for them all y to wit, the Jews. 1 Cor. 1.2, 14. Cap. 3. 15. C<2/>. 9. 22. men for means. 2 Cor. 8. 9. Gz/>. 11. 32. Of the Dama/cens, left out. 2 7%*?/}. 2. 16. ffefc 9. 8, 15. Gfp. 12. 1. 1 Pet. 2. Nonfenfe in the Contents. Exhorteth for Dehorteth, ver. 2 1 . Leaving us as ^# example. A dangerous Error. 2 P^/. 1. 11, 19. 1 Joh. 2. 24. Gz/>. 4. 10. JW wr. 4. Rev. 9. 18. Cap. 17. 4, 14. Cap. 19. 10. Ctf/>. 22. 17. 7. Moreover during the time of the late Parliament, great numbers of Bibles in a large 12 volume, were imported from Holland in 1656 with this falfe Title {Imprinted at London by Rob. Barker, &c. Anno 1638.) wherein Mr. Kiffin and Mr. Hills cannot be excufed, (if reports be true,) being contrary to the feveral A6ts of Parliament of 20 Sep. 1649. and 7. Janu, 1652. forregulating of Printing. Wherein are fo many notorious Erratas, falfe Englifh, 3MUmrne , ^ratt. 45 Nonfenfe, and Corruptions, that in reading part of Gene/is, I found 30 grand faults, as Cap. 27. 16. Mouth of his neck, for Smooth of his neck. Cap. 29. 13. She for He ran to meet him. Cap. 30. 40. Put them unto, for Put them not unto Labans Cattle. And in reading Eccle- fiafteS) Canticles , and the firft 27. Chapters of Ifaiahy I found almoft an hundred grofle faults, which I did fpecifie to the Parliament, and therefore omit them here ; The very Importa- tion of the Books being an offence contrary to the faid Statutes and ought defervedly to be fup- prefTed ; which notwithftanding are difperfed in the Country as aforefaid. You may alfo take notice of another fault difcovered to me by a Reverend Minifter, efcaped in a 4 . Bible of John Field's, printed at London (1648.) (amongft many other faults therein) . viz. PJal. 105. 29. He turned their waters into blood & flew their Flejh, for Fifh. And in the finging Pfalms by him printed, bound up with feveral volumes of his Bibles, amongft others, See PJalm 67. 2. That all the 46 a OCciaturp of mblt&. earth may know the way to worldly wealthy for Godly wealth. Having thus reprefented the premises to your own ocular demonftration ; and confider- ing the Curfe pronounced Rev. xxii. ver. i 8. 19. and other Texts of Scripture to that purpofe : as alfo that the pious and Orthodox Minifters do generally complain againft the faid erroneous Bibles, I fubmit the whole matter to you ; Praying God to inflame your hearts with a fervent love of the truth, and confirm you in the true faith of Chriftianity ; And that it will gracioufly pleafe his divine Majefty of his infinite goodnefs, and mercy, to blefs this Common- Wealth with the like difpenfation of his blefled Word in our own proper Dialed, and fpeech as it is in the original Idiomes ) by the Zeal and Patronage of his Highne/s, and the Parliament ; And that for the private Emolument of any perfons (how great foever,) the Scriptures may not be hereafter careleflly and erroneoufly printed, whereby to fave the charges of good Correction, and Printing, as may be plainly proved by fuch Bibles, which Mburne'gf %veut+ 47 have been printed in late years, or elfe (as is pretended) the profit will not countervaile the charge : For (as it is credibly reported) Mr. Hills & Mr. Field have feveral times affirmed, that they are engaged to pay 500/. per Annum. to fome, whofe names out of refped to them I forbear to mention, over and above 100/. per Annum to Mr. Marchamont Needham, and his wife, out of the profits of the fale of their Bibles, deriding, infulting, and triumphing over others of the Printing Myterie, out of their confidence in their great Friends and purfe, as it is faid, as if they lawlefle, and free (notwith- ftanding the truth of the premifles and other grand Enormities often committed by them) both from offence and punifhment, to the great difhonour of the Common-wealth in general, and dammage of many private perfons in parti- cular. For redrefle of which inconvenience, and for that I am informed by a Gentleman of Eminence, that upon his own reading of one of their late printed Bibles, he hath noted and obferved above 6000 faults therein, I humbly 4» # Centurp of Bibles propofe (out of my unfeigned refpe&s to the publique good) that the future printing of Bibles may neither be folely appropriated to Mr. Hills & Mr. Field on pretence of their purchafing the tranflated coppy, made in An. 1611 and unduely entring it lately as their private Copy, and for their fole propriety in the Stationers Regifter ; For that is neither rational, nor political, that the State fhould be devefted of the Patronage, and protection of the word of God, tranflated into Englifh primi- tively at their charge, and perpirtted to be printed onely Cum Privilegio Regali (being the national and common Evidence of our Religion, and like an Elyfian flower of Supremacie) and that we fhould make our defence thereof by and under the private and perfon Title of Mr. Hills and Mr. Field, and their Afligns for per- petuity. Nor fecondly that the Bible printing may be left again fo loofely, and irregularly (as of late years it was and is now in defign and projeft again) to the liberty of any perfons free of the Stationers Company, or qualified to print for that then a greater mifchief will enfue, Mlhuvnt'0 ®ract- 49 than at prefent, as common reafon will demon- strate. But thirdly that fuch Printers only, as have heretofore difcharged themfelves with the greateft care and confcience, and for the honour, and beft accomodation and ferviceof the Common wealth either at London or Cambridge ', and have alfo had the full approbation, and allowance of Parliament, in and for printing of Bibles, and fuch others as fhall be thought meet (not exceeding in the whole, fome competent number of able Mafter printers) may be here- after authorifed, and permitted to print the Bible under the States privilege only, and not as their own private Copy, under fuch qualifi- cations, and provifions for good Correction Workmanftiip, and price, as fhal be expedient for the better ordering and accomplishing of fuch an honourable, laudable, and weighty work and employment. "London, i° January 1659 Stylo Romano. "Finis." a Century of mMtz. ©IP mm. London : Robert Barker. 1611. Folio. 25lacfe4etter. The flrft title is engraved on copper, and figned " Cornelius Boel fecit in Rickmont" Probably this handfome plate was only iffued with certain copies : it fometimes occurs with editions of 161 3 and 161 7. In the Britifh Mufeum it is in this edition : while the woodcut title de- fcribed below is in the fecond iflue of this year. See No. 2. The plate reprefents Mofes and Aaron at either fide of a Tablet : the four Evangelifts are below : the Divine name, furrounded by rays, above. On the tablet, " The Holy Bible, Conteyning the Old Teftament and the New: Newly Tranflated out of the Originall tongues : and with the former Tranflations diligently compared and reuifed, by his Maiefties Speciall Comandement. Appointed to be read in Churches. Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings moft Excellent Maieftie. Anno. Dom. 1 6 1 1 ." Verfo of title blank. " The Epiftle Dedicatorie" A 2. ending on A 3 recto. Verfo, u The 52 & Centurp of Bibletf- Tranflators to the Reader," extending to verfo of B 4. Kalender fix leaves, C j, A 2 {for C 2), and C 3 with their followers. An Almanack for 39 years, on D 1 . Table to find Eafter for ever, verfo D 1. Table and Ka- lendar, D 2. Verfo, proper Leffons. " The names and order of all the Bookes" on verfo of D 4, printed wholly in black. Then follow the Genealogies and Map, when inferted, 18 leaves, with diftinct regifter. The text begins A 1. The firft chapter of Genefis has an ornamental initial I cut in wood, reprefenting the Rofe and Thiitle. The fignatures are continuous to Ccccc 6 verfo, end of the Apocrypha. The New Teftament title, which reckons as A 1 of a new Series, is in a woodcut border, reprefenting the tents and fhields of the 12 Tribes, the 12 Apoftles, and the 4 Evangelifts with their emblems : "The Newe Tefta- ment of our Lord and Sauiour Jefvs Chrift. ^[ Newly Tranflated out of the Originall Greeke : and with the former Tranflations diligently compared and reuifed by his Maiefties Speciall Commandement. Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings mod Excellent Maieftie Anno Dom. 161 1." Ends on verfo, A a 6. There are altogether 119 fignatures and 714 leaves of text. The preliminary matter has 4 fignatures and 18 leaves. There are 59 lines in a full column. Mr. Fry has compared together 70 copies of the Bible of 161 1. By obferving how many of them were exactly alike he was able to determine their order of publication. Twenty-three copies w r ere found to prefent the fame pecu- liarities. Two only varied from the 25 and from each other, in 8 leaves, 2 in one and 6 in the other. Of the remaining 45, 40 were mixed with leaves from other editions, but 38 contained leaves of the fame edition. Mr. Fry's conclufions were as follows : — One iffue is unmixed except 2 copies in 25: the other is made up (1) with re- prints (2) with parts of the firft iffue, (3) with preliminary & ©enturp of 3iblt&. 53 leaves from 3 other editions : he therefore infers that the two iffues were diftinct and that the iffue which prefented the feweft inftances of admixture was the firft. His conclufions feem unavailable : it is therefore aflumed to be proved in this lift, that the iflue of which he examined 25 copies fo nearly alike, is the firft, and is entitled to the honour of being called the Edttio Princeps of the verfion. The following errata will be found, among others, in copies of this Bible : — Genefis x. 16. Emorite,/or Amorite. And when Pharaoh drew nigh The children of Ifrael lift up their eyes and behold the Egyptians marched af- ter them ; and they were fore afraid: and the children of Ifrael lift up their eyes and beholde the Egyptians marched after them and they were fore afraid: repetition. Leviticus xii. 56. plaine,y^r plague. Ruth iii. 15. he went into the c\t\Q, for (lie went. 11. Samuel 24. heading, eleven thoufand, for thirteen hundred thoufand. 11. Chronicles, xxix. heading, 39. Ezra iii. 5. offred, offered, repetition. Micah iv. heading, Joel. 1. Efdras iv. heading, Anocrynha, for Apocrypha. St. Matth. xvi. 25. his his, repetition. On the woodcut title to the New Teftament, as well as on the Old Teftament woodcut title ufually afligned to the fecond iflue the line " Appointed to be read in Churches" is omitted. It may be convenient in this place to enumerate the chief differences of readings which exift between this, the edttio princeps of the prefent Englifh Bible, and the edition which in 1769 was revifed by Dr. Blayney and published at the Oxford Univerfity Prefs, in folio and quarto. The folio 54 Si Centucp of Bibles*. edition is very fcarce, it is faid on account of a fire, by which a large number of copies were deftroyed : but more probably becaufe a fmaller number were printed and per- haps fome of thefe fupprefTed on account of the grofs care- leflnefs of the printing. In reality, however, this is a matter of little confequence as both folio and quarto were printed from the fame fetting up of type and chiefly differ in the length of the columns. An account of the fteps taken by Dr. Blayney to render this Bible as perfe6l as poflible may be found in the Gentleman's Magazine for 1769, p. 517, and reads ftrangely befide the following lift of errata. Mr. Lea Wilfon's lift is itfelf erroneous and Dr. Cotton had apparently never feen the folio edition as he quotes, from Mr. Home, the miftaken ftatement that the omiftion in Rev. 18 occurs in the 4^0 only : although it is to be found in both editions, and was followed in Bibles printed in 1770, Oxf d folio j 1772, ditto; 1772, Oxf d . 4to. and 1773 ditto. (See Curtis, Exijling Monopoly, 1833, p. 90.) 1611. T 769« II. Kings xxiii. 21. This The book of this cove- book of the covenant. nant. 1. Chron. xxix. 6 the king's work. Job. iv. 6. Is not this thy feare, thy confidence 5 the uprightnefTe of thy wayes & thy hope ? Mai. iii. 4. Offerings. S. Matt. xii. 23. Is this the Son. S.John xxi. 17. Romans vii. 20 I do. Romans xii. 2. ceptable. Over Of the king's work. He faid. Now if Is not this thy fear, thy confidence, thy hope and the uprightnefs of thy ways r Offering. Is not this the Son. He faith. Now if do. that ac- and acceptable. SL Centurp of 15ibU8. 55 1611. i. Cor. iv. 13. World. 11. Cor. xii. 2. Above fourteen years. Gal. ii. 6. Thefe who feemed. 1. Tim. i. 4. Edifying. Heb. xii. 1. run with pa- tience unto the race. Rev. xviii. 22. And the voyce of harpers and mufi- tions and of pipers and trumpeters fhall bee heard no more at all in thee : and no crafts man of whatfoever craft hee be fliall be found any more in thee : and the found of a milftone fhal be heard no more at all in thee. There are many other paffages in which alterations are made befides the above ; the Italics throughout are " re- vifed;" the headings of chapters changed; the fpelling modernized and the punctuation " corrected." It is how- ever queftionable whether all thefe changes were for the better. 1769. Earth. About fourteen years. Thofe who feemed. Godly edifying. Run with patience the race. And the voice of harpers and muficians and of pipers and trumpeters fhall be heard no more in thee ; and the found of a milftone fhall be heard no more at all in thee. i^oip IBifrte. London : Robert Barker. Folio. 2Slacfe4etter* 1611. The fecond ifliie of the year. Leaves of the firft are ufually found mixed in the copies of this iffue. The two read together except in the particulars mentioned below. 56 SL Cmtucp of BfblesS. The general title is within a woodcut border j at leaft this is the title page to be found in fome copies, and ufually affigned to it j but there is no ground for fuppofmg that it was always iffued with it. The engraved title fome- times occurs, but it is moft frequently found with the wood- cut title of 1 613: in many copies this date is ingenioufly altered into 161 1. So largely has this fraud been pracWed that Mr. Lenox (Early Editions, privately printed, 1 8 ^ 1 ) doubts the exiftence of a genuine Old Teftament title with- in a woodcut border dated 1611. Neverthelefs examples do exift : one is in the Britifh Mufeum. Mr. Fry examined 4.5 copies of this edition : 38 were found to contain leaves of the firft iffue ; in 22 inftances there were Rrr, 3 and 4. In the New Teftament 15 had S 1 and S 6, and 17 had V, 3, 4. The chief differences in the collation of this edition with the previous one are thefe : — The fifth leaf is Sig. B. in the preliminary matter: Kalender C, C 2, C 3, and followers. In the firft page of the Dedication OE is printed for OF and in the 8th line CHKIST for CHRIST. In the " Names and order of the Bookes" there are three lines printed in red : I Chronicles, is mifprinted 1 Corin- thians and 11 Chronicles, 11 Corinthians. The chief errors of the firft iffue are corrected, but the repetition in Ezra iii. 5, remains. Exodus ix. 13, Let my people goe that they may ferve thee, for ferve me. S. Matthew xxvi. 36, Then commeth Judas with them unto a place called Gethfemane, for Then cometh Jefus. The initial P. at Pfalm 112, con- tains a woodcut of Walfingham's creft. 3- The New Testament of our Lord and Sauiour Jefvs Chrift. ^f Newly Tranflated SL Centutg of Bibles 57 out of the Original Greeke : and with the former Tranflations diligently compared & reuifed. By his Maieftie's fpeciall Com- mandement. Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, Printer to the King's moft Excellent Maieftie. An. 161 1. ^[ Cum priuilegio. Cor mundum crea in me Deus, Pfa. 51. On the reverfe printed in Roman Letter ^[ The names and orders of all the Bookes in the New Teftament, with the Number of their chapters. The firft \2tno. New Teftament. Blacfe- letter* The above account of the title page is taken from Lea Wilfon, No. 57. This is the only copy known: it was bought for Mr. James Lenox of New York for 33/. 15/. in 1854. Mr. Lea Wilfon adds to his account: — "The text A to A a in i2's except the laft which is 6 only. It is beautifully printed in a fharp long black letter j in long lines, with a black line round the page : the marginal re- ferences, which are in Roman type, are divided from the text by another line. The initial letters to each book are cut in wood. The running titles and chapters are in Roman, the contents of chapters in Italic letter. I have never feen another copy of the book." 58 a Centucp of Bibletf. 4- The Holy Bible, conteyning the Old Tefta- ment, and the New : Newly tranflated out of the Originall tongues & with the former Tranflations diligently compared and reuifed by his Maiefties fpeciall Comandement. Appointed to be read in Churches. Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings moft Excellent Maieftie. Anno Dom. 1612. The firft quarto edition. Roman Letter. Title page engraved on copper, within border reduced from title of folio of 1611. Signed " Iafpar Ifac, fecit." The title and introductory matter, 8 leaves with diftincl regifter : " the names and order of all the Bookes," reclo of A 8 : verfo blank. Genefis begins on A. Old Teft. extends to verfo of Ggg 4. Apocrypha end on Ttt. 6. Job ends on reclo of Kk 4: verfo blank. Gen. x. 16. Emorite for Amorite. Ruth iii. 15. Hee, for /be. Ezra iii. 5. offered, repeated. New Teft. title within heart-fhaped woodcut border. Wants the line " Appointed to be read in Churches." The regifter, Ttt. 7. to Zzz 8, (A) to (M. 8.) ends on reclo : verfo blank. Colophon, 1612. Heading of (H 5) verfo, " The Galatians reproued. To the Galaitans. The Law a Scholemafter to Chrift." a Century of 2Bfole& 59 5; Holy Bible, conteyning &c. Imprinted at London by Robert Barker. 1612. 8vo. Titles within woodcut heartfhaped borders. No line " Appointed to be read in Churches," on either. Dedi- cation to King James. No preface. Apocrypha. Firft 8vo. There is at lead one varying edition of the fame year: may be diftinguifhed by the ornamental headings and by A 4 being marked A 2. 6. €f)e Jfteto Cefiament of our Lord and Sauiour Iefvs Chrift, ^J Newly Tranflated out of the Originall Greeke : And with the former Tranflations diligently compared and reuifedj By his Maieftie's fpeciall com- mandement. f Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings moll; Excellent Maieftie. 1612. The firft quarto teftament. 2&lacfe* letter* Title within woodcut border : the four Evangelifls and two emblematical figures, Fides and Humilitas, The royal 60 a Centucp of 25fble0. arms inferted above, the arms of Elizabeth having been cut out of the block. Paged, i — 686. The type ufed i^ that of the folio of 1613, being fmaller than that of 161 1. St. John xix. 19, tile, for title : but generally very correct. Pages 314 and 342 headed "The A£ts," for "The Acles " as in other places. 7- London : Robert Barker. 1 6 1 3- 1 1 . Folio. %avQt Black-letter* This is the fecond folio of 1611, with further altera- tions and improvements. The titles are both woodcut. Mr. Lenox afTerts, that in all the woodcut firft titles dated 161 1, with which he is acquainted, he can detect an altera- tion of the 1613 into 1 6 1 1 . Mr. Fry, however, defcribes one or two genuine examples. The Bibles with the above date are ufually made up of the two editions of 161 1, together with cancels. Sometimes both titles have 161 3. But the iize of the type will immediately diftinguifh this edition from No. 11. 8. Holy Bible. London: Robert Barker. 1 6 13- 12. 4to. Roman letter. Title of O. T. in a woodcut heart-fhaped border, dated 1 6 1 3 , wants line Appointed, Sec. ; N. T. title fame, but dated 1612. The fpelling is altered throughout; the errors at 1 Centurp of 3iblt&. 61 Ruth iii. xv., Ezra iii. v. and heading of Galatians iii. are corre&ed, but Gen. x. 16, Emorite. Has the Apocrypha. The two editions generally read together $ the chief differ- ence being in the fpelling. See No. 4. Holy Bible. London : Robert Barker. 1 6 13- 1 2. 8vo. 10. Cfje 5>0lg 15lt)le, conteyning the Old Tefta- ment and the New : Newly Tranflated out of the Originall tongues : & with former Tranflations diligently compared and reuifed^ by his Maiefties fpeciall commandement. ^[ Appointed to be read in Churches. Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings moft excellent Maieftie. Anno Dom. 1613. Folio. ©lacMetter* Both titles are in woodcut borders fimilar to that of 161 1. The line " Appointed, Sec."'' is on both. Firft title followed by Dedication to King James,y?g. A. 2 : ends on recto of A 3. near the top of the page, eleven lines followed by (#%). Tranflators to the Reader, 1 1 pages, from verfo of A. 3. to verfo of B. 4. Kalender^ 12 pages, regifter C. 1. to C. 6. Other preliminary matter, Sig. D. 1 to D 4. 62 SL Century of Btblegf- the names and order of the Books being on the verfo of the latter. This is correctly printed, the firft line being in red as well as the words e< The Bookes called Apocrypha M and " The Bookes of the New Tenement." Then, in moft copies the Genealogies follow. They have a feparate regifter from A. i. to C. 6. and are paged i to 34, the numbers on pp. 31, and 32, being refpe&ively 13 and 23. Genefis begins on A. 1. The type is much fmaller than in the folio of 161 1, and the reading differs through- out. Pfalmes begin on K k, Job ending on the 21ft line of the previous page. The Prophets end on G g g 2, verfo. Apocrypha end on Ttt. 5. recto, verfo being blank. S. Matthew begins on V v v. 1., the N. T. title being T. 1 1. 6. A a a a. 1. is at S. Luke 7. B b b b 3 is mif- printed Bbb. 3. Revelation ends on Nnnn 4. reclo. Verfo blank. No colophon. The fignatures are in ternions throughout except the laft which is a double. There are 72 lines in a page. The typography is ex- ceedingly incorre6l. It differs in upwards of 300 places from the ill folk), and although in fome the text is improved, in the great majority it is altered for the worfe. The following will ferve as examples : — Gen. xxvii. 44. palTe,yor turne. Levit. vii. 25. faft,/or fat. 1 Sam. x. 16. water, for matter. 1 Kings, iii. 15. and offered peace offerings, omitted. 2 Kings, xxii. 3. were, for year. 2 Chron. vi. 10. throne,yor roome. Nehemiah. x. 31. not leave,/or leave. Job. xxix. 3. mined, for walked. Pfa. xi. 1. K\z,for flee. Ezek. xxiii. 7. delighted, for defiled. Hof. vi. 5. hewed, for fhewed. Hab. ii. 5. all nations, and heapeth unto him, omitted. Ecclus. xvi. 13, 14. The two verfes omitted. a Centura of 3ibU8. 63 S. Matt. ii. /leading, Jefus his mother, for Jefus and his mother. S. Matt. xiii. 8. fome fixty fold, omitted. S. Matt. xvi. ii. I fpake not to you concerning bread, omitted. S. Matt. xxvi. 67. palmes who is of their hands, two words inferted. S. Matt. xxvi. 68. he that fmote, for who is he that fmote. S. John xvi. 13. he omitted. S. John xx. 25. and put my finger into the print of the nails, omitted. Acls xiii. 51. them, and came unto, omitted. 1 Cor. xi. 17. I praife you, for I praife you not. 1 Cor. xvi. 14. doings, for things. 2 Cor. ii. 8. continue, for confirm. 2 Tim. 4. 16. may be laid to their charge, for may not be laid to their charge. 1 Pet. i. 22. felves,y^r fouls. Rev. vii. 14. great, omitted. II. London : Robert Barker. 1613. 4to. The firft in ftlacMetten No line "Appointed, &c." on either title-page. Sig. A 4. marked B 4. Woodcut heartfhaped borders to titles. Genefis x. 16. Emorite, for Amorite. Ruth iii. 15. He for She. Ezra iii. 5. Offered, repeated. 12. Holy Bible. London: Robert Barker. 1613. 4to. Roman letter. 64 a Centurp of T5Mt&. 13. Holy Bible. London: Robert Barker. 16 13. 8vo. 14. London: Robert Barker 1613-14. 4to. Blacfuletter* New Teft. title dated 1614. Colophon 16 14. Ifaiah xxviii. 9, " Milke and drawen from the beafts," for " breafts." This Bible does not differ in appearance from the other blackletter quartos. There is the ufual heart-fhaped wood- cut title to each teftament. Neither has the line " Ap- pointed, &c: " names and order, onre£toof A 8. verfo blank. Text begins re&o 0, fignatures blackletter & to &ff 8. Prophets end on reclo ^0 6. verfo blank. Apocrypha end on verfo <£ee 2. New Teft. title counts as Cee 3. The fignature M m m 4 is in Roman type. The date 1 6 14 in the colophon is in Arabic numerals. London: Robert Barker. 1 6 14-13. 4to. 23lacMetter* 16. Holy Bible. London: Robert Barker. 16 14- 13. 4to. Roman letter. a Century of Bibles 65 17. Holy Bible. London: Robert Barker. 16 14. 8vo. Dr. Lee {Memorial, Jpp. lift, p. 10) mentions a nmo. of this date. It is probably the fame as this edition. €&e OBiftie* London : Robert Barker. 1 6 1 4- 1 5 . 4to. BlacWetter. New Teftament dated 1615, colophon 161 5. Remarkable for the omiflion of the word !^oIp on the title page, which does not otherwife differ from the ufual quarto, being in a woodcut heart-fhaped border. In de- fcription, fignatures and other marks it anfwers exactly to the Bible of 161 3-14 defcribed above. Sig. Mmmz in italic type, and fig. M m m 4 in Roman type. Ifa. xxviii. 9. corrected, but Ifa. Hi. numbered iii. There is a variation which does not differ except in having the title corrected. J£0i£ TBtfeie- London : Robert Barker. 1 6 1 4- 1 7 . Folio. 3l&tMzttZV. This is the 1617 Bible with a different title. The title was probably experimental. It is very fcarce : but Mr. Fry has a copy and one was in Offor's Collection. F 66 a Century of Bibles 20. Holy Bible. London : Robert Barker. 161 5. 4to. Mentioned by Dr. Lee, (Memorial: lift , p. 10) and by Mr. Curtis {The exifting Monopoly, p. 33). Not in Britifh Mufeum. 21. Holy Bible. London: Robert Barker. 16 1 5. 8vo. No line " Appointed &C." on either title. Has the Apocrypha. Colophon, dated 161 5, reclo Kkk (8). A copy in Mr. Fry's collection. 22. jfteto Cellament* London : Robert Barker. 1 6 1 5 . 4to. Blacluletter* In DanielPs Catalogue. Probably the Teftament of No. 18. New Testament. London : Robert Barker. 1 6 1 5 . i2mo. fmall. This teftament is defcribed on the authority of one in a ®mmv of ©it>le& 67 the collection of Mr. Ward, which is dated on the contem- porary binding 1 6 1 5, but wants title and laft leaf. S. John xiv. 3, may ye, for ye may. Romans viii. 18, Suffering,/or Sufferings. 1 Tim. iv. 16, for doing this, for for in doing this. 24. Holy Bible. London : Robert Barker. 1 6 1 6 . Small folio. Roman Letter. This is the firft folio in Roman or ordinary letter. A large paper copy is in the Britifh Mufeum. The title- pages, on wood, have a fine defign, already ufed for the Bifhop's Bibles, reprefenting Juftice and Mercy on either fide of the royal arms, Mercy having a fprig of heartfeafe or panfy in her left hand ; the arms of Elizabeth are cut out and thofe of King James fubftituted. The lion and unicorn figure below, the latter fupplanting Queen Eliza- beth's dragon. The initials C. B. (Chriftopher Barker) remain at the foot. There is no line "Appointed to be read in Churches " on either title. The Dedication is on a 2. The preface begins A 3, and ends on verfo b 5. Names and order of the Books, reclo b 6, verfo b 6. large cut of Adam and Eve in Paradife. Genefis begins reclo A. Pfalmes, verfo N n 2. Sig. N n 3 is marked N n. New Teftament ends on verfo Vuuu 7. Colophon, Robert Barker &c. 161 6. Holy Bible. London: Robert Barker. 1616. 4to. Roman Letter. Firft title on copper, the fecond woodcut j it and the 68 SL Centur? of Etbleg. N. Teft. title being within the ufual heart-fhaped borders. The words " Appointed to be read in Churches" are on the copper-plate title, which is exaclly the fame as that of the 4to. of 1 612. The print is larger than in that edition and the two do not read together. Collation. — Name and order on verfo of woodcut title. Dedication on A 2. Preface on verfo A 3. Genefis begins on A with an ornamental fcroll heading. Pfalmes begin on recto A a 3, with the ufual ornamental heading. Apo- crypha ends on verfo of & & 7. The New Teftament ends on verfo of N n n. The colophon is dated 161 5. 26. New Testament. London: Robert Barker. 1616. i2mo. fmall. The fignatures are in five and feven blank. The title is printed. The text is in paragraphs, the verfes being numbered in the margin. Scarce. A copy is in Mr. Ward's collection. 27. London: Robert Barker. 16 17. Folio. ©lacMetter* Titles in woodcut borders ; have line "Appointed &c." The dedication is headed with a fmall cut of the Royal arms. In the editions of 1634 and 1640 the fame cut is employed, with the addition of C. R. above. The initial letter of St. Matthew's Gofpel reprefents Neptune ; the fame initial letter was ufed in 1611, both iflues, and 16135 in 1634 it is replaced by a conventional ornamental capital. SL Century of Btbiegf- 6 9 The initial P at Pfalms xxxv. 112, 113 contains a cut of Walfingham's creft. The initial I, Pfalms 116, 122, con- tains a cut of St. John the Evangelift. Pfalm 148 num- bered CLXVIII. Pfalm 149 numbered CLXIX. Jere- miah xviii. 3, Whelles,yor wheels. Holy Bible. London: Robert Barker. 1617. 8vo. Does not differ in general appearance from 8vo.of 1612. Generis Signature A 3, headed with cut of Eden. Apo- crypha begin recto N n 8, with an ornamental heading. New Teft. title counts as Y y 4. Ends on recto K k k 8. Colophon dated 1617, verfo blank. No line "Appointed &c." on either title. 29. Holy Bible. London: Robert Barker. 1617. i2mo. Titles woodcut, with architectural border, and David below. No line "Appointed" &c. on either. No chapter headings. Signatures 5 and feven blank. Dedication on A. Names and order of Bookes on verfo. Genefis begins A 2. B 3 is marked A 3. Apocrypha begin Ff 3. New Teft. title counts as N n (1), ends verfo X x 11. No colo- phon. This is probably the firft edition in izmo. and is fcarce. A copy is in the Britifh Mufeum. 70 a Century of ©ibleg- 30. Holy Bible. London: Robert Barker. 161 8. 8vo. Some copies have the New Teft. dated 1617. 31- Holy Bible. London: Robert Barker. 1618. i2mo. Clofely refembles the nmo. of 1617. Mr. Fry's copy has a blank leaf marked A. before the title. Holy Bible. London : Bonham Norton and John Bill. 1619. 4to. Roman Letter. The firft Bible on which Norton and Bill's name appears. In Lea Wilfon's Catalogue, No. 128 is marked as black- letter. This is probably an error. The ift page of the dedication has u The Trancelators. 1 ' The colophon is at the foot of fig. Gggg 2. reclo : and has the names of Norton and Bill and the date 161 9 in Arabic numerals. 33- Holy Bible. London: Norton and Bill. 1619. 8vo. On the back of the title page are the Royal arms in a a Centura of ffifirteg* 7 1 garter : without fupporters or initials. Mr. Fry's copy has 1 6 1 8 in the colophon. He has an Old Teftament only with 1 619 on the title and a different (hield of arms on the back. The fignatures are the fame in both, and they read together, but the fetting up differs in feveral places. 34- Holy Bible. London: Norton and Bill. 1619. i2mo. 35- New Testament. London: Norton and Bill. 16 19. i2mo. very fmall. Title, woodcut, arch with pillars, figures of the four evangelifts being in the corners. No colophon. Reg. A 2- Y 12. verfo. Called a i6mo. by Lowndes: p. 2633. 3«- London: Norton and Bill. 1619-20. 4to. iSIackletter* The New Teftament title has the names of Robert Barker and John Bill and the date 1620. The colophon has the name of Robert Barker only, and the date 1620 in Arabic numerals. Verfo of Ggg6. heading olp TBible. London: Norton and Bill. 1628. 4to. Blatfe-letter. SL Centucp of Biblctf. 79 63. Holy Bible. London: Norton and Bill. 1628. 8vo. Titles within heart-ihaped woodcut. Cut of Adam and Eve in Eden, heading Genefii i. Apocrypha begin NnS reclo, with cut of David for heading. The catch-word of the previous page is PO for APO. ApOC end Yy 3 verio. New Teft. title counts as V y 4.. Revelation ends reclo Kkk8. Colophon 1628. There are two other flightly varying ifTues of this year in 8vo. 64. New Testament. London : Norton and Bill. 1628. 24010. This edition was in Offor's Collection. It is not in the Britifh Mufeum. 65. jReto Ceffament London : Norton and Bill. 16 : 8vo. ©lack-letter. Engraved title. Architectural ornaments, with pillars \ two emblematical figures, and the four Evangeliils. The Order of the Books, printed on verio. Rvg. A 2 — E e 8, verio. Long lines. This is probably the edition called by Lowndes a 241110. See Bibliographer's Manual, part 9, p. 2633. 80 and the beginning of Lentron. It is the firft Scottifli New Teftament of this verfion and very fcarce. 67. New Testament. Cambridge : By the Printers to the Uni- verfitie. / 1628. 1 2mo. Small. Plain printed title. Cambridge device on verfo Y 12. Lowndes, p. 2633. There is a fmall Teftament in the Britifh Mufeum, without a date on the title j it is the fame as this one except in title. It is defcribed under 1630. 68. Holy Bible. London: Norton and Bill. 1629. Folio. Roman letter. Engraved firft title by Ifac. Scarce. Si Century of JSibleg* 81 6 9 . Holy Bible. London: Norton and Bill. 4to. 1629. 70. Holy Bible. London: Norton and Bill. 8vo. 1629. 7*- Holy Bible. London : Norton and Bill. i2mo. The Apocrypha are included in the " Names and order of books," but feldom occur in copies. 1629. 72. Holy Bible. Cambridge : Thomas and John Buck. Small folio. Roman letter. 1629. Lea Wilfon fays, of this edition, " The text appears to have undergone a complete revifion, although I can find no record of fuch having been done by authority. Yet the errors in the firft and intermediate editions are here corrected, and confiderable care appears to have been exercifed as to G 82 SL Century of 33tbles5. the words printed in italics, punctuation, 1 ' &c. The title is engraved on copper 5 it was afterwards ufed for quarto Bibles and has here a wide margin. This feems to be the firft Bible in which the mifprint occurs: 1 Tim. iv. 16, Take heed unto thyfelf and unto thy do&rine, for the doc- trine. There are many other alterations, fome of them not improvements. (See Cardivell.) In the Lambeth Library is a copy of the New Teftament of this edition, printed on one fide only : another copy is in the Britifh Mufeum. 73- JDolj? TBifile. London: Norton and Bill. 1630. 4 to. ©lackletter, 74- IDolp TBiMe. London : Barker and Bill. 1630. 4to. Blacfc4etter* 75- Holy Bible. London : Robert Barker and the afligns of John Bill. 1630. 4to. Roman letter large. Dated throughout 1630. Lea Wilfon's copy in Britifh Mufeum. Si Century of Bible*. 83 76. Holy Bible. London : Barker and aflignes of Bill. 8vo. 1630. L. W. No, 143, appendix. 77- Holy Bible. London: Norton and Bill. 1630. 8vo. 78. New Testament. London : Barker and Affigns of Bill. i2mo. 1630. 79- New Testament. London : Barker and Afligns of Bill. nmo. fmall. 1630. The fignatures run in five and feven blanks. 84 a Century ot Bibles, 80. Holy Bible. Cambridge: T. and J. Buck. 1630. 4to. 1 Tim. iv. 16, Thy. 8l. Cambridge: T. and J. Buck. 1630. 4to. 25lacfe4etter< The firft title is engraved. It is the fame as that of the folio of 1629. 1 Tim. iv. 16 : Thy doctrine, for the doc- trine. 82. New Testament. Cambridge : (T. and J. Buck.) n. d. i2mo. (mail. In Brit. Mus. Catalogue this teftament is marked 241110. as it was in the Suflex Catalogue, from which Collection it came. It has alfo London ? 1 630 ? in the B. M. Catalogue. As it has the Cambridge printer's device on the laft leaf, there can be no doubt of its origin. The title is engraved with the Nativity. On a curtain above, " The Newe Tefta- ment, 1 ' &c. Space below, for date and name, left blank. Verfo of title, " Order of Books." Text, A 2— Y 12. On verfo of laft leaf, Cambridge device. Except in the title this N. T. agrees exactly with the N. T. of 1628 in Mr. Ward's collection. See No. 67. a Cmturp of Bibles*. 85 83- Holy Bible. London : Barker and Affignes of Bill. 8vo. 1631-30. Engraved title-page. No Apocrypha. New Teftament title has an architectural defign, with Fides and Religio on each fide, and at the foot David playing the harp. Colo- phon dated 1 630. There are feveral varieties of this edition. Mr. Fry has three. See No. 86. 84. Holy Bible. London : Barker and Affignes of Bill. 8vo. 1 63 1. This is ufually called by the name of the " Wicked Bible," on account of the mifprint in Exodus xx. 14, " Thou (halt commit adultery," for " Thou (halt not." In the Britifh Mufeum copy the following note is in pencil on the fly leaf: — " Only one other copy is known. I fold it to Mr. Lenox of New York in July laft for £52 10/. od.\ that copy is perfect, and this one agrees with it leaf for leaf, except the twenty-three leaves wanting in this. A thoufand copies of this bible were printed, but being found to be full of grofs typographical errors, the King's printers, Meffrs. Barker and Lucas, were fummoned before the high commiflion court and fined £300, and the entire edition was ordered to be deftroyed. There were two, if not three, other editions in oclavo in 1631 by the fame printers clofely refembling 86 # Century of Bibles this, but reprinted throughout. The error in the 7th com- mandment is only one of a thoufand. — Henry Stevens. " Leaves fupplied, October, 1861." Lowndes (Bibliograp/ter's Manual, vol. i. p. 186, Bonn's edition) erroneoufly ftates that this Bible was printed in 1632. A very full notice of it and of the other o6lavos of 1 631, may be found in Notes and Queries, 2nd S. vol. v. p. 389, in a letter from Neo Eboracenfis (? Mr. Lenox). He fays, " I cannot account for the infertion of the name of* Lucas' in many of the notices of the fupprefTed volume. That name is not found, I believe, in the imprint of any Bibles of the period fpecified." Copies of this Bible are in the Britifh Mufeum (c. 24. a), in the Bodleian at Oxford, in the collection of Mr. Lenox as mentioned above, and in that of William Euing, Efq., Glafgow. A copy (Mr. Lenox's) was exhibited to the Society of Antiquaries, June 25, 1855, by Mr. Stevens. The title to the Old Teftament is printed within a heart-fhaped wood- cut, date 1 63 1. The fignatures run in eights. The Apo- crypha is included. The New Teftament title fimilar, and dated 1631. Colophon, dated 163 1. Mr. Euing's copy wants the Apocrypha, which that in the Britifh Mufeum has. 85. Holy Bible. London : Robert Barker and Aflignes of John Bill. 163 1. 8vo. Another edition in which the chief errors are corrected. Like the foregoing, it does not materially differ in fize 01 «a Centucp of 23iblcgf. 87 appearance from the ordinary o6tavos of this period, of which the firft was printed in 16 12. The New Teftament title and the colophon are dated 1631. 86. Holy Bible. London : Robert Barker and Aflignes of Bill. 163 1-30-3 1. 8vo. The fame, but with the New Teftament title dated 1630. The colophon has 1631. There are many other varieties of this 8vo. Some have 1630 in the colophon, fome 1632. Others have the New Teft. dated 1632. All read together. Mr. Fry has feven varieties with 163 1 on the Old Teft. title. 87. Holy Bible. London : Robert Barker and Aflignes of John Bill. 1 63 1. i2mo. The date in the colophon is in Roman numerals. 88. K3eto Ceffament London : Robert Barker and Aflignes of John Bill. 1 63 1. 4to. Mathlztm. Clofely refembles 4to. of 1612 : it has the fame number of pages: — 686. 88 & Century of Bibles* 89. H3eto Ceffament London : Barker and Aflignes of Bill. i2mo. long lines. Blacfe'-lettet* 163 1. 90. Holy Bible. London : Barker and Aflignes of Bill. 4to. 1632-30. 91. London : Barker and Aflignes of Bill. 4to. MMMztttV* 1632-31. Colophon dated 1631. The regifter is continuous, Genefis i. being on 31 1. and the Pfalmes commencing on C c 2. in the centre of the re6lo. Apocrypha begin on ^ 7. reclio, the verfo of 3a> 6 being blank. The New Teftament title counts as C c c 3. and S. Matt. i. is on C c C 4. Rom. xiv. 1 . Receive you, for ye. There are two (lightly differing iiTues. Compare the headings of Deut. i. and of 1 Kings i. 92. Holy Bible. London : Barker and Afllgns of Bill. i2mo. 1632-31-31. A variation has 1633 N. T. title. SL Centur? of 23»'t)le0. 89 93- Holy Bible. London: Barker &c. 1632. Small folio. Roman letter. 94. J£olg Mbit. London : Barker &c. 1632. 4to. MacMetter* 95- Holy Bible. London: Barker &c. 1632. 8vo. There are at leaft four varieties of this 8vo. 96. New Testament. * London: Barker &c. 1632. Folio. This is probably not a feparate book, but part of the folio Bible of fame year. It is mentioned in Lowndes, p. 2633. 9° a Centucp of J3tble0. 97- Holy Bible. London : Barker &c. Folio. Roman letter. 1633-32. Firft title engraved by Hole (for defcription fee under 1639). Dedication A 2. Tranflator's preface A 3, verfo A (8.). Names and order of books A (9.) recto, view of Eden, verfo. Text A (1) to H h h (5.) verfo, end of Prophets. The Apocrypha begin re&o H h h (6.) with a heading : ends X x x 4. recto. Verfo blank. New Teft. title dated 1632. Woodcut border, M Juftice and Mercy," &c. Colophon on verfo Pppp (5.) 1632. This de- fcription is made from the copy at Syon College. Sig. R 2 for X 2. 98. Holy Bible. London : Barker &c. I 6 33- 4to. 99. Holy Bible. London : Barker &c. l6 33- 8vo. 100. Holy Bible. London : Barker &c. * 6 33- nmo. Mr. Fry's copy has the rare firft title. Colophon on feparate leaf. page Sig. A. before the & Century of 53ible0. 9 1 IOI. New Testament. London : Barker and Affigns of Bill. 4 to. 1633. 102. New Testament. London: Barker &c. I ^33- 241110. or 32mo. 103. Cambridge: Buck and Daniel. 1633. 4to. Mathlztttt* There are at lead two varieties of this edition. They differ but (lightly. IO4. Holy Bible. Edinburgh : printed by the printers to the King's moft excellent Majeftie : cum privilegio. x ^33' 8vo. The flrft Bible printed in Scotland. Moft copies have many engravings. It was a charge againft Archbifhop Laud that he brought Popifh pictures from beyond the fea. See Lord Hailes's Letters, where they are defcribed 92 & Centurp of 23iblegf* as u abominable" and as "horrible impiety. " Some of them neverthelefs are very good, and not unworthy of the advanced ftate of Art at the time in Holland, whence they probably came. They are faid to have been firft printed by Boetius a Bolfwert in 1623. See Dr. Lee's Memorial, p. 97. The titlepage is engraved : Mofes and Aaron fupport between them a book on which is written " The Holy Bible, containing the Old Tejlament and the New ; Newly tranjlated out of the originall and with the former diligently compared andreuifed by his Majeflies fpeciall commandement . Appointed to be read in Churches. Edinburgh, printed by the printers to the Kings mojl excellent Majeftie" On a fcroll below, " Cum ?ri 108. Holy Bible. London : Robert Barker and affigns of J. Bill. l6 33~33-34- 4to. Colophon 1634. IO9. London : Barker and Affigns of Bill. 1634. Folio. Blacfcletter* Among the marks by which this edition may be diftin- guifhed from its predeceflbrs is the reading in Heb. xii. 1 , runne with patience the race, for runne with patience unto the race, as in 161 1 and 161 7. The initial B in Pfalm 1, contains a cut of Cecil's arms. The initial P at Pfalm 35, has Walfingham's creft as in 161 7. I IO. ^olp T5Mz. London : Barker and Affigns of Bill. 4to. 23lacfe4etter* 1634. I Tim. iv. 16, Thy, for the. There are three varieties. Mr. Fry has them, and alfo one with 1636 New Teftament Title. & Cmturp of mblt&. 95 in. Holy Bible. London : Barker and Afligns of Bill. 8vo. 1634. There are two or three varieties (Mr. Fry). One of them has 1635 O. T. title. 112. Holy Bible. London : Barker and Afligns of Bill. i2mo. l ^3A- H3- Holy Bible. Edinburgh. I ^34- i2mo. 114. Holy Bible. London : Barker and Afligns of Bill. 8vo. 1 &3S* 9& & Centurp of 33iblegf. n 5 . Holy Bible. London : Barker and Afligns of Bill. i2mo. 163 5. Titles within Architectural border : with King David and the text " Cor ^lundum," &c. Apocrypha. New Teft. title counts as Pp(i). No chapter headings. The B. M. copy wants the Apocrypha. Colophon on Z 2 (12) verfo. Il6. jfteto Ceaament London : Barker and Afligns of Bill. 8vo. UMacftletter* 1635. 117. New Testament. London : Barker and Aflignes of Bill. i2mo. 1635. A i6mo. is named in Tome catalogues. 1 Tim. iv. 16, Thy. Il8. Cambridge : Thomas Buck and Roger Daniel. l ^35* 4to. 23lacfe=letter, a Centurp of 2Sible& 97 119. Holy Bible. Cambridge : T. Buck and R. Daniel. 4to. 1635. 120. Jfteto Cefiament. Edinburgh: Robt. Young. 1 &3S- 1 2mo. Blactuletter* 121. Holy Bible. London : Barker and Affignes of Bill. 8vo. l ^3^'34- There are two flightly differing iffues of this edition. 122. Holy Bible. London : Barker and Afligns of Bill. 4to. 1636- 123. Holy Bible. London : Barker and Afligns of Bill. 8vo. 1636. There are at lead five varieties (Mr. Fry). H 98 3 Century of BtMeg. 124. New Testament. Edinburgh: Robert Young. 1636. 8vo. Properly belongs to the Bible of the following year : but like the New Teftament of 1633 appears to have been iflued feparately. The back of the title is blank. Signa- tures run from A a a 2 — M m m 4. re6to, and a woodcut of the arms of Scotland, quartering England, France and Ireland, with a garter is on the verfo. There is no line " Appointed Sec." on the title. Copies are ufually illuf- trated with engravings : fee No. 104. 125. New Testament. Edinburgh: R.Young. 1636. 321110. L. W. No. 79. Lowndes fays it formed part of the Bible of the following year — but as the Bible was in 8vo. this is not likely. This N. T. is more correclly called a nmo. 126. Holy Bible. London : Barker and Aflignes of Bill. 4 to. 1637. a Cettturp of Bibles 99 127. Holy Bible. London : Barker and Affignes of Bill. 8vo. l 637- There are at leaft four varieties of this edition : copies of them all are in Mr. Fry's collection. They vary moft often in the title-pages and in the pofition of the fignatures. All read together. 128. Holy Bible. London : Barker and Afligns of Bill, ismo. 1637. There are at leaft two iflues of this edition. One of them (No. 160 in Lea Wilfon) has " Afiigns" on the title- page, inftead of the ufual et Aflignes." 129. iftefo Cefiament London : R. Barker and Affignes of John Bill. 1637. i6mo. 25iacfc4etter- 1 Tim. iv. 16. Thy, for the. Scarce. A copy was in Mr. Dix's collection. No. 399 in his catalogue. ioo & Centurp of JSfblegf. 130. Holy Bible. Cambridge : T. Buck and R. Daniel. 4 to. 1637. The Apocrypha has diftinci fignatures. Carelefsly printed. St. Matthew xii. 42. " The queen of the South (hall up/'/or " mall rife up." 1 Tim. iv. 16. " Thy /■ for " the." St. Matt. i. 25 " he called his fonne," for " he called his name.' 1 The pages are numbered, a frefh feries commencing for each part. In the Bodleian Catalogue it is aflerted that Field re-ifTued this edition in 1648. See No. 203. Cambridge : Printed by the Printers to the Univerfitie. l &37- The fignatures are in black-letter. Text begins 8. 1. the preliminary leaves being figned with T". No colophon. The titles have only black lines and are very plain. 1 Tim. iv. 16. " Thy."" 132. Holy Bible. Cambridge: Buck and Daniel. 1637. 8vo. Two iffues : regifter various. a Century of 3iblz&. IOI *33- Holy Bible. Edinburgh. 1637. 8vo. In the Britifh Mufeum copy the New Teft. title is dated 1633. Does not differ materially from the edition of 1 6 3 3 ; but has no leaf with Royal Arms after firft title. Apocrypha. Plate of Eden as Frontifpiece. 1 Tim. iv. 16. Thy, for the dodlrine. 134. Holy Bible. London : Barker, &c. 8vo. 1637-36. Holy Bible. London : 4to. l 3S- Barker, &c. 1637-38. Apocrypha in fmaller type. 1 Tim. iv. 16, "Thy." New Teftament title and colophon 1638. There is a varia- tion edition which differs flightly. I36. Holy Bible. London : Barker, &c. 1 2mo. Colophon 1638. 1637-37-38. io2 a Century of Bibles 137. Holy Bible. Cambridge : Buck and Daniel. 1637-38. 4to. There is no date on the firft title. The New Teft. title 1637, colophon 1638. Mr. Fry has two copies which differ from each other in the firft leaf of the Tranflatours preface. The errors in the New Teft. of 1637 are corrected except 1 Tim. iv. 16 Thy, for the. 138. Holy Bible. London : Barker and Aflignes of Bill. Folio. 1638. See No. 148. J 39- Holy Bible. London : Barker and Affignes of Bill. 8vo. 1638. There are at leaft three varieties of this year and fize. I40. Holy Bible. London : Barker and Afligues of Bill. i2mo. 1638. Full of errors. Lea Wilfon enumerates the principal as follows : — & Century of 2Sible& 103 Gen. i. 26. Let us make men, for, man. G*#. xxxvii. 2. fons of Belial,/or Biihah. Num. xxv. 18. vex you with their wives, for wiles. Num. xxvi. 10. two thoufand and fifty, for hundred and fifty. 11 Sam. xxiii. 20. flew two lions like men, for lion like men. 1 Chron. xxxiv. 2. that which was tv\\\,for that which was right. 1 Chron. xxxvi. 14. had polluted, for, had hallowed. Nehem. iv. 9. read our prayer, for made our prayer. Ifa. i. 6. purifying fores, for putrifying fores. Ifa. xxix. 13. taught by the people, for taught by the precepts. Ifa. xlix. 22. their fons,yor thy fons. Ezek. v. 11. any piety, for any pity. S. Luke vii. 47. her fins which are many are forgotten, for forgiven. S. Luke xix. 29. ten of his difciplesj/or two. S. John xviii. 29. Pilate went not, for went out. 1 Cor. vii. 34. praife her hufband,yir pleafe. 1 "Tim. ii. 9. fhamefulneffe,yor fhamefaftnefs. 1 Tim. iv. 16. Thy, for the. There is a variation in which " Affignes " is the fpelling on O. T. title. Both probably printed in Holland. 141. Holy Bible. London : Barker &c. 1638. nmo. May be diftinguifhed by having black lines round each page. There are three variations. 104 & Centucp of Bibles 142. iReto Cefiament London: Barker &c. 1638. i2mo. MacWettet\ New Testament. London: Barker &c. 1638. i2mo. fmall. 1 Tim. iv. 16. Thy for the. I44. New Testament. London: Barker. 1638. 24010. Offor, 481110. Probably the fame as foregoing. Holy Bible. Cambridge : T. Buck and R. Daniel. Folio. 1638. Engraved title — William MarJIiall, fcul v . — reprefenting Mofes and Aaron on either fide ; a picture of Creation above ; the laft fupper and an illuftration of Pfalm xlii. i. below j the four Evangelifts at the foot. Not dated. The text is in Roman letter, rather fmall, but clear. Dedication A i. and verfo. Tranflatours preface A 2. to A 5. reclo. Names and order of Books, A. 5. verfo. Genefis begins A 6. Second leaf is B, There is a heading & Cmturp of Bibleg* 105 to the Apocrypha, which begins on fig. K K K, re&o. The New Teftament title is plainly printed within a con- ventional border, and is dated 1638. The text begins frefh fignatures, St. Matthew being on A 2. Revelation ends on verfo of R 6. There is no colophon. In this edition feveral new readings occur. St. Matt, xii. 23. Is not this the Son of David : the not was omitted in 161 1. 1 John v. 12, hath not the Son of God hath not, &c, jor hath not the Son, hath not, &c. 1 Tim. iv. 16. Thy doclrine, for the doclrine. Acts vi. 3. Whom ye may appoint, for whom we may appoint. The laft two readings are not improvements. The firft of them had been introduced in the Cambridge Bible of 1629. The fecond appears firft in this edition and was frequently repeated. It is often erroneoufly afcribed to the Puritans. It cer- tainly occurs after this date in many Bibles fuppofed to be printed for them. Numbers lxiv., Ram, for Lamb. This edition is faid by moll authorities to have been revifed by the fpecial command of Charles I. It differs from the firft folios chiefly in the ufe made of italics : the fol- lowing examples are taken from Bifhop Turton (Text of the Englijh Bible, 2nd Ed. 1833):— St. Matt. xxvi. 2. After two days is the fe aft of the Pafl- ovzi',for the feaft of, &c. Hebrews vii. 24. This man becaufe he continueth, for this man. Hebrews ix. 6. The fervice of God, for of God. St. Luke xix. 1. Jefus entered for Jefus entered. Genejis xviii. 28. all the city for lack of five, for lack of five. Judges v. 30, meet for the necks, for meet for the necks Deuteronomy xvi. 10, give unto the Lord thy God for unto the Lord thy God. Many other examples may be found in the fame book. This edition is mentioned there with commendation, and moft of the alterations are allowed to be improvements. io6 & Century of TBiblw. The credit of the revifion is affigned to Ward, Goad, Boyfe, Mead, and others : and is faid to have taken place Mandato Regio : while the refult formed the ftandard Bible until 1769. I46. Holy Bible. Edinburgh: Robert Young. 1638. 32010. Lowndes, vol. i. p. 187. 147. New Testament. Edinburgh: Robert Young. 163 8. 32mo. A copy was in Offer's collection. It appears to be part of the foregoing Bible. I48. Holy Bible. London : Barker and Aflignes of Bill. Folio. The following defcription is of the Britifh Mufeum copy: it is apparently not quite genuine. Title engraved by Holl. An arch flanked by columns, each column wreathed with a vine tree, on one fide fmall vignettes at each inter- lacement of the branches, with the tents of the 12 tribes: at the other the 12 apoftles. At the top of the column firft named, the figure of Mofes receiving the Tables of the & Centurp of 3Mz&> 107 Law : on the other, the Transfiguration : between the columns and the arch are the emblems of the Evangelifts : the keyftone has a reprefentation of the facrifice of Ifaac. Above this is a globe, with the Laft Judgment reprefented upon it : above it, again, the facred name in Hebrew. The columns reft on bafes containing fmall views of the Temp- tation in Eden and the Refurre6Hon ; between them, in front of the arch, is the Man of Sorrows, treading the Wine- prefs, " Ego torcular calcavi folus." The title is within the arch and runs in the ufual form. This plate had been ufed for the Genevan Bible of 1607. The names and order of the books follow in Roman type on recto of an unfigned leaf : a woodcut view of Para- dife on verfo. Dedication on following page * (1). Tranf- lators' preface on * 2. four leaves, on verfo of laft Names and order of books again, but in italics. Genefis begins on A ( 1 .) Apocrypha on Nnn(i.) near the foot of the re6lo, the Prophets ending juft above. New Teftament title in wood- cut border, " Juftice and Mercy. 1 ' No line " Appointed/' &c. Dated 1638. 1 Tim. iv. 16, Thy, for the. Colophon verfo Yyyy4» Date in Roman numerals 1639. I49. Holy Bible. London: Barker &c. Folio. New Teft. title 1639, 1639, 15O. Holy Bible. London : Barker &c. 4to. 1 Tim. iv. 16. Thy for the. 1639. 108 & GDenturg ol Bibles. 151. Holy Bible. London : Barker and Aflignes of Bill. 8vo. l &39' On the reverfe of the title of this rare Bible are the royal arms, fupported by a lion and unicorn, without initials. The dedication is on A 2. The names and order on the verfo. A woodcut of Eden at the head of A 3, followed by Gen. i. The heading of 11 Chronicles xxi. is Chronicles in full : all the reft Ckron. The book of Pfalmes begins on Z 2 with a heading near the middle of the page, David playing on the harp. The Apocrypha begin N n. 7, with a heading containing the creft of Walfingham, an old Elizabethan block. The New Teftament title reckons as Y y 4. It is remarkable for the mifprint Tetsament. The colophon is on Kkk8, re£to. 1639. A variation has the N. T. title corrected, or fupplied from No. 155. 152. Cambridge: T. Buck and R. Daniel. 4to. Blacfcletter* 1639. The titles are plain. Holy Bible. London : Barker and aflignes of Bill. 8vo. 1639-40-39. The New Teft. title is dated 1640. The Colophon 1639. Probably the fame as No. 151 : the title page of 1640 being & Centurp of 25tble& 109 prefixed to the New Teft. on account of the error (Tetfa- ment) on the right one. 154. London : Barker and Aflignes of Bill. Folio. Blacfuietter* 1640-39. This is the laft of the great black-letter folio editions which had commenced in 1 6 1 1 . It prefents few features of difference from its predeceflbrs : except that being printed with the fame type it has a generally faded and worn-out look, efpecially at the corners where the lines furrounding the page no longer meet, but gape apart. It may be re- cognifed by having as the firft line of the dedication to King James, the words, " To the Moft High," in capitals. The New Teftament title is dated 1639. The marginal readings are in Roman letter ; in the folios of 1611,1613,1617, and 1634 they were in Italics. As in 1634, the initial of Pfalm i. has a cut of Cecil's arms. *55- Holy Bible. London : Barker and Aflignes of Bill. 8vo. 1640-39. New Teftament title 1639 : Colophon 1640. The Old Teft. title is different from the title of the Bible of 1640. There are 72 lines in a page. On verfo of the firft title the royal arms and fupporters with C. R. Sometimes found with the firft title of No. 158, or No. 159. no & Ccntuvp of 25ibU0. 156. ^olp OBiftle. Cambridge: Buck and Daniel. 1640-39. 4to. T&latMttttv. A copy in Mr. Dix's Catalogue (Sotheby 1870) is faid to have 1633 as tne date of the New Teft. title. 1 Tim. iv. 16. Thy, for the. London : Barker and Affigns of Bill. 4to. Blackletter* 1640. 158. Holy Bible. London : Barker and Affigns of Bill. 8vo. 1640. The firft title differs from that of 1640-39-40, and has a different fhield of arms on the verfo ; no royal initials $ 74 lines to a page. The New Teft. title may be diftin- guifhed by having a large C. to the word commandement. St. Matt. ix. 13. I not am come, for I am not come. I59. Holy Bible. London : Barker and Affigns of Bill. 8vo. 1640. On the New Teftament title commandement has a {mail c. a Centurp of T5Mt8. 1 1 1 160. Holy Bible. London : Barker and Aflignes of Bill. i2mo. 1640. 161. New Testament. London: Barker and Afligns of Bill. i2mo. fmall. 1640. This edition and the fucceeding one are defcribed as 24mo. in the Britifh Mufeum Catalogue. The fignatures in both run in twelves. A 2 — Y. 12. ends on verfo. No colophon. The title is on wood, with an arched defign, the 4 evangelifts, the facred name and other fymbols. 162. New Testament. London: Barker, &c. 1640. i2mo. fmall. Differs little from preceding, has a border of conven- tional fleurs-de-lis round " Order of Books. 1 ' The figna- tures are the fame. Lea Wilfon (No. 80) defcribes a 32mo. of this date. Probably this. 163. Holy Bible. London : Barker, &c. 163 9-4 1 . i2mo. U2 a Ccnturp of ©ibleg* 164. London: Barker, &c. 1640-41-42. 4to. ISlMhlZttZV. The New Teftament title has 1641, and the colophon 1642. 165. Holy Bible. London : Barker, &c . 1 64 1 . 8vo. A variation is in the Britifh Mufeum. l66. Holy Bible. London: Barker, &c. 1641. i2mo. 167. jfteto Ceflament London : Barker, &c. 1 64 1 . 8vo. muMzttzv. Title, woodcut of an arch with emblematical figures and the four Evangelifts. The " names and order" on the verfo in a conventional border of fleurs-de-lis. Signatures A 2 to E e 8. verfo. Printed in long lines. Si Century of Bfl>Ie& 113 168. Holy Bible. London : Barker and Aflignes of Bill. 8vo. 1642. There are three variations (Mr. Fry). 169. Holy Bible. London: Barker, &c. 1642. i2mo. A variety has 1 643 New Teft. 17O. New Testament. London: Barker, &c. 1642. i2mo. 171. Holy Bible. Edinburgh: Evan Tyler. 1642. i2mo. 172. New Testament. Edinburgh : R. Young and E. Tyler. 8vo. 1642. n4 SL Century of 2SiMesf* New Testament. Edinburgh : Evan Tyler. 1642. 321110. 174. New Testament. Edinburgh: James Bryfon. 1642. 1 2mo. fmall, or 24010. " Edinburgh, printed by James Bryfon & are to be fold at his (hop a little above the Kirk ftyle at y e figne of the Golden Angel. An. Dom. 1642." Mr. Ward has a copy of this Teftament. Its fize is 4 inches and an eighth by 1 and three-fourths. J 75- Holy Bible. Amsterdam : Printed by Jooft Broerfs. Folio. 1642. This is apparently the firft Englifh Bible of the A. V. avowedly printed abroad. Jooft Broerfs dwelt " in the Pije ftreet, at the figne of the Printing houfe. 1 '' The Genevan notes are added. Both titles engraved. 1 Tim. iv. 16, Thy, for the doctrine. A variation has 1643 New Teft. 176. Holy Bible. London: Barker &c. 1 ^4-3- 8vo. There are at leaft two varieties. SL Centutp of Bibles 115 177. Holy Bible. London: Barker &c. 1643. i2mo. 178. New Testament. London : Barker and Aflignes of Bill. i2mo. !643. 179. jfteto Ceffament Edinburgh: Evan Tyler. J 643. 8vo. matfclztm. 180. New Testament. Edinburgh: Evan Tyler. l &43- 32mo. 181. Holy Bible. London : Printed in the yeere 1 644. 8vo. Royal arms on verfo of title. No line Appointed, &c. n6 sl Century of 33ilile^ 182. Holy Bible. Amfterdam. 1644. Folio. 183. Holy Bible. Amfterdam : printed for C. P. 1644. 8vo. Signatures run in 4 and four blanks, but are very irre- gular. In flze the book is fmaller than the ordinary fmall i2mo. of Field and others about this date. No line " Appointed &c." on either title-page. The numerals on the firft title, which has a woodcut border, are as follows:— CIO. 31. XLIV j on the fecond, which is plain, M.D.C.XLIIII. No Apocrypha. Many contractions. New Teftament frefh fignatures A — Q (4.) verfo. No colo- phon. No chapter headings. 184. Holy Bible. London. 1644 1 2 mo. Holy Bible. 185. Amfterdam : printed for C. P 3IDOIXLIV. 1644. i2mo. or 241110. The fignatures run irregularly in fives and fevens ; Mr. Fry's copy meafures 2~ inches by 4^. a Centurg of 23tble0, 117 186. Holy Bible. According to the copie printed for Roger Daniel, Printer to the Univerfitie of Cam- bridge. 1645. 4to. 1. Tim. iv. 16. Thy. 187. Holy Bible. According to the copie, &c. 1645. 24mo. This very fcarce edition appears to have been printed like the foregoing at Amfterdam ; it does not occur in the Britifh Mufeum Catalogue. 188. Holy Bible. Amfterdam : Joachim Nofche dwelling upon the Sea-dijck. J 645- nmo. fmall. 189. Holy Bible. Roger Daniel, Printer to the Vniverfitie of Cambridge. 1645-46. nmo, On the title is a view labelled LONDVN. n8 and other things of great importance : which notes have never before been fet forth with this new Tranflation : But are now placed in due order with great care and induftrie. London j printed by the Company of Stationers. 164-9." Dedication if 2. Preface A 3, ending on A 5 verfo, 11 lines and a note. Then follow Names and 124 SL Century of Mbleg, Order of Books j next the verfes ufual in Genevan Bibles, M Here is the fpring whence waters flow j M below which at the foot of the page is the collect, " O gracious God and moft merciful Father, which haft vouchfafed us the rich and precious Jewel, &c." The text begins on A 6. There are 74 lines in a full column. Malachi ends on S f verfo. There are no Apocrypha. The New Teftament title differs little from that of the Old Teftament, but has inftead of the lines relating to the notes, thefe words, " With brief expofi- tions of Theo. Beza upon the hard places, and the annota- tions of Fr. Junius upon the Revelation, &C." On the verfo of title is an addrefs from the printer to the Reader, and St. Matthew begins on recto A a a. Revelation ends on recto P p p 7. The Tables follow, on verfo, with continuous regifter to verfo Q qq 8, on which page is a colophon : — f Imprinted at London, by the Company of Stationers, 1649. This Bible was purpofely made to look as like the Genevan verfion as pofllble. Notes furround each page, and an " Argument" heads each book. The print is very fmall, but clear. In Oftbr's MS. Notes on the Genevan Bibles, (Brit. Mus. Addit. MSS. 26,672,) he calls attention to the repub- lican doctrines put forward in the annotations upon Exod. i. 19 and 11 Chron. xv. 16. He alfo notes feveral errors: — St. Luke xii. 47. And that fervant which knew not his lord's will, for knew his lord's will. St. John vii. 32. Fathers, for Pharifees. Romans vii. 1. The flrft three fyllables of " dominion" omitted. (OfFor makes a miftake himfelf, in his note on this verfe.) 11 Cor. vi. 4, 5. Faftings and diftrefles, tranfpofed. 1 Tim. iv. 16, Thy, for the. SL Centura of Bibles. 125 211. Holy Bible. London Company of Stationers. 1649. i2mo. 212. Holy Bible. Edinburgh : Evan Tyler. 1649-50-55. i2mo. On the New Teftament title, " London : Printed by the Company of Stationers, 1 650." Colophon, London, printed by E. T. for a Society of Stationers, 165 5." See No. 194. 213. Holy Bible. Edinburgh: Evan Tyler. 1649. 8vo. Dr. Lee (Memorial, p. 114) mentions this as the largeft Bible printed by Tyler. A copy was in Daniel's collection j the New Teft. title dated 1648. 214. Holy Bible. London : The Company of Stationers. 8vo. 1650. Title within architectural cut, with David and the text from the 51ft Pfalm, "Cor mundum crea in me Deus." The king's arms in the tympanum of the arch, and on the back of the firft title. Cut of Adam and Eve on A 3 above Genefis i. No Apocrypha. New Teft. title counts M m 7. Colophon verfo of Z z 7. 126 a Century of Mblzsi. 215. Beta Ceflament* London : Company of Stationers. 1 650. i6mo. Black-letter* 216. Holy Bible. London : Company of Stationers. 8vo. 1651-50. New Teftament title and colophon, 1650. Some have col. 1655. A mixed and irregular edition. 217. Holy Bible. London : Companie of Stationers. 1 6 5 1 . 1 2 mo. Titles within the architectural woodcut. An open Bible in the arch infcribed Verbum Dei. No line " Appointed, &c." No Apocrypha. New Teft. title counts as D d 10. No colophon. Revelation ends on verfo M m (12). I Tim. 5, numbered 10. 2l8. Holy Bible. London: Company of Stationers. 1652. 1 2 mo. A variety has N# T title 1653. 219. Holy Bible. London: Field. l( >53- i2mo. Woodcut firft title, very coarfely executed. Two fhields, SL Centura of bibles*. 127 one with a crofs, the other with a harp, above $ a view of London Bridge below $ the river has on it the word " Thames.'" No Apocrypha. New Teft. title fimilar to flrft. The colophon is on verfo Q^q 6. This defcription is from Mr. Fry's copy ; Mr. Ward has alfo one. A very fcarce edition. 220. Holy Bible. London : John Field, printer to the Par- liament of England. 1653. i2mo. Both titles engraved : the arms of the Commonwealth at the top 5 London Bridge below. 221. Holy Bible. London: John Field. l ^S3- i2mo. fmall, or 241110. Very incorrectly printed. Old Teftament title engraved : Mofes and David on each fide : The four Evangelifts below : Juftice and Mercy above. No line " Appointed, &c." No Dedication or Preface. Names and order, on verfo of title. New Teftament title, no date. Has line " Appointed &c." Lea Wilfon gives the following fpecimens of the errors : S. John ix. 21, Or who hath opened his eyes, omitted. Romans vi. 13. Your members as inftruments of right- eoufnefs,yor unrighteoufnefs. 1 Cor. vi. 9. The unrighteous ihall inherit for mail not inherit. i28 & Centurp of Bibles* S. Matt. vi. 24. Ye cannot ferve and Mammon, God omitted. S. John ii. 10. And when they have, for men have. S. John iii. 21. Might be manifeft, for may be made manifeft. This edition has the firft four Pfalms on the fame page. The above account is from Mr. F. Fry's copy. 222. Holy Bible. London: John Field. l ^S3- i2mo. fmall, or 24010. Clofely refembles the preceding, but has fome of the errors corrected. Thofe in S. Matthew vi. 24, S. John ii. 10 ; iii. 21 ; ix. 21 5 and 1 Cor. vi. 9, remain. This edition does not read with the foregoing. Defcribed from Mr. Fry's copy. There are feveral other variations of this very incorrect edition. They differ in the number of the errors, and in the fpelling and arrangement of the engraved title. 223. Holy Bible. London: J. Field. 1653. i2mo. fmall, or 24010. A very correct edition, clofely refembling the two pre- ceding, but printed on thicker paper. It is faid by fome to have been printed abroad, but of this there is no direcl evidence. Pfalms i, 2, and 3, on fame page. Mr. Fry has a variation of this edition, differing (lightly. Si Century of 33ible& 129 224. Holy Bible. London: Field. I ^S3- 1 2mo. fmall or 241110. Only part of Pfalm i. on A a 4. In Mr. Fry's colle&ion. 225. Holy Bible. London: E.Tyler. l (>53- i2mo. This edition is often found with plates, clofely re- fembling thofe of the Scotch Bible of 1633. 226. Holy Bible. London : Giles Calvert. I ^53- i2mo. fmall. Calvert was printer to many " Friends M and this has been named the " Quakers' Bible." It is exceedingly fcarce : the only perfect copy known being in the Baptift Library, Stake's Croft, Briftol. Name and order of books on verfo of title : include the Apocrypha. Malachi ends on verfo D d 6. There are no Apocrypha and the regifter is continuous, the New Teft. title counting as D d 7. Ends on verfo M m (10) high on the page. Finis : no Col. Has the line " Appointed," &c. Marginal notes. 130 a Century of 33tblejs* 227. New Testament. London: Roger Daniel. l ^S3- 8vo. large. Scarce. 228. New Testament. London: J. Flefher. l ^53- Folio. With a paraphrafe and annotations by Henry Ham- mond. The Firft Edition. See No. 255. 229. Holy Bible. London: R. Daniel. 1654-53. 4to. Engraved O. T. title. 23O. Holy Bible. London: R. Daniel. l ^54- 4to. Lea Wilfon No. 188. Acts vi. 3, whom ye, for whom we, Same plate as No. 229. for O. T. title. Si Centurj? of 3ibh&. 131 231. Holy Bible. London : Evan Tyler, for a Society of Stationers. 1654. i2tno. fmall. Firft title in a woodcut border. No line " Appointed" &c. Names and order on verfo. Text begins A 2. No Apocrypha. Signatures run in fix and fix blank. No chapter headings. New Teft. title fimilar to firft title. No line " Appointed &c„" Counts as Q q 6. Texts in 1 Tim. iv. and Acts vi. correct 5 but general typography irregular and bad. Ends on verfo D d d (1 2) : no colophon. 232. Holy Bible. London: E. T. for Stationers. 1655. 4to. Woodcut title, heart fhaped. *33- Holy Bible. London : E. T. for a Society of Stationers. 8vo. 1655. This Bible is one of the few printed during the Common- wealth which contains neither the ufual error in Acls vi. 3, nor that in i Tim. iv. 16. But Epitle is printed for Epiftle on Yy 1. Sig. P p 3 mifprinted H p 3. V v is mif- printed V u and V v 3, V u 3. 132 a Centurp of BtMejS* Holy Bible. London : Evan Tyler, for a Society of Stationers. 165 5. 1 2mo. W Holy Bible. London: Field. 1655. 8vo. 236. Holy Bible. London : John Field, one of His High- nes's printers. 1655. i2mo. fmall. " Of this book Kilburne fays, ' In a fmall bible in volume 12 . printed by John Field at London in 1655, whereof great numbers have been difperfed, a catalogue of 91 notorious faults, amongft many others therein . . . one whereof is 11 Cor. xiii. 6, . . . which is wholly omitted.' The book fully juftifles the complaint." — L. Wilfon, p. 117. Engraved title. 1 Tim. iv. 16, Thy,yor the. 237- Holy Bible. London: Field. I ^S^'SS' Engraved title refembling that of No. 221 . a Century of TSihltg. 133 238. Holy Bible. London: John Field. 1656. i2mo. jfteto Ceflament London: J. Streater. 1656. i6mo. MacMettec* This Teftament counts as an 8vo. The Finis is on verfo Xx8. 24O. Holy Bible. London: John Feild. 1657-55. i2mo. New Teft. title and Colophon dated 1655, and printer's name correctly fpelt. This is a very incorrect edition. Ifa. xxviii. 17, overthrow, for overflow. St. Luke xxiii. 43. them /or him. Romans vi. 13. righteoufnefs for unright- eoufnefs. Some of the mifprints are mentioned by Kilburne (See p. 41), but this edition has evidently been corrected to a certain extent. 24I. Holy Bible. London: John Feild. I ^57"5^- i2tno. New Teft. title and colophon 1656. 1 Tim. iv. 16, 134 & Century of 33ible0- Thy. Firft title engraved by Vaughan. The miffpelling of the printer's name does not occur on the N. T. title, which is plain. No line " Appointed &c." on either. 242. Holy Bible. London: Field. 1657-56. i2mo. fmall or 24010. 243- Holy Bible. London: Field. 1657. i2mo. Probably the fame as No. 241. u Very incorrecl, but typography good." — L. W. 192. 244. Holy Bible. London: Field. 1657. i8mo. " Groflly incorrect, and printed with a battered, worn- out type." — L. W. 193. Probably fame as No. 242. 245. Holy Bible. London : Roger Daniel ciDclvij. 1657. 8vo. No Apocrypha. No colophon. Has ufually a feries of engravings on copper. & Centurp of Bibles** 135 Acts vi. 3. Whom ye, for whom we. 1 Tim. iv. 16. Thy do6lrine,yor the do&rine. S. Matt. i. 16. Wo,/orwho. S. Matt. xiia. 14. Wayfaid,/0r wayfide. 246. Holy Bible. London: James Flefher. 1657. i2mo. Very correctly printed. Scarce. 247. Holy Bible. Cambridge : John Field, printer to the Vniverfitie. 1 ^S7- 8vo. Of this edition Kilburne lays, *• In another minion- bible in 8vo. volume printed by John Field at Cambridge in 1657, which fells very much and very dear, at lead for 8 s. 6d. per book, Pfalm cxliii. 4, * Therefore is my fpirit over, is wholly omitted in many of them that I have feen." This Pfalm begins on re6to T t 7. Acls vi. 3, . Jer. ii. 26. Chief, for thief. Ifaiah liii. heading Jefaiah. Another varies only in having the line " Appointed," on the flrft title. 252. Holy Bible. Cambridge: John Field. 1659. Folio. This is the fame edition as that of the following year which is embellifhed with Ogilby's engravings, except that the Old Teftament titles differ. Acls vi. 3. Ye for we. i Tim. iv. 16. Thy for the. 138 SL Centttrp of 25ible0* 253- New Testament. London: Jeremiah Rich. 1659. 641110. In (hort-hand. 254. New Testament. London: E.Tyler. 1659. 1 2mo. Italics. With Beza's latin verfion in parallel columns, and a pre- face of 8 pages figned Charles Hoole. 255. New Testament. London. l 6$9- Folio. With Hammond's paraphrafe and notes. Dr. Cotton mentions this as the fecond edition, a third in 16(71), a fourth in 1675, a fifth in 1681, a fixth in 1689, and a feventh, which Lowndes calls the beft, folio, London 1702. See No. 228. 256. Holy Bible. Cambridge : Printed by John Field, printer to the Univerfitie, and illuftrated with Chorographical Sculps, by J. Ogilby. Folio. 1660-59. Does not differ from No. 252, except in the firft title and in the plates by Ogilby. 8L Century of Bibles 139 Old Teft. title engraved $ " Solomon on his throne," drawn by Diepenbeck, engraved by Lombart. New Teft. title very plain, dated 1659. Separate regifter to New Teftament. No Apocrypha. Colophon 1659. Type very diftincl:. A£ts vi. 3. Ye for we. 1 Tim. iv. 16. Thy for the. This Bible exceeds in fize even the folio of 161 1. Lea Wilfon's copy is defcribed as on large paper, but it is pro- bable there were none on fmaller paper. The inconvenient fize of the volume is noticed by Pepys, 27th May, 1667. 257. Holy Bible. London : Henry Hills and John Field. Square 8vo. or fmall 4to. 1660. Titles very plain. No colophon. No apocrypha. 1 Tim. iv. 16. Thy for the. Some copies have firft title engraved, and the name of Henry Hills only. 258. Holy Bible. London: John Field. 1660. 8vo. Signatures count in twelves. 259. Holy Bible. London: John Feild. 1660. i2mo. Firft title engraved by Vaughan. The fpelling of the printer's name isfometimescorrecl. A6ts vi. 3. Ye for we. 1 Tim. iv. 16. Thy for the. ho a Centura of Bibles*. 260. New Testament. London : Jer. Rich. 1 660. 64mo. In fhort-hand. 261. Holy Bible. Cambridge: John Field. 1660. 8vo. Noticed in Home, vol. v. p. 100. Acts vi. 3. Ye for we. 262. Holy Bible. London : John Bill and Chriftopher Barker. 1661-60. i2mo. New Teft. Title, London : John Field, 1660. Both titles plain. No line " Appointed, 1 ' &c. on either. The apo- crypha with feparate fignatures and in fmaller print : not mentioned in names and order of books : probably an infertion. The Prophets end on verfo Kkn; New Teft. title counts as K k 12, and S. Matt, begins on L 1 (1). Revelation ends verfo Vvn. Colophon, "John Field, 1660." Aclsvi. 3, Whom ye may appoint, for whom we. 1 Tim. iv. 16. Thy for the doclrine. Another, with the fame dates, has the firft title en- graved by Vaughan, with Field's name. # Century of 3Sible& 141 263. Holy Bible. London: Chriftopher Barker. 1661. 4to. The Old Teft. title is engraved by P. Williamfon. King David in the foreground and text from Pfa. li. The New Teftament title and the colophon read, London > printed by Henry Hills. There is a frefh regifter for the New Teft. which has a handfome cut of the King's arms on the title. Apocrypha begin Ggg. I Tim. iv. 16. Thy. A variation in Mr. Fry's colle&ion has a printed firft title with the names of J. Bill and C. Barker. 264. Holy Bible. Cambridge: J. Field. 1661. 8vo. Engraved firft title. Acts vi. 3. Whom ye, for whom we. 1 Tim. iv. 16. Thy for the. 265. New Testament. Cambridge: J. Field. 1661. 8vo. Acls vi. 3. Ye for we. I Tim. iv. 16. Thy for the. 142 Si Century of Bibles 266. Holy Bible. Cambridge: J. Field. 1661-62. 8vo. Paged 1-965, O. T. and 1-299, N. T., p. 965 numbered 985. No line "Appointed" on either title. Firft title engraved. No Apocrypha. A6ts vi. 3. Ye. 1 Tim. iv. 16. Thy. 267. Holy Bible. ( Amfterdam ?) 1662. i2mo. With Canne's notes. Probably printed by Swart or fome other Dutch printer. The titles are printed with borders of acorns. There is no printer's name or place. The names and order of books is on verfo firft title. Then follows on A 2 an addrefs " To the Reader," figned on verfo, "John Canne." No dedication. Genefis begins A. Prophets end verfo Ll(ii). New Teft. title counts as LI 12. St. Matt, begins M m (i). Revelation ends verfo Yy 4. 1 Tim. iv. 16. Thy doclrine. 268. New Testament. Cambridge: Field. 1662. 8vo. A6te vi. 3. Ye. I Tim. iv. 16. Thy. Holy Bible. 9- Cambridge: Field. I6&3- 4to. A variation has 1662, New Teft. title. a Century of Bibleg* 143 270. Holy Bible. London : Bill and Barker. 1 663. 8vo. Engraved title. Portions of this and the next often occur mixed in the fame volume. 271. Holy Bible. Cambridge: Field. 1663. 8vo. Engraved title. 272. Holy Bible. Printed Anno 1664. Large i2mo. Woodcut firft title : defign very fingular ; a fpread eagle occupies the greater part. No Apocrypha. Probably printed at Amfterdam. 273- Holy Bible. John Field, cc printer to the Uneverfete of Cambrig." 1664. i2mo. The firft title, engraved, has the ufual view of London. New Teft. title, " printed in the Yeare 1664." 144 & Centurp of JBiMe*. 274. New Testament. London : Bill and Barker. 1664. i2mo. 275. Holy Bible. London: Bill and Barker. 1665-62. i2mo. 276. Holy Bible. London: J. Bill and C. Barker. 1665. 8vo. The apocrypha in fmaller type. Acls vi. 3. Ye for we. I Tim. iv. 16. Thy for the. A fearce edition. 277. Holy Bible. London: J. Bill and C. Barker. 1666. i2mo. A6ls vi. 3, Ye. i Tim. iv. 16, Thy. Defcribed by L. Wifon (202) as an i8mo. 278. Holy Bible. Cambridge: Field. 1666. 4to. I Tim. iv. 16, Thy. p. 116) mentions this edition. It is in the Roman letter. 285. Holy Bible. London : Bill and Barker. 1670. 8vo. 286. Holy Bible. London: Bill and Barker. 1670. i2mo. & Century of Bibleg. 147 287. jfteto Ceflament. Edinburgh: Andro Anderfon. 1670. 1 2mo. 25lacfc4etter. Mentioned by Lee, p. 1 16. Is there a copy extant ? 288. Holy Bible. Cambridge: John Hayes. 1670. 4to. Engraved Title, i Tim. iv. 16. Thy, for the. One of the B. M. copies is entered as 8vo. 289. lOeto Ceflament. Glafgow : Robert Sanders, printer to the Town, and are to be fold in his Shop. 1 2mo. Slac64etter- 1 670. Probably the firft Glafgow Teftament. A6ts vi. 3. Ye. 29O. Holy Bible. London: Bill and Barker. 1670-71. 8vo. 291. Holy Bible. London: Bill and Barker. 1670-75. 8vo. 148 Si Century of 23tble0* 292. Holy Bible. London: Bill and Barker. 1671-69. 8vo. New Teftament 1669. 1 Tim. iv. 16. Thy. New Teft. title. In the Savoy, Affigns of Bill and Barker, 1 669. Differs from the edition of 1669 in fig. Zz, the heading of St. James i. *93- Holy Bible. London: Bill and Barker. 1671-69. 8vo. The title differs from the foregoing as does the Old Teftament ; the New Teft. dated 1669 is the fame as that of the Bible of 1669. 294. Holy Bible. London: Bill and Barker. 1671. 8vo. Firft title copper-plate $ architectural pattern. On a broken pediment an angel blowing a trumpet. Dedication A(i). Names and order on verfo. No Apocrypha. Prophets end verfo P p p 2. New Teftament title, plain, within black lines, counts as P p p 3. "In the Savoy," Affigns of Bill and Barker, 1671. Revelation ends verfo Kkkk (8). No colophon. A6ls vi. 3. Ye may,yor we may. 1 Tim. iv. 1 6. Thy doctrine, for the. Ezek. xl. headed Ezeliel Chap. xi. Proverbs i. headed Chap. V. a Centura of Bibles 149 295. Holy Bible. London : Afligns of Bill and Barker. i2mo. 1672. 296. jftetti Cefiament Glafgow : Sanders. 1672. 1 2mo. BlacMetter* Lowndes, p. 236A. Acls vi. 3. Ye. 297. Holy Bible. Amfterdam : Stephen Swart, bookfeller near the Exchange. 1672. Folio, 1 Tim. iv. 16. Thy. With Canne's notes. Some copies have no printer's name on either title. Others have an engraved firft title with view of London. 298. Holy Bible. London: Bill and Barker. 1672-73. i2mo. fmall, or 241110. 150 a Ctnturp of 25ible0. 299. Holy Bible. London : R. Barker and Afligns of Bill. i2mo. l &73' 300. Holy Bible. London: Robert Barker. l &73' i2mo. 301. Holy Bible. London : Afligns of J. Bill and C. Barker. l &73- i2mo. 302. Holy Bible. Cambridge: John Hayes. 1673. 4to. 1 Tim. iv. 16. Thy,/orthe. Ephefiansii. 13. Sometime, z'^tf*/ o/Yometimes, as it is ufually erroneoufly printed. 303. Holy Bible. Edinburgh : Andrew Anderfon. 1673. i2mo. Acts vi. 3. Ye may, ./or we may. With notes, fee Lie, p. 128. Lewis (p. 340) calls this an 8vo. a Centucp of Bibles 151 304. Holy Bible. Edinburgh: Anderfon. l &13- i8mo. "In a letter called pereill letter," fee Lee, Memorial ', p. 128. 305- Holy Bible. London : Afligns of Bill, &c. 1674-73. i2mo. 306. Holy Bible. London: Bill and Barker. ^74. i2mo. 307. Holy Bible. London : Aflhgs of Bill and Barker. 24010. 1674. Lea Wilfon, No. 209. A6ls vi. 3. Ye may, for we may. 308. New Testament. London : Afligns of Bill and Barker. i2mo, 1674. 152 a Centurp of T5ibh&. 309- jfteto Ceffament* London: Affigns of Bill and Barker. i2mo. 5Blacb4etter. 1674. Double Columns. 3IO. Holy Bible. Cambridge: J. Hayes. ^74. Folio. 1 Tim. iv. 16. Thy. Engraved title. 3"- Holy Bible. Oxford: At the Theater. l ^7S'73* 4to. The New Teft. title dated 1675, tne colophon 1673. The firft Bible printed at Oxford. The general title en- graved reprefenting the Transfiguration. Acrofs the centre is a label, "The Holy Bible." A mount bears " M\ Tabor, Matt. xvii. 1." In the foreground are two feated female figures. One is veiled and has underneath the words, "The Law." The other has a nimbus and is infcribed " The Gofpel." On the bafe of a broken column to the left is " At the Theater in Oxon. No date. This is followed by a printed title, 1675. Names of books on verfo. Text begins A (1). Prophets end verfo C c (4). Apocrypha begin (A) in fmaller type ; end verfo (I 3). Si Centutg of 25ibleg. l 53 New Teftament title engraved. An obelifk on which an angel writes, with an arrow, " The Law of Loue from the Hill of Sion." On the bafe is infcribed " The Law of Fear from Mount Sinai." Three fmall angels above fupport a label " The New Teftament." Below, on a ftep, is written, At the Theater in Oxford A° 1675. This plate is followed by a printed title, 1675. St. Matt, begins (A). Revelation ends verfo (P7). Colophon, " At the Theater in Oxford, MDCLXXIII." 1 Tim. iv. 16. Thy do<5trine,/0r the. Mr. Fry has a variation in which the colophon is dated 1675. 312. Holy Bible. London : Afligns of Bill and Barker. 8vo. 1675. 3 l 3- Holy Bible. London : Afligns of Bill and Barker. i2mo. 1675. 3 J 4. Holy Bible. Cambridge : Hayes. 4to. 1 Tim. iv. 16. Thy. 1675. i54 & Centurp of JBiblegf. 3*5- Holy Bible. Edinburgh : Andrew Anderfon. i2mo. 1 675. 316. New Testament. Edinburgh: Andrew Anderfon. 1675. i2mo. Called i8mo. in Lea Wilfbn, and 8vo. by Lewis, p. 340. Acts vi. 3. Ye may,ybr we may. 3*7- Holy Bible. London: Bill and Barker. 1676-75. 8vo. Firft title engraved. Apocrypha in lift. New Teft. title, 1675. 1 Tim. iv. 16. Thy. 318. Holy Bible. London: Bill and Barker. 1676. 8vo. iacenturp of Bibles. 155 3*9- Holy Bible. London : Afligns of Bill and Barker. i2mo., fmall, or 24mo. 1676. A6te vi. 3. Ye may appoint. i Tim. iv. 16. Thy do£trine. Mr. Fry has two varieties. 320. Holy Bible. London: C. Barker. 1676. 4to. Probably printed in Holland. Scarce, i Tim. iv. 16. Thy doclrine. 321. New Testament. London: Bill and Barker. 1676. 8vo. Headings in 'Blartt-ietter. Title plain. No colophon. A6te vi. 3. Ye, for we. i Tim. iv. 16. Thy, for the. Sometimes defcribed as nmo. 322. Holy Bible. Edinburgh : Andrew Anderfon. Printer to his mod Sacred Majefty, King Charles the Second, in the 28 year of his reign. 8vo. 1676. u In a letter called non-pereill," with notes ; Lee, p. 128. 1 Tim. iv. 16. Thy doctrine. Dr. Lee, p. 163, praifeN this edition as the beft of its fize and period. 156 3 Century of Bibles* 323. Holy Bible. Cambridge : Hayes. 167 7-7 5. 4to. 324. Holy Bible. London : Bill and Barker. 1677-76. 4to. 3 2 5- Holy Bible. London: Bill and Barker. 1677. i2mo. 326. New Testament. London, in the Savoy : Bill and Barker. 8vo. 1677. A£ts vi. 3. Ye may. i Tim. iv. 16. Thy do&rine. 327- Holy Bible. Cambridge: J. Hayes. 1677. 4to. With additional parallel texts, i Tim. iv. 16. Thy. 8L Century of Bf6U& 157 328. Holy Bible. Edinburgh : heirs of Anderfon. i2mo. 1678-73. The New Teftament is dated " R. Barker and Affignes of J. Bill, 1673." It is fcarce : a copy was in Mr. Dix's collection. It is probably one of thofe alluded to by Dr. Lee. 3*9- Holy Bible. London: Bill, Barker, Newcomb and Hills. 1678. 4to. Firft title engraved. Has ufually a printed title to follow the engraving. 1 Tim. iv. 16. Thy. 330- Holy Bible. London: Bill and Barker. 1678. 4to. A different edition. 33 l - Holy Bible. London: Bill &c. 1678. i2mo. 158 a Century of Bibles. 33^ U3eto Cettament* London: Bill &c. 1678. 1 2mo. BlacHetter* 333- Holy Bible. Edinburgh : Heirs of Anderfon. 1678. 4to. Mentioned with commendation by Dr. Lee, p. 163. 334. Holy Bible. Oxford : at the Theater. 1 679-7 5. 4to. New Teft. dated 1675. 335- Holy Bible. London : Bill, Newcomb, and Hills. 8vo. ^79. A6ts vi. 3. Ye may. 1 Tim. iv. 16. Thy. 336. Holy Bible. London : Bill, Newcomb, and Hills. 8vo. l &79- Another edition. a Century of ©iblesf. 159 337- Holy Bible. London : Bill, Barker, Newcomb and Hills. 1679. i2mo. 33*- ®z\n Ceftament* London: Bill and Newcomb. 1679. 1 2mo. Blacfc4etten 339- jfteto Ceffament Newcomb and Hills. 1679. 8vo. ©lactuietter* A&s vi. 3. Ye. i Tim. iv. 16. Thy. 340. Holy Bible. Oxford: At the Theater. I &79- Sm. 4to. Title engraved. There is no New Teft. title : this is the cafe with feve- ral Oxford Bibles. Apocrypha in (lightly fmaller type, with frefh fignatures. Dedication on A i. No preface. Names and order of books, on verfo of Dedication. Frefh fignatures in the New Teftament. i Tim.iv. 1 6. Thy,/or the. i6o SL Centurp oC 2Bible0. Colophon: — " Printed at the Theater in Oxford, and are to be fold by Mofes Pitt at the Angel in St. Paul's church- yard, Peter Parker at the Leg and Star, over againft the Exchange in Cornhill, Thomas Guy at the Corner of Little Lumbard Street, and William Leak at the Crown in Fleet Street. London, Anno 1679." Some copies are illuftrated with " The Holy Bible in Sculpture j London, Mofes Pitt at the Angel in St. Paul's churchyard, 1683 :" the title of which, engraved on copper, follows the engraved general title of the Bible. 341- Holy Bible. Oxford: At the Theater. 167 9. 4to. Alfo published in London. Varies but little from the foregoing. 342. New Testament. Oxford: At the Theater. 1679. 8vo. 343- Holy Bible. Amfterdam : S. Swart, cf at the Crowned Bible on the Weft fide of the Exchange." Folio. l &79- Ufually embellifhed with plates. A6te vi. 3. Ye. 1 Tim. iv. 16. Thy. SL Century of BiMeft 161 344- Holy Bible. No place or printer's name. *679. Folio. The fame edition, (lightly varied. On the engraved title-page is a view of London Bridge. A copy of this edition is in the Library of Edinburgh Univerfity, and in the accounts there is an entry relating to it, by which it appears that " 18 lib." was the price. See Dr. Lee, p. 12, lift. 345- New Testament. No place or printer's name. J 679. i2mo. This is poffibly a Scottifh edition ; it is alfo attributed to Amfterdam. 346. U3eto Ceflament Printed 1679. i6mo. BlacMetter- Very fcarce. A6ls vi. 3. Ye may appoint, for we may. 1 Tim. iv. 16. Thy, for the. The fignatures, which are very irregular, generally run in 5 and 3 blanks. There is no place or printer's name. The text is in double columns. The page meafures, in Mr. Ward's copy, 6 \ inches by 3! Probably printed at Glafgow. M 1 62 a Centur? of Bibles*. 347- Holy Bible. London: Bill and Barker. 1680-69. 8vo. New Teftament dated 1669. 348. Holy Bible. London : Bill and Barker. 8vo. New Teftament dated 1675. 1680-75. 349- Holy Bible. London : Bill and Barker. 8vo. 1680. Holy Bible. London 35°- Bill and Barker. 1680. i2mo. Title in a rude woodcut ; imitated from the ufual archi- tectural pattern. No line " Appointed, &c." Paper very coarfe. The print large and clear. Malachy ends on verfo D d 3. New Teftament title plain 5 line " Appointed, &C." Counts as D d 4. Sig. M m contains fix leaves. Revela- tion ends verfo M m 6. No colophon. SL Century of 3Mz$+ 163 35 1 - New Testament. London : Bill, Newcomb, and Hills. 8vo. 1680. Lowndes, p. 2634. 35 2 - New Testament. Cambridge: J.Hayes. 1680. 4to. 1 Tim. iv. 16. Thy. 353- Holy Bible. Oxford: Theater. 1680. Folio. Very large. Both titles engraved. Colophon has the names of Pitt, Parker, Leake, and Guy. i Tim. iv. 16. Thy. 354. Holy Bible. Oxford: Theater. 1680. 8vo. Publifhed in London. Engraved title. A6ls vi. 3. Ye may,yor we may. 1 64 a Century of Biblea- 355- Holy Bible. Oxford : Theater, 8vo # 1680-81. For Thomas Guy, London. 35 6 - Holy Bible. Oxford: Theater. 1680-82. Small 8vo. New Teft. dated 1682. 357- Holy Bible. London : Bill, Hills, and Newcomb. i2mo. fmall. 1680-84. A6ts vi. 3. Ye. i Tim. iv. 16. Thy. 358. Holy Bible. London: Bill &c. 168 1. i2mo. Titles printed. SL Centura of JBflrtetf. 165 359- Holy Bible. London: Bill &c. 1681. i2mo. fmall, or 24mo. Acts vi. 3. Ye. 1 Tim. iv. 16. Thy. 360. New Testament. London: Bill &c. 1681. i2mo. fmall, or 241110. 361. Holy Bible. Oxford : Theater for Peter Parker at the Leg and Star, Cornhill. (168 1 ?) Folio. No date. No New Teft. title. Old Teft. title engraved. Placed under 1681, in Brit. Mus. Catalogue. Small folio, half the fize of No. 351. 362. Holy Bible. Oxford : Theater for T. Guy. i2mo. large. 1681. New Teft. title has the names of Leake, Parker, &c. Ads vi. 3. Ye. 1 Tim. iv. 16. Thy. 166 SL Centurp of TBibltg. 363. Holy Bible. Cambridge: Field. 1682-1666. 4to. One of the preaching Bibles : fee under 1668-66. 3 6 4- Holy Bible. London: Afligns of Bill &c. 1682-75. 8vo. Holy Bible. Cambridge: J.Hayes. 1682-80. 4to. 366. Holy Bible. London : Afligns of Bill, and by New- comb and Hills. 1682. 8vo. A£te vi. 3. Ye. 1 Tim. iv. 16. Thy. 367. Holy Bible. London : Bill, Newcomb, and Hills. i2mo. 1682. Engraved flrft title. Very inaccurate. The following examples will iuffice, as every page has its errata : — a Centura of 23ible& 167 Genefis ix. 5. At the hand of man, omitted, Genefis xxi. 26. Neither didft thou tell me, omitted. Genefis xxx. 35. And all the brown among the fheep, omitted. Deut. xxiv. 3. If the latter hufband ate her, for hate her. Either vi. 2 kings, for keepers. Jeremiah xiii. 27. adverfariesyor adulteries. Jerem. xvi. 6. glad for bald. Jer. xviii. 21. fwine, for famine. Ezek. xviii. 25. The way of the Lord is equal, for not equal. The ufual error alfo occurs at 1 Tim. iv. 16. A number of italic letters are interfperfed with the text, efpecially at the beginning (Gen. iii. 24, 255 xiv. 27, 35, &c.) : They probably refer to notes which were afterwards withdrawn, the reference letter being careleflly left. Pro- bably printed at Amfterdam with a fictitious title. 368. Holy Bible. Cambridge: John Hayes. 1682. 4to. The Apocrypha are in the lift of books. 369- Holy Bible. Oxford: Theater. 1682. Folio. There are feveral variations of this edition. The Britifh Mufeum has one which bears on the firft title the words, " Are to be fold by Ann Leake over againft Dean St. in Fetter Lane, London, 1682." The New Teft. title has i68 Holy Bible. Oxford: Theater : for T. Guy. 1691. i2mo. fmall. Printed titles. Mr. F. Fry's copy meafures 5! by 3 inches. Acts vi. 3. whom ye may, for we. I Tim. iv. 16. Thy do&rinej/or the. A variation has Peter Parker's name on titles. 1 84 a Century of mbh&> 43 2 - jfteto CeOament. Glafgow : Robert Sanders. 1691. 1 2mo. Black'-letter* Acts vi. 3. Whom ye may appoint. Generally very incorrectly printed. 433- Holy Bible. Oxford: Theater. 1692. i2tno. 434- Holy Bible. London : C. Bill and T. Newcomb. i2mo. fmall. 1693-91. The firft title is engraved : it has the name of T. New- comb on it, although hemuft have died in 1691. The New Teft. title is dated 1691. 435- Holy Bible. London : Printed by Charles Bill and the Executrix of Thomas Newcomb^ deceased, printers to the King and Queen's moft Ex- cellent Majefties. l &93* 4to. & Century of Bibles* 185 436. Holy Bible. London : C. Bill and Ex x T. Newcomb. 8vo. 1694. Mr. Francis Fry has an imperfect Bible with this date on the New Teft. title. I have not been able to find a per- fect copy. 437. Holy Bible. London: C. Bill, &c. 1694. i2mo. 43«- Holy Bible. Edinburgh : Printed by the Heir and fucceflbrs of Andrew Anderfon. 1694. i2mo. Scarce, i Tim. iv. 16. Thy, for the. 439- Jl3eto Ceftament. Edinburgh : Printed by the Heirs and Succeflbrs of Andrew Anderfon, Printer to their moft Excellent Majefties. 1694. i2mo. 25lack= letter. 1 86 a Centu?? of Bibles This edition is called " fpui-ic-us" in the Britifh Mufeum catalogue. Dr. Lee accepts it as genuine. A note-book is attached to the Britifh Mufeum copy in which upwards of 400 errors are enumerated. Many are omitted in the lift and fome added by miftakc. The following feleclion has been verified : — S. Matt. ii. 18, Rame,/or Ramah. S. Matt. vii. 3, brackers,/or brother's. S. Matt. vii. 27. the houfe, for that houfe. S. Matt. viii. heading, chapter ix. S. Matt. viii. 12, dardnefs,yor darknefs. S. Matt. viii. 27, obey them,yor obey l)im. S. Matt. xiii. 41, them which do do iniquity. S. Matt. xxii. 15, when, for went. S. Matt, xxvii. 20, and, for afk. S. Mark i. heading chapter ii. S. Mark ii. 18, the difciples of John and of John. S. Mark vii. 35, eyes, for ears. S. Mark vii. 36, 37, numbered 26, 27. S. Luke ii. 36, feventy years, for feven. S. Luke viii. 35, her right mind, for his. S. Luke xxiii. 47, this man was,/or this was. S. Luke xxiv. heading 14. S. John v. 32, knoweth,/or I know. S. John vi. 49, your father,/cr your fathers. S. John vii. 31, peole,/or people. S. John ix. 26, Then faid they to him again, repeated. S. John x. 3, leadeth them not, for out. A&s ii. 6, fpeaking,/or fpeak in. A&s x. 23, longed,/or lodged. Acts x. heading 1 1 . A&s xi. 11, There, for three. A6ls xii. 21, otion,/or oration. A&s xiii. 23, accorning,/or according. Aclsxiv. 8, ma, for man. & Century of 3Bf6U& 187 A6ls xviii. headed xxvii. A6ts xx. 3, fpira,/or Syria. Acts xxiv. 24, Prifcilla,yor Drufilla. A&s xxvi. 14, beaking,yor fpeaking. Romans ix. heading x. Romans viii. 32, forgive, for give. I Cor. ix. heading x. 1 Cor. ix. 1, feen J ems, for not feen. I Cor. xiii. 4, wanteth,/or vaunteth. II Cor. x. 14, preached, for reached. II Thefs. i. 9, publimed,/or punifhed. 11 Tim. iv. 4, tears, for ears. 11 Tim e iv. 16, with ftood,y^r flood with. Titus, heading, Tius. S. James v. 20, which covereth the finner^r converteth. 1 S. Peter iii. 11, fpeak,/or feek. Rev. xiv. verfes 16, 17, 18, omitted. Rev. xiv. verfes 19, 20, numbered 17, 18. It would be very fafe to aflert that every column has one or more miftakes. There is no fign that this Teftament was not really printed in Edinburgh. The paper is very coarfe and bad. 44O. Holy Bible. London: C. Bill and Ex x of T. Newcomb. i2mo. l ^95- The Apocrypha are named in the lift of books, but the fignatures run without them. 1 88 a Centurp of ©tble^ 441. Holy Bible. London: Addy. 1695. i6mo. fhorthand. Engraved by Sturt. 442. New Testament. London: T. Parkhurft, &c. 1 695. 8vo. With Baxter's commentary. Second edition. I Tim. iv. 16, Thy,y^r the. The fame reading is adopted in the note. See No. 393. 443- Holy Bible. Oxford : Printed by the Univerfity printers. 1695. i2mo. Lea Wilfon calls this an i8mo. i Tim. iv. 16, Thy. S. Luke xi. numbered xii. 444. Holy Bible. London: C. Bill, &c. 1696. Folio. & Century of Bfbiegf. 189 445- Holy Bible. London: C. Bill, &c. 1696. i2mo. 446. New Testament. London: C. Bill, &c. 1696. 8vo. 447- H3cto Ceflament* London: C. Bill, &c. 1696. i6mo. BlacMetter* 448. Holy Bible. Oxford : Univerfity Prefs. 1696. i2mo. fmall. 449. Holy Bible. Edinburgh: Heirs of Anderfon. 1696. i2mo. Called an i8mo. in Lea Wilfon. Has Canne's notes. 19° a Century of Stolen 450. Holy Bible. London: C. Bill, &c. 1697. i2mo. 451. Holy Bible. London: C. Bill, &c. 1697. 4to. No Apocrypha. No colophon, i Tim. iv. 16, thy for the. There is ufually an engraved title dated 1678, prefixed. 452. Holy Bible. Oxford: Univerfity Prefs. l ^97* 4to. Engraved title by M. Burghers. The Apocrypha in- cluded in the lift of books. 453. Holy Bible. London : C. Bill, &c. i2mo. fmall. 1698-96. New Teft. title dated 1696. Firft title engraved : the arms of William III. fupported by angels, being in front. a Century of 23tble0- 191 454- Holy Bible. London: C. Bill, &c. 1698, i2mo. With Canne's notes, i Tim. iv. i6_, Thy, for the. 455- Holy Bible. Edinburgh: Heirs of Anderfon. 1698. i2mo. fmall. Lea Wilfon, 227. Lee (p. 164) fays this edition " is not only indiftinclly printed but full of errors. It would be difagreeable to point them out minutely : but the follow- ing fpecimen is taken almoft at random. Mark iii. 26, againft Satan ?J /w* againrl himfelf : Luke i. 31, bring for, for bring forth : John i. 13, of the r\e(h,for of the will of the flefh : Romans ii. 13, does of the law, for doers of the law: Romans vi. 17, ye were not the fervants of fin, for ye were the fervants of fin : Romans viii, 33, ejeftyfor elect." 456. Holy Bible. London : C. Bill, &c. i2mo. fmall. 1698-99. Mr. Francis Fry's copy meafures 5 inches by i\. New Teft. title 1699. There is a variation diftinguifhed only by having an engraved title. 192 & Centurp of 33ible0* 457- Holy Bible. London: C. Bill, &c. 1698-1700. i2mo. fmall. 458. Holy Bible. London: C. Bill, &c. 1699. 8vo. Engraved title. 459- Holy Bible. London: C. Bill, &c. x ^99- i2mo. 460. Holy Bible. Oxford: Univerfity. 1699. i2mo. 461. Holy Bible. Oxford: Univerfity. 1699. 241110. 1 Tim. iv. 16. Thy. & Century of Bibles 193 462. New Testament. Oxford: Univerfity. 1699. 1 2mo. (mail. Called 241110. in Lea Wilfon. 463. Holy Bible. Edinburgh : Heirs of Anderfon. 4to. 1 700- 1 699. New Teftament 1699. No Apocrypha. 1 Tim. iv. 16, Thy doctrine, for the doctrine. 464. Holy Bible. London: C. Bill, &c. 1700. 4to. With Canne's notes. 1 Tim. iv. 16, Thy,y^rthe. Said to have been printed abroad. The firft title engraved : figure of King David : two pillars and an arch, in the head of which are the royal arms. The fame arms are in wood- cut on New Teft. title. They are obfervable as being thofe of William III., but without the inefcutcheon for Naflau. The initials W. R. are on the New Teft. title. No Apo- crypha. Canne's preface and no dedication. 465. Holy Bible. London : C. Bill, &c. 1700. 1 2 mo. o 194 & Centurp of Btbleg- 4 66. New Testament. London : Bill and Ex\ of Newcomb. iimo. 1700. 467. Holy Bible. London : (printed at Amfterdam). 1 700. 4to. With Canned notes. 468. New Testament. Amfterdam : widow of S. Swart. 1700. i2mo. A6ls vi. 3, Ye may, for we may. I Tim. iv. 16, Thy, for the. With the Dutch verfion, in parallel columns. 469. New Testament. Amfterdam : widow of S. Swart. 1 700. i2mo. Ac~te vi. 3, Ye may, ./or we may. i Tim. iv. 16, Thy. With the French verfion, in parallel columns. & Centurp of Btbleg* 195 470. New Testament. London: Rich. 1700. j2mo. fhorthand. With portrait of Rich. Twentieth impreffion. 47*- Holy Bible. London. 1700. Folio. With Poole's annotations: beft edition, i Tim. iv. 16. Thy, for the. 472. New Testament. Leyden: Van der May. 1700. Mentioned, with doubt, by Cotton, p. 80, note. 473- Holy Bible. London: C. Bill, &c. 1701. Folio. Engraved title, reprefenting a Gothic cathedral, by B. Lans, engraved by Sturt: index. Apocrypha. No colophon. A printed title follows the engraving, with a woodcut of the arms of William III. and the motto, " Je main tien 196 & Century of Bibles* dray." Dedication, a and verfo. Preface, a 2— a (6) 1 verfo, Names and order of Books. Text begins on A (1) with a woodcut initial, reprefenting Adam and Eve. The Chronology is given at the upper corner, with the Julian Period, Cycle of the Sun, Dominical Letter, &c. Propln t end Q q q (6) reclo, paged 743. Verfo blank. Apocrypha Rrr(i.) page 745. End Gggg%. Verfo, page 916. New Teft. title refembles fecond title Old Teft. and counts as H h h h ( 1 ). Text begins H h h h 2, page 919: ends, reclo Ccccc (6.) verfo. Tables of Affinity, &c. An index follows with frefh fignatures, but referred to by a catchword (" An") at foot of Tables. 1 Tim. iv. 16. Thy, for the. This Bible differs entirely from the edition of the fame date and fize fuperintended at Oxford by Dr. Lloyd. 474- Holy Bible. Oxford: Univerfity. 1701. Folio. Dates and index by Bifhop Lloyd. No pagination. Each part diftincl regifter. Apocrypha in fmaller type. Engraved title, preceding printed one. Signatures of text, A. — G g g 4. Next two leaves blank. Then Hhh, one leaf blank and Iii alone. Prophets ending on verfo. Apocrypha begin on a, end on reclo (S 2.) a blank leaf. New Teft. title engraved by Burghers: reprefents St. John in Patmos. Printed title follows. Text A 2 — verfo R (6). Followed by an index with feparate fignatures. The chro- nology is given at heads of the columns throughout the book. 1 Tim. iv. 16. Thy, for the. a Cmturp of Bibles 197 475. Holy Bible. London: Bill, &c. 1702. 4to. Firft title engraved. Initial Gen. i. "Adam and Eve." 1 Tim. iv. 16. Thy, for the. 476. Holy Bible. London: Bill, &c. 1702. i2mo. Engraved title. 477. Holy Bible. London: Bill, &c. 1702. 24010. 1 Tim. iv. 16. Thy, for the. 478. Holy Bible. London: Bill, &c. 1703-02. 8vo. New Teftament 1702. 479- Holy Bible. London: Bill, &c. 1703. Folio. 198 & Century o£ Sttlrft 480. Holy Bible. London : Bill, &c. I 7°3- 4to. 481. Holy Bible. London: Bill, &c. *7°3- 8vo. Both titles engraved. 482. Holy Bible. London: Bill, &c. *703- i2mo. The Apocrypha are included in the lift of Books. 483. Holy Bible. Oxford: Univerfity. l 703- 4to. 484. Holy Bible. London: Bill, &c. 1703-04. 1 2 mo. New Teftament 1704. a Century of Bibles 199 485. Holy Bible. London: Bill, &c. 1703-07. 8vo. 1 Tim. iv. 16, Thy. 486. Holy Bible. London: Bill, &c. 1704. i2mo. 487. jReto Cefiament London: Bill, &c. J 704- 8vo. fmall. 33lacfe4ettet\ 1 Tim. iv. 16. Thy , for the. Probably printed abroad. 488. New Testament. London: Bill, &c. x 704. 8vo. 489. Beto Cefiament. London: Bill, &c. 1704- i2mo. 23lacfe-4etter. Probably printed in Holland, like No. 487. 200 & Cmturp of JBtMetf* 490. Holy Bible. Oxford: Univerfity. x 704. i2mo. Called i8mo. by Lea Wilfon. The fize is 5X2^ inches. 49I. Holy Bible. London : Bill and Executrix of New- comb. I 7°5« i2mo. 1 Tim. iv. 16. Thy, for the. 492. New Testament. London : Bill, &c. l 7°S- i2mo. 493- Holy Bible. Oxford: Univerfity. I 7°5- 8vo. a Centura of Bibles 201 494. Holy Bible. Edinburgh: Heirs of Anderfon. 1705. 4to. Very badly printed. For fpecimen fee Lee's Memorial, p. 167. 495- Holy Bible. Edinburgh: Heirs of Anderfon. 1705. i2mo. Very incorrectly printed, according to Lee, p. 166. 496. Holy Bible. London : C. Bill and Executrix of Thomas Newcomb. 1706. Folio, fmall. Engraved title, fimilar to that of 1701 : followed by printed title. Apocrypha with continuous regifter. 1 Tim. iv. 16. Thy, for the. Tables and index, commencing at foot of laft page of Revelation : T 1 1 1 4. recto. — X x x x 6. recto. 497- Holy Bible. London: Bill, &c. 1706. 4 to. 202 a > 4to. 99 4to. 33 ♦ II, »» 8vo. l6l3- 14. 4to. 33* II* l6l4- 13. 4 to. (Imperfeft) I6I4. 8vo. l6l 4- 15. 410. 93* «,♦ l6l6. folio » folio, (large paper) l6l6. 4to. l6l7. 8vo. . J> i2mo. >> folio, 33 ♦ H< 6l3- -17. folio, (OldTeft »♦&♦ l6l8. i2mo. . . l6l9. 4to. • »J 8vo. I6I9- ■20. 4to. 33* IL l620. 1 2 mo. l620- ■21. 4to. 33* I. l62I. 8vo. . . l622- ■23. 410. . l625. 8vo. . >> 4to. 33* &♦ l626. 8vo. . . 91 i2mo. . . l627. 4to. 8vo. • • title 1613, text 1617) Htft of Bibles 213 No. 1628. 8vo 63 1628. 4to. 33* IL . 62 1629. 1 2 mo. London 7* „ folio, London 68 „ folio, Cambridge . 7 2 „ folio, Cambridge, printed only Dn on e fide wants Old Teft. . 72 1630. 4to. Cambridge 80 „ 4to. Cambridge, 33* JL . 81 „ 4to. London . 75 „ 4to. London, 33* I* 73 „ 4to. London (another Edition) 33* H 74 „ 8vo. London . 77 1631-30. 8vo. London 83 1 63 1. 8vo. London . 84 ,, 8vo. London . 85 1632-31. 4to. London, 33* &♦ . 9* 1632. folio, London 93 ,, 8vo. London 95 1633-32. folio, London . 97 1633. 4to. London . 98 1633. 8vo. Edinburgh 104 „ l2mo. London 100 1634. 8vo. London . in „ folio, London, 93* H* 109 „ 4to. London, 23* &« no 163;. 4to. Cambridge, 33* !♦ . . 118 „ i2mo. London . 115 1636. 4to. London . J22 1637. 4to. Cambridge I30 „ 4to. Cambridge, 33* &♦ . • 131 2I 4 3vitity StpuCeum 1637. 8vo. Cambridge „ 8vo. Cambridge „ 8vo. Edinburgh, (New Tcft. title dated » 6 33) • 1637-36. 8vo. London 1637-38. 4to. London . 1637-38. i2mo. London . 1638. folio, Cambridge „ i2mo. London „ 8vo. London . 1639. 8vo. London . 1639-38. folio, London . 1639. folio, London „ 4to. London . 1640-39. folio, London, 93* L« „ „ 4to. Cambridge, 93* ft 1640. 8vo. London . „ 8vo. London . 1640-41-42. 4to. London, 23* i 1 64 1. 8vo. London . M 8vo. London . 1642. 8vo. London . „ i2mo. London 1642-43. folio, Amfterdam „ „ i2mo. London . 1643. 8vo. London . „ i2mo. London 1644. folio, Amfterdam . „ i2mo. London 1645. 410. Cambridge 1646. 8vo. London . JUit c it 25 1 blcs ♦ 215 No. 1646. i2ino. London . . . . .191 1647. 8vo. London . • *93 „ i2mo. London, 93* n. • 195 1648. 4to. London . . 199 „ 4to. London . 203 „ 8vo. London . 200 „ i2mo. Cambridge 205 „ i2mo. London 20I „ i8mo. Cambridge 206 „ 36mo. Cambridge 206 1649-48. 8vo. Edinburgh 213 1649. 4 t0, London . 209 1650. 8vo. London . 214 1651-50. 8vo. London 2l6 1 65 1. i2mo. London 217 1653. i2mo. London 219 „ i2mo. London 225 „ i2mo. London 221 „ 24ino. London 223 1654-53. 4to. London 229 1654. i2mo. London 231 1655. 8vo. London 233 „ 8vo. London . 235 „ i2mo. London 234 „ i2mo. London 236 1657-55. i2mo. London 240 1657-56. i2mo. London 241 1657. i2mo. London 246 ,, 8vo. Cambridge 2 47 1658. i2mo. London 250 „ i2mo. London 251 2l6 Bdtfty S^ufeum 1659. folio, Cambridge 1660. 8vo. London . „ 8vo. (12 ) London 1660-59. folio, Cambridge 1 66 1. 4to. London . „ 8vo. Cambridge 1661-60. i2mo. London 1662. i2mo. . 1663. 4to. Cambridge 1663. 8vo. London . 1664. i2mo. . 1665. 8vo. London . 1666. 1 2mo. London 1668-66. 4to. Cambridge 1669. i2mo. London „ 8vo. London . 1670. 4to. Cambridge „ 8vo. (4to.) Cambridge „ i2mo. London 1671-69. 8vo. London 1 67 1. 8vo. London . ,, 1 2mo. (8vo.) London 1672. folio, Amfterdam „ izmo. London 1673. 4to. Cambridge „ i2mo. London „ i2mo. London 1674-73. izmo. London 1674. folio, Cambridge 1675. 4to. Cambridge 1675-73. 4to. Oxford JLiVt of »ftle& 217 No. 1675. i2mo. London • 313 1676-75. 8vo. London • 317 1676. 8vo. Edinburgh 322 „ i2mo. London • 319 \6jj-y6. 4to. London • 3H 1677. i2mo. London 325 1678. 4to. London . 329 „ i2mo. London . 331 1679. folio • 344 „ 4to. Oxford . • 34o „ 4to. Oxford . • 34i „ 8vo. London . ■ 335 „ 8vo. London . 336 1680. folio, Oxford . • 353 „ 8vo. Oxford . 354 „ i2mo. London 35o 1 68 1. folio, Oxford. 361 „ i2mo. London 358 „ 24mo. London 359 1682-75. 8vo. London 364 1682. folio, Oxford . 3^9 „ 4to. Oxford . 37o „ 1 2 mo. London 367 1682-84. izmo. London 375 1682. i2mo. . 374 1683. izmo. London 379 „ 4to. Oxford . 383 „ folio. 384 1683-66. 4to. Cambridge 376 1684. 8vo. (12 .) London 386 „ i2mo. London 388 2l8 Britity 9£uCeum 1685. f°^°> Oxford . „ 4to. London . 1686. i2mo. London 1687. izmo. London „ i6mo. London (in fhorthand) „ i6mo. London, (fhorthand, another edition) 1688. folio, Oxford . 1688. folio, London „ i2mo. London 1689. I2mo - London 1690. folio, London „ 8vo. London . 1 69 1. izmo. Oxford 1693. 4to. London . 1694. i2mo. London 1695. i2mo. Oxford 1696. folio, London „ i2mo. Edinburgh 1697. 4to. Oxford . „ 1 2 mo. London 1698. i2mo. London 1698-99. i8mo. London 1699. 8vo. London . „ 1 2 mo. Oxford 1 700-1699. 4to. Edinburgh 1700. 4to. London . 1 70 1. folio, London „ folio, Oxford . 1702. 4to. London . „ i2mo. London 1703. folio, London JUlt £ K imess ♦ 219 No. 1703 1 2 mo. London 482 1703 -04. i2mo. London . 484 1704 1 2 mo. Oxford • 49° 1705. l2mo. London . 491 1706. folio, London • 49 6 ?> 4to. Oxford . • 499 J? 4to. London . ■ 497 1708- 06. i2mo. London • 5°4 1708- 07. folio 506 » „ i2mo. London • SOS 1708. 4to. London . 508 ?> 4to. London . • 5°9 >> i2mo. Oxford 5 11 1709. folio, London 512 ?> 4to. Oxford . 5*4 1711- 10. 1 2 mo. London , 520 Ceffamenw. 1612. 4to. London, 93* lt 4 . 6 1619. 24mo. (12 .) London . 35 1621. i2mo. London, 9S» i* . 42 1625. 8vo. London . . 52 1626. 24mo. (12 .) London . 57 1627. i2mo. London . 60 1628. 8vo. London, 33* H« . 65 1630. i2mo. London . 78 ?> 24mo. (12 .) London? (Cambridge 1628) 82 1631. 4to. London, 33* 1U . 88 1633. 8vo. Edinburgh . 106 >> 24mo. (12 .) Londo n . . 102 220 Bn'ttfl) Outturn %ift of Bibles 1636. No. 24010. Edinburgh . . . . .125 1638. 241110. (12 .) London H3 1640. 24mo. (12 .) London 161 J> 24010. (12 .) London 162 1641. 8vo. London, 93* IL 167 1643. 8vo. Edinburgh, 93* L« . 179 „ l2mo. London 178 1648. 8vo. Edinburgh 208 1659. 64010. London 253 1660. 64010. London 260 1662. 8vo. Cambridge 268 1664. 12010. Loodon 274 1680. 4to. Cambridge 35 2 1683. 4to. London . 385 >> 8vo. London . 380 1 69 1. 8vo. London, 93 ♦ & 429 99 1 2 mo. Glafgow, 93 < &♦ 432 I694. 12010. Edinburgh,, • 439 I696. 8vo. London . • 44 6 I699. 12010. Oxford 462 I700. 32010. London . 470 I704. 8vo. London, 93* H . 487 99 8vo. London . . 488 1705. 12010. London . 492 1706. 4to. Oxford . . 501 I7I0. i2mo. London • S l 7 ORjftumg of ttje ^utljortCeO saerttott in %za aaitlfon'ss Catalogue* As the eftimate of fizes in this lift is made to an arbitrary fcale and as the fecond dates are ufually omitted, it has been judged impoffible to attempt an identification of each edition. 1 6 1 1 . folio, London, 93 ♦ IL No. in L. W. I 12 1612. 4to. London . **3 1613. folio, London, 23* H«. 114 1613. 4to. London, 28 ♦ IL ll 5 1614. 4to. London . 118 1614. 4to. London, 98* £♦ 119 161 4. 8vo. London . 120 1616. folio, London . 124 >> 4to. London . 125 1617. folio, London, 38* IL 126 1618. i2mo. London 127 1619. 4to. London, 1$. &« 128 1620. 4to. London, 33* t» 129 >» i2mo. London 130 1621. 8vo. London . 131 1622. 4to. London . 132 1623. 8vo. London . l 33 1625. 4to. London, 93* &♦ 134 99 i2mo. London 135 1626. 1 2mo. London 136 222 1627. l628. 1629. 1630. 1631. 1632. '633- I634. 1635. ^35- 1636. 1637. 1638. ?> 1639. 1640. 1641. ILza WL\Uon'0 93* H 4to. London . 4to. London, 93* H folio, Cambridge folio, London 4to. Cambridge, 4to. London, 93. 4to. London . i2mo. London folio, London 4to. London, folio, London 8vo. Edinburgh 4to. London, 93* H folio, London, 93 ♦ & 8vo. London . i2mo. London 4to. Cambridge 1 2 mo. London 8vo. London . 4to. London . 4to. Cambridge, ' i2mo. London i2mo. London folio, Cambridge i2mo. London 8vo. London . folio, London, 93 < 4to. London, 93* 8vo. London . i2mo. London 8vo. London . No. in L. W. I, L ILift of Bible*. 1642. folio, Amfterdam 1646. i2mo. London J? 8vo. London . 1647. 8vo. London . ?) i8mo. London, 9S» l« 1648. 8vo. London . JJ l8mo. Cambridge . 1649. 4to. London . ?> i2mo. Edinburgh and L 1650. i2mo. London 165 1. 8vo. London . 1653. i8mo. London J? 24mo. London >J 24010. London J> i2mo. London >> 241110. London 1654. 4to. London . 1655. i2mo. London (Field) >> l2mo. London (Tyler) 1657. 8vo. Cambridge >> 1 2 mo. London JJ i8mo. London 1658. 24mo. London ?) 24ino. London 1660. folio, Cambridge J? 8vo. London . 5> i2mo. London 1661. 8vo. Cambridge >> 4to. London . I664. l2mo. (Amfterdam) 1666. i8mo. London ondc 223 No. in L. W. 171 J73 174 •75 176 177 178 '79 180 181 182 184 185 186 187 188 .89 190 191 192 193 194 »95 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 224 %ta OaiHCon'jJ TLiU of Biblegf. 1668. 4to. Cambridge 1669. i2mo. London No. in L. W. 2O3 204 1 67 1. i2mo. London 205 „ 8vo. London . 206 1672. folio, Amfterdam 1674. folio, Cambridge „ 24mo. London 1676. 8vo. Edinburgh „ 8vo. London . 207 208 209 2IO 21 I „ 24mo. London 1679. 410. Oxford . „ 8vo. London . 212 214 1682. folio, Oxford . 215 „ i2mo. (Amfterdam^ 2l6 1683. folio. (Amfterdam) 1684. izmo. London 217 218 1684. i2mo. London 1688. folio, Oxford . 2I9 220 1689. i8mo. London 221 1 69 1. 24mo. Oxford 1694. izmo. Edinburgh 1695. i8mo. Oxford 1696. i8mo. Edinburgh 1698. i2mo. London 222 223 224 225 226 „ 24mo. Edinburgh 1704. i8mo. Oxford 227 228 1706. folio, London 229 1708. folio, (Amfterdam) 171 1. i8mo. London 23O 23I %ta aairtCon'g > i2mo. Amfterdam .... . 96 3Mt8 of rtje auttjortfeU FecOon m tlje Ham&tt!) ILfbrarj?. No. 1611. folio; fecond iffue, London, 33* H* . 2 1617. folio, London, 33* IL . 27 1629. folio, the New Teftament, printed only on one fide, Cambridge 72 1634. folio London, 33* KL* IO9 1638. folio. Cambridge . . *45 1657. 8vo. Cambridge . 247 1660. 8vo. London . . 257 1663. 4to. Cambridge . 269 1700. 4to. London . 464 1701. folio , London 473 ©C&taS ano i^rto ^ettamentg in Canterbury Catjje&rai Utbrarp* The majority of thefe Bibles are the property of the Venerable Archdeacon Harrifon. 161 1. folio, fecond iflue, imperfecl, 33» IU . . 2 16 14- 1 5. 4to. London, 33* H* . . . . 18 16 1 8- 1 7. i2mo. London. . . . . 31 1630. 4to. Cambridge, 23* H* .... 81 qwntramrp ata ttjenrai %\ orat^ 227 1631 4to. New Teftament , London, 93* &♦ No. 88 1637 4to. Cambridge, 23 ♦ 1L . • 131 1638 folio, Cambridge . . . 145 1639. 8vo. the New Teftament only, London l S 1 1640- ■ 39. folio, London, 23< &♦. . . 154 1640. i2mo. fmall, New Teftament, London 161 1646. l2mo. London : Ben tley . . . 191 1648. i2mo. Cambridge . . . 205 1649-48. 8vo. Edinburgh . . • 213 1657. 1 2mo. London: Flefher . . 246 1657-56. i2mo. London . . 241 1660. 8vo. London . . . 257 >9 8vo. London . . . 258 l660- 59. folio, Cambridge 256 I67I- 69. 8vo. London . • 293 1672. folio, (Amfterdam) . . . 297 l675- 73. 4to. Oxford . 3ii I676. 8vo. Edinburgh . . 322 I677. 4to. Cambridge . . 327 I679. 4to. Oxford . . . 34° J679. 75. 4to. Oxford . . 334 I679. 8vo. New Teftament , London, is. IL . 339 l680- 82. 8vo. Oxford . 3S 6 l68l- 80. 1 2 mo. Oxford . 362 l682. folio, Oxford 369 >> i2mo. no place or printer's name 373 J> 1 2 mo. Oxford . 371 )> 8vo. Oxford . . 372 1683. 4to. Oxford . . . 383 99 4to. Cambridge . . 382 I684. folio, Oxford , . . 39° 228 BoMetan Hibrarp, ADjcEorli* 1685-86. 1 2mo. fmal], Oxford . No. 403 „ izmo. Oxford . 402 1685. 8vo. Oxford . 398 „ i2mo. Oxford 399 1686. 8vo. Oxford . 407 „ i2mo. Oxford 408 1687-86. 4to. Oxford 411 1687. 1 2mo. fmall, Oxford 414 1688. 1 2mo. fmall, Oxford 420 „ 4to. Oxford . 421 1688-82. 4to. Oxford 4i5 1690. folio, London. 425 169 1. i2mo. fmall, Oxford 43i 1708. folio, Amfterdam 507 SBoDleian ^Library, ;r;£ortu IHE following editions of the Autho- rifed Verfion have, for the mod part been recently acquired, and as the collection is being almoft daily added to, it may be well to fay that the enumeration was made on the 15th February, 1872. A line of acknowledgment is due to the kindnefs of the Librarian and his afliftants, without which it would have been impoffible to complete the lift. Many examples of this BoMetan Etbrarp, <2D;c£ortu 229 verfion are to be found in College Libraries as well as in the Public Library at Cambridge and in that of Trinity College, Dublin ; but the collection at the Bodleian is by far the moft important, both in fize and in the rarity of the editions which it contains. jFolfo« KT„ 161 1. Firfl iflue: engraved title, London, 93* 11 ♦ . 1 „ Second iflue : (imperf.) London, 23* ft* 2 161 3-1 1. London, 93* H* 7 161 3. London, 93* H* 10 161 6. London 24 161 7. London, 93. iL 27 1629. London 68 „ London 68 „ Cambridge . 72 r 633-32. London . 97 1634. London, 93* iL 109 1638. Cambridge . «45 1639-38-39. London 148 „ „ ,, London 148 1640-39. London, 98* iL J S + 1660-59. Cambridge 256 1672. (Amfterdam) • 297 1674. Cambridge . 3IO 1679. London (Amfterdam) 343 1682. Oxford 3 6 9 1683. (Amfterdam) 384 230 3BoMcian JLibvavy, ADjcforD^ 1688. Oxford 1708. (Amfterclam) No. 418 507 3Duarto* 161 2. London 1613-12. London . 161 3. London, 93* IL 1613-14. London, 33* 1L 1614-15. London, 93. H* 1619-20. London, 93» H* 1622-22-23. London 1625-25-24. London, 93« 1628. London, 33* 1L 1630. London, 93* IL« „ Cambridge „ Cambridge, 93* IL 1633. London „ Cambridge, 93« !L 1634. London, 93* *U „ another copy, 93* I 1637. London „ Cambridge 1639. Cambridge, 93* IL 1645. 1648. London „ London, (Field) „ London, (Field) 1649. London 1654-53. London . 1 1 H 18 36 44 49 62 73 80 81 98 103 1 10 no 126 130 152 186 199 203 203 210 229 j&ooinan % meat *,SD jcton »♦ 231 No. 1654. London ...... 230 1655. London 232 1663. Cambridge 269 1666. Cambridge 278 1668-66. Cambridge 279 1670. Cambridge 288 1673. Cambridge 302 1675. Cambridge . 3H 1675-75-73. Oxford 311 1677. Cambridge 3 2 7 1678. London 3 2 9 „ Another edition 33o 1679. Oxford 34o „ Variation edition . 34i 1682. Oxford 37o 1683. Oxford 383 „ Cambridge 382 1685. London 394 1686. Oxford 406 „ Another copy . 406 1697. Oxford. 452 1700. London 464 1702. London 475 1703. London 480 „ Oxford . ■ 483 1706. London • 497 £D(tatio anu 2DuoUectmo + 1 61 2. London, 8vo. 1614, London, 8vo. 232 ©obleian Htbcarp, ^DjcforO. No. 1617. London, 8vo. ..... 28 16 1 9. London (impcrfedl), 8vo. 33 1622. London, 8vo. 43 1625. London, i2mo. 51 1631. London, 8vo. . . 84 1632-31. London, i2mo. 92 1633. London, i2mo. 100 „ Edinburgh, 8vo. 104 1636. London, 8vo. 123 1638. London, i2mo. 140 1639. London, 8vo. . 151 1640. London, 8vo. . . 158 „ Another edition, 8vo. . 159 1642. London, i2mo. 169 1643. London, 8vo. 176 1646-48. London, 8vo. . 191, 202 1647. London, 8vo. . 193 1648-46. London, 8vo. . 202, 191 1648. London, 8vo. 200 „ Cambridge, 12 mo. . 205 „ Cambridge, izmo. . 206 1650. London, 8vo. 214 1651-50. London, 8vo. . 216 1 65 1. London, i2mo. . 217 1653. London, i2mo. 221 „ London, i2mo. 222 1654. London, i2mo. 231 „ London, i2mo. • 234 1655. London, i2mo. 236 1660. London, 8vo. . 257 „ London, i2mo. . 259 aSo&leian Htbcarp, 4D;tforlu 1 66 1. Cambridge, 8vo. 1664. (Amfterdam,) 121110. 1666. London, i2mo. 1669. London, i2mo. 1670-71. London, 8vo. . 1670 75. London, 8vo. . 1 67 1. London, 8vo. 1672. London, i2ino. 1673. London, J2mo. „ London, i2mo. 1676. London, i2mo. 1679. London, 8vo. „ London, i2mo. 1680. London, i2mo. 1 68 1. London, i2mo. 1682. London, i2mo. 1684. London, i2mo. „ Another copy. i2mo. 1688. Oxford, i2mo. 1689. London, i2mo. „ Another copy, uncut. „ Oxford, 8vo. 1692. Oxford, 12H10. 1694. London, i2mo. 1695. Oxford, i2mo. „ Another copy. i2mo. 1696. Oxford, i2mo. 1698. Edinburgh, i2mo. 1698-96. London, i2mo. 1699. London, i2mo. 1700. London, i2mo. 2mo. 234 %ty Collectfon o£ 1704. Oxford, i2mo. „ Oxford, 1 2 mo. 1705. Oxford, 8vo. 1708. London, 8vo. 1710. London, 8vo. „ London, i2mo. 171 1. London, 8vo. „ London, i2mo. fmal] No. 49O 49O 493 510 515 516 521 522 W&z Collection of tfrancte tfrp, (£fq M jF.&*»* HIS is by far the moft extenfive collection of Englifh Bibles of all verfions in England. Owing to the kindnefs and perfonal help of Mr. Fry, the following lift has been compiled from the vaft ftore of materials in his hands : it is right however to fay that it by no means exhaufts his library, and can only be taken as a large feledtion. In the cafe of fome editions Mr. Fry has been able to identify as many as feven different i flues and to (how two and even three copies of each, whilft the examples he poflefles of others are not unfrequently unique fo far as it is poflible to decide at prefent. ifranciss jfrp* jfolto* 1611. Firft ifTue. London, 23* JL. „ Second ifTue. London, 33* 1L* „ Reprints. London, 93* H* „ Reprints, differing. London, 38* 1* 1613-11. London, 33* 1L* 161 3. London, 38* iL* 1 6 14-17. London, 33* JL* 1 6 16. London ..... 1617. London, 53* IL* 1629. London .... „ Cambridge ..... 1632. London ..... 1633-32-32. London 1634. (On toned paper.) London, 33* iL* 1638. London .... 1638. Cambridge .... 1638-39. London .... 1640-39. London, 53* iL* 1642-3. Amfterdam 1644. Amfterdam .... 1672. Amfterdam 1679. (Amfterdam) 1682. Oxford . „ Oxford . 1683. (Amfterdam). 1684. Oxford. 1688. Oxford. 1706. London 1708-07. (Amfterdam) 1709. London. . 235 236 ^Tfje Collection of 161 2. London 161 3-12. London . „ London, 96 ♦ l« 16 1 3. London 1613-14. London, 98* H« 1 6 14- 1 2- 1 3. London 1 614-15. London, 98* XL* 1 61 6. London 1619-14. London, 98* XL* 1 6 19. London 1619-20. London, 93* XL< 1620-21. London, 98* XL. 1622-23. London 1625-24. London, 98. XL. 1625. London, 98. XL. 1627. London 1628. London, 98. XL. 1629. London 1630. London, 98. XL. „ London, 98. XL. „ London . „ Cambridge, 98. XL. 1632-30. London . 1632-31. London, 98. XL. „ „ London, 38. XL. 1633. Cambridge, 98. XL. „ Cambridge, 98. XL. 1633-34. London . 1634. London, 98. XL. „ London, 98. XL. Quarto* tfrancte jfrp* 2 37 No. 1634. London, 33. H .110 1634-36-34. London, 33. H. no 1635. Cambridge 119 1637. Cambridge 130 „ „ London '35 „ „ London ■35 1637-38. Cambridge 137 „ „ Cambridge 137 „ London, 93. it. 150 1639. Cambridge, 33, it, . 152 1640-41-42. London, 33, J i> . 164 l6 45 186 1648. London . 199 „ London . 203 „ London . 203 1649. London. 210 1654-53. London 229 1655. London . 232 1 66 1. London. . 263 „ London . 263 1663. Cambridge 269 1668-66. Cambridge . 279 1670. Cambridge . 288 1673. Cambridge 302 1675-73. Oxford • 3" 1675. Oxford . • 3ii 1676. London . 320 1677-75. Cambridge • 323 1678. London. ■ 329 1679. Oxford. • 34o „ Oxford . • 34i 2 3 8 W$t Collection of 1682- 80. Cambridge 1683. Cambridge . 1685, London 1697. Oxford . 1700. London 1705. Edinburgh 1708. London 1612. London ?> London 1613- 12. London . 1613. London 1 6 14. London 1615. London 1617. London 1618. London 1619- 18. London 1620. London 1621. London 1622. London 1624. London 1625. London 99 1626. London ?> London 1627. London 1628. London ti London »> London 1620. London <3Dctai)0. jfrancfg fry* 2 39 No. 1630. London ...... jj 1631-30. London . 83 „ „ London 83 ,, „ London 83 1631-31-30. London 86 1 63 1. London 85 1631-31-32. London 86 1631-32-32. London 86 1632. London 95 „ London 95 „ London 95 „ London 95 1633. London 99 „ Edinburgh 104 „ Edinburgh . 104 1634, London in „ London HI „ London 1 1 1 1635. London 114 1636-34. London 121 1636. London 123 „ London 123 „ London 123 „ London 123 „ London 123 1637. London 127 „ London 127 „ London 127 „ London 127 1638. London • 139 „ London • *39 240 %$t Collection of 1638. London 1639. London „ London 1640-39-40. London 1640. London „ London 1 64 1. London 1642-41. London 1642. London „ London „ London 1643. London „ London 1644. London 1646. London 1646-48. London 1647. London „ London „ London 1648. London 1649-48. Edinburgh 1650. London 1651-50-55. London 1655. London „ London 1657. London „ Cambridge „ Cambridge ,, Cambridge 1660. London „ London' 1 66 1. Cambridge § rancte fr^ 241 No. 1661-62. London . . . . . 266 1663. London 270 „ Cambridge . 271 1665. London 276 1669. London 282 „ London 282 1671-69. London 293 1 67 1. London 294 1676-75. London 317 1676. London 318 „ Edinburgh 322 1679. London • 335 „ London • 336 1680-75. London 348 1680. Oxford. 354 1682. London 366 „ Oxford . 371 1694. London • 436 1699. London 458 1703. London 481 1 7 1 1 . London 521 171 1- 1 2. London 525 2Duotiecimo* 1618. London . .... 31 16 1 9. London 34 1624. London 48 1629. London 7i 163 1. London . 87 1632-31. London . 92 242 %%t Collection of 1632-33. London 1633. London 1634. Edinburgh 1638. London ,, London „ London „ London ,, London 1639-41. London 1644. London „ Amfterdam 1645. „ Amiterdam 1645-46. London 1647-54. London 1648 London „ London „ London ,, London „ London „ London „ London „ Cambridge „ Cambridge 1649. London 165 1. London 1652. London 1652-53. London 1653. London „ London ,, London jFrancte frp* 243 1653. London „ London „ London „ London 1654. London 1655. London „ London 1656-55. London 1657-56. London „ „ London 1657-58. London 1658. London „ London „ London „ London 1660. London 1661-60. London „ „ London 1664. London 1665-62. London 1668. London 1669. London 1672. London 1672-73. London 1673. London „ Edinburgh 1674. London 1675. London „ Edinburgh 1676. London 244 1676. London 1679. London 1680. London 1680-84. London 1681. London „ London „ Oxford 1682. London %ty Collection of 1683. London 1684. London „ London ,, London „ London 1684-85. London 1685. London 1685-86. Oxford 1686. London „ Oxford 1686-87. Oxford 1688. London 1 69 1. London „ London „ Oxford ,, Oxford 1693-91. London 1695. London „ Oxford 1696. Oxford tfcancte jfrp- 245 1698. London „ Edinburgh . 1698-99. London . 1 698- 1 700. London 1703. London 1704. London 1705. London 1706. London 1706. Oxford 1707^ Oxford 1708. Oxford 1710. Edinburgh 1 7 1 1 . London ,, Oxford ^tffamentgf. 1 61 2. London, 98 ♦ H» 4to. 1621. London, 98* 1L i2mo. 1622. London, 98* IL i2mo. „ London, 3 2 mo. 1625. London, 93 ♦ £♦ 12 mo. 1627. London, 98* 1L i2mo. 1 63 1. London, 98* IL 4to. „ London, 38* IL i2mo. 1633. Edinburgh, 8vo. or i2mo. 1635. London, 98* ft* 8vo. „ Edinburgh, 98* IL i2mo. 1638. London, 98* IL i2mo. ,, London, 12 mo. fmall 1647. London, 98, IL i2mo. 1648. London, i2mo. 246 %%z Collection of jFrancte JFrp 1653. 1656. 1659. 1676. 1684. 1686. 1 69 1. 1700. 1704. London, 8vo. London, i2mo. London, izmo. London, 8vo. Amfterdam, izmo. London, 8vo. Glafgow, i2mo. London, i2tno. Amfterdam, i2mo. London, i2mo. No. 227 239 254 3 21 39 2 405 432 466 469 489 BIBLES OF THE AUTHORISED VERSION IN THE ROYAL LIBRARY, STUTTGART. HIS lift is added by the kindnefs of the Rev. Sir William Cope, Bart., by whom it was compiled in 1859. ^ have not ventured to number the lift, as I have had no opportunity of feeing the collection, and I have left off at 171 1. Folio. Quarto. 1613. London. 1612. N. T. London. 1629. Cambridge. 1613. London. >> London. 161 4. ?> 1634. >> 1619. >> 1638. it 1620. >> 1674. Cambridge. 1630. ?> 1679. Amfterdam. 1631. N. T. London. 1682. Oxford. 1633. Cambridge. 1683. London. 1634. London. >» No place or name. 1637. Cambridge. 1701. Oxford. 1640. London. 1703. London. 1645. (Amfterdam ?) 1706. London. I 1648, London, 248 Btbleg fn tfje 1649. London. 1663. Cambridge. 1668. 1677-76* London. 1677. Cambridge. 1678. London. 1679. Oxford. 1683. Cambridge. 1697. London. „ Oxford. 1702. London. 1703. London. Oflavo et infra. 16 1 4. London. 1619. 1623. 1625. 1627. N. T. Lond. i6mo. 1628. London. 1629. N. T. only London. 1631-30. London. 1636. London, 32mo. 1637. 1638. 1640. N. T. London. 1 64 1. London. 1642. „ 1643. N. T. Edinburgh. 1645. Amfterdam. 1645. London. 1646. N.T.London,33«M?) 1647. London. 1648. Cambridge, 8vo. ,, ,, 1 2mo. 1650. London. 1 65 1. „ imperf. 1652. 1653. „ largel2mo. 1653. London, 12 mo. „ „ i6mo. „ N.T.London, 1 6mo. 1654. N.T. „ 1655. London. 1657. Cambridge. 1658. „ i6mo. 1660. London. „ „ fmaller. 1 66 1. London. „ Cambridge. 1663. London. „ Cambridge. 1664. N. T. London. 1668-70. London. 1669. 1670. 1 67 1. N. T. London. 1673. London, large 8vo. 1677. London. 1679. S>tuttprt JLibvatv* 249 1680. Oxford. 1694. O. T. Edinb., N. T. 1681-83. London, i6mo. Lond., i2mo. 1682-79. „ large 8 vo. 1695. London, large l2mo. 1682-89. „ largei2mo. „ Oxford, large i2mo. 1684. 1696. London. » » 1698. London. 1685. Oxford. 1699. London. 1686. London. 1700-01. Edinburgh. 1687. „ izmo. 1702. London, 12 mo. 1688. Oxford, i2mo. 1703-00. Oxford. 1689. London. 1704. N. T. Oxford. „ N. T. Oxford. „ N. T. London. 1690-91. London. 1708. London. 1694. London, imperf. 8 vo. CHISWICK PRESS '. PRINTED BY WHITTINGHAM AND WILKINS, TOOKS COURT, CHANCERY LANE. UNIVERSITY OF It LINOIS URBANA 3 0112 063016825